{"context":["Document [1](Title: Home computer) Home computers were a class of microcomputers entering the market in 1977, and becoming common during the 1980s. They were marketed to consumers as affordable and accessible computers that, for the first time, were intended for the use of a single nontechnical user. These computers were a distinct market segment that typically cost much less than business, scientific or engineering-oriented computers of the time such as the IBM PC, and were generally less powerful in terms of memory and expandability. However, a home computer often had better graphics and sound than contemporary business computers. Their most common uses were playing","Document [2](Title: Computers in the classroom) schools became a major issue, leaving many teachers unable to provide enough computers for students to use. Despite this, by 1989 computer usage shifted from being a relative rarity in American public schools, to being present in nearly every school district. The early 1990s marked the beginning of modern media technology such as CD-ROMs as well as the development of modern presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint. Other computer-based technology including the electronic whiteboard and the laptop computer became widely available to students. In 1990, the Methodist Ladies' College became the first campus to require every student to purchase a","Document [3](Title: Computers in the classroom) 13% of the nation's public high schools used computers for instruction, although non-users still outnumbered users at a ratio of 2 to 1. The study also concluded that computers proved to be very popular with students, and that applications run on early models included sports statistic managers, administration tools, and physics simulators. In 1975, Apple Inc. began donating Apple 1 model computers to schools, and mainframes began to lose their former dominance over academic research. Computer usage continued to grow rapidly throughout this era. In 1977, it was estimated that over 90% of students at Dartmouth College had used computers","Document [4](Title: Participatory culture) not enough to ensure youth and adults learn how to use the tools effectively. Most American youths now have at least minimal access to networked computers, be it at school or in public libraries, but \"children who have access to home computers demonstrate more positive attitudes towards computers, show more enthusiasm, and report more enthusiast and ease when using computer than those who do not (Page 8 Wartella, O'Keefe, and Scantlin (2000)). As the children with more access to computers gain more comfort in using them, the less tech-savvy students get pushed aside. It is important to note that it","Document [5](Title: Computer literacy) computers have made Numbers more flexible to some extent. In the United Kingdom, the BBC Computer Literacy Project and the BBC Micro, which ran from 1980 to 1989, educated a generation of coders in schools and at home, prior to the development of mass market PCs in the 1990s. The ZX Spectrum, released in 1982, helped to popularize home computing, coding and gaming in Britain and was also popular in other countries. On development, many computers have long since evolved to use data computing, and now use computers in three standard ways: batch, online, and real-time. Reading and writing are","Document [6](Title: Computers in the classroom) continuing support of government funding, the prevalence of educational computer usage boomed during this era. Between 1997 and 1999, the ratio of students to multimedia computers decreased from 21 students per machine to less than 10 students per machine. Colleges began creating specialized classrooms designed to provide students with access to the utilization of the most modern technology available. Classrooms such as the \"Classroom 2000\" built at Georgia Tech in 1999 which featured computers with audio and video equipment designed to capture detailed recordings of lectures as a replacement for traditional note taking began to become more common. By 2000,","Document [7](Title: Computers in the classroom) is not simply about typical concepts or facts as laid out in school curricula. Instead, it is about the process of building connections As a result, the awareness of the importance and the value of communication is becoming instilled into children. Today, with a single laptop, Webcam, projector, and an Internet connection, a teacher can broadcast and begin collaboration with any other classroom. As groups of learners coalesce around shared passions online, they experience something that is difficult to replicate in physical space. Classroom computer access to Web 2.0 applications such as online learning communities and interactive educational tools offer","Document [8](Title: Computers in the classroom) laptop. Governments around the world began to take notice of the effectiveness of this policy, and began financial initiatives to significantly increase the use of laptop computers in other colleges as well. In 1996, Bill Clinton made over $2 billion in grants available in the Technology Literacy Challenge Fund, a program which challenged schools to make computers available to every student, connected to the outside world, and engaging. This marked a significant increase in the demand for computer technology in many public school systems throughout the globe. Correlating with the development of modern operating systems like Windows 98 and the","Document [9](Title: Computers in the classroom) Computers in the classroom Computers in the classroom include any digital technology used to enhance, supplement, or replace a traditional educational curriculum. As computers have become more accessible, inexpensive, and powerful, the demand for this technology has increased, leading to more frequent use of computer resources within classes, and a decrease in the student-to-computer ratio within schools. College campuses used computer mainframes in education since the initial days of this technology, and throughout the initial development of computers. The earliest large-scale study of educational computer usage conducted for the National Science Foundation by The American Institute for Research concluded that","Document [10](Title: Information and communications technology) classroom. As technology evolved and became more widely used, efforts in Sub-Saharan Africa were also expanded. In the 1990s a massive effort to push computer hardware and software into schools was undertaken, with the goal of familiarizing both students and teachers with computers in the classroom. Since then, multiple projects have endeavored to continue the expansion of ICT's reach in the region, including the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project, which by 2015 had distributed over 2.4 million laptops to nearly 2 million students and teachers. The inclusion of ICT in the classroom, often referred to as M-Learning, has expanded","Document [11](Title: Computers in the classroom) the student to computer ratio at some schools in the US decreased to only 5 students per school computer. As collaborative classroom environments became mainstream, more schools as a whole began to invest in powerful networks and faster Internet connections. By 2010, many school districts implemented or encouraged \"1:1 learning programs\" which would ensure that all students in grade school would be provided with a personal laptop. Computers have significantly changed traditional teaching methodology into a more \"hands-on\" approach, with Forbes predicting that, \"Instead of parking themselves in a lecture hall for hours, students will work in collaborative spaces, where","Document [12](Title: Home computer) may be the sales outlet through which they are purchased. Another change from the home computer era is that the once-common endeavour of writing one's own software programs has almost vanished from home computer use. As early as 1965, some experimental projects such as Jim Sutherland's explored the possible utility of a computer in the home. In 1969, the Honeywell Kitchen Computer was marketed as a luxury gift item, and would have inaugurated the era of home computing, but none were sold. Computers became affordable for the general public in the 1970s due to the mass production of the microprocessor","Document [13](Title: David F. Duncan) on computers in health education offered at any college. In 1980, he and Gold published two papers that spurred interest in the use of computers in health education. One of these papers was the first publication to suggest that microprocessors, as personal computers were then known, could be preferable to mainframe terminals for use in computer assisted learning. A few years later, Duncan and Gold, then at Southern Illinois University, taught the nation\u2019s first college-level course on PC-based methods in education. Three years later, Duncan argued for the value of portable computers, which were just being introduced, for educational and","Document [14](Title: Computer literacy) which impeded the development of computer writing. Students whose major is computer science will also improve their reading and writing skills if they can enhance the introduction and use of computer literacy. Computers will also be further developed. The government published a 'digital skills strategy' in 2017. In the United States, students are introduced to tablet computers in preschool or kindergarten. Tablet computers are preferred for their small size and touchscreens. The touch user interface of a tablet computer is more accessible to the under-developed motor skills of young children. Early childhood educators use student-centered instruction to guide the young","Document [15](Title: Ellen Wartella) held two years prior to that of the more recent. Wartella revealed that from 2012 to 2014, the number of preschool teachers with tablet computers in their classrooms nearly doubled, rising from 29 to 55 percent. More than half of the teachers with tablets said they used the computers to help teach students while three-quarters of them said they used them for administrative tasks, such as emailing parents. There isn't a consensus on how to use these technologies in preschools, with young children and their developing brains, in developmentally appropriate ways, she said. After years of researching the use of","Document [16](Title: One-to-one computing) in their Schools as in their homes.\" By 2009 all 300.000 students were equipped with hardware and all schools had WiFi. By 2013 use of Google-drive and apps were added to CREA and By 2015 95% of urban schools had fibre-optic connections. By 2016 Chromebooks were added to the available hardware. Since the original hardware was Fedora based Uruguay has held the top-spot of Linux uptake for years, according to statcounter. 1:1 Programs in US schools have gained serious momentum somewhere around 2016\/2017. In February 2017 edtechmagazine reported more than 50% of teachers reported using 1:1 computing. In March 2017","Document [17](Title: Ronald Anderson) and science regarding their use of computers in teaching.[29] They found that in 1978, before the release of the PC, half of the teachers used computers in their classes and the social context and social attributes of the teachers determined computer utilization. In 1982, then U.S. Congressman Al Gore invited Anderson to participate in the \u201cComputers and Education Hearings\u201d of the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the House Science and Technology Committee in Washington, D.C., on September 29, 1983. The full Statement of Dr. Ronald E. Anderson before the Subcommittee can be downloaded from the ACM Digital Library. The","Document [18](Title: Home computer) to vanish by the early 1990s in the US. In Europe, the home computer remained a distinct presence for a few years more, with the low-end models of the 16-bit Amiga and Atari ST families being the dominant players, but by the mid-1990s even the European market had dwindled. The Dutch government even ran a program that allowed businesses to sell computers tax-free to its employees, often accompanied by home training programs. Naturally, these businesses chose to equip their employees with the same systems they themselves were using. Today a computer bought for home use anywhere will be very similar","Document [19](Title: Home computer) for the World Wide Web to provide a compelling reason for most people to want a computer in their homes. Separate 1998 studies found that 75% of Americans with Internet access accessed primarily from home and that not having Internet access at home inhibited Internet use. Predicted aspects of the revolution were left by the wayside or modified in the face of an emerging reality. The cost of electronics dropped precipitously and today many families have a computer for each family member, or a laptop for mom's active lifestyle, a desktop for dad with the kids sharing a computer. Encyclopedias,","Document [20](Title: History of computing hardware (1960s\u2013present)) of the day. They were designed for fun and educational purposes, not so much for practical use. And although you could use some simple office\/productivity applications on them, they were generally used by computer enthusiasts for learning to program and for running computer games, for which the personal computers of the period were less suitable and much too expensive. For the more technical hobbyists home computers were also used for electronics interfacing, such as controlling model railroads, and other general hobbyist pursuits. The advent of the microprocessor and solid-state memory made home computing affordable. Early hobby microcomputer systems such as"],"query":"when did computer become widespread in homes and schools?","answers":["1980s"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Computers in the classroom) schools became a major issue, leaving many teachers unable to provide enough computers for students to use. Despite this, by 1989 computer usage shifted from being a relative rarity in American public schools, to being present in nearly every school district. The early 1990s marked the beginning of modern media technology such as CD-ROMs as well as the development of modern presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint. Other computer-based technology including the electronic whiteboard and the laptop computer became widely available to students. In 1990, the Methodist Ladies' College became the first campus to require every student to purchase a","Document [2](Title: Computers in the classroom) 13% of the nation's public high schools used computers for instruction, although non-users still outnumbered users at a ratio of 2 to 1. The study also concluded that computers proved to be very popular with students, and that applications run on early models included sports statistic managers, administration tools, and physics simulators. In 1975, Apple Inc. began donating Apple 1 model computers to schools, and mainframes began to lose their former dominance over academic research. Computer usage continued to grow rapidly throughout this era. In 1977, it was estimated that over 90% of students at Dartmouth College had used computers","Document [3](Title: Participatory culture) not enough to ensure youth and adults learn how to use the tools effectively. Most American youths now have at least minimal access to networked computers, be it at school or in public libraries, but \"children who have access to home computers demonstrate more positive attitudes towards computers, show more enthusiasm, and report more enthusiast and ease when using computer than those who do not (Page 8 Wartella, O'Keefe, and Scantlin (2000)). As the children with more access to computers gain more comfort in using them, the less tech-savvy students get pushed aside. It is important to note that it","Document [4](Title: Computer literacy) computers have made Numbers more flexible to some extent. In the United Kingdom, the BBC Computer Literacy Project and the BBC Micro, which ran from 1980 to 1989, educated a generation of coders in schools and at home, prior to the development of mass market PCs in the 1990s. The ZX Spectrum, released in 1982, helped to popularize home computing, coding and gaming in Britain and was also popular in other countries. On development, many computers have long since evolved to use data computing, and now use computers in three standard ways: batch, online, and real-time. Reading and writing are","Document [5](Title: Home computer) Home computers were a class of microcomputers entering the market in 1977, and becoming common during the 1980s. They were marketed to consumers as affordable and accessible computers that, for the first time, were intended for the use of a single nontechnical user. These computers were a distinct market segment that typically cost much less than business, scientific or engineering-oriented computers of the time such as the IBM PC, and were generally less powerful in terms of memory and expandability. However, a home computer often had better graphics and sound than contemporary business computers. Their most common uses were playing","Document [6](Title: Computers in the classroom) continuing support of government funding, the prevalence of educational computer usage boomed during this era. Between 1997 and 1999, the ratio of students to multimedia computers decreased from 21 students per machine to less than 10 students per machine. Colleges began creating specialized classrooms designed to provide students with access to the utilization of the most modern technology available. Classrooms such as the \"Classroom 2000\" built at Georgia Tech in 1999 which featured computers with audio and video equipment designed to capture detailed recordings of lectures as a replacement for traditional note taking began to become more common. By 2000,","Document [7](Title: Computers in the classroom) is not simply about typical concepts or facts as laid out in school curricula. Instead, it is about the process of building connections As a result, the awareness of the importance and the value of communication is becoming instilled into children. Today, with a single laptop, Webcam, projector, and an Internet connection, a teacher can broadcast and begin collaboration with any other classroom. As groups of learners coalesce around shared passions online, they experience something that is difficult to replicate in physical space. Classroom computer access to Web 2.0 applications such as online learning communities and interactive educational tools offer","Document [8](Title: Computers in the classroom) laptop. Governments around the world began to take notice of the effectiveness of this policy, and began financial initiatives to significantly increase the use of laptop computers in other colleges as well. In 1996, Bill Clinton made over $2 billion in grants available in the Technology Literacy Challenge Fund, a program which challenged schools to make computers available to every student, connected to the outside world, and engaging. This marked a significant increase in the demand for computer technology in many public school systems throughout the globe. Correlating with the development of modern operating systems like Windows 98 and the","Document [9](Title: Computers in the classroom) Computers in the classroom Computers in the classroom include any digital technology used to enhance, supplement, or replace a traditional educational curriculum. As computers have become more accessible, inexpensive, and powerful, the demand for this technology has increased, leading to more frequent use of computer resources within classes, and a decrease in the student-to-computer ratio within schools. College campuses used computer mainframes in education since the initial days of this technology, and throughout the initial development of computers. The earliest large-scale study of educational computer usage conducted for the National Science Foundation by The American Institute for Research concluded that","Document [10](Title: Information and communications technology) classroom. As technology evolved and became more widely used, efforts in Sub-Saharan Africa were also expanded. In the 1990s a massive effort to push computer hardware and software into schools was undertaken, with the goal of familiarizing both students and teachers with computers in the classroom. Since then, multiple projects have endeavored to continue the expansion of ICT's reach in the region, including the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project, which by 2015 had distributed over 2.4 million laptops to nearly 2 million students and teachers. The inclusion of ICT in the classroom, often referred to as M-Learning, has expanded","Document [11](Title: Computers in the classroom) the student to computer ratio at some schools in the US decreased to only 5 students per school computer. As collaborative classroom environments became mainstream, more schools as a whole began to invest in powerful networks and faster Internet connections. By 2010, many school districts implemented or encouraged \"1:1 learning programs\" which would ensure that all students in grade school would be provided with a personal laptop. Computers have significantly changed traditional teaching methodology into a more \"hands-on\" approach, with Forbes predicting that, \"Instead of parking themselves in a lecture hall for hours, students will work in collaborative spaces, where","Document [12](Title: Home computer) may be the sales outlet through which they are purchased. Another change from the home computer era is that the once-common endeavour of writing one's own software programs has almost vanished from home computer use. As early as 1965, some experimental projects such as Jim Sutherland's explored the possible utility of a computer in the home. In 1969, the Honeywell Kitchen Computer was marketed as a luxury gift item, and would have inaugurated the era of home computing, but none were sold. Computers became affordable for the general public in the 1970s due to the mass production of the microprocessor","Document [13](Title: David F. Duncan) on computers in health education offered at any college. In 1980, he and Gold published two papers that spurred interest in the use of computers in health education. One of these papers was the first publication to suggest that microprocessors, as personal computers were then known, could be preferable to mainframe terminals for use in computer assisted learning. A few years later, Duncan and Gold, then at Southern Illinois University, taught the nation\u2019s first college-level course on PC-based methods in education. Three years later, Duncan argued for the value of portable computers, which were just being introduced, for educational and","Document [14](Title: Computer literacy) which impeded the development of computer writing. Students whose major is computer science will also improve their reading and writing skills if they can enhance the introduction and use of computer literacy. Computers will also be further developed. The government published a 'digital skills strategy' in 2017. In the United States, students are introduced to tablet computers in preschool or kindergarten. Tablet computers are preferred for their small size and touchscreens. The touch user interface of a tablet computer is more accessible to the under-developed motor skills of young children. Early childhood educators use student-centered instruction to guide the young","Document [15](Title: Ellen Wartella) held two years prior to that of the more recent. Wartella revealed that from 2012 to 2014, the number of preschool teachers with tablet computers in their classrooms nearly doubled, rising from 29 to 55 percent. More than half of the teachers with tablets said they used the computers to help teach students while three-quarters of them said they used them for administrative tasks, such as emailing parents. There isn't a consensus on how to use these technologies in preschools, with young children and their developing brains, in developmentally appropriate ways, she said. After years of researching the use of","Document [16](Title: One-to-one computing) in their Schools as in their homes.\" By 2009 all 300.000 students were equipped with hardware and all schools had WiFi. By 2013 use of Google-drive and apps were added to CREA and By 2015 95% of urban schools had fibre-optic connections. By 2016 Chromebooks were added to the available hardware. Since the original hardware was Fedora based Uruguay has held the top-spot of Linux uptake for years, according to statcounter. 1:1 Programs in US schools have gained serious momentum somewhere around 2016\/2017. In February 2017 edtechmagazine reported more than 50% of teachers reported using 1:1 computing. In March 2017","Document [17](Title: Ronald Anderson) and science regarding their use of computers in teaching.[29] They found that in 1978, before the release of the PC, half of the teachers used computers in their classes and the social context and social attributes of the teachers determined computer utilization. In 1982, then U.S. Congressman Al Gore invited Anderson to participate in the \u201cComputers and Education Hearings\u201d of the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the House Science and Technology Committee in Washington, D.C., on September 29, 1983. The full Statement of Dr. Ronald E. Anderson before the Subcommittee can be downloaded from the ACM Digital Library. The","Document [18](Title: Home computer) to vanish by the early 1990s in the US. In Europe, the home computer remained a distinct presence for a few years more, with the low-end models of the 16-bit Amiga and Atari ST families being the dominant players, but by the mid-1990s even the European market had dwindled. The Dutch government even ran a program that allowed businesses to sell computers tax-free to its employees, often accompanied by home training programs. Naturally, these businesses chose to equip their employees with the same systems they themselves were using. Today a computer bought for home use anywhere will be very similar","Document [19](Title: Home computer) for the World Wide Web to provide a compelling reason for most people to want a computer in their homes. Separate 1998 studies found that 75% of Americans with Internet access accessed primarily from home and that not having Internet access at home inhibited Internet use. Predicted aspects of the revolution were left by the wayside or modified in the face of an emerging reality. The cost of electronics dropped precipitously and today many families have a computer for each family member, or a laptop for mom's active lifestyle, a desktop for dad with the kids sharing a computer. Encyclopedias,","Document [20](Title: History of computing hardware (1960s\u2013present)) of the day. They were designed for fun and educational purposes, not so much for practical use. And although you could use some simple office\/productivity applications on them, they were generally used by computer enthusiasts for learning to program and for running computer games, for which the personal computers of the period were less suitable and much too expensive. For the more technical hobbyists home computers were also used for electronics interfacing, such as controlling model railroads, and other general hobbyist pursuits. The advent of the microprocessor and solid-state memory made home computing affordable. Early hobby microcomputer systems such as"],"query":"when did computer become widespread in homes and schools?","answers":["1980s"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Computers in the classroom) schools became a major issue, leaving many teachers unable to provide enough computers for students to use. Despite this, by 1989 computer usage shifted from being a relative rarity in American public schools, to being present in nearly every school district. The early 1990s marked the beginning of modern media technology such as CD-ROMs as well as the development of modern presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint. Other computer-based technology including the electronic whiteboard and the laptop computer became widely available to students. In 1990, the Methodist Ladies' College became the first campus to require every student to purchase a","Document [2](Title: Computers in the classroom) 13% of the nation's public high schools used computers for instruction, although non-users still outnumbered users at a ratio of 2 to 1. The study also concluded that computers proved to be very popular with students, and that applications run on early models included sports statistic managers, administration tools, and physics simulators. In 1975, Apple Inc. began donating Apple 1 model computers to schools, and mainframes began to lose their former dominance over academic research. Computer usage continued to grow rapidly throughout this era. In 1977, it was estimated that over 90% of students at Dartmouth College had used computers","Document [3](Title: Participatory culture) not enough to ensure youth and adults learn how to use the tools effectively. Most American youths now have at least minimal access to networked computers, be it at school or in public libraries, but \"children who have access to home computers demonstrate more positive attitudes towards computers, show more enthusiasm, and report more enthusiast and ease when using computer than those who do not (Page 8 Wartella, O'Keefe, and Scantlin (2000)). As the children with more access to computers gain more comfort in using them, the less tech-savvy students get pushed aside. It is important to note that it","Document [4](Title: Computer literacy) computers have made Numbers more flexible to some extent. In the United Kingdom, the BBC Computer Literacy Project and the BBC Micro, which ran from 1980 to 1989, educated a generation of coders in schools and at home, prior to the development of mass market PCs in the 1990s. The ZX Spectrum, released in 1982, helped to popularize home computing, coding and gaming in Britain and was also popular in other countries. On development, many computers have long since evolved to use data computing, and now use computers in three standard ways: batch, online, and real-time. Reading and writing are","Document [5](Title: Computers in the classroom) continuing support of government funding, the prevalence of educational computer usage boomed during this era. Between 1997 and 1999, the ratio of students to multimedia computers decreased from 21 students per machine to less than 10 students per machine. Colleges began creating specialized classrooms designed to provide students with access to the utilization of the most modern technology available. Classrooms such as the \"Classroom 2000\" built at Georgia Tech in 1999 which featured computers with audio and video equipment designed to capture detailed recordings of lectures as a replacement for traditional note taking began to become more common. By 2000,","Document [6](Title: Computers in the classroom) is not simply about typical concepts or facts as laid out in school curricula. Instead, it is about the process of building connections As a result, the awareness of the importance and the value of communication is becoming instilled into children. Today, with a single laptop, Webcam, projector, and an Internet connection, a teacher can broadcast and begin collaboration with any other classroom. As groups of learners coalesce around shared passions online, they experience something that is difficult to replicate in physical space. Classroom computer access to Web 2.0 applications such as online learning communities and interactive educational tools offer","Document [7](Title: Computers in the classroom) laptop. Governments around the world began to take notice of the effectiveness of this policy, and began financial initiatives to significantly increase the use of laptop computers in other colleges as well. In 1996, Bill Clinton made over $2 billion in grants available in the Technology Literacy Challenge Fund, a program which challenged schools to make computers available to every student, connected to the outside world, and engaging. This marked a significant increase in the demand for computer technology in many public school systems throughout the globe. Correlating with the development of modern operating systems like Windows 98 and the","Document [8](Title: Computers in the classroom) Computers in the classroom Computers in the classroom include any digital technology used to enhance, supplement, or replace a traditional educational curriculum. As computers have become more accessible, inexpensive, and powerful, the demand for this technology has increased, leading to more frequent use of computer resources within classes, and a decrease in the student-to-computer ratio within schools. College campuses used computer mainframes in education since the initial days of this technology, and throughout the initial development of computers. The earliest large-scale study of educational computer usage conducted for the National Science Foundation by The American Institute for Research concluded that","Document [9](Title: Information and communications technology) classroom. As technology evolved and became more widely used, efforts in Sub-Saharan Africa were also expanded. In the 1990s a massive effort to push computer hardware and software into schools was undertaken, with the goal of familiarizing both students and teachers with computers in the classroom. Since then, multiple projects have endeavored to continue the expansion of ICT's reach in the region, including the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project, which by 2015 had distributed over 2.4 million laptops to nearly 2 million students and teachers. The inclusion of ICT in the classroom, often referred to as M-Learning, has expanded","Document [10](Title: Home computer) Home computers were a class of microcomputers entering the market in 1977, and becoming common during the 1980s. They were marketed to consumers as affordable and accessible computers that, for the first time, were intended for the use of a single nontechnical user. These computers were a distinct market segment that typically cost much less than business, scientific or engineering-oriented computers of the time such as the IBM PC, and were generally less powerful in terms of memory and expandability. However, a home computer often had better graphics and sound than contemporary business computers. Their most common uses were playing","Document [11](Title: Computers in the classroom) the student to computer ratio at some schools in the US decreased to only 5 students per school computer. As collaborative classroom environments became mainstream, more schools as a whole began to invest in powerful networks and faster Internet connections. By 2010, many school districts implemented or encouraged \"1:1 learning programs\" which would ensure that all students in grade school would be provided with a personal laptop. Computers have significantly changed traditional teaching methodology into a more \"hands-on\" approach, with Forbes predicting that, \"Instead of parking themselves in a lecture hall for hours, students will work in collaborative spaces, where","Document [12](Title: Home computer) may be the sales outlet through which they are purchased. Another change from the home computer era is that the once-common endeavour of writing one's own software programs has almost vanished from home computer use. As early as 1965, some experimental projects such as Jim Sutherland's explored the possible utility of a computer in the home. In 1969, the Honeywell Kitchen Computer was marketed as a luxury gift item, and would have inaugurated the era of home computing, but none were sold. Computers became affordable for the general public in the 1970s due to the mass production of the microprocessor","Document [13](Title: David F. Duncan) on computers in health education offered at any college. In 1980, he and Gold published two papers that spurred interest in the use of computers in health education. One of these papers was the first publication to suggest that microprocessors, as personal computers were then known, could be preferable to mainframe terminals for use in computer assisted learning. A few years later, Duncan and Gold, then at Southern Illinois University, taught the nation\u2019s first college-level course on PC-based methods in education. Three years later, Duncan argued for the value of portable computers, which were just being introduced, for educational and","Document [14](Title: Computer literacy) which impeded the development of computer writing. Students whose major is computer science will also improve their reading and writing skills if they can enhance the introduction and use of computer literacy. Computers will also be further developed. The government published a 'digital skills strategy' in 2017. In the United States, students are introduced to tablet computers in preschool or kindergarten. Tablet computers are preferred for their small size and touchscreens. The touch user interface of a tablet computer is more accessible to the under-developed motor skills of young children. Early childhood educators use student-centered instruction to guide the young","Document [15](Title: Ellen Wartella) held two years prior to that of the more recent. Wartella revealed that from 2012 to 2014, the number of preschool teachers with tablet computers in their classrooms nearly doubled, rising from 29 to 55 percent. More than half of the teachers with tablets said they used the computers to help teach students while three-quarters of them said they used them for administrative tasks, such as emailing parents. There isn't a consensus on how to use these technologies in preschools, with young children and their developing brains, in developmentally appropriate ways, she said. After years of researching the use of","Document [16](Title: One-to-one computing) in their Schools as in their homes.\" By 2009 all 300.000 students were equipped with hardware and all schools had WiFi. By 2013 use of Google-drive and apps were added to CREA and By 2015 95% of urban schools had fibre-optic connections. By 2016 Chromebooks were added to the available hardware. Since the original hardware was Fedora based Uruguay has held the top-spot of Linux uptake for years, according to statcounter. 1:1 Programs in US schools have gained serious momentum somewhere around 2016\/2017. In February 2017 edtechmagazine reported more than 50% of teachers reported using 1:1 computing. In March 2017","Document [17](Title: Ronald Anderson) and science regarding their use of computers in teaching.[29] They found that in 1978, before the release of the PC, half of the teachers used computers in their classes and the social context and social attributes of the teachers determined computer utilization. In 1982, then U.S. Congressman Al Gore invited Anderson to participate in the \u201cComputers and Education Hearings\u201d of the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the House Science and Technology Committee in Washington, D.C., on September 29, 1983. The full Statement of Dr. Ronald E. Anderson before the Subcommittee can be downloaded from the ACM Digital Library. The","Document [18](Title: Home computer) to vanish by the early 1990s in the US. In Europe, the home computer remained a distinct presence for a few years more, with the low-end models of the 16-bit Amiga and Atari ST families being the dominant players, but by the mid-1990s even the European market had dwindled. The Dutch government even ran a program that allowed businesses to sell computers tax-free to its employees, often accompanied by home training programs. Naturally, these businesses chose to equip their employees with the same systems they themselves were using. Today a computer bought for home use anywhere will be very similar","Document [19](Title: Home computer) for the World Wide Web to provide a compelling reason for most people to want a computer in their homes. Separate 1998 studies found that 75% of Americans with Internet access accessed primarily from home and that not having Internet access at home inhibited Internet use. Predicted aspects of the revolution were left by the wayside or modified in the face of an emerging reality. The cost of electronics dropped precipitously and today many families have a computer for each family member, or a laptop for mom's active lifestyle, a desktop for dad with the kids sharing a computer. Encyclopedias,","Document [20](Title: History of computing hardware (1960s\u2013present)) of the day. They were designed for fun and educational purposes, not so much for practical use. And although you could use some simple office\/productivity applications on them, they were generally used by computer enthusiasts for learning to program and for running computer games, for which the personal computers of the period were less suitable and much too expensive. For the more technical hobbyists home computers were also used for electronics interfacing, such as controlling model railroads, and other general hobbyist pursuits. The advent of the microprocessor and solid-state memory made home computing affordable. Early hobby microcomputer systems such as"],"query":"when did computer become widespread in homes and schools?","answers":["1980s"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Computers in the classroom) schools became a major issue, leaving many teachers unable to provide enough computers for students to use. Despite this, by 1989 computer usage shifted from being a relative rarity in American public schools, to being present in nearly every school district. The early 1990s marked the beginning of modern media technology such as CD-ROMs as well as the development of modern presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint. Other computer-based technology including the electronic whiteboard and the laptop computer became widely available to students. In 1990, the Methodist Ladies' College became the first campus to require every student to purchase a","Document [2](Title: Computers in the classroom) 13% of the nation's public high schools used computers for instruction, although non-users still outnumbered users at a ratio of 2 to 1. The study also concluded that computers proved to be very popular with students, and that applications run on early models included sports statistic managers, administration tools, and physics simulators. In 1975, Apple Inc. began donating Apple 1 model computers to schools, and mainframes began to lose their former dominance over academic research. Computer usage continued to grow rapidly throughout this era. In 1977, it was estimated that over 90% of students at Dartmouth College had used computers","Document [3](Title: Participatory culture) not enough to ensure youth and adults learn how to use the tools effectively. Most American youths now have at least minimal access to networked computers, be it at school or in public libraries, but \"children who have access to home computers demonstrate more positive attitudes towards computers, show more enthusiasm, and report more enthusiast and ease when using computer than those who do not (Page 8 Wartella, O'Keefe, and Scantlin (2000)). As the children with more access to computers gain more comfort in using them, the less tech-savvy students get pushed aside. It is important to note that it","Document [4](Title: Computer literacy) computers have made Numbers more flexible to some extent. In the United Kingdom, the BBC Computer Literacy Project and the BBC Micro, which ran from 1980 to 1989, educated a generation of coders in schools and at home, prior to the development of mass market PCs in the 1990s. The ZX Spectrum, released in 1982, helped to popularize home computing, coding and gaming in Britain and was also popular in other countries. On development, many computers have long since evolved to use data computing, and now use computers in three standard ways: batch, online, and real-time. Reading and writing are","Document [5](Title: Computers in the classroom) continuing support of government funding, the prevalence of educational computer usage boomed during this era. Between 1997 and 1999, the ratio of students to multimedia computers decreased from 21 students per machine to less than 10 students per machine. Colleges began creating specialized classrooms designed to provide students with access to the utilization of the most modern technology available. Classrooms such as the \"Classroom 2000\" built at Georgia Tech in 1999 which featured computers with audio and video equipment designed to capture detailed recordings of lectures as a replacement for traditional note taking began to become more common. By 2000,","Document [6](Title: Computers in the classroom) is not simply about typical concepts or facts as laid out in school curricula. Instead, it is about the process of building connections As a result, the awareness of the importance and the value of communication is becoming instilled into children. Today, with a single laptop, Webcam, projector, and an Internet connection, a teacher can broadcast and begin collaboration with any other classroom. As groups of learners coalesce around shared passions online, they experience something that is difficult to replicate in physical space. Classroom computer access to Web 2.0 applications such as online learning communities and interactive educational tools offer","Document [7](Title: Computers in the classroom) laptop. Governments around the world began to take notice of the effectiveness of this policy, and began financial initiatives to significantly increase the use of laptop computers in other colleges as well. In 1996, Bill Clinton made over $2 billion in grants available in the Technology Literacy Challenge Fund, a program which challenged schools to make computers available to every student, connected to the outside world, and engaging. This marked a significant increase in the demand for computer technology in many public school systems throughout the globe. Correlating with the development of modern operating systems like Windows 98 and the","Document [8](Title: Computers in the classroom) Computers in the classroom Computers in the classroom include any digital technology used to enhance, supplement, or replace a traditional educational curriculum. As computers have become more accessible, inexpensive, and powerful, the demand for this technology has increased, leading to more frequent use of computer resources within classes, and a decrease in the student-to-computer ratio within schools. College campuses used computer mainframes in education since the initial days of this technology, and throughout the initial development of computers. The earliest large-scale study of educational computer usage conducted for the National Science Foundation by The American Institute for Research concluded that","Document [9](Title: Information and communications technology) classroom. As technology evolved and became more widely used, efforts in Sub-Saharan Africa were also expanded. In the 1990s a massive effort to push computer hardware and software into schools was undertaken, with the goal of familiarizing both students and teachers with computers in the classroom. Since then, multiple projects have endeavored to continue the expansion of ICT's reach in the region, including the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project, which by 2015 had distributed over 2.4 million laptops to nearly 2 million students and teachers. The inclusion of ICT in the classroom, often referred to as M-Learning, has expanded","Document [10](Title: Computers in the classroom) the student to computer ratio at some schools in the US decreased to only 5 students per school computer. As collaborative classroom environments became mainstream, more schools as a whole began to invest in powerful networks and faster Internet connections. By 2010, many school districts implemented or encouraged \"1:1 learning programs\" which would ensure that all students in grade school would be provided with a personal laptop. Computers have significantly changed traditional teaching methodology into a more \"hands-on\" approach, with Forbes predicting that, \"Instead of parking themselves in a lecture hall for hours, students will work in collaborative spaces, where","Document [11](Title: Home computer) may be the sales outlet through which they are purchased. Another change from the home computer era is that the once-common endeavour of writing one's own software programs has almost vanished from home computer use. As early as 1965, some experimental projects such as Jim Sutherland's explored the possible utility of a computer in the home. In 1969, the Honeywell Kitchen Computer was marketed as a luxury gift item, and would have inaugurated the era of home computing, but none were sold. Computers became affordable for the general public in the 1970s due to the mass production of the microprocessor","Document [12](Title: David F. Duncan) on computers in health education offered at any college. In 1980, he and Gold published two papers that spurred interest in the use of computers in health education. One of these papers was the first publication to suggest that microprocessors, as personal computers were then known, could be preferable to mainframe terminals for use in computer assisted learning. A few years later, Duncan and Gold, then at Southern Illinois University, taught the nation\u2019s first college-level course on PC-based methods in education. Three years later, Duncan argued for the value of portable computers, which were just being introduced, for educational and","Document [13](Title: Computer literacy) which impeded the development of computer writing. Students whose major is computer science will also improve their reading and writing skills if they can enhance the introduction and use of computer literacy. Computers will also be further developed. The government published a 'digital skills strategy' in 2017. In the United States, students are introduced to tablet computers in preschool or kindergarten. Tablet computers are preferred for their small size and touchscreens. The touch user interface of a tablet computer is more accessible to the under-developed motor skills of young children. Early childhood educators use student-centered instruction to guide the young","Document [14](Title: Ellen Wartella) held two years prior to that of the more recent. Wartella revealed that from 2012 to 2014, the number of preschool teachers with tablet computers in their classrooms nearly doubled, rising from 29 to 55 percent. More than half of the teachers with tablets said they used the computers to help teach students while three-quarters of them said they used them for administrative tasks, such as emailing parents. There isn't a consensus on how to use these technologies in preschools, with young children and their developing brains, in developmentally appropriate ways, she said. After years of researching the use of","Document [15](Title: Home computer) Home computers were a class of microcomputers entering the market in 1977, and becoming common during the 1980s. They were marketed to consumers as affordable and accessible computers that, for the first time, were intended for the use of a single nontechnical user. These computers were a distinct market segment that typically cost much less than business, scientific or engineering-oriented computers of the time such as the IBM PC, and were generally less powerful in terms of memory and expandability. However, a home computer often had better graphics and sound than contemporary business computers. Their most common uses were playing","Document [16](Title: One-to-one computing) in their Schools as in their homes.\" By 2009 all 300.000 students were equipped with hardware and all schools had WiFi. By 2013 use of Google-drive and apps were added to CREA and By 2015 95% of urban schools had fibre-optic connections. By 2016 Chromebooks were added to the available hardware. Since the original hardware was Fedora based Uruguay has held the top-spot of Linux uptake for years, according to statcounter. 1:1 Programs in US schools have gained serious momentum somewhere around 2016\/2017. In February 2017 edtechmagazine reported more than 50% of teachers reported using 1:1 computing. In March 2017","Document [17](Title: Ronald Anderson) and science regarding their use of computers in teaching.[29] They found that in 1978, before the release of the PC, half of the teachers used computers in their classes and the social context and social attributes of the teachers determined computer utilization. In 1982, then U.S. Congressman Al Gore invited Anderson to participate in the \u201cComputers and Education Hearings\u201d of the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the House Science and Technology Committee in Washington, D.C., on September 29, 1983. The full Statement of Dr. Ronald E. Anderson before the Subcommittee can be downloaded from the ACM Digital Library. The","Document [18](Title: Home computer) to vanish by the early 1990s in the US. In Europe, the home computer remained a distinct presence for a few years more, with the low-end models of the 16-bit Amiga and Atari ST families being the dominant players, but by the mid-1990s even the European market had dwindled. The Dutch government even ran a program that allowed businesses to sell computers tax-free to its employees, often accompanied by home training programs. Naturally, these businesses chose to equip their employees with the same systems they themselves were using. Today a computer bought for home use anywhere will be very similar","Document [19](Title: Home computer) for the World Wide Web to provide a compelling reason for most people to want a computer in their homes. Separate 1998 studies found that 75% of Americans with Internet access accessed primarily from home and that not having Internet access at home inhibited Internet use. Predicted aspects of the revolution were left by the wayside or modified in the face of an emerging reality. The cost of electronics dropped precipitously and today many families have a computer for each family member, or a laptop for mom's active lifestyle, a desktop for dad with the kids sharing a computer. Encyclopedias,","Document [20](Title: History of computing hardware (1960s\u2013present)) of the day. They were designed for fun and educational purposes, not so much for practical use. And although you could use some simple office\/productivity applications on them, they were generally used by computer enthusiasts for learning to program and for running computer games, for which the personal computers of the period were less suitable and much too expensive. For the more technical hobbyists home computers were also used for electronics interfacing, such as controlling model railroads, and other general hobbyist pursuits. The advent of the microprocessor and solid-state memory made home computing affordable. Early hobby microcomputer systems such as"],"query":"when did computer become widespread in homes and schools?","answers":["1980s"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Computers in the classroom) schools became a major issue, leaving many teachers unable to provide enough computers for students to use. Despite this, by 1989 computer usage shifted from being a relative rarity in American public schools, to being present in nearly every school district. The early 1990s marked the beginning of modern media technology such as CD-ROMs as well as the development of modern presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint. Other computer-based technology including the electronic whiteboard and the laptop computer became widely available to students. In 1990, the Methodist Ladies' College became the first campus to require every student to purchase a","Document [2](Title: Computers in the classroom) 13% of the nation's public high schools used computers for instruction, although non-users still outnumbered users at a ratio of 2 to 1. The study also concluded that computers proved to be very popular with students, and that applications run on early models included sports statistic managers, administration tools, and physics simulators. In 1975, Apple Inc. began donating Apple 1 model computers to schools, and mainframes began to lose their former dominance over academic research. Computer usage continued to grow rapidly throughout this era. In 1977, it was estimated that over 90% of students at Dartmouth College had used computers","Document [3](Title: Participatory culture) not enough to ensure youth and adults learn how to use the tools effectively. Most American youths now have at least minimal access to networked computers, be it at school or in public libraries, but \"children who have access to home computers demonstrate more positive attitudes towards computers, show more enthusiasm, and report more enthusiast and ease when using computer than those who do not (Page 8 Wartella, O'Keefe, and Scantlin (2000)). As the children with more access to computers gain more comfort in using them, the less tech-savvy students get pushed aside. It is important to note that it","Document [4](Title: Computer literacy) computers have made Numbers more flexible to some extent. In the United Kingdom, the BBC Computer Literacy Project and the BBC Micro, which ran from 1980 to 1989, educated a generation of coders in schools and at home, prior to the development of mass market PCs in the 1990s. The ZX Spectrum, released in 1982, helped to popularize home computing, coding and gaming in Britain and was also popular in other countries. On development, many computers have long since evolved to use data computing, and now use computers in three standard ways: batch, online, and real-time. Reading and writing are","Document [5](Title: Computers in the classroom) continuing support of government funding, the prevalence of educational computer usage boomed during this era. Between 1997 and 1999, the ratio of students to multimedia computers decreased from 21 students per machine to less than 10 students per machine. Colleges began creating specialized classrooms designed to provide students with access to the utilization of the most modern technology available. Classrooms such as the \"Classroom 2000\" built at Georgia Tech in 1999 which featured computers with audio and video equipment designed to capture detailed recordings of lectures as a replacement for traditional note taking began to become more common. By 2000,","Document [6](Title: Computers in the classroom) is not simply about typical concepts or facts as laid out in school curricula. Instead, it is about the process of building connections As a result, the awareness of the importance and the value of communication is becoming instilled into children. Today, with a single laptop, Webcam, projector, and an Internet connection, a teacher can broadcast and begin collaboration with any other classroom. As groups of learners coalesce around shared passions online, they experience something that is difficult to replicate in physical space. Classroom computer access to Web 2.0 applications such as online learning communities and interactive educational tools offer","Document [7](Title: Computers in the classroom) laptop. Governments around the world began to take notice of the effectiveness of this policy, and began financial initiatives to significantly increase the use of laptop computers in other colleges as well. In 1996, Bill Clinton made over $2 billion in grants available in the Technology Literacy Challenge Fund, a program which challenged schools to make computers available to every student, connected to the outside world, and engaging. This marked a significant increase in the demand for computer technology in many public school systems throughout the globe. Correlating with the development of modern operating systems like Windows 98 and the","Document [8](Title: Computers in the classroom) Computers in the classroom Computers in the classroom include any digital technology used to enhance, supplement, or replace a traditional educational curriculum. As computers have become more accessible, inexpensive, and powerful, the demand for this technology has increased, leading to more frequent use of computer resources within classes, and a decrease in the student-to-computer ratio within schools. College campuses used computer mainframes in education since the initial days of this technology, and throughout the initial development of computers. The earliest large-scale study of educational computer usage conducted for the National Science Foundation by The American Institute for Research concluded that","Document [9](Title: Information and communications technology) classroom. As technology evolved and became more widely used, efforts in Sub-Saharan Africa were also expanded. In the 1990s a massive effort to push computer hardware and software into schools was undertaken, with the goal of familiarizing both students and teachers with computers in the classroom. Since then, multiple projects have endeavored to continue the expansion of ICT's reach in the region, including the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project, which by 2015 had distributed over 2.4 million laptops to nearly 2 million students and teachers. The inclusion of ICT in the classroom, often referred to as M-Learning, has expanded","Document [10](Title: Computers in the classroom) the student to computer ratio at some schools in the US decreased to only 5 students per school computer. As collaborative classroom environments became mainstream, more schools as a whole began to invest in powerful networks and faster Internet connections. By 2010, many school districts implemented or encouraged \"1:1 learning programs\" which would ensure that all students in grade school would be provided with a personal laptop. Computers have significantly changed traditional teaching methodology into a more \"hands-on\" approach, with Forbes predicting that, \"Instead of parking themselves in a lecture hall for hours, students will work in collaborative spaces, where","Document [11](Title: Home computer) may be the sales outlet through which they are purchased. Another change from the home computer era is that the once-common endeavour of writing one's own software programs has almost vanished from home computer use. As early as 1965, some experimental projects such as Jim Sutherland's explored the possible utility of a computer in the home. In 1969, the Honeywell Kitchen Computer was marketed as a luxury gift item, and would have inaugurated the era of home computing, but none were sold. Computers became affordable for the general public in the 1970s due to the mass production of the microprocessor","Document [12](Title: David F. Duncan) on computers in health education offered at any college. In 1980, he and Gold published two papers that spurred interest in the use of computers in health education. One of these papers was the first publication to suggest that microprocessors, as personal computers were then known, could be preferable to mainframe terminals for use in computer assisted learning. A few years later, Duncan and Gold, then at Southern Illinois University, taught the nation\u2019s first college-level course on PC-based methods in education. Three years later, Duncan argued for the value of portable computers, which were just being introduced, for educational and","Document [13](Title: Computer literacy) which impeded the development of computer writing. Students whose major is computer science will also improve their reading and writing skills if they can enhance the introduction and use of computer literacy. Computers will also be further developed. The government published a 'digital skills strategy' in 2017. In the United States, students are introduced to tablet computers in preschool or kindergarten. Tablet computers are preferred for their small size and touchscreens. The touch user interface of a tablet computer is more accessible to the under-developed motor skills of young children. Early childhood educators use student-centered instruction to guide the young","Document [14](Title: Ellen Wartella) held two years prior to that of the more recent. Wartella revealed that from 2012 to 2014, the number of preschool teachers with tablet computers in their classrooms nearly doubled, rising from 29 to 55 percent. More than half of the teachers with tablets said they used the computers to help teach students while three-quarters of them said they used them for administrative tasks, such as emailing parents. There isn't a consensus on how to use these technologies in preschools, with young children and their developing brains, in developmentally appropriate ways, she said. After years of researching the use of","Document [15](Title: One-to-one computing) in their Schools as in their homes.\" By 2009 all 300.000 students were equipped with hardware and all schools had WiFi. By 2013 use of Google-drive and apps were added to CREA and By 2015 95% of urban schools had fibre-optic connections. By 2016 Chromebooks were added to the available hardware. Since the original hardware was Fedora based Uruguay has held the top-spot of Linux uptake for years, according to statcounter. 1:1 Programs in US schools have gained serious momentum somewhere around 2016\/2017. In February 2017 edtechmagazine reported more than 50% of teachers reported using 1:1 computing. In March 2017","Document [16](Title: Ronald Anderson) and science regarding their use of computers in teaching.[29] They found that in 1978, before the release of the PC, half of the teachers used computers in their classes and the social context and social attributes of the teachers determined computer utilization. In 1982, then U.S. Congressman Al Gore invited Anderson to participate in the \u201cComputers and Education Hearings\u201d of the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the House Science and Technology Committee in Washington, D.C., on September 29, 1983. The full Statement of Dr. Ronald E. Anderson before the Subcommittee can be downloaded from the ACM Digital Library. The","Document [17](Title: Home computer) to vanish by the early 1990s in the US. In Europe, the home computer remained a distinct presence for a few years more, with the low-end models of the 16-bit Amiga and Atari ST families being the dominant players, but by the mid-1990s even the European market had dwindled. The Dutch government even ran a program that allowed businesses to sell computers tax-free to its employees, often accompanied by home training programs. Naturally, these businesses chose to equip their employees with the same systems they themselves were using. Today a computer bought for home use anywhere will be very similar","Document [18](Title: Home computer) for the World Wide Web to provide a compelling reason for most people to want a computer in their homes. Separate 1998 studies found that 75% of Americans with Internet access accessed primarily from home and that not having Internet access at home inhibited Internet use. Predicted aspects of the revolution were left by the wayside or modified in the face of an emerging reality. The cost of electronics dropped precipitously and today many families have a computer for each family member, or a laptop for mom's active lifestyle, a desktop for dad with the kids sharing a computer. Encyclopedias,","Document [19](Title: History of computing hardware (1960s\u2013present)) of the day. They were designed for fun and educational purposes, not so much for practical use. And although you could use some simple office\/productivity applications on them, they were generally used by computer enthusiasts for learning to program and for running computer games, for which the personal computers of the period were less suitable and much too expensive. For the more technical hobbyists home computers were also used for electronics interfacing, such as controlling model railroads, and other general hobbyist pursuits. The advent of the microprocessor and solid-state memory made home computing affordable. Early hobby microcomputer systems such as","Document [20](Title: Home computer) Home computers were a class of microcomputers entering the market in 1977, and becoming common during the 1980s. They were marketed to consumers as affordable and accessible computers that, for the first time, were intended for the use of a single nontechnical user. These computers were a distinct market segment that typically cost much less than business, scientific or engineering-oriented computers of the time such as the IBM PC, and were generally less powerful in terms of memory and expandability. However, a home computer often had better graphics and sound than contemporary business computers. Their most common uses were playing"],"query":"when did computer become widespread in homes and schools?","answers":["1980s"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: As You Like It) As You Like It is a pastoral comedy by William Shakespeare believed to have been written in 1599 and first published in the First Folio in 1623. The play's first performance is uncertain, though a performance at Wilton House in 1603 has been suggested as a possibility.","Document [2](Title: As You Like It) productions of \"As You Like It\" include the 1936 Old Vic Theatre production starring Edith Evans and the 1961 Shakespeare Memorial Theatre production starring Vanessa Redgrave. The longest running Broadway production starred Katharine Hepburn as Rosalind, Cloris Leachman as Celia, William Prince as Orlando, and Ernest Thesiger as Jaques, and was directed by Michael Benthall. It ran for 145 performances in 1950. Another notable production was at the 2005 Stratford Festival in Stratford, Ontario, which was set in the 1960s and featured Shakespeare's lyrics set to music written by Barenaked Ladies. In 2014, theatre critic Michael Billington said his favourite","Document [3](Title: Laurie Woolery) adaptation of \"As You Like It\" premiered on September 1, 2017 at the Delacorte Theatre in New York City. As part of Public Works at The Public Theater\u2019s mission of community engagement, the musical featured over 200 actors and community members and tickets were completely free to the public for all five nights of its run. Adapted from William Shakespeare's classic story, \u201cAs You Like It\u201d is a dreamy production exploring themes of friendship, family, and love. Orlando, Duke Senior, his daughter Rosalind and niece Celia are exiled from their homes and flee to the magical and welcoming Forest of","Document [4](Title: Charlie Fink) received a five star review from Michael Billington at the Guardian, who called it \"the best family show since Matilda.\" The original production ran from 2 December 2015 to 16 January 2016. The production returned to The Old Vic in 2017 to further five star reviews. \" It has since gone on to tour in Toronto, Minneapolis and San Diego. It was announced that Fink was writing the music for a production of 'As You Like It' in Regent's Park Open Air Theatre in July 2018. The show opened to positive reviews with the Times describing it as 'Gorgeous'. Fink","Document [5](Title: As You Like It (1936 film)) As You Like It (1936 film) As You Like It is a 1936 British film, directed by Paul Czinner and starring Laurence Olivier as Orlando and Elisabeth Bergner as Rosalind. It is based on William Shakespeare's play of the same name. It was Olivier's first performance of Shakespeare on screen. It was the final film of stage actors Leon Quartermaine and Henry Ainley, and featured an early screen role for Ainley's son Richard as Sylvius, as well as for John Laurie, who played Orlando's brother Oliver. (Laurie would go on to co-star with Olivier in the three Shakespearean films that","Document [6](Title: As You Like It) Ayres\", published in London in 1600 contains a musical setting for the song \"It was a lover and his lass\" from \"As You Like It\". This evidence implies that the play was in existence in some shape or other before 1600. It seems likely this play was written after 1598, since Francis Meres did not mention it in his \"Palladis Tamia\". Although twelve plays are listed in \"Palladis Tamia\", it was an incomplete inventory of Shakespeare's plays to that date (1598). The new Globe Theatre opened some time in the summer of 1599, and tradition has it that the new","Document [7](Title: As You Like It) the First Folio among those which \"are not formerly entered to other men.\" By means of evidences, external and internal, the date of composition of the play has been approximately fixed at a period between the end of 1598 and the middle of 1599. \"As You Like It\" was entered into the Register of the Stationers' Company on 4 August 1600 as a work which was \"to be stayed\", i.e., not published till the Stationers' Company were satisfied that the publisher in whose name the work was entered was the undisputed owner of the copyright. Thomas Morley's \"First Book of","Document [8](Title: As You Like It) band Johnny Flynn and The Sussex Wit. The production included Pippa Nixon as Rosalind, Luke Norris as Orlando, Adrian Scarborough as Touchstone, William Houston as Jaques, Ellie Kendrick as Celia and Jude Akuwudike as Corin. \"As You Like It\" was Laurence Olivier's first Shakespeare film. Olivier, however, served only in an acting capacity (performing the role of Orlando), rather than producing or directing the film. Made in England and released in 1936, \"As You Like It\" also starred director Paul Czinner's wife Elizabeth Bergner, who played Rosalind with a thick German accent. Although it is much less \"Hollywoody\" than the","Document [9](Title: As You Like It) Sir Oliver Martext's possible reference to the Marprelate Controversy which transpired between 1588 and 1589. On the basis of these references, it seems that \"As You Like It\" may have been composed in 1599\u20131600, but it remains impossible to say with any certainty. Though the play is consistently one of Shakespeare's most frequently performed comedies, scholars have long disputed over its merits. George Bernard Shaw complained that \"As You Like It\" is lacking in the high artistry of which Shakespeare was capable. Shaw liked to think that Shakespeare wrote the play as a mere crowdpleaser, and signalled his own middling","Document [10](Title: As You Like It (1936 film)) not simply represent, as Celia sees it, a place to spend time and relax so much as an escape to freedom. This view is reflected in the film created by refugees, and speaks to other refugees and exiles. The film is notable for being scored by William Walton, who was to become Olivier's longtime musical collaborator, scoring his films of \"Henry V\", \"Hamlet\" and \"Richard III\", and defending his score for the film \"Battle of Britain\" against its replacement by Ron Goodwin's. As You Like It (1936 film) As You Like It is a 1936 British film, directed by Paul","Document [11](Title: Till There Was You) Was You\" was covered by the Beatles in 1963. The first recording of the song to be released was produced by Nelson Riddle, featuring his orchestra and 17-year-old vocalist Sue Raney. Promotional copies of the 45 rpm single, Capitol P3847, were released on November 26, 1957, even before the Broadway production had premiered on December 19, 1957, and a month ahead of the original cast album. An earlier version of this song, \"Till I Met You\", was first recorded by Eileen Wilson in 1950 and later appeared on the January 14, 1951 edition of \"The Big Show\", performed by Fran","Document [12](Title: Live Not as You Would Like To) rough draft of it appeared in August 1854. The play's second version, a three-act drama now called \"Live Not As You Would Like To\" was set in the 18th century Moscow, in the days of the traditional Russian Maslenitsa pancake carnival. In November 1854 the play was completed and on December 3 premiered at the Maly Theatre. It was published in September 1855 (with 600 copies of a separate book edition pressed simultaneously), proving to be Ostrovsky's final publication for \"Moskvityanin\". This magazine's text had to undergo some changes, though. The new, edited version appeared in the 1859 \"Works by","Document [13](Title: As You Like It) \"Young\". Donovan set \"Under the Greenwood Tree\" to music and recorded it for \"A Gift from a Flower to a Garden\" in 1968. Michael John Trotta composed a setting of \"Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind\" for choir in 2013. According to the history of radio station WCAL in the US state of Minnesota, \"As You Like It\" may have been the first play ever broadcast. It went over the air in 1922. On 1 March 2015, BBC Radio 3 broadcast a new production directed by Sally Avens with music composed by actor and singer Johnny Flynn of the folk rock","Document [14](Title: As Is (play)) As Is (play) As Is is a play written by William M. Hoffman. The play was first produced by Circle Repertory Company and The Glines and directed by Marshall W. Mason. It opened on March 10, 1985 at the Circle Theatre in New York City, where it ran for 49 performances. The subsequent Broadway production, produced by John Glines, Lawrence Lane, Lucille Lortel, and the Shubert Organization, opened on May 1, 1985 at the Lyceum Theatre, where it ran for 285 performances following six previews. The cast included Robert Carradine, Jonathan Hadary, Jonathan Hogan, Lou Liberatore, Ken Kliban, and Claris","Document [15](Title: Rosalind (As You Like It)) play directed by Basil Coleman, and Bryce Dallas Howard in the 2006 production directed by Kenneth Branagh. American actress Patti LuPone played the role at the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis, after her award-winning portrayal of Eva Peron in the original Broadway run of \"Evita\". This caused much speculation because LuPone was leaving the Broadway stage and moving to \"regional\" work. Adrian Lester won a Time Out Award for his performance as Rosalind in Cheek by Jowl's 1991 production of \"As You Like It\". A male actor in the role (as would have been the norm in Shakespeare's time) underlines the","Document [16](Title: As You Like It) no evidence that the poem was written before \"As You Like It\". The second suggested source is \"The Historie of Orlando Furioso\" by Robert Greene, acted about 1592. It is suggested that Shakespeare derived the idea of Orlando's carving his lady's name on barks of trees from this play, but a lover carving love-poems on barks of trees was already in Lodge's tale. \"As You Like It\" was first printed in the collected edition of Shakespeare's plays, known as the First Folio, during 1623. No copy of it in Quarto exists, for the play is mentioned by the printers of","Document [17](Title: Exactly Like You (musical)) Ward as Arlene Murphy, Susan Mansur as Pricilla Vanerhosen and Michael McGrath as Martin Murphy. Exactly Like You (musical) Exactly Like You is a 1999 musical by composer Cy Coleman and the book writer A. E. Hotchner. The musical premiered at the Goodspeed Opera House's Norma Terris Theatre in Chester, Connecticut in May 1998. The musical was directed and choreographed by Patricia Birch and featured Barbara Walsh and Michael McGrath, The musical was next produced Off-Broadway at the York Theatre at St. Peter's running from April 14, 1999 to May 9, 1999. The musical was directed and choreographed by Patricia","Document [18](Title: As You Like It) production of the play was Cheek by Jowl's 1991 production, directed by Declan Donnellan. Thomas Morley (c. 1557\u20131602) composed music for \"It was a lover and his lass\"; he lived in the same parish as Shakespeare, and at times composed music for Shakespeare's plays. In 1942, Gerald Finzi included a setting of \"It was a lover and his lass\" (V, iii) in his song cycle on Shakespearean texts \"Let Us Garlands Bring\". Cleo Laine sang a jazz setting of \"It was a lover and his lass\" on her 1964 album \"Shakespeare... and all that Jazz\". The composer is credited as","Document [19](Title: As Is (play)) of \"Time Out\" magazine, and transferred to the Trafalgar Studios in 2015. As Is (play) As Is is a play written by William M. Hoffman. The play was first produced by Circle Repertory Company and The Glines and directed by Marshall W. Mason. It opened on March 10, 1985 at the Circle Theatre in New York City, where it ran for 49 performances. The subsequent Broadway production, produced by John Glines, Lawrence Lane, Lucille Lortel, and the Shubert Organization, opened on May 1, 1985 at the Lyceum Theatre, where it ran for 285 performances following six previews. The cast included","Document [20](Title: Live Not as You Would Like To) A.N.Ostrovsky\" in two volumes published by Count Grigory Kushelev-Bezborodko. \"Live Not As You Would Like To\" premiered at the Maly Theatre on 3 December 1854, as a benefit for Kornely Poltavtsev who played Pyotr. It featured Prov Sadovsky as Agafon, Lyubov Nikulina-Kositskaya as Grusha and Sergey Vasilyev as Vasya. Its Alexandrinsky Theatre premier took place on 12 January 1885, featuring Pyotr Stepanov (Pyotr), Alexandra Chitau (Dasha), Yulia Linskaya (Afimya) and Alexander Martynov as Yeremka, among others. The play was less successful than all of its predecessors. It ran one season (1854\u201355, four performances) in the Maly, then dropped from the"],"query":"when was as you like it first performed?","answers":["1603"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: As You Like It) productions of \"As You Like It\" include the 1936 Old Vic Theatre production starring Edith Evans and the 1961 Shakespeare Memorial Theatre production starring Vanessa Redgrave. The longest running Broadway production starred Katharine Hepburn as Rosalind, Cloris Leachman as Celia, William Prince as Orlando, and Ernest Thesiger as Jaques, and was directed by Michael Benthall. It ran for 145 performances in 1950. Another notable production was at the 2005 Stratford Festival in Stratford, Ontario, which was set in the 1960s and featured Shakespeare's lyrics set to music written by Barenaked Ladies. In 2014, theatre critic Michael Billington said his favourite","Document [2](Title: Laurie Woolery) adaptation of \"As You Like It\" premiered on September 1, 2017 at the Delacorte Theatre in New York City. As part of Public Works at The Public Theater\u2019s mission of community engagement, the musical featured over 200 actors and community members and tickets were completely free to the public for all five nights of its run. Adapted from William Shakespeare's classic story, \u201cAs You Like It\u201d is a dreamy production exploring themes of friendship, family, and love. Orlando, Duke Senior, his daughter Rosalind and niece Celia are exiled from their homes and flee to the magical and welcoming Forest of","Document [3](Title: Charlie Fink) received a five star review from Michael Billington at the Guardian, who called it \"the best family show since Matilda.\" The original production ran from 2 December 2015 to 16 January 2016. The production returned to The Old Vic in 2017 to further five star reviews. \" It has since gone on to tour in Toronto, Minneapolis and San Diego. It was announced that Fink was writing the music for a production of 'As You Like It' in Regent's Park Open Air Theatre in July 2018. The show opened to positive reviews with the Times describing it as 'Gorgeous'. Fink","Document [4](Title: As You Like It (1936 film)) As You Like It (1936 film) As You Like It is a 1936 British film, directed by Paul Czinner and starring Laurence Olivier as Orlando and Elisabeth Bergner as Rosalind. It is based on William Shakespeare's play of the same name. It was Olivier's first performance of Shakespeare on screen. It was the final film of stage actors Leon Quartermaine and Henry Ainley, and featured an early screen role for Ainley's son Richard as Sylvius, as well as for John Laurie, who played Orlando's brother Oliver. (Laurie would go on to co-star with Olivier in the three Shakespearean films that","Document [5](Title: As You Like It) As You Like It is a pastoral comedy by William Shakespeare believed to have been written in 1599 and first published in the First Folio in 1623. The play's first performance is uncertain, though a performance at Wilton House in 1603 has been suggested as a possibility.","Document [6](Title: As You Like It) Ayres\", published in London in 1600 contains a musical setting for the song \"It was a lover and his lass\" from \"As You Like It\". This evidence implies that the play was in existence in some shape or other before 1600. It seems likely this play was written after 1598, since Francis Meres did not mention it in his \"Palladis Tamia\". Although twelve plays are listed in \"Palladis Tamia\", it was an incomplete inventory of Shakespeare's plays to that date (1598). The new Globe Theatre opened some time in the summer of 1599, and tradition has it that the new","Document [7](Title: As You Like It) the First Folio among those which \"are not formerly entered to other men.\" By means of evidences, external and internal, the date of composition of the play has been approximately fixed at a period between the end of 1598 and the middle of 1599. \"As You Like It\" was entered into the Register of the Stationers' Company on 4 August 1600 as a work which was \"to be stayed\", i.e., not published till the Stationers' Company were satisfied that the publisher in whose name the work was entered was the undisputed owner of the copyright. Thomas Morley's \"First Book of","Document [8](Title: As You Like It) band Johnny Flynn and The Sussex Wit. The production included Pippa Nixon as Rosalind, Luke Norris as Orlando, Adrian Scarborough as Touchstone, William Houston as Jaques, Ellie Kendrick as Celia and Jude Akuwudike as Corin. \"As You Like It\" was Laurence Olivier's first Shakespeare film. Olivier, however, served only in an acting capacity (performing the role of Orlando), rather than producing or directing the film. Made in England and released in 1936, \"As You Like It\" also starred director Paul Czinner's wife Elizabeth Bergner, who played Rosalind with a thick German accent. Although it is much less \"Hollywoody\" than the","Document [9](Title: As You Like It) Sir Oliver Martext's possible reference to the Marprelate Controversy which transpired between 1588 and 1589. On the basis of these references, it seems that \"As You Like It\" may have been composed in 1599\u20131600, but it remains impossible to say with any certainty. Though the play is consistently one of Shakespeare's most frequently performed comedies, scholars have long disputed over its merits. George Bernard Shaw complained that \"As You Like It\" is lacking in the high artistry of which Shakespeare was capable. Shaw liked to think that Shakespeare wrote the play as a mere crowdpleaser, and signalled his own middling","Document [10](Title: As You Like It (1936 film)) not simply represent, as Celia sees it, a place to spend time and relax so much as an escape to freedom. This view is reflected in the film created by refugees, and speaks to other refugees and exiles. The film is notable for being scored by William Walton, who was to become Olivier's longtime musical collaborator, scoring his films of \"Henry V\", \"Hamlet\" and \"Richard III\", and defending his score for the film \"Battle of Britain\" against its replacement by Ron Goodwin's. As You Like It (1936 film) As You Like It is a 1936 British film, directed by Paul","Document [11](Title: Till There Was You) Was You\" was covered by the Beatles in 1963. The first recording of the song to be released was produced by Nelson Riddle, featuring his orchestra and 17-year-old vocalist Sue Raney. Promotional copies of the 45 rpm single, Capitol P3847, were released on November 26, 1957, even before the Broadway production had premiered on December 19, 1957, and a month ahead of the original cast album. An earlier version of this song, \"Till I Met You\", was first recorded by Eileen Wilson in 1950 and later appeared on the January 14, 1951 edition of \"The Big Show\", performed by Fran","Document [12](Title: Live Not as You Would Like To) rough draft of it appeared in August 1854. The play's second version, a three-act drama now called \"Live Not As You Would Like To\" was set in the 18th century Moscow, in the days of the traditional Russian Maslenitsa pancake carnival. In November 1854 the play was completed and on December 3 premiered at the Maly Theatre. It was published in September 1855 (with 600 copies of a separate book edition pressed simultaneously), proving to be Ostrovsky's final publication for \"Moskvityanin\". This magazine's text had to undergo some changes, though. The new, edited version appeared in the 1859 \"Works by","Document [13](Title: As You Like It) \"Young\". Donovan set \"Under the Greenwood Tree\" to music and recorded it for \"A Gift from a Flower to a Garden\" in 1968. Michael John Trotta composed a setting of \"Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind\" for choir in 2013. According to the history of radio station WCAL in the US state of Minnesota, \"As You Like It\" may have been the first play ever broadcast. It went over the air in 1922. On 1 March 2015, BBC Radio 3 broadcast a new production directed by Sally Avens with music composed by actor and singer Johnny Flynn of the folk rock","Document [14](Title: As Is (play)) As Is (play) As Is is a play written by William M. Hoffman. The play was first produced by Circle Repertory Company and The Glines and directed by Marshall W. Mason. It opened on March 10, 1985 at the Circle Theatre in New York City, where it ran for 49 performances. The subsequent Broadway production, produced by John Glines, Lawrence Lane, Lucille Lortel, and the Shubert Organization, opened on May 1, 1985 at the Lyceum Theatre, where it ran for 285 performances following six previews. The cast included Robert Carradine, Jonathan Hadary, Jonathan Hogan, Lou Liberatore, Ken Kliban, and Claris","Document [15](Title: Rosalind (As You Like It)) play directed by Basil Coleman, and Bryce Dallas Howard in the 2006 production directed by Kenneth Branagh. American actress Patti LuPone played the role at the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis, after her award-winning portrayal of Eva Peron in the original Broadway run of \"Evita\". This caused much speculation because LuPone was leaving the Broadway stage and moving to \"regional\" work. Adrian Lester won a Time Out Award for his performance as Rosalind in Cheek by Jowl's 1991 production of \"As You Like It\". A male actor in the role (as would have been the norm in Shakespeare's time) underlines the","Document [16](Title: As You Like It) no evidence that the poem was written before \"As You Like It\". The second suggested source is \"The Historie of Orlando Furioso\" by Robert Greene, acted about 1592. It is suggested that Shakespeare derived the idea of Orlando's carving his lady's name on barks of trees from this play, but a lover carving love-poems on barks of trees was already in Lodge's tale. \"As You Like It\" was first printed in the collected edition of Shakespeare's plays, known as the First Folio, during 1623. No copy of it in Quarto exists, for the play is mentioned by the printers of","Document [17](Title: Exactly Like You (musical)) Ward as Arlene Murphy, Susan Mansur as Pricilla Vanerhosen and Michael McGrath as Martin Murphy. Exactly Like You (musical) Exactly Like You is a 1999 musical by composer Cy Coleman and the book writer A. E. Hotchner. The musical premiered at the Goodspeed Opera House's Norma Terris Theatre in Chester, Connecticut in May 1998. The musical was directed and choreographed by Patricia Birch and featured Barbara Walsh and Michael McGrath, The musical was next produced Off-Broadway at the York Theatre at St. Peter's running from April 14, 1999 to May 9, 1999. The musical was directed and choreographed by Patricia","Document [18](Title: As You Like It) production of the play was Cheek by Jowl's 1991 production, directed by Declan Donnellan. Thomas Morley (c. 1557\u20131602) composed music for \"It was a lover and his lass\"; he lived in the same parish as Shakespeare, and at times composed music for Shakespeare's plays. In 1942, Gerald Finzi included a setting of \"It was a lover and his lass\" (V, iii) in his song cycle on Shakespearean texts \"Let Us Garlands Bring\". Cleo Laine sang a jazz setting of \"It was a lover and his lass\" on her 1964 album \"Shakespeare... and all that Jazz\". The composer is credited as","Document [19](Title: As Is (play)) of \"Time Out\" magazine, and transferred to the Trafalgar Studios in 2015. As Is (play) As Is is a play written by William M. Hoffman. The play was first produced by Circle Repertory Company and The Glines and directed by Marshall W. Mason. It opened on March 10, 1985 at the Circle Theatre in New York City, where it ran for 49 performances. The subsequent Broadway production, produced by John Glines, Lawrence Lane, Lucille Lortel, and the Shubert Organization, opened on May 1, 1985 at the Lyceum Theatre, where it ran for 285 performances following six previews. The cast included","Document [20](Title: Live Not as You Would Like To) A.N.Ostrovsky\" in two volumes published by Count Grigory Kushelev-Bezborodko. \"Live Not As You Would Like To\" premiered at the Maly Theatre on 3 December 1854, as a benefit for Kornely Poltavtsev who played Pyotr. It featured Prov Sadovsky as Agafon, Lyubov Nikulina-Kositskaya as Grusha and Sergey Vasilyev as Vasya. Its Alexandrinsky Theatre premier took place on 12 January 1885, featuring Pyotr Stepanov (Pyotr), Alexandra Chitau (Dasha), Yulia Linskaya (Afimya) and Alexander Martynov as Yeremka, among others. The play was less successful than all of its predecessors. It ran one season (1854\u201355, four performances) in the Maly, then dropped from the"],"query":"when was as you like it first performed?","answers":["1603"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: As You Like It) productions of \"As You Like It\" include the 1936 Old Vic Theatre production starring Edith Evans and the 1961 Shakespeare Memorial Theatre production starring Vanessa Redgrave. The longest running Broadway production starred Katharine Hepburn as Rosalind, Cloris Leachman as Celia, William Prince as Orlando, and Ernest Thesiger as Jaques, and was directed by Michael Benthall. It ran for 145 performances in 1950. Another notable production was at the 2005 Stratford Festival in Stratford, Ontario, which was set in the 1960s and featured Shakespeare's lyrics set to music written by Barenaked Ladies. In 2014, theatre critic Michael Billington said his favourite","Document [2](Title: Laurie Woolery) adaptation of \"As You Like It\" premiered on September 1, 2017 at the Delacorte Theatre in New York City. As part of Public Works at The Public Theater\u2019s mission of community engagement, the musical featured over 200 actors and community members and tickets were completely free to the public for all five nights of its run. Adapted from William Shakespeare's classic story, \u201cAs You Like It\u201d is a dreamy production exploring themes of friendship, family, and love. Orlando, Duke Senior, his daughter Rosalind and niece Celia are exiled from their homes and flee to the magical and welcoming Forest of","Document [3](Title: Charlie Fink) received a five star review from Michael Billington at the Guardian, who called it \"the best family show since Matilda.\" The original production ran from 2 December 2015 to 16 January 2016. The production returned to The Old Vic in 2017 to further five star reviews. \" It has since gone on to tour in Toronto, Minneapolis and San Diego. It was announced that Fink was writing the music for a production of 'As You Like It' in Regent's Park Open Air Theatre in July 2018. The show opened to positive reviews with the Times describing it as 'Gorgeous'. Fink","Document [4](Title: As You Like It (1936 film)) As You Like It (1936 film) As You Like It is a 1936 British film, directed by Paul Czinner and starring Laurence Olivier as Orlando and Elisabeth Bergner as Rosalind. It is based on William Shakespeare's play of the same name. It was Olivier's first performance of Shakespeare on screen. It was the final film of stage actors Leon Quartermaine and Henry Ainley, and featured an early screen role for Ainley's son Richard as Sylvius, as well as for John Laurie, who played Orlando's brother Oliver. (Laurie would go on to co-star with Olivier in the three Shakespearean films that","Document [5](Title: As You Like It) Ayres\", published in London in 1600 contains a musical setting for the song \"It was a lover and his lass\" from \"As You Like It\". This evidence implies that the play was in existence in some shape or other before 1600. It seems likely this play was written after 1598, since Francis Meres did not mention it in his \"Palladis Tamia\". Although twelve plays are listed in \"Palladis Tamia\", it was an incomplete inventory of Shakespeare's plays to that date (1598). The new Globe Theatre opened some time in the summer of 1599, and tradition has it that the new","Document [6](Title: As You Like It) the First Folio among those which \"are not formerly entered to other men.\" By means of evidences, external and internal, the date of composition of the play has been approximately fixed at a period between the end of 1598 and the middle of 1599. \"As You Like It\" was entered into the Register of the Stationers' Company on 4 August 1600 as a work which was \"to be stayed\", i.e., not published till the Stationers' Company were satisfied that the publisher in whose name the work was entered was the undisputed owner of the copyright. Thomas Morley's \"First Book of","Document [7](Title: As You Like It) band Johnny Flynn and The Sussex Wit. The production included Pippa Nixon as Rosalind, Luke Norris as Orlando, Adrian Scarborough as Touchstone, William Houston as Jaques, Ellie Kendrick as Celia and Jude Akuwudike as Corin. \"As You Like It\" was Laurence Olivier's first Shakespeare film. Olivier, however, served only in an acting capacity (performing the role of Orlando), rather than producing or directing the film. Made in England and released in 1936, \"As You Like It\" also starred director Paul Czinner's wife Elizabeth Bergner, who played Rosalind with a thick German accent. Although it is much less \"Hollywoody\" than the","Document [8](Title: As You Like It) Sir Oliver Martext's possible reference to the Marprelate Controversy which transpired between 1588 and 1589. On the basis of these references, it seems that \"As You Like It\" may have been composed in 1599\u20131600, but it remains impossible to say with any certainty. Though the play is consistently one of Shakespeare's most frequently performed comedies, scholars have long disputed over its merits. George Bernard Shaw complained that \"As You Like It\" is lacking in the high artistry of which Shakespeare was capable. Shaw liked to think that Shakespeare wrote the play as a mere crowdpleaser, and signalled his own middling","Document [9](Title: As You Like It (1936 film)) not simply represent, as Celia sees it, a place to spend time and relax so much as an escape to freedom. This view is reflected in the film created by refugees, and speaks to other refugees and exiles. The film is notable for being scored by William Walton, who was to become Olivier's longtime musical collaborator, scoring his films of \"Henry V\", \"Hamlet\" and \"Richard III\", and defending his score for the film \"Battle of Britain\" against its replacement by Ron Goodwin's. As You Like It (1936 film) As You Like It is a 1936 British film, directed by Paul","Document [10](Title: As You Like It) As You Like It is a pastoral comedy by William Shakespeare believed to have been written in 1599 and first published in the First Folio in 1623. The play's first performance is uncertain, though a performance at Wilton House in 1603 has been suggested as a possibility.","Document [11](Title: Till There Was You) Was You\" was covered by the Beatles in 1963. The first recording of the song to be released was produced by Nelson Riddle, featuring his orchestra and 17-year-old vocalist Sue Raney. Promotional copies of the 45 rpm single, Capitol P3847, were released on November 26, 1957, even before the Broadway production had premiered on December 19, 1957, and a month ahead of the original cast album. An earlier version of this song, \"Till I Met You\", was first recorded by Eileen Wilson in 1950 and later appeared on the January 14, 1951 edition of \"The Big Show\", performed by Fran","Document [12](Title: Live Not as You Would Like To) rough draft of it appeared in August 1854. The play's second version, a three-act drama now called \"Live Not As You Would Like To\" was set in the 18th century Moscow, in the days of the traditional Russian Maslenitsa pancake carnival. In November 1854 the play was completed and on December 3 premiered at the Maly Theatre. It was published in September 1855 (with 600 copies of a separate book edition pressed simultaneously), proving to be Ostrovsky's final publication for \"Moskvityanin\". This magazine's text had to undergo some changes, though. The new, edited version appeared in the 1859 \"Works by","Document [13](Title: As You Like It) \"Young\". Donovan set \"Under the Greenwood Tree\" to music and recorded it for \"A Gift from a Flower to a Garden\" in 1968. Michael John Trotta composed a setting of \"Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind\" for choir in 2013. According to the history of radio station WCAL in the US state of Minnesota, \"As You Like It\" may have been the first play ever broadcast. It went over the air in 1922. On 1 March 2015, BBC Radio 3 broadcast a new production directed by Sally Avens with music composed by actor and singer Johnny Flynn of the folk rock","Document [14](Title: As Is (play)) As Is (play) As Is is a play written by William M. Hoffman. The play was first produced by Circle Repertory Company and The Glines and directed by Marshall W. Mason. It opened on March 10, 1985 at the Circle Theatre in New York City, where it ran for 49 performances. The subsequent Broadway production, produced by John Glines, Lawrence Lane, Lucille Lortel, and the Shubert Organization, opened on May 1, 1985 at the Lyceum Theatre, where it ran for 285 performances following six previews. The cast included Robert Carradine, Jonathan Hadary, Jonathan Hogan, Lou Liberatore, Ken Kliban, and Claris","Document [15](Title: Rosalind (As You Like It)) play directed by Basil Coleman, and Bryce Dallas Howard in the 2006 production directed by Kenneth Branagh. American actress Patti LuPone played the role at the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis, after her award-winning portrayal of Eva Peron in the original Broadway run of \"Evita\". This caused much speculation because LuPone was leaving the Broadway stage and moving to \"regional\" work. Adrian Lester won a Time Out Award for his performance as Rosalind in Cheek by Jowl's 1991 production of \"As You Like It\". A male actor in the role (as would have been the norm in Shakespeare's time) underlines the","Document [16](Title: As You Like It) no evidence that the poem was written before \"As You Like It\". The second suggested source is \"The Historie of Orlando Furioso\" by Robert Greene, acted about 1592. It is suggested that Shakespeare derived the idea of Orlando's carving his lady's name on barks of trees from this play, but a lover carving love-poems on barks of trees was already in Lodge's tale. \"As You Like It\" was first printed in the collected edition of Shakespeare's plays, known as the First Folio, during 1623. No copy of it in Quarto exists, for the play is mentioned by the printers of","Document [17](Title: Exactly Like You (musical)) Ward as Arlene Murphy, Susan Mansur as Pricilla Vanerhosen and Michael McGrath as Martin Murphy. Exactly Like You (musical) Exactly Like You is a 1999 musical by composer Cy Coleman and the book writer A. E. Hotchner. The musical premiered at the Goodspeed Opera House's Norma Terris Theatre in Chester, Connecticut in May 1998. The musical was directed and choreographed by Patricia Birch and featured Barbara Walsh and Michael McGrath, The musical was next produced Off-Broadway at the York Theatre at St. Peter's running from April 14, 1999 to May 9, 1999. The musical was directed and choreographed by Patricia","Document [18](Title: As You Like It) production of the play was Cheek by Jowl's 1991 production, directed by Declan Donnellan. Thomas Morley (c. 1557\u20131602) composed music for \"It was a lover and his lass\"; he lived in the same parish as Shakespeare, and at times composed music for Shakespeare's plays. In 1942, Gerald Finzi included a setting of \"It was a lover and his lass\" (V, iii) in his song cycle on Shakespearean texts \"Let Us Garlands Bring\". Cleo Laine sang a jazz setting of \"It was a lover and his lass\" on her 1964 album \"Shakespeare... and all that Jazz\". The composer is credited as","Document [19](Title: As Is (play)) of \"Time Out\" magazine, and transferred to the Trafalgar Studios in 2015. As Is (play) As Is is a play written by William M. Hoffman. The play was first produced by Circle Repertory Company and The Glines and directed by Marshall W. Mason. It opened on March 10, 1985 at the Circle Theatre in New York City, where it ran for 49 performances. The subsequent Broadway production, produced by John Glines, Lawrence Lane, Lucille Lortel, and the Shubert Organization, opened on May 1, 1985 at the Lyceum Theatre, where it ran for 285 performances following six previews. The cast included","Document [20](Title: Live Not as You Would Like To) A.N.Ostrovsky\" in two volumes published by Count Grigory Kushelev-Bezborodko. \"Live Not As You Would Like To\" premiered at the Maly Theatre on 3 December 1854, as a benefit for Kornely Poltavtsev who played Pyotr. It featured Prov Sadovsky as Agafon, Lyubov Nikulina-Kositskaya as Grusha and Sergey Vasilyev as Vasya. Its Alexandrinsky Theatre premier took place on 12 January 1885, featuring Pyotr Stepanov (Pyotr), Alexandra Chitau (Dasha), Yulia Linskaya (Afimya) and Alexander Martynov as Yeremka, among others. The play was less successful than all of its predecessors. It ran one season (1854\u201355, four performances) in the Maly, then dropped from the"],"query":"when was as you like it first performed?","answers":["1603"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: As You Like It) productions of \"As You Like It\" include the 1936 Old Vic Theatre production starring Edith Evans and the 1961 Shakespeare Memorial Theatre production starring Vanessa Redgrave. The longest running Broadway production starred Katharine Hepburn as Rosalind, Cloris Leachman as Celia, William Prince as Orlando, and Ernest Thesiger as Jaques, and was directed by Michael Benthall. It ran for 145 performances in 1950. Another notable production was at the 2005 Stratford Festival in Stratford, Ontario, which was set in the 1960s and featured Shakespeare's lyrics set to music written by Barenaked Ladies. In 2014, theatre critic Michael Billington said his favourite","Document [2](Title: Laurie Woolery) adaptation of \"As You Like It\" premiered on September 1, 2017 at the Delacorte Theatre in New York City. As part of Public Works at The Public Theater\u2019s mission of community engagement, the musical featured over 200 actors and community members and tickets were completely free to the public for all five nights of its run. Adapted from William Shakespeare's classic story, \u201cAs You Like It\u201d is a dreamy production exploring themes of friendship, family, and love. Orlando, Duke Senior, his daughter Rosalind and niece Celia are exiled from their homes and flee to the magical and welcoming Forest of","Document [3](Title: Charlie Fink) received a five star review from Michael Billington at the Guardian, who called it \"the best family show since Matilda.\" The original production ran from 2 December 2015 to 16 January 2016. The production returned to The Old Vic in 2017 to further five star reviews. \" It has since gone on to tour in Toronto, Minneapolis and San Diego. It was announced that Fink was writing the music for a production of 'As You Like It' in Regent's Park Open Air Theatre in July 2018. The show opened to positive reviews with the Times describing it as 'Gorgeous'. Fink","Document [4](Title: As You Like It (1936 film)) As You Like It (1936 film) As You Like It is a 1936 British film, directed by Paul Czinner and starring Laurence Olivier as Orlando and Elisabeth Bergner as Rosalind. It is based on William Shakespeare's play of the same name. It was Olivier's first performance of Shakespeare on screen. It was the final film of stage actors Leon Quartermaine and Henry Ainley, and featured an early screen role for Ainley's son Richard as Sylvius, as well as for John Laurie, who played Orlando's brother Oliver. (Laurie would go on to co-star with Olivier in the three Shakespearean films that","Document [5](Title: As You Like It) Ayres\", published in London in 1600 contains a musical setting for the song \"It was a lover and his lass\" from \"As You Like It\". This evidence implies that the play was in existence in some shape or other before 1600. It seems likely this play was written after 1598, since Francis Meres did not mention it in his \"Palladis Tamia\". Although twelve plays are listed in \"Palladis Tamia\", it was an incomplete inventory of Shakespeare's plays to that date (1598). The new Globe Theatre opened some time in the summer of 1599, and tradition has it that the new","Document [6](Title: As You Like It) the First Folio among those which \"are not formerly entered to other men.\" By means of evidences, external and internal, the date of composition of the play has been approximately fixed at a period between the end of 1598 and the middle of 1599. \"As You Like It\" was entered into the Register of the Stationers' Company on 4 August 1600 as a work which was \"to be stayed\", i.e., not published till the Stationers' Company were satisfied that the publisher in whose name the work was entered was the undisputed owner of the copyright. Thomas Morley's \"First Book of","Document [7](Title: As You Like It) band Johnny Flynn and The Sussex Wit. The production included Pippa Nixon as Rosalind, Luke Norris as Orlando, Adrian Scarborough as Touchstone, William Houston as Jaques, Ellie Kendrick as Celia and Jude Akuwudike as Corin. \"As You Like It\" was Laurence Olivier's first Shakespeare film. Olivier, however, served only in an acting capacity (performing the role of Orlando), rather than producing or directing the film. Made in England and released in 1936, \"As You Like It\" also starred director Paul Czinner's wife Elizabeth Bergner, who played Rosalind with a thick German accent. Although it is much less \"Hollywoody\" than the","Document [8](Title: As You Like It) Sir Oliver Martext's possible reference to the Marprelate Controversy which transpired between 1588 and 1589. On the basis of these references, it seems that \"As You Like It\" may have been composed in 1599\u20131600, but it remains impossible to say with any certainty. Though the play is consistently one of Shakespeare's most frequently performed comedies, scholars have long disputed over its merits. George Bernard Shaw complained that \"As You Like It\" is lacking in the high artistry of which Shakespeare was capable. Shaw liked to think that Shakespeare wrote the play as a mere crowdpleaser, and signalled his own middling","Document [9](Title: As You Like It (1936 film)) not simply represent, as Celia sees it, a place to spend time and relax so much as an escape to freedom. This view is reflected in the film created by refugees, and speaks to other refugees and exiles. The film is notable for being scored by William Walton, who was to become Olivier's longtime musical collaborator, scoring his films of \"Henry V\", \"Hamlet\" and \"Richard III\", and defending his score for the film \"Battle of Britain\" against its replacement by Ron Goodwin's. As You Like It (1936 film) As You Like It is a 1936 British film, directed by Paul","Document [10](Title: Till There Was You) Was You\" was covered by the Beatles in 1963. The first recording of the song to be released was produced by Nelson Riddle, featuring his orchestra and 17-year-old vocalist Sue Raney. Promotional copies of the 45 rpm single, Capitol P3847, were released on November 26, 1957, even before the Broadway production had premiered on December 19, 1957, and a month ahead of the original cast album. An earlier version of this song, \"Till I Met You\", was first recorded by Eileen Wilson in 1950 and later appeared on the January 14, 1951 edition of \"The Big Show\", performed by Fran","Document [11](Title: Live Not as You Would Like To) rough draft of it appeared in August 1854. The play's second version, a three-act drama now called \"Live Not As You Would Like To\" was set in the 18th century Moscow, in the days of the traditional Russian Maslenitsa pancake carnival. In November 1854 the play was completed and on December 3 premiered at the Maly Theatre. It was published in September 1855 (with 600 copies of a separate book edition pressed simultaneously), proving to be Ostrovsky's final publication for \"Moskvityanin\". This magazine's text had to undergo some changes, though. The new, edited version appeared in the 1859 \"Works by","Document [12](Title: As You Like It) \"Young\". Donovan set \"Under the Greenwood Tree\" to music and recorded it for \"A Gift from a Flower to a Garden\" in 1968. Michael John Trotta composed a setting of \"Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind\" for choir in 2013. According to the history of radio station WCAL in the US state of Minnesota, \"As You Like It\" may have been the first play ever broadcast. It went over the air in 1922. On 1 March 2015, BBC Radio 3 broadcast a new production directed by Sally Avens with music composed by actor and singer Johnny Flynn of the folk rock","Document [13](Title: As Is (play)) As Is (play) As Is is a play written by William M. Hoffman. The play was first produced by Circle Repertory Company and The Glines and directed by Marshall W. Mason. It opened on March 10, 1985 at the Circle Theatre in New York City, where it ran for 49 performances. The subsequent Broadway production, produced by John Glines, Lawrence Lane, Lucille Lortel, and the Shubert Organization, opened on May 1, 1985 at the Lyceum Theatre, where it ran for 285 performances following six previews. The cast included Robert Carradine, Jonathan Hadary, Jonathan Hogan, Lou Liberatore, Ken Kliban, and Claris","Document [14](Title: Rosalind (As You Like It)) play directed by Basil Coleman, and Bryce Dallas Howard in the 2006 production directed by Kenneth Branagh. American actress Patti LuPone played the role at the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis, after her award-winning portrayal of Eva Peron in the original Broadway run of \"Evita\". This caused much speculation because LuPone was leaving the Broadway stage and moving to \"regional\" work. Adrian Lester won a Time Out Award for his performance as Rosalind in Cheek by Jowl's 1991 production of \"As You Like It\". A male actor in the role (as would have been the norm in Shakespeare's time) underlines the","Document [15](Title: As You Like It) As You Like It is a pastoral comedy by William Shakespeare believed to have been written in 1599 and first published in the First Folio in 1623. The play's first performance is uncertain, though a performance at Wilton House in 1603 has been suggested as a possibility.","Document [16](Title: As You Like It) no evidence that the poem was written before \"As You Like It\". The second suggested source is \"The Historie of Orlando Furioso\" by Robert Greene, acted about 1592. It is suggested that Shakespeare derived the idea of Orlando's carving his lady's name on barks of trees from this play, but a lover carving love-poems on barks of trees was already in Lodge's tale. \"As You Like It\" was first printed in the collected edition of Shakespeare's plays, known as the First Folio, during 1623. No copy of it in Quarto exists, for the play is mentioned by the printers of","Document [17](Title: Exactly Like You (musical)) Ward as Arlene Murphy, Susan Mansur as Pricilla Vanerhosen and Michael McGrath as Martin Murphy. Exactly Like You (musical) Exactly Like You is a 1999 musical by composer Cy Coleman and the book writer A. E. Hotchner. The musical premiered at the Goodspeed Opera House's Norma Terris Theatre in Chester, Connecticut in May 1998. The musical was directed and choreographed by Patricia Birch and featured Barbara Walsh and Michael McGrath, The musical was next produced Off-Broadway at the York Theatre at St. Peter's running from April 14, 1999 to May 9, 1999. The musical was directed and choreographed by Patricia","Document [18](Title: As You Like It) production of the play was Cheek by Jowl's 1991 production, directed by Declan Donnellan. Thomas Morley (c. 1557\u20131602) composed music for \"It was a lover and his lass\"; he lived in the same parish as Shakespeare, and at times composed music for Shakespeare's plays. In 1942, Gerald Finzi included a setting of \"It was a lover and his lass\" (V, iii) in his song cycle on Shakespearean texts \"Let Us Garlands Bring\". Cleo Laine sang a jazz setting of \"It was a lover and his lass\" on her 1964 album \"Shakespeare... and all that Jazz\". The composer is credited as","Document [19](Title: As Is (play)) of \"Time Out\" magazine, and transferred to the Trafalgar Studios in 2015. As Is (play) As Is is a play written by William M. Hoffman. The play was first produced by Circle Repertory Company and The Glines and directed by Marshall W. Mason. It opened on March 10, 1985 at the Circle Theatre in New York City, where it ran for 49 performances. The subsequent Broadway production, produced by John Glines, Lawrence Lane, Lucille Lortel, and the Shubert Organization, opened on May 1, 1985 at the Lyceum Theatre, where it ran for 285 performances following six previews. The cast included","Document [20](Title: Live Not as You Would Like To) A.N.Ostrovsky\" in two volumes published by Count Grigory Kushelev-Bezborodko. \"Live Not As You Would Like To\" premiered at the Maly Theatre on 3 December 1854, as a benefit for Kornely Poltavtsev who played Pyotr. It featured Prov Sadovsky as Agafon, Lyubov Nikulina-Kositskaya as Grusha and Sergey Vasilyev as Vasya. Its Alexandrinsky Theatre premier took place on 12 January 1885, featuring Pyotr Stepanov (Pyotr), Alexandra Chitau (Dasha), Yulia Linskaya (Afimya) and Alexander Martynov as Yeremka, among others. The play was less successful than all of its predecessors. It ran one season (1854\u201355, four performances) in the Maly, then dropped from the"],"query":"when was as you like it first performed?","answers":["1603"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: As You Like It) productions of \"As You Like It\" include the 1936 Old Vic Theatre production starring Edith Evans and the 1961 Shakespeare Memorial Theatre production starring Vanessa Redgrave. The longest running Broadway production starred Katharine Hepburn as Rosalind, Cloris Leachman as Celia, William Prince as Orlando, and Ernest Thesiger as Jaques, and was directed by Michael Benthall. It ran for 145 performances in 1950. Another notable production was at the 2005 Stratford Festival in Stratford, Ontario, which was set in the 1960s and featured Shakespeare's lyrics set to music written by Barenaked Ladies. In 2014, theatre critic Michael Billington said his favourite","Document [2](Title: Laurie Woolery) adaptation of \"As You Like It\" premiered on September 1, 2017 at the Delacorte Theatre in New York City. As part of Public Works at The Public Theater\u2019s mission of community engagement, the musical featured over 200 actors and community members and tickets were completely free to the public for all five nights of its run. Adapted from William Shakespeare's classic story, \u201cAs You Like It\u201d is a dreamy production exploring themes of friendship, family, and love. Orlando, Duke Senior, his daughter Rosalind and niece Celia are exiled from their homes and flee to the magical and welcoming Forest of","Document [3](Title: Charlie Fink) received a five star review from Michael Billington at the Guardian, who called it \"the best family show since Matilda.\" The original production ran from 2 December 2015 to 16 January 2016. The production returned to The Old Vic in 2017 to further five star reviews. \" It has since gone on to tour in Toronto, Minneapolis and San Diego. It was announced that Fink was writing the music for a production of 'As You Like It' in Regent's Park Open Air Theatre in July 2018. The show opened to positive reviews with the Times describing it as 'Gorgeous'. Fink","Document [4](Title: As You Like It (1936 film)) As You Like It (1936 film) As You Like It is a 1936 British film, directed by Paul Czinner and starring Laurence Olivier as Orlando and Elisabeth Bergner as Rosalind. It is based on William Shakespeare's play of the same name. It was Olivier's first performance of Shakespeare on screen. It was the final film of stage actors Leon Quartermaine and Henry Ainley, and featured an early screen role for Ainley's son Richard as Sylvius, as well as for John Laurie, who played Orlando's brother Oliver. (Laurie would go on to co-star with Olivier in the three Shakespearean films that","Document [5](Title: As You Like It) Ayres\", published in London in 1600 contains a musical setting for the song \"It was a lover and his lass\" from \"As You Like It\". This evidence implies that the play was in existence in some shape or other before 1600. It seems likely this play was written after 1598, since Francis Meres did not mention it in his \"Palladis Tamia\". Although twelve plays are listed in \"Palladis Tamia\", it was an incomplete inventory of Shakespeare's plays to that date (1598). The new Globe Theatre opened some time in the summer of 1599, and tradition has it that the new","Document [6](Title: As You Like It) the First Folio among those which \"are not formerly entered to other men.\" By means of evidences, external and internal, the date of composition of the play has been approximately fixed at a period between the end of 1598 and the middle of 1599. \"As You Like It\" was entered into the Register of the Stationers' Company on 4 August 1600 as a work which was \"to be stayed\", i.e., not published till the Stationers' Company were satisfied that the publisher in whose name the work was entered was the undisputed owner of the copyright. Thomas Morley's \"First Book of","Document [7](Title: As You Like It) band Johnny Flynn and The Sussex Wit. The production included Pippa Nixon as Rosalind, Luke Norris as Orlando, Adrian Scarborough as Touchstone, William Houston as Jaques, Ellie Kendrick as Celia and Jude Akuwudike as Corin. \"As You Like It\" was Laurence Olivier's first Shakespeare film. Olivier, however, served only in an acting capacity (performing the role of Orlando), rather than producing or directing the film. Made in England and released in 1936, \"As You Like It\" also starred director Paul Czinner's wife Elizabeth Bergner, who played Rosalind with a thick German accent. Although it is much less \"Hollywoody\" than the","Document [8](Title: As You Like It) Sir Oliver Martext's possible reference to the Marprelate Controversy which transpired between 1588 and 1589. On the basis of these references, it seems that \"As You Like It\" may have been composed in 1599\u20131600, but it remains impossible to say with any certainty. Though the play is consistently one of Shakespeare's most frequently performed comedies, scholars have long disputed over its merits. George Bernard Shaw complained that \"As You Like It\" is lacking in the high artistry of which Shakespeare was capable. Shaw liked to think that Shakespeare wrote the play as a mere crowdpleaser, and signalled his own middling","Document [9](Title: As You Like It (1936 film)) not simply represent, as Celia sees it, a place to spend time and relax so much as an escape to freedom. This view is reflected in the film created by refugees, and speaks to other refugees and exiles. The film is notable for being scored by William Walton, who was to become Olivier's longtime musical collaborator, scoring his films of \"Henry V\", \"Hamlet\" and \"Richard III\", and defending his score for the film \"Battle of Britain\" against its replacement by Ron Goodwin's. As You Like It (1936 film) As You Like It is a 1936 British film, directed by Paul","Document [10](Title: Till There Was You) Was You\" was covered by the Beatles in 1963. The first recording of the song to be released was produced by Nelson Riddle, featuring his orchestra and 17-year-old vocalist Sue Raney. Promotional copies of the 45 rpm single, Capitol P3847, were released on November 26, 1957, even before the Broadway production had premiered on December 19, 1957, and a month ahead of the original cast album. An earlier version of this song, \"Till I Met You\", was first recorded by Eileen Wilson in 1950 and later appeared on the January 14, 1951 edition of \"The Big Show\", performed by Fran","Document [11](Title: Live Not as You Would Like To) rough draft of it appeared in August 1854. The play's second version, a three-act drama now called \"Live Not As You Would Like To\" was set in the 18th century Moscow, in the days of the traditional Russian Maslenitsa pancake carnival. In November 1854 the play was completed and on December 3 premiered at the Maly Theatre. It was published in September 1855 (with 600 copies of a separate book edition pressed simultaneously), proving to be Ostrovsky's final publication for \"Moskvityanin\". This magazine's text had to undergo some changes, though. The new, edited version appeared in the 1859 \"Works by","Document [12](Title: As You Like It) \"Young\". Donovan set \"Under the Greenwood Tree\" to music and recorded it for \"A Gift from a Flower to a Garden\" in 1968. Michael John Trotta composed a setting of \"Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind\" for choir in 2013. According to the history of radio station WCAL in the US state of Minnesota, \"As You Like It\" may have been the first play ever broadcast. It went over the air in 1922. On 1 March 2015, BBC Radio 3 broadcast a new production directed by Sally Avens with music composed by actor and singer Johnny Flynn of the folk rock","Document [13](Title: As Is (play)) As Is (play) As Is is a play written by William M. Hoffman. The play was first produced by Circle Repertory Company and The Glines and directed by Marshall W. Mason. It opened on March 10, 1985 at the Circle Theatre in New York City, where it ran for 49 performances. The subsequent Broadway production, produced by John Glines, Lawrence Lane, Lucille Lortel, and the Shubert Organization, opened on May 1, 1985 at the Lyceum Theatre, where it ran for 285 performances following six previews. The cast included Robert Carradine, Jonathan Hadary, Jonathan Hogan, Lou Liberatore, Ken Kliban, and Claris","Document [14](Title: Rosalind (As You Like It)) play directed by Basil Coleman, and Bryce Dallas Howard in the 2006 production directed by Kenneth Branagh. American actress Patti LuPone played the role at the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis, after her award-winning portrayal of Eva Peron in the original Broadway run of \"Evita\". This caused much speculation because LuPone was leaving the Broadway stage and moving to \"regional\" work. Adrian Lester won a Time Out Award for his performance as Rosalind in Cheek by Jowl's 1991 production of \"As You Like It\". A male actor in the role (as would have been the norm in Shakespeare's time) underlines the","Document [15](Title: As You Like It) no evidence that the poem was written before \"As You Like It\". The second suggested source is \"The Historie of Orlando Furioso\" by Robert Greene, acted about 1592. It is suggested that Shakespeare derived the idea of Orlando's carving his lady's name on barks of trees from this play, but a lover carving love-poems on barks of trees was already in Lodge's tale. \"As You Like It\" was first printed in the collected edition of Shakespeare's plays, known as the First Folio, during 1623. No copy of it in Quarto exists, for the play is mentioned by the printers of","Document [16](Title: Exactly Like You (musical)) Ward as Arlene Murphy, Susan Mansur as Pricilla Vanerhosen and Michael McGrath as Martin Murphy. Exactly Like You (musical) Exactly Like You is a 1999 musical by composer Cy Coleman and the book writer A. E. Hotchner. The musical premiered at the Goodspeed Opera House's Norma Terris Theatre in Chester, Connecticut in May 1998. The musical was directed and choreographed by Patricia Birch and featured Barbara Walsh and Michael McGrath, The musical was next produced Off-Broadway at the York Theatre at St. Peter's running from April 14, 1999 to May 9, 1999. The musical was directed and choreographed by Patricia","Document [17](Title: As You Like It) production of the play was Cheek by Jowl's 1991 production, directed by Declan Donnellan. Thomas Morley (c. 1557\u20131602) composed music for \"It was a lover and his lass\"; he lived in the same parish as Shakespeare, and at times composed music for Shakespeare's plays. In 1942, Gerald Finzi included a setting of \"It was a lover and his lass\" (V, iii) in his song cycle on Shakespearean texts \"Let Us Garlands Bring\". Cleo Laine sang a jazz setting of \"It was a lover and his lass\" on her 1964 album \"Shakespeare... and all that Jazz\". The composer is credited as","Document [18](Title: As Is (play)) of \"Time Out\" magazine, and transferred to the Trafalgar Studios in 2015. As Is (play) As Is is a play written by William M. Hoffman. The play was first produced by Circle Repertory Company and The Glines and directed by Marshall W. Mason. It opened on March 10, 1985 at the Circle Theatre in New York City, where it ran for 49 performances. The subsequent Broadway production, produced by John Glines, Lawrence Lane, Lucille Lortel, and the Shubert Organization, opened on May 1, 1985 at the Lyceum Theatre, where it ran for 285 performances following six previews. The cast included","Document [19](Title: Live Not as You Would Like To) A.N.Ostrovsky\" in two volumes published by Count Grigory Kushelev-Bezborodko. \"Live Not As You Would Like To\" premiered at the Maly Theatre on 3 December 1854, as a benefit for Kornely Poltavtsev who played Pyotr. It featured Prov Sadovsky as Agafon, Lyubov Nikulina-Kositskaya as Grusha and Sergey Vasilyev as Vasya. Its Alexandrinsky Theatre premier took place on 12 January 1885, featuring Pyotr Stepanov (Pyotr), Alexandra Chitau (Dasha), Yulia Linskaya (Afimya) and Alexander Martynov as Yeremka, among others. The play was less successful than all of its predecessors. It ran one season (1854\u201355, four performances) in the Maly, then dropped from the","Document [20](Title: As You Like It) As You Like It is a pastoral comedy by William Shakespeare believed to have been written in 1599 and first published in the First Folio in 1623. The play's first performance is uncertain, though a performance at Wilton House in 1603 has been suggested as a possibility."],"query":"when was as you like it first performed?","answers":["1603"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Banquo) Lord Banquo \/\u02c8b\u00e6\u014bkwo\u028a\/, the Thane of Lochaber, is a character in William Shakespeare's 1606 play Macbeth. In the play, he is at first an ally to Macbeth (both are generals in the King's army) and they meet the Three Witches together. After prophesying that Macbeth will become king, the witches tell Banquo that he will not be king himself, but that his descendants will be. Later, Macbeth in his lust for power sees Banquo as a threat and has him murdered by two hired assassins\u00a0; Banquo's son, Fleance, escapes. Banquo's ghost returns in a later scene [Banquet Scene] , causing Macbeth to react with alarm during a public feast.","Document [2](Title: Macbeth) would already be aware that a ghost enters at that point. Ferdinand Fleck, notable as the first German actor to present Shakespeare's tragic roles in their fullness, played Macbeth at the Berlin National Theatre from 1787. Unlike his English counterparts, he portrayed the character as achieving his stature after the murder of Duncan, growing in presence and confidence: thereby enabling stark contrasts, such as in the banquet scene, which he ended babbling like a child. Performances outside the patent theatres were instrumental in bringing the monopoly to an end. Robert Elliston, for example, produced a popular adaptation of \"Macbeth\" in","Document [3](Title: Lady Macbeth) Lady Macbeth Lady Macbeth is a leading character in William Shakespeare's tragedy \"Macbeth\" (c.1603\u20131607). The wife of the play's tragic hero, Macbeth (a Scottish nobleman), Lady Macbeth goads her husband into committing regicide, after which she becomes queen of Scotland. Later, however, she suffers pangs of guilt for her part in the crime, which drives her to sleepwalk. She dies off-stage in the last act, an apparent suicide. According to some genealogists, Lady Macbeth and King Duncan's wife were siblings or cousins, where Duncan's wife had a stronger claim to the throne than Lady Macbeth. It was this that incited","Document [4](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) show him a vision of slain soldiers who tell him to beware of Macduff, and that Macbeth shall be King until Great Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane Hill, where the royal castle is built. Finally, the ghost of the slain boy soldier who gave him the dagger tells Macbeth that he won't be slain by any man born of a woman. The King is found wandering the hills by Lennox who tells him that Macduff has fled to England. Anxious at this, in a fit of rage, Macbeth orders Macduff's family and servants to be killed. Lady Macduff and her","Document [5](Title: Macduff (Macbeth)) Macduff (Macbeth) Lord Macduff, the Thane of Fife, is a character in William Shakespeare's \"Macbeth\" (c.1603\u20131607). Macduff plays a pivotal role in the play: he suspects Macbeth of regicide and eventually kills Macbeth in the final act. He can be seen as the avenging hero who helps save Scotland from Macbeth's tyranny in the play. The character is first known from \"Chronica Gentis Scotorum\" (late 14th century) and \"Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland\" (early 15th century). Shakespeare drew mostly from \"Holinshed's Chronicles\" (1587). Although characterised sporadically throughout the play, Macduff serves as a foil to Macbeth and a figure of morality.","Document [6](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) done, and how her hands are covered in blood. She then sees the ghost of her dead child, which she urges to go to bed. Then she wanders in the hills and sees the three witches as she walks towards them. In the castle, rumours spread that Macbeth has gone mad and his subjects fear his anger and tyrannical behaviour. Macbeth is told that his wife is dead. Saying \"tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow\", he then lifts her body and carries it around the chamber in despair. Seyton then brings him news that Malcolm is leading an army against him","Document [7](Title: Macduff (Macbeth)) 2, scene 3 to the drunken porter to report to his duty of awaking King Duncan when he is sleeping for the night at Macbeth's castle. When he discovers the corpse of King Duncan (murdered by Macbeth, but it appears that nearby guards are guilty since Macbeth\u2014at the prodding of Lady Macbeth\u2014put his knife by them and smeared them with Duncan's blood), he raises an alarm, informing the castle that the king has been murdered. Macduff begins to suspect Macbeth of regicide when Macbeth says, \"O, yet I do repent me of my fury \/ That I did kill them\"","Document [8](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) sees the ghost of one of the dead boy soldiers who gives him a dagger and leads him towards Duncan's tent. Macbeth brutally slays Duncan. Malcolm enters the tent and, seeing what Macbeth has done, flees in fear. Shaken, Macbeth goes to his wife and gives her the dagger he has used to kill the King. Lady Macbeth rebukes him, saying that he should have left it in the tent and she goes herself to place the dagger in the hands of the sleeping chamberlains. Later she meets Macbeth in the church where they both wash the blood from their","Document [9](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) hands and she tells him that the water has washed their deed away. In the morning, Macduff finds Duncan dead, and Macbeth slaughters the sleeping servants to prevent their denial of the murder. Macduff and Lennox, a Scottish noble, discuss that as Malcolm has fled to England that puts him under suspicion of being involved in the murder. They also admire Macbeth's justice on the supposedly-treacherous servants. With Malcolm gone, Macbeth is asked to become King of Scotland. After the coronation he sits in a sour mood in his chamber where Lady Macbeth comes to him. He complains that killing","Document [10](Title: Duncan I of Scotland) probably on 14 August 1040. He is thought to have been buried at Elgin before later relocation to the Isle of Iona. Duncan is depicted as an elderly King in the play \"Macbeth\" (1606) by William Shakespeare. He is killed in his sleep by the protagonist, Macbeth. In the historical novel \"Macbeth the King\" (1978) by Nigel Tranter, Duncan is portrayed as a schemer who is fearful of Macbeth as a possible rival for the throne. He tries to assassinate Macbeth by poisoning and then when this fails, attacks his home with an army. In self-defence Macbeth meets him in","Document [11](Title: Paris during the Bourbon Restoration) of the Com\u00e9die-Fran\u00e7aise, who had been a favorite of Napoleon. His version of \"MacBeth\", according to an English visitor who saw it in 1814, his performance had some notable differences from the usual English version. The witches and ghosts in the play never appeared on the stage, since, in Talma's view, they existed only in his imagination; he simply described them to the audience. Mademoiselle George was the most famous female dramatic actress, Abraham-Joseph B\u00e9nard, known as Fleury, was the most famous comic actor, and Mademoiselle Mars was the leading comic actress on the Paris stage. The English visitor commented","Document [12](Title: Donalbain (Macbeth)) Polanski's film of Macbeth, in which Donalbain, returning to Scotland after the death of Macbeth, hears the witches murmuring in the heather and gets off his horse to investigate, evidently alludes to the historical fact that Donalbain seized the throne after the death of Malcolm. Donalbain (Macbeth) Donalbain is a character in William Shakespeare's \"Macbeth\" (c. 1603\u20131607). He is the younger son of King Duncan and brother to Malcolm, the heir to the throne. Donalbain flees to Ireland after the murder of his father for refuge. He is based upon a personage in an account of King Duncan in \"Holinshed's","Document [13](Title: King Duncan) \"Macbeth on the Estate\" (1997), Laurence Payne in \"\" \"Macbeth\" (1992), Griffith Jones in \"A Performance of Macbeth\" (1979), and Jacques Mauclair in \"Macbett\" (1974), Kevin Coughlin on the \"Goodyear Television Playhouse\" (1955), and Lee Patterson on the \"Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Presents\" \"Dream Stuff\" (1954). Other television performers of the role include Philip Madoc (1998), Mark Dignam (1983), Powys Thomas (1961), Malcolm Keen (1960), Leo G. Carroll (1949), Arthur Wontner (1949). King Duncan King Duncan is a fictional character in Shakespeare's \"Macbeth.\" He is the father of two youthful sons (Malcolm and Donalbain), and the victim of a well-plotted regicide","Document [14](Title: Malcolm III of Scotland) Then Ross comes and Duncan decides that Macbeth should take the title of Thane of Cawdor. Then he later appears in Act 1.4 talking about the execution of the former Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth then enters and they congratulate him on his victory. He later appears in Macbeth's castle as a guest. When his father is killed he is suspected of the murder so he escapes to England. He later makes an appearance in Act 4.3, where he talks to Macduff about Macbeth and what to do. They both decide to start a war against him. In Act 5.4 he","Document [15](Title: Macbeth) Elder), the Earl of Northumberland, against Dunsinane Castle. While encamped in Birnam Wood, the soldiers are ordered to cut down and carry tree limbs to camouflage their numbers. Before Macbeth's opponents arrive, he receives news that Lady Macbeth has killed herself, causing him to sink into a deep and pessimistic despair and deliver his \"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow\" soliloquy (V.v.17\u201328). Though he reflects on the brevity and meaninglessness of life, he nevertheless awaits the English and fortifies Dunsinane. He is certain that the witches' prophecies guarantee his invincibility, but is struck with fear when he learns that the English","Document [16](Title: Macbeth (opera)) the encounter with the witches. She is determined to propel Macbeth to the throne - by fair means or foul. Lady Macbeth is advised that King Duncan will stay in the castle that night; she is determined to see him killed (\"Or tutti, sorgete\" \/ \"Arise now, all you ministers of hell\"). When Macbeth returns she urges him to take the opportunity to kill the King. The King and the nobles arrive and Macbeth is emboldened to carry out the murder (\"Mi si affaccia un pugnal?\" \/ \"Is this a dagger which I see before me?\"), but afterwards is filled","Document [17](Title: Macbeth (1971 film)) seeks out the witches, who are performing a nude ritual. The witches and the spirits they summon deceive Macbeth into thinking he is invincible, as he cannot be killed except by a man not born of woman, and will not be defeated until \"Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane.\" After Macduff flees to England, Ross leaves Fife's castle doors open, so Macbeth's murderers can kill Lady Macduff and the rest of the family and servants. With nobles fleeing Scotland, Macbeth chooses a new Thane of Cawdor, bestowing the title on Seyton over Ross. Disappointed, Ross joins Malcolm and Macduff in England,","Document [18](Title: Macbeth, King of Scotland) Macbeth, King of Scotland Macbeth (Medieval Gaelic: \"Mac Bethad mac Findla\u00edch\"; Modern Gaelic: \"MacBheatha mac Fhionnlaigh\"; nicknamed \"\", \"the Red King\"; \u2013 15 August 1057) was King of Scots from 1040 until his death. He was titled King of Alba during his life, and ruled over only a portion of present-day Scotland. Little is known about Macbeth's early life, although he was the son of Findl\u00e1ech of Moray and may have been a grandson of Malcolm II. He became Mormaer of Moray \u2013 a semi-autonomous lordship \u2013 in 1032, and was probably responsible for the death of the previous mormaer,","Document [19](Title: Donalbain (Macbeth)) Donalbain (Macbeth) Donalbain is a character in William Shakespeare's \"Macbeth\" (c. 1603\u20131607). He is the younger son of King Duncan and brother to Malcolm, the heir to the throne. Donalbain flees to Ireland after the murder of his father for refuge. He is based upon a personage in an account of King Duncan in \"Holinshed's Chronicles\", a history of Britain familiar to Shakespeare. He is ultimately based on the historical King Donald III of Scotland. In the original text of the First Folio his name is spelled Donalbaine, and is sometimes also spelled Donaldbain. Shakespeare's Donalbain is based upon 'Donald","Document [20](Title: Macbeth, King of Scotland) kings. Macbeth was initially succeeded by his stepson Lulach, but Lulach ruled for only a few months before also being killed by Malcolm III, whose descendants would rule Scotland until the late 13th century. Macbeth is today best known as the main character of William Shakespeare's tragedy \"Macbeth\" and the many works it has inspired. However, Shakespeare's Macbeth is based on the \"Holinshed's Chronicles\" (published in 1577) and is not historically accurate. Macbeth's full name in Medieval Gaelic was '. This is realised as ' in Modern Gaelic, and anglicised as Macbeth MacFinlay (also spelled Findlay, Findley, or Finley). The"],"query":"character in macbeth who is murdered and appears as a ghost?","answers":["Lord Banquo","Banquo"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Macbeth) would already be aware that a ghost enters at that point. Ferdinand Fleck, notable as the first German actor to present Shakespeare's tragic roles in their fullness, played Macbeth at the Berlin National Theatre from 1787. Unlike his English counterparts, he portrayed the character as achieving his stature after the murder of Duncan, growing in presence and confidence: thereby enabling stark contrasts, such as in the banquet scene, which he ended babbling like a child. Performances outside the patent theatres were instrumental in bringing the monopoly to an end. Robert Elliston, for example, produced a popular adaptation of \"Macbeth\" in","Document [2](Title: Lady Macbeth) Lady Macbeth Lady Macbeth is a leading character in William Shakespeare's tragedy \"Macbeth\" (c.1603\u20131607). The wife of the play's tragic hero, Macbeth (a Scottish nobleman), Lady Macbeth goads her husband into committing regicide, after which she becomes queen of Scotland. Later, however, she suffers pangs of guilt for her part in the crime, which drives her to sleepwalk. She dies off-stage in the last act, an apparent suicide. According to some genealogists, Lady Macbeth and King Duncan's wife were siblings or cousins, where Duncan's wife had a stronger claim to the throne than Lady Macbeth. It was this that incited","Document [3](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) show him a vision of slain soldiers who tell him to beware of Macduff, and that Macbeth shall be King until Great Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane Hill, where the royal castle is built. Finally, the ghost of the slain boy soldier who gave him the dagger tells Macbeth that he won't be slain by any man born of a woman. The King is found wandering the hills by Lennox who tells him that Macduff has fled to England. Anxious at this, in a fit of rage, Macbeth orders Macduff's family and servants to be killed. Lady Macduff and her","Document [4](Title: Macduff (Macbeth)) Macduff (Macbeth) Lord Macduff, the Thane of Fife, is a character in William Shakespeare's \"Macbeth\" (c.1603\u20131607). Macduff plays a pivotal role in the play: he suspects Macbeth of regicide and eventually kills Macbeth in the final act. He can be seen as the avenging hero who helps save Scotland from Macbeth's tyranny in the play. The character is first known from \"Chronica Gentis Scotorum\" (late 14th century) and \"Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland\" (early 15th century). Shakespeare drew mostly from \"Holinshed's Chronicles\" (1587). Although characterised sporadically throughout the play, Macduff serves as a foil to Macbeth and a figure of morality.","Document [5](Title: Banquo) Lord Banquo \/\u02c8b\u00e6\u014bkwo\u028a\/, the Thane of Lochaber, is a character in William Shakespeare's 1606 play Macbeth. In the play, he is at first an ally to Macbeth (both are generals in the King's army) and they meet the Three Witches together. After prophesying that Macbeth will become king, the witches tell Banquo that he will not be king himself, but that his descendants will be. Later, Macbeth in his lust for power sees Banquo as a threat and has him murdered by two hired assassins\u00a0; Banquo's son, Fleance, escapes. Banquo's ghost returns in a later scene [Banquet Scene] , causing Macbeth to react with alarm during a public feast.","Document [6](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) done, and how her hands are covered in blood. She then sees the ghost of her dead child, which she urges to go to bed. Then she wanders in the hills and sees the three witches as she walks towards them. In the castle, rumours spread that Macbeth has gone mad and his subjects fear his anger and tyrannical behaviour. Macbeth is told that his wife is dead. Saying \"tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow\", he then lifts her body and carries it around the chamber in despair. Seyton then brings him news that Malcolm is leading an army against him","Document [7](Title: Macduff (Macbeth)) 2, scene 3 to the drunken porter to report to his duty of awaking King Duncan when he is sleeping for the night at Macbeth's castle. When he discovers the corpse of King Duncan (murdered by Macbeth, but it appears that nearby guards are guilty since Macbeth\u2014at the prodding of Lady Macbeth\u2014put his knife by them and smeared them with Duncan's blood), he raises an alarm, informing the castle that the king has been murdered. Macduff begins to suspect Macbeth of regicide when Macbeth says, \"O, yet I do repent me of my fury \/ That I did kill them\"","Document [8](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) sees the ghost of one of the dead boy soldiers who gives him a dagger and leads him towards Duncan's tent. Macbeth brutally slays Duncan. Malcolm enters the tent and, seeing what Macbeth has done, flees in fear. Shaken, Macbeth goes to his wife and gives her the dagger he has used to kill the King. Lady Macbeth rebukes him, saying that he should have left it in the tent and she goes herself to place the dagger in the hands of the sleeping chamberlains. Later she meets Macbeth in the church where they both wash the blood from their","Document [9](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) hands and she tells him that the water has washed their deed away. In the morning, Macduff finds Duncan dead, and Macbeth slaughters the sleeping servants to prevent their denial of the murder. Macduff and Lennox, a Scottish noble, discuss that as Malcolm has fled to England that puts him under suspicion of being involved in the murder. They also admire Macbeth's justice on the supposedly-treacherous servants. With Malcolm gone, Macbeth is asked to become King of Scotland. After the coronation he sits in a sour mood in his chamber where Lady Macbeth comes to him. He complains that killing","Document [10](Title: Duncan I of Scotland) probably on 14 August 1040. He is thought to have been buried at Elgin before later relocation to the Isle of Iona. Duncan is depicted as an elderly King in the play \"Macbeth\" (1606) by William Shakespeare. He is killed in his sleep by the protagonist, Macbeth. In the historical novel \"Macbeth the King\" (1978) by Nigel Tranter, Duncan is portrayed as a schemer who is fearful of Macbeth as a possible rival for the throne. He tries to assassinate Macbeth by poisoning and then when this fails, attacks his home with an army. In self-defence Macbeth meets him in","Document [11](Title: Paris during the Bourbon Restoration) of the Com\u00e9die-Fran\u00e7aise, who had been a favorite of Napoleon. His version of \"MacBeth\", according to an English visitor who saw it in 1814, his performance had some notable differences from the usual English version. The witches and ghosts in the play never appeared on the stage, since, in Talma's view, they existed only in his imagination; he simply described them to the audience. Mademoiselle George was the most famous female dramatic actress, Abraham-Joseph B\u00e9nard, known as Fleury, was the most famous comic actor, and Mademoiselle Mars was the leading comic actress on the Paris stage. The English visitor commented","Document [12](Title: Donalbain (Macbeth)) Polanski's film of Macbeth, in which Donalbain, returning to Scotland after the death of Macbeth, hears the witches murmuring in the heather and gets off his horse to investigate, evidently alludes to the historical fact that Donalbain seized the throne after the death of Malcolm. Donalbain (Macbeth) Donalbain is a character in William Shakespeare's \"Macbeth\" (c. 1603\u20131607). He is the younger son of King Duncan and brother to Malcolm, the heir to the throne. Donalbain flees to Ireland after the murder of his father for refuge. He is based upon a personage in an account of King Duncan in \"Holinshed's","Document [13](Title: King Duncan) \"Macbeth on the Estate\" (1997), Laurence Payne in \"\" \"Macbeth\" (1992), Griffith Jones in \"A Performance of Macbeth\" (1979), and Jacques Mauclair in \"Macbett\" (1974), Kevin Coughlin on the \"Goodyear Television Playhouse\" (1955), and Lee Patterson on the \"Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Presents\" \"Dream Stuff\" (1954). Other television performers of the role include Philip Madoc (1998), Mark Dignam (1983), Powys Thomas (1961), Malcolm Keen (1960), Leo G. Carroll (1949), Arthur Wontner (1949). King Duncan King Duncan is a fictional character in Shakespeare's \"Macbeth.\" He is the father of two youthful sons (Malcolm and Donalbain), and the victim of a well-plotted regicide","Document [14](Title: Malcolm III of Scotland) Then Ross comes and Duncan decides that Macbeth should take the title of Thane of Cawdor. Then he later appears in Act 1.4 talking about the execution of the former Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth then enters and they congratulate him on his victory. He later appears in Macbeth's castle as a guest. When his father is killed he is suspected of the murder so he escapes to England. He later makes an appearance in Act 4.3, where he talks to Macduff about Macbeth and what to do. They both decide to start a war against him. In Act 5.4 he","Document [15](Title: Macbeth) Elder), the Earl of Northumberland, against Dunsinane Castle. While encamped in Birnam Wood, the soldiers are ordered to cut down and carry tree limbs to camouflage their numbers. Before Macbeth's opponents arrive, he receives news that Lady Macbeth has killed herself, causing him to sink into a deep and pessimistic despair and deliver his \"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow\" soliloquy (V.v.17\u201328). Though he reflects on the brevity and meaninglessness of life, he nevertheless awaits the English and fortifies Dunsinane. He is certain that the witches' prophecies guarantee his invincibility, but is struck with fear when he learns that the English","Document [16](Title: Macbeth (opera)) the encounter with the witches. She is determined to propel Macbeth to the throne - by fair means or foul. Lady Macbeth is advised that King Duncan will stay in the castle that night; she is determined to see him killed (\"Or tutti, sorgete\" \/ \"Arise now, all you ministers of hell\"). When Macbeth returns she urges him to take the opportunity to kill the King. The King and the nobles arrive and Macbeth is emboldened to carry out the murder (\"Mi si affaccia un pugnal?\" \/ \"Is this a dagger which I see before me?\"), but afterwards is filled","Document [17](Title: Macbeth (1971 film)) seeks out the witches, who are performing a nude ritual. The witches and the spirits they summon deceive Macbeth into thinking he is invincible, as he cannot be killed except by a man not born of woman, and will not be defeated until \"Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane.\" After Macduff flees to England, Ross leaves Fife's castle doors open, so Macbeth's murderers can kill Lady Macduff and the rest of the family and servants. With nobles fleeing Scotland, Macbeth chooses a new Thane of Cawdor, bestowing the title on Seyton over Ross. Disappointed, Ross joins Malcolm and Macduff in England,","Document [18](Title: Macbeth, King of Scotland) Macbeth, King of Scotland Macbeth (Medieval Gaelic: \"Mac Bethad mac Findla\u00edch\"; Modern Gaelic: \"MacBheatha mac Fhionnlaigh\"; nicknamed \"\", \"the Red King\"; \u2013 15 August 1057) was King of Scots from 1040 until his death. He was titled King of Alba during his life, and ruled over only a portion of present-day Scotland. Little is known about Macbeth's early life, although he was the son of Findl\u00e1ech of Moray and may have been a grandson of Malcolm II. He became Mormaer of Moray \u2013 a semi-autonomous lordship \u2013 in 1032, and was probably responsible for the death of the previous mormaer,","Document [19](Title: Donalbain (Macbeth)) Donalbain (Macbeth) Donalbain is a character in William Shakespeare's \"Macbeth\" (c. 1603\u20131607). He is the younger son of King Duncan and brother to Malcolm, the heir to the throne. Donalbain flees to Ireland after the murder of his father for refuge. He is based upon a personage in an account of King Duncan in \"Holinshed's Chronicles\", a history of Britain familiar to Shakespeare. He is ultimately based on the historical King Donald III of Scotland. In the original text of the First Folio his name is spelled Donalbaine, and is sometimes also spelled Donaldbain. Shakespeare's Donalbain is based upon 'Donald","Document [20](Title: Macbeth, King of Scotland) kings. Macbeth was initially succeeded by his stepson Lulach, but Lulach ruled for only a few months before also being killed by Malcolm III, whose descendants would rule Scotland until the late 13th century. Macbeth is today best known as the main character of William Shakespeare's tragedy \"Macbeth\" and the many works it has inspired. However, Shakespeare's Macbeth is based on the \"Holinshed's Chronicles\" (published in 1577) and is not historically accurate. Macbeth's full name in Medieval Gaelic was '. This is realised as ' in Modern Gaelic, and anglicised as Macbeth MacFinlay (also spelled Findlay, Findley, or Finley). The"],"query":"character in macbeth who is murdered and appears as a ghost?","answers":["Lord Banquo","Banquo"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Macbeth) would already be aware that a ghost enters at that point. Ferdinand Fleck, notable as the first German actor to present Shakespeare's tragic roles in their fullness, played Macbeth at the Berlin National Theatre from 1787. Unlike his English counterparts, he portrayed the character as achieving his stature after the murder of Duncan, growing in presence and confidence: thereby enabling stark contrasts, such as in the banquet scene, which he ended babbling like a child. Performances outside the patent theatres were instrumental in bringing the monopoly to an end. Robert Elliston, for example, produced a popular adaptation of \"Macbeth\" in","Document [2](Title: Lady Macbeth) Lady Macbeth Lady Macbeth is a leading character in William Shakespeare's tragedy \"Macbeth\" (c.1603\u20131607). The wife of the play's tragic hero, Macbeth (a Scottish nobleman), Lady Macbeth goads her husband into committing regicide, after which she becomes queen of Scotland. Later, however, she suffers pangs of guilt for her part in the crime, which drives her to sleepwalk. She dies off-stage in the last act, an apparent suicide. According to some genealogists, Lady Macbeth and King Duncan's wife were siblings or cousins, where Duncan's wife had a stronger claim to the throne than Lady Macbeth. It was this that incited","Document [3](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) show him a vision of slain soldiers who tell him to beware of Macduff, and that Macbeth shall be King until Great Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane Hill, where the royal castle is built. Finally, the ghost of the slain boy soldier who gave him the dagger tells Macbeth that he won't be slain by any man born of a woman. The King is found wandering the hills by Lennox who tells him that Macduff has fled to England. Anxious at this, in a fit of rage, Macbeth orders Macduff's family and servants to be killed. Lady Macduff and her","Document [4](Title: Macduff (Macbeth)) Macduff (Macbeth) Lord Macduff, the Thane of Fife, is a character in William Shakespeare's \"Macbeth\" (c.1603\u20131607). Macduff plays a pivotal role in the play: he suspects Macbeth of regicide and eventually kills Macbeth in the final act. He can be seen as the avenging hero who helps save Scotland from Macbeth's tyranny in the play. The character is first known from \"Chronica Gentis Scotorum\" (late 14th century) and \"Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland\" (early 15th century). Shakespeare drew mostly from \"Holinshed's Chronicles\" (1587). Although characterised sporadically throughout the play, Macduff serves as a foil to Macbeth and a figure of morality.","Document [5](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) done, and how her hands are covered in blood. She then sees the ghost of her dead child, which she urges to go to bed. Then she wanders in the hills and sees the three witches as she walks towards them. In the castle, rumours spread that Macbeth has gone mad and his subjects fear his anger and tyrannical behaviour. Macbeth is told that his wife is dead. Saying \"tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow\", he then lifts her body and carries it around the chamber in despair. Seyton then brings him news that Malcolm is leading an army against him","Document [6](Title: Macduff (Macbeth)) 2, scene 3 to the drunken porter to report to his duty of awaking King Duncan when he is sleeping for the night at Macbeth's castle. When he discovers the corpse of King Duncan (murdered by Macbeth, but it appears that nearby guards are guilty since Macbeth\u2014at the prodding of Lady Macbeth\u2014put his knife by them and smeared them with Duncan's blood), he raises an alarm, informing the castle that the king has been murdered. Macduff begins to suspect Macbeth of regicide when Macbeth says, \"O, yet I do repent me of my fury \/ That I did kill them\"","Document [7](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) sees the ghost of one of the dead boy soldiers who gives him a dagger and leads him towards Duncan's tent. Macbeth brutally slays Duncan. Malcolm enters the tent and, seeing what Macbeth has done, flees in fear. Shaken, Macbeth goes to his wife and gives her the dagger he has used to kill the King. Lady Macbeth rebukes him, saying that he should have left it in the tent and she goes herself to place the dagger in the hands of the sleeping chamberlains. Later she meets Macbeth in the church where they both wash the blood from their","Document [8](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) hands and she tells him that the water has washed their deed away. In the morning, Macduff finds Duncan dead, and Macbeth slaughters the sleeping servants to prevent their denial of the murder. Macduff and Lennox, a Scottish noble, discuss that as Malcolm has fled to England that puts him under suspicion of being involved in the murder. They also admire Macbeth's justice on the supposedly-treacherous servants. With Malcolm gone, Macbeth is asked to become King of Scotland. After the coronation he sits in a sour mood in his chamber where Lady Macbeth comes to him. He complains that killing","Document [9](Title: Duncan I of Scotland) probably on 14 August 1040. He is thought to have been buried at Elgin before later relocation to the Isle of Iona. Duncan is depicted as an elderly King in the play \"Macbeth\" (1606) by William Shakespeare. He is killed in his sleep by the protagonist, Macbeth. In the historical novel \"Macbeth the King\" (1978) by Nigel Tranter, Duncan is portrayed as a schemer who is fearful of Macbeth as a possible rival for the throne. He tries to assassinate Macbeth by poisoning and then when this fails, attacks his home with an army. In self-defence Macbeth meets him in","Document [10](Title: Banquo) Lord Banquo \/\u02c8b\u00e6\u014bkwo\u028a\/, the Thane of Lochaber, is a character in William Shakespeare's 1606 play Macbeth. In the play, he is at first an ally to Macbeth (both are generals in the King's army) and they meet the Three Witches together. After prophesying that Macbeth will become king, the witches tell Banquo that he will not be king himself, but that his descendants will be. Later, Macbeth in his lust for power sees Banquo as a threat and has him murdered by two hired assassins\u00a0; Banquo's son, Fleance, escapes. Banquo's ghost returns in a later scene [Banquet Scene] , causing Macbeth to react with alarm during a public feast.","Document [11](Title: Paris during the Bourbon Restoration) of the Com\u00e9die-Fran\u00e7aise, who had been a favorite of Napoleon. His version of \"MacBeth\", according to an English visitor who saw it in 1814, his performance had some notable differences from the usual English version. The witches and ghosts in the play never appeared on the stage, since, in Talma's view, they existed only in his imagination; he simply described them to the audience. Mademoiselle George was the most famous female dramatic actress, Abraham-Joseph B\u00e9nard, known as Fleury, was the most famous comic actor, and Mademoiselle Mars was the leading comic actress on the Paris stage. The English visitor commented","Document [12](Title: Donalbain (Macbeth)) Polanski's film of Macbeth, in which Donalbain, returning to Scotland after the death of Macbeth, hears the witches murmuring in the heather and gets off his horse to investigate, evidently alludes to the historical fact that Donalbain seized the throne after the death of Malcolm. Donalbain (Macbeth) Donalbain is a character in William Shakespeare's \"Macbeth\" (c. 1603\u20131607). He is the younger son of King Duncan and brother to Malcolm, the heir to the throne. Donalbain flees to Ireland after the murder of his father for refuge. He is based upon a personage in an account of King Duncan in \"Holinshed's","Document [13](Title: King Duncan) \"Macbeth on the Estate\" (1997), Laurence Payne in \"\" \"Macbeth\" (1992), Griffith Jones in \"A Performance of Macbeth\" (1979), and Jacques Mauclair in \"Macbett\" (1974), Kevin Coughlin on the \"Goodyear Television Playhouse\" (1955), and Lee Patterson on the \"Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Presents\" \"Dream Stuff\" (1954). Other television performers of the role include Philip Madoc (1998), Mark Dignam (1983), Powys Thomas (1961), Malcolm Keen (1960), Leo G. Carroll (1949), Arthur Wontner (1949). King Duncan King Duncan is a fictional character in Shakespeare's \"Macbeth.\" He is the father of two youthful sons (Malcolm and Donalbain), and the victim of a well-plotted regicide","Document [14](Title: Malcolm III of Scotland) Then Ross comes and Duncan decides that Macbeth should take the title of Thane of Cawdor. Then he later appears in Act 1.4 talking about the execution of the former Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth then enters and they congratulate him on his victory. He later appears in Macbeth's castle as a guest. When his father is killed he is suspected of the murder so he escapes to England. He later makes an appearance in Act 4.3, where he talks to Macduff about Macbeth and what to do. They both decide to start a war against him. In Act 5.4 he","Document [15](Title: Macbeth) Elder), the Earl of Northumberland, against Dunsinane Castle. While encamped in Birnam Wood, the soldiers are ordered to cut down and carry tree limbs to camouflage their numbers. Before Macbeth's opponents arrive, he receives news that Lady Macbeth has killed herself, causing him to sink into a deep and pessimistic despair and deliver his \"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow\" soliloquy (V.v.17\u201328). Though he reflects on the brevity and meaninglessness of life, he nevertheless awaits the English and fortifies Dunsinane. He is certain that the witches' prophecies guarantee his invincibility, but is struck with fear when he learns that the English","Document [16](Title: Macbeth (opera)) the encounter with the witches. She is determined to propel Macbeth to the throne - by fair means or foul. Lady Macbeth is advised that King Duncan will stay in the castle that night; she is determined to see him killed (\"Or tutti, sorgete\" \/ \"Arise now, all you ministers of hell\"). When Macbeth returns she urges him to take the opportunity to kill the King. The King and the nobles arrive and Macbeth is emboldened to carry out the murder (\"Mi si affaccia un pugnal?\" \/ \"Is this a dagger which I see before me?\"), but afterwards is filled","Document [17](Title: Macbeth (1971 film)) seeks out the witches, who are performing a nude ritual. The witches and the spirits they summon deceive Macbeth into thinking he is invincible, as he cannot be killed except by a man not born of woman, and will not be defeated until \"Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane.\" After Macduff flees to England, Ross leaves Fife's castle doors open, so Macbeth's murderers can kill Lady Macduff and the rest of the family and servants. With nobles fleeing Scotland, Macbeth chooses a new Thane of Cawdor, bestowing the title on Seyton over Ross. Disappointed, Ross joins Malcolm and Macduff in England,","Document [18](Title: Macbeth, King of Scotland) Macbeth, King of Scotland Macbeth (Medieval Gaelic: \"Mac Bethad mac Findla\u00edch\"; Modern Gaelic: \"MacBheatha mac Fhionnlaigh\"; nicknamed \"\", \"the Red King\"; \u2013 15 August 1057) was King of Scots from 1040 until his death. He was titled King of Alba during his life, and ruled over only a portion of present-day Scotland. Little is known about Macbeth's early life, although he was the son of Findl\u00e1ech of Moray and may have been a grandson of Malcolm II. He became Mormaer of Moray \u2013 a semi-autonomous lordship \u2013 in 1032, and was probably responsible for the death of the previous mormaer,","Document [19](Title: Donalbain (Macbeth)) Donalbain (Macbeth) Donalbain is a character in William Shakespeare's \"Macbeth\" (c. 1603\u20131607). He is the younger son of King Duncan and brother to Malcolm, the heir to the throne. Donalbain flees to Ireland after the murder of his father for refuge. He is based upon a personage in an account of King Duncan in \"Holinshed's Chronicles\", a history of Britain familiar to Shakespeare. He is ultimately based on the historical King Donald III of Scotland. In the original text of the First Folio his name is spelled Donalbaine, and is sometimes also spelled Donaldbain. Shakespeare's Donalbain is based upon 'Donald","Document [20](Title: Macbeth, King of Scotland) kings. Macbeth was initially succeeded by his stepson Lulach, but Lulach ruled for only a few months before also being killed by Malcolm III, whose descendants would rule Scotland until the late 13th century. Macbeth is today best known as the main character of William Shakespeare's tragedy \"Macbeth\" and the many works it has inspired. However, Shakespeare's Macbeth is based on the \"Holinshed's Chronicles\" (published in 1577) and is not historically accurate. Macbeth's full name in Medieval Gaelic was '. This is realised as ' in Modern Gaelic, and anglicised as Macbeth MacFinlay (also spelled Findlay, Findley, or Finley). The"],"query":"character in macbeth who is murdered and appears as a ghost?","answers":["Lord Banquo","Banquo"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Macbeth) would already be aware that a ghost enters at that point. Ferdinand Fleck, notable as the first German actor to present Shakespeare's tragic roles in their fullness, played Macbeth at the Berlin National Theatre from 1787. Unlike his English counterparts, he portrayed the character as achieving his stature after the murder of Duncan, growing in presence and confidence: thereby enabling stark contrasts, such as in the banquet scene, which he ended babbling like a child. Performances outside the patent theatres were instrumental in bringing the monopoly to an end. Robert Elliston, for example, produced a popular adaptation of \"Macbeth\" in","Document [2](Title: Lady Macbeth) Lady Macbeth Lady Macbeth is a leading character in William Shakespeare's tragedy \"Macbeth\" (c.1603\u20131607). The wife of the play's tragic hero, Macbeth (a Scottish nobleman), Lady Macbeth goads her husband into committing regicide, after which she becomes queen of Scotland. Later, however, she suffers pangs of guilt for her part in the crime, which drives her to sleepwalk. She dies off-stage in the last act, an apparent suicide. According to some genealogists, Lady Macbeth and King Duncan's wife were siblings or cousins, where Duncan's wife had a stronger claim to the throne than Lady Macbeth. It was this that incited","Document [3](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) show him a vision of slain soldiers who tell him to beware of Macduff, and that Macbeth shall be King until Great Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane Hill, where the royal castle is built. Finally, the ghost of the slain boy soldier who gave him the dagger tells Macbeth that he won't be slain by any man born of a woman. The King is found wandering the hills by Lennox who tells him that Macduff has fled to England. Anxious at this, in a fit of rage, Macbeth orders Macduff's family and servants to be killed. Lady Macduff and her","Document [4](Title: Macduff (Macbeth)) Macduff (Macbeth) Lord Macduff, the Thane of Fife, is a character in William Shakespeare's \"Macbeth\" (c.1603\u20131607). Macduff plays a pivotal role in the play: he suspects Macbeth of regicide and eventually kills Macbeth in the final act. He can be seen as the avenging hero who helps save Scotland from Macbeth's tyranny in the play. The character is first known from \"Chronica Gentis Scotorum\" (late 14th century) and \"Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland\" (early 15th century). Shakespeare drew mostly from \"Holinshed's Chronicles\" (1587). Although characterised sporadically throughout the play, Macduff serves as a foil to Macbeth and a figure of morality.","Document [5](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) done, and how her hands are covered in blood. She then sees the ghost of her dead child, which she urges to go to bed. Then she wanders in the hills and sees the three witches as she walks towards them. In the castle, rumours spread that Macbeth has gone mad and his subjects fear his anger and tyrannical behaviour. Macbeth is told that his wife is dead. Saying \"tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow\", he then lifts her body and carries it around the chamber in despair. Seyton then brings him news that Malcolm is leading an army against him","Document [6](Title: Macduff (Macbeth)) 2, scene 3 to the drunken porter to report to his duty of awaking King Duncan when he is sleeping for the night at Macbeth's castle. When he discovers the corpse of King Duncan (murdered by Macbeth, but it appears that nearby guards are guilty since Macbeth\u2014at the prodding of Lady Macbeth\u2014put his knife by them and smeared them with Duncan's blood), he raises an alarm, informing the castle that the king has been murdered. Macduff begins to suspect Macbeth of regicide when Macbeth says, \"O, yet I do repent me of my fury \/ That I did kill them\"","Document [7](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) sees the ghost of one of the dead boy soldiers who gives him a dagger and leads him towards Duncan's tent. Macbeth brutally slays Duncan. Malcolm enters the tent and, seeing what Macbeth has done, flees in fear. Shaken, Macbeth goes to his wife and gives her the dagger he has used to kill the King. Lady Macbeth rebukes him, saying that he should have left it in the tent and she goes herself to place the dagger in the hands of the sleeping chamberlains. Later she meets Macbeth in the church where they both wash the blood from their","Document [8](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) hands and she tells him that the water has washed their deed away. In the morning, Macduff finds Duncan dead, and Macbeth slaughters the sleeping servants to prevent their denial of the murder. Macduff and Lennox, a Scottish noble, discuss that as Malcolm has fled to England that puts him under suspicion of being involved in the murder. They also admire Macbeth's justice on the supposedly-treacherous servants. With Malcolm gone, Macbeth is asked to become King of Scotland. After the coronation he sits in a sour mood in his chamber where Lady Macbeth comes to him. He complains that killing","Document [9](Title: Duncan I of Scotland) probably on 14 August 1040. He is thought to have been buried at Elgin before later relocation to the Isle of Iona. Duncan is depicted as an elderly King in the play \"Macbeth\" (1606) by William Shakespeare. He is killed in his sleep by the protagonist, Macbeth. In the historical novel \"Macbeth the King\" (1978) by Nigel Tranter, Duncan is portrayed as a schemer who is fearful of Macbeth as a possible rival for the throne. He tries to assassinate Macbeth by poisoning and then when this fails, attacks his home with an army. In self-defence Macbeth meets him in","Document [10](Title: Paris during the Bourbon Restoration) of the Com\u00e9die-Fran\u00e7aise, who had been a favorite of Napoleon. His version of \"MacBeth\", according to an English visitor who saw it in 1814, his performance had some notable differences from the usual English version. The witches and ghosts in the play never appeared on the stage, since, in Talma's view, they existed only in his imagination; he simply described them to the audience. Mademoiselle George was the most famous female dramatic actress, Abraham-Joseph B\u00e9nard, known as Fleury, was the most famous comic actor, and Mademoiselle Mars was the leading comic actress on the Paris stage. The English visitor commented","Document [11](Title: Donalbain (Macbeth)) Polanski's film of Macbeth, in which Donalbain, returning to Scotland after the death of Macbeth, hears the witches murmuring in the heather and gets off his horse to investigate, evidently alludes to the historical fact that Donalbain seized the throne after the death of Malcolm. Donalbain (Macbeth) Donalbain is a character in William Shakespeare's \"Macbeth\" (c. 1603\u20131607). He is the younger son of King Duncan and brother to Malcolm, the heir to the throne. Donalbain flees to Ireland after the murder of his father for refuge. He is based upon a personage in an account of King Duncan in \"Holinshed's","Document [12](Title: King Duncan) \"Macbeth on the Estate\" (1997), Laurence Payne in \"\" \"Macbeth\" (1992), Griffith Jones in \"A Performance of Macbeth\" (1979), and Jacques Mauclair in \"Macbett\" (1974), Kevin Coughlin on the \"Goodyear Television Playhouse\" (1955), and Lee Patterson on the \"Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Presents\" \"Dream Stuff\" (1954). Other television performers of the role include Philip Madoc (1998), Mark Dignam (1983), Powys Thomas (1961), Malcolm Keen (1960), Leo G. Carroll (1949), Arthur Wontner (1949). King Duncan King Duncan is a fictional character in Shakespeare's \"Macbeth.\" He is the father of two youthful sons (Malcolm and Donalbain), and the victim of a well-plotted regicide","Document [13](Title: Malcolm III of Scotland) Then Ross comes and Duncan decides that Macbeth should take the title of Thane of Cawdor. Then he later appears in Act 1.4 talking about the execution of the former Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth then enters and they congratulate him on his victory. He later appears in Macbeth's castle as a guest. When his father is killed he is suspected of the murder so he escapes to England. He later makes an appearance in Act 4.3, where he talks to Macduff about Macbeth and what to do. They both decide to start a war against him. In Act 5.4 he","Document [14](Title: Macbeth) Elder), the Earl of Northumberland, against Dunsinane Castle. While encamped in Birnam Wood, the soldiers are ordered to cut down and carry tree limbs to camouflage their numbers. Before Macbeth's opponents arrive, he receives news that Lady Macbeth has killed herself, causing him to sink into a deep and pessimistic despair and deliver his \"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow\" soliloquy (V.v.17\u201328). Though he reflects on the brevity and meaninglessness of life, he nevertheless awaits the English and fortifies Dunsinane. He is certain that the witches' prophecies guarantee his invincibility, but is struck with fear when he learns that the English","Document [15](Title: Banquo) Lord Banquo \/\u02c8b\u00e6\u014bkwo\u028a\/, the Thane of Lochaber, is a character in William Shakespeare's 1606 play Macbeth. In the play, he is at first an ally to Macbeth (both are generals in the King's army) and they meet the Three Witches together. After prophesying that Macbeth will become king, the witches tell Banquo that he will not be king himself, but that his descendants will be. Later, Macbeth in his lust for power sees Banquo as a threat and has him murdered by two hired assassins\u00a0; Banquo's son, Fleance, escapes. Banquo's ghost returns in a later scene [Banquet Scene] , causing Macbeth to react with alarm during a public feast.","Document [16](Title: Macbeth (opera)) the encounter with the witches. She is determined to propel Macbeth to the throne - by fair means or foul. Lady Macbeth is advised that King Duncan will stay in the castle that night; she is determined to see him killed (\"Or tutti, sorgete\" \/ \"Arise now, all you ministers of hell\"). When Macbeth returns she urges him to take the opportunity to kill the King. The King and the nobles arrive and Macbeth is emboldened to carry out the murder (\"Mi si affaccia un pugnal?\" \/ \"Is this a dagger which I see before me?\"), but afterwards is filled","Document [17](Title: Macbeth (1971 film)) seeks out the witches, who are performing a nude ritual. The witches and the spirits they summon deceive Macbeth into thinking he is invincible, as he cannot be killed except by a man not born of woman, and will not be defeated until \"Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane.\" After Macduff flees to England, Ross leaves Fife's castle doors open, so Macbeth's murderers can kill Lady Macduff and the rest of the family and servants. With nobles fleeing Scotland, Macbeth chooses a new Thane of Cawdor, bestowing the title on Seyton over Ross. Disappointed, Ross joins Malcolm and Macduff in England,","Document [18](Title: Macbeth, King of Scotland) Macbeth, King of Scotland Macbeth (Medieval Gaelic: \"Mac Bethad mac Findla\u00edch\"; Modern Gaelic: \"MacBheatha mac Fhionnlaigh\"; nicknamed \"\", \"the Red King\"; \u2013 15 August 1057) was King of Scots from 1040 until his death. He was titled King of Alba during his life, and ruled over only a portion of present-day Scotland. Little is known about Macbeth's early life, although he was the son of Findl\u00e1ech of Moray and may have been a grandson of Malcolm II. He became Mormaer of Moray \u2013 a semi-autonomous lordship \u2013 in 1032, and was probably responsible for the death of the previous mormaer,","Document [19](Title: Donalbain (Macbeth)) Donalbain (Macbeth) Donalbain is a character in William Shakespeare's \"Macbeth\" (c. 1603\u20131607). He is the younger son of King Duncan and brother to Malcolm, the heir to the throne. Donalbain flees to Ireland after the murder of his father for refuge. He is based upon a personage in an account of King Duncan in \"Holinshed's Chronicles\", a history of Britain familiar to Shakespeare. He is ultimately based on the historical King Donald III of Scotland. In the original text of the First Folio his name is spelled Donalbaine, and is sometimes also spelled Donaldbain. Shakespeare's Donalbain is based upon 'Donald","Document [20](Title: Macbeth, King of Scotland) kings. Macbeth was initially succeeded by his stepson Lulach, but Lulach ruled for only a few months before also being killed by Malcolm III, whose descendants would rule Scotland until the late 13th century. Macbeth is today best known as the main character of William Shakespeare's tragedy \"Macbeth\" and the many works it has inspired. However, Shakespeare's Macbeth is based on the \"Holinshed's Chronicles\" (published in 1577) and is not historically accurate. Macbeth's full name in Medieval Gaelic was '. This is realised as ' in Modern Gaelic, and anglicised as Macbeth MacFinlay (also spelled Findlay, Findley, or Finley). The"],"query":"character in macbeth who is murdered and appears as a ghost?","answers":["Lord Banquo","Banquo"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Macbeth) would already be aware that a ghost enters at that point. Ferdinand Fleck, notable as the first German actor to present Shakespeare's tragic roles in their fullness, played Macbeth at the Berlin National Theatre from 1787. Unlike his English counterparts, he portrayed the character as achieving his stature after the murder of Duncan, growing in presence and confidence: thereby enabling stark contrasts, such as in the banquet scene, which he ended babbling like a child. Performances outside the patent theatres were instrumental in bringing the monopoly to an end. Robert Elliston, for example, produced a popular adaptation of \"Macbeth\" in","Document [2](Title: Lady Macbeth) Lady Macbeth Lady Macbeth is a leading character in William Shakespeare's tragedy \"Macbeth\" (c.1603\u20131607). The wife of the play's tragic hero, Macbeth (a Scottish nobleman), Lady Macbeth goads her husband into committing regicide, after which she becomes queen of Scotland. Later, however, she suffers pangs of guilt for her part in the crime, which drives her to sleepwalk. She dies off-stage in the last act, an apparent suicide. According to some genealogists, Lady Macbeth and King Duncan's wife were siblings or cousins, where Duncan's wife had a stronger claim to the throne than Lady Macbeth. It was this that incited","Document [3](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) show him a vision of slain soldiers who tell him to beware of Macduff, and that Macbeth shall be King until Great Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane Hill, where the royal castle is built. Finally, the ghost of the slain boy soldier who gave him the dagger tells Macbeth that he won't be slain by any man born of a woman. The King is found wandering the hills by Lennox who tells him that Macduff has fled to England. Anxious at this, in a fit of rage, Macbeth orders Macduff's family and servants to be killed. Lady Macduff and her","Document [4](Title: Macduff (Macbeth)) Macduff (Macbeth) Lord Macduff, the Thane of Fife, is a character in William Shakespeare's \"Macbeth\" (c.1603\u20131607). Macduff plays a pivotal role in the play: he suspects Macbeth of regicide and eventually kills Macbeth in the final act. He can be seen as the avenging hero who helps save Scotland from Macbeth's tyranny in the play. The character is first known from \"Chronica Gentis Scotorum\" (late 14th century) and \"Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland\" (early 15th century). Shakespeare drew mostly from \"Holinshed's Chronicles\" (1587). Although characterised sporadically throughout the play, Macduff serves as a foil to Macbeth and a figure of morality.","Document [5](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) done, and how her hands are covered in blood. She then sees the ghost of her dead child, which she urges to go to bed. Then she wanders in the hills and sees the three witches as she walks towards them. In the castle, rumours spread that Macbeth has gone mad and his subjects fear his anger and tyrannical behaviour. Macbeth is told that his wife is dead. Saying \"tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow\", he then lifts her body and carries it around the chamber in despair. Seyton then brings him news that Malcolm is leading an army against him","Document [6](Title: Macduff (Macbeth)) 2, scene 3 to the drunken porter to report to his duty of awaking King Duncan when he is sleeping for the night at Macbeth's castle. When he discovers the corpse of King Duncan (murdered by Macbeth, but it appears that nearby guards are guilty since Macbeth\u2014at the prodding of Lady Macbeth\u2014put his knife by them and smeared them with Duncan's blood), he raises an alarm, informing the castle that the king has been murdered. Macduff begins to suspect Macbeth of regicide when Macbeth says, \"O, yet I do repent me of my fury \/ That I did kill them\"","Document [7](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) sees the ghost of one of the dead boy soldiers who gives him a dagger and leads him towards Duncan's tent. Macbeth brutally slays Duncan. Malcolm enters the tent and, seeing what Macbeth has done, flees in fear. Shaken, Macbeth goes to his wife and gives her the dagger he has used to kill the King. Lady Macbeth rebukes him, saying that he should have left it in the tent and she goes herself to place the dagger in the hands of the sleeping chamberlains. Later she meets Macbeth in the church where they both wash the blood from their","Document [8](Title: Macbeth (2015 film)) hands and she tells him that the water has washed their deed away. In the morning, Macduff finds Duncan dead, and Macbeth slaughters the sleeping servants to prevent their denial of the murder. Macduff and Lennox, a Scottish noble, discuss that as Malcolm has fled to England that puts him under suspicion of being involved in the murder. They also admire Macbeth's justice on the supposedly-treacherous servants. With Malcolm gone, Macbeth is asked to become King of Scotland. After the coronation he sits in a sour mood in his chamber where Lady Macbeth comes to him. He complains that killing","Document [9](Title: Duncan I of Scotland) probably on 14 August 1040. He is thought to have been buried at Elgin before later relocation to the Isle of Iona. Duncan is depicted as an elderly King in the play \"Macbeth\" (1606) by William Shakespeare. He is killed in his sleep by the protagonist, Macbeth. In the historical novel \"Macbeth the King\" (1978) by Nigel Tranter, Duncan is portrayed as a schemer who is fearful of Macbeth as a possible rival for the throne. He tries to assassinate Macbeth by poisoning and then when this fails, attacks his home with an army. In self-defence Macbeth meets him in","Document [10](Title: Paris during the Bourbon Restoration) of the Com\u00e9die-Fran\u00e7aise, who had been a favorite of Napoleon. His version of \"MacBeth\", according to an English visitor who saw it in 1814, his performance had some notable differences from the usual English version. The witches and ghosts in the play never appeared on the stage, since, in Talma's view, they existed only in his imagination; he simply described them to the audience. Mademoiselle George was the most famous female dramatic actress, Abraham-Joseph B\u00e9nard, known as Fleury, was the most famous comic actor, and Mademoiselle Mars was the leading comic actress on the Paris stage. The English visitor commented","Document [11](Title: Donalbain (Macbeth)) Polanski's film of Macbeth, in which Donalbain, returning to Scotland after the death of Macbeth, hears the witches murmuring in the heather and gets off his horse to investigate, evidently alludes to the historical fact that Donalbain seized the throne after the death of Malcolm. Donalbain (Macbeth) Donalbain is a character in William Shakespeare's \"Macbeth\" (c. 1603\u20131607). He is the younger son of King Duncan and brother to Malcolm, the heir to the throne. Donalbain flees to Ireland after the murder of his father for refuge. He is based upon a personage in an account of King Duncan in \"Holinshed's","Document [12](Title: King Duncan) \"Macbeth on the Estate\" (1997), Laurence Payne in \"\" \"Macbeth\" (1992), Griffith Jones in \"A Performance of Macbeth\" (1979), and Jacques Mauclair in \"Macbett\" (1974), Kevin Coughlin on the \"Goodyear Television Playhouse\" (1955), and Lee Patterson on the \"Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Presents\" \"Dream Stuff\" (1954). Other television performers of the role include Philip Madoc (1998), Mark Dignam (1983), Powys Thomas (1961), Malcolm Keen (1960), Leo G. Carroll (1949), Arthur Wontner (1949). King Duncan King Duncan is a fictional character in Shakespeare's \"Macbeth.\" He is the father of two youthful sons (Malcolm and Donalbain), and the victim of a well-plotted regicide","Document [13](Title: Malcolm III of Scotland) Then Ross comes and Duncan decides that Macbeth should take the title of Thane of Cawdor. Then he later appears in Act 1.4 talking about the execution of the former Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth then enters and they congratulate him on his victory. He later appears in Macbeth's castle as a guest. When his father is killed he is suspected of the murder so he escapes to England. He later makes an appearance in Act 4.3, where he talks to Macduff about Macbeth and what to do. They both decide to start a war against him. In Act 5.4 he","Document [14](Title: Macbeth) Elder), the Earl of Northumberland, against Dunsinane Castle. While encamped in Birnam Wood, the soldiers are ordered to cut down and carry tree limbs to camouflage their numbers. Before Macbeth's opponents arrive, he receives news that Lady Macbeth has killed herself, causing him to sink into a deep and pessimistic despair and deliver his \"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow\" soliloquy (V.v.17\u201328). Though he reflects on the brevity and meaninglessness of life, he nevertheless awaits the English and fortifies Dunsinane. He is certain that the witches' prophecies guarantee his invincibility, but is struck with fear when he learns that the English","Document [15](Title: Macbeth (opera)) the encounter with the witches. She is determined to propel Macbeth to the throne - by fair means or foul. Lady Macbeth is advised that King Duncan will stay in the castle that night; she is determined to see him killed (\"Or tutti, sorgete\" \/ \"Arise now, all you ministers of hell\"). When Macbeth returns she urges him to take the opportunity to kill the King. The King and the nobles arrive and Macbeth is emboldened to carry out the murder (\"Mi si affaccia un pugnal?\" \/ \"Is this a dagger which I see before me?\"), but afterwards is filled","Document [16](Title: Macbeth (1971 film)) seeks out the witches, who are performing a nude ritual. The witches and the spirits they summon deceive Macbeth into thinking he is invincible, as he cannot be killed except by a man not born of woman, and will not be defeated until \"Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane.\" After Macduff flees to England, Ross leaves Fife's castle doors open, so Macbeth's murderers can kill Lady Macduff and the rest of the family and servants. With nobles fleeing Scotland, Macbeth chooses a new Thane of Cawdor, bestowing the title on Seyton over Ross. Disappointed, Ross joins Malcolm and Macduff in England,","Document [17](Title: Macbeth, King of Scotland) Macbeth, King of Scotland Macbeth (Medieval Gaelic: \"Mac Bethad mac Findla\u00edch\"; Modern Gaelic: \"MacBheatha mac Fhionnlaigh\"; nicknamed \"\", \"the Red King\"; \u2013 15 August 1057) was King of Scots from 1040 until his death. He was titled King of Alba during his life, and ruled over only a portion of present-day Scotland. Little is known about Macbeth's early life, although he was the son of Findl\u00e1ech of Moray and may have been a grandson of Malcolm II. He became Mormaer of Moray \u2013 a semi-autonomous lordship \u2013 in 1032, and was probably responsible for the death of the previous mormaer,","Document [18](Title: Donalbain (Macbeth)) Donalbain (Macbeth) Donalbain is a character in William Shakespeare's \"Macbeth\" (c. 1603\u20131607). He is the younger son of King Duncan and brother to Malcolm, the heir to the throne. Donalbain flees to Ireland after the murder of his father for refuge. He is based upon a personage in an account of King Duncan in \"Holinshed's Chronicles\", a history of Britain familiar to Shakespeare. He is ultimately based on the historical King Donald III of Scotland. In the original text of the First Folio his name is spelled Donalbaine, and is sometimes also spelled Donaldbain. Shakespeare's Donalbain is based upon 'Donald","Document [19](Title: Macbeth, King of Scotland) kings. Macbeth was initially succeeded by his stepson Lulach, but Lulach ruled for only a few months before also being killed by Malcolm III, whose descendants would rule Scotland until the late 13th century. Macbeth is today best known as the main character of William Shakespeare's tragedy \"Macbeth\" and the many works it has inspired. However, Shakespeare's Macbeth is based on the \"Holinshed's Chronicles\" (published in 1577) and is not historically accurate. Macbeth's full name in Medieval Gaelic was '. This is realised as ' in Modern Gaelic, and anglicised as Macbeth MacFinlay (also spelled Findlay, Findley, or Finley). The","Document [20](Title: Banquo) Lord Banquo \/\u02c8b\u00e6\u014bkwo\u028a\/, the Thane of Lochaber, is a character in William Shakespeare's 1606 play Macbeth. In the play, he is at first an ally to Macbeth (both are generals in the King's army) and they meet the Three Witches together. After prophesying that Macbeth will become king, the witches tell Banquo that he will not be king himself, but that his descendants will be. Later, Macbeth in his lust for power sees Banquo as a threat and has him murdered by two hired assassins\u00a0; Banquo's son, Fleance, escapes. Banquo's ghost returns in a later scene [Banquet Scene] , causing Macbeth to react with alarm during a public feast."],"query":"character in macbeth who is murdered and appears as a ghost?","answers":["Lord Banquo","Banquo"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane) The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is a 2006 novel by Kate DiCamillo. Following the life of a china rabbit, the book won the 2006 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award in Fiction category.","Document [2](Title: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane) Awards finalist in the children's chapter book category. In 2007 the U.S. National Education Association named it one of \"Teachers' Top 100 Books for Children\" based on an online poll. In 2012 it was ranked number 59 among all-time children's novels in a survey published by \"School Library Journal\" \u2013 the third of three books by DiCamillo in the Top 100. The book was featured in \"My Love from the Star\", a 2014 Korean drama about an alien living on Earth for 400 years who falls in love with a popular actress. This propelled the novel to the top of","Document [3](Title: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane) until a storm frees him from the seabed and a passing fisherman and his buddy pull him from their fishing net. The man takes him home to his wife where he is renamed and forced to wear dresses. Edward is passed from hand to hand of a succession of life-altering characters, such as a hobo and his dog and a four-year-old girl with tuberculosis and her brother. Edward's journeys not only take him far from home, but even farther from the selfish rabbit he once was. Eventually, Edward is cruelly broken against a counter top edge, repaired and then offered","Document [4](Title: Kate DiCamillo) In 2012 \"Winn-Dixie\" was ranked number 30 among all-time children's novels in a survey published by \"School Library Journal\", a monthly with primarily U.S. audience. \"Despereaux\" (51) and \"Edward Tulane\" (59) also made the Top 100 list. DiCamillo is the fourth U.S. National Ambassador for Young People's Literature. In 2005, \"Because of Winn-Dixie\" was released as a film by 20th Century Fox. Universal Pictures released \"The Tale of Despereaux\" on December 19, 2008. \"The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane\" was optioned by New Line Cinema and is in early pre-production. In 2013, Robert Zemeckis signed on to direct the \"Edward","Document [5](Title: Paul Tulane) Paul Tulane Paul Tulane (May 10, 1801 \u2013 March 27, 1887) was an American philanthropist, born near Princeton, New Jersey, the son of Louis Tulane, a French immigrant, and Maria Tulane. He was educated in private schools, including Somerville Academy of New Jersey, until he was fifteen years of age. He clerked briefly in a store in Princeton and thereafter spent three years touring the southern United States with a well-educated male cousin, who was a member of the bar in France. It was from this tour that Tulane developed a keen interest in New Orleans. In 1822, he established","Document [6](Title: William Marbury Carpenter) near Port Hudson, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana. In 1842, he was a professor of \"materia medica\" at the University of Louisiana, where he was appointed dean in 1845. In 1844, he published a study on the habit of dirt eating among Negro slaves, and he published several other significant studies. He was a leading proponent of research into disease transportability and transmission as related to importation of disease and outbreak of epidemics. He joined the faculty of the Medical College of Louisiana as Professor of Botany and Geology, and from 1845-1846 he was Dean of the Tulane University School","Document [7](Title: Rudolph Matas) Rudolph Matas Rudolph Matas (September 12, 1860 \u2013 September 23, 1957), a prominent and innovative surgeon was born outside of New Orleans in Bonnet Carre, Louisiana. He spent much of his childhood in his parents' native land of Spain, returning to the New Orleans in 1877 to begin his medical training at the Medical School of the University of Louisiana, now known as Tulane University School of Medicine, receiving his medical degree in 1880 at 19 years old. Dr. Matas is one of Tulane's most distinguished alumni, with 42 years of teaching in the medical school and a vast array","Document [8](Title: Tulane Review) the design award of the AWP Literary Magazine. Tulane Review Tulane Review is a literary magazine published by the members of the Tulane Literary Society of Tulane University located in New Orleans, Louisiana. First published in 1996 The \"Review\" consists of submissions of art, poetry, and prose which are chosen by members of student review boards before being chosen for final publication. It accepts work from both professional and amateur artists and writers from across the world, but generally attempts to publish at least some work from the Tulane Community whenever possible. The magazine is twice a year in the","Document [9](Title: Tulane Review) Tulane Review Tulane Review is a literary magazine published by the members of the Tulane Literary Society of Tulane University located in New Orleans, Louisiana. First published in 1996 The \"Review\" consists of submissions of art, poetry, and prose which are chosen by members of student review boards before being chosen for final publication. It accepts work from both professional and amateur artists and writers from across the world, but generally attempts to publish at least some work from the Tulane Community whenever possible. The magazine is twice a year in the fall and spring. \"Review\" is the recipient of","Document [10](Title: John Lyon (poet)) prayer and gospel sermons. Because of these daily sermons and good relations between voyagers, all 48 non-Mormon passengers were baptized, including the captain and crew, making this specific emigration voyage unique. On 23 April 1853 the \"International\" docked in New Orleans. On their last day on the \"International\", Lyon was appointed to lead the 237 Ten Pound Saints (referring to the fact that they each paid ten pounds for the journey to Zion). The Ten Pound Saints stayed in New Orleans for four days before boarding the a Mississippi steamer called the \"Leah Tunah\" and prepared for the 1,200 mile,","Document [11](Title: Tulane University) university was Francis Lister Hawks, an Episcopalian priest and prominent citizen of New Orleans at the time. The university was closed from 1861 to 1865 during the American Civil War. After reopening, it went through a period of financial challenges because of an extended agricultural depression in the South which affected the nation's economy. Paul Tulane, owner of a prospering dry goods and clothing business, donated extensive real estate within New Orleans for the support of education. This donation led to the establishment of a Tulane Educational Fund (TEF), whose board of administrators sought to support the University of Louisiana","Document [12](Title: Paul Tulane) D. Winters in his \"Civil War in Louisiana\" (1963) does not give the amount Tulane contributed. For many years he gave liberally to the charitable institutions and Presbyterian churches of Princeton and New Orleans. In 1882, he donated $363,000 (1882 value) to improve higher education in the city of New Orleans. Tulane's Act of Donation ultimately resulted in the renaming of the University of Louisiana (founded as the Medical College of Louisiana) to The Tulane University of Louisiana, in his honor and turning the once public institution into a private one, the only such instance in United States history. He","Document [13](Title: Tulane Green Wave men's basketball) and the 2004 realignment of conferences. It rejoined many of its previous conference mates when it became a member of the American Athletic Conference in 2014. Tulane's men's basketball team played its first game on December 9, 1905. The program fell victim to one of the biggest scandals of the 1980s in college sports when four players, including star forward \"Hot Rod\" Williams, were accused of taking money and cocaine to alter the final point spreads of games they played in. Clyde Eads and Jon Johnson were granted immunity to testify against Williams, the alleged ringleader. Although he was indicted,","Document [14](Title: Charles Eshleman) 2\u20132\u20131 record. While at Tulane, he set the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association record in the 220-yard dash at 23.2 seconds. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega. In 1900, he studied literature at Tulane, and in 1904, Eshleman received his medical doctorate from Tulane. In the spring of 1904, he attended the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland to take graduate medical courses. Eshleman was \"known for his altruism as well as for his notable achievements in the highly specialized field of Internal Medicine.\" He taught at the Tulane School of Medicine. In 1918, he was","Document [15](Title: Theodore Clapp) no precedent in the New Testament for such political action. Clapp served on the Board of Trustees of the Medical College of Louisiana, which was to become The Tulane University School of Medicine. In 1847, he travelled in Europe, and in 1857, his health failing, and his church having been burned, he resigned his pastorate. He published in 1858, a volume of \"Autobiographical Sketches and Recollections\" of a 35 years' residence in New Orleans. The last nine years of his life were spent, chiefly in retirement, in Louisville, Kentucky. He died there on April 17, 1866, aged 74 years. He","Document [16](Title: Adrien Rouquette) on the banks of Bayou Lacombe until his death in 1887. Special Collections & Archives at Loyola University New Orleans preserves a small collection of writings by Rouquette and his brother, author and poet Fran\u00e7ois Dominique. Adrien Rouquette Adrien Rouquette (February 26, 1813\u2013July 15, 1887) was a writer and a Catholic missionary among the Choctaw Native Americans. Adrien Emmanuel Rouquette was born February 26, 1813, in New Orleans, Louisiana, the third of five surviving children. His father, Dominique, had emigrated to New Orleans from Fleurance, France, in 1800, where he soon married a Creole woman named Louise Cousin. By marriage,","Document [17](Title: Paul Tulane) died near Princeton, and is buried in the Princeton Cemetery on Witherspoon Street. In his honor, he has several streets named after him throughout the country, including Tulane Street in Princeton, and Tulane Avenue in New Orleans. Paul Tulane Paul Tulane (May 10, 1801 \u2013 March 27, 1887) was an American philanthropist, born near Princeton, New Jersey, the son of Louis Tulane, a French immigrant, and Maria Tulane. He was educated in private schools, including Somerville Academy of New Jersey, until he was fifteen years of age. He clerked briefly in a store in Princeton and thereafter spent three years","Document [18](Title: T. Wayland Vaughan) and Annie R. Hope. He entered Tulane University in 1885 intending to enter the medical profession, but became interested in physical science and graduated with a Bachelor of Science. From 1889\u20131892, Vaughan taught physics and chemistry at Mount Lebanon, Louisiana. During this time he published his first papers on the mollusks and trees of northwest Louisiana and began collecting fossils. This led him to study biology at Harvard University, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in 1893, a Master of Arts in 1894, and completing his Ph.D in 1903 with a thesis titled \"Eocene and Oligocene Corals of the United States\".","Document [19](Title: Middle American Research Institute) hinterland. The report of the First Tulane Expedition, Tribes and Temples, became the Department\u2019s first publication. More staff hires included Ralph Roys, and Oliver La Farge. Following disputes between members of the Department of Middle American Research and the president of Tulane, Frans Blom took over in the position of Director of the Department. In this position, Blom decided to promote \u201carchaeology as the major function of the department.\u201d During Blom\u2019s time as director, he led multiple extensive expeditions to Latin America. In his own words, Blom describes the first expedition: \u201cWe discovered twenty-four ruined cities hitherto unrecorded by scientists\u2026","Document [20](Title: Ernest Lyon) in 1882. The next year, in 1883, Lyon became the first charge in La Teche. In 1894, he \"was appointed Sunday School Agent of the Louisiana Conference.\" He also served as the Conference statistical secretary and the reserve delegate of the General conference for several years. He was an editor of the Sunday school column in the \"Southwestern Christian Advocate\". By 1895, Lyon was the \"special agent of the Freedman's Aid and Southern Educational Society.\" Later he served as a pastor in multiple churches in New Orleans including the Mallalieu Methodist Episcopal Church in 1886, the Thompson Church in 1889,"],"query":"when was the miraculous journey of edward tulane published?","answers":["2006","March 30, 2006"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane) Awards finalist in the children's chapter book category. In 2007 the U.S. National Education Association named it one of \"Teachers' Top 100 Books for Children\" based on an online poll. In 2012 it was ranked number 59 among all-time children's novels in a survey published by \"School Library Journal\" \u2013 the third of three books by DiCamillo in the Top 100. The book was featured in \"My Love from the Star\", a 2014 Korean drama about an alien living on Earth for 400 years who falls in love with a popular actress. This propelled the novel to the top of","Document [2](Title: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane) until a storm frees him from the seabed and a passing fisherman and his buddy pull him from their fishing net. The man takes him home to his wife where he is renamed and forced to wear dresses. Edward is passed from hand to hand of a succession of life-altering characters, such as a hobo and his dog and a four-year-old girl with tuberculosis and her brother. Edward's journeys not only take him far from home, but even farther from the selfish rabbit he once was. Eventually, Edward is cruelly broken against a counter top edge, repaired and then offered","Document [3](Title: Kate DiCamillo) In 2012 \"Winn-Dixie\" was ranked number 30 among all-time children's novels in a survey published by \"School Library Journal\", a monthly with primarily U.S. audience. \"Despereaux\" (51) and \"Edward Tulane\" (59) also made the Top 100 list. DiCamillo is the fourth U.S. National Ambassador for Young People's Literature. In 2005, \"Because of Winn-Dixie\" was released as a film by 20th Century Fox. Universal Pictures released \"The Tale of Despereaux\" on December 19, 2008. \"The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane\" was optioned by New Line Cinema and is in early pre-production. In 2013, Robert Zemeckis signed on to direct the \"Edward","Document [4](Title: Paul Tulane) Paul Tulane Paul Tulane (May 10, 1801 \u2013 March 27, 1887) was an American philanthropist, born near Princeton, New Jersey, the son of Louis Tulane, a French immigrant, and Maria Tulane. He was educated in private schools, including Somerville Academy of New Jersey, until he was fifteen years of age. He clerked briefly in a store in Princeton and thereafter spent three years touring the southern United States with a well-educated male cousin, who was a member of the bar in France. It was from this tour that Tulane developed a keen interest in New Orleans. In 1822, he established","Document [5](Title: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane) The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is a 2006 novel by Kate DiCamillo. Following the life of a china rabbit, the book won the 2006 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award in Fiction category.","Document [6](Title: William Marbury Carpenter) near Port Hudson, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana. In 1842, he was a professor of \"materia medica\" at the University of Louisiana, where he was appointed dean in 1845. In 1844, he published a study on the habit of dirt eating among Negro slaves, and he published several other significant studies. He was a leading proponent of research into disease transportability and transmission as related to importation of disease and outbreak of epidemics. He joined the faculty of the Medical College of Louisiana as Professor of Botany and Geology, and from 1845-1846 he was Dean of the Tulane University School","Document [7](Title: Rudolph Matas) Rudolph Matas Rudolph Matas (September 12, 1860 \u2013 September 23, 1957), a prominent and innovative surgeon was born outside of New Orleans in Bonnet Carre, Louisiana. He spent much of his childhood in his parents' native land of Spain, returning to the New Orleans in 1877 to begin his medical training at the Medical School of the University of Louisiana, now known as Tulane University School of Medicine, receiving his medical degree in 1880 at 19 years old. Dr. Matas is one of Tulane's most distinguished alumni, with 42 years of teaching in the medical school and a vast array","Document [8](Title: Tulane Review) the design award of the AWP Literary Magazine. Tulane Review Tulane Review is a literary magazine published by the members of the Tulane Literary Society of Tulane University located in New Orleans, Louisiana. First published in 1996 The \"Review\" consists of submissions of art, poetry, and prose which are chosen by members of student review boards before being chosen for final publication. It accepts work from both professional and amateur artists and writers from across the world, but generally attempts to publish at least some work from the Tulane Community whenever possible. The magazine is twice a year in the","Document [9](Title: Tulane Review) Tulane Review Tulane Review is a literary magazine published by the members of the Tulane Literary Society of Tulane University located in New Orleans, Louisiana. First published in 1996 The \"Review\" consists of submissions of art, poetry, and prose which are chosen by members of student review boards before being chosen for final publication. It accepts work from both professional and amateur artists and writers from across the world, but generally attempts to publish at least some work from the Tulane Community whenever possible. The magazine is twice a year in the fall and spring. \"Review\" is the recipient of","Document [10](Title: John Lyon (poet)) prayer and gospel sermons. Because of these daily sermons and good relations between voyagers, all 48 non-Mormon passengers were baptized, including the captain and crew, making this specific emigration voyage unique. On 23 April 1853 the \"International\" docked in New Orleans. On their last day on the \"International\", Lyon was appointed to lead the 237 Ten Pound Saints (referring to the fact that they each paid ten pounds for the journey to Zion). The Ten Pound Saints stayed in New Orleans for four days before boarding the a Mississippi steamer called the \"Leah Tunah\" and prepared for the 1,200 mile,","Document [11](Title: Tulane University) university was Francis Lister Hawks, an Episcopalian priest and prominent citizen of New Orleans at the time. The university was closed from 1861 to 1865 during the American Civil War. After reopening, it went through a period of financial challenges because of an extended agricultural depression in the South which affected the nation's economy. Paul Tulane, owner of a prospering dry goods and clothing business, donated extensive real estate within New Orleans for the support of education. This donation led to the establishment of a Tulane Educational Fund (TEF), whose board of administrators sought to support the University of Louisiana","Document [12](Title: Paul Tulane) D. Winters in his \"Civil War in Louisiana\" (1963) does not give the amount Tulane contributed. For many years he gave liberally to the charitable institutions and Presbyterian churches of Princeton and New Orleans. In 1882, he donated $363,000 (1882 value) to improve higher education in the city of New Orleans. Tulane's Act of Donation ultimately resulted in the renaming of the University of Louisiana (founded as the Medical College of Louisiana) to The Tulane University of Louisiana, in his honor and turning the once public institution into a private one, the only such instance in United States history. He","Document [13](Title: Tulane Green Wave men's basketball) and the 2004 realignment of conferences. It rejoined many of its previous conference mates when it became a member of the American Athletic Conference in 2014. Tulane's men's basketball team played its first game on December 9, 1905. The program fell victim to one of the biggest scandals of the 1980s in college sports when four players, including star forward \"Hot Rod\" Williams, were accused of taking money and cocaine to alter the final point spreads of games they played in. Clyde Eads and Jon Johnson were granted immunity to testify against Williams, the alleged ringleader. Although he was indicted,","Document [14](Title: Charles Eshleman) 2\u20132\u20131 record. While at Tulane, he set the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association record in the 220-yard dash at 23.2 seconds. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega. In 1900, he studied literature at Tulane, and in 1904, Eshleman received his medical doctorate from Tulane. In the spring of 1904, he attended the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland to take graduate medical courses. Eshleman was \"known for his altruism as well as for his notable achievements in the highly specialized field of Internal Medicine.\" He taught at the Tulane School of Medicine. In 1918, he was","Document [15](Title: Theodore Clapp) no precedent in the New Testament for such political action. Clapp served on the Board of Trustees of the Medical College of Louisiana, which was to become The Tulane University School of Medicine. In 1847, he travelled in Europe, and in 1857, his health failing, and his church having been burned, he resigned his pastorate. He published in 1858, a volume of \"Autobiographical Sketches and Recollections\" of a 35 years' residence in New Orleans. The last nine years of his life were spent, chiefly in retirement, in Louisville, Kentucky. He died there on April 17, 1866, aged 74 years. He","Document [16](Title: Adrien Rouquette) on the banks of Bayou Lacombe until his death in 1887. Special Collections & Archives at Loyola University New Orleans preserves a small collection of writings by Rouquette and his brother, author and poet Fran\u00e7ois Dominique. Adrien Rouquette Adrien Rouquette (February 26, 1813\u2013July 15, 1887) was a writer and a Catholic missionary among the Choctaw Native Americans. Adrien Emmanuel Rouquette was born February 26, 1813, in New Orleans, Louisiana, the third of five surviving children. His father, Dominique, had emigrated to New Orleans from Fleurance, France, in 1800, where he soon married a Creole woman named Louise Cousin. By marriage,","Document [17](Title: Paul Tulane) died near Princeton, and is buried in the Princeton Cemetery on Witherspoon Street. In his honor, he has several streets named after him throughout the country, including Tulane Street in Princeton, and Tulane Avenue in New Orleans. Paul Tulane Paul Tulane (May 10, 1801 \u2013 March 27, 1887) was an American philanthropist, born near Princeton, New Jersey, the son of Louis Tulane, a French immigrant, and Maria Tulane. He was educated in private schools, including Somerville Academy of New Jersey, until he was fifteen years of age. He clerked briefly in a store in Princeton and thereafter spent three years","Document [18](Title: T. Wayland Vaughan) and Annie R. Hope. He entered Tulane University in 1885 intending to enter the medical profession, but became interested in physical science and graduated with a Bachelor of Science. From 1889\u20131892, Vaughan taught physics and chemistry at Mount Lebanon, Louisiana. During this time he published his first papers on the mollusks and trees of northwest Louisiana and began collecting fossils. This led him to study biology at Harvard University, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in 1893, a Master of Arts in 1894, and completing his Ph.D in 1903 with a thesis titled \"Eocene and Oligocene Corals of the United States\".","Document [19](Title: Middle American Research Institute) hinterland. The report of the First Tulane Expedition, Tribes and Temples, became the Department\u2019s first publication. More staff hires included Ralph Roys, and Oliver La Farge. Following disputes between members of the Department of Middle American Research and the president of Tulane, Frans Blom took over in the position of Director of the Department. In this position, Blom decided to promote \u201carchaeology as the major function of the department.\u201d During Blom\u2019s time as director, he led multiple extensive expeditions to Latin America. In his own words, Blom describes the first expedition: \u201cWe discovered twenty-four ruined cities hitherto unrecorded by scientists\u2026","Document [20](Title: Ernest Lyon) in 1882. The next year, in 1883, Lyon became the first charge in La Teche. In 1894, he \"was appointed Sunday School Agent of the Louisiana Conference.\" He also served as the Conference statistical secretary and the reserve delegate of the General conference for several years. He was an editor of the Sunday school column in the \"Southwestern Christian Advocate\". By 1895, Lyon was the \"special agent of the Freedman's Aid and Southern Educational Society.\" Later he served as a pastor in multiple churches in New Orleans including the Mallalieu Methodist Episcopal Church in 1886, the Thompson Church in 1889,"],"query":"when was the miraculous journey of edward tulane published?","answers":["2006","March 30, 2006"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane) Awards finalist in the children's chapter book category. In 2007 the U.S. National Education Association named it one of \"Teachers' Top 100 Books for Children\" based on an online poll. In 2012 it was ranked number 59 among all-time children's novels in a survey published by \"School Library Journal\" \u2013 the third of three books by DiCamillo in the Top 100. The book was featured in \"My Love from the Star\", a 2014 Korean drama about an alien living on Earth for 400 years who falls in love with a popular actress. This propelled the novel to the top of","Document [2](Title: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane) until a storm frees him from the seabed and a passing fisherman and his buddy pull him from their fishing net. The man takes him home to his wife where he is renamed and forced to wear dresses. Edward is passed from hand to hand of a succession of life-altering characters, such as a hobo and his dog and a four-year-old girl with tuberculosis and her brother. Edward's journeys not only take him far from home, but even farther from the selfish rabbit he once was. Eventually, Edward is cruelly broken against a counter top edge, repaired and then offered","Document [3](Title: Kate DiCamillo) In 2012 \"Winn-Dixie\" was ranked number 30 among all-time children's novels in a survey published by \"School Library Journal\", a monthly with primarily U.S. audience. \"Despereaux\" (51) and \"Edward Tulane\" (59) also made the Top 100 list. DiCamillo is the fourth U.S. National Ambassador for Young People's Literature. In 2005, \"Because of Winn-Dixie\" was released as a film by 20th Century Fox. Universal Pictures released \"The Tale of Despereaux\" on December 19, 2008. \"The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane\" was optioned by New Line Cinema and is in early pre-production. In 2013, Robert Zemeckis signed on to direct the \"Edward","Document [4](Title: Paul Tulane) Paul Tulane Paul Tulane (May 10, 1801 \u2013 March 27, 1887) was an American philanthropist, born near Princeton, New Jersey, the son of Louis Tulane, a French immigrant, and Maria Tulane. He was educated in private schools, including Somerville Academy of New Jersey, until he was fifteen years of age. He clerked briefly in a store in Princeton and thereafter spent three years touring the southern United States with a well-educated male cousin, who was a member of the bar in France. It was from this tour that Tulane developed a keen interest in New Orleans. In 1822, he established","Document [5](Title: William Marbury Carpenter) near Port Hudson, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana. In 1842, he was a professor of \"materia medica\" at the University of Louisiana, where he was appointed dean in 1845. In 1844, he published a study on the habit of dirt eating among Negro slaves, and he published several other significant studies. He was a leading proponent of research into disease transportability and transmission as related to importation of disease and outbreak of epidemics. He joined the faculty of the Medical College of Louisiana as Professor of Botany and Geology, and from 1845-1846 he was Dean of the Tulane University School","Document [6](Title: Rudolph Matas) Rudolph Matas Rudolph Matas (September 12, 1860 \u2013 September 23, 1957), a prominent and innovative surgeon was born outside of New Orleans in Bonnet Carre, Louisiana. He spent much of his childhood in his parents' native land of Spain, returning to the New Orleans in 1877 to begin his medical training at the Medical School of the University of Louisiana, now known as Tulane University School of Medicine, receiving his medical degree in 1880 at 19 years old. Dr. Matas is one of Tulane's most distinguished alumni, with 42 years of teaching in the medical school and a vast array","Document [7](Title: Tulane Review) the design award of the AWP Literary Magazine. Tulane Review Tulane Review is a literary magazine published by the members of the Tulane Literary Society of Tulane University located in New Orleans, Louisiana. First published in 1996 The \"Review\" consists of submissions of art, poetry, and prose which are chosen by members of student review boards before being chosen for final publication. It accepts work from both professional and amateur artists and writers from across the world, but generally attempts to publish at least some work from the Tulane Community whenever possible. The magazine is twice a year in the","Document [8](Title: Tulane Review) Tulane Review Tulane Review is a literary magazine published by the members of the Tulane Literary Society of Tulane University located in New Orleans, Louisiana. First published in 1996 The \"Review\" consists of submissions of art, poetry, and prose which are chosen by members of student review boards before being chosen for final publication. It accepts work from both professional and amateur artists and writers from across the world, but generally attempts to publish at least some work from the Tulane Community whenever possible. The magazine is twice a year in the fall and spring. \"Review\" is the recipient of","Document [9](Title: John Lyon (poet)) prayer and gospel sermons. Because of these daily sermons and good relations between voyagers, all 48 non-Mormon passengers were baptized, including the captain and crew, making this specific emigration voyage unique. On 23 April 1853 the \"International\" docked in New Orleans. On their last day on the \"International\", Lyon was appointed to lead the 237 Ten Pound Saints (referring to the fact that they each paid ten pounds for the journey to Zion). The Ten Pound Saints stayed in New Orleans for four days before boarding the a Mississippi steamer called the \"Leah Tunah\" and prepared for the 1,200 mile,","Document [10](Title: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane) The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is a 2006 novel by Kate DiCamillo. Following the life of a china rabbit, the book won the 2006 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award in Fiction category.","Document [11](Title: Tulane University) university was Francis Lister Hawks, an Episcopalian priest and prominent citizen of New Orleans at the time. The university was closed from 1861 to 1865 during the American Civil War. After reopening, it went through a period of financial challenges because of an extended agricultural depression in the South which affected the nation's economy. Paul Tulane, owner of a prospering dry goods and clothing business, donated extensive real estate within New Orleans for the support of education. This donation led to the establishment of a Tulane Educational Fund (TEF), whose board of administrators sought to support the University of Louisiana","Document [12](Title: Paul Tulane) D. Winters in his \"Civil War in Louisiana\" (1963) does not give the amount Tulane contributed. For many years he gave liberally to the charitable institutions and Presbyterian churches of Princeton and New Orleans. In 1882, he donated $363,000 (1882 value) to improve higher education in the city of New Orleans. Tulane's Act of Donation ultimately resulted in the renaming of the University of Louisiana (founded as the Medical College of Louisiana) to The Tulane University of Louisiana, in his honor and turning the once public institution into a private one, the only such instance in United States history. He","Document [13](Title: Tulane Green Wave men's basketball) and the 2004 realignment of conferences. It rejoined many of its previous conference mates when it became a member of the American Athletic Conference in 2014. Tulane's men's basketball team played its first game on December 9, 1905. The program fell victim to one of the biggest scandals of the 1980s in college sports when four players, including star forward \"Hot Rod\" Williams, were accused of taking money and cocaine to alter the final point spreads of games they played in. Clyde Eads and Jon Johnson were granted immunity to testify against Williams, the alleged ringleader. Although he was indicted,","Document [14](Title: Charles Eshleman) 2\u20132\u20131 record. While at Tulane, he set the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association record in the 220-yard dash at 23.2 seconds. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega. In 1900, he studied literature at Tulane, and in 1904, Eshleman received his medical doctorate from Tulane. In the spring of 1904, he attended the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland to take graduate medical courses. Eshleman was \"known for his altruism as well as for his notable achievements in the highly specialized field of Internal Medicine.\" He taught at the Tulane School of Medicine. In 1918, he was","Document [15](Title: Theodore Clapp) no precedent in the New Testament for such political action. Clapp served on the Board of Trustees of the Medical College of Louisiana, which was to become The Tulane University School of Medicine. In 1847, he travelled in Europe, and in 1857, his health failing, and his church having been burned, he resigned his pastorate. He published in 1858, a volume of \"Autobiographical Sketches and Recollections\" of a 35 years' residence in New Orleans. The last nine years of his life were spent, chiefly in retirement, in Louisville, Kentucky. He died there on April 17, 1866, aged 74 years. He","Document [16](Title: Adrien Rouquette) on the banks of Bayou Lacombe until his death in 1887. Special Collections & Archives at Loyola University New Orleans preserves a small collection of writings by Rouquette and his brother, author and poet Fran\u00e7ois Dominique. Adrien Rouquette Adrien Rouquette (February 26, 1813\u2013July 15, 1887) was a writer and a Catholic missionary among the Choctaw Native Americans. Adrien Emmanuel Rouquette was born February 26, 1813, in New Orleans, Louisiana, the third of five surviving children. His father, Dominique, had emigrated to New Orleans from Fleurance, France, in 1800, where he soon married a Creole woman named Louise Cousin. By marriage,","Document [17](Title: Paul Tulane) died near Princeton, and is buried in the Princeton Cemetery on Witherspoon Street. In his honor, he has several streets named after him throughout the country, including Tulane Street in Princeton, and Tulane Avenue in New Orleans. Paul Tulane Paul Tulane (May 10, 1801 \u2013 March 27, 1887) was an American philanthropist, born near Princeton, New Jersey, the son of Louis Tulane, a French immigrant, and Maria Tulane. He was educated in private schools, including Somerville Academy of New Jersey, until he was fifteen years of age. He clerked briefly in a store in Princeton and thereafter spent three years","Document [18](Title: T. Wayland Vaughan) and Annie R. Hope. He entered Tulane University in 1885 intending to enter the medical profession, but became interested in physical science and graduated with a Bachelor of Science. From 1889\u20131892, Vaughan taught physics and chemistry at Mount Lebanon, Louisiana. During this time he published his first papers on the mollusks and trees of northwest Louisiana and began collecting fossils. This led him to study biology at Harvard University, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in 1893, a Master of Arts in 1894, and completing his Ph.D in 1903 with a thesis titled \"Eocene and Oligocene Corals of the United States\".","Document [19](Title: Middle American Research Institute) hinterland. The report of the First Tulane Expedition, Tribes and Temples, became the Department\u2019s first publication. More staff hires included Ralph Roys, and Oliver La Farge. Following disputes between members of the Department of Middle American Research and the president of Tulane, Frans Blom took over in the position of Director of the Department. In this position, Blom decided to promote \u201carchaeology as the major function of the department.\u201d During Blom\u2019s time as director, he led multiple extensive expeditions to Latin America. In his own words, Blom describes the first expedition: \u201cWe discovered twenty-four ruined cities hitherto unrecorded by scientists\u2026","Document [20](Title: Ernest Lyon) in 1882. The next year, in 1883, Lyon became the first charge in La Teche. In 1894, he \"was appointed Sunday School Agent of the Louisiana Conference.\" He also served as the Conference statistical secretary and the reserve delegate of the General conference for several years. He was an editor of the Sunday school column in the \"Southwestern Christian Advocate\". By 1895, Lyon was the \"special agent of the Freedman's Aid and Southern Educational Society.\" Later he served as a pastor in multiple churches in New Orleans including the Mallalieu Methodist Episcopal Church in 1886, the Thompson Church in 1889,"],"query":"when was the miraculous journey of edward tulane published?","answers":["2006","March 30, 2006"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane) Awards finalist in the children's chapter book category. In 2007 the U.S. National Education Association named it one of \"Teachers' Top 100 Books for Children\" based on an online poll. In 2012 it was ranked number 59 among all-time children's novels in a survey published by \"School Library Journal\" \u2013 the third of three books by DiCamillo in the Top 100. The book was featured in \"My Love from the Star\", a 2014 Korean drama about an alien living on Earth for 400 years who falls in love with a popular actress. This propelled the novel to the top of","Document [2](Title: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane) until a storm frees him from the seabed and a passing fisherman and his buddy pull him from their fishing net. The man takes him home to his wife where he is renamed and forced to wear dresses. Edward is passed from hand to hand of a succession of life-altering characters, such as a hobo and his dog and a four-year-old girl with tuberculosis and her brother. Edward's journeys not only take him far from home, but even farther from the selfish rabbit he once was. Eventually, Edward is cruelly broken against a counter top edge, repaired and then offered","Document [3](Title: Kate DiCamillo) In 2012 \"Winn-Dixie\" was ranked number 30 among all-time children's novels in a survey published by \"School Library Journal\", a monthly with primarily U.S. audience. \"Despereaux\" (51) and \"Edward Tulane\" (59) also made the Top 100 list. DiCamillo is the fourth U.S. National Ambassador for Young People's Literature. In 2005, \"Because of Winn-Dixie\" was released as a film by 20th Century Fox. Universal Pictures released \"The Tale of Despereaux\" on December 19, 2008. \"The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane\" was optioned by New Line Cinema and is in early pre-production. In 2013, Robert Zemeckis signed on to direct the \"Edward","Document [4](Title: Paul Tulane) Paul Tulane Paul Tulane (May 10, 1801 \u2013 March 27, 1887) was an American philanthropist, born near Princeton, New Jersey, the son of Louis Tulane, a French immigrant, and Maria Tulane. He was educated in private schools, including Somerville Academy of New Jersey, until he was fifteen years of age. He clerked briefly in a store in Princeton and thereafter spent three years touring the southern United States with a well-educated male cousin, who was a member of the bar in France. It was from this tour that Tulane developed a keen interest in New Orleans. In 1822, he established","Document [5](Title: William Marbury Carpenter) near Port Hudson, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana. In 1842, he was a professor of \"materia medica\" at the University of Louisiana, where he was appointed dean in 1845. In 1844, he published a study on the habit of dirt eating among Negro slaves, and he published several other significant studies. He was a leading proponent of research into disease transportability and transmission as related to importation of disease and outbreak of epidemics. He joined the faculty of the Medical College of Louisiana as Professor of Botany and Geology, and from 1845-1846 he was Dean of the Tulane University School","Document [6](Title: Rudolph Matas) Rudolph Matas Rudolph Matas (September 12, 1860 \u2013 September 23, 1957), a prominent and innovative surgeon was born outside of New Orleans in Bonnet Carre, Louisiana. He spent much of his childhood in his parents' native land of Spain, returning to the New Orleans in 1877 to begin his medical training at the Medical School of the University of Louisiana, now known as Tulane University School of Medicine, receiving his medical degree in 1880 at 19 years old. Dr. Matas is one of Tulane's most distinguished alumni, with 42 years of teaching in the medical school and a vast array","Document [7](Title: Tulane Review) the design award of the AWP Literary Magazine. Tulane Review Tulane Review is a literary magazine published by the members of the Tulane Literary Society of Tulane University located in New Orleans, Louisiana. First published in 1996 The \"Review\" consists of submissions of art, poetry, and prose which are chosen by members of student review boards before being chosen for final publication. It accepts work from both professional and amateur artists and writers from across the world, but generally attempts to publish at least some work from the Tulane Community whenever possible. The magazine is twice a year in the","Document [8](Title: Tulane Review) Tulane Review Tulane Review is a literary magazine published by the members of the Tulane Literary Society of Tulane University located in New Orleans, Louisiana. First published in 1996 The \"Review\" consists of submissions of art, poetry, and prose which are chosen by members of student review boards before being chosen for final publication. It accepts work from both professional and amateur artists and writers from across the world, but generally attempts to publish at least some work from the Tulane Community whenever possible. The magazine is twice a year in the fall and spring. \"Review\" is the recipient of","Document [9](Title: John Lyon (poet)) prayer and gospel sermons. Because of these daily sermons and good relations between voyagers, all 48 non-Mormon passengers were baptized, including the captain and crew, making this specific emigration voyage unique. On 23 April 1853 the \"International\" docked in New Orleans. On their last day on the \"International\", Lyon was appointed to lead the 237 Ten Pound Saints (referring to the fact that they each paid ten pounds for the journey to Zion). The Ten Pound Saints stayed in New Orleans for four days before boarding the a Mississippi steamer called the \"Leah Tunah\" and prepared for the 1,200 mile,","Document [10](Title: Tulane University) university was Francis Lister Hawks, an Episcopalian priest and prominent citizen of New Orleans at the time. The university was closed from 1861 to 1865 during the American Civil War. After reopening, it went through a period of financial challenges because of an extended agricultural depression in the South which affected the nation's economy. Paul Tulane, owner of a prospering dry goods and clothing business, donated extensive real estate within New Orleans for the support of education. This donation led to the establishment of a Tulane Educational Fund (TEF), whose board of administrators sought to support the University of Louisiana","Document [11](Title: Paul Tulane) D. Winters in his \"Civil War in Louisiana\" (1963) does not give the amount Tulane contributed. For many years he gave liberally to the charitable institutions and Presbyterian churches of Princeton and New Orleans. In 1882, he donated $363,000 (1882 value) to improve higher education in the city of New Orleans. Tulane's Act of Donation ultimately resulted in the renaming of the University of Louisiana (founded as the Medical College of Louisiana) to The Tulane University of Louisiana, in his honor and turning the once public institution into a private one, the only such instance in United States history. He","Document [12](Title: Tulane Green Wave men's basketball) and the 2004 realignment of conferences. It rejoined many of its previous conference mates when it became a member of the American Athletic Conference in 2014. Tulane's men's basketball team played its first game on December 9, 1905. The program fell victim to one of the biggest scandals of the 1980s in college sports when four players, including star forward \"Hot Rod\" Williams, were accused of taking money and cocaine to alter the final point spreads of games they played in. Clyde Eads and Jon Johnson were granted immunity to testify against Williams, the alleged ringleader. Although he was indicted,","Document [13](Title: Charles Eshleman) 2\u20132\u20131 record. While at Tulane, he set the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association record in the 220-yard dash at 23.2 seconds. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega. In 1900, he studied literature at Tulane, and in 1904, Eshleman received his medical doctorate from Tulane. In the spring of 1904, he attended the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland to take graduate medical courses. Eshleman was \"known for his altruism as well as for his notable achievements in the highly specialized field of Internal Medicine.\" He taught at the Tulane School of Medicine. In 1918, he was","Document [14](Title: Theodore Clapp) no precedent in the New Testament for such political action. Clapp served on the Board of Trustees of the Medical College of Louisiana, which was to become The Tulane University School of Medicine. In 1847, he travelled in Europe, and in 1857, his health failing, and his church having been burned, he resigned his pastorate. He published in 1858, a volume of \"Autobiographical Sketches and Recollections\" of a 35 years' residence in New Orleans. The last nine years of his life were spent, chiefly in retirement, in Louisville, Kentucky. He died there on April 17, 1866, aged 74 years. He","Document [15](Title: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane) The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is a 2006 novel by Kate DiCamillo. Following the life of a china rabbit, the book won the 2006 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award in Fiction category.","Document [16](Title: Adrien Rouquette) on the banks of Bayou Lacombe until his death in 1887. Special Collections & Archives at Loyola University New Orleans preserves a small collection of writings by Rouquette and his brother, author and poet Fran\u00e7ois Dominique. Adrien Rouquette Adrien Rouquette (February 26, 1813\u2013July 15, 1887) was a writer and a Catholic missionary among the Choctaw Native Americans. Adrien Emmanuel Rouquette was born February 26, 1813, in New Orleans, Louisiana, the third of five surviving children. His father, Dominique, had emigrated to New Orleans from Fleurance, France, in 1800, where he soon married a Creole woman named Louise Cousin. By marriage,","Document [17](Title: Paul Tulane) died near Princeton, and is buried in the Princeton Cemetery on Witherspoon Street. In his honor, he has several streets named after him throughout the country, including Tulane Street in Princeton, and Tulane Avenue in New Orleans. Paul Tulane Paul Tulane (May 10, 1801 \u2013 March 27, 1887) was an American philanthropist, born near Princeton, New Jersey, the son of Louis Tulane, a French immigrant, and Maria Tulane. He was educated in private schools, including Somerville Academy of New Jersey, until he was fifteen years of age. He clerked briefly in a store in Princeton and thereafter spent three years","Document [18](Title: T. Wayland Vaughan) and Annie R. Hope. He entered Tulane University in 1885 intending to enter the medical profession, but became interested in physical science and graduated with a Bachelor of Science. From 1889\u20131892, Vaughan taught physics and chemistry at Mount Lebanon, Louisiana. During this time he published his first papers on the mollusks and trees of northwest Louisiana and began collecting fossils. This led him to study biology at Harvard University, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in 1893, a Master of Arts in 1894, and completing his Ph.D in 1903 with a thesis titled \"Eocene and Oligocene Corals of the United States\".","Document [19](Title: Middle American Research Institute) hinterland. The report of the First Tulane Expedition, Tribes and Temples, became the Department\u2019s first publication. More staff hires included Ralph Roys, and Oliver La Farge. Following disputes between members of the Department of Middle American Research and the president of Tulane, Frans Blom took over in the position of Director of the Department. In this position, Blom decided to promote \u201carchaeology as the major function of the department.\u201d During Blom\u2019s time as director, he led multiple extensive expeditions to Latin America. In his own words, Blom describes the first expedition: \u201cWe discovered twenty-four ruined cities hitherto unrecorded by scientists\u2026","Document [20](Title: Ernest Lyon) in 1882. The next year, in 1883, Lyon became the first charge in La Teche. In 1894, he \"was appointed Sunday School Agent of the Louisiana Conference.\" He also served as the Conference statistical secretary and the reserve delegate of the General conference for several years. He was an editor of the Sunday school column in the \"Southwestern Christian Advocate\". By 1895, Lyon was the \"special agent of the Freedman's Aid and Southern Educational Society.\" Later he served as a pastor in multiple churches in New Orleans including the Mallalieu Methodist Episcopal Church in 1886, the Thompson Church in 1889,"],"query":"when was the miraculous journey of edward tulane published?","answers":["2006","March 30, 2006"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane) Awards finalist in the children's chapter book category. In 2007 the U.S. National Education Association named it one of \"Teachers' Top 100 Books for Children\" based on an online poll. In 2012 it was ranked number 59 among all-time children's novels in a survey published by \"School Library Journal\" \u2013 the third of three books by DiCamillo in the Top 100. The book was featured in \"My Love from the Star\", a 2014 Korean drama about an alien living on Earth for 400 years who falls in love with a popular actress. This propelled the novel to the top of","Document [2](Title: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane) until a storm frees him from the seabed and a passing fisherman and his buddy pull him from their fishing net. The man takes him home to his wife where he is renamed and forced to wear dresses. Edward is passed from hand to hand of a succession of life-altering characters, such as a hobo and his dog and a four-year-old girl with tuberculosis and her brother. Edward's journeys not only take him far from home, but even farther from the selfish rabbit he once was. Eventually, Edward is cruelly broken against a counter top edge, repaired and then offered","Document [3](Title: Kate DiCamillo) In 2012 \"Winn-Dixie\" was ranked number 30 among all-time children's novels in a survey published by \"School Library Journal\", a monthly with primarily U.S. audience. \"Despereaux\" (51) and \"Edward Tulane\" (59) also made the Top 100 list. DiCamillo is the fourth U.S. National Ambassador for Young People's Literature. In 2005, \"Because of Winn-Dixie\" was released as a film by 20th Century Fox. Universal Pictures released \"The Tale of Despereaux\" on December 19, 2008. \"The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane\" was optioned by New Line Cinema and is in early pre-production. In 2013, Robert Zemeckis signed on to direct the \"Edward","Document [4](Title: Paul Tulane) Paul Tulane Paul Tulane (May 10, 1801 \u2013 March 27, 1887) was an American philanthropist, born near Princeton, New Jersey, the son of Louis Tulane, a French immigrant, and Maria Tulane. He was educated in private schools, including Somerville Academy of New Jersey, until he was fifteen years of age. He clerked briefly in a store in Princeton and thereafter spent three years touring the southern United States with a well-educated male cousin, who was a member of the bar in France. It was from this tour that Tulane developed a keen interest in New Orleans. In 1822, he established","Document [5](Title: William Marbury Carpenter) near Port Hudson, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana. In 1842, he was a professor of \"materia medica\" at the University of Louisiana, where he was appointed dean in 1845. In 1844, he published a study on the habit of dirt eating among Negro slaves, and he published several other significant studies. He was a leading proponent of research into disease transportability and transmission as related to importation of disease and outbreak of epidemics. He joined the faculty of the Medical College of Louisiana as Professor of Botany and Geology, and from 1845-1846 he was Dean of the Tulane University School","Document [6](Title: Rudolph Matas) Rudolph Matas Rudolph Matas (September 12, 1860 \u2013 September 23, 1957), a prominent and innovative surgeon was born outside of New Orleans in Bonnet Carre, Louisiana. He spent much of his childhood in his parents' native land of Spain, returning to the New Orleans in 1877 to begin his medical training at the Medical School of the University of Louisiana, now known as Tulane University School of Medicine, receiving his medical degree in 1880 at 19 years old. Dr. Matas is one of Tulane's most distinguished alumni, with 42 years of teaching in the medical school and a vast array","Document [7](Title: Tulane Review) the design award of the AWP Literary Magazine. Tulane Review Tulane Review is a literary magazine published by the members of the Tulane Literary Society of Tulane University located in New Orleans, Louisiana. First published in 1996 The \"Review\" consists of submissions of art, poetry, and prose which are chosen by members of student review boards before being chosen for final publication. It accepts work from both professional and amateur artists and writers from across the world, but generally attempts to publish at least some work from the Tulane Community whenever possible. The magazine is twice a year in the","Document [8](Title: Tulane Review) Tulane Review Tulane Review is a literary magazine published by the members of the Tulane Literary Society of Tulane University located in New Orleans, Louisiana. First published in 1996 The \"Review\" consists of submissions of art, poetry, and prose which are chosen by members of student review boards before being chosen for final publication. It accepts work from both professional and amateur artists and writers from across the world, but generally attempts to publish at least some work from the Tulane Community whenever possible. The magazine is twice a year in the fall and spring. \"Review\" is the recipient of","Document [9](Title: John Lyon (poet)) prayer and gospel sermons. Because of these daily sermons and good relations between voyagers, all 48 non-Mormon passengers were baptized, including the captain and crew, making this specific emigration voyage unique. On 23 April 1853 the \"International\" docked in New Orleans. On their last day on the \"International\", Lyon was appointed to lead the 237 Ten Pound Saints (referring to the fact that they each paid ten pounds for the journey to Zion). The Ten Pound Saints stayed in New Orleans for four days before boarding the a Mississippi steamer called the \"Leah Tunah\" and prepared for the 1,200 mile,","Document [10](Title: Tulane University) university was Francis Lister Hawks, an Episcopalian priest and prominent citizen of New Orleans at the time. The university was closed from 1861 to 1865 during the American Civil War. After reopening, it went through a period of financial challenges because of an extended agricultural depression in the South which affected the nation's economy. Paul Tulane, owner of a prospering dry goods and clothing business, donated extensive real estate within New Orleans for the support of education. This donation led to the establishment of a Tulane Educational Fund (TEF), whose board of administrators sought to support the University of Louisiana","Document [11](Title: Paul Tulane) D. Winters in his \"Civil War in Louisiana\" (1963) does not give the amount Tulane contributed. For many years he gave liberally to the charitable institutions and Presbyterian churches of Princeton and New Orleans. In 1882, he donated $363,000 (1882 value) to improve higher education in the city of New Orleans. Tulane's Act of Donation ultimately resulted in the renaming of the University of Louisiana (founded as the Medical College of Louisiana) to The Tulane University of Louisiana, in his honor and turning the once public institution into a private one, the only such instance in United States history. He","Document [12](Title: Tulane Green Wave men's basketball) and the 2004 realignment of conferences. It rejoined many of its previous conference mates when it became a member of the American Athletic Conference in 2014. Tulane's men's basketball team played its first game on December 9, 1905. The program fell victim to one of the biggest scandals of the 1980s in college sports when four players, including star forward \"Hot Rod\" Williams, were accused of taking money and cocaine to alter the final point spreads of games they played in. Clyde Eads and Jon Johnson were granted immunity to testify against Williams, the alleged ringleader. Although he was indicted,","Document [13](Title: Charles Eshleman) 2\u20132\u20131 record. While at Tulane, he set the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association record in the 220-yard dash at 23.2 seconds. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega. In 1900, he studied literature at Tulane, and in 1904, Eshleman received his medical doctorate from Tulane. In the spring of 1904, he attended the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland to take graduate medical courses. Eshleman was \"known for his altruism as well as for his notable achievements in the highly specialized field of Internal Medicine.\" He taught at the Tulane School of Medicine. In 1918, he was","Document [14](Title: Theodore Clapp) no precedent in the New Testament for such political action. Clapp served on the Board of Trustees of the Medical College of Louisiana, which was to become The Tulane University School of Medicine. In 1847, he travelled in Europe, and in 1857, his health failing, and his church having been burned, he resigned his pastorate. He published in 1858, a volume of \"Autobiographical Sketches and Recollections\" of a 35 years' residence in New Orleans. The last nine years of his life were spent, chiefly in retirement, in Louisville, Kentucky. He died there on April 17, 1866, aged 74 years. He","Document [15](Title: Adrien Rouquette) on the banks of Bayou Lacombe until his death in 1887. Special Collections & Archives at Loyola University New Orleans preserves a small collection of writings by Rouquette and his brother, author and poet Fran\u00e7ois Dominique. Adrien Rouquette Adrien Rouquette (February 26, 1813\u2013July 15, 1887) was a writer and a Catholic missionary among the Choctaw Native Americans. Adrien Emmanuel Rouquette was born February 26, 1813, in New Orleans, Louisiana, the third of five surviving children. His father, Dominique, had emigrated to New Orleans from Fleurance, France, in 1800, where he soon married a Creole woman named Louise Cousin. By marriage,","Document [16](Title: Paul Tulane) died near Princeton, and is buried in the Princeton Cemetery on Witherspoon Street. In his honor, he has several streets named after him throughout the country, including Tulane Street in Princeton, and Tulane Avenue in New Orleans. Paul Tulane Paul Tulane (May 10, 1801 \u2013 March 27, 1887) was an American philanthropist, born near Princeton, New Jersey, the son of Louis Tulane, a French immigrant, and Maria Tulane. He was educated in private schools, including Somerville Academy of New Jersey, until he was fifteen years of age. He clerked briefly in a store in Princeton and thereafter spent three years","Document [17](Title: T. Wayland Vaughan) and Annie R. Hope. He entered Tulane University in 1885 intending to enter the medical profession, but became interested in physical science and graduated with a Bachelor of Science. From 1889\u20131892, Vaughan taught physics and chemistry at Mount Lebanon, Louisiana. During this time he published his first papers on the mollusks and trees of northwest Louisiana and began collecting fossils. This led him to study biology at Harvard University, receiving a Bachelor of Arts in 1893, a Master of Arts in 1894, and completing his Ph.D in 1903 with a thesis titled \"Eocene and Oligocene Corals of the United States\".","Document [18](Title: Middle American Research Institute) hinterland. The report of the First Tulane Expedition, Tribes and Temples, became the Department\u2019s first publication. More staff hires included Ralph Roys, and Oliver La Farge. Following disputes between members of the Department of Middle American Research and the president of Tulane, Frans Blom took over in the position of Director of the Department. In this position, Blom decided to promote \u201carchaeology as the major function of the department.\u201d During Blom\u2019s time as director, he led multiple extensive expeditions to Latin America. In his own words, Blom describes the first expedition: \u201cWe discovered twenty-four ruined cities hitherto unrecorded by scientists\u2026","Document [19](Title: Ernest Lyon) in 1882. The next year, in 1883, Lyon became the first charge in La Teche. In 1894, he \"was appointed Sunday School Agent of the Louisiana Conference.\" He also served as the Conference statistical secretary and the reserve delegate of the General conference for several years. He was an editor of the Sunday school column in the \"Southwestern Christian Advocate\". By 1895, Lyon was the \"special agent of the Freedman's Aid and Southern Educational Society.\" Later he served as a pastor in multiple churches in New Orleans including the Mallalieu Methodist Episcopal Church in 1886, the Thompson Church in 1889,","Document [20](Title: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane) The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is a 2006 novel by Kate DiCamillo. Following the life of a china rabbit, the book won the 2006 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award in Fiction category."],"query":"when was the miraculous journey of edward tulane published?","answers":["2006","March 30, 2006"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Geocentric model) The geocentric model was eventually replaced by the heliocentric model. The earliest heliocentric model, Copernican heliocentrism, could remove Ptolemy's epicycles because the retrograde motion could be seen to be the result of the combination of Earth and planet movement and speeds. Copernicus felt strongly that equants were a violation of Aristotelian purity, and proved that replacement of the equant with a pair of new epicycles was entirely equivalent. Astronomers often continued using the equants instead of the epicycles because the former was easier to calculate, and gave the same result.","Document [2](Title: Heliocentrism) of Samos's heliocentric scheme had centuries earlier necessarily placed the stars at least two orders of magnitude more distant. Problems with Ptolemy's system were well recognized in medieval astronomy, and an increasing effort to criticize and improve it in the late medieval period eventually led to the Copernican heliocentrism developed in Renaissance astronomy. The non-geocentric model of the Universe was proposed by the Pythagorean philosopher Philolaus (d. 390 BC), who taught that at the center of the Universe was a \"central fire\", around which the Earth, Sun, Moon and planets revolved in uniform circular motion. This system postulated the existence","Document [3](Title: Johannes van Heeck) the universe, known as the Aristotelian model or the Ptolmaic system. This held that the stars were remote, fixed in their positions and unchanging, while movement and variance were associated with the planets, closer to the earth. An unusual event in the sky might take place close to the earth, and could therefore be explained within the standard cosmological model. However if it took place beyond the planets, this indicated that the stars, contrary to what was commonly believed, could not be fixed in a 'firmament'. Astronomers (still working with the unaided naked eye at this time) took measurements of","Document [4](Title: Geocentric model) Alpetragius proposed a planetary model that abandoned the equant, epicycle and eccentric mechanisms, though this resulted in a system that was mathematically less accurate. Alpetragius also declared the Ptolemaic system as an imaginary model that was successful at predicting planetary positions but not real or physical. His alternative system spread through most of Europe during the 13th century. Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (1149\u20131209), in dealing with his conception of physics and the physical world in his \"Matalib\", rejects the Aristotelian and Avicennian notion of the Earth's centrality within the universe, but instead argues that there are \"a thousand thousand worlds (\"alfa","Document [5](Title: Geocentric model) 17th century competition between astronomical cosmologies focused on variations of Tycho Brahe's Tychonic system (in which the Earth was still at the center of the universe, and around it revolved the Sun, but all other planets revolved around the Sun in one massive set of epicycles), or variations on the Copernican system. Johannes Kepler analysed Tycho Brahe's famously accurate observations and afterwards constructed his three laws in 1609 and 1619, based on a heliocentric view where the planets move in elliptical paths. Using these laws, he was the first astronomer to successfully predict a transit of Venus (for the year","Document [6](Title: History of physics) mainstream scientific paradigm in Europe until the time of Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton. Early in Classical Greece, knowledge that the Earth is spherical (\"round\") was common. Around 240 BCE, as the result a seminal experiment, Eratosthenes (276\u2013194 BCE) accurately estimated its circumference. In contrast to Aristotle's geocentric views, Aristarchus of Samos (; c.310 \u2013 c.230 BCE) presented an explicit argument for a heliocentric model of the Solar system, i.e. for placing the Sun, not the Earth, at its centre. Seleucus of Seleucia, a follower of Aristarchus' heliocentric theory, stated that the Earth rotated around its own axis, which, in","Document [7](Title: Geocentric model) motion based on Plato's dictum stating that all phenomena in the heavens can be explained with uniform circular motion. Aristotle elaborated on Eudoxus' system. In the fully developed Aristotelian system, the spherical Earth is at the center of the universe, and all other heavenly bodies are attached to 47\u201355 transparent, rotating spheres surrounding the Earth, all concentric with it. (The number is so high because several spheres are needed for each planet.) These spheres, known as crystalline spheres, all moved at different uniform speeds to create the revolution of bodies around the Earth. They were composed of an incorruptible substance","Document [8](Title: Copernican Revolution) is much older; it can be traced to Aristarchus of Samos, a Hellenistic author writing in the 3rd century BC, who may in turn have been drawing on even older concepts in Pythagoreanism. Ancient heliocentrism was, however, eclipsed by the geocentric model presented by Ptolemy and accepted in Aristotelianism. European scholars were well aware of the problems with Ptolemaic astronomy since the 13th century. The debate was precipitated by the reception by Averroes' criticism of Ptolemy, and it was again revived by the recovery of Ptolemy's text and its translation into Latin in the mid-15th century. Otto E. Neugebauer in","Document [9](Title: Aristarchus of Samos) Aristarchus of Samos Aristarchus of Samos (; , \"Aristarkhos ho Samios\"; c. 310 \u2013 c. 230 BC) was an ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician who presented the first known heliocentric model that placed the Sun at the center of the known universe with the Earth revolving around it. He was influenced by Philolaus of Croton, but Aristarchus identified the \"central fire\" with the Sun, and he put the other planets in their correct order of distance around the Sun. Like Anaxagoras before him, he suspected that the stars were just other bodies like the Sun, albeit further away from Earth.","Document [10](Title: Heliocentrism) the Copernican Revolution. While a moving Earth was proposed at least from the 4th century BC in Pythagoreanism, and a fully developed heliocentric model was developed by Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century BC, these ideas were not successful in replacing the view of a static spherical Earth, and from the 2nd century AD the predominant model, which would be inherited by medieval astronomy, was the geocentric model described in Ptolemy's \"Almagest\". The Ptolemaic system was a sophisticated astronomical system that managed to calculate the positions for the planets to a fair degree of accuracy. Ptolemy himself, in his","Document [11](Title: Geocentric model) intended to explain changes in the brightness of the planets due to a change in distance. Eventually, perfectly concentric spheres were abandoned as it was impossible to develop a sufficiently accurate model under that ideal. However, while providing for similar explanations, the later deferent and epicycle model was flexible enough to accommodate observations for many centuries. Although the basic tenets of Greek geocentrism were established by the time of Aristotle, the details of his system did not become standard. The Ptolemaic system, developed by the Hellenistic astronomer Claudius Ptolemaeus in the 2nd century AD finally standardised geocentrism. His main astronomical","Document [12](Title: Geocentric model) coelestium\" (\"On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres\"), which posited that the Earth and the other planets instead revolved around the Sun. The geocentric system was still held for many years afterwards, as at the time the Copernican system did not offer better predictions than the geocentric system, and it posed problems for both natural philosophy and scripture. The Copernican system was no more accurate than Ptolemy's system, because it still used circular orbits. This was not altered until Johannes Kepler postulated that they were elliptical (Kepler's first law of planetary motion). With the invention of the telescope in 1609,","Document [13](Title: Copernican heliocentrism) preserving the metaphysical implications of a mathematically ordered cosmos. Thus, his heliocentric model retained several of the Ptolemaic elements causing the inaccuracies, such as the planets' circular orbits, epicycles, and uniform speeds, while at the same time re-introducing such innovations as: Philolaus (4th century BCE) was one of the first to hypothesize movement of the Earth, probably inspired by Pythagoras' theories about a spherical, moving globe. Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century BCE had developed some theories of Heraclides Ponticus (speaking of a revolution by Earth on its axis) to propose what was, so far as is known, the","Document [14](Title: William Gilbert (astronomer)) of a more minute and practical knowledge of natural philosophy than Bacon, his opposition to the philosophy of the schools was more searching and particular, and at the same time probably little less efficient.\" In the opinion of Prof. John Robison, \"De Mundo\" consists of an attempt to establish a new system of natural philosophy upon the ruins of the Aristotelian doctrine. Dr. William Whewell says in his \"History of the Inductive Sciences\" (1859): Gilbert, in his work, \"De Magnete\" printed in 1600 has only some vague notions that the magnetic virtue of the earth in some way determines the","Document [15](Title: Bernard of Verdun) to be insufficiently developed to challenge Ptolemy's system. Bernard of Verdun Little is known of the life of Bernard of Verdun, except that he was a Franciscan friar who may have been born in Verdun and lived in the second half of the thirteenth century. His most significant work was the Treatise on the Whole of Astronomy (\"Tractatus super totam astrologiam\"), in which he defended Ptolemy's theory of epicycles and eccentrics against al-Bitruji's system of homocentric spheres. Contrary to the criticisms of Averroes and al-Bitruji, Bernard maintained that Ptolemy's theory was consistent with Aristotle's physics. He further pointed out many","Document [16](Title: Heliocentrism) to the Ptolemaic geocentric system: a geo-heliocentric system now known as the Tychonic system in which the five then known planets orbit the sun, while the sun and the moon orbit the earth. Tycho appreciated the Copernican system, but objected to the idea of a moving Earth on the basis of physics, astronomy, and religion. The Aristotelian physics of the time (modern Newtonian physics was still a century away) offered no physical explanation for the motion of a massive body like Earth, whereas it could easily explain the motion of heavenly bodies by postulating that they were made of a","Document [17](Title: Universe) was brought into nearly perfect agreement with astronomical observations by Ptolemy. The success of such a model is largely due to the mathematical fact that any function (such as the position of a planet) can be decomposed into a set of circular functions (the Fourier modes). Other Greek scientists, such as the Pythagorean philosopher Philolaus, postulated (according to Stobaeus account) that at the center of the Universe was a \"central fire\" around which the Earth, Sun, Moon and Planets revolved in uniform circular motion. The Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos was the first known individual to propose a heliocentric model","Document [18](Title: Geocentric model) knew about Tusi's work or that of the Maragha school. Not all Greeks agreed with the geocentric model. The Pythagorean system has already been mentioned; some Pythagoreans believed the Earth to be one of several planets going around a central fire. Hicetas and Ecphantus, two Pythagoreans of the 5th century BC, and Heraclides Ponticus in the 4th century BC, believed that the Earth rotated on its axis but remained at the center of the universe. Such a system still qualifies as geocentric. It was revived in the Middle Ages by Jean Buridan. Heraclides Ponticus was once thought to have proposed","Document [19](Title: Spherical Earth) up. In this geocentric model, the structure of the universe was believed to be a series of perfect spheres. The Sun, Moon, planets and fixed stars were believed to move on celestial spheres around a stationary Earth. Though Aristotle's theory of physics survived in the Christian world for many centuries, the heliocentric model was eventually shown to be a more correct explanation of the Solar System than the geocentric model, and atomic theory was shown to be a more correct explanation of the nature of matter than classical elements like earth, water, air, fire, and aether. In proposition 2 of","Document [20](Title: Geocentric model) work, the \"Almagest\", was the culmination of centuries of work by Hellenic, Hellenistic and Babylonian astronomers. For over a millennium European and Islamic astronomers assumed it was the correct cosmological model. Because of its influence, people sometimes wrongly think the Ptolemaic system is identical with the geocentric model. Ptolemy argued that the Earth was a sphere in the center of the universe, from the simple observation that half the stars were above the horizon and half were below the horizon at any time (stars on rotating stellar sphere), and the assumption that the stars were all at some modest distance"],"query":"who challenged the aristotelian model of a geocentric universe?","answers":["Copernicus"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Heliocentrism) of Samos's heliocentric scheme had centuries earlier necessarily placed the stars at least two orders of magnitude more distant. Problems with Ptolemy's system were well recognized in medieval astronomy, and an increasing effort to criticize and improve it in the late medieval period eventually led to the Copernican heliocentrism developed in Renaissance astronomy. The non-geocentric model of the Universe was proposed by the Pythagorean philosopher Philolaus (d. 390 BC), who taught that at the center of the Universe was a \"central fire\", around which the Earth, Sun, Moon and planets revolved in uniform circular motion. This system postulated the existence","Document [2](Title: Johannes van Heeck) the universe, known as the Aristotelian model or the Ptolmaic system. This held that the stars were remote, fixed in their positions and unchanging, while movement and variance were associated with the planets, closer to the earth. An unusual event in the sky might take place close to the earth, and could therefore be explained within the standard cosmological model. However if it took place beyond the planets, this indicated that the stars, contrary to what was commonly believed, could not be fixed in a 'firmament'. Astronomers (still working with the unaided naked eye at this time) took measurements of","Document [3](Title: Geocentric model) Alpetragius proposed a planetary model that abandoned the equant, epicycle and eccentric mechanisms, though this resulted in a system that was mathematically less accurate. Alpetragius also declared the Ptolemaic system as an imaginary model that was successful at predicting planetary positions but not real or physical. His alternative system spread through most of Europe during the 13th century. Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (1149\u20131209), in dealing with his conception of physics and the physical world in his \"Matalib\", rejects the Aristotelian and Avicennian notion of the Earth's centrality within the universe, but instead argues that there are \"a thousand thousand worlds (\"alfa","Document [4](Title: Geocentric model) 17th century competition between astronomical cosmologies focused on variations of Tycho Brahe's Tychonic system (in which the Earth was still at the center of the universe, and around it revolved the Sun, but all other planets revolved around the Sun in one massive set of epicycles), or variations on the Copernican system. Johannes Kepler analysed Tycho Brahe's famously accurate observations and afterwards constructed his three laws in 1609 and 1619, based on a heliocentric view where the planets move in elliptical paths. Using these laws, he was the first astronomer to successfully predict a transit of Venus (for the year","Document [5](Title: Geocentric model) The geocentric model was eventually replaced by the heliocentric model. The earliest heliocentric model, Copernican heliocentrism, could remove Ptolemy's epicycles because the retrograde motion could be seen to be the result of the combination of Earth and planet movement and speeds. Copernicus felt strongly that equants were a violation of Aristotelian purity, and proved that replacement of the equant with a pair of new epicycles was entirely equivalent. Astronomers often continued using the equants instead of the epicycles because the former was easier to calculate, and gave the same result.","Document [6](Title: History of physics) mainstream scientific paradigm in Europe until the time of Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton. Early in Classical Greece, knowledge that the Earth is spherical (\"round\") was common. Around 240 BCE, as the result a seminal experiment, Eratosthenes (276\u2013194 BCE) accurately estimated its circumference. In contrast to Aristotle's geocentric views, Aristarchus of Samos (; c.310 \u2013 c.230 BCE) presented an explicit argument for a heliocentric model of the Solar system, i.e. for placing the Sun, not the Earth, at its centre. Seleucus of Seleucia, a follower of Aristarchus' heliocentric theory, stated that the Earth rotated around its own axis, which, in","Document [7](Title: Geocentric model) motion based on Plato's dictum stating that all phenomena in the heavens can be explained with uniform circular motion. Aristotle elaborated on Eudoxus' system. In the fully developed Aristotelian system, the spherical Earth is at the center of the universe, and all other heavenly bodies are attached to 47\u201355 transparent, rotating spheres surrounding the Earth, all concentric with it. (The number is so high because several spheres are needed for each planet.) These spheres, known as crystalline spheres, all moved at different uniform speeds to create the revolution of bodies around the Earth. They were composed of an incorruptible substance","Document [8](Title: Copernican Revolution) is much older; it can be traced to Aristarchus of Samos, a Hellenistic author writing in the 3rd century BC, who may in turn have been drawing on even older concepts in Pythagoreanism. Ancient heliocentrism was, however, eclipsed by the geocentric model presented by Ptolemy and accepted in Aristotelianism. European scholars were well aware of the problems with Ptolemaic astronomy since the 13th century. The debate was precipitated by the reception by Averroes' criticism of Ptolemy, and it was again revived by the recovery of Ptolemy's text and its translation into Latin in the mid-15th century. Otto E. Neugebauer in","Document [9](Title: Aristarchus of Samos) Aristarchus of Samos Aristarchus of Samos (; , \"Aristarkhos ho Samios\"; c. 310 \u2013 c. 230 BC) was an ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician who presented the first known heliocentric model that placed the Sun at the center of the known universe with the Earth revolving around it. He was influenced by Philolaus of Croton, but Aristarchus identified the \"central fire\" with the Sun, and he put the other planets in their correct order of distance around the Sun. Like Anaxagoras before him, he suspected that the stars were just other bodies like the Sun, albeit further away from Earth.","Document [10](Title: Heliocentrism) the Copernican Revolution. While a moving Earth was proposed at least from the 4th century BC in Pythagoreanism, and a fully developed heliocentric model was developed by Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century BC, these ideas were not successful in replacing the view of a static spherical Earth, and from the 2nd century AD the predominant model, which would be inherited by medieval astronomy, was the geocentric model described in Ptolemy's \"Almagest\". The Ptolemaic system was a sophisticated astronomical system that managed to calculate the positions for the planets to a fair degree of accuracy. Ptolemy himself, in his","Document [11](Title: Geocentric model) intended to explain changes in the brightness of the planets due to a change in distance. Eventually, perfectly concentric spheres were abandoned as it was impossible to develop a sufficiently accurate model under that ideal. However, while providing for similar explanations, the later deferent and epicycle model was flexible enough to accommodate observations for many centuries. Although the basic tenets of Greek geocentrism were established by the time of Aristotle, the details of his system did not become standard. The Ptolemaic system, developed by the Hellenistic astronomer Claudius Ptolemaeus in the 2nd century AD finally standardised geocentrism. His main astronomical","Document [12](Title: Geocentric model) coelestium\" (\"On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres\"), which posited that the Earth and the other planets instead revolved around the Sun. The geocentric system was still held for many years afterwards, as at the time the Copernican system did not offer better predictions than the geocentric system, and it posed problems for both natural philosophy and scripture. The Copernican system was no more accurate than Ptolemy's system, because it still used circular orbits. This was not altered until Johannes Kepler postulated that they were elliptical (Kepler's first law of planetary motion). With the invention of the telescope in 1609,","Document [13](Title: Copernican heliocentrism) preserving the metaphysical implications of a mathematically ordered cosmos. Thus, his heliocentric model retained several of the Ptolemaic elements causing the inaccuracies, such as the planets' circular orbits, epicycles, and uniform speeds, while at the same time re-introducing such innovations as: Philolaus (4th century BCE) was one of the first to hypothesize movement of the Earth, probably inspired by Pythagoras' theories about a spherical, moving globe. Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century BCE had developed some theories of Heraclides Ponticus (speaking of a revolution by Earth on its axis) to propose what was, so far as is known, the","Document [14](Title: William Gilbert (astronomer)) of a more minute and practical knowledge of natural philosophy than Bacon, his opposition to the philosophy of the schools was more searching and particular, and at the same time probably little less efficient.\" In the opinion of Prof. John Robison, \"De Mundo\" consists of an attempt to establish a new system of natural philosophy upon the ruins of the Aristotelian doctrine. Dr. William Whewell says in his \"History of the Inductive Sciences\" (1859): Gilbert, in his work, \"De Magnete\" printed in 1600 has only some vague notions that the magnetic virtue of the earth in some way determines the","Document [15](Title: Bernard of Verdun) to be insufficiently developed to challenge Ptolemy's system. Bernard of Verdun Little is known of the life of Bernard of Verdun, except that he was a Franciscan friar who may have been born in Verdun and lived in the second half of the thirteenth century. His most significant work was the Treatise on the Whole of Astronomy (\"Tractatus super totam astrologiam\"), in which he defended Ptolemy's theory of epicycles and eccentrics against al-Bitruji's system of homocentric spheres. Contrary to the criticisms of Averroes and al-Bitruji, Bernard maintained that Ptolemy's theory was consistent with Aristotle's physics. He further pointed out many","Document [16](Title: Heliocentrism) to the Ptolemaic geocentric system: a geo-heliocentric system now known as the Tychonic system in which the five then known planets orbit the sun, while the sun and the moon orbit the earth. Tycho appreciated the Copernican system, but objected to the idea of a moving Earth on the basis of physics, astronomy, and religion. The Aristotelian physics of the time (modern Newtonian physics was still a century away) offered no physical explanation for the motion of a massive body like Earth, whereas it could easily explain the motion of heavenly bodies by postulating that they were made of a","Document [17](Title: Universe) was brought into nearly perfect agreement with astronomical observations by Ptolemy. The success of such a model is largely due to the mathematical fact that any function (such as the position of a planet) can be decomposed into a set of circular functions (the Fourier modes). Other Greek scientists, such as the Pythagorean philosopher Philolaus, postulated (according to Stobaeus account) that at the center of the Universe was a \"central fire\" around which the Earth, Sun, Moon and Planets revolved in uniform circular motion. The Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos was the first known individual to propose a heliocentric model","Document [18](Title: Geocentric model) knew about Tusi's work or that of the Maragha school. Not all Greeks agreed with the geocentric model. The Pythagorean system has already been mentioned; some Pythagoreans believed the Earth to be one of several planets going around a central fire. Hicetas and Ecphantus, two Pythagoreans of the 5th century BC, and Heraclides Ponticus in the 4th century BC, believed that the Earth rotated on its axis but remained at the center of the universe. Such a system still qualifies as geocentric. It was revived in the Middle Ages by Jean Buridan. Heraclides Ponticus was once thought to have proposed","Document [19](Title: Spherical Earth) up. In this geocentric model, the structure of the universe was believed to be a series of perfect spheres. The Sun, Moon, planets and fixed stars were believed to move on celestial spheres around a stationary Earth. Though Aristotle's theory of physics survived in the Christian world for many centuries, the heliocentric model was eventually shown to be a more correct explanation of the Solar System than the geocentric model, and atomic theory was shown to be a more correct explanation of the nature of matter than classical elements like earth, water, air, fire, and aether. In proposition 2 of","Document [20](Title: Geocentric model) work, the \"Almagest\", was the culmination of centuries of work by Hellenic, Hellenistic and Babylonian astronomers. For over a millennium European and Islamic astronomers assumed it was the correct cosmological model. Because of its influence, people sometimes wrongly think the Ptolemaic system is identical with the geocentric model. Ptolemy argued that the Earth was a sphere in the center of the universe, from the simple observation that half the stars were above the horizon and half were below the horizon at any time (stars on rotating stellar sphere), and the assumption that the stars were all at some modest distance"],"query":"who challenged the aristotelian model of a geocentric universe?","answers":["Copernicus"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Heliocentrism) of Samos's heliocentric scheme had centuries earlier necessarily placed the stars at least two orders of magnitude more distant. Problems with Ptolemy's system were well recognized in medieval astronomy, and an increasing effort to criticize and improve it in the late medieval period eventually led to the Copernican heliocentrism developed in Renaissance astronomy. The non-geocentric model of the Universe was proposed by the Pythagorean philosopher Philolaus (d. 390 BC), who taught that at the center of the Universe was a \"central fire\", around which the Earth, Sun, Moon and planets revolved in uniform circular motion. This system postulated the existence","Document [2](Title: Johannes van Heeck) the universe, known as the Aristotelian model or the Ptolmaic system. This held that the stars were remote, fixed in their positions and unchanging, while movement and variance were associated with the planets, closer to the earth. An unusual event in the sky might take place close to the earth, and could therefore be explained within the standard cosmological model. However if it took place beyond the planets, this indicated that the stars, contrary to what was commonly believed, could not be fixed in a 'firmament'. Astronomers (still working with the unaided naked eye at this time) took measurements of","Document [3](Title: Geocentric model) Alpetragius proposed a planetary model that abandoned the equant, epicycle and eccentric mechanisms, though this resulted in a system that was mathematically less accurate. Alpetragius also declared the Ptolemaic system as an imaginary model that was successful at predicting planetary positions but not real or physical. His alternative system spread through most of Europe during the 13th century. Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (1149\u20131209), in dealing with his conception of physics and the physical world in his \"Matalib\", rejects the Aristotelian and Avicennian notion of the Earth's centrality within the universe, but instead argues that there are \"a thousand thousand worlds (\"alfa","Document [4](Title: Geocentric model) 17th century competition between astronomical cosmologies focused on variations of Tycho Brahe's Tychonic system (in which the Earth was still at the center of the universe, and around it revolved the Sun, but all other planets revolved around the Sun in one massive set of epicycles), or variations on the Copernican system. Johannes Kepler analysed Tycho Brahe's famously accurate observations and afterwards constructed his three laws in 1609 and 1619, based on a heliocentric view where the planets move in elliptical paths. Using these laws, he was the first astronomer to successfully predict a transit of Venus (for the year","Document [5](Title: History of physics) mainstream scientific paradigm in Europe until the time of Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton. Early in Classical Greece, knowledge that the Earth is spherical (\"round\") was common. Around 240 BCE, as the result a seminal experiment, Eratosthenes (276\u2013194 BCE) accurately estimated its circumference. In contrast to Aristotle's geocentric views, Aristarchus of Samos (; c.310 \u2013 c.230 BCE) presented an explicit argument for a heliocentric model of the Solar system, i.e. for placing the Sun, not the Earth, at its centre. Seleucus of Seleucia, a follower of Aristarchus' heliocentric theory, stated that the Earth rotated around its own axis, which, in","Document [6](Title: Geocentric model) motion based on Plato's dictum stating that all phenomena in the heavens can be explained with uniform circular motion. Aristotle elaborated on Eudoxus' system. In the fully developed Aristotelian system, the spherical Earth is at the center of the universe, and all other heavenly bodies are attached to 47\u201355 transparent, rotating spheres surrounding the Earth, all concentric with it. (The number is so high because several spheres are needed for each planet.) These spheres, known as crystalline spheres, all moved at different uniform speeds to create the revolution of bodies around the Earth. They were composed of an incorruptible substance","Document [7](Title: Copernican Revolution) is much older; it can be traced to Aristarchus of Samos, a Hellenistic author writing in the 3rd century BC, who may in turn have been drawing on even older concepts in Pythagoreanism. Ancient heliocentrism was, however, eclipsed by the geocentric model presented by Ptolemy and accepted in Aristotelianism. European scholars were well aware of the problems with Ptolemaic astronomy since the 13th century. The debate was precipitated by the reception by Averroes' criticism of Ptolemy, and it was again revived by the recovery of Ptolemy's text and its translation into Latin in the mid-15th century. Otto E. Neugebauer in","Document [8](Title: Aristarchus of Samos) Aristarchus of Samos Aristarchus of Samos (; , \"Aristarkhos ho Samios\"; c. 310 \u2013 c. 230 BC) was an ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician who presented the first known heliocentric model that placed the Sun at the center of the known universe with the Earth revolving around it. He was influenced by Philolaus of Croton, but Aristarchus identified the \"central fire\" with the Sun, and he put the other planets in their correct order of distance around the Sun. Like Anaxagoras before him, he suspected that the stars were just other bodies like the Sun, albeit further away from Earth.","Document [9](Title: Heliocentrism) the Copernican Revolution. While a moving Earth was proposed at least from the 4th century BC in Pythagoreanism, and a fully developed heliocentric model was developed by Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century BC, these ideas were not successful in replacing the view of a static spherical Earth, and from the 2nd century AD the predominant model, which would be inherited by medieval astronomy, was the geocentric model described in Ptolemy's \"Almagest\". The Ptolemaic system was a sophisticated astronomical system that managed to calculate the positions for the planets to a fair degree of accuracy. Ptolemy himself, in his","Document [10](Title: Geocentric model) The geocentric model was eventually replaced by the heliocentric model. The earliest heliocentric model, Copernican heliocentrism, could remove Ptolemy's epicycles because the retrograde motion could be seen to be the result of the combination of Earth and planet movement and speeds. Copernicus felt strongly that equants were a violation of Aristotelian purity, and proved that replacement of the equant with a pair of new epicycles was entirely equivalent. Astronomers often continued using the equants instead of the epicycles because the former was easier to calculate, and gave the same result.","Document [11](Title: Geocentric model) intended to explain changes in the brightness of the planets due to a change in distance. Eventually, perfectly concentric spheres were abandoned as it was impossible to develop a sufficiently accurate model under that ideal. However, while providing for similar explanations, the later deferent and epicycle model was flexible enough to accommodate observations for many centuries. Although the basic tenets of Greek geocentrism were established by the time of Aristotle, the details of his system did not become standard. The Ptolemaic system, developed by the Hellenistic astronomer Claudius Ptolemaeus in the 2nd century AD finally standardised geocentrism. His main astronomical","Document [12](Title: Geocentric model) coelestium\" (\"On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres\"), which posited that the Earth and the other planets instead revolved around the Sun. The geocentric system was still held for many years afterwards, as at the time the Copernican system did not offer better predictions than the geocentric system, and it posed problems for both natural philosophy and scripture. The Copernican system was no more accurate than Ptolemy's system, because it still used circular orbits. This was not altered until Johannes Kepler postulated that they were elliptical (Kepler's first law of planetary motion). With the invention of the telescope in 1609,","Document [13](Title: Copernican heliocentrism) preserving the metaphysical implications of a mathematically ordered cosmos. Thus, his heliocentric model retained several of the Ptolemaic elements causing the inaccuracies, such as the planets' circular orbits, epicycles, and uniform speeds, while at the same time re-introducing such innovations as: Philolaus (4th century BCE) was one of the first to hypothesize movement of the Earth, probably inspired by Pythagoras' theories about a spherical, moving globe. Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century BCE had developed some theories of Heraclides Ponticus (speaking of a revolution by Earth on its axis) to propose what was, so far as is known, the","Document [14](Title: William Gilbert (astronomer)) of a more minute and practical knowledge of natural philosophy than Bacon, his opposition to the philosophy of the schools was more searching and particular, and at the same time probably little less efficient.\" In the opinion of Prof. John Robison, \"De Mundo\" consists of an attempt to establish a new system of natural philosophy upon the ruins of the Aristotelian doctrine. Dr. William Whewell says in his \"History of the Inductive Sciences\" (1859): Gilbert, in his work, \"De Magnete\" printed in 1600 has only some vague notions that the magnetic virtue of the earth in some way determines the","Document [15](Title: Bernard of Verdun) to be insufficiently developed to challenge Ptolemy's system. Bernard of Verdun Little is known of the life of Bernard of Verdun, except that he was a Franciscan friar who may have been born in Verdun and lived in the second half of the thirteenth century. His most significant work was the Treatise on the Whole of Astronomy (\"Tractatus super totam astrologiam\"), in which he defended Ptolemy's theory of epicycles and eccentrics against al-Bitruji's system of homocentric spheres. Contrary to the criticisms of Averroes and al-Bitruji, Bernard maintained that Ptolemy's theory was consistent with Aristotle's physics. He further pointed out many","Document [16](Title: Heliocentrism) to the Ptolemaic geocentric system: a geo-heliocentric system now known as the Tychonic system in which the five then known planets orbit the sun, while the sun and the moon orbit the earth. Tycho appreciated the Copernican system, but objected to the idea of a moving Earth on the basis of physics, astronomy, and religion. The Aristotelian physics of the time (modern Newtonian physics was still a century away) offered no physical explanation for the motion of a massive body like Earth, whereas it could easily explain the motion of heavenly bodies by postulating that they were made of a","Document [17](Title: Universe) was brought into nearly perfect agreement with astronomical observations by Ptolemy. The success of such a model is largely due to the mathematical fact that any function (such as the position of a planet) can be decomposed into a set of circular functions (the Fourier modes). Other Greek scientists, such as the Pythagorean philosopher Philolaus, postulated (according to Stobaeus account) that at the center of the Universe was a \"central fire\" around which the Earth, Sun, Moon and Planets revolved in uniform circular motion. The Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos was the first known individual to propose a heliocentric model","Document [18](Title: Geocentric model) knew about Tusi's work or that of the Maragha school. Not all Greeks agreed with the geocentric model. The Pythagorean system has already been mentioned; some Pythagoreans believed the Earth to be one of several planets going around a central fire. Hicetas and Ecphantus, two Pythagoreans of the 5th century BC, and Heraclides Ponticus in the 4th century BC, believed that the Earth rotated on its axis but remained at the center of the universe. Such a system still qualifies as geocentric. It was revived in the Middle Ages by Jean Buridan. Heraclides Ponticus was once thought to have proposed","Document [19](Title: Spherical Earth) up. In this geocentric model, the structure of the universe was believed to be a series of perfect spheres. The Sun, Moon, planets and fixed stars were believed to move on celestial spheres around a stationary Earth. Though Aristotle's theory of physics survived in the Christian world for many centuries, the heliocentric model was eventually shown to be a more correct explanation of the Solar System than the geocentric model, and atomic theory was shown to be a more correct explanation of the nature of matter than classical elements like earth, water, air, fire, and aether. In proposition 2 of","Document [20](Title: Geocentric model) work, the \"Almagest\", was the culmination of centuries of work by Hellenic, Hellenistic and Babylonian astronomers. For over a millennium European and Islamic astronomers assumed it was the correct cosmological model. Because of its influence, people sometimes wrongly think the Ptolemaic system is identical with the geocentric model. Ptolemy argued that the Earth was a sphere in the center of the universe, from the simple observation that half the stars were above the horizon and half were below the horizon at any time (stars on rotating stellar sphere), and the assumption that the stars were all at some modest distance"],"query":"who challenged the aristotelian model of a geocentric universe?","answers":["Copernicus"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Heliocentrism) of Samos's heliocentric scheme had centuries earlier necessarily placed the stars at least two orders of magnitude more distant. Problems with Ptolemy's system were well recognized in medieval astronomy, and an increasing effort to criticize and improve it in the late medieval period eventually led to the Copernican heliocentrism developed in Renaissance astronomy. The non-geocentric model of the Universe was proposed by the Pythagorean philosopher Philolaus (d. 390 BC), who taught that at the center of the Universe was a \"central fire\", around which the Earth, Sun, Moon and planets revolved in uniform circular motion. This system postulated the existence","Document [2](Title: Johannes van Heeck) the universe, known as the Aristotelian model or the Ptolmaic system. This held that the stars were remote, fixed in their positions and unchanging, while movement and variance were associated with the planets, closer to the earth. An unusual event in the sky might take place close to the earth, and could therefore be explained within the standard cosmological model. However if it took place beyond the planets, this indicated that the stars, contrary to what was commonly believed, could not be fixed in a 'firmament'. Astronomers (still working with the unaided naked eye at this time) took measurements of","Document [3](Title: Geocentric model) Alpetragius proposed a planetary model that abandoned the equant, epicycle and eccentric mechanisms, though this resulted in a system that was mathematically less accurate. Alpetragius also declared the Ptolemaic system as an imaginary model that was successful at predicting planetary positions but not real or physical. His alternative system spread through most of Europe during the 13th century. Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (1149\u20131209), in dealing with his conception of physics and the physical world in his \"Matalib\", rejects the Aristotelian and Avicennian notion of the Earth's centrality within the universe, but instead argues that there are \"a thousand thousand worlds (\"alfa","Document [4](Title: Geocentric model) 17th century competition between astronomical cosmologies focused on variations of Tycho Brahe's Tychonic system (in which the Earth was still at the center of the universe, and around it revolved the Sun, but all other planets revolved around the Sun in one massive set of epicycles), or variations on the Copernican system. Johannes Kepler analysed Tycho Brahe's famously accurate observations and afterwards constructed his three laws in 1609 and 1619, based on a heliocentric view where the planets move in elliptical paths. Using these laws, he was the first astronomer to successfully predict a transit of Venus (for the year","Document [5](Title: History of physics) mainstream scientific paradigm in Europe until the time of Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton. Early in Classical Greece, knowledge that the Earth is spherical (\"round\") was common. Around 240 BCE, as the result a seminal experiment, Eratosthenes (276\u2013194 BCE) accurately estimated its circumference. In contrast to Aristotle's geocentric views, Aristarchus of Samos (; c.310 \u2013 c.230 BCE) presented an explicit argument for a heliocentric model of the Solar system, i.e. for placing the Sun, not the Earth, at its centre. Seleucus of Seleucia, a follower of Aristarchus' heliocentric theory, stated that the Earth rotated around its own axis, which, in","Document [6](Title: Geocentric model) motion based on Plato's dictum stating that all phenomena in the heavens can be explained with uniform circular motion. Aristotle elaborated on Eudoxus' system. In the fully developed Aristotelian system, the spherical Earth is at the center of the universe, and all other heavenly bodies are attached to 47\u201355 transparent, rotating spheres surrounding the Earth, all concentric with it. (The number is so high because several spheres are needed for each planet.) These spheres, known as crystalline spheres, all moved at different uniform speeds to create the revolution of bodies around the Earth. They were composed of an incorruptible substance","Document [7](Title: Copernican Revolution) is much older; it can be traced to Aristarchus of Samos, a Hellenistic author writing in the 3rd century BC, who may in turn have been drawing on even older concepts in Pythagoreanism. Ancient heliocentrism was, however, eclipsed by the geocentric model presented by Ptolemy and accepted in Aristotelianism. European scholars were well aware of the problems with Ptolemaic astronomy since the 13th century. The debate was precipitated by the reception by Averroes' criticism of Ptolemy, and it was again revived by the recovery of Ptolemy's text and its translation into Latin in the mid-15th century. Otto E. Neugebauer in","Document [8](Title: Aristarchus of Samos) Aristarchus of Samos Aristarchus of Samos (; , \"Aristarkhos ho Samios\"; c. 310 \u2013 c. 230 BC) was an ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician who presented the first known heliocentric model that placed the Sun at the center of the known universe with the Earth revolving around it. He was influenced by Philolaus of Croton, but Aristarchus identified the \"central fire\" with the Sun, and he put the other planets in their correct order of distance around the Sun. Like Anaxagoras before him, he suspected that the stars were just other bodies like the Sun, albeit further away from Earth.","Document [9](Title: Heliocentrism) the Copernican Revolution. While a moving Earth was proposed at least from the 4th century BC in Pythagoreanism, and a fully developed heliocentric model was developed by Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century BC, these ideas were not successful in replacing the view of a static spherical Earth, and from the 2nd century AD the predominant model, which would be inherited by medieval astronomy, was the geocentric model described in Ptolemy's \"Almagest\". The Ptolemaic system was a sophisticated astronomical system that managed to calculate the positions for the planets to a fair degree of accuracy. Ptolemy himself, in his","Document [10](Title: Geocentric model) intended to explain changes in the brightness of the planets due to a change in distance. Eventually, perfectly concentric spheres were abandoned as it was impossible to develop a sufficiently accurate model under that ideal. However, while providing for similar explanations, the later deferent and epicycle model was flexible enough to accommodate observations for many centuries. Although the basic tenets of Greek geocentrism were established by the time of Aristotle, the details of his system did not become standard. The Ptolemaic system, developed by the Hellenistic astronomer Claudius Ptolemaeus in the 2nd century AD finally standardised geocentrism. His main astronomical","Document [11](Title: Geocentric model) coelestium\" (\"On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres\"), which posited that the Earth and the other planets instead revolved around the Sun. The geocentric system was still held for many years afterwards, as at the time the Copernican system did not offer better predictions than the geocentric system, and it posed problems for both natural philosophy and scripture. The Copernican system was no more accurate than Ptolemy's system, because it still used circular orbits. This was not altered until Johannes Kepler postulated that they were elliptical (Kepler's first law of planetary motion). With the invention of the telescope in 1609,","Document [12](Title: Copernican heliocentrism) preserving the metaphysical implications of a mathematically ordered cosmos. Thus, his heliocentric model retained several of the Ptolemaic elements causing the inaccuracies, such as the planets' circular orbits, epicycles, and uniform speeds, while at the same time re-introducing such innovations as: Philolaus (4th century BCE) was one of the first to hypothesize movement of the Earth, probably inspired by Pythagoras' theories about a spherical, moving globe. Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century BCE had developed some theories of Heraclides Ponticus (speaking of a revolution by Earth on its axis) to propose what was, so far as is known, the","Document [13](Title: William Gilbert (astronomer)) of a more minute and practical knowledge of natural philosophy than Bacon, his opposition to the philosophy of the schools was more searching and particular, and at the same time probably little less efficient.\" In the opinion of Prof. John Robison, \"De Mundo\" consists of an attempt to establish a new system of natural philosophy upon the ruins of the Aristotelian doctrine. Dr. William Whewell says in his \"History of the Inductive Sciences\" (1859): Gilbert, in his work, \"De Magnete\" printed in 1600 has only some vague notions that the magnetic virtue of the earth in some way determines the","Document [14](Title: Bernard of Verdun) to be insufficiently developed to challenge Ptolemy's system. Bernard of Verdun Little is known of the life of Bernard of Verdun, except that he was a Franciscan friar who may have been born in Verdun and lived in the second half of the thirteenth century. His most significant work was the Treatise on the Whole of Astronomy (\"Tractatus super totam astrologiam\"), in which he defended Ptolemy's theory of epicycles and eccentrics against al-Bitruji's system of homocentric spheres. Contrary to the criticisms of Averroes and al-Bitruji, Bernard maintained that Ptolemy's theory was consistent with Aristotle's physics. He further pointed out many","Document [15](Title: Geocentric model) The geocentric model was eventually replaced by the heliocentric model. The earliest heliocentric model, Copernican heliocentrism, could remove Ptolemy's epicycles because the retrograde motion could be seen to be the result of the combination of Earth and planet movement and speeds. Copernicus felt strongly that equants were a violation of Aristotelian purity, and proved that replacement of the equant with a pair of new epicycles was entirely equivalent. Astronomers often continued using the equants instead of the epicycles because the former was easier to calculate, and gave the same result.","Document [16](Title: Heliocentrism) to the Ptolemaic geocentric system: a geo-heliocentric system now known as the Tychonic system in which the five then known planets orbit the sun, while the sun and the moon orbit the earth. Tycho appreciated the Copernican system, but objected to the idea of a moving Earth on the basis of physics, astronomy, and religion. The Aristotelian physics of the time (modern Newtonian physics was still a century away) offered no physical explanation for the motion of a massive body like Earth, whereas it could easily explain the motion of heavenly bodies by postulating that they were made of a","Document [17](Title: Universe) was brought into nearly perfect agreement with astronomical observations by Ptolemy. The success of such a model is largely due to the mathematical fact that any function (such as the position of a planet) can be decomposed into a set of circular functions (the Fourier modes). Other Greek scientists, such as the Pythagorean philosopher Philolaus, postulated (according to Stobaeus account) that at the center of the Universe was a \"central fire\" around which the Earth, Sun, Moon and Planets revolved in uniform circular motion. The Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos was the first known individual to propose a heliocentric model","Document [18](Title: Geocentric model) knew about Tusi's work or that of the Maragha school. Not all Greeks agreed with the geocentric model. The Pythagorean system has already been mentioned; some Pythagoreans believed the Earth to be one of several planets going around a central fire. Hicetas and Ecphantus, two Pythagoreans of the 5th century BC, and Heraclides Ponticus in the 4th century BC, believed that the Earth rotated on its axis but remained at the center of the universe. Such a system still qualifies as geocentric. It was revived in the Middle Ages by Jean Buridan. Heraclides Ponticus was once thought to have proposed","Document [19](Title: Spherical Earth) up. In this geocentric model, the structure of the universe was believed to be a series of perfect spheres. The Sun, Moon, planets and fixed stars were believed to move on celestial spheres around a stationary Earth. Though Aristotle's theory of physics survived in the Christian world for many centuries, the heliocentric model was eventually shown to be a more correct explanation of the Solar System than the geocentric model, and atomic theory was shown to be a more correct explanation of the nature of matter than classical elements like earth, water, air, fire, and aether. In proposition 2 of","Document [20](Title: Geocentric model) work, the \"Almagest\", was the culmination of centuries of work by Hellenic, Hellenistic and Babylonian astronomers. For over a millennium European and Islamic astronomers assumed it was the correct cosmological model. Because of its influence, people sometimes wrongly think the Ptolemaic system is identical with the geocentric model. Ptolemy argued that the Earth was a sphere in the center of the universe, from the simple observation that half the stars were above the horizon and half were below the horizon at any time (stars on rotating stellar sphere), and the assumption that the stars were all at some modest distance"],"query":"who challenged the aristotelian model of a geocentric universe?","answers":["Copernicus"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Heliocentrism) of Samos's heliocentric scheme had centuries earlier necessarily placed the stars at least two orders of magnitude more distant. Problems with Ptolemy's system were well recognized in medieval astronomy, and an increasing effort to criticize and improve it in the late medieval period eventually led to the Copernican heliocentrism developed in Renaissance astronomy. The non-geocentric model of the Universe was proposed by the Pythagorean philosopher Philolaus (d. 390 BC), who taught that at the center of the Universe was a \"central fire\", around which the Earth, Sun, Moon and planets revolved in uniform circular motion. This system postulated the existence","Document [2](Title: Johannes van Heeck) the universe, known as the Aristotelian model or the Ptolmaic system. This held that the stars were remote, fixed in their positions and unchanging, while movement and variance were associated with the planets, closer to the earth. An unusual event in the sky might take place close to the earth, and could therefore be explained within the standard cosmological model. However if it took place beyond the planets, this indicated that the stars, contrary to what was commonly believed, could not be fixed in a 'firmament'. Astronomers (still working with the unaided naked eye at this time) took measurements of","Document [3](Title: Geocentric model) Alpetragius proposed a planetary model that abandoned the equant, epicycle and eccentric mechanisms, though this resulted in a system that was mathematically less accurate. Alpetragius also declared the Ptolemaic system as an imaginary model that was successful at predicting planetary positions but not real or physical. His alternative system spread through most of Europe during the 13th century. Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (1149\u20131209), in dealing with his conception of physics and the physical world in his \"Matalib\", rejects the Aristotelian and Avicennian notion of the Earth's centrality within the universe, but instead argues that there are \"a thousand thousand worlds (\"alfa","Document [4](Title: Geocentric model) 17th century competition between astronomical cosmologies focused on variations of Tycho Brahe's Tychonic system (in which the Earth was still at the center of the universe, and around it revolved the Sun, but all other planets revolved around the Sun in one massive set of epicycles), or variations on the Copernican system. Johannes Kepler analysed Tycho Brahe's famously accurate observations and afterwards constructed his three laws in 1609 and 1619, based on a heliocentric view where the planets move in elliptical paths. Using these laws, he was the first astronomer to successfully predict a transit of Venus (for the year","Document [5](Title: History of physics) mainstream scientific paradigm in Europe until the time of Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton. Early in Classical Greece, knowledge that the Earth is spherical (\"round\") was common. Around 240 BCE, as the result a seminal experiment, Eratosthenes (276\u2013194 BCE) accurately estimated its circumference. In contrast to Aristotle's geocentric views, Aristarchus of Samos (; c.310 \u2013 c.230 BCE) presented an explicit argument for a heliocentric model of the Solar system, i.e. for placing the Sun, not the Earth, at its centre. Seleucus of Seleucia, a follower of Aristarchus' heliocentric theory, stated that the Earth rotated around its own axis, which, in","Document [6](Title: Geocentric model) motion based on Plato's dictum stating that all phenomena in the heavens can be explained with uniform circular motion. Aristotle elaborated on Eudoxus' system. In the fully developed Aristotelian system, the spherical Earth is at the center of the universe, and all other heavenly bodies are attached to 47\u201355 transparent, rotating spheres surrounding the Earth, all concentric with it. (The number is so high because several spheres are needed for each planet.) These spheres, known as crystalline spheres, all moved at different uniform speeds to create the revolution of bodies around the Earth. They were composed of an incorruptible substance","Document [7](Title: Copernican Revolution) is much older; it can be traced to Aristarchus of Samos, a Hellenistic author writing in the 3rd century BC, who may in turn have been drawing on even older concepts in Pythagoreanism. Ancient heliocentrism was, however, eclipsed by the geocentric model presented by Ptolemy and accepted in Aristotelianism. European scholars were well aware of the problems with Ptolemaic astronomy since the 13th century. The debate was precipitated by the reception by Averroes' criticism of Ptolemy, and it was again revived by the recovery of Ptolemy's text and its translation into Latin in the mid-15th century. Otto E. Neugebauer in","Document [8](Title: Aristarchus of Samos) Aristarchus of Samos Aristarchus of Samos (; , \"Aristarkhos ho Samios\"; c. 310 \u2013 c. 230 BC) was an ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician who presented the first known heliocentric model that placed the Sun at the center of the known universe with the Earth revolving around it. He was influenced by Philolaus of Croton, but Aristarchus identified the \"central fire\" with the Sun, and he put the other planets in their correct order of distance around the Sun. Like Anaxagoras before him, he suspected that the stars were just other bodies like the Sun, albeit further away from Earth.","Document [9](Title: Heliocentrism) the Copernican Revolution. While a moving Earth was proposed at least from the 4th century BC in Pythagoreanism, and a fully developed heliocentric model was developed by Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century BC, these ideas were not successful in replacing the view of a static spherical Earth, and from the 2nd century AD the predominant model, which would be inherited by medieval astronomy, was the geocentric model described in Ptolemy's \"Almagest\". The Ptolemaic system was a sophisticated astronomical system that managed to calculate the positions for the planets to a fair degree of accuracy. Ptolemy himself, in his","Document [10](Title: Geocentric model) intended to explain changes in the brightness of the planets due to a change in distance. Eventually, perfectly concentric spheres were abandoned as it was impossible to develop a sufficiently accurate model under that ideal. However, while providing for similar explanations, the later deferent and epicycle model was flexible enough to accommodate observations for many centuries. Although the basic tenets of Greek geocentrism were established by the time of Aristotle, the details of his system did not become standard. The Ptolemaic system, developed by the Hellenistic astronomer Claudius Ptolemaeus in the 2nd century AD finally standardised geocentrism. His main astronomical","Document [11](Title: Geocentric model) coelestium\" (\"On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres\"), which posited that the Earth and the other planets instead revolved around the Sun. The geocentric system was still held for many years afterwards, as at the time the Copernican system did not offer better predictions than the geocentric system, and it posed problems for both natural philosophy and scripture. The Copernican system was no more accurate than Ptolemy's system, because it still used circular orbits. This was not altered until Johannes Kepler postulated that they were elliptical (Kepler's first law of planetary motion). With the invention of the telescope in 1609,","Document [12](Title: Copernican heliocentrism) preserving the metaphysical implications of a mathematically ordered cosmos. Thus, his heliocentric model retained several of the Ptolemaic elements causing the inaccuracies, such as the planets' circular orbits, epicycles, and uniform speeds, while at the same time re-introducing such innovations as: Philolaus (4th century BCE) was one of the first to hypothesize movement of the Earth, probably inspired by Pythagoras' theories about a spherical, moving globe. Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd century BCE had developed some theories of Heraclides Ponticus (speaking of a revolution by Earth on its axis) to propose what was, so far as is known, the","Document [13](Title: William Gilbert (astronomer)) of a more minute and practical knowledge of natural philosophy than Bacon, his opposition to the philosophy of the schools was more searching and particular, and at the same time probably little less efficient.\" In the opinion of Prof. John Robison, \"De Mundo\" consists of an attempt to establish a new system of natural philosophy upon the ruins of the Aristotelian doctrine. Dr. William Whewell says in his \"History of the Inductive Sciences\" (1859): Gilbert, in his work, \"De Magnete\" printed in 1600 has only some vague notions that the magnetic virtue of the earth in some way determines the","Document [14](Title: Bernard of Verdun) to be insufficiently developed to challenge Ptolemy's system. Bernard of Verdun Little is known of the life of Bernard of Verdun, except that he was a Franciscan friar who may have been born in Verdun and lived in the second half of the thirteenth century. His most significant work was the Treatise on the Whole of Astronomy (\"Tractatus super totam astrologiam\"), in which he defended Ptolemy's theory of epicycles and eccentrics against al-Bitruji's system of homocentric spheres. Contrary to the criticisms of Averroes and al-Bitruji, Bernard maintained that Ptolemy's theory was consistent with Aristotle's physics. He further pointed out many","Document [15](Title: Heliocentrism) to the Ptolemaic geocentric system: a geo-heliocentric system now known as the Tychonic system in which the five then known planets orbit the sun, while the sun and the moon orbit the earth. Tycho appreciated the Copernican system, but objected to the idea of a moving Earth on the basis of physics, astronomy, and religion. The Aristotelian physics of the time (modern Newtonian physics was still a century away) offered no physical explanation for the motion of a massive body like Earth, whereas it could easily explain the motion of heavenly bodies by postulating that they were made of a","Document [16](Title: Universe) was brought into nearly perfect agreement with astronomical observations by Ptolemy. The success of such a model is largely due to the mathematical fact that any function (such as the position of a planet) can be decomposed into a set of circular functions (the Fourier modes). Other Greek scientists, such as the Pythagorean philosopher Philolaus, postulated (according to Stobaeus account) that at the center of the Universe was a \"central fire\" around which the Earth, Sun, Moon and Planets revolved in uniform circular motion. The Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos was the first known individual to propose a heliocentric model","Document [17](Title: Geocentric model) knew about Tusi's work or that of the Maragha school. Not all Greeks agreed with the geocentric model. The Pythagorean system has already been mentioned; some Pythagoreans believed the Earth to be one of several planets going around a central fire. Hicetas and Ecphantus, two Pythagoreans of the 5th century BC, and Heraclides Ponticus in the 4th century BC, believed that the Earth rotated on its axis but remained at the center of the universe. Such a system still qualifies as geocentric. It was revived in the Middle Ages by Jean Buridan. Heraclides Ponticus was once thought to have proposed","Document [18](Title: Spherical Earth) up. In this geocentric model, the structure of the universe was believed to be a series of perfect spheres. The Sun, Moon, planets and fixed stars were believed to move on celestial spheres around a stationary Earth. Though Aristotle's theory of physics survived in the Christian world for many centuries, the heliocentric model was eventually shown to be a more correct explanation of the Solar System than the geocentric model, and atomic theory was shown to be a more correct explanation of the nature of matter than classical elements like earth, water, air, fire, and aether. In proposition 2 of","Document [19](Title: Geocentric model) work, the \"Almagest\", was the culmination of centuries of work by Hellenic, Hellenistic and Babylonian astronomers. For over a millennium European and Islamic astronomers assumed it was the correct cosmological model. Because of its influence, people sometimes wrongly think the Ptolemaic system is identical with the geocentric model. Ptolemy argued that the Earth was a sphere in the center of the universe, from the simple observation that half the stars were above the horizon and half were below the horizon at any time (stars on rotating stellar sphere), and the assumption that the stars were all at some modest distance","Document [20](Title: Geocentric model) The geocentric model was eventually replaced by the heliocentric model. The earliest heliocentric model, Copernican heliocentrism, could remove Ptolemy's epicycles because the retrograde motion could be seen to be the result of the combination of Earth and planet movement and speeds. Copernicus felt strongly that equants were a violation of Aristotelian purity, and proved that replacement of the equant with a pair of new epicycles was entirely equivalent. Astronomers often continued using the equants instead of the epicycles because the former was easier to calculate, and gave the same result."],"query":"who challenged the aristotelian model of a geocentric universe?","answers":["Copernicus"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) A sixth season was commissioned by Foxtel on 9 May 2017, which will premiere on 19 June 2018. A seventh season was commissioned in April 2018, before the sixth season premiere, with filming commencing the following week and a premiere set for 2019.","Document [2](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) for our regular characters, along with some new faces in the yard and on the outside. With series producer Pino Amenta at the helm, our ambition to keep lifting the bar and reward our audience both locally and internationally couldn\u2019t be stronger.\" Penny Win, the Head of Drama at Foxtel stated, \"\"Wentworth\" has gone from strength to strength over the past four seasons. Not only is it an international television success story, now showing in 141 territories, it is a ratings blockbuster and fan favourite for Foxtel audiences. We are extremely proud of this long-running drama juggernaut. It was a","Document [3](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) Saturday nights at 10:00 pm. The series premiered in the Republic of Ireland broadcasting as \"Wentworth\" on TV3 from June 2014. Season 2 premiered on TV3 on 15 January 2015. In Canada the first two seasons broadcast on Aboriginal Peoples Television Network in late 2015. Although the series has a strong fan base in many countries, Angela Perez of Australia Network News said, in 2016, that Foxtel was considering cancelling the show [after the then current fourth season] due to audiences viewing new episodes via pirate websites following the Australian premiere. Foxtel stated that the piracy is \"a serious problem","Document [4](Title: Wentworth (season 1)) announced by Foxtel on 4 March 2012. Developed by Lara Radulovich and David Hannam from the original concept by Reg Watson, it is produced by Fremantle's new head of drama, Jo Porter, and is filmed in Melbourne. FremantleMedia Chief Executive Asia Pacific, Ian Hogg, said: \"An entire generation of Australians grew up watching Prisoner and another is about to do the same with Wentworth.\" The ten-part season began filming in Melbourne for five months from 10 October 2012 and the shoot employed 300 cast and crew. \"Wentworth\" is filmed on a purpose built set in the suburb of Clayton. The","Document [5](Title: Wentworth (season 4)) in Australia, and on DVD-only format in the United Kingdom, and for the first time, it had only received a DVD release in Germany. It is not yet available in North America. Wentworth (season 4) The fourth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on SoHo in Australia on 10 May 2016. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's Director of Drama, Jo Porter. The season comprises 12 episodes. Season four picks up four months after the fire at Wentworth. Four months after the fire at Wentworth, Bea and the other inmates have been housed offsite while they wait for","Document [6](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) Kingdom, all five seasons are available for streaming on Amazon Video, while additional services include Google Play and YouTube. In Australia, Foxtel Now provides a catch-up service for the \"Wentworth\", while the series is made available for catch-up viewing via TVNZ OnDemand in New Zealand and My5 in the United Kingdom for a limited time. The show has received critical acclaim throughout its run. Following a screening of the pilot episode for the media in February 2013, Ben Pobjie from \"The Age\" called \"Wentworth\" \"a triumph\". He praised the writing and the cast, saying \"So rarely in Australian TV do","Document [7](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) On 21 July 2016, it was announced that FremantleMedia had renewed \"Wentworth\" for a fifth season, set to air in 2017. Jo Porter, the Director of Drama at FremantleMedia stated, \"As season four comes to a close, the audience has witnessed a dangerous shift in the power base at \"Wentworth\" which is building to an unmissable conclusion next week. \"Wentworth\" has built a reputation for delivering a world with unexpected twists and turns where no character is safe. The season\u2019s end provides a chilling platform for our script producer Marcia Gardner and the writing team to shape the next chapter","Document [8](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) 10 October 2012. \"Wentworth\" began airing on Foxtel's SoHo channel from 1 May 2013. Filming for the second season began on 23 September 2013 and wrapped on 13 February 2014. The second season began airing on 20 May 2014. Production for the third season resumed in March and filming was completed in late July. In the same month, it was announced that the property in which \"Wentworth\" was filmed had been sold, and the set would be knocked down. A new alternative was being sought and a \"TV Week\" reporter commented that it was unclear if the loss of the","Document [9](Title: Wentworth (season 4)) Wentworth (season 4) The fourth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on SoHo in Australia on 10 May 2016. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's Director of Drama, Jo Porter. The season comprises 12 episodes. Season four picks up four months after the fire at Wentworth. Four months after the fire at Wentworth, Bea and the other inmates have been housed offsite while they wait for construction to be completed. Season four will see Bea battle two formidable enemies. There is Kaz, made so dangerous by her extremist feminist ideology, who regards Bea as the great betrayer to","Document [10](Title: Wentworth (season 4)) the cause, and Ferguson who is on a mission to exonerate herself \u2013 will the walls of Wentworth be enough to protect the Top Dog? <\/onlyinclude> On 27 February 2015, it was announced that FremantleMedia had renewed \"Wentworth\" for a fourth season, set to air in 2016. Jo Porter, the Director of Drama at FremantleMedia stated, \"Without wanting to give away any specific spoilers from season three, suffice to say it builds to a fabulous crescendo that in turn has given our season four writers a fantastic launch pad to explore what is next for the complex and compelling characters","Document [11](Title: Wentworth (season 3)) ideal platform for it to achieve such success both domestically and then internationally. To have this unique Australian program now airing across the globe fills us with great pride. The commissioning of season three is such a compliment to the hard work and talent of the writers, directors, our outstanding cast and of course the crew, most of whom have been with us since season one. We look forward to continuing our success both here and overseas.\" Brian Walsh, the Executive Director of Television at Foxtel stated, \"\"Wentworth's\" first season was a triumph with its remarkable performance and production qualities","Document [12](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) in Australia and on DVD in the United Kingdom. The Seasons 1\u22126 set in Australia will only be available on DVD format. In the United States, the series commenced releasing on DVD in 2016 in which the first three seasons are currently available from Acorn Media. As of yet, there is no news as to whether Acorn Media will release subsequent seasons. DVD and Blu-ray sets commenced releasing in Germany from early 2017. From Season 4 onwards, the series will only receive DVD sets in Germany. Wentworth (TV series) Wentworth is an Australian television drama programme. It was first broadcast","Document [13](Title: Wentworth (season 3)) which enthralled our Australian audience and achieved such great international recognition. Since October, the cast and the production team, led by producer Amanda Crittenden, have been back on-location delivering on the promise of season two's gripping scripts and the story lines for season three are sensational.\" A third season was confirmed on 29 January 2014. A five-month production commenced in the purpose-built set in March 2014. The final table read for season three took place on 8 July 2014. Filming for the third season began in March 2014 and concluded in July 2014. Former \"All Saints\" stars Pia Miranda, Libby","Document [14](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) Wentworth (season 5) The fifth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on Showcase in Australia on 4 April 2017, having previously aired on SoHo, and concluded on June 20, 2017. It was executive produced by FremantleMedia's Director of Drama, Jo Porter. The season comprised 12 episodes. The fifth season picks up just days after the death of Bea Smith and is therefore noted as the first season not to feature Danielle Cormack. Following Bea Smith\u2019s tragic death at the hands of Joan Ferguson, emotional, psychological and professional shockwaves pound the inmates and staff of Wentworth Correctional Centre. Governor","Document [15](Title: Wentworth (season 1)) Wentworth (season 1) The first season of the crime drama television series \"Wentworth\" originally aired on SoHo in Australia. The season consisted of 10 episodes and aired between 1 May and 3 July 2013. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's director of drama Jo Porter. The series is a remake of \"Prisoner\", which aired on Network Ten from 1979 to 1986. Lara Radulovich and David Hannam developed \"Wentworth\" from Reg Watson's original concept. The season was shot over four months from 10 October 2012. The show is set in modern-day Victoria, Australia and focuses on the fictional women's prison Wentworth.","Document [16](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) set would be written into future storylines. The third season began airing on 7 April 2015. Production on the fourth season began in the second half of 2015. The fifth season was filmed in Melbourne from August 2016. On 9 May 2017, Showcase announced that the series has been renewed for a sixth season, which began filming a week later. \"Wentworth\" has been sold to more than 90 countries. On 2 April 2013, it was confirmed that TVNZ had signed a deal to broadcast \"Wentworth\" in New Zealand. Later that month, it was announced that \"Wentworth\" would be broadcast on","Document [17](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) 2014 and season Three, which commenced broadcast on 22 July 2015, concluded with a two-hour season finale which consisted of episodes 11 and 12 of the season on 30 September 2015. Season four of \"Wentworth\" premiered on Channel 5 on 27 June 2016. In July, following declining ratings, the series was moved from its Monday night timeslot on Channel 5 to Tuesday's on sister channel 5Star. Season 5 premiered on 5Star on 23 May 2017. Season 6 of \"Wentworth\" premiered on 5Star on 23 June 2018, just four days following the Australian premiere; however, the series has been moved to","Document [18](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) in terms of recouping money to help pay for future seasons\". ABC 1 started broadcasting Wentworth from season 1 in April 2018. In December 2014, \"Wentworth\" first premiered on Netflix in the United States and added seasons one and two to its streaming service. In April 2016 the third season was released to US audiences via the platform. Season 4 was released on Netflix in July 2016. The show features on the \u201c50 Best TV Shows on Netflix\u201d list according to Netflix Life. Seasons one to three are available to view via Amazon Video in the U.S. In the United","Document [19](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) very easy decision to commission a further season of this brilliantly constructed and crafted program from our production partner FremantleMedia. There is a lot in store both for the women behind bars and those on the outside.\" AACTA Awards Australian Directors Guild Logie Awards The fifth season of \"Wentworth\" is available on both DVD and Blu-ray formats in Australia, and DVD-only format in the United Kingdom. It is not yet available in the United States or Germany. Wentworth (season 5) The fifth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on Showcase in Australia on 4 April 2017, having previously","Document [20](Title: Wentworth (season 2)) Australia and Germany, and on DVD-only format in the United Kingdom and United States. Wentworth (season 2) The second season of the crime drama television series \"Wentworth\" premiered on SoHo in Australia on May 20, 2014. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's director of drama Jo Porter. The season consisted of 12 episodes. The second season picks up three months after Bea Smith murdered Jacs Holt. While Bea was suffering in the slot, Franky Doyle rose to the position of top dog unopposed. However, the introduction of a new governor, Joan Ferguson is about to shake everything up. <\/onlyinclude> \"Wentworth\""],"query":"when is the new season of wentworth coming out?","answers":["19 June 2018"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) for our regular characters, along with some new faces in the yard and on the outside. With series producer Pino Amenta at the helm, our ambition to keep lifting the bar and reward our audience both locally and internationally couldn\u2019t be stronger.\" Penny Win, the Head of Drama at Foxtel stated, \"\"Wentworth\" has gone from strength to strength over the past four seasons. Not only is it an international television success story, now showing in 141 territories, it is a ratings blockbuster and fan favourite for Foxtel audiences. We are extremely proud of this long-running drama juggernaut. It was a","Document [2](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) Saturday nights at 10:00 pm. The series premiered in the Republic of Ireland broadcasting as \"Wentworth\" on TV3 from June 2014. Season 2 premiered on TV3 on 15 January 2015. In Canada the first two seasons broadcast on Aboriginal Peoples Television Network in late 2015. Although the series has a strong fan base in many countries, Angela Perez of Australia Network News said, in 2016, that Foxtel was considering cancelling the show [after the then current fourth season] due to audiences viewing new episodes via pirate websites following the Australian premiere. Foxtel stated that the piracy is \"a serious problem","Document [3](Title: Wentworth (season 1)) announced by Foxtel on 4 March 2012. Developed by Lara Radulovich and David Hannam from the original concept by Reg Watson, it is produced by Fremantle's new head of drama, Jo Porter, and is filmed in Melbourne. FremantleMedia Chief Executive Asia Pacific, Ian Hogg, said: \"An entire generation of Australians grew up watching Prisoner and another is about to do the same with Wentworth.\" The ten-part season began filming in Melbourne for five months from 10 October 2012 and the shoot employed 300 cast and crew. \"Wentworth\" is filmed on a purpose built set in the suburb of Clayton. The","Document [4](Title: Wentworth (season 4)) in Australia, and on DVD-only format in the United Kingdom, and for the first time, it had only received a DVD release in Germany. It is not yet available in North America. Wentworth (season 4) The fourth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on SoHo in Australia on 10 May 2016. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's Director of Drama, Jo Porter. The season comprises 12 episodes. Season four picks up four months after the fire at Wentworth. Four months after the fire at Wentworth, Bea and the other inmates have been housed offsite while they wait for","Document [5](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) A sixth season was commissioned by Foxtel on 9 May 2017, which will premiere on 19 June 2018. A seventh season was commissioned in April 2018, before the sixth season premiere, with filming commencing the following week and a premiere set for 2019.","Document [6](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) Kingdom, all five seasons are available for streaming on Amazon Video, while additional services include Google Play and YouTube. In Australia, Foxtel Now provides a catch-up service for the \"Wentworth\", while the series is made available for catch-up viewing via TVNZ OnDemand in New Zealand and My5 in the United Kingdom for a limited time. The show has received critical acclaim throughout its run. Following a screening of the pilot episode for the media in February 2013, Ben Pobjie from \"The Age\" called \"Wentworth\" \"a triumph\". He praised the writing and the cast, saying \"So rarely in Australian TV do","Document [7](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) On 21 July 2016, it was announced that FremantleMedia had renewed \"Wentworth\" for a fifth season, set to air in 2017. Jo Porter, the Director of Drama at FremantleMedia stated, \"As season four comes to a close, the audience has witnessed a dangerous shift in the power base at \"Wentworth\" which is building to an unmissable conclusion next week. \"Wentworth\" has built a reputation for delivering a world with unexpected twists and turns where no character is safe. The season\u2019s end provides a chilling platform for our script producer Marcia Gardner and the writing team to shape the next chapter","Document [8](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) 10 October 2012. \"Wentworth\" began airing on Foxtel's SoHo channel from 1 May 2013. Filming for the second season began on 23 September 2013 and wrapped on 13 February 2014. The second season began airing on 20 May 2014. Production for the third season resumed in March and filming was completed in late July. In the same month, it was announced that the property in which \"Wentworth\" was filmed had been sold, and the set would be knocked down. A new alternative was being sought and a \"TV Week\" reporter commented that it was unclear if the loss of the","Document [9](Title: Wentworth (season 4)) Wentworth (season 4) The fourth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on SoHo in Australia on 10 May 2016. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's Director of Drama, Jo Porter. The season comprises 12 episodes. Season four picks up four months after the fire at Wentworth. Four months after the fire at Wentworth, Bea and the other inmates have been housed offsite while they wait for construction to be completed. Season four will see Bea battle two formidable enemies. There is Kaz, made so dangerous by her extremist feminist ideology, who regards Bea as the great betrayer to","Document [10](Title: Wentworth (season 4)) the cause, and Ferguson who is on a mission to exonerate herself \u2013 will the walls of Wentworth be enough to protect the Top Dog? <\/onlyinclude> On 27 February 2015, it was announced that FremantleMedia had renewed \"Wentworth\" for a fourth season, set to air in 2016. Jo Porter, the Director of Drama at FremantleMedia stated, \"Without wanting to give away any specific spoilers from season three, suffice to say it builds to a fabulous crescendo that in turn has given our season four writers a fantastic launch pad to explore what is next for the complex and compelling characters","Document [11](Title: Wentworth (season 3)) ideal platform for it to achieve such success both domestically and then internationally. To have this unique Australian program now airing across the globe fills us with great pride. The commissioning of season three is such a compliment to the hard work and talent of the writers, directors, our outstanding cast and of course the crew, most of whom have been with us since season one. We look forward to continuing our success both here and overseas.\" Brian Walsh, the Executive Director of Television at Foxtel stated, \"\"Wentworth's\" first season was a triumph with its remarkable performance and production qualities","Document [12](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) in Australia and on DVD in the United Kingdom. The Seasons 1\u22126 set in Australia will only be available on DVD format. In the United States, the series commenced releasing on DVD in 2016 in which the first three seasons are currently available from Acorn Media. As of yet, there is no news as to whether Acorn Media will release subsequent seasons. DVD and Blu-ray sets commenced releasing in Germany from early 2017. From Season 4 onwards, the series will only receive DVD sets in Germany. Wentworth (TV series) Wentworth is an Australian television drama programme. It was first broadcast","Document [13](Title: Wentworth (season 3)) which enthralled our Australian audience and achieved such great international recognition. Since October, the cast and the production team, led by producer Amanda Crittenden, have been back on-location delivering on the promise of season two's gripping scripts and the story lines for season three are sensational.\" A third season was confirmed on 29 January 2014. A five-month production commenced in the purpose-built set in March 2014. The final table read for season three took place on 8 July 2014. Filming for the third season began in March 2014 and concluded in July 2014. Former \"All Saints\" stars Pia Miranda, Libby","Document [14](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) Wentworth (season 5) The fifth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on Showcase in Australia on 4 April 2017, having previously aired on SoHo, and concluded on June 20, 2017. It was executive produced by FremantleMedia's Director of Drama, Jo Porter. The season comprised 12 episodes. The fifth season picks up just days after the death of Bea Smith and is therefore noted as the first season not to feature Danielle Cormack. Following Bea Smith\u2019s tragic death at the hands of Joan Ferguson, emotional, psychological and professional shockwaves pound the inmates and staff of Wentworth Correctional Centre. Governor","Document [15](Title: Wentworth (season 1)) Wentworth (season 1) The first season of the crime drama television series \"Wentworth\" originally aired on SoHo in Australia. The season consisted of 10 episodes and aired between 1 May and 3 July 2013. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's director of drama Jo Porter. The series is a remake of \"Prisoner\", which aired on Network Ten from 1979 to 1986. Lara Radulovich and David Hannam developed \"Wentworth\" from Reg Watson's original concept. The season was shot over four months from 10 October 2012. The show is set in modern-day Victoria, Australia and focuses on the fictional women's prison Wentworth.","Document [16](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) set would be written into future storylines. The third season began airing on 7 April 2015. Production on the fourth season began in the second half of 2015. The fifth season was filmed in Melbourne from August 2016. On 9 May 2017, Showcase announced that the series has been renewed for a sixth season, which began filming a week later. \"Wentworth\" has been sold to more than 90 countries. On 2 April 2013, it was confirmed that TVNZ had signed a deal to broadcast \"Wentworth\" in New Zealand. Later that month, it was announced that \"Wentworth\" would be broadcast on","Document [17](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) 2014 and season Three, which commenced broadcast on 22 July 2015, concluded with a two-hour season finale which consisted of episodes 11 and 12 of the season on 30 September 2015. Season four of \"Wentworth\" premiered on Channel 5 on 27 June 2016. In July, following declining ratings, the series was moved from its Monday night timeslot on Channel 5 to Tuesday's on sister channel 5Star. Season 5 premiered on 5Star on 23 May 2017. Season 6 of \"Wentworth\" premiered on 5Star on 23 June 2018, just four days following the Australian premiere; however, the series has been moved to","Document [18](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) in terms of recouping money to help pay for future seasons\". ABC 1 started broadcasting Wentworth from season 1 in April 2018. In December 2014, \"Wentworth\" first premiered on Netflix in the United States and added seasons one and two to its streaming service. In April 2016 the third season was released to US audiences via the platform. Season 4 was released on Netflix in July 2016. The show features on the \u201c50 Best TV Shows on Netflix\u201d list according to Netflix Life. Seasons one to three are available to view via Amazon Video in the U.S. In the United","Document [19](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) very easy decision to commission a further season of this brilliantly constructed and crafted program from our production partner FremantleMedia. There is a lot in store both for the women behind bars and those on the outside.\" AACTA Awards Australian Directors Guild Logie Awards The fifth season of \"Wentworth\" is available on both DVD and Blu-ray formats in Australia, and DVD-only format in the United Kingdom. It is not yet available in the United States or Germany. Wentworth (season 5) The fifth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on Showcase in Australia on 4 April 2017, having previously","Document [20](Title: Wentworth (season 2)) Australia and Germany, and on DVD-only format in the United Kingdom and United States. Wentworth (season 2) The second season of the crime drama television series \"Wentworth\" premiered on SoHo in Australia on May 20, 2014. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's director of drama Jo Porter. The season consisted of 12 episodes. The second season picks up three months after Bea Smith murdered Jacs Holt. While Bea was suffering in the slot, Franky Doyle rose to the position of top dog unopposed. However, the introduction of a new governor, Joan Ferguson is about to shake everything up. <\/onlyinclude> \"Wentworth\""],"query":"when is the new season of wentworth coming out?","answers":["19 June 2018"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) for our regular characters, along with some new faces in the yard and on the outside. With series producer Pino Amenta at the helm, our ambition to keep lifting the bar and reward our audience both locally and internationally couldn\u2019t be stronger.\" Penny Win, the Head of Drama at Foxtel stated, \"\"Wentworth\" has gone from strength to strength over the past four seasons. Not only is it an international television success story, now showing in 141 territories, it is a ratings blockbuster and fan favourite for Foxtel audiences. We are extremely proud of this long-running drama juggernaut. It was a","Document [2](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) Saturday nights at 10:00 pm. The series premiered in the Republic of Ireland broadcasting as \"Wentworth\" on TV3 from June 2014. Season 2 premiered on TV3 on 15 January 2015. In Canada the first two seasons broadcast on Aboriginal Peoples Television Network in late 2015. Although the series has a strong fan base in many countries, Angela Perez of Australia Network News said, in 2016, that Foxtel was considering cancelling the show [after the then current fourth season] due to audiences viewing new episodes via pirate websites following the Australian premiere. Foxtel stated that the piracy is \"a serious problem","Document [3](Title: Wentworth (season 1)) announced by Foxtel on 4 March 2012. Developed by Lara Radulovich and David Hannam from the original concept by Reg Watson, it is produced by Fremantle's new head of drama, Jo Porter, and is filmed in Melbourne. FremantleMedia Chief Executive Asia Pacific, Ian Hogg, said: \"An entire generation of Australians grew up watching Prisoner and another is about to do the same with Wentworth.\" The ten-part season began filming in Melbourne for five months from 10 October 2012 and the shoot employed 300 cast and crew. \"Wentworth\" is filmed on a purpose built set in the suburb of Clayton. The","Document [4](Title: Wentworth (season 4)) in Australia, and on DVD-only format in the United Kingdom, and for the first time, it had only received a DVD release in Germany. It is not yet available in North America. Wentworth (season 4) The fourth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on SoHo in Australia on 10 May 2016. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's Director of Drama, Jo Porter. The season comprises 12 episodes. Season four picks up four months after the fire at Wentworth. Four months after the fire at Wentworth, Bea and the other inmates have been housed offsite while they wait for","Document [5](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) Kingdom, all five seasons are available for streaming on Amazon Video, while additional services include Google Play and YouTube. In Australia, Foxtel Now provides a catch-up service for the \"Wentworth\", while the series is made available for catch-up viewing via TVNZ OnDemand in New Zealand and My5 in the United Kingdom for a limited time. The show has received critical acclaim throughout its run. Following a screening of the pilot episode for the media in February 2013, Ben Pobjie from \"The Age\" called \"Wentworth\" \"a triumph\". He praised the writing and the cast, saying \"So rarely in Australian TV do","Document [6](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) On 21 July 2016, it was announced that FremantleMedia had renewed \"Wentworth\" for a fifth season, set to air in 2017. Jo Porter, the Director of Drama at FremantleMedia stated, \"As season four comes to a close, the audience has witnessed a dangerous shift in the power base at \"Wentworth\" which is building to an unmissable conclusion next week. \"Wentworth\" has built a reputation for delivering a world with unexpected twists and turns where no character is safe. The season\u2019s end provides a chilling platform for our script producer Marcia Gardner and the writing team to shape the next chapter","Document [7](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) 10 October 2012. \"Wentworth\" began airing on Foxtel's SoHo channel from 1 May 2013. Filming for the second season began on 23 September 2013 and wrapped on 13 February 2014. The second season began airing on 20 May 2014. Production for the third season resumed in March and filming was completed in late July. In the same month, it was announced that the property in which \"Wentworth\" was filmed had been sold, and the set would be knocked down. A new alternative was being sought and a \"TV Week\" reporter commented that it was unclear if the loss of the","Document [8](Title: Wentworth (season 4)) Wentworth (season 4) The fourth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on SoHo in Australia on 10 May 2016. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's Director of Drama, Jo Porter. The season comprises 12 episodes. Season four picks up four months after the fire at Wentworth. Four months after the fire at Wentworth, Bea and the other inmates have been housed offsite while they wait for construction to be completed. Season four will see Bea battle two formidable enemies. There is Kaz, made so dangerous by her extremist feminist ideology, who regards Bea as the great betrayer to","Document [9](Title: Wentworth (season 4)) the cause, and Ferguson who is on a mission to exonerate herself \u2013 will the walls of Wentworth be enough to protect the Top Dog? <\/onlyinclude> On 27 February 2015, it was announced that FremantleMedia had renewed \"Wentworth\" for a fourth season, set to air in 2016. Jo Porter, the Director of Drama at FremantleMedia stated, \"Without wanting to give away any specific spoilers from season three, suffice to say it builds to a fabulous crescendo that in turn has given our season four writers a fantastic launch pad to explore what is next for the complex and compelling characters","Document [10](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) A sixth season was commissioned by Foxtel on 9 May 2017, which will premiere on 19 June 2018. A seventh season was commissioned in April 2018, before the sixth season premiere, with filming commencing the following week and a premiere set for 2019.","Document [11](Title: Wentworth (season 3)) ideal platform for it to achieve such success both domestically and then internationally. To have this unique Australian program now airing across the globe fills us with great pride. The commissioning of season three is such a compliment to the hard work and talent of the writers, directors, our outstanding cast and of course the crew, most of whom have been with us since season one. We look forward to continuing our success both here and overseas.\" Brian Walsh, the Executive Director of Television at Foxtel stated, \"\"Wentworth's\" first season was a triumph with its remarkable performance and production qualities","Document [12](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) in Australia and on DVD in the United Kingdom. The Seasons 1\u22126 set in Australia will only be available on DVD format. In the United States, the series commenced releasing on DVD in 2016 in which the first three seasons are currently available from Acorn Media. As of yet, there is no news as to whether Acorn Media will release subsequent seasons. DVD and Blu-ray sets commenced releasing in Germany from early 2017. From Season 4 onwards, the series will only receive DVD sets in Germany. Wentworth (TV series) Wentworth is an Australian television drama programme. It was first broadcast","Document [13](Title: Wentworth (season 3)) which enthralled our Australian audience and achieved such great international recognition. Since October, the cast and the production team, led by producer Amanda Crittenden, have been back on-location delivering on the promise of season two's gripping scripts and the story lines for season three are sensational.\" A third season was confirmed on 29 January 2014. A five-month production commenced in the purpose-built set in March 2014. The final table read for season three took place on 8 July 2014. Filming for the third season began in March 2014 and concluded in July 2014. Former \"All Saints\" stars Pia Miranda, Libby","Document [14](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) Wentworth (season 5) The fifth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on Showcase in Australia on 4 April 2017, having previously aired on SoHo, and concluded on June 20, 2017. It was executive produced by FremantleMedia's Director of Drama, Jo Porter. The season comprised 12 episodes. The fifth season picks up just days after the death of Bea Smith and is therefore noted as the first season not to feature Danielle Cormack. Following Bea Smith\u2019s tragic death at the hands of Joan Ferguson, emotional, psychological and professional shockwaves pound the inmates and staff of Wentworth Correctional Centre. Governor","Document [15](Title: Wentworth (season 1)) Wentworth (season 1) The first season of the crime drama television series \"Wentworth\" originally aired on SoHo in Australia. The season consisted of 10 episodes and aired between 1 May and 3 July 2013. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's director of drama Jo Porter. The series is a remake of \"Prisoner\", which aired on Network Ten from 1979 to 1986. Lara Radulovich and David Hannam developed \"Wentworth\" from Reg Watson's original concept. The season was shot over four months from 10 October 2012. The show is set in modern-day Victoria, Australia and focuses on the fictional women's prison Wentworth.","Document [16](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) set would be written into future storylines. The third season began airing on 7 April 2015. Production on the fourth season began in the second half of 2015. The fifth season was filmed in Melbourne from August 2016. On 9 May 2017, Showcase announced that the series has been renewed for a sixth season, which began filming a week later. \"Wentworth\" has been sold to more than 90 countries. On 2 April 2013, it was confirmed that TVNZ had signed a deal to broadcast \"Wentworth\" in New Zealand. Later that month, it was announced that \"Wentworth\" would be broadcast on","Document [17](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) 2014 and season Three, which commenced broadcast on 22 July 2015, concluded with a two-hour season finale which consisted of episodes 11 and 12 of the season on 30 September 2015. Season four of \"Wentworth\" premiered on Channel 5 on 27 June 2016. In July, following declining ratings, the series was moved from its Monday night timeslot on Channel 5 to Tuesday's on sister channel 5Star. Season 5 premiered on 5Star on 23 May 2017. Season 6 of \"Wentworth\" premiered on 5Star on 23 June 2018, just four days following the Australian premiere; however, the series has been moved to","Document [18](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) in terms of recouping money to help pay for future seasons\". ABC 1 started broadcasting Wentworth from season 1 in April 2018. In December 2014, \"Wentworth\" first premiered on Netflix in the United States and added seasons one and two to its streaming service. In April 2016 the third season was released to US audiences via the platform. Season 4 was released on Netflix in July 2016. The show features on the \u201c50 Best TV Shows on Netflix\u201d list according to Netflix Life. Seasons one to three are available to view via Amazon Video in the U.S. In the United","Document [19](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) very easy decision to commission a further season of this brilliantly constructed and crafted program from our production partner FremantleMedia. There is a lot in store both for the women behind bars and those on the outside.\" AACTA Awards Australian Directors Guild Logie Awards The fifth season of \"Wentworth\" is available on both DVD and Blu-ray formats in Australia, and DVD-only format in the United Kingdom. It is not yet available in the United States or Germany. Wentworth (season 5) The fifth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on Showcase in Australia on 4 April 2017, having previously","Document [20](Title: Wentworth (season 2)) Australia and Germany, and on DVD-only format in the United Kingdom and United States. Wentworth (season 2) The second season of the crime drama television series \"Wentworth\" premiered on SoHo in Australia on May 20, 2014. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's director of drama Jo Porter. The season consisted of 12 episodes. The second season picks up three months after Bea Smith murdered Jacs Holt. While Bea was suffering in the slot, Franky Doyle rose to the position of top dog unopposed. However, the introduction of a new governor, Joan Ferguson is about to shake everything up. <\/onlyinclude> \"Wentworth\""],"query":"when is the new season of wentworth coming out?","answers":["19 June 2018"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) for our regular characters, along with some new faces in the yard and on the outside. With series producer Pino Amenta at the helm, our ambition to keep lifting the bar and reward our audience both locally and internationally couldn\u2019t be stronger.\" Penny Win, the Head of Drama at Foxtel stated, \"\"Wentworth\" has gone from strength to strength over the past four seasons. Not only is it an international television success story, now showing in 141 territories, it is a ratings blockbuster and fan favourite for Foxtel audiences. We are extremely proud of this long-running drama juggernaut. It was a","Document [2](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) Saturday nights at 10:00 pm. The series premiered in the Republic of Ireland broadcasting as \"Wentworth\" on TV3 from June 2014. Season 2 premiered on TV3 on 15 January 2015. In Canada the first two seasons broadcast on Aboriginal Peoples Television Network in late 2015. Although the series has a strong fan base in many countries, Angela Perez of Australia Network News said, in 2016, that Foxtel was considering cancelling the show [after the then current fourth season] due to audiences viewing new episodes via pirate websites following the Australian premiere. Foxtel stated that the piracy is \"a serious problem","Document [3](Title: Wentworth (season 1)) announced by Foxtel on 4 March 2012. Developed by Lara Radulovich and David Hannam from the original concept by Reg Watson, it is produced by Fremantle's new head of drama, Jo Porter, and is filmed in Melbourne. FremantleMedia Chief Executive Asia Pacific, Ian Hogg, said: \"An entire generation of Australians grew up watching Prisoner and another is about to do the same with Wentworth.\" The ten-part season began filming in Melbourne for five months from 10 October 2012 and the shoot employed 300 cast and crew. \"Wentworth\" is filmed on a purpose built set in the suburb of Clayton. The","Document [4](Title: Wentworth (season 4)) in Australia, and on DVD-only format in the United Kingdom, and for the first time, it had only received a DVD release in Germany. It is not yet available in North America. Wentworth (season 4) The fourth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on SoHo in Australia on 10 May 2016. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's Director of Drama, Jo Porter. The season comprises 12 episodes. Season four picks up four months after the fire at Wentworth. Four months after the fire at Wentworth, Bea and the other inmates have been housed offsite while they wait for","Document [5](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) Kingdom, all five seasons are available for streaming on Amazon Video, while additional services include Google Play and YouTube. In Australia, Foxtel Now provides a catch-up service for the \"Wentworth\", while the series is made available for catch-up viewing via TVNZ OnDemand in New Zealand and My5 in the United Kingdom for a limited time. The show has received critical acclaim throughout its run. Following a screening of the pilot episode for the media in February 2013, Ben Pobjie from \"The Age\" called \"Wentworth\" \"a triumph\". He praised the writing and the cast, saying \"So rarely in Australian TV do","Document [6](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) On 21 July 2016, it was announced that FremantleMedia had renewed \"Wentworth\" for a fifth season, set to air in 2017. Jo Porter, the Director of Drama at FremantleMedia stated, \"As season four comes to a close, the audience has witnessed a dangerous shift in the power base at \"Wentworth\" which is building to an unmissable conclusion next week. \"Wentworth\" has built a reputation for delivering a world with unexpected twists and turns where no character is safe. The season\u2019s end provides a chilling platform for our script producer Marcia Gardner and the writing team to shape the next chapter","Document [7](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) 10 October 2012. \"Wentworth\" began airing on Foxtel's SoHo channel from 1 May 2013. Filming for the second season began on 23 September 2013 and wrapped on 13 February 2014. The second season began airing on 20 May 2014. Production for the third season resumed in March and filming was completed in late July. In the same month, it was announced that the property in which \"Wentworth\" was filmed had been sold, and the set would be knocked down. A new alternative was being sought and a \"TV Week\" reporter commented that it was unclear if the loss of the","Document [8](Title: Wentworth (season 4)) Wentworth (season 4) The fourth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on SoHo in Australia on 10 May 2016. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's Director of Drama, Jo Porter. The season comprises 12 episodes. Season four picks up four months after the fire at Wentworth. Four months after the fire at Wentworth, Bea and the other inmates have been housed offsite while they wait for construction to be completed. Season four will see Bea battle two formidable enemies. There is Kaz, made so dangerous by her extremist feminist ideology, who regards Bea as the great betrayer to","Document [9](Title: Wentworth (season 4)) the cause, and Ferguson who is on a mission to exonerate herself \u2013 will the walls of Wentworth be enough to protect the Top Dog? <\/onlyinclude> On 27 February 2015, it was announced that FremantleMedia had renewed \"Wentworth\" for a fourth season, set to air in 2016. Jo Porter, the Director of Drama at FremantleMedia stated, \"Without wanting to give away any specific spoilers from season three, suffice to say it builds to a fabulous crescendo that in turn has given our season four writers a fantastic launch pad to explore what is next for the complex and compelling characters","Document [10](Title: Wentworth (season 3)) ideal platform for it to achieve such success both domestically and then internationally. To have this unique Australian program now airing across the globe fills us with great pride. The commissioning of season three is such a compliment to the hard work and talent of the writers, directors, our outstanding cast and of course the crew, most of whom have been with us since season one. We look forward to continuing our success both here and overseas.\" Brian Walsh, the Executive Director of Television at Foxtel stated, \"\"Wentworth's\" first season was a triumph with its remarkable performance and production qualities","Document [11](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) in Australia and on DVD in the United Kingdom. The Seasons 1\u22126 set in Australia will only be available on DVD format. In the United States, the series commenced releasing on DVD in 2016 in which the first three seasons are currently available from Acorn Media. As of yet, there is no news as to whether Acorn Media will release subsequent seasons. DVD and Blu-ray sets commenced releasing in Germany from early 2017. From Season 4 onwards, the series will only receive DVD sets in Germany. Wentworth (TV series) Wentworth is an Australian television drama programme. It was first broadcast","Document [12](Title: Wentworth (season 3)) which enthralled our Australian audience and achieved such great international recognition. Since October, the cast and the production team, led by producer Amanda Crittenden, have been back on-location delivering on the promise of season two's gripping scripts and the story lines for season three are sensational.\" A third season was confirmed on 29 January 2014. A five-month production commenced in the purpose-built set in March 2014. The final table read for season three took place on 8 July 2014. Filming for the third season began in March 2014 and concluded in July 2014. Former \"All Saints\" stars Pia Miranda, Libby","Document [13](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) Wentworth (season 5) The fifth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on Showcase in Australia on 4 April 2017, having previously aired on SoHo, and concluded on June 20, 2017. It was executive produced by FremantleMedia's Director of Drama, Jo Porter. The season comprised 12 episodes. The fifth season picks up just days after the death of Bea Smith and is therefore noted as the first season not to feature Danielle Cormack. Following Bea Smith\u2019s tragic death at the hands of Joan Ferguson, emotional, psychological and professional shockwaves pound the inmates and staff of Wentworth Correctional Centre. Governor","Document [14](Title: Wentworth (season 1)) Wentworth (season 1) The first season of the crime drama television series \"Wentworth\" originally aired on SoHo in Australia. The season consisted of 10 episodes and aired between 1 May and 3 July 2013. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's director of drama Jo Porter. The series is a remake of \"Prisoner\", which aired on Network Ten from 1979 to 1986. Lara Radulovich and David Hannam developed \"Wentworth\" from Reg Watson's original concept. The season was shot over four months from 10 October 2012. The show is set in modern-day Victoria, Australia and focuses on the fictional women's prison Wentworth.","Document [15](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) A sixth season was commissioned by Foxtel on 9 May 2017, which will premiere on 19 June 2018. A seventh season was commissioned in April 2018, before the sixth season premiere, with filming commencing the following week and a premiere set for 2019.","Document [16](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) set would be written into future storylines. The third season began airing on 7 April 2015. Production on the fourth season began in the second half of 2015. The fifth season was filmed in Melbourne from August 2016. On 9 May 2017, Showcase announced that the series has been renewed for a sixth season, which began filming a week later. \"Wentworth\" has been sold to more than 90 countries. On 2 April 2013, it was confirmed that TVNZ had signed a deal to broadcast \"Wentworth\" in New Zealand. Later that month, it was announced that \"Wentworth\" would be broadcast on","Document [17](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) 2014 and season Three, which commenced broadcast on 22 July 2015, concluded with a two-hour season finale which consisted of episodes 11 and 12 of the season on 30 September 2015. Season four of \"Wentworth\" premiered on Channel 5 on 27 June 2016. In July, following declining ratings, the series was moved from its Monday night timeslot on Channel 5 to Tuesday's on sister channel 5Star. Season 5 premiered on 5Star on 23 May 2017. Season 6 of \"Wentworth\" premiered on 5Star on 23 June 2018, just four days following the Australian premiere; however, the series has been moved to","Document [18](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) in terms of recouping money to help pay for future seasons\". ABC 1 started broadcasting Wentworth from season 1 in April 2018. In December 2014, \"Wentworth\" first premiered on Netflix in the United States and added seasons one and two to its streaming service. In April 2016 the third season was released to US audiences via the platform. Season 4 was released on Netflix in July 2016. The show features on the \u201c50 Best TV Shows on Netflix\u201d list according to Netflix Life. Seasons one to three are available to view via Amazon Video in the U.S. In the United","Document [19](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) very easy decision to commission a further season of this brilliantly constructed and crafted program from our production partner FremantleMedia. There is a lot in store both for the women behind bars and those on the outside.\" AACTA Awards Australian Directors Guild Logie Awards The fifth season of \"Wentworth\" is available on both DVD and Blu-ray formats in Australia, and DVD-only format in the United Kingdom. It is not yet available in the United States or Germany. Wentworth (season 5) The fifth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on Showcase in Australia on 4 April 2017, having previously","Document [20](Title: Wentworth (season 2)) Australia and Germany, and on DVD-only format in the United Kingdom and United States. Wentworth (season 2) The second season of the crime drama television series \"Wentworth\" premiered on SoHo in Australia on May 20, 2014. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's director of drama Jo Porter. The season consisted of 12 episodes. The second season picks up three months after Bea Smith murdered Jacs Holt. While Bea was suffering in the slot, Franky Doyle rose to the position of top dog unopposed. However, the introduction of a new governor, Joan Ferguson is about to shake everything up. <\/onlyinclude> \"Wentworth\""],"query":"when is the new season of wentworth coming out?","answers":["19 June 2018"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) for our regular characters, along with some new faces in the yard and on the outside. With series producer Pino Amenta at the helm, our ambition to keep lifting the bar and reward our audience both locally and internationally couldn\u2019t be stronger.\" Penny Win, the Head of Drama at Foxtel stated, \"\"Wentworth\" has gone from strength to strength over the past four seasons. Not only is it an international television success story, now showing in 141 territories, it is a ratings blockbuster and fan favourite for Foxtel audiences. We are extremely proud of this long-running drama juggernaut. It was a","Document [2](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) Saturday nights at 10:00 pm. The series premiered in the Republic of Ireland broadcasting as \"Wentworth\" on TV3 from June 2014. Season 2 premiered on TV3 on 15 January 2015. In Canada the first two seasons broadcast on Aboriginal Peoples Television Network in late 2015. Although the series has a strong fan base in many countries, Angela Perez of Australia Network News said, in 2016, that Foxtel was considering cancelling the show [after the then current fourth season] due to audiences viewing new episodes via pirate websites following the Australian premiere. Foxtel stated that the piracy is \"a serious problem","Document [3](Title: Wentworth (season 1)) announced by Foxtel on 4 March 2012. Developed by Lara Radulovich and David Hannam from the original concept by Reg Watson, it is produced by Fremantle's new head of drama, Jo Porter, and is filmed in Melbourne. FremantleMedia Chief Executive Asia Pacific, Ian Hogg, said: \"An entire generation of Australians grew up watching Prisoner and another is about to do the same with Wentworth.\" The ten-part season began filming in Melbourne for five months from 10 October 2012 and the shoot employed 300 cast and crew. \"Wentworth\" is filmed on a purpose built set in the suburb of Clayton. The","Document [4](Title: Wentworth (season 4)) in Australia, and on DVD-only format in the United Kingdom, and for the first time, it had only received a DVD release in Germany. It is not yet available in North America. Wentworth (season 4) The fourth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on SoHo in Australia on 10 May 2016. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's Director of Drama, Jo Porter. The season comprises 12 episodes. Season four picks up four months after the fire at Wentworth. Four months after the fire at Wentworth, Bea and the other inmates have been housed offsite while they wait for","Document [5](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) Kingdom, all five seasons are available for streaming on Amazon Video, while additional services include Google Play and YouTube. In Australia, Foxtel Now provides a catch-up service for the \"Wentworth\", while the series is made available for catch-up viewing via TVNZ OnDemand in New Zealand and My5 in the United Kingdom for a limited time. The show has received critical acclaim throughout its run. Following a screening of the pilot episode for the media in February 2013, Ben Pobjie from \"The Age\" called \"Wentworth\" \"a triumph\". He praised the writing and the cast, saying \"So rarely in Australian TV do","Document [6](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) On 21 July 2016, it was announced that FremantleMedia had renewed \"Wentworth\" for a fifth season, set to air in 2017. Jo Porter, the Director of Drama at FremantleMedia stated, \"As season four comes to a close, the audience has witnessed a dangerous shift in the power base at \"Wentworth\" which is building to an unmissable conclusion next week. \"Wentworth\" has built a reputation for delivering a world with unexpected twists and turns where no character is safe. The season\u2019s end provides a chilling platform for our script producer Marcia Gardner and the writing team to shape the next chapter","Document [7](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) 10 October 2012. \"Wentworth\" began airing on Foxtel's SoHo channel from 1 May 2013. Filming for the second season began on 23 September 2013 and wrapped on 13 February 2014. The second season began airing on 20 May 2014. Production for the third season resumed in March and filming was completed in late July. In the same month, it was announced that the property in which \"Wentworth\" was filmed had been sold, and the set would be knocked down. A new alternative was being sought and a \"TV Week\" reporter commented that it was unclear if the loss of the","Document [8](Title: Wentworth (season 4)) Wentworth (season 4) The fourth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on SoHo in Australia on 10 May 2016. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's Director of Drama, Jo Porter. The season comprises 12 episodes. Season four picks up four months after the fire at Wentworth. Four months after the fire at Wentworth, Bea and the other inmates have been housed offsite while they wait for construction to be completed. Season four will see Bea battle two formidable enemies. There is Kaz, made so dangerous by her extremist feminist ideology, who regards Bea as the great betrayer to","Document [9](Title: Wentworth (season 4)) the cause, and Ferguson who is on a mission to exonerate herself \u2013 will the walls of Wentworth be enough to protect the Top Dog? <\/onlyinclude> On 27 February 2015, it was announced that FremantleMedia had renewed \"Wentworth\" for a fourth season, set to air in 2016. Jo Porter, the Director of Drama at FremantleMedia stated, \"Without wanting to give away any specific spoilers from season three, suffice to say it builds to a fabulous crescendo that in turn has given our season four writers a fantastic launch pad to explore what is next for the complex and compelling characters","Document [10](Title: Wentworth (season 3)) ideal platform for it to achieve such success both domestically and then internationally. To have this unique Australian program now airing across the globe fills us with great pride. The commissioning of season three is such a compliment to the hard work and talent of the writers, directors, our outstanding cast and of course the crew, most of whom have been with us since season one. We look forward to continuing our success both here and overseas.\" Brian Walsh, the Executive Director of Television at Foxtel stated, \"\"Wentworth's\" first season was a triumph with its remarkable performance and production qualities","Document [11](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) in Australia and on DVD in the United Kingdom. The Seasons 1\u22126 set in Australia will only be available on DVD format. In the United States, the series commenced releasing on DVD in 2016 in which the first three seasons are currently available from Acorn Media. As of yet, there is no news as to whether Acorn Media will release subsequent seasons. DVD and Blu-ray sets commenced releasing in Germany from early 2017. From Season 4 onwards, the series will only receive DVD sets in Germany. Wentworth (TV series) Wentworth is an Australian television drama programme. It was first broadcast","Document [12](Title: Wentworth (season 3)) which enthralled our Australian audience and achieved such great international recognition. Since October, the cast and the production team, led by producer Amanda Crittenden, have been back on-location delivering on the promise of season two's gripping scripts and the story lines for season three are sensational.\" A third season was confirmed on 29 January 2014. A five-month production commenced in the purpose-built set in March 2014. The final table read for season three took place on 8 July 2014. Filming for the third season began in March 2014 and concluded in July 2014. Former \"All Saints\" stars Pia Miranda, Libby","Document [13](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) Wentworth (season 5) The fifth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on Showcase in Australia on 4 April 2017, having previously aired on SoHo, and concluded on June 20, 2017. It was executive produced by FremantleMedia's Director of Drama, Jo Porter. The season comprised 12 episodes. The fifth season picks up just days after the death of Bea Smith and is therefore noted as the first season not to feature Danielle Cormack. Following Bea Smith\u2019s tragic death at the hands of Joan Ferguson, emotional, psychological and professional shockwaves pound the inmates and staff of Wentworth Correctional Centre. Governor","Document [14](Title: Wentworth (season 1)) Wentworth (season 1) The first season of the crime drama television series \"Wentworth\" originally aired on SoHo in Australia. The season consisted of 10 episodes and aired between 1 May and 3 July 2013. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's director of drama Jo Porter. The series is a remake of \"Prisoner\", which aired on Network Ten from 1979 to 1986. Lara Radulovich and David Hannam developed \"Wentworth\" from Reg Watson's original concept. The season was shot over four months from 10 October 2012. The show is set in modern-day Victoria, Australia and focuses on the fictional women's prison Wentworth.","Document [15](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) set would be written into future storylines. The third season began airing on 7 April 2015. Production on the fourth season began in the second half of 2015. The fifth season was filmed in Melbourne from August 2016. On 9 May 2017, Showcase announced that the series has been renewed for a sixth season, which began filming a week later. \"Wentworth\" has been sold to more than 90 countries. On 2 April 2013, it was confirmed that TVNZ had signed a deal to broadcast \"Wentworth\" in New Zealand. Later that month, it was announced that \"Wentworth\" would be broadcast on","Document [16](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) 2014 and season Three, which commenced broadcast on 22 July 2015, concluded with a two-hour season finale which consisted of episodes 11 and 12 of the season on 30 September 2015. Season four of \"Wentworth\" premiered on Channel 5 on 27 June 2016. In July, following declining ratings, the series was moved from its Monday night timeslot on Channel 5 to Tuesday's on sister channel 5Star. Season 5 premiered on 5Star on 23 May 2017. Season 6 of \"Wentworth\" premiered on 5Star on 23 June 2018, just four days following the Australian premiere; however, the series has been moved to","Document [17](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) in terms of recouping money to help pay for future seasons\". ABC 1 started broadcasting Wentworth from season 1 in April 2018. In December 2014, \"Wentworth\" first premiered on Netflix in the United States and added seasons one and two to its streaming service. In April 2016 the third season was released to US audiences via the platform. Season 4 was released on Netflix in July 2016. The show features on the \u201c50 Best TV Shows on Netflix\u201d list according to Netflix Life. Seasons one to three are available to view via Amazon Video in the U.S. In the United","Document [18](Title: Wentworth (season 5)) very easy decision to commission a further season of this brilliantly constructed and crafted program from our production partner FremantleMedia. There is a lot in store both for the women behind bars and those on the outside.\" AACTA Awards Australian Directors Guild Logie Awards The fifth season of \"Wentworth\" is available on both DVD and Blu-ray formats in Australia, and DVD-only format in the United Kingdom. It is not yet available in the United States or Germany. Wentworth (season 5) The fifth season of the television drama series \"Wentworth\" premiered on Showcase in Australia on 4 April 2017, having previously","Document [19](Title: Wentworth (season 2)) Australia and Germany, and on DVD-only format in the United Kingdom and United States. Wentworth (season 2) The second season of the crime drama television series \"Wentworth\" premiered on SoHo in Australia on May 20, 2014. It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's director of drama Jo Porter. The season consisted of 12 episodes. The second season picks up three months after Bea Smith murdered Jacs Holt. While Bea was suffering in the slot, Franky Doyle rose to the position of top dog unopposed. However, the introduction of a new governor, Joan Ferguson is about to shake everything up. <\/onlyinclude> \"Wentworth\"","Document [20](Title: Wentworth (TV series)) A sixth season was commissioned by Foxtel on 9 May 2017, which will premiere on 19 June 2018. A seventh season was commissioned in April 2018, before the sixth season premiere, with filming commencing the following week and a premiere set for 2019."],"query":"when is the new season of wentworth coming out?","answers":["19 June 2018"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Red-eared slider) 36 days apart. The time between mating and egg-laying can be days or weeks. The actual egg fertilization takes place during the egg-laying. This process also permits the laying of fertile eggs the following season, as the sperm can remain viable and available in the female's body in the absence of mating. During the last weeks of gestation, the female spends less time in the water and smells and scratches at the ground, indicating she is searching for a suitable place to lay her eggs. The female excavates a hole, using her hind legs, and lays her eggs in it.","Document [2](Title: Red-eared slider) and Florida. In nature, they inhabit areas with a source of still, warm water, such as ponds, lakes, swamps, creeks, streams, or slow-flowing rivers. They live in areas of calm water where they are able to leave the water easily by climbing onto rocks or tree trunks so they can warm up in the sun. Individuals are often found sunbathing in a group or even on top of each other. They also require abundant aquatic plants, as these are the adults' main food, although they are omnivores. Turtles in the wild always remain close to water unless they are searching","Document [3](Title: Red-eared slider) species with which they compete for food and breeding space. Red-eared sliders are almost entirely aquatic, but as they are cold-blooded, they leave the water to sunbathe to regulate their temperature. Red-eared sliders do not hibernate, but actually brumate; while they become less active, they do occasionally rise to the surface for food or air. Brumation can occur to varying degrees. In the wild, red-eared sliders brumate over the winter at the bottoms of ponds or shallow lakes. They generally become inactive in October, when temperatures fall below . During this time, the turtles enter a state of sopor, during","Document [4](Title: Red-eared slider) unusual color varieties such as albino and pastel red-eared sliders, which are derived from captive breeding, are still allowed for sale. In Australia, breeding populations have been found in New South Wales and Queensland, and individual turtles have been found in the wild in Victoria, the Australian Capital Territory and Western Australia. Red-eared slider turtles are considered a significant threat to native turtle species \u2013 they mature more quickly, grow larger, produce more offspring and are more aggressive. Numerous studies provide evidence that red-eared slider turtles can out-compete native turtles for food and nesting and basking sites. Because red-eared slider","Document [5](Title: Red-eared slider) for a new habitat or when females leave the water to lay their eggs. Owing to their popularity as pets, red-eared sliders have been released or escaped into the wild in many parts of the world. The turtle is considered one of the world\u2019s worst invasive species. Feral populations are now found in Australia, Europe, South Africa, the Caribbean Islands, Israel, Bahrain, the Mariana Islands, Guam, and southeast and far-east Asia. In Australia, it is illegal for members of the public to import, keep, trade, or release red-eared sliders, as they are regarded as an invasive species - see below.","Document [6](Title: Red-eared slider) flip over with the yolk sac, which would allow air into the body cavity and cause death. The other fatal danger is water getting into the body cavity before the sac is absorbed completely and while the opening has not completely healed yet. The sex of red-eared sliders is determined by the incubation temperature during critical phases of the embryos' development. Only males are produced when eggs are incubated at temperatures of , whereas females develop at warmer temperatures. Colder temperatures result in the death of the embryos. Red-eared slider turtles are the world\u2019s most commonly traded reptile, due to","Document [7](Title: Red-eared slider) turtles eat plants as well as animals, they could also have a negative impact on a range of native aquatic species, including rare frogs. There is also a significant risk that red-eared slider turtles will transfer diseases and parasites to native reptile species. There is evidence that a malaria-like parasite was spread to two wild turtle populations in Lane Cove River, Sydney. Social and economic costs are also likely to be substantial. The Queensland government has invested close to $1 million AUD in eradication programs to date. As outlined in the foregoing section, the turtle may also have significant public","Document [8](Title: Red-eared slider) Red-eared slider The red-eared slider (\"Trachemys scripta elegans\"), also known as the red-eared terrapin, is a semiaquatic turtle belonging to the family Emydidae. It is a subspecies of the pond slider. It is the most popular pet turtle in the United States and is also popular as a pet in the rest of the world. It has, therefore, become the most commonly traded turtle in the world. It is native to the southern United States and northern Mexico, but has become established in other places because of pet releases, and has become an invasive species in many areas, where it","Document [9](Title: Turtle) them down for copulation. Red-eared sliders are an example of a fully aquatic species in which the male performs a courtship behavior. In this case the male extends his forelegs with the palms facing out and flutters his forelegs in the female's face. Female choice is important in this method, and the females of some species, such as green sea turtles, aren't always receptive. As such, they've evolved certain behaviors to avoid the male's attempts at copulation, such as swimming away, confronting the male followed by biting, or a refusal position in which the female assumes a vertical position with","Document [10](Title: Spreckels Lake) appear to be red-eared sliders, a non-native species originally from the southern United States that was extremely popular as a children's pet. At least a couple turtles living in the lake do not display the red markings typical of the red-eared slider and may be western painted turtles, a native species. There is at least one large (12 to possibly 14-inch) soft shelled turtle of unknown species also living in the lake. Most of the turtles were probably introduced to the lake as discarded pets though a thriving population of turtles was noted as far back as 1912. There seem","Document [11](Title: Red-eared slider) plastron is always a light yellow with dark, paired, irregular markings in the centre of most scutes. The plastron is highly variable in pattern. The head, legs, and tail are green with fine, irregular, yellow lines. The whole shell is covered in these stripes and markings that aid in camouflaging an individual. Turtles also have a complete skeletal system, with partially webbed feet that help them to swim and that can be withdrawn inside the carapace along with the head and tail. The red stripe on each side of the head distinguishes the red-eared slider from all other North American","Document [12](Title: Red-eared slider) reproductive functions. Some dimorphism exists between males and females. Red-eared slider young look practically identical regardless of their sex, making it difficult to determine their sex. However, there is another method to determine their sex, by inspecting the markings under their carapace. These markings will fade as the turtles age. It is much easier to distinguish the sex of adults, as the shells of mature males are smaller than those of females. Male red-eared sliders reach sexual maturity when their carapaces' diameters measure and females reach maturity when their carapaces measure 15 cm. Both male and females reach sexual maturity","Document [13](Title: Red-eared slider) outcompetes native species. The red-eared slider is included in the list of the world's 100 most invasive species published by the IUCN. The red-eared slider get its name from the small red stripe around its ears and from its ability to slide quickly off rocks and logs into the water. This species was previously known as Troost's turtle in honor of an American herpetologist Gerard Troost. \"Trachemys scripta troostii\" is now the scientific name for another subspecies, the Cumberland slider. The red-eared slider belongs to the order Testudines which contains about 250 turtle species. It is a subspecies of \"Trachemys","Document [14](Title: Red-eared slider) Their import has been banned by the European Union as well as specific EU member countries. In 2015 Japan announced it was planning to ban the import of red-eared sliders, but it would probably not take effect until 2020. Invasive red-eared sliders cause negative impacts in the ecosystems they occupy because they have certain advantages over the native populations, such as a lower age at maturity, higher fecundity rates, and larger body size, which gives them a competitive advantage at basking and nesting sites, as well as when exploiting food resources. They also transmit diseases and displace the other turtle","Document [15](Title: Red-eared slider) and compliance program to stop the illegal trade, possession and release of slider turtles. Within the second volume of the \"Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles\", the popular comic book heroes were revealed as specimens of the red-eared slider. The popularity of the Turtles led to a craze for keeping them as pets in Great Britain, and subsequent ecological havoc as turtles were accidentally or deliberately released into the wild. Red-eared slider The red-eared slider (\"Trachemys scripta elegans\"), also known as the red-eared terrapin, is a semiaquatic turtle belonging to the family Emydidae. It is a subspecies of the","Document [16](Title: Red-eared slider) rules of cleanliness. Small children must be taught to wash their hands immediately after they finish playing with the turtle, feeding it, or changing its water. Some states have other laws and regulations regarding possession of red-eared sliders because they can be an invasive species where they are not native and have been introduced through the pet trade. Now, it is illegal in Florida to sell any wild-type red-eared slider, as they interbreed with the local yellow-bellied slider population \u2014 \"Trachemys scripta scripta\" is another subspecies of pond sliders, and hybrids typically combine the markings of the two subspecies. However,","Document [17](Title: Red-eared slider) strong influence on their lifespans and well being. These turtles are poikilotherms, meaning they are unable to regulate their body temperatures independently; they are completely dependent on the temperature of their environment. For this reason, they need to sunbathe frequently to warm themselves and maintain their body temperatures. The shell is divided into two sections: the upper or dorsal carapace, and the lower, ventral carapace or plastron. The upper carapace consists of the vertebral scutes, which form the central, elevated portion; pleural scutes that are located around the vertebral scutes; and then the marginal scutes around the edge of the","Document [18](Title: Pond slider) Pond slider The pond slider (\"Trachemys scripta\") is a species of common, medium-sized, semiaquatic turtle. There are three subspecies, the most recognizable of which is the red-eared slider (\"T. s. elegans\"), which is popular in the pet trade and has been introduced to other parts of the world by people releasing it to the wild. Hatchling and juvenile pond sliders have a green upper shell (carapace), yellow bottom shell (plastron) and green and yellow stripes and markings on their skin. These patterns and colors in the skin and shell fade with age until the carapace is a muted olive green","Document [19](Title: Turtle) stores and flea markets still sell small turtles due to a loophole in the FDA regulation which allows turtles under to be sold for educational purposes. Some states have other laws and regulations regarding possession of red-eared sliders as pets because they are looked upon as invasive species or pests where they are not native, but have been introduced through the pet trade. As of July 1, 2007, it is illegal in Florida to sell any wild type red-eared slider. Unusual color varieties such as albino and pastel red-eared sliders, which are derived from captive breeding, are still allowed for","Document [20](Title: Red-eared slider) handling of turtles, which has led to restrictions in the sale of red-eared sliders in the USA. A 1975 U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation bans the sale (for general commercial and public use) of both turtle eggs and turtles with a carapace length of less than . This regulation comes under the Public Health Service Act, and is enforced by the FDA in cooperation with state and local health jurisdictions. The ban was enacted because of the public health impact of turtle-associated salmonellosis. Turtles and turtle eggs found to be offered for sale in violation of this provision"],"query":"where do red ear slider turtles lay eggs?","answers":["a hole"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Red-eared slider) and Florida. In nature, they inhabit areas with a source of still, warm water, such as ponds, lakes, swamps, creeks, streams, or slow-flowing rivers. They live in areas of calm water where they are able to leave the water easily by climbing onto rocks or tree trunks so they can warm up in the sun. Individuals are often found sunbathing in a group or even on top of each other. They also require abundant aquatic plants, as these are the adults' main food, although they are omnivores. Turtles in the wild always remain close to water unless they are searching","Document [2](Title: Red-eared slider) species with which they compete for food and breeding space. Red-eared sliders are almost entirely aquatic, but as they are cold-blooded, they leave the water to sunbathe to regulate their temperature. Red-eared sliders do not hibernate, but actually brumate; while they become less active, they do occasionally rise to the surface for food or air. Brumation can occur to varying degrees. In the wild, red-eared sliders brumate over the winter at the bottoms of ponds or shallow lakes. They generally become inactive in October, when temperatures fall below . During this time, the turtles enter a state of sopor, during","Document [3](Title: Red-eared slider) unusual color varieties such as albino and pastel red-eared sliders, which are derived from captive breeding, are still allowed for sale. In Australia, breeding populations have been found in New South Wales and Queensland, and individual turtles have been found in the wild in Victoria, the Australian Capital Territory and Western Australia. Red-eared slider turtles are considered a significant threat to native turtle species \u2013 they mature more quickly, grow larger, produce more offspring and are more aggressive. Numerous studies provide evidence that red-eared slider turtles can out-compete native turtles for food and nesting and basking sites. Because red-eared slider","Document [4](Title: Red-eared slider) for a new habitat or when females leave the water to lay their eggs. Owing to their popularity as pets, red-eared sliders have been released or escaped into the wild in many parts of the world. The turtle is considered one of the world\u2019s worst invasive species. Feral populations are now found in Australia, Europe, South Africa, the Caribbean Islands, Israel, Bahrain, the Mariana Islands, Guam, and southeast and far-east Asia. In Australia, it is illegal for members of the public to import, keep, trade, or release red-eared sliders, as they are regarded as an invasive species - see below.","Document [5](Title: Red-eared slider) 36 days apart. The time between mating and egg-laying can be days or weeks. The actual egg fertilization takes place during the egg-laying. This process also permits the laying of fertile eggs the following season, as the sperm can remain viable and available in the female's body in the absence of mating. During the last weeks of gestation, the female spends less time in the water and smells and scratches at the ground, indicating she is searching for a suitable place to lay her eggs. The female excavates a hole, using her hind legs, and lays her eggs in it.","Document [6](Title: Red-eared slider) flip over with the yolk sac, which would allow air into the body cavity and cause death. The other fatal danger is water getting into the body cavity before the sac is absorbed completely and while the opening has not completely healed yet. The sex of red-eared sliders is determined by the incubation temperature during critical phases of the embryos' development. Only males are produced when eggs are incubated at temperatures of , whereas females develop at warmer temperatures. Colder temperatures result in the death of the embryos. Red-eared slider turtles are the world\u2019s most commonly traded reptile, due to","Document [7](Title: Red-eared slider) turtles eat plants as well as animals, they could also have a negative impact on a range of native aquatic species, including rare frogs. There is also a significant risk that red-eared slider turtles will transfer diseases and parasites to native reptile species. There is evidence that a malaria-like parasite was spread to two wild turtle populations in Lane Cove River, Sydney. Social and economic costs are also likely to be substantial. The Queensland government has invested close to $1 million AUD in eradication programs to date. As outlined in the foregoing section, the turtle may also have significant public","Document [8](Title: Red-eared slider) Red-eared slider The red-eared slider (\"Trachemys scripta elegans\"), also known as the red-eared terrapin, is a semiaquatic turtle belonging to the family Emydidae. It is a subspecies of the pond slider. It is the most popular pet turtle in the United States and is also popular as a pet in the rest of the world. It has, therefore, become the most commonly traded turtle in the world. It is native to the southern United States and northern Mexico, but has become established in other places because of pet releases, and has become an invasive species in many areas, where it","Document [9](Title: Turtle) them down for copulation. Red-eared sliders are an example of a fully aquatic species in which the male performs a courtship behavior. In this case the male extends his forelegs with the palms facing out and flutters his forelegs in the female's face. Female choice is important in this method, and the females of some species, such as green sea turtles, aren't always receptive. As such, they've evolved certain behaviors to avoid the male's attempts at copulation, such as swimming away, confronting the male followed by biting, or a refusal position in which the female assumes a vertical position with","Document [10](Title: Spreckels Lake) appear to be red-eared sliders, a non-native species originally from the southern United States that was extremely popular as a children's pet. At least a couple turtles living in the lake do not display the red markings typical of the red-eared slider and may be western painted turtles, a native species. There is at least one large (12 to possibly 14-inch) soft shelled turtle of unknown species also living in the lake. Most of the turtles were probably introduced to the lake as discarded pets though a thriving population of turtles was noted as far back as 1912. There seem","Document [11](Title: Red-eared slider) plastron is always a light yellow with dark, paired, irregular markings in the centre of most scutes. The plastron is highly variable in pattern. The head, legs, and tail are green with fine, irregular, yellow lines. The whole shell is covered in these stripes and markings that aid in camouflaging an individual. Turtles also have a complete skeletal system, with partially webbed feet that help them to swim and that can be withdrawn inside the carapace along with the head and tail. The red stripe on each side of the head distinguishes the red-eared slider from all other North American","Document [12](Title: Red-eared slider) reproductive functions. Some dimorphism exists between males and females. Red-eared slider young look practically identical regardless of their sex, making it difficult to determine their sex. However, there is another method to determine their sex, by inspecting the markings under their carapace. These markings will fade as the turtles age. It is much easier to distinguish the sex of adults, as the shells of mature males are smaller than those of females. Male red-eared sliders reach sexual maturity when their carapaces' diameters measure and females reach maturity when their carapaces measure 15 cm. Both male and females reach sexual maturity","Document [13](Title: Red-eared slider) outcompetes native species. The red-eared slider is included in the list of the world's 100 most invasive species published by the IUCN. The red-eared slider get its name from the small red stripe around its ears and from its ability to slide quickly off rocks and logs into the water. This species was previously known as Troost's turtle in honor of an American herpetologist Gerard Troost. \"Trachemys scripta troostii\" is now the scientific name for another subspecies, the Cumberland slider. The red-eared slider belongs to the order Testudines which contains about 250 turtle species. It is a subspecies of \"Trachemys","Document [14](Title: Red-eared slider) Their import has been banned by the European Union as well as specific EU member countries. In 2015 Japan announced it was planning to ban the import of red-eared sliders, but it would probably not take effect until 2020. Invasive red-eared sliders cause negative impacts in the ecosystems they occupy because they have certain advantages over the native populations, such as a lower age at maturity, higher fecundity rates, and larger body size, which gives them a competitive advantage at basking and nesting sites, as well as when exploiting food resources. They also transmit diseases and displace the other turtle","Document [15](Title: Red-eared slider) and compliance program to stop the illegal trade, possession and release of slider turtles. Within the second volume of the \"Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles\", the popular comic book heroes were revealed as specimens of the red-eared slider. The popularity of the Turtles led to a craze for keeping them as pets in Great Britain, and subsequent ecological havoc as turtles were accidentally or deliberately released into the wild. Red-eared slider The red-eared slider (\"Trachemys scripta elegans\"), also known as the red-eared terrapin, is a semiaquatic turtle belonging to the family Emydidae. It is a subspecies of the","Document [16](Title: Red-eared slider) rules of cleanliness. Small children must be taught to wash their hands immediately after they finish playing with the turtle, feeding it, or changing its water. Some states have other laws and regulations regarding possession of red-eared sliders because they can be an invasive species where they are not native and have been introduced through the pet trade. Now, it is illegal in Florida to sell any wild-type red-eared slider, as they interbreed with the local yellow-bellied slider population \u2014 \"Trachemys scripta scripta\" is another subspecies of pond sliders, and hybrids typically combine the markings of the two subspecies. However,","Document [17](Title: Red-eared slider) strong influence on their lifespans and well being. These turtles are poikilotherms, meaning they are unable to regulate their body temperatures independently; they are completely dependent on the temperature of their environment. For this reason, they need to sunbathe frequently to warm themselves and maintain their body temperatures. The shell is divided into two sections: the upper or dorsal carapace, and the lower, ventral carapace or plastron. The upper carapace consists of the vertebral scutes, which form the central, elevated portion; pleural scutes that are located around the vertebral scutes; and then the marginal scutes around the edge of the","Document [18](Title: Pond slider) Pond slider The pond slider (\"Trachemys scripta\") is a species of common, medium-sized, semiaquatic turtle. There are three subspecies, the most recognizable of which is the red-eared slider (\"T. s. elegans\"), which is popular in the pet trade and has been introduced to other parts of the world by people releasing it to the wild. Hatchling and juvenile pond sliders have a green upper shell (carapace), yellow bottom shell (plastron) and green and yellow stripes and markings on their skin. These patterns and colors in the skin and shell fade with age until the carapace is a muted olive green","Document [19](Title: Turtle) stores and flea markets still sell small turtles due to a loophole in the FDA regulation which allows turtles under to be sold for educational purposes. Some states have other laws and regulations regarding possession of red-eared sliders as pets because they are looked upon as invasive species or pests where they are not native, but have been introduced through the pet trade. As of July 1, 2007, it is illegal in Florida to sell any wild type red-eared slider. Unusual color varieties such as albino and pastel red-eared sliders, which are derived from captive breeding, are still allowed for","Document [20](Title: Red-eared slider) handling of turtles, which has led to restrictions in the sale of red-eared sliders in the USA. A 1975 U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation bans the sale (for general commercial and public use) of both turtle eggs and turtles with a carapace length of less than . This regulation comes under the Public Health Service Act, and is enforced by the FDA in cooperation with state and local health jurisdictions. The ban was enacted because of the public health impact of turtle-associated salmonellosis. Turtles and turtle eggs found to be offered for sale in violation of this provision"],"query":"where do red ear slider turtles lay eggs?","answers":["a hole"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Red-eared slider) and Florida. In nature, they inhabit areas with a source of still, warm water, such as ponds, lakes, swamps, creeks, streams, or slow-flowing rivers. They live in areas of calm water where they are able to leave the water easily by climbing onto rocks or tree trunks so they can warm up in the sun. Individuals are often found sunbathing in a group or even on top of each other. They also require abundant aquatic plants, as these are the adults' main food, although they are omnivores. Turtles in the wild always remain close to water unless they are searching","Document [2](Title: Red-eared slider) species with which they compete for food and breeding space. Red-eared sliders are almost entirely aquatic, but as they are cold-blooded, they leave the water to sunbathe to regulate their temperature. Red-eared sliders do not hibernate, but actually brumate; while they become less active, they do occasionally rise to the surface for food or air. Brumation can occur to varying degrees. In the wild, red-eared sliders brumate over the winter at the bottoms of ponds or shallow lakes. They generally become inactive in October, when temperatures fall below . During this time, the turtles enter a state of sopor, during","Document [3](Title: Red-eared slider) unusual color varieties such as albino and pastel red-eared sliders, which are derived from captive breeding, are still allowed for sale. In Australia, breeding populations have been found in New South Wales and Queensland, and individual turtles have been found in the wild in Victoria, the Australian Capital Territory and Western Australia. Red-eared slider turtles are considered a significant threat to native turtle species \u2013 they mature more quickly, grow larger, produce more offspring and are more aggressive. Numerous studies provide evidence that red-eared slider turtles can out-compete native turtles for food and nesting and basking sites. Because red-eared slider","Document [4](Title: Red-eared slider) for a new habitat or when females leave the water to lay their eggs. Owing to their popularity as pets, red-eared sliders have been released or escaped into the wild in many parts of the world. The turtle is considered one of the world\u2019s worst invasive species. Feral populations are now found in Australia, Europe, South Africa, the Caribbean Islands, Israel, Bahrain, the Mariana Islands, Guam, and southeast and far-east Asia. In Australia, it is illegal for members of the public to import, keep, trade, or release red-eared sliders, as they are regarded as an invasive species - see below.","Document [5](Title: Red-eared slider) flip over with the yolk sac, which would allow air into the body cavity and cause death. The other fatal danger is water getting into the body cavity before the sac is absorbed completely and while the opening has not completely healed yet. The sex of red-eared sliders is determined by the incubation temperature during critical phases of the embryos' development. Only males are produced when eggs are incubated at temperatures of , whereas females develop at warmer temperatures. Colder temperatures result in the death of the embryos. Red-eared slider turtles are the world\u2019s most commonly traded reptile, due to","Document [6](Title: Red-eared slider) turtles eat plants as well as animals, they could also have a negative impact on a range of native aquatic species, including rare frogs. There is also a significant risk that red-eared slider turtles will transfer diseases and parasites to native reptile species. There is evidence that a malaria-like parasite was spread to two wild turtle populations in Lane Cove River, Sydney. Social and economic costs are also likely to be substantial. The Queensland government has invested close to $1 million AUD in eradication programs to date. As outlined in the foregoing section, the turtle may also have significant public","Document [7](Title: Red-eared slider) Red-eared slider The red-eared slider (\"Trachemys scripta elegans\"), also known as the red-eared terrapin, is a semiaquatic turtle belonging to the family Emydidae. It is a subspecies of the pond slider. It is the most popular pet turtle in the United States and is also popular as a pet in the rest of the world. It has, therefore, become the most commonly traded turtle in the world. It is native to the southern United States and northern Mexico, but has become established in other places because of pet releases, and has become an invasive species in many areas, where it","Document [8](Title: Turtle) them down for copulation. Red-eared sliders are an example of a fully aquatic species in which the male performs a courtship behavior. In this case the male extends his forelegs with the palms facing out and flutters his forelegs in the female's face. Female choice is important in this method, and the females of some species, such as green sea turtles, aren't always receptive. As such, they've evolved certain behaviors to avoid the male's attempts at copulation, such as swimming away, confronting the male followed by biting, or a refusal position in which the female assumes a vertical position with","Document [9](Title: Spreckels Lake) appear to be red-eared sliders, a non-native species originally from the southern United States that was extremely popular as a children's pet. At least a couple turtles living in the lake do not display the red markings typical of the red-eared slider and may be western painted turtles, a native species. There is at least one large (12 to possibly 14-inch) soft shelled turtle of unknown species also living in the lake. Most of the turtles were probably introduced to the lake as discarded pets though a thriving population of turtles was noted as far back as 1912. There seem","Document [10](Title: Red-eared slider) 36 days apart. The time between mating and egg-laying can be days or weeks. The actual egg fertilization takes place during the egg-laying. This process also permits the laying of fertile eggs the following season, as the sperm can remain viable and available in the female's body in the absence of mating. During the last weeks of gestation, the female spends less time in the water and smells and scratches at the ground, indicating she is searching for a suitable place to lay her eggs. The female excavates a hole, using her hind legs, and lays her eggs in it.","Document [11](Title: Red-eared slider) plastron is always a light yellow with dark, paired, irregular markings in the centre of most scutes. The plastron is highly variable in pattern. The head, legs, and tail are green with fine, irregular, yellow lines. The whole shell is covered in these stripes and markings that aid in camouflaging an individual. Turtles also have a complete skeletal system, with partially webbed feet that help them to swim and that can be withdrawn inside the carapace along with the head and tail. The red stripe on each side of the head distinguishes the red-eared slider from all other North American","Document [12](Title: Red-eared slider) reproductive functions. Some dimorphism exists between males and females. Red-eared slider young look practically identical regardless of their sex, making it difficult to determine their sex. However, there is another method to determine their sex, by inspecting the markings under their carapace. These markings will fade as the turtles age. It is much easier to distinguish the sex of adults, as the shells of mature males are smaller than those of females. Male red-eared sliders reach sexual maturity when their carapaces' diameters measure and females reach maturity when their carapaces measure 15 cm. Both male and females reach sexual maturity","Document [13](Title: Red-eared slider) outcompetes native species. The red-eared slider is included in the list of the world's 100 most invasive species published by the IUCN. The red-eared slider get its name from the small red stripe around its ears and from its ability to slide quickly off rocks and logs into the water. This species was previously known as Troost's turtle in honor of an American herpetologist Gerard Troost. \"Trachemys scripta troostii\" is now the scientific name for another subspecies, the Cumberland slider. The red-eared slider belongs to the order Testudines which contains about 250 turtle species. It is a subspecies of \"Trachemys","Document [14](Title: Red-eared slider) Their import has been banned by the European Union as well as specific EU member countries. In 2015 Japan announced it was planning to ban the import of red-eared sliders, but it would probably not take effect until 2020. Invasive red-eared sliders cause negative impacts in the ecosystems they occupy because they have certain advantages over the native populations, such as a lower age at maturity, higher fecundity rates, and larger body size, which gives them a competitive advantage at basking and nesting sites, as well as when exploiting food resources. They also transmit diseases and displace the other turtle","Document [15](Title: Red-eared slider) and compliance program to stop the illegal trade, possession and release of slider turtles. Within the second volume of the \"Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles\", the popular comic book heroes were revealed as specimens of the red-eared slider. The popularity of the Turtles led to a craze for keeping them as pets in Great Britain, and subsequent ecological havoc as turtles were accidentally or deliberately released into the wild. Red-eared slider The red-eared slider (\"Trachemys scripta elegans\"), also known as the red-eared terrapin, is a semiaquatic turtle belonging to the family Emydidae. It is a subspecies of the","Document [16](Title: Red-eared slider) rules of cleanliness. Small children must be taught to wash their hands immediately after they finish playing with the turtle, feeding it, or changing its water. Some states have other laws and regulations regarding possession of red-eared sliders because they can be an invasive species where they are not native and have been introduced through the pet trade. Now, it is illegal in Florida to sell any wild-type red-eared slider, as they interbreed with the local yellow-bellied slider population \u2014 \"Trachemys scripta scripta\" is another subspecies of pond sliders, and hybrids typically combine the markings of the two subspecies. However,","Document [17](Title: Red-eared slider) strong influence on their lifespans and well being. These turtles are poikilotherms, meaning they are unable to regulate their body temperatures independently; they are completely dependent on the temperature of their environment. For this reason, they need to sunbathe frequently to warm themselves and maintain their body temperatures. The shell is divided into two sections: the upper or dorsal carapace, and the lower, ventral carapace or plastron. The upper carapace consists of the vertebral scutes, which form the central, elevated portion; pleural scutes that are located around the vertebral scutes; and then the marginal scutes around the edge of the","Document [18](Title: Pond slider) Pond slider The pond slider (\"Trachemys scripta\") is a species of common, medium-sized, semiaquatic turtle. There are three subspecies, the most recognizable of which is the red-eared slider (\"T. s. elegans\"), which is popular in the pet trade and has been introduced to other parts of the world by people releasing it to the wild. Hatchling and juvenile pond sliders have a green upper shell (carapace), yellow bottom shell (plastron) and green and yellow stripes and markings on their skin. These patterns and colors in the skin and shell fade with age until the carapace is a muted olive green","Document [19](Title: Turtle) stores and flea markets still sell small turtles due to a loophole in the FDA regulation which allows turtles under to be sold for educational purposes. Some states have other laws and regulations regarding possession of red-eared sliders as pets because they are looked upon as invasive species or pests where they are not native, but have been introduced through the pet trade. As of July 1, 2007, it is illegal in Florida to sell any wild type red-eared slider. Unusual color varieties such as albino and pastel red-eared sliders, which are derived from captive breeding, are still allowed for","Document [20](Title: Red-eared slider) handling of turtles, which has led to restrictions in the sale of red-eared sliders in the USA. A 1975 U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation bans the sale (for general commercial and public use) of both turtle eggs and turtles with a carapace length of less than . This regulation comes under the Public Health Service Act, and is enforced by the FDA in cooperation with state and local health jurisdictions. The ban was enacted because of the public health impact of turtle-associated salmonellosis. Turtles and turtle eggs found to be offered for sale in violation of this provision"],"query":"where do red ear slider turtles lay eggs?","answers":["a hole"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Red-eared slider) and Florida. In nature, they inhabit areas with a source of still, warm water, such as ponds, lakes, swamps, creeks, streams, or slow-flowing rivers. They live in areas of calm water where they are able to leave the water easily by climbing onto rocks or tree trunks so they can warm up in the sun. Individuals are often found sunbathing in a group or even on top of each other. They also require abundant aquatic plants, as these are the adults' main food, although they are omnivores. Turtles in the wild always remain close to water unless they are searching","Document [2](Title: Red-eared slider) species with which they compete for food and breeding space. Red-eared sliders are almost entirely aquatic, but as they are cold-blooded, they leave the water to sunbathe to regulate their temperature. Red-eared sliders do not hibernate, but actually brumate; while they become less active, they do occasionally rise to the surface for food or air. Brumation can occur to varying degrees. In the wild, red-eared sliders brumate over the winter at the bottoms of ponds or shallow lakes. They generally become inactive in October, when temperatures fall below . During this time, the turtles enter a state of sopor, during","Document [3](Title: Red-eared slider) unusual color varieties such as albino and pastel red-eared sliders, which are derived from captive breeding, are still allowed for sale. In Australia, breeding populations have been found in New South Wales and Queensland, and individual turtles have been found in the wild in Victoria, the Australian Capital Territory and Western Australia. Red-eared slider turtles are considered a significant threat to native turtle species \u2013 they mature more quickly, grow larger, produce more offspring and are more aggressive. Numerous studies provide evidence that red-eared slider turtles can out-compete native turtles for food and nesting and basking sites. Because red-eared slider","Document [4](Title: Red-eared slider) for a new habitat or when females leave the water to lay their eggs. Owing to their popularity as pets, red-eared sliders have been released or escaped into the wild in many parts of the world. The turtle is considered one of the world\u2019s worst invasive species. Feral populations are now found in Australia, Europe, South Africa, the Caribbean Islands, Israel, Bahrain, the Mariana Islands, Guam, and southeast and far-east Asia. In Australia, it is illegal for members of the public to import, keep, trade, or release red-eared sliders, as they are regarded as an invasive species - see below.","Document [5](Title: Red-eared slider) flip over with the yolk sac, which would allow air into the body cavity and cause death. The other fatal danger is water getting into the body cavity before the sac is absorbed completely and while the opening has not completely healed yet. The sex of red-eared sliders is determined by the incubation temperature during critical phases of the embryos' development. Only males are produced when eggs are incubated at temperatures of , whereas females develop at warmer temperatures. Colder temperatures result in the death of the embryos. Red-eared slider turtles are the world\u2019s most commonly traded reptile, due to","Document [6](Title: Red-eared slider) turtles eat plants as well as animals, they could also have a negative impact on a range of native aquatic species, including rare frogs. There is also a significant risk that red-eared slider turtles will transfer diseases and parasites to native reptile species. There is evidence that a malaria-like parasite was spread to two wild turtle populations in Lane Cove River, Sydney. Social and economic costs are also likely to be substantial. The Queensland government has invested close to $1 million AUD in eradication programs to date. As outlined in the foregoing section, the turtle may also have significant public","Document [7](Title: Red-eared slider) Red-eared slider The red-eared slider (\"Trachemys scripta elegans\"), also known as the red-eared terrapin, is a semiaquatic turtle belonging to the family Emydidae. It is a subspecies of the pond slider. It is the most popular pet turtle in the United States and is also popular as a pet in the rest of the world. It has, therefore, become the most commonly traded turtle in the world. It is native to the southern United States and northern Mexico, but has become established in other places because of pet releases, and has become an invasive species in many areas, where it","Document [8](Title: Turtle) them down for copulation. Red-eared sliders are an example of a fully aquatic species in which the male performs a courtship behavior. In this case the male extends his forelegs with the palms facing out and flutters his forelegs in the female's face. Female choice is important in this method, and the females of some species, such as green sea turtles, aren't always receptive. As such, they've evolved certain behaviors to avoid the male's attempts at copulation, such as swimming away, confronting the male followed by biting, or a refusal position in which the female assumes a vertical position with","Document [9](Title: Spreckels Lake) appear to be red-eared sliders, a non-native species originally from the southern United States that was extremely popular as a children's pet. At least a couple turtles living in the lake do not display the red markings typical of the red-eared slider and may be western painted turtles, a native species. There is at least one large (12 to possibly 14-inch) soft shelled turtle of unknown species also living in the lake. Most of the turtles were probably introduced to the lake as discarded pets though a thriving population of turtles was noted as far back as 1912. There seem","Document [10](Title: Red-eared slider) plastron is always a light yellow with dark, paired, irregular markings in the centre of most scutes. The plastron is highly variable in pattern. The head, legs, and tail are green with fine, irregular, yellow lines. The whole shell is covered in these stripes and markings that aid in camouflaging an individual. Turtles also have a complete skeletal system, with partially webbed feet that help them to swim and that can be withdrawn inside the carapace along with the head and tail. The red stripe on each side of the head distinguishes the red-eared slider from all other North American","Document [11](Title: Red-eared slider) reproductive functions. Some dimorphism exists between males and females. Red-eared slider young look practically identical regardless of their sex, making it difficult to determine their sex. However, there is another method to determine their sex, by inspecting the markings under their carapace. These markings will fade as the turtles age. It is much easier to distinguish the sex of adults, as the shells of mature males are smaller than those of females. Male red-eared sliders reach sexual maturity when their carapaces' diameters measure and females reach maturity when their carapaces measure 15 cm. Both male and females reach sexual maturity","Document [12](Title: Red-eared slider) outcompetes native species. The red-eared slider is included in the list of the world's 100 most invasive species published by the IUCN. The red-eared slider get its name from the small red stripe around its ears and from its ability to slide quickly off rocks and logs into the water. This species was previously known as Troost's turtle in honor of an American herpetologist Gerard Troost. \"Trachemys scripta troostii\" is now the scientific name for another subspecies, the Cumberland slider. The red-eared slider belongs to the order Testudines which contains about 250 turtle species. It is a subspecies of \"Trachemys","Document [13](Title: Red-eared slider) Their import has been banned by the European Union as well as specific EU member countries. In 2015 Japan announced it was planning to ban the import of red-eared sliders, but it would probably not take effect until 2020. Invasive red-eared sliders cause negative impacts in the ecosystems they occupy because they have certain advantages over the native populations, such as a lower age at maturity, higher fecundity rates, and larger body size, which gives them a competitive advantage at basking and nesting sites, as well as when exploiting food resources. They also transmit diseases and displace the other turtle","Document [14](Title: Red-eared slider) and compliance program to stop the illegal trade, possession and release of slider turtles. Within the second volume of the \"Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles\", the popular comic book heroes were revealed as specimens of the red-eared slider. The popularity of the Turtles led to a craze for keeping them as pets in Great Britain, and subsequent ecological havoc as turtles were accidentally or deliberately released into the wild. Red-eared slider The red-eared slider (\"Trachemys scripta elegans\"), also known as the red-eared terrapin, is a semiaquatic turtle belonging to the family Emydidae. It is a subspecies of the","Document [15](Title: Red-eared slider) 36 days apart. The time between mating and egg-laying can be days or weeks. The actual egg fertilization takes place during the egg-laying. This process also permits the laying of fertile eggs the following season, as the sperm can remain viable and available in the female's body in the absence of mating. During the last weeks of gestation, the female spends less time in the water and smells and scratches at the ground, indicating she is searching for a suitable place to lay her eggs. The female excavates a hole, using her hind legs, and lays her eggs in it.","Document [16](Title: Red-eared slider) rules of cleanliness. Small children must be taught to wash their hands immediately after they finish playing with the turtle, feeding it, or changing its water. Some states have other laws and regulations regarding possession of red-eared sliders because they can be an invasive species where they are not native and have been introduced through the pet trade. Now, it is illegal in Florida to sell any wild-type red-eared slider, as they interbreed with the local yellow-bellied slider population \u2014 \"Trachemys scripta scripta\" is another subspecies of pond sliders, and hybrids typically combine the markings of the two subspecies. However,","Document [17](Title: Red-eared slider) strong influence on their lifespans and well being. These turtles are poikilotherms, meaning they are unable to regulate their body temperatures independently; they are completely dependent on the temperature of their environment. For this reason, they need to sunbathe frequently to warm themselves and maintain their body temperatures. The shell is divided into two sections: the upper or dorsal carapace, and the lower, ventral carapace or plastron. The upper carapace consists of the vertebral scutes, which form the central, elevated portion; pleural scutes that are located around the vertebral scutes; and then the marginal scutes around the edge of the","Document [18](Title: Pond slider) Pond slider The pond slider (\"Trachemys scripta\") is a species of common, medium-sized, semiaquatic turtle. There are three subspecies, the most recognizable of which is the red-eared slider (\"T. s. elegans\"), which is popular in the pet trade and has been introduced to other parts of the world by people releasing it to the wild. Hatchling and juvenile pond sliders have a green upper shell (carapace), yellow bottom shell (plastron) and green and yellow stripes and markings on their skin. These patterns and colors in the skin and shell fade with age until the carapace is a muted olive green","Document [19](Title: Turtle) stores and flea markets still sell small turtles due to a loophole in the FDA regulation which allows turtles under to be sold for educational purposes. Some states have other laws and regulations regarding possession of red-eared sliders as pets because they are looked upon as invasive species or pests where they are not native, but have been introduced through the pet trade. As of July 1, 2007, it is illegal in Florida to sell any wild type red-eared slider. Unusual color varieties such as albino and pastel red-eared sliders, which are derived from captive breeding, are still allowed for","Document [20](Title: Red-eared slider) handling of turtles, which has led to restrictions in the sale of red-eared sliders in the USA. A 1975 U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation bans the sale (for general commercial and public use) of both turtle eggs and turtles with a carapace length of less than . This regulation comes under the Public Health Service Act, and is enforced by the FDA in cooperation with state and local health jurisdictions. The ban was enacted because of the public health impact of turtle-associated salmonellosis. Turtles and turtle eggs found to be offered for sale in violation of this provision"],"query":"where do red ear slider turtles lay eggs?","answers":["a hole"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Red-eared slider) and Florida. In nature, they inhabit areas with a source of still, warm water, such as ponds, lakes, swamps, creeks, streams, or slow-flowing rivers. They live in areas of calm water where they are able to leave the water easily by climbing onto rocks or tree trunks so they can warm up in the sun. Individuals are often found sunbathing in a group or even on top of each other. They also require abundant aquatic plants, as these are the adults' main food, although they are omnivores. Turtles in the wild always remain close to water unless they are searching","Document [2](Title: Red-eared slider) species with which they compete for food and breeding space. Red-eared sliders are almost entirely aquatic, but as they are cold-blooded, they leave the water to sunbathe to regulate their temperature. Red-eared sliders do not hibernate, but actually brumate; while they become less active, they do occasionally rise to the surface for food or air. Brumation can occur to varying degrees. In the wild, red-eared sliders brumate over the winter at the bottoms of ponds or shallow lakes. They generally become inactive in October, when temperatures fall below . During this time, the turtles enter a state of sopor, during","Document [3](Title: Red-eared slider) unusual color varieties such as albino and pastel red-eared sliders, which are derived from captive breeding, are still allowed for sale. In Australia, breeding populations have been found in New South Wales and Queensland, and individual turtles have been found in the wild in Victoria, the Australian Capital Territory and Western Australia. Red-eared slider turtles are considered a significant threat to native turtle species \u2013 they mature more quickly, grow larger, produce more offspring and are more aggressive. Numerous studies provide evidence that red-eared slider turtles can out-compete native turtles for food and nesting and basking sites. Because red-eared slider","Document [4](Title: Red-eared slider) for a new habitat or when females leave the water to lay their eggs. Owing to their popularity as pets, red-eared sliders have been released or escaped into the wild in many parts of the world. The turtle is considered one of the world\u2019s worst invasive species. Feral populations are now found in Australia, Europe, South Africa, the Caribbean Islands, Israel, Bahrain, the Mariana Islands, Guam, and southeast and far-east Asia. In Australia, it is illegal for members of the public to import, keep, trade, or release red-eared sliders, as they are regarded as an invasive species - see below.","Document [5](Title: Red-eared slider) flip over with the yolk sac, which would allow air into the body cavity and cause death. The other fatal danger is water getting into the body cavity before the sac is absorbed completely and while the opening has not completely healed yet. The sex of red-eared sliders is determined by the incubation temperature during critical phases of the embryos' development. Only males are produced when eggs are incubated at temperatures of , whereas females develop at warmer temperatures. Colder temperatures result in the death of the embryos. Red-eared slider turtles are the world\u2019s most commonly traded reptile, due to","Document [6](Title: Red-eared slider) turtles eat plants as well as animals, they could also have a negative impact on a range of native aquatic species, including rare frogs. There is also a significant risk that red-eared slider turtles will transfer diseases and parasites to native reptile species. There is evidence that a malaria-like parasite was spread to two wild turtle populations in Lane Cove River, Sydney. Social and economic costs are also likely to be substantial. The Queensland government has invested close to $1 million AUD in eradication programs to date. As outlined in the foregoing section, the turtle may also have significant public","Document [7](Title: Red-eared slider) Red-eared slider The red-eared slider (\"Trachemys scripta elegans\"), also known as the red-eared terrapin, is a semiaquatic turtle belonging to the family Emydidae. It is a subspecies of the pond slider. It is the most popular pet turtle in the United States and is also popular as a pet in the rest of the world. It has, therefore, become the most commonly traded turtle in the world. It is native to the southern United States and northern Mexico, but has become established in other places because of pet releases, and has become an invasive species in many areas, where it","Document [8](Title: Turtle) them down for copulation. Red-eared sliders are an example of a fully aquatic species in which the male performs a courtship behavior. In this case the male extends his forelegs with the palms facing out and flutters his forelegs in the female's face. Female choice is important in this method, and the females of some species, such as green sea turtles, aren't always receptive. As such, they've evolved certain behaviors to avoid the male's attempts at copulation, such as swimming away, confronting the male followed by biting, or a refusal position in which the female assumes a vertical position with","Document [9](Title: Spreckels Lake) appear to be red-eared sliders, a non-native species originally from the southern United States that was extremely popular as a children's pet. At least a couple turtles living in the lake do not display the red markings typical of the red-eared slider and may be western painted turtles, a native species. There is at least one large (12 to possibly 14-inch) soft shelled turtle of unknown species also living in the lake. Most of the turtles were probably introduced to the lake as discarded pets though a thriving population of turtles was noted as far back as 1912. There seem","Document [10](Title: Red-eared slider) plastron is always a light yellow with dark, paired, irregular markings in the centre of most scutes. The plastron is highly variable in pattern. The head, legs, and tail are green with fine, irregular, yellow lines. The whole shell is covered in these stripes and markings that aid in camouflaging an individual. Turtles also have a complete skeletal system, with partially webbed feet that help them to swim and that can be withdrawn inside the carapace along with the head and tail. The red stripe on each side of the head distinguishes the red-eared slider from all other North American","Document [11](Title: Red-eared slider) reproductive functions. Some dimorphism exists between males and females. Red-eared slider young look practically identical regardless of their sex, making it difficult to determine their sex. However, there is another method to determine their sex, by inspecting the markings under their carapace. These markings will fade as the turtles age. It is much easier to distinguish the sex of adults, as the shells of mature males are smaller than those of females. Male red-eared sliders reach sexual maturity when their carapaces' diameters measure and females reach maturity when their carapaces measure 15 cm. Both male and females reach sexual maturity","Document [12](Title: Red-eared slider) outcompetes native species. The red-eared slider is included in the list of the world's 100 most invasive species published by the IUCN. The red-eared slider get its name from the small red stripe around its ears and from its ability to slide quickly off rocks and logs into the water. This species was previously known as Troost's turtle in honor of an American herpetologist Gerard Troost. \"Trachemys scripta troostii\" is now the scientific name for another subspecies, the Cumberland slider. The red-eared slider belongs to the order Testudines which contains about 250 turtle species. It is a subspecies of \"Trachemys","Document [13](Title: Red-eared slider) Their import has been banned by the European Union as well as specific EU member countries. In 2015 Japan announced it was planning to ban the import of red-eared sliders, but it would probably not take effect until 2020. Invasive red-eared sliders cause negative impacts in the ecosystems they occupy because they have certain advantages over the native populations, such as a lower age at maturity, higher fecundity rates, and larger body size, which gives them a competitive advantage at basking and nesting sites, as well as when exploiting food resources. They also transmit diseases and displace the other turtle","Document [14](Title: Red-eared slider) and compliance program to stop the illegal trade, possession and release of slider turtles. Within the second volume of the \"Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles\", the popular comic book heroes were revealed as specimens of the red-eared slider. The popularity of the Turtles led to a craze for keeping them as pets in Great Britain, and subsequent ecological havoc as turtles were accidentally or deliberately released into the wild. Red-eared slider The red-eared slider (\"Trachemys scripta elegans\"), also known as the red-eared terrapin, is a semiaquatic turtle belonging to the family Emydidae. It is a subspecies of the","Document [15](Title: Red-eared slider) rules of cleanliness. Small children must be taught to wash their hands immediately after they finish playing with the turtle, feeding it, or changing its water. Some states have other laws and regulations regarding possession of red-eared sliders because they can be an invasive species where they are not native and have been introduced through the pet trade. Now, it is illegal in Florida to sell any wild-type red-eared slider, as they interbreed with the local yellow-bellied slider population \u2014 \"Trachemys scripta scripta\" is another subspecies of pond sliders, and hybrids typically combine the markings of the two subspecies. However,","Document [16](Title: Red-eared slider) strong influence on their lifespans and well being. These turtles are poikilotherms, meaning they are unable to regulate their body temperatures independently; they are completely dependent on the temperature of their environment. For this reason, they need to sunbathe frequently to warm themselves and maintain their body temperatures. The shell is divided into two sections: the upper or dorsal carapace, and the lower, ventral carapace or plastron. The upper carapace consists of the vertebral scutes, which form the central, elevated portion; pleural scutes that are located around the vertebral scutes; and then the marginal scutes around the edge of the","Document [17](Title: Pond slider) Pond slider The pond slider (\"Trachemys scripta\") is a species of common, medium-sized, semiaquatic turtle. There are three subspecies, the most recognizable of which is the red-eared slider (\"T. s. elegans\"), which is popular in the pet trade and has been introduced to other parts of the world by people releasing it to the wild. Hatchling and juvenile pond sliders have a green upper shell (carapace), yellow bottom shell (plastron) and green and yellow stripes and markings on their skin. These patterns and colors in the skin and shell fade with age until the carapace is a muted olive green","Document [18](Title: Turtle) stores and flea markets still sell small turtles due to a loophole in the FDA regulation which allows turtles under to be sold for educational purposes. Some states have other laws and regulations regarding possession of red-eared sliders as pets because they are looked upon as invasive species or pests where they are not native, but have been introduced through the pet trade. As of July 1, 2007, it is illegal in Florida to sell any wild type red-eared slider. Unusual color varieties such as albino and pastel red-eared sliders, which are derived from captive breeding, are still allowed for","Document [19](Title: Red-eared slider) handling of turtles, which has led to restrictions in the sale of red-eared sliders in the USA. A 1975 U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation bans the sale (for general commercial and public use) of both turtle eggs and turtles with a carapace length of less than . This regulation comes under the Public Health Service Act, and is enforced by the FDA in cooperation with state and local health jurisdictions. The ban was enacted because of the public health impact of turtle-associated salmonellosis. Turtles and turtle eggs found to be offered for sale in violation of this provision","Document [20](Title: Red-eared slider) 36 days apart. The time between mating and egg-laying can be days or weeks. The actual egg fertilization takes place during the egg-laying. This process also permits the laying of fertile eggs the following season, as the sperm can remain viable and available in the female's body in the absence of mating. During the last weeks of gestation, the female spends less time in the water and smells and scratches at the ground, indicating she is searching for a suitable place to lay her eggs. The female excavates a hole, using her hind legs, and lays her eggs in it."],"query":"where do red ear slider turtles lay eggs?","answers":["a hole"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Leibniz\u2013Newton calculus controversy) The calculus controversy (often referred to with the German term Priorit\u00e4tsstreit, meaning \"priority dispute\") was an argument between 17th-century mathematicians Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz (begun or fomented in part by their disciples and associates) over who had first invented the mathematical study of change, calculus. It is a question that had been the cause of a major intellectual controversy, one that began simmering in 1699 and broke out in full force in 1711.","Document [2](Title: Calculus) and Newton are usually both given credit for independently inventing and developing calculus. Newton was the first to apply calculus to general physics and Leibniz developed much of the notation used in calculus today. The basic insights that both Newton and Leibniz provided were the laws of differentiation and integration, second and higher derivatives, and the notion of an approximating polynomial series. By Newton's time, the fundamental theorem of calculus was known. When Newton and Leibniz first published their results, there was great controversy over which mathematician (and therefore which country) deserved credit. Newton derived his results first (later to","Document [3](Title: History of calculus) at the turn of the century, but after 1711 both of them became personally involved, accusing each other of plagiarism. The priority dispute had an effect of separating English-speaking mathematicians from those in the continental Europe for many years. Only in the 1820s, due to the efforts of the Analytical Society, did Leibnizian analytical calculus become accepted in England. Today, both Newton and Leibniz are given credit for independently developing the basics of calculus. It is Leibniz, however, who is credited with giving the new discipline the name it is known by today: \"calculus\". Newton's name for it was \"the","Document [4](Title: Jacob Bernoulli) that were to make up \"Ars Conjectandi\" were discovered. He was appointed professor of mathematics at the University of Basel in 1687, remaining in this position for the rest of his life. By that time, he had begun tutoring his brother Johann Bernoulli on mathematical topics. The two brothers began to study the calculus as presented by Leibniz in his 1684 paper on the differential calculus in \"Nova Methodus pro Maximis et Minimis\" published in \"Acta Eruditorum\". They also studied the publications of von Tschirnhaus. It must be understood that Leibniz's publications on the calculus were very obscure to mathematicians","Document [5](Title: History of calculus) who first \"invented\" calculus. This argument, the Leibniz and Newton calculus controversy, involving Leibniz, who was German, and the Englishman Newton, led to a rift in the European mathematical community lasting over a century. Leibniz was the first to publish his investigations; however, it is well established that Newton had started his work several years prior to Leibniz and had already developed a theory of tangents by the time Leibniz became interested in the question. It is not known how much this may have influenced Leibniz. The initial accusations were made by students and supporters of the two great scientists","Document [6](Title: Kerala School of Astronomy and Mathematics) considered a part of calculus. According to V.J. Katz, they were yet to \"combine many differing ideas under the two unifying themes of the derivative and the integral, show the connection between the two, and turn calculus into the great problem-solving tool we have today\", like Newton and Leibniz. The intellectual careers of both Newton and Leibniz are well-documented and there is no indication of their work not being their own; however, it is not known with certainty whether the immediate \"predecessors\" of Newton and Leibniz, \"including, in particular, Fermat and Roberval, learned of some of the ideas of the","Document [7](Title: Isaac Newton) the college's teachings were based on those of Aristotle, whom Newton supplemented with modern philosophers such as Descartes, and astronomers such as Galileo and Thomas Street, through whom he learned of Kepler's work. He set down in his notebook a series of \"\"Quaestiones\"\" about mechanical philosophy as he found it. In 1665, he discovered the generalised binomial theorem and began to develop a mathematical theory that later became calculus. Soon after Newton had obtained his BA degree in August 1665, the university temporarily closed as a precaution against the Great Plague. Although he had been undistinguished as a Cambridge student,","Document [8](Title: George Green (mathematician)) form of calculus derived from Leibniz that was virtually unheard of, or even actively discouraged, in England at the time (due to Leibniz being a contemporary of Newton who had his own methods that were championed in England). This form of calculus, and the developments of mathematicians such as Laplace, Lacroix and Poisson were not taught even at Cambridge, let alone Nottingham, and yet Green had not only heard of these developments, but also improved upon them. It is speculated that only one person educated in mathematics, John Toplis, headmaster of Nottingham High School 1806\u20131819, graduate from Cambridge and an","Document [9](Title: History of calculus) be found in the Egyptian Moscow papyrus (c. 1820 BC), but the formulas are only given for concrete numbers, some are only approximately true, and they are not derived by deductive reasoning. Babylonians may have discovered the trapezoidal rule while doing astronomical observations of Jupiter. From the age of Greek mathematics, Eudoxus (c. 408\u2212355 BC) used the method of exhaustion, which foreshadows the concept of the limit, to calculate areas and volumes, while Archimedes (c. 287\u2212212 BC) developed this idea further, inventing heuristics which resemble the methods of integral calculus. Greek mathematicians are also credited with a significant use of","Document [10](Title: History of mathematics) differential calculus, and the calculus of variations, and Laplace who, in the age of Napoleon, did important work on the foundations of celestial mechanics and on statistics. Throughout the 19th century mathematics became increasingly abstract. Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777\u20131855) epitomizes this trend. He did revolutionary work on functions of complex variables, in geometry, and on the convergence of series, leaving aside his many contributions to science. He also gave the first satisfactory proofs of the fundamental theorem of algebra and of the quadratic reciprocity law. This century saw the development of the two forms of non-Euclidean geometry, where the parallel","Document [11](Title: Science) at the center and all the planets orbiting it. Aristarchus's model was widely rejected because it was believed to violate the laws of physics. The inventor and mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse made major contributions to the beginnings of calculus and has sometimes been credited as its inventor, although his proto-calculus lacked several defining features. Pliny the Elder was a Roman writer and polymath, who wrote the seminal encyclopedia \"Natural History\", dealing with history, geography, medicine, astronomy, earth science, botany, and zoology. Other scientists or proto-scientists in Antiquity were Theophrastus, Euclid, Herophilos, Hipparchus, Ptolemy, and Galen. During late antiquity, in the","Document [12](Title: Italians) infinitesimal analysis, and papers on the theory of real numbers. Giuseppe Peano, founded the mathematical logic, the set theory, and alongside John Venn drew the first Venn diagram. Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro is well known for his invention on absolute differential calculus (tensor calculus), further developed by Tullio Levi-Civita, and its applications to the theory of relativity. Beniamino Segre is one of the main contributor of algebraic geometry and one of the founders of finite geometry. Paolo Ruffini is credited for his innovative work in mathematics, creating \"Ruffini's rule\" and co-creating the Abel\u2013Ruffini theorem. Ennio de Giorgi, a Wolf Prize in Mathematics","Document [13](Title: Johann Bernoulli) allow him to study medicine instead. However, Johann Bernoulli did not enjoy medicine either and began studying mathematics on the side with his older brother Jacob. Throughout Johann Bernoulli's education at Basel University the Bernoulli brothers worked together spending much of their time studying the newly discovered infinitesimal calculus. They were among the first mathematicians to not only study and understand calculus but to apply it to various problems. After graduating from Basel University Johann Bernoulli moved to teach differential equations. Later, in 1694, he married Dorothea Falkner and soon after accepted a position as the professor of mathematics at","Document [14](Title: Calculus) Calculus Calculus (from Latin \"calculus\", literally 'small pebble', used for counting and calculations, as on an abacus) is the mathematical study of continuous change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of generalizations of arithmetic operations. It has two major branches, differential calculus (concerning instantaneous rates of change and slopes of curves), and integral calculus (concerning accumulation of quantities and the areas under and between curves). These two branches are related to each other by the fundamental theorem of calculus. Both branches make use of the fundamental notions of convergence of","Document [15](Title: Early life of Isaac Newton) College, Cambridge as a sizar\u2014a sort of work-study role. At that time, the college's teachings were based on those of Aristotle, whom Newton supplemented with modern philosophers such as Descartes and astronomers such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler. In 1665, he discovered the generalised binomial theorem and began to develop a mathematical theory that later became infinitesimal calculus. Soon after Newton had obtained his degree in August 1665, the University closed down as a precaution against the Great Plague. Although he had been undistinguished as a Cambridge student, Newton's private studies at his home in Woolsthorpe over the next two","Document [16](Title: History of calculus) continued to add the two component motions together, thereby finding the tangent to the curve. The pioneers of the calculus such as Isaac Barrow and Johann Bernoulli were diligent students of Archimedes; see for instance C. S. Roero (1983). The method of exhaustion was reinvented in China by Liu Hui in the 4th century AD in order to find the area of a circle. In the 5th century AD, Zu Chongzhi established a method that would later be called Cavalieri's principle to find the volume of a sphere. In the Middle East, Alhazen derived a formula for the sum of","Document [17](Title: Abraham de Moivre) was a bias against his French origins. In November 1697 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society and in 1712 was appointed to a commission set up by the society, alongside MM. Arbuthnot, Hill, Halley, Jones, Machin, Burnet, Robarts, Bonet, Aston, and Taylor to review the claims of Newton and Leibniz as to who discovered calculus. The full details of the controversy can be found in the Leibniz and Newton calculus controversy article. Throughout his life de Moivre remained poor. It is reported that he was a regular customer of old Slaughter's Coffee House, St. Martin's Lane at","Document [18](Title: Calculus) \"the science of fluxions\". Since the time of Leibniz and Newton, many mathematicians have contributed to the continuing development of calculus. One of the first and most complete works on both infinitesimal and integral calculus was written in 1748 by Maria Gaetana Agnesi. In calculus, \"foundations\" refers to the rigorous development of the subject from axioms and definitions. In early calculus the use of infinitesimal quantities was thought unrigorous, and was fiercely criticized by a number of authors, most notably Michel Rolle and Bishop Berkeley. Berkeley famously described infinitesimals as the ghosts of departed quantities in his book \"The Analyst\"","Document [19](Title: Isaac Newton) author of the manuscript \"De analysi per aequationes numero terminorum infinitas\", sent by Isaac Barrow to John Collins in June 1669, was identified by Barrow in a letter sent to Collins in August of that year as \"[...] of an extraordinary genius and proficiency in these things.\" Newton later became involved in a dispute with Leibniz over priority in the development of calculus (the Leibniz\u2013Newton calculus controversy). Most modern historians believe that Newton and Leibniz developed calculus independently, although with very different mathematical notations. Occasionally it has been suggested that Newton published almost nothing about it until 1693, and did","Document [20](Title: Indian mathematics) as Newton and Leibniz were, to \"combine many differing ideas under the two unifying themes of the derivative and the integral, show the connection between the two, and turn calculus into the great problem-solving tool we have today.\" The intellectual careers of both Newton and Leibniz are well-documented and there is no indication of their work not being their own; however, it is not known with certainty whether the immediate \"predecessors\" of Newton and Leibniz, \"including, in particular, Fermat and Roberval, learned of some of the ideas of the Islamic and Indian mathematicians through sources we are not now aware.\""],"query":"who were the two mathematicians that invented calculus?","answers":["Gottfried Leibniz","Isaac Newton"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Calculus) and Newton are usually both given credit for independently inventing and developing calculus. Newton was the first to apply calculus to general physics and Leibniz developed much of the notation used in calculus today. The basic insights that both Newton and Leibniz provided were the laws of differentiation and integration, second and higher derivatives, and the notion of an approximating polynomial series. By Newton's time, the fundamental theorem of calculus was known. When Newton and Leibniz first published their results, there was great controversy over which mathematician (and therefore which country) deserved credit. Newton derived his results first (later to","Document [2](Title: History of calculus) at the turn of the century, but after 1711 both of them became personally involved, accusing each other of plagiarism. The priority dispute had an effect of separating English-speaking mathematicians from those in the continental Europe for many years. Only in the 1820s, due to the efforts of the Analytical Society, did Leibnizian analytical calculus become accepted in England. Today, both Newton and Leibniz are given credit for independently developing the basics of calculus. It is Leibniz, however, who is credited with giving the new discipline the name it is known by today: \"calculus\". Newton's name for it was \"the","Document [3](Title: Jacob Bernoulli) that were to make up \"Ars Conjectandi\" were discovered. He was appointed professor of mathematics at the University of Basel in 1687, remaining in this position for the rest of his life. By that time, he had begun tutoring his brother Johann Bernoulli on mathematical topics. The two brothers began to study the calculus as presented by Leibniz in his 1684 paper on the differential calculus in \"Nova Methodus pro Maximis et Minimis\" published in \"Acta Eruditorum\". They also studied the publications of von Tschirnhaus. It must be understood that Leibniz's publications on the calculus were very obscure to mathematicians","Document [4](Title: History of calculus) who first \"invented\" calculus. This argument, the Leibniz and Newton calculus controversy, involving Leibniz, who was German, and the Englishman Newton, led to a rift in the European mathematical community lasting over a century. Leibniz was the first to publish his investigations; however, it is well established that Newton had started his work several years prior to Leibniz and had already developed a theory of tangents by the time Leibniz became interested in the question. It is not known how much this may have influenced Leibniz. The initial accusations were made by students and supporters of the two great scientists","Document [5](Title: Leibniz\u2013Newton calculus controversy) The calculus controversy (often referred to with the German term Priorit\u00e4tsstreit, meaning \"priority dispute\") was an argument between 17th-century mathematicians Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz (begun or fomented in part by their disciples and associates) over who had first invented the mathematical study of change, calculus. It is a question that had been the cause of a major intellectual controversy, one that began simmering in 1699 and broke out in full force in 1711.","Document [6](Title: Kerala School of Astronomy and Mathematics) considered a part of calculus. According to V.J. Katz, they were yet to \"combine many differing ideas under the two unifying themes of the derivative and the integral, show the connection between the two, and turn calculus into the great problem-solving tool we have today\", like Newton and Leibniz. The intellectual careers of both Newton and Leibniz are well-documented and there is no indication of their work not being their own; however, it is not known with certainty whether the immediate \"predecessors\" of Newton and Leibniz, \"including, in particular, Fermat and Roberval, learned of some of the ideas of the","Document [7](Title: Isaac Newton) the college's teachings were based on those of Aristotle, whom Newton supplemented with modern philosophers such as Descartes, and astronomers such as Galileo and Thomas Street, through whom he learned of Kepler's work. He set down in his notebook a series of \"\"Quaestiones\"\" about mechanical philosophy as he found it. In 1665, he discovered the generalised binomial theorem and began to develop a mathematical theory that later became calculus. Soon after Newton had obtained his BA degree in August 1665, the university temporarily closed as a precaution against the Great Plague. Although he had been undistinguished as a Cambridge student,","Document [8](Title: George Green (mathematician)) form of calculus derived from Leibniz that was virtually unheard of, or even actively discouraged, in England at the time (due to Leibniz being a contemporary of Newton who had his own methods that were championed in England). This form of calculus, and the developments of mathematicians such as Laplace, Lacroix and Poisson were not taught even at Cambridge, let alone Nottingham, and yet Green had not only heard of these developments, but also improved upon them. It is speculated that only one person educated in mathematics, John Toplis, headmaster of Nottingham High School 1806\u20131819, graduate from Cambridge and an","Document [9](Title: History of calculus) be found in the Egyptian Moscow papyrus (c. 1820 BC), but the formulas are only given for concrete numbers, some are only approximately true, and they are not derived by deductive reasoning. Babylonians may have discovered the trapezoidal rule while doing astronomical observations of Jupiter. From the age of Greek mathematics, Eudoxus (c. 408\u2212355 BC) used the method of exhaustion, which foreshadows the concept of the limit, to calculate areas and volumes, while Archimedes (c. 287\u2212212 BC) developed this idea further, inventing heuristics which resemble the methods of integral calculus. Greek mathematicians are also credited with a significant use of","Document [10](Title: History of mathematics) differential calculus, and the calculus of variations, and Laplace who, in the age of Napoleon, did important work on the foundations of celestial mechanics and on statistics. Throughout the 19th century mathematics became increasingly abstract. Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777\u20131855) epitomizes this trend. He did revolutionary work on functions of complex variables, in geometry, and on the convergence of series, leaving aside his many contributions to science. He also gave the first satisfactory proofs of the fundamental theorem of algebra and of the quadratic reciprocity law. This century saw the development of the two forms of non-Euclidean geometry, where the parallel","Document [11](Title: Science) at the center and all the planets orbiting it. Aristarchus's model was widely rejected because it was believed to violate the laws of physics. The inventor and mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse made major contributions to the beginnings of calculus and has sometimes been credited as its inventor, although his proto-calculus lacked several defining features. Pliny the Elder was a Roman writer and polymath, who wrote the seminal encyclopedia \"Natural History\", dealing with history, geography, medicine, astronomy, earth science, botany, and zoology. Other scientists or proto-scientists in Antiquity were Theophrastus, Euclid, Herophilos, Hipparchus, Ptolemy, and Galen. During late antiquity, in the","Document [12](Title: Italians) infinitesimal analysis, and papers on the theory of real numbers. Giuseppe Peano, founded the mathematical logic, the set theory, and alongside John Venn drew the first Venn diagram. Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro is well known for his invention on absolute differential calculus (tensor calculus), further developed by Tullio Levi-Civita, and its applications to the theory of relativity. Beniamino Segre is one of the main contributor of algebraic geometry and one of the founders of finite geometry. Paolo Ruffini is credited for his innovative work in mathematics, creating \"Ruffini's rule\" and co-creating the Abel\u2013Ruffini theorem. Ennio de Giorgi, a Wolf Prize in Mathematics","Document [13](Title: Johann Bernoulli) allow him to study medicine instead. However, Johann Bernoulli did not enjoy medicine either and began studying mathematics on the side with his older brother Jacob. Throughout Johann Bernoulli's education at Basel University the Bernoulli brothers worked together spending much of their time studying the newly discovered infinitesimal calculus. They were among the first mathematicians to not only study and understand calculus but to apply it to various problems. After graduating from Basel University Johann Bernoulli moved to teach differential equations. Later, in 1694, he married Dorothea Falkner and soon after accepted a position as the professor of mathematics at","Document [14](Title: Calculus) Calculus Calculus (from Latin \"calculus\", literally 'small pebble', used for counting and calculations, as on an abacus) is the mathematical study of continuous change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of generalizations of arithmetic operations. It has two major branches, differential calculus (concerning instantaneous rates of change and slopes of curves), and integral calculus (concerning accumulation of quantities and the areas under and between curves). These two branches are related to each other by the fundamental theorem of calculus. Both branches make use of the fundamental notions of convergence of","Document [15](Title: Early life of Isaac Newton) College, Cambridge as a sizar\u2014a sort of work-study role. At that time, the college's teachings were based on those of Aristotle, whom Newton supplemented with modern philosophers such as Descartes and astronomers such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler. In 1665, he discovered the generalised binomial theorem and began to develop a mathematical theory that later became infinitesimal calculus. Soon after Newton had obtained his degree in August 1665, the University closed down as a precaution against the Great Plague. Although he had been undistinguished as a Cambridge student, Newton's private studies at his home in Woolsthorpe over the next two","Document [16](Title: History of calculus) continued to add the two component motions together, thereby finding the tangent to the curve. The pioneers of the calculus such as Isaac Barrow and Johann Bernoulli were diligent students of Archimedes; see for instance C. S. Roero (1983). The method of exhaustion was reinvented in China by Liu Hui in the 4th century AD in order to find the area of a circle. In the 5th century AD, Zu Chongzhi established a method that would later be called Cavalieri's principle to find the volume of a sphere. In the Middle East, Alhazen derived a formula for the sum of","Document [17](Title: Abraham de Moivre) was a bias against his French origins. In November 1697 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society and in 1712 was appointed to a commission set up by the society, alongside MM. Arbuthnot, Hill, Halley, Jones, Machin, Burnet, Robarts, Bonet, Aston, and Taylor to review the claims of Newton and Leibniz as to who discovered calculus. The full details of the controversy can be found in the Leibniz and Newton calculus controversy article. Throughout his life de Moivre remained poor. It is reported that he was a regular customer of old Slaughter's Coffee House, St. Martin's Lane at","Document [18](Title: Calculus) \"the science of fluxions\". Since the time of Leibniz and Newton, many mathematicians have contributed to the continuing development of calculus. One of the first and most complete works on both infinitesimal and integral calculus was written in 1748 by Maria Gaetana Agnesi. In calculus, \"foundations\" refers to the rigorous development of the subject from axioms and definitions. In early calculus the use of infinitesimal quantities was thought unrigorous, and was fiercely criticized by a number of authors, most notably Michel Rolle and Bishop Berkeley. Berkeley famously described infinitesimals as the ghosts of departed quantities in his book \"The Analyst\"","Document [19](Title: Isaac Newton) author of the manuscript \"De analysi per aequationes numero terminorum infinitas\", sent by Isaac Barrow to John Collins in June 1669, was identified by Barrow in a letter sent to Collins in August of that year as \"[...] of an extraordinary genius and proficiency in these things.\" Newton later became involved in a dispute with Leibniz over priority in the development of calculus (the Leibniz\u2013Newton calculus controversy). Most modern historians believe that Newton and Leibniz developed calculus independently, although with very different mathematical notations. Occasionally it has been suggested that Newton published almost nothing about it until 1693, and did","Document [20](Title: Indian mathematics) as Newton and Leibniz were, to \"combine many differing ideas under the two unifying themes of the derivative and the integral, show the connection between the two, and turn calculus into the great problem-solving tool we have today.\" The intellectual careers of both Newton and Leibniz are well-documented and there is no indication of their work not being their own; however, it is not known with certainty whether the immediate \"predecessors\" of Newton and Leibniz, \"including, in particular, Fermat and Roberval, learned of some of the ideas of the Islamic and Indian mathematicians through sources we are not now aware.\""],"query":"who were the two mathematicians that invented calculus?","answers":["Gottfried Leibniz","Isaac Newton"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Calculus) and Newton are usually both given credit for independently inventing and developing calculus. Newton was the first to apply calculus to general physics and Leibniz developed much of the notation used in calculus today. The basic insights that both Newton and Leibniz provided were the laws of differentiation and integration, second and higher derivatives, and the notion of an approximating polynomial series. By Newton's time, the fundamental theorem of calculus was known. When Newton and Leibniz first published their results, there was great controversy over which mathematician (and therefore which country) deserved credit. Newton derived his results first (later to","Document [2](Title: History of calculus) at the turn of the century, but after 1711 both of them became personally involved, accusing each other of plagiarism. The priority dispute had an effect of separating English-speaking mathematicians from those in the continental Europe for many years. Only in the 1820s, due to the efforts of the Analytical Society, did Leibnizian analytical calculus become accepted in England. Today, both Newton and Leibniz are given credit for independently developing the basics of calculus. It is Leibniz, however, who is credited with giving the new discipline the name it is known by today: \"calculus\". Newton's name for it was \"the","Document [3](Title: Jacob Bernoulli) that were to make up \"Ars Conjectandi\" were discovered. He was appointed professor of mathematics at the University of Basel in 1687, remaining in this position for the rest of his life. By that time, he had begun tutoring his brother Johann Bernoulli on mathematical topics. The two brothers began to study the calculus as presented by Leibniz in his 1684 paper on the differential calculus in \"Nova Methodus pro Maximis et Minimis\" published in \"Acta Eruditorum\". They also studied the publications of von Tschirnhaus. It must be understood that Leibniz's publications on the calculus were very obscure to mathematicians","Document [4](Title: History of calculus) who first \"invented\" calculus. This argument, the Leibniz and Newton calculus controversy, involving Leibniz, who was German, and the Englishman Newton, led to a rift in the European mathematical community lasting over a century. Leibniz was the first to publish his investigations; however, it is well established that Newton had started his work several years prior to Leibniz and had already developed a theory of tangents by the time Leibniz became interested in the question. It is not known how much this may have influenced Leibniz. The initial accusations were made by students and supporters of the two great scientists","Document [5](Title: Kerala School of Astronomy and Mathematics) considered a part of calculus. According to V.J. Katz, they were yet to \"combine many differing ideas under the two unifying themes of the derivative and the integral, show the connection between the two, and turn calculus into the great problem-solving tool we have today\", like Newton and Leibniz. The intellectual careers of both Newton and Leibniz are well-documented and there is no indication of their work not being their own; however, it is not known with certainty whether the immediate \"predecessors\" of Newton and Leibniz, \"including, in particular, Fermat and Roberval, learned of some of the ideas of the","Document [6](Title: Isaac Newton) the college's teachings were based on those of Aristotle, whom Newton supplemented with modern philosophers such as Descartes, and astronomers such as Galileo and Thomas Street, through whom he learned of Kepler's work. He set down in his notebook a series of \"\"Quaestiones\"\" about mechanical philosophy as he found it. In 1665, he discovered the generalised binomial theorem and began to develop a mathematical theory that later became calculus. Soon after Newton had obtained his BA degree in August 1665, the university temporarily closed as a precaution against the Great Plague. Although he had been undistinguished as a Cambridge student,","Document [7](Title: George Green (mathematician)) form of calculus derived from Leibniz that was virtually unheard of, or even actively discouraged, in England at the time (due to Leibniz being a contemporary of Newton who had his own methods that were championed in England). This form of calculus, and the developments of mathematicians such as Laplace, Lacroix and Poisson were not taught even at Cambridge, let alone Nottingham, and yet Green had not only heard of these developments, but also improved upon them. It is speculated that only one person educated in mathematics, John Toplis, headmaster of Nottingham High School 1806\u20131819, graduate from Cambridge and an","Document [8](Title: History of calculus) be found in the Egyptian Moscow papyrus (c. 1820 BC), but the formulas are only given for concrete numbers, some are only approximately true, and they are not derived by deductive reasoning. Babylonians may have discovered the trapezoidal rule while doing astronomical observations of Jupiter. From the age of Greek mathematics, Eudoxus (c. 408\u2212355 BC) used the method of exhaustion, which foreshadows the concept of the limit, to calculate areas and volumes, while Archimedes (c. 287\u2212212 BC) developed this idea further, inventing heuristics which resemble the methods of integral calculus. Greek mathematicians are also credited with a significant use of","Document [9](Title: History of mathematics) differential calculus, and the calculus of variations, and Laplace who, in the age of Napoleon, did important work on the foundations of celestial mechanics and on statistics. Throughout the 19th century mathematics became increasingly abstract. Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777\u20131855) epitomizes this trend. He did revolutionary work on functions of complex variables, in geometry, and on the convergence of series, leaving aside his many contributions to science. He also gave the first satisfactory proofs of the fundamental theorem of algebra and of the quadratic reciprocity law. This century saw the development of the two forms of non-Euclidean geometry, where the parallel","Document [10](Title: Leibniz\u2013Newton calculus controversy) The calculus controversy (often referred to with the German term Priorit\u00e4tsstreit, meaning \"priority dispute\") was an argument between 17th-century mathematicians Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz (begun or fomented in part by their disciples and associates) over who had first invented the mathematical study of change, calculus. It is a question that had been the cause of a major intellectual controversy, one that began simmering in 1699 and broke out in full force in 1711.","Document [11](Title: Science) at the center and all the planets orbiting it. Aristarchus's model was widely rejected because it was believed to violate the laws of physics. The inventor and mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse made major contributions to the beginnings of calculus and has sometimes been credited as its inventor, although his proto-calculus lacked several defining features. Pliny the Elder was a Roman writer and polymath, who wrote the seminal encyclopedia \"Natural History\", dealing with history, geography, medicine, astronomy, earth science, botany, and zoology. Other scientists or proto-scientists in Antiquity were Theophrastus, Euclid, Herophilos, Hipparchus, Ptolemy, and Galen. During late antiquity, in the","Document [12](Title: Italians) infinitesimal analysis, and papers on the theory of real numbers. Giuseppe Peano, founded the mathematical logic, the set theory, and alongside John Venn drew the first Venn diagram. Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro is well known for his invention on absolute differential calculus (tensor calculus), further developed by Tullio Levi-Civita, and its applications to the theory of relativity. Beniamino Segre is one of the main contributor of algebraic geometry and one of the founders of finite geometry. Paolo Ruffini is credited for his innovative work in mathematics, creating \"Ruffini's rule\" and co-creating the Abel\u2013Ruffini theorem. Ennio de Giorgi, a Wolf Prize in Mathematics","Document [13](Title: Johann Bernoulli) allow him to study medicine instead. However, Johann Bernoulli did not enjoy medicine either and began studying mathematics on the side with his older brother Jacob. Throughout Johann Bernoulli's education at Basel University the Bernoulli brothers worked together spending much of their time studying the newly discovered infinitesimal calculus. They were among the first mathematicians to not only study and understand calculus but to apply it to various problems. After graduating from Basel University Johann Bernoulli moved to teach differential equations. Later, in 1694, he married Dorothea Falkner and soon after accepted a position as the professor of mathematics at","Document [14](Title: Calculus) Calculus Calculus (from Latin \"calculus\", literally 'small pebble', used for counting and calculations, as on an abacus) is the mathematical study of continuous change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of generalizations of arithmetic operations. It has two major branches, differential calculus (concerning instantaneous rates of change and slopes of curves), and integral calculus (concerning accumulation of quantities and the areas under and between curves). These two branches are related to each other by the fundamental theorem of calculus. Both branches make use of the fundamental notions of convergence of","Document [15](Title: Early life of Isaac Newton) College, Cambridge as a sizar\u2014a sort of work-study role. At that time, the college's teachings were based on those of Aristotle, whom Newton supplemented with modern philosophers such as Descartes and astronomers such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler. In 1665, he discovered the generalised binomial theorem and began to develop a mathematical theory that later became infinitesimal calculus. Soon after Newton had obtained his degree in August 1665, the University closed down as a precaution against the Great Plague. Although he had been undistinguished as a Cambridge student, Newton's private studies at his home in Woolsthorpe over the next two","Document [16](Title: History of calculus) continued to add the two component motions together, thereby finding the tangent to the curve. The pioneers of the calculus such as Isaac Barrow and Johann Bernoulli were diligent students of Archimedes; see for instance C. S. Roero (1983). The method of exhaustion was reinvented in China by Liu Hui in the 4th century AD in order to find the area of a circle. In the 5th century AD, Zu Chongzhi established a method that would later be called Cavalieri's principle to find the volume of a sphere. In the Middle East, Alhazen derived a formula for the sum of","Document [17](Title: Abraham de Moivre) was a bias against his French origins. In November 1697 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society and in 1712 was appointed to a commission set up by the society, alongside MM. Arbuthnot, Hill, Halley, Jones, Machin, Burnet, Robarts, Bonet, Aston, and Taylor to review the claims of Newton and Leibniz as to who discovered calculus. The full details of the controversy can be found in the Leibniz and Newton calculus controversy article. Throughout his life de Moivre remained poor. It is reported that he was a regular customer of old Slaughter's Coffee House, St. Martin's Lane at","Document [18](Title: Calculus) \"the science of fluxions\". Since the time of Leibniz and Newton, many mathematicians have contributed to the continuing development of calculus. One of the first and most complete works on both infinitesimal and integral calculus was written in 1748 by Maria Gaetana Agnesi. In calculus, \"foundations\" refers to the rigorous development of the subject from axioms and definitions. In early calculus the use of infinitesimal quantities was thought unrigorous, and was fiercely criticized by a number of authors, most notably Michel Rolle and Bishop Berkeley. Berkeley famously described infinitesimals as the ghosts of departed quantities in his book \"The Analyst\"","Document [19](Title: Isaac Newton) author of the manuscript \"De analysi per aequationes numero terminorum infinitas\", sent by Isaac Barrow to John Collins in June 1669, was identified by Barrow in a letter sent to Collins in August of that year as \"[...] of an extraordinary genius and proficiency in these things.\" Newton later became involved in a dispute with Leibniz over priority in the development of calculus (the Leibniz\u2013Newton calculus controversy). Most modern historians believe that Newton and Leibniz developed calculus independently, although with very different mathematical notations. Occasionally it has been suggested that Newton published almost nothing about it until 1693, and did","Document [20](Title: Indian mathematics) as Newton and Leibniz were, to \"combine many differing ideas under the two unifying themes of the derivative and the integral, show the connection between the two, and turn calculus into the great problem-solving tool we have today.\" The intellectual careers of both Newton and Leibniz are well-documented and there is no indication of their work not being their own; however, it is not known with certainty whether the immediate \"predecessors\" of Newton and Leibniz, \"including, in particular, Fermat and Roberval, learned of some of the ideas of the Islamic and Indian mathematicians through sources we are not now aware.\""],"query":"who were the two mathematicians that invented calculus?","answers":["Gottfried Leibniz","Isaac Newton"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Calculus) and Newton are usually both given credit for independently inventing and developing calculus. Newton was the first to apply calculus to general physics and Leibniz developed much of the notation used in calculus today. The basic insights that both Newton and Leibniz provided were the laws of differentiation and integration, second and higher derivatives, and the notion of an approximating polynomial series. By Newton's time, the fundamental theorem of calculus was known. When Newton and Leibniz first published their results, there was great controversy over which mathematician (and therefore which country) deserved credit. Newton derived his results first (later to","Document [2](Title: History of calculus) at the turn of the century, but after 1711 both of them became personally involved, accusing each other of plagiarism. The priority dispute had an effect of separating English-speaking mathematicians from those in the continental Europe for many years. Only in the 1820s, due to the efforts of the Analytical Society, did Leibnizian analytical calculus become accepted in England. Today, both Newton and Leibniz are given credit for independently developing the basics of calculus. It is Leibniz, however, who is credited with giving the new discipline the name it is known by today: \"calculus\". Newton's name for it was \"the","Document [3](Title: Jacob Bernoulli) that were to make up \"Ars Conjectandi\" were discovered. He was appointed professor of mathematics at the University of Basel in 1687, remaining in this position for the rest of his life. By that time, he had begun tutoring his brother Johann Bernoulli on mathematical topics. The two brothers began to study the calculus as presented by Leibniz in his 1684 paper on the differential calculus in \"Nova Methodus pro Maximis et Minimis\" published in \"Acta Eruditorum\". They also studied the publications of von Tschirnhaus. It must be understood that Leibniz's publications on the calculus were very obscure to mathematicians","Document [4](Title: History of calculus) who first \"invented\" calculus. This argument, the Leibniz and Newton calculus controversy, involving Leibniz, who was German, and the Englishman Newton, led to a rift in the European mathematical community lasting over a century. Leibniz was the first to publish his investigations; however, it is well established that Newton had started his work several years prior to Leibniz and had already developed a theory of tangents by the time Leibniz became interested in the question. It is not known how much this may have influenced Leibniz. The initial accusations were made by students and supporters of the two great scientists","Document [5](Title: Kerala School of Astronomy and Mathematics) considered a part of calculus. According to V.J. Katz, they were yet to \"combine many differing ideas under the two unifying themes of the derivative and the integral, show the connection between the two, and turn calculus into the great problem-solving tool we have today\", like Newton and Leibniz. The intellectual careers of both Newton and Leibniz are well-documented and there is no indication of their work not being their own; however, it is not known with certainty whether the immediate \"predecessors\" of Newton and Leibniz, \"including, in particular, Fermat and Roberval, learned of some of the ideas of the","Document [6](Title: Isaac Newton) the college's teachings were based on those of Aristotle, whom Newton supplemented with modern philosophers such as Descartes, and astronomers such as Galileo and Thomas Street, through whom he learned of Kepler's work. He set down in his notebook a series of \"\"Quaestiones\"\" about mechanical philosophy as he found it. In 1665, he discovered the generalised binomial theorem and began to develop a mathematical theory that later became calculus. Soon after Newton had obtained his BA degree in August 1665, the university temporarily closed as a precaution against the Great Plague. Although he had been undistinguished as a Cambridge student,","Document [7](Title: George Green (mathematician)) form of calculus derived from Leibniz that was virtually unheard of, or even actively discouraged, in England at the time (due to Leibniz being a contemporary of Newton who had his own methods that were championed in England). This form of calculus, and the developments of mathematicians such as Laplace, Lacroix and Poisson were not taught even at Cambridge, let alone Nottingham, and yet Green had not only heard of these developments, but also improved upon them. It is speculated that only one person educated in mathematics, John Toplis, headmaster of Nottingham High School 1806\u20131819, graduate from Cambridge and an","Document [8](Title: History of calculus) be found in the Egyptian Moscow papyrus (c. 1820 BC), but the formulas are only given for concrete numbers, some are only approximately true, and they are not derived by deductive reasoning. Babylonians may have discovered the trapezoidal rule while doing astronomical observations of Jupiter. From the age of Greek mathematics, Eudoxus (c. 408\u2212355 BC) used the method of exhaustion, which foreshadows the concept of the limit, to calculate areas and volumes, while Archimedes (c. 287\u2212212 BC) developed this idea further, inventing heuristics which resemble the methods of integral calculus. Greek mathematicians are also credited with a significant use of","Document [9](Title: History of mathematics) differential calculus, and the calculus of variations, and Laplace who, in the age of Napoleon, did important work on the foundations of celestial mechanics and on statistics. Throughout the 19th century mathematics became increasingly abstract. Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777\u20131855) epitomizes this trend. He did revolutionary work on functions of complex variables, in geometry, and on the convergence of series, leaving aside his many contributions to science. He also gave the first satisfactory proofs of the fundamental theorem of algebra and of the quadratic reciprocity law. This century saw the development of the two forms of non-Euclidean geometry, where the parallel","Document [10](Title: Science) at the center and all the planets orbiting it. Aristarchus's model was widely rejected because it was believed to violate the laws of physics. The inventor and mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse made major contributions to the beginnings of calculus and has sometimes been credited as its inventor, although his proto-calculus lacked several defining features. Pliny the Elder was a Roman writer and polymath, who wrote the seminal encyclopedia \"Natural History\", dealing with history, geography, medicine, astronomy, earth science, botany, and zoology. Other scientists or proto-scientists in Antiquity were Theophrastus, Euclid, Herophilos, Hipparchus, Ptolemy, and Galen. During late antiquity, in the","Document [11](Title: Italians) infinitesimal analysis, and papers on the theory of real numbers. Giuseppe Peano, founded the mathematical logic, the set theory, and alongside John Venn drew the first Venn diagram. Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro is well known for his invention on absolute differential calculus (tensor calculus), further developed by Tullio Levi-Civita, and its applications to the theory of relativity. Beniamino Segre is one of the main contributor of algebraic geometry and one of the founders of finite geometry. Paolo Ruffini is credited for his innovative work in mathematics, creating \"Ruffini's rule\" and co-creating the Abel\u2013Ruffini theorem. Ennio de Giorgi, a Wolf Prize in Mathematics","Document [12](Title: Johann Bernoulli) allow him to study medicine instead. However, Johann Bernoulli did not enjoy medicine either and began studying mathematics on the side with his older brother Jacob. Throughout Johann Bernoulli's education at Basel University the Bernoulli brothers worked together spending much of their time studying the newly discovered infinitesimal calculus. They were among the first mathematicians to not only study and understand calculus but to apply it to various problems. After graduating from Basel University Johann Bernoulli moved to teach differential equations. Later, in 1694, he married Dorothea Falkner and soon after accepted a position as the professor of mathematics at","Document [13](Title: Calculus) Calculus Calculus (from Latin \"calculus\", literally 'small pebble', used for counting and calculations, as on an abacus) is the mathematical study of continuous change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of generalizations of arithmetic operations. It has two major branches, differential calculus (concerning instantaneous rates of change and slopes of curves), and integral calculus (concerning accumulation of quantities and the areas under and between curves). These two branches are related to each other by the fundamental theorem of calculus. Both branches make use of the fundamental notions of convergence of","Document [14](Title: Early life of Isaac Newton) College, Cambridge as a sizar\u2014a sort of work-study role. At that time, the college's teachings were based on those of Aristotle, whom Newton supplemented with modern philosophers such as Descartes and astronomers such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler. In 1665, he discovered the generalised binomial theorem and began to develop a mathematical theory that later became infinitesimal calculus. Soon after Newton had obtained his degree in August 1665, the University closed down as a precaution against the Great Plague. Although he had been undistinguished as a Cambridge student, Newton's private studies at his home in Woolsthorpe over the next two","Document [15](Title: Leibniz\u2013Newton calculus controversy) The calculus controversy (often referred to with the German term Priorit\u00e4tsstreit, meaning \"priority dispute\") was an argument between 17th-century mathematicians Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz (begun or fomented in part by their disciples and associates) over who had first invented the mathematical study of change, calculus. It is a question that had been the cause of a major intellectual controversy, one that began simmering in 1699 and broke out in full force in 1711.","Document [16](Title: History of calculus) continued to add the two component motions together, thereby finding the tangent to the curve. The pioneers of the calculus such as Isaac Barrow and Johann Bernoulli were diligent students of Archimedes; see for instance C. S. Roero (1983). The method of exhaustion was reinvented in China by Liu Hui in the 4th century AD in order to find the area of a circle. In the 5th century AD, Zu Chongzhi established a method that would later be called Cavalieri's principle to find the volume of a sphere. In the Middle East, Alhazen derived a formula for the sum of","Document [17](Title: Abraham de Moivre) was a bias against his French origins. In November 1697 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society and in 1712 was appointed to a commission set up by the society, alongside MM. Arbuthnot, Hill, Halley, Jones, Machin, Burnet, Robarts, Bonet, Aston, and Taylor to review the claims of Newton and Leibniz as to who discovered calculus. The full details of the controversy can be found in the Leibniz and Newton calculus controversy article. Throughout his life de Moivre remained poor. It is reported that he was a regular customer of old Slaughter's Coffee House, St. Martin's Lane at","Document [18](Title: Calculus) \"the science of fluxions\". Since the time of Leibniz and Newton, many mathematicians have contributed to the continuing development of calculus. One of the first and most complete works on both infinitesimal and integral calculus was written in 1748 by Maria Gaetana Agnesi. In calculus, \"foundations\" refers to the rigorous development of the subject from axioms and definitions. In early calculus the use of infinitesimal quantities was thought unrigorous, and was fiercely criticized by a number of authors, most notably Michel Rolle and Bishop Berkeley. Berkeley famously described infinitesimals as the ghosts of departed quantities in his book \"The Analyst\"","Document [19](Title: Isaac Newton) author of the manuscript \"De analysi per aequationes numero terminorum infinitas\", sent by Isaac Barrow to John Collins in June 1669, was identified by Barrow in a letter sent to Collins in August of that year as \"[...] of an extraordinary genius and proficiency in these things.\" Newton later became involved in a dispute with Leibniz over priority in the development of calculus (the Leibniz\u2013Newton calculus controversy). Most modern historians believe that Newton and Leibniz developed calculus independently, although with very different mathematical notations. Occasionally it has been suggested that Newton published almost nothing about it until 1693, and did","Document [20](Title: Indian mathematics) as Newton and Leibniz were, to \"combine many differing ideas under the two unifying themes of the derivative and the integral, show the connection between the two, and turn calculus into the great problem-solving tool we have today.\" The intellectual careers of both Newton and Leibniz are well-documented and there is no indication of their work not being their own; however, it is not known with certainty whether the immediate \"predecessors\" of Newton and Leibniz, \"including, in particular, Fermat and Roberval, learned of some of the ideas of the Islamic and Indian mathematicians through sources we are not now aware.\""],"query":"who were the two mathematicians that invented calculus?","answers":["Gottfried Leibniz","Isaac Newton"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Calculus) and Newton are usually both given credit for independently inventing and developing calculus. Newton was the first to apply calculus to general physics and Leibniz developed much of the notation used in calculus today. The basic insights that both Newton and Leibniz provided were the laws of differentiation and integration, second and higher derivatives, and the notion of an approximating polynomial series. By Newton's time, the fundamental theorem of calculus was known. When Newton and Leibniz first published their results, there was great controversy over which mathematician (and therefore which country) deserved credit. Newton derived his results first (later to","Document [2](Title: History of calculus) at the turn of the century, but after 1711 both of them became personally involved, accusing each other of plagiarism. The priority dispute had an effect of separating English-speaking mathematicians from those in the continental Europe for many years. Only in the 1820s, due to the efforts of the Analytical Society, did Leibnizian analytical calculus become accepted in England. Today, both Newton and Leibniz are given credit for independently developing the basics of calculus. It is Leibniz, however, who is credited with giving the new discipline the name it is known by today: \"calculus\". Newton's name for it was \"the","Document [3](Title: Jacob Bernoulli) that were to make up \"Ars Conjectandi\" were discovered. He was appointed professor of mathematics at the University of Basel in 1687, remaining in this position for the rest of his life. By that time, he had begun tutoring his brother Johann Bernoulli on mathematical topics. The two brothers began to study the calculus as presented by Leibniz in his 1684 paper on the differential calculus in \"Nova Methodus pro Maximis et Minimis\" published in \"Acta Eruditorum\". They also studied the publications of von Tschirnhaus. It must be understood that Leibniz's publications on the calculus were very obscure to mathematicians","Document [4](Title: History of calculus) who first \"invented\" calculus. This argument, the Leibniz and Newton calculus controversy, involving Leibniz, who was German, and the Englishman Newton, led to a rift in the European mathematical community lasting over a century. Leibniz was the first to publish his investigations; however, it is well established that Newton had started his work several years prior to Leibniz and had already developed a theory of tangents by the time Leibniz became interested in the question. It is not known how much this may have influenced Leibniz. The initial accusations were made by students and supporters of the two great scientists","Document [5](Title: Kerala School of Astronomy and Mathematics) considered a part of calculus. According to V.J. Katz, they were yet to \"combine many differing ideas under the two unifying themes of the derivative and the integral, show the connection between the two, and turn calculus into the great problem-solving tool we have today\", like Newton and Leibniz. The intellectual careers of both Newton and Leibniz are well-documented and there is no indication of their work not being their own; however, it is not known with certainty whether the immediate \"predecessors\" of Newton and Leibniz, \"including, in particular, Fermat and Roberval, learned of some of the ideas of the","Document [6](Title: Isaac Newton) the college's teachings were based on those of Aristotle, whom Newton supplemented with modern philosophers such as Descartes, and astronomers such as Galileo and Thomas Street, through whom he learned of Kepler's work. He set down in his notebook a series of \"\"Quaestiones\"\" about mechanical philosophy as he found it. In 1665, he discovered the generalised binomial theorem and began to develop a mathematical theory that later became calculus. Soon after Newton had obtained his BA degree in August 1665, the university temporarily closed as a precaution against the Great Plague. Although he had been undistinguished as a Cambridge student,","Document [7](Title: George Green (mathematician)) form of calculus derived from Leibniz that was virtually unheard of, or even actively discouraged, in England at the time (due to Leibniz being a contemporary of Newton who had his own methods that were championed in England). This form of calculus, and the developments of mathematicians such as Laplace, Lacroix and Poisson were not taught even at Cambridge, let alone Nottingham, and yet Green had not only heard of these developments, but also improved upon them. It is speculated that only one person educated in mathematics, John Toplis, headmaster of Nottingham High School 1806\u20131819, graduate from Cambridge and an","Document [8](Title: History of calculus) be found in the Egyptian Moscow papyrus (c. 1820 BC), but the formulas are only given for concrete numbers, some are only approximately true, and they are not derived by deductive reasoning. Babylonians may have discovered the trapezoidal rule while doing astronomical observations of Jupiter. From the age of Greek mathematics, Eudoxus (c. 408\u2212355 BC) used the method of exhaustion, which foreshadows the concept of the limit, to calculate areas and volumes, while Archimedes (c. 287\u2212212 BC) developed this idea further, inventing heuristics which resemble the methods of integral calculus. Greek mathematicians are also credited with a significant use of","Document [9](Title: History of mathematics) differential calculus, and the calculus of variations, and Laplace who, in the age of Napoleon, did important work on the foundations of celestial mechanics and on statistics. Throughout the 19th century mathematics became increasingly abstract. Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777\u20131855) epitomizes this trend. He did revolutionary work on functions of complex variables, in geometry, and on the convergence of series, leaving aside his many contributions to science. He also gave the first satisfactory proofs of the fundamental theorem of algebra and of the quadratic reciprocity law. This century saw the development of the two forms of non-Euclidean geometry, where the parallel","Document [10](Title: Science) at the center and all the planets orbiting it. Aristarchus's model was widely rejected because it was believed to violate the laws of physics. The inventor and mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse made major contributions to the beginnings of calculus and has sometimes been credited as its inventor, although his proto-calculus lacked several defining features. Pliny the Elder was a Roman writer and polymath, who wrote the seminal encyclopedia \"Natural History\", dealing with history, geography, medicine, astronomy, earth science, botany, and zoology. Other scientists or proto-scientists in Antiquity were Theophrastus, Euclid, Herophilos, Hipparchus, Ptolemy, and Galen. During late antiquity, in the","Document [11](Title: Italians) infinitesimal analysis, and papers on the theory of real numbers. Giuseppe Peano, founded the mathematical logic, the set theory, and alongside John Venn drew the first Venn diagram. Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro is well known for his invention on absolute differential calculus (tensor calculus), further developed by Tullio Levi-Civita, and its applications to the theory of relativity. Beniamino Segre is one of the main contributor of algebraic geometry and one of the founders of finite geometry. Paolo Ruffini is credited for his innovative work in mathematics, creating \"Ruffini's rule\" and co-creating the Abel\u2013Ruffini theorem. Ennio de Giorgi, a Wolf Prize in Mathematics","Document [12](Title: Johann Bernoulli) allow him to study medicine instead. However, Johann Bernoulli did not enjoy medicine either and began studying mathematics on the side with his older brother Jacob. Throughout Johann Bernoulli's education at Basel University the Bernoulli brothers worked together spending much of their time studying the newly discovered infinitesimal calculus. They were among the first mathematicians to not only study and understand calculus but to apply it to various problems. After graduating from Basel University Johann Bernoulli moved to teach differential equations. Later, in 1694, he married Dorothea Falkner and soon after accepted a position as the professor of mathematics at","Document [13](Title: Calculus) Calculus Calculus (from Latin \"calculus\", literally 'small pebble', used for counting and calculations, as on an abacus) is the mathematical study of continuous change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of generalizations of arithmetic operations. It has two major branches, differential calculus (concerning instantaneous rates of change and slopes of curves), and integral calculus (concerning accumulation of quantities and the areas under and between curves). These two branches are related to each other by the fundamental theorem of calculus. Both branches make use of the fundamental notions of convergence of","Document [14](Title: Early life of Isaac Newton) College, Cambridge as a sizar\u2014a sort of work-study role. At that time, the college's teachings were based on those of Aristotle, whom Newton supplemented with modern philosophers such as Descartes and astronomers such as Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler. In 1665, he discovered the generalised binomial theorem and began to develop a mathematical theory that later became infinitesimal calculus. Soon after Newton had obtained his degree in August 1665, the University closed down as a precaution against the Great Plague. Although he had been undistinguished as a Cambridge student, Newton's private studies at his home in Woolsthorpe over the next two","Document [15](Title: History of calculus) continued to add the two component motions together, thereby finding the tangent to the curve. The pioneers of the calculus such as Isaac Barrow and Johann Bernoulli were diligent students of Archimedes; see for instance C. S. Roero (1983). The method of exhaustion was reinvented in China by Liu Hui in the 4th century AD in order to find the area of a circle. In the 5th century AD, Zu Chongzhi established a method that would later be called Cavalieri's principle to find the volume of a sphere. In the Middle East, Alhazen derived a formula for the sum of","Document [16](Title: Abraham de Moivre) was a bias against his French origins. In November 1697 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society and in 1712 was appointed to a commission set up by the society, alongside MM. Arbuthnot, Hill, Halley, Jones, Machin, Burnet, Robarts, Bonet, Aston, and Taylor to review the claims of Newton and Leibniz as to who discovered calculus. The full details of the controversy can be found in the Leibniz and Newton calculus controversy article. Throughout his life de Moivre remained poor. It is reported that he was a regular customer of old Slaughter's Coffee House, St. Martin's Lane at","Document [17](Title: Calculus) \"the science of fluxions\". Since the time of Leibniz and Newton, many mathematicians have contributed to the continuing development of calculus. One of the first and most complete works on both infinitesimal and integral calculus was written in 1748 by Maria Gaetana Agnesi. In calculus, \"foundations\" refers to the rigorous development of the subject from axioms and definitions. In early calculus the use of infinitesimal quantities was thought unrigorous, and was fiercely criticized by a number of authors, most notably Michel Rolle and Bishop Berkeley. Berkeley famously described infinitesimals as the ghosts of departed quantities in his book \"The Analyst\"","Document [18](Title: Isaac Newton) author of the manuscript \"De analysi per aequationes numero terminorum infinitas\", sent by Isaac Barrow to John Collins in June 1669, was identified by Barrow in a letter sent to Collins in August of that year as \"[...] of an extraordinary genius and proficiency in these things.\" Newton later became involved in a dispute with Leibniz over priority in the development of calculus (the Leibniz\u2013Newton calculus controversy). Most modern historians believe that Newton and Leibniz developed calculus independently, although with very different mathematical notations. Occasionally it has been suggested that Newton published almost nothing about it until 1693, and did","Document [19](Title: Indian mathematics) as Newton and Leibniz were, to \"combine many differing ideas under the two unifying themes of the derivative and the integral, show the connection between the two, and turn calculus into the great problem-solving tool we have today.\" The intellectual careers of both Newton and Leibniz are well-documented and there is no indication of their work not being their own; however, it is not known with certainty whether the immediate \"predecessors\" of Newton and Leibniz, \"including, in particular, Fermat and Roberval, learned of some of the ideas of the Islamic and Indian mathematicians through sources we are not now aware.\"","Document [20](Title: Leibniz\u2013Newton calculus controversy) The calculus controversy (often referred to with the German term Priorit\u00e4tsstreit, meaning \"priority dispute\") was an argument between 17th-century mathematicians Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz (begun or fomented in part by their disciples and associates) over who had first invented the mathematical study of change, calculus. It is a question that had been the cause of a major intellectual controversy, one that began simmering in 1699 and broke out in full force in 1711."],"query":"who were the two mathematicians that invented calculus?","answers":["Gottfried Leibniz","Isaac Newton"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Peripheral nervous system) mechanical injuries. The peripheral nervous system is divided into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. In the somatic nervous system, the cranial nerves are part of the PNS with the exception of the optic nerve (cranial nerve II), along with the retina. The second cranial nerve is not a true peripheral nerve but a tract of the diencephalon. Cranial nerve ganglia originated in the CNS. However, the remaining ten cranial nerve axons extend beyond the brain and are therefore considered part of the PNS. The autonomic nervous system is an involuntary control of smooth muscle and glands. ","Document [2](Title: Peripheral nervous system) Peripheral nervous system The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is one of two components that make up the nervous system of bilateral animals, with the other part being the central nervous system (CNS). The PNS consists of the nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord. The main function of the PNS is to connect the CNS to the limbs and organs, essentially serving as a relay between the brain and spinal cord and the rest of the body. Unlike the CNS, the PNS is not protected by the vertebral column and skull, or by the blood\u2013brain barrier, which leaves","Document [3](Title: Nervous system) Nervous system The nervous system is the part of an animal that coordinates its actions by transmitting signals to and from different parts of its body. The nervous system detects environmental changes that impact the body, then works in tandem with the endocrine system to respond to such events. Nervous tissue first arose in wormlike organisms about 550 to 600 million years ago. In vertebrates it consists of two main parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. The PNS consists mainly of nerves, which are enclosed","Document [4](Title: Segmentation in the human nervous system) cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) comprising the nerve fibers that branch off from the spinal cord to all parts of the body. Both parts of the nervous system are actively involved in communicating signals between various parts of the body to ensure the smooth and efficient transfer of information that controls and coordinates the movement of muscles, and regulates organ functions. Neurons, which form the elemental unit of the nervous system, receive messages from their dendrites, relay the information as an electrical signal down the axon and releases chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters, thus converting the electrical signal","Document [5](Title: Physiological psychology) and peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord. The brain is the control center of the body and contains millions of neural connections. This organ is responsible for sending and receiving messages from the body and its environment. Each part of the brain is specialized for different aspects of the human being. For example, the temporal lobe has a major role in vision and audition, whereas the frontal lobe is significant for motor function and problem solving. The spinal cord is attached to the brain and serves as the main connector of","Document [6](Title: Nerve) converted from electrical to chemical and then back to electrical. Nerves can be categorized into two groups based on function: The nervous system is the part of an animal that coordinates its actions by transmitting signals to and from different parts of its body. In vertebrates it consists of two main parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. The PNS consists mainly of nerves, which are enclosed bundles of the long fibers or axons, that connect the CNS to every other part of the body. Nerves","Document [7](Title: Head and neck anatomy) cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), cranial nerves and spinal nerves. The CNS is located within the dorsal cavity, and the PNS extends through the ventral cavity. The central nervous system provides control and coordination of all eleven body systems and utilizes the endocrine system to form hormone chemical messengers that transport through the blood to influence the activity of individual cells of the body and their associated tissues, organs and systems. The CNS receives sensory (afferent) input from the PNS and directs the flow of information to association neurons (interneurons) to create chemical synapse responses which in turn","Document [8](Title: Neuroscience) of other neurons, muscles, or glands at their termination points. A nervous system emerges from the assemblage of neurons that are connected to each other. In vertebrates, the nervous system can be split into two parts, the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), and the peripheral nervous system. In many species \u2014 including all vertebrates \u2014 the nervous system is the most complex organ system in the body, with most of the complexity residing in the brain. The human brain alone contains around one hundred billion neurons and one hundred trillion synapses; it consists of thousands of distinguishable substructures,","Document [9](Title: Peripheral nervous system) system which influences the function of organs outside voluntary control, such as the heart rate, or the functions of the digestive system. The somatic system includes the sensory nervous system and the somatosensory system and consists of sensory nerves and somatic nerves, and many nerves which hold both functions. In the head and neck, cranial nerves carry somatosensory data. There are twelve cranial nerves, ten of which originate from the brainstem, and mainly control the functions of the anatomic structures of the head with some exceptions. The nuclei of the olfactory nerve and the optic nerves lie in the forebrain","Document [10](Title: Human body) contain bone marrow, the site of production of blood cells. Also, all bones are major storage sites for calcium and phosphate. This system can be split up into the muscular system and the skeletal system. The nervous system consists of the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system consists of the nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord. The brain is the organ of thought, emotion, memory, and sensory processing, and serves many aspects of communication and controls various systems and functions. The special senses consist of vision, hearing, taste, and smell.","Document [11](Title: Spinal cord) is made of 31 segments from which branch one pair of sensory nerve roots and one pair of motor nerve roots. The nerve roots then merge into bilaterally symmetrical pairs of spinal nerves. The peripheral nervous system is made up of these spinal roots, nerves, and ganglia. The dorsal roots are afferent fascicles, receiving sensory information from the skin, muscles, and visceral organs to be relayed to the brain. The roots terminate in dorsal root ganglia, which are composed of the cell bodies of the corresponding neurons. Ventral roots consist of efferent fibers that arise from motor neurons whose cell","Document [12](Title: Physiological psychology) The nervous system can be described as a control system that interconnects the other body systems. It consists of the brain, spinal cord, and other nerve tissues throughout the body. The system's primary function is to react to internal and external stimuli in the human body. It uses electrical and chemical signals to send out responses to different parts of the body, and it is made up of the nerve cells also called neurons. Through the system, messages are transmitted to body tissues such as a muscle. There are two major subdivisions in the nervous system known as the central","Document [13](Title: Nervous system) of glial cell (oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system, and Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system) generates layers of a fatty substance called myelin that wraps around axons and provides electrical insulation which allows them to transmit action potentials much more rapidly and efficiently. Recent findings indicate that glial cells, such as microglia and astrocytes, serve as important resident immune cells within the central nervous system. The nervous system of vertebrates (including humans) is divided into the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The (CNS) is the major division, and consists of the brain and","Document [14](Title: Classification of peripheral nerves) noted that the sympathetic neurons that innervated the entire body tended to have opposing functions to the other autonomic neurons of the tectal and bulbo-sacral regions. The latter two, tectal and bulbo-sacral, were grouped together to form the parasympathetic system because they tended to respond in a like manner to various drugs. Langley also mentions an enteric nervous system in his writing, but this third grouping has largely fallen out of discussion in modern practice. Much of the original nerve classification done by Langley, and Gaskell by extension, was based on pharmacological responses of nerves throughout the body as well","Document [15](Title: Central nervous system disease) vessel ruptures, causing blood to leak to the brain. If the brain cannot get enough oxygen and blood, brain cells can die, leading to permanent damage. The spinal cord transmits sensory reception from the peripheral nervous system. It also conducts motor information to the body's skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles, smooth muscles, and glands. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves along the spinal cord, all of which consist of both sensory and motor neurons. The spinal cord is protected by vertebrae and connects the peripheral nervous system to the brain, and it acts as a \"minor\" coordinating center. The brain","Document [16](Title: Classification of peripheral nerves) and parasympathetic nervous systems with a third system, the enteric nervous system, receiving less recognition. In 1898, British scientist John Newport Langley first coined the term \"autonomic\" in classifying the connections of nerve fibers to peripheral nerve cells. Previous researchers had utilized different terms such as \"the sympathetic nerves\" [Winslow et al.] to describe the way in which neurons in one part of the body brought about \"sympathetic\" reactions in another part of the body, as well as the \"ganglionic nerves and ganglionic nervous system\" [Livingstone et al.] for the ganglionic conversion of voluntary to involuntary movements (which supposedly made","Document [17](Title: Nervous tissue) Nervous tissue Nervous tissue, also called neural tissue or nerve tissue, is the main tissue component of the nervous system. The nervous system regulates and controls bodily functions and activity and consists of two parts: the central nervous system (CNS) comprising the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) comprising the branching peripheral nerves. It is composed of neurons, or nerve cells, which receive and transmit impulses, and neuroglia, also known as glial cells or glia, which assist the propagation of the nerve impulse as well as provide nutrients to the neurons. Nervous tissue is made up","Document [18](Title: Nervous system) the spinal cord. The spinal canal contains the spinal cord, while the cranial cavity contains the brain. The CNS is enclosed and protected by the meninges, a three-layered system of membranes, including a tough, leathery outer layer called the dura mater. The brain is also protected by the skull, and the spinal cord by the vertebrae. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is a collective term for the nervous system structures that do not lie within the CNS. The large majority of the axon bundles called nerves are considered to belong to the PNS, even when the cell bodies of the","Document [19](Title: Neuroanatomy) concentration. The extracellular matrix also provides support on the molecular level for the brain's cells. At the organ level, the nervous system is composed of brain regions, such as the hippocampus in mammals or the mushroom bodies of the fruit fly. These regions are often modular and serve a particular role within the general pathways of the nervous system. For example, the hippocampus is critical for forming memories. The nervous system also contains nerves, which are bundles of fibers that originate from the brain and spinal cord, and branch repeatedly to innervate every part of the body. Nerves are made","Document [20](Title: Central nervous system) (cerebrum as well as midbrain and hindbrain) consists of a cortex, composed of neuron-bodies constituting gray matter, while internally there is more white matter that form tracts and commissures. Apart from cortical gray matter there is also subcortical gray matter making up a large number of different nuclei. From and to the spinal cord are projections of the peripheral nervous system in the form of spinal nerves (sometimes segmental nerves). The nerves connect the spinal cord to skin, joints, muscles etc. and allow for the transmission of efferent motor as well as afferent sensory signals and stimuli. This allows for"],"query":"what parts make up the peripheral nervous system?","answers":["autonomic nervous system","somatic nervous system"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Peripheral nervous system) Peripheral nervous system The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is one of two components that make up the nervous system of bilateral animals, with the other part being the central nervous system (CNS). The PNS consists of the nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord. The main function of the PNS is to connect the CNS to the limbs and organs, essentially serving as a relay between the brain and spinal cord and the rest of the body. Unlike the CNS, the PNS is not protected by the vertebral column and skull, or by the blood\u2013brain barrier, which leaves","Document [2](Title: Nervous system) Nervous system The nervous system is the part of an animal that coordinates its actions by transmitting signals to and from different parts of its body. The nervous system detects environmental changes that impact the body, then works in tandem with the endocrine system to respond to such events. Nervous tissue first arose in wormlike organisms about 550 to 600 million years ago. In vertebrates it consists of two main parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. The PNS consists mainly of nerves, which are enclosed","Document [3](Title: Segmentation in the human nervous system) cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) comprising the nerve fibers that branch off from the spinal cord to all parts of the body. Both parts of the nervous system are actively involved in communicating signals between various parts of the body to ensure the smooth and efficient transfer of information that controls and coordinates the movement of muscles, and regulates organ functions. Neurons, which form the elemental unit of the nervous system, receive messages from their dendrites, relay the information as an electrical signal down the axon and releases chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters, thus converting the electrical signal","Document [4](Title: Physiological psychology) and peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord. The brain is the control center of the body and contains millions of neural connections. This organ is responsible for sending and receiving messages from the body and its environment. Each part of the brain is specialized for different aspects of the human being. For example, the temporal lobe has a major role in vision and audition, whereas the frontal lobe is significant for motor function and problem solving. The spinal cord is attached to the brain and serves as the main connector of","Document [5](Title: Peripheral nervous system) mechanical injuries. The peripheral nervous system is divided into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. In the somatic nervous system, the cranial nerves are part of the PNS with the exception of the optic nerve (cranial nerve II), along with the retina. The second cranial nerve is not a true peripheral nerve but a tract of the diencephalon. Cranial nerve ganglia originated in the CNS. However, the remaining ten cranial nerve axons extend beyond the brain and are therefore considered part of the PNS. The autonomic nervous system is an involuntary control of smooth muscle and glands. ","Document [6](Title: Nerve) converted from electrical to chemical and then back to electrical. Nerves can be categorized into two groups based on function: The nervous system is the part of an animal that coordinates its actions by transmitting signals to and from different parts of its body. In vertebrates it consists of two main parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. The PNS consists mainly of nerves, which are enclosed bundles of the long fibers or axons, that connect the CNS to every other part of the body. Nerves","Document [7](Title: Head and neck anatomy) cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), cranial nerves and spinal nerves. The CNS is located within the dorsal cavity, and the PNS extends through the ventral cavity. The central nervous system provides control and coordination of all eleven body systems and utilizes the endocrine system to form hormone chemical messengers that transport through the blood to influence the activity of individual cells of the body and their associated tissues, organs and systems. The CNS receives sensory (afferent) input from the PNS and directs the flow of information to association neurons (interneurons) to create chemical synapse responses which in turn","Document [8](Title: Neuroscience) of other neurons, muscles, or glands at their termination points. A nervous system emerges from the assemblage of neurons that are connected to each other. In vertebrates, the nervous system can be split into two parts, the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), and the peripheral nervous system. In many species \u2014 including all vertebrates \u2014 the nervous system is the most complex organ system in the body, with most of the complexity residing in the brain. The human brain alone contains around one hundred billion neurons and one hundred trillion synapses; it consists of thousands of distinguishable substructures,","Document [9](Title: Peripheral nervous system) system which influences the function of organs outside voluntary control, such as the heart rate, or the functions of the digestive system. The somatic system includes the sensory nervous system and the somatosensory system and consists of sensory nerves and somatic nerves, and many nerves which hold both functions. In the head and neck, cranial nerves carry somatosensory data. There are twelve cranial nerves, ten of which originate from the brainstem, and mainly control the functions of the anatomic structures of the head with some exceptions. The nuclei of the olfactory nerve and the optic nerves lie in the forebrain","Document [10](Title: Human body) contain bone marrow, the site of production of blood cells. Also, all bones are major storage sites for calcium and phosphate. This system can be split up into the muscular system and the skeletal system. The nervous system consists of the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system consists of the nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord. The brain is the organ of thought, emotion, memory, and sensory processing, and serves many aspects of communication and controls various systems and functions. The special senses consist of vision, hearing, taste, and smell.","Document [11](Title: Spinal cord) is made of 31 segments from which branch one pair of sensory nerve roots and one pair of motor nerve roots. The nerve roots then merge into bilaterally symmetrical pairs of spinal nerves. The peripheral nervous system is made up of these spinal roots, nerves, and ganglia. The dorsal roots are afferent fascicles, receiving sensory information from the skin, muscles, and visceral organs to be relayed to the brain. The roots terminate in dorsal root ganglia, which are composed of the cell bodies of the corresponding neurons. Ventral roots consist of efferent fibers that arise from motor neurons whose cell","Document [12](Title: Physiological psychology) The nervous system can be described as a control system that interconnects the other body systems. It consists of the brain, spinal cord, and other nerve tissues throughout the body. The system's primary function is to react to internal and external stimuli in the human body. It uses electrical and chemical signals to send out responses to different parts of the body, and it is made up of the nerve cells also called neurons. Through the system, messages are transmitted to body tissues such as a muscle. There are two major subdivisions in the nervous system known as the central","Document [13](Title: Nervous system) of glial cell (oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system, and Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system) generates layers of a fatty substance called myelin that wraps around axons and provides electrical insulation which allows them to transmit action potentials much more rapidly and efficiently. Recent findings indicate that glial cells, such as microglia and astrocytes, serve as important resident immune cells within the central nervous system. The nervous system of vertebrates (including humans) is divided into the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The (CNS) is the major division, and consists of the brain and","Document [14](Title: Classification of peripheral nerves) noted that the sympathetic neurons that innervated the entire body tended to have opposing functions to the other autonomic neurons of the tectal and bulbo-sacral regions. The latter two, tectal and bulbo-sacral, were grouped together to form the parasympathetic system because they tended to respond in a like manner to various drugs. Langley also mentions an enteric nervous system in his writing, but this third grouping has largely fallen out of discussion in modern practice. Much of the original nerve classification done by Langley, and Gaskell by extension, was based on pharmacological responses of nerves throughout the body as well","Document [15](Title: Central nervous system disease) vessel ruptures, causing blood to leak to the brain. If the brain cannot get enough oxygen and blood, brain cells can die, leading to permanent damage. The spinal cord transmits sensory reception from the peripheral nervous system. It also conducts motor information to the body's skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles, smooth muscles, and glands. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves along the spinal cord, all of which consist of both sensory and motor neurons. The spinal cord is protected by vertebrae and connects the peripheral nervous system to the brain, and it acts as a \"minor\" coordinating center. The brain","Document [16](Title: Classification of peripheral nerves) and parasympathetic nervous systems with a third system, the enteric nervous system, receiving less recognition. In 1898, British scientist John Newport Langley first coined the term \"autonomic\" in classifying the connections of nerve fibers to peripheral nerve cells. Previous researchers had utilized different terms such as \"the sympathetic nerves\" [Winslow et al.] to describe the way in which neurons in one part of the body brought about \"sympathetic\" reactions in another part of the body, as well as the \"ganglionic nerves and ganglionic nervous system\" [Livingstone et al.] for the ganglionic conversion of voluntary to involuntary movements (which supposedly made","Document [17](Title: Nervous tissue) Nervous tissue Nervous tissue, also called neural tissue or nerve tissue, is the main tissue component of the nervous system. The nervous system regulates and controls bodily functions and activity and consists of two parts: the central nervous system (CNS) comprising the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) comprising the branching peripheral nerves. It is composed of neurons, or nerve cells, which receive and transmit impulses, and neuroglia, also known as glial cells or glia, which assist the propagation of the nerve impulse as well as provide nutrients to the neurons. Nervous tissue is made up","Document [18](Title: Nervous system) the spinal cord. The spinal canal contains the spinal cord, while the cranial cavity contains the brain. The CNS is enclosed and protected by the meninges, a three-layered system of membranes, including a tough, leathery outer layer called the dura mater. The brain is also protected by the skull, and the spinal cord by the vertebrae. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is a collective term for the nervous system structures that do not lie within the CNS. The large majority of the axon bundles called nerves are considered to belong to the PNS, even when the cell bodies of the","Document [19](Title: Neuroanatomy) concentration. The extracellular matrix also provides support on the molecular level for the brain's cells. At the organ level, the nervous system is composed of brain regions, such as the hippocampus in mammals or the mushroom bodies of the fruit fly. These regions are often modular and serve a particular role within the general pathways of the nervous system. For example, the hippocampus is critical for forming memories. The nervous system also contains nerves, which are bundles of fibers that originate from the brain and spinal cord, and branch repeatedly to innervate every part of the body. Nerves are made","Document [20](Title: Central nervous system) (cerebrum as well as midbrain and hindbrain) consists of a cortex, composed of neuron-bodies constituting gray matter, while internally there is more white matter that form tracts and commissures. Apart from cortical gray matter there is also subcortical gray matter making up a large number of different nuclei. From and to the spinal cord are projections of the peripheral nervous system in the form of spinal nerves (sometimes segmental nerves). The nerves connect the spinal cord to skin, joints, muscles etc. and allow for the transmission of efferent motor as well as afferent sensory signals and stimuli. This allows for"],"query":"what parts make up the peripheral nervous system?","answers":["autonomic nervous system","somatic nervous system"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Peripheral nervous system) Peripheral nervous system The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is one of two components that make up the nervous system of bilateral animals, with the other part being the central nervous system (CNS). The PNS consists of the nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord. The main function of the PNS is to connect the CNS to the limbs and organs, essentially serving as a relay between the brain and spinal cord and the rest of the body. Unlike the CNS, the PNS is not protected by the vertebral column and skull, or by the blood\u2013brain barrier, which leaves","Document [2](Title: Nervous system) Nervous system The nervous system is the part of an animal that coordinates its actions by transmitting signals to and from different parts of its body. The nervous system detects environmental changes that impact the body, then works in tandem with the endocrine system to respond to such events. Nervous tissue first arose in wormlike organisms about 550 to 600 million years ago. In vertebrates it consists of two main parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. The PNS consists mainly of nerves, which are enclosed","Document [3](Title: Segmentation in the human nervous system) cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) comprising the nerve fibers that branch off from the spinal cord to all parts of the body. Both parts of the nervous system are actively involved in communicating signals between various parts of the body to ensure the smooth and efficient transfer of information that controls and coordinates the movement of muscles, and regulates organ functions. Neurons, which form the elemental unit of the nervous system, receive messages from their dendrites, relay the information as an electrical signal down the axon and releases chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters, thus converting the electrical signal","Document [4](Title: Physiological psychology) and peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord. The brain is the control center of the body and contains millions of neural connections. This organ is responsible for sending and receiving messages from the body and its environment. Each part of the brain is specialized for different aspects of the human being. For example, the temporal lobe has a major role in vision and audition, whereas the frontal lobe is significant for motor function and problem solving. The spinal cord is attached to the brain and serves as the main connector of","Document [5](Title: Nerve) converted from electrical to chemical and then back to electrical. Nerves can be categorized into two groups based on function: The nervous system is the part of an animal that coordinates its actions by transmitting signals to and from different parts of its body. In vertebrates it consists of two main parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. The PNS consists mainly of nerves, which are enclosed bundles of the long fibers or axons, that connect the CNS to every other part of the body. Nerves","Document [6](Title: Head and neck anatomy) cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), cranial nerves and spinal nerves. The CNS is located within the dorsal cavity, and the PNS extends through the ventral cavity. The central nervous system provides control and coordination of all eleven body systems and utilizes the endocrine system to form hormone chemical messengers that transport through the blood to influence the activity of individual cells of the body and their associated tissues, organs and systems. The CNS receives sensory (afferent) input from the PNS and directs the flow of information to association neurons (interneurons) to create chemical synapse responses which in turn","Document [7](Title: Neuroscience) of other neurons, muscles, or glands at their termination points. A nervous system emerges from the assemblage of neurons that are connected to each other. In vertebrates, the nervous system can be split into two parts, the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), and the peripheral nervous system. In many species \u2014 including all vertebrates \u2014 the nervous system is the most complex organ system in the body, with most of the complexity residing in the brain. The human brain alone contains around one hundred billion neurons and one hundred trillion synapses; it consists of thousands of distinguishable substructures,","Document [8](Title: Peripheral nervous system) system which influences the function of organs outside voluntary control, such as the heart rate, or the functions of the digestive system. The somatic system includes the sensory nervous system and the somatosensory system and consists of sensory nerves and somatic nerves, and many nerves which hold both functions. In the head and neck, cranial nerves carry somatosensory data. There are twelve cranial nerves, ten of which originate from the brainstem, and mainly control the functions of the anatomic structures of the head with some exceptions. The nuclei of the olfactory nerve and the optic nerves lie in the forebrain","Document [9](Title: Human body) contain bone marrow, the site of production of blood cells. Also, all bones are major storage sites for calcium and phosphate. This system can be split up into the muscular system and the skeletal system. The nervous system consists of the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system consists of the nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord. The brain is the organ of thought, emotion, memory, and sensory processing, and serves many aspects of communication and controls various systems and functions. The special senses consist of vision, hearing, taste, and smell.","Document [10](Title: Peripheral nervous system) mechanical injuries. The peripheral nervous system is divided into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. In the somatic nervous system, the cranial nerves are part of the PNS with the exception of the optic nerve (cranial nerve II), along with the retina. The second cranial nerve is not a true peripheral nerve but a tract of the diencephalon. Cranial nerve ganglia originated in the CNS. However, the remaining ten cranial nerve axons extend beyond the brain and are therefore considered part of the PNS. The autonomic nervous system is an involuntary control of smooth muscle and glands. ","Document [11](Title: Spinal cord) is made of 31 segments from which branch one pair of sensory nerve roots and one pair of motor nerve roots. The nerve roots then merge into bilaterally symmetrical pairs of spinal nerves. The peripheral nervous system is made up of these spinal roots, nerves, and ganglia. The dorsal roots are afferent fascicles, receiving sensory information from the skin, muscles, and visceral organs to be relayed to the brain. The roots terminate in dorsal root ganglia, which are composed of the cell bodies of the corresponding neurons. Ventral roots consist of efferent fibers that arise from motor neurons whose cell","Document [12](Title: Physiological psychology) The nervous system can be described as a control system that interconnects the other body systems. It consists of the brain, spinal cord, and other nerve tissues throughout the body. The system's primary function is to react to internal and external stimuli in the human body. It uses electrical and chemical signals to send out responses to different parts of the body, and it is made up of the nerve cells also called neurons. Through the system, messages are transmitted to body tissues such as a muscle. There are two major subdivisions in the nervous system known as the central","Document [13](Title: Nervous system) of glial cell (oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system, and Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system) generates layers of a fatty substance called myelin that wraps around axons and provides electrical insulation which allows them to transmit action potentials much more rapidly and efficiently. Recent findings indicate that glial cells, such as microglia and astrocytes, serve as important resident immune cells within the central nervous system. The nervous system of vertebrates (including humans) is divided into the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The (CNS) is the major division, and consists of the brain and","Document [14](Title: Classification of peripheral nerves) noted that the sympathetic neurons that innervated the entire body tended to have opposing functions to the other autonomic neurons of the tectal and bulbo-sacral regions. The latter two, tectal and bulbo-sacral, were grouped together to form the parasympathetic system because they tended to respond in a like manner to various drugs. Langley also mentions an enteric nervous system in his writing, but this third grouping has largely fallen out of discussion in modern practice. Much of the original nerve classification done by Langley, and Gaskell by extension, was based on pharmacological responses of nerves throughout the body as well","Document [15](Title: Central nervous system disease) vessel ruptures, causing blood to leak to the brain. If the brain cannot get enough oxygen and blood, brain cells can die, leading to permanent damage. The spinal cord transmits sensory reception from the peripheral nervous system. It also conducts motor information to the body's skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles, smooth muscles, and glands. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves along the spinal cord, all of which consist of both sensory and motor neurons. The spinal cord is protected by vertebrae and connects the peripheral nervous system to the brain, and it acts as a \"minor\" coordinating center. The brain","Document [16](Title: Classification of peripheral nerves) and parasympathetic nervous systems with a third system, the enteric nervous system, receiving less recognition. In 1898, British scientist John Newport Langley first coined the term \"autonomic\" in classifying the connections of nerve fibers to peripheral nerve cells. Previous researchers had utilized different terms such as \"the sympathetic nerves\" [Winslow et al.] to describe the way in which neurons in one part of the body brought about \"sympathetic\" reactions in another part of the body, as well as the \"ganglionic nerves and ganglionic nervous system\" [Livingstone et al.] for the ganglionic conversion of voluntary to involuntary movements (which supposedly made","Document [17](Title: Nervous tissue) Nervous tissue Nervous tissue, also called neural tissue or nerve tissue, is the main tissue component of the nervous system. The nervous system regulates and controls bodily functions and activity and consists of two parts: the central nervous system (CNS) comprising the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) comprising the branching peripheral nerves. It is composed of neurons, or nerve cells, which receive and transmit impulses, and neuroglia, also known as glial cells or glia, which assist the propagation of the nerve impulse as well as provide nutrients to the neurons. Nervous tissue is made up","Document [18](Title: Nervous system) the spinal cord. The spinal canal contains the spinal cord, while the cranial cavity contains the brain. The CNS is enclosed and protected by the meninges, a three-layered system of membranes, including a tough, leathery outer layer called the dura mater. The brain is also protected by the skull, and the spinal cord by the vertebrae. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is a collective term for the nervous system structures that do not lie within the CNS. The large majority of the axon bundles called nerves are considered to belong to the PNS, even when the cell bodies of the","Document [19](Title: Neuroanatomy) concentration. The extracellular matrix also provides support on the molecular level for the brain's cells. At the organ level, the nervous system is composed of brain regions, such as the hippocampus in mammals or the mushroom bodies of the fruit fly. These regions are often modular and serve a particular role within the general pathways of the nervous system. For example, the hippocampus is critical for forming memories. The nervous system also contains nerves, which are bundles of fibers that originate from the brain and spinal cord, and branch repeatedly to innervate every part of the body. Nerves are made","Document [20](Title: Central nervous system) (cerebrum as well as midbrain and hindbrain) consists of a cortex, composed of neuron-bodies constituting gray matter, while internally there is more white matter that form tracts and commissures. Apart from cortical gray matter there is also subcortical gray matter making up a large number of different nuclei. From and to the spinal cord are projections of the peripheral nervous system in the form of spinal nerves (sometimes segmental nerves). The nerves connect the spinal cord to skin, joints, muscles etc. and allow for the transmission of efferent motor as well as afferent sensory signals and stimuli. This allows for"],"query":"what parts make up the peripheral nervous system?","answers":["autonomic nervous system","somatic nervous system"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Peripheral nervous system) Peripheral nervous system The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is one of two components that make up the nervous system of bilateral animals, with the other part being the central nervous system (CNS). The PNS consists of the nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord. The main function of the PNS is to connect the CNS to the limbs and organs, essentially serving as a relay between the brain and spinal cord and the rest of the body. Unlike the CNS, the PNS is not protected by the vertebral column and skull, or by the blood\u2013brain barrier, which leaves","Document [2](Title: Nervous system) Nervous system The nervous system is the part of an animal that coordinates its actions by transmitting signals to and from different parts of its body. The nervous system detects environmental changes that impact the body, then works in tandem with the endocrine system to respond to such events. Nervous tissue first arose in wormlike organisms about 550 to 600 million years ago. In vertebrates it consists of two main parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. The PNS consists mainly of nerves, which are enclosed","Document [3](Title: Segmentation in the human nervous system) cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) comprising the nerve fibers that branch off from the spinal cord to all parts of the body. Both parts of the nervous system are actively involved in communicating signals between various parts of the body to ensure the smooth and efficient transfer of information that controls and coordinates the movement of muscles, and regulates organ functions. Neurons, which form the elemental unit of the nervous system, receive messages from their dendrites, relay the information as an electrical signal down the axon and releases chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters, thus converting the electrical signal","Document [4](Title: Physiological psychology) and peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord. The brain is the control center of the body and contains millions of neural connections. This organ is responsible for sending and receiving messages from the body and its environment. Each part of the brain is specialized for different aspects of the human being. For example, the temporal lobe has a major role in vision and audition, whereas the frontal lobe is significant for motor function and problem solving. The spinal cord is attached to the brain and serves as the main connector of","Document [5](Title: Nerve) converted from electrical to chemical and then back to electrical. Nerves can be categorized into two groups based on function: The nervous system is the part of an animal that coordinates its actions by transmitting signals to and from different parts of its body. In vertebrates it consists of two main parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. The PNS consists mainly of nerves, which are enclosed bundles of the long fibers or axons, that connect the CNS to every other part of the body. Nerves","Document [6](Title: Head and neck anatomy) cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), cranial nerves and spinal nerves. The CNS is located within the dorsal cavity, and the PNS extends through the ventral cavity. The central nervous system provides control and coordination of all eleven body systems and utilizes the endocrine system to form hormone chemical messengers that transport through the blood to influence the activity of individual cells of the body and their associated tissues, organs and systems. The CNS receives sensory (afferent) input from the PNS and directs the flow of information to association neurons (interneurons) to create chemical synapse responses which in turn","Document [7](Title: Neuroscience) of other neurons, muscles, or glands at their termination points. A nervous system emerges from the assemblage of neurons that are connected to each other. In vertebrates, the nervous system can be split into two parts, the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), and the peripheral nervous system. In many species \u2014 including all vertebrates \u2014 the nervous system is the most complex organ system in the body, with most of the complexity residing in the brain. The human brain alone contains around one hundred billion neurons and one hundred trillion synapses; it consists of thousands of distinguishable substructures,","Document [8](Title: Peripheral nervous system) system which influences the function of organs outside voluntary control, such as the heart rate, or the functions of the digestive system. The somatic system includes the sensory nervous system and the somatosensory system and consists of sensory nerves and somatic nerves, and many nerves which hold both functions. In the head and neck, cranial nerves carry somatosensory data. There are twelve cranial nerves, ten of which originate from the brainstem, and mainly control the functions of the anatomic structures of the head with some exceptions. The nuclei of the olfactory nerve and the optic nerves lie in the forebrain","Document [9](Title: Human body) contain bone marrow, the site of production of blood cells. Also, all bones are major storage sites for calcium and phosphate. This system can be split up into the muscular system and the skeletal system. The nervous system consists of the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system consists of the nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord. The brain is the organ of thought, emotion, memory, and sensory processing, and serves many aspects of communication and controls various systems and functions. The special senses consist of vision, hearing, taste, and smell.","Document [10](Title: Spinal cord) is made of 31 segments from which branch one pair of sensory nerve roots and one pair of motor nerve roots. The nerve roots then merge into bilaterally symmetrical pairs of spinal nerves. The peripheral nervous system is made up of these spinal roots, nerves, and ganglia. The dorsal roots are afferent fascicles, receiving sensory information from the skin, muscles, and visceral organs to be relayed to the brain. The roots terminate in dorsal root ganglia, which are composed of the cell bodies of the corresponding neurons. Ventral roots consist of efferent fibers that arise from motor neurons whose cell","Document [11](Title: Physiological psychology) The nervous system can be described as a control system that interconnects the other body systems. It consists of the brain, spinal cord, and other nerve tissues throughout the body. The system's primary function is to react to internal and external stimuli in the human body. It uses electrical and chemical signals to send out responses to different parts of the body, and it is made up of the nerve cells also called neurons. Through the system, messages are transmitted to body tissues such as a muscle. There are two major subdivisions in the nervous system known as the central","Document [12](Title: Nervous system) of glial cell (oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system, and Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system) generates layers of a fatty substance called myelin that wraps around axons and provides electrical insulation which allows them to transmit action potentials much more rapidly and efficiently. Recent findings indicate that glial cells, such as microglia and astrocytes, serve as important resident immune cells within the central nervous system. The nervous system of vertebrates (including humans) is divided into the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The (CNS) is the major division, and consists of the brain and","Document [13](Title: Classification of peripheral nerves) noted that the sympathetic neurons that innervated the entire body tended to have opposing functions to the other autonomic neurons of the tectal and bulbo-sacral regions. The latter two, tectal and bulbo-sacral, were grouped together to form the parasympathetic system because they tended to respond in a like manner to various drugs. Langley also mentions an enteric nervous system in his writing, but this third grouping has largely fallen out of discussion in modern practice. Much of the original nerve classification done by Langley, and Gaskell by extension, was based on pharmacological responses of nerves throughout the body as well","Document [14](Title: Central nervous system disease) vessel ruptures, causing blood to leak to the brain. If the brain cannot get enough oxygen and blood, brain cells can die, leading to permanent damage. The spinal cord transmits sensory reception from the peripheral nervous system. It also conducts motor information to the body's skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles, smooth muscles, and glands. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves along the spinal cord, all of which consist of both sensory and motor neurons. The spinal cord is protected by vertebrae and connects the peripheral nervous system to the brain, and it acts as a \"minor\" coordinating center. The brain","Document [15](Title: Peripheral nervous system) mechanical injuries. The peripheral nervous system is divided into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. In the somatic nervous system, the cranial nerves are part of the PNS with the exception of the optic nerve (cranial nerve II), along with the retina. The second cranial nerve is not a true peripheral nerve but a tract of the diencephalon. Cranial nerve ganglia originated in the CNS. However, the remaining ten cranial nerve axons extend beyond the brain and are therefore considered part of the PNS. The autonomic nervous system is an involuntary control of smooth muscle and glands. ","Document [16](Title: Classification of peripheral nerves) and parasympathetic nervous systems with a third system, the enteric nervous system, receiving less recognition. In 1898, British scientist John Newport Langley first coined the term \"autonomic\" in classifying the connections of nerve fibers to peripheral nerve cells. Previous researchers had utilized different terms such as \"the sympathetic nerves\" [Winslow et al.] to describe the way in which neurons in one part of the body brought about \"sympathetic\" reactions in another part of the body, as well as the \"ganglionic nerves and ganglionic nervous system\" [Livingstone et al.] for the ganglionic conversion of voluntary to involuntary movements (which supposedly made","Document [17](Title: Nervous tissue) Nervous tissue Nervous tissue, also called neural tissue or nerve tissue, is the main tissue component of the nervous system. The nervous system regulates and controls bodily functions and activity and consists of two parts: the central nervous system (CNS) comprising the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) comprising the branching peripheral nerves. It is composed of neurons, or nerve cells, which receive and transmit impulses, and neuroglia, also known as glial cells or glia, which assist the propagation of the nerve impulse as well as provide nutrients to the neurons. Nervous tissue is made up","Document [18](Title: Nervous system) the spinal cord. The spinal canal contains the spinal cord, while the cranial cavity contains the brain. The CNS is enclosed and protected by the meninges, a three-layered system of membranes, including a tough, leathery outer layer called the dura mater. The brain is also protected by the skull, and the spinal cord by the vertebrae. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is a collective term for the nervous system structures that do not lie within the CNS. The large majority of the axon bundles called nerves are considered to belong to the PNS, even when the cell bodies of the","Document [19](Title: Neuroanatomy) concentration. The extracellular matrix also provides support on the molecular level for the brain's cells. At the organ level, the nervous system is composed of brain regions, such as the hippocampus in mammals or the mushroom bodies of the fruit fly. These regions are often modular and serve a particular role within the general pathways of the nervous system. For example, the hippocampus is critical for forming memories. The nervous system also contains nerves, which are bundles of fibers that originate from the brain and spinal cord, and branch repeatedly to innervate every part of the body. Nerves are made","Document [20](Title: Central nervous system) (cerebrum as well as midbrain and hindbrain) consists of a cortex, composed of neuron-bodies constituting gray matter, while internally there is more white matter that form tracts and commissures. Apart from cortical gray matter there is also subcortical gray matter making up a large number of different nuclei. From and to the spinal cord are projections of the peripheral nervous system in the form of spinal nerves (sometimes segmental nerves). The nerves connect the spinal cord to skin, joints, muscles etc. and allow for the transmission of efferent motor as well as afferent sensory signals and stimuli. This allows for"],"query":"what parts make up the peripheral nervous system?","answers":["autonomic nervous system","somatic nervous system"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Peripheral nervous system) Peripheral nervous system The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is one of two components that make up the nervous system of bilateral animals, with the other part being the central nervous system (CNS). The PNS consists of the nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord. The main function of the PNS is to connect the CNS to the limbs and organs, essentially serving as a relay between the brain and spinal cord and the rest of the body. Unlike the CNS, the PNS is not protected by the vertebral column and skull, or by the blood\u2013brain barrier, which leaves","Document [2](Title: Nervous system) Nervous system The nervous system is the part of an animal that coordinates its actions by transmitting signals to and from different parts of its body. The nervous system detects environmental changes that impact the body, then works in tandem with the endocrine system to respond to such events. Nervous tissue first arose in wormlike organisms about 550 to 600 million years ago. In vertebrates it consists of two main parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. The PNS consists mainly of nerves, which are enclosed","Document [3](Title: Segmentation in the human nervous system) cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) comprising the nerve fibers that branch off from the spinal cord to all parts of the body. Both parts of the nervous system are actively involved in communicating signals between various parts of the body to ensure the smooth and efficient transfer of information that controls and coordinates the movement of muscles, and regulates organ functions. Neurons, which form the elemental unit of the nervous system, receive messages from their dendrites, relay the information as an electrical signal down the axon and releases chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters, thus converting the electrical signal","Document [4](Title: Physiological psychology) and peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord. The brain is the control center of the body and contains millions of neural connections. This organ is responsible for sending and receiving messages from the body and its environment. Each part of the brain is specialized for different aspects of the human being. For example, the temporal lobe has a major role in vision and audition, whereas the frontal lobe is significant for motor function and problem solving. The spinal cord is attached to the brain and serves as the main connector of","Document [5](Title: Nerve) converted from electrical to chemical and then back to electrical. Nerves can be categorized into two groups based on function: The nervous system is the part of an animal that coordinates its actions by transmitting signals to and from different parts of its body. In vertebrates it consists of two main parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. The PNS consists mainly of nerves, which are enclosed bundles of the long fibers or axons, that connect the CNS to every other part of the body. Nerves","Document [6](Title: Head and neck anatomy) cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS), cranial nerves and spinal nerves. The CNS is located within the dorsal cavity, and the PNS extends through the ventral cavity. The central nervous system provides control and coordination of all eleven body systems and utilizes the endocrine system to form hormone chemical messengers that transport through the blood to influence the activity of individual cells of the body and their associated tissues, organs and systems. The CNS receives sensory (afferent) input from the PNS and directs the flow of information to association neurons (interneurons) to create chemical synapse responses which in turn","Document [7](Title: Neuroscience) of other neurons, muscles, or glands at their termination points. A nervous system emerges from the assemblage of neurons that are connected to each other. In vertebrates, the nervous system can be split into two parts, the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), and the peripheral nervous system. In many species \u2014 including all vertebrates \u2014 the nervous system is the most complex organ system in the body, with most of the complexity residing in the brain. The human brain alone contains around one hundred billion neurons and one hundred trillion synapses; it consists of thousands of distinguishable substructures,","Document [8](Title: Peripheral nervous system) system which influences the function of organs outside voluntary control, such as the heart rate, or the functions of the digestive system. The somatic system includes the sensory nervous system and the somatosensory system and consists of sensory nerves and somatic nerves, and many nerves which hold both functions. In the head and neck, cranial nerves carry somatosensory data. There are twelve cranial nerves, ten of which originate from the brainstem, and mainly control the functions of the anatomic structures of the head with some exceptions. The nuclei of the olfactory nerve and the optic nerves lie in the forebrain","Document [9](Title: Human body) contain bone marrow, the site of production of blood cells. Also, all bones are major storage sites for calcium and phosphate. This system can be split up into the muscular system and the skeletal system. The nervous system consists of the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system consists of the nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord. The brain is the organ of thought, emotion, memory, and sensory processing, and serves many aspects of communication and controls various systems and functions. The special senses consist of vision, hearing, taste, and smell.","Document [10](Title: Spinal cord) is made of 31 segments from which branch one pair of sensory nerve roots and one pair of motor nerve roots. The nerve roots then merge into bilaterally symmetrical pairs of spinal nerves. The peripheral nervous system is made up of these spinal roots, nerves, and ganglia. The dorsal roots are afferent fascicles, receiving sensory information from the skin, muscles, and visceral organs to be relayed to the brain. The roots terminate in dorsal root ganglia, which are composed of the cell bodies of the corresponding neurons. Ventral roots consist of efferent fibers that arise from motor neurons whose cell","Document [11](Title: Physiological psychology) The nervous system can be described as a control system that interconnects the other body systems. It consists of the brain, spinal cord, and other nerve tissues throughout the body. The system's primary function is to react to internal and external stimuli in the human body. It uses electrical and chemical signals to send out responses to different parts of the body, and it is made up of the nerve cells also called neurons. Through the system, messages are transmitted to body tissues such as a muscle. There are two major subdivisions in the nervous system known as the central","Document [12](Title: Nervous system) of glial cell (oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system, and Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system) generates layers of a fatty substance called myelin that wraps around axons and provides electrical insulation which allows them to transmit action potentials much more rapidly and efficiently. Recent findings indicate that glial cells, such as microglia and astrocytes, serve as important resident immune cells within the central nervous system. The nervous system of vertebrates (including humans) is divided into the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The (CNS) is the major division, and consists of the brain and","Document [13](Title: Classification of peripheral nerves) noted that the sympathetic neurons that innervated the entire body tended to have opposing functions to the other autonomic neurons of the tectal and bulbo-sacral regions. The latter two, tectal and bulbo-sacral, were grouped together to form the parasympathetic system because they tended to respond in a like manner to various drugs. Langley also mentions an enteric nervous system in his writing, but this third grouping has largely fallen out of discussion in modern practice. Much of the original nerve classification done by Langley, and Gaskell by extension, was based on pharmacological responses of nerves throughout the body as well","Document [14](Title: Central nervous system disease) vessel ruptures, causing blood to leak to the brain. If the brain cannot get enough oxygen and blood, brain cells can die, leading to permanent damage. The spinal cord transmits sensory reception from the peripheral nervous system. It also conducts motor information to the body's skeletal muscles, cardiac muscles, smooth muscles, and glands. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves along the spinal cord, all of which consist of both sensory and motor neurons. The spinal cord is protected by vertebrae and connects the peripheral nervous system to the brain, and it acts as a \"minor\" coordinating center. The brain","Document [15](Title: Classification of peripheral nerves) and parasympathetic nervous systems with a third system, the enteric nervous system, receiving less recognition. In 1898, British scientist John Newport Langley first coined the term \"autonomic\" in classifying the connections of nerve fibers to peripheral nerve cells. Previous researchers had utilized different terms such as \"the sympathetic nerves\" [Winslow et al.] to describe the way in which neurons in one part of the body brought about \"sympathetic\" reactions in another part of the body, as well as the \"ganglionic nerves and ganglionic nervous system\" [Livingstone et al.] for the ganglionic conversion of voluntary to involuntary movements (which supposedly made","Document [16](Title: Nervous tissue) Nervous tissue Nervous tissue, also called neural tissue or nerve tissue, is the main tissue component of the nervous system. The nervous system regulates and controls bodily functions and activity and consists of two parts: the central nervous system (CNS) comprising the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) comprising the branching peripheral nerves. It is composed of neurons, or nerve cells, which receive and transmit impulses, and neuroglia, also known as glial cells or glia, which assist the propagation of the nerve impulse as well as provide nutrients to the neurons. Nervous tissue is made up","Document [17](Title: Nervous system) the spinal cord. The spinal canal contains the spinal cord, while the cranial cavity contains the brain. The CNS is enclosed and protected by the meninges, a three-layered system of membranes, including a tough, leathery outer layer called the dura mater. The brain is also protected by the skull, and the spinal cord by the vertebrae. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is a collective term for the nervous system structures that do not lie within the CNS. The large majority of the axon bundles called nerves are considered to belong to the PNS, even when the cell bodies of the","Document [18](Title: Neuroanatomy) concentration. The extracellular matrix also provides support on the molecular level for the brain's cells. At the organ level, the nervous system is composed of brain regions, such as the hippocampus in mammals or the mushroom bodies of the fruit fly. These regions are often modular and serve a particular role within the general pathways of the nervous system. For example, the hippocampus is critical for forming memories. The nervous system also contains nerves, which are bundles of fibers that originate from the brain and spinal cord, and branch repeatedly to innervate every part of the body. Nerves are made","Document [19](Title: Central nervous system) (cerebrum as well as midbrain and hindbrain) consists of a cortex, composed of neuron-bodies constituting gray matter, while internally there is more white matter that form tracts and commissures. Apart from cortical gray matter there is also subcortical gray matter making up a large number of different nuclei. From and to the spinal cord are projections of the peripheral nervous system in the form of spinal nerves (sometimes segmental nerves). The nerves connect the spinal cord to skin, joints, muscles etc. and allow for the transmission of efferent motor as well as afferent sensory signals and stimuli. This allows for","Document [20](Title: Peripheral nervous system) mechanical injuries. The peripheral nervous system is divided into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. In the somatic nervous system, the cranial nerves are part of the PNS with the exception of the optic nerve (cranial nerve II), along with the retina. The second cranial nerve is not a true peripheral nerve but a tract of the diencephalon. Cranial nerve ganglia originated in the CNS. However, the remaining ten cranial nerve axons extend beyond the brain and are therefore considered part of the PNS. The autonomic nervous system is an involuntary control of smooth muscle and glands. "],"query":"what parts make up the peripheral nervous system?","answers":["autonomic nervous system","somatic nervous system"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) and the Autobots land near the Giza pyramid complex but are attacked by a large force of Decepticons. During the battle, many Constructicons combine to form Devastator, who destroys one of the pyramids to reveal the Sun Harvester inside, before he is killed by a destroyer's railgun called in by Simmons. Ravage and the Decepticon Rampage attempt to spring a trap with Sam's captured parents as bait, in order to force Sam to give them the Matrix, but Bumblebee interferes and kills them both. Major William Lennox and Master Sergeant Robert Epps call in an airstrike, which kills a majority","Document [2](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) the orders of an ancient Decepticon named The Fallen, who seeks to get revenge on Earth by finding and activating a machine that would provide the Decepticons with an energon source, destroying the Sun and all life on Earth in the process. Returning Transformers include Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Ratchet, Megatron, Starscream, and Scorponok. With deadlines jeopardized by possible strikes by the Directors Guild of America and the Screen Actors Guild, Bay managed to finish the production on time with the help of previsualization and a scriptment by his writers David Marconi, Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, and series newcomer Ehren","Document [3](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) the Fallen, who orders him to capture Sam alive and kill Optimus, as he is the only Transformer who can defeat the Fallen. After killing Alice, a Decepticon Pretender disguised as a college student, Sam, Mikaela and his college roommate, Leo are captured by the Decepticon Grindor and taken to an abandoned factory. Megatron reveals that the symbols in Sam's mind will lead the Decepticons to a new Energon source before Optimus and Bumblebee arrive to rescue the trio. Optimus engages Megatron, Starscream, and Grindor; though Optimus injures Starscream by cutting his arm off and killing Grindor, Megatron kills Optimus","Document [4](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) in a Visual Effects Driven Feature Motion Picture, a SAG Award for Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble, and an MTV Movie Award for Best WTF Moment (Isabel Lucas turning into a Decepticon). Shia LaBeouf, the film and Megan Fox was nominated for a Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards for Favorite Movie Actor, Favorite Movie and Favorite Movie Actress, but all lost to Taylor Lautner, \"\" and Miley Cyrus, respectively. On the other hand, it was nominated for seven Razzie Awards including Worst Actress for Megan Fox (also for \"Jennifer's Body\"), Worst Supporting Actress for Julie White, Worst Screen Couple (for","Document [5](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a 2009 American science fiction action film directed by Michael Bay and based on the Transformers toy line. It is the sequel to 2007's \"Transformers\", as well as the second installment in the live-action \"Transformers\" film series. Taking place two years after its predecessor, the plot revolves around Sam Witwicky, who is caught in the war between two factions of alien robots, the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime and the Decepticons, led by Megatron. Sam is having strange visions of Cybertronian symbols, and being hunted by the Decepticons under","Document [6](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) by impaling him through the chest, destroying his spark. The other Autobots arrive and repel the Decepticons, forcing Megatron and Starscream to retreat. The Decepticons launch devastating simultaneous attacks around the world, destroying ships in the Second Fleet and damaging Paris. The Fallen hijacks Earth's telecommunications systems, demanding that Sam be handed to him. Sam, Mikaela, and Leo enlist the help of former Sector Seven agent, Seymour Simmons, who reveals that the Transformers visited Earth eons ago and the most ancient, known as Seekers, remained on Earth, hiding in secret. With help from Wheelie, they track down a Decepticon Seeker","Document [7](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) two Decepticons, Demolisher and Sideways. Sideways is killed by the Autobot Sideswipe, while Optimus Prime kills Demolisher, but not before he warns them of the Fallen's return. At NEST's secure headquarters in Diego Garcia, National Security Adviser Theodore Galloway concludes the Decepticons are still on Earth to hunt the Autobots, since Megatron's corpse is at the bottom of the Laurentian Abyss and the last-known AllSpark shard is secured in the base. Soundwave hacks into a military satellite, overhears the information, and sends Ravage to retrieve the shard. Meanwhile, Sam Witwicky is preparing to attend college, leaving his girlfriend Mikaela Banes","Document [8](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line)) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line) Pictures of the first \"Revenge of the Fallen\" toys started to appear in on the internet in late 2008. Hasbro files for a trademark on the name \"Revenge of the Fallen\" as a toy line in May 2008. The toy line continued on mid-2010 simply as \"Transformers\" (also known as \"Hunt for the Decepticons\"). MechAlive is a feature available on selected Deluxe, Voyager and Leader Class figures, as well as Combiner Class Constructicon Devastator. Characteristics of this feature include visible moving gears in the character's body and parts that move independently during transformation","Document [9](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) counterpart with a few exceptions. Hugo Weaving, who voices Megatron in the live action films, does not voice Megatron in the game. Instead Frank Welker, who voiced Megatron in \"The Transformers\" animated series returns to voice the character. Devastator, who was voiced by Welker in the film, is voiced by Fred Tatasciore in the game. The game features Neil Kaplan, the voice of Optimus Prime in the series \"\". Kaplan does not voice Prime, but instead voices the character Long Haul as well as additional minor characters. Electronic rock band Julien-K, who contributed one track to the first movie's ,","Document [10](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a third-person shooter video game based on the 2009 live action film \"\". The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions were developed by Luxoflux, and ported to Microsoft Windows by Beenox. The PlayStation 2 and Wii versions were developed by Krome Studios, and the PlayStation Portable version was developed by Savage Entertainment. The game was released on June 23, 2009 in the United States. Australia received the game one day later, and Europe on June 26. The series of games loosely follow the plot of their movie","Document [11](Title: Fallen (Transformers)) the new leader. The Fallen (voiced by James Arnold Taylor) appears in the official game adaptation of the film. He is not a playable character, but is the final boss of both campaigns, except in the Nintendo DS\/Nintendo Wii versions where the final boss is Optimus Prime or Megatron. Megatronus is one of the Thirteen Primes in \"\" and \"\". He is called \"The Fallen\" at times, but never addressed as such when he actually appears. This version of Megatronus bears a striking resemblance to \"Generation 1\" Galvatron and transforms into a tank that resembles the tank mode of Shockwave's","Document [12](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) record his score with a 71-piece ensemble of the Hollywood Studio Symphony at the Sony Scoring Stage. Jablonsky and his score producer Hans Zimmer composed various interpretations of a song by Linkin Park called \"New Divide\" for the score. An additional $150 million was spent to market the film globally. Hasbro's included new molds of new and returning characters, as well as 2007 figures with new mold elements or new paint schemes. The first wave was released on May 30, although Bumblebee and Soundwave debuted beforehand. The second wave came in August 2009, which introduced toys such as 2\u00bc-inch human","Document [13](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) and Starscream observe the creation of a massive Decepticon army now under their control. PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 developer Luxoflux updated the transformation system of the game to allow for more fluid transforming of the robots. Players can now transform in mid-air, carry over momentum gained prior to transforming, and transform directly into attacks. It features online play and downloadable content, announced on July 15, 2009. New features include the following: new multiplayer characters, including versions of characters and new liveries; new multiplayer maps; the ability to use new characters in the campaign; an expert difficulty mode; and new","Document [14](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) the first film, originally passed on the opportunity to write a sequel due to schedule conflicts. The studio began courting other writers in May 2007, but were unimpressed with other pitches and eventually convinced Orci and Kurtzman to return. The studio also hired Ehren Kruger, who had impressed Bay and Hasbro president Brian Goldner with his knowledge of the \"Transformers\" mythology. The writing trio were paid $8 million. Screenwriting was interrupted by the 2007\u201308 Writers Guild of America strike, but to avoid production delays, the writers spent two weeks writing a treatment, which they handed in the night before the","Document [15](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line)) selected store franchises. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line) Pictures of the first \"Revenge of the Fallen\" toys started to appear in on the internet in late 2008. Hasbro files for a trademark on the name \"Revenge of the Fallen\" as a toy line in May 2008. The toy line continued on mid-2010 simply as \"Transformers\" (also known as \"Hunt for the Decepticons\"). MechAlive is a feature available on selected Deluxe, Voyager and Leader Class figures, as well as Combiner Class Constructicon Devastator. Characteristics of this feature include visible moving gears in the character's body and parts that move","Document [16](Title: Transformers (film series)) was released, producer DeSanto had \"a very cool idea\" to introduce the Dinobots, while Bay was interested in an aircraft carrier, which was dropped from the 2007 film. Orci claimed they did not incorporate these characters into \"Revenge of the Fallen\" because they could not think of a way to justify the Dinobots' choice of form, and were unable to fit in the aircraft carrier. Orci also admitted he was also dismissive of the Dinobots because he does not like dinosaurs. \"I recognize I am weird in that department\", he said, but he became fonder of them during filming because","Document [17](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) was released in two-disc Blu-ray and DVD editions, and a single-disc DVD version on October 20, 2009 in North America. Michael Bay has revealed that the Blu-ray release of the film, produced by Charles de Lauzirika, features variable aspect ratio for the scenes shot in IMAX format. A special IMAX edition was available exclusively at Walmart. Home versions include over three hours of bonus content and several interactive features, including \"The AllSpark Experiment\", which reveals Michael Bay's plans for in the series. At Target, the DVD and Blu-ray versions includes a transformable Bumblebee case. Both two-disc editions are the first","Document [18](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) provided the score with Steve Jablonsky. John DiMaggio, who later go on to voice Leadfoot in \"\", voices Sideways and Maj. Lennox. \"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen\" received mixed reviews from critics, with the Xbox 360 version of the game holding a 63.46% at GameRankings and 61 out of 100 at Metacritic. The PlayStation 3 version scored similarly, with a 63.55% at GameRankings and 63 out of 100 at Metacritic. The PC version scored slightly lower at 56% and 58 out of 100, respectively. IGN's Chris Roper gave the game 6 out of 10, saying that it had a \"complete","Document [19](Title: Fallen (Transformers)) engage in a fierce duel. Megatron tries to help his master, but is quickly overpowered and knocked out by Optimus. The Fallen counterattacks Optimus, managing to knock away his sword and rip off one of his rocket thrusters before he attacks Optimus with his scepter, but Optimus viciously retaliates by tearing the Fallen's face off with his own weapon. Realizing that he is losing, the Fallen tries to escape, but Optimus punches through his chest and crushes his spark core, finally killing him. Horrified at his master's demise, a wounded Megatron swears vengeance and flees with Starscream, taking over as","Document [20](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) action figures that fit inside the transforming robots, and non-transforming replicas of the cars that can be used on a race track. Product placement partners on the film include Burger King, 7-Eleven, LG phones, Kmart, Wal-Mart, YouTube, Nike, Inc. and M&M's, as well as Jollibee in the Philippines. General Motors' financial troubles limited its involvement in promotion of the sequel, although Paramount acknowledged with or without GM, their marketing campaign was still very large and had the foundation of the 2007 film's success. Kyle Busch drove a \"Revenge of the Fallen\" decorated car at Infineon Raceway on June 21, 2009,"],"query":"who dies in transformers revenge of the fallen?","answers":["Ravage and the Decepticon Rampage","Jetfire"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) the orders of an ancient Decepticon named The Fallen, who seeks to get revenge on Earth by finding and activating a machine that would provide the Decepticons with an energon source, destroying the Sun and all life on Earth in the process. Returning Transformers include Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Ratchet, Megatron, Starscream, and Scorponok. With deadlines jeopardized by possible strikes by the Directors Guild of America and the Screen Actors Guild, Bay managed to finish the production on time with the help of previsualization and a scriptment by his writers David Marconi, Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, and series newcomer Ehren","Document [2](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) the Fallen, who orders him to capture Sam alive and kill Optimus, as he is the only Transformer who can defeat the Fallen. After killing Alice, a Decepticon Pretender disguised as a college student, Sam, Mikaela and his college roommate, Leo are captured by the Decepticon Grindor and taken to an abandoned factory. Megatron reveals that the symbols in Sam's mind will lead the Decepticons to a new Energon source before Optimus and Bumblebee arrive to rescue the trio. Optimus engages Megatron, Starscream, and Grindor; though Optimus injures Starscream by cutting his arm off and killing Grindor, Megatron kills Optimus","Document [3](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) in a Visual Effects Driven Feature Motion Picture, a SAG Award for Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble, and an MTV Movie Award for Best WTF Moment (Isabel Lucas turning into a Decepticon). Shia LaBeouf, the film and Megan Fox was nominated for a Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards for Favorite Movie Actor, Favorite Movie and Favorite Movie Actress, but all lost to Taylor Lautner, \"\" and Miley Cyrus, respectively. On the other hand, it was nominated for seven Razzie Awards including Worst Actress for Megan Fox (also for \"Jennifer's Body\"), Worst Supporting Actress for Julie White, Worst Screen Couple (for","Document [4](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a 2009 American science fiction action film directed by Michael Bay and based on the Transformers toy line. It is the sequel to 2007's \"Transformers\", as well as the second installment in the live-action \"Transformers\" film series. Taking place two years after its predecessor, the plot revolves around Sam Witwicky, who is caught in the war between two factions of alien robots, the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime and the Decepticons, led by Megatron. Sam is having strange visions of Cybertronian symbols, and being hunted by the Decepticons under","Document [5](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) and the Autobots land near the Giza pyramid complex but are attacked by a large force of Decepticons. During the battle, many Constructicons combine to form Devastator, who destroys one of the pyramids to reveal the Sun Harvester inside, before he is killed by a destroyer's railgun called in by Simmons. Ravage and the Decepticon Rampage attempt to spring a trap with Sam's captured parents as bait, in order to force Sam to give them the Matrix, but Bumblebee interferes and kills them both. Major William Lennox and Master Sergeant Robert Epps call in an airstrike, which kills a majority","Document [6](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) by impaling him through the chest, destroying his spark. The other Autobots arrive and repel the Decepticons, forcing Megatron and Starscream to retreat. The Decepticons launch devastating simultaneous attacks around the world, destroying ships in the Second Fleet and damaging Paris. The Fallen hijacks Earth's telecommunications systems, demanding that Sam be handed to him. Sam, Mikaela, and Leo enlist the help of former Sector Seven agent, Seymour Simmons, who reveals that the Transformers visited Earth eons ago and the most ancient, known as Seekers, remained on Earth, hiding in secret. With help from Wheelie, they track down a Decepticon Seeker","Document [7](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) two Decepticons, Demolisher and Sideways. Sideways is killed by the Autobot Sideswipe, while Optimus Prime kills Demolisher, but not before he warns them of the Fallen's return. At NEST's secure headquarters in Diego Garcia, National Security Adviser Theodore Galloway concludes the Decepticons are still on Earth to hunt the Autobots, since Megatron's corpse is at the bottom of the Laurentian Abyss and the last-known AllSpark shard is secured in the base. Soundwave hacks into a military satellite, overhears the information, and sends Ravage to retrieve the shard. Meanwhile, Sam Witwicky is preparing to attend college, leaving his girlfriend Mikaela Banes","Document [8](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line)) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line) Pictures of the first \"Revenge of the Fallen\" toys started to appear in on the internet in late 2008. Hasbro files for a trademark on the name \"Revenge of the Fallen\" as a toy line in May 2008. The toy line continued on mid-2010 simply as \"Transformers\" (also known as \"Hunt for the Decepticons\"). MechAlive is a feature available on selected Deluxe, Voyager and Leader Class figures, as well as Combiner Class Constructicon Devastator. Characteristics of this feature include visible moving gears in the character's body and parts that move independently during transformation","Document [9](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) counterpart with a few exceptions. Hugo Weaving, who voices Megatron in the live action films, does not voice Megatron in the game. Instead Frank Welker, who voiced Megatron in \"The Transformers\" animated series returns to voice the character. Devastator, who was voiced by Welker in the film, is voiced by Fred Tatasciore in the game. The game features Neil Kaplan, the voice of Optimus Prime in the series \"\". Kaplan does not voice Prime, but instead voices the character Long Haul as well as additional minor characters. Electronic rock band Julien-K, who contributed one track to the first movie's ,","Document [10](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a third-person shooter video game based on the 2009 live action film \"\". The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions were developed by Luxoflux, and ported to Microsoft Windows by Beenox. The PlayStation 2 and Wii versions were developed by Krome Studios, and the PlayStation Portable version was developed by Savage Entertainment. The game was released on June 23, 2009 in the United States. Australia received the game one day later, and Europe on June 26. The series of games loosely follow the plot of their movie","Document [11](Title: Fallen (Transformers)) the new leader. The Fallen (voiced by James Arnold Taylor) appears in the official game adaptation of the film. He is not a playable character, but is the final boss of both campaigns, except in the Nintendo DS\/Nintendo Wii versions where the final boss is Optimus Prime or Megatron. Megatronus is one of the Thirteen Primes in \"\" and \"\". He is called \"The Fallen\" at times, but never addressed as such when he actually appears. This version of Megatronus bears a striking resemblance to \"Generation 1\" Galvatron and transforms into a tank that resembles the tank mode of Shockwave's","Document [12](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) record his score with a 71-piece ensemble of the Hollywood Studio Symphony at the Sony Scoring Stage. Jablonsky and his score producer Hans Zimmer composed various interpretations of a song by Linkin Park called \"New Divide\" for the score. An additional $150 million was spent to market the film globally. Hasbro's included new molds of new and returning characters, as well as 2007 figures with new mold elements or new paint schemes. The first wave was released on May 30, although Bumblebee and Soundwave debuted beforehand. The second wave came in August 2009, which introduced toys such as 2\u00bc-inch human","Document [13](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) and Starscream observe the creation of a massive Decepticon army now under their control. PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 developer Luxoflux updated the transformation system of the game to allow for more fluid transforming of the robots. Players can now transform in mid-air, carry over momentum gained prior to transforming, and transform directly into attacks. It features online play and downloadable content, announced on July 15, 2009. New features include the following: new multiplayer characters, including versions of characters and new liveries; new multiplayer maps; the ability to use new characters in the campaign; an expert difficulty mode; and new","Document [14](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) the first film, originally passed on the opportunity to write a sequel due to schedule conflicts. The studio began courting other writers in May 2007, but were unimpressed with other pitches and eventually convinced Orci and Kurtzman to return. The studio also hired Ehren Kruger, who had impressed Bay and Hasbro president Brian Goldner with his knowledge of the \"Transformers\" mythology. The writing trio were paid $8 million. Screenwriting was interrupted by the 2007\u201308 Writers Guild of America strike, but to avoid production delays, the writers spent two weeks writing a treatment, which they handed in the night before the","Document [15](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line)) selected store franchises. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line) Pictures of the first \"Revenge of the Fallen\" toys started to appear in on the internet in late 2008. Hasbro files for a trademark on the name \"Revenge of the Fallen\" as a toy line in May 2008. The toy line continued on mid-2010 simply as \"Transformers\" (also known as \"Hunt for the Decepticons\"). MechAlive is a feature available on selected Deluxe, Voyager and Leader Class figures, as well as Combiner Class Constructicon Devastator. Characteristics of this feature include visible moving gears in the character's body and parts that move","Document [16](Title: Transformers (film series)) was released, producer DeSanto had \"a very cool idea\" to introduce the Dinobots, while Bay was interested in an aircraft carrier, which was dropped from the 2007 film. Orci claimed they did not incorporate these characters into \"Revenge of the Fallen\" because they could not think of a way to justify the Dinobots' choice of form, and were unable to fit in the aircraft carrier. Orci also admitted he was also dismissive of the Dinobots because he does not like dinosaurs. \"I recognize I am weird in that department\", he said, but he became fonder of them during filming because","Document [17](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) was released in two-disc Blu-ray and DVD editions, and a single-disc DVD version on October 20, 2009 in North America. Michael Bay has revealed that the Blu-ray release of the film, produced by Charles de Lauzirika, features variable aspect ratio for the scenes shot in IMAX format. A special IMAX edition was available exclusively at Walmart. Home versions include over three hours of bonus content and several interactive features, including \"The AllSpark Experiment\", which reveals Michael Bay's plans for in the series. At Target, the DVD and Blu-ray versions includes a transformable Bumblebee case. Both two-disc editions are the first","Document [18](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) provided the score with Steve Jablonsky. John DiMaggio, who later go on to voice Leadfoot in \"\", voices Sideways and Maj. Lennox. \"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen\" received mixed reviews from critics, with the Xbox 360 version of the game holding a 63.46% at GameRankings and 61 out of 100 at Metacritic. The PlayStation 3 version scored similarly, with a 63.55% at GameRankings and 63 out of 100 at Metacritic. The PC version scored slightly lower at 56% and 58 out of 100, respectively. IGN's Chris Roper gave the game 6 out of 10, saying that it had a \"complete","Document [19](Title: Fallen (Transformers)) engage in a fierce duel. Megatron tries to help his master, but is quickly overpowered and knocked out by Optimus. The Fallen counterattacks Optimus, managing to knock away his sword and rip off one of his rocket thrusters before he attacks Optimus with his scepter, but Optimus viciously retaliates by tearing the Fallen's face off with his own weapon. Realizing that he is losing, the Fallen tries to escape, but Optimus punches through his chest and crushes his spark core, finally killing him. Horrified at his master's demise, a wounded Megatron swears vengeance and flees with Starscream, taking over as","Document [20](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) action figures that fit inside the transforming robots, and non-transforming replicas of the cars that can be used on a race track. Product placement partners on the film include Burger King, 7-Eleven, LG phones, Kmart, Wal-Mart, YouTube, Nike, Inc. and M&M's, as well as Jollibee in the Philippines. General Motors' financial troubles limited its involvement in promotion of the sequel, although Paramount acknowledged with or without GM, their marketing campaign was still very large and had the foundation of the 2007 film's success. Kyle Busch drove a \"Revenge of the Fallen\" decorated car at Infineon Raceway on June 21, 2009,"],"query":"who dies in transformers revenge of the fallen?","answers":["Ravage and the Decepticon Rampage","Jetfire"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) the orders of an ancient Decepticon named The Fallen, who seeks to get revenge on Earth by finding and activating a machine that would provide the Decepticons with an energon source, destroying the Sun and all life on Earth in the process. Returning Transformers include Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Ratchet, Megatron, Starscream, and Scorponok. With deadlines jeopardized by possible strikes by the Directors Guild of America and the Screen Actors Guild, Bay managed to finish the production on time with the help of previsualization and a scriptment by his writers David Marconi, Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, and series newcomer Ehren","Document [2](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) the Fallen, who orders him to capture Sam alive and kill Optimus, as he is the only Transformer who can defeat the Fallen. After killing Alice, a Decepticon Pretender disguised as a college student, Sam, Mikaela and his college roommate, Leo are captured by the Decepticon Grindor and taken to an abandoned factory. Megatron reveals that the symbols in Sam's mind will lead the Decepticons to a new Energon source before Optimus and Bumblebee arrive to rescue the trio. Optimus engages Megatron, Starscream, and Grindor; though Optimus injures Starscream by cutting his arm off and killing Grindor, Megatron kills Optimus","Document [3](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) in a Visual Effects Driven Feature Motion Picture, a SAG Award for Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble, and an MTV Movie Award for Best WTF Moment (Isabel Lucas turning into a Decepticon). Shia LaBeouf, the film and Megan Fox was nominated for a Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards for Favorite Movie Actor, Favorite Movie and Favorite Movie Actress, but all lost to Taylor Lautner, \"\" and Miley Cyrus, respectively. On the other hand, it was nominated for seven Razzie Awards including Worst Actress for Megan Fox (also for \"Jennifer's Body\"), Worst Supporting Actress for Julie White, Worst Screen Couple (for","Document [4](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a 2009 American science fiction action film directed by Michael Bay and based on the Transformers toy line. It is the sequel to 2007's \"Transformers\", as well as the second installment in the live-action \"Transformers\" film series. Taking place two years after its predecessor, the plot revolves around Sam Witwicky, who is caught in the war between two factions of alien robots, the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime and the Decepticons, led by Megatron. Sam is having strange visions of Cybertronian symbols, and being hunted by the Decepticons under","Document [5](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) by impaling him through the chest, destroying his spark. The other Autobots arrive and repel the Decepticons, forcing Megatron and Starscream to retreat. The Decepticons launch devastating simultaneous attacks around the world, destroying ships in the Second Fleet and damaging Paris. The Fallen hijacks Earth's telecommunications systems, demanding that Sam be handed to him. Sam, Mikaela, and Leo enlist the help of former Sector Seven agent, Seymour Simmons, who reveals that the Transformers visited Earth eons ago and the most ancient, known as Seekers, remained on Earth, hiding in secret. With help from Wheelie, they track down a Decepticon Seeker","Document [6](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) two Decepticons, Demolisher and Sideways. Sideways is killed by the Autobot Sideswipe, while Optimus Prime kills Demolisher, but not before he warns them of the Fallen's return. At NEST's secure headquarters in Diego Garcia, National Security Adviser Theodore Galloway concludes the Decepticons are still on Earth to hunt the Autobots, since Megatron's corpse is at the bottom of the Laurentian Abyss and the last-known AllSpark shard is secured in the base. Soundwave hacks into a military satellite, overhears the information, and sends Ravage to retrieve the shard. Meanwhile, Sam Witwicky is preparing to attend college, leaving his girlfriend Mikaela Banes","Document [7](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line)) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line) Pictures of the first \"Revenge of the Fallen\" toys started to appear in on the internet in late 2008. Hasbro files for a trademark on the name \"Revenge of the Fallen\" as a toy line in May 2008. The toy line continued on mid-2010 simply as \"Transformers\" (also known as \"Hunt for the Decepticons\"). MechAlive is a feature available on selected Deluxe, Voyager and Leader Class figures, as well as Combiner Class Constructicon Devastator. Characteristics of this feature include visible moving gears in the character's body and parts that move independently during transformation","Document [8](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) counterpart with a few exceptions. Hugo Weaving, who voices Megatron in the live action films, does not voice Megatron in the game. Instead Frank Welker, who voiced Megatron in \"The Transformers\" animated series returns to voice the character. Devastator, who was voiced by Welker in the film, is voiced by Fred Tatasciore in the game. The game features Neil Kaplan, the voice of Optimus Prime in the series \"\". Kaplan does not voice Prime, but instead voices the character Long Haul as well as additional minor characters. Electronic rock band Julien-K, who contributed one track to the first movie's ,","Document [9](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a third-person shooter video game based on the 2009 live action film \"\". The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions were developed by Luxoflux, and ported to Microsoft Windows by Beenox. The PlayStation 2 and Wii versions were developed by Krome Studios, and the PlayStation Portable version was developed by Savage Entertainment. The game was released on June 23, 2009 in the United States. Australia received the game one day later, and Europe on June 26. The series of games loosely follow the plot of their movie","Document [10](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) and the Autobots land near the Giza pyramid complex but are attacked by a large force of Decepticons. During the battle, many Constructicons combine to form Devastator, who destroys one of the pyramids to reveal the Sun Harvester inside, before he is killed by a destroyer's railgun called in by Simmons. Ravage and the Decepticon Rampage attempt to spring a trap with Sam's captured parents as bait, in order to force Sam to give them the Matrix, but Bumblebee interferes and kills them both. Major William Lennox and Master Sergeant Robert Epps call in an airstrike, which kills a majority","Document [11](Title: Fallen (Transformers)) the new leader. The Fallen (voiced by James Arnold Taylor) appears in the official game adaptation of the film. He is not a playable character, but is the final boss of both campaigns, except in the Nintendo DS\/Nintendo Wii versions where the final boss is Optimus Prime or Megatron. Megatronus is one of the Thirteen Primes in \"\" and \"\". He is called \"The Fallen\" at times, but never addressed as such when he actually appears. This version of Megatronus bears a striking resemblance to \"Generation 1\" Galvatron and transforms into a tank that resembles the tank mode of Shockwave's","Document [12](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) record his score with a 71-piece ensemble of the Hollywood Studio Symphony at the Sony Scoring Stage. Jablonsky and his score producer Hans Zimmer composed various interpretations of a song by Linkin Park called \"New Divide\" for the score. An additional $150 million was spent to market the film globally. Hasbro's included new molds of new and returning characters, as well as 2007 figures with new mold elements or new paint schemes. The first wave was released on May 30, although Bumblebee and Soundwave debuted beforehand. The second wave came in August 2009, which introduced toys such as 2\u00bc-inch human","Document [13](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) and Starscream observe the creation of a massive Decepticon army now under their control. PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 developer Luxoflux updated the transformation system of the game to allow for more fluid transforming of the robots. Players can now transform in mid-air, carry over momentum gained prior to transforming, and transform directly into attacks. It features online play and downloadable content, announced on July 15, 2009. New features include the following: new multiplayer characters, including versions of characters and new liveries; new multiplayer maps; the ability to use new characters in the campaign; an expert difficulty mode; and new","Document [14](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) the first film, originally passed on the opportunity to write a sequel due to schedule conflicts. The studio began courting other writers in May 2007, but were unimpressed with other pitches and eventually convinced Orci and Kurtzman to return. The studio also hired Ehren Kruger, who had impressed Bay and Hasbro president Brian Goldner with his knowledge of the \"Transformers\" mythology. The writing trio were paid $8 million. Screenwriting was interrupted by the 2007\u201308 Writers Guild of America strike, but to avoid production delays, the writers spent two weeks writing a treatment, which they handed in the night before the","Document [15](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line)) selected store franchises. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line) Pictures of the first \"Revenge of the Fallen\" toys started to appear in on the internet in late 2008. Hasbro files for a trademark on the name \"Revenge of the Fallen\" as a toy line in May 2008. The toy line continued on mid-2010 simply as \"Transformers\" (also known as \"Hunt for the Decepticons\"). MechAlive is a feature available on selected Deluxe, Voyager and Leader Class figures, as well as Combiner Class Constructicon Devastator. Characteristics of this feature include visible moving gears in the character's body and parts that move","Document [16](Title: Transformers (film series)) was released, producer DeSanto had \"a very cool idea\" to introduce the Dinobots, while Bay was interested in an aircraft carrier, which was dropped from the 2007 film. Orci claimed they did not incorporate these characters into \"Revenge of the Fallen\" because they could not think of a way to justify the Dinobots' choice of form, and were unable to fit in the aircraft carrier. Orci also admitted he was also dismissive of the Dinobots because he does not like dinosaurs. \"I recognize I am weird in that department\", he said, but he became fonder of them during filming because","Document [17](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) was released in two-disc Blu-ray and DVD editions, and a single-disc DVD version on October 20, 2009 in North America. Michael Bay has revealed that the Blu-ray release of the film, produced by Charles de Lauzirika, features variable aspect ratio for the scenes shot in IMAX format. A special IMAX edition was available exclusively at Walmart. Home versions include over three hours of bonus content and several interactive features, including \"The AllSpark Experiment\", which reveals Michael Bay's plans for in the series. At Target, the DVD and Blu-ray versions includes a transformable Bumblebee case. Both two-disc editions are the first","Document [18](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) provided the score with Steve Jablonsky. John DiMaggio, who later go on to voice Leadfoot in \"\", voices Sideways and Maj. Lennox. \"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen\" received mixed reviews from critics, with the Xbox 360 version of the game holding a 63.46% at GameRankings and 61 out of 100 at Metacritic. The PlayStation 3 version scored similarly, with a 63.55% at GameRankings and 63 out of 100 at Metacritic. The PC version scored slightly lower at 56% and 58 out of 100, respectively. IGN's Chris Roper gave the game 6 out of 10, saying that it had a \"complete","Document [19](Title: Fallen (Transformers)) engage in a fierce duel. Megatron tries to help his master, but is quickly overpowered and knocked out by Optimus. The Fallen counterattacks Optimus, managing to knock away his sword and rip off one of his rocket thrusters before he attacks Optimus with his scepter, but Optimus viciously retaliates by tearing the Fallen's face off with his own weapon. Realizing that he is losing, the Fallen tries to escape, but Optimus punches through his chest and crushes his spark core, finally killing him. Horrified at his master's demise, a wounded Megatron swears vengeance and flees with Starscream, taking over as","Document [20](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) action figures that fit inside the transforming robots, and non-transforming replicas of the cars that can be used on a race track. Product placement partners on the film include Burger King, 7-Eleven, LG phones, Kmart, Wal-Mart, YouTube, Nike, Inc. and M&M's, as well as Jollibee in the Philippines. General Motors' financial troubles limited its involvement in promotion of the sequel, although Paramount acknowledged with or without GM, their marketing campaign was still very large and had the foundation of the 2007 film's success. Kyle Busch drove a \"Revenge of the Fallen\" decorated car at Infineon Raceway on June 21, 2009,"],"query":"who dies in transformers revenge of the fallen?","answers":["Ravage and the Decepticon Rampage","Jetfire"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) the orders of an ancient Decepticon named The Fallen, who seeks to get revenge on Earth by finding and activating a machine that would provide the Decepticons with an energon source, destroying the Sun and all life on Earth in the process. Returning Transformers include Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Ratchet, Megatron, Starscream, and Scorponok. With deadlines jeopardized by possible strikes by the Directors Guild of America and the Screen Actors Guild, Bay managed to finish the production on time with the help of previsualization and a scriptment by his writers David Marconi, Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, and series newcomer Ehren","Document [2](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) the Fallen, who orders him to capture Sam alive and kill Optimus, as he is the only Transformer who can defeat the Fallen. After killing Alice, a Decepticon Pretender disguised as a college student, Sam, Mikaela and his college roommate, Leo are captured by the Decepticon Grindor and taken to an abandoned factory. Megatron reveals that the symbols in Sam's mind will lead the Decepticons to a new Energon source before Optimus and Bumblebee arrive to rescue the trio. Optimus engages Megatron, Starscream, and Grindor; though Optimus injures Starscream by cutting his arm off and killing Grindor, Megatron kills Optimus","Document [3](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) in a Visual Effects Driven Feature Motion Picture, a SAG Award for Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble, and an MTV Movie Award for Best WTF Moment (Isabel Lucas turning into a Decepticon). Shia LaBeouf, the film and Megan Fox was nominated for a Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards for Favorite Movie Actor, Favorite Movie and Favorite Movie Actress, but all lost to Taylor Lautner, \"\" and Miley Cyrus, respectively. On the other hand, it was nominated for seven Razzie Awards including Worst Actress for Megan Fox (also for \"Jennifer's Body\"), Worst Supporting Actress for Julie White, Worst Screen Couple (for","Document [4](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a 2009 American science fiction action film directed by Michael Bay and based on the Transformers toy line. It is the sequel to 2007's \"Transformers\", as well as the second installment in the live-action \"Transformers\" film series. Taking place two years after its predecessor, the plot revolves around Sam Witwicky, who is caught in the war between two factions of alien robots, the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime and the Decepticons, led by Megatron. Sam is having strange visions of Cybertronian symbols, and being hunted by the Decepticons under","Document [5](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) by impaling him through the chest, destroying his spark. The other Autobots arrive and repel the Decepticons, forcing Megatron and Starscream to retreat. The Decepticons launch devastating simultaneous attacks around the world, destroying ships in the Second Fleet and damaging Paris. The Fallen hijacks Earth's telecommunications systems, demanding that Sam be handed to him. Sam, Mikaela, and Leo enlist the help of former Sector Seven agent, Seymour Simmons, who reveals that the Transformers visited Earth eons ago and the most ancient, known as Seekers, remained on Earth, hiding in secret. With help from Wheelie, they track down a Decepticon Seeker","Document [6](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) two Decepticons, Demolisher and Sideways. Sideways is killed by the Autobot Sideswipe, while Optimus Prime kills Demolisher, but not before he warns them of the Fallen's return. At NEST's secure headquarters in Diego Garcia, National Security Adviser Theodore Galloway concludes the Decepticons are still on Earth to hunt the Autobots, since Megatron's corpse is at the bottom of the Laurentian Abyss and the last-known AllSpark shard is secured in the base. Soundwave hacks into a military satellite, overhears the information, and sends Ravage to retrieve the shard. Meanwhile, Sam Witwicky is preparing to attend college, leaving his girlfriend Mikaela Banes","Document [7](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line)) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line) Pictures of the first \"Revenge of the Fallen\" toys started to appear in on the internet in late 2008. Hasbro files for a trademark on the name \"Revenge of the Fallen\" as a toy line in May 2008. The toy line continued on mid-2010 simply as \"Transformers\" (also known as \"Hunt for the Decepticons\"). MechAlive is a feature available on selected Deluxe, Voyager and Leader Class figures, as well as Combiner Class Constructicon Devastator. Characteristics of this feature include visible moving gears in the character's body and parts that move independently during transformation","Document [8](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) counterpart with a few exceptions. Hugo Weaving, who voices Megatron in the live action films, does not voice Megatron in the game. Instead Frank Welker, who voiced Megatron in \"The Transformers\" animated series returns to voice the character. Devastator, who was voiced by Welker in the film, is voiced by Fred Tatasciore in the game. The game features Neil Kaplan, the voice of Optimus Prime in the series \"\". Kaplan does not voice Prime, but instead voices the character Long Haul as well as additional minor characters. Electronic rock band Julien-K, who contributed one track to the first movie's ,","Document [9](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a third-person shooter video game based on the 2009 live action film \"\". The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions were developed by Luxoflux, and ported to Microsoft Windows by Beenox. The PlayStation 2 and Wii versions were developed by Krome Studios, and the PlayStation Portable version was developed by Savage Entertainment. The game was released on June 23, 2009 in the United States. Australia received the game one day later, and Europe on June 26. The series of games loosely follow the plot of their movie","Document [10](Title: Fallen (Transformers)) the new leader. The Fallen (voiced by James Arnold Taylor) appears in the official game adaptation of the film. He is not a playable character, but is the final boss of both campaigns, except in the Nintendo DS\/Nintendo Wii versions where the final boss is Optimus Prime or Megatron. Megatronus is one of the Thirteen Primes in \"\" and \"\". He is called \"The Fallen\" at times, but never addressed as such when he actually appears. This version of Megatronus bears a striking resemblance to \"Generation 1\" Galvatron and transforms into a tank that resembles the tank mode of Shockwave's","Document [11](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) record his score with a 71-piece ensemble of the Hollywood Studio Symphony at the Sony Scoring Stage. Jablonsky and his score producer Hans Zimmer composed various interpretations of a song by Linkin Park called \"New Divide\" for the score. An additional $150 million was spent to market the film globally. Hasbro's included new molds of new and returning characters, as well as 2007 figures with new mold elements or new paint schemes. The first wave was released on May 30, although Bumblebee and Soundwave debuted beforehand. The second wave came in August 2009, which introduced toys such as 2\u00bc-inch human","Document [12](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) and Starscream observe the creation of a massive Decepticon army now under their control. PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 developer Luxoflux updated the transformation system of the game to allow for more fluid transforming of the robots. Players can now transform in mid-air, carry over momentum gained prior to transforming, and transform directly into attacks. It features online play and downloadable content, announced on July 15, 2009. New features include the following: new multiplayer characters, including versions of characters and new liveries; new multiplayer maps; the ability to use new characters in the campaign; an expert difficulty mode; and new","Document [13](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) the first film, originally passed on the opportunity to write a sequel due to schedule conflicts. The studio began courting other writers in May 2007, but were unimpressed with other pitches and eventually convinced Orci and Kurtzman to return. The studio also hired Ehren Kruger, who had impressed Bay and Hasbro president Brian Goldner with his knowledge of the \"Transformers\" mythology. The writing trio were paid $8 million. Screenwriting was interrupted by the 2007\u201308 Writers Guild of America strike, but to avoid production delays, the writers spent two weeks writing a treatment, which they handed in the night before the","Document [14](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line)) selected store franchises. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line) Pictures of the first \"Revenge of the Fallen\" toys started to appear in on the internet in late 2008. Hasbro files for a trademark on the name \"Revenge of the Fallen\" as a toy line in May 2008. The toy line continued on mid-2010 simply as \"Transformers\" (also known as \"Hunt for the Decepticons\"). MechAlive is a feature available on selected Deluxe, Voyager and Leader Class figures, as well as Combiner Class Constructicon Devastator. Characteristics of this feature include visible moving gears in the character's body and parts that move","Document [15](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) and the Autobots land near the Giza pyramid complex but are attacked by a large force of Decepticons. During the battle, many Constructicons combine to form Devastator, who destroys one of the pyramids to reveal the Sun Harvester inside, before he is killed by a destroyer's railgun called in by Simmons. Ravage and the Decepticon Rampage attempt to spring a trap with Sam's captured parents as bait, in order to force Sam to give them the Matrix, but Bumblebee interferes and kills them both. Major William Lennox and Master Sergeant Robert Epps call in an airstrike, which kills a majority","Document [16](Title: Transformers (film series)) was released, producer DeSanto had \"a very cool idea\" to introduce the Dinobots, while Bay was interested in an aircraft carrier, which was dropped from the 2007 film. Orci claimed they did not incorporate these characters into \"Revenge of the Fallen\" because they could not think of a way to justify the Dinobots' choice of form, and were unable to fit in the aircraft carrier. Orci also admitted he was also dismissive of the Dinobots because he does not like dinosaurs. \"I recognize I am weird in that department\", he said, but he became fonder of them during filming because","Document [17](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) was released in two-disc Blu-ray and DVD editions, and a single-disc DVD version on October 20, 2009 in North America. Michael Bay has revealed that the Blu-ray release of the film, produced by Charles de Lauzirika, features variable aspect ratio for the scenes shot in IMAX format. A special IMAX edition was available exclusively at Walmart. Home versions include over three hours of bonus content and several interactive features, including \"The AllSpark Experiment\", which reveals Michael Bay's plans for in the series. At Target, the DVD and Blu-ray versions includes a transformable Bumblebee case. Both two-disc editions are the first","Document [18](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) provided the score with Steve Jablonsky. John DiMaggio, who later go on to voice Leadfoot in \"\", voices Sideways and Maj. Lennox. \"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen\" received mixed reviews from critics, with the Xbox 360 version of the game holding a 63.46% at GameRankings and 61 out of 100 at Metacritic. The PlayStation 3 version scored similarly, with a 63.55% at GameRankings and 63 out of 100 at Metacritic. The PC version scored slightly lower at 56% and 58 out of 100, respectively. IGN's Chris Roper gave the game 6 out of 10, saying that it had a \"complete","Document [19](Title: Fallen (Transformers)) engage in a fierce duel. Megatron tries to help his master, but is quickly overpowered and knocked out by Optimus. The Fallen counterattacks Optimus, managing to knock away his sword and rip off one of his rocket thrusters before he attacks Optimus with his scepter, but Optimus viciously retaliates by tearing the Fallen's face off with his own weapon. Realizing that he is losing, the Fallen tries to escape, but Optimus punches through his chest and crushes his spark core, finally killing him. Horrified at his master's demise, a wounded Megatron swears vengeance and flees with Starscream, taking over as","Document [20](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) action figures that fit inside the transforming robots, and non-transforming replicas of the cars that can be used on a race track. Product placement partners on the film include Burger King, 7-Eleven, LG phones, Kmart, Wal-Mart, YouTube, Nike, Inc. and M&M's, as well as Jollibee in the Philippines. General Motors' financial troubles limited its involvement in promotion of the sequel, although Paramount acknowledged with or without GM, their marketing campaign was still very large and had the foundation of the 2007 film's success. Kyle Busch drove a \"Revenge of the Fallen\" decorated car at Infineon Raceway on June 21, 2009,"],"query":"who dies in transformers revenge of the fallen?","answers":["Ravage and the Decepticon Rampage","Jetfire"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) the orders of an ancient Decepticon named The Fallen, who seeks to get revenge on Earth by finding and activating a machine that would provide the Decepticons with an energon source, destroying the Sun and all life on Earth in the process. Returning Transformers include Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Ratchet, Megatron, Starscream, and Scorponok. With deadlines jeopardized by possible strikes by the Directors Guild of America and the Screen Actors Guild, Bay managed to finish the production on time with the help of previsualization and a scriptment by his writers David Marconi, Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, and series newcomer Ehren","Document [2](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) the Fallen, who orders him to capture Sam alive and kill Optimus, as he is the only Transformer who can defeat the Fallen. After killing Alice, a Decepticon Pretender disguised as a college student, Sam, Mikaela and his college roommate, Leo are captured by the Decepticon Grindor and taken to an abandoned factory. Megatron reveals that the symbols in Sam's mind will lead the Decepticons to a new Energon source before Optimus and Bumblebee arrive to rescue the trio. Optimus engages Megatron, Starscream, and Grindor; though Optimus injures Starscream by cutting his arm off and killing Grindor, Megatron kills Optimus","Document [3](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) in a Visual Effects Driven Feature Motion Picture, a SAG Award for Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble, and an MTV Movie Award for Best WTF Moment (Isabel Lucas turning into a Decepticon). Shia LaBeouf, the film and Megan Fox was nominated for a Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards for Favorite Movie Actor, Favorite Movie and Favorite Movie Actress, but all lost to Taylor Lautner, \"\" and Miley Cyrus, respectively. On the other hand, it was nominated for seven Razzie Awards including Worst Actress for Megan Fox (also for \"Jennifer's Body\"), Worst Supporting Actress for Julie White, Worst Screen Couple (for","Document [4](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a 2009 American science fiction action film directed by Michael Bay and based on the Transformers toy line. It is the sequel to 2007's \"Transformers\", as well as the second installment in the live-action \"Transformers\" film series. Taking place two years after its predecessor, the plot revolves around Sam Witwicky, who is caught in the war between two factions of alien robots, the Autobots, led by Optimus Prime and the Decepticons, led by Megatron. Sam is having strange visions of Cybertronian symbols, and being hunted by the Decepticons under","Document [5](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) by impaling him through the chest, destroying his spark. The other Autobots arrive and repel the Decepticons, forcing Megatron and Starscream to retreat. The Decepticons launch devastating simultaneous attacks around the world, destroying ships in the Second Fleet and damaging Paris. The Fallen hijacks Earth's telecommunications systems, demanding that Sam be handed to him. Sam, Mikaela, and Leo enlist the help of former Sector Seven agent, Seymour Simmons, who reveals that the Transformers visited Earth eons ago and the most ancient, known as Seekers, remained on Earth, hiding in secret. With help from Wheelie, they track down a Decepticon Seeker","Document [6](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) two Decepticons, Demolisher and Sideways. Sideways is killed by the Autobot Sideswipe, while Optimus Prime kills Demolisher, but not before he warns them of the Fallen's return. At NEST's secure headquarters in Diego Garcia, National Security Adviser Theodore Galloway concludes the Decepticons are still on Earth to hunt the Autobots, since Megatron's corpse is at the bottom of the Laurentian Abyss and the last-known AllSpark shard is secured in the base. Soundwave hacks into a military satellite, overhears the information, and sends Ravage to retrieve the shard. Meanwhile, Sam Witwicky is preparing to attend college, leaving his girlfriend Mikaela Banes","Document [7](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line)) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line) Pictures of the first \"Revenge of the Fallen\" toys started to appear in on the internet in late 2008. Hasbro files for a trademark on the name \"Revenge of the Fallen\" as a toy line in May 2008. The toy line continued on mid-2010 simply as \"Transformers\" (also known as \"Hunt for the Decepticons\"). MechAlive is a feature available on selected Deluxe, Voyager and Leader Class figures, as well as Combiner Class Constructicon Devastator. Characteristics of this feature include visible moving gears in the character's body and parts that move independently during transformation","Document [8](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) counterpart with a few exceptions. Hugo Weaving, who voices Megatron in the live action films, does not voice Megatron in the game. Instead Frank Welker, who voiced Megatron in \"The Transformers\" animated series returns to voice the character. Devastator, who was voiced by Welker in the film, is voiced by Fred Tatasciore in the game. The game features Neil Kaplan, the voice of Optimus Prime in the series \"\". Kaplan does not voice Prime, but instead voices the character Long Haul as well as additional minor characters. Electronic rock band Julien-K, who contributed one track to the first movie's ,","Document [9](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is a third-person shooter video game based on the 2009 live action film \"\". The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions were developed by Luxoflux, and ported to Microsoft Windows by Beenox. The PlayStation 2 and Wii versions were developed by Krome Studios, and the PlayStation Portable version was developed by Savage Entertainment. The game was released on June 23, 2009 in the United States. Australia received the game one day later, and Europe on June 26. The series of games loosely follow the plot of their movie","Document [10](Title: Fallen (Transformers)) the new leader. The Fallen (voiced by James Arnold Taylor) appears in the official game adaptation of the film. He is not a playable character, but is the final boss of both campaigns, except in the Nintendo DS\/Nintendo Wii versions where the final boss is Optimus Prime or Megatron. Megatronus is one of the Thirteen Primes in \"\" and \"\". He is called \"The Fallen\" at times, but never addressed as such when he actually appears. This version of Megatronus bears a striking resemblance to \"Generation 1\" Galvatron and transforms into a tank that resembles the tank mode of Shockwave's","Document [11](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) record his score with a 71-piece ensemble of the Hollywood Studio Symphony at the Sony Scoring Stage. Jablonsky and his score producer Hans Zimmer composed various interpretations of a song by Linkin Park called \"New Divide\" for the score. An additional $150 million was spent to market the film globally. Hasbro's included new molds of new and returning characters, as well as 2007 figures with new mold elements or new paint schemes. The first wave was released on May 30, although Bumblebee and Soundwave debuted beforehand. The second wave came in August 2009, which introduced toys such as 2\u00bc-inch human","Document [12](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) and Starscream observe the creation of a massive Decepticon army now under their control. PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 developer Luxoflux updated the transformation system of the game to allow for more fluid transforming of the robots. Players can now transform in mid-air, carry over momentum gained prior to transforming, and transform directly into attacks. It features online play and downloadable content, announced on July 15, 2009. New features include the following: new multiplayer characters, including versions of characters and new liveries; new multiplayer maps; the ability to use new characters in the campaign; an expert difficulty mode; and new","Document [13](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) the first film, originally passed on the opportunity to write a sequel due to schedule conflicts. The studio began courting other writers in May 2007, but were unimpressed with other pitches and eventually convinced Orci and Kurtzman to return. The studio also hired Ehren Kruger, who had impressed Bay and Hasbro president Brian Goldner with his knowledge of the \"Transformers\" mythology. The writing trio were paid $8 million. Screenwriting was interrupted by the 2007\u201308 Writers Guild of America strike, but to avoid production delays, the writers spent two weeks writing a treatment, which they handed in the night before the","Document [14](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line)) selected store franchises. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (toy line) Pictures of the first \"Revenge of the Fallen\" toys started to appear in on the internet in late 2008. Hasbro files for a trademark on the name \"Revenge of the Fallen\" as a toy line in May 2008. The toy line continued on mid-2010 simply as \"Transformers\" (also known as \"Hunt for the Decepticons\"). MechAlive is a feature available on selected Deluxe, Voyager and Leader Class figures, as well as Combiner Class Constructicon Devastator. Characteristics of this feature include visible moving gears in the character's body and parts that move","Document [15](Title: Transformers (film series)) was released, producer DeSanto had \"a very cool idea\" to introduce the Dinobots, while Bay was interested in an aircraft carrier, which was dropped from the 2007 film. Orci claimed they did not incorporate these characters into \"Revenge of the Fallen\" because they could not think of a way to justify the Dinobots' choice of form, and were unable to fit in the aircraft carrier. Orci also admitted he was also dismissive of the Dinobots because he does not like dinosaurs. \"I recognize I am weird in that department\", he said, but he became fonder of them during filming because","Document [16](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) was released in two-disc Blu-ray and DVD editions, and a single-disc DVD version on October 20, 2009 in North America. Michael Bay has revealed that the Blu-ray release of the film, produced by Charles de Lauzirika, features variable aspect ratio for the scenes shot in IMAX format. A special IMAX edition was available exclusively at Walmart. Home versions include over three hours of bonus content and several interactive features, including \"The AllSpark Experiment\", which reveals Michael Bay's plans for in the series. At Target, the DVD and Blu-ray versions includes a transformable Bumblebee case. Both two-disc editions are the first","Document [17](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (video game)) provided the score with Steve Jablonsky. John DiMaggio, who later go on to voice Leadfoot in \"\", voices Sideways and Maj. Lennox. \"Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen\" received mixed reviews from critics, with the Xbox 360 version of the game holding a 63.46% at GameRankings and 61 out of 100 at Metacritic. The PlayStation 3 version scored similarly, with a 63.55% at GameRankings and 63 out of 100 at Metacritic. The PC version scored slightly lower at 56% and 58 out of 100, respectively. IGN's Chris Roper gave the game 6 out of 10, saying that it had a \"complete","Document [18](Title: Fallen (Transformers)) engage in a fierce duel. Megatron tries to help his master, but is quickly overpowered and knocked out by Optimus. The Fallen counterattacks Optimus, managing to knock away his sword and rip off one of his rocket thrusters before he attacks Optimus with his scepter, but Optimus viciously retaliates by tearing the Fallen's face off with his own weapon. Realizing that he is losing, the Fallen tries to escape, but Optimus punches through his chest and crushes his spark core, finally killing him. Horrified at his master's demise, a wounded Megatron swears vengeance and flees with Starscream, taking over as","Document [19](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) action figures that fit inside the transforming robots, and non-transforming replicas of the cars that can be used on a race track. Product placement partners on the film include Burger King, 7-Eleven, LG phones, Kmart, Wal-Mart, YouTube, Nike, Inc. and M&M's, as well as Jollibee in the Philippines. General Motors' financial troubles limited its involvement in promotion of the sequel, although Paramount acknowledged with or without GM, their marketing campaign was still very large and had the foundation of the 2007 film's success. Kyle Busch drove a \"Revenge of the Fallen\" decorated car at Infineon Raceway on June 21, 2009,","Document [20](Title: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) and the Autobots land near the Giza pyramid complex but are attacked by a large force of Decepticons. During the battle, many Constructicons combine to form Devastator, who destroys one of the pyramids to reveal the Sun Harvester inside, before he is killed by a destroyer's railgun called in by Simmons. Ravage and the Decepticon Rampage attempt to spring a trap with Sam's captured parents as bait, in order to force Sam to give them the Matrix, but Bumblebee interferes and kills them both. Major William Lennox and Master Sergeant Robert Epps call in an airstrike, which kills a majority"],"query":"who dies in transformers revenge of the fallen?","answers":["Ravage and the Decepticon Rampage","Jetfire"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Roberts (surname)) Roberts is a surname of Norman origin, deriving from the Norman given name Robert, meaning \"bright renown\" \u2013 from the Germanic elements \"hrod\" meaning renown and \"beraht\" meaning bright. Roberts may mean either \"servant of Robert\" or \"son of Robert\"; the latter is more common in Wales, while the former is more common in England. Although the name Robert was known in the British isles before the Norman Conquest in 1066, it was mainly introduced into Britain by the Normans. Today the surname Roberts is common in England, Wales, Ireland and the Isle of Man, with the biggest concentration by","Document [2](Title: Roberts, Idaho) Roberts, Idaho Roberts is a city in Jefferson County, Idaho, United States. It is part of the Idaho Falls, Idaho Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 580 at the 2010 census. Roberts is located at (43.719599, -112.129048). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of , of which, is land and is water. As of 2000 the median income for a household in the city was $31,071, and the median income for a family was $33,125. Males had a median income of $28,750 versus $17,000 for females. The per capita income for the city","Document [3](Title: Tom Roberts) (1895), he also achieved renown as a portraitist. Roberts was born in Dorchester, Dorset, England, although some mystery surrounds his actual birthdate: his birth certificate says 8 March 1856, whereas his tombstone is inscribed 9 March. Roberts migrated with his family to Australia in 1869 to live with relatives. Settling in Collingwood, a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. He worked as a photographer's assistant through the 1870s, while studying art at night under Louis Buvelot and befriending others who were to become prominent artists, notably Frederick McCubbin. During this period, his mother had remarried to a man whom Roberts did not","Document [4](Title: Stage name) Scicolone), Charles Bronson (born Charles Dennis Buchinsky), and Rita Hayworth (born Margarita Carmen Cansino), are four more well known examples of this trend. Similarly, retired veteran broadcaster Dave Roberts was born David T. Boreanaz but is known professionally as Dave Thomas and later Dave Roberts as ethnic surnames were discouraged when he first began his career during the 1950s; however, his son actor David Boreanaz chose not to adopt a stage name. The use of stage names for ethnic purposes may vary widely depending on the media market the personality is representing. For example, in Buffalo, New York, a city","Document [5](Title: Lee Roberts (basketball)) parents. He lived in Seattle for seven years before moving to Alaska, where he spent 2\u00bd years before to moving to Cleveland, Ohio. He attended middle school and high school in the Cleveland area, as he played basketball for Midpark High School in Middleburg Heights. He received recognition playing for Midpark; in 2014, Roberts said \"I was actually recruited for high jump, I was waiting for a couple of schools to ask about basketball and then Findlay offered me a full scholarship. I went to visit them and I was sold.\" Roberts played four years of college basketball for the","Document [6](Title: Roberts, Illinois) Roberts, Illinois Roberts is a village in Ford County, Illinois, United States. The population was 362 at the 2010 census. Roberts was named for the first permanent settlers in the area, Jesse and Livingston Roberts. Roberts is located at (40.613310, -88.182685). According to the 2010 census, Roberts has a total area of , all land. As of the census of 2000, there were 387 people, 169 households, and 103 families residing in the village. The population density was 746.9 people per square mile (287.3\/km\u00b2). There were 194 housing units at an average density of 374.4 per square mile (144.0\/km\u00b2). The","Document [7](Title: Roberts, Idaho) the age of 18; 10.5% were between the ages of 18 and 24; 25.2% were from 25 to 44; 21.1% were from 45 to 64; and 8.8% were 65 years of age or older. The gender makeup of the city was 52.4% male and 47.6% female. Roberts has a general store, a caf\u00e9, a restaurant, a library, a gas station, and an elementary school. Middle school or high school-age students living in Roberts typically attend school in Rigby. Roberts, Idaho Roberts is a city in Jefferson County, Idaho, United States. It is part of the Idaho Falls, Idaho Metropolitan Statistical","Document [8](Title: Virginia, Mayfield) changed their surname to Roberts during this time. In 1834, Maria Roberts and her children boarded the Margaret bound for Sydney, Australia, accompanied by her brother-in-law Robert Roberts (who had also changed his name) and his wife Mary. It is not known when John Roberts arrived in Sydney, but it is speculated that he had arrived before his wife and brother to search for suitable land for the families to settle. It is also possible that John Roberts was a \"remittance man\", meaning that his family paid him to stay away. Shortly after disembarkation, the two Roberts families lived on","Document [9](Title: Alfred Roberts) Alfred Roberts Alfred Roberts (18 April 1892 \u2013 10 February 1970) was an English grocer, local preacher, and politician. He served as Alderman of Grantham from 1943 to 1952 and Mayor of Grantham from 1945 to 1946. His second daughter Margaret was the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Roberts was born in Ringstead, Northamptonshire. He was the fifth of seven children. His father was Benjamin Ebenezer Roberts (28 December 1857 \u2013 17 September 1925), from a Ringstead family, and his mother was Ellen Smith (20 November 1857 \u2013 1 May 1935), whose own mother, Catherine Sullivan, was","Document [10](Title: Roberts, Wisconsin) Roberts, Wisconsin Roberts is a village in St. Croix County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 1,651 at the 2010 census. The village is surrounded by the town of Warren. Roberts was named in 1873 for a railroad engineer. A post office called Roberts has been in operation since 1884. Roberts is located at (44.983807, -92.553790). According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of , all of it land. At the 2010 census, there were 1,651 people, 625 households and 442 families in the village. The population density was . There were 724 housing","Document [11](Title: Windsor Roberts) Windsor Roberts Windsor Roberts was born in Pontnewynydd in Monmouthshire on 4 May 1898, the son of John Wesley Roberts and his wife, Mary Jane Jones. When the census of Wales was taken in 1901 his father was described as an underground labourer living at 49, Hanbury Road there with his wife, four daughters and three-year-old son. He was educated at West Monmouth School, after which he was briefly employed as a pupil teacher. He joined the Armed Forces on 29 May 1916, engaging himself to serve three years in the Wales Division, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. He was mustered","Document [12](Title: Stay High 149) 11, 2012 from a liver disease at a medical center in The Bronx, New York. He is survived by his sister Pauline Noble. Stay High 149 Wayne Roberts (October 20, 1950 \u2013 June 11, 2012), known as Stay High 149, was an American graffiti artist. Roberts was born in Emporia, Virginia, moving to the Bronx, New York at age six. He was called a \"superstar\" of the graffiti world in the late 1970s. Widely considered to use one of the most famous graffiti tags in the world, his trademark includes a smoking version of the stick figure from 1960s British","Document [13](Title: Ben Roberts (politician)) 1952. His first wife, Mary Roberts, had died in 1936. Ben Roberts (politician) Benjamin Roberts (1880 \u2013 17 November 1952) was a New Zealand politician of the Labour Party and a Cabinet Minister. Roberts was born in 1880 in Liverpool. He started work as a farm labourer at 13. He bought his family to New Zealand in 1907 and settled in Carterton. He was elected to Parliament in the Wairarapa electorate in 1935, and remained a member of parliament to 1946, when he retired. He was Minister for Agriculture and Marketing, and Minister of Marketing, from 1943 to 1946 in","Document [14](Title: Michael Roberts (writer)) Michael Roberts (writer) Michael Roberts (6 December 1902 \u2013 13 December 1948), originally named William Edward Roberts, was an English poet, writer, critic and broadcaster, who made his living as a teacher. He was born in Bournemouth, named William Edward Roberts. He was the eldest child of Edward George Roberts (b. 7 January 1878, d. 14 March 1954) and Henrietta Mary Sellers (b. 23 March 1880, d. 28 June 1918 following the birth of a son nine days earlier). They had a farm in the New Forest. He was educated at Bournemouth School. From 1920 to 1922 he studied at","Document [15](Title: Eric Roberts (spy)) his social background and a desk role did not suit him as well as his wartime role had. He is the subject of the 2018 biography \"Agent Jack\" by Robert Hutton, and his adventures were the inspiration for the novel \"Our Friends In Berlin\" by Anthony Quinn and for a major character in the novel \"Transcription\" by Kate Atkinson. Roberts was born in Wivelsfield in June 1907, the son of Percival Arthur Garfield Roberts and his wife Maud (n\u00e9e Green). At the time of the 1911 Census the family was living in Penzance, where his father worked for the Western","Document [16](Title: Gordon Roberts (ice hockey)) helps me get up and apologizes and says it is an accident ... can I hit a man who is apologizing to me? No, never, it is not done...\u2019' Born September 5, 1891, and raised in Ottawa, Roberts was the youngest of ten children; he had eight brothers and a sister. His brother Laurie was also a doctor and athlete, while another brother, Eddie, fought and died in the First World War. Roberts returned east in 1922 where he did post-graduate studies in New York. The Ottawa Senators, then of the National Hockey League, attempted to bring him out of","Document [17](Title: Brushy Bill Roberts) Roberts around 1910. Detractors of Roberts point to the fact that a family Bible belonging to Oliver Roberts' niece, Geneva Pittmon, (Oliver P. Roberts, not Oliver L.) showed that O.P. Roberts was born in 1879. Because Billy the Kid was 21 at the time of his death in 1881, if Brushy Bill Roberts was born Oliver P. Roberts, then it would be impossible for him to have been the Kid. Supporters of Roberts maintain that the birth date of the real Oliver P. Roberts' would have no relevance to a man who assumed his identity later in life. It is","Document [18](Title: C. A. Roberts) C. A. Roberts Clarence Abram Roberts (November 5, 1903 \u2013 December 21, 1973), known as C. A. Roberts, was a Florida state legislator. He served in the Florida House of Representatives on multiple occasions for Union County. He was also a noted pecan farmer, cattle rancher, timberland owner and naval stores operator. He was a lifelong resident of Lake Butler, Florida. Roberts was born to Charles Abram Roberts and Lucretia M. Nettle. He was educated in county public schools and worked as a prison manager and a livestock inspector in the 1920s. Union County, where Roberts resided, became the 61st","Document [19](Title: Bay Roberts) In the 1675 census, Bay Roberts is called \"Bay of Roberts.\" The Berry census of Newfoundland records only two planters in Bay Roberts. One was Anthony Varder who lived there with his wife and four children. The other one was a widow named Jane Clay. The 1677 census says between them they employed 19 servants, owned six boats and kept 34 cattle, 22 sheep and 13 hogs. Families such as the \"Parsons\", \"Mercers\" and \"Bishops\" arrived later. Settlers from the Channel Islands arrived in the 18th century. These early settlers left behind archaeological evidence of their way of life. Clay","Document [20](Title: Windsor Roberts) 1963. Roberts, who never married, was survived by his six sisters: Misses Blodwen, Sarah, Greta, Gladys and Gwen Roberts and Mrs F. Hayward. Windsor Roberts Windsor Roberts was born in Pontnewynydd in Monmouthshire on 4 May 1898, the son of John Wesley Roberts and his wife, Mary Jane Jones. When the census of Wales was taken in 1901 his father was described as an underground labourer living at 49, Hanbury Road there with his wife, four daughters and three-year-old son. He was educated at West Monmouth School, after which he was briefly employed as a pupil teacher. He joined the"],"query":"where does the last name roberts come from?","answers":["Norman","Norman origin"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Roberts, Idaho) Roberts, Idaho Roberts is a city in Jefferson County, Idaho, United States. It is part of the Idaho Falls, Idaho Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 580 at the 2010 census. Roberts is located at (43.719599, -112.129048). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of , of which, is land and is water. As of 2000 the median income for a household in the city was $31,071, and the median income for a family was $33,125. Males had a median income of $28,750 versus $17,000 for females. The per capita income for the city","Document [2](Title: Tom Roberts) (1895), he also achieved renown as a portraitist. Roberts was born in Dorchester, Dorset, England, although some mystery surrounds his actual birthdate: his birth certificate says 8 March 1856, whereas his tombstone is inscribed 9 March. Roberts migrated with his family to Australia in 1869 to live with relatives. Settling in Collingwood, a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. He worked as a photographer's assistant through the 1870s, while studying art at night under Louis Buvelot and befriending others who were to become prominent artists, notably Frederick McCubbin. During this period, his mother had remarried to a man whom Roberts did not","Document [3](Title: Stage name) Scicolone), Charles Bronson (born Charles Dennis Buchinsky), and Rita Hayworth (born Margarita Carmen Cansino), are four more well known examples of this trend. Similarly, retired veteran broadcaster Dave Roberts was born David T. Boreanaz but is known professionally as Dave Thomas and later Dave Roberts as ethnic surnames were discouraged when he first began his career during the 1950s; however, his son actor David Boreanaz chose not to adopt a stage name. The use of stage names for ethnic purposes may vary widely depending on the media market the personality is representing. For example, in Buffalo, New York, a city","Document [4](Title: Lee Roberts (basketball)) parents. He lived in Seattle for seven years before moving to Alaska, where he spent 2\u00bd years before to moving to Cleveland, Ohio. He attended middle school and high school in the Cleveland area, as he played basketball for Midpark High School in Middleburg Heights. He received recognition playing for Midpark; in 2014, Roberts said \"I was actually recruited for high jump, I was waiting for a couple of schools to ask about basketball and then Findlay offered me a full scholarship. I went to visit them and I was sold.\" Roberts played four years of college basketball for the","Document [5](Title: Roberts (surname)) Roberts is a surname of Norman origin, deriving from the Norman given name Robert, meaning \"bright renown\" \u2013 from the Germanic elements \"hrod\" meaning renown and \"beraht\" meaning bright. Roberts may mean either \"servant of Robert\" or \"son of Robert\"; the latter is more common in Wales, while the former is more common in England. Although the name Robert was known in the British isles before the Norman Conquest in 1066, it was mainly introduced into Britain by the Normans. Today the surname Roberts is common in England, Wales, Ireland and the Isle of Man, with the biggest concentration by","Document [6](Title: Roberts, Illinois) Roberts, Illinois Roberts is a village in Ford County, Illinois, United States. The population was 362 at the 2010 census. Roberts was named for the first permanent settlers in the area, Jesse and Livingston Roberts. Roberts is located at (40.613310, -88.182685). According to the 2010 census, Roberts has a total area of , all land. As of the census of 2000, there were 387 people, 169 households, and 103 families residing in the village. The population density was 746.9 people per square mile (287.3\/km\u00b2). There were 194 housing units at an average density of 374.4 per square mile (144.0\/km\u00b2). The","Document [7](Title: Roberts, Idaho) the age of 18; 10.5% were between the ages of 18 and 24; 25.2% were from 25 to 44; 21.1% were from 45 to 64; and 8.8% were 65 years of age or older. The gender makeup of the city was 52.4% male and 47.6% female. Roberts has a general store, a caf\u00e9, a restaurant, a library, a gas station, and an elementary school. Middle school or high school-age students living in Roberts typically attend school in Rigby. Roberts, Idaho Roberts is a city in Jefferson County, Idaho, United States. It is part of the Idaho Falls, Idaho Metropolitan Statistical","Document [8](Title: Virginia, Mayfield) changed their surname to Roberts during this time. In 1834, Maria Roberts and her children boarded the Margaret bound for Sydney, Australia, accompanied by her brother-in-law Robert Roberts (who had also changed his name) and his wife Mary. It is not known when John Roberts arrived in Sydney, but it is speculated that he had arrived before his wife and brother to search for suitable land for the families to settle. It is also possible that John Roberts was a \"remittance man\", meaning that his family paid him to stay away. Shortly after disembarkation, the two Roberts families lived on","Document [9](Title: Alfred Roberts) Alfred Roberts Alfred Roberts (18 April 1892 \u2013 10 February 1970) was an English grocer, local preacher, and politician. He served as Alderman of Grantham from 1943 to 1952 and Mayor of Grantham from 1945 to 1946. His second daughter Margaret was the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Roberts was born in Ringstead, Northamptonshire. He was the fifth of seven children. His father was Benjamin Ebenezer Roberts (28 December 1857 \u2013 17 September 1925), from a Ringstead family, and his mother was Ellen Smith (20 November 1857 \u2013 1 May 1935), whose own mother, Catherine Sullivan, was","Document [10](Title: Roberts, Wisconsin) Roberts, Wisconsin Roberts is a village in St. Croix County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 1,651 at the 2010 census. The village is surrounded by the town of Warren. Roberts was named in 1873 for a railroad engineer. A post office called Roberts has been in operation since 1884. Roberts is located at (44.983807, -92.553790). According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of , all of it land. At the 2010 census, there were 1,651 people, 625 households and 442 families in the village. The population density was . There were 724 housing","Document [11](Title: Windsor Roberts) Windsor Roberts Windsor Roberts was born in Pontnewynydd in Monmouthshire on 4 May 1898, the son of John Wesley Roberts and his wife, Mary Jane Jones. When the census of Wales was taken in 1901 his father was described as an underground labourer living at 49, Hanbury Road there with his wife, four daughters and three-year-old son. He was educated at West Monmouth School, after which he was briefly employed as a pupil teacher. He joined the Armed Forces on 29 May 1916, engaging himself to serve three years in the Wales Division, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. He was mustered","Document [12](Title: Stay High 149) 11, 2012 from a liver disease at a medical center in The Bronx, New York. He is survived by his sister Pauline Noble. Stay High 149 Wayne Roberts (October 20, 1950 \u2013 June 11, 2012), known as Stay High 149, was an American graffiti artist. Roberts was born in Emporia, Virginia, moving to the Bronx, New York at age six. He was called a \"superstar\" of the graffiti world in the late 1970s. Widely considered to use one of the most famous graffiti tags in the world, his trademark includes a smoking version of the stick figure from 1960s British","Document [13](Title: Ben Roberts (politician)) 1952. His first wife, Mary Roberts, had died in 1936. Ben Roberts (politician) Benjamin Roberts (1880 \u2013 17 November 1952) was a New Zealand politician of the Labour Party and a Cabinet Minister. Roberts was born in 1880 in Liverpool. He started work as a farm labourer at 13. He bought his family to New Zealand in 1907 and settled in Carterton. He was elected to Parliament in the Wairarapa electorate in 1935, and remained a member of parliament to 1946, when he retired. He was Minister for Agriculture and Marketing, and Minister of Marketing, from 1943 to 1946 in","Document [14](Title: Michael Roberts (writer)) Michael Roberts (writer) Michael Roberts (6 December 1902 \u2013 13 December 1948), originally named William Edward Roberts, was an English poet, writer, critic and broadcaster, who made his living as a teacher. He was born in Bournemouth, named William Edward Roberts. He was the eldest child of Edward George Roberts (b. 7 January 1878, d. 14 March 1954) and Henrietta Mary Sellers (b. 23 March 1880, d. 28 June 1918 following the birth of a son nine days earlier). They had a farm in the New Forest. He was educated at Bournemouth School. From 1920 to 1922 he studied at","Document [15](Title: Eric Roberts (spy)) his social background and a desk role did not suit him as well as his wartime role had. He is the subject of the 2018 biography \"Agent Jack\" by Robert Hutton, and his adventures were the inspiration for the novel \"Our Friends In Berlin\" by Anthony Quinn and for a major character in the novel \"Transcription\" by Kate Atkinson. Roberts was born in Wivelsfield in June 1907, the son of Percival Arthur Garfield Roberts and his wife Maud (n\u00e9e Green). At the time of the 1911 Census the family was living in Penzance, where his father worked for the Western","Document [16](Title: Gordon Roberts (ice hockey)) helps me get up and apologizes and says it is an accident ... can I hit a man who is apologizing to me? No, never, it is not done...\u2019' Born September 5, 1891, and raised in Ottawa, Roberts was the youngest of ten children; he had eight brothers and a sister. His brother Laurie was also a doctor and athlete, while another brother, Eddie, fought and died in the First World War. Roberts returned east in 1922 where he did post-graduate studies in New York. The Ottawa Senators, then of the National Hockey League, attempted to bring him out of","Document [17](Title: Brushy Bill Roberts) Roberts around 1910. Detractors of Roberts point to the fact that a family Bible belonging to Oliver Roberts' niece, Geneva Pittmon, (Oliver P. Roberts, not Oliver L.) showed that O.P. Roberts was born in 1879. Because Billy the Kid was 21 at the time of his death in 1881, if Brushy Bill Roberts was born Oliver P. Roberts, then it would be impossible for him to have been the Kid. Supporters of Roberts maintain that the birth date of the real Oliver P. Roberts' would have no relevance to a man who assumed his identity later in life. It is","Document [18](Title: C. A. Roberts) C. A. Roberts Clarence Abram Roberts (November 5, 1903 \u2013 December 21, 1973), known as C. A. Roberts, was a Florida state legislator. He served in the Florida House of Representatives on multiple occasions for Union County. He was also a noted pecan farmer, cattle rancher, timberland owner and naval stores operator. He was a lifelong resident of Lake Butler, Florida. Roberts was born to Charles Abram Roberts and Lucretia M. Nettle. He was educated in county public schools and worked as a prison manager and a livestock inspector in the 1920s. Union County, where Roberts resided, became the 61st","Document [19](Title: Bay Roberts) In the 1675 census, Bay Roberts is called \"Bay of Roberts.\" The Berry census of Newfoundland records only two planters in Bay Roberts. One was Anthony Varder who lived there with his wife and four children. The other one was a widow named Jane Clay. The 1677 census says between them they employed 19 servants, owned six boats and kept 34 cattle, 22 sheep and 13 hogs. Families such as the \"Parsons\", \"Mercers\" and \"Bishops\" arrived later. Settlers from the Channel Islands arrived in the 18th century. These early settlers left behind archaeological evidence of their way of life. Clay","Document [20](Title: Windsor Roberts) 1963. Roberts, who never married, was survived by his six sisters: Misses Blodwen, Sarah, Greta, Gladys and Gwen Roberts and Mrs F. Hayward. Windsor Roberts Windsor Roberts was born in Pontnewynydd in Monmouthshire on 4 May 1898, the son of John Wesley Roberts and his wife, Mary Jane Jones. When the census of Wales was taken in 1901 his father was described as an underground labourer living at 49, Hanbury Road there with his wife, four daughters and three-year-old son. He was educated at West Monmouth School, after which he was briefly employed as a pupil teacher. He joined the"],"query":"where does the last name roberts come from?","answers":["Norman","Norman origin"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Roberts, Idaho) Roberts, Idaho Roberts is a city in Jefferson County, Idaho, United States. It is part of the Idaho Falls, Idaho Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 580 at the 2010 census. Roberts is located at (43.719599, -112.129048). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of , of which, is land and is water. As of 2000 the median income for a household in the city was $31,071, and the median income for a family was $33,125. Males had a median income of $28,750 versus $17,000 for females. The per capita income for the city","Document [2](Title: Tom Roberts) (1895), he also achieved renown as a portraitist. Roberts was born in Dorchester, Dorset, England, although some mystery surrounds his actual birthdate: his birth certificate says 8 March 1856, whereas his tombstone is inscribed 9 March. Roberts migrated with his family to Australia in 1869 to live with relatives. Settling in Collingwood, a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. He worked as a photographer's assistant through the 1870s, while studying art at night under Louis Buvelot and befriending others who were to become prominent artists, notably Frederick McCubbin. During this period, his mother had remarried to a man whom Roberts did not","Document [3](Title: Stage name) Scicolone), Charles Bronson (born Charles Dennis Buchinsky), and Rita Hayworth (born Margarita Carmen Cansino), are four more well known examples of this trend. Similarly, retired veteran broadcaster Dave Roberts was born David T. Boreanaz but is known professionally as Dave Thomas and later Dave Roberts as ethnic surnames were discouraged when he first began his career during the 1950s; however, his son actor David Boreanaz chose not to adopt a stage name. The use of stage names for ethnic purposes may vary widely depending on the media market the personality is representing. For example, in Buffalo, New York, a city","Document [4](Title: Lee Roberts (basketball)) parents. He lived in Seattle for seven years before moving to Alaska, where he spent 2\u00bd years before to moving to Cleveland, Ohio. He attended middle school and high school in the Cleveland area, as he played basketball for Midpark High School in Middleburg Heights. He received recognition playing for Midpark; in 2014, Roberts said \"I was actually recruited for high jump, I was waiting for a couple of schools to ask about basketball and then Findlay offered me a full scholarship. I went to visit them and I was sold.\" Roberts played four years of college basketball for the","Document [5](Title: Roberts, Illinois) Roberts, Illinois Roberts is a village in Ford County, Illinois, United States. The population was 362 at the 2010 census. Roberts was named for the first permanent settlers in the area, Jesse and Livingston Roberts. Roberts is located at (40.613310, -88.182685). According to the 2010 census, Roberts has a total area of , all land. As of the census of 2000, there were 387 people, 169 households, and 103 families residing in the village. The population density was 746.9 people per square mile (287.3\/km\u00b2). There were 194 housing units at an average density of 374.4 per square mile (144.0\/km\u00b2). The","Document [6](Title: Roberts, Idaho) the age of 18; 10.5% were between the ages of 18 and 24; 25.2% were from 25 to 44; 21.1% were from 45 to 64; and 8.8% were 65 years of age or older. The gender makeup of the city was 52.4% male and 47.6% female. Roberts has a general store, a caf\u00e9, a restaurant, a library, a gas station, and an elementary school. Middle school or high school-age students living in Roberts typically attend school in Rigby. Roberts, Idaho Roberts is a city in Jefferson County, Idaho, United States. It is part of the Idaho Falls, Idaho Metropolitan Statistical","Document [7](Title: Virginia, Mayfield) changed their surname to Roberts during this time. In 1834, Maria Roberts and her children boarded the Margaret bound for Sydney, Australia, accompanied by her brother-in-law Robert Roberts (who had also changed his name) and his wife Mary. It is not known when John Roberts arrived in Sydney, but it is speculated that he had arrived before his wife and brother to search for suitable land for the families to settle. It is also possible that John Roberts was a \"remittance man\", meaning that his family paid him to stay away. Shortly after disembarkation, the two Roberts families lived on","Document [8](Title: Alfred Roberts) Alfred Roberts Alfred Roberts (18 April 1892 \u2013 10 February 1970) was an English grocer, local preacher, and politician. He served as Alderman of Grantham from 1943 to 1952 and Mayor of Grantham from 1945 to 1946. His second daughter Margaret was the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Roberts was born in Ringstead, Northamptonshire. He was the fifth of seven children. His father was Benjamin Ebenezer Roberts (28 December 1857 \u2013 17 September 1925), from a Ringstead family, and his mother was Ellen Smith (20 November 1857 \u2013 1 May 1935), whose own mother, Catherine Sullivan, was","Document [9](Title: Roberts, Wisconsin) Roberts, Wisconsin Roberts is a village in St. Croix County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 1,651 at the 2010 census. The village is surrounded by the town of Warren. Roberts was named in 1873 for a railroad engineer. A post office called Roberts has been in operation since 1884. Roberts is located at (44.983807, -92.553790). According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of , all of it land. At the 2010 census, there were 1,651 people, 625 households and 442 families in the village. The population density was . There were 724 housing","Document [10](Title: Roberts (surname)) Roberts is a surname of Norman origin, deriving from the Norman given name Robert, meaning \"bright renown\" \u2013 from the Germanic elements \"hrod\" meaning renown and \"beraht\" meaning bright. Roberts may mean either \"servant of Robert\" or \"son of Robert\"; the latter is more common in Wales, while the former is more common in England. Although the name Robert was known in the British isles before the Norman Conquest in 1066, it was mainly introduced into Britain by the Normans. Today the surname Roberts is common in England, Wales, Ireland and the Isle of Man, with the biggest concentration by","Document [11](Title: Windsor Roberts) Windsor Roberts Windsor Roberts was born in Pontnewynydd in Monmouthshire on 4 May 1898, the son of John Wesley Roberts and his wife, Mary Jane Jones. When the census of Wales was taken in 1901 his father was described as an underground labourer living at 49, Hanbury Road there with his wife, four daughters and three-year-old son. He was educated at West Monmouth School, after which he was briefly employed as a pupil teacher. He joined the Armed Forces on 29 May 1916, engaging himself to serve three years in the Wales Division, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. He was mustered","Document [12](Title: Stay High 149) 11, 2012 from a liver disease at a medical center in The Bronx, New York. He is survived by his sister Pauline Noble. Stay High 149 Wayne Roberts (October 20, 1950 \u2013 June 11, 2012), known as Stay High 149, was an American graffiti artist. Roberts was born in Emporia, Virginia, moving to the Bronx, New York at age six. He was called a \"superstar\" of the graffiti world in the late 1970s. Widely considered to use one of the most famous graffiti tags in the world, his trademark includes a smoking version of the stick figure from 1960s British","Document [13](Title: Ben Roberts (politician)) 1952. His first wife, Mary Roberts, had died in 1936. Ben Roberts (politician) Benjamin Roberts (1880 \u2013 17 November 1952) was a New Zealand politician of the Labour Party and a Cabinet Minister. Roberts was born in 1880 in Liverpool. He started work as a farm labourer at 13. He bought his family to New Zealand in 1907 and settled in Carterton. He was elected to Parliament in the Wairarapa electorate in 1935, and remained a member of parliament to 1946, when he retired. He was Minister for Agriculture and Marketing, and Minister of Marketing, from 1943 to 1946 in","Document [14](Title: Michael Roberts (writer)) Michael Roberts (writer) Michael Roberts (6 December 1902 \u2013 13 December 1948), originally named William Edward Roberts, was an English poet, writer, critic and broadcaster, who made his living as a teacher. He was born in Bournemouth, named William Edward Roberts. He was the eldest child of Edward George Roberts (b. 7 January 1878, d. 14 March 1954) and Henrietta Mary Sellers (b. 23 March 1880, d. 28 June 1918 following the birth of a son nine days earlier). They had a farm in the New Forest. He was educated at Bournemouth School. From 1920 to 1922 he studied at","Document [15](Title: Eric Roberts (spy)) his social background and a desk role did not suit him as well as his wartime role had. He is the subject of the 2018 biography \"Agent Jack\" by Robert Hutton, and his adventures were the inspiration for the novel \"Our Friends In Berlin\" by Anthony Quinn and for a major character in the novel \"Transcription\" by Kate Atkinson. Roberts was born in Wivelsfield in June 1907, the son of Percival Arthur Garfield Roberts and his wife Maud (n\u00e9e Green). At the time of the 1911 Census the family was living in Penzance, where his father worked for the Western","Document [16](Title: Gordon Roberts (ice hockey)) helps me get up and apologizes and says it is an accident ... can I hit a man who is apologizing to me? No, never, it is not done...\u2019' Born September 5, 1891, and raised in Ottawa, Roberts was the youngest of ten children; he had eight brothers and a sister. His brother Laurie was also a doctor and athlete, while another brother, Eddie, fought and died in the First World War. Roberts returned east in 1922 where he did post-graduate studies in New York. The Ottawa Senators, then of the National Hockey League, attempted to bring him out of","Document [17](Title: Brushy Bill Roberts) Roberts around 1910. Detractors of Roberts point to the fact that a family Bible belonging to Oliver Roberts' niece, Geneva Pittmon, (Oliver P. Roberts, not Oliver L.) showed that O.P. Roberts was born in 1879. Because Billy the Kid was 21 at the time of his death in 1881, if Brushy Bill Roberts was born Oliver P. Roberts, then it would be impossible for him to have been the Kid. Supporters of Roberts maintain that the birth date of the real Oliver P. Roberts' would have no relevance to a man who assumed his identity later in life. It is","Document [18](Title: C. A. Roberts) C. A. Roberts Clarence Abram Roberts (November 5, 1903 \u2013 December 21, 1973), known as C. A. Roberts, was a Florida state legislator. He served in the Florida House of Representatives on multiple occasions for Union County. He was also a noted pecan farmer, cattle rancher, timberland owner and naval stores operator. He was a lifelong resident of Lake Butler, Florida. Roberts was born to Charles Abram Roberts and Lucretia M. Nettle. He was educated in county public schools and worked as a prison manager and a livestock inspector in the 1920s. Union County, where Roberts resided, became the 61st","Document [19](Title: Bay Roberts) In the 1675 census, Bay Roberts is called \"Bay of Roberts.\" The Berry census of Newfoundland records only two planters in Bay Roberts. One was Anthony Varder who lived there with his wife and four children. The other one was a widow named Jane Clay. The 1677 census says between them they employed 19 servants, owned six boats and kept 34 cattle, 22 sheep and 13 hogs. Families such as the \"Parsons\", \"Mercers\" and \"Bishops\" arrived later. Settlers from the Channel Islands arrived in the 18th century. These early settlers left behind archaeological evidence of their way of life. Clay","Document [20](Title: Windsor Roberts) 1963. Roberts, who never married, was survived by his six sisters: Misses Blodwen, Sarah, Greta, Gladys and Gwen Roberts and Mrs F. Hayward. Windsor Roberts Windsor Roberts was born in Pontnewynydd in Monmouthshire on 4 May 1898, the son of John Wesley Roberts and his wife, Mary Jane Jones. When the census of Wales was taken in 1901 his father was described as an underground labourer living at 49, Hanbury Road there with his wife, four daughters and three-year-old son. He was educated at West Monmouth School, after which he was briefly employed as a pupil teacher. He joined the"],"query":"where does the last name roberts come from?","answers":["Norman","Norman origin"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Roberts, Idaho) Roberts, Idaho Roberts is a city in Jefferson County, Idaho, United States. It is part of the Idaho Falls, Idaho Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 580 at the 2010 census. Roberts is located at (43.719599, -112.129048). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of , of which, is land and is water. As of 2000 the median income for a household in the city was $31,071, and the median income for a family was $33,125. Males had a median income of $28,750 versus $17,000 for females. The per capita income for the city","Document [2](Title: Tom Roberts) (1895), he also achieved renown as a portraitist. Roberts was born in Dorchester, Dorset, England, although some mystery surrounds his actual birthdate: his birth certificate says 8 March 1856, whereas his tombstone is inscribed 9 March. Roberts migrated with his family to Australia in 1869 to live with relatives. Settling in Collingwood, a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. He worked as a photographer's assistant through the 1870s, while studying art at night under Louis Buvelot and befriending others who were to become prominent artists, notably Frederick McCubbin. During this period, his mother had remarried to a man whom Roberts did not","Document [3](Title: Stage name) Scicolone), Charles Bronson (born Charles Dennis Buchinsky), and Rita Hayworth (born Margarita Carmen Cansino), are four more well known examples of this trend. Similarly, retired veteran broadcaster Dave Roberts was born David T. Boreanaz but is known professionally as Dave Thomas and later Dave Roberts as ethnic surnames were discouraged when he first began his career during the 1950s; however, his son actor David Boreanaz chose not to adopt a stage name. The use of stage names for ethnic purposes may vary widely depending on the media market the personality is representing. For example, in Buffalo, New York, a city","Document [4](Title: Lee Roberts (basketball)) parents. He lived in Seattle for seven years before moving to Alaska, where he spent 2\u00bd years before to moving to Cleveland, Ohio. He attended middle school and high school in the Cleveland area, as he played basketball for Midpark High School in Middleburg Heights. He received recognition playing for Midpark; in 2014, Roberts said \"I was actually recruited for high jump, I was waiting for a couple of schools to ask about basketball and then Findlay offered me a full scholarship. I went to visit them and I was sold.\" Roberts played four years of college basketball for the","Document [5](Title: Roberts, Illinois) Roberts, Illinois Roberts is a village in Ford County, Illinois, United States. The population was 362 at the 2010 census. Roberts was named for the first permanent settlers in the area, Jesse and Livingston Roberts. Roberts is located at (40.613310, -88.182685). According to the 2010 census, Roberts has a total area of , all land. As of the census of 2000, there were 387 people, 169 households, and 103 families residing in the village. The population density was 746.9 people per square mile (287.3\/km\u00b2). There were 194 housing units at an average density of 374.4 per square mile (144.0\/km\u00b2). The","Document [6](Title: Roberts, Idaho) the age of 18; 10.5% were between the ages of 18 and 24; 25.2% were from 25 to 44; 21.1% were from 45 to 64; and 8.8% were 65 years of age or older. The gender makeup of the city was 52.4% male and 47.6% female. Roberts has a general store, a caf\u00e9, a restaurant, a library, a gas station, and an elementary school. Middle school or high school-age students living in Roberts typically attend school in Rigby. Roberts, Idaho Roberts is a city in Jefferson County, Idaho, United States. It is part of the Idaho Falls, Idaho Metropolitan Statistical","Document [7](Title: Virginia, Mayfield) changed their surname to Roberts during this time. In 1834, Maria Roberts and her children boarded the Margaret bound for Sydney, Australia, accompanied by her brother-in-law Robert Roberts (who had also changed his name) and his wife Mary. It is not known when John Roberts arrived in Sydney, but it is speculated that he had arrived before his wife and brother to search for suitable land for the families to settle. It is also possible that John Roberts was a \"remittance man\", meaning that his family paid him to stay away. Shortly after disembarkation, the two Roberts families lived on","Document [8](Title: Alfred Roberts) Alfred Roberts Alfred Roberts (18 April 1892 \u2013 10 February 1970) was an English grocer, local preacher, and politician. He served as Alderman of Grantham from 1943 to 1952 and Mayor of Grantham from 1945 to 1946. His second daughter Margaret was the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Roberts was born in Ringstead, Northamptonshire. He was the fifth of seven children. His father was Benjamin Ebenezer Roberts (28 December 1857 \u2013 17 September 1925), from a Ringstead family, and his mother was Ellen Smith (20 November 1857 \u2013 1 May 1935), whose own mother, Catherine Sullivan, was","Document [9](Title: Roberts, Wisconsin) Roberts, Wisconsin Roberts is a village in St. Croix County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 1,651 at the 2010 census. The village is surrounded by the town of Warren. Roberts was named in 1873 for a railroad engineer. A post office called Roberts has been in operation since 1884. Roberts is located at (44.983807, -92.553790). According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of , all of it land. At the 2010 census, there were 1,651 people, 625 households and 442 families in the village. The population density was . There were 724 housing","Document [10](Title: Windsor Roberts) Windsor Roberts Windsor Roberts was born in Pontnewynydd in Monmouthshire on 4 May 1898, the son of John Wesley Roberts and his wife, Mary Jane Jones. When the census of Wales was taken in 1901 his father was described as an underground labourer living at 49, Hanbury Road there with his wife, four daughters and three-year-old son. He was educated at West Monmouth School, after which he was briefly employed as a pupil teacher. He joined the Armed Forces on 29 May 1916, engaging himself to serve three years in the Wales Division, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. He was mustered","Document [11](Title: Stay High 149) 11, 2012 from a liver disease at a medical center in The Bronx, New York. He is survived by his sister Pauline Noble. Stay High 149 Wayne Roberts (October 20, 1950 \u2013 June 11, 2012), known as Stay High 149, was an American graffiti artist. Roberts was born in Emporia, Virginia, moving to the Bronx, New York at age six. He was called a \"superstar\" of the graffiti world in the late 1970s. Widely considered to use one of the most famous graffiti tags in the world, his trademark includes a smoking version of the stick figure from 1960s British","Document [12](Title: Ben Roberts (politician)) 1952. His first wife, Mary Roberts, had died in 1936. Ben Roberts (politician) Benjamin Roberts (1880 \u2013 17 November 1952) was a New Zealand politician of the Labour Party and a Cabinet Minister. Roberts was born in 1880 in Liverpool. He started work as a farm labourer at 13. He bought his family to New Zealand in 1907 and settled in Carterton. He was elected to Parliament in the Wairarapa electorate in 1935, and remained a member of parliament to 1946, when he retired. He was Minister for Agriculture and Marketing, and Minister of Marketing, from 1943 to 1946 in","Document [13](Title: Michael Roberts (writer)) Michael Roberts (writer) Michael Roberts (6 December 1902 \u2013 13 December 1948), originally named William Edward Roberts, was an English poet, writer, critic and broadcaster, who made his living as a teacher. He was born in Bournemouth, named William Edward Roberts. He was the eldest child of Edward George Roberts (b. 7 January 1878, d. 14 March 1954) and Henrietta Mary Sellers (b. 23 March 1880, d. 28 June 1918 following the birth of a son nine days earlier). They had a farm in the New Forest. He was educated at Bournemouth School. From 1920 to 1922 he studied at","Document [14](Title: Eric Roberts (spy)) his social background and a desk role did not suit him as well as his wartime role had. He is the subject of the 2018 biography \"Agent Jack\" by Robert Hutton, and his adventures were the inspiration for the novel \"Our Friends In Berlin\" by Anthony Quinn and for a major character in the novel \"Transcription\" by Kate Atkinson. Roberts was born in Wivelsfield in June 1907, the son of Percival Arthur Garfield Roberts and his wife Maud (n\u00e9e Green). At the time of the 1911 Census the family was living in Penzance, where his father worked for the Western","Document [15](Title: Roberts (surname)) Roberts is a surname of Norman origin, deriving from the Norman given name Robert, meaning \"bright renown\" \u2013 from the Germanic elements \"hrod\" meaning renown and \"beraht\" meaning bright. Roberts may mean either \"servant of Robert\" or \"son of Robert\"; the latter is more common in Wales, while the former is more common in England. Although the name Robert was known in the British isles before the Norman Conquest in 1066, it was mainly introduced into Britain by the Normans. Today the surname Roberts is common in England, Wales, Ireland and the Isle of Man, with the biggest concentration by","Document [16](Title: Gordon Roberts (ice hockey)) helps me get up and apologizes and says it is an accident ... can I hit a man who is apologizing to me? No, never, it is not done...\u2019' Born September 5, 1891, and raised in Ottawa, Roberts was the youngest of ten children; he had eight brothers and a sister. His brother Laurie was also a doctor and athlete, while another brother, Eddie, fought and died in the First World War. Roberts returned east in 1922 where he did post-graduate studies in New York. The Ottawa Senators, then of the National Hockey League, attempted to bring him out of","Document [17](Title: Brushy Bill Roberts) Roberts around 1910. Detractors of Roberts point to the fact that a family Bible belonging to Oliver Roberts' niece, Geneva Pittmon, (Oliver P. Roberts, not Oliver L.) showed that O.P. Roberts was born in 1879. Because Billy the Kid was 21 at the time of his death in 1881, if Brushy Bill Roberts was born Oliver P. Roberts, then it would be impossible for him to have been the Kid. Supporters of Roberts maintain that the birth date of the real Oliver P. Roberts' would have no relevance to a man who assumed his identity later in life. It is","Document [18](Title: C. A. Roberts) C. A. Roberts Clarence Abram Roberts (November 5, 1903 \u2013 December 21, 1973), known as C. A. Roberts, was a Florida state legislator. He served in the Florida House of Representatives on multiple occasions for Union County. He was also a noted pecan farmer, cattle rancher, timberland owner and naval stores operator. He was a lifelong resident of Lake Butler, Florida. Roberts was born to Charles Abram Roberts and Lucretia M. Nettle. He was educated in county public schools and worked as a prison manager and a livestock inspector in the 1920s. Union County, where Roberts resided, became the 61st","Document [19](Title: Bay Roberts) In the 1675 census, Bay Roberts is called \"Bay of Roberts.\" The Berry census of Newfoundland records only two planters in Bay Roberts. One was Anthony Varder who lived there with his wife and four children. The other one was a widow named Jane Clay. The 1677 census says between them they employed 19 servants, owned six boats and kept 34 cattle, 22 sheep and 13 hogs. Families such as the \"Parsons\", \"Mercers\" and \"Bishops\" arrived later. Settlers from the Channel Islands arrived in the 18th century. These early settlers left behind archaeological evidence of their way of life. Clay","Document [20](Title: Windsor Roberts) 1963. Roberts, who never married, was survived by his six sisters: Misses Blodwen, Sarah, Greta, Gladys and Gwen Roberts and Mrs F. Hayward. Windsor Roberts Windsor Roberts was born in Pontnewynydd in Monmouthshire on 4 May 1898, the son of John Wesley Roberts and his wife, Mary Jane Jones. When the census of Wales was taken in 1901 his father was described as an underground labourer living at 49, Hanbury Road there with his wife, four daughters and three-year-old son. He was educated at West Monmouth School, after which he was briefly employed as a pupil teacher. He joined the"],"query":"where does the last name roberts come from?","answers":["Norman","Norman origin"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Roberts, Idaho) Roberts, Idaho Roberts is a city in Jefferson County, Idaho, United States. It is part of the Idaho Falls, Idaho Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 580 at the 2010 census. Roberts is located at (43.719599, -112.129048). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of , of which, is land and is water. As of 2000 the median income for a household in the city was $31,071, and the median income for a family was $33,125. Males had a median income of $28,750 versus $17,000 for females. The per capita income for the city","Document [2](Title: Tom Roberts) (1895), he also achieved renown as a portraitist. Roberts was born in Dorchester, Dorset, England, although some mystery surrounds his actual birthdate: his birth certificate says 8 March 1856, whereas his tombstone is inscribed 9 March. Roberts migrated with his family to Australia in 1869 to live with relatives. Settling in Collingwood, a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria. He worked as a photographer's assistant through the 1870s, while studying art at night under Louis Buvelot and befriending others who were to become prominent artists, notably Frederick McCubbin. During this period, his mother had remarried to a man whom Roberts did not","Document [3](Title: Stage name) Scicolone), Charles Bronson (born Charles Dennis Buchinsky), and Rita Hayworth (born Margarita Carmen Cansino), are four more well known examples of this trend. Similarly, retired veteran broadcaster Dave Roberts was born David T. Boreanaz but is known professionally as Dave Thomas and later Dave Roberts as ethnic surnames were discouraged when he first began his career during the 1950s; however, his son actor David Boreanaz chose not to adopt a stage name. The use of stage names for ethnic purposes may vary widely depending on the media market the personality is representing. For example, in Buffalo, New York, a city","Document [4](Title: Lee Roberts (basketball)) parents. He lived in Seattle for seven years before moving to Alaska, where he spent 2\u00bd years before to moving to Cleveland, Ohio. He attended middle school and high school in the Cleveland area, as he played basketball for Midpark High School in Middleburg Heights. He received recognition playing for Midpark; in 2014, Roberts said \"I was actually recruited for high jump, I was waiting for a couple of schools to ask about basketball and then Findlay offered me a full scholarship. I went to visit them and I was sold.\" Roberts played four years of college basketball for the","Document [5](Title: Roberts, Illinois) Roberts, Illinois Roberts is a village in Ford County, Illinois, United States. The population was 362 at the 2010 census. Roberts was named for the first permanent settlers in the area, Jesse and Livingston Roberts. Roberts is located at (40.613310, -88.182685). According to the 2010 census, Roberts has a total area of , all land. As of the census of 2000, there were 387 people, 169 households, and 103 families residing in the village. The population density was 746.9 people per square mile (287.3\/km\u00b2). There were 194 housing units at an average density of 374.4 per square mile (144.0\/km\u00b2). The","Document [6](Title: Roberts, Idaho) the age of 18; 10.5% were between the ages of 18 and 24; 25.2% were from 25 to 44; 21.1% were from 45 to 64; and 8.8% were 65 years of age or older. The gender makeup of the city was 52.4% male and 47.6% female. Roberts has a general store, a caf\u00e9, a restaurant, a library, a gas station, and an elementary school. Middle school or high school-age students living in Roberts typically attend school in Rigby. Roberts, Idaho Roberts is a city in Jefferson County, Idaho, United States. It is part of the Idaho Falls, Idaho Metropolitan Statistical","Document [7](Title: Virginia, Mayfield) changed their surname to Roberts during this time. In 1834, Maria Roberts and her children boarded the Margaret bound for Sydney, Australia, accompanied by her brother-in-law Robert Roberts (who had also changed his name) and his wife Mary. It is not known when John Roberts arrived in Sydney, but it is speculated that he had arrived before his wife and brother to search for suitable land for the families to settle. It is also possible that John Roberts was a \"remittance man\", meaning that his family paid him to stay away. Shortly after disembarkation, the two Roberts families lived on","Document [8](Title: Alfred Roberts) Alfred Roberts Alfred Roberts (18 April 1892 \u2013 10 February 1970) was an English grocer, local preacher, and politician. He served as Alderman of Grantham from 1943 to 1952 and Mayor of Grantham from 1945 to 1946. His second daughter Margaret was the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Roberts was born in Ringstead, Northamptonshire. He was the fifth of seven children. His father was Benjamin Ebenezer Roberts (28 December 1857 \u2013 17 September 1925), from a Ringstead family, and his mother was Ellen Smith (20 November 1857 \u2013 1 May 1935), whose own mother, Catherine Sullivan, was","Document [9](Title: Roberts, Wisconsin) Roberts, Wisconsin Roberts is a village in St. Croix County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 1,651 at the 2010 census. The village is surrounded by the town of Warren. Roberts was named in 1873 for a railroad engineer. A post office called Roberts has been in operation since 1884. Roberts is located at (44.983807, -92.553790). According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of , all of it land. At the 2010 census, there were 1,651 people, 625 households and 442 families in the village. The population density was . There were 724 housing","Document [10](Title: Windsor Roberts) Windsor Roberts Windsor Roberts was born in Pontnewynydd in Monmouthshire on 4 May 1898, the son of John Wesley Roberts and his wife, Mary Jane Jones. When the census of Wales was taken in 1901 his father was described as an underground labourer living at 49, Hanbury Road there with his wife, four daughters and three-year-old son. He was educated at West Monmouth School, after which he was briefly employed as a pupil teacher. He joined the Armed Forces on 29 May 1916, engaging himself to serve three years in the Wales Division, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. He was mustered","Document [11](Title: Stay High 149) 11, 2012 from a liver disease at a medical center in The Bronx, New York. He is survived by his sister Pauline Noble. Stay High 149 Wayne Roberts (October 20, 1950 \u2013 June 11, 2012), known as Stay High 149, was an American graffiti artist. Roberts was born in Emporia, Virginia, moving to the Bronx, New York at age six. He was called a \"superstar\" of the graffiti world in the late 1970s. Widely considered to use one of the most famous graffiti tags in the world, his trademark includes a smoking version of the stick figure from 1960s British","Document [12](Title: Ben Roberts (politician)) 1952. His first wife, Mary Roberts, had died in 1936. Ben Roberts (politician) Benjamin Roberts (1880 \u2013 17 November 1952) was a New Zealand politician of the Labour Party and a Cabinet Minister. Roberts was born in 1880 in Liverpool. He started work as a farm labourer at 13. He bought his family to New Zealand in 1907 and settled in Carterton. He was elected to Parliament in the Wairarapa electorate in 1935, and remained a member of parliament to 1946, when he retired. He was Minister for Agriculture and Marketing, and Minister of Marketing, from 1943 to 1946 in","Document [13](Title: Michael Roberts (writer)) Michael Roberts (writer) Michael Roberts (6 December 1902 \u2013 13 December 1948), originally named William Edward Roberts, was an English poet, writer, critic and broadcaster, who made his living as a teacher. He was born in Bournemouth, named William Edward Roberts. He was the eldest child of Edward George Roberts (b. 7 January 1878, d. 14 March 1954) and Henrietta Mary Sellers (b. 23 March 1880, d. 28 June 1918 following the birth of a son nine days earlier). They had a farm in the New Forest. He was educated at Bournemouth School. From 1920 to 1922 he studied at","Document [14](Title: Eric Roberts (spy)) his social background and a desk role did not suit him as well as his wartime role had. He is the subject of the 2018 biography \"Agent Jack\" by Robert Hutton, and his adventures were the inspiration for the novel \"Our Friends In Berlin\" by Anthony Quinn and for a major character in the novel \"Transcription\" by Kate Atkinson. Roberts was born in Wivelsfield in June 1907, the son of Percival Arthur Garfield Roberts and his wife Maud (n\u00e9e Green). At the time of the 1911 Census the family was living in Penzance, where his father worked for the Western","Document [15](Title: Gordon Roberts (ice hockey)) helps me get up and apologizes and says it is an accident ... can I hit a man who is apologizing to me? No, never, it is not done...\u2019' Born September 5, 1891, and raised in Ottawa, Roberts was the youngest of ten children; he had eight brothers and a sister. His brother Laurie was also a doctor and athlete, while another brother, Eddie, fought and died in the First World War. Roberts returned east in 1922 where he did post-graduate studies in New York. The Ottawa Senators, then of the National Hockey League, attempted to bring him out of","Document [16](Title: Brushy Bill Roberts) Roberts around 1910. Detractors of Roberts point to the fact that a family Bible belonging to Oliver Roberts' niece, Geneva Pittmon, (Oliver P. Roberts, not Oliver L.) showed that O.P. Roberts was born in 1879. Because Billy the Kid was 21 at the time of his death in 1881, if Brushy Bill Roberts was born Oliver P. Roberts, then it would be impossible for him to have been the Kid. Supporters of Roberts maintain that the birth date of the real Oliver P. Roberts' would have no relevance to a man who assumed his identity later in life. It is","Document [17](Title: C. A. Roberts) C. A. Roberts Clarence Abram Roberts (November 5, 1903 \u2013 December 21, 1973), known as C. A. Roberts, was a Florida state legislator. He served in the Florida House of Representatives on multiple occasions for Union County. He was also a noted pecan farmer, cattle rancher, timberland owner and naval stores operator. He was a lifelong resident of Lake Butler, Florida. Roberts was born to Charles Abram Roberts and Lucretia M. Nettle. He was educated in county public schools and worked as a prison manager and a livestock inspector in the 1920s. Union County, where Roberts resided, became the 61st","Document [18](Title: Bay Roberts) In the 1675 census, Bay Roberts is called \"Bay of Roberts.\" The Berry census of Newfoundland records only two planters in Bay Roberts. One was Anthony Varder who lived there with his wife and four children. The other one was a widow named Jane Clay. The 1677 census says between them they employed 19 servants, owned six boats and kept 34 cattle, 22 sheep and 13 hogs. Families such as the \"Parsons\", \"Mercers\" and \"Bishops\" arrived later. Settlers from the Channel Islands arrived in the 18th century. These early settlers left behind archaeological evidence of their way of life. Clay","Document [19](Title: Windsor Roberts) 1963. Roberts, who never married, was survived by his six sisters: Misses Blodwen, Sarah, Greta, Gladys and Gwen Roberts and Mrs F. Hayward. Windsor Roberts Windsor Roberts was born in Pontnewynydd in Monmouthshire on 4 May 1898, the son of John Wesley Roberts and his wife, Mary Jane Jones. When the census of Wales was taken in 1901 his father was described as an underground labourer living at 49, Hanbury Road there with his wife, four daughters and three-year-old son. He was educated at West Monmouth School, after which he was briefly employed as a pupil teacher. He joined the","Document [20](Title: Roberts (surname)) Roberts is a surname of Norman origin, deriving from the Norman given name Robert, meaning \"bright renown\" \u2013 from the Germanic elements \"hrod\" meaning renown and \"beraht\" meaning bright. Roberts may mean either \"servant of Robert\" or \"son of Robert\"; the latter is more common in Wales, while the former is more common in England. Although the name Robert was known in the British isles before the Norman Conquest in 1066, it was mainly introduced into Britain by the Normans. Today the surname Roberts is common in England, Wales, Ireland and the Isle of Man, with the biggest concentration by"],"query":"where does the last name roberts come from?","answers":["Norman","Norman origin"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Hyderabad State (1948\u201356)) Hyderabad State was a state in Independent India, formed after the accession of the princely state of Hyderabad into the Indian Union on 24 November 1949. It existed from 1948 to 1956.","Document [2](Title: History of Hyderabad) into the coastal Andhra region of the Madras state of India, the Indian Government under Home Minister Sardar Patel initiated a police action titled Operation Polo. On 16 September 1948, Indian Army moved into Hyderabad State from five fronts. Four days later, the Hyderabad forces surrendered. The number of dead was a little over 800. The Police Action achieved success within a matter of days. The Nizam finally surrendered and signed the Instrument of Accession to the Indian Union and Hyderabad was integrated into the Indian Union as a state. In 1955, B. R. Ambedkar, the then chairman of the","Document [3](Title: Hyderabad State) Hyderabad State Hyderabad State (), also known as Hyderabad Deccan, was an Indian princely state located in the south-central region of India with its capital at the city of Hyderabad. It is now divided into Telangana state, Hyderabad-Karnataka region of Karnataka and Marathwada region of Maharashtra. The state was ruled from 1724 to 1857 by the Nizam who was initially a viceroy of the Great Mogul in the Deccan. Hyderabad gradually became the first princely state to come under British paramountcy signing a subsidiary alliance agreement. Later, under the leadership of Asaf Jah V it changed its traditional heraldic flag.","Document [4](Title: Hyderabad) state was split into three parts, which were merged with neighbouring states to form the modern states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. The nine Telugu- and Urdu-speaking districts of Hyderabad State in the Telangana region were merged with the Telugu-speaking Andhra State to create Andhra Pradesh, with Hyderabad as its capital. Several protests, known collectively as the Telangana movement, attempted to invalidate the merger and demanded the creation of a new Telangana state. Major actions took place in 1969 and 1972, and a third began in 2010. The city suffered several explosions: one at Dilsukhnagar in 2002 claimed two","Document [5](Title: Hyderabad) lives; terrorist bombs in May and August 2007 caused communal tension and riots; and two bombs exploded in February 2013. On 30 July 2013 the government of India declared that part of Andhra Pradesh would be split off to form a new Telangana state, and that Hyderabad city would be the capital city and part of Telangana, while the city would also remain the capital of Andhra Pradesh for no more than ten years. On 3 October 2013 the Union Cabinet approved the proposal, and in February 2014 both houses of Parliament passed the Telangana Bill. With the final assent","Document [6](Title: Warangal Urban district) sultanate ruled Warangal. The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb conquered Golconda in 1687, and it remained part of the Mughal empire until the southern provinces of the empire split away to become the state of Hyderabad in 1724 which included the Telangana region and some parts of Maharashtra and Karnataka. Hyderabad became an Indian state in 1948. In 1956 Hyderabad was partitioned as part of the States Reorganisation Act, and Telangana, the Telugu-speaking region of Hyderabad state which includes Warangal, became part of Andhra Pradesh. After the bifurcation of the state of Andhra Pradesh, the district became a part of the new","Document [7](Title: Unification of Karnataka) the state that were under the rule of the Nizam of Hyderabad. Hyderabad consisted of large portions of what were later to be the north eastern districts of Bidar, Gulbarga and Raichur of Karnataka state. The Lingayat minority in these regions also largely believed that they had been neglected and resented the oppression of the Nizam and the Razakars. The Nizam refused to accede to India until his rule was overthrown by force. Following the 'police action' against the Nizam, Hyderabad province and its citizens became independent on 17 September 1948. This day is celebrated by the Karnataka government as","Document [8](Title: Hyderabad-Karnataka) Indian Union. The historical background of the movement started with a new era in Indian history. Hyderabad-Karnataka Hyderabad\u2013Karnataka is the name given to north-east Karnataka, India. It is the Kannada-speaking part of the Hyderabad State, that was ruled by the Nizams of Hyderabad until 1948. After merging with the Indian union, the region was part of Hyderabad State until 1956. The Hyderabad-Karnataka\/Northeast Karnataka region comprises Bidar, Yadgir, Raichur, Koppal and Gulbarga of Hyderabad state and, Bellary of Madras that are in the present state of Karnataka. The Northeast-Karnataka region is the second largest arid region in India. 17 September 1948","Document [9](Title: Hyderabad State) was split up among Andhra Pradesh and Bombay state (later divided into states of Maharashtra and Gujarat in 1960 with the original portions of Hyderabad becoming part of the state of Maharashtra) and Karnataka. Wilfred Cantwell Smith states that Hyderabad was an area where the political and social structure from medieval Muslim rule had been preserved more or less intact into the modern times. At the head of the social order was the Nizam, who owned 5 million acres (10% of the land area) of the state, earning him Rs. 25 million a year. Another Rs. 5 million was granted","Document [10](Title: P. K. Monnappa) Mysore. The unified state police got a uniform dress code under Mysore Police. Similarly the Telugu speaking parts of Hyderabad and Madras were brought together. At the time of India's independence, Hyderabad was the largest Indian princely state in terms of population and GNP. Its territory of was more than that of England and Scotland put together. The 1941 census had estimated its population to be 16.34 million, over 85% of who were Hindus and with Muslims accounting for about 12%. It was also a multi-lingual state consisting of peoples speaking Telugu (48.2%), Marathi (26.4%), Kannada (12.3%) and Urdu (10.3%).","Document [11](Title: Telangana) \"Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb\". During the 18th century and the British Raj, Telangana was ruled by the Nizam of Hyderabad. In 1823, the Nizams lost control over Northern Circars (Coastal Andhra) and Ceded Districts (Rayalseema), which were handed over to the East India Company. The annexation by the British of the Northern Circars deprived Hyderabad State, the Nizam's dominion, of the considerable coastline it formerly had, to that of a landlocked princely state with territories in Central Deccan, bounded on all sides by British India. Thereafter, the Northern Circars were governed as part of Madras Presidency until India's independence in 1947, after","Document [12](Title: Hyderabad) of the President of India, Telangana state was formed on 2 June 2014. Situated in the southern part of Telangana in southeastern India, Hyderabad is south of Delhi, southeast of Mumbai, and north of Bangalore by road. It lies on the banks of the Musi River, in the northern part of the Deccan Plateau. Greater Hyderabad covers , making it one of the largest metropolitan areas in India. With an average altitude of , Hyderabad lies on predominantly sloping terrain of grey and pink granite, dotted with small hills, the highest being Banjara Hills at . The city has numerous","Document [13](Title: Telangana) was political unrest due to contention for the throne among his sons, who were aided by opportunistic neighbouring states and colonial foreign forces. In 1769, Hyderabad city became the formal capital of the Nizams. The Nizam Nasir-ud-dawlah, Asaf Jah IV signed the Subsidiary Alliance with the British in 1799 and lost its control over the state's defence and foreign affairs. Hyderabad State became a princely state among the presidencies and provinces of British India. When India became independent from the British Empire in 1947, the Nizam of Hyderabad did not want to merge with the Indian Union and wanted to","Document [14](Title: Hyderabad) against Nizam VII in 1948. On 17 September that year, the Indian Army took control of Hyderabad State after an invasion codenamed Operation Polo. With the defeat of his forces, Nizam VII capitulated to the Indian Union by signing an Instrument of Accession, which made him the \"Rajpramukh\" (Princely Governor) of the state until 31 October 1956. Between 1946 and 1951, the Communist Party of India fomented the Telangana uprising against the feudal lords of the Telangana region. The Constitution of India, which became effective on 26 January 1950, made Hyderabad State one of the part B states of India,","Document [15](Title: History of Hyderabad) admitted to the Constituent Assembly drafting a constitution for free India. For the next eight years, Hyderabad State continued as a separate state within the union, with its capital Hyderabad. On 1 November 1956, the states of India were reorganized on linguistic grounds and the 7th Nizam Mir Osman Ali Khan was made the Rajpramukh based on his administrative abilities. Consequently, the territories of the State of Hyderabad were divided between newly created Andhra Pradesh, Bombay state (later Maharashtra), and Karnataka. Hyderabad and the surrounding areas were annexed into India, and later to Andhra Pradesh based on Telugu linguistic majority,","Document [16](Title: Warangal) the demise of the Nayaks, Warangal was part of the Bahmani Sultanate and then the Sultanate of Golconda. The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb conquered Golconda in 1687, and it remained part of the Mughal empire until the southern provinces of the empire split away to become the state of Hyderabad in 1724, which included the Telangana region and some parts of Maharashtra and Karnataka. Hyderabad was annexed to India in 1948, and became an Indian state called as Hyderabad state. In 1956 Hyderabad state was partitioned as part of the States Reorganisation Act, and Telangana, the Telugu-speaking region of Hyderabad state,","Document [17](Title: History of Hyderabad) the Deccan plateau & central India for 450 years,i.e., from 230 BCE onward until around 220 CE. After the decline of the Satavahana Empire in 210 AD, the region came under the rule of the Ikshvaku dynasty (225 AD - 325 AD), the successors of the Satavahanas in eastern Deccan. The capital of Ikshvaku dynasty was the town of Nagarjunakonda in modern-day Guntur district and named after Nagarjuna, a southern Indian master of Mahayana Buddhism who lived in the 2nd century AD, who is believed to have been responsible for the Buddhist activity in the area. Various Buddhist and Hindu","Document [18](Title: History of Hyderabad) airports in India. The city saw terrorist bomb blasts in May 2007, August 2007 and February 2013. Hyderabad also hosted the 2007 Military World Games and 2009 World Badminton Championships. By the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2014, the state of Telangana was separated from Andhra Pradesh as a new 29th state of India, with the city of Hyderabad as its capital. The new state was created on 2nd June, 2014. K. Chandrashekhar Rao was elected as the first Chief Minister of Telangana. Hyderabad would also remain the \"de jure\" capital of Andhra Pradesh for a period of ten years. The","Document [19](Title: Nizamabad, Telangana) in the year 1905 when Nizam's Dominion were recognized, where up to it was known as \"Indur\". The Nizam of Hyderabad ruled over the Deccan region during the 18th century. Nizamabad was a part of princely State of Hyderabad in 1724 and continued to be part of the Nizam's dominions until 1948. After India gained independence in 1947, the Indian Armed Forces annexed Hyderabad and ended the rule of the Nizam in Operation Polo. It was during 1876 Nizamabad became a separate district when the districts in Hyderabad State were reorganized by Salar Jung-I, the then prime minister. In 1905","Document [20](Title: Raichur district) of Raichur in 1520 but Bijapur recaptured it in 1565 after Vijayanagara's defeat at hands of Deccan Sultanates during Battle of Talikota. Aurangzeb, emperor of Mughal Empire captured the district in 1686. Finally 1724 Raichur became part of Nizam of Hyderabad between 1724 and 1948 except British Empire rule between 1853 and 1860 as part of Madras Presidency. During Nizam rule it was part of Gulbarga Division. After the Operation Polo, Hyderabad State was integrated to Indian Union on 17 September 1948. Between 1948 and 1956, it was part of Hyderabad State. During division of the state on linguistic basis,"],"query":"when did hyderabad became a part of india?","answers":["24 November 1949"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: History of Hyderabad) into the coastal Andhra region of the Madras state of India, the Indian Government under Home Minister Sardar Patel initiated a police action titled Operation Polo. On 16 September 1948, Indian Army moved into Hyderabad State from five fronts. Four days later, the Hyderabad forces surrendered. The number of dead was a little over 800. The Police Action achieved success within a matter of days. The Nizam finally surrendered and signed the Instrument of Accession to the Indian Union and Hyderabad was integrated into the Indian Union as a state. In 1955, B. R. Ambedkar, the then chairman of the","Document [2](Title: Hyderabad State) Hyderabad State Hyderabad State (), also known as Hyderabad Deccan, was an Indian princely state located in the south-central region of India with its capital at the city of Hyderabad. It is now divided into Telangana state, Hyderabad-Karnataka region of Karnataka and Marathwada region of Maharashtra. The state was ruled from 1724 to 1857 by the Nizam who was initially a viceroy of the Great Mogul in the Deccan. Hyderabad gradually became the first princely state to come under British paramountcy signing a subsidiary alliance agreement. Later, under the leadership of Asaf Jah V it changed its traditional heraldic flag.","Document [3](Title: Hyderabad) state was split into three parts, which were merged with neighbouring states to form the modern states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. The nine Telugu- and Urdu-speaking districts of Hyderabad State in the Telangana region were merged with the Telugu-speaking Andhra State to create Andhra Pradesh, with Hyderabad as its capital. Several protests, known collectively as the Telangana movement, attempted to invalidate the merger and demanded the creation of a new Telangana state. Major actions took place in 1969 and 1972, and a third began in 2010. The city suffered several explosions: one at Dilsukhnagar in 2002 claimed two","Document [4](Title: Hyderabad) lives; terrorist bombs in May and August 2007 caused communal tension and riots; and two bombs exploded in February 2013. On 30 July 2013 the government of India declared that part of Andhra Pradesh would be split off to form a new Telangana state, and that Hyderabad city would be the capital city and part of Telangana, while the city would also remain the capital of Andhra Pradesh for no more than ten years. On 3 October 2013 the Union Cabinet approved the proposal, and in February 2014 both houses of Parliament passed the Telangana Bill. With the final assent","Document [5](Title: Hyderabad State (1948\u201356)) Hyderabad State was a state in Independent India, formed after the accession of the princely state of Hyderabad into the Indian Union on 24 November 1949. It existed from 1948 to 1956.","Document [6](Title: Warangal Urban district) sultanate ruled Warangal. The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb conquered Golconda in 1687, and it remained part of the Mughal empire until the southern provinces of the empire split away to become the state of Hyderabad in 1724 which included the Telangana region and some parts of Maharashtra and Karnataka. Hyderabad became an Indian state in 1948. In 1956 Hyderabad was partitioned as part of the States Reorganisation Act, and Telangana, the Telugu-speaking region of Hyderabad state which includes Warangal, became part of Andhra Pradesh. After the bifurcation of the state of Andhra Pradesh, the district became a part of the new","Document [7](Title: Unification of Karnataka) the state that were under the rule of the Nizam of Hyderabad. Hyderabad consisted of large portions of what were later to be the north eastern districts of Bidar, Gulbarga and Raichur of Karnataka state. The Lingayat minority in these regions also largely believed that they had been neglected and resented the oppression of the Nizam and the Razakars. The Nizam refused to accede to India until his rule was overthrown by force. Following the 'police action' against the Nizam, Hyderabad province and its citizens became independent on 17 September 1948. This day is celebrated by the Karnataka government as","Document [8](Title: Hyderabad-Karnataka) Indian Union. The historical background of the movement started with a new era in Indian history. Hyderabad-Karnataka Hyderabad\u2013Karnataka is the name given to north-east Karnataka, India. It is the Kannada-speaking part of the Hyderabad State, that was ruled by the Nizams of Hyderabad until 1948. After merging with the Indian union, the region was part of Hyderabad State until 1956. The Hyderabad-Karnataka\/Northeast Karnataka region comprises Bidar, Yadgir, Raichur, Koppal and Gulbarga of Hyderabad state and, Bellary of Madras that are in the present state of Karnataka. The Northeast-Karnataka region is the second largest arid region in India. 17 September 1948","Document [9](Title: Hyderabad State) was split up among Andhra Pradesh and Bombay state (later divided into states of Maharashtra and Gujarat in 1960 with the original portions of Hyderabad becoming part of the state of Maharashtra) and Karnataka. Wilfred Cantwell Smith states that Hyderabad was an area where the political and social structure from medieval Muslim rule had been preserved more or less intact into the modern times. At the head of the social order was the Nizam, who owned 5 million acres (10% of the land area) of the state, earning him Rs. 25 million a year. Another Rs. 5 million was granted","Document [10](Title: P. K. Monnappa) Mysore. The unified state police got a uniform dress code under Mysore Police. Similarly the Telugu speaking parts of Hyderabad and Madras were brought together. At the time of India's independence, Hyderabad was the largest Indian princely state in terms of population and GNP. Its territory of was more than that of England and Scotland put together. The 1941 census had estimated its population to be 16.34 million, over 85% of who were Hindus and with Muslims accounting for about 12%. It was also a multi-lingual state consisting of peoples speaking Telugu (48.2%), Marathi (26.4%), Kannada (12.3%) and Urdu (10.3%).","Document [11](Title: Telangana) \"Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb\". During the 18th century and the British Raj, Telangana was ruled by the Nizam of Hyderabad. In 1823, the Nizams lost control over Northern Circars (Coastal Andhra) and Ceded Districts (Rayalseema), which were handed over to the East India Company. The annexation by the British of the Northern Circars deprived Hyderabad State, the Nizam's dominion, of the considerable coastline it formerly had, to that of a landlocked princely state with territories in Central Deccan, bounded on all sides by British India. Thereafter, the Northern Circars were governed as part of Madras Presidency until India's independence in 1947, after","Document [12](Title: Hyderabad) of the President of India, Telangana state was formed on 2 June 2014. Situated in the southern part of Telangana in southeastern India, Hyderabad is south of Delhi, southeast of Mumbai, and north of Bangalore by road. It lies on the banks of the Musi River, in the northern part of the Deccan Plateau. Greater Hyderabad covers , making it one of the largest metropolitan areas in India. With an average altitude of , Hyderabad lies on predominantly sloping terrain of grey and pink granite, dotted with small hills, the highest being Banjara Hills at . The city has numerous","Document [13](Title: Telangana) was political unrest due to contention for the throne among his sons, who were aided by opportunistic neighbouring states and colonial foreign forces. In 1769, Hyderabad city became the formal capital of the Nizams. The Nizam Nasir-ud-dawlah, Asaf Jah IV signed the Subsidiary Alliance with the British in 1799 and lost its control over the state's defence and foreign affairs. Hyderabad State became a princely state among the presidencies and provinces of British India. When India became independent from the British Empire in 1947, the Nizam of Hyderabad did not want to merge with the Indian Union and wanted to","Document [14](Title: Hyderabad) against Nizam VII in 1948. On 17 September that year, the Indian Army took control of Hyderabad State after an invasion codenamed Operation Polo. With the defeat of his forces, Nizam VII capitulated to the Indian Union by signing an Instrument of Accession, which made him the \"Rajpramukh\" (Princely Governor) of the state until 31 October 1956. Between 1946 and 1951, the Communist Party of India fomented the Telangana uprising against the feudal lords of the Telangana region. The Constitution of India, which became effective on 26 January 1950, made Hyderabad State one of the part B states of India,","Document [15](Title: History of Hyderabad) admitted to the Constituent Assembly drafting a constitution for free India. For the next eight years, Hyderabad State continued as a separate state within the union, with its capital Hyderabad. On 1 November 1956, the states of India were reorganized on linguistic grounds and the 7th Nizam Mir Osman Ali Khan was made the Rajpramukh based on his administrative abilities. Consequently, the territories of the State of Hyderabad were divided between newly created Andhra Pradesh, Bombay state (later Maharashtra), and Karnataka. Hyderabad and the surrounding areas were annexed into India, and later to Andhra Pradesh based on Telugu linguistic majority,","Document [16](Title: Warangal) the demise of the Nayaks, Warangal was part of the Bahmani Sultanate and then the Sultanate of Golconda. The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb conquered Golconda in 1687, and it remained part of the Mughal empire until the southern provinces of the empire split away to become the state of Hyderabad in 1724, which included the Telangana region and some parts of Maharashtra and Karnataka. Hyderabad was annexed to India in 1948, and became an Indian state called as Hyderabad state. In 1956 Hyderabad state was partitioned as part of the States Reorganisation Act, and Telangana, the Telugu-speaking region of Hyderabad state,","Document [17](Title: History of Hyderabad) the Deccan plateau & central India for 450 years,i.e., from 230 BCE onward until around 220 CE. After the decline of the Satavahana Empire in 210 AD, the region came under the rule of the Ikshvaku dynasty (225 AD - 325 AD), the successors of the Satavahanas in eastern Deccan. The capital of Ikshvaku dynasty was the town of Nagarjunakonda in modern-day Guntur district and named after Nagarjuna, a southern Indian master of Mahayana Buddhism who lived in the 2nd century AD, who is believed to have been responsible for the Buddhist activity in the area. Various Buddhist and Hindu","Document [18](Title: History of Hyderabad) airports in India. The city saw terrorist bomb blasts in May 2007, August 2007 and February 2013. Hyderabad also hosted the 2007 Military World Games and 2009 World Badminton Championships. By the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2014, the state of Telangana was separated from Andhra Pradesh as a new 29th state of India, with the city of Hyderabad as its capital. The new state was created on 2nd June, 2014. K. Chandrashekhar Rao was elected as the first Chief Minister of Telangana. Hyderabad would also remain the \"de jure\" capital of Andhra Pradesh for a period of ten years. The","Document [19](Title: Nizamabad, Telangana) in the year 1905 when Nizam's Dominion were recognized, where up to it was known as \"Indur\". The Nizam of Hyderabad ruled over the Deccan region during the 18th century. Nizamabad was a part of princely State of Hyderabad in 1724 and continued to be part of the Nizam's dominions until 1948. After India gained independence in 1947, the Indian Armed Forces annexed Hyderabad and ended the rule of the Nizam in Operation Polo. It was during 1876 Nizamabad became a separate district when the districts in Hyderabad State were reorganized by Salar Jung-I, the then prime minister. In 1905","Document [20](Title: Raichur district) of Raichur in 1520 but Bijapur recaptured it in 1565 after Vijayanagara's defeat at hands of Deccan Sultanates during Battle of Talikota. Aurangzeb, emperor of Mughal Empire captured the district in 1686. Finally 1724 Raichur became part of Nizam of Hyderabad between 1724 and 1948 except British Empire rule between 1853 and 1860 as part of Madras Presidency. During Nizam rule it was part of Gulbarga Division. After the Operation Polo, Hyderabad State was integrated to Indian Union on 17 September 1948. Between 1948 and 1956, it was part of Hyderabad State. During division of the state on linguistic basis,"],"query":"when did hyderabad became a part of india?","answers":["24 November 1949"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: History of Hyderabad) into the coastal Andhra region of the Madras state of India, the Indian Government under Home Minister Sardar Patel initiated a police action titled Operation Polo. On 16 September 1948, Indian Army moved into Hyderabad State from five fronts. Four days later, the Hyderabad forces surrendered. The number of dead was a little over 800. The Police Action achieved success within a matter of days. The Nizam finally surrendered and signed the Instrument of Accession to the Indian Union and Hyderabad was integrated into the Indian Union as a state. In 1955, B. R. Ambedkar, the then chairman of the","Document [2](Title: Hyderabad State) Hyderabad State Hyderabad State (), also known as Hyderabad Deccan, was an Indian princely state located in the south-central region of India with its capital at the city of Hyderabad. It is now divided into Telangana state, Hyderabad-Karnataka region of Karnataka and Marathwada region of Maharashtra. The state was ruled from 1724 to 1857 by the Nizam who was initially a viceroy of the Great Mogul in the Deccan. Hyderabad gradually became the first princely state to come under British paramountcy signing a subsidiary alliance agreement. Later, under the leadership of Asaf Jah V it changed its traditional heraldic flag.","Document [3](Title: Hyderabad) state was split into three parts, which were merged with neighbouring states to form the modern states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. The nine Telugu- and Urdu-speaking districts of Hyderabad State in the Telangana region were merged with the Telugu-speaking Andhra State to create Andhra Pradesh, with Hyderabad as its capital. Several protests, known collectively as the Telangana movement, attempted to invalidate the merger and demanded the creation of a new Telangana state. Major actions took place in 1969 and 1972, and a third began in 2010. The city suffered several explosions: one at Dilsukhnagar in 2002 claimed two","Document [4](Title: Hyderabad) lives; terrorist bombs in May and August 2007 caused communal tension and riots; and two bombs exploded in February 2013. On 30 July 2013 the government of India declared that part of Andhra Pradesh would be split off to form a new Telangana state, and that Hyderabad city would be the capital city and part of Telangana, while the city would also remain the capital of Andhra Pradesh for no more than ten years. On 3 October 2013 the Union Cabinet approved the proposal, and in February 2014 both houses of Parliament passed the Telangana Bill. With the final assent","Document [5](Title: Warangal Urban district) sultanate ruled Warangal. The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb conquered Golconda in 1687, and it remained part of the Mughal empire until the southern provinces of the empire split away to become the state of Hyderabad in 1724 which included the Telangana region and some parts of Maharashtra and Karnataka. Hyderabad became an Indian state in 1948. In 1956 Hyderabad was partitioned as part of the States Reorganisation Act, and Telangana, the Telugu-speaking region of Hyderabad state which includes Warangal, became part of Andhra Pradesh. After the bifurcation of the state of Andhra Pradesh, the district became a part of the new","Document [6](Title: Unification of Karnataka) the state that were under the rule of the Nizam of Hyderabad. Hyderabad consisted of large portions of what were later to be the north eastern districts of Bidar, Gulbarga and Raichur of Karnataka state. The Lingayat minority in these regions also largely believed that they had been neglected and resented the oppression of the Nizam and the Razakars. The Nizam refused to accede to India until his rule was overthrown by force. Following the 'police action' against the Nizam, Hyderabad province and its citizens became independent on 17 September 1948. This day is celebrated by the Karnataka government as","Document [7](Title: Hyderabad-Karnataka) Indian Union. The historical background of the movement started with a new era in Indian history. Hyderabad-Karnataka Hyderabad\u2013Karnataka is the name given to north-east Karnataka, India. It is the Kannada-speaking part of the Hyderabad State, that was ruled by the Nizams of Hyderabad until 1948. After merging with the Indian union, the region was part of Hyderabad State until 1956. The Hyderabad-Karnataka\/Northeast Karnataka region comprises Bidar, Yadgir, Raichur, Koppal and Gulbarga of Hyderabad state and, Bellary of Madras that are in the present state of Karnataka. The Northeast-Karnataka region is the second largest arid region in India. 17 September 1948","Document [8](Title: Hyderabad State) was split up among Andhra Pradesh and Bombay state (later divided into states of Maharashtra and Gujarat in 1960 with the original portions of Hyderabad becoming part of the state of Maharashtra) and Karnataka. Wilfred Cantwell Smith states that Hyderabad was an area where the political and social structure from medieval Muslim rule had been preserved more or less intact into the modern times. At the head of the social order was the Nizam, who owned 5 million acres (10% of the land area) of the state, earning him Rs. 25 million a year. Another Rs. 5 million was granted","Document [9](Title: P. K. Monnappa) Mysore. The unified state police got a uniform dress code under Mysore Police. Similarly the Telugu speaking parts of Hyderabad and Madras were brought together. At the time of India's independence, Hyderabad was the largest Indian princely state in terms of population and GNP. Its territory of was more than that of England and Scotland put together. The 1941 census had estimated its population to be 16.34 million, over 85% of who were Hindus and with Muslims accounting for about 12%. It was also a multi-lingual state consisting of peoples speaking Telugu (48.2%), Marathi (26.4%), Kannada (12.3%) and Urdu (10.3%).","Document [10](Title: Hyderabad State (1948\u201356)) Hyderabad State was a state in Independent India, formed after the accession of the princely state of Hyderabad into the Indian Union on 24 November 1949. It existed from 1948 to 1956.","Document [11](Title: Telangana) \"Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb\". During the 18th century and the British Raj, Telangana was ruled by the Nizam of Hyderabad. In 1823, the Nizams lost control over Northern Circars (Coastal Andhra) and Ceded Districts (Rayalseema), which were handed over to the East India Company. The annexation by the British of the Northern Circars deprived Hyderabad State, the Nizam's dominion, of the considerable coastline it formerly had, to that of a landlocked princely state with territories in Central Deccan, bounded on all sides by British India. Thereafter, the Northern Circars were governed as part of Madras Presidency until India's independence in 1947, after","Document [12](Title: Hyderabad) of the President of India, Telangana state was formed on 2 June 2014. Situated in the southern part of Telangana in southeastern India, Hyderabad is south of Delhi, southeast of Mumbai, and north of Bangalore by road. It lies on the banks of the Musi River, in the northern part of the Deccan Plateau. Greater Hyderabad covers , making it one of the largest metropolitan areas in India. With an average altitude of , Hyderabad lies on predominantly sloping terrain of grey and pink granite, dotted with small hills, the highest being Banjara Hills at . The city has numerous","Document [13](Title: Telangana) was political unrest due to contention for the throne among his sons, who were aided by opportunistic neighbouring states and colonial foreign forces. In 1769, Hyderabad city became the formal capital of the Nizams. The Nizam Nasir-ud-dawlah, Asaf Jah IV signed the Subsidiary Alliance with the British in 1799 and lost its control over the state's defence and foreign affairs. Hyderabad State became a princely state among the presidencies and provinces of British India. When India became independent from the British Empire in 1947, the Nizam of Hyderabad did not want to merge with the Indian Union and wanted to","Document [14](Title: Hyderabad) against Nizam VII in 1948. On 17 September that year, the Indian Army took control of Hyderabad State after an invasion codenamed Operation Polo. With the defeat of his forces, Nizam VII capitulated to the Indian Union by signing an Instrument of Accession, which made him the \"Rajpramukh\" (Princely Governor) of the state until 31 October 1956. Between 1946 and 1951, the Communist Party of India fomented the Telangana uprising against the feudal lords of the Telangana region. The Constitution of India, which became effective on 26 January 1950, made Hyderabad State one of the part B states of India,","Document [15](Title: History of Hyderabad) admitted to the Constituent Assembly drafting a constitution for free India. For the next eight years, Hyderabad State continued as a separate state within the union, with its capital Hyderabad. On 1 November 1956, the states of India were reorganized on linguistic grounds and the 7th Nizam Mir Osman Ali Khan was made the Rajpramukh based on his administrative abilities. Consequently, the territories of the State of Hyderabad were divided between newly created Andhra Pradesh, Bombay state (later Maharashtra), and Karnataka. Hyderabad and the surrounding areas were annexed into India, and later to Andhra Pradesh based on Telugu linguistic majority,","Document [16](Title: Warangal) the demise of the Nayaks, Warangal was part of the Bahmani Sultanate and then the Sultanate of Golconda. The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb conquered Golconda in 1687, and it remained part of the Mughal empire until the southern provinces of the empire split away to become the state of Hyderabad in 1724, which included the Telangana region and some parts of Maharashtra and Karnataka. Hyderabad was annexed to India in 1948, and became an Indian state called as Hyderabad state. In 1956 Hyderabad state was partitioned as part of the States Reorganisation Act, and Telangana, the Telugu-speaking region of Hyderabad state,","Document [17](Title: History of Hyderabad) the Deccan plateau & central India for 450 years,i.e., from 230 BCE onward until around 220 CE. After the decline of the Satavahana Empire in 210 AD, the region came under the rule of the Ikshvaku dynasty (225 AD - 325 AD), the successors of the Satavahanas in eastern Deccan. The capital of Ikshvaku dynasty was the town of Nagarjunakonda in modern-day Guntur district and named after Nagarjuna, a southern Indian master of Mahayana Buddhism who lived in the 2nd century AD, who is believed to have been responsible for the Buddhist activity in the area. Various Buddhist and Hindu","Document [18](Title: History of Hyderabad) airports in India. The city saw terrorist bomb blasts in May 2007, August 2007 and February 2013. Hyderabad also hosted the 2007 Military World Games and 2009 World Badminton Championships. By the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2014, the state of Telangana was separated from Andhra Pradesh as a new 29th state of India, with the city of Hyderabad as its capital. The new state was created on 2nd June, 2014. K. Chandrashekhar Rao was elected as the first Chief Minister of Telangana. Hyderabad would also remain the \"de jure\" capital of Andhra Pradesh for a period of ten years. The","Document [19](Title: Nizamabad, Telangana) in the year 1905 when Nizam's Dominion were recognized, where up to it was known as \"Indur\". The Nizam of Hyderabad ruled over the Deccan region during the 18th century. Nizamabad was a part of princely State of Hyderabad in 1724 and continued to be part of the Nizam's dominions until 1948. After India gained independence in 1947, the Indian Armed Forces annexed Hyderabad and ended the rule of the Nizam in Operation Polo. It was during 1876 Nizamabad became a separate district when the districts in Hyderabad State were reorganized by Salar Jung-I, the then prime minister. In 1905","Document [20](Title: Raichur district) of Raichur in 1520 but Bijapur recaptured it in 1565 after Vijayanagara's defeat at hands of Deccan Sultanates during Battle of Talikota. Aurangzeb, emperor of Mughal Empire captured the district in 1686. Finally 1724 Raichur became part of Nizam of Hyderabad between 1724 and 1948 except British Empire rule between 1853 and 1860 as part of Madras Presidency. During Nizam rule it was part of Gulbarga Division. After the Operation Polo, Hyderabad State was integrated to Indian Union on 17 September 1948. Between 1948 and 1956, it was part of Hyderabad State. During division of the state on linguistic basis,"],"query":"when did hyderabad became a part of india?","answers":["24 November 1949"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: History of Hyderabad) into the coastal Andhra region of the Madras state of India, the Indian Government under Home Minister Sardar Patel initiated a police action titled Operation Polo. On 16 September 1948, Indian Army moved into Hyderabad State from five fronts. Four days later, the Hyderabad forces surrendered. The number of dead was a little over 800. The Police Action achieved success within a matter of days. The Nizam finally surrendered and signed the Instrument of Accession to the Indian Union and Hyderabad was integrated into the Indian Union as a state. In 1955, B. R. Ambedkar, the then chairman of the","Document [2](Title: Hyderabad State) Hyderabad State Hyderabad State (), also known as Hyderabad Deccan, was an Indian princely state located in the south-central region of India with its capital at the city of Hyderabad. It is now divided into Telangana state, Hyderabad-Karnataka region of Karnataka and Marathwada region of Maharashtra. The state was ruled from 1724 to 1857 by the Nizam who was initially a viceroy of the Great Mogul in the Deccan. Hyderabad gradually became the first princely state to come under British paramountcy signing a subsidiary alliance agreement. Later, under the leadership of Asaf Jah V it changed its traditional heraldic flag.","Document [3](Title: Hyderabad) state was split into three parts, which were merged with neighbouring states to form the modern states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. The nine Telugu- and Urdu-speaking districts of Hyderabad State in the Telangana region were merged with the Telugu-speaking Andhra State to create Andhra Pradesh, with Hyderabad as its capital. Several protests, known collectively as the Telangana movement, attempted to invalidate the merger and demanded the creation of a new Telangana state. Major actions took place in 1969 and 1972, and a third began in 2010. The city suffered several explosions: one at Dilsukhnagar in 2002 claimed two","Document [4](Title: Hyderabad) lives; terrorist bombs in May and August 2007 caused communal tension and riots; and two bombs exploded in February 2013. On 30 July 2013 the government of India declared that part of Andhra Pradesh would be split off to form a new Telangana state, and that Hyderabad city would be the capital city and part of Telangana, while the city would also remain the capital of Andhra Pradesh for no more than ten years. On 3 October 2013 the Union Cabinet approved the proposal, and in February 2014 both houses of Parliament passed the Telangana Bill. With the final assent","Document [5](Title: Warangal Urban district) sultanate ruled Warangal. The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb conquered Golconda in 1687, and it remained part of the Mughal empire until the southern provinces of the empire split away to become the state of Hyderabad in 1724 which included the Telangana region and some parts of Maharashtra and Karnataka. Hyderabad became an Indian state in 1948. In 1956 Hyderabad was partitioned as part of the States Reorganisation Act, and Telangana, the Telugu-speaking region of Hyderabad state which includes Warangal, became part of Andhra Pradesh. After the bifurcation of the state of Andhra Pradesh, the district became a part of the new","Document [6](Title: Unification of Karnataka) the state that were under the rule of the Nizam of Hyderabad. Hyderabad consisted of large portions of what were later to be the north eastern districts of Bidar, Gulbarga and Raichur of Karnataka state. The Lingayat minority in these regions also largely believed that they had been neglected and resented the oppression of the Nizam and the Razakars. The Nizam refused to accede to India until his rule was overthrown by force. Following the 'police action' against the Nizam, Hyderabad province and its citizens became independent on 17 September 1948. This day is celebrated by the Karnataka government as","Document [7](Title: Hyderabad-Karnataka) Indian Union. The historical background of the movement started with a new era in Indian history. Hyderabad-Karnataka Hyderabad\u2013Karnataka is the name given to north-east Karnataka, India. It is the Kannada-speaking part of the Hyderabad State, that was ruled by the Nizams of Hyderabad until 1948. After merging with the Indian union, the region was part of Hyderabad State until 1956. The Hyderabad-Karnataka\/Northeast Karnataka region comprises Bidar, Yadgir, Raichur, Koppal and Gulbarga of Hyderabad state and, Bellary of Madras that are in the present state of Karnataka. The Northeast-Karnataka region is the second largest arid region in India. 17 September 1948","Document [8](Title: Hyderabad State) was split up among Andhra Pradesh and Bombay state (later divided into states of Maharashtra and Gujarat in 1960 with the original portions of Hyderabad becoming part of the state of Maharashtra) and Karnataka. Wilfred Cantwell Smith states that Hyderabad was an area where the political and social structure from medieval Muslim rule had been preserved more or less intact into the modern times. At the head of the social order was the Nizam, who owned 5 million acres (10% of the land area) of the state, earning him Rs. 25 million a year. Another Rs. 5 million was granted","Document [9](Title: P. K. Monnappa) Mysore. The unified state police got a uniform dress code under Mysore Police. Similarly the Telugu speaking parts of Hyderabad and Madras were brought together. At the time of India's independence, Hyderabad was the largest Indian princely state in terms of population and GNP. Its territory of was more than that of England and Scotland put together. The 1941 census had estimated its population to be 16.34 million, over 85% of who were Hindus and with Muslims accounting for about 12%. It was also a multi-lingual state consisting of peoples speaking Telugu (48.2%), Marathi (26.4%), Kannada (12.3%) and Urdu (10.3%).","Document [10](Title: Telangana) \"Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb\". During the 18th century and the British Raj, Telangana was ruled by the Nizam of Hyderabad. In 1823, the Nizams lost control over Northern Circars (Coastal Andhra) and Ceded Districts (Rayalseema), which were handed over to the East India Company. The annexation by the British of the Northern Circars deprived Hyderabad State, the Nizam's dominion, of the considerable coastline it formerly had, to that of a landlocked princely state with territories in Central Deccan, bounded on all sides by British India. Thereafter, the Northern Circars were governed as part of Madras Presidency until India's independence in 1947, after","Document [11](Title: Hyderabad) of the President of India, Telangana state was formed on 2 June 2014. Situated in the southern part of Telangana in southeastern India, Hyderabad is south of Delhi, southeast of Mumbai, and north of Bangalore by road. It lies on the banks of the Musi River, in the northern part of the Deccan Plateau. Greater Hyderabad covers , making it one of the largest metropolitan areas in India. With an average altitude of , Hyderabad lies on predominantly sloping terrain of grey and pink granite, dotted with small hills, the highest being Banjara Hills at . The city has numerous","Document [12](Title: Telangana) was political unrest due to contention for the throne among his sons, who were aided by opportunistic neighbouring states and colonial foreign forces. In 1769, Hyderabad city became the formal capital of the Nizams. The Nizam Nasir-ud-dawlah, Asaf Jah IV signed the Subsidiary Alliance with the British in 1799 and lost its control over the state's defence and foreign affairs. Hyderabad State became a princely state among the presidencies and provinces of British India. When India became independent from the British Empire in 1947, the Nizam of Hyderabad did not want to merge with the Indian Union and wanted to","Document [13](Title: Hyderabad) against Nizam VII in 1948. On 17 September that year, the Indian Army took control of Hyderabad State after an invasion codenamed Operation Polo. With the defeat of his forces, Nizam VII capitulated to the Indian Union by signing an Instrument of Accession, which made him the \"Rajpramukh\" (Princely Governor) of the state until 31 October 1956. Between 1946 and 1951, the Communist Party of India fomented the Telangana uprising against the feudal lords of the Telangana region. The Constitution of India, which became effective on 26 January 1950, made Hyderabad State one of the part B states of India,","Document [14](Title: History of Hyderabad) admitted to the Constituent Assembly drafting a constitution for free India. For the next eight years, Hyderabad State continued as a separate state within the union, with its capital Hyderabad. On 1 November 1956, the states of India were reorganized on linguistic grounds and the 7th Nizam Mir Osman Ali Khan was made the Rajpramukh based on his administrative abilities. Consequently, the territories of the State of Hyderabad were divided between newly created Andhra Pradesh, Bombay state (later Maharashtra), and Karnataka. Hyderabad and the surrounding areas were annexed into India, and later to Andhra Pradesh based on Telugu linguistic majority,","Document [15](Title: Hyderabad State (1948\u201356)) Hyderabad State was a state in Independent India, formed after the accession of the princely state of Hyderabad into the Indian Union on 24 November 1949. It existed from 1948 to 1956.","Document [16](Title: Warangal) the demise of the Nayaks, Warangal was part of the Bahmani Sultanate and then the Sultanate of Golconda. The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb conquered Golconda in 1687, and it remained part of the Mughal empire until the southern provinces of the empire split away to become the state of Hyderabad in 1724, which included the Telangana region and some parts of Maharashtra and Karnataka. Hyderabad was annexed to India in 1948, and became an Indian state called as Hyderabad state. In 1956 Hyderabad state was partitioned as part of the States Reorganisation Act, and Telangana, the Telugu-speaking region of Hyderabad state,","Document [17](Title: History of Hyderabad) the Deccan plateau & central India for 450 years,i.e., from 230 BCE onward until around 220 CE. After the decline of the Satavahana Empire in 210 AD, the region came under the rule of the Ikshvaku dynasty (225 AD - 325 AD), the successors of the Satavahanas in eastern Deccan. The capital of Ikshvaku dynasty was the town of Nagarjunakonda in modern-day Guntur district and named after Nagarjuna, a southern Indian master of Mahayana Buddhism who lived in the 2nd century AD, who is believed to have been responsible for the Buddhist activity in the area. Various Buddhist and Hindu","Document [18](Title: History of Hyderabad) airports in India. The city saw terrorist bomb blasts in May 2007, August 2007 and February 2013. Hyderabad also hosted the 2007 Military World Games and 2009 World Badminton Championships. By the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2014, the state of Telangana was separated from Andhra Pradesh as a new 29th state of India, with the city of Hyderabad as its capital. The new state was created on 2nd June, 2014. K. Chandrashekhar Rao was elected as the first Chief Minister of Telangana. Hyderabad would also remain the \"de jure\" capital of Andhra Pradesh for a period of ten years. The","Document [19](Title: Nizamabad, Telangana) in the year 1905 when Nizam's Dominion were recognized, where up to it was known as \"Indur\". The Nizam of Hyderabad ruled over the Deccan region during the 18th century. Nizamabad was a part of princely State of Hyderabad in 1724 and continued to be part of the Nizam's dominions until 1948. After India gained independence in 1947, the Indian Armed Forces annexed Hyderabad and ended the rule of the Nizam in Operation Polo. It was during 1876 Nizamabad became a separate district when the districts in Hyderabad State were reorganized by Salar Jung-I, the then prime minister. In 1905","Document [20](Title: Raichur district) of Raichur in 1520 but Bijapur recaptured it in 1565 after Vijayanagara's defeat at hands of Deccan Sultanates during Battle of Talikota. Aurangzeb, emperor of Mughal Empire captured the district in 1686. Finally 1724 Raichur became part of Nizam of Hyderabad between 1724 and 1948 except British Empire rule between 1853 and 1860 as part of Madras Presidency. During Nizam rule it was part of Gulbarga Division. After the Operation Polo, Hyderabad State was integrated to Indian Union on 17 September 1948. Between 1948 and 1956, it was part of Hyderabad State. During division of the state on linguistic basis,"],"query":"when did hyderabad became a part of india?","answers":["24 November 1949"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: History of Hyderabad) into the coastal Andhra region of the Madras state of India, the Indian Government under Home Minister Sardar Patel initiated a police action titled Operation Polo. On 16 September 1948, Indian Army moved into Hyderabad State from five fronts. Four days later, the Hyderabad forces surrendered. The number of dead was a little over 800. The Police Action achieved success within a matter of days. The Nizam finally surrendered and signed the Instrument of Accession to the Indian Union and Hyderabad was integrated into the Indian Union as a state. In 1955, B. R. Ambedkar, the then chairman of the","Document [2](Title: Hyderabad State) Hyderabad State Hyderabad State (), also known as Hyderabad Deccan, was an Indian princely state located in the south-central region of India with its capital at the city of Hyderabad. It is now divided into Telangana state, Hyderabad-Karnataka region of Karnataka and Marathwada region of Maharashtra. The state was ruled from 1724 to 1857 by the Nizam who was initially a viceroy of the Great Mogul in the Deccan. Hyderabad gradually became the first princely state to come under British paramountcy signing a subsidiary alliance agreement. Later, under the leadership of Asaf Jah V it changed its traditional heraldic flag.","Document [3](Title: Hyderabad) state was split into three parts, which were merged with neighbouring states to form the modern states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. The nine Telugu- and Urdu-speaking districts of Hyderabad State in the Telangana region were merged with the Telugu-speaking Andhra State to create Andhra Pradesh, with Hyderabad as its capital. Several protests, known collectively as the Telangana movement, attempted to invalidate the merger and demanded the creation of a new Telangana state. Major actions took place in 1969 and 1972, and a third began in 2010. The city suffered several explosions: one at Dilsukhnagar in 2002 claimed two","Document [4](Title: Hyderabad) lives; terrorist bombs in May and August 2007 caused communal tension and riots; and two bombs exploded in February 2013. On 30 July 2013 the government of India declared that part of Andhra Pradesh would be split off to form a new Telangana state, and that Hyderabad city would be the capital city and part of Telangana, while the city would also remain the capital of Andhra Pradesh for no more than ten years. On 3 October 2013 the Union Cabinet approved the proposal, and in February 2014 both houses of Parliament passed the Telangana Bill. With the final assent","Document [5](Title: Warangal Urban district) sultanate ruled Warangal. The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb conquered Golconda in 1687, and it remained part of the Mughal empire until the southern provinces of the empire split away to become the state of Hyderabad in 1724 which included the Telangana region and some parts of Maharashtra and Karnataka. Hyderabad became an Indian state in 1948. In 1956 Hyderabad was partitioned as part of the States Reorganisation Act, and Telangana, the Telugu-speaking region of Hyderabad state which includes Warangal, became part of Andhra Pradesh. After the bifurcation of the state of Andhra Pradesh, the district became a part of the new","Document [6](Title: Unification of Karnataka) the state that were under the rule of the Nizam of Hyderabad. Hyderabad consisted of large portions of what were later to be the north eastern districts of Bidar, Gulbarga and Raichur of Karnataka state. The Lingayat minority in these regions also largely believed that they had been neglected and resented the oppression of the Nizam and the Razakars. The Nizam refused to accede to India until his rule was overthrown by force. Following the 'police action' against the Nizam, Hyderabad province and its citizens became independent on 17 September 1948. This day is celebrated by the Karnataka government as","Document [7](Title: Hyderabad-Karnataka) Indian Union. The historical background of the movement started with a new era in Indian history. Hyderabad-Karnataka Hyderabad\u2013Karnataka is the name given to north-east Karnataka, India. It is the Kannada-speaking part of the Hyderabad State, that was ruled by the Nizams of Hyderabad until 1948. After merging with the Indian union, the region was part of Hyderabad State until 1956. The Hyderabad-Karnataka\/Northeast Karnataka region comprises Bidar, Yadgir, Raichur, Koppal and Gulbarga of Hyderabad state and, Bellary of Madras that are in the present state of Karnataka. The Northeast-Karnataka region is the second largest arid region in India. 17 September 1948","Document [8](Title: Hyderabad State) was split up among Andhra Pradesh and Bombay state (later divided into states of Maharashtra and Gujarat in 1960 with the original portions of Hyderabad becoming part of the state of Maharashtra) and Karnataka. Wilfred Cantwell Smith states that Hyderabad was an area where the political and social structure from medieval Muslim rule had been preserved more or less intact into the modern times. At the head of the social order was the Nizam, who owned 5 million acres (10% of the land area) of the state, earning him Rs. 25 million a year. Another Rs. 5 million was granted","Document [9](Title: P. K. Monnappa) Mysore. The unified state police got a uniform dress code under Mysore Police. Similarly the Telugu speaking parts of Hyderabad and Madras were brought together. At the time of India's independence, Hyderabad was the largest Indian princely state in terms of population and GNP. Its territory of was more than that of England and Scotland put together. The 1941 census had estimated its population to be 16.34 million, over 85% of who were Hindus and with Muslims accounting for about 12%. It was also a multi-lingual state consisting of peoples speaking Telugu (48.2%), Marathi (26.4%), Kannada (12.3%) and Urdu (10.3%).","Document [10](Title: Telangana) \"Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb\". During the 18th century and the British Raj, Telangana was ruled by the Nizam of Hyderabad. In 1823, the Nizams lost control over Northern Circars (Coastal Andhra) and Ceded Districts (Rayalseema), which were handed over to the East India Company. The annexation by the British of the Northern Circars deprived Hyderabad State, the Nizam's dominion, of the considerable coastline it formerly had, to that of a landlocked princely state with territories in Central Deccan, bounded on all sides by British India. Thereafter, the Northern Circars were governed as part of Madras Presidency until India's independence in 1947, after","Document [11](Title: Hyderabad) of the President of India, Telangana state was formed on 2 June 2014. Situated in the southern part of Telangana in southeastern India, Hyderabad is south of Delhi, southeast of Mumbai, and north of Bangalore by road. It lies on the banks of the Musi River, in the northern part of the Deccan Plateau. Greater Hyderabad covers , making it one of the largest metropolitan areas in India. With an average altitude of , Hyderabad lies on predominantly sloping terrain of grey and pink granite, dotted with small hills, the highest being Banjara Hills at . The city has numerous","Document [12](Title: Telangana) was political unrest due to contention for the throne among his sons, who were aided by opportunistic neighbouring states and colonial foreign forces. In 1769, Hyderabad city became the formal capital of the Nizams. The Nizam Nasir-ud-dawlah, Asaf Jah IV signed the Subsidiary Alliance with the British in 1799 and lost its control over the state's defence and foreign affairs. Hyderabad State became a princely state among the presidencies and provinces of British India. When India became independent from the British Empire in 1947, the Nizam of Hyderabad did not want to merge with the Indian Union and wanted to","Document [13](Title: Hyderabad) against Nizam VII in 1948. On 17 September that year, the Indian Army took control of Hyderabad State after an invasion codenamed Operation Polo. With the defeat of his forces, Nizam VII capitulated to the Indian Union by signing an Instrument of Accession, which made him the \"Rajpramukh\" (Princely Governor) of the state until 31 October 1956. Between 1946 and 1951, the Communist Party of India fomented the Telangana uprising against the feudal lords of the Telangana region. The Constitution of India, which became effective on 26 January 1950, made Hyderabad State one of the part B states of India,","Document [14](Title: History of Hyderabad) admitted to the Constituent Assembly drafting a constitution for free India. For the next eight years, Hyderabad State continued as a separate state within the union, with its capital Hyderabad. On 1 November 1956, the states of India were reorganized on linguistic grounds and the 7th Nizam Mir Osman Ali Khan was made the Rajpramukh based on his administrative abilities. Consequently, the territories of the State of Hyderabad were divided between newly created Andhra Pradesh, Bombay state (later Maharashtra), and Karnataka. Hyderabad and the surrounding areas were annexed into India, and later to Andhra Pradesh based on Telugu linguistic majority,","Document [15](Title: Warangal) the demise of the Nayaks, Warangal was part of the Bahmani Sultanate and then the Sultanate of Golconda. The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb conquered Golconda in 1687, and it remained part of the Mughal empire until the southern provinces of the empire split away to become the state of Hyderabad in 1724, which included the Telangana region and some parts of Maharashtra and Karnataka. Hyderabad was annexed to India in 1948, and became an Indian state called as Hyderabad state. In 1956 Hyderabad state was partitioned as part of the States Reorganisation Act, and Telangana, the Telugu-speaking region of Hyderabad state,","Document [16](Title: History of Hyderabad) the Deccan plateau & central India for 450 years,i.e., from 230 BCE onward until around 220 CE. After the decline of the Satavahana Empire in 210 AD, the region came under the rule of the Ikshvaku dynasty (225 AD - 325 AD), the successors of the Satavahanas in eastern Deccan. The capital of Ikshvaku dynasty was the town of Nagarjunakonda in modern-day Guntur district and named after Nagarjuna, a southern Indian master of Mahayana Buddhism who lived in the 2nd century AD, who is believed to have been responsible for the Buddhist activity in the area. Various Buddhist and Hindu","Document [17](Title: History of Hyderabad) airports in India. The city saw terrorist bomb blasts in May 2007, August 2007 and February 2013. Hyderabad also hosted the 2007 Military World Games and 2009 World Badminton Championships. By the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2014, the state of Telangana was separated from Andhra Pradesh as a new 29th state of India, with the city of Hyderabad as its capital. The new state was created on 2nd June, 2014. K. Chandrashekhar Rao was elected as the first Chief Minister of Telangana. Hyderabad would also remain the \"de jure\" capital of Andhra Pradesh for a period of ten years. The","Document [18](Title: Nizamabad, Telangana) in the year 1905 when Nizam's Dominion were recognized, where up to it was known as \"Indur\". The Nizam of Hyderabad ruled over the Deccan region during the 18th century. Nizamabad was a part of princely State of Hyderabad in 1724 and continued to be part of the Nizam's dominions until 1948. After India gained independence in 1947, the Indian Armed Forces annexed Hyderabad and ended the rule of the Nizam in Operation Polo. It was during 1876 Nizamabad became a separate district when the districts in Hyderabad State were reorganized by Salar Jung-I, the then prime minister. In 1905","Document [19](Title: Raichur district) of Raichur in 1520 but Bijapur recaptured it in 1565 after Vijayanagara's defeat at hands of Deccan Sultanates during Battle of Talikota. Aurangzeb, emperor of Mughal Empire captured the district in 1686. Finally 1724 Raichur became part of Nizam of Hyderabad between 1724 and 1948 except British Empire rule between 1853 and 1860 as part of Madras Presidency. During Nizam rule it was part of Gulbarga Division. After the Operation Polo, Hyderabad State was integrated to Indian Union on 17 September 1948. Between 1948 and 1956, it was part of Hyderabad State. During division of the state on linguistic basis,","Document [20](Title: Hyderabad State (1948\u201356)) Hyderabad State was a state in Independent India, formed after the accession of the princely state of Hyderabad into the Indian Union on 24 November 1949. It existed from 1948 to 1956."],"query":"when did hyderabad became a part of india?","answers":["24 November 1949"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Megatsunami) On July 9, 1958, a giant landslide at the head of Lituya Bay in Alaska, caused by an earthquake, generated a wave that washed out trees to a maximum altitude of 520 metres (1,710\u00a0ft) at the entrance of Gilbert Inlet. The wave surged over the headland, stripping trees and soil down to bedrock, and surged along the fjord which forms Lituya Bay, destroying a fishing boat anchored there and killing two people. Howard Ulrich and his son managed to ride the wave in their boat, and both survived.","Document [2](Title: Tsunami) Bay, Alaska, caused the highest wave ever recorded, which had a height of 524 metres (over 1700 feet). The wave did not travel far, as it struck land almost immediately. Two people fishing in the bay were killed, but another boat managed to ride the wave. Another landslide-tsunami event occurred in 1963 when a massive landslide from Monte Toc entered the Vajont Dam in Italy. The resulting wave surged over the 262 m (860 ft) high dam by 250 metres (820 ft) and destroyed several towns. Around 2,000 people died. Scientists named these waves megatsunamis. Some geologists claim that large","Document [3](Title: Physical oceanography) coastline regions where the waves strike with sufficient energy. The tsunami that occurred in Lituya Bay, Alaska on July 9, 1958 was high and is the biggest tsunami ever measured, almost taller than the Sears Tower in Chicago and about taller than the former World Trade Center in New York. The wind generates ocean surface waves, which have a large impact on offshore structures, ships, coastal erosion and sedimentation, as well as harbours. After their generation by the wind, ocean surface waves can travel (as swell) over long distances. Physical oceanography Physical oceanography is the study of physical conditions and","Document [4](Title: Nazare\u0301, Portugal) and entered the Guinness World Record for the biggest wave ever surfed. Social media wrongly attributed a footage of German surfer Sebastian Steudtne surfing another big wave also in Nazar\u00e9 to Koxa; both have made public statements in attempts to correct the original misinformation. In the meantime, Portuguese surfer Hugo Vau surfed a potentially high wave, known as \"the big mama\", on 19 January 2018. This achievement yet to be validated. The waves at this point can also be dangerous to those ashore. In August 2012, a freak wave killed a 5 year old British girl and her grandfather walking","Document [5](Title: Rodrigo Koxa) Monica, CA-based Big Wave Awards as the biggest wave ever surfed in history. He now holds the position in the Guinness World Records with the biggest wave ever surfed in the history of the World Surf League. Koxa surfed the wave on November 8, 2017, in the village of Nazar\u00e9, city of Leiria, in Portugal. The feat was declared as the new world record, the wave's height having been about , supplanting the previous record of an estimated set in 2011 by Koxa's mentor Garrett McNamara. In August 2010, Koxa had reached a previous record. In Chile, he surfed the","Document [6](Title: Draupner wave) Draupner wave The Draupner wave or New Year's wave was the first rogue wave to be detected by a measuring instrument, occurring at the Draupner platform in the North Sea off the coast of Norway on 1 January 1995. In an area with significant wave height of approximately , a freak wave with a maximum wave height of occurred (peak elevation above still water level was ). Prior to that measurement, no instrument-recorded evidence for rogue waves existed\u2013just anecdotal evidence provided by those who had encountered them at sea, although ships such as the British Ocean Weather Reporter had recorded","Document [7](Title: Andrea Gail) but ocean buoy monitors recorded a peak wave height of , and so waves of were deemed \"unlikely\" by \"Science Daily\". However, data from a series of weather buoys in the general vicinity of the vessel's last known location recorded peak wave action exceeding in height from October 28 through 30, 1991. On October 30, 1991, the vessel was reported overdue. An extensive air and land search was launched by the 106th Rescue Wing from the New York Air National Guard, United States Coast Guard and Canadian Coast Guard forces. The search would eventually cover over . On November 6,","Document [8](Title: Crescent City, California) these incidents were barely perceptible, eleven events included wave measurements exceeding one meter, four events caused damage, and one event in particular is commonly cited as \"the largest and most destructive recorded tsunami to ever strike the United States Pacific Coast.\" On 27 March 1964, the Good Friday earthquake off Anchorage, Alaska, set in motion local landslide tsunamis, as well as a trans-Pacific wave. The tsunami wave travel time to Crescent City was 4.1 hours after the earthquake, but it only produced localized flooding. The second and third waves to hit Crescent City were both smaller than the first wave,","Document [9](Title: 2012 Haida Gwaii earthquake) U.S., Hawaii was also placed on alert, and over 100,000 people were evacuated to higher ground. The maximum wave height recorded at tide gauges in Hawaii was 0.79m (31 in). Other warnings were issued for the states of Oregon and California, but were subsequently lifted. Despite the earthquake's large magnitude, no major structural damage was reported from any of the population centres in the vicinity. This can be explained by the remoteness of the tremor's epicentre. No casualties or major injuries were recorded from the quake, likely due to the sparsely populated nature of the region. As a result of","Document [10](Title: 1964 Alaska earthquake) tsunamis were produced by this subduction zone earthquake. There was a tectonic tsunami produced in addition to about 20 smaller and local tsunamis. These smaller tsunamis were produced by submarine and subaerial landslides and were responsible for the majority of the tsunami damage. Tsunami waves were noted in over 20 countries, including Peru, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Japan, Mexico, and Antarctica. The largest tsunami wave was recorded in Shoup Bay, Alaska, with a height of about . Tremors were detected in water wells in Australia. As a result of the earthquake, 139 people are believed to have died: Fifteen","Document [11](Title: Nazare\u0301 Canyon) wave surfing. In November 2011, Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara surfed a record breaking giant wave: from trough to crest, at Praia do Norte, Nazar\u00e9, Portugal. In January 2013 it was reported that he successfully rode a wave measuring a maximum estimate of at the same location and possibly exceeding the size of his previous record-breaking wave. In January 2018, Hugo Vau could have smashed a world record amid claims he surfed one of the biggest waves ever seen at Nazare, Portugal. The wave \u2014 nicknamed \u2018Big Mama\u2019 \u2014 was reported to be up to 35-metres-high, which, if confirmed, would beat","Document [12](Title: 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami) coast from east to west. The tsunami also reached Antarctica, where tidal gauges at Japan's Showa Base recorded oscillations of up to a metre (), with disturbances lasting a couple of days. Some of the tsunami's energy escaped into the Pacific Ocean, where it produced small but measurable tsunamis along the western coasts of North and South America, typically around . At Manzanillo, Mexico, a crest-to-trough tsunami was measured. As well, the tsunami was large enough to be detected in Vancouver, which puzzled many scientists, as the tsunamis measured in some parts of South America were larger than those measured","Document [13](Title: Rogue wave) clearly outside the range of Gaussian waves was published in 1997. Some research confirms that observed wave height distribution in general follows well the Rayleigh distribution, but in shallow waters during high energy events, extremely high waves are more rare than this particular model predicts. It is now proven via satellite radar studies that waves with crest to trough heights of to , occur far more frequently than previously thought. It is now known that rogue waves occur in all of the world's oceans many times each day. In 2004 the ESA MaxWave project identified more than ten individual giant","Document [14](Title: 2010 Chile earthquake) Hawaii, maybe about 50 percent bigger than they actually were.\" Early in the morning, the Center expected waves of 3 metres. In actuality, the highest tsunami waves ended up being about 1.5 to 1.8 metres peak to trough. At around 23:00 UTC (15:00 local), a tsunami warning was issued for coastal British Columbia. Extra precautions were already in place due to the 2010 Winter Olympics being held in Vancouver at the time. Small waves were expected in Southern California, and receding was reported at Long Beach. Minor damage was reported on some coastal areas. The tsunami damaged navigation buoys at","Document [15](Title: 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami) maximum runup of 2 m (6.6 ft). The tsunami was detected in the southern parts of east Africa, where rough seas were reported, specifically on the eastern and southern coasts that face the Indian Ocean. A few other African countries also recorded fatalities; one in Kenya, three in Seychelles, ten in Tanzania, and South Africa, where two were killed as a direct result of tsunami\u2014the furthest from the epicentre. Tidal surges also occurred along the Western Australian coast that lasted for several hours, resulting in boats losing their moorings and two people needing to be rescued. According to the U.S.","Document [16](Title: Wind wave) case of the Draupner wave, its height was 2.2 times the significant wave height. Such waves are distinct from tides, caused by the Moon and Sun's gravitational pull, tsunamis that are caused by underwater earthquakes or landslides, and waves generated by underwater explosions or the fall of meteorites\u2014all having far longer wavelengths than wind waves. Yet, the largest ever recorded wind waves are common \u2014 not rogue \u2014 waves in extreme sea states. For example: high waves have been recorded on the RRS Discovery in a sea with significant wave height, so the highest wave is only 1.6 times the","Document [17](Title: Rogue wave) Rogue Waves 2000 workshop held in Brest in November 2000. In 2000 the British oceanographic vessel RRS \"Discovery\" recorded a wave off the coast of Scotland near Rockall. This was a scientific research vessel and was fitted with high quality instruments. The subsequent analysis determined that under severe gale force conditions with wind speeds averaging a ship-borne wave recorder measured individual waves up to from crest to trough, and a maximum significant wave height of . These were some of the largest waves recorded by scientific instruments up to that time. The authors noted that modern wave prediction models are","Document [18](Title: 1929 Grand Banks earthquake) triggered a large submarine landslide displacing (). It snapped 12 submarine transatlantic telegraph cables and led to a tsunami that arrived in three waves. Newfoundland, Canada and Saint Pierre and Miquelon had the largest impact, both from the snapped 12 submarine cables, and the tsunami. This was Canada's largest submarine landslide ever recorded, up to 500 times the size of 1894 Saint-Alban subaerial slide. In 2002 Natural Resources Canada and the United States Geological Survey, created an intensity map by using the Revised Modified Mercalli scale. The tsunami waves had an amplitude of , and a runup of along the","Document [19](Title: Cumbre Vieja) La Palma mega-tsunami was both too small in mass and volume, and far too stable to break away within the next 10,000 years. A 2008 paper looked into this very worst case scenario, the most massive slide that could happen (though unlikely and probably impossible right now with the present day geology). They find wave heights in the range 10 to 188 meters in the Canary Isles themselves. But the waves interfere and dissipate as they head out into the Atlantic. They predict 40 meters height for some nearby island systems. For continents, the worst effects are in Northern Brazil","Document [20](Title: Meteorological history of Hurricane Sandy) before records were officially kept. Storm tide records were also broken in Sandy Hook, New Jersey and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with peak tides of and , respectively. The tidal gauge in Sandy Hook lost power while the tide was still rising, meaning the tide crested higher than the recorded peak. A buoy in New York Harbor reached a record height when it measured a wave on October 30, taller than a wave registered by Hurricane Irene in 2011. Sandy was the second-largest tropical cyclone in terms of gale diameter since records began in 1988. In addition, at , Sandy was second"],"query":"where did the world's largest recorded wave occur?","answers":["Lituya Bay in Alaska"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Tsunami) Bay, Alaska, caused the highest wave ever recorded, which had a height of 524 metres (over 1700 feet). The wave did not travel far, as it struck land almost immediately. Two people fishing in the bay were killed, but another boat managed to ride the wave. Another landslide-tsunami event occurred in 1963 when a massive landslide from Monte Toc entered the Vajont Dam in Italy. The resulting wave surged over the 262 m (860 ft) high dam by 250 metres (820 ft) and destroyed several towns. Around 2,000 people died. Scientists named these waves megatsunamis. Some geologists claim that large","Document [2](Title: Physical oceanography) coastline regions where the waves strike with sufficient energy. The tsunami that occurred in Lituya Bay, Alaska on July 9, 1958 was high and is the biggest tsunami ever measured, almost taller than the Sears Tower in Chicago and about taller than the former World Trade Center in New York. The wind generates ocean surface waves, which have a large impact on offshore structures, ships, coastal erosion and sedimentation, as well as harbours. After their generation by the wind, ocean surface waves can travel (as swell) over long distances. Physical oceanography Physical oceanography is the study of physical conditions and","Document [3](Title: Nazare\u0301, Portugal) and entered the Guinness World Record for the biggest wave ever surfed. Social media wrongly attributed a footage of German surfer Sebastian Steudtne surfing another big wave also in Nazar\u00e9 to Koxa; both have made public statements in attempts to correct the original misinformation. In the meantime, Portuguese surfer Hugo Vau surfed a potentially high wave, known as \"the big mama\", on 19 January 2018. This achievement yet to be validated. The waves at this point can also be dangerous to those ashore. In August 2012, a freak wave killed a 5 year old British girl and her grandfather walking","Document [4](Title: Rodrigo Koxa) Monica, CA-based Big Wave Awards as the biggest wave ever surfed in history. He now holds the position in the Guinness World Records with the biggest wave ever surfed in the history of the World Surf League. Koxa surfed the wave on November 8, 2017, in the village of Nazar\u00e9, city of Leiria, in Portugal. The feat was declared as the new world record, the wave's height having been about , supplanting the previous record of an estimated set in 2011 by Koxa's mentor Garrett McNamara. In August 2010, Koxa had reached a previous record. In Chile, he surfed the","Document [5](Title: Megatsunami) On July 9, 1958, a giant landslide at the head of Lituya Bay in Alaska, caused by an earthquake, generated a wave that washed out trees to a maximum altitude of 520 metres (1,710\u00a0ft) at the entrance of Gilbert Inlet. The wave surged over the headland, stripping trees and soil down to bedrock, and surged along the fjord which forms Lituya Bay, destroying a fishing boat anchored there and killing two people. Howard Ulrich and his son managed to ride the wave in their boat, and both survived.","Document [6](Title: Draupner wave) Draupner wave The Draupner wave or New Year's wave was the first rogue wave to be detected by a measuring instrument, occurring at the Draupner platform in the North Sea off the coast of Norway on 1 January 1995. In an area with significant wave height of approximately , a freak wave with a maximum wave height of occurred (peak elevation above still water level was ). Prior to that measurement, no instrument-recorded evidence for rogue waves existed\u2013just anecdotal evidence provided by those who had encountered them at sea, although ships such as the British Ocean Weather Reporter had recorded","Document [7](Title: Andrea Gail) but ocean buoy monitors recorded a peak wave height of , and so waves of were deemed \"unlikely\" by \"Science Daily\". However, data from a series of weather buoys in the general vicinity of the vessel's last known location recorded peak wave action exceeding in height from October 28 through 30, 1991. On October 30, 1991, the vessel was reported overdue. An extensive air and land search was launched by the 106th Rescue Wing from the New York Air National Guard, United States Coast Guard and Canadian Coast Guard forces. The search would eventually cover over . On November 6,","Document [8](Title: Crescent City, California) these incidents were barely perceptible, eleven events included wave measurements exceeding one meter, four events caused damage, and one event in particular is commonly cited as \"the largest and most destructive recorded tsunami to ever strike the United States Pacific Coast.\" On 27 March 1964, the Good Friday earthquake off Anchorage, Alaska, set in motion local landslide tsunamis, as well as a trans-Pacific wave. The tsunami wave travel time to Crescent City was 4.1 hours after the earthquake, but it only produced localized flooding. The second and third waves to hit Crescent City were both smaller than the first wave,","Document [9](Title: 2012 Haida Gwaii earthquake) U.S., Hawaii was also placed on alert, and over 100,000 people were evacuated to higher ground. The maximum wave height recorded at tide gauges in Hawaii was 0.79m (31 in). Other warnings were issued for the states of Oregon and California, but were subsequently lifted. Despite the earthquake's large magnitude, no major structural damage was reported from any of the population centres in the vicinity. This can be explained by the remoteness of the tremor's epicentre. No casualties or major injuries were recorded from the quake, likely due to the sparsely populated nature of the region. As a result of","Document [10](Title: 1964 Alaska earthquake) tsunamis were produced by this subduction zone earthquake. There was a tectonic tsunami produced in addition to about 20 smaller and local tsunamis. These smaller tsunamis were produced by submarine and subaerial landslides and were responsible for the majority of the tsunami damage. Tsunami waves were noted in over 20 countries, including Peru, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Japan, Mexico, and Antarctica. The largest tsunami wave was recorded in Shoup Bay, Alaska, with a height of about . Tremors were detected in water wells in Australia. As a result of the earthquake, 139 people are believed to have died: Fifteen","Document [11](Title: Nazare\u0301 Canyon) wave surfing. In November 2011, Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara surfed a record breaking giant wave: from trough to crest, at Praia do Norte, Nazar\u00e9, Portugal. In January 2013 it was reported that he successfully rode a wave measuring a maximum estimate of at the same location and possibly exceeding the size of his previous record-breaking wave. In January 2018, Hugo Vau could have smashed a world record amid claims he surfed one of the biggest waves ever seen at Nazare, Portugal. The wave \u2014 nicknamed \u2018Big Mama\u2019 \u2014 was reported to be up to 35-metres-high, which, if confirmed, would beat","Document [12](Title: 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami) coast from east to west. The tsunami also reached Antarctica, where tidal gauges at Japan's Showa Base recorded oscillations of up to a metre (), with disturbances lasting a couple of days. Some of the tsunami's energy escaped into the Pacific Ocean, where it produced small but measurable tsunamis along the western coasts of North and South America, typically around . At Manzanillo, Mexico, a crest-to-trough tsunami was measured. As well, the tsunami was large enough to be detected in Vancouver, which puzzled many scientists, as the tsunamis measured in some parts of South America were larger than those measured","Document [13](Title: Rogue wave) clearly outside the range of Gaussian waves was published in 1997. Some research confirms that observed wave height distribution in general follows well the Rayleigh distribution, but in shallow waters during high energy events, extremely high waves are more rare than this particular model predicts. It is now proven via satellite radar studies that waves with crest to trough heights of to , occur far more frequently than previously thought. It is now known that rogue waves occur in all of the world's oceans many times each day. In 2004 the ESA MaxWave project identified more than ten individual giant","Document [14](Title: 2010 Chile earthquake) Hawaii, maybe about 50 percent bigger than they actually were.\" Early in the morning, the Center expected waves of 3 metres. In actuality, the highest tsunami waves ended up being about 1.5 to 1.8 metres peak to trough. At around 23:00 UTC (15:00 local), a tsunami warning was issued for coastal British Columbia. Extra precautions were already in place due to the 2010 Winter Olympics being held in Vancouver at the time. Small waves were expected in Southern California, and receding was reported at Long Beach. Minor damage was reported on some coastal areas. The tsunami damaged navigation buoys at","Document [15](Title: 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami) maximum runup of 2 m (6.6 ft). The tsunami was detected in the southern parts of east Africa, where rough seas were reported, specifically on the eastern and southern coasts that face the Indian Ocean. A few other African countries also recorded fatalities; one in Kenya, three in Seychelles, ten in Tanzania, and South Africa, where two were killed as a direct result of tsunami\u2014the furthest from the epicentre. Tidal surges also occurred along the Western Australian coast that lasted for several hours, resulting in boats losing their moorings and two people needing to be rescued. According to the U.S.","Document [16](Title: Wind wave) case of the Draupner wave, its height was 2.2 times the significant wave height. Such waves are distinct from tides, caused by the Moon and Sun's gravitational pull, tsunamis that are caused by underwater earthquakes or landslides, and waves generated by underwater explosions or the fall of meteorites\u2014all having far longer wavelengths than wind waves. Yet, the largest ever recorded wind waves are common \u2014 not rogue \u2014 waves in extreme sea states. For example: high waves have been recorded on the RRS Discovery in a sea with significant wave height, so the highest wave is only 1.6 times the","Document [17](Title: Rogue wave) Rogue Waves 2000 workshop held in Brest in November 2000. In 2000 the British oceanographic vessel RRS \"Discovery\" recorded a wave off the coast of Scotland near Rockall. This was a scientific research vessel and was fitted with high quality instruments. The subsequent analysis determined that under severe gale force conditions with wind speeds averaging a ship-borne wave recorder measured individual waves up to from crest to trough, and a maximum significant wave height of . These were some of the largest waves recorded by scientific instruments up to that time. The authors noted that modern wave prediction models are","Document [18](Title: 1929 Grand Banks earthquake) triggered a large submarine landslide displacing (). It snapped 12 submarine transatlantic telegraph cables and led to a tsunami that arrived in three waves. Newfoundland, Canada and Saint Pierre and Miquelon had the largest impact, both from the snapped 12 submarine cables, and the tsunami. This was Canada's largest submarine landslide ever recorded, up to 500 times the size of 1894 Saint-Alban subaerial slide. In 2002 Natural Resources Canada and the United States Geological Survey, created an intensity map by using the Revised Modified Mercalli scale. The tsunami waves had an amplitude of , and a runup of along the","Document [19](Title: Cumbre Vieja) La Palma mega-tsunami was both too small in mass and volume, and far too stable to break away within the next 10,000 years. A 2008 paper looked into this very worst case scenario, the most massive slide that could happen (though unlikely and probably impossible right now with the present day geology). They find wave heights in the range 10 to 188 meters in the Canary Isles themselves. But the waves interfere and dissipate as they head out into the Atlantic. They predict 40 meters height for some nearby island systems. For continents, the worst effects are in Northern Brazil","Document [20](Title: Meteorological history of Hurricane Sandy) before records were officially kept. Storm tide records were also broken in Sandy Hook, New Jersey and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with peak tides of and , respectively. The tidal gauge in Sandy Hook lost power while the tide was still rising, meaning the tide crested higher than the recorded peak. A buoy in New York Harbor reached a record height when it measured a wave on October 30, taller than a wave registered by Hurricane Irene in 2011. Sandy was the second-largest tropical cyclone in terms of gale diameter since records began in 1988. In addition, at , Sandy was second"],"query":"where did the world's largest recorded wave occur?","answers":["Lituya Bay in Alaska"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Tsunami) Bay, Alaska, caused the highest wave ever recorded, which had a height of 524 metres (over 1700 feet). The wave did not travel far, as it struck land almost immediately. Two people fishing in the bay were killed, but another boat managed to ride the wave. Another landslide-tsunami event occurred in 1963 when a massive landslide from Monte Toc entered the Vajont Dam in Italy. The resulting wave surged over the 262 m (860 ft) high dam by 250 metres (820 ft) and destroyed several towns. Around 2,000 people died. Scientists named these waves megatsunamis. Some geologists claim that large","Document [2](Title: Physical oceanography) coastline regions where the waves strike with sufficient energy. The tsunami that occurred in Lituya Bay, Alaska on July 9, 1958 was high and is the biggest tsunami ever measured, almost taller than the Sears Tower in Chicago and about taller than the former World Trade Center in New York. The wind generates ocean surface waves, which have a large impact on offshore structures, ships, coastal erosion and sedimentation, as well as harbours. After their generation by the wind, ocean surface waves can travel (as swell) over long distances. Physical oceanography Physical oceanography is the study of physical conditions and","Document [3](Title: Nazare\u0301, Portugal) and entered the Guinness World Record for the biggest wave ever surfed. Social media wrongly attributed a footage of German surfer Sebastian Steudtne surfing another big wave also in Nazar\u00e9 to Koxa; both have made public statements in attempts to correct the original misinformation. In the meantime, Portuguese surfer Hugo Vau surfed a potentially high wave, known as \"the big mama\", on 19 January 2018. This achievement yet to be validated. The waves at this point can also be dangerous to those ashore. In August 2012, a freak wave killed a 5 year old British girl and her grandfather walking","Document [4](Title: Rodrigo Koxa) Monica, CA-based Big Wave Awards as the biggest wave ever surfed in history. He now holds the position in the Guinness World Records with the biggest wave ever surfed in the history of the World Surf League. Koxa surfed the wave on November 8, 2017, in the village of Nazar\u00e9, city of Leiria, in Portugal. The feat was declared as the new world record, the wave's height having been about , supplanting the previous record of an estimated set in 2011 by Koxa's mentor Garrett McNamara. In August 2010, Koxa had reached a previous record. In Chile, he surfed the","Document [5](Title: Draupner wave) Draupner wave The Draupner wave or New Year's wave was the first rogue wave to be detected by a measuring instrument, occurring at the Draupner platform in the North Sea off the coast of Norway on 1 January 1995. In an area with significant wave height of approximately , a freak wave with a maximum wave height of occurred (peak elevation above still water level was ). Prior to that measurement, no instrument-recorded evidence for rogue waves existed\u2013just anecdotal evidence provided by those who had encountered them at sea, although ships such as the British Ocean Weather Reporter had recorded","Document [6](Title: Andrea Gail) but ocean buoy monitors recorded a peak wave height of , and so waves of were deemed \"unlikely\" by \"Science Daily\". However, data from a series of weather buoys in the general vicinity of the vessel's last known location recorded peak wave action exceeding in height from October 28 through 30, 1991. On October 30, 1991, the vessel was reported overdue. An extensive air and land search was launched by the 106th Rescue Wing from the New York Air National Guard, United States Coast Guard and Canadian Coast Guard forces. The search would eventually cover over . On November 6,","Document [7](Title: Crescent City, California) these incidents were barely perceptible, eleven events included wave measurements exceeding one meter, four events caused damage, and one event in particular is commonly cited as \"the largest and most destructive recorded tsunami to ever strike the United States Pacific Coast.\" On 27 March 1964, the Good Friday earthquake off Anchorage, Alaska, set in motion local landslide tsunamis, as well as a trans-Pacific wave. The tsunami wave travel time to Crescent City was 4.1 hours after the earthquake, but it only produced localized flooding. The second and third waves to hit Crescent City were both smaller than the first wave,","Document [8](Title: 2012 Haida Gwaii earthquake) U.S., Hawaii was also placed on alert, and over 100,000 people were evacuated to higher ground. The maximum wave height recorded at tide gauges in Hawaii was 0.79m (31 in). Other warnings were issued for the states of Oregon and California, but were subsequently lifted. Despite the earthquake's large magnitude, no major structural damage was reported from any of the population centres in the vicinity. This can be explained by the remoteness of the tremor's epicentre. No casualties or major injuries were recorded from the quake, likely due to the sparsely populated nature of the region. As a result of","Document [9](Title: 1964 Alaska earthquake) tsunamis were produced by this subduction zone earthquake. There was a tectonic tsunami produced in addition to about 20 smaller and local tsunamis. These smaller tsunamis were produced by submarine and subaerial landslides and were responsible for the majority of the tsunami damage. Tsunami waves were noted in over 20 countries, including Peru, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Japan, Mexico, and Antarctica. The largest tsunami wave was recorded in Shoup Bay, Alaska, with a height of about . Tremors were detected in water wells in Australia. As a result of the earthquake, 139 people are believed to have died: Fifteen","Document [10](Title: Megatsunami) On July 9, 1958, a giant landslide at the head of Lituya Bay in Alaska, caused by an earthquake, generated a wave that washed out trees to a maximum altitude of 520 metres (1,710\u00a0ft) at the entrance of Gilbert Inlet. The wave surged over the headland, stripping trees and soil down to bedrock, and surged along the fjord which forms Lituya Bay, destroying a fishing boat anchored there and killing two people. Howard Ulrich and his son managed to ride the wave in their boat, and both survived.","Document [11](Title: Nazare\u0301 Canyon) wave surfing. In November 2011, Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara surfed a record breaking giant wave: from trough to crest, at Praia do Norte, Nazar\u00e9, Portugal. In January 2013 it was reported that he successfully rode a wave measuring a maximum estimate of at the same location and possibly exceeding the size of his previous record-breaking wave. In January 2018, Hugo Vau could have smashed a world record amid claims he surfed one of the biggest waves ever seen at Nazare, Portugal. The wave \u2014 nicknamed \u2018Big Mama\u2019 \u2014 was reported to be up to 35-metres-high, which, if confirmed, would beat","Document [12](Title: 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami) coast from east to west. The tsunami also reached Antarctica, where tidal gauges at Japan's Showa Base recorded oscillations of up to a metre (), with disturbances lasting a couple of days. Some of the tsunami's energy escaped into the Pacific Ocean, where it produced small but measurable tsunamis along the western coasts of North and South America, typically around . At Manzanillo, Mexico, a crest-to-trough tsunami was measured. As well, the tsunami was large enough to be detected in Vancouver, which puzzled many scientists, as the tsunamis measured in some parts of South America were larger than those measured","Document [13](Title: Rogue wave) clearly outside the range of Gaussian waves was published in 1997. Some research confirms that observed wave height distribution in general follows well the Rayleigh distribution, but in shallow waters during high energy events, extremely high waves are more rare than this particular model predicts. It is now proven via satellite radar studies that waves with crest to trough heights of to , occur far more frequently than previously thought. It is now known that rogue waves occur in all of the world's oceans many times each day. In 2004 the ESA MaxWave project identified more than ten individual giant","Document [14](Title: 2010 Chile earthquake) Hawaii, maybe about 50 percent bigger than they actually were.\" Early in the morning, the Center expected waves of 3 metres. In actuality, the highest tsunami waves ended up being about 1.5 to 1.8 metres peak to trough. At around 23:00 UTC (15:00 local), a tsunami warning was issued for coastal British Columbia. Extra precautions were already in place due to the 2010 Winter Olympics being held in Vancouver at the time. Small waves were expected in Southern California, and receding was reported at Long Beach. Minor damage was reported on some coastal areas. The tsunami damaged navigation buoys at","Document [15](Title: 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami) maximum runup of 2 m (6.6 ft). The tsunami was detected in the southern parts of east Africa, where rough seas were reported, specifically on the eastern and southern coasts that face the Indian Ocean. A few other African countries also recorded fatalities; one in Kenya, three in Seychelles, ten in Tanzania, and South Africa, where two were killed as a direct result of tsunami\u2014the furthest from the epicentre. Tidal surges also occurred along the Western Australian coast that lasted for several hours, resulting in boats losing their moorings and two people needing to be rescued. According to the U.S.","Document [16](Title: Wind wave) case of the Draupner wave, its height was 2.2 times the significant wave height. Such waves are distinct from tides, caused by the Moon and Sun's gravitational pull, tsunamis that are caused by underwater earthquakes or landslides, and waves generated by underwater explosions or the fall of meteorites\u2014all having far longer wavelengths than wind waves. Yet, the largest ever recorded wind waves are common \u2014 not rogue \u2014 waves in extreme sea states. For example: high waves have been recorded on the RRS Discovery in a sea with significant wave height, so the highest wave is only 1.6 times the","Document [17](Title: Rogue wave) Rogue Waves 2000 workshop held in Brest in November 2000. In 2000 the British oceanographic vessel RRS \"Discovery\" recorded a wave off the coast of Scotland near Rockall. This was a scientific research vessel and was fitted with high quality instruments. The subsequent analysis determined that under severe gale force conditions with wind speeds averaging a ship-borne wave recorder measured individual waves up to from crest to trough, and a maximum significant wave height of . These were some of the largest waves recorded by scientific instruments up to that time. The authors noted that modern wave prediction models are","Document [18](Title: 1929 Grand Banks earthquake) triggered a large submarine landslide displacing (). It snapped 12 submarine transatlantic telegraph cables and led to a tsunami that arrived in three waves. Newfoundland, Canada and Saint Pierre and Miquelon had the largest impact, both from the snapped 12 submarine cables, and the tsunami. This was Canada's largest submarine landslide ever recorded, up to 500 times the size of 1894 Saint-Alban subaerial slide. In 2002 Natural Resources Canada and the United States Geological Survey, created an intensity map by using the Revised Modified Mercalli scale. The tsunami waves had an amplitude of , and a runup of along the","Document [19](Title: Cumbre Vieja) La Palma mega-tsunami was both too small in mass and volume, and far too stable to break away within the next 10,000 years. A 2008 paper looked into this very worst case scenario, the most massive slide that could happen (though unlikely and probably impossible right now with the present day geology). They find wave heights in the range 10 to 188 meters in the Canary Isles themselves. But the waves interfere and dissipate as they head out into the Atlantic. They predict 40 meters height for some nearby island systems. For continents, the worst effects are in Northern Brazil","Document [20](Title: Meteorological history of Hurricane Sandy) before records were officially kept. Storm tide records were also broken in Sandy Hook, New Jersey and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with peak tides of and , respectively. The tidal gauge in Sandy Hook lost power while the tide was still rising, meaning the tide crested higher than the recorded peak. A buoy in New York Harbor reached a record height when it measured a wave on October 30, taller than a wave registered by Hurricane Irene in 2011. Sandy was the second-largest tropical cyclone in terms of gale diameter since records began in 1988. In addition, at , Sandy was second"],"query":"where did the world's largest recorded wave occur?","answers":["Lituya Bay in Alaska"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Tsunami) Bay, Alaska, caused the highest wave ever recorded, which had a height of 524 metres (over 1700 feet). The wave did not travel far, as it struck land almost immediately. Two people fishing in the bay were killed, but another boat managed to ride the wave. Another landslide-tsunami event occurred in 1963 when a massive landslide from Monte Toc entered the Vajont Dam in Italy. The resulting wave surged over the 262 m (860 ft) high dam by 250 metres (820 ft) and destroyed several towns. Around 2,000 people died. Scientists named these waves megatsunamis. Some geologists claim that large","Document [2](Title: Physical oceanography) coastline regions where the waves strike with sufficient energy. The tsunami that occurred in Lituya Bay, Alaska on July 9, 1958 was high and is the biggest tsunami ever measured, almost taller than the Sears Tower in Chicago and about taller than the former World Trade Center in New York. The wind generates ocean surface waves, which have a large impact on offshore structures, ships, coastal erosion and sedimentation, as well as harbours. After their generation by the wind, ocean surface waves can travel (as swell) over long distances. Physical oceanography Physical oceanography is the study of physical conditions and","Document [3](Title: Nazare\u0301, Portugal) and entered the Guinness World Record for the biggest wave ever surfed. Social media wrongly attributed a footage of German surfer Sebastian Steudtne surfing another big wave also in Nazar\u00e9 to Koxa; both have made public statements in attempts to correct the original misinformation. In the meantime, Portuguese surfer Hugo Vau surfed a potentially high wave, known as \"the big mama\", on 19 January 2018. This achievement yet to be validated. The waves at this point can also be dangerous to those ashore. In August 2012, a freak wave killed a 5 year old British girl and her grandfather walking","Document [4](Title: Rodrigo Koxa) Monica, CA-based Big Wave Awards as the biggest wave ever surfed in history. He now holds the position in the Guinness World Records with the biggest wave ever surfed in the history of the World Surf League. Koxa surfed the wave on November 8, 2017, in the village of Nazar\u00e9, city of Leiria, in Portugal. The feat was declared as the new world record, the wave's height having been about , supplanting the previous record of an estimated set in 2011 by Koxa's mentor Garrett McNamara. In August 2010, Koxa had reached a previous record. In Chile, he surfed the","Document [5](Title: Draupner wave) Draupner wave The Draupner wave or New Year's wave was the first rogue wave to be detected by a measuring instrument, occurring at the Draupner platform in the North Sea off the coast of Norway on 1 January 1995. In an area with significant wave height of approximately , a freak wave with a maximum wave height of occurred (peak elevation above still water level was ). Prior to that measurement, no instrument-recorded evidence for rogue waves existed\u2013just anecdotal evidence provided by those who had encountered them at sea, although ships such as the British Ocean Weather Reporter had recorded","Document [6](Title: Andrea Gail) but ocean buoy monitors recorded a peak wave height of , and so waves of were deemed \"unlikely\" by \"Science Daily\". However, data from a series of weather buoys in the general vicinity of the vessel's last known location recorded peak wave action exceeding in height from October 28 through 30, 1991. On October 30, 1991, the vessel was reported overdue. An extensive air and land search was launched by the 106th Rescue Wing from the New York Air National Guard, United States Coast Guard and Canadian Coast Guard forces. The search would eventually cover over . On November 6,","Document [7](Title: Crescent City, California) these incidents were barely perceptible, eleven events included wave measurements exceeding one meter, four events caused damage, and one event in particular is commonly cited as \"the largest and most destructive recorded tsunami to ever strike the United States Pacific Coast.\" On 27 March 1964, the Good Friday earthquake off Anchorage, Alaska, set in motion local landslide tsunamis, as well as a trans-Pacific wave. The tsunami wave travel time to Crescent City was 4.1 hours after the earthquake, but it only produced localized flooding. The second and third waves to hit Crescent City were both smaller than the first wave,","Document [8](Title: 2012 Haida Gwaii earthquake) U.S., Hawaii was also placed on alert, and over 100,000 people were evacuated to higher ground. The maximum wave height recorded at tide gauges in Hawaii was 0.79m (31 in). Other warnings were issued for the states of Oregon and California, but were subsequently lifted. Despite the earthquake's large magnitude, no major structural damage was reported from any of the population centres in the vicinity. This can be explained by the remoteness of the tremor's epicentre. No casualties or major injuries were recorded from the quake, likely due to the sparsely populated nature of the region. As a result of","Document [9](Title: 1964 Alaska earthquake) tsunamis were produced by this subduction zone earthquake. There was a tectonic tsunami produced in addition to about 20 smaller and local tsunamis. These smaller tsunamis were produced by submarine and subaerial landslides and were responsible for the majority of the tsunami damage. Tsunami waves were noted in over 20 countries, including Peru, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Japan, Mexico, and Antarctica. The largest tsunami wave was recorded in Shoup Bay, Alaska, with a height of about . Tremors were detected in water wells in Australia. As a result of the earthquake, 139 people are believed to have died: Fifteen","Document [10](Title: Nazare\u0301 Canyon) wave surfing. In November 2011, Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara surfed a record breaking giant wave: from trough to crest, at Praia do Norte, Nazar\u00e9, Portugal. In January 2013 it was reported that he successfully rode a wave measuring a maximum estimate of at the same location and possibly exceeding the size of his previous record-breaking wave. In January 2018, Hugo Vau could have smashed a world record amid claims he surfed one of the biggest waves ever seen at Nazare, Portugal. The wave \u2014 nicknamed \u2018Big Mama\u2019 \u2014 was reported to be up to 35-metres-high, which, if confirmed, would beat","Document [11](Title: 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami) coast from east to west. The tsunami also reached Antarctica, where tidal gauges at Japan's Showa Base recorded oscillations of up to a metre (), with disturbances lasting a couple of days. Some of the tsunami's energy escaped into the Pacific Ocean, where it produced small but measurable tsunamis along the western coasts of North and South America, typically around . At Manzanillo, Mexico, a crest-to-trough tsunami was measured. As well, the tsunami was large enough to be detected in Vancouver, which puzzled many scientists, as the tsunamis measured in some parts of South America were larger than those measured","Document [12](Title: Rogue wave) clearly outside the range of Gaussian waves was published in 1997. Some research confirms that observed wave height distribution in general follows well the Rayleigh distribution, but in shallow waters during high energy events, extremely high waves are more rare than this particular model predicts. It is now proven via satellite radar studies that waves with crest to trough heights of to , occur far more frequently than previously thought. It is now known that rogue waves occur in all of the world's oceans many times each day. In 2004 the ESA MaxWave project identified more than ten individual giant","Document [13](Title: 2010 Chile earthquake) Hawaii, maybe about 50 percent bigger than they actually were.\" Early in the morning, the Center expected waves of 3 metres. In actuality, the highest tsunami waves ended up being about 1.5 to 1.8 metres peak to trough. At around 23:00 UTC (15:00 local), a tsunami warning was issued for coastal British Columbia. Extra precautions were already in place due to the 2010 Winter Olympics being held in Vancouver at the time. Small waves were expected in Southern California, and receding was reported at Long Beach. Minor damage was reported on some coastal areas. The tsunami damaged navigation buoys at","Document [14](Title: 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami) maximum runup of 2 m (6.6 ft). The tsunami was detected in the southern parts of east Africa, where rough seas were reported, specifically on the eastern and southern coasts that face the Indian Ocean. A few other African countries also recorded fatalities; one in Kenya, three in Seychelles, ten in Tanzania, and South Africa, where two were killed as a direct result of tsunami\u2014the furthest from the epicentre. Tidal surges also occurred along the Western Australian coast that lasted for several hours, resulting in boats losing their moorings and two people needing to be rescued. According to the U.S.","Document [15](Title: Megatsunami) On July 9, 1958, a giant landslide at the head of Lituya Bay in Alaska, caused by an earthquake, generated a wave that washed out trees to a maximum altitude of 520 metres (1,710\u00a0ft) at the entrance of Gilbert Inlet. The wave surged over the headland, stripping trees and soil down to bedrock, and surged along the fjord which forms Lituya Bay, destroying a fishing boat anchored there and killing two people. Howard Ulrich and his son managed to ride the wave in their boat, and both survived.","Document [16](Title: Wind wave) case of the Draupner wave, its height was 2.2 times the significant wave height. Such waves are distinct from tides, caused by the Moon and Sun's gravitational pull, tsunamis that are caused by underwater earthquakes or landslides, and waves generated by underwater explosions or the fall of meteorites\u2014all having far longer wavelengths than wind waves. Yet, the largest ever recorded wind waves are common \u2014 not rogue \u2014 waves in extreme sea states. For example: high waves have been recorded on the RRS Discovery in a sea with significant wave height, so the highest wave is only 1.6 times the","Document [17](Title: Rogue wave) Rogue Waves 2000 workshop held in Brest in November 2000. In 2000 the British oceanographic vessel RRS \"Discovery\" recorded a wave off the coast of Scotland near Rockall. This was a scientific research vessel and was fitted with high quality instruments. The subsequent analysis determined that under severe gale force conditions with wind speeds averaging a ship-borne wave recorder measured individual waves up to from crest to trough, and a maximum significant wave height of . These were some of the largest waves recorded by scientific instruments up to that time. The authors noted that modern wave prediction models are","Document [18](Title: 1929 Grand Banks earthquake) triggered a large submarine landslide displacing (). It snapped 12 submarine transatlantic telegraph cables and led to a tsunami that arrived in three waves. Newfoundland, Canada and Saint Pierre and Miquelon had the largest impact, both from the snapped 12 submarine cables, and the tsunami. This was Canada's largest submarine landslide ever recorded, up to 500 times the size of 1894 Saint-Alban subaerial slide. In 2002 Natural Resources Canada and the United States Geological Survey, created an intensity map by using the Revised Modified Mercalli scale. The tsunami waves had an amplitude of , and a runup of along the","Document [19](Title: Cumbre Vieja) La Palma mega-tsunami was both too small in mass and volume, and far too stable to break away within the next 10,000 years. A 2008 paper looked into this very worst case scenario, the most massive slide that could happen (though unlikely and probably impossible right now with the present day geology). They find wave heights in the range 10 to 188 meters in the Canary Isles themselves. But the waves interfere and dissipate as they head out into the Atlantic. They predict 40 meters height for some nearby island systems. For continents, the worst effects are in Northern Brazil","Document [20](Title: Meteorological history of Hurricane Sandy) before records were officially kept. Storm tide records were also broken in Sandy Hook, New Jersey and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with peak tides of and , respectively. The tidal gauge in Sandy Hook lost power while the tide was still rising, meaning the tide crested higher than the recorded peak. A buoy in New York Harbor reached a record height when it measured a wave on October 30, taller than a wave registered by Hurricane Irene in 2011. Sandy was the second-largest tropical cyclone in terms of gale diameter since records began in 1988. In addition, at , Sandy was second"],"query":"where did the world's largest recorded wave occur?","answers":["Lituya Bay in Alaska"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Tsunami) Bay, Alaska, caused the highest wave ever recorded, which had a height of 524 metres (over 1700 feet). The wave did not travel far, as it struck land almost immediately. Two people fishing in the bay were killed, but another boat managed to ride the wave. Another landslide-tsunami event occurred in 1963 when a massive landslide from Monte Toc entered the Vajont Dam in Italy. The resulting wave surged over the 262 m (860 ft) high dam by 250 metres (820 ft) and destroyed several towns. Around 2,000 people died. Scientists named these waves megatsunamis. Some geologists claim that large","Document [2](Title: Physical oceanography) coastline regions where the waves strike with sufficient energy. The tsunami that occurred in Lituya Bay, Alaska on July 9, 1958 was high and is the biggest tsunami ever measured, almost taller than the Sears Tower in Chicago and about taller than the former World Trade Center in New York. The wind generates ocean surface waves, which have a large impact on offshore structures, ships, coastal erosion and sedimentation, as well as harbours. After their generation by the wind, ocean surface waves can travel (as swell) over long distances. Physical oceanography Physical oceanography is the study of physical conditions and","Document [3](Title: Nazare\u0301, Portugal) and entered the Guinness World Record for the biggest wave ever surfed. Social media wrongly attributed a footage of German surfer Sebastian Steudtne surfing another big wave also in Nazar\u00e9 to Koxa; both have made public statements in attempts to correct the original misinformation. In the meantime, Portuguese surfer Hugo Vau surfed a potentially high wave, known as \"the big mama\", on 19 January 2018. This achievement yet to be validated. The waves at this point can also be dangerous to those ashore. In August 2012, a freak wave killed a 5 year old British girl and her grandfather walking","Document [4](Title: Rodrigo Koxa) Monica, CA-based Big Wave Awards as the biggest wave ever surfed in history. He now holds the position in the Guinness World Records with the biggest wave ever surfed in the history of the World Surf League. Koxa surfed the wave on November 8, 2017, in the village of Nazar\u00e9, city of Leiria, in Portugal. The feat was declared as the new world record, the wave's height having been about , supplanting the previous record of an estimated set in 2011 by Koxa's mentor Garrett McNamara. In August 2010, Koxa had reached a previous record. In Chile, he surfed the","Document [5](Title: Draupner wave) Draupner wave The Draupner wave or New Year's wave was the first rogue wave to be detected by a measuring instrument, occurring at the Draupner platform in the North Sea off the coast of Norway on 1 January 1995. In an area with significant wave height of approximately , a freak wave with a maximum wave height of occurred (peak elevation above still water level was ). Prior to that measurement, no instrument-recorded evidence for rogue waves existed\u2013just anecdotal evidence provided by those who had encountered them at sea, although ships such as the British Ocean Weather Reporter had recorded","Document [6](Title: Andrea Gail) but ocean buoy monitors recorded a peak wave height of , and so waves of were deemed \"unlikely\" by \"Science Daily\". However, data from a series of weather buoys in the general vicinity of the vessel's last known location recorded peak wave action exceeding in height from October 28 through 30, 1991. On October 30, 1991, the vessel was reported overdue. An extensive air and land search was launched by the 106th Rescue Wing from the New York Air National Guard, United States Coast Guard and Canadian Coast Guard forces. The search would eventually cover over . On November 6,","Document [7](Title: Crescent City, California) these incidents were barely perceptible, eleven events included wave measurements exceeding one meter, four events caused damage, and one event in particular is commonly cited as \"the largest and most destructive recorded tsunami to ever strike the United States Pacific Coast.\" On 27 March 1964, the Good Friday earthquake off Anchorage, Alaska, set in motion local landslide tsunamis, as well as a trans-Pacific wave. The tsunami wave travel time to Crescent City was 4.1 hours after the earthquake, but it only produced localized flooding. The second and third waves to hit Crescent City were both smaller than the first wave,","Document [8](Title: 2012 Haida Gwaii earthquake) U.S., Hawaii was also placed on alert, and over 100,000 people were evacuated to higher ground. The maximum wave height recorded at tide gauges in Hawaii was 0.79m (31 in). Other warnings were issued for the states of Oregon and California, but were subsequently lifted. Despite the earthquake's large magnitude, no major structural damage was reported from any of the population centres in the vicinity. This can be explained by the remoteness of the tremor's epicentre. No casualties or major injuries were recorded from the quake, likely due to the sparsely populated nature of the region. As a result of","Document [9](Title: 1964 Alaska earthquake) tsunamis were produced by this subduction zone earthquake. There was a tectonic tsunami produced in addition to about 20 smaller and local tsunamis. These smaller tsunamis were produced by submarine and subaerial landslides and were responsible for the majority of the tsunami damage. Tsunami waves were noted in over 20 countries, including Peru, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Japan, Mexico, and Antarctica. The largest tsunami wave was recorded in Shoup Bay, Alaska, with a height of about . Tremors were detected in water wells in Australia. As a result of the earthquake, 139 people are believed to have died: Fifteen","Document [10](Title: Nazare\u0301 Canyon) wave surfing. In November 2011, Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara surfed a record breaking giant wave: from trough to crest, at Praia do Norte, Nazar\u00e9, Portugal. In January 2013 it was reported that he successfully rode a wave measuring a maximum estimate of at the same location and possibly exceeding the size of his previous record-breaking wave. In January 2018, Hugo Vau could have smashed a world record amid claims he surfed one of the biggest waves ever seen at Nazare, Portugal. The wave \u2014 nicknamed \u2018Big Mama\u2019 \u2014 was reported to be up to 35-metres-high, which, if confirmed, would beat","Document [11](Title: 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami) coast from east to west. The tsunami also reached Antarctica, where tidal gauges at Japan's Showa Base recorded oscillations of up to a metre (), with disturbances lasting a couple of days. Some of the tsunami's energy escaped into the Pacific Ocean, where it produced small but measurable tsunamis along the western coasts of North and South America, typically around . At Manzanillo, Mexico, a crest-to-trough tsunami was measured. As well, the tsunami was large enough to be detected in Vancouver, which puzzled many scientists, as the tsunamis measured in some parts of South America were larger than those measured","Document [12](Title: Rogue wave) clearly outside the range of Gaussian waves was published in 1997. Some research confirms that observed wave height distribution in general follows well the Rayleigh distribution, but in shallow waters during high energy events, extremely high waves are more rare than this particular model predicts. It is now proven via satellite radar studies that waves with crest to trough heights of to , occur far more frequently than previously thought. It is now known that rogue waves occur in all of the world's oceans many times each day. In 2004 the ESA MaxWave project identified more than ten individual giant","Document [13](Title: 2010 Chile earthquake) Hawaii, maybe about 50 percent bigger than they actually were.\" Early in the morning, the Center expected waves of 3 metres. In actuality, the highest tsunami waves ended up being about 1.5 to 1.8 metres peak to trough. At around 23:00 UTC (15:00 local), a tsunami warning was issued for coastal British Columbia. Extra precautions were already in place due to the 2010 Winter Olympics being held in Vancouver at the time. Small waves were expected in Southern California, and receding was reported at Long Beach. Minor damage was reported on some coastal areas. The tsunami damaged navigation buoys at","Document [14](Title: 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami) maximum runup of 2 m (6.6 ft). The tsunami was detected in the southern parts of east Africa, where rough seas were reported, specifically on the eastern and southern coasts that face the Indian Ocean. A few other African countries also recorded fatalities; one in Kenya, three in Seychelles, ten in Tanzania, and South Africa, where two were killed as a direct result of tsunami\u2014the furthest from the epicentre. Tidal surges also occurred along the Western Australian coast that lasted for several hours, resulting in boats losing their moorings and two people needing to be rescued. According to the U.S.","Document [15](Title: Wind wave) case of the Draupner wave, its height was 2.2 times the significant wave height. Such waves are distinct from tides, caused by the Moon and Sun's gravitational pull, tsunamis that are caused by underwater earthquakes or landslides, and waves generated by underwater explosions or the fall of meteorites\u2014all having far longer wavelengths than wind waves. Yet, the largest ever recorded wind waves are common \u2014 not rogue \u2014 waves in extreme sea states. For example: high waves have been recorded on the RRS Discovery in a sea with significant wave height, so the highest wave is only 1.6 times the","Document [16](Title: Rogue wave) Rogue Waves 2000 workshop held in Brest in November 2000. In 2000 the British oceanographic vessel RRS \"Discovery\" recorded a wave off the coast of Scotland near Rockall. This was a scientific research vessel and was fitted with high quality instruments. The subsequent analysis determined that under severe gale force conditions with wind speeds averaging a ship-borne wave recorder measured individual waves up to from crest to trough, and a maximum significant wave height of . These were some of the largest waves recorded by scientific instruments up to that time. The authors noted that modern wave prediction models are","Document [17](Title: 1929 Grand Banks earthquake) triggered a large submarine landslide displacing (). It snapped 12 submarine transatlantic telegraph cables and led to a tsunami that arrived in three waves. Newfoundland, Canada and Saint Pierre and Miquelon had the largest impact, both from the snapped 12 submarine cables, and the tsunami. This was Canada's largest submarine landslide ever recorded, up to 500 times the size of 1894 Saint-Alban subaerial slide. In 2002 Natural Resources Canada and the United States Geological Survey, created an intensity map by using the Revised Modified Mercalli scale. The tsunami waves had an amplitude of , and a runup of along the","Document [18](Title: Cumbre Vieja) La Palma mega-tsunami was both too small in mass and volume, and far too stable to break away within the next 10,000 years. A 2008 paper looked into this very worst case scenario, the most massive slide that could happen (though unlikely and probably impossible right now with the present day geology). They find wave heights in the range 10 to 188 meters in the Canary Isles themselves. But the waves interfere and dissipate as they head out into the Atlantic. They predict 40 meters height for some nearby island systems. For continents, the worst effects are in Northern Brazil","Document [19](Title: Meteorological history of Hurricane Sandy) before records were officially kept. Storm tide records were also broken in Sandy Hook, New Jersey and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with peak tides of and , respectively. The tidal gauge in Sandy Hook lost power while the tide was still rising, meaning the tide crested higher than the recorded peak. A buoy in New York Harbor reached a record height when it measured a wave on October 30, taller than a wave registered by Hurricane Irene in 2011. Sandy was the second-largest tropical cyclone in terms of gale diameter since records began in 1988. In addition, at , Sandy was second","Document [20](Title: Megatsunami) On July 9, 1958, a giant landslide at the head of Lituya Bay in Alaska, caused by an earthquake, generated a wave that washed out trees to a maximum altitude of 520 metres (1,710\u00a0ft) at the entrance of Gilbert Inlet. The wave surged over the headland, stripping trees and soil down to bedrock, and surged along the fjord which forms Lituya Bay, destroying a fishing boat anchored there and killing two people. Howard Ulrich and his son managed to ride the wave in their boat, and both survived."],"query":"where did the world's largest recorded wave occur?","answers":["Lituya Bay in Alaska"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Financial accounting) The balance sheet is the financial statement showing a firm's assets, liabilities and equity (capital) at a set point in time, usually the end of the fiscal year reported on the accompanying income statement. The total assets always equal the total combined liabilities and equity in dollar amount. This statement best demonstrates the basic accounting equation - Assets = Liabilities + Equity. The statement can be used to help show the status of a company.","Document [2](Title: Accounting equation) economics are thus diverse. A company\u2019s quarterly and annual reports are basically derived directly from the accounting equations used in bookkeeping practices. These equations, entered in a business\u2019s general ledger, will provide the material that eventually makes up the foundation of a business\u2019s financial statements. This includes expense reports, cash flow, interest and loan payments, salaries, and company investments. The accounting equation plays a significant role as the foundation of the double entry bookkeeping system. The primary aim of the double entry system is to keep track of debits and credits, and ensure that the sum of these always matches","Document [3](Title: Accounting equation) up to the company assets, a calculation carried out by the accounting equation. It is based on the idea that each transaction has an equal effect. It is used to transfer totals from books of prime entry into the nominal ledger. Every transaction is recorded twice so that the debit is balanced by a credit. The income and retained earnings of the accounting equation is also an essential component in computing, understanding, and analyzing a firm\u2019s income statement. This statement reflects profits and losses that are themselves determined by the calculations that make up the basic accounting equation. In other","Document [4](Title: Financial statement) accrual accounting, or cost accounting, or a combination of the two (OCBOA). A complete set of chart of accounts is also used that is substantially different from the chart of a profit-oriented business. Personal financial statements may be required from persons applying for a personal loan or financial aid. Typically, a personal financial statement consists of a single form for reporting personally held assets and liabilities (debts), or personal sources of income and expenses, or both. The form to be filled out is determined by the organization supplying the loan or aid. Although laws differ from country to country, an","Document [5](Title: Income statement) Income statement An income statement or profit and loss account (also referred to as a profit and loss statement (P&L), statement of profit or loss, revenue statement, statement of financial performance, earnings statement, operating statement, or statement of operations) is one of the financial statements of a company and shows the company\u2019s revenues and expenses during a particular period. It indicates how the revenues (money received from the sale of products and services before expenses are taken out, also known as the \"\u201ctop line\u201d\") are transformed into the net income (the result after all revenues and expenses have been accounted","Document [6](Title: Financial accounting) Financial accounting Financial accounting (or financial accountancy) is the field of accounting concerned with the summary, analysis and reporting of financial transactions pertaining to a business. This involves the preparation of financial statements available for public consumption. Stockholders, suppliers, banks, employees, government agencies, business owners, and other stakeholders are examples of people interested in receiving such information for decision making purposes. Financial accountancy is governed by both local and international accounting standards. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) is the standard framework of guidelines for financial accounting used in any given jurisdiction. It includes the standards, conventions and rules that accountants","Document [7](Title: Financial statement) statements are considered an integral part of the financial statements. \"The objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position, performance and changes in financial position of an enterprise that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions.\" Financial statements should be understandable, relevant, reliable and comparable. Reported assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses are directly related to an organization's financial position. Financial statements are intended to be understandable by readers who have \"a reasonable knowledge of business and economic activities and accounting and who are willing to study the information diligently.\" Financial","Document [8](Title: Financial accounting) financial statement showing a firm's assets, liabilities and equity (capital) at a set point in time, usually the end of the fiscal year reported on the accompanying income statement. The total assets always equal the total combined liabilities and equity in dollar amount. This statement best demonstrates the basic accounting equation - \"Assets = Liabilities + Equity\". The statement can be used to help show the status of a company. Accounting standards often set out a general format that companies are expected to follow when presenting their balance sheets. International Financial Reporting Standards normally require that companies report current assets","Document [9](Title: Accounting) of an entity, the analysis, verification and reporting of such records and \"the principles and procedures of accounting\"; it also refers to the job of being an accountant. Accountancy refers to the occupation or profession of an accountant, particularly in British English. Accounting has several subfields or subject areas, including financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, taxation and accounting information systems. Financial accounting focuses on the reporting of an organization's financial information to external users of the information, such as investors, potential investors and creditors. It calculates and records business transactions and prepares financial statements for the external users in accordance","Document [10](Title: Statement of changes in financial position) Statement of changes in financial position In business accounting, the statement of change in financial position is a financial statement that outlines the sources and uses of funds and explains any changes in cash or working capital. It contains activities from operations that alter the cash of a company has on hand. Changes in financial position include cash outflows, such as capital expenditures, and cash inflows, such as revenue. It may also include certain non-cash changes, such as depreciation. The use of this statement is to provide relevant and focused on a period, so that users of financial statements with","Document [11](Title: Financial accounting) one positive and one negative (opposites) that you will subtract. Many professional accountancy qualifications cover the field of financial accountancy, including Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Chartered Accountant (CA or other national designations) and Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA). Financial accounting Financial accounting (or financial accountancy) is the field of accounting concerned with the summary, analysis and reporting of financial transactions pertaining to a business. This involves the preparation of financial statements available for public consumption. Stockholders, suppliers, banks, employees, government agencies, business owners, and other stakeholders are examples of people interested in receiving such information for decision making purposes. Financial accountancy","Document [12](Title: Financial ratio) home countries, but private companies, partnerships and sole proprietorships may not use accrual basis accounting. Large multi-national corporations may use International Financial Reporting Standards to produce their financial statements, or they may use the generally accepted accounting principles of their home country. There is no international standard for calculating the summary data presented in all financial statements, and the terminology is not always consistent between companies, industries, countries and time periods. Various abbreviations may be used in financial statements, especially financial statements summarized on the Internet. Sales reported by a firm are usually net sales, which deduct returns, allowances, and","Document [13](Title: Accounting) with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). GAAP, in turn, arises from the wide agreement between accounting theory and practice, and change over time to meet the needs of decision-makers. Financial accounting produces past-oriented reports\u2014for example the financial statements prepared in 2006 reports on performance in 2005\u2014on an annual or quarterly basis, generally about the organization as a whole. This branch of accounting is also studied as part of the board exams for qualifying as an actuary. These two types of professionals, accountants and actuaries, have created a culture of being archrivals. Management accounting focuses on the measurement, analysis and reporting","Document [14](Title: Accounting) firms and professional bodies. Financial statements are usually audited by accounting firms, and are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). GAAP is set by various standard-setting organizations such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the United States and the Financial Reporting Council in the United Kingdom. As of 2012, \"all major economies\" have plans to converge towards or adopt the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The history of accounting is thousands of years old and can be traced to ancient civilizations. The early development of accounting dates back to ancient Mesopotamia, and is closely related","Document [15](Title: Financial statement) statements may be used by users for different purposes: Consolidated financial statements are defined as \"Financial statements of a group in which the assets, liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows of the parent (company) and its subsidiaries are presented as those of a single economic entity\", according to International Accounting Standard 27 \"Consolidated and separate financial statements\", and International Financial Reporting Standard 10 \"Consolidated financial statements\". The rules for the recording, measurement and presentation of government financial statements may be different from those required for business and even for non-profit organizations. They may use either of two accounting methods:","Document [16](Title: Comparison of management accounting and financial accounting) those who wish to make financial decisions or investments in a company. Management Accounting is the branch of Accounting that deals primarily with confidential financial reports for the exclusive use of top management within an organization. These reports are prepared utilizing scientific and statistical methods to arrive at certain monetary values which are then used for decision making. Such reports may include: Financial Accounting, on the other hand, concentrates on the production of financial reports, including the basic reporting requirements of profitability, liquidity, solvency and stability. Reports of this nature can be accessed by internal and external users such as","Document [17](Title: Financial analysis) Another method is comparative analysis. This provides a better way to determine trends. Comparative analysis presents the same information for two or more time periods and is presented side-by-side to allow for easy analysis. Financial analysis Financial analysis (also referred to as financial statement analysis or accounting analysis or Analysis of finance) refers to an assessment of the viability, stability and profitability of a business, sub-business or project. It is performed by professionals who prepare reports using ratios that make use of information taken from financial statements and other reports. These reports are usually presented to top management as one","Document [18](Title: Accounting) Accounting Accounting or accountancy is the measurement, processing, and communication of financial information about economic entities such as businesses and corporations. The modern field was established by the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli in 1494. Accounting, which has been called the \"language of business\", measures the results of an organization's economic activities and conveys this information to a variety of users, including investors, creditors, management, and regulators. Practitioners of accounting are known as accountants. The terms \"accounting\" and \"financial reporting\" are often used as synonyms. Accounting can be divided into several fields including financial accounting, management accounting, external auditing, tax accounting","Document [19](Title: Financial analysis) Financial analysis Financial analysis (also referred to as financial statement analysis or accounting analysis or Analysis of finance) refers to an assessment of the viability, stability and profitability of a business, sub-business or project. It is performed by professionals who prepare reports using ratios that make use of information taken from financial statements and other reports. These reports are usually presented to top management as one of their bases in making business decisions. Financial analysis may determine if a business will: Financial analysts often assess the following elements of a firm: 1. Profitability - its ability to earn income and","Document [20](Title: Business) corporations. The modern field was established by the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli in 1494. Accounting, which has been called the \"language of business\", measures the results of an organization's economic activities and conveys this information to a variety of users, including investors, creditors, management, and regulators. Practitioners of accounting are known as accountants. The terms \"accounting\" and \"financial reporting\" are often used as synonyms. Finance is a field that deals with the study of investments. It includes the dynamics of assets and liabilities over time under conditions of different degrees of uncertainty and risk. Finance can also be defined as"],"query":"which financial statement involves all aspects of the accounting\u200b equation?","answers":["balance sheet","The balance sheet"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Accounting equation) economics are thus diverse. A company\u2019s quarterly and annual reports are basically derived directly from the accounting equations used in bookkeeping practices. These equations, entered in a business\u2019s general ledger, will provide the material that eventually makes up the foundation of a business\u2019s financial statements. This includes expense reports, cash flow, interest and loan payments, salaries, and company investments. The accounting equation plays a significant role as the foundation of the double entry bookkeeping system. The primary aim of the double entry system is to keep track of debits and credits, and ensure that the sum of these always matches","Document [2](Title: Accounting equation) up to the company assets, a calculation carried out by the accounting equation. It is based on the idea that each transaction has an equal effect. It is used to transfer totals from books of prime entry into the nominal ledger. Every transaction is recorded twice so that the debit is balanced by a credit. The income and retained earnings of the accounting equation is also an essential component in computing, understanding, and analyzing a firm\u2019s income statement. This statement reflects profits and losses that are themselves determined by the calculations that make up the basic accounting equation. In other","Document [3](Title: Financial statement) accrual accounting, or cost accounting, or a combination of the two (OCBOA). A complete set of chart of accounts is also used that is substantially different from the chart of a profit-oriented business. Personal financial statements may be required from persons applying for a personal loan or financial aid. Typically, a personal financial statement consists of a single form for reporting personally held assets and liabilities (debts), or personal sources of income and expenses, or both. The form to be filled out is determined by the organization supplying the loan or aid. Although laws differ from country to country, an","Document [4](Title: Income statement) Income statement An income statement or profit and loss account (also referred to as a profit and loss statement (P&L), statement of profit or loss, revenue statement, statement of financial performance, earnings statement, operating statement, or statement of operations) is one of the financial statements of a company and shows the company\u2019s revenues and expenses during a particular period. It indicates how the revenues (money received from the sale of products and services before expenses are taken out, also known as the \"\u201ctop line\u201d\") are transformed into the net income (the result after all revenues and expenses have been accounted","Document [5](Title: Financial accounting) The balance sheet is the financial statement showing a firm's assets, liabilities and equity (capital) at a set point in time, usually the end of the fiscal year reported on the accompanying income statement. The total assets always equal the total combined liabilities and equity in dollar amount. This statement best demonstrates the basic accounting equation - Assets = Liabilities + Equity. The statement can be used to help show the status of a company.","Document [6](Title: Financial accounting) Financial accounting Financial accounting (or financial accountancy) is the field of accounting concerned with the summary, analysis and reporting of financial transactions pertaining to a business. This involves the preparation of financial statements available for public consumption. Stockholders, suppliers, banks, employees, government agencies, business owners, and other stakeholders are examples of people interested in receiving such information for decision making purposes. Financial accountancy is governed by both local and international accounting standards. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) is the standard framework of guidelines for financial accounting used in any given jurisdiction. It includes the standards, conventions and rules that accountants","Document [7](Title: Financial statement) statements are considered an integral part of the financial statements. \"The objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position, performance and changes in financial position of an enterprise that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions.\" Financial statements should be understandable, relevant, reliable and comparable. Reported assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses are directly related to an organization's financial position. Financial statements are intended to be understandable by readers who have \"a reasonable knowledge of business and economic activities and accounting and who are willing to study the information diligently.\" Financial","Document [8](Title: Financial accounting) financial statement showing a firm's assets, liabilities and equity (capital) at a set point in time, usually the end of the fiscal year reported on the accompanying income statement. The total assets always equal the total combined liabilities and equity in dollar amount. This statement best demonstrates the basic accounting equation - \"Assets = Liabilities + Equity\". The statement can be used to help show the status of a company. Accounting standards often set out a general format that companies are expected to follow when presenting their balance sheets. International Financial Reporting Standards normally require that companies report current assets","Document [9](Title: Accounting) of an entity, the analysis, verification and reporting of such records and \"the principles and procedures of accounting\"; it also refers to the job of being an accountant. Accountancy refers to the occupation or profession of an accountant, particularly in British English. Accounting has several subfields or subject areas, including financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, taxation and accounting information systems. Financial accounting focuses on the reporting of an organization's financial information to external users of the information, such as investors, potential investors and creditors. It calculates and records business transactions and prepares financial statements for the external users in accordance","Document [10](Title: Statement of changes in financial position) Statement of changes in financial position In business accounting, the statement of change in financial position is a financial statement that outlines the sources and uses of funds and explains any changes in cash or working capital. It contains activities from operations that alter the cash of a company has on hand. Changes in financial position include cash outflows, such as capital expenditures, and cash inflows, such as revenue. It may also include certain non-cash changes, such as depreciation. The use of this statement is to provide relevant and focused on a period, so that users of financial statements with","Document [11](Title: Financial accounting) one positive and one negative (opposites) that you will subtract. Many professional accountancy qualifications cover the field of financial accountancy, including Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Chartered Accountant (CA or other national designations) and Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA). Financial accounting Financial accounting (or financial accountancy) is the field of accounting concerned with the summary, analysis and reporting of financial transactions pertaining to a business. This involves the preparation of financial statements available for public consumption. Stockholders, suppliers, banks, employees, government agencies, business owners, and other stakeholders are examples of people interested in receiving such information for decision making purposes. Financial accountancy","Document [12](Title: Financial ratio) home countries, but private companies, partnerships and sole proprietorships may not use accrual basis accounting. Large multi-national corporations may use International Financial Reporting Standards to produce their financial statements, or they may use the generally accepted accounting principles of their home country. There is no international standard for calculating the summary data presented in all financial statements, and the terminology is not always consistent between companies, industries, countries and time periods. Various abbreviations may be used in financial statements, especially financial statements summarized on the Internet. Sales reported by a firm are usually net sales, which deduct returns, allowances, and","Document [13](Title: Accounting) with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). GAAP, in turn, arises from the wide agreement between accounting theory and practice, and change over time to meet the needs of decision-makers. Financial accounting produces past-oriented reports\u2014for example the financial statements prepared in 2006 reports on performance in 2005\u2014on an annual or quarterly basis, generally about the organization as a whole. This branch of accounting is also studied as part of the board exams for qualifying as an actuary. These two types of professionals, accountants and actuaries, have created a culture of being archrivals. Management accounting focuses on the measurement, analysis and reporting","Document [14](Title: Accounting) firms and professional bodies. Financial statements are usually audited by accounting firms, and are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). GAAP is set by various standard-setting organizations such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the United States and the Financial Reporting Council in the United Kingdom. As of 2012, \"all major economies\" have plans to converge towards or adopt the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The history of accounting is thousands of years old and can be traced to ancient civilizations. The early development of accounting dates back to ancient Mesopotamia, and is closely related","Document [15](Title: Financial statement) statements may be used by users for different purposes: Consolidated financial statements are defined as \"Financial statements of a group in which the assets, liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows of the parent (company) and its subsidiaries are presented as those of a single economic entity\", according to International Accounting Standard 27 \"Consolidated and separate financial statements\", and International Financial Reporting Standard 10 \"Consolidated financial statements\". The rules for the recording, measurement and presentation of government financial statements may be different from those required for business and even for non-profit organizations. They may use either of two accounting methods:","Document [16](Title: Comparison of management accounting and financial accounting) those who wish to make financial decisions or investments in a company. Management Accounting is the branch of Accounting that deals primarily with confidential financial reports for the exclusive use of top management within an organization. These reports are prepared utilizing scientific and statistical methods to arrive at certain monetary values which are then used for decision making. Such reports may include: Financial Accounting, on the other hand, concentrates on the production of financial reports, including the basic reporting requirements of profitability, liquidity, solvency and stability. Reports of this nature can be accessed by internal and external users such as","Document [17](Title: Financial analysis) Another method is comparative analysis. This provides a better way to determine trends. Comparative analysis presents the same information for two or more time periods and is presented side-by-side to allow for easy analysis. Financial analysis Financial analysis (also referred to as financial statement analysis or accounting analysis or Analysis of finance) refers to an assessment of the viability, stability and profitability of a business, sub-business or project. It is performed by professionals who prepare reports using ratios that make use of information taken from financial statements and other reports. These reports are usually presented to top management as one","Document [18](Title: Accounting) Accounting Accounting or accountancy is the measurement, processing, and communication of financial information about economic entities such as businesses and corporations. The modern field was established by the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli in 1494. Accounting, which has been called the \"language of business\", measures the results of an organization's economic activities and conveys this information to a variety of users, including investors, creditors, management, and regulators. Practitioners of accounting are known as accountants. The terms \"accounting\" and \"financial reporting\" are often used as synonyms. Accounting can be divided into several fields including financial accounting, management accounting, external auditing, tax accounting","Document [19](Title: Financial analysis) Financial analysis Financial analysis (also referred to as financial statement analysis or accounting analysis or Analysis of finance) refers to an assessment of the viability, stability and profitability of a business, sub-business or project. It is performed by professionals who prepare reports using ratios that make use of information taken from financial statements and other reports. These reports are usually presented to top management as one of their bases in making business decisions. Financial analysis may determine if a business will: Financial analysts often assess the following elements of a firm: 1. Profitability - its ability to earn income and","Document [20](Title: Business) corporations. The modern field was established by the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli in 1494. Accounting, which has been called the \"language of business\", measures the results of an organization's economic activities and conveys this information to a variety of users, including investors, creditors, management, and regulators. Practitioners of accounting are known as accountants. The terms \"accounting\" and \"financial reporting\" are often used as synonyms. Finance is a field that deals with the study of investments. It includes the dynamics of assets and liabilities over time under conditions of different degrees of uncertainty and risk. Finance can also be defined as"],"query":"which financial statement involves all aspects of the accounting\u200b equation?","answers":["balance sheet","The balance sheet"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Accounting equation) economics are thus diverse. A company\u2019s quarterly and annual reports are basically derived directly from the accounting equations used in bookkeeping practices. These equations, entered in a business\u2019s general ledger, will provide the material that eventually makes up the foundation of a business\u2019s financial statements. This includes expense reports, cash flow, interest and loan payments, salaries, and company investments. The accounting equation plays a significant role as the foundation of the double entry bookkeeping system. The primary aim of the double entry system is to keep track of debits and credits, and ensure that the sum of these always matches","Document [2](Title: Accounting equation) up to the company assets, a calculation carried out by the accounting equation. It is based on the idea that each transaction has an equal effect. It is used to transfer totals from books of prime entry into the nominal ledger. Every transaction is recorded twice so that the debit is balanced by a credit. The income and retained earnings of the accounting equation is also an essential component in computing, understanding, and analyzing a firm\u2019s income statement. This statement reflects profits and losses that are themselves determined by the calculations that make up the basic accounting equation. In other","Document [3](Title: Financial statement) accrual accounting, or cost accounting, or a combination of the two (OCBOA). A complete set of chart of accounts is also used that is substantially different from the chart of a profit-oriented business. Personal financial statements may be required from persons applying for a personal loan or financial aid. Typically, a personal financial statement consists of a single form for reporting personally held assets and liabilities (debts), or personal sources of income and expenses, or both. The form to be filled out is determined by the organization supplying the loan or aid. Although laws differ from country to country, an","Document [4](Title: Income statement) Income statement An income statement or profit and loss account (also referred to as a profit and loss statement (P&L), statement of profit or loss, revenue statement, statement of financial performance, earnings statement, operating statement, or statement of operations) is one of the financial statements of a company and shows the company\u2019s revenues and expenses during a particular period. It indicates how the revenues (money received from the sale of products and services before expenses are taken out, also known as the \"\u201ctop line\u201d\") are transformed into the net income (the result after all revenues and expenses have been accounted","Document [5](Title: Financial accounting) Financial accounting Financial accounting (or financial accountancy) is the field of accounting concerned with the summary, analysis and reporting of financial transactions pertaining to a business. This involves the preparation of financial statements available for public consumption. Stockholders, suppliers, banks, employees, government agencies, business owners, and other stakeholders are examples of people interested in receiving such information for decision making purposes. Financial accountancy is governed by both local and international accounting standards. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) is the standard framework of guidelines for financial accounting used in any given jurisdiction. It includes the standards, conventions and rules that accountants","Document [6](Title: Financial statement) statements are considered an integral part of the financial statements. \"The objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position, performance and changes in financial position of an enterprise that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions.\" Financial statements should be understandable, relevant, reliable and comparable. Reported assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses are directly related to an organization's financial position. Financial statements are intended to be understandable by readers who have \"a reasonable knowledge of business and economic activities and accounting and who are willing to study the information diligently.\" Financial","Document [7](Title: Financial accounting) financial statement showing a firm's assets, liabilities and equity (capital) at a set point in time, usually the end of the fiscal year reported on the accompanying income statement. The total assets always equal the total combined liabilities and equity in dollar amount. This statement best demonstrates the basic accounting equation - \"Assets = Liabilities + Equity\". The statement can be used to help show the status of a company. Accounting standards often set out a general format that companies are expected to follow when presenting their balance sheets. International Financial Reporting Standards normally require that companies report current assets","Document [8](Title: Accounting) of an entity, the analysis, verification and reporting of such records and \"the principles and procedures of accounting\"; it also refers to the job of being an accountant. Accountancy refers to the occupation or profession of an accountant, particularly in British English. Accounting has several subfields or subject areas, including financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, taxation and accounting information systems. Financial accounting focuses on the reporting of an organization's financial information to external users of the information, such as investors, potential investors and creditors. It calculates and records business transactions and prepares financial statements for the external users in accordance","Document [9](Title: Statement of changes in financial position) Statement of changes in financial position In business accounting, the statement of change in financial position is a financial statement that outlines the sources and uses of funds and explains any changes in cash or working capital. It contains activities from operations that alter the cash of a company has on hand. Changes in financial position include cash outflows, such as capital expenditures, and cash inflows, such as revenue. It may also include certain non-cash changes, such as depreciation. The use of this statement is to provide relevant and focused on a period, so that users of financial statements with","Document [10](Title: Financial accounting) The balance sheet is the financial statement showing a firm's assets, liabilities and equity (capital) at a set point in time, usually the end of the fiscal year reported on the accompanying income statement. The total assets always equal the total combined liabilities and equity in dollar amount. This statement best demonstrates the basic accounting equation - Assets = Liabilities + Equity. The statement can be used to help show the status of a company.","Document [11](Title: Financial accounting) one positive and one negative (opposites) that you will subtract. Many professional accountancy qualifications cover the field of financial accountancy, including Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Chartered Accountant (CA or other national designations) and Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA). Financial accounting Financial accounting (or financial accountancy) is the field of accounting concerned with the summary, analysis and reporting of financial transactions pertaining to a business. This involves the preparation of financial statements available for public consumption. Stockholders, suppliers, banks, employees, government agencies, business owners, and other stakeholders are examples of people interested in receiving such information for decision making purposes. Financial accountancy","Document [12](Title: Financial ratio) home countries, but private companies, partnerships and sole proprietorships may not use accrual basis accounting. Large multi-national corporations may use International Financial Reporting Standards to produce their financial statements, or they may use the generally accepted accounting principles of their home country. There is no international standard for calculating the summary data presented in all financial statements, and the terminology is not always consistent between companies, industries, countries and time periods. Various abbreviations may be used in financial statements, especially financial statements summarized on the Internet. Sales reported by a firm are usually net sales, which deduct returns, allowances, and","Document [13](Title: Accounting) with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). GAAP, in turn, arises from the wide agreement between accounting theory and practice, and change over time to meet the needs of decision-makers. Financial accounting produces past-oriented reports\u2014for example the financial statements prepared in 2006 reports on performance in 2005\u2014on an annual or quarterly basis, generally about the organization as a whole. This branch of accounting is also studied as part of the board exams for qualifying as an actuary. These two types of professionals, accountants and actuaries, have created a culture of being archrivals. Management accounting focuses on the measurement, analysis and reporting","Document [14](Title: Accounting) firms and professional bodies. Financial statements are usually audited by accounting firms, and are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). GAAP is set by various standard-setting organizations such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the United States and the Financial Reporting Council in the United Kingdom. As of 2012, \"all major economies\" have plans to converge towards or adopt the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The history of accounting is thousands of years old and can be traced to ancient civilizations. The early development of accounting dates back to ancient Mesopotamia, and is closely related","Document [15](Title: Financial statement) statements may be used by users for different purposes: Consolidated financial statements are defined as \"Financial statements of a group in which the assets, liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows of the parent (company) and its subsidiaries are presented as those of a single economic entity\", according to International Accounting Standard 27 \"Consolidated and separate financial statements\", and International Financial Reporting Standard 10 \"Consolidated financial statements\". The rules for the recording, measurement and presentation of government financial statements may be different from those required for business and even for non-profit organizations. They may use either of two accounting methods:","Document [16](Title: Comparison of management accounting and financial accounting) those who wish to make financial decisions or investments in a company. Management Accounting is the branch of Accounting that deals primarily with confidential financial reports for the exclusive use of top management within an organization. These reports are prepared utilizing scientific and statistical methods to arrive at certain monetary values which are then used for decision making. Such reports may include: Financial Accounting, on the other hand, concentrates on the production of financial reports, including the basic reporting requirements of profitability, liquidity, solvency and stability. Reports of this nature can be accessed by internal and external users such as","Document [17](Title: Financial analysis) Another method is comparative analysis. This provides a better way to determine trends. Comparative analysis presents the same information for two or more time periods and is presented side-by-side to allow for easy analysis. Financial analysis Financial analysis (also referred to as financial statement analysis or accounting analysis or Analysis of finance) refers to an assessment of the viability, stability and profitability of a business, sub-business or project. It is performed by professionals who prepare reports using ratios that make use of information taken from financial statements and other reports. These reports are usually presented to top management as one","Document [18](Title: Accounting) Accounting Accounting or accountancy is the measurement, processing, and communication of financial information about economic entities such as businesses and corporations. The modern field was established by the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli in 1494. Accounting, which has been called the \"language of business\", measures the results of an organization's economic activities and conveys this information to a variety of users, including investors, creditors, management, and regulators. Practitioners of accounting are known as accountants. The terms \"accounting\" and \"financial reporting\" are often used as synonyms. Accounting can be divided into several fields including financial accounting, management accounting, external auditing, tax accounting","Document [19](Title: Financial analysis) Financial analysis Financial analysis (also referred to as financial statement analysis or accounting analysis or Analysis of finance) refers to an assessment of the viability, stability and profitability of a business, sub-business or project. It is performed by professionals who prepare reports using ratios that make use of information taken from financial statements and other reports. These reports are usually presented to top management as one of their bases in making business decisions. Financial analysis may determine if a business will: Financial analysts often assess the following elements of a firm: 1. Profitability - its ability to earn income and","Document [20](Title: Business) corporations. The modern field was established by the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli in 1494. Accounting, which has been called the \"language of business\", measures the results of an organization's economic activities and conveys this information to a variety of users, including investors, creditors, management, and regulators. Practitioners of accounting are known as accountants. The terms \"accounting\" and \"financial reporting\" are often used as synonyms. Finance is a field that deals with the study of investments. It includes the dynamics of assets and liabilities over time under conditions of different degrees of uncertainty and risk. Finance can also be defined as"],"query":"which financial statement involves all aspects of the accounting\u200b equation?","answers":["balance sheet","The balance sheet"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Accounting equation) economics are thus diverse. A company\u2019s quarterly and annual reports are basically derived directly from the accounting equations used in bookkeeping practices. These equations, entered in a business\u2019s general ledger, will provide the material that eventually makes up the foundation of a business\u2019s financial statements. This includes expense reports, cash flow, interest and loan payments, salaries, and company investments. The accounting equation plays a significant role as the foundation of the double entry bookkeeping system. The primary aim of the double entry system is to keep track of debits and credits, and ensure that the sum of these always matches","Document [2](Title: Accounting equation) up to the company assets, a calculation carried out by the accounting equation. It is based on the idea that each transaction has an equal effect. It is used to transfer totals from books of prime entry into the nominal ledger. Every transaction is recorded twice so that the debit is balanced by a credit. The income and retained earnings of the accounting equation is also an essential component in computing, understanding, and analyzing a firm\u2019s income statement. This statement reflects profits and losses that are themselves determined by the calculations that make up the basic accounting equation. In other","Document [3](Title: Financial statement) accrual accounting, or cost accounting, or a combination of the two (OCBOA). A complete set of chart of accounts is also used that is substantially different from the chart of a profit-oriented business. Personal financial statements may be required from persons applying for a personal loan or financial aid. Typically, a personal financial statement consists of a single form for reporting personally held assets and liabilities (debts), or personal sources of income and expenses, or both. The form to be filled out is determined by the organization supplying the loan or aid. Although laws differ from country to country, an","Document [4](Title: Income statement) Income statement An income statement or profit and loss account (also referred to as a profit and loss statement (P&L), statement of profit or loss, revenue statement, statement of financial performance, earnings statement, operating statement, or statement of operations) is one of the financial statements of a company and shows the company\u2019s revenues and expenses during a particular period. It indicates how the revenues (money received from the sale of products and services before expenses are taken out, also known as the \"\u201ctop line\u201d\") are transformed into the net income (the result after all revenues and expenses have been accounted","Document [5](Title: Financial accounting) Financial accounting Financial accounting (or financial accountancy) is the field of accounting concerned with the summary, analysis and reporting of financial transactions pertaining to a business. This involves the preparation of financial statements available for public consumption. Stockholders, suppliers, banks, employees, government agencies, business owners, and other stakeholders are examples of people interested in receiving such information for decision making purposes. Financial accountancy is governed by both local and international accounting standards. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) is the standard framework of guidelines for financial accounting used in any given jurisdiction. It includes the standards, conventions and rules that accountants","Document [6](Title: Financial statement) statements are considered an integral part of the financial statements. \"The objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position, performance and changes in financial position of an enterprise that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions.\" Financial statements should be understandable, relevant, reliable and comparable. Reported assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses are directly related to an organization's financial position. Financial statements are intended to be understandable by readers who have \"a reasonable knowledge of business and economic activities and accounting and who are willing to study the information diligently.\" Financial","Document [7](Title: Financial accounting) financial statement showing a firm's assets, liabilities and equity (capital) at a set point in time, usually the end of the fiscal year reported on the accompanying income statement. The total assets always equal the total combined liabilities and equity in dollar amount. This statement best demonstrates the basic accounting equation - \"Assets = Liabilities + Equity\". The statement can be used to help show the status of a company. Accounting standards often set out a general format that companies are expected to follow when presenting their balance sheets. International Financial Reporting Standards normally require that companies report current assets","Document [8](Title: Accounting) of an entity, the analysis, verification and reporting of such records and \"the principles and procedures of accounting\"; it also refers to the job of being an accountant. Accountancy refers to the occupation or profession of an accountant, particularly in British English. Accounting has several subfields or subject areas, including financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, taxation and accounting information systems. Financial accounting focuses on the reporting of an organization's financial information to external users of the information, such as investors, potential investors and creditors. It calculates and records business transactions and prepares financial statements for the external users in accordance","Document [9](Title: Statement of changes in financial position) Statement of changes in financial position In business accounting, the statement of change in financial position is a financial statement that outlines the sources and uses of funds and explains any changes in cash or working capital. It contains activities from operations that alter the cash of a company has on hand. Changes in financial position include cash outflows, such as capital expenditures, and cash inflows, such as revenue. It may also include certain non-cash changes, such as depreciation. The use of this statement is to provide relevant and focused on a period, so that users of financial statements with","Document [10](Title: Financial accounting) one positive and one negative (opposites) that you will subtract. Many professional accountancy qualifications cover the field of financial accountancy, including Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Chartered Accountant (CA or other national designations) and Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA). Financial accounting Financial accounting (or financial accountancy) is the field of accounting concerned with the summary, analysis and reporting of financial transactions pertaining to a business. This involves the preparation of financial statements available for public consumption. Stockholders, suppliers, banks, employees, government agencies, business owners, and other stakeholders are examples of people interested in receiving such information for decision making purposes. Financial accountancy","Document [11](Title: Financial ratio) home countries, but private companies, partnerships and sole proprietorships may not use accrual basis accounting. Large multi-national corporations may use International Financial Reporting Standards to produce their financial statements, or they may use the generally accepted accounting principles of their home country. There is no international standard for calculating the summary data presented in all financial statements, and the terminology is not always consistent between companies, industries, countries and time periods. Various abbreviations may be used in financial statements, especially financial statements summarized on the Internet. Sales reported by a firm are usually net sales, which deduct returns, allowances, and","Document [12](Title: Accounting) with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). GAAP, in turn, arises from the wide agreement between accounting theory and practice, and change over time to meet the needs of decision-makers. Financial accounting produces past-oriented reports\u2014for example the financial statements prepared in 2006 reports on performance in 2005\u2014on an annual or quarterly basis, generally about the organization as a whole. This branch of accounting is also studied as part of the board exams for qualifying as an actuary. These two types of professionals, accountants and actuaries, have created a culture of being archrivals. Management accounting focuses on the measurement, analysis and reporting","Document [13](Title: Accounting) firms and professional bodies. Financial statements are usually audited by accounting firms, and are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). GAAP is set by various standard-setting organizations such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the United States and the Financial Reporting Council in the United Kingdom. As of 2012, \"all major economies\" have plans to converge towards or adopt the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The history of accounting is thousands of years old and can be traced to ancient civilizations. The early development of accounting dates back to ancient Mesopotamia, and is closely related","Document [14](Title: Financial statement) statements may be used by users for different purposes: Consolidated financial statements are defined as \"Financial statements of a group in which the assets, liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows of the parent (company) and its subsidiaries are presented as those of a single economic entity\", according to International Accounting Standard 27 \"Consolidated and separate financial statements\", and International Financial Reporting Standard 10 \"Consolidated financial statements\". The rules for the recording, measurement and presentation of government financial statements may be different from those required for business and even for non-profit organizations. They may use either of two accounting methods:","Document [15](Title: Financial accounting) The balance sheet is the financial statement showing a firm's assets, liabilities and equity (capital) at a set point in time, usually the end of the fiscal year reported on the accompanying income statement. The total assets always equal the total combined liabilities and equity in dollar amount. This statement best demonstrates the basic accounting equation - Assets = Liabilities + Equity. The statement can be used to help show the status of a company.","Document [16](Title: Comparison of management accounting and financial accounting) those who wish to make financial decisions or investments in a company. Management Accounting is the branch of Accounting that deals primarily with confidential financial reports for the exclusive use of top management within an organization. These reports are prepared utilizing scientific and statistical methods to arrive at certain monetary values which are then used for decision making. Such reports may include: Financial Accounting, on the other hand, concentrates on the production of financial reports, including the basic reporting requirements of profitability, liquidity, solvency and stability. Reports of this nature can be accessed by internal and external users such as","Document [17](Title: Financial analysis) Another method is comparative analysis. This provides a better way to determine trends. Comparative analysis presents the same information for two or more time periods and is presented side-by-side to allow for easy analysis. Financial analysis Financial analysis (also referred to as financial statement analysis or accounting analysis or Analysis of finance) refers to an assessment of the viability, stability and profitability of a business, sub-business or project. It is performed by professionals who prepare reports using ratios that make use of information taken from financial statements and other reports. These reports are usually presented to top management as one","Document [18](Title: Accounting) Accounting Accounting or accountancy is the measurement, processing, and communication of financial information about economic entities such as businesses and corporations. The modern field was established by the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli in 1494. Accounting, which has been called the \"language of business\", measures the results of an organization's economic activities and conveys this information to a variety of users, including investors, creditors, management, and regulators. Practitioners of accounting are known as accountants. The terms \"accounting\" and \"financial reporting\" are often used as synonyms. Accounting can be divided into several fields including financial accounting, management accounting, external auditing, tax accounting","Document [19](Title: Financial analysis) Financial analysis Financial analysis (also referred to as financial statement analysis or accounting analysis or Analysis of finance) refers to an assessment of the viability, stability and profitability of a business, sub-business or project. It is performed by professionals who prepare reports using ratios that make use of information taken from financial statements and other reports. These reports are usually presented to top management as one of their bases in making business decisions. Financial analysis may determine if a business will: Financial analysts often assess the following elements of a firm: 1. Profitability - its ability to earn income and","Document [20](Title: Business) corporations. The modern field was established by the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli in 1494. Accounting, which has been called the \"language of business\", measures the results of an organization's economic activities and conveys this information to a variety of users, including investors, creditors, management, and regulators. Practitioners of accounting are known as accountants. The terms \"accounting\" and \"financial reporting\" are often used as synonyms. Finance is a field that deals with the study of investments. It includes the dynamics of assets and liabilities over time under conditions of different degrees of uncertainty and risk. Finance can also be defined as"],"query":"which financial statement involves all aspects of the accounting\u200b equation?","answers":["balance sheet","The balance sheet"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Accounting equation) economics are thus diverse. A company\u2019s quarterly and annual reports are basically derived directly from the accounting equations used in bookkeeping practices. These equations, entered in a business\u2019s general ledger, will provide the material that eventually makes up the foundation of a business\u2019s financial statements. This includes expense reports, cash flow, interest and loan payments, salaries, and company investments. The accounting equation plays a significant role as the foundation of the double entry bookkeeping system. The primary aim of the double entry system is to keep track of debits and credits, and ensure that the sum of these always matches","Document [2](Title: Accounting equation) up to the company assets, a calculation carried out by the accounting equation. It is based on the idea that each transaction has an equal effect. It is used to transfer totals from books of prime entry into the nominal ledger. Every transaction is recorded twice so that the debit is balanced by a credit. The income and retained earnings of the accounting equation is also an essential component in computing, understanding, and analyzing a firm\u2019s income statement. This statement reflects profits and losses that are themselves determined by the calculations that make up the basic accounting equation. In other","Document [3](Title: Financial statement) accrual accounting, or cost accounting, or a combination of the two (OCBOA). A complete set of chart of accounts is also used that is substantially different from the chart of a profit-oriented business. Personal financial statements may be required from persons applying for a personal loan or financial aid. Typically, a personal financial statement consists of a single form for reporting personally held assets and liabilities (debts), or personal sources of income and expenses, or both. The form to be filled out is determined by the organization supplying the loan or aid. Although laws differ from country to country, an","Document [4](Title: Income statement) Income statement An income statement or profit and loss account (also referred to as a profit and loss statement (P&L), statement of profit or loss, revenue statement, statement of financial performance, earnings statement, operating statement, or statement of operations) is one of the financial statements of a company and shows the company\u2019s revenues and expenses during a particular period. It indicates how the revenues (money received from the sale of products and services before expenses are taken out, also known as the \"\u201ctop line\u201d\") are transformed into the net income (the result after all revenues and expenses have been accounted","Document [5](Title: Financial accounting) Financial accounting Financial accounting (or financial accountancy) is the field of accounting concerned with the summary, analysis and reporting of financial transactions pertaining to a business. This involves the preparation of financial statements available for public consumption. Stockholders, suppliers, banks, employees, government agencies, business owners, and other stakeholders are examples of people interested in receiving such information for decision making purposes. Financial accountancy is governed by both local and international accounting standards. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) is the standard framework of guidelines for financial accounting used in any given jurisdiction. It includes the standards, conventions and rules that accountants","Document [6](Title: Financial statement) statements are considered an integral part of the financial statements. \"The objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position, performance and changes in financial position of an enterprise that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions.\" Financial statements should be understandable, relevant, reliable and comparable. Reported assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses are directly related to an organization's financial position. Financial statements are intended to be understandable by readers who have \"a reasonable knowledge of business and economic activities and accounting and who are willing to study the information diligently.\" Financial","Document [7](Title: Financial accounting) financial statement showing a firm's assets, liabilities and equity (capital) at a set point in time, usually the end of the fiscal year reported on the accompanying income statement. The total assets always equal the total combined liabilities and equity in dollar amount. This statement best demonstrates the basic accounting equation - \"Assets = Liabilities + Equity\". The statement can be used to help show the status of a company. Accounting standards often set out a general format that companies are expected to follow when presenting their balance sheets. International Financial Reporting Standards normally require that companies report current assets","Document [8](Title: Accounting) of an entity, the analysis, verification and reporting of such records and \"the principles and procedures of accounting\"; it also refers to the job of being an accountant. Accountancy refers to the occupation or profession of an accountant, particularly in British English. Accounting has several subfields or subject areas, including financial accounting, management accounting, auditing, taxation and accounting information systems. Financial accounting focuses on the reporting of an organization's financial information to external users of the information, such as investors, potential investors and creditors. It calculates and records business transactions and prepares financial statements for the external users in accordance","Document [9](Title: Statement of changes in financial position) Statement of changes in financial position In business accounting, the statement of change in financial position is a financial statement that outlines the sources and uses of funds and explains any changes in cash or working capital. It contains activities from operations that alter the cash of a company has on hand. Changes in financial position include cash outflows, such as capital expenditures, and cash inflows, such as revenue. It may also include certain non-cash changes, such as depreciation. The use of this statement is to provide relevant and focused on a period, so that users of financial statements with","Document [10](Title: Financial accounting) one positive and one negative (opposites) that you will subtract. Many professional accountancy qualifications cover the field of financial accountancy, including Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Chartered Accountant (CA or other national designations) and Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA). Financial accounting Financial accounting (or financial accountancy) is the field of accounting concerned with the summary, analysis and reporting of financial transactions pertaining to a business. This involves the preparation of financial statements available for public consumption. Stockholders, suppliers, banks, employees, government agencies, business owners, and other stakeholders are examples of people interested in receiving such information for decision making purposes. Financial accountancy","Document [11](Title: Financial ratio) home countries, but private companies, partnerships and sole proprietorships may not use accrual basis accounting. Large multi-national corporations may use International Financial Reporting Standards to produce their financial statements, or they may use the generally accepted accounting principles of their home country. There is no international standard for calculating the summary data presented in all financial statements, and the terminology is not always consistent between companies, industries, countries and time periods. Various abbreviations may be used in financial statements, especially financial statements summarized on the Internet. Sales reported by a firm are usually net sales, which deduct returns, allowances, and","Document [12](Title: Accounting) with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). GAAP, in turn, arises from the wide agreement between accounting theory and practice, and change over time to meet the needs of decision-makers. Financial accounting produces past-oriented reports\u2014for example the financial statements prepared in 2006 reports on performance in 2005\u2014on an annual or quarterly basis, generally about the organization as a whole. This branch of accounting is also studied as part of the board exams for qualifying as an actuary. These two types of professionals, accountants and actuaries, have created a culture of being archrivals. Management accounting focuses on the measurement, analysis and reporting","Document [13](Title: Accounting) firms and professional bodies. Financial statements are usually audited by accounting firms, and are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). GAAP is set by various standard-setting organizations such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in the United States and the Financial Reporting Council in the United Kingdom. As of 2012, \"all major economies\" have plans to converge towards or adopt the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The history of accounting is thousands of years old and can be traced to ancient civilizations. The early development of accounting dates back to ancient Mesopotamia, and is closely related","Document [14](Title: Financial statement) statements may be used by users for different purposes: Consolidated financial statements are defined as \"Financial statements of a group in which the assets, liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows of the parent (company) and its subsidiaries are presented as those of a single economic entity\", according to International Accounting Standard 27 \"Consolidated and separate financial statements\", and International Financial Reporting Standard 10 \"Consolidated financial statements\". The rules for the recording, measurement and presentation of government financial statements may be different from those required for business and even for non-profit organizations. They may use either of two accounting methods:","Document [15](Title: Comparison of management accounting and financial accounting) those who wish to make financial decisions or investments in a company. Management Accounting is the branch of Accounting that deals primarily with confidential financial reports for the exclusive use of top management within an organization. These reports are prepared utilizing scientific and statistical methods to arrive at certain monetary values which are then used for decision making. Such reports may include: Financial Accounting, on the other hand, concentrates on the production of financial reports, including the basic reporting requirements of profitability, liquidity, solvency and stability. Reports of this nature can be accessed by internal and external users such as","Document [16](Title: Financial analysis) Another method is comparative analysis. This provides a better way to determine trends. Comparative analysis presents the same information for two or more time periods and is presented side-by-side to allow for easy analysis. Financial analysis Financial analysis (also referred to as financial statement analysis or accounting analysis or Analysis of finance) refers to an assessment of the viability, stability and profitability of a business, sub-business or project. It is performed by professionals who prepare reports using ratios that make use of information taken from financial statements and other reports. These reports are usually presented to top management as one","Document [17](Title: Accounting) Accounting Accounting or accountancy is the measurement, processing, and communication of financial information about economic entities such as businesses and corporations. The modern field was established by the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli in 1494. Accounting, which has been called the \"language of business\", measures the results of an organization's economic activities and conveys this information to a variety of users, including investors, creditors, management, and regulators. Practitioners of accounting are known as accountants. The terms \"accounting\" and \"financial reporting\" are often used as synonyms. Accounting can be divided into several fields including financial accounting, management accounting, external auditing, tax accounting","Document [18](Title: Financial analysis) Financial analysis Financial analysis (also referred to as financial statement analysis or accounting analysis or Analysis of finance) refers to an assessment of the viability, stability and profitability of a business, sub-business or project. It is performed by professionals who prepare reports using ratios that make use of information taken from financial statements and other reports. These reports are usually presented to top management as one of their bases in making business decisions. Financial analysis may determine if a business will: Financial analysts often assess the following elements of a firm: 1. Profitability - its ability to earn income and","Document [19](Title: Business) corporations. The modern field was established by the Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli in 1494. Accounting, which has been called the \"language of business\", measures the results of an organization's economic activities and conveys this information to a variety of users, including investors, creditors, management, and regulators. Practitioners of accounting are known as accountants. The terms \"accounting\" and \"financial reporting\" are often used as synonyms. Finance is a field that deals with the study of investments. It includes the dynamics of assets and liabilities over time under conditions of different degrees of uncertainty and risk. Finance can also be defined as","Document [20](Title: Financial accounting) The balance sheet is the financial statement showing a firm's assets, liabilities and equity (capital) at a set point in time, usually the end of the fiscal year reported on the accompanying income statement. The total assets always equal the total combined liabilities and equity in dollar amount. This statement best demonstrates the basic accounting equation - Assets = Liabilities + Equity. The statement can be used to help show the status of a company."],"query":"which financial statement involves all aspects of the accounting\u200b equation?","answers":["balance sheet","The balance sheet"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Mughal Empire) The beginning of the empire is conventionally dated to the victory by its founder Babur over Ibrahim Lodi, the last ruler of the Delhi Sultanate, in the First Battle of Panipat (1526). The Mughal emperors had roots in the Turco-Mongol Timurid dynasty of Central Asia, claiming direct descent from both Genghis Khan (founder of the Mongol Empire, through his son Chagatai Khan) and Timur (Turco-Mongol conqueror who founded the Timurid Empire). During the reign of Humayun, the successor of Babur, the empire was briefly interrupted by the Sur Empire. The \"classic period\" of the Mughal Empire started in 1556 with the ascension of Akbar the Great to the throne. ","Document [2](Title: Mughal emperors) came under the influence of rival court cliques. During the reign of Jahangir's son, Shah Jahan, the culture and splendour of the luxurious Mughal court reached its zenith as exemplified by the Taj Mahal. The maintenance of the court, at this time, began to cost more than the revenue. Shah Jahan's eldest son, the liberal Dara Shikoh, became regent in 1658, as a result of his father's illness. However, a younger son, Aurangzeb, allied with the Islamic orthodoxy against his brother, who championed a syncretistic Hindu-Muslim religion and culture, and ascended to the throne. Aurangzeb defeated Dara in 1659 and","Document [3](Title: History of India) less followed his father's policy. The Mughal dynasty ruled most of the Indian subcontinent by 1600. The reign of Shah Jahan was the golden age of Mughal architecture. He erected several large monuments, the most famous of which is the Taj Mahal at Agra, as well as the Moti Masjid, Agra, the Red Fort, the Jama Masjid, Delhi, and the Lahore Fort. The Mughal era is considered to be \"India's last golden age\". It was the second largest empire to have existed in the Indian subcontinent, and surpassed China to be become the world's largest economic power, controlling 24.4% of","Document [4](Title: Delhi) founded the Mughal Empire that ruled from Delhi and Agra. The Mughal dynasty ruled Delhi for more than three centuries, with a sixteen-year hiatus during the reigns of Sher Shah Suri and Hemu from 1540 to 1556. In 1553, the Hindu king Hemu acceded to the throne of Delhi by defeating forces of Mughal Emperor Humayun at Agra and Delhi. However, the Mughals re-established their rule after Akbar's army defeated Hemu during the Second Battle of Panipat in 1556. Shah Jahan built the seventh city of Delhi that bears his name \"Shahjahanabad\", which served as the capital of the Mughal","Document [5](Title: Mughal emperors) continued until after the Second Anglo-Maratha War. Thereafter, the British East India Company became the protectors of the Mughal dynasty in Delhi. After a crushed rebellion which he nominally led in 1857-58, the last Mughal, Bahadur Shah Zafar, was deposed by the British government, who then assumed formal control of a large part of the former empire, marking the start of the British Raj. Family tree of the first seven Mughal emperors: Mughal emperors The Mughal Emperors, from the early 16th century to the mid 19th century, built and ruled the Mughal Empire on the Indian subcontinent, mainly corresponding to","Document [6](Title: Shah Jahan) under house arrest in Agra Fort from July 1658 until his death in January 1666. On 31 July 1658, Aurangzeb crowned himself emperor under the title \"Alamgir\". The Mughal Empire reached the pinnacle of its glory during Shah Jahan's reign and he is widely considered to be one of the greatest Mughal emperors. Shahab-ud-din Muhammad Khurram was born on 5 January 1592 in Lahore, in modern-day Pakistan, and was the third son of Prince Salim (later known as 'Jahangir' upon his accession). His mother was a Rajput princess from Marwar called Princess Jagat Gosaini (her official name in Mughal chronicles","Document [7](Title: Balaji Vishwanath) 1707, and that of his successor Bahadur Shah, leading to continual internecine conflict within the imperial family and the leading Mughal grandees. Farrukhsiyar came to the throne in 1713 with the help of the two powerful nobles, Sayyid Hussain Ali Khan and Sayyid Abdullah Khan. Claiming descent from the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, the Sayyid Brothers had turned king-makers in the Mughal court. Soon after, differences arose between them and the Emperor Farruksiyar. And while the Mughals were intriguing in the civil war between the factions of Shahu and Tarabai, the Marathas themselves became a major factor in the quarrels between","Document [8](Title: Pakistan) and the Delhi Sultanate (1206\u20131526 CE). The Lodi dynasty, the last of the Delhi Sultanate, was replaced by the Mughal Empire (1526\u20131857 CE). The Mughals introduced Persian literature and high culture, establishing the roots of Indo-Persian culture in the region. From the region of modern-day Pakistan, key cities during the Mughal rule were Lahore and Thatta, both of which were chosen as the site of impressive Mughal buildings. In the early 16th century, the region remained under the Mughal Empire ruled by Muslim emperors. By the early 18th century, increasing European influence contributed to the slow disintegration of the Mughal","Document [9](Title: Sapta Puri) Mathura and decamped with all religious treasures made of gold and silver. This was followed by ushering in the rule of Slave Dynasty or Delhi Sultanate from 1193 AD and subsequently by the Mughal Dynasty rule, which lasted till the British took over. The Mughal rule, in particular of Aurangzeb saw the highest level of persecution, when in 1669 the Keshava temple was demolished and in its place a mosque was built. Even though the jat community of the region tried unsuccessfully to restore some of the temples but repeated Muslim depredation continued and it was not until the British","Document [10](Title: Mughal emperors) Mughal emperors The Mughal Emperors, from the early 16th century to the mid 19th century, built and ruled the Mughal Empire on the Indian subcontinent, mainly corresponding to the modern countries of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. The Mughals were a branch of the Timurid dynasty of Turco-Mongol origin from Central Asia. Their power rapidly dwindled during the 18th century and the last of the emperors was deposed in 1857, with the establishment of the British Raj. Mughal emperors were of direct descent from Timur (generally known in western nations as Tamerlane), and also affiliated with Genghis Khan, because of","Document [11](Title: History of Gujarat) the Mughal throne and his policies resulted in revolts and discontent. His prince Muhammad Azam Shah also served as a viceroy. During his reign, the Marathas under Shivaji raided Surat (1666) and their incursions in Gujarat started. Till then Gujarat prospered due to political stability, peace and growing international trade. During the next three emperors (1707\u20131719) who had brief reigns, the nobles became more and more powerful due to instability in the Delhi. The royals of Marwar were appointed viceroys frequently. During the reign of the emperor Muhammad Shah (1719\u20131748), the struggle between the Mughal and Maratha nobles were heightened","Document [12](Title: Thaker) a Mughal Subah. Mughal rule lasted some 185 years till 1758 when Momin Khan surrendered to the Maratha Empire. While the cracks had started developed in the edifice of the Mughal empire in the mid-17th century, the Marathas were consolidating their power in the west; Chatrapati Shivaji, the great Maratha ruler, attacked Surat twice, first in 1664 and again in 1672. These attacks marked the entry of the Marathas into Gujarat. However, before the Marathas could solidify their presence all across the region, the Europeans made their presence felt, with the Portuguese leading, followed by the Dutch and the British.","Document [13](Title: History of Bangladesh) and Kabul. The Sur dynasty was followed by the Karrani dynasty. Sulaiman Khan Karrani annexed Odisha to the Muslim sultanate permanently. Daoud Shah Karrani declared independence from Akbar which led to four years of bloody war between the Mughals and the Pashtuns. The Mughal onslaught against the Pashtun Sultan ended with the battle of Rajmahal in 1576, led by Khan Jahan. However, the local landlords called Baro Bhuiyans kept on resisting the Mughal invasion led by Isa Khan. Bengal was absorbed within the Mughal Empire during the reign of Akbar after the Battle of Tukaroi (which was fought in 1575","Document [14](Title: Gujarat under Shah Jahan) Shikoh had meanwhile retired to Lahore. In 1658, while his father Shah Jahan was still alive, Aurangzeb assumed the imperial titles and ascended the Mughal throne. Gujarat under Shah Jahan The Mughal Empire's province Gujarat (now in India) was managed by the Viceroys appointed by the emperors. On the death of the emperor Jehangir, his son Shah Jahan ascended the to throne in 1627. His Gujarat viceroy Sher Kh\u00e1n T\u00faar worked for relief in 1631-31 femine in the province. Shah Jahan sent his men to expand its territories further south. Between 1632 and 1635, four viceroys were appointed due to","Document [15](Title: Shah Shuja (Mughal prince)) Akhtar who was born in August 1645. He died in 7 February 1661 at the age of 44. Shazada Muhammad Shah Shuja was appointed by Shah Jahan as the Subahdar of Bengal and Bihar from 1641 and of Orissa from 25 July 1648 until 1661. His father Shah Jahan appointed his deputy The Rajput Prince of Nagpur Kunwar Raghav Singh(1616-1671). During his governorship, he built the official residence Bara Katra in the capital Dhaka. After the illness of Shah Jahan in September 1657, a power crisis occurred among the brothers. Shah Shuja proclaimed himself as Emperor, but Aurangzeb ascended the","Document [16](Title: Mughal emperors) exile in Persia established diplomatic ties between the Safavid and Mughal Courts, and led to increasing West Asian cultural influence in the Mughal court. The restoration of Mughal rule began after Humayun\u2019s triumphant return from Persia in 1555, but he died from a fatal accident shortly afterwards. Humayun's son, Akbar, succeeded to the throne under a regent, Bairam Khan, who helped consolidate the Mughal Empire in India. Through warfare and diplomacy, Akbar was able to extend the empire in all directions, and controlled almost the entire Indian subcontinent north of the Godavari river. He created a new class of nobility","Document [17](Title: Mughal Empire) his father, and attempted to reform the administration. However, after his death in 1712, the Mughal dynasty sank into chaos and violent feuds. In 1719 alone, four emperors successively ascended the throne. During the reign of Muhammad Shah (reigned 1719\u20131748), the empire began to break up, and vast tracts of central India passed from Mughal to Maratha hands. The far-off Indian campaign of Nadir Shah, who had priorly reestablished Iranian suzerainty over most of West Asia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, culminated with the Sack of Delhi and shattered the remnants of Mughal power and prestige. Many of the empire's","Document [18](Title: Sultan Ghari) CE). This area is now part of the Qutb complex. The Slave Dynasty was the forerunner under the early Delhi Sultanate that ruled from 1216 CE to 1516 CE. This dynastic city was followed by creation of other five cities of Delhi ruled by different dynastic rulers of the Delhi Sultanate, namely, the Khalji dynasty (1290\u20131320), the Tughlaq dynasty (1320\u20131413 CE), the Sayyid dynasty (1414\u201351 CE), and the Lodi dynasty (1451\u20131526 CE). The rule of the Mughal Empire then followed and lasted from 1526 CE to 1857 CE. The crypt or the tomb is implanted in a Ghari (cave), approached","Document [19](Title: Khandwa) Dynasty etc. Khandwa has no remarkable history but the nearby Burhanpur has an interesting past from the Mughal period. Prince Khurram was nominated as the Governor of the Deccan in 1617 AD, by Jahangir to succeed Prince Parviz, and was bestowed the title of Shah by Jahangir. Khurram led the Mughal army to a peaceful victory by which Jahangir was pleased with his success & conferred him the title of Shah Jahan on 12 October 1617 AD. After the death of Jahangir in 1627, Shah Jahan ascended the throne of Mughal empire. Due to troubled conditions in the Deccan, When","Document [20](Title: Adil Shahi dynasty) Shahi monarchs poured their heart and soul in the capital city. The period between accessions of Ali Adil Shah I 1558 to the death of Mohammed Adil Shah 1656, can be called the golden age of the Adil Shahis as the kingdom flourished in all walks of life. It was due to the secular nature and liberal patronage of the Sultans from the different parts of world many scholars, poets, painters, dancers, calligraphers, musicians, Sufi saints and other men of arts flocked into Bijapur. Hence 17th century called Bijapur as the 'Palmyra of the Deccan'. During the reign of Ibrahim"],"query":"the era of the great mughals began with the accession of?","answers":["Akbar the Great","Babur"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Mughal emperors) came under the influence of rival court cliques. During the reign of Jahangir's son, Shah Jahan, the culture and splendour of the luxurious Mughal court reached its zenith as exemplified by the Taj Mahal. The maintenance of the court, at this time, began to cost more than the revenue. Shah Jahan's eldest son, the liberal Dara Shikoh, became regent in 1658, as a result of his father's illness. However, a younger son, Aurangzeb, allied with the Islamic orthodoxy against his brother, who championed a syncretistic Hindu-Muslim religion and culture, and ascended to the throne. Aurangzeb defeated Dara in 1659 and","Document [2](Title: History of India) less followed his father's policy. The Mughal dynasty ruled most of the Indian subcontinent by 1600. The reign of Shah Jahan was the golden age of Mughal architecture. He erected several large monuments, the most famous of which is the Taj Mahal at Agra, as well as the Moti Masjid, Agra, the Red Fort, the Jama Masjid, Delhi, and the Lahore Fort. The Mughal era is considered to be \"India's last golden age\". It was the second largest empire to have existed in the Indian subcontinent, and surpassed China to be become the world's largest economic power, controlling 24.4% of","Document [3](Title: Delhi) founded the Mughal Empire that ruled from Delhi and Agra. The Mughal dynasty ruled Delhi for more than three centuries, with a sixteen-year hiatus during the reigns of Sher Shah Suri and Hemu from 1540 to 1556. In 1553, the Hindu king Hemu acceded to the throne of Delhi by defeating forces of Mughal Emperor Humayun at Agra and Delhi. However, the Mughals re-established their rule after Akbar's army defeated Hemu during the Second Battle of Panipat in 1556. Shah Jahan built the seventh city of Delhi that bears his name \"Shahjahanabad\", which served as the capital of the Mughal","Document [4](Title: Mughal emperors) continued until after the Second Anglo-Maratha War. Thereafter, the British East India Company became the protectors of the Mughal dynasty in Delhi. After a crushed rebellion which he nominally led in 1857-58, the last Mughal, Bahadur Shah Zafar, was deposed by the British government, who then assumed formal control of a large part of the former empire, marking the start of the British Raj. Family tree of the first seven Mughal emperors: Mughal emperors The Mughal Emperors, from the early 16th century to the mid 19th century, built and ruled the Mughal Empire on the Indian subcontinent, mainly corresponding to","Document [5](Title: Mughal Empire) The beginning of the empire is conventionally dated to the victory by its founder Babur over Ibrahim Lodi, the last ruler of the Delhi Sultanate, in the First Battle of Panipat (1526). The Mughal emperors had roots in the Turco-Mongol Timurid dynasty of Central Asia, claiming direct descent from both Genghis Khan (founder of the Mongol Empire, through his son Chagatai Khan) and Timur (Turco-Mongol conqueror who founded the Timurid Empire). During the reign of Humayun, the successor of Babur, the empire was briefly interrupted by the Sur Empire. The \"classic period\" of the Mughal Empire started in 1556 with the ascension of Akbar the Great to the throne. ","Document [6](Title: Shah Jahan) under house arrest in Agra Fort from July 1658 until his death in January 1666. On 31 July 1658, Aurangzeb crowned himself emperor under the title \"Alamgir\". The Mughal Empire reached the pinnacle of its glory during Shah Jahan's reign and he is widely considered to be one of the greatest Mughal emperors. Shahab-ud-din Muhammad Khurram was born on 5 January 1592 in Lahore, in modern-day Pakistan, and was the third son of Prince Salim (later known as 'Jahangir' upon his accession). His mother was a Rajput princess from Marwar called Princess Jagat Gosaini (her official name in Mughal chronicles","Document [7](Title: Balaji Vishwanath) 1707, and that of his successor Bahadur Shah, leading to continual internecine conflict within the imperial family and the leading Mughal grandees. Farrukhsiyar came to the throne in 1713 with the help of the two powerful nobles, Sayyid Hussain Ali Khan and Sayyid Abdullah Khan. Claiming descent from the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, the Sayyid Brothers had turned king-makers in the Mughal court. Soon after, differences arose between them and the Emperor Farruksiyar. And while the Mughals were intriguing in the civil war between the factions of Shahu and Tarabai, the Marathas themselves became a major factor in the quarrels between","Document [8](Title: Pakistan) and the Delhi Sultanate (1206\u20131526 CE). The Lodi dynasty, the last of the Delhi Sultanate, was replaced by the Mughal Empire (1526\u20131857 CE). The Mughals introduced Persian literature and high culture, establishing the roots of Indo-Persian culture in the region. From the region of modern-day Pakistan, key cities during the Mughal rule were Lahore and Thatta, both of which were chosen as the site of impressive Mughal buildings. In the early 16th century, the region remained under the Mughal Empire ruled by Muslim emperors. By the early 18th century, increasing European influence contributed to the slow disintegration of the Mughal","Document [9](Title: Sapta Puri) Mathura and decamped with all religious treasures made of gold and silver. This was followed by ushering in the rule of Slave Dynasty or Delhi Sultanate from 1193 AD and subsequently by the Mughal Dynasty rule, which lasted till the British took over. The Mughal rule, in particular of Aurangzeb saw the highest level of persecution, when in 1669 the Keshava temple was demolished and in its place a mosque was built. Even though the jat community of the region tried unsuccessfully to restore some of the temples but repeated Muslim depredation continued and it was not until the British","Document [10](Title: Mughal emperors) Mughal emperors The Mughal Emperors, from the early 16th century to the mid 19th century, built and ruled the Mughal Empire on the Indian subcontinent, mainly corresponding to the modern countries of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. The Mughals were a branch of the Timurid dynasty of Turco-Mongol origin from Central Asia. Their power rapidly dwindled during the 18th century and the last of the emperors was deposed in 1857, with the establishment of the British Raj. Mughal emperors were of direct descent from Timur (generally known in western nations as Tamerlane), and also affiliated with Genghis Khan, because of","Document [11](Title: History of Gujarat) the Mughal throne and his policies resulted in revolts and discontent. His prince Muhammad Azam Shah also served as a viceroy. During his reign, the Marathas under Shivaji raided Surat (1666) and their incursions in Gujarat started. Till then Gujarat prospered due to political stability, peace and growing international trade. During the next three emperors (1707\u20131719) who had brief reigns, the nobles became more and more powerful due to instability in the Delhi. The royals of Marwar were appointed viceroys frequently. During the reign of the emperor Muhammad Shah (1719\u20131748), the struggle between the Mughal and Maratha nobles were heightened","Document [12](Title: Thaker) a Mughal Subah. Mughal rule lasted some 185 years till 1758 when Momin Khan surrendered to the Maratha Empire. While the cracks had started developed in the edifice of the Mughal empire in the mid-17th century, the Marathas were consolidating their power in the west; Chatrapati Shivaji, the great Maratha ruler, attacked Surat twice, first in 1664 and again in 1672. These attacks marked the entry of the Marathas into Gujarat. However, before the Marathas could solidify their presence all across the region, the Europeans made their presence felt, with the Portuguese leading, followed by the Dutch and the British.","Document [13](Title: History of Bangladesh) and Kabul. The Sur dynasty was followed by the Karrani dynasty. Sulaiman Khan Karrani annexed Odisha to the Muslim sultanate permanently. Daoud Shah Karrani declared independence from Akbar which led to four years of bloody war between the Mughals and the Pashtuns. The Mughal onslaught against the Pashtun Sultan ended with the battle of Rajmahal in 1576, led by Khan Jahan. However, the local landlords called Baro Bhuiyans kept on resisting the Mughal invasion led by Isa Khan. Bengal was absorbed within the Mughal Empire during the reign of Akbar after the Battle of Tukaroi (which was fought in 1575","Document [14](Title: Gujarat under Shah Jahan) Shikoh had meanwhile retired to Lahore. In 1658, while his father Shah Jahan was still alive, Aurangzeb assumed the imperial titles and ascended the Mughal throne. Gujarat under Shah Jahan The Mughal Empire's province Gujarat (now in India) was managed by the Viceroys appointed by the emperors. On the death of the emperor Jehangir, his son Shah Jahan ascended the to throne in 1627. His Gujarat viceroy Sher Kh\u00e1n T\u00faar worked for relief in 1631-31 femine in the province. Shah Jahan sent his men to expand its territories further south. Between 1632 and 1635, four viceroys were appointed due to","Document [15](Title: Shah Shuja (Mughal prince)) Akhtar who was born in August 1645. He died in 7 February 1661 at the age of 44. Shazada Muhammad Shah Shuja was appointed by Shah Jahan as the Subahdar of Bengal and Bihar from 1641 and of Orissa from 25 July 1648 until 1661. His father Shah Jahan appointed his deputy The Rajput Prince of Nagpur Kunwar Raghav Singh(1616-1671). During his governorship, he built the official residence Bara Katra in the capital Dhaka. After the illness of Shah Jahan in September 1657, a power crisis occurred among the brothers. Shah Shuja proclaimed himself as Emperor, but Aurangzeb ascended the","Document [16](Title: Mughal emperors) exile in Persia established diplomatic ties between the Safavid and Mughal Courts, and led to increasing West Asian cultural influence in the Mughal court. The restoration of Mughal rule began after Humayun\u2019s triumphant return from Persia in 1555, but he died from a fatal accident shortly afterwards. Humayun's son, Akbar, succeeded to the throne under a regent, Bairam Khan, who helped consolidate the Mughal Empire in India. Through warfare and diplomacy, Akbar was able to extend the empire in all directions, and controlled almost the entire Indian subcontinent north of the Godavari river. He created a new class of nobility","Document [17](Title: Mughal Empire) his father, and attempted to reform the administration. However, after his death in 1712, the Mughal dynasty sank into chaos and violent feuds. In 1719 alone, four emperors successively ascended the throne. During the reign of Muhammad Shah (reigned 1719\u20131748), the empire began to break up, and vast tracts of central India passed from Mughal to Maratha hands. The far-off Indian campaign of Nadir Shah, who had priorly reestablished Iranian suzerainty over most of West Asia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, culminated with the Sack of Delhi and shattered the remnants of Mughal power and prestige. Many of the empire's","Document [18](Title: Sultan Ghari) CE). This area is now part of the Qutb complex. The Slave Dynasty was the forerunner under the early Delhi Sultanate that ruled from 1216 CE to 1516 CE. This dynastic city was followed by creation of other five cities of Delhi ruled by different dynastic rulers of the Delhi Sultanate, namely, the Khalji dynasty (1290\u20131320), the Tughlaq dynasty (1320\u20131413 CE), the Sayyid dynasty (1414\u201351 CE), and the Lodi dynasty (1451\u20131526 CE). The rule of the Mughal Empire then followed and lasted from 1526 CE to 1857 CE. The crypt or the tomb is implanted in a Ghari (cave), approached","Document [19](Title: Khandwa) Dynasty etc. Khandwa has no remarkable history but the nearby Burhanpur has an interesting past from the Mughal period. Prince Khurram was nominated as the Governor of the Deccan in 1617 AD, by Jahangir to succeed Prince Parviz, and was bestowed the title of Shah by Jahangir. Khurram led the Mughal army to a peaceful victory by which Jahangir was pleased with his success & conferred him the title of Shah Jahan on 12 October 1617 AD. After the death of Jahangir in 1627, Shah Jahan ascended the throne of Mughal empire. Due to troubled conditions in the Deccan, When","Document [20](Title: Adil Shahi dynasty) Shahi monarchs poured their heart and soul in the capital city. The period between accessions of Ali Adil Shah I 1558 to the death of Mohammed Adil Shah 1656, can be called the golden age of the Adil Shahis as the kingdom flourished in all walks of life. It was due to the secular nature and liberal patronage of the Sultans from the different parts of world many scholars, poets, painters, dancers, calligraphers, musicians, Sufi saints and other men of arts flocked into Bijapur. Hence 17th century called Bijapur as the 'Palmyra of the Deccan'. During the reign of Ibrahim"],"query":"the era of the great mughals began with the accession of?","answers":["Akbar the Great","Babur"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Mughal emperors) came under the influence of rival court cliques. During the reign of Jahangir's son, Shah Jahan, the culture and splendour of the luxurious Mughal court reached its zenith as exemplified by the Taj Mahal. The maintenance of the court, at this time, began to cost more than the revenue. Shah Jahan's eldest son, the liberal Dara Shikoh, became regent in 1658, as a result of his father's illness. However, a younger son, Aurangzeb, allied with the Islamic orthodoxy against his brother, who championed a syncretistic Hindu-Muslim religion and culture, and ascended to the throne. Aurangzeb defeated Dara in 1659 and","Document [2](Title: History of India) less followed his father's policy. The Mughal dynasty ruled most of the Indian subcontinent by 1600. The reign of Shah Jahan was the golden age of Mughal architecture. He erected several large monuments, the most famous of which is the Taj Mahal at Agra, as well as the Moti Masjid, Agra, the Red Fort, the Jama Masjid, Delhi, and the Lahore Fort. The Mughal era is considered to be \"India's last golden age\". It was the second largest empire to have existed in the Indian subcontinent, and surpassed China to be become the world's largest economic power, controlling 24.4% of","Document [3](Title: Delhi) founded the Mughal Empire that ruled from Delhi and Agra. The Mughal dynasty ruled Delhi for more than three centuries, with a sixteen-year hiatus during the reigns of Sher Shah Suri and Hemu from 1540 to 1556. In 1553, the Hindu king Hemu acceded to the throne of Delhi by defeating forces of Mughal Emperor Humayun at Agra and Delhi. However, the Mughals re-established their rule after Akbar's army defeated Hemu during the Second Battle of Panipat in 1556. Shah Jahan built the seventh city of Delhi that bears his name \"Shahjahanabad\", which served as the capital of the Mughal","Document [4](Title: Mughal emperors) continued until after the Second Anglo-Maratha War. Thereafter, the British East India Company became the protectors of the Mughal dynasty in Delhi. After a crushed rebellion which he nominally led in 1857-58, the last Mughal, Bahadur Shah Zafar, was deposed by the British government, who then assumed formal control of a large part of the former empire, marking the start of the British Raj. Family tree of the first seven Mughal emperors: Mughal emperors The Mughal Emperors, from the early 16th century to the mid 19th century, built and ruled the Mughal Empire on the Indian subcontinent, mainly corresponding to","Document [5](Title: Shah Jahan) under house arrest in Agra Fort from July 1658 until his death in January 1666. On 31 July 1658, Aurangzeb crowned himself emperor under the title \"Alamgir\". The Mughal Empire reached the pinnacle of its glory during Shah Jahan's reign and he is widely considered to be one of the greatest Mughal emperors. Shahab-ud-din Muhammad Khurram was born on 5 January 1592 in Lahore, in modern-day Pakistan, and was the third son of Prince Salim (later known as 'Jahangir' upon his accession). His mother was a Rajput princess from Marwar called Princess Jagat Gosaini (her official name in Mughal chronicles","Document [6](Title: Balaji Vishwanath) 1707, and that of his successor Bahadur Shah, leading to continual internecine conflict within the imperial family and the leading Mughal grandees. Farrukhsiyar came to the throne in 1713 with the help of the two powerful nobles, Sayyid Hussain Ali Khan and Sayyid Abdullah Khan. Claiming descent from the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, the Sayyid Brothers had turned king-makers in the Mughal court. Soon after, differences arose between them and the Emperor Farruksiyar. And while the Mughals were intriguing in the civil war between the factions of Shahu and Tarabai, the Marathas themselves became a major factor in the quarrels between","Document [7](Title: Pakistan) and the Delhi Sultanate (1206\u20131526 CE). The Lodi dynasty, the last of the Delhi Sultanate, was replaced by the Mughal Empire (1526\u20131857 CE). The Mughals introduced Persian literature and high culture, establishing the roots of Indo-Persian culture in the region. From the region of modern-day Pakistan, key cities during the Mughal rule were Lahore and Thatta, both of which were chosen as the site of impressive Mughal buildings. In the early 16th century, the region remained under the Mughal Empire ruled by Muslim emperors. By the early 18th century, increasing European influence contributed to the slow disintegration of the Mughal","Document [8](Title: Sapta Puri) Mathura and decamped with all religious treasures made of gold and silver. This was followed by ushering in the rule of Slave Dynasty or Delhi Sultanate from 1193 AD and subsequently by the Mughal Dynasty rule, which lasted till the British took over. The Mughal rule, in particular of Aurangzeb saw the highest level of persecution, when in 1669 the Keshava temple was demolished and in its place a mosque was built. Even though the jat community of the region tried unsuccessfully to restore some of the temples but repeated Muslim depredation continued and it was not until the British","Document [9](Title: Mughal emperors) Mughal emperors The Mughal Emperors, from the early 16th century to the mid 19th century, built and ruled the Mughal Empire on the Indian subcontinent, mainly corresponding to the modern countries of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. The Mughals were a branch of the Timurid dynasty of Turco-Mongol origin from Central Asia. Their power rapidly dwindled during the 18th century and the last of the emperors was deposed in 1857, with the establishment of the British Raj. Mughal emperors were of direct descent from Timur (generally known in western nations as Tamerlane), and also affiliated with Genghis Khan, because of","Document [10](Title: Mughal Empire) The beginning of the empire is conventionally dated to the victory by its founder Babur over Ibrahim Lodi, the last ruler of the Delhi Sultanate, in the First Battle of Panipat (1526). The Mughal emperors had roots in the Turco-Mongol Timurid dynasty of Central Asia, claiming direct descent from both Genghis Khan (founder of the Mongol Empire, through his son Chagatai Khan) and Timur (Turco-Mongol conqueror who founded the Timurid Empire). During the reign of Humayun, the successor of Babur, the empire was briefly interrupted by the Sur Empire. The \"classic period\" of the Mughal Empire started in 1556 with the ascension of Akbar the Great to the throne. ","Document [11](Title: History of Gujarat) the Mughal throne and his policies resulted in revolts and discontent. His prince Muhammad Azam Shah also served as a viceroy. During his reign, the Marathas under Shivaji raided Surat (1666) and their incursions in Gujarat started. Till then Gujarat prospered due to political stability, peace and growing international trade. During the next three emperors (1707\u20131719) who had brief reigns, the nobles became more and more powerful due to instability in the Delhi. The royals of Marwar were appointed viceroys frequently. During the reign of the emperor Muhammad Shah (1719\u20131748), the struggle between the Mughal and Maratha nobles were heightened","Document [12](Title: Thaker) a Mughal Subah. Mughal rule lasted some 185 years till 1758 when Momin Khan surrendered to the Maratha Empire. While the cracks had started developed in the edifice of the Mughal empire in the mid-17th century, the Marathas were consolidating their power in the west; Chatrapati Shivaji, the great Maratha ruler, attacked Surat twice, first in 1664 and again in 1672. These attacks marked the entry of the Marathas into Gujarat. However, before the Marathas could solidify their presence all across the region, the Europeans made their presence felt, with the Portuguese leading, followed by the Dutch and the British.","Document [13](Title: History of Bangladesh) and Kabul. The Sur dynasty was followed by the Karrani dynasty. Sulaiman Khan Karrani annexed Odisha to the Muslim sultanate permanently. Daoud Shah Karrani declared independence from Akbar which led to four years of bloody war between the Mughals and the Pashtuns. The Mughal onslaught against the Pashtun Sultan ended with the battle of Rajmahal in 1576, led by Khan Jahan. However, the local landlords called Baro Bhuiyans kept on resisting the Mughal invasion led by Isa Khan. Bengal was absorbed within the Mughal Empire during the reign of Akbar after the Battle of Tukaroi (which was fought in 1575","Document [14](Title: Gujarat under Shah Jahan) Shikoh had meanwhile retired to Lahore. In 1658, while his father Shah Jahan was still alive, Aurangzeb assumed the imperial titles and ascended the Mughal throne. Gujarat under Shah Jahan The Mughal Empire's province Gujarat (now in India) was managed by the Viceroys appointed by the emperors. On the death of the emperor Jehangir, his son Shah Jahan ascended the to throne in 1627. His Gujarat viceroy Sher Kh\u00e1n T\u00faar worked for relief in 1631-31 femine in the province. Shah Jahan sent his men to expand its territories further south. Between 1632 and 1635, four viceroys were appointed due to","Document [15](Title: Shah Shuja (Mughal prince)) Akhtar who was born in August 1645. He died in 7 February 1661 at the age of 44. Shazada Muhammad Shah Shuja was appointed by Shah Jahan as the Subahdar of Bengal and Bihar from 1641 and of Orissa from 25 July 1648 until 1661. His father Shah Jahan appointed his deputy The Rajput Prince of Nagpur Kunwar Raghav Singh(1616-1671). During his governorship, he built the official residence Bara Katra in the capital Dhaka. After the illness of Shah Jahan in September 1657, a power crisis occurred among the brothers. Shah Shuja proclaimed himself as Emperor, but Aurangzeb ascended the","Document [16](Title: Mughal emperors) exile in Persia established diplomatic ties between the Safavid and Mughal Courts, and led to increasing West Asian cultural influence in the Mughal court. The restoration of Mughal rule began after Humayun\u2019s triumphant return from Persia in 1555, but he died from a fatal accident shortly afterwards. Humayun's son, Akbar, succeeded to the throne under a regent, Bairam Khan, who helped consolidate the Mughal Empire in India. Through warfare and diplomacy, Akbar was able to extend the empire in all directions, and controlled almost the entire Indian subcontinent north of the Godavari river. He created a new class of nobility","Document [17](Title: Mughal Empire) his father, and attempted to reform the administration. However, after his death in 1712, the Mughal dynasty sank into chaos and violent feuds. In 1719 alone, four emperors successively ascended the throne. During the reign of Muhammad Shah (reigned 1719\u20131748), the empire began to break up, and vast tracts of central India passed from Mughal to Maratha hands. The far-off Indian campaign of Nadir Shah, who had priorly reestablished Iranian suzerainty over most of West Asia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, culminated with the Sack of Delhi and shattered the remnants of Mughal power and prestige. Many of the empire's","Document [18](Title: Sultan Ghari) CE). This area is now part of the Qutb complex. The Slave Dynasty was the forerunner under the early Delhi Sultanate that ruled from 1216 CE to 1516 CE. This dynastic city was followed by creation of other five cities of Delhi ruled by different dynastic rulers of the Delhi Sultanate, namely, the Khalji dynasty (1290\u20131320), the Tughlaq dynasty (1320\u20131413 CE), the Sayyid dynasty (1414\u201351 CE), and the Lodi dynasty (1451\u20131526 CE). The rule of the Mughal Empire then followed and lasted from 1526 CE to 1857 CE. The crypt or the tomb is implanted in a Ghari (cave), approached","Document [19](Title: Khandwa) Dynasty etc. Khandwa has no remarkable history but the nearby Burhanpur has an interesting past from the Mughal period. Prince Khurram was nominated as the Governor of the Deccan in 1617 AD, by Jahangir to succeed Prince Parviz, and was bestowed the title of Shah by Jahangir. Khurram led the Mughal army to a peaceful victory by which Jahangir was pleased with his success & conferred him the title of Shah Jahan on 12 October 1617 AD. After the death of Jahangir in 1627, Shah Jahan ascended the throne of Mughal empire. Due to troubled conditions in the Deccan, When","Document [20](Title: Adil Shahi dynasty) Shahi monarchs poured their heart and soul in the capital city. The period between accessions of Ali Adil Shah I 1558 to the death of Mohammed Adil Shah 1656, can be called the golden age of the Adil Shahis as the kingdom flourished in all walks of life. It was due to the secular nature and liberal patronage of the Sultans from the different parts of world many scholars, poets, painters, dancers, calligraphers, musicians, Sufi saints and other men of arts flocked into Bijapur. Hence 17th century called Bijapur as the 'Palmyra of the Deccan'. During the reign of Ibrahim"],"query":"the era of the great mughals began with the accession of?","answers":["Akbar the Great","Babur"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Mughal emperors) came under the influence of rival court cliques. During the reign of Jahangir's son, Shah Jahan, the culture and splendour of the luxurious Mughal court reached its zenith as exemplified by the Taj Mahal. The maintenance of the court, at this time, began to cost more than the revenue. Shah Jahan's eldest son, the liberal Dara Shikoh, became regent in 1658, as a result of his father's illness. However, a younger son, Aurangzeb, allied with the Islamic orthodoxy against his brother, who championed a syncretistic Hindu-Muslim religion and culture, and ascended to the throne. Aurangzeb defeated Dara in 1659 and","Document [2](Title: History of India) less followed his father's policy. The Mughal dynasty ruled most of the Indian subcontinent by 1600. The reign of Shah Jahan was the golden age of Mughal architecture. He erected several large monuments, the most famous of which is the Taj Mahal at Agra, as well as the Moti Masjid, Agra, the Red Fort, the Jama Masjid, Delhi, and the Lahore Fort. The Mughal era is considered to be \"India's last golden age\". It was the second largest empire to have existed in the Indian subcontinent, and surpassed China to be become the world's largest economic power, controlling 24.4% of","Document [3](Title: Delhi) founded the Mughal Empire that ruled from Delhi and Agra. The Mughal dynasty ruled Delhi for more than three centuries, with a sixteen-year hiatus during the reigns of Sher Shah Suri and Hemu from 1540 to 1556. In 1553, the Hindu king Hemu acceded to the throne of Delhi by defeating forces of Mughal Emperor Humayun at Agra and Delhi. However, the Mughals re-established their rule after Akbar's army defeated Hemu during the Second Battle of Panipat in 1556. Shah Jahan built the seventh city of Delhi that bears his name \"Shahjahanabad\", which served as the capital of the Mughal","Document [4](Title: Mughal emperors) continued until after the Second Anglo-Maratha War. Thereafter, the British East India Company became the protectors of the Mughal dynasty in Delhi. After a crushed rebellion which he nominally led in 1857-58, the last Mughal, Bahadur Shah Zafar, was deposed by the British government, who then assumed formal control of a large part of the former empire, marking the start of the British Raj. Family tree of the first seven Mughal emperors: Mughal emperors The Mughal Emperors, from the early 16th century to the mid 19th century, built and ruled the Mughal Empire on the Indian subcontinent, mainly corresponding to","Document [5](Title: Shah Jahan) under house arrest in Agra Fort from July 1658 until his death in January 1666. On 31 July 1658, Aurangzeb crowned himself emperor under the title \"Alamgir\". The Mughal Empire reached the pinnacle of its glory during Shah Jahan's reign and he is widely considered to be one of the greatest Mughal emperors. Shahab-ud-din Muhammad Khurram was born on 5 January 1592 in Lahore, in modern-day Pakistan, and was the third son of Prince Salim (later known as 'Jahangir' upon his accession). His mother was a Rajput princess from Marwar called Princess Jagat Gosaini (her official name in Mughal chronicles","Document [6](Title: Balaji Vishwanath) 1707, and that of his successor Bahadur Shah, leading to continual internecine conflict within the imperial family and the leading Mughal grandees. Farrukhsiyar came to the throne in 1713 with the help of the two powerful nobles, Sayyid Hussain Ali Khan and Sayyid Abdullah Khan. Claiming descent from the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, the Sayyid Brothers had turned king-makers in the Mughal court. Soon after, differences arose between them and the Emperor Farruksiyar. And while the Mughals were intriguing in the civil war between the factions of Shahu and Tarabai, the Marathas themselves became a major factor in the quarrels between","Document [7](Title: Pakistan) and the Delhi Sultanate (1206\u20131526 CE). The Lodi dynasty, the last of the Delhi Sultanate, was replaced by the Mughal Empire (1526\u20131857 CE). The Mughals introduced Persian literature and high culture, establishing the roots of Indo-Persian culture in the region. From the region of modern-day Pakistan, key cities during the Mughal rule were Lahore and Thatta, both of which were chosen as the site of impressive Mughal buildings. In the early 16th century, the region remained under the Mughal Empire ruled by Muslim emperors. By the early 18th century, increasing European influence contributed to the slow disintegration of the Mughal","Document [8](Title: Sapta Puri) Mathura and decamped with all religious treasures made of gold and silver. This was followed by ushering in the rule of Slave Dynasty or Delhi Sultanate from 1193 AD and subsequently by the Mughal Dynasty rule, which lasted till the British took over. The Mughal rule, in particular of Aurangzeb saw the highest level of persecution, when in 1669 the Keshava temple was demolished and in its place a mosque was built. Even though the jat community of the region tried unsuccessfully to restore some of the temples but repeated Muslim depredation continued and it was not until the British","Document [9](Title: Mughal emperors) Mughal emperors The Mughal Emperors, from the early 16th century to the mid 19th century, built and ruled the Mughal Empire on the Indian subcontinent, mainly corresponding to the modern countries of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. The Mughals were a branch of the Timurid dynasty of Turco-Mongol origin from Central Asia. Their power rapidly dwindled during the 18th century and the last of the emperors was deposed in 1857, with the establishment of the British Raj. Mughal emperors were of direct descent from Timur (generally known in western nations as Tamerlane), and also affiliated with Genghis Khan, because of","Document [10](Title: History of Gujarat) the Mughal throne and his policies resulted in revolts and discontent. His prince Muhammad Azam Shah also served as a viceroy. During his reign, the Marathas under Shivaji raided Surat (1666) and their incursions in Gujarat started. Till then Gujarat prospered due to political stability, peace and growing international trade. During the next three emperors (1707\u20131719) who had brief reigns, the nobles became more and more powerful due to instability in the Delhi. The royals of Marwar were appointed viceroys frequently. During the reign of the emperor Muhammad Shah (1719\u20131748), the struggle between the Mughal and Maratha nobles were heightened","Document [11](Title: Thaker) a Mughal Subah. Mughal rule lasted some 185 years till 1758 when Momin Khan surrendered to the Maratha Empire. While the cracks had started developed in the edifice of the Mughal empire in the mid-17th century, the Marathas were consolidating their power in the west; Chatrapati Shivaji, the great Maratha ruler, attacked Surat twice, first in 1664 and again in 1672. These attacks marked the entry of the Marathas into Gujarat. However, before the Marathas could solidify their presence all across the region, the Europeans made their presence felt, with the Portuguese leading, followed by the Dutch and the British.","Document [12](Title: History of Bangladesh) and Kabul. The Sur dynasty was followed by the Karrani dynasty. Sulaiman Khan Karrani annexed Odisha to the Muslim sultanate permanently. Daoud Shah Karrani declared independence from Akbar which led to four years of bloody war between the Mughals and the Pashtuns. The Mughal onslaught against the Pashtun Sultan ended with the battle of Rajmahal in 1576, led by Khan Jahan. However, the local landlords called Baro Bhuiyans kept on resisting the Mughal invasion led by Isa Khan. Bengal was absorbed within the Mughal Empire during the reign of Akbar after the Battle of Tukaroi (which was fought in 1575","Document [13](Title: Gujarat under Shah Jahan) Shikoh had meanwhile retired to Lahore. In 1658, while his father Shah Jahan was still alive, Aurangzeb assumed the imperial titles and ascended the Mughal throne. Gujarat under Shah Jahan The Mughal Empire's province Gujarat (now in India) was managed by the Viceroys appointed by the emperors. On the death of the emperor Jehangir, his son Shah Jahan ascended the to throne in 1627. His Gujarat viceroy Sher Kh\u00e1n T\u00faar worked for relief in 1631-31 femine in the province. Shah Jahan sent his men to expand its territories further south. Between 1632 and 1635, four viceroys were appointed due to","Document [14](Title: Shah Shuja (Mughal prince)) Akhtar who was born in August 1645. He died in 7 February 1661 at the age of 44. Shazada Muhammad Shah Shuja was appointed by Shah Jahan as the Subahdar of Bengal and Bihar from 1641 and of Orissa from 25 July 1648 until 1661. His father Shah Jahan appointed his deputy The Rajput Prince of Nagpur Kunwar Raghav Singh(1616-1671). During his governorship, he built the official residence Bara Katra in the capital Dhaka. After the illness of Shah Jahan in September 1657, a power crisis occurred among the brothers. Shah Shuja proclaimed himself as Emperor, but Aurangzeb ascended the","Document [15](Title: Mughal Empire) The beginning of the empire is conventionally dated to the victory by its founder Babur over Ibrahim Lodi, the last ruler of the Delhi Sultanate, in the First Battle of Panipat (1526). The Mughal emperors had roots in the Turco-Mongol Timurid dynasty of Central Asia, claiming direct descent from both Genghis Khan (founder of the Mongol Empire, through his son Chagatai Khan) and Timur (Turco-Mongol conqueror who founded the Timurid Empire). During the reign of Humayun, the successor of Babur, the empire was briefly interrupted by the Sur Empire. The \"classic period\" of the Mughal Empire started in 1556 with the ascension of Akbar the Great to the throne. ","Document [16](Title: Mughal emperors) exile in Persia established diplomatic ties between the Safavid and Mughal Courts, and led to increasing West Asian cultural influence in the Mughal court. The restoration of Mughal rule began after Humayun\u2019s triumphant return from Persia in 1555, but he died from a fatal accident shortly afterwards. Humayun's son, Akbar, succeeded to the throne under a regent, Bairam Khan, who helped consolidate the Mughal Empire in India. Through warfare and diplomacy, Akbar was able to extend the empire in all directions, and controlled almost the entire Indian subcontinent north of the Godavari river. He created a new class of nobility","Document [17](Title: Mughal Empire) his father, and attempted to reform the administration. However, after his death in 1712, the Mughal dynasty sank into chaos and violent feuds. In 1719 alone, four emperors successively ascended the throne. During the reign of Muhammad Shah (reigned 1719\u20131748), the empire began to break up, and vast tracts of central India passed from Mughal to Maratha hands. The far-off Indian campaign of Nadir Shah, who had priorly reestablished Iranian suzerainty over most of West Asia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, culminated with the Sack of Delhi and shattered the remnants of Mughal power and prestige. Many of the empire's","Document [18](Title: Sultan Ghari) CE). This area is now part of the Qutb complex. The Slave Dynasty was the forerunner under the early Delhi Sultanate that ruled from 1216 CE to 1516 CE. This dynastic city was followed by creation of other five cities of Delhi ruled by different dynastic rulers of the Delhi Sultanate, namely, the Khalji dynasty (1290\u20131320), the Tughlaq dynasty (1320\u20131413 CE), the Sayyid dynasty (1414\u201351 CE), and the Lodi dynasty (1451\u20131526 CE). The rule of the Mughal Empire then followed and lasted from 1526 CE to 1857 CE. The crypt or the tomb is implanted in a Ghari (cave), approached","Document [19](Title: Khandwa) Dynasty etc. Khandwa has no remarkable history but the nearby Burhanpur has an interesting past from the Mughal period. Prince Khurram was nominated as the Governor of the Deccan in 1617 AD, by Jahangir to succeed Prince Parviz, and was bestowed the title of Shah by Jahangir. Khurram led the Mughal army to a peaceful victory by which Jahangir was pleased with his success & conferred him the title of Shah Jahan on 12 October 1617 AD. After the death of Jahangir in 1627, Shah Jahan ascended the throne of Mughal empire. Due to troubled conditions in the Deccan, When","Document [20](Title: Adil Shahi dynasty) Shahi monarchs poured their heart and soul in the capital city. The period between accessions of Ali Adil Shah I 1558 to the death of Mohammed Adil Shah 1656, can be called the golden age of the Adil Shahis as the kingdom flourished in all walks of life. It was due to the secular nature and liberal patronage of the Sultans from the different parts of world many scholars, poets, painters, dancers, calligraphers, musicians, Sufi saints and other men of arts flocked into Bijapur. Hence 17th century called Bijapur as the 'Palmyra of the Deccan'. During the reign of Ibrahim"],"query":"the era of the great mughals began with the accession of?","answers":["Akbar the Great","Babur"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Mughal emperors) came under the influence of rival court cliques. During the reign of Jahangir's son, Shah Jahan, the culture and splendour of the luxurious Mughal court reached its zenith as exemplified by the Taj Mahal. The maintenance of the court, at this time, began to cost more than the revenue. Shah Jahan's eldest son, the liberal Dara Shikoh, became regent in 1658, as a result of his father's illness. However, a younger son, Aurangzeb, allied with the Islamic orthodoxy against his brother, who championed a syncretistic Hindu-Muslim religion and culture, and ascended to the throne. Aurangzeb defeated Dara in 1659 and","Document [2](Title: History of India) less followed his father's policy. The Mughal dynasty ruled most of the Indian subcontinent by 1600. The reign of Shah Jahan was the golden age of Mughal architecture. He erected several large monuments, the most famous of which is the Taj Mahal at Agra, as well as the Moti Masjid, Agra, the Red Fort, the Jama Masjid, Delhi, and the Lahore Fort. The Mughal era is considered to be \"India's last golden age\". It was the second largest empire to have existed in the Indian subcontinent, and surpassed China to be become the world's largest economic power, controlling 24.4% of","Document [3](Title: Delhi) founded the Mughal Empire that ruled from Delhi and Agra. The Mughal dynasty ruled Delhi for more than three centuries, with a sixteen-year hiatus during the reigns of Sher Shah Suri and Hemu from 1540 to 1556. In 1553, the Hindu king Hemu acceded to the throne of Delhi by defeating forces of Mughal Emperor Humayun at Agra and Delhi. However, the Mughals re-established their rule after Akbar's army defeated Hemu during the Second Battle of Panipat in 1556. Shah Jahan built the seventh city of Delhi that bears his name \"Shahjahanabad\", which served as the capital of the Mughal","Document [4](Title: Mughal emperors) continued until after the Second Anglo-Maratha War. Thereafter, the British East India Company became the protectors of the Mughal dynasty in Delhi. After a crushed rebellion which he nominally led in 1857-58, the last Mughal, Bahadur Shah Zafar, was deposed by the British government, who then assumed formal control of a large part of the former empire, marking the start of the British Raj. Family tree of the first seven Mughal emperors: Mughal emperors The Mughal Emperors, from the early 16th century to the mid 19th century, built and ruled the Mughal Empire on the Indian subcontinent, mainly corresponding to","Document [5](Title: Shah Jahan) under house arrest in Agra Fort from July 1658 until his death in January 1666. On 31 July 1658, Aurangzeb crowned himself emperor under the title \"Alamgir\". The Mughal Empire reached the pinnacle of its glory during Shah Jahan's reign and he is widely considered to be one of the greatest Mughal emperors. Shahab-ud-din Muhammad Khurram was born on 5 January 1592 in Lahore, in modern-day Pakistan, and was the third son of Prince Salim (later known as 'Jahangir' upon his accession). His mother was a Rajput princess from Marwar called Princess Jagat Gosaini (her official name in Mughal chronicles","Document [6](Title: Balaji Vishwanath) 1707, and that of his successor Bahadur Shah, leading to continual internecine conflict within the imperial family and the leading Mughal grandees. Farrukhsiyar came to the throne in 1713 with the help of the two powerful nobles, Sayyid Hussain Ali Khan and Sayyid Abdullah Khan. Claiming descent from the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, the Sayyid Brothers had turned king-makers in the Mughal court. Soon after, differences arose between them and the Emperor Farruksiyar. And while the Mughals were intriguing in the civil war between the factions of Shahu and Tarabai, the Marathas themselves became a major factor in the quarrels between","Document [7](Title: Pakistan) and the Delhi Sultanate (1206\u20131526 CE). The Lodi dynasty, the last of the Delhi Sultanate, was replaced by the Mughal Empire (1526\u20131857 CE). The Mughals introduced Persian literature and high culture, establishing the roots of Indo-Persian culture in the region. From the region of modern-day Pakistan, key cities during the Mughal rule were Lahore and Thatta, both of which were chosen as the site of impressive Mughal buildings. In the early 16th century, the region remained under the Mughal Empire ruled by Muslim emperors. By the early 18th century, increasing European influence contributed to the slow disintegration of the Mughal","Document [8](Title: Sapta Puri) Mathura and decamped with all religious treasures made of gold and silver. This was followed by ushering in the rule of Slave Dynasty or Delhi Sultanate from 1193 AD and subsequently by the Mughal Dynasty rule, which lasted till the British took over. The Mughal rule, in particular of Aurangzeb saw the highest level of persecution, when in 1669 the Keshava temple was demolished and in its place a mosque was built. Even though the jat community of the region tried unsuccessfully to restore some of the temples but repeated Muslim depredation continued and it was not until the British","Document [9](Title: Mughal emperors) Mughal emperors The Mughal Emperors, from the early 16th century to the mid 19th century, built and ruled the Mughal Empire on the Indian subcontinent, mainly corresponding to the modern countries of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. The Mughals were a branch of the Timurid dynasty of Turco-Mongol origin from Central Asia. Their power rapidly dwindled during the 18th century and the last of the emperors was deposed in 1857, with the establishment of the British Raj. Mughal emperors were of direct descent from Timur (generally known in western nations as Tamerlane), and also affiliated with Genghis Khan, because of","Document [10](Title: History of Gujarat) the Mughal throne and his policies resulted in revolts and discontent. His prince Muhammad Azam Shah also served as a viceroy. During his reign, the Marathas under Shivaji raided Surat (1666) and their incursions in Gujarat started. Till then Gujarat prospered due to political stability, peace and growing international trade. During the next three emperors (1707\u20131719) who had brief reigns, the nobles became more and more powerful due to instability in the Delhi. The royals of Marwar were appointed viceroys frequently. During the reign of the emperor Muhammad Shah (1719\u20131748), the struggle between the Mughal and Maratha nobles were heightened","Document [11](Title: Thaker) a Mughal Subah. Mughal rule lasted some 185 years till 1758 when Momin Khan surrendered to the Maratha Empire. While the cracks had started developed in the edifice of the Mughal empire in the mid-17th century, the Marathas were consolidating their power in the west; Chatrapati Shivaji, the great Maratha ruler, attacked Surat twice, first in 1664 and again in 1672. These attacks marked the entry of the Marathas into Gujarat. However, before the Marathas could solidify their presence all across the region, the Europeans made their presence felt, with the Portuguese leading, followed by the Dutch and the British.","Document [12](Title: History of Bangladesh) and Kabul. The Sur dynasty was followed by the Karrani dynasty. Sulaiman Khan Karrani annexed Odisha to the Muslim sultanate permanently. Daoud Shah Karrani declared independence from Akbar which led to four years of bloody war between the Mughals and the Pashtuns. The Mughal onslaught against the Pashtun Sultan ended with the battle of Rajmahal in 1576, led by Khan Jahan. However, the local landlords called Baro Bhuiyans kept on resisting the Mughal invasion led by Isa Khan. Bengal was absorbed within the Mughal Empire during the reign of Akbar after the Battle of Tukaroi (which was fought in 1575","Document [13](Title: Gujarat under Shah Jahan) Shikoh had meanwhile retired to Lahore. In 1658, while his father Shah Jahan was still alive, Aurangzeb assumed the imperial titles and ascended the Mughal throne. Gujarat under Shah Jahan The Mughal Empire's province Gujarat (now in India) was managed by the Viceroys appointed by the emperors. On the death of the emperor Jehangir, his son Shah Jahan ascended the to throne in 1627. His Gujarat viceroy Sher Kh\u00e1n T\u00faar worked for relief in 1631-31 femine in the province. Shah Jahan sent his men to expand its territories further south. Between 1632 and 1635, four viceroys were appointed due to","Document [14](Title: Shah Shuja (Mughal prince)) Akhtar who was born in August 1645. He died in 7 February 1661 at the age of 44. Shazada Muhammad Shah Shuja was appointed by Shah Jahan as the Subahdar of Bengal and Bihar from 1641 and of Orissa from 25 July 1648 until 1661. His father Shah Jahan appointed his deputy The Rajput Prince of Nagpur Kunwar Raghav Singh(1616-1671). During his governorship, he built the official residence Bara Katra in the capital Dhaka. After the illness of Shah Jahan in September 1657, a power crisis occurred among the brothers. Shah Shuja proclaimed himself as Emperor, but Aurangzeb ascended the","Document [15](Title: Mughal emperors) exile in Persia established diplomatic ties between the Safavid and Mughal Courts, and led to increasing West Asian cultural influence in the Mughal court. The restoration of Mughal rule began after Humayun\u2019s triumphant return from Persia in 1555, but he died from a fatal accident shortly afterwards. Humayun's son, Akbar, succeeded to the throne under a regent, Bairam Khan, who helped consolidate the Mughal Empire in India. Through warfare and diplomacy, Akbar was able to extend the empire in all directions, and controlled almost the entire Indian subcontinent north of the Godavari river. He created a new class of nobility","Document [16](Title: Mughal Empire) his father, and attempted to reform the administration. However, after his death in 1712, the Mughal dynasty sank into chaos and violent feuds. In 1719 alone, four emperors successively ascended the throne. During the reign of Muhammad Shah (reigned 1719\u20131748), the empire began to break up, and vast tracts of central India passed from Mughal to Maratha hands. The far-off Indian campaign of Nadir Shah, who had priorly reestablished Iranian suzerainty over most of West Asia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, culminated with the Sack of Delhi and shattered the remnants of Mughal power and prestige. Many of the empire's","Document [17](Title: Sultan Ghari) CE). This area is now part of the Qutb complex. The Slave Dynasty was the forerunner under the early Delhi Sultanate that ruled from 1216 CE to 1516 CE. This dynastic city was followed by creation of other five cities of Delhi ruled by different dynastic rulers of the Delhi Sultanate, namely, the Khalji dynasty (1290\u20131320), the Tughlaq dynasty (1320\u20131413 CE), the Sayyid dynasty (1414\u201351 CE), and the Lodi dynasty (1451\u20131526 CE). The rule of the Mughal Empire then followed and lasted from 1526 CE to 1857 CE. The crypt or the tomb is implanted in a Ghari (cave), approached","Document [18](Title: Khandwa) Dynasty etc. Khandwa has no remarkable history but the nearby Burhanpur has an interesting past from the Mughal period. Prince Khurram was nominated as the Governor of the Deccan in 1617 AD, by Jahangir to succeed Prince Parviz, and was bestowed the title of Shah by Jahangir. Khurram led the Mughal army to a peaceful victory by which Jahangir was pleased with his success & conferred him the title of Shah Jahan on 12 October 1617 AD. After the death of Jahangir in 1627, Shah Jahan ascended the throne of Mughal empire. Due to troubled conditions in the Deccan, When","Document [19](Title: Adil Shahi dynasty) Shahi monarchs poured their heart and soul in the capital city. The period between accessions of Ali Adil Shah I 1558 to the death of Mohammed Adil Shah 1656, can be called the golden age of the Adil Shahis as the kingdom flourished in all walks of life. It was due to the secular nature and liberal patronage of the Sultans from the different parts of world many scholars, poets, painters, dancers, calligraphers, musicians, Sufi saints and other men of arts flocked into Bijapur. Hence 17th century called Bijapur as the 'Palmyra of the Deccan'. During the reign of Ibrahim","Document [20](Title: Mughal Empire) The beginning of the empire is conventionally dated to the victory by its founder Babur over Ibrahim Lodi, the last ruler of the Delhi Sultanate, in the First Battle of Panipat (1526). The Mughal emperors had roots in the Turco-Mongol Timurid dynasty of Central Asia, claiming direct descent from both Genghis Khan (founder of the Mongol Empire, through his son Chagatai Khan) and Timur (Turco-Mongol conqueror who founded the Timurid Empire). During the reign of Humayun, the successor of Babur, the empire was briefly interrupted by the Sur Empire. The \"classic period\" of the Mughal Empire started in 1556 with the ascension of Akbar the Great to the throne. "],"query":"the era of the great mughals began with the accession of?","answers":["Akbar the Great","Babur"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: India national cricket team) Test match until 25 June 1932 at Lord's, becoming the sixth team to be granted Test cricket status. In its first fifty years of international cricket, India was one of the weaker teams, winning only 35 of the first 196 Test matches it played. From 1932 India had to wait until 1952, almost 20 years for its first Test victory. The team, however, gained strength in the 1970s with the emergence of players such as batsmen Sunil Gavaskar and Gundappa Viswanath, all-rounder Kapil Dev and the Indian spin quartet of Erapalli Prasanna, Srinivas Venkataraghavan, Bhagwat Chandrasekhar and Bishen Singh Bedi.","Document [2](Title: India national cricket team record by opponent) matches, and 216 matches were drawn with one being tied. India played their first ODI match against England in 1974, but registered their first win against East Africa in 1975. , India have played 939 ODI matches, winning 483 matches and losing 409; 7 matches were tied and 40 matches had no result. They also won the 1983 and 2011 Cricket World Cups, along with the 2002 and the 2013 ICC Champions Trophy. India played their first Twenty20 International (T20I) against South Africa in 2006, winning the match by six wickets, and won the inaugural ICC World Twenty20 in 2007.","Document [3](Title: India women's national cricket team) 2005, and losing to England by 9 runs in 2017. India has made the semi-finals on three other occasions, in 1997, 2000, and 2009. India has also made the semi-finals of the World Twenty20 on three occasions (2009, 2010, and 2018). The British brought cricket to India in the early 1700s, with the first cricket match played in 1721. The first Indian cricket club was established by the Parsi community in Bombay, in 1848; the club played their first match against the Europeans in 1877. The first official Indian cricket team was formed in 1911 and toured England, where they","Document [4](Title: History of cricket in India from 1918\u201319 to 1945) first winner was Bombay. Since then India has undergone many changes in its cricket history. The lists below give the leading first-class runscorers and wicket-takers in each domestic season. India's debut in Test cricket was in the 1932 English season when they played England at Lord's Cricket Ground. England won by 158 runs. The MCC tour was from October 1926 to February 1927. Captained by Arthur Gilligan, the team played 26 first-class matches in India and a further four first-class matches in Ceylon. Team members included Maurice Leyland, Andy Sandham, Bob Wyatt, Arthur Dolphin, George Geary, Ewart Astill and George","Document [5](Title: Cricket in India) beaten by Australia. In September 2007, India won the first ever Twenty20 World Cup held in South Africa, beating Pakistan by 5 runs in a thrilling final. India won the Cricket World Cup in 2011 under the captainship of Mahendra Singh Dhoni, the first time since 1983 \u2013 they beat Sri Lanka in the final held in Mumbai. India played its 500th Test match against New Zealand at Kanpur from 22 September 2016. India won this match by 197 runs. This test was played under the captaincy of Virat Kohli. International cricket in India generally does not follow a fixed","Document [6](Title: India women's national cricket team) played English county teams. The India team made their Test debut against England in 1932. Around the same time (1934), the first women's Test was played between England and Australia. However, women's cricket arrived in India much later; the Women's Cricket Association of India was formed in 1973. The Indian women's team played their first Test match in 1976, against the West Indies. India recorded its first-ever Test win in November 1978 against West Indies under Shantha Rangaswamy's captaincy at the Moin-ul-Haq Stadium in Patna. As part of the International Cricket Council's initiative to develop women's cricket, the Women's Cricket","Document [7](Title: History of the Indian cricket team) 1960s, starting with their first series win over England in 1961-62. During this time, India's strong record at home started to develop, in which the team won a series against New Zealand in 1965-66 and drew series against Pakistan, Australia and England. In 1967-68, India won their first series outside the subcontinent against New Zealand. Sunil Gavaskar made his debut for India in the West Indies in 1970-71 and immediately made an impact, scoring a total of 774 runs for the series and helping India to a 1-0 series win, their first ever win over the West Indies. Together with","Document [8](Title: Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association Stadium) played in this ground was the Pakistani cricket team, when they played a warm-up match against an India A side in 2005. The first One Day International (ODI) at this stadium was played between India and England on 27 January 2013. England won the match by 7 wickets. The first Test at this stadium was played between India and Australia from 25\u201329 March 2017. In November 2015, the HPCA stadium was selected as one of the six new Test match venues in India along with the Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, JSCA International Stadium Complex, Saurashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Holkar Stadium","Document [9](Title: Cricket in India) sports league in the world and the biggest cricket league in the world. The Indian cricket team is also accredited with the honour of winning all the ICC tournaments under M.S. Dhoni's captaincy, which is a world record. The first ever match of first-class cricket played in India was in 1864 which was Madras vs Calcutta. Not many records exist from the match, however, it is known that the Man of the match was Praveen Chauhan. He played for Calcutta, but he was from Panipat. Furthermore, the Best fielder was Ashwani Sharma. Just like Chauhan, he was from Panipat as","Document [10](Title: India national cricket team) against Pakistan. They continued their improvement throughout the early 1950s with a series win against New Zealand in 1956. However, they did not win again in the remainder of the decade and lost badly to strong Australian and English sides. On 24 August 1959, India lost by an innings in the Test to complete the only 5\u20130 whitewash ever inflicted by England. The next decade saw India's reputation develop as a team with a strong record at home. They won their first Test series against England at home in 1961\u201362 and also won a home series against New Zealand. They","Document [11](Title: India at the Cricket World Cup) all the other 8 teams in the tournament once, with the top 4 teams at the end of the Round-Robin stage progressing to the semifinals. It was also the first Cricket World Cup played with coloured jerseys and which had day-night matches. India's first match in the tournament was against England at Perth. Chasing 237, India never really got going despite a 63-run opening stand shared by Shastri (57 from 112 balls, 2 fours) and Srikkanth (39 from 50 balls, 7 fours) and a good knock from Tendulkar (35 from 44 balls, 5 fours). India crashed to 227 all out,","Document [12](Title: Cricket in India) home record against Australia in Test series after defeating them in 2001 and won the inaugural ICC World T20 in 2007. India was also the first Sub-continental team to win at the WACA in January 2008 against Australia. India's victory against the Australians in 2001 marked the beginning of a dream era for the team under the captainship of Sourav Ganguly, winning Test matches in Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, West Indies and England. India also shared a joint victory with Sri Lanka in the ICC Championship, and went on to the finals in the 2003 Cricket World Cup only to be","Document [13](Title: History of cricket in India to 1918) In 1864, a Madras v. Calcutta match was arguably the start of first-class cricket in India. The British played the Indians to build relationships with the Indians and if the Indian elite had connections with the British, the British could have more control of India because of Cricket. The most important fixture in the 19th century was the Bombay Presidency Match which evolved, first, into the Bombay Triangular and then into the Bombay Quadrangular. The match was first played in 1877 and then intermittently for several seasons until finally being given first-class status in 1892-93. An English team led by","Document [14](Title: Brabourne Stadium) against India of 126. In recent years, a few of the teams visiting India have started their tour with a warm up match at the Brabourne. The match between Australia and Mumbai in 1997\u201398 was noted for Sachin Tendulkar's first double hundred in first-class cricket. Mumbai won the game setting the tone for the rest of the tour. In 2000, several Test level Indian players turned out for a Board Presidents XI in a three-day warm up game against the touring South Africans. The match is remembered for Sachin Tendulkar announcing his resignation from the post of Captain of the","Document [15](Title: India national cricket team) do not receive as much popular support or recognition as the men's team. The women's teams also have a less packed schedule compared to men's teams and play fewer matches. The Indian women's cricket team played its first Test match in 1976\/7, when they drew with the West Indies in a six-match series. The Women's Cricket World Cup was held in India in 1978 and featured 4 teams. India lost both the matches they have played. Their next appearance in the Test and ODI circuit was against Australia in 1984, in which the Test series was tied but the ODI","Document [16](Title: India national cricket team) their names went on to be used for the Ranji Trophy and Duleep Trophy \u2013 two major first-class tournaments in India. In 1911, an Indian team went on their first official tour of the British Isles, but only played English county teams and not the England cricket team. India was invited to The Imperial Cricket Council in 1926, and made their debut as a Test playing nation in England in 1932, led by CK Nayudu, who was considered as the best Indian batsman at the time. The one-off Test match between the two sides was played at Lord's in London.","Document [17](Title: History of cricket in India to 1918) George Vernon in 1889\u201390 was the first foreign team to tour India but none of the matches that it played are considered first-class. First-class cricket definitely began in the 1892\u201393 season with two Europeans v Parsees matches, at Bombay (match drawn) and Poona (Parsees won by 3 wickets). In the same season, Lord Hawke captained an English team that played four first-class matches including a game against \"All India\" on 26\u201328 January 1893. The lists below give the leading first-class runscorers and wicket-takers in each domestic season. The first Indian ventures into international cricket were by the Parsees cricket team","Document [18](Title: Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium (Kochi)) cricket ODI match between India and its arch-rival Pakistan on April 2005. The first ODI played on this ground was between India and Australia on 1 April 1998. Kaloor stadium hosted the first match India played after Sachin Tendulkar's retirement. The pavilion was renamed as Sachin Tendulkar pavilion as an honour to him before this match between India and West Indies on 21 November 2013 which India won by 6 wickets. The stadium underwent a massive renovation including a modern turf, an aesthetic modern roofing and a four-lane road from the south side of the stadium. The first Indian Premier","Document [19](Title: English cricket team in India in 2005\u201306) 190\/7 just after the lunch break. Hoggard took 5 wickets, and Monty Panesar dismissed Sachin Tendulkar to claim his maiden test wicket amid dramatic scenes. However, Mohammad Kaif and Anil Kumble fought back for India, putting on 128 for the eighth wicket. The day ended with Kaif being clean bowled by Panesar with a spectacular delivery that span out of the rough and just clipped the off stump. England wrapped up India\u2019s first innings very early on day 4 for 323, and began their second innings in a positive way. Alastair Cook scored a century on debut, and Kevin Pietersen","Document [20](Title: Indian cricket team in England in 1971) off Prasanna. Captain Richard Gilliat scored his second 50 of the match, batting only 135 minutes for 71 with ten fours and a six. India won by five wickets for their fourth win in a row. It rained for 14 hours before the scheduled start of the match and there was no play on the first day. Minor Counties declared at tea on the second day at 203. India in turn declared on 252, Solkar's 44* with two sixes and five fours being a bright knock. The match ended in a tame draw. The wicket provided little help to spinners"],"query":"when did india win their first cricket match?","answers":["1952"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: India national cricket team record by opponent) matches, and 216 matches were drawn with one being tied. India played their first ODI match against England in 1974, but registered their first win against East Africa in 1975. , India have played 939 ODI matches, winning 483 matches and losing 409; 7 matches were tied and 40 matches had no result. They also won the 1983 and 2011 Cricket World Cups, along with the 2002 and the 2013 ICC Champions Trophy. India played their first Twenty20 International (T20I) against South Africa in 2006, winning the match by six wickets, and won the inaugural ICC World Twenty20 in 2007.","Document [2](Title: India women's national cricket team) 2005, and losing to England by 9 runs in 2017. India has made the semi-finals on three other occasions, in 1997, 2000, and 2009. India has also made the semi-finals of the World Twenty20 on three occasions (2009, 2010, and 2018). The British brought cricket to India in the early 1700s, with the first cricket match played in 1721. The first Indian cricket club was established by the Parsi community in Bombay, in 1848; the club played their first match against the Europeans in 1877. The first official Indian cricket team was formed in 1911 and toured England, where they","Document [3](Title: History of cricket in India from 1918\u201319 to 1945) first winner was Bombay. Since then India has undergone many changes in its cricket history. The lists below give the leading first-class runscorers and wicket-takers in each domestic season. India's debut in Test cricket was in the 1932 English season when they played England at Lord's Cricket Ground. England won by 158 runs. The MCC tour was from October 1926 to February 1927. Captained by Arthur Gilligan, the team played 26 first-class matches in India and a further four first-class matches in Ceylon. Team members included Maurice Leyland, Andy Sandham, Bob Wyatt, Arthur Dolphin, George Geary, Ewart Astill and George","Document [4](Title: Cricket in India) beaten by Australia. In September 2007, India won the first ever Twenty20 World Cup held in South Africa, beating Pakistan by 5 runs in a thrilling final. India won the Cricket World Cup in 2011 under the captainship of Mahendra Singh Dhoni, the first time since 1983 \u2013 they beat Sri Lanka in the final held in Mumbai. India played its 500th Test match against New Zealand at Kanpur from 22 September 2016. India won this match by 197 runs. This test was played under the captaincy of Virat Kohli. International cricket in India generally does not follow a fixed","Document [5](Title: India national cricket team) Test match until 25 June 1932 at Lord's, becoming the sixth team to be granted Test cricket status. In its first fifty years of international cricket, India was one of the weaker teams, winning only 35 of the first 196 Test matches it played. From 1932 India had to wait until 1952, almost 20 years for its first Test victory. The team, however, gained strength in the 1970s with the emergence of players such as batsmen Sunil Gavaskar and Gundappa Viswanath, all-rounder Kapil Dev and the Indian spin quartet of Erapalli Prasanna, Srinivas Venkataraghavan, Bhagwat Chandrasekhar and Bishen Singh Bedi.","Document [6](Title: India women's national cricket team) played English county teams. The India team made their Test debut against England in 1932. Around the same time (1934), the first women's Test was played between England and Australia. However, women's cricket arrived in India much later; the Women's Cricket Association of India was formed in 1973. The Indian women's team played their first Test match in 1976, against the West Indies. India recorded its first-ever Test win in November 1978 against West Indies under Shantha Rangaswamy's captaincy at the Moin-ul-Haq Stadium in Patna. As part of the International Cricket Council's initiative to develop women's cricket, the Women's Cricket","Document [7](Title: History of the Indian cricket team) 1960s, starting with their first series win over England in 1961-62. During this time, India's strong record at home started to develop, in which the team won a series against New Zealand in 1965-66 and drew series against Pakistan, Australia and England. In 1967-68, India won their first series outside the subcontinent against New Zealand. Sunil Gavaskar made his debut for India in the West Indies in 1970-71 and immediately made an impact, scoring a total of 774 runs for the series and helping India to a 1-0 series win, their first ever win over the West Indies. Together with","Document [8](Title: Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association Stadium) played in this ground was the Pakistani cricket team, when they played a warm-up match against an India A side in 2005. The first One Day International (ODI) at this stadium was played between India and England on 27 January 2013. England won the match by 7 wickets. The first Test at this stadium was played between India and Australia from 25\u201329 March 2017. In November 2015, the HPCA stadium was selected as one of the six new Test match venues in India along with the Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, JSCA International Stadium Complex, Saurashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Holkar Stadium","Document [9](Title: Cricket in India) sports league in the world and the biggest cricket league in the world. The Indian cricket team is also accredited with the honour of winning all the ICC tournaments under M.S. Dhoni's captaincy, which is a world record. The first ever match of first-class cricket played in India was in 1864 which was Madras vs Calcutta. Not many records exist from the match, however, it is known that the Man of the match was Praveen Chauhan. He played for Calcutta, but he was from Panipat. Furthermore, the Best fielder was Ashwani Sharma. Just like Chauhan, he was from Panipat as","Document [10](Title: India national cricket team) against Pakistan. They continued their improvement throughout the early 1950s with a series win against New Zealand in 1956. However, they did not win again in the remainder of the decade and lost badly to strong Australian and English sides. On 24 August 1959, India lost by an innings in the Test to complete the only 5\u20130 whitewash ever inflicted by England. The next decade saw India's reputation develop as a team with a strong record at home. They won their first Test series against England at home in 1961\u201362 and also won a home series against New Zealand. They","Document [11](Title: India at the Cricket World Cup) all the other 8 teams in the tournament once, with the top 4 teams at the end of the Round-Robin stage progressing to the semifinals. It was also the first Cricket World Cup played with coloured jerseys and which had day-night matches. India's first match in the tournament was against England at Perth. Chasing 237, India never really got going despite a 63-run opening stand shared by Shastri (57 from 112 balls, 2 fours) and Srikkanth (39 from 50 balls, 7 fours) and a good knock from Tendulkar (35 from 44 balls, 5 fours). India crashed to 227 all out,","Document [12](Title: Cricket in India) home record against Australia in Test series after defeating them in 2001 and won the inaugural ICC World T20 in 2007. India was also the first Sub-continental team to win at the WACA in January 2008 against Australia. India's victory against the Australians in 2001 marked the beginning of a dream era for the team under the captainship of Sourav Ganguly, winning Test matches in Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, West Indies and England. India also shared a joint victory with Sri Lanka in the ICC Championship, and went on to the finals in the 2003 Cricket World Cup only to be","Document [13](Title: History of cricket in India to 1918) In 1864, a Madras v. Calcutta match was arguably the start of first-class cricket in India. The British played the Indians to build relationships with the Indians and if the Indian elite had connections with the British, the British could have more control of India because of Cricket. The most important fixture in the 19th century was the Bombay Presidency Match which evolved, first, into the Bombay Triangular and then into the Bombay Quadrangular. The match was first played in 1877 and then intermittently for several seasons until finally being given first-class status in 1892-93. An English team led by","Document [14](Title: Brabourne Stadium) against India of 126. In recent years, a few of the teams visiting India have started their tour with a warm up match at the Brabourne. The match between Australia and Mumbai in 1997\u201398 was noted for Sachin Tendulkar's first double hundred in first-class cricket. Mumbai won the game setting the tone for the rest of the tour. In 2000, several Test level Indian players turned out for a Board Presidents XI in a three-day warm up game against the touring South Africans. The match is remembered for Sachin Tendulkar announcing his resignation from the post of Captain of the","Document [15](Title: India national cricket team) do not receive as much popular support or recognition as the men's team. The women's teams also have a less packed schedule compared to men's teams and play fewer matches. The Indian women's cricket team played its first Test match in 1976\/7, when they drew with the West Indies in a six-match series. The Women's Cricket World Cup was held in India in 1978 and featured 4 teams. India lost both the matches they have played. Their next appearance in the Test and ODI circuit was against Australia in 1984, in which the Test series was tied but the ODI","Document [16](Title: India national cricket team) their names went on to be used for the Ranji Trophy and Duleep Trophy \u2013 two major first-class tournaments in India. In 1911, an Indian team went on their first official tour of the British Isles, but only played English county teams and not the England cricket team. India was invited to The Imperial Cricket Council in 1926, and made their debut as a Test playing nation in England in 1932, led by CK Nayudu, who was considered as the best Indian batsman at the time. The one-off Test match between the two sides was played at Lord's in London.","Document [17](Title: History of cricket in India to 1918) George Vernon in 1889\u201390 was the first foreign team to tour India but none of the matches that it played are considered first-class. First-class cricket definitely began in the 1892\u201393 season with two Europeans v Parsees matches, at Bombay (match drawn) and Poona (Parsees won by 3 wickets). In the same season, Lord Hawke captained an English team that played four first-class matches including a game against \"All India\" on 26\u201328 January 1893. The lists below give the leading first-class runscorers and wicket-takers in each domestic season. The first Indian ventures into international cricket were by the Parsees cricket team","Document [18](Title: Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium (Kochi)) cricket ODI match between India and its arch-rival Pakistan on April 2005. The first ODI played on this ground was between India and Australia on 1 April 1998. Kaloor stadium hosted the first match India played after Sachin Tendulkar's retirement. The pavilion was renamed as Sachin Tendulkar pavilion as an honour to him before this match between India and West Indies on 21 November 2013 which India won by 6 wickets. The stadium underwent a massive renovation including a modern turf, an aesthetic modern roofing and a four-lane road from the south side of the stadium. The first Indian Premier","Document [19](Title: English cricket team in India in 2005\u201306) 190\/7 just after the lunch break. Hoggard took 5 wickets, and Monty Panesar dismissed Sachin Tendulkar to claim his maiden test wicket amid dramatic scenes. However, Mohammad Kaif and Anil Kumble fought back for India, putting on 128 for the eighth wicket. The day ended with Kaif being clean bowled by Panesar with a spectacular delivery that span out of the rough and just clipped the off stump. England wrapped up India\u2019s first innings very early on day 4 for 323, and began their second innings in a positive way. Alastair Cook scored a century on debut, and Kevin Pietersen","Document [20](Title: Indian cricket team in England in 1971) off Prasanna. Captain Richard Gilliat scored his second 50 of the match, batting only 135 minutes for 71 with ten fours and a six. India won by five wickets for their fourth win in a row. It rained for 14 hours before the scheduled start of the match and there was no play on the first day. Minor Counties declared at tea on the second day at 203. India in turn declared on 252, Solkar's 44* with two sixes and five fours being a bright knock. The match ended in a tame draw. The wicket provided little help to spinners"],"query":"when did india win their first cricket match?","answers":["1952"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: India national cricket team record by opponent) matches, and 216 matches were drawn with one being tied. India played their first ODI match against England in 1974, but registered their first win against East Africa in 1975. , India have played 939 ODI matches, winning 483 matches and losing 409; 7 matches were tied and 40 matches had no result. They also won the 1983 and 2011 Cricket World Cups, along with the 2002 and the 2013 ICC Champions Trophy. India played their first Twenty20 International (T20I) against South Africa in 2006, winning the match by six wickets, and won the inaugural ICC World Twenty20 in 2007.","Document [2](Title: India women's national cricket team) 2005, and losing to England by 9 runs in 2017. India has made the semi-finals on three other occasions, in 1997, 2000, and 2009. India has also made the semi-finals of the World Twenty20 on three occasions (2009, 2010, and 2018). The British brought cricket to India in the early 1700s, with the first cricket match played in 1721. The first Indian cricket club was established by the Parsi community in Bombay, in 1848; the club played their first match against the Europeans in 1877. The first official Indian cricket team was formed in 1911 and toured England, where they","Document [3](Title: History of cricket in India from 1918\u201319 to 1945) first winner was Bombay. Since then India has undergone many changes in its cricket history. The lists below give the leading first-class runscorers and wicket-takers in each domestic season. India's debut in Test cricket was in the 1932 English season when they played England at Lord's Cricket Ground. England won by 158 runs. The MCC tour was from October 1926 to February 1927. Captained by Arthur Gilligan, the team played 26 first-class matches in India and a further four first-class matches in Ceylon. Team members included Maurice Leyland, Andy Sandham, Bob Wyatt, Arthur Dolphin, George Geary, Ewart Astill and George","Document [4](Title: Cricket in India) beaten by Australia. In September 2007, India won the first ever Twenty20 World Cup held in South Africa, beating Pakistan by 5 runs in a thrilling final. India won the Cricket World Cup in 2011 under the captainship of Mahendra Singh Dhoni, the first time since 1983 \u2013 they beat Sri Lanka in the final held in Mumbai. India played its 500th Test match against New Zealand at Kanpur from 22 September 2016. India won this match by 197 runs. This test was played under the captaincy of Virat Kohli. International cricket in India generally does not follow a fixed","Document [5](Title: India women's national cricket team) played English county teams. The India team made their Test debut against England in 1932. Around the same time (1934), the first women's Test was played between England and Australia. However, women's cricket arrived in India much later; the Women's Cricket Association of India was formed in 1973. The Indian women's team played their first Test match in 1976, against the West Indies. India recorded its first-ever Test win in November 1978 against West Indies under Shantha Rangaswamy's captaincy at the Moin-ul-Haq Stadium in Patna. As part of the International Cricket Council's initiative to develop women's cricket, the Women's Cricket","Document [6](Title: History of the Indian cricket team) 1960s, starting with their first series win over England in 1961-62. During this time, India's strong record at home started to develop, in which the team won a series against New Zealand in 1965-66 and drew series against Pakistan, Australia and England. In 1967-68, India won their first series outside the subcontinent against New Zealand. Sunil Gavaskar made his debut for India in the West Indies in 1970-71 and immediately made an impact, scoring a total of 774 runs for the series and helping India to a 1-0 series win, their first ever win over the West Indies. Together with","Document [7](Title: Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association Stadium) played in this ground was the Pakistani cricket team, when they played a warm-up match against an India A side in 2005. The first One Day International (ODI) at this stadium was played between India and England on 27 January 2013. England won the match by 7 wickets. The first Test at this stadium was played between India and Australia from 25\u201329 March 2017. In November 2015, the HPCA stadium was selected as one of the six new Test match venues in India along with the Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, JSCA International Stadium Complex, Saurashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Holkar Stadium","Document [8](Title: Cricket in India) sports league in the world and the biggest cricket league in the world. The Indian cricket team is also accredited with the honour of winning all the ICC tournaments under M.S. Dhoni's captaincy, which is a world record. The first ever match of first-class cricket played in India was in 1864 which was Madras vs Calcutta. Not many records exist from the match, however, it is known that the Man of the match was Praveen Chauhan. He played for Calcutta, but he was from Panipat. Furthermore, the Best fielder was Ashwani Sharma. Just like Chauhan, he was from Panipat as","Document [9](Title: India national cricket team) against Pakistan. They continued their improvement throughout the early 1950s with a series win against New Zealand in 1956. However, they did not win again in the remainder of the decade and lost badly to strong Australian and English sides. On 24 August 1959, India lost by an innings in the Test to complete the only 5\u20130 whitewash ever inflicted by England. The next decade saw India's reputation develop as a team with a strong record at home. They won their first Test series against England at home in 1961\u201362 and also won a home series against New Zealand. They","Document [10](Title: India national cricket team) Test match until 25 June 1932 at Lord's, becoming the sixth team to be granted Test cricket status. In its first fifty years of international cricket, India was one of the weaker teams, winning only 35 of the first 196 Test matches it played. From 1932 India had to wait until 1952, almost 20 years for its first Test victory. The team, however, gained strength in the 1970s with the emergence of players such as batsmen Sunil Gavaskar and Gundappa Viswanath, all-rounder Kapil Dev and the Indian spin quartet of Erapalli Prasanna, Srinivas Venkataraghavan, Bhagwat Chandrasekhar and Bishen Singh Bedi.","Document [11](Title: India at the Cricket World Cup) all the other 8 teams in the tournament once, with the top 4 teams at the end of the Round-Robin stage progressing to the semifinals. It was also the first Cricket World Cup played with coloured jerseys and which had day-night matches. India's first match in the tournament was against England at Perth. Chasing 237, India never really got going despite a 63-run opening stand shared by Shastri (57 from 112 balls, 2 fours) and Srikkanth (39 from 50 balls, 7 fours) and a good knock from Tendulkar (35 from 44 balls, 5 fours). India crashed to 227 all out,","Document [12](Title: Cricket in India) home record against Australia in Test series after defeating them in 2001 and won the inaugural ICC World T20 in 2007. India was also the first Sub-continental team to win at the WACA in January 2008 against Australia. India's victory against the Australians in 2001 marked the beginning of a dream era for the team under the captainship of Sourav Ganguly, winning Test matches in Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, West Indies and England. India also shared a joint victory with Sri Lanka in the ICC Championship, and went on to the finals in the 2003 Cricket World Cup only to be","Document [13](Title: History of cricket in India to 1918) In 1864, a Madras v. Calcutta match was arguably the start of first-class cricket in India. The British played the Indians to build relationships with the Indians and if the Indian elite had connections with the British, the British could have more control of India because of Cricket. The most important fixture in the 19th century was the Bombay Presidency Match which evolved, first, into the Bombay Triangular and then into the Bombay Quadrangular. The match was first played in 1877 and then intermittently for several seasons until finally being given first-class status in 1892-93. An English team led by","Document [14](Title: Brabourne Stadium) against India of 126. In recent years, a few of the teams visiting India have started their tour with a warm up match at the Brabourne. The match between Australia and Mumbai in 1997\u201398 was noted for Sachin Tendulkar's first double hundred in first-class cricket. Mumbai won the game setting the tone for the rest of the tour. In 2000, several Test level Indian players turned out for a Board Presidents XI in a three-day warm up game against the touring South Africans. The match is remembered for Sachin Tendulkar announcing his resignation from the post of Captain of the","Document [15](Title: India national cricket team) do not receive as much popular support or recognition as the men's team. The women's teams also have a less packed schedule compared to men's teams and play fewer matches. The Indian women's cricket team played its first Test match in 1976\/7, when they drew with the West Indies in a six-match series. The Women's Cricket World Cup was held in India in 1978 and featured 4 teams. India lost both the matches they have played. Their next appearance in the Test and ODI circuit was against Australia in 1984, in which the Test series was tied but the ODI","Document [16](Title: India national cricket team) their names went on to be used for the Ranji Trophy and Duleep Trophy \u2013 two major first-class tournaments in India. In 1911, an Indian team went on their first official tour of the British Isles, but only played English county teams and not the England cricket team. India was invited to The Imperial Cricket Council in 1926, and made their debut as a Test playing nation in England in 1932, led by CK Nayudu, who was considered as the best Indian batsman at the time. The one-off Test match between the two sides was played at Lord's in London.","Document [17](Title: History of cricket in India to 1918) George Vernon in 1889\u201390 was the first foreign team to tour India but none of the matches that it played are considered first-class. First-class cricket definitely began in the 1892\u201393 season with two Europeans v Parsees matches, at Bombay (match drawn) and Poona (Parsees won by 3 wickets). In the same season, Lord Hawke captained an English team that played four first-class matches including a game against \"All India\" on 26\u201328 January 1893. The lists below give the leading first-class runscorers and wicket-takers in each domestic season. The first Indian ventures into international cricket were by the Parsees cricket team","Document [18](Title: Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium (Kochi)) cricket ODI match between India and its arch-rival Pakistan on April 2005. The first ODI played on this ground was between India and Australia on 1 April 1998. Kaloor stadium hosted the first match India played after Sachin Tendulkar's retirement. The pavilion was renamed as Sachin Tendulkar pavilion as an honour to him before this match between India and West Indies on 21 November 2013 which India won by 6 wickets. The stadium underwent a massive renovation including a modern turf, an aesthetic modern roofing and a four-lane road from the south side of the stadium. The first Indian Premier","Document [19](Title: English cricket team in India in 2005\u201306) 190\/7 just after the lunch break. Hoggard took 5 wickets, and Monty Panesar dismissed Sachin Tendulkar to claim his maiden test wicket amid dramatic scenes. However, Mohammad Kaif and Anil Kumble fought back for India, putting on 128 for the eighth wicket. The day ended with Kaif being clean bowled by Panesar with a spectacular delivery that span out of the rough and just clipped the off stump. England wrapped up India\u2019s first innings very early on day 4 for 323, and began their second innings in a positive way. Alastair Cook scored a century on debut, and Kevin Pietersen","Document [20](Title: Indian cricket team in England in 1971) off Prasanna. Captain Richard Gilliat scored his second 50 of the match, batting only 135 minutes for 71 with ten fours and a six. India won by five wickets for their fourth win in a row. It rained for 14 hours before the scheduled start of the match and there was no play on the first day. Minor Counties declared at tea on the second day at 203. India in turn declared on 252, Solkar's 44* with two sixes and five fours being a bright knock. The match ended in a tame draw. The wicket provided little help to spinners"],"query":"when did india win their first cricket match?","answers":["1952"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: India national cricket team record by opponent) matches, and 216 matches were drawn with one being tied. India played their first ODI match against England in 1974, but registered their first win against East Africa in 1975. , India have played 939 ODI matches, winning 483 matches and losing 409; 7 matches were tied and 40 matches had no result. They also won the 1983 and 2011 Cricket World Cups, along with the 2002 and the 2013 ICC Champions Trophy. India played their first Twenty20 International (T20I) against South Africa in 2006, winning the match by six wickets, and won the inaugural ICC World Twenty20 in 2007.","Document [2](Title: India women's national cricket team) 2005, and losing to England by 9 runs in 2017. India has made the semi-finals on three other occasions, in 1997, 2000, and 2009. India has also made the semi-finals of the World Twenty20 on three occasions (2009, 2010, and 2018). The British brought cricket to India in the early 1700s, with the first cricket match played in 1721. The first Indian cricket club was established by the Parsi community in Bombay, in 1848; the club played their first match against the Europeans in 1877. The first official Indian cricket team was formed in 1911 and toured England, where they","Document [3](Title: History of cricket in India from 1918\u201319 to 1945) first winner was Bombay. Since then India has undergone many changes in its cricket history. The lists below give the leading first-class runscorers and wicket-takers in each domestic season. India's debut in Test cricket was in the 1932 English season when they played England at Lord's Cricket Ground. England won by 158 runs. The MCC tour was from October 1926 to February 1927. Captained by Arthur Gilligan, the team played 26 first-class matches in India and a further four first-class matches in Ceylon. Team members included Maurice Leyland, Andy Sandham, Bob Wyatt, Arthur Dolphin, George Geary, Ewart Astill and George","Document [4](Title: Cricket in India) beaten by Australia. In September 2007, India won the first ever Twenty20 World Cup held in South Africa, beating Pakistan by 5 runs in a thrilling final. India won the Cricket World Cup in 2011 under the captainship of Mahendra Singh Dhoni, the first time since 1983 \u2013 they beat Sri Lanka in the final held in Mumbai. India played its 500th Test match against New Zealand at Kanpur from 22 September 2016. India won this match by 197 runs. This test was played under the captaincy of Virat Kohli. International cricket in India generally does not follow a fixed","Document [5](Title: India women's national cricket team) played English county teams. The India team made their Test debut against England in 1932. Around the same time (1934), the first women's Test was played between England and Australia. However, women's cricket arrived in India much later; the Women's Cricket Association of India was formed in 1973. The Indian women's team played their first Test match in 1976, against the West Indies. India recorded its first-ever Test win in November 1978 against West Indies under Shantha Rangaswamy's captaincy at the Moin-ul-Haq Stadium in Patna. As part of the International Cricket Council's initiative to develop women's cricket, the Women's Cricket","Document [6](Title: History of the Indian cricket team) 1960s, starting with their first series win over England in 1961-62. During this time, India's strong record at home started to develop, in which the team won a series against New Zealand in 1965-66 and drew series against Pakistan, Australia and England. In 1967-68, India won their first series outside the subcontinent against New Zealand. Sunil Gavaskar made his debut for India in the West Indies in 1970-71 and immediately made an impact, scoring a total of 774 runs for the series and helping India to a 1-0 series win, their first ever win over the West Indies. Together with","Document [7](Title: Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association Stadium) played in this ground was the Pakistani cricket team, when they played a warm-up match against an India A side in 2005. The first One Day International (ODI) at this stadium was played between India and England on 27 January 2013. England won the match by 7 wickets. The first Test at this stadium was played between India and Australia from 25\u201329 March 2017. In November 2015, the HPCA stadium was selected as one of the six new Test match venues in India along with the Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, JSCA International Stadium Complex, Saurashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Holkar Stadium","Document [8](Title: Cricket in India) sports league in the world and the biggest cricket league in the world. The Indian cricket team is also accredited with the honour of winning all the ICC tournaments under M.S. Dhoni's captaincy, which is a world record. The first ever match of first-class cricket played in India was in 1864 which was Madras vs Calcutta. Not many records exist from the match, however, it is known that the Man of the match was Praveen Chauhan. He played for Calcutta, but he was from Panipat. Furthermore, the Best fielder was Ashwani Sharma. Just like Chauhan, he was from Panipat as","Document [9](Title: India national cricket team) against Pakistan. They continued their improvement throughout the early 1950s with a series win against New Zealand in 1956. However, they did not win again in the remainder of the decade and lost badly to strong Australian and English sides. On 24 August 1959, India lost by an innings in the Test to complete the only 5\u20130 whitewash ever inflicted by England. The next decade saw India's reputation develop as a team with a strong record at home. They won their first Test series against England at home in 1961\u201362 and also won a home series against New Zealand. They","Document [10](Title: India at the Cricket World Cup) all the other 8 teams in the tournament once, with the top 4 teams at the end of the Round-Robin stage progressing to the semifinals. It was also the first Cricket World Cup played with coloured jerseys and which had day-night matches. India's first match in the tournament was against England at Perth. Chasing 237, India never really got going despite a 63-run opening stand shared by Shastri (57 from 112 balls, 2 fours) and Srikkanth (39 from 50 balls, 7 fours) and a good knock from Tendulkar (35 from 44 balls, 5 fours). India crashed to 227 all out,","Document [11](Title: Cricket in India) home record against Australia in Test series after defeating them in 2001 and won the inaugural ICC World T20 in 2007. India was also the first Sub-continental team to win at the WACA in January 2008 against Australia. India's victory against the Australians in 2001 marked the beginning of a dream era for the team under the captainship of Sourav Ganguly, winning Test matches in Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, West Indies and England. India also shared a joint victory with Sri Lanka in the ICC Championship, and went on to the finals in the 2003 Cricket World Cup only to be","Document [12](Title: History of cricket in India to 1918) In 1864, a Madras v. Calcutta match was arguably the start of first-class cricket in India. The British played the Indians to build relationships with the Indians and if the Indian elite had connections with the British, the British could have more control of India because of Cricket. The most important fixture in the 19th century was the Bombay Presidency Match which evolved, first, into the Bombay Triangular and then into the Bombay Quadrangular. The match was first played in 1877 and then intermittently for several seasons until finally being given first-class status in 1892-93. An English team led by","Document [13](Title: Brabourne Stadium) against India of 126. In recent years, a few of the teams visiting India have started their tour with a warm up match at the Brabourne. The match between Australia and Mumbai in 1997\u201398 was noted for Sachin Tendulkar's first double hundred in first-class cricket. Mumbai won the game setting the tone for the rest of the tour. In 2000, several Test level Indian players turned out for a Board Presidents XI in a three-day warm up game against the touring South Africans. The match is remembered for Sachin Tendulkar announcing his resignation from the post of Captain of the","Document [14](Title: India national cricket team) do not receive as much popular support or recognition as the men's team. The women's teams also have a less packed schedule compared to men's teams and play fewer matches. The Indian women's cricket team played its first Test match in 1976\/7, when they drew with the West Indies in a six-match series. The Women's Cricket World Cup was held in India in 1978 and featured 4 teams. India lost both the matches they have played. Their next appearance in the Test and ODI circuit was against Australia in 1984, in which the Test series was tied but the ODI","Document [15](Title: India national cricket team) Test match until 25 June 1932 at Lord's, becoming the sixth team to be granted Test cricket status. In its first fifty years of international cricket, India was one of the weaker teams, winning only 35 of the first 196 Test matches it played. From 1932 India had to wait until 1952, almost 20 years for its first Test victory. The team, however, gained strength in the 1970s with the emergence of players such as batsmen Sunil Gavaskar and Gundappa Viswanath, all-rounder Kapil Dev and the Indian spin quartet of Erapalli Prasanna, Srinivas Venkataraghavan, Bhagwat Chandrasekhar and Bishen Singh Bedi.","Document [16](Title: India national cricket team) their names went on to be used for the Ranji Trophy and Duleep Trophy \u2013 two major first-class tournaments in India. In 1911, an Indian team went on their first official tour of the British Isles, but only played English county teams and not the England cricket team. India was invited to The Imperial Cricket Council in 1926, and made their debut as a Test playing nation in England in 1932, led by CK Nayudu, who was considered as the best Indian batsman at the time. The one-off Test match between the two sides was played at Lord's in London.","Document [17](Title: History of cricket in India to 1918) George Vernon in 1889\u201390 was the first foreign team to tour India but none of the matches that it played are considered first-class. First-class cricket definitely began in the 1892\u201393 season with two Europeans v Parsees matches, at Bombay (match drawn) and Poona (Parsees won by 3 wickets). In the same season, Lord Hawke captained an English team that played four first-class matches including a game against \"All India\" on 26\u201328 January 1893. The lists below give the leading first-class runscorers and wicket-takers in each domestic season. The first Indian ventures into international cricket were by the Parsees cricket team","Document [18](Title: Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium (Kochi)) cricket ODI match between India and its arch-rival Pakistan on April 2005. The first ODI played on this ground was between India and Australia on 1 April 1998. Kaloor stadium hosted the first match India played after Sachin Tendulkar's retirement. The pavilion was renamed as Sachin Tendulkar pavilion as an honour to him before this match between India and West Indies on 21 November 2013 which India won by 6 wickets. The stadium underwent a massive renovation including a modern turf, an aesthetic modern roofing and a four-lane road from the south side of the stadium. The first Indian Premier","Document [19](Title: English cricket team in India in 2005\u201306) 190\/7 just after the lunch break. Hoggard took 5 wickets, and Monty Panesar dismissed Sachin Tendulkar to claim his maiden test wicket amid dramatic scenes. However, Mohammad Kaif and Anil Kumble fought back for India, putting on 128 for the eighth wicket. The day ended with Kaif being clean bowled by Panesar with a spectacular delivery that span out of the rough and just clipped the off stump. England wrapped up India\u2019s first innings very early on day 4 for 323, and began their second innings in a positive way. Alastair Cook scored a century on debut, and Kevin Pietersen","Document [20](Title: Indian cricket team in England in 1971) off Prasanna. Captain Richard Gilliat scored his second 50 of the match, batting only 135 minutes for 71 with ten fours and a six. India won by five wickets for their fourth win in a row. It rained for 14 hours before the scheduled start of the match and there was no play on the first day. Minor Counties declared at tea on the second day at 203. India in turn declared on 252, Solkar's 44* with two sixes and five fours being a bright knock. The match ended in a tame draw. The wicket provided little help to spinners"],"query":"when did india win their first cricket match?","answers":["1952"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: India national cricket team record by opponent) matches, and 216 matches were drawn with one being tied. India played their first ODI match against England in 1974, but registered their first win against East Africa in 1975. , India have played 939 ODI matches, winning 483 matches and losing 409; 7 matches were tied and 40 matches had no result. They also won the 1983 and 2011 Cricket World Cups, along with the 2002 and the 2013 ICC Champions Trophy. India played their first Twenty20 International (T20I) against South Africa in 2006, winning the match by six wickets, and won the inaugural ICC World Twenty20 in 2007.","Document [2](Title: India women's national cricket team) 2005, and losing to England by 9 runs in 2017. India has made the semi-finals on three other occasions, in 1997, 2000, and 2009. India has also made the semi-finals of the World Twenty20 on three occasions (2009, 2010, and 2018). The British brought cricket to India in the early 1700s, with the first cricket match played in 1721. The first Indian cricket club was established by the Parsi community in Bombay, in 1848; the club played their first match against the Europeans in 1877. The first official Indian cricket team was formed in 1911 and toured England, where they","Document [3](Title: History of cricket in India from 1918\u201319 to 1945) first winner was Bombay. Since then India has undergone many changes in its cricket history. The lists below give the leading first-class runscorers and wicket-takers in each domestic season. India's debut in Test cricket was in the 1932 English season when they played England at Lord's Cricket Ground. England won by 158 runs. The MCC tour was from October 1926 to February 1927. Captained by Arthur Gilligan, the team played 26 first-class matches in India and a further four first-class matches in Ceylon. Team members included Maurice Leyland, Andy Sandham, Bob Wyatt, Arthur Dolphin, George Geary, Ewart Astill and George","Document [4](Title: Cricket in India) beaten by Australia. In September 2007, India won the first ever Twenty20 World Cup held in South Africa, beating Pakistan by 5 runs in a thrilling final. India won the Cricket World Cup in 2011 under the captainship of Mahendra Singh Dhoni, the first time since 1983 \u2013 they beat Sri Lanka in the final held in Mumbai. India played its 500th Test match against New Zealand at Kanpur from 22 September 2016. India won this match by 197 runs. This test was played under the captaincy of Virat Kohli. International cricket in India generally does not follow a fixed","Document [5](Title: India women's national cricket team) played English county teams. The India team made their Test debut against England in 1932. Around the same time (1934), the first women's Test was played between England and Australia. However, women's cricket arrived in India much later; the Women's Cricket Association of India was formed in 1973. The Indian women's team played their first Test match in 1976, against the West Indies. India recorded its first-ever Test win in November 1978 against West Indies under Shantha Rangaswamy's captaincy at the Moin-ul-Haq Stadium in Patna. As part of the International Cricket Council's initiative to develop women's cricket, the Women's Cricket","Document [6](Title: History of the Indian cricket team) 1960s, starting with their first series win over England in 1961-62. During this time, India's strong record at home started to develop, in which the team won a series against New Zealand in 1965-66 and drew series against Pakistan, Australia and England. In 1967-68, India won their first series outside the subcontinent against New Zealand. Sunil Gavaskar made his debut for India in the West Indies in 1970-71 and immediately made an impact, scoring a total of 774 runs for the series and helping India to a 1-0 series win, their first ever win over the West Indies. Together with","Document [7](Title: Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association Stadium) played in this ground was the Pakistani cricket team, when they played a warm-up match against an India A side in 2005. The first One Day International (ODI) at this stadium was played between India and England on 27 January 2013. England won the match by 7 wickets. The first Test at this stadium was played between India and Australia from 25\u201329 March 2017. In November 2015, the HPCA stadium was selected as one of the six new Test match venues in India along with the Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, JSCA International Stadium Complex, Saurashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Holkar Stadium","Document [8](Title: Cricket in India) sports league in the world and the biggest cricket league in the world. The Indian cricket team is also accredited with the honour of winning all the ICC tournaments under M.S. Dhoni's captaincy, which is a world record. The first ever match of first-class cricket played in India was in 1864 which was Madras vs Calcutta. Not many records exist from the match, however, it is known that the Man of the match was Praveen Chauhan. He played for Calcutta, but he was from Panipat. Furthermore, the Best fielder was Ashwani Sharma. Just like Chauhan, he was from Panipat as","Document [9](Title: India national cricket team) against Pakistan. They continued their improvement throughout the early 1950s with a series win against New Zealand in 1956. However, they did not win again in the remainder of the decade and lost badly to strong Australian and English sides. On 24 August 1959, India lost by an innings in the Test to complete the only 5\u20130 whitewash ever inflicted by England. The next decade saw India's reputation develop as a team with a strong record at home. They won their first Test series against England at home in 1961\u201362 and also won a home series against New Zealand. They","Document [10](Title: India at the Cricket World Cup) all the other 8 teams in the tournament once, with the top 4 teams at the end of the Round-Robin stage progressing to the semifinals. It was also the first Cricket World Cup played with coloured jerseys and which had day-night matches. India's first match in the tournament was against England at Perth. Chasing 237, India never really got going despite a 63-run opening stand shared by Shastri (57 from 112 balls, 2 fours) and Srikkanth (39 from 50 balls, 7 fours) and a good knock from Tendulkar (35 from 44 balls, 5 fours). India crashed to 227 all out,","Document [11](Title: Cricket in India) home record against Australia in Test series after defeating them in 2001 and won the inaugural ICC World T20 in 2007. India was also the first Sub-continental team to win at the WACA in January 2008 against Australia. India's victory against the Australians in 2001 marked the beginning of a dream era for the team under the captainship of Sourav Ganguly, winning Test matches in Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, West Indies and England. India also shared a joint victory with Sri Lanka in the ICC Championship, and went on to the finals in the 2003 Cricket World Cup only to be","Document [12](Title: History of cricket in India to 1918) In 1864, a Madras v. Calcutta match was arguably the start of first-class cricket in India. The British played the Indians to build relationships with the Indians and if the Indian elite had connections with the British, the British could have more control of India because of Cricket. The most important fixture in the 19th century was the Bombay Presidency Match which evolved, first, into the Bombay Triangular and then into the Bombay Quadrangular. The match was first played in 1877 and then intermittently for several seasons until finally being given first-class status in 1892-93. An English team led by","Document [13](Title: Brabourne Stadium) against India of 126. In recent years, a few of the teams visiting India have started their tour with a warm up match at the Brabourne. The match between Australia and Mumbai in 1997\u201398 was noted for Sachin Tendulkar's first double hundred in first-class cricket. Mumbai won the game setting the tone for the rest of the tour. In 2000, several Test level Indian players turned out for a Board Presidents XI in a three-day warm up game against the touring South Africans. The match is remembered for Sachin Tendulkar announcing his resignation from the post of Captain of the","Document [14](Title: India national cricket team) do not receive as much popular support or recognition as the men's team. The women's teams also have a less packed schedule compared to men's teams and play fewer matches. The Indian women's cricket team played its first Test match in 1976\/7, when they drew with the West Indies in a six-match series. The Women's Cricket World Cup was held in India in 1978 and featured 4 teams. India lost both the matches they have played. Their next appearance in the Test and ODI circuit was against Australia in 1984, in which the Test series was tied but the ODI","Document [15](Title: India national cricket team) their names went on to be used for the Ranji Trophy and Duleep Trophy \u2013 two major first-class tournaments in India. In 1911, an Indian team went on their first official tour of the British Isles, but only played English county teams and not the England cricket team. India was invited to The Imperial Cricket Council in 1926, and made their debut as a Test playing nation in England in 1932, led by CK Nayudu, who was considered as the best Indian batsman at the time. The one-off Test match between the two sides was played at Lord's in London.","Document [16](Title: History of cricket in India to 1918) George Vernon in 1889\u201390 was the first foreign team to tour India but none of the matches that it played are considered first-class. First-class cricket definitely began in the 1892\u201393 season with two Europeans v Parsees matches, at Bombay (match drawn) and Poona (Parsees won by 3 wickets). In the same season, Lord Hawke captained an English team that played four first-class matches including a game against \"All India\" on 26\u201328 January 1893. The lists below give the leading first-class runscorers and wicket-takers in each domestic season. The first Indian ventures into international cricket were by the Parsees cricket team","Document [17](Title: Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium (Kochi)) cricket ODI match between India and its arch-rival Pakistan on April 2005. The first ODI played on this ground was between India and Australia on 1 April 1998. Kaloor stadium hosted the first match India played after Sachin Tendulkar's retirement. The pavilion was renamed as Sachin Tendulkar pavilion as an honour to him before this match between India and West Indies on 21 November 2013 which India won by 6 wickets. The stadium underwent a massive renovation including a modern turf, an aesthetic modern roofing and a four-lane road from the south side of the stadium. The first Indian Premier","Document [18](Title: English cricket team in India in 2005\u201306) 190\/7 just after the lunch break. Hoggard took 5 wickets, and Monty Panesar dismissed Sachin Tendulkar to claim his maiden test wicket amid dramatic scenes. However, Mohammad Kaif and Anil Kumble fought back for India, putting on 128 for the eighth wicket. The day ended with Kaif being clean bowled by Panesar with a spectacular delivery that span out of the rough and just clipped the off stump. England wrapped up India\u2019s first innings very early on day 4 for 323, and began their second innings in a positive way. Alastair Cook scored a century on debut, and Kevin Pietersen","Document [19](Title: Indian cricket team in England in 1971) off Prasanna. Captain Richard Gilliat scored his second 50 of the match, batting only 135 minutes for 71 with ten fours and a six. India won by five wickets for their fourth win in a row. It rained for 14 hours before the scheduled start of the match and there was no play on the first day. Minor Counties declared at tea on the second day at 203. India in turn declared on 252, Solkar's 44* with two sixes and five fours being a bright knock. The match ended in a tame draw. The wicket provided little help to spinners","Document [20](Title: India national cricket team) Test match until 25 June 1932 at Lord's, becoming the sixth team to be granted Test cricket status. In its first fifty years of international cricket, India was one of the weaker teams, winning only 35 of the first 196 Test matches it played. From 1932 India had to wait until 1952, almost 20 years for its first Test victory. The team, however, gained strength in the 1970s with the emergence of players such as batsmen Sunil Gavaskar and Gundappa Viswanath, all-rounder Kapil Dev and the Indian spin quartet of Erapalli Prasanna, Srinivas Venkataraghavan, Bhagwat Chandrasekhar and Bishen Singh Bedi."],"query":"when did india win their first cricket match?","answers":["1952"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Dipeptide) A dipeptide is a sometimes ambiguous designation of two classes of organic compounds: Its molecules contain either two amino acids joined by a single peptide bond or one amino acid with two peptide bonds.","Document [2](Title: Dipeptide) Dipeptide A dipeptide is an organic compound derived from two amino acids. The amino acids can be the same or different. When different, two isomers of the dipeptide are possible, depending on the sequence. Similar descriptions apply to tripeptide (three amino acid residues, two peptide bonds), tetrapeptide, and so on; longer chains are called oligopeptide, polypeptide, protein. Dipeptides are produced by coupling amino acids. The amino group on one amino acid is rendered non-nucleophilic (P in eq) and the carboxylic acid group in the second amino acid is deactivated as its methyl ester. The two modified amino acids are then","Document [3](Title: 2,5-Diketopiperazine) dipeptides can be formed by coupling two amino acids together by the many methods of peptide synthesis or by using the Ugi reaction of an isonitrile, amino acid, aldehyde and amine, followed by deprotection. Dipeptides substituted with an amine at one terminus and an ester at the other 1 can spontaneously cyclize to form a 2,5-diketopiperazine at a range of pHs. However, careful selection of reaction conditions is required to limit racemization. This has been achieved in a general, efficient, and environmentally benign solution-phase synthesis of 2,5-diketopiperazines using microwave-assisted heating in water, which in contrast to other published methods is","Document [4](Title: Combinatorial chemistry) 9 dipeptides are formed. In a third and fourth cycles 27 tripeptides and 81 tetrapeptides would form, respectively. The \"split-mix synthesis\" has several outstanding features: In 1990 three groups described methods for preparing peptide libraries by biological methods and one year later Fodor et al. published a remarkable method for synthesis of peptide arrays on small glass slides. A \"parallel synthesis\" method was developed by Mario Geysen and his colleagues for preparation of peptide arrays. They synthesized 96 peptides on plastic rods (pins) coated at their ends with the solid support. The pins were immersed into the solution of reagents","Document [5](Title: Dipeptide) Dietary proteins are digested to dipeptides and amino acids, and the dipeptides are absorbed more rapidly than the amino acids, because their uptake involves a separate mechanism. Dipeptides activate G-cells found in the stomach to secrete gastrin. In this usage, \"X dipeptide\" is taken literally: One amino acid \"X\" is equipped with two minimal peptide bonds: The C terminus COOH becomes COCH, the N terminus NH becomes NHCH. For instance, alanine dipeptide is CHCONHCH(CH)CONHCH. Dipeptide A dipeptide is an organic compound derived from two amino acids. The amino acids can be the same or different. When different, two isomers of","Document [6](Title: Pseudoproline) sequences. Pseudoproline dipeptides have proven particularly effective in the synthesis of intractable peptides, long peptides\/small proteins, and cyclic peptides, enabling in many cases the production of peptides that otherwise could not be made. These dipeptides are extremely easy to use: simply substitute a serine or threonine residue together with the preceding amino acid residue in the peptide sequence with the appropriate pseudoproline dipeptide (see the figure on your right). The native sequence is regenerated on cleavage and deprotection. In recent years, several peptides, such as T-20 (also called DP178), Eptifibatide, Ziconotide, Pramlintide, Exenatide, and Bivalirudin, have been approved by the","Document [7](Title: Diphenylketene) is also evident in the formation of three dimers: and oligomers produced therefrom. Ketenes (of the general formula RRC=C=O) have many parallels to isocyanates (of the general formula R-N=C=O) in their constitution as well as in their reactivity. Diphenyl ketene reacts with water in an addition reaction to form diphenylacetic acid, with ethanol to diphenyl acetic ethyl ester or with ammonia to the corresponding amide. Carboxylic acids produce mixed anhydrides of diphenylacetic acid, which can be used to activate protected amino acids for peptide linkage. The protected dipeptide Z-Leu-Phe-OEt (N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-leucyl-L-phenylalanine ethyl ester) is thus obtained in 59% yield via the","Document [8](Title: Acetic formic anhydride) was in the synthesis of Quazodine (). Acetic formic anhydride Acetic formic anhydride is an organic compound with the chemical formula and a structural formula of -(C=O)-O-(C=O)H. It can be viewed as the mixed anhydride of acetic acid and formic acid. Acetic formic anhydride can be produced by reacting sodium formate with acetyl chloride in anhydrous diethyl ether between 23\u201327 \u00b0C. It can be prepared by aceticanhydride and formic acid at 0 oC Acetic formic anhydride is a formylation agent for amines, amino acids, and alcohols. It is also a starting material for other compounds such as formyl fluoride. An","Document [9](Title: Eschenmoser sulfide contraction) B\", cocaine,\"diplodialide A\" and \"isoretronecanol\" An example of general synthetic utility is the synthesis of novel carbapenems Eschenmoser sulfide contraction The Eschenmoser sulfide contraction is an organic reaction first described by Albert Eschenmoser for the synthesis of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds from a thioester. The method requires a base and a tertiary phosphine. The method is of some relevance to organic chemistry and has been notably applied in the vitamin B total synthesis. A base abstracts the labile hydrogen atom in the thioester, a sulfide anion is formed through an episulfide intermediate which is removed by the phosphine. The Eschenmoser sulfide contraction","Document [10](Title: Acetic formic anhydride) Acetic formic anhydride Acetic formic anhydride is an organic compound with the chemical formula and a structural formula of -(C=O)-O-(C=O)H. It can be viewed as the mixed anhydride of acetic acid and formic acid. Acetic formic anhydride can be produced by reacting sodium formate with acetyl chloride in anhydrous diethyl ether between 23\u201327 \u00b0C. It can be prepared by aceticanhydride and formic acid at 0 oC Acetic formic anhydride is a formylation agent for amines, amino acids, and alcohols. It is also a starting material for other compounds such as formyl fluoride. An example of Acetic formic anhydride being used","Document [11](Title: Self-assembling peptide) specifically to the peptide and emits blue fluorescence when excited. The simplest peptide building blocks are dipeptides. Nanotubes formed from dipeptides are the widest amongst peptide nanotubes. An example of a dipeptide that has been studied is such a peptide is one from the diphenylalanine motif of the Alzheimer\u2019s \u03b2-amyloid peptide. Dipeptides have also been shown to self assemble into hydrogels, another form of nanostructures, when connected to the protecting group, Fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl chloride. Experiments focusing on the dipeptide Fmoc-diphenylalaine have been conducted that have explored the mechanism in which Fmoc-diphenylalanine self assembles into hydrogels via \u03c0-\u03c0 interlocked \u03b2-sheets. Phenylalanine has","Document [12](Title: Pseudoproline) dipeptides. These derivatives disrupt the interactions among chains that are usually the cause of poor coupling yields in aggregated sequences. A large arsenal of chemical tools is now available for the synthesis of almost all peptides up to 40 amino acid residues. However, several small-size peptides and many large peptides and\/or proteins are still unavailable by classical methods. Recently, an efficient stepwise solid-phase synthesis of RANTES (24-91) was published. RANTES is a major HIV-suppressive factor produced by CD8+ T Cells. The serine protease CD26\/dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (CD26\/DPP IV) induces a NH2-terminal truncation from RANTES (1-91) to RANTES(24-91), which inhibits the infection","Document [13](Title: Koenigs\u2013Knorr reaction) C2 that lends anchimeric assistance, resulting in the formation of a 1,2-trans stereochemical arrangement. Esters (e.g. acetyl, benzoyl, pivalyl) generally provide good anchimeric assistance, whereas ethers (e.g. benzyl, methyl etc.) do not, leading to mixtures of stereoisomers. In the first step of the mechanism, the glycosyl bromide reacts with silver carbonate upon elimination of silver bromide and the silver carbonate anion to the oxocarbenium ion. From this structure a dioxolaniumnium is formed, which is attacked by methanol via an SN mechanism at the carbonyl carbon atom. This attack leads to the inversion. After cleavage of a hydrogen atom, the glycoside","Document [14](Title: Formic anhydride) can be isolated by low-temperature, low-pressure distillation, but decomposes on heating above room temperature. It decomposes into formic acid and carbon monoxide. The decomposition of formic anhydride may be catalyzed by formic acid. Formic anhydride can be detected in the gas-phase reaction of ozone with ethylene. The molecule is planar in the gas phase. Formic anhydride Formic anhydride, also called methanoic anhydride, is an organic compound with the chemical formula and a structural formula of (H(C=O)\u2212)O. It can be viewed as the anhydride of formic acid (HCOOH). Formic anhydride can be obtained by reaction of formyl fluoride with sodium formate","Document [15](Title: Leuckart reaction) Leuckart (1854\u20131899). He discovered that heating benzaldehyde with formamide does not produce benzylidenediformamide as anticipated, but benzylamine. In 1891, a colleague of Leuckart at the University of G\u00f6ttingen, Otto Wallach, performed further reactions using alicyclic and terpenoid ketones as well as aldehydes, demonstrating the general application. Over the course of the past century, chemists have discovered several methods to improve the yield of the reaction and carry it out under less strenuous conditions. Pollard and Young summarized various ways in which amines can be formed: using either formamide or ammonium formate, or both, or adding formic acid to formamide. However,","Document [16](Title: Retosiban) these are formed by cyclising the corresponding linear dipeptide. In the short and highly stereoselective synthesis of Retosiban 8 the linear peptide 5 is formed by the four-component Ugi reaction of the carboxybenzyl (Cbz) protected R-indanylglycine 1, D-alloisoleucine methyl ester hydrochloride 2, 2-methyloxazole-4-carboxaldehyde 3 and 2-benzyloxyphenylisonitrile 4. Hydrogenation to remove the Cbz and benzyl protecting groups, enabled cyclization of the linear peptide 5 to occur to give the phenolic cyclic dipeptide 6. Hydrolysis of the phenolic amide, by reaction with carbonyl diimidazole (CDI), followed addition of aqueous hydrochloric acid gave the acid 7 which was converted to the amide Retosiban","Document [17](Title: Pseudoproline) choice strongly depends on the nature of the pseudoproline as welI as on the substituents at C2 of the cyclic system. Pseudoproline a powerful tool for improving the quality of synthetic peptides. Pseudoproline dipeptides have greatly increased the success rate for synthesizing both long and difficult peptides. Pseudoproline dipeptides can be introduced in the same manner as other amino acid derivatives. The routine use of pseudoproline (oxazolidine) dipeptides in the FMOC solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) of serine- and threonine-containing peptides leads to remarkable improvements in quality and yield of crude products and helps avoid unnecessary repeat synthesis of failed","Document [18](Title: Acyl halide) reactions with similar reagents; however, some specialty reactions are also available to produce these compounds. For example, chloroformylation, a specific type of Friedel-Crafts acylation which uses formaldehyde as a reagent, or by the direct chlorination of benzaldehyde derivatives. Acyl halides are rather reactive compounds often synthesized to be used as intermediates in the synthesis of other organic compounds. For example, an acyl halide can react with: In the above reactions, HX (hydrogen halide or hydrohalic acid) is also formed. For example, if the acyl halide is an acyl chloride, HCl (hydrogen chloride or hydrochloric acid) is also formed. A molecule","Document [19](Title: Leuckart reaction) Leuckart reaction The Leuckart reaction is the chemical reaction that converts aldehydes or ketones to amines by reductive amination in the presence of heat. The reaction, named after Rudolf Leuckart, proceeds via two mechanisms: one using ammonium formate and the other using formamide as the reducing agent. It requires high temperatures, usually between 120 and 130 \u00b0C, although under the presence of formamide, the temperature can be greater than 165 \u00b0C. The reaction works best using ammonium formate and the general reaction can be seen below. The Leuckart reaction is named in honor of its developer, the German chemist Rudolf","Document [20](Title: Diphenylphosphoryl azide) group to the carboxylic acid. It is now suggested that this reaction proceeds through the intermediate mixed anhydride, resulting from attack by the nucleophilic carboxylate anion on the phosphorus atom, with expulsion of the azide ion. The latter then attacks the carbonyl carbon atom, to give the acyl azide and loss of the diphenylphosphate anion, known to be a good leaving group. Finally, the acyl azide reacts in the normal manner to give the urethane. Studies show that DPPA reacts with amines giving the corresponding phosphoramidates; it therefore appears that formation of the amide similarly involves the intermediate anhydride, followed"],"query":"what type of reaction occurs to form a dipeptide?","answers":["peptide bond"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Dipeptide) Dipeptide A dipeptide is an organic compound derived from two amino acids. The amino acids can be the same or different. When different, two isomers of the dipeptide are possible, depending on the sequence. Similar descriptions apply to tripeptide (three amino acid residues, two peptide bonds), tetrapeptide, and so on; longer chains are called oligopeptide, polypeptide, protein. Dipeptides are produced by coupling amino acids. The amino group on one amino acid is rendered non-nucleophilic (P in eq) and the carboxylic acid group in the second amino acid is deactivated as its methyl ester. The two modified amino acids are then","Document [2](Title: 2,5-Diketopiperazine) dipeptides can be formed by coupling two amino acids together by the many methods of peptide synthesis or by using the Ugi reaction of an isonitrile, amino acid, aldehyde and amine, followed by deprotection. Dipeptides substituted with an amine at one terminus and an ester at the other 1 can spontaneously cyclize to form a 2,5-diketopiperazine at a range of pHs. However, careful selection of reaction conditions is required to limit racemization. This has been achieved in a general, efficient, and environmentally benign solution-phase synthesis of 2,5-diketopiperazines using microwave-assisted heating in water, which in contrast to other published methods is","Document [3](Title: Combinatorial chemistry) 9 dipeptides are formed. In a third and fourth cycles 27 tripeptides and 81 tetrapeptides would form, respectively. The \"split-mix synthesis\" has several outstanding features: In 1990 three groups described methods for preparing peptide libraries by biological methods and one year later Fodor et al. published a remarkable method for synthesis of peptide arrays on small glass slides. A \"parallel synthesis\" method was developed by Mario Geysen and his colleagues for preparation of peptide arrays. They synthesized 96 peptides on plastic rods (pins) coated at their ends with the solid support. The pins were immersed into the solution of reagents","Document [4](Title: Dipeptide) Dietary proteins are digested to dipeptides and amino acids, and the dipeptides are absorbed more rapidly than the amino acids, because their uptake involves a separate mechanism. Dipeptides activate G-cells found in the stomach to secrete gastrin. In this usage, \"X dipeptide\" is taken literally: One amino acid \"X\" is equipped with two minimal peptide bonds: The C terminus COOH becomes COCH, the N terminus NH becomes NHCH. For instance, alanine dipeptide is CHCONHCH(CH)CONHCH. Dipeptide A dipeptide is an organic compound derived from two amino acids. The amino acids can be the same or different. When different, two isomers of","Document [5](Title: Dipeptide) A dipeptide is a sometimes ambiguous designation of two classes of organic compounds: Its molecules contain either two amino acids joined by a single peptide bond or one amino acid with two peptide bonds.","Document [6](Title: Pseudoproline) sequences. Pseudoproline dipeptides have proven particularly effective in the synthesis of intractable peptides, long peptides\/small proteins, and cyclic peptides, enabling in many cases the production of peptides that otherwise could not be made. These dipeptides are extremely easy to use: simply substitute a serine or threonine residue together with the preceding amino acid residue in the peptide sequence with the appropriate pseudoproline dipeptide (see the figure on your right). The native sequence is regenerated on cleavage and deprotection. In recent years, several peptides, such as T-20 (also called DP178), Eptifibatide, Ziconotide, Pramlintide, Exenatide, and Bivalirudin, have been approved by the","Document [7](Title: Diphenylketene) is also evident in the formation of three dimers: and oligomers produced therefrom. Ketenes (of the general formula RRC=C=O) have many parallels to isocyanates (of the general formula R-N=C=O) in their constitution as well as in their reactivity. Diphenyl ketene reacts with water in an addition reaction to form diphenylacetic acid, with ethanol to diphenyl acetic ethyl ester or with ammonia to the corresponding amide. Carboxylic acids produce mixed anhydrides of diphenylacetic acid, which can be used to activate protected amino acids for peptide linkage. The protected dipeptide Z-Leu-Phe-OEt (N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-leucyl-L-phenylalanine ethyl ester) is thus obtained in 59% yield via the","Document [8](Title: Acetic formic anhydride) was in the synthesis of Quazodine (). Acetic formic anhydride Acetic formic anhydride is an organic compound with the chemical formula and a structural formula of -(C=O)-O-(C=O)H. It can be viewed as the mixed anhydride of acetic acid and formic acid. Acetic formic anhydride can be produced by reacting sodium formate with acetyl chloride in anhydrous diethyl ether between 23\u201327 \u00b0C. It can be prepared by aceticanhydride and formic acid at 0 oC Acetic formic anhydride is a formylation agent for amines, amino acids, and alcohols. It is also a starting material for other compounds such as formyl fluoride. An","Document [9](Title: Eschenmoser sulfide contraction) B\", cocaine,\"diplodialide A\" and \"isoretronecanol\" An example of general synthetic utility is the synthesis of novel carbapenems Eschenmoser sulfide contraction The Eschenmoser sulfide contraction is an organic reaction first described by Albert Eschenmoser for the synthesis of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds from a thioester. The method requires a base and a tertiary phosphine. The method is of some relevance to organic chemistry and has been notably applied in the vitamin B total synthesis. A base abstracts the labile hydrogen atom in the thioester, a sulfide anion is formed through an episulfide intermediate which is removed by the phosphine. The Eschenmoser sulfide contraction","Document [10](Title: Acetic formic anhydride) Acetic formic anhydride Acetic formic anhydride is an organic compound with the chemical formula and a structural formula of -(C=O)-O-(C=O)H. It can be viewed as the mixed anhydride of acetic acid and formic acid. Acetic formic anhydride can be produced by reacting sodium formate with acetyl chloride in anhydrous diethyl ether between 23\u201327 \u00b0C. It can be prepared by aceticanhydride and formic acid at 0 oC Acetic formic anhydride is a formylation agent for amines, amino acids, and alcohols. It is also a starting material for other compounds such as formyl fluoride. An example of Acetic formic anhydride being used","Document [11](Title: Self-assembling peptide) specifically to the peptide and emits blue fluorescence when excited. The simplest peptide building blocks are dipeptides. Nanotubes formed from dipeptides are the widest amongst peptide nanotubes. An example of a dipeptide that has been studied is such a peptide is one from the diphenylalanine motif of the Alzheimer\u2019s \u03b2-amyloid peptide. Dipeptides have also been shown to self assemble into hydrogels, another form of nanostructures, when connected to the protecting group, Fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl chloride. Experiments focusing on the dipeptide Fmoc-diphenylalaine have been conducted that have explored the mechanism in which Fmoc-diphenylalanine self assembles into hydrogels via \u03c0-\u03c0 interlocked \u03b2-sheets. Phenylalanine has","Document [12](Title: Pseudoproline) dipeptides. These derivatives disrupt the interactions among chains that are usually the cause of poor coupling yields in aggregated sequences. A large arsenal of chemical tools is now available for the synthesis of almost all peptides up to 40 amino acid residues. However, several small-size peptides and many large peptides and\/or proteins are still unavailable by classical methods. Recently, an efficient stepwise solid-phase synthesis of RANTES (24-91) was published. RANTES is a major HIV-suppressive factor produced by CD8+ T Cells. The serine protease CD26\/dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (CD26\/DPP IV) induces a NH2-terminal truncation from RANTES (1-91) to RANTES(24-91), which inhibits the infection","Document [13](Title: Koenigs\u2013Knorr reaction) C2 that lends anchimeric assistance, resulting in the formation of a 1,2-trans stereochemical arrangement. Esters (e.g. acetyl, benzoyl, pivalyl) generally provide good anchimeric assistance, whereas ethers (e.g. benzyl, methyl etc.) do not, leading to mixtures of stereoisomers. In the first step of the mechanism, the glycosyl bromide reacts with silver carbonate upon elimination of silver bromide and the silver carbonate anion to the oxocarbenium ion. From this structure a dioxolaniumnium is formed, which is attacked by methanol via an SN mechanism at the carbonyl carbon atom. This attack leads to the inversion. After cleavage of a hydrogen atom, the glycoside","Document [14](Title: Formic anhydride) can be isolated by low-temperature, low-pressure distillation, but decomposes on heating above room temperature. It decomposes into formic acid and carbon monoxide. The decomposition of formic anhydride may be catalyzed by formic acid. Formic anhydride can be detected in the gas-phase reaction of ozone with ethylene. The molecule is planar in the gas phase. Formic anhydride Formic anhydride, also called methanoic anhydride, is an organic compound with the chemical formula and a structural formula of (H(C=O)\u2212)O. It can be viewed as the anhydride of formic acid (HCOOH). Formic anhydride can be obtained by reaction of formyl fluoride with sodium formate","Document [15](Title: Leuckart reaction) Leuckart (1854\u20131899). He discovered that heating benzaldehyde with formamide does not produce benzylidenediformamide as anticipated, but benzylamine. In 1891, a colleague of Leuckart at the University of G\u00f6ttingen, Otto Wallach, performed further reactions using alicyclic and terpenoid ketones as well as aldehydes, demonstrating the general application. Over the course of the past century, chemists have discovered several methods to improve the yield of the reaction and carry it out under less strenuous conditions. Pollard and Young summarized various ways in which amines can be formed: using either formamide or ammonium formate, or both, or adding formic acid to formamide. However,","Document [16](Title: Retosiban) these are formed by cyclising the corresponding linear dipeptide. In the short and highly stereoselective synthesis of Retosiban 8 the linear peptide 5 is formed by the four-component Ugi reaction of the carboxybenzyl (Cbz) protected R-indanylglycine 1, D-alloisoleucine methyl ester hydrochloride 2, 2-methyloxazole-4-carboxaldehyde 3 and 2-benzyloxyphenylisonitrile 4. Hydrogenation to remove the Cbz and benzyl protecting groups, enabled cyclization of the linear peptide 5 to occur to give the phenolic cyclic dipeptide 6. Hydrolysis of the phenolic amide, by reaction with carbonyl diimidazole (CDI), followed addition of aqueous hydrochloric acid gave the acid 7 which was converted to the amide Retosiban","Document [17](Title: Pseudoproline) choice strongly depends on the nature of the pseudoproline as welI as on the substituents at C2 of the cyclic system. Pseudoproline a powerful tool for improving the quality of synthetic peptides. Pseudoproline dipeptides have greatly increased the success rate for synthesizing both long and difficult peptides. Pseudoproline dipeptides can be introduced in the same manner as other amino acid derivatives. The routine use of pseudoproline (oxazolidine) dipeptides in the FMOC solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) of serine- and threonine-containing peptides leads to remarkable improvements in quality and yield of crude products and helps avoid unnecessary repeat synthesis of failed","Document [18](Title: Acyl halide) reactions with similar reagents; however, some specialty reactions are also available to produce these compounds. For example, chloroformylation, a specific type of Friedel-Crafts acylation which uses formaldehyde as a reagent, or by the direct chlorination of benzaldehyde derivatives. Acyl halides are rather reactive compounds often synthesized to be used as intermediates in the synthesis of other organic compounds. For example, an acyl halide can react with: In the above reactions, HX (hydrogen halide or hydrohalic acid) is also formed. For example, if the acyl halide is an acyl chloride, HCl (hydrogen chloride or hydrochloric acid) is also formed. A molecule","Document [19](Title: Leuckart reaction) Leuckart reaction The Leuckart reaction is the chemical reaction that converts aldehydes or ketones to amines by reductive amination in the presence of heat. The reaction, named after Rudolf Leuckart, proceeds via two mechanisms: one using ammonium formate and the other using formamide as the reducing agent. It requires high temperatures, usually between 120 and 130 \u00b0C, although under the presence of formamide, the temperature can be greater than 165 \u00b0C. The reaction works best using ammonium formate and the general reaction can be seen below. The Leuckart reaction is named in honor of its developer, the German chemist Rudolf","Document [20](Title: Diphenylphosphoryl azide) group to the carboxylic acid. It is now suggested that this reaction proceeds through the intermediate mixed anhydride, resulting from attack by the nucleophilic carboxylate anion on the phosphorus atom, with expulsion of the azide ion. The latter then attacks the carbonyl carbon atom, to give the acyl azide and loss of the diphenylphosphate anion, known to be a good leaving group. Finally, the acyl azide reacts in the normal manner to give the urethane. Studies show that DPPA reacts with amines giving the corresponding phosphoramidates; it therefore appears that formation of the amide similarly involves the intermediate anhydride, followed"],"query":"what type of reaction occurs to form a dipeptide?","answers":["peptide bond"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Dipeptide) Dipeptide A dipeptide is an organic compound derived from two amino acids. The amino acids can be the same or different. When different, two isomers of the dipeptide are possible, depending on the sequence. Similar descriptions apply to tripeptide (three amino acid residues, two peptide bonds), tetrapeptide, and so on; longer chains are called oligopeptide, polypeptide, protein. Dipeptides are produced by coupling amino acids. The amino group on one amino acid is rendered non-nucleophilic (P in eq) and the carboxylic acid group in the second amino acid is deactivated as its methyl ester. The two modified amino acids are then","Document [2](Title: 2,5-Diketopiperazine) dipeptides can be formed by coupling two amino acids together by the many methods of peptide synthesis or by using the Ugi reaction of an isonitrile, amino acid, aldehyde and amine, followed by deprotection. Dipeptides substituted with an amine at one terminus and an ester at the other 1 can spontaneously cyclize to form a 2,5-diketopiperazine at a range of pHs. However, careful selection of reaction conditions is required to limit racemization. This has been achieved in a general, efficient, and environmentally benign solution-phase synthesis of 2,5-diketopiperazines using microwave-assisted heating in water, which in contrast to other published methods is","Document [3](Title: Combinatorial chemistry) 9 dipeptides are formed. In a third and fourth cycles 27 tripeptides and 81 tetrapeptides would form, respectively. The \"split-mix synthesis\" has several outstanding features: In 1990 three groups described methods for preparing peptide libraries by biological methods and one year later Fodor et al. published a remarkable method for synthesis of peptide arrays on small glass slides. A \"parallel synthesis\" method was developed by Mario Geysen and his colleagues for preparation of peptide arrays. They synthesized 96 peptides on plastic rods (pins) coated at their ends with the solid support. The pins were immersed into the solution of reagents","Document [4](Title: Dipeptide) Dietary proteins are digested to dipeptides and amino acids, and the dipeptides are absorbed more rapidly than the amino acids, because their uptake involves a separate mechanism. Dipeptides activate G-cells found in the stomach to secrete gastrin. In this usage, \"X dipeptide\" is taken literally: One amino acid \"X\" is equipped with two minimal peptide bonds: The C terminus COOH becomes COCH, the N terminus NH becomes NHCH. For instance, alanine dipeptide is CHCONHCH(CH)CONHCH. Dipeptide A dipeptide is an organic compound derived from two amino acids. The amino acids can be the same or different. When different, two isomers of","Document [5](Title: Pseudoproline) sequences. Pseudoproline dipeptides have proven particularly effective in the synthesis of intractable peptides, long peptides\/small proteins, and cyclic peptides, enabling in many cases the production of peptides that otherwise could not be made. These dipeptides are extremely easy to use: simply substitute a serine or threonine residue together with the preceding amino acid residue in the peptide sequence with the appropriate pseudoproline dipeptide (see the figure on your right). The native sequence is regenerated on cleavage and deprotection. In recent years, several peptides, such as T-20 (also called DP178), Eptifibatide, Ziconotide, Pramlintide, Exenatide, and Bivalirudin, have been approved by the","Document [6](Title: Diphenylketene) is also evident in the formation of three dimers: and oligomers produced therefrom. Ketenes (of the general formula RRC=C=O) have many parallels to isocyanates (of the general formula R-N=C=O) in their constitution as well as in their reactivity. Diphenyl ketene reacts with water in an addition reaction to form diphenylacetic acid, with ethanol to diphenyl acetic ethyl ester or with ammonia to the corresponding amide. Carboxylic acids produce mixed anhydrides of diphenylacetic acid, which can be used to activate protected amino acids for peptide linkage. The protected dipeptide Z-Leu-Phe-OEt (N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-leucyl-L-phenylalanine ethyl ester) is thus obtained in 59% yield via the","Document [7](Title: Acetic formic anhydride) was in the synthesis of Quazodine (). Acetic formic anhydride Acetic formic anhydride is an organic compound with the chemical formula and a structural formula of -(C=O)-O-(C=O)H. It can be viewed as the mixed anhydride of acetic acid and formic acid. Acetic formic anhydride can be produced by reacting sodium formate with acetyl chloride in anhydrous diethyl ether between 23\u201327 \u00b0C. It can be prepared by aceticanhydride and formic acid at 0 oC Acetic formic anhydride is a formylation agent for amines, amino acids, and alcohols. It is also a starting material for other compounds such as formyl fluoride. An","Document [8](Title: Eschenmoser sulfide contraction) B\", cocaine,\"diplodialide A\" and \"isoretronecanol\" An example of general synthetic utility is the synthesis of novel carbapenems Eschenmoser sulfide contraction The Eschenmoser sulfide contraction is an organic reaction first described by Albert Eschenmoser for the synthesis of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds from a thioester. The method requires a base and a tertiary phosphine. The method is of some relevance to organic chemistry and has been notably applied in the vitamin B total synthesis. A base abstracts the labile hydrogen atom in the thioester, a sulfide anion is formed through an episulfide intermediate which is removed by the phosphine. The Eschenmoser sulfide contraction","Document [9](Title: Acetic formic anhydride) Acetic formic anhydride Acetic formic anhydride is an organic compound with the chemical formula and a structural formula of -(C=O)-O-(C=O)H. It can be viewed as the mixed anhydride of acetic acid and formic acid. Acetic formic anhydride can be produced by reacting sodium formate with acetyl chloride in anhydrous diethyl ether between 23\u201327 \u00b0C. It can be prepared by aceticanhydride and formic acid at 0 oC Acetic formic anhydride is a formylation agent for amines, amino acids, and alcohols. It is also a starting material for other compounds such as formyl fluoride. An example of Acetic formic anhydride being used","Document [10](Title: Dipeptide) A dipeptide is a sometimes ambiguous designation of two classes of organic compounds: Its molecules contain either two amino acids joined by a single peptide bond or one amino acid with two peptide bonds.","Document [11](Title: Self-assembling peptide) specifically to the peptide and emits blue fluorescence when excited. The simplest peptide building blocks are dipeptides. Nanotubes formed from dipeptides are the widest amongst peptide nanotubes. An example of a dipeptide that has been studied is such a peptide is one from the diphenylalanine motif of the Alzheimer\u2019s \u03b2-amyloid peptide. Dipeptides have also been shown to self assemble into hydrogels, another form of nanostructures, when connected to the protecting group, Fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl chloride. Experiments focusing on the dipeptide Fmoc-diphenylalaine have been conducted that have explored the mechanism in which Fmoc-diphenylalanine self assembles into hydrogels via \u03c0-\u03c0 interlocked \u03b2-sheets. Phenylalanine has","Document [12](Title: Pseudoproline) dipeptides. These derivatives disrupt the interactions among chains that are usually the cause of poor coupling yields in aggregated sequences. A large arsenal of chemical tools is now available for the synthesis of almost all peptides up to 40 amino acid residues. However, several small-size peptides and many large peptides and\/or proteins are still unavailable by classical methods. Recently, an efficient stepwise solid-phase synthesis of RANTES (24-91) was published. RANTES is a major HIV-suppressive factor produced by CD8+ T Cells. The serine protease CD26\/dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (CD26\/DPP IV) induces a NH2-terminal truncation from RANTES (1-91) to RANTES(24-91), which inhibits the infection","Document [13](Title: Koenigs\u2013Knorr reaction) C2 that lends anchimeric assistance, resulting in the formation of a 1,2-trans stereochemical arrangement. Esters (e.g. acetyl, benzoyl, pivalyl) generally provide good anchimeric assistance, whereas ethers (e.g. benzyl, methyl etc.) do not, leading to mixtures of stereoisomers. In the first step of the mechanism, the glycosyl bromide reacts with silver carbonate upon elimination of silver bromide and the silver carbonate anion to the oxocarbenium ion. From this structure a dioxolaniumnium is formed, which is attacked by methanol via an SN mechanism at the carbonyl carbon atom. This attack leads to the inversion. After cleavage of a hydrogen atom, the glycoside","Document [14](Title: Formic anhydride) can be isolated by low-temperature, low-pressure distillation, but decomposes on heating above room temperature. It decomposes into formic acid and carbon monoxide. The decomposition of formic anhydride may be catalyzed by formic acid. Formic anhydride can be detected in the gas-phase reaction of ozone with ethylene. The molecule is planar in the gas phase. Formic anhydride Formic anhydride, also called methanoic anhydride, is an organic compound with the chemical formula and a structural formula of (H(C=O)\u2212)O. It can be viewed as the anhydride of formic acid (HCOOH). Formic anhydride can be obtained by reaction of formyl fluoride with sodium formate","Document [15](Title: Leuckart reaction) Leuckart (1854\u20131899). He discovered that heating benzaldehyde with formamide does not produce benzylidenediformamide as anticipated, but benzylamine. In 1891, a colleague of Leuckart at the University of G\u00f6ttingen, Otto Wallach, performed further reactions using alicyclic and terpenoid ketones as well as aldehydes, demonstrating the general application. Over the course of the past century, chemists have discovered several methods to improve the yield of the reaction and carry it out under less strenuous conditions. Pollard and Young summarized various ways in which amines can be formed: using either formamide or ammonium formate, or both, or adding formic acid to formamide. However,","Document [16](Title: Retosiban) these are formed by cyclising the corresponding linear dipeptide. In the short and highly stereoselective synthesis of Retosiban 8 the linear peptide 5 is formed by the four-component Ugi reaction of the carboxybenzyl (Cbz) protected R-indanylglycine 1, D-alloisoleucine methyl ester hydrochloride 2, 2-methyloxazole-4-carboxaldehyde 3 and 2-benzyloxyphenylisonitrile 4. Hydrogenation to remove the Cbz and benzyl protecting groups, enabled cyclization of the linear peptide 5 to occur to give the phenolic cyclic dipeptide 6. Hydrolysis of the phenolic amide, by reaction with carbonyl diimidazole (CDI), followed addition of aqueous hydrochloric acid gave the acid 7 which was converted to the amide Retosiban","Document [17](Title: Pseudoproline) choice strongly depends on the nature of the pseudoproline as welI as on the substituents at C2 of the cyclic system. Pseudoproline a powerful tool for improving the quality of synthetic peptides. Pseudoproline dipeptides have greatly increased the success rate for synthesizing both long and difficult peptides. Pseudoproline dipeptides can be introduced in the same manner as other amino acid derivatives. The routine use of pseudoproline (oxazolidine) dipeptides in the FMOC solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) of serine- and threonine-containing peptides leads to remarkable improvements in quality and yield of crude products and helps avoid unnecessary repeat synthesis of failed","Document [18](Title: Acyl halide) reactions with similar reagents; however, some specialty reactions are also available to produce these compounds. For example, chloroformylation, a specific type of Friedel-Crafts acylation which uses formaldehyde as a reagent, or by the direct chlorination of benzaldehyde derivatives. Acyl halides are rather reactive compounds often synthesized to be used as intermediates in the synthesis of other organic compounds. For example, an acyl halide can react with: In the above reactions, HX (hydrogen halide or hydrohalic acid) is also formed. For example, if the acyl halide is an acyl chloride, HCl (hydrogen chloride or hydrochloric acid) is also formed. A molecule","Document [19](Title: Leuckart reaction) Leuckart reaction The Leuckart reaction is the chemical reaction that converts aldehydes or ketones to amines by reductive amination in the presence of heat. The reaction, named after Rudolf Leuckart, proceeds via two mechanisms: one using ammonium formate and the other using formamide as the reducing agent. It requires high temperatures, usually between 120 and 130 \u00b0C, although under the presence of formamide, the temperature can be greater than 165 \u00b0C. The reaction works best using ammonium formate and the general reaction can be seen below. The Leuckart reaction is named in honor of its developer, the German chemist Rudolf","Document [20](Title: Diphenylphosphoryl azide) group to the carboxylic acid. It is now suggested that this reaction proceeds through the intermediate mixed anhydride, resulting from attack by the nucleophilic carboxylate anion on the phosphorus atom, with expulsion of the azide ion. The latter then attacks the carbonyl carbon atom, to give the acyl azide and loss of the diphenylphosphate anion, known to be a good leaving group. Finally, the acyl azide reacts in the normal manner to give the urethane. Studies show that DPPA reacts with amines giving the corresponding phosphoramidates; it therefore appears that formation of the amide similarly involves the intermediate anhydride, followed"],"query":"what type of reaction occurs to form a dipeptide?","answers":["peptide bond"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Dipeptide) Dipeptide A dipeptide is an organic compound derived from two amino acids. The amino acids can be the same or different. When different, two isomers of the dipeptide are possible, depending on the sequence. Similar descriptions apply to tripeptide (three amino acid residues, two peptide bonds), tetrapeptide, and so on; longer chains are called oligopeptide, polypeptide, protein. Dipeptides are produced by coupling amino acids. The amino group on one amino acid is rendered non-nucleophilic (P in eq) and the carboxylic acid group in the second amino acid is deactivated as its methyl ester. The two modified amino acids are then","Document [2](Title: 2,5-Diketopiperazine) dipeptides can be formed by coupling two amino acids together by the many methods of peptide synthesis or by using the Ugi reaction of an isonitrile, amino acid, aldehyde and amine, followed by deprotection. Dipeptides substituted with an amine at one terminus and an ester at the other 1 can spontaneously cyclize to form a 2,5-diketopiperazine at a range of pHs. However, careful selection of reaction conditions is required to limit racemization. This has been achieved in a general, efficient, and environmentally benign solution-phase synthesis of 2,5-diketopiperazines using microwave-assisted heating in water, which in contrast to other published methods is","Document [3](Title: Combinatorial chemistry) 9 dipeptides are formed. In a third and fourth cycles 27 tripeptides and 81 tetrapeptides would form, respectively. The \"split-mix synthesis\" has several outstanding features: In 1990 three groups described methods for preparing peptide libraries by biological methods and one year later Fodor et al. published a remarkable method for synthesis of peptide arrays on small glass slides. A \"parallel synthesis\" method was developed by Mario Geysen and his colleagues for preparation of peptide arrays. They synthesized 96 peptides on plastic rods (pins) coated at their ends with the solid support. The pins were immersed into the solution of reagents","Document [4](Title: Dipeptide) Dietary proteins are digested to dipeptides and amino acids, and the dipeptides are absorbed more rapidly than the amino acids, because their uptake involves a separate mechanism. Dipeptides activate G-cells found in the stomach to secrete gastrin. In this usage, \"X dipeptide\" is taken literally: One amino acid \"X\" is equipped with two minimal peptide bonds: The C terminus COOH becomes COCH, the N terminus NH becomes NHCH. For instance, alanine dipeptide is CHCONHCH(CH)CONHCH. Dipeptide A dipeptide is an organic compound derived from two amino acids. The amino acids can be the same or different. When different, two isomers of","Document [5](Title: Pseudoproline) sequences. Pseudoproline dipeptides have proven particularly effective in the synthesis of intractable peptides, long peptides\/small proteins, and cyclic peptides, enabling in many cases the production of peptides that otherwise could not be made. These dipeptides are extremely easy to use: simply substitute a serine or threonine residue together with the preceding amino acid residue in the peptide sequence with the appropriate pseudoproline dipeptide (see the figure on your right). The native sequence is regenerated on cleavage and deprotection. In recent years, several peptides, such as T-20 (also called DP178), Eptifibatide, Ziconotide, Pramlintide, Exenatide, and Bivalirudin, have been approved by the","Document [6](Title: Diphenylketene) is also evident in the formation of three dimers: and oligomers produced therefrom. Ketenes (of the general formula RRC=C=O) have many parallels to isocyanates (of the general formula R-N=C=O) in their constitution as well as in their reactivity. Diphenyl ketene reacts with water in an addition reaction to form diphenylacetic acid, with ethanol to diphenyl acetic ethyl ester or with ammonia to the corresponding amide. Carboxylic acids produce mixed anhydrides of diphenylacetic acid, which can be used to activate protected amino acids for peptide linkage. The protected dipeptide Z-Leu-Phe-OEt (N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-leucyl-L-phenylalanine ethyl ester) is thus obtained in 59% yield via the","Document [7](Title: Acetic formic anhydride) was in the synthesis of Quazodine (). Acetic formic anhydride Acetic formic anhydride is an organic compound with the chemical formula and a structural formula of -(C=O)-O-(C=O)H. It can be viewed as the mixed anhydride of acetic acid and formic acid. Acetic formic anhydride can be produced by reacting sodium formate with acetyl chloride in anhydrous diethyl ether between 23\u201327 \u00b0C. It can be prepared by aceticanhydride and formic acid at 0 oC Acetic formic anhydride is a formylation agent for amines, amino acids, and alcohols. It is also a starting material for other compounds such as formyl fluoride. An","Document [8](Title: Eschenmoser sulfide contraction) B\", cocaine,\"diplodialide A\" and \"isoretronecanol\" An example of general synthetic utility is the synthesis of novel carbapenems Eschenmoser sulfide contraction The Eschenmoser sulfide contraction is an organic reaction first described by Albert Eschenmoser for the synthesis of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds from a thioester. The method requires a base and a tertiary phosphine. The method is of some relevance to organic chemistry and has been notably applied in the vitamin B total synthesis. A base abstracts the labile hydrogen atom in the thioester, a sulfide anion is formed through an episulfide intermediate which is removed by the phosphine. The Eschenmoser sulfide contraction","Document [9](Title: Acetic formic anhydride) Acetic formic anhydride Acetic formic anhydride is an organic compound with the chemical formula and a structural formula of -(C=O)-O-(C=O)H. It can be viewed as the mixed anhydride of acetic acid and formic acid. Acetic formic anhydride can be produced by reacting sodium formate with acetyl chloride in anhydrous diethyl ether between 23\u201327 \u00b0C. It can be prepared by aceticanhydride and formic acid at 0 oC Acetic formic anhydride is a formylation agent for amines, amino acids, and alcohols. It is also a starting material for other compounds such as formyl fluoride. An example of Acetic formic anhydride being used","Document [10](Title: Self-assembling peptide) specifically to the peptide and emits blue fluorescence when excited. The simplest peptide building blocks are dipeptides. Nanotubes formed from dipeptides are the widest amongst peptide nanotubes. An example of a dipeptide that has been studied is such a peptide is one from the diphenylalanine motif of the Alzheimer\u2019s \u03b2-amyloid peptide. Dipeptides have also been shown to self assemble into hydrogels, another form of nanostructures, when connected to the protecting group, Fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl chloride. Experiments focusing on the dipeptide Fmoc-diphenylalaine have been conducted that have explored the mechanism in which Fmoc-diphenylalanine self assembles into hydrogels via \u03c0-\u03c0 interlocked \u03b2-sheets. Phenylalanine has","Document [11](Title: Pseudoproline) dipeptides. These derivatives disrupt the interactions among chains that are usually the cause of poor coupling yields in aggregated sequences. A large arsenal of chemical tools is now available for the synthesis of almost all peptides up to 40 amino acid residues. However, several small-size peptides and many large peptides and\/or proteins are still unavailable by classical methods. Recently, an efficient stepwise solid-phase synthesis of RANTES (24-91) was published. RANTES is a major HIV-suppressive factor produced by CD8+ T Cells. The serine protease CD26\/dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (CD26\/DPP IV) induces a NH2-terminal truncation from RANTES (1-91) to RANTES(24-91), which inhibits the infection","Document [12](Title: Koenigs\u2013Knorr reaction) C2 that lends anchimeric assistance, resulting in the formation of a 1,2-trans stereochemical arrangement. Esters (e.g. acetyl, benzoyl, pivalyl) generally provide good anchimeric assistance, whereas ethers (e.g. benzyl, methyl etc.) do not, leading to mixtures of stereoisomers. In the first step of the mechanism, the glycosyl bromide reacts with silver carbonate upon elimination of silver bromide and the silver carbonate anion to the oxocarbenium ion. From this structure a dioxolaniumnium is formed, which is attacked by methanol via an SN mechanism at the carbonyl carbon atom. This attack leads to the inversion. After cleavage of a hydrogen atom, the glycoside","Document [13](Title: Formic anhydride) can be isolated by low-temperature, low-pressure distillation, but decomposes on heating above room temperature. It decomposes into formic acid and carbon monoxide. The decomposition of formic anhydride may be catalyzed by formic acid. Formic anhydride can be detected in the gas-phase reaction of ozone with ethylene. The molecule is planar in the gas phase. Formic anhydride Formic anhydride, also called methanoic anhydride, is an organic compound with the chemical formula and a structural formula of (H(C=O)\u2212)O. It can be viewed as the anhydride of formic acid (HCOOH). Formic anhydride can be obtained by reaction of formyl fluoride with sodium formate","Document [14](Title: Leuckart reaction) Leuckart (1854\u20131899). He discovered that heating benzaldehyde with formamide does not produce benzylidenediformamide as anticipated, but benzylamine. In 1891, a colleague of Leuckart at the University of G\u00f6ttingen, Otto Wallach, performed further reactions using alicyclic and terpenoid ketones as well as aldehydes, demonstrating the general application. Over the course of the past century, chemists have discovered several methods to improve the yield of the reaction and carry it out under less strenuous conditions. Pollard and Young summarized various ways in which amines can be formed: using either formamide or ammonium formate, or both, or adding formic acid to formamide. However,","Document [15](Title: Dipeptide) A dipeptide is a sometimes ambiguous designation of two classes of organic compounds: Its molecules contain either two amino acids joined by a single peptide bond or one amino acid with two peptide bonds.","Document [16](Title: Retosiban) these are formed by cyclising the corresponding linear dipeptide. In the short and highly stereoselective synthesis of Retosiban 8 the linear peptide 5 is formed by the four-component Ugi reaction of the carboxybenzyl (Cbz) protected R-indanylglycine 1, D-alloisoleucine methyl ester hydrochloride 2, 2-methyloxazole-4-carboxaldehyde 3 and 2-benzyloxyphenylisonitrile 4. Hydrogenation to remove the Cbz and benzyl protecting groups, enabled cyclization of the linear peptide 5 to occur to give the phenolic cyclic dipeptide 6. Hydrolysis of the phenolic amide, by reaction with carbonyl diimidazole (CDI), followed addition of aqueous hydrochloric acid gave the acid 7 which was converted to the amide Retosiban","Document [17](Title: Pseudoproline) choice strongly depends on the nature of the pseudoproline as welI as on the substituents at C2 of the cyclic system. Pseudoproline a powerful tool for improving the quality of synthetic peptides. Pseudoproline dipeptides have greatly increased the success rate for synthesizing both long and difficult peptides. Pseudoproline dipeptides can be introduced in the same manner as other amino acid derivatives. The routine use of pseudoproline (oxazolidine) dipeptides in the FMOC solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) of serine- and threonine-containing peptides leads to remarkable improvements in quality and yield of crude products and helps avoid unnecessary repeat synthesis of failed","Document [18](Title: Acyl halide) reactions with similar reagents; however, some specialty reactions are also available to produce these compounds. For example, chloroformylation, a specific type of Friedel-Crafts acylation which uses formaldehyde as a reagent, or by the direct chlorination of benzaldehyde derivatives. Acyl halides are rather reactive compounds often synthesized to be used as intermediates in the synthesis of other organic compounds. For example, an acyl halide can react with: In the above reactions, HX (hydrogen halide or hydrohalic acid) is also formed. For example, if the acyl halide is an acyl chloride, HCl (hydrogen chloride or hydrochloric acid) is also formed. A molecule","Document [19](Title: Leuckart reaction) Leuckart reaction The Leuckart reaction is the chemical reaction that converts aldehydes or ketones to amines by reductive amination in the presence of heat. The reaction, named after Rudolf Leuckart, proceeds via two mechanisms: one using ammonium formate and the other using formamide as the reducing agent. It requires high temperatures, usually between 120 and 130 \u00b0C, although under the presence of formamide, the temperature can be greater than 165 \u00b0C. The reaction works best using ammonium formate and the general reaction can be seen below. The Leuckart reaction is named in honor of its developer, the German chemist Rudolf","Document [20](Title: Diphenylphosphoryl azide) group to the carboxylic acid. It is now suggested that this reaction proceeds through the intermediate mixed anhydride, resulting from attack by the nucleophilic carboxylate anion on the phosphorus atom, with expulsion of the azide ion. The latter then attacks the carbonyl carbon atom, to give the acyl azide and loss of the diphenylphosphate anion, known to be a good leaving group. Finally, the acyl azide reacts in the normal manner to give the urethane. Studies show that DPPA reacts with amines giving the corresponding phosphoramidates; it therefore appears that formation of the amide similarly involves the intermediate anhydride, followed"],"query":"what type of reaction occurs to form a dipeptide?","answers":["peptide bond"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Dipeptide) Dipeptide A dipeptide is an organic compound derived from two amino acids. The amino acids can be the same or different. When different, two isomers of the dipeptide are possible, depending on the sequence. Similar descriptions apply to tripeptide (three amino acid residues, two peptide bonds), tetrapeptide, and so on; longer chains are called oligopeptide, polypeptide, protein. Dipeptides are produced by coupling amino acids. The amino group on one amino acid is rendered non-nucleophilic (P in eq) and the carboxylic acid group in the second amino acid is deactivated as its methyl ester. The two modified amino acids are then","Document [2](Title: 2,5-Diketopiperazine) dipeptides can be formed by coupling two amino acids together by the many methods of peptide synthesis or by using the Ugi reaction of an isonitrile, amino acid, aldehyde and amine, followed by deprotection. Dipeptides substituted with an amine at one terminus and an ester at the other 1 can spontaneously cyclize to form a 2,5-diketopiperazine at a range of pHs. However, careful selection of reaction conditions is required to limit racemization. This has been achieved in a general, efficient, and environmentally benign solution-phase synthesis of 2,5-diketopiperazines using microwave-assisted heating in water, which in contrast to other published methods is","Document [3](Title: Combinatorial chemistry) 9 dipeptides are formed. In a third and fourth cycles 27 tripeptides and 81 tetrapeptides would form, respectively. The \"split-mix synthesis\" has several outstanding features: In 1990 three groups described methods for preparing peptide libraries by biological methods and one year later Fodor et al. published a remarkable method for synthesis of peptide arrays on small glass slides. A \"parallel synthesis\" method was developed by Mario Geysen and his colleagues for preparation of peptide arrays. They synthesized 96 peptides on plastic rods (pins) coated at their ends with the solid support. The pins were immersed into the solution of reagents","Document [4](Title: Dipeptide) Dietary proteins are digested to dipeptides and amino acids, and the dipeptides are absorbed more rapidly than the amino acids, because their uptake involves a separate mechanism. Dipeptides activate G-cells found in the stomach to secrete gastrin. In this usage, \"X dipeptide\" is taken literally: One amino acid \"X\" is equipped with two minimal peptide bonds: The C terminus COOH becomes COCH, the N terminus NH becomes NHCH. For instance, alanine dipeptide is CHCONHCH(CH)CONHCH. Dipeptide A dipeptide is an organic compound derived from two amino acids. The amino acids can be the same or different. When different, two isomers of","Document [5](Title: Pseudoproline) sequences. Pseudoproline dipeptides have proven particularly effective in the synthesis of intractable peptides, long peptides\/small proteins, and cyclic peptides, enabling in many cases the production of peptides that otherwise could not be made. These dipeptides are extremely easy to use: simply substitute a serine or threonine residue together with the preceding amino acid residue in the peptide sequence with the appropriate pseudoproline dipeptide (see the figure on your right). The native sequence is regenerated on cleavage and deprotection. In recent years, several peptides, such as T-20 (also called DP178), Eptifibatide, Ziconotide, Pramlintide, Exenatide, and Bivalirudin, have been approved by the","Document [6](Title: Diphenylketene) is also evident in the formation of three dimers: and oligomers produced therefrom. Ketenes (of the general formula RRC=C=O) have many parallels to isocyanates (of the general formula R-N=C=O) in their constitution as well as in their reactivity. Diphenyl ketene reacts with water in an addition reaction to form diphenylacetic acid, with ethanol to diphenyl acetic ethyl ester or with ammonia to the corresponding amide. Carboxylic acids produce mixed anhydrides of diphenylacetic acid, which can be used to activate protected amino acids for peptide linkage. The protected dipeptide Z-Leu-Phe-OEt (N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-leucyl-L-phenylalanine ethyl ester) is thus obtained in 59% yield via the","Document [7](Title: Acetic formic anhydride) was in the synthesis of Quazodine (). Acetic formic anhydride Acetic formic anhydride is an organic compound with the chemical formula and a structural formula of -(C=O)-O-(C=O)H. It can be viewed as the mixed anhydride of acetic acid and formic acid. Acetic formic anhydride can be produced by reacting sodium formate with acetyl chloride in anhydrous diethyl ether between 23\u201327 \u00b0C. It can be prepared by aceticanhydride and formic acid at 0 oC Acetic formic anhydride is a formylation agent for amines, amino acids, and alcohols. It is also a starting material for other compounds such as formyl fluoride. An","Document [8](Title: Eschenmoser sulfide contraction) B\", cocaine,\"diplodialide A\" and \"isoretronecanol\" An example of general synthetic utility is the synthesis of novel carbapenems Eschenmoser sulfide contraction The Eschenmoser sulfide contraction is an organic reaction first described by Albert Eschenmoser for the synthesis of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds from a thioester. The method requires a base and a tertiary phosphine. The method is of some relevance to organic chemistry and has been notably applied in the vitamin B total synthesis. A base abstracts the labile hydrogen atom in the thioester, a sulfide anion is formed through an episulfide intermediate which is removed by the phosphine. The Eschenmoser sulfide contraction","Document [9](Title: Acetic formic anhydride) Acetic formic anhydride Acetic formic anhydride is an organic compound with the chemical formula and a structural formula of -(C=O)-O-(C=O)H. It can be viewed as the mixed anhydride of acetic acid and formic acid. Acetic formic anhydride can be produced by reacting sodium formate with acetyl chloride in anhydrous diethyl ether between 23\u201327 \u00b0C. It can be prepared by aceticanhydride and formic acid at 0 oC Acetic formic anhydride is a formylation agent for amines, amino acids, and alcohols. It is also a starting material for other compounds such as formyl fluoride. An example of Acetic formic anhydride being used","Document [10](Title: Self-assembling peptide) specifically to the peptide and emits blue fluorescence when excited. The simplest peptide building blocks are dipeptides. Nanotubes formed from dipeptides are the widest amongst peptide nanotubes. An example of a dipeptide that has been studied is such a peptide is one from the diphenylalanine motif of the Alzheimer\u2019s \u03b2-amyloid peptide. Dipeptides have also been shown to self assemble into hydrogels, another form of nanostructures, when connected to the protecting group, Fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl chloride. Experiments focusing on the dipeptide Fmoc-diphenylalaine have been conducted that have explored the mechanism in which Fmoc-diphenylalanine self assembles into hydrogels via \u03c0-\u03c0 interlocked \u03b2-sheets. Phenylalanine has","Document [11](Title: Pseudoproline) dipeptides. These derivatives disrupt the interactions among chains that are usually the cause of poor coupling yields in aggregated sequences. A large arsenal of chemical tools is now available for the synthesis of almost all peptides up to 40 amino acid residues. However, several small-size peptides and many large peptides and\/or proteins are still unavailable by classical methods. Recently, an efficient stepwise solid-phase synthesis of RANTES (24-91) was published. RANTES is a major HIV-suppressive factor produced by CD8+ T Cells. The serine protease CD26\/dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (CD26\/DPP IV) induces a NH2-terminal truncation from RANTES (1-91) to RANTES(24-91), which inhibits the infection","Document [12](Title: Koenigs\u2013Knorr reaction) C2 that lends anchimeric assistance, resulting in the formation of a 1,2-trans stereochemical arrangement. Esters (e.g. acetyl, benzoyl, pivalyl) generally provide good anchimeric assistance, whereas ethers (e.g. benzyl, methyl etc.) do not, leading to mixtures of stereoisomers. In the first step of the mechanism, the glycosyl bromide reacts with silver carbonate upon elimination of silver bromide and the silver carbonate anion to the oxocarbenium ion. From this structure a dioxolaniumnium is formed, which is attacked by methanol via an SN mechanism at the carbonyl carbon atom. This attack leads to the inversion. After cleavage of a hydrogen atom, the glycoside","Document [13](Title: Formic anhydride) can be isolated by low-temperature, low-pressure distillation, but decomposes on heating above room temperature. It decomposes into formic acid and carbon monoxide. The decomposition of formic anhydride may be catalyzed by formic acid. Formic anhydride can be detected in the gas-phase reaction of ozone with ethylene. The molecule is planar in the gas phase. Formic anhydride Formic anhydride, also called methanoic anhydride, is an organic compound with the chemical formula and a structural formula of (H(C=O)\u2212)O. It can be viewed as the anhydride of formic acid (HCOOH). Formic anhydride can be obtained by reaction of formyl fluoride with sodium formate","Document [14](Title: Leuckart reaction) Leuckart (1854\u20131899). He discovered that heating benzaldehyde with formamide does not produce benzylidenediformamide as anticipated, but benzylamine. In 1891, a colleague of Leuckart at the University of G\u00f6ttingen, Otto Wallach, performed further reactions using alicyclic and terpenoid ketones as well as aldehydes, demonstrating the general application. Over the course of the past century, chemists have discovered several methods to improve the yield of the reaction and carry it out under less strenuous conditions. Pollard and Young summarized various ways in which amines can be formed: using either formamide or ammonium formate, or both, or adding formic acid to formamide. However,","Document [15](Title: Retosiban) these are formed by cyclising the corresponding linear dipeptide. In the short and highly stereoselective synthesis of Retosiban 8 the linear peptide 5 is formed by the four-component Ugi reaction of the carboxybenzyl (Cbz) protected R-indanylglycine 1, D-alloisoleucine methyl ester hydrochloride 2, 2-methyloxazole-4-carboxaldehyde 3 and 2-benzyloxyphenylisonitrile 4. Hydrogenation to remove the Cbz and benzyl protecting groups, enabled cyclization of the linear peptide 5 to occur to give the phenolic cyclic dipeptide 6. Hydrolysis of the phenolic amide, by reaction with carbonyl diimidazole (CDI), followed addition of aqueous hydrochloric acid gave the acid 7 which was converted to the amide Retosiban","Document [16](Title: Pseudoproline) choice strongly depends on the nature of the pseudoproline as welI as on the substituents at C2 of the cyclic system. Pseudoproline a powerful tool for improving the quality of synthetic peptides. Pseudoproline dipeptides have greatly increased the success rate for synthesizing both long and difficult peptides. Pseudoproline dipeptides can be introduced in the same manner as other amino acid derivatives. The routine use of pseudoproline (oxazolidine) dipeptides in the FMOC solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) of serine- and threonine-containing peptides leads to remarkable improvements in quality and yield of crude products and helps avoid unnecessary repeat synthesis of failed","Document [17](Title: Acyl halide) reactions with similar reagents; however, some specialty reactions are also available to produce these compounds. For example, chloroformylation, a specific type of Friedel-Crafts acylation which uses formaldehyde as a reagent, or by the direct chlorination of benzaldehyde derivatives. Acyl halides are rather reactive compounds often synthesized to be used as intermediates in the synthesis of other organic compounds. For example, an acyl halide can react with: In the above reactions, HX (hydrogen halide or hydrohalic acid) is also formed. For example, if the acyl halide is an acyl chloride, HCl (hydrogen chloride or hydrochloric acid) is also formed. A molecule","Document [18](Title: Leuckart reaction) Leuckart reaction The Leuckart reaction is the chemical reaction that converts aldehydes or ketones to amines by reductive amination in the presence of heat. The reaction, named after Rudolf Leuckart, proceeds via two mechanisms: one using ammonium formate and the other using formamide as the reducing agent. It requires high temperatures, usually between 120 and 130 \u00b0C, although under the presence of formamide, the temperature can be greater than 165 \u00b0C. The reaction works best using ammonium formate and the general reaction can be seen below. The Leuckart reaction is named in honor of its developer, the German chemist Rudolf","Document [19](Title: Diphenylphosphoryl azide) group to the carboxylic acid. It is now suggested that this reaction proceeds through the intermediate mixed anhydride, resulting from attack by the nucleophilic carboxylate anion on the phosphorus atom, with expulsion of the azide ion. The latter then attacks the carbonyl carbon atom, to give the acyl azide and loss of the diphenylphosphate anion, known to be a good leaving group. Finally, the acyl azide reacts in the normal manner to give the urethane. Studies show that DPPA reacts with amines giving the corresponding phosphoramidates; it therefore appears that formation of the amide similarly involves the intermediate anhydride, followed","Document [20](Title: Dipeptide) A dipeptide is a sometimes ambiguous designation of two classes of organic compounds: Its molecules contain either two amino acids joined by a single peptide bond or one amino acid with two peptide bonds."],"query":"what type of reaction occurs to form a dipeptide?","answers":["peptide bond"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Where Is the Love?) The song was written by will.i.am, apl.de.ap, Taboo, Justin Timberlake, Ron Fair, Printz Board, George Pajon, Fiona Davies M. Fratantuno, and J. Curtis, and co-produced by will.i.am and Ron Fair. In this song, The Black Eyed Peas lament on various worldwide problems. Many issues are discussed, which include but are not limited to terrorism, US government hypocrisy, racism, gang crime, pollution, war, and intolerance","Document [2](Title: Where Is the Love?) Where Is the Love? \"Where Is the Love?\" is a song by American hip hop group The Black Eyed Peas. It was released in June 2003 as the lead single from their third album, \"Elephunk\". The song was written by will.i.am, apl.de.ap, Taboo, Justin Timberlake, Printz Board, Michael Fratantuno and George Pajon. The track features vocals from Timberlake, although he is not officially credited on the single release. It was the group's first song to feature singer Fergie as an official member. \"Where Is the Love?\" saw success on radio airplay charts, peaked at number eight on the US \"Billboard\"","Document [3](Title: Where Is the Love?) release, the song re-entered the official UK singles charts at 40, eventually peaking at 35. The music video for \"Where Is the Love?\" was shot in East Los Angeles and features The Black Eyed Peas and various other people, including various young children, asking the world where the love really is. In the video, will.i.am and Taboo act as a soul music road duo who use music to tell people what is wrong with the world, Fergie appears as a peacemaker who places stickers with question marks on them all over the place to ask people where the love is","Document [4](Title: The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song)) The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song) \"The Meaning of Love\" is the second single from \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, released on 26 January 2004. It did not match the success of her chart-topping debut single \"All This Time\", reaching number 16 in the UK and number 29 in Ireland. Soon after the single's commercial failure, BMG dropped McManus from the label. The music video premiered in the United Kingdom in January 2004. It shows a man and a woman arguing before making up. \"Daily Record\" critic John Dingwall called the song a \"great ballad\"; a colleague of his,","Document [5](Title: Where Is the Love?) in Japanese language and performed his cover version at his solo concert in 2006. At the Mnet Asian Music Awards (commonly abbreviated as MAMA) promotional held in Singapore in 2011, will.i.am apl.de.ap performed the song with friend and collaborator, K-pop vocalist and rapper CL of 2NE1 performing Taboo and Fergie's part. \"The X Factor Israel\" contestant Inbal Bibi sang the song at the live shows and received positive reviews. Ariana Grande joined the Black Eyed Peas for a cover of the song at Grande's 2017 One Love Manchester concert. Gwen Stefani performed the song at Hyundai Genesis G70 launch event","Document [6](Title: Nanga Punga Dost) you will get the real meaning of them\". The song was released on 17 November 2014, along with other tracks in the album. The music video of the song was officially released on 18 November 2014, through the YouTube channel of T-Series. The music video of the song, was the third song released from the album, after the two singles, \"Tharki Chokro\" and \"Love is Waste of Time\". On 21 November 2014, the song debuted at position 81 in iTunes India Chart Top 100. It was ranked at position 20 on 20 December 2014, before jumping to its peak position,","Document [7](Title: Where Is the Love?) gameplay footage of the graphically explicit and controversial video game \"Postal 2\", in which a group of young children are playing the game. This suggests that violence in the media and entertainment industry affects the morals of children. Near the beginning of the video, posters of the video game \"\" are shown. British pop band Busted did a rock version of the song, which features on their live album, \"\". \"The Voice UK\" contestant Frances Wood sang the song at her audition and chose will.i.am to be her mentor. Japanese pop singer Sho Sakurai of Arashi re-wrote the rap lyrics","Document [8](Title: The Meaning of Love (album)) a Gold certification, indicating sales of over 200,000 copies in the region of the United Kingdom alone. The Meaning of Love (album) The Meaning of Love is the debut album by Scottish singer and \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, issued by BMG. Released on 16 February 2004, it debuted at #3 on the UK Albums Chart and featured two singles: the #1 UK Singles Chart entry \"All This Time\", and the title track, which peaked at #16. Critics derided the record for its production values and songwriting quality; multiple reviewers also found McManus's singing voice to be unimpressive. The album","Document [9](Title: The Meaning of Love) by the original song, and afterwards has a new arrangement of music. The video for \"The Meaning of Love\" was the second video with Alan Wilder, although he did not contribute to the song. The director was Julien Temple. The video was not included on the \"Some Great Videos\" VHS compilation because it was not well-liked by the band. The single was not released in the United States, but the 12\" \"Fairly Odd Mix\" of the song features on the B-side of the \"See You\" US 12\" single. These are the formats and track listings of major single releases of","Document [10](Title: The Meaning of Love (album)) The Meaning of Love (album) The Meaning of Love is the debut album by Scottish singer and \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, issued by BMG. Released on 16 February 2004, it debuted at #3 on the UK Albums Chart and featured two singles: the #1 UK Singles Chart entry \"All This Time\", and the title track, which peaked at #16. Critics derided the record for its production values and songwriting quality; multiple reviewers also found McManus's singing voice to be unimpressive. The album was deemed a commercial failure by Sony BMG, who dropped McManus from the label. The album has","Document [11](Title: The Meaning of Love) \" The Meaning of Love \": 7\": Mute\/7Mute22 (UK) 12\": Mute\/12Mute22 (UK) CD: Mute\/CDMute22 (UK) Notes The Meaning of Love \"The Meaning of Love\" is the fifth UK single by Depeche Mode released on 26 April 1982 and recorded at Blackwing Studios. The single version of \"The Meaning of Love\" is the same as the album version from \"A Broken Frame\". The \"Fairly Odd Mix\" features an unusual techno ditty after the second chorus. The B-side is \"Oberkorn (It's a Small Town)\", an atmospheric instrumental written by Martin Gore as an intro for the \"A Broken Frame Tour\", in the","Document [12](Title: The Meaning of Love) The Meaning of Love \"The Meaning of Love\" is the fifth UK single by Depeche Mode released on 26 April 1982 and recorded at Blackwing Studios. The single version of \"The Meaning of Love\" is the same as the album version from \"A Broken Frame\". The \"Fairly Odd Mix\" features an unusual techno ditty after the second chorus. The B-side is \"Oberkorn (It's a Small Town)\", an atmospheric instrumental written by Martin Gore as an intro for the \"A Broken Frame Tour\", in the town of Oberkorn, Luxembourg. A longer version called the \"Development Mix\" features an ambient intro followed","Document [13](Title: Love (DJ Trevi song)) what status, color of your skin, sexual orientation, or religion. DJ Trevi felt so strong about it, that he released a video. The video had a powerful message, that it was possible to love someone that was positive even though he was negative. The video went viral and people wanted a copy of the song that accompanied the video. DJ Trevi agreed to release the song and donate the profits to an HIV awareness program. The song had an impact in the gay community, with people expressing either hate or their love of the message. Although the song was released","Document [14](Title: Where Is Love? (album)) P. Gladstone said \"With just a spare piano accompaniment, the vocalist tackles nine very well chosen ballads that are meant not only to entertain us but to advise us about the compositions of singer-songwriters like Bob Dorough, Dave Frishberg and Blossom Dearie. ... Her unhurried and moving delivery opens up the lyrical content of show tunes like the title song from Oliver or Leslie Bricusse's \"When I Look In Your Eyes.\" Where Is Love? (album) Where Is Love? is an album by vocalist Irene Kral performing with pianist Alan Broadbent which was recorded in 1974 and originally released on the","Document [15](Title: Where Is the Love?) and police officials (Dallas Police Chief David O. Brown, Officer Miguel Salcedo) and more appear in the video. Credits adapted from the official press release. The Black Eyed Peas also released a bilingual Spanish\/English version of \"Where's the Love?\", titled \"D\u00f3nde Est\u00e1 El Amor?\" crediting The Black Eyed Peas featuring El Mundo. The version was premiered on November 7, 2016, during Premios de la Radio. The music video premiered days later, featuring a roster of Latin stars including Gerardo Ortiz, Milkman, Pepe Aguilar, Becky G, Fey, Paulina Rubio, Luis Coronel and many others. Where Is the Love? \"Where Is the","Document [16](Title: The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song)) media drew comparisons of McManus' fortunes to \"\" rejects One True Voice. UK CD single 1. \"The Meaning of Love\" (Radio edit) UK Digital download 1. \"The Meaning of Love\" (album version) The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song) \"The Meaning of Love\" is the second single from \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, released on 26 January 2004. It did not match the success of her chart-topping debut single \"All This Time\", reaching number 16 in the UK and number 29 in Ireland. Soon after the single's commercial failure, BMG dropped McManus from the label. The music video premiered in","Document [17](Title: Where Is the Love (Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway song)) or Group with Vocals. There have been numerous cover versions of this song: British soul singer Mica Paris and American singer-songwriter Will Downing released a cover of \"Where Is the Love\" in 1989 for Paris' debut album \"So Good\". \"Where Is the Love\" debuted at number twenty-eight on the UK Singles Chart, peaking at number nineteen in its second week before accumulating a total of eight weeks on the chart. CD single Vinyl \"Where is the Love\" was recorded by Australian singer songwriter Rick Price and New Zealand-born singer-songwriter Margaret Urlich. It was released on 29 November 1993 and peaked","Document [18](Title: What Is Love? (Twice song)) \"Billboard\" charts' World Digital Songs and \"Billboard Japan\" Hot 100, respectively. The song placed at number 29 at Billboard Japan Hot 100 year-end chart, and placed at number 14 in Top Streaming Songs. What Is Love? (Twice song) \"What Is Love?\" (stylized as \"What is Love?\") is a song recorded by South Korean girl group Twice, the lead single of their fifth extended play of the same name. The song was released on April 9, 2018 by JYP Entertainment and distributed by Iriver. \"What Is Love?\" was written and composed by Park Jin-young, who previously produced \"Signal\", and it was","Document [19](Title: Where Is the Love?) in the world, and apl.de.ap is a criminal who is arrested for using criminal offences to tell people the truth. Justin Timberlake does not appear in the video, although several different people are seen mouthing the chorus as he sings it. The video is similar to a 2002 British television advertisement for T-Mobile, in which a face of a young baby is presented in various forms around a large city, much like the question mark in this video. The Bon Jovi music video \"Have a Nice Day\" is also similar to both the advertisement and this video. The video features","Document [20](Title: Where Is the Love (Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway song)) at number 31 in Australia. It was included as a bonus track on Ulrich's 1994 album, \"Live\". In 1993, Price and Urlich were part of Export Music Australia (EMA) and Austrade's second Wizards of Oz promotion. They toured Japan together with the group Yothu Yindi. At the ARIA Music Awards of 1994, the song was nominated for ARIA Award for Best Adult Contemporary Album but lost to \"The Journey\" by Tommy Emmanuel. Where Is the Love (Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway song) \"Where Is the Love\" is a popular song written by Ralph MacDonald and William Salter, and recorded by"],"query":"where is the love meaning of the song?","answers":["lament on various worldwide problems"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Where Is the Love?) Where Is the Love? \"Where Is the Love?\" is a song by American hip hop group The Black Eyed Peas. It was released in June 2003 as the lead single from their third album, \"Elephunk\". The song was written by will.i.am, apl.de.ap, Taboo, Justin Timberlake, Printz Board, Michael Fratantuno and George Pajon. The track features vocals from Timberlake, although he is not officially credited on the single release. It was the group's first song to feature singer Fergie as an official member. \"Where Is the Love?\" saw success on radio airplay charts, peaked at number eight on the US \"Billboard\"","Document [2](Title: Where Is the Love?) release, the song re-entered the official UK singles charts at 40, eventually peaking at 35. The music video for \"Where Is the Love?\" was shot in East Los Angeles and features The Black Eyed Peas and various other people, including various young children, asking the world where the love really is. In the video, will.i.am and Taboo act as a soul music road duo who use music to tell people what is wrong with the world, Fergie appears as a peacemaker who places stickers with question marks on them all over the place to ask people where the love is","Document [3](Title: The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song)) The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song) \"The Meaning of Love\" is the second single from \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, released on 26 January 2004. It did not match the success of her chart-topping debut single \"All This Time\", reaching number 16 in the UK and number 29 in Ireland. Soon after the single's commercial failure, BMG dropped McManus from the label. The music video premiered in the United Kingdom in January 2004. It shows a man and a woman arguing before making up. \"Daily Record\" critic John Dingwall called the song a \"great ballad\"; a colleague of his,","Document [4](Title: Where Is the Love?) in Japanese language and performed his cover version at his solo concert in 2006. At the Mnet Asian Music Awards (commonly abbreviated as MAMA) promotional held in Singapore in 2011, will.i.am apl.de.ap performed the song with friend and collaborator, K-pop vocalist and rapper CL of 2NE1 performing Taboo and Fergie's part. \"The X Factor Israel\" contestant Inbal Bibi sang the song at the live shows and received positive reviews. Ariana Grande joined the Black Eyed Peas for a cover of the song at Grande's 2017 One Love Manchester concert. Gwen Stefani performed the song at Hyundai Genesis G70 launch event","Document [5](Title: Where Is the Love?) The song was written by will.i.am, apl.de.ap, Taboo, Justin Timberlake, Ron Fair, Printz Board, George Pajon, Fiona Davies M. Fratantuno, and J. Curtis, and co-produced by will.i.am and Ron Fair. In this song, The Black Eyed Peas lament on various worldwide problems. Many issues are discussed, which include but are not limited to terrorism, US government hypocrisy, racism, gang crime, pollution, war, and intolerance","Document [6](Title: Nanga Punga Dost) you will get the real meaning of them\". The song was released on 17 November 2014, along with other tracks in the album. The music video of the song was officially released on 18 November 2014, through the YouTube channel of T-Series. The music video of the song, was the third song released from the album, after the two singles, \"Tharki Chokro\" and \"Love is Waste of Time\". On 21 November 2014, the song debuted at position 81 in iTunes India Chart Top 100. It was ranked at position 20 on 20 December 2014, before jumping to its peak position,","Document [7](Title: Where Is the Love?) gameplay footage of the graphically explicit and controversial video game \"Postal 2\", in which a group of young children are playing the game. This suggests that violence in the media and entertainment industry affects the morals of children. Near the beginning of the video, posters of the video game \"\" are shown. British pop band Busted did a rock version of the song, which features on their live album, \"\". \"The Voice UK\" contestant Frances Wood sang the song at her audition and chose will.i.am to be her mentor. Japanese pop singer Sho Sakurai of Arashi re-wrote the rap lyrics","Document [8](Title: The Meaning of Love (album)) a Gold certification, indicating sales of over 200,000 copies in the region of the United Kingdom alone. The Meaning of Love (album) The Meaning of Love is the debut album by Scottish singer and \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, issued by BMG. Released on 16 February 2004, it debuted at #3 on the UK Albums Chart and featured two singles: the #1 UK Singles Chart entry \"All This Time\", and the title track, which peaked at #16. Critics derided the record for its production values and songwriting quality; multiple reviewers also found McManus's singing voice to be unimpressive. The album","Document [9](Title: The Meaning of Love) by the original song, and afterwards has a new arrangement of music. The video for \"The Meaning of Love\" was the second video with Alan Wilder, although he did not contribute to the song. The director was Julien Temple. The video was not included on the \"Some Great Videos\" VHS compilation because it was not well-liked by the band. The single was not released in the United States, but the 12\" \"Fairly Odd Mix\" of the song features on the B-side of the \"See You\" US 12\" single. These are the formats and track listings of major single releases of","Document [10](Title: The Meaning of Love (album)) The Meaning of Love (album) The Meaning of Love is the debut album by Scottish singer and \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, issued by BMG. Released on 16 February 2004, it debuted at #3 on the UK Albums Chart and featured two singles: the #1 UK Singles Chart entry \"All This Time\", and the title track, which peaked at #16. Critics derided the record for its production values and songwriting quality; multiple reviewers also found McManus's singing voice to be unimpressive. The album was deemed a commercial failure by Sony BMG, who dropped McManus from the label. The album has","Document [11](Title: The Meaning of Love) \" The Meaning of Love \": 7\": Mute\/7Mute22 (UK) 12\": Mute\/12Mute22 (UK) CD: Mute\/CDMute22 (UK) Notes The Meaning of Love \"The Meaning of Love\" is the fifth UK single by Depeche Mode released on 26 April 1982 and recorded at Blackwing Studios. The single version of \"The Meaning of Love\" is the same as the album version from \"A Broken Frame\". The \"Fairly Odd Mix\" features an unusual techno ditty after the second chorus. The B-side is \"Oberkorn (It's a Small Town)\", an atmospheric instrumental written by Martin Gore as an intro for the \"A Broken Frame Tour\", in the","Document [12](Title: The Meaning of Love) The Meaning of Love \"The Meaning of Love\" is the fifth UK single by Depeche Mode released on 26 April 1982 and recorded at Blackwing Studios. The single version of \"The Meaning of Love\" is the same as the album version from \"A Broken Frame\". The \"Fairly Odd Mix\" features an unusual techno ditty after the second chorus. The B-side is \"Oberkorn (It's a Small Town)\", an atmospheric instrumental written by Martin Gore as an intro for the \"A Broken Frame Tour\", in the town of Oberkorn, Luxembourg. A longer version called the \"Development Mix\" features an ambient intro followed","Document [13](Title: Love (DJ Trevi song)) what status, color of your skin, sexual orientation, or religion. DJ Trevi felt so strong about it, that he released a video. The video had a powerful message, that it was possible to love someone that was positive even though he was negative. The video went viral and people wanted a copy of the song that accompanied the video. DJ Trevi agreed to release the song and donate the profits to an HIV awareness program. The song had an impact in the gay community, with people expressing either hate or their love of the message. Although the song was released","Document [14](Title: Where Is Love? (album)) P. Gladstone said \"With just a spare piano accompaniment, the vocalist tackles nine very well chosen ballads that are meant not only to entertain us but to advise us about the compositions of singer-songwriters like Bob Dorough, Dave Frishberg and Blossom Dearie. ... Her unhurried and moving delivery opens up the lyrical content of show tunes like the title song from Oliver or Leslie Bricusse's \"When I Look In Your Eyes.\" Where Is Love? (album) Where Is Love? is an album by vocalist Irene Kral performing with pianist Alan Broadbent which was recorded in 1974 and originally released on the","Document [15](Title: Where Is the Love?) and police officials (Dallas Police Chief David O. Brown, Officer Miguel Salcedo) and more appear in the video. Credits adapted from the official press release. The Black Eyed Peas also released a bilingual Spanish\/English version of \"Where's the Love?\", titled \"D\u00f3nde Est\u00e1 El Amor?\" crediting The Black Eyed Peas featuring El Mundo. The version was premiered on November 7, 2016, during Premios de la Radio. The music video premiered days later, featuring a roster of Latin stars including Gerardo Ortiz, Milkman, Pepe Aguilar, Becky G, Fey, Paulina Rubio, Luis Coronel and many others. Where Is the Love? \"Where Is the","Document [16](Title: The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song)) media drew comparisons of McManus' fortunes to \"\" rejects One True Voice. UK CD single 1. \"The Meaning of Love\" (Radio edit) UK Digital download 1. \"The Meaning of Love\" (album version) The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song) \"The Meaning of Love\" is the second single from \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, released on 26 January 2004. It did not match the success of her chart-topping debut single \"All This Time\", reaching number 16 in the UK and number 29 in Ireland. Soon after the single's commercial failure, BMG dropped McManus from the label. The music video premiered in","Document [17](Title: Where Is the Love (Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway song)) or Group with Vocals. There have been numerous cover versions of this song: British soul singer Mica Paris and American singer-songwriter Will Downing released a cover of \"Where Is the Love\" in 1989 for Paris' debut album \"So Good\". \"Where Is the Love\" debuted at number twenty-eight on the UK Singles Chart, peaking at number nineteen in its second week before accumulating a total of eight weeks on the chart. CD single Vinyl \"Where is the Love\" was recorded by Australian singer songwriter Rick Price and New Zealand-born singer-songwriter Margaret Urlich. It was released on 29 November 1993 and peaked","Document [18](Title: What Is Love? (Twice song)) \"Billboard\" charts' World Digital Songs and \"Billboard Japan\" Hot 100, respectively. The song placed at number 29 at Billboard Japan Hot 100 year-end chart, and placed at number 14 in Top Streaming Songs. What Is Love? (Twice song) \"What Is Love?\" (stylized as \"What is Love?\") is a song recorded by South Korean girl group Twice, the lead single of their fifth extended play of the same name. The song was released on April 9, 2018 by JYP Entertainment and distributed by Iriver. \"What Is Love?\" was written and composed by Park Jin-young, who previously produced \"Signal\", and it was","Document [19](Title: Where Is the Love?) in the world, and apl.de.ap is a criminal who is arrested for using criminal offences to tell people the truth. Justin Timberlake does not appear in the video, although several different people are seen mouthing the chorus as he sings it. The video is similar to a 2002 British television advertisement for T-Mobile, in which a face of a young baby is presented in various forms around a large city, much like the question mark in this video. The Bon Jovi music video \"Have a Nice Day\" is also similar to both the advertisement and this video. The video features","Document [20](Title: Where Is the Love (Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway song)) at number 31 in Australia. It was included as a bonus track on Ulrich's 1994 album, \"Live\". In 1993, Price and Urlich were part of Export Music Australia (EMA) and Austrade's second Wizards of Oz promotion. They toured Japan together with the group Yothu Yindi. At the ARIA Music Awards of 1994, the song was nominated for ARIA Award for Best Adult Contemporary Album but lost to \"The Journey\" by Tommy Emmanuel. Where Is the Love (Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway song) \"Where Is the Love\" is a popular song written by Ralph MacDonald and William Salter, and recorded by"],"query":"where is the love meaning of the song?","answers":["lament on various worldwide problems"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Where Is the Love?) Where Is the Love? \"Where Is the Love?\" is a song by American hip hop group The Black Eyed Peas. It was released in June 2003 as the lead single from their third album, \"Elephunk\". The song was written by will.i.am, apl.de.ap, Taboo, Justin Timberlake, Printz Board, Michael Fratantuno and George Pajon. The track features vocals from Timberlake, although he is not officially credited on the single release. It was the group's first song to feature singer Fergie as an official member. \"Where Is the Love?\" saw success on radio airplay charts, peaked at number eight on the US \"Billboard\"","Document [2](Title: Where Is the Love?) release, the song re-entered the official UK singles charts at 40, eventually peaking at 35. The music video for \"Where Is the Love?\" was shot in East Los Angeles and features The Black Eyed Peas and various other people, including various young children, asking the world where the love really is. In the video, will.i.am and Taboo act as a soul music road duo who use music to tell people what is wrong with the world, Fergie appears as a peacemaker who places stickers with question marks on them all over the place to ask people where the love is","Document [3](Title: The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song)) The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song) \"The Meaning of Love\" is the second single from \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, released on 26 January 2004. It did not match the success of her chart-topping debut single \"All This Time\", reaching number 16 in the UK and number 29 in Ireland. Soon after the single's commercial failure, BMG dropped McManus from the label. The music video premiered in the United Kingdom in January 2004. It shows a man and a woman arguing before making up. \"Daily Record\" critic John Dingwall called the song a \"great ballad\"; a colleague of his,","Document [4](Title: Where Is the Love?) in Japanese language and performed his cover version at his solo concert in 2006. At the Mnet Asian Music Awards (commonly abbreviated as MAMA) promotional held in Singapore in 2011, will.i.am apl.de.ap performed the song with friend and collaborator, K-pop vocalist and rapper CL of 2NE1 performing Taboo and Fergie's part. \"The X Factor Israel\" contestant Inbal Bibi sang the song at the live shows and received positive reviews. Ariana Grande joined the Black Eyed Peas for a cover of the song at Grande's 2017 One Love Manchester concert. Gwen Stefani performed the song at Hyundai Genesis G70 launch event","Document [5](Title: Nanga Punga Dost) you will get the real meaning of them\". The song was released on 17 November 2014, along with other tracks in the album. The music video of the song was officially released on 18 November 2014, through the YouTube channel of T-Series. The music video of the song, was the third song released from the album, after the two singles, \"Tharki Chokro\" and \"Love is Waste of Time\". On 21 November 2014, the song debuted at position 81 in iTunes India Chart Top 100. It was ranked at position 20 on 20 December 2014, before jumping to its peak position,","Document [6](Title: Where Is the Love?) gameplay footage of the graphically explicit and controversial video game \"Postal 2\", in which a group of young children are playing the game. This suggests that violence in the media and entertainment industry affects the morals of children. Near the beginning of the video, posters of the video game \"\" are shown. British pop band Busted did a rock version of the song, which features on their live album, \"\". \"The Voice UK\" contestant Frances Wood sang the song at her audition and chose will.i.am to be her mentor. Japanese pop singer Sho Sakurai of Arashi re-wrote the rap lyrics","Document [7](Title: The Meaning of Love (album)) a Gold certification, indicating sales of over 200,000 copies in the region of the United Kingdom alone. The Meaning of Love (album) The Meaning of Love is the debut album by Scottish singer and \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, issued by BMG. Released on 16 February 2004, it debuted at #3 on the UK Albums Chart and featured two singles: the #1 UK Singles Chart entry \"All This Time\", and the title track, which peaked at #16. Critics derided the record for its production values and songwriting quality; multiple reviewers also found McManus's singing voice to be unimpressive. The album","Document [8](Title: The Meaning of Love) by the original song, and afterwards has a new arrangement of music. The video for \"The Meaning of Love\" was the second video with Alan Wilder, although he did not contribute to the song. The director was Julien Temple. The video was not included on the \"Some Great Videos\" VHS compilation because it was not well-liked by the band. The single was not released in the United States, but the 12\" \"Fairly Odd Mix\" of the song features on the B-side of the \"See You\" US 12\" single. These are the formats and track listings of major single releases of","Document [9](Title: The Meaning of Love (album)) The Meaning of Love (album) The Meaning of Love is the debut album by Scottish singer and \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, issued by BMG. Released on 16 February 2004, it debuted at #3 on the UK Albums Chart and featured two singles: the #1 UK Singles Chart entry \"All This Time\", and the title track, which peaked at #16. Critics derided the record for its production values and songwriting quality; multiple reviewers also found McManus's singing voice to be unimpressive. The album was deemed a commercial failure by Sony BMG, who dropped McManus from the label. The album has","Document [10](Title: Where Is the Love?) The song was written by will.i.am, apl.de.ap, Taboo, Justin Timberlake, Ron Fair, Printz Board, George Pajon, Fiona Davies M. Fratantuno, and J. Curtis, and co-produced by will.i.am and Ron Fair. In this song, The Black Eyed Peas lament on various worldwide problems. Many issues are discussed, which include but are not limited to terrorism, US government hypocrisy, racism, gang crime, pollution, war, and intolerance","Document [11](Title: The Meaning of Love) \" The Meaning of Love \": 7\": Mute\/7Mute22 (UK) 12\": Mute\/12Mute22 (UK) CD: Mute\/CDMute22 (UK) Notes The Meaning of Love \"The Meaning of Love\" is the fifth UK single by Depeche Mode released on 26 April 1982 and recorded at Blackwing Studios. The single version of \"The Meaning of Love\" is the same as the album version from \"A Broken Frame\". The \"Fairly Odd Mix\" features an unusual techno ditty after the second chorus. The B-side is \"Oberkorn (It's a Small Town)\", an atmospheric instrumental written by Martin Gore as an intro for the \"A Broken Frame Tour\", in the","Document [12](Title: The Meaning of Love) The Meaning of Love \"The Meaning of Love\" is the fifth UK single by Depeche Mode released on 26 April 1982 and recorded at Blackwing Studios. The single version of \"The Meaning of Love\" is the same as the album version from \"A Broken Frame\". The \"Fairly Odd Mix\" features an unusual techno ditty after the second chorus. The B-side is \"Oberkorn (It's a Small Town)\", an atmospheric instrumental written by Martin Gore as an intro for the \"A Broken Frame Tour\", in the town of Oberkorn, Luxembourg. A longer version called the \"Development Mix\" features an ambient intro followed","Document [13](Title: Love (DJ Trevi song)) what status, color of your skin, sexual orientation, or religion. DJ Trevi felt so strong about it, that he released a video. The video had a powerful message, that it was possible to love someone that was positive even though he was negative. The video went viral and people wanted a copy of the song that accompanied the video. DJ Trevi agreed to release the song and donate the profits to an HIV awareness program. The song had an impact in the gay community, with people expressing either hate or their love of the message. Although the song was released","Document [14](Title: Where Is Love? (album)) P. Gladstone said \"With just a spare piano accompaniment, the vocalist tackles nine very well chosen ballads that are meant not only to entertain us but to advise us about the compositions of singer-songwriters like Bob Dorough, Dave Frishberg and Blossom Dearie. ... Her unhurried and moving delivery opens up the lyrical content of show tunes like the title song from Oliver or Leslie Bricusse's \"When I Look In Your Eyes.\" Where Is Love? (album) Where Is Love? is an album by vocalist Irene Kral performing with pianist Alan Broadbent which was recorded in 1974 and originally released on the","Document [15](Title: Where Is the Love?) and police officials (Dallas Police Chief David O. Brown, Officer Miguel Salcedo) and more appear in the video. Credits adapted from the official press release. The Black Eyed Peas also released a bilingual Spanish\/English version of \"Where's the Love?\", titled \"D\u00f3nde Est\u00e1 El Amor?\" crediting The Black Eyed Peas featuring El Mundo. The version was premiered on November 7, 2016, during Premios de la Radio. The music video premiered days later, featuring a roster of Latin stars including Gerardo Ortiz, Milkman, Pepe Aguilar, Becky G, Fey, Paulina Rubio, Luis Coronel and many others. Where Is the Love? \"Where Is the","Document [16](Title: The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song)) media drew comparisons of McManus' fortunes to \"\" rejects One True Voice. UK CD single 1. \"The Meaning of Love\" (Radio edit) UK Digital download 1. \"The Meaning of Love\" (album version) The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song) \"The Meaning of Love\" is the second single from \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, released on 26 January 2004. It did not match the success of her chart-topping debut single \"All This Time\", reaching number 16 in the UK and number 29 in Ireland. Soon after the single's commercial failure, BMG dropped McManus from the label. The music video premiered in","Document [17](Title: Where Is the Love (Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway song)) or Group with Vocals. There have been numerous cover versions of this song: British soul singer Mica Paris and American singer-songwriter Will Downing released a cover of \"Where Is the Love\" in 1989 for Paris' debut album \"So Good\". \"Where Is the Love\" debuted at number twenty-eight on the UK Singles Chart, peaking at number nineteen in its second week before accumulating a total of eight weeks on the chart. CD single Vinyl \"Where is the Love\" was recorded by Australian singer songwriter Rick Price and New Zealand-born singer-songwriter Margaret Urlich. It was released on 29 November 1993 and peaked","Document [18](Title: What Is Love? (Twice song)) \"Billboard\" charts' World Digital Songs and \"Billboard Japan\" Hot 100, respectively. The song placed at number 29 at Billboard Japan Hot 100 year-end chart, and placed at number 14 in Top Streaming Songs. What Is Love? (Twice song) \"What Is Love?\" (stylized as \"What is Love?\") is a song recorded by South Korean girl group Twice, the lead single of their fifth extended play of the same name. The song was released on April 9, 2018 by JYP Entertainment and distributed by Iriver. \"What Is Love?\" was written and composed by Park Jin-young, who previously produced \"Signal\", and it was","Document [19](Title: Where Is the Love?) in the world, and apl.de.ap is a criminal who is arrested for using criminal offences to tell people the truth. Justin Timberlake does not appear in the video, although several different people are seen mouthing the chorus as he sings it. The video is similar to a 2002 British television advertisement for T-Mobile, in which a face of a young baby is presented in various forms around a large city, much like the question mark in this video. The Bon Jovi music video \"Have a Nice Day\" is also similar to both the advertisement and this video. The video features","Document [20](Title: Where Is the Love (Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway song)) at number 31 in Australia. It was included as a bonus track on Ulrich's 1994 album, \"Live\". In 1993, Price and Urlich were part of Export Music Australia (EMA) and Austrade's second Wizards of Oz promotion. They toured Japan together with the group Yothu Yindi. At the ARIA Music Awards of 1994, the song was nominated for ARIA Award for Best Adult Contemporary Album but lost to \"The Journey\" by Tommy Emmanuel. Where Is the Love (Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway song) \"Where Is the Love\" is a popular song written by Ralph MacDonald and William Salter, and recorded by"],"query":"where is the love meaning of the song?","answers":["lament on various worldwide problems"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Where Is the Love?) Where Is the Love? \"Where Is the Love?\" is a song by American hip hop group The Black Eyed Peas. It was released in June 2003 as the lead single from their third album, \"Elephunk\". The song was written by will.i.am, apl.de.ap, Taboo, Justin Timberlake, Printz Board, Michael Fratantuno and George Pajon. The track features vocals from Timberlake, although he is not officially credited on the single release. It was the group's first song to feature singer Fergie as an official member. \"Where Is the Love?\" saw success on radio airplay charts, peaked at number eight on the US \"Billboard\"","Document [2](Title: Where Is the Love?) release, the song re-entered the official UK singles charts at 40, eventually peaking at 35. The music video for \"Where Is the Love?\" was shot in East Los Angeles and features The Black Eyed Peas and various other people, including various young children, asking the world where the love really is. In the video, will.i.am and Taboo act as a soul music road duo who use music to tell people what is wrong with the world, Fergie appears as a peacemaker who places stickers with question marks on them all over the place to ask people where the love is","Document [3](Title: The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song)) The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song) \"The Meaning of Love\" is the second single from \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, released on 26 January 2004. It did not match the success of her chart-topping debut single \"All This Time\", reaching number 16 in the UK and number 29 in Ireland. Soon after the single's commercial failure, BMG dropped McManus from the label. The music video premiered in the United Kingdom in January 2004. It shows a man and a woman arguing before making up. \"Daily Record\" critic John Dingwall called the song a \"great ballad\"; a colleague of his,","Document [4](Title: Where Is the Love?) in Japanese language and performed his cover version at his solo concert in 2006. At the Mnet Asian Music Awards (commonly abbreviated as MAMA) promotional held in Singapore in 2011, will.i.am apl.de.ap performed the song with friend and collaborator, K-pop vocalist and rapper CL of 2NE1 performing Taboo and Fergie's part. \"The X Factor Israel\" contestant Inbal Bibi sang the song at the live shows and received positive reviews. Ariana Grande joined the Black Eyed Peas for a cover of the song at Grande's 2017 One Love Manchester concert. Gwen Stefani performed the song at Hyundai Genesis G70 launch event","Document [5](Title: Nanga Punga Dost) you will get the real meaning of them\". The song was released on 17 November 2014, along with other tracks in the album. The music video of the song was officially released on 18 November 2014, through the YouTube channel of T-Series. The music video of the song, was the third song released from the album, after the two singles, \"Tharki Chokro\" and \"Love is Waste of Time\". On 21 November 2014, the song debuted at position 81 in iTunes India Chart Top 100. It was ranked at position 20 on 20 December 2014, before jumping to its peak position,","Document [6](Title: Where Is the Love?) gameplay footage of the graphically explicit and controversial video game \"Postal 2\", in which a group of young children are playing the game. This suggests that violence in the media and entertainment industry affects the morals of children. Near the beginning of the video, posters of the video game \"\" are shown. British pop band Busted did a rock version of the song, which features on their live album, \"\". \"The Voice UK\" contestant Frances Wood sang the song at her audition and chose will.i.am to be her mentor. Japanese pop singer Sho Sakurai of Arashi re-wrote the rap lyrics","Document [7](Title: The Meaning of Love (album)) a Gold certification, indicating sales of over 200,000 copies in the region of the United Kingdom alone. The Meaning of Love (album) The Meaning of Love is the debut album by Scottish singer and \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, issued by BMG. Released on 16 February 2004, it debuted at #3 on the UK Albums Chart and featured two singles: the #1 UK Singles Chart entry \"All This Time\", and the title track, which peaked at #16. Critics derided the record for its production values and songwriting quality; multiple reviewers also found McManus's singing voice to be unimpressive. The album","Document [8](Title: The Meaning of Love) by the original song, and afterwards has a new arrangement of music. The video for \"The Meaning of Love\" was the second video with Alan Wilder, although he did not contribute to the song. The director was Julien Temple. The video was not included on the \"Some Great Videos\" VHS compilation because it was not well-liked by the band. The single was not released in the United States, but the 12\" \"Fairly Odd Mix\" of the song features on the B-side of the \"See You\" US 12\" single. These are the formats and track listings of major single releases of","Document [9](Title: The Meaning of Love (album)) The Meaning of Love (album) The Meaning of Love is the debut album by Scottish singer and \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, issued by BMG. Released on 16 February 2004, it debuted at #3 on the UK Albums Chart and featured two singles: the #1 UK Singles Chart entry \"All This Time\", and the title track, which peaked at #16. Critics derided the record for its production values and songwriting quality; multiple reviewers also found McManus's singing voice to be unimpressive. The album was deemed a commercial failure by Sony BMG, who dropped McManus from the label. The album has","Document [10](Title: The Meaning of Love) \" The Meaning of Love \": 7\": Mute\/7Mute22 (UK) 12\": Mute\/12Mute22 (UK) CD: Mute\/CDMute22 (UK) Notes The Meaning of Love \"The Meaning of Love\" is the fifth UK single by Depeche Mode released on 26 April 1982 and recorded at Blackwing Studios. The single version of \"The Meaning of Love\" is the same as the album version from \"A Broken Frame\". The \"Fairly Odd Mix\" features an unusual techno ditty after the second chorus. The B-side is \"Oberkorn (It's a Small Town)\", an atmospheric instrumental written by Martin Gore as an intro for the \"A Broken Frame Tour\", in the","Document [11](Title: The Meaning of Love) The Meaning of Love \"The Meaning of Love\" is the fifth UK single by Depeche Mode released on 26 April 1982 and recorded at Blackwing Studios. The single version of \"The Meaning of Love\" is the same as the album version from \"A Broken Frame\". The \"Fairly Odd Mix\" features an unusual techno ditty after the second chorus. The B-side is \"Oberkorn (It's a Small Town)\", an atmospheric instrumental written by Martin Gore as an intro for the \"A Broken Frame Tour\", in the town of Oberkorn, Luxembourg. A longer version called the \"Development Mix\" features an ambient intro followed","Document [12](Title: Love (DJ Trevi song)) what status, color of your skin, sexual orientation, or religion. DJ Trevi felt so strong about it, that he released a video. The video had a powerful message, that it was possible to love someone that was positive even though he was negative. The video went viral and people wanted a copy of the song that accompanied the video. DJ Trevi agreed to release the song and donate the profits to an HIV awareness program. The song had an impact in the gay community, with people expressing either hate or their love of the message. Although the song was released","Document [13](Title: Where Is Love? (album)) P. Gladstone said \"With just a spare piano accompaniment, the vocalist tackles nine very well chosen ballads that are meant not only to entertain us but to advise us about the compositions of singer-songwriters like Bob Dorough, Dave Frishberg and Blossom Dearie. ... Her unhurried and moving delivery opens up the lyrical content of show tunes like the title song from Oliver or Leslie Bricusse's \"When I Look In Your Eyes.\" Where Is Love? (album) Where Is Love? is an album by vocalist Irene Kral performing with pianist Alan Broadbent which was recorded in 1974 and originally released on the","Document [14](Title: Where Is the Love?) and police officials (Dallas Police Chief David O. Brown, Officer Miguel Salcedo) and more appear in the video. Credits adapted from the official press release. The Black Eyed Peas also released a bilingual Spanish\/English version of \"Where's the Love?\", titled \"D\u00f3nde Est\u00e1 El Amor?\" crediting The Black Eyed Peas featuring El Mundo. The version was premiered on November 7, 2016, during Premios de la Radio. The music video premiered days later, featuring a roster of Latin stars including Gerardo Ortiz, Milkman, Pepe Aguilar, Becky G, Fey, Paulina Rubio, Luis Coronel and many others. Where Is the Love? \"Where Is the","Document [15](Title: Where Is the Love?) The song was written by will.i.am, apl.de.ap, Taboo, Justin Timberlake, Ron Fair, Printz Board, George Pajon, Fiona Davies M. Fratantuno, and J. Curtis, and co-produced by will.i.am and Ron Fair. In this song, The Black Eyed Peas lament on various worldwide problems. Many issues are discussed, which include but are not limited to terrorism, US government hypocrisy, racism, gang crime, pollution, war, and intolerance","Document [16](Title: The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song)) media drew comparisons of McManus' fortunes to \"\" rejects One True Voice. UK CD single 1. \"The Meaning of Love\" (Radio edit) UK Digital download 1. \"The Meaning of Love\" (album version) The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song) \"The Meaning of Love\" is the second single from \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, released on 26 January 2004. It did not match the success of her chart-topping debut single \"All This Time\", reaching number 16 in the UK and number 29 in Ireland. Soon after the single's commercial failure, BMG dropped McManus from the label. The music video premiered in","Document [17](Title: Where Is the Love (Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway song)) or Group with Vocals. There have been numerous cover versions of this song: British soul singer Mica Paris and American singer-songwriter Will Downing released a cover of \"Where Is the Love\" in 1989 for Paris' debut album \"So Good\". \"Where Is the Love\" debuted at number twenty-eight on the UK Singles Chart, peaking at number nineteen in its second week before accumulating a total of eight weeks on the chart. CD single Vinyl \"Where is the Love\" was recorded by Australian singer songwriter Rick Price and New Zealand-born singer-songwriter Margaret Urlich. It was released on 29 November 1993 and peaked","Document [18](Title: What Is Love? (Twice song)) \"Billboard\" charts' World Digital Songs and \"Billboard Japan\" Hot 100, respectively. The song placed at number 29 at Billboard Japan Hot 100 year-end chart, and placed at number 14 in Top Streaming Songs. What Is Love? (Twice song) \"What Is Love?\" (stylized as \"What is Love?\") is a song recorded by South Korean girl group Twice, the lead single of their fifth extended play of the same name. The song was released on April 9, 2018 by JYP Entertainment and distributed by Iriver. \"What Is Love?\" was written and composed by Park Jin-young, who previously produced \"Signal\", and it was","Document [19](Title: Where Is the Love?) in the world, and apl.de.ap is a criminal who is arrested for using criminal offences to tell people the truth. Justin Timberlake does not appear in the video, although several different people are seen mouthing the chorus as he sings it. The video is similar to a 2002 British television advertisement for T-Mobile, in which a face of a young baby is presented in various forms around a large city, much like the question mark in this video. The Bon Jovi music video \"Have a Nice Day\" is also similar to both the advertisement and this video. The video features","Document [20](Title: Where Is the Love (Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway song)) at number 31 in Australia. It was included as a bonus track on Ulrich's 1994 album, \"Live\". In 1993, Price and Urlich were part of Export Music Australia (EMA) and Austrade's second Wizards of Oz promotion. They toured Japan together with the group Yothu Yindi. At the ARIA Music Awards of 1994, the song was nominated for ARIA Award for Best Adult Contemporary Album but lost to \"The Journey\" by Tommy Emmanuel. Where Is the Love (Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway song) \"Where Is the Love\" is a popular song written by Ralph MacDonald and William Salter, and recorded by"],"query":"where is the love meaning of the song?","answers":["lament on various worldwide problems"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Where Is the Love?) Where Is the Love? \"Where Is the Love?\" is a song by American hip hop group The Black Eyed Peas. It was released in June 2003 as the lead single from their third album, \"Elephunk\". The song was written by will.i.am, apl.de.ap, Taboo, Justin Timberlake, Printz Board, Michael Fratantuno and George Pajon. The track features vocals from Timberlake, although he is not officially credited on the single release. It was the group's first song to feature singer Fergie as an official member. \"Where Is the Love?\" saw success on radio airplay charts, peaked at number eight on the US \"Billboard\"","Document [2](Title: Where Is the Love?) release, the song re-entered the official UK singles charts at 40, eventually peaking at 35. The music video for \"Where Is the Love?\" was shot in East Los Angeles and features The Black Eyed Peas and various other people, including various young children, asking the world where the love really is. In the video, will.i.am and Taboo act as a soul music road duo who use music to tell people what is wrong with the world, Fergie appears as a peacemaker who places stickers with question marks on them all over the place to ask people where the love is","Document [3](Title: The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song)) The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song) \"The Meaning of Love\" is the second single from \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, released on 26 January 2004. It did not match the success of her chart-topping debut single \"All This Time\", reaching number 16 in the UK and number 29 in Ireland. Soon after the single's commercial failure, BMG dropped McManus from the label. The music video premiered in the United Kingdom in January 2004. It shows a man and a woman arguing before making up. \"Daily Record\" critic John Dingwall called the song a \"great ballad\"; a colleague of his,","Document [4](Title: Where Is the Love?) in Japanese language and performed his cover version at his solo concert in 2006. At the Mnet Asian Music Awards (commonly abbreviated as MAMA) promotional held in Singapore in 2011, will.i.am apl.de.ap performed the song with friend and collaborator, K-pop vocalist and rapper CL of 2NE1 performing Taboo and Fergie's part. \"The X Factor Israel\" contestant Inbal Bibi sang the song at the live shows and received positive reviews. Ariana Grande joined the Black Eyed Peas for a cover of the song at Grande's 2017 One Love Manchester concert. Gwen Stefani performed the song at Hyundai Genesis G70 launch event","Document [5](Title: Nanga Punga Dost) you will get the real meaning of them\". The song was released on 17 November 2014, along with other tracks in the album. The music video of the song was officially released on 18 November 2014, through the YouTube channel of T-Series. The music video of the song, was the third song released from the album, after the two singles, \"Tharki Chokro\" and \"Love is Waste of Time\". On 21 November 2014, the song debuted at position 81 in iTunes India Chart Top 100. It was ranked at position 20 on 20 December 2014, before jumping to its peak position,","Document [6](Title: Where Is the Love?) gameplay footage of the graphically explicit and controversial video game \"Postal 2\", in which a group of young children are playing the game. This suggests that violence in the media and entertainment industry affects the morals of children. Near the beginning of the video, posters of the video game \"\" are shown. British pop band Busted did a rock version of the song, which features on their live album, \"\". \"The Voice UK\" contestant Frances Wood sang the song at her audition and chose will.i.am to be her mentor. Japanese pop singer Sho Sakurai of Arashi re-wrote the rap lyrics","Document [7](Title: The Meaning of Love (album)) a Gold certification, indicating sales of over 200,000 copies in the region of the United Kingdom alone. The Meaning of Love (album) The Meaning of Love is the debut album by Scottish singer and \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, issued by BMG. Released on 16 February 2004, it debuted at #3 on the UK Albums Chart and featured two singles: the #1 UK Singles Chart entry \"All This Time\", and the title track, which peaked at #16. Critics derided the record for its production values and songwriting quality; multiple reviewers also found McManus's singing voice to be unimpressive. The album","Document [8](Title: The Meaning of Love) by the original song, and afterwards has a new arrangement of music. The video for \"The Meaning of Love\" was the second video with Alan Wilder, although he did not contribute to the song. The director was Julien Temple. The video was not included on the \"Some Great Videos\" VHS compilation because it was not well-liked by the band. The single was not released in the United States, but the 12\" \"Fairly Odd Mix\" of the song features on the B-side of the \"See You\" US 12\" single. These are the formats and track listings of major single releases of","Document [9](Title: The Meaning of Love (album)) The Meaning of Love (album) The Meaning of Love is the debut album by Scottish singer and \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, issued by BMG. Released on 16 February 2004, it debuted at #3 on the UK Albums Chart and featured two singles: the #1 UK Singles Chart entry \"All This Time\", and the title track, which peaked at #16. Critics derided the record for its production values and songwriting quality; multiple reviewers also found McManus's singing voice to be unimpressive. The album was deemed a commercial failure by Sony BMG, who dropped McManus from the label. The album has","Document [10](Title: The Meaning of Love) \" The Meaning of Love \": 7\": Mute\/7Mute22 (UK) 12\": Mute\/12Mute22 (UK) CD: Mute\/CDMute22 (UK) Notes The Meaning of Love \"The Meaning of Love\" is the fifth UK single by Depeche Mode released on 26 April 1982 and recorded at Blackwing Studios. The single version of \"The Meaning of Love\" is the same as the album version from \"A Broken Frame\". The \"Fairly Odd Mix\" features an unusual techno ditty after the second chorus. The B-side is \"Oberkorn (It's a Small Town)\", an atmospheric instrumental written by Martin Gore as an intro for the \"A Broken Frame Tour\", in the","Document [11](Title: The Meaning of Love) The Meaning of Love \"The Meaning of Love\" is the fifth UK single by Depeche Mode released on 26 April 1982 and recorded at Blackwing Studios. The single version of \"The Meaning of Love\" is the same as the album version from \"A Broken Frame\". The \"Fairly Odd Mix\" features an unusual techno ditty after the second chorus. The B-side is \"Oberkorn (It's a Small Town)\", an atmospheric instrumental written by Martin Gore as an intro for the \"A Broken Frame Tour\", in the town of Oberkorn, Luxembourg. A longer version called the \"Development Mix\" features an ambient intro followed","Document [12](Title: Love (DJ Trevi song)) what status, color of your skin, sexual orientation, or religion. DJ Trevi felt so strong about it, that he released a video. The video had a powerful message, that it was possible to love someone that was positive even though he was negative. The video went viral and people wanted a copy of the song that accompanied the video. DJ Trevi agreed to release the song and donate the profits to an HIV awareness program. The song had an impact in the gay community, with people expressing either hate or their love of the message. Although the song was released","Document [13](Title: Where Is Love? (album)) P. Gladstone said \"With just a spare piano accompaniment, the vocalist tackles nine very well chosen ballads that are meant not only to entertain us but to advise us about the compositions of singer-songwriters like Bob Dorough, Dave Frishberg and Blossom Dearie. ... Her unhurried and moving delivery opens up the lyrical content of show tunes like the title song from Oliver or Leslie Bricusse's \"When I Look In Your Eyes.\" Where Is Love? (album) Where Is Love? is an album by vocalist Irene Kral performing with pianist Alan Broadbent which was recorded in 1974 and originally released on the","Document [14](Title: Where Is the Love?) and police officials (Dallas Police Chief David O. Brown, Officer Miguel Salcedo) and more appear in the video. Credits adapted from the official press release. The Black Eyed Peas also released a bilingual Spanish\/English version of \"Where's the Love?\", titled \"D\u00f3nde Est\u00e1 El Amor?\" crediting The Black Eyed Peas featuring El Mundo. The version was premiered on November 7, 2016, during Premios de la Radio. The music video premiered days later, featuring a roster of Latin stars including Gerardo Ortiz, Milkman, Pepe Aguilar, Becky G, Fey, Paulina Rubio, Luis Coronel and many others. Where Is the Love? \"Where Is the","Document [15](Title: The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song)) media drew comparisons of McManus' fortunes to \"\" rejects One True Voice. UK CD single 1. \"The Meaning of Love\" (Radio edit) UK Digital download 1. \"The Meaning of Love\" (album version) The Meaning of Love (Michelle McManus song) \"The Meaning of Love\" is the second single from \"Pop Idol\" winner Michelle McManus, released on 26 January 2004. It did not match the success of her chart-topping debut single \"All This Time\", reaching number 16 in the UK and number 29 in Ireland. Soon after the single's commercial failure, BMG dropped McManus from the label. The music video premiered in","Document [16](Title: Where Is the Love (Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway song)) or Group with Vocals. There have been numerous cover versions of this song: British soul singer Mica Paris and American singer-songwriter Will Downing released a cover of \"Where Is the Love\" in 1989 for Paris' debut album \"So Good\". \"Where Is the Love\" debuted at number twenty-eight on the UK Singles Chart, peaking at number nineteen in its second week before accumulating a total of eight weeks on the chart. CD single Vinyl \"Where is the Love\" was recorded by Australian singer songwriter Rick Price and New Zealand-born singer-songwriter Margaret Urlich. It was released on 29 November 1993 and peaked","Document [17](Title: What Is Love? (Twice song)) \"Billboard\" charts' World Digital Songs and \"Billboard Japan\" Hot 100, respectively. The song placed at number 29 at Billboard Japan Hot 100 year-end chart, and placed at number 14 in Top Streaming Songs. What Is Love? (Twice song) \"What Is Love?\" (stylized as \"What is Love?\") is a song recorded by South Korean girl group Twice, the lead single of their fifth extended play of the same name. The song was released on April 9, 2018 by JYP Entertainment and distributed by Iriver. \"What Is Love?\" was written and composed by Park Jin-young, who previously produced \"Signal\", and it was","Document [18](Title: Where Is the Love?) in the world, and apl.de.ap is a criminal who is arrested for using criminal offences to tell people the truth. Justin Timberlake does not appear in the video, although several different people are seen mouthing the chorus as he sings it. The video is similar to a 2002 British television advertisement for T-Mobile, in which a face of a young baby is presented in various forms around a large city, much like the question mark in this video. The Bon Jovi music video \"Have a Nice Day\" is also similar to both the advertisement and this video. The video features","Document [19](Title: Where Is the Love (Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway song)) at number 31 in Australia. It was included as a bonus track on Ulrich's 1994 album, \"Live\". In 1993, Price and Urlich were part of Export Music Australia (EMA) and Austrade's second Wizards of Oz promotion. They toured Japan together with the group Yothu Yindi. At the ARIA Music Awards of 1994, the song was nominated for ARIA Award for Best Adult Contemporary Album but lost to \"The Journey\" by Tommy Emmanuel. Where Is the Love (Roberta Flack and Donny Hathaway song) \"Where Is the Love\" is a popular song written by Ralph MacDonald and William Salter, and recorded by","Document [20](Title: Where Is the Love?) The song was written by will.i.am, apl.de.ap, Taboo, Justin Timberlake, Ron Fair, Printz Board, George Pajon, Fiona Davies M. Fratantuno, and J. Curtis, and co-produced by will.i.am and Ron Fair. In this song, The Black Eyed Peas lament on various worldwide problems. Many issues are discussed, which include but are not limited to terrorism, US government hypocrisy, racism, gang crime, pollution, war, and intolerance"],"query":"where is the love meaning of the song?","answers":["lament on various worldwide problems"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Outback) The Outback is the vast, remote interior of Australia. The term \"the Outback\" is generally used to refer to locations that are comparatively more remote than those areas named \"the bush\" which, colloquially, can refer to any lands outside the main urban areas.","Document [2](Title: Melaleuca interioris) Lyndley Craven and Brendan Lepschi in \"Australian Systematic Botany\" from a specimen collected north of Leinster in Western Australia. The specific epithet (\"interioris\") refers to the interior of Australia, where this species is found. This melaleuca occurs in the central parts of Western Australia, the central parts of South Australia, the southern half of the Northern Territory, far west of New South Wales and the far south-west corner of Queensland. It grows in shrubland in red sand on the edges of salt lakes, and near ephemeral creeks, claypans and floodplains. \"Melaleuca interioris\" is listed as \"not threatened\" by the Government","Document [3](Title: Australia) coastline. Eastern Australia is marked by the Great Dividing Range, which runs parallel to the coast of Queensland, New South Wales and much of Victoria. The name is not strictly accurate, because parts of the range consist of low hills, and the highlands are typically no more than in height. The coastal uplands and a belt of Brigalow grasslands lie between the coast and the mountains, while inland of the dividing range are large areas of grassland. These include the western plains of New South Wales, and the Einasleigh Uplands, Barkly Tableland, and Mulga Lands of inland Queensland. The northernmost","Document [4](Title: Rural health care in Australia) Rural health care in Australia Rural health care in Australia involves the delivery of health services by private, community and public hospitals in areas classified as rural and remote. Researchers note that the health of those living in rural areas is quantitatively and qualitatively different to those living in major metropolitan areas. These differences include often significant gaps in service delivery, accessibility and lower health outcomes. Rural areas and those who live in them are often understood as living in a spatially, economically, socially and culturally distinct group, although there are criticisms of this perspective. Despite the questions about the","Document [5](Title: National Rural Health Alliance) (Federal) Government Department of Health. The Alliance's work has remained independent of government and is controlled and managed by its member bodies, through its Council. Current members of Council at any given time are listed on the Alliance's website. The Alliance's interests and constituency are the communities of rural and remote Australia. Rural and remote areas are defined (arbitrarily) by the Alliance as all those places except the nine capital cities and the regional conurbations of Townsville, the Gold Coast, Newcastle, the Central Coast, Wollongong and Geelong. Australia has various formal classification systems of the geographic continuum from 'metropolitan' to","Document [6](Title: Rural City of Benalla) Rural City of Benalla The Rural City of Benalla is a local government area in the Hume region of Victoria, Australia, located in the north-east part of the state. It covers an area of and, at the 2016 Census had a population of almost 14,000. It includes the towns of Baddaginnie, Benalla, Devenish, Goorambat, Major Plains, Swanpool, Tatong, Thoona, Warrenbayne and Winton. It was formed in 2002 from the de-amalgamation of the Shire of Delatite into the current rural city and the Shire of Mansfield. The Rural City is governed and administered by the Benalla Rural City Council; its seat","Document [7](Title: Parish of Goorooyarroo) each called Goorooyarroo (NSW) and Mulligan's Flat \/ Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve (ACT), which were originally part of the parish. In Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve within the ACT, the Mulligan's Flat - Goorooyarroo Woodland Experiment is conducting research into remnant plant and animal life in the area, notably reintroduction of the eastern bettong (marsupial) and brown treecreeper (bird), and remnant yellow box (\"Eucalyptus melliodora\") and Blakely's red gum (\"Eucalyptus blakelyi\"). This study is led from the Fenner School of Environment and Society at the Australian National University, along with involvement from the CSIRO and ACT Government. Parish of Goorooyarroo Goorooyarroo Parish","Document [8](Title: Geography of Australia) Geography of Australia The geography of Australia encompasses a wide variety of biogeographic regions being the world's smallest continent but the sixth-largest country in the world. The population of Australia is concentrated along the eastern and southeastern coasts. The geography of the country is extremely diverse, ranging from the snow-capped mountains of the Australian Alps and Tasmania to large deserts, tropical and temperate forests. Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the French dependency of New Caledonia to the east, and New Zealand to the southeast. Australia is a","Document [9](Title: Rural health care in Australia) framing of rural and remote areas and health services as 'other' to the metropolitan norm or majority, the framing does \"highlight a serious social and equity issue,\" particularly the gap in access and health outcomes for rural and remote populations. Rural and remote areas of Australia are classified according to a number of different schemes in relation to health care services and reporting. Rural areas are classified by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare as those extending from large rural centres (urban centre population 25,000-99,999) through to rural areas with an urban centre population of less than 10,000. Remote","Document [10](Title: Kimberley (Western Australia)) Kuri Bay to Wallal Downs. Significant sections of the coastline between Broome and Wyndham have no means of road access, and boat or helicopter are the only means. Due to the isolation a number of tourist operations on the coastline have been called \"wilderness\" locations. The rugged and varied sandstone landscape is home to a distinctive mixture of wildlife which has been thoroughly mapped and described by the Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land Management. There are similar habitats to the Kimberley across the border in the Northern Territory including the valleys of the Victoria and Daly Rivers but","Document [11](Title: Gippsland) areas of State forest that contribute towards conservation objectives. Gippsland Gippsland is an economic rural region of Victoria, Australia, located in the south-eastern part of that state. It covers an area of , and lies to the east of the eastern suburbs of Greater Melbourne, to the north of Bass Strait, to the west of the Tasman Sea, to the south of the Black-Allan Line that marks part of the Victorian\/New South Wales border, and to the east and southeast of the Great Dividing Range that lies within the Hume region and the Victorian Alps. Gippsland is generally broken down","Document [12](Title: South Australia) South Australia South Australia (abbreviated as SA) is a state in the southern central part of Australia. It covers some of the most arid parts of the country. With a total land area of , it is the fourth-largest of Australia's states and territories by area, and fifth largest by population. It has a total of 1.7 million people, and its population is the most highly centralised of any state in Australia, with more than 75 percent of South Australians living in the capital, Adelaide, or its environs. Other population centres in the state are relatively small; Mount Gambier, the","Document [13](Title: Far West (New South Wales)) Far West (New South Wales) The Far West region of New South Wales, Australia refers generally to a fairly flat and low-lying area in the western part of the state, which is too dry to support wheat or other crops or intensive pastoral endeavours. It is west of the North West Slopes, Central West and the Riverina. It is an area with limited rainfall, and the only major rivers found in it are the Darling River and the Murray River (on its southern edge), which originate in the Great Dividing Range to the east. The region corresponds to the combination","Document [14](Title: Great Western Woodlands) Great Western Woodlands The Great Western Woodlands is the largest and healthiest temperate (Mediterranean climate) woodland remaining on Earth. Located in the southwest of Australia, the woodlands cover almost , a region larger in size than England and Wales. The boundary of the Great Western Woodlands runs from the Nullarbor Plain in the east to the Western Australian Wheatbelt in the west; from north of Esperance through to the inland mulga country and deserts that are found north of Kalgoorlie. The boundaries of this region were established by researchers from the Australian National University working with The Wilderness Society and","Document [15](Title: Pied honeyeater) interior and the eastern parts of South Australia. Birdlife Australia Atlas project data between 1998 and 2014 indicates that the pied honeyeater is found principally in a band below approximately 18 \u00b0 S which extends roughly from central Queensland, central NSW and central Victoria in the east and across to the Western Australian coastline (Birdlife Australia 2014). Widely considered as nomadic and categorized by Keast (1968) as a \u2018desert nomad\u2019, the pied honeyeater has more recently been found to be both sedentary\u2013resident and irruptive (eds Higgins et al. 2001), turning up occasionally in numbers far outside its \u201cnormal\u201d range in","Document [16](Title: Special Rural Properties, Western Australia) locally known as a \"hobby farm\" for people used to living in the city for a fraction of the cost of a real working farm. People who have these hobby farms are aften referred to \"Tree Changers\" characterized as being tired of living in the city and desiring to live a rural country life. Special Rural Properties are often close to the city or smaller townships throughout Western Australia. There are many places such as Beverley, Lower Chittering, Chittering, Leschenault and Woodridge that have Special Rural Properties as well as property developers that specialise in creating Special Rural Properties. Special","Document [17](Title: Bowraville, New South Wales) Keep Australia Beautiful - Tidy Towns. The Indigenous Gumbaynggirr and Ngaku people have inhabited the area for thousands of years, and today around 15% of the population are Indigenous Australians. The Gumbaynggirr lands cover an area of the Mid North Coast from the Nambucca River to as far north as the Clarence River (Grafton), west to Armidale and eastward to the Pacific coast. The area was mostly subtropical rainforest until the arrival of Europeans. The word Bowra comes from the Gumbaynggirr place name, \"Bawrrung\", which possibly means cabbage tree palm. Other definitions given have been 'bullrout fish', 'scrub turkey' or","Document [18](Title: Western Australia) Western Australia Western Australia (abbreviated as WA) is a state occupying the entire western third of Australia. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the north and west, and the Southern Ocean to the south, the Northern Territory to the north-east and South Australia to the south-east. Western Australia is Australia's largest state, with a total land area of 2,529,875 square kilometres (976,790 sq mi), and the second-largest country subdivision in the world, surpassed only by Russia's Sakha Republic. The state has about 2.6 million inhabitants around 11% of the national total of whom the vast majority (92%) live","Document [19](Title: East Gippsland) more typical of inland New South Wales and Victoria are found here. Errinundra National Park is much wetter - inaccessible from June to October in most years - and features some of the most ancient forests in Australia, a matter of controversy as employment in the remote areas east of the Snowy is mainly dependent upon timber milling. Croajingolong National Park between Marlo and Mallacoota features extensive coastal heathlands and tea tree scrub, as well as the only major area of warm temperate rainforest in Victoria. The 4,193 km\u00b2 of privately owned land is mainly red gum plains, coastal plains,","Document [20](Title: Coopracambra National Park) Mount Kaye, with an elevation of , and Mount Denmarsh, with an elevation of . Combined with the adjoining South East Forests National Park located in New South Wales, the Coopracambra National Park forms one of the largest contiguous areas of high quality wilderness in south-eastern Australia that spans from in New South Wales to the town of Cann River in Victoria. Coopracambra National Park The Coopracambra National Park is a national park located in the Gippsland region of Victoria, Australia. The national park is situated approximately east of Melbourne and south of Canberra, near the town of . The"],"query":"the vast interior rural area of australia is known as the?","answers":["The Outback","Outback"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Melaleuca interioris) Lyndley Craven and Brendan Lepschi in \"Australian Systematic Botany\" from a specimen collected north of Leinster in Western Australia. The specific epithet (\"interioris\") refers to the interior of Australia, where this species is found. This melaleuca occurs in the central parts of Western Australia, the central parts of South Australia, the southern half of the Northern Territory, far west of New South Wales and the far south-west corner of Queensland. It grows in shrubland in red sand on the edges of salt lakes, and near ephemeral creeks, claypans and floodplains. \"Melaleuca interioris\" is listed as \"not threatened\" by the Government","Document [2](Title: Australia) coastline. Eastern Australia is marked by the Great Dividing Range, which runs parallel to the coast of Queensland, New South Wales and much of Victoria. The name is not strictly accurate, because parts of the range consist of low hills, and the highlands are typically no more than in height. The coastal uplands and a belt of Brigalow grasslands lie between the coast and the mountains, while inland of the dividing range are large areas of grassland. These include the western plains of New South Wales, and the Einasleigh Uplands, Barkly Tableland, and Mulga Lands of inland Queensland. The northernmost","Document [3](Title: Rural health care in Australia) Rural health care in Australia Rural health care in Australia involves the delivery of health services by private, community and public hospitals in areas classified as rural and remote. Researchers note that the health of those living in rural areas is quantitatively and qualitatively different to those living in major metropolitan areas. These differences include often significant gaps in service delivery, accessibility and lower health outcomes. Rural areas and those who live in them are often understood as living in a spatially, economically, socially and culturally distinct group, although there are criticisms of this perspective. Despite the questions about the","Document [4](Title: National Rural Health Alliance) (Federal) Government Department of Health. The Alliance's work has remained independent of government and is controlled and managed by its member bodies, through its Council. Current members of Council at any given time are listed on the Alliance's website. The Alliance's interests and constituency are the communities of rural and remote Australia. Rural and remote areas are defined (arbitrarily) by the Alliance as all those places except the nine capital cities and the regional conurbations of Townsville, the Gold Coast, Newcastle, the Central Coast, Wollongong and Geelong. Australia has various formal classification systems of the geographic continuum from 'metropolitan' to","Document [5](Title: Outback) The Outback is the vast, remote interior of Australia. The term \"the Outback\" is generally used to refer to locations that are comparatively more remote than those areas named \"the bush\" which, colloquially, can refer to any lands outside the main urban areas.","Document [6](Title: Rural City of Benalla) Rural City of Benalla The Rural City of Benalla is a local government area in the Hume region of Victoria, Australia, located in the north-east part of the state. It covers an area of and, at the 2016 Census had a population of almost 14,000. It includes the towns of Baddaginnie, Benalla, Devenish, Goorambat, Major Plains, Swanpool, Tatong, Thoona, Warrenbayne and Winton. It was formed in 2002 from the de-amalgamation of the Shire of Delatite into the current rural city and the Shire of Mansfield. The Rural City is governed and administered by the Benalla Rural City Council; its seat","Document [7](Title: Parish of Goorooyarroo) each called Goorooyarroo (NSW) and Mulligan's Flat \/ Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve (ACT), which were originally part of the parish. In Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve within the ACT, the Mulligan's Flat - Goorooyarroo Woodland Experiment is conducting research into remnant plant and animal life in the area, notably reintroduction of the eastern bettong (marsupial) and brown treecreeper (bird), and remnant yellow box (\"Eucalyptus melliodora\") and Blakely's red gum (\"Eucalyptus blakelyi\"). This study is led from the Fenner School of Environment and Society at the Australian National University, along with involvement from the CSIRO and ACT Government. Parish of Goorooyarroo Goorooyarroo Parish","Document [8](Title: Geography of Australia) Geography of Australia The geography of Australia encompasses a wide variety of biogeographic regions being the world's smallest continent but the sixth-largest country in the world. The population of Australia is concentrated along the eastern and southeastern coasts. The geography of the country is extremely diverse, ranging from the snow-capped mountains of the Australian Alps and Tasmania to large deserts, tropical and temperate forests. Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the French dependency of New Caledonia to the east, and New Zealand to the southeast. Australia is a","Document [9](Title: Rural health care in Australia) framing of rural and remote areas and health services as 'other' to the metropolitan norm or majority, the framing does \"highlight a serious social and equity issue,\" particularly the gap in access and health outcomes for rural and remote populations. Rural and remote areas of Australia are classified according to a number of different schemes in relation to health care services and reporting. Rural areas are classified by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare as those extending from large rural centres (urban centre population 25,000-99,999) through to rural areas with an urban centre population of less than 10,000. Remote","Document [10](Title: Kimberley (Western Australia)) Kuri Bay to Wallal Downs. Significant sections of the coastline between Broome and Wyndham have no means of road access, and boat or helicopter are the only means. Due to the isolation a number of tourist operations on the coastline have been called \"wilderness\" locations. The rugged and varied sandstone landscape is home to a distinctive mixture of wildlife which has been thoroughly mapped and described by the Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land Management. There are similar habitats to the Kimberley across the border in the Northern Territory including the valleys of the Victoria and Daly Rivers but","Document [11](Title: Gippsland) areas of State forest that contribute towards conservation objectives. Gippsland Gippsland is an economic rural region of Victoria, Australia, located in the south-eastern part of that state. It covers an area of , and lies to the east of the eastern suburbs of Greater Melbourne, to the north of Bass Strait, to the west of the Tasman Sea, to the south of the Black-Allan Line that marks part of the Victorian\/New South Wales border, and to the east and southeast of the Great Dividing Range that lies within the Hume region and the Victorian Alps. Gippsland is generally broken down","Document [12](Title: South Australia) South Australia South Australia (abbreviated as SA) is a state in the southern central part of Australia. It covers some of the most arid parts of the country. With a total land area of , it is the fourth-largest of Australia's states and territories by area, and fifth largest by population. It has a total of 1.7 million people, and its population is the most highly centralised of any state in Australia, with more than 75 percent of South Australians living in the capital, Adelaide, or its environs. Other population centres in the state are relatively small; Mount Gambier, the","Document [13](Title: Far West (New South Wales)) Far West (New South Wales) The Far West region of New South Wales, Australia refers generally to a fairly flat and low-lying area in the western part of the state, which is too dry to support wheat or other crops or intensive pastoral endeavours. It is west of the North West Slopes, Central West and the Riverina. It is an area with limited rainfall, and the only major rivers found in it are the Darling River and the Murray River (on its southern edge), which originate in the Great Dividing Range to the east. The region corresponds to the combination","Document [14](Title: Great Western Woodlands) Great Western Woodlands The Great Western Woodlands is the largest and healthiest temperate (Mediterranean climate) woodland remaining on Earth. Located in the southwest of Australia, the woodlands cover almost , a region larger in size than England and Wales. The boundary of the Great Western Woodlands runs from the Nullarbor Plain in the east to the Western Australian Wheatbelt in the west; from north of Esperance through to the inland mulga country and deserts that are found north of Kalgoorlie. The boundaries of this region were established by researchers from the Australian National University working with The Wilderness Society and","Document [15](Title: Pied honeyeater) interior and the eastern parts of South Australia. Birdlife Australia Atlas project data between 1998 and 2014 indicates that the pied honeyeater is found principally in a band below approximately 18 \u00b0 S which extends roughly from central Queensland, central NSW and central Victoria in the east and across to the Western Australian coastline (Birdlife Australia 2014). Widely considered as nomadic and categorized by Keast (1968) as a \u2018desert nomad\u2019, the pied honeyeater has more recently been found to be both sedentary\u2013resident and irruptive (eds Higgins et al. 2001), turning up occasionally in numbers far outside its \u201cnormal\u201d range in","Document [16](Title: Special Rural Properties, Western Australia) locally known as a \"hobby farm\" for people used to living in the city for a fraction of the cost of a real working farm. People who have these hobby farms are aften referred to \"Tree Changers\" characterized as being tired of living in the city and desiring to live a rural country life. Special Rural Properties are often close to the city or smaller townships throughout Western Australia. There are many places such as Beverley, Lower Chittering, Chittering, Leschenault and Woodridge that have Special Rural Properties as well as property developers that specialise in creating Special Rural Properties. Special","Document [17](Title: Bowraville, New South Wales) Keep Australia Beautiful - Tidy Towns. The Indigenous Gumbaynggirr and Ngaku people have inhabited the area for thousands of years, and today around 15% of the population are Indigenous Australians. The Gumbaynggirr lands cover an area of the Mid North Coast from the Nambucca River to as far north as the Clarence River (Grafton), west to Armidale and eastward to the Pacific coast. The area was mostly subtropical rainforest until the arrival of Europeans. The word Bowra comes from the Gumbaynggirr place name, \"Bawrrung\", which possibly means cabbage tree palm. Other definitions given have been 'bullrout fish', 'scrub turkey' or","Document [18](Title: Western Australia) Western Australia Western Australia (abbreviated as WA) is a state occupying the entire western third of Australia. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the north and west, and the Southern Ocean to the south, the Northern Territory to the north-east and South Australia to the south-east. Western Australia is Australia's largest state, with a total land area of 2,529,875 square kilometres (976,790 sq mi), and the second-largest country subdivision in the world, surpassed only by Russia's Sakha Republic. The state has about 2.6 million inhabitants around 11% of the national total of whom the vast majority (92%) live","Document [19](Title: East Gippsland) more typical of inland New South Wales and Victoria are found here. Errinundra National Park is much wetter - inaccessible from June to October in most years - and features some of the most ancient forests in Australia, a matter of controversy as employment in the remote areas east of the Snowy is mainly dependent upon timber milling. Croajingolong National Park between Marlo and Mallacoota features extensive coastal heathlands and tea tree scrub, as well as the only major area of warm temperate rainforest in Victoria. The 4,193 km\u00b2 of privately owned land is mainly red gum plains, coastal plains,","Document [20](Title: Coopracambra National Park) Mount Kaye, with an elevation of , and Mount Denmarsh, with an elevation of . Combined with the adjoining South East Forests National Park located in New South Wales, the Coopracambra National Park forms one of the largest contiguous areas of high quality wilderness in south-eastern Australia that spans from in New South Wales to the town of Cann River in Victoria. Coopracambra National Park The Coopracambra National Park is a national park located in the Gippsland region of Victoria, Australia. The national park is situated approximately east of Melbourne and south of Canberra, near the town of . The"],"query":"the vast interior rural area of australia is known as the?","answers":["The Outback","Outback"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Melaleuca interioris) Lyndley Craven and Brendan Lepschi in \"Australian Systematic Botany\" from a specimen collected north of Leinster in Western Australia. The specific epithet (\"interioris\") refers to the interior of Australia, where this species is found. This melaleuca occurs in the central parts of Western Australia, the central parts of South Australia, the southern half of the Northern Territory, far west of New South Wales and the far south-west corner of Queensland. It grows in shrubland in red sand on the edges of salt lakes, and near ephemeral creeks, claypans and floodplains. \"Melaleuca interioris\" is listed as \"not threatened\" by the Government","Document [2](Title: Australia) coastline. Eastern Australia is marked by the Great Dividing Range, which runs parallel to the coast of Queensland, New South Wales and much of Victoria. The name is not strictly accurate, because parts of the range consist of low hills, and the highlands are typically no more than in height. The coastal uplands and a belt of Brigalow grasslands lie between the coast and the mountains, while inland of the dividing range are large areas of grassland. These include the western plains of New South Wales, and the Einasleigh Uplands, Barkly Tableland, and Mulga Lands of inland Queensland. The northernmost","Document [3](Title: Rural health care in Australia) Rural health care in Australia Rural health care in Australia involves the delivery of health services by private, community and public hospitals in areas classified as rural and remote. Researchers note that the health of those living in rural areas is quantitatively and qualitatively different to those living in major metropolitan areas. These differences include often significant gaps in service delivery, accessibility and lower health outcomes. Rural areas and those who live in them are often understood as living in a spatially, economically, socially and culturally distinct group, although there are criticisms of this perspective. Despite the questions about the","Document [4](Title: National Rural Health Alliance) (Federal) Government Department of Health. The Alliance's work has remained independent of government and is controlled and managed by its member bodies, through its Council. Current members of Council at any given time are listed on the Alliance's website. The Alliance's interests and constituency are the communities of rural and remote Australia. Rural and remote areas are defined (arbitrarily) by the Alliance as all those places except the nine capital cities and the regional conurbations of Townsville, the Gold Coast, Newcastle, the Central Coast, Wollongong and Geelong. Australia has various formal classification systems of the geographic continuum from 'metropolitan' to","Document [5](Title: Rural City of Benalla) Rural City of Benalla The Rural City of Benalla is a local government area in the Hume region of Victoria, Australia, located in the north-east part of the state. It covers an area of and, at the 2016 Census had a population of almost 14,000. It includes the towns of Baddaginnie, Benalla, Devenish, Goorambat, Major Plains, Swanpool, Tatong, Thoona, Warrenbayne and Winton. It was formed in 2002 from the de-amalgamation of the Shire of Delatite into the current rural city and the Shire of Mansfield. The Rural City is governed and administered by the Benalla Rural City Council; its seat","Document [6](Title: Parish of Goorooyarroo) each called Goorooyarroo (NSW) and Mulligan's Flat \/ Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve (ACT), which were originally part of the parish. In Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve within the ACT, the Mulligan's Flat - Goorooyarroo Woodland Experiment is conducting research into remnant plant and animal life in the area, notably reintroduction of the eastern bettong (marsupial) and brown treecreeper (bird), and remnant yellow box (\"Eucalyptus melliodora\") and Blakely's red gum (\"Eucalyptus blakelyi\"). This study is led from the Fenner School of Environment and Society at the Australian National University, along with involvement from the CSIRO and ACT Government. Parish of Goorooyarroo Goorooyarroo Parish","Document [7](Title: Geography of Australia) Geography of Australia The geography of Australia encompasses a wide variety of biogeographic regions being the world's smallest continent but the sixth-largest country in the world. The population of Australia is concentrated along the eastern and southeastern coasts. The geography of the country is extremely diverse, ranging from the snow-capped mountains of the Australian Alps and Tasmania to large deserts, tropical and temperate forests. Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the French dependency of New Caledonia to the east, and New Zealand to the southeast. Australia is a","Document [8](Title: Rural health care in Australia) framing of rural and remote areas and health services as 'other' to the metropolitan norm or majority, the framing does \"highlight a serious social and equity issue,\" particularly the gap in access and health outcomes for rural and remote populations. Rural and remote areas of Australia are classified according to a number of different schemes in relation to health care services and reporting. Rural areas are classified by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare as those extending from large rural centres (urban centre population 25,000-99,999) through to rural areas with an urban centre population of less than 10,000. Remote","Document [9](Title: Kimberley (Western Australia)) Kuri Bay to Wallal Downs. Significant sections of the coastline between Broome and Wyndham have no means of road access, and boat or helicopter are the only means. Due to the isolation a number of tourist operations on the coastline have been called \"wilderness\" locations. The rugged and varied sandstone landscape is home to a distinctive mixture of wildlife which has been thoroughly mapped and described by the Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land Management. There are similar habitats to the Kimberley across the border in the Northern Territory including the valleys of the Victoria and Daly Rivers but","Document [10](Title: Outback) The Outback is the vast, remote interior of Australia. The term \"the Outback\" is generally used to refer to locations that are comparatively more remote than those areas named \"the bush\" which, colloquially, can refer to any lands outside the main urban areas.","Document [11](Title: Gippsland) areas of State forest that contribute towards conservation objectives. Gippsland Gippsland is an economic rural region of Victoria, Australia, located in the south-eastern part of that state. It covers an area of , and lies to the east of the eastern suburbs of Greater Melbourne, to the north of Bass Strait, to the west of the Tasman Sea, to the south of the Black-Allan Line that marks part of the Victorian\/New South Wales border, and to the east and southeast of the Great Dividing Range that lies within the Hume region and the Victorian Alps. Gippsland is generally broken down","Document [12](Title: South Australia) South Australia South Australia (abbreviated as SA) is a state in the southern central part of Australia. It covers some of the most arid parts of the country. With a total land area of , it is the fourth-largest of Australia's states and territories by area, and fifth largest by population. It has a total of 1.7 million people, and its population is the most highly centralised of any state in Australia, with more than 75 percent of South Australians living in the capital, Adelaide, or its environs. Other population centres in the state are relatively small; Mount Gambier, the","Document [13](Title: Far West (New South Wales)) Far West (New South Wales) The Far West region of New South Wales, Australia refers generally to a fairly flat and low-lying area in the western part of the state, which is too dry to support wheat or other crops or intensive pastoral endeavours. It is west of the North West Slopes, Central West and the Riverina. It is an area with limited rainfall, and the only major rivers found in it are the Darling River and the Murray River (on its southern edge), which originate in the Great Dividing Range to the east. The region corresponds to the combination","Document [14](Title: Great Western Woodlands) Great Western Woodlands The Great Western Woodlands is the largest and healthiest temperate (Mediterranean climate) woodland remaining on Earth. Located in the southwest of Australia, the woodlands cover almost , a region larger in size than England and Wales. The boundary of the Great Western Woodlands runs from the Nullarbor Plain in the east to the Western Australian Wheatbelt in the west; from north of Esperance through to the inland mulga country and deserts that are found north of Kalgoorlie. The boundaries of this region were established by researchers from the Australian National University working with The Wilderness Society and","Document [15](Title: Pied honeyeater) interior and the eastern parts of South Australia. Birdlife Australia Atlas project data between 1998 and 2014 indicates that the pied honeyeater is found principally in a band below approximately 18 \u00b0 S which extends roughly from central Queensland, central NSW and central Victoria in the east and across to the Western Australian coastline (Birdlife Australia 2014). Widely considered as nomadic and categorized by Keast (1968) as a \u2018desert nomad\u2019, the pied honeyeater has more recently been found to be both sedentary\u2013resident and irruptive (eds Higgins et al. 2001), turning up occasionally in numbers far outside its \u201cnormal\u201d range in","Document [16](Title: Special Rural Properties, Western Australia) locally known as a \"hobby farm\" for people used to living in the city for a fraction of the cost of a real working farm. People who have these hobby farms are aften referred to \"Tree Changers\" characterized as being tired of living in the city and desiring to live a rural country life. Special Rural Properties are often close to the city or smaller townships throughout Western Australia. There are many places such as Beverley, Lower Chittering, Chittering, Leschenault and Woodridge that have Special Rural Properties as well as property developers that specialise in creating Special Rural Properties. Special","Document [17](Title: Bowraville, New South Wales) Keep Australia Beautiful - Tidy Towns. The Indigenous Gumbaynggirr and Ngaku people have inhabited the area for thousands of years, and today around 15% of the population are Indigenous Australians. The Gumbaynggirr lands cover an area of the Mid North Coast from the Nambucca River to as far north as the Clarence River (Grafton), west to Armidale and eastward to the Pacific coast. The area was mostly subtropical rainforest until the arrival of Europeans. The word Bowra comes from the Gumbaynggirr place name, \"Bawrrung\", which possibly means cabbage tree palm. Other definitions given have been 'bullrout fish', 'scrub turkey' or","Document [18](Title: Western Australia) Western Australia Western Australia (abbreviated as WA) is a state occupying the entire western third of Australia. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the north and west, and the Southern Ocean to the south, the Northern Territory to the north-east and South Australia to the south-east. Western Australia is Australia's largest state, with a total land area of 2,529,875 square kilometres (976,790 sq mi), and the second-largest country subdivision in the world, surpassed only by Russia's Sakha Republic. The state has about 2.6 million inhabitants around 11% of the national total of whom the vast majority (92%) live","Document [19](Title: East Gippsland) more typical of inland New South Wales and Victoria are found here. Errinundra National Park is much wetter - inaccessible from June to October in most years - and features some of the most ancient forests in Australia, a matter of controversy as employment in the remote areas east of the Snowy is mainly dependent upon timber milling. Croajingolong National Park between Marlo and Mallacoota features extensive coastal heathlands and tea tree scrub, as well as the only major area of warm temperate rainforest in Victoria. The 4,193 km\u00b2 of privately owned land is mainly red gum plains, coastal plains,","Document [20](Title: Coopracambra National Park) Mount Kaye, with an elevation of , and Mount Denmarsh, with an elevation of . Combined with the adjoining South East Forests National Park located in New South Wales, the Coopracambra National Park forms one of the largest contiguous areas of high quality wilderness in south-eastern Australia that spans from in New South Wales to the town of Cann River in Victoria. Coopracambra National Park The Coopracambra National Park is a national park located in the Gippsland region of Victoria, Australia. The national park is situated approximately east of Melbourne and south of Canberra, near the town of . The"],"query":"the vast interior rural area of australia is known as the?","answers":["The Outback","Outback"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Melaleuca interioris) Lyndley Craven and Brendan Lepschi in \"Australian Systematic Botany\" from a specimen collected north of Leinster in Western Australia. The specific epithet (\"interioris\") refers to the interior of Australia, where this species is found. This melaleuca occurs in the central parts of Western Australia, the central parts of South Australia, the southern half of the Northern Territory, far west of New South Wales and the far south-west corner of Queensland. It grows in shrubland in red sand on the edges of salt lakes, and near ephemeral creeks, claypans and floodplains. \"Melaleuca interioris\" is listed as \"not threatened\" by the Government","Document [2](Title: Australia) coastline. Eastern Australia is marked by the Great Dividing Range, which runs parallel to the coast of Queensland, New South Wales and much of Victoria. The name is not strictly accurate, because parts of the range consist of low hills, and the highlands are typically no more than in height. The coastal uplands and a belt of Brigalow grasslands lie between the coast and the mountains, while inland of the dividing range are large areas of grassland. These include the western plains of New South Wales, and the Einasleigh Uplands, Barkly Tableland, and Mulga Lands of inland Queensland. The northernmost","Document [3](Title: Rural health care in Australia) Rural health care in Australia Rural health care in Australia involves the delivery of health services by private, community and public hospitals in areas classified as rural and remote. Researchers note that the health of those living in rural areas is quantitatively and qualitatively different to those living in major metropolitan areas. These differences include often significant gaps in service delivery, accessibility and lower health outcomes. Rural areas and those who live in them are often understood as living in a spatially, economically, socially and culturally distinct group, although there are criticisms of this perspective. Despite the questions about the","Document [4](Title: National Rural Health Alliance) (Federal) Government Department of Health. The Alliance's work has remained independent of government and is controlled and managed by its member bodies, through its Council. Current members of Council at any given time are listed on the Alliance's website. The Alliance's interests and constituency are the communities of rural and remote Australia. Rural and remote areas are defined (arbitrarily) by the Alliance as all those places except the nine capital cities and the regional conurbations of Townsville, the Gold Coast, Newcastle, the Central Coast, Wollongong and Geelong. Australia has various formal classification systems of the geographic continuum from 'metropolitan' to","Document [5](Title: Rural City of Benalla) Rural City of Benalla The Rural City of Benalla is a local government area in the Hume region of Victoria, Australia, located in the north-east part of the state. It covers an area of and, at the 2016 Census had a population of almost 14,000. It includes the towns of Baddaginnie, Benalla, Devenish, Goorambat, Major Plains, Swanpool, Tatong, Thoona, Warrenbayne and Winton. It was formed in 2002 from the de-amalgamation of the Shire of Delatite into the current rural city and the Shire of Mansfield. The Rural City is governed and administered by the Benalla Rural City Council; its seat","Document [6](Title: Parish of Goorooyarroo) each called Goorooyarroo (NSW) and Mulligan's Flat \/ Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve (ACT), which were originally part of the parish. In Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve within the ACT, the Mulligan's Flat - Goorooyarroo Woodland Experiment is conducting research into remnant plant and animal life in the area, notably reintroduction of the eastern bettong (marsupial) and brown treecreeper (bird), and remnant yellow box (\"Eucalyptus melliodora\") and Blakely's red gum (\"Eucalyptus blakelyi\"). This study is led from the Fenner School of Environment and Society at the Australian National University, along with involvement from the CSIRO and ACT Government. Parish of Goorooyarroo Goorooyarroo Parish","Document [7](Title: Geography of Australia) Geography of Australia The geography of Australia encompasses a wide variety of biogeographic regions being the world's smallest continent but the sixth-largest country in the world. The population of Australia is concentrated along the eastern and southeastern coasts. The geography of the country is extremely diverse, ranging from the snow-capped mountains of the Australian Alps and Tasmania to large deserts, tropical and temperate forests. Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the French dependency of New Caledonia to the east, and New Zealand to the southeast. Australia is a","Document [8](Title: Rural health care in Australia) framing of rural and remote areas and health services as 'other' to the metropolitan norm or majority, the framing does \"highlight a serious social and equity issue,\" particularly the gap in access and health outcomes for rural and remote populations. Rural and remote areas of Australia are classified according to a number of different schemes in relation to health care services and reporting. Rural areas are classified by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare as those extending from large rural centres (urban centre population 25,000-99,999) through to rural areas with an urban centre population of less than 10,000. Remote","Document [9](Title: Kimberley (Western Australia)) Kuri Bay to Wallal Downs. Significant sections of the coastline between Broome and Wyndham have no means of road access, and boat or helicopter are the only means. Due to the isolation a number of tourist operations on the coastline have been called \"wilderness\" locations. The rugged and varied sandstone landscape is home to a distinctive mixture of wildlife which has been thoroughly mapped and described by the Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land Management. There are similar habitats to the Kimberley across the border in the Northern Territory including the valleys of the Victoria and Daly Rivers but","Document [10](Title: Gippsland) areas of State forest that contribute towards conservation objectives. Gippsland Gippsland is an economic rural region of Victoria, Australia, located in the south-eastern part of that state. It covers an area of , and lies to the east of the eastern suburbs of Greater Melbourne, to the north of Bass Strait, to the west of the Tasman Sea, to the south of the Black-Allan Line that marks part of the Victorian\/New South Wales border, and to the east and southeast of the Great Dividing Range that lies within the Hume region and the Victorian Alps. Gippsland is generally broken down","Document [11](Title: South Australia) South Australia South Australia (abbreviated as SA) is a state in the southern central part of Australia. It covers some of the most arid parts of the country. With a total land area of , it is the fourth-largest of Australia's states and territories by area, and fifth largest by population. It has a total of 1.7 million people, and its population is the most highly centralised of any state in Australia, with more than 75 percent of South Australians living in the capital, Adelaide, or its environs. Other population centres in the state are relatively small; Mount Gambier, the","Document [12](Title: Far West (New South Wales)) Far West (New South Wales) The Far West region of New South Wales, Australia refers generally to a fairly flat and low-lying area in the western part of the state, which is too dry to support wheat or other crops or intensive pastoral endeavours. It is west of the North West Slopes, Central West and the Riverina. It is an area with limited rainfall, and the only major rivers found in it are the Darling River and the Murray River (on its southern edge), which originate in the Great Dividing Range to the east. The region corresponds to the combination","Document [13](Title: Great Western Woodlands) Great Western Woodlands The Great Western Woodlands is the largest and healthiest temperate (Mediterranean climate) woodland remaining on Earth. Located in the southwest of Australia, the woodlands cover almost , a region larger in size than England and Wales. The boundary of the Great Western Woodlands runs from the Nullarbor Plain in the east to the Western Australian Wheatbelt in the west; from north of Esperance through to the inland mulga country and deserts that are found north of Kalgoorlie. The boundaries of this region were established by researchers from the Australian National University working with The Wilderness Society and","Document [14](Title: Pied honeyeater) interior and the eastern parts of South Australia. Birdlife Australia Atlas project data between 1998 and 2014 indicates that the pied honeyeater is found principally in a band below approximately 18 \u00b0 S which extends roughly from central Queensland, central NSW and central Victoria in the east and across to the Western Australian coastline (Birdlife Australia 2014). Widely considered as nomadic and categorized by Keast (1968) as a \u2018desert nomad\u2019, the pied honeyeater has more recently been found to be both sedentary\u2013resident and irruptive (eds Higgins et al. 2001), turning up occasionally in numbers far outside its \u201cnormal\u201d range in","Document [15](Title: Outback) The Outback is the vast, remote interior of Australia. The term \"the Outback\" is generally used to refer to locations that are comparatively more remote than those areas named \"the bush\" which, colloquially, can refer to any lands outside the main urban areas.","Document [16](Title: Special Rural Properties, Western Australia) locally known as a \"hobby farm\" for people used to living in the city for a fraction of the cost of a real working farm. People who have these hobby farms are aften referred to \"Tree Changers\" characterized as being tired of living in the city and desiring to live a rural country life. Special Rural Properties are often close to the city or smaller townships throughout Western Australia. There are many places such as Beverley, Lower Chittering, Chittering, Leschenault and Woodridge that have Special Rural Properties as well as property developers that specialise in creating Special Rural Properties. Special","Document [17](Title: Bowraville, New South Wales) Keep Australia Beautiful - Tidy Towns. The Indigenous Gumbaynggirr and Ngaku people have inhabited the area for thousands of years, and today around 15% of the population are Indigenous Australians. The Gumbaynggirr lands cover an area of the Mid North Coast from the Nambucca River to as far north as the Clarence River (Grafton), west to Armidale and eastward to the Pacific coast. The area was mostly subtropical rainforest until the arrival of Europeans. The word Bowra comes from the Gumbaynggirr place name, \"Bawrrung\", which possibly means cabbage tree palm. Other definitions given have been 'bullrout fish', 'scrub turkey' or","Document [18](Title: Western Australia) Western Australia Western Australia (abbreviated as WA) is a state occupying the entire western third of Australia. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the north and west, and the Southern Ocean to the south, the Northern Territory to the north-east and South Australia to the south-east. Western Australia is Australia's largest state, with a total land area of 2,529,875 square kilometres (976,790 sq mi), and the second-largest country subdivision in the world, surpassed only by Russia's Sakha Republic. The state has about 2.6 million inhabitants around 11% of the national total of whom the vast majority (92%) live","Document [19](Title: East Gippsland) more typical of inland New South Wales and Victoria are found here. Errinundra National Park is much wetter - inaccessible from June to October in most years - and features some of the most ancient forests in Australia, a matter of controversy as employment in the remote areas east of the Snowy is mainly dependent upon timber milling. Croajingolong National Park between Marlo and Mallacoota features extensive coastal heathlands and tea tree scrub, as well as the only major area of warm temperate rainforest in Victoria. The 4,193 km\u00b2 of privately owned land is mainly red gum plains, coastal plains,","Document [20](Title: Coopracambra National Park) Mount Kaye, with an elevation of , and Mount Denmarsh, with an elevation of . Combined with the adjoining South East Forests National Park located in New South Wales, the Coopracambra National Park forms one of the largest contiguous areas of high quality wilderness in south-eastern Australia that spans from in New South Wales to the town of Cann River in Victoria. Coopracambra National Park The Coopracambra National Park is a national park located in the Gippsland region of Victoria, Australia. The national park is situated approximately east of Melbourne and south of Canberra, near the town of . The"],"query":"the vast interior rural area of australia is known as the?","answers":["The Outback","Outback"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Melaleuca interioris) Lyndley Craven and Brendan Lepschi in \"Australian Systematic Botany\" from a specimen collected north of Leinster in Western Australia. The specific epithet (\"interioris\") refers to the interior of Australia, where this species is found. This melaleuca occurs in the central parts of Western Australia, the central parts of South Australia, the southern half of the Northern Territory, far west of New South Wales and the far south-west corner of Queensland. It grows in shrubland in red sand on the edges of salt lakes, and near ephemeral creeks, claypans and floodplains. \"Melaleuca interioris\" is listed as \"not threatened\" by the Government","Document [2](Title: Australia) coastline. Eastern Australia is marked by the Great Dividing Range, which runs parallel to the coast of Queensland, New South Wales and much of Victoria. The name is not strictly accurate, because parts of the range consist of low hills, and the highlands are typically no more than in height. The coastal uplands and a belt of Brigalow grasslands lie between the coast and the mountains, while inland of the dividing range are large areas of grassland. These include the western plains of New South Wales, and the Einasleigh Uplands, Barkly Tableland, and Mulga Lands of inland Queensland. The northernmost","Document [3](Title: Rural health care in Australia) Rural health care in Australia Rural health care in Australia involves the delivery of health services by private, community and public hospitals in areas classified as rural and remote. Researchers note that the health of those living in rural areas is quantitatively and qualitatively different to those living in major metropolitan areas. These differences include often significant gaps in service delivery, accessibility and lower health outcomes. Rural areas and those who live in them are often understood as living in a spatially, economically, socially and culturally distinct group, although there are criticisms of this perspective. Despite the questions about the","Document [4](Title: National Rural Health Alliance) (Federal) Government Department of Health. The Alliance's work has remained independent of government and is controlled and managed by its member bodies, through its Council. Current members of Council at any given time are listed on the Alliance's website. The Alliance's interests and constituency are the communities of rural and remote Australia. Rural and remote areas are defined (arbitrarily) by the Alliance as all those places except the nine capital cities and the regional conurbations of Townsville, the Gold Coast, Newcastle, the Central Coast, Wollongong and Geelong. Australia has various formal classification systems of the geographic continuum from 'metropolitan' to","Document [5](Title: Rural City of Benalla) Rural City of Benalla The Rural City of Benalla is a local government area in the Hume region of Victoria, Australia, located in the north-east part of the state. It covers an area of and, at the 2016 Census had a population of almost 14,000. It includes the towns of Baddaginnie, Benalla, Devenish, Goorambat, Major Plains, Swanpool, Tatong, Thoona, Warrenbayne and Winton. It was formed in 2002 from the de-amalgamation of the Shire of Delatite into the current rural city and the Shire of Mansfield. The Rural City is governed and administered by the Benalla Rural City Council; its seat","Document [6](Title: Parish of Goorooyarroo) each called Goorooyarroo (NSW) and Mulligan's Flat \/ Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve (ACT), which were originally part of the parish. In Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve within the ACT, the Mulligan's Flat - Goorooyarroo Woodland Experiment is conducting research into remnant plant and animal life in the area, notably reintroduction of the eastern bettong (marsupial) and brown treecreeper (bird), and remnant yellow box (\"Eucalyptus melliodora\") and Blakely's red gum (\"Eucalyptus blakelyi\"). This study is led from the Fenner School of Environment and Society at the Australian National University, along with involvement from the CSIRO and ACT Government. Parish of Goorooyarroo Goorooyarroo Parish","Document [7](Title: Geography of Australia) Geography of Australia The geography of Australia encompasses a wide variety of biogeographic regions being the world's smallest continent but the sixth-largest country in the world. The population of Australia is concentrated along the eastern and southeastern coasts. The geography of the country is extremely diverse, ranging from the snow-capped mountains of the Australian Alps and Tasmania to large deserts, tropical and temperate forests. Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the French dependency of New Caledonia to the east, and New Zealand to the southeast. Australia is a","Document [8](Title: Rural health care in Australia) framing of rural and remote areas and health services as 'other' to the metropolitan norm or majority, the framing does \"highlight a serious social and equity issue,\" particularly the gap in access and health outcomes for rural and remote populations. Rural and remote areas of Australia are classified according to a number of different schemes in relation to health care services and reporting. Rural areas are classified by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare as those extending from large rural centres (urban centre population 25,000-99,999) through to rural areas with an urban centre population of less than 10,000. Remote","Document [9](Title: Kimberley (Western Australia)) Kuri Bay to Wallal Downs. Significant sections of the coastline between Broome and Wyndham have no means of road access, and boat or helicopter are the only means. Due to the isolation a number of tourist operations on the coastline have been called \"wilderness\" locations. The rugged and varied sandstone landscape is home to a distinctive mixture of wildlife which has been thoroughly mapped and described by the Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land Management. There are similar habitats to the Kimberley across the border in the Northern Territory including the valleys of the Victoria and Daly Rivers but","Document [10](Title: Gippsland) areas of State forest that contribute towards conservation objectives. Gippsland Gippsland is an economic rural region of Victoria, Australia, located in the south-eastern part of that state. It covers an area of , and lies to the east of the eastern suburbs of Greater Melbourne, to the north of Bass Strait, to the west of the Tasman Sea, to the south of the Black-Allan Line that marks part of the Victorian\/New South Wales border, and to the east and southeast of the Great Dividing Range that lies within the Hume region and the Victorian Alps. Gippsland is generally broken down","Document [11](Title: South Australia) South Australia South Australia (abbreviated as SA) is a state in the southern central part of Australia. It covers some of the most arid parts of the country. With a total land area of , it is the fourth-largest of Australia's states and territories by area, and fifth largest by population. It has a total of 1.7 million people, and its population is the most highly centralised of any state in Australia, with more than 75 percent of South Australians living in the capital, Adelaide, or its environs. Other population centres in the state are relatively small; Mount Gambier, the","Document [12](Title: Far West (New South Wales)) Far West (New South Wales) The Far West region of New South Wales, Australia refers generally to a fairly flat and low-lying area in the western part of the state, which is too dry to support wheat or other crops or intensive pastoral endeavours. It is west of the North West Slopes, Central West and the Riverina. It is an area with limited rainfall, and the only major rivers found in it are the Darling River and the Murray River (on its southern edge), which originate in the Great Dividing Range to the east. The region corresponds to the combination","Document [13](Title: Great Western Woodlands) Great Western Woodlands The Great Western Woodlands is the largest and healthiest temperate (Mediterranean climate) woodland remaining on Earth. Located in the southwest of Australia, the woodlands cover almost , a region larger in size than England and Wales. The boundary of the Great Western Woodlands runs from the Nullarbor Plain in the east to the Western Australian Wheatbelt in the west; from north of Esperance through to the inland mulga country and deserts that are found north of Kalgoorlie. The boundaries of this region were established by researchers from the Australian National University working with The Wilderness Society and","Document [14](Title: Pied honeyeater) interior and the eastern parts of South Australia. Birdlife Australia Atlas project data between 1998 and 2014 indicates that the pied honeyeater is found principally in a band below approximately 18 \u00b0 S which extends roughly from central Queensland, central NSW and central Victoria in the east and across to the Western Australian coastline (Birdlife Australia 2014). Widely considered as nomadic and categorized by Keast (1968) as a \u2018desert nomad\u2019, the pied honeyeater has more recently been found to be both sedentary\u2013resident and irruptive (eds Higgins et al. 2001), turning up occasionally in numbers far outside its \u201cnormal\u201d range in","Document [15](Title: Special Rural Properties, Western Australia) locally known as a \"hobby farm\" for people used to living in the city for a fraction of the cost of a real working farm. People who have these hobby farms are aften referred to \"Tree Changers\" characterized as being tired of living in the city and desiring to live a rural country life. Special Rural Properties are often close to the city or smaller townships throughout Western Australia. There are many places such as Beverley, Lower Chittering, Chittering, Leschenault and Woodridge that have Special Rural Properties as well as property developers that specialise in creating Special Rural Properties. Special","Document [16](Title: Bowraville, New South Wales) Keep Australia Beautiful - Tidy Towns. The Indigenous Gumbaynggirr and Ngaku people have inhabited the area for thousands of years, and today around 15% of the population are Indigenous Australians. The Gumbaynggirr lands cover an area of the Mid North Coast from the Nambucca River to as far north as the Clarence River (Grafton), west to Armidale and eastward to the Pacific coast. The area was mostly subtropical rainforest until the arrival of Europeans. The word Bowra comes from the Gumbaynggirr place name, \"Bawrrung\", which possibly means cabbage tree palm. Other definitions given have been 'bullrout fish', 'scrub turkey' or","Document [17](Title: Western Australia) Western Australia Western Australia (abbreviated as WA) is a state occupying the entire western third of Australia. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean to the north and west, and the Southern Ocean to the south, the Northern Territory to the north-east and South Australia to the south-east. Western Australia is Australia's largest state, with a total land area of 2,529,875 square kilometres (976,790 sq mi), and the second-largest country subdivision in the world, surpassed only by Russia's Sakha Republic. The state has about 2.6 million inhabitants around 11% of the national total of whom the vast majority (92%) live","Document [18](Title: East Gippsland) more typical of inland New South Wales and Victoria are found here. Errinundra National Park is much wetter - inaccessible from June to October in most years - and features some of the most ancient forests in Australia, a matter of controversy as employment in the remote areas east of the Snowy is mainly dependent upon timber milling. Croajingolong National Park between Marlo and Mallacoota features extensive coastal heathlands and tea tree scrub, as well as the only major area of warm temperate rainforest in Victoria. The 4,193 km\u00b2 of privately owned land is mainly red gum plains, coastal plains,","Document [19](Title: Coopracambra National Park) Mount Kaye, with an elevation of , and Mount Denmarsh, with an elevation of . Combined with the adjoining South East Forests National Park located in New South Wales, the Coopracambra National Park forms one of the largest contiguous areas of high quality wilderness in south-eastern Australia that spans from in New South Wales to the town of Cann River in Victoria. Coopracambra National Park The Coopracambra National Park is a national park located in the Gippsland region of Victoria, Australia. The national park is situated approximately east of Melbourne and south of Canberra, near the town of . The","Document [20](Title: Outback) The Outback is the vast, remote interior of Australia. The term \"the Outback\" is generally used to refer to locations that are comparatively more remote than those areas named \"the bush\" which, colloquially, can refer to any lands outside the main urban areas."],"query":"the vast interior rural area of australia is known as the?","answers":["The Outback","Outback"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Sam Hill (euphemism)) Sam Hill is an American English slang phrase, a euphemism or minced oath for \"the devil\" or \"hell\" personified (as in, \"What in the Sam Hill is that?\"). Etymologist Michael Quinion and others date the expression back to the late 1830s; they and others consider the expression to have been a simple bowdlerization, with, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, an unknown origin.","Document [2](Title: Samuel Hill) Maryhill, Washington. Sam Hill was born into a Quaker family in Deep River, North Carolina. His family was displaced by the American Civil War and Sam grew up after the war in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Hill graduated from Haverford College in 1878 (also his father's alma mater). At Haverford he studied Latin, Greek, French, and German as well as mathematics, science, English literature, logic, rhetoric, and political science. He attended Harvard University for a year to receive a second bachelor's degree in 1879. At Harvard he continued his Latin and history (\"\"Colonial History of America\"\" under Henry Cabot Lodge) and studied","Document [3](Title: Sam Hill (rugby union)) Sam Hill (rugby union) Sam Hill (born 1 July 1993) is a rugby union player for Exeter Chiefs in the Aviva Premiership. He made his debut for the club against Wasps on 28 January 2012 and he plays as a centre. Hill attended Cheriton Bishop Primary School before moving on to Queen Elizabeths Community College in Crediton. Having played for Crediton RFC until the age of 15, Sam was honoured to gain selection for England under 16s and moved to Ivybridge College sixth form for two years. Hill spent the early years of his professional career dual-registered with Cornish Pirates","Document [4](Title: Samuel W Hill) the cuss words. Eventually, the phrase \"What in Sam Hill?\" spread beyond the Keweenaw Peninsula to become part of the American language. Samuel W. Hill married Susan A. Warren, July 16, 1851. Miss Warren was a pioneer school teacher in the Upper Peninsula, and established the first school in the Keweenaw region. The Hills were to make their home in Marshall, Michigan. Hill later served in the Michigan legislature, being twice elected. Samuel W Hill Samuel W. Hill, (November 6, 1815 \u2013 August 28, 1889) was an American surveyor, geologist and mining developer in Michigan's Copper Country. Samuel Worth Hill","Document [5](Title: Sam Hill House (Seattle)) Sam Hill House (Seattle) Sam Hill House is a historic, privately owned home located in Seattle, Washington's Capitol Hill neighborhood. The property forms part of the city-designated Harvard-Belmont Landmark District. The concrete building was constructed between 1909 and 1910 by railroad magnate Sam Hill in preparation for a planned visit to Seattle by a member of the Belgian royal family. Following Hill's 1931 death, the home remained vacant until its purchase in 1937 by Theodore and Guendolen Plestcheeff. Guendolen Plestcheeff, a notable local preservationist, remained resident at the property until her death in 1994. In 2016 the home went on","Document [6](Title: Samuel Hill) across the Columbia River was named the Sam Hill Memorial Bridge. Sam Hill was also a strong advocate of better roads for Japan, and of Japanese-American friendship, which earned him the Third Class Order of the Sacred Treasure in 1922. Sam Hill built two notable monuments and an art museum, and purchased the private Minneapolis Athenaeum and donated it to the city. The Stonehenge replica at Maryhill commemorates the dead of World War I. It was built by Hill as a reminder that in the present day people are still being sacrificed to the god of war. Hill began to","Document [7](Title: Samuel Hill) which was eventually demolished for the construction of the Bonneville Dam. Sam arranged a marriage of convenience for Mona Bell to his cousin Edgar Hill, again allowing his child to be raised as legitimate, and this time as a legal member of his natural father's family. Hill's biographer John E. Tuhy (\"Sam Hill: The Prince of Castle Nowhere\", 1983) occasionally questions aspects of Hill's own account of his life and doings or finds contradictions in anecdotes told at various times. He believes that Hill was at least somewhat manic-depressive and sees strong signs of a manic, or at least hypomanic,","Document [8](Title: Sam H. Hill) Sam H. Hill Samuel Houston Hill (November 20, 1898 \u2013 March 14, 1978) was an American football and basketball coach. Hill was the 14th head football coach for Fairmont College and the University of Wichita (now Wichita State University) located in Wichita, Kansas and he held that position for four seasons, from 1923 until 1924 and again from 1928 until 1929. Fairmount College became the Municipal University of Wichita in 1926. His overall coaching record at Fairmount & Wichita was 14 wins, 14 losses, and 5 ties. This ranks him ninth at Wichita State in terms of total wins and","Document [9](Title: Sam Hill (cyclist)) riding in unfavorable conditions, Sam admits that he rarely rides in the rain. In an interview with Steve Jones of Dirt Magazine featured in the film 'Earthed 5: The Law of Fives', when asked if it rained that hard in Australia and if he was used to riding in such conditions Sam replied \"I don't even see a raindrop when I'm in Australia\". Jones then asked \"So you never ride in the rain?\" Hill's reply was simply, \"My bike gets muddy\". Sam Hill came into this race the reigning world champion. With four riders left on the hill Sam Hill","Document [10](Title: Samuel Hill) Samuel Hill Samuel Hill (13 May 1857 \u2013 26 February 1931), usually known as Sam Hill, was an American businessman, lawyer, railroad executive, and advocate of good roads. He substantially influenced the Pacific Northwest region's economic development in the early 20th century. His projects include the Peace Arch, a monument to 100 years of peace between the United States and Canada, on the border between Blaine, Washington, and Surrey, British Columbia, and the Maryhill Museum of Art. Although his promotion of paved modern roads is possibly his greatest legacy, he is now best remembered for building the Stonehenge replica in","Document [11](Title: Sam Hill House (Seattle)) sale for $15 million. Sam Hill House (Seattle) Sam Hill House is a historic, privately owned home located in Seattle, Washington's Capitol Hill neighborhood. The property forms part of the city-designated Harvard-Belmont Landmark District. The concrete building was constructed between 1909 and 1910 by railroad magnate Sam Hill in preparation for a planned visit to Seattle by a member of the Belgian royal family. Following Hill's 1931 death, the home remained vacant until its purchase in 1937 by Theodore and Guendolen Plestcheeff. Guendolen Plestcheeff, a notable local preservationist, remained resident at the property until her death in 1994. In 2016","Document [12](Title: Samuel Hill) a golf course and a large, simple restaurant at Semiahmoo, just north of the U.S.\u2013Canada border and Hill's Peace Arch. The restaurant was basically an early fast food establishment. During Prohibition the restaurant benefited from being on the Canadian side of the border, where alcoholic beverages could be served legally. Sam Hill devoted much attention to advocating construction of modern roads in Washington and Oregon. In September 1899 Hill created the Washington State Good Roads Association which persuaded the Washington State Legislature to create the Washington State Department of Transportation in 1905. He also advocated the use of convict labor","Document [13](Title: Samuel Hill) designed his own monument. His original monument did not last, and has since been replaced. Samuel Hill Samuel Hill (13 May 1857 \u2013 26 February 1931), usually known as Sam Hill, was an American businessman, lawyer, railroad executive, and advocate of good roads. He substantially influenced the Pacific Northwest region's economic development in the early 20th century. His projects include the Peace Arch, a monument to 100 years of peace between the United States and Canada, on the border between Blaine, Washington, and Surrey, British Columbia, and the Maryhill Museum of Art. Although his promotion of paved modern roads is","Document [14](Title: Khao Sam Muk) was lost at sea. Another legend tells that in the 18th century a poor Chinese girl named Sam Muk jumped to her death from the cliff after her parents objected to her marriage to her lover, becoming deified after her death. In some versions both the girl and her lover threw themselves from the escarpment. Sam Muk hill appears in somewhat stylized form in the provincial seal of Chonburi. Khao Sam Muk Khao Sam Muk (\u0e40\u0e02\u0e32\u0e2a\u0e32\u0e21\u0e21\u0e38\u0e02), is a 45 m high hill in Chonburi Province, Thailand. It is in Chonburi city on Bangkok Bay between Ang Sila and Bang Saen","Document [15](Title: Samuel Hill) that their children would be raised Catholic. Sam was a Quaker, but over the next decade or two he maintained excellent relations with various Catholic clergy \u2013 even some close friendships. Their marriage was never a love-match and by 1900 when Sam had decided to settle in Seattle, the marriage was coming apart. Mary left Sam in Seattle and moved back to the Minneapolis-St. Paul area with their children; she eventually moved to Washington, D.C.. Mary never returned to Seattle, but up to 1907 Sam continued to visit her in the Midwest or back East at least twice a year.","Document [16](Title: Sam Hill (cyclist)) Sam Hill (cyclist) Sam Hill (born 21 July 1985 in Viveash, Western Australia), is an Australian professional enduro mountain biker and former professional downhill racer. He was two time consecutive UCI World Downhill Champion during years 2006\u20132007 for Iron Horse racing team. He won the 2010 world championships in Mont Saint Anne, riding for the Monster Energy Specialized team on a Specialized Demo 8 II. He also won the 2007 and 2009 UCI Elite Men's Downhill World Cup (Overall). In December 2012 it was announced that Hill had signed for the Chain Reaction Cycles\/Nukeproof team. As of 2016, Hill has","Document [17](Title: Sam Hill (rugby union)) to aid his player development. Hill has been a regular for England juniors going back to his try scoring debut against the Namibia invitational XV. Hill has also recently been selected to play for England Saxons gaining one cap prompting a call up to England's pre-tour training squad to New Zealand. Hill received his first call up to the senior England squad by new coach Eddie Jones on 13 January 2016 for the 2016 Six Nations Championship. Sam Hill (rugby union) Sam Hill (born 1 July 1993) is a rugby union player for Exeter Chiefs in the Aviva Premiership. He","Document [18](Title: Sam Hill (cyclist)) Kaprun, Austria. In 2003, aged just 18, Hill won both the Australian and Oceania Downhill Championships in the Elite category. He then went on to successfully defend his Junior World Champion title in Lugano, Switzerland. He starred in the 2010 mountain bike movie \"Follow Me\". Sam Hill is known for his skill in riding steep, technical courses as opposed to flatter courses that require pedaling. He has regularly won on one of the steeper, more technical tracks on the World Cup Circuit, Schladming. His famous run in Champery (2007) is also testament to his remarkably high skill level on technical","Document [19](Title: My Side of the Mountain (film)) there. Sam's immediate companion is Gus, his pet raccoon, which lives with him in the city. He gathers supplies at a local store, hops on a bus, and heads down the 401 with Gus to what he calls \"the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec\". In actuality he ends up in the picturesque town of Knowlton, Quebec, southeast of Montreal, in the Notre Dame Mountains Range of the northern Appalachian Mountains chain along the eastern coast of North America from northern Georgia. Here he finds the perfect mountain stream and pond location to build a home in an old dead tree. He","Document [20](Title: Samuel Hill) manager James J. Hill, who hired Sam to represent the railway. In 1888 Sam Hill married James Hill's eldest daughter Mary. For over a decade, Hill played an important role in his father-in-law's business endeavors, both at the Great Northern and as president of the Minneapolis Trust Company. However, around 1900 they had some type of falling out, the nature and degree of which is unclear; it is not even clear whether the falling out was over business matters, Sam and Mary's difficult marriage, or possible early symptoms of Sam's manic tendencies. In any event, the break was not a"],"query":"where does what in the sam hill come from?","answers":["simple bowdlerization"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Samuel Hill) Maryhill, Washington. Sam Hill was born into a Quaker family in Deep River, North Carolina. His family was displaced by the American Civil War and Sam grew up after the war in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Hill graduated from Haverford College in 1878 (also his father's alma mater). At Haverford he studied Latin, Greek, French, and German as well as mathematics, science, English literature, logic, rhetoric, and political science. He attended Harvard University for a year to receive a second bachelor's degree in 1879. At Harvard he continued his Latin and history (\"\"Colonial History of America\"\" under Henry Cabot Lodge) and studied","Document [2](Title: Sam Hill (rugby union)) Sam Hill (rugby union) Sam Hill (born 1 July 1993) is a rugby union player for Exeter Chiefs in the Aviva Premiership. He made his debut for the club against Wasps on 28 January 2012 and he plays as a centre. Hill attended Cheriton Bishop Primary School before moving on to Queen Elizabeths Community College in Crediton. Having played for Crediton RFC until the age of 15, Sam was honoured to gain selection for England under 16s and moved to Ivybridge College sixth form for two years. Hill spent the early years of his professional career dual-registered with Cornish Pirates","Document [3](Title: Samuel W Hill) the cuss words. Eventually, the phrase \"What in Sam Hill?\" spread beyond the Keweenaw Peninsula to become part of the American language. Samuel W. Hill married Susan A. Warren, July 16, 1851. Miss Warren was a pioneer school teacher in the Upper Peninsula, and established the first school in the Keweenaw region. The Hills were to make their home in Marshall, Michigan. Hill later served in the Michigan legislature, being twice elected. Samuel W Hill Samuel W. Hill, (November 6, 1815 \u2013 August 28, 1889) was an American surveyor, geologist and mining developer in Michigan's Copper Country. Samuel Worth Hill","Document [4](Title: Sam Hill House (Seattle)) Sam Hill House (Seattle) Sam Hill House is a historic, privately owned home located in Seattle, Washington's Capitol Hill neighborhood. The property forms part of the city-designated Harvard-Belmont Landmark District. The concrete building was constructed between 1909 and 1910 by railroad magnate Sam Hill in preparation for a planned visit to Seattle by a member of the Belgian royal family. Following Hill's 1931 death, the home remained vacant until its purchase in 1937 by Theodore and Guendolen Plestcheeff. Guendolen Plestcheeff, a notable local preservationist, remained resident at the property until her death in 1994. In 2016 the home went on","Document [5](Title: Sam Hill (euphemism)) Sam Hill is an American English slang phrase, a euphemism or minced oath for \"the devil\" or \"hell\" personified (as in, \"What in the Sam Hill is that?\"). Etymologist Michael Quinion and others date the expression back to the late 1830s; they and others consider the expression to have been a simple bowdlerization, with, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, an unknown origin.","Document [6](Title: Samuel Hill) across the Columbia River was named the Sam Hill Memorial Bridge. Sam Hill was also a strong advocate of better roads for Japan, and of Japanese-American friendship, which earned him the Third Class Order of the Sacred Treasure in 1922. Sam Hill built two notable monuments and an art museum, and purchased the private Minneapolis Athenaeum and donated it to the city. The Stonehenge replica at Maryhill commemorates the dead of World War I. It was built by Hill as a reminder that in the present day people are still being sacrificed to the god of war. Hill began to","Document [7](Title: Samuel Hill) which was eventually demolished for the construction of the Bonneville Dam. Sam arranged a marriage of convenience for Mona Bell to his cousin Edgar Hill, again allowing his child to be raised as legitimate, and this time as a legal member of his natural father's family. Hill's biographer John E. Tuhy (\"Sam Hill: The Prince of Castle Nowhere\", 1983) occasionally questions aspects of Hill's own account of his life and doings or finds contradictions in anecdotes told at various times. He believes that Hill was at least somewhat manic-depressive and sees strong signs of a manic, or at least hypomanic,","Document [8](Title: Sam H. Hill) Sam H. Hill Samuel Houston Hill (November 20, 1898 \u2013 March 14, 1978) was an American football and basketball coach. Hill was the 14th head football coach for Fairmont College and the University of Wichita (now Wichita State University) located in Wichita, Kansas and he held that position for four seasons, from 1923 until 1924 and again from 1928 until 1929. Fairmount College became the Municipal University of Wichita in 1926. His overall coaching record at Fairmount & Wichita was 14 wins, 14 losses, and 5 ties. This ranks him ninth at Wichita State in terms of total wins and","Document [9](Title: Sam Hill (cyclist)) riding in unfavorable conditions, Sam admits that he rarely rides in the rain. In an interview with Steve Jones of Dirt Magazine featured in the film 'Earthed 5: The Law of Fives', when asked if it rained that hard in Australia and if he was used to riding in such conditions Sam replied \"I don't even see a raindrop when I'm in Australia\". Jones then asked \"So you never ride in the rain?\" Hill's reply was simply, \"My bike gets muddy\". Sam Hill came into this race the reigning world champion. With four riders left on the hill Sam Hill","Document [10](Title: Samuel Hill) Samuel Hill Samuel Hill (13 May 1857 \u2013 26 February 1931), usually known as Sam Hill, was an American businessman, lawyer, railroad executive, and advocate of good roads. He substantially influenced the Pacific Northwest region's economic development in the early 20th century. His projects include the Peace Arch, a monument to 100 years of peace between the United States and Canada, on the border between Blaine, Washington, and Surrey, British Columbia, and the Maryhill Museum of Art. Although his promotion of paved modern roads is possibly his greatest legacy, he is now best remembered for building the Stonehenge replica in","Document [11](Title: Sam Hill House (Seattle)) sale for $15 million. Sam Hill House (Seattle) Sam Hill House is a historic, privately owned home located in Seattle, Washington's Capitol Hill neighborhood. The property forms part of the city-designated Harvard-Belmont Landmark District. The concrete building was constructed between 1909 and 1910 by railroad magnate Sam Hill in preparation for a planned visit to Seattle by a member of the Belgian royal family. Following Hill's 1931 death, the home remained vacant until its purchase in 1937 by Theodore and Guendolen Plestcheeff. Guendolen Plestcheeff, a notable local preservationist, remained resident at the property until her death in 1994. In 2016","Document [12](Title: Samuel Hill) a golf course and a large, simple restaurant at Semiahmoo, just north of the U.S.\u2013Canada border and Hill's Peace Arch. The restaurant was basically an early fast food establishment. During Prohibition the restaurant benefited from being on the Canadian side of the border, where alcoholic beverages could be served legally. Sam Hill devoted much attention to advocating construction of modern roads in Washington and Oregon. In September 1899 Hill created the Washington State Good Roads Association which persuaded the Washington State Legislature to create the Washington State Department of Transportation in 1905. He also advocated the use of convict labor","Document [13](Title: Samuel Hill) designed his own monument. His original monument did not last, and has since been replaced. Samuel Hill Samuel Hill (13 May 1857 \u2013 26 February 1931), usually known as Sam Hill, was an American businessman, lawyer, railroad executive, and advocate of good roads. He substantially influenced the Pacific Northwest region's economic development in the early 20th century. His projects include the Peace Arch, a monument to 100 years of peace between the United States and Canada, on the border between Blaine, Washington, and Surrey, British Columbia, and the Maryhill Museum of Art. Although his promotion of paved modern roads is","Document [14](Title: Khao Sam Muk) was lost at sea. Another legend tells that in the 18th century a poor Chinese girl named Sam Muk jumped to her death from the cliff after her parents objected to her marriage to her lover, becoming deified after her death. In some versions both the girl and her lover threw themselves from the escarpment. Sam Muk hill appears in somewhat stylized form in the provincial seal of Chonburi. Khao Sam Muk Khao Sam Muk (\u0e40\u0e02\u0e32\u0e2a\u0e32\u0e21\u0e21\u0e38\u0e02), is a 45 m high hill in Chonburi Province, Thailand. It is in Chonburi city on Bangkok Bay between Ang Sila and Bang Saen","Document [15](Title: Samuel Hill) that their children would be raised Catholic. Sam was a Quaker, but over the next decade or two he maintained excellent relations with various Catholic clergy \u2013 even some close friendships. Their marriage was never a love-match and by 1900 when Sam had decided to settle in Seattle, the marriage was coming apart. Mary left Sam in Seattle and moved back to the Minneapolis-St. Paul area with their children; she eventually moved to Washington, D.C.. Mary never returned to Seattle, but up to 1907 Sam continued to visit her in the Midwest or back East at least twice a year.","Document [16](Title: Sam Hill (cyclist)) Sam Hill (cyclist) Sam Hill (born 21 July 1985 in Viveash, Western Australia), is an Australian professional enduro mountain biker and former professional downhill racer. He was two time consecutive UCI World Downhill Champion during years 2006\u20132007 for Iron Horse racing team. He won the 2010 world championships in Mont Saint Anne, riding for the Monster Energy Specialized team on a Specialized Demo 8 II. He also won the 2007 and 2009 UCI Elite Men's Downhill World Cup (Overall). In December 2012 it was announced that Hill had signed for the Chain Reaction Cycles\/Nukeproof team. As of 2016, Hill has","Document [17](Title: Sam Hill (rugby union)) to aid his player development. Hill has been a regular for England juniors going back to his try scoring debut against the Namibia invitational XV. Hill has also recently been selected to play for England Saxons gaining one cap prompting a call up to England's pre-tour training squad to New Zealand. Hill received his first call up to the senior England squad by new coach Eddie Jones on 13 January 2016 for the 2016 Six Nations Championship. Sam Hill (rugby union) Sam Hill (born 1 July 1993) is a rugby union player for Exeter Chiefs in the Aviva Premiership. He","Document [18](Title: Sam Hill (cyclist)) Kaprun, Austria. In 2003, aged just 18, Hill won both the Australian and Oceania Downhill Championships in the Elite category. He then went on to successfully defend his Junior World Champion title in Lugano, Switzerland. He starred in the 2010 mountain bike movie \"Follow Me\". Sam Hill is known for his skill in riding steep, technical courses as opposed to flatter courses that require pedaling. He has regularly won on one of the steeper, more technical tracks on the World Cup Circuit, Schladming. His famous run in Champery (2007) is also testament to his remarkably high skill level on technical","Document [19](Title: My Side of the Mountain (film)) there. Sam's immediate companion is Gus, his pet raccoon, which lives with him in the city. He gathers supplies at a local store, hops on a bus, and heads down the 401 with Gus to what he calls \"the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec\". In actuality he ends up in the picturesque town of Knowlton, Quebec, southeast of Montreal, in the Notre Dame Mountains Range of the northern Appalachian Mountains chain along the eastern coast of North America from northern Georgia. Here he finds the perfect mountain stream and pond location to build a home in an old dead tree. He","Document [20](Title: Samuel Hill) manager James J. Hill, who hired Sam to represent the railway. In 1888 Sam Hill married James Hill's eldest daughter Mary. For over a decade, Hill played an important role in his father-in-law's business endeavors, both at the Great Northern and as president of the Minneapolis Trust Company. However, around 1900 they had some type of falling out, the nature and degree of which is unclear; it is not even clear whether the falling out was over business matters, Sam and Mary's difficult marriage, or possible early symptoms of Sam's manic tendencies. In any event, the break was not a"],"query":"where does what in the sam hill come from?","answers":["simple bowdlerization"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Samuel Hill) Maryhill, Washington. Sam Hill was born into a Quaker family in Deep River, North Carolina. His family was displaced by the American Civil War and Sam grew up after the war in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Hill graduated from Haverford College in 1878 (also his father's alma mater). At Haverford he studied Latin, Greek, French, and German as well as mathematics, science, English literature, logic, rhetoric, and political science. He attended Harvard University for a year to receive a second bachelor's degree in 1879. At Harvard he continued his Latin and history (\"\"Colonial History of America\"\" under Henry Cabot Lodge) and studied","Document [2](Title: Sam Hill (rugby union)) Sam Hill (rugby union) Sam Hill (born 1 July 1993) is a rugby union player for Exeter Chiefs in the Aviva Premiership. He made his debut for the club against Wasps on 28 January 2012 and he plays as a centre. Hill attended Cheriton Bishop Primary School before moving on to Queen Elizabeths Community College in Crediton. Having played for Crediton RFC until the age of 15, Sam was honoured to gain selection for England under 16s and moved to Ivybridge College sixth form for two years. Hill spent the early years of his professional career dual-registered with Cornish Pirates","Document [3](Title: Samuel W Hill) the cuss words. Eventually, the phrase \"What in Sam Hill?\" spread beyond the Keweenaw Peninsula to become part of the American language. Samuel W. Hill married Susan A. Warren, July 16, 1851. Miss Warren was a pioneer school teacher in the Upper Peninsula, and established the first school in the Keweenaw region. The Hills were to make their home in Marshall, Michigan. Hill later served in the Michigan legislature, being twice elected. Samuel W Hill Samuel W. Hill, (November 6, 1815 \u2013 August 28, 1889) was an American surveyor, geologist and mining developer in Michigan's Copper Country. Samuel Worth Hill","Document [4](Title: Sam Hill House (Seattle)) Sam Hill House (Seattle) Sam Hill House is a historic, privately owned home located in Seattle, Washington's Capitol Hill neighborhood. The property forms part of the city-designated Harvard-Belmont Landmark District. The concrete building was constructed between 1909 and 1910 by railroad magnate Sam Hill in preparation for a planned visit to Seattle by a member of the Belgian royal family. Following Hill's 1931 death, the home remained vacant until its purchase in 1937 by Theodore and Guendolen Plestcheeff. Guendolen Plestcheeff, a notable local preservationist, remained resident at the property until her death in 1994. In 2016 the home went on","Document [5](Title: Samuel Hill) across the Columbia River was named the Sam Hill Memorial Bridge. Sam Hill was also a strong advocate of better roads for Japan, and of Japanese-American friendship, which earned him the Third Class Order of the Sacred Treasure in 1922. Sam Hill built two notable monuments and an art museum, and purchased the private Minneapolis Athenaeum and donated it to the city. The Stonehenge replica at Maryhill commemorates the dead of World War I. It was built by Hill as a reminder that in the present day people are still being sacrificed to the god of war. Hill began to","Document [6](Title: Samuel Hill) which was eventually demolished for the construction of the Bonneville Dam. Sam arranged a marriage of convenience for Mona Bell to his cousin Edgar Hill, again allowing his child to be raised as legitimate, and this time as a legal member of his natural father's family. Hill's biographer John E. Tuhy (\"Sam Hill: The Prince of Castle Nowhere\", 1983) occasionally questions aspects of Hill's own account of his life and doings or finds contradictions in anecdotes told at various times. He believes that Hill was at least somewhat manic-depressive and sees strong signs of a manic, or at least hypomanic,","Document [7](Title: Sam H. Hill) Sam H. Hill Samuel Houston Hill (November 20, 1898 \u2013 March 14, 1978) was an American football and basketball coach. Hill was the 14th head football coach for Fairmont College and the University of Wichita (now Wichita State University) located in Wichita, Kansas and he held that position for four seasons, from 1923 until 1924 and again from 1928 until 1929. Fairmount College became the Municipal University of Wichita in 1926. His overall coaching record at Fairmount & Wichita was 14 wins, 14 losses, and 5 ties. This ranks him ninth at Wichita State in terms of total wins and","Document [8](Title: Sam Hill (cyclist)) riding in unfavorable conditions, Sam admits that he rarely rides in the rain. In an interview with Steve Jones of Dirt Magazine featured in the film 'Earthed 5: The Law of Fives', when asked if it rained that hard in Australia and if he was used to riding in such conditions Sam replied \"I don't even see a raindrop when I'm in Australia\". Jones then asked \"So you never ride in the rain?\" Hill's reply was simply, \"My bike gets muddy\". Sam Hill came into this race the reigning world champion. With four riders left on the hill Sam Hill","Document [9](Title: Samuel Hill) Samuel Hill Samuel Hill (13 May 1857 \u2013 26 February 1931), usually known as Sam Hill, was an American businessman, lawyer, railroad executive, and advocate of good roads. He substantially influenced the Pacific Northwest region's economic development in the early 20th century. His projects include the Peace Arch, a monument to 100 years of peace between the United States and Canada, on the border between Blaine, Washington, and Surrey, British Columbia, and the Maryhill Museum of Art. Although his promotion of paved modern roads is possibly his greatest legacy, he is now best remembered for building the Stonehenge replica in","Document [10](Title: Sam Hill (euphemism)) Sam Hill is an American English slang phrase, a euphemism or minced oath for \"the devil\" or \"hell\" personified (as in, \"What in the Sam Hill is that?\"). Etymologist Michael Quinion and others date the expression back to the late 1830s; they and others consider the expression to have been a simple bowdlerization, with, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, an unknown origin.","Document [11](Title: Sam Hill House (Seattle)) sale for $15 million. Sam Hill House (Seattle) Sam Hill House is a historic, privately owned home located in Seattle, Washington's Capitol Hill neighborhood. The property forms part of the city-designated Harvard-Belmont Landmark District. The concrete building was constructed between 1909 and 1910 by railroad magnate Sam Hill in preparation for a planned visit to Seattle by a member of the Belgian royal family. Following Hill's 1931 death, the home remained vacant until its purchase in 1937 by Theodore and Guendolen Plestcheeff. Guendolen Plestcheeff, a notable local preservationist, remained resident at the property until her death in 1994. In 2016","Document [12](Title: Samuel Hill) a golf course and a large, simple restaurant at Semiahmoo, just north of the U.S.\u2013Canada border and Hill's Peace Arch. The restaurant was basically an early fast food establishment. During Prohibition the restaurant benefited from being on the Canadian side of the border, where alcoholic beverages could be served legally. Sam Hill devoted much attention to advocating construction of modern roads in Washington and Oregon. In September 1899 Hill created the Washington State Good Roads Association which persuaded the Washington State Legislature to create the Washington State Department of Transportation in 1905. He also advocated the use of convict labor","Document [13](Title: Samuel Hill) designed his own monument. His original monument did not last, and has since been replaced. Samuel Hill Samuel Hill (13 May 1857 \u2013 26 February 1931), usually known as Sam Hill, was an American businessman, lawyer, railroad executive, and advocate of good roads. He substantially influenced the Pacific Northwest region's economic development in the early 20th century. His projects include the Peace Arch, a monument to 100 years of peace between the United States and Canada, on the border between Blaine, Washington, and Surrey, British Columbia, and the Maryhill Museum of Art. Although his promotion of paved modern roads is","Document [14](Title: Khao Sam Muk) was lost at sea. Another legend tells that in the 18th century a poor Chinese girl named Sam Muk jumped to her death from the cliff after her parents objected to her marriage to her lover, becoming deified after her death. In some versions both the girl and her lover threw themselves from the escarpment. Sam Muk hill appears in somewhat stylized form in the provincial seal of Chonburi. Khao Sam Muk Khao Sam Muk (\u0e40\u0e02\u0e32\u0e2a\u0e32\u0e21\u0e21\u0e38\u0e02), is a 45 m high hill in Chonburi Province, Thailand. It is in Chonburi city on Bangkok Bay between Ang Sila and Bang Saen","Document [15](Title: Samuel Hill) that their children would be raised Catholic. Sam was a Quaker, but over the next decade or two he maintained excellent relations with various Catholic clergy \u2013 even some close friendships. Their marriage was never a love-match and by 1900 when Sam had decided to settle in Seattle, the marriage was coming apart. Mary left Sam in Seattle and moved back to the Minneapolis-St. Paul area with their children; she eventually moved to Washington, D.C.. Mary never returned to Seattle, but up to 1907 Sam continued to visit her in the Midwest or back East at least twice a year.","Document [16](Title: Sam Hill (cyclist)) Sam Hill (cyclist) Sam Hill (born 21 July 1985 in Viveash, Western Australia), is an Australian professional enduro mountain biker and former professional downhill racer. He was two time consecutive UCI World Downhill Champion during years 2006\u20132007 for Iron Horse racing team. He won the 2010 world championships in Mont Saint Anne, riding for the Monster Energy Specialized team on a Specialized Demo 8 II. He also won the 2007 and 2009 UCI Elite Men's Downhill World Cup (Overall). In December 2012 it was announced that Hill had signed for the Chain Reaction Cycles\/Nukeproof team. As of 2016, Hill has","Document [17](Title: Sam Hill (rugby union)) to aid his player development. Hill has been a regular for England juniors going back to his try scoring debut against the Namibia invitational XV. Hill has also recently been selected to play for England Saxons gaining one cap prompting a call up to England's pre-tour training squad to New Zealand. Hill received his first call up to the senior England squad by new coach Eddie Jones on 13 January 2016 for the 2016 Six Nations Championship. Sam Hill (rugby union) Sam Hill (born 1 July 1993) is a rugby union player for Exeter Chiefs in the Aviva Premiership. He","Document [18](Title: Sam Hill (cyclist)) Kaprun, Austria. In 2003, aged just 18, Hill won both the Australian and Oceania Downhill Championships in the Elite category. He then went on to successfully defend his Junior World Champion title in Lugano, Switzerland. He starred in the 2010 mountain bike movie \"Follow Me\". Sam Hill is known for his skill in riding steep, technical courses as opposed to flatter courses that require pedaling. He has regularly won on one of the steeper, more technical tracks on the World Cup Circuit, Schladming. His famous run in Champery (2007) is also testament to his remarkably high skill level on technical","Document [19](Title: My Side of the Mountain (film)) there. Sam's immediate companion is Gus, his pet raccoon, which lives with him in the city. He gathers supplies at a local store, hops on a bus, and heads down the 401 with Gus to what he calls \"the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec\". In actuality he ends up in the picturesque town of Knowlton, Quebec, southeast of Montreal, in the Notre Dame Mountains Range of the northern Appalachian Mountains chain along the eastern coast of North America from northern Georgia. Here he finds the perfect mountain stream and pond location to build a home in an old dead tree. He","Document [20](Title: Samuel Hill) manager James J. Hill, who hired Sam to represent the railway. In 1888 Sam Hill married James Hill's eldest daughter Mary. For over a decade, Hill played an important role in his father-in-law's business endeavors, both at the Great Northern and as president of the Minneapolis Trust Company. However, around 1900 they had some type of falling out, the nature and degree of which is unclear; it is not even clear whether the falling out was over business matters, Sam and Mary's difficult marriage, or possible early symptoms of Sam's manic tendencies. In any event, the break was not a"],"query":"where does what in the sam hill come from?","answers":["simple bowdlerization"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Samuel Hill) Maryhill, Washington. Sam Hill was born into a Quaker family in Deep River, North Carolina. His family was displaced by the American Civil War and Sam grew up after the war in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Hill graduated from Haverford College in 1878 (also his father's alma mater). At Haverford he studied Latin, Greek, French, and German as well as mathematics, science, English literature, logic, rhetoric, and political science. He attended Harvard University for a year to receive a second bachelor's degree in 1879. At Harvard he continued his Latin and history (\"\"Colonial History of America\"\" under Henry Cabot Lodge) and studied","Document [2](Title: Sam Hill (rugby union)) Sam Hill (rugby union) Sam Hill (born 1 July 1993) is a rugby union player for Exeter Chiefs in the Aviva Premiership. He made his debut for the club against Wasps on 28 January 2012 and he plays as a centre. Hill attended Cheriton Bishop Primary School before moving on to Queen Elizabeths Community College in Crediton. Having played for Crediton RFC until the age of 15, Sam was honoured to gain selection for England under 16s and moved to Ivybridge College sixth form for two years. Hill spent the early years of his professional career dual-registered with Cornish Pirates","Document [3](Title: Samuel W Hill) the cuss words. Eventually, the phrase \"What in Sam Hill?\" spread beyond the Keweenaw Peninsula to become part of the American language. Samuel W. Hill married Susan A. Warren, July 16, 1851. Miss Warren was a pioneer school teacher in the Upper Peninsula, and established the first school in the Keweenaw region. The Hills were to make their home in Marshall, Michigan. Hill later served in the Michigan legislature, being twice elected. Samuel W Hill Samuel W. Hill, (November 6, 1815 \u2013 August 28, 1889) was an American surveyor, geologist and mining developer in Michigan's Copper Country. Samuel Worth Hill","Document [4](Title: Sam Hill House (Seattle)) Sam Hill House (Seattle) Sam Hill House is a historic, privately owned home located in Seattle, Washington's Capitol Hill neighborhood. The property forms part of the city-designated Harvard-Belmont Landmark District. The concrete building was constructed between 1909 and 1910 by railroad magnate Sam Hill in preparation for a planned visit to Seattle by a member of the Belgian royal family. Following Hill's 1931 death, the home remained vacant until its purchase in 1937 by Theodore and Guendolen Plestcheeff. Guendolen Plestcheeff, a notable local preservationist, remained resident at the property until her death in 1994. In 2016 the home went on","Document [5](Title: Samuel Hill) across the Columbia River was named the Sam Hill Memorial Bridge. Sam Hill was also a strong advocate of better roads for Japan, and of Japanese-American friendship, which earned him the Third Class Order of the Sacred Treasure in 1922. Sam Hill built two notable monuments and an art museum, and purchased the private Minneapolis Athenaeum and donated it to the city. The Stonehenge replica at Maryhill commemorates the dead of World War I. It was built by Hill as a reminder that in the present day people are still being sacrificed to the god of war. Hill began to","Document [6](Title: Samuel Hill) which was eventually demolished for the construction of the Bonneville Dam. Sam arranged a marriage of convenience for Mona Bell to his cousin Edgar Hill, again allowing his child to be raised as legitimate, and this time as a legal member of his natural father's family. Hill's biographer John E. Tuhy (\"Sam Hill: The Prince of Castle Nowhere\", 1983) occasionally questions aspects of Hill's own account of his life and doings or finds contradictions in anecdotes told at various times. He believes that Hill was at least somewhat manic-depressive and sees strong signs of a manic, or at least hypomanic,","Document [7](Title: Sam H. Hill) Sam H. Hill Samuel Houston Hill (November 20, 1898 \u2013 March 14, 1978) was an American football and basketball coach. Hill was the 14th head football coach for Fairmont College and the University of Wichita (now Wichita State University) located in Wichita, Kansas and he held that position for four seasons, from 1923 until 1924 and again from 1928 until 1929. Fairmount College became the Municipal University of Wichita in 1926. His overall coaching record at Fairmount & Wichita was 14 wins, 14 losses, and 5 ties. This ranks him ninth at Wichita State in terms of total wins and","Document [8](Title: Sam Hill (cyclist)) riding in unfavorable conditions, Sam admits that he rarely rides in the rain. In an interview with Steve Jones of Dirt Magazine featured in the film 'Earthed 5: The Law of Fives', when asked if it rained that hard in Australia and if he was used to riding in such conditions Sam replied \"I don't even see a raindrop when I'm in Australia\". Jones then asked \"So you never ride in the rain?\" Hill's reply was simply, \"My bike gets muddy\". Sam Hill came into this race the reigning world champion. With four riders left on the hill Sam Hill","Document [9](Title: Samuel Hill) Samuel Hill Samuel Hill (13 May 1857 \u2013 26 February 1931), usually known as Sam Hill, was an American businessman, lawyer, railroad executive, and advocate of good roads. He substantially influenced the Pacific Northwest region's economic development in the early 20th century. His projects include the Peace Arch, a monument to 100 years of peace between the United States and Canada, on the border between Blaine, Washington, and Surrey, British Columbia, and the Maryhill Museum of Art. Although his promotion of paved modern roads is possibly his greatest legacy, he is now best remembered for building the Stonehenge replica in","Document [10](Title: Sam Hill House (Seattle)) sale for $15 million. Sam Hill House (Seattle) Sam Hill House is a historic, privately owned home located in Seattle, Washington's Capitol Hill neighborhood. The property forms part of the city-designated Harvard-Belmont Landmark District. The concrete building was constructed between 1909 and 1910 by railroad magnate Sam Hill in preparation for a planned visit to Seattle by a member of the Belgian royal family. Following Hill's 1931 death, the home remained vacant until its purchase in 1937 by Theodore and Guendolen Plestcheeff. Guendolen Plestcheeff, a notable local preservationist, remained resident at the property until her death in 1994. In 2016","Document [11](Title: Samuel Hill) a golf course and a large, simple restaurant at Semiahmoo, just north of the U.S.\u2013Canada border and Hill's Peace Arch. The restaurant was basically an early fast food establishment. During Prohibition the restaurant benefited from being on the Canadian side of the border, where alcoholic beverages could be served legally. Sam Hill devoted much attention to advocating construction of modern roads in Washington and Oregon. In September 1899 Hill created the Washington State Good Roads Association which persuaded the Washington State Legislature to create the Washington State Department of Transportation in 1905. He also advocated the use of convict labor","Document [12](Title: Samuel Hill) designed his own monument. His original monument did not last, and has since been replaced. Samuel Hill Samuel Hill (13 May 1857 \u2013 26 February 1931), usually known as Sam Hill, was an American businessman, lawyer, railroad executive, and advocate of good roads. He substantially influenced the Pacific Northwest region's economic development in the early 20th century. His projects include the Peace Arch, a monument to 100 years of peace between the United States and Canada, on the border between Blaine, Washington, and Surrey, British Columbia, and the Maryhill Museum of Art. Although his promotion of paved modern roads is","Document [13](Title: Khao Sam Muk) was lost at sea. Another legend tells that in the 18th century a poor Chinese girl named Sam Muk jumped to her death from the cliff after her parents objected to her marriage to her lover, becoming deified after her death. In some versions both the girl and her lover threw themselves from the escarpment. Sam Muk hill appears in somewhat stylized form in the provincial seal of Chonburi. Khao Sam Muk Khao Sam Muk (\u0e40\u0e02\u0e32\u0e2a\u0e32\u0e21\u0e21\u0e38\u0e02), is a 45 m high hill in Chonburi Province, Thailand. It is in Chonburi city on Bangkok Bay between Ang Sila and Bang Saen","Document [14](Title: Samuel Hill) that their children would be raised Catholic. Sam was a Quaker, but over the next decade or two he maintained excellent relations with various Catholic clergy \u2013 even some close friendships. Their marriage was never a love-match and by 1900 when Sam had decided to settle in Seattle, the marriage was coming apart. Mary left Sam in Seattle and moved back to the Minneapolis-St. Paul area with their children; she eventually moved to Washington, D.C.. Mary never returned to Seattle, but up to 1907 Sam continued to visit her in the Midwest or back East at least twice a year.","Document [15](Title: Sam Hill (euphemism)) Sam Hill is an American English slang phrase, a euphemism or minced oath for \"the devil\" or \"hell\" personified (as in, \"What in the Sam Hill is that?\"). Etymologist Michael Quinion and others date the expression back to the late 1830s; they and others consider the expression to have been a simple bowdlerization, with, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, an unknown origin.","Document [16](Title: Sam Hill (cyclist)) Sam Hill (cyclist) Sam Hill (born 21 July 1985 in Viveash, Western Australia), is an Australian professional enduro mountain biker and former professional downhill racer. He was two time consecutive UCI World Downhill Champion during years 2006\u20132007 for Iron Horse racing team. He won the 2010 world championships in Mont Saint Anne, riding for the Monster Energy Specialized team on a Specialized Demo 8 II. He also won the 2007 and 2009 UCI Elite Men's Downhill World Cup (Overall). In December 2012 it was announced that Hill had signed for the Chain Reaction Cycles\/Nukeproof team. As of 2016, Hill has","Document [17](Title: Sam Hill (rugby union)) to aid his player development. Hill has been a regular for England juniors going back to his try scoring debut against the Namibia invitational XV. Hill has also recently been selected to play for England Saxons gaining one cap prompting a call up to England's pre-tour training squad to New Zealand. Hill received his first call up to the senior England squad by new coach Eddie Jones on 13 January 2016 for the 2016 Six Nations Championship. Sam Hill (rugby union) Sam Hill (born 1 July 1993) is a rugby union player for Exeter Chiefs in the Aviva Premiership. He","Document [18](Title: Sam Hill (cyclist)) Kaprun, Austria. In 2003, aged just 18, Hill won both the Australian and Oceania Downhill Championships in the Elite category. He then went on to successfully defend his Junior World Champion title in Lugano, Switzerland. He starred in the 2010 mountain bike movie \"Follow Me\". Sam Hill is known for his skill in riding steep, technical courses as opposed to flatter courses that require pedaling. He has regularly won on one of the steeper, more technical tracks on the World Cup Circuit, Schladming. His famous run in Champery (2007) is also testament to his remarkably high skill level on technical","Document [19](Title: My Side of the Mountain (film)) there. Sam's immediate companion is Gus, his pet raccoon, which lives with him in the city. He gathers supplies at a local store, hops on a bus, and heads down the 401 with Gus to what he calls \"the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec\". In actuality he ends up in the picturesque town of Knowlton, Quebec, southeast of Montreal, in the Notre Dame Mountains Range of the northern Appalachian Mountains chain along the eastern coast of North America from northern Georgia. Here he finds the perfect mountain stream and pond location to build a home in an old dead tree. He","Document [20](Title: Samuel Hill) manager James J. Hill, who hired Sam to represent the railway. In 1888 Sam Hill married James Hill's eldest daughter Mary. For over a decade, Hill played an important role in his father-in-law's business endeavors, both at the Great Northern and as president of the Minneapolis Trust Company. However, around 1900 they had some type of falling out, the nature and degree of which is unclear; it is not even clear whether the falling out was over business matters, Sam and Mary's difficult marriage, or possible early symptoms of Sam's manic tendencies. In any event, the break was not a"],"query":"where does what in the sam hill come from?","answers":["simple bowdlerization"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Samuel Hill) Maryhill, Washington. Sam Hill was born into a Quaker family in Deep River, North Carolina. His family was displaced by the American Civil War and Sam grew up after the war in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Hill graduated from Haverford College in 1878 (also his father's alma mater). At Haverford he studied Latin, Greek, French, and German as well as mathematics, science, English literature, logic, rhetoric, and political science. He attended Harvard University for a year to receive a second bachelor's degree in 1879. At Harvard he continued his Latin and history (\"\"Colonial History of America\"\" under Henry Cabot Lodge) and studied","Document [2](Title: Sam Hill (rugby union)) Sam Hill (rugby union) Sam Hill (born 1 July 1993) is a rugby union player for Exeter Chiefs in the Aviva Premiership. He made his debut for the club against Wasps on 28 January 2012 and he plays as a centre. Hill attended Cheriton Bishop Primary School before moving on to Queen Elizabeths Community College in Crediton. Having played for Crediton RFC until the age of 15, Sam was honoured to gain selection for England under 16s and moved to Ivybridge College sixth form for two years. Hill spent the early years of his professional career dual-registered with Cornish Pirates","Document [3](Title: Samuel W Hill) the cuss words. Eventually, the phrase \"What in Sam Hill?\" spread beyond the Keweenaw Peninsula to become part of the American language. Samuel W. Hill married Susan A. Warren, July 16, 1851. Miss Warren was a pioneer school teacher in the Upper Peninsula, and established the first school in the Keweenaw region. The Hills were to make their home in Marshall, Michigan. Hill later served in the Michigan legislature, being twice elected. Samuel W Hill Samuel W. Hill, (November 6, 1815 \u2013 August 28, 1889) was an American surveyor, geologist and mining developer in Michigan's Copper Country. Samuel Worth Hill","Document [4](Title: Sam Hill House (Seattle)) Sam Hill House (Seattle) Sam Hill House is a historic, privately owned home located in Seattle, Washington's Capitol Hill neighborhood. The property forms part of the city-designated Harvard-Belmont Landmark District. The concrete building was constructed between 1909 and 1910 by railroad magnate Sam Hill in preparation for a planned visit to Seattle by a member of the Belgian royal family. Following Hill's 1931 death, the home remained vacant until its purchase in 1937 by Theodore and Guendolen Plestcheeff. Guendolen Plestcheeff, a notable local preservationist, remained resident at the property until her death in 1994. In 2016 the home went on","Document [5](Title: Samuel Hill) across the Columbia River was named the Sam Hill Memorial Bridge. Sam Hill was also a strong advocate of better roads for Japan, and of Japanese-American friendship, which earned him the Third Class Order of the Sacred Treasure in 1922. Sam Hill built two notable monuments and an art museum, and purchased the private Minneapolis Athenaeum and donated it to the city. The Stonehenge replica at Maryhill commemorates the dead of World War I. It was built by Hill as a reminder that in the present day people are still being sacrificed to the god of war. Hill began to","Document [6](Title: Samuel Hill) which was eventually demolished for the construction of the Bonneville Dam. Sam arranged a marriage of convenience for Mona Bell to his cousin Edgar Hill, again allowing his child to be raised as legitimate, and this time as a legal member of his natural father's family. Hill's biographer John E. Tuhy (\"Sam Hill: The Prince of Castle Nowhere\", 1983) occasionally questions aspects of Hill's own account of his life and doings or finds contradictions in anecdotes told at various times. He believes that Hill was at least somewhat manic-depressive and sees strong signs of a manic, or at least hypomanic,","Document [7](Title: Sam H. Hill) Sam H. Hill Samuel Houston Hill (November 20, 1898 \u2013 March 14, 1978) was an American football and basketball coach. Hill was the 14th head football coach for Fairmont College and the University of Wichita (now Wichita State University) located in Wichita, Kansas and he held that position for four seasons, from 1923 until 1924 and again from 1928 until 1929. Fairmount College became the Municipal University of Wichita in 1926. His overall coaching record at Fairmount & Wichita was 14 wins, 14 losses, and 5 ties. This ranks him ninth at Wichita State in terms of total wins and","Document [8](Title: Sam Hill (cyclist)) riding in unfavorable conditions, Sam admits that he rarely rides in the rain. In an interview with Steve Jones of Dirt Magazine featured in the film 'Earthed 5: The Law of Fives', when asked if it rained that hard in Australia and if he was used to riding in such conditions Sam replied \"I don't even see a raindrop when I'm in Australia\". Jones then asked \"So you never ride in the rain?\" Hill's reply was simply, \"My bike gets muddy\". Sam Hill came into this race the reigning world champion. With four riders left on the hill Sam Hill","Document [9](Title: Samuel Hill) Samuel Hill Samuel Hill (13 May 1857 \u2013 26 February 1931), usually known as Sam Hill, was an American businessman, lawyer, railroad executive, and advocate of good roads. He substantially influenced the Pacific Northwest region's economic development in the early 20th century. His projects include the Peace Arch, a monument to 100 years of peace between the United States and Canada, on the border between Blaine, Washington, and Surrey, British Columbia, and the Maryhill Museum of Art. Although his promotion of paved modern roads is possibly his greatest legacy, he is now best remembered for building the Stonehenge replica in","Document [10](Title: Sam Hill House (Seattle)) sale for $15 million. Sam Hill House (Seattle) Sam Hill House is a historic, privately owned home located in Seattle, Washington's Capitol Hill neighborhood. The property forms part of the city-designated Harvard-Belmont Landmark District. The concrete building was constructed between 1909 and 1910 by railroad magnate Sam Hill in preparation for a planned visit to Seattle by a member of the Belgian royal family. Following Hill's 1931 death, the home remained vacant until its purchase in 1937 by Theodore and Guendolen Plestcheeff. Guendolen Plestcheeff, a notable local preservationist, remained resident at the property until her death in 1994. In 2016","Document [11](Title: Samuel Hill) a golf course and a large, simple restaurant at Semiahmoo, just north of the U.S.\u2013Canada border and Hill's Peace Arch. The restaurant was basically an early fast food establishment. During Prohibition the restaurant benefited from being on the Canadian side of the border, where alcoholic beverages could be served legally. Sam Hill devoted much attention to advocating construction of modern roads in Washington and Oregon. In September 1899 Hill created the Washington State Good Roads Association which persuaded the Washington State Legislature to create the Washington State Department of Transportation in 1905. He also advocated the use of convict labor","Document [12](Title: Samuel Hill) designed his own monument. His original monument did not last, and has since been replaced. Samuel Hill Samuel Hill (13 May 1857 \u2013 26 February 1931), usually known as Sam Hill, was an American businessman, lawyer, railroad executive, and advocate of good roads. He substantially influenced the Pacific Northwest region's economic development in the early 20th century. His projects include the Peace Arch, a monument to 100 years of peace between the United States and Canada, on the border between Blaine, Washington, and Surrey, British Columbia, and the Maryhill Museum of Art. Although his promotion of paved modern roads is","Document [13](Title: Khao Sam Muk) was lost at sea. Another legend tells that in the 18th century a poor Chinese girl named Sam Muk jumped to her death from the cliff after her parents objected to her marriage to her lover, becoming deified after her death. In some versions both the girl and her lover threw themselves from the escarpment. Sam Muk hill appears in somewhat stylized form in the provincial seal of Chonburi. Khao Sam Muk Khao Sam Muk (\u0e40\u0e02\u0e32\u0e2a\u0e32\u0e21\u0e21\u0e38\u0e02), is a 45 m high hill in Chonburi Province, Thailand. It is in Chonburi city on Bangkok Bay between Ang Sila and Bang Saen","Document [14](Title: Samuel Hill) that their children would be raised Catholic. Sam was a Quaker, but over the next decade or two he maintained excellent relations with various Catholic clergy \u2013 even some close friendships. Their marriage was never a love-match and by 1900 when Sam had decided to settle in Seattle, the marriage was coming apart. Mary left Sam in Seattle and moved back to the Minneapolis-St. Paul area with their children; she eventually moved to Washington, D.C.. Mary never returned to Seattle, but up to 1907 Sam continued to visit her in the Midwest or back East at least twice a year.","Document [15](Title: Sam Hill (cyclist)) Sam Hill (cyclist) Sam Hill (born 21 July 1985 in Viveash, Western Australia), is an Australian professional enduro mountain biker and former professional downhill racer. He was two time consecutive UCI World Downhill Champion during years 2006\u20132007 for Iron Horse racing team. He won the 2010 world championships in Mont Saint Anne, riding for the Monster Energy Specialized team on a Specialized Demo 8 II. He also won the 2007 and 2009 UCI Elite Men's Downhill World Cup (Overall). In December 2012 it was announced that Hill had signed for the Chain Reaction Cycles\/Nukeproof team. As of 2016, Hill has","Document [16](Title: Sam Hill (rugby union)) to aid his player development. Hill has been a regular for England juniors going back to his try scoring debut against the Namibia invitational XV. Hill has also recently been selected to play for England Saxons gaining one cap prompting a call up to England's pre-tour training squad to New Zealand. Hill received his first call up to the senior England squad by new coach Eddie Jones on 13 January 2016 for the 2016 Six Nations Championship. Sam Hill (rugby union) Sam Hill (born 1 July 1993) is a rugby union player for Exeter Chiefs in the Aviva Premiership. He","Document [17](Title: Sam Hill (cyclist)) Kaprun, Austria. In 2003, aged just 18, Hill won both the Australian and Oceania Downhill Championships in the Elite category. He then went on to successfully defend his Junior World Champion title in Lugano, Switzerland. He starred in the 2010 mountain bike movie \"Follow Me\". Sam Hill is known for his skill in riding steep, technical courses as opposed to flatter courses that require pedaling. He has regularly won on one of the steeper, more technical tracks on the World Cup Circuit, Schladming. His famous run in Champery (2007) is also testament to his remarkably high skill level on technical","Document [18](Title: My Side of the Mountain (film)) there. Sam's immediate companion is Gus, his pet raccoon, which lives with him in the city. He gathers supplies at a local store, hops on a bus, and heads down the 401 with Gus to what he calls \"the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec\". In actuality he ends up in the picturesque town of Knowlton, Quebec, southeast of Montreal, in the Notre Dame Mountains Range of the northern Appalachian Mountains chain along the eastern coast of North America from northern Georgia. Here he finds the perfect mountain stream and pond location to build a home in an old dead tree. He","Document [19](Title: Samuel Hill) manager James J. Hill, who hired Sam to represent the railway. In 1888 Sam Hill married James Hill's eldest daughter Mary. For over a decade, Hill played an important role in his father-in-law's business endeavors, both at the Great Northern and as president of the Minneapolis Trust Company. However, around 1900 they had some type of falling out, the nature and degree of which is unclear; it is not even clear whether the falling out was over business matters, Sam and Mary's difficult marriage, or possible early symptoms of Sam's manic tendencies. In any event, the break was not a","Document [20](Title: Sam Hill (euphemism)) Sam Hill is an American English slang phrase, a euphemism or minced oath for \"the devil\" or \"hell\" personified (as in, \"What in the Sam Hill is that?\"). Etymologist Michael Quinion and others date the expression back to the late 1830s; they and others consider the expression to have been a simple bowdlerization, with, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, an unknown origin."],"query":"where does what in the sam hill come from?","answers":["simple bowdlerization"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Moon landing) To date, the United States is the only country to have successfully conducted manned missions to the Moon, with the last departing the lunar surface in December 1972.","Document [2](Title: Gene Cernan) standing on the lunar surface: Cernan's status as the last person to walk on the Moon means Purdue University is the \"alma mater\" of both the first person to walk on the Moon\u2014Neil Armstrong\u2014and the most recent. Cernan is one of only three astronauts to travel to the Moon on two occasions; the others being Jim Lovell and John Young. , he is also one of only twelve people to have walked on the Moon. Apollo 10 holds the record for the highest speed attained by any manned vehicle at during its return from the Moon on May 26, 1969.","Document [3](Title: Darlah) of the \"DP7 event on Earth in 2019\" (Mia killing everybody) and have found a letter written by Mia. She says goodbye in this letter, saying she has very little time left and that the space suit's gloves make it hard to write. The report ends. Prior to the US release of \"172 Hours on the Moon\" in July 2012, Little, Brown, the publishing house, created an extensive media campaign to promote the book. A website was made, where visitors were met by the text \"Do you want to go to the moon? Are you between the ages of 14","Document [4](Title: Luna 24) sample for a lunar sample from NASA in December 1976. \"Luna 24\" was the last lunar spacecraft to be launched by the Soviet Union. It was also the last spacecraft to make a soft landing on the Moon until the landing of \"Chang'e 3\" on December 14, 2013, 37 years later. In February 1978 soviet scientists M. Akhmanova, B. Dement'ev, and M. Markov of the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytic Chemistry published a paper claiming a detection of water fairly definitively. Their study showed that the samples returned to Earth by the probe contained about 0.1% water by mass,","Document [5](Title: Apollo 7) complete technical success, giving NASA the confidence to send Apollo 8 into orbit around the Moon two months later. The flight would prove to be the final space flight for all of its three crew members\u2014and the only one for both Cunningham and Eisele\u2014when it splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean on October 22, 1968. It was also the only manned launch from Launch Complex 34, as well as the last launch from the complex. Schirra, Eisele, and Cunningham were first named as an Apollo crew on September 29, 1966. They were to fly a second Earth orbital test of","Document [6](Title: Tranquility Base) Tranquility Base Tranquility Base (Latin: Statio Tranquillitatis) is the site on the Moon where, in 1969, humans landed and walked on another celestial body for the first time. On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 crewmembers Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed their Apollo Lunar Module \"Eagle\" at approximately 20:17:40 UTC. Six hours later, the two astronauts exited the spacecraft and spent 2 hours 31 minutes on the lunar surface, examining and photographing it, setting up some scientific experiment packages, and collecting of dirt and rock samples for return to Earth. They lifted off the surface on July 21 at 17:54","Document [7](Title: The Dark Side of the Moon) food?\", before moving on to themes more central to the album (such as madness, violence, and death). Questions such as \"When was the last time you were violent?\", followed immediately by \"Were you in the right?\", were answered in the order they were presented. Roger \"The Hat\" Manifold proved difficult to find, and was the only contributor recorded in a conventional sit-down interview, as by then the flashcards had been mislaid. Waters asked him about a violent encounter he had had with another motorist, and Manifold replied \"... give 'em a quick, short, sharp shock ...\" When asked about death","Document [8](Title: Far side of the Moon) 17 missions since that time, and photographed by multiple lunar probes. Spacecraft passing behind the Moon were out of direct radio communication with the Earth, and had to wait until the orbit allowed transmission. During the Apollo missions, the main engine of the Service Module was fired when the vessel was behind the Moon, producing some tense moments in Mission Control before the craft reappeared. Geologist-astronaut Harrison Schmitt, who became the last to step onto the Moon, had aggressively lobbied for his landing site to be on the far side of the Moon, targeting the lava-filled crater Tsiolkovskiy. Schmitt's ambitious","Document [9](Title: Gene Cernan) on a rock. He states in the 2014 documentary \"The Last Man on the Moon\" that he wrote them in the lunar dust as he left the rover to return to the LEM and Earth. The true story of leaving the initials on the lunar surface was prominently mentioned in an episode (Season 3 Episode 20: The Last Walt) of \"Modern Family\". A recording of Cernan's voice during the Apollo 17 mission was sampled by Daft Punk for \"Contact\", the last track on their 2013 album \"Random Access Memories\". Cernan's last words from the lunar surface, along with Lunar Module","Document [10](Title: Gene Cernan) Aldrin spent outside the LM on Apollo 11. During this time Cernan and Schmitt covered more than using the Lunar Rover and spent a great deal of time collecting geologic samples (including a record 34 kilograms (75 lb) of samples, the most of any Apollo mission) that would shed light on the Moon's early history. Cernan piloted the rover on its final sortie, recording a maximum speed of , giving him the unofficial lunar land speed record. As Cernan prepared to climb the ladder for the final time, he spoke these words, currently the last spoken by a human being","Document [11](Title: Earth) walked on the Moon. Normally, the only humans in space are those on the International Space Station. The station's crew, made up of six people, is usually replaced every six months. The farthest that humans have traveled from Earth is , achieved during the Apollo 13 mission in 1970. The Moon is a relatively large, terrestrial, planet-like natural satellite, with a diameter about one-quarter of Earth's. It is the largest moon in the Solar System relative to the size of its planet, although Charon is larger relative to the dwarf planet Pluto. The natural satellites of other planets are also","Document [12](Title: Apollo 8) to be performed perfectly, and due to orbital mechanics had to be on the far side of the Moon, out of contact with the Earth. After Mission Control was polled for a \"go\/no go\" decision, the crew was told at 68 hours that they were Go and \"riding the best bird we can find\". Lovell replied, \"We'll see you on the other side\", and for the first time in history, humans travelled behind the Moon and out of radio contact with the Earth. With 10 minutes remaining before LOI-1, the crew began one last check of the spacecraft systems and","Document [13](Title: Harrison Schmitt) second-to-last person to step off of the Moon (he boarded the Lunar Module shortly before commander Eugene Cernan). Schmitt also remains the first and only professional scientist to have flown beyond low Earth orbit and to have visited the Moon. He was influential within the community of geologists supporting the Apollo program and, before starting his own preparations for an Apollo mission, had been one of the scientists training those Apollo astronauts chosen to visit the lunar surface. Schmitt resigned from NASA in August 1975 in order to run for election to the United States Senate as a member from","Document [14](Title: Ronald Evans (astronaut)) the Moon as his two crewmates descended to the surface. Consequently, he is the last person to orbit the Moon alone and holds the record for the most time spent in lunar orbit at 148 hours. In 1975 Evans served as backup Command Module Pilot for the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project mission. Evans was born on November 10, 1933, in St. Francis, Kansas, to parents Clarence Ellwin Evans (1911\u20131985) and Marie A. Evans (; 1913\u20131992). He had two siblings, Larry Joe Evans (1935\u20131951) and Jay Evans. He was active in the Boy Scouts of America where he achieved its second highest","Document [15](Title: Homer E. Newell Jr.) last human being (and only scientist) to set foot on the surface of the moon. Newell retired from NASA in 1974. He wrote at least eight books, one of which, Vector Analysis, (McGraw Hill, NY,1955) remains in print today. His last book, Beyond the Atmosphere: Early Years of Space Science (NASA SP-4211), is widely referenced as a historical source. Newell died on July 18, 1983, leaving behind his wife, four children, eleven grandchildren, his books and a robust space science program. His name, while not widely recognized today by non-specialists, was commemorated in the Goddard Space Flight Center's Homer E.","Document [16](Title: Exploration of the Moon) and indeed of human history in general. The first man-made object to reach the Moon was the unmanned Soviet probe Luna 2, which made a hard landing on September 14, 1959, at 21:02:24 Z. The far side of the Moon was first photographed on October 7, 1959, by the Soviet probe Luna 3. Though vague by today's standards, the photos showed that the far side of the Moon almost completely lacked maria. In an effort to compete with these Soviet successes, U.S. President John F. Kennedy proposed the national goal of landing a human on the Moon. Speaking to a","Document [17](Title: Space Race) about , and guided the Lunar Module to a safe landing spot at 20:18:04 UTC, July 20, 1969 (3:17:04 pm CDT). The first humans on the Moon waited six hours before they left their craft. At 02:56 UTC, July 21 (9:56 pm CDT July 20), Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the Moon. The first step was witnessed by at least one-fifth of the population of Earth, or about 723 million people. His first words when he stepped off the LM's landing footpad were, \"That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.\" Aldrin","Document [18](Title: Gene Cernan) Gene Cernan Eugene Andrew Cernan (; March 14, 1934 \u2013 January 16, 2017) was an American astronaut, naval aviator, electrical engineer, aeronautical engineer, and fighter pilot. During the Apollo 17 mission, Cernan became the eleventh person to walk on the Moon. Since he re-entered the lunar module after Harrison Schmitt on their third and final lunar excursion, he is the last person to have walked on the Moon. Cernan traveled into space three times; as pilot of Gemini 9A in June 1966, as lunar module pilot of Apollo 10 in May 1969, and as commander of Apollo 17 in December","Document [19](Title: NASA) These missions returned a wealth of scientific data and of lunar samples. Topics covered by experiments performed included soil mechanics, meteoroids, seismology, heat flow, lunar ranging, magnetic fields, and solar wind. The Moon landing marked the end of the space race; and as a gesture, Armstrong mentioned mankind when he stepped down on the Moon. Apollo set major milestones in human spaceflight. It stands alone in sending manned missions beyond low Earth orbit, and landing humans on another celestial body. Apollo 8 was the first manned spacecraft to orbit another celestial body, while Apollo 17 marked the last moonwalk and","Document [20](Title: Extravehicular activity) were performed among six Apollo crews, including Charles \"Pete\" Conrad, Alan Bean, Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, David Scott, James Irwin, John Young, Charles Duke, Eugene Cernan, and Harrison \"Jack\" Schmitt. Cernan was the last Apollo astronaut to step off the surface of the Moon. Apollo 15 Command Module Pilot Al Worden made an EVA on August 5, 1971, on the return trip from the Moon, to retrieve a film and data recording canister from the Service Module. He was assisted by Lunar Module Pilot James Irwin standing up in the Command Module hatch. This procedure was repeated by Ken Mattingly"],"query":"when was the last time anyone was on the moon?","answers":["14 December 1972 UTC","December 1972"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Gene Cernan) standing on the lunar surface: Cernan's status as the last person to walk on the Moon means Purdue University is the \"alma mater\" of both the first person to walk on the Moon\u2014Neil Armstrong\u2014and the most recent. Cernan is one of only three astronauts to travel to the Moon on two occasions; the others being Jim Lovell and John Young. , he is also one of only twelve people to have walked on the Moon. Apollo 10 holds the record for the highest speed attained by any manned vehicle at during its return from the Moon on May 26, 1969.","Document [2](Title: Darlah) of the \"DP7 event on Earth in 2019\" (Mia killing everybody) and have found a letter written by Mia. She says goodbye in this letter, saying she has very little time left and that the space suit's gloves make it hard to write. The report ends. Prior to the US release of \"172 Hours on the Moon\" in July 2012, Little, Brown, the publishing house, created an extensive media campaign to promote the book. A website was made, where visitors were met by the text \"Do you want to go to the moon? Are you between the ages of 14","Document [3](Title: Luna 24) sample for a lunar sample from NASA in December 1976. \"Luna 24\" was the last lunar spacecraft to be launched by the Soviet Union. It was also the last spacecraft to make a soft landing on the Moon until the landing of \"Chang'e 3\" on December 14, 2013, 37 years later. In February 1978 soviet scientists M. Akhmanova, B. Dement'ev, and M. Markov of the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytic Chemistry published a paper claiming a detection of water fairly definitively. Their study showed that the samples returned to Earth by the probe contained about 0.1% water by mass,","Document [4](Title: Apollo 7) complete technical success, giving NASA the confidence to send Apollo 8 into orbit around the Moon two months later. The flight would prove to be the final space flight for all of its three crew members\u2014and the only one for both Cunningham and Eisele\u2014when it splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean on October 22, 1968. It was also the only manned launch from Launch Complex 34, as well as the last launch from the complex. Schirra, Eisele, and Cunningham were first named as an Apollo crew on September 29, 1966. They were to fly a second Earth orbital test of","Document [5](Title: Moon landing) To date, the United States is the only country to have successfully conducted manned missions to the Moon, with the last departing the lunar surface in December 1972.","Document [6](Title: Tranquility Base) Tranquility Base Tranquility Base (Latin: Statio Tranquillitatis) is the site on the Moon where, in 1969, humans landed and walked on another celestial body for the first time. On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 crewmembers Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed their Apollo Lunar Module \"Eagle\" at approximately 20:17:40 UTC. Six hours later, the two astronauts exited the spacecraft and spent 2 hours 31 minutes on the lunar surface, examining and photographing it, setting up some scientific experiment packages, and collecting of dirt and rock samples for return to Earth. They lifted off the surface on July 21 at 17:54","Document [7](Title: The Dark Side of the Moon) food?\", before moving on to themes more central to the album (such as madness, violence, and death). Questions such as \"When was the last time you were violent?\", followed immediately by \"Were you in the right?\", were answered in the order they were presented. Roger \"The Hat\" Manifold proved difficult to find, and was the only contributor recorded in a conventional sit-down interview, as by then the flashcards had been mislaid. Waters asked him about a violent encounter he had had with another motorist, and Manifold replied \"... give 'em a quick, short, sharp shock ...\" When asked about death","Document [8](Title: Far side of the Moon) 17 missions since that time, and photographed by multiple lunar probes. Spacecraft passing behind the Moon were out of direct radio communication with the Earth, and had to wait until the orbit allowed transmission. During the Apollo missions, the main engine of the Service Module was fired when the vessel was behind the Moon, producing some tense moments in Mission Control before the craft reappeared. Geologist-astronaut Harrison Schmitt, who became the last to step onto the Moon, had aggressively lobbied for his landing site to be on the far side of the Moon, targeting the lava-filled crater Tsiolkovskiy. Schmitt's ambitious","Document [9](Title: Gene Cernan) on a rock. He states in the 2014 documentary \"The Last Man on the Moon\" that he wrote them in the lunar dust as he left the rover to return to the LEM and Earth. The true story of leaving the initials on the lunar surface was prominently mentioned in an episode (Season 3 Episode 20: The Last Walt) of \"Modern Family\". A recording of Cernan's voice during the Apollo 17 mission was sampled by Daft Punk for \"Contact\", the last track on their 2013 album \"Random Access Memories\". Cernan's last words from the lunar surface, along with Lunar Module","Document [10](Title: Gene Cernan) Aldrin spent outside the LM on Apollo 11. During this time Cernan and Schmitt covered more than using the Lunar Rover and spent a great deal of time collecting geologic samples (including a record 34 kilograms (75 lb) of samples, the most of any Apollo mission) that would shed light on the Moon's early history. Cernan piloted the rover on its final sortie, recording a maximum speed of , giving him the unofficial lunar land speed record. As Cernan prepared to climb the ladder for the final time, he spoke these words, currently the last spoken by a human being","Document [11](Title: Earth) walked on the Moon. Normally, the only humans in space are those on the International Space Station. The station's crew, made up of six people, is usually replaced every six months. The farthest that humans have traveled from Earth is , achieved during the Apollo 13 mission in 1970. The Moon is a relatively large, terrestrial, planet-like natural satellite, with a diameter about one-quarter of Earth's. It is the largest moon in the Solar System relative to the size of its planet, although Charon is larger relative to the dwarf planet Pluto. The natural satellites of other planets are also","Document [12](Title: Apollo 8) to be performed perfectly, and due to orbital mechanics had to be on the far side of the Moon, out of contact with the Earth. After Mission Control was polled for a \"go\/no go\" decision, the crew was told at 68 hours that they were Go and \"riding the best bird we can find\". Lovell replied, \"We'll see you on the other side\", and for the first time in history, humans travelled behind the Moon and out of radio contact with the Earth. With 10 minutes remaining before LOI-1, the crew began one last check of the spacecraft systems and","Document [13](Title: Harrison Schmitt) second-to-last person to step off of the Moon (he boarded the Lunar Module shortly before commander Eugene Cernan). Schmitt also remains the first and only professional scientist to have flown beyond low Earth orbit and to have visited the Moon. He was influential within the community of geologists supporting the Apollo program and, before starting his own preparations for an Apollo mission, had been one of the scientists training those Apollo astronauts chosen to visit the lunar surface. Schmitt resigned from NASA in August 1975 in order to run for election to the United States Senate as a member from","Document [14](Title: Ronald Evans (astronaut)) the Moon as his two crewmates descended to the surface. Consequently, he is the last person to orbit the Moon alone and holds the record for the most time spent in lunar orbit at 148 hours. In 1975 Evans served as backup Command Module Pilot for the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project mission. Evans was born on November 10, 1933, in St. Francis, Kansas, to parents Clarence Ellwin Evans (1911\u20131985) and Marie A. Evans (; 1913\u20131992). He had two siblings, Larry Joe Evans (1935\u20131951) and Jay Evans. He was active in the Boy Scouts of America where he achieved its second highest","Document [15](Title: Homer E. Newell Jr.) last human being (and only scientist) to set foot on the surface of the moon. Newell retired from NASA in 1974. He wrote at least eight books, one of which, Vector Analysis, (McGraw Hill, NY,1955) remains in print today. His last book, Beyond the Atmosphere: Early Years of Space Science (NASA SP-4211), is widely referenced as a historical source. Newell died on July 18, 1983, leaving behind his wife, four children, eleven grandchildren, his books and a robust space science program. His name, while not widely recognized today by non-specialists, was commemorated in the Goddard Space Flight Center's Homer E.","Document [16](Title: Exploration of the Moon) and indeed of human history in general. The first man-made object to reach the Moon was the unmanned Soviet probe Luna 2, which made a hard landing on September 14, 1959, at 21:02:24 Z. The far side of the Moon was first photographed on October 7, 1959, by the Soviet probe Luna 3. Though vague by today's standards, the photos showed that the far side of the Moon almost completely lacked maria. In an effort to compete with these Soviet successes, U.S. President John F. Kennedy proposed the national goal of landing a human on the Moon. Speaking to a","Document [17](Title: Space Race) about , and guided the Lunar Module to a safe landing spot at 20:18:04 UTC, July 20, 1969 (3:17:04 pm CDT). The first humans on the Moon waited six hours before they left their craft. At 02:56 UTC, July 21 (9:56 pm CDT July 20), Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the Moon. The first step was witnessed by at least one-fifth of the population of Earth, or about 723 million people. His first words when he stepped off the LM's landing footpad were, \"That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.\" Aldrin","Document [18](Title: Gene Cernan) Gene Cernan Eugene Andrew Cernan (; March 14, 1934 \u2013 January 16, 2017) was an American astronaut, naval aviator, electrical engineer, aeronautical engineer, and fighter pilot. During the Apollo 17 mission, Cernan became the eleventh person to walk on the Moon. Since he re-entered the lunar module after Harrison Schmitt on their third and final lunar excursion, he is the last person to have walked on the Moon. Cernan traveled into space three times; as pilot of Gemini 9A in June 1966, as lunar module pilot of Apollo 10 in May 1969, and as commander of Apollo 17 in December","Document [19](Title: NASA) These missions returned a wealth of scientific data and of lunar samples. Topics covered by experiments performed included soil mechanics, meteoroids, seismology, heat flow, lunar ranging, magnetic fields, and solar wind. The Moon landing marked the end of the space race; and as a gesture, Armstrong mentioned mankind when he stepped down on the Moon. Apollo set major milestones in human spaceflight. It stands alone in sending manned missions beyond low Earth orbit, and landing humans on another celestial body. Apollo 8 was the first manned spacecraft to orbit another celestial body, while Apollo 17 marked the last moonwalk and","Document [20](Title: Extravehicular activity) were performed among six Apollo crews, including Charles \"Pete\" Conrad, Alan Bean, Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, David Scott, James Irwin, John Young, Charles Duke, Eugene Cernan, and Harrison \"Jack\" Schmitt. Cernan was the last Apollo astronaut to step off the surface of the Moon. Apollo 15 Command Module Pilot Al Worden made an EVA on August 5, 1971, on the return trip from the Moon, to retrieve a film and data recording canister from the Service Module. He was assisted by Lunar Module Pilot James Irwin standing up in the Command Module hatch. This procedure was repeated by Ken Mattingly"],"query":"when was the last time anyone was on the moon?","answers":["14 December 1972 UTC","December 1972"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Gene Cernan) standing on the lunar surface: Cernan's status as the last person to walk on the Moon means Purdue University is the \"alma mater\" of both the first person to walk on the Moon\u2014Neil Armstrong\u2014and the most recent. Cernan is one of only three astronauts to travel to the Moon on two occasions; the others being Jim Lovell and John Young. , he is also one of only twelve people to have walked on the Moon. Apollo 10 holds the record for the highest speed attained by any manned vehicle at during its return from the Moon on May 26, 1969.","Document [2](Title: Darlah) of the \"DP7 event on Earth in 2019\" (Mia killing everybody) and have found a letter written by Mia. She says goodbye in this letter, saying she has very little time left and that the space suit's gloves make it hard to write. The report ends. Prior to the US release of \"172 Hours on the Moon\" in July 2012, Little, Brown, the publishing house, created an extensive media campaign to promote the book. A website was made, where visitors were met by the text \"Do you want to go to the moon? Are you between the ages of 14","Document [3](Title: Luna 24) sample for a lunar sample from NASA in December 1976. \"Luna 24\" was the last lunar spacecraft to be launched by the Soviet Union. It was also the last spacecraft to make a soft landing on the Moon until the landing of \"Chang'e 3\" on December 14, 2013, 37 years later. In February 1978 soviet scientists M. Akhmanova, B. Dement'ev, and M. Markov of the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytic Chemistry published a paper claiming a detection of water fairly definitively. Their study showed that the samples returned to Earth by the probe contained about 0.1% water by mass,","Document [4](Title: Apollo 7) complete technical success, giving NASA the confidence to send Apollo 8 into orbit around the Moon two months later. The flight would prove to be the final space flight for all of its three crew members\u2014and the only one for both Cunningham and Eisele\u2014when it splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean on October 22, 1968. It was also the only manned launch from Launch Complex 34, as well as the last launch from the complex. Schirra, Eisele, and Cunningham were first named as an Apollo crew on September 29, 1966. They were to fly a second Earth orbital test of","Document [5](Title: Tranquility Base) Tranquility Base Tranquility Base (Latin: Statio Tranquillitatis) is the site on the Moon where, in 1969, humans landed and walked on another celestial body for the first time. On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 crewmembers Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed their Apollo Lunar Module \"Eagle\" at approximately 20:17:40 UTC. Six hours later, the two astronauts exited the spacecraft and spent 2 hours 31 minutes on the lunar surface, examining and photographing it, setting up some scientific experiment packages, and collecting of dirt and rock samples for return to Earth. They lifted off the surface on July 21 at 17:54","Document [6](Title: The Dark Side of the Moon) food?\", before moving on to themes more central to the album (such as madness, violence, and death). Questions such as \"When was the last time you were violent?\", followed immediately by \"Were you in the right?\", were answered in the order they were presented. Roger \"The Hat\" Manifold proved difficult to find, and was the only contributor recorded in a conventional sit-down interview, as by then the flashcards had been mislaid. Waters asked him about a violent encounter he had had with another motorist, and Manifold replied \"... give 'em a quick, short, sharp shock ...\" When asked about death","Document [7](Title: Far side of the Moon) 17 missions since that time, and photographed by multiple lunar probes. Spacecraft passing behind the Moon were out of direct radio communication with the Earth, and had to wait until the orbit allowed transmission. During the Apollo missions, the main engine of the Service Module was fired when the vessel was behind the Moon, producing some tense moments in Mission Control before the craft reappeared. Geologist-astronaut Harrison Schmitt, who became the last to step onto the Moon, had aggressively lobbied for his landing site to be on the far side of the Moon, targeting the lava-filled crater Tsiolkovskiy. Schmitt's ambitious","Document [8](Title: Gene Cernan) on a rock. He states in the 2014 documentary \"The Last Man on the Moon\" that he wrote them in the lunar dust as he left the rover to return to the LEM and Earth. The true story of leaving the initials on the lunar surface was prominently mentioned in an episode (Season 3 Episode 20: The Last Walt) of \"Modern Family\". A recording of Cernan's voice during the Apollo 17 mission was sampled by Daft Punk for \"Contact\", the last track on their 2013 album \"Random Access Memories\". Cernan's last words from the lunar surface, along with Lunar Module","Document [9](Title: Gene Cernan) Aldrin spent outside the LM on Apollo 11. During this time Cernan and Schmitt covered more than using the Lunar Rover and spent a great deal of time collecting geologic samples (including a record 34 kilograms (75 lb) of samples, the most of any Apollo mission) that would shed light on the Moon's early history. Cernan piloted the rover on its final sortie, recording a maximum speed of , giving him the unofficial lunar land speed record. As Cernan prepared to climb the ladder for the final time, he spoke these words, currently the last spoken by a human being","Document [10](Title: Moon landing) To date, the United States is the only country to have successfully conducted manned missions to the Moon, with the last departing the lunar surface in December 1972.","Document [11](Title: Earth) walked on the Moon. Normally, the only humans in space are those on the International Space Station. The station's crew, made up of six people, is usually replaced every six months. The farthest that humans have traveled from Earth is , achieved during the Apollo 13 mission in 1970. The Moon is a relatively large, terrestrial, planet-like natural satellite, with a diameter about one-quarter of Earth's. It is the largest moon in the Solar System relative to the size of its planet, although Charon is larger relative to the dwarf planet Pluto. The natural satellites of other planets are also","Document [12](Title: Apollo 8) to be performed perfectly, and due to orbital mechanics had to be on the far side of the Moon, out of contact with the Earth. After Mission Control was polled for a \"go\/no go\" decision, the crew was told at 68 hours that they were Go and \"riding the best bird we can find\". Lovell replied, \"We'll see you on the other side\", and for the first time in history, humans travelled behind the Moon and out of radio contact with the Earth. With 10 minutes remaining before LOI-1, the crew began one last check of the spacecraft systems and","Document [13](Title: Harrison Schmitt) second-to-last person to step off of the Moon (he boarded the Lunar Module shortly before commander Eugene Cernan). Schmitt also remains the first and only professional scientist to have flown beyond low Earth orbit and to have visited the Moon. He was influential within the community of geologists supporting the Apollo program and, before starting his own preparations for an Apollo mission, had been one of the scientists training those Apollo astronauts chosen to visit the lunar surface. Schmitt resigned from NASA in August 1975 in order to run for election to the United States Senate as a member from","Document [14](Title: Ronald Evans (astronaut)) the Moon as his two crewmates descended to the surface. Consequently, he is the last person to orbit the Moon alone and holds the record for the most time spent in lunar orbit at 148 hours. In 1975 Evans served as backup Command Module Pilot for the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project mission. Evans was born on November 10, 1933, in St. Francis, Kansas, to parents Clarence Ellwin Evans (1911\u20131985) and Marie A. Evans (; 1913\u20131992). He had two siblings, Larry Joe Evans (1935\u20131951) and Jay Evans. He was active in the Boy Scouts of America where he achieved its second highest","Document [15](Title: Homer E. Newell Jr.) last human being (and only scientist) to set foot on the surface of the moon. Newell retired from NASA in 1974. He wrote at least eight books, one of which, Vector Analysis, (McGraw Hill, NY,1955) remains in print today. His last book, Beyond the Atmosphere: Early Years of Space Science (NASA SP-4211), is widely referenced as a historical source. Newell died on July 18, 1983, leaving behind his wife, four children, eleven grandchildren, his books and a robust space science program. His name, while not widely recognized today by non-specialists, was commemorated in the Goddard Space Flight Center's Homer E.","Document [16](Title: Exploration of the Moon) and indeed of human history in general. The first man-made object to reach the Moon was the unmanned Soviet probe Luna 2, which made a hard landing on September 14, 1959, at 21:02:24 Z. The far side of the Moon was first photographed on October 7, 1959, by the Soviet probe Luna 3. Though vague by today's standards, the photos showed that the far side of the Moon almost completely lacked maria. In an effort to compete with these Soviet successes, U.S. President John F. Kennedy proposed the national goal of landing a human on the Moon. Speaking to a","Document [17](Title: Space Race) about , and guided the Lunar Module to a safe landing spot at 20:18:04 UTC, July 20, 1969 (3:17:04 pm CDT). The first humans on the Moon waited six hours before they left their craft. At 02:56 UTC, July 21 (9:56 pm CDT July 20), Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the Moon. The first step was witnessed by at least one-fifth of the population of Earth, or about 723 million people. His first words when he stepped off the LM's landing footpad were, \"That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.\" Aldrin","Document [18](Title: Gene Cernan) Gene Cernan Eugene Andrew Cernan (; March 14, 1934 \u2013 January 16, 2017) was an American astronaut, naval aviator, electrical engineer, aeronautical engineer, and fighter pilot. During the Apollo 17 mission, Cernan became the eleventh person to walk on the Moon. Since he re-entered the lunar module after Harrison Schmitt on their third and final lunar excursion, he is the last person to have walked on the Moon. Cernan traveled into space three times; as pilot of Gemini 9A in June 1966, as lunar module pilot of Apollo 10 in May 1969, and as commander of Apollo 17 in December","Document [19](Title: NASA) These missions returned a wealth of scientific data and of lunar samples. Topics covered by experiments performed included soil mechanics, meteoroids, seismology, heat flow, lunar ranging, magnetic fields, and solar wind. The Moon landing marked the end of the space race; and as a gesture, Armstrong mentioned mankind when he stepped down on the Moon. Apollo set major milestones in human spaceflight. It stands alone in sending manned missions beyond low Earth orbit, and landing humans on another celestial body. Apollo 8 was the first manned spacecraft to orbit another celestial body, while Apollo 17 marked the last moonwalk and","Document [20](Title: Extravehicular activity) were performed among six Apollo crews, including Charles \"Pete\" Conrad, Alan Bean, Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, David Scott, James Irwin, John Young, Charles Duke, Eugene Cernan, and Harrison \"Jack\" Schmitt. Cernan was the last Apollo astronaut to step off the surface of the Moon. Apollo 15 Command Module Pilot Al Worden made an EVA on August 5, 1971, on the return trip from the Moon, to retrieve a film and data recording canister from the Service Module. He was assisted by Lunar Module Pilot James Irwin standing up in the Command Module hatch. This procedure was repeated by Ken Mattingly"],"query":"when was the last time anyone was on the moon?","answers":["14 December 1972 UTC","December 1972"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Gene Cernan) standing on the lunar surface: Cernan's status as the last person to walk on the Moon means Purdue University is the \"alma mater\" of both the first person to walk on the Moon\u2014Neil Armstrong\u2014and the most recent. Cernan is one of only three astronauts to travel to the Moon on two occasions; the others being Jim Lovell and John Young. , he is also one of only twelve people to have walked on the Moon. Apollo 10 holds the record for the highest speed attained by any manned vehicle at during its return from the Moon on May 26, 1969.","Document [2](Title: Darlah) of the \"DP7 event on Earth in 2019\" (Mia killing everybody) and have found a letter written by Mia. She says goodbye in this letter, saying she has very little time left and that the space suit's gloves make it hard to write. The report ends. Prior to the US release of \"172 Hours on the Moon\" in July 2012, Little, Brown, the publishing house, created an extensive media campaign to promote the book. A website was made, where visitors were met by the text \"Do you want to go to the moon? Are you between the ages of 14","Document [3](Title: Luna 24) sample for a lunar sample from NASA in December 1976. \"Luna 24\" was the last lunar spacecraft to be launched by the Soviet Union. It was also the last spacecraft to make a soft landing on the Moon until the landing of \"Chang'e 3\" on December 14, 2013, 37 years later. In February 1978 soviet scientists M. Akhmanova, B. Dement'ev, and M. Markov of the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytic Chemistry published a paper claiming a detection of water fairly definitively. Their study showed that the samples returned to Earth by the probe contained about 0.1% water by mass,","Document [4](Title: Apollo 7) complete technical success, giving NASA the confidence to send Apollo 8 into orbit around the Moon two months later. The flight would prove to be the final space flight for all of its three crew members\u2014and the only one for both Cunningham and Eisele\u2014when it splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean on October 22, 1968. It was also the only manned launch from Launch Complex 34, as well as the last launch from the complex. Schirra, Eisele, and Cunningham were first named as an Apollo crew on September 29, 1966. They were to fly a second Earth orbital test of","Document [5](Title: Tranquility Base) Tranquility Base Tranquility Base (Latin: Statio Tranquillitatis) is the site on the Moon where, in 1969, humans landed and walked on another celestial body for the first time. On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 crewmembers Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed their Apollo Lunar Module \"Eagle\" at approximately 20:17:40 UTC. Six hours later, the two astronauts exited the spacecraft and spent 2 hours 31 minutes on the lunar surface, examining and photographing it, setting up some scientific experiment packages, and collecting of dirt and rock samples for return to Earth. They lifted off the surface on July 21 at 17:54","Document [6](Title: The Dark Side of the Moon) food?\", before moving on to themes more central to the album (such as madness, violence, and death). Questions such as \"When was the last time you were violent?\", followed immediately by \"Were you in the right?\", were answered in the order they were presented. Roger \"The Hat\" Manifold proved difficult to find, and was the only contributor recorded in a conventional sit-down interview, as by then the flashcards had been mislaid. Waters asked him about a violent encounter he had had with another motorist, and Manifold replied \"... give 'em a quick, short, sharp shock ...\" When asked about death","Document [7](Title: Far side of the Moon) 17 missions since that time, and photographed by multiple lunar probes. Spacecraft passing behind the Moon were out of direct radio communication with the Earth, and had to wait until the orbit allowed transmission. During the Apollo missions, the main engine of the Service Module was fired when the vessel was behind the Moon, producing some tense moments in Mission Control before the craft reappeared. Geologist-astronaut Harrison Schmitt, who became the last to step onto the Moon, had aggressively lobbied for his landing site to be on the far side of the Moon, targeting the lava-filled crater Tsiolkovskiy. Schmitt's ambitious","Document [8](Title: Gene Cernan) on a rock. He states in the 2014 documentary \"The Last Man on the Moon\" that he wrote them in the lunar dust as he left the rover to return to the LEM and Earth. The true story of leaving the initials on the lunar surface was prominently mentioned in an episode (Season 3 Episode 20: The Last Walt) of \"Modern Family\". A recording of Cernan's voice during the Apollo 17 mission was sampled by Daft Punk for \"Contact\", the last track on their 2013 album \"Random Access Memories\". Cernan's last words from the lunar surface, along with Lunar Module","Document [9](Title: Gene Cernan) Aldrin spent outside the LM on Apollo 11. During this time Cernan and Schmitt covered more than using the Lunar Rover and spent a great deal of time collecting geologic samples (including a record 34 kilograms (75 lb) of samples, the most of any Apollo mission) that would shed light on the Moon's early history. Cernan piloted the rover on its final sortie, recording a maximum speed of , giving him the unofficial lunar land speed record. As Cernan prepared to climb the ladder for the final time, he spoke these words, currently the last spoken by a human being","Document [10](Title: Earth) walked on the Moon. Normally, the only humans in space are those on the International Space Station. The station's crew, made up of six people, is usually replaced every six months. The farthest that humans have traveled from Earth is , achieved during the Apollo 13 mission in 1970. The Moon is a relatively large, terrestrial, planet-like natural satellite, with a diameter about one-quarter of Earth's. It is the largest moon in the Solar System relative to the size of its planet, although Charon is larger relative to the dwarf planet Pluto. The natural satellites of other planets are also","Document [11](Title: Apollo 8) to be performed perfectly, and due to orbital mechanics had to be on the far side of the Moon, out of contact with the Earth. After Mission Control was polled for a \"go\/no go\" decision, the crew was told at 68 hours that they were Go and \"riding the best bird we can find\". Lovell replied, \"We'll see you on the other side\", and for the first time in history, humans travelled behind the Moon and out of radio contact with the Earth. With 10 minutes remaining before LOI-1, the crew began one last check of the spacecraft systems and","Document [12](Title: Harrison Schmitt) second-to-last person to step off of the Moon (he boarded the Lunar Module shortly before commander Eugene Cernan). Schmitt also remains the first and only professional scientist to have flown beyond low Earth orbit and to have visited the Moon. He was influential within the community of geologists supporting the Apollo program and, before starting his own preparations for an Apollo mission, had been one of the scientists training those Apollo astronauts chosen to visit the lunar surface. Schmitt resigned from NASA in August 1975 in order to run for election to the United States Senate as a member from","Document [13](Title: Ronald Evans (astronaut)) the Moon as his two crewmates descended to the surface. Consequently, he is the last person to orbit the Moon alone and holds the record for the most time spent in lunar orbit at 148 hours. In 1975 Evans served as backup Command Module Pilot for the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project mission. Evans was born on November 10, 1933, in St. Francis, Kansas, to parents Clarence Ellwin Evans (1911\u20131985) and Marie A. Evans (; 1913\u20131992). He had two siblings, Larry Joe Evans (1935\u20131951) and Jay Evans. He was active in the Boy Scouts of America where he achieved its second highest","Document [14](Title: Homer E. Newell Jr.) last human being (and only scientist) to set foot on the surface of the moon. Newell retired from NASA in 1974. He wrote at least eight books, one of which, Vector Analysis, (McGraw Hill, NY,1955) remains in print today. His last book, Beyond the Atmosphere: Early Years of Space Science (NASA SP-4211), is widely referenced as a historical source. Newell died on July 18, 1983, leaving behind his wife, four children, eleven grandchildren, his books and a robust space science program. His name, while not widely recognized today by non-specialists, was commemorated in the Goddard Space Flight Center's Homer E.","Document [15](Title: Moon landing) To date, the United States is the only country to have successfully conducted manned missions to the Moon, with the last departing the lunar surface in December 1972.","Document [16](Title: Exploration of the Moon) and indeed of human history in general. The first man-made object to reach the Moon was the unmanned Soviet probe Luna 2, which made a hard landing on September 14, 1959, at 21:02:24 Z. The far side of the Moon was first photographed on October 7, 1959, by the Soviet probe Luna 3. Though vague by today's standards, the photos showed that the far side of the Moon almost completely lacked maria. In an effort to compete with these Soviet successes, U.S. President John F. Kennedy proposed the national goal of landing a human on the Moon. Speaking to a","Document [17](Title: Space Race) about , and guided the Lunar Module to a safe landing spot at 20:18:04 UTC, July 20, 1969 (3:17:04 pm CDT). The first humans on the Moon waited six hours before they left their craft. At 02:56 UTC, July 21 (9:56 pm CDT July 20), Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the Moon. The first step was witnessed by at least one-fifth of the population of Earth, or about 723 million people. His first words when he stepped off the LM's landing footpad were, \"That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.\" Aldrin","Document [18](Title: Gene Cernan) Gene Cernan Eugene Andrew Cernan (; March 14, 1934 \u2013 January 16, 2017) was an American astronaut, naval aviator, electrical engineer, aeronautical engineer, and fighter pilot. During the Apollo 17 mission, Cernan became the eleventh person to walk on the Moon. Since he re-entered the lunar module after Harrison Schmitt on their third and final lunar excursion, he is the last person to have walked on the Moon. Cernan traveled into space three times; as pilot of Gemini 9A in June 1966, as lunar module pilot of Apollo 10 in May 1969, and as commander of Apollo 17 in December","Document [19](Title: NASA) These missions returned a wealth of scientific data and of lunar samples. Topics covered by experiments performed included soil mechanics, meteoroids, seismology, heat flow, lunar ranging, magnetic fields, and solar wind. The Moon landing marked the end of the space race; and as a gesture, Armstrong mentioned mankind when he stepped down on the Moon. Apollo set major milestones in human spaceflight. It stands alone in sending manned missions beyond low Earth orbit, and landing humans on another celestial body. Apollo 8 was the first manned spacecraft to orbit another celestial body, while Apollo 17 marked the last moonwalk and","Document [20](Title: Extravehicular activity) were performed among six Apollo crews, including Charles \"Pete\" Conrad, Alan Bean, Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, David Scott, James Irwin, John Young, Charles Duke, Eugene Cernan, and Harrison \"Jack\" Schmitt. Cernan was the last Apollo astronaut to step off the surface of the Moon. Apollo 15 Command Module Pilot Al Worden made an EVA on August 5, 1971, on the return trip from the Moon, to retrieve a film and data recording canister from the Service Module. He was assisted by Lunar Module Pilot James Irwin standing up in the Command Module hatch. This procedure was repeated by Ken Mattingly"],"query":"when was the last time anyone was on the moon?","answers":["14 December 1972 UTC","December 1972"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Gene Cernan) standing on the lunar surface: Cernan's status as the last person to walk on the Moon means Purdue University is the \"alma mater\" of both the first person to walk on the Moon\u2014Neil Armstrong\u2014and the most recent. Cernan is one of only three astronauts to travel to the Moon on two occasions; the others being Jim Lovell and John Young. , he is also one of only twelve people to have walked on the Moon. Apollo 10 holds the record for the highest speed attained by any manned vehicle at during its return from the Moon on May 26, 1969.","Document [2](Title: Darlah) of the \"DP7 event on Earth in 2019\" (Mia killing everybody) and have found a letter written by Mia. She says goodbye in this letter, saying she has very little time left and that the space suit's gloves make it hard to write. The report ends. Prior to the US release of \"172 Hours on the Moon\" in July 2012, Little, Brown, the publishing house, created an extensive media campaign to promote the book. A website was made, where visitors were met by the text \"Do you want to go to the moon? Are you between the ages of 14","Document [3](Title: Luna 24) sample for a lunar sample from NASA in December 1976. \"Luna 24\" was the last lunar spacecraft to be launched by the Soviet Union. It was also the last spacecraft to make a soft landing on the Moon until the landing of \"Chang'e 3\" on December 14, 2013, 37 years later. In February 1978 soviet scientists M. Akhmanova, B. Dement'ev, and M. Markov of the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytic Chemistry published a paper claiming a detection of water fairly definitively. Their study showed that the samples returned to Earth by the probe contained about 0.1% water by mass,","Document [4](Title: Apollo 7) complete technical success, giving NASA the confidence to send Apollo 8 into orbit around the Moon two months later. The flight would prove to be the final space flight for all of its three crew members\u2014and the only one for both Cunningham and Eisele\u2014when it splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean on October 22, 1968. It was also the only manned launch from Launch Complex 34, as well as the last launch from the complex. Schirra, Eisele, and Cunningham were first named as an Apollo crew on September 29, 1966. They were to fly a second Earth orbital test of","Document [5](Title: Tranquility Base) Tranquility Base Tranquility Base (Latin: Statio Tranquillitatis) is the site on the Moon where, in 1969, humans landed and walked on another celestial body for the first time. On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 crewmembers Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed their Apollo Lunar Module \"Eagle\" at approximately 20:17:40 UTC. Six hours later, the two astronauts exited the spacecraft and spent 2 hours 31 minutes on the lunar surface, examining and photographing it, setting up some scientific experiment packages, and collecting of dirt and rock samples for return to Earth. They lifted off the surface on July 21 at 17:54","Document [6](Title: The Dark Side of the Moon) food?\", before moving on to themes more central to the album (such as madness, violence, and death). Questions such as \"When was the last time you were violent?\", followed immediately by \"Were you in the right?\", were answered in the order they were presented. Roger \"The Hat\" Manifold proved difficult to find, and was the only contributor recorded in a conventional sit-down interview, as by then the flashcards had been mislaid. Waters asked him about a violent encounter he had had with another motorist, and Manifold replied \"... give 'em a quick, short, sharp shock ...\" When asked about death","Document [7](Title: Far side of the Moon) 17 missions since that time, and photographed by multiple lunar probes. Spacecraft passing behind the Moon were out of direct radio communication with the Earth, and had to wait until the orbit allowed transmission. During the Apollo missions, the main engine of the Service Module was fired when the vessel was behind the Moon, producing some tense moments in Mission Control before the craft reappeared. Geologist-astronaut Harrison Schmitt, who became the last to step onto the Moon, had aggressively lobbied for his landing site to be on the far side of the Moon, targeting the lava-filled crater Tsiolkovskiy. Schmitt's ambitious","Document [8](Title: Gene Cernan) on a rock. He states in the 2014 documentary \"The Last Man on the Moon\" that he wrote them in the lunar dust as he left the rover to return to the LEM and Earth. The true story of leaving the initials on the lunar surface was prominently mentioned in an episode (Season 3 Episode 20: The Last Walt) of \"Modern Family\". A recording of Cernan's voice during the Apollo 17 mission was sampled by Daft Punk for \"Contact\", the last track on their 2013 album \"Random Access Memories\". Cernan's last words from the lunar surface, along with Lunar Module","Document [9](Title: Gene Cernan) Aldrin spent outside the LM on Apollo 11. During this time Cernan and Schmitt covered more than using the Lunar Rover and spent a great deal of time collecting geologic samples (including a record 34 kilograms (75 lb) of samples, the most of any Apollo mission) that would shed light on the Moon's early history. Cernan piloted the rover on its final sortie, recording a maximum speed of , giving him the unofficial lunar land speed record. As Cernan prepared to climb the ladder for the final time, he spoke these words, currently the last spoken by a human being","Document [10](Title: Earth) walked on the Moon. Normally, the only humans in space are those on the International Space Station. The station's crew, made up of six people, is usually replaced every six months. The farthest that humans have traveled from Earth is , achieved during the Apollo 13 mission in 1970. The Moon is a relatively large, terrestrial, planet-like natural satellite, with a diameter about one-quarter of Earth's. It is the largest moon in the Solar System relative to the size of its planet, although Charon is larger relative to the dwarf planet Pluto. The natural satellites of other planets are also","Document [11](Title: Apollo 8) to be performed perfectly, and due to orbital mechanics had to be on the far side of the Moon, out of contact with the Earth. After Mission Control was polled for a \"go\/no go\" decision, the crew was told at 68 hours that they were Go and \"riding the best bird we can find\". Lovell replied, \"We'll see you on the other side\", and for the first time in history, humans travelled behind the Moon and out of radio contact with the Earth. With 10 minutes remaining before LOI-1, the crew began one last check of the spacecraft systems and","Document [12](Title: Harrison Schmitt) second-to-last person to step off of the Moon (he boarded the Lunar Module shortly before commander Eugene Cernan). Schmitt also remains the first and only professional scientist to have flown beyond low Earth orbit and to have visited the Moon. He was influential within the community of geologists supporting the Apollo program and, before starting his own preparations for an Apollo mission, had been one of the scientists training those Apollo astronauts chosen to visit the lunar surface. Schmitt resigned from NASA in August 1975 in order to run for election to the United States Senate as a member from","Document [13](Title: Ronald Evans (astronaut)) the Moon as his two crewmates descended to the surface. Consequently, he is the last person to orbit the Moon alone and holds the record for the most time spent in lunar orbit at 148 hours. In 1975 Evans served as backup Command Module Pilot for the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project mission. Evans was born on November 10, 1933, in St. Francis, Kansas, to parents Clarence Ellwin Evans (1911\u20131985) and Marie A. Evans (; 1913\u20131992). He had two siblings, Larry Joe Evans (1935\u20131951) and Jay Evans. He was active in the Boy Scouts of America where he achieved its second highest","Document [14](Title: Homer E. Newell Jr.) last human being (and only scientist) to set foot on the surface of the moon. Newell retired from NASA in 1974. He wrote at least eight books, one of which, Vector Analysis, (McGraw Hill, NY,1955) remains in print today. His last book, Beyond the Atmosphere: Early Years of Space Science (NASA SP-4211), is widely referenced as a historical source. Newell died on July 18, 1983, leaving behind his wife, four children, eleven grandchildren, his books and a robust space science program. His name, while not widely recognized today by non-specialists, was commemorated in the Goddard Space Flight Center's Homer E.","Document [15](Title: Exploration of the Moon) and indeed of human history in general. The first man-made object to reach the Moon was the unmanned Soviet probe Luna 2, which made a hard landing on September 14, 1959, at 21:02:24 Z. The far side of the Moon was first photographed on October 7, 1959, by the Soviet probe Luna 3. Though vague by today's standards, the photos showed that the far side of the Moon almost completely lacked maria. In an effort to compete with these Soviet successes, U.S. President John F. Kennedy proposed the national goal of landing a human on the Moon. Speaking to a","Document [16](Title: Space Race) about , and guided the Lunar Module to a safe landing spot at 20:18:04 UTC, July 20, 1969 (3:17:04 pm CDT). The first humans on the Moon waited six hours before they left their craft. At 02:56 UTC, July 21 (9:56 pm CDT July 20), Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the Moon. The first step was witnessed by at least one-fifth of the population of Earth, or about 723 million people. His first words when he stepped off the LM's landing footpad were, \"That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.\" Aldrin","Document [17](Title: Gene Cernan) Gene Cernan Eugene Andrew Cernan (; March 14, 1934 \u2013 January 16, 2017) was an American astronaut, naval aviator, electrical engineer, aeronautical engineer, and fighter pilot. During the Apollo 17 mission, Cernan became the eleventh person to walk on the Moon. Since he re-entered the lunar module after Harrison Schmitt on their third and final lunar excursion, he is the last person to have walked on the Moon. Cernan traveled into space three times; as pilot of Gemini 9A in June 1966, as lunar module pilot of Apollo 10 in May 1969, and as commander of Apollo 17 in December","Document [18](Title: NASA) These missions returned a wealth of scientific data and of lunar samples. Topics covered by experiments performed included soil mechanics, meteoroids, seismology, heat flow, lunar ranging, magnetic fields, and solar wind. The Moon landing marked the end of the space race; and as a gesture, Armstrong mentioned mankind when he stepped down on the Moon. Apollo set major milestones in human spaceflight. It stands alone in sending manned missions beyond low Earth orbit, and landing humans on another celestial body. Apollo 8 was the first manned spacecraft to orbit another celestial body, while Apollo 17 marked the last moonwalk and","Document [19](Title: Extravehicular activity) were performed among six Apollo crews, including Charles \"Pete\" Conrad, Alan Bean, Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, David Scott, James Irwin, John Young, Charles Duke, Eugene Cernan, and Harrison \"Jack\" Schmitt. Cernan was the last Apollo astronaut to step off the surface of the Moon. Apollo 15 Command Module Pilot Al Worden made an EVA on August 5, 1971, on the return trip from the Moon, to retrieve a film and data recording canister from the Service Module. He was assisted by Lunar Module Pilot James Irwin standing up in the Command Module hatch. This procedure was repeated by Ken Mattingly","Document [20](Title: Moon landing) To date, the United States is the only country to have successfully conducted manned missions to the Moon, with the last departing the lunar surface in December 1972."],"query":"when was the last time anyone was on the moon?","answers":["14 December 1972 UTC","December 1972"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) Sorry, Wrong Number conforms to many of the conventions of film noir. The movie plays in real time, with many flashbacks to flesh out the story. Stanwyck's bedroom window overlooks the night skyline of Manhattan. The film is shot very dark, with looming shadows and a circling camera used to maintain a high level of suspense.","Document [2](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) Again\" and the 2014 action-thriller \"\". The latter two films were directed by Kenneth Branagh. Sorry, Wrong Number Sorry, Wrong Number is a 1948 American thriller film noir directed by Anatole Litvak and starring Barbara Stanwyck and Burt Lancaster. It tells the story of a woman who overhears a murder plot. The film was adapted by Lucille Fletcher from her 1943 radio play. It is one of the few pre-1950 Paramount Pictures films that remained in the studio's library (the rest are currently owned by NBCUniversal). Leona Stevenson is the spoiled, bedridden daughter of wealthy businessman James Cotterell. One day,","Document [3](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) Sorry, Wrong Number Sorry, Wrong Number is a 1948 American thriller film noir directed by Anatole Litvak and starring Barbara Stanwyck and Burt Lancaster. It tells the story of a woman who overhears a murder plot. The film was adapted by Lucille Fletcher from her 1943 radio play. It is one of the few pre-1950 Paramount Pictures films that remained in the studio's library (the rest are currently owned by NBCUniversal). Leona Stevenson is the spoiled, bedridden daughter of wealthy businessman James Cotterell. One day, while listening to what seems to be a crossed telephone connection, she hears two men","Document [4](Title: Sorry, Right Number) Sorry, Right Number \"Sorry, Right Number\" is a teleplay written by author Stephen King for an episode of the horror anthology series \"Tales from the Darkside\". It was later included in King's short story collection \"Nightmares & Dreamscapes\", and is the only such work that King has included in any of his anthologies. It appears in script format, and begins with an authors' guide for screenplays and abbreviations. The \"Tales from the Darkside\" episode originally aired in 1987, and starred Deborah Harmon and Arthur Taxier as Katie and Bill Weiderman, with Rhonda Dotson as Katie's sister Dawn and Katherine Britton,","Document [5](Title: Wrong Number (2004 film)) Wrong Number (2004 film) Wrong Number also () is a Bangladeshi Bengali-language film. The film released on 25 March 2004 in all over Bangladesh. The film directed by Motin Rahman. And produced-distributed by Impress Telefilm Limited. Stars Riaz, Shrabanti, Abdul Qader, Nasir Rahman, Dolly Johur, Tushar Khan, Amol Bosh, Tahsina, Taskina and many more. The story revolves around different comical events regarding telephonic conversation. Athoi (Shrabanti). a young girl loves to dial wrong numbers and through such an incident, gets involved with a boy Abir ( Riaz ).The story advances through a series of humorous events. Wrong Number films music","Document [6](Title: Sorry, Right Number) Brandon Stewart and Nicole Huntington as the Weiderman children. It was later produced as a short film in 2005, directed and adapted by Brian Berkowitz. The cast included Darrin Stevens, Karla Droege, Michael Brady, Kimberly D'Armond, Karoline Striplin, and Barbara Weetman. The title is a pun on the title of the radio play and film \"Sorry, Wrong Number\". Katie Weiderman is talking to her sister on the phone one night. Her husband, Bill, is in his study trying to find inspiration for a new novel. Her children are arguing about whether or not to watch \"Ghost Kiss\", a gory TV","Document [7](Title: Wrong No.) . Wednesday was the first working day for the film, but it yet registered 90% occupancies, collecting on Wednesday. The film collected on Thursday. The film was again 95% on the second weekend as it collected , taking the total to . In the UK until the second weekend. At the end of its 50 Days run in Pakistan, the film collected 15 crores from local markets emerging as a blockbuster. The film did a business of over 30 crores worldwide Wrong No. Wrong No. (also written as Wrong Number) is a 2015 Pakistani romantic comedy film directed by Yasir","Document [8](Title: Misdialed call) order to attempt to sell or lease the numbers to the named organisation or its local chapters. Misdialled calls serve as a plot device in 1948 film \"Sorry, Wrong Number\", in television series episodes such as the Dad's Army episode \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" and on the Touch-Tone Terrorists prank call CD series. Misdialed call A misdialed call or wrong number is a telephone call to an incorrect telephone number. This may occur because the number has been physically misdialled, the number is simply incorrect, or because the area code or ownership of the number has changed. In North America, toll-free","Document [9](Title: The Right Number) as readers aren't taken out of the experience as they may when using a hyperlink to move to the next page. \"The Right Number\" has an advantage over infinitely-scrollable webcomics in that it preserves the rhythm of reading the comic, while scrollers may start to \"drag on and on.\" The time the webcomic spends zooming in on panels forces the reader to pace themselves. \"The Right Number\" follows a man who accidentally meets up with a stranger rather than his own girlfriend after misdialing a phone call. The woman he meets looks, sounds, and acts significantly like his wife, however,","Document [10](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) play originally aired on the \"Suspense\" radio program on May 25, 1943, essentially a one-woman show with Agnes Moorehead as Mrs. Stevenson. The play was reprised seven times, each starring Moorehead. The final broadcast was on February 14, 1960. Orson Welles called \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" \"the greatest single radio script ever written\". In 2015, the May 25, 1943 broadcast was deemed \"culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant\" by the Library of Congress and selected for inclusion in the National Recording Registry. Clips from \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" were used for the 1982 comedy-mystery \"Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid\", the 1991 thriller \"Dead","Document [11](Title: Wrong Number (George Jones song)) a wrong number and hangs up. Although not a major hit, \"Wrong Number\" is another in a long list of obscure George Jones songs that he sings, as Nick Tosches put it in the \"Texas Monthly\" in 1994, \"as if his soul were on fire.\" Wrong Number (George Jones song) \"Wrong Number\" is a song by American country singer George Jones. Jones composed the song with Dickie Overby. It was released as a promotional single in 1965 and rose to #14 on the \"Billboard\" country chart. The song tells the story of a man who, filled with despair, calls his","Document [12](Title: The Right Number) The Right Number The Right Number is an infinite canvas webcomic by Scott McCloud. The webcomic makes use of an experimental zooming user interface, where each subsequent panel is nested inside of the panel that comes before it. \"The Right Number\" follows a man who discovers that one can figure out someone's character traits based on their phone number, and starts to abuse the patterns he finds to search the perfect girlfriend. The story is focused on obsession and how it is impossible to find the perfect mate. Two of its three parts were published in 2003 through the BitPass","Document [13](Title: Wrong Number (George Jones song)) Wrong Number (George Jones song) \"Wrong Number\" is a song by American country singer George Jones. Jones composed the song with Dickie Overby. It was released as a promotional single in 1965 and rose to #14 on the \"Billboard\" country chart. The song tells the story of a man who, filled with despair, calls his former lover on the telephone because he wants to hear her voice again. However, he dares not speak: \"I bite my lip till the blood runs free and keep the words 'I love you' hidden deep, deep inside of me...\" The woman assumes it is","Document [14](Title: Wrong No.) India at a later date. The film was scheduled to be released in the US on December 11, 2015. Rafay Mahmood of \"The Express Tribune\" rated the film 2.5 out of 5 stars and wrote, \"It is the small moments and performances by the side actors that make an otherwise ordinary film a joyride. Beyond that, it is a test of your bladder and brain, whatever lets go first.\" Momin Ali Munshi of \"Galaxy Lollywood\" rated 3.8\/5 overall and summed up his review as, \"Wrong Number is a complete commercial pot-boiler which has all the elements that are required to","Document [15](Title: Lucille Fletcher) Douglass Wallop, a writer, on January 6, 1949. They remained married until his death in 1985. Lucille Fletcher died on August 31, 2000, after suffering a stroke. \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" received the Edgar Allan Poe Award from the Mystery Writers of America. Lucille Fletcher Violet Lucille Fletcher (March 28, 1912August 31, 2000) was an American screenwriter of film, radio and television. Her credits include \"The Hitch-Hiker,\" an original radio play written for Orson Welles and adapted for a notable episode of \"The Twilight Zone\" television series. Lucille Fletcher also wrote \"Sorry, Wrong Number\", one of the most celebrated plays in","Document [16](Title: Misdialed call) Misdialed call A misdialed call or wrong number is a telephone call to an incorrect telephone number. This may occur because the number has been physically misdialled, the number is simply incorrect, or because the area code or ownership of the number has changed. In North America, toll-free numbers are a frequent source of wrong numbers because they often have a history of prior ownership. In the United Kingdom, many misdialled calls have been due to public confusion over the dialling codes for some areas. The recipient of a wrong number is usually unknown to the caller. This aspect has","Document [17](Title: The Right Number) and the protagonist finds that this girl is a \"better version\" of his girlfriend. He starts to experiment with his phone, and discovers a pattern where women with similar phone numbers have similar character traits. He then abuses this system to find the perfect girlfriend, as he starts to obsess over the smallest details. McCloud describes \"The Right Number\" as \"a story about obsession\" and calls this a theme he returns to often. In an interview with Joe Zabel, McCloud said that he is \"pessimistic about the wisdom of trying to find the perfect mate,\" which is what the protagonist","Document [18](Title: Sorry, Right Number) adaptation of Bill's earlier novel. Katie receives a second phone call. The incoming call is a sobbing and traumatized caller who sputters, \"Take... please... take\" before the line goes dead. Katie immediately assumes the call came from her daughter Polly, who is away at boarding school, but a call to Polly proves otherwise. Katie also rules out her mother, but she cannot reach her sister Dawn. Katie and Bill rush over to Dawn's house; despite the appearance of a forced entry, Dawn is all right and did not call. Assuming that someone must have dialed the wrong number, Katie forgets","Document [19](Title: Wrong No.) make a blockbuster. This masala entertainer will make you fall in love with the characters and will also make sure that you fall off your seat every few minutes courtesy the heavy doses of laughter that will come your way. But be warned that if you are easily offended and rate humour as being clean or dirty then this is surely not your cup of tea.\" Asad Haroon of \"Dispatch News Desk\" said, \"Wrong Number is a slapstick comedy filled with humor. One can't stop laughing throughout the movie and the dialogues are pretty well written and up to the","Document [20](Title: Wrong No.) Wrong No. Wrong No. (also written as Wrong Number) is a 2015 Pakistani romantic comedy film directed by Yasir Nawaz and co-produced by Yasir Nawaz, Nida Yasir and Hassan Zia under the production banner YNH Films. The film features Javed Sheikh, Danish Taimoor, Nadeem Jaffri, Danish Nawaz, Shafqat Cheema, Sohai Ali Abro and Janita Asma in lead roles. \"Wrong No.\" is the directorial debut of Yasir Nawaz. The film was released by ARY Films in cinemas nationwide on July 18, 2015 (Eid al-Fitr). In its opening weekend, it took in at the local box office. The story revolves around Sallu"],"query":"what is the setting of the story sorry wrong number?","answers":["Manhattan"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) Again\" and the 2014 action-thriller \"\". The latter two films were directed by Kenneth Branagh. Sorry, Wrong Number Sorry, Wrong Number is a 1948 American thriller film noir directed by Anatole Litvak and starring Barbara Stanwyck and Burt Lancaster. It tells the story of a woman who overhears a murder plot. The film was adapted by Lucille Fletcher from her 1943 radio play. It is one of the few pre-1950 Paramount Pictures films that remained in the studio's library (the rest are currently owned by NBCUniversal). Leona Stevenson is the spoiled, bedridden daughter of wealthy businessman James Cotterell. One day,","Document [2](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) Sorry, Wrong Number Sorry, Wrong Number is a 1948 American thriller film noir directed by Anatole Litvak and starring Barbara Stanwyck and Burt Lancaster. It tells the story of a woman who overhears a murder plot. The film was adapted by Lucille Fletcher from her 1943 radio play. It is one of the few pre-1950 Paramount Pictures films that remained in the studio's library (the rest are currently owned by NBCUniversal). Leona Stevenson is the spoiled, bedridden daughter of wealthy businessman James Cotterell. One day, while listening to what seems to be a crossed telephone connection, she hears two men","Document [3](Title: Sorry, Right Number) Sorry, Right Number \"Sorry, Right Number\" is a teleplay written by author Stephen King for an episode of the horror anthology series \"Tales from the Darkside\". It was later included in King's short story collection \"Nightmares & Dreamscapes\", and is the only such work that King has included in any of his anthologies. It appears in script format, and begins with an authors' guide for screenplays and abbreviations. The \"Tales from the Darkside\" episode originally aired in 1987, and starred Deborah Harmon and Arthur Taxier as Katie and Bill Weiderman, with Rhonda Dotson as Katie's sister Dawn and Katherine Britton,","Document [4](Title: Wrong Number (2004 film)) Wrong Number (2004 film) Wrong Number also () is a Bangladeshi Bengali-language film. The film released on 25 March 2004 in all over Bangladesh. The film directed by Motin Rahman. And produced-distributed by Impress Telefilm Limited. Stars Riaz, Shrabanti, Abdul Qader, Nasir Rahman, Dolly Johur, Tushar Khan, Amol Bosh, Tahsina, Taskina and many more. The story revolves around different comical events regarding telephonic conversation. Athoi (Shrabanti). a young girl loves to dial wrong numbers and through such an incident, gets involved with a boy Abir ( Riaz ).The story advances through a series of humorous events. Wrong Number films music","Document [5](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) Sorry, Wrong Number conforms to many of the conventions of film noir. The movie plays in real time, with many flashbacks to flesh out the story. Stanwyck's bedroom window overlooks the night skyline of Manhattan. The film is shot very dark, with looming shadows and a circling camera used to maintain a high level of suspense.","Document [6](Title: Sorry, Right Number) Brandon Stewart and Nicole Huntington as the Weiderman children. It was later produced as a short film in 2005, directed and adapted by Brian Berkowitz. The cast included Darrin Stevens, Karla Droege, Michael Brady, Kimberly D'Armond, Karoline Striplin, and Barbara Weetman. The title is a pun on the title of the radio play and film \"Sorry, Wrong Number\". Katie Weiderman is talking to her sister on the phone one night. Her husband, Bill, is in his study trying to find inspiration for a new novel. Her children are arguing about whether or not to watch \"Ghost Kiss\", a gory TV","Document [7](Title: Wrong No.) . Wednesday was the first working day for the film, but it yet registered 90% occupancies, collecting on Wednesday. The film collected on Thursday. The film was again 95% on the second weekend as it collected , taking the total to . In the UK until the second weekend. At the end of its 50 Days run in Pakistan, the film collected 15 crores from local markets emerging as a blockbuster. The film did a business of over 30 crores worldwide Wrong No. Wrong No. (also written as Wrong Number) is a 2015 Pakistani romantic comedy film directed by Yasir","Document [8](Title: Misdialed call) order to attempt to sell or lease the numbers to the named organisation or its local chapters. Misdialled calls serve as a plot device in 1948 film \"Sorry, Wrong Number\", in television series episodes such as the Dad's Army episode \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" and on the Touch-Tone Terrorists prank call CD series. Misdialed call A misdialed call or wrong number is a telephone call to an incorrect telephone number. This may occur because the number has been physically misdialled, the number is simply incorrect, or because the area code or ownership of the number has changed. In North America, toll-free","Document [9](Title: The Right Number) as readers aren't taken out of the experience as they may when using a hyperlink to move to the next page. \"The Right Number\" has an advantage over infinitely-scrollable webcomics in that it preserves the rhythm of reading the comic, while scrollers may start to \"drag on and on.\" The time the webcomic spends zooming in on panels forces the reader to pace themselves. \"The Right Number\" follows a man who accidentally meets up with a stranger rather than his own girlfriend after misdialing a phone call. The woman he meets looks, sounds, and acts significantly like his wife, however,","Document [10](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) play originally aired on the \"Suspense\" radio program on May 25, 1943, essentially a one-woman show with Agnes Moorehead as Mrs. Stevenson. The play was reprised seven times, each starring Moorehead. The final broadcast was on February 14, 1960. Orson Welles called \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" \"the greatest single radio script ever written\". In 2015, the May 25, 1943 broadcast was deemed \"culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant\" by the Library of Congress and selected for inclusion in the National Recording Registry. Clips from \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" were used for the 1982 comedy-mystery \"Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid\", the 1991 thriller \"Dead","Document [11](Title: Wrong Number (George Jones song)) a wrong number and hangs up. Although not a major hit, \"Wrong Number\" is another in a long list of obscure George Jones songs that he sings, as Nick Tosches put it in the \"Texas Monthly\" in 1994, \"as if his soul were on fire.\" Wrong Number (George Jones song) \"Wrong Number\" is a song by American country singer George Jones. Jones composed the song with Dickie Overby. It was released as a promotional single in 1965 and rose to #14 on the \"Billboard\" country chart. The song tells the story of a man who, filled with despair, calls his","Document [12](Title: The Right Number) The Right Number The Right Number is an infinite canvas webcomic by Scott McCloud. The webcomic makes use of an experimental zooming user interface, where each subsequent panel is nested inside of the panel that comes before it. \"The Right Number\" follows a man who discovers that one can figure out someone's character traits based on their phone number, and starts to abuse the patterns he finds to search the perfect girlfriend. The story is focused on obsession and how it is impossible to find the perfect mate. Two of its three parts were published in 2003 through the BitPass","Document [13](Title: Wrong Number (George Jones song)) Wrong Number (George Jones song) \"Wrong Number\" is a song by American country singer George Jones. Jones composed the song with Dickie Overby. It was released as a promotional single in 1965 and rose to #14 on the \"Billboard\" country chart. The song tells the story of a man who, filled with despair, calls his former lover on the telephone because he wants to hear her voice again. However, he dares not speak: \"I bite my lip till the blood runs free and keep the words 'I love you' hidden deep, deep inside of me...\" The woman assumes it is","Document [14](Title: Wrong No.) India at a later date. The film was scheduled to be released in the US on December 11, 2015. Rafay Mahmood of \"The Express Tribune\" rated the film 2.5 out of 5 stars and wrote, \"It is the small moments and performances by the side actors that make an otherwise ordinary film a joyride. Beyond that, it is a test of your bladder and brain, whatever lets go first.\" Momin Ali Munshi of \"Galaxy Lollywood\" rated 3.8\/5 overall and summed up his review as, \"Wrong Number is a complete commercial pot-boiler which has all the elements that are required to","Document [15](Title: Lucille Fletcher) Douglass Wallop, a writer, on January 6, 1949. They remained married until his death in 1985. Lucille Fletcher died on August 31, 2000, after suffering a stroke. \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" received the Edgar Allan Poe Award from the Mystery Writers of America. Lucille Fletcher Violet Lucille Fletcher (March 28, 1912August 31, 2000) was an American screenwriter of film, radio and television. Her credits include \"The Hitch-Hiker,\" an original radio play written for Orson Welles and adapted for a notable episode of \"The Twilight Zone\" television series. Lucille Fletcher also wrote \"Sorry, Wrong Number\", one of the most celebrated plays in","Document [16](Title: Misdialed call) Misdialed call A misdialed call or wrong number is a telephone call to an incorrect telephone number. This may occur because the number has been physically misdialled, the number is simply incorrect, or because the area code or ownership of the number has changed. In North America, toll-free numbers are a frequent source of wrong numbers because they often have a history of prior ownership. In the United Kingdom, many misdialled calls have been due to public confusion over the dialling codes for some areas. The recipient of a wrong number is usually unknown to the caller. This aspect has","Document [17](Title: The Right Number) and the protagonist finds that this girl is a \"better version\" of his girlfriend. He starts to experiment with his phone, and discovers a pattern where women with similar phone numbers have similar character traits. He then abuses this system to find the perfect girlfriend, as he starts to obsess over the smallest details. McCloud describes \"The Right Number\" as \"a story about obsession\" and calls this a theme he returns to often. In an interview with Joe Zabel, McCloud said that he is \"pessimistic about the wisdom of trying to find the perfect mate,\" which is what the protagonist","Document [18](Title: Sorry, Right Number) adaptation of Bill's earlier novel. Katie receives a second phone call. The incoming call is a sobbing and traumatized caller who sputters, \"Take... please... take\" before the line goes dead. Katie immediately assumes the call came from her daughter Polly, who is away at boarding school, but a call to Polly proves otherwise. Katie also rules out her mother, but she cannot reach her sister Dawn. Katie and Bill rush over to Dawn's house; despite the appearance of a forced entry, Dawn is all right and did not call. Assuming that someone must have dialed the wrong number, Katie forgets","Document [19](Title: Wrong No.) make a blockbuster. This masala entertainer will make you fall in love with the characters and will also make sure that you fall off your seat every few minutes courtesy the heavy doses of laughter that will come your way. But be warned that if you are easily offended and rate humour as being clean or dirty then this is surely not your cup of tea.\" Asad Haroon of \"Dispatch News Desk\" said, \"Wrong Number is a slapstick comedy filled with humor. One can't stop laughing throughout the movie and the dialogues are pretty well written and up to the","Document [20](Title: Wrong No.) Wrong No. Wrong No. (also written as Wrong Number) is a 2015 Pakistani romantic comedy film directed by Yasir Nawaz and co-produced by Yasir Nawaz, Nida Yasir and Hassan Zia under the production banner YNH Films. The film features Javed Sheikh, Danish Taimoor, Nadeem Jaffri, Danish Nawaz, Shafqat Cheema, Sohai Ali Abro and Janita Asma in lead roles. \"Wrong No.\" is the directorial debut of Yasir Nawaz. The film was released by ARY Films in cinemas nationwide on July 18, 2015 (Eid al-Fitr). In its opening weekend, it took in at the local box office. The story revolves around Sallu"],"query":"what is the setting of the story sorry wrong number?","answers":["Manhattan"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) Again\" and the 2014 action-thriller \"\". The latter two films were directed by Kenneth Branagh. Sorry, Wrong Number Sorry, Wrong Number is a 1948 American thriller film noir directed by Anatole Litvak and starring Barbara Stanwyck and Burt Lancaster. It tells the story of a woman who overhears a murder plot. The film was adapted by Lucille Fletcher from her 1943 radio play. It is one of the few pre-1950 Paramount Pictures films that remained in the studio's library (the rest are currently owned by NBCUniversal). Leona Stevenson is the spoiled, bedridden daughter of wealthy businessman James Cotterell. One day,","Document [2](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) Sorry, Wrong Number Sorry, Wrong Number is a 1948 American thriller film noir directed by Anatole Litvak and starring Barbara Stanwyck and Burt Lancaster. It tells the story of a woman who overhears a murder plot. The film was adapted by Lucille Fletcher from her 1943 radio play. It is one of the few pre-1950 Paramount Pictures films that remained in the studio's library (the rest are currently owned by NBCUniversal). Leona Stevenson is the spoiled, bedridden daughter of wealthy businessman James Cotterell. One day, while listening to what seems to be a crossed telephone connection, she hears two men","Document [3](Title: Sorry, Right Number) Sorry, Right Number \"Sorry, Right Number\" is a teleplay written by author Stephen King for an episode of the horror anthology series \"Tales from the Darkside\". It was later included in King's short story collection \"Nightmares & Dreamscapes\", and is the only such work that King has included in any of his anthologies. It appears in script format, and begins with an authors' guide for screenplays and abbreviations. The \"Tales from the Darkside\" episode originally aired in 1987, and starred Deborah Harmon and Arthur Taxier as Katie and Bill Weiderman, with Rhonda Dotson as Katie's sister Dawn and Katherine Britton,","Document [4](Title: Wrong Number (2004 film)) Wrong Number (2004 film) Wrong Number also () is a Bangladeshi Bengali-language film. The film released on 25 March 2004 in all over Bangladesh. The film directed by Motin Rahman. And produced-distributed by Impress Telefilm Limited. Stars Riaz, Shrabanti, Abdul Qader, Nasir Rahman, Dolly Johur, Tushar Khan, Amol Bosh, Tahsina, Taskina and many more. The story revolves around different comical events regarding telephonic conversation. Athoi (Shrabanti). a young girl loves to dial wrong numbers and through such an incident, gets involved with a boy Abir ( Riaz ).The story advances through a series of humorous events. Wrong Number films music","Document [5](Title: Sorry, Right Number) Brandon Stewart and Nicole Huntington as the Weiderman children. It was later produced as a short film in 2005, directed and adapted by Brian Berkowitz. The cast included Darrin Stevens, Karla Droege, Michael Brady, Kimberly D'Armond, Karoline Striplin, and Barbara Weetman. The title is a pun on the title of the radio play and film \"Sorry, Wrong Number\". Katie Weiderman is talking to her sister on the phone one night. Her husband, Bill, is in his study trying to find inspiration for a new novel. Her children are arguing about whether or not to watch \"Ghost Kiss\", a gory TV","Document [6](Title: Wrong No.) . Wednesday was the first working day for the film, but it yet registered 90% occupancies, collecting on Wednesday. The film collected on Thursday. The film was again 95% on the second weekend as it collected , taking the total to . In the UK until the second weekend. At the end of its 50 Days run in Pakistan, the film collected 15 crores from local markets emerging as a blockbuster. The film did a business of over 30 crores worldwide Wrong No. Wrong No. (also written as Wrong Number) is a 2015 Pakistani romantic comedy film directed by Yasir","Document [7](Title: Misdialed call) order to attempt to sell or lease the numbers to the named organisation or its local chapters. Misdialled calls serve as a plot device in 1948 film \"Sorry, Wrong Number\", in television series episodes such as the Dad's Army episode \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" and on the Touch-Tone Terrorists prank call CD series. Misdialed call A misdialed call or wrong number is a telephone call to an incorrect telephone number. This may occur because the number has been physically misdialled, the number is simply incorrect, or because the area code or ownership of the number has changed. In North America, toll-free","Document [8](Title: The Right Number) as readers aren't taken out of the experience as they may when using a hyperlink to move to the next page. \"The Right Number\" has an advantage over infinitely-scrollable webcomics in that it preserves the rhythm of reading the comic, while scrollers may start to \"drag on and on.\" The time the webcomic spends zooming in on panels forces the reader to pace themselves. \"The Right Number\" follows a man who accidentally meets up with a stranger rather than his own girlfriend after misdialing a phone call. The woman he meets looks, sounds, and acts significantly like his wife, however,","Document [9](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) play originally aired on the \"Suspense\" radio program on May 25, 1943, essentially a one-woman show with Agnes Moorehead as Mrs. Stevenson. The play was reprised seven times, each starring Moorehead. The final broadcast was on February 14, 1960. Orson Welles called \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" \"the greatest single radio script ever written\". In 2015, the May 25, 1943 broadcast was deemed \"culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant\" by the Library of Congress and selected for inclusion in the National Recording Registry. Clips from \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" were used for the 1982 comedy-mystery \"Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid\", the 1991 thriller \"Dead","Document [10](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) Sorry, Wrong Number conforms to many of the conventions of film noir. The movie plays in real time, with many flashbacks to flesh out the story. Stanwyck's bedroom window overlooks the night skyline of Manhattan. The film is shot very dark, with looming shadows and a circling camera used to maintain a high level of suspense.","Document [11](Title: Wrong Number (George Jones song)) a wrong number and hangs up. Although not a major hit, \"Wrong Number\" is another in a long list of obscure George Jones songs that he sings, as Nick Tosches put it in the \"Texas Monthly\" in 1994, \"as if his soul were on fire.\" Wrong Number (George Jones song) \"Wrong Number\" is a song by American country singer George Jones. Jones composed the song with Dickie Overby. It was released as a promotional single in 1965 and rose to #14 on the \"Billboard\" country chart. The song tells the story of a man who, filled with despair, calls his","Document [12](Title: The Right Number) The Right Number The Right Number is an infinite canvas webcomic by Scott McCloud. The webcomic makes use of an experimental zooming user interface, where each subsequent panel is nested inside of the panel that comes before it. \"The Right Number\" follows a man who discovers that one can figure out someone's character traits based on their phone number, and starts to abuse the patterns he finds to search the perfect girlfriend. The story is focused on obsession and how it is impossible to find the perfect mate. Two of its three parts were published in 2003 through the BitPass","Document [13](Title: Wrong Number (George Jones song)) Wrong Number (George Jones song) \"Wrong Number\" is a song by American country singer George Jones. Jones composed the song with Dickie Overby. It was released as a promotional single in 1965 and rose to #14 on the \"Billboard\" country chart. The song tells the story of a man who, filled with despair, calls his former lover on the telephone because he wants to hear her voice again. However, he dares not speak: \"I bite my lip till the blood runs free and keep the words 'I love you' hidden deep, deep inside of me...\" The woman assumes it is","Document [14](Title: Wrong No.) India at a later date. The film was scheduled to be released in the US on December 11, 2015. Rafay Mahmood of \"The Express Tribune\" rated the film 2.5 out of 5 stars and wrote, \"It is the small moments and performances by the side actors that make an otherwise ordinary film a joyride. Beyond that, it is a test of your bladder and brain, whatever lets go first.\" Momin Ali Munshi of \"Galaxy Lollywood\" rated 3.8\/5 overall and summed up his review as, \"Wrong Number is a complete commercial pot-boiler which has all the elements that are required to","Document [15](Title: Lucille Fletcher) Douglass Wallop, a writer, on January 6, 1949. They remained married until his death in 1985. Lucille Fletcher died on August 31, 2000, after suffering a stroke. \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" received the Edgar Allan Poe Award from the Mystery Writers of America. Lucille Fletcher Violet Lucille Fletcher (March 28, 1912August 31, 2000) was an American screenwriter of film, radio and television. Her credits include \"The Hitch-Hiker,\" an original radio play written for Orson Welles and adapted for a notable episode of \"The Twilight Zone\" television series. Lucille Fletcher also wrote \"Sorry, Wrong Number\", one of the most celebrated plays in","Document [16](Title: Misdialed call) Misdialed call A misdialed call or wrong number is a telephone call to an incorrect telephone number. This may occur because the number has been physically misdialled, the number is simply incorrect, or because the area code or ownership of the number has changed. In North America, toll-free numbers are a frequent source of wrong numbers because they often have a history of prior ownership. In the United Kingdom, many misdialled calls have been due to public confusion over the dialling codes for some areas. The recipient of a wrong number is usually unknown to the caller. This aspect has","Document [17](Title: The Right Number) and the protagonist finds that this girl is a \"better version\" of his girlfriend. He starts to experiment with his phone, and discovers a pattern where women with similar phone numbers have similar character traits. He then abuses this system to find the perfect girlfriend, as he starts to obsess over the smallest details. McCloud describes \"The Right Number\" as \"a story about obsession\" and calls this a theme he returns to often. In an interview with Joe Zabel, McCloud said that he is \"pessimistic about the wisdom of trying to find the perfect mate,\" which is what the protagonist","Document [18](Title: Sorry, Right Number) adaptation of Bill's earlier novel. Katie receives a second phone call. The incoming call is a sobbing and traumatized caller who sputters, \"Take... please... take\" before the line goes dead. Katie immediately assumes the call came from her daughter Polly, who is away at boarding school, but a call to Polly proves otherwise. Katie also rules out her mother, but she cannot reach her sister Dawn. Katie and Bill rush over to Dawn's house; despite the appearance of a forced entry, Dawn is all right and did not call. Assuming that someone must have dialed the wrong number, Katie forgets","Document [19](Title: Wrong No.) make a blockbuster. This masala entertainer will make you fall in love with the characters and will also make sure that you fall off your seat every few minutes courtesy the heavy doses of laughter that will come your way. But be warned that if you are easily offended and rate humour as being clean or dirty then this is surely not your cup of tea.\" Asad Haroon of \"Dispatch News Desk\" said, \"Wrong Number is a slapstick comedy filled with humor. One can't stop laughing throughout the movie and the dialogues are pretty well written and up to the","Document [20](Title: Wrong No.) Wrong No. Wrong No. (also written as Wrong Number) is a 2015 Pakistani romantic comedy film directed by Yasir Nawaz and co-produced by Yasir Nawaz, Nida Yasir and Hassan Zia under the production banner YNH Films. The film features Javed Sheikh, Danish Taimoor, Nadeem Jaffri, Danish Nawaz, Shafqat Cheema, Sohai Ali Abro and Janita Asma in lead roles. \"Wrong No.\" is the directorial debut of Yasir Nawaz. The film was released by ARY Films in cinemas nationwide on July 18, 2015 (Eid al-Fitr). In its opening weekend, it took in at the local box office. The story revolves around Sallu"],"query":"what is the setting of the story sorry wrong number?","answers":["Manhattan"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) Again\" and the 2014 action-thriller \"\". The latter two films were directed by Kenneth Branagh. Sorry, Wrong Number Sorry, Wrong Number is a 1948 American thriller film noir directed by Anatole Litvak and starring Barbara Stanwyck and Burt Lancaster. It tells the story of a woman who overhears a murder plot. The film was adapted by Lucille Fletcher from her 1943 radio play. It is one of the few pre-1950 Paramount Pictures films that remained in the studio's library (the rest are currently owned by NBCUniversal). Leona Stevenson is the spoiled, bedridden daughter of wealthy businessman James Cotterell. One day,","Document [2](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) Sorry, Wrong Number Sorry, Wrong Number is a 1948 American thriller film noir directed by Anatole Litvak and starring Barbara Stanwyck and Burt Lancaster. It tells the story of a woman who overhears a murder plot. The film was adapted by Lucille Fletcher from her 1943 radio play. It is one of the few pre-1950 Paramount Pictures films that remained in the studio's library (the rest are currently owned by NBCUniversal). Leona Stevenson is the spoiled, bedridden daughter of wealthy businessman James Cotterell. One day, while listening to what seems to be a crossed telephone connection, she hears two men","Document [3](Title: Sorry, Right Number) Sorry, Right Number \"Sorry, Right Number\" is a teleplay written by author Stephen King for an episode of the horror anthology series \"Tales from the Darkside\". It was later included in King's short story collection \"Nightmares & Dreamscapes\", and is the only such work that King has included in any of his anthologies. It appears in script format, and begins with an authors' guide for screenplays and abbreviations. The \"Tales from the Darkside\" episode originally aired in 1987, and starred Deborah Harmon and Arthur Taxier as Katie and Bill Weiderman, with Rhonda Dotson as Katie's sister Dawn and Katherine Britton,","Document [4](Title: Wrong Number (2004 film)) Wrong Number (2004 film) Wrong Number also () is a Bangladeshi Bengali-language film. The film released on 25 March 2004 in all over Bangladesh. The film directed by Motin Rahman. And produced-distributed by Impress Telefilm Limited. Stars Riaz, Shrabanti, Abdul Qader, Nasir Rahman, Dolly Johur, Tushar Khan, Amol Bosh, Tahsina, Taskina and many more. The story revolves around different comical events regarding telephonic conversation. Athoi (Shrabanti). a young girl loves to dial wrong numbers and through such an incident, gets involved with a boy Abir ( Riaz ).The story advances through a series of humorous events. Wrong Number films music","Document [5](Title: Sorry, Right Number) Brandon Stewart and Nicole Huntington as the Weiderman children. It was later produced as a short film in 2005, directed and adapted by Brian Berkowitz. The cast included Darrin Stevens, Karla Droege, Michael Brady, Kimberly D'Armond, Karoline Striplin, and Barbara Weetman. The title is a pun on the title of the radio play and film \"Sorry, Wrong Number\". Katie Weiderman is talking to her sister on the phone one night. Her husband, Bill, is in his study trying to find inspiration for a new novel. Her children are arguing about whether or not to watch \"Ghost Kiss\", a gory TV","Document [6](Title: Wrong No.) . Wednesday was the first working day for the film, but it yet registered 90% occupancies, collecting on Wednesday. The film collected on Thursday. The film was again 95% on the second weekend as it collected , taking the total to . In the UK until the second weekend. At the end of its 50 Days run in Pakistan, the film collected 15 crores from local markets emerging as a blockbuster. The film did a business of over 30 crores worldwide Wrong No. Wrong No. (also written as Wrong Number) is a 2015 Pakistani romantic comedy film directed by Yasir","Document [7](Title: Misdialed call) order to attempt to sell or lease the numbers to the named organisation or its local chapters. Misdialled calls serve as a plot device in 1948 film \"Sorry, Wrong Number\", in television series episodes such as the Dad's Army episode \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" and on the Touch-Tone Terrorists prank call CD series. Misdialed call A misdialed call or wrong number is a telephone call to an incorrect telephone number. This may occur because the number has been physically misdialled, the number is simply incorrect, or because the area code or ownership of the number has changed. In North America, toll-free","Document [8](Title: The Right Number) as readers aren't taken out of the experience as they may when using a hyperlink to move to the next page. \"The Right Number\" has an advantage over infinitely-scrollable webcomics in that it preserves the rhythm of reading the comic, while scrollers may start to \"drag on and on.\" The time the webcomic spends zooming in on panels forces the reader to pace themselves. \"The Right Number\" follows a man who accidentally meets up with a stranger rather than his own girlfriend after misdialing a phone call. The woman he meets looks, sounds, and acts significantly like his wife, however,","Document [9](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) play originally aired on the \"Suspense\" radio program on May 25, 1943, essentially a one-woman show with Agnes Moorehead as Mrs. Stevenson. The play was reprised seven times, each starring Moorehead. The final broadcast was on February 14, 1960. Orson Welles called \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" \"the greatest single radio script ever written\". In 2015, the May 25, 1943 broadcast was deemed \"culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant\" by the Library of Congress and selected for inclusion in the National Recording Registry. Clips from \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" were used for the 1982 comedy-mystery \"Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid\", the 1991 thriller \"Dead","Document [10](Title: Wrong Number (George Jones song)) a wrong number and hangs up. Although not a major hit, \"Wrong Number\" is another in a long list of obscure George Jones songs that he sings, as Nick Tosches put it in the \"Texas Monthly\" in 1994, \"as if his soul were on fire.\" Wrong Number (George Jones song) \"Wrong Number\" is a song by American country singer George Jones. Jones composed the song with Dickie Overby. It was released as a promotional single in 1965 and rose to #14 on the \"Billboard\" country chart. The song tells the story of a man who, filled with despair, calls his","Document [11](Title: The Right Number) The Right Number The Right Number is an infinite canvas webcomic by Scott McCloud. The webcomic makes use of an experimental zooming user interface, where each subsequent panel is nested inside of the panel that comes before it. \"The Right Number\" follows a man who discovers that one can figure out someone's character traits based on their phone number, and starts to abuse the patterns he finds to search the perfect girlfriend. The story is focused on obsession and how it is impossible to find the perfect mate. Two of its three parts were published in 2003 through the BitPass","Document [12](Title: Wrong Number (George Jones song)) Wrong Number (George Jones song) \"Wrong Number\" is a song by American country singer George Jones. Jones composed the song with Dickie Overby. It was released as a promotional single in 1965 and rose to #14 on the \"Billboard\" country chart. The song tells the story of a man who, filled with despair, calls his former lover on the telephone because he wants to hear her voice again. However, he dares not speak: \"I bite my lip till the blood runs free and keep the words 'I love you' hidden deep, deep inside of me...\" The woman assumes it is","Document [13](Title: Wrong No.) India at a later date. The film was scheduled to be released in the US on December 11, 2015. Rafay Mahmood of \"The Express Tribune\" rated the film 2.5 out of 5 stars and wrote, \"It is the small moments and performances by the side actors that make an otherwise ordinary film a joyride. Beyond that, it is a test of your bladder and brain, whatever lets go first.\" Momin Ali Munshi of \"Galaxy Lollywood\" rated 3.8\/5 overall and summed up his review as, \"Wrong Number is a complete commercial pot-boiler which has all the elements that are required to","Document [14](Title: Lucille Fletcher) Douglass Wallop, a writer, on January 6, 1949. They remained married until his death in 1985. Lucille Fletcher died on August 31, 2000, after suffering a stroke. \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" received the Edgar Allan Poe Award from the Mystery Writers of America. Lucille Fletcher Violet Lucille Fletcher (March 28, 1912August 31, 2000) was an American screenwriter of film, radio and television. Her credits include \"The Hitch-Hiker,\" an original radio play written for Orson Welles and adapted for a notable episode of \"The Twilight Zone\" television series. Lucille Fletcher also wrote \"Sorry, Wrong Number\", one of the most celebrated plays in","Document [15](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) Sorry, Wrong Number conforms to many of the conventions of film noir. The movie plays in real time, with many flashbacks to flesh out the story. Stanwyck's bedroom window overlooks the night skyline of Manhattan. The film is shot very dark, with looming shadows and a circling camera used to maintain a high level of suspense.","Document [16](Title: Misdialed call) Misdialed call A misdialed call or wrong number is a telephone call to an incorrect telephone number. This may occur because the number has been physically misdialled, the number is simply incorrect, or because the area code or ownership of the number has changed. In North America, toll-free numbers are a frequent source of wrong numbers because they often have a history of prior ownership. In the United Kingdom, many misdialled calls have been due to public confusion over the dialling codes for some areas. The recipient of a wrong number is usually unknown to the caller. This aspect has","Document [17](Title: The Right Number) and the protagonist finds that this girl is a \"better version\" of his girlfriend. He starts to experiment with his phone, and discovers a pattern where women with similar phone numbers have similar character traits. He then abuses this system to find the perfect girlfriend, as he starts to obsess over the smallest details. McCloud describes \"The Right Number\" as \"a story about obsession\" and calls this a theme he returns to often. In an interview with Joe Zabel, McCloud said that he is \"pessimistic about the wisdom of trying to find the perfect mate,\" which is what the protagonist","Document [18](Title: Sorry, Right Number) adaptation of Bill's earlier novel. Katie receives a second phone call. The incoming call is a sobbing and traumatized caller who sputters, \"Take... please... take\" before the line goes dead. Katie immediately assumes the call came from her daughter Polly, who is away at boarding school, but a call to Polly proves otherwise. Katie also rules out her mother, but she cannot reach her sister Dawn. Katie and Bill rush over to Dawn's house; despite the appearance of a forced entry, Dawn is all right and did not call. Assuming that someone must have dialed the wrong number, Katie forgets","Document [19](Title: Wrong No.) make a blockbuster. This masala entertainer will make you fall in love with the characters and will also make sure that you fall off your seat every few minutes courtesy the heavy doses of laughter that will come your way. But be warned that if you are easily offended and rate humour as being clean or dirty then this is surely not your cup of tea.\" Asad Haroon of \"Dispatch News Desk\" said, \"Wrong Number is a slapstick comedy filled with humor. One can't stop laughing throughout the movie and the dialogues are pretty well written and up to the","Document [20](Title: Wrong No.) Wrong No. Wrong No. (also written as Wrong Number) is a 2015 Pakistani romantic comedy film directed by Yasir Nawaz and co-produced by Yasir Nawaz, Nida Yasir and Hassan Zia under the production banner YNH Films. The film features Javed Sheikh, Danish Taimoor, Nadeem Jaffri, Danish Nawaz, Shafqat Cheema, Sohai Ali Abro and Janita Asma in lead roles. \"Wrong No.\" is the directorial debut of Yasir Nawaz. The film was released by ARY Films in cinemas nationwide on July 18, 2015 (Eid al-Fitr). In its opening weekend, it took in at the local box office. The story revolves around Sallu"],"query":"what is the setting of the story sorry wrong number?","answers":["Manhattan"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) Again\" and the 2014 action-thriller \"\". The latter two films were directed by Kenneth Branagh. Sorry, Wrong Number Sorry, Wrong Number is a 1948 American thriller film noir directed by Anatole Litvak and starring Barbara Stanwyck and Burt Lancaster. It tells the story of a woman who overhears a murder plot. The film was adapted by Lucille Fletcher from her 1943 radio play. It is one of the few pre-1950 Paramount Pictures films that remained in the studio's library (the rest are currently owned by NBCUniversal). Leona Stevenson is the spoiled, bedridden daughter of wealthy businessman James Cotterell. One day,","Document [2](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) Sorry, Wrong Number Sorry, Wrong Number is a 1948 American thriller film noir directed by Anatole Litvak and starring Barbara Stanwyck and Burt Lancaster. It tells the story of a woman who overhears a murder plot. The film was adapted by Lucille Fletcher from her 1943 radio play. It is one of the few pre-1950 Paramount Pictures films that remained in the studio's library (the rest are currently owned by NBCUniversal). Leona Stevenson is the spoiled, bedridden daughter of wealthy businessman James Cotterell. One day, while listening to what seems to be a crossed telephone connection, she hears two men","Document [3](Title: Sorry, Right Number) Sorry, Right Number \"Sorry, Right Number\" is a teleplay written by author Stephen King for an episode of the horror anthology series \"Tales from the Darkside\". It was later included in King's short story collection \"Nightmares & Dreamscapes\", and is the only such work that King has included in any of his anthologies. It appears in script format, and begins with an authors' guide for screenplays and abbreviations. The \"Tales from the Darkside\" episode originally aired in 1987, and starred Deborah Harmon and Arthur Taxier as Katie and Bill Weiderman, with Rhonda Dotson as Katie's sister Dawn and Katherine Britton,","Document [4](Title: Wrong Number (2004 film)) Wrong Number (2004 film) Wrong Number also () is a Bangladeshi Bengali-language film. The film released on 25 March 2004 in all over Bangladesh. The film directed by Motin Rahman. And produced-distributed by Impress Telefilm Limited. Stars Riaz, Shrabanti, Abdul Qader, Nasir Rahman, Dolly Johur, Tushar Khan, Amol Bosh, Tahsina, Taskina and many more. The story revolves around different comical events regarding telephonic conversation. Athoi (Shrabanti). a young girl loves to dial wrong numbers and through such an incident, gets involved with a boy Abir ( Riaz ).The story advances through a series of humorous events. Wrong Number films music","Document [5](Title: Sorry, Right Number) Brandon Stewart and Nicole Huntington as the Weiderman children. It was later produced as a short film in 2005, directed and adapted by Brian Berkowitz. The cast included Darrin Stevens, Karla Droege, Michael Brady, Kimberly D'Armond, Karoline Striplin, and Barbara Weetman. The title is a pun on the title of the radio play and film \"Sorry, Wrong Number\". Katie Weiderman is talking to her sister on the phone one night. Her husband, Bill, is in his study trying to find inspiration for a new novel. Her children are arguing about whether or not to watch \"Ghost Kiss\", a gory TV","Document [6](Title: Wrong No.) . Wednesday was the first working day for the film, but it yet registered 90% occupancies, collecting on Wednesday. The film collected on Thursday. The film was again 95% on the second weekend as it collected , taking the total to . In the UK until the second weekend. At the end of its 50 Days run in Pakistan, the film collected 15 crores from local markets emerging as a blockbuster. The film did a business of over 30 crores worldwide Wrong No. Wrong No. (also written as Wrong Number) is a 2015 Pakistani romantic comedy film directed by Yasir","Document [7](Title: Misdialed call) order to attempt to sell or lease the numbers to the named organisation or its local chapters. Misdialled calls serve as a plot device in 1948 film \"Sorry, Wrong Number\", in television series episodes such as the Dad's Army episode \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" and on the Touch-Tone Terrorists prank call CD series. Misdialed call A misdialed call or wrong number is a telephone call to an incorrect telephone number. This may occur because the number has been physically misdialled, the number is simply incorrect, or because the area code or ownership of the number has changed. In North America, toll-free","Document [8](Title: The Right Number) as readers aren't taken out of the experience as they may when using a hyperlink to move to the next page. \"The Right Number\" has an advantage over infinitely-scrollable webcomics in that it preserves the rhythm of reading the comic, while scrollers may start to \"drag on and on.\" The time the webcomic spends zooming in on panels forces the reader to pace themselves. \"The Right Number\" follows a man who accidentally meets up with a stranger rather than his own girlfriend after misdialing a phone call. The woman he meets looks, sounds, and acts significantly like his wife, however,","Document [9](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) play originally aired on the \"Suspense\" radio program on May 25, 1943, essentially a one-woman show with Agnes Moorehead as Mrs. Stevenson. The play was reprised seven times, each starring Moorehead. The final broadcast was on February 14, 1960. Orson Welles called \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" \"the greatest single radio script ever written\". In 2015, the May 25, 1943 broadcast was deemed \"culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant\" by the Library of Congress and selected for inclusion in the National Recording Registry. Clips from \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" were used for the 1982 comedy-mystery \"Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid\", the 1991 thriller \"Dead","Document [10](Title: Wrong Number (George Jones song)) a wrong number and hangs up. Although not a major hit, \"Wrong Number\" is another in a long list of obscure George Jones songs that he sings, as Nick Tosches put it in the \"Texas Monthly\" in 1994, \"as if his soul were on fire.\" Wrong Number (George Jones song) \"Wrong Number\" is a song by American country singer George Jones. Jones composed the song with Dickie Overby. It was released as a promotional single in 1965 and rose to #14 on the \"Billboard\" country chart. The song tells the story of a man who, filled with despair, calls his","Document [11](Title: The Right Number) The Right Number The Right Number is an infinite canvas webcomic by Scott McCloud. The webcomic makes use of an experimental zooming user interface, where each subsequent panel is nested inside of the panel that comes before it. \"The Right Number\" follows a man who discovers that one can figure out someone's character traits based on their phone number, and starts to abuse the patterns he finds to search the perfect girlfriend. The story is focused on obsession and how it is impossible to find the perfect mate. Two of its three parts were published in 2003 through the BitPass","Document [12](Title: Wrong Number (George Jones song)) Wrong Number (George Jones song) \"Wrong Number\" is a song by American country singer George Jones. Jones composed the song with Dickie Overby. It was released as a promotional single in 1965 and rose to #14 on the \"Billboard\" country chart. The song tells the story of a man who, filled with despair, calls his former lover on the telephone because he wants to hear her voice again. However, he dares not speak: \"I bite my lip till the blood runs free and keep the words 'I love you' hidden deep, deep inside of me...\" The woman assumes it is","Document [13](Title: Wrong No.) India at a later date. The film was scheduled to be released in the US on December 11, 2015. Rafay Mahmood of \"The Express Tribune\" rated the film 2.5 out of 5 stars and wrote, \"It is the small moments and performances by the side actors that make an otherwise ordinary film a joyride. Beyond that, it is a test of your bladder and brain, whatever lets go first.\" Momin Ali Munshi of \"Galaxy Lollywood\" rated 3.8\/5 overall and summed up his review as, \"Wrong Number is a complete commercial pot-boiler which has all the elements that are required to","Document [14](Title: Lucille Fletcher) Douglass Wallop, a writer, on January 6, 1949. They remained married until his death in 1985. Lucille Fletcher died on August 31, 2000, after suffering a stroke. \"Sorry, Wrong Number\" received the Edgar Allan Poe Award from the Mystery Writers of America. Lucille Fletcher Violet Lucille Fletcher (March 28, 1912August 31, 2000) was an American screenwriter of film, radio and television. Her credits include \"The Hitch-Hiker,\" an original radio play written for Orson Welles and adapted for a notable episode of \"The Twilight Zone\" television series. Lucille Fletcher also wrote \"Sorry, Wrong Number\", one of the most celebrated plays in","Document [15](Title: Misdialed call) Misdialed call A misdialed call or wrong number is a telephone call to an incorrect telephone number. This may occur because the number has been physically misdialled, the number is simply incorrect, or because the area code or ownership of the number has changed. In North America, toll-free numbers are a frequent source of wrong numbers because they often have a history of prior ownership. In the United Kingdom, many misdialled calls have been due to public confusion over the dialling codes for some areas. The recipient of a wrong number is usually unknown to the caller. This aspect has","Document [16](Title: The Right Number) and the protagonist finds that this girl is a \"better version\" of his girlfriend. He starts to experiment with his phone, and discovers a pattern where women with similar phone numbers have similar character traits. He then abuses this system to find the perfect girlfriend, as he starts to obsess over the smallest details. McCloud describes \"The Right Number\" as \"a story about obsession\" and calls this a theme he returns to often. In an interview with Joe Zabel, McCloud said that he is \"pessimistic about the wisdom of trying to find the perfect mate,\" which is what the protagonist","Document [17](Title: Sorry, Right Number) adaptation of Bill's earlier novel. Katie receives a second phone call. The incoming call is a sobbing and traumatized caller who sputters, \"Take... please... take\" before the line goes dead. Katie immediately assumes the call came from her daughter Polly, who is away at boarding school, but a call to Polly proves otherwise. Katie also rules out her mother, but she cannot reach her sister Dawn. Katie and Bill rush over to Dawn's house; despite the appearance of a forced entry, Dawn is all right and did not call. Assuming that someone must have dialed the wrong number, Katie forgets","Document [18](Title: Wrong No.) make a blockbuster. This masala entertainer will make you fall in love with the characters and will also make sure that you fall off your seat every few minutes courtesy the heavy doses of laughter that will come your way. But be warned that if you are easily offended and rate humour as being clean or dirty then this is surely not your cup of tea.\" Asad Haroon of \"Dispatch News Desk\" said, \"Wrong Number is a slapstick comedy filled with humor. One can't stop laughing throughout the movie and the dialogues are pretty well written and up to the","Document [19](Title: Wrong No.) Wrong No. Wrong No. (also written as Wrong Number) is a 2015 Pakistani romantic comedy film directed by Yasir Nawaz and co-produced by Yasir Nawaz, Nida Yasir and Hassan Zia under the production banner YNH Films. The film features Javed Sheikh, Danish Taimoor, Nadeem Jaffri, Danish Nawaz, Shafqat Cheema, Sohai Ali Abro and Janita Asma in lead roles. \"Wrong No.\" is the directorial debut of Yasir Nawaz. The film was released by ARY Films in cinemas nationwide on July 18, 2015 (Eid al-Fitr). In its opening weekend, it took in at the local box office. The story revolves around Sallu","Document [20](Title: Sorry, Wrong Number) Sorry, Wrong Number conforms to many of the conventions of film noir. The movie plays in real time, with many flashbacks to flesh out the story. Stanwyck's bedroom window overlooks the night skyline of Manhattan. The film is shot very dark, with looming shadows and a circling camera used to maintain a high level of suspense."],"query":"what is the setting of the story sorry wrong number?","answers":["Manhattan"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Rose (film)) In late 1969, Mary Rose Foster (Bette Midler) is a famous rock and roll diva known as The Rose. Although a success, she is burnt out and lonely but is kept working by her gruff, greedy manager and promoter Rudge Campbell (Alan Bates). Though loud and brassy, Rose is an insecure alcoholic and former drug user who seems to crave approval in her life. As such, she is determined to return to her hometown, now as a superstar. After being humiliated by a country singing star named Billy Ray (Harry Dean Stanton) whose songs she performs in her show, Rose","Document [2](Title: Bette (TV series)) short run. Guest stars included Danny DeVito, George Segal, Brenda Song, Sharon Lawrence, Tim Curry, David James Elliott, Oprah Winfrey, Ashley Tisdale, Tony Danza, Dolly Parton, Olivia Newton-John, Jon Lovitz, and the ladies from rival network ABC's \"The View\" all as themselves. When \"Bette\" went into production, Lindsay Lohan was the original choice to play Rose. After the completion of the pilot episode, Midler decided that the series would shoot in Los Angeles, instead of New York City, where the pilot was filmed. Lohan did not want to continually commute from her family's current residence in New York City, as","Document [3](Title: Bette Midler) critics. Midler fared somewhat better with her other 1991 project \"For the Boys\", on which she reteamed with \"The Rose\" director Mark Rydell. A historical musical drama, it tells the story of 1940s actress and singer Dixie Leonard, played by Midler, who teams up with Eddie Sparks, a famous performer to entertain American troops. While the film received a mixed reception from critics, Midler earned rave review for her portrayal. The following year she was awarded her second Golden Globe and received her second Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. Midler turned down the lead role in the musical comedy","Document [4](Title: Bette Midler) commercial and critical failure and went on to be her all-time lowest charting album, peaking at No. 65 on the \"Billboard\" album chart. Soon afterward, she began a world concert tour, with one of her shows in Pasadena being filmed and released as the concert film \"Divine Madness\" (1980). Her performance in \"The Rose\" earned her a nomination for Academy Award for Best Actress, a role for which she won the Golden Globe for Best Actress (Comedy or Musical). The film's acclaimed soundtrack album sold over two million copies in the United States alone, earning a Double Platinum certification. The","Document [5](Title: Bette Midler) charts, including her renditions of \"The Rose\", \"Wind Beneath My Wings\", \"Do You Want to Dance\", \"Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy\", and \"From a Distance\". In 2008, she signed a contract with Caesars Palace in Las Vegas to perform a show titled \"Bette Midler: The Showgirl Must Go On\", which ended in 2010. Midler made her motion picture debut in 1979 with \"The Rose\", which earned her a Golden Globe for Best Actress, as well as a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress. She has since starred in a number of hit films, which include: \"Down and Out in","Document [6](Title: Bette of Roses) Bette of Roses Bette of Roses is the eighth studio album by the American singer Bette Midler, released on Atlantic Records in 1995. It became Midler's final album for the label, twenty-three years after the release of her debut album \"The Divine Miss M\" (Midler was transferred to Atlantic's sister label Warner Bros. Records for her next two albums, then left the Warner group completely in 2002 when she signed with the Sony-owned Columbia Records). The title \"Bette of Roses\" is a play on one of the tracks, \"Bed of Roses\". \"Bette of Roses\" was Midler's first full-length studio album","Document [7](Title: Bette Midler) was released. It reached number 66 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" 200 chart, and number six in the United Kingdom, where it was certified platinum for sales of over 300,000 copies. As her only film appearance that year, Midler had a small role in Diane English's comedy film \"The Women\", starring Meg Ryan, Annette Bening and Eva Mendes among others. An updated version of the George Cukor-directed 1939 film of the same name based on a 1936 play by Clare Boothe Luce, the film was widely panned by critics, who found it \"...a toothless remake of the 1939 classic, lacking the","Document [8](Title: Bette (TV series)) and \"Family Law\" (a cross promotion by CBS), and starred in a TV Halloween special with Dolly Parton (who appeared as herself and was said to be longtime friend of the Bette character; Parton and Midler are friends in real life). Other stories were out of the spotlight and closer to home; in one, Bette volunteered at Rose's school with surprising results, and in another, flashbacks were shown depicting the first time Bette met Connie, Roy, and Oscar (in that order), along with one featuring the birth of Rose. Many of Midler's celebrity friends appeared as themselves during the show's","Document [9](Title: Bette Midler) remake of the 1975 film of the same name also based on the Ira Levin novel. Also starring Nicole Kidman, Matthew Broderick, Christopher Walken and Glenn Close, Midler played Bobbie Markowitz, a writer and recovering alcoholic. The project underwent numerous production problems that occurred throughout its shooting schedule, with reports of problems on-set between director Oz and the actors being rampant in the press. Oz later blamed Midler \u2014 who was amid recording her next album and rehearsing for her tour \u2014 for being under a lot of stress by other projects and making \"the mistake of bringing her stress","Document [10](Title: The Rose (soundtrack)) The Rose (soundtrack) The Rose is the soundtrack to the feature film of the same name starring Bette Midler which was released in 1979. Midler performs all the songs on the album, with the exception of the instrumental \"Camellia\". Apart from the title track, the soundtrack was entirely recorded live and also features concert monologues, with Midler portraying the character The Rose, loosely based on blues singer Janis Joplin. The soundtrack was produced by Paul A. Rothchild, who in fact also had worked with Joplin on what was to become her final album before her death in 1970, entitled \"Pearl\"","Document [11](Title: The Rose (film)) The Rose (film) The Rose is a 1979 American drama film which tells the story of a self-destructive 1960s rock star who struggles to cope with the constant pressures of her career and the demands of her ruthless business manager. The film stars Bette Midler, Alan Bates, Frederic Forrest, Harry Dean Stanton, Barry Primus, and David Keith. The story is loosely based on the life of singer Janis Joplin. Originally titled \"Pearl\", after Joplin's nickname, and the title of her last album, it was fictionalized after her family declined to allow the producers the rights to her story. It was","Document [12](Title: Bette Midler) by critics, who felt the film was \"sweet but milquetoast\", box office totals for the movie were higher than initially expected. In 2013, Midler performed on Broadway for the first time in more than 30 years in a play about the Hollywood superagent Sue Mengers. The play, titled \"\" and dramatized by John Logan, opened on April 24, 2013 at the Booth Theatre. After the show's success in New York, recouping its initial $2.4 million investment, it was decided to perform the play in Los Angeles at the Geffen Playhouse. In December, it was announced that Midler would portray actress","Document [13](Title: Bette Midler) \"Sister Act\" in 1992, which instead went to Whoopi Goldberg. Midler won an Emmy Award in 1992 for her performance on the penultimate episode of \"The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson\" in May 1992, during which she sang an emotion-laden \"One for My Baby (and One More for the Road)\" to Johnny Carson. That night, Midler began singing \"Here's That Rainy Day\", Carson's favorite song; Carson joined in a few lyrics later. In 1993, she starred with Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy in the Walt Disney comedy fantasy film, \"Hocus Pocus\", as Winifred Sanderson, the head witch of the","Document [14](Title: Bette Midler) in Watertown, New York, who, determined to give her daughter all the opportunities she never had, ultimately makes a selfless sacrifice to ensure her happiness. The movie scored mediocre reviews, while Midler received her first Razzie Award nomination for Worst Actress. She co-starred with Woody Allen in the 1991 film \"Scenes from a Mall\", again for Paul Mazursky. In the film, Allen's character reveals to his author wife Deborah, played by Midler, after years of a happy marriage, that he has had an affair, resulting in her request for divorce. The movie performed poorly, and received a mixed reception by","Document [15](Title: Gypsy (1993 film)) deserves both an Emmy and a Grammy.\" \"Midler was sensational as Mama Rose in the recent TV version of \"Gypsy\",\" wrote \"The Buffalo News\". \"The Chicago Sun-Times\" said, \"Midler has the perfect blend of energy and maturity to portray vaudeville's ultimate stage mother. But the guiding force behind the new, sparkling \"Gypsy\" comes from the perceptive and reverent direction of Oscar winner Emile Ardolino, who artfully preserves the spirit of a stage play within the confines of television.\" In another article, the publication wrote, \"Bette Midler's star turn in CBS' \"Gypsy\" not only brought the TV musical back from the","Document [16](Title: Bette Midler) the PBS educational series \"Vegetable Soup.\" In 1977, Midler's first television special, whose title, \"Ol' Red Hair is Back\", was a takeoff on Frank Sinatra's \"Ol' Blue Eyes Is Back\", premiered, featuring guest stars Dustin Hoffman and Emmett Kelly. It went on to win the \"Emmy Award\" for Outstanding Special \u2014 Comedy-Variety or Music. Midler made her first motion picture in 1979, starring in the 1960s-era rock and roll tragedy \"The Rose\", as a drug-addicted rock star modeled after Janis Joplin. That year, she also released her fifth studio album, \"Thighs and Whispers.\" Midler's first foray into disco was a","Document [17](Title: Bette Midler) on the set.\" While the original book and film had tremendous cultural impact, the remake was marked by poor reviews by many critics, and a financial loss of approximately $40 million at the box office. Midler joined forces again with Manilow for another tribute album, \"Bette Midler Sings the Peggy Lee Songbook\". Released in October 2005, the album sold 55,000 copies the first week of release, returned Midler to the top ten of US \"Billboard\" 200, and was nominated for a Grammy Award. Midler released a new Christmas album titled \"Cool Yule\" in 2006, which featured a duet of Christmastime","Document [18](Title: The Thorn) Joseph; John Greenburg as John the Baptist; Fred LaBour as the Angel Fred; Richard Pollard as Rabbi Gabriel; Diana David as Salome; and Jack Castor and Chi Chi as queens. All of these actors were unknown and had no other film credits, with the exception of Bette Midler who was just beginning to build her singing career, had acted in a Broadway musical, and had briefly played a lead role in the off-Broadway musical \"Salvation\" in 1969. Midler had a brief appearance as a boat passenger in the 1966 film \"Hawaii\". Originally conceived as \"The Greatest Story Overtold\", an irreverent","Document [19](Title: Bette Midler) Gallagher Levi, continuing through January 2018, in the Broadway revival of \"Hello, Dolly!\" for which she won her second Tony Award. In 2017 she also appeared in the role of Muv in the 2017 film \"Freak Show\". On April 20, 2018 it was announced that Midler will be returning to \"Hello, Dolly!\" on July 17 to close out the run of the successful revival. In 1991, Midler was an early sponsor of the Adopt-a-Highway, paying $2,000 a month for a crew to clean up a 2-mile section of the Ventura Freeway in Burbank, California. Signs at both ends of the","Document [20](Title: The Rose (soundtrack)) The \"Rose\" soundtrack also included one song that since its original release has become a mainstay in Midler's live repertoire, Jerry Ragovoy's despairing blues ballad \"Stay With Me\". \"The Rose\" peaked at #12 on Billboard's album chart in the Spring of 1980, making it Midler's bestselling album since 1973's \"Bette Midler\". The album was digitally remastered and reissued on CD by Atlantic Records\/Warner Music in 1995 but with no bonus tracks. \"All tracks recorded live unless otherwise noted\" Side A Side B The Rose Concert Band \"Love Me With a Feeling\" Band \"The Rose\" Ensemble The Rose (soundtrack) The Rose"],"query":"who did bette midler portray in the rose?","answers":["Mary Rose Foster"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Bette (TV series)) short run. Guest stars included Danny DeVito, George Segal, Brenda Song, Sharon Lawrence, Tim Curry, David James Elliott, Oprah Winfrey, Ashley Tisdale, Tony Danza, Dolly Parton, Olivia Newton-John, Jon Lovitz, and the ladies from rival network ABC's \"The View\" all as themselves. When \"Bette\" went into production, Lindsay Lohan was the original choice to play Rose. After the completion of the pilot episode, Midler decided that the series would shoot in Los Angeles, instead of New York City, where the pilot was filmed. Lohan did not want to continually commute from her family's current residence in New York City, as","Document [2](Title: Bette Midler) critics. Midler fared somewhat better with her other 1991 project \"For the Boys\", on which she reteamed with \"The Rose\" director Mark Rydell. A historical musical drama, it tells the story of 1940s actress and singer Dixie Leonard, played by Midler, who teams up with Eddie Sparks, a famous performer to entertain American troops. While the film received a mixed reception from critics, Midler earned rave review for her portrayal. The following year she was awarded her second Golden Globe and received her second Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. Midler turned down the lead role in the musical comedy","Document [3](Title: Bette Midler) commercial and critical failure and went on to be her all-time lowest charting album, peaking at No. 65 on the \"Billboard\" album chart. Soon afterward, she began a world concert tour, with one of her shows in Pasadena being filmed and released as the concert film \"Divine Madness\" (1980). Her performance in \"The Rose\" earned her a nomination for Academy Award for Best Actress, a role for which she won the Golden Globe for Best Actress (Comedy or Musical). The film's acclaimed soundtrack album sold over two million copies in the United States alone, earning a Double Platinum certification. The","Document [4](Title: Bette Midler) charts, including her renditions of \"The Rose\", \"Wind Beneath My Wings\", \"Do You Want to Dance\", \"Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy\", and \"From a Distance\". In 2008, she signed a contract with Caesars Palace in Las Vegas to perform a show titled \"Bette Midler: The Showgirl Must Go On\", which ended in 2010. Midler made her motion picture debut in 1979 with \"The Rose\", which earned her a Golden Globe for Best Actress, as well as a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress. She has since starred in a number of hit films, which include: \"Down and Out in","Document [5](Title: The Rose (film)) In late 1969, Mary Rose Foster (Bette Midler) is a famous rock and roll diva known as The Rose. Although a success, she is burnt out and lonely but is kept working by her gruff, greedy manager and promoter Rudge Campbell (Alan Bates). Though loud and brassy, Rose is an insecure alcoholic and former drug user who seems to crave approval in her life. As such, she is determined to return to her hometown, now as a superstar. After being humiliated by a country singing star named Billy Ray (Harry Dean Stanton) whose songs she performs in her show, Rose","Document [6](Title: Bette of Roses) Bette of Roses Bette of Roses is the eighth studio album by the American singer Bette Midler, released on Atlantic Records in 1995. It became Midler's final album for the label, twenty-three years after the release of her debut album \"The Divine Miss M\" (Midler was transferred to Atlantic's sister label Warner Bros. Records for her next two albums, then left the Warner group completely in 2002 when she signed with the Sony-owned Columbia Records). The title \"Bette of Roses\" is a play on one of the tracks, \"Bed of Roses\". \"Bette of Roses\" was Midler's first full-length studio album","Document [7](Title: Bette Midler) was released. It reached number 66 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" 200 chart, and number six in the United Kingdom, where it was certified platinum for sales of over 300,000 copies. As her only film appearance that year, Midler had a small role in Diane English's comedy film \"The Women\", starring Meg Ryan, Annette Bening and Eva Mendes among others. An updated version of the George Cukor-directed 1939 film of the same name based on a 1936 play by Clare Boothe Luce, the film was widely panned by critics, who found it \"...a toothless remake of the 1939 classic, lacking the","Document [8](Title: Bette (TV series)) and \"Family Law\" (a cross promotion by CBS), and starred in a TV Halloween special with Dolly Parton (who appeared as herself and was said to be longtime friend of the Bette character; Parton and Midler are friends in real life). Other stories were out of the spotlight and closer to home; in one, Bette volunteered at Rose's school with surprising results, and in another, flashbacks were shown depicting the first time Bette met Connie, Roy, and Oscar (in that order), along with one featuring the birth of Rose. Many of Midler's celebrity friends appeared as themselves during the show's","Document [9](Title: Bette Midler) remake of the 1975 film of the same name also based on the Ira Levin novel. Also starring Nicole Kidman, Matthew Broderick, Christopher Walken and Glenn Close, Midler played Bobbie Markowitz, a writer and recovering alcoholic. The project underwent numerous production problems that occurred throughout its shooting schedule, with reports of problems on-set between director Oz and the actors being rampant in the press. Oz later blamed Midler \u2014 who was amid recording her next album and rehearsing for her tour \u2014 for being under a lot of stress by other projects and making \"the mistake of bringing her stress","Document [10](Title: The Rose (soundtrack)) The Rose (soundtrack) The Rose is the soundtrack to the feature film of the same name starring Bette Midler which was released in 1979. Midler performs all the songs on the album, with the exception of the instrumental \"Camellia\". Apart from the title track, the soundtrack was entirely recorded live and also features concert monologues, with Midler portraying the character The Rose, loosely based on blues singer Janis Joplin. The soundtrack was produced by Paul A. Rothchild, who in fact also had worked with Joplin on what was to become her final album before her death in 1970, entitled \"Pearl\"","Document [11](Title: The Rose (film)) The Rose (film) The Rose is a 1979 American drama film which tells the story of a self-destructive 1960s rock star who struggles to cope with the constant pressures of her career and the demands of her ruthless business manager. The film stars Bette Midler, Alan Bates, Frederic Forrest, Harry Dean Stanton, Barry Primus, and David Keith. The story is loosely based on the life of singer Janis Joplin. Originally titled \"Pearl\", after Joplin's nickname, and the title of her last album, it was fictionalized after her family declined to allow the producers the rights to her story. It was","Document [12](Title: Bette Midler) by critics, who felt the film was \"sweet but milquetoast\", box office totals for the movie were higher than initially expected. In 2013, Midler performed on Broadway for the first time in more than 30 years in a play about the Hollywood superagent Sue Mengers. The play, titled \"\" and dramatized by John Logan, opened on April 24, 2013 at the Booth Theatre. After the show's success in New York, recouping its initial $2.4 million investment, it was decided to perform the play in Los Angeles at the Geffen Playhouse. In December, it was announced that Midler would portray actress","Document [13](Title: Bette Midler) \"Sister Act\" in 1992, which instead went to Whoopi Goldberg. Midler won an Emmy Award in 1992 for her performance on the penultimate episode of \"The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson\" in May 1992, during which she sang an emotion-laden \"One for My Baby (and One More for the Road)\" to Johnny Carson. That night, Midler began singing \"Here's That Rainy Day\", Carson's favorite song; Carson joined in a few lyrics later. In 1993, she starred with Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy in the Walt Disney comedy fantasy film, \"Hocus Pocus\", as Winifred Sanderson, the head witch of the","Document [14](Title: Bette Midler) in Watertown, New York, who, determined to give her daughter all the opportunities she never had, ultimately makes a selfless sacrifice to ensure her happiness. The movie scored mediocre reviews, while Midler received her first Razzie Award nomination for Worst Actress. She co-starred with Woody Allen in the 1991 film \"Scenes from a Mall\", again for Paul Mazursky. In the film, Allen's character reveals to his author wife Deborah, played by Midler, after years of a happy marriage, that he has had an affair, resulting in her request for divorce. The movie performed poorly, and received a mixed reception by","Document [15](Title: Gypsy (1993 film)) deserves both an Emmy and a Grammy.\" \"Midler was sensational as Mama Rose in the recent TV version of \"Gypsy\",\" wrote \"The Buffalo News\". \"The Chicago Sun-Times\" said, \"Midler has the perfect blend of energy and maturity to portray vaudeville's ultimate stage mother. But the guiding force behind the new, sparkling \"Gypsy\" comes from the perceptive and reverent direction of Oscar winner Emile Ardolino, who artfully preserves the spirit of a stage play within the confines of television.\" In another article, the publication wrote, \"Bette Midler's star turn in CBS' \"Gypsy\" not only brought the TV musical back from the","Document [16](Title: Bette Midler) the PBS educational series \"Vegetable Soup.\" In 1977, Midler's first television special, whose title, \"Ol' Red Hair is Back\", was a takeoff on Frank Sinatra's \"Ol' Blue Eyes Is Back\", premiered, featuring guest stars Dustin Hoffman and Emmett Kelly. It went on to win the \"Emmy Award\" for Outstanding Special \u2014 Comedy-Variety or Music. Midler made her first motion picture in 1979, starring in the 1960s-era rock and roll tragedy \"The Rose\", as a drug-addicted rock star modeled after Janis Joplin. That year, she also released her fifth studio album, \"Thighs and Whispers.\" Midler's first foray into disco was a","Document [17](Title: Bette Midler) on the set.\" While the original book and film had tremendous cultural impact, the remake was marked by poor reviews by many critics, and a financial loss of approximately $40 million at the box office. Midler joined forces again with Manilow for another tribute album, \"Bette Midler Sings the Peggy Lee Songbook\". Released in October 2005, the album sold 55,000 copies the first week of release, returned Midler to the top ten of US \"Billboard\" 200, and was nominated for a Grammy Award. Midler released a new Christmas album titled \"Cool Yule\" in 2006, which featured a duet of Christmastime","Document [18](Title: The Thorn) Joseph; John Greenburg as John the Baptist; Fred LaBour as the Angel Fred; Richard Pollard as Rabbi Gabriel; Diana David as Salome; and Jack Castor and Chi Chi as queens. All of these actors were unknown and had no other film credits, with the exception of Bette Midler who was just beginning to build her singing career, had acted in a Broadway musical, and had briefly played a lead role in the off-Broadway musical \"Salvation\" in 1969. Midler had a brief appearance as a boat passenger in the 1966 film \"Hawaii\". Originally conceived as \"The Greatest Story Overtold\", an irreverent","Document [19](Title: Bette Midler) Gallagher Levi, continuing through January 2018, in the Broadway revival of \"Hello, Dolly!\" for which she won her second Tony Award. In 2017 she also appeared in the role of Muv in the 2017 film \"Freak Show\". On April 20, 2018 it was announced that Midler will be returning to \"Hello, Dolly!\" on July 17 to close out the run of the successful revival. In 1991, Midler was an early sponsor of the Adopt-a-Highway, paying $2,000 a month for a crew to clean up a 2-mile section of the Ventura Freeway in Burbank, California. Signs at both ends of the","Document [20](Title: The Rose (soundtrack)) The \"Rose\" soundtrack also included one song that since its original release has become a mainstay in Midler's live repertoire, Jerry Ragovoy's despairing blues ballad \"Stay With Me\". \"The Rose\" peaked at #12 on Billboard's album chart in the Spring of 1980, making it Midler's bestselling album since 1973's \"Bette Midler\". The album was digitally remastered and reissued on CD by Atlantic Records\/Warner Music in 1995 but with no bonus tracks. \"All tracks recorded live unless otherwise noted\" Side A Side B The Rose Concert Band \"Love Me With a Feeling\" Band \"The Rose\" Ensemble The Rose (soundtrack) The Rose"],"query":"who did bette midler portray in the rose?","answers":["Mary Rose Foster"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Bette (TV series)) short run. Guest stars included Danny DeVito, George Segal, Brenda Song, Sharon Lawrence, Tim Curry, David James Elliott, Oprah Winfrey, Ashley Tisdale, Tony Danza, Dolly Parton, Olivia Newton-John, Jon Lovitz, and the ladies from rival network ABC's \"The View\" all as themselves. When \"Bette\" went into production, Lindsay Lohan was the original choice to play Rose. After the completion of the pilot episode, Midler decided that the series would shoot in Los Angeles, instead of New York City, where the pilot was filmed. Lohan did not want to continually commute from her family's current residence in New York City, as","Document [2](Title: Bette Midler) critics. Midler fared somewhat better with her other 1991 project \"For the Boys\", on which she reteamed with \"The Rose\" director Mark Rydell. A historical musical drama, it tells the story of 1940s actress and singer Dixie Leonard, played by Midler, who teams up with Eddie Sparks, a famous performer to entertain American troops. While the film received a mixed reception from critics, Midler earned rave review for her portrayal. The following year she was awarded her second Golden Globe and received her second Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. Midler turned down the lead role in the musical comedy","Document [3](Title: Bette Midler) commercial and critical failure and went on to be her all-time lowest charting album, peaking at No. 65 on the \"Billboard\" album chart. Soon afterward, she began a world concert tour, with one of her shows in Pasadena being filmed and released as the concert film \"Divine Madness\" (1980). Her performance in \"The Rose\" earned her a nomination for Academy Award for Best Actress, a role for which she won the Golden Globe for Best Actress (Comedy or Musical). The film's acclaimed soundtrack album sold over two million copies in the United States alone, earning a Double Platinum certification. The","Document [4](Title: Bette Midler) charts, including her renditions of \"The Rose\", \"Wind Beneath My Wings\", \"Do You Want to Dance\", \"Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy\", and \"From a Distance\". In 2008, she signed a contract with Caesars Palace in Las Vegas to perform a show titled \"Bette Midler: The Showgirl Must Go On\", which ended in 2010. Midler made her motion picture debut in 1979 with \"The Rose\", which earned her a Golden Globe for Best Actress, as well as a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress. She has since starred in a number of hit films, which include: \"Down and Out in","Document [5](Title: Bette of Roses) Bette of Roses Bette of Roses is the eighth studio album by the American singer Bette Midler, released on Atlantic Records in 1995. It became Midler's final album for the label, twenty-three years after the release of her debut album \"The Divine Miss M\" (Midler was transferred to Atlantic's sister label Warner Bros. Records for her next two albums, then left the Warner group completely in 2002 when she signed with the Sony-owned Columbia Records). The title \"Bette of Roses\" is a play on one of the tracks, \"Bed of Roses\". \"Bette of Roses\" was Midler's first full-length studio album","Document [6](Title: Bette Midler) was released. It reached number 66 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" 200 chart, and number six in the United Kingdom, where it was certified platinum for sales of over 300,000 copies. As her only film appearance that year, Midler had a small role in Diane English's comedy film \"The Women\", starring Meg Ryan, Annette Bening and Eva Mendes among others. An updated version of the George Cukor-directed 1939 film of the same name based on a 1936 play by Clare Boothe Luce, the film was widely panned by critics, who found it \"...a toothless remake of the 1939 classic, lacking the","Document [7](Title: Bette (TV series)) and \"Family Law\" (a cross promotion by CBS), and starred in a TV Halloween special with Dolly Parton (who appeared as herself and was said to be longtime friend of the Bette character; Parton and Midler are friends in real life). Other stories were out of the spotlight and closer to home; in one, Bette volunteered at Rose's school with surprising results, and in another, flashbacks were shown depicting the first time Bette met Connie, Roy, and Oscar (in that order), along with one featuring the birth of Rose. Many of Midler's celebrity friends appeared as themselves during the show's","Document [8](Title: Bette Midler) remake of the 1975 film of the same name also based on the Ira Levin novel. Also starring Nicole Kidman, Matthew Broderick, Christopher Walken and Glenn Close, Midler played Bobbie Markowitz, a writer and recovering alcoholic. The project underwent numerous production problems that occurred throughout its shooting schedule, with reports of problems on-set between director Oz and the actors being rampant in the press. Oz later blamed Midler \u2014 who was amid recording her next album and rehearsing for her tour \u2014 for being under a lot of stress by other projects and making \"the mistake of bringing her stress","Document [9](Title: The Rose (soundtrack)) The Rose (soundtrack) The Rose is the soundtrack to the feature film of the same name starring Bette Midler which was released in 1979. Midler performs all the songs on the album, with the exception of the instrumental \"Camellia\". Apart from the title track, the soundtrack was entirely recorded live and also features concert monologues, with Midler portraying the character The Rose, loosely based on blues singer Janis Joplin. The soundtrack was produced by Paul A. Rothchild, who in fact also had worked with Joplin on what was to become her final album before her death in 1970, entitled \"Pearl\"","Document [10](Title: The Rose (film)) In late 1969, Mary Rose Foster (Bette Midler) is a famous rock and roll diva known as The Rose. Although a success, she is burnt out and lonely but is kept working by her gruff, greedy manager and promoter Rudge Campbell (Alan Bates). Though loud and brassy, Rose is an insecure alcoholic and former drug user who seems to crave approval in her life. As such, she is determined to return to her hometown, now as a superstar. After being humiliated by a country singing star named Billy Ray (Harry Dean Stanton) whose songs she performs in her show, Rose","Document [11](Title: The Rose (film)) The Rose (film) The Rose is a 1979 American drama film which tells the story of a self-destructive 1960s rock star who struggles to cope with the constant pressures of her career and the demands of her ruthless business manager. The film stars Bette Midler, Alan Bates, Frederic Forrest, Harry Dean Stanton, Barry Primus, and David Keith. The story is loosely based on the life of singer Janis Joplin. Originally titled \"Pearl\", after Joplin's nickname, and the title of her last album, it was fictionalized after her family declined to allow the producers the rights to her story. It was","Document [12](Title: Bette Midler) by critics, who felt the film was \"sweet but milquetoast\", box office totals for the movie were higher than initially expected. In 2013, Midler performed on Broadway for the first time in more than 30 years in a play about the Hollywood superagent Sue Mengers. The play, titled \"\" and dramatized by John Logan, opened on April 24, 2013 at the Booth Theatre. After the show's success in New York, recouping its initial $2.4 million investment, it was decided to perform the play in Los Angeles at the Geffen Playhouse. In December, it was announced that Midler would portray actress","Document [13](Title: Bette Midler) \"Sister Act\" in 1992, which instead went to Whoopi Goldberg. Midler won an Emmy Award in 1992 for her performance on the penultimate episode of \"The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson\" in May 1992, during which she sang an emotion-laden \"One for My Baby (and One More for the Road)\" to Johnny Carson. That night, Midler began singing \"Here's That Rainy Day\", Carson's favorite song; Carson joined in a few lyrics later. In 1993, she starred with Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy in the Walt Disney comedy fantasy film, \"Hocus Pocus\", as Winifred Sanderson, the head witch of the","Document [14](Title: Bette Midler) in Watertown, New York, who, determined to give her daughter all the opportunities she never had, ultimately makes a selfless sacrifice to ensure her happiness. The movie scored mediocre reviews, while Midler received her first Razzie Award nomination for Worst Actress. She co-starred with Woody Allen in the 1991 film \"Scenes from a Mall\", again for Paul Mazursky. In the film, Allen's character reveals to his author wife Deborah, played by Midler, after years of a happy marriage, that he has had an affair, resulting in her request for divorce. The movie performed poorly, and received a mixed reception by","Document [15](Title: Gypsy (1993 film)) deserves both an Emmy and a Grammy.\" \"Midler was sensational as Mama Rose in the recent TV version of \"Gypsy\",\" wrote \"The Buffalo News\". \"The Chicago Sun-Times\" said, \"Midler has the perfect blend of energy and maturity to portray vaudeville's ultimate stage mother. But the guiding force behind the new, sparkling \"Gypsy\" comes from the perceptive and reverent direction of Oscar winner Emile Ardolino, who artfully preserves the spirit of a stage play within the confines of television.\" In another article, the publication wrote, \"Bette Midler's star turn in CBS' \"Gypsy\" not only brought the TV musical back from the","Document [16](Title: Bette Midler) the PBS educational series \"Vegetable Soup.\" In 1977, Midler's first television special, whose title, \"Ol' Red Hair is Back\", was a takeoff on Frank Sinatra's \"Ol' Blue Eyes Is Back\", premiered, featuring guest stars Dustin Hoffman and Emmett Kelly. It went on to win the \"Emmy Award\" for Outstanding Special \u2014 Comedy-Variety or Music. Midler made her first motion picture in 1979, starring in the 1960s-era rock and roll tragedy \"The Rose\", as a drug-addicted rock star modeled after Janis Joplin. That year, she also released her fifth studio album, \"Thighs and Whispers.\" Midler's first foray into disco was a","Document [17](Title: Bette Midler) on the set.\" While the original book and film had tremendous cultural impact, the remake was marked by poor reviews by many critics, and a financial loss of approximately $40 million at the box office. Midler joined forces again with Manilow for another tribute album, \"Bette Midler Sings the Peggy Lee Songbook\". Released in October 2005, the album sold 55,000 copies the first week of release, returned Midler to the top ten of US \"Billboard\" 200, and was nominated for a Grammy Award. Midler released a new Christmas album titled \"Cool Yule\" in 2006, which featured a duet of Christmastime","Document [18](Title: The Thorn) Joseph; John Greenburg as John the Baptist; Fred LaBour as the Angel Fred; Richard Pollard as Rabbi Gabriel; Diana David as Salome; and Jack Castor and Chi Chi as queens. All of these actors were unknown and had no other film credits, with the exception of Bette Midler who was just beginning to build her singing career, had acted in a Broadway musical, and had briefly played a lead role in the off-Broadway musical \"Salvation\" in 1969. Midler had a brief appearance as a boat passenger in the 1966 film \"Hawaii\". Originally conceived as \"The Greatest Story Overtold\", an irreverent","Document [19](Title: Bette Midler) Gallagher Levi, continuing through January 2018, in the Broadway revival of \"Hello, Dolly!\" for which she won her second Tony Award. In 2017 she also appeared in the role of Muv in the 2017 film \"Freak Show\". On April 20, 2018 it was announced that Midler will be returning to \"Hello, Dolly!\" on July 17 to close out the run of the successful revival. In 1991, Midler was an early sponsor of the Adopt-a-Highway, paying $2,000 a month for a crew to clean up a 2-mile section of the Ventura Freeway in Burbank, California. Signs at both ends of the","Document [20](Title: The Rose (soundtrack)) The \"Rose\" soundtrack also included one song that since its original release has become a mainstay in Midler's live repertoire, Jerry Ragovoy's despairing blues ballad \"Stay With Me\". \"The Rose\" peaked at #12 on Billboard's album chart in the Spring of 1980, making it Midler's bestselling album since 1973's \"Bette Midler\". The album was digitally remastered and reissued on CD by Atlantic Records\/Warner Music in 1995 but with no bonus tracks. \"All tracks recorded live unless otherwise noted\" Side A Side B The Rose Concert Band \"Love Me With a Feeling\" Band \"The Rose\" Ensemble The Rose (soundtrack) The Rose"],"query":"who did bette midler portray in the rose?","answers":["Mary Rose Foster"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Bette (TV series)) short run. Guest stars included Danny DeVito, George Segal, Brenda Song, Sharon Lawrence, Tim Curry, David James Elliott, Oprah Winfrey, Ashley Tisdale, Tony Danza, Dolly Parton, Olivia Newton-John, Jon Lovitz, and the ladies from rival network ABC's \"The View\" all as themselves. When \"Bette\" went into production, Lindsay Lohan was the original choice to play Rose. After the completion of the pilot episode, Midler decided that the series would shoot in Los Angeles, instead of New York City, where the pilot was filmed. Lohan did not want to continually commute from her family's current residence in New York City, as","Document [2](Title: Bette Midler) critics. Midler fared somewhat better with her other 1991 project \"For the Boys\", on which she reteamed with \"The Rose\" director Mark Rydell. A historical musical drama, it tells the story of 1940s actress and singer Dixie Leonard, played by Midler, who teams up with Eddie Sparks, a famous performer to entertain American troops. While the film received a mixed reception from critics, Midler earned rave review for her portrayal. The following year she was awarded her second Golden Globe and received her second Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. Midler turned down the lead role in the musical comedy","Document [3](Title: Bette Midler) commercial and critical failure and went on to be her all-time lowest charting album, peaking at No. 65 on the \"Billboard\" album chart. Soon afterward, she began a world concert tour, with one of her shows in Pasadena being filmed and released as the concert film \"Divine Madness\" (1980). Her performance in \"The Rose\" earned her a nomination for Academy Award for Best Actress, a role for which she won the Golden Globe for Best Actress (Comedy or Musical). The film's acclaimed soundtrack album sold over two million copies in the United States alone, earning a Double Platinum certification. The","Document [4](Title: Bette Midler) charts, including her renditions of \"The Rose\", \"Wind Beneath My Wings\", \"Do You Want to Dance\", \"Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy\", and \"From a Distance\". In 2008, she signed a contract with Caesars Palace in Las Vegas to perform a show titled \"Bette Midler: The Showgirl Must Go On\", which ended in 2010. Midler made her motion picture debut in 1979 with \"The Rose\", which earned her a Golden Globe for Best Actress, as well as a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress. She has since starred in a number of hit films, which include: \"Down and Out in","Document [5](Title: Bette of Roses) Bette of Roses Bette of Roses is the eighth studio album by the American singer Bette Midler, released on Atlantic Records in 1995. It became Midler's final album for the label, twenty-three years after the release of her debut album \"The Divine Miss M\" (Midler was transferred to Atlantic's sister label Warner Bros. Records for her next two albums, then left the Warner group completely in 2002 when she signed with the Sony-owned Columbia Records). The title \"Bette of Roses\" is a play on one of the tracks, \"Bed of Roses\". \"Bette of Roses\" was Midler's first full-length studio album","Document [6](Title: Bette Midler) was released. It reached number 66 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" 200 chart, and number six in the United Kingdom, where it was certified platinum for sales of over 300,000 copies. As her only film appearance that year, Midler had a small role in Diane English's comedy film \"The Women\", starring Meg Ryan, Annette Bening and Eva Mendes among others. An updated version of the George Cukor-directed 1939 film of the same name based on a 1936 play by Clare Boothe Luce, the film was widely panned by critics, who found it \"...a toothless remake of the 1939 classic, lacking the","Document [7](Title: Bette (TV series)) and \"Family Law\" (a cross promotion by CBS), and starred in a TV Halloween special with Dolly Parton (who appeared as herself and was said to be longtime friend of the Bette character; Parton and Midler are friends in real life). Other stories were out of the spotlight and closer to home; in one, Bette volunteered at Rose's school with surprising results, and in another, flashbacks were shown depicting the first time Bette met Connie, Roy, and Oscar (in that order), along with one featuring the birth of Rose. Many of Midler's celebrity friends appeared as themselves during the show's","Document [8](Title: Bette Midler) remake of the 1975 film of the same name also based on the Ira Levin novel. Also starring Nicole Kidman, Matthew Broderick, Christopher Walken and Glenn Close, Midler played Bobbie Markowitz, a writer and recovering alcoholic. The project underwent numerous production problems that occurred throughout its shooting schedule, with reports of problems on-set between director Oz and the actors being rampant in the press. Oz later blamed Midler \u2014 who was amid recording her next album and rehearsing for her tour \u2014 for being under a lot of stress by other projects and making \"the mistake of bringing her stress","Document [9](Title: The Rose (soundtrack)) The Rose (soundtrack) The Rose is the soundtrack to the feature film of the same name starring Bette Midler which was released in 1979. Midler performs all the songs on the album, with the exception of the instrumental \"Camellia\". Apart from the title track, the soundtrack was entirely recorded live and also features concert monologues, with Midler portraying the character The Rose, loosely based on blues singer Janis Joplin. The soundtrack was produced by Paul A. Rothchild, who in fact also had worked with Joplin on what was to become her final album before her death in 1970, entitled \"Pearl\"","Document [10](Title: The Rose (film)) The Rose (film) The Rose is a 1979 American drama film which tells the story of a self-destructive 1960s rock star who struggles to cope with the constant pressures of her career and the demands of her ruthless business manager. The film stars Bette Midler, Alan Bates, Frederic Forrest, Harry Dean Stanton, Barry Primus, and David Keith. The story is loosely based on the life of singer Janis Joplin. Originally titled \"Pearl\", after Joplin's nickname, and the title of her last album, it was fictionalized after her family declined to allow the producers the rights to her story. It was","Document [11](Title: Bette Midler) by critics, who felt the film was \"sweet but milquetoast\", box office totals for the movie were higher than initially expected. In 2013, Midler performed on Broadway for the first time in more than 30 years in a play about the Hollywood superagent Sue Mengers. The play, titled \"\" and dramatized by John Logan, opened on April 24, 2013 at the Booth Theatre. After the show's success in New York, recouping its initial $2.4 million investment, it was decided to perform the play in Los Angeles at the Geffen Playhouse. In December, it was announced that Midler would portray actress","Document [12](Title: Bette Midler) \"Sister Act\" in 1992, which instead went to Whoopi Goldberg. Midler won an Emmy Award in 1992 for her performance on the penultimate episode of \"The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson\" in May 1992, during which she sang an emotion-laden \"One for My Baby (and One More for the Road)\" to Johnny Carson. That night, Midler began singing \"Here's That Rainy Day\", Carson's favorite song; Carson joined in a few lyrics later. In 1993, she starred with Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy in the Walt Disney comedy fantasy film, \"Hocus Pocus\", as Winifred Sanderson, the head witch of the","Document [13](Title: Bette Midler) in Watertown, New York, who, determined to give her daughter all the opportunities she never had, ultimately makes a selfless sacrifice to ensure her happiness. The movie scored mediocre reviews, while Midler received her first Razzie Award nomination for Worst Actress. She co-starred with Woody Allen in the 1991 film \"Scenes from a Mall\", again for Paul Mazursky. In the film, Allen's character reveals to his author wife Deborah, played by Midler, after years of a happy marriage, that he has had an affair, resulting in her request for divorce. The movie performed poorly, and received a mixed reception by","Document [14](Title: Gypsy (1993 film)) deserves both an Emmy and a Grammy.\" \"Midler was sensational as Mama Rose in the recent TV version of \"Gypsy\",\" wrote \"The Buffalo News\". \"The Chicago Sun-Times\" said, \"Midler has the perfect blend of energy and maturity to portray vaudeville's ultimate stage mother. But the guiding force behind the new, sparkling \"Gypsy\" comes from the perceptive and reverent direction of Oscar winner Emile Ardolino, who artfully preserves the spirit of a stage play within the confines of television.\" In another article, the publication wrote, \"Bette Midler's star turn in CBS' \"Gypsy\" not only brought the TV musical back from the","Document [15](Title: The Rose (film)) In late 1969, Mary Rose Foster (Bette Midler) is a famous rock and roll diva known as The Rose. Although a success, she is burnt out and lonely but is kept working by her gruff, greedy manager and promoter Rudge Campbell (Alan Bates). Though loud and brassy, Rose is an insecure alcoholic and former drug user who seems to crave approval in her life. As such, she is determined to return to her hometown, now as a superstar. After being humiliated by a country singing star named Billy Ray (Harry Dean Stanton) whose songs she performs in her show, Rose","Document [16](Title: Bette Midler) the PBS educational series \"Vegetable Soup.\" In 1977, Midler's first television special, whose title, \"Ol' Red Hair is Back\", was a takeoff on Frank Sinatra's \"Ol' Blue Eyes Is Back\", premiered, featuring guest stars Dustin Hoffman and Emmett Kelly. It went on to win the \"Emmy Award\" for Outstanding Special \u2014 Comedy-Variety or Music. Midler made her first motion picture in 1979, starring in the 1960s-era rock and roll tragedy \"The Rose\", as a drug-addicted rock star modeled after Janis Joplin. That year, she also released her fifth studio album, \"Thighs and Whispers.\" Midler's first foray into disco was a","Document [17](Title: Bette Midler) on the set.\" While the original book and film had tremendous cultural impact, the remake was marked by poor reviews by many critics, and a financial loss of approximately $40 million at the box office. Midler joined forces again with Manilow for another tribute album, \"Bette Midler Sings the Peggy Lee Songbook\". Released in October 2005, the album sold 55,000 copies the first week of release, returned Midler to the top ten of US \"Billboard\" 200, and was nominated for a Grammy Award. Midler released a new Christmas album titled \"Cool Yule\" in 2006, which featured a duet of Christmastime","Document [18](Title: The Thorn) Joseph; John Greenburg as John the Baptist; Fred LaBour as the Angel Fred; Richard Pollard as Rabbi Gabriel; Diana David as Salome; and Jack Castor and Chi Chi as queens. All of these actors were unknown and had no other film credits, with the exception of Bette Midler who was just beginning to build her singing career, had acted in a Broadway musical, and had briefly played a lead role in the off-Broadway musical \"Salvation\" in 1969. Midler had a brief appearance as a boat passenger in the 1966 film \"Hawaii\". Originally conceived as \"The Greatest Story Overtold\", an irreverent","Document [19](Title: Bette Midler) Gallagher Levi, continuing through January 2018, in the Broadway revival of \"Hello, Dolly!\" for which she won her second Tony Award. In 2017 she also appeared in the role of Muv in the 2017 film \"Freak Show\". On April 20, 2018 it was announced that Midler will be returning to \"Hello, Dolly!\" on July 17 to close out the run of the successful revival. In 1991, Midler was an early sponsor of the Adopt-a-Highway, paying $2,000 a month for a crew to clean up a 2-mile section of the Ventura Freeway in Burbank, California. Signs at both ends of the","Document [20](Title: The Rose (soundtrack)) The \"Rose\" soundtrack also included one song that since its original release has become a mainstay in Midler's live repertoire, Jerry Ragovoy's despairing blues ballad \"Stay With Me\". \"The Rose\" peaked at #12 on Billboard's album chart in the Spring of 1980, making it Midler's bestselling album since 1973's \"Bette Midler\". The album was digitally remastered and reissued on CD by Atlantic Records\/Warner Music in 1995 but with no bonus tracks. \"All tracks recorded live unless otherwise noted\" Side A Side B The Rose Concert Band \"Love Me With a Feeling\" Band \"The Rose\" Ensemble The Rose (soundtrack) The Rose"],"query":"who did bette midler portray in the rose?","answers":["Mary Rose Foster"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Bette (TV series)) short run. Guest stars included Danny DeVito, George Segal, Brenda Song, Sharon Lawrence, Tim Curry, David James Elliott, Oprah Winfrey, Ashley Tisdale, Tony Danza, Dolly Parton, Olivia Newton-John, Jon Lovitz, and the ladies from rival network ABC's \"The View\" all as themselves. When \"Bette\" went into production, Lindsay Lohan was the original choice to play Rose. After the completion of the pilot episode, Midler decided that the series would shoot in Los Angeles, instead of New York City, where the pilot was filmed. Lohan did not want to continually commute from her family's current residence in New York City, as","Document [2](Title: Bette Midler) critics. Midler fared somewhat better with her other 1991 project \"For the Boys\", on which she reteamed with \"The Rose\" director Mark Rydell. A historical musical drama, it tells the story of 1940s actress and singer Dixie Leonard, played by Midler, who teams up with Eddie Sparks, a famous performer to entertain American troops. While the film received a mixed reception from critics, Midler earned rave review for her portrayal. The following year she was awarded her second Golden Globe and received her second Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. Midler turned down the lead role in the musical comedy","Document [3](Title: Bette Midler) commercial and critical failure and went on to be her all-time lowest charting album, peaking at No. 65 on the \"Billboard\" album chart. Soon afterward, she began a world concert tour, with one of her shows in Pasadena being filmed and released as the concert film \"Divine Madness\" (1980). Her performance in \"The Rose\" earned her a nomination for Academy Award for Best Actress, a role for which she won the Golden Globe for Best Actress (Comedy or Musical). The film's acclaimed soundtrack album sold over two million copies in the United States alone, earning a Double Platinum certification. The","Document [4](Title: Bette Midler) charts, including her renditions of \"The Rose\", \"Wind Beneath My Wings\", \"Do You Want to Dance\", \"Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy\", and \"From a Distance\". In 2008, she signed a contract with Caesars Palace in Las Vegas to perform a show titled \"Bette Midler: The Showgirl Must Go On\", which ended in 2010. Midler made her motion picture debut in 1979 with \"The Rose\", which earned her a Golden Globe for Best Actress, as well as a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress. She has since starred in a number of hit films, which include: \"Down and Out in","Document [5](Title: Bette of Roses) Bette of Roses Bette of Roses is the eighth studio album by the American singer Bette Midler, released on Atlantic Records in 1995. It became Midler's final album for the label, twenty-three years after the release of her debut album \"The Divine Miss M\" (Midler was transferred to Atlantic's sister label Warner Bros. Records for her next two albums, then left the Warner group completely in 2002 when she signed with the Sony-owned Columbia Records). The title \"Bette of Roses\" is a play on one of the tracks, \"Bed of Roses\". \"Bette of Roses\" was Midler's first full-length studio album","Document [6](Title: Bette Midler) was released. It reached number 66 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" 200 chart, and number six in the United Kingdom, where it was certified platinum for sales of over 300,000 copies. As her only film appearance that year, Midler had a small role in Diane English's comedy film \"The Women\", starring Meg Ryan, Annette Bening and Eva Mendes among others. An updated version of the George Cukor-directed 1939 film of the same name based on a 1936 play by Clare Boothe Luce, the film was widely panned by critics, who found it \"...a toothless remake of the 1939 classic, lacking the","Document [7](Title: Bette (TV series)) and \"Family Law\" (a cross promotion by CBS), and starred in a TV Halloween special with Dolly Parton (who appeared as herself and was said to be longtime friend of the Bette character; Parton and Midler are friends in real life). Other stories were out of the spotlight and closer to home; in one, Bette volunteered at Rose's school with surprising results, and in another, flashbacks were shown depicting the first time Bette met Connie, Roy, and Oscar (in that order), along with one featuring the birth of Rose. Many of Midler's celebrity friends appeared as themselves during the show's","Document [8](Title: Bette Midler) remake of the 1975 film of the same name also based on the Ira Levin novel. Also starring Nicole Kidman, Matthew Broderick, Christopher Walken and Glenn Close, Midler played Bobbie Markowitz, a writer and recovering alcoholic. The project underwent numerous production problems that occurred throughout its shooting schedule, with reports of problems on-set between director Oz and the actors being rampant in the press. Oz later blamed Midler \u2014 who was amid recording her next album and rehearsing for her tour \u2014 for being under a lot of stress by other projects and making \"the mistake of bringing her stress","Document [9](Title: The Rose (soundtrack)) The Rose (soundtrack) The Rose is the soundtrack to the feature film of the same name starring Bette Midler which was released in 1979. Midler performs all the songs on the album, with the exception of the instrumental \"Camellia\". Apart from the title track, the soundtrack was entirely recorded live and also features concert monologues, with Midler portraying the character The Rose, loosely based on blues singer Janis Joplin. The soundtrack was produced by Paul A. Rothchild, who in fact also had worked with Joplin on what was to become her final album before her death in 1970, entitled \"Pearl\"","Document [10](Title: The Rose (film)) The Rose (film) The Rose is a 1979 American drama film which tells the story of a self-destructive 1960s rock star who struggles to cope with the constant pressures of her career and the demands of her ruthless business manager. The film stars Bette Midler, Alan Bates, Frederic Forrest, Harry Dean Stanton, Barry Primus, and David Keith. The story is loosely based on the life of singer Janis Joplin. Originally titled \"Pearl\", after Joplin's nickname, and the title of her last album, it was fictionalized after her family declined to allow the producers the rights to her story. It was","Document [11](Title: Bette Midler) by critics, who felt the film was \"sweet but milquetoast\", box office totals for the movie were higher than initially expected. In 2013, Midler performed on Broadway for the first time in more than 30 years in a play about the Hollywood superagent Sue Mengers. The play, titled \"\" and dramatized by John Logan, opened on April 24, 2013 at the Booth Theatre. After the show's success in New York, recouping its initial $2.4 million investment, it was decided to perform the play in Los Angeles at the Geffen Playhouse. In December, it was announced that Midler would portray actress","Document [12](Title: Bette Midler) \"Sister Act\" in 1992, which instead went to Whoopi Goldberg. Midler won an Emmy Award in 1992 for her performance on the penultimate episode of \"The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson\" in May 1992, during which she sang an emotion-laden \"One for My Baby (and One More for the Road)\" to Johnny Carson. That night, Midler began singing \"Here's That Rainy Day\", Carson's favorite song; Carson joined in a few lyrics later. In 1993, she starred with Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy in the Walt Disney comedy fantasy film, \"Hocus Pocus\", as Winifred Sanderson, the head witch of the","Document [13](Title: Bette Midler) in Watertown, New York, who, determined to give her daughter all the opportunities she never had, ultimately makes a selfless sacrifice to ensure her happiness. The movie scored mediocre reviews, while Midler received her first Razzie Award nomination for Worst Actress. She co-starred with Woody Allen in the 1991 film \"Scenes from a Mall\", again for Paul Mazursky. In the film, Allen's character reveals to his author wife Deborah, played by Midler, after years of a happy marriage, that he has had an affair, resulting in her request for divorce. The movie performed poorly, and received a mixed reception by","Document [14](Title: Gypsy (1993 film)) deserves both an Emmy and a Grammy.\" \"Midler was sensational as Mama Rose in the recent TV version of \"Gypsy\",\" wrote \"The Buffalo News\". \"The Chicago Sun-Times\" said, \"Midler has the perfect blend of energy and maturity to portray vaudeville's ultimate stage mother. But the guiding force behind the new, sparkling \"Gypsy\" comes from the perceptive and reverent direction of Oscar winner Emile Ardolino, who artfully preserves the spirit of a stage play within the confines of television.\" In another article, the publication wrote, \"Bette Midler's star turn in CBS' \"Gypsy\" not only brought the TV musical back from the","Document [15](Title: Bette Midler) the PBS educational series \"Vegetable Soup.\" In 1977, Midler's first television special, whose title, \"Ol' Red Hair is Back\", was a takeoff on Frank Sinatra's \"Ol' Blue Eyes Is Back\", premiered, featuring guest stars Dustin Hoffman and Emmett Kelly. It went on to win the \"Emmy Award\" for Outstanding Special \u2014 Comedy-Variety or Music. Midler made her first motion picture in 1979, starring in the 1960s-era rock and roll tragedy \"The Rose\", as a drug-addicted rock star modeled after Janis Joplin. That year, she also released her fifth studio album, \"Thighs and Whispers.\" Midler's first foray into disco was a","Document [16](Title: Bette Midler) on the set.\" While the original book and film had tremendous cultural impact, the remake was marked by poor reviews by many critics, and a financial loss of approximately $40 million at the box office. Midler joined forces again with Manilow for another tribute album, \"Bette Midler Sings the Peggy Lee Songbook\". Released in October 2005, the album sold 55,000 copies the first week of release, returned Midler to the top ten of US \"Billboard\" 200, and was nominated for a Grammy Award. Midler released a new Christmas album titled \"Cool Yule\" in 2006, which featured a duet of Christmastime","Document [17](Title: The Thorn) Joseph; John Greenburg as John the Baptist; Fred LaBour as the Angel Fred; Richard Pollard as Rabbi Gabriel; Diana David as Salome; and Jack Castor and Chi Chi as queens. All of these actors were unknown and had no other film credits, with the exception of Bette Midler who was just beginning to build her singing career, had acted in a Broadway musical, and had briefly played a lead role in the off-Broadway musical \"Salvation\" in 1969. Midler had a brief appearance as a boat passenger in the 1966 film \"Hawaii\". Originally conceived as \"The Greatest Story Overtold\", an irreverent","Document [18](Title: Bette Midler) Gallagher Levi, continuing through January 2018, in the Broadway revival of \"Hello, Dolly!\" for which she won her second Tony Award. In 2017 she also appeared in the role of Muv in the 2017 film \"Freak Show\". On April 20, 2018 it was announced that Midler will be returning to \"Hello, Dolly!\" on July 17 to close out the run of the successful revival. In 1991, Midler was an early sponsor of the Adopt-a-Highway, paying $2,000 a month for a crew to clean up a 2-mile section of the Ventura Freeway in Burbank, California. Signs at both ends of the","Document [19](Title: The Rose (soundtrack)) The \"Rose\" soundtrack also included one song that since its original release has become a mainstay in Midler's live repertoire, Jerry Ragovoy's despairing blues ballad \"Stay With Me\". \"The Rose\" peaked at #12 on Billboard's album chart in the Spring of 1980, making it Midler's bestselling album since 1973's \"Bette Midler\". The album was digitally remastered and reissued on CD by Atlantic Records\/Warner Music in 1995 but with no bonus tracks. \"All tracks recorded live unless otherwise noted\" Side A Side B The Rose Concert Band \"Love Me With a Feeling\" Band \"The Rose\" Ensemble The Rose (soundtrack) The Rose","Document [20](Title: The Rose (film)) In late 1969, Mary Rose Foster (Bette Midler) is a famous rock and roll diva known as The Rose. Although a success, she is burnt out and lonely but is kept working by her gruff, greedy manager and promoter Rudge Campbell (Alan Bates). Though loud and brassy, Rose is an insecure alcoholic and former drug user who seems to crave approval in her life. As such, she is determined to return to her hometown, now as a superstar. After being humiliated by a country singing star named Billy Ray (Harry Dean Stanton) whose songs she performs in her show, Rose"],"query":"who did bette midler portray in the rose?","answers":["Mary Rose Foster"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Star (2017 film)) The film was released by Columbia Pictures through its parental label Sony Pictures Entertainment on November 17, 2017 in the United States. It was met with mixed reviews and has grossed $61 million worldwide. The film received a nomination for Best Original Song (\"The Star\") at the 75th Golden Globe Awards.","Document [2](Title: Movie Star (song)) Movie Star (song) \"Movie Star\" is a song by Irish singer R\u00f3is\u00edn Murphy from her second studio album, \"Overpowered\" (2007). It was written by Murphy, Paul \"Seiji\" Dolby and Mike Patto, while production was handled by Parrot & Dean. The song was released digitally in the United States on 14 October 2008 as the album's fourth and final single. The track was set to be released as the album's fourth single on 21 July 2008, but was then pushed back many times for a release in November. It was to be released as a double A-side single with a cover","Document [3](Title: The Movie Star) The Movie Star \"The Movie Star\" is the eleventh episode of the American television series, \"Smash\". The episode aired on April 16, 2012. Rehearsal with Rebecca Duvall (Uma Thurman) as Marilyn gets off to a bumpy start. Within minutes, everyone realizes Duvall can't sing very well. Additionally, Duvall is unprofessional and self-centered, continually trying to change the show, blowing off events and showing up late, and creating a scene when a drunken ex-lover crashes rehearsal. In order to compensate for Duvall's lack of theatrical skills, Derek creates bigger parts for Karen (Katharine McPhee) and the newly rehired Ivy (Megan Hilty).","Document [4](Title: Star (2001 film)) Star (2001 film) Star is a 2001 Tamil action film directed by Praveen Gandhi and produced by Vijaykrishna. The film stars Prashanth and Jyothika in the lead roles while Raghuvaran, Vijayakumar, and Praveen Gandhi play other pivotal roles. The film's score and soundtrack are composed by A.R. Rahman, while the film is edited by M. N. Rajan. The film opened to poor reviews and performed below average at the box office in July 2001. Murthy (Prashanth) earns his living taking the blame for the mistakes of other people, and so the jail is his second home. Dhanushkodi (Raghuvaran) has sworn","Document [5](Title: Movie star) Movie star A movie star (also known as a film star and cinema star) is an actor who is famous for their starring, or leading, roles in motion pictures. The term is used for actors who are marketable stars and whose names are used to promote movies, for example in trailers and posters. In the early days of silent movies, the names of the actors and actresses appearing in them were not publicized or credited because producers feared this would result in demands for higher salaries. However, audience curiosity soon undermined this policy. By 1909, actresses such as Florence Lawrence","Document [6](Title: Film Star (film)) Film Star (film) Film Star is a 2005 Hindi film directed by Tanuja Chandra and starring Priyanshu Chatterjee, Mahima Chaudhry Vasundhara Das and Anup Shukla Hira Pandit (Mahima Chaudhry) is an actress who is nothing if not full of herself. Arrogant and thriving on only one thing - people adoring her unabashedly, and without stopping, just loving her! So naturally when this adoration stars to wane, she can't take it. Her vanity can't bear the fact that her popularity is slipping, that she's not getting nominated for awards, that her films simply aren't working like they used to. And at","Document [7](Title: Film Star (film)) out...as she realizes...that life...is much more than films. Film Star (film) Film Star is a 2005 Hindi film directed by Tanuja Chandra and starring Priyanshu Chatterjee, Mahima Chaudhry Vasundhara Das and Anup Shukla Hira Pandit (Mahima Chaudhry) is an actress who is nothing if not full of herself. Arrogant and thriving on only one thing - people adoring her unabashedly, and without stopping, just loving her! So naturally when this adoration stars to wane, she can't take it. Her vanity can't bear the fact that her popularity is slipping, that she's not getting nominated for awards, that her films simply","Document [8](Title: Movie star) as Aaron Aziz and Adi Putra. Movie star A movie star (also known as a film star and cinema star) is an actor who is famous for their starring, or leading, roles in motion pictures. The term is used for actors who are marketable stars and whose names are used to promote movies, for example in trailers and posters. In the early days of silent movies, the names of the actors and actresses appearing in them were not publicized or credited because producers feared this would result in demands for higher salaries. However, audience curiosity soon undermined this policy. By","Document [9](Title: A Star Is Born (1976 film)) with an average rating of 5.3\/10. On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 58 out of 100 based on 8 critics, indicating \"mixed or average reviews\". Roger Ebert gave the film two and a half stars out of four, writing in his review, \"There is, to begin with, no denying Barbra Streisand's enormous talent. At the end of 'A Star Is Born' the camera stays on her for one unbroken shot of seven or eight minutes, and she sings her heart out, and we concede that she's one of the great stars of the movies, one of","Document [10](Title: Star! (film)) last countries in which the film was released. When the film was in production, 15,000 people responded to promotional ads placed by 20th Century Fox for advance ticket sales in New York City, but a year later, when the studio followed up by mailing them order forms, only a very small percentage actually bought tickets. Sales were higher for Wednesday matinees than for Saturday nights, which indicated that a crucial component\u2014young adults\u2014would not be a large part of the picture's audience. The film opened in the US with little advance sale, and good-to-mediocre reviews. \"Star!\" was a commercial disappointment in","Document [11](Title: A Star Is Born (1954 film)) rumored that film restorer (and friend of Liza Minnelli) Michael Arick had a complete print of the film. \"A Star Is Born\", a remake itself, was again remade in 1976 with Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson. The film was remade without permission in Bollywood as \"Aashiqui 2\" in 2013. The original film is in the public domain. The latest remake of \"A Star Is Born\" stars Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga, who also created new music for the project. Filming began April 17, 2017, and the film was released on October 5, 2018. The soundtrack has never been out of","Document [12](Title: Movie Star (song)) of Bryan Ferry's 1985 song \"Slave to Love\" to coincide with its use in the Gucci Pour Homme advertising campaign. On 4 December 2008, it was announced that the European and UK release of the single had been cancelled. Nevertheless, \"Movie Star\" was released digitally in the United States on 14 October 2008. Heather Phares of AllMusic referred to \"Movie Star\" as \"Murphy's spin on Goldfrapp's glossy glam pop (and the only time she seems in danger of being overpowered by someone else's sound on the album).\" Stephen Trouss of Pitchfork agreed, saying the song \"laces itself a little too","Document [13](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) theatrically released in the United States on October 5, 2018, by Warner Bros. The film has grossed over $376 million worldwide and received critical acclaim, with praise for Cooper, Gaga and Elliott's performances and Cooper's direction, as well as the screenplay, cinematography and music. It was chosen by both the National Board of Review and American Film Institute as one of the Top 10 Films of 2018, and received five nominations at the 76th Golden Globe Awards, including Best Motion Picture \u2013 Drama. Jackson Maine, a famous country music singer privately battling an alcohol and drug addiction, plays a concert","Document [14](Title: The Star (2017 film)) as he felt that there was a lack of Christmas films centering on the Nativity of Jesus: \"It felt like an opportunity to be part of a movie that has not been done before, that's really going to fill a void.\" The animation was produced by Cinesite Studios. Animation work began on January 2017. On January 5, 2017, it was reported that Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry would be in the film. The rest of the cast was announced on January 19, 2017. \"The Star (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)\" was released on October 27, 2017, including contributions from Jessie James","Document [15](Title: The Star (2017 film)) available on her YouTube channel. \"The Star\" was released on digital on February 6, 2018, and on DVD and Blu-ray on February 20, 2018 by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. \"The Star\" has grossed $40.9 million in the United States and Canada, and $22 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $62.8 million, against a production budget of $20 million. In the United States and Canada, \"The Star\" was released alongside \"Justice League\" and \"Wonder\", and was projected to gross around $10 million from 2,800 theaters in its opening weekend. The film made $2.8 million on its first day.","Document [16](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) Canada. Jeff Goldstein, President of Domestic Distribution, Warner Bros. Pictures, said, \"Securing premium IMAX screens in this competitive holiday window, ten weeks into release, speaks to the quality of the film Bradley Cooper has delivered and the passion audiences have for this story. We are thrilled to be able to give moviegoers a chance to see 'A Star Is Born' again, or for the first time, in such an experiential format as IMAX.\" Warner Bros. announced that the film would be available for digital download through retailers on January 15, 2019, followed by its release on Blu-ray, DVD and 4K","Document [17](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) on a journey that mirrors the experience of seeing the film.\" \"A Star Is Born\" had its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival on August 31, 2018. It also screened at the Toronto International Film Festival, the San Sebasti\u00e1n International Film Festival, and the Zurich Film Festival in September 2018. The film was theatrically released in the United States on October 5, 2018, distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, after initially having been set for September 28, 2018, and May 18, 2018, releases. From December 7, 2018, the film had a limited release in IMAX theaters across United States and","Document [18](Title: The Star (1952 film)) as a saleswoman in an upscale department store, but overhearing some unkind gossip from two customers wounds her pride and she runs out. Her old agent manages to get her a screen test for a role in a film she'd always wanted to play. She is offered and takes a screen test for a supporting role, believing that if she plays that character as a sexy younger woman -- rather than the middle-aged frump she is seen as by the studio -- she might be able to win the more coveted lead role. It does not work out. At a","Document [19](Title: The Star (2017 film)) The Star (2017 film) The Star is a 2017 American computer-animated Christian comedy film directed by Timothy Reckart. Based on the Nativity of Jesus, an original idea by Tom Sheridan, the screenplay was written by Carlos Kotkin and Simon Moore. It is produced by Sony Pictures Animation, with partnership from Walden Media, Affirm Films and The Jim Henson Company. It stars the voices of Steven Yeun, Gina Rodriguez, Zachary Levi, Keegan-Michael Key, Kelly Clarkson, Patricia Heaton, Kristin Chenoweth, Tracy Morgan, Tyler Perry, and Oprah Winfrey. The film was released by Columbia Pictures through its parental label Sony Pictures Entertainment on","Document [20](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) A Star Is Born (2018 film) A Star Is Born is a 2018 American musical romantic drama film produced and directed by Bradley Cooper (in his directorial debut) and written by Eric Roth, Cooper and Will Fetters. A remake of the 1937 film of the same name, it stars Cooper, Lady Gaga, Andrew Dice Clay, Dave Chappelle, and Sam Elliott, and follows a hard-drinking musician (Cooper) who discovers and falls in love with a young singer (Gaga). It marks the fourth remake of the original 1937 film, after the 1954 musical, the 1976 rock musical and the 2013 Bollywood romance"],"query":"when does the movie the star come out?","answers":["November 17, 2017"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Movie Star (song)) Movie Star (song) \"Movie Star\" is a song by Irish singer R\u00f3is\u00edn Murphy from her second studio album, \"Overpowered\" (2007). It was written by Murphy, Paul \"Seiji\" Dolby and Mike Patto, while production was handled by Parrot & Dean. The song was released digitally in the United States on 14 October 2008 as the album's fourth and final single. The track was set to be released as the album's fourth single on 21 July 2008, but was then pushed back many times for a release in November. It was to be released as a double A-side single with a cover","Document [2](Title: The Movie Star) The Movie Star \"The Movie Star\" is the eleventh episode of the American television series, \"Smash\". The episode aired on April 16, 2012. Rehearsal with Rebecca Duvall (Uma Thurman) as Marilyn gets off to a bumpy start. Within minutes, everyone realizes Duvall can't sing very well. Additionally, Duvall is unprofessional and self-centered, continually trying to change the show, blowing off events and showing up late, and creating a scene when a drunken ex-lover crashes rehearsal. In order to compensate for Duvall's lack of theatrical skills, Derek creates bigger parts for Karen (Katharine McPhee) and the newly rehired Ivy (Megan Hilty).","Document [3](Title: Star (2001 film)) Star (2001 film) Star is a 2001 Tamil action film directed by Praveen Gandhi and produced by Vijaykrishna. The film stars Prashanth and Jyothika in the lead roles while Raghuvaran, Vijayakumar, and Praveen Gandhi play other pivotal roles. The film's score and soundtrack are composed by A.R. Rahman, while the film is edited by M. N. Rajan. The film opened to poor reviews and performed below average at the box office in July 2001. Murthy (Prashanth) earns his living taking the blame for the mistakes of other people, and so the jail is his second home. Dhanushkodi (Raghuvaran) has sworn","Document [4](Title: Movie star) Movie star A movie star (also known as a film star and cinema star) is an actor who is famous for their starring, or leading, roles in motion pictures. The term is used for actors who are marketable stars and whose names are used to promote movies, for example in trailers and posters. In the early days of silent movies, the names of the actors and actresses appearing in them were not publicized or credited because producers feared this would result in demands for higher salaries. However, audience curiosity soon undermined this policy. By 1909, actresses such as Florence Lawrence","Document [5](Title: The Star (2017 film)) The film was released by Columbia Pictures through its parental label Sony Pictures Entertainment on November 17, 2017 in the United States. It was met with mixed reviews and has grossed $61 million worldwide. The film received a nomination for Best Original Song (\"The Star\") at the 75th Golden Globe Awards.","Document [6](Title: Film Star (film)) Film Star (film) Film Star is a 2005 Hindi film directed by Tanuja Chandra and starring Priyanshu Chatterjee, Mahima Chaudhry Vasundhara Das and Anup Shukla Hira Pandit (Mahima Chaudhry) is an actress who is nothing if not full of herself. Arrogant and thriving on only one thing - people adoring her unabashedly, and without stopping, just loving her! So naturally when this adoration stars to wane, she can't take it. Her vanity can't bear the fact that her popularity is slipping, that she's not getting nominated for awards, that her films simply aren't working like they used to. And at","Document [7](Title: Film Star (film)) out...as she realizes...that life...is much more than films. Film Star (film) Film Star is a 2005 Hindi film directed by Tanuja Chandra and starring Priyanshu Chatterjee, Mahima Chaudhry Vasundhara Das and Anup Shukla Hira Pandit (Mahima Chaudhry) is an actress who is nothing if not full of herself. Arrogant and thriving on only one thing - people adoring her unabashedly, and without stopping, just loving her! So naturally when this adoration stars to wane, she can't take it. Her vanity can't bear the fact that her popularity is slipping, that she's not getting nominated for awards, that her films simply","Document [8](Title: Movie star) as Aaron Aziz and Adi Putra. Movie star A movie star (also known as a film star and cinema star) is an actor who is famous for their starring, or leading, roles in motion pictures. The term is used for actors who are marketable stars and whose names are used to promote movies, for example in trailers and posters. In the early days of silent movies, the names of the actors and actresses appearing in them were not publicized or credited because producers feared this would result in demands for higher salaries. However, audience curiosity soon undermined this policy. By","Document [9](Title: A Star Is Born (1976 film)) with an average rating of 5.3\/10. On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 58 out of 100 based on 8 critics, indicating \"mixed or average reviews\". Roger Ebert gave the film two and a half stars out of four, writing in his review, \"There is, to begin with, no denying Barbra Streisand's enormous talent. At the end of 'A Star Is Born' the camera stays on her for one unbroken shot of seven or eight minutes, and she sings her heart out, and we concede that she's one of the great stars of the movies, one of","Document [10](Title: Star! (film)) last countries in which the film was released. When the film was in production, 15,000 people responded to promotional ads placed by 20th Century Fox for advance ticket sales in New York City, but a year later, when the studio followed up by mailing them order forms, only a very small percentage actually bought tickets. Sales were higher for Wednesday matinees than for Saturday nights, which indicated that a crucial component\u2014young adults\u2014would not be a large part of the picture's audience. The film opened in the US with little advance sale, and good-to-mediocre reviews. \"Star!\" was a commercial disappointment in","Document [11](Title: A Star Is Born (1954 film)) rumored that film restorer (and friend of Liza Minnelli) Michael Arick had a complete print of the film. \"A Star Is Born\", a remake itself, was again remade in 1976 with Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson. The film was remade without permission in Bollywood as \"Aashiqui 2\" in 2013. The original film is in the public domain. The latest remake of \"A Star Is Born\" stars Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga, who also created new music for the project. Filming began April 17, 2017, and the film was released on October 5, 2018. The soundtrack has never been out of","Document [12](Title: Movie Star (song)) of Bryan Ferry's 1985 song \"Slave to Love\" to coincide with its use in the Gucci Pour Homme advertising campaign. On 4 December 2008, it was announced that the European and UK release of the single had been cancelled. Nevertheless, \"Movie Star\" was released digitally in the United States on 14 October 2008. Heather Phares of AllMusic referred to \"Movie Star\" as \"Murphy's spin on Goldfrapp's glossy glam pop (and the only time she seems in danger of being overpowered by someone else's sound on the album).\" Stephen Trouss of Pitchfork agreed, saying the song \"laces itself a little too","Document [13](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) theatrically released in the United States on October 5, 2018, by Warner Bros. The film has grossed over $376 million worldwide and received critical acclaim, with praise for Cooper, Gaga and Elliott's performances and Cooper's direction, as well as the screenplay, cinematography and music. It was chosen by both the National Board of Review and American Film Institute as one of the Top 10 Films of 2018, and received five nominations at the 76th Golden Globe Awards, including Best Motion Picture \u2013 Drama. Jackson Maine, a famous country music singer privately battling an alcohol and drug addiction, plays a concert","Document [14](Title: The Star (2017 film)) as he felt that there was a lack of Christmas films centering on the Nativity of Jesus: \"It felt like an opportunity to be part of a movie that has not been done before, that's really going to fill a void.\" The animation was produced by Cinesite Studios. Animation work began on January 2017. On January 5, 2017, it was reported that Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry would be in the film. The rest of the cast was announced on January 19, 2017. \"The Star (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)\" was released on October 27, 2017, including contributions from Jessie James","Document [15](Title: The Star (2017 film)) available on her YouTube channel. \"The Star\" was released on digital on February 6, 2018, and on DVD and Blu-ray on February 20, 2018 by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. \"The Star\" has grossed $40.9 million in the United States and Canada, and $22 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $62.8 million, against a production budget of $20 million. In the United States and Canada, \"The Star\" was released alongside \"Justice League\" and \"Wonder\", and was projected to gross around $10 million from 2,800 theaters in its opening weekend. The film made $2.8 million on its first day.","Document [16](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) Canada. Jeff Goldstein, President of Domestic Distribution, Warner Bros. Pictures, said, \"Securing premium IMAX screens in this competitive holiday window, ten weeks into release, speaks to the quality of the film Bradley Cooper has delivered and the passion audiences have for this story. We are thrilled to be able to give moviegoers a chance to see 'A Star Is Born' again, or for the first time, in such an experiential format as IMAX.\" Warner Bros. announced that the film would be available for digital download through retailers on January 15, 2019, followed by its release on Blu-ray, DVD and 4K","Document [17](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) on a journey that mirrors the experience of seeing the film.\" \"A Star Is Born\" had its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival on August 31, 2018. It also screened at the Toronto International Film Festival, the San Sebasti\u00e1n International Film Festival, and the Zurich Film Festival in September 2018. The film was theatrically released in the United States on October 5, 2018, distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, after initially having been set for September 28, 2018, and May 18, 2018, releases. From December 7, 2018, the film had a limited release in IMAX theaters across United States and","Document [18](Title: The Star (1952 film)) as a saleswoman in an upscale department store, but overhearing some unkind gossip from two customers wounds her pride and she runs out. Her old agent manages to get her a screen test for a role in a film she'd always wanted to play. She is offered and takes a screen test for a supporting role, believing that if she plays that character as a sexy younger woman -- rather than the middle-aged frump she is seen as by the studio -- she might be able to win the more coveted lead role. It does not work out. At a","Document [19](Title: The Star (2017 film)) The Star (2017 film) The Star is a 2017 American computer-animated Christian comedy film directed by Timothy Reckart. Based on the Nativity of Jesus, an original idea by Tom Sheridan, the screenplay was written by Carlos Kotkin and Simon Moore. It is produced by Sony Pictures Animation, with partnership from Walden Media, Affirm Films and The Jim Henson Company. It stars the voices of Steven Yeun, Gina Rodriguez, Zachary Levi, Keegan-Michael Key, Kelly Clarkson, Patricia Heaton, Kristin Chenoweth, Tracy Morgan, Tyler Perry, and Oprah Winfrey. The film was released by Columbia Pictures through its parental label Sony Pictures Entertainment on","Document [20](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) A Star Is Born (2018 film) A Star Is Born is a 2018 American musical romantic drama film produced and directed by Bradley Cooper (in his directorial debut) and written by Eric Roth, Cooper and Will Fetters. A remake of the 1937 film of the same name, it stars Cooper, Lady Gaga, Andrew Dice Clay, Dave Chappelle, and Sam Elliott, and follows a hard-drinking musician (Cooper) who discovers and falls in love with a young singer (Gaga). It marks the fourth remake of the original 1937 film, after the 1954 musical, the 1976 rock musical and the 2013 Bollywood romance"],"query":"when does the movie the star come out?","answers":["November 17, 2017"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Movie Star (song)) Movie Star (song) \"Movie Star\" is a song by Irish singer R\u00f3is\u00edn Murphy from her second studio album, \"Overpowered\" (2007). It was written by Murphy, Paul \"Seiji\" Dolby and Mike Patto, while production was handled by Parrot & Dean. The song was released digitally in the United States on 14 October 2008 as the album's fourth and final single. The track was set to be released as the album's fourth single on 21 July 2008, but was then pushed back many times for a release in November. It was to be released as a double A-side single with a cover","Document [2](Title: The Movie Star) The Movie Star \"The Movie Star\" is the eleventh episode of the American television series, \"Smash\". The episode aired on April 16, 2012. Rehearsal with Rebecca Duvall (Uma Thurman) as Marilyn gets off to a bumpy start. Within minutes, everyone realizes Duvall can't sing very well. Additionally, Duvall is unprofessional and self-centered, continually trying to change the show, blowing off events and showing up late, and creating a scene when a drunken ex-lover crashes rehearsal. In order to compensate for Duvall's lack of theatrical skills, Derek creates bigger parts for Karen (Katharine McPhee) and the newly rehired Ivy (Megan Hilty).","Document [3](Title: Star (2001 film)) Star (2001 film) Star is a 2001 Tamil action film directed by Praveen Gandhi and produced by Vijaykrishna. The film stars Prashanth and Jyothika in the lead roles while Raghuvaran, Vijayakumar, and Praveen Gandhi play other pivotal roles. The film's score and soundtrack are composed by A.R. Rahman, while the film is edited by M. N. Rajan. The film opened to poor reviews and performed below average at the box office in July 2001. Murthy (Prashanth) earns his living taking the blame for the mistakes of other people, and so the jail is his second home. Dhanushkodi (Raghuvaran) has sworn","Document [4](Title: Movie star) Movie star A movie star (also known as a film star and cinema star) is an actor who is famous for their starring, or leading, roles in motion pictures. The term is used for actors who are marketable stars and whose names are used to promote movies, for example in trailers and posters. In the early days of silent movies, the names of the actors and actresses appearing in them were not publicized or credited because producers feared this would result in demands for higher salaries. However, audience curiosity soon undermined this policy. By 1909, actresses such as Florence Lawrence","Document [5](Title: Film Star (film)) Film Star (film) Film Star is a 2005 Hindi film directed by Tanuja Chandra and starring Priyanshu Chatterjee, Mahima Chaudhry Vasundhara Das and Anup Shukla Hira Pandit (Mahima Chaudhry) is an actress who is nothing if not full of herself. Arrogant and thriving on only one thing - people adoring her unabashedly, and without stopping, just loving her! So naturally when this adoration stars to wane, she can't take it. Her vanity can't bear the fact that her popularity is slipping, that she's not getting nominated for awards, that her films simply aren't working like they used to. And at","Document [6](Title: Film Star (film)) out...as she realizes...that life...is much more than films. Film Star (film) Film Star is a 2005 Hindi film directed by Tanuja Chandra and starring Priyanshu Chatterjee, Mahima Chaudhry Vasundhara Das and Anup Shukla Hira Pandit (Mahima Chaudhry) is an actress who is nothing if not full of herself. Arrogant and thriving on only one thing - people adoring her unabashedly, and without stopping, just loving her! So naturally when this adoration stars to wane, she can't take it. Her vanity can't bear the fact that her popularity is slipping, that she's not getting nominated for awards, that her films simply","Document [7](Title: Movie star) as Aaron Aziz and Adi Putra. Movie star A movie star (also known as a film star and cinema star) is an actor who is famous for their starring, or leading, roles in motion pictures. The term is used for actors who are marketable stars and whose names are used to promote movies, for example in trailers and posters. In the early days of silent movies, the names of the actors and actresses appearing in them were not publicized or credited because producers feared this would result in demands for higher salaries. However, audience curiosity soon undermined this policy. By","Document [8](Title: A Star Is Born (1976 film)) with an average rating of 5.3\/10. On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 58 out of 100 based on 8 critics, indicating \"mixed or average reviews\". Roger Ebert gave the film two and a half stars out of four, writing in his review, \"There is, to begin with, no denying Barbra Streisand's enormous talent. At the end of 'A Star Is Born' the camera stays on her for one unbroken shot of seven or eight minutes, and she sings her heart out, and we concede that she's one of the great stars of the movies, one of","Document [9](Title: Star! (film)) last countries in which the film was released. When the film was in production, 15,000 people responded to promotional ads placed by 20th Century Fox for advance ticket sales in New York City, but a year later, when the studio followed up by mailing them order forms, only a very small percentage actually bought tickets. Sales were higher for Wednesday matinees than for Saturday nights, which indicated that a crucial component\u2014young adults\u2014would not be a large part of the picture's audience. The film opened in the US with little advance sale, and good-to-mediocre reviews. \"Star!\" was a commercial disappointment in","Document [10](Title: The Star (2017 film)) The film was released by Columbia Pictures through its parental label Sony Pictures Entertainment on November 17, 2017 in the United States. It was met with mixed reviews and has grossed $61 million worldwide. The film received a nomination for Best Original Song (\"The Star\") at the 75th Golden Globe Awards.","Document [11](Title: A Star Is Born (1954 film)) rumored that film restorer (and friend of Liza Minnelli) Michael Arick had a complete print of the film. \"A Star Is Born\", a remake itself, was again remade in 1976 with Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson. The film was remade without permission in Bollywood as \"Aashiqui 2\" in 2013. The original film is in the public domain. The latest remake of \"A Star Is Born\" stars Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga, who also created new music for the project. Filming began April 17, 2017, and the film was released on October 5, 2018. The soundtrack has never been out of","Document [12](Title: Movie Star (song)) of Bryan Ferry's 1985 song \"Slave to Love\" to coincide with its use in the Gucci Pour Homme advertising campaign. On 4 December 2008, it was announced that the European and UK release of the single had been cancelled. Nevertheless, \"Movie Star\" was released digitally in the United States on 14 October 2008. Heather Phares of AllMusic referred to \"Movie Star\" as \"Murphy's spin on Goldfrapp's glossy glam pop (and the only time she seems in danger of being overpowered by someone else's sound on the album).\" Stephen Trouss of Pitchfork agreed, saying the song \"laces itself a little too","Document [13](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) theatrically released in the United States on October 5, 2018, by Warner Bros. The film has grossed over $376 million worldwide and received critical acclaim, with praise for Cooper, Gaga and Elliott's performances and Cooper's direction, as well as the screenplay, cinematography and music. It was chosen by both the National Board of Review and American Film Institute as one of the Top 10 Films of 2018, and received five nominations at the 76th Golden Globe Awards, including Best Motion Picture \u2013 Drama. Jackson Maine, a famous country music singer privately battling an alcohol and drug addiction, plays a concert","Document [14](Title: The Star (2017 film)) as he felt that there was a lack of Christmas films centering on the Nativity of Jesus: \"It felt like an opportunity to be part of a movie that has not been done before, that's really going to fill a void.\" The animation was produced by Cinesite Studios. Animation work began on January 2017. On January 5, 2017, it was reported that Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry would be in the film. The rest of the cast was announced on January 19, 2017. \"The Star (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)\" was released on October 27, 2017, including contributions from Jessie James","Document [15](Title: The Star (2017 film)) available on her YouTube channel. \"The Star\" was released on digital on February 6, 2018, and on DVD and Blu-ray on February 20, 2018 by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. \"The Star\" has grossed $40.9 million in the United States and Canada, and $22 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $62.8 million, against a production budget of $20 million. In the United States and Canada, \"The Star\" was released alongside \"Justice League\" and \"Wonder\", and was projected to gross around $10 million from 2,800 theaters in its opening weekend. The film made $2.8 million on its first day.","Document [16](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) Canada. Jeff Goldstein, President of Domestic Distribution, Warner Bros. Pictures, said, \"Securing premium IMAX screens in this competitive holiday window, ten weeks into release, speaks to the quality of the film Bradley Cooper has delivered and the passion audiences have for this story. We are thrilled to be able to give moviegoers a chance to see 'A Star Is Born' again, or for the first time, in such an experiential format as IMAX.\" Warner Bros. announced that the film would be available for digital download through retailers on January 15, 2019, followed by its release on Blu-ray, DVD and 4K","Document [17](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) on a journey that mirrors the experience of seeing the film.\" \"A Star Is Born\" had its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival on August 31, 2018. It also screened at the Toronto International Film Festival, the San Sebasti\u00e1n International Film Festival, and the Zurich Film Festival in September 2018. The film was theatrically released in the United States on October 5, 2018, distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, after initially having been set for September 28, 2018, and May 18, 2018, releases. From December 7, 2018, the film had a limited release in IMAX theaters across United States and","Document [18](Title: The Star (1952 film)) as a saleswoman in an upscale department store, but overhearing some unkind gossip from two customers wounds her pride and she runs out. Her old agent manages to get her a screen test for a role in a film she'd always wanted to play. She is offered and takes a screen test for a supporting role, believing that if she plays that character as a sexy younger woman -- rather than the middle-aged frump she is seen as by the studio -- she might be able to win the more coveted lead role. It does not work out. At a","Document [19](Title: The Star (2017 film)) The Star (2017 film) The Star is a 2017 American computer-animated Christian comedy film directed by Timothy Reckart. Based on the Nativity of Jesus, an original idea by Tom Sheridan, the screenplay was written by Carlos Kotkin and Simon Moore. It is produced by Sony Pictures Animation, with partnership from Walden Media, Affirm Films and The Jim Henson Company. It stars the voices of Steven Yeun, Gina Rodriguez, Zachary Levi, Keegan-Michael Key, Kelly Clarkson, Patricia Heaton, Kristin Chenoweth, Tracy Morgan, Tyler Perry, and Oprah Winfrey. The film was released by Columbia Pictures through its parental label Sony Pictures Entertainment on","Document [20](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) A Star Is Born (2018 film) A Star Is Born is a 2018 American musical romantic drama film produced and directed by Bradley Cooper (in his directorial debut) and written by Eric Roth, Cooper and Will Fetters. A remake of the 1937 film of the same name, it stars Cooper, Lady Gaga, Andrew Dice Clay, Dave Chappelle, and Sam Elliott, and follows a hard-drinking musician (Cooper) who discovers and falls in love with a young singer (Gaga). It marks the fourth remake of the original 1937 film, after the 1954 musical, the 1976 rock musical and the 2013 Bollywood romance"],"query":"when does the movie the star come out?","answers":["November 17, 2017"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Movie Star (song)) Movie Star (song) \"Movie Star\" is a song by Irish singer R\u00f3is\u00edn Murphy from her second studio album, \"Overpowered\" (2007). It was written by Murphy, Paul \"Seiji\" Dolby and Mike Patto, while production was handled by Parrot & Dean. The song was released digitally in the United States on 14 October 2008 as the album's fourth and final single. The track was set to be released as the album's fourth single on 21 July 2008, but was then pushed back many times for a release in November. It was to be released as a double A-side single with a cover","Document [2](Title: The Movie Star) The Movie Star \"The Movie Star\" is the eleventh episode of the American television series, \"Smash\". The episode aired on April 16, 2012. Rehearsal with Rebecca Duvall (Uma Thurman) as Marilyn gets off to a bumpy start. Within minutes, everyone realizes Duvall can't sing very well. Additionally, Duvall is unprofessional and self-centered, continually trying to change the show, blowing off events and showing up late, and creating a scene when a drunken ex-lover crashes rehearsal. In order to compensate for Duvall's lack of theatrical skills, Derek creates bigger parts for Karen (Katharine McPhee) and the newly rehired Ivy (Megan Hilty).","Document [3](Title: Star (2001 film)) Star (2001 film) Star is a 2001 Tamil action film directed by Praveen Gandhi and produced by Vijaykrishna. The film stars Prashanth and Jyothika in the lead roles while Raghuvaran, Vijayakumar, and Praveen Gandhi play other pivotal roles. The film's score and soundtrack are composed by A.R. Rahman, while the film is edited by M. N. Rajan. The film opened to poor reviews and performed below average at the box office in July 2001. Murthy (Prashanth) earns his living taking the blame for the mistakes of other people, and so the jail is his second home. Dhanushkodi (Raghuvaran) has sworn","Document [4](Title: Movie star) Movie star A movie star (also known as a film star and cinema star) is an actor who is famous for their starring, or leading, roles in motion pictures. The term is used for actors who are marketable stars and whose names are used to promote movies, for example in trailers and posters. In the early days of silent movies, the names of the actors and actresses appearing in them were not publicized or credited because producers feared this would result in demands for higher salaries. However, audience curiosity soon undermined this policy. By 1909, actresses such as Florence Lawrence","Document [5](Title: Film Star (film)) Film Star (film) Film Star is a 2005 Hindi film directed by Tanuja Chandra and starring Priyanshu Chatterjee, Mahima Chaudhry Vasundhara Das and Anup Shukla Hira Pandit (Mahima Chaudhry) is an actress who is nothing if not full of herself. Arrogant and thriving on only one thing - people adoring her unabashedly, and without stopping, just loving her! So naturally when this adoration stars to wane, she can't take it. Her vanity can't bear the fact that her popularity is slipping, that she's not getting nominated for awards, that her films simply aren't working like they used to. And at","Document [6](Title: Film Star (film)) out...as she realizes...that life...is much more than films. Film Star (film) Film Star is a 2005 Hindi film directed by Tanuja Chandra and starring Priyanshu Chatterjee, Mahima Chaudhry Vasundhara Das and Anup Shukla Hira Pandit (Mahima Chaudhry) is an actress who is nothing if not full of herself. Arrogant and thriving on only one thing - people adoring her unabashedly, and without stopping, just loving her! So naturally when this adoration stars to wane, she can't take it. Her vanity can't bear the fact that her popularity is slipping, that she's not getting nominated for awards, that her films simply","Document [7](Title: Movie star) as Aaron Aziz and Adi Putra. Movie star A movie star (also known as a film star and cinema star) is an actor who is famous for their starring, or leading, roles in motion pictures. The term is used for actors who are marketable stars and whose names are used to promote movies, for example in trailers and posters. In the early days of silent movies, the names of the actors and actresses appearing in them were not publicized or credited because producers feared this would result in demands for higher salaries. However, audience curiosity soon undermined this policy. By","Document [8](Title: A Star Is Born (1976 film)) with an average rating of 5.3\/10. On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 58 out of 100 based on 8 critics, indicating \"mixed or average reviews\". Roger Ebert gave the film two and a half stars out of four, writing in his review, \"There is, to begin with, no denying Barbra Streisand's enormous talent. At the end of 'A Star Is Born' the camera stays on her for one unbroken shot of seven or eight minutes, and she sings her heart out, and we concede that she's one of the great stars of the movies, one of","Document [9](Title: Star! (film)) last countries in which the film was released. When the film was in production, 15,000 people responded to promotional ads placed by 20th Century Fox for advance ticket sales in New York City, but a year later, when the studio followed up by mailing them order forms, only a very small percentage actually bought tickets. Sales were higher for Wednesday matinees than for Saturday nights, which indicated that a crucial component\u2014young adults\u2014would not be a large part of the picture's audience. The film opened in the US with little advance sale, and good-to-mediocre reviews. \"Star!\" was a commercial disappointment in","Document [10](Title: A Star Is Born (1954 film)) rumored that film restorer (and friend of Liza Minnelli) Michael Arick had a complete print of the film. \"A Star Is Born\", a remake itself, was again remade in 1976 with Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson. The film was remade without permission in Bollywood as \"Aashiqui 2\" in 2013. The original film is in the public domain. The latest remake of \"A Star Is Born\" stars Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga, who also created new music for the project. Filming began April 17, 2017, and the film was released on October 5, 2018. The soundtrack has never been out of","Document [11](Title: Movie Star (song)) of Bryan Ferry's 1985 song \"Slave to Love\" to coincide with its use in the Gucci Pour Homme advertising campaign. On 4 December 2008, it was announced that the European and UK release of the single had been cancelled. Nevertheless, \"Movie Star\" was released digitally in the United States on 14 October 2008. Heather Phares of AllMusic referred to \"Movie Star\" as \"Murphy's spin on Goldfrapp's glossy glam pop (and the only time she seems in danger of being overpowered by someone else's sound on the album).\" Stephen Trouss of Pitchfork agreed, saying the song \"laces itself a little too","Document [12](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) theatrically released in the United States on October 5, 2018, by Warner Bros. The film has grossed over $376 million worldwide and received critical acclaim, with praise for Cooper, Gaga and Elliott's performances and Cooper's direction, as well as the screenplay, cinematography and music. It was chosen by both the National Board of Review and American Film Institute as one of the Top 10 Films of 2018, and received five nominations at the 76th Golden Globe Awards, including Best Motion Picture \u2013 Drama. Jackson Maine, a famous country music singer privately battling an alcohol and drug addiction, plays a concert","Document [13](Title: The Star (2017 film)) as he felt that there was a lack of Christmas films centering on the Nativity of Jesus: \"It felt like an opportunity to be part of a movie that has not been done before, that's really going to fill a void.\" The animation was produced by Cinesite Studios. Animation work began on January 2017. On January 5, 2017, it was reported that Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry would be in the film. The rest of the cast was announced on January 19, 2017. \"The Star (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)\" was released on October 27, 2017, including contributions from Jessie James","Document [14](Title: The Star (2017 film)) available on her YouTube channel. \"The Star\" was released on digital on February 6, 2018, and on DVD and Blu-ray on February 20, 2018 by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. \"The Star\" has grossed $40.9 million in the United States and Canada, and $22 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $62.8 million, against a production budget of $20 million. In the United States and Canada, \"The Star\" was released alongside \"Justice League\" and \"Wonder\", and was projected to gross around $10 million from 2,800 theaters in its opening weekend. The film made $2.8 million on its first day.","Document [15](Title: The Star (2017 film)) The film was released by Columbia Pictures through its parental label Sony Pictures Entertainment on November 17, 2017 in the United States. It was met with mixed reviews and has grossed $61 million worldwide. The film received a nomination for Best Original Song (\"The Star\") at the 75th Golden Globe Awards.","Document [16](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) Canada. Jeff Goldstein, President of Domestic Distribution, Warner Bros. Pictures, said, \"Securing premium IMAX screens in this competitive holiday window, ten weeks into release, speaks to the quality of the film Bradley Cooper has delivered and the passion audiences have for this story. We are thrilled to be able to give moviegoers a chance to see 'A Star Is Born' again, or for the first time, in such an experiential format as IMAX.\" Warner Bros. announced that the film would be available for digital download through retailers on January 15, 2019, followed by its release on Blu-ray, DVD and 4K","Document [17](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) on a journey that mirrors the experience of seeing the film.\" \"A Star Is Born\" had its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival on August 31, 2018. It also screened at the Toronto International Film Festival, the San Sebasti\u00e1n International Film Festival, and the Zurich Film Festival in September 2018. The film was theatrically released in the United States on October 5, 2018, distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, after initially having been set for September 28, 2018, and May 18, 2018, releases. From December 7, 2018, the film had a limited release in IMAX theaters across United States and","Document [18](Title: The Star (1952 film)) as a saleswoman in an upscale department store, but overhearing some unkind gossip from two customers wounds her pride and she runs out. Her old agent manages to get her a screen test for a role in a film she'd always wanted to play. She is offered and takes a screen test for a supporting role, believing that if she plays that character as a sexy younger woman -- rather than the middle-aged frump she is seen as by the studio -- she might be able to win the more coveted lead role. It does not work out. At a","Document [19](Title: The Star (2017 film)) The Star (2017 film) The Star is a 2017 American computer-animated Christian comedy film directed by Timothy Reckart. Based on the Nativity of Jesus, an original idea by Tom Sheridan, the screenplay was written by Carlos Kotkin and Simon Moore. It is produced by Sony Pictures Animation, with partnership from Walden Media, Affirm Films and The Jim Henson Company. It stars the voices of Steven Yeun, Gina Rodriguez, Zachary Levi, Keegan-Michael Key, Kelly Clarkson, Patricia Heaton, Kristin Chenoweth, Tracy Morgan, Tyler Perry, and Oprah Winfrey. The film was released by Columbia Pictures through its parental label Sony Pictures Entertainment on","Document [20](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) A Star Is Born (2018 film) A Star Is Born is a 2018 American musical romantic drama film produced and directed by Bradley Cooper (in his directorial debut) and written by Eric Roth, Cooper and Will Fetters. A remake of the 1937 film of the same name, it stars Cooper, Lady Gaga, Andrew Dice Clay, Dave Chappelle, and Sam Elliott, and follows a hard-drinking musician (Cooper) who discovers and falls in love with a young singer (Gaga). It marks the fourth remake of the original 1937 film, after the 1954 musical, the 1976 rock musical and the 2013 Bollywood romance"],"query":"when does the movie the star come out?","answers":["November 17, 2017"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Movie Star (song)) Movie Star (song) \"Movie Star\" is a song by Irish singer R\u00f3is\u00edn Murphy from her second studio album, \"Overpowered\" (2007). It was written by Murphy, Paul \"Seiji\" Dolby and Mike Patto, while production was handled by Parrot & Dean. The song was released digitally in the United States on 14 October 2008 as the album's fourth and final single. The track was set to be released as the album's fourth single on 21 July 2008, but was then pushed back many times for a release in November. It was to be released as a double A-side single with a cover","Document [2](Title: The Movie Star) The Movie Star \"The Movie Star\" is the eleventh episode of the American television series, \"Smash\". The episode aired on April 16, 2012. Rehearsal with Rebecca Duvall (Uma Thurman) as Marilyn gets off to a bumpy start. Within minutes, everyone realizes Duvall can't sing very well. Additionally, Duvall is unprofessional and self-centered, continually trying to change the show, blowing off events and showing up late, and creating a scene when a drunken ex-lover crashes rehearsal. In order to compensate for Duvall's lack of theatrical skills, Derek creates bigger parts for Karen (Katharine McPhee) and the newly rehired Ivy (Megan Hilty).","Document [3](Title: Star (2001 film)) Star (2001 film) Star is a 2001 Tamil action film directed by Praveen Gandhi and produced by Vijaykrishna. The film stars Prashanth and Jyothika in the lead roles while Raghuvaran, Vijayakumar, and Praveen Gandhi play other pivotal roles. The film's score and soundtrack are composed by A.R. Rahman, while the film is edited by M. N. Rajan. The film opened to poor reviews and performed below average at the box office in July 2001. Murthy (Prashanth) earns his living taking the blame for the mistakes of other people, and so the jail is his second home. Dhanushkodi (Raghuvaran) has sworn","Document [4](Title: Movie star) Movie star A movie star (also known as a film star and cinema star) is an actor who is famous for their starring, or leading, roles in motion pictures. The term is used for actors who are marketable stars and whose names are used to promote movies, for example in trailers and posters. In the early days of silent movies, the names of the actors and actresses appearing in them were not publicized or credited because producers feared this would result in demands for higher salaries. However, audience curiosity soon undermined this policy. By 1909, actresses such as Florence Lawrence","Document [5](Title: Film Star (film)) Film Star (film) Film Star is a 2005 Hindi film directed by Tanuja Chandra and starring Priyanshu Chatterjee, Mahima Chaudhry Vasundhara Das and Anup Shukla Hira Pandit (Mahima Chaudhry) is an actress who is nothing if not full of herself. Arrogant and thriving on only one thing - people adoring her unabashedly, and without stopping, just loving her! So naturally when this adoration stars to wane, she can't take it. Her vanity can't bear the fact that her popularity is slipping, that she's not getting nominated for awards, that her films simply aren't working like they used to. And at","Document [6](Title: Film Star (film)) out...as she realizes...that life...is much more than films. Film Star (film) Film Star is a 2005 Hindi film directed by Tanuja Chandra and starring Priyanshu Chatterjee, Mahima Chaudhry Vasundhara Das and Anup Shukla Hira Pandit (Mahima Chaudhry) is an actress who is nothing if not full of herself. Arrogant and thriving on only one thing - people adoring her unabashedly, and without stopping, just loving her! So naturally when this adoration stars to wane, she can't take it. Her vanity can't bear the fact that her popularity is slipping, that she's not getting nominated for awards, that her films simply","Document [7](Title: Movie star) as Aaron Aziz and Adi Putra. Movie star A movie star (also known as a film star and cinema star) is an actor who is famous for their starring, or leading, roles in motion pictures. The term is used for actors who are marketable stars and whose names are used to promote movies, for example in trailers and posters. In the early days of silent movies, the names of the actors and actresses appearing in them were not publicized or credited because producers feared this would result in demands for higher salaries. However, audience curiosity soon undermined this policy. By","Document [8](Title: A Star Is Born (1976 film)) with an average rating of 5.3\/10. On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 58 out of 100 based on 8 critics, indicating \"mixed or average reviews\". Roger Ebert gave the film two and a half stars out of four, writing in his review, \"There is, to begin with, no denying Barbra Streisand's enormous talent. At the end of 'A Star Is Born' the camera stays on her for one unbroken shot of seven or eight minutes, and she sings her heart out, and we concede that she's one of the great stars of the movies, one of","Document [9](Title: Star! (film)) last countries in which the film was released. When the film was in production, 15,000 people responded to promotional ads placed by 20th Century Fox for advance ticket sales in New York City, but a year later, when the studio followed up by mailing them order forms, only a very small percentage actually bought tickets. Sales were higher for Wednesday matinees than for Saturday nights, which indicated that a crucial component\u2014young adults\u2014would not be a large part of the picture's audience. The film opened in the US with little advance sale, and good-to-mediocre reviews. \"Star!\" was a commercial disappointment in","Document [10](Title: A Star Is Born (1954 film)) rumored that film restorer (and friend of Liza Minnelli) Michael Arick had a complete print of the film. \"A Star Is Born\", a remake itself, was again remade in 1976 with Barbra Streisand and Kris Kristofferson. The film was remade without permission in Bollywood as \"Aashiqui 2\" in 2013. The original film is in the public domain. The latest remake of \"A Star Is Born\" stars Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga, who also created new music for the project. Filming began April 17, 2017, and the film was released on October 5, 2018. The soundtrack has never been out of","Document [11](Title: Movie Star (song)) of Bryan Ferry's 1985 song \"Slave to Love\" to coincide with its use in the Gucci Pour Homme advertising campaign. On 4 December 2008, it was announced that the European and UK release of the single had been cancelled. Nevertheless, \"Movie Star\" was released digitally in the United States on 14 October 2008. Heather Phares of AllMusic referred to \"Movie Star\" as \"Murphy's spin on Goldfrapp's glossy glam pop (and the only time she seems in danger of being overpowered by someone else's sound on the album).\" Stephen Trouss of Pitchfork agreed, saying the song \"laces itself a little too","Document [12](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) theatrically released in the United States on October 5, 2018, by Warner Bros. The film has grossed over $376 million worldwide and received critical acclaim, with praise for Cooper, Gaga and Elliott's performances and Cooper's direction, as well as the screenplay, cinematography and music. It was chosen by both the National Board of Review and American Film Institute as one of the Top 10 Films of 2018, and received five nominations at the 76th Golden Globe Awards, including Best Motion Picture \u2013 Drama. Jackson Maine, a famous country music singer privately battling an alcohol and drug addiction, plays a concert","Document [13](Title: The Star (2017 film)) as he felt that there was a lack of Christmas films centering on the Nativity of Jesus: \"It felt like an opportunity to be part of a movie that has not been done before, that's really going to fill a void.\" The animation was produced by Cinesite Studios. Animation work began on January 2017. On January 5, 2017, it was reported that Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry would be in the film. The rest of the cast was announced on January 19, 2017. \"The Star (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)\" was released on October 27, 2017, including contributions from Jessie James","Document [14](Title: The Star (2017 film)) available on her YouTube channel. \"The Star\" was released on digital on February 6, 2018, and on DVD and Blu-ray on February 20, 2018 by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. \"The Star\" has grossed $40.9 million in the United States and Canada, and $22 million in other territories, for a worldwide total of $62.8 million, against a production budget of $20 million. In the United States and Canada, \"The Star\" was released alongside \"Justice League\" and \"Wonder\", and was projected to gross around $10 million from 2,800 theaters in its opening weekend. The film made $2.8 million on its first day.","Document [15](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) Canada. Jeff Goldstein, President of Domestic Distribution, Warner Bros. Pictures, said, \"Securing premium IMAX screens in this competitive holiday window, ten weeks into release, speaks to the quality of the film Bradley Cooper has delivered and the passion audiences have for this story. We are thrilled to be able to give moviegoers a chance to see 'A Star Is Born' again, or for the first time, in such an experiential format as IMAX.\" Warner Bros. announced that the film would be available for digital download through retailers on January 15, 2019, followed by its release on Blu-ray, DVD and 4K","Document [16](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) on a journey that mirrors the experience of seeing the film.\" \"A Star Is Born\" had its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival on August 31, 2018. It also screened at the Toronto International Film Festival, the San Sebasti\u00e1n International Film Festival, and the Zurich Film Festival in September 2018. The film was theatrically released in the United States on October 5, 2018, distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, after initially having been set for September 28, 2018, and May 18, 2018, releases. From December 7, 2018, the film had a limited release in IMAX theaters across United States and","Document [17](Title: The Star (1952 film)) as a saleswoman in an upscale department store, but overhearing some unkind gossip from two customers wounds her pride and she runs out. Her old agent manages to get her a screen test for a role in a film she'd always wanted to play. She is offered and takes a screen test for a supporting role, believing that if she plays that character as a sexy younger woman -- rather than the middle-aged frump she is seen as by the studio -- she might be able to win the more coveted lead role. It does not work out. At a","Document [18](Title: The Star (2017 film)) The Star (2017 film) The Star is a 2017 American computer-animated Christian comedy film directed by Timothy Reckart. Based on the Nativity of Jesus, an original idea by Tom Sheridan, the screenplay was written by Carlos Kotkin and Simon Moore. It is produced by Sony Pictures Animation, with partnership from Walden Media, Affirm Films and The Jim Henson Company. It stars the voices of Steven Yeun, Gina Rodriguez, Zachary Levi, Keegan-Michael Key, Kelly Clarkson, Patricia Heaton, Kristin Chenoweth, Tracy Morgan, Tyler Perry, and Oprah Winfrey. The film was released by Columbia Pictures through its parental label Sony Pictures Entertainment on","Document [19](Title: A Star Is Born (2018 film)) A Star Is Born (2018 film) A Star Is Born is a 2018 American musical romantic drama film produced and directed by Bradley Cooper (in his directorial debut) and written by Eric Roth, Cooper and Will Fetters. A remake of the 1937 film of the same name, it stars Cooper, Lady Gaga, Andrew Dice Clay, Dave Chappelle, and Sam Elliott, and follows a hard-drinking musician (Cooper) who discovers and falls in love with a young singer (Gaga). It marks the fourth remake of the original 1937 film, after the 1954 musical, the 1976 rock musical and the 2013 Bollywood romance","Document [20](Title: The Star (2017 film)) The film was released by Columbia Pictures through its parental label Sony Pictures Entertainment on November 17, 2017 in the United States. It was met with mixed reviews and has grossed $61 million worldwide. The film received a nomination for Best Original Song (\"The Star\") at the 75th Golden Globe Awards."],"query":"when does the movie the star come out?","answers":["November 17, 2017"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) A. planci has a very wide Indo-Pacific distribution. It is perhaps most common in Australia, but can occur at tropical and subtropical latitudes from the Red Sea and the east African coast across the Indian Ocean, and across the Pacific Ocean to the west coast of Central America. It occurs where coral reefs or hard coral communities occur in this region.","Document [2](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) occurs where coral reefs or hard coral communities occur in this region. The body form of the crown-of-thorns starfish is fundamentally the same as that of a typical starfish, with a central disk and radiating arms. Its special traits, however, include being disc-shaped, multiple-armed, flexible, prehensile, and heavily spined, and having a large ratio of stomach surface to body mass. Its prehensile ability arises from the two rows of numerous tube feet that extend to the tip of each arm. In being multiple-armed, it has lost the five-fold symmetry (pentamerism) typical of starfish, although it begins its life cycle with","Document [3](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) the starfish found no evidence of the starfish in the fish's guts. These carnivorous fish were caught commercially on the coral reefs on the Gulf of Oman and examined at local fish markets. One problem with the concept of predators of large juvenile and adult starfish causing total mortality is that the starfish have good regenerative powers and they wouldn't keep still while being eaten. Also, they would need to be consumed completely or almost completely to die. 17\u201360% of starfish in various populations had missing or regenerating arms. Clearly the starfish experience various levels of sublethal predation. When the","Document [4](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) it eradicates the bulk of the starfish in a given area, human divers can move in and remove the survivors. Field trials of the robot have begun in Moreton Bay in Brisbane to refine its navigation system, according to Queensland University of Technology researcher Matthew Dunbabin. There are no crown-of-thorns starfish in Moreton Bay, but when the navigation has been refined, the robot will be used on the reef. Crown-of-thorns starfish The crown-of-thorns starfish, \"Acanthaster planci\", is a large starfish that preys upon hard, or stony, coral polyps (Scleractinia). The crown-of-thorns starfish receives its name from venomous thorn-like spines that","Document [5](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) was an initial period of relatively slow growth while the starfish were feeding on coralline algae. This was followed by a phase of rapid growth which led to sexual maturity at the end of the second year. The starfish were in the vicinity of 200 mm diameter at this stage. They continued to grow rapidly and were in the order of 300 mm at 3 years of age. Then they reached a plateau between 3 and 4 years and tended to decline after 4 years. Gonad development was greater in the third and subsequent years than at 2 years and","Document [6](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) (four locations), Micronesia (two locations), and samples from one location each of the Great Barrier Reef, Fiji, Hawaii, and Gulf of California. A sample of 10 specimens of \"A. brevispinus\" from the Great Barrier Reef region was included for comparison. There was considerable genetic differentiation between the \"A. brevispinus\" and \"A. planci\" populations (D= 0.20 +\/- 0.02)(D is genetic distance). The genetic differences between geographic populations of \"A. planci\" were, however, small (D = 0.03 +\/- 0.00; Fsr = 0.07 + 0.02) (Fsr is standardized genetic variance for each polymorphic locus) despite the great distances separating them. A positive correlation","Document [7](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) between the Indian and Pacific Ocean populations. Those, however, off northern Western Australia had a strong Pacific affinity. With the exception of the very strong connection of southern Japanese populations to the Great Barrier Reef populations, the patterns of variation within regions were consistent with isolation by distance. Again, the pattern of decreasing levels of successful larval dispersal over long distances is apparent. Benzie suggests that the divergence between Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean populations began at least 1.6 million years ago and is likely to reflect responses to changes in climate and sea level. A more recent comprehensive geographic","Document [8](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) spines on the sides of the starfish's arms and upper (aboral) surface resemble thorns and create a crown-like shape, giving the creature its name. The spines are stiff and very sharp, and readily pierce through soft surfaces. Despite the battery of sharp spines on the aboral surface and blunt spines on the oral surface, the crown-of-thorns starfish's general body surface is membranous and soft. When the starfish is removed from the water, the body surface ruptures and the body fluid leaks out, so the body collapses and flattens. The spines bend over and flatten, as well. They recover their shape","Document [9](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) fecundity of this starfish. Babcock et al. (1993) monitored changes in fecundity and fertility (fertilisation rate) over the spawning season of the Crown-of-thorns starfish on Davies Reef, central Great Barrier Reef, from 1990 to 1992. The starfish were observed to spawn (photograph) from December to January (early to mid-summer) in this region with most observations being in January. However, both gonadosomatic index and fertility peaked early and declined to low levels by late January, indicating that most successful reproductive events took place early in the spawning season. In northern hemisphere coral reefs however, crown-of-thorns populations reproduce in April and May,","Document [10](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) in the central (Hawaii) and eastern Pacific (Gulf of California) populations suggests they were derived from those in the western Pacific. Further details of the genetic relationship between \"A. planci\" and \"Acanthaster brevispinus\" are presented in the entry for the latter species. These are clearly sibling species and it is suggested that \"A. planci\", the specialised coral-feeding species arose from \"A. brevispinus\", the less specialised soft-bottom inhabitant. In a very comprehensive geographic study, Benzie examined allozyme loci variation in 20 populations of \" A. planci\", throughout the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The most striking result was a very marked discontinuity","Document [11](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) testes are readily distinguished with the former being more yellow and having larger lobes. In section they are very different with the ovaries densely filled with nutrient-packed ova (see ovum and photograph) and the testes densely filled with sperm, which consist of little more than a nucleus and flagellum. Fecundity in female Crown-of-thorns starfish is related to size with large starfish committing proportionally more energy into ova production such that a: In coral reefs in the Philippines, female specimens were found with a gonadosomatic index (ratio of gonad mass to body mass) as high as 22%, which underlines the high","Document [12](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) ellisii\" came to be used for the distinctive starfish in the eastern Pacific Gulf of California. The eastern Pacific \"Acanthaster\" is very distinctive (see image to the right) with its rather 'plump' body, large disk to total diameter ratio and short, blunt spines. It gives the impression of living in a habitat where having sharp defenses against predators has little value, although it lives on coral reef and feeds on coral. Nishida and Lucas examined variation at 14 allozyme loci of ten population samples of \"A. planci\" using starch-gel electrophoresis. The samples were from localities across the Pacific: Ryukyu archipelago","Document [13](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) hypotheses focused on changes in the survival of juvenile and adult starfish - the \"predator removal hypothesis\": Many of the reports of fish preying on \"Acanthaster\" are single observations or presumed predation from the nature of the fish. For example, the humphead wrasse may prey on the starfish amongst its more usual diet. Individual puffer fish and trigger-fish have been observed to feed crown-of-thorns starfish in the Red Sea, but there is no evidence that they are a significant factor in population control. A study, however, based on the stomach contents of large carnivorous fish that are potential predators of","Document [14](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) this symmetry. Adult crown-of-thorns starfish normally range in size from . They have up to 21 arms. Although the body of the crown of thorns has a stiff appearance, it is able to bend and twist to fit around the contours of the corals on which it feeds. The underside of each arm has a series of closely fitting plates which form a groove and extend in rows to the mouth. They are usually of subdued colours, pale brown to grey-green, but they may be garish with bright warning colours in some parts of their wide range. The long, sharp","Document [15](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) survival rate increases to 0.1% (one in a thousand) throughout development from one spawning of 20 million eggs this would result in 20,000 adult starfish where the larvae have recruited. Since the larvae are the most abundant stages of development it is likely that changes in survival will be most importance during this phase of development. Temperature and salinity have little effect on the survival of crown-of-thorns larvae. However, abundance and species of the particular component of phytoplankton (unicellular flagellates) on which the larvae feed has a profound effect on survival and rate of growth. The abundance of phytoplankton cells","Document [16](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) central Great Barrier Reef region, large starfish (40 cm and greater diameter) killed about 61 cm\u00b2\/day in winter and 357\u2013478 cm\u00b2\/day in summer. Smaller starfish, 20\u201339 cm, killed 155 and 234 cm\u00b2\/day in the equivalent seasons. The area killed by the large starfish is equivalent to about from these observations. Differences in feeding and locomotion rates between summer and winter reflect the fact that the crown-of-thorns, like all marine invertebrates, is a poikilotherm whose body temperature and metabolic rate are directly affected by the temperature of the surrounding water. In tropical coral reefs, crown-of-thorns specimens reach mean locomotion rates of","Document [17](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) that it was first described in 1705. Rhumphius used the name \"Stella marina quindecium radiotorum\". Later, Linnaeus described it as \"Asterias planci\", based on an illustration by Plancus and Gualtieri (1743), when he introduced his system of binomial nomenclature. No type specimens are known; the specimen described by Plancus and Gualtieri (1743) is no longer extant. Subsequent generic names used for the crown-of-thorns starfish included \"Stellonia\", \"Echinaster\" and \"Echinites\", before settling on \"Acanthaster\" (Gervais 1841). Species names included \"echintes\", \"solaris\", \"mauritensis\", \"ellisii\", and \"ellisii pseudoplanci\" (with subspecies). Most of these names arose from confusion in the historical literature, but \"Acanthaster","Document [18](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) starfish larvae in experimental studies gave support for a mechanism for starfish outbreaks: increased terrestrial runoff \u2192 increased nutrients denser phytoplankton\u2191\u2192 better larval survival \u2192 increased starfish populations There have been further conformations of these connections, however research by Olson (1987), Kaufmann (2002), and Byrne (2016) suggests terrestrial runoff has little or no impact on larval survival. The conflicting data describing the negligible role of terrestrial agricultural runoff has been described as \"an inconvenient study\". There is also a flow-on effect in that where there are large starfish populations producing large numbers of larvae, there is likely to be heavy","Document [19](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) coral reefs where \"A. planci\" hasn't been found to the more typical reefs with \"A. planci\". Some ecologists suggest that the starfish has an important and active role in maintaining coral reef biodiversity, driving ecological succession. Before overpopulation became a significant issue, crown-of-thorns prevented fast-growing coral from overpowering the slower growing coral varieties. At high densities ('outbreaks', 'plagues'), which may be defined as when the starfish are too abundant for the coral food supply, coral cover goes into decline. The starfish must broaden their diet from their preferred species, colony size and shape. The starfish often aggregate during feeding, even","Document [20](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) is especially important. As autotrophs, phytoplankton abundance is strongly influenced by the concentration of inorganic nutrients, such as nitrogenous compounds. Birkeland had observed a correlation between the abundance of crown-of-thorns on reefs adjacent to land masses. These occurred on mainland islands as distinct from coral atolls about three years after heavy rainfall that followed a period of drought. He suggested that runoff from such heavy rainfall may stimulate phytoplankton blooms of sufficient size to produce enough food for the larvae of \"A. planci\" through input of nutrients. Combining Birkeland observations with the influence of inorganic nutrients on survival of the"],"query":"where did the crown of thorns starfish come from?","answers":["Indo-Pacific"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) occurs where coral reefs or hard coral communities occur in this region. The body form of the crown-of-thorns starfish is fundamentally the same as that of a typical starfish, with a central disk and radiating arms. Its special traits, however, include being disc-shaped, multiple-armed, flexible, prehensile, and heavily spined, and having a large ratio of stomach surface to body mass. Its prehensile ability arises from the two rows of numerous tube feet that extend to the tip of each arm. In being multiple-armed, it has lost the five-fold symmetry (pentamerism) typical of starfish, although it begins its life cycle with","Document [2](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) the starfish found no evidence of the starfish in the fish's guts. These carnivorous fish were caught commercially on the coral reefs on the Gulf of Oman and examined at local fish markets. One problem with the concept of predators of large juvenile and adult starfish causing total mortality is that the starfish have good regenerative powers and they wouldn't keep still while being eaten. Also, they would need to be consumed completely or almost completely to die. 17\u201360% of starfish in various populations had missing or regenerating arms. Clearly the starfish experience various levels of sublethal predation. When the","Document [3](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) it eradicates the bulk of the starfish in a given area, human divers can move in and remove the survivors. Field trials of the robot have begun in Moreton Bay in Brisbane to refine its navigation system, according to Queensland University of Technology researcher Matthew Dunbabin. There are no crown-of-thorns starfish in Moreton Bay, but when the navigation has been refined, the robot will be used on the reef. Crown-of-thorns starfish The crown-of-thorns starfish, \"Acanthaster planci\", is a large starfish that preys upon hard, or stony, coral polyps (Scleractinia). The crown-of-thorns starfish receives its name from venomous thorn-like spines that","Document [4](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) was an initial period of relatively slow growth while the starfish were feeding on coralline algae. This was followed by a phase of rapid growth which led to sexual maturity at the end of the second year. The starfish were in the vicinity of 200 mm diameter at this stage. They continued to grow rapidly and were in the order of 300 mm at 3 years of age. Then they reached a plateau between 3 and 4 years and tended to decline after 4 years. Gonad development was greater in the third and subsequent years than at 2 years and","Document [5](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) A. planci has a very wide Indo-Pacific distribution. It is perhaps most common in Australia, but can occur at tropical and subtropical latitudes from the Red Sea and the east African coast across the Indian Ocean, and across the Pacific Ocean to the west coast of Central America. It occurs where coral reefs or hard coral communities occur in this region.","Document [6](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) (four locations), Micronesia (two locations), and samples from one location each of the Great Barrier Reef, Fiji, Hawaii, and Gulf of California. A sample of 10 specimens of \"A. brevispinus\" from the Great Barrier Reef region was included for comparison. There was considerable genetic differentiation between the \"A. brevispinus\" and \"A. planci\" populations (D= 0.20 +\/- 0.02)(D is genetic distance). The genetic differences between geographic populations of \"A. planci\" were, however, small (D = 0.03 +\/- 0.00; Fsr = 0.07 + 0.02) (Fsr is standardized genetic variance for each polymorphic locus) despite the great distances separating them. A positive correlation","Document [7](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) between the Indian and Pacific Ocean populations. Those, however, off northern Western Australia had a strong Pacific affinity. With the exception of the very strong connection of southern Japanese populations to the Great Barrier Reef populations, the patterns of variation within regions were consistent with isolation by distance. Again, the pattern of decreasing levels of successful larval dispersal over long distances is apparent. Benzie suggests that the divergence between Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean populations began at least 1.6 million years ago and is likely to reflect responses to changes in climate and sea level. A more recent comprehensive geographic","Document [8](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) spines on the sides of the starfish's arms and upper (aboral) surface resemble thorns and create a crown-like shape, giving the creature its name. The spines are stiff and very sharp, and readily pierce through soft surfaces. Despite the battery of sharp spines on the aboral surface and blunt spines on the oral surface, the crown-of-thorns starfish's general body surface is membranous and soft. When the starfish is removed from the water, the body surface ruptures and the body fluid leaks out, so the body collapses and flattens. The spines bend over and flatten, as well. They recover their shape","Document [9](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) fecundity of this starfish. Babcock et al. (1993) monitored changes in fecundity and fertility (fertilisation rate) over the spawning season of the Crown-of-thorns starfish on Davies Reef, central Great Barrier Reef, from 1990 to 1992. The starfish were observed to spawn (photograph) from December to January (early to mid-summer) in this region with most observations being in January. However, both gonadosomatic index and fertility peaked early and declined to low levels by late January, indicating that most successful reproductive events took place early in the spawning season. In northern hemisphere coral reefs however, crown-of-thorns populations reproduce in April and May,","Document [10](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) in the central (Hawaii) and eastern Pacific (Gulf of California) populations suggests they were derived from those in the western Pacific. Further details of the genetic relationship between \"A. planci\" and \"Acanthaster brevispinus\" are presented in the entry for the latter species. These are clearly sibling species and it is suggested that \"A. planci\", the specialised coral-feeding species arose from \"A. brevispinus\", the less specialised soft-bottom inhabitant. In a very comprehensive geographic study, Benzie examined allozyme loci variation in 20 populations of \" A. planci\", throughout the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The most striking result was a very marked discontinuity","Document [11](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) testes are readily distinguished with the former being more yellow and having larger lobes. In section they are very different with the ovaries densely filled with nutrient-packed ova (see ovum and photograph) and the testes densely filled with sperm, which consist of little more than a nucleus and flagellum. Fecundity in female Crown-of-thorns starfish is related to size with large starfish committing proportionally more energy into ova production such that a: In coral reefs in the Philippines, female specimens were found with a gonadosomatic index (ratio of gonad mass to body mass) as high as 22%, which underlines the high","Document [12](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) ellisii\" came to be used for the distinctive starfish in the eastern Pacific Gulf of California. The eastern Pacific \"Acanthaster\" is very distinctive (see image to the right) with its rather 'plump' body, large disk to total diameter ratio and short, blunt spines. It gives the impression of living in a habitat where having sharp defenses against predators has little value, although it lives on coral reef and feeds on coral. Nishida and Lucas examined variation at 14 allozyme loci of ten population samples of \"A. planci\" using starch-gel electrophoresis. The samples were from localities across the Pacific: Ryukyu archipelago","Document [13](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) hypotheses focused on changes in the survival of juvenile and adult starfish - the \"predator removal hypothesis\": Many of the reports of fish preying on \"Acanthaster\" are single observations or presumed predation from the nature of the fish. For example, the humphead wrasse may prey on the starfish amongst its more usual diet. Individual puffer fish and trigger-fish have been observed to feed crown-of-thorns starfish in the Red Sea, but there is no evidence that they are a significant factor in population control. A study, however, based on the stomach contents of large carnivorous fish that are potential predators of","Document [14](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) this symmetry. Adult crown-of-thorns starfish normally range in size from . They have up to 21 arms. Although the body of the crown of thorns has a stiff appearance, it is able to bend and twist to fit around the contours of the corals on which it feeds. The underside of each arm has a series of closely fitting plates which form a groove and extend in rows to the mouth. They are usually of subdued colours, pale brown to grey-green, but they may be garish with bright warning colours in some parts of their wide range. The long, sharp","Document [15](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) survival rate increases to 0.1% (one in a thousand) throughout development from one spawning of 20 million eggs this would result in 20,000 adult starfish where the larvae have recruited. Since the larvae are the most abundant stages of development it is likely that changes in survival will be most importance during this phase of development. Temperature and salinity have little effect on the survival of crown-of-thorns larvae. However, abundance and species of the particular component of phytoplankton (unicellular flagellates) on which the larvae feed has a profound effect on survival and rate of growth. The abundance of phytoplankton cells","Document [16](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) central Great Barrier Reef region, large starfish (40 cm and greater diameter) killed about 61 cm\u00b2\/day in winter and 357\u2013478 cm\u00b2\/day in summer. Smaller starfish, 20\u201339 cm, killed 155 and 234 cm\u00b2\/day in the equivalent seasons. The area killed by the large starfish is equivalent to about from these observations. Differences in feeding and locomotion rates between summer and winter reflect the fact that the crown-of-thorns, like all marine invertebrates, is a poikilotherm whose body temperature and metabolic rate are directly affected by the temperature of the surrounding water. In tropical coral reefs, crown-of-thorns specimens reach mean locomotion rates of","Document [17](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) that it was first described in 1705. Rhumphius used the name \"Stella marina quindecium radiotorum\". Later, Linnaeus described it as \"Asterias planci\", based on an illustration by Plancus and Gualtieri (1743), when he introduced his system of binomial nomenclature. No type specimens are known; the specimen described by Plancus and Gualtieri (1743) is no longer extant. Subsequent generic names used for the crown-of-thorns starfish included \"Stellonia\", \"Echinaster\" and \"Echinites\", before settling on \"Acanthaster\" (Gervais 1841). Species names included \"echintes\", \"solaris\", \"mauritensis\", \"ellisii\", and \"ellisii pseudoplanci\" (with subspecies). Most of these names arose from confusion in the historical literature, but \"Acanthaster","Document [18](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) starfish larvae in experimental studies gave support for a mechanism for starfish outbreaks: increased terrestrial runoff \u2192 increased nutrients denser phytoplankton\u2191\u2192 better larval survival \u2192 increased starfish populations There have been further conformations of these connections, however research by Olson (1987), Kaufmann (2002), and Byrne (2016) suggests terrestrial runoff has little or no impact on larval survival. The conflicting data describing the negligible role of terrestrial agricultural runoff has been described as \"an inconvenient study\". There is also a flow-on effect in that where there are large starfish populations producing large numbers of larvae, there is likely to be heavy","Document [19](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) coral reefs where \"A. planci\" hasn't been found to the more typical reefs with \"A. planci\". Some ecologists suggest that the starfish has an important and active role in maintaining coral reef biodiversity, driving ecological succession. Before overpopulation became a significant issue, crown-of-thorns prevented fast-growing coral from overpowering the slower growing coral varieties. At high densities ('outbreaks', 'plagues'), which may be defined as when the starfish are too abundant for the coral food supply, coral cover goes into decline. The starfish must broaden their diet from their preferred species, colony size and shape. The starfish often aggregate during feeding, even","Document [20](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) is especially important. As autotrophs, phytoplankton abundance is strongly influenced by the concentration of inorganic nutrients, such as nitrogenous compounds. Birkeland had observed a correlation between the abundance of crown-of-thorns on reefs adjacent to land masses. These occurred on mainland islands as distinct from coral atolls about three years after heavy rainfall that followed a period of drought. He suggested that runoff from such heavy rainfall may stimulate phytoplankton blooms of sufficient size to produce enough food for the larvae of \"A. planci\" through input of nutrients. Combining Birkeland observations with the influence of inorganic nutrients on survival of the"],"query":"where did the crown of thorns starfish come from?","answers":["Indo-Pacific"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) occurs where coral reefs or hard coral communities occur in this region. The body form of the crown-of-thorns starfish is fundamentally the same as that of a typical starfish, with a central disk and radiating arms. Its special traits, however, include being disc-shaped, multiple-armed, flexible, prehensile, and heavily spined, and having a large ratio of stomach surface to body mass. Its prehensile ability arises from the two rows of numerous tube feet that extend to the tip of each arm. In being multiple-armed, it has lost the five-fold symmetry (pentamerism) typical of starfish, although it begins its life cycle with","Document [2](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) the starfish found no evidence of the starfish in the fish's guts. These carnivorous fish were caught commercially on the coral reefs on the Gulf of Oman and examined at local fish markets. One problem with the concept of predators of large juvenile and adult starfish causing total mortality is that the starfish have good regenerative powers and they wouldn't keep still while being eaten. Also, they would need to be consumed completely or almost completely to die. 17\u201360% of starfish in various populations had missing or regenerating arms. Clearly the starfish experience various levels of sublethal predation. When the","Document [3](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) it eradicates the bulk of the starfish in a given area, human divers can move in and remove the survivors. Field trials of the robot have begun in Moreton Bay in Brisbane to refine its navigation system, according to Queensland University of Technology researcher Matthew Dunbabin. There are no crown-of-thorns starfish in Moreton Bay, but when the navigation has been refined, the robot will be used on the reef. Crown-of-thorns starfish The crown-of-thorns starfish, \"Acanthaster planci\", is a large starfish that preys upon hard, or stony, coral polyps (Scleractinia). The crown-of-thorns starfish receives its name from venomous thorn-like spines that","Document [4](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) was an initial period of relatively slow growth while the starfish were feeding on coralline algae. This was followed by a phase of rapid growth which led to sexual maturity at the end of the second year. The starfish were in the vicinity of 200 mm diameter at this stage. They continued to grow rapidly and were in the order of 300 mm at 3 years of age. Then they reached a plateau between 3 and 4 years and tended to decline after 4 years. Gonad development was greater in the third and subsequent years than at 2 years and","Document [5](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) (four locations), Micronesia (two locations), and samples from one location each of the Great Barrier Reef, Fiji, Hawaii, and Gulf of California. A sample of 10 specimens of \"A. brevispinus\" from the Great Barrier Reef region was included for comparison. There was considerable genetic differentiation between the \"A. brevispinus\" and \"A. planci\" populations (D= 0.20 +\/- 0.02)(D is genetic distance). The genetic differences between geographic populations of \"A. planci\" were, however, small (D = 0.03 +\/- 0.00; Fsr = 0.07 + 0.02) (Fsr is standardized genetic variance for each polymorphic locus) despite the great distances separating them. A positive correlation","Document [6](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) between the Indian and Pacific Ocean populations. Those, however, off northern Western Australia had a strong Pacific affinity. With the exception of the very strong connection of southern Japanese populations to the Great Barrier Reef populations, the patterns of variation within regions were consistent with isolation by distance. Again, the pattern of decreasing levels of successful larval dispersal over long distances is apparent. Benzie suggests that the divergence between Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean populations began at least 1.6 million years ago and is likely to reflect responses to changes in climate and sea level. A more recent comprehensive geographic","Document [7](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) spines on the sides of the starfish's arms and upper (aboral) surface resemble thorns and create a crown-like shape, giving the creature its name. The spines are stiff and very sharp, and readily pierce through soft surfaces. Despite the battery of sharp spines on the aboral surface and blunt spines on the oral surface, the crown-of-thorns starfish's general body surface is membranous and soft. When the starfish is removed from the water, the body surface ruptures and the body fluid leaks out, so the body collapses and flattens. The spines bend over and flatten, as well. They recover their shape","Document [8](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) fecundity of this starfish. Babcock et al. (1993) monitored changes in fecundity and fertility (fertilisation rate) over the spawning season of the Crown-of-thorns starfish on Davies Reef, central Great Barrier Reef, from 1990 to 1992. The starfish were observed to spawn (photograph) from December to January (early to mid-summer) in this region with most observations being in January. However, both gonadosomatic index and fertility peaked early and declined to low levels by late January, indicating that most successful reproductive events took place early in the spawning season. In northern hemisphere coral reefs however, crown-of-thorns populations reproduce in April and May,","Document [9](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) in the central (Hawaii) and eastern Pacific (Gulf of California) populations suggests they were derived from those in the western Pacific. Further details of the genetic relationship between \"A. planci\" and \"Acanthaster brevispinus\" are presented in the entry for the latter species. These are clearly sibling species and it is suggested that \"A. planci\", the specialised coral-feeding species arose from \"A. brevispinus\", the less specialised soft-bottom inhabitant. In a very comprehensive geographic study, Benzie examined allozyme loci variation in 20 populations of \" A. planci\", throughout the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The most striking result was a very marked discontinuity","Document [10](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) A. planci has a very wide Indo-Pacific distribution. It is perhaps most common in Australia, but can occur at tropical and subtropical latitudes from the Red Sea and the east African coast across the Indian Ocean, and across the Pacific Ocean to the west coast of Central America. It occurs where coral reefs or hard coral communities occur in this region.","Document [11](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) testes are readily distinguished with the former being more yellow and having larger lobes. In section they are very different with the ovaries densely filled with nutrient-packed ova (see ovum and photograph) and the testes densely filled with sperm, which consist of little more than a nucleus and flagellum. Fecundity in female Crown-of-thorns starfish is related to size with large starfish committing proportionally more energy into ova production such that a: In coral reefs in the Philippines, female specimens were found with a gonadosomatic index (ratio of gonad mass to body mass) as high as 22%, which underlines the high","Document [12](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) ellisii\" came to be used for the distinctive starfish in the eastern Pacific Gulf of California. The eastern Pacific \"Acanthaster\" is very distinctive (see image to the right) with its rather 'plump' body, large disk to total diameter ratio and short, blunt spines. It gives the impression of living in a habitat where having sharp defenses against predators has little value, although it lives on coral reef and feeds on coral. Nishida and Lucas examined variation at 14 allozyme loci of ten population samples of \"A. planci\" using starch-gel electrophoresis. The samples were from localities across the Pacific: Ryukyu archipelago","Document [13](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) hypotheses focused on changes in the survival of juvenile and adult starfish - the \"predator removal hypothesis\": Many of the reports of fish preying on \"Acanthaster\" are single observations or presumed predation from the nature of the fish. For example, the humphead wrasse may prey on the starfish amongst its more usual diet. Individual puffer fish and trigger-fish have been observed to feed crown-of-thorns starfish in the Red Sea, but there is no evidence that they are a significant factor in population control. A study, however, based on the stomach contents of large carnivorous fish that are potential predators of","Document [14](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) this symmetry. Adult crown-of-thorns starfish normally range in size from . They have up to 21 arms. Although the body of the crown of thorns has a stiff appearance, it is able to bend and twist to fit around the contours of the corals on which it feeds. The underside of each arm has a series of closely fitting plates which form a groove and extend in rows to the mouth. They are usually of subdued colours, pale brown to grey-green, but they may be garish with bright warning colours in some parts of their wide range. The long, sharp","Document [15](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) survival rate increases to 0.1% (one in a thousand) throughout development from one spawning of 20 million eggs this would result in 20,000 adult starfish where the larvae have recruited. Since the larvae are the most abundant stages of development it is likely that changes in survival will be most importance during this phase of development. Temperature and salinity have little effect on the survival of crown-of-thorns larvae. However, abundance and species of the particular component of phytoplankton (unicellular flagellates) on which the larvae feed has a profound effect on survival and rate of growth. The abundance of phytoplankton cells","Document [16](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) central Great Barrier Reef region, large starfish (40 cm and greater diameter) killed about 61 cm\u00b2\/day in winter and 357\u2013478 cm\u00b2\/day in summer. Smaller starfish, 20\u201339 cm, killed 155 and 234 cm\u00b2\/day in the equivalent seasons. The area killed by the large starfish is equivalent to about from these observations. Differences in feeding and locomotion rates between summer and winter reflect the fact that the crown-of-thorns, like all marine invertebrates, is a poikilotherm whose body temperature and metabolic rate are directly affected by the temperature of the surrounding water. In tropical coral reefs, crown-of-thorns specimens reach mean locomotion rates of","Document [17](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) that it was first described in 1705. Rhumphius used the name \"Stella marina quindecium radiotorum\". Later, Linnaeus described it as \"Asterias planci\", based on an illustration by Plancus and Gualtieri (1743), when he introduced his system of binomial nomenclature. No type specimens are known; the specimen described by Plancus and Gualtieri (1743) is no longer extant. Subsequent generic names used for the crown-of-thorns starfish included \"Stellonia\", \"Echinaster\" and \"Echinites\", before settling on \"Acanthaster\" (Gervais 1841). Species names included \"echintes\", \"solaris\", \"mauritensis\", \"ellisii\", and \"ellisii pseudoplanci\" (with subspecies). Most of these names arose from confusion in the historical literature, but \"Acanthaster","Document [18](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) starfish larvae in experimental studies gave support for a mechanism for starfish outbreaks: increased terrestrial runoff \u2192 increased nutrients denser phytoplankton\u2191\u2192 better larval survival \u2192 increased starfish populations There have been further conformations of these connections, however research by Olson (1987), Kaufmann (2002), and Byrne (2016) suggests terrestrial runoff has little or no impact on larval survival. The conflicting data describing the negligible role of terrestrial agricultural runoff has been described as \"an inconvenient study\". There is also a flow-on effect in that where there are large starfish populations producing large numbers of larvae, there is likely to be heavy","Document [19](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) coral reefs where \"A. planci\" hasn't been found to the more typical reefs with \"A. planci\". Some ecologists suggest that the starfish has an important and active role in maintaining coral reef biodiversity, driving ecological succession. Before overpopulation became a significant issue, crown-of-thorns prevented fast-growing coral from overpowering the slower growing coral varieties. At high densities ('outbreaks', 'plagues'), which may be defined as when the starfish are too abundant for the coral food supply, coral cover goes into decline. The starfish must broaden their diet from their preferred species, colony size and shape. The starfish often aggregate during feeding, even","Document [20](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) is especially important. As autotrophs, phytoplankton abundance is strongly influenced by the concentration of inorganic nutrients, such as nitrogenous compounds. Birkeland had observed a correlation between the abundance of crown-of-thorns on reefs adjacent to land masses. These occurred on mainland islands as distinct from coral atolls about three years after heavy rainfall that followed a period of drought. He suggested that runoff from such heavy rainfall may stimulate phytoplankton blooms of sufficient size to produce enough food for the larvae of \"A. planci\" through input of nutrients. Combining Birkeland observations with the influence of inorganic nutrients on survival of the"],"query":"where did the crown of thorns starfish come from?","answers":["Indo-Pacific"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) occurs where coral reefs or hard coral communities occur in this region. The body form of the crown-of-thorns starfish is fundamentally the same as that of a typical starfish, with a central disk and radiating arms. Its special traits, however, include being disc-shaped, multiple-armed, flexible, prehensile, and heavily spined, and having a large ratio of stomach surface to body mass. Its prehensile ability arises from the two rows of numerous tube feet that extend to the tip of each arm. In being multiple-armed, it has lost the five-fold symmetry (pentamerism) typical of starfish, although it begins its life cycle with","Document [2](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) the starfish found no evidence of the starfish in the fish's guts. These carnivorous fish were caught commercially on the coral reefs on the Gulf of Oman and examined at local fish markets. One problem with the concept of predators of large juvenile and adult starfish causing total mortality is that the starfish have good regenerative powers and they wouldn't keep still while being eaten. Also, they would need to be consumed completely or almost completely to die. 17\u201360% of starfish in various populations had missing or regenerating arms. Clearly the starfish experience various levels of sublethal predation. When the","Document [3](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) it eradicates the bulk of the starfish in a given area, human divers can move in and remove the survivors. Field trials of the robot have begun in Moreton Bay in Brisbane to refine its navigation system, according to Queensland University of Technology researcher Matthew Dunbabin. There are no crown-of-thorns starfish in Moreton Bay, but when the navigation has been refined, the robot will be used on the reef. Crown-of-thorns starfish The crown-of-thorns starfish, \"Acanthaster planci\", is a large starfish that preys upon hard, or stony, coral polyps (Scleractinia). The crown-of-thorns starfish receives its name from venomous thorn-like spines that","Document [4](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) was an initial period of relatively slow growth while the starfish were feeding on coralline algae. This was followed by a phase of rapid growth which led to sexual maturity at the end of the second year. The starfish were in the vicinity of 200 mm diameter at this stage. They continued to grow rapidly and were in the order of 300 mm at 3 years of age. Then they reached a plateau between 3 and 4 years and tended to decline after 4 years. Gonad development was greater in the third and subsequent years than at 2 years and","Document [5](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) (four locations), Micronesia (two locations), and samples from one location each of the Great Barrier Reef, Fiji, Hawaii, and Gulf of California. A sample of 10 specimens of \"A. brevispinus\" from the Great Barrier Reef region was included for comparison. There was considerable genetic differentiation between the \"A. brevispinus\" and \"A. planci\" populations (D= 0.20 +\/- 0.02)(D is genetic distance). The genetic differences between geographic populations of \"A. planci\" were, however, small (D = 0.03 +\/- 0.00; Fsr = 0.07 + 0.02) (Fsr is standardized genetic variance for each polymorphic locus) despite the great distances separating them. A positive correlation","Document [6](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) between the Indian and Pacific Ocean populations. Those, however, off northern Western Australia had a strong Pacific affinity. With the exception of the very strong connection of southern Japanese populations to the Great Barrier Reef populations, the patterns of variation within regions were consistent with isolation by distance. Again, the pattern of decreasing levels of successful larval dispersal over long distances is apparent. Benzie suggests that the divergence between Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean populations began at least 1.6 million years ago and is likely to reflect responses to changes in climate and sea level. A more recent comprehensive geographic","Document [7](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) spines on the sides of the starfish's arms and upper (aboral) surface resemble thorns and create a crown-like shape, giving the creature its name. The spines are stiff and very sharp, and readily pierce through soft surfaces. Despite the battery of sharp spines on the aboral surface and blunt spines on the oral surface, the crown-of-thorns starfish's general body surface is membranous and soft. When the starfish is removed from the water, the body surface ruptures and the body fluid leaks out, so the body collapses and flattens. The spines bend over and flatten, as well. They recover their shape","Document [8](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) fecundity of this starfish. Babcock et al. (1993) monitored changes in fecundity and fertility (fertilisation rate) over the spawning season of the Crown-of-thorns starfish on Davies Reef, central Great Barrier Reef, from 1990 to 1992. The starfish were observed to spawn (photograph) from December to January (early to mid-summer) in this region with most observations being in January. However, both gonadosomatic index and fertility peaked early and declined to low levels by late January, indicating that most successful reproductive events took place early in the spawning season. In northern hemisphere coral reefs however, crown-of-thorns populations reproduce in April and May,","Document [9](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) in the central (Hawaii) and eastern Pacific (Gulf of California) populations suggests they were derived from those in the western Pacific. Further details of the genetic relationship between \"A. planci\" and \"Acanthaster brevispinus\" are presented in the entry for the latter species. These are clearly sibling species and it is suggested that \"A. planci\", the specialised coral-feeding species arose from \"A. brevispinus\", the less specialised soft-bottom inhabitant. In a very comprehensive geographic study, Benzie examined allozyme loci variation in 20 populations of \" A. planci\", throughout the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The most striking result was a very marked discontinuity","Document [10](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) testes are readily distinguished with the former being more yellow and having larger lobes. In section they are very different with the ovaries densely filled with nutrient-packed ova (see ovum and photograph) and the testes densely filled with sperm, which consist of little more than a nucleus and flagellum. Fecundity in female Crown-of-thorns starfish is related to size with large starfish committing proportionally more energy into ova production such that a: In coral reefs in the Philippines, female specimens were found with a gonadosomatic index (ratio of gonad mass to body mass) as high as 22%, which underlines the high","Document [11](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) ellisii\" came to be used for the distinctive starfish in the eastern Pacific Gulf of California. The eastern Pacific \"Acanthaster\" is very distinctive (see image to the right) with its rather 'plump' body, large disk to total diameter ratio and short, blunt spines. It gives the impression of living in a habitat where having sharp defenses against predators has little value, although it lives on coral reef and feeds on coral. Nishida and Lucas examined variation at 14 allozyme loci of ten population samples of \"A. planci\" using starch-gel electrophoresis. The samples were from localities across the Pacific: Ryukyu archipelago","Document [12](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) hypotheses focused on changes in the survival of juvenile and adult starfish - the \"predator removal hypothesis\": Many of the reports of fish preying on \"Acanthaster\" are single observations or presumed predation from the nature of the fish. For example, the humphead wrasse may prey on the starfish amongst its more usual diet. Individual puffer fish and trigger-fish have been observed to feed crown-of-thorns starfish in the Red Sea, but there is no evidence that they are a significant factor in population control. A study, however, based on the stomach contents of large carnivorous fish that are potential predators of","Document [13](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) this symmetry. Adult crown-of-thorns starfish normally range in size from . They have up to 21 arms. Although the body of the crown of thorns has a stiff appearance, it is able to bend and twist to fit around the contours of the corals on which it feeds. The underside of each arm has a series of closely fitting plates which form a groove and extend in rows to the mouth. They are usually of subdued colours, pale brown to grey-green, but they may be garish with bright warning colours in some parts of their wide range. The long, sharp","Document [14](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) survival rate increases to 0.1% (one in a thousand) throughout development from one spawning of 20 million eggs this would result in 20,000 adult starfish where the larvae have recruited. Since the larvae are the most abundant stages of development it is likely that changes in survival will be most importance during this phase of development. Temperature and salinity have little effect on the survival of crown-of-thorns larvae. However, abundance and species of the particular component of phytoplankton (unicellular flagellates) on which the larvae feed has a profound effect on survival and rate of growth. The abundance of phytoplankton cells","Document [15](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) A. planci has a very wide Indo-Pacific distribution. It is perhaps most common in Australia, but can occur at tropical and subtropical latitudes from the Red Sea and the east African coast across the Indian Ocean, and across the Pacific Ocean to the west coast of Central America. It occurs where coral reefs or hard coral communities occur in this region.","Document [16](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) central Great Barrier Reef region, large starfish (40 cm and greater diameter) killed about 61 cm\u00b2\/day in winter and 357\u2013478 cm\u00b2\/day in summer. Smaller starfish, 20\u201339 cm, killed 155 and 234 cm\u00b2\/day in the equivalent seasons. The area killed by the large starfish is equivalent to about from these observations. Differences in feeding and locomotion rates between summer and winter reflect the fact that the crown-of-thorns, like all marine invertebrates, is a poikilotherm whose body temperature and metabolic rate are directly affected by the temperature of the surrounding water. In tropical coral reefs, crown-of-thorns specimens reach mean locomotion rates of","Document [17](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) that it was first described in 1705. Rhumphius used the name \"Stella marina quindecium radiotorum\". Later, Linnaeus described it as \"Asterias planci\", based on an illustration by Plancus and Gualtieri (1743), when he introduced his system of binomial nomenclature. No type specimens are known; the specimen described by Plancus and Gualtieri (1743) is no longer extant. Subsequent generic names used for the crown-of-thorns starfish included \"Stellonia\", \"Echinaster\" and \"Echinites\", before settling on \"Acanthaster\" (Gervais 1841). Species names included \"echintes\", \"solaris\", \"mauritensis\", \"ellisii\", and \"ellisii pseudoplanci\" (with subspecies). Most of these names arose from confusion in the historical literature, but \"Acanthaster","Document [18](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) starfish larvae in experimental studies gave support for a mechanism for starfish outbreaks: increased terrestrial runoff \u2192 increased nutrients denser phytoplankton\u2191\u2192 better larval survival \u2192 increased starfish populations There have been further conformations of these connections, however research by Olson (1987), Kaufmann (2002), and Byrne (2016) suggests terrestrial runoff has little or no impact on larval survival. The conflicting data describing the negligible role of terrestrial agricultural runoff has been described as \"an inconvenient study\". There is also a flow-on effect in that where there are large starfish populations producing large numbers of larvae, there is likely to be heavy","Document [19](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) coral reefs where \"A. planci\" hasn't been found to the more typical reefs with \"A. planci\". Some ecologists suggest that the starfish has an important and active role in maintaining coral reef biodiversity, driving ecological succession. Before overpopulation became a significant issue, crown-of-thorns prevented fast-growing coral from overpowering the slower growing coral varieties. At high densities ('outbreaks', 'plagues'), which may be defined as when the starfish are too abundant for the coral food supply, coral cover goes into decline. The starfish must broaden their diet from their preferred species, colony size and shape. The starfish often aggregate during feeding, even","Document [20](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) is especially important. As autotrophs, phytoplankton abundance is strongly influenced by the concentration of inorganic nutrients, such as nitrogenous compounds. Birkeland had observed a correlation between the abundance of crown-of-thorns on reefs adjacent to land masses. These occurred on mainland islands as distinct from coral atolls about three years after heavy rainfall that followed a period of drought. He suggested that runoff from such heavy rainfall may stimulate phytoplankton blooms of sufficient size to produce enough food for the larvae of \"A. planci\" through input of nutrients. Combining Birkeland observations with the influence of inorganic nutrients on survival of the"],"query":"where did the crown of thorns starfish come from?","answers":["Indo-Pacific"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) occurs where coral reefs or hard coral communities occur in this region. The body form of the crown-of-thorns starfish is fundamentally the same as that of a typical starfish, with a central disk and radiating arms. Its special traits, however, include being disc-shaped, multiple-armed, flexible, prehensile, and heavily spined, and having a large ratio of stomach surface to body mass. Its prehensile ability arises from the two rows of numerous tube feet that extend to the tip of each arm. In being multiple-armed, it has lost the five-fold symmetry (pentamerism) typical of starfish, although it begins its life cycle with","Document [2](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) the starfish found no evidence of the starfish in the fish's guts. These carnivorous fish were caught commercially on the coral reefs on the Gulf of Oman and examined at local fish markets. One problem with the concept of predators of large juvenile and adult starfish causing total mortality is that the starfish have good regenerative powers and they wouldn't keep still while being eaten. Also, they would need to be consumed completely or almost completely to die. 17\u201360% of starfish in various populations had missing or regenerating arms. Clearly the starfish experience various levels of sublethal predation. When the","Document [3](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) it eradicates the bulk of the starfish in a given area, human divers can move in and remove the survivors. Field trials of the robot have begun in Moreton Bay in Brisbane to refine its navigation system, according to Queensland University of Technology researcher Matthew Dunbabin. There are no crown-of-thorns starfish in Moreton Bay, but when the navigation has been refined, the robot will be used on the reef. Crown-of-thorns starfish The crown-of-thorns starfish, \"Acanthaster planci\", is a large starfish that preys upon hard, or stony, coral polyps (Scleractinia). The crown-of-thorns starfish receives its name from venomous thorn-like spines that","Document [4](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) was an initial period of relatively slow growth while the starfish were feeding on coralline algae. This was followed by a phase of rapid growth which led to sexual maturity at the end of the second year. The starfish were in the vicinity of 200 mm diameter at this stage. They continued to grow rapidly and were in the order of 300 mm at 3 years of age. Then they reached a plateau between 3 and 4 years and tended to decline after 4 years. Gonad development was greater in the third and subsequent years than at 2 years and","Document [5](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) (four locations), Micronesia (two locations), and samples from one location each of the Great Barrier Reef, Fiji, Hawaii, and Gulf of California. A sample of 10 specimens of \"A. brevispinus\" from the Great Barrier Reef region was included for comparison. There was considerable genetic differentiation between the \"A. brevispinus\" and \"A. planci\" populations (D= 0.20 +\/- 0.02)(D is genetic distance). The genetic differences between geographic populations of \"A. planci\" were, however, small (D = 0.03 +\/- 0.00; Fsr = 0.07 + 0.02) (Fsr is standardized genetic variance for each polymorphic locus) despite the great distances separating them. A positive correlation","Document [6](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) between the Indian and Pacific Ocean populations. Those, however, off northern Western Australia had a strong Pacific affinity. With the exception of the very strong connection of southern Japanese populations to the Great Barrier Reef populations, the patterns of variation within regions were consistent with isolation by distance. Again, the pattern of decreasing levels of successful larval dispersal over long distances is apparent. Benzie suggests that the divergence between Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean populations began at least 1.6 million years ago and is likely to reflect responses to changes in climate and sea level. A more recent comprehensive geographic","Document [7](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) spines on the sides of the starfish's arms and upper (aboral) surface resemble thorns and create a crown-like shape, giving the creature its name. The spines are stiff and very sharp, and readily pierce through soft surfaces. Despite the battery of sharp spines on the aboral surface and blunt spines on the oral surface, the crown-of-thorns starfish's general body surface is membranous and soft. When the starfish is removed from the water, the body surface ruptures and the body fluid leaks out, so the body collapses and flattens. The spines bend over and flatten, as well. They recover their shape","Document [8](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) fecundity of this starfish. Babcock et al. (1993) monitored changes in fecundity and fertility (fertilisation rate) over the spawning season of the Crown-of-thorns starfish on Davies Reef, central Great Barrier Reef, from 1990 to 1992. The starfish were observed to spawn (photograph) from December to January (early to mid-summer) in this region with most observations being in January. However, both gonadosomatic index and fertility peaked early and declined to low levels by late January, indicating that most successful reproductive events took place early in the spawning season. In northern hemisphere coral reefs however, crown-of-thorns populations reproduce in April and May,","Document [9](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) in the central (Hawaii) and eastern Pacific (Gulf of California) populations suggests they were derived from those in the western Pacific. Further details of the genetic relationship between \"A. planci\" and \"Acanthaster brevispinus\" are presented in the entry for the latter species. These are clearly sibling species and it is suggested that \"A. planci\", the specialised coral-feeding species arose from \"A. brevispinus\", the less specialised soft-bottom inhabitant. In a very comprehensive geographic study, Benzie examined allozyme loci variation in 20 populations of \" A. planci\", throughout the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The most striking result was a very marked discontinuity","Document [10](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) testes are readily distinguished with the former being more yellow and having larger lobes. In section they are very different with the ovaries densely filled with nutrient-packed ova (see ovum and photograph) and the testes densely filled with sperm, which consist of little more than a nucleus and flagellum. Fecundity in female Crown-of-thorns starfish is related to size with large starfish committing proportionally more energy into ova production such that a: In coral reefs in the Philippines, female specimens were found with a gonadosomatic index (ratio of gonad mass to body mass) as high as 22%, which underlines the high","Document [11](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) ellisii\" came to be used for the distinctive starfish in the eastern Pacific Gulf of California. The eastern Pacific \"Acanthaster\" is very distinctive (see image to the right) with its rather 'plump' body, large disk to total diameter ratio and short, blunt spines. It gives the impression of living in a habitat where having sharp defenses against predators has little value, although it lives on coral reef and feeds on coral. Nishida and Lucas examined variation at 14 allozyme loci of ten population samples of \"A. planci\" using starch-gel electrophoresis. The samples were from localities across the Pacific: Ryukyu archipelago","Document [12](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) hypotheses focused on changes in the survival of juvenile and adult starfish - the \"predator removal hypothesis\": Many of the reports of fish preying on \"Acanthaster\" are single observations or presumed predation from the nature of the fish. For example, the humphead wrasse may prey on the starfish amongst its more usual diet. Individual puffer fish and trigger-fish have been observed to feed crown-of-thorns starfish in the Red Sea, but there is no evidence that they are a significant factor in population control. A study, however, based on the stomach contents of large carnivorous fish that are potential predators of","Document [13](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) this symmetry. Adult crown-of-thorns starfish normally range in size from . They have up to 21 arms. Although the body of the crown of thorns has a stiff appearance, it is able to bend and twist to fit around the contours of the corals on which it feeds. The underside of each arm has a series of closely fitting plates which form a groove and extend in rows to the mouth. They are usually of subdued colours, pale brown to grey-green, but they may be garish with bright warning colours in some parts of their wide range. The long, sharp","Document [14](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) survival rate increases to 0.1% (one in a thousand) throughout development from one spawning of 20 million eggs this would result in 20,000 adult starfish where the larvae have recruited. Since the larvae are the most abundant stages of development it is likely that changes in survival will be most importance during this phase of development. Temperature and salinity have little effect on the survival of crown-of-thorns larvae. However, abundance and species of the particular component of phytoplankton (unicellular flagellates) on which the larvae feed has a profound effect on survival and rate of growth. The abundance of phytoplankton cells","Document [15](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) central Great Barrier Reef region, large starfish (40 cm and greater diameter) killed about 61 cm\u00b2\/day in winter and 357\u2013478 cm\u00b2\/day in summer. Smaller starfish, 20\u201339 cm, killed 155 and 234 cm\u00b2\/day in the equivalent seasons. The area killed by the large starfish is equivalent to about from these observations. Differences in feeding and locomotion rates between summer and winter reflect the fact that the crown-of-thorns, like all marine invertebrates, is a poikilotherm whose body temperature and metabolic rate are directly affected by the temperature of the surrounding water. In tropical coral reefs, crown-of-thorns specimens reach mean locomotion rates of","Document [16](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) that it was first described in 1705. Rhumphius used the name \"Stella marina quindecium radiotorum\". Later, Linnaeus described it as \"Asterias planci\", based on an illustration by Plancus and Gualtieri (1743), when he introduced his system of binomial nomenclature. No type specimens are known; the specimen described by Plancus and Gualtieri (1743) is no longer extant. Subsequent generic names used for the crown-of-thorns starfish included \"Stellonia\", \"Echinaster\" and \"Echinites\", before settling on \"Acanthaster\" (Gervais 1841). Species names included \"echintes\", \"solaris\", \"mauritensis\", \"ellisii\", and \"ellisii pseudoplanci\" (with subspecies). Most of these names arose from confusion in the historical literature, but \"Acanthaster","Document [17](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) starfish larvae in experimental studies gave support for a mechanism for starfish outbreaks: increased terrestrial runoff \u2192 increased nutrients denser phytoplankton\u2191\u2192 better larval survival \u2192 increased starfish populations There have been further conformations of these connections, however research by Olson (1987), Kaufmann (2002), and Byrne (2016) suggests terrestrial runoff has little or no impact on larval survival. The conflicting data describing the negligible role of terrestrial agricultural runoff has been described as \"an inconvenient study\". There is also a flow-on effect in that where there are large starfish populations producing large numbers of larvae, there is likely to be heavy","Document [18](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) coral reefs where \"A. planci\" hasn't been found to the more typical reefs with \"A. planci\". Some ecologists suggest that the starfish has an important and active role in maintaining coral reef biodiversity, driving ecological succession. Before overpopulation became a significant issue, crown-of-thorns prevented fast-growing coral from overpowering the slower growing coral varieties. At high densities ('outbreaks', 'plagues'), which may be defined as when the starfish are too abundant for the coral food supply, coral cover goes into decline. The starfish must broaden their diet from their preferred species, colony size and shape. The starfish often aggregate during feeding, even","Document [19](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) is especially important. As autotrophs, phytoplankton abundance is strongly influenced by the concentration of inorganic nutrients, such as nitrogenous compounds. Birkeland had observed a correlation between the abundance of crown-of-thorns on reefs adjacent to land masses. These occurred on mainland islands as distinct from coral atolls about three years after heavy rainfall that followed a period of drought. He suggested that runoff from such heavy rainfall may stimulate phytoplankton blooms of sufficient size to produce enough food for the larvae of \"A. planci\" through input of nutrients. Combining Birkeland observations with the influence of inorganic nutrients on survival of the","Document [20](Title: Crown-of-thorns starfish) A. planci has a very wide Indo-Pacific distribution. It is perhaps most common in Australia, but can occur at tropical and subtropical latitudes from the Red Sea and the east African coast across the Indian Ocean, and across the Pacific Ocean to the west coast of Central America. It occurs where coral reefs or hard coral communities occur in this region."],"query":"where did the crown of thorns starfish come from?","answers":["Indo-Pacific"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho (song)) Kal Ho Naa Ho (Hindi: \u0915\u0932 \u0939\u094b \u0928\u093e \u0939\u094b, English: Tomorrow May Never Come) is a Hindi song from the 2003 Hindi film Kal Ho Naa Ho directed by Nikhil Advani. The song is one of the most popular Hindi film songs all time. The song was composed by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy with lyrics penned by Javed Akhtar and sung by Sonu Nigam. It quickly became popular upon release. There is also a sad version of the song in the film on which Sonu Nigam is joined by Alka Yagnik and Richa Sharma.","Document [2](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho (song)) in Rohit's place, romancing Naina. The theme of the song was composed by Loy Mendonsa of the Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy trio and Shankar Mahadevan arranged the groove. In a later interview in the documentary \"Pancham unmixed\", Shankar, Ehsaan and Loy revealed that the music of the segment \"har pal yahaan\" in the song was inspired by the music of R.D.Burman. The song was featured in \"Outlook\" magazine's \"20 Best Hindi Film Songs Ever\" list. The jury was composed of celebrities such as Gulzar, Hariharan, Javed Akhtar, Kumar Sanu and Shantanu Moitra. Each jury member was asked to nominate 10 favorites and the","Document [3](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) music directors for \"Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham...\". The soundtrack for \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" was composed by Shankar\u2013Ehsaan\u2013Loy in their first collaboration with Johar, with lyrics by Javed Akhtar. Unlike many previous Bollywood films, Johar complied with international copyright laws and obtained permission to rework Roy Orbison's 1964 song \"Oh, Pretty Woman\" for the film; the revised song was entitled \"Pretty Woman\". The music for the title song, \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\", was composed by Loy Mendonsa when he and Advani were at the German Bakery in Pune. Advani wanted a song thematically similar to Celine Dion's 1997 recording of","Document [4](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) favourite directors, she immediately changed her mind and accepted. Kajol and Rani Mukherji made special appearances in the song \"Maahi Ve\". \"Vogue India\" fashion director Anaita Shroff Adajania made a cameo appearance as Geeta Parekh, Naina and Rohit's fellow MBA candidate. In addition to writing the story and screenplay, Johar co-produced \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" with Yash Johar under the banner of Dharma Productions. The film was the last produced by Yash Johar before his death on 26 June 2004. The dialogue was written by Niranjan Iyengar. Anil Mehta and Sanjay Sankla were signed as cinematographer and editor, respectively, and","Document [5](Title: Mahalakshmi Iyer) for her performances in songs like \"Kabhi Sham Dhale\" from \"Sur \u2013 The Melody of Life\" (2002), \"Har Taraf\" from \"Rishtey\" (2002) and for hit songs like \"Chup Chup Ke\" from \"Bunty Aur Babli\" (2005), \"Aaj Ki Raat\" from \"\" (2006) and \"Bol Na Halke Halke\" from \"Jhoom Barabar Jhoom\". She sang on the Academy Award winning song \"Jai Ho\" for A. R. Rahman in the film \"Slumdog Millionaire\" (2008). Specifically, she sang the Hindi words between the short \"Jai Ho\" chants, as well as portions of the verses (most of which were sung by Sukhwinder Singh). In the past,","Document [6](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) Kal Ho Naa Ho Kal Ho Naa Ho (, ), also abbreviated as KHNH, is a 2003 Indian romantic drama film directed by Nikkhil Advani. The film features Jaya Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Saif Ali Khan, and Preity Zinta as the lead characters, with Sushma Seth, Reema Lagoo, Lilette Dubey, and Delnaaz Paul in supporting roles. It narrates the story of Naina Catherine Kapur, a pessimistic and uptight MBA student. She falls in love with her neighbour Aman Mathur, a terminally-ill heart patient who tries to get Naina and her friend Rohit Patel to fall in love with each other,","Document [7](Title: Monali Thakur) Monali Thakur Monali Thakur (born 3 November 1985) is an Indian singer and actress. She is the recipient of a National Film Award and a Filmfare Award.Thakur won the National Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song \"Moh Moh Ke Dhaage\" from the film \"Dum Laga Ke Haisha\" (2015) and the Filmfare Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song \"Sawaar Loon\" from the film \"Lootera\" (2013). She is even now continuously giving various new hits. She was a \"judge\" on Zee TV's Sa Re Ga Ma Pa L'il Champs 2014. She was also an \"expert\"","Document [8](Title: Ka Karoon Sajni Aaye Na Baalam) Ka Karoon Sajni Aaye Na Baalam Ka Karoon Sajni Aye Na Baalam is a classical song of Hindustani classical music. It is a Thumri sung in the raaga, Sindh Bhairavi Thumri. It was popularised by legendary Hindustani vocalist, Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, Barkat Ali Khan, Bismillah Khan on shehnai, Pandit Ajoy Chakrabarty etc. It was part of the Hindi film, \"Swami\" (1977), sung by Yesudas under the music direction of Rajesh Roshan. Yesudas was also nominated for the 1978 Filmfare Award for Best Male Playback Singer for the song. This song of Movie 'SWAMY' composed in raaga 'kirwani' which is","Document [9](Title: Naqsh Lyallpuri) Lyallpuri, rather than her own singing. Lyallpuri is best known for the song \"Tumhe Ho Na Ho\" from the film \"Gharonda\" (1977), sung by Bangladeshi singer Runa Laila. The song is often wrongly ascribed to Gulzar, who wrote the other songs in the film, whereas the song \"Do Deewane Shahar Mein\" in the same film is misattributed to Lyallpuri. The 1979 song \"Yeh Mulaqaat Ek Bahana Hai\" in the film \"Khandaan\" is noted for its unusual ghazal format. His \"Pyar Ka Dard Hai\" from the 1981 film \"Dard\" has been lauded for Kishore Kumar's soft singing and for using \"everyday","Document [10](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) \"My Heart Will Go On\", which he was humming at the time. When he heard it, Mendonsa came up with the tune and recorded it on his phone. After Shankar Mahadevan and Ehsaan Noorani listened to it, the trio composed the song. The soundtrack was released on 27 September 2003 under the Sony Music India label. The audio launch ceremony was held two days later at the Taj Lands End in Mumbai. The album had positive reviews and the title song, \"It's The Time To Disco\", \"Kuch To Hua Hai\" and \"Pretty Woman\" became popular. A Bollywood Hungama critic called","Document [11](Title: Monali Thakur) the film \"Lootera\". In March 2016, she received the National Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song \"Moh Moh Ke Dhaage\" from the film \"Dum Laga Ke Haisha\" and earned a nomination at the Filmfare Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the same. As a child, she appeared in a Bengali television show, \"Aalokito ek Indu\", in which she played the lead role Indubala. It was followed by two telefilms, including Sudeshna Roy's \"Phagune Agun\", in which she was seen as Ruman. She made her acting debut in Raja Sen's Bengali film \"Krishnakanter Will\", in which","Document [12](Title: Caralisa Monteiro) Bollywood came when the acclaimed trio Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy invited her to sing the chorus of the song \"Jaane Kyon\" from the cult film Dil Chahta Hai in 2001. She was known for the rendition of English parts in Hindi songs and continues to work in the Hindi film music industry on background scores. Monteiro has sung on mainstream Bollywood films like Rock On!! (Phir Dekhiye), Don (2006 Hindi film) theme, Don 2 (Don Waltz), Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna where she sang the song \"Mitwa\" with Shafqat Amanat Ali, Karthik Calling Karthik with Shankar Mahadevan.On Anjaana Anjaani she sang the song \"Tumse","Document [13](Title: Jo Jeeta Wohi Super Star 2) for her title song in Balaji Telefilms\u2019 Kasamh Se. She has had an opportunity to sing in the Hindi film industry with artists like Sunidhi Chauhan and Udit Narayan in Bunty aur Babli, and also had a solo soundtrack. Nihira is fond of learning languages and is learning Spanish. Harpreet Deol
Harpreet was amongst the finalists in a reality music show in 2007. His favourite personalities are Shaheed Bhagat Singh and Mohammed Rafi. A student of Punjab University, Harpreet loves singing and sleeping. He has gained popularity in Punjab and has performed at numerous stage shows. He is working on","Document [14](Title: Suman Kalyanpur) Rafi are \"Aajkal Tere Mere Pyaar Ke Charche\", \"Na Na Karte Pyaar\", \"Tumse O Hasina\", \"Rahen Na Rahen Hum\", \"Parbaton Ke Pedon Par Shaam Ka Basera He\", \"Yeh Parbaton Ke Daayare\", \"Ajahuna Aye Balama\", \"Tumane Pukara Aur Hum Chale Aye\", \"Bad Muddat Ke Yeh Ghadi Ayee\", \"Mujhhe Yeh Bhool Na\", \"Dil Ne Phir Yaad Kiya\", \"Tujhko Dilbari Ki Kasam\" and \"Chand Takata Hai Idhar\". With Manna Dey, she sang the popular duet \"Na Jane Kahan Ham The\" under the music direction of Dattaram. With Mukesh she has sung many popular duets like `Yeh Kisne geet chheda', \"Akhiyon ka noor hai","Document [15](Title: Oyshee) Taan\u201d, \u201cNaalish\u201d, \u201cDin-e Din-e\u201d and \u201cAri\u201d. They were written by Anurup Aich, Shomeshwar Oli and Robiul Islam Jibon. she recorded a folk song \"Kajol Bhromora\" as a featured artist alongside Adit Ozbert, it became popular. \"Dil Ki Doya Hoyna\" and \"Tumi Chokh Mele Takale\" are other successful songs by her in that period. In February 2018, she signed a contract with Indian record label Shree Venkatesh Films, becoming the youngest Bangladeshi singer to do so. Oyshee Oyshee is a Bangladeshi singer. She is most remembered for her albums 'Oyshee Express' with Imran Mahmudul and 'Dehobazi' with Arfin Rumey. Oyshee learned","Document [16](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) \"signify ethnicity and caste.\" In \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\", Jennifer and Lajjo are Christian and Punjabi Sikh, respectively; Rohit is a Gujarati. According to Kumar, Rohit and Naina's marriage symbolises the unity of the people of Punjab and Gujarat. Both films emphasise different aspects of marriage. In \"Salaam Namaste\", central characters Nick and Ambar's (Saif Ali Khan and Zinta, respectively) professional careers come first and they are fearful of commitment. Conversely, in \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" the tradition of love-cum-arranged marriage is encouraged. Aman is noted by many critics to resemble Rajesh Khanna's character, Anand Saigal, in Hrishikesh Mukherjee's \"Anand\"","Document [17](Title: Richa Sharma (singer)) (the song \"Duppatte Ka Palu\"), \"Baghban\" (Title Song for Aadesh Shrivastava); \"Soch\" (the song \"Nikal Chali Be\" for Jatin-Lalit); \"Rudraksh\", \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" (Sad version of the title track for Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy); \"Gangajal\" (Sandesh Shandilya); \"Popcorn Khao Mast Ho Jao\" (Vishal-Shekhar), \"Saawariya\" (Monty Sharma), and \"Om Shanti Om\" (Vishal-Shekhar) and the most popular song for \"Kaante\" (\"Mahi Ve\" for Anand Raaj Anand). The versatile playback singer has also done quite a few albums to showcase her talent. Albums like \"Ni Main Yaar Nu Sajda Kardi\", \"Piya\" and \"Winds of Rajasthan\" (for Times Music released early 2004) have brought out the","Document [18](Title: Tulsi Kumar) Tulsi Kumar Tulsi Kumari Ralhan, known professionally as Tulsi Kumar is an Indian playback singer and actress, born to Gulshan Kumar and Sudesh Kumari Dua. Kumar has two siblings Khushali Kumari Dua and Bhushan Kumar Dua. Her singing career started by her backing tracks in Bollywood movies such as \"Chup Chup Ke\", \"Humko Deewana Kar Gaye\" and \"Aksar\". In 2009, her debut album, \"Love ho Jaaye\", was released. Along with the album, Kumar made a music video for the title track. Her song \"Mujhe Teri\" from the movie \"Paathshaala\" and \"Tum Jo Aaye\" from \"Once Upon a Time in Mumbai\"","Document [19](Title: Naina Chaar) Naina Chaar Naina Chaar is an Indian pop song performed by singers Shreya Ghoshal and Kailash Kher. The song was written by Kailash Kher and produced by Naresh Kamath and Paresh Kamath, from his band Kailasa. It was released on 16 September 2013 by Sony Music India. The exclusively online initiative by Sony Music, of which the song was a part, was titled 'Project Resound' and it marked the first collaboration between veteran Indian singers Shreya Ghoshal and Kailash Kher, who were asked to share their knowledge about music genres and Indian languages. 'Upgrade your ears' was the tagline of","Document [20](Title: Jo Jeeta Wohi Super Star 2) He aspires to follow his dream of making it big in the music industry. Vaishali Mhade
27 year old Vaishali from Maharashtra is the winner of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Challenge 2009 and the Marathi version of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa in 2008. Her life revolves around being a singer, wife and mother with equal enthusiasm. A versatile and consistent singer, she says her husband has been a great support in her singing career. She has sung the title track of the Marathi daily soap called \"Kulvadhu\" and also lent her voice for Shridhar Phadke\u2019s album. She made"],"query":"who is the singer of kal ho na ho?","answers":["Sonu Nigam","Richa Sharma","Alka Yagnik"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho (song)) in Rohit's place, romancing Naina. The theme of the song was composed by Loy Mendonsa of the Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy trio and Shankar Mahadevan arranged the groove. In a later interview in the documentary \"Pancham unmixed\", Shankar, Ehsaan and Loy revealed that the music of the segment \"har pal yahaan\" in the song was inspired by the music of R.D.Burman. The song was featured in \"Outlook\" magazine's \"20 Best Hindi Film Songs Ever\" list. The jury was composed of celebrities such as Gulzar, Hariharan, Javed Akhtar, Kumar Sanu and Shantanu Moitra. Each jury member was asked to nominate 10 favorites and the","Document [2](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) music directors for \"Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham...\". The soundtrack for \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" was composed by Shankar\u2013Ehsaan\u2013Loy in their first collaboration with Johar, with lyrics by Javed Akhtar. Unlike many previous Bollywood films, Johar complied with international copyright laws and obtained permission to rework Roy Orbison's 1964 song \"Oh, Pretty Woman\" for the film; the revised song was entitled \"Pretty Woman\". The music for the title song, \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\", was composed by Loy Mendonsa when he and Advani were at the German Bakery in Pune. Advani wanted a song thematically similar to Celine Dion's 1997 recording of","Document [3](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) favourite directors, she immediately changed her mind and accepted. Kajol and Rani Mukherji made special appearances in the song \"Maahi Ve\". \"Vogue India\" fashion director Anaita Shroff Adajania made a cameo appearance as Geeta Parekh, Naina and Rohit's fellow MBA candidate. In addition to writing the story and screenplay, Johar co-produced \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" with Yash Johar under the banner of Dharma Productions. The film was the last produced by Yash Johar before his death on 26 June 2004. The dialogue was written by Niranjan Iyengar. Anil Mehta and Sanjay Sankla were signed as cinematographer and editor, respectively, and","Document [4](Title: Mahalakshmi Iyer) for her performances in songs like \"Kabhi Sham Dhale\" from \"Sur \u2013 The Melody of Life\" (2002), \"Har Taraf\" from \"Rishtey\" (2002) and for hit songs like \"Chup Chup Ke\" from \"Bunty Aur Babli\" (2005), \"Aaj Ki Raat\" from \"\" (2006) and \"Bol Na Halke Halke\" from \"Jhoom Barabar Jhoom\". She sang on the Academy Award winning song \"Jai Ho\" for A. R. Rahman in the film \"Slumdog Millionaire\" (2008). Specifically, she sang the Hindi words between the short \"Jai Ho\" chants, as well as portions of the verses (most of which were sung by Sukhwinder Singh). In the past,","Document [5](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho (song)) Kal Ho Naa Ho (Hindi: \u0915\u0932 \u0939\u094b \u0928\u093e \u0939\u094b, English: Tomorrow May Never Come) is a Hindi song from the 2003 Hindi film Kal Ho Naa Ho directed by Nikhil Advani. The song is one of the most popular Hindi film songs all time. The song was composed by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy with lyrics penned by Javed Akhtar and sung by Sonu Nigam. It quickly became popular upon release. There is also a sad version of the song in the film on which Sonu Nigam is joined by Alka Yagnik and Richa Sharma.","Document [6](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) Kal Ho Naa Ho Kal Ho Naa Ho (, ), also abbreviated as KHNH, is a 2003 Indian romantic drama film directed by Nikkhil Advani. The film features Jaya Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Saif Ali Khan, and Preity Zinta as the lead characters, with Sushma Seth, Reema Lagoo, Lilette Dubey, and Delnaaz Paul in supporting roles. It narrates the story of Naina Catherine Kapur, a pessimistic and uptight MBA student. She falls in love with her neighbour Aman Mathur, a terminally-ill heart patient who tries to get Naina and her friend Rohit Patel to fall in love with each other,","Document [7](Title: Monali Thakur) Monali Thakur Monali Thakur (born 3 November 1985) is an Indian singer and actress. She is the recipient of a National Film Award and a Filmfare Award.Thakur won the National Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song \"Moh Moh Ke Dhaage\" from the film \"Dum Laga Ke Haisha\" (2015) and the Filmfare Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song \"Sawaar Loon\" from the film \"Lootera\" (2013). She is even now continuously giving various new hits. She was a \"judge\" on Zee TV's Sa Re Ga Ma Pa L'il Champs 2014. She was also an \"expert\"","Document [8](Title: Ka Karoon Sajni Aaye Na Baalam) Ka Karoon Sajni Aaye Na Baalam Ka Karoon Sajni Aye Na Baalam is a classical song of Hindustani classical music. It is a Thumri sung in the raaga, Sindh Bhairavi Thumri. It was popularised by legendary Hindustani vocalist, Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, Barkat Ali Khan, Bismillah Khan on shehnai, Pandit Ajoy Chakrabarty etc. It was part of the Hindi film, \"Swami\" (1977), sung by Yesudas under the music direction of Rajesh Roshan. Yesudas was also nominated for the 1978 Filmfare Award for Best Male Playback Singer for the song. This song of Movie 'SWAMY' composed in raaga 'kirwani' which is","Document [9](Title: Naqsh Lyallpuri) Lyallpuri, rather than her own singing. Lyallpuri is best known for the song \"Tumhe Ho Na Ho\" from the film \"Gharonda\" (1977), sung by Bangladeshi singer Runa Laila. The song is often wrongly ascribed to Gulzar, who wrote the other songs in the film, whereas the song \"Do Deewane Shahar Mein\" in the same film is misattributed to Lyallpuri. The 1979 song \"Yeh Mulaqaat Ek Bahana Hai\" in the film \"Khandaan\" is noted for its unusual ghazal format. His \"Pyar Ka Dard Hai\" from the 1981 film \"Dard\" has been lauded for Kishore Kumar's soft singing and for using \"everyday","Document [10](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) \"My Heart Will Go On\", which he was humming at the time. When he heard it, Mendonsa came up with the tune and recorded it on his phone. After Shankar Mahadevan and Ehsaan Noorani listened to it, the trio composed the song. The soundtrack was released on 27 September 2003 under the Sony Music India label. The audio launch ceremony was held two days later at the Taj Lands End in Mumbai. The album had positive reviews and the title song, \"It's The Time To Disco\", \"Kuch To Hua Hai\" and \"Pretty Woman\" became popular. A Bollywood Hungama critic called","Document [11](Title: Monali Thakur) the film \"Lootera\". In March 2016, she received the National Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song \"Moh Moh Ke Dhaage\" from the film \"Dum Laga Ke Haisha\" and earned a nomination at the Filmfare Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the same. As a child, she appeared in a Bengali television show, \"Aalokito ek Indu\", in which she played the lead role Indubala. It was followed by two telefilms, including Sudeshna Roy's \"Phagune Agun\", in which she was seen as Ruman. She made her acting debut in Raja Sen's Bengali film \"Krishnakanter Will\", in which","Document [12](Title: Caralisa Monteiro) Bollywood came when the acclaimed trio Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy invited her to sing the chorus of the song \"Jaane Kyon\" from the cult film Dil Chahta Hai in 2001. She was known for the rendition of English parts in Hindi songs and continues to work in the Hindi film music industry on background scores. Monteiro has sung on mainstream Bollywood films like Rock On!! (Phir Dekhiye), Don (2006 Hindi film) theme, Don 2 (Don Waltz), Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna where she sang the song \"Mitwa\" with Shafqat Amanat Ali, Karthik Calling Karthik with Shankar Mahadevan.On Anjaana Anjaani she sang the song \"Tumse","Document [13](Title: Jo Jeeta Wohi Super Star 2) for her title song in Balaji Telefilms\u2019 Kasamh Se. She has had an opportunity to sing in the Hindi film industry with artists like Sunidhi Chauhan and Udit Narayan in Bunty aur Babli, and also had a solo soundtrack. Nihira is fond of learning languages and is learning Spanish. Harpreet Deol
Harpreet was amongst the finalists in a reality music show in 2007. His favourite personalities are Shaheed Bhagat Singh and Mohammed Rafi. A student of Punjab University, Harpreet loves singing and sleeping. He has gained popularity in Punjab and has performed at numerous stage shows. He is working on","Document [14](Title: Suman Kalyanpur) Rafi are \"Aajkal Tere Mere Pyaar Ke Charche\", \"Na Na Karte Pyaar\", \"Tumse O Hasina\", \"Rahen Na Rahen Hum\", \"Parbaton Ke Pedon Par Shaam Ka Basera He\", \"Yeh Parbaton Ke Daayare\", \"Ajahuna Aye Balama\", \"Tumane Pukara Aur Hum Chale Aye\", \"Bad Muddat Ke Yeh Ghadi Ayee\", \"Mujhhe Yeh Bhool Na\", \"Dil Ne Phir Yaad Kiya\", \"Tujhko Dilbari Ki Kasam\" and \"Chand Takata Hai Idhar\". With Manna Dey, she sang the popular duet \"Na Jane Kahan Ham The\" under the music direction of Dattaram. With Mukesh she has sung many popular duets like `Yeh Kisne geet chheda', \"Akhiyon ka noor hai","Document [15](Title: Oyshee) Taan\u201d, \u201cNaalish\u201d, \u201cDin-e Din-e\u201d and \u201cAri\u201d. They were written by Anurup Aich, Shomeshwar Oli and Robiul Islam Jibon. she recorded a folk song \"Kajol Bhromora\" as a featured artist alongside Adit Ozbert, it became popular. \"Dil Ki Doya Hoyna\" and \"Tumi Chokh Mele Takale\" are other successful songs by her in that period. In February 2018, she signed a contract with Indian record label Shree Venkatesh Films, becoming the youngest Bangladeshi singer to do so. Oyshee Oyshee is a Bangladeshi singer. She is most remembered for her albums 'Oyshee Express' with Imran Mahmudul and 'Dehobazi' with Arfin Rumey. Oyshee learned","Document [16](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) \"signify ethnicity and caste.\" In \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\", Jennifer and Lajjo are Christian and Punjabi Sikh, respectively; Rohit is a Gujarati. According to Kumar, Rohit and Naina's marriage symbolises the unity of the people of Punjab and Gujarat. Both films emphasise different aspects of marriage. In \"Salaam Namaste\", central characters Nick and Ambar's (Saif Ali Khan and Zinta, respectively) professional careers come first and they are fearful of commitment. Conversely, in \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" the tradition of love-cum-arranged marriage is encouraged. Aman is noted by many critics to resemble Rajesh Khanna's character, Anand Saigal, in Hrishikesh Mukherjee's \"Anand\"","Document [17](Title: Richa Sharma (singer)) (the song \"Duppatte Ka Palu\"), \"Baghban\" (Title Song for Aadesh Shrivastava); \"Soch\" (the song \"Nikal Chali Be\" for Jatin-Lalit); \"Rudraksh\", \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" (Sad version of the title track for Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy); \"Gangajal\" (Sandesh Shandilya); \"Popcorn Khao Mast Ho Jao\" (Vishal-Shekhar), \"Saawariya\" (Monty Sharma), and \"Om Shanti Om\" (Vishal-Shekhar) and the most popular song for \"Kaante\" (\"Mahi Ve\" for Anand Raaj Anand). The versatile playback singer has also done quite a few albums to showcase her talent. Albums like \"Ni Main Yaar Nu Sajda Kardi\", \"Piya\" and \"Winds of Rajasthan\" (for Times Music released early 2004) have brought out the","Document [18](Title: Tulsi Kumar) Tulsi Kumar Tulsi Kumari Ralhan, known professionally as Tulsi Kumar is an Indian playback singer and actress, born to Gulshan Kumar and Sudesh Kumari Dua. Kumar has two siblings Khushali Kumari Dua and Bhushan Kumar Dua. Her singing career started by her backing tracks in Bollywood movies such as \"Chup Chup Ke\", \"Humko Deewana Kar Gaye\" and \"Aksar\". In 2009, her debut album, \"Love ho Jaaye\", was released. Along with the album, Kumar made a music video for the title track. Her song \"Mujhe Teri\" from the movie \"Paathshaala\" and \"Tum Jo Aaye\" from \"Once Upon a Time in Mumbai\"","Document [19](Title: Naina Chaar) Naina Chaar Naina Chaar is an Indian pop song performed by singers Shreya Ghoshal and Kailash Kher. The song was written by Kailash Kher and produced by Naresh Kamath and Paresh Kamath, from his band Kailasa. It was released on 16 September 2013 by Sony Music India. The exclusively online initiative by Sony Music, of which the song was a part, was titled 'Project Resound' and it marked the first collaboration between veteran Indian singers Shreya Ghoshal and Kailash Kher, who were asked to share their knowledge about music genres and Indian languages. 'Upgrade your ears' was the tagline of","Document [20](Title: Jo Jeeta Wohi Super Star 2) He aspires to follow his dream of making it big in the music industry. Vaishali Mhade
27 year old Vaishali from Maharashtra is the winner of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Challenge 2009 and the Marathi version of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa in 2008. Her life revolves around being a singer, wife and mother with equal enthusiasm. A versatile and consistent singer, she says her husband has been a great support in her singing career. She has sung the title track of the Marathi daily soap called \"Kulvadhu\" and also lent her voice for Shridhar Phadke\u2019s album. She made"],"query":"who is the singer of kal ho na ho?","answers":["Sonu Nigam","Richa Sharma","Alka Yagnik"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho (song)) in Rohit's place, romancing Naina. The theme of the song was composed by Loy Mendonsa of the Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy trio and Shankar Mahadevan arranged the groove. In a later interview in the documentary \"Pancham unmixed\", Shankar, Ehsaan and Loy revealed that the music of the segment \"har pal yahaan\" in the song was inspired by the music of R.D.Burman. The song was featured in \"Outlook\" magazine's \"20 Best Hindi Film Songs Ever\" list. The jury was composed of celebrities such as Gulzar, Hariharan, Javed Akhtar, Kumar Sanu and Shantanu Moitra. Each jury member was asked to nominate 10 favorites and the","Document [2](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) music directors for \"Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham...\". The soundtrack for \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" was composed by Shankar\u2013Ehsaan\u2013Loy in their first collaboration with Johar, with lyrics by Javed Akhtar. Unlike many previous Bollywood films, Johar complied with international copyright laws and obtained permission to rework Roy Orbison's 1964 song \"Oh, Pretty Woman\" for the film; the revised song was entitled \"Pretty Woman\". The music for the title song, \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\", was composed by Loy Mendonsa when he and Advani were at the German Bakery in Pune. Advani wanted a song thematically similar to Celine Dion's 1997 recording of","Document [3](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) favourite directors, she immediately changed her mind and accepted. Kajol and Rani Mukherji made special appearances in the song \"Maahi Ve\". \"Vogue India\" fashion director Anaita Shroff Adajania made a cameo appearance as Geeta Parekh, Naina and Rohit's fellow MBA candidate. In addition to writing the story and screenplay, Johar co-produced \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" with Yash Johar under the banner of Dharma Productions. The film was the last produced by Yash Johar before his death on 26 June 2004. The dialogue was written by Niranjan Iyengar. Anil Mehta and Sanjay Sankla were signed as cinematographer and editor, respectively, and","Document [4](Title: Mahalakshmi Iyer) for her performances in songs like \"Kabhi Sham Dhale\" from \"Sur \u2013 The Melody of Life\" (2002), \"Har Taraf\" from \"Rishtey\" (2002) and for hit songs like \"Chup Chup Ke\" from \"Bunty Aur Babli\" (2005), \"Aaj Ki Raat\" from \"\" (2006) and \"Bol Na Halke Halke\" from \"Jhoom Barabar Jhoom\". She sang on the Academy Award winning song \"Jai Ho\" for A. R. Rahman in the film \"Slumdog Millionaire\" (2008). Specifically, she sang the Hindi words between the short \"Jai Ho\" chants, as well as portions of the verses (most of which were sung by Sukhwinder Singh). In the past,","Document [5](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) Kal Ho Naa Ho Kal Ho Naa Ho (, ), also abbreviated as KHNH, is a 2003 Indian romantic drama film directed by Nikkhil Advani. The film features Jaya Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Saif Ali Khan, and Preity Zinta as the lead characters, with Sushma Seth, Reema Lagoo, Lilette Dubey, and Delnaaz Paul in supporting roles. It narrates the story of Naina Catherine Kapur, a pessimistic and uptight MBA student. She falls in love with her neighbour Aman Mathur, a terminally-ill heart patient who tries to get Naina and her friend Rohit Patel to fall in love with each other,","Document [6](Title: Monali Thakur) Monali Thakur Monali Thakur (born 3 November 1985) is an Indian singer and actress. She is the recipient of a National Film Award and a Filmfare Award.Thakur won the National Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song \"Moh Moh Ke Dhaage\" from the film \"Dum Laga Ke Haisha\" (2015) and the Filmfare Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song \"Sawaar Loon\" from the film \"Lootera\" (2013). She is even now continuously giving various new hits. She was a \"judge\" on Zee TV's Sa Re Ga Ma Pa L'il Champs 2014. She was also an \"expert\"","Document [7](Title: Ka Karoon Sajni Aaye Na Baalam) Ka Karoon Sajni Aaye Na Baalam Ka Karoon Sajni Aye Na Baalam is a classical song of Hindustani classical music. It is a Thumri sung in the raaga, Sindh Bhairavi Thumri. It was popularised by legendary Hindustani vocalist, Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, Barkat Ali Khan, Bismillah Khan on shehnai, Pandit Ajoy Chakrabarty etc. It was part of the Hindi film, \"Swami\" (1977), sung by Yesudas under the music direction of Rajesh Roshan. Yesudas was also nominated for the 1978 Filmfare Award for Best Male Playback Singer for the song. This song of Movie 'SWAMY' composed in raaga 'kirwani' which is","Document [8](Title: Naqsh Lyallpuri) Lyallpuri, rather than her own singing. Lyallpuri is best known for the song \"Tumhe Ho Na Ho\" from the film \"Gharonda\" (1977), sung by Bangladeshi singer Runa Laila. The song is often wrongly ascribed to Gulzar, who wrote the other songs in the film, whereas the song \"Do Deewane Shahar Mein\" in the same film is misattributed to Lyallpuri. The 1979 song \"Yeh Mulaqaat Ek Bahana Hai\" in the film \"Khandaan\" is noted for its unusual ghazal format. His \"Pyar Ka Dard Hai\" from the 1981 film \"Dard\" has been lauded for Kishore Kumar's soft singing and for using \"everyday","Document [9](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) \"My Heart Will Go On\", which he was humming at the time. When he heard it, Mendonsa came up with the tune and recorded it on his phone. After Shankar Mahadevan and Ehsaan Noorani listened to it, the trio composed the song. The soundtrack was released on 27 September 2003 under the Sony Music India label. The audio launch ceremony was held two days later at the Taj Lands End in Mumbai. The album had positive reviews and the title song, \"It's The Time To Disco\", \"Kuch To Hua Hai\" and \"Pretty Woman\" became popular. A Bollywood Hungama critic called","Document [10](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho (song)) Kal Ho Naa Ho (Hindi: \u0915\u0932 \u0939\u094b \u0928\u093e \u0939\u094b, English: Tomorrow May Never Come) is a Hindi song from the 2003 Hindi film Kal Ho Naa Ho directed by Nikhil Advani. The song is one of the most popular Hindi film songs all time. The song was composed by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy with lyrics penned by Javed Akhtar and sung by Sonu Nigam. It quickly became popular upon release. There is also a sad version of the song in the film on which Sonu Nigam is joined by Alka Yagnik and Richa Sharma.","Document [11](Title: Monali Thakur) the film \"Lootera\". In March 2016, she received the National Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song \"Moh Moh Ke Dhaage\" from the film \"Dum Laga Ke Haisha\" and earned a nomination at the Filmfare Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the same. As a child, she appeared in a Bengali television show, \"Aalokito ek Indu\", in which she played the lead role Indubala. It was followed by two telefilms, including Sudeshna Roy's \"Phagune Agun\", in which she was seen as Ruman. She made her acting debut in Raja Sen's Bengali film \"Krishnakanter Will\", in which","Document [12](Title: Caralisa Monteiro) Bollywood came when the acclaimed trio Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy invited her to sing the chorus of the song \"Jaane Kyon\" from the cult film Dil Chahta Hai in 2001. She was known for the rendition of English parts in Hindi songs and continues to work in the Hindi film music industry on background scores. Monteiro has sung on mainstream Bollywood films like Rock On!! (Phir Dekhiye), Don (2006 Hindi film) theme, Don 2 (Don Waltz), Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna where she sang the song \"Mitwa\" with Shafqat Amanat Ali, Karthik Calling Karthik with Shankar Mahadevan.On Anjaana Anjaani she sang the song \"Tumse","Document [13](Title: Jo Jeeta Wohi Super Star 2) for her title song in Balaji Telefilms\u2019 Kasamh Se. She has had an opportunity to sing in the Hindi film industry with artists like Sunidhi Chauhan and Udit Narayan in Bunty aur Babli, and also had a solo soundtrack. Nihira is fond of learning languages and is learning Spanish. Harpreet Deol
Harpreet was amongst the finalists in a reality music show in 2007. His favourite personalities are Shaheed Bhagat Singh and Mohammed Rafi. A student of Punjab University, Harpreet loves singing and sleeping. He has gained popularity in Punjab and has performed at numerous stage shows. He is working on","Document [14](Title: Suman Kalyanpur) Rafi are \"Aajkal Tere Mere Pyaar Ke Charche\", \"Na Na Karte Pyaar\", \"Tumse O Hasina\", \"Rahen Na Rahen Hum\", \"Parbaton Ke Pedon Par Shaam Ka Basera He\", \"Yeh Parbaton Ke Daayare\", \"Ajahuna Aye Balama\", \"Tumane Pukara Aur Hum Chale Aye\", \"Bad Muddat Ke Yeh Ghadi Ayee\", \"Mujhhe Yeh Bhool Na\", \"Dil Ne Phir Yaad Kiya\", \"Tujhko Dilbari Ki Kasam\" and \"Chand Takata Hai Idhar\". With Manna Dey, she sang the popular duet \"Na Jane Kahan Ham The\" under the music direction of Dattaram. With Mukesh she has sung many popular duets like `Yeh Kisne geet chheda', \"Akhiyon ka noor hai","Document [15](Title: Oyshee) Taan\u201d, \u201cNaalish\u201d, \u201cDin-e Din-e\u201d and \u201cAri\u201d. They were written by Anurup Aich, Shomeshwar Oli and Robiul Islam Jibon. she recorded a folk song \"Kajol Bhromora\" as a featured artist alongside Adit Ozbert, it became popular. \"Dil Ki Doya Hoyna\" and \"Tumi Chokh Mele Takale\" are other successful songs by her in that period. In February 2018, she signed a contract with Indian record label Shree Venkatesh Films, becoming the youngest Bangladeshi singer to do so. Oyshee Oyshee is a Bangladeshi singer. She is most remembered for her albums 'Oyshee Express' with Imran Mahmudul and 'Dehobazi' with Arfin Rumey. Oyshee learned","Document [16](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) \"signify ethnicity and caste.\" In \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\", Jennifer and Lajjo are Christian and Punjabi Sikh, respectively; Rohit is a Gujarati. According to Kumar, Rohit and Naina's marriage symbolises the unity of the people of Punjab and Gujarat. Both films emphasise different aspects of marriage. In \"Salaam Namaste\", central characters Nick and Ambar's (Saif Ali Khan and Zinta, respectively) professional careers come first and they are fearful of commitment. Conversely, in \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" the tradition of love-cum-arranged marriage is encouraged. Aman is noted by many critics to resemble Rajesh Khanna's character, Anand Saigal, in Hrishikesh Mukherjee's \"Anand\"","Document [17](Title: Richa Sharma (singer)) (the song \"Duppatte Ka Palu\"), \"Baghban\" (Title Song for Aadesh Shrivastava); \"Soch\" (the song \"Nikal Chali Be\" for Jatin-Lalit); \"Rudraksh\", \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" (Sad version of the title track for Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy); \"Gangajal\" (Sandesh Shandilya); \"Popcorn Khao Mast Ho Jao\" (Vishal-Shekhar), \"Saawariya\" (Monty Sharma), and \"Om Shanti Om\" (Vishal-Shekhar) and the most popular song for \"Kaante\" (\"Mahi Ve\" for Anand Raaj Anand). The versatile playback singer has also done quite a few albums to showcase her talent. Albums like \"Ni Main Yaar Nu Sajda Kardi\", \"Piya\" and \"Winds of Rajasthan\" (for Times Music released early 2004) have brought out the","Document [18](Title: Tulsi Kumar) Tulsi Kumar Tulsi Kumari Ralhan, known professionally as Tulsi Kumar is an Indian playback singer and actress, born to Gulshan Kumar and Sudesh Kumari Dua. Kumar has two siblings Khushali Kumari Dua and Bhushan Kumar Dua. Her singing career started by her backing tracks in Bollywood movies such as \"Chup Chup Ke\", \"Humko Deewana Kar Gaye\" and \"Aksar\". In 2009, her debut album, \"Love ho Jaaye\", was released. Along with the album, Kumar made a music video for the title track. Her song \"Mujhe Teri\" from the movie \"Paathshaala\" and \"Tum Jo Aaye\" from \"Once Upon a Time in Mumbai\"","Document [19](Title: Naina Chaar) Naina Chaar Naina Chaar is an Indian pop song performed by singers Shreya Ghoshal and Kailash Kher. The song was written by Kailash Kher and produced by Naresh Kamath and Paresh Kamath, from his band Kailasa. It was released on 16 September 2013 by Sony Music India. The exclusively online initiative by Sony Music, of which the song was a part, was titled 'Project Resound' and it marked the first collaboration between veteran Indian singers Shreya Ghoshal and Kailash Kher, who were asked to share their knowledge about music genres and Indian languages. 'Upgrade your ears' was the tagline of","Document [20](Title: Jo Jeeta Wohi Super Star 2) He aspires to follow his dream of making it big in the music industry. Vaishali Mhade
27 year old Vaishali from Maharashtra is the winner of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Challenge 2009 and the Marathi version of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa in 2008. Her life revolves around being a singer, wife and mother with equal enthusiasm. A versatile and consistent singer, she says her husband has been a great support in her singing career. She has sung the title track of the Marathi daily soap called \"Kulvadhu\" and also lent her voice for Shridhar Phadke\u2019s album. She made"],"query":"who is the singer of kal ho na ho?","answers":["Sonu Nigam","Richa Sharma","Alka Yagnik"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho (song)) in Rohit's place, romancing Naina. The theme of the song was composed by Loy Mendonsa of the Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy trio and Shankar Mahadevan arranged the groove. In a later interview in the documentary \"Pancham unmixed\", Shankar, Ehsaan and Loy revealed that the music of the segment \"har pal yahaan\" in the song was inspired by the music of R.D.Burman. The song was featured in \"Outlook\" magazine's \"20 Best Hindi Film Songs Ever\" list. The jury was composed of celebrities such as Gulzar, Hariharan, Javed Akhtar, Kumar Sanu and Shantanu Moitra. Each jury member was asked to nominate 10 favorites and the","Document [2](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) music directors for \"Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham...\". The soundtrack for \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" was composed by Shankar\u2013Ehsaan\u2013Loy in their first collaboration with Johar, with lyrics by Javed Akhtar. Unlike many previous Bollywood films, Johar complied with international copyright laws and obtained permission to rework Roy Orbison's 1964 song \"Oh, Pretty Woman\" for the film; the revised song was entitled \"Pretty Woman\". The music for the title song, \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\", was composed by Loy Mendonsa when he and Advani were at the German Bakery in Pune. Advani wanted a song thematically similar to Celine Dion's 1997 recording of","Document [3](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) favourite directors, she immediately changed her mind and accepted. Kajol and Rani Mukherji made special appearances in the song \"Maahi Ve\". \"Vogue India\" fashion director Anaita Shroff Adajania made a cameo appearance as Geeta Parekh, Naina and Rohit's fellow MBA candidate. In addition to writing the story and screenplay, Johar co-produced \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" with Yash Johar under the banner of Dharma Productions. The film was the last produced by Yash Johar before his death on 26 June 2004. The dialogue was written by Niranjan Iyengar. Anil Mehta and Sanjay Sankla were signed as cinematographer and editor, respectively, and","Document [4](Title: Mahalakshmi Iyer) for her performances in songs like \"Kabhi Sham Dhale\" from \"Sur \u2013 The Melody of Life\" (2002), \"Har Taraf\" from \"Rishtey\" (2002) and for hit songs like \"Chup Chup Ke\" from \"Bunty Aur Babli\" (2005), \"Aaj Ki Raat\" from \"\" (2006) and \"Bol Na Halke Halke\" from \"Jhoom Barabar Jhoom\". She sang on the Academy Award winning song \"Jai Ho\" for A. R. Rahman in the film \"Slumdog Millionaire\" (2008). Specifically, she sang the Hindi words between the short \"Jai Ho\" chants, as well as portions of the verses (most of which were sung by Sukhwinder Singh). In the past,","Document [5](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) Kal Ho Naa Ho Kal Ho Naa Ho (, ), also abbreviated as KHNH, is a 2003 Indian romantic drama film directed by Nikkhil Advani. The film features Jaya Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Saif Ali Khan, and Preity Zinta as the lead characters, with Sushma Seth, Reema Lagoo, Lilette Dubey, and Delnaaz Paul in supporting roles. It narrates the story of Naina Catherine Kapur, a pessimistic and uptight MBA student. She falls in love with her neighbour Aman Mathur, a terminally-ill heart patient who tries to get Naina and her friend Rohit Patel to fall in love with each other,","Document [6](Title: Monali Thakur) Monali Thakur Monali Thakur (born 3 November 1985) is an Indian singer and actress. She is the recipient of a National Film Award and a Filmfare Award.Thakur won the National Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song \"Moh Moh Ke Dhaage\" from the film \"Dum Laga Ke Haisha\" (2015) and the Filmfare Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song \"Sawaar Loon\" from the film \"Lootera\" (2013). She is even now continuously giving various new hits. She was a \"judge\" on Zee TV's Sa Re Ga Ma Pa L'il Champs 2014. She was also an \"expert\"","Document [7](Title: Ka Karoon Sajni Aaye Na Baalam) Ka Karoon Sajni Aaye Na Baalam Ka Karoon Sajni Aye Na Baalam is a classical song of Hindustani classical music. It is a Thumri sung in the raaga, Sindh Bhairavi Thumri. It was popularised by legendary Hindustani vocalist, Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, Barkat Ali Khan, Bismillah Khan on shehnai, Pandit Ajoy Chakrabarty etc. It was part of the Hindi film, \"Swami\" (1977), sung by Yesudas under the music direction of Rajesh Roshan. Yesudas was also nominated for the 1978 Filmfare Award for Best Male Playback Singer for the song. This song of Movie 'SWAMY' composed in raaga 'kirwani' which is","Document [8](Title: Naqsh Lyallpuri) Lyallpuri, rather than her own singing. Lyallpuri is best known for the song \"Tumhe Ho Na Ho\" from the film \"Gharonda\" (1977), sung by Bangladeshi singer Runa Laila. The song is often wrongly ascribed to Gulzar, who wrote the other songs in the film, whereas the song \"Do Deewane Shahar Mein\" in the same film is misattributed to Lyallpuri. The 1979 song \"Yeh Mulaqaat Ek Bahana Hai\" in the film \"Khandaan\" is noted for its unusual ghazal format. His \"Pyar Ka Dard Hai\" from the 1981 film \"Dard\" has been lauded for Kishore Kumar's soft singing and for using \"everyday","Document [9](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) \"My Heart Will Go On\", which he was humming at the time. When he heard it, Mendonsa came up with the tune and recorded it on his phone. After Shankar Mahadevan and Ehsaan Noorani listened to it, the trio composed the song. The soundtrack was released on 27 September 2003 under the Sony Music India label. The audio launch ceremony was held two days later at the Taj Lands End in Mumbai. The album had positive reviews and the title song, \"It's The Time To Disco\", \"Kuch To Hua Hai\" and \"Pretty Woman\" became popular. A Bollywood Hungama critic called","Document [10](Title: Monali Thakur) the film \"Lootera\". In March 2016, she received the National Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song \"Moh Moh Ke Dhaage\" from the film \"Dum Laga Ke Haisha\" and earned a nomination at the Filmfare Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the same. As a child, she appeared in a Bengali television show, \"Aalokito ek Indu\", in which she played the lead role Indubala. It was followed by two telefilms, including Sudeshna Roy's \"Phagune Agun\", in which she was seen as Ruman. She made her acting debut in Raja Sen's Bengali film \"Krishnakanter Will\", in which","Document [11](Title: Caralisa Monteiro) Bollywood came when the acclaimed trio Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy invited her to sing the chorus of the song \"Jaane Kyon\" from the cult film Dil Chahta Hai in 2001. She was known for the rendition of English parts in Hindi songs and continues to work in the Hindi film music industry on background scores. Monteiro has sung on mainstream Bollywood films like Rock On!! (Phir Dekhiye), Don (2006 Hindi film) theme, Don 2 (Don Waltz), Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna where she sang the song \"Mitwa\" with Shafqat Amanat Ali, Karthik Calling Karthik with Shankar Mahadevan.On Anjaana Anjaani she sang the song \"Tumse","Document [12](Title: Jo Jeeta Wohi Super Star 2) for her title song in Balaji Telefilms\u2019 Kasamh Se. She has had an opportunity to sing in the Hindi film industry with artists like Sunidhi Chauhan and Udit Narayan in Bunty aur Babli, and also had a solo soundtrack. Nihira is fond of learning languages and is learning Spanish. Harpreet Deol
Harpreet was amongst the finalists in a reality music show in 2007. His favourite personalities are Shaheed Bhagat Singh and Mohammed Rafi. A student of Punjab University, Harpreet loves singing and sleeping. He has gained popularity in Punjab and has performed at numerous stage shows. He is working on","Document [13](Title: Suman Kalyanpur) Rafi are \"Aajkal Tere Mere Pyaar Ke Charche\", \"Na Na Karte Pyaar\", \"Tumse O Hasina\", \"Rahen Na Rahen Hum\", \"Parbaton Ke Pedon Par Shaam Ka Basera He\", \"Yeh Parbaton Ke Daayare\", \"Ajahuna Aye Balama\", \"Tumane Pukara Aur Hum Chale Aye\", \"Bad Muddat Ke Yeh Ghadi Ayee\", \"Mujhhe Yeh Bhool Na\", \"Dil Ne Phir Yaad Kiya\", \"Tujhko Dilbari Ki Kasam\" and \"Chand Takata Hai Idhar\". With Manna Dey, she sang the popular duet \"Na Jane Kahan Ham The\" under the music direction of Dattaram. With Mukesh she has sung many popular duets like `Yeh Kisne geet chheda', \"Akhiyon ka noor hai","Document [14](Title: Oyshee) Taan\u201d, \u201cNaalish\u201d, \u201cDin-e Din-e\u201d and \u201cAri\u201d. They were written by Anurup Aich, Shomeshwar Oli and Robiul Islam Jibon. she recorded a folk song \"Kajol Bhromora\" as a featured artist alongside Adit Ozbert, it became popular. \"Dil Ki Doya Hoyna\" and \"Tumi Chokh Mele Takale\" are other successful songs by her in that period. In February 2018, she signed a contract with Indian record label Shree Venkatesh Films, becoming the youngest Bangladeshi singer to do so. Oyshee Oyshee is a Bangladeshi singer. She is most remembered for her albums 'Oyshee Express' with Imran Mahmudul and 'Dehobazi' with Arfin Rumey. Oyshee learned","Document [15](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho (song)) Kal Ho Naa Ho (Hindi: \u0915\u0932 \u0939\u094b \u0928\u093e \u0939\u094b, English: Tomorrow May Never Come) is a Hindi song from the 2003 Hindi film Kal Ho Naa Ho directed by Nikhil Advani. The song is one of the most popular Hindi film songs all time. The song was composed by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy with lyrics penned by Javed Akhtar and sung by Sonu Nigam. It quickly became popular upon release. There is also a sad version of the song in the film on which Sonu Nigam is joined by Alka Yagnik and Richa Sharma.","Document [16](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) \"signify ethnicity and caste.\" In \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\", Jennifer and Lajjo are Christian and Punjabi Sikh, respectively; Rohit is a Gujarati. According to Kumar, Rohit and Naina's marriage symbolises the unity of the people of Punjab and Gujarat. Both films emphasise different aspects of marriage. In \"Salaam Namaste\", central characters Nick and Ambar's (Saif Ali Khan and Zinta, respectively) professional careers come first and they are fearful of commitment. Conversely, in \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" the tradition of love-cum-arranged marriage is encouraged. Aman is noted by many critics to resemble Rajesh Khanna's character, Anand Saigal, in Hrishikesh Mukherjee's \"Anand\"","Document [17](Title: Richa Sharma (singer)) (the song \"Duppatte Ka Palu\"), \"Baghban\" (Title Song for Aadesh Shrivastava); \"Soch\" (the song \"Nikal Chali Be\" for Jatin-Lalit); \"Rudraksh\", \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" (Sad version of the title track for Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy); \"Gangajal\" (Sandesh Shandilya); \"Popcorn Khao Mast Ho Jao\" (Vishal-Shekhar), \"Saawariya\" (Monty Sharma), and \"Om Shanti Om\" (Vishal-Shekhar) and the most popular song for \"Kaante\" (\"Mahi Ve\" for Anand Raaj Anand). The versatile playback singer has also done quite a few albums to showcase her talent. Albums like \"Ni Main Yaar Nu Sajda Kardi\", \"Piya\" and \"Winds of Rajasthan\" (for Times Music released early 2004) have brought out the","Document [18](Title: Tulsi Kumar) Tulsi Kumar Tulsi Kumari Ralhan, known professionally as Tulsi Kumar is an Indian playback singer and actress, born to Gulshan Kumar and Sudesh Kumari Dua. Kumar has two siblings Khushali Kumari Dua and Bhushan Kumar Dua. Her singing career started by her backing tracks in Bollywood movies such as \"Chup Chup Ke\", \"Humko Deewana Kar Gaye\" and \"Aksar\". In 2009, her debut album, \"Love ho Jaaye\", was released. Along with the album, Kumar made a music video for the title track. Her song \"Mujhe Teri\" from the movie \"Paathshaala\" and \"Tum Jo Aaye\" from \"Once Upon a Time in Mumbai\"","Document [19](Title: Naina Chaar) Naina Chaar Naina Chaar is an Indian pop song performed by singers Shreya Ghoshal and Kailash Kher. The song was written by Kailash Kher and produced by Naresh Kamath and Paresh Kamath, from his band Kailasa. It was released on 16 September 2013 by Sony Music India. The exclusively online initiative by Sony Music, of which the song was a part, was titled 'Project Resound' and it marked the first collaboration between veteran Indian singers Shreya Ghoshal and Kailash Kher, who were asked to share their knowledge about music genres and Indian languages. 'Upgrade your ears' was the tagline of","Document [20](Title: Jo Jeeta Wohi Super Star 2) He aspires to follow his dream of making it big in the music industry. Vaishali Mhade
27 year old Vaishali from Maharashtra is the winner of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Challenge 2009 and the Marathi version of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa in 2008. Her life revolves around being a singer, wife and mother with equal enthusiasm. A versatile and consistent singer, she says her husband has been a great support in her singing career. She has sung the title track of the Marathi daily soap called \"Kulvadhu\" and also lent her voice for Shridhar Phadke\u2019s album. She made"],"query":"who is the singer of kal ho na ho?","answers":["Sonu Nigam","Richa Sharma","Alka Yagnik"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho (song)) in Rohit's place, romancing Naina. The theme of the song was composed by Loy Mendonsa of the Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy trio and Shankar Mahadevan arranged the groove. In a later interview in the documentary \"Pancham unmixed\", Shankar, Ehsaan and Loy revealed that the music of the segment \"har pal yahaan\" in the song was inspired by the music of R.D.Burman. The song was featured in \"Outlook\" magazine's \"20 Best Hindi Film Songs Ever\" list. The jury was composed of celebrities such as Gulzar, Hariharan, Javed Akhtar, Kumar Sanu and Shantanu Moitra. Each jury member was asked to nominate 10 favorites and the","Document [2](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) music directors for \"Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham...\". The soundtrack for \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" was composed by Shankar\u2013Ehsaan\u2013Loy in their first collaboration with Johar, with lyrics by Javed Akhtar. Unlike many previous Bollywood films, Johar complied with international copyright laws and obtained permission to rework Roy Orbison's 1964 song \"Oh, Pretty Woman\" for the film; the revised song was entitled \"Pretty Woman\". The music for the title song, \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\", was composed by Loy Mendonsa when he and Advani were at the German Bakery in Pune. Advani wanted a song thematically similar to Celine Dion's 1997 recording of","Document [3](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) favourite directors, she immediately changed her mind and accepted. Kajol and Rani Mukherji made special appearances in the song \"Maahi Ve\". \"Vogue India\" fashion director Anaita Shroff Adajania made a cameo appearance as Geeta Parekh, Naina and Rohit's fellow MBA candidate. In addition to writing the story and screenplay, Johar co-produced \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" with Yash Johar under the banner of Dharma Productions. The film was the last produced by Yash Johar before his death on 26 June 2004. The dialogue was written by Niranjan Iyengar. Anil Mehta and Sanjay Sankla were signed as cinematographer and editor, respectively, and","Document [4](Title: Mahalakshmi Iyer) for her performances in songs like \"Kabhi Sham Dhale\" from \"Sur \u2013 The Melody of Life\" (2002), \"Har Taraf\" from \"Rishtey\" (2002) and for hit songs like \"Chup Chup Ke\" from \"Bunty Aur Babli\" (2005), \"Aaj Ki Raat\" from \"\" (2006) and \"Bol Na Halke Halke\" from \"Jhoom Barabar Jhoom\". She sang on the Academy Award winning song \"Jai Ho\" for A. R. Rahman in the film \"Slumdog Millionaire\" (2008). Specifically, she sang the Hindi words between the short \"Jai Ho\" chants, as well as portions of the verses (most of which were sung by Sukhwinder Singh). In the past,","Document [5](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) Kal Ho Naa Ho Kal Ho Naa Ho (, ), also abbreviated as KHNH, is a 2003 Indian romantic drama film directed by Nikkhil Advani. The film features Jaya Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Saif Ali Khan, and Preity Zinta as the lead characters, with Sushma Seth, Reema Lagoo, Lilette Dubey, and Delnaaz Paul in supporting roles. It narrates the story of Naina Catherine Kapur, a pessimistic and uptight MBA student. She falls in love with her neighbour Aman Mathur, a terminally-ill heart patient who tries to get Naina and her friend Rohit Patel to fall in love with each other,","Document [6](Title: Monali Thakur) Monali Thakur Monali Thakur (born 3 November 1985) is an Indian singer and actress. She is the recipient of a National Film Award and a Filmfare Award.Thakur won the National Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song \"Moh Moh Ke Dhaage\" from the film \"Dum Laga Ke Haisha\" (2015) and the Filmfare Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song \"Sawaar Loon\" from the film \"Lootera\" (2013). She is even now continuously giving various new hits. She was a \"judge\" on Zee TV's Sa Re Ga Ma Pa L'il Champs 2014. She was also an \"expert\"","Document [7](Title: Ka Karoon Sajni Aaye Na Baalam) Ka Karoon Sajni Aaye Na Baalam Ka Karoon Sajni Aye Na Baalam is a classical song of Hindustani classical music. It is a Thumri sung in the raaga, Sindh Bhairavi Thumri. It was popularised by legendary Hindustani vocalist, Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, Barkat Ali Khan, Bismillah Khan on shehnai, Pandit Ajoy Chakrabarty etc. It was part of the Hindi film, \"Swami\" (1977), sung by Yesudas under the music direction of Rajesh Roshan. Yesudas was also nominated for the 1978 Filmfare Award for Best Male Playback Singer for the song. This song of Movie 'SWAMY' composed in raaga 'kirwani' which is","Document [8](Title: Naqsh Lyallpuri) Lyallpuri, rather than her own singing. Lyallpuri is best known for the song \"Tumhe Ho Na Ho\" from the film \"Gharonda\" (1977), sung by Bangladeshi singer Runa Laila. The song is often wrongly ascribed to Gulzar, who wrote the other songs in the film, whereas the song \"Do Deewane Shahar Mein\" in the same film is misattributed to Lyallpuri. The 1979 song \"Yeh Mulaqaat Ek Bahana Hai\" in the film \"Khandaan\" is noted for its unusual ghazal format. His \"Pyar Ka Dard Hai\" from the 1981 film \"Dard\" has been lauded for Kishore Kumar's soft singing and for using \"everyday","Document [9](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) \"My Heart Will Go On\", which he was humming at the time. When he heard it, Mendonsa came up with the tune and recorded it on his phone. After Shankar Mahadevan and Ehsaan Noorani listened to it, the trio composed the song. The soundtrack was released on 27 September 2003 under the Sony Music India label. The audio launch ceremony was held two days later at the Taj Lands End in Mumbai. The album had positive reviews and the title song, \"It's The Time To Disco\", \"Kuch To Hua Hai\" and \"Pretty Woman\" became popular. A Bollywood Hungama critic called","Document [10](Title: Monali Thakur) the film \"Lootera\". In March 2016, she received the National Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the song \"Moh Moh Ke Dhaage\" from the film \"Dum Laga Ke Haisha\" and earned a nomination at the Filmfare Award for Best Female Playback Singer for the same. As a child, she appeared in a Bengali television show, \"Aalokito ek Indu\", in which she played the lead role Indubala. It was followed by two telefilms, including Sudeshna Roy's \"Phagune Agun\", in which she was seen as Ruman. She made her acting debut in Raja Sen's Bengali film \"Krishnakanter Will\", in which","Document [11](Title: Caralisa Monteiro) Bollywood came when the acclaimed trio Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy invited her to sing the chorus of the song \"Jaane Kyon\" from the cult film Dil Chahta Hai in 2001. She was known for the rendition of English parts in Hindi songs and continues to work in the Hindi film music industry on background scores. Monteiro has sung on mainstream Bollywood films like Rock On!! (Phir Dekhiye), Don (2006 Hindi film) theme, Don 2 (Don Waltz), Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna where she sang the song \"Mitwa\" with Shafqat Amanat Ali, Karthik Calling Karthik with Shankar Mahadevan.On Anjaana Anjaani she sang the song \"Tumse","Document [12](Title: Jo Jeeta Wohi Super Star 2) for her title song in Balaji Telefilms\u2019 Kasamh Se. She has had an opportunity to sing in the Hindi film industry with artists like Sunidhi Chauhan and Udit Narayan in Bunty aur Babli, and also had a solo soundtrack. Nihira is fond of learning languages and is learning Spanish. Harpreet Deol
Harpreet was amongst the finalists in a reality music show in 2007. His favourite personalities are Shaheed Bhagat Singh and Mohammed Rafi. A student of Punjab University, Harpreet loves singing and sleeping. He has gained popularity in Punjab and has performed at numerous stage shows. He is working on","Document [13](Title: Suman Kalyanpur) Rafi are \"Aajkal Tere Mere Pyaar Ke Charche\", \"Na Na Karte Pyaar\", \"Tumse O Hasina\", \"Rahen Na Rahen Hum\", \"Parbaton Ke Pedon Par Shaam Ka Basera He\", \"Yeh Parbaton Ke Daayare\", \"Ajahuna Aye Balama\", \"Tumane Pukara Aur Hum Chale Aye\", \"Bad Muddat Ke Yeh Ghadi Ayee\", \"Mujhhe Yeh Bhool Na\", \"Dil Ne Phir Yaad Kiya\", \"Tujhko Dilbari Ki Kasam\" and \"Chand Takata Hai Idhar\". With Manna Dey, she sang the popular duet \"Na Jane Kahan Ham The\" under the music direction of Dattaram. With Mukesh she has sung many popular duets like `Yeh Kisne geet chheda', \"Akhiyon ka noor hai","Document [14](Title: Oyshee) Taan\u201d, \u201cNaalish\u201d, \u201cDin-e Din-e\u201d and \u201cAri\u201d. They were written by Anurup Aich, Shomeshwar Oli and Robiul Islam Jibon. she recorded a folk song \"Kajol Bhromora\" as a featured artist alongside Adit Ozbert, it became popular. \"Dil Ki Doya Hoyna\" and \"Tumi Chokh Mele Takale\" are other successful songs by her in that period. In February 2018, she signed a contract with Indian record label Shree Venkatesh Films, becoming the youngest Bangladeshi singer to do so. Oyshee Oyshee is a Bangladeshi singer. She is most remembered for her albums 'Oyshee Express' with Imran Mahmudul and 'Dehobazi' with Arfin Rumey. Oyshee learned","Document [15](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho) \"signify ethnicity and caste.\" In \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\", Jennifer and Lajjo are Christian and Punjabi Sikh, respectively; Rohit is a Gujarati. According to Kumar, Rohit and Naina's marriage symbolises the unity of the people of Punjab and Gujarat. Both films emphasise different aspects of marriage. In \"Salaam Namaste\", central characters Nick and Ambar's (Saif Ali Khan and Zinta, respectively) professional careers come first and they are fearful of commitment. Conversely, in \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" the tradition of love-cum-arranged marriage is encouraged. Aman is noted by many critics to resemble Rajesh Khanna's character, Anand Saigal, in Hrishikesh Mukherjee's \"Anand\"","Document [16](Title: Richa Sharma (singer)) (the song \"Duppatte Ka Palu\"), \"Baghban\" (Title Song for Aadesh Shrivastava); \"Soch\" (the song \"Nikal Chali Be\" for Jatin-Lalit); \"Rudraksh\", \"Kal Ho Naa Ho\" (Sad version of the title track for Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy); \"Gangajal\" (Sandesh Shandilya); \"Popcorn Khao Mast Ho Jao\" (Vishal-Shekhar), \"Saawariya\" (Monty Sharma), and \"Om Shanti Om\" (Vishal-Shekhar) and the most popular song for \"Kaante\" (\"Mahi Ve\" for Anand Raaj Anand). The versatile playback singer has also done quite a few albums to showcase her talent. Albums like \"Ni Main Yaar Nu Sajda Kardi\", \"Piya\" and \"Winds of Rajasthan\" (for Times Music released early 2004) have brought out the","Document [17](Title: Tulsi Kumar) Tulsi Kumar Tulsi Kumari Ralhan, known professionally as Tulsi Kumar is an Indian playback singer and actress, born to Gulshan Kumar and Sudesh Kumari Dua. Kumar has two siblings Khushali Kumari Dua and Bhushan Kumar Dua. Her singing career started by her backing tracks in Bollywood movies such as \"Chup Chup Ke\", \"Humko Deewana Kar Gaye\" and \"Aksar\". In 2009, her debut album, \"Love ho Jaaye\", was released. Along with the album, Kumar made a music video for the title track. Her song \"Mujhe Teri\" from the movie \"Paathshaala\" and \"Tum Jo Aaye\" from \"Once Upon a Time in Mumbai\"","Document [18](Title: Naina Chaar) Naina Chaar Naina Chaar is an Indian pop song performed by singers Shreya Ghoshal and Kailash Kher. The song was written by Kailash Kher and produced by Naresh Kamath and Paresh Kamath, from his band Kailasa. It was released on 16 September 2013 by Sony Music India. The exclusively online initiative by Sony Music, of which the song was a part, was titled 'Project Resound' and it marked the first collaboration between veteran Indian singers Shreya Ghoshal and Kailash Kher, who were asked to share their knowledge about music genres and Indian languages. 'Upgrade your ears' was the tagline of","Document [19](Title: Jo Jeeta Wohi Super Star 2) He aspires to follow his dream of making it big in the music industry. Vaishali Mhade
27 year old Vaishali from Maharashtra is the winner of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Challenge 2009 and the Marathi version of Sa Re Ga Ma Pa in 2008. Her life revolves around being a singer, wife and mother with equal enthusiasm. A versatile and consistent singer, she says her husband has been a great support in her singing career. She has sung the title track of the Marathi daily soap called \"Kulvadhu\" and also lent her voice for Shridhar Phadke\u2019s album. She made","Document [20](Title: Kal Ho Naa Ho (song)) Kal Ho Naa Ho (Hindi: \u0915\u0932 \u0939\u094b \u0928\u093e \u0939\u094b, English: Tomorrow May Never Come) is a Hindi song from the 2003 Hindi film Kal Ho Naa Ho directed by Nikhil Advani. The song is one of the most popular Hindi film songs all time. The song was composed by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy with lyrics penned by Javed Akhtar and sung by Sonu Nigam. It quickly became popular upon release. There is also a sad version of the song in the film on which Sonu Nigam is joined by Alka Yagnik and Richa Sharma."],"query":"who is the singer of kal ho na ho?","answers":["Sonu Nigam","Richa Sharma","Alka Yagnik"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Alan Autry) Carlos Alan Autry Jr. (also known for a period of time as Carlos Brown; born July 31, 1952), is an American actor, politician, and former National Football League player. During his brief football career, he was known as Carlos Brown. He played the role of Captain Bubba Skinner on the NBC television series, In the Heat of the Night, starring Carroll O'Connor. He has also appeared in films and other television shows. In November 2000, he was elected mayor of Fresno, California, and served for two four-year terms through January 2009. In 2008, Autry was hosting a radio news talk","Document [2](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) ex-partner and Althea's ex-lover (Michael Warren from \"Hill Street Blues\") coming to visit for a reunion that no one would ever forget; Chief Gillespie's having to face his own bigoted past when he arrests a close friend (played by Ed Ames) (who is also the sheriff of the neighboring county) for committing a racially motivated murder; Bubba's getting caught up in a murderous love triangle; Althea's niece \"Nicole\" visiting, and with new friend \"Bobby Skinner\" (Bubba's nephew) stumbling upon criminal malfeasance in the episode \"City Mouse Country Mouse\". Mary Crosby and Judith Chapman stir up trouble when the sisters are","Document [3](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) real father. At the end of the episode, Lana finds out that Bill is her real father but does not want to have anything to do with him because of his nonexistence in her life for 20 years. This hurts Bill deeply, and he has a hard time dealing with it. Other story lines include a taxidermist who is obsessed with a schoolteacher, a game of high-stakes poker that ends in murder, Bubba's finding out that Sheriff McComb's deputy is growing pot on the side, Sweet's finding out the truth about the murder of his grandfather in 1948 (a story","Document [4](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) Tibbs and assists on three of the Sparta PD's cases after having moved into Ben Taylor's law office. Other cases involve a friend of Bubba Skinner's being given the AIDS virus from a lover who knew he had it, a nine-year-old little girl being killed because of a drunk driver (Hagman-directed), a young inter-racial couple being stalked by a white supremacist (Brent Lunay), first seen in the episode \"Odessa\", written by Denise Nicholas. Other cases include Parker's being accused of police brutality, and the return of Daddy Roy and Miz Rhoda. Both Anne Meara and Jerry Stiller make special guest","Document [5](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) for Megan Fowler (the girlfriend) and Lyle Ridley (the older married man) and fatally shoots Lyle while he and Megan are chasing each other outside the cabin that belongs to Lyle Ridley and his wife. Parker and Dee suffer the dreaded task of traveling to the Ridley residence to tell Mrs. Ridley that her husband was shot at their lake home and that he was with a 17-year-old girl. Other highlights this season included the return of Luanne's brother (played by \"Designing Women\"s Meshach Taylor), a faded country music singer (played by Robert Goulet) who ends up committing murder; the","Document [6](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) by the music teacher at Sparta High School. It was also revealed that Parker was a Vietnam veteran. Dee Shaw joined the cast as officer Dee Sheppard. In plot lines, Parker almost crosses the line between police ethics and love when he falls for Kate Morell and her daughter J.C.; a former boxer that used to run for the mob tries to blackmail them. The chief tries unsuccessfully to save him, telling Althea, \"The FBI wants to buy what King Baylor knows before the mob kills him and the mob wants him dead before the FBI can buy him. It's","Document [7](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) reconciliation between Gillespie and his estranged daughter Lana, Bubba's being stalked by an obsessed admirer; Sweet's being falsely accused of accepting a bribe; and a two-part episode directed by Larry Hagman involving the white supremacy that still exists in the new South. In a two-part episode written by O'Connor and Cynthia Deming, titled \"Even Nice People\" and \"Lake Winahatchie\", the mob, led by their real estate connection Lewis Alvin Epp, tries to force Lana off her farmland, first by trying to buy it and then by torching it so that they can build the \"Sparta South Development\". Burgess Meredith (in","Document [8](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) character actors and actresses have made guest appearances, and others were newcomers who went on to become well-known. Some of those appearing in \"The Heat of the Night\" episodes were: Ed Ames, Frances Fisher, Rod Masterson, Mel Stewart, Denzel Washington, Nana Visitor, Gail O'Grady, Peter Fonda, Don Galloway, Corbin Bernsen, Dana Barron, Marco St. John, Larry Black, Ted Lange, Mickey Jones, Mitchell Laurance, Laura Johnson, Jordan Vaughn, Martha Byrne, Walton Goggins, Maury Covington, Earl Holliman, Michael Beck, Randy Brooks, Wayne Brady, Art Evans, Nicolas Cowan, Lou Walker, Alan Arbus, Robert Goulet, Bobby Short, Iman, William Sadler, Michael Spound, Bill McKinney,","Document [9](Title: Brad Leland) and directing. After graduating from college, Leland moved to Dallas where he worked in local theatre and found an agent. He also got a part in one episode of the TV series \"Dallas\" and in an episode of \"In the Heat of the Night\". He later appeared in seven episodes of the TV series \"Walker, Texas Ranger\", in the 2003 \"Texas Chain Saw Massacre\" remake and as an executive in the film \"Hancock\". His most visible roles, though, are that of football booster John Aubrey in the film \"Friday Night Lights\" and the similar character, Buddy Garrity, in the TV","Document [10](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) played by legendary actress Stella Stevens. Georgia Farren asks Bill to help her put some of her affairs in order and to keep all of her \"boyfriends\" as well as her ex-husband away from her assets, which she intends to leave to Lana. Bill immediately puts Ted Marcus on the case to assist Lana in obtaining the property meant to be given to her by her mother. In the meantime, Georgia returns to Gulfport and is murdered. The chief takes this very personally and sets out to find her killer, Ken Farren, who evidently learns that Bill Gillespie is Lana's","Document [11](Title: Sweet, Sweet Blues) Sweet, Sweet Blues \"Sweet, Sweet Blues\" is an award winning episode of the NBC drama series \"In the Heat of the Night\", starring Carroll O'Connor as Chief Bill Gillespie and Howard Rollins as Detective Virgil Tibbs.\"In the Heat of the Night\" was based on the 1965 novel by John Ball, which was also the basis for the Academy Award winning film of the same name starring Rod Steiger and Sidney Poitier, directed by Norman Jewison. Directed by Vincent McEveety (\"Firecreek\") and written by William James Royce, the episode guest stars musician Bobby Short as bluesman Chester \"Cat\" Collins and actor","Document [12](Title: Bubba Ho-Tep) Bubba Ho-Tep Bubba Ho-Tep is a 2002 American comedy horror film written, co-produced and directed by Don Coscarelli. It stars Bruce Campbell as Elvis Presley\u2014now a resident in a nursing home. The film also stars Ossie Davis as Jack, a black man who claims to be John F. Kennedy, explaining that he was patched up after the assassination, dyed black, and abandoned. It is based on novella of the same name by Joe R. Lansdale, which originally appeared in the anthology \"The King Is Dead: Tales of Elvis Post-Mortem\". Originally the film was \"roadshowed\" by the director across the country.","Document [13](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) which he does not tell her about. She is worried that her children will grow up without their father. She begs him to try something different. Chief Gillespie burns up the wires to get Virgil on his way to law school, and Althea apologizes for not being more understanding as she, Virgil, and Chief Gillespie share a glass of wine together. The fifth season begins with the revelation that Chief Gillespie has a daughter by the name of Lana Farren, played by Christine Elise (formerly of \"Beverly Hills, 90210\"). The chief is now good friends with her mother, Georgia Farren,","Document [14](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) the knot at the same sanctuary involved in the sanctuary case from season five. Father DiMarco has since died, but the new Monk agrees to marry them. Chief Forbes serves as best man. In the meantime, a newspaper misprint makes Gillespie the target of an escaped killer from Texas whose father Sheriff McComb sent to death row. His son is now seeking revenge. The season and the TV series wraps up with the two-hour movie of the week, \"Give Me Your Life\", starring Peter Fonda as Appfel. The story (by O'Connor and written by Cynthia Deming & William J Royce)","Document [15](Title: Warren Oates) Devil\" (1975) and \"92 in the Shade\" (1975). While making a guest appearance on a segment of the Western television series \"Dundee and the Culhane\", Oates managed to steal the show with his off-camera antics and bloopers that had everyone on the set rolling. After a long day of filming, he headed over and set his footprints in cement along with all the other stars who appeared at Apacheland Movie Ranch. It was during this time that \"In the Heat of the Night\" was a blockbuster summer movie. Oates played Officer Sam Wood, a peeping-tom policeman and possible killer in","Document [16](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) District Attorney Darnell, who feels the prisoner is being treated in a privileged status due to his disability. Meanwhile, Chief Forbes is escorted on a driving tour of Sparta by Bubba Skinner and Officer Covey. Forbes gets to see both the finest street in town, along which Bubba indicates that he has solved many major crimes, as well as \"The Bottoms\". Chief Forbes soon realizes that Sparta is no different from Memphis, and he and Gillespie will need to work together to keep the town safe from the criminal elements. Howard Rollins returns in his new capacity as attorney Virgil","Document [17](Title: Dennis Burkley) credits, he established himself as a talent in the 1970s with appearances on \"Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman\", \"Maude\", BJ and the Bear, The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo and \"the Rockford Files.\" In the 80s, he came into his own as an actor with high profile roles as Sonny Crockett on \"Hill Street Blues\" and another memorable role as Cal, the Texas-born junkyard partner of Fred G. Sanford in \"Sanford\", the short-lived \"Sanford and Son\" sequel from 1980-1981. He played a cannibal on an episode of \"Night Court\". He appeared as Bubba in the TV series \"The Dukes of Hazzard\" in","Document [18](Title: Ed Grady) as well as a string of series including \"In the Heat of the Night\", \"I'll Fly Away\", \"Matlock\", and \"Dawson's Creek\", in which he had a recurring role as Gramps Ryan. Grady's theater roles included three seasons at \"Unto These Hills\", an outdoor Cherokee historical drama staged in Cherokee, North Carolina. Grady portrayed Drowning Bear in the play, which follows the story of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. In addition to acting, Grady taught television production and English at Freedom High School in Morganton, North Carolina, during the 1970s and Keenan High School in Columbia, South Carolina. He was","Document [19](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) of the cast members had homes in the area and were often spotted in local restaurants and retail stores. The cast members would also go around to local schools to speak to students. The theme song, \"In the Heat of the Night,\" was recorded by Quincy Jones, and is usually paired with \"They Call Me Mr. Tibbs\" on albums. Bill Champlin of the band Chicago sang the opening theme song for the television series. Randall Franks and Alan Autry co-produced the cast CD \"Christmas Time's A Comin'\" for Sonlite and MGM\/UA featuring the entire cast and a host of music","Document [20](Title: Carroll O'Connor) on CBS in that show's last three seasons. While coping with his son's drug problem, O'Connor starred as Sparta, Mississippi, Police Chief Bill Gillespie, a tough veteran cop on \"In the Heat of the Night\". Based on the 1967 movie of the same name, the series debuted on NBC in March 1988 and performed well. He cast his son Hugh O'Connor as Officer Lonnie Jamison. The headquarters of the Sparta Police Department was actually the library in Covington, Georgia. Much like O'Connor himself, Gillespie was racially progressive and politically liberal, but the character of Bill Gillespie was also a smart"],"query":"who played bubba in the heat of the night?","answers":["Carlos Alan Autry Jr."],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) ex-partner and Althea's ex-lover (Michael Warren from \"Hill Street Blues\") coming to visit for a reunion that no one would ever forget; Chief Gillespie's having to face his own bigoted past when he arrests a close friend (played by Ed Ames) (who is also the sheriff of the neighboring county) for committing a racially motivated murder; Bubba's getting caught up in a murderous love triangle; Althea's niece \"Nicole\" visiting, and with new friend \"Bobby Skinner\" (Bubba's nephew) stumbling upon criminal malfeasance in the episode \"City Mouse Country Mouse\". Mary Crosby and Judith Chapman stir up trouble when the sisters are","Document [2](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) real father. At the end of the episode, Lana finds out that Bill is her real father but does not want to have anything to do with him because of his nonexistence in her life for 20 years. This hurts Bill deeply, and he has a hard time dealing with it. Other story lines include a taxidermist who is obsessed with a schoolteacher, a game of high-stakes poker that ends in murder, Bubba's finding out that Sheriff McComb's deputy is growing pot on the side, Sweet's finding out the truth about the murder of his grandfather in 1948 (a story","Document [3](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) Tibbs and assists on three of the Sparta PD's cases after having moved into Ben Taylor's law office. Other cases involve a friend of Bubba Skinner's being given the AIDS virus from a lover who knew he had it, a nine-year-old little girl being killed because of a drunk driver (Hagman-directed), a young inter-racial couple being stalked by a white supremacist (Brent Lunay), first seen in the episode \"Odessa\", written by Denise Nicholas. Other cases include Parker's being accused of police brutality, and the return of Daddy Roy and Miz Rhoda. Both Anne Meara and Jerry Stiller make special guest","Document [4](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) for Megan Fowler (the girlfriend) and Lyle Ridley (the older married man) and fatally shoots Lyle while he and Megan are chasing each other outside the cabin that belongs to Lyle Ridley and his wife. Parker and Dee suffer the dreaded task of traveling to the Ridley residence to tell Mrs. Ridley that her husband was shot at their lake home and that he was with a 17-year-old girl. Other highlights this season included the return of Luanne's brother (played by \"Designing Women\"s Meshach Taylor), a faded country music singer (played by Robert Goulet) who ends up committing murder; the","Document [5](Title: Alan Autry) Carlos Alan Autry Jr. (also known for a period of time as Carlos Brown; born July 31, 1952), is an American actor, politician, and former National Football League player. During his brief football career, he was known as Carlos Brown. He played the role of Captain Bubba Skinner on the NBC television series, In the Heat of the Night, starring Carroll O'Connor. He has also appeared in films and other television shows. In November 2000, he was elected mayor of Fresno, California, and served for two four-year terms through January 2009. In 2008, Autry was hosting a radio news talk","Document [6](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) by the music teacher at Sparta High School. It was also revealed that Parker was a Vietnam veteran. Dee Shaw joined the cast as officer Dee Sheppard. In plot lines, Parker almost crosses the line between police ethics and love when he falls for Kate Morell and her daughter J.C.; a former boxer that used to run for the mob tries to blackmail them. The chief tries unsuccessfully to save him, telling Althea, \"The FBI wants to buy what King Baylor knows before the mob kills him and the mob wants him dead before the FBI can buy him. It's","Document [7](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) reconciliation between Gillespie and his estranged daughter Lana, Bubba's being stalked by an obsessed admirer; Sweet's being falsely accused of accepting a bribe; and a two-part episode directed by Larry Hagman involving the white supremacy that still exists in the new South. In a two-part episode written by O'Connor and Cynthia Deming, titled \"Even Nice People\" and \"Lake Winahatchie\", the mob, led by their real estate connection Lewis Alvin Epp, tries to force Lana off her farmland, first by trying to buy it and then by torching it so that they can build the \"Sparta South Development\". Burgess Meredith (in","Document [8](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) character actors and actresses have made guest appearances, and others were newcomers who went on to become well-known. Some of those appearing in \"The Heat of the Night\" episodes were: Ed Ames, Frances Fisher, Rod Masterson, Mel Stewart, Denzel Washington, Nana Visitor, Gail O'Grady, Peter Fonda, Don Galloway, Corbin Bernsen, Dana Barron, Marco St. John, Larry Black, Ted Lange, Mickey Jones, Mitchell Laurance, Laura Johnson, Jordan Vaughn, Martha Byrne, Walton Goggins, Maury Covington, Earl Holliman, Michael Beck, Randy Brooks, Wayne Brady, Art Evans, Nicolas Cowan, Lou Walker, Alan Arbus, Robert Goulet, Bobby Short, Iman, William Sadler, Michael Spound, Bill McKinney,","Document [9](Title: Brad Leland) and directing. After graduating from college, Leland moved to Dallas where he worked in local theatre and found an agent. He also got a part in one episode of the TV series \"Dallas\" and in an episode of \"In the Heat of the Night\". He later appeared in seven episodes of the TV series \"Walker, Texas Ranger\", in the 2003 \"Texas Chain Saw Massacre\" remake and as an executive in the film \"Hancock\". His most visible roles, though, are that of football booster John Aubrey in the film \"Friday Night Lights\" and the similar character, Buddy Garrity, in the TV","Document [10](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) played by legendary actress Stella Stevens. Georgia Farren asks Bill to help her put some of her affairs in order and to keep all of her \"boyfriends\" as well as her ex-husband away from her assets, which she intends to leave to Lana. Bill immediately puts Ted Marcus on the case to assist Lana in obtaining the property meant to be given to her by her mother. In the meantime, Georgia returns to Gulfport and is murdered. The chief takes this very personally and sets out to find her killer, Ken Farren, who evidently learns that Bill Gillespie is Lana's","Document [11](Title: Sweet, Sweet Blues) Sweet, Sweet Blues \"Sweet, Sweet Blues\" is an award winning episode of the NBC drama series \"In the Heat of the Night\", starring Carroll O'Connor as Chief Bill Gillespie and Howard Rollins as Detective Virgil Tibbs.\"In the Heat of the Night\" was based on the 1965 novel by John Ball, which was also the basis for the Academy Award winning film of the same name starring Rod Steiger and Sidney Poitier, directed by Norman Jewison. Directed by Vincent McEveety (\"Firecreek\") and written by William James Royce, the episode guest stars musician Bobby Short as bluesman Chester \"Cat\" Collins and actor","Document [12](Title: Bubba Ho-Tep) Bubba Ho-Tep Bubba Ho-Tep is a 2002 American comedy horror film written, co-produced and directed by Don Coscarelli. It stars Bruce Campbell as Elvis Presley\u2014now a resident in a nursing home. The film also stars Ossie Davis as Jack, a black man who claims to be John F. Kennedy, explaining that he was patched up after the assassination, dyed black, and abandoned. It is based on novella of the same name by Joe R. Lansdale, which originally appeared in the anthology \"The King Is Dead: Tales of Elvis Post-Mortem\". Originally the film was \"roadshowed\" by the director across the country.","Document [13](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) which he does not tell her about. She is worried that her children will grow up without their father. She begs him to try something different. Chief Gillespie burns up the wires to get Virgil on his way to law school, and Althea apologizes for not being more understanding as she, Virgil, and Chief Gillespie share a glass of wine together. The fifth season begins with the revelation that Chief Gillespie has a daughter by the name of Lana Farren, played by Christine Elise (formerly of \"Beverly Hills, 90210\"). The chief is now good friends with her mother, Georgia Farren,","Document [14](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) the knot at the same sanctuary involved in the sanctuary case from season five. Father DiMarco has since died, but the new Monk agrees to marry them. Chief Forbes serves as best man. In the meantime, a newspaper misprint makes Gillespie the target of an escaped killer from Texas whose father Sheriff McComb sent to death row. His son is now seeking revenge. The season and the TV series wraps up with the two-hour movie of the week, \"Give Me Your Life\", starring Peter Fonda as Appfel. The story (by O'Connor and written by Cynthia Deming & William J Royce)","Document [15](Title: Warren Oates) Devil\" (1975) and \"92 in the Shade\" (1975). While making a guest appearance on a segment of the Western television series \"Dundee and the Culhane\", Oates managed to steal the show with his off-camera antics and bloopers that had everyone on the set rolling. After a long day of filming, he headed over and set his footprints in cement along with all the other stars who appeared at Apacheland Movie Ranch. It was during this time that \"In the Heat of the Night\" was a blockbuster summer movie. Oates played Officer Sam Wood, a peeping-tom policeman and possible killer in","Document [16](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) District Attorney Darnell, who feels the prisoner is being treated in a privileged status due to his disability. Meanwhile, Chief Forbes is escorted on a driving tour of Sparta by Bubba Skinner and Officer Covey. Forbes gets to see both the finest street in town, along which Bubba indicates that he has solved many major crimes, as well as \"The Bottoms\". Chief Forbes soon realizes that Sparta is no different from Memphis, and he and Gillespie will need to work together to keep the town safe from the criminal elements. Howard Rollins returns in his new capacity as attorney Virgil","Document [17](Title: Dennis Burkley) credits, he established himself as a talent in the 1970s with appearances on \"Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman\", \"Maude\", BJ and the Bear, The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo and \"the Rockford Files.\" In the 80s, he came into his own as an actor with high profile roles as Sonny Crockett on \"Hill Street Blues\" and another memorable role as Cal, the Texas-born junkyard partner of Fred G. Sanford in \"Sanford\", the short-lived \"Sanford and Son\" sequel from 1980-1981. He played a cannibal on an episode of \"Night Court\". He appeared as Bubba in the TV series \"The Dukes of Hazzard\" in","Document [18](Title: Ed Grady) as well as a string of series including \"In the Heat of the Night\", \"I'll Fly Away\", \"Matlock\", and \"Dawson's Creek\", in which he had a recurring role as Gramps Ryan. Grady's theater roles included three seasons at \"Unto These Hills\", an outdoor Cherokee historical drama staged in Cherokee, North Carolina. Grady portrayed Drowning Bear in the play, which follows the story of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. In addition to acting, Grady taught television production and English at Freedom High School in Morganton, North Carolina, during the 1970s and Keenan High School in Columbia, South Carolina. He was","Document [19](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) of the cast members had homes in the area and were often spotted in local restaurants and retail stores. The cast members would also go around to local schools to speak to students. The theme song, \"In the Heat of the Night,\" was recorded by Quincy Jones, and is usually paired with \"They Call Me Mr. Tibbs\" on albums. Bill Champlin of the band Chicago sang the opening theme song for the television series. Randall Franks and Alan Autry co-produced the cast CD \"Christmas Time's A Comin'\" for Sonlite and MGM\/UA featuring the entire cast and a host of music","Document [20](Title: Carroll O'Connor) on CBS in that show's last three seasons. While coping with his son's drug problem, O'Connor starred as Sparta, Mississippi, Police Chief Bill Gillespie, a tough veteran cop on \"In the Heat of the Night\". Based on the 1967 movie of the same name, the series debuted on NBC in March 1988 and performed well. He cast his son Hugh O'Connor as Officer Lonnie Jamison. The headquarters of the Sparta Police Department was actually the library in Covington, Georgia. Much like O'Connor himself, Gillespie was racially progressive and politically liberal, but the character of Bill Gillespie was also a smart"],"query":"who played bubba in the heat of the night?","answers":["Carlos Alan Autry Jr."],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) ex-partner and Althea's ex-lover (Michael Warren from \"Hill Street Blues\") coming to visit for a reunion that no one would ever forget; Chief Gillespie's having to face his own bigoted past when he arrests a close friend (played by Ed Ames) (who is also the sheriff of the neighboring county) for committing a racially motivated murder; Bubba's getting caught up in a murderous love triangle; Althea's niece \"Nicole\" visiting, and with new friend \"Bobby Skinner\" (Bubba's nephew) stumbling upon criminal malfeasance in the episode \"City Mouse Country Mouse\". Mary Crosby and Judith Chapman stir up trouble when the sisters are","Document [2](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) real father. At the end of the episode, Lana finds out that Bill is her real father but does not want to have anything to do with him because of his nonexistence in her life for 20 years. This hurts Bill deeply, and he has a hard time dealing with it. Other story lines include a taxidermist who is obsessed with a schoolteacher, a game of high-stakes poker that ends in murder, Bubba's finding out that Sheriff McComb's deputy is growing pot on the side, Sweet's finding out the truth about the murder of his grandfather in 1948 (a story","Document [3](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) Tibbs and assists on three of the Sparta PD's cases after having moved into Ben Taylor's law office. Other cases involve a friend of Bubba Skinner's being given the AIDS virus from a lover who knew he had it, a nine-year-old little girl being killed because of a drunk driver (Hagman-directed), a young inter-racial couple being stalked by a white supremacist (Brent Lunay), first seen in the episode \"Odessa\", written by Denise Nicholas. Other cases include Parker's being accused of police brutality, and the return of Daddy Roy and Miz Rhoda. Both Anne Meara and Jerry Stiller make special guest","Document [4](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) for Megan Fowler (the girlfriend) and Lyle Ridley (the older married man) and fatally shoots Lyle while he and Megan are chasing each other outside the cabin that belongs to Lyle Ridley and his wife. Parker and Dee suffer the dreaded task of traveling to the Ridley residence to tell Mrs. Ridley that her husband was shot at their lake home and that he was with a 17-year-old girl. Other highlights this season included the return of Luanne's brother (played by \"Designing Women\"s Meshach Taylor), a faded country music singer (played by Robert Goulet) who ends up committing murder; the","Document [5](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) by the music teacher at Sparta High School. It was also revealed that Parker was a Vietnam veteran. Dee Shaw joined the cast as officer Dee Sheppard. In plot lines, Parker almost crosses the line between police ethics and love when he falls for Kate Morell and her daughter J.C.; a former boxer that used to run for the mob tries to blackmail them. The chief tries unsuccessfully to save him, telling Althea, \"The FBI wants to buy what King Baylor knows before the mob kills him and the mob wants him dead before the FBI can buy him. It's","Document [6](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) reconciliation between Gillespie and his estranged daughter Lana, Bubba's being stalked by an obsessed admirer; Sweet's being falsely accused of accepting a bribe; and a two-part episode directed by Larry Hagman involving the white supremacy that still exists in the new South. In a two-part episode written by O'Connor and Cynthia Deming, titled \"Even Nice People\" and \"Lake Winahatchie\", the mob, led by their real estate connection Lewis Alvin Epp, tries to force Lana off her farmland, first by trying to buy it and then by torching it so that they can build the \"Sparta South Development\". Burgess Meredith (in","Document [7](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) character actors and actresses have made guest appearances, and others were newcomers who went on to become well-known. Some of those appearing in \"The Heat of the Night\" episodes were: Ed Ames, Frances Fisher, Rod Masterson, Mel Stewart, Denzel Washington, Nana Visitor, Gail O'Grady, Peter Fonda, Don Galloway, Corbin Bernsen, Dana Barron, Marco St. John, Larry Black, Ted Lange, Mickey Jones, Mitchell Laurance, Laura Johnson, Jordan Vaughn, Martha Byrne, Walton Goggins, Maury Covington, Earl Holliman, Michael Beck, Randy Brooks, Wayne Brady, Art Evans, Nicolas Cowan, Lou Walker, Alan Arbus, Robert Goulet, Bobby Short, Iman, William Sadler, Michael Spound, Bill McKinney,","Document [8](Title: Brad Leland) and directing. After graduating from college, Leland moved to Dallas where he worked in local theatre and found an agent. He also got a part in one episode of the TV series \"Dallas\" and in an episode of \"In the Heat of the Night\". He later appeared in seven episodes of the TV series \"Walker, Texas Ranger\", in the 2003 \"Texas Chain Saw Massacre\" remake and as an executive in the film \"Hancock\". His most visible roles, though, are that of football booster John Aubrey in the film \"Friday Night Lights\" and the similar character, Buddy Garrity, in the TV","Document [9](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) played by legendary actress Stella Stevens. Georgia Farren asks Bill to help her put some of her affairs in order and to keep all of her \"boyfriends\" as well as her ex-husband away from her assets, which she intends to leave to Lana. Bill immediately puts Ted Marcus on the case to assist Lana in obtaining the property meant to be given to her by her mother. In the meantime, Georgia returns to Gulfport and is murdered. The chief takes this very personally and sets out to find her killer, Ken Farren, who evidently learns that Bill Gillespie is Lana's","Document [10](Title: Alan Autry) Carlos Alan Autry Jr. (also known for a period of time as Carlos Brown; born July 31, 1952), is an American actor, politician, and former National Football League player. During his brief football career, he was known as Carlos Brown. He played the role of Captain Bubba Skinner on the NBC television series, In the Heat of the Night, starring Carroll O'Connor. He has also appeared in films and other television shows. In November 2000, he was elected mayor of Fresno, California, and served for two four-year terms through January 2009. In 2008, Autry was hosting a radio news talk","Document [11](Title: Sweet, Sweet Blues) Sweet, Sweet Blues \"Sweet, Sweet Blues\" is an award winning episode of the NBC drama series \"In the Heat of the Night\", starring Carroll O'Connor as Chief Bill Gillespie and Howard Rollins as Detective Virgil Tibbs.\"In the Heat of the Night\" was based on the 1965 novel by John Ball, which was also the basis for the Academy Award winning film of the same name starring Rod Steiger and Sidney Poitier, directed by Norman Jewison. Directed by Vincent McEveety (\"Firecreek\") and written by William James Royce, the episode guest stars musician Bobby Short as bluesman Chester \"Cat\" Collins and actor","Document [12](Title: Bubba Ho-Tep) Bubba Ho-Tep Bubba Ho-Tep is a 2002 American comedy horror film written, co-produced and directed by Don Coscarelli. It stars Bruce Campbell as Elvis Presley\u2014now a resident in a nursing home. The film also stars Ossie Davis as Jack, a black man who claims to be John F. Kennedy, explaining that he was patched up after the assassination, dyed black, and abandoned. It is based on novella of the same name by Joe R. Lansdale, which originally appeared in the anthology \"The King Is Dead: Tales of Elvis Post-Mortem\". Originally the film was \"roadshowed\" by the director across the country.","Document [13](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) which he does not tell her about. She is worried that her children will grow up without their father. She begs him to try something different. Chief Gillespie burns up the wires to get Virgil on his way to law school, and Althea apologizes for not being more understanding as she, Virgil, and Chief Gillespie share a glass of wine together. The fifth season begins with the revelation that Chief Gillespie has a daughter by the name of Lana Farren, played by Christine Elise (formerly of \"Beverly Hills, 90210\"). The chief is now good friends with her mother, Georgia Farren,","Document [14](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) the knot at the same sanctuary involved in the sanctuary case from season five. Father DiMarco has since died, but the new Monk agrees to marry them. Chief Forbes serves as best man. In the meantime, a newspaper misprint makes Gillespie the target of an escaped killer from Texas whose father Sheriff McComb sent to death row. His son is now seeking revenge. The season and the TV series wraps up with the two-hour movie of the week, \"Give Me Your Life\", starring Peter Fonda as Appfel. The story (by O'Connor and written by Cynthia Deming & William J Royce)","Document [15](Title: Warren Oates) Devil\" (1975) and \"92 in the Shade\" (1975). While making a guest appearance on a segment of the Western television series \"Dundee and the Culhane\", Oates managed to steal the show with his off-camera antics and bloopers that had everyone on the set rolling. After a long day of filming, he headed over and set his footprints in cement along with all the other stars who appeared at Apacheland Movie Ranch. It was during this time that \"In the Heat of the Night\" was a blockbuster summer movie. Oates played Officer Sam Wood, a peeping-tom policeman and possible killer in","Document [16](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) District Attorney Darnell, who feels the prisoner is being treated in a privileged status due to his disability. Meanwhile, Chief Forbes is escorted on a driving tour of Sparta by Bubba Skinner and Officer Covey. Forbes gets to see both the finest street in town, along which Bubba indicates that he has solved many major crimes, as well as \"The Bottoms\". Chief Forbes soon realizes that Sparta is no different from Memphis, and he and Gillespie will need to work together to keep the town safe from the criminal elements. Howard Rollins returns in his new capacity as attorney Virgil","Document [17](Title: Dennis Burkley) credits, he established himself as a talent in the 1970s with appearances on \"Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman\", \"Maude\", BJ and the Bear, The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo and \"the Rockford Files.\" In the 80s, he came into his own as an actor with high profile roles as Sonny Crockett on \"Hill Street Blues\" and another memorable role as Cal, the Texas-born junkyard partner of Fred G. Sanford in \"Sanford\", the short-lived \"Sanford and Son\" sequel from 1980-1981. He played a cannibal on an episode of \"Night Court\". He appeared as Bubba in the TV series \"The Dukes of Hazzard\" in","Document [18](Title: Ed Grady) as well as a string of series including \"In the Heat of the Night\", \"I'll Fly Away\", \"Matlock\", and \"Dawson's Creek\", in which he had a recurring role as Gramps Ryan. Grady's theater roles included three seasons at \"Unto These Hills\", an outdoor Cherokee historical drama staged in Cherokee, North Carolina. Grady portrayed Drowning Bear in the play, which follows the story of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. In addition to acting, Grady taught television production and English at Freedom High School in Morganton, North Carolina, during the 1970s and Keenan High School in Columbia, South Carolina. He was","Document [19](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) of the cast members had homes in the area and were often spotted in local restaurants and retail stores. The cast members would also go around to local schools to speak to students. The theme song, \"In the Heat of the Night,\" was recorded by Quincy Jones, and is usually paired with \"They Call Me Mr. Tibbs\" on albums. Bill Champlin of the band Chicago sang the opening theme song for the television series. Randall Franks and Alan Autry co-produced the cast CD \"Christmas Time's A Comin'\" for Sonlite and MGM\/UA featuring the entire cast and a host of music","Document [20](Title: Carroll O'Connor) on CBS in that show's last three seasons. While coping with his son's drug problem, O'Connor starred as Sparta, Mississippi, Police Chief Bill Gillespie, a tough veteran cop on \"In the Heat of the Night\". Based on the 1967 movie of the same name, the series debuted on NBC in March 1988 and performed well. He cast his son Hugh O'Connor as Officer Lonnie Jamison. The headquarters of the Sparta Police Department was actually the library in Covington, Georgia. Much like O'Connor himself, Gillespie was racially progressive and politically liberal, but the character of Bill Gillespie was also a smart"],"query":"who played bubba in the heat of the night?","answers":["Carlos Alan Autry Jr."],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) ex-partner and Althea's ex-lover (Michael Warren from \"Hill Street Blues\") coming to visit for a reunion that no one would ever forget; Chief Gillespie's having to face his own bigoted past when he arrests a close friend (played by Ed Ames) (who is also the sheriff of the neighboring county) for committing a racially motivated murder; Bubba's getting caught up in a murderous love triangle; Althea's niece \"Nicole\" visiting, and with new friend \"Bobby Skinner\" (Bubba's nephew) stumbling upon criminal malfeasance in the episode \"City Mouse Country Mouse\". Mary Crosby and Judith Chapman stir up trouble when the sisters are","Document [2](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) real father. At the end of the episode, Lana finds out that Bill is her real father but does not want to have anything to do with him because of his nonexistence in her life for 20 years. This hurts Bill deeply, and he has a hard time dealing with it. Other story lines include a taxidermist who is obsessed with a schoolteacher, a game of high-stakes poker that ends in murder, Bubba's finding out that Sheriff McComb's deputy is growing pot on the side, Sweet's finding out the truth about the murder of his grandfather in 1948 (a story","Document [3](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) Tibbs and assists on three of the Sparta PD's cases after having moved into Ben Taylor's law office. Other cases involve a friend of Bubba Skinner's being given the AIDS virus from a lover who knew he had it, a nine-year-old little girl being killed because of a drunk driver (Hagman-directed), a young inter-racial couple being stalked by a white supremacist (Brent Lunay), first seen in the episode \"Odessa\", written by Denise Nicholas. Other cases include Parker's being accused of police brutality, and the return of Daddy Roy and Miz Rhoda. Both Anne Meara and Jerry Stiller make special guest","Document [4](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) for Megan Fowler (the girlfriend) and Lyle Ridley (the older married man) and fatally shoots Lyle while he and Megan are chasing each other outside the cabin that belongs to Lyle Ridley and his wife. Parker and Dee suffer the dreaded task of traveling to the Ridley residence to tell Mrs. Ridley that her husband was shot at their lake home and that he was with a 17-year-old girl. Other highlights this season included the return of Luanne's brother (played by \"Designing Women\"s Meshach Taylor), a faded country music singer (played by Robert Goulet) who ends up committing murder; the","Document [5](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) by the music teacher at Sparta High School. It was also revealed that Parker was a Vietnam veteran. Dee Shaw joined the cast as officer Dee Sheppard. In plot lines, Parker almost crosses the line between police ethics and love when he falls for Kate Morell and her daughter J.C.; a former boxer that used to run for the mob tries to blackmail them. The chief tries unsuccessfully to save him, telling Althea, \"The FBI wants to buy what King Baylor knows before the mob kills him and the mob wants him dead before the FBI can buy him. It's","Document [6](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) reconciliation between Gillespie and his estranged daughter Lana, Bubba's being stalked by an obsessed admirer; Sweet's being falsely accused of accepting a bribe; and a two-part episode directed by Larry Hagman involving the white supremacy that still exists in the new South. In a two-part episode written by O'Connor and Cynthia Deming, titled \"Even Nice People\" and \"Lake Winahatchie\", the mob, led by their real estate connection Lewis Alvin Epp, tries to force Lana off her farmland, first by trying to buy it and then by torching it so that they can build the \"Sparta South Development\". Burgess Meredith (in","Document [7](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) character actors and actresses have made guest appearances, and others were newcomers who went on to become well-known. Some of those appearing in \"The Heat of the Night\" episodes were: Ed Ames, Frances Fisher, Rod Masterson, Mel Stewart, Denzel Washington, Nana Visitor, Gail O'Grady, Peter Fonda, Don Galloway, Corbin Bernsen, Dana Barron, Marco St. John, Larry Black, Ted Lange, Mickey Jones, Mitchell Laurance, Laura Johnson, Jordan Vaughn, Martha Byrne, Walton Goggins, Maury Covington, Earl Holliman, Michael Beck, Randy Brooks, Wayne Brady, Art Evans, Nicolas Cowan, Lou Walker, Alan Arbus, Robert Goulet, Bobby Short, Iman, William Sadler, Michael Spound, Bill McKinney,","Document [8](Title: Brad Leland) and directing. After graduating from college, Leland moved to Dallas where he worked in local theatre and found an agent. He also got a part in one episode of the TV series \"Dallas\" and in an episode of \"In the Heat of the Night\". He later appeared in seven episodes of the TV series \"Walker, Texas Ranger\", in the 2003 \"Texas Chain Saw Massacre\" remake and as an executive in the film \"Hancock\". His most visible roles, though, are that of football booster John Aubrey in the film \"Friday Night Lights\" and the similar character, Buddy Garrity, in the TV","Document [9](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) played by legendary actress Stella Stevens. Georgia Farren asks Bill to help her put some of her affairs in order and to keep all of her \"boyfriends\" as well as her ex-husband away from her assets, which she intends to leave to Lana. Bill immediately puts Ted Marcus on the case to assist Lana in obtaining the property meant to be given to her by her mother. In the meantime, Georgia returns to Gulfport and is murdered. The chief takes this very personally and sets out to find her killer, Ken Farren, who evidently learns that Bill Gillespie is Lana's","Document [10](Title: Sweet, Sweet Blues) Sweet, Sweet Blues \"Sweet, Sweet Blues\" is an award winning episode of the NBC drama series \"In the Heat of the Night\", starring Carroll O'Connor as Chief Bill Gillespie and Howard Rollins as Detective Virgil Tibbs.\"In the Heat of the Night\" was based on the 1965 novel by John Ball, which was also the basis for the Academy Award winning film of the same name starring Rod Steiger and Sidney Poitier, directed by Norman Jewison. Directed by Vincent McEveety (\"Firecreek\") and written by William James Royce, the episode guest stars musician Bobby Short as bluesman Chester \"Cat\" Collins and actor","Document [11](Title: Bubba Ho-Tep) Bubba Ho-Tep Bubba Ho-Tep is a 2002 American comedy horror film written, co-produced and directed by Don Coscarelli. It stars Bruce Campbell as Elvis Presley\u2014now a resident in a nursing home. The film also stars Ossie Davis as Jack, a black man who claims to be John F. Kennedy, explaining that he was patched up after the assassination, dyed black, and abandoned. It is based on novella of the same name by Joe R. Lansdale, which originally appeared in the anthology \"The King Is Dead: Tales of Elvis Post-Mortem\". Originally the film was \"roadshowed\" by the director across the country.","Document [12](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) which he does not tell her about. She is worried that her children will grow up without their father. She begs him to try something different. Chief Gillespie burns up the wires to get Virgil on his way to law school, and Althea apologizes for not being more understanding as she, Virgil, and Chief Gillespie share a glass of wine together. The fifth season begins with the revelation that Chief Gillespie has a daughter by the name of Lana Farren, played by Christine Elise (formerly of \"Beverly Hills, 90210\"). The chief is now good friends with her mother, Georgia Farren,","Document [13](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) the knot at the same sanctuary involved in the sanctuary case from season five. Father DiMarco has since died, but the new Monk agrees to marry them. Chief Forbes serves as best man. In the meantime, a newspaper misprint makes Gillespie the target of an escaped killer from Texas whose father Sheriff McComb sent to death row. His son is now seeking revenge. The season and the TV series wraps up with the two-hour movie of the week, \"Give Me Your Life\", starring Peter Fonda as Appfel. The story (by O'Connor and written by Cynthia Deming & William J Royce)","Document [14](Title: Warren Oates) Devil\" (1975) and \"92 in the Shade\" (1975). While making a guest appearance on a segment of the Western television series \"Dundee and the Culhane\", Oates managed to steal the show with his off-camera antics and bloopers that had everyone on the set rolling. After a long day of filming, he headed over and set his footprints in cement along with all the other stars who appeared at Apacheland Movie Ranch. It was during this time that \"In the Heat of the Night\" was a blockbuster summer movie. Oates played Officer Sam Wood, a peeping-tom policeman and possible killer in","Document [15](Title: Alan Autry) Carlos Alan Autry Jr. (also known for a period of time as Carlos Brown; born July 31, 1952), is an American actor, politician, and former National Football League player. During his brief football career, he was known as Carlos Brown. He played the role of Captain Bubba Skinner on the NBC television series, In the Heat of the Night, starring Carroll O'Connor. He has also appeared in films and other television shows. In November 2000, he was elected mayor of Fresno, California, and served for two four-year terms through January 2009. In 2008, Autry was hosting a radio news talk","Document [16](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) District Attorney Darnell, who feels the prisoner is being treated in a privileged status due to his disability. Meanwhile, Chief Forbes is escorted on a driving tour of Sparta by Bubba Skinner and Officer Covey. Forbes gets to see both the finest street in town, along which Bubba indicates that he has solved many major crimes, as well as \"The Bottoms\". Chief Forbes soon realizes that Sparta is no different from Memphis, and he and Gillespie will need to work together to keep the town safe from the criminal elements. Howard Rollins returns in his new capacity as attorney Virgil","Document [17](Title: Dennis Burkley) credits, he established himself as a talent in the 1970s with appearances on \"Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman\", \"Maude\", BJ and the Bear, The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo and \"the Rockford Files.\" In the 80s, he came into his own as an actor with high profile roles as Sonny Crockett on \"Hill Street Blues\" and another memorable role as Cal, the Texas-born junkyard partner of Fred G. Sanford in \"Sanford\", the short-lived \"Sanford and Son\" sequel from 1980-1981. He played a cannibal on an episode of \"Night Court\". He appeared as Bubba in the TV series \"The Dukes of Hazzard\" in","Document [18](Title: Ed Grady) as well as a string of series including \"In the Heat of the Night\", \"I'll Fly Away\", \"Matlock\", and \"Dawson's Creek\", in which he had a recurring role as Gramps Ryan. Grady's theater roles included three seasons at \"Unto These Hills\", an outdoor Cherokee historical drama staged in Cherokee, North Carolina. Grady portrayed Drowning Bear in the play, which follows the story of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. In addition to acting, Grady taught television production and English at Freedom High School in Morganton, North Carolina, during the 1970s and Keenan High School in Columbia, South Carolina. He was","Document [19](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) of the cast members had homes in the area and were often spotted in local restaurants and retail stores. The cast members would also go around to local schools to speak to students. The theme song, \"In the Heat of the Night,\" was recorded by Quincy Jones, and is usually paired with \"They Call Me Mr. Tibbs\" on albums. Bill Champlin of the band Chicago sang the opening theme song for the television series. Randall Franks and Alan Autry co-produced the cast CD \"Christmas Time's A Comin'\" for Sonlite and MGM\/UA featuring the entire cast and a host of music","Document [20](Title: Carroll O'Connor) on CBS in that show's last three seasons. While coping with his son's drug problem, O'Connor starred as Sparta, Mississippi, Police Chief Bill Gillespie, a tough veteran cop on \"In the Heat of the Night\". Based on the 1967 movie of the same name, the series debuted on NBC in March 1988 and performed well. He cast his son Hugh O'Connor as Officer Lonnie Jamison. The headquarters of the Sparta Police Department was actually the library in Covington, Georgia. Much like O'Connor himself, Gillespie was racially progressive and politically liberal, but the character of Bill Gillespie was also a smart"],"query":"who played bubba in the heat of the night?","answers":["Carlos Alan Autry Jr."],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) ex-partner and Althea's ex-lover (Michael Warren from \"Hill Street Blues\") coming to visit for a reunion that no one would ever forget; Chief Gillespie's having to face his own bigoted past when he arrests a close friend (played by Ed Ames) (who is also the sheriff of the neighboring county) for committing a racially motivated murder; Bubba's getting caught up in a murderous love triangle; Althea's niece \"Nicole\" visiting, and with new friend \"Bobby Skinner\" (Bubba's nephew) stumbling upon criminal malfeasance in the episode \"City Mouse Country Mouse\". Mary Crosby and Judith Chapman stir up trouble when the sisters are","Document [2](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) real father. At the end of the episode, Lana finds out that Bill is her real father but does not want to have anything to do with him because of his nonexistence in her life for 20 years. This hurts Bill deeply, and he has a hard time dealing with it. Other story lines include a taxidermist who is obsessed with a schoolteacher, a game of high-stakes poker that ends in murder, Bubba's finding out that Sheriff McComb's deputy is growing pot on the side, Sweet's finding out the truth about the murder of his grandfather in 1948 (a story","Document [3](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) Tibbs and assists on three of the Sparta PD's cases after having moved into Ben Taylor's law office. Other cases involve a friend of Bubba Skinner's being given the AIDS virus from a lover who knew he had it, a nine-year-old little girl being killed because of a drunk driver (Hagman-directed), a young inter-racial couple being stalked by a white supremacist (Brent Lunay), first seen in the episode \"Odessa\", written by Denise Nicholas. Other cases include Parker's being accused of police brutality, and the return of Daddy Roy and Miz Rhoda. Both Anne Meara and Jerry Stiller make special guest","Document [4](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) for Megan Fowler (the girlfriend) and Lyle Ridley (the older married man) and fatally shoots Lyle while he and Megan are chasing each other outside the cabin that belongs to Lyle Ridley and his wife. Parker and Dee suffer the dreaded task of traveling to the Ridley residence to tell Mrs. Ridley that her husband was shot at their lake home and that he was with a 17-year-old girl. Other highlights this season included the return of Luanne's brother (played by \"Designing Women\"s Meshach Taylor), a faded country music singer (played by Robert Goulet) who ends up committing murder; the","Document [5](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) by the music teacher at Sparta High School. It was also revealed that Parker was a Vietnam veteran. Dee Shaw joined the cast as officer Dee Sheppard. In plot lines, Parker almost crosses the line between police ethics and love when he falls for Kate Morell and her daughter J.C.; a former boxer that used to run for the mob tries to blackmail them. The chief tries unsuccessfully to save him, telling Althea, \"The FBI wants to buy what King Baylor knows before the mob kills him and the mob wants him dead before the FBI can buy him. It's","Document [6](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) reconciliation between Gillespie and his estranged daughter Lana, Bubba's being stalked by an obsessed admirer; Sweet's being falsely accused of accepting a bribe; and a two-part episode directed by Larry Hagman involving the white supremacy that still exists in the new South. In a two-part episode written by O'Connor and Cynthia Deming, titled \"Even Nice People\" and \"Lake Winahatchie\", the mob, led by their real estate connection Lewis Alvin Epp, tries to force Lana off her farmland, first by trying to buy it and then by torching it so that they can build the \"Sparta South Development\". Burgess Meredith (in","Document [7](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) character actors and actresses have made guest appearances, and others were newcomers who went on to become well-known. Some of those appearing in \"The Heat of the Night\" episodes were: Ed Ames, Frances Fisher, Rod Masterson, Mel Stewart, Denzel Washington, Nana Visitor, Gail O'Grady, Peter Fonda, Don Galloway, Corbin Bernsen, Dana Barron, Marco St. John, Larry Black, Ted Lange, Mickey Jones, Mitchell Laurance, Laura Johnson, Jordan Vaughn, Martha Byrne, Walton Goggins, Maury Covington, Earl Holliman, Michael Beck, Randy Brooks, Wayne Brady, Art Evans, Nicolas Cowan, Lou Walker, Alan Arbus, Robert Goulet, Bobby Short, Iman, William Sadler, Michael Spound, Bill McKinney,","Document [8](Title: Brad Leland) and directing. After graduating from college, Leland moved to Dallas where he worked in local theatre and found an agent. He also got a part in one episode of the TV series \"Dallas\" and in an episode of \"In the Heat of the Night\". He later appeared in seven episodes of the TV series \"Walker, Texas Ranger\", in the 2003 \"Texas Chain Saw Massacre\" remake and as an executive in the film \"Hancock\". His most visible roles, though, are that of football booster John Aubrey in the film \"Friday Night Lights\" and the similar character, Buddy Garrity, in the TV","Document [9](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) played by legendary actress Stella Stevens. Georgia Farren asks Bill to help her put some of her affairs in order and to keep all of her \"boyfriends\" as well as her ex-husband away from her assets, which she intends to leave to Lana. Bill immediately puts Ted Marcus on the case to assist Lana in obtaining the property meant to be given to her by her mother. In the meantime, Georgia returns to Gulfport and is murdered. The chief takes this very personally and sets out to find her killer, Ken Farren, who evidently learns that Bill Gillespie is Lana's","Document [10](Title: Sweet, Sweet Blues) Sweet, Sweet Blues \"Sweet, Sweet Blues\" is an award winning episode of the NBC drama series \"In the Heat of the Night\", starring Carroll O'Connor as Chief Bill Gillespie and Howard Rollins as Detective Virgil Tibbs.\"In the Heat of the Night\" was based on the 1965 novel by John Ball, which was also the basis for the Academy Award winning film of the same name starring Rod Steiger and Sidney Poitier, directed by Norman Jewison. Directed by Vincent McEveety (\"Firecreek\") and written by William James Royce, the episode guest stars musician Bobby Short as bluesman Chester \"Cat\" Collins and actor","Document [11](Title: Bubba Ho-Tep) Bubba Ho-Tep Bubba Ho-Tep is a 2002 American comedy horror film written, co-produced and directed by Don Coscarelli. It stars Bruce Campbell as Elvis Presley\u2014now a resident in a nursing home. The film also stars Ossie Davis as Jack, a black man who claims to be John F. Kennedy, explaining that he was patched up after the assassination, dyed black, and abandoned. It is based on novella of the same name by Joe R. Lansdale, which originally appeared in the anthology \"The King Is Dead: Tales of Elvis Post-Mortem\". Originally the film was \"roadshowed\" by the director across the country.","Document [12](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) which he does not tell her about. She is worried that her children will grow up without their father. She begs him to try something different. Chief Gillespie burns up the wires to get Virgil on his way to law school, and Althea apologizes for not being more understanding as she, Virgil, and Chief Gillespie share a glass of wine together. The fifth season begins with the revelation that Chief Gillespie has a daughter by the name of Lana Farren, played by Christine Elise (formerly of \"Beverly Hills, 90210\"). The chief is now good friends with her mother, Georgia Farren,","Document [13](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) the knot at the same sanctuary involved in the sanctuary case from season five. Father DiMarco has since died, but the new Monk agrees to marry them. Chief Forbes serves as best man. In the meantime, a newspaper misprint makes Gillespie the target of an escaped killer from Texas whose father Sheriff McComb sent to death row. His son is now seeking revenge. The season and the TV series wraps up with the two-hour movie of the week, \"Give Me Your Life\", starring Peter Fonda as Appfel. The story (by O'Connor and written by Cynthia Deming & William J Royce)","Document [14](Title: Warren Oates) Devil\" (1975) and \"92 in the Shade\" (1975). While making a guest appearance on a segment of the Western television series \"Dundee and the Culhane\", Oates managed to steal the show with his off-camera antics and bloopers that had everyone on the set rolling. After a long day of filming, he headed over and set his footprints in cement along with all the other stars who appeared at Apacheland Movie Ranch. It was during this time that \"In the Heat of the Night\" was a blockbuster summer movie. Oates played Officer Sam Wood, a peeping-tom policeman and possible killer in","Document [15](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) District Attorney Darnell, who feels the prisoner is being treated in a privileged status due to his disability. Meanwhile, Chief Forbes is escorted on a driving tour of Sparta by Bubba Skinner and Officer Covey. Forbes gets to see both the finest street in town, along which Bubba indicates that he has solved many major crimes, as well as \"The Bottoms\". Chief Forbes soon realizes that Sparta is no different from Memphis, and he and Gillespie will need to work together to keep the town safe from the criminal elements. Howard Rollins returns in his new capacity as attorney Virgil","Document [16](Title: Dennis Burkley) credits, he established himself as a talent in the 1970s with appearances on \"Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman\", \"Maude\", BJ and the Bear, The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo and \"the Rockford Files.\" In the 80s, he came into his own as an actor with high profile roles as Sonny Crockett on \"Hill Street Blues\" and another memorable role as Cal, the Texas-born junkyard partner of Fred G. Sanford in \"Sanford\", the short-lived \"Sanford and Son\" sequel from 1980-1981. He played a cannibal on an episode of \"Night Court\". He appeared as Bubba in the TV series \"The Dukes of Hazzard\" in","Document [17](Title: Ed Grady) as well as a string of series including \"In the Heat of the Night\", \"I'll Fly Away\", \"Matlock\", and \"Dawson's Creek\", in which he had a recurring role as Gramps Ryan. Grady's theater roles included three seasons at \"Unto These Hills\", an outdoor Cherokee historical drama staged in Cherokee, North Carolina. Grady portrayed Drowning Bear in the play, which follows the story of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. In addition to acting, Grady taught television production and English at Freedom High School in Morganton, North Carolina, during the 1970s and Keenan High School in Columbia, South Carolina. He was","Document [18](Title: In the Heat of the Night (TV series)) of the cast members had homes in the area and were often spotted in local restaurants and retail stores. The cast members would also go around to local schools to speak to students. The theme song, \"In the Heat of the Night,\" was recorded by Quincy Jones, and is usually paired with \"They Call Me Mr. Tibbs\" on albums. Bill Champlin of the band Chicago sang the opening theme song for the television series. Randall Franks and Alan Autry co-produced the cast CD \"Christmas Time's A Comin'\" for Sonlite and MGM\/UA featuring the entire cast and a host of music","Document [19](Title: Carroll O'Connor) on CBS in that show's last three seasons. While coping with his son's drug problem, O'Connor starred as Sparta, Mississippi, Police Chief Bill Gillespie, a tough veteran cop on \"In the Heat of the Night\". Based on the 1967 movie of the same name, the series debuted on NBC in March 1988 and performed well. He cast his son Hugh O'Connor as Officer Lonnie Jamison. The headquarters of the Sparta Police Department was actually the library in Covington, Georgia. Much like O'Connor himself, Gillespie was racially progressive and politically liberal, but the character of Bill Gillespie was also a smart","Document [20](Title: Alan Autry) Carlos Alan Autry Jr. (also known for a period of time as Carlos Brown; born July 31, 1952), is an American actor, politician, and former National Football League player. During his brief football career, he was known as Carlos Brown. He played the role of Captain Bubba Skinner on the NBC television series, In the Heat of the Night, starring Carroll O'Connor. He has also appeared in films and other television shows. In November 2000, he was elected mayor of Fresno, California, and served for two four-year terms through January 2009. In 2008, Autry was hosting a radio news talk"],"query":"who played bubba in the heat of the night?","answers":["Carlos Alan Autry Jr."],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Coinage of India) The Gupta Empire produced large numbers of gold coins depicting the Gupta kings performing various rituals, as well as silver coins clearly influenced by those of the earlier Western Satraps by Chandragupta II.","Document [2](Title: Alupa dynasty) three dynasties that issued gold coins as early as 8th century CE. The gold that used to mint coins came from trade with the Romans, Arabs and from the adjacent kingdom of Gangas. No other ancient dynasties of the south have issued that many varieties of gold coins as Alupas and Gangas did. The coins of both Gangas and Alupas have inscriptions that helps in dating the period of issue. Unfortunately these coins have not drawn much attention compared to that of Chalukyas or Hoysals. But for sure, they have inspired later dynasties as a prototype or basis to issue","Document [3](Title: Maldivian rufiyaa) city of Mal\u00e9, a fact which it acknowledged on the reverse. The legend \"King of Land and Sea, Iskandhar the Great\" () is found on the edge. After this period, gold coins replaced the existing silver ones during the reign of Sultan Hassan Nooruddin in 1787. He used two different qualities of gold in his coins; one was called Mohoree and the other Baimohoree, of which the former is of higher value. How this gold was obtained is uncertain. Throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, bronze coins were issued denominated in laari. Sultan Mohamed Imaadhudheen IV (1900\u20131904) introduced what","Document [4](Title: Coinage of Asia) 1 hwan = 5 yang. Tibetan coins were struck in Lhasa and in the Kong-po province between 1763 and 1954. Since 1959 Chinese currency replaces that of Tibet. The first Indian coins were either round, square or long sticks of silver with punch marks issued under various kingdoms starting from around 600 BCE onwards. Issuers included Kashi, Kosala, the Magadha Empire, Kuru, Panchala, Taxila, Gandhara, Kamboja, Avanti in the Narbada Valley, Saurashtra Peninsula, and the Eastern Deccan. The first coins issued by a unified Indian empire was from the Maurya Empire, though they were similar to the older issues. During","Document [5](Title: Satavahana dynasty) states that the element was donated by Ananda, who was the son of Siri Satakarni's foreman of artisans. This inscription is probably from the reign of Satakarni II. The Satavahanas are among the earliest Indian rulers to issue their own coins with portraits of their rulers, starting with king Gautamiputra Satakarni, a practice derived from that of the Western Kshatrapas he defeated, itself originating with the Indo-Greek kings to the northwest. Thousands of lead, copper and potin Satavahana coins have been discovered in the Deccan region; a few gold and silver coins are also available. These coins do not feature","Document [6](Title: Coinage of India) value differential would have incentivised the exchange of gold for silver, resulting in an increasing supply of silver in India. India developed some of the world's first coins, but scholars debate exactly which coin was first and when. Sometime around 600BC in the lower Ganges valley in eastern India a coin called a punchmarked Karshapana was created. According to Hardaker, T.R. the origin of Indian coins can be placed at 575 BCE and according to Gupta in the seventh century BCE. Punch-marked coins were a type of early Coinage of India, dating to between about the 6th and 2nd centuries","Document [7](Title: Western Satraps) and the date of issue, and have helped clarify the early history of India. From the reigns of Jivadaman and Rudrasimha I, the date of minting of each coin, reckoned in the Saka era, is usually written on the obverse behind the king's head in Brahmi numerals, allowing for a quite precise datation of the rule of each king. This is a rather uncommon case in Indian numismatics. Some, such as the numismat R.C Senior considered that these dates might correspond to the much earlier Azes era instead. Also the father of each king is systematically mentioned in the reverse","Document [8](Title: Coinage of India) of South India. The South Indian kings reissued Roman-like coinage in their own name, either producing their own copies or defacing real ones in order to signify their sovereignty. During the Indo-Scythians period whose era begins from 200 BCE to 400 CE, a new kind of the coins of two dynasties were very popular in circulation in various parts of the then India and parts of central and northern South Asia (Sogdiana, Bactria, Arachosia, Gandhara, Sindh, Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar). These dynasties were Saka and The Pahlavas.After the conquest of Bactria by the Sakas in 135","Document [9](Title: Post-Mauryan coinage) Kalinga Brahmi scripts. The Satavahanas at first issued relatively simple designs. Their coins also display various traditional symbols, such as elephants, lions, horses and chaityas (stupas), as well as the \"Ujjain symbol\", a cross with four circles at the end. Later, in the 1st or 2nd century CE, the Satavahanas became the first rulers to issue their own coins with portraits of their rulers, starting with king Gautamiputra Satakarni, a practice derived from that of the Western Satraps he defeated, itself originating with the Indo-Greek kings to the northwest. Satavahana coins give unique indications as to their chronology, language, and","Document [10](Title: Coinage of India) Coinage of India Coinage of India, issued by imperial dynasties and middle kingdoms, began anywhere between the 1st millennium BCE to the 6th century BCE, and consisted mainly of copper and silver coins in its initial stage. Scholars remain divided over the origins of Indian coinage. Cowry shells was first used in India as commodity money. The Indus Valley Civilization dates back between 2500 BCE and 1750 BCE. What is known, however, is that metal currency was minted in India well before the Mauryan Empire (322\u2013185 BCE), and as radio carbon dating indicates, before the 5th century BCE. The practice","Document [11](Title: Maldivian rufiyaa) Persian Gulf, India, Ceylon and the Far East during this time. Historians agree that this new form of currency was most probably exchanged for cowry shells and indicates Maldives\u2019 lucrative trade with these countries. The first Sultan to imprint his own seal onto this currency was Ghaazee Mohamed Thakurufaanu Al Auzam. The seal was much broader than the wires hence it was barely legible. The first known of coins were introduced by Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar (1648\u20131687). Compared to the previous forms of money, these coins were much neater and minted in pure silver. The coins were minted in the capital","Document [12](Title: Coinage metals) BC. Ancient India in circa 6th century BC, was one of the earliest issuers of coins in the world. Since that time, coins have been the most universal embodiment of money. These first coins were made of electrum, a naturally occurring pale yellow mixture of gold and silver that was further alloyed with silver and copper. However, the Persian daric was the first gold coin which, along with a similar silver coin, the siglos, (From Ancient Greek \u03c3\u03af\u03b3\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2, Hebrew \u05e9\u05b6\u05c1\u05e7\u05b6\u05dc (sh\u00e9kel))represented the bimetallic monetary standard of the Achaemenid Persian Empire which has continued till today.Also, the Persian coins were very","Document [13](Title: Coinage of India) least eight succeeding kings and was a standard type in the kingdom. The silver coinage of Guptas starts with the overthrow of the Western Satraps by Chandragupta II. Kumaragupta and Skandagupta continued with the old type of coins (the Garuda and the Peacock types) and also introduced some other new types. The copper coinage was mostly confined to the era of Chandragupta II and was more original in design. Eight out of the nine types known to have been struck by him have a figure of Garuda and the name of the King on it. The gradual deterioration in design","Document [14](Title: Kalachuri dynasty) controlled Vidarbha, where they succeeded the Vakataka and the Vishnukundina dynasties. In addition, the Kalachuris conquered northern Konkan (around Elephanta) by the mid-6th century. Here, they succeeded the Traikutaka dynasty. The origin of the Kalachuris is uncertain. Krishnaraja (r. c. 550-575) is the earliest known ruler of the dynasty. He issued coins featuring Brahmi script legends, imitating the design of earlier coins issued by the Traikutaka and the Gupta kings. His coins featuring a bull are based on the coins issued by Skandagupta. His silver coins were circulated widely for around 150 years after his reign. Krishnaraja's coins describe him","Document [15](Title: Madurai Nayak dynasty) in Tiruchi that one of the Nayak rulers, Vijayaranga Chokkanatha Nayak, launched a stiff opposition to the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb. Most Nayaka coins were made of gold or copper. The design, figures, size, and weight of Nayak coins all were similar to those of Vijayanagara coins. Sadasiva Nayaka issued some beautiful Nayaka coins: one gold coin shows Shiva and Parvati seated next to one another \u2013 Shiva holds the trisula (trident) and the mriga (antelope) in his hands. Another gold coin of the same ruler features the mythical bird Gandaberunda. This coin is almost identical to the gandabherunda coins minted","Document [16](Title: Chalukya dynasty) the symbol of a temple on the obverse and a 'sceptre between lamps' or a temple on the reverse. Pulakeshin II's coins had a caparisoned lion facing right on the obverse and a temple on the reverse. The coins weighed 4 grams and were called, in old-Kannada, \"hun\" (or \"honnu\") and had fractions such as \"fana\" (or \"fanam\") and the \"quarter fana\" (the modern day Kannada equivalent being \"hana\" \u2013 which literally means \"money\"). A gold coin called \"gadyana\" is mentioned in a record at the Vijayeshwara Temple at Pattadakal, which later came to be known as \"varaha\" (their royal","Document [17](Title: Mohur) princely states issued half-mohur coins (equal to 7 rupees and 8 anna). The \"mohur\" coin was first introduced by Sher Shah Suri during his rule in India between 1540 and 1545 and was then a gold coin weighing 169 grains (10.95 grams). He also introduced copper coins called \"dam\" and silver coins called \"rupiya\" that weighed 178 grains (11.53 grams). Later on, the Mughal emperors standardized this coinage of tri-metallism across the sub-continent in order to consolidate the monetary system. The word \"mohur\" or \"mohor\" is from the Persian word \"muhr\", which means \"seal\" and is cognate with the Sanskrit","Document [18](Title: Udayaditya) inscription which names Udayaditya as Jagaddeva's father and Bhoja as Jagaddeva's paternal uncle. It may thus be surmised that the direct line ended with Jayasimha, and Udayaditya started a collateral branch of the dynasty. Udayaditya had three sons Lakshmadeva, Naravarman, Jagdeva, and one daughter. The elder sons in turn succeeded their father while the daughter, Shyamaladevi, was married to the Gohi prince Vijaysinha and become the mother of Alhandevi afterwards wife of the Chedi king Gayakarnadeva. The gold coins issued by Udayaditya are of 4.05 g weight. On the obverse of these coins the image of seated Lakshmi is depicted.","Document [19](Title: Vijayanagara coinage) Vijayanagara coinage The Vijayanagara Empire from 1336\u20131646, was situated in Southern India and had a complex currency system that was used after the Empire ceased to exist. The standard unit of coin issued by the Vijayanagara Empire was the gold Pagoda in English or Varaha of 3.4 gr. The Varaha was also called the Hon, Gadyana or a Pon and came in the Ghattivaraha, Doddavaraha and Suddhavaraha coin. In the gold issue the different coins came in Varaha, this is used as a reference for the other coins values. 1 gold Varaha = 2 Pratapas = 4 Katis = 8","Document [20](Title: Coin) continued to strike Lydia's lion-and-bull coinage. Original coins of the Achaemenid Empire were issued from 520 BCE-450 BCE to 330 BCE. The Persian Daric was the first truly Achaemenid gold coin which, along with a similar silver coin, the Siglos, represented the bimetallic monetary standard of the Achaemenid Persian Empire. The Achaemenid Empire already reached the doors of India during the original expansion of Cyrus the Great, and the Achaemenid conquest of the Indus Valley is dated to circa 515 BC under Darius I. An Achaemenid administration was established in the area. The Kabul hoard, also called the Chaman Hazouri"],"query":"first dynasty to issue gold coins in india?","answers":["The Gupta Empire"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Alupa dynasty) three dynasties that issued gold coins as early as 8th century CE. The gold that used to mint coins came from trade with the Romans, Arabs and from the adjacent kingdom of Gangas. No other ancient dynasties of the south have issued that many varieties of gold coins as Alupas and Gangas did. The coins of both Gangas and Alupas have inscriptions that helps in dating the period of issue. Unfortunately these coins have not drawn much attention compared to that of Chalukyas or Hoysals. But for sure, they have inspired later dynasties as a prototype or basis to issue","Document [2](Title: Maldivian rufiyaa) city of Mal\u00e9, a fact which it acknowledged on the reverse. The legend \"King of Land and Sea, Iskandhar the Great\" () is found on the edge. After this period, gold coins replaced the existing silver ones during the reign of Sultan Hassan Nooruddin in 1787. He used two different qualities of gold in his coins; one was called Mohoree and the other Baimohoree, of which the former is of higher value. How this gold was obtained is uncertain. Throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, bronze coins were issued denominated in laari. Sultan Mohamed Imaadhudheen IV (1900\u20131904) introduced what","Document [3](Title: Coinage of Asia) 1 hwan = 5 yang. Tibetan coins were struck in Lhasa and in the Kong-po province between 1763 and 1954. Since 1959 Chinese currency replaces that of Tibet. The first Indian coins were either round, square or long sticks of silver with punch marks issued under various kingdoms starting from around 600 BCE onwards. Issuers included Kashi, Kosala, the Magadha Empire, Kuru, Panchala, Taxila, Gandhara, Kamboja, Avanti in the Narbada Valley, Saurashtra Peninsula, and the Eastern Deccan. The first coins issued by a unified Indian empire was from the Maurya Empire, though they were similar to the older issues. During","Document [4](Title: Satavahana dynasty) states that the element was donated by Ananda, who was the son of Siri Satakarni's foreman of artisans. This inscription is probably from the reign of Satakarni II. The Satavahanas are among the earliest Indian rulers to issue their own coins with portraits of their rulers, starting with king Gautamiputra Satakarni, a practice derived from that of the Western Kshatrapas he defeated, itself originating with the Indo-Greek kings to the northwest. Thousands of lead, copper and potin Satavahana coins have been discovered in the Deccan region; a few gold and silver coins are also available. These coins do not feature","Document [5](Title: Coinage of India) The Gupta Empire produced large numbers of gold coins depicting the Gupta kings performing various rituals, as well as silver coins clearly influenced by those of the earlier Western Satraps by Chandragupta II.","Document [6](Title: Coinage of India) value differential would have incentivised the exchange of gold for silver, resulting in an increasing supply of silver in India. India developed some of the world's first coins, but scholars debate exactly which coin was first and when. Sometime around 600BC in the lower Ganges valley in eastern India a coin called a punchmarked Karshapana was created. According to Hardaker, T.R. the origin of Indian coins can be placed at 575 BCE and according to Gupta in the seventh century BCE. Punch-marked coins were a type of early Coinage of India, dating to between about the 6th and 2nd centuries","Document [7](Title: Western Satraps) and the date of issue, and have helped clarify the early history of India. From the reigns of Jivadaman and Rudrasimha I, the date of minting of each coin, reckoned in the Saka era, is usually written on the obverse behind the king's head in Brahmi numerals, allowing for a quite precise datation of the rule of each king. This is a rather uncommon case in Indian numismatics. Some, such as the numismat R.C Senior considered that these dates might correspond to the much earlier Azes era instead. Also the father of each king is systematically mentioned in the reverse","Document [8](Title: Coinage of India) of South India. The South Indian kings reissued Roman-like coinage in their own name, either producing their own copies or defacing real ones in order to signify their sovereignty. During the Indo-Scythians period whose era begins from 200 BCE to 400 CE, a new kind of the coins of two dynasties were very popular in circulation in various parts of the then India and parts of central and northern South Asia (Sogdiana, Bactria, Arachosia, Gandhara, Sindh, Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar). These dynasties were Saka and The Pahlavas.After the conquest of Bactria by the Sakas in 135","Document [9](Title: Post-Mauryan coinage) Kalinga Brahmi scripts. The Satavahanas at first issued relatively simple designs. Their coins also display various traditional symbols, such as elephants, lions, horses and chaityas (stupas), as well as the \"Ujjain symbol\", a cross with four circles at the end. Later, in the 1st or 2nd century CE, the Satavahanas became the first rulers to issue their own coins with portraits of their rulers, starting with king Gautamiputra Satakarni, a practice derived from that of the Western Satraps he defeated, itself originating with the Indo-Greek kings to the northwest. Satavahana coins give unique indications as to their chronology, language, and","Document [10](Title: Coinage of India) Coinage of India Coinage of India, issued by imperial dynasties and middle kingdoms, began anywhere between the 1st millennium BCE to the 6th century BCE, and consisted mainly of copper and silver coins in its initial stage. Scholars remain divided over the origins of Indian coinage. Cowry shells was first used in India as commodity money. The Indus Valley Civilization dates back between 2500 BCE and 1750 BCE. What is known, however, is that metal currency was minted in India well before the Mauryan Empire (322\u2013185 BCE), and as radio carbon dating indicates, before the 5th century BCE. The practice","Document [11](Title: Maldivian rufiyaa) Persian Gulf, India, Ceylon and the Far East during this time. Historians agree that this new form of currency was most probably exchanged for cowry shells and indicates Maldives\u2019 lucrative trade with these countries. The first Sultan to imprint his own seal onto this currency was Ghaazee Mohamed Thakurufaanu Al Auzam. The seal was much broader than the wires hence it was barely legible. The first known of coins were introduced by Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar (1648\u20131687). Compared to the previous forms of money, these coins were much neater and minted in pure silver. The coins were minted in the capital","Document [12](Title: Coinage metals) BC. Ancient India in circa 6th century BC, was one of the earliest issuers of coins in the world. Since that time, coins have been the most universal embodiment of money. These first coins were made of electrum, a naturally occurring pale yellow mixture of gold and silver that was further alloyed with silver and copper. However, the Persian daric was the first gold coin which, along with a similar silver coin, the siglos, (From Ancient Greek \u03c3\u03af\u03b3\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2, Hebrew \u05e9\u05b6\u05c1\u05e7\u05b6\u05dc (sh\u00e9kel))represented the bimetallic monetary standard of the Achaemenid Persian Empire which has continued till today.Also, the Persian coins were very","Document [13](Title: Coinage of India) least eight succeeding kings and was a standard type in the kingdom. The silver coinage of Guptas starts with the overthrow of the Western Satraps by Chandragupta II. Kumaragupta and Skandagupta continued with the old type of coins (the Garuda and the Peacock types) and also introduced some other new types. The copper coinage was mostly confined to the era of Chandragupta II and was more original in design. Eight out of the nine types known to have been struck by him have a figure of Garuda and the name of the King on it. The gradual deterioration in design","Document [14](Title: Kalachuri dynasty) controlled Vidarbha, where they succeeded the Vakataka and the Vishnukundina dynasties. In addition, the Kalachuris conquered northern Konkan (around Elephanta) by the mid-6th century. Here, they succeeded the Traikutaka dynasty. The origin of the Kalachuris is uncertain. Krishnaraja (r. c. 550-575) is the earliest known ruler of the dynasty. He issued coins featuring Brahmi script legends, imitating the design of earlier coins issued by the Traikutaka and the Gupta kings. His coins featuring a bull are based on the coins issued by Skandagupta. His silver coins were circulated widely for around 150 years after his reign. Krishnaraja's coins describe him","Document [15](Title: Madurai Nayak dynasty) in Tiruchi that one of the Nayak rulers, Vijayaranga Chokkanatha Nayak, launched a stiff opposition to the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb. Most Nayaka coins were made of gold or copper. The design, figures, size, and weight of Nayak coins all were similar to those of Vijayanagara coins. Sadasiva Nayaka issued some beautiful Nayaka coins: one gold coin shows Shiva and Parvati seated next to one another \u2013 Shiva holds the trisula (trident) and the mriga (antelope) in his hands. Another gold coin of the same ruler features the mythical bird Gandaberunda. This coin is almost identical to the gandabherunda coins minted","Document [16](Title: Chalukya dynasty) the symbol of a temple on the obverse and a 'sceptre between lamps' or a temple on the reverse. Pulakeshin II's coins had a caparisoned lion facing right on the obverse and a temple on the reverse. The coins weighed 4 grams and were called, in old-Kannada, \"hun\" (or \"honnu\") and had fractions such as \"fana\" (or \"fanam\") and the \"quarter fana\" (the modern day Kannada equivalent being \"hana\" \u2013 which literally means \"money\"). A gold coin called \"gadyana\" is mentioned in a record at the Vijayeshwara Temple at Pattadakal, which later came to be known as \"varaha\" (their royal","Document [17](Title: Mohur) princely states issued half-mohur coins (equal to 7 rupees and 8 anna). The \"mohur\" coin was first introduced by Sher Shah Suri during his rule in India between 1540 and 1545 and was then a gold coin weighing 169 grains (10.95 grams). He also introduced copper coins called \"dam\" and silver coins called \"rupiya\" that weighed 178 grains (11.53 grams). Later on, the Mughal emperors standardized this coinage of tri-metallism across the sub-continent in order to consolidate the monetary system. The word \"mohur\" or \"mohor\" is from the Persian word \"muhr\", which means \"seal\" and is cognate with the Sanskrit","Document [18](Title: Udayaditya) inscription which names Udayaditya as Jagaddeva's father and Bhoja as Jagaddeva's paternal uncle. It may thus be surmised that the direct line ended with Jayasimha, and Udayaditya started a collateral branch of the dynasty. Udayaditya had three sons Lakshmadeva, Naravarman, Jagdeva, and one daughter. The elder sons in turn succeeded their father while the daughter, Shyamaladevi, was married to the Gohi prince Vijaysinha and become the mother of Alhandevi afterwards wife of the Chedi king Gayakarnadeva. The gold coins issued by Udayaditya are of 4.05 g weight. On the obverse of these coins the image of seated Lakshmi is depicted.","Document [19](Title: Vijayanagara coinage) Vijayanagara coinage The Vijayanagara Empire from 1336\u20131646, was situated in Southern India and had a complex currency system that was used after the Empire ceased to exist. The standard unit of coin issued by the Vijayanagara Empire was the gold Pagoda in English or Varaha of 3.4 gr. The Varaha was also called the Hon, Gadyana or a Pon and came in the Ghattivaraha, Doddavaraha and Suddhavaraha coin. In the gold issue the different coins came in Varaha, this is used as a reference for the other coins values. 1 gold Varaha = 2 Pratapas = 4 Katis = 8","Document [20](Title: Coin) continued to strike Lydia's lion-and-bull coinage. Original coins of the Achaemenid Empire were issued from 520 BCE-450 BCE to 330 BCE. The Persian Daric was the first truly Achaemenid gold coin which, along with a similar silver coin, the Siglos, represented the bimetallic monetary standard of the Achaemenid Persian Empire. The Achaemenid Empire already reached the doors of India during the original expansion of Cyrus the Great, and the Achaemenid conquest of the Indus Valley is dated to circa 515 BC under Darius I. An Achaemenid administration was established in the area. The Kabul hoard, also called the Chaman Hazouri"],"query":"first dynasty to issue gold coins in india?","answers":["The Gupta Empire"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Alupa dynasty) three dynasties that issued gold coins as early as 8th century CE. The gold that used to mint coins came from trade with the Romans, Arabs and from the adjacent kingdom of Gangas. No other ancient dynasties of the south have issued that many varieties of gold coins as Alupas and Gangas did. The coins of both Gangas and Alupas have inscriptions that helps in dating the period of issue. Unfortunately these coins have not drawn much attention compared to that of Chalukyas or Hoysals. But for sure, they have inspired later dynasties as a prototype or basis to issue","Document [2](Title: Maldivian rufiyaa) city of Mal\u00e9, a fact which it acknowledged on the reverse. The legend \"King of Land and Sea, Iskandhar the Great\" () is found on the edge. After this period, gold coins replaced the existing silver ones during the reign of Sultan Hassan Nooruddin in 1787. He used two different qualities of gold in his coins; one was called Mohoree and the other Baimohoree, of which the former is of higher value. How this gold was obtained is uncertain. Throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, bronze coins were issued denominated in laari. Sultan Mohamed Imaadhudheen IV (1900\u20131904) introduced what","Document [3](Title: Coinage of Asia) 1 hwan = 5 yang. Tibetan coins were struck in Lhasa and in the Kong-po province between 1763 and 1954. Since 1959 Chinese currency replaces that of Tibet. The first Indian coins were either round, square or long sticks of silver with punch marks issued under various kingdoms starting from around 600 BCE onwards. Issuers included Kashi, Kosala, the Magadha Empire, Kuru, Panchala, Taxila, Gandhara, Kamboja, Avanti in the Narbada Valley, Saurashtra Peninsula, and the Eastern Deccan. The first coins issued by a unified Indian empire was from the Maurya Empire, though they were similar to the older issues. During","Document [4](Title: Satavahana dynasty) states that the element was donated by Ananda, who was the son of Siri Satakarni's foreman of artisans. This inscription is probably from the reign of Satakarni II. The Satavahanas are among the earliest Indian rulers to issue their own coins with portraits of their rulers, starting with king Gautamiputra Satakarni, a practice derived from that of the Western Kshatrapas he defeated, itself originating with the Indo-Greek kings to the northwest. Thousands of lead, copper and potin Satavahana coins have been discovered in the Deccan region; a few gold and silver coins are also available. These coins do not feature","Document [5](Title: Coinage of India) value differential would have incentivised the exchange of gold for silver, resulting in an increasing supply of silver in India. India developed some of the world's first coins, but scholars debate exactly which coin was first and when. Sometime around 600BC in the lower Ganges valley in eastern India a coin called a punchmarked Karshapana was created. According to Hardaker, T.R. the origin of Indian coins can be placed at 575 BCE and according to Gupta in the seventh century BCE. Punch-marked coins were a type of early Coinage of India, dating to between about the 6th and 2nd centuries","Document [6](Title: Western Satraps) and the date of issue, and have helped clarify the early history of India. From the reigns of Jivadaman and Rudrasimha I, the date of minting of each coin, reckoned in the Saka era, is usually written on the obverse behind the king's head in Brahmi numerals, allowing for a quite precise datation of the rule of each king. This is a rather uncommon case in Indian numismatics. Some, such as the numismat R.C Senior considered that these dates might correspond to the much earlier Azes era instead. Also the father of each king is systematically mentioned in the reverse","Document [7](Title: Coinage of India) of South India. The South Indian kings reissued Roman-like coinage in their own name, either producing their own copies or defacing real ones in order to signify their sovereignty. During the Indo-Scythians period whose era begins from 200 BCE to 400 CE, a new kind of the coins of two dynasties were very popular in circulation in various parts of the then India and parts of central and northern South Asia (Sogdiana, Bactria, Arachosia, Gandhara, Sindh, Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar). These dynasties were Saka and The Pahlavas.After the conquest of Bactria by the Sakas in 135","Document [8](Title: Post-Mauryan coinage) Kalinga Brahmi scripts. The Satavahanas at first issued relatively simple designs. Their coins also display various traditional symbols, such as elephants, lions, horses and chaityas (stupas), as well as the \"Ujjain symbol\", a cross with four circles at the end. Later, in the 1st or 2nd century CE, the Satavahanas became the first rulers to issue their own coins with portraits of their rulers, starting with king Gautamiputra Satakarni, a practice derived from that of the Western Satraps he defeated, itself originating with the Indo-Greek kings to the northwest. Satavahana coins give unique indications as to their chronology, language, and","Document [9](Title: Coinage of India) Coinage of India Coinage of India, issued by imperial dynasties and middle kingdoms, began anywhere between the 1st millennium BCE to the 6th century BCE, and consisted mainly of copper and silver coins in its initial stage. Scholars remain divided over the origins of Indian coinage. Cowry shells was first used in India as commodity money. The Indus Valley Civilization dates back between 2500 BCE and 1750 BCE. What is known, however, is that metal currency was minted in India well before the Mauryan Empire (322\u2013185 BCE), and as radio carbon dating indicates, before the 5th century BCE. The practice","Document [10](Title: Coinage of India) The Gupta Empire produced large numbers of gold coins depicting the Gupta kings performing various rituals, as well as silver coins clearly influenced by those of the earlier Western Satraps by Chandragupta II.","Document [11](Title: Maldivian rufiyaa) Persian Gulf, India, Ceylon and the Far East during this time. Historians agree that this new form of currency was most probably exchanged for cowry shells and indicates Maldives\u2019 lucrative trade with these countries. The first Sultan to imprint his own seal onto this currency was Ghaazee Mohamed Thakurufaanu Al Auzam. The seal was much broader than the wires hence it was barely legible. The first known of coins were introduced by Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar (1648\u20131687). Compared to the previous forms of money, these coins were much neater and minted in pure silver. The coins were minted in the capital","Document [12](Title: Coinage metals) BC. Ancient India in circa 6th century BC, was one of the earliest issuers of coins in the world. Since that time, coins have been the most universal embodiment of money. These first coins were made of electrum, a naturally occurring pale yellow mixture of gold and silver that was further alloyed with silver and copper. However, the Persian daric was the first gold coin which, along with a similar silver coin, the siglos, (From Ancient Greek \u03c3\u03af\u03b3\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2, Hebrew \u05e9\u05b6\u05c1\u05e7\u05b6\u05dc (sh\u00e9kel))represented the bimetallic monetary standard of the Achaemenid Persian Empire which has continued till today.Also, the Persian coins were very","Document [13](Title: Coinage of India) least eight succeeding kings and was a standard type in the kingdom. The silver coinage of Guptas starts with the overthrow of the Western Satraps by Chandragupta II. Kumaragupta and Skandagupta continued with the old type of coins (the Garuda and the Peacock types) and also introduced some other new types. The copper coinage was mostly confined to the era of Chandragupta II and was more original in design. Eight out of the nine types known to have been struck by him have a figure of Garuda and the name of the King on it. The gradual deterioration in design","Document [14](Title: Kalachuri dynasty) controlled Vidarbha, where they succeeded the Vakataka and the Vishnukundina dynasties. In addition, the Kalachuris conquered northern Konkan (around Elephanta) by the mid-6th century. Here, they succeeded the Traikutaka dynasty. The origin of the Kalachuris is uncertain. Krishnaraja (r. c. 550-575) is the earliest known ruler of the dynasty. He issued coins featuring Brahmi script legends, imitating the design of earlier coins issued by the Traikutaka and the Gupta kings. His coins featuring a bull are based on the coins issued by Skandagupta. His silver coins were circulated widely for around 150 years after his reign. Krishnaraja's coins describe him","Document [15](Title: Madurai Nayak dynasty) in Tiruchi that one of the Nayak rulers, Vijayaranga Chokkanatha Nayak, launched a stiff opposition to the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb. Most Nayaka coins were made of gold or copper. The design, figures, size, and weight of Nayak coins all were similar to those of Vijayanagara coins. Sadasiva Nayaka issued some beautiful Nayaka coins: one gold coin shows Shiva and Parvati seated next to one another \u2013 Shiva holds the trisula (trident) and the mriga (antelope) in his hands. Another gold coin of the same ruler features the mythical bird Gandaberunda. This coin is almost identical to the gandabherunda coins minted","Document [16](Title: Chalukya dynasty) the symbol of a temple on the obverse and a 'sceptre between lamps' or a temple on the reverse. Pulakeshin II's coins had a caparisoned lion facing right on the obverse and a temple on the reverse. The coins weighed 4 grams and were called, in old-Kannada, \"hun\" (or \"honnu\") and had fractions such as \"fana\" (or \"fanam\") and the \"quarter fana\" (the modern day Kannada equivalent being \"hana\" \u2013 which literally means \"money\"). A gold coin called \"gadyana\" is mentioned in a record at the Vijayeshwara Temple at Pattadakal, which later came to be known as \"varaha\" (their royal","Document [17](Title: Mohur) princely states issued half-mohur coins (equal to 7 rupees and 8 anna). The \"mohur\" coin was first introduced by Sher Shah Suri during his rule in India between 1540 and 1545 and was then a gold coin weighing 169 grains (10.95 grams). He also introduced copper coins called \"dam\" and silver coins called \"rupiya\" that weighed 178 grains (11.53 grams). Later on, the Mughal emperors standardized this coinage of tri-metallism across the sub-continent in order to consolidate the monetary system. The word \"mohur\" or \"mohor\" is from the Persian word \"muhr\", which means \"seal\" and is cognate with the Sanskrit","Document [18](Title: Udayaditya) inscription which names Udayaditya as Jagaddeva's father and Bhoja as Jagaddeva's paternal uncle. It may thus be surmised that the direct line ended with Jayasimha, and Udayaditya started a collateral branch of the dynasty. Udayaditya had three sons Lakshmadeva, Naravarman, Jagdeva, and one daughter. The elder sons in turn succeeded their father while the daughter, Shyamaladevi, was married to the Gohi prince Vijaysinha and become the mother of Alhandevi afterwards wife of the Chedi king Gayakarnadeva. The gold coins issued by Udayaditya are of 4.05 g weight. On the obverse of these coins the image of seated Lakshmi is depicted.","Document [19](Title: Vijayanagara coinage) Vijayanagara coinage The Vijayanagara Empire from 1336\u20131646, was situated in Southern India and had a complex currency system that was used after the Empire ceased to exist. The standard unit of coin issued by the Vijayanagara Empire was the gold Pagoda in English or Varaha of 3.4 gr. The Varaha was also called the Hon, Gadyana or a Pon and came in the Ghattivaraha, Doddavaraha and Suddhavaraha coin. In the gold issue the different coins came in Varaha, this is used as a reference for the other coins values. 1 gold Varaha = 2 Pratapas = 4 Katis = 8","Document [20](Title: Coin) continued to strike Lydia's lion-and-bull coinage. Original coins of the Achaemenid Empire were issued from 520 BCE-450 BCE to 330 BCE. The Persian Daric was the first truly Achaemenid gold coin which, along with a similar silver coin, the Siglos, represented the bimetallic monetary standard of the Achaemenid Persian Empire. The Achaemenid Empire already reached the doors of India during the original expansion of Cyrus the Great, and the Achaemenid conquest of the Indus Valley is dated to circa 515 BC under Darius I. An Achaemenid administration was established in the area. The Kabul hoard, also called the Chaman Hazouri"],"query":"first dynasty to issue gold coins in india?","answers":["The Gupta Empire"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Alupa dynasty) three dynasties that issued gold coins as early as 8th century CE. The gold that used to mint coins came from trade with the Romans, Arabs and from the adjacent kingdom of Gangas. No other ancient dynasties of the south have issued that many varieties of gold coins as Alupas and Gangas did. The coins of both Gangas and Alupas have inscriptions that helps in dating the period of issue. Unfortunately these coins have not drawn much attention compared to that of Chalukyas or Hoysals. But for sure, they have inspired later dynasties as a prototype or basis to issue","Document [2](Title: Maldivian rufiyaa) city of Mal\u00e9, a fact which it acknowledged on the reverse. The legend \"King of Land and Sea, Iskandhar the Great\" () is found on the edge. After this period, gold coins replaced the existing silver ones during the reign of Sultan Hassan Nooruddin in 1787. He used two different qualities of gold in his coins; one was called Mohoree and the other Baimohoree, of which the former is of higher value. How this gold was obtained is uncertain. Throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, bronze coins were issued denominated in laari. Sultan Mohamed Imaadhudheen IV (1900\u20131904) introduced what","Document [3](Title: Coinage of Asia) 1 hwan = 5 yang. Tibetan coins were struck in Lhasa and in the Kong-po province between 1763 and 1954. Since 1959 Chinese currency replaces that of Tibet. The first Indian coins were either round, square or long sticks of silver with punch marks issued under various kingdoms starting from around 600 BCE onwards. Issuers included Kashi, Kosala, the Magadha Empire, Kuru, Panchala, Taxila, Gandhara, Kamboja, Avanti in the Narbada Valley, Saurashtra Peninsula, and the Eastern Deccan. The first coins issued by a unified Indian empire was from the Maurya Empire, though they were similar to the older issues. During","Document [4](Title: Satavahana dynasty) states that the element was donated by Ananda, who was the son of Siri Satakarni's foreman of artisans. This inscription is probably from the reign of Satakarni II. The Satavahanas are among the earliest Indian rulers to issue their own coins with portraits of their rulers, starting with king Gautamiputra Satakarni, a practice derived from that of the Western Kshatrapas he defeated, itself originating with the Indo-Greek kings to the northwest. Thousands of lead, copper and potin Satavahana coins have been discovered in the Deccan region; a few gold and silver coins are also available. These coins do not feature","Document [5](Title: Coinage of India) value differential would have incentivised the exchange of gold for silver, resulting in an increasing supply of silver in India. India developed some of the world's first coins, but scholars debate exactly which coin was first and when. Sometime around 600BC in the lower Ganges valley in eastern India a coin called a punchmarked Karshapana was created. According to Hardaker, T.R. the origin of Indian coins can be placed at 575 BCE and according to Gupta in the seventh century BCE. Punch-marked coins were a type of early Coinage of India, dating to between about the 6th and 2nd centuries","Document [6](Title: Western Satraps) and the date of issue, and have helped clarify the early history of India. From the reigns of Jivadaman and Rudrasimha I, the date of minting of each coin, reckoned in the Saka era, is usually written on the obverse behind the king's head in Brahmi numerals, allowing for a quite precise datation of the rule of each king. This is a rather uncommon case in Indian numismatics. Some, such as the numismat R.C Senior considered that these dates might correspond to the much earlier Azes era instead. Also the father of each king is systematically mentioned in the reverse","Document [7](Title: Coinage of India) of South India. The South Indian kings reissued Roman-like coinage in their own name, either producing their own copies or defacing real ones in order to signify their sovereignty. During the Indo-Scythians period whose era begins from 200 BCE to 400 CE, a new kind of the coins of two dynasties were very popular in circulation in various parts of the then India and parts of central and northern South Asia (Sogdiana, Bactria, Arachosia, Gandhara, Sindh, Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar). These dynasties were Saka and The Pahlavas.After the conquest of Bactria by the Sakas in 135","Document [8](Title: Post-Mauryan coinage) Kalinga Brahmi scripts. The Satavahanas at first issued relatively simple designs. Their coins also display various traditional symbols, such as elephants, lions, horses and chaityas (stupas), as well as the \"Ujjain symbol\", a cross with four circles at the end. Later, in the 1st or 2nd century CE, the Satavahanas became the first rulers to issue their own coins with portraits of their rulers, starting with king Gautamiputra Satakarni, a practice derived from that of the Western Satraps he defeated, itself originating with the Indo-Greek kings to the northwest. Satavahana coins give unique indications as to their chronology, language, and","Document [9](Title: Coinage of India) Coinage of India Coinage of India, issued by imperial dynasties and middle kingdoms, began anywhere between the 1st millennium BCE to the 6th century BCE, and consisted mainly of copper and silver coins in its initial stage. Scholars remain divided over the origins of Indian coinage. Cowry shells was first used in India as commodity money. The Indus Valley Civilization dates back between 2500 BCE and 1750 BCE. What is known, however, is that metal currency was minted in India well before the Mauryan Empire (322\u2013185 BCE), and as radio carbon dating indicates, before the 5th century BCE. The practice","Document [10](Title: Maldivian rufiyaa) Persian Gulf, India, Ceylon and the Far East during this time. Historians agree that this new form of currency was most probably exchanged for cowry shells and indicates Maldives\u2019 lucrative trade with these countries. The first Sultan to imprint his own seal onto this currency was Ghaazee Mohamed Thakurufaanu Al Auzam. The seal was much broader than the wires hence it was barely legible. The first known of coins were introduced by Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar (1648\u20131687). Compared to the previous forms of money, these coins were much neater and minted in pure silver. The coins were minted in the capital","Document [11](Title: Coinage metals) BC. Ancient India in circa 6th century BC, was one of the earliest issuers of coins in the world. Since that time, coins have been the most universal embodiment of money. These first coins were made of electrum, a naturally occurring pale yellow mixture of gold and silver that was further alloyed with silver and copper. However, the Persian daric was the first gold coin which, along with a similar silver coin, the siglos, (From Ancient Greek \u03c3\u03af\u03b3\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2, Hebrew \u05e9\u05b6\u05c1\u05e7\u05b6\u05dc (sh\u00e9kel))represented the bimetallic monetary standard of the Achaemenid Persian Empire which has continued till today.Also, the Persian coins were very","Document [12](Title: Coinage of India) least eight succeeding kings and was a standard type in the kingdom. The silver coinage of Guptas starts with the overthrow of the Western Satraps by Chandragupta II. Kumaragupta and Skandagupta continued with the old type of coins (the Garuda and the Peacock types) and also introduced some other new types. The copper coinage was mostly confined to the era of Chandragupta II and was more original in design. Eight out of the nine types known to have been struck by him have a figure of Garuda and the name of the King on it. The gradual deterioration in design","Document [13](Title: Kalachuri dynasty) controlled Vidarbha, where they succeeded the Vakataka and the Vishnukundina dynasties. In addition, the Kalachuris conquered northern Konkan (around Elephanta) by the mid-6th century. Here, they succeeded the Traikutaka dynasty. The origin of the Kalachuris is uncertain. Krishnaraja (r. c. 550-575) is the earliest known ruler of the dynasty. He issued coins featuring Brahmi script legends, imitating the design of earlier coins issued by the Traikutaka and the Gupta kings. His coins featuring a bull are based on the coins issued by Skandagupta. His silver coins were circulated widely for around 150 years after his reign. Krishnaraja's coins describe him","Document [14](Title: Madurai Nayak dynasty) in Tiruchi that one of the Nayak rulers, Vijayaranga Chokkanatha Nayak, launched a stiff opposition to the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb. Most Nayaka coins were made of gold or copper. The design, figures, size, and weight of Nayak coins all were similar to those of Vijayanagara coins. Sadasiva Nayaka issued some beautiful Nayaka coins: one gold coin shows Shiva and Parvati seated next to one another \u2013 Shiva holds the trisula (trident) and the mriga (antelope) in his hands. Another gold coin of the same ruler features the mythical bird Gandaberunda. This coin is almost identical to the gandabherunda coins minted","Document [15](Title: Coinage of India) The Gupta Empire produced large numbers of gold coins depicting the Gupta kings performing various rituals, as well as silver coins clearly influenced by those of the earlier Western Satraps by Chandragupta II.","Document [16](Title: Chalukya dynasty) the symbol of a temple on the obverse and a 'sceptre between lamps' or a temple on the reverse. Pulakeshin II's coins had a caparisoned lion facing right on the obverse and a temple on the reverse. The coins weighed 4 grams and were called, in old-Kannada, \"hun\" (or \"honnu\") and had fractions such as \"fana\" (or \"fanam\") and the \"quarter fana\" (the modern day Kannada equivalent being \"hana\" \u2013 which literally means \"money\"). A gold coin called \"gadyana\" is mentioned in a record at the Vijayeshwara Temple at Pattadakal, which later came to be known as \"varaha\" (their royal","Document [17](Title: Mohur) princely states issued half-mohur coins (equal to 7 rupees and 8 anna). The \"mohur\" coin was first introduced by Sher Shah Suri during his rule in India between 1540 and 1545 and was then a gold coin weighing 169 grains (10.95 grams). He also introduced copper coins called \"dam\" and silver coins called \"rupiya\" that weighed 178 grains (11.53 grams). Later on, the Mughal emperors standardized this coinage of tri-metallism across the sub-continent in order to consolidate the monetary system. The word \"mohur\" or \"mohor\" is from the Persian word \"muhr\", which means \"seal\" and is cognate with the Sanskrit","Document [18](Title: Udayaditya) inscription which names Udayaditya as Jagaddeva's father and Bhoja as Jagaddeva's paternal uncle. It may thus be surmised that the direct line ended with Jayasimha, and Udayaditya started a collateral branch of the dynasty. Udayaditya had three sons Lakshmadeva, Naravarman, Jagdeva, and one daughter. The elder sons in turn succeeded their father while the daughter, Shyamaladevi, was married to the Gohi prince Vijaysinha and become the mother of Alhandevi afterwards wife of the Chedi king Gayakarnadeva. The gold coins issued by Udayaditya are of 4.05 g weight. On the obverse of these coins the image of seated Lakshmi is depicted.","Document [19](Title: Vijayanagara coinage) Vijayanagara coinage The Vijayanagara Empire from 1336\u20131646, was situated in Southern India and had a complex currency system that was used after the Empire ceased to exist. The standard unit of coin issued by the Vijayanagara Empire was the gold Pagoda in English or Varaha of 3.4 gr. The Varaha was also called the Hon, Gadyana or a Pon and came in the Ghattivaraha, Doddavaraha and Suddhavaraha coin. In the gold issue the different coins came in Varaha, this is used as a reference for the other coins values. 1 gold Varaha = 2 Pratapas = 4 Katis = 8","Document [20](Title: Coin) continued to strike Lydia's lion-and-bull coinage. Original coins of the Achaemenid Empire were issued from 520 BCE-450 BCE to 330 BCE. The Persian Daric was the first truly Achaemenid gold coin which, along with a similar silver coin, the Siglos, represented the bimetallic monetary standard of the Achaemenid Persian Empire. The Achaemenid Empire already reached the doors of India during the original expansion of Cyrus the Great, and the Achaemenid conquest of the Indus Valley is dated to circa 515 BC under Darius I. An Achaemenid administration was established in the area. The Kabul hoard, also called the Chaman Hazouri"],"query":"first dynasty to issue gold coins in india?","answers":["The Gupta Empire"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Alupa dynasty) three dynasties that issued gold coins as early as 8th century CE. The gold that used to mint coins came from trade with the Romans, Arabs and from the adjacent kingdom of Gangas. No other ancient dynasties of the south have issued that many varieties of gold coins as Alupas and Gangas did. The coins of both Gangas and Alupas have inscriptions that helps in dating the period of issue. Unfortunately these coins have not drawn much attention compared to that of Chalukyas or Hoysals. But for sure, they have inspired later dynasties as a prototype or basis to issue","Document [2](Title: Maldivian rufiyaa) city of Mal\u00e9, a fact which it acknowledged on the reverse. The legend \"King of Land and Sea, Iskandhar the Great\" () is found on the edge. After this period, gold coins replaced the existing silver ones during the reign of Sultan Hassan Nooruddin in 1787. He used two different qualities of gold in his coins; one was called Mohoree and the other Baimohoree, of which the former is of higher value. How this gold was obtained is uncertain. Throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, bronze coins were issued denominated in laari. Sultan Mohamed Imaadhudheen IV (1900\u20131904) introduced what","Document [3](Title: Coinage of Asia) 1 hwan = 5 yang. Tibetan coins were struck in Lhasa and in the Kong-po province between 1763 and 1954. Since 1959 Chinese currency replaces that of Tibet. The first Indian coins were either round, square or long sticks of silver with punch marks issued under various kingdoms starting from around 600 BCE onwards. Issuers included Kashi, Kosala, the Magadha Empire, Kuru, Panchala, Taxila, Gandhara, Kamboja, Avanti in the Narbada Valley, Saurashtra Peninsula, and the Eastern Deccan. The first coins issued by a unified Indian empire was from the Maurya Empire, though they were similar to the older issues. During","Document [4](Title: Satavahana dynasty) states that the element was donated by Ananda, who was the son of Siri Satakarni's foreman of artisans. This inscription is probably from the reign of Satakarni II. The Satavahanas are among the earliest Indian rulers to issue their own coins with portraits of their rulers, starting with king Gautamiputra Satakarni, a practice derived from that of the Western Kshatrapas he defeated, itself originating with the Indo-Greek kings to the northwest. Thousands of lead, copper and potin Satavahana coins have been discovered in the Deccan region; a few gold and silver coins are also available. These coins do not feature","Document [5](Title: Coinage of India) value differential would have incentivised the exchange of gold for silver, resulting in an increasing supply of silver in India. India developed some of the world's first coins, but scholars debate exactly which coin was first and when. Sometime around 600BC in the lower Ganges valley in eastern India a coin called a punchmarked Karshapana was created. According to Hardaker, T.R. the origin of Indian coins can be placed at 575 BCE and according to Gupta in the seventh century BCE. Punch-marked coins were a type of early Coinage of India, dating to between about the 6th and 2nd centuries","Document [6](Title: Western Satraps) and the date of issue, and have helped clarify the early history of India. From the reigns of Jivadaman and Rudrasimha I, the date of minting of each coin, reckoned in the Saka era, is usually written on the obverse behind the king's head in Brahmi numerals, allowing for a quite precise datation of the rule of each king. This is a rather uncommon case in Indian numismatics. Some, such as the numismat R.C Senior considered that these dates might correspond to the much earlier Azes era instead. Also the father of each king is systematically mentioned in the reverse","Document [7](Title: Coinage of India) of South India. The South Indian kings reissued Roman-like coinage in their own name, either producing their own copies or defacing real ones in order to signify their sovereignty. During the Indo-Scythians period whose era begins from 200 BCE to 400 CE, a new kind of the coins of two dynasties were very popular in circulation in various parts of the then India and parts of central and northern South Asia (Sogdiana, Bactria, Arachosia, Gandhara, Sindh, Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar). These dynasties were Saka and The Pahlavas.After the conquest of Bactria by the Sakas in 135","Document [8](Title: Post-Mauryan coinage) Kalinga Brahmi scripts. The Satavahanas at first issued relatively simple designs. Their coins also display various traditional symbols, such as elephants, lions, horses and chaityas (stupas), as well as the \"Ujjain symbol\", a cross with four circles at the end. Later, in the 1st or 2nd century CE, the Satavahanas became the first rulers to issue their own coins with portraits of their rulers, starting with king Gautamiputra Satakarni, a practice derived from that of the Western Satraps he defeated, itself originating with the Indo-Greek kings to the northwest. Satavahana coins give unique indications as to their chronology, language, and","Document [9](Title: Coinage of India) Coinage of India Coinage of India, issued by imperial dynasties and middle kingdoms, began anywhere between the 1st millennium BCE to the 6th century BCE, and consisted mainly of copper and silver coins in its initial stage. Scholars remain divided over the origins of Indian coinage. Cowry shells was first used in India as commodity money. The Indus Valley Civilization dates back between 2500 BCE and 1750 BCE. What is known, however, is that metal currency was minted in India well before the Mauryan Empire (322\u2013185 BCE), and as radio carbon dating indicates, before the 5th century BCE. The practice","Document [10](Title: Maldivian rufiyaa) Persian Gulf, India, Ceylon and the Far East during this time. Historians agree that this new form of currency was most probably exchanged for cowry shells and indicates Maldives\u2019 lucrative trade with these countries. The first Sultan to imprint his own seal onto this currency was Ghaazee Mohamed Thakurufaanu Al Auzam. The seal was much broader than the wires hence it was barely legible. The first known of coins were introduced by Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar (1648\u20131687). Compared to the previous forms of money, these coins were much neater and minted in pure silver. The coins were minted in the capital","Document [11](Title: Coinage metals) BC. Ancient India in circa 6th century BC, was one of the earliest issuers of coins in the world. Since that time, coins have been the most universal embodiment of money. These first coins were made of electrum, a naturally occurring pale yellow mixture of gold and silver that was further alloyed with silver and copper. However, the Persian daric was the first gold coin which, along with a similar silver coin, the siglos, (From Ancient Greek \u03c3\u03af\u03b3\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2, Hebrew \u05e9\u05b6\u05c1\u05e7\u05b6\u05dc (sh\u00e9kel))represented the bimetallic monetary standard of the Achaemenid Persian Empire which has continued till today.Also, the Persian coins were very","Document [12](Title: Coinage of India) least eight succeeding kings and was a standard type in the kingdom. The silver coinage of Guptas starts with the overthrow of the Western Satraps by Chandragupta II. Kumaragupta and Skandagupta continued with the old type of coins (the Garuda and the Peacock types) and also introduced some other new types. The copper coinage was mostly confined to the era of Chandragupta II and was more original in design. Eight out of the nine types known to have been struck by him have a figure of Garuda and the name of the King on it. The gradual deterioration in design","Document [13](Title: Kalachuri dynasty) controlled Vidarbha, where they succeeded the Vakataka and the Vishnukundina dynasties. In addition, the Kalachuris conquered northern Konkan (around Elephanta) by the mid-6th century. Here, they succeeded the Traikutaka dynasty. The origin of the Kalachuris is uncertain. Krishnaraja (r. c. 550-575) is the earliest known ruler of the dynasty. He issued coins featuring Brahmi script legends, imitating the design of earlier coins issued by the Traikutaka and the Gupta kings. His coins featuring a bull are based on the coins issued by Skandagupta. His silver coins were circulated widely for around 150 years after his reign. Krishnaraja's coins describe him","Document [14](Title: Madurai Nayak dynasty) in Tiruchi that one of the Nayak rulers, Vijayaranga Chokkanatha Nayak, launched a stiff opposition to the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb. Most Nayaka coins were made of gold or copper. The design, figures, size, and weight of Nayak coins all were similar to those of Vijayanagara coins. Sadasiva Nayaka issued some beautiful Nayaka coins: one gold coin shows Shiva and Parvati seated next to one another \u2013 Shiva holds the trisula (trident) and the mriga (antelope) in his hands. Another gold coin of the same ruler features the mythical bird Gandaberunda. This coin is almost identical to the gandabherunda coins minted","Document [15](Title: Chalukya dynasty) the symbol of a temple on the obverse and a 'sceptre between lamps' or a temple on the reverse. Pulakeshin II's coins had a caparisoned lion facing right on the obverse and a temple on the reverse. The coins weighed 4 grams and were called, in old-Kannada, \"hun\" (or \"honnu\") and had fractions such as \"fana\" (or \"fanam\") and the \"quarter fana\" (the modern day Kannada equivalent being \"hana\" \u2013 which literally means \"money\"). A gold coin called \"gadyana\" is mentioned in a record at the Vijayeshwara Temple at Pattadakal, which later came to be known as \"varaha\" (their royal","Document [16](Title: Mohur) princely states issued half-mohur coins (equal to 7 rupees and 8 anna). The \"mohur\" coin was first introduced by Sher Shah Suri during his rule in India between 1540 and 1545 and was then a gold coin weighing 169 grains (10.95 grams). He also introduced copper coins called \"dam\" and silver coins called \"rupiya\" that weighed 178 grains (11.53 grams). Later on, the Mughal emperors standardized this coinage of tri-metallism across the sub-continent in order to consolidate the monetary system. The word \"mohur\" or \"mohor\" is from the Persian word \"muhr\", which means \"seal\" and is cognate with the Sanskrit","Document [17](Title: Udayaditya) inscription which names Udayaditya as Jagaddeva's father and Bhoja as Jagaddeva's paternal uncle. It may thus be surmised that the direct line ended with Jayasimha, and Udayaditya started a collateral branch of the dynasty. Udayaditya had three sons Lakshmadeva, Naravarman, Jagdeva, and one daughter. The elder sons in turn succeeded their father while the daughter, Shyamaladevi, was married to the Gohi prince Vijaysinha and become the mother of Alhandevi afterwards wife of the Chedi king Gayakarnadeva. The gold coins issued by Udayaditya are of 4.05 g weight. On the obverse of these coins the image of seated Lakshmi is depicted.","Document [18](Title: Vijayanagara coinage) Vijayanagara coinage The Vijayanagara Empire from 1336\u20131646, was situated in Southern India and had a complex currency system that was used after the Empire ceased to exist. The standard unit of coin issued by the Vijayanagara Empire was the gold Pagoda in English or Varaha of 3.4 gr. The Varaha was also called the Hon, Gadyana or a Pon and came in the Ghattivaraha, Doddavaraha and Suddhavaraha coin. In the gold issue the different coins came in Varaha, this is used as a reference for the other coins values. 1 gold Varaha = 2 Pratapas = 4 Katis = 8","Document [19](Title: Coin) continued to strike Lydia's lion-and-bull coinage. Original coins of the Achaemenid Empire were issued from 520 BCE-450 BCE to 330 BCE. The Persian Daric was the first truly Achaemenid gold coin which, along with a similar silver coin, the Siglos, represented the bimetallic monetary standard of the Achaemenid Persian Empire. The Achaemenid Empire already reached the doors of India during the original expansion of Cyrus the Great, and the Achaemenid conquest of the Indus Valley is dated to circa 515 BC under Darius I. An Achaemenid administration was established in the area. The Kabul hoard, also called the Chaman Hazouri","Document [20](Title: Coinage of India) The Gupta Empire produced large numbers of gold coins depicting the Gupta kings performing various rituals, as well as silver coins clearly influenced by those of the earlier Western Satraps by Chandragupta II."],"query":"first dynasty to issue gold coins in india?","answers":["The Gupta Empire"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Hebrew calendar) AM 5778 began at sunset on 20 September 2017 and will end at sunset on 9 September 2018.","Document [2](Title: Hebrew calendar) Hebrew calendar The Hebrew or Jewish calendar (, ) is a lunisolar calendar used today predominantly for Jewish religious observances. It determines the dates for Jewish holidays and the appropriate public reading of Torah portions, \"yahrzeits\" (dates to commemorate the death of a relative), and daily Psalm readings, among many ceremonial uses. In Israel, it is used for religious purposes, provides a time frame for agriculture and is an official calendar for civil purposes, although the latter usage has been steadily declining in favor of the Gregorian calendar. The present Hebrew calendar is the product of evolution, including a Babylonian","Document [3](Title: Seder Olam Rabbah) in \"anno\" 68 CE, rather than in 70 CE. In this and related cases, a difference between the traditional Jewish year and a scientific date in a Gregorian year or in a proleptic Julian calendar date results from a disagreement about when the event happened\u2014and not simply a difference between the Jewish and Gregorian calendars (See the \"Missing Years\" in the Jewish Calendar and below, \"Excursus: Jewish Chronology in the Scroll of Antiochus\"). In Jewish thought the counting is usually considered to be to the creation of the world, as has been emphasized in many ancient texts dealing with creation","Document [4](Title: Hebrew calendar) 932d 2h 31 2\/18m or 1d 2h 31 2\/18m later after removing complete weeks. Allowing for the current difference of thirteen days between the civil and Julian calendars, the Julian date is 13+(248x0d 5h 47 4\/18m) earlier, which is 72d 21h 28 16\/18m earlier. Convert back to the civil calendar by applying the formula. So, in 20874 CE, the Jewish year is due to begin 87d 2h 31 2\/18m later than in 2026 CE and 1d 2h 31 2\/18m later in the week. In 20874 CE, therefore, the Jewish year is due to begin at 11.30 3\/18 A.M. on Friday,","Document [5](Title: Hebrew calendar) moon resulting from tidal friction because astronomy was not sufficiently developed in the 12th century (when Maimonides wrote his book) to detect this. 723\u2013730. Hebrew calendar The Hebrew or Jewish calendar (, ) is a lunisolar calendar used today predominantly for Jewish religious observances. It determines the dates for Jewish holidays and the appropriate public reading of Torah portions, \"yahrzeits\" (dates to commemorate the death of a relative), and daily Psalm readings, among many ceremonial uses. In Israel, it is used for religious purposes, provides a time frame for agriculture and is an official calendar for civil purposes, although the","Document [6](Title: Hebrew calendar) years from the sequence. That is the essential feature of the 353-year leap cycle (). Religious questions abound about how such a system might be implemented and administered throughout the diverse aspects of the world Jewish community. The list below gives a time which can be used to determine the day the Jewish ecclesiastical (spring) year starts over a period of nineteen years: Every nineteen years this time is 2 days, 16 hours, 33 1\/18 minutes later in the week. That is either the same or the previous day in the civil calendar, depending on whether the difference in the","Document [7](Title: Hebrew calendar) and the number of the month to within a month or so. From the 4th century, the number of the month is given exactly and from the 9th century the day of the month is given exactly as well. In the Julian calendar, every 76 years the Jewish year is due to start 5h 47 14\/18m earlier, and 3d 18h 12 4\/18m later in the week. On what civil date does the eighth month begin in CE 20874-5? 20874=2026+(248x76). In (248x76) Julian years the Jewish year is due to start (248x3d 18h 12 4\/18m) later in the week, which is","Document [8](Title: Hebrew calendar) 7 are leap years of 13 months. To determine whether a Jewish year is a leap year, one must find its position in the 19-year Metonic cycle. This position is calculated by dividing the Jewish year number by 19 and finding the remainder. (Since there is no year 0, a remainder of 0 indicates that the year is year 19 of the cycle.) For example, the Jewish year divided by 19 results in a remainder of % 19, indicating that it is year of the Metonic cycle. Years 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 19 of the Metonic cycle","Document [9](Title: Jewish Talmudic Calendar) according to the Rabbinical Chronology (3761 BC) is taken as year 1 in the first Small Mahzor. The Greek cycle begins from an arbitrarily year, usually from the beginning of the Common Era (Anno Domini). If every 13 Small Mahzor is called an Iggul, because 12 times 2 hours is a day, and 30 days are a month, in less than 30 Igguls a whole intercalary month should be removed. The position of the years in a Small Mahzor is called the Golden Number. The pattern of the leap years will change slightly each Iggul, but the Jewish Talmudic Calendar","Document [10](Title: Jewish Talmudic Calendar) (adding in a 30-day Adar I, and making the 29-day month Adar II). There are times when a common year is 353 days, or a leap year is 383 days; these are called the Defective Years. When a common year is 355 days, or a leap year is 385 days, these are called the Excessive Years. In Defective years, the regularly 30-day Kislev is made 29 days; in Excessive Years, the regularly 29-day Heshvan is made 30 days. Jewish Talmudic Calendar is coupled with the Rabbinical Chronology, taking Monday, (Julian) Oct 7, 3761 BC. as the date of creation, and","Document [11](Title: Hebrew calendar) in each 19-year cycle. This gives an average of 6939 days, 16 hours, and 595 parts for each cycle. But due to the Rosh Hashanah postponement rules (preceding section) a cycle of 19 Jewish years can be either 6939, 6940, 6941, or 6942 days in duration. Since none of these values is evenly divisible by seven, the Jewish calendar repeats exactly only following 36,288 Metonic cycles, or 689,472 Jewish years. There is a near-repetition every 247 years, except for an excess of about 50 minutes (905 parts). The annual calendar of a numbered Hebrew year, displayed as 12 or 13","Document [12](Title: Hebrew calendar) length of the year, the length of each month is fixed as described above, so the real problem in determining the calendar for a year is determining the number of days in the year. In the modern calendar, this is determined in the following manner. The day of Rosh Hashanah and the length of the year are determined by the time and the day of the week of the Tishrei \"molad\", that is, the moment of the average conjunction. Given the Tishrei \"molad\" of a certain year, the length of the year is determined as follows: First, one must determine","Document [13](Title: Leap year) This is to ensure that Passover () is always in the spring as required by the Torah (Pentateuch) in many verses relating to Passover. In addition, the Hebrew calendar has postponement rules that postpone the start of the year by one or two days. These postponement rules reduce the number of different combinations of year length and starting days of the week from 28 to 14, and regulate the location of certain religious holidays in relation to the Sabbath. In particular, the first day of the Hebrew year can never be Sunday, Wednesday or Friday. This rule is known in","Document [14](Title: Hebrew calendar) the second month or removing one from the third month. A Jewish common year can only have 353, 354, or 355 days. A leap year is always 30 days longer, and so can have 383, 384, or 385 days. Whether a year is deficient, regular, or complete is determined by the time between two adjacent Rosh Hashanah observances and the leap year. While the \"keviyah\" is sufficient to describe a year, a variant specifies the day of the week for the first day of Pesach (Passover) in lieu of the year length. A Metonic cycle equates to 235 lunar months","Document [15](Title: Hebrew calendar) 1st of Shevat is the new year for trees\u2014so the school of Shammai; and the school of Hillel say: On the 15th thereof. The month of Elul is the new year for counting animal tithes (\"ma'aser behemah\"). \"Tu Bishvat\" (\"the 15th of Shevat\") marks the new year for trees (and agricultural tithes). For the dates of the Jewish New Year see Jewish and Israeli holidays 2000\u20132050 or calculate using the section \"Conversion between Jewish and civil calendars\". The Jewish calendar is based on the Metonic cycle of 19 years, of which 12 are common (non-leap) years of 12 months and","Document [16](Title: Hebrew calendar) an additional day to have 30 days, and the year is called a full (\"maleh\") year. The calendar rules have been designed to ensure that Rosh Hashanah does not fall on a Sunday, Wednesday or Friday. This is to ensure that Yom Kippur does not directly precede or follow Shabbat, which would create practical difficulties, and that Hoshana Rabbah is not on a Shabbat, in which case certain ceremonies would be lost for a year. The solar year is about eleven days longer than twelve lunar months. The Bible does not directly mention the addition of \"embolismic\" or intercalary months.","Document [17](Title: Hebrew calendar) the following day if the previous year was due to begin on Monday morning. The table below lists, for a Jewish year commencing on 23 March, the civil date of the first day of each month. If the year does not begin on 23 March, each month's first day will differ from the date shown by the number of days that the start of the year differs from 23 March. The correct column is the one which shows the correct starting date for the following year in the last row. If 29 February falls within a Jewish month the first","Document [18](Title: Hebrew calendar) \"year 1\" is \"not\" Creation, but about one year before Creation, with the new moon of its first month (Tishrei) to be called \"molad tohu\" (the mean new moon of chaos or nothing). The Jewish calendar's epoch (reference date), 1 Tishrei AM 1, is equivalent to Monday, 7 October 3761 BC\/BCE in the proleptic Julian calendar, the equivalent tabular date (same daylight period) and is about one year \"before\" the traditional Jewish date of Creation on 25 Elul AM 1, based upon the \"Seder Olam Rabbah\". Thus, adding 3760 before Rosh Hashanah or 3761 after to a Julian year number","Document [19](Title: Hebrew calendar) the basic Hebrew calendar year is one of twelve lunar months alternating between 29 and 30 days: In leap years (such as 5779) an additional month, Adar I (30 days) is added after Shevat, while the regular Adar is referred to as \"Adar II.\" The insertion of the leap month mentioned above is based on the requirement that Passover\u2014the festival celebrating the Exodus from Egypt, which took place in the spring\u2014always occurs in the [northern hemisphere's] spring season. Since the adoption of a fixed calendar, intercalations in the Hebrew calendar have been assigned to fixed points in a 19-year cycle.","Document [20](Title: Hebrew calendar) recited until \"Shemini Atzeret\", after the end of Sukkot, yet it is becoming increasingly likely that the rainy season in Israel will start before the end of Sukkot. No equinox or solstice will ever be more than a day or so away from its mean date according to the solar calendar, while nineteen Jewish years average 6939d 16h 33m 03s compared to the 6939d 14h 26m 15s of nineteen mean tropical years. This discrepancy has mounted up to six days, which is why the earliest Passover currently falls on 26 March (as in AM 5773 \/ 2013 CE). Given the"],"query":"what year is it for the jewish calendar?","answers":["AM 5778","5778"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Hebrew calendar) Hebrew calendar The Hebrew or Jewish calendar (, ) is a lunisolar calendar used today predominantly for Jewish religious observances. It determines the dates for Jewish holidays and the appropriate public reading of Torah portions, \"yahrzeits\" (dates to commemorate the death of a relative), and daily Psalm readings, among many ceremonial uses. In Israel, it is used for religious purposes, provides a time frame for agriculture and is an official calendar for civil purposes, although the latter usage has been steadily declining in favor of the Gregorian calendar. The present Hebrew calendar is the product of evolution, including a Babylonian","Document [2](Title: Seder Olam Rabbah) in \"anno\" 68 CE, rather than in 70 CE. In this and related cases, a difference between the traditional Jewish year and a scientific date in a Gregorian year or in a proleptic Julian calendar date results from a disagreement about when the event happened\u2014and not simply a difference between the Jewish and Gregorian calendars (See the \"Missing Years\" in the Jewish Calendar and below, \"Excursus: Jewish Chronology in the Scroll of Antiochus\"). In Jewish thought the counting is usually considered to be to the creation of the world, as has been emphasized in many ancient texts dealing with creation","Document [3](Title: Hebrew calendar) 932d 2h 31 2\/18m or 1d 2h 31 2\/18m later after removing complete weeks. Allowing for the current difference of thirteen days between the civil and Julian calendars, the Julian date is 13+(248x0d 5h 47 4\/18m) earlier, which is 72d 21h 28 16\/18m earlier. Convert back to the civil calendar by applying the formula. So, in 20874 CE, the Jewish year is due to begin 87d 2h 31 2\/18m later than in 2026 CE and 1d 2h 31 2\/18m later in the week. In 20874 CE, therefore, the Jewish year is due to begin at 11.30 3\/18 A.M. on Friday,","Document [4](Title: Hebrew calendar) moon resulting from tidal friction because astronomy was not sufficiently developed in the 12th century (when Maimonides wrote his book) to detect this. 723\u2013730. Hebrew calendar The Hebrew or Jewish calendar (, ) is a lunisolar calendar used today predominantly for Jewish religious observances. It determines the dates for Jewish holidays and the appropriate public reading of Torah portions, \"yahrzeits\" (dates to commemorate the death of a relative), and daily Psalm readings, among many ceremonial uses. In Israel, it is used for religious purposes, provides a time frame for agriculture and is an official calendar for civil purposes, although the","Document [5](Title: Hebrew calendar) AM 5778 began at sunset on 20 September 2017 and will end at sunset on 9 September 2018.","Document [6](Title: Hebrew calendar) years from the sequence. That is the essential feature of the 353-year leap cycle (). Religious questions abound about how such a system might be implemented and administered throughout the diverse aspects of the world Jewish community. The list below gives a time which can be used to determine the day the Jewish ecclesiastical (spring) year starts over a period of nineteen years: Every nineteen years this time is 2 days, 16 hours, 33 1\/18 minutes later in the week. That is either the same or the previous day in the civil calendar, depending on whether the difference in the","Document [7](Title: Hebrew calendar) and the number of the month to within a month or so. From the 4th century, the number of the month is given exactly and from the 9th century the day of the month is given exactly as well. In the Julian calendar, every 76 years the Jewish year is due to start 5h 47 14\/18m earlier, and 3d 18h 12 4\/18m later in the week. On what civil date does the eighth month begin in CE 20874-5? 20874=2026+(248x76). In (248x76) Julian years the Jewish year is due to start (248x3d 18h 12 4\/18m) later in the week, which is","Document [8](Title: Hebrew calendar) 7 are leap years of 13 months. To determine whether a Jewish year is a leap year, one must find its position in the 19-year Metonic cycle. This position is calculated by dividing the Jewish year number by 19 and finding the remainder. (Since there is no year 0, a remainder of 0 indicates that the year is year 19 of the cycle.) For example, the Jewish year divided by 19 results in a remainder of % 19, indicating that it is year of the Metonic cycle. Years 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 19 of the Metonic cycle","Document [9](Title: Jewish Talmudic Calendar) according to the Rabbinical Chronology (3761 BC) is taken as year 1 in the first Small Mahzor. The Greek cycle begins from an arbitrarily year, usually from the beginning of the Common Era (Anno Domini). If every 13 Small Mahzor is called an Iggul, because 12 times 2 hours is a day, and 30 days are a month, in less than 30 Igguls a whole intercalary month should be removed. The position of the years in a Small Mahzor is called the Golden Number. The pattern of the leap years will change slightly each Iggul, but the Jewish Talmudic Calendar","Document [10](Title: Jewish Talmudic Calendar) (adding in a 30-day Adar I, and making the 29-day month Adar II). There are times when a common year is 353 days, or a leap year is 383 days; these are called the Defective Years. When a common year is 355 days, or a leap year is 385 days, these are called the Excessive Years. In Defective years, the regularly 30-day Kislev is made 29 days; in Excessive Years, the regularly 29-day Heshvan is made 30 days. Jewish Talmudic Calendar is coupled with the Rabbinical Chronology, taking Monday, (Julian) Oct 7, 3761 BC. as the date of creation, and","Document [11](Title: Hebrew calendar) in each 19-year cycle. This gives an average of 6939 days, 16 hours, and 595 parts for each cycle. But due to the Rosh Hashanah postponement rules (preceding section) a cycle of 19 Jewish years can be either 6939, 6940, 6941, or 6942 days in duration. Since none of these values is evenly divisible by seven, the Jewish calendar repeats exactly only following 36,288 Metonic cycles, or 689,472 Jewish years. There is a near-repetition every 247 years, except for an excess of about 50 minutes (905 parts). The annual calendar of a numbered Hebrew year, displayed as 12 or 13","Document [12](Title: Hebrew calendar) length of the year, the length of each month is fixed as described above, so the real problem in determining the calendar for a year is determining the number of days in the year. In the modern calendar, this is determined in the following manner. The day of Rosh Hashanah and the length of the year are determined by the time and the day of the week of the Tishrei \"molad\", that is, the moment of the average conjunction. Given the Tishrei \"molad\" of a certain year, the length of the year is determined as follows: First, one must determine","Document [13](Title: Leap year) This is to ensure that Passover () is always in the spring as required by the Torah (Pentateuch) in many verses relating to Passover. In addition, the Hebrew calendar has postponement rules that postpone the start of the year by one or two days. These postponement rules reduce the number of different combinations of year length and starting days of the week from 28 to 14, and regulate the location of certain religious holidays in relation to the Sabbath. In particular, the first day of the Hebrew year can never be Sunday, Wednesday or Friday. This rule is known in","Document [14](Title: Hebrew calendar) the second month or removing one from the third month. A Jewish common year can only have 353, 354, or 355 days. A leap year is always 30 days longer, and so can have 383, 384, or 385 days. Whether a year is deficient, regular, or complete is determined by the time between two adjacent Rosh Hashanah observances and the leap year. While the \"keviyah\" is sufficient to describe a year, a variant specifies the day of the week for the first day of Pesach (Passover) in lieu of the year length. A Metonic cycle equates to 235 lunar months","Document [15](Title: Hebrew calendar) 1st of Shevat is the new year for trees\u2014so the school of Shammai; and the school of Hillel say: On the 15th thereof. The month of Elul is the new year for counting animal tithes (\"ma'aser behemah\"). \"Tu Bishvat\" (\"the 15th of Shevat\") marks the new year for trees (and agricultural tithes). For the dates of the Jewish New Year see Jewish and Israeli holidays 2000\u20132050 or calculate using the section \"Conversion between Jewish and civil calendars\". The Jewish calendar is based on the Metonic cycle of 19 years, of which 12 are common (non-leap) years of 12 months and","Document [16](Title: Hebrew calendar) an additional day to have 30 days, and the year is called a full (\"maleh\") year. The calendar rules have been designed to ensure that Rosh Hashanah does not fall on a Sunday, Wednesday or Friday. This is to ensure that Yom Kippur does not directly precede or follow Shabbat, which would create practical difficulties, and that Hoshana Rabbah is not on a Shabbat, in which case certain ceremonies would be lost for a year. The solar year is about eleven days longer than twelve lunar months. The Bible does not directly mention the addition of \"embolismic\" or intercalary months.","Document [17](Title: Hebrew calendar) the following day if the previous year was due to begin on Monday morning. The table below lists, for a Jewish year commencing on 23 March, the civil date of the first day of each month. If the year does not begin on 23 March, each month's first day will differ from the date shown by the number of days that the start of the year differs from 23 March. The correct column is the one which shows the correct starting date for the following year in the last row. If 29 February falls within a Jewish month the first","Document [18](Title: Hebrew calendar) \"year 1\" is \"not\" Creation, but about one year before Creation, with the new moon of its first month (Tishrei) to be called \"molad tohu\" (the mean new moon of chaos or nothing). The Jewish calendar's epoch (reference date), 1 Tishrei AM 1, is equivalent to Monday, 7 October 3761 BC\/BCE in the proleptic Julian calendar, the equivalent tabular date (same daylight period) and is about one year \"before\" the traditional Jewish date of Creation on 25 Elul AM 1, based upon the \"Seder Olam Rabbah\". Thus, adding 3760 before Rosh Hashanah or 3761 after to a Julian year number","Document [19](Title: Hebrew calendar) the basic Hebrew calendar year is one of twelve lunar months alternating between 29 and 30 days: In leap years (such as 5779) an additional month, Adar I (30 days) is added after Shevat, while the regular Adar is referred to as \"Adar II.\" The insertion of the leap month mentioned above is based on the requirement that Passover\u2014the festival celebrating the Exodus from Egypt, which took place in the spring\u2014always occurs in the [northern hemisphere's] spring season. Since the adoption of a fixed calendar, intercalations in the Hebrew calendar have been assigned to fixed points in a 19-year cycle.","Document [20](Title: Hebrew calendar) recited until \"Shemini Atzeret\", after the end of Sukkot, yet it is becoming increasingly likely that the rainy season in Israel will start before the end of Sukkot. No equinox or solstice will ever be more than a day or so away from its mean date according to the solar calendar, while nineteen Jewish years average 6939d 16h 33m 03s compared to the 6939d 14h 26m 15s of nineteen mean tropical years. This discrepancy has mounted up to six days, which is why the earliest Passover currently falls on 26 March (as in AM 5773 \/ 2013 CE). Given the"],"query":"what year is it for the jewish calendar?","answers":["AM 5778","5778"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Hebrew calendar) Hebrew calendar The Hebrew or Jewish calendar (, ) is a lunisolar calendar used today predominantly for Jewish religious observances. It determines the dates for Jewish holidays and the appropriate public reading of Torah portions, \"yahrzeits\" (dates to commemorate the death of a relative), and daily Psalm readings, among many ceremonial uses. In Israel, it is used for religious purposes, provides a time frame for agriculture and is an official calendar for civil purposes, although the latter usage has been steadily declining in favor of the Gregorian calendar. The present Hebrew calendar is the product of evolution, including a Babylonian","Document [2](Title: Seder Olam Rabbah) in \"anno\" 68 CE, rather than in 70 CE. In this and related cases, a difference between the traditional Jewish year and a scientific date in a Gregorian year or in a proleptic Julian calendar date results from a disagreement about when the event happened\u2014and not simply a difference between the Jewish and Gregorian calendars (See the \"Missing Years\" in the Jewish Calendar and below, \"Excursus: Jewish Chronology in the Scroll of Antiochus\"). In Jewish thought the counting is usually considered to be to the creation of the world, as has been emphasized in many ancient texts dealing with creation","Document [3](Title: Hebrew calendar) 932d 2h 31 2\/18m or 1d 2h 31 2\/18m later after removing complete weeks. Allowing for the current difference of thirteen days between the civil and Julian calendars, the Julian date is 13+(248x0d 5h 47 4\/18m) earlier, which is 72d 21h 28 16\/18m earlier. Convert back to the civil calendar by applying the formula. So, in 20874 CE, the Jewish year is due to begin 87d 2h 31 2\/18m later than in 2026 CE and 1d 2h 31 2\/18m later in the week. In 20874 CE, therefore, the Jewish year is due to begin at 11.30 3\/18 A.M. on Friday,","Document [4](Title: Hebrew calendar) moon resulting from tidal friction because astronomy was not sufficiently developed in the 12th century (when Maimonides wrote his book) to detect this. 723\u2013730. Hebrew calendar The Hebrew or Jewish calendar (, ) is a lunisolar calendar used today predominantly for Jewish religious observances. It determines the dates for Jewish holidays and the appropriate public reading of Torah portions, \"yahrzeits\" (dates to commemorate the death of a relative), and daily Psalm readings, among many ceremonial uses. In Israel, it is used for religious purposes, provides a time frame for agriculture and is an official calendar for civil purposes, although the","Document [5](Title: Hebrew calendar) years from the sequence. That is the essential feature of the 353-year leap cycle (). Religious questions abound about how such a system might be implemented and administered throughout the diverse aspects of the world Jewish community. The list below gives a time which can be used to determine the day the Jewish ecclesiastical (spring) year starts over a period of nineteen years: Every nineteen years this time is 2 days, 16 hours, 33 1\/18 minutes later in the week. That is either the same or the previous day in the civil calendar, depending on whether the difference in the","Document [6](Title: Hebrew calendar) and the number of the month to within a month or so. From the 4th century, the number of the month is given exactly and from the 9th century the day of the month is given exactly as well. In the Julian calendar, every 76 years the Jewish year is due to start 5h 47 14\/18m earlier, and 3d 18h 12 4\/18m later in the week. On what civil date does the eighth month begin in CE 20874-5? 20874=2026+(248x76). In (248x76) Julian years the Jewish year is due to start (248x3d 18h 12 4\/18m) later in the week, which is","Document [7](Title: Hebrew calendar) 7 are leap years of 13 months. To determine whether a Jewish year is a leap year, one must find its position in the 19-year Metonic cycle. This position is calculated by dividing the Jewish year number by 19 and finding the remainder. (Since there is no year 0, a remainder of 0 indicates that the year is year 19 of the cycle.) For example, the Jewish year divided by 19 results in a remainder of % 19, indicating that it is year of the Metonic cycle. Years 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 19 of the Metonic cycle","Document [8](Title: Jewish Talmudic Calendar) according to the Rabbinical Chronology (3761 BC) is taken as year 1 in the first Small Mahzor. The Greek cycle begins from an arbitrarily year, usually from the beginning of the Common Era (Anno Domini). If every 13 Small Mahzor is called an Iggul, because 12 times 2 hours is a day, and 30 days are a month, in less than 30 Igguls a whole intercalary month should be removed. The position of the years in a Small Mahzor is called the Golden Number. The pattern of the leap years will change slightly each Iggul, but the Jewish Talmudic Calendar","Document [9](Title: Jewish Talmudic Calendar) (adding in a 30-day Adar I, and making the 29-day month Adar II). There are times when a common year is 353 days, or a leap year is 383 days; these are called the Defective Years. When a common year is 355 days, or a leap year is 385 days, these are called the Excessive Years. In Defective years, the regularly 30-day Kislev is made 29 days; in Excessive Years, the regularly 29-day Heshvan is made 30 days. Jewish Talmudic Calendar is coupled with the Rabbinical Chronology, taking Monday, (Julian) Oct 7, 3761 BC. as the date of creation, and","Document [10](Title: Hebrew calendar) AM 5778 began at sunset on 20 September 2017 and will end at sunset on 9 September 2018.","Document [11](Title: Hebrew calendar) in each 19-year cycle. This gives an average of 6939 days, 16 hours, and 595 parts for each cycle. But due to the Rosh Hashanah postponement rules (preceding section) a cycle of 19 Jewish years can be either 6939, 6940, 6941, or 6942 days in duration. Since none of these values is evenly divisible by seven, the Jewish calendar repeats exactly only following 36,288 Metonic cycles, or 689,472 Jewish years. There is a near-repetition every 247 years, except for an excess of about 50 minutes (905 parts). The annual calendar of a numbered Hebrew year, displayed as 12 or 13","Document [12](Title: Hebrew calendar) length of the year, the length of each month is fixed as described above, so the real problem in determining the calendar for a year is determining the number of days in the year. In the modern calendar, this is determined in the following manner. The day of Rosh Hashanah and the length of the year are determined by the time and the day of the week of the Tishrei \"molad\", that is, the moment of the average conjunction. Given the Tishrei \"molad\" of a certain year, the length of the year is determined as follows: First, one must determine","Document [13](Title: Leap year) This is to ensure that Passover () is always in the spring as required by the Torah (Pentateuch) in many verses relating to Passover. In addition, the Hebrew calendar has postponement rules that postpone the start of the year by one or two days. These postponement rules reduce the number of different combinations of year length and starting days of the week from 28 to 14, and regulate the location of certain religious holidays in relation to the Sabbath. In particular, the first day of the Hebrew year can never be Sunday, Wednesday or Friday. This rule is known in","Document [14](Title: Hebrew calendar) the second month or removing one from the third month. A Jewish common year can only have 353, 354, or 355 days. A leap year is always 30 days longer, and so can have 383, 384, or 385 days. Whether a year is deficient, regular, or complete is determined by the time between two adjacent Rosh Hashanah observances and the leap year. While the \"keviyah\" is sufficient to describe a year, a variant specifies the day of the week for the first day of Pesach (Passover) in lieu of the year length. A Metonic cycle equates to 235 lunar months","Document [15](Title: Hebrew calendar) 1st of Shevat is the new year for trees\u2014so the school of Shammai; and the school of Hillel say: On the 15th thereof. The month of Elul is the new year for counting animal tithes (\"ma'aser behemah\"). \"Tu Bishvat\" (\"the 15th of Shevat\") marks the new year for trees (and agricultural tithes). For the dates of the Jewish New Year see Jewish and Israeli holidays 2000\u20132050 or calculate using the section \"Conversion between Jewish and civil calendars\". The Jewish calendar is based on the Metonic cycle of 19 years, of which 12 are common (non-leap) years of 12 months and","Document [16](Title: Hebrew calendar) an additional day to have 30 days, and the year is called a full (\"maleh\") year. The calendar rules have been designed to ensure that Rosh Hashanah does not fall on a Sunday, Wednesday or Friday. This is to ensure that Yom Kippur does not directly precede or follow Shabbat, which would create practical difficulties, and that Hoshana Rabbah is not on a Shabbat, in which case certain ceremonies would be lost for a year. The solar year is about eleven days longer than twelve lunar months. The Bible does not directly mention the addition of \"embolismic\" or intercalary months.","Document [17](Title: Hebrew calendar) the following day if the previous year was due to begin on Monday morning. The table below lists, for a Jewish year commencing on 23 March, the civil date of the first day of each month. If the year does not begin on 23 March, each month's first day will differ from the date shown by the number of days that the start of the year differs from 23 March. The correct column is the one which shows the correct starting date for the following year in the last row. If 29 February falls within a Jewish month the first","Document [18](Title: Hebrew calendar) \"year 1\" is \"not\" Creation, but about one year before Creation, with the new moon of its first month (Tishrei) to be called \"molad tohu\" (the mean new moon of chaos or nothing). The Jewish calendar's epoch (reference date), 1 Tishrei AM 1, is equivalent to Monday, 7 October 3761 BC\/BCE in the proleptic Julian calendar, the equivalent tabular date (same daylight period) and is about one year \"before\" the traditional Jewish date of Creation on 25 Elul AM 1, based upon the \"Seder Olam Rabbah\". Thus, adding 3760 before Rosh Hashanah or 3761 after to a Julian year number","Document [19](Title: Hebrew calendar) the basic Hebrew calendar year is one of twelve lunar months alternating between 29 and 30 days: In leap years (such as 5779) an additional month, Adar I (30 days) is added after Shevat, while the regular Adar is referred to as \"Adar II.\" The insertion of the leap month mentioned above is based on the requirement that Passover\u2014the festival celebrating the Exodus from Egypt, which took place in the spring\u2014always occurs in the [northern hemisphere's] spring season. Since the adoption of a fixed calendar, intercalations in the Hebrew calendar have been assigned to fixed points in a 19-year cycle.","Document [20](Title: Hebrew calendar) recited until \"Shemini Atzeret\", after the end of Sukkot, yet it is becoming increasingly likely that the rainy season in Israel will start before the end of Sukkot. No equinox or solstice will ever be more than a day or so away from its mean date according to the solar calendar, while nineteen Jewish years average 6939d 16h 33m 03s compared to the 6939d 14h 26m 15s of nineteen mean tropical years. This discrepancy has mounted up to six days, which is why the earliest Passover currently falls on 26 March (as in AM 5773 \/ 2013 CE). Given the"],"query":"what year is it for the jewish calendar?","answers":["AM 5778","5778"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Hebrew calendar) Hebrew calendar The Hebrew or Jewish calendar (, ) is a lunisolar calendar used today predominantly for Jewish religious observances. It determines the dates for Jewish holidays and the appropriate public reading of Torah portions, \"yahrzeits\" (dates to commemorate the death of a relative), and daily Psalm readings, among many ceremonial uses. In Israel, it is used for religious purposes, provides a time frame for agriculture and is an official calendar for civil purposes, although the latter usage has been steadily declining in favor of the Gregorian calendar. The present Hebrew calendar is the product of evolution, including a Babylonian","Document [2](Title: Seder Olam Rabbah) in \"anno\" 68 CE, rather than in 70 CE. In this and related cases, a difference between the traditional Jewish year and a scientific date in a Gregorian year or in a proleptic Julian calendar date results from a disagreement about when the event happened\u2014and not simply a difference between the Jewish and Gregorian calendars (See the \"Missing Years\" in the Jewish Calendar and below, \"Excursus: Jewish Chronology in the Scroll of Antiochus\"). In Jewish thought the counting is usually considered to be to the creation of the world, as has been emphasized in many ancient texts dealing with creation","Document [3](Title: Hebrew calendar) 932d 2h 31 2\/18m or 1d 2h 31 2\/18m later after removing complete weeks. Allowing for the current difference of thirteen days between the civil and Julian calendars, the Julian date is 13+(248x0d 5h 47 4\/18m) earlier, which is 72d 21h 28 16\/18m earlier. Convert back to the civil calendar by applying the formula. So, in 20874 CE, the Jewish year is due to begin 87d 2h 31 2\/18m later than in 2026 CE and 1d 2h 31 2\/18m later in the week. In 20874 CE, therefore, the Jewish year is due to begin at 11.30 3\/18 A.M. on Friday,","Document [4](Title: Hebrew calendar) moon resulting from tidal friction because astronomy was not sufficiently developed in the 12th century (when Maimonides wrote his book) to detect this. 723\u2013730. Hebrew calendar The Hebrew or Jewish calendar (, ) is a lunisolar calendar used today predominantly for Jewish religious observances. It determines the dates for Jewish holidays and the appropriate public reading of Torah portions, \"yahrzeits\" (dates to commemorate the death of a relative), and daily Psalm readings, among many ceremonial uses. In Israel, it is used for religious purposes, provides a time frame for agriculture and is an official calendar for civil purposes, although the","Document [5](Title: Hebrew calendar) years from the sequence. That is the essential feature of the 353-year leap cycle (). Religious questions abound about how such a system might be implemented and administered throughout the diverse aspects of the world Jewish community. The list below gives a time which can be used to determine the day the Jewish ecclesiastical (spring) year starts over a period of nineteen years: Every nineteen years this time is 2 days, 16 hours, 33 1\/18 minutes later in the week. That is either the same or the previous day in the civil calendar, depending on whether the difference in the","Document [6](Title: Hebrew calendar) and the number of the month to within a month or so. From the 4th century, the number of the month is given exactly and from the 9th century the day of the month is given exactly as well. In the Julian calendar, every 76 years the Jewish year is due to start 5h 47 14\/18m earlier, and 3d 18h 12 4\/18m later in the week. On what civil date does the eighth month begin in CE 20874-5? 20874=2026+(248x76). In (248x76) Julian years the Jewish year is due to start (248x3d 18h 12 4\/18m) later in the week, which is","Document [7](Title: Hebrew calendar) 7 are leap years of 13 months. To determine whether a Jewish year is a leap year, one must find its position in the 19-year Metonic cycle. This position is calculated by dividing the Jewish year number by 19 and finding the remainder. (Since there is no year 0, a remainder of 0 indicates that the year is year 19 of the cycle.) For example, the Jewish year divided by 19 results in a remainder of % 19, indicating that it is year of the Metonic cycle. Years 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 19 of the Metonic cycle","Document [8](Title: Jewish Talmudic Calendar) according to the Rabbinical Chronology (3761 BC) is taken as year 1 in the first Small Mahzor. The Greek cycle begins from an arbitrarily year, usually from the beginning of the Common Era (Anno Domini). If every 13 Small Mahzor is called an Iggul, because 12 times 2 hours is a day, and 30 days are a month, in less than 30 Igguls a whole intercalary month should be removed. The position of the years in a Small Mahzor is called the Golden Number. The pattern of the leap years will change slightly each Iggul, but the Jewish Talmudic Calendar","Document [9](Title: Jewish Talmudic Calendar) (adding in a 30-day Adar I, and making the 29-day month Adar II). There are times when a common year is 353 days, or a leap year is 383 days; these are called the Defective Years. When a common year is 355 days, or a leap year is 385 days, these are called the Excessive Years. In Defective years, the regularly 30-day Kislev is made 29 days; in Excessive Years, the regularly 29-day Heshvan is made 30 days. Jewish Talmudic Calendar is coupled with the Rabbinical Chronology, taking Monday, (Julian) Oct 7, 3761 BC. as the date of creation, and","Document [10](Title: Hebrew calendar) in each 19-year cycle. This gives an average of 6939 days, 16 hours, and 595 parts for each cycle. But due to the Rosh Hashanah postponement rules (preceding section) a cycle of 19 Jewish years can be either 6939, 6940, 6941, or 6942 days in duration. Since none of these values is evenly divisible by seven, the Jewish calendar repeats exactly only following 36,288 Metonic cycles, or 689,472 Jewish years. There is a near-repetition every 247 years, except for an excess of about 50 minutes (905 parts). The annual calendar of a numbered Hebrew year, displayed as 12 or 13","Document [11](Title: Hebrew calendar) length of the year, the length of each month is fixed as described above, so the real problem in determining the calendar for a year is determining the number of days in the year. In the modern calendar, this is determined in the following manner. The day of Rosh Hashanah and the length of the year are determined by the time and the day of the week of the Tishrei \"molad\", that is, the moment of the average conjunction. Given the Tishrei \"molad\" of a certain year, the length of the year is determined as follows: First, one must determine","Document [12](Title: Leap year) This is to ensure that Passover () is always in the spring as required by the Torah (Pentateuch) in many verses relating to Passover. In addition, the Hebrew calendar has postponement rules that postpone the start of the year by one or two days. These postponement rules reduce the number of different combinations of year length and starting days of the week from 28 to 14, and regulate the location of certain religious holidays in relation to the Sabbath. In particular, the first day of the Hebrew year can never be Sunday, Wednesday or Friday. This rule is known in","Document [13](Title: Hebrew calendar) the second month or removing one from the third month. A Jewish common year can only have 353, 354, or 355 days. A leap year is always 30 days longer, and so can have 383, 384, or 385 days. Whether a year is deficient, regular, or complete is determined by the time between two adjacent Rosh Hashanah observances and the leap year. While the \"keviyah\" is sufficient to describe a year, a variant specifies the day of the week for the first day of Pesach (Passover) in lieu of the year length. A Metonic cycle equates to 235 lunar months","Document [14](Title: Hebrew calendar) 1st of Shevat is the new year for trees\u2014so the school of Shammai; and the school of Hillel say: On the 15th thereof. The month of Elul is the new year for counting animal tithes (\"ma'aser behemah\"). \"Tu Bishvat\" (\"the 15th of Shevat\") marks the new year for trees (and agricultural tithes). For the dates of the Jewish New Year see Jewish and Israeli holidays 2000\u20132050 or calculate using the section \"Conversion between Jewish and civil calendars\". The Jewish calendar is based on the Metonic cycle of 19 years, of which 12 are common (non-leap) years of 12 months and","Document [15](Title: Hebrew calendar) AM 5778 began at sunset on 20 September 2017 and will end at sunset on 9 September 2018.","Document [16](Title: Hebrew calendar) an additional day to have 30 days, and the year is called a full (\"maleh\") year. The calendar rules have been designed to ensure that Rosh Hashanah does not fall on a Sunday, Wednesday or Friday. This is to ensure that Yom Kippur does not directly precede or follow Shabbat, which would create practical difficulties, and that Hoshana Rabbah is not on a Shabbat, in which case certain ceremonies would be lost for a year. The solar year is about eleven days longer than twelve lunar months. The Bible does not directly mention the addition of \"embolismic\" or intercalary months.","Document [17](Title: Hebrew calendar) the following day if the previous year was due to begin on Monday morning. The table below lists, for a Jewish year commencing on 23 March, the civil date of the first day of each month. If the year does not begin on 23 March, each month's first day will differ from the date shown by the number of days that the start of the year differs from 23 March. The correct column is the one which shows the correct starting date for the following year in the last row. If 29 February falls within a Jewish month the first","Document [18](Title: Hebrew calendar) \"year 1\" is \"not\" Creation, but about one year before Creation, with the new moon of its first month (Tishrei) to be called \"molad tohu\" (the mean new moon of chaos or nothing). The Jewish calendar's epoch (reference date), 1 Tishrei AM 1, is equivalent to Monday, 7 October 3761 BC\/BCE in the proleptic Julian calendar, the equivalent tabular date (same daylight period) and is about one year \"before\" the traditional Jewish date of Creation on 25 Elul AM 1, based upon the \"Seder Olam Rabbah\". Thus, adding 3760 before Rosh Hashanah or 3761 after to a Julian year number","Document [19](Title: Hebrew calendar) the basic Hebrew calendar year is one of twelve lunar months alternating between 29 and 30 days: In leap years (such as 5779) an additional month, Adar I (30 days) is added after Shevat, while the regular Adar is referred to as \"Adar II.\" The insertion of the leap month mentioned above is based on the requirement that Passover\u2014the festival celebrating the Exodus from Egypt, which took place in the spring\u2014always occurs in the [northern hemisphere's] spring season. Since the adoption of a fixed calendar, intercalations in the Hebrew calendar have been assigned to fixed points in a 19-year cycle.","Document [20](Title: Hebrew calendar) recited until \"Shemini Atzeret\", after the end of Sukkot, yet it is becoming increasingly likely that the rainy season in Israel will start before the end of Sukkot. No equinox or solstice will ever be more than a day or so away from its mean date according to the solar calendar, while nineteen Jewish years average 6939d 16h 33m 03s compared to the 6939d 14h 26m 15s of nineteen mean tropical years. This discrepancy has mounted up to six days, which is why the earliest Passover currently falls on 26 March (as in AM 5773 \/ 2013 CE). Given the"],"query":"what year is it for the jewish calendar?","answers":["AM 5778","5778"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Hebrew calendar) Hebrew calendar The Hebrew or Jewish calendar (, ) is a lunisolar calendar used today predominantly for Jewish religious observances. It determines the dates for Jewish holidays and the appropriate public reading of Torah portions, \"yahrzeits\" (dates to commemorate the death of a relative), and daily Psalm readings, among many ceremonial uses. In Israel, it is used for religious purposes, provides a time frame for agriculture and is an official calendar for civil purposes, although the latter usage has been steadily declining in favor of the Gregorian calendar. The present Hebrew calendar is the product of evolution, including a Babylonian","Document [2](Title: Seder Olam Rabbah) in \"anno\" 68 CE, rather than in 70 CE. In this and related cases, a difference between the traditional Jewish year and a scientific date in a Gregorian year or in a proleptic Julian calendar date results from a disagreement about when the event happened\u2014and not simply a difference between the Jewish and Gregorian calendars (See the \"Missing Years\" in the Jewish Calendar and below, \"Excursus: Jewish Chronology in the Scroll of Antiochus\"). In Jewish thought the counting is usually considered to be to the creation of the world, as has been emphasized in many ancient texts dealing with creation","Document [3](Title: Hebrew calendar) 932d 2h 31 2\/18m or 1d 2h 31 2\/18m later after removing complete weeks. Allowing for the current difference of thirteen days between the civil and Julian calendars, the Julian date is 13+(248x0d 5h 47 4\/18m) earlier, which is 72d 21h 28 16\/18m earlier. Convert back to the civil calendar by applying the formula. So, in 20874 CE, the Jewish year is due to begin 87d 2h 31 2\/18m later than in 2026 CE and 1d 2h 31 2\/18m later in the week. In 20874 CE, therefore, the Jewish year is due to begin at 11.30 3\/18 A.M. on Friday,","Document [4](Title: Hebrew calendar) moon resulting from tidal friction because astronomy was not sufficiently developed in the 12th century (when Maimonides wrote his book) to detect this. 723\u2013730. Hebrew calendar The Hebrew or Jewish calendar (, ) is a lunisolar calendar used today predominantly for Jewish religious observances. It determines the dates for Jewish holidays and the appropriate public reading of Torah portions, \"yahrzeits\" (dates to commemorate the death of a relative), and daily Psalm readings, among many ceremonial uses. In Israel, it is used for religious purposes, provides a time frame for agriculture and is an official calendar for civil purposes, although the","Document [5](Title: Hebrew calendar) years from the sequence. That is the essential feature of the 353-year leap cycle (). Religious questions abound about how such a system might be implemented and administered throughout the diverse aspects of the world Jewish community. The list below gives a time which can be used to determine the day the Jewish ecclesiastical (spring) year starts over a period of nineteen years: Every nineteen years this time is 2 days, 16 hours, 33 1\/18 minutes later in the week. That is either the same or the previous day in the civil calendar, depending on whether the difference in the","Document [6](Title: Hebrew calendar) and the number of the month to within a month or so. From the 4th century, the number of the month is given exactly and from the 9th century the day of the month is given exactly as well. In the Julian calendar, every 76 years the Jewish year is due to start 5h 47 14\/18m earlier, and 3d 18h 12 4\/18m later in the week. On what civil date does the eighth month begin in CE 20874-5? 20874=2026+(248x76). In (248x76) Julian years the Jewish year is due to start (248x3d 18h 12 4\/18m) later in the week, which is","Document [7](Title: Hebrew calendar) 7 are leap years of 13 months. To determine whether a Jewish year is a leap year, one must find its position in the 19-year Metonic cycle. This position is calculated by dividing the Jewish year number by 19 and finding the remainder. (Since there is no year 0, a remainder of 0 indicates that the year is year 19 of the cycle.) For example, the Jewish year divided by 19 results in a remainder of % 19, indicating that it is year of the Metonic cycle. Years 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 19 of the Metonic cycle","Document [8](Title: Jewish Talmudic Calendar) according to the Rabbinical Chronology (3761 BC) is taken as year 1 in the first Small Mahzor. The Greek cycle begins from an arbitrarily year, usually from the beginning of the Common Era (Anno Domini). If every 13 Small Mahzor is called an Iggul, because 12 times 2 hours is a day, and 30 days are a month, in less than 30 Igguls a whole intercalary month should be removed. The position of the years in a Small Mahzor is called the Golden Number. The pattern of the leap years will change slightly each Iggul, but the Jewish Talmudic Calendar","Document [9](Title: Jewish Talmudic Calendar) (adding in a 30-day Adar I, and making the 29-day month Adar II). There are times when a common year is 353 days, or a leap year is 383 days; these are called the Defective Years. When a common year is 355 days, or a leap year is 385 days, these are called the Excessive Years. In Defective years, the regularly 30-day Kislev is made 29 days; in Excessive Years, the regularly 29-day Heshvan is made 30 days. Jewish Talmudic Calendar is coupled with the Rabbinical Chronology, taking Monday, (Julian) Oct 7, 3761 BC. as the date of creation, and","Document [10](Title: Hebrew calendar) in each 19-year cycle. This gives an average of 6939 days, 16 hours, and 595 parts for each cycle. But due to the Rosh Hashanah postponement rules (preceding section) a cycle of 19 Jewish years can be either 6939, 6940, 6941, or 6942 days in duration. Since none of these values is evenly divisible by seven, the Jewish calendar repeats exactly only following 36,288 Metonic cycles, or 689,472 Jewish years. There is a near-repetition every 247 years, except for an excess of about 50 minutes (905 parts). The annual calendar of a numbered Hebrew year, displayed as 12 or 13","Document [11](Title: Hebrew calendar) length of the year, the length of each month is fixed as described above, so the real problem in determining the calendar for a year is determining the number of days in the year. In the modern calendar, this is determined in the following manner. The day of Rosh Hashanah and the length of the year are determined by the time and the day of the week of the Tishrei \"molad\", that is, the moment of the average conjunction. Given the Tishrei \"molad\" of a certain year, the length of the year is determined as follows: First, one must determine","Document [12](Title: Leap year) This is to ensure that Passover () is always in the spring as required by the Torah (Pentateuch) in many verses relating to Passover. In addition, the Hebrew calendar has postponement rules that postpone the start of the year by one or two days. These postponement rules reduce the number of different combinations of year length and starting days of the week from 28 to 14, and regulate the location of certain religious holidays in relation to the Sabbath. In particular, the first day of the Hebrew year can never be Sunday, Wednesday or Friday. This rule is known in","Document [13](Title: Hebrew calendar) the second month or removing one from the third month. A Jewish common year can only have 353, 354, or 355 days. A leap year is always 30 days longer, and so can have 383, 384, or 385 days. Whether a year is deficient, regular, or complete is determined by the time between two adjacent Rosh Hashanah observances and the leap year. While the \"keviyah\" is sufficient to describe a year, a variant specifies the day of the week for the first day of Pesach (Passover) in lieu of the year length. A Metonic cycle equates to 235 lunar months","Document [14](Title: Hebrew calendar) 1st of Shevat is the new year for trees\u2014so the school of Shammai; and the school of Hillel say: On the 15th thereof. The month of Elul is the new year for counting animal tithes (\"ma'aser behemah\"). \"Tu Bishvat\" (\"the 15th of Shevat\") marks the new year for trees (and agricultural tithes). For the dates of the Jewish New Year see Jewish and Israeli holidays 2000\u20132050 or calculate using the section \"Conversion between Jewish and civil calendars\". The Jewish calendar is based on the Metonic cycle of 19 years, of which 12 are common (non-leap) years of 12 months and","Document [15](Title: Hebrew calendar) an additional day to have 30 days, and the year is called a full (\"maleh\") year. The calendar rules have been designed to ensure that Rosh Hashanah does not fall on a Sunday, Wednesday or Friday. This is to ensure that Yom Kippur does not directly precede or follow Shabbat, which would create practical difficulties, and that Hoshana Rabbah is not on a Shabbat, in which case certain ceremonies would be lost for a year. The solar year is about eleven days longer than twelve lunar months. The Bible does not directly mention the addition of \"embolismic\" or intercalary months.","Document [16](Title: Hebrew calendar) the following day if the previous year was due to begin on Monday morning. The table below lists, for a Jewish year commencing on 23 March, the civil date of the first day of each month. If the year does not begin on 23 March, each month's first day will differ from the date shown by the number of days that the start of the year differs from 23 March. The correct column is the one which shows the correct starting date for the following year in the last row. If 29 February falls within a Jewish month the first","Document [17](Title: Hebrew calendar) \"year 1\" is \"not\" Creation, but about one year before Creation, with the new moon of its first month (Tishrei) to be called \"molad tohu\" (the mean new moon of chaos or nothing). The Jewish calendar's epoch (reference date), 1 Tishrei AM 1, is equivalent to Monday, 7 October 3761 BC\/BCE in the proleptic Julian calendar, the equivalent tabular date (same daylight period) and is about one year \"before\" the traditional Jewish date of Creation on 25 Elul AM 1, based upon the \"Seder Olam Rabbah\". Thus, adding 3760 before Rosh Hashanah or 3761 after to a Julian year number","Document [18](Title: Hebrew calendar) the basic Hebrew calendar year is one of twelve lunar months alternating between 29 and 30 days: In leap years (such as 5779) an additional month, Adar I (30 days) is added after Shevat, while the regular Adar is referred to as \"Adar II.\" The insertion of the leap month mentioned above is based on the requirement that Passover\u2014the festival celebrating the Exodus from Egypt, which took place in the spring\u2014always occurs in the [northern hemisphere's] spring season. Since the adoption of a fixed calendar, intercalations in the Hebrew calendar have been assigned to fixed points in a 19-year cycle.","Document [19](Title: Hebrew calendar) recited until \"Shemini Atzeret\", after the end of Sukkot, yet it is becoming increasingly likely that the rainy season in Israel will start before the end of Sukkot. No equinox or solstice will ever be more than a day or so away from its mean date according to the solar calendar, while nineteen Jewish years average 6939d 16h 33m 03s compared to the 6939d 14h 26m 15s of nineteen mean tropical years. This discrepancy has mounted up to six days, which is why the earliest Passover currently falls on 26 March (as in AM 5773 \/ 2013 CE). Given the","Document [20](Title: Hebrew calendar) AM 5778 began at sunset on 20 September 2017 and will end at sunset on 9 September 2018."],"query":"what year is it for the jewish calendar?","answers":["AM 5778","5778"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Sauron) With Sauron's assistance, the Elven-smiths forged the Rings of Power, which conferred great power upon their bearers. He then secretly forged the One Ring in the volcanic Mount Doom in Mordor. This \"One Ring to rule them all\" had the power to dominate the other Rings and enslave their wearers to Sauron's will. The Rings of Power were extremely potent, however; to create an instrument that could dominate even them, Sauron was forced to transfer a great part of his native power into it. Yet \"while he wore it, his power on earth was actually enhanced\".","Document [2](Title: Glorfindel) Glorfindel is the most powerful recruitable hero from Lothl\u00f3rien, who is available to the player only after having accumulated a great amount of influence. Glorfindel can also be found in the \"Lord of the Rings Online\" (LotRO), as a non player character (NPC) giving several quests to the players that visit him. In the game, he is in a white robe with purple belt, his hair is blonde, and he gives hope (a game mechanic) to the players around him. The Games Workshop tabletop strategy battle game of The Lord of the Rings features two versions of Glorfindel: In one","Document [3](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) with its whip, pulling him down after it. The distraught party leave Moria, entering Lothl\u00f3rien, and meeting Galadriel (Jennifer Hale). She takes Frodo to see the Mirror of Galadriel, where he sees images of the coming War of the Ring. Frodo offers her the One Ring and although she is tempted, she turns it down, explaining that his resistance to its evil is because he has never tried to use it to control others. The party leave Lothl\u00f3rien via the river Anduin. Boromir tries to convince Frodo to take the Ring to Gondor to use it as a weapon against","Document [4](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age) heir to the throne of Gondor. Aragorn protected the hobbits on their journey to Rivendell, and upon their arrival, Elrond formed a Fellowship with the goal of bringing the Ring to Mordor to destroy it. The Fellowship is composed of Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Gandalf, a silvan elf from Mirkwood named Legolas, a dwarf from Erebor named Gimli, and a man from Gondor named Boromir, son of Denethor, Steward of Gondor. The game begins with Berethor (voiced by Rhys Lloyd), a captain in the Citadel Guard of Gondor, travelling to Rivendell to find Boromir at the behest of Denethor.","Document [5](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) Gandalf, Sam, Merry, Pippin, elf Legolas, dwarf Gimli, Boromir of Gondor, and Strider, who is revealed to be Aragorn, Isildur's heir and the rightful King of Gondor. Bilbo gives Frodo his sword, Sting. The Fellowship of the Ring sets off, but Saruman's magic forces them to travel through the Mines of Moria, much to Gandalf's displeasure. The Fellowship discovers that the dwarves within Moria have been slain, and they are attacked by Orcs and a cave troll. They defeat them, but are confronted by an ancient demon called a Balrog. Gandalf casts the Balrog into a vast chasm, but it","Document [6](Title: The Lord of the Rings) the other Rings of Power as the ultimate weapon in his campaign to conquer and rule all of Middle-earth. From quiet beginnings in the Shire, a hobbit land not unlike the English countryside, the story ranges across Middle-earth, following the course of the War of the Ring through the eyes of its characters, not only the hobbits Frodo Baggins, Samwise \"Sam\" Gamgee, Meriadoc \"Merry\" Brandybuck and Peregrin \"Pippin\" Took, but also the hobbits' chief allies and travelling companions: the Men, Aragorn, a Ranger of the North, and Boromir, a Captain of Gondor; Gimli, a Dwarf warrior; Legolas Greenleaf, an Elven","Document [7](Title: Scandinavian folklore) this story, a magic ring owned by a dwarf named Andvari is stolen. When Loki, the god of Deceit and tricks, steals the ring, Andvari shouts \"I curse you for this! The ring will carry my curse forever. All who possesses the ring will be destroyed!\" This only leads to death and destruction, and later Fafnir morphs into a serpentdragon, whose outer body matches his inner evil created by the ring. This theme seems to carry over into the story behind the character Gollum. Also, there is a parallel between the Nordic legend of \"Frotha-Firth\" who stood as a peacemaker,","Document [8](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) Gandalf never arrives, and they are instead aided by a ranger named Strider, a friend of Gandalf's, who escorts them to Rivendell. The hobbits are ambushed by the Ringwraiths, and one stabs Frodo with a cursed Morgul blade. Arwen, an elf and Strider's lover, comes to Frodo's aid and successfully takes him to Rivendell, where he is healed. Frodo meets Gandalf, who escaped Isengard on the back of a giant Eagle. Arwen's father, Lord Elrond, holds a council that decides the Ring must be destroyed in Mount Doom. While the members argue, Frodo volunteers to take the Ring, accompanied by","Document [9](Title: Magic ring) the story grew into \"The Lord of the Rings\" the matter expanded, borrowing from Germanic and Norse mythology for many of its themes, creatures, and names. Of twenty magical Rings of Power, four are described in some detail: the extremely powerful and dangerous \"One Ring\" around which the plot revolves; and three rings worn by Gandalf the wizard and the elves Elrond and Galadriel. Seven Rings of Power were given to the dwarves in an only slightly successful attempt to corrupt them. Humans prove to be more susceptible; each of the nine Nazg\u00fbl were once great lords of men who","Document [10](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) by Tom Kane) visiting Frodo (Steve Staley) and explaining the significance and history of the Ring. Frodo suggests it be destroyed, and Gandalf explains only the fires that created it are powerful enough to do so; the fires of Mount Doom, deep in Mordor. As Gandalf cannot take the Ring himself, for fear it would corrupt him, Frodo volunteers to do so. An eavesdropping Samwise Gamgee (voiced by Scott Menville in PC & PS2, but Cliff Broadway in Xbox) volunteers to join Frodo and Gandalf agrees, telling them they must head to Rivendell and speak to Elrond. He also tells","Document [11](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli and Boromir) are controllable, each with their own strengths, weaknesses and growth charts. During combat, the player has the choice to fully control each member of their active party (up to four characters), or instead, control only the main player character, and have the other three controlled by the AI. The game is presented against the background of the history of the One Ring. At the dawn of the Second Age, after the defeat of the Dark Lord, Morgoth, the elves of Eregion forged the nineteen Rings of Power to help themselves, the dwarves and men rule","Document [12](Title: The Lord of the Rings: War in the North) who explain the Hobbit Frodo Baggins (Yuri Lowenthal), is in possession of the One Ring, which must be destroyed by casting it into fires of Mount Doom. A fellowship of nine has thus been formed to carry the Ring to its destruction. The trio ask how they may help, and Gandalf explains the immediate concern is Aganda\u00fbr, as his mission and location are unknown. Elrond speculates he may be planning an attack on Rivendell, and, as such, it is likely he has gone to the Ettenmoors to strengthen his army with trolls. The trio head to investigate the Ettenmoors, where","Document [13](Title: Lord of the Rings (musical)) Arwen's father, Lord Elrond, calls a Council of Elves, Men and Dwarves at which it is decided that Frodo will carry the Ring to Mordor. The Fellowship of the Ring sets out from Rivendell: Frodo and his three fellow Hobbits, Aragorn, the human warrior Boromir, the Elf Legolas, the Dwarf Gimli, and the great wizard Gandalf the Grey. Arwen and the people of Rivendell invoke the holy power of the star E\u00e4rendil to protect and guide the Fellowship on its journey (\"Star of E\u00e4rendil\"). In the ancient, ruined Dwarf-mines of Moria, Gandalf confronts a Balrog, a monstrous creature of evil,","Document [14](Title: Gandalf) gave him the Elven Ring of Power called Narya, the Ring of Fire, containing a \"red\" stone for his aid and comfort. Tolkien explicitly links Gandalf to the element fire later in the same essay: As one of the Maiar, Gandalf would have participated in the Music of the Ainur at the creation of the world. However he does not attain any prominence until the Valar settle in Valinor. In Valinor, Gandalf was known as Ol\u00f3rin. As recounted in the \"Valaquenta\" in \"The Silmarillion\", he was one of the Maiar of Valinor, specifically, of the people of the Vala Manw\u00eb;","Document [15](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age) On the outskirts of Rivendell, he is attacked by the Nazg\u00fbl, but is rescued by Idrial (Lori Phillips), an elf in the service of Galadriel. As they travel through the forest, they see a murder of crebain and Idrial deduces Saruman (Christopher Lee) has betrayed the elves leaving Middle-earth for the Grey Havens. Seeing her convoy under attack by Isengard orcs, she and Berethor intervene. They then head to Caradhras to seek any further survivors, and there meet Elegost (Chris Edgerly), a D\u00fanedain ranger hunting Warg. They learn the Fellowship tried to pass over Caradhras recently, but were prevented from","Document [16](Title: Rings of Power) of three remaining realms of the Eldar. Vilya was used by Elrond in Rivendell, Nenya by Galadriel in Lothl\u00f3rien, and Narya by C\u00edrdan in Lindon. When the Istari, or wizards, arrived about , C\u00edrdan gave Narya to Gandalf, who bore it until the end of the Third Age. During the period of \"The Lord of the Rings\", the Three were borne by Elrond, Galadriel, and Gandalf; but until the end of the book their rings are not seen. Only Frodo, the bearer of the One, sees Galadriel's ring, and only when she draws his attention to it. At the end","Document [17](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) Later, he acquires a dagger, and finally, he can use the short sword Sting. Frodo can also throw stones, and can turn invisible for limited periods of time by using the One Ring. Aragorn is initially armed with a basic longsword, but later acquires And\u00faril. He also possesses a bow, and he can kick out at enemies. Gandalf uses his sword Glamdring and has several magical abilities, such as a fire attack, chain lightning and healing. The player can also switch to first-person view at any time during the game. This can help targeting when Frodo is throwing stones or","Document [18](Title: Ring of Fire (anthology)) former 1970s \"Lothlorian Commune\" and had been enticed away from Pharmacology graduate school by a hippy \"Chick\" named Lisa, who is Faramir's (Frank Stone) mother as acknowledged son of Stoner. In the free love community of Lothlorien, whether \"Elrond\" (Ronald Stone) \"\"might be\" his is a question he has long abandoned, but it is genetically certain that the \"Stop sign red\" colored hair of \"Gwaihir\" (Gerry Stone) makes him someone else's boy, who is nonetheless being raised as one of his own. As this story opens, a glum Stoner is introduced to Dr. James Nichols by Mike Stearns, and the","Document [19](Title: Ci\u0301rdan) Valinor. In \"The Lord of the Rings\" film trilogy, directed by Peter Jackson, C\u00edrdan appears in the beginning of the first movie, and when the fellowship arrives in Lothlorien. He appears mostly as he is described in the book, but lacks a beard. His first appearance is during Galadriel's monologue at the start of the first movie, in a brief shot of the three Elven ringbearers. He appears for a second time in the scene at the end of when Frodo, Galadriel, Elrond, Celeborn, Gandalf, and Bilbo board the ship at the Grey Havens. He has no speaking role. C\u00edrdan","Document [20](Title: The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest) able to temporarily fend them off, but Frodo (Yuri Lowenthal) is stabbed with a Morgul blade. The party continue towards Rivendell, closely pursued by the Nazg\u00fbl, and with Frodo \"passing into shadow.\" They soon encounter Arwen (Jennifer Hale), who takes Frodo and rides on ahead. She crosses the river Bruinen and as the Nazg\u00fbl attempt to cross after her, she uses elven magic to cause the river to rise, washing them away. She enters Rivendell, taking Frodo to her father, Elrond (Jim Piddock), who heals him. Meanwhile, a council has been called between the Free Peoples of Middle-earth to determine"],"query":"who has a ring of power in lotr?","answers":["Sauron"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Glorfindel) Glorfindel is the most powerful recruitable hero from Lothl\u00f3rien, who is available to the player only after having accumulated a great amount of influence. Glorfindel can also be found in the \"Lord of the Rings Online\" (LotRO), as a non player character (NPC) giving several quests to the players that visit him. In the game, he is in a white robe with purple belt, his hair is blonde, and he gives hope (a game mechanic) to the players around him. The Games Workshop tabletop strategy battle game of The Lord of the Rings features two versions of Glorfindel: In one","Document [2](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) with its whip, pulling him down after it. The distraught party leave Moria, entering Lothl\u00f3rien, and meeting Galadriel (Jennifer Hale). She takes Frodo to see the Mirror of Galadriel, where he sees images of the coming War of the Ring. Frodo offers her the One Ring and although she is tempted, she turns it down, explaining that his resistance to its evil is because he has never tried to use it to control others. The party leave Lothl\u00f3rien via the river Anduin. Boromir tries to convince Frodo to take the Ring to Gondor to use it as a weapon against","Document [3](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age) heir to the throne of Gondor. Aragorn protected the hobbits on their journey to Rivendell, and upon their arrival, Elrond formed a Fellowship with the goal of bringing the Ring to Mordor to destroy it. The Fellowship is composed of Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Gandalf, a silvan elf from Mirkwood named Legolas, a dwarf from Erebor named Gimli, and a man from Gondor named Boromir, son of Denethor, Steward of Gondor. The game begins with Berethor (voiced by Rhys Lloyd), a captain in the Citadel Guard of Gondor, travelling to Rivendell to find Boromir at the behest of Denethor.","Document [4](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) Gandalf, Sam, Merry, Pippin, elf Legolas, dwarf Gimli, Boromir of Gondor, and Strider, who is revealed to be Aragorn, Isildur's heir and the rightful King of Gondor. Bilbo gives Frodo his sword, Sting. The Fellowship of the Ring sets off, but Saruman's magic forces them to travel through the Mines of Moria, much to Gandalf's displeasure. The Fellowship discovers that the dwarves within Moria have been slain, and they are attacked by Orcs and a cave troll. They defeat them, but are confronted by an ancient demon called a Balrog. Gandalf casts the Balrog into a vast chasm, but it","Document [5](Title: Sauron) With Sauron's assistance, the Elven-smiths forged the Rings of Power, which conferred great power upon their bearers. He then secretly forged the One Ring in the volcanic Mount Doom in Mordor. This \"One Ring to rule them all\" had the power to dominate the other Rings and enslave their wearers to Sauron's will. The Rings of Power were extremely potent, however; to create an instrument that could dominate even them, Sauron was forced to transfer a great part of his native power into it. Yet \"while he wore it, his power on earth was actually enhanced\".","Document [6](Title: The Lord of the Rings) the other Rings of Power as the ultimate weapon in his campaign to conquer and rule all of Middle-earth. From quiet beginnings in the Shire, a hobbit land not unlike the English countryside, the story ranges across Middle-earth, following the course of the War of the Ring through the eyes of its characters, not only the hobbits Frodo Baggins, Samwise \"Sam\" Gamgee, Meriadoc \"Merry\" Brandybuck and Peregrin \"Pippin\" Took, but also the hobbits' chief allies and travelling companions: the Men, Aragorn, a Ranger of the North, and Boromir, a Captain of Gondor; Gimli, a Dwarf warrior; Legolas Greenleaf, an Elven","Document [7](Title: Scandinavian folklore) this story, a magic ring owned by a dwarf named Andvari is stolen. When Loki, the god of Deceit and tricks, steals the ring, Andvari shouts \"I curse you for this! The ring will carry my curse forever. All who possesses the ring will be destroyed!\" This only leads to death and destruction, and later Fafnir morphs into a serpentdragon, whose outer body matches his inner evil created by the ring. This theme seems to carry over into the story behind the character Gollum. Also, there is a parallel between the Nordic legend of \"Frotha-Firth\" who stood as a peacemaker,","Document [8](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) Gandalf never arrives, and they are instead aided by a ranger named Strider, a friend of Gandalf's, who escorts them to Rivendell. The hobbits are ambushed by the Ringwraiths, and one stabs Frodo with a cursed Morgul blade. Arwen, an elf and Strider's lover, comes to Frodo's aid and successfully takes him to Rivendell, where he is healed. Frodo meets Gandalf, who escaped Isengard on the back of a giant Eagle. Arwen's father, Lord Elrond, holds a council that decides the Ring must be destroyed in Mount Doom. While the members argue, Frodo volunteers to take the Ring, accompanied by","Document [9](Title: Magic ring) the story grew into \"The Lord of the Rings\" the matter expanded, borrowing from Germanic and Norse mythology for many of its themes, creatures, and names. Of twenty magical Rings of Power, four are described in some detail: the extremely powerful and dangerous \"One Ring\" around which the plot revolves; and three rings worn by Gandalf the wizard and the elves Elrond and Galadriel. Seven Rings of Power were given to the dwarves in an only slightly successful attempt to corrupt them. Humans prove to be more susceptible; each of the nine Nazg\u00fbl were once great lords of men who","Document [10](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) by Tom Kane) visiting Frodo (Steve Staley) and explaining the significance and history of the Ring. Frodo suggests it be destroyed, and Gandalf explains only the fires that created it are powerful enough to do so; the fires of Mount Doom, deep in Mordor. As Gandalf cannot take the Ring himself, for fear it would corrupt him, Frodo volunteers to do so. An eavesdropping Samwise Gamgee (voiced by Scott Menville in PC & PS2, but Cliff Broadway in Xbox) volunteers to join Frodo and Gandalf agrees, telling them they must head to Rivendell and speak to Elrond. He also tells","Document [11](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli and Boromir) are controllable, each with their own strengths, weaknesses and growth charts. During combat, the player has the choice to fully control each member of their active party (up to four characters), or instead, control only the main player character, and have the other three controlled by the AI. The game is presented against the background of the history of the One Ring. At the dawn of the Second Age, after the defeat of the Dark Lord, Morgoth, the elves of Eregion forged the nineteen Rings of Power to help themselves, the dwarves and men rule","Document [12](Title: The Lord of the Rings: War in the North) who explain the Hobbit Frodo Baggins (Yuri Lowenthal), is in possession of the One Ring, which must be destroyed by casting it into fires of Mount Doom. A fellowship of nine has thus been formed to carry the Ring to its destruction. The trio ask how they may help, and Gandalf explains the immediate concern is Aganda\u00fbr, as his mission and location are unknown. Elrond speculates he may be planning an attack on Rivendell, and, as such, it is likely he has gone to the Ettenmoors to strengthen his army with trolls. The trio head to investigate the Ettenmoors, where","Document [13](Title: Lord of the Rings (musical)) Arwen's father, Lord Elrond, calls a Council of Elves, Men and Dwarves at which it is decided that Frodo will carry the Ring to Mordor. The Fellowship of the Ring sets out from Rivendell: Frodo and his three fellow Hobbits, Aragorn, the human warrior Boromir, the Elf Legolas, the Dwarf Gimli, and the great wizard Gandalf the Grey. Arwen and the people of Rivendell invoke the holy power of the star E\u00e4rendil to protect and guide the Fellowship on its journey (\"Star of E\u00e4rendil\"). In the ancient, ruined Dwarf-mines of Moria, Gandalf confronts a Balrog, a monstrous creature of evil,","Document [14](Title: Gandalf) gave him the Elven Ring of Power called Narya, the Ring of Fire, containing a \"red\" stone for his aid and comfort. Tolkien explicitly links Gandalf to the element fire later in the same essay: As one of the Maiar, Gandalf would have participated in the Music of the Ainur at the creation of the world. However he does not attain any prominence until the Valar settle in Valinor. In Valinor, Gandalf was known as Ol\u00f3rin. As recounted in the \"Valaquenta\" in \"The Silmarillion\", he was one of the Maiar of Valinor, specifically, of the people of the Vala Manw\u00eb;","Document [15](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age) On the outskirts of Rivendell, he is attacked by the Nazg\u00fbl, but is rescued by Idrial (Lori Phillips), an elf in the service of Galadriel. As they travel through the forest, they see a murder of crebain and Idrial deduces Saruman (Christopher Lee) has betrayed the elves leaving Middle-earth for the Grey Havens. Seeing her convoy under attack by Isengard orcs, she and Berethor intervene. They then head to Caradhras to seek any further survivors, and there meet Elegost (Chris Edgerly), a D\u00fanedain ranger hunting Warg. They learn the Fellowship tried to pass over Caradhras recently, but were prevented from","Document [16](Title: Rings of Power) of three remaining realms of the Eldar. Vilya was used by Elrond in Rivendell, Nenya by Galadriel in Lothl\u00f3rien, and Narya by C\u00edrdan in Lindon. When the Istari, or wizards, arrived about , C\u00edrdan gave Narya to Gandalf, who bore it until the end of the Third Age. During the period of \"The Lord of the Rings\", the Three were borne by Elrond, Galadriel, and Gandalf; but until the end of the book their rings are not seen. Only Frodo, the bearer of the One, sees Galadriel's ring, and only when she draws his attention to it. At the end","Document [17](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) Later, he acquires a dagger, and finally, he can use the short sword Sting. Frodo can also throw stones, and can turn invisible for limited periods of time by using the One Ring. Aragorn is initially armed with a basic longsword, but later acquires And\u00faril. He also possesses a bow, and he can kick out at enemies. Gandalf uses his sword Glamdring and has several magical abilities, such as a fire attack, chain lightning and healing. The player can also switch to first-person view at any time during the game. This can help targeting when Frodo is throwing stones or","Document [18](Title: Ring of Fire (anthology)) former 1970s \"Lothlorian Commune\" and had been enticed away from Pharmacology graduate school by a hippy \"Chick\" named Lisa, who is Faramir's (Frank Stone) mother as acknowledged son of Stoner. In the free love community of Lothlorien, whether \"Elrond\" (Ronald Stone) \"\"might be\" his is a question he has long abandoned, but it is genetically certain that the \"Stop sign red\" colored hair of \"Gwaihir\" (Gerry Stone) makes him someone else's boy, who is nonetheless being raised as one of his own. As this story opens, a glum Stoner is introduced to Dr. James Nichols by Mike Stearns, and the","Document [19](Title: Ci\u0301rdan) Valinor. In \"The Lord of the Rings\" film trilogy, directed by Peter Jackson, C\u00edrdan appears in the beginning of the first movie, and when the fellowship arrives in Lothlorien. He appears mostly as he is described in the book, but lacks a beard. His first appearance is during Galadriel's monologue at the start of the first movie, in a brief shot of the three Elven ringbearers. He appears for a second time in the scene at the end of when Frodo, Galadriel, Elrond, Celeborn, Gandalf, and Bilbo board the ship at the Grey Havens. He has no speaking role. C\u00edrdan","Document [20](Title: The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest) able to temporarily fend them off, but Frodo (Yuri Lowenthal) is stabbed with a Morgul blade. The party continue towards Rivendell, closely pursued by the Nazg\u00fbl, and with Frodo \"passing into shadow.\" They soon encounter Arwen (Jennifer Hale), who takes Frodo and rides on ahead. She crosses the river Bruinen and as the Nazg\u00fbl attempt to cross after her, she uses elven magic to cause the river to rise, washing them away. She enters Rivendell, taking Frodo to her father, Elrond (Jim Piddock), who heals him. Meanwhile, a council has been called between the Free Peoples of Middle-earth to determine"],"query":"who has a ring of power in lotr?","answers":["Sauron"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Glorfindel) Glorfindel is the most powerful recruitable hero from Lothl\u00f3rien, who is available to the player only after having accumulated a great amount of influence. Glorfindel can also be found in the \"Lord of the Rings Online\" (LotRO), as a non player character (NPC) giving several quests to the players that visit him. In the game, he is in a white robe with purple belt, his hair is blonde, and he gives hope (a game mechanic) to the players around him. The Games Workshop tabletop strategy battle game of The Lord of the Rings features two versions of Glorfindel: In one","Document [2](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) with its whip, pulling him down after it. The distraught party leave Moria, entering Lothl\u00f3rien, and meeting Galadriel (Jennifer Hale). She takes Frodo to see the Mirror of Galadriel, where he sees images of the coming War of the Ring. Frodo offers her the One Ring and although she is tempted, she turns it down, explaining that his resistance to its evil is because he has never tried to use it to control others. The party leave Lothl\u00f3rien via the river Anduin. Boromir tries to convince Frodo to take the Ring to Gondor to use it as a weapon against","Document [3](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age) heir to the throne of Gondor. Aragorn protected the hobbits on their journey to Rivendell, and upon their arrival, Elrond formed a Fellowship with the goal of bringing the Ring to Mordor to destroy it. The Fellowship is composed of Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Gandalf, a silvan elf from Mirkwood named Legolas, a dwarf from Erebor named Gimli, and a man from Gondor named Boromir, son of Denethor, Steward of Gondor. The game begins with Berethor (voiced by Rhys Lloyd), a captain in the Citadel Guard of Gondor, travelling to Rivendell to find Boromir at the behest of Denethor.","Document [4](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) Gandalf, Sam, Merry, Pippin, elf Legolas, dwarf Gimli, Boromir of Gondor, and Strider, who is revealed to be Aragorn, Isildur's heir and the rightful King of Gondor. Bilbo gives Frodo his sword, Sting. The Fellowship of the Ring sets off, but Saruman's magic forces them to travel through the Mines of Moria, much to Gandalf's displeasure. The Fellowship discovers that the dwarves within Moria have been slain, and they are attacked by Orcs and a cave troll. They defeat them, but are confronted by an ancient demon called a Balrog. Gandalf casts the Balrog into a vast chasm, but it","Document [5](Title: The Lord of the Rings) the other Rings of Power as the ultimate weapon in his campaign to conquer and rule all of Middle-earth. From quiet beginnings in the Shire, a hobbit land not unlike the English countryside, the story ranges across Middle-earth, following the course of the War of the Ring through the eyes of its characters, not only the hobbits Frodo Baggins, Samwise \"Sam\" Gamgee, Meriadoc \"Merry\" Brandybuck and Peregrin \"Pippin\" Took, but also the hobbits' chief allies and travelling companions: the Men, Aragorn, a Ranger of the North, and Boromir, a Captain of Gondor; Gimli, a Dwarf warrior; Legolas Greenleaf, an Elven","Document [6](Title: Scandinavian folklore) this story, a magic ring owned by a dwarf named Andvari is stolen. When Loki, the god of Deceit and tricks, steals the ring, Andvari shouts \"I curse you for this! The ring will carry my curse forever. All who possesses the ring will be destroyed!\" This only leads to death and destruction, and later Fafnir morphs into a serpentdragon, whose outer body matches his inner evil created by the ring. This theme seems to carry over into the story behind the character Gollum. Also, there is a parallel between the Nordic legend of \"Frotha-Firth\" who stood as a peacemaker,","Document [7](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) Gandalf never arrives, and they are instead aided by a ranger named Strider, a friend of Gandalf's, who escorts them to Rivendell. The hobbits are ambushed by the Ringwraiths, and one stabs Frodo with a cursed Morgul blade. Arwen, an elf and Strider's lover, comes to Frodo's aid and successfully takes him to Rivendell, where he is healed. Frodo meets Gandalf, who escaped Isengard on the back of a giant Eagle. Arwen's father, Lord Elrond, holds a council that decides the Ring must be destroyed in Mount Doom. While the members argue, Frodo volunteers to take the Ring, accompanied by","Document [8](Title: Magic ring) the story grew into \"The Lord of the Rings\" the matter expanded, borrowing from Germanic and Norse mythology for many of its themes, creatures, and names. Of twenty magical Rings of Power, four are described in some detail: the extremely powerful and dangerous \"One Ring\" around which the plot revolves; and three rings worn by Gandalf the wizard and the elves Elrond and Galadriel. Seven Rings of Power were given to the dwarves in an only slightly successful attempt to corrupt them. Humans prove to be more susceptible; each of the nine Nazg\u00fbl were once great lords of men who","Document [9](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) by Tom Kane) visiting Frodo (Steve Staley) and explaining the significance and history of the Ring. Frodo suggests it be destroyed, and Gandalf explains only the fires that created it are powerful enough to do so; the fires of Mount Doom, deep in Mordor. As Gandalf cannot take the Ring himself, for fear it would corrupt him, Frodo volunteers to do so. An eavesdropping Samwise Gamgee (voiced by Scott Menville in PC & PS2, but Cliff Broadway in Xbox) volunteers to join Frodo and Gandalf agrees, telling them they must head to Rivendell and speak to Elrond. He also tells","Document [10](Title: Sauron) With Sauron's assistance, the Elven-smiths forged the Rings of Power, which conferred great power upon their bearers. He then secretly forged the One Ring in the volcanic Mount Doom in Mordor. This \"One Ring to rule them all\" had the power to dominate the other Rings and enslave their wearers to Sauron's will. The Rings of Power were extremely potent, however; to create an instrument that could dominate even them, Sauron was forced to transfer a great part of his native power into it. Yet \"while he wore it, his power on earth was actually enhanced\".","Document [11](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli and Boromir) are controllable, each with their own strengths, weaknesses and growth charts. During combat, the player has the choice to fully control each member of their active party (up to four characters), or instead, control only the main player character, and have the other three controlled by the AI. The game is presented against the background of the history of the One Ring. At the dawn of the Second Age, after the defeat of the Dark Lord, Morgoth, the elves of Eregion forged the nineteen Rings of Power to help themselves, the dwarves and men rule","Document [12](Title: The Lord of the Rings: War in the North) who explain the Hobbit Frodo Baggins (Yuri Lowenthal), is in possession of the One Ring, which must be destroyed by casting it into fires of Mount Doom. A fellowship of nine has thus been formed to carry the Ring to its destruction. The trio ask how they may help, and Gandalf explains the immediate concern is Aganda\u00fbr, as his mission and location are unknown. Elrond speculates he may be planning an attack on Rivendell, and, as such, it is likely he has gone to the Ettenmoors to strengthen his army with trolls. The trio head to investigate the Ettenmoors, where","Document [13](Title: Lord of the Rings (musical)) Arwen's father, Lord Elrond, calls a Council of Elves, Men and Dwarves at which it is decided that Frodo will carry the Ring to Mordor. The Fellowship of the Ring sets out from Rivendell: Frodo and his three fellow Hobbits, Aragorn, the human warrior Boromir, the Elf Legolas, the Dwarf Gimli, and the great wizard Gandalf the Grey. Arwen and the people of Rivendell invoke the holy power of the star E\u00e4rendil to protect and guide the Fellowship on its journey (\"Star of E\u00e4rendil\"). In the ancient, ruined Dwarf-mines of Moria, Gandalf confronts a Balrog, a monstrous creature of evil,","Document [14](Title: Gandalf) gave him the Elven Ring of Power called Narya, the Ring of Fire, containing a \"red\" stone for his aid and comfort. Tolkien explicitly links Gandalf to the element fire later in the same essay: As one of the Maiar, Gandalf would have participated in the Music of the Ainur at the creation of the world. However he does not attain any prominence until the Valar settle in Valinor. In Valinor, Gandalf was known as Ol\u00f3rin. As recounted in the \"Valaquenta\" in \"The Silmarillion\", he was one of the Maiar of Valinor, specifically, of the people of the Vala Manw\u00eb;","Document [15](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age) On the outskirts of Rivendell, he is attacked by the Nazg\u00fbl, but is rescued by Idrial (Lori Phillips), an elf in the service of Galadriel. As they travel through the forest, they see a murder of crebain and Idrial deduces Saruman (Christopher Lee) has betrayed the elves leaving Middle-earth for the Grey Havens. Seeing her convoy under attack by Isengard orcs, she and Berethor intervene. They then head to Caradhras to seek any further survivors, and there meet Elegost (Chris Edgerly), a D\u00fanedain ranger hunting Warg. They learn the Fellowship tried to pass over Caradhras recently, but were prevented from","Document [16](Title: Rings of Power) of three remaining realms of the Eldar. Vilya was used by Elrond in Rivendell, Nenya by Galadriel in Lothl\u00f3rien, and Narya by C\u00edrdan in Lindon. When the Istari, or wizards, arrived about , C\u00edrdan gave Narya to Gandalf, who bore it until the end of the Third Age. During the period of \"The Lord of the Rings\", the Three were borne by Elrond, Galadriel, and Gandalf; but until the end of the book their rings are not seen. Only Frodo, the bearer of the One, sees Galadriel's ring, and only when she draws his attention to it. At the end","Document [17](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) Later, he acquires a dagger, and finally, he can use the short sword Sting. Frodo can also throw stones, and can turn invisible for limited periods of time by using the One Ring. Aragorn is initially armed with a basic longsword, but later acquires And\u00faril. He also possesses a bow, and he can kick out at enemies. Gandalf uses his sword Glamdring and has several magical abilities, such as a fire attack, chain lightning and healing. The player can also switch to first-person view at any time during the game. This can help targeting when Frodo is throwing stones or","Document [18](Title: Ring of Fire (anthology)) former 1970s \"Lothlorian Commune\" and had been enticed away from Pharmacology graduate school by a hippy \"Chick\" named Lisa, who is Faramir's (Frank Stone) mother as acknowledged son of Stoner. In the free love community of Lothlorien, whether \"Elrond\" (Ronald Stone) \"\"might be\" his is a question he has long abandoned, but it is genetically certain that the \"Stop sign red\" colored hair of \"Gwaihir\" (Gerry Stone) makes him someone else's boy, who is nonetheless being raised as one of his own. As this story opens, a glum Stoner is introduced to Dr. James Nichols by Mike Stearns, and the","Document [19](Title: Ci\u0301rdan) Valinor. In \"The Lord of the Rings\" film trilogy, directed by Peter Jackson, C\u00edrdan appears in the beginning of the first movie, and when the fellowship arrives in Lothlorien. He appears mostly as he is described in the book, but lacks a beard. His first appearance is during Galadriel's monologue at the start of the first movie, in a brief shot of the three Elven ringbearers. He appears for a second time in the scene at the end of when Frodo, Galadriel, Elrond, Celeborn, Gandalf, and Bilbo board the ship at the Grey Havens. He has no speaking role. C\u00edrdan","Document [20](Title: The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest) able to temporarily fend them off, but Frodo (Yuri Lowenthal) is stabbed with a Morgul blade. The party continue towards Rivendell, closely pursued by the Nazg\u00fbl, and with Frodo \"passing into shadow.\" They soon encounter Arwen (Jennifer Hale), who takes Frodo and rides on ahead. She crosses the river Bruinen and as the Nazg\u00fbl attempt to cross after her, she uses elven magic to cause the river to rise, washing them away. She enters Rivendell, taking Frodo to her father, Elrond (Jim Piddock), who heals him. Meanwhile, a council has been called between the Free Peoples of Middle-earth to determine"],"query":"who has a ring of power in lotr?","answers":["Sauron"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Glorfindel) Glorfindel is the most powerful recruitable hero from Lothl\u00f3rien, who is available to the player only after having accumulated a great amount of influence. Glorfindel can also be found in the \"Lord of the Rings Online\" (LotRO), as a non player character (NPC) giving several quests to the players that visit him. In the game, he is in a white robe with purple belt, his hair is blonde, and he gives hope (a game mechanic) to the players around him. The Games Workshop tabletop strategy battle game of The Lord of the Rings features two versions of Glorfindel: In one","Document [2](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) with its whip, pulling him down after it. The distraught party leave Moria, entering Lothl\u00f3rien, and meeting Galadriel (Jennifer Hale). She takes Frodo to see the Mirror of Galadriel, where he sees images of the coming War of the Ring. Frodo offers her the One Ring and although she is tempted, she turns it down, explaining that his resistance to its evil is because he has never tried to use it to control others. The party leave Lothl\u00f3rien via the river Anduin. Boromir tries to convince Frodo to take the Ring to Gondor to use it as a weapon against","Document [3](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age) heir to the throne of Gondor. Aragorn protected the hobbits on their journey to Rivendell, and upon their arrival, Elrond formed a Fellowship with the goal of bringing the Ring to Mordor to destroy it. The Fellowship is composed of Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Gandalf, a silvan elf from Mirkwood named Legolas, a dwarf from Erebor named Gimli, and a man from Gondor named Boromir, son of Denethor, Steward of Gondor. The game begins with Berethor (voiced by Rhys Lloyd), a captain in the Citadel Guard of Gondor, travelling to Rivendell to find Boromir at the behest of Denethor.","Document [4](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) Gandalf, Sam, Merry, Pippin, elf Legolas, dwarf Gimli, Boromir of Gondor, and Strider, who is revealed to be Aragorn, Isildur's heir and the rightful King of Gondor. Bilbo gives Frodo his sword, Sting. The Fellowship of the Ring sets off, but Saruman's magic forces them to travel through the Mines of Moria, much to Gandalf's displeasure. The Fellowship discovers that the dwarves within Moria have been slain, and they are attacked by Orcs and a cave troll. They defeat them, but are confronted by an ancient demon called a Balrog. Gandalf casts the Balrog into a vast chasm, but it","Document [5](Title: The Lord of the Rings) the other Rings of Power as the ultimate weapon in his campaign to conquer and rule all of Middle-earth. From quiet beginnings in the Shire, a hobbit land not unlike the English countryside, the story ranges across Middle-earth, following the course of the War of the Ring through the eyes of its characters, not only the hobbits Frodo Baggins, Samwise \"Sam\" Gamgee, Meriadoc \"Merry\" Brandybuck and Peregrin \"Pippin\" Took, but also the hobbits' chief allies and travelling companions: the Men, Aragorn, a Ranger of the North, and Boromir, a Captain of Gondor; Gimli, a Dwarf warrior; Legolas Greenleaf, an Elven","Document [6](Title: Scandinavian folklore) this story, a magic ring owned by a dwarf named Andvari is stolen. When Loki, the god of Deceit and tricks, steals the ring, Andvari shouts \"I curse you for this! The ring will carry my curse forever. All who possesses the ring will be destroyed!\" This only leads to death and destruction, and later Fafnir morphs into a serpentdragon, whose outer body matches his inner evil created by the ring. This theme seems to carry over into the story behind the character Gollum. Also, there is a parallel between the Nordic legend of \"Frotha-Firth\" who stood as a peacemaker,","Document [7](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) Gandalf never arrives, and they are instead aided by a ranger named Strider, a friend of Gandalf's, who escorts them to Rivendell. The hobbits are ambushed by the Ringwraiths, and one stabs Frodo with a cursed Morgul blade. Arwen, an elf and Strider's lover, comes to Frodo's aid and successfully takes him to Rivendell, where he is healed. Frodo meets Gandalf, who escaped Isengard on the back of a giant Eagle. Arwen's father, Lord Elrond, holds a council that decides the Ring must be destroyed in Mount Doom. While the members argue, Frodo volunteers to take the Ring, accompanied by","Document [8](Title: Magic ring) the story grew into \"The Lord of the Rings\" the matter expanded, borrowing from Germanic and Norse mythology for many of its themes, creatures, and names. Of twenty magical Rings of Power, four are described in some detail: the extremely powerful and dangerous \"One Ring\" around which the plot revolves; and three rings worn by Gandalf the wizard and the elves Elrond and Galadriel. Seven Rings of Power were given to the dwarves in an only slightly successful attempt to corrupt them. Humans prove to be more susceptible; each of the nine Nazg\u00fbl were once great lords of men who","Document [9](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) by Tom Kane) visiting Frodo (Steve Staley) and explaining the significance and history of the Ring. Frodo suggests it be destroyed, and Gandalf explains only the fires that created it are powerful enough to do so; the fires of Mount Doom, deep in Mordor. As Gandalf cannot take the Ring himself, for fear it would corrupt him, Frodo volunteers to do so. An eavesdropping Samwise Gamgee (voiced by Scott Menville in PC & PS2, but Cliff Broadway in Xbox) volunteers to join Frodo and Gandalf agrees, telling them they must head to Rivendell and speak to Elrond. He also tells","Document [10](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli and Boromir) are controllable, each with their own strengths, weaknesses and growth charts. During combat, the player has the choice to fully control each member of their active party (up to four characters), or instead, control only the main player character, and have the other three controlled by the AI. The game is presented against the background of the history of the One Ring. At the dawn of the Second Age, after the defeat of the Dark Lord, Morgoth, the elves of Eregion forged the nineteen Rings of Power to help themselves, the dwarves and men rule","Document [11](Title: The Lord of the Rings: War in the North) who explain the Hobbit Frodo Baggins (Yuri Lowenthal), is in possession of the One Ring, which must be destroyed by casting it into fires of Mount Doom. A fellowship of nine has thus been formed to carry the Ring to its destruction. The trio ask how they may help, and Gandalf explains the immediate concern is Aganda\u00fbr, as his mission and location are unknown. Elrond speculates he may be planning an attack on Rivendell, and, as such, it is likely he has gone to the Ettenmoors to strengthen his army with trolls. The trio head to investigate the Ettenmoors, where","Document [12](Title: Lord of the Rings (musical)) Arwen's father, Lord Elrond, calls a Council of Elves, Men and Dwarves at which it is decided that Frodo will carry the Ring to Mordor. The Fellowship of the Ring sets out from Rivendell: Frodo and his three fellow Hobbits, Aragorn, the human warrior Boromir, the Elf Legolas, the Dwarf Gimli, and the great wizard Gandalf the Grey. Arwen and the people of Rivendell invoke the holy power of the star E\u00e4rendil to protect and guide the Fellowship on its journey (\"Star of E\u00e4rendil\"). In the ancient, ruined Dwarf-mines of Moria, Gandalf confronts a Balrog, a monstrous creature of evil,","Document [13](Title: Gandalf) gave him the Elven Ring of Power called Narya, the Ring of Fire, containing a \"red\" stone for his aid and comfort. Tolkien explicitly links Gandalf to the element fire later in the same essay: As one of the Maiar, Gandalf would have participated in the Music of the Ainur at the creation of the world. However he does not attain any prominence until the Valar settle in Valinor. In Valinor, Gandalf was known as Ol\u00f3rin. As recounted in the \"Valaquenta\" in \"The Silmarillion\", he was one of the Maiar of Valinor, specifically, of the people of the Vala Manw\u00eb;","Document [14](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age) On the outskirts of Rivendell, he is attacked by the Nazg\u00fbl, but is rescued by Idrial (Lori Phillips), an elf in the service of Galadriel. As they travel through the forest, they see a murder of crebain and Idrial deduces Saruman (Christopher Lee) has betrayed the elves leaving Middle-earth for the Grey Havens. Seeing her convoy under attack by Isengard orcs, she and Berethor intervene. They then head to Caradhras to seek any further survivors, and there meet Elegost (Chris Edgerly), a D\u00fanedain ranger hunting Warg. They learn the Fellowship tried to pass over Caradhras recently, but were prevented from","Document [15](Title: Sauron) With Sauron's assistance, the Elven-smiths forged the Rings of Power, which conferred great power upon their bearers. He then secretly forged the One Ring in the volcanic Mount Doom in Mordor. This \"One Ring to rule them all\" had the power to dominate the other Rings and enslave their wearers to Sauron's will. The Rings of Power were extremely potent, however; to create an instrument that could dominate even them, Sauron was forced to transfer a great part of his native power into it. Yet \"while he wore it, his power on earth was actually enhanced\".","Document [16](Title: Rings of Power) of three remaining realms of the Eldar. Vilya was used by Elrond in Rivendell, Nenya by Galadriel in Lothl\u00f3rien, and Narya by C\u00edrdan in Lindon. When the Istari, or wizards, arrived about , C\u00edrdan gave Narya to Gandalf, who bore it until the end of the Third Age. During the period of \"The Lord of the Rings\", the Three were borne by Elrond, Galadriel, and Gandalf; but until the end of the book their rings are not seen. Only Frodo, the bearer of the One, sees Galadriel's ring, and only when she draws his attention to it. At the end","Document [17](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) Later, he acquires a dagger, and finally, he can use the short sword Sting. Frodo can also throw stones, and can turn invisible for limited periods of time by using the One Ring. Aragorn is initially armed with a basic longsword, but later acquires And\u00faril. He also possesses a bow, and he can kick out at enemies. Gandalf uses his sword Glamdring and has several magical abilities, such as a fire attack, chain lightning and healing. The player can also switch to first-person view at any time during the game. This can help targeting when Frodo is throwing stones or","Document [18](Title: Ring of Fire (anthology)) former 1970s \"Lothlorian Commune\" and had been enticed away from Pharmacology graduate school by a hippy \"Chick\" named Lisa, who is Faramir's (Frank Stone) mother as acknowledged son of Stoner. In the free love community of Lothlorien, whether \"Elrond\" (Ronald Stone) \"\"might be\" his is a question he has long abandoned, but it is genetically certain that the \"Stop sign red\" colored hair of \"Gwaihir\" (Gerry Stone) makes him someone else's boy, who is nonetheless being raised as one of his own. As this story opens, a glum Stoner is introduced to Dr. James Nichols by Mike Stearns, and the","Document [19](Title: Ci\u0301rdan) Valinor. In \"The Lord of the Rings\" film trilogy, directed by Peter Jackson, C\u00edrdan appears in the beginning of the first movie, and when the fellowship arrives in Lothlorien. He appears mostly as he is described in the book, but lacks a beard. His first appearance is during Galadriel's monologue at the start of the first movie, in a brief shot of the three Elven ringbearers. He appears for a second time in the scene at the end of when Frodo, Galadriel, Elrond, Celeborn, Gandalf, and Bilbo board the ship at the Grey Havens. He has no speaking role. C\u00edrdan","Document [20](Title: The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest) able to temporarily fend them off, but Frodo (Yuri Lowenthal) is stabbed with a Morgul blade. The party continue towards Rivendell, closely pursued by the Nazg\u00fbl, and with Frodo \"passing into shadow.\" They soon encounter Arwen (Jennifer Hale), who takes Frodo and rides on ahead. She crosses the river Bruinen and as the Nazg\u00fbl attempt to cross after her, she uses elven magic to cause the river to rise, washing them away. She enters Rivendell, taking Frodo to her father, Elrond (Jim Piddock), who heals him. Meanwhile, a council has been called between the Free Peoples of Middle-earth to determine"],"query":"who has a ring of power in lotr?","answers":["Sauron"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Glorfindel) Glorfindel is the most powerful recruitable hero from Lothl\u00f3rien, who is available to the player only after having accumulated a great amount of influence. Glorfindel can also be found in the \"Lord of the Rings Online\" (LotRO), as a non player character (NPC) giving several quests to the players that visit him. In the game, he is in a white robe with purple belt, his hair is blonde, and he gives hope (a game mechanic) to the players around him. The Games Workshop tabletop strategy battle game of The Lord of the Rings features two versions of Glorfindel: In one","Document [2](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) with its whip, pulling him down after it. The distraught party leave Moria, entering Lothl\u00f3rien, and meeting Galadriel (Jennifer Hale). She takes Frodo to see the Mirror of Galadriel, where he sees images of the coming War of the Ring. Frodo offers her the One Ring and although she is tempted, she turns it down, explaining that his resistance to its evil is because he has never tried to use it to control others. The party leave Lothl\u00f3rien via the river Anduin. Boromir tries to convince Frodo to take the Ring to Gondor to use it as a weapon against","Document [3](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age) heir to the throne of Gondor. Aragorn protected the hobbits on their journey to Rivendell, and upon their arrival, Elrond formed a Fellowship with the goal of bringing the Ring to Mordor to destroy it. The Fellowship is composed of Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Gandalf, a silvan elf from Mirkwood named Legolas, a dwarf from Erebor named Gimli, and a man from Gondor named Boromir, son of Denethor, Steward of Gondor. The game begins with Berethor (voiced by Rhys Lloyd), a captain in the Citadel Guard of Gondor, travelling to Rivendell to find Boromir at the behest of Denethor.","Document [4](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) Gandalf, Sam, Merry, Pippin, elf Legolas, dwarf Gimli, Boromir of Gondor, and Strider, who is revealed to be Aragorn, Isildur's heir and the rightful King of Gondor. Bilbo gives Frodo his sword, Sting. The Fellowship of the Ring sets off, but Saruman's magic forces them to travel through the Mines of Moria, much to Gandalf's displeasure. The Fellowship discovers that the dwarves within Moria have been slain, and they are attacked by Orcs and a cave troll. They defeat them, but are confronted by an ancient demon called a Balrog. Gandalf casts the Balrog into a vast chasm, but it","Document [5](Title: The Lord of the Rings) the other Rings of Power as the ultimate weapon in his campaign to conquer and rule all of Middle-earth. From quiet beginnings in the Shire, a hobbit land not unlike the English countryside, the story ranges across Middle-earth, following the course of the War of the Ring through the eyes of its characters, not only the hobbits Frodo Baggins, Samwise \"Sam\" Gamgee, Meriadoc \"Merry\" Brandybuck and Peregrin \"Pippin\" Took, but also the hobbits' chief allies and travelling companions: the Men, Aragorn, a Ranger of the North, and Boromir, a Captain of Gondor; Gimli, a Dwarf warrior; Legolas Greenleaf, an Elven","Document [6](Title: Scandinavian folklore) this story, a magic ring owned by a dwarf named Andvari is stolen. When Loki, the god of Deceit and tricks, steals the ring, Andvari shouts \"I curse you for this! The ring will carry my curse forever. All who possesses the ring will be destroyed!\" This only leads to death and destruction, and later Fafnir morphs into a serpentdragon, whose outer body matches his inner evil created by the ring. This theme seems to carry over into the story behind the character Gollum. Also, there is a parallel between the Nordic legend of \"Frotha-Firth\" who stood as a peacemaker,","Document [7](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) Gandalf never arrives, and they are instead aided by a ranger named Strider, a friend of Gandalf's, who escorts them to Rivendell. The hobbits are ambushed by the Ringwraiths, and one stabs Frodo with a cursed Morgul blade. Arwen, an elf and Strider's lover, comes to Frodo's aid and successfully takes him to Rivendell, where he is healed. Frodo meets Gandalf, who escaped Isengard on the back of a giant Eagle. Arwen's father, Lord Elrond, holds a council that decides the Ring must be destroyed in Mount Doom. While the members argue, Frodo volunteers to take the Ring, accompanied by","Document [8](Title: Magic ring) the story grew into \"The Lord of the Rings\" the matter expanded, borrowing from Germanic and Norse mythology for many of its themes, creatures, and names. Of twenty magical Rings of Power, four are described in some detail: the extremely powerful and dangerous \"One Ring\" around which the plot revolves; and three rings worn by Gandalf the wizard and the elves Elrond and Galadriel. Seven Rings of Power were given to the dwarves in an only slightly successful attempt to corrupt them. Humans prove to be more susceptible; each of the nine Nazg\u00fbl were once great lords of men who","Document [9](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) by Tom Kane) visiting Frodo (Steve Staley) and explaining the significance and history of the Ring. Frodo suggests it be destroyed, and Gandalf explains only the fires that created it are powerful enough to do so; the fires of Mount Doom, deep in Mordor. As Gandalf cannot take the Ring himself, for fear it would corrupt him, Frodo volunteers to do so. An eavesdropping Samwise Gamgee (voiced by Scott Menville in PC & PS2, but Cliff Broadway in Xbox) volunteers to join Frodo and Gandalf agrees, telling them they must head to Rivendell and speak to Elrond. He also tells","Document [10](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli and Boromir) are controllable, each with their own strengths, weaknesses and growth charts. During combat, the player has the choice to fully control each member of their active party (up to four characters), or instead, control only the main player character, and have the other three controlled by the AI. The game is presented against the background of the history of the One Ring. At the dawn of the Second Age, after the defeat of the Dark Lord, Morgoth, the elves of Eregion forged the nineteen Rings of Power to help themselves, the dwarves and men rule","Document [11](Title: The Lord of the Rings: War in the North) who explain the Hobbit Frodo Baggins (Yuri Lowenthal), is in possession of the One Ring, which must be destroyed by casting it into fires of Mount Doom. A fellowship of nine has thus been formed to carry the Ring to its destruction. The trio ask how they may help, and Gandalf explains the immediate concern is Aganda\u00fbr, as his mission and location are unknown. Elrond speculates he may be planning an attack on Rivendell, and, as such, it is likely he has gone to the Ettenmoors to strengthen his army with trolls. The trio head to investigate the Ettenmoors, where","Document [12](Title: Lord of the Rings (musical)) Arwen's father, Lord Elrond, calls a Council of Elves, Men and Dwarves at which it is decided that Frodo will carry the Ring to Mordor. The Fellowship of the Ring sets out from Rivendell: Frodo and his three fellow Hobbits, Aragorn, the human warrior Boromir, the Elf Legolas, the Dwarf Gimli, and the great wizard Gandalf the Grey. Arwen and the people of Rivendell invoke the holy power of the star E\u00e4rendil to protect and guide the Fellowship on its journey (\"Star of E\u00e4rendil\"). In the ancient, ruined Dwarf-mines of Moria, Gandalf confronts a Balrog, a monstrous creature of evil,","Document [13](Title: Gandalf) gave him the Elven Ring of Power called Narya, the Ring of Fire, containing a \"red\" stone for his aid and comfort. Tolkien explicitly links Gandalf to the element fire later in the same essay: As one of the Maiar, Gandalf would have participated in the Music of the Ainur at the creation of the world. However he does not attain any prominence until the Valar settle in Valinor. In Valinor, Gandalf was known as Ol\u00f3rin. As recounted in the \"Valaquenta\" in \"The Silmarillion\", he was one of the Maiar of Valinor, specifically, of the people of the Vala Manw\u00eb;","Document [14](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age) On the outskirts of Rivendell, he is attacked by the Nazg\u00fbl, but is rescued by Idrial (Lori Phillips), an elf in the service of Galadriel. As they travel through the forest, they see a murder of crebain and Idrial deduces Saruman (Christopher Lee) has betrayed the elves leaving Middle-earth for the Grey Havens. Seeing her convoy under attack by Isengard orcs, she and Berethor intervene. They then head to Caradhras to seek any further survivors, and there meet Elegost (Chris Edgerly), a D\u00fanedain ranger hunting Warg. They learn the Fellowship tried to pass over Caradhras recently, but were prevented from","Document [15](Title: Rings of Power) of three remaining realms of the Eldar. Vilya was used by Elrond in Rivendell, Nenya by Galadriel in Lothl\u00f3rien, and Narya by C\u00edrdan in Lindon. When the Istari, or wizards, arrived about , C\u00edrdan gave Narya to Gandalf, who bore it until the end of the Third Age. During the period of \"The Lord of the Rings\", the Three were borne by Elrond, Galadriel, and Gandalf; but until the end of the book their rings are not seen. Only Frodo, the bearer of the One, sees Galadriel's ring, and only when she draws his attention to it. At the end","Document [16](Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game)) Later, he acquires a dagger, and finally, he can use the short sword Sting. Frodo can also throw stones, and can turn invisible for limited periods of time by using the One Ring. Aragorn is initially armed with a basic longsword, but later acquires And\u00faril. He also possesses a bow, and he can kick out at enemies. Gandalf uses his sword Glamdring and has several magical abilities, such as a fire attack, chain lightning and healing. The player can also switch to first-person view at any time during the game. This can help targeting when Frodo is throwing stones or","Document [17](Title: Ring of Fire (anthology)) former 1970s \"Lothlorian Commune\" and had been enticed away from Pharmacology graduate school by a hippy \"Chick\" named Lisa, who is Faramir's (Frank Stone) mother as acknowledged son of Stoner. In the free love community of Lothlorien, whether \"Elrond\" (Ronald Stone) \"\"might be\" his is a question he has long abandoned, but it is genetically certain that the \"Stop sign red\" colored hair of \"Gwaihir\" (Gerry Stone) makes him someone else's boy, who is nonetheless being raised as one of his own. As this story opens, a glum Stoner is introduced to Dr. James Nichols by Mike Stearns, and the","Document [18](Title: Ci\u0301rdan) Valinor. In \"The Lord of the Rings\" film trilogy, directed by Peter Jackson, C\u00edrdan appears in the beginning of the first movie, and when the fellowship arrives in Lothlorien. He appears mostly as he is described in the book, but lacks a beard. His first appearance is during Galadriel's monologue at the start of the first movie, in a brief shot of the three Elven ringbearers. He appears for a second time in the scene at the end of when Frodo, Galadriel, Elrond, Celeborn, Gandalf, and Bilbo board the ship at the Grey Havens. He has no speaking role. C\u00edrdan","Document [19](Title: The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest) able to temporarily fend them off, but Frodo (Yuri Lowenthal) is stabbed with a Morgul blade. The party continue towards Rivendell, closely pursued by the Nazg\u00fbl, and with Frodo \"passing into shadow.\" They soon encounter Arwen (Jennifer Hale), who takes Frodo and rides on ahead. She crosses the river Bruinen and as the Nazg\u00fbl attempt to cross after her, she uses elven magic to cause the river to rise, washing them away. She enters Rivendell, taking Frodo to her father, Elrond (Jim Piddock), who heals him. Meanwhile, a council has been called between the Free Peoples of Middle-earth to determine","Document [20](Title: Sauron) With Sauron's assistance, the Elven-smiths forged the Rings of Power, which conferred great power upon their bearers. He then secretly forged the One Ring in the volcanic Mount Doom in Mordor. This \"One Ring to rule them all\" had the power to dominate the other Rings and enslave their wearers to Sauron's will. The Rings of Power were extremely potent, however; to create an instrument that could dominate even them, Sauron was forced to transfer a great part of his native power into it. Yet \"while he wore it, his power on earth was actually enhanced\"."],"query":"who has a ring of power in lotr?","answers":["Sauron"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Tosca) Tosca (Italian pronunciation:\u00a0[\u02c8toska; \u02c8t\u0254ska]) is an opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa. It premiered at the Teatro Costanzi in Rome on 14 January 1900. The work, based on Victorien Sardou's 1887 French-language dramatic play, La Tosca, is a melodramatic piece set in Rome in June 1800, with the Kingdom of Naples's control of Rome threatened by Napoleon's invasion of Italy. It contains depictions of torture, murder and suicide, as well as some of Puccini's best-known lyrical arias.","Document [2](Title: Madama Butterfly) it in the summer of that year. The original version of the opera, in two acts, had its premiere on 17 February 1904 at Teatro alla Scala in Milan. It was poorly received, despite such notable singers as soprano Rosina Storchio, tenor Giovanni Zenatello and baritone Giuseppe De Luca in lead roles; this was due in part to a late completion by Puccini, and thus inadequate time for rehearsals. Puccini revised the opera, splitting Act II into two (with the Humming Chorus as a bridge to what became Act III) and making other changes. Success ensued, starting with the first","Document [3](Title: Suor Angelica) Suor Angelica Suor Angelica (Sister Angelica) is an opera in one act by Giacomo Puccini to an original Italian libretto by Giovacchino Forzano. It is the second opera of the trio of operas known as \"Il trittico\" (\"Triptych\"). It received its world premiere at the Metropolitan Opera on December 14, 1918. The opera opens with scenes showing typical aspects of life in the convent \u2013 all the sisters sing hymns, the Monitor scolds two lay-sisters, everyone gathers for recreation in the courtyard. The sisters rejoice because, as the mistress of novices explains, this is the first of three evenings that","Document [4](Title: Suor Angelica) sources Suor Angelica Suor Angelica (Sister Angelica) is an opera in one act by Giacomo Puccini to an original Italian libretto by Giovacchino Forzano. It is the second opera of the trio of operas known as \"Il trittico\" (\"Triptych\"). It received its world premiere at the Metropolitan Opera on December 14, 1918. The opera opens with scenes showing typical aspects of life in the convent \u2013 all the sisters sing hymns, the Monitor scolds two lay-sisters, everyone gathers for recreation in the courtyard. The sisters rejoice because, as the mistress of novices explains, this is the first of three evenings","Document [5](Title: Giacomo Puccini) primary composition in 1887 and orchestration in 1888. \"Edgar\" premiered at La Scala on 21 April 1889 to a lukewarm response. The work was withdrawn for revisions after its third performance. In a Milanese newspaper, Giulio Ricordi published a defense of Puccini's skill as a composer, while criticizing Fontana's libretto. A revised version met with success at the Teatro del Giglio in Puccini's native Lucca on 5 September 1891. In 1892, further revisions reduced the length of the opera from four acts to three, in a version that was well received in Ferrara and was performed in Turin and in","Document [6](Title: Albert Dubosq) boh\u00e8me\", Act II. Premiered on 25 October 1900 under the supervision of the composer and publisher Tito Ricordi, this production enjoyed thirty performances in its first run alone and would keep the stage until 1949. Significantly, Puccini and Riccordi were so enthralled by Dubosq\u2019s effort that they had it photographed and incorporated in Riccardo Salvadori\u2019s new design for Act II of Puccini\u2019s masterpiece. After \"La Boh\u00e8me\", Dubosq received a string of commissions from the Monnaie: Several of this stagings were created by Dubosq in close collaboration with the stage director Charles De Beer and costume designer (and symbolist painter) Fernand","Document [7](Title: Giacomo Puccini) the opera, \"Ch'ella mi creda\", has become a staple of compilation albums by operatic tenors. It is said that during World War I, Italian soldiers sang this aria to maintain their spirits. The 2008 Italian film, \"Puccini e la fanciulla\" (\"Puccini and the Girl\"), is based on the period of his life when he was composing the opera. Puccini completed the score of \"La rondine\", to a libretto by Giuseppe Adami in 1916 after two years of work, and it was premiered at the Grand Th\u00e9\u00e2tre de Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917. The opera had been originally commissioned by","Document [8](Title: Giacomo Puccini) referred to her well publicised affair with Arturo Toscanini. This version was in two acts; after its disastrous premiere, Puccini withdrew the opera, revising it for what was virtually a second premiere at Brescia in May 1904 and performances in Buenos Aires, London, the USA and Paris. In 1907, Puccini made his final revisions to the opera in a fifth version, which has become known as the \"standard version\". Today, the standard version of the opera is the version most often performed around the world. However, the original 1904 version is occasionally performed as well, and has been recorded. After","Document [9](Title: La rondine) Sources La rondine La rondine (\"The Swallow\") is a comic opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Giuseppe Adami, based on a libretto by Alfred Maria Willner and . It was first performed at the Grand Th\u00e9\u00e2tre de Monte Carlo (or the Th\u00e9\u00e2tre du Casino) in Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917. In autumn 1913, the directors of Vienna's Carltheater commissioned Puccini to compose a Viennese operetta. After confirming that it could take the form of a comic opera with no spoken dialogue in the style of \"Der Rosenkavalier\", \"only more entertaining and more organic,\"","Document [10](Title: La rondine) La rondine La rondine (\"The Swallow\") is a comic opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Giuseppe Adami, based on a libretto by Alfred Maria Willner and . It was first performed at the Grand Th\u00e9\u00e2tre de Monte Carlo (or the Th\u00e9\u00e2tre du Casino) in Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917. In autumn 1913, the directors of Vienna's Carltheater commissioned Puccini to compose a Viennese operetta. After confirming that it could take the form of a comic opera with no spoken dialogue in the style of \"Der Rosenkavalier\", \"only more entertaining and more organic,\" he","Document [11](Title: La fanciulla del West) of significant criticism, the majority of academics and musicians agree in calling it a magnum opus, particularly lauding its craftmanship. The conductor of the work's premiere, Arturo Toscanini, called the opera a \"great symphonic poem\". \"La fanciulla del West\" was commissioned by, and first performed at, the Metropolitan Opera in New York on 10 December 1910 with Met stars Enrico Caruso and Emmy Destinn for whom Puccini created the leading roles of Dick Johnson and Minnie. However, after Puccini saw Gilda dalla Rizza as Minnie at the Op\u00e9ra de Monte-Carlo in 1921, he remarked, \"At last I have seen my","Document [12](Title: La fanciulla del West) La fanciulla del West La fanciulla del West (\"The Girl of the West\") is an opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by and , based on the play \"The Girl of the Golden West\" by the American author David Belasco. \"Fanciulla\" followed \"Madama Butterfly\", which was also based on a Belasco play. The opera has fewer of the show-stopping highlights that are characteristic of other Puccini works, but is admired for its impressive orchestration and for a score that is more melodically integrated than is typical of his previous work. \"Fanciulla\" displays influences from composers","Document [13](Title: Tosca) and instructed Mugnone (who had survived a theatre bombing in Barcelona), that in an emergency he was to strike up the royal march. The unrest caused the premiere to be postponed by one day, to 14 January. By 1900, the premiere of a Puccini opera was a national event. Many Roman dignitaries attended, as did Queen Margherita, though she arrived late, after the first act. The Prime Minister of Italy, Luigi Pelloux was present, with several members of his cabinet. A number of Puccini's operatic rivals were there, including Franchetti, Pietro Mascagni, Francesco Cilea and Ildebrando Pizzetti. Shortly after the","Document [14](Title: La rondine) and subsequently performed there on 22 March 1994. As part of a 1958 celebration marking the centenary of Puccini's birth, the Teatro di San Carlo at Naples, Italy, staged a revival of \"La rondine\", at that time one of Puccini's least-performed operas. The revival was well-received, with audiences and critics deeming it a success. Modern day performances In Europe since the 1990s stagings have included the premi\u00e8re of the third version at Teatro Regio di Torino (1994), as well as performances at La Scala (1994), Leeds Opera North (1994, 2001), Oper Bonn and Ludwigshaven State Opera House (1995), Teatro del","Document [15](Title: La fanciulla del West) June 1911 at the Teatro Costanzi; at the Teatro Col\u00f3n, Buenos Aires on 25 July 1911; and in Melbourne on 11 June 1912 at Her Majesty's Theatre. It is presented from time to time, but is not performed nearly as often as Puccini's other mature operas. The Metropolitan Opera presented the work in its 2010\/11 season to mark the work's 100th anniversary. \"Inside the Polka Saloon\" A group of Gold Rush miners enter the \"Polka\" saloon after a day working at the mine (\"Hello! Hello! Alla 'Polka'\"). After a song by traveling minstrel Jake Wallace (\"Che faranno i vecchi miei\"),","Document [16](Title: Manon Lescaut (Puccini)) Manon Lescaut (Puccini) Manon Lescaut is an opera in four acts by Giacomo Puccini, composed between 1890 and 1893. The story is based on the 1731 novel \"L'histoire du chevalier des Grieux et de Manon Lescaut\" by the Abb\u00e9 Pr\u00e9vost. In 1884 an opera by Jules Massenet entitled \"Manon\", and based on the same novel, was premiered and has also become popular. The libretto is in Italian, and was cobbled together by five librettists whom Puccini employed: Ruggero Leoncavallo, Marco Praga, Giuseppe Giacosa, Domenico Oliva and Luigi Illica. The publisher, Giulio Ricordi, and the composer himself also contributed to the","Document [17](Title: Gianni Schicchi) the composer had set aside this proposal to concentrate on the project which became \"La fanciulla del West\", although he did not wholly abandon the idea of a multiple-opera evening. His next idea in this vein, some years later, was for a two-opera bill, one tragic and one comic; he later expanded this to include a third opera with a mystic or religious tone. By November 1916 Puccini had completed the \"tragic\" element, which became \"Il tabarro\", but he still lacked ideas for the other two works. He considered staging \"Il tabarro\" in combination with his own early work \"Le","Document [18](Title: Zanetto) Venice, 1920 at the Teatro Regio in Turin, and 1940 at the Teatro Comunale in Florence. More recently, the opera was performed at the New Jersey State Opera in 1988, the Teatro Comunale in Florence in 1996 (with Sonia Ganassi as Zanetto), the Teatro Astor in Savona in 2003, the Teatro Goldoni in Livorno in 2007, and New York's Carnegie Hall in 2007 (in a concert performance with Jennifer Larmore as Zanetto). A new production was staged during the summer of 2012 at Opera Holland Park in London, when it was paired with \"Gianni Schicchi\" by Puccini. The setting of","Document [19](Title: Madama Butterfly) States in 1906, first in Washington, D.C., in October, and then in New York in November, performed by Henry Savage's New English Opera Company (so named because it performed in English-language translations). In 1906, Puccini wrote a third version, which was performed at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. In 1907, Puccini made several changes in the orchestral and vocal scores, and this became the fourth version, which was performed in Paris. In 1907, Puccini made his final revisions to the opera in a fifth version, which has become known as the \"Standard Version\" and is the one which is","Document [20](Title: Giacomo Puccini) boh\u00e8me\", a four-act opera based on the 1851 book by Henri Murger, \"La Vie de Boh\u00e8me\". \"La boh\u00e8me\" premiered in Turin in 1896, conducted by Arturo Toscanini. Within a few years, it had been performed throughout many of the leading opera houses of Europe, including Britain, as well as in the United States. It was a popular success, and remains one of the most frequently performed operas ever written. The libretto of the opera, freely adapted from Murger's episodic novel, combines comic elements of the impoverished life of the young protagonists with the tragic aspects, such as the death of"],"query":"three act puccini opera first performed in 1900?","answers":["Tosca"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Madama Butterfly) it in the summer of that year. The original version of the opera, in two acts, had its premiere on 17 February 1904 at Teatro alla Scala in Milan. It was poorly received, despite such notable singers as soprano Rosina Storchio, tenor Giovanni Zenatello and baritone Giuseppe De Luca in lead roles; this was due in part to a late completion by Puccini, and thus inadequate time for rehearsals. Puccini revised the opera, splitting Act II into two (with the Humming Chorus as a bridge to what became Act III) and making other changes. Success ensued, starting with the first","Document [2](Title: Suor Angelica) Suor Angelica Suor Angelica (Sister Angelica) is an opera in one act by Giacomo Puccini to an original Italian libretto by Giovacchino Forzano. It is the second opera of the trio of operas known as \"Il trittico\" (\"Triptych\"). It received its world premiere at the Metropolitan Opera on December 14, 1918. The opera opens with scenes showing typical aspects of life in the convent \u2013 all the sisters sing hymns, the Monitor scolds two lay-sisters, everyone gathers for recreation in the courtyard. The sisters rejoice because, as the mistress of novices explains, this is the first of three evenings that","Document [3](Title: Suor Angelica) sources Suor Angelica Suor Angelica (Sister Angelica) is an opera in one act by Giacomo Puccini to an original Italian libretto by Giovacchino Forzano. It is the second opera of the trio of operas known as \"Il trittico\" (\"Triptych\"). It received its world premiere at the Metropolitan Opera on December 14, 1918. The opera opens with scenes showing typical aspects of life in the convent \u2013 all the sisters sing hymns, the Monitor scolds two lay-sisters, everyone gathers for recreation in the courtyard. The sisters rejoice because, as the mistress of novices explains, this is the first of three evenings","Document [4](Title: Giacomo Puccini) primary composition in 1887 and orchestration in 1888. \"Edgar\" premiered at La Scala on 21 April 1889 to a lukewarm response. The work was withdrawn for revisions after its third performance. In a Milanese newspaper, Giulio Ricordi published a defense of Puccini's skill as a composer, while criticizing Fontana's libretto. A revised version met with success at the Teatro del Giglio in Puccini's native Lucca on 5 September 1891. In 1892, further revisions reduced the length of the opera from four acts to three, in a version that was well received in Ferrara and was performed in Turin and in","Document [5](Title: Tosca) Tosca (Italian pronunciation:\u00a0[\u02c8toska; \u02c8t\u0254ska]) is an opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa. It premiered at the Teatro Costanzi in Rome on 14 January 1900. The work, based on Victorien Sardou's 1887 French-language dramatic play, La Tosca, is a melodramatic piece set in Rome in June 1800, with the Kingdom of Naples's control of Rome threatened by Napoleon's invasion of Italy. It contains depictions of torture, murder and suicide, as well as some of Puccini's best-known lyrical arias.","Document [6](Title: Albert Dubosq) boh\u00e8me\", Act II. Premiered on 25 October 1900 under the supervision of the composer and publisher Tito Ricordi, this production enjoyed thirty performances in its first run alone and would keep the stage until 1949. Significantly, Puccini and Riccordi were so enthralled by Dubosq\u2019s effort that they had it photographed and incorporated in Riccardo Salvadori\u2019s new design for Act II of Puccini\u2019s masterpiece. After \"La Boh\u00e8me\", Dubosq received a string of commissions from the Monnaie: Several of this stagings were created by Dubosq in close collaboration with the stage director Charles De Beer and costume designer (and symbolist painter) Fernand","Document [7](Title: Giacomo Puccini) the opera, \"Ch'ella mi creda\", has become a staple of compilation albums by operatic tenors. It is said that during World War I, Italian soldiers sang this aria to maintain their spirits. The 2008 Italian film, \"Puccini e la fanciulla\" (\"Puccini and the Girl\"), is based on the period of his life when he was composing the opera. Puccini completed the score of \"La rondine\", to a libretto by Giuseppe Adami in 1916 after two years of work, and it was premiered at the Grand Th\u00e9\u00e2tre de Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917. The opera had been originally commissioned by","Document [8](Title: Giacomo Puccini) referred to her well publicised affair with Arturo Toscanini. This version was in two acts; after its disastrous premiere, Puccini withdrew the opera, revising it for what was virtually a second premiere at Brescia in May 1904 and performances in Buenos Aires, London, the USA and Paris. In 1907, Puccini made his final revisions to the opera in a fifth version, which has become known as the \"standard version\". Today, the standard version of the opera is the version most often performed around the world. However, the original 1904 version is occasionally performed as well, and has been recorded. After","Document [9](Title: La rondine) Sources La rondine La rondine (\"The Swallow\") is a comic opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Giuseppe Adami, based on a libretto by Alfred Maria Willner and . It was first performed at the Grand Th\u00e9\u00e2tre de Monte Carlo (or the Th\u00e9\u00e2tre du Casino) in Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917. In autumn 1913, the directors of Vienna's Carltheater commissioned Puccini to compose a Viennese operetta. After confirming that it could take the form of a comic opera with no spoken dialogue in the style of \"Der Rosenkavalier\", \"only more entertaining and more organic,\"","Document [10](Title: La rondine) La rondine La rondine (\"The Swallow\") is a comic opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Giuseppe Adami, based on a libretto by Alfred Maria Willner and . It was first performed at the Grand Th\u00e9\u00e2tre de Monte Carlo (or the Th\u00e9\u00e2tre du Casino) in Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917. In autumn 1913, the directors of Vienna's Carltheater commissioned Puccini to compose a Viennese operetta. After confirming that it could take the form of a comic opera with no spoken dialogue in the style of \"Der Rosenkavalier\", \"only more entertaining and more organic,\" he","Document [11](Title: La fanciulla del West) of significant criticism, the majority of academics and musicians agree in calling it a magnum opus, particularly lauding its craftmanship. The conductor of the work's premiere, Arturo Toscanini, called the opera a \"great symphonic poem\". \"La fanciulla del West\" was commissioned by, and first performed at, the Metropolitan Opera in New York on 10 December 1910 with Met stars Enrico Caruso and Emmy Destinn for whom Puccini created the leading roles of Dick Johnson and Minnie. However, after Puccini saw Gilda dalla Rizza as Minnie at the Op\u00e9ra de Monte-Carlo in 1921, he remarked, \"At last I have seen my","Document [12](Title: La fanciulla del West) La fanciulla del West La fanciulla del West (\"The Girl of the West\") is an opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by and , based on the play \"The Girl of the Golden West\" by the American author David Belasco. \"Fanciulla\" followed \"Madama Butterfly\", which was also based on a Belasco play. The opera has fewer of the show-stopping highlights that are characteristic of other Puccini works, but is admired for its impressive orchestration and for a score that is more melodically integrated than is typical of his previous work. \"Fanciulla\" displays influences from composers","Document [13](Title: Tosca) and instructed Mugnone (who had survived a theatre bombing in Barcelona), that in an emergency he was to strike up the royal march. The unrest caused the premiere to be postponed by one day, to 14 January. By 1900, the premiere of a Puccini opera was a national event. Many Roman dignitaries attended, as did Queen Margherita, though she arrived late, after the first act. The Prime Minister of Italy, Luigi Pelloux was present, with several members of his cabinet. A number of Puccini's operatic rivals were there, including Franchetti, Pietro Mascagni, Francesco Cilea and Ildebrando Pizzetti. Shortly after the","Document [14](Title: La rondine) and subsequently performed there on 22 March 1994. As part of a 1958 celebration marking the centenary of Puccini's birth, the Teatro di San Carlo at Naples, Italy, staged a revival of \"La rondine\", at that time one of Puccini's least-performed operas. The revival was well-received, with audiences and critics deeming it a success. Modern day performances In Europe since the 1990s stagings have included the premi\u00e8re of the third version at Teatro Regio di Torino (1994), as well as performances at La Scala (1994), Leeds Opera North (1994, 2001), Oper Bonn and Ludwigshaven State Opera House (1995), Teatro del","Document [15](Title: La fanciulla del West) June 1911 at the Teatro Costanzi; at the Teatro Col\u00f3n, Buenos Aires on 25 July 1911; and in Melbourne on 11 June 1912 at Her Majesty's Theatre. It is presented from time to time, but is not performed nearly as often as Puccini's other mature operas. The Metropolitan Opera presented the work in its 2010\/11 season to mark the work's 100th anniversary. \"Inside the Polka Saloon\" A group of Gold Rush miners enter the \"Polka\" saloon after a day working at the mine (\"Hello! Hello! Alla 'Polka'\"). After a song by traveling minstrel Jake Wallace (\"Che faranno i vecchi miei\"),","Document [16](Title: Manon Lescaut (Puccini)) Manon Lescaut (Puccini) Manon Lescaut is an opera in four acts by Giacomo Puccini, composed between 1890 and 1893. The story is based on the 1731 novel \"L'histoire du chevalier des Grieux et de Manon Lescaut\" by the Abb\u00e9 Pr\u00e9vost. In 1884 an opera by Jules Massenet entitled \"Manon\", and based on the same novel, was premiered and has also become popular. The libretto is in Italian, and was cobbled together by five librettists whom Puccini employed: Ruggero Leoncavallo, Marco Praga, Giuseppe Giacosa, Domenico Oliva and Luigi Illica. The publisher, Giulio Ricordi, and the composer himself also contributed to the","Document [17](Title: Gianni Schicchi) the composer had set aside this proposal to concentrate on the project which became \"La fanciulla del West\", although he did not wholly abandon the idea of a multiple-opera evening. His next idea in this vein, some years later, was for a two-opera bill, one tragic and one comic; he later expanded this to include a third opera with a mystic or religious tone. By November 1916 Puccini had completed the \"tragic\" element, which became \"Il tabarro\", but he still lacked ideas for the other two works. He considered staging \"Il tabarro\" in combination with his own early work \"Le","Document [18](Title: Zanetto) Venice, 1920 at the Teatro Regio in Turin, and 1940 at the Teatro Comunale in Florence. More recently, the opera was performed at the New Jersey State Opera in 1988, the Teatro Comunale in Florence in 1996 (with Sonia Ganassi as Zanetto), the Teatro Astor in Savona in 2003, the Teatro Goldoni in Livorno in 2007, and New York's Carnegie Hall in 2007 (in a concert performance with Jennifer Larmore as Zanetto). A new production was staged during the summer of 2012 at Opera Holland Park in London, when it was paired with \"Gianni Schicchi\" by Puccini. The setting of","Document [19](Title: Madama Butterfly) States in 1906, first in Washington, D.C., in October, and then in New York in November, performed by Henry Savage's New English Opera Company (so named because it performed in English-language translations). In 1906, Puccini wrote a third version, which was performed at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. In 1907, Puccini made several changes in the orchestral and vocal scores, and this became the fourth version, which was performed in Paris. In 1907, Puccini made his final revisions to the opera in a fifth version, which has become known as the \"Standard Version\" and is the one which is","Document [20](Title: Giacomo Puccini) boh\u00e8me\", a four-act opera based on the 1851 book by Henri Murger, \"La Vie de Boh\u00e8me\". \"La boh\u00e8me\" premiered in Turin in 1896, conducted by Arturo Toscanini. Within a few years, it had been performed throughout many of the leading opera houses of Europe, including Britain, as well as in the United States. It was a popular success, and remains one of the most frequently performed operas ever written. The libretto of the opera, freely adapted from Murger's episodic novel, combines comic elements of the impoverished life of the young protagonists with the tragic aspects, such as the death of"],"query":"three act puccini opera first performed in 1900?","answers":["Tosca"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Madama Butterfly) it in the summer of that year. The original version of the opera, in two acts, had its premiere on 17 February 1904 at Teatro alla Scala in Milan. It was poorly received, despite such notable singers as soprano Rosina Storchio, tenor Giovanni Zenatello and baritone Giuseppe De Luca in lead roles; this was due in part to a late completion by Puccini, and thus inadequate time for rehearsals. Puccini revised the opera, splitting Act II into two (with the Humming Chorus as a bridge to what became Act III) and making other changes. Success ensued, starting with the first","Document [2](Title: Suor Angelica) Suor Angelica Suor Angelica (Sister Angelica) is an opera in one act by Giacomo Puccini to an original Italian libretto by Giovacchino Forzano. It is the second opera of the trio of operas known as \"Il trittico\" (\"Triptych\"). It received its world premiere at the Metropolitan Opera on December 14, 1918. The opera opens with scenes showing typical aspects of life in the convent \u2013 all the sisters sing hymns, the Monitor scolds two lay-sisters, everyone gathers for recreation in the courtyard. The sisters rejoice because, as the mistress of novices explains, this is the first of three evenings that","Document [3](Title: Suor Angelica) sources Suor Angelica Suor Angelica (Sister Angelica) is an opera in one act by Giacomo Puccini to an original Italian libretto by Giovacchino Forzano. It is the second opera of the trio of operas known as \"Il trittico\" (\"Triptych\"). It received its world premiere at the Metropolitan Opera on December 14, 1918. The opera opens with scenes showing typical aspects of life in the convent \u2013 all the sisters sing hymns, the Monitor scolds two lay-sisters, everyone gathers for recreation in the courtyard. The sisters rejoice because, as the mistress of novices explains, this is the first of three evenings","Document [4](Title: Giacomo Puccini) primary composition in 1887 and orchestration in 1888. \"Edgar\" premiered at La Scala on 21 April 1889 to a lukewarm response. The work was withdrawn for revisions after its third performance. In a Milanese newspaper, Giulio Ricordi published a defense of Puccini's skill as a composer, while criticizing Fontana's libretto. A revised version met with success at the Teatro del Giglio in Puccini's native Lucca on 5 September 1891. In 1892, further revisions reduced the length of the opera from four acts to three, in a version that was well received in Ferrara and was performed in Turin and in","Document [5](Title: Albert Dubosq) boh\u00e8me\", Act II. Premiered on 25 October 1900 under the supervision of the composer and publisher Tito Ricordi, this production enjoyed thirty performances in its first run alone and would keep the stage until 1949. Significantly, Puccini and Riccordi were so enthralled by Dubosq\u2019s effort that they had it photographed and incorporated in Riccardo Salvadori\u2019s new design for Act II of Puccini\u2019s masterpiece. After \"La Boh\u00e8me\", Dubosq received a string of commissions from the Monnaie: Several of this stagings were created by Dubosq in close collaboration with the stage director Charles De Beer and costume designer (and symbolist painter) Fernand","Document [6](Title: Giacomo Puccini) the opera, \"Ch'ella mi creda\", has become a staple of compilation albums by operatic tenors. It is said that during World War I, Italian soldiers sang this aria to maintain their spirits. The 2008 Italian film, \"Puccini e la fanciulla\" (\"Puccini and the Girl\"), is based on the period of his life when he was composing the opera. Puccini completed the score of \"La rondine\", to a libretto by Giuseppe Adami in 1916 after two years of work, and it was premiered at the Grand Th\u00e9\u00e2tre de Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917. The opera had been originally commissioned by","Document [7](Title: Giacomo Puccini) referred to her well publicised affair with Arturo Toscanini. This version was in two acts; after its disastrous premiere, Puccini withdrew the opera, revising it for what was virtually a second premiere at Brescia in May 1904 and performances in Buenos Aires, London, the USA and Paris. In 1907, Puccini made his final revisions to the opera in a fifth version, which has become known as the \"standard version\". Today, the standard version of the opera is the version most often performed around the world. However, the original 1904 version is occasionally performed as well, and has been recorded. After","Document [8](Title: La rondine) Sources La rondine La rondine (\"The Swallow\") is a comic opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Giuseppe Adami, based on a libretto by Alfred Maria Willner and . It was first performed at the Grand Th\u00e9\u00e2tre de Monte Carlo (or the Th\u00e9\u00e2tre du Casino) in Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917. In autumn 1913, the directors of Vienna's Carltheater commissioned Puccini to compose a Viennese operetta. After confirming that it could take the form of a comic opera with no spoken dialogue in the style of \"Der Rosenkavalier\", \"only more entertaining and more organic,\"","Document [9](Title: La rondine) La rondine La rondine (\"The Swallow\") is a comic opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Giuseppe Adami, based on a libretto by Alfred Maria Willner and . It was first performed at the Grand Th\u00e9\u00e2tre de Monte Carlo (or the Th\u00e9\u00e2tre du Casino) in Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917. In autumn 1913, the directors of Vienna's Carltheater commissioned Puccini to compose a Viennese operetta. After confirming that it could take the form of a comic opera with no spoken dialogue in the style of \"Der Rosenkavalier\", \"only more entertaining and more organic,\" he","Document [10](Title: Tosca) Tosca (Italian pronunciation:\u00a0[\u02c8toska; \u02c8t\u0254ska]) is an opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa. It premiered at the Teatro Costanzi in Rome on 14 January 1900. The work, based on Victorien Sardou's 1887 French-language dramatic play, La Tosca, is a melodramatic piece set in Rome in June 1800, with the Kingdom of Naples's control of Rome threatened by Napoleon's invasion of Italy. It contains depictions of torture, murder and suicide, as well as some of Puccini's best-known lyrical arias.","Document [11](Title: La fanciulla del West) of significant criticism, the majority of academics and musicians agree in calling it a magnum opus, particularly lauding its craftmanship. The conductor of the work's premiere, Arturo Toscanini, called the opera a \"great symphonic poem\". \"La fanciulla del West\" was commissioned by, and first performed at, the Metropolitan Opera in New York on 10 December 1910 with Met stars Enrico Caruso and Emmy Destinn for whom Puccini created the leading roles of Dick Johnson and Minnie. However, after Puccini saw Gilda dalla Rizza as Minnie at the Op\u00e9ra de Monte-Carlo in 1921, he remarked, \"At last I have seen my","Document [12](Title: La fanciulla del West) La fanciulla del West La fanciulla del West (\"The Girl of the West\") is an opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by and , based on the play \"The Girl of the Golden West\" by the American author David Belasco. \"Fanciulla\" followed \"Madama Butterfly\", which was also based on a Belasco play. The opera has fewer of the show-stopping highlights that are characteristic of other Puccini works, but is admired for its impressive orchestration and for a score that is more melodically integrated than is typical of his previous work. \"Fanciulla\" displays influences from composers","Document [13](Title: Tosca) and instructed Mugnone (who had survived a theatre bombing in Barcelona), that in an emergency he was to strike up the royal march. The unrest caused the premiere to be postponed by one day, to 14 January. By 1900, the premiere of a Puccini opera was a national event. Many Roman dignitaries attended, as did Queen Margherita, though she arrived late, after the first act. The Prime Minister of Italy, Luigi Pelloux was present, with several members of his cabinet. A number of Puccini's operatic rivals were there, including Franchetti, Pietro Mascagni, Francesco Cilea and Ildebrando Pizzetti. Shortly after the","Document [14](Title: La rondine) and subsequently performed there on 22 March 1994. As part of a 1958 celebration marking the centenary of Puccini's birth, the Teatro di San Carlo at Naples, Italy, staged a revival of \"La rondine\", at that time one of Puccini's least-performed operas. The revival was well-received, with audiences and critics deeming it a success. Modern day performances In Europe since the 1990s stagings have included the premi\u00e8re of the third version at Teatro Regio di Torino (1994), as well as performances at La Scala (1994), Leeds Opera North (1994, 2001), Oper Bonn and Ludwigshaven State Opera House (1995), Teatro del","Document [15](Title: La fanciulla del West) June 1911 at the Teatro Costanzi; at the Teatro Col\u00f3n, Buenos Aires on 25 July 1911; and in Melbourne on 11 June 1912 at Her Majesty's Theatre. It is presented from time to time, but is not performed nearly as often as Puccini's other mature operas. The Metropolitan Opera presented the work in its 2010\/11 season to mark the work's 100th anniversary. \"Inside the Polka Saloon\" A group of Gold Rush miners enter the \"Polka\" saloon after a day working at the mine (\"Hello! Hello! Alla 'Polka'\"). After a song by traveling minstrel Jake Wallace (\"Che faranno i vecchi miei\"),","Document [16](Title: Manon Lescaut (Puccini)) Manon Lescaut (Puccini) Manon Lescaut is an opera in four acts by Giacomo Puccini, composed between 1890 and 1893. The story is based on the 1731 novel \"L'histoire du chevalier des Grieux et de Manon Lescaut\" by the Abb\u00e9 Pr\u00e9vost. In 1884 an opera by Jules Massenet entitled \"Manon\", and based on the same novel, was premiered and has also become popular. The libretto is in Italian, and was cobbled together by five librettists whom Puccini employed: Ruggero Leoncavallo, Marco Praga, Giuseppe Giacosa, Domenico Oliva and Luigi Illica. The publisher, Giulio Ricordi, and the composer himself also contributed to the","Document [17](Title: Gianni Schicchi) the composer had set aside this proposal to concentrate on the project which became \"La fanciulla del West\", although he did not wholly abandon the idea of a multiple-opera evening. His next idea in this vein, some years later, was for a two-opera bill, one tragic and one comic; he later expanded this to include a third opera with a mystic or religious tone. By November 1916 Puccini had completed the \"tragic\" element, which became \"Il tabarro\", but he still lacked ideas for the other two works. He considered staging \"Il tabarro\" in combination with his own early work \"Le","Document [18](Title: Zanetto) Venice, 1920 at the Teatro Regio in Turin, and 1940 at the Teatro Comunale in Florence. More recently, the opera was performed at the New Jersey State Opera in 1988, the Teatro Comunale in Florence in 1996 (with Sonia Ganassi as Zanetto), the Teatro Astor in Savona in 2003, the Teatro Goldoni in Livorno in 2007, and New York's Carnegie Hall in 2007 (in a concert performance with Jennifer Larmore as Zanetto). A new production was staged during the summer of 2012 at Opera Holland Park in London, when it was paired with \"Gianni Schicchi\" by Puccini. The setting of","Document [19](Title: Madama Butterfly) States in 1906, first in Washington, D.C., in October, and then in New York in November, performed by Henry Savage's New English Opera Company (so named because it performed in English-language translations). In 1906, Puccini wrote a third version, which was performed at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. In 1907, Puccini made several changes in the orchestral and vocal scores, and this became the fourth version, which was performed in Paris. In 1907, Puccini made his final revisions to the opera in a fifth version, which has become known as the \"Standard Version\" and is the one which is","Document [20](Title: Giacomo Puccini) boh\u00e8me\", a four-act opera based on the 1851 book by Henri Murger, \"La Vie de Boh\u00e8me\". \"La boh\u00e8me\" premiered in Turin in 1896, conducted by Arturo Toscanini. Within a few years, it had been performed throughout many of the leading opera houses of Europe, including Britain, as well as in the United States. It was a popular success, and remains one of the most frequently performed operas ever written. The libretto of the opera, freely adapted from Murger's episodic novel, combines comic elements of the impoverished life of the young protagonists with the tragic aspects, such as the death of"],"query":"three act puccini opera first performed in 1900?","answers":["Tosca"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Madama Butterfly) it in the summer of that year. The original version of the opera, in two acts, had its premiere on 17 February 1904 at Teatro alla Scala in Milan. It was poorly received, despite such notable singers as soprano Rosina Storchio, tenor Giovanni Zenatello and baritone Giuseppe De Luca in lead roles; this was due in part to a late completion by Puccini, and thus inadequate time for rehearsals. Puccini revised the opera, splitting Act II into two (with the Humming Chorus as a bridge to what became Act III) and making other changes. Success ensued, starting with the first","Document [2](Title: Suor Angelica) Suor Angelica Suor Angelica (Sister Angelica) is an opera in one act by Giacomo Puccini to an original Italian libretto by Giovacchino Forzano. It is the second opera of the trio of operas known as \"Il trittico\" (\"Triptych\"). It received its world premiere at the Metropolitan Opera on December 14, 1918. The opera opens with scenes showing typical aspects of life in the convent \u2013 all the sisters sing hymns, the Monitor scolds two lay-sisters, everyone gathers for recreation in the courtyard. The sisters rejoice because, as the mistress of novices explains, this is the first of three evenings that","Document [3](Title: Suor Angelica) sources Suor Angelica Suor Angelica (Sister Angelica) is an opera in one act by Giacomo Puccini to an original Italian libretto by Giovacchino Forzano. It is the second opera of the trio of operas known as \"Il trittico\" (\"Triptych\"). It received its world premiere at the Metropolitan Opera on December 14, 1918. The opera opens with scenes showing typical aspects of life in the convent \u2013 all the sisters sing hymns, the Monitor scolds two lay-sisters, everyone gathers for recreation in the courtyard. The sisters rejoice because, as the mistress of novices explains, this is the first of three evenings","Document [4](Title: Giacomo Puccini) primary composition in 1887 and orchestration in 1888. \"Edgar\" premiered at La Scala on 21 April 1889 to a lukewarm response. The work was withdrawn for revisions after its third performance. In a Milanese newspaper, Giulio Ricordi published a defense of Puccini's skill as a composer, while criticizing Fontana's libretto. A revised version met with success at the Teatro del Giglio in Puccini's native Lucca on 5 September 1891. In 1892, further revisions reduced the length of the opera from four acts to three, in a version that was well received in Ferrara and was performed in Turin and in","Document [5](Title: Albert Dubosq) boh\u00e8me\", Act II. Premiered on 25 October 1900 under the supervision of the composer and publisher Tito Ricordi, this production enjoyed thirty performances in its first run alone and would keep the stage until 1949. Significantly, Puccini and Riccordi were so enthralled by Dubosq\u2019s effort that they had it photographed and incorporated in Riccardo Salvadori\u2019s new design for Act II of Puccini\u2019s masterpiece. After \"La Boh\u00e8me\", Dubosq received a string of commissions from the Monnaie: Several of this stagings were created by Dubosq in close collaboration with the stage director Charles De Beer and costume designer (and symbolist painter) Fernand","Document [6](Title: Giacomo Puccini) the opera, \"Ch'ella mi creda\", has become a staple of compilation albums by operatic tenors. It is said that during World War I, Italian soldiers sang this aria to maintain their spirits. The 2008 Italian film, \"Puccini e la fanciulla\" (\"Puccini and the Girl\"), is based on the period of his life when he was composing the opera. Puccini completed the score of \"La rondine\", to a libretto by Giuseppe Adami in 1916 after two years of work, and it was premiered at the Grand Th\u00e9\u00e2tre de Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917. The opera had been originally commissioned by","Document [7](Title: Giacomo Puccini) referred to her well publicised affair with Arturo Toscanini. This version was in two acts; after its disastrous premiere, Puccini withdrew the opera, revising it for what was virtually a second premiere at Brescia in May 1904 and performances in Buenos Aires, London, the USA and Paris. In 1907, Puccini made his final revisions to the opera in a fifth version, which has become known as the \"standard version\". Today, the standard version of the opera is the version most often performed around the world. However, the original 1904 version is occasionally performed as well, and has been recorded. After","Document [8](Title: La rondine) Sources La rondine La rondine (\"The Swallow\") is a comic opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Giuseppe Adami, based on a libretto by Alfred Maria Willner and . It was first performed at the Grand Th\u00e9\u00e2tre de Monte Carlo (or the Th\u00e9\u00e2tre du Casino) in Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917. In autumn 1913, the directors of Vienna's Carltheater commissioned Puccini to compose a Viennese operetta. After confirming that it could take the form of a comic opera with no spoken dialogue in the style of \"Der Rosenkavalier\", \"only more entertaining and more organic,\"","Document [9](Title: La rondine) La rondine La rondine (\"The Swallow\") is a comic opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Giuseppe Adami, based on a libretto by Alfred Maria Willner and . It was first performed at the Grand Th\u00e9\u00e2tre de Monte Carlo (or the Th\u00e9\u00e2tre du Casino) in Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917. In autumn 1913, the directors of Vienna's Carltheater commissioned Puccini to compose a Viennese operetta. After confirming that it could take the form of a comic opera with no spoken dialogue in the style of \"Der Rosenkavalier\", \"only more entertaining and more organic,\" he","Document [10](Title: La fanciulla del West) of significant criticism, the majority of academics and musicians agree in calling it a magnum opus, particularly lauding its craftmanship. The conductor of the work's premiere, Arturo Toscanini, called the opera a \"great symphonic poem\". \"La fanciulla del West\" was commissioned by, and first performed at, the Metropolitan Opera in New York on 10 December 1910 with Met stars Enrico Caruso and Emmy Destinn for whom Puccini created the leading roles of Dick Johnson and Minnie. However, after Puccini saw Gilda dalla Rizza as Minnie at the Op\u00e9ra de Monte-Carlo in 1921, he remarked, \"At last I have seen my","Document [11](Title: La fanciulla del West) La fanciulla del West La fanciulla del West (\"The Girl of the West\") is an opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by and , based on the play \"The Girl of the Golden West\" by the American author David Belasco. \"Fanciulla\" followed \"Madama Butterfly\", which was also based on a Belasco play. The opera has fewer of the show-stopping highlights that are characteristic of other Puccini works, but is admired for its impressive orchestration and for a score that is more melodically integrated than is typical of his previous work. \"Fanciulla\" displays influences from composers","Document [12](Title: Tosca) and instructed Mugnone (who had survived a theatre bombing in Barcelona), that in an emergency he was to strike up the royal march. The unrest caused the premiere to be postponed by one day, to 14 January. By 1900, the premiere of a Puccini opera was a national event. Many Roman dignitaries attended, as did Queen Margherita, though she arrived late, after the first act. The Prime Minister of Italy, Luigi Pelloux was present, with several members of his cabinet. A number of Puccini's operatic rivals were there, including Franchetti, Pietro Mascagni, Francesco Cilea and Ildebrando Pizzetti. Shortly after the","Document [13](Title: La rondine) and subsequently performed there on 22 March 1994. As part of a 1958 celebration marking the centenary of Puccini's birth, the Teatro di San Carlo at Naples, Italy, staged a revival of \"La rondine\", at that time one of Puccini's least-performed operas. The revival was well-received, with audiences and critics deeming it a success. Modern day performances In Europe since the 1990s stagings have included the premi\u00e8re of the third version at Teatro Regio di Torino (1994), as well as performances at La Scala (1994), Leeds Opera North (1994, 2001), Oper Bonn and Ludwigshaven State Opera House (1995), Teatro del","Document [14](Title: La fanciulla del West) June 1911 at the Teatro Costanzi; at the Teatro Col\u00f3n, Buenos Aires on 25 July 1911; and in Melbourne on 11 June 1912 at Her Majesty's Theatre. It is presented from time to time, but is not performed nearly as often as Puccini's other mature operas. The Metropolitan Opera presented the work in its 2010\/11 season to mark the work's 100th anniversary. \"Inside the Polka Saloon\" A group of Gold Rush miners enter the \"Polka\" saloon after a day working at the mine (\"Hello! Hello! Alla 'Polka'\"). After a song by traveling minstrel Jake Wallace (\"Che faranno i vecchi miei\"),","Document [15](Title: Tosca) Tosca (Italian pronunciation:\u00a0[\u02c8toska; \u02c8t\u0254ska]) is an opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa. It premiered at the Teatro Costanzi in Rome on 14 January 1900. The work, based on Victorien Sardou's 1887 French-language dramatic play, La Tosca, is a melodramatic piece set in Rome in June 1800, with the Kingdom of Naples's control of Rome threatened by Napoleon's invasion of Italy. It contains depictions of torture, murder and suicide, as well as some of Puccini's best-known lyrical arias.","Document [16](Title: Manon Lescaut (Puccini)) Manon Lescaut (Puccini) Manon Lescaut is an opera in four acts by Giacomo Puccini, composed between 1890 and 1893. The story is based on the 1731 novel \"L'histoire du chevalier des Grieux et de Manon Lescaut\" by the Abb\u00e9 Pr\u00e9vost. In 1884 an opera by Jules Massenet entitled \"Manon\", and based on the same novel, was premiered and has also become popular. The libretto is in Italian, and was cobbled together by five librettists whom Puccini employed: Ruggero Leoncavallo, Marco Praga, Giuseppe Giacosa, Domenico Oliva and Luigi Illica. The publisher, Giulio Ricordi, and the composer himself also contributed to the","Document [17](Title: Gianni Schicchi) the composer had set aside this proposal to concentrate on the project which became \"La fanciulla del West\", although he did not wholly abandon the idea of a multiple-opera evening. His next idea in this vein, some years later, was for a two-opera bill, one tragic and one comic; he later expanded this to include a third opera with a mystic or religious tone. By November 1916 Puccini had completed the \"tragic\" element, which became \"Il tabarro\", but he still lacked ideas for the other two works. He considered staging \"Il tabarro\" in combination with his own early work \"Le","Document [18](Title: Zanetto) Venice, 1920 at the Teatro Regio in Turin, and 1940 at the Teatro Comunale in Florence. More recently, the opera was performed at the New Jersey State Opera in 1988, the Teatro Comunale in Florence in 1996 (with Sonia Ganassi as Zanetto), the Teatro Astor in Savona in 2003, the Teatro Goldoni in Livorno in 2007, and New York's Carnegie Hall in 2007 (in a concert performance with Jennifer Larmore as Zanetto). A new production was staged during the summer of 2012 at Opera Holland Park in London, when it was paired with \"Gianni Schicchi\" by Puccini. The setting of","Document [19](Title: Madama Butterfly) States in 1906, first in Washington, D.C., in October, and then in New York in November, performed by Henry Savage's New English Opera Company (so named because it performed in English-language translations). In 1906, Puccini wrote a third version, which was performed at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. In 1907, Puccini made several changes in the orchestral and vocal scores, and this became the fourth version, which was performed in Paris. In 1907, Puccini made his final revisions to the opera in a fifth version, which has become known as the \"Standard Version\" and is the one which is","Document [20](Title: Giacomo Puccini) boh\u00e8me\", a four-act opera based on the 1851 book by Henri Murger, \"La Vie de Boh\u00e8me\". \"La boh\u00e8me\" premiered in Turin in 1896, conducted by Arturo Toscanini. Within a few years, it had been performed throughout many of the leading opera houses of Europe, including Britain, as well as in the United States. It was a popular success, and remains one of the most frequently performed operas ever written. The libretto of the opera, freely adapted from Murger's episodic novel, combines comic elements of the impoverished life of the young protagonists with the tragic aspects, such as the death of"],"query":"three act puccini opera first performed in 1900?","answers":["Tosca"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Madama Butterfly) it in the summer of that year. The original version of the opera, in two acts, had its premiere on 17 February 1904 at Teatro alla Scala in Milan. It was poorly received, despite such notable singers as soprano Rosina Storchio, tenor Giovanni Zenatello and baritone Giuseppe De Luca in lead roles; this was due in part to a late completion by Puccini, and thus inadequate time for rehearsals. Puccini revised the opera, splitting Act II into two (with the Humming Chorus as a bridge to what became Act III) and making other changes. Success ensued, starting with the first","Document [2](Title: Suor Angelica) Suor Angelica Suor Angelica (Sister Angelica) is an opera in one act by Giacomo Puccini to an original Italian libretto by Giovacchino Forzano. It is the second opera of the trio of operas known as \"Il trittico\" (\"Triptych\"). It received its world premiere at the Metropolitan Opera on December 14, 1918. The opera opens with scenes showing typical aspects of life in the convent \u2013 all the sisters sing hymns, the Monitor scolds two lay-sisters, everyone gathers for recreation in the courtyard. The sisters rejoice because, as the mistress of novices explains, this is the first of three evenings that","Document [3](Title: Suor Angelica) sources Suor Angelica Suor Angelica (Sister Angelica) is an opera in one act by Giacomo Puccini to an original Italian libretto by Giovacchino Forzano. It is the second opera of the trio of operas known as \"Il trittico\" (\"Triptych\"). It received its world premiere at the Metropolitan Opera on December 14, 1918. The opera opens with scenes showing typical aspects of life in the convent \u2013 all the sisters sing hymns, the Monitor scolds two lay-sisters, everyone gathers for recreation in the courtyard. The sisters rejoice because, as the mistress of novices explains, this is the first of three evenings","Document [4](Title: Giacomo Puccini) primary composition in 1887 and orchestration in 1888. \"Edgar\" premiered at La Scala on 21 April 1889 to a lukewarm response. The work was withdrawn for revisions after its third performance. In a Milanese newspaper, Giulio Ricordi published a defense of Puccini's skill as a composer, while criticizing Fontana's libretto. A revised version met with success at the Teatro del Giglio in Puccini's native Lucca on 5 September 1891. In 1892, further revisions reduced the length of the opera from four acts to three, in a version that was well received in Ferrara and was performed in Turin and in","Document [5](Title: Albert Dubosq) boh\u00e8me\", Act II. Premiered on 25 October 1900 under the supervision of the composer and publisher Tito Ricordi, this production enjoyed thirty performances in its first run alone and would keep the stage until 1949. Significantly, Puccini and Riccordi were so enthralled by Dubosq\u2019s effort that they had it photographed and incorporated in Riccardo Salvadori\u2019s new design for Act II of Puccini\u2019s masterpiece. After \"La Boh\u00e8me\", Dubosq received a string of commissions from the Monnaie: Several of this stagings were created by Dubosq in close collaboration with the stage director Charles De Beer and costume designer (and symbolist painter) Fernand","Document [6](Title: Giacomo Puccini) the opera, \"Ch'ella mi creda\", has become a staple of compilation albums by operatic tenors. It is said that during World War I, Italian soldiers sang this aria to maintain their spirits. The 2008 Italian film, \"Puccini e la fanciulla\" (\"Puccini and the Girl\"), is based on the period of his life when he was composing the opera. Puccini completed the score of \"La rondine\", to a libretto by Giuseppe Adami in 1916 after two years of work, and it was premiered at the Grand Th\u00e9\u00e2tre de Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917. The opera had been originally commissioned by","Document [7](Title: Giacomo Puccini) referred to her well publicised affair with Arturo Toscanini. This version was in two acts; after its disastrous premiere, Puccini withdrew the opera, revising it for what was virtually a second premiere at Brescia in May 1904 and performances in Buenos Aires, London, the USA and Paris. In 1907, Puccini made his final revisions to the opera in a fifth version, which has become known as the \"standard version\". Today, the standard version of the opera is the version most often performed around the world. However, the original 1904 version is occasionally performed as well, and has been recorded. After","Document [8](Title: La rondine) Sources La rondine La rondine (\"The Swallow\") is a comic opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Giuseppe Adami, based on a libretto by Alfred Maria Willner and . It was first performed at the Grand Th\u00e9\u00e2tre de Monte Carlo (or the Th\u00e9\u00e2tre du Casino) in Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917. In autumn 1913, the directors of Vienna's Carltheater commissioned Puccini to compose a Viennese operetta. After confirming that it could take the form of a comic opera with no spoken dialogue in the style of \"Der Rosenkavalier\", \"only more entertaining and more organic,\"","Document [9](Title: La rondine) La rondine La rondine (\"The Swallow\") is a comic opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Giuseppe Adami, based on a libretto by Alfred Maria Willner and . It was first performed at the Grand Th\u00e9\u00e2tre de Monte Carlo (or the Th\u00e9\u00e2tre du Casino) in Monte Carlo on 27 March 1917. In autumn 1913, the directors of Vienna's Carltheater commissioned Puccini to compose a Viennese operetta. After confirming that it could take the form of a comic opera with no spoken dialogue in the style of \"Der Rosenkavalier\", \"only more entertaining and more organic,\" he","Document [10](Title: La fanciulla del West) of significant criticism, the majority of academics and musicians agree in calling it a magnum opus, particularly lauding its craftmanship. The conductor of the work's premiere, Arturo Toscanini, called the opera a \"great symphonic poem\". \"La fanciulla del West\" was commissioned by, and first performed at, the Metropolitan Opera in New York on 10 December 1910 with Met stars Enrico Caruso and Emmy Destinn for whom Puccini created the leading roles of Dick Johnson and Minnie. However, after Puccini saw Gilda dalla Rizza as Minnie at the Op\u00e9ra de Monte-Carlo in 1921, he remarked, \"At last I have seen my","Document [11](Title: La fanciulla del West) La fanciulla del West La fanciulla del West (\"The Girl of the West\") is an opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by and , based on the play \"The Girl of the Golden West\" by the American author David Belasco. \"Fanciulla\" followed \"Madama Butterfly\", which was also based on a Belasco play. The opera has fewer of the show-stopping highlights that are characteristic of other Puccini works, but is admired for its impressive orchestration and for a score that is more melodically integrated than is typical of his previous work. \"Fanciulla\" displays influences from composers","Document [12](Title: Tosca) and instructed Mugnone (who had survived a theatre bombing in Barcelona), that in an emergency he was to strike up the royal march. The unrest caused the premiere to be postponed by one day, to 14 January. By 1900, the premiere of a Puccini opera was a national event. Many Roman dignitaries attended, as did Queen Margherita, though she arrived late, after the first act. The Prime Minister of Italy, Luigi Pelloux was present, with several members of his cabinet. A number of Puccini's operatic rivals were there, including Franchetti, Pietro Mascagni, Francesco Cilea and Ildebrando Pizzetti. Shortly after the","Document [13](Title: La rondine) and subsequently performed there on 22 March 1994. As part of a 1958 celebration marking the centenary of Puccini's birth, the Teatro di San Carlo at Naples, Italy, staged a revival of \"La rondine\", at that time one of Puccini's least-performed operas. The revival was well-received, with audiences and critics deeming it a success. Modern day performances In Europe since the 1990s stagings have included the premi\u00e8re of the third version at Teatro Regio di Torino (1994), as well as performances at La Scala (1994), Leeds Opera North (1994, 2001), Oper Bonn and Ludwigshaven State Opera House (1995), Teatro del","Document [14](Title: La fanciulla del West) June 1911 at the Teatro Costanzi; at the Teatro Col\u00f3n, Buenos Aires on 25 July 1911; and in Melbourne on 11 June 1912 at Her Majesty's Theatre. It is presented from time to time, but is not performed nearly as often as Puccini's other mature operas. The Metropolitan Opera presented the work in its 2010\/11 season to mark the work's 100th anniversary. \"Inside the Polka Saloon\" A group of Gold Rush miners enter the \"Polka\" saloon after a day working at the mine (\"Hello! Hello! Alla 'Polka'\"). After a song by traveling minstrel Jake Wallace (\"Che faranno i vecchi miei\"),","Document [15](Title: Manon Lescaut (Puccini)) Manon Lescaut (Puccini) Manon Lescaut is an opera in four acts by Giacomo Puccini, composed between 1890 and 1893. The story is based on the 1731 novel \"L'histoire du chevalier des Grieux et de Manon Lescaut\" by the Abb\u00e9 Pr\u00e9vost. In 1884 an opera by Jules Massenet entitled \"Manon\", and based on the same novel, was premiered and has also become popular. The libretto is in Italian, and was cobbled together by five librettists whom Puccini employed: Ruggero Leoncavallo, Marco Praga, Giuseppe Giacosa, Domenico Oliva and Luigi Illica. The publisher, Giulio Ricordi, and the composer himself also contributed to the","Document [16](Title: Gianni Schicchi) the composer had set aside this proposal to concentrate on the project which became \"La fanciulla del West\", although he did not wholly abandon the idea of a multiple-opera evening. His next idea in this vein, some years later, was for a two-opera bill, one tragic and one comic; he later expanded this to include a third opera with a mystic or religious tone. By November 1916 Puccini had completed the \"tragic\" element, which became \"Il tabarro\", but he still lacked ideas for the other two works. He considered staging \"Il tabarro\" in combination with his own early work \"Le","Document [17](Title: Zanetto) Venice, 1920 at the Teatro Regio in Turin, and 1940 at the Teatro Comunale in Florence. More recently, the opera was performed at the New Jersey State Opera in 1988, the Teatro Comunale in Florence in 1996 (with Sonia Ganassi as Zanetto), the Teatro Astor in Savona in 2003, the Teatro Goldoni in Livorno in 2007, and New York's Carnegie Hall in 2007 (in a concert performance with Jennifer Larmore as Zanetto). A new production was staged during the summer of 2012 at Opera Holland Park in London, when it was paired with \"Gianni Schicchi\" by Puccini. The setting of","Document [18](Title: Madama Butterfly) States in 1906, first in Washington, D.C., in October, and then in New York in November, performed by Henry Savage's New English Opera Company (so named because it performed in English-language translations). In 1906, Puccini wrote a third version, which was performed at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. In 1907, Puccini made several changes in the orchestral and vocal scores, and this became the fourth version, which was performed in Paris. In 1907, Puccini made his final revisions to the opera in a fifth version, which has become known as the \"Standard Version\" and is the one which is","Document [19](Title: Giacomo Puccini) boh\u00e8me\", a four-act opera based on the 1851 book by Henri Murger, \"La Vie de Boh\u00e8me\". \"La boh\u00e8me\" premiered in Turin in 1896, conducted by Arturo Toscanini. Within a few years, it had been performed throughout many of the leading opera houses of Europe, including Britain, as well as in the United States. It was a popular success, and remains one of the most frequently performed operas ever written. The libretto of the opera, freely adapted from Murger's episodic novel, combines comic elements of the impoverished life of the young protagonists with the tragic aspects, such as the death of","Document [20](Title: Tosca) Tosca (Italian pronunciation:\u00a0[\u02c8toska; \u02c8t\u0254ska]) is an opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini to an Italian libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa. It premiered at the Teatro Costanzi in Rome on 14 January 1900. The work, based on Victorien Sardou's 1887 French-language dramatic play, La Tosca, is a melodramatic piece set in Rome in June 1800, with the Kingdom of Naples's control of Rome threatened by Napoleon's invasion of Italy. It contains depictions of torture, murder and suicide, as well as some of Puccini's best-known lyrical arias."],"query":"three act puccini opera first performed in 1900?","answers":["Tosca"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Party leaders of the United States Senate) The Senate Majority and Minority Leaders are two United States Senators and members of the party leadership of the United States Senate. These leaders serve as the chief Senate spokespeople for the political parties respectively holding the majority and the minority in the United States Senate, and manage and schedule the legislative and executive business of the Senate. They are elected to their positions in the Senate by their respective party caucuses, the Senate Democratic Caucus and the Senate Republican Conference.","Document [2](Title: National Congress of Brazil) common for politicians to switch parties and the proportion of congressional seats held by each party would often change. However, a decision of the Supreme Federal Court has ruled that the seats belong to the parties and not to the politicians, and that one can only change parties and retain his seat in a very limited set of cases. Consequently, politicians who abandon the party for which they were elected now face the loss of their Congressional seat. Each house of the Brazilian Congress elects its President and the other members of its directing board from among its members. The","Document [3](Title: ERepublik) name then they become the leaders of the party and they can choose their party candidates for congress (if party is ranked in the top 5 nationally) or presidency. On the fifth of every month eRepublik holds presidential elections, on the fifteenth the party presidential elections and on the twenty-fifth the congressional elections. Days before the presidential vote the top five parties will select a person to run for president, and then it is decided by a vote by the populace. The congress elections are more complicated than the rest. The party presidents of the top 5 parties select a","Document [4](Title: Page of the United States House of Representatives) of the House, and for minority Pages the decision is made by the minority leader. It is a general rule that only one nominee is permitted per representative, except for party leadership (although during the 104th Congress, Duke Cunningham successfully lobbied for the joint appointment of twin sisters from Encinitas, California and Gene Taylor successfully lobbied for the appointment of three Pages from the Gulf Coast during the 109th Congress after Hurricane Katrina). During the 110th Congress, Rep. Anna Eshoo (D) was allowed to appoint a set of twins as Democratic Pages during the second summer session. Also during the","Document [5](Title: Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives) are elected by their respective parties in a closed-door caucus by secret ballot. The Speaker-elect is also chosen in a closed-door session although they are formally installed in their position by a public vote when Congress reconvenes. Like the Speaker of the House, the Minority Leaders are typically experienced lawmakers when they win election to this position. When Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, became Minority Leader in the 108th Congress, she had served in the House nearly 20 years and had served as minority whip in the 107th Congress. When her predecessor, Richard Gephardt, D-MO, became minority leader in the 104th House,","Document [6](Title: Federal government of Brazil) to each state's population, but each state is eligible for a minimum of eight seats and a maximum of 70 seats. The result is a system weighted in favor of smaller states that are part of the Brazilian federation. Currently, 15 political parties are represented in Congress. Since it is common for politicians to switch parties, the proportion of congressional seats held by particular parties changes regularly. To avoid that, the Supreme Federal Court ruled in 2007 that the term belongs to the parties, and not to the representatives. Brazilian courts function under civil law adversarial system. The Judicial branch","Document [7](Title: 2014 State of the Union Address) The decision was made by House Speaker John Boehner and Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, the first Cuban-American person elected to Congress, gave a second response, delivering most of McMorris Rodgers' response in Spanish. In addition, Utah Senator Mike Lee gave an address in response to Obama's speech on behalf of the Tea Party Express. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul released his own address on YouTube and Facebook. He had previously given a response on behalf of the Tea Party Express in 2013. The four Republican responses were interpreted as a sign of the party's ideological","Document [8](Title: Prime Minister of Spain) into a two-party system between the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party and the People's Party, the two major parties usually adopt some aspects of the minor party platforms in an effort to attract them into parliamentary pacts to edge out their rival party in the event that no party is able to command an absolute majority of the Congress by themselves. The monarch is normally able to announce his nominee on the day following a general election. The monarch's order nominating a Prime Ministerial candidate is countersigned by the Speaker of the Congress, who then presents the nominee before the Congress","Document [9](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2016 Philippine presidential election) will furnish a report to be approved by majority vote by both House and Senate voting separately. Instead of the whole Congress canvassing the votes, a committee comprised evenly between the Senate and the House of Representatives will canvass the votes at the Batasang Pambansa Complex in Quezon City, the home of the House of Representatives. Senator Aquilino Pimentel III and House Majority Leader Neptali Gonzales II will co-chair the proceedings instead of Senate President Franklin Drilon and the House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte, Jr. Previously, the Senate President and the House Speaker played this role. The composition of the joint","Document [10](Title: Party leader) have been elected by popular vote since 1913. They currently include President of the Senate Mike Pence, President Pro Tempore of the United States Senate Orrin Hatch, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn on the Republican side, and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin. The Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives are elected by their respective parties in the House by secret ballot. The Republican Party is currently represented in the House by Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Majority Whip Steve Scalise, whereas the Democratic Party is represented","Document [11](Title: Political power in the United States over time) Political power in the United States over time Since 1855 the United States Congress has been dominated by a two party system comprised on one side by the Democratic Party and the Republican Party on the other. While other political parties over time have and may still exist, no other parties have possessed the support, organization and historical legacy these two parties do. Over the past 100 years the Democratic party has held power nearly twice as long as the Republicans in both the Senate and the House. And the Democratic party has had control of the White House and","Document [12](Title: Indian National Congress) is elected by the PCCs and members of the AICC; however, this procedure has often been by-passed by the Working Committee, which has elected its own candidate. The Congress Parliamentary Party (CPP) consists of elected MPs in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. There is also a Congress Legislative Party (CLP) leader in each state. The CLP consists of all Congress Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) in each state. In cases of states where the Congress is single-handedly ruling the government, the CLP leader is the Chief Minister. Other directly affiliated groups include: the National Students Union of India","Document [13](Title: Congress of the Philippines) Representatives. To determine the winning parties in the party-list election, a party must surpass the 2% election threshold of the national vote; usually, the party with the largest number of votes wins the maximum three seats, the rest two seats. If the number of seats of the parties that surpassed the 2% threshold is less than 20% of the total seats, the parties that won less than 2% of the vote gets one seat each until the 20% requirement is met. In what could be a unique setup, the two houses of Congres meet at different places in Metro Manila,","Document [14](Title: Eduardo Sua\u0301rez Mujica) 38 Stat. 1228). The statute reads as follows. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the thanks of Congress to their excellencies be, and they are hereby, presented to their excellencies Se\u00f1or Dom\u00edcio da Gama, Se\u00f1or R\u00f3mulo S. Na\u00f3n, and Se\u00f1or Eduardo Su\u00e1rez for their generous services as mediators in the controversy between the Government of the United States of America and the leaders of the warring parties in the Republic of Mexico. That the President of the United States is hereby authorized and requested to cause to be","Document [15](Title: Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives) Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives Party leaders and whips of the United States House of Representatives, also known as floor leaders, are elected by their respective parties in a closed-door caucus by secret ballot. With the Republicans holding a majority of seats and the Democrats holding a minority, the current leaders are: Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Majority Whip Steve Scalise, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer. Unlike in Westminster style legislatures or as with the Senate Majority Leader, the House Majority Leader's duties and prominence vary depending upon the style and power of","Document [16](Title: Congress of the Republic of Peru) run for but may run for such party as a guest. Each candidate is assigned a number within the list. The citizenry thus votes for the party of their preference directly. Additionally, voters may write two specific candidates' number on the ballot as their personal preference. The newly elected congress takes office on the 26th of July of the year of the election. Congressmen may not be tried or arrested without prior authorization from Congress from the time of their election until a month after the end of their term. Congressmen must follow the Congress' code of ethics which is","Document [17](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2010 Philippine presidential election) and Manny Villar) and vice president (Loren Legarda and Mar Roxas) are banned from attending the proceedings. Senators Miriam Defensor Santiago and Francis Escudero recused themselves for actively supporting candidates for president and vice president (Defensor Santiago herself was a guest senatorial candidate of four parties), while Estrada, who also recused himself, will only sit to provide quorum. Each political party is entitled to two lawyers who may file motions before Congress. On May 25, while the Senate approved the rules governing the proceedings quickly, House members took an hour to approve the rules. Joel Villanueva of CIBAC party-list predicted","Document [18](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2016 Philippine presidential election) congressional canvassing committee was announced on May 24, 2016. Members of Congress who ran for president (Grace Poe and Miriam Defensor Santiago) and vice president (Alan Peter Cayetano, Francis Escudero, Gregorio Honasan, Bongbong Marcos, Leni Robredo and Antonio Trillanes) are banned from attending the proceedings. Each political party is entitled to two lawyers who may file motions before Congress. All presidential candidates and 4 vice presidential candidates (except Honasan and Trillanes) have lawyers for the canvassing period. On May 25, before the start of canvassing, Didagen Dilangalen, lawyer of Bongbong Marcos, requested for separate canvassing of presidential and vice presidential","Document [19](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2010 Philippine presidential election) COCs. Instead of the whole Congress canvassing the votes, a committee comprised evenly between the Senate and the House of Representatives will canvass the votes at the Batasang Pambansa Complex in Quezon City, the home of the House of Representatives. The Senate President and the Speaker will co-chair the proceedings; previously, the majority leaders of both houses played this role. House Speaker Prospero Nograles announced the composition of the House delegation on May 21, as Senate Majority Floor Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri announced theirs on May 24. Members of Congress who ran for president (Noynoy Aquino, Richard Gordon, Jamby Madrigal,","Document [20](Title: Two-party system) parties but alliances of several smaller parties. Other smaller parties not aligned with either NDA or UPA exist, and overall command about 20% of the 2009 seats in the Lok Sabha and had further increased to 28% in 2014 general elections Most Latin American countries also have presidential systems very similar to the US often with winner takes all systems. Due to the common accumulation of power in the Presidential office both the official party and the main opposition became important political protagonists causing historically two-party systems. Some of the first manifestations of this particularity was with the liberals and"],"query":"how are leaders of the two parties in congress chosen?","answers":["Senate Republican Conference","Senate Democratic Caucus"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: National Congress of Brazil) common for politicians to switch parties and the proportion of congressional seats held by each party would often change. However, a decision of the Supreme Federal Court has ruled that the seats belong to the parties and not to the politicians, and that one can only change parties and retain his seat in a very limited set of cases. Consequently, politicians who abandon the party for which they were elected now face the loss of their Congressional seat. Each house of the Brazilian Congress elects its President and the other members of its directing board from among its members. The","Document [2](Title: ERepublik) name then they become the leaders of the party and they can choose their party candidates for congress (if party is ranked in the top 5 nationally) or presidency. On the fifth of every month eRepublik holds presidential elections, on the fifteenth the party presidential elections and on the twenty-fifth the congressional elections. Days before the presidential vote the top five parties will select a person to run for president, and then it is decided by a vote by the populace. The congress elections are more complicated than the rest. The party presidents of the top 5 parties select a","Document [3](Title: Page of the United States House of Representatives) of the House, and for minority Pages the decision is made by the minority leader. It is a general rule that only one nominee is permitted per representative, except for party leadership (although during the 104th Congress, Duke Cunningham successfully lobbied for the joint appointment of twin sisters from Encinitas, California and Gene Taylor successfully lobbied for the appointment of three Pages from the Gulf Coast during the 109th Congress after Hurricane Katrina). During the 110th Congress, Rep. Anna Eshoo (D) was allowed to appoint a set of twins as Democratic Pages during the second summer session. Also during the","Document [4](Title: Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives) are elected by their respective parties in a closed-door caucus by secret ballot. The Speaker-elect is also chosen in a closed-door session although they are formally installed in their position by a public vote when Congress reconvenes. Like the Speaker of the House, the Minority Leaders are typically experienced lawmakers when they win election to this position. When Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, became Minority Leader in the 108th Congress, she had served in the House nearly 20 years and had served as minority whip in the 107th Congress. When her predecessor, Richard Gephardt, D-MO, became minority leader in the 104th House,","Document [5](Title: Party leaders of the United States Senate) The Senate Majority and Minority Leaders are two United States Senators and members of the party leadership of the United States Senate. These leaders serve as the chief Senate spokespeople for the political parties respectively holding the majority and the minority in the United States Senate, and manage and schedule the legislative and executive business of the Senate. They are elected to their positions in the Senate by their respective party caucuses, the Senate Democratic Caucus and the Senate Republican Conference.","Document [6](Title: Federal government of Brazil) to each state's population, but each state is eligible for a minimum of eight seats and a maximum of 70 seats. The result is a system weighted in favor of smaller states that are part of the Brazilian federation. Currently, 15 political parties are represented in Congress. Since it is common for politicians to switch parties, the proportion of congressional seats held by particular parties changes regularly. To avoid that, the Supreme Federal Court ruled in 2007 that the term belongs to the parties, and not to the representatives. Brazilian courts function under civil law adversarial system. The Judicial branch","Document [7](Title: 2014 State of the Union Address) The decision was made by House Speaker John Boehner and Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, the first Cuban-American person elected to Congress, gave a second response, delivering most of McMorris Rodgers' response in Spanish. In addition, Utah Senator Mike Lee gave an address in response to Obama's speech on behalf of the Tea Party Express. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul released his own address on YouTube and Facebook. He had previously given a response on behalf of the Tea Party Express in 2013. The four Republican responses were interpreted as a sign of the party's ideological","Document [8](Title: Prime Minister of Spain) into a two-party system between the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party and the People's Party, the two major parties usually adopt some aspects of the minor party platforms in an effort to attract them into parliamentary pacts to edge out their rival party in the event that no party is able to command an absolute majority of the Congress by themselves. The monarch is normally able to announce his nominee on the day following a general election. The monarch's order nominating a Prime Ministerial candidate is countersigned by the Speaker of the Congress, who then presents the nominee before the Congress","Document [9](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2016 Philippine presidential election) will furnish a report to be approved by majority vote by both House and Senate voting separately. Instead of the whole Congress canvassing the votes, a committee comprised evenly between the Senate and the House of Representatives will canvass the votes at the Batasang Pambansa Complex in Quezon City, the home of the House of Representatives. Senator Aquilino Pimentel III and House Majority Leader Neptali Gonzales II will co-chair the proceedings instead of Senate President Franklin Drilon and the House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte, Jr. Previously, the Senate President and the House Speaker played this role. The composition of the joint","Document [10](Title: Party leader) have been elected by popular vote since 1913. They currently include President of the Senate Mike Pence, President Pro Tempore of the United States Senate Orrin Hatch, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn on the Republican side, and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin. The Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives are elected by their respective parties in the House by secret ballot. The Republican Party is currently represented in the House by Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Majority Whip Steve Scalise, whereas the Democratic Party is represented","Document [11](Title: Political power in the United States over time) Political power in the United States over time Since 1855 the United States Congress has been dominated by a two party system comprised on one side by the Democratic Party and the Republican Party on the other. While other political parties over time have and may still exist, no other parties have possessed the support, organization and historical legacy these two parties do. Over the past 100 years the Democratic party has held power nearly twice as long as the Republicans in both the Senate and the House. And the Democratic party has had control of the White House and","Document [12](Title: Indian National Congress) is elected by the PCCs and members of the AICC; however, this procedure has often been by-passed by the Working Committee, which has elected its own candidate. The Congress Parliamentary Party (CPP) consists of elected MPs in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. There is also a Congress Legislative Party (CLP) leader in each state. The CLP consists of all Congress Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) in each state. In cases of states where the Congress is single-handedly ruling the government, the CLP leader is the Chief Minister. Other directly affiliated groups include: the National Students Union of India","Document [13](Title: Congress of the Philippines) Representatives. To determine the winning parties in the party-list election, a party must surpass the 2% election threshold of the national vote; usually, the party with the largest number of votes wins the maximum three seats, the rest two seats. If the number of seats of the parties that surpassed the 2% threshold is less than 20% of the total seats, the parties that won less than 2% of the vote gets one seat each until the 20% requirement is met. In what could be a unique setup, the two houses of Congres meet at different places in Metro Manila,","Document [14](Title: Eduardo Sua\u0301rez Mujica) 38 Stat. 1228). The statute reads as follows. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the thanks of Congress to their excellencies be, and they are hereby, presented to their excellencies Se\u00f1or Dom\u00edcio da Gama, Se\u00f1or R\u00f3mulo S. Na\u00f3n, and Se\u00f1or Eduardo Su\u00e1rez for their generous services as mediators in the controversy between the Government of the United States of America and the leaders of the warring parties in the Republic of Mexico. That the President of the United States is hereby authorized and requested to cause to be","Document [15](Title: Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives) Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives Party leaders and whips of the United States House of Representatives, also known as floor leaders, are elected by their respective parties in a closed-door caucus by secret ballot. With the Republicans holding a majority of seats and the Democrats holding a minority, the current leaders are: Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Majority Whip Steve Scalise, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer. Unlike in Westminster style legislatures or as with the Senate Majority Leader, the House Majority Leader's duties and prominence vary depending upon the style and power of","Document [16](Title: Congress of the Republic of Peru) run for but may run for such party as a guest. Each candidate is assigned a number within the list. The citizenry thus votes for the party of their preference directly. Additionally, voters may write two specific candidates' number on the ballot as their personal preference. The newly elected congress takes office on the 26th of July of the year of the election. Congressmen may not be tried or arrested without prior authorization from Congress from the time of their election until a month after the end of their term. Congressmen must follow the Congress' code of ethics which is","Document [17](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2010 Philippine presidential election) and Manny Villar) and vice president (Loren Legarda and Mar Roxas) are banned from attending the proceedings. Senators Miriam Defensor Santiago and Francis Escudero recused themselves for actively supporting candidates for president and vice president (Defensor Santiago herself was a guest senatorial candidate of four parties), while Estrada, who also recused himself, will only sit to provide quorum. Each political party is entitled to two lawyers who may file motions before Congress. On May 25, while the Senate approved the rules governing the proceedings quickly, House members took an hour to approve the rules. Joel Villanueva of CIBAC party-list predicted","Document [18](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2016 Philippine presidential election) congressional canvassing committee was announced on May 24, 2016. Members of Congress who ran for president (Grace Poe and Miriam Defensor Santiago) and vice president (Alan Peter Cayetano, Francis Escudero, Gregorio Honasan, Bongbong Marcos, Leni Robredo and Antonio Trillanes) are banned from attending the proceedings. Each political party is entitled to two lawyers who may file motions before Congress. All presidential candidates and 4 vice presidential candidates (except Honasan and Trillanes) have lawyers for the canvassing period. On May 25, before the start of canvassing, Didagen Dilangalen, lawyer of Bongbong Marcos, requested for separate canvassing of presidential and vice presidential","Document [19](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2010 Philippine presidential election) COCs. Instead of the whole Congress canvassing the votes, a committee comprised evenly between the Senate and the House of Representatives will canvass the votes at the Batasang Pambansa Complex in Quezon City, the home of the House of Representatives. The Senate President and the Speaker will co-chair the proceedings; previously, the majority leaders of both houses played this role. House Speaker Prospero Nograles announced the composition of the House delegation on May 21, as Senate Majority Floor Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri announced theirs on May 24. Members of Congress who ran for president (Noynoy Aquino, Richard Gordon, Jamby Madrigal,","Document [20](Title: Two-party system) parties but alliances of several smaller parties. Other smaller parties not aligned with either NDA or UPA exist, and overall command about 20% of the 2009 seats in the Lok Sabha and had further increased to 28% in 2014 general elections Most Latin American countries also have presidential systems very similar to the US often with winner takes all systems. Due to the common accumulation of power in the Presidential office both the official party and the main opposition became important political protagonists causing historically two-party systems. Some of the first manifestations of this particularity was with the liberals and"],"query":"how are leaders of the two parties in congress chosen?","answers":["Senate Republican Conference","Senate Democratic Caucus"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: National Congress of Brazil) common for politicians to switch parties and the proportion of congressional seats held by each party would often change. However, a decision of the Supreme Federal Court has ruled that the seats belong to the parties and not to the politicians, and that one can only change parties and retain his seat in a very limited set of cases. Consequently, politicians who abandon the party for which they were elected now face the loss of their Congressional seat. Each house of the Brazilian Congress elects its President and the other members of its directing board from among its members. The","Document [2](Title: ERepublik) name then they become the leaders of the party and they can choose their party candidates for congress (if party is ranked in the top 5 nationally) or presidency. On the fifth of every month eRepublik holds presidential elections, on the fifteenth the party presidential elections and on the twenty-fifth the congressional elections. Days before the presidential vote the top five parties will select a person to run for president, and then it is decided by a vote by the populace. The congress elections are more complicated than the rest. The party presidents of the top 5 parties select a","Document [3](Title: Page of the United States House of Representatives) of the House, and for minority Pages the decision is made by the minority leader. It is a general rule that only one nominee is permitted per representative, except for party leadership (although during the 104th Congress, Duke Cunningham successfully lobbied for the joint appointment of twin sisters from Encinitas, California and Gene Taylor successfully lobbied for the appointment of three Pages from the Gulf Coast during the 109th Congress after Hurricane Katrina). During the 110th Congress, Rep. Anna Eshoo (D) was allowed to appoint a set of twins as Democratic Pages during the second summer session. Also during the","Document [4](Title: Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives) are elected by their respective parties in a closed-door caucus by secret ballot. The Speaker-elect is also chosen in a closed-door session although they are formally installed in their position by a public vote when Congress reconvenes. Like the Speaker of the House, the Minority Leaders are typically experienced lawmakers when they win election to this position. When Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, became Minority Leader in the 108th Congress, she had served in the House nearly 20 years and had served as minority whip in the 107th Congress. When her predecessor, Richard Gephardt, D-MO, became minority leader in the 104th House,","Document [5](Title: Federal government of Brazil) to each state's population, but each state is eligible for a minimum of eight seats and a maximum of 70 seats. The result is a system weighted in favor of smaller states that are part of the Brazilian federation. Currently, 15 political parties are represented in Congress. Since it is common for politicians to switch parties, the proportion of congressional seats held by particular parties changes regularly. To avoid that, the Supreme Federal Court ruled in 2007 that the term belongs to the parties, and not to the representatives. Brazilian courts function under civil law adversarial system. The Judicial branch","Document [6](Title: 2014 State of the Union Address) The decision was made by House Speaker John Boehner and Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, the first Cuban-American person elected to Congress, gave a second response, delivering most of McMorris Rodgers' response in Spanish. In addition, Utah Senator Mike Lee gave an address in response to Obama's speech on behalf of the Tea Party Express. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul released his own address on YouTube and Facebook. He had previously given a response on behalf of the Tea Party Express in 2013. The four Republican responses were interpreted as a sign of the party's ideological","Document [7](Title: Prime Minister of Spain) into a two-party system between the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party and the People's Party, the two major parties usually adopt some aspects of the minor party platforms in an effort to attract them into parliamentary pacts to edge out their rival party in the event that no party is able to command an absolute majority of the Congress by themselves. The monarch is normally able to announce his nominee on the day following a general election. The monarch's order nominating a Prime Ministerial candidate is countersigned by the Speaker of the Congress, who then presents the nominee before the Congress","Document [8](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2016 Philippine presidential election) will furnish a report to be approved by majority vote by both House and Senate voting separately. Instead of the whole Congress canvassing the votes, a committee comprised evenly between the Senate and the House of Representatives will canvass the votes at the Batasang Pambansa Complex in Quezon City, the home of the House of Representatives. Senator Aquilino Pimentel III and House Majority Leader Neptali Gonzales II will co-chair the proceedings instead of Senate President Franklin Drilon and the House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte, Jr. Previously, the Senate President and the House Speaker played this role. The composition of the joint","Document [9](Title: Party leader) have been elected by popular vote since 1913. They currently include President of the Senate Mike Pence, President Pro Tempore of the United States Senate Orrin Hatch, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn on the Republican side, and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin. The Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives are elected by their respective parties in the House by secret ballot. The Republican Party is currently represented in the House by Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Majority Whip Steve Scalise, whereas the Democratic Party is represented","Document [10](Title: Party leaders of the United States Senate) The Senate Majority and Minority Leaders are two United States Senators and members of the party leadership of the United States Senate. These leaders serve as the chief Senate spokespeople for the political parties respectively holding the majority and the minority in the United States Senate, and manage and schedule the legislative and executive business of the Senate. They are elected to their positions in the Senate by their respective party caucuses, the Senate Democratic Caucus and the Senate Republican Conference.","Document [11](Title: Political power in the United States over time) Political power in the United States over time Since 1855 the United States Congress has been dominated by a two party system comprised on one side by the Democratic Party and the Republican Party on the other. While other political parties over time have and may still exist, no other parties have possessed the support, organization and historical legacy these two parties do. Over the past 100 years the Democratic party has held power nearly twice as long as the Republicans in both the Senate and the House. And the Democratic party has had control of the White House and","Document [12](Title: Indian National Congress) is elected by the PCCs and members of the AICC; however, this procedure has often been by-passed by the Working Committee, which has elected its own candidate. The Congress Parliamentary Party (CPP) consists of elected MPs in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. There is also a Congress Legislative Party (CLP) leader in each state. The CLP consists of all Congress Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) in each state. In cases of states where the Congress is single-handedly ruling the government, the CLP leader is the Chief Minister. Other directly affiliated groups include: the National Students Union of India","Document [13](Title: Congress of the Philippines) Representatives. To determine the winning parties in the party-list election, a party must surpass the 2% election threshold of the national vote; usually, the party with the largest number of votes wins the maximum three seats, the rest two seats. If the number of seats of the parties that surpassed the 2% threshold is less than 20% of the total seats, the parties that won less than 2% of the vote gets one seat each until the 20% requirement is met. In what could be a unique setup, the two houses of Congres meet at different places in Metro Manila,","Document [14](Title: Eduardo Sua\u0301rez Mujica) 38 Stat. 1228). The statute reads as follows. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the thanks of Congress to their excellencies be, and they are hereby, presented to their excellencies Se\u00f1or Dom\u00edcio da Gama, Se\u00f1or R\u00f3mulo S. Na\u00f3n, and Se\u00f1or Eduardo Su\u00e1rez for their generous services as mediators in the controversy between the Government of the United States of America and the leaders of the warring parties in the Republic of Mexico. That the President of the United States is hereby authorized and requested to cause to be","Document [15](Title: Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives) Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives Party leaders and whips of the United States House of Representatives, also known as floor leaders, are elected by their respective parties in a closed-door caucus by secret ballot. With the Republicans holding a majority of seats and the Democrats holding a minority, the current leaders are: Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Majority Whip Steve Scalise, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer. Unlike in Westminster style legislatures or as with the Senate Majority Leader, the House Majority Leader's duties and prominence vary depending upon the style and power of","Document [16](Title: Congress of the Republic of Peru) run for but may run for such party as a guest. Each candidate is assigned a number within the list. The citizenry thus votes for the party of their preference directly. Additionally, voters may write two specific candidates' number on the ballot as their personal preference. The newly elected congress takes office on the 26th of July of the year of the election. Congressmen may not be tried or arrested without prior authorization from Congress from the time of their election until a month after the end of their term. Congressmen must follow the Congress' code of ethics which is","Document [17](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2010 Philippine presidential election) and Manny Villar) and vice president (Loren Legarda and Mar Roxas) are banned from attending the proceedings. Senators Miriam Defensor Santiago and Francis Escudero recused themselves for actively supporting candidates for president and vice president (Defensor Santiago herself was a guest senatorial candidate of four parties), while Estrada, who also recused himself, will only sit to provide quorum. Each political party is entitled to two lawyers who may file motions before Congress. On May 25, while the Senate approved the rules governing the proceedings quickly, House members took an hour to approve the rules. Joel Villanueva of CIBAC party-list predicted","Document [18](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2016 Philippine presidential election) congressional canvassing committee was announced on May 24, 2016. Members of Congress who ran for president (Grace Poe and Miriam Defensor Santiago) and vice president (Alan Peter Cayetano, Francis Escudero, Gregorio Honasan, Bongbong Marcos, Leni Robredo and Antonio Trillanes) are banned from attending the proceedings. Each political party is entitled to two lawyers who may file motions before Congress. All presidential candidates and 4 vice presidential candidates (except Honasan and Trillanes) have lawyers for the canvassing period. On May 25, before the start of canvassing, Didagen Dilangalen, lawyer of Bongbong Marcos, requested for separate canvassing of presidential and vice presidential","Document [19](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2010 Philippine presidential election) COCs. Instead of the whole Congress canvassing the votes, a committee comprised evenly between the Senate and the House of Representatives will canvass the votes at the Batasang Pambansa Complex in Quezon City, the home of the House of Representatives. The Senate President and the Speaker will co-chair the proceedings; previously, the majority leaders of both houses played this role. House Speaker Prospero Nograles announced the composition of the House delegation on May 21, as Senate Majority Floor Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri announced theirs on May 24. Members of Congress who ran for president (Noynoy Aquino, Richard Gordon, Jamby Madrigal,","Document [20](Title: Two-party system) parties but alliances of several smaller parties. Other smaller parties not aligned with either NDA or UPA exist, and overall command about 20% of the 2009 seats in the Lok Sabha and had further increased to 28% in 2014 general elections Most Latin American countries also have presidential systems very similar to the US often with winner takes all systems. Due to the common accumulation of power in the Presidential office both the official party and the main opposition became important political protagonists causing historically two-party systems. Some of the first manifestations of this particularity was with the liberals and"],"query":"how are leaders of the two parties in congress chosen?","answers":["Senate Republican Conference","Senate Democratic Caucus"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: National Congress of Brazil) common for politicians to switch parties and the proportion of congressional seats held by each party would often change. However, a decision of the Supreme Federal Court has ruled that the seats belong to the parties and not to the politicians, and that one can only change parties and retain his seat in a very limited set of cases. Consequently, politicians who abandon the party for which they were elected now face the loss of their Congressional seat. Each house of the Brazilian Congress elects its President and the other members of its directing board from among its members. The","Document [2](Title: ERepublik) name then they become the leaders of the party and they can choose their party candidates for congress (if party is ranked in the top 5 nationally) or presidency. On the fifth of every month eRepublik holds presidential elections, on the fifteenth the party presidential elections and on the twenty-fifth the congressional elections. Days before the presidential vote the top five parties will select a person to run for president, and then it is decided by a vote by the populace. The congress elections are more complicated than the rest. The party presidents of the top 5 parties select a","Document [3](Title: Page of the United States House of Representatives) of the House, and for minority Pages the decision is made by the minority leader. It is a general rule that only one nominee is permitted per representative, except for party leadership (although during the 104th Congress, Duke Cunningham successfully lobbied for the joint appointment of twin sisters from Encinitas, California and Gene Taylor successfully lobbied for the appointment of three Pages from the Gulf Coast during the 109th Congress after Hurricane Katrina). During the 110th Congress, Rep. Anna Eshoo (D) was allowed to appoint a set of twins as Democratic Pages during the second summer session. Also during the","Document [4](Title: Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives) are elected by their respective parties in a closed-door caucus by secret ballot. The Speaker-elect is also chosen in a closed-door session although they are formally installed in their position by a public vote when Congress reconvenes. Like the Speaker of the House, the Minority Leaders are typically experienced lawmakers when they win election to this position. When Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, became Minority Leader in the 108th Congress, she had served in the House nearly 20 years and had served as minority whip in the 107th Congress. When her predecessor, Richard Gephardt, D-MO, became minority leader in the 104th House,","Document [5](Title: Federal government of Brazil) to each state's population, but each state is eligible for a minimum of eight seats and a maximum of 70 seats. The result is a system weighted in favor of smaller states that are part of the Brazilian federation. Currently, 15 political parties are represented in Congress. Since it is common for politicians to switch parties, the proportion of congressional seats held by particular parties changes regularly. To avoid that, the Supreme Federal Court ruled in 2007 that the term belongs to the parties, and not to the representatives. Brazilian courts function under civil law adversarial system. The Judicial branch","Document [6](Title: 2014 State of the Union Address) The decision was made by House Speaker John Boehner and Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, the first Cuban-American person elected to Congress, gave a second response, delivering most of McMorris Rodgers' response in Spanish. In addition, Utah Senator Mike Lee gave an address in response to Obama's speech on behalf of the Tea Party Express. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul released his own address on YouTube and Facebook. He had previously given a response on behalf of the Tea Party Express in 2013. The four Republican responses were interpreted as a sign of the party's ideological","Document [7](Title: Prime Minister of Spain) into a two-party system between the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party and the People's Party, the two major parties usually adopt some aspects of the minor party platforms in an effort to attract them into parliamentary pacts to edge out their rival party in the event that no party is able to command an absolute majority of the Congress by themselves. The monarch is normally able to announce his nominee on the day following a general election. The monarch's order nominating a Prime Ministerial candidate is countersigned by the Speaker of the Congress, who then presents the nominee before the Congress","Document [8](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2016 Philippine presidential election) will furnish a report to be approved by majority vote by both House and Senate voting separately. Instead of the whole Congress canvassing the votes, a committee comprised evenly between the Senate and the House of Representatives will canvass the votes at the Batasang Pambansa Complex in Quezon City, the home of the House of Representatives. Senator Aquilino Pimentel III and House Majority Leader Neptali Gonzales II will co-chair the proceedings instead of Senate President Franklin Drilon and the House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte, Jr. Previously, the Senate President and the House Speaker played this role. The composition of the joint","Document [9](Title: Party leader) have been elected by popular vote since 1913. They currently include President of the Senate Mike Pence, President Pro Tempore of the United States Senate Orrin Hatch, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn on the Republican side, and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin. The Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives are elected by their respective parties in the House by secret ballot. The Republican Party is currently represented in the House by Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Majority Whip Steve Scalise, whereas the Democratic Party is represented","Document [10](Title: Political power in the United States over time) Political power in the United States over time Since 1855 the United States Congress has been dominated by a two party system comprised on one side by the Democratic Party and the Republican Party on the other. While other political parties over time have and may still exist, no other parties have possessed the support, organization and historical legacy these two parties do. Over the past 100 years the Democratic party has held power nearly twice as long as the Republicans in both the Senate and the House. And the Democratic party has had control of the White House and","Document [11](Title: Indian National Congress) is elected by the PCCs and members of the AICC; however, this procedure has often been by-passed by the Working Committee, which has elected its own candidate. The Congress Parliamentary Party (CPP) consists of elected MPs in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. There is also a Congress Legislative Party (CLP) leader in each state. The CLP consists of all Congress Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) in each state. In cases of states where the Congress is single-handedly ruling the government, the CLP leader is the Chief Minister. Other directly affiliated groups include: the National Students Union of India","Document [12](Title: Congress of the Philippines) Representatives. To determine the winning parties in the party-list election, a party must surpass the 2% election threshold of the national vote; usually, the party with the largest number of votes wins the maximum three seats, the rest two seats. If the number of seats of the parties that surpassed the 2% threshold is less than 20% of the total seats, the parties that won less than 2% of the vote gets one seat each until the 20% requirement is met. In what could be a unique setup, the two houses of Congres meet at different places in Metro Manila,","Document [13](Title: Eduardo Sua\u0301rez Mujica) 38 Stat. 1228). The statute reads as follows. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the thanks of Congress to their excellencies be, and they are hereby, presented to their excellencies Se\u00f1or Dom\u00edcio da Gama, Se\u00f1or R\u00f3mulo S. Na\u00f3n, and Se\u00f1or Eduardo Su\u00e1rez for their generous services as mediators in the controversy between the Government of the United States of America and the leaders of the warring parties in the Republic of Mexico. That the President of the United States is hereby authorized and requested to cause to be","Document [14](Title: Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives) Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives Party leaders and whips of the United States House of Representatives, also known as floor leaders, are elected by their respective parties in a closed-door caucus by secret ballot. With the Republicans holding a majority of seats and the Democrats holding a minority, the current leaders are: Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Majority Whip Steve Scalise, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer. Unlike in Westminster style legislatures or as with the Senate Majority Leader, the House Majority Leader's duties and prominence vary depending upon the style and power of","Document [15](Title: Party leaders of the United States Senate) The Senate Majority and Minority Leaders are two United States Senators and members of the party leadership of the United States Senate. These leaders serve as the chief Senate spokespeople for the political parties respectively holding the majority and the minority in the United States Senate, and manage and schedule the legislative and executive business of the Senate. They are elected to their positions in the Senate by their respective party caucuses, the Senate Democratic Caucus and the Senate Republican Conference.","Document [16](Title: Congress of the Republic of Peru) run for but may run for such party as a guest. Each candidate is assigned a number within the list. The citizenry thus votes for the party of their preference directly. Additionally, voters may write two specific candidates' number on the ballot as their personal preference. The newly elected congress takes office on the 26th of July of the year of the election. Congressmen may not be tried or arrested without prior authorization from Congress from the time of their election until a month after the end of their term. Congressmen must follow the Congress' code of ethics which is","Document [17](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2010 Philippine presidential election) and Manny Villar) and vice president (Loren Legarda and Mar Roxas) are banned from attending the proceedings. Senators Miriam Defensor Santiago and Francis Escudero recused themselves for actively supporting candidates for president and vice president (Defensor Santiago herself was a guest senatorial candidate of four parties), while Estrada, who also recused himself, will only sit to provide quorum. Each political party is entitled to two lawyers who may file motions before Congress. On May 25, while the Senate approved the rules governing the proceedings quickly, House members took an hour to approve the rules. Joel Villanueva of CIBAC party-list predicted","Document [18](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2016 Philippine presidential election) congressional canvassing committee was announced on May 24, 2016. Members of Congress who ran for president (Grace Poe and Miriam Defensor Santiago) and vice president (Alan Peter Cayetano, Francis Escudero, Gregorio Honasan, Bongbong Marcos, Leni Robredo and Antonio Trillanes) are banned from attending the proceedings. Each political party is entitled to two lawyers who may file motions before Congress. All presidential candidates and 4 vice presidential candidates (except Honasan and Trillanes) have lawyers for the canvassing period. On May 25, before the start of canvassing, Didagen Dilangalen, lawyer of Bongbong Marcos, requested for separate canvassing of presidential and vice presidential","Document [19](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2010 Philippine presidential election) COCs. Instead of the whole Congress canvassing the votes, a committee comprised evenly between the Senate and the House of Representatives will canvass the votes at the Batasang Pambansa Complex in Quezon City, the home of the House of Representatives. The Senate President and the Speaker will co-chair the proceedings; previously, the majority leaders of both houses played this role. House Speaker Prospero Nograles announced the composition of the House delegation on May 21, as Senate Majority Floor Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri announced theirs on May 24. Members of Congress who ran for president (Noynoy Aquino, Richard Gordon, Jamby Madrigal,","Document [20](Title: Two-party system) parties but alliances of several smaller parties. Other smaller parties not aligned with either NDA or UPA exist, and overall command about 20% of the 2009 seats in the Lok Sabha and had further increased to 28% in 2014 general elections Most Latin American countries also have presidential systems very similar to the US often with winner takes all systems. Due to the common accumulation of power in the Presidential office both the official party and the main opposition became important political protagonists causing historically two-party systems. Some of the first manifestations of this particularity was with the liberals and"],"query":"how are leaders of the two parties in congress chosen?","answers":["Senate Republican Conference","Senate Democratic Caucus"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: National Congress of Brazil) common for politicians to switch parties and the proportion of congressional seats held by each party would often change. However, a decision of the Supreme Federal Court has ruled that the seats belong to the parties and not to the politicians, and that one can only change parties and retain his seat in a very limited set of cases. Consequently, politicians who abandon the party for which they were elected now face the loss of their Congressional seat. Each house of the Brazilian Congress elects its President and the other members of its directing board from among its members. The","Document [2](Title: ERepublik) name then they become the leaders of the party and they can choose their party candidates for congress (if party is ranked in the top 5 nationally) or presidency. On the fifth of every month eRepublik holds presidential elections, on the fifteenth the party presidential elections and on the twenty-fifth the congressional elections. Days before the presidential vote the top five parties will select a person to run for president, and then it is decided by a vote by the populace. The congress elections are more complicated than the rest. The party presidents of the top 5 parties select a","Document [3](Title: Page of the United States House of Representatives) of the House, and for minority Pages the decision is made by the minority leader. It is a general rule that only one nominee is permitted per representative, except for party leadership (although during the 104th Congress, Duke Cunningham successfully lobbied for the joint appointment of twin sisters from Encinitas, California and Gene Taylor successfully lobbied for the appointment of three Pages from the Gulf Coast during the 109th Congress after Hurricane Katrina). During the 110th Congress, Rep. Anna Eshoo (D) was allowed to appoint a set of twins as Democratic Pages during the second summer session. Also during the","Document [4](Title: Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives) are elected by their respective parties in a closed-door caucus by secret ballot. The Speaker-elect is also chosen in a closed-door session although they are formally installed in their position by a public vote when Congress reconvenes. Like the Speaker of the House, the Minority Leaders are typically experienced lawmakers when they win election to this position. When Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, became Minority Leader in the 108th Congress, she had served in the House nearly 20 years and had served as minority whip in the 107th Congress. When her predecessor, Richard Gephardt, D-MO, became minority leader in the 104th House,","Document [5](Title: Federal government of Brazil) to each state's population, but each state is eligible for a minimum of eight seats and a maximum of 70 seats. The result is a system weighted in favor of smaller states that are part of the Brazilian federation. Currently, 15 political parties are represented in Congress. Since it is common for politicians to switch parties, the proportion of congressional seats held by particular parties changes regularly. To avoid that, the Supreme Federal Court ruled in 2007 that the term belongs to the parties, and not to the representatives. Brazilian courts function under civil law adversarial system. The Judicial branch","Document [6](Title: 2014 State of the Union Address) The decision was made by House Speaker John Boehner and Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell. Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, the first Cuban-American person elected to Congress, gave a second response, delivering most of McMorris Rodgers' response in Spanish. In addition, Utah Senator Mike Lee gave an address in response to Obama's speech on behalf of the Tea Party Express. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul released his own address on YouTube and Facebook. He had previously given a response on behalf of the Tea Party Express in 2013. The four Republican responses were interpreted as a sign of the party's ideological","Document [7](Title: Prime Minister of Spain) into a two-party system between the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party and the People's Party, the two major parties usually adopt some aspects of the minor party platforms in an effort to attract them into parliamentary pacts to edge out their rival party in the event that no party is able to command an absolute majority of the Congress by themselves. The monarch is normally able to announce his nominee on the day following a general election. The monarch's order nominating a Prime Ministerial candidate is countersigned by the Speaker of the Congress, who then presents the nominee before the Congress","Document [8](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2016 Philippine presidential election) will furnish a report to be approved by majority vote by both House and Senate voting separately. Instead of the whole Congress canvassing the votes, a committee comprised evenly between the Senate and the House of Representatives will canvass the votes at the Batasang Pambansa Complex in Quezon City, the home of the House of Representatives. Senator Aquilino Pimentel III and House Majority Leader Neptali Gonzales II will co-chair the proceedings instead of Senate President Franklin Drilon and the House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte, Jr. Previously, the Senate President and the House Speaker played this role. The composition of the joint","Document [9](Title: Party leader) have been elected by popular vote since 1913. They currently include President of the Senate Mike Pence, President Pro Tempore of the United States Senate Orrin Hatch, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn on the Republican side, and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin. The Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives are elected by their respective parties in the House by secret ballot. The Republican Party is currently represented in the House by Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Majority Whip Steve Scalise, whereas the Democratic Party is represented","Document [10](Title: Political power in the United States over time) Political power in the United States over time Since 1855 the United States Congress has been dominated by a two party system comprised on one side by the Democratic Party and the Republican Party on the other. While other political parties over time have and may still exist, no other parties have possessed the support, organization and historical legacy these two parties do. Over the past 100 years the Democratic party has held power nearly twice as long as the Republicans in both the Senate and the House. And the Democratic party has had control of the White House and","Document [11](Title: Indian National Congress) is elected by the PCCs and members of the AICC; however, this procedure has often been by-passed by the Working Committee, which has elected its own candidate. The Congress Parliamentary Party (CPP) consists of elected MPs in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. There is also a Congress Legislative Party (CLP) leader in each state. The CLP consists of all Congress Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) in each state. In cases of states where the Congress is single-handedly ruling the government, the CLP leader is the Chief Minister. Other directly affiliated groups include: the National Students Union of India","Document [12](Title: Congress of the Philippines) Representatives. To determine the winning parties in the party-list election, a party must surpass the 2% election threshold of the national vote; usually, the party with the largest number of votes wins the maximum three seats, the rest two seats. If the number of seats of the parties that surpassed the 2% threshold is less than 20% of the total seats, the parties that won less than 2% of the vote gets one seat each until the 20% requirement is met. In what could be a unique setup, the two houses of Congres meet at different places in Metro Manila,","Document [13](Title: Eduardo Sua\u0301rez Mujica) 38 Stat. 1228). The statute reads as follows. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the thanks of Congress to their excellencies be, and they are hereby, presented to their excellencies Se\u00f1or Dom\u00edcio da Gama, Se\u00f1or R\u00f3mulo S. Na\u00f3n, and Se\u00f1or Eduardo Su\u00e1rez for their generous services as mediators in the controversy between the Government of the United States of America and the leaders of the warring parties in the Republic of Mexico. That the President of the United States is hereby authorized and requested to cause to be","Document [14](Title: Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives) Party leaders of the United States House of Representatives Party leaders and whips of the United States House of Representatives, also known as floor leaders, are elected by their respective parties in a closed-door caucus by secret ballot. With the Republicans holding a majority of seats and the Democrats holding a minority, the current leaders are: Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Majority Whip Steve Scalise, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer. Unlike in Westminster style legislatures or as with the Senate Majority Leader, the House Majority Leader's duties and prominence vary depending upon the style and power of","Document [15](Title: Congress of the Republic of Peru) run for but may run for such party as a guest. Each candidate is assigned a number within the list. The citizenry thus votes for the party of their preference directly. Additionally, voters may write two specific candidates' number on the ballot as their personal preference. The newly elected congress takes office on the 26th of July of the year of the election. Congressmen may not be tried or arrested without prior authorization from Congress from the time of their election until a month after the end of their term. Congressmen must follow the Congress' code of ethics which is","Document [16](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2010 Philippine presidential election) and Manny Villar) and vice president (Loren Legarda and Mar Roxas) are banned from attending the proceedings. Senators Miriam Defensor Santiago and Francis Escudero recused themselves for actively supporting candidates for president and vice president (Defensor Santiago herself was a guest senatorial candidate of four parties), while Estrada, who also recused himself, will only sit to provide quorum. Each political party is entitled to two lawyers who may file motions before Congress. On May 25, while the Senate approved the rules governing the proceedings quickly, House members took an hour to approve the rules. Joel Villanueva of CIBAC party-list predicted","Document [17](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2016 Philippine presidential election) congressional canvassing committee was announced on May 24, 2016. Members of Congress who ran for president (Grace Poe and Miriam Defensor Santiago) and vice president (Alan Peter Cayetano, Francis Escudero, Gregorio Honasan, Bongbong Marcos, Leni Robredo and Antonio Trillanes) are banned from attending the proceedings. Each political party is entitled to two lawyers who may file motions before Congress. All presidential candidates and 4 vice presidential candidates (except Honasan and Trillanes) have lawyers for the canvassing period. On May 25, before the start of canvassing, Didagen Dilangalen, lawyer of Bongbong Marcos, requested for separate canvassing of presidential and vice presidential","Document [18](Title: Congressional canvass for the 2010 Philippine presidential election) COCs. Instead of the whole Congress canvassing the votes, a committee comprised evenly between the Senate and the House of Representatives will canvass the votes at the Batasang Pambansa Complex in Quezon City, the home of the House of Representatives. The Senate President and the Speaker will co-chair the proceedings; previously, the majority leaders of both houses played this role. House Speaker Prospero Nograles announced the composition of the House delegation on May 21, as Senate Majority Floor Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri announced theirs on May 24. Members of Congress who ran for president (Noynoy Aquino, Richard Gordon, Jamby Madrigal,","Document [19](Title: Two-party system) parties but alliances of several smaller parties. Other smaller parties not aligned with either NDA or UPA exist, and overall command about 20% of the 2009 seats in the Lok Sabha and had further increased to 28% in 2014 general elections Most Latin American countries also have presidential systems very similar to the US often with winner takes all systems. Due to the common accumulation of power in the Presidential office both the official party and the main opposition became important political protagonists causing historically two-party systems. Some of the first manifestations of this particularity was with the liberals and","Document [20](Title: Party leaders of the United States Senate) The Senate Majority and Minority Leaders are two United States Senators and members of the party leadership of the United States Senate. These leaders serve as the chief Senate spokespeople for the political parties respectively holding the majority and the minority in the United States Senate, and manage and schedule the legislative and executive business of the Senate. They are elected to their positions in the Senate by their respective party caucuses, the Senate Democratic Caucus and the Senate Republican Conference."],"query":"how are leaders of the two parties in congress chosen?","answers":["Senate Republican Conference","Senate Democratic Caucus"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Lord's Prayer) Two versions of this prayer are recorded: the long form in the Gospel of Matthew in the middle of the Sermon on the Mount, and the short form in the Gospel of Luke when \"one of his disciples said to him, 'Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.'\"","Document [2](Title: Lord's Prayer) not in all. Older English translations of the Bible, based on late Byzantine Greek manuscripts, included it, but it is excluded in critical editions of the New Testament, such as that of the United Bible Societies. It is absent in the oldest manuscripts and is not considered to be part of the original text of \u2013. The Catholic Church has never attached it to the Lord's Prayer, but has included it in the Roman Rite Mass as revised in 1969, not as part of the Our Father but separated from it by a prayer called the embolism spoken or sung","Document [3](Title: Lord's Prayer) in 52 oriental languages, most of them not previously found in such collections, translated by the brethren of the Serampore Mission and printed at the mission press there in 1818. There are similarities between the Lord's Prayer and both biblical and post-biblical material in Jewish prayer especially Kiddushin 81a (Babylonian). \"Our Father which art in heaven\" (\u05d0\u05d1\u05d9\u05e0\u05d5 \u05e9\u05d1\u05e9\u05de\u05d9\u05dd, Avinu shebashamayim) is the beginning of many Hebrew prayers. \"Hallowed be thy name\" is reflected in the Kaddish. \"Lead us not into sin\" is echoed in the \"morning blessings\" of Jewish prayer. A blessing said by some Jewish communities after the evening","Document [4](Title: Prayer) (e.g. ) is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. The Lord's Prayer is a model for prayers of adoration, confession and petition in Christianity. In medieval England, prayers (particularly the \"paternoster\") were frequently used as a measure of time in medical and culinary recipe books. Christians generally pray to God or to the Father. Some Christians (e.g., Catholics, Orthodox) will also ask the righteous in heaven and \"in Christ,\" such as Virgin Mary or other saints to intercede by praying on their behalf (intercession of saints). Formulaic closures include \"through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and","Document [5](Title: Lord's Prayer) a doxology, a later addendum appearing in some manuscripts of Matthew. Initial words on the topic from the \"Catechism of the Catholic Church\" teach that it \"is truly the summary of the whole gospel\". The prayer is used by most Christian churches in their worship; with few exceptions, the liturgical form is the Matthean. Although theological differences and various modes of worship divide Christians, according to Fuller Seminary professor Clayton Schmit, \"there is a sense of solidarity in knowing that Christians around the globe are praying together ... and these words always unite us.\" In biblical criticism, the prayer's absence","Document [6](Title: Lord's Prayer) the Lord's Prayer with the doxology, sometimes without. Most Protestants append it to the Lord's Prayer. In the course of Christianization, one of the first texts to be translated between many languages has historically been the Lord's Prayer, long before the full Bible would be translated into the respective languages. Since the 16th century, collections of translations of the prayer have often been used for a quick comparison of languages. The first such collection, with 22 versions, was \"Mithridates de differentis linguis\" by Conrad Gessner (1555; the title refers to Mithridates VI of Pontus who according to Pliny the Elder","Document [7](Title: Christian prayer) Christian prayer Prayer is an important activity in Christianity, and there are several different forms of \"Christian prayer\". \"Christian prayers\" are diverse: they can be completely spontaneous, or read entirely from a text, like the Anglican Book of Common Prayer. The most common prayer among Christians is the \"Lord's Prayer\", which according to the gospel accounts (e.g. ) is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. \"The Lord's Prayer\" is a model for prayers of adoration, confession and petition in Christianity. A broad, three stage characterization of prayer begins with vocal prayer, then moves on to a more structured form","Document [8](Title: Lord's Prayer) the prayer, the priest sings \"For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.\" Latin Church Roman Catholics do not use the doxology when reciting the Lord's Prayer, because it is not part of their received liturgical tradition and is not found in the Latin Vulgate of St. Jerome. Since 1970 it is included in the Roman Rite Mass as an independent item, not as part of the Lord's Prayer. The Anglican Book of Common Prayer sometimes gives","Document [9](Title: Prayer, meditation and contemplation in Christianity) Prayer, which according to the gospel accounts (e.g. ) is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. The Lord's prayer is a model for prayers of adoration, confession and petition in Christianity. The first centuries of Christianity witnessed an intense growth in religious literature and these often included prayers. The prayers recorded in early Christian literature can be categorized into six types: petition (including intercession), thanksgiving, blessing (or benediction), praise, confession and finally a small number of lamentations. The first five of these types have persisted throughout the centuries and been expressed in a large number of Christian prayers. However","Document [10](Title: Lord's Prayer) in the Gospel of Mark together with its occurrence in Matthew and Luke has caused scholars who accept the two-source hypothesis (against other document hypotheses) to conclude that it is probably a \"logion\" original to Q. Standard edition of Greek text

Patriarchal Edition 1904

Roman Missal There are several different English translations of the Lord's Prayer from Greek or Latin, beginning around AD 650 with the Northumbrian translation. Of those in current liturgical use, the three best-known are: The square brackets","Document [11](Title: The Lord's Prayer (Sister Janet Mead song)) The Lord's Prayer (Sister Janet Mead song) \"The Lord's Prayer\" is a rock setting of the Lord's Prayer with music by Arnold Strals recorded in 1973 by the Australian nun Sister Janet Mead. Mead was known for pioneering the use of contemporary rock music in celebrating the Roman Catholic Mass and for her weekly radio programs. This recording could be considered one of the links in the development of what would become known as contemporary Christian music. The recording was produced by Martin Erdman and originally released by Festival Records in Australia. After reaching number three on the charts in","Document [12](Title: Lord's Prayer) in three of the texts below indicate the doxology often added at the end of the prayer by Protestants and, in a slightly different form, by the Byzantine Rite (\"For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory: of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.\"), among whom the prayer proper is usually recited by the cantors and congregation in unison, and the doxology by the priest as the conclusion of the prayer. The Anglican Book of Common Prayer adds it in some services but","Document [13](Title: Christianity) According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church: \"Prayer is the raising of one's mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God.\" The Book of Common Prayer in the Anglican tradition is a guide which provides a set order for church services, containing set prayers, scripture readings, and hymns or sung Psalms. With around 2.4 billion adherents, split into three main branches of Catholic, Protestant and Eastern Orthodox, Christianity is the world's largest religion. The Christian share of the world's population has stood at around 33% for the last hundred years, which means that one","Document [14](Title: Jesus Prayer) of his heart\". In the Jesus Prayer can be seen the Eastern counterpart of the rosary, which has developed to hold a similar place in the Christian West. The prayer's origin is most likely the Egyptian desert, which was settled by the monastic Desert Fathers and Desert Mothers in the 5th century. A formula similar to the standard form of the Jesus Prayer is found in a letter attributed to John Chrysostom, who died in AD 407. This \"Letter to an Abbot\" speaks of \"Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy\" and \"Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have","Document [15](Title: Lord's Prayer) Shema includes a phrase quite similar to the opening of the Lord's Prayer: \"Our God in heaven, hallow thy name, and establish thy kingdom forever, and rule over us for ever and ever. Amen.\" There are parallels also in . Rabbi Aron Mendes Chumaceiro has said that nearly all the elements of the prayer have counterparts in the Jewish Bible and Deuterocanonical books: the first part in (\"Look down from heaven and see, from your holy and beautiful habitation ... For you are our Father ...\") and (\"I will vindicate the holiness of my great name ...\") and (\"I will","Document [16](Title: Christian prayer) regarded prayer as an essential part of their lives (; ; ). As such, the apostles frequently incorporated verses from Psalms into their writings. for example is borrowed from and other psalms. Thus, due to this emphasis on prayer in the early church. lengthy passages of the New Testament are prayers or canticles (see also the Book of Odes), such as the Prayer for forgiveness (), the Lord's Prayer, the Magnificat (), the Benedictus (), Jesus' prayer to the one true God (), exclamations such as, \"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ\" (), the","Document [17](Title: Prayer of Manasseh) Common Prayer used by the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. The prayer appears in ancient Syriac, Old Slavonic, Ethiopic, and Armenian translations. In the Ethiopian Bible, the prayer is found in 2 Chronicles. Prayer of Manasseh The Prayer of Manasseh is a short work of 15 verses recording a penitential prayer attributed to king Manasseh of Judah. The majority of scholars believe that the Prayer of Manasseh was written, in Greek, in the first or second century BC. Another work by the same title, written in Hebrew and containing distinctly different content, was found among the Dead","Document [18](Title: Prayer in the Hebrew Bible) Prayer in the Hebrew Bible Prayer in the Hebrew Bible is an evolving means of interacting with God, most frequently through a spontaneous, individual, unorganized form of petitioning and\/or thanking. Standardized prayer such as is done today is non-existent, though beginning in Deuteronomy, the Bible lays the groundwork for organized prayer, including basic liturgical guidelines, and by the Bible's later books, prayer has evolved to a more standardized form, although still radically different from the form practiced by modern Jews. Individual prayer is described by the \"Tanakh\" two ways. The first of these is when prayer is described as occurring,","Document [19](Title: Church bell) by the Jewish practice of praying thrice daily found in the Old Testament, specifically in , which suggests \"evening and morning and at noon,\" and , in which Daniel prays thrice a day. As such, the \"Catechism of the Catholic Church\" states that the Early Church prayed the Lord's Prayer thrice a day, supplanting the former Amidah predominant in the Hebrew tradition. In the \"Book of Common Prayer\", the \"Daily Office\", which is central to Anglican spirituality, also includes the Lord's Prayer, along with \"a selection from the Psalter, readings from the Holy Scriptures, [and] one or more canticles.\" Some","Document [20](Title: Lord's Prayer) that therefore the question is of no real consequence. Similar phrases are found in and . \"For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.\" The doxology of the prayer is not contained in Luke's version, nor is it present in the earliest manuscripts of Matthew, representative of the Alexandrian text, although it is present in the manuscripts representative of the later Byzantine text. Most scholars do not consider it part of the original text of Matthew. New translations generally omit it. The first known use of the doxology, in a less lengthy form"],"query":"where is lord's prayer found in bible?","answers":["in the Gospel of Luke"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Lord's Prayer) not in all. Older English translations of the Bible, based on late Byzantine Greek manuscripts, included it, but it is excluded in critical editions of the New Testament, such as that of the United Bible Societies. It is absent in the oldest manuscripts and is not considered to be part of the original text of \u2013. The Catholic Church has never attached it to the Lord's Prayer, but has included it in the Roman Rite Mass as revised in 1969, not as part of the Our Father but separated from it by a prayer called the embolism spoken or sung","Document [2](Title: Lord's Prayer) in 52 oriental languages, most of them not previously found in such collections, translated by the brethren of the Serampore Mission and printed at the mission press there in 1818. There are similarities between the Lord's Prayer and both biblical and post-biblical material in Jewish prayer especially Kiddushin 81a (Babylonian). \"Our Father which art in heaven\" (\u05d0\u05d1\u05d9\u05e0\u05d5 \u05e9\u05d1\u05e9\u05de\u05d9\u05dd, Avinu shebashamayim) is the beginning of many Hebrew prayers. \"Hallowed be thy name\" is reflected in the Kaddish. \"Lead us not into sin\" is echoed in the \"morning blessings\" of Jewish prayer. A blessing said by some Jewish communities after the evening","Document [3](Title: Prayer) (e.g. ) is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. The Lord's Prayer is a model for prayers of adoration, confession and petition in Christianity. In medieval England, prayers (particularly the \"paternoster\") were frequently used as a measure of time in medical and culinary recipe books. Christians generally pray to God or to the Father. Some Christians (e.g., Catholics, Orthodox) will also ask the righteous in heaven and \"in Christ,\" such as Virgin Mary or other saints to intercede by praying on their behalf (intercession of saints). Formulaic closures include \"through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and","Document [4](Title: Lord's Prayer) a doxology, a later addendum appearing in some manuscripts of Matthew. Initial words on the topic from the \"Catechism of the Catholic Church\" teach that it \"is truly the summary of the whole gospel\". The prayer is used by most Christian churches in their worship; with few exceptions, the liturgical form is the Matthean. Although theological differences and various modes of worship divide Christians, according to Fuller Seminary professor Clayton Schmit, \"there is a sense of solidarity in knowing that Christians around the globe are praying together ... and these words always unite us.\" In biblical criticism, the prayer's absence","Document [5](Title: Lord's Prayer) Two versions of this prayer are recorded: the long form in the Gospel of Matthew in the middle of the Sermon on the Mount, and the short form in the Gospel of Luke when \"one of his disciples said to him, 'Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.'\"","Document [6](Title: Lord's Prayer) the Lord's Prayer with the doxology, sometimes without. Most Protestants append it to the Lord's Prayer. In the course of Christianization, one of the first texts to be translated between many languages has historically been the Lord's Prayer, long before the full Bible would be translated into the respective languages. Since the 16th century, collections of translations of the prayer have often been used for a quick comparison of languages. The first such collection, with 22 versions, was \"Mithridates de differentis linguis\" by Conrad Gessner (1555; the title refers to Mithridates VI of Pontus who according to Pliny the Elder","Document [7](Title: Christian prayer) Christian prayer Prayer is an important activity in Christianity, and there are several different forms of \"Christian prayer\". \"Christian prayers\" are diverse: they can be completely spontaneous, or read entirely from a text, like the Anglican Book of Common Prayer. The most common prayer among Christians is the \"Lord's Prayer\", which according to the gospel accounts (e.g. ) is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. \"The Lord's Prayer\" is a model for prayers of adoration, confession and petition in Christianity. A broad, three stage characterization of prayer begins with vocal prayer, then moves on to a more structured form","Document [8](Title: Lord's Prayer) the prayer, the priest sings \"For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.\" Latin Church Roman Catholics do not use the doxology when reciting the Lord's Prayer, because it is not part of their received liturgical tradition and is not found in the Latin Vulgate of St. Jerome. Since 1970 it is included in the Roman Rite Mass as an independent item, not as part of the Lord's Prayer. The Anglican Book of Common Prayer sometimes gives","Document [9](Title: Prayer, meditation and contemplation in Christianity) Prayer, which according to the gospel accounts (e.g. ) is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. The Lord's prayer is a model for prayers of adoration, confession and petition in Christianity. The first centuries of Christianity witnessed an intense growth in religious literature and these often included prayers. The prayers recorded in early Christian literature can be categorized into six types: petition (including intercession), thanksgiving, blessing (or benediction), praise, confession and finally a small number of lamentations. The first five of these types have persisted throughout the centuries and been expressed in a large number of Christian prayers. However","Document [10](Title: Lord's Prayer) in the Gospel of Mark together with its occurrence in Matthew and Luke has caused scholars who accept the two-source hypothesis (against other document hypotheses) to conclude that it is probably a \"logion\" original to Q. Standard edition of Greek text

Patriarchal Edition 1904

Roman Missal There are several different English translations of the Lord's Prayer from Greek or Latin, beginning around AD 650 with the Northumbrian translation. Of those in current liturgical use, the three best-known are: The square brackets","Document [11](Title: The Lord's Prayer (Sister Janet Mead song)) The Lord's Prayer (Sister Janet Mead song) \"The Lord's Prayer\" is a rock setting of the Lord's Prayer with music by Arnold Strals recorded in 1973 by the Australian nun Sister Janet Mead. Mead was known for pioneering the use of contemporary rock music in celebrating the Roman Catholic Mass and for her weekly radio programs. This recording could be considered one of the links in the development of what would become known as contemporary Christian music. The recording was produced by Martin Erdman and originally released by Festival Records in Australia. After reaching number three on the charts in","Document [12](Title: Lord's Prayer) in three of the texts below indicate the doxology often added at the end of the prayer by Protestants and, in a slightly different form, by the Byzantine Rite (\"For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory: of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.\"), among whom the prayer proper is usually recited by the cantors and congregation in unison, and the doxology by the priest as the conclusion of the prayer. The Anglican Book of Common Prayer adds it in some services but","Document [13](Title: Christianity) According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church: \"Prayer is the raising of one's mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God.\" The Book of Common Prayer in the Anglican tradition is a guide which provides a set order for church services, containing set prayers, scripture readings, and hymns or sung Psalms. With around 2.4 billion adherents, split into three main branches of Catholic, Protestant and Eastern Orthodox, Christianity is the world's largest religion. The Christian share of the world's population has stood at around 33% for the last hundred years, which means that one","Document [14](Title: Jesus Prayer) of his heart\". In the Jesus Prayer can be seen the Eastern counterpart of the rosary, which has developed to hold a similar place in the Christian West. The prayer's origin is most likely the Egyptian desert, which was settled by the monastic Desert Fathers and Desert Mothers in the 5th century. A formula similar to the standard form of the Jesus Prayer is found in a letter attributed to John Chrysostom, who died in AD 407. This \"Letter to an Abbot\" speaks of \"Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy\" and \"Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have","Document [15](Title: Lord's Prayer) Shema includes a phrase quite similar to the opening of the Lord's Prayer: \"Our God in heaven, hallow thy name, and establish thy kingdom forever, and rule over us for ever and ever. Amen.\" There are parallels also in . Rabbi Aron Mendes Chumaceiro has said that nearly all the elements of the prayer have counterparts in the Jewish Bible and Deuterocanonical books: the first part in (\"Look down from heaven and see, from your holy and beautiful habitation ... For you are our Father ...\") and (\"I will vindicate the holiness of my great name ...\") and (\"I will","Document [16](Title: Christian prayer) regarded prayer as an essential part of their lives (; ; ). As such, the apostles frequently incorporated verses from Psalms into their writings. for example is borrowed from and other psalms. Thus, due to this emphasis on prayer in the early church. lengthy passages of the New Testament are prayers or canticles (see also the Book of Odes), such as the Prayer for forgiveness (), the Lord's Prayer, the Magnificat (), the Benedictus (), Jesus' prayer to the one true God (), exclamations such as, \"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ\" (), the","Document [17](Title: Prayer of Manasseh) Common Prayer used by the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. The prayer appears in ancient Syriac, Old Slavonic, Ethiopic, and Armenian translations. In the Ethiopian Bible, the prayer is found in 2 Chronicles. Prayer of Manasseh The Prayer of Manasseh is a short work of 15 verses recording a penitential prayer attributed to king Manasseh of Judah. The majority of scholars believe that the Prayer of Manasseh was written, in Greek, in the first or second century BC. Another work by the same title, written in Hebrew and containing distinctly different content, was found among the Dead","Document [18](Title: Prayer in the Hebrew Bible) Prayer in the Hebrew Bible Prayer in the Hebrew Bible is an evolving means of interacting with God, most frequently through a spontaneous, individual, unorganized form of petitioning and\/or thanking. Standardized prayer such as is done today is non-existent, though beginning in Deuteronomy, the Bible lays the groundwork for organized prayer, including basic liturgical guidelines, and by the Bible's later books, prayer has evolved to a more standardized form, although still radically different from the form practiced by modern Jews. Individual prayer is described by the \"Tanakh\" two ways. The first of these is when prayer is described as occurring,","Document [19](Title: Church bell) by the Jewish practice of praying thrice daily found in the Old Testament, specifically in , which suggests \"evening and morning and at noon,\" and , in which Daniel prays thrice a day. As such, the \"Catechism of the Catholic Church\" states that the Early Church prayed the Lord's Prayer thrice a day, supplanting the former Amidah predominant in the Hebrew tradition. In the \"Book of Common Prayer\", the \"Daily Office\", which is central to Anglican spirituality, also includes the Lord's Prayer, along with \"a selection from the Psalter, readings from the Holy Scriptures, [and] one or more canticles.\" Some","Document [20](Title: Lord's Prayer) that therefore the question is of no real consequence. Similar phrases are found in and . \"For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.\" The doxology of the prayer is not contained in Luke's version, nor is it present in the earliest manuscripts of Matthew, representative of the Alexandrian text, although it is present in the manuscripts representative of the later Byzantine text. Most scholars do not consider it part of the original text of Matthew. New translations generally omit it. The first known use of the doxology, in a less lengthy form"],"query":"where is lord's prayer found in bible?","answers":["in the Gospel of Luke"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Lord's Prayer) not in all. Older English translations of the Bible, based on late Byzantine Greek manuscripts, included it, but it is excluded in critical editions of the New Testament, such as that of the United Bible Societies. It is absent in the oldest manuscripts and is not considered to be part of the original text of \u2013. The Catholic Church has never attached it to the Lord's Prayer, but has included it in the Roman Rite Mass as revised in 1969, not as part of the Our Father but separated from it by a prayer called the embolism spoken or sung","Document [2](Title: Lord's Prayer) in 52 oriental languages, most of them not previously found in such collections, translated by the brethren of the Serampore Mission and printed at the mission press there in 1818. There are similarities between the Lord's Prayer and both biblical and post-biblical material in Jewish prayer especially Kiddushin 81a (Babylonian). \"Our Father which art in heaven\" (\u05d0\u05d1\u05d9\u05e0\u05d5 \u05e9\u05d1\u05e9\u05de\u05d9\u05dd, Avinu shebashamayim) is the beginning of many Hebrew prayers. \"Hallowed be thy name\" is reflected in the Kaddish. \"Lead us not into sin\" is echoed in the \"morning blessings\" of Jewish prayer. A blessing said by some Jewish communities after the evening","Document [3](Title: Prayer) (e.g. ) is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. The Lord's Prayer is a model for prayers of adoration, confession and petition in Christianity. In medieval England, prayers (particularly the \"paternoster\") were frequently used as a measure of time in medical and culinary recipe books. Christians generally pray to God or to the Father. Some Christians (e.g., Catholics, Orthodox) will also ask the righteous in heaven and \"in Christ,\" such as Virgin Mary or other saints to intercede by praying on their behalf (intercession of saints). Formulaic closures include \"through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and","Document [4](Title: Lord's Prayer) a doxology, a later addendum appearing in some manuscripts of Matthew. Initial words on the topic from the \"Catechism of the Catholic Church\" teach that it \"is truly the summary of the whole gospel\". The prayer is used by most Christian churches in their worship; with few exceptions, the liturgical form is the Matthean. Although theological differences and various modes of worship divide Christians, according to Fuller Seminary professor Clayton Schmit, \"there is a sense of solidarity in knowing that Christians around the globe are praying together ... and these words always unite us.\" In biblical criticism, the prayer's absence","Document [5](Title: Lord's Prayer) the Lord's Prayer with the doxology, sometimes without. Most Protestants append it to the Lord's Prayer. In the course of Christianization, one of the first texts to be translated between many languages has historically been the Lord's Prayer, long before the full Bible would be translated into the respective languages. Since the 16th century, collections of translations of the prayer have often been used for a quick comparison of languages. The first such collection, with 22 versions, was \"Mithridates de differentis linguis\" by Conrad Gessner (1555; the title refers to Mithridates VI of Pontus who according to Pliny the Elder","Document [6](Title: Christian prayer) Christian prayer Prayer is an important activity in Christianity, and there are several different forms of \"Christian prayer\". \"Christian prayers\" are diverse: they can be completely spontaneous, or read entirely from a text, like the Anglican Book of Common Prayer. The most common prayer among Christians is the \"Lord's Prayer\", which according to the gospel accounts (e.g. ) is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. \"The Lord's Prayer\" is a model for prayers of adoration, confession and petition in Christianity. A broad, three stage characterization of prayer begins with vocal prayer, then moves on to a more structured form","Document [7](Title: Lord's Prayer) the prayer, the priest sings \"For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.\" Latin Church Roman Catholics do not use the doxology when reciting the Lord's Prayer, because it is not part of their received liturgical tradition and is not found in the Latin Vulgate of St. Jerome. Since 1970 it is included in the Roman Rite Mass as an independent item, not as part of the Lord's Prayer. The Anglican Book of Common Prayer sometimes gives","Document [8](Title: Prayer, meditation and contemplation in Christianity) Prayer, which according to the gospel accounts (e.g. ) is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. The Lord's prayer is a model for prayers of adoration, confession and petition in Christianity. The first centuries of Christianity witnessed an intense growth in religious literature and these often included prayers. The prayers recorded in early Christian literature can be categorized into six types: petition (including intercession), thanksgiving, blessing (or benediction), praise, confession and finally a small number of lamentations. The first five of these types have persisted throughout the centuries and been expressed in a large number of Christian prayers. However","Document [9](Title: Lord's Prayer) in the Gospel of Mark together with its occurrence in Matthew and Luke has caused scholars who accept the two-source hypothesis (against other document hypotheses) to conclude that it is probably a \"logion\" original to Q. Standard edition of Greek text

Patriarchal Edition 1904

Roman Missal There are several different English translations of the Lord's Prayer from Greek or Latin, beginning around AD 650 with the Northumbrian translation. Of those in current liturgical use, the three best-known are: The square brackets","Document [10](Title: Lord's Prayer) Two versions of this prayer are recorded: the long form in the Gospel of Matthew in the middle of the Sermon on the Mount, and the short form in the Gospel of Luke when \"one of his disciples said to him, 'Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.'\"","Document [11](Title: The Lord's Prayer (Sister Janet Mead song)) The Lord's Prayer (Sister Janet Mead song) \"The Lord's Prayer\" is a rock setting of the Lord's Prayer with music by Arnold Strals recorded in 1973 by the Australian nun Sister Janet Mead. Mead was known for pioneering the use of contemporary rock music in celebrating the Roman Catholic Mass and for her weekly radio programs. This recording could be considered one of the links in the development of what would become known as contemporary Christian music. The recording was produced by Martin Erdman and originally released by Festival Records in Australia. After reaching number three on the charts in","Document [12](Title: Lord's Prayer) in three of the texts below indicate the doxology often added at the end of the prayer by Protestants and, in a slightly different form, by the Byzantine Rite (\"For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory: of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.\"), among whom the prayer proper is usually recited by the cantors and congregation in unison, and the doxology by the priest as the conclusion of the prayer. The Anglican Book of Common Prayer adds it in some services but","Document [13](Title: Christianity) According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church: \"Prayer is the raising of one's mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God.\" The Book of Common Prayer in the Anglican tradition is a guide which provides a set order for church services, containing set prayers, scripture readings, and hymns or sung Psalms. With around 2.4 billion adherents, split into three main branches of Catholic, Protestant and Eastern Orthodox, Christianity is the world's largest religion. The Christian share of the world's population has stood at around 33% for the last hundred years, which means that one","Document [14](Title: Jesus Prayer) of his heart\". In the Jesus Prayer can be seen the Eastern counterpart of the rosary, which has developed to hold a similar place in the Christian West. The prayer's origin is most likely the Egyptian desert, which was settled by the monastic Desert Fathers and Desert Mothers in the 5th century. A formula similar to the standard form of the Jesus Prayer is found in a letter attributed to John Chrysostom, who died in AD 407. This \"Letter to an Abbot\" speaks of \"Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy\" and \"Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have","Document [15](Title: Lord's Prayer) Shema includes a phrase quite similar to the opening of the Lord's Prayer: \"Our God in heaven, hallow thy name, and establish thy kingdom forever, and rule over us for ever and ever. Amen.\" There are parallels also in . Rabbi Aron Mendes Chumaceiro has said that nearly all the elements of the prayer have counterparts in the Jewish Bible and Deuterocanonical books: the first part in (\"Look down from heaven and see, from your holy and beautiful habitation ... For you are our Father ...\") and (\"I will vindicate the holiness of my great name ...\") and (\"I will","Document [16](Title: Christian prayer) regarded prayer as an essential part of their lives (; ; ). As such, the apostles frequently incorporated verses from Psalms into their writings. for example is borrowed from and other psalms. Thus, due to this emphasis on prayer in the early church. lengthy passages of the New Testament are prayers or canticles (see also the Book of Odes), such as the Prayer for forgiveness (), the Lord's Prayer, the Magnificat (), the Benedictus (), Jesus' prayer to the one true God (), exclamations such as, \"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ\" (), the","Document [17](Title: Prayer of Manasseh) Common Prayer used by the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. The prayer appears in ancient Syriac, Old Slavonic, Ethiopic, and Armenian translations. In the Ethiopian Bible, the prayer is found in 2 Chronicles. Prayer of Manasseh The Prayer of Manasseh is a short work of 15 verses recording a penitential prayer attributed to king Manasseh of Judah. The majority of scholars believe that the Prayer of Manasseh was written, in Greek, in the first or second century BC. Another work by the same title, written in Hebrew and containing distinctly different content, was found among the Dead","Document [18](Title: Prayer in the Hebrew Bible) Prayer in the Hebrew Bible Prayer in the Hebrew Bible is an evolving means of interacting with God, most frequently through a spontaneous, individual, unorganized form of petitioning and\/or thanking. Standardized prayer such as is done today is non-existent, though beginning in Deuteronomy, the Bible lays the groundwork for organized prayer, including basic liturgical guidelines, and by the Bible's later books, prayer has evolved to a more standardized form, although still radically different from the form practiced by modern Jews. Individual prayer is described by the \"Tanakh\" two ways. The first of these is when prayer is described as occurring,","Document [19](Title: Church bell) by the Jewish practice of praying thrice daily found in the Old Testament, specifically in , which suggests \"evening and morning and at noon,\" and , in which Daniel prays thrice a day. As such, the \"Catechism of the Catholic Church\" states that the Early Church prayed the Lord's Prayer thrice a day, supplanting the former Amidah predominant in the Hebrew tradition. In the \"Book of Common Prayer\", the \"Daily Office\", which is central to Anglican spirituality, also includes the Lord's Prayer, along with \"a selection from the Psalter, readings from the Holy Scriptures, [and] one or more canticles.\" Some","Document [20](Title: Lord's Prayer) that therefore the question is of no real consequence. Similar phrases are found in and . \"For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.\" The doxology of the prayer is not contained in Luke's version, nor is it present in the earliest manuscripts of Matthew, representative of the Alexandrian text, although it is present in the manuscripts representative of the later Byzantine text. Most scholars do not consider it part of the original text of Matthew. New translations generally omit it. The first known use of the doxology, in a less lengthy form"],"query":"where is lord's prayer found in bible?","answers":["in the Gospel of Luke"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Lord's Prayer) not in all. Older English translations of the Bible, based on late Byzantine Greek manuscripts, included it, but it is excluded in critical editions of the New Testament, such as that of the United Bible Societies. It is absent in the oldest manuscripts and is not considered to be part of the original text of \u2013. The Catholic Church has never attached it to the Lord's Prayer, but has included it in the Roman Rite Mass as revised in 1969, not as part of the Our Father but separated from it by a prayer called the embolism spoken or sung","Document [2](Title: Lord's Prayer) in 52 oriental languages, most of them not previously found in such collections, translated by the brethren of the Serampore Mission and printed at the mission press there in 1818. There are similarities between the Lord's Prayer and both biblical and post-biblical material in Jewish prayer especially Kiddushin 81a (Babylonian). \"Our Father which art in heaven\" (\u05d0\u05d1\u05d9\u05e0\u05d5 \u05e9\u05d1\u05e9\u05de\u05d9\u05dd, Avinu shebashamayim) is the beginning of many Hebrew prayers. \"Hallowed be thy name\" is reflected in the Kaddish. \"Lead us not into sin\" is echoed in the \"morning blessings\" of Jewish prayer. A blessing said by some Jewish communities after the evening","Document [3](Title: Prayer) (e.g. ) is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. The Lord's Prayer is a model for prayers of adoration, confession and petition in Christianity. In medieval England, prayers (particularly the \"paternoster\") were frequently used as a measure of time in medical and culinary recipe books. Christians generally pray to God or to the Father. Some Christians (e.g., Catholics, Orthodox) will also ask the righteous in heaven and \"in Christ,\" such as Virgin Mary or other saints to intercede by praying on their behalf (intercession of saints). Formulaic closures include \"through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and","Document [4](Title: Lord's Prayer) a doxology, a later addendum appearing in some manuscripts of Matthew. Initial words on the topic from the \"Catechism of the Catholic Church\" teach that it \"is truly the summary of the whole gospel\". The prayer is used by most Christian churches in their worship; with few exceptions, the liturgical form is the Matthean. Although theological differences and various modes of worship divide Christians, according to Fuller Seminary professor Clayton Schmit, \"there is a sense of solidarity in knowing that Christians around the globe are praying together ... and these words always unite us.\" In biblical criticism, the prayer's absence","Document [5](Title: Lord's Prayer) the Lord's Prayer with the doxology, sometimes without. Most Protestants append it to the Lord's Prayer. In the course of Christianization, one of the first texts to be translated between many languages has historically been the Lord's Prayer, long before the full Bible would be translated into the respective languages. Since the 16th century, collections of translations of the prayer have often been used for a quick comparison of languages. The first such collection, with 22 versions, was \"Mithridates de differentis linguis\" by Conrad Gessner (1555; the title refers to Mithridates VI of Pontus who according to Pliny the Elder","Document [6](Title: Christian prayer) Christian prayer Prayer is an important activity in Christianity, and there are several different forms of \"Christian prayer\". \"Christian prayers\" are diverse: they can be completely spontaneous, or read entirely from a text, like the Anglican Book of Common Prayer. The most common prayer among Christians is the \"Lord's Prayer\", which according to the gospel accounts (e.g. ) is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. \"The Lord's Prayer\" is a model for prayers of adoration, confession and petition in Christianity. A broad, three stage characterization of prayer begins with vocal prayer, then moves on to a more structured form","Document [7](Title: Lord's Prayer) the prayer, the priest sings \"For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.\" Latin Church Roman Catholics do not use the doxology when reciting the Lord's Prayer, because it is not part of their received liturgical tradition and is not found in the Latin Vulgate of St. Jerome. Since 1970 it is included in the Roman Rite Mass as an independent item, not as part of the Lord's Prayer. The Anglican Book of Common Prayer sometimes gives","Document [8](Title: Prayer, meditation and contemplation in Christianity) Prayer, which according to the gospel accounts (e.g. ) is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. The Lord's prayer is a model for prayers of adoration, confession and petition in Christianity. The first centuries of Christianity witnessed an intense growth in religious literature and these often included prayers. The prayers recorded in early Christian literature can be categorized into six types: petition (including intercession), thanksgiving, blessing (or benediction), praise, confession and finally a small number of lamentations. The first five of these types have persisted throughout the centuries and been expressed in a large number of Christian prayers. However","Document [9](Title: Lord's Prayer) in the Gospel of Mark together with its occurrence in Matthew and Luke has caused scholars who accept the two-source hypothesis (against other document hypotheses) to conclude that it is probably a \"logion\" original to Q. Standard edition of Greek text

Patriarchal Edition 1904

Roman Missal There are several different English translations of the Lord's Prayer from Greek or Latin, beginning around AD 650 with the Northumbrian translation. Of those in current liturgical use, the three best-known are: The square brackets","Document [10](Title: The Lord's Prayer (Sister Janet Mead song)) The Lord's Prayer (Sister Janet Mead song) \"The Lord's Prayer\" is a rock setting of the Lord's Prayer with music by Arnold Strals recorded in 1973 by the Australian nun Sister Janet Mead. Mead was known for pioneering the use of contemporary rock music in celebrating the Roman Catholic Mass and for her weekly radio programs. This recording could be considered one of the links in the development of what would become known as contemporary Christian music. The recording was produced by Martin Erdman and originally released by Festival Records in Australia. After reaching number three on the charts in","Document [11](Title: Lord's Prayer) in three of the texts below indicate the doxology often added at the end of the prayer by Protestants and, in a slightly different form, by the Byzantine Rite (\"For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory: of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.\"), among whom the prayer proper is usually recited by the cantors and congregation in unison, and the doxology by the priest as the conclusion of the prayer. The Anglican Book of Common Prayer adds it in some services but","Document [12](Title: Christianity) According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church: \"Prayer is the raising of one's mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God.\" The Book of Common Prayer in the Anglican tradition is a guide which provides a set order for church services, containing set prayers, scripture readings, and hymns or sung Psalms. With around 2.4 billion adherents, split into three main branches of Catholic, Protestant and Eastern Orthodox, Christianity is the world's largest religion. The Christian share of the world's population has stood at around 33% for the last hundred years, which means that one","Document [13](Title: Jesus Prayer) of his heart\". In the Jesus Prayer can be seen the Eastern counterpart of the rosary, which has developed to hold a similar place in the Christian West. The prayer's origin is most likely the Egyptian desert, which was settled by the monastic Desert Fathers and Desert Mothers in the 5th century. A formula similar to the standard form of the Jesus Prayer is found in a letter attributed to John Chrysostom, who died in AD 407. This \"Letter to an Abbot\" speaks of \"Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy\" and \"Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have","Document [14](Title: Lord's Prayer) Shema includes a phrase quite similar to the opening of the Lord's Prayer: \"Our God in heaven, hallow thy name, and establish thy kingdom forever, and rule over us for ever and ever. Amen.\" There are parallels also in . Rabbi Aron Mendes Chumaceiro has said that nearly all the elements of the prayer have counterparts in the Jewish Bible and Deuterocanonical books: the first part in (\"Look down from heaven and see, from your holy and beautiful habitation ... For you are our Father ...\") and (\"I will vindicate the holiness of my great name ...\") and (\"I will","Document [15](Title: Lord's Prayer) Two versions of this prayer are recorded: the long form in the Gospel of Matthew in the middle of the Sermon on the Mount, and the short form in the Gospel of Luke when \"one of his disciples said to him, 'Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.'\"","Document [16](Title: Christian prayer) regarded prayer as an essential part of their lives (; ; ). As such, the apostles frequently incorporated verses from Psalms into their writings. for example is borrowed from and other psalms. Thus, due to this emphasis on prayer in the early church. lengthy passages of the New Testament are prayers or canticles (see also the Book of Odes), such as the Prayer for forgiveness (), the Lord's Prayer, the Magnificat (), the Benedictus (), Jesus' prayer to the one true God (), exclamations such as, \"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ\" (), the","Document [17](Title: Prayer of Manasseh) Common Prayer used by the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. The prayer appears in ancient Syriac, Old Slavonic, Ethiopic, and Armenian translations. In the Ethiopian Bible, the prayer is found in 2 Chronicles. Prayer of Manasseh The Prayer of Manasseh is a short work of 15 verses recording a penitential prayer attributed to king Manasseh of Judah. The majority of scholars believe that the Prayer of Manasseh was written, in Greek, in the first or second century BC. Another work by the same title, written in Hebrew and containing distinctly different content, was found among the Dead","Document [18](Title: Prayer in the Hebrew Bible) Prayer in the Hebrew Bible Prayer in the Hebrew Bible is an evolving means of interacting with God, most frequently through a spontaneous, individual, unorganized form of petitioning and\/or thanking. Standardized prayer such as is done today is non-existent, though beginning in Deuteronomy, the Bible lays the groundwork for organized prayer, including basic liturgical guidelines, and by the Bible's later books, prayer has evolved to a more standardized form, although still radically different from the form practiced by modern Jews. Individual prayer is described by the \"Tanakh\" two ways. The first of these is when prayer is described as occurring,","Document [19](Title: Church bell) by the Jewish practice of praying thrice daily found in the Old Testament, specifically in , which suggests \"evening and morning and at noon,\" and , in which Daniel prays thrice a day. As such, the \"Catechism of the Catholic Church\" states that the Early Church prayed the Lord's Prayer thrice a day, supplanting the former Amidah predominant in the Hebrew tradition. In the \"Book of Common Prayer\", the \"Daily Office\", which is central to Anglican spirituality, also includes the Lord's Prayer, along with \"a selection from the Psalter, readings from the Holy Scriptures, [and] one or more canticles.\" Some","Document [20](Title: Lord's Prayer) that therefore the question is of no real consequence. Similar phrases are found in and . \"For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.\" The doxology of the prayer is not contained in Luke's version, nor is it present in the earliest manuscripts of Matthew, representative of the Alexandrian text, although it is present in the manuscripts representative of the later Byzantine text. Most scholars do not consider it part of the original text of Matthew. New translations generally omit it. The first known use of the doxology, in a less lengthy form"],"query":"where is lord's prayer found in bible?","answers":["in the Gospel of Luke"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Lord's Prayer) not in all. Older English translations of the Bible, based on late Byzantine Greek manuscripts, included it, but it is excluded in critical editions of the New Testament, such as that of the United Bible Societies. It is absent in the oldest manuscripts and is not considered to be part of the original text of \u2013. The Catholic Church has never attached it to the Lord's Prayer, but has included it in the Roman Rite Mass as revised in 1969, not as part of the Our Father but separated from it by a prayer called the embolism spoken or sung","Document [2](Title: Lord's Prayer) in 52 oriental languages, most of them not previously found in such collections, translated by the brethren of the Serampore Mission and printed at the mission press there in 1818. There are similarities between the Lord's Prayer and both biblical and post-biblical material in Jewish prayer especially Kiddushin 81a (Babylonian). \"Our Father which art in heaven\" (\u05d0\u05d1\u05d9\u05e0\u05d5 \u05e9\u05d1\u05e9\u05de\u05d9\u05dd, Avinu shebashamayim) is the beginning of many Hebrew prayers. \"Hallowed be thy name\" is reflected in the Kaddish. \"Lead us not into sin\" is echoed in the \"morning blessings\" of Jewish prayer. A blessing said by some Jewish communities after the evening","Document [3](Title: Prayer) (e.g. ) is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. The Lord's Prayer is a model for prayers of adoration, confession and petition in Christianity. In medieval England, prayers (particularly the \"paternoster\") were frequently used as a measure of time in medical and culinary recipe books. Christians generally pray to God or to the Father. Some Christians (e.g., Catholics, Orthodox) will also ask the righteous in heaven and \"in Christ,\" such as Virgin Mary or other saints to intercede by praying on their behalf (intercession of saints). Formulaic closures include \"through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and","Document [4](Title: Lord's Prayer) a doxology, a later addendum appearing in some manuscripts of Matthew. Initial words on the topic from the \"Catechism of the Catholic Church\" teach that it \"is truly the summary of the whole gospel\". The prayer is used by most Christian churches in their worship; with few exceptions, the liturgical form is the Matthean. Although theological differences and various modes of worship divide Christians, according to Fuller Seminary professor Clayton Schmit, \"there is a sense of solidarity in knowing that Christians around the globe are praying together ... and these words always unite us.\" In biblical criticism, the prayer's absence","Document [5](Title: Lord's Prayer) the Lord's Prayer with the doxology, sometimes without. Most Protestants append it to the Lord's Prayer. In the course of Christianization, one of the first texts to be translated between many languages has historically been the Lord's Prayer, long before the full Bible would be translated into the respective languages. Since the 16th century, collections of translations of the prayer have often been used for a quick comparison of languages. The first such collection, with 22 versions, was \"Mithridates de differentis linguis\" by Conrad Gessner (1555; the title refers to Mithridates VI of Pontus who according to Pliny the Elder","Document [6](Title: Christian prayer) Christian prayer Prayer is an important activity in Christianity, and there are several different forms of \"Christian prayer\". \"Christian prayers\" are diverse: they can be completely spontaneous, or read entirely from a text, like the Anglican Book of Common Prayer. The most common prayer among Christians is the \"Lord's Prayer\", which according to the gospel accounts (e.g. ) is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. \"The Lord's Prayer\" is a model for prayers of adoration, confession and petition in Christianity. A broad, three stage characterization of prayer begins with vocal prayer, then moves on to a more structured form","Document [7](Title: Lord's Prayer) the prayer, the priest sings \"For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.\" Latin Church Roman Catholics do not use the doxology when reciting the Lord's Prayer, because it is not part of their received liturgical tradition and is not found in the Latin Vulgate of St. Jerome. Since 1970 it is included in the Roman Rite Mass as an independent item, not as part of the Lord's Prayer. The Anglican Book of Common Prayer sometimes gives","Document [8](Title: Prayer, meditation and contemplation in Christianity) Prayer, which according to the gospel accounts (e.g. ) is how Jesus taught his disciples to pray. The Lord's prayer is a model for prayers of adoration, confession and petition in Christianity. The first centuries of Christianity witnessed an intense growth in religious literature and these often included prayers. The prayers recorded in early Christian literature can be categorized into six types: petition (including intercession), thanksgiving, blessing (or benediction), praise, confession and finally a small number of lamentations. The first five of these types have persisted throughout the centuries and been expressed in a large number of Christian prayers. However","Document [9](Title: Lord's Prayer) in the Gospel of Mark together with its occurrence in Matthew and Luke has caused scholars who accept the two-source hypothesis (against other document hypotheses) to conclude that it is probably a \"logion\" original to Q. Standard edition of Greek text

Patriarchal Edition 1904

Roman Missal There are several different English translations of the Lord's Prayer from Greek or Latin, beginning around AD 650 with the Northumbrian translation. Of those in current liturgical use, the three best-known are: The square brackets","Document [10](Title: The Lord's Prayer (Sister Janet Mead song)) The Lord's Prayer (Sister Janet Mead song) \"The Lord's Prayer\" is a rock setting of the Lord's Prayer with music by Arnold Strals recorded in 1973 by the Australian nun Sister Janet Mead. Mead was known for pioneering the use of contemporary rock music in celebrating the Roman Catholic Mass and for her weekly radio programs. This recording could be considered one of the links in the development of what would become known as contemporary Christian music. The recording was produced by Martin Erdman and originally released by Festival Records in Australia. After reaching number three on the charts in","Document [11](Title: Lord's Prayer) in three of the texts below indicate the doxology often added at the end of the prayer by Protestants and, in a slightly different form, by the Byzantine Rite (\"For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory: of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.\"), among whom the prayer proper is usually recited by the cantors and congregation in unison, and the doxology by the priest as the conclusion of the prayer. The Anglican Book of Common Prayer adds it in some services but","Document [12](Title: Christianity) According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church: \"Prayer is the raising of one's mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God.\" The Book of Common Prayer in the Anglican tradition is a guide which provides a set order for church services, containing set prayers, scripture readings, and hymns or sung Psalms. With around 2.4 billion adherents, split into three main branches of Catholic, Protestant and Eastern Orthodox, Christianity is the world's largest religion. The Christian share of the world's population has stood at around 33% for the last hundred years, which means that one","Document [13](Title: Jesus Prayer) of his heart\". In the Jesus Prayer can be seen the Eastern counterpart of the rosary, which has developed to hold a similar place in the Christian West. The prayer's origin is most likely the Egyptian desert, which was settled by the monastic Desert Fathers and Desert Mothers in the 5th century. A formula similar to the standard form of the Jesus Prayer is found in a letter attributed to John Chrysostom, who died in AD 407. This \"Letter to an Abbot\" speaks of \"Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy\" and \"Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have","Document [14](Title: Lord's Prayer) Shema includes a phrase quite similar to the opening of the Lord's Prayer: \"Our God in heaven, hallow thy name, and establish thy kingdom forever, and rule over us for ever and ever. Amen.\" There are parallels also in . Rabbi Aron Mendes Chumaceiro has said that nearly all the elements of the prayer have counterparts in the Jewish Bible and Deuterocanonical books: the first part in (\"Look down from heaven and see, from your holy and beautiful habitation ... For you are our Father ...\") and (\"I will vindicate the holiness of my great name ...\") and (\"I will","Document [15](Title: Christian prayer) regarded prayer as an essential part of their lives (; ; ). As such, the apostles frequently incorporated verses from Psalms into their writings. for example is borrowed from and other psalms. Thus, due to this emphasis on prayer in the early church. lengthy passages of the New Testament are prayers or canticles (see also the Book of Odes), such as the Prayer for forgiveness (), the Lord's Prayer, the Magnificat (), the Benedictus (), Jesus' prayer to the one true God (), exclamations such as, \"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ\" (), the","Document [16](Title: Prayer of Manasseh) Common Prayer used by the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. The prayer appears in ancient Syriac, Old Slavonic, Ethiopic, and Armenian translations. In the Ethiopian Bible, the prayer is found in 2 Chronicles. Prayer of Manasseh The Prayer of Manasseh is a short work of 15 verses recording a penitential prayer attributed to king Manasseh of Judah. The majority of scholars believe that the Prayer of Manasseh was written, in Greek, in the first or second century BC. Another work by the same title, written in Hebrew and containing distinctly different content, was found among the Dead","Document [17](Title: Prayer in the Hebrew Bible) Prayer in the Hebrew Bible Prayer in the Hebrew Bible is an evolving means of interacting with God, most frequently through a spontaneous, individual, unorganized form of petitioning and\/or thanking. Standardized prayer such as is done today is non-existent, though beginning in Deuteronomy, the Bible lays the groundwork for organized prayer, including basic liturgical guidelines, and by the Bible's later books, prayer has evolved to a more standardized form, although still radically different from the form practiced by modern Jews. Individual prayer is described by the \"Tanakh\" two ways. The first of these is when prayer is described as occurring,","Document [18](Title: Church bell) by the Jewish practice of praying thrice daily found in the Old Testament, specifically in , which suggests \"evening and morning and at noon,\" and , in which Daniel prays thrice a day. As such, the \"Catechism of the Catholic Church\" states that the Early Church prayed the Lord's Prayer thrice a day, supplanting the former Amidah predominant in the Hebrew tradition. In the \"Book of Common Prayer\", the \"Daily Office\", which is central to Anglican spirituality, also includes the Lord's Prayer, along with \"a selection from the Psalter, readings from the Holy Scriptures, [and] one or more canticles.\" Some","Document [19](Title: Lord's Prayer) that therefore the question is of no real consequence. Similar phrases are found in and . \"For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.\" The doxology of the prayer is not contained in Luke's version, nor is it present in the earliest manuscripts of Matthew, representative of the Alexandrian text, although it is present in the manuscripts representative of the later Byzantine text. Most scholars do not consider it part of the original text of Matthew. New translations generally omit it. The first known use of the doxology, in a less lengthy form","Document [20](Title: Lord's Prayer) Two versions of this prayer are recorded: the long form in the Gospel of Matthew in the middle of the Sermon on the Mount, and the short form in the Gospel of Luke when \"one of his disciples said to him, 'Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.'\""],"query":"where is lord's prayer found in bible?","answers":["in the Gospel of Luke"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Non-ferrous metal) Generally more expensive than ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals are used because of desirable properties such as low weight (e.g. aluminium), higher conductivity (e.g. copper), non-magnetic property or resistance to corrosion (e.g. zinc). Some non-ferrous materials are also used in the iron and steel industries. For example, bauxite is used as flux for blast furnaces, while others such as wolframite, pyrolusite and chromite are used in making ferrous alloys.","Document [2](Title: Ferroaluminum) Ferroaluminum Ferroaluminum (FeAl) is a ferroalloy, consisting of iron and aluminium. The metal usually consists of 40% to 60% aluminium and applications of ferroaluminum include the deoxidation of steel, hardfacing applications, reducing agent, thermite reactions, AlNiCo magnets, and alloying additions to welding wires and fluxes. The alloy is also known for the ability to manufacture low melting point alloys and it's ability to carry out aluminothermic welding. Ferroaluminum does not currently have a CAS Registry Number. The presence of iron in aluminum helps in the decrease of casting defects. improves tensile, yield, hardness, and maintains strength at high temperatures. The","Document [3](Title: Non-ferrous metal) metal tin. It is used in residential, commercial, industrial industry. Material selection for a mechanical or structural application requires some important considerations, including how easily the material can be shaped into a finished part and how its properties can be either intentionally or inadvertently altered in the process. Depending on the end use, metals can be simply cast into the finished part, or cast into an intermediate form, such as an ingot, then worked, or wrought, by rolling, forging, extruding, or other deformation process. Although the same operations are used with ferrous as well as nonferrous metals and alloys, the","Document [4](Title: 5083 aluminium alloy) 5083 aluminium alloy 5083 aluminium alloy is an aluminium alloy with magnesium and traces of manganese and chromium. It is highly resistant to attack by seawater and industrial chemicals. Alloy 5083 retains exceptional strength after welding. It has the highest strength of the non-heat treatable alloys, but is not recommended for use in temperatures in excess of 65\u00b0C. For AA 5083 alloy, the stages of porous structure development are substantially identical with that of pure aluminum, although an increase in oxide growth rate and high conductance of the oxide film were observed. Alloy 5083 is commonly used in: Uses requiring","Document [5](Title: Aluminium alloy) Aluminium alloy Aluminium alloys (or aluminum alloys; see spelling differences) are alloys in which aluminium (Al) is the predominant metal. The typical alloying elements are copper, magnesium, manganese, silicon, tin and zinc. There are two principal classifications, namely casting alloys and wrought alloys, both of which are further subdivided into the categories heat-treatable and non-heat-treatable. About 85% of aluminium is used for wrought products, for example rolled plate, foils and extrusions. Cast aluminium alloys yield cost-effective products due to the low melting point, although they generally have lower tensile strengths than wrought alloys. The most important cast aluminium alloy system","Document [6](Title: 5083 aluminium alloy) a weldable moderate-strength alloy having good corrosion resistance are commonly utilizing alloy 5083. 5083 aluminium alloy 5083 aluminium alloy is an aluminium alloy with magnesium and traces of manganese and chromium. It is highly resistant to attack by seawater and industrial chemicals. Alloy 5083 retains exceptional strength after welding. It has the highest strength of the non-heat treatable alloys, but is not recommended for use in temperatures in excess of 65\u00b0C. For AA 5083 alloy, the stages of porous structure development are substantially identical with that of pure aluminum, although an increase in oxide growth rate and high conductance of","Document [7](Title: Aluminium) Aluminium Aluminium or aluminum is a chemical element with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic and ductile metal in the boron group. By mass, aluminium makes up about 8% of the Earth's crust; it is the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon and the most abundant metal in the crust, though it is less common in the mantle below. The chief ore of aluminium is bauxite. Aluminium metal is so chemically reactive that native specimens are rare and limited to extreme reducing environments. Instead, it is found combined in over 270 different","Document [8](Title: Aluminium) (not avgas), and laboratory cultures can degrade aluminium. However, these life forms do not directly attack or consume the aluminium; rather, the metal is corroded by microbe waste products. Aluminium Aluminium or aluminum is a chemical element with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic and ductile metal in the boron group. By mass, aluminium makes up about 8% of the Earth's crust; it is the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon and the most abundant metal in the crust, though it is less common in the mantle below. The chief ore of","Document [9](Title: Aluminium alloy inclusions) Aluminium alloy inclusions An inclusion is a solid particle in liquid aluminium alloy. It is usually non-metallic and can be of different nature depending on its source. Inclusions can create problems in the casting when they are large and in too high concentration. Here are examples of problems related to inclusions: In contact with ambient air, liquid aluminium reacts with the oxygen and form an oxide film layer (gamma-AlO). This layer becomes thicker with time. When aluminium is moved, this oxide film gets mixed inside the melt. In primary aluminium production, aluminium carbides (AlC) originates from the reduction of alumina","Document [10](Title: 6105 aluminium alloy) 6105 aluminium alloy 6105 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium-silicon family (6000 or 6xxx series). It is one of the least common of the alloys in this series. While most wrought aluminium alloys are covered by multiple standards (from any mixture of ASTM, EN, ISO, and national standard bodies), 6105 is only dealt with in \"ASTM B221: Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes\". It is formed by extrusion, and supplied in heat treated form. It can alternately referred to by the UNS designation A96105. The alloy composition of 6105 aluminium","Document [11](Title: 1060 aluminium alloy) significantly alloyed metals. It can be strengthened by cold working, but not by heat treatment. Alternate designations include Al99.6 and A91060. It is described in the following standards: The alloy composition of 1060 aluminium is: 1060 aluminium alloy 1060 aluminium alloy is an aluminium-based alloy in the \"commercially pure\" wrought family (1000 or 1xxx series). It is fundamentally very similar to 1050 aluminium alloy, with the difference coming down to 0.1% aluminium by weight. However, while both 1050 and 1060 are covered by the same ISO standard, they are covered by different ASTM standards. As a wrought alloy, it is","Document [12](Title: 6463 aluminium alloy) 6463 aluminium alloy 6463 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium-silicon family (6000 or 6xxx series). It is related to 6063 aluminium alloy (Aluminum Association designations that only differ in the second digit are variations on the same alloy), but unlike 6063 it is generally not formed using any processes other than extrusion. It cannot be work hardened, but is commonly heat treated to produce tempers with a higher strength but lower ductility. Like 6063, it is often used in architectural applications. Alternate designations include AlMg0.7Si(B) and A96463. The alloy and its various tempers are covered by the","Document [13](Title: Metalloid) being considered nonmetallic in character. Classifying aluminium as a metalloid has been disputed given its many metallic properties. It is therefore, arguably, an exception to the mnemonic that elements adjacent to the metal\u2013nonmetal dividing line are metalloids. Stott labels aluminium as a weak metal. It has the physical properties of a metal but some of the chemical properties of a nonmetal. Steele notes the paradoxical chemical behaviour of aluminium: \"It resembles a weak metal in its amphoteric oxide and in the covalent character of many of its compounds ... Yet it is a highly electropositive metal ... [with] a high","Document [14](Title: 2024 aluminium alloy) 2024 aluminium alloy 2024 aluminium alloy is an aluminium alloy, with copper as the primary alloying element. It is used in applications requiring high strength to weight ratio, as well as good fatigue resistance. It is weldable only through friction welding, and has average machinability. Due to poor corrosion resistance, it is often clad with aluminium or Al-1Zn for protection, although this may reduce the fatigue strength. In older systems of terminology, this alloy was named 24ST.Al 2024 is commonly extruded, and also available in alclad sheet and plate forms. It is not commonly forged (the related 2014 aluminium alloy","Document [15](Title: 3003 aluminium alloy) 3003 aluminium alloy 3003 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-manganese family (3000 or 3xxx series). It can be cold worked (but not, unlike some other types of aluminium alloys, heat-treated) to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. Like most other aluminium-manganese alloys, 3003 is a general-purpose alloy with moderate strength, good workability, and good corrosion resistance. It is commonly rolled and extruded, but typically not forged. As a wrought alloy, it is not used in casting. It is also commonly used in sheet metal applications such as gutters, downspouts, roofing, and siding. Alternate","Document [16](Title: 3003 aluminium alloy) designations include 3.0517 and A93003. 3003 aluminium and its various tempers are covered by the ISO standard 6361 and the ASTM standards B209, B210, B211, B221, B483, B491, and B547. The alloy composition of 3003 aluminium is: 3003 aluminium alloy 3003 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-manganese family (3000 or 3xxx series). It can be cold worked (but not, unlike some other types of aluminium alloys, heat-treated) to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. Like most other aluminium-manganese alloys, 3003 is a general-purpose alloy with moderate strength, good workability, and good corrosion resistance.","Document [17](Title: 6082 aluminium alloy) 6082 aluminium alloy 6082 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium-silicon family (6000 or 6xxx series). It is one of the more popular alloys in its series (alongside alloys 6005, 6061, and 6063), although it is not strongly featured in ASTM (North American) standards. It is typically formed by extrusion and rolling, but as a wrought alloy it is not used in casting. It can also be forged and clad, but that is not common practice with this alloy. It cannot be work hardened, but is commonly heat treated to produce tempers with a higher strength but lower","Document [18](Title: 5154 aluminium alloy) 5154 aluminium alloy 5154 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium family (5000 or 5xxx series). As an aluminium-magnesium alloy, it combines moderate-to-high strength with excellent weldability. 5154 aluminium is commonly used in welded structures such as pressure vessels and ships. As a wrought alloy, it can be formed by rolling, extrusion, and forging, but not casting. It can be cold worked to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. It is generally not clad. Alternate names and designations include AlMg3.5, N5, and A95154. The alloy and its various tempers are covered by the following","Document [19](Title: 5454 aluminium alloy) 5454 aluminium alloy 5454 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium family (5000 or 5xxx series). It is closely related to 5154 aluminium alloy. As an aluminium-magnesium alloy, it combines moderate-to-high strength with excellent weldability. Like 5154, 5454 aluminium is commonly used in welded structures such as pressure vessels and ships. As a wrought alloy, it can be formed by rolling, extrusion, and forging (although forging is not common), but not casting. It can be cold worked to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. It is generally not clad. Alternate names and designations include","Document [20](Title: 3004 aluminium alloy) 3004 aluminium alloy 3004 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-manganese family (3000 or 3xxx series). It is similar to the 3003 alloy, except for the addition of approximately 1% magnesium. It can be cold worked (but not, unlike some other types of aluminium alloys, heat treated) to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. Like most other aluminium-manganese alloys, 3003 is a general-purpose alloy with moderate strength, good workability, and good corrosion resistance. It is commonly rolled and extruded, but typically not forged. As a wrought alloy, it is not used in casting. The"],"query":"is aluminium a ferrous or non ferrous metal?","answers":["non-ferrous"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Ferroaluminum) Ferroaluminum Ferroaluminum (FeAl) is a ferroalloy, consisting of iron and aluminium. The metal usually consists of 40% to 60% aluminium and applications of ferroaluminum include the deoxidation of steel, hardfacing applications, reducing agent, thermite reactions, AlNiCo magnets, and alloying additions to welding wires and fluxes. The alloy is also known for the ability to manufacture low melting point alloys and it's ability to carry out aluminothermic welding. Ferroaluminum does not currently have a CAS Registry Number. The presence of iron in aluminum helps in the decrease of casting defects. improves tensile, yield, hardness, and maintains strength at high temperatures. The","Document [2](Title: Non-ferrous metal) metal tin. It is used in residential, commercial, industrial industry. Material selection for a mechanical or structural application requires some important considerations, including how easily the material can be shaped into a finished part and how its properties can be either intentionally or inadvertently altered in the process. Depending on the end use, metals can be simply cast into the finished part, or cast into an intermediate form, such as an ingot, then worked, or wrought, by rolling, forging, extruding, or other deformation process. Although the same operations are used with ferrous as well as nonferrous metals and alloys, the","Document [3](Title: 5083 aluminium alloy) 5083 aluminium alloy 5083 aluminium alloy is an aluminium alloy with magnesium and traces of manganese and chromium. It is highly resistant to attack by seawater and industrial chemicals. Alloy 5083 retains exceptional strength after welding. It has the highest strength of the non-heat treatable alloys, but is not recommended for use in temperatures in excess of 65\u00b0C. For AA 5083 alloy, the stages of porous structure development are substantially identical with that of pure aluminum, although an increase in oxide growth rate and high conductance of the oxide film were observed. Alloy 5083 is commonly used in: Uses requiring","Document [4](Title: Aluminium alloy) Aluminium alloy Aluminium alloys (or aluminum alloys; see spelling differences) are alloys in which aluminium (Al) is the predominant metal. The typical alloying elements are copper, magnesium, manganese, silicon, tin and zinc. There are two principal classifications, namely casting alloys and wrought alloys, both of which are further subdivided into the categories heat-treatable and non-heat-treatable. About 85% of aluminium is used for wrought products, for example rolled plate, foils and extrusions. Cast aluminium alloys yield cost-effective products due to the low melting point, although they generally have lower tensile strengths than wrought alloys. The most important cast aluminium alloy system","Document [5](Title: Non-ferrous metal) Generally more expensive than ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals are used because of desirable properties such as low weight (e.g. aluminium), higher conductivity (e.g. copper), non-magnetic property or resistance to corrosion (e.g. zinc). Some non-ferrous materials are also used in the iron and steel industries. For example, bauxite is used as flux for blast furnaces, while others such as wolframite, pyrolusite and chromite are used in making ferrous alloys.","Document [6](Title: 5083 aluminium alloy) a weldable moderate-strength alloy having good corrosion resistance are commonly utilizing alloy 5083. 5083 aluminium alloy 5083 aluminium alloy is an aluminium alloy with magnesium and traces of manganese and chromium. It is highly resistant to attack by seawater and industrial chemicals. Alloy 5083 retains exceptional strength after welding. It has the highest strength of the non-heat treatable alloys, but is not recommended for use in temperatures in excess of 65\u00b0C. For AA 5083 alloy, the stages of porous structure development are substantially identical with that of pure aluminum, although an increase in oxide growth rate and high conductance of","Document [7](Title: Aluminium) Aluminium Aluminium or aluminum is a chemical element with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic and ductile metal in the boron group. By mass, aluminium makes up about 8% of the Earth's crust; it is the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon and the most abundant metal in the crust, though it is less common in the mantle below. The chief ore of aluminium is bauxite. Aluminium metal is so chemically reactive that native specimens are rare and limited to extreme reducing environments. Instead, it is found combined in over 270 different","Document [8](Title: Aluminium) (not avgas), and laboratory cultures can degrade aluminium. However, these life forms do not directly attack or consume the aluminium; rather, the metal is corroded by microbe waste products. Aluminium Aluminium or aluminum is a chemical element with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic and ductile metal in the boron group. By mass, aluminium makes up about 8% of the Earth's crust; it is the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon and the most abundant metal in the crust, though it is less common in the mantle below. The chief ore of","Document [9](Title: Aluminium alloy inclusions) Aluminium alloy inclusions An inclusion is a solid particle in liquid aluminium alloy. It is usually non-metallic and can be of different nature depending on its source. Inclusions can create problems in the casting when they are large and in too high concentration. Here are examples of problems related to inclusions: In contact with ambient air, liquid aluminium reacts with the oxygen and form an oxide film layer (gamma-AlO). This layer becomes thicker with time. When aluminium is moved, this oxide film gets mixed inside the melt. In primary aluminium production, aluminium carbides (AlC) originates from the reduction of alumina","Document [10](Title: 6105 aluminium alloy) 6105 aluminium alloy 6105 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium-silicon family (6000 or 6xxx series). It is one of the least common of the alloys in this series. While most wrought aluminium alloys are covered by multiple standards (from any mixture of ASTM, EN, ISO, and national standard bodies), 6105 is only dealt with in \"ASTM B221: Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes\". It is formed by extrusion, and supplied in heat treated form. It can alternately referred to by the UNS designation A96105. The alloy composition of 6105 aluminium","Document [11](Title: 1060 aluminium alloy) significantly alloyed metals. It can be strengthened by cold working, but not by heat treatment. Alternate designations include Al99.6 and A91060. It is described in the following standards: The alloy composition of 1060 aluminium is: 1060 aluminium alloy 1060 aluminium alloy is an aluminium-based alloy in the \"commercially pure\" wrought family (1000 or 1xxx series). It is fundamentally very similar to 1050 aluminium alloy, with the difference coming down to 0.1% aluminium by weight. However, while both 1050 and 1060 are covered by the same ISO standard, they are covered by different ASTM standards. As a wrought alloy, it is","Document [12](Title: 6463 aluminium alloy) 6463 aluminium alloy 6463 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium-silicon family (6000 or 6xxx series). It is related to 6063 aluminium alloy (Aluminum Association designations that only differ in the second digit are variations on the same alloy), but unlike 6063 it is generally not formed using any processes other than extrusion. It cannot be work hardened, but is commonly heat treated to produce tempers with a higher strength but lower ductility. Like 6063, it is often used in architectural applications. Alternate designations include AlMg0.7Si(B) and A96463. The alloy and its various tempers are covered by the","Document [13](Title: Metalloid) being considered nonmetallic in character. Classifying aluminium as a metalloid has been disputed given its many metallic properties. It is therefore, arguably, an exception to the mnemonic that elements adjacent to the metal\u2013nonmetal dividing line are metalloids. Stott labels aluminium as a weak metal. It has the physical properties of a metal but some of the chemical properties of a nonmetal. Steele notes the paradoxical chemical behaviour of aluminium: \"It resembles a weak metal in its amphoteric oxide and in the covalent character of many of its compounds ... Yet it is a highly electropositive metal ... [with] a high","Document [14](Title: 2024 aluminium alloy) 2024 aluminium alloy 2024 aluminium alloy is an aluminium alloy, with copper as the primary alloying element. It is used in applications requiring high strength to weight ratio, as well as good fatigue resistance. It is weldable only through friction welding, and has average machinability. Due to poor corrosion resistance, it is often clad with aluminium or Al-1Zn for protection, although this may reduce the fatigue strength. In older systems of terminology, this alloy was named 24ST.Al 2024 is commonly extruded, and also available in alclad sheet and plate forms. It is not commonly forged (the related 2014 aluminium alloy","Document [15](Title: 3003 aluminium alloy) 3003 aluminium alloy 3003 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-manganese family (3000 or 3xxx series). It can be cold worked (but not, unlike some other types of aluminium alloys, heat-treated) to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. Like most other aluminium-manganese alloys, 3003 is a general-purpose alloy with moderate strength, good workability, and good corrosion resistance. It is commonly rolled and extruded, but typically not forged. As a wrought alloy, it is not used in casting. It is also commonly used in sheet metal applications such as gutters, downspouts, roofing, and siding. Alternate","Document [16](Title: 3003 aluminium alloy) designations include 3.0517 and A93003. 3003 aluminium and its various tempers are covered by the ISO standard 6361 and the ASTM standards B209, B210, B211, B221, B483, B491, and B547. The alloy composition of 3003 aluminium is: 3003 aluminium alloy 3003 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-manganese family (3000 or 3xxx series). It can be cold worked (but not, unlike some other types of aluminium alloys, heat-treated) to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. Like most other aluminium-manganese alloys, 3003 is a general-purpose alloy with moderate strength, good workability, and good corrosion resistance.","Document [17](Title: 6082 aluminium alloy) 6082 aluminium alloy 6082 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium-silicon family (6000 or 6xxx series). It is one of the more popular alloys in its series (alongside alloys 6005, 6061, and 6063), although it is not strongly featured in ASTM (North American) standards. It is typically formed by extrusion and rolling, but as a wrought alloy it is not used in casting. It can also be forged and clad, but that is not common practice with this alloy. It cannot be work hardened, but is commonly heat treated to produce tempers with a higher strength but lower","Document [18](Title: 5154 aluminium alloy) 5154 aluminium alloy 5154 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium family (5000 or 5xxx series). As an aluminium-magnesium alloy, it combines moderate-to-high strength with excellent weldability. 5154 aluminium is commonly used in welded structures such as pressure vessels and ships. As a wrought alloy, it can be formed by rolling, extrusion, and forging, but not casting. It can be cold worked to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. It is generally not clad. Alternate names and designations include AlMg3.5, N5, and A95154. The alloy and its various tempers are covered by the following","Document [19](Title: 5454 aluminium alloy) 5454 aluminium alloy 5454 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium family (5000 or 5xxx series). It is closely related to 5154 aluminium alloy. As an aluminium-magnesium alloy, it combines moderate-to-high strength with excellent weldability. Like 5154, 5454 aluminium is commonly used in welded structures such as pressure vessels and ships. As a wrought alloy, it can be formed by rolling, extrusion, and forging (although forging is not common), but not casting. It can be cold worked to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. It is generally not clad. Alternate names and designations include","Document [20](Title: 3004 aluminium alloy) 3004 aluminium alloy 3004 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-manganese family (3000 or 3xxx series). It is similar to the 3003 alloy, except for the addition of approximately 1% magnesium. It can be cold worked (but not, unlike some other types of aluminium alloys, heat treated) to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. Like most other aluminium-manganese alloys, 3003 is a general-purpose alloy with moderate strength, good workability, and good corrosion resistance. It is commonly rolled and extruded, but typically not forged. As a wrought alloy, it is not used in casting. The"],"query":"is aluminium a ferrous or non ferrous metal?","answers":["non-ferrous"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Ferroaluminum) Ferroaluminum Ferroaluminum (FeAl) is a ferroalloy, consisting of iron and aluminium. The metal usually consists of 40% to 60% aluminium and applications of ferroaluminum include the deoxidation of steel, hardfacing applications, reducing agent, thermite reactions, AlNiCo magnets, and alloying additions to welding wires and fluxes. The alloy is also known for the ability to manufacture low melting point alloys and it's ability to carry out aluminothermic welding. Ferroaluminum does not currently have a CAS Registry Number. The presence of iron in aluminum helps in the decrease of casting defects. improves tensile, yield, hardness, and maintains strength at high temperatures. The","Document [2](Title: Non-ferrous metal) metal tin. It is used in residential, commercial, industrial industry. Material selection for a mechanical or structural application requires some important considerations, including how easily the material can be shaped into a finished part and how its properties can be either intentionally or inadvertently altered in the process. Depending on the end use, metals can be simply cast into the finished part, or cast into an intermediate form, such as an ingot, then worked, or wrought, by rolling, forging, extruding, or other deformation process. Although the same operations are used with ferrous as well as nonferrous metals and alloys, the","Document [3](Title: 5083 aluminium alloy) 5083 aluminium alloy 5083 aluminium alloy is an aluminium alloy with magnesium and traces of manganese and chromium. It is highly resistant to attack by seawater and industrial chemicals. Alloy 5083 retains exceptional strength after welding. It has the highest strength of the non-heat treatable alloys, but is not recommended for use in temperatures in excess of 65\u00b0C. For AA 5083 alloy, the stages of porous structure development are substantially identical with that of pure aluminum, although an increase in oxide growth rate and high conductance of the oxide film were observed. Alloy 5083 is commonly used in: Uses requiring","Document [4](Title: Aluminium alloy) Aluminium alloy Aluminium alloys (or aluminum alloys; see spelling differences) are alloys in which aluminium (Al) is the predominant metal. The typical alloying elements are copper, magnesium, manganese, silicon, tin and zinc. There are two principal classifications, namely casting alloys and wrought alloys, both of which are further subdivided into the categories heat-treatable and non-heat-treatable. About 85% of aluminium is used for wrought products, for example rolled plate, foils and extrusions. Cast aluminium alloys yield cost-effective products due to the low melting point, although they generally have lower tensile strengths than wrought alloys. The most important cast aluminium alloy system","Document [5](Title: 5083 aluminium alloy) a weldable moderate-strength alloy having good corrosion resistance are commonly utilizing alloy 5083. 5083 aluminium alloy 5083 aluminium alloy is an aluminium alloy with magnesium and traces of manganese and chromium. It is highly resistant to attack by seawater and industrial chemicals. Alloy 5083 retains exceptional strength after welding. It has the highest strength of the non-heat treatable alloys, but is not recommended for use in temperatures in excess of 65\u00b0C. For AA 5083 alloy, the stages of porous structure development are substantially identical with that of pure aluminum, although an increase in oxide growth rate and high conductance of","Document [6](Title: Aluminium) Aluminium Aluminium or aluminum is a chemical element with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic and ductile metal in the boron group. By mass, aluminium makes up about 8% of the Earth's crust; it is the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon and the most abundant metal in the crust, though it is less common in the mantle below. The chief ore of aluminium is bauxite. Aluminium metal is so chemically reactive that native specimens are rare and limited to extreme reducing environments. Instead, it is found combined in over 270 different","Document [7](Title: Aluminium) (not avgas), and laboratory cultures can degrade aluminium. However, these life forms do not directly attack or consume the aluminium; rather, the metal is corroded by microbe waste products. Aluminium Aluminium or aluminum is a chemical element with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic and ductile metal in the boron group. By mass, aluminium makes up about 8% of the Earth's crust; it is the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon and the most abundant metal in the crust, though it is less common in the mantle below. The chief ore of","Document [8](Title: Aluminium alloy inclusions) Aluminium alloy inclusions An inclusion is a solid particle in liquid aluminium alloy. It is usually non-metallic and can be of different nature depending on its source. Inclusions can create problems in the casting when they are large and in too high concentration. Here are examples of problems related to inclusions: In contact with ambient air, liquid aluminium reacts with the oxygen and form an oxide film layer (gamma-AlO). This layer becomes thicker with time. When aluminium is moved, this oxide film gets mixed inside the melt. In primary aluminium production, aluminium carbides (AlC) originates from the reduction of alumina","Document [9](Title: 6105 aluminium alloy) 6105 aluminium alloy 6105 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium-silicon family (6000 or 6xxx series). It is one of the least common of the alloys in this series. While most wrought aluminium alloys are covered by multiple standards (from any mixture of ASTM, EN, ISO, and national standard bodies), 6105 is only dealt with in \"ASTM B221: Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes\". It is formed by extrusion, and supplied in heat treated form. It can alternately referred to by the UNS designation A96105. The alloy composition of 6105 aluminium","Document [10](Title: Non-ferrous metal) Generally more expensive than ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals are used because of desirable properties such as low weight (e.g. aluminium), higher conductivity (e.g. copper), non-magnetic property or resistance to corrosion (e.g. zinc). Some non-ferrous materials are also used in the iron and steel industries. For example, bauxite is used as flux for blast furnaces, while others such as wolframite, pyrolusite and chromite are used in making ferrous alloys.","Document [11](Title: 1060 aluminium alloy) significantly alloyed metals. It can be strengthened by cold working, but not by heat treatment. Alternate designations include Al99.6 and A91060. It is described in the following standards: The alloy composition of 1060 aluminium is: 1060 aluminium alloy 1060 aluminium alloy is an aluminium-based alloy in the \"commercially pure\" wrought family (1000 or 1xxx series). It is fundamentally very similar to 1050 aluminium alloy, with the difference coming down to 0.1% aluminium by weight. However, while both 1050 and 1060 are covered by the same ISO standard, they are covered by different ASTM standards. As a wrought alloy, it is","Document [12](Title: 6463 aluminium alloy) 6463 aluminium alloy 6463 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium-silicon family (6000 or 6xxx series). It is related to 6063 aluminium alloy (Aluminum Association designations that only differ in the second digit are variations on the same alloy), but unlike 6063 it is generally not formed using any processes other than extrusion. It cannot be work hardened, but is commonly heat treated to produce tempers with a higher strength but lower ductility. Like 6063, it is often used in architectural applications. Alternate designations include AlMg0.7Si(B) and A96463. The alloy and its various tempers are covered by the","Document [13](Title: Metalloid) being considered nonmetallic in character. Classifying aluminium as a metalloid has been disputed given its many metallic properties. It is therefore, arguably, an exception to the mnemonic that elements adjacent to the metal\u2013nonmetal dividing line are metalloids. Stott labels aluminium as a weak metal. It has the physical properties of a metal but some of the chemical properties of a nonmetal. Steele notes the paradoxical chemical behaviour of aluminium: \"It resembles a weak metal in its amphoteric oxide and in the covalent character of many of its compounds ... Yet it is a highly electropositive metal ... [with] a high","Document [14](Title: 2024 aluminium alloy) 2024 aluminium alloy 2024 aluminium alloy is an aluminium alloy, with copper as the primary alloying element. It is used in applications requiring high strength to weight ratio, as well as good fatigue resistance. It is weldable only through friction welding, and has average machinability. Due to poor corrosion resistance, it is often clad with aluminium or Al-1Zn for protection, although this may reduce the fatigue strength. In older systems of terminology, this alloy was named 24ST.Al 2024 is commonly extruded, and also available in alclad sheet and plate forms. It is not commonly forged (the related 2014 aluminium alloy","Document [15](Title: 3003 aluminium alloy) 3003 aluminium alloy 3003 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-manganese family (3000 or 3xxx series). It can be cold worked (but not, unlike some other types of aluminium alloys, heat-treated) to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. Like most other aluminium-manganese alloys, 3003 is a general-purpose alloy with moderate strength, good workability, and good corrosion resistance. It is commonly rolled and extruded, but typically not forged. As a wrought alloy, it is not used in casting. It is also commonly used in sheet metal applications such as gutters, downspouts, roofing, and siding. Alternate","Document [16](Title: 3003 aluminium alloy) designations include 3.0517 and A93003. 3003 aluminium and its various tempers are covered by the ISO standard 6361 and the ASTM standards B209, B210, B211, B221, B483, B491, and B547. The alloy composition of 3003 aluminium is: 3003 aluminium alloy 3003 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-manganese family (3000 or 3xxx series). It can be cold worked (but not, unlike some other types of aluminium alloys, heat-treated) to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. Like most other aluminium-manganese alloys, 3003 is a general-purpose alloy with moderate strength, good workability, and good corrosion resistance.","Document [17](Title: 6082 aluminium alloy) 6082 aluminium alloy 6082 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium-silicon family (6000 or 6xxx series). It is one of the more popular alloys in its series (alongside alloys 6005, 6061, and 6063), although it is not strongly featured in ASTM (North American) standards. It is typically formed by extrusion and rolling, but as a wrought alloy it is not used in casting. It can also be forged and clad, but that is not common practice with this alloy. It cannot be work hardened, but is commonly heat treated to produce tempers with a higher strength but lower","Document [18](Title: 5154 aluminium alloy) 5154 aluminium alloy 5154 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium family (5000 or 5xxx series). As an aluminium-magnesium alloy, it combines moderate-to-high strength with excellent weldability. 5154 aluminium is commonly used in welded structures such as pressure vessels and ships. As a wrought alloy, it can be formed by rolling, extrusion, and forging, but not casting. It can be cold worked to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. It is generally not clad. Alternate names and designations include AlMg3.5, N5, and A95154. The alloy and its various tempers are covered by the following","Document [19](Title: 5454 aluminium alloy) 5454 aluminium alloy 5454 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium family (5000 or 5xxx series). It is closely related to 5154 aluminium alloy. As an aluminium-magnesium alloy, it combines moderate-to-high strength with excellent weldability. Like 5154, 5454 aluminium is commonly used in welded structures such as pressure vessels and ships. As a wrought alloy, it can be formed by rolling, extrusion, and forging (although forging is not common), but not casting. It can be cold worked to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. It is generally not clad. Alternate names and designations include","Document [20](Title: 3004 aluminium alloy) 3004 aluminium alloy 3004 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-manganese family (3000 or 3xxx series). It is similar to the 3003 alloy, except for the addition of approximately 1% magnesium. It can be cold worked (but not, unlike some other types of aluminium alloys, heat treated) to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. Like most other aluminium-manganese alloys, 3003 is a general-purpose alloy with moderate strength, good workability, and good corrosion resistance. It is commonly rolled and extruded, but typically not forged. As a wrought alloy, it is not used in casting. The"],"query":"is aluminium a ferrous or non ferrous metal?","answers":["non-ferrous"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Ferroaluminum) Ferroaluminum Ferroaluminum (FeAl) is a ferroalloy, consisting of iron and aluminium. The metal usually consists of 40% to 60% aluminium and applications of ferroaluminum include the deoxidation of steel, hardfacing applications, reducing agent, thermite reactions, AlNiCo magnets, and alloying additions to welding wires and fluxes. The alloy is also known for the ability to manufacture low melting point alloys and it's ability to carry out aluminothermic welding. Ferroaluminum does not currently have a CAS Registry Number. The presence of iron in aluminum helps in the decrease of casting defects. improves tensile, yield, hardness, and maintains strength at high temperatures. The","Document [2](Title: Non-ferrous metal) metal tin. It is used in residential, commercial, industrial industry. Material selection for a mechanical or structural application requires some important considerations, including how easily the material can be shaped into a finished part and how its properties can be either intentionally or inadvertently altered in the process. Depending on the end use, metals can be simply cast into the finished part, or cast into an intermediate form, such as an ingot, then worked, or wrought, by rolling, forging, extruding, or other deformation process. Although the same operations are used with ferrous as well as nonferrous metals and alloys, the","Document [3](Title: 5083 aluminium alloy) 5083 aluminium alloy 5083 aluminium alloy is an aluminium alloy with magnesium and traces of manganese and chromium. It is highly resistant to attack by seawater and industrial chemicals. Alloy 5083 retains exceptional strength after welding. It has the highest strength of the non-heat treatable alloys, but is not recommended for use in temperatures in excess of 65\u00b0C. For AA 5083 alloy, the stages of porous structure development are substantially identical with that of pure aluminum, although an increase in oxide growth rate and high conductance of the oxide film were observed. Alloy 5083 is commonly used in: Uses requiring","Document [4](Title: Aluminium alloy) Aluminium alloy Aluminium alloys (or aluminum alloys; see spelling differences) are alloys in which aluminium (Al) is the predominant metal. The typical alloying elements are copper, magnesium, manganese, silicon, tin and zinc. There are two principal classifications, namely casting alloys and wrought alloys, both of which are further subdivided into the categories heat-treatable and non-heat-treatable. About 85% of aluminium is used for wrought products, for example rolled plate, foils and extrusions. Cast aluminium alloys yield cost-effective products due to the low melting point, although they generally have lower tensile strengths than wrought alloys. The most important cast aluminium alloy system","Document [5](Title: 5083 aluminium alloy) a weldable moderate-strength alloy having good corrosion resistance are commonly utilizing alloy 5083. 5083 aluminium alloy 5083 aluminium alloy is an aluminium alloy with magnesium and traces of manganese and chromium. It is highly resistant to attack by seawater and industrial chemicals. Alloy 5083 retains exceptional strength after welding. It has the highest strength of the non-heat treatable alloys, but is not recommended for use in temperatures in excess of 65\u00b0C. For AA 5083 alloy, the stages of porous structure development are substantially identical with that of pure aluminum, although an increase in oxide growth rate and high conductance of","Document [6](Title: Aluminium) Aluminium Aluminium or aluminum is a chemical element with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic and ductile metal in the boron group. By mass, aluminium makes up about 8% of the Earth's crust; it is the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon and the most abundant metal in the crust, though it is less common in the mantle below. The chief ore of aluminium is bauxite. Aluminium metal is so chemically reactive that native specimens are rare and limited to extreme reducing environments. Instead, it is found combined in over 270 different","Document [7](Title: Aluminium) (not avgas), and laboratory cultures can degrade aluminium. However, these life forms do not directly attack or consume the aluminium; rather, the metal is corroded by microbe waste products. Aluminium Aluminium or aluminum is a chemical element with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic and ductile metal in the boron group. By mass, aluminium makes up about 8% of the Earth's crust; it is the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon and the most abundant metal in the crust, though it is less common in the mantle below. The chief ore of","Document [8](Title: Aluminium alloy inclusions) Aluminium alloy inclusions An inclusion is a solid particle in liquid aluminium alloy. It is usually non-metallic and can be of different nature depending on its source. Inclusions can create problems in the casting when they are large and in too high concentration. Here are examples of problems related to inclusions: In contact with ambient air, liquid aluminium reacts with the oxygen and form an oxide film layer (gamma-AlO). This layer becomes thicker with time. When aluminium is moved, this oxide film gets mixed inside the melt. In primary aluminium production, aluminium carbides (AlC) originates from the reduction of alumina","Document [9](Title: 6105 aluminium alloy) 6105 aluminium alloy 6105 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium-silicon family (6000 or 6xxx series). It is one of the least common of the alloys in this series. While most wrought aluminium alloys are covered by multiple standards (from any mixture of ASTM, EN, ISO, and national standard bodies), 6105 is only dealt with in \"ASTM B221: Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes\". It is formed by extrusion, and supplied in heat treated form. It can alternately referred to by the UNS designation A96105. The alloy composition of 6105 aluminium","Document [10](Title: 1060 aluminium alloy) significantly alloyed metals. It can be strengthened by cold working, but not by heat treatment. Alternate designations include Al99.6 and A91060. It is described in the following standards: The alloy composition of 1060 aluminium is: 1060 aluminium alloy 1060 aluminium alloy is an aluminium-based alloy in the \"commercially pure\" wrought family (1000 or 1xxx series). It is fundamentally very similar to 1050 aluminium alloy, with the difference coming down to 0.1% aluminium by weight. However, while both 1050 and 1060 are covered by the same ISO standard, they are covered by different ASTM standards. As a wrought alloy, it is","Document [11](Title: 6463 aluminium alloy) 6463 aluminium alloy 6463 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium-silicon family (6000 or 6xxx series). It is related to 6063 aluminium alloy (Aluminum Association designations that only differ in the second digit are variations on the same alloy), but unlike 6063 it is generally not formed using any processes other than extrusion. It cannot be work hardened, but is commonly heat treated to produce tempers with a higher strength but lower ductility. Like 6063, it is often used in architectural applications. Alternate designations include AlMg0.7Si(B) and A96463. The alloy and its various tempers are covered by the","Document [12](Title: Metalloid) being considered nonmetallic in character. Classifying aluminium as a metalloid has been disputed given its many metallic properties. It is therefore, arguably, an exception to the mnemonic that elements adjacent to the metal\u2013nonmetal dividing line are metalloids. Stott labels aluminium as a weak metal. It has the physical properties of a metal but some of the chemical properties of a nonmetal. Steele notes the paradoxical chemical behaviour of aluminium: \"It resembles a weak metal in its amphoteric oxide and in the covalent character of many of its compounds ... Yet it is a highly electropositive metal ... [with] a high","Document [13](Title: 2024 aluminium alloy) 2024 aluminium alloy 2024 aluminium alloy is an aluminium alloy, with copper as the primary alloying element. It is used in applications requiring high strength to weight ratio, as well as good fatigue resistance. It is weldable only through friction welding, and has average machinability. Due to poor corrosion resistance, it is often clad with aluminium or Al-1Zn for protection, although this may reduce the fatigue strength. In older systems of terminology, this alloy was named 24ST.Al 2024 is commonly extruded, and also available in alclad sheet and plate forms. It is not commonly forged (the related 2014 aluminium alloy","Document [14](Title: 3003 aluminium alloy) 3003 aluminium alloy 3003 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-manganese family (3000 or 3xxx series). It can be cold worked (but not, unlike some other types of aluminium alloys, heat-treated) to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. Like most other aluminium-manganese alloys, 3003 is a general-purpose alloy with moderate strength, good workability, and good corrosion resistance. It is commonly rolled and extruded, but typically not forged. As a wrought alloy, it is not used in casting. It is also commonly used in sheet metal applications such as gutters, downspouts, roofing, and siding. Alternate","Document [15](Title: Non-ferrous metal) Generally more expensive than ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals are used because of desirable properties such as low weight (e.g. aluminium), higher conductivity (e.g. copper), non-magnetic property or resistance to corrosion (e.g. zinc). Some non-ferrous materials are also used in the iron and steel industries. For example, bauxite is used as flux for blast furnaces, while others such as wolframite, pyrolusite and chromite are used in making ferrous alloys.","Document [16](Title: 3003 aluminium alloy) designations include 3.0517 and A93003. 3003 aluminium and its various tempers are covered by the ISO standard 6361 and the ASTM standards B209, B210, B211, B221, B483, B491, and B547. The alloy composition of 3003 aluminium is: 3003 aluminium alloy 3003 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-manganese family (3000 or 3xxx series). It can be cold worked (but not, unlike some other types of aluminium alloys, heat-treated) to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. Like most other aluminium-manganese alloys, 3003 is a general-purpose alloy with moderate strength, good workability, and good corrosion resistance.","Document [17](Title: 6082 aluminium alloy) 6082 aluminium alloy 6082 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium-silicon family (6000 or 6xxx series). It is one of the more popular alloys in its series (alongside alloys 6005, 6061, and 6063), although it is not strongly featured in ASTM (North American) standards. It is typically formed by extrusion and rolling, but as a wrought alloy it is not used in casting. It can also be forged and clad, but that is not common practice with this alloy. It cannot be work hardened, but is commonly heat treated to produce tempers with a higher strength but lower","Document [18](Title: 5154 aluminium alloy) 5154 aluminium alloy 5154 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium family (5000 or 5xxx series). As an aluminium-magnesium alloy, it combines moderate-to-high strength with excellent weldability. 5154 aluminium is commonly used in welded structures such as pressure vessels and ships. As a wrought alloy, it can be formed by rolling, extrusion, and forging, but not casting. It can be cold worked to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. It is generally not clad. Alternate names and designations include AlMg3.5, N5, and A95154. The alloy and its various tempers are covered by the following","Document [19](Title: 5454 aluminium alloy) 5454 aluminium alloy 5454 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium family (5000 or 5xxx series). It is closely related to 5154 aluminium alloy. As an aluminium-magnesium alloy, it combines moderate-to-high strength with excellent weldability. Like 5154, 5454 aluminium is commonly used in welded structures such as pressure vessels and ships. As a wrought alloy, it can be formed by rolling, extrusion, and forging (although forging is not common), but not casting. It can be cold worked to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. It is generally not clad. Alternate names and designations include","Document [20](Title: 3004 aluminium alloy) 3004 aluminium alloy 3004 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-manganese family (3000 or 3xxx series). It is similar to the 3003 alloy, except for the addition of approximately 1% magnesium. It can be cold worked (but not, unlike some other types of aluminium alloys, heat treated) to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. Like most other aluminium-manganese alloys, 3003 is a general-purpose alloy with moderate strength, good workability, and good corrosion resistance. It is commonly rolled and extruded, but typically not forged. As a wrought alloy, it is not used in casting. The"],"query":"is aluminium a ferrous or non ferrous metal?","answers":["non-ferrous"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Ferroaluminum) Ferroaluminum Ferroaluminum (FeAl) is a ferroalloy, consisting of iron and aluminium. The metal usually consists of 40% to 60% aluminium and applications of ferroaluminum include the deoxidation of steel, hardfacing applications, reducing agent, thermite reactions, AlNiCo magnets, and alloying additions to welding wires and fluxes. The alloy is also known for the ability to manufacture low melting point alloys and it's ability to carry out aluminothermic welding. Ferroaluminum does not currently have a CAS Registry Number. The presence of iron in aluminum helps in the decrease of casting defects. improves tensile, yield, hardness, and maintains strength at high temperatures. The","Document [2](Title: Non-ferrous metal) metal tin. It is used in residential, commercial, industrial industry. Material selection for a mechanical or structural application requires some important considerations, including how easily the material can be shaped into a finished part and how its properties can be either intentionally or inadvertently altered in the process. Depending on the end use, metals can be simply cast into the finished part, or cast into an intermediate form, such as an ingot, then worked, or wrought, by rolling, forging, extruding, or other deformation process. Although the same operations are used with ferrous as well as nonferrous metals and alloys, the","Document [3](Title: 5083 aluminium alloy) 5083 aluminium alloy 5083 aluminium alloy is an aluminium alloy with magnesium and traces of manganese and chromium. It is highly resistant to attack by seawater and industrial chemicals. Alloy 5083 retains exceptional strength after welding. It has the highest strength of the non-heat treatable alloys, but is not recommended for use in temperatures in excess of 65\u00b0C. For AA 5083 alloy, the stages of porous structure development are substantially identical with that of pure aluminum, although an increase in oxide growth rate and high conductance of the oxide film were observed. Alloy 5083 is commonly used in: Uses requiring","Document [4](Title: Aluminium alloy) Aluminium alloy Aluminium alloys (or aluminum alloys; see spelling differences) are alloys in which aluminium (Al) is the predominant metal. The typical alloying elements are copper, magnesium, manganese, silicon, tin and zinc. There are two principal classifications, namely casting alloys and wrought alloys, both of which are further subdivided into the categories heat-treatable and non-heat-treatable. About 85% of aluminium is used for wrought products, for example rolled plate, foils and extrusions. Cast aluminium alloys yield cost-effective products due to the low melting point, although they generally have lower tensile strengths than wrought alloys. The most important cast aluminium alloy system","Document [5](Title: 5083 aluminium alloy) a weldable moderate-strength alloy having good corrosion resistance are commonly utilizing alloy 5083. 5083 aluminium alloy 5083 aluminium alloy is an aluminium alloy with magnesium and traces of manganese and chromium. It is highly resistant to attack by seawater and industrial chemicals. Alloy 5083 retains exceptional strength after welding. It has the highest strength of the non-heat treatable alloys, but is not recommended for use in temperatures in excess of 65\u00b0C. For AA 5083 alloy, the stages of porous structure development are substantially identical with that of pure aluminum, although an increase in oxide growth rate and high conductance of","Document [6](Title: Aluminium) Aluminium Aluminium or aluminum is a chemical element with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic and ductile metal in the boron group. By mass, aluminium makes up about 8% of the Earth's crust; it is the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon and the most abundant metal in the crust, though it is less common in the mantle below. The chief ore of aluminium is bauxite. Aluminium metal is so chemically reactive that native specimens are rare and limited to extreme reducing environments. Instead, it is found combined in over 270 different","Document [7](Title: Aluminium) (not avgas), and laboratory cultures can degrade aluminium. However, these life forms do not directly attack or consume the aluminium; rather, the metal is corroded by microbe waste products. Aluminium Aluminium or aluminum is a chemical element with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery-white, soft, nonmagnetic and ductile metal in the boron group. By mass, aluminium makes up about 8% of the Earth's crust; it is the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon and the most abundant metal in the crust, though it is less common in the mantle below. The chief ore of","Document [8](Title: Aluminium alloy inclusions) Aluminium alloy inclusions An inclusion is a solid particle in liquid aluminium alloy. It is usually non-metallic and can be of different nature depending on its source. Inclusions can create problems in the casting when they are large and in too high concentration. Here are examples of problems related to inclusions: In contact with ambient air, liquid aluminium reacts with the oxygen and form an oxide film layer (gamma-AlO). This layer becomes thicker with time. When aluminium is moved, this oxide film gets mixed inside the melt. In primary aluminium production, aluminium carbides (AlC) originates from the reduction of alumina","Document [9](Title: 6105 aluminium alloy) 6105 aluminium alloy 6105 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium-silicon family (6000 or 6xxx series). It is one of the least common of the alloys in this series. While most wrought aluminium alloys are covered by multiple standards (from any mixture of ASTM, EN, ISO, and national standard bodies), 6105 is only dealt with in \"ASTM B221: Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes\". It is formed by extrusion, and supplied in heat treated form. It can alternately referred to by the UNS designation A96105. The alloy composition of 6105 aluminium","Document [10](Title: 1060 aluminium alloy) significantly alloyed metals. It can be strengthened by cold working, but not by heat treatment. Alternate designations include Al99.6 and A91060. It is described in the following standards: The alloy composition of 1060 aluminium is: 1060 aluminium alloy 1060 aluminium alloy is an aluminium-based alloy in the \"commercially pure\" wrought family (1000 or 1xxx series). It is fundamentally very similar to 1050 aluminium alloy, with the difference coming down to 0.1% aluminium by weight. However, while both 1050 and 1060 are covered by the same ISO standard, they are covered by different ASTM standards. As a wrought alloy, it is","Document [11](Title: 6463 aluminium alloy) 6463 aluminium alloy 6463 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium-silicon family (6000 or 6xxx series). It is related to 6063 aluminium alloy (Aluminum Association designations that only differ in the second digit are variations on the same alloy), but unlike 6063 it is generally not formed using any processes other than extrusion. It cannot be work hardened, but is commonly heat treated to produce tempers with a higher strength but lower ductility. Like 6063, it is often used in architectural applications. Alternate designations include AlMg0.7Si(B) and A96463. The alloy and its various tempers are covered by the","Document [12](Title: Metalloid) being considered nonmetallic in character. Classifying aluminium as a metalloid has been disputed given its many metallic properties. It is therefore, arguably, an exception to the mnemonic that elements adjacent to the metal\u2013nonmetal dividing line are metalloids. Stott labels aluminium as a weak metal. It has the physical properties of a metal but some of the chemical properties of a nonmetal. Steele notes the paradoxical chemical behaviour of aluminium: \"It resembles a weak metal in its amphoteric oxide and in the covalent character of many of its compounds ... Yet it is a highly electropositive metal ... [with] a high","Document [13](Title: 2024 aluminium alloy) 2024 aluminium alloy 2024 aluminium alloy is an aluminium alloy, with copper as the primary alloying element. It is used in applications requiring high strength to weight ratio, as well as good fatigue resistance. It is weldable only through friction welding, and has average machinability. Due to poor corrosion resistance, it is often clad with aluminium or Al-1Zn for protection, although this may reduce the fatigue strength. In older systems of terminology, this alloy was named 24ST.Al 2024 is commonly extruded, and also available in alclad sheet and plate forms. It is not commonly forged (the related 2014 aluminium alloy","Document [14](Title: 3003 aluminium alloy) 3003 aluminium alloy 3003 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-manganese family (3000 or 3xxx series). It can be cold worked (but not, unlike some other types of aluminium alloys, heat-treated) to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. Like most other aluminium-manganese alloys, 3003 is a general-purpose alloy with moderate strength, good workability, and good corrosion resistance. It is commonly rolled and extruded, but typically not forged. As a wrought alloy, it is not used in casting. It is also commonly used in sheet metal applications such as gutters, downspouts, roofing, and siding. Alternate","Document [15](Title: 3003 aluminium alloy) designations include 3.0517 and A93003. 3003 aluminium and its various tempers are covered by the ISO standard 6361 and the ASTM standards B209, B210, B211, B221, B483, B491, and B547. The alloy composition of 3003 aluminium is: 3003 aluminium alloy 3003 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-manganese family (3000 or 3xxx series). It can be cold worked (but not, unlike some other types of aluminium alloys, heat-treated) to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. Like most other aluminium-manganese alloys, 3003 is a general-purpose alloy with moderate strength, good workability, and good corrosion resistance.","Document [16](Title: 6082 aluminium alloy) 6082 aluminium alloy 6082 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium-silicon family (6000 or 6xxx series). It is one of the more popular alloys in its series (alongside alloys 6005, 6061, and 6063), although it is not strongly featured in ASTM (North American) standards. It is typically formed by extrusion and rolling, but as a wrought alloy it is not used in casting. It can also be forged and clad, but that is not common practice with this alloy. It cannot be work hardened, but is commonly heat treated to produce tempers with a higher strength but lower","Document [17](Title: 5154 aluminium alloy) 5154 aluminium alloy 5154 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium family (5000 or 5xxx series). As an aluminium-magnesium alloy, it combines moderate-to-high strength with excellent weldability. 5154 aluminium is commonly used in welded structures such as pressure vessels and ships. As a wrought alloy, it can be formed by rolling, extrusion, and forging, but not casting. It can be cold worked to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. It is generally not clad. Alternate names and designations include AlMg3.5, N5, and A95154. The alloy and its various tempers are covered by the following","Document [18](Title: 5454 aluminium alloy) 5454 aluminium alloy 5454 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-magnesium family (5000 or 5xxx series). It is closely related to 5154 aluminium alloy. As an aluminium-magnesium alloy, it combines moderate-to-high strength with excellent weldability. Like 5154, 5454 aluminium is commonly used in welded structures such as pressure vessels and ships. As a wrought alloy, it can be formed by rolling, extrusion, and forging (although forging is not common), but not casting. It can be cold worked to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. It is generally not clad. Alternate names and designations include","Document [19](Title: 3004 aluminium alloy) 3004 aluminium alloy 3004 aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-manganese family (3000 or 3xxx series). It is similar to the 3003 alloy, except for the addition of approximately 1% magnesium. It can be cold worked (but not, unlike some other types of aluminium alloys, heat treated) to produce tempers with a higher strength but a lower ductility. Like most other aluminium-manganese alloys, 3003 is a general-purpose alloy with moderate strength, good workability, and good corrosion resistance. It is commonly rolled and extruded, but typically not forged. As a wrought alloy, it is not used in casting. The","Document [20](Title: Non-ferrous metal) Generally more expensive than ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals are used because of desirable properties such as low weight (e.g. aluminium), higher conductivity (e.g. copper), non-magnetic property or resistance to corrosion (e.g. zinc). Some non-ferrous materials are also used in the iron and steel industries. For example, bauxite is used as flux for blast furnaces, while others such as wolframite, pyrolusite and chromite are used in making ferrous alloys."],"query":"is aluminium a ferrous or non ferrous metal?","answers":["non-ferrous"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Snow Dogs) Ted travels to Tolketna to claim his inheritance from Lucy: seven Siberian Huskies and a Border Collie named Nana. In Tolketna, he discovers his roots. Totally out of his element, Ted experiences challenges he has never dreamed of: blizzards, thin ice, foxes, skunks, bears, an intimidating, crusty old mountain man named James \"Thunder Jack\" Johnson, and the aggressive, defiant lead dog, Demon. All of this happens with the buzzing excitement of the Arctic Challenge Sled Dog Race, which is only two weeks away.","Document [2](Title: Hawridge Windmill) Nana in the book \"Peter Pan\" and the model for the illustrations of the dog in the first edition of \"Peter Pan\" was Porthos, the Barries' St Bernard. When Porthos subsequently died the Barries replaced him with Luath, a Landseer (black and white Newfoundland) dog whose behaviour was studied by the actor who played Nana in the first stage production of \"Peter Pan\". The costume worn in this production was also black and white. The Mill was dubbed 'a poor man's Garsington' by those who also frequented Garsington Manor near Oxford, the artists' retreat of Lady Ottoline Morrell also a","Document [3](Title: Snow Dogs) a couple and get married. She has become his receptionist and is pregnant, and Nana and Demon have four puppies named Avalanche, Little Aleutia, Chinook, and Demon Jr. Back in Miami, Ted's cousin Rupert (Sisq\u00f3) becomes the new celebrity dentist, now with his face on every city bus. In some scenes, the faces of the dogs are partially animated to give them human expressions like winking or smiling. The animatronic version of Demon was created by Jim Henson's Creature Shop and performed by David Barclay. The film's budget was US$33 million. Canmore, Alberta, Canada was used to film the fictional","Document [4](Title: Wiener-Dog (film)) \"Cancer.\" Nana receives a call from her granddaughter Zoe, who is on her way to visit for the first time in several years, along with her boyfriend Fantasy, a conceptual artist. Once Zoe arrives, she asks for money in order to pay for Fantasy's new art project. Nana agrees to give her the money. While filling out the check, Zoe confides in her Nana, wondering if Fantasy is cheating on her. Once Zoe leaves, Nana goes outside and sits with Wiener-Dog, where she dreams about a younger version of herself coming back to show her what her life could have","Document [5](Title: Peter Pan (1954 musical)) and joins in with all of them (\"1, 2, 3\") watched by the dog Nana, their nursemaid. When Mr. Darling comes in to have his tie tied, he questions having a dog as a nursemaid, but Mrs. Darling defends her. The previous week, while the children slept, Nana saw a boy in the room who flew out of the window before she could catch him, leaving behind his shadow, which Mrs. Darling has put away in a drawer. In spite of this, Mr. Darling insists on Nana spending the night downstairs. Mrs. Darling and the children sing a lullaby (\"Tender","Document [6](Title: NANA Regional Corporation) I\u00f1upiat people of northwest Alaska, and Teck Alaska, Inc. (Teck), a U.S. subsidiary of Teck Resources Limited, a diversified mining and metals company headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. NANA owns the land on which Red Dog Mine is situated, and NANA shareholders receive direct and indirect benefits from development at the mine. Under federal law, NANA and its majority-owned subsidiaries, joint ventures and partnerships are deemed to be \"minority and economically disadvantaged business enterprise[s]\" (43 USC 1626(e)). NANA Regional Corporation's subsidiaries include: NDC owns companies that operate in engineering and construction; resource development; facilities management and logistics; real estate","Document [7](Title: Red Dog mine) are exactly coincident with the boundaries of the NANA Regional Corporation. The borough, which is approximately the size of Indiana, has only 11 communities and a population of only 7,208 people, 84% of which are native or part native, and 40% of which report speaking native at home. No roads connect the communities. The nearest permanent settlements to the mine, roughly west and south respectively, are the villages of Kivalina, population 377, and Noatak, population 428, at the 2000 census. Although native populations have historically used areas around the mine and port for seasonal food-gathering there are no permanent residents","Document [8](Title: Snowboard Kids 2) Snow Town. The fastest character in the game tied with Tommy, Mr. Dog has trouble navigating simple turns or jumping trivial gaps in the course, probably due to his weight. When the Shoot Game is beat, he will be unlocked. The game is set in Snow Town, which is the hometown of the protagonists, and follows the lives of Slash, Nancy, Jam, Linda, Tommy and Wendy. The Story Mode shows their daily lives, as they try to arrive at school on time, work part-time delivering newspapers, or take part on trick festivals; as well as the adventures that lead them","Document [9](Title: NANA Regional Corporation) are never again in question. NANA-owned lands are managed by the NANA Lands and Regional Affairs Department. NANA lands are part of the largest, unexplored on-shore basin in North America. The land is mineral-rich and NANA works with its partners to develop the resources to the benefit of its shareholders. NANA states that subsistence is the highest and best use of their lands and all projects must be in alignment with that priority. NANA is land-owner of the Red Dog Mine. The mine was developed in 1982 under an innovative operating agreement between NANA, a Native corporation owned by the","Document [10](Title: NANA Development Corporation) gas operations and associated services. Subsidiaries in the petroleum sector include the following: NANA invests in the Alaska-based motion picture industry: Red Dog Mine, the largest zinc mine in the world, is located on land owned by NANA north of the Arctic Circle and is developed by NANA in partnership with Teck Cominco. Other NANA subsidiaries which serve the mining sector include: NANA Development Corporation NANA Development Corporation headquartered in Anchorage, Alaska, is owned by NANA Regional Corporation\u2014an Alaska Native Corporation formed under provisions of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANSCA)\u2014and functions as the latter's business arm. In 1968,","Document [11](Title: Snow Buddies) truck heading to Ferntiuktuk, Alaska. Upon arrival, the Buddies meet Shasta, a Siberian Husky puppy whose 11-year-old owner is determined to win the Alaskan sled dog race because of what happened to his father. The puppies decide to help Shasta pursue his dreams as well as get to the air port, located at the finish line. Unfortunately, as Shasta has no parents, this puts the puppies in a predicament as there is nobody to teach them how to become snow dogs. Shasta manages to persuade a legendary dog named Talon, who had taught Shasta's father, into teaching the puppies into","Document [12](Title: Snow Dogs) Snow Dogs Snow Dogs is a 2002 American adventure comedy film directed by Brian Levant and starring Cuba Gooding Jr. and James Coburn (in one of his final roles). The film was released in the United States on January 18, 2002 by Walt Disney Pictures. The film is inspired by the book \"\" by Gary Paulsen. Dr. Ted Brooks is a dentist in Miami, Florida. Every city bus carries an advertisement for his dental practice \"Hot Smile\" with his picture. One day, Ted receives a letter from Alaska, naming him as the only heir of Lucy Watkins, a resident of","Document [13](Title: Santa Buddies) the living room after being taught by Mudbud to roll in the dirt, Rosebud gets an extreme Christmas makeover, and Buddha's meditation statue is turned into a snowman as Puppy Paws explains that the snowman is \"what citizens of the North Pole meditate in front of\". The Buddies want Puppy Paws to leave. But they learn that Puppy Paws isn't hurting them as they are hurting themselves and decide to treat him with compassion. Puppy Paws gets taken away by dog catcher Stan Cruge (Christopher Lloyd), who takes him to the pound. There, Puppy Paws meets a puppy named Tiny","Document [14](Title: The Snowman and the Snowdog) \"The Snowman\", used to live. Once in the open countryside, it is now in a housing estate. One sunny Summer's day, a young boy named Billy and his mother arrive at the house, which they have just moved into. Billy helps his elderly dog from the removal van and they enter the property. As autumn arrives, it becomes apparent that Billy's dog has died and the family bury him in the back garden. With Christmas approaching, Billy writes to Father Christmas in the form of a hand-drawn picture; the one and only thing he asks for is another dog to","Document [15](Title: Snow Dogs) the film. Two of the dogs came from Kortar Kennels, in Ontario. The animatronic effects were designed and built by Jim Henson's Creature Shop. The special effects were provided by The Secret Lab, the special effects division of Disney. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has a rating of 24% based on 82 reviews. The site's consensus reads \"A mediocre live-action children's movie, \"Snow Dogs\" is filled with cliched dialogue, tiresome pratfalls, and stale fish-out-of-water jokes.\" It grossed $115 million worldwide against a $33 million budget. John Debney won the ASCAP Award in 2003 for the soundtrack. \"Snow Dogs\" was referenced","Document [16](Title: Balto (film)) a rest, the grandmother tells a story about Nome, Alaska back in 1925, shifting the film from live-action to animation. Balto (Bacon), a wolfdog hybrid, lives on the outskirts of Nome with his adoptive father, a snow goose named Boris (Hoskins) and two polar bears, Muk and Luk (Collins). Being half-wolf, Balto is shunned by dogs and humans alike. His only friends in town are a red husky named Jenna (Fonda)-- whom Balto has a crush on-- and her owner, Rosy (Juliette Brewer). He is frequently challenged by the town's favorite sled dog, Steele (Cummings), a fierce and arrogant Alaskan","Document [17](Title: Angel Tales) was very curious and adventurous which led to her losing her tail and dying by electrocution. She now has \"electraphobia\": a fear of electricity and \"technophobia\": a fear of technology, electronics or anything powered by electricity. In season 2, she is promoted to Intermediate rank and she develops feelings for Gor\u014d. Nana is a Junior rank guardian angel. She was a dog in her past life and her hairstyle represents a dog's ears. Nana has a tomboyish personality and is hyperactive, like a puppy. She enjoys walks but tends to get lost. When Nana was a dog, she died in","Document [18](Title: North of the Yukon) used anymore, to which Scrooge objects (\"Yes, but in weather like this only dogs can take you where you have to go.\"). Upon saying this, an old sled dog pops out the snow. The old dog's name is Barko. The owner explains that Barko was once the North's greatest champion, but now he's old and stricken with rheumatism. It is then revealed that the other dog team is Soapy Slick's champion racing team (as the owner tells Donald this, Slick and his team pass). Scrooge remembers how Barko helped deliver serum to Nome (a reference to the 1925 serum run","Document [19](Title: Red Dog mine) Red Dog mine. Construction of the road, port site, and mine began in July 1987. Mine operations commenced in December 1989. Under the terms of the Teck Cominco\/NANA agreement, NANA received royalties of 4.5% until the capital costs of the mine were recovered, which occurred in late 2007. At this point, the royalty due to NANA increased to 25%, and will increase by an additional 5% every year, to a maximum of 50%. Under the terms of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANSCA), which created NANA and the other native corporations in Alaska, NANA must share approximately","Document [20](Title: Snowsnaps) Snowsnaps Snowsnaps () is a Canadian CGI\u2013animated television series. It is a preschool-aimed spinoff of the 2015 film \"Snowtime!\" (\"La Guerre des Tuques 3D\"), itself an animated remake of the 1984 live-action \"The Dog Who Stopped the War\" (\"La Guerre des Tuques\") movie. Produced by Carpediem Film & TV in collaboration with animation studio Singing Frog and broadcaster Corus Entertainment, the series premiered September 1, 2018 in Canada on T\u00e9l\u00e9toon, Disney La Cha\u00eene and Treehouse TV. A preschool-oriented spinoff of \"Snowtime!\" was announced to be in development in November 2015. \"Snowsnaps\" was officially unveiled during the 2016 Cartoon Forum in"],"query":"what kind of dog is nana in snow dogs?","answers":["a Border Collie","Border Collie"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Hawridge Windmill) Nana in the book \"Peter Pan\" and the model for the illustrations of the dog in the first edition of \"Peter Pan\" was Porthos, the Barries' St Bernard. When Porthos subsequently died the Barries replaced him with Luath, a Landseer (black and white Newfoundland) dog whose behaviour was studied by the actor who played Nana in the first stage production of \"Peter Pan\". The costume worn in this production was also black and white. The Mill was dubbed 'a poor man's Garsington' by those who also frequented Garsington Manor near Oxford, the artists' retreat of Lady Ottoline Morrell also a","Document [2](Title: Snow Dogs) a couple and get married. She has become his receptionist and is pregnant, and Nana and Demon have four puppies named Avalanche, Little Aleutia, Chinook, and Demon Jr. Back in Miami, Ted's cousin Rupert (Sisq\u00f3) becomes the new celebrity dentist, now with his face on every city bus. In some scenes, the faces of the dogs are partially animated to give them human expressions like winking or smiling. The animatronic version of Demon was created by Jim Henson's Creature Shop and performed by David Barclay. The film's budget was US$33 million. Canmore, Alberta, Canada was used to film the fictional","Document [3](Title: Wiener-Dog (film)) \"Cancer.\" Nana receives a call from her granddaughter Zoe, who is on her way to visit for the first time in several years, along with her boyfriend Fantasy, a conceptual artist. Once Zoe arrives, she asks for money in order to pay for Fantasy's new art project. Nana agrees to give her the money. While filling out the check, Zoe confides in her Nana, wondering if Fantasy is cheating on her. Once Zoe leaves, Nana goes outside and sits with Wiener-Dog, where she dreams about a younger version of herself coming back to show her what her life could have","Document [4](Title: Peter Pan (1954 musical)) and joins in with all of them (\"1, 2, 3\") watched by the dog Nana, their nursemaid. When Mr. Darling comes in to have his tie tied, he questions having a dog as a nursemaid, but Mrs. Darling defends her. The previous week, while the children slept, Nana saw a boy in the room who flew out of the window before she could catch him, leaving behind his shadow, which Mrs. Darling has put away in a drawer. In spite of this, Mr. Darling insists on Nana spending the night downstairs. Mrs. Darling and the children sing a lullaby (\"Tender","Document [5](Title: Snow Dogs) Ted travels to Tolketna to claim his inheritance from Lucy: seven Siberian Huskies and a Border Collie named Nana. In Tolketna, he discovers his roots. Totally out of his element, Ted experiences challenges he has never dreamed of: blizzards, thin ice, foxes, skunks, bears, an intimidating, crusty old mountain man named James \"Thunder Jack\" Johnson, and the aggressive, defiant lead dog, Demon. All of this happens with the buzzing excitement of the Arctic Challenge Sled Dog Race, which is only two weeks away.","Document [6](Title: NANA Regional Corporation) I\u00f1upiat people of northwest Alaska, and Teck Alaska, Inc. (Teck), a U.S. subsidiary of Teck Resources Limited, a diversified mining and metals company headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. NANA owns the land on which Red Dog Mine is situated, and NANA shareholders receive direct and indirect benefits from development at the mine. Under federal law, NANA and its majority-owned subsidiaries, joint ventures and partnerships are deemed to be \"minority and economically disadvantaged business enterprise[s]\" (43 USC 1626(e)). NANA Regional Corporation's subsidiaries include: NDC owns companies that operate in engineering and construction; resource development; facilities management and logistics; real estate","Document [7](Title: Red Dog mine) are exactly coincident with the boundaries of the NANA Regional Corporation. The borough, which is approximately the size of Indiana, has only 11 communities and a population of only 7,208 people, 84% of which are native or part native, and 40% of which report speaking native at home. No roads connect the communities. The nearest permanent settlements to the mine, roughly west and south respectively, are the villages of Kivalina, population 377, and Noatak, population 428, at the 2000 census. Although native populations have historically used areas around the mine and port for seasonal food-gathering there are no permanent residents","Document [8](Title: Snowboard Kids 2) Snow Town. The fastest character in the game tied with Tommy, Mr. Dog has trouble navigating simple turns or jumping trivial gaps in the course, probably due to his weight. When the Shoot Game is beat, he will be unlocked. The game is set in Snow Town, which is the hometown of the protagonists, and follows the lives of Slash, Nancy, Jam, Linda, Tommy and Wendy. The Story Mode shows their daily lives, as they try to arrive at school on time, work part-time delivering newspapers, or take part on trick festivals; as well as the adventures that lead them","Document [9](Title: NANA Regional Corporation) are never again in question. NANA-owned lands are managed by the NANA Lands and Regional Affairs Department. NANA lands are part of the largest, unexplored on-shore basin in North America. The land is mineral-rich and NANA works with its partners to develop the resources to the benefit of its shareholders. NANA states that subsistence is the highest and best use of their lands and all projects must be in alignment with that priority. NANA is land-owner of the Red Dog Mine. The mine was developed in 1982 under an innovative operating agreement between NANA, a Native corporation owned by the","Document [10](Title: NANA Development Corporation) gas operations and associated services. Subsidiaries in the petroleum sector include the following: NANA invests in the Alaska-based motion picture industry: Red Dog Mine, the largest zinc mine in the world, is located on land owned by NANA north of the Arctic Circle and is developed by NANA in partnership with Teck Cominco. Other NANA subsidiaries which serve the mining sector include: NANA Development Corporation NANA Development Corporation headquartered in Anchorage, Alaska, is owned by NANA Regional Corporation\u2014an Alaska Native Corporation formed under provisions of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANSCA)\u2014and functions as the latter's business arm. In 1968,","Document [11](Title: Snow Buddies) truck heading to Ferntiuktuk, Alaska. Upon arrival, the Buddies meet Shasta, a Siberian Husky puppy whose 11-year-old owner is determined to win the Alaskan sled dog race because of what happened to his father. The puppies decide to help Shasta pursue his dreams as well as get to the air port, located at the finish line. Unfortunately, as Shasta has no parents, this puts the puppies in a predicament as there is nobody to teach them how to become snow dogs. Shasta manages to persuade a legendary dog named Talon, who had taught Shasta's father, into teaching the puppies into","Document [12](Title: Snow Dogs) Snow Dogs Snow Dogs is a 2002 American adventure comedy film directed by Brian Levant and starring Cuba Gooding Jr. and James Coburn (in one of his final roles). The film was released in the United States on January 18, 2002 by Walt Disney Pictures. The film is inspired by the book \"\" by Gary Paulsen. Dr. Ted Brooks is a dentist in Miami, Florida. Every city bus carries an advertisement for his dental practice \"Hot Smile\" with his picture. One day, Ted receives a letter from Alaska, naming him as the only heir of Lucy Watkins, a resident of","Document [13](Title: Santa Buddies) the living room after being taught by Mudbud to roll in the dirt, Rosebud gets an extreme Christmas makeover, and Buddha's meditation statue is turned into a snowman as Puppy Paws explains that the snowman is \"what citizens of the North Pole meditate in front of\". The Buddies want Puppy Paws to leave. But they learn that Puppy Paws isn't hurting them as they are hurting themselves and decide to treat him with compassion. Puppy Paws gets taken away by dog catcher Stan Cruge (Christopher Lloyd), who takes him to the pound. There, Puppy Paws meets a puppy named Tiny","Document [14](Title: The Snowman and the Snowdog) \"The Snowman\", used to live. Once in the open countryside, it is now in a housing estate. One sunny Summer's day, a young boy named Billy and his mother arrive at the house, which they have just moved into. Billy helps his elderly dog from the removal van and they enter the property. As autumn arrives, it becomes apparent that Billy's dog has died and the family bury him in the back garden. With Christmas approaching, Billy writes to Father Christmas in the form of a hand-drawn picture; the one and only thing he asks for is another dog to","Document [15](Title: Snow Dogs) the film. Two of the dogs came from Kortar Kennels, in Ontario. The animatronic effects were designed and built by Jim Henson's Creature Shop. The special effects were provided by The Secret Lab, the special effects division of Disney. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has a rating of 24% based on 82 reviews. The site's consensus reads \"A mediocre live-action children's movie, \"Snow Dogs\" is filled with cliched dialogue, tiresome pratfalls, and stale fish-out-of-water jokes.\" It grossed $115 million worldwide against a $33 million budget. John Debney won the ASCAP Award in 2003 for the soundtrack. \"Snow Dogs\" was referenced","Document [16](Title: Balto (film)) a rest, the grandmother tells a story about Nome, Alaska back in 1925, shifting the film from live-action to animation. Balto (Bacon), a wolfdog hybrid, lives on the outskirts of Nome with his adoptive father, a snow goose named Boris (Hoskins) and two polar bears, Muk and Luk (Collins). Being half-wolf, Balto is shunned by dogs and humans alike. His only friends in town are a red husky named Jenna (Fonda)-- whom Balto has a crush on-- and her owner, Rosy (Juliette Brewer). He is frequently challenged by the town's favorite sled dog, Steele (Cummings), a fierce and arrogant Alaskan","Document [17](Title: Angel Tales) was very curious and adventurous which led to her losing her tail and dying by electrocution. She now has \"electraphobia\": a fear of electricity and \"technophobia\": a fear of technology, electronics or anything powered by electricity. In season 2, she is promoted to Intermediate rank and she develops feelings for Gor\u014d. Nana is a Junior rank guardian angel. She was a dog in her past life and her hairstyle represents a dog's ears. Nana has a tomboyish personality and is hyperactive, like a puppy. She enjoys walks but tends to get lost. When Nana was a dog, she died in","Document [18](Title: North of the Yukon) used anymore, to which Scrooge objects (\"Yes, but in weather like this only dogs can take you where you have to go.\"). Upon saying this, an old sled dog pops out the snow. The old dog's name is Barko. The owner explains that Barko was once the North's greatest champion, but now he's old and stricken with rheumatism. It is then revealed that the other dog team is Soapy Slick's champion racing team (as the owner tells Donald this, Slick and his team pass). Scrooge remembers how Barko helped deliver serum to Nome (a reference to the 1925 serum run","Document [19](Title: Red Dog mine) Red Dog mine. Construction of the road, port site, and mine began in July 1987. Mine operations commenced in December 1989. Under the terms of the Teck Cominco\/NANA agreement, NANA received royalties of 4.5% until the capital costs of the mine were recovered, which occurred in late 2007. At this point, the royalty due to NANA increased to 25%, and will increase by an additional 5% every year, to a maximum of 50%. Under the terms of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANSCA), which created NANA and the other native corporations in Alaska, NANA must share approximately","Document [20](Title: Snowsnaps) Snowsnaps Snowsnaps () is a Canadian CGI\u2013animated television series. It is a preschool-aimed spinoff of the 2015 film \"Snowtime!\" (\"La Guerre des Tuques 3D\"), itself an animated remake of the 1984 live-action \"The Dog Who Stopped the War\" (\"La Guerre des Tuques\") movie. Produced by Carpediem Film & TV in collaboration with animation studio Singing Frog and broadcaster Corus Entertainment, the series premiered September 1, 2018 in Canada on T\u00e9l\u00e9toon, Disney La Cha\u00eene and Treehouse TV. A preschool-oriented spinoff of \"Snowtime!\" was announced to be in development in November 2015. \"Snowsnaps\" was officially unveiled during the 2016 Cartoon Forum in"],"query":"what kind of dog is nana in snow dogs?","answers":["a Border Collie","Border Collie"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Hawridge Windmill) Nana in the book \"Peter Pan\" and the model for the illustrations of the dog in the first edition of \"Peter Pan\" was Porthos, the Barries' St Bernard. When Porthos subsequently died the Barries replaced him with Luath, a Landseer (black and white Newfoundland) dog whose behaviour was studied by the actor who played Nana in the first stage production of \"Peter Pan\". The costume worn in this production was also black and white. The Mill was dubbed 'a poor man's Garsington' by those who also frequented Garsington Manor near Oxford, the artists' retreat of Lady Ottoline Morrell also a","Document [2](Title: Snow Dogs) a couple and get married. She has become his receptionist and is pregnant, and Nana and Demon have four puppies named Avalanche, Little Aleutia, Chinook, and Demon Jr. Back in Miami, Ted's cousin Rupert (Sisq\u00f3) becomes the new celebrity dentist, now with his face on every city bus. In some scenes, the faces of the dogs are partially animated to give them human expressions like winking or smiling. The animatronic version of Demon was created by Jim Henson's Creature Shop and performed by David Barclay. The film's budget was US$33 million. Canmore, Alberta, Canada was used to film the fictional","Document [3](Title: Wiener-Dog (film)) \"Cancer.\" Nana receives a call from her granddaughter Zoe, who is on her way to visit for the first time in several years, along with her boyfriend Fantasy, a conceptual artist. Once Zoe arrives, she asks for money in order to pay for Fantasy's new art project. Nana agrees to give her the money. While filling out the check, Zoe confides in her Nana, wondering if Fantasy is cheating on her. Once Zoe leaves, Nana goes outside and sits with Wiener-Dog, where she dreams about a younger version of herself coming back to show her what her life could have","Document [4](Title: Peter Pan (1954 musical)) and joins in with all of them (\"1, 2, 3\") watched by the dog Nana, their nursemaid. When Mr. Darling comes in to have his tie tied, he questions having a dog as a nursemaid, but Mrs. Darling defends her. The previous week, while the children slept, Nana saw a boy in the room who flew out of the window before she could catch him, leaving behind his shadow, which Mrs. Darling has put away in a drawer. In spite of this, Mr. Darling insists on Nana spending the night downstairs. Mrs. Darling and the children sing a lullaby (\"Tender","Document [5](Title: NANA Regional Corporation) I\u00f1upiat people of northwest Alaska, and Teck Alaska, Inc. (Teck), a U.S. subsidiary of Teck Resources Limited, a diversified mining and metals company headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. NANA owns the land on which Red Dog Mine is situated, and NANA shareholders receive direct and indirect benefits from development at the mine. Under federal law, NANA and its majority-owned subsidiaries, joint ventures and partnerships are deemed to be \"minority and economically disadvantaged business enterprise[s]\" (43 USC 1626(e)). NANA Regional Corporation's subsidiaries include: NDC owns companies that operate in engineering and construction; resource development; facilities management and logistics; real estate","Document [6](Title: Red Dog mine) are exactly coincident with the boundaries of the NANA Regional Corporation. The borough, which is approximately the size of Indiana, has only 11 communities and a population of only 7,208 people, 84% of which are native or part native, and 40% of which report speaking native at home. No roads connect the communities. The nearest permanent settlements to the mine, roughly west and south respectively, are the villages of Kivalina, population 377, and Noatak, population 428, at the 2000 census. Although native populations have historically used areas around the mine and port for seasonal food-gathering there are no permanent residents","Document [7](Title: Snowboard Kids 2) Snow Town. The fastest character in the game tied with Tommy, Mr. Dog has trouble navigating simple turns or jumping trivial gaps in the course, probably due to his weight. When the Shoot Game is beat, he will be unlocked. The game is set in Snow Town, which is the hometown of the protagonists, and follows the lives of Slash, Nancy, Jam, Linda, Tommy and Wendy. The Story Mode shows their daily lives, as they try to arrive at school on time, work part-time delivering newspapers, or take part on trick festivals; as well as the adventures that lead them","Document [8](Title: NANA Regional Corporation) are never again in question. NANA-owned lands are managed by the NANA Lands and Regional Affairs Department. NANA lands are part of the largest, unexplored on-shore basin in North America. The land is mineral-rich and NANA works with its partners to develop the resources to the benefit of its shareholders. NANA states that subsistence is the highest and best use of their lands and all projects must be in alignment with that priority. NANA is land-owner of the Red Dog Mine. The mine was developed in 1982 under an innovative operating agreement between NANA, a Native corporation owned by the","Document [9](Title: NANA Development Corporation) gas operations and associated services. Subsidiaries in the petroleum sector include the following: NANA invests in the Alaska-based motion picture industry: Red Dog Mine, the largest zinc mine in the world, is located on land owned by NANA north of the Arctic Circle and is developed by NANA in partnership with Teck Cominco. Other NANA subsidiaries which serve the mining sector include: NANA Development Corporation NANA Development Corporation headquartered in Anchorage, Alaska, is owned by NANA Regional Corporation\u2014an Alaska Native Corporation formed under provisions of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANSCA)\u2014and functions as the latter's business arm. In 1968,","Document [10](Title: Snow Dogs) Ted travels to Tolketna to claim his inheritance from Lucy: seven Siberian Huskies and a Border Collie named Nana. In Tolketna, he discovers his roots. Totally out of his element, Ted experiences challenges he has never dreamed of: blizzards, thin ice, foxes, skunks, bears, an intimidating, crusty old mountain man named James \"Thunder Jack\" Johnson, and the aggressive, defiant lead dog, Demon. All of this happens with the buzzing excitement of the Arctic Challenge Sled Dog Race, which is only two weeks away.","Document [11](Title: Snow Buddies) truck heading to Ferntiuktuk, Alaska. Upon arrival, the Buddies meet Shasta, a Siberian Husky puppy whose 11-year-old owner is determined to win the Alaskan sled dog race because of what happened to his father. The puppies decide to help Shasta pursue his dreams as well as get to the air port, located at the finish line. Unfortunately, as Shasta has no parents, this puts the puppies in a predicament as there is nobody to teach them how to become snow dogs. Shasta manages to persuade a legendary dog named Talon, who had taught Shasta's father, into teaching the puppies into","Document [12](Title: Snow Dogs) Snow Dogs Snow Dogs is a 2002 American adventure comedy film directed by Brian Levant and starring Cuba Gooding Jr. and James Coburn (in one of his final roles). The film was released in the United States on January 18, 2002 by Walt Disney Pictures. The film is inspired by the book \"\" by Gary Paulsen. Dr. Ted Brooks is a dentist in Miami, Florida. Every city bus carries an advertisement for his dental practice \"Hot Smile\" with his picture. One day, Ted receives a letter from Alaska, naming him as the only heir of Lucy Watkins, a resident of","Document [13](Title: Santa Buddies) the living room after being taught by Mudbud to roll in the dirt, Rosebud gets an extreme Christmas makeover, and Buddha's meditation statue is turned into a snowman as Puppy Paws explains that the snowman is \"what citizens of the North Pole meditate in front of\". The Buddies want Puppy Paws to leave. But they learn that Puppy Paws isn't hurting them as they are hurting themselves and decide to treat him with compassion. Puppy Paws gets taken away by dog catcher Stan Cruge (Christopher Lloyd), who takes him to the pound. There, Puppy Paws meets a puppy named Tiny","Document [14](Title: The Snowman and the Snowdog) \"The Snowman\", used to live. Once in the open countryside, it is now in a housing estate. One sunny Summer's day, a young boy named Billy and his mother arrive at the house, which they have just moved into. Billy helps his elderly dog from the removal van and they enter the property. As autumn arrives, it becomes apparent that Billy's dog has died and the family bury him in the back garden. With Christmas approaching, Billy writes to Father Christmas in the form of a hand-drawn picture; the one and only thing he asks for is another dog to","Document [15](Title: Snow Dogs) the film. Two of the dogs came from Kortar Kennels, in Ontario. The animatronic effects were designed and built by Jim Henson's Creature Shop. The special effects were provided by The Secret Lab, the special effects division of Disney. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has a rating of 24% based on 82 reviews. The site's consensus reads \"A mediocre live-action children's movie, \"Snow Dogs\" is filled with cliched dialogue, tiresome pratfalls, and stale fish-out-of-water jokes.\" It grossed $115 million worldwide against a $33 million budget. John Debney won the ASCAP Award in 2003 for the soundtrack. \"Snow Dogs\" was referenced","Document [16](Title: Balto (film)) a rest, the grandmother tells a story about Nome, Alaska back in 1925, shifting the film from live-action to animation. Balto (Bacon), a wolfdog hybrid, lives on the outskirts of Nome with his adoptive father, a snow goose named Boris (Hoskins) and two polar bears, Muk and Luk (Collins). Being half-wolf, Balto is shunned by dogs and humans alike. His only friends in town are a red husky named Jenna (Fonda)-- whom Balto has a crush on-- and her owner, Rosy (Juliette Brewer). He is frequently challenged by the town's favorite sled dog, Steele (Cummings), a fierce and arrogant Alaskan","Document [17](Title: Angel Tales) was very curious and adventurous which led to her losing her tail and dying by electrocution. She now has \"electraphobia\": a fear of electricity and \"technophobia\": a fear of technology, electronics or anything powered by electricity. In season 2, she is promoted to Intermediate rank and she develops feelings for Gor\u014d. Nana is a Junior rank guardian angel. She was a dog in her past life and her hairstyle represents a dog's ears. Nana has a tomboyish personality and is hyperactive, like a puppy. She enjoys walks but tends to get lost. When Nana was a dog, she died in","Document [18](Title: North of the Yukon) used anymore, to which Scrooge objects (\"Yes, but in weather like this only dogs can take you where you have to go.\"). Upon saying this, an old sled dog pops out the snow. The old dog's name is Barko. The owner explains that Barko was once the North's greatest champion, but now he's old and stricken with rheumatism. It is then revealed that the other dog team is Soapy Slick's champion racing team (as the owner tells Donald this, Slick and his team pass). Scrooge remembers how Barko helped deliver serum to Nome (a reference to the 1925 serum run","Document [19](Title: Red Dog mine) Red Dog mine. Construction of the road, port site, and mine began in July 1987. Mine operations commenced in December 1989. Under the terms of the Teck Cominco\/NANA agreement, NANA received royalties of 4.5% until the capital costs of the mine were recovered, which occurred in late 2007. At this point, the royalty due to NANA increased to 25%, and will increase by an additional 5% every year, to a maximum of 50%. Under the terms of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANSCA), which created NANA and the other native corporations in Alaska, NANA must share approximately","Document [20](Title: Snowsnaps) Snowsnaps Snowsnaps () is a Canadian CGI\u2013animated television series. It is a preschool-aimed spinoff of the 2015 film \"Snowtime!\" (\"La Guerre des Tuques 3D\"), itself an animated remake of the 1984 live-action \"The Dog Who Stopped the War\" (\"La Guerre des Tuques\") movie. Produced by Carpediem Film & TV in collaboration with animation studio Singing Frog and broadcaster Corus Entertainment, the series premiered September 1, 2018 in Canada on T\u00e9l\u00e9toon, Disney La Cha\u00eene and Treehouse TV. A preschool-oriented spinoff of \"Snowtime!\" was announced to be in development in November 2015. \"Snowsnaps\" was officially unveiled during the 2016 Cartoon Forum in"],"query":"what kind of dog is nana in snow dogs?","answers":["a Border Collie","Border Collie"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Hawridge Windmill) Nana in the book \"Peter Pan\" and the model for the illustrations of the dog in the first edition of \"Peter Pan\" was Porthos, the Barries' St Bernard. When Porthos subsequently died the Barries replaced him with Luath, a Landseer (black and white Newfoundland) dog whose behaviour was studied by the actor who played Nana in the first stage production of \"Peter Pan\". The costume worn in this production was also black and white. The Mill was dubbed 'a poor man's Garsington' by those who also frequented Garsington Manor near Oxford, the artists' retreat of Lady Ottoline Morrell also a","Document [2](Title: Snow Dogs) a couple and get married. She has become his receptionist and is pregnant, and Nana and Demon have four puppies named Avalanche, Little Aleutia, Chinook, and Demon Jr. Back in Miami, Ted's cousin Rupert (Sisq\u00f3) becomes the new celebrity dentist, now with his face on every city bus. In some scenes, the faces of the dogs are partially animated to give them human expressions like winking or smiling. The animatronic version of Demon was created by Jim Henson's Creature Shop and performed by David Barclay. The film's budget was US$33 million. Canmore, Alberta, Canada was used to film the fictional","Document [3](Title: Wiener-Dog (film)) \"Cancer.\" Nana receives a call from her granddaughter Zoe, who is on her way to visit for the first time in several years, along with her boyfriend Fantasy, a conceptual artist. Once Zoe arrives, she asks for money in order to pay for Fantasy's new art project. Nana agrees to give her the money. While filling out the check, Zoe confides in her Nana, wondering if Fantasy is cheating on her. Once Zoe leaves, Nana goes outside and sits with Wiener-Dog, where she dreams about a younger version of herself coming back to show her what her life could have","Document [4](Title: Peter Pan (1954 musical)) and joins in with all of them (\"1, 2, 3\") watched by the dog Nana, their nursemaid. When Mr. Darling comes in to have his tie tied, he questions having a dog as a nursemaid, but Mrs. Darling defends her. The previous week, while the children slept, Nana saw a boy in the room who flew out of the window before she could catch him, leaving behind his shadow, which Mrs. Darling has put away in a drawer. In spite of this, Mr. Darling insists on Nana spending the night downstairs. Mrs. Darling and the children sing a lullaby (\"Tender","Document [5](Title: NANA Regional Corporation) I\u00f1upiat people of northwest Alaska, and Teck Alaska, Inc. (Teck), a U.S. subsidiary of Teck Resources Limited, a diversified mining and metals company headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. NANA owns the land on which Red Dog Mine is situated, and NANA shareholders receive direct and indirect benefits from development at the mine. Under federal law, NANA and its majority-owned subsidiaries, joint ventures and partnerships are deemed to be \"minority and economically disadvantaged business enterprise[s]\" (43 USC 1626(e)). NANA Regional Corporation's subsidiaries include: NDC owns companies that operate in engineering and construction; resource development; facilities management and logistics; real estate","Document [6](Title: Red Dog mine) are exactly coincident with the boundaries of the NANA Regional Corporation. The borough, which is approximately the size of Indiana, has only 11 communities and a population of only 7,208 people, 84% of which are native or part native, and 40% of which report speaking native at home. No roads connect the communities. The nearest permanent settlements to the mine, roughly west and south respectively, are the villages of Kivalina, population 377, and Noatak, population 428, at the 2000 census. Although native populations have historically used areas around the mine and port for seasonal food-gathering there are no permanent residents","Document [7](Title: Snowboard Kids 2) Snow Town. The fastest character in the game tied with Tommy, Mr. Dog has trouble navigating simple turns or jumping trivial gaps in the course, probably due to his weight. When the Shoot Game is beat, he will be unlocked. The game is set in Snow Town, which is the hometown of the protagonists, and follows the lives of Slash, Nancy, Jam, Linda, Tommy and Wendy. The Story Mode shows their daily lives, as they try to arrive at school on time, work part-time delivering newspapers, or take part on trick festivals; as well as the adventures that lead them","Document [8](Title: NANA Regional Corporation) are never again in question. NANA-owned lands are managed by the NANA Lands and Regional Affairs Department. NANA lands are part of the largest, unexplored on-shore basin in North America. The land is mineral-rich and NANA works with its partners to develop the resources to the benefit of its shareholders. NANA states that subsistence is the highest and best use of their lands and all projects must be in alignment with that priority. NANA is land-owner of the Red Dog Mine. The mine was developed in 1982 under an innovative operating agreement between NANA, a Native corporation owned by the","Document [9](Title: NANA Development Corporation) gas operations and associated services. Subsidiaries in the petroleum sector include the following: NANA invests in the Alaska-based motion picture industry: Red Dog Mine, the largest zinc mine in the world, is located on land owned by NANA north of the Arctic Circle and is developed by NANA in partnership with Teck Cominco. Other NANA subsidiaries which serve the mining sector include: NANA Development Corporation NANA Development Corporation headquartered in Anchorage, Alaska, is owned by NANA Regional Corporation\u2014an Alaska Native Corporation formed under provisions of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANSCA)\u2014and functions as the latter's business arm. In 1968,","Document [10](Title: Snow Buddies) truck heading to Ferntiuktuk, Alaska. Upon arrival, the Buddies meet Shasta, a Siberian Husky puppy whose 11-year-old owner is determined to win the Alaskan sled dog race because of what happened to his father. The puppies decide to help Shasta pursue his dreams as well as get to the air port, located at the finish line. Unfortunately, as Shasta has no parents, this puts the puppies in a predicament as there is nobody to teach them how to become snow dogs. Shasta manages to persuade a legendary dog named Talon, who had taught Shasta's father, into teaching the puppies into","Document [11](Title: Snow Dogs) Snow Dogs Snow Dogs is a 2002 American adventure comedy film directed by Brian Levant and starring Cuba Gooding Jr. and James Coburn (in one of his final roles). The film was released in the United States on January 18, 2002 by Walt Disney Pictures. The film is inspired by the book \"\" by Gary Paulsen. Dr. Ted Brooks is a dentist in Miami, Florida. Every city bus carries an advertisement for his dental practice \"Hot Smile\" with his picture. One day, Ted receives a letter from Alaska, naming him as the only heir of Lucy Watkins, a resident of","Document [12](Title: Santa Buddies) the living room after being taught by Mudbud to roll in the dirt, Rosebud gets an extreme Christmas makeover, and Buddha's meditation statue is turned into a snowman as Puppy Paws explains that the snowman is \"what citizens of the North Pole meditate in front of\". The Buddies want Puppy Paws to leave. But they learn that Puppy Paws isn't hurting them as they are hurting themselves and decide to treat him with compassion. Puppy Paws gets taken away by dog catcher Stan Cruge (Christopher Lloyd), who takes him to the pound. There, Puppy Paws meets a puppy named Tiny","Document [13](Title: The Snowman and the Snowdog) \"The Snowman\", used to live. Once in the open countryside, it is now in a housing estate. One sunny Summer's day, a young boy named Billy and his mother arrive at the house, which they have just moved into. Billy helps his elderly dog from the removal van and they enter the property. As autumn arrives, it becomes apparent that Billy's dog has died and the family bury him in the back garden. With Christmas approaching, Billy writes to Father Christmas in the form of a hand-drawn picture; the one and only thing he asks for is another dog to","Document [14](Title: Snow Dogs) the film. Two of the dogs came from Kortar Kennels, in Ontario. The animatronic effects were designed and built by Jim Henson's Creature Shop. The special effects were provided by The Secret Lab, the special effects division of Disney. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has a rating of 24% based on 82 reviews. The site's consensus reads \"A mediocre live-action children's movie, \"Snow Dogs\" is filled with cliched dialogue, tiresome pratfalls, and stale fish-out-of-water jokes.\" It grossed $115 million worldwide against a $33 million budget. John Debney won the ASCAP Award in 2003 for the soundtrack. \"Snow Dogs\" was referenced","Document [15](Title: Snow Dogs) Ted travels to Tolketna to claim his inheritance from Lucy: seven Siberian Huskies and a Border Collie named Nana. In Tolketna, he discovers his roots. Totally out of his element, Ted experiences challenges he has never dreamed of: blizzards, thin ice, foxes, skunks, bears, an intimidating, crusty old mountain man named James \"Thunder Jack\" Johnson, and the aggressive, defiant lead dog, Demon. All of this happens with the buzzing excitement of the Arctic Challenge Sled Dog Race, which is only two weeks away.","Document [16](Title: Balto (film)) a rest, the grandmother tells a story about Nome, Alaska back in 1925, shifting the film from live-action to animation. Balto (Bacon), a wolfdog hybrid, lives on the outskirts of Nome with his adoptive father, a snow goose named Boris (Hoskins) and two polar bears, Muk and Luk (Collins). Being half-wolf, Balto is shunned by dogs and humans alike. His only friends in town are a red husky named Jenna (Fonda)-- whom Balto has a crush on-- and her owner, Rosy (Juliette Brewer). He is frequently challenged by the town's favorite sled dog, Steele (Cummings), a fierce and arrogant Alaskan","Document [17](Title: Angel Tales) was very curious and adventurous which led to her losing her tail and dying by electrocution. She now has \"electraphobia\": a fear of electricity and \"technophobia\": a fear of technology, electronics or anything powered by electricity. In season 2, she is promoted to Intermediate rank and she develops feelings for Gor\u014d. Nana is a Junior rank guardian angel. She was a dog in her past life and her hairstyle represents a dog's ears. Nana has a tomboyish personality and is hyperactive, like a puppy. She enjoys walks but tends to get lost. When Nana was a dog, she died in","Document [18](Title: North of the Yukon) used anymore, to which Scrooge objects (\"Yes, but in weather like this only dogs can take you where you have to go.\"). Upon saying this, an old sled dog pops out the snow. The old dog's name is Barko. The owner explains that Barko was once the North's greatest champion, but now he's old and stricken with rheumatism. It is then revealed that the other dog team is Soapy Slick's champion racing team (as the owner tells Donald this, Slick and his team pass). Scrooge remembers how Barko helped deliver serum to Nome (a reference to the 1925 serum run","Document [19](Title: Red Dog mine) Red Dog mine. Construction of the road, port site, and mine began in July 1987. Mine operations commenced in December 1989. Under the terms of the Teck Cominco\/NANA agreement, NANA received royalties of 4.5% until the capital costs of the mine were recovered, which occurred in late 2007. At this point, the royalty due to NANA increased to 25%, and will increase by an additional 5% every year, to a maximum of 50%. Under the terms of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANSCA), which created NANA and the other native corporations in Alaska, NANA must share approximately","Document [20](Title: Snowsnaps) Snowsnaps Snowsnaps () is a Canadian CGI\u2013animated television series. It is a preschool-aimed spinoff of the 2015 film \"Snowtime!\" (\"La Guerre des Tuques 3D\"), itself an animated remake of the 1984 live-action \"The Dog Who Stopped the War\" (\"La Guerre des Tuques\") movie. Produced by Carpediem Film & TV in collaboration with animation studio Singing Frog and broadcaster Corus Entertainment, the series premiered September 1, 2018 in Canada on T\u00e9l\u00e9toon, Disney La Cha\u00eene and Treehouse TV. A preschool-oriented spinoff of \"Snowtime!\" was announced to be in development in November 2015. \"Snowsnaps\" was officially unveiled during the 2016 Cartoon Forum in"],"query":"what kind of dog is nana in snow dogs?","answers":["a Border Collie","Border Collie"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Hawridge Windmill) Nana in the book \"Peter Pan\" and the model for the illustrations of the dog in the first edition of \"Peter Pan\" was Porthos, the Barries' St Bernard. When Porthos subsequently died the Barries replaced him with Luath, a Landseer (black and white Newfoundland) dog whose behaviour was studied by the actor who played Nana in the first stage production of \"Peter Pan\". The costume worn in this production was also black and white. The Mill was dubbed 'a poor man's Garsington' by those who also frequented Garsington Manor near Oxford, the artists' retreat of Lady Ottoline Morrell also a","Document [2](Title: Snow Dogs) a couple and get married. She has become his receptionist and is pregnant, and Nana and Demon have four puppies named Avalanche, Little Aleutia, Chinook, and Demon Jr. Back in Miami, Ted's cousin Rupert (Sisq\u00f3) becomes the new celebrity dentist, now with his face on every city bus. In some scenes, the faces of the dogs are partially animated to give them human expressions like winking or smiling. The animatronic version of Demon was created by Jim Henson's Creature Shop and performed by David Barclay. The film's budget was US$33 million. Canmore, Alberta, Canada was used to film the fictional","Document [3](Title: Wiener-Dog (film)) \"Cancer.\" Nana receives a call from her granddaughter Zoe, who is on her way to visit for the first time in several years, along with her boyfriend Fantasy, a conceptual artist. Once Zoe arrives, she asks for money in order to pay for Fantasy's new art project. Nana agrees to give her the money. While filling out the check, Zoe confides in her Nana, wondering if Fantasy is cheating on her. Once Zoe leaves, Nana goes outside and sits with Wiener-Dog, where she dreams about a younger version of herself coming back to show her what her life could have","Document [4](Title: Peter Pan (1954 musical)) and joins in with all of them (\"1, 2, 3\") watched by the dog Nana, their nursemaid. When Mr. Darling comes in to have his tie tied, he questions having a dog as a nursemaid, but Mrs. Darling defends her. The previous week, while the children slept, Nana saw a boy in the room who flew out of the window before she could catch him, leaving behind his shadow, which Mrs. Darling has put away in a drawer. In spite of this, Mr. Darling insists on Nana spending the night downstairs. Mrs. Darling and the children sing a lullaby (\"Tender","Document [5](Title: NANA Regional Corporation) I\u00f1upiat people of northwest Alaska, and Teck Alaska, Inc. (Teck), a U.S. subsidiary of Teck Resources Limited, a diversified mining and metals company headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. NANA owns the land on which Red Dog Mine is situated, and NANA shareholders receive direct and indirect benefits from development at the mine. Under federal law, NANA and its majority-owned subsidiaries, joint ventures and partnerships are deemed to be \"minority and economically disadvantaged business enterprise[s]\" (43 USC 1626(e)). NANA Regional Corporation's subsidiaries include: NDC owns companies that operate in engineering and construction; resource development; facilities management and logistics; real estate","Document [6](Title: Red Dog mine) are exactly coincident with the boundaries of the NANA Regional Corporation. The borough, which is approximately the size of Indiana, has only 11 communities and a population of only 7,208 people, 84% of which are native or part native, and 40% of which report speaking native at home. No roads connect the communities. The nearest permanent settlements to the mine, roughly west and south respectively, are the villages of Kivalina, population 377, and Noatak, population 428, at the 2000 census. Although native populations have historically used areas around the mine and port for seasonal food-gathering there are no permanent residents","Document [7](Title: Snowboard Kids 2) Snow Town. The fastest character in the game tied with Tommy, Mr. Dog has trouble navigating simple turns or jumping trivial gaps in the course, probably due to his weight. When the Shoot Game is beat, he will be unlocked. The game is set in Snow Town, which is the hometown of the protagonists, and follows the lives of Slash, Nancy, Jam, Linda, Tommy and Wendy. The Story Mode shows their daily lives, as they try to arrive at school on time, work part-time delivering newspapers, or take part on trick festivals; as well as the adventures that lead them","Document [8](Title: NANA Regional Corporation) are never again in question. NANA-owned lands are managed by the NANA Lands and Regional Affairs Department. NANA lands are part of the largest, unexplored on-shore basin in North America. The land is mineral-rich and NANA works with its partners to develop the resources to the benefit of its shareholders. NANA states that subsistence is the highest and best use of their lands and all projects must be in alignment with that priority. NANA is land-owner of the Red Dog Mine. The mine was developed in 1982 under an innovative operating agreement between NANA, a Native corporation owned by the","Document [9](Title: NANA Development Corporation) gas operations and associated services. Subsidiaries in the petroleum sector include the following: NANA invests in the Alaska-based motion picture industry: Red Dog Mine, the largest zinc mine in the world, is located on land owned by NANA north of the Arctic Circle and is developed by NANA in partnership with Teck Cominco. Other NANA subsidiaries which serve the mining sector include: NANA Development Corporation NANA Development Corporation headquartered in Anchorage, Alaska, is owned by NANA Regional Corporation\u2014an Alaska Native Corporation formed under provisions of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANSCA)\u2014and functions as the latter's business arm. In 1968,","Document [10](Title: Snow Buddies) truck heading to Ferntiuktuk, Alaska. Upon arrival, the Buddies meet Shasta, a Siberian Husky puppy whose 11-year-old owner is determined to win the Alaskan sled dog race because of what happened to his father. The puppies decide to help Shasta pursue his dreams as well as get to the air port, located at the finish line. Unfortunately, as Shasta has no parents, this puts the puppies in a predicament as there is nobody to teach them how to become snow dogs. Shasta manages to persuade a legendary dog named Talon, who had taught Shasta's father, into teaching the puppies into","Document [11](Title: Snow Dogs) Snow Dogs Snow Dogs is a 2002 American adventure comedy film directed by Brian Levant and starring Cuba Gooding Jr. and James Coburn (in one of his final roles). The film was released in the United States on January 18, 2002 by Walt Disney Pictures. The film is inspired by the book \"\" by Gary Paulsen. Dr. Ted Brooks is a dentist in Miami, Florida. Every city bus carries an advertisement for his dental practice \"Hot Smile\" with his picture. One day, Ted receives a letter from Alaska, naming him as the only heir of Lucy Watkins, a resident of","Document [12](Title: Santa Buddies) the living room after being taught by Mudbud to roll in the dirt, Rosebud gets an extreme Christmas makeover, and Buddha's meditation statue is turned into a snowman as Puppy Paws explains that the snowman is \"what citizens of the North Pole meditate in front of\". The Buddies want Puppy Paws to leave. But they learn that Puppy Paws isn't hurting them as they are hurting themselves and decide to treat him with compassion. Puppy Paws gets taken away by dog catcher Stan Cruge (Christopher Lloyd), who takes him to the pound. There, Puppy Paws meets a puppy named Tiny","Document [13](Title: The Snowman and the Snowdog) \"The Snowman\", used to live. Once in the open countryside, it is now in a housing estate. One sunny Summer's day, a young boy named Billy and his mother arrive at the house, which they have just moved into. Billy helps his elderly dog from the removal van and they enter the property. As autumn arrives, it becomes apparent that Billy's dog has died and the family bury him in the back garden. With Christmas approaching, Billy writes to Father Christmas in the form of a hand-drawn picture; the one and only thing he asks for is another dog to","Document [14](Title: Snow Dogs) the film. Two of the dogs came from Kortar Kennels, in Ontario. The animatronic effects were designed and built by Jim Henson's Creature Shop. The special effects were provided by The Secret Lab, the special effects division of Disney. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has a rating of 24% based on 82 reviews. The site's consensus reads \"A mediocre live-action children's movie, \"Snow Dogs\" is filled with cliched dialogue, tiresome pratfalls, and stale fish-out-of-water jokes.\" It grossed $115 million worldwide against a $33 million budget. John Debney won the ASCAP Award in 2003 for the soundtrack. \"Snow Dogs\" was referenced","Document [15](Title: Balto (film)) a rest, the grandmother tells a story about Nome, Alaska back in 1925, shifting the film from live-action to animation. Balto (Bacon), a wolfdog hybrid, lives on the outskirts of Nome with his adoptive father, a snow goose named Boris (Hoskins) and two polar bears, Muk and Luk (Collins). Being half-wolf, Balto is shunned by dogs and humans alike. His only friends in town are a red husky named Jenna (Fonda)-- whom Balto has a crush on-- and her owner, Rosy (Juliette Brewer). He is frequently challenged by the town's favorite sled dog, Steele (Cummings), a fierce and arrogant Alaskan","Document [16](Title: Angel Tales) was very curious and adventurous which led to her losing her tail and dying by electrocution. She now has \"electraphobia\": a fear of electricity and \"technophobia\": a fear of technology, electronics or anything powered by electricity. In season 2, she is promoted to Intermediate rank and she develops feelings for Gor\u014d. Nana is a Junior rank guardian angel. She was a dog in her past life and her hairstyle represents a dog's ears. Nana has a tomboyish personality and is hyperactive, like a puppy. She enjoys walks but tends to get lost. When Nana was a dog, she died in","Document [17](Title: North of the Yukon) used anymore, to which Scrooge objects (\"Yes, but in weather like this only dogs can take you where you have to go.\"). Upon saying this, an old sled dog pops out the snow. The old dog's name is Barko. The owner explains that Barko was once the North's greatest champion, but now he's old and stricken with rheumatism. It is then revealed that the other dog team is Soapy Slick's champion racing team (as the owner tells Donald this, Slick and his team pass). Scrooge remembers how Barko helped deliver serum to Nome (a reference to the 1925 serum run","Document [18](Title: Red Dog mine) Red Dog mine. Construction of the road, port site, and mine began in July 1987. Mine operations commenced in December 1989. Under the terms of the Teck Cominco\/NANA agreement, NANA received royalties of 4.5% until the capital costs of the mine were recovered, which occurred in late 2007. At this point, the royalty due to NANA increased to 25%, and will increase by an additional 5% every year, to a maximum of 50%. Under the terms of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANSCA), which created NANA and the other native corporations in Alaska, NANA must share approximately","Document [19](Title: Snowsnaps) Snowsnaps Snowsnaps () is a Canadian CGI\u2013animated television series. It is a preschool-aimed spinoff of the 2015 film \"Snowtime!\" (\"La Guerre des Tuques 3D\"), itself an animated remake of the 1984 live-action \"The Dog Who Stopped the War\" (\"La Guerre des Tuques\") movie. Produced by Carpediem Film & TV in collaboration with animation studio Singing Frog and broadcaster Corus Entertainment, the series premiered September 1, 2018 in Canada on T\u00e9l\u00e9toon, Disney La Cha\u00eene and Treehouse TV. A preschool-oriented spinoff of \"Snowtime!\" was announced to be in development in November 2015. \"Snowsnaps\" was officially unveiled during the 2016 Cartoon Forum in","Document [20](Title: Snow Dogs) Ted travels to Tolketna to claim his inheritance from Lucy: seven Siberian Huskies and a Border Collie named Nana. In Tolketna, he discovers his roots. Totally out of his element, Ted experiences challenges he has never dreamed of: blizzards, thin ice, foxes, skunks, bears, an intimidating, crusty old mountain man named James \"Thunder Jack\" Johnson, and the aggressive, defiant lead dog, Demon. All of this happens with the buzzing excitement of the Arctic Challenge Sled Dog Race, which is only two weeks away."],"query":"what kind of dog is nana in snow dogs?","answers":["a Border Collie","Border Collie"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Trials of Apollo) The Burning Maze is the third book in the series. It is scheduled to be released on May 1, 2018.","Document [2](Title: The Hidden Oracle) at the Harvard Book Store on the day of publication. \"The Hidden Oracle\" was released in the United States by Disney-Hyperion on May 3, 2016. An audiobook, narrated by Robbie Daymond, was published on the same date by Books on Tape. On May 4, Thorndike Press published a large-print edition in hardcover. The book also received e-book and paperback versions, and has been translated into 19 languages. For the first printing, Disney-Hyperion offered different gifts that varied according to where the book was purchased: a letter from Apollo to Zeus at Barnes & Noble, an illustrated map of Apollo's trials","Document [3](Title: The Trials of Apollo) It will be released in October 2019, and the story will be set in the Bay Area, most likely around Camp Jupiter. A companion book titled \"From Percy Jackson: Camp Half-Blood Confidential\" was released on May 2, 2017. The Trials of Apollo The Trials of Apollo is a pentalogy of fantasy adventure and mythological fiction novels written by American author Rick Riordan that collectively form a sequel to the \"Heroes of Olympus\" series. It is set in the same world as other Riordan tales, and references characters and happenings from earlier series. A supplementary book, \"Camp Half-Blood Confidential\", has also","Document [4](Title: The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland) on Pyralidae and Pterophoridae, and volume 8 on Geometridae. At the same time they took over the remaining stock of the previous seven volumes of the series. From 1 January 2013, Apollo Books announced that all Harley Books titles and the majority of the Apollo Books titles, have been taken over by the Dutch publisher Brill Publishers. The change was necessary to ensure that the book series can continue to be published in the years ahead Eleven volumes were originally planned in total. So far, volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10 have been published. Volumes 4,","Document [5](Title: Midnighter and Apollo) secondary role in comparison to Midnighter has been somewhat criticized. The title was first announced as a six-issue series in June 2016. The first issue was announced for an October 5, 2016 release. On writing the series, Orlando stated that \"\"Midnighter and Apollo\" is the book we need right now. Comics\u2019 most iconic queer couple face down a new enemy and show us that we can never give in to fear, hatred, and evil\u2014and they do it with their own brand of action-movie wit and punching.\" One of the things Orlando wanted to explore when writing the series is examining","Document [6](Title: Camp Half-Blood chronicles) in the horizon. The book was released on October 7, 2014. \"The Trials of Apollo\" is a five-part series of books written by Rick Riordan. It chronicles the life of Apollo after his being made mortal by Zeus as a punishment for his actions during the Second Gigantomachy. The first book \"The Hidden Oracle,\" was published on May 3, 2016. It also features most of the characters from \"The Heroes of Olympus\" and \"Percy Jackson and the Olympians\" series. \"The Hidden Oracle\" is the first book in \"The Trials of Apollo\" series. It features Apollo as a 16 year old","Document [7](Title: The Trials of Apollo) The Trials of Apollo The Trials of Apollo is a pentalogy of fantasy adventure and mythological fiction novels written by American author Rick Riordan that collectively form a sequel to the \"Heroes of Olympus\" series. It is set in the same world as other Riordan tales, and references characters and happenings from earlier series. A supplementary book, \"Camp Half-Blood Confidential\", has also been released in addition to the main series. The first book in the series, \"The Hidden Oracle\", was released on May 3, 2016. The second book in the series, \"The Dark Prophecy\", was released on May 2, 2017.","Document [8](Title: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics)) Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics) Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness is a graphic novel released in September of 2005 along with the Coheed and Cambria . It is written by Claudio Sanchez, illustrated by Christopher Shy, and published by Evil Ink Comics The story of Good Apollo takes a step outside the science fiction narrative of the first three chapters and examines the life of the Writer, a character who is crafting the lives of the protagonist Claudio and","Document [9](Title: Midnighter and Apollo) Midnighter and Apollo Midnighter and Apollo is a six-issue American comic book limited series published by DC Comics. It is written by Steve Orlando and illustrated by Fernando Blanco, with covers by ACO. The series debuted on October, 2016 and finished in March, 2017. The story takes some time after the end of \"Midnighter\", with Midnighter and Apollo having gotten back together. Following a battle with demons, Apollo's soul is dragged to Hell and Midnighter attempts to bring him back. The series was announced shortly after the cancellation of \"Midnighter\", that came with the end of \"The New 52\" continuity","Document [10](Title: The Amory Wars) has been abandoned), and the graphic novel \"Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through The Eyes Of Madness\" illustrated by Christopher Shy, which tells the story of the first volume of Chapter 4. The first issue of \"The Second Stage Turbine Blade\" is now out of print, and the second is in limited supply. The \"Good Apollo\" graphic novel is no longer in print and are limited as well. Recently, The Amory Wars Sketchbook, an intro piece, has been sold in limited release. During an interview, Claudio explained that the whole series would be re-done chronologically","Document [11](Title: Apollo's Arrow) Apollo's Arrow Apollo\u2019s Arrow: The Science of Prediction and the Future of Everything is a non-fiction book about prediction written by Canadian author and mathematician David Orrell. The book was initially published in Canada by HarperCollins in 2007, and was a national bestseller. It was published in the United States as \"The Future of Everything: The Science of Prediction\", and translated versions were also published in Japan, South Korea and China. The book was taught as part of a university course in \u201cForecasting via Mathematical Modeling\u201d at Gustavus Adolphus College in 2009. In this book, Orrell explains the science of","Document [12](Title: The Hidden Oracle) Daymond\u2019s performance, saying that \"Riordan's funny writing and Daymond's narration make sure the listener is always on Apollo's side as he learns how to manage without his godly gifts.\" \"The Hidden Oracle\" won the Goodreads Choice Award for the Middle Grade and Children's Fiction of 2016. The second book of \"The Trials of Apollo\" is titled \"The Dark Prophecy\" and was announced by Riordan on May 5, 2016. The cover and the first chapter were released on December 22, 2016. \"The Dark Prophecy\" was released on May 2, 2017 and sold 63,000 copies in the first week. The Hidden Oracle","Document [13](Title: The Hidden Oracle) in the new series. Because Apollo is the god of poetry, the name of each chapter would be a \"bad haiku\". The cover, illustrated by John Rocco, was revealed on October 10, 2015; it shows the two versions of Apollo in an alley of New York City. Two months later, on December 10, the third chapter was made available for free download by \"USA Today\". The first chapter was released along with the collection of short stories \"Demigods & Magicians\" on April 5, 2016. In addition, three trailers were released on YouTube to promote the book. A launch event occurred","Document [14](Title: Apollo (comics)) Apollo (comics) Apollo is a fictional character, a comic book superhero who first appeared in the \"Stormwatch\" series, but is best known for his role in \"The Authority\". While visually distinct, Apollo is cast in the mould of the Superman archetype. Apollo is notable for being among the first openly gay superheroes in print, although several years behind Marvel Comics' Northstar. He married fellow The Authority member Midnighter and both adopted Jenny Quantum. Warren Ellis introduced the character shortly after taking over writing duties on the \"Stormwatch\" title, when he had Apollo and Midnighter encounter the then-active Stormwatch team. The","Document [15](Title: The Burning Maze) & Roman Myths & Legends bestseller list and the Kindle ebook at 1 on the Teen & Young Adult Sword & Sorcery Fantasy eBooks list. The next week, the book was the 6th sold among fiction novels on Amazon. It debuted at 5 on the \"USA Today\" bestseller list. On \"The Wall Street Journal\" fiction bestseller list, the book debuted at 2. In the first week of release, \"The Trials of Apollo\" series was 2 on \"The New York Times\" bestseller list. In the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth nations, English-language editions in hardcover were also released May 1 by","Document [16](Title: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics)) the cryptic message \"You're Burning Star IV.\" He also tells Claudio to listen to the Vishual (Chase) and that \"all worlds from here must burn,\" implying that it is the Crowing's duty to destroy the Keywork. Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics) Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness is a graphic novel released in September of 2005 along with the Coheed and Cambria . It is written by Claudio Sanchez, illustrated by Christopher Shy, and published by Evil Ink Comics The","Document [17](Title: The Hidden Oracle) the help of Percy and the other campers, Apollo defeats the statue by hitting it with a plague-enchanted arrow. The next morning, Leo Valdez and Calypso return to Camp Half-Blood, and the two offer to help Apollo in his quest to rescue the Oracle of Trophonius from Triumvirate Holdings. In October 2015, during the promotional tour for \"The Sword of Summer\", the first book in the \"Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard\" series, Rick Riordan announced that he was working on a new series of five books based on Apollo. The first novel was titled \"The Hidden Oracle\" and","Document [18](Title: Midnighter and Apollo) the characterization department has only continued to increase since the first issue - for a title called Midnighter and Apollo, the latter character still doesn't feel as wonderfully defined as his dark, brooding and witty counterpart. But if having too much Midnighter is the worst complaint I can give, I think this book is still in the running for one of the best superhero titles of the week.\" The series has also been nominated for Outstanding Comic Book in 28th GLAAD Media Awards. Midnighter and Apollo Midnighter and Apollo is a six-issue American comic book limited series published by DC","Document [19](Title: The Burning Maze) Grover Underwood, Apollo goes to the Labyrinth in search of the Oracle of Erythaea, the next Oracle to be rescued. The novel was published in hardcover, audiobook, ebook, and large-print editions and the cover was illustrated by John Rocco. \"The Burning Maze\" received positive reviews from critics, who praised Apollo's narration and the book's humor. It was a bestseller on Amazon. The book opens two days after the close of the preceding novel, \"The Dark Prophecy\". During this period, Apollo, Meg McCaffrey, and Grover Underwood have been navigating the Labyrinth. They escape from attacking strixes sent by the third emperor","Document [20](Title: Beyond Apollo) in 1973. Beyond Apollo Beyond Apollo is a science fiction novel by American writer Barry N. Malzberg, first published in 1972 in a hardcover edition by Random House. Malzberg credits the inspiration for the novel to \"I Have My Vigil\", a 1969 short story by fellow science fiction writer Harry Harrison. The novel's protagonist is Harry M. Evans, the lone survivor of the disastrous first manned expedition to the planet Venus. Evans provides details of the doomed expedition as a novel in progress, and he proves to be a remarkably unreliable narrator, constantly changing the particulars of his story as"],"query":"when does the next apollo book come out?","answers":["May 1, 2018"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Hidden Oracle) at the Harvard Book Store on the day of publication. \"The Hidden Oracle\" was released in the United States by Disney-Hyperion on May 3, 2016. An audiobook, narrated by Robbie Daymond, was published on the same date by Books on Tape. On May 4, Thorndike Press published a large-print edition in hardcover. The book also received e-book and paperback versions, and has been translated into 19 languages. For the first printing, Disney-Hyperion offered different gifts that varied according to where the book was purchased: a letter from Apollo to Zeus at Barnes & Noble, an illustrated map of Apollo's trials","Document [2](Title: The Trials of Apollo) It will be released in October 2019, and the story will be set in the Bay Area, most likely around Camp Jupiter. A companion book titled \"From Percy Jackson: Camp Half-Blood Confidential\" was released on May 2, 2017. The Trials of Apollo The Trials of Apollo is a pentalogy of fantasy adventure and mythological fiction novels written by American author Rick Riordan that collectively form a sequel to the \"Heroes of Olympus\" series. It is set in the same world as other Riordan tales, and references characters and happenings from earlier series. A supplementary book, \"Camp Half-Blood Confidential\", has also","Document [3](Title: The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland) on Pyralidae and Pterophoridae, and volume 8 on Geometridae. At the same time they took over the remaining stock of the previous seven volumes of the series. From 1 January 2013, Apollo Books announced that all Harley Books titles and the majority of the Apollo Books titles, have been taken over by the Dutch publisher Brill Publishers. The change was necessary to ensure that the book series can continue to be published in the years ahead Eleven volumes were originally planned in total. So far, volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10 have been published. Volumes 4,","Document [4](Title: Midnighter and Apollo) secondary role in comparison to Midnighter has been somewhat criticized. The title was first announced as a six-issue series in June 2016. The first issue was announced for an October 5, 2016 release. On writing the series, Orlando stated that \"\"Midnighter and Apollo\" is the book we need right now. Comics\u2019 most iconic queer couple face down a new enemy and show us that we can never give in to fear, hatred, and evil\u2014and they do it with their own brand of action-movie wit and punching.\" One of the things Orlando wanted to explore when writing the series is examining","Document [5](Title: The Trials of Apollo) The Burning Maze is the third book in the series. It is scheduled to be released on May 1, 2018.","Document [6](Title: Camp Half-Blood chronicles) in the horizon. The book was released on October 7, 2014. \"The Trials of Apollo\" is a five-part series of books written by Rick Riordan. It chronicles the life of Apollo after his being made mortal by Zeus as a punishment for his actions during the Second Gigantomachy. The first book \"The Hidden Oracle,\" was published on May 3, 2016. It also features most of the characters from \"The Heroes of Olympus\" and \"Percy Jackson and the Olympians\" series. \"The Hidden Oracle\" is the first book in \"The Trials of Apollo\" series. It features Apollo as a 16 year old","Document [7](Title: The Trials of Apollo) The Trials of Apollo The Trials of Apollo is a pentalogy of fantasy adventure and mythological fiction novels written by American author Rick Riordan that collectively form a sequel to the \"Heroes of Olympus\" series. It is set in the same world as other Riordan tales, and references characters and happenings from earlier series. A supplementary book, \"Camp Half-Blood Confidential\", has also been released in addition to the main series. The first book in the series, \"The Hidden Oracle\", was released on May 3, 2016. The second book in the series, \"The Dark Prophecy\", was released on May 2, 2017.","Document [8](Title: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics)) Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics) Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness is a graphic novel released in September of 2005 along with the Coheed and Cambria . It is written by Claudio Sanchez, illustrated by Christopher Shy, and published by Evil Ink Comics The story of Good Apollo takes a step outside the science fiction narrative of the first three chapters and examines the life of the Writer, a character who is crafting the lives of the protagonist Claudio and","Document [9](Title: Midnighter and Apollo) Midnighter and Apollo Midnighter and Apollo is a six-issue American comic book limited series published by DC Comics. It is written by Steve Orlando and illustrated by Fernando Blanco, with covers by ACO. The series debuted on October, 2016 and finished in March, 2017. The story takes some time after the end of \"Midnighter\", with Midnighter and Apollo having gotten back together. Following a battle with demons, Apollo's soul is dragged to Hell and Midnighter attempts to bring him back. The series was announced shortly after the cancellation of \"Midnighter\", that came with the end of \"The New 52\" continuity","Document [10](Title: The Amory Wars) has been abandoned), and the graphic novel \"Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through The Eyes Of Madness\" illustrated by Christopher Shy, which tells the story of the first volume of Chapter 4. The first issue of \"The Second Stage Turbine Blade\" is now out of print, and the second is in limited supply. The \"Good Apollo\" graphic novel is no longer in print and are limited as well. Recently, The Amory Wars Sketchbook, an intro piece, has been sold in limited release. During an interview, Claudio explained that the whole series would be re-done chronologically","Document [11](Title: Apollo's Arrow) Apollo's Arrow Apollo\u2019s Arrow: The Science of Prediction and the Future of Everything is a non-fiction book about prediction written by Canadian author and mathematician David Orrell. The book was initially published in Canada by HarperCollins in 2007, and was a national bestseller. It was published in the United States as \"The Future of Everything: The Science of Prediction\", and translated versions were also published in Japan, South Korea and China. The book was taught as part of a university course in \u201cForecasting via Mathematical Modeling\u201d at Gustavus Adolphus College in 2009. In this book, Orrell explains the science of","Document [12](Title: The Hidden Oracle) Daymond\u2019s performance, saying that \"Riordan's funny writing and Daymond's narration make sure the listener is always on Apollo's side as he learns how to manage without his godly gifts.\" \"The Hidden Oracle\" won the Goodreads Choice Award for the Middle Grade and Children's Fiction of 2016. The second book of \"The Trials of Apollo\" is titled \"The Dark Prophecy\" and was announced by Riordan on May 5, 2016. The cover and the first chapter were released on December 22, 2016. \"The Dark Prophecy\" was released on May 2, 2017 and sold 63,000 copies in the first week. The Hidden Oracle","Document [13](Title: The Hidden Oracle) in the new series. Because Apollo is the god of poetry, the name of each chapter would be a \"bad haiku\". The cover, illustrated by John Rocco, was revealed on October 10, 2015; it shows the two versions of Apollo in an alley of New York City. Two months later, on December 10, the third chapter was made available for free download by \"USA Today\". The first chapter was released along with the collection of short stories \"Demigods & Magicians\" on April 5, 2016. In addition, three trailers were released on YouTube to promote the book. A launch event occurred","Document [14](Title: Apollo (comics)) Apollo (comics) Apollo is a fictional character, a comic book superhero who first appeared in the \"Stormwatch\" series, but is best known for his role in \"The Authority\". While visually distinct, Apollo is cast in the mould of the Superman archetype. Apollo is notable for being among the first openly gay superheroes in print, although several years behind Marvel Comics' Northstar. He married fellow The Authority member Midnighter and both adopted Jenny Quantum. Warren Ellis introduced the character shortly after taking over writing duties on the \"Stormwatch\" title, when he had Apollo and Midnighter encounter the then-active Stormwatch team. The","Document [15](Title: The Burning Maze) & Roman Myths & Legends bestseller list and the Kindle ebook at 1 on the Teen & Young Adult Sword & Sorcery Fantasy eBooks list. The next week, the book was the 6th sold among fiction novels on Amazon. It debuted at 5 on the \"USA Today\" bestseller list. On \"The Wall Street Journal\" fiction bestseller list, the book debuted at 2. In the first week of release, \"The Trials of Apollo\" series was 2 on \"The New York Times\" bestseller list. In the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth nations, English-language editions in hardcover were also released May 1 by","Document [16](Title: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics)) the cryptic message \"You're Burning Star IV.\" He also tells Claudio to listen to the Vishual (Chase) and that \"all worlds from here must burn,\" implying that it is the Crowing's duty to destroy the Keywork. Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics) Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness is a graphic novel released in September of 2005 along with the Coheed and Cambria . It is written by Claudio Sanchez, illustrated by Christopher Shy, and published by Evil Ink Comics The","Document [17](Title: The Hidden Oracle) the help of Percy and the other campers, Apollo defeats the statue by hitting it with a plague-enchanted arrow. The next morning, Leo Valdez and Calypso return to Camp Half-Blood, and the two offer to help Apollo in his quest to rescue the Oracle of Trophonius from Triumvirate Holdings. In October 2015, during the promotional tour for \"The Sword of Summer\", the first book in the \"Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard\" series, Rick Riordan announced that he was working on a new series of five books based on Apollo. The first novel was titled \"The Hidden Oracle\" and","Document [18](Title: Midnighter and Apollo) the characterization department has only continued to increase since the first issue - for a title called Midnighter and Apollo, the latter character still doesn't feel as wonderfully defined as his dark, brooding and witty counterpart. But if having too much Midnighter is the worst complaint I can give, I think this book is still in the running for one of the best superhero titles of the week.\" The series has also been nominated for Outstanding Comic Book in 28th GLAAD Media Awards. Midnighter and Apollo Midnighter and Apollo is a six-issue American comic book limited series published by DC","Document [19](Title: The Burning Maze) Grover Underwood, Apollo goes to the Labyrinth in search of the Oracle of Erythaea, the next Oracle to be rescued. The novel was published in hardcover, audiobook, ebook, and large-print editions and the cover was illustrated by John Rocco. \"The Burning Maze\" received positive reviews from critics, who praised Apollo's narration and the book's humor. It was a bestseller on Amazon. The book opens two days after the close of the preceding novel, \"The Dark Prophecy\". During this period, Apollo, Meg McCaffrey, and Grover Underwood have been navigating the Labyrinth. They escape from attacking strixes sent by the third emperor","Document [20](Title: Beyond Apollo) in 1973. Beyond Apollo Beyond Apollo is a science fiction novel by American writer Barry N. Malzberg, first published in 1972 in a hardcover edition by Random House. Malzberg credits the inspiration for the novel to \"I Have My Vigil\", a 1969 short story by fellow science fiction writer Harry Harrison. The novel's protagonist is Harry M. Evans, the lone survivor of the disastrous first manned expedition to the planet Venus. Evans provides details of the doomed expedition as a novel in progress, and he proves to be a remarkably unreliable narrator, constantly changing the particulars of his story as"],"query":"when does the next apollo book come out?","answers":["May 1, 2018"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Hidden Oracle) at the Harvard Book Store on the day of publication. \"The Hidden Oracle\" was released in the United States by Disney-Hyperion on May 3, 2016. An audiobook, narrated by Robbie Daymond, was published on the same date by Books on Tape. On May 4, Thorndike Press published a large-print edition in hardcover. The book also received e-book and paperback versions, and has been translated into 19 languages. For the first printing, Disney-Hyperion offered different gifts that varied according to where the book was purchased: a letter from Apollo to Zeus at Barnes & Noble, an illustrated map of Apollo's trials","Document [2](Title: The Trials of Apollo) It will be released in October 2019, and the story will be set in the Bay Area, most likely around Camp Jupiter. A companion book titled \"From Percy Jackson: Camp Half-Blood Confidential\" was released on May 2, 2017. The Trials of Apollo The Trials of Apollo is a pentalogy of fantasy adventure and mythological fiction novels written by American author Rick Riordan that collectively form a sequel to the \"Heroes of Olympus\" series. It is set in the same world as other Riordan tales, and references characters and happenings from earlier series. A supplementary book, \"Camp Half-Blood Confidential\", has also","Document [3](Title: The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland) on Pyralidae and Pterophoridae, and volume 8 on Geometridae. At the same time they took over the remaining stock of the previous seven volumes of the series. From 1 January 2013, Apollo Books announced that all Harley Books titles and the majority of the Apollo Books titles, have been taken over by the Dutch publisher Brill Publishers. The change was necessary to ensure that the book series can continue to be published in the years ahead Eleven volumes were originally planned in total. So far, volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10 have been published. Volumes 4,","Document [4](Title: Midnighter and Apollo) secondary role in comparison to Midnighter has been somewhat criticized. The title was first announced as a six-issue series in June 2016. The first issue was announced for an October 5, 2016 release. On writing the series, Orlando stated that \"\"Midnighter and Apollo\" is the book we need right now. Comics\u2019 most iconic queer couple face down a new enemy and show us that we can never give in to fear, hatred, and evil\u2014and they do it with their own brand of action-movie wit and punching.\" One of the things Orlando wanted to explore when writing the series is examining","Document [5](Title: Camp Half-Blood chronicles) in the horizon. The book was released on October 7, 2014. \"The Trials of Apollo\" is a five-part series of books written by Rick Riordan. It chronicles the life of Apollo after his being made mortal by Zeus as a punishment for his actions during the Second Gigantomachy. The first book \"The Hidden Oracle,\" was published on May 3, 2016. It also features most of the characters from \"The Heroes of Olympus\" and \"Percy Jackson and the Olympians\" series. \"The Hidden Oracle\" is the first book in \"The Trials of Apollo\" series. It features Apollo as a 16 year old","Document [6](Title: The Trials of Apollo) The Trials of Apollo The Trials of Apollo is a pentalogy of fantasy adventure and mythological fiction novels written by American author Rick Riordan that collectively form a sequel to the \"Heroes of Olympus\" series. It is set in the same world as other Riordan tales, and references characters and happenings from earlier series. A supplementary book, \"Camp Half-Blood Confidential\", has also been released in addition to the main series. The first book in the series, \"The Hidden Oracle\", was released on May 3, 2016. The second book in the series, \"The Dark Prophecy\", was released on May 2, 2017.","Document [7](Title: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics)) Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics) Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness is a graphic novel released in September of 2005 along with the Coheed and Cambria . It is written by Claudio Sanchez, illustrated by Christopher Shy, and published by Evil Ink Comics The story of Good Apollo takes a step outside the science fiction narrative of the first three chapters and examines the life of the Writer, a character who is crafting the lives of the protagonist Claudio and","Document [8](Title: Midnighter and Apollo) Midnighter and Apollo Midnighter and Apollo is a six-issue American comic book limited series published by DC Comics. It is written by Steve Orlando and illustrated by Fernando Blanco, with covers by ACO. The series debuted on October, 2016 and finished in March, 2017. The story takes some time after the end of \"Midnighter\", with Midnighter and Apollo having gotten back together. Following a battle with demons, Apollo's soul is dragged to Hell and Midnighter attempts to bring him back. The series was announced shortly after the cancellation of \"Midnighter\", that came with the end of \"The New 52\" continuity","Document [9](Title: The Amory Wars) has been abandoned), and the graphic novel \"Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through The Eyes Of Madness\" illustrated by Christopher Shy, which tells the story of the first volume of Chapter 4. The first issue of \"The Second Stage Turbine Blade\" is now out of print, and the second is in limited supply. The \"Good Apollo\" graphic novel is no longer in print and are limited as well. Recently, The Amory Wars Sketchbook, an intro piece, has been sold in limited release. During an interview, Claudio explained that the whole series would be re-done chronologically","Document [10](Title: The Trials of Apollo) The Burning Maze is the third book in the series. It is scheduled to be released on May 1, 2018.","Document [11](Title: Apollo's Arrow) Apollo's Arrow Apollo\u2019s Arrow: The Science of Prediction and the Future of Everything is a non-fiction book about prediction written by Canadian author and mathematician David Orrell. The book was initially published in Canada by HarperCollins in 2007, and was a national bestseller. It was published in the United States as \"The Future of Everything: The Science of Prediction\", and translated versions were also published in Japan, South Korea and China. The book was taught as part of a university course in \u201cForecasting via Mathematical Modeling\u201d at Gustavus Adolphus College in 2009. In this book, Orrell explains the science of","Document [12](Title: The Hidden Oracle) Daymond\u2019s performance, saying that \"Riordan's funny writing and Daymond's narration make sure the listener is always on Apollo's side as he learns how to manage without his godly gifts.\" \"The Hidden Oracle\" won the Goodreads Choice Award for the Middle Grade and Children's Fiction of 2016. The second book of \"The Trials of Apollo\" is titled \"The Dark Prophecy\" and was announced by Riordan on May 5, 2016. The cover and the first chapter were released on December 22, 2016. \"The Dark Prophecy\" was released on May 2, 2017 and sold 63,000 copies in the first week. The Hidden Oracle","Document [13](Title: The Hidden Oracle) in the new series. Because Apollo is the god of poetry, the name of each chapter would be a \"bad haiku\". The cover, illustrated by John Rocco, was revealed on October 10, 2015; it shows the two versions of Apollo in an alley of New York City. Two months later, on December 10, the third chapter was made available for free download by \"USA Today\". The first chapter was released along with the collection of short stories \"Demigods & Magicians\" on April 5, 2016. In addition, three trailers were released on YouTube to promote the book. A launch event occurred","Document [14](Title: Apollo (comics)) Apollo (comics) Apollo is a fictional character, a comic book superhero who first appeared in the \"Stormwatch\" series, but is best known for his role in \"The Authority\". While visually distinct, Apollo is cast in the mould of the Superman archetype. Apollo is notable for being among the first openly gay superheroes in print, although several years behind Marvel Comics' Northstar. He married fellow The Authority member Midnighter and both adopted Jenny Quantum. Warren Ellis introduced the character shortly after taking over writing duties on the \"Stormwatch\" title, when he had Apollo and Midnighter encounter the then-active Stormwatch team. The","Document [15](Title: The Burning Maze) & Roman Myths & Legends bestseller list and the Kindle ebook at 1 on the Teen & Young Adult Sword & Sorcery Fantasy eBooks list. The next week, the book was the 6th sold among fiction novels on Amazon. It debuted at 5 on the \"USA Today\" bestseller list. On \"The Wall Street Journal\" fiction bestseller list, the book debuted at 2. In the first week of release, \"The Trials of Apollo\" series was 2 on \"The New York Times\" bestseller list. In the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth nations, English-language editions in hardcover were also released May 1 by","Document [16](Title: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics)) the cryptic message \"You're Burning Star IV.\" He also tells Claudio to listen to the Vishual (Chase) and that \"all worlds from here must burn,\" implying that it is the Crowing's duty to destroy the Keywork. Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics) Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness is a graphic novel released in September of 2005 along with the Coheed and Cambria . It is written by Claudio Sanchez, illustrated by Christopher Shy, and published by Evil Ink Comics The","Document [17](Title: The Hidden Oracle) the help of Percy and the other campers, Apollo defeats the statue by hitting it with a plague-enchanted arrow. The next morning, Leo Valdez and Calypso return to Camp Half-Blood, and the two offer to help Apollo in his quest to rescue the Oracle of Trophonius from Triumvirate Holdings. In October 2015, during the promotional tour for \"The Sword of Summer\", the first book in the \"Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard\" series, Rick Riordan announced that he was working on a new series of five books based on Apollo. The first novel was titled \"The Hidden Oracle\" and","Document [18](Title: Midnighter and Apollo) the characterization department has only continued to increase since the first issue - for a title called Midnighter and Apollo, the latter character still doesn't feel as wonderfully defined as his dark, brooding and witty counterpart. But if having too much Midnighter is the worst complaint I can give, I think this book is still in the running for one of the best superhero titles of the week.\" The series has also been nominated for Outstanding Comic Book in 28th GLAAD Media Awards. Midnighter and Apollo Midnighter and Apollo is a six-issue American comic book limited series published by DC","Document [19](Title: The Burning Maze) Grover Underwood, Apollo goes to the Labyrinth in search of the Oracle of Erythaea, the next Oracle to be rescued. The novel was published in hardcover, audiobook, ebook, and large-print editions and the cover was illustrated by John Rocco. \"The Burning Maze\" received positive reviews from critics, who praised Apollo's narration and the book's humor. It was a bestseller on Amazon. The book opens two days after the close of the preceding novel, \"The Dark Prophecy\". During this period, Apollo, Meg McCaffrey, and Grover Underwood have been navigating the Labyrinth. They escape from attacking strixes sent by the third emperor","Document [20](Title: Beyond Apollo) in 1973. Beyond Apollo Beyond Apollo is a science fiction novel by American writer Barry N. Malzberg, first published in 1972 in a hardcover edition by Random House. Malzberg credits the inspiration for the novel to \"I Have My Vigil\", a 1969 short story by fellow science fiction writer Harry Harrison. The novel's protagonist is Harry M. Evans, the lone survivor of the disastrous first manned expedition to the planet Venus. Evans provides details of the doomed expedition as a novel in progress, and he proves to be a remarkably unreliable narrator, constantly changing the particulars of his story as"],"query":"when does the next apollo book come out?","answers":["May 1, 2018"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Hidden Oracle) at the Harvard Book Store on the day of publication. \"The Hidden Oracle\" was released in the United States by Disney-Hyperion on May 3, 2016. An audiobook, narrated by Robbie Daymond, was published on the same date by Books on Tape. On May 4, Thorndike Press published a large-print edition in hardcover. The book also received e-book and paperback versions, and has been translated into 19 languages. For the first printing, Disney-Hyperion offered different gifts that varied according to where the book was purchased: a letter from Apollo to Zeus at Barnes & Noble, an illustrated map of Apollo's trials","Document [2](Title: The Trials of Apollo) It will be released in October 2019, and the story will be set in the Bay Area, most likely around Camp Jupiter. A companion book titled \"From Percy Jackson: Camp Half-Blood Confidential\" was released on May 2, 2017. The Trials of Apollo The Trials of Apollo is a pentalogy of fantasy adventure and mythological fiction novels written by American author Rick Riordan that collectively form a sequel to the \"Heroes of Olympus\" series. It is set in the same world as other Riordan tales, and references characters and happenings from earlier series. A supplementary book, \"Camp Half-Blood Confidential\", has also","Document [3](Title: The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland) on Pyralidae and Pterophoridae, and volume 8 on Geometridae. At the same time they took over the remaining stock of the previous seven volumes of the series. From 1 January 2013, Apollo Books announced that all Harley Books titles and the majority of the Apollo Books titles, have been taken over by the Dutch publisher Brill Publishers. The change was necessary to ensure that the book series can continue to be published in the years ahead Eleven volumes were originally planned in total. So far, volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10 have been published. Volumes 4,","Document [4](Title: Midnighter and Apollo) secondary role in comparison to Midnighter has been somewhat criticized. The title was first announced as a six-issue series in June 2016. The first issue was announced for an October 5, 2016 release. On writing the series, Orlando stated that \"\"Midnighter and Apollo\" is the book we need right now. Comics\u2019 most iconic queer couple face down a new enemy and show us that we can never give in to fear, hatred, and evil\u2014and they do it with their own brand of action-movie wit and punching.\" One of the things Orlando wanted to explore when writing the series is examining","Document [5](Title: Camp Half-Blood chronicles) in the horizon. The book was released on October 7, 2014. \"The Trials of Apollo\" is a five-part series of books written by Rick Riordan. It chronicles the life of Apollo after his being made mortal by Zeus as a punishment for his actions during the Second Gigantomachy. The first book \"The Hidden Oracle,\" was published on May 3, 2016. It also features most of the characters from \"The Heroes of Olympus\" and \"Percy Jackson and the Olympians\" series. \"The Hidden Oracle\" is the first book in \"The Trials of Apollo\" series. It features Apollo as a 16 year old","Document [6](Title: The Trials of Apollo) The Trials of Apollo The Trials of Apollo is a pentalogy of fantasy adventure and mythological fiction novels written by American author Rick Riordan that collectively form a sequel to the \"Heroes of Olympus\" series. It is set in the same world as other Riordan tales, and references characters and happenings from earlier series. A supplementary book, \"Camp Half-Blood Confidential\", has also been released in addition to the main series. The first book in the series, \"The Hidden Oracle\", was released on May 3, 2016. The second book in the series, \"The Dark Prophecy\", was released on May 2, 2017.","Document [7](Title: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics)) Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics) Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness is a graphic novel released in September of 2005 along with the Coheed and Cambria . It is written by Claudio Sanchez, illustrated by Christopher Shy, and published by Evil Ink Comics The story of Good Apollo takes a step outside the science fiction narrative of the first three chapters and examines the life of the Writer, a character who is crafting the lives of the protagonist Claudio and","Document [8](Title: Midnighter and Apollo) Midnighter and Apollo Midnighter and Apollo is a six-issue American comic book limited series published by DC Comics. It is written by Steve Orlando and illustrated by Fernando Blanco, with covers by ACO. The series debuted on October, 2016 and finished in March, 2017. The story takes some time after the end of \"Midnighter\", with Midnighter and Apollo having gotten back together. Following a battle with demons, Apollo's soul is dragged to Hell and Midnighter attempts to bring him back. The series was announced shortly after the cancellation of \"Midnighter\", that came with the end of \"The New 52\" continuity","Document [9](Title: The Amory Wars) has been abandoned), and the graphic novel \"Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through The Eyes Of Madness\" illustrated by Christopher Shy, which tells the story of the first volume of Chapter 4. The first issue of \"The Second Stage Turbine Blade\" is now out of print, and the second is in limited supply. The \"Good Apollo\" graphic novel is no longer in print and are limited as well. Recently, The Amory Wars Sketchbook, an intro piece, has been sold in limited release. During an interview, Claudio explained that the whole series would be re-done chronologically","Document [10](Title: Apollo's Arrow) Apollo's Arrow Apollo\u2019s Arrow: The Science of Prediction and the Future of Everything is a non-fiction book about prediction written by Canadian author and mathematician David Orrell. The book was initially published in Canada by HarperCollins in 2007, and was a national bestseller. It was published in the United States as \"The Future of Everything: The Science of Prediction\", and translated versions were also published in Japan, South Korea and China. The book was taught as part of a university course in \u201cForecasting via Mathematical Modeling\u201d at Gustavus Adolphus College in 2009. In this book, Orrell explains the science of","Document [11](Title: The Hidden Oracle) Daymond\u2019s performance, saying that \"Riordan's funny writing and Daymond's narration make sure the listener is always on Apollo's side as he learns how to manage without his godly gifts.\" \"The Hidden Oracle\" won the Goodreads Choice Award for the Middle Grade and Children's Fiction of 2016. The second book of \"The Trials of Apollo\" is titled \"The Dark Prophecy\" and was announced by Riordan on May 5, 2016. The cover and the first chapter were released on December 22, 2016. \"The Dark Prophecy\" was released on May 2, 2017 and sold 63,000 copies in the first week. The Hidden Oracle","Document [12](Title: The Hidden Oracle) in the new series. Because Apollo is the god of poetry, the name of each chapter would be a \"bad haiku\". The cover, illustrated by John Rocco, was revealed on October 10, 2015; it shows the two versions of Apollo in an alley of New York City. Two months later, on December 10, the third chapter was made available for free download by \"USA Today\". The first chapter was released along with the collection of short stories \"Demigods & Magicians\" on April 5, 2016. In addition, three trailers were released on YouTube to promote the book. A launch event occurred","Document [13](Title: Apollo (comics)) Apollo (comics) Apollo is a fictional character, a comic book superhero who first appeared in the \"Stormwatch\" series, but is best known for his role in \"The Authority\". While visually distinct, Apollo is cast in the mould of the Superman archetype. Apollo is notable for being among the first openly gay superheroes in print, although several years behind Marvel Comics' Northstar. He married fellow The Authority member Midnighter and both adopted Jenny Quantum. Warren Ellis introduced the character shortly after taking over writing duties on the \"Stormwatch\" title, when he had Apollo and Midnighter encounter the then-active Stormwatch team. The","Document [14](Title: The Burning Maze) & Roman Myths & Legends bestseller list and the Kindle ebook at 1 on the Teen & Young Adult Sword & Sorcery Fantasy eBooks list. The next week, the book was the 6th sold among fiction novels on Amazon. It debuted at 5 on the \"USA Today\" bestseller list. On \"The Wall Street Journal\" fiction bestseller list, the book debuted at 2. In the first week of release, \"The Trials of Apollo\" series was 2 on \"The New York Times\" bestseller list. In the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth nations, English-language editions in hardcover were also released May 1 by","Document [15](Title: The Trials of Apollo) The Burning Maze is the third book in the series. It is scheduled to be released on May 1, 2018.","Document [16](Title: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics)) the cryptic message \"You're Burning Star IV.\" He also tells Claudio to listen to the Vishual (Chase) and that \"all worlds from here must burn,\" implying that it is the Crowing's duty to destroy the Keywork. Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics) Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness is a graphic novel released in September of 2005 along with the Coheed and Cambria . It is written by Claudio Sanchez, illustrated by Christopher Shy, and published by Evil Ink Comics The","Document [17](Title: The Hidden Oracle) the help of Percy and the other campers, Apollo defeats the statue by hitting it with a plague-enchanted arrow. The next morning, Leo Valdez and Calypso return to Camp Half-Blood, and the two offer to help Apollo in his quest to rescue the Oracle of Trophonius from Triumvirate Holdings. In October 2015, during the promotional tour for \"The Sword of Summer\", the first book in the \"Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard\" series, Rick Riordan announced that he was working on a new series of five books based on Apollo. The first novel was titled \"The Hidden Oracle\" and","Document [18](Title: Midnighter and Apollo) the characterization department has only continued to increase since the first issue - for a title called Midnighter and Apollo, the latter character still doesn't feel as wonderfully defined as his dark, brooding and witty counterpart. But if having too much Midnighter is the worst complaint I can give, I think this book is still in the running for one of the best superhero titles of the week.\" The series has also been nominated for Outstanding Comic Book in 28th GLAAD Media Awards. Midnighter and Apollo Midnighter and Apollo is a six-issue American comic book limited series published by DC","Document [19](Title: The Burning Maze) Grover Underwood, Apollo goes to the Labyrinth in search of the Oracle of Erythaea, the next Oracle to be rescued. The novel was published in hardcover, audiobook, ebook, and large-print editions and the cover was illustrated by John Rocco. \"The Burning Maze\" received positive reviews from critics, who praised Apollo's narration and the book's humor. It was a bestseller on Amazon. The book opens two days after the close of the preceding novel, \"The Dark Prophecy\". During this period, Apollo, Meg McCaffrey, and Grover Underwood have been navigating the Labyrinth. They escape from attacking strixes sent by the third emperor","Document [20](Title: Beyond Apollo) in 1973. Beyond Apollo Beyond Apollo is a science fiction novel by American writer Barry N. Malzberg, first published in 1972 in a hardcover edition by Random House. Malzberg credits the inspiration for the novel to \"I Have My Vigil\", a 1969 short story by fellow science fiction writer Harry Harrison. The novel's protagonist is Harry M. Evans, the lone survivor of the disastrous first manned expedition to the planet Venus. Evans provides details of the doomed expedition as a novel in progress, and he proves to be a remarkably unreliable narrator, constantly changing the particulars of his story as"],"query":"when does the next apollo book come out?","answers":["May 1, 2018"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Hidden Oracle) at the Harvard Book Store on the day of publication. \"The Hidden Oracle\" was released in the United States by Disney-Hyperion on May 3, 2016. An audiobook, narrated by Robbie Daymond, was published on the same date by Books on Tape. On May 4, Thorndike Press published a large-print edition in hardcover. The book also received e-book and paperback versions, and has been translated into 19 languages. For the first printing, Disney-Hyperion offered different gifts that varied according to where the book was purchased: a letter from Apollo to Zeus at Barnes & Noble, an illustrated map of Apollo's trials","Document [2](Title: The Trials of Apollo) It will be released in October 2019, and the story will be set in the Bay Area, most likely around Camp Jupiter. A companion book titled \"From Percy Jackson: Camp Half-Blood Confidential\" was released on May 2, 2017. The Trials of Apollo The Trials of Apollo is a pentalogy of fantasy adventure and mythological fiction novels written by American author Rick Riordan that collectively form a sequel to the \"Heroes of Olympus\" series. It is set in the same world as other Riordan tales, and references characters and happenings from earlier series. A supplementary book, \"Camp Half-Blood Confidential\", has also","Document [3](Title: The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland) on Pyralidae and Pterophoridae, and volume 8 on Geometridae. At the same time they took over the remaining stock of the previous seven volumes of the series. From 1 January 2013, Apollo Books announced that all Harley Books titles and the majority of the Apollo Books titles, have been taken over by the Dutch publisher Brill Publishers. The change was necessary to ensure that the book series can continue to be published in the years ahead Eleven volumes were originally planned in total. So far, volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10 have been published. Volumes 4,","Document [4](Title: Midnighter and Apollo) secondary role in comparison to Midnighter has been somewhat criticized. The title was first announced as a six-issue series in June 2016. The first issue was announced for an October 5, 2016 release. On writing the series, Orlando stated that \"\"Midnighter and Apollo\" is the book we need right now. Comics\u2019 most iconic queer couple face down a new enemy and show us that we can never give in to fear, hatred, and evil\u2014and they do it with their own brand of action-movie wit and punching.\" One of the things Orlando wanted to explore when writing the series is examining","Document [5](Title: Camp Half-Blood chronicles) in the horizon. The book was released on October 7, 2014. \"The Trials of Apollo\" is a five-part series of books written by Rick Riordan. It chronicles the life of Apollo after his being made mortal by Zeus as a punishment for his actions during the Second Gigantomachy. The first book \"The Hidden Oracle,\" was published on May 3, 2016. It also features most of the characters from \"The Heroes of Olympus\" and \"Percy Jackson and the Olympians\" series. \"The Hidden Oracle\" is the first book in \"The Trials of Apollo\" series. It features Apollo as a 16 year old","Document [6](Title: The Trials of Apollo) The Trials of Apollo The Trials of Apollo is a pentalogy of fantasy adventure and mythological fiction novels written by American author Rick Riordan that collectively form a sequel to the \"Heroes of Olympus\" series. It is set in the same world as other Riordan tales, and references characters and happenings from earlier series. A supplementary book, \"Camp Half-Blood Confidential\", has also been released in addition to the main series. The first book in the series, \"The Hidden Oracle\", was released on May 3, 2016. The second book in the series, \"The Dark Prophecy\", was released on May 2, 2017.","Document [7](Title: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics)) Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics) Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness is a graphic novel released in September of 2005 along with the Coheed and Cambria . It is written by Claudio Sanchez, illustrated by Christopher Shy, and published by Evil Ink Comics The story of Good Apollo takes a step outside the science fiction narrative of the first three chapters and examines the life of the Writer, a character who is crafting the lives of the protagonist Claudio and","Document [8](Title: Midnighter and Apollo) Midnighter and Apollo Midnighter and Apollo is a six-issue American comic book limited series published by DC Comics. It is written by Steve Orlando and illustrated by Fernando Blanco, with covers by ACO. The series debuted on October, 2016 and finished in March, 2017. The story takes some time after the end of \"Midnighter\", with Midnighter and Apollo having gotten back together. Following a battle with demons, Apollo's soul is dragged to Hell and Midnighter attempts to bring him back. The series was announced shortly after the cancellation of \"Midnighter\", that came with the end of \"The New 52\" continuity","Document [9](Title: The Amory Wars) has been abandoned), and the graphic novel \"Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through The Eyes Of Madness\" illustrated by Christopher Shy, which tells the story of the first volume of Chapter 4. The first issue of \"The Second Stage Turbine Blade\" is now out of print, and the second is in limited supply. The \"Good Apollo\" graphic novel is no longer in print and are limited as well. Recently, The Amory Wars Sketchbook, an intro piece, has been sold in limited release. During an interview, Claudio explained that the whole series would be re-done chronologically","Document [10](Title: Apollo's Arrow) Apollo's Arrow Apollo\u2019s Arrow: The Science of Prediction and the Future of Everything is a non-fiction book about prediction written by Canadian author and mathematician David Orrell. The book was initially published in Canada by HarperCollins in 2007, and was a national bestseller. It was published in the United States as \"The Future of Everything: The Science of Prediction\", and translated versions were also published in Japan, South Korea and China. The book was taught as part of a university course in \u201cForecasting via Mathematical Modeling\u201d at Gustavus Adolphus College in 2009. In this book, Orrell explains the science of","Document [11](Title: The Hidden Oracle) Daymond\u2019s performance, saying that \"Riordan's funny writing and Daymond's narration make sure the listener is always on Apollo's side as he learns how to manage without his godly gifts.\" \"The Hidden Oracle\" won the Goodreads Choice Award for the Middle Grade and Children's Fiction of 2016. The second book of \"The Trials of Apollo\" is titled \"The Dark Prophecy\" and was announced by Riordan on May 5, 2016. The cover and the first chapter were released on December 22, 2016. \"The Dark Prophecy\" was released on May 2, 2017 and sold 63,000 copies in the first week. The Hidden Oracle","Document [12](Title: The Hidden Oracle) in the new series. Because Apollo is the god of poetry, the name of each chapter would be a \"bad haiku\". The cover, illustrated by John Rocco, was revealed on October 10, 2015; it shows the two versions of Apollo in an alley of New York City. Two months later, on December 10, the third chapter was made available for free download by \"USA Today\". The first chapter was released along with the collection of short stories \"Demigods & Magicians\" on April 5, 2016. In addition, three trailers were released on YouTube to promote the book. A launch event occurred","Document [13](Title: Apollo (comics)) Apollo (comics) Apollo is a fictional character, a comic book superhero who first appeared in the \"Stormwatch\" series, but is best known for his role in \"The Authority\". While visually distinct, Apollo is cast in the mould of the Superman archetype. Apollo is notable for being among the first openly gay superheroes in print, although several years behind Marvel Comics' Northstar. He married fellow The Authority member Midnighter and both adopted Jenny Quantum. Warren Ellis introduced the character shortly after taking over writing duties on the \"Stormwatch\" title, when he had Apollo and Midnighter encounter the then-active Stormwatch team. The","Document [14](Title: The Burning Maze) & Roman Myths & Legends bestseller list and the Kindle ebook at 1 on the Teen & Young Adult Sword & Sorcery Fantasy eBooks list. The next week, the book was the 6th sold among fiction novels on Amazon. It debuted at 5 on the \"USA Today\" bestseller list. On \"The Wall Street Journal\" fiction bestseller list, the book debuted at 2. In the first week of release, \"The Trials of Apollo\" series was 2 on \"The New York Times\" bestseller list. In the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth nations, English-language editions in hardcover were also released May 1 by","Document [15](Title: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics)) the cryptic message \"You're Burning Star IV.\" He also tells Claudio to listen to the Vishual (Chase) and that \"all worlds from here must burn,\" implying that it is the Crowing's duty to destroy the Keywork. Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness (comics) Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness is a graphic novel released in September of 2005 along with the Coheed and Cambria . It is written by Claudio Sanchez, illustrated by Christopher Shy, and published by Evil Ink Comics The","Document [16](Title: The Hidden Oracle) the help of Percy and the other campers, Apollo defeats the statue by hitting it with a plague-enchanted arrow. The next morning, Leo Valdez and Calypso return to Camp Half-Blood, and the two offer to help Apollo in his quest to rescue the Oracle of Trophonius from Triumvirate Holdings. In October 2015, during the promotional tour for \"The Sword of Summer\", the first book in the \"Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard\" series, Rick Riordan announced that he was working on a new series of five books based on Apollo. The first novel was titled \"The Hidden Oracle\" and","Document [17](Title: Midnighter and Apollo) the characterization department has only continued to increase since the first issue - for a title called Midnighter and Apollo, the latter character still doesn't feel as wonderfully defined as his dark, brooding and witty counterpart. But if having too much Midnighter is the worst complaint I can give, I think this book is still in the running for one of the best superhero titles of the week.\" The series has also been nominated for Outstanding Comic Book in 28th GLAAD Media Awards. Midnighter and Apollo Midnighter and Apollo is a six-issue American comic book limited series published by DC","Document [18](Title: The Burning Maze) Grover Underwood, Apollo goes to the Labyrinth in search of the Oracle of Erythaea, the next Oracle to be rescued. The novel was published in hardcover, audiobook, ebook, and large-print editions and the cover was illustrated by John Rocco. \"The Burning Maze\" received positive reviews from critics, who praised Apollo's narration and the book's humor. It was a bestseller on Amazon. The book opens two days after the close of the preceding novel, \"The Dark Prophecy\". During this period, Apollo, Meg McCaffrey, and Grover Underwood have been navigating the Labyrinth. They escape from attacking strixes sent by the third emperor","Document [19](Title: Beyond Apollo) in 1973. Beyond Apollo Beyond Apollo is a science fiction novel by American writer Barry N. Malzberg, first published in 1972 in a hardcover edition by Random House. Malzberg credits the inspiration for the novel to \"I Have My Vigil\", a 1969 short story by fellow science fiction writer Harry Harrison. The novel's protagonist is Harry M. Evans, the lone survivor of the disastrous first manned expedition to the planet Venus. Evans provides details of the doomed expedition as a novel in progress, and he proves to be a remarkably unreliable narrator, constantly changing the particulars of his story as","Document [20](Title: The Trials of Apollo) The Burning Maze is the third book in the series. It is scheduled to be released on May 1, 2018."],"query":"when does the next apollo book come out?","answers":["May 1, 2018"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) The Wizard of Oz is a 1939 American musical fantasy film produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Widely considered to be one of the greatest films in cinema history, it is the best-known and most commercially successful adaptation of L. Frank Baum's 1900 children's book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. It was directed primarily by Victor Fleming (who left production to take over direction on the troubled Gone with the Wind production). It stars Judy Garland as Dorothy Gale, alongside Ray Bolger, Jack Haley, Bert Lahr, Frank Morgan, Billie Burke and Margaret Hamilton, with Charley Grapewin, Pat Walshe and Clara Blandick, Terry (billed","Document [2](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1933 film)) by Carl W. Stalling. The film was originally made in Technicolor, but because it was made without proper licensing from the Technicolor Corporation (which limited use of its 3-strip process to Disney), it never received a theatrical release. A tornado sweeps through the plains of Kansas, lifting Dorothy and Toto. The two tumble into Oz, landing on the Scarecrow. After freeing him from his pole, the trio stroll together, soon finding a Tin Woodman and oiling him. After the four watch mating rituals of various animals set to strains of Camille Saint-Sa\u00ebns's \"The Swan\", they are welcomed into the Emerald","Document [3](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) it left the stage and an unsuccessful motion picture made in 1978, starring Diana Ross as Dorothy and Michael Jackson as the Scarecrow. In 1985, Walt Disney Productions released the live-action fantasy film \"Return to Oz\", which starred (and introduced) Fairuza Balk as a young Dorothy Gale. Based loosely on \"The Marvelous Land of Oz\" (1904) and \"Ozma of Oz\" (1907), it fared rather poorly with critics who were unfamiliar with the \"Oz\" books and was not successful at the box office, although it has since become a popular cult film, with many considering it a more loyal and faithful","Document [4](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) written at the age of 10, was titled \"Over the Rainbow\". In a 2009 retrospective article about the film, \"San Francisco Chronicle\" film critic and author Mick LaSalle declared that the film's \"entire Munchkinland sequence, from Dorothy's arrival in Oz to her departure on the yellow brick road, has to be one of the greatest in cinema history \u2013 a masterpiece of set design, costuming, choreography, music, lyrics, storytelling, and sheer imagination.\" On the film critic aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 98% based on 111 reviews, with an average score of 9.4\/10. The site's","Document [5](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) should have no trouble apprehending Dorothy and her friends because \"I've sent a little insect on ahead to take the fight out of them.\" Another musical number cut before release occurred right after the Wicked Witch of the West was melted and before Dorothy and her friends returned to the Wizard. This was a reprise of \"Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead\" (blended with \"We're Off to See the Wizard\" and \"The Merry Old Land of Oz\") with the lyrics altered to \"Hail! Hail! The Witch is Dead!\" This started with the Witch's guard saying \"Hail to Dorothy! The Wicked Witch","Document [6](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) in his or her costume so that they could correctly apply the same costume and makeup each day of production. Gale Sondergaard was originally cast as the Wicked Witch. She became unhappy when the witch's persona shifted from sly and glamorous (thought to emulate the wicked queen in Disney's \"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\") into the familiar \"ugly hag\". She turned down the role and was replaced on October 10, 1938, just three days before filming started, by MGM contract player Margaret Hamilton. Sondergaard said in an interview for a bonus feature on the DVD that she had no","Document [7](Title: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910 film)) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910 film) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a 1910 American silent fantasy film and the earliest surviving film version of L. Frank Baum's 1900 novel \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\", made by the Selig Polyscope Company without Baum's direct input. It was created to fulfill a contractual obligation associated with Baum's personal bankruptcy caused by \"The Fairylogue and Radio-Plays\", from which it was once thought to have been derived. It was partly based on the 1902 stage musical \"The Wizard of Oz\", though much of the film deals with the Wicked Witch of the","Document [8](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) the 3D version received a PG rating for \"Some scary moments\", although no change was made to the film's original story content. The 2D version still retains its G rating. The film was rereleased on January 11 and 14, 2015, as part of the \"TCM Presents\" series by Turner Classic Movies. The film was first shown on television on November 3, 1956, by CBS, as the last installment of the \"Ford Star Jubilee\". The film was released multiple times for the home-video commercial market (on a limited scale) on Super 8 film (8 mm format) during the 1970s. These releases","Document [9](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) in honor of its 70th anniversary and as a promotion for various new disc releases later in the month. An encore of this event was released in theaters on November 17, 2009. An IMAX 3D theatrical re-release played at 300 theaters in North America for one week only beginning September 20, 2013, as part of the film's 75th anniversary. Warner Bros. spent $25 million on advertising. The studio hosted a premiere of the film's first IMAX 3D release on September 15, 2013, from the newly remodeled TCL Chinese Theatre (formerly Grauman's Chinese Theatre, the site of the film's Hollywood premiere)","Document [10](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) Harlow as a loan from MGM. The tale is almost certainly untrue, as Harlow died in 1937, before MGM had even purchased the rights to the story. Despite this, the story appears in many film biographies (including Temple's own autobiography). The documentary \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: The Making of a Movie Classic\" states that Mervyn LeRoy was under pressure to cast Temple, then the most popular child star, but at an unofficial audition, MGM musical mainstay Roger Edens listened to her sing and felt that an actress with a different style was needed; a 50th anniversary documentary for the","Document [11](Title: The Muppets' Wizard of Oz) a singer somewhere beyond her small Kansas town. Swept up by a tornado, in her trailer home with pet prawn Toto, she lands in Oz and embarks on a journey to meet the Wizard who can help make her dreams come true. The film was co-produced by The Muppets Studio, Touchstone Television, and Fox Television Studios, in association with The Jim Henson Company. Right after Disney bought the rights to The Muppets in 2004, pre-production on \"The Muppets' Wizard of Oz\" took place throughout February 2004, and filming occurred during September 2004. ABC made several changes to the film after","Document [12](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) critical consensus reads, \"An absolute masterpiece whose groundbreaking visuals and deft storytelling are still every bit as resonant, \"The Wizard of Oz\" is a must-see film for young and old.\" At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating to reviews, the film received the maximum score of 100 out of 100, based on 4 reviews, indicating \"universal acclaim\", which, as of August 2017, is matched only by five other films. Although the 1949 reissue used sepia tone, as in the original release, beginning with the 1955 re-issue, and continuing until the film's 50th anniversary VHS release in 1989, the opening Kansas","Document [13](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) European markets, the film has also been released multiple times on the Video CD format since the 1990s in Asia. The first DVD release was on March 26, 1997, by MGM\/Turner and contained no special features or supplements. It was re-released by Warner Bros. for its 60th anniversary on October 19, 1999, with its soundtrack presented in a new 5.1 surround sound mix. The DVD also contained a behind-the-scenes documentary, \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: The Making of a Movie Classic\", produced in 1990 and hosted by Angela Lansbury, which was originally shown on television immediately following the 1990 telecast","Document [14](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) sequences. This left the final, mostly serious portion of the film with no songs, only the dramatic underscoring. One song that was almost deleted was \"Over the Rainbow\". MGM had felt that it made the Kansas sequence too long, as well as being far over the heads of the target audience of children. The studio also thought that it was degrading for Garland to sing in a barnyard. LeRoy, uncredited associate producer Arthur Freed and director Fleming fought to keep it in, and they all eventually won. The song went on to win the Academy Award for Best Song of","Document [15](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) the BFI list of the 50 films you should see by the age of 14. \"The Wizard of Oz\" is the source of many quotes referenced in contemporary popular culture. Noel Langley, Florence Ryerson, and Edgar Allan Woolf received credit for the screenplay, but uncredited contributions were made by others. The songs were written by Edgar \"Yip\" Harburg (lyrics) and Harold Arlen (music). The musical score and the incidental music were composed by Stothart. Dorothy Gale lives with her Cairn Terrier dog Toto on the Kansas farm of her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. Toto bites witchy neighbor Miss Almira","Document [16](Title: The Making of The Wizard of Oz) and 1940s at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. The book took two years to be created. Aljean Harmetz researched the film and the studio and interviewed the surviving cast, crew and MGM staff. From the acquisition of the music to the scripts, casting, and filming, Harmetz's book provides readers with a detailed re-creation of how the studio produced this film. It was reissued in paperback in 1984, and again with a new preface by the author for the film's 50th anniversary in 1989. Another reissue was released, again with a new preface, shortly before the film's theatrical re-release in 1998, and another reissue is","Document [17](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) is dead!\" and dissolved to a huge celebration of the citizens of the Emerald City singing the song as they accompany Dorothy and her friends to see the Wizard. Today, the film of this scene is also lost and only a few stills survive, along with a few seconds of footage used on several reissue trailers. The entire audio still exists and is included on the two-CD Rhino Record deluxe edition of the film soundtrack. In addition, a brief reprise of \"Over the Rainbow\" was intended to be sung by Garland while Dorothy is trapped in the Witch's castle, but","Document [18](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) attention was given to the use of color in the production, with the MGM production crew favoring some hues over others. Consequently, it took the studio's art department almost a week to settle on the final shade of yellow used for the yellow brick road. LeRoy had always insisted that he wanted to cast Judy Garland to play Dorothy from the start; however, evidence suggests that negotiations occurred early in pre-production for Shirley Temple to be cast as Dorothy, on loan from 20th Century Fox. A persistent rumor also existed that Fox, in turn, was promised Clark Gable and Jean","Document [19](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) in Hollywood. It was the first to play at the new theater and served as the grand opening of Hollywood's first 3D IMAX screen. It was also shown as a special presentation at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival. This re-release grossed $5.6 million at the North American box office. In 2013, in preparation for its IMAX 3D release, the film was submitted again to the MPAA for re-classification. According to MPAA rules, a film that has been altered in any way from its original version must be submitted for re-classification, as the 3-D conversion fell within that guideline. Surprisingly,","Document [20](Title: The Wizard of Oz on television) of Oz: The Official 50th Anniversary Pictorial History). The reason that the film did not air in December 1963 has never been stated, but some say that it was because of John F. Kennedy's assassination, others say room needed to be made for more Christmas themed specials and that the movie fit in better during January. For whatever reason, the movie continued to air early in the year rather than late in the year from 1964 until the 1990s. Last airing on CBS until 1976. Moved to NBC in 1968, at this time, the showings were moved from midwinter to"],"query":"when was the movie the wizard of oz made?","answers":["1939","August\u00a025,\u00a01939"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1933 film)) by Carl W. Stalling. The film was originally made in Technicolor, but because it was made without proper licensing from the Technicolor Corporation (which limited use of its 3-strip process to Disney), it never received a theatrical release. A tornado sweeps through the plains of Kansas, lifting Dorothy and Toto. The two tumble into Oz, landing on the Scarecrow. After freeing him from his pole, the trio stroll together, soon finding a Tin Woodman and oiling him. After the four watch mating rituals of various animals set to strains of Camille Saint-Sa\u00ebns's \"The Swan\", they are welcomed into the Emerald","Document [2](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) it left the stage and an unsuccessful motion picture made in 1978, starring Diana Ross as Dorothy and Michael Jackson as the Scarecrow. In 1985, Walt Disney Productions released the live-action fantasy film \"Return to Oz\", which starred (and introduced) Fairuza Balk as a young Dorothy Gale. Based loosely on \"The Marvelous Land of Oz\" (1904) and \"Ozma of Oz\" (1907), it fared rather poorly with critics who were unfamiliar with the \"Oz\" books and was not successful at the box office, although it has since become a popular cult film, with many considering it a more loyal and faithful","Document [3](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) written at the age of 10, was titled \"Over the Rainbow\". In a 2009 retrospective article about the film, \"San Francisco Chronicle\" film critic and author Mick LaSalle declared that the film's \"entire Munchkinland sequence, from Dorothy's arrival in Oz to her departure on the yellow brick road, has to be one of the greatest in cinema history \u2013 a masterpiece of set design, costuming, choreography, music, lyrics, storytelling, and sheer imagination.\" On the film critic aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 98% based on 111 reviews, with an average score of 9.4\/10. The site's","Document [4](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) should have no trouble apprehending Dorothy and her friends because \"I've sent a little insect on ahead to take the fight out of them.\" Another musical number cut before release occurred right after the Wicked Witch of the West was melted and before Dorothy and her friends returned to the Wizard. This was a reprise of \"Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead\" (blended with \"We're Off to See the Wizard\" and \"The Merry Old Land of Oz\") with the lyrics altered to \"Hail! Hail! The Witch is Dead!\" This started with the Witch's guard saying \"Hail to Dorothy! The Wicked Witch","Document [5](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) The Wizard of Oz is a 1939 American musical fantasy film produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Widely considered to be one of the greatest films in cinema history, it is the best-known and most commercially successful adaptation of L. Frank Baum's 1900 children's book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. It was directed primarily by Victor Fleming (who left production to take over direction on the troubled Gone with the Wind production). It stars Judy Garland as Dorothy Gale, alongside Ray Bolger, Jack Haley, Bert Lahr, Frank Morgan, Billie Burke and Margaret Hamilton, with Charley Grapewin, Pat Walshe and Clara Blandick, Terry (billed","Document [6](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) in his or her costume so that they could correctly apply the same costume and makeup each day of production. Gale Sondergaard was originally cast as the Wicked Witch. She became unhappy when the witch's persona shifted from sly and glamorous (thought to emulate the wicked queen in Disney's \"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\") into the familiar \"ugly hag\". She turned down the role and was replaced on October 10, 1938, just three days before filming started, by MGM contract player Margaret Hamilton. Sondergaard said in an interview for a bonus feature on the DVD that she had no","Document [7](Title: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910 film)) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910 film) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a 1910 American silent fantasy film and the earliest surviving film version of L. Frank Baum's 1900 novel \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\", made by the Selig Polyscope Company without Baum's direct input. It was created to fulfill a contractual obligation associated with Baum's personal bankruptcy caused by \"The Fairylogue and Radio-Plays\", from which it was once thought to have been derived. It was partly based on the 1902 stage musical \"The Wizard of Oz\", though much of the film deals with the Wicked Witch of the","Document [8](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) the 3D version received a PG rating for \"Some scary moments\", although no change was made to the film's original story content. The 2D version still retains its G rating. The film was rereleased on January 11 and 14, 2015, as part of the \"TCM Presents\" series by Turner Classic Movies. The film was first shown on television on November 3, 1956, by CBS, as the last installment of the \"Ford Star Jubilee\". The film was released multiple times for the home-video commercial market (on a limited scale) on Super 8 film (8 mm format) during the 1970s. These releases","Document [9](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) in honor of its 70th anniversary and as a promotion for various new disc releases later in the month. An encore of this event was released in theaters on November 17, 2009. An IMAX 3D theatrical re-release played at 300 theaters in North America for one week only beginning September 20, 2013, as part of the film's 75th anniversary. Warner Bros. spent $25 million on advertising. The studio hosted a premiere of the film's first IMAX 3D release on September 15, 2013, from the newly remodeled TCL Chinese Theatre (formerly Grauman's Chinese Theatre, the site of the film's Hollywood premiere)","Document [10](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) Harlow as a loan from MGM. The tale is almost certainly untrue, as Harlow died in 1937, before MGM had even purchased the rights to the story. Despite this, the story appears in many film biographies (including Temple's own autobiography). The documentary \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: The Making of a Movie Classic\" states that Mervyn LeRoy was under pressure to cast Temple, then the most popular child star, but at an unofficial audition, MGM musical mainstay Roger Edens listened to her sing and felt that an actress with a different style was needed; a 50th anniversary documentary for the","Document [11](Title: The Muppets' Wizard of Oz) a singer somewhere beyond her small Kansas town. Swept up by a tornado, in her trailer home with pet prawn Toto, she lands in Oz and embarks on a journey to meet the Wizard who can help make her dreams come true. The film was co-produced by The Muppets Studio, Touchstone Television, and Fox Television Studios, in association with The Jim Henson Company. Right after Disney bought the rights to The Muppets in 2004, pre-production on \"The Muppets' Wizard of Oz\" took place throughout February 2004, and filming occurred during September 2004. ABC made several changes to the film after","Document [12](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) critical consensus reads, \"An absolute masterpiece whose groundbreaking visuals and deft storytelling are still every bit as resonant, \"The Wizard of Oz\" is a must-see film for young and old.\" At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating to reviews, the film received the maximum score of 100 out of 100, based on 4 reviews, indicating \"universal acclaim\", which, as of August 2017, is matched only by five other films. Although the 1949 reissue used sepia tone, as in the original release, beginning with the 1955 re-issue, and continuing until the film's 50th anniversary VHS release in 1989, the opening Kansas","Document [13](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) European markets, the film has also been released multiple times on the Video CD format since the 1990s in Asia. The first DVD release was on March 26, 1997, by MGM\/Turner and contained no special features or supplements. It was re-released by Warner Bros. for its 60th anniversary on October 19, 1999, with its soundtrack presented in a new 5.1 surround sound mix. The DVD also contained a behind-the-scenes documentary, \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: The Making of a Movie Classic\", produced in 1990 and hosted by Angela Lansbury, which was originally shown on television immediately following the 1990 telecast","Document [14](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) sequences. This left the final, mostly serious portion of the film with no songs, only the dramatic underscoring. One song that was almost deleted was \"Over the Rainbow\". MGM had felt that it made the Kansas sequence too long, as well as being far over the heads of the target audience of children. The studio also thought that it was degrading for Garland to sing in a barnyard. LeRoy, uncredited associate producer Arthur Freed and director Fleming fought to keep it in, and they all eventually won. The song went on to win the Academy Award for Best Song of","Document [15](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) the BFI list of the 50 films you should see by the age of 14. \"The Wizard of Oz\" is the source of many quotes referenced in contemporary popular culture. Noel Langley, Florence Ryerson, and Edgar Allan Woolf received credit for the screenplay, but uncredited contributions were made by others. The songs were written by Edgar \"Yip\" Harburg (lyrics) and Harold Arlen (music). The musical score and the incidental music were composed by Stothart. Dorothy Gale lives with her Cairn Terrier dog Toto on the Kansas farm of her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. Toto bites witchy neighbor Miss Almira","Document [16](Title: The Making of The Wizard of Oz) and 1940s at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. The book took two years to be created. Aljean Harmetz researched the film and the studio and interviewed the surviving cast, crew and MGM staff. From the acquisition of the music to the scripts, casting, and filming, Harmetz's book provides readers with a detailed re-creation of how the studio produced this film. It was reissued in paperback in 1984, and again with a new preface by the author for the film's 50th anniversary in 1989. Another reissue was released, again with a new preface, shortly before the film's theatrical re-release in 1998, and another reissue is","Document [17](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) is dead!\" and dissolved to a huge celebration of the citizens of the Emerald City singing the song as they accompany Dorothy and her friends to see the Wizard. Today, the film of this scene is also lost and only a few stills survive, along with a few seconds of footage used on several reissue trailers. The entire audio still exists and is included on the two-CD Rhino Record deluxe edition of the film soundtrack. In addition, a brief reprise of \"Over the Rainbow\" was intended to be sung by Garland while Dorothy is trapped in the Witch's castle, but","Document [18](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) attention was given to the use of color in the production, with the MGM production crew favoring some hues over others. Consequently, it took the studio's art department almost a week to settle on the final shade of yellow used for the yellow brick road. LeRoy had always insisted that he wanted to cast Judy Garland to play Dorothy from the start; however, evidence suggests that negotiations occurred early in pre-production for Shirley Temple to be cast as Dorothy, on loan from 20th Century Fox. A persistent rumor also existed that Fox, in turn, was promised Clark Gable and Jean","Document [19](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) in Hollywood. It was the first to play at the new theater and served as the grand opening of Hollywood's first 3D IMAX screen. It was also shown as a special presentation at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival. This re-release grossed $5.6 million at the North American box office. In 2013, in preparation for its IMAX 3D release, the film was submitted again to the MPAA for re-classification. According to MPAA rules, a film that has been altered in any way from its original version must be submitted for re-classification, as the 3-D conversion fell within that guideline. Surprisingly,","Document [20](Title: The Wizard of Oz on television) of Oz: The Official 50th Anniversary Pictorial History). The reason that the film did not air in December 1963 has never been stated, but some say that it was because of John F. Kennedy's assassination, others say room needed to be made for more Christmas themed specials and that the movie fit in better during January. For whatever reason, the movie continued to air early in the year rather than late in the year from 1964 until the 1990s. Last airing on CBS until 1976. Moved to NBC in 1968, at this time, the showings were moved from midwinter to"],"query":"when was the movie the wizard of oz made?","answers":["1939","August\u00a025,\u00a01939"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1933 film)) by Carl W. Stalling. The film was originally made in Technicolor, but because it was made without proper licensing from the Technicolor Corporation (which limited use of its 3-strip process to Disney), it never received a theatrical release. A tornado sweeps through the plains of Kansas, lifting Dorothy and Toto. The two tumble into Oz, landing on the Scarecrow. After freeing him from his pole, the trio stroll together, soon finding a Tin Woodman and oiling him. After the four watch mating rituals of various animals set to strains of Camille Saint-Sa\u00ebns's \"The Swan\", they are welcomed into the Emerald","Document [2](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) it left the stage and an unsuccessful motion picture made in 1978, starring Diana Ross as Dorothy and Michael Jackson as the Scarecrow. In 1985, Walt Disney Productions released the live-action fantasy film \"Return to Oz\", which starred (and introduced) Fairuza Balk as a young Dorothy Gale. Based loosely on \"The Marvelous Land of Oz\" (1904) and \"Ozma of Oz\" (1907), it fared rather poorly with critics who were unfamiliar with the \"Oz\" books and was not successful at the box office, although it has since become a popular cult film, with many considering it a more loyal and faithful","Document [3](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) written at the age of 10, was titled \"Over the Rainbow\". In a 2009 retrospective article about the film, \"San Francisco Chronicle\" film critic and author Mick LaSalle declared that the film's \"entire Munchkinland sequence, from Dorothy's arrival in Oz to her departure on the yellow brick road, has to be one of the greatest in cinema history \u2013 a masterpiece of set design, costuming, choreography, music, lyrics, storytelling, and sheer imagination.\" On the film critic aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 98% based on 111 reviews, with an average score of 9.4\/10. The site's","Document [4](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) should have no trouble apprehending Dorothy and her friends because \"I've sent a little insect on ahead to take the fight out of them.\" Another musical number cut before release occurred right after the Wicked Witch of the West was melted and before Dorothy and her friends returned to the Wizard. This was a reprise of \"Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead\" (blended with \"We're Off to See the Wizard\" and \"The Merry Old Land of Oz\") with the lyrics altered to \"Hail! Hail! The Witch is Dead!\" This started with the Witch's guard saying \"Hail to Dorothy! The Wicked Witch","Document [5](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) in his or her costume so that they could correctly apply the same costume and makeup each day of production. Gale Sondergaard was originally cast as the Wicked Witch. She became unhappy when the witch's persona shifted from sly and glamorous (thought to emulate the wicked queen in Disney's \"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\") into the familiar \"ugly hag\". She turned down the role and was replaced on October 10, 1938, just three days before filming started, by MGM contract player Margaret Hamilton. Sondergaard said in an interview for a bonus feature on the DVD that she had no","Document [6](Title: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910 film)) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910 film) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a 1910 American silent fantasy film and the earliest surviving film version of L. Frank Baum's 1900 novel \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\", made by the Selig Polyscope Company without Baum's direct input. It was created to fulfill a contractual obligation associated with Baum's personal bankruptcy caused by \"The Fairylogue and Radio-Plays\", from which it was once thought to have been derived. It was partly based on the 1902 stage musical \"The Wizard of Oz\", though much of the film deals with the Wicked Witch of the","Document [7](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) the 3D version received a PG rating for \"Some scary moments\", although no change was made to the film's original story content. The 2D version still retains its G rating. The film was rereleased on January 11 and 14, 2015, as part of the \"TCM Presents\" series by Turner Classic Movies. The film was first shown on television on November 3, 1956, by CBS, as the last installment of the \"Ford Star Jubilee\". The film was released multiple times for the home-video commercial market (on a limited scale) on Super 8 film (8 mm format) during the 1970s. These releases","Document [8](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) in honor of its 70th anniversary and as a promotion for various new disc releases later in the month. An encore of this event was released in theaters on November 17, 2009. An IMAX 3D theatrical re-release played at 300 theaters in North America for one week only beginning September 20, 2013, as part of the film's 75th anniversary. Warner Bros. spent $25 million on advertising. The studio hosted a premiere of the film's first IMAX 3D release on September 15, 2013, from the newly remodeled TCL Chinese Theatre (formerly Grauman's Chinese Theatre, the site of the film's Hollywood premiere)","Document [9](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) Harlow as a loan from MGM. The tale is almost certainly untrue, as Harlow died in 1937, before MGM had even purchased the rights to the story. Despite this, the story appears in many film biographies (including Temple's own autobiography). The documentary \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: The Making of a Movie Classic\" states that Mervyn LeRoy was under pressure to cast Temple, then the most popular child star, but at an unofficial audition, MGM musical mainstay Roger Edens listened to her sing and felt that an actress with a different style was needed; a 50th anniversary documentary for the","Document [10](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) The Wizard of Oz is a 1939 American musical fantasy film produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Widely considered to be one of the greatest films in cinema history, it is the best-known and most commercially successful adaptation of L. Frank Baum's 1900 children's book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. It was directed primarily by Victor Fleming (who left production to take over direction on the troubled Gone with the Wind production). It stars Judy Garland as Dorothy Gale, alongside Ray Bolger, Jack Haley, Bert Lahr, Frank Morgan, Billie Burke and Margaret Hamilton, with Charley Grapewin, Pat Walshe and Clara Blandick, Terry (billed","Document [11](Title: The Muppets' Wizard of Oz) a singer somewhere beyond her small Kansas town. Swept up by a tornado, in her trailer home with pet prawn Toto, she lands in Oz and embarks on a journey to meet the Wizard who can help make her dreams come true. The film was co-produced by The Muppets Studio, Touchstone Television, and Fox Television Studios, in association with The Jim Henson Company. Right after Disney bought the rights to The Muppets in 2004, pre-production on \"The Muppets' Wizard of Oz\" took place throughout February 2004, and filming occurred during September 2004. ABC made several changes to the film after","Document [12](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) critical consensus reads, \"An absolute masterpiece whose groundbreaking visuals and deft storytelling are still every bit as resonant, \"The Wizard of Oz\" is a must-see film for young and old.\" At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating to reviews, the film received the maximum score of 100 out of 100, based on 4 reviews, indicating \"universal acclaim\", which, as of August 2017, is matched only by five other films. Although the 1949 reissue used sepia tone, as in the original release, beginning with the 1955 re-issue, and continuing until the film's 50th anniversary VHS release in 1989, the opening Kansas","Document [13](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) European markets, the film has also been released multiple times on the Video CD format since the 1990s in Asia. The first DVD release was on March 26, 1997, by MGM\/Turner and contained no special features or supplements. It was re-released by Warner Bros. for its 60th anniversary on October 19, 1999, with its soundtrack presented in a new 5.1 surround sound mix. The DVD also contained a behind-the-scenes documentary, \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: The Making of a Movie Classic\", produced in 1990 and hosted by Angela Lansbury, which was originally shown on television immediately following the 1990 telecast","Document [14](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) sequences. This left the final, mostly serious portion of the film with no songs, only the dramatic underscoring. One song that was almost deleted was \"Over the Rainbow\". MGM had felt that it made the Kansas sequence too long, as well as being far over the heads of the target audience of children. The studio also thought that it was degrading for Garland to sing in a barnyard. LeRoy, uncredited associate producer Arthur Freed and director Fleming fought to keep it in, and they all eventually won. The song went on to win the Academy Award for Best Song of","Document [15](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) the BFI list of the 50 films you should see by the age of 14. \"The Wizard of Oz\" is the source of many quotes referenced in contemporary popular culture. Noel Langley, Florence Ryerson, and Edgar Allan Woolf received credit for the screenplay, but uncredited contributions were made by others. The songs were written by Edgar \"Yip\" Harburg (lyrics) and Harold Arlen (music). The musical score and the incidental music were composed by Stothart. Dorothy Gale lives with her Cairn Terrier dog Toto on the Kansas farm of her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. Toto bites witchy neighbor Miss Almira","Document [16](Title: The Making of The Wizard of Oz) and 1940s at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. The book took two years to be created. Aljean Harmetz researched the film and the studio and interviewed the surviving cast, crew and MGM staff. From the acquisition of the music to the scripts, casting, and filming, Harmetz's book provides readers with a detailed re-creation of how the studio produced this film. It was reissued in paperback in 1984, and again with a new preface by the author for the film's 50th anniversary in 1989. Another reissue was released, again with a new preface, shortly before the film's theatrical re-release in 1998, and another reissue is","Document [17](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) is dead!\" and dissolved to a huge celebration of the citizens of the Emerald City singing the song as they accompany Dorothy and her friends to see the Wizard. Today, the film of this scene is also lost and only a few stills survive, along with a few seconds of footage used on several reissue trailers. The entire audio still exists and is included on the two-CD Rhino Record deluxe edition of the film soundtrack. In addition, a brief reprise of \"Over the Rainbow\" was intended to be sung by Garland while Dorothy is trapped in the Witch's castle, but","Document [18](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) attention was given to the use of color in the production, with the MGM production crew favoring some hues over others. Consequently, it took the studio's art department almost a week to settle on the final shade of yellow used for the yellow brick road. LeRoy had always insisted that he wanted to cast Judy Garland to play Dorothy from the start; however, evidence suggests that negotiations occurred early in pre-production for Shirley Temple to be cast as Dorothy, on loan from 20th Century Fox. A persistent rumor also existed that Fox, in turn, was promised Clark Gable and Jean","Document [19](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) in Hollywood. It was the first to play at the new theater and served as the grand opening of Hollywood's first 3D IMAX screen. It was also shown as a special presentation at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival. This re-release grossed $5.6 million at the North American box office. In 2013, in preparation for its IMAX 3D release, the film was submitted again to the MPAA for re-classification. According to MPAA rules, a film that has been altered in any way from its original version must be submitted for re-classification, as the 3-D conversion fell within that guideline. Surprisingly,","Document [20](Title: The Wizard of Oz on television) of Oz: The Official 50th Anniversary Pictorial History). The reason that the film did not air in December 1963 has never been stated, but some say that it was because of John F. Kennedy's assassination, others say room needed to be made for more Christmas themed specials and that the movie fit in better during January. For whatever reason, the movie continued to air early in the year rather than late in the year from 1964 until the 1990s. Last airing on CBS until 1976. Moved to NBC in 1968, at this time, the showings were moved from midwinter to"],"query":"when was the movie the wizard of oz made?","answers":["1939","August\u00a025,\u00a01939"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1933 film)) by Carl W. Stalling. The film was originally made in Technicolor, but because it was made without proper licensing from the Technicolor Corporation (which limited use of its 3-strip process to Disney), it never received a theatrical release. A tornado sweeps through the plains of Kansas, lifting Dorothy and Toto. The two tumble into Oz, landing on the Scarecrow. After freeing him from his pole, the trio stroll together, soon finding a Tin Woodman and oiling him. After the four watch mating rituals of various animals set to strains of Camille Saint-Sa\u00ebns's \"The Swan\", they are welcomed into the Emerald","Document [2](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) it left the stage and an unsuccessful motion picture made in 1978, starring Diana Ross as Dorothy and Michael Jackson as the Scarecrow. In 1985, Walt Disney Productions released the live-action fantasy film \"Return to Oz\", which starred (and introduced) Fairuza Balk as a young Dorothy Gale. Based loosely on \"The Marvelous Land of Oz\" (1904) and \"Ozma of Oz\" (1907), it fared rather poorly with critics who were unfamiliar with the \"Oz\" books and was not successful at the box office, although it has since become a popular cult film, with many considering it a more loyal and faithful","Document [3](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) written at the age of 10, was titled \"Over the Rainbow\". In a 2009 retrospective article about the film, \"San Francisco Chronicle\" film critic and author Mick LaSalle declared that the film's \"entire Munchkinland sequence, from Dorothy's arrival in Oz to her departure on the yellow brick road, has to be one of the greatest in cinema history \u2013 a masterpiece of set design, costuming, choreography, music, lyrics, storytelling, and sheer imagination.\" On the film critic aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 98% based on 111 reviews, with an average score of 9.4\/10. The site's","Document [4](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) should have no trouble apprehending Dorothy and her friends because \"I've sent a little insect on ahead to take the fight out of them.\" Another musical number cut before release occurred right after the Wicked Witch of the West was melted and before Dorothy and her friends returned to the Wizard. This was a reprise of \"Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead\" (blended with \"We're Off to See the Wizard\" and \"The Merry Old Land of Oz\") with the lyrics altered to \"Hail! Hail! The Witch is Dead!\" This started with the Witch's guard saying \"Hail to Dorothy! The Wicked Witch","Document [5](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) in his or her costume so that they could correctly apply the same costume and makeup each day of production. Gale Sondergaard was originally cast as the Wicked Witch. She became unhappy when the witch's persona shifted from sly and glamorous (thought to emulate the wicked queen in Disney's \"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\") into the familiar \"ugly hag\". She turned down the role and was replaced on October 10, 1938, just three days before filming started, by MGM contract player Margaret Hamilton. Sondergaard said in an interview for a bonus feature on the DVD that she had no","Document [6](Title: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910 film)) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910 film) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a 1910 American silent fantasy film and the earliest surviving film version of L. Frank Baum's 1900 novel \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\", made by the Selig Polyscope Company without Baum's direct input. It was created to fulfill a contractual obligation associated with Baum's personal bankruptcy caused by \"The Fairylogue and Radio-Plays\", from which it was once thought to have been derived. It was partly based on the 1902 stage musical \"The Wizard of Oz\", though much of the film deals with the Wicked Witch of the","Document [7](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) the 3D version received a PG rating for \"Some scary moments\", although no change was made to the film's original story content. The 2D version still retains its G rating. The film was rereleased on January 11 and 14, 2015, as part of the \"TCM Presents\" series by Turner Classic Movies. The film was first shown on television on November 3, 1956, by CBS, as the last installment of the \"Ford Star Jubilee\". The film was released multiple times for the home-video commercial market (on a limited scale) on Super 8 film (8 mm format) during the 1970s. These releases","Document [8](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) in honor of its 70th anniversary and as a promotion for various new disc releases later in the month. An encore of this event was released in theaters on November 17, 2009. An IMAX 3D theatrical re-release played at 300 theaters in North America for one week only beginning September 20, 2013, as part of the film's 75th anniversary. Warner Bros. spent $25 million on advertising. The studio hosted a premiere of the film's first IMAX 3D release on September 15, 2013, from the newly remodeled TCL Chinese Theatre (formerly Grauman's Chinese Theatre, the site of the film's Hollywood premiere)","Document [9](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) Harlow as a loan from MGM. The tale is almost certainly untrue, as Harlow died in 1937, before MGM had even purchased the rights to the story. Despite this, the story appears in many film biographies (including Temple's own autobiography). The documentary \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: The Making of a Movie Classic\" states that Mervyn LeRoy was under pressure to cast Temple, then the most popular child star, but at an unofficial audition, MGM musical mainstay Roger Edens listened to her sing and felt that an actress with a different style was needed; a 50th anniversary documentary for the","Document [10](Title: The Muppets' Wizard of Oz) a singer somewhere beyond her small Kansas town. Swept up by a tornado, in her trailer home with pet prawn Toto, she lands in Oz and embarks on a journey to meet the Wizard who can help make her dreams come true. The film was co-produced by The Muppets Studio, Touchstone Television, and Fox Television Studios, in association with The Jim Henson Company. Right after Disney bought the rights to The Muppets in 2004, pre-production on \"The Muppets' Wizard of Oz\" took place throughout February 2004, and filming occurred during September 2004. ABC made several changes to the film after","Document [11](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) critical consensus reads, \"An absolute masterpiece whose groundbreaking visuals and deft storytelling are still every bit as resonant, \"The Wizard of Oz\" is a must-see film for young and old.\" At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating to reviews, the film received the maximum score of 100 out of 100, based on 4 reviews, indicating \"universal acclaim\", which, as of August 2017, is matched only by five other films. Although the 1949 reissue used sepia tone, as in the original release, beginning with the 1955 re-issue, and continuing until the film's 50th anniversary VHS release in 1989, the opening Kansas","Document [12](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) European markets, the film has also been released multiple times on the Video CD format since the 1990s in Asia. The first DVD release was on March 26, 1997, by MGM\/Turner and contained no special features or supplements. It was re-released by Warner Bros. for its 60th anniversary on October 19, 1999, with its soundtrack presented in a new 5.1 surround sound mix. The DVD also contained a behind-the-scenes documentary, \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: The Making of a Movie Classic\", produced in 1990 and hosted by Angela Lansbury, which was originally shown on television immediately following the 1990 telecast","Document [13](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) sequences. This left the final, mostly serious portion of the film with no songs, only the dramatic underscoring. One song that was almost deleted was \"Over the Rainbow\". MGM had felt that it made the Kansas sequence too long, as well as being far over the heads of the target audience of children. The studio also thought that it was degrading for Garland to sing in a barnyard. LeRoy, uncredited associate producer Arthur Freed and director Fleming fought to keep it in, and they all eventually won. The song went on to win the Academy Award for Best Song of","Document [14](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) the BFI list of the 50 films you should see by the age of 14. \"The Wizard of Oz\" is the source of many quotes referenced in contemporary popular culture. Noel Langley, Florence Ryerson, and Edgar Allan Woolf received credit for the screenplay, but uncredited contributions were made by others. The songs were written by Edgar \"Yip\" Harburg (lyrics) and Harold Arlen (music). The musical score and the incidental music were composed by Stothart. Dorothy Gale lives with her Cairn Terrier dog Toto on the Kansas farm of her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. Toto bites witchy neighbor Miss Almira","Document [15](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) The Wizard of Oz is a 1939 American musical fantasy film produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Widely considered to be one of the greatest films in cinema history, it is the best-known and most commercially successful adaptation of L. Frank Baum's 1900 children's book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. It was directed primarily by Victor Fleming (who left production to take over direction on the troubled Gone with the Wind production). It stars Judy Garland as Dorothy Gale, alongside Ray Bolger, Jack Haley, Bert Lahr, Frank Morgan, Billie Burke and Margaret Hamilton, with Charley Grapewin, Pat Walshe and Clara Blandick, Terry (billed","Document [16](Title: The Making of The Wizard of Oz) and 1940s at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. The book took two years to be created. Aljean Harmetz researched the film and the studio and interviewed the surviving cast, crew and MGM staff. From the acquisition of the music to the scripts, casting, and filming, Harmetz's book provides readers with a detailed re-creation of how the studio produced this film. It was reissued in paperback in 1984, and again with a new preface by the author for the film's 50th anniversary in 1989. Another reissue was released, again with a new preface, shortly before the film's theatrical re-release in 1998, and another reissue is","Document [17](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) is dead!\" and dissolved to a huge celebration of the citizens of the Emerald City singing the song as they accompany Dorothy and her friends to see the Wizard. Today, the film of this scene is also lost and only a few stills survive, along with a few seconds of footage used on several reissue trailers. The entire audio still exists and is included on the two-CD Rhino Record deluxe edition of the film soundtrack. In addition, a brief reprise of \"Over the Rainbow\" was intended to be sung by Garland while Dorothy is trapped in the Witch's castle, but","Document [18](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) attention was given to the use of color in the production, with the MGM production crew favoring some hues over others. Consequently, it took the studio's art department almost a week to settle on the final shade of yellow used for the yellow brick road. LeRoy had always insisted that he wanted to cast Judy Garland to play Dorothy from the start; however, evidence suggests that negotiations occurred early in pre-production for Shirley Temple to be cast as Dorothy, on loan from 20th Century Fox. A persistent rumor also existed that Fox, in turn, was promised Clark Gable and Jean","Document [19](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) in Hollywood. It was the first to play at the new theater and served as the grand opening of Hollywood's first 3D IMAX screen. It was also shown as a special presentation at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival. This re-release grossed $5.6 million at the North American box office. In 2013, in preparation for its IMAX 3D release, the film was submitted again to the MPAA for re-classification. According to MPAA rules, a film that has been altered in any way from its original version must be submitted for re-classification, as the 3-D conversion fell within that guideline. Surprisingly,","Document [20](Title: The Wizard of Oz on television) of Oz: The Official 50th Anniversary Pictorial History). The reason that the film did not air in December 1963 has never been stated, but some say that it was because of John F. Kennedy's assassination, others say room needed to be made for more Christmas themed specials and that the movie fit in better during January. For whatever reason, the movie continued to air early in the year rather than late in the year from 1964 until the 1990s. Last airing on CBS until 1976. Moved to NBC in 1968, at this time, the showings were moved from midwinter to"],"query":"when was the movie the wizard of oz made?","answers":["1939","August\u00a025,\u00a01939"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1933 film)) by Carl W. Stalling. The film was originally made in Technicolor, but because it was made without proper licensing from the Technicolor Corporation (which limited use of its 3-strip process to Disney), it never received a theatrical release. A tornado sweeps through the plains of Kansas, lifting Dorothy and Toto. The two tumble into Oz, landing on the Scarecrow. After freeing him from his pole, the trio stroll together, soon finding a Tin Woodman and oiling him. After the four watch mating rituals of various animals set to strains of Camille Saint-Sa\u00ebns's \"The Swan\", they are welcomed into the Emerald","Document [2](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) it left the stage and an unsuccessful motion picture made in 1978, starring Diana Ross as Dorothy and Michael Jackson as the Scarecrow. In 1985, Walt Disney Productions released the live-action fantasy film \"Return to Oz\", which starred (and introduced) Fairuza Balk as a young Dorothy Gale. Based loosely on \"The Marvelous Land of Oz\" (1904) and \"Ozma of Oz\" (1907), it fared rather poorly with critics who were unfamiliar with the \"Oz\" books and was not successful at the box office, although it has since become a popular cult film, with many considering it a more loyal and faithful","Document [3](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) written at the age of 10, was titled \"Over the Rainbow\". In a 2009 retrospective article about the film, \"San Francisco Chronicle\" film critic and author Mick LaSalle declared that the film's \"entire Munchkinland sequence, from Dorothy's arrival in Oz to her departure on the yellow brick road, has to be one of the greatest in cinema history \u2013 a masterpiece of set design, costuming, choreography, music, lyrics, storytelling, and sheer imagination.\" On the film critic aggregator site Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 98% based on 111 reviews, with an average score of 9.4\/10. The site's","Document [4](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) should have no trouble apprehending Dorothy and her friends because \"I've sent a little insect on ahead to take the fight out of them.\" Another musical number cut before release occurred right after the Wicked Witch of the West was melted and before Dorothy and her friends returned to the Wizard. This was a reprise of \"Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead\" (blended with \"We're Off to See the Wizard\" and \"The Merry Old Land of Oz\") with the lyrics altered to \"Hail! Hail! The Witch is Dead!\" This started with the Witch's guard saying \"Hail to Dorothy! The Wicked Witch","Document [5](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) in his or her costume so that they could correctly apply the same costume and makeup each day of production. Gale Sondergaard was originally cast as the Wicked Witch. She became unhappy when the witch's persona shifted from sly and glamorous (thought to emulate the wicked queen in Disney's \"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\") into the familiar \"ugly hag\". She turned down the role and was replaced on October 10, 1938, just three days before filming started, by MGM contract player Margaret Hamilton. Sondergaard said in an interview for a bonus feature on the DVD that she had no","Document [6](Title: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910 film)) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910 film) The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a 1910 American silent fantasy film and the earliest surviving film version of L. Frank Baum's 1900 novel \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz\", made by the Selig Polyscope Company without Baum's direct input. It was created to fulfill a contractual obligation associated with Baum's personal bankruptcy caused by \"The Fairylogue and Radio-Plays\", from which it was once thought to have been derived. It was partly based on the 1902 stage musical \"The Wizard of Oz\", though much of the film deals with the Wicked Witch of the","Document [7](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) the 3D version received a PG rating for \"Some scary moments\", although no change was made to the film's original story content. The 2D version still retains its G rating. The film was rereleased on January 11 and 14, 2015, as part of the \"TCM Presents\" series by Turner Classic Movies. The film was first shown on television on November 3, 1956, by CBS, as the last installment of the \"Ford Star Jubilee\". The film was released multiple times for the home-video commercial market (on a limited scale) on Super 8 film (8 mm format) during the 1970s. These releases","Document [8](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) in honor of its 70th anniversary and as a promotion for various new disc releases later in the month. An encore of this event was released in theaters on November 17, 2009. An IMAX 3D theatrical re-release played at 300 theaters in North America for one week only beginning September 20, 2013, as part of the film's 75th anniversary. Warner Bros. spent $25 million on advertising. The studio hosted a premiere of the film's first IMAX 3D release on September 15, 2013, from the newly remodeled TCL Chinese Theatre (formerly Grauman's Chinese Theatre, the site of the film's Hollywood premiere)","Document [9](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) Harlow as a loan from MGM. The tale is almost certainly untrue, as Harlow died in 1937, before MGM had even purchased the rights to the story. Despite this, the story appears in many film biographies (including Temple's own autobiography). The documentary \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: The Making of a Movie Classic\" states that Mervyn LeRoy was under pressure to cast Temple, then the most popular child star, but at an unofficial audition, MGM musical mainstay Roger Edens listened to her sing and felt that an actress with a different style was needed; a 50th anniversary documentary for the","Document [10](Title: The Muppets' Wizard of Oz) a singer somewhere beyond her small Kansas town. Swept up by a tornado, in her trailer home with pet prawn Toto, she lands in Oz and embarks on a journey to meet the Wizard who can help make her dreams come true. The film was co-produced by The Muppets Studio, Touchstone Television, and Fox Television Studios, in association with The Jim Henson Company. Right after Disney bought the rights to The Muppets in 2004, pre-production on \"The Muppets' Wizard of Oz\" took place throughout February 2004, and filming occurred during September 2004. ABC made several changes to the film after","Document [11](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) critical consensus reads, \"An absolute masterpiece whose groundbreaking visuals and deft storytelling are still every bit as resonant, \"The Wizard of Oz\" is a must-see film for young and old.\" At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating to reviews, the film received the maximum score of 100 out of 100, based on 4 reviews, indicating \"universal acclaim\", which, as of August 2017, is matched only by five other films. Although the 1949 reissue used sepia tone, as in the original release, beginning with the 1955 re-issue, and continuing until the film's 50th anniversary VHS release in 1989, the opening Kansas","Document [12](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) European markets, the film has also been released multiple times on the Video CD format since the 1990s in Asia. The first DVD release was on March 26, 1997, by MGM\/Turner and contained no special features or supplements. It was re-released by Warner Bros. for its 60th anniversary on October 19, 1999, with its soundtrack presented in a new 5.1 surround sound mix. The DVD also contained a behind-the-scenes documentary, \"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: The Making of a Movie Classic\", produced in 1990 and hosted by Angela Lansbury, which was originally shown on television immediately following the 1990 telecast","Document [13](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) sequences. This left the final, mostly serious portion of the film with no songs, only the dramatic underscoring. One song that was almost deleted was \"Over the Rainbow\". MGM had felt that it made the Kansas sequence too long, as well as being far over the heads of the target audience of children. The studio also thought that it was degrading for Garland to sing in a barnyard. LeRoy, uncredited associate producer Arthur Freed and director Fleming fought to keep it in, and they all eventually won. The song went on to win the Academy Award for Best Song of","Document [14](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) the BFI list of the 50 films you should see by the age of 14. \"The Wizard of Oz\" is the source of many quotes referenced in contemporary popular culture. Noel Langley, Florence Ryerson, and Edgar Allan Woolf received credit for the screenplay, but uncredited contributions were made by others. The songs were written by Edgar \"Yip\" Harburg (lyrics) and Harold Arlen (music). The musical score and the incidental music were composed by Stothart. Dorothy Gale lives with her Cairn Terrier dog Toto on the Kansas farm of her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. Toto bites witchy neighbor Miss Almira","Document [15](Title: The Making of The Wizard of Oz) and 1940s at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. The book took two years to be created. Aljean Harmetz researched the film and the studio and interviewed the surviving cast, crew and MGM staff. From the acquisition of the music to the scripts, casting, and filming, Harmetz's book provides readers with a detailed re-creation of how the studio produced this film. It was reissued in paperback in 1984, and again with a new preface by the author for the film's 50th anniversary in 1989. Another reissue was released, again with a new preface, shortly before the film's theatrical re-release in 1998, and another reissue is","Document [16](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) is dead!\" and dissolved to a huge celebration of the citizens of the Emerald City singing the song as they accompany Dorothy and her friends to see the Wizard. Today, the film of this scene is also lost and only a few stills survive, along with a few seconds of footage used on several reissue trailers. The entire audio still exists and is included on the two-CD Rhino Record deluxe edition of the film soundtrack. In addition, a brief reprise of \"Over the Rainbow\" was intended to be sung by Garland while Dorothy is trapped in the Witch's castle, but","Document [17](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) attention was given to the use of color in the production, with the MGM production crew favoring some hues over others. Consequently, it took the studio's art department almost a week to settle on the final shade of yellow used for the yellow brick road. LeRoy had always insisted that he wanted to cast Judy Garland to play Dorothy from the start; however, evidence suggests that negotiations occurred early in pre-production for Shirley Temple to be cast as Dorothy, on loan from 20th Century Fox. A persistent rumor also existed that Fox, in turn, was promised Clark Gable and Jean","Document [18](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) in Hollywood. It was the first to play at the new theater and served as the grand opening of Hollywood's first 3D IMAX screen. It was also shown as a special presentation at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival. This re-release grossed $5.6 million at the North American box office. In 2013, in preparation for its IMAX 3D release, the film was submitted again to the MPAA for re-classification. According to MPAA rules, a film that has been altered in any way from its original version must be submitted for re-classification, as the 3-D conversion fell within that guideline. Surprisingly,","Document [19](Title: The Wizard of Oz on television) of Oz: The Official 50th Anniversary Pictorial History). The reason that the film did not air in December 1963 has never been stated, but some say that it was because of John F. Kennedy's assassination, others say room needed to be made for more Christmas themed specials and that the movie fit in better during January. For whatever reason, the movie continued to air early in the year rather than late in the year from 1964 until the 1990s. Last airing on CBS until 1976. Moved to NBC in 1968, at this time, the showings were moved from midwinter to","Document [20](Title: The Wizard of Oz (1939 film)) The Wizard of Oz is a 1939 American musical fantasy film produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Widely considered to be one of the greatest films in cinema history, it is the best-known and most commercially successful adaptation of L. Frank Baum's 1900 children's book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. It was directed primarily by Victor Fleming (who left production to take over direction on the troubled Gone with the Wind production). It stars Judy Garland as Dorothy Gale, alongside Ray Bolger, Jack Haley, Bert Lahr, Frank Morgan, Billie Burke and Margaret Hamilton, with Charley Grapewin, Pat Walshe and Clara Blandick, Terry (billed"],"query":"when was the movie the wizard of oz made?","answers":["1939","August\u00a025,\u00a01939"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Lion King (musical)) The musical debuted on July 8, 1997 in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Orpheum Theatre and was an instant success before premiering on Broadway at the New Amsterdam Theater on October 15, 1997 in many previews with the official opening on November 13, 1997. On June 13, 2006, the Broadway production moved to the Minskoff Theatre to make way for the musical version of Mary Poppins, where it is still running after more than 6,700 performances. It is Broadway's third longest-running show in history and the highest grossing Broadway production of all time, having grossed more than $1 billion.","Document [2](Title: The Lion King (musical)) honors, including six Tony Awards, one for Best Musical and Best Direction of a Musical, making director Julie Taymor the first woman to earn such an honor. The show opened in the West End's Lyceum Theatre on October 19, 1999, and is still running after more than 7,500 performances. The cast of the West End production were invited to perform at the Royal Variety Performance in 1999 and 2008, in the presence of senior members of the British Royal Family. In September 2014, \"The Lion King\" became the top-earning title in box-office history for both stage productions and films, surpassing","Document [3](Title: The Lion King (musical)) the new theatre. The cast featured 53 artists, of whom all were South African. The opening night in Johannesburg was celebrated with key persons involving the creation of the musical and American talk show host Oprah Winfrey who had recently opened an educational academy for girls in Johannesburg The show closed on February 17, 2008. The show was translated into Japanese and staged by the Shiki Theatre Company. The Tokyo production began in 1998 and continues to the present day at the Shiki Theatre HARU. The production achieved its 10,000th performance on July 15, 2015. The show played at the","Document [4](Title: The Lion King (musical)) for nearly four years at the Princess of Wales Theatre. The show was directed by the original director Julie Taymor and premiered on April 25, 2000. The Lion King ran until January 2004 when it had its final performance. This first Canadian staging comprised 1,560 performances and was seen by 2.9 million people according to David Mirvish, whose Mirvish Productions theater and management company owns and operates the theater. The \"\" star Raymond Ablack starred as Young Simba In 2001. The show returned for a five-week engagement that began in April 2011, as part of the North American tour The","Document [5](Title: The Lion King (musical)) Capitol Theatre in Sydney, Australia, from October 16, 2003, until June 26, 2005. The production then ran at the Regent Theatre in Melbourne from July 28, 2005, until June 4, 2006. \"The Lion King\" returned to Sydney's Capitol Theatre on December 12, 2013. The musical had a Korean production from October 28, 2006, to October 28, 2007, at the Charlotte Theater in Seoul, where it ran for 330 performances. In August 2008, a production opened in Taipei, Taiwan, closing on August 24, 2009. The show had a limited run at Shanghai's Grand Theatre from July to September 2006. This production","Document [6](Title: The Lion King (musical)) This production won several Moli\u00e9re Awards and closed on July 25, 2010, after being watched by over a million people. On October 20, 2011, the first Spanish production opened at Teatro Lope de Vega in Madrid, where it is still running after more than 2,900 performances. In Basel, Switzerland, the musical was performed for the first time from March 12, 2015, until October 11, 2015. Beginning in June 2007, \"The Lion King\" debuted its first-ever performance on the African continent in Johannesburg, South Africa at the Teatro at Montecasino. \"The Lion King\" was the first production to take place in","Document [7](Title: The Lion King (musical)) musical had a Mexican limited run (in English) between January 3 and January 27, 2008, in Mexico City, as part of the U.S. national tour. In May 2014, it was confirmed a new production of the musical, this time in Spanish. The production ran from May 7, 2015 to January 14, 2018 at the Teatro Telcel in Mexico City for 950 performances. Carlos Rivera returned to the role of Simba, which he also took in Spain four years earlier. The lyrics of the songs of this production differed from the European Spanish one. South-African actress Shirley Hlahatse was chosen as","Document [8](Title: The Lion King (musical)) March 2015. The West End cast of the show performed twice at the traditional Royal Variety Performance: in 1999 (led by Josette Bushell-Mingo) and 2008 (led by Brown Lindiwe Mkhize). In both performances, the song \"Circle of Life\" was performed. The company also performed at the show \"Strictly Come Dancing\" special \"Strictly African Dancing\", broadcast in 2005, led once again by Mkhize and performed the same song. The German production has been playing in Hamburg at the Theater in Hafen since December 2001 and had its 5000th performance on January 14, 2014. Access to the theater is by ferry, where","Document [9](Title: The Lion King (musical)) was led by Buyi Zama and was performed in English, though a couple of Chinese elements were added to the story. From June 14, 2016, until October 8, 2017, \"The Lion King\" returned to China, in a new production that was staged at the 1,200 capacity Walt Disney Grand Theatre, in the Shanghai Disney Resort, where it ran for 500 performances. This production was performed in Mandarin and led by Ntsepa Pitjeng. On March 28, 2018, the first international tour officially opened at the Solaire Resort & Casino in Manila, with confirmed stops in Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and South","Document [10](Title: Ragtime (musical)) in \"The New York Times\" was headlined \"A diorama with nostalgia rampant.\" It led the 1998 Tony Awards with thirteen Tony Award nominations, but Disney's \"The Lion King\" won as Best Musical. The musical won awards for Best Featured Actress (McDonald), Original Score, Book, and Orchestrations. According to \"The New York Times\", \"The chief competition for \"The Lion King\" was \"Ragtime\", a lavish musical.\" The \"New York Times\" also noted that \"The season was an artistic success as well, creating one of the most competitive Tony contests in years, with a battle in almost every category capped by the titanic","Document [11](Title: The Lion King (musical)) as Pride Rock, the stampede, and the grasslands) were converted to less costly configurations for the touring productions. The sun during the opening is reduced in size for the shorter-lasting tours. Stage sizes are also smaller, and the size of the pit orchestra is decreased. A Las Vegas production opened at Mandalay Bay on May 15, 2009, with previews beginning May 5, 2009. The Las Vegas cast performed on the ninth season of the American dance competition \"Dancing With the Stars\" on September 23, 2009. Led by Buyi Zama, the cast performed \"Circle of Life\". When this production closed, on","Document [12](Title: The Lion King (musical)) the record previously held by \"The Phantom of the Opera\". \"The Lion King\" musical has grossed nearly as of 2017. As the sun rises, Rafiki the mandrill calls the animals to Pride Rock. She greets King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi before presenting their cub to the gathered animals (\"Circle of Life\"). Elsewhere, Mufasa's brother, Scar, laments his lost chance at becoming King. Back at her baobab tree, Rafiki paints an image of the cub and asks the spirits to conjure the new prince's name: Simba. Time passes and Simba grows into a lively young cub (\"Grasslands Chant\"). Mufasa shows Simba","Document [13](Title: The Lion King (franchise)) Directed by Julie Taymor, produced by Disney Theatrical Productions, and written by the co-director of the original film, Roger Allers, with writer Irene Mecchi. The musical features actors in elaborate animal costumes, and complex puppetry, created by Taymor and Michael Curry. The musical is divided in two acts and has music by Elton John and lyrics by Tim Rice, along with the musical score created by Hans Zimmer with choral arrangements by Lebo M. The musical incorporates several changes and additions to the storyline as compared to the film, as well as adding more songs. The musical became a success","Document [14](Title: The Lion King (musical)) the boats are decorated in the colors of the musical and are named after characters in the musical (such as \"Nala\" and its sister ship \"Rafiki\"). A Dutch production of the show was produced by Joop van den Ende Theaterproducties\/Stage Entertainment and Disney Theatrical Group and played at the Circustheater in Scheveningen and ran from April 4, 2004, until August 27, 2006, replaced by another Disney musical, \"Tarzan\". A revival of the show's Dutch production began performances in the same Circustheater in October 2016. The show's French production debuted in Paris on September 22, 2007, in Stage Entertainment's Th\u00e9\u00e2tre Mogador.","Document [15](Title: Ace (musical)) with \"The Lion King\". Parts of \"Ace\" were shown at the National Alliance for Musical Theatre's (NAMT) Festival of New Musicals in New York in September 2005. Cheyenne Jackson starred as Ace, with Christiane Noll featured. The musical debuted at The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, Missouri, September 6 through October 1, 2006. It was directed by Stafford Arima and choreographed by Andrew Palermo. It then played at Playhouse in the Park in Cincinnati, Ohio, from October 17 through November 17, 2006. This production was also directed by Arima and choreographed by Palermo. Another production by the same team played","Document [16](Title: The Lion King (musical)) Rafiki, marking the first time in years a completely new actress was elected for that role. A Brazilian production was confirmed to debut in S\u00e3o Paulo in March 28, 2013. Auditions took place in S\u00e3o Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador. The cast contained mainly Brazilian actors and seven South African actors. The Portuguese lyrics were translated by Brazilian singer Gilberto Gil. Actress Phindile Mkhize, who had previously performed in many of the show's productions, was selected as Rafiki for this production, leaving in October 2013 and being replaced by Ntsepa Pitjeng. The show closed its doors on December 14,","Document [17](Title: The Legend of the Lion King) songs from the movie. The show debuted in Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom on July 8, 1994; taking place in the same theater that is currently being used for Mickey's PhilharMagic show in Fantasyland. The Legend of The Lion King replaced the 3-D movie \"Magic Journeys\", which was shown in the Fantasyland Theater for 6 years from December 1987 through December 1993. This show featured what Disney describes as \u201cDisney Humanimals\u201d which are \u201clarger-than-life figures that look just like their animated film counterparts\u201d. The Mufasa Disney Humanimal measured seven feet long from tail to tip, six feet tall, and was","Document [18](Title: 62nd Tony Awards) cast of \"The Lion King\" opened the show with a performance \"Circle of Life\", celebrating the show's 10th anniversary. The cast of \"Grease\", featuring Max Crumm and Laura Osnes as Danny and Sandy, then performed \"Grease\" and \"We Go Together\". Patti LuPone performed \"Everything's Coming Up Roses\" with Boyd Gaines and Laura Benanti from \"Gypsy\". This was followed by the cast of \"South Pacific\" in a medley of \"There Is Nothin' Like A Dame\", \"Some Enchanted Evening\", and \"(I'm in Love with) a Wonderful Guy\". Daniel Evans and Jenna Russell sang \"Move On\" from \"Sunday in the Park with George\".","Document [19](Title: Touring Broadway Awards) manager of \"The Lion King\" Best New Musical: \"Wicked\" Best Play: \"Golda's Balcony\" Author: William Gibson Best Production Design: \"Wicked\" Scenic Design: Eugene Lee Costume Design: Susan Hilferty Lighting Design: Kenneth Posner Best Musical Score: \"Wicked\" Music and Lyrics: Stephen Schwartz Best Direction: Jack O'Brien for \"Hairspray\" Best Choreography: Ann Reinking for \"Chicago\" Best Long-Running Musical: \"Les Mis\u00e9rables\" Best New Musical: \"Monty Python's Spamalot\" Best Play: \"Doubt\" Author: John Patrick Shanley Best Production Design: \"Monty Python's Spamalot\" Scenic and Costume Design: Tim Hatley Lighting Design: Hugh Vanstone Best Musical Score: \"The Light in the Piazza\" Music and Lyrics: Adam Guettel","Document [20](Title: Varsity Show) of the 107th Annual Varsity Show. He later received a Tony Award nomination for his performance of Harpo in \"The Color Purple\". He also originated the role of Simba in the national tour of \"The Lion King\". In 2008, the award was presented to Tom Kitt (CC '96) and Brian Yorkey (CC '93). For their musical \"Next To Normal,\" featuring music by Kitt and book\/lyrics by Yorkey, the pair won the 2009 Tony Award for Best Original Score and the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. While at Columbia, the duo wrote the music, lyrics, and book to the 100th Annual"],"query":"when did the lion king start on broadway?","answers":["Broadway","October 15, 1997","July 8, 1997","November 13, 1997"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Lion King (musical)) honors, including six Tony Awards, one for Best Musical and Best Direction of a Musical, making director Julie Taymor the first woman to earn such an honor. The show opened in the West End's Lyceum Theatre on October 19, 1999, and is still running after more than 7,500 performances. The cast of the West End production were invited to perform at the Royal Variety Performance in 1999 and 2008, in the presence of senior members of the British Royal Family. In September 2014, \"The Lion King\" became the top-earning title in box-office history for both stage productions and films, surpassing","Document [2](Title: The Lion King (musical)) the new theatre. The cast featured 53 artists, of whom all were South African. The opening night in Johannesburg was celebrated with key persons involving the creation of the musical and American talk show host Oprah Winfrey who had recently opened an educational academy for girls in Johannesburg The show closed on February 17, 2008. The show was translated into Japanese and staged by the Shiki Theatre Company. The Tokyo production began in 1998 and continues to the present day at the Shiki Theatre HARU. The production achieved its 10,000th performance on July 15, 2015. The show played at the","Document [3](Title: The Lion King (musical)) for nearly four years at the Princess of Wales Theatre. The show was directed by the original director Julie Taymor and premiered on April 25, 2000. The Lion King ran until January 2004 when it had its final performance. This first Canadian staging comprised 1,560 performances and was seen by 2.9 million people according to David Mirvish, whose Mirvish Productions theater and management company owns and operates the theater. The \"\" star Raymond Ablack starred as Young Simba In 2001. The show returned for a five-week engagement that began in April 2011, as part of the North American tour The","Document [4](Title: The Lion King (musical)) Capitol Theatre in Sydney, Australia, from October 16, 2003, until June 26, 2005. The production then ran at the Regent Theatre in Melbourne from July 28, 2005, until June 4, 2006. \"The Lion King\" returned to Sydney's Capitol Theatre on December 12, 2013. The musical had a Korean production from October 28, 2006, to October 28, 2007, at the Charlotte Theater in Seoul, where it ran for 330 performances. In August 2008, a production opened in Taipei, Taiwan, closing on August 24, 2009. The show had a limited run at Shanghai's Grand Theatre from July to September 2006. This production","Document [5](Title: The Lion King (musical)) The musical debuted on July 8, 1997 in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Orpheum Theatre and was an instant success before premiering on Broadway at the New Amsterdam Theater on October 15, 1997 in many previews with the official opening on November 13, 1997. On June 13, 2006, the Broadway production moved to the Minskoff Theatre to make way for the musical version of Mary Poppins, where it is still running after more than 6,700 performances. It is Broadway's third longest-running show in history and the highest grossing Broadway production of all time, having grossed more than $1 billion.","Document [6](Title: The Lion King (musical)) This production won several Moli\u00e9re Awards and closed on July 25, 2010, after being watched by over a million people. On October 20, 2011, the first Spanish production opened at Teatro Lope de Vega in Madrid, where it is still running after more than 2,900 performances. In Basel, Switzerland, the musical was performed for the first time from March 12, 2015, until October 11, 2015. Beginning in June 2007, \"The Lion King\" debuted its first-ever performance on the African continent in Johannesburg, South Africa at the Teatro at Montecasino. \"The Lion King\" was the first production to take place in","Document [7](Title: The Lion King (musical)) musical had a Mexican limited run (in English) between January 3 and January 27, 2008, in Mexico City, as part of the U.S. national tour. In May 2014, it was confirmed a new production of the musical, this time in Spanish. The production ran from May 7, 2015 to January 14, 2018 at the Teatro Telcel in Mexico City for 950 performances. Carlos Rivera returned to the role of Simba, which he also took in Spain four years earlier. The lyrics of the songs of this production differed from the European Spanish one. South-African actress Shirley Hlahatse was chosen as","Document [8](Title: The Lion King (musical)) March 2015. The West End cast of the show performed twice at the traditional Royal Variety Performance: in 1999 (led by Josette Bushell-Mingo) and 2008 (led by Brown Lindiwe Mkhize). In both performances, the song \"Circle of Life\" was performed. The company also performed at the show \"Strictly Come Dancing\" special \"Strictly African Dancing\", broadcast in 2005, led once again by Mkhize and performed the same song. The German production has been playing in Hamburg at the Theater in Hafen since December 2001 and had its 5000th performance on January 14, 2014. Access to the theater is by ferry, where","Document [9](Title: The Lion King (musical)) was led by Buyi Zama and was performed in English, though a couple of Chinese elements were added to the story. From June 14, 2016, until October 8, 2017, \"The Lion King\" returned to China, in a new production that was staged at the 1,200 capacity Walt Disney Grand Theatre, in the Shanghai Disney Resort, where it ran for 500 performances. This production was performed in Mandarin and led by Ntsepa Pitjeng. On March 28, 2018, the first international tour officially opened at the Solaire Resort & Casino in Manila, with confirmed stops in Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and South","Document [10](Title: Ragtime (musical)) in \"The New York Times\" was headlined \"A diorama with nostalgia rampant.\" It led the 1998 Tony Awards with thirteen Tony Award nominations, but Disney's \"The Lion King\" won as Best Musical. The musical won awards for Best Featured Actress (McDonald), Original Score, Book, and Orchestrations. According to \"The New York Times\", \"The chief competition for \"The Lion King\" was \"Ragtime\", a lavish musical.\" The \"New York Times\" also noted that \"The season was an artistic success as well, creating one of the most competitive Tony contests in years, with a battle in almost every category capped by the titanic","Document [11](Title: The Lion King (musical)) as Pride Rock, the stampede, and the grasslands) were converted to less costly configurations for the touring productions. The sun during the opening is reduced in size for the shorter-lasting tours. Stage sizes are also smaller, and the size of the pit orchestra is decreased. A Las Vegas production opened at Mandalay Bay on May 15, 2009, with previews beginning May 5, 2009. The Las Vegas cast performed on the ninth season of the American dance competition \"Dancing With the Stars\" on September 23, 2009. Led by Buyi Zama, the cast performed \"Circle of Life\". When this production closed, on","Document [12](Title: The Lion King (musical)) the record previously held by \"The Phantom of the Opera\". \"The Lion King\" musical has grossed nearly as of 2017. As the sun rises, Rafiki the mandrill calls the animals to Pride Rock. She greets King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi before presenting their cub to the gathered animals (\"Circle of Life\"). Elsewhere, Mufasa's brother, Scar, laments his lost chance at becoming King. Back at her baobab tree, Rafiki paints an image of the cub and asks the spirits to conjure the new prince's name: Simba. Time passes and Simba grows into a lively young cub (\"Grasslands Chant\"). Mufasa shows Simba","Document [13](Title: The Lion King (franchise)) Directed by Julie Taymor, produced by Disney Theatrical Productions, and written by the co-director of the original film, Roger Allers, with writer Irene Mecchi. The musical features actors in elaborate animal costumes, and complex puppetry, created by Taymor and Michael Curry. The musical is divided in two acts and has music by Elton John and lyrics by Tim Rice, along with the musical score created by Hans Zimmer with choral arrangements by Lebo M. The musical incorporates several changes and additions to the storyline as compared to the film, as well as adding more songs. The musical became a success","Document [14](Title: The Lion King (musical)) the boats are decorated in the colors of the musical and are named after characters in the musical (such as \"Nala\" and its sister ship \"Rafiki\"). A Dutch production of the show was produced by Joop van den Ende Theaterproducties\/Stage Entertainment and Disney Theatrical Group and played at the Circustheater in Scheveningen and ran from April 4, 2004, until August 27, 2006, replaced by another Disney musical, \"Tarzan\". A revival of the show's Dutch production began performances in the same Circustheater in October 2016. The show's French production debuted in Paris on September 22, 2007, in Stage Entertainment's Th\u00e9\u00e2tre Mogador.","Document [15](Title: Ace (musical)) with \"The Lion King\". Parts of \"Ace\" were shown at the National Alliance for Musical Theatre's (NAMT) Festival of New Musicals in New York in September 2005. Cheyenne Jackson starred as Ace, with Christiane Noll featured. The musical debuted at The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, Missouri, September 6 through October 1, 2006. It was directed by Stafford Arima and choreographed by Andrew Palermo. It then played at Playhouse in the Park in Cincinnati, Ohio, from October 17 through November 17, 2006. This production was also directed by Arima and choreographed by Palermo. Another production by the same team played","Document [16](Title: The Lion King (musical)) Rafiki, marking the first time in years a completely new actress was elected for that role. A Brazilian production was confirmed to debut in S\u00e3o Paulo in March 28, 2013. Auditions took place in S\u00e3o Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador. The cast contained mainly Brazilian actors and seven South African actors. The Portuguese lyrics were translated by Brazilian singer Gilberto Gil. Actress Phindile Mkhize, who had previously performed in many of the show's productions, was selected as Rafiki for this production, leaving in October 2013 and being replaced by Ntsepa Pitjeng. The show closed its doors on December 14,","Document [17](Title: The Legend of the Lion King) songs from the movie. The show debuted in Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom on July 8, 1994; taking place in the same theater that is currently being used for Mickey's PhilharMagic show in Fantasyland. The Legend of The Lion King replaced the 3-D movie \"Magic Journeys\", which was shown in the Fantasyland Theater for 6 years from December 1987 through December 1993. This show featured what Disney describes as \u201cDisney Humanimals\u201d which are \u201clarger-than-life figures that look just like their animated film counterparts\u201d. The Mufasa Disney Humanimal measured seven feet long from tail to tip, six feet tall, and was","Document [18](Title: 62nd Tony Awards) cast of \"The Lion King\" opened the show with a performance \"Circle of Life\", celebrating the show's 10th anniversary. The cast of \"Grease\", featuring Max Crumm and Laura Osnes as Danny and Sandy, then performed \"Grease\" and \"We Go Together\". Patti LuPone performed \"Everything's Coming Up Roses\" with Boyd Gaines and Laura Benanti from \"Gypsy\". This was followed by the cast of \"South Pacific\" in a medley of \"There Is Nothin' Like A Dame\", \"Some Enchanted Evening\", and \"(I'm in Love with) a Wonderful Guy\". Daniel Evans and Jenna Russell sang \"Move On\" from \"Sunday in the Park with George\".","Document [19](Title: Touring Broadway Awards) manager of \"The Lion King\" Best New Musical: \"Wicked\" Best Play: \"Golda's Balcony\" Author: William Gibson Best Production Design: \"Wicked\" Scenic Design: Eugene Lee Costume Design: Susan Hilferty Lighting Design: Kenneth Posner Best Musical Score: \"Wicked\" Music and Lyrics: Stephen Schwartz Best Direction: Jack O'Brien for \"Hairspray\" Best Choreography: Ann Reinking for \"Chicago\" Best Long-Running Musical: \"Les Mis\u00e9rables\" Best New Musical: \"Monty Python's Spamalot\" Best Play: \"Doubt\" Author: John Patrick Shanley Best Production Design: \"Monty Python's Spamalot\" Scenic and Costume Design: Tim Hatley Lighting Design: Hugh Vanstone Best Musical Score: \"The Light in the Piazza\" Music and Lyrics: Adam Guettel","Document [20](Title: Varsity Show) of the 107th Annual Varsity Show. He later received a Tony Award nomination for his performance of Harpo in \"The Color Purple\". He also originated the role of Simba in the national tour of \"The Lion King\". In 2008, the award was presented to Tom Kitt (CC '96) and Brian Yorkey (CC '93). For their musical \"Next To Normal,\" featuring music by Kitt and book\/lyrics by Yorkey, the pair won the 2009 Tony Award for Best Original Score and the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. While at Columbia, the duo wrote the music, lyrics, and book to the 100th Annual"],"query":"when did the lion king start on broadway?","answers":["Broadway","October 15, 1997","July 8, 1997","November 13, 1997"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Lion King (musical)) honors, including six Tony Awards, one for Best Musical and Best Direction of a Musical, making director Julie Taymor the first woman to earn such an honor. The show opened in the West End's Lyceum Theatre on October 19, 1999, and is still running after more than 7,500 performances. The cast of the West End production were invited to perform at the Royal Variety Performance in 1999 and 2008, in the presence of senior members of the British Royal Family. In September 2014, \"The Lion King\" became the top-earning title in box-office history for both stage productions and films, surpassing","Document [2](Title: The Lion King (musical)) the new theatre. The cast featured 53 artists, of whom all were South African. The opening night in Johannesburg was celebrated with key persons involving the creation of the musical and American talk show host Oprah Winfrey who had recently opened an educational academy for girls in Johannesburg The show closed on February 17, 2008. The show was translated into Japanese and staged by the Shiki Theatre Company. The Tokyo production began in 1998 and continues to the present day at the Shiki Theatre HARU. The production achieved its 10,000th performance on July 15, 2015. The show played at the","Document [3](Title: The Lion King (musical)) for nearly four years at the Princess of Wales Theatre. The show was directed by the original director Julie Taymor and premiered on April 25, 2000. The Lion King ran until January 2004 when it had its final performance. This first Canadian staging comprised 1,560 performances and was seen by 2.9 million people according to David Mirvish, whose Mirvish Productions theater and management company owns and operates the theater. The \"\" star Raymond Ablack starred as Young Simba In 2001. The show returned for a five-week engagement that began in April 2011, as part of the North American tour The","Document [4](Title: The Lion King (musical)) Capitol Theatre in Sydney, Australia, from October 16, 2003, until June 26, 2005. The production then ran at the Regent Theatre in Melbourne from July 28, 2005, until June 4, 2006. \"The Lion King\" returned to Sydney's Capitol Theatre on December 12, 2013. The musical had a Korean production from October 28, 2006, to October 28, 2007, at the Charlotte Theater in Seoul, where it ran for 330 performances. In August 2008, a production opened in Taipei, Taiwan, closing on August 24, 2009. The show had a limited run at Shanghai's Grand Theatre from July to September 2006. This production","Document [5](Title: The Lion King (musical)) This production won several Moli\u00e9re Awards and closed on July 25, 2010, after being watched by over a million people. On October 20, 2011, the first Spanish production opened at Teatro Lope de Vega in Madrid, where it is still running after more than 2,900 performances. In Basel, Switzerland, the musical was performed for the first time from March 12, 2015, until October 11, 2015. Beginning in June 2007, \"The Lion King\" debuted its first-ever performance on the African continent in Johannesburg, South Africa at the Teatro at Montecasino. \"The Lion King\" was the first production to take place in","Document [6](Title: The Lion King (musical)) musical had a Mexican limited run (in English) between January 3 and January 27, 2008, in Mexico City, as part of the U.S. national tour. In May 2014, it was confirmed a new production of the musical, this time in Spanish. The production ran from May 7, 2015 to January 14, 2018 at the Teatro Telcel in Mexico City for 950 performances. Carlos Rivera returned to the role of Simba, which he also took in Spain four years earlier. The lyrics of the songs of this production differed from the European Spanish one. South-African actress Shirley Hlahatse was chosen as","Document [7](Title: The Lion King (musical)) March 2015. The West End cast of the show performed twice at the traditional Royal Variety Performance: in 1999 (led by Josette Bushell-Mingo) and 2008 (led by Brown Lindiwe Mkhize). In both performances, the song \"Circle of Life\" was performed. The company also performed at the show \"Strictly Come Dancing\" special \"Strictly African Dancing\", broadcast in 2005, led once again by Mkhize and performed the same song. The German production has been playing in Hamburg at the Theater in Hafen since December 2001 and had its 5000th performance on January 14, 2014. Access to the theater is by ferry, where","Document [8](Title: The Lion King (musical)) was led by Buyi Zama and was performed in English, though a couple of Chinese elements were added to the story. From June 14, 2016, until October 8, 2017, \"The Lion King\" returned to China, in a new production that was staged at the 1,200 capacity Walt Disney Grand Theatre, in the Shanghai Disney Resort, where it ran for 500 performances. This production was performed in Mandarin and led by Ntsepa Pitjeng. On March 28, 2018, the first international tour officially opened at the Solaire Resort & Casino in Manila, with confirmed stops in Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and South","Document [9](Title: Ragtime (musical)) in \"The New York Times\" was headlined \"A diorama with nostalgia rampant.\" It led the 1998 Tony Awards with thirteen Tony Award nominations, but Disney's \"The Lion King\" won as Best Musical. The musical won awards for Best Featured Actress (McDonald), Original Score, Book, and Orchestrations. According to \"The New York Times\", \"The chief competition for \"The Lion King\" was \"Ragtime\", a lavish musical.\" The \"New York Times\" also noted that \"The season was an artistic success as well, creating one of the most competitive Tony contests in years, with a battle in almost every category capped by the titanic","Document [10](Title: The Lion King (musical)) The musical debuted on July 8, 1997 in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Orpheum Theatre and was an instant success before premiering on Broadway at the New Amsterdam Theater on October 15, 1997 in many previews with the official opening on November 13, 1997. On June 13, 2006, the Broadway production moved to the Minskoff Theatre to make way for the musical version of Mary Poppins, where it is still running after more than 6,700 performances. It is Broadway's third longest-running show in history and the highest grossing Broadway production of all time, having grossed more than $1 billion.","Document [11](Title: The Lion King (musical)) as Pride Rock, the stampede, and the grasslands) were converted to less costly configurations for the touring productions. The sun during the opening is reduced in size for the shorter-lasting tours. Stage sizes are also smaller, and the size of the pit orchestra is decreased. A Las Vegas production opened at Mandalay Bay on May 15, 2009, with previews beginning May 5, 2009. The Las Vegas cast performed on the ninth season of the American dance competition \"Dancing With the Stars\" on September 23, 2009. Led by Buyi Zama, the cast performed \"Circle of Life\". When this production closed, on","Document [12](Title: The Lion King (musical)) the record previously held by \"The Phantom of the Opera\". \"The Lion King\" musical has grossed nearly as of 2017. As the sun rises, Rafiki the mandrill calls the animals to Pride Rock. She greets King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi before presenting their cub to the gathered animals (\"Circle of Life\"). Elsewhere, Mufasa's brother, Scar, laments his lost chance at becoming King. Back at her baobab tree, Rafiki paints an image of the cub and asks the spirits to conjure the new prince's name: Simba. Time passes and Simba grows into a lively young cub (\"Grasslands Chant\"). Mufasa shows Simba","Document [13](Title: The Lion King (franchise)) Directed by Julie Taymor, produced by Disney Theatrical Productions, and written by the co-director of the original film, Roger Allers, with writer Irene Mecchi. The musical features actors in elaborate animal costumes, and complex puppetry, created by Taymor and Michael Curry. The musical is divided in two acts and has music by Elton John and lyrics by Tim Rice, along with the musical score created by Hans Zimmer with choral arrangements by Lebo M. The musical incorporates several changes and additions to the storyline as compared to the film, as well as adding more songs. The musical became a success","Document [14](Title: The Lion King (musical)) the boats are decorated in the colors of the musical and are named after characters in the musical (such as \"Nala\" and its sister ship \"Rafiki\"). A Dutch production of the show was produced by Joop van den Ende Theaterproducties\/Stage Entertainment and Disney Theatrical Group and played at the Circustheater in Scheveningen and ran from April 4, 2004, until August 27, 2006, replaced by another Disney musical, \"Tarzan\". A revival of the show's Dutch production began performances in the same Circustheater in October 2016. The show's French production debuted in Paris on September 22, 2007, in Stage Entertainment's Th\u00e9\u00e2tre Mogador.","Document [15](Title: Ace (musical)) with \"The Lion King\". Parts of \"Ace\" were shown at the National Alliance for Musical Theatre's (NAMT) Festival of New Musicals in New York in September 2005. Cheyenne Jackson starred as Ace, with Christiane Noll featured. The musical debuted at The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, Missouri, September 6 through October 1, 2006. It was directed by Stafford Arima and choreographed by Andrew Palermo. It then played at Playhouse in the Park in Cincinnati, Ohio, from October 17 through November 17, 2006. This production was also directed by Arima and choreographed by Palermo. Another production by the same team played","Document [16](Title: The Lion King (musical)) Rafiki, marking the first time in years a completely new actress was elected for that role. A Brazilian production was confirmed to debut in S\u00e3o Paulo in March 28, 2013. Auditions took place in S\u00e3o Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador. The cast contained mainly Brazilian actors and seven South African actors. The Portuguese lyrics were translated by Brazilian singer Gilberto Gil. Actress Phindile Mkhize, who had previously performed in many of the show's productions, was selected as Rafiki for this production, leaving in October 2013 and being replaced by Ntsepa Pitjeng. The show closed its doors on December 14,","Document [17](Title: The Legend of the Lion King) songs from the movie. The show debuted in Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom on July 8, 1994; taking place in the same theater that is currently being used for Mickey's PhilharMagic show in Fantasyland. The Legend of The Lion King replaced the 3-D movie \"Magic Journeys\", which was shown in the Fantasyland Theater for 6 years from December 1987 through December 1993. This show featured what Disney describes as \u201cDisney Humanimals\u201d which are \u201clarger-than-life figures that look just like their animated film counterparts\u201d. The Mufasa Disney Humanimal measured seven feet long from tail to tip, six feet tall, and was","Document [18](Title: 62nd Tony Awards) cast of \"The Lion King\" opened the show with a performance \"Circle of Life\", celebrating the show's 10th anniversary. The cast of \"Grease\", featuring Max Crumm and Laura Osnes as Danny and Sandy, then performed \"Grease\" and \"We Go Together\". Patti LuPone performed \"Everything's Coming Up Roses\" with Boyd Gaines and Laura Benanti from \"Gypsy\". This was followed by the cast of \"South Pacific\" in a medley of \"There Is Nothin' Like A Dame\", \"Some Enchanted Evening\", and \"(I'm in Love with) a Wonderful Guy\". Daniel Evans and Jenna Russell sang \"Move On\" from \"Sunday in the Park with George\".","Document [19](Title: Touring Broadway Awards) manager of \"The Lion King\" Best New Musical: \"Wicked\" Best Play: \"Golda's Balcony\" Author: William Gibson Best Production Design: \"Wicked\" Scenic Design: Eugene Lee Costume Design: Susan Hilferty Lighting Design: Kenneth Posner Best Musical Score: \"Wicked\" Music and Lyrics: Stephen Schwartz Best Direction: Jack O'Brien for \"Hairspray\" Best Choreography: Ann Reinking for \"Chicago\" Best Long-Running Musical: \"Les Mis\u00e9rables\" Best New Musical: \"Monty Python's Spamalot\" Best Play: \"Doubt\" Author: John Patrick Shanley Best Production Design: \"Monty Python's Spamalot\" Scenic and Costume Design: Tim Hatley Lighting Design: Hugh Vanstone Best Musical Score: \"The Light in the Piazza\" Music and Lyrics: Adam Guettel","Document [20](Title: Varsity Show) of the 107th Annual Varsity Show. He later received a Tony Award nomination for his performance of Harpo in \"The Color Purple\". He also originated the role of Simba in the national tour of \"The Lion King\". In 2008, the award was presented to Tom Kitt (CC '96) and Brian Yorkey (CC '93). For their musical \"Next To Normal,\" featuring music by Kitt and book\/lyrics by Yorkey, the pair won the 2009 Tony Award for Best Original Score and the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. While at Columbia, the duo wrote the music, lyrics, and book to the 100th Annual"],"query":"when did the lion king start on broadway?","answers":["Broadway","October 15, 1997","July 8, 1997","November 13, 1997"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Lion King (musical)) honors, including six Tony Awards, one for Best Musical and Best Direction of a Musical, making director Julie Taymor the first woman to earn such an honor. The show opened in the West End's Lyceum Theatre on October 19, 1999, and is still running after more than 7,500 performances. The cast of the West End production were invited to perform at the Royal Variety Performance in 1999 and 2008, in the presence of senior members of the British Royal Family. In September 2014, \"The Lion King\" became the top-earning title in box-office history for both stage productions and films, surpassing","Document [2](Title: The Lion King (musical)) the new theatre. The cast featured 53 artists, of whom all were South African. The opening night in Johannesburg was celebrated with key persons involving the creation of the musical and American talk show host Oprah Winfrey who had recently opened an educational academy for girls in Johannesburg The show closed on February 17, 2008. The show was translated into Japanese and staged by the Shiki Theatre Company. The Tokyo production began in 1998 and continues to the present day at the Shiki Theatre HARU. The production achieved its 10,000th performance on July 15, 2015. The show played at the","Document [3](Title: The Lion King (musical)) for nearly four years at the Princess of Wales Theatre. The show was directed by the original director Julie Taymor and premiered on April 25, 2000. The Lion King ran until January 2004 when it had its final performance. This first Canadian staging comprised 1,560 performances and was seen by 2.9 million people according to David Mirvish, whose Mirvish Productions theater and management company owns and operates the theater. The \"\" star Raymond Ablack starred as Young Simba In 2001. The show returned for a five-week engagement that began in April 2011, as part of the North American tour The","Document [4](Title: The Lion King (musical)) Capitol Theatre in Sydney, Australia, from October 16, 2003, until June 26, 2005. The production then ran at the Regent Theatre in Melbourne from July 28, 2005, until June 4, 2006. \"The Lion King\" returned to Sydney's Capitol Theatre on December 12, 2013. The musical had a Korean production from October 28, 2006, to October 28, 2007, at the Charlotte Theater in Seoul, where it ran for 330 performances. In August 2008, a production opened in Taipei, Taiwan, closing on August 24, 2009. The show had a limited run at Shanghai's Grand Theatre from July to September 2006. This production","Document [5](Title: The Lion King (musical)) This production won several Moli\u00e9re Awards and closed on July 25, 2010, after being watched by over a million people. On October 20, 2011, the first Spanish production opened at Teatro Lope de Vega in Madrid, where it is still running after more than 2,900 performances. In Basel, Switzerland, the musical was performed for the first time from March 12, 2015, until October 11, 2015. Beginning in June 2007, \"The Lion King\" debuted its first-ever performance on the African continent in Johannesburg, South Africa at the Teatro at Montecasino. \"The Lion King\" was the first production to take place in","Document [6](Title: The Lion King (musical)) musical had a Mexican limited run (in English) between January 3 and January 27, 2008, in Mexico City, as part of the U.S. national tour. In May 2014, it was confirmed a new production of the musical, this time in Spanish. The production ran from May 7, 2015 to January 14, 2018 at the Teatro Telcel in Mexico City for 950 performances. Carlos Rivera returned to the role of Simba, which he also took in Spain four years earlier. The lyrics of the songs of this production differed from the European Spanish one. South-African actress Shirley Hlahatse was chosen as","Document [7](Title: The Lion King (musical)) March 2015. The West End cast of the show performed twice at the traditional Royal Variety Performance: in 1999 (led by Josette Bushell-Mingo) and 2008 (led by Brown Lindiwe Mkhize). In both performances, the song \"Circle of Life\" was performed. The company also performed at the show \"Strictly Come Dancing\" special \"Strictly African Dancing\", broadcast in 2005, led once again by Mkhize and performed the same song. The German production has been playing in Hamburg at the Theater in Hafen since December 2001 and had its 5000th performance on January 14, 2014. Access to the theater is by ferry, where","Document [8](Title: The Lion King (musical)) was led by Buyi Zama and was performed in English, though a couple of Chinese elements were added to the story. From June 14, 2016, until October 8, 2017, \"The Lion King\" returned to China, in a new production that was staged at the 1,200 capacity Walt Disney Grand Theatre, in the Shanghai Disney Resort, where it ran for 500 performances. This production was performed in Mandarin and led by Ntsepa Pitjeng. On March 28, 2018, the first international tour officially opened at the Solaire Resort & Casino in Manila, with confirmed stops in Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and South","Document [9](Title: Ragtime (musical)) in \"The New York Times\" was headlined \"A diorama with nostalgia rampant.\" It led the 1998 Tony Awards with thirteen Tony Award nominations, but Disney's \"The Lion King\" won as Best Musical. The musical won awards for Best Featured Actress (McDonald), Original Score, Book, and Orchestrations. According to \"The New York Times\", \"The chief competition for \"The Lion King\" was \"Ragtime\", a lavish musical.\" The \"New York Times\" also noted that \"The season was an artistic success as well, creating one of the most competitive Tony contests in years, with a battle in almost every category capped by the titanic","Document [10](Title: The Lion King (musical)) as Pride Rock, the stampede, and the grasslands) were converted to less costly configurations for the touring productions. The sun during the opening is reduced in size for the shorter-lasting tours. Stage sizes are also smaller, and the size of the pit orchestra is decreased. A Las Vegas production opened at Mandalay Bay on May 15, 2009, with previews beginning May 5, 2009. The Las Vegas cast performed on the ninth season of the American dance competition \"Dancing With the Stars\" on September 23, 2009. Led by Buyi Zama, the cast performed \"Circle of Life\". When this production closed, on","Document [11](Title: The Lion King (musical)) the record previously held by \"The Phantom of the Opera\". \"The Lion King\" musical has grossed nearly as of 2017. As the sun rises, Rafiki the mandrill calls the animals to Pride Rock. She greets King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi before presenting their cub to the gathered animals (\"Circle of Life\"). Elsewhere, Mufasa's brother, Scar, laments his lost chance at becoming King. Back at her baobab tree, Rafiki paints an image of the cub and asks the spirits to conjure the new prince's name: Simba. Time passes and Simba grows into a lively young cub (\"Grasslands Chant\"). Mufasa shows Simba","Document [12](Title: The Lion King (franchise)) Directed by Julie Taymor, produced by Disney Theatrical Productions, and written by the co-director of the original film, Roger Allers, with writer Irene Mecchi. The musical features actors in elaborate animal costumes, and complex puppetry, created by Taymor and Michael Curry. The musical is divided in two acts and has music by Elton John and lyrics by Tim Rice, along with the musical score created by Hans Zimmer with choral arrangements by Lebo M. The musical incorporates several changes and additions to the storyline as compared to the film, as well as adding more songs. The musical became a success","Document [13](Title: The Lion King (musical)) the boats are decorated in the colors of the musical and are named after characters in the musical (such as \"Nala\" and its sister ship \"Rafiki\"). A Dutch production of the show was produced by Joop van den Ende Theaterproducties\/Stage Entertainment and Disney Theatrical Group and played at the Circustheater in Scheveningen and ran from April 4, 2004, until August 27, 2006, replaced by another Disney musical, \"Tarzan\". A revival of the show's Dutch production began performances in the same Circustheater in October 2016. The show's French production debuted in Paris on September 22, 2007, in Stage Entertainment's Th\u00e9\u00e2tre Mogador.","Document [14](Title: Ace (musical)) with \"The Lion King\". Parts of \"Ace\" were shown at the National Alliance for Musical Theatre's (NAMT) Festival of New Musicals in New York in September 2005. Cheyenne Jackson starred as Ace, with Christiane Noll featured. The musical debuted at The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, Missouri, September 6 through October 1, 2006. It was directed by Stafford Arima and choreographed by Andrew Palermo. It then played at Playhouse in the Park in Cincinnati, Ohio, from October 17 through November 17, 2006. This production was also directed by Arima and choreographed by Palermo. Another production by the same team played","Document [15](Title: The Lion King (musical)) The musical debuted on July 8, 1997 in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Orpheum Theatre and was an instant success before premiering on Broadway at the New Amsterdam Theater on October 15, 1997 in many previews with the official opening on November 13, 1997. On June 13, 2006, the Broadway production moved to the Minskoff Theatre to make way for the musical version of Mary Poppins, where it is still running after more than 6,700 performances. It is Broadway's third longest-running show in history and the highest grossing Broadway production of all time, having grossed more than $1 billion.","Document [16](Title: The Lion King (musical)) Rafiki, marking the first time in years a completely new actress was elected for that role. A Brazilian production was confirmed to debut in S\u00e3o Paulo in March 28, 2013. Auditions took place in S\u00e3o Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador. The cast contained mainly Brazilian actors and seven South African actors. The Portuguese lyrics were translated by Brazilian singer Gilberto Gil. Actress Phindile Mkhize, who had previously performed in many of the show's productions, was selected as Rafiki for this production, leaving in October 2013 and being replaced by Ntsepa Pitjeng. The show closed its doors on December 14,","Document [17](Title: The Legend of the Lion King) songs from the movie. The show debuted in Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom on July 8, 1994; taking place in the same theater that is currently being used for Mickey's PhilharMagic show in Fantasyland. The Legend of The Lion King replaced the 3-D movie \"Magic Journeys\", which was shown in the Fantasyland Theater for 6 years from December 1987 through December 1993. This show featured what Disney describes as \u201cDisney Humanimals\u201d which are \u201clarger-than-life figures that look just like their animated film counterparts\u201d. The Mufasa Disney Humanimal measured seven feet long from tail to tip, six feet tall, and was","Document [18](Title: 62nd Tony Awards) cast of \"The Lion King\" opened the show with a performance \"Circle of Life\", celebrating the show's 10th anniversary. The cast of \"Grease\", featuring Max Crumm and Laura Osnes as Danny and Sandy, then performed \"Grease\" and \"We Go Together\". Patti LuPone performed \"Everything's Coming Up Roses\" with Boyd Gaines and Laura Benanti from \"Gypsy\". This was followed by the cast of \"South Pacific\" in a medley of \"There Is Nothin' Like A Dame\", \"Some Enchanted Evening\", and \"(I'm in Love with) a Wonderful Guy\". Daniel Evans and Jenna Russell sang \"Move On\" from \"Sunday in the Park with George\".","Document [19](Title: Touring Broadway Awards) manager of \"The Lion King\" Best New Musical: \"Wicked\" Best Play: \"Golda's Balcony\" Author: William Gibson Best Production Design: \"Wicked\" Scenic Design: Eugene Lee Costume Design: Susan Hilferty Lighting Design: Kenneth Posner Best Musical Score: \"Wicked\" Music and Lyrics: Stephen Schwartz Best Direction: Jack O'Brien for \"Hairspray\" Best Choreography: Ann Reinking for \"Chicago\" Best Long-Running Musical: \"Les Mis\u00e9rables\" Best New Musical: \"Monty Python's Spamalot\" Best Play: \"Doubt\" Author: John Patrick Shanley Best Production Design: \"Monty Python's Spamalot\" Scenic and Costume Design: Tim Hatley Lighting Design: Hugh Vanstone Best Musical Score: \"The Light in the Piazza\" Music and Lyrics: Adam Guettel","Document [20](Title: Varsity Show) of the 107th Annual Varsity Show. He later received a Tony Award nomination for his performance of Harpo in \"The Color Purple\". He also originated the role of Simba in the national tour of \"The Lion King\". In 2008, the award was presented to Tom Kitt (CC '96) and Brian Yorkey (CC '93). For their musical \"Next To Normal,\" featuring music by Kitt and book\/lyrics by Yorkey, the pair won the 2009 Tony Award for Best Original Score and the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. While at Columbia, the duo wrote the music, lyrics, and book to the 100th Annual"],"query":"when did the lion king start on broadway?","answers":["Broadway","October 15, 1997","July 8, 1997","November 13, 1997"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Lion King (musical)) honors, including six Tony Awards, one for Best Musical and Best Direction of a Musical, making director Julie Taymor the first woman to earn such an honor. The show opened in the West End's Lyceum Theatre on October 19, 1999, and is still running after more than 7,500 performances. The cast of the West End production were invited to perform at the Royal Variety Performance in 1999 and 2008, in the presence of senior members of the British Royal Family. In September 2014, \"The Lion King\" became the top-earning title in box-office history for both stage productions and films, surpassing","Document [2](Title: The Lion King (musical)) the new theatre. The cast featured 53 artists, of whom all were South African. The opening night in Johannesburg was celebrated with key persons involving the creation of the musical and American talk show host Oprah Winfrey who had recently opened an educational academy for girls in Johannesburg The show closed on February 17, 2008. The show was translated into Japanese and staged by the Shiki Theatre Company. The Tokyo production began in 1998 and continues to the present day at the Shiki Theatre HARU. The production achieved its 10,000th performance on July 15, 2015. The show played at the","Document [3](Title: The Lion King (musical)) for nearly four years at the Princess of Wales Theatre. The show was directed by the original director Julie Taymor and premiered on April 25, 2000. The Lion King ran until January 2004 when it had its final performance. This first Canadian staging comprised 1,560 performances and was seen by 2.9 million people according to David Mirvish, whose Mirvish Productions theater and management company owns and operates the theater. The \"\" star Raymond Ablack starred as Young Simba In 2001. The show returned for a five-week engagement that began in April 2011, as part of the North American tour The","Document [4](Title: The Lion King (musical)) Capitol Theatre in Sydney, Australia, from October 16, 2003, until June 26, 2005. The production then ran at the Regent Theatre in Melbourne from July 28, 2005, until June 4, 2006. \"The Lion King\" returned to Sydney's Capitol Theatre on December 12, 2013. The musical had a Korean production from October 28, 2006, to October 28, 2007, at the Charlotte Theater in Seoul, where it ran for 330 performances. In August 2008, a production opened in Taipei, Taiwan, closing on August 24, 2009. The show had a limited run at Shanghai's Grand Theatre from July to September 2006. This production","Document [5](Title: The Lion King (musical)) This production won several Moli\u00e9re Awards and closed on July 25, 2010, after being watched by over a million people. On October 20, 2011, the first Spanish production opened at Teatro Lope de Vega in Madrid, where it is still running after more than 2,900 performances. In Basel, Switzerland, the musical was performed for the first time from March 12, 2015, until October 11, 2015. Beginning in June 2007, \"The Lion King\" debuted its first-ever performance on the African continent in Johannesburg, South Africa at the Teatro at Montecasino. \"The Lion King\" was the first production to take place in","Document [6](Title: The Lion King (musical)) musical had a Mexican limited run (in English) between January 3 and January 27, 2008, in Mexico City, as part of the U.S. national tour. In May 2014, it was confirmed a new production of the musical, this time in Spanish. The production ran from May 7, 2015 to January 14, 2018 at the Teatro Telcel in Mexico City for 950 performances. Carlos Rivera returned to the role of Simba, which he also took in Spain four years earlier. The lyrics of the songs of this production differed from the European Spanish one. South-African actress Shirley Hlahatse was chosen as","Document [7](Title: The Lion King (musical)) March 2015. The West End cast of the show performed twice at the traditional Royal Variety Performance: in 1999 (led by Josette Bushell-Mingo) and 2008 (led by Brown Lindiwe Mkhize). In both performances, the song \"Circle of Life\" was performed. The company also performed at the show \"Strictly Come Dancing\" special \"Strictly African Dancing\", broadcast in 2005, led once again by Mkhize and performed the same song. The German production has been playing in Hamburg at the Theater in Hafen since December 2001 and had its 5000th performance on January 14, 2014. Access to the theater is by ferry, where","Document [8](Title: The Lion King (musical)) was led by Buyi Zama and was performed in English, though a couple of Chinese elements were added to the story. From June 14, 2016, until October 8, 2017, \"The Lion King\" returned to China, in a new production that was staged at the 1,200 capacity Walt Disney Grand Theatre, in the Shanghai Disney Resort, where it ran for 500 performances. This production was performed in Mandarin and led by Ntsepa Pitjeng. On March 28, 2018, the first international tour officially opened at the Solaire Resort & Casino in Manila, with confirmed stops in Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and South","Document [9](Title: Ragtime (musical)) in \"The New York Times\" was headlined \"A diorama with nostalgia rampant.\" It led the 1998 Tony Awards with thirteen Tony Award nominations, but Disney's \"The Lion King\" won as Best Musical. The musical won awards for Best Featured Actress (McDonald), Original Score, Book, and Orchestrations. According to \"The New York Times\", \"The chief competition for \"The Lion King\" was \"Ragtime\", a lavish musical.\" The \"New York Times\" also noted that \"The season was an artistic success as well, creating one of the most competitive Tony contests in years, with a battle in almost every category capped by the titanic","Document [10](Title: The Lion King (musical)) as Pride Rock, the stampede, and the grasslands) were converted to less costly configurations for the touring productions. The sun during the opening is reduced in size for the shorter-lasting tours. Stage sizes are also smaller, and the size of the pit orchestra is decreased. A Las Vegas production opened at Mandalay Bay on May 15, 2009, with previews beginning May 5, 2009. The Las Vegas cast performed on the ninth season of the American dance competition \"Dancing With the Stars\" on September 23, 2009. Led by Buyi Zama, the cast performed \"Circle of Life\". When this production closed, on","Document [11](Title: The Lion King (musical)) the record previously held by \"The Phantom of the Opera\". \"The Lion King\" musical has grossed nearly as of 2017. As the sun rises, Rafiki the mandrill calls the animals to Pride Rock. She greets King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi before presenting their cub to the gathered animals (\"Circle of Life\"). Elsewhere, Mufasa's brother, Scar, laments his lost chance at becoming King. Back at her baobab tree, Rafiki paints an image of the cub and asks the spirits to conjure the new prince's name: Simba. Time passes and Simba grows into a lively young cub (\"Grasslands Chant\"). Mufasa shows Simba","Document [12](Title: The Lion King (franchise)) Directed by Julie Taymor, produced by Disney Theatrical Productions, and written by the co-director of the original film, Roger Allers, with writer Irene Mecchi. The musical features actors in elaborate animal costumes, and complex puppetry, created by Taymor and Michael Curry. The musical is divided in two acts and has music by Elton John and lyrics by Tim Rice, along with the musical score created by Hans Zimmer with choral arrangements by Lebo M. The musical incorporates several changes and additions to the storyline as compared to the film, as well as adding more songs. The musical became a success","Document [13](Title: The Lion King (musical)) the boats are decorated in the colors of the musical and are named after characters in the musical (such as \"Nala\" and its sister ship \"Rafiki\"). A Dutch production of the show was produced by Joop van den Ende Theaterproducties\/Stage Entertainment and Disney Theatrical Group and played at the Circustheater in Scheveningen and ran from April 4, 2004, until August 27, 2006, replaced by another Disney musical, \"Tarzan\". A revival of the show's Dutch production began performances in the same Circustheater in October 2016. The show's French production debuted in Paris on September 22, 2007, in Stage Entertainment's Th\u00e9\u00e2tre Mogador.","Document [14](Title: Ace (musical)) with \"The Lion King\". Parts of \"Ace\" were shown at the National Alliance for Musical Theatre's (NAMT) Festival of New Musicals in New York in September 2005. Cheyenne Jackson starred as Ace, with Christiane Noll featured. The musical debuted at The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, Missouri, September 6 through October 1, 2006. It was directed by Stafford Arima and choreographed by Andrew Palermo. It then played at Playhouse in the Park in Cincinnati, Ohio, from October 17 through November 17, 2006. This production was also directed by Arima and choreographed by Palermo. Another production by the same team played","Document [15](Title: The Lion King (musical)) Rafiki, marking the first time in years a completely new actress was elected for that role. A Brazilian production was confirmed to debut in S\u00e3o Paulo in March 28, 2013. Auditions took place in S\u00e3o Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador. The cast contained mainly Brazilian actors and seven South African actors. The Portuguese lyrics were translated by Brazilian singer Gilberto Gil. Actress Phindile Mkhize, who had previously performed in many of the show's productions, was selected as Rafiki for this production, leaving in October 2013 and being replaced by Ntsepa Pitjeng. The show closed its doors on December 14,","Document [16](Title: The Legend of the Lion King) songs from the movie. The show debuted in Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom on July 8, 1994; taking place in the same theater that is currently being used for Mickey's PhilharMagic show in Fantasyland. The Legend of The Lion King replaced the 3-D movie \"Magic Journeys\", which was shown in the Fantasyland Theater for 6 years from December 1987 through December 1993. This show featured what Disney describes as \u201cDisney Humanimals\u201d which are \u201clarger-than-life figures that look just like their animated film counterparts\u201d. The Mufasa Disney Humanimal measured seven feet long from tail to tip, six feet tall, and was","Document [17](Title: 62nd Tony Awards) cast of \"The Lion King\" opened the show with a performance \"Circle of Life\", celebrating the show's 10th anniversary. The cast of \"Grease\", featuring Max Crumm and Laura Osnes as Danny and Sandy, then performed \"Grease\" and \"We Go Together\". Patti LuPone performed \"Everything's Coming Up Roses\" with Boyd Gaines and Laura Benanti from \"Gypsy\". This was followed by the cast of \"South Pacific\" in a medley of \"There Is Nothin' Like A Dame\", \"Some Enchanted Evening\", and \"(I'm in Love with) a Wonderful Guy\". Daniel Evans and Jenna Russell sang \"Move On\" from \"Sunday in the Park with George\".","Document [18](Title: Touring Broadway Awards) manager of \"The Lion King\" Best New Musical: \"Wicked\" Best Play: \"Golda's Balcony\" Author: William Gibson Best Production Design: \"Wicked\" Scenic Design: Eugene Lee Costume Design: Susan Hilferty Lighting Design: Kenneth Posner Best Musical Score: \"Wicked\" Music and Lyrics: Stephen Schwartz Best Direction: Jack O'Brien for \"Hairspray\" Best Choreography: Ann Reinking for \"Chicago\" Best Long-Running Musical: \"Les Mis\u00e9rables\" Best New Musical: \"Monty Python's Spamalot\" Best Play: \"Doubt\" Author: John Patrick Shanley Best Production Design: \"Monty Python's Spamalot\" Scenic and Costume Design: Tim Hatley Lighting Design: Hugh Vanstone Best Musical Score: \"The Light in the Piazza\" Music and Lyrics: Adam Guettel","Document [19](Title: Varsity Show) of the 107th Annual Varsity Show. He later received a Tony Award nomination for his performance of Harpo in \"The Color Purple\". He also originated the role of Simba in the national tour of \"The Lion King\". In 2008, the award was presented to Tom Kitt (CC '96) and Brian Yorkey (CC '93). For their musical \"Next To Normal,\" featuring music by Kitt and book\/lyrics by Yorkey, the pair won the 2009 Tony Award for Best Original Score and the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. While at Columbia, the duo wrote the music, lyrics, and book to the 100th Annual","Document [20](Title: The Lion King (musical)) The musical debuted on July 8, 1997 in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Orpheum Theatre and was an instant success before premiering on Broadway at the New Amsterdam Theater on October 15, 1997 in many previews with the official opening on November 13, 1997. On June 13, 2006, the Broadway production moved to the Minskoff Theatre to make way for the musical version of Mary Poppins, where it is still running after more than 6,700 performances. It is Broadway's third longest-running show in history and the highest grossing Broadway production of all time, having grossed more than $1 billion."],"query":"when did the lion king start on broadway?","answers":["Broadway","October 15, 1997","July 8, 1997","November 13, 1997"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution) In 1911, the House of Representatives passed House Joint Resolution 39 proposing a constitutional amendment for direct election of senators. The original resolution passed by the House contained the following clause:","Document [2](Title: National Assembly (Burundi)) president of the republic. He took office on 26 August 2005. National Assembly (Burundi) The National Assembly is the lower chamber of Parliament in Burundi. It consists of 100 directly elected members (or deputies) and between 18 and 21 co-opted members who serve five-year terms. Deputies are elected in 17 multi-member constituencies using a party-list proportional representation system in accordance with the d'Hondt method. Political parties and lists of independent candidates must receive over 2% of the vote nationally to gain representation in the National Assembly. As a country that has been devastated by civil war and persistent ethnic violence","Document [3](Title: Elections in Namibia) Elections in Namibia Elections in Namibia gives information on election and election results in Namibia. Namibia elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The Parliament is bicameral in nature. Until 2014 the National Assembly had 78 members of which 72 were elected by direct popular vote using the proportional representation and a maximum of 6 non-voting members are appointed by the president. The members are elected for a five-year term. Since then the number of elected seats to the National Assembly","Document [4](Title: Elections in Zimbabwe) Elections in Zimbabwe The Zimbabwe government consists of an elected head of state, the president, and a legislature. The presidential term lasts for 5 years, and is elected by majority, with a second round if no candidate receives a majority in the first round. The Parliament is bicameral, consisting of the House of Assembly and Senate. Following the 2013 constitution, the House of Assembly has 270 members. 210 are elected for five-year terms by single-member constituencies. Furthermore, the constitution specifies that for the two first parliaments, there are 60 additional seats reserved for women, 6 seats per province, which are","Document [5](Title: Elections in Burundi) Elections in Burundi Elections in Burundi gives information on election and election results in Burundi. Burundi elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The National Assembly (\"Assembl\u00e9e nationale\") has 118 members, elected for a five-year term by proportional representation with a 2% barrier. The Senate (\"S\u00e9nat\") has 49 members, elected for a five-year term by electoral colleges of communal councilors. Extra seats in both chambers can be added to ensure that ethnic and gender quotas are met. Burundi has a multi-party system, with two or three strong parties and a third party","Document [6](Title: Elections in Belarus) Independent States (CIS) recognised the election as legitimate. Elections in Belarus Belarus elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The National Assembly (\"\u041d\u0430\u0446\u044b\u044f\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b \u0441\u0445\u043e\u0434\", \"Nacyyanal'ny skhod\") has two chambers. The House of Representatives (\"\u041f\u0430\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0430\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0430\u045e\u043d\u0456\u043a\u043e\u045e\", \"Palata Pradstawnikow\") has 110 members elected in single-seat constituencies elected for a four-year term. The Council of the Republic (\"\u0421\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0442 \u0440\u044d\u0441\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0456\u043a\u0456\", \"Saviet Respubliki\") has 64 members, 56 members indirectly elected and eight members appointed by the president. Belarus is a state in which the president, currently","Document [7](Title: 2011 Argentine provincial elections) members of the provincial Judiciary Council. The ticket for Governor and Vice-Governor is elected by simple majority on a direct election, for a 4-year period. They can be re-elected for a single consecutive time, either in the same order or in alternating positions. The unicameral legislature, the Chamber of Deputies, is renewed every four years. The provincial deputies can be re-elected. The legislative election is direct in a single district: the most voted party gains 16 seats (60%) and the remaining 11 seats are proportionally divided among the following party lists, by D'Hondt method, without threshold. The main candidates for","Document [8](Title: Politics of Albania) four-year term on the basis of direct, universal, periodic and equal suffrage by secret ballot. As of Article 45 of the Constitution, which guarantees the right to vote, the People of Albania exercise their power through their elected representatives in the Parliament. When the Parliament is elected, the first session shall be held no later than 20 days after the completion of elections with the President as the speaker. There are 15 permanent committees. Extraordinary meets can be called by the President, by the Chairperson of the Parliament, by the Prime Minister or by the one fifth of the members.","Document [9](Title: Constitution of Ivory Coast) direct universal suffrage for a 5-year term concurrently with the president. It passes on legislation typically introduced by the president, although it also can introduce legislation. The judicial system culminates in the Supreme Court. The High Court of Justice is competent to try government officials for major offenses. There is also an independent Constitutional Council which has seven members appointed by the president that is responsible for, amongst other duties, the determination of candidate eligibility in presidential and legislative elections, the announcement of final election results, the conduct of referendums, and the constitutionality of legislation. Ivory Coast is divided into","Document [10](Title: Elections in Lithuania) in the parliament and coalition governments are common. The head of the state - the president - is elected to a five-year term in a majority vote, with the president eligible for up to two terms in office. More than 1500 municipal council members are elected in local elections to four-year terms, with the majority of the seats allocated using proportional representation and the mayors elected directly by residents in a majority vote. The Lithuanian representatives in the European Parliament, currently numbering 11, are elected using proportional representation every five years. 12 referendums have been organized in Lithuania, initiated by","Document [11](Title: Elections in Uzbekistan) Elections in Uzbekistan Uzbekistan elects on national level a head of state \u2013 the president \u2013 and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The Supreme Assembly (\"Oliy Majlis\") has 150 members in the Legislative Chamber, elected for a five-year terms and 100 members in the Senate; 84 members elected at the sessions of district, regional and city deputies, and 16 members appointed by the president. Most parties are excluded. Uzbekistan is a state dominated by the supporters of a head of state \u2013 the president. Opposition parties are allowed, but are widely considered","Document [12](Title: Elections in the Netherlands) The elections for the Island councils for the special municipalities of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba take place at the same date as the provincial elections; for the first time in 2015. The Senate is elected indirectly, by the provincial councillors (who are themselves chosen in direct elections). It is composed as follows: The 2014 Dutch municipal election saw a success for local parties, who increased their share to 30% of the votes. The Christian Democratic Appeal remained the largest party nationally, earning 14% of the votes. D66 and SP also saw significant rises compared to the 2010 elections, getting","Document [13](Title: National Assembly (Burundi)) National Assembly (Burundi) The National Assembly is the lower chamber of Parliament in Burundi. It consists of 100 directly elected members (or deputies) and between 18 and 21 co-opted members who serve five-year terms. Deputies are elected in 17 multi-member constituencies using a party-list proportional representation system in accordance with the d'Hondt method. Political parties and lists of independent candidates must receive over 2% of the vote nationally to gain representation in the National Assembly. As a country that has been devastated by civil war and persistent ethnic violence since its independence in 1962, Burundi's new constitution (approved in a","Document [14](Title: Constitution of Vanuatu) the Prime Minister directly elected by Parliament; the Supreme Court; and the Court of Appeal. Bislama, English, and French are declared to be the country's \"official languages\", with English and French as the \"principal languages of education\". The electoral franchise is guaranteed as \"universal, equal and secret\", and in principle is extended to all adults aged 18 years or older. Members of the National Council of Chiefs are to be \"elected by their peers\". An unusual feature of the Constitution is that the President is elected by an electoral college, made up of members of Parliament and the chairpersons of","Document [15](Title: Constitution of Italy) is elected by direct and universal suffrage by voters over the age of eighteen. There are 630 deputies, twelve of which are elected in the overseas constituencies, while the number of seats among the other electoral districts is obtained by dividing the number of citizens residing in the territory of the Republic by six hundred eighteen and by distributing the seats proportionally to the population in every electoral district, on the basis of whole shares and highest remainders. All voters over the age of twenty-five are eligible to be deputies. The Senate of the Republic is elected by direct and","Document [16](Title: Elections in Bulgaria) Elections in Bulgaria Bulgaria elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term directly by the people. The National Assembly (\"Narodno Sabranie\") has 240 members, elected for a four-year term by proportional representation in multi-seat constituencies with a 4% threshold. Bulgaria has a multi-party system, in which no one party often has a chance of gaining power alone, and parties must work with each to form governments. Parliamentary elections have been held in Bulgaria since 1879. There was a period when partisan politics was banned from","Document [17](Title: 2019 Panamanian general election) 2019 Panamanian general election General elections are scheduled to be held in Panama on 5 May 2019. Due to constitutional term limits, Incumbent President Juan Carlos Varela will be ineligible for a second consecutive term. Of the 71 members of the National Assembly, 26 will be elected in single-member constituencies and 45 by proportional representation in multi-member constituencies. Each district with more than 40,000 inhabitants forms a constituency. Constituencies elect one MP for every 30,000 residents and an additional representative for every fraction over 10,000. In single-member constituencies MPs are elected using the first-past-the-post system. In multi-member constituencies MPs are","Document [18](Title: Elections in Belarus) Elections in Belarus Belarus elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The National Assembly (\"\u041d\u0430\u0446\u044b\u044f\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b \u0441\u0445\u043e\u0434\", \"Nacyyanal'ny skhod\") has two chambers. The House of Representatives (\"\u041f\u0430\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0430\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0430\u045e\u043d\u0456\u043a\u043e\u045e\", \"Palata Pradstawnikow\") has 110 members elected in single-seat constituencies elected for a four-year term. The Council of the Republic (\"\u0421\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0442 \u0440\u044d\u0441\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0456\u043a\u0456\", \"Saviet Respubliki\") has 64 members, 56 members indirectly elected and eight members appointed by the president. Belarus is a state in which the president, currently Alexander Lukashenko, dominates. Opposition parties are allowed, but","Document [19](Title: Elections in Myanmar) Elections in Myanmar Myanmar is a unitary republic, with elected representatives at the national and, state or region levels. On the national level, the head of state, the President, is elected indirectly through an Electoral College. According to the 2008 constitution, the term durations of the legislature, the President, and the Cabinet are five years. Voting occurred in all constituencies, excluding seats appointed by the military, to select Members of Assembly to seats in both the upper house (the House of Nationalities) and the lower house (the House of Representatives) of the Assembly of the Union, and State and Region","Document [20](Title: Elections in Sri Lanka) Elections in Sri Lanka Elections in Sri Lanka gives information on election and election results in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The Parliament has 225 members, elected for a five-year term, 196 members elected in multi-seat constituencies through proportional representation system where each party is allocated a number of seats from the quota for each district according to the proportion of the total vote that party obtains in the district. The other 29 which is"],"query":"who is directly elected according to the constitution?","answers":["senators"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: National Assembly (Burundi)) president of the republic. He took office on 26 August 2005. National Assembly (Burundi) The National Assembly is the lower chamber of Parliament in Burundi. It consists of 100 directly elected members (or deputies) and between 18 and 21 co-opted members who serve five-year terms. Deputies are elected in 17 multi-member constituencies using a party-list proportional representation system in accordance with the d'Hondt method. Political parties and lists of independent candidates must receive over 2% of the vote nationally to gain representation in the National Assembly. As a country that has been devastated by civil war and persistent ethnic violence","Document [2](Title: Elections in Namibia) Elections in Namibia Elections in Namibia gives information on election and election results in Namibia. Namibia elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The Parliament is bicameral in nature. Until 2014 the National Assembly had 78 members of which 72 were elected by direct popular vote using the proportional representation and a maximum of 6 non-voting members are appointed by the president. The members are elected for a five-year term. Since then the number of elected seats to the National Assembly","Document [3](Title: Elections in Zimbabwe) Elections in Zimbabwe The Zimbabwe government consists of an elected head of state, the president, and a legislature. The presidential term lasts for 5 years, and is elected by majority, with a second round if no candidate receives a majority in the first round. The Parliament is bicameral, consisting of the House of Assembly and Senate. Following the 2013 constitution, the House of Assembly has 270 members. 210 are elected for five-year terms by single-member constituencies. Furthermore, the constitution specifies that for the two first parliaments, there are 60 additional seats reserved for women, 6 seats per province, which are","Document [4](Title: Elections in Burundi) Elections in Burundi Elections in Burundi gives information on election and election results in Burundi. Burundi elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The National Assembly (\"Assembl\u00e9e nationale\") has 118 members, elected for a five-year term by proportional representation with a 2% barrier. The Senate (\"S\u00e9nat\") has 49 members, elected for a five-year term by electoral colleges of communal councilors. Extra seats in both chambers can be added to ensure that ethnic and gender quotas are met. Burundi has a multi-party system, with two or three strong parties and a third party","Document [5](Title: Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution) In 1911, the House of Representatives passed House Joint Resolution 39 proposing a constitutional amendment for direct election of senators. The original resolution passed by the House contained the following clause:","Document [6](Title: Elections in Belarus) Independent States (CIS) recognised the election as legitimate. Elections in Belarus Belarus elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The National Assembly (\"\u041d\u0430\u0446\u044b\u044f\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b \u0441\u0445\u043e\u0434\", \"Nacyyanal'ny skhod\") has two chambers. The House of Representatives (\"\u041f\u0430\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0430\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0430\u045e\u043d\u0456\u043a\u043e\u045e\", \"Palata Pradstawnikow\") has 110 members elected in single-seat constituencies elected for a four-year term. The Council of the Republic (\"\u0421\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0442 \u0440\u044d\u0441\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0456\u043a\u0456\", \"Saviet Respubliki\") has 64 members, 56 members indirectly elected and eight members appointed by the president. Belarus is a state in which the president, currently","Document [7](Title: 2011 Argentine provincial elections) members of the provincial Judiciary Council. The ticket for Governor and Vice-Governor is elected by simple majority on a direct election, for a 4-year period. They can be re-elected for a single consecutive time, either in the same order or in alternating positions. The unicameral legislature, the Chamber of Deputies, is renewed every four years. The provincial deputies can be re-elected. The legislative election is direct in a single district: the most voted party gains 16 seats (60%) and the remaining 11 seats are proportionally divided among the following party lists, by D'Hondt method, without threshold. The main candidates for","Document [8](Title: Politics of Albania) four-year term on the basis of direct, universal, periodic and equal suffrage by secret ballot. As of Article 45 of the Constitution, which guarantees the right to vote, the People of Albania exercise their power through their elected representatives in the Parliament. When the Parliament is elected, the first session shall be held no later than 20 days after the completion of elections with the President as the speaker. There are 15 permanent committees. Extraordinary meets can be called by the President, by the Chairperson of the Parliament, by the Prime Minister or by the one fifth of the members.","Document [9](Title: Constitution of Ivory Coast) direct universal suffrage for a 5-year term concurrently with the president. It passes on legislation typically introduced by the president, although it also can introduce legislation. The judicial system culminates in the Supreme Court. The High Court of Justice is competent to try government officials for major offenses. There is also an independent Constitutional Council which has seven members appointed by the president that is responsible for, amongst other duties, the determination of candidate eligibility in presidential and legislative elections, the announcement of final election results, the conduct of referendums, and the constitutionality of legislation. Ivory Coast is divided into","Document [10](Title: Elections in Lithuania) in the parliament and coalition governments are common. The head of the state - the president - is elected to a five-year term in a majority vote, with the president eligible for up to two terms in office. More than 1500 municipal council members are elected in local elections to four-year terms, with the majority of the seats allocated using proportional representation and the mayors elected directly by residents in a majority vote. The Lithuanian representatives in the European Parliament, currently numbering 11, are elected using proportional representation every five years. 12 referendums have been organized in Lithuania, initiated by","Document [11](Title: Elections in Uzbekistan) Elections in Uzbekistan Uzbekistan elects on national level a head of state \u2013 the president \u2013 and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The Supreme Assembly (\"Oliy Majlis\") has 150 members in the Legislative Chamber, elected for a five-year terms and 100 members in the Senate; 84 members elected at the sessions of district, regional and city deputies, and 16 members appointed by the president. Most parties are excluded. Uzbekistan is a state dominated by the supporters of a head of state \u2013 the president. Opposition parties are allowed, but are widely considered","Document [12](Title: Elections in the Netherlands) The elections for the Island councils for the special municipalities of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba take place at the same date as the provincial elections; for the first time in 2015. The Senate is elected indirectly, by the provincial councillors (who are themselves chosen in direct elections). It is composed as follows: The 2014 Dutch municipal election saw a success for local parties, who increased their share to 30% of the votes. The Christian Democratic Appeal remained the largest party nationally, earning 14% of the votes. D66 and SP also saw significant rises compared to the 2010 elections, getting","Document [13](Title: National Assembly (Burundi)) National Assembly (Burundi) The National Assembly is the lower chamber of Parliament in Burundi. It consists of 100 directly elected members (or deputies) and between 18 and 21 co-opted members who serve five-year terms. Deputies are elected in 17 multi-member constituencies using a party-list proportional representation system in accordance with the d'Hondt method. Political parties and lists of independent candidates must receive over 2% of the vote nationally to gain representation in the National Assembly. As a country that has been devastated by civil war and persistent ethnic violence since its independence in 1962, Burundi's new constitution (approved in a","Document [14](Title: Constitution of Vanuatu) the Prime Minister directly elected by Parliament; the Supreme Court; and the Court of Appeal. Bislama, English, and French are declared to be the country's \"official languages\", with English and French as the \"principal languages of education\". The electoral franchise is guaranteed as \"universal, equal and secret\", and in principle is extended to all adults aged 18 years or older. Members of the National Council of Chiefs are to be \"elected by their peers\". An unusual feature of the Constitution is that the President is elected by an electoral college, made up of members of Parliament and the chairpersons of","Document [15](Title: Constitution of Italy) is elected by direct and universal suffrage by voters over the age of eighteen. There are 630 deputies, twelve of which are elected in the overseas constituencies, while the number of seats among the other electoral districts is obtained by dividing the number of citizens residing in the territory of the Republic by six hundred eighteen and by distributing the seats proportionally to the population in every electoral district, on the basis of whole shares and highest remainders. All voters over the age of twenty-five are eligible to be deputies. The Senate of the Republic is elected by direct and","Document [16](Title: Elections in Bulgaria) Elections in Bulgaria Bulgaria elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term directly by the people. The National Assembly (\"Narodno Sabranie\") has 240 members, elected for a four-year term by proportional representation in multi-seat constituencies with a 4% threshold. Bulgaria has a multi-party system, in which no one party often has a chance of gaining power alone, and parties must work with each to form governments. Parliamentary elections have been held in Bulgaria since 1879. There was a period when partisan politics was banned from","Document [17](Title: 2019 Panamanian general election) 2019 Panamanian general election General elections are scheduled to be held in Panama on 5 May 2019. Due to constitutional term limits, Incumbent President Juan Carlos Varela will be ineligible for a second consecutive term. Of the 71 members of the National Assembly, 26 will be elected in single-member constituencies and 45 by proportional representation in multi-member constituencies. Each district with more than 40,000 inhabitants forms a constituency. Constituencies elect one MP for every 30,000 residents and an additional representative for every fraction over 10,000. In single-member constituencies MPs are elected using the first-past-the-post system. In multi-member constituencies MPs are","Document [18](Title: Elections in Belarus) Elections in Belarus Belarus elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The National Assembly (\"\u041d\u0430\u0446\u044b\u044f\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b \u0441\u0445\u043e\u0434\", \"Nacyyanal'ny skhod\") has two chambers. The House of Representatives (\"\u041f\u0430\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0430\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0430\u045e\u043d\u0456\u043a\u043e\u045e\", \"Palata Pradstawnikow\") has 110 members elected in single-seat constituencies elected for a four-year term. The Council of the Republic (\"\u0421\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0442 \u0440\u044d\u0441\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0456\u043a\u0456\", \"Saviet Respubliki\") has 64 members, 56 members indirectly elected and eight members appointed by the president. Belarus is a state in which the president, currently Alexander Lukashenko, dominates. Opposition parties are allowed, but","Document [19](Title: Elections in Myanmar) Elections in Myanmar Myanmar is a unitary republic, with elected representatives at the national and, state or region levels. On the national level, the head of state, the President, is elected indirectly through an Electoral College. According to the 2008 constitution, the term durations of the legislature, the President, and the Cabinet are five years. Voting occurred in all constituencies, excluding seats appointed by the military, to select Members of Assembly to seats in both the upper house (the House of Nationalities) and the lower house (the House of Representatives) of the Assembly of the Union, and State and Region","Document [20](Title: Elections in Sri Lanka) Elections in Sri Lanka Elections in Sri Lanka gives information on election and election results in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The Parliament has 225 members, elected for a five-year term, 196 members elected in multi-seat constituencies through proportional representation system where each party is allocated a number of seats from the quota for each district according to the proportion of the total vote that party obtains in the district. The other 29 which is"],"query":"who is directly elected according to the constitution?","answers":["senators"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: National Assembly (Burundi)) president of the republic. He took office on 26 August 2005. National Assembly (Burundi) The National Assembly is the lower chamber of Parliament in Burundi. It consists of 100 directly elected members (or deputies) and between 18 and 21 co-opted members who serve five-year terms. Deputies are elected in 17 multi-member constituencies using a party-list proportional representation system in accordance with the d'Hondt method. Political parties and lists of independent candidates must receive over 2% of the vote nationally to gain representation in the National Assembly. As a country that has been devastated by civil war and persistent ethnic violence","Document [2](Title: Elections in Namibia) Elections in Namibia Elections in Namibia gives information on election and election results in Namibia. Namibia elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The Parliament is bicameral in nature. Until 2014 the National Assembly had 78 members of which 72 were elected by direct popular vote using the proportional representation and a maximum of 6 non-voting members are appointed by the president. The members are elected for a five-year term. Since then the number of elected seats to the National Assembly","Document [3](Title: Elections in Zimbabwe) Elections in Zimbabwe The Zimbabwe government consists of an elected head of state, the president, and a legislature. The presidential term lasts for 5 years, and is elected by majority, with a second round if no candidate receives a majority in the first round. The Parliament is bicameral, consisting of the House of Assembly and Senate. Following the 2013 constitution, the House of Assembly has 270 members. 210 are elected for five-year terms by single-member constituencies. Furthermore, the constitution specifies that for the two first parliaments, there are 60 additional seats reserved for women, 6 seats per province, which are","Document [4](Title: Elections in Burundi) Elections in Burundi Elections in Burundi gives information on election and election results in Burundi. Burundi elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The National Assembly (\"Assembl\u00e9e nationale\") has 118 members, elected for a five-year term by proportional representation with a 2% barrier. The Senate (\"S\u00e9nat\") has 49 members, elected for a five-year term by electoral colleges of communal councilors. Extra seats in both chambers can be added to ensure that ethnic and gender quotas are met. Burundi has a multi-party system, with two or three strong parties and a third party","Document [5](Title: Elections in Belarus) Independent States (CIS) recognised the election as legitimate. Elections in Belarus Belarus elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The National Assembly (\"\u041d\u0430\u0446\u044b\u044f\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b \u0441\u0445\u043e\u0434\", \"Nacyyanal'ny skhod\") has two chambers. The House of Representatives (\"\u041f\u0430\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0430\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0430\u045e\u043d\u0456\u043a\u043e\u045e\", \"Palata Pradstawnikow\") has 110 members elected in single-seat constituencies elected for a four-year term. The Council of the Republic (\"\u0421\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0442 \u0440\u044d\u0441\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0456\u043a\u0456\", \"Saviet Respubliki\") has 64 members, 56 members indirectly elected and eight members appointed by the president. Belarus is a state in which the president, currently","Document [6](Title: 2011 Argentine provincial elections) members of the provincial Judiciary Council. The ticket for Governor and Vice-Governor is elected by simple majority on a direct election, for a 4-year period. They can be re-elected for a single consecutive time, either in the same order or in alternating positions. The unicameral legislature, the Chamber of Deputies, is renewed every four years. The provincial deputies can be re-elected. The legislative election is direct in a single district: the most voted party gains 16 seats (60%) and the remaining 11 seats are proportionally divided among the following party lists, by D'Hondt method, without threshold. The main candidates for","Document [7](Title: Politics of Albania) four-year term on the basis of direct, universal, periodic and equal suffrage by secret ballot. As of Article 45 of the Constitution, which guarantees the right to vote, the People of Albania exercise their power through their elected representatives in the Parliament. When the Parliament is elected, the first session shall be held no later than 20 days after the completion of elections with the President as the speaker. There are 15 permanent committees. Extraordinary meets can be called by the President, by the Chairperson of the Parliament, by the Prime Minister or by the one fifth of the members.","Document [8](Title: Constitution of Ivory Coast) direct universal suffrage for a 5-year term concurrently with the president. It passes on legislation typically introduced by the president, although it also can introduce legislation. The judicial system culminates in the Supreme Court. The High Court of Justice is competent to try government officials for major offenses. There is also an independent Constitutional Council which has seven members appointed by the president that is responsible for, amongst other duties, the determination of candidate eligibility in presidential and legislative elections, the announcement of final election results, the conduct of referendums, and the constitutionality of legislation. Ivory Coast is divided into","Document [9](Title: Elections in Lithuania) in the parliament and coalition governments are common. The head of the state - the president - is elected to a five-year term in a majority vote, with the president eligible for up to two terms in office. More than 1500 municipal council members are elected in local elections to four-year terms, with the majority of the seats allocated using proportional representation and the mayors elected directly by residents in a majority vote. The Lithuanian representatives in the European Parliament, currently numbering 11, are elected using proportional representation every five years. 12 referendums have been organized in Lithuania, initiated by","Document [10](Title: Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution) In 1911, the House of Representatives passed House Joint Resolution 39 proposing a constitutional amendment for direct election of senators. The original resolution passed by the House contained the following clause:","Document [11](Title: Elections in Uzbekistan) Elections in Uzbekistan Uzbekistan elects on national level a head of state \u2013 the president \u2013 and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The Supreme Assembly (\"Oliy Majlis\") has 150 members in the Legislative Chamber, elected for a five-year terms and 100 members in the Senate; 84 members elected at the sessions of district, regional and city deputies, and 16 members appointed by the president. Most parties are excluded. Uzbekistan is a state dominated by the supporters of a head of state \u2013 the president. Opposition parties are allowed, but are widely considered","Document [12](Title: Elections in the Netherlands) The elections for the Island councils for the special municipalities of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba take place at the same date as the provincial elections; for the first time in 2015. The Senate is elected indirectly, by the provincial councillors (who are themselves chosen in direct elections). It is composed as follows: The 2014 Dutch municipal election saw a success for local parties, who increased their share to 30% of the votes. The Christian Democratic Appeal remained the largest party nationally, earning 14% of the votes. D66 and SP also saw significant rises compared to the 2010 elections, getting","Document [13](Title: National Assembly (Burundi)) National Assembly (Burundi) The National Assembly is the lower chamber of Parliament in Burundi. It consists of 100 directly elected members (or deputies) and between 18 and 21 co-opted members who serve five-year terms. Deputies are elected in 17 multi-member constituencies using a party-list proportional representation system in accordance with the d'Hondt method. Political parties and lists of independent candidates must receive over 2% of the vote nationally to gain representation in the National Assembly. As a country that has been devastated by civil war and persistent ethnic violence since its independence in 1962, Burundi's new constitution (approved in a","Document [14](Title: Constitution of Vanuatu) the Prime Minister directly elected by Parliament; the Supreme Court; and the Court of Appeal. Bislama, English, and French are declared to be the country's \"official languages\", with English and French as the \"principal languages of education\". The electoral franchise is guaranteed as \"universal, equal and secret\", and in principle is extended to all adults aged 18 years or older. Members of the National Council of Chiefs are to be \"elected by their peers\". An unusual feature of the Constitution is that the President is elected by an electoral college, made up of members of Parliament and the chairpersons of","Document [15](Title: Constitution of Italy) is elected by direct and universal suffrage by voters over the age of eighteen. There are 630 deputies, twelve of which are elected in the overseas constituencies, while the number of seats among the other electoral districts is obtained by dividing the number of citizens residing in the territory of the Republic by six hundred eighteen and by distributing the seats proportionally to the population in every electoral district, on the basis of whole shares and highest remainders. All voters over the age of twenty-five are eligible to be deputies. The Senate of the Republic is elected by direct and","Document [16](Title: Elections in Bulgaria) Elections in Bulgaria Bulgaria elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term directly by the people. The National Assembly (\"Narodno Sabranie\") has 240 members, elected for a four-year term by proportional representation in multi-seat constituencies with a 4% threshold. Bulgaria has a multi-party system, in which no one party often has a chance of gaining power alone, and parties must work with each to form governments. Parliamentary elections have been held in Bulgaria since 1879. There was a period when partisan politics was banned from","Document [17](Title: 2019 Panamanian general election) 2019 Panamanian general election General elections are scheduled to be held in Panama on 5 May 2019. Due to constitutional term limits, Incumbent President Juan Carlos Varela will be ineligible for a second consecutive term. Of the 71 members of the National Assembly, 26 will be elected in single-member constituencies and 45 by proportional representation in multi-member constituencies. Each district with more than 40,000 inhabitants forms a constituency. Constituencies elect one MP for every 30,000 residents and an additional representative for every fraction over 10,000. In single-member constituencies MPs are elected using the first-past-the-post system. In multi-member constituencies MPs are","Document [18](Title: Elections in Belarus) Elections in Belarus Belarus elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The National Assembly (\"\u041d\u0430\u0446\u044b\u044f\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b \u0441\u0445\u043e\u0434\", \"Nacyyanal'ny skhod\") has two chambers. The House of Representatives (\"\u041f\u0430\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0430\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0430\u045e\u043d\u0456\u043a\u043e\u045e\", \"Palata Pradstawnikow\") has 110 members elected in single-seat constituencies elected for a four-year term. The Council of the Republic (\"\u0421\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0442 \u0440\u044d\u0441\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0456\u043a\u0456\", \"Saviet Respubliki\") has 64 members, 56 members indirectly elected and eight members appointed by the president. Belarus is a state in which the president, currently Alexander Lukashenko, dominates. Opposition parties are allowed, but","Document [19](Title: Elections in Myanmar) Elections in Myanmar Myanmar is a unitary republic, with elected representatives at the national and, state or region levels. On the national level, the head of state, the President, is elected indirectly through an Electoral College. According to the 2008 constitution, the term durations of the legislature, the President, and the Cabinet are five years. Voting occurred in all constituencies, excluding seats appointed by the military, to select Members of Assembly to seats in both the upper house (the House of Nationalities) and the lower house (the House of Representatives) of the Assembly of the Union, and State and Region","Document [20](Title: Elections in Sri Lanka) Elections in Sri Lanka Elections in Sri Lanka gives information on election and election results in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The Parliament has 225 members, elected for a five-year term, 196 members elected in multi-seat constituencies through proportional representation system where each party is allocated a number of seats from the quota for each district according to the proportion of the total vote that party obtains in the district. The other 29 which is"],"query":"who is directly elected according to the constitution?","answers":["senators"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: National Assembly (Burundi)) president of the republic. He took office on 26 August 2005. National Assembly (Burundi) The National Assembly is the lower chamber of Parliament in Burundi. It consists of 100 directly elected members (or deputies) and between 18 and 21 co-opted members who serve five-year terms. Deputies are elected in 17 multi-member constituencies using a party-list proportional representation system in accordance with the d'Hondt method. Political parties and lists of independent candidates must receive over 2% of the vote nationally to gain representation in the National Assembly. As a country that has been devastated by civil war and persistent ethnic violence","Document [2](Title: Elections in Namibia) Elections in Namibia Elections in Namibia gives information on election and election results in Namibia. Namibia elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The Parliament is bicameral in nature. Until 2014 the National Assembly had 78 members of which 72 were elected by direct popular vote using the proportional representation and a maximum of 6 non-voting members are appointed by the president. The members are elected for a five-year term. Since then the number of elected seats to the National Assembly","Document [3](Title: Elections in Zimbabwe) Elections in Zimbabwe The Zimbabwe government consists of an elected head of state, the president, and a legislature. The presidential term lasts for 5 years, and is elected by majority, with a second round if no candidate receives a majority in the first round. The Parliament is bicameral, consisting of the House of Assembly and Senate. Following the 2013 constitution, the House of Assembly has 270 members. 210 are elected for five-year terms by single-member constituencies. Furthermore, the constitution specifies that for the two first parliaments, there are 60 additional seats reserved for women, 6 seats per province, which are","Document [4](Title: Elections in Burundi) Elections in Burundi Elections in Burundi gives information on election and election results in Burundi. Burundi elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The National Assembly (\"Assembl\u00e9e nationale\") has 118 members, elected for a five-year term by proportional representation with a 2% barrier. The Senate (\"S\u00e9nat\") has 49 members, elected for a five-year term by electoral colleges of communal councilors. Extra seats in both chambers can be added to ensure that ethnic and gender quotas are met. Burundi has a multi-party system, with two or three strong parties and a third party","Document [5](Title: Elections in Belarus) Independent States (CIS) recognised the election as legitimate. Elections in Belarus Belarus elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The National Assembly (\"\u041d\u0430\u0446\u044b\u044f\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b \u0441\u0445\u043e\u0434\", \"Nacyyanal'ny skhod\") has two chambers. The House of Representatives (\"\u041f\u0430\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0430\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0430\u045e\u043d\u0456\u043a\u043e\u045e\", \"Palata Pradstawnikow\") has 110 members elected in single-seat constituencies elected for a four-year term. The Council of the Republic (\"\u0421\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0442 \u0440\u044d\u0441\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0456\u043a\u0456\", \"Saviet Respubliki\") has 64 members, 56 members indirectly elected and eight members appointed by the president. Belarus is a state in which the president, currently","Document [6](Title: 2011 Argentine provincial elections) members of the provincial Judiciary Council. The ticket for Governor and Vice-Governor is elected by simple majority on a direct election, for a 4-year period. They can be re-elected for a single consecutive time, either in the same order or in alternating positions. The unicameral legislature, the Chamber of Deputies, is renewed every four years. The provincial deputies can be re-elected. The legislative election is direct in a single district: the most voted party gains 16 seats (60%) and the remaining 11 seats are proportionally divided among the following party lists, by D'Hondt method, without threshold. The main candidates for","Document [7](Title: Politics of Albania) four-year term on the basis of direct, universal, periodic and equal suffrage by secret ballot. As of Article 45 of the Constitution, which guarantees the right to vote, the People of Albania exercise their power through their elected representatives in the Parliament. When the Parliament is elected, the first session shall be held no later than 20 days after the completion of elections with the President as the speaker. There are 15 permanent committees. Extraordinary meets can be called by the President, by the Chairperson of the Parliament, by the Prime Minister or by the one fifth of the members.","Document [8](Title: Constitution of Ivory Coast) direct universal suffrage for a 5-year term concurrently with the president. It passes on legislation typically introduced by the president, although it also can introduce legislation. The judicial system culminates in the Supreme Court. The High Court of Justice is competent to try government officials for major offenses. There is also an independent Constitutional Council which has seven members appointed by the president that is responsible for, amongst other duties, the determination of candidate eligibility in presidential and legislative elections, the announcement of final election results, the conduct of referendums, and the constitutionality of legislation. Ivory Coast is divided into","Document [9](Title: Elections in Lithuania) in the parliament and coalition governments are common. The head of the state - the president - is elected to a five-year term in a majority vote, with the president eligible for up to two terms in office. More than 1500 municipal council members are elected in local elections to four-year terms, with the majority of the seats allocated using proportional representation and the mayors elected directly by residents in a majority vote. The Lithuanian representatives in the European Parliament, currently numbering 11, are elected using proportional representation every five years. 12 referendums have been organized in Lithuania, initiated by","Document [10](Title: Elections in Uzbekistan) Elections in Uzbekistan Uzbekistan elects on national level a head of state \u2013 the president \u2013 and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The Supreme Assembly (\"Oliy Majlis\") has 150 members in the Legislative Chamber, elected for a five-year terms and 100 members in the Senate; 84 members elected at the sessions of district, regional and city deputies, and 16 members appointed by the president. Most parties are excluded. Uzbekistan is a state dominated by the supporters of a head of state \u2013 the president. Opposition parties are allowed, but are widely considered","Document [11](Title: Elections in the Netherlands) The elections for the Island councils for the special municipalities of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba take place at the same date as the provincial elections; for the first time in 2015. The Senate is elected indirectly, by the provincial councillors (who are themselves chosen in direct elections). It is composed as follows: The 2014 Dutch municipal election saw a success for local parties, who increased their share to 30% of the votes. The Christian Democratic Appeal remained the largest party nationally, earning 14% of the votes. D66 and SP also saw significant rises compared to the 2010 elections, getting","Document [12](Title: National Assembly (Burundi)) National Assembly (Burundi) The National Assembly is the lower chamber of Parliament in Burundi. It consists of 100 directly elected members (or deputies) and between 18 and 21 co-opted members who serve five-year terms. Deputies are elected in 17 multi-member constituencies using a party-list proportional representation system in accordance with the d'Hondt method. Political parties and lists of independent candidates must receive over 2% of the vote nationally to gain representation in the National Assembly. As a country that has been devastated by civil war and persistent ethnic violence since its independence in 1962, Burundi's new constitution (approved in a","Document [13](Title: Constitution of Vanuatu) the Prime Minister directly elected by Parliament; the Supreme Court; and the Court of Appeal. Bislama, English, and French are declared to be the country's \"official languages\", with English and French as the \"principal languages of education\". The electoral franchise is guaranteed as \"universal, equal and secret\", and in principle is extended to all adults aged 18 years or older. Members of the National Council of Chiefs are to be \"elected by their peers\". An unusual feature of the Constitution is that the President is elected by an electoral college, made up of members of Parliament and the chairpersons of","Document [14](Title: Constitution of Italy) is elected by direct and universal suffrage by voters over the age of eighteen. There are 630 deputies, twelve of which are elected in the overseas constituencies, while the number of seats among the other electoral districts is obtained by dividing the number of citizens residing in the territory of the Republic by six hundred eighteen and by distributing the seats proportionally to the population in every electoral district, on the basis of whole shares and highest remainders. All voters over the age of twenty-five are eligible to be deputies. The Senate of the Republic is elected by direct and","Document [15](Title: Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution) In 1911, the House of Representatives passed House Joint Resolution 39 proposing a constitutional amendment for direct election of senators. The original resolution passed by the House contained the following clause:","Document [16](Title: Elections in Bulgaria) Elections in Bulgaria Bulgaria elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term directly by the people. The National Assembly (\"Narodno Sabranie\") has 240 members, elected for a four-year term by proportional representation in multi-seat constituencies with a 4% threshold. Bulgaria has a multi-party system, in which no one party often has a chance of gaining power alone, and parties must work with each to form governments. Parliamentary elections have been held in Bulgaria since 1879. There was a period when partisan politics was banned from","Document [17](Title: 2019 Panamanian general election) 2019 Panamanian general election General elections are scheduled to be held in Panama on 5 May 2019. Due to constitutional term limits, Incumbent President Juan Carlos Varela will be ineligible for a second consecutive term. Of the 71 members of the National Assembly, 26 will be elected in single-member constituencies and 45 by proportional representation in multi-member constituencies. Each district with more than 40,000 inhabitants forms a constituency. Constituencies elect one MP for every 30,000 residents and an additional representative for every fraction over 10,000. In single-member constituencies MPs are elected using the first-past-the-post system. In multi-member constituencies MPs are","Document [18](Title: Elections in Belarus) Elections in Belarus Belarus elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The National Assembly (\"\u041d\u0430\u0446\u044b\u044f\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b \u0441\u0445\u043e\u0434\", \"Nacyyanal'ny skhod\") has two chambers. The House of Representatives (\"\u041f\u0430\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0430\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0430\u045e\u043d\u0456\u043a\u043e\u045e\", \"Palata Pradstawnikow\") has 110 members elected in single-seat constituencies elected for a four-year term. The Council of the Republic (\"\u0421\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0442 \u0440\u044d\u0441\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0456\u043a\u0456\", \"Saviet Respubliki\") has 64 members, 56 members indirectly elected and eight members appointed by the president. Belarus is a state in which the president, currently Alexander Lukashenko, dominates. Opposition parties are allowed, but","Document [19](Title: Elections in Myanmar) Elections in Myanmar Myanmar is a unitary republic, with elected representatives at the national and, state or region levels. On the national level, the head of state, the President, is elected indirectly through an Electoral College. According to the 2008 constitution, the term durations of the legislature, the President, and the Cabinet are five years. Voting occurred in all constituencies, excluding seats appointed by the military, to select Members of Assembly to seats in both the upper house (the House of Nationalities) and the lower house (the House of Representatives) of the Assembly of the Union, and State and Region","Document [20](Title: Elections in Sri Lanka) Elections in Sri Lanka Elections in Sri Lanka gives information on election and election results in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The Parliament has 225 members, elected for a five-year term, 196 members elected in multi-seat constituencies through proportional representation system where each party is allocated a number of seats from the quota for each district according to the proportion of the total vote that party obtains in the district. The other 29 which is"],"query":"who is directly elected according to the constitution?","answers":["senators"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: National Assembly (Burundi)) president of the republic. He took office on 26 August 2005. National Assembly (Burundi) The National Assembly is the lower chamber of Parliament in Burundi. It consists of 100 directly elected members (or deputies) and between 18 and 21 co-opted members who serve five-year terms. Deputies are elected in 17 multi-member constituencies using a party-list proportional representation system in accordance with the d'Hondt method. Political parties and lists of independent candidates must receive over 2% of the vote nationally to gain representation in the National Assembly. As a country that has been devastated by civil war and persistent ethnic violence","Document [2](Title: Elections in Namibia) Elections in Namibia Elections in Namibia gives information on election and election results in Namibia. Namibia elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The Parliament is bicameral in nature. Until 2014 the National Assembly had 78 members of which 72 were elected by direct popular vote using the proportional representation and a maximum of 6 non-voting members are appointed by the president. The members are elected for a five-year term. Since then the number of elected seats to the National Assembly","Document [3](Title: Elections in Zimbabwe) Elections in Zimbabwe The Zimbabwe government consists of an elected head of state, the president, and a legislature. The presidential term lasts for 5 years, and is elected by majority, with a second round if no candidate receives a majority in the first round. The Parliament is bicameral, consisting of the House of Assembly and Senate. Following the 2013 constitution, the House of Assembly has 270 members. 210 are elected for five-year terms by single-member constituencies. Furthermore, the constitution specifies that for the two first parliaments, there are 60 additional seats reserved for women, 6 seats per province, which are","Document [4](Title: Elections in Burundi) Elections in Burundi Elections in Burundi gives information on election and election results in Burundi. Burundi elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The National Assembly (\"Assembl\u00e9e nationale\") has 118 members, elected for a five-year term by proportional representation with a 2% barrier. The Senate (\"S\u00e9nat\") has 49 members, elected for a five-year term by electoral colleges of communal councilors. Extra seats in both chambers can be added to ensure that ethnic and gender quotas are met. Burundi has a multi-party system, with two or three strong parties and a third party","Document [5](Title: Elections in Belarus) Independent States (CIS) recognised the election as legitimate. Elections in Belarus Belarus elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The National Assembly (\"\u041d\u0430\u0446\u044b\u044f\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b \u0441\u0445\u043e\u0434\", \"Nacyyanal'ny skhod\") has two chambers. The House of Representatives (\"\u041f\u0430\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0430\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0430\u045e\u043d\u0456\u043a\u043e\u045e\", \"Palata Pradstawnikow\") has 110 members elected in single-seat constituencies elected for a four-year term. The Council of the Republic (\"\u0421\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0442 \u0440\u044d\u0441\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0456\u043a\u0456\", \"Saviet Respubliki\") has 64 members, 56 members indirectly elected and eight members appointed by the president. Belarus is a state in which the president, currently","Document [6](Title: 2011 Argentine provincial elections) members of the provincial Judiciary Council. The ticket for Governor and Vice-Governor is elected by simple majority on a direct election, for a 4-year period. They can be re-elected for a single consecutive time, either in the same order or in alternating positions. The unicameral legislature, the Chamber of Deputies, is renewed every four years. The provincial deputies can be re-elected. The legislative election is direct in a single district: the most voted party gains 16 seats (60%) and the remaining 11 seats are proportionally divided among the following party lists, by D'Hondt method, without threshold. The main candidates for","Document [7](Title: Politics of Albania) four-year term on the basis of direct, universal, periodic and equal suffrage by secret ballot. As of Article 45 of the Constitution, which guarantees the right to vote, the People of Albania exercise their power through their elected representatives in the Parliament. When the Parliament is elected, the first session shall be held no later than 20 days after the completion of elections with the President as the speaker. There are 15 permanent committees. Extraordinary meets can be called by the President, by the Chairperson of the Parliament, by the Prime Minister or by the one fifth of the members.","Document [8](Title: Constitution of Ivory Coast) direct universal suffrage for a 5-year term concurrently with the president. It passes on legislation typically introduced by the president, although it also can introduce legislation. The judicial system culminates in the Supreme Court. The High Court of Justice is competent to try government officials for major offenses. There is also an independent Constitutional Council which has seven members appointed by the president that is responsible for, amongst other duties, the determination of candidate eligibility in presidential and legislative elections, the announcement of final election results, the conduct of referendums, and the constitutionality of legislation. Ivory Coast is divided into","Document [9](Title: Elections in Lithuania) in the parliament and coalition governments are common. The head of the state - the president - is elected to a five-year term in a majority vote, with the president eligible for up to two terms in office. More than 1500 municipal council members are elected in local elections to four-year terms, with the majority of the seats allocated using proportional representation and the mayors elected directly by residents in a majority vote. The Lithuanian representatives in the European Parliament, currently numbering 11, are elected using proportional representation every five years. 12 referendums have been organized in Lithuania, initiated by","Document [10](Title: Elections in Uzbekistan) Elections in Uzbekistan Uzbekistan elects on national level a head of state \u2013 the president \u2013 and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The Supreme Assembly (\"Oliy Majlis\") has 150 members in the Legislative Chamber, elected for a five-year terms and 100 members in the Senate; 84 members elected at the sessions of district, regional and city deputies, and 16 members appointed by the president. Most parties are excluded. Uzbekistan is a state dominated by the supporters of a head of state \u2013 the president. Opposition parties are allowed, but are widely considered","Document [11](Title: Elections in the Netherlands) The elections for the Island councils for the special municipalities of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba take place at the same date as the provincial elections; for the first time in 2015. The Senate is elected indirectly, by the provincial councillors (who are themselves chosen in direct elections). It is composed as follows: The 2014 Dutch municipal election saw a success for local parties, who increased their share to 30% of the votes. The Christian Democratic Appeal remained the largest party nationally, earning 14% of the votes. D66 and SP also saw significant rises compared to the 2010 elections, getting","Document [12](Title: National Assembly (Burundi)) National Assembly (Burundi) The National Assembly is the lower chamber of Parliament in Burundi. It consists of 100 directly elected members (or deputies) and between 18 and 21 co-opted members who serve five-year terms. Deputies are elected in 17 multi-member constituencies using a party-list proportional representation system in accordance with the d'Hondt method. Political parties and lists of independent candidates must receive over 2% of the vote nationally to gain representation in the National Assembly. As a country that has been devastated by civil war and persistent ethnic violence since its independence in 1962, Burundi's new constitution (approved in a","Document [13](Title: Constitution of Vanuatu) the Prime Minister directly elected by Parliament; the Supreme Court; and the Court of Appeal. Bislama, English, and French are declared to be the country's \"official languages\", with English and French as the \"principal languages of education\". The electoral franchise is guaranteed as \"universal, equal and secret\", and in principle is extended to all adults aged 18 years or older. Members of the National Council of Chiefs are to be \"elected by their peers\". An unusual feature of the Constitution is that the President is elected by an electoral college, made up of members of Parliament and the chairpersons of","Document [14](Title: Constitution of Italy) is elected by direct and universal suffrage by voters over the age of eighteen. There are 630 deputies, twelve of which are elected in the overseas constituencies, while the number of seats among the other electoral districts is obtained by dividing the number of citizens residing in the territory of the Republic by six hundred eighteen and by distributing the seats proportionally to the population in every electoral district, on the basis of whole shares and highest remainders. All voters over the age of twenty-five are eligible to be deputies. The Senate of the Republic is elected by direct and","Document [15](Title: Elections in Bulgaria) Elections in Bulgaria Bulgaria elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term directly by the people. The National Assembly (\"Narodno Sabranie\") has 240 members, elected for a four-year term by proportional representation in multi-seat constituencies with a 4% threshold. Bulgaria has a multi-party system, in which no one party often has a chance of gaining power alone, and parties must work with each to form governments. Parliamentary elections have been held in Bulgaria since 1879. There was a period when partisan politics was banned from","Document [16](Title: 2019 Panamanian general election) 2019 Panamanian general election General elections are scheduled to be held in Panama on 5 May 2019. Due to constitutional term limits, Incumbent President Juan Carlos Varela will be ineligible for a second consecutive term. Of the 71 members of the National Assembly, 26 will be elected in single-member constituencies and 45 by proportional representation in multi-member constituencies. Each district with more than 40,000 inhabitants forms a constituency. Constituencies elect one MP for every 30,000 residents and an additional representative for every fraction over 10,000. In single-member constituencies MPs are elected using the first-past-the-post system. In multi-member constituencies MPs are","Document [17](Title: Elections in Belarus) Elections in Belarus Belarus elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The National Assembly (\"\u041d\u0430\u0446\u044b\u044f\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b \u0441\u0445\u043e\u0434\", \"Nacyyanal'ny skhod\") has two chambers. The House of Representatives (\"\u041f\u0430\u043b\u0430\u0442\u0430 \u043f\u0440\u0430\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0430\u045e\u043d\u0456\u043a\u043e\u045e\", \"Palata Pradstawnikow\") has 110 members elected in single-seat constituencies elected for a four-year term. The Council of the Republic (\"\u0421\u0430\u0432\u0435\u0442 \u0440\u044d\u0441\u043f\u0443\u0431\u043b\u0456\u043a\u0456\", \"Saviet Respubliki\") has 64 members, 56 members indirectly elected and eight members appointed by the president. Belarus is a state in which the president, currently Alexander Lukashenko, dominates. Opposition parties are allowed, but","Document [18](Title: Elections in Myanmar) Elections in Myanmar Myanmar is a unitary republic, with elected representatives at the national and, state or region levels. On the national level, the head of state, the President, is elected indirectly through an Electoral College. According to the 2008 constitution, the term durations of the legislature, the President, and the Cabinet are five years. Voting occurred in all constituencies, excluding seats appointed by the military, to select Members of Assembly to seats in both the upper house (the House of Nationalities) and the lower house (the House of Representatives) of the Assembly of the Union, and State and Region","Document [19](Title: Elections in Sri Lanka) Elections in Sri Lanka Elections in Sri Lanka gives information on election and election results in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka elects on national level a head of state - the president - and a legislature. The president is elected for a five-year term by the people. The Parliament has 225 members, elected for a five-year term, 196 members elected in multi-seat constituencies through proportional representation system where each party is allocated a number of seats from the quota for each district according to the proportion of the total vote that party obtains in the district. The other 29 which is","Document [20](Title: Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution) In 1911, the House of Representatives passed House Joint Resolution 39 proposing a constitutional amendment for direct election of senators. The original resolution passed by the House contained the following clause:"],"query":"who is directly elected according to the constitution?","answers":["senators"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Pledge of Allegiance (United States)) the Flag of the United States and the republic of the United States of America. It was originally composed by Captain George Thatcher Balch, a Union Army Officer during the Civil War and later a teacher of patriotism in New York City schools. The form of the pledge used today was largely devised by Francis Bellamy in 1892, and formally adopted by Congress as the pledge in 1942. The official name of The Pledge of Allegiance was adopted in 1945. The most recent alteration of its wording came on Flag Day in 1954, when the words \"under God\" were added.","Document [2](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) the phrase \"under God\" violates protections against the establishment of religion guaranteed in the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. In 2004, linguist Geoffrey Nunberg said the original supporters of the addition thought that they were simply quoting Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, but to Lincoln and his contemporaries, \"under God\" meant \"God willing\", so they would have found its use in the Pledge of Allegiance grammatically incorrect and semantically odd. Prominent legal challenges were brought in the 1930s and 1940s by Jehovah's Witnesses, a denomination whose beliefs preclude swearing loyalty to any power other than God, and who objected to policies","Document [3](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) not confuse loyalties between their birth countries and the US. The words \"of America\" were added a year later. Congress officially recognized the Pledge for the first time, in the following form, on June 22, 1942: Louis Albert Bowman, an attorney from Illinois, was the first to suggest the addition of \"under God\" to the pledge. The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution gave him an Award of Merit as the originator of this idea. He spent his adult life in the Chicago area and was chaplain of the Illinois Society of the Sons of the American","Document [4](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) Revolution. At a meeting on February 12, 1948, he led the society in reciting the pledge with the two words \"under God\" added. He said that the words came from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Although not all manuscript versions of the Gettysburg Address contain the words \"under God\", all the reporters' transcripts of the speech as delivered do, as perhaps Lincoln may have deviated from his prepared text and inserted the phrase when he said \"that the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom.\" Bowman repeated his revised version of the Pledge at other meetings. In 1951, the","Document [5](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) Knights of Columbus, the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization, also began including the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance. In New York City, on April 30, 1951, the board of directors of the Knights of Columbus adopted a resolution to amend the text of their Pledge of Allegiance at the opening of each of the meetings of the 800 Fourth Degree Assemblies of the Knights of Columbus by addition of the words \"under God\" after the words \"one nation.\" Over the next two years, the idea spread throughout Knights of Columbus organizations nationwide. On August 21, 1952,","Document [6](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) upheld the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance in the case of \"Newdow v. Rio Linda Union School District\". In a 2\u20131 decision, the appellate court ruled that the words were of a \"ceremonial and patriotic nature\" and did not constitute an establishment of religion. Judge Stephen Reinhardt dissented, writing that \"the state-directed, teacher-led daily recitation in public schools of the amended 'under God' version of the Pledge of Allegiance... violates the Establishment Clause of the Constitution.\" On November 12, 2010, in a unanimous decision, the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Boston affirmed","Document [7](Title: Becket Fund for Religious Liberty) Both cases were resolved in favor of the current Pledge language. Most recently the Becket Fund helped the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District in New Jersey. A group of atheists challenged the words \"under God\" who considered the phrase a violation of the Establishment Clause. The case was taken to the Superior Court of New Jersey where the phrase \"under God\" was once again ruled constitutional. The atheist group did not appeal. Another Becket Fund client is a mosque in Murfreesboro, Tennessee that was denied the right to use its building by a local court after complaints that the mosque was","Document [8](Title: In God We Trust) School District brought by a student of the district and the American Humanist Association that argued that the phrase \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance created a climate of discrimination because it promoted religion, making non-believers \"second-class citizens\". He noted; \"As a matter of historical tradition, the words 'under God' can no more be expunged from the national consciousness than the words 'In God We Trust' from every coin in the land, than the words 'so help me God' from every presidential oath since 1789, or than the prayer that has opened every congressional session of legislative business since","Document [9](Title: Pledge Protection Act) of his daughter, promised to appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The first decision of the Ninth Circuit was handed down on June 26, 2002, declaring that the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance violated the Establishment Clause. The 'Pledge Protection Act' would be introduced into the House of Representatives for the first time on July 8, 2002, as part of the 107th Congress. Had the bill been successfully enacted into law, the decision of the Ninth Circuit would have stood, and the inclusion of \"under God\" in the Pledge remained unconstitutional. The law would have","Document [10](Title: Criticism of the Pledge of Allegiance) the dedication of our Nation and our people to the Almighty.\" The matter of the Pledge's constitutionality simmered for decades below the public eye. In 1992, the Chicago-based Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals decided the first challenge to the constitutionality of the words \"under God\", ruling in \"Sherman v. Community Consolidated School District 21\" that the use of the words \"under God\" in the Pledge did not violate the Establishment Clause. On June 26, 2002, in a case (\"Newdow v. United States Congress\") brought by an atheist father objecting to the Pledge being taught in his daughter's school, the Ninth","Document [11](Title: Michael Newdow) states was filed on behalf of his daughter against inclusion of the words \"under God\" in public schools' recitals of the United States' Pledge of Allegiance. The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit found that the phrase constitutes an endorsement of religion, and therefore violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. However, the decision was later overruled by the Supreme Court of the United States on procedural grounds, citing that Newdow did not have custody of his daughter and therefore did not have the right to bring suit on her behalf,","Document [12](Title: Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow) the Endorsement Test, and the Coercion Test. In doing so, the Court concluded recitation of the Pledge with the words \"under God\" included violated the Establishment Clause. Fernandez asserted in his partial dissent that the religious content of the \"under God\" addition is so small that it is de minimis\u2014so trivial as to be properly beneath judicial notice. Public and congressional reaction to the Ninth Circuit's decision was decidedly negative. About 150 Members of Congress stood on the front steps of the Capitol and recited the Pledge including the words \"under God\"; and the Senate passed a non-binding resolution affirming","Document [13](Title: Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow) in March 2000 against the Elk Grove Unified School District. Newdow sued as the \"next friend\" on behalf of his daughter, who was enrolled in the Elk Grove public schools. He said the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance amounted to an unconstitutional establishment of religion and that, as such, the daily recitation of the Pledge with the offending words interfered with his right to inculcate his daughter with his religious beliefs. U.S. Magistrate Judge Peter A. Nowinski found the Pledge was constitutional. The District Court accepted the magistrate's finding and dismissed the case on June 21, 2000.","Document [14](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) in public schools requiring students to swear an oath to the flag. They said requiring the pledge violated their freedom of religion guaranteed by the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. The first case was in 1935, when two children, Lillian and William Gobitas, ages ten and twelve, were expelled from the Minersville, Pennsylvania, public schools that year for failing to salute the flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. In a 2002 case brought by atheist Michael Newdow, whose daughter was being taught the Pledge in school, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the phrase \"under God\"","Document [15](Title: Michael Newdow) pledge is unconstitutional when recited in public schools. On March 11, 2010, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance in the case of \"Newdow v. Rio Linda Union School District\". On page 60 of the ruling the court writes: \"We hold that the California Education Code - 52720 and the School District's policy having teachers lead students in the recitation of the Pledge, and having those who do not wish to participate do so with impunity, do not violate the Establishment Clause. Therefore we reverse the decision","Document [16](Title: Criticism of the Pledge of Allegiance) Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled the addition of \"under God\" an unconstitutional endorsement of monotheism. Shortly after the ruling's release, Judge Alfred T. Goodwin, author of the opinion in the 2\u20131 ruling, signed an order staying its enforcement until the full Ninth Circuit court could decide whether to hear an appeal. The day after the ruling, the Senate voted in favor of the Pledge as it stood. The House followed suit, accepting a similar resolution. The Senate vote was 99\u20130 (Senator Jesse Helms could not attend, but had been expected to vote \"yes\"); the House 416\u20133 with","Document [17](Title: Michael Newdow) three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit to remove both \"under God\" from the Pledge of Allegiance (Roe v. Rio Linda Union School District), and \"In God We Trust\" from United States currency. The Ninth Circuit rejected Newdow's challenge. In a decision published March 11, 2010, the court held that its earlier decision in \"Aronow\", which \"held the national motto is of a \"patriotic or ceremonial character,\" has no \"theological or ritualistic impact,\" and does not constitute \"governmental sponsorship of a religious exercise,\" foreclosed Newdow's argument. In an opinion concurring only in the judgment, even the extremely liberal Judge Stephen Reinhardt","Document [18](Title: Secular movement) advocates for more prayer and religion in American government. As America's secular demographic has grown and become more visible and active, a number of lawsuits have been brought to challenge references to God and religion in government. These cases have had limited success. In 2002, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the inclusion of the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance violated the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution. That ruling was overturned by the United States Supreme Court in \"Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow\", 542 U.S. 1 (2004). The Supreme Court ruled","Document [19](Title: Australian nationality law) wording was available in the form of a non-religious Affirmation for those who preferred. In 1986 the wording was changed to: In 1994 the Oath was replaced with a Pledge of Commitment to Australia: All new citizens have the choice of making the pledge with (Pledge 1) or without (Pledge 2) the words 'under God'. There are cases where citizens need to show documentary evidence of their citizenship. Employers are required to check working rights when providing a job, so an Australian citizen needs to show evidence of their citizenship. According to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection this","Document [20](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) exercise. In February 2015 New Jersey Superior Court Judge David F. Bauman dismissed a lawsuit, ruling that \"\u2026 the Pledge of Allegiance does not violate the rights of those who don't believe in God and does not have to be removed from the patriotic message.\" The case against the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District had been brought by a student of the district and the American Humanist Association that argued that the phrase \"under God\" in the pledge created a climate of discrimination because it promoted religion, making non-believers \"second-class citizens.\" In a twenty-one page decision, Bauman wrote, \"Under [the association"],"query":"when were the words under god added to the pledge?","answers":["on Flag Day in 1954","1954","Flag Day in 1954"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) the phrase \"under God\" violates protections against the establishment of religion guaranteed in the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. In 2004, linguist Geoffrey Nunberg said the original supporters of the addition thought that they were simply quoting Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, but to Lincoln and his contemporaries, \"under God\" meant \"God willing\", so they would have found its use in the Pledge of Allegiance grammatically incorrect and semantically odd. Prominent legal challenges were brought in the 1930s and 1940s by Jehovah's Witnesses, a denomination whose beliefs preclude swearing loyalty to any power other than God, and who objected to policies","Document [2](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) not confuse loyalties between their birth countries and the US. The words \"of America\" were added a year later. Congress officially recognized the Pledge for the first time, in the following form, on June 22, 1942: Louis Albert Bowman, an attorney from Illinois, was the first to suggest the addition of \"under God\" to the pledge. The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution gave him an Award of Merit as the originator of this idea. He spent his adult life in the Chicago area and was chaplain of the Illinois Society of the Sons of the American","Document [3](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) Revolution. At a meeting on February 12, 1948, he led the society in reciting the pledge with the two words \"under God\" added. He said that the words came from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Although not all manuscript versions of the Gettysburg Address contain the words \"under God\", all the reporters' transcripts of the speech as delivered do, as perhaps Lincoln may have deviated from his prepared text and inserted the phrase when he said \"that the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom.\" Bowman repeated his revised version of the Pledge at other meetings. In 1951, the","Document [4](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) Knights of Columbus, the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization, also began including the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance. In New York City, on April 30, 1951, the board of directors of the Knights of Columbus adopted a resolution to amend the text of their Pledge of Allegiance at the opening of each of the meetings of the 800 Fourth Degree Assemblies of the Knights of Columbus by addition of the words \"under God\" after the words \"one nation.\" Over the next two years, the idea spread throughout Knights of Columbus organizations nationwide. On August 21, 1952,","Document [5](Title: Pledge of Allegiance (United States)) the Flag of the United States and the republic of the United States of America. It was originally composed by Captain George Thatcher Balch, a Union Army Officer during the Civil War and later a teacher of patriotism in New York City schools. The form of the pledge used today was largely devised by Francis Bellamy in 1892, and formally adopted by Congress as the pledge in 1942. The official name of The Pledge of Allegiance was adopted in 1945. The most recent alteration of its wording came on Flag Day in 1954, when the words \"under God\" were added.","Document [6](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) upheld the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance in the case of \"Newdow v. Rio Linda Union School District\". In a 2\u20131 decision, the appellate court ruled that the words were of a \"ceremonial and patriotic nature\" and did not constitute an establishment of religion. Judge Stephen Reinhardt dissented, writing that \"the state-directed, teacher-led daily recitation in public schools of the amended 'under God' version of the Pledge of Allegiance... violates the Establishment Clause of the Constitution.\" On November 12, 2010, in a unanimous decision, the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Boston affirmed","Document [7](Title: Becket Fund for Religious Liberty) Both cases were resolved in favor of the current Pledge language. Most recently the Becket Fund helped the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District in New Jersey. A group of atheists challenged the words \"under God\" who considered the phrase a violation of the Establishment Clause. The case was taken to the Superior Court of New Jersey where the phrase \"under God\" was once again ruled constitutional. The atheist group did not appeal. Another Becket Fund client is a mosque in Murfreesboro, Tennessee that was denied the right to use its building by a local court after complaints that the mosque was","Document [8](Title: In God We Trust) School District brought by a student of the district and the American Humanist Association that argued that the phrase \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance created a climate of discrimination because it promoted religion, making non-believers \"second-class citizens\". He noted; \"As a matter of historical tradition, the words 'under God' can no more be expunged from the national consciousness than the words 'In God We Trust' from every coin in the land, than the words 'so help me God' from every presidential oath since 1789, or than the prayer that has opened every congressional session of legislative business since","Document [9](Title: Pledge Protection Act) of his daughter, promised to appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The first decision of the Ninth Circuit was handed down on June 26, 2002, declaring that the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance violated the Establishment Clause. The 'Pledge Protection Act' would be introduced into the House of Representatives for the first time on July 8, 2002, as part of the 107th Congress. Had the bill been successfully enacted into law, the decision of the Ninth Circuit would have stood, and the inclusion of \"under God\" in the Pledge remained unconstitutional. The law would have","Document [10](Title: Criticism of the Pledge of Allegiance) the dedication of our Nation and our people to the Almighty.\" The matter of the Pledge's constitutionality simmered for decades below the public eye. In 1992, the Chicago-based Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals decided the first challenge to the constitutionality of the words \"under God\", ruling in \"Sherman v. Community Consolidated School District 21\" that the use of the words \"under God\" in the Pledge did not violate the Establishment Clause. On June 26, 2002, in a case (\"Newdow v. United States Congress\") brought by an atheist father objecting to the Pledge being taught in his daughter's school, the Ninth","Document [11](Title: Michael Newdow) states was filed on behalf of his daughter against inclusion of the words \"under God\" in public schools' recitals of the United States' Pledge of Allegiance. The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit found that the phrase constitutes an endorsement of religion, and therefore violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. However, the decision was later overruled by the Supreme Court of the United States on procedural grounds, citing that Newdow did not have custody of his daughter and therefore did not have the right to bring suit on her behalf,","Document [12](Title: Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow) the Endorsement Test, and the Coercion Test. In doing so, the Court concluded recitation of the Pledge with the words \"under God\" included violated the Establishment Clause. Fernandez asserted in his partial dissent that the religious content of the \"under God\" addition is so small that it is de minimis\u2014so trivial as to be properly beneath judicial notice. Public and congressional reaction to the Ninth Circuit's decision was decidedly negative. About 150 Members of Congress stood on the front steps of the Capitol and recited the Pledge including the words \"under God\"; and the Senate passed a non-binding resolution affirming","Document [13](Title: Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow) in March 2000 against the Elk Grove Unified School District. Newdow sued as the \"next friend\" on behalf of his daughter, who was enrolled in the Elk Grove public schools. He said the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance amounted to an unconstitutional establishment of religion and that, as such, the daily recitation of the Pledge with the offending words interfered with his right to inculcate his daughter with his religious beliefs. U.S. Magistrate Judge Peter A. Nowinski found the Pledge was constitutional. The District Court accepted the magistrate's finding and dismissed the case on June 21, 2000.","Document [14](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) in public schools requiring students to swear an oath to the flag. They said requiring the pledge violated their freedom of religion guaranteed by the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. The first case was in 1935, when two children, Lillian and William Gobitas, ages ten and twelve, were expelled from the Minersville, Pennsylvania, public schools that year for failing to salute the flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. In a 2002 case brought by atheist Michael Newdow, whose daughter was being taught the Pledge in school, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the phrase \"under God\"","Document [15](Title: Michael Newdow) pledge is unconstitutional when recited in public schools. On March 11, 2010, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance in the case of \"Newdow v. Rio Linda Union School District\". On page 60 of the ruling the court writes: \"We hold that the California Education Code - 52720 and the School District's policy having teachers lead students in the recitation of the Pledge, and having those who do not wish to participate do so with impunity, do not violate the Establishment Clause. Therefore we reverse the decision","Document [16](Title: Criticism of the Pledge of Allegiance) Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled the addition of \"under God\" an unconstitutional endorsement of monotheism. Shortly after the ruling's release, Judge Alfred T. Goodwin, author of the opinion in the 2\u20131 ruling, signed an order staying its enforcement until the full Ninth Circuit court could decide whether to hear an appeal. The day after the ruling, the Senate voted in favor of the Pledge as it stood. The House followed suit, accepting a similar resolution. The Senate vote was 99\u20130 (Senator Jesse Helms could not attend, but had been expected to vote \"yes\"); the House 416\u20133 with","Document [17](Title: Michael Newdow) three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit to remove both \"under God\" from the Pledge of Allegiance (Roe v. Rio Linda Union School District), and \"In God We Trust\" from United States currency. The Ninth Circuit rejected Newdow's challenge. In a decision published March 11, 2010, the court held that its earlier decision in \"Aronow\", which \"held the national motto is of a \"patriotic or ceremonial character,\" has no \"theological or ritualistic impact,\" and does not constitute \"governmental sponsorship of a religious exercise,\" foreclosed Newdow's argument. In an opinion concurring only in the judgment, even the extremely liberal Judge Stephen Reinhardt","Document [18](Title: Secular movement) advocates for more prayer and religion in American government. As America's secular demographic has grown and become more visible and active, a number of lawsuits have been brought to challenge references to God and religion in government. These cases have had limited success. In 2002, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the inclusion of the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance violated the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution. That ruling was overturned by the United States Supreme Court in \"Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow\", 542 U.S. 1 (2004). The Supreme Court ruled","Document [19](Title: Australian nationality law) wording was available in the form of a non-religious Affirmation for those who preferred. In 1986 the wording was changed to: In 1994 the Oath was replaced with a Pledge of Commitment to Australia: All new citizens have the choice of making the pledge with (Pledge 1) or without (Pledge 2) the words 'under God'. There are cases where citizens need to show documentary evidence of their citizenship. Employers are required to check working rights when providing a job, so an Australian citizen needs to show evidence of their citizenship. According to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection this","Document [20](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) exercise. In February 2015 New Jersey Superior Court Judge David F. Bauman dismissed a lawsuit, ruling that \"\u2026 the Pledge of Allegiance does not violate the rights of those who don't believe in God and does not have to be removed from the patriotic message.\" The case against the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District had been brought by a student of the district and the American Humanist Association that argued that the phrase \"under God\" in the pledge created a climate of discrimination because it promoted religion, making non-believers \"second-class citizens.\" In a twenty-one page decision, Bauman wrote, \"Under [the association"],"query":"when were the words under god added to the pledge?","answers":["on Flag Day in 1954","1954","Flag Day in 1954"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) the phrase \"under God\" violates protections against the establishment of religion guaranteed in the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. In 2004, linguist Geoffrey Nunberg said the original supporters of the addition thought that they were simply quoting Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, but to Lincoln and his contemporaries, \"under God\" meant \"God willing\", so they would have found its use in the Pledge of Allegiance grammatically incorrect and semantically odd. Prominent legal challenges were brought in the 1930s and 1940s by Jehovah's Witnesses, a denomination whose beliefs preclude swearing loyalty to any power other than God, and who objected to policies","Document [2](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) not confuse loyalties between their birth countries and the US. The words \"of America\" were added a year later. Congress officially recognized the Pledge for the first time, in the following form, on June 22, 1942: Louis Albert Bowman, an attorney from Illinois, was the first to suggest the addition of \"under God\" to the pledge. The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution gave him an Award of Merit as the originator of this idea. He spent his adult life in the Chicago area and was chaplain of the Illinois Society of the Sons of the American","Document [3](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) Revolution. At a meeting on February 12, 1948, he led the society in reciting the pledge with the two words \"under God\" added. He said that the words came from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Although not all manuscript versions of the Gettysburg Address contain the words \"under God\", all the reporters' transcripts of the speech as delivered do, as perhaps Lincoln may have deviated from his prepared text and inserted the phrase when he said \"that the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom.\" Bowman repeated his revised version of the Pledge at other meetings. In 1951, the","Document [4](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) Knights of Columbus, the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization, also began including the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance. In New York City, on April 30, 1951, the board of directors of the Knights of Columbus adopted a resolution to amend the text of their Pledge of Allegiance at the opening of each of the meetings of the 800 Fourth Degree Assemblies of the Knights of Columbus by addition of the words \"under God\" after the words \"one nation.\" Over the next two years, the idea spread throughout Knights of Columbus organizations nationwide. On August 21, 1952,","Document [5](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) upheld the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance in the case of \"Newdow v. Rio Linda Union School District\". In a 2\u20131 decision, the appellate court ruled that the words were of a \"ceremonial and patriotic nature\" and did not constitute an establishment of religion. Judge Stephen Reinhardt dissented, writing that \"the state-directed, teacher-led daily recitation in public schools of the amended 'under God' version of the Pledge of Allegiance... violates the Establishment Clause of the Constitution.\" On November 12, 2010, in a unanimous decision, the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Boston affirmed","Document [6](Title: Becket Fund for Religious Liberty) Both cases were resolved in favor of the current Pledge language. Most recently the Becket Fund helped the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District in New Jersey. A group of atheists challenged the words \"under God\" who considered the phrase a violation of the Establishment Clause. The case was taken to the Superior Court of New Jersey where the phrase \"under God\" was once again ruled constitutional. The atheist group did not appeal. Another Becket Fund client is a mosque in Murfreesboro, Tennessee that was denied the right to use its building by a local court after complaints that the mosque was","Document [7](Title: In God We Trust) School District brought by a student of the district and the American Humanist Association that argued that the phrase \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance created a climate of discrimination because it promoted religion, making non-believers \"second-class citizens\". He noted; \"As a matter of historical tradition, the words 'under God' can no more be expunged from the national consciousness than the words 'In God We Trust' from every coin in the land, than the words 'so help me God' from every presidential oath since 1789, or than the prayer that has opened every congressional session of legislative business since","Document [8](Title: Pledge Protection Act) of his daughter, promised to appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The first decision of the Ninth Circuit was handed down on June 26, 2002, declaring that the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance violated the Establishment Clause. The 'Pledge Protection Act' would be introduced into the House of Representatives for the first time on July 8, 2002, as part of the 107th Congress. Had the bill been successfully enacted into law, the decision of the Ninth Circuit would have stood, and the inclusion of \"under God\" in the Pledge remained unconstitutional. The law would have","Document [9](Title: Criticism of the Pledge of Allegiance) the dedication of our Nation and our people to the Almighty.\" The matter of the Pledge's constitutionality simmered for decades below the public eye. In 1992, the Chicago-based Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals decided the first challenge to the constitutionality of the words \"under God\", ruling in \"Sherman v. Community Consolidated School District 21\" that the use of the words \"under God\" in the Pledge did not violate the Establishment Clause. On June 26, 2002, in a case (\"Newdow v. United States Congress\") brought by an atheist father objecting to the Pledge being taught in his daughter's school, the Ninth","Document [10](Title: Pledge of Allegiance (United States)) the Flag of the United States and the republic of the United States of America. It was originally composed by Captain George Thatcher Balch, a Union Army Officer during the Civil War and later a teacher of patriotism in New York City schools. The form of the pledge used today was largely devised by Francis Bellamy in 1892, and formally adopted by Congress as the pledge in 1942. The official name of The Pledge of Allegiance was adopted in 1945. The most recent alteration of its wording came on Flag Day in 1954, when the words \"under God\" were added.","Document [11](Title: Michael Newdow) states was filed on behalf of his daughter against inclusion of the words \"under God\" in public schools' recitals of the United States' Pledge of Allegiance. The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit found that the phrase constitutes an endorsement of religion, and therefore violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. However, the decision was later overruled by the Supreme Court of the United States on procedural grounds, citing that Newdow did not have custody of his daughter and therefore did not have the right to bring suit on her behalf,","Document [12](Title: Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow) the Endorsement Test, and the Coercion Test. In doing so, the Court concluded recitation of the Pledge with the words \"under God\" included violated the Establishment Clause. Fernandez asserted in his partial dissent that the religious content of the \"under God\" addition is so small that it is de minimis\u2014so trivial as to be properly beneath judicial notice. Public and congressional reaction to the Ninth Circuit's decision was decidedly negative. About 150 Members of Congress stood on the front steps of the Capitol and recited the Pledge including the words \"under God\"; and the Senate passed a non-binding resolution affirming","Document [13](Title: Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow) in March 2000 against the Elk Grove Unified School District. Newdow sued as the \"next friend\" on behalf of his daughter, who was enrolled in the Elk Grove public schools. He said the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance amounted to an unconstitutional establishment of religion and that, as such, the daily recitation of the Pledge with the offending words interfered with his right to inculcate his daughter with his religious beliefs. U.S. Magistrate Judge Peter A. Nowinski found the Pledge was constitutional. The District Court accepted the magistrate's finding and dismissed the case on June 21, 2000.","Document [14](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) in public schools requiring students to swear an oath to the flag. They said requiring the pledge violated their freedom of religion guaranteed by the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. The first case was in 1935, when two children, Lillian and William Gobitas, ages ten and twelve, were expelled from the Minersville, Pennsylvania, public schools that year for failing to salute the flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. In a 2002 case brought by atheist Michael Newdow, whose daughter was being taught the Pledge in school, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the phrase \"under God\"","Document [15](Title: Michael Newdow) pledge is unconstitutional when recited in public schools. On March 11, 2010, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance in the case of \"Newdow v. Rio Linda Union School District\". On page 60 of the ruling the court writes: \"We hold that the California Education Code - 52720 and the School District's policy having teachers lead students in the recitation of the Pledge, and having those who do not wish to participate do so with impunity, do not violate the Establishment Clause. Therefore we reverse the decision","Document [16](Title: Criticism of the Pledge of Allegiance) Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled the addition of \"under God\" an unconstitutional endorsement of monotheism. Shortly after the ruling's release, Judge Alfred T. Goodwin, author of the opinion in the 2\u20131 ruling, signed an order staying its enforcement until the full Ninth Circuit court could decide whether to hear an appeal. The day after the ruling, the Senate voted in favor of the Pledge as it stood. The House followed suit, accepting a similar resolution. The Senate vote was 99\u20130 (Senator Jesse Helms could not attend, but had been expected to vote \"yes\"); the House 416\u20133 with","Document [17](Title: Michael Newdow) three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit to remove both \"under God\" from the Pledge of Allegiance (Roe v. Rio Linda Union School District), and \"In God We Trust\" from United States currency. The Ninth Circuit rejected Newdow's challenge. In a decision published March 11, 2010, the court held that its earlier decision in \"Aronow\", which \"held the national motto is of a \"patriotic or ceremonial character,\" has no \"theological or ritualistic impact,\" and does not constitute \"governmental sponsorship of a religious exercise,\" foreclosed Newdow's argument. In an opinion concurring only in the judgment, even the extremely liberal Judge Stephen Reinhardt","Document [18](Title: Secular movement) advocates for more prayer and religion in American government. As America's secular demographic has grown and become more visible and active, a number of lawsuits have been brought to challenge references to God and religion in government. These cases have had limited success. In 2002, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the inclusion of the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance violated the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution. That ruling was overturned by the United States Supreme Court in \"Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow\", 542 U.S. 1 (2004). The Supreme Court ruled","Document [19](Title: Australian nationality law) wording was available in the form of a non-religious Affirmation for those who preferred. In 1986 the wording was changed to: In 1994 the Oath was replaced with a Pledge of Commitment to Australia: All new citizens have the choice of making the pledge with (Pledge 1) or without (Pledge 2) the words 'under God'. There are cases where citizens need to show documentary evidence of their citizenship. Employers are required to check working rights when providing a job, so an Australian citizen needs to show evidence of their citizenship. According to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection this","Document [20](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) exercise. In February 2015 New Jersey Superior Court Judge David F. Bauman dismissed a lawsuit, ruling that \"\u2026 the Pledge of Allegiance does not violate the rights of those who don't believe in God and does not have to be removed from the patriotic message.\" The case against the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District had been brought by a student of the district and the American Humanist Association that argued that the phrase \"under God\" in the pledge created a climate of discrimination because it promoted religion, making non-believers \"second-class citizens.\" In a twenty-one page decision, Bauman wrote, \"Under [the association"],"query":"when were the words under god added to the pledge?","answers":["on Flag Day in 1954","1954","Flag Day in 1954"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) the phrase \"under God\" violates protections against the establishment of religion guaranteed in the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. In 2004, linguist Geoffrey Nunberg said the original supporters of the addition thought that they were simply quoting Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, but to Lincoln and his contemporaries, \"under God\" meant \"God willing\", so they would have found its use in the Pledge of Allegiance grammatically incorrect and semantically odd. Prominent legal challenges were brought in the 1930s and 1940s by Jehovah's Witnesses, a denomination whose beliefs preclude swearing loyalty to any power other than God, and who objected to policies","Document [2](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) not confuse loyalties between their birth countries and the US. The words \"of America\" were added a year later. Congress officially recognized the Pledge for the first time, in the following form, on June 22, 1942: Louis Albert Bowman, an attorney from Illinois, was the first to suggest the addition of \"under God\" to the pledge. The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution gave him an Award of Merit as the originator of this idea. He spent his adult life in the Chicago area and was chaplain of the Illinois Society of the Sons of the American","Document [3](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) Revolution. At a meeting on February 12, 1948, he led the society in reciting the pledge with the two words \"under God\" added. He said that the words came from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Although not all manuscript versions of the Gettysburg Address contain the words \"under God\", all the reporters' transcripts of the speech as delivered do, as perhaps Lincoln may have deviated from his prepared text and inserted the phrase when he said \"that the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom.\" Bowman repeated his revised version of the Pledge at other meetings. In 1951, the","Document [4](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) Knights of Columbus, the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization, also began including the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance. In New York City, on April 30, 1951, the board of directors of the Knights of Columbus adopted a resolution to amend the text of their Pledge of Allegiance at the opening of each of the meetings of the 800 Fourth Degree Assemblies of the Knights of Columbus by addition of the words \"under God\" after the words \"one nation.\" Over the next two years, the idea spread throughout Knights of Columbus organizations nationwide. On August 21, 1952,","Document [5](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) upheld the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance in the case of \"Newdow v. Rio Linda Union School District\". In a 2\u20131 decision, the appellate court ruled that the words were of a \"ceremonial and patriotic nature\" and did not constitute an establishment of religion. Judge Stephen Reinhardt dissented, writing that \"the state-directed, teacher-led daily recitation in public schools of the amended 'under God' version of the Pledge of Allegiance... violates the Establishment Clause of the Constitution.\" On November 12, 2010, in a unanimous decision, the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Boston affirmed","Document [6](Title: Becket Fund for Religious Liberty) Both cases were resolved in favor of the current Pledge language. Most recently the Becket Fund helped the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District in New Jersey. A group of atheists challenged the words \"under God\" who considered the phrase a violation of the Establishment Clause. The case was taken to the Superior Court of New Jersey where the phrase \"under God\" was once again ruled constitutional. The atheist group did not appeal. Another Becket Fund client is a mosque in Murfreesboro, Tennessee that was denied the right to use its building by a local court after complaints that the mosque was","Document [7](Title: In God We Trust) School District brought by a student of the district and the American Humanist Association that argued that the phrase \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance created a climate of discrimination because it promoted religion, making non-believers \"second-class citizens\". He noted; \"As a matter of historical tradition, the words 'under God' can no more be expunged from the national consciousness than the words 'In God We Trust' from every coin in the land, than the words 'so help me God' from every presidential oath since 1789, or than the prayer that has opened every congressional session of legislative business since","Document [8](Title: Pledge Protection Act) of his daughter, promised to appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The first decision of the Ninth Circuit was handed down on June 26, 2002, declaring that the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance violated the Establishment Clause. The 'Pledge Protection Act' would be introduced into the House of Representatives for the first time on July 8, 2002, as part of the 107th Congress. Had the bill been successfully enacted into law, the decision of the Ninth Circuit would have stood, and the inclusion of \"under God\" in the Pledge remained unconstitutional. The law would have","Document [9](Title: Criticism of the Pledge of Allegiance) the dedication of our Nation and our people to the Almighty.\" The matter of the Pledge's constitutionality simmered for decades below the public eye. In 1992, the Chicago-based Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals decided the first challenge to the constitutionality of the words \"under God\", ruling in \"Sherman v. Community Consolidated School District 21\" that the use of the words \"under God\" in the Pledge did not violate the Establishment Clause. On June 26, 2002, in a case (\"Newdow v. United States Congress\") brought by an atheist father objecting to the Pledge being taught in his daughter's school, the Ninth","Document [10](Title: Michael Newdow) states was filed on behalf of his daughter against inclusion of the words \"under God\" in public schools' recitals of the United States' Pledge of Allegiance. The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit found that the phrase constitutes an endorsement of religion, and therefore violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. However, the decision was later overruled by the Supreme Court of the United States on procedural grounds, citing that Newdow did not have custody of his daughter and therefore did not have the right to bring suit on her behalf,","Document [11](Title: Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow) the Endorsement Test, and the Coercion Test. In doing so, the Court concluded recitation of the Pledge with the words \"under God\" included violated the Establishment Clause. Fernandez asserted in his partial dissent that the religious content of the \"under God\" addition is so small that it is de minimis\u2014so trivial as to be properly beneath judicial notice. Public and congressional reaction to the Ninth Circuit's decision was decidedly negative. About 150 Members of Congress stood on the front steps of the Capitol and recited the Pledge including the words \"under God\"; and the Senate passed a non-binding resolution affirming","Document [12](Title: Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow) in March 2000 against the Elk Grove Unified School District. Newdow sued as the \"next friend\" on behalf of his daughter, who was enrolled in the Elk Grove public schools. He said the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance amounted to an unconstitutional establishment of religion and that, as such, the daily recitation of the Pledge with the offending words interfered with his right to inculcate his daughter with his religious beliefs. U.S. Magistrate Judge Peter A. Nowinski found the Pledge was constitutional. The District Court accepted the magistrate's finding and dismissed the case on June 21, 2000.","Document [13](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) in public schools requiring students to swear an oath to the flag. They said requiring the pledge violated their freedom of religion guaranteed by the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. The first case was in 1935, when two children, Lillian and William Gobitas, ages ten and twelve, were expelled from the Minersville, Pennsylvania, public schools that year for failing to salute the flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. In a 2002 case brought by atheist Michael Newdow, whose daughter was being taught the Pledge in school, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the phrase \"under God\"","Document [14](Title: Michael Newdow) pledge is unconstitutional when recited in public schools. On March 11, 2010, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance in the case of \"Newdow v. Rio Linda Union School District\". On page 60 of the ruling the court writes: \"We hold that the California Education Code - 52720 and the School District's policy having teachers lead students in the recitation of the Pledge, and having those who do not wish to participate do so with impunity, do not violate the Establishment Clause. Therefore we reverse the decision","Document [15](Title: Pledge of Allegiance (United States)) the Flag of the United States and the republic of the United States of America. It was originally composed by Captain George Thatcher Balch, a Union Army Officer during the Civil War and later a teacher of patriotism in New York City schools. The form of the pledge used today was largely devised by Francis Bellamy in 1892, and formally adopted by Congress as the pledge in 1942. The official name of The Pledge of Allegiance was adopted in 1945. The most recent alteration of its wording came on Flag Day in 1954, when the words \"under God\" were added.","Document [16](Title: Criticism of the Pledge of Allegiance) Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled the addition of \"under God\" an unconstitutional endorsement of monotheism. Shortly after the ruling's release, Judge Alfred T. Goodwin, author of the opinion in the 2\u20131 ruling, signed an order staying its enforcement until the full Ninth Circuit court could decide whether to hear an appeal. The day after the ruling, the Senate voted in favor of the Pledge as it stood. The House followed suit, accepting a similar resolution. The Senate vote was 99\u20130 (Senator Jesse Helms could not attend, but had been expected to vote \"yes\"); the House 416\u20133 with","Document [17](Title: Michael Newdow) three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit to remove both \"under God\" from the Pledge of Allegiance (Roe v. Rio Linda Union School District), and \"In God We Trust\" from United States currency. The Ninth Circuit rejected Newdow's challenge. In a decision published March 11, 2010, the court held that its earlier decision in \"Aronow\", which \"held the national motto is of a \"patriotic or ceremonial character,\" has no \"theological or ritualistic impact,\" and does not constitute \"governmental sponsorship of a religious exercise,\" foreclosed Newdow's argument. In an opinion concurring only in the judgment, even the extremely liberal Judge Stephen Reinhardt","Document [18](Title: Secular movement) advocates for more prayer and religion in American government. As America's secular demographic has grown and become more visible and active, a number of lawsuits have been brought to challenge references to God and religion in government. These cases have had limited success. In 2002, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the inclusion of the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance violated the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution. That ruling was overturned by the United States Supreme Court in \"Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow\", 542 U.S. 1 (2004). The Supreme Court ruled","Document [19](Title: Australian nationality law) wording was available in the form of a non-religious Affirmation for those who preferred. In 1986 the wording was changed to: In 1994 the Oath was replaced with a Pledge of Commitment to Australia: All new citizens have the choice of making the pledge with (Pledge 1) or without (Pledge 2) the words 'under God'. There are cases where citizens need to show documentary evidence of their citizenship. Employers are required to check working rights when providing a job, so an Australian citizen needs to show evidence of their citizenship. According to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection this","Document [20](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) exercise. In February 2015 New Jersey Superior Court Judge David F. Bauman dismissed a lawsuit, ruling that \"\u2026 the Pledge of Allegiance does not violate the rights of those who don't believe in God and does not have to be removed from the patriotic message.\" The case against the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District had been brought by a student of the district and the American Humanist Association that argued that the phrase \"under God\" in the pledge created a climate of discrimination because it promoted religion, making non-believers \"second-class citizens.\" In a twenty-one page decision, Bauman wrote, \"Under [the association"],"query":"when were the words under god added to the pledge?","answers":["on Flag Day in 1954","1954","Flag Day in 1954"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) the phrase \"under God\" violates protections against the establishment of religion guaranteed in the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. In 2004, linguist Geoffrey Nunberg said the original supporters of the addition thought that they were simply quoting Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, but to Lincoln and his contemporaries, \"under God\" meant \"God willing\", so they would have found its use in the Pledge of Allegiance grammatically incorrect and semantically odd. Prominent legal challenges were brought in the 1930s and 1940s by Jehovah's Witnesses, a denomination whose beliefs preclude swearing loyalty to any power other than God, and who objected to policies","Document [2](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) not confuse loyalties between their birth countries and the US. The words \"of America\" were added a year later. Congress officially recognized the Pledge for the first time, in the following form, on June 22, 1942: Louis Albert Bowman, an attorney from Illinois, was the first to suggest the addition of \"under God\" to the pledge. The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution gave him an Award of Merit as the originator of this idea. He spent his adult life in the Chicago area and was chaplain of the Illinois Society of the Sons of the American","Document [3](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) Revolution. At a meeting on February 12, 1948, he led the society in reciting the pledge with the two words \"under God\" added. He said that the words came from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Although not all manuscript versions of the Gettysburg Address contain the words \"under God\", all the reporters' transcripts of the speech as delivered do, as perhaps Lincoln may have deviated from his prepared text and inserted the phrase when he said \"that the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom.\" Bowman repeated his revised version of the Pledge at other meetings. In 1951, the","Document [4](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) Knights of Columbus, the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization, also began including the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance. In New York City, on April 30, 1951, the board of directors of the Knights of Columbus adopted a resolution to amend the text of their Pledge of Allegiance at the opening of each of the meetings of the 800 Fourth Degree Assemblies of the Knights of Columbus by addition of the words \"under God\" after the words \"one nation.\" Over the next two years, the idea spread throughout Knights of Columbus organizations nationwide. On August 21, 1952,","Document [5](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) upheld the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance in the case of \"Newdow v. Rio Linda Union School District\". In a 2\u20131 decision, the appellate court ruled that the words were of a \"ceremonial and patriotic nature\" and did not constitute an establishment of religion. Judge Stephen Reinhardt dissented, writing that \"the state-directed, teacher-led daily recitation in public schools of the amended 'under God' version of the Pledge of Allegiance... violates the Establishment Clause of the Constitution.\" On November 12, 2010, in a unanimous decision, the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Boston affirmed","Document [6](Title: Becket Fund for Religious Liberty) Both cases were resolved in favor of the current Pledge language. Most recently the Becket Fund helped the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District in New Jersey. A group of atheists challenged the words \"under God\" who considered the phrase a violation of the Establishment Clause. The case was taken to the Superior Court of New Jersey where the phrase \"under God\" was once again ruled constitutional. The atheist group did not appeal. Another Becket Fund client is a mosque in Murfreesboro, Tennessee that was denied the right to use its building by a local court after complaints that the mosque was","Document [7](Title: In God We Trust) School District brought by a student of the district and the American Humanist Association that argued that the phrase \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance created a climate of discrimination because it promoted religion, making non-believers \"second-class citizens\". He noted; \"As a matter of historical tradition, the words 'under God' can no more be expunged from the national consciousness than the words 'In God We Trust' from every coin in the land, than the words 'so help me God' from every presidential oath since 1789, or than the prayer that has opened every congressional session of legislative business since","Document [8](Title: Pledge Protection Act) of his daughter, promised to appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The first decision of the Ninth Circuit was handed down on June 26, 2002, declaring that the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance violated the Establishment Clause. The 'Pledge Protection Act' would be introduced into the House of Representatives for the first time on July 8, 2002, as part of the 107th Congress. Had the bill been successfully enacted into law, the decision of the Ninth Circuit would have stood, and the inclusion of \"under God\" in the Pledge remained unconstitutional. The law would have","Document [9](Title: Criticism of the Pledge of Allegiance) the dedication of our Nation and our people to the Almighty.\" The matter of the Pledge's constitutionality simmered for decades below the public eye. In 1992, the Chicago-based Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals decided the first challenge to the constitutionality of the words \"under God\", ruling in \"Sherman v. Community Consolidated School District 21\" that the use of the words \"under God\" in the Pledge did not violate the Establishment Clause. On June 26, 2002, in a case (\"Newdow v. United States Congress\") brought by an atheist father objecting to the Pledge being taught in his daughter's school, the Ninth","Document [10](Title: Michael Newdow) states was filed on behalf of his daughter against inclusion of the words \"under God\" in public schools' recitals of the United States' Pledge of Allegiance. The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit found that the phrase constitutes an endorsement of religion, and therefore violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. However, the decision was later overruled by the Supreme Court of the United States on procedural grounds, citing that Newdow did not have custody of his daughter and therefore did not have the right to bring suit on her behalf,","Document [11](Title: Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow) the Endorsement Test, and the Coercion Test. In doing so, the Court concluded recitation of the Pledge with the words \"under God\" included violated the Establishment Clause. Fernandez asserted in his partial dissent that the religious content of the \"under God\" addition is so small that it is de minimis\u2014so trivial as to be properly beneath judicial notice. Public and congressional reaction to the Ninth Circuit's decision was decidedly negative. About 150 Members of Congress stood on the front steps of the Capitol and recited the Pledge including the words \"under God\"; and the Senate passed a non-binding resolution affirming","Document [12](Title: Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow) in March 2000 against the Elk Grove Unified School District. Newdow sued as the \"next friend\" on behalf of his daughter, who was enrolled in the Elk Grove public schools. He said the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance amounted to an unconstitutional establishment of religion and that, as such, the daily recitation of the Pledge with the offending words interfered with his right to inculcate his daughter with his religious beliefs. U.S. Magistrate Judge Peter A. Nowinski found the Pledge was constitutional. The District Court accepted the magistrate's finding and dismissed the case on June 21, 2000.","Document [13](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) in public schools requiring students to swear an oath to the flag. They said requiring the pledge violated their freedom of religion guaranteed by the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. The first case was in 1935, when two children, Lillian and William Gobitas, ages ten and twelve, were expelled from the Minersville, Pennsylvania, public schools that year for failing to salute the flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. In a 2002 case brought by atheist Michael Newdow, whose daughter was being taught the Pledge in school, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the phrase \"under God\"","Document [14](Title: Michael Newdow) pledge is unconstitutional when recited in public schools. On March 11, 2010, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit upheld the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance in the case of \"Newdow v. Rio Linda Union School District\". On page 60 of the ruling the court writes: \"We hold that the California Education Code - 52720 and the School District's policy having teachers lead students in the recitation of the Pledge, and having those who do not wish to participate do so with impunity, do not violate the Establishment Clause. Therefore we reverse the decision","Document [15](Title: Criticism of the Pledge of Allegiance) Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled the addition of \"under God\" an unconstitutional endorsement of monotheism. Shortly after the ruling's release, Judge Alfred T. Goodwin, author of the opinion in the 2\u20131 ruling, signed an order staying its enforcement until the full Ninth Circuit court could decide whether to hear an appeal. The day after the ruling, the Senate voted in favor of the Pledge as it stood. The House followed suit, accepting a similar resolution. The Senate vote was 99\u20130 (Senator Jesse Helms could not attend, but had been expected to vote \"yes\"); the House 416\u20133 with","Document [16](Title: Michael Newdow) three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit to remove both \"under God\" from the Pledge of Allegiance (Roe v. Rio Linda Union School District), and \"In God We Trust\" from United States currency. The Ninth Circuit rejected Newdow's challenge. In a decision published March 11, 2010, the court held that its earlier decision in \"Aronow\", which \"held the national motto is of a \"patriotic or ceremonial character,\" has no \"theological or ritualistic impact,\" and does not constitute \"governmental sponsorship of a religious exercise,\" foreclosed Newdow's argument. In an opinion concurring only in the judgment, even the extremely liberal Judge Stephen Reinhardt","Document [17](Title: Secular movement) advocates for more prayer and religion in American government. As America's secular demographic has grown and become more visible and active, a number of lawsuits have been brought to challenge references to God and religion in government. These cases have had limited success. In 2002, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the inclusion of the words \"under God\" in the Pledge of Allegiance violated the Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution. That ruling was overturned by the United States Supreme Court in \"Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow\", 542 U.S. 1 (2004). The Supreme Court ruled","Document [18](Title: Australian nationality law) wording was available in the form of a non-religious Affirmation for those who preferred. In 1986 the wording was changed to: In 1994 the Oath was replaced with a Pledge of Commitment to Australia: All new citizens have the choice of making the pledge with (Pledge 1) or without (Pledge 2) the words 'under God'. There are cases where citizens need to show documentary evidence of their citizenship. Employers are required to check working rights when providing a job, so an Australian citizen needs to show evidence of their citizenship. According to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection this","Document [19](Title: Pledge of Allegiance) exercise. In February 2015 New Jersey Superior Court Judge David F. Bauman dismissed a lawsuit, ruling that \"\u2026 the Pledge of Allegiance does not violate the rights of those who don't believe in God and does not have to be removed from the patriotic message.\" The case against the Matawan-Aberdeen Regional School District had been brought by a student of the district and the American Humanist Association that argued that the phrase \"under God\" in the pledge created a climate of discrimination because it promoted religion, making non-believers \"second-class citizens.\" In a twenty-one page decision, Bauman wrote, \"Under [the association","Document [20](Title: Pledge of Allegiance (United States)) the Flag of the United States and the republic of the United States of America. It was originally composed by Captain George Thatcher Balch, a Union Army Officer during the Civil War and later a teacher of patriotism in New York City schools. The form of the pledge used today was largely devised by Francis Bellamy in 1892, and formally adopted by Congress as the pledge in 1942. The official name of The Pledge of Allegiance was adopted in 1945. The most recent alteration of its wording came on Flag Day in 1954, when the words \"under God\" were added."],"query":"when were the words under god added to the pledge?","answers":["on Flag Day in 1954","1954","Flag Day in 1954"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Ra\u00fal Esparza) Ra\u00fal Eduardo Esparza (born October 24, 1970) is an American stage and television actor, singer, and voice artist, best known for his role as New York Assistant District Attorney (ADA) Rafael Barba in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. He has received Tony nominations for his role as Philip Salon in the Boy George musical Taboo in 2004; Robert, an empty man devoid of connection in the musical comedy Company in 2006; a lazy and snarky man in Harold Pinter's The Homecoming; and an aggressive volatile movie producer in David Mamet's Speed the Plow. He played the role of Riff","Document [2](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 11)) 28. She played , the new assistant district attorney for a four-episode arc. \"SVU\" executive producer Baer described her character as \"a funny adrenaline junkie who loves to be in the middle of everything and shares a past with Stabler. She's been married before and has a lot of secrets.\" She began filming her scenes in March. Her performances were not well received by television critics. Ken Tucker of \"Entertainment Weekly\" concluded her first episode as, \"an episode filled with such clunky dialogue and improbable details that by the end, she seemed like a 'special victim' herself\". Wentworth Miller guest","Document [3](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 16)) Rifkin returns to \"SVU\" portraying defense attorney Marvin Exley in an episode which aired in October, \"Producer\u2019s Backend\". Exley represents Tensley (portrayed by Stevie Lynn Jones), a young Hollywood celebrity in conflict with the law. Brian d'Arcy James stars as the top-level producer who gave Tensley a score. Dana Wheeler-Nicholson also guest stars as Tensley's mother. Delaney Williams returns to \"SVU\" as Counselor John Buchanan in the episode, \"Pornstar's Requiem\". Buchanan represents a student accused of raping a pornstar. Buchanan may have a difficult case but there are certain elements that play in his and his clients favor. He makes","Document [4](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)) as ADA Barba), also struggles to keep the case from turning into a media frenzy. Kathryn Erbe guest starred in the episode \"\" as her \"\" character, Detective Alexandra Eames, who is now working for a joint City\/Federal Homeland Security Task Force (and promoted to Lieutenant), Eames crosses paths with the SVU squad when their investigation of a sex trafficking ring uncovers a connection to terrorists. Erbe will likely guest star in more episode later in the season. Warren Leight tweeted Erbe would be in the fourth episode of the season. Tom Sizemore, Hamish Linklater, and Alex Karpovsky guest starred","Document [5](Title: Donald Cragen) be much more actively involved.\" When \"Law & Order: SVU\" first aired, Dave Mason, television editor for \"Ventura County Star\", said Cragen was \"played brilliantly\" by Florek, and called the relationship between Cragen and Stabler the strongest aspect of the series. Alan Sepinwall, television columnist for \"The Star-Ledger\", said the Cragen character \"showed off more personality\" in the film \"Exiled\" and on \"Special Victims Unit\" than the character exhibited in the original \"Law & Order\". Donald Cragen Donald Cragen is a fictional character played by Dann Florek in the American crime drama television series \"Law & Order\" and its spinoff","Document [6](Title: Alexandra Cabot) reappearance on \"SVU\", Cabot returns to New York and resumes her work in the district attorney's office as the homicide bureau chief (replacing Tracey Kibre from \"\") in the \"Law & Order\" spinoff \"Conviction\". She plays a tough but understanding supervisor to a young group of ADAs. Her attitude and personality in this role were much different from those of the young ADA who prosecuted cases in \"SVU\". Cabot's departure from witness protection and return to New York as a bureau chief was not explained during the show's airing, as she was a last-minute addition to the cast and most","Document [7](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 2)) played a police officer accused of spousal rape, was the first of two guest appearances \"SVU\" for Nestor Serrano. Amy Carlson guest-starred as his wife. In the thirteenth episode, \"Victims,\" Eric Roberts guest-starred as a vigilante ex-cop. His character killed sex offenders known to be spreading HIV every time they raped. In this episode, after a visit to a crime scene exposes him to the blood of an HIV-positive victim, Elliot Stabler begins taking antiretrovirals, which is mentioned in the next episode, \"Paranoia,\" in which Khandi Alexander guest-starred as a police officer who secretly works for internal affairs. In episode","Document [8](Title: Comic Perversion) as her character Erin Lindsay. It was said, \"Sophia Bush, who plays Det. Erin Lindsay on the new NBC drama, is traveling to New York this coming week to shoot a scene for Law & Order: SVU with star Mariska Hargitay.\" The Comic's Comic wrote about Silverman's casting, \"Jonathan Silverman plays Josh Galloway, a stand-up comedian who makes a name for himself with rape jokes and a crime for himself in alleged rapes in tonight\u2019s episode, \u201cComic Perversions.\u201d\" It was posted on Skyler Day's website \"Skyler is bringing her character \u201cRenee Clark\u201d back to Law & Order: SVU on February","Document [9](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)) LaRay Harvey portrayed Sam Randall, Detective Tutuola's ex-wife's brother in the episode. Despite Sam's former criminal record and various stints behind bars, Fin doesn't think Sam is their man and asks his SVU partners for help getting to the bottom of the case. Theo Rossi also guest stars in the episode as Enrique Rodriguez, a working-class Catholic who is determined to seek justice for his sister when he finds that she was part of a church cover-up. Jane Kaczmarek guest starred in the episode \"Beautiful Frame\", as Suffolk County District Attorney Pamela James, who lands the same murder case as","Document [10](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 13)) Down\", in which he played Jake Stanton, a former all-star quarterback caught up in a sting operation with an underage prostitute. Stanton is represented by famed defense attorney Bayard Ellis (Andre Braugher). Beth Chamberlin guest starred as Georgia Stanton, the wife of Treat Williams' Jake Stanton. Real-life football pros Jerry Rice and Warren Sapp also made special appearances. Kevin Pollak guest starred in the episode \"Theatre Tricks\", playing a judge who finds himself on the wrong side of the law. Pollak tweeted on December 2, 2011; \"Big ass props to the crew and cast of \"Law & Order: SVU\" for","Document [11](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 19)) of \"SVU\" (\"Something Happened\"). Walters played the rape victim, Laurel Linwood, who knows she was raped but can't remember what happened. Going played Laurel's sister, Leah, who is brought in to help fill in the blanks. On September 20, 2017, it was announced Sam Waterston would guest star in an upcoming episode of \"SVU\" as his \"Law & Order\" character, Jack McCoy. Waterston was re-united with show runner\/EP Michael S. Chernuchin, who also held the same position at the time Waterston joined the original series in 1994; Chernuchin is credited as the creator of the McCoy character. This also marked","Document [12](Title: Rafael Barba) Esparza is \"most familiar to TV viewers as Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Rafael Barba on 'Law & Order: SVU.'\" According to Esparza, Barba's \"flashy, high-fashion suits ... and snappy suspenders\" are popular online, with Kate Stanhope of \"TV Guide\" adding that the character's \"designer duds have been a hit with fans\". Esparza has been credited in 115 episodes of \"SVU\" (appearing in 85) as Barba, making him the 2nd longest serving ADA in the \"Law & Order\" franchise history after Jack McCoy. Rafael Barba Rafael Barba is a fictional character portrayed by Ra\u00fal Esparza, who joined the cast of the","Document [13](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 4)) last full season to star Stephanie March as ADA Alexandra Cabot. Previous seasons had shown Christopher Meloni and Mariska Hargitay in every episode. The first episode to break this trend was \"Rotten\" which showed Detective Benson working primarily with Detective Tutuola. Actor Chad Lowe who had previously guest starred in the returned to the set of \"SVU\". However, instead of reprising his character, he directed the season finale. The episode \"Dominance\" introduced the CSU Captain Judith Siper played by actress and life science executive Caren Browning. Browning continued to appear in this role for the eight seasons that followed. As","Document [14](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) Paxton (Christine Lahti) and Jo Marlowe (Sharon Stone) until the conclusion of season eleven. Gillian Hardwicke served as the SVU ADA during season twelve. In season thirteen, both Cabot and Novak returned as ADAs. From the beginning of season fourteen, ADA Rafael Barba had been SVU's prosecutor, until leaving halfway through season nineteen. \"Chicago Justice\"'s Peter Stone became SVU's ADA after \"Chicago Justice\" was canceled after only one season. In season 13, other big changes happened when Stabler left in the season twelve finale. Detectives Nick Amaro and Amanda Rollins joined the team filling the void left by Stabler. Amaro","Document [15](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) to $500,000 per episode. Based out of the New York City Police Department's 16th precinct in Manhattan, \"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\" delves into the dark side of the New York underworld as the detectives of a new elite force, the Special Victims Unit (SVU for short), investigate and prosecute various sexually-oriented crimes including rape, pedophilia, and domestic violence. They also investigate the abuses of children, the disabled and elderly victims of non-sexual crimes who require specialist handling. All the while trying to balance the effects of the investigation on their own lives. Its stories also touch on the","Document [16](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 16)) finale of \"Desperate Housewives\", of which she was part of the cast from 2004 to 2012. The episode marks Vaughn's final television prior to his death on November 11, 2016. Andre Braugher returned to \"SVU\" as his season 13\u201314 recurring character defense attorney Bayard Ellis in the episode entitled \"Perverted Justice\". Ellis tried and set a jailed-father accused of raping his daughter, free, after she recants her testimony against him. \"House's\" Robert Sean Leonard guest stars as ADA Kenneth O\u2019Dwyer, who goes head-to-head with Ellis in court over the case. Alongside Braugher and Leonard, Dann Florek made a guest appearance","Document [17](Title: Justice Denied (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)) and ensure no one is wrongfully imprisoned. Cragen says the Conviction Integrity Unit will start with the SVU and Haden is the attorney in charge. Benson and Haden meet for drinks and decide to end their relationship in order to protect the integrity of the SVU and avoid a conflict of interest. \"Justice Denied\" was written by (teleplay and story) and showrunner\/executive producer, Warren Leight (story), and directed by Michael Slovis. This episode was the final episode of the thirteenth season for both recurring guest stars Andre Braugher and Harry Connick, Jr., who portrayed defense attorney Bayard Ellis and Executive","Document [18](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 9)) filming in April 2007 making it the first episode of the ninth season produced. In \"Savant\", a child played by Paulina Gerzon becomes the key to solving a case when the SVU learns about her extremely sensitive hearing. Children's author Robert Black praised \"SVU\"'s ability to find good child actors and said that Gerzon \"was fantastic as a girl with Williams Syndrome, even having to deliver her lines through a set of oversized false teeth.\" This episode also showed Vincent Spano reprising his role as FBI Agent Dean Porter. In \"Harm\", Elizabeth McGovern played Dr. Faith Sutton, a doctor who","Document [19](Title: Kim Greylek) and that District Attorney Jack McCoy (Sam Waterston) let her leave immediately. After the departure of Diane Neal, who portrayed ADA Casey Novak from the fifth to ninth season of \"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\", Michaela McManus was approached to replace her. McManus, who departed \"One Tree Hill\" for the role, was cast as a series regular in the capacity of Assistant District Attorney. On the casting, creator and executive producer of \"SVU\" Dick Wolf claimed, \"We look forward to [McManus] working with Neal [Baer], Ted [Kotcheff] and me to create another interesting and memorable character in the \"Law","Document [20](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)) his friend. Navarro hinted at his appearance on Twitter prior before \"TV Guide\" announced it, \"On my way to NYC to hang out with Detective Benson for a day,\" he tweeted about star Mariska Hargitay. Jeffrey Tambor guest starred in \"Funny Valentine\" as well, in a role that's a change of pace for the actor. Tambor has been cast as Ben Cohen, an attorney hired to defend a popular hip-hop artist after his arrest by the SVU. While Tambor's TV characters are often quite bizarre, Cohen is described as being no-nonsense and perhaps a bit overconfident in the popularity of"],"query":"who plays the prosecutor on law and order svu?","answers":["Ra\u00fal Eduardo Esparza"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 11)) 28. She played , the new assistant district attorney for a four-episode arc. \"SVU\" executive producer Baer described her character as \"a funny adrenaline junkie who loves to be in the middle of everything and shares a past with Stabler. She's been married before and has a lot of secrets.\" She began filming her scenes in March. Her performances were not well received by television critics. Ken Tucker of \"Entertainment Weekly\" concluded her first episode as, \"an episode filled with such clunky dialogue and improbable details that by the end, she seemed like a 'special victim' herself\". Wentworth Miller guest","Document [2](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 16)) Rifkin returns to \"SVU\" portraying defense attorney Marvin Exley in an episode which aired in October, \"Producer\u2019s Backend\". Exley represents Tensley (portrayed by Stevie Lynn Jones), a young Hollywood celebrity in conflict with the law. Brian d'Arcy James stars as the top-level producer who gave Tensley a score. Dana Wheeler-Nicholson also guest stars as Tensley's mother. Delaney Williams returns to \"SVU\" as Counselor John Buchanan in the episode, \"Pornstar's Requiem\". Buchanan represents a student accused of raping a pornstar. Buchanan may have a difficult case but there are certain elements that play in his and his clients favor. He makes","Document [3](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)) as ADA Barba), also struggles to keep the case from turning into a media frenzy. Kathryn Erbe guest starred in the episode \"\" as her \"\" character, Detective Alexandra Eames, who is now working for a joint City\/Federal Homeland Security Task Force (and promoted to Lieutenant), Eames crosses paths with the SVU squad when their investigation of a sex trafficking ring uncovers a connection to terrorists. Erbe will likely guest star in more episode later in the season. Warren Leight tweeted Erbe would be in the fourth episode of the season. Tom Sizemore, Hamish Linklater, and Alex Karpovsky guest starred","Document [4](Title: Donald Cragen) be much more actively involved.\" When \"Law & Order: SVU\" first aired, Dave Mason, television editor for \"Ventura County Star\", said Cragen was \"played brilliantly\" by Florek, and called the relationship between Cragen and Stabler the strongest aspect of the series. Alan Sepinwall, television columnist for \"The Star-Ledger\", said the Cragen character \"showed off more personality\" in the film \"Exiled\" and on \"Special Victims Unit\" than the character exhibited in the original \"Law & Order\". Donald Cragen Donald Cragen is a fictional character played by Dann Florek in the American crime drama television series \"Law & Order\" and its spinoff","Document [5](Title: Ra\u00fal Esparza) Ra\u00fal Eduardo Esparza (born October 24, 1970) is an American stage and television actor, singer, and voice artist, best known for his role as New York Assistant District Attorney (ADA) Rafael Barba in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. He has received Tony nominations for his role as Philip Salon in the Boy George musical Taboo in 2004; Robert, an empty man devoid of connection in the musical comedy Company in 2006; a lazy and snarky man in Harold Pinter's The Homecoming; and an aggressive volatile movie producer in David Mamet's Speed the Plow. He played the role of Riff","Document [6](Title: Alexandra Cabot) reappearance on \"SVU\", Cabot returns to New York and resumes her work in the district attorney's office as the homicide bureau chief (replacing Tracey Kibre from \"\") in the \"Law & Order\" spinoff \"Conviction\". She plays a tough but understanding supervisor to a young group of ADAs. Her attitude and personality in this role were much different from those of the young ADA who prosecuted cases in \"SVU\". Cabot's departure from witness protection and return to New York as a bureau chief was not explained during the show's airing, as she was a last-minute addition to the cast and most","Document [7](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 2)) played a police officer accused of spousal rape, was the first of two guest appearances \"SVU\" for Nestor Serrano. Amy Carlson guest-starred as his wife. In the thirteenth episode, \"Victims,\" Eric Roberts guest-starred as a vigilante ex-cop. His character killed sex offenders known to be spreading HIV every time they raped. In this episode, after a visit to a crime scene exposes him to the blood of an HIV-positive victim, Elliot Stabler begins taking antiretrovirals, which is mentioned in the next episode, \"Paranoia,\" in which Khandi Alexander guest-starred as a police officer who secretly works for internal affairs. In episode","Document [8](Title: Comic Perversion) as her character Erin Lindsay. It was said, \"Sophia Bush, who plays Det. Erin Lindsay on the new NBC drama, is traveling to New York this coming week to shoot a scene for Law & Order: SVU with star Mariska Hargitay.\" The Comic's Comic wrote about Silverman's casting, \"Jonathan Silverman plays Josh Galloway, a stand-up comedian who makes a name for himself with rape jokes and a crime for himself in alleged rapes in tonight\u2019s episode, \u201cComic Perversions.\u201d\" It was posted on Skyler Day's website \"Skyler is bringing her character \u201cRenee Clark\u201d back to Law & Order: SVU on February","Document [9](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)) LaRay Harvey portrayed Sam Randall, Detective Tutuola's ex-wife's brother in the episode. Despite Sam's former criminal record and various stints behind bars, Fin doesn't think Sam is their man and asks his SVU partners for help getting to the bottom of the case. Theo Rossi also guest stars in the episode as Enrique Rodriguez, a working-class Catholic who is determined to seek justice for his sister when he finds that she was part of a church cover-up. Jane Kaczmarek guest starred in the episode \"Beautiful Frame\", as Suffolk County District Attorney Pamela James, who lands the same murder case as","Document [10](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 13)) Down\", in which he played Jake Stanton, a former all-star quarterback caught up in a sting operation with an underage prostitute. Stanton is represented by famed defense attorney Bayard Ellis (Andre Braugher). Beth Chamberlin guest starred as Georgia Stanton, the wife of Treat Williams' Jake Stanton. Real-life football pros Jerry Rice and Warren Sapp also made special appearances. Kevin Pollak guest starred in the episode \"Theatre Tricks\", playing a judge who finds himself on the wrong side of the law. Pollak tweeted on December 2, 2011; \"Big ass props to the crew and cast of \"Law & Order: SVU\" for","Document [11](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 19)) of \"SVU\" (\"Something Happened\"). Walters played the rape victim, Laurel Linwood, who knows she was raped but can't remember what happened. Going played Laurel's sister, Leah, who is brought in to help fill in the blanks. On September 20, 2017, it was announced Sam Waterston would guest star in an upcoming episode of \"SVU\" as his \"Law & Order\" character, Jack McCoy. Waterston was re-united with show runner\/EP Michael S. Chernuchin, who also held the same position at the time Waterston joined the original series in 1994; Chernuchin is credited as the creator of the McCoy character. This also marked","Document [12](Title: Rafael Barba) Esparza is \"most familiar to TV viewers as Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Rafael Barba on 'Law & Order: SVU.'\" According to Esparza, Barba's \"flashy, high-fashion suits ... and snappy suspenders\" are popular online, with Kate Stanhope of \"TV Guide\" adding that the character's \"designer duds have been a hit with fans\". Esparza has been credited in 115 episodes of \"SVU\" (appearing in 85) as Barba, making him the 2nd longest serving ADA in the \"Law & Order\" franchise history after Jack McCoy. Rafael Barba Rafael Barba is a fictional character portrayed by Ra\u00fal Esparza, who joined the cast of the","Document [13](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 4)) last full season to star Stephanie March as ADA Alexandra Cabot. Previous seasons had shown Christopher Meloni and Mariska Hargitay in every episode. The first episode to break this trend was \"Rotten\" which showed Detective Benson working primarily with Detective Tutuola. Actor Chad Lowe who had previously guest starred in the returned to the set of \"SVU\". However, instead of reprising his character, he directed the season finale. The episode \"Dominance\" introduced the CSU Captain Judith Siper played by actress and life science executive Caren Browning. Browning continued to appear in this role for the eight seasons that followed. As","Document [14](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) Paxton (Christine Lahti) and Jo Marlowe (Sharon Stone) until the conclusion of season eleven. Gillian Hardwicke served as the SVU ADA during season twelve. In season thirteen, both Cabot and Novak returned as ADAs. From the beginning of season fourteen, ADA Rafael Barba had been SVU's prosecutor, until leaving halfway through season nineteen. \"Chicago Justice\"'s Peter Stone became SVU's ADA after \"Chicago Justice\" was canceled after only one season. In season 13, other big changes happened when Stabler left in the season twelve finale. Detectives Nick Amaro and Amanda Rollins joined the team filling the void left by Stabler. Amaro","Document [15](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) to $500,000 per episode. Based out of the New York City Police Department's 16th precinct in Manhattan, \"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\" delves into the dark side of the New York underworld as the detectives of a new elite force, the Special Victims Unit (SVU for short), investigate and prosecute various sexually-oriented crimes including rape, pedophilia, and domestic violence. They also investigate the abuses of children, the disabled and elderly victims of non-sexual crimes who require specialist handling. All the while trying to balance the effects of the investigation on their own lives. Its stories also touch on the","Document [16](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 16)) finale of \"Desperate Housewives\", of which she was part of the cast from 2004 to 2012. The episode marks Vaughn's final television prior to his death on November 11, 2016. Andre Braugher returned to \"SVU\" as his season 13\u201314 recurring character defense attorney Bayard Ellis in the episode entitled \"Perverted Justice\". Ellis tried and set a jailed-father accused of raping his daughter, free, after she recants her testimony against him. \"House's\" Robert Sean Leonard guest stars as ADA Kenneth O\u2019Dwyer, who goes head-to-head with Ellis in court over the case. Alongside Braugher and Leonard, Dann Florek made a guest appearance","Document [17](Title: Justice Denied (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)) and ensure no one is wrongfully imprisoned. Cragen says the Conviction Integrity Unit will start with the SVU and Haden is the attorney in charge. Benson and Haden meet for drinks and decide to end their relationship in order to protect the integrity of the SVU and avoid a conflict of interest. \"Justice Denied\" was written by (teleplay and story) and showrunner\/executive producer, Warren Leight (story), and directed by Michael Slovis. This episode was the final episode of the thirteenth season for both recurring guest stars Andre Braugher and Harry Connick, Jr., who portrayed defense attorney Bayard Ellis and Executive","Document [18](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 9)) filming in April 2007 making it the first episode of the ninth season produced. In \"Savant\", a child played by Paulina Gerzon becomes the key to solving a case when the SVU learns about her extremely sensitive hearing. Children's author Robert Black praised \"SVU\"'s ability to find good child actors and said that Gerzon \"was fantastic as a girl with Williams Syndrome, even having to deliver her lines through a set of oversized false teeth.\" This episode also showed Vincent Spano reprising his role as FBI Agent Dean Porter. In \"Harm\", Elizabeth McGovern played Dr. Faith Sutton, a doctor who","Document [19](Title: Kim Greylek) and that District Attorney Jack McCoy (Sam Waterston) let her leave immediately. After the departure of Diane Neal, who portrayed ADA Casey Novak from the fifth to ninth season of \"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\", Michaela McManus was approached to replace her. McManus, who departed \"One Tree Hill\" for the role, was cast as a series regular in the capacity of Assistant District Attorney. On the casting, creator and executive producer of \"SVU\" Dick Wolf claimed, \"We look forward to [McManus] working with Neal [Baer], Ted [Kotcheff] and me to create another interesting and memorable character in the \"Law","Document [20](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)) his friend. Navarro hinted at his appearance on Twitter prior before \"TV Guide\" announced it, \"On my way to NYC to hang out with Detective Benson for a day,\" he tweeted about star Mariska Hargitay. Jeffrey Tambor guest starred in \"Funny Valentine\" as well, in a role that's a change of pace for the actor. Tambor has been cast as Ben Cohen, an attorney hired to defend a popular hip-hop artist after his arrest by the SVU. While Tambor's TV characters are often quite bizarre, Cohen is described as being no-nonsense and perhaps a bit overconfident in the popularity of"],"query":"who plays the prosecutor on law and order svu?","answers":["Ra\u00fal Eduardo Esparza"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 11)) 28. She played , the new assistant district attorney for a four-episode arc. \"SVU\" executive producer Baer described her character as \"a funny adrenaline junkie who loves to be in the middle of everything and shares a past with Stabler. She's been married before and has a lot of secrets.\" She began filming her scenes in March. Her performances were not well received by television critics. Ken Tucker of \"Entertainment Weekly\" concluded her first episode as, \"an episode filled with such clunky dialogue and improbable details that by the end, she seemed like a 'special victim' herself\". Wentworth Miller guest","Document [2](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 16)) Rifkin returns to \"SVU\" portraying defense attorney Marvin Exley in an episode which aired in October, \"Producer\u2019s Backend\". Exley represents Tensley (portrayed by Stevie Lynn Jones), a young Hollywood celebrity in conflict with the law. Brian d'Arcy James stars as the top-level producer who gave Tensley a score. Dana Wheeler-Nicholson also guest stars as Tensley's mother. Delaney Williams returns to \"SVU\" as Counselor John Buchanan in the episode, \"Pornstar's Requiem\". Buchanan represents a student accused of raping a pornstar. Buchanan may have a difficult case but there are certain elements that play in his and his clients favor. He makes","Document [3](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)) as ADA Barba), also struggles to keep the case from turning into a media frenzy. Kathryn Erbe guest starred in the episode \"\" as her \"\" character, Detective Alexandra Eames, who is now working for a joint City\/Federal Homeland Security Task Force (and promoted to Lieutenant), Eames crosses paths with the SVU squad when their investigation of a sex trafficking ring uncovers a connection to terrorists. Erbe will likely guest star in more episode later in the season. Warren Leight tweeted Erbe would be in the fourth episode of the season. Tom Sizemore, Hamish Linklater, and Alex Karpovsky guest starred","Document [4](Title: Donald Cragen) be much more actively involved.\" When \"Law & Order: SVU\" first aired, Dave Mason, television editor for \"Ventura County Star\", said Cragen was \"played brilliantly\" by Florek, and called the relationship between Cragen and Stabler the strongest aspect of the series. Alan Sepinwall, television columnist for \"The Star-Ledger\", said the Cragen character \"showed off more personality\" in the film \"Exiled\" and on \"Special Victims Unit\" than the character exhibited in the original \"Law & Order\". Donald Cragen Donald Cragen is a fictional character played by Dann Florek in the American crime drama television series \"Law & Order\" and its spinoff","Document [5](Title: Alexandra Cabot) reappearance on \"SVU\", Cabot returns to New York and resumes her work in the district attorney's office as the homicide bureau chief (replacing Tracey Kibre from \"\") in the \"Law & Order\" spinoff \"Conviction\". She plays a tough but understanding supervisor to a young group of ADAs. Her attitude and personality in this role were much different from those of the young ADA who prosecuted cases in \"SVU\". Cabot's departure from witness protection and return to New York as a bureau chief was not explained during the show's airing, as she was a last-minute addition to the cast and most","Document [6](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 2)) played a police officer accused of spousal rape, was the first of two guest appearances \"SVU\" for Nestor Serrano. Amy Carlson guest-starred as his wife. In the thirteenth episode, \"Victims,\" Eric Roberts guest-starred as a vigilante ex-cop. His character killed sex offenders known to be spreading HIV every time they raped. In this episode, after a visit to a crime scene exposes him to the blood of an HIV-positive victim, Elliot Stabler begins taking antiretrovirals, which is mentioned in the next episode, \"Paranoia,\" in which Khandi Alexander guest-starred as a police officer who secretly works for internal affairs. In episode","Document [7](Title: Comic Perversion) as her character Erin Lindsay. It was said, \"Sophia Bush, who plays Det. Erin Lindsay on the new NBC drama, is traveling to New York this coming week to shoot a scene for Law & Order: SVU with star Mariska Hargitay.\" The Comic's Comic wrote about Silverman's casting, \"Jonathan Silverman plays Josh Galloway, a stand-up comedian who makes a name for himself with rape jokes and a crime for himself in alleged rapes in tonight\u2019s episode, \u201cComic Perversions.\u201d\" It was posted on Skyler Day's website \"Skyler is bringing her character \u201cRenee Clark\u201d back to Law & Order: SVU on February","Document [8](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)) LaRay Harvey portrayed Sam Randall, Detective Tutuola's ex-wife's brother in the episode. Despite Sam's former criminal record and various stints behind bars, Fin doesn't think Sam is their man and asks his SVU partners for help getting to the bottom of the case. Theo Rossi also guest stars in the episode as Enrique Rodriguez, a working-class Catholic who is determined to seek justice for his sister when he finds that she was part of a church cover-up. Jane Kaczmarek guest starred in the episode \"Beautiful Frame\", as Suffolk County District Attorney Pamela James, who lands the same murder case as","Document [9](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 13)) Down\", in which he played Jake Stanton, a former all-star quarterback caught up in a sting operation with an underage prostitute. Stanton is represented by famed defense attorney Bayard Ellis (Andre Braugher). Beth Chamberlin guest starred as Georgia Stanton, the wife of Treat Williams' Jake Stanton. Real-life football pros Jerry Rice and Warren Sapp also made special appearances. Kevin Pollak guest starred in the episode \"Theatre Tricks\", playing a judge who finds himself on the wrong side of the law. Pollak tweeted on December 2, 2011; \"Big ass props to the crew and cast of \"Law & Order: SVU\" for","Document [10](Title: Ra\u00fal Esparza) Ra\u00fal Eduardo Esparza (born October 24, 1970) is an American stage and television actor, singer, and voice artist, best known for his role as New York Assistant District Attorney (ADA) Rafael Barba in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. He has received Tony nominations for his role as Philip Salon in the Boy George musical Taboo in 2004; Robert, an empty man devoid of connection in the musical comedy Company in 2006; a lazy and snarky man in Harold Pinter's The Homecoming; and an aggressive volatile movie producer in David Mamet's Speed the Plow. He played the role of Riff","Document [11](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 19)) of \"SVU\" (\"Something Happened\"). Walters played the rape victim, Laurel Linwood, who knows she was raped but can't remember what happened. Going played Laurel's sister, Leah, who is brought in to help fill in the blanks. On September 20, 2017, it was announced Sam Waterston would guest star in an upcoming episode of \"SVU\" as his \"Law & Order\" character, Jack McCoy. Waterston was re-united with show runner\/EP Michael S. Chernuchin, who also held the same position at the time Waterston joined the original series in 1994; Chernuchin is credited as the creator of the McCoy character. This also marked","Document [12](Title: Rafael Barba) Esparza is \"most familiar to TV viewers as Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Rafael Barba on 'Law & Order: SVU.'\" According to Esparza, Barba's \"flashy, high-fashion suits ... and snappy suspenders\" are popular online, with Kate Stanhope of \"TV Guide\" adding that the character's \"designer duds have been a hit with fans\". Esparza has been credited in 115 episodes of \"SVU\" (appearing in 85) as Barba, making him the 2nd longest serving ADA in the \"Law & Order\" franchise history after Jack McCoy. Rafael Barba Rafael Barba is a fictional character portrayed by Ra\u00fal Esparza, who joined the cast of the","Document [13](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 4)) last full season to star Stephanie March as ADA Alexandra Cabot. Previous seasons had shown Christopher Meloni and Mariska Hargitay in every episode. The first episode to break this trend was \"Rotten\" which showed Detective Benson working primarily with Detective Tutuola. Actor Chad Lowe who had previously guest starred in the returned to the set of \"SVU\". However, instead of reprising his character, he directed the season finale. The episode \"Dominance\" introduced the CSU Captain Judith Siper played by actress and life science executive Caren Browning. Browning continued to appear in this role for the eight seasons that followed. As","Document [14](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) Paxton (Christine Lahti) and Jo Marlowe (Sharon Stone) until the conclusion of season eleven. Gillian Hardwicke served as the SVU ADA during season twelve. In season thirteen, both Cabot and Novak returned as ADAs. From the beginning of season fourteen, ADA Rafael Barba had been SVU's prosecutor, until leaving halfway through season nineteen. \"Chicago Justice\"'s Peter Stone became SVU's ADA after \"Chicago Justice\" was canceled after only one season. In season 13, other big changes happened when Stabler left in the season twelve finale. Detectives Nick Amaro and Amanda Rollins joined the team filling the void left by Stabler. Amaro","Document [15](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) to $500,000 per episode. Based out of the New York City Police Department's 16th precinct in Manhattan, \"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\" delves into the dark side of the New York underworld as the detectives of a new elite force, the Special Victims Unit (SVU for short), investigate and prosecute various sexually-oriented crimes including rape, pedophilia, and domestic violence. They also investigate the abuses of children, the disabled and elderly victims of non-sexual crimes who require specialist handling. All the while trying to balance the effects of the investigation on their own lives. Its stories also touch on the","Document [16](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 16)) finale of \"Desperate Housewives\", of which she was part of the cast from 2004 to 2012. The episode marks Vaughn's final television prior to his death on November 11, 2016. Andre Braugher returned to \"SVU\" as his season 13\u201314 recurring character defense attorney Bayard Ellis in the episode entitled \"Perverted Justice\". Ellis tried and set a jailed-father accused of raping his daughter, free, after she recants her testimony against him. \"House's\" Robert Sean Leonard guest stars as ADA Kenneth O\u2019Dwyer, who goes head-to-head with Ellis in court over the case. Alongside Braugher and Leonard, Dann Florek made a guest appearance","Document [17](Title: Justice Denied (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)) and ensure no one is wrongfully imprisoned. Cragen says the Conviction Integrity Unit will start with the SVU and Haden is the attorney in charge. Benson and Haden meet for drinks and decide to end their relationship in order to protect the integrity of the SVU and avoid a conflict of interest. \"Justice Denied\" was written by (teleplay and story) and showrunner\/executive producer, Warren Leight (story), and directed by Michael Slovis. This episode was the final episode of the thirteenth season for both recurring guest stars Andre Braugher and Harry Connick, Jr., who portrayed defense attorney Bayard Ellis and Executive","Document [18](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 9)) filming in April 2007 making it the first episode of the ninth season produced. In \"Savant\", a child played by Paulina Gerzon becomes the key to solving a case when the SVU learns about her extremely sensitive hearing. Children's author Robert Black praised \"SVU\"'s ability to find good child actors and said that Gerzon \"was fantastic as a girl with Williams Syndrome, even having to deliver her lines through a set of oversized false teeth.\" This episode also showed Vincent Spano reprising his role as FBI Agent Dean Porter. In \"Harm\", Elizabeth McGovern played Dr. Faith Sutton, a doctor who","Document [19](Title: Kim Greylek) and that District Attorney Jack McCoy (Sam Waterston) let her leave immediately. After the departure of Diane Neal, who portrayed ADA Casey Novak from the fifth to ninth season of \"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\", Michaela McManus was approached to replace her. McManus, who departed \"One Tree Hill\" for the role, was cast as a series regular in the capacity of Assistant District Attorney. On the casting, creator and executive producer of \"SVU\" Dick Wolf claimed, \"We look forward to [McManus] working with Neal [Baer], Ted [Kotcheff] and me to create another interesting and memorable character in the \"Law","Document [20](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)) his friend. Navarro hinted at his appearance on Twitter prior before \"TV Guide\" announced it, \"On my way to NYC to hang out with Detective Benson for a day,\" he tweeted about star Mariska Hargitay. Jeffrey Tambor guest starred in \"Funny Valentine\" as well, in a role that's a change of pace for the actor. Tambor has been cast as Ben Cohen, an attorney hired to defend a popular hip-hop artist after his arrest by the SVU. While Tambor's TV characters are often quite bizarre, Cohen is described as being no-nonsense and perhaps a bit overconfident in the popularity of"],"query":"who plays the prosecutor on law and order svu?","answers":["Ra\u00fal Eduardo Esparza"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 11)) 28. She played , the new assistant district attorney for a four-episode arc. \"SVU\" executive producer Baer described her character as \"a funny adrenaline junkie who loves to be in the middle of everything and shares a past with Stabler. She's been married before and has a lot of secrets.\" She began filming her scenes in March. Her performances were not well received by television critics. Ken Tucker of \"Entertainment Weekly\" concluded her first episode as, \"an episode filled with such clunky dialogue and improbable details that by the end, she seemed like a 'special victim' herself\". Wentworth Miller guest","Document [2](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 16)) Rifkin returns to \"SVU\" portraying defense attorney Marvin Exley in an episode which aired in October, \"Producer\u2019s Backend\". Exley represents Tensley (portrayed by Stevie Lynn Jones), a young Hollywood celebrity in conflict with the law. Brian d'Arcy James stars as the top-level producer who gave Tensley a score. Dana Wheeler-Nicholson also guest stars as Tensley's mother. Delaney Williams returns to \"SVU\" as Counselor John Buchanan in the episode, \"Pornstar's Requiem\". Buchanan represents a student accused of raping a pornstar. Buchanan may have a difficult case but there are certain elements that play in his and his clients favor. He makes","Document [3](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)) as ADA Barba), also struggles to keep the case from turning into a media frenzy. Kathryn Erbe guest starred in the episode \"\" as her \"\" character, Detective Alexandra Eames, who is now working for a joint City\/Federal Homeland Security Task Force (and promoted to Lieutenant), Eames crosses paths with the SVU squad when their investigation of a sex trafficking ring uncovers a connection to terrorists. Erbe will likely guest star in more episode later in the season. Warren Leight tweeted Erbe would be in the fourth episode of the season. Tom Sizemore, Hamish Linklater, and Alex Karpovsky guest starred","Document [4](Title: Donald Cragen) be much more actively involved.\" When \"Law & Order: SVU\" first aired, Dave Mason, television editor for \"Ventura County Star\", said Cragen was \"played brilliantly\" by Florek, and called the relationship between Cragen and Stabler the strongest aspect of the series. Alan Sepinwall, television columnist for \"The Star-Ledger\", said the Cragen character \"showed off more personality\" in the film \"Exiled\" and on \"Special Victims Unit\" than the character exhibited in the original \"Law & Order\". Donald Cragen Donald Cragen is a fictional character played by Dann Florek in the American crime drama television series \"Law & Order\" and its spinoff","Document [5](Title: Alexandra Cabot) reappearance on \"SVU\", Cabot returns to New York and resumes her work in the district attorney's office as the homicide bureau chief (replacing Tracey Kibre from \"\") in the \"Law & Order\" spinoff \"Conviction\". She plays a tough but understanding supervisor to a young group of ADAs. Her attitude and personality in this role were much different from those of the young ADA who prosecuted cases in \"SVU\". Cabot's departure from witness protection and return to New York as a bureau chief was not explained during the show's airing, as she was a last-minute addition to the cast and most","Document [6](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 2)) played a police officer accused of spousal rape, was the first of two guest appearances \"SVU\" for Nestor Serrano. Amy Carlson guest-starred as his wife. In the thirteenth episode, \"Victims,\" Eric Roberts guest-starred as a vigilante ex-cop. His character killed sex offenders known to be spreading HIV every time they raped. In this episode, after a visit to a crime scene exposes him to the blood of an HIV-positive victim, Elliot Stabler begins taking antiretrovirals, which is mentioned in the next episode, \"Paranoia,\" in which Khandi Alexander guest-starred as a police officer who secretly works for internal affairs. In episode","Document [7](Title: Comic Perversion) as her character Erin Lindsay. It was said, \"Sophia Bush, who plays Det. Erin Lindsay on the new NBC drama, is traveling to New York this coming week to shoot a scene for Law & Order: SVU with star Mariska Hargitay.\" The Comic's Comic wrote about Silverman's casting, \"Jonathan Silverman plays Josh Galloway, a stand-up comedian who makes a name for himself with rape jokes and a crime for himself in alleged rapes in tonight\u2019s episode, \u201cComic Perversions.\u201d\" It was posted on Skyler Day's website \"Skyler is bringing her character \u201cRenee Clark\u201d back to Law & Order: SVU on February","Document [8](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)) LaRay Harvey portrayed Sam Randall, Detective Tutuola's ex-wife's brother in the episode. Despite Sam's former criminal record and various stints behind bars, Fin doesn't think Sam is their man and asks his SVU partners for help getting to the bottom of the case. Theo Rossi also guest stars in the episode as Enrique Rodriguez, a working-class Catholic who is determined to seek justice for his sister when he finds that she was part of a church cover-up. Jane Kaczmarek guest starred in the episode \"Beautiful Frame\", as Suffolk County District Attorney Pamela James, who lands the same murder case as","Document [9](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 13)) Down\", in which he played Jake Stanton, a former all-star quarterback caught up in a sting operation with an underage prostitute. Stanton is represented by famed defense attorney Bayard Ellis (Andre Braugher). Beth Chamberlin guest starred as Georgia Stanton, the wife of Treat Williams' Jake Stanton. Real-life football pros Jerry Rice and Warren Sapp also made special appearances. Kevin Pollak guest starred in the episode \"Theatre Tricks\", playing a judge who finds himself on the wrong side of the law. Pollak tweeted on December 2, 2011; \"Big ass props to the crew and cast of \"Law & Order: SVU\" for","Document [10](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 19)) of \"SVU\" (\"Something Happened\"). Walters played the rape victim, Laurel Linwood, who knows she was raped but can't remember what happened. Going played Laurel's sister, Leah, who is brought in to help fill in the blanks. On September 20, 2017, it was announced Sam Waterston would guest star in an upcoming episode of \"SVU\" as his \"Law & Order\" character, Jack McCoy. Waterston was re-united with show runner\/EP Michael S. Chernuchin, who also held the same position at the time Waterston joined the original series in 1994; Chernuchin is credited as the creator of the McCoy character. This also marked","Document [11](Title: Rafael Barba) Esparza is \"most familiar to TV viewers as Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Rafael Barba on 'Law & Order: SVU.'\" According to Esparza, Barba's \"flashy, high-fashion suits ... and snappy suspenders\" are popular online, with Kate Stanhope of \"TV Guide\" adding that the character's \"designer duds have been a hit with fans\". Esparza has been credited in 115 episodes of \"SVU\" (appearing in 85) as Barba, making him the 2nd longest serving ADA in the \"Law & Order\" franchise history after Jack McCoy. Rafael Barba Rafael Barba is a fictional character portrayed by Ra\u00fal Esparza, who joined the cast of the","Document [12](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 4)) last full season to star Stephanie March as ADA Alexandra Cabot. Previous seasons had shown Christopher Meloni and Mariska Hargitay in every episode. The first episode to break this trend was \"Rotten\" which showed Detective Benson working primarily with Detective Tutuola. Actor Chad Lowe who had previously guest starred in the returned to the set of \"SVU\". However, instead of reprising his character, he directed the season finale. The episode \"Dominance\" introduced the CSU Captain Judith Siper played by actress and life science executive Caren Browning. Browning continued to appear in this role for the eight seasons that followed. As","Document [13](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) Paxton (Christine Lahti) and Jo Marlowe (Sharon Stone) until the conclusion of season eleven. Gillian Hardwicke served as the SVU ADA during season twelve. In season thirteen, both Cabot and Novak returned as ADAs. From the beginning of season fourteen, ADA Rafael Barba had been SVU's prosecutor, until leaving halfway through season nineteen. \"Chicago Justice\"'s Peter Stone became SVU's ADA after \"Chicago Justice\" was canceled after only one season. In season 13, other big changes happened when Stabler left in the season twelve finale. Detectives Nick Amaro and Amanda Rollins joined the team filling the void left by Stabler. Amaro","Document [14](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) to $500,000 per episode. Based out of the New York City Police Department's 16th precinct in Manhattan, \"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\" delves into the dark side of the New York underworld as the detectives of a new elite force, the Special Victims Unit (SVU for short), investigate and prosecute various sexually-oriented crimes including rape, pedophilia, and domestic violence. They also investigate the abuses of children, the disabled and elderly victims of non-sexual crimes who require specialist handling. All the while trying to balance the effects of the investigation on their own lives. Its stories also touch on the","Document [15](Title: Ra\u00fal Esparza) Ra\u00fal Eduardo Esparza (born October 24, 1970) is an American stage and television actor, singer, and voice artist, best known for his role as New York Assistant District Attorney (ADA) Rafael Barba in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. He has received Tony nominations for his role as Philip Salon in the Boy George musical Taboo in 2004; Robert, an empty man devoid of connection in the musical comedy Company in 2006; a lazy and snarky man in Harold Pinter's The Homecoming; and an aggressive volatile movie producer in David Mamet's Speed the Plow. He played the role of Riff","Document [16](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 16)) finale of \"Desperate Housewives\", of which she was part of the cast from 2004 to 2012. The episode marks Vaughn's final television prior to his death on November 11, 2016. Andre Braugher returned to \"SVU\" as his season 13\u201314 recurring character defense attorney Bayard Ellis in the episode entitled \"Perverted Justice\". Ellis tried and set a jailed-father accused of raping his daughter, free, after she recants her testimony against him. \"House's\" Robert Sean Leonard guest stars as ADA Kenneth O\u2019Dwyer, who goes head-to-head with Ellis in court over the case. Alongside Braugher and Leonard, Dann Florek made a guest appearance","Document [17](Title: Justice Denied (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)) and ensure no one is wrongfully imprisoned. Cragen says the Conviction Integrity Unit will start with the SVU and Haden is the attorney in charge. Benson and Haden meet for drinks and decide to end their relationship in order to protect the integrity of the SVU and avoid a conflict of interest. \"Justice Denied\" was written by (teleplay and story) and showrunner\/executive producer, Warren Leight (story), and directed by Michael Slovis. This episode was the final episode of the thirteenth season for both recurring guest stars Andre Braugher and Harry Connick, Jr., who portrayed defense attorney Bayard Ellis and Executive","Document [18](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 9)) filming in April 2007 making it the first episode of the ninth season produced. In \"Savant\", a child played by Paulina Gerzon becomes the key to solving a case when the SVU learns about her extremely sensitive hearing. Children's author Robert Black praised \"SVU\"'s ability to find good child actors and said that Gerzon \"was fantastic as a girl with Williams Syndrome, even having to deliver her lines through a set of oversized false teeth.\" This episode also showed Vincent Spano reprising his role as FBI Agent Dean Porter. In \"Harm\", Elizabeth McGovern played Dr. Faith Sutton, a doctor who","Document [19](Title: Kim Greylek) and that District Attorney Jack McCoy (Sam Waterston) let her leave immediately. After the departure of Diane Neal, who portrayed ADA Casey Novak from the fifth to ninth season of \"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\", Michaela McManus was approached to replace her. McManus, who departed \"One Tree Hill\" for the role, was cast as a series regular in the capacity of Assistant District Attorney. On the casting, creator and executive producer of \"SVU\" Dick Wolf claimed, \"We look forward to [McManus] working with Neal [Baer], Ted [Kotcheff] and me to create another interesting and memorable character in the \"Law","Document [20](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)) his friend. Navarro hinted at his appearance on Twitter prior before \"TV Guide\" announced it, \"On my way to NYC to hang out with Detective Benson for a day,\" he tweeted about star Mariska Hargitay. Jeffrey Tambor guest starred in \"Funny Valentine\" as well, in a role that's a change of pace for the actor. Tambor has been cast as Ben Cohen, an attorney hired to defend a popular hip-hop artist after his arrest by the SVU. While Tambor's TV characters are often quite bizarre, Cohen is described as being no-nonsense and perhaps a bit overconfident in the popularity of"],"query":"who plays the prosecutor on law and order svu?","answers":["Ra\u00fal Eduardo Esparza"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 11)) 28. She played , the new assistant district attorney for a four-episode arc. \"SVU\" executive producer Baer described her character as \"a funny adrenaline junkie who loves to be in the middle of everything and shares a past with Stabler. She's been married before and has a lot of secrets.\" She began filming her scenes in March. Her performances were not well received by television critics. Ken Tucker of \"Entertainment Weekly\" concluded her first episode as, \"an episode filled with such clunky dialogue and improbable details that by the end, she seemed like a 'special victim' herself\". Wentworth Miller guest","Document [2](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 16)) Rifkin returns to \"SVU\" portraying defense attorney Marvin Exley in an episode which aired in October, \"Producer\u2019s Backend\". Exley represents Tensley (portrayed by Stevie Lynn Jones), a young Hollywood celebrity in conflict with the law. Brian d'Arcy James stars as the top-level producer who gave Tensley a score. Dana Wheeler-Nicholson also guest stars as Tensley's mother. Delaney Williams returns to \"SVU\" as Counselor John Buchanan in the episode, \"Pornstar's Requiem\". Buchanan represents a student accused of raping a pornstar. Buchanan may have a difficult case but there are certain elements that play in his and his clients favor. He makes","Document [3](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)) as ADA Barba), also struggles to keep the case from turning into a media frenzy. Kathryn Erbe guest starred in the episode \"\" as her \"\" character, Detective Alexandra Eames, who is now working for a joint City\/Federal Homeland Security Task Force (and promoted to Lieutenant), Eames crosses paths with the SVU squad when their investigation of a sex trafficking ring uncovers a connection to terrorists. Erbe will likely guest star in more episode later in the season. Warren Leight tweeted Erbe would be in the fourth episode of the season. Tom Sizemore, Hamish Linklater, and Alex Karpovsky guest starred","Document [4](Title: Donald Cragen) be much more actively involved.\" When \"Law & Order: SVU\" first aired, Dave Mason, television editor for \"Ventura County Star\", said Cragen was \"played brilliantly\" by Florek, and called the relationship between Cragen and Stabler the strongest aspect of the series. Alan Sepinwall, television columnist for \"The Star-Ledger\", said the Cragen character \"showed off more personality\" in the film \"Exiled\" and on \"Special Victims Unit\" than the character exhibited in the original \"Law & Order\". Donald Cragen Donald Cragen is a fictional character played by Dann Florek in the American crime drama television series \"Law & Order\" and its spinoff","Document [5](Title: Alexandra Cabot) reappearance on \"SVU\", Cabot returns to New York and resumes her work in the district attorney's office as the homicide bureau chief (replacing Tracey Kibre from \"\") in the \"Law & Order\" spinoff \"Conviction\". She plays a tough but understanding supervisor to a young group of ADAs. Her attitude and personality in this role were much different from those of the young ADA who prosecuted cases in \"SVU\". Cabot's departure from witness protection and return to New York as a bureau chief was not explained during the show's airing, as she was a last-minute addition to the cast and most","Document [6](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 2)) played a police officer accused of spousal rape, was the first of two guest appearances \"SVU\" for Nestor Serrano. Amy Carlson guest-starred as his wife. In the thirteenth episode, \"Victims,\" Eric Roberts guest-starred as a vigilante ex-cop. His character killed sex offenders known to be spreading HIV every time they raped. In this episode, after a visit to a crime scene exposes him to the blood of an HIV-positive victim, Elliot Stabler begins taking antiretrovirals, which is mentioned in the next episode, \"Paranoia,\" in which Khandi Alexander guest-starred as a police officer who secretly works for internal affairs. In episode","Document [7](Title: Comic Perversion) as her character Erin Lindsay. It was said, \"Sophia Bush, who plays Det. Erin Lindsay on the new NBC drama, is traveling to New York this coming week to shoot a scene for Law & Order: SVU with star Mariska Hargitay.\" The Comic's Comic wrote about Silverman's casting, \"Jonathan Silverman plays Josh Galloway, a stand-up comedian who makes a name for himself with rape jokes and a crime for himself in alleged rapes in tonight\u2019s episode, \u201cComic Perversions.\u201d\" It was posted on Skyler Day's website \"Skyler is bringing her character \u201cRenee Clark\u201d back to Law & Order: SVU on February","Document [8](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)) LaRay Harvey portrayed Sam Randall, Detective Tutuola's ex-wife's brother in the episode. Despite Sam's former criminal record and various stints behind bars, Fin doesn't think Sam is their man and asks his SVU partners for help getting to the bottom of the case. Theo Rossi also guest stars in the episode as Enrique Rodriguez, a working-class Catholic who is determined to seek justice for his sister when he finds that she was part of a church cover-up. Jane Kaczmarek guest starred in the episode \"Beautiful Frame\", as Suffolk County District Attorney Pamela James, who lands the same murder case as","Document [9](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 13)) Down\", in which he played Jake Stanton, a former all-star quarterback caught up in a sting operation with an underage prostitute. Stanton is represented by famed defense attorney Bayard Ellis (Andre Braugher). Beth Chamberlin guest starred as Georgia Stanton, the wife of Treat Williams' Jake Stanton. Real-life football pros Jerry Rice and Warren Sapp also made special appearances. Kevin Pollak guest starred in the episode \"Theatre Tricks\", playing a judge who finds himself on the wrong side of the law. Pollak tweeted on December 2, 2011; \"Big ass props to the crew and cast of \"Law & Order: SVU\" for","Document [10](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 19)) of \"SVU\" (\"Something Happened\"). Walters played the rape victim, Laurel Linwood, who knows she was raped but can't remember what happened. Going played Laurel's sister, Leah, who is brought in to help fill in the blanks. On September 20, 2017, it was announced Sam Waterston would guest star in an upcoming episode of \"SVU\" as his \"Law & Order\" character, Jack McCoy. Waterston was re-united with show runner\/EP Michael S. Chernuchin, who also held the same position at the time Waterston joined the original series in 1994; Chernuchin is credited as the creator of the McCoy character. This also marked","Document [11](Title: Rafael Barba) Esparza is \"most familiar to TV viewers as Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Rafael Barba on 'Law & Order: SVU.'\" According to Esparza, Barba's \"flashy, high-fashion suits ... and snappy suspenders\" are popular online, with Kate Stanhope of \"TV Guide\" adding that the character's \"designer duds have been a hit with fans\". Esparza has been credited in 115 episodes of \"SVU\" (appearing in 85) as Barba, making him the 2nd longest serving ADA in the \"Law & Order\" franchise history after Jack McCoy. Rafael Barba Rafael Barba is a fictional character portrayed by Ra\u00fal Esparza, who joined the cast of the","Document [12](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 4)) last full season to star Stephanie March as ADA Alexandra Cabot. Previous seasons had shown Christopher Meloni and Mariska Hargitay in every episode. The first episode to break this trend was \"Rotten\" which showed Detective Benson working primarily with Detective Tutuola. Actor Chad Lowe who had previously guest starred in the returned to the set of \"SVU\". However, instead of reprising his character, he directed the season finale. The episode \"Dominance\" introduced the CSU Captain Judith Siper played by actress and life science executive Caren Browning. Browning continued to appear in this role for the eight seasons that followed. As","Document [13](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) Paxton (Christine Lahti) and Jo Marlowe (Sharon Stone) until the conclusion of season eleven. Gillian Hardwicke served as the SVU ADA during season twelve. In season thirteen, both Cabot and Novak returned as ADAs. From the beginning of season fourteen, ADA Rafael Barba had been SVU's prosecutor, until leaving halfway through season nineteen. \"Chicago Justice\"'s Peter Stone became SVU's ADA after \"Chicago Justice\" was canceled after only one season. In season 13, other big changes happened when Stabler left in the season twelve finale. Detectives Nick Amaro and Amanda Rollins joined the team filling the void left by Stabler. Amaro","Document [14](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) to $500,000 per episode. Based out of the New York City Police Department's 16th precinct in Manhattan, \"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\" delves into the dark side of the New York underworld as the detectives of a new elite force, the Special Victims Unit (SVU for short), investigate and prosecute various sexually-oriented crimes including rape, pedophilia, and domestic violence. They also investigate the abuses of children, the disabled and elderly victims of non-sexual crimes who require specialist handling. All the while trying to balance the effects of the investigation on their own lives. Its stories also touch on the","Document [15](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 16)) finale of \"Desperate Housewives\", of which she was part of the cast from 2004 to 2012. The episode marks Vaughn's final television prior to his death on November 11, 2016. Andre Braugher returned to \"SVU\" as his season 13\u201314 recurring character defense attorney Bayard Ellis in the episode entitled \"Perverted Justice\". Ellis tried and set a jailed-father accused of raping his daughter, free, after she recants her testimony against him. \"House's\" Robert Sean Leonard guest stars as ADA Kenneth O\u2019Dwyer, who goes head-to-head with Ellis in court over the case. Alongside Braugher and Leonard, Dann Florek made a guest appearance","Document [16](Title: Justice Denied (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)) and ensure no one is wrongfully imprisoned. Cragen says the Conviction Integrity Unit will start with the SVU and Haden is the attorney in charge. Benson and Haden meet for drinks and decide to end their relationship in order to protect the integrity of the SVU and avoid a conflict of interest. \"Justice Denied\" was written by (teleplay and story) and showrunner\/executive producer, Warren Leight (story), and directed by Michael Slovis. This episode was the final episode of the thirteenth season for both recurring guest stars Andre Braugher and Harry Connick, Jr., who portrayed defense attorney Bayard Ellis and Executive","Document [17](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 9)) filming in April 2007 making it the first episode of the ninth season produced. In \"Savant\", a child played by Paulina Gerzon becomes the key to solving a case when the SVU learns about her extremely sensitive hearing. Children's author Robert Black praised \"SVU\"'s ability to find good child actors and said that Gerzon \"was fantastic as a girl with Williams Syndrome, even having to deliver her lines through a set of oversized false teeth.\" This episode also showed Vincent Spano reprising his role as FBI Agent Dean Porter. In \"Harm\", Elizabeth McGovern played Dr. Faith Sutton, a doctor who","Document [18](Title: Kim Greylek) and that District Attorney Jack McCoy (Sam Waterston) let her leave immediately. After the departure of Diane Neal, who portrayed ADA Casey Novak from the fifth to ninth season of \"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit\", Michaela McManus was approached to replace her. McManus, who departed \"One Tree Hill\" for the role, was cast as a series regular in the capacity of Assistant District Attorney. On the casting, creator and executive producer of \"SVU\" Dick Wolf claimed, \"We look forward to [McManus] working with Neal [Baer], Ted [Kotcheff] and me to create another interesting and memorable character in the \"Law","Document [19](Title: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (season 14)) his friend. Navarro hinted at his appearance on Twitter prior before \"TV Guide\" announced it, \"On my way to NYC to hang out with Detective Benson for a day,\" he tweeted about star Mariska Hargitay. Jeffrey Tambor guest starred in \"Funny Valentine\" as well, in a role that's a change of pace for the actor. Tambor has been cast as Ben Cohen, an attorney hired to defend a popular hip-hop artist after his arrest by the SVU. While Tambor's TV characters are often quite bizarre, Cohen is described as being no-nonsense and perhaps a bit overconfident in the popularity of","Document [20](Title: Ra\u00fal Esparza) Ra\u00fal Eduardo Esparza (born October 24, 1970) is an American stage and television actor, singer, and voice artist, best known for his role as New York Assistant District Attorney (ADA) Rafael Barba in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. He has received Tony nominations for his role as Philip Salon in the Boy George musical Taboo in 2004; Robert, an empty man devoid of connection in the musical comedy Company in 2006; a lazy and snarky man in Harold Pinter's The Homecoming; and an aggressive volatile movie producer in David Mamet's Speed the Plow. He played the role of Riff"],"query":"who plays the prosecutor on law and order svu?","answers":["Ra\u00fal Eduardo Esparza"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Turlough (lake)) A turlough, or turlach, is a type of disappearing lake found mostly in limestone areas of Ireland, west of the River Shannon. The name comes from the Irish tuar, meaning \"dry\", with the suffix -lach, meaning \"a place\" (in an abstract sense). The -lach suffix is often mistakenly spelled and\/or thought to refer to the word loch, the Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Scots word for \"lake\". The landforms are found in Irish karst (exposed limestone) areas.","Document [2](Title: Lough Lene) 1995. Since then, a further outbreak of the crayfish fungus plague has once again led to the disappearance of the species from Lough Lene. Lough Lene Lough Lene (Irish: \"Loch L\u00e9inn\") is a lake situated in north County Westmeath, Ireland, between the villages of Castlepollard, Collinstown and Fore. It possesses a rich and varied history. It also boasts the existence of prehistoric burial sites, old ruins, many ancient village-type communal circular dwellings locally called ringforts, stiles, and mass paths. Lough Lene also has claims to being the home to kings and Vikings, such as Turgesius who had one of his","Document [3](Title: Lough Sheelin) Lough Sheelin Lough Sheelin (), in standard Irish \"Loch S\u00edleann\", is a limestone freshwater lough (lake) in Ireland located in County Westmeath, County Meath and County Cavan near the villages of Finnea (also spelled Finea) and Mountnugent and the town of Granard, (County Longford). The 1900-hectare lake is naturally populated by brown trout whose native stocks have been depleted in recent years. Phosphorus originating from intensive agricultural developments has caused a progressive enrichment of the Lough's waters which has led to a substantial decrease in the number of trout. The level of phosphorus in the lake is currently being monitored","Document [4](Title: Lake-burst) Lake-burst A lake-burst () is a phenomenon referred to in Irish mythology, in which a previously non-existent lake comes into being, often when a grave is being dug. Part of the lake-burst stories may originate in sudden hydrographic changes around limestone-based inland plains or turloughs. Other so-called lake-bursts refer to marine estuaries, bays and inlets, such as Galway Bay, Strangford Lough, Dundrum Bay, Belfast Lough, Waterford Harbour and the mouth of the River Erne. Some of these coastal districts were renowned for the drowned prehistoric forests, which gave rise to several flood-myths. Medieval bards had a special genre of lake-burst","Document [5](Title: Mushroom stones) such as The Burren, are studded with lakes containing many partly-submerged Carboniferous limestone erratics. A requirement for limestone solution is that water must essentially be \u2018acidic\u2019 (pH below 7). Yet, a study of six wavestone sites in Ireland, namely Ballard Bridge, Cornaseer, Creevagh, Gortlecka, Killinaboy and Rinnamona, found that nearby lakes, in which the wavestones are said to have formed, are \u2018alkaline' (pH above 7) with a pH range from 7.6 to 8.5. In fact, the water in three of the lakes, Loughs Geal\u00e1in and Ree, and Rinnamona Lough, is so alkaline that marl (lime mud) is being precipitated. The","Document [6](Title: Geography of Ireland) into disuse, the soil began to leach and become more acidic, producing a suitable environment for the growth of heather and rushes. The debris from these plants accumulated and a layer of peat formed. One of the largest expanses of Atlantic blanket bog in Ireland is to be found in County Mayo. Raised bogs are most common in the Shannon basin. They formed when depressions left behind after the ice age filled with water to form lakes. Debris from reeds in these lakes formed a layer at the bottom of the water. This eventually choked the lakes and raised above","Document [7](Title: Mushroom stones) County Offaly, which marks the position of what must have been the north-western edge of ancient Lough Boora, on whose shores the first people of the Irish midlands camped in Mesolithic times 8,500 or so years ago. This ancient lake disappeared long ago, swamped by the growing expanse of bog, which buried not only the lake itself, but preserved the campsites of the early midlanders. No scientific evidence has been published to verify that the Irish wavestones have formed in lakes. Furthermore, no wavestones have been described from present-day lakes in Ireland, which is puzzling as parts of the country,","Document [8](Title: Lough Sheelin) of the song \"Lough Sheelin Eviction\", made popular by the Wolfe Tones. The song is purportedly based on an account of an eviction witnessed by Dr. Thomas Nulty, Roman Catholic bishop of Meath, in 1848 in his first year as a priest in the diocese. Lough Sheelin Lough Sheelin (), in standard Irish \"Loch S\u00edleann\", is a limestone freshwater lough (lake) in Ireland located in County Westmeath, County Meath and County Cavan near the villages of Finnea (also spelled Finea) and Mountnugent and the town of Granard, (County Longford). The 1900-hectare lake is naturally populated by brown trout whose native","Document [9](Title: Turlough (lake)) or joints in the rock become widened to such an extent that eventually all of the rain falling on the limestone disappears underground, and the water moves through the rock openings ranging from cracks a few millimetres wide to large cave passages. The limestone is then said to be \"karstified\". To the east of the Shannon, the limestone is often covered by great thicknesses of glacial drift deposited during the last glacial period, but in many areas to the west of the Shannon where the limestone is pure and the drift cover is thin, there is no proper surface river","Document [10](Title: Lough Owel) both in Westmeath, and from there through the town of Clara (County Offaly) into the Shannon. The Viking chieftain Turgesius was drowned in Lough Owel by M\u00e1el Sechnaill mac Ma\u00edl Ruanaid in 845. Since 1996 the lough has received international protection as a Ramsar site. It is noted for its birdlife and is also well known amongst anglers, and holds a few char along with brown trout. Lough Owel Lough Owel () is a mesotrophic lough in the Midlands of Ireland, situated north of Mullingar, the county town of Westmeath. It has a maximum depth of 22m. Water from Lough","Document [11](Title: Lake-burst) Loch Lurgan\" or Galway Bay) on \"Tir Find\" and \"Loch Cera\" or \"Findloch\" over the borders of Irrus. Interesting enough, several major lakes and outlets, such as Lough Corrib, Lough Derg (Shannon), Shannon Estuary and Killary Harbour are not mentioned in any known myth. This may imply that at least some lake-bursts mentioned have been wrongly identified with smaller lakes, where, in fact, they were referring to one of the major lakes. Lough Derg (Ulster), moreover, was identified in the Life of Saint Patrick as the location of the purgatory. Lake-burst A lake-burst () is a phenomenon referred to in","Document [12](Title: Lough Owel) Lough Owel Lough Owel () is a mesotrophic lough in the Midlands of Ireland, situated north of Mullingar, the county town of Westmeath. It has a maximum depth of 22m. Water from Lough Owel feeds the Royal Canal, a canal crossing Ireland from Dublin to the River Shannon. Access to the lake can be gained from a carpark and pier to the south of the N4 Mullingar to Longford route. Lough Owel and Lough Ennell are two of many lakes that form the River Brosna drainage basin. The Brosna is a tributary of the Shannon, flowing through Mullingar and Kilbeggan,","Document [13](Title: Kindrum Lough) spanioclema\". The latter species is considered endemic to County Donegal. Kindrum Lough is part of the Kindrum Lough Special Area of Conservation. Kindrum Lough Kindrum Lough () is a freshwater lake in the northwest of Ireland. It is located in north County Donegal on the Fanad Peninsula. Kindrum Lough is about northwest of Portsalon. It measures about long west\u2013east and wide. Kindrum Lough is fed mainly by the Cashlan Stream entering at its southeastern end. The lake drains southwards into Mulroy Bay. Kindrum Lough is oligotrophic. Fish species in Kindrum Lough include brown trout, Arctic char, three-spined stickleback and the","Document [14](Title: Lough Derg (Shannon)) \"Nitellopsis obtusa\", an invasive alga in the family Characeae (stoneworts), was first recorded in Ireland in this lough in 2016. The North-East Shore is listed as a Special Area of Conservation. Lough Derg (Shannon) Lough Derg, historically Lough Dergart (), is a freshwater lake in the Shannon River Basin, Ireland. It is the third-biggest on the island of Ireland (after Lough Neagh and Lough Corrib). It is a long, narrow lake, with shores in counties Clare (south-west), Galway (north-west), and Tipperary (to the east). It is the southernmost of three large lakes on the River Shannon; the others being Lough","Document [15](Title: Little Limestone Lake) the largest and most outstanding example of a marl lake in the world. It is a turquoise body of water that changes colour as calcite in the water dissolves or precipitates depending on temperature. When the water is warm, calcite comes out of the solution and forms microscopic crystals, which give the water its milky white colour. The source of the calcite is underground water, which flow into the lake in significant quantity. Little Limestone Lake Little Limestone Lake is a lake located in Little Limestone Lake Provincial Park in northern Manitoba, Canada, about north of Winnipeg, and north of","Document [16](Title: Kindrum Lough) Kindrum Lough Kindrum Lough () is a freshwater lake in the northwest of Ireland. It is located in north County Donegal on the Fanad Peninsula. Kindrum Lough is about northwest of Portsalon. It measures about long west\u2013east and wide. Kindrum Lough is fed mainly by the Cashlan Stream entering at its southeastern end. The lake drains southwards into Mulroy Bay. Kindrum Lough is oligotrophic. Fish species in Kindrum Lough include brown trout, Arctic char, three-spined stickleback and the critically endangered European eel. Two rare plant species have been recorded from the lake: slender naiad (\"Najas flexilis\") and a stonewort, \"Nitella","Document [17](Title: Lough Mask) Lough Mask Lough Mask (Irish: \"Loch Measca\") is a limestone lough (lake) of 20,500 acres (83 km\u00b2) in Counties Galway and Mayo, Ireland, north of Lough Corrib. Lough Mask is the middle of the three lakes, which empty into the Corrib River, through Galway, into Galway Bay. Lough Carra flows into Lough Mask, which feeds into Lough Corrib through an underground stream which becomes the River Cong. Lough Mask is the fourth largest lake, by area, in Ireland and the sixth largest lake in the island of Ireland. The eastern half of Lough Mask is shallow and contains many islands.","Document [18](Title: Annaghmore Lough) plover. Other species include teal, shoveler, wigeon, mallard, pochard, goldeneye, lapwing and curlew. The lake and surrounding fens form the Annaghmore Lough (Roscommon) Special Area of Conservation. Annaghmore Lough Annaghmore Lough is a freshwater lake in the west of Ireland. It is located in County Roscommon in the catchment of the upper River Shannon. Annaghmore Lough is located about northwest of Strokestown. It lies at the centre of a group of small glacial lakes. Fish species in Annaghmore Lough include perch, roach, rudd, pike, tench, three-spined stickleback and the critically endangered European eel. The fen on the lake's north shore","Document [19](Title: Killarney shad) Killarney shad The Killarney shad (\"Alosa killarnensis\"), also called the goureen, is a freshwater fish in the family \"Clupeidae\", endemic to a single lake in Ireland, Lough Leane in County Kerry. Research has shown that it is a landlocked subspecies of the anadromous, twait shad (\"Alosa fallax\"), arriving in the lake after the Last Glacial Maximum about 10,000 years ago. This fish is at risk from eutrophication and the introduction of alien species of fish to the lake and the International Union for Conservation of Nature has rated it as \"critically endangered\". Lough Leane in the Killarney National Park, southwestern","Document [20](Title: Lough Atedaun) It is also part of the Corofin Wetlands Special Protection Area. Lough Atedaun Lough Atedaun () is a freshwater lake in the Mid-West Region of Ireland. It is located in The Burren of County Clare. Lough Atedaun measures about long and wide. It is about north of Ennis near the village of Corofin. Lough Atedaun lies along the River Fergus which flows in from neighbouring Inchiquin Lough. Nearby Lough Cullaun also flows in to Lough Atedaun. The lake is highly eutrophic. Fish species in Lough Atedaun include perch, rudd, pike, stone loach and the critically endangered European eel. The lake"],"query":"type of disappearing lake found in limestone areas in the west of ireland?","answers":["turlough","turlough, or turlach","A turlough, or turlach"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Lough Lene) 1995. Since then, a further outbreak of the crayfish fungus plague has once again led to the disappearance of the species from Lough Lene. Lough Lene Lough Lene (Irish: \"Loch L\u00e9inn\") is a lake situated in north County Westmeath, Ireland, between the villages of Castlepollard, Collinstown and Fore. It possesses a rich and varied history. It also boasts the existence of prehistoric burial sites, old ruins, many ancient village-type communal circular dwellings locally called ringforts, stiles, and mass paths. Lough Lene also has claims to being the home to kings and Vikings, such as Turgesius who had one of his","Document [2](Title: Lough Sheelin) Lough Sheelin Lough Sheelin (), in standard Irish \"Loch S\u00edleann\", is a limestone freshwater lough (lake) in Ireland located in County Westmeath, County Meath and County Cavan near the villages of Finnea (also spelled Finea) and Mountnugent and the town of Granard, (County Longford). The 1900-hectare lake is naturally populated by brown trout whose native stocks have been depleted in recent years. Phosphorus originating from intensive agricultural developments has caused a progressive enrichment of the Lough's waters which has led to a substantial decrease in the number of trout. The level of phosphorus in the lake is currently being monitored","Document [3](Title: Lake-burst) Lake-burst A lake-burst () is a phenomenon referred to in Irish mythology, in which a previously non-existent lake comes into being, often when a grave is being dug. Part of the lake-burst stories may originate in sudden hydrographic changes around limestone-based inland plains or turloughs. Other so-called lake-bursts refer to marine estuaries, bays and inlets, such as Galway Bay, Strangford Lough, Dundrum Bay, Belfast Lough, Waterford Harbour and the mouth of the River Erne. Some of these coastal districts were renowned for the drowned prehistoric forests, which gave rise to several flood-myths. Medieval bards had a special genre of lake-burst","Document [4](Title: Mushroom stones) such as The Burren, are studded with lakes containing many partly-submerged Carboniferous limestone erratics. A requirement for limestone solution is that water must essentially be \u2018acidic\u2019 (pH below 7). Yet, a study of six wavestone sites in Ireland, namely Ballard Bridge, Cornaseer, Creevagh, Gortlecka, Killinaboy and Rinnamona, found that nearby lakes, in which the wavestones are said to have formed, are \u2018alkaline' (pH above 7) with a pH range from 7.6 to 8.5. In fact, the water in three of the lakes, Loughs Geal\u00e1in and Ree, and Rinnamona Lough, is so alkaline that marl (lime mud) is being precipitated. The","Document [5](Title: Turlough (lake)) A turlough, or turlach, is a type of disappearing lake found mostly in limestone areas of Ireland, west of the River Shannon. The name comes from the Irish tuar, meaning \"dry\", with the suffix -lach, meaning \"a place\" (in an abstract sense). The -lach suffix is often mistakenly spelled and\/or thought to refer to the word loch, the Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Scots word for \"lake\". The landforms are found in Irish karst (exposed limestone) areas.","Document [6](Title: Geography of Ireland) into disuse, the soil began to leach and become more acidic, producing a suitable environment for the growth of heather and rushes. The debris from these plants accumulated and a layer of peat formed. One of the largest expanses of Atlantic blanket bog in Ireland is to be found in County Mayo. Raised bogs are most common in the Shannon basin. They formed when depressions left behind after the ice age filled with water to form lakes. Debris from reeds in these lakes formed a layer at the bottom of the water. This eventually choked the lakes and raised above","Document [7](Title: Mushroom stones) County Offaly, which marks the position of what must have been the north-western edge of ancient Lough Boora, on whose shores the first people of the Irish midlands camped in Mesolithic times 8,500 or so years ago. This ancient lake disappeared long ago, swamped by the growing expanse of bog, which buried not only the lake itself, but preserved the campsites of the early midlanders. No scientific evidence has been published to verify that the Irish wavestones have formed in lakes. Furthermore, no wavestones have been described from present-day lakes in Ireland, which is puzzling as parts of the country,","Document [8](Title: Lough Sheelin) of the song \"Lough Sheelin Eviction\", made popular by the Wolfe Tones. The song is purportedly based on an account of an eviction witnessed by Dr. Thomas Nulty, Roman Catholic bishop of Meath, in 1848 in his first year as a priest in the diocese. Lough Sheelin Lough Sheelin (), in standard Irish \"Loch S\u00edleann\", is a limestone freshwater lough (lake) in Ireland located in County Westmeath, County Meath and County Cavan near the villages of Finnea (also spelled Finea) and Mountnugent and the town of Granard, (County Longford). The 1900-hectare lake is naturally populated by brown trout whose native","Document [9](Title: Turlough (lake)) or joints in the rock become widened to such an extent that eventually all of the rain falling on the limestone disappears underground, and the water moves through the rock openings ranging from cracks a few millimetres wide to large cave passages. The limestone is then said to be \"karstified\". To the east of the Shannon, the limestone is often covered by great thicknesses of glacial drift deposited during the last glacial period, but in many areas to the west of the Shannon where the limestone is pure and the drift cover is thin, there is no proper surface river","Document [10](Title: Lough Owel) both in Westmeath, and from there through the town of Clara (County Offaly) into the Shannon. The Viking chieftain Turgesius was drowned in Lough Owel by M\u00e1el Sechnaill mac Ma\u00edl Ruanaid in 845. Since 1996 the lough has received international protection as a Ramsar site. It is noted for its birdlife and is also well known amongst anglers, and holds a few char along with brown trout. Lough Owel Lough Owel () is a mesotrophic lough in the Midlands of Ireland, situated north of Mullingar, the county town of Westmeath. It has a maximum depth of 22m. Water from Lough","Document [11](Title: Lake-burst) Loch Lurgan\" or Galway Bay) on \"Tir Find\" and \"Loch Cera\" or \"Findloch\" over the borders of Irrus. Interesting enough, several major lakes and outlets, such as Lough Corrib, Lough Derg (Shannon), Shannon Estuary and Killary Harbour are not mentioned in any known myth. This may imply that at least some lake-bursts mentioned have been wrongly identified with smaller lakes, where, in fact, they were referring to one of the major lakes. Lough Derg (Ulster), moreover, was identified in the Life of Saint Patrick as the location of the purgatory. Lake-burst A lake-burst () is a phenomenon referred to in","Document [12](Title: Lough Owel) Lough Owel Lough Owel () is a mesotrophic lough in the Midlands of Ireland, situated north of Mullingar, the county town of Westmeath. It has a maximum depth of 22m. Water from Lough Owel feeds the Royal Canal, a canal crossing Ireland from Dublin to the River Shannon. Access to the lake can be gained from a carpark and pier to the south of the N4 Mullingar to Longford route. Lough Owel and Lough Ennell are two of many lakes that form the River Brosna drainage basin. The Brosna is a tributary of the Shannon, flowing through Mullingar and Kilbeggan,","Document [13](Title: Kindrum Lough) spanioclema\". The latter species is considered endemic to County Donegal. Kindrum Lough is part of the Kindrum Lough Special Area of Conservation. Kindrum Lough Kindrum Lough () is a freshwater lake in the northwest of Ireland. It is located in north County Donegal on the Fanad Peninsula. Kindrum Lough is about northwest of Portsalon. It measures about long west\u2013east and wide. Kindrum Lough is fed mainly by the Cashlan Stream entering at its southeastern end. The lake drains southwards into Mulroy Bay. Kindrum Lough is oligotrophic. Fish species in Kindrum Lough include brown trout, Arctic char, three-spined stickleback and the","Document [14](Title: Lough Derg (Shannon)) \"Nitellopsis obtusa\", an invasive alga in the family Characeae (stoneworts), was first recorded in Ireland in this lough in 2016. The North-East Shore is listed as a Special Area of Conservation. Lough Derg (Shannon) Lough Derg, historically Lough Dergart (), is a freshwater lake in the Shannon River Basin, Ireland. It is the third-biggest on the island of Ireland (after Lough Neagh and Lough Corrib). It is a long, narrow lake, with shores in counties Clare (south-west), Galway (north-west), and Tipperary (to the east). It is the southernmost of three large lakes on the River Shannon; the others being Lough","Document [15](Title: Little Limestone Lake) the largest and most outstanding example of a marl lake in the world. It is a turquoise body of water that changes colour as calcite in the water dissolves or precipitates depending on temperature. When the water is warm, calcite comes out of the solution and forms microscopic crystals, which give the water its milky white colour. The source of the calcite is underground water, which flow into the lake in significant quantity. Little Limestone Lake Little Limestone Lake is a lake located in Little Limestone Lake Provincial Park in northern Manitoba, Canada, about north of Winnipeg, and north of","Document [16](Title: Kindrum Lough) Kindrum Lough Kindrum Lough () is a freshwater lake in the northwest of Ireland. It is located in north County Donegal on the Fanad Peninsula. Kindrum Lough is about northwest of Portsalon. It measures about long west\u2013east and wide. Kindrum Lough is fed mainly by the Cashlan Stream entering at its southeastern end. The lake drains southwards into Mulroy Bay. Kindrum Lough is oligotrophic. Fish species in Kindrum Lough include brown trout, Arctic char, three-spined stickleback and the critically endangered European eel. Two rare plant species have been recorded from the lake: slender naiad (\"Najas flexilis\") and a stonewort, \"Nitella","Document [17](Title: Lough Mask) Lough Mask Lough Mask (Irish: \"Loch Measca\") is a limestone lough (lake) of 20,500 acres (83 km\u00b2) in Counties Galway and Mayo, Ireland, north of Lough Corrib. Lough Mask is the middle of the three lakes, which empty into the Corrib River, through Galway, into Galway Bay. Lough Carra flows into Lough Mask, which feeds into Lough Corrib through an underground stream which becomes the River Cong. Lough Mask is the fourth largest lake, by area, in Ireland and the sixth largest lake in the island of Ireland. The eastern half of Lough Mask is shallow and contains many islands.","Document [18](Title: Annaghmore Lough) plover. Other species include teal, shoveler, wigeon, mallard, pochard, goldeneye, lapwing and curlew. The lake and surrounding fens form the Annaghmore Lough (Roscommon) Special Area of Conservation. Annaghmore Lough Annaghmore Lough is a freshwater lake in the west of Ireland. It is located in County Roscommon in the catchment of the upper River Shannon. Annaghmore Lough is located about northwest of Strokestown. It lies at the centre of a group of small glacial lakes. Fish species in Annaghmore Lough include perch, roach, rudd, pike, tench, three-spined stickleback and the critically endangered European eel. The fen on the lake's north shore","Document [19](Title: Killarney shad) Killarney shad The Killarney shad (\"Alosa killarnensis\"), also called the goureen, is a freshwater fish in the family \"Clupeidae\", endemic to a single lake in Ireland, Lough Leane in County Kerry. Research has shown that it is a landlocked subspecies of the anadromous, twait shad (\"Alosa fallax\"), arriving in the lake after the Last Glacial Maximum about 10,000 years ago. This fish is at risk from eutrophication and the introduction of alien species of fish to the lake and the International Union for Conservation of Nature has rated it as \"critically endangered\". Lough Leane in the Killarney National Park, southwestern","Document [20](Title: Lough Atedaun) It is also part of the Corofin Wetlands Special Protection Area. Lough Atedaun Lough Atedaun () is a freshwater lake in the Mid-West Region of Ireland. It is located in The Burren of County Clare. Lough Atedaun measures about long and wide. It is about north of Ennis near the village of Corofin. Lough Atedaun lies along the River Fergus which flows in from neighbouring Inchiquin Lough. Nearby Lough Cullaun also flows in to Lough Atedaun. The lake is highly eutrophic. Fish species in Lough Atedaun include perch, rudd, pike, stone loach and the critically endangered European eel. The lake"],"query":"type of disappearing lake found in limestone areas in the west of ireland?","answers":["turlough","turlough, or turlach","A turlough, or turlach"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Lough Lene) 1995. Since then, a further outbreak of the crayfish fungus plague has once again led to the disappearance of the species from Lough Lene. Lough Lene Lough Lene (Irish: \"Loch L\u00e9inn\") is a lake situated in north County Westmeath, Ireland, between the villages of Castlepollard, Collinstown and Fore. It possesses a rich and varied history. It also boasts the existence of prehistoric burial sites, old ruins, many ancient village-type communal circular dwellings locally called ringforts, stiles, and mass paths. Lough Lene also has claims to being the home to kings and Vikings, such as Turgesius who had one of his","Document [2](Title: Lough Sheelin) Lough Sheelin Lough Sheelin (), in standard Irish \"Loch S\u00edleann\", is a limestone freshwater lough (lake) in Ireland located in County Westmeath, County Meath and County Cavan near the villages of Finnea (also spelled Finea) and Mountnugent and the town of Granard, (County Longford). The 1900-hectare lake is naturally populated by brown trout whose native stocks have been depleted in recent years. Phosphorus originating from intensive agricultural developments has caused a progressive enrichment of the Lough's waters which has led to a substantial decrease in the number of trout. The level of phosphorus in the lake is currently being monitored","Document [3](Title: Lake-burst) Lake-burst A lake-burst () is a phenomenon referred to in Irish mythology, in which a previously non-existent lake comes into being, often when a grave is being dug. Part of the lake-burst stories may originate in sudden hydrographic changes around limestone-based inland plains or turloughs. Other so-called lake-bursts refer to marine estuaries, bays and inlets, such as Galway Bay, Strangford Lough, Dundrum Bay, Belfast Lough, Waterford Harbour and the mouth of the River Erne. Some of these coastal districts were renowned for the drowned prehistoric forests, which gave rise to several flood-myths. Medieval bards had a special genre of lake-burst","Document [4](Title: Mushroom stones) such as The Burren, are studded with lakes containing many partly-submerged Carboniferous limestone erratics. A requirement for limestone solution is that water must essentially be \u2018acidic\u2019 (pH below 7). Yet, a study of six wavestone sites in Ireland, namely Ballard Bridge, Cornaseer, Creevagh, Gortlecka, Killinaboy and Rinnamona, found that nearby lakes, in which the wavestones are said to have formed, are \u2018alkaline' (pH above 7) with a pH range from 7.6 to 8.5. In fact, the water in three of the lakes, Loughs Geal\u00e1in and Ree, and Rinnamona Lough, is so alkaline that marl (lime mud) is being precipitated. The","Document [5](Title: Geography of Ireland) into disuse, the soil began to leach and become more acidic, producing a suitable environment for the growth of heather and rushes. The debris from these plants accumulated and a layer of peat formed. One of the largest expanses of Atlantic blanket bog in Ireland is to be found in County Mayo. Raised bogs are most common in the Shannon basin. They formed when depressions left behind after the ice age filled with water to form lakes. Debris from reeds in these lakes formed a layer at the bottom of the water. This eventually choked the lakes and raised above","Document [6](Title: Mushroom stones) County Offaly, which marks the position of what must have been the north-western edge of ancient Lough Boora, on whose shores the first people of the Irish midlands camped in Mesolithic times 8,500 or so years ago. This ancient lake disappeared long ago, swamped by the growing expanse of bog, which buried not only the lake itself, but preserved the campsites of the early midlanders. No scientific evidence has been published to verify that the Irish wavestones have formed in lakes. Furthermore, no wavestones have been described from present-day lakes in Ireland, which is puzzling as parts of the country,","Document [7](Title: Lough Sheelin) of the song \"Lough Sheelin Eviction\", made popular by the Wolfe Tones. The song is purportedly based on an account of an eviction witnessed by Dr. Thomas Nulty, Roman Catholic bishop of Meath, in 1848 in his first year as a priest in the diocese. Lough Sheelin Lough Sheelin (), in standard Irish \"Loch S\u00edleann\", is a limestone freshwater lough (lake) in Ireland located in County Westmeath, County Meath and County Cavan near the villages of Finnea (also spelled Finea) and Mountnugent and the town of Granard, (County Longford). The 1900-hectare lake is naturally populated by brown trout whose native","Document [8](Title: Turlough (lake)) or joints in the rock become widened to such an extent that eventually all of the rain falling on the limestone disappears underground, and the water moves through the rock openings ranging from cracks a few millimetres wide to large cave passages. The limestone is then said to be \"karstified\". To the east of the Shannon, the limestone is often covered by great thicknesses of glacial drift deposited during the last glacial period, but in many areas to the west of the Shannon where the limestone is pure and the drift cover is thin, there is no proper surface river","Document [9](Title: Lough Owel) both in Westmeath, and from there through the town of Clara (County Offaly) into the Shannon. The Viking chieftain Turgesius was drowned in Lough Owel by M\u00e1el Sechnaill mac Ma\u00edl Ruanaid in 845. Since 1996 the lough has received international protection as a Ramsar site. It is noted for its birdlife and is also well known amongst anglers, and holds a few char along with brown trout. Lough Owel Lough Owel () is a mesotrophic lough in the Midlands of Ireland, situated north of Mullingar, the county town of Westmeath. It has a maximum depth of 22m. Water from Lough","Document [10](Title: Turlough (lake)) A turlough, or turlach, is a type of disappearing lake found mostly in limestone areas of Ireland, west of the River Shannon. The name comes from the Irish tuar, meaning \"dry\", with the suffix -lach, meaning \"a place\" (in an abstract sense). The -lach suffix is often mistakenly spelled and\/or thought to refer to the word loch, the Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Scots word for \"lake\". The landforms are found in Irish karst (exposed limestone) areas.","Document [11](Title: Lake-burst) Loch Lurgan\" or Galway Bay) on \"Tir Find\" and \"Loch Cera\" or \"Findloch\" over the borders of Irrus. Interesting enough, several major lakes and outlets, such as Lough Corrib, Lough Derg (Shannon), Shannon Estuary and Killary Harbour are not mentioned in any known myth. This may imply that at least some lake-bursts mentioned have been wrongly identified with smaller lakes, where, in fact, they were referring to one of the major lakes. Lough Derg (Ulster), moreover, was identified in the Life of Saint Patrick as the location of the purgatory. Lake-burst A lake-burst () is a phenomenon referred to in","Document [12](Title: Lough Owel) Lough Owel Lough Owel () is a mesotrophic lough in the Midlands of Ireland, situated north of Mullingar, the county town of Westmeath. It has a maximum depth of 22m. Water from Lough Owel feeds the Royal Canal, a canal crossing Ireland from Dublin to the River Shannon. Access to the lake can be gained from a carpark and pier to the south of the N4 Mullingar to Longford route. Lough Owel and Lough Ennell are two of many lakes that form the River Brosna drainage basin. The Brosna is a tributary of the Shannon, flowing through Mullingar and Kilbeggan,","Document [13](Title: Kindrum Lough) spanioclema\". The latter species is considered endemic to County Donegal. Kindrum Lough is part of the Kindrum Lough Special Area of Conservation. Kindrum Lough Kindrum Lough () is a freshwater lake in the northwest of Ireland. It is located in north County Donegal on the Fanad Peninsula. Kindrum Lough is about northwest of Portsalon. It measures about long west\u2013east and wide. Kindrum Lough is fed mainly by the Cashlan Stream entering at its southeastern end. The lake drains southwards into Mulroy Bay. Kindrum Lough is oligotrophic. Fish species in Kindrum Lough include brown trout, Arctic char, three-spined stickleback and the","Document [14](Title: Lough Derg (Shannon)) \"Nitellopsis obtusa\", an invasive alga in the family Characeae (stoneworts), was first recorded in Ireland in this lough in 2016. The North-East Shore is listed as a Special Area of Conservation. Lough Derg (Shannon) Lough Derg, historically Lough Dergart (), is a freshwater lake in the Shannon River Basin, Ireland. It is the third-biggest on the island of Ireland (after Lough Neagh and Lough Corrib). It is a long, narrow lake, with shores in counties Clare (south-west), Galway (north-west), and Tipperary (to the east). It is the southernmost of three large lakes on the River Shannon; the others being Lough","Document [15](Title: Little Limestone Lake) the largest and most outstanding example of a marl lake in the world. It is a turquoise body of water that changes colour as calcite in the water dissolves or precipitates depending on temperature. When the water is warm, calcite comes out of the solution and forms microscopic crystals, which give the water its milky white colour. The source of the calcite is underground water, which flow into the lake in significant quantity. Little Limestone Lake Little Limestone Lake is a lake located in Little Limestone Lake Provincial Park in northern Manitoba, Canada, about north of Winnipeg, and north of","Document [16](Title: Kindrum Lough) Kindrum Lough Kindrum Lough () is a freshwater lake in the northwest of Ireland. It is located in north County Donegal on the Fanad Peninsula. Kindrum Lough is about northwest of Portsalon. It measures about long west\u2013east and wide. Kindrum Lough is fed mainly by the Cashlan Stream entering at its southeastern end. The lake drains southwards into Mulroy Bay. Kindrum Lough is oligotrophic. Fish species in Kindrum Lough include brown trout, Arctic char, three-spined stickleback and the critically endangered European eel. Two rare plant species have been recorded from the lake: slender naiad (\"Najas flexilis\") and a stonewort, \"Nitella","Document [17](Title: Lough Mask) Lough Mask Lough Mask (Irish: \"Loch Measca\") is a limestone lough (lake) of 20,500 acres (83 km\u00b2) in Counties Galway and Mayo, Ireland, north of Lough Corrib. Lough Mask is the middle of the three lakes, which empty into the Corrib River, through Galway, into Galway Bay. Lough Carra flows into Lough Mask, which feeds into Lough Corrib through an underground stream which becomes the River Cong. Lough Mask is the fourth largest lake, by area, in Ireland and the sixth largest lake in the island of Ireland. The eastern half of Lough Mask is shallow and contains many islands.","Document [18](Title: Annaghmore Lough) plover. Other species include teal, shoveler, wigeon, mallard, pochard, goldeneye, lapwing and curlew. The lake and surrounding fens form the Annaghmore Lough (Roscommon) Special Area of Conservation. Annaghmore Lough Annaghmore Lough is a freshwater lake in the west of Ireland. It is located in County Roscommon in the catchment of the upper River Shannon. Annaghmore Lough is located about northwest of Strokestown. It lies at the centre of a group of small glacial lakes. Fish species in Annaghmore Lough include perch, roach, rudd, pike, tench, three-spined stickleback and the critically endangered European eel. The fen on the lake's north shore","Document [19](Title: Killarney shad) Killarney shad The Killarney shad (\"Alosa killarnensis\"), also called the goureen, is a freshwater fish in the family \"Clupeidae\", endemic to a single lake in Ireland, Lough Leane in County Kerry. Research has shown that it is a landlocked subspecies of the anadromous, twait shad (\"Alosa fallax\"), arriving in the lake after the Last Glacial Maximum about 10,000 years ago. This fish is at risk from eutrophication and the introduction of alien species of fish to the lake and the International Union for Conservation of Nature has rated it as \"critically endangered\". Lough Leane in the Killarney National Park, southwestern","Document [20](Title: Lough Atedaun) It is also part of the Corofin Wetlands Special Protection Area. Lough Atedaun Lough Atedaun () is a freshwater lake in the Mid-West Region of Ireland. It is located in The Burren of County Clare. Lough Atedaun measures about long and wide. It is about north of Ennis near the village of Corofin. Lough Atedaun lies along the River Fergus which flows in from neighbouring Inchiquin Lough. Nearby Lough Cullaun also flows in to Lough Atedaun. The lake is highly eutrophic. Fish species in Lough Atedaun include perch, rudd, pike, stone loach and the critically endangered European eel. The lake"],"query":"type of disappearing lake found in limestone areas in the west of ireland?","answers":["turlough","turlough, or turlach","A turlough, or turlach"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Lough Lene) 1995. Since then, a further outbreak of the crayfish fungus plague has once again led to the disappearance of the species from Lough Lene. Lough Lene Lough Lene (Irish: \"Loch L\u00e9inn\") is a lake situated in north County Westmeath, Ireland, between the villages of Castlepollard, Collinstown and Fore. It possesses a rich and varied history. It also boasts the existence of prehistoric burial sites, old ruins, many ancient village-type communal circular dwellings locally called ringforts, stiles, and mass paths. Lough Lene also has claims to being the home to kings and Vikings, such as Turgesius who had one of his","Document [2](Title: Lough Sheelin) Lough Sheelin Lough Sheelin (), in standard Irish \"Loch S\u00edleann\", is a limestone freshwater lough (lake) in Ireland located in County Westmeath, County Meath and County Cavan near the villages of Finnea (also spelled Finea) and Mountnugent and the town of Granard, (County Longford). The 1900-hectare lake is naturally populated by brown trout whose native stocks have been depleted in recent years. Phosphorus originating from intensive agricultural developments has caused a progressive enrichment of the Lough's waters which has led to a substantial decrease in the number of trout. The level of phosphorus in the lake is currently being monitored","Document [3](Title: Lake-burst) Lake-burst A lake-burst () is a phenomenon referred to in Irish mythology, in which a previously non-existent lake comes into being, often when a grave is being dug. Part of the lake-burst stories may originate in sudden hydrographic changes around limestone-based inland plains or turloughs. Other so-called lake-bursts refer to marine estuaries, bays and inlets, such as Galway Bay, Strangford Lough, Dundrum Bay, Belfast Lough, Waterford Harbour and the mouth of the River Erne. Some of these coastal districts were renowned for the drowned prehistoric forests, which gave rise to several flood-myths. Medieval bards had a special genre of lake-burst","Document [4](Title: Mushroom stones) such as The Burren, are studded with lakes containing many partly-submerged Carboniferous limestone erratics. A requirement for limestone solution is that water must essentially be \u2018acidic\u2019 (pH below 7). Yet, a study of six wavestone sites in Ireland, namely Ballard Bridge, Cornaseer, Creevagh, Gortlecka, Killinaboy and Rinnamona, found that nearby lakes, in which the wavestones are said to have formed, are \u2018alkaline' (pH above 7) with a pH range from 7.6 to 8.5. In fact, the water in three of the lakes, Loughs Geal\u00e1in and Ree, and Rinnamona Lough, is so alkaline that marl (lime mud) is being precipitated. The","Document [5](Title: Geography of Ireland) into disuse, the soil began to leach and become more acidic, producing a suitable environment for the growth of heather and rushes. The debris from these plants accumulated and a layer of peat formed. One of the largest expanses of Atlantic blanket bog in Ireland is to be found in County Mayo. Raised bogs are most common in the Shannon basin. They formed when depressions left behind after the ice age filled with water to form lakes. Debris from reeds in these lakes formed a layer at the bottom of the water. This eventually choked the lakes and raised above","Document [6](Title: Mushroom stones) County Offaly, which marks the position of what must have been the north-western edge of ancient Lough Boora, on whose shores the first people of the Irish midlands camped in Mesolithic times 8,500 or so years ago. This ancient lake disappeared long ago, swamped by the growing expanse of bog, which buried not only the lake itself, but preserved the campsites of the early midlanders. No scientific evidence has been published to verify that the Irish wavestones have formed in lakes. Furthermore, no wavestones have been described from present-day lakes in Ireland, which is puzzling as parts of the country,","Document [7](Title: Lough Sheelin) of the song \"Lough Sheelin Eviction\", made popular by the Wolfe Tones. The song is purportedly based on an account of an eviction witnessed by Dr. Thomas Nulty, Roman Catholic bishop of Meath, in 1848 in his first year as a priest in the diocese. Lough Sheelin Lough Sheelin (), in standard Irish \"Loch S\u00edleann\", is a limestone freshwater lough (lake) in Ireland located in County Westmeath, County Meath and County Cavan near the villages of Finnea (also spelled Finea) and Mountnugent and the town of Granard, (County Longford). The 1900-hectare lake is naturally populated by brown trout whose native","Document [8](Title: Turlough (lake)) or joints in the rock become widened to such an extent that eventually all of the rain falling on the limestone disappears underground, and the water moves through the rock openings ranging from cracks a few millimetres wide to large cave passages. The limestone is then said to be \"karstified\". To the east of the Shannon, the limestone is often covered by great thicknesses of glacial drift deposited during the last glacial period, but in many areas to the west of the Shannon where the limestone is pure and the drift cover is thin, there is no proper surface river","Document [9](Title: Lough Owel) both in Westmeath, and from there through the town of Clara (County Offaly) into the Shannon. The Viking chieftain Turgesius was drowned in Lough Owel by M\u00e1el Sechnaill mac Ma\u00edl Ruanaid in 845. Since 1996 the lough has received international protection as a Ramsar site. It is noted for its birdlife and is also well known amongst anglers, and holds a few char along with brown trout. Lough Owel Lough Owel () is a mesotrophic lough in the Midlands of Ireland, situated north of Mullingar, the county town of Westmeath. It has a maximum depth of 22m. Water from Lough","Document [10](Title: Lake-burst) Loch Lurgan\" or Galway Bay) on \"Tir Find\" and \"Loch Cera\" or \"Findloch\" over the borders of Irrus. Interesting enough, several major lakes and outlets, such as Lough Corrib, Lough Derg (Shannon), Shannon Estuary and Killary Harbour are not mentioned in any known myth. This may imply that at least some lake-bursts mentioned have been wrongly identified with smaller lakes, where, in fact, they were referring to one of the major lakes. Lough Derg (Ulster), moreover, was identified in the Life of Saint Patrick as the location of the purgatory. Lake-burst A lake-burst () is a phenomenon referred to in","Document [11](Title: Lough Owel) Lough Owel Lough Owel () is a mesotrophic lough in the Midlands of Ireland, situated north of Mullingar, the county town of Westmeath. It has a maximum depth of 22m. Water from Lough Owel feeds the Royal Canal, a canal crossing Ireland from Dublin to the River Shannon. Access to the lake can be gained from a carpark and pier to the south of the N4 Mullingar to Longford route. Lough Owel and Lough Ennell are two of many lakes that form the River Brosna drainage basin. The Brosna is a tributary of the Shannon, flowing through Mullingar and Kilbeggan,","Document [12](Title: Kindrum Lough) spanioclema\". The latter species is considered endemic to County Donegal. Kindrum Lough is part of the Kindrum Lough Special Area of Conservation. Kindrum Lough Kindrum Lough () is a freshwater lake in the northwest of Ireland. It is located in north County Donegal on the Fanad Peninsula. Kindrum Lough is about northwest of Portsalon. It measures about long west\u2013east and wide. Kindrum Lough is fed mainly by the Cashlan Stream entering at its southeastern end. The lake drains southwards into Mulroy Bay. Kindrum Lough is oligotrophic. Fish species in Kindrum Lough include brown trout, Arctic char, three-spined stickleback and the","Document [13](Title: Lough Derg (Shannon)) \"Nitellopsis obtusa\", an invasive alga in the family Characeae (stoneworts), was first recorded in Ireland in this lough in 2016. The North-East Shore is listed as a Special Area of Conservation. Lough Derg (Shannon) Lough Derg, historically Lough Dergart (), is a freshwater lake in the Shannon River Basin, Ireland. It is the third-biggest on the island of Ireland (after Lough Neagh and Lough Corrib). It is a long, narrow lake, with shores in counties Clare (south-west), Galway (north-west), and Tipperary (to the east). It is the southernmost of three large lakes on the River Shannon; the others being Lough","Document [14](Title: Little Limestone Lake) the largest and most outstanding example of a marl lake in the world. It is a turquoise body of water that changes colour as calcite in the water dissolves or precipitates depending on temperature. When the water is warm, calcite comes out of the solution and forms microscopic crystals, which give the water its milky white colour. The source of the calcite is underground water, which flow into the lake in significant quantity. Little Limestone Lake Little Limestone Lake is a lake located in Little Limestone Lake Provincial Park in northern Manitoba, Canada, about north of Winnipeg, and north of","Document [15](Title: Turlough (lake)) A turlough, or turlach, is a type of disappearing lake found mostly in limestone areas of Ireland, west of the River Shannon. The name comes from the Irish tuar, meaning \"dry\", with the suffix -lach, meaning \"a place\" (in an abstract sense). The -lach suffix is often mistakenly spelled and\/or thought to refer to the word loch, the Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Scots word for \"lake\". The landforms are found in Irish karst (exposed limestone) areas.","Document [16](Title: Kindrum Lough) Kindrum Lough Kindrum Lough () is a freshwater lake in the northwest of Ireland. It is located in north County Donegal on the Fanad Peninsula. Kindrum Lough is about northwest of Portsalon. It measures about long west\u2013east and wide. Kindrum Lough is fed mainly by the Cashlan Stream entering at its southeastern end. The lake drains southwards into Mulroy Bay. Kindrum Lough is oligotrophic. Fish species in Kindrum Lough include brown trout, Arctic char, three-spined stickleback and the critically endangered European eel. Two rare plant species have been recorded from the lake: slender naiad (\"Najas flexilis\") and a stonewort, \"Nitella","Document [17](Title: Lough Mask) Lough Mask Lough Mask (Irish: \"Loch Measca\") is a limestone lough (lake) of 20,500 acres (83 km\u00b2) in Counties Galway and Mayo, Ireland, north of Lough Corrib. Lough Mask is the middle of the three lakes, which empty into the Corrib River, through Galway, into Galway Bay. Lough Carra flows into Lough Mask, which feeds into Lough Corrib through an underground stream which becomes the River Cong. Lough Mask is the fourth largest lake, by area, in Ireland and the sixth largest lake in the island of Ireland. The eastern half of Lough Mask is shallow and contains many islands.","Document [18](Title: Annaghmore Lough) plover. Other species include teal, shoveler, wigeon, mallard, pochard, goldeneye, lapwing and curlew. The lake and surrounding fens form the Annaghmore Lough (Roscommon) Special Area of Conservation. Annaghmore Lough Annaghmore Lough is a freshwater lake in the west of Ireland. It is located in County Roscommon in the catchment of the upper River Shannon. Annaghmore Lough is located about northwest of Strokestown. It lies at the centre of a group of small glacial lakes. Fish species in Annaghmore Lough include perch, roach, rudd, pike, tench, three-spined stickleback and the critically endangered European eel. The fen on the lake's north shore","Document [19](Title: Killarney shad) Killarney shad The Killarney shad (\"Alosa killarnensis\"), also called the goureen, is a freshwater fish in the family \"Clupeidae\", endemic to a single lake in Ireland, Lough Leane in County Kerry. Research has shown that it is a landlocked subspecies of the anadromous, twait shad (\"Alosa fallax\"), arriving in the lake after the Last Glacial Maximum about 10,000 years ago. This fish is at risk from eutrophication and the introduction of alien species of fish to the lake and the International Union for Conservation of Nature has rated it as \"critically endangered\". Lough Leane in the Killarney National Park, southwestern","Document [20](Title: Lough Atedaun) It is also part of the Corofin Wetlands Special Protection Area. Lough Atedaun Lough Atedaun () is a freshwater lake in the Mid-West Region of Ireland. It is located in The Burren of County Clare. Lough Atedaun measures about long and wide. It is about north of Ennis near the village of Corofin. Lough Atedaun lies along the River Fergus which flows in from neighbouring Inchiquin Lough. Nearby Lough Cullaun also flows in to Lough Atedaun. The lake is highly eutrophic. Fish species in Lough Atedaun include perch, rudd, pike, stone loach and the critically endangered European eel. The lake"],"query":"type of disappearing lake found in limestone areas in the west of ireland?","answers":["turlough","turlough, or turlach","A turlough, or turlach"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Lough Lene) 1995. Since then, a further outbreak of the crayfish fungus plague has once again led to the disappearance of the species from Lough Lene. Lough Lene Lough Lene (Irish: \"Loch L\u00e9inn\") is a lake situated in north County Westmeath, Ireland, between the villages of Castlepollard, Collinstown and Fore. It possesses a rich and varied history. It also boasts the existence of prehistoric burial sites, old ruins, many ancient village-type communal circular dwellings locally called ringforts, stiles, and mass paths. Lough Lene also has claims to being the home to kings and Vikings, such as Turgesius who had one of his","Document [2](Title: Lough Sheelin) Lough Sheelin Lough Sheelin (), in standard Irish \"Loch S\u00edleann\", is a limestone freshwater lough (lake) in Ireland located in County Westmeath, County Meath and County Cavan near the villages of Finnea (also spelled Finea) and Mountnugent and the town of Granard, (County Longford). The 1900-hectare lake is naturally populated by brown trout whose native stocks have been depleted in recent years. Phosphorus originating from intensive agricultural developments has caused a progressive enrichment of the Lough's waters which has led to a substantial decrease in the number of trout. The level of phosphorus in the lake is currently being monitored","Document [3](Title: Lake-burst) Lake-burst A lake-burst () is a phenomenon referred to in Irish mythology, in which a previously non-existent lake comes into being, often when a grave is being dug. Part of the lake-burst stories may originate in sudden hydrographic changes around limestone-based inland plains or turloughs. Other so-called lake-bursts refer to marine estuaries, bays and inlets, such as Galway Bay, Strangford Lough, Dundrum Bay, Belfast Lough, Waterford Harbour and the mouth of the River Erne. Some of these coastal districts were renowned for the drowned prehistoric forests, which gave rise to several flood-myths. Medieval bards had a special genre of lake-burst","Document [4](Title: Mushroom stones) such as The Burren, are studded with lakes containing many partly-submerged Carboniferous limestone erratics. A requirement for limestone solution is that water must essentially be \u2018acidic\u2019 (pH below 7). Yet, a study of six wavestone sites in Ireland, namely Ballard Bridge, Cornaseer, Creevagh, Gortlecka, Killinaboy and Rinnamona, found that nearby lakes, in which the wavestones are said to have formed, are \u2018alkaline' (pH above 7) with a pH range from 7.6 to 8.5. In fact, the water in three of the lakes, Loughs Geal\u00e1in and Ree, and Rinnamona Lough, is so alkaline that marl (lime mud) is being precipitated. The","Document [5](Title: Geography of Ireland) into disuse, the soil began to leach and become more acidic, producing a suitable environment for the growth of heather and rushes. The debris from these plants accumulated and a layer of peat formed. One of the largest expanses of Atlantic blanket bog in Ireland is to be found in County Mayo. Raised bogs are most common in the Shannon basin. They formed when depressions left behind after the ice age filled with water to form lakes. Debris from reeds in these lakes formed a layer at the bottom of the water. This eventually choked the lakes and raised above","Document [6](Title: Mushroom stones) County Offaly, which marks the position of what must have been the north-western edge of ancient Lough Boora, on whose shores the first people of the Irish midlands camped in Mesolithic times 8,500 or so years ago. This ancient lake disappeared long ago, swamped by the growing expanse of bog, which buried not only the lake itself, but preserved the campsites of the early midlanders. No scientific evidence has been published to verify that the Irish wavestones have formed in lakes. Furthermore, no wavestones have been described from present-day lakes in Ireland, which is puzzling as parts of the country,","Document [7](Title: Lough Sheelin) of the song \"Lough Sheelin Eviction\", made popular by the Wolfe Tones. The song is purportedly based on an account of an eviction witnessed by Dr. Thomas Nulty, Roman Catholic bishop of Meath, in 1848 in his first year as a priest in the diocese. Lough Sheelin Lough Sheelin (), in standard Irish \"Loch S\u00edleann\", is a limestone freshwater lough (lake) in Ireland located in County Westmeath, County Meath and County Cavan near the villages of Finnea (also spelled Finea) and Mountnugent and the town of Granard, (County Longford). The 1900-hectare lake is naturally populated by brown trout whose native","Document [8](Title: Turlough (lake)) or joints in the rock become widened to such an extent that eventually all of the rain falling on the limestone disappears underground, and the water moves through the rock openings ranging from cracks a few millimetres wide to large cave passages. The limestone is then said to be \"karstified\". To the east of the Shannon, the limestone is often covered by great thicknesses of glacial drift deposited during the last glacial period, but in many areas to the west of the Shannon where the limestone is pure and the drift cover is thin, there is no proper surface river","Document [9](Title: Lough Owel) both in Westmeath, and from there through the town of Clara (County Offaly) into the Shannon. The Viking chieftain Turgesius was drowned in Lough Owel by M\u00e1el Sechnaill mac Ma\u00edl Ruanaid in 845. Since 1996 the lough has received international protection as a Ramsar site. It is noted for its birdlife and is also well known amongst anglers, and holds a few char along with brown trout. Lough Owel Lough Owel () is a mesotrophic lough in the Midlands of Ireland, situated north of Mullingar, the county town of Westmeath. It has a maximum depth of 22m. Water from Lough","Document [10](Title: Lake-burst) Loch Lurgan\" or Galway Bay) on \"Tir Find\" and \"Loch Cera\" or \"Findloch\" over the borders of Irrus. Interesting enough, several major lakes and outlets, such as Lough Corrib, Lough Derg (Shannon), Shannon Estuary and Killary Harbour are not mentioned in any known myth. This may imply that at least some lake-bursts mentioned have been wrongly identified with smaller lakes, where, in fact, they were referring to one of the major lakes. Lough Derg (Ulster), moreover, was identified in the Life of Saint Patrick as the location of the purgatory. Lake-burst A lake-burst () is a phenomenon referred to in","Document [11](Title: Lough Owel) Lough Owel Lough Owel () is a mesotrophic lough in the Midlands of Ireland, situated north of Mullingar, the county town of Westmeath. It has a maximum depth of 22m. Water from Lough Owel feeds the Royal Canal, a canal crossing Ireland from Dublin to the River Shannon. Access to the lake can be gained from a carpark and pier to the south of the N4 Mullingar to Longford route. Lough Owel and Lough Ennell are two of many lakes that form the River Brosna drainage basin. The Brosna is a tributary of the Shannon, flowing through Mullingar and Kilbeggan,","Document [12](Title: Kindrum Lough) spanioclema\". The latter species is considered endemic to County Donegal. Kindrum Lough is part of the Kindrum Lough Special Area of Conservation. Kindrum Lough Kindrum Lough () is a freshwater lake in the northwest of Ireland. It is located in north County Donegal on the Fanad Peninsula. Kindrum Lough is about northwest of Portsalon. It measures about long west\u2013east and wide. Kindrum Lough is fed mainly by the Cashlan Stream entering at its southeastern end. The lake drains southwards into Mulroy Bay. Kindrum Lough is oligotrophic. Fish species in Kindrum Lough include brown trout, Arctic char, three-spined stickleback and the","Document [13](Title: Lough Derg (Shannon)) \"Nitellopsis obtusa\", an invasive alga in the family Characeae (stoneworts), was first recorded in Ireland in this lough in 2016. The North-East Shore is listed as a Special Area of Conservation. Lough Derg (Shannon) Lough Derg, historically Lough Dergart (), is a freshwater lake in the Shannon River Basin, Ireland. It is the third-biggest on the island of Ireland (after Lough Neagh and Lough Corrib). It is a long, narrow lake, with shores in counties Clare (south-west), Galway (north-west), and Tipperary (to the east). It is the southernmost of three large lakes on the River Shannon; the others being Lough","Document [14](Title: Little Limestone Lake) the largest and most outstanding example of a marl lake in the world. It is a turquoise body of water that changes colour as calcite in the water dissolves or precipitates depending on temperature. When the water is warm, calcite comes out of the solution and forms microscopic crystals, which give the water its milky white colour. The source of the calcite is underground water, which flow into the lake in significant quantity. Little Limestone Lake Little Limestone Lake is a lake located in Little Limestone Lake Provincial Park in northern Manitoba, Canada, about north of Winnipeg, and north of","Document [15](Title: Kindrum Lough) Kindrum Lough Kindrum Lough () is a freshwater lake in the northwest of Ireland. It is located in north County Donegal on the Fanad Peninsula. Kindrum Lough is about northwest of Portsalon. It measures about long west\u2013east and wide. Kindrum Lough is fed mainly by the Cashlan Stream entering at its southeastern end. The lake drains southwards into Mulroy Bay. Kindrum Lough is oligotrophic. Fish species in Kindrum Lough include brown trout, Arctic char, three-spined stickleback and the critically endangered European eel. Two rare plant species have been recorded from the lake: slender naiad (\"Najas flexilis\") and a stonewort, \"Nitella","Document [16](Title: Lough Mask) Lough Mask Lough Mask (Irish: \"Loch Measca\") is a limestone lough (lake) of 20,500 acres (83 km\u00b2) in Counties Galway and Mayo, Ireland, north of Lough Corrib. Lough Mask is the middle of the three lakes, which empty into the Corrib River, through Galway, into Galway Bay. Lough Carra flows into Lough Mask, which feeds into Lough Corrib through an underground stream which becomes the River Cong. Lough Mask is the fourth largest lake, by area, in Ireland and the sixth largest lake in the island of Ireland. The eastern half of Lough Mask is shallow and contains many islands.","Document [17](Title: Annaghmore Lough) plover. Other species include teal, shoveler, wigeon, mallard, pochard, goldeneye, lapwing and curlew. The lake and surrounding fens form the Annaghmore Lough (Roscommon) Special Area of Conservation. Annaghmore Lough Annaghmore Lough is a freshwater lake in the west of Ireland. It is located in County Roscommon in the catchment of the upper River Shannon. Annaghmore Lough is located about northwest of Strokestown. It lies at the centre of a group of small glacial lakes. Fish species in Annaghmore Lough include perch, roach, rudd, pike, tench, three-spined stickleback and the critically endangered European eel. The fen on the lake's north shore","Document [18](Title: Killarney shad) Killarney shad The Killarney shad (\"Alosa killarnensis\"), also called the goureen, is a freshwater fish in the family \"Clupeidae\", endemic to a single lake in Ireland, Lough Leane in County Kerry. Research has shown that it is a landlocked subspecies of the anadromous, twait shad (\"Alosa fallax\"), arriving in the lake after the Last Glacial Maximum about 10,000 years ago. This fish is at risk from eutrophication and the introduction of alien species of fish to the lake and the International Union for Conservation of Nature has rated it as \"critically endangered\". Lough Leane in the Killarney National Park, southwestern","Document [19](Title: Lough Atedaun) It is also part of the Corofin Wetlands Special Protection Area. Lough Atedaun Lough Atedaun () is a freshwater lake in the Mid-West Region of Ireland. It is located in The Burren of County Clare. Lough Atedaun measures about long and wide. It is about north of Ennis near the village of Corofin. Lough Atedaun lies along the River Fergus which flows in from neighbouring Inchiquin Lough. Nearby Lough Cullaun also flows in to Lough Atedaun. The lake is highly eutrophic. Fish species in Lough Atedaun include perch, rudd, pike, stone loach and the critically endangered European eel. The lake","Document [20](Title: Turlough (lake)) A turlough, or turlach, is a type of disappearing lake found mostly in limestone areas of Ireland, west of the River Shannon. The name comes from the Irish tuar, meaning \"dry\", with the suffix -lach, meaning \"a place\" (in an abstract sense). The -lach suffix is often mistakenly spelled and\/or thought to refer to the word loch, the Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Scots word for \"lake\". The landforms are found in Irish karst (exposed limestone) areas."],"query":"type of disappearing lake found in limestone areas in the west of ireland?","answers":["turlough","turlough, or turlach","A turlough, or turlach"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Royal) The show itself was shot within Whitby, Scarborough, City of Bradford and the North Riding of Yorkshire, and stars of The Royal included Ian Carmichael, Wendy Craig, Robert Daws, and Amy Robbins. The show itself generated its own spin-off, entitled The Royal Today, which used the same settings but in the present day.","Document [2](Title: Kingdom (UK TV series)) were filmed on Holkham beach featuring the Blues and Royals of the Household Cavalry, who have been based in nearby Watton. During September, scenes set in Stockport, Greater Manchester were filmed in King's Lynn and Halifax. Shooting concluded at the end of the month. Edward Hall returned to direct three episodes. In a preview, \"Radio Times\" described it as \"Sunday night television at its cosiest\", though called the plot of episode one \"feeble\". Comments by \"The Stage\" echoed this, calling the storyline a \"run of the mill affair\", but praised the locations and referred to the series as a whole","Document [3](Title: Royal Family (documentary)) Royal Family (documentary) Royal Family is a documentary about the family of Queen Elizabeth II, and was aired on 21 June 1969. It was rebroadcast on ITV the following week. The film was commissioned by the Queen to celebrate the investiture of her eldest son, Charles, as Prince of Wales. The script was written by Antony Jay. The documentary was aired in Australia on 21 September 1969. The idea was to give the public a chance to see behind the scenes at Buckingham Palace, and show that the royal family were just like everyone else. On its broadcast, it was","Document [4](Title: The Crown (TV series)) Royal Naval College, Goldsmiths' Hall, Shoreham Airport, New Slains Castle, Balmoral Castle, Cruden Bay, Lyceum Theatre, Loseley Park, Hatfield House, The Historic Dockyard Chatham, Southwark Cathedral, Ardverikie House, Englefield House, and the Glenfeshie Estate. Filming on the second season began in early October 2016. Each episode of the first two seasons would shoot for about 22 days, with each costing about () to produce. The third season began filming in July 2018, and will shoot back-to-back with the fourth season. The show has been interpreted as perpetuating the idea that the Queen and Prime Minister Churchill had forced Princess Margaret","Document [5](Title: The Royal Family (TV series)) The Royal Family (TV series) The Royal Family is an American sitcom that ran on CBS from September 18, 1991 until May 13, 1992. The series was created and executive produced by Eddie Murphy, as part of a development deal Murphy had with CBS, and produced by Paramount Television, the television arm of Paramount Pictures, with which Murphy had long been associated. The series starred Redd Foxx and Della Reese. Murphy had previously worked with Foxx and Reese in the 1989 film \"Harlem Nights\", which Murphy wrote and directed. The working title for the series was Chest Pains. The series","Document [6](Title: The Royal Family (TV series)) scheduled to end, leaving two episodes unaired. The Royal Family (TV series) The Royal Family is an American sitcom that ran on CBS from September 18, 1991 until May 13, 1992. The series was created and executive produced by Eddie Murphy, as part of a development deal Murphy had with CBS, and produced by Paramount Television, the television arm of Paramount Pictures, with which Murphy had long been associated. The series starred Redd Foxx and Della Reese. Murphy had previously worked with Foxx and Reese in the 1989 film \"Harlem Nights\", which Murphy wrote and directed. The working title for","Document [7](Title: The Royal) The Royal The Royal is a British period medical drama produced by ITV and aired normally on Sundays in the early evening slot; episodes after 21 June 2009, were also broadcast on ITV HD. The show consisted of eight series of one-hour episodes and was broadcast on ITV from 2003 until the show was cancelled in 2011, with repeats continuing on ITV3. The show is set in the 1960s and focuses on the fictional \"St Aidan's Royal Free Hospital\", an NHS hospital serving the fictional rural seaside town of Elsinby and its surrounding area. The show began as a spin-off","Document [8](Title: The Royal Today) day of shooting the series was Friday 16 November 2007. Named wards include: The Royal Today The Royal Today is a British medical soap opera, a spin-off of the similarly themed drama, \"The Royal\". The concept is that whilst \"The Royal\" is set in the late 1960s, \"The Royal Today\" featured the same hospital in the present day, with a new set of characters working in the same location. Each episode followed the events of a single day, and the show was broadcast daily (except for the weekends), so the series could be said to progress in real time. The","Document [9](Title: The Royal World) The Royal World The Royal World is a reality television series set to air on MTV International which debuted in November 2018. The show was announced in July 2018 as a six-episode, hour-long program produced by Initial, part of the Endemol Shine Group. The executive producers are Orr Barker and Iestyn Barker of MTV, and Andrew Jackman of Initial. The show was filmed in the United Kingdom and features its cast members living together \"for one summer in the English countryside\". \"The Royal World\" is hosted by Archie Manners, a professional magician. It features a cast of ten men and","Document [10](Title: Almost Royal) Royal\" began airing on E4 in the UK on August 9, 2014 and on The Comedy Channel in Australia on November 23, 2015. Almost Royal Almost Royal is a faux-reality television series on the BBC America network. It is their first original comedy series. It follows the lives of two clueless British aristocrats\u2014Georgie and Poppy Carlton\u2014visiting the United States for the first time. The series stars Ed Gamble and Amy Hoggart as Georgie and Poppy, respectively. It is produced by Burning Bright Productions and premiered on June 21, 2014. Although Georgie and Poppy are both portrayed by actors, the Americans","Document [11](Title: Royal Arcade, London) chocolatiers to Her Majesty The Queen. The Royal Arcade has been used as a location for TV and film, including The Parent Trap (1998), \"Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day\" (2008), \"Balletboyz\" (2013) for Channel 4 and in 2016 \"Film Stars Don\u2019t Die in Liverpool\". Parts of Agatha Christie\u2019s Poirot episode \"The Theft of the Royal Ruby\" were also filmed there. Royal Arcade, London The Royal Arcade in London is an indoor covered shopping arcade that runs from 12 Albemarle Street to 28 Old Bond Street, with entrances at either end. It is Grade II listed. The Arcade was constructed","Document [12](Title: The Crown (TV series)) Helena Bonham Carter and Ben Daniels taking up the main roles. An estimated 25% of the first season was filmed at Elstree Studios in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, with the remainder filmed on location, altogether taking 152 days. Sets for private quarters, the interior of a private jet, the cabinet room, and the exterior of 10 Downing Street, were built at Elstree Studios, while Lancaster House, Wrotham Park and Wilton House were used to double as Buckingham Palace. Ely Cathedral stood in for Westminster Abbey, while locations in South Africa doubled as Kenya. Additional locations in the UK included Eltham Palace, the","Document [13](Title: Royal Family (documentary)) viewed by around two thirds of the population of the United Kingdom. It has not, however, been shown in its entirety for many years, with many believing that the royal family were concerned that they were giving the impression that they were too ordinary. The filming of the documentary, which was the first time that cameras had been allowed to film for television, includes footage of the Queen, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and their children Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward. In 2011, it was announced that clips from the documentary would be made available for","Document [14](Title: Royal Cinema) the daytime, it operates as a film and television post-production studio. It hosts film festivals, including the European Union Film Festival, Caribbean Tales International Film Festival and Japanese Movie Week. The Royal is featured in the 2013 film \"The F Word\". Royal Cinema The Royal Cinema is an Art Moderne event venue and cinema in Toronto, Canada. It was built in 1939 and owned by Miss Ray Levinsky. When it was built in 1939, it was called The Pylon, with an accompanying large sign at the front of the theatre. It included a roller-skating rink at the rear of the","Document [15](Title: Gavin & Stacey) in Laburnam Way, Penarth in Wales. The opening episode features location shooting in Leicester Square in London which was filmed in 2006. After the debut of the show on BBC Three, a second series was soon commissioned. Speaking about the second series, Corden said \"It's the show that we wanted to make. If people like it, they like it: if they don't, they don't. That's a nice feeling, that's quite freeing... There's more of a journey and more of a story. We hope the viewers will feel like they've been taken on a little trip by it\", while Jones said","Document [16](Title: Kingdom (UK TV series)) Sandy Johnson. A making-of special was filmed for the ITV3 \"Behind the Scenes\" strand and was broadcast on 27 May 2007, immediately following the end of episode six on ITV. Filming of the second series was scheduled in two blocks: the first\u2014directed by Andrew Grieve\u2014ran from 2 July to 11 August and the second\u2014directed by Edward Hall\u2014from 20 August to 29 September. Shooting was again based in Swaffham. Norris took a break from filming in August to give birth to her daughter, returning to the set to complete her scenes in September. Series 3 commenced filming in July 2008. Scenes","Document [17](Title: The Royal Romance of Charles and Diana) York; Brewster, New York; and New York City, as well as in England. That the ABC and CBS films debuted three days apart was not a coincidence. CBS had planned to show \"Royal Romance\" in December as a Hallmark-sponsored pre-Christmas film, but then moved the air date back to September, even before the official start of the new ratings season. ABC then jumped their movie ahead of CBS, so late in the game that \"TV Guide\" did not list it. When one reviewer asked to get a preview of either movie, he was told in one case \"Are you kidding?","Document [18](Title: Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work) abruptly leaving in an agitated mood was actually of her entering the shoot. The next day, the BBC issued a statement which pointed out the error and formally apologised to the Queen. Both Fincham and the Chief Creative Officer of RDF Media, Stephen Lambert, resigned as a result of the controversy. Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work (also known as A Year with the Queen) is a fly on the wall documentary TV series made by the BBC and RDF Media which follows the British Royal Family over the course of a year. The","Document [19](Title: The Royal Train) were filmed at Weybourne railway station. At the time of filming, both the railway and the station were undergoing restoration, preparatory to the reinstating of passenger services. The clip of the royal train used stock footage featuring a LNER Class A4 on a section of the East Coast Main Line near Burnmouth in the Scottish Borders. Cliff Cottage, which is located on the coastal road which leads to Burnmouth Harbour, may be viewed in the background. The locomotive used for the local train was Kitson 0-6-0 saddle tank \"Colwyn\", formerly of Stewarts & Lloyds in Corby. The locomotive is currently","Document [20](Title: The Crown (TV series)) two seasons, alongside Matt Smith as Prince Philip, and Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret. For the third and fourth seasons, Olivia Colman will take over as the Queen, Tobias Menzies as Prince Philip, and Helena Bonham Carter as Princess Margaret. Filming for the series takes place at Elstree Studios in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, with location shooting throughout the United Kingdom and internationally. The first season was released on Netflix on November 4, 2016, with the second released on December 8, 2017. The series has been renewed for a third and fourth season, with the third intended to be released in 2019."],"query":"where did they film the royal tv series?","answers":["City of Bradford","the North Riding of Yorkshire","Scarborough","Whitby"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Kingdom (UK TV series)) were filmed on Holkham beach featuring the Blues and Royals of the Household Cavalry, who have been based in nearby Watton. During September, scenes set in Stockport, Greater Manchester were filmed in King's Lynn and Halifax. Shooting concluded at the end of the month. Edward Hall returned to direct three episodes. In a preview, \"Radio Times\" described it as \"Sunday night television at its cosiest\", though called the plot of episode one \"feeble\". Comments by \"The Stage\" echoed this, calling the storyline a \"run of the mill affair\", but praised the locations and referred to the series as a whole","Document [2](Title: Royal Family (documentary)) Royal Family (documentary) Royal Family is a documentary about the family of Queen Elizabeth II, and was aired on 21 June 1969. It was rebroadcast on ITV the following week. The film was commissioned by the Queen to celebrate the investiture of her eldest son, Charles, as Prince of Wales. The script was written by Antony Jay. The documentary was aired in Australia on 21 September 1969. The idea was to give the public a chance to see behind the scenes at Buckingham Palace, and show that the royal family were just like everyone else. On its broadcast, it was","Document [3](Title: The Crown (TV series)) Royal Naval College, Goldsmiths' Hall, Shoreham Airport, New Slains Castle, Balmoral Castle, Cruden Bay, Lyceum Theatre, Loseley Park, Hatfield House, The Historic Dockyard Chatham, Southwark Cathedral, Ardverikie House, Englefield House, and the Glenfeshie Estate. Filming on the second season began in early October 2016. Each episode of the first two seasons would shoot for about 22 days, with each costing about () to produce. The third season began filming in July 2018, and will shoot back-to-back with the fourth season. The show has been interpreted as perpetuating the idea that the Queen and Prime Minister Churchill had forced Princess Margaret","Document [4](Title: The Royal Family (TV series)) The Royal Family (TV series) The Royal Family is an American sitcom that ran on CBS from September 18, 1991 until May 13, 1992. The series was created and executive produced by Eddie Murphy, as part of a development deal Murphy had with CBS, and produced by Paramount Television, the television arm of Paramount Pictures, with which Murphy had long been associated. The series starred Redd Foxx and Della Reese. Murphy had previously worked with Foxx and Reese in the 1989 film \"Harlem Nights\", which Murphy wrote and directed. The working title for the series was Chest Pains. The series","Document [5](Title: The Royal) The show itself was shot within Whitby, Scarborough, City of Bradford and the North Riding of Yorkshire, and stars of The Royal included Ian Carmichael, Wendy Craig, Robert Daws, and Amy Robbins. The show itself generated its own spin-off, entitled The Royal Today, which used the same settings but in the present day.","Document [6](Title: The Royal Family (TV series)) scheduled to end, leaving two episodes unaired. The Royal Family (TV series) The Royal Family is an American sitcom that ran on CBS from September 18, 1991 until May 13, 1992. The series was created and executive produced by Eddie Murphy, as part of a development deal Murphy had with CBS, and produced by Paramount Television, the television arm of Paramount Pictures, with which Murphy had long been associated. The series starred Redd Foxx and Della Reese. Murphy had previously worked with Foxx and Reese in the 1989 film \"Harlem Nights\", which Murphy wrote and directed. The working title for","Document [7](Title: The Royal) The Royal The Royal is a British period medical drama produced by ITV and aired normally on Sundays in the early evening slot; episodes after 21 June 2009, were also broadcast on ITV HD. The show consisted of eight series of one-hour episodes and was broadcast on ITV from 2003 until the show was cancelled in 2011, with repeats continuing on ITV3. The show is set in the 1960s and focuses on the fictional \"St Aidan's Royal Free Hospital\", an NHS hospital serving the fictional rural seaside town of Elsinby and its surrounding area. The show began as a spin-off","Document [8](Title: The Royal Today) day of shooting the series was Friday 16 November 2007. Named wards include: The Royal Today The Royal Today is a British medical soap opera, a spin-off of the similarly themed drama, \"The Royal\". The concept is that whilst \"The Royal\" is set in the late 1960s, \"The Royal Today\" featured the same hospital in the present day, with a new set of characters working in the same location. Each episode followed the events of a single day, and the show was broadcast daily (except for the weekends), so the series could be said to progress in real time. The","Document [9](Title: The Royal World) The Royal World The Royal World is a reality television series set to air on MTV International which debuted in November 2018. The show was announced in July 2018 as a six-episode, hour-long program produced by Initial, part of the Endemol Shine Group. The executive producers are Orr Barker and Iestyn Barker of MTV, and Andrew Jackman of Initial. The show was filmed in the United Kingdom and features its cast members living together \"for one summer in the English countryside\". \"The Royal World\" is hosted by Archie Manners, a professional magician. It features a cast of ten men and","Document [10](Title: Almost Royal) Royal\" began airing on E4 in the UK on August 9, 2014 and on The Comedy Channel in Australia on November 23, 2015. Almost Royal Almost Royal is a faux-reality television series on the BBC America network. It is their first original comedy series. It follows the lives of two clueless British aristocrats\u2014Georgie and Poppy Carlton\u2014visiting the United States for the first time. The series stars Ed Gamble and Amy Hoggart as Georgie and Poppy, respectively. It is produced by Burning Bright Productions and premiered on June 21, 2014. Although Georgie and Poppy are both portrayed by actors, the Americans","Document [11](Title: Royal Arcade, London) chocolatiers to Her Majesty The Queen. The Royal Arcade has been used as a location for TV and film, including The Parent Trap (1998), \"Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day\" (2008), \"Balletboyz\" (2013) for Channel 4 and in 2016 \"Film Stars Don\u2019t Die in Liverpool\". Parts of Agatha Christie\u2019s Poirot episode \"The Theft of the Royal Ruby\" were also filmed there. Royal Arcade, London The Royal Arcade in London is an indoor covered shopping arcade that runs from 12 Albemarle Street to 28 Old Bond Street, with entrances at either end. It is Grade II listed. The Arcade was constructed","Document [12](Title: The Crown (TV series)) Helena Bonham Carter and Ben Daniels taking up the main roles. An estimated 25% of the first season was filmed at Elstree Studios in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, with the remainder filmed on location, altogether taking 152 days. Sets for private quarters, the interior of a private jet, the cabinet room, and the exterior of 10 Downing Street, were built at Elstree Studios, while Lancaster House, Wrotham Park and Wilton House were used to double as Buckingham Palace. Ely Cathedral stood in for Westminster Abbey, while locations in South Africa doubled as Kenya. Additional locations in the UK included Eltham Palace, the","Document [13](Title: Royal Family (documentary)) viewed by around two thirds of the population of the United Kingdom. It has not, however, been shown in its entirety for many years, with many believing that the royal family were concerned that they were giving the impression that they were too ordinary. The filming of the documentary, which was the first time that cameras had been allowed to film for television, includes footage of the Queen, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and their children Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward. In 2011, it was announced that clips from the documentary would be made available for","Document [14](Title: Royal Cinema) the daytime, it operates as a film and television post-production studio. It hosts film festivals, including the European Union Film Festival, Caribbean Tales International Film Festival and Japanese Movie Week. The Royal is featured in the 2013 film \"The F Word\". Royal Cinema The Royal Cinema is an Art Moderne event venue and cinema in Toronto, Canada. It was built in 1939 and owned by Miss Ray Levinsky. When it was built in 1939, it was called The Pylon, with an accompanying large sign at the front of the theatre. It included a roller-skating rink at the rear of the","Document [15](Title: Gavin & Stacey) in Laburnam Way, Penarth in Wales. The opening episode features location shooting in Leicester Square in London which was filmed in 2006. After the debut of the show on BBC Three, a second series was soon commissioned. Speaking about the second series, Corden said \"It's the show that we wanted to make. If people like it, they like it: if they don't, they don't. That's a nice feeling, that's quite freeing... There's more of a journey and more of a story. We hope the viewers will feel like they've been taken on a little trip by it\", while Jones said","Document [16](Title: Kingdom (UK TV series)) Sandy Johnson. A making-of special was filmed for the ITV3 \"Behind the Scenes\" strand and was broadcast on 27 May 2007, immediately following the end of episode six on ITV. Filming of the second series was scheduled in two blocks: the first\u2014directed by Andrew Grieve\u2014ran from 2 July to 11 August and the second\u2014directed by Edward Hall\u2014from 20 August to 29 September. Shooting was again based in Swaffham. Norris took a break from filming in August to give birth to her daughter, returning to the set to complete her scenes in September. Series 3 commenced filming in July 2008. Scenes","Document [17](Title: The Royal Romance of Charles and Diana) York; Brewster, New York; and New York City, as well as in England. That the ABC and CBS films debuted three days apart was not a coincidence. CBS had planned to show \"Royal Romance\" in December as a Hallmark-sponsored pre-Christmas film, but then moved the air date back to September, even before the official start of the new ratings season. ABC then jumped their movie ahead of CBS, so late in the game that \"TV Guide\" did not list it. When one reviewer asked to get a preview of either movie, he was told in one case \"Are you kidding?","Document [18](Title: Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work) abruptly leaving in an agitated mood was actually of her entering the shoot. The next day, the BBC issued a statement which pointed out the error and formally apologised to the Queen. Both Fincham and the Chief Creative Officer of RDF Media, Stephen Lambert, resigned as a result of the controversy. Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work (also known as A Year with the Queen) is a fly on the wall documentary TV series made by the BBC and RDF Media which follows the British Royal Family over the course of a year. The","Document [19](Title: The Royal Train) were filmed at Weybourne railway station. At the time of filming, both the railway and the station were undergoing restoration, preparatory to the reinstating of passenger services. The clip of the royal train used stock footage featuring a LNER Class A4 on a section of the East Coast Main Line near Burnmouth in the Scottish Borders. Cliff Cottage, which is located on the coastal road which leads to Burnmouth Harbour, may be viewed in the background. The locomotive used for the local train was Kitson 0-6-0 saddle tank \"Colwyn\", formerly of Stewarts & Lloyds in Corby. The locomotive is currently","Document [20](Title: The Crown (TV series)) two seasons, alongside Matt Smith as Prince Philip, and Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret. For the third and fourth seasons, Olivia Colman will take over as the Queen, Tobias Menzies as Prince Philip, and Helena Bonham Carter as Princess Margaret. Filming for the series takes place at Elstree Studios in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, with location shooting throughout the United Kingdom and internationally. The first season was released on Netflix on November 4, 2016, with the second released on December 8, 2017. The series has been renewed for a third and fourth season, with the third intended to be released in 2019."],"query":"where did they film the royal tv series?","answers":["City of Bradford","the North Riding of Yorkshire","Scarborough","Whitby"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Kingdom (UK TV series)) were filmed on Holkham beach featuring the Blues and Royals of the Household Cavalry, who have been based in nearby Watton. During September, scenes set in Stockport, Greater Manchester were filmed in King's Lynn and Halifax. Shooting concluded at the end of the month. Edward Hall returned to direct three episodes. In a preview, \"Radio Times\" described it as \"Sunday night television at its cosiest\", though called the plot of episode one \"feeble\". Comments by \"The Stage\" echoed this, calling the storyline a \"run of the mill affair\", but praised the locations and referred to the series as a whole","Document [2](Title: Royal Family (documentary)) Royal Family (documentary) Royal Family is a documentary about the family of Queen Elizabeth II, and was aired on 21 June 1969. It was rebroadcast on ITV the following week. The film was commissioned by the Queen to celebrate the investiture of her eldest son, Charles, as Prince of Wales. The script was written by Antony Jay. The documentary was aired in Australia on 21 September 1969. The idea was to give the public a chance to see behind the scenes at Buckingham Palace, and show that the royal family were just like everyone else. On its broadcast, it was","Document [3](Title: The Crown (TV series)) Royal Naval College, Goldsmiths' Hall, Shoreham Airport, New Slains Castle, Balmoral Castle, Cruden Bay, Lyceum Theatre, Loseley Park, Hatfield House, The Historic Dockyard Chatham, Southwark Cathedral, Ardverikie House, Englefield House, and the Glenfeshie Estate. Filming on the second season began in early October 2016. Each episode of the first two seasons would shoot for about 22 days, with each costing about () to produce. The third season began filming in July 2018, and will shoot back-to-back with the fourth season. The show has been interpreted as perpetuating the idea that the Queen and Prime Minister Churchill had forced Princess Margaret","Document [4](Title: The Royal Family (TV series)) The Royal Family (TV series) The Royal Family is an American sitcom that ran on CBS from September 18, 1991 until May 13, 1992. The series was created and executive produced by Eddie Murphy, as part of a development deal Murphy had with CBS, and produced by Paramount Television, the television arm of Paramount Pictures, with which Murphy had long been associated. The series starred Redd Foxx and Della Reese. Murphy had previously worked with Foxx and Reese in the 1989 film \"Harlem Nights\", which Murphy wrote and directed. The working title for the series was Chest Pains. The series","Document [5](Title: The Royal Family (TV series)) scheduled to end, leaving two episodes unaired. The Royal Family (TV series) The Royal Family is an American sitcom that ran on CBS from September 18, 1991 until May 13, 1992. The series was created and executive produced by Eddie Murphy, as part of a development deal Murphy had with CBS, and produced by Paramount Television, the television arm of Paramount Pictures, with which Murphy had long been associated. The series starred Redd Foxx and Della Reese. Murphy had previously worked with Foxx and Reese in the 1989 film \"Harlem Nights\", which Murphy wrote and directed. The working title for","Document [6](Title: The Royal) The Royal The Royal is a British period medical drama produced by ITV and aired normally on Sundays in the early evening slot; episodes after 21 June 2009, were also broadcast on ITV HD. The show consisted of eight series of one-hour episodes and was broadcast on ITV from 2003 until the show was cancelled in 2011, with repeats continuing on ITV3. The show is set in the 1960s and focuses on the fictional \"St Aidan's Royal Free Hospital\", an NHS hospital serving the fictional rural seaside town of Elsinby and its surrounding area. The show began as a spin-off","Document [7](Title: The Royal Today) day of shooting the series was Friday 16 November 2007. Named wards include: The Royal Today The Royal Today is a British medical soap opera, a spin-off of the similarly themed drama, \"The Royal\". The concept is that whilst \"The Royal\" is set in the late 1960s, \"The Royal Today\" featured the same hospital in the present day, with a new set of characters working in the same location. Each episode followed the events of a single day, and the show was broadcast daily (except for the weekends), so the series could be said to progress in real time. The","Document [8](Title: The Royal World) The Royal World The Royal World is a reality television series set to air on MTV International which debuted in November 2018. The show was announced in July 2018 as a six-episode, hour-long program produced by Initial, part of the Endemol Shine Group. The executive producers are Orr Barker and Iestyn Barker of MTV, and Andrew Jackman of Initial. The show was filmed in the United Kingdom and features its cast members living together \"for one summer in the English countryside\". \"The Royal World\" is hosted by Archie Manners, a professional magician. It features a cast of ten men and","Document [9](Title: Almost Royal) Royal\" began airing on E4 in the UK on August 9, 2014 and on The Comedy Channel in Australia on November 23, 2015. Almost Royal Almost Royal is a faux-reality television series on the BBC America network. It is their first original comedy series. It follows the lives of two clueless British aristocrats\u2014Georgie and Poppy Carlton\u2014visiting the United States for the first time. The series stars Ed Gamble and Amy Hoggart as Georgie and Poppy, respectively. It is produced by Burning Bright Productions and premiered on June 21, 2014. Although Georgie and Poppy are both portrayed by actors, the Americans","Document [10](Title: The Royal) The show itself was shot within Whitby, Scarborough, City of Bradford and the North Riding of Yorkshire, and stars of The Royal included Ian Carmichael, Wendy Craig, Robert Daws, and Amy Robbins. The show itself generated its own spin-off, entitled The Royal Today, which used the same settings but in the present day.","Document [11](Title: Royal Arcade, London) chocolatiers to Her Majesty The Queen. The Royal Arcade has been used as a location for TV and film, including The Parent Trap (1998), \"Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day\" (2008), \"Balletboyz\" (2013) for Channel 4 and in 2016 \"Film Stars Don\u2019t Die in Liverpool\". Parts of Agatha Christie\u2019s Poirot episode \"The Theft of the Royal Ruby\" were also filmed there. Royal Arcade, London The Royal Arcade in London is an indoor covered shopping arcade that runs from 12 Albemarle Street to 28 Old Bond Street, with entrances at either end. It is Grade II listed. The Arcade was constructed","Document [12](Title: The Crown (TV series)) Helena Bonham Carter and Ben Daniels taking up the main roles. An estimated 25% of the first season was filmed at Elstree Studios in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, with the remainder filmed on location, altogether taking 152 days. Sets for private quarters, the interior of a private jet, the cabinet room, and the exterior of 10 Downing Street, were built at Elstree Studios, while Lancaster House, Wrotham Park and Wilton House were used to double as Buckingham Palace. Ely Cathedral stood in for Westminster Abbey, while locations in South Africa doubled as Kenya. Additional locations in the UK included Eltham Palace, the","Document [13](Title: Royal Family (documentary)) viewed by around two thirds of the population of the United Kingdom. It has not, however, been shown in its entirety for many years, with many believing that the royal family were concerned that they were giving the impression that they were too ordinary. The filming of the documentary, which was the first time that cameras had been allowed to film for television, includes footage of the Queen, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and their children Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward. In 2011, it was announced that clips from the documentary would be made available for","Document [14](Title: Royal Cinema) the daytime, it operates as a film and television post-production studio. It hosts film festivals, including the European Union Film Festival, Caribbean Tales International Film Festival and Japanese Movie Week. The Royal is featured in the 2013 film \"The F Word\". Royal Cinema The Royal Cinema is an Art Moderne event venue and cinema in Toronto, Canada. It was built in 1939 and owned by Miss Ray Levinsky. When it was built in 1939, it was called The Pylon, with an accompanying large sign at the front of the theatre. It included a roller-skating rink at the rear of the","Document [15](Title: Gavin & Stacey) in Laburnam Way, Penarth in Wales. The opening episode features location shooting in Leicester Square in London which was filmed in 2006. After the debut of the show on BBC Three, a second series was soon commissioned. Speaking about the second series, Corden said \"It's the show that we wanted to make. If people like it, they like it: if they don't, they don't. That's a nice feeling, that's quite freeing... There's more of a journey and more of a story. We hope the viewers will feel like they've been taken on a little trip by it\", while Jones said","Document [16](Title: Kingdom (UK TV series)) Sandy Johnson. A making-of special was filmed for the ITV3 \"Behind the Scenes\" strand and was broadcast on 27 May 2007, immediately following the end of episode six on ITV. Filming of the second series was scheduled in two blocks: the first\u2014directed by Andrew Grieve\u2014ran from 2 July to 11 August and the second\u2014directed by Edward Hall\u2014from 20 August to 29 September. Shooting was again based in Swaffham. Norris took a break from filming in August to give birth to her daughter, returning to the set to complete her scenes in September. Series 3 commenced filming in July 2008. Scenes","Document [17](Title: The Royal Romance of Charles and Diana) York; Brewster, New York; and New York City, as well as in England. That the ABC and CBS films debuted three days apart was not a coincidence. CBS had planned to show \"Royal Romance\" in December as a Hallmark-sponsored pre-Christmas film, but then moved the air date back to September, even before the official start of the new ratings season. ABC then jumped their movie ahead of CBS, so late in the game that \"TV Guide\" did not list it. When one reviewer asked to get a preview of either movie, he was told in one case \"Are you kidding?","Document [18](Title: Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work) abruptly leaving in an agitated mood was actually of her entering the shoot. The next day, the BBC issued a statement which pointed out the error and formally apologised to the Queen. Both Fincham and the Chief Creative Officer of RDF Media, Stephen Lambert, resigned as a result of the controversy. Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work (also known as A Year with the Queen) is a fly on the wall documentary TV series made by the BBC and RDF Media which follows the British Royal Family over the course of a year. The","Document [19](Title: The Royal Train) were filmed at Weybourne railway station. At the time of filming, both the railway and the station were undergoing restoration, preparatory to the reinstating of passenger services. The clip of the royal train used stock footage featuring a LNER Class A4 on a section of the East Coast Main Line near Burnmouth in the Scottish Borders. Cliff Cottage, which is located on the coastal road which leads to Burnmouth Harbour, may be viewed in the background. The locomotive used for the local train was Kitson 0-6-0 saddle tank \"Colwyn\", formerly of Stewarts & Lloyds in Corby. The locomotive is currently","Document [20](Title: The Crown (TV series)) two seasons, alongside Matt Smith as Prince Philip, and Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret. For the third and fourth seasons, Olivia Colman will take over as the Queen, Tobias Menzies as Prince Philip, and Helena Bonham Carter as Princess Margaret. Filming for the series takes place at Elstree Studios in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, with location shooting throughout the United Kingdom and internationally. The first season was released on Netflix on November 4, 2016, with the second released on December 8, 2017. The series has been renewed for a third and fourth season, with the third intended to be released in 2019."],"query":"where did they film the royal tv series?","answers":["City of Bradford","the North Riding of Yorkshire","Scarborough","Whitby"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Kingdom (UK TV series)) were filmed on Holkham beach featuring the Blues and Royals of the Household Cavalry, who have been based in nearby Watton. During September, scenes set in Stockport, Greater Manchester were filmed in King's Lynn and Halifax. Shooting concluded at the end of the month. Edward Hall returned to direct three episodes. In a preview, \"Radio Times\" described it as \"Sunday night television at its cosiest\", though called the plot of episode one \"feeble\". Comments by \"The Stage\" echoed this, calling the storyline a \"run of the mill affair\", but praised the locations and referred to the series as a whole","Document [2](Title: Royal Family (documentary)) Royal Family (documentary) Royal Family is a documentary about the family of Queen Elizabeth II, and was aired on 21 June 1969. It was rebroadcast on ITV the following week. The film was commissioned by the Queen to celebrate the investiture of her eldest son, Charles, as Prince of Wales. The script was written by Antony Jay. The documentary was aired in Australia on 21 September 1969. The idea was to give the public a chance to see behind the scenes at Buckingham Palace, and show that the royal family were just like everyone else. On its broadcast, it was","Document [3](Title: The Crown (TV series)) Royal Naval College, Goldsmiths' Hall, Shoreham Airport, New Slains Castle, Balmoral Castle, Cruden Bay, Lyceum Theatre, Loseley Park, Hatfield House, The Historic Dockyard Chatham, Southwark Cathedral, Ardverikie House, Englefield House, and the Glenfeshie Estate. Filming on the second season began in early October 2016. Each episode of the first two seasons would shoot for about 22 days, with each costing about () to produce. The third season began filming in July 2018, and will shoot back-to-back with the fourth season. The show has been interpreted as perpetuating the idea that the Queen and Prime Minister Churchill had forced Princess Margaret","Document [4](Title: The Royal Family (TV series)) The Royal Family (TV series) The Royal Family is an American sitcom that ran on CBS from September 18, 1991 until May 13, 1992. The series was created and executive produced by Eddie Murphy, as part of a development deal Murphy had with CBS, and produced by Paramount Television, the television arm of Paramount Pictures, with which Murphy had long been associated. The series starred Redd Foxx and Della Reese. Murphy had previously worked with Foxx and Reese in the 1989 film \"Harlem Nights\", which Murphy wrote and directed. The working title for the series was Chest Pains. The series","Document [5](Title: The Royal Family (TV series)) scheduled to end, leaving two episodes unaired. The Royal Family (TV series) The Royal Family is an American sitcom that ran on CBS from September 18, 1991 until May 13, 1992. The series was created and executive produced by Eddie Murphy, as part of a development deal Murphy had with CBS, and produced by Paramount Television, the television arm of Paramount Pictures, with which Murphy had long been associated. The series starred Redd Foxx and Della Reese. Murphy had previously worked with Foxx and Reese in the 1989 film \"Harlem Nights\", which Murphy wrote and directed. The working title for","Document [6](Title: The Royal) The Royal The Royal is a British period medical drama produced by ITV and aired normally on Sundays in the early evening slot; episodes after 21 June 2009, were also broadcast on ITV HD. The show consisted of eight series of one-hour episodes and was broadcast on ITV from 2003 until the show was cancelled in 2011, with repeats continuing on ITV3. The show is set in the 1960s and focuses on the fictional \"St Aidan's Royal Free Hospital\", an NHS hospital serving the fictional rural seaside town of Elsinby and its surrounding area. The show began as a spin-off","Document [7](Title: The Royal Today) day of shooting the series was Friday 16 November 2007. Named wards include: The Royal Today The Royal Today is a British medical soap opera, a spin-off of the similarly themed drama, \"The Royal\". The concept is that whilst \"The Royal\" is set in the late 1960s, \"The Royal Today\" featured the same hospital in the present day, with a new set of characters working in the same location. Each episode followed the events of a single day, and the show was broadcast daily (except for the weekends), so the series could be said to progress in real time. The","Document [8](Title: The Royal World) The Royal World The Royal World is a reality television series set to air on MTV International which debuted in November 2018. The show was announced in July 2018 as a six-episode, hour-long program produced by Initial, part of the Endemol Shine Group. The executive producers are Orr Barker and Iestyn Barker of MTV, and Andrew Jackman of Initial. The show was filmed in the United Kingdom and features its cast members living together \"for one summer in the English countryside\". \"The Royal World\" is hosted by Archie Manners, a professional magician. It features a cast of ten men and","Document [9](Title: Almost Royal) Royal\" began airing on E4 in the UK on August 9, 2014 and on The Comedy Channel in Australia on November 23, 2015. Almost Royal Almost Royal is a faux-reality television series on the BBC America network. It is their first original comedy series. It follows the lives of two clueless British aristocrats\u2014Georgie and Poppy Carlton\u2014visiting the United States for the first time. The series stars Ed Gamble and Amy Hoggart as Georgie and Poppy, respectively. It is produced by Burning Bright Productions and premiered on June 21, 2014. Although Georgie and Poppy are both portrayed by actors, the Americans","Document [10](Title: Royal Arcade, London) chocolatiers to Her Majesty The Queen. The Royal Arcade has been used as a location for TV and film, including The Parent Trap (1998), \"Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day\" (2008), \"Balletboyz\" (2013) for Channel 4 and in 2016 \"Film Stars Don\u2019t Die in Liverpool\". Parts of Agatha Christie\u2019s Poirot episode \"The Theft of the Royal Ruby\" were also filmed there. Royal Arcade, London The Royal Arcade in London is an indoor covered shopping arcade that runs from 12 Albemarle Street to 28 Old Bond Street, with entrances at either end. It is Grade II listed. The Arcade was constructed","Document [11](Title: The Crown (TV series)) Helena Bonham Carter and Ben Daniels taking up the main roles. An estimated 25% of the first season was filmed at Elstree Studios in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, with the remainder filmed on location, altogether taking 152 days. Sets for private quarters, the interior of a private jet, the cabinet room, and the exterior of 10 Downing Street, were built at Elstree Studios, while Lancaster House, Wrotham Park and Wilton House were used to double as Buckingham Palace. Ely Cathedral stood in for Westminster Abbey, while locations in South Africa doubled as Kenya. Additional locations in the UK included Eltham Palace, the","Document [12](Title: Royal Family (documentary)) viewed by around two thirds of the population of the United Kingdom. It has not, however, been shown in its entirety for many years, with many believing that the royal family were concerned that they were giving the impression that they were too ordinary. The filming of the documentary, which was the first time that cameras had been allowed to film for television, includes footage of the Queen, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and their children Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward. In 2011, it was announced that clips from the documentary would be made available for","Document [13](Title: Royal Cinema) the daytime, it operates as a film and television post-production studio. It hosts film festivals, including the European Union Film Festival, Caribbean Tales International Film Festival and Japanese Movie Week. The Royal is featured in the 2013 film \"The F Word\". Royal Cinema The Royal Cinema is an Art Moderne event venue and cinema in Toronto, Canada. It was built in 1939 and owned by Miss Ray Levinsky. When it was built in 1939, it was called The Pylon, with an accompanying large sign at the front of the theatre. It included a roller-skating rink at the rear of the","Document [14](Title: Gavin & Stacey) in Laburnam Way, Penarth in Wales. The opening episode features location shooting in Leicester Square in London which was filmed in 2006. After the debut of the show on BBC Three, a second series was soon commissioned. Speaking about the second series, Corden said \"It's the show that we wanted to make. If people like it, they like it: if they don't, they don't. That's a nice feeling, that's quite freeing... There's more of a journey and more of a story. We hope the viewers will feel like they've been taken on a little trip by it\", while Jones said","Document [15](Title: The Royal) The show itself was shot within Whitby, Scarborough, City of Bradford and the North Riding of Yorkshire, and stars of The Royal included Ian Carmichael, Wendy Craig, Robert Daws, and Amy Robbins. The show itself generated its own spin-off, entitled The Royal Today, which used the same settings but in the present day.","Document [16](Title: Kingdom (UK TV series)) Sandy Johnson. A making-of special was filmed for the ITV3 \"Behind the Scenes\" strand and was broadcast on 27 May 2007, immediately following the end of episode six on ITV. Filming of the second series was scheduled in two blocks: the first\u2014directed by Andrew Grieve\u2014ran from 2 July to 11 August and the second\u2014directed by Edward Hall\u2014from 20 August to 29 September. Shooting was again based in Swaffham. Norris took a break from filming in August to give birth to her daughter, returning to the set to complete her scenes in September. Series 3 commenced filming in July 2008. Scenes","Document [17](Title: The Royal Romance of Charles and Diana) York; Brewster, New York; and New York City, as well as in England. That the ABC and CBS films debuted three days apart was not a coincidence. CBS had planned to show \"Royal Romance\" in December as a Hallmark-sponsored pre-Christmas film, but then moved the air date back to September, even before the official start of the new ratings season. ABC then jumped their movie ahead of CBS, so late in the game that \"TV Guide\" did not list it. When one reviewer asked to get a preview of either movie, he was told in one case \"Are you kidding?","Document [18](Title: Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work) abruptly leaving in an agitated mood was actually of her entering the shoot. The next day, the BBC issued a statement which pointed out the error and formally apologised to the Queen. Both Fincham and the Chief Creative Officer of RDF Media, Stephen Lambert, resigned as a result of the controversy. Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work (also known as A Year with the Queen) is a fly on the wall documentary TV series made by the BBC and RDF Media which follows the British Royal Family over the course of a year. The","Document [19](Title: The Royal Train) were filmed at Weybourne railway station. At the time of filming, both the railway and the station were undergoing restoration, preparatory to the reinstating of passenger services. The clip of the royal train used stock footage featuring a LNER Class A4 on a section of the East Coast Main Line near Burnmouth in the Scottish Borders. Cliff Cottage, which is located on the coastal road which leads to Burnmouth Harbour, may be viewed in the background. The locomotive used for the local train was Kitson 0-6-0 saddle tank \"Colwyn\", formerly of Stewarts & Lloyds in Corby. The locomotive is currently","Document [20](Title: The Crown (TV series)) two seasons, alongside Matt Smith as Prince Philip, and Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret. For the third and fourth seasons, Olivia Colman will take over as the Queen, Tobias Menzies as Prince Philip, and Helena Bonham Carter as Princess Margaret. Filming for the series takes place at Elstree Studios in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, with location shooting throughout the United Kingdom and internationally. The first season was released on Netflix on November 4, 2016, with the second released on December 8, 2017. The series has been renewed for a third and fourth season, with the third intended to be released in 2019."],"query":"where did they film the royal tv series?","answers":["City of Bradford","the North Riding of Yorkshire","Scarborough","Whitby"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Kingdom (UK TV series)) were filmed on Holkham beach featuring the Blues and Royals of the Household Cavalry, who have been based in nearby Watton. During September, scenes set in Stockport, Greater Manchester were filmed in King's Lynn and Halifax. Shooting concluded at the end of the month. Edward Hall returned to direct three episodes. In a preview, \"Radio Times\" described it as \"Sunday night television at its cosiest\", though called the plot of episode one \"feeble\". Comments by \"The Stage\" echoed this, calling the storyline a \"run of the mill affair\", but praised the locations and referred to the series as a whole","Document [2](Title: Royal Family (documentary)) Royal Family (documentary) Royal Family is a documentary about the family of Queen Elizabeth II, and was aired on 21 June 1969. It was rebroadcast on ITV the following week. The film was commissioned by the Queen to celebrate the investiture of her eldest son, Charles, as Prince of Wales. The script was written by Antony Jay. The documentary was aired in Australia on 21 September 1969. The idea was to give the public a chance to see behind the scenes at Buckingham Palace, and show that the royal family were just like everyone else. On its broadcast, it was","Document [3](Title: The Crown (TV series)) Royal Naval College, Goldsmiths' Hall, Shoreham Airport, New Slains Castle, Balmoral Castle, Cruden Bay, Lyceum Theatre, Loseley Park, Hatfield House, The Historic Dockyard Chatham, Southwark Cathedral, Ardverikie House, Englefield House, and the Glenfeshie Estate. Filming on the second season began in early October 2016. Each episode of the first two seasons would shoot for about 22 days, with each costing about () to produce. The third season began filming in July 2018, and will shoot back-to-back with the fourth season. The show has been interpreted as perpetuating the idea that the Queen and Prime Minister Churchill had forced Princess Margaret","Document [4](Title: The Royal Family (TV series)) The Royal Family (TV series) The Royal Family is an American sitcom that ran on CBS from September 18, 1991 until May 13, 1992. The series was created and executive produced by Eddie Murphy, as part of a development deal Murphy had with CBS, and produced by Paramount Television, the television arm of Paramount Pictures, with which Murphy had long been associated. The series starred Redd Foxx and Della Reese. Murphy had previously worked with Foxx and Reese in the 1989 film \"Harlem Nights\", which Murphy wrote and directed. The working title for the series was Chest Pains. The series","Document [5](Title: The Royal Family (TV series)) scheduled to end, leaving two episodes unaired. The Royal Family (TV series) The Royal Family is an American sitcom that ran on CBS from September 18, 1991 until May 13, 1992. The series was created and executive produced by Eddie Murphy, as part of a development deal Murphy had with CBS, and produced by Paramount Television, the television arm of Paramount Pictures, with which Murphy had long been associated. The series starred Redd Foxx and Della Reese. Murphy had previously worked with Foxx and Reese in the 1989 film \"Harlem Nights\", which Murphy wrote and directed. The working title for","Document [6](Title: The Royal) The Royal The Royal is a British period medical drama produced by ITV and aired normally on Sundays in the early evening slot; episodes after 21 June 2009, were also broadcast on ITV HD. The show consisted of eight series of one-hour episodes and was broadcast on ITV from 2003 until the show was cancelled in 2011, with repeats continuing on ITV3. The show is set in the 1960s and focuses on the fictional \"St Aidan's Royal Free Hospital\", an NHS hospital serving the fictional rural seaside town of Elsinby and its surrounding area. The show began as a spin-off","Document [7](Title: The Royal Today) day of shooting the series was Friday 16 November 2007. Named wards include: The Royal Today The Royal Today is a British medical soap opera, a spin-off of the similarly themed drama, \"The Royal\". The concept is that whilst \"The Royal\" is set in the late 1960s, \"The Royal Today\" featured the same hospital in the present day, with a new set of characters working in the same location. Each episode followed the events of a single day, and the show was broadcast daily (except for the weekends), so the series could be said to progress in real time. The","Document [8](Title: The Royal World) The Royal World The Royal World is a reality television series set to air on MTV International which debuted in November 2018. The show was announced in July 2018 as a six-episode, hour-long program produced by Initial, part of the Endemol Shine Group. The executive producers are Orr Barker and Iestyn Barker of MTV, and Andrew Jackman of Initial. The show was filmed in the United Kingdom and features its cast members living together \"for one summer in the English countryside\". \"The Royal World\" is hosted by Archie Manners, a professional magician. It features a cast of ten men and","Document [9](Title: Almost Royal) Royal\" began airing on E4 in the UK on August 9, 2014 and on The Comedy Channel in Australia on November 23, 2015. Almost Royal Almost Royal is a faux-reality television series on the BBC America network. It is their first original comedy series. It follows the lives of two clueless British aristocrats\u2014Georgie and Poppy Carlton\u2014visiting the United States for the first time. The series stars Ed Gamble and Amy Hoggart as Georgie and Poppy, respectively. It is produced by Burning Bright Productions and premiered on June 21, 2014. Although Georgie and Poppy are both portrayed by actors, the Americans","Document [10](Title: Royal Arcade, London) chocolatiers to Her Majesty The Queen. The Royal Arcade has been used as a location for TV and film, including The Parent Trap (1998), \"Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day\" (2008), \"Balletboyz\" (2013) for Channel 4 and in 2016 \"Film Stars Don\u2019t Die in Liverpool\". Parts of Agatha Christie\u2019s Poirot episode \"The Theft of the Royal Ruby\" were also filmed there. Royal Arcade, London The Royal Arcade in London is an indoor covered shopping arcade that runs from 12 Albemarle Street to 28 Old Bond Street, with entrances at either end. It is Grade II listed. The Arcade was constructed","Document [11](Title: The Crown (TV series)) Helena Bonham Carter and Ben Daniels taking up the main roles. An estimated 25% of the first season was filmed at Elstree Studios in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, with the remainder filmed on location, altogether taking 152 days. Sets for private quarters, the interior of a private jet, the cabinet room, and the exterior of 10 Downing Street, were built at Elstree Studios, while Lancaster House, Wrotham Park and Wilton House were used to double as Buckingham Palace. Ely Cathedral stood in for Westminster Abbey, while locations in South Africa doubled as Kenya. Additional locations in the UK included Eltham Palace, the","Document [12](Title: Royal Family (documentary)) viewed by around two thirds of the population of the United Kingdom. It has not, however, been shown in its entirety for many years, with many believing that the royal family were concerned that they were giving the impression that they were too ordinary. The filming of the documentary, which was the first time that cameras had been allowed to film for television, includes footage of the Queen, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and their children Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward. In 2011, it was announced that clips from the documentary would be made available for","Document [13](Title: Royal Cinema) the daytime, it operates as a film and television post-production studio. It hosts film festivals, including the European Union Film Festival, Caribbean Tales International Film Festival and Japanese Movie Week. The Royal is featured in the 2013 film \"The F Word\". Royal Cinema The Royal Cinema is an Art Moderne event venue and cinema in Toronto, Canada. It was built in 1939 and owned by Miss Ray Levinsky. When it was built in 1939, it was called The Pylon, with an accompanying large sign at the front of the theatre. It included a roller-skating rink at the rear of the","Document [14](Title: Gavin & Stacey) in Laburnam Way, Penarth in Wales. The opening episode features location shooting in Leicester Square in London which was filmed in 2006. After the debut of the show on BBC Three, a second series was soon commissioned. Speaking about the second series, Corden said \"It's the show that we wanted to make. If people like it, they like it: if they don't, they don't. That's a nice feeling, that's quite freeing... There's more of a journey and more of a story. We hope the viewers will feel like they've been taken on a little trip by it\", while Jones said","Document [15](Title: Kingdom (UK TV series)) Sandy Johnson. A making-of special was filmed for the ITV3 \"Behind the Scenes\" strand and was broadcast on 27 May 2007, immediately following the end of episode six on ITV. Filming of the second series was scheduled in two blocks: the first\u2014directed by Andrew Grieve\u2014ran from 2 July to 11 August and the second\u2014directed by Edward Hall\u2014from 20 August to 29 September. Shooting was again based in Swaffham. Norris took a break from filming in August to give birth to her daughter, returning to the set to complete her scenes in September. Series 3 commenced filming in July 2008. Scenes","Document [16](Title: The Royal Romance of Charles and Diana) York; Brewster, New York; and New York City, as well as in England. That the ABC and CBS films debuted three days apart was not a coincidence. CBS had planned to show \"Royal Romance\" in December as a Hallmark-sponsored pre-Christmas film, but then moved the air date back to September, even before the official start of the new ratings season. ABC then jumped their movie ahead of CBS, so late in the game that \"TV Guide\" did not list it. When one reviewer asked to get a preview of either movie, he was told in one case \"Are you kidding?","Document [17](Title: Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work) abruptly leaving in an agitated mood was actually of her entering the shoot. The next day, the BBC issued a statement which pointed out the error and formally apologised to the Queen. Both Fincham and the Chief Creative Officer of RDF Media, Stephen Lambert, resigned as a result of the controversy. Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work Monarchy: The Royal Family at Work (also known as A Year with the Queen) is a fly on the wall documentary TV series made by the BBC and RDF Media which follows the British Royal Family over the course of a year. The","Document [18](Title: The Royal Train) were filmed at Weybourne railway station. At the time of filming, both the railway and the station were undergoing restoration, preparatory to the reinstating of passenger services. The clip of the royal train used stock footage featuring a LNER Class A4 on a section of the East Coast Main Line near Burnmouth in the Scottish Borders. Cliff Cottage, which is located on the coastal road which leads to Burnmouth Harbour, may be viewed in the background. The locomotive used for the local train was Kitson 0-6-0 saddle tank \"Colwyn\", formerly of Stewarts & Lloyds in Corby. The locomotive is currently","Document [19](Title: The Crown (TV series)) two seasons, alongside Matt Smith as Prince Philip, and Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret. For the third and fourth seasons, Olivia Colman will take over as the Queen, Tobias Menzies as Prince Philip, and Helena Bonham Carter as Princess Margaret. Filming for the series takes place at Elstree Studios in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, with location shooting throughout the United Kingdom and internationally. The first season was released on Netflix on November 4, 2016, with the second released on December 8, 2017. The series has been renewed for a third and fourth season, with the third intended to be released in 2019.","Document [20](Title: The Royal) The show itself was shot within Whitby, Scarborough, City of Bradford and the North Riding of Yorkshire, and stars of The Royal included Ian Carmichael, Wendy Craig, Robert Daws, and Amy Robbins. The show itself generated its own spin-off, entitled The Royal Today, which used the same settings but in the present day."],"query":"where did they film the royal tv series?","answers":["City of Bradford","the North Riding of Yorkshire","Scarborough","Whitby"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Jack Gleeson) Jack Gleeson (born 20 May 1992) is an Irish former actor, best known for his portrayal of Joffrey Baratheon in the HBO television series Game of Thrones.","Document [2](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) \"Rolling Stone\" ranked the character #4 in their list of the \"40 Greatest TV Villains of All Time\". Author Martin described Joffrey as similar to \"five or six people that I went to school with ... a classic bully ... incredibly spoiled\". Joffrey Baratheon Joffrey Baratheon is a fictional character in the \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" series of epic fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation \"Game of Thrones\". Introduced in 1996's \"A Game of Thrones\", Joffrey is the eldest son of Cersei Lannister from the kingdom of Westeros. He subsequently appeared","Document [3](Title: The Lion and the Rose) Walda Frey, Roose Bolton's new bride. Young actor Dean-Charles Chapman takes over the role of Tommen Baratheon as of this episode. In a cameo appearance, the Icelandic band Sigur R\u00f3s performed their rendition of \"The Rains of Castamere\" at King Joffrey's wedding, and again during the credits. With this episode, Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Snow) is promoted to series regular. Contrary to earlier press reports, Michael McElhatton (Roose Bolton) remained credited solely as a guest star in the episode. \"The Lion and the Rose\" was watched by an estimated 6.31 million people during its first hour. In the United Kingdom, the","Document [4](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) witnessed and interpreted through the eyes of other people, such as his uncle Tyrion Lannister and his one-time fianc\u00e9e Sansa Stark. Joffrey is mostly a background character in the novels. He inherits his mother's traditional Lannister looks, and has blond hair and green eyes, and is believed by many to be very handsome. In public, Joffrey is allegedly the oldest son and heir of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, both of whom entered into a political marriage alliance after Robert took the throne by force from the 'Mad King' Aerys II Targaryen. In reality, his biological father is","Document [5](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) Joffrey finally marries Margaery. During his wedding feast in the gardens of the Red Keep, he presents an extremely offensive play of \"The War of the Five Kings, \" with each of the kings played by dwarves, to humiliate his uncle. He also repeatedly torments Tyrion and Sansa, forcing the former to be his cupbearer. At the height of festivities, Joffrey is suddenly overcome by poison, and he dies. His uncle Tyrion is accused and arrested. It is confirmed, however, he was poisoned by Olenna Tyrell, with assistance from Petyr Baelish and Dontos Hollard, as she wanted to protect Margaery","Document [6](Title: Jack Gleeson) discovery\". Gleeson starred as Joffrey Baratheon in the HBO series \"Game of Thrones\". He cites Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of Commodus in \"Gladiator\" as an influence on his performance. He is a founder and artistic director of Collapsing Horse Theatre Company, which is based in Dublin. In 2012, Gleeson indicated an intention to retire from acting to pursue an academic career once his work on \"Game of Thrones\" was finished. In 2014, Gleeson confirmed he would be permanently retiring from acting after concluding his work in \"Game of Thrones\". In the same interview, he stated that while he had previously been","Document [7](Title: Myrcella Baratheon) ensure that House Martell will support Joffrey, Myrcella is betrothed to marry Prince Trystane Martell when they come of age and is sent to Dorne in \"A Clash of Kings.\" After Joffrey's death in \"A Storm of Swords,\" Princess Arianne Martell schemes to kidnap Myrcella and crown her queen of Westeros. The plan goes awry, however, and Myrcella is severely injured in the kidnapping. In the HBO television adaptation, she is portrayed by Aimee Richardson in seasons one and two, and by Nell Tiger Free in seasons five and six. Her fate is changed from the novels. Princess Myrcella is","Document [8](Title: Arya Stark) identity. Arya Stark is portrayed by English actress Maisie Williams in the television adaption of the book series, this being Williams' first role as an actress. Williams was chosen from among 300 actresses across England. Arya accompanies her father Ned and her sister Sansa to King's Landing. Before their departure, Arya's half-brother Jon Snow gifts Arya a sword which she dubs \"Needle\". On the Kingsroad, Arya is sparring with a butcher's boy, Mycah, when Sansa's betrothed Prince Joffrey Baratheon attacks Mycah, prompting Arya's direwolf Nymeria to bite Joffrey. Arya shoos Nymeria away so she is not killed, but is furious","Document [9](Title: Game of Thrones (season 4)) Thenn which is now a title \u2013 of the Thenn people, a wildling clan. Two mysterious characters from Bran's storyline have also been cast: the Three-Eyed Crow, who is played by Struan Rodger, and a Child of the Forest, played by Octavia Alexandru. Roles that were recast for season 4 include Michiel Huisman as Daario Naharis. Huisman replaces Ed Skrein, who portrayed the character in season 3. Dean-Charles Chapman plays the role of Tommen Baratheon, King Joffrey's younger brother. Tommen was played by Callum Wharry in seasons 1 and 2. Chapman appeared as Martyn Lannister in two episodes of season","Document [10](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) anything he wants. He is also a coward when confronted by those who aren't afraid of him. Joffrey is also unaware that King Robert is not his real father \u2013 in reality, he is the son of Jaime Lannister. After Robert's death, the Lannisters make Joffrey King against his father's will, and his mother uses him as a puppet. A cruel ruler, Joffrey makes a mistake when, against Cersei's and Sansa's wishes, he refuses to honor his promise of sparing Ned; instead, Joffrey has him executed. His act worsens the situation with the Lannisters' war effort as his uncle Jaime","Document [11](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) his mother's twin brother, Jaime Lannister. He has a younger sister, Myrcella, and a younger brother, Tommen, both of whom are also products of Jaime and Cersei's incestuous relationship. Their sole biological grandparents, Tywin and Joanna Lannister, were also first cousins. Joffrey is an amoral sadist who disguises his cruelty with a thin veneer of charm. This is best epitomized by his response when his (then) betrothed offends him: Joffrey pronounces that his mother had taught him never to strike a woman, and so commissions a knight of the Kingsguard to hit her instead. He enjoys forcing people to fight","Document [12](Title: Tommen Baratheon) the brother of Joffrey and Princess Myrcella and is second in line for the throne. Tommen is Queen Cersei Lannister's youngest son and, like his siblings, he is also the son of Cersei's brother Jaime Lannister, but he is unaware of this, as he believes Robert Baratheon to be his father. Tommen is described as handsome, kind, and weak-willed, though he tries hard. He loves his kittens, and is kind hearted. Tommen is seven years old at the beginning of \"A Game of Thrones\" (1996). He is the youngest child of Cersei and Jaime Lannister. Tommen Baratheon is not a","Document [13](Title: Blood of My Blood) Weiss also spoke about Arya, saying \"We were excited to do the play within the play, and it's a distorted fun house mirror representation of things we've already seen.\" Benioff continued, \"Part of Arya's amusement is just that she knows that they're getting so many details wrong, but she always regretted that she didn't have a chance to watch Joffrey die, and now she gets to. It's obviously a comic version of it, but that gives her great pleasure.\" Weiss also noted, \"Arya is slowly getting seduced by these performances, and Lady Crane, the actress that she's charged with killing,","Document [14](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) is captured by the Starks and his uncles Renly and Stannis have challenged his claim to the Iron Throne. He frequently orders his Kingsguard to beat Sansa. His cruelty and ignorance of the commoners' suffering makes him unpopular after he orders the City Watch to kill all of his father's bastard children in King's Landing which would later lead to a riot where he is almost killed. When Stannis attacks King's Landing, Joffrey serves only as a figurehead and avoids the heavy fighting. When the battle eventually turns in Stannis' favor, Cersei calls her son into the safety of the","Document [15](Title: Queen dowager) of Ice and Fire\", and later the HBO series \"Game of Thrones\", the character Cersei Lannister became the queen mother to King Joffrey Baratheon after her husband Robert Baratheon was killed in a hunting accident, although she managed to strong-arm the position of regent as well, and was thus known as the \"queen regent\". The episode \"High Sparrow\", the new queen consort, Margaery Tyrell, mocks Cersei's loss of power by asking her to clarify whether she should addressed as queen mother or queen dowager. In the 2015 Indian movie and its sequel , actress Ramya Krishnan portrays the character \"Rajamatha","Document [16](Title: Gethin Anthony) Gethin Anthony Gethin David L. Anthony (born 9 October 1983) is an English television and film actor best known for his role as Renly Baratheon in \"Game of Thrones.\" Gethin attended Ashton Hayes Primary School, Ashton Hayes, Cheshire and Christ Church Primary School, New Malden, Surrey. He attended the Tiffin School in Kingston-Upon-Thames. He received a Scholarship to the British American Drama Academy in London from July to August 2004. Anthony studied English Literature at Oxford University's Balliol College and was President of the Oxford University Dramatic Society, before training at London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. He played","Document [17](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) the throne room, he presents an extremely offensive play of \"The War of the Five Kings, \" with each of the kings played by dwarves, to humiliate his uncle. He also repeatedly torments Tyrion and Sansa, forcing the former to be his cupbearer. At the conclusion of the dinner, however, Joffrey's wine is poisoned, and he dies in an event known as \"The Purple Wedding,\" in which Tyrion is falsely accused and arrested by Cersei in \"A Storm of Swords\" (2000). It is later revealed that Lady Olenna Tyrell and Lord Petyr Baelish were the true perpetrators, with assistance from","Document [18](Title: Game of Thrones) of the last king of the original ruling dynasty, who was overthrown by Robert Baratheon \u2013 are running for their lives and trying to win back the throne. Daenerys becomes married to Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa), the leader of the nomadic Dothraki. Her retinue includes the exiled knight Ser Jorah Mormont (Iain Glen), her aide Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel) and the sellsword Daario Naharis (Michiel Huisman). In January 2006, David Benioff had a phone conversation with George R. R. Martin's literary agent about the books he represented, and became interested in \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" as he had been","Document [19](Title: The Door (Game of Thrones)) the Iron Fleet. He is subsequently chosen as King. Theon and Yara flee with the best ships of the Iron Fleet; Euron orders the Ironborn to begin construction of a new fleet. Jaqen H'ghar offers Arya Stark the assignment of killing an actress named Lady Crane, who is playing Cersei Lannister in a play recounting the deaths of Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark. Arya is noticeably distressed by the play's portrayal of Ned. Tyrion and Varys note that peace has fallen over Meereen since they forged their pact with the Masters. In order to preserve this, Tyrion summons the red","Document [20](Title: Game of Thrones) Joffrey Baratheon, Harry Lloyd as Viserys Targaryen and Mark Addy as Robert Baratheon. Addy was, according to showrunners Benioff and Weiss, the easiest actor to cast for the series, being that his audition was on point. Some of the characters in the pilot were recast for the first season: Catelyn Stark was initially played by Jennifer Ehle, but the role was recast with Michelle Fairley. Daenerys Targaryen was also recast, with Emilia Clarke replacing Tamzin Merchant. The rest of the first season's cast was filled in the second half of 2009. Although many of the cast returned after the first"],"query":"who is the actor who plays king joffrey?","answers":["Jack Gleeson"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) \"Rolling Stone\" ranked the character #4 in their list of the \"40 Greatest TV Villains of All Time\". Author Martin described Joffrey as similar to \"five or six people that I went to school with ... a classic bully ... incredibly spoiled\". Joffrey Baratheon Joffrey Baratheon is a fictional character in the \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" series of epic fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation \"Game of Thrones\". Introduced in 1996's \"A Game of Thrones\", Joffrey is the eldest son of Cersei Lannister from the kingdom of Westeros. He subsequently appeared","Document [2](Title: The Lion and the Rose) Walda Frey, Roose Bolton's new bride. Young actor Dean-Charles Chapman takes over the role of Tommen Baratheon as of this episode. In a cameo appearance, the Icelandic band Sigur R\u00f3s performed their rendition of \"The Rains of Castamere\" at King Joffrey's wedding, and again during the credits. With this episode, Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Snow) is promoted to series regular. Contrary to earlier press reports, Michael McElhatton (Roose Bolton) remained credited solely as a guest star in the episode. \"The Lion and the Rose\" was watched by an estimated 6.31 million people during its first hour. In the United Kingdom, the","Document [3](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) witnessed and interpreted through the eyes of other people, such as his uncle Tyrion Lannister and his one-time fianc\u00e9e Sansa Stark. Joffrey is mostly a background character in the novels. He inherits his mother's traditional Lannister looks, and has blond hair and green eyes, and is believed by many to be very handsome. In public, Joffrey is allegedly the oldest son and heir of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, both of whom entered into a political marriage alliance after Robert took the throne by force from the 'Mad King' Aerys II Targaryen. In reality, his biological father is","Document [4](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) Joffrey finally marries Margaery. During his wedding feast in the gardens of the Red Keep, he presents an extremely offensive play of \"The War of the Five Kings, \" with each of the kings played by dwarves, to humiliate his uncle. He also repeatedly torments Tyrion and Sansa, forcing the former to be his cupbearer. At the height of festivities, Joffrey is suddenly overcome by poison, and he dies. His uncle Tyrion is accused and arrested. It is confirmed, however, he was poisoned by Olenna Tyrell, with assistance from Petyr Baelish and Dontos Hollard, as she wanted to protect Margaery","Document [5](Title: Jack Gleeson) Jack Gleeson (born 20 May 1992) is an Irish former actor, best known for his portrayal of Joffrey Baratheon in the HBO television series Game of Thrones.","Document [6](Title: Jack Gleeson) discovery\". Gleeson starred as Joffrey Baratheon in the HBO series \"Game of Thrones\". He cites Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of Commodus in \"Gladiator\" as an influence on his performance. He is a founder and artistic director of Collapsing Horse Theatre Company, which is based in Dublin. In 2012, Gleeson indicated an intention to retire from acting to pursue an academic career once his work on \"Game of Thrones\" was finished. In 2014, Gleeson confirmed he would be permanently retiring from acting after concluding his work in \"Game of Thrones\". In the same interview, he stated that while he had previously been","Document [7](Title: Myrcella Baratheon) ensure that House Martell will support Joffrey, Myrcella is betrothed to marry Prince Trystane Martell when they come of age and is sent to Dorne in \"A Clash of Kings.\" After Joffrey's death in \"A Storm of Swords,\" Princess Arianne Martell schemes to kidnap Myrcella and crown her queen of Westeros. The plan goes awry, however, and Myrcella is severely injured in the kidnapping. In the HBO television adaptation, she is portrayed by Aimee Richardson in seasons one and two, and by Nell Tiger Free in seasons five and six. Her fate is changed from the novels. Princess Myrcella is","Document [8](Title: Arya Stark) identity. Arya Stark is portrayed by English actress Maisie Williams in the television adaption of the book series, this being Williams' first role as an actress. Williams was chosen from among 300 actresses across England. Arya accompanies her father Ned and her sister Sansa to King's Landing. Before their departure, Arya's half-brother Jon Snow gifts Arya a sword which she dubs \"Needle\". On the Kingsroad, Arya is sparring with a butcher's boy, Mycah, when Sansa's betrothed Prince Joffrey Baratheon attacks Mycah, prompting Arya's direwolf Nymeria to bite Joffrey. Arya shoos Nymeria away so she is not killed, but is furious","Document [9](Title: Game of Thrones (season 4)) Thenn which is now a title \u2013 of the Thenn people, a wildling clan. Two mysterious characters from Bran's storyline have also been cast: the Three-Eyed Crow, who is played by Struan Rodger, and a Child of the Forest, played by Octavia Alexandru. Roles that were recast for season 4 include Michiel Huisman as Daario Naharis. Huisman replaces Ed Skrein, who portrayed the character in season 3. Dean-Charles Chapman plays the role of Tommen Baratheon, King Joffrey's younger brother. Tommen was played by Callum Wharry in seasons 1 and 2. Chapman appeared as Martyn Lannister in two episodes of season","Document [10](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) anything he wants. He is also a coward when confronted by those who aren't afraid of him. Joffrey is also unaware that King Robert is not his real father \u2013 in reality, he is the son of Jaime Lannister. After Robert's death, the Lannisters make Joffrey King against his father's will, and his mother uses him as a puppet. A cruel ruler, Joffrey makes a mistake when, against Cersei's and Sansa's wishes, he refuses to honor his promise of sparing Ned; instead, Joffrey has him executed. His act worsens the situation with the Lannisters' war effort as his uncle Jaime","Document [11](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) his mother's twin brother, Jaime Lannister. He has a younger sister, Myrcella, and a younger brother, Tommen, both of whom are also products of Jaime and Cersei's incestuous relationship. Their sole biological grandparents, Tywin and Joanna Lannister, were also first cousins. Joffrey is an amoral sadist who disguises his cruelty with a thin veneer of charm. This is best epitomized by his response when his (then) betrothed offends him: Joffrey pronounces that his mother had taught him never to strike a woman, and so commissions a knight of the Kingsguard to hit her instead. He enjoys forcing people to fight","Document [12](Title: Tommen Baratheon) the brother of Joffrey and Princess Myrcella and is second in line for the throne. Tommen is Queen Cersei Lannister's youngest son and, like his siblings, he is also the son of Cersei's brother Jaime Lannister, but he is unaware of this, as he believes Robert Baratheon to be his father. Tommen is described as handsome, kind, and weak-willed, though he tries hard. He loves his kittens, and is kind hearted. Tommen is seven years old at the beginning of \"A Game of Thrones\" (1996). He is the youngest child of Cersei and Jaime Lannister. Tommen Baratheon is not a","Document [13](Title: Blood of My Blood) Weiss also spoke about Arya, saying \"We were excited to do the play within the play, and it's a distorted fun house mirror representation of things we've already seen.\" Benioff continued, \"Part of Arya's amusement is just that she knows that they're getting so many details wrong, but she always regretted that she didn't have a chance to watch Joffrey die, and now she gets to. It's obviously a comic version of it, but that gives her great pleasure.\" Weiss also noted, \"Arya is slowly getting seduced by these performances, and Lady Crane, the actress that she's charged with killing,","Document [14](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) is captured by the Starks and his uncles Renly and Stannis have challenged his claim to the Iron Throne. He frequently orders his Kingsguard to beat Sansa. His cruelty and ignorance of the commoners' suffering makes him unpopular after he orders the City Watch to kill all of his father's bastard children in King's Landing which would later lead to a riot where he is almost killed. When Stannis attacks King's Landing, Joffrey serves only as a figurehead and avoids the heavy fighting. When the battle eventually turns in Stannis' favor, Cersei calls her son into the safety of the","Document [15](Title: Queen dowager) of Ice and Fire\", and later the HBO series \"Game of Thrones\", the character Cersei Lannister became the queen mother to King Joffrey Baratheon after her husband Robert Baratheon was killed in a hunting accident, although she managed to strong-arm the position of regent as well, and was thus known as the \"queen regent\". The episode \"High Sparrow\", the new queen consort, Margaery Tyrell, mocks Cersei's loss of power by asking her to clarify whether she should addressed as queen mother or queen dowager. In the 2015 Indian movie and its sequel , actress Ramya Krishnan portrays the character \"Rajamatha","Document [16](Title: Gethin Anthony) Gethin Anthony Gethin David L. Anthony (born 9 October 1983) is an English television and film actor best known for his role as Renly Baratheon in \"Game of Thrones.\" Gethin attended Ashton Hayes Primary School, Ashton Hayes, Cheshire and Christ Church Primary School, New Malden, Surrey. He attended the Tiffin School in Kingston-Upon-Thames. He received a Scholarship to the British American Drama Academy in London from July to August 2004. Anthony studied English Literature at Oxford University's Balliol College and was President of the Oxford University Dramatic Society, before training at London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. He played","Document [17](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) the throne room, he presents an extremely offensive play of \"The War of the Five Kings, \" with each of the kings played by dwarves, to humiliate his uncle. He also repeatedly torments Tyrion and Sansa, forcing the former to be his cupbearer. At the conclusion of the dinner, however, Joffrey's wine is poisoned, and he dies in an event known as \"The Purple Wedding,\" in which Tyrion is falsely accused and arrested by Cersei in \"A Storm of Swords\" (2000). It is later revealed that Lady Olenna Tyrell and Lord Petyr Baelish were the true perpetrators, with assistance from","Document [18](Title: Game of Thrones) of the last king of the original ruling dynasty, who was overthrown by Robert Baratheon \u2013 are running for their lives and trying to win back the throne. Daenerys becomes married to Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa), the leader of the nomadic Dothraki. Her retinue includes the exiled knight Ser Jorah Mormont (Iain Glen), her aide Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel) and the sellsword Daario Naharis (Michiel Huisman). In January 2006, David Benioff had a phone conversation with George R. R. Martin's literary agent about the books he represented, and became interested in \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" as he had been","Document [19](Title: The Door (Game of Thrones)) the Iron Fleet. He is subsequently chosen as King. Theon and Yara flee with the best ships of the Iron Fleet; Euron orders the Ironborn to begin construction of a new fleet. Jaqen H'ghar offers Arya Stark the assignment of killing an actress named Lady Crane, who is playing Cersei Lannister in a play recounting the deaths of Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark. Arya is noticeably distressed by the play's portrayal of Ned. Tyrion and Varys note that peace has fallen over Meereen since they forged their pact with the Masters. In order to preserve this, Tyrion summons the red","Document [20](Title: Game of Thrones) Joffrey Baratheon, Harry Lloyd as Viserys Targaryen and Mark Addy as Robert Baratheon. Addy was, according to showrunners Benioff and Weiss, the easiest actor to cast for the series, being that his audition was on point. Some of the characters in the pilot were recast for the first season: Catelyn Stark was initially played by Jennifer Ehle, but the role was recast with Michelle Fairley. Daenerys Targaryen was also recast, with Emilia Clarke replacing Tamzin Merchant. The rest of the first season's cast was filled in the second half of 2009. Although many of the cast returned after the first"],"query":"who is the actor who plays king joffrey?","answers":["Jack Gleeson"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) \"Rolling Stone\" ranked the character #4 in their list of the \"40 Greatest TV Villains of All Time\". Author Martin described Joffrey as similar to \"five or six people that I went to school with ... a classic bully ... incredibly spoiled\". Joffrey Baratheon Joffrey Baratheon is a fictional character in the \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" series of epic fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation \"Game of Thrones\". Introduced in 1996's \"A Game of Thrones\", Joffrey is the eldest son of Cersei Lannister from the kingdom of Westeros. He subsequently appeared","Document [2](Title: The Lion and the Rose) Walda Frey, Roose Bolton's new bride. Young actor Dean-Charles Chapman takes over the role of Tommen Baratheon as of this episode. In a cameo appearance, the Icelandic band Sigur R\u00f3s performed their rendition of \"The Rains of Castamere\" at King Joffrey's wedding, and again during the credits. With this episode, Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Snow) is promoted to series regular. Contrary to earlier press reports, Michael McElhatton (Roose Bolton) remained credited solely as a guest star in the episode. \"The Lion and the Rose\" was watched by an estimated 6.31 million people during its first hour. In the United Kingdom, the","Document [3](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) witnessed and interpreted through the eyes of other people, such as his uncle Tyrion Lannister and his one-time fianc\u00e9e Sansa Stark. Joffrey is mostly a background character in the novels. He inherits his mother's traditional Lannister looks, and has blond hair and green eyes, and is believed by many to be very handsome. In public, Joffrey is allegedly the oldest son and heir of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, both of whom entered into a political marriage alliance after Robert took the throne by force from the 'Mad King' Aerys II Targaryen. In reality, his biological father is","Document [4](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) Joffrey finally marries Margaery. During his wedding feast in the gardens of the Red Keep, he presents an extremely offensive play of \"The War of the Five Kings, \" with each of the kings played by dwarves, to humiliate his uncle. He also repeatedly torments Tyrion and Sansa, forcing the former to be his cupbearer. At the height of festivities, Joffrey is suddenly overcome by poison, and he dies. His uncle Tyrion is accused and arrested. It is confirmed, however, he was poisoned by Olenna Tyrell, with assistance from Petyr Baelish and Dontos Hollard, as she wanted to protect Margaery","Document [5](Title: Jack Gleeson) discovery\". Gleeson starred as Joffrey Baratheon in the HBO series \"Game of Thrones\". He cites Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of Commodus in \"Gladiator\" as an influence on his performance. He is a founder and artistic director of Collapsing Horse Theatre Company, which is based in Dublin. In 2012, Gleeson indicated an intention to retire from acting to pursue an academic career once his work on \"Game of Thrones\" was finished. In 2014, Gleeson confirmed he would be permanently retiring from acting after concluding his work in \"Game of Thrones\". In the same interview, he stated that while he had previously been","Document [6](Title: Myrcella Baratheon) ensure that House Martell will support Joffrey, Myrcella is betrothed to marry Prince Trystane Martell when they come of age and is sent to Dorne in \"A Clash of Kings.\" After Joffrey's death in \"A Storm of Swords,\" Princess Arianne Martell schemes to kidnap Myrcella and crown her queen of Westeros. The plan goes awry, however, and Myrcella is severely injured in the kidnapping. In the HBO television adaptation, she is portrayed by Aimee Richardson in seasons one and two, and by Nell Tiger Free in seasons five and six. Her fate is changed from the novels. Princess Myrcella is","Document [7](Title: Arya Stark) identity. Arya Stark is portrayed by English actress Maisie Williams in the television adaption of the book series, this being Williams' first role as an actress. Williams was chosen from among 300 actresses across England. Arya accompanies her father Ned and her sister Sansa to King's Landing. Before their departure, Arya's half-brother Jon Snow gifts Arya a sword which she dubs \"Needle\". On the Kingsroad, Arya is sparring with a butcher's boy, Mycah, when Sansa's betrothed Prince Joffrey Baratheon attacks Mycah, prompting Arya's direwolf Nymeria to bite Joffrey. Arya shoos Nymeria away so she is not killed, but is furious","Document [8](Title: Game of Thrones (season 4)) Thenn which is now a title \u2013 of the Thenn people, a wildling clan. Two mysterious characters from Bran's storyline have also been cast: the Three-Eyed Crow, who is played by Struan Rodger, and a Child of the Forest, played by Octavia Alexandru. Roles that were recast for season 4 include Michiel Huisman as Daario Naharis. Huisman replaces Ed Skrein, who portrayed the character in season 3. Dean-Charles Chapman plays the role of Tommen Baratheon, King Joffrey's younger brother. Tommen was played by Callum Wharry in seasons 1 and 2. Chapman appeared as Martyn Lannister in two episodes of season","Document [9](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) anything he wants. He is also a coward when confronted by those who aren't afraid of him. Joffrey is also unaware that King Robert is not his real father \u2013 in reality, he is the son of Jaime Lannister. After Robert's death, the Lannisters make Joffrey King against his father's will, and his mother uses him as a puppet. A cruel ruler, Joffrey makes a mistake when, against Cersei's and Sansa's wishes, he refuses to honor his promise of sparing Ned; instead, Joffrey has him executed. His act worsens the situation with the Lannisters' war effort as his uncle Jaime","Document [10](Title: Jack Gleeson) Jack Gleeson (born 20 May 1992) is an Irish former actor, best known for his portrayal of Joffrey Baratheon in the HBO television series Game of Thrones.","Document [11](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) his mother's twin brother, Jaime Lannister. He has a younger sister, Myrcella, and a younger brother, Tommen, both of whom are also products of Jaime and Cersei's incestuous relationship. Their sole biological grandparents, Tywin and Joanna Lannister, were also first cousins. Joffrey is an amoral sadist who disguises his cruelty with a thin veneer of charm. This is best epitomized by his response when his (then) betrothed offends him: Joffrey pronounces that his mother had taught him never to strike a woman, and so commissions a knight of the Kingsguard to hit her instead. He enjoys forcing people to fight","Document [12](Title: Tommen Baratheon) the brother of Joffrey and Princess Myrcella and is second in line for the throne. Tommen is Queen Cersei Lannister's youngest son and, like his siblings, he is also the son of Cersei's brother Jaime Lannister, but he is unaware of this, as he believes Robert Baratheon to be his father. Tommen is described as handsome, kind, and weak-willed, though he tries hard. He loves his kittens, and is kind hearted. Tommen is seven years old at the beginning of \"A Game of Thrones\" (1996). He is the youngest child of Cersei and Jaime Lannister. Tommen Baratheon is not a","Document [13](Title: Blood of My Blood) Weiss also spoke about Arya, saying \"We were excited to do the play within the play, and it's a distorted fun house mirror representation of things we've already seen.\" Benioff continued, \"Part of Arya's amusement is just that she knows that they're getting so many details wrong, but she always regretted that she didn't have a chance to watch Joffrey die, and now she gets to. It's obviously a comic version of it, but that gives her great pleasure.\" Weiss also noted, \"Arya is slowly getting seduced by these performances, and Lady Crane, the actress that she's charged with killing,","Document [14](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) is captured by the Starks and his uncles Renly and Stannis have challenged his claim to the Iron Throne. He frequently orders his Kingsguard to beat Sansa. His cruelty and ignorance of the commoners' suffering makes him unpopular after he orders the City Watch to kill all of his father's bastard children in King's Landing which would later lead to a riot where he is almost killed. When Stannis attacks King's Landing, Joffrey serves only as a figurehead and avoids the heavy fighting. When the battle eventually turns in Stannis' favor, Cersei calls her son into the safety of the","Document [15](Title: Queen dowager) of Ice and Fire\", and later the HBO series \"Game of Thrones\", the character Cersei Lannister became the queen mother to King Joffrey Baratheon after her husband Robert Baratheon was killed in a hunting accident, although she managed to strong-arm the position of regent as well, and was thus known as the \"queen regent\". The episode \"High Sparrow\", the new queen consort, Margaery Tyrell, mocks Cersei's loss of power by asking her to clarify whether she should addressed as queen mother or queen dowager. In the 2015 Indian movie and its sequel , actress Ramya Krishnan portrays the character \"Rajamatha","Document [16](Title: Gethin Anthony) Gethin Anthony Gethin David L. Anthony (born 9 October 1983) is an English television and film actor best known for his role as Renly Baratheon in \"Game of Thrones.\" Gethin attended Ashton Hayes Primary School, Ashton Hayes, Cheshire and Christ Church Primary School, New Malden, Surrey. He attended the Tiffin School in Kingston-Upon-Thames. He received a Scholarship to the British American Drama Academy in London from July to August 2004. Anthony studied English Literature at Oxford University's Balliol College and was President of the Oxford University Dramatic Society, before training at London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. He played","Document [17](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) the throne room, he presents an extremely offensive play of \"The War of the Five Kings, \" with each of the kings played by dwarves, to humiliate his uncle. He also repeatedly torments Tyrion and Sansa, forcing the former to be his cupbearer. At the conclusion of the dinner, however, Joffrey's wine is poisoned, and he dies in an event known as \"The Purple Wedding,\" in which Tyrion is falsely accused and arrested by Cersei in \"A Storm of Swords\" (2000). It is later revealed that Lady Olenna Tyrell and Lord Petyr Baelish were the true perpetrators, with assistance from","Document [18](Title: Game of Thrones) of the last king of the original ruling dynasty, who was overthrown by Robert Baratheon \u2013 are running for their lives and trying to win back the throne. Daenerys becomes married to Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa), the leader of the nomadic Dothraki. Her retinue includes the exiled knight Ser Jorah Mormont (Iain Glen), her aide Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel) and the sellsword Daario Naharis (Michiel Huisman). In January 2006, David Benioff had a phone conversation with George R. R. Martin's literary agent about the books he represented, and became interested in \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" as he had been","Document [19](Title: The Door (Game of Thrones)) the Iron Fleet. He is subsequently chosen as King. Theon and Yara flee with the best ships of the Iron Fleet; Euron orders the Ironborn to begin construction of a new fleet. Jaqen H'ghar offers Arya Stark the assignment of killing an actress named Lady Crane, who is playing Cersei Lannister in a play recounting the deaths of Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark. Arya is noticeably distressed by the play's portrayal of Ned. Tyrion and Varys note that peace has fallen over Meereen since they forged their pact with the Masters. In order to preserve this, Tyrion summons the red","Document [20](Title: Game of Thrones) Joffrey Baratheon, Harry Lloyd as Viserys Targaryen and Mark Addy as Robert Baratheon. Addy was, according to showrunners Benioff and Weiss, the easiest actor to cast for the series, being that his audition was on point. Some of the characters in the pilot were recast for the first season: Catelyn Stark was initially played by Jennifer Ehle, but the role was recast with Michelle Fairley. Daenerys Targaryen was also recast, with Emilia Clarke replacing Tamzin Merchant. The rest of the first season's cast was filled in the second half of 2009. Although many of the cast returned after the first"],"query":"who is the actor who plays king joffrey?","answers":["Jack Gleeson"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) \"Rolling Stone\" ranked the character #4 in their list of the \"40 Greatest TV Villains of All Time\". Author Martin described Joffrey as similar to \"five or six people that I went to school with ... a classic bully ... incredibly spoiled\". Joffrey Baratheon Joffrey Baratheon is a fictional character in the \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" series of epic fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation \"Game of Thrones\". Introduced in 1996's \"A Game of Thrones\", Joffrey is the eldest son of Cersei Lannister from the kingdom of Westeros. He subsequently appeared","Document [2](Title: The Lion and the Rose) Walda Frey, Roose Bolton's new bride. Young actor Dean-Charles Chapman takes over the role of Tommen Baratheon as of this episode. In a cameo appearance, the Icelandic band Sigur R\u00f3s performed their rendition of \"The Rains of Castamere\" at King Joffrey's wedding, and again during the credits. With this episode, Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Snow) is promoted to series regular. Contrary to earlier press reports, Michael McElhatton (Roose Bolton) remained credited solely as a guest star in the episode. \"The Lion and the Rose\" was watched by an estimated 6.31 million people during its first hour. In the United Kingdom, the","Document [3](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) witnessed and interpreted through the eyes of other people, such as his uncle Tyrion Lannister and his one-time fianc\u00e9e Sansa Stark. Joffrey is mostly a background character in the novels. He inherits his mother's traditional Lannister looks, and has blond hair and green eyes, and is believed by many to be very handsome. In public, Joffrey is allegedly the oldest son and heir of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, both of whom entered into a political marriage alliance after Robert took the throne by force from the 'Mad King' Aerys II Targaryen. In reality, his biological father is","Document [4](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) Joffrey finally marries Margaery. During his wedding feast in the gardens of the Red Keep, he presents an extremely offensive play of \"The War of the Five Kings, \" with each of the kings played by dwarves, to humiliate his uncle. He also repeatedly torments Tyrion and Sansa, forcing the former to be his cupbearer. At the height of festivities, Joffrey is suddenly overcome by poison, and he dies. His uncle Tyrion is accused and arrested. It is confirmed, however, he was poisoned by Olenna Tyrell, with assistance from Petyr Baelish and Dontos Hollard, as she wanted to protect Margaery","Document [5](Title: Jack Gleeson) discovery\". Gleeson starred as Joffrey Baratheon in the HBO series \"Game of Thrones\". He cites Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of Commodus in \"Gladiator\" as an influence on his performance. He is a founder and artistic director of Collapsing Horse Theatre Company, which is based in Dublin. In 2012, Gleeson indicated an intention to retire from acting to pursue an academic career once his work on \"Game of Thrones\" was finished. In 2014, Gleeson confirmed he would be permanently retiring from acting after concluding his work in \"Game of Thrones\". In the same interview, he stated that while he had previously been","Document [6](Title: Myrcella Baratheon) ensure that House Martell will support Joffrey, Myrcella is betrothed to marry Prince Trystane Martell when they come of age and is sent to Dorne in \"A Clash of Kings.\" After Joffrey's death in \"A Storm of Swords,\" Princess Arianne Martell schemes to kidnap Myrcella and crown her queen of Westeros. The plan goes awry, however, and Myrcella is severely injured in the kidnapping. In the HBO television adaptation, she is portrayed by Aimee Richardson in seasons one and two, and by Nell Tiger Free in seasons five and six. Her fate is changed from the novels. Princess Myrcella is","Document [7](Title: Arya Stark) identity. Arya Stark is portrayed by English actress Maisie Williams in the television adaption of the book series, this being Williams' first role as an actress. Williams was chosen from among 300 actresses across England. Arya accompanies her father Ned and her sister Sansa to King's Landing. Before their departure, Arya's half-brother Jon Snow gifts Arya a sword which she dubs \"Needle\". On the Kingsroad, Arya is sparring with a butcher's boy, Mycah, when Sansa's betrothed Prince Joffrey Baratheon attacks Mycah, prompting Arya's direwolf Nymeria to bite Joffrey. Arya shoos Nymeria away so she is not killed, but is furious","Document [8](Title: Game of Thrones (season 4)) Thenn which is now a title \u2013 of the Thenn people, a wildling clan. Two mysterious characters from Bran's storyline have also been cast: the Three-Eyed Crow, who is played by Struan Rodger, and a Child of the Forest, played by Octavia Alexandru. Roles that were recast for season 4 include Michiel Huisman as Daario Naharis. Huisman replaces Ed Skrein, who portrayed the character in season 3. Dean-Charles Chapman plays the role of Tommen Baratheon, King Joffrey's younger brother. Tommen was played by Callum Wharry in seasons 1 and 2. Chapman appeared as Martyn Lannister in two episodes of season","Document [9](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) anything he wants. He is also a coward when confronted by those who aren't afraid of him. Joffrey is also unaware that King Robert is not his real father \u2013 in reality, he is the son of Jaime Lannister. After Robert's death, the Lannisters make Joffrey King against his father's will, and his mother uses him as a puppet. A cruel ruler, Joffrey makes a mistake when, against Cersei's and Sansa's wishes, he refuses to honor his promise of sparing Ned; instead, Joffrey has him executed. His act worsens the situation with the Lannisters' war effort as his uncle Jaime","Document [10](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) his mother's twin brother, Jaime Lannister. He has a younger sister, Myrcella, and a younger brother, Tommen, both of whom are also products of Jaime and Cersei's incestuous relationship. Their sole biological grandparents, Tywin and Joanna Lannister, were also first cousins. Joffrey is an amoral sadist who disguises his cruelty with a thin veneer of charm. This is best epitomized by his response when his (then) betrothed offends him: Joffrey pronounces that his mother had taught him never to strike a woman, and so commissions a knight of the Kingsguard to hit her instead. He enjoys forcing people to fight","Document [11](Title: Tommen Baratheon) the brother of Joffrey and Princess Myrcella and is second in line for the throne. Tommen is Queen Cersei Lannister's youngest son and, like his siblings, he is also the son of Cersei's brother Jaime Lannister, but he is unaware of this, as he believes Robert Baratheon to be his father. Tommen is described as handsome, kind, and weak-willed, though he tries hard. He loves his kittens, and is kind hearted. Tommen is seven years old at the beginning of \"A Game of Thrones\" (1996). He is the youngest child of Cersei and Jaime Lannister. Tommen Baratheon is not a","Document [12](Title: Blood of My Blood) Weiss also spoke about Arya, saying \"We were excited to do the play within the play, and it's a distorted fun house mirror representation of things we've already seen.\" Benioff continued, \"Part of Arya's amusement is just that she knows that they're getting so many details wrong, but she always regretted that she didn't have a chance to watch Joffrey die, and now she gets to. It's obviously a comic version of it, but that gives her great pleasure.\" Weiss also noted, \"Arya is slowly getting seduced by these performances, and Lady Crane, the actress that she's charged with killing,","Document [13](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) is captured by the Starks and his uncles Renly and Stannis have challenged his claim to the Iron Throne. He frequently orders his Kingsguard to beat Sansa. His cruelty and ignorance of the commoners' suffering makes him unpopular after he orders the City Watch to kill all of his father's bastard children in King's Landing which would later lead to a riot where he is almost killed. When Stannis attacks King's Landing, Joffrey serves only as a figurehead and avoids the heavy fighting. When the battle eventually turns in Stannis' favor, Cersei calls her son into the safety of the","Document [14](Title: Queen dowager) of Ice and Fire\", and later the HBO series \"Game of Thrones\", the character Cersei Lannister became the queen mother to King Joffrey Baratheon after her husband Robert Baratheon was killed in a hunting accident, although she managed to strong-arm the position of regent as well, and was thus known as the \"queen regent\". The episode \"High Sparrow\", the new queen consort, Margaery Tyrell, mocks Cersei's loss of power by asking her to clarify whether she should addressed as queen mother or queen dowager. In the 2015 Indian movie and its sequel , actress Ramya Krishnan portrays the character \"Rajamatha","Document [15](Title: Jack Gleeson) Jack Gleeson (born 20 May 1992) is an Irish former actor, best known for his portrayal of Joffrey Baratheon in the HBO television series Game of Thrones.","Document [16](Title: Gethin Anthony) Gethin Anthony Gethin David L. Anthony (born 9 October 1983) is an English television and film actor best known for his role as Renly Baratheon in \"Game of Thrones.\" Gethin attended Ashton Hayes Primary School, Ashton Hayes, Cheshire and Christ Church Primary School, New Malden, Surrey. He attended the Tiffin School in Kingston-Upon-Thames. He received a Scholarship to the British American Drama Academy in London from July to August 2004. Anthony studied English Literature at Oxford University's Balliol College and was President of the Oxford University Dramatic Society, before training at London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. He played","Document [17](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) the throne room, he presents an extremely offensive play of \"The War of the Five Kings, \" with each of the kings played by dwarves, to humiliate his uncle. He also repeatedly torments Tyrion and Sansa, forcing the former to be his cupbearer. At the conclusion of the dinner, however, Joffrey's wine is poisoned, and he dies in an event known as \"The Purple Wedding,\" in which Tyrion is falsely accused and arrested by Cersei in \"A Storm of Swords\" (2000). It is later revealed that Lady Olenna Tyrell and Lord Petyr Baelish were the true perpetrators, with assistance from","Document [18](Title: Game of Thrones) of the last king of the original ruling dynasty, who was overthrown by Robert Baratheon \u2013 are running for their lives and trying to win back the throne. Daenerys becomes married to Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa), the leader of the nomadic Dothraki. Her retinue includes the exiled knight Ser Jorah Mormont (Iain Glen), her aide Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel) and the sellsword Daario Naharis (Michiel Huisman). In January 2006, David Benioff had a phone conversation with George R. R. Martin's literary agent about the books he represented, and became interested in \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" as he had been","Document [19](Title: The Door (Game of Thrones)) the Iron Fleet. He is subsequently chosen as King. Theon and Yara flee with the best ships of the Iron Fleet; Euron orders the Ironborn to begin construction of a new fleet. Jaqen H'ghar offers Arya Stark the assignment of killing an actress named Lady Crane, who is playing Cersei Lannister in a play recounting the deaths of Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark. Arya is noticeably distressed by the play's portrayal of Ned. Tyrion and Varys note that peace has fallen over Meereen since they forged their pact with the Masters. In order to preserve this, Tyrion summons the red","Document [20](Title: Game of Thrones) Joffrey Baratheon, Harry Lloyd as Viserys Targaryen and Mark Addy as Robert Baratheon. Addy was, according to showrunners Benioff and Weiss, the easiest actor to cast for the series, being that his audition was on point. Some of the characters in the pilot were recast for the first season: Catelyn Stark was initially played by Jennifer Ehle, but the role was recast with Michelle Fairley. Daenerys Targaryen was also recast, with Emilia Clarke replacing Tamzin Merchant. The rest of the first season's cast was filled in the second half of 2009. Although many of the cast returned after the first"],"query":"who is the actor who plays king joffrey?","answers":["Jack Gleeson"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) \"Rolling Stone\" ranked the character #4 in their list of the \"40 Greatest TV Villains of All Time\". Author Martin described Joffrey as similar to \"five or six people that I went to school with ... a classic bully ... incredibly spoiled\". Joffrey Baratheon Joffrey Baratheon is a fictional character in the \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" series of epic fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation \"Game of Thrones\". Introduced in 1996's \"A Game of Thrones\", Joffrey is the eldest son of Cersei Lannister from the kingdom of Westeros. He subsequently appeared","Document [2](Title: The Lion and the Rose) Walda Frey, Roose Bolton's new bride. Young actor Dean-Charles Chapman takes over the role of Tommen Baratheon as of this episode. In a cameo appearance, the Icelandic band Sigur R\u00f3s performed their rendition of \"The Rains of Castamere\" at King Joffrey's wedding, and again during the credits. With this episode, Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Snow) is promoted to series regular. Contrary to earlier press reports, Michael McElhatton (Roose Bolton) remained credited solely as a guest star in the episode. \"The Lion and the Rose\" was watched by an estimated 6.31 million people during its first hour. In the United Kingdom, the","Document [3](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) witnessed and interpreted through the eyes of other people, such as his uncle Tyrion Lannister and his one-time fianc\u00e9e Sansa Stark. Joffrey is mostly a background character in the novels. He inherits his mother's traditional Lannister looks, and has blond hair and green eyes, and is believed by many to be very handsome. In public, Joffrey is allegedly the oldest son and heir of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister, both of whom entered into a political marriage alliance after Robert took the throne by force from the 'Mad King' Aerys II Targaryen. In reality, his biological father is","Document [4](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) Joffrey finally marries Margaery. During his wedding feast in the gardens of the Red Keep, he presents an extremely offensive play of \"The War of the Five Kings, \" with each of the kings played by dwarves, to humiliate his uncle. He also repeatedly torments Tyrion and Sansa, forcing the former to be his cupbearer. At the height of festivities, Joffrey is suddenly overcome by poison, and he dies. His uncle Tyrion is accused and arrested. It is confirmed, however, he was poisoned by Olenna Tyrell, with assistance from Petyr Baelish and Dontos Hollard, as she wanted to protect Margaery","Document [5](Title: Jack Gleeson) discovery\". Gleeson starred as Joffrey Baratheon in the HBO series \"Game of Thrones\". He cites Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of Commodus in \"Gladiator\" as an influence on his performance. He is a founder and artistic director of Collapsing Horse Theatre Company, which is based in Dublin. In 2012, Gleeson indicated an intention to retire from acting to pursue an academic career once his work on \"Game of Thrones\" was finished. In 2014, Gleeson confirmed he would be permanently retiring from acting after concluding his work in \"Game of Thrones\". In the same interview, he stated that while he had previously been","Document [6](Title: Myrcella Baratheon) ensure that House Martell will support Joffrey, Myrcella is betrothed to marry Prince Trystane Martell when they come of age and is sent to Dorne in \"A Clash of Kings.\" After Joffrey's death in \"A Storm of Swords,\" Princess Arianne Martell schemes to kidnap Myrcella and crown her queen of Westeros. The plan goes awry, however, and Myrcella is severely injured in the kidnapping. In the HBO television adaptation, she is portrayed by Aimee Richardson in seasons one and two, and by Nell Tiger Free in seasons five and six. Her fate is changed from the novels. Princess Myrcella is","Document [7](Title: Arya Stark) identity. Arya Stark is portrayed by English actress Maisie Williams in the television adaption of the book series, this being Williams' first role as an actress. Williams was chosen from among 300 actresses across England. Arya accompanies her father Ned and her sister Sansa to King's Landing. Before their departure, Arya's half-brother Jon Snow gifts Arya a sword which she dubs \"Needle\". On the Kingsroad, Arya is sparring with a butcher's boy, Mycah, when Sansa's betrothed Prince Joffrey Baratheon attacks Mycah, prompting Arya's direwolf Nymeria to bite Joffrey. Arya shoos Nymeria away so she is not killed, but is furious","Document [8](Title: Game of Thrones (season 4)) Thenn which is now a title \u2013 of the Thenn people, a wildling clan. Two mysterious characters from Bran's storyline have also been cast: the Three-Eyed Crow, who is played by Struan Rodger, and a Child of the Forest, played by Octavia Alexandru. Roles that were recast for season 4 include Michiel Huisman as Daario Naharis. Huisman replaces Ed Skrein, who portrayed the character in season 3. Dean-Charles Chapman plays the role of Tommen Baratheon, King Joffrey's younger brother. Tommen was played by Callum Wharry in seasons 1 and 2. Chapman appeared as Martyn Lannister in two episodes of season","Document [9](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) anything he wants. He is also a coward when confronted by those who aren't afraid of him. Joffrey is also unaware that King Robert is not his real father \u2013 in reality, he is the son of Jaime Lannister. After Robert's death, the Lannisters make Joffrey King against his father's will, and his mother uses him as a puppet. A cruel ruler, Joffrey makes a mistake when, against Cersei's and Sansa's wishes, he refuses to honor his promise of sparing Ned; instead, Joffrey has him executed. His act worsens the situation with the Lannisters' war effort as his uncle Jaime","Document [10](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) his mother's twin brother, Jaime Lannister. He has a younger sister, Myrcella, and a younger brother, Tommen, both of whom are also products of Jaime and Cersei's incestuous relationship. Their sole biological grandparents, Tywin and Joanna Lannister, were also first cousins. Joffrey is an amoral sadist who disguises his cruelty with a thin veneer of charm. This is best epitomized by his response when his (then) betrothed offends him: Joffrey pronounces that his mother had taught him never to strike a woman, and so commissions a knight of the Kingsguard to hit her instead. He enjoys forcing people to fight","Document [11](Title: Tommen Baratheon) the brother of Joffrey and Princess Myrcella and is second in line for the throne. Tommen is Queen Cersei Lannister's youngest son and, like his siblings, he is also the son of Cersei's brother Jaime Lannister, but he is unaware of this, as he believes Robert Baratheon to be his father. Tommen is described as handsome, kind, and weak-willed, though he tries hard. He loves his kittens, and is kind hearted. Tommen is seven years old at the beginning of \"A Game of Thrones\" (1996). He is the youngest child of Cersei and Jaime Lannister. Tommen Baratheon is not a","Document [12](Title: Blood of My Blood) Weiss also spoke about Arya, saying \"We were excited to do the play within the play, and it's a distorted fun house mirror representation of things we've already seen.\" Benioff continued, \"Part of Arya's amusement is just that she knows that they're getting so many details wrong, but she always regretted that she didn't have a chance to watch Joffrey die, and now she gets to. It's obviously a comic version of it, but that gives her great pleasure.\" Weiss also noted, \"Arya is slowly getting seduced by these performances, and Lady Crane, the actress that she's charged with killing,","Document [13](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) is captured by the Starks and his uncles Renly and Stannis have challenged his claim to the Iron Throne. He frequently orders his Kingsguard to beat Sansa. His cruelty and ignorance of the commoners' suffering makes him unpopular after he orders the City Watch to kill all of his father's bastard children in King's Landing which would later lead to a riot where he is almost killed. When Stannis attacks King's Landing, Joffrey serves only as a figurehead and avoids the heavy fighting. When the battle eventually turns in Stannis' favor, Cersei calls her son into the safety of the","Document [14](Title: Queen dowager) of Ice and Fire\", and later the HBO series \"Game of Thrones\", the character Cersei Lannister became the queen mother to King Joffrey Baratheon after her husband Robert Baratheon was killed in a hunting accident, although she managed to strong-arm the position of regent as well, and was thus known as the \"queen regent\". The episode \"High Sparrow\", the new queen consort, Margaery Tyrell, mocks Cersei's loss of power by asking her to clarify whether she should addressed as queen mother or queen dowager. In the 2015 Indian movie and its sequel , actress Ramya Krishnan portrays the character \"Rajamatha","Document [15](Title: Gethin Anthony) Gethin Anthony Gethin David L. Anthony (born 9 October 1983) is an English television and film actor best known for his role as Renly Baratheon in \"Game of Thrones.\" Gethin attended Ashton Hayes Primary School, Ashton Hayes, Cheshire and Christ Church Primary School, New Malden, Surrey. He attended the Tiffin School in Kingston-Upon-Thames. He received a Scholarship to the British American Drama Academy in London from July to August 2004. Anthony studied English Literature at Oxford University's Balliol College and was President of the Oxford University Dramatic Society, before training at London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. He played","Document [16](Title: Joffrey Baratheon) the throne room, he presents an extremely offensive play of \"The War of the Five Kings, \" with each of the kings played by dwarves, to humiliate his uncle. He also repeatedly torments Tyrion and Sansa, forcing the former to be his cupbearer. At the conclusion of the dinner, however, Joffrey's wine is poisoned, and he dies in an event known as \"The Purple Wedding,\" in which Tyrion is falsely accused and arrested by Cersei in \"A Storm of Swords\" (2000). It is later revealed that Lady Olenna Tyrell and Lord Petyr Baelish were the true perpetrators, with assistance from","Document [17](Title: Game of Thrones) of the last king of the original ruling dynasty, who was overthrown by Robert Baratheon \u2013 are running for their lives and trying to win back the throne. Daenerys becomes married to Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa), the leader of the nomadic Dothraki. Her retinue includes the exiled knight Ser Jorah Mormont (Iain Glen), her aide Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel) and the sellsword Daario Naharis (Michiel Huisman). In January 2006, David Benioff had a phone conversation with George R. R. Martin's literary agent about the books he represented, and became interested in \"A Song of Ice and Fire\" as he had been","Document [18](Title: The Door (Game of Thrones)) the Iron Fleet. He is subsequently chosen as King. Theon and Yara flee with the best ships of the Iron Fleet; Euron orders the Ironborn to begin construction of a new fleet. Jaqen H'ghar offers Arya Stark the assignment of killing an actress named Lady Crane, who is playing Cersei Lannister in a play recounting the deaths of Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark. Arya is noticeably distressed by the play's portrayal of Ned. Tyrion and Varys note that peace has fallen over Meereen since they forged their pact with the Masters. In order to preserve this, Tyrion summons the red","Document [19](Title: Game of Thrones) Joffrey Baratheon, Harry Lloyd as Viserys Targaryen and Mark Addy as Robert Baratheon. Addy was, according to showrunners Benioff and Weiss, the easiest actor to cast for the series, being that his audition was on point. Some of the characters in the pilot were recast for the first season: Catelyn Stark was initially played by Jennifer Ehle, but the role was recast with Michelle Fairley. Daenerys Targaryen was also recast, with Emilia Clarke replacing Tamzin Merchant. The rest of the first season's cast was filled in the second half of 2009. Although many of the cast returned after the first","Document [20](Title: Jack Gleeson) Jack Gleeson (born 20 May 1992) is an Irish former actor, best known for his portrayal of Joffrey Baratheon in the HBO television series Game of Thrones."],"query":"who is the actor who plays king joffrey?","answers":["Jack Gleeson"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) Principal photography for Wake in Fright took place in Broken Hill and Sydney. Beginning on March 5, 2017, the shoot lasted five weeks.","Document [2](Title: Wake in Fright) and VHS releases. After the original film and sound elements were rescued by editor Anthony Buckley in 2004, the film was digitally remastered and given a 2009 re-release at Cannes and in Australian theatres to widespread acclaim; it was issued commercially on DVD and Blu-ray later that year. Praised by critics for its direction and performances, \"Wake in Fright\" is now considered a pivotal film of the Australian New Wave and has earned a rare 100% approval rating on the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes. A televised miniseries remake of \"Wake in Fright\" premiered in 2017. John Grant is a","Document [3](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) 29. The DVD includes a 10-minute behind-the-scenes featurette containing brief interviews with key cast and crew members. Wake in Fright (miniseries) Wake in Fright is an Australian miniseries based on Kenneth Cook's 1961 novel of the same name, which first aired on Network Ten in October 2017. Directed by Kriv Stenders and written by Stephen M. Irwin, the series features an ensemble cast that includes Sean Keenan, Alex Dimitriades, Caren Pistorius, David Wenham, Anna Samson, Gary Sweet and Robyn Malcolm. It is the second filmed adaptation of Cook's novel, following Ted Kotcheff's 1971 film version. As with earlier versions of","Document [4](Title: Wake in Fright) screened at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival on 15 May 2009 when it was selected as a Cannes Classic title by the head of the department, Martin Scorsese. \"Wake in Fright\" is one of only two films ever to screen twice in the history of the festival. Scorsese said, \"\"Wake in Fright\" is a deeply -- and I mean deeply -- unsettling and disturbing movie. I saw it when it premiered at Cannes in 1971, and it left me speechless. Visually, dramatically, atmospherically and psychologically, it's beautifully calibrated and it gets under your skin one encounter at a time, right","Document [5](Title: Wake in Fright) shown to the general public for the first time at the Sydney Film Festival in June 2009, and in re-release has been called \"a classic Australian film which has achieved cult status\". Network Ten premiered a two-part miniseries based on the novel on October 8, 2017. Wake in Fright Wake in Fright (initially released as Outback outside Australia) is a 1971 psychological thriller film directed by Ted Kotcheff, written by Evan Jones and starring Gary Bond, Donald Pleasence, Chips Rafferty, Sylvia Kay and Jack Thompson. Based on Kenneth Cook's 1961 novel of the same name, the film follows a young","Document [6](Title: Wake in Fright) one of two Australian films to be nominated for the Grand Prix du Festival at the 24th Cannes Film Festival. Despite attracting positive reviews, the film was a commercial failure in Australia, in part due to minimal promotion by United Artists, as well as audiences being uncomfortable with its portrayal of outback life, including a controversial hunting scene involving real kangaroos being shot. By the 1990s, \"Wake in Fright\" had developed a cult reputation as Australia's great \"lost film\" because its master negative had gone missing, resulting in censored prints of degraded quality being used for its few television broadcasts","Document [7](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) Wake in Fright (miniseries) Wake in Fright is an Australian miniseries based on Kenneth Cook's 1961 novel of the same name, which first aired on Network Ten in October 2017. Directed by Kriv Stenders and written by Stephen M. Irwin, the series features an ensemble cast that includes Sean Keenan, Alex Dimitriades, Caren Pistorius, David Wenham, Anna Samson, Gary Sweet and Robyn Malcolm. It is the second filmed adaptation of Cook's novel, following Ted Kotcheff's 1971 film version. As with earlier versions of the story, the series depicts the psychological journey of John Grant, a schoolteacher who has been marooned","Document [8](Title: Wake in Fright) February 1972. \"Wake in Fright\" found a favourable public response in France, where it ran for five months, and in the United Kingdom. However, despite receiving such critical support at Cannes and in Australia, \"Wake in Fright\" suffered poor domestic box-office returns. Although there were complaints that the film's distributor, United Artists, had failed to promote the film successfully, it was also thought that the film was \"perhaps too uncomfortably direct and uncompromising to draw large Australian audiences\". During an early Australian screening, one man stood up, pointed at the screen and protested \"That's not us!\", to which Jack Thompson","Document [9](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) option for the original 1971 film version - if the deal stated that the adaptation rights were owned by a single entity in perpetuity, Moliere and Bowden would not be allowed to proceed with a series. The search for the option took three years, and eventually resulted in a copy being uncovered at the Estate of Dirk Bogarde (who had originally planned to produce an adaptation in 1963) in Paris, which indicated that the option only referred to a film version, allowing Moliere and Bowden - who had left Matchbox and co-founded Lingo Pictures with Jason Stephens of FremantleMedia Australia","Document [10](Title: Wake in Fright) negatives of \"Wake in Fright\" in a shipping container labelled \"For Destruction\". He rescued the material, which formed the basis for the film's painstaking 2009 restoration. Evidently a 35mm print in excellent condition had also survived in the collection of the Library of Congress, which screened it in the library's Mary Pickford Theater in 2008, although its reported running time of only 96 minutes suggests this was an edited version. \"Wake in Fright\" was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc formats by Madman Entertainment on 4 November 2009, based on a digital restoration completed earlier that year. This restoration was","Document [11](Title: Wake in Fright) along with the protagonist played by Gary Bond. I'm excited that \"Wake in Fright\" has been preserved and restored and that it is finally getting the exposure it deserves.\" Roger Ebert reviewed the re-release and said \"It's not dated. It is powerful, genuinely shocking and rather amazing. It comes billed as a 'horror film' and contains a great deal of horror, but all of the horror is human and brutally realistic.\" Don Groves of SBS gave the film four stars out of five, claiming that \"\"Wake in Fright\" deserves to rank as an Australian classic as it packs enormous emotional","Document [12](Title: Wake in Fright) the hunt. At the 2009 Cannes Classic screening of \"Wake in Fright\", 12 people walked out during the kangaroo hunt. Director Ted Kotcheff, a professed vegetarian, has defended his use of the hunting footage in the film. For many years, the only known print of \"Wake in Fright\", found in Dublin, was considered of insufficient quality for transfer to DVD or videotape for commercial release. In response to this situation, \"Wake in Fright\"s editor, Anthony Buckley, began to search in 1994 for a better-preserved copy of the film in an uncut state. Eight years later, in Pittsburgh, Buckley found the","Document [13](Title: Wake in Fright (novel)) a script by Evan Jones, and featured Gary Bond, Donald Pleasence and Chips Rafferty in the lead roles. The novel was also adapted for a two-part miniseries in 2017. Wake in Fright (novel) Wake in Fright (1961) is the debut novel by Australian author Kenneth Cook. John Grant is a young, bonded schoolteacher who has been assigned to work a gruelling two-year post as the schoolmaster of Tiboonda, an isolated, three-building township in the outback of western New South Wales. Upon finishing school in time for the six-week Christmas holiday season, Grant catches a train to the mining town of","Document [14](Title: Wake in Fright) yelled back \"Sit down, mate. It is us.\" The un-restored version of \"Wake in Fright\" received a three stars (out of four) rating from the American film reviewer Leonard Maltin in his \"2006 Movie Guide\", while Brian McFarlane, writing in 1999 in \"The Oxford Companion to Australian Film\", said that it was \u201calmost uniquely unsettling in the history of new Australian Cinema\u201d. Askmen.com echoed these sentiments, citing that \"it's not hard to see why the dusty savagery and clown-faced surrealism of Ted Kotcheff's fourth feature was never shown on telly at the time.\" Following the film's restoration, \"Wake in Fright\"","Document [15](Title: Wake in Fright) new school year. A film version of \"Wake in Fright\", based on the 1961 novel by Kenneth Cook, was linked with the actor Dirk Bogarde and the director Joseph Losey as early as 1963. Morris West later secured the film rights and tried, unsuccessfully, to raise funding for the film's production. The rights were eventually bought by NLT and Group W, and Canadian director Ted Kotcheff was recruited to direct the film. At the time of production, Kotcheff had directed three films, \"Tiara Tahiti\" (1962), \"Life at the Top\" (1965) and \"Two Men Sharing\" (1969). After \"Wake in Fright\", Kotcheff","Document [16](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) - to enter active development by the end of 2015. By this time, Lingo Pictures had also entered a co-production deal for two series with Mark and Carl Fennessy of Endemol Shine Australia, and \"Wake in Fright\" was decided as the first of those two productions. Both would also receive international distribution through Endemol Shine International. The series was officially announced on September 6, 2016, with Kriv Stenders being revealed as director. Commenting on the relatively short period from development to principal photography (roughly fourteen months), Bowden explained that screenwriter Stephen M. Irwin - who was hired in January 2016","Document [17](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) Lee Jones, Anna Samson, Hannah Frederiksen and Jada Alberts - was announced. Many of the smaller supporting roles and extras were portrayed by locals with no professional acting experience. Keenan revealed that he was offered the part of John Grant while shooting another project; after being introduced to the film by a prop master who had found it on DVD in a charity shop, he studied both the novel and film, particularly the former, to get an understanding of his character. Wenham admitted that he expressed scepticism when he was offered the role of Jock Crawford, calling the reimagining \"a","Document [18](Title: Wake in Fright (novel)) Wake in Fright (novel) Wake in Fright (1961) is the debut novel by Australian author Kenneth Cook. John Grant is a young, bonded schoolteacher who has been assigned to work a gruelling two-year post as the schoolmaster of Tiboonda, an isolated, three-building township in the outback of western New South Wales. Upon finishing school in time for the six-week Christmas holiday season, Grant catches a train to the mining town of Bundanyabba \u2013 known by the locals as \"The Yabba\" \u2013 to await a flight home to Sydney, where he hopes to spend his vacation swimming at the nearby beach.","Document [19](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) - and Network Ten's Head of Drama Rick Maier were \"very fast and very good with feedback\". Although noting that \"Wake in Fright\" was primarily targeted at a contemporary Australian audience, she expressed confidence in the series finding success abroad, saying \"It's got a franchise, so it's known through the novel, which has never been out of print in 50 years and it's known through the film, which is very famous and not long ago the restored version was distributed through the US and a number of European countries. And [Endemol Shine CEO Cathy Payne] thinks the Outback setting and","Document [20](Title: Wake in Fright) force, was bravely and inventively directed, and features superb performances. \" American critic Rex Reed, an early advocate of \"Wake in Fright\", praised the film's restoration as \"the best movie news of the year\", and said it \"may be the greatest Australian film ever made\". According to Australian musician and screenwriter Nick Cave, it is \"the best and most terrifying film about Australia in existence.\" The film has an approval rating of 100% and a rating average score of 8.7 out of 10 on the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, based on 51 reviews. The site's consensus states: \"A disquieting"],"query":"where was the remake of wake in fright filmed?","answers":["Broken","Broken Hill","Broken Hill and Sydney"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Wake in Fright) and VHS releases. After the original film and sound elements were rescued by editor Anthony Buckley in 2004, the film was digitally remastered and given a 2009 re-release at Cannes and in Australian theatres to widespread acclaim; it was issued commercially on DVD and Blu-ray later that year. Praised by critics for its direction and performances, \"Wake in Fright\" is now considered a pivotal film of the Australian New Wave and has earned a rare 100% approval rating on the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes. A televised miniseries remake of \"Wake in Fright\" premiered in 2017. John Grant is a","Document [2](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) 29. The DVD includes a 10-minute behind-the-scenes featurette containing brief interviews with key cast and crew members. Wake in Fright (miniseries) Wake in Fright is an Australian miniseries based on Kenneth Cook's 1961 novel of the same name, which first aired on Network Ten in October 2017. Directed by Kriv Stenders and written by Stephen M. Irwin, the series features an ensemble cast that includes Sean Keenan, Alex Dimitriades, Caren Pistorius, David Wenham, Anna Samson, Gary Sweet and Robyn Malcolm. It is the second filmed adaptation of Cook's novel, following Ted Kotcheff's 1971 film version. As with earlier versions of","Document [3](Title: Wake in Fright) screened at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival on 15 May 2009 when it was selected as a Cannes Classic title by the head of the department, Martin Scorsese. \"Wake in Fright\" is one of only two films ever to screen twice in the history of the festival. Scorsese said, \"\"Wake in Fright\" is a deeply -- and I mean deeply -- unsettling and disturbing movie. I saw it when it premiered at Cannes in 1971, and it left me speechless. Visually, dramatically, atmospherically and psychologically, it's beautifully calibrated and it gets under your skin one encounter at a time, right","Document [4](Title: Wake in Fright) shown to the general public for the first time at the Sydney Film Festival in June 2009, and in re-release has been called \"a classic Australian film which has achieved cult status\". Network Ten premiered a two-part miniseries based on the novel on October 8, 2017. Wake in Fright Wake in Fright (initially released as Outback outside Australia) is a 1971 psychological thriller film directed by Ted Kotcheff, written by Evan Jones and starring Gary Bond, Donald Pleasence, Chips Rafferty, Sylvia Kay and Jack Thompson. Based on Kenneth Cook's 1961 novel of the same name, the film follows a young","Document [5](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) Principal photography for Wake in Fright took place in Broken Hill and Sydney. Beginning on March 5, 2017, the shoot lasted five weeks.","Document [6](Title: Wake in Fright) one of two Australian films to be nominated for the Grand Prix du Festival at the 24th Cannes Film Festival. Despite attracting positive reviews, the film was a commercial failure in Australia, in part due to minimal promotion by United Artists, as well as audiences being uncomfortable with its portrayal of outback life, including a controversial hunting scene involving real kangaroos being shot. By the 1990s, \"Wake in Fright\" had developed a cult reputation as Australia's great \"lost film\" because its master negative had gone missing, resulting in censored prints of degraded quality being used for its few television broadcasts","Document [7](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) Wake in Fright (miniseries) Wake in Fright is an Australian miniseries based on Kenneth Cook's 1961 novel of the same name, which first aired on Network Ten in October 2017. Directed by Kriv Stenders and written by Stephen M. Irwin, the series features an ensemble cast that includes Sean Keenan, Alex Dimitriades, Caren Pistorius, David Wenham, Anna Samson, Gary Sweet and Robyn Malcolm. It is the second filmed adaptation of Cook's novel, following Ted Kotcheff's 1971 film version. As with earlier versions of the story, the series depicts the psychological journey of John Grant, a schoolteacher who has been marooned","Document [8](Title: Wake in Fright) February 1972. \"Wake in Fright\" found a favourable public response in France, where it ran for five months, and in the United Kingdom. However, despite receiving such critical support at Cannes and in Australia, \"Wake in Fright\" suffered poor domestic box-office returns. Although there were complaints that the film's distributor, United Artists, had failed to promote the film successfully, it was also thought that the film was \"perhaps too uncomfortably direct and uncompromising to draw large Australian audiences\". During an early Australian screening, one man stood up, pointed at the screen and protested \"That's not us!\", to which Jack Thompson","Document [9](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) option for the original 1971 film version - if the deal stated that the adaptation rights were owned by a single entity in perpetuity, Moliere and Bowden would not be allowed to proceed with a series. The search for the option took three years, and eventually resulted in a copy being uncovered at the Estate of Dirk Bogarde (who had originally planned to produce an adaptation in 1963) in Paris, which indicated that the option only referred to a film version, allowing Moliere and Bowden - who had left Matchbox and co-founded Lingo Pictures with Jason Stephens of FremantleMedia Australia","Document [10](Title: Wake in Fright) negatives of \"Wake in Fright\" in a shipping container labelled \"For Destruction\". He rescued the material, which formed the basis for the film's painstaking 2009 restoration. Evidently a 35mm print in excellent condition had also survived in the collection of the Library of Congress, which screened it in the library's Mary Pickford Theater in 2008, although its reported running time of only 96 minutes suggests this was an edited version. \"Wake in Fright\" was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc formats by Madman Entertainment on 4 November 2009, based on a digital restoration completed earlier that year. This restoration was","Document [11](Title: Wake in Fright) along with the protagonist played by Gary Bond. I'm excited that \"Wake in Fright\" has been preserved and restored and that it is finally getting the exposure it deserves.\" Roger Ebert reviewed the re-release and said \"It's not dated. It is powerful, genuinely shocking and rather amazing. It comes billed as a 'horror film' and contains a great deal of horror, but all of the horror is human and brutally realistic.\" Don Groves of SBS gave the film four stars out of five, claiming that \"\"Wake in Fright\" deserves to rank as an Australian classic as it packs enormous emotional","Document [12](Title: Wake in Fright) the hunt. At the 2009 Cannes Classic screening of \"Wake in Fright\", 12 people walked out during the kangaroo hunt. Director Ted Kotcheff, a professed vegetarian, has defended his use of the hunting footage in the film. For many years, the only known print of \"Wake in Fright\", found in Dublin, was considered of insufficient quality for transfer to DVD or videotape for commercial release. In response to this situation, \"Wake in Fright\"s editor, Anthony Buckley, began to search in 1994 for a better-preserved copy of the film in an uncut state. Eight years later, in Pittsburgh, Buckley found the","Document [13](Title: Wake in Fright (novel)) a script by Evan Jones, and featured Gary Bond, Donald Pleasence and Chips Rafferty in the lead roles. The novel was also adapted for a two-part miniseries in 2017. Wake in Fright (novel) Wake in Fright (1961) is the debut novel by Australian author Kenneth Cook. John Grant is a young, bonded schoolteacher who has been assigned to work a gruelling two-year post as the schoolmaster of Tiboonda, an isolated, three-building township in the outback of western New South Wales. Upon finishing school in time for the six-week Christmas holiday season, Grant catches a train to the mining town of","Document [14](Title: Wake in Fright) yelled back \"Sit down, mate. It is us.\" The un-restored version of \"Wake in Fright\" received a three stars (out of four) rating from the American film reviewer Leonard Maltin in his \"2006 Movie Guide\", while Brian McFarlane, writing in 1999 in \"The Oxford Companion to Australian Film\", said that it was \u201calmost uniquely unsettling in the history of new Australian Cinema\u201d. Askmen.com echoed these sentiments, citing that \"it's not hard to see why the dusty savagery and clown-faced surrealism of Ted Kotcheff's fourth feature was never shown on telly at the time.\" Following the film's restoration, \"Wake in Fright\"","Document [15](Title: Wake in Fright) new school year. A film version of \"Wake in Fright\", based on the 1961 novel by Kenneth Cook, was linked with the actor Dirk Bogarde and the director Joseph Losey as early as 1963. Morris West later secured the film rights and tried, unsuccessfully, to raise funding for the film's production. The rights were eventually bought by NLT and Group W, and Canadian director Ted Kotcheff was recruited to direct the film. At the time of production, Kotcheff had directed three films, \"Tiara Tahiti\" (1962), \"Life at the Top\" (1965) and \"Two Men Sharing\" (1969). After \"Wake in Fright\", Kotcheff","Document [16](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) - to enter active development by the end of 2015. By this time, Lingo Pictures had also entered a co-production deal for two series with Mark and Carl Fennessy of Endemol Shine Australia, and \"Wake in Fright\" was decided as the first of those two productions. Both would also receive international distribution through Endemol Shine International. The series was officially announced on September 6, 2016, with Kriv Stenders being revealed as director. Commenting on the relatively short period from development to principal photography (roughly fourteen months), Bowden explained that screenwriter Stephen M. Irwin - who was hired in January 2016","Document [17](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) Lee Jones, Anna Samson, Hannah Frederiksen and Jada Alberts - was announced. Many of the smaller supporting roles and extras were portrayed by locals with no professional acting experience. Keenan revealed that he was offered the part of John Grant while shooting another project; after being introduced to the film by a prop master who had found it on DVD in a charity shop, he studied both the novel and film, particularly the former, to get an understanding of his character. Wenham admitted that he expressed scepticism when he was offered the role of Jock Crawford, calling the reimagining \"a","Document [18](Title: Wake in Fright (novel)) Wake in Fright (novel) Wake in Fright (1961) is the debut novel by Australian author Kenneth Cook. John Grant is a young, bonded schoolteacher who has been assigned to work a gruelling two-year post as the schoolmaster of Tiboonda, an isolated, three-building township in the outback of western New South Wales. Upon finishing school in time for the six-week Christmas holiday season, Grant catches a train to the mining town of Bundanyabba \u2013 known by the locals as \"The Yabba\" \u2013 to await a flight home to Sydney, where he hopes to spend his vacation swimming at the nearby beach.","Document [19](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) - and Network Ten's Head of Drama Rick Maier were \"very fast and very good with feedback\". Although noting that \"Wake in Fright\" was primarily targeted at a contemporary Australian audience, she expressed confidence in the series finding success abroad, saying \"It's got a franchise, so it's known through the novel, which has never been out of print in 50 years and it's known through the film, which is very famous and not long ago the restored version was distributed through the US and a number of European countries. And [Endemol Shine CEO Cathy Payne] thinks the Outback setting and","Document [20](Title: Wake in Fright) force, was bravely and inventively directed, and features superb performances. \" American critic Rex Reed, an early advocate of \"Wake in Fright\", praised the film's restoration as \"the best movie news of the year\", and said it \"may be the greatest Australian film ever made\". According to Australian musician and screenwriter Nick Cave, it is \"the best and most terrifying film about Australia in existence.\" The film has an approval rating of 100% and a rating average score of 8.7 out of 10 on the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, based on 51 reviews. The site's consensus states: \"A disquieting"],"query":"where was the remake of wake in fright filmed?","answers":["Broken","Broken Hill","Broken Hill and Sydney"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Wake in Fright) and VHS releases. After the original film and sound elements were rescued by editor Anthony Buckley in 2004, the film was digitally remastered and given a 2009 re-release at Cannes and in Australian theatres to widespread acclaim; it was issued commercially on DVD and Blu-ray later that year. Praised by critics for its direction and performances, \"Wake in Fright\" is now considered a pivotal film of the Australian New Wave and has earned a rare 100% approval rating on the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes. A televised miniseries remake of \"Wake in Fright\" premiered in 2017. John Grant is a","Document [2](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) 29. The DVD includes a 10-minute behind-the-scenes featurette containing brief interviews with key cast and crew members. Wake in Fright (miniseries) Wake in Fright is an Australian miniseries based on Kenneth Cook's 1961 novel of the same name, which first aired on Network Ten in October 2017. Directed by Kriv Stenders and written by Stephen M. Irwin, the series features an ensemble cast that includes Sean Keenan, Alex Dimitriades, Caren Pistorius, David Wenham, Anna Samson, Gary Sweet and Robyn Malcolm. It is the second filmed adaptation of Cook's novel, following Ted Kotcheff's 1971 film version. As with earlier versions of","Document [3](Title: Wake in Fright) screened at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival on 15 May 2009 when it was selected as a Cannes Classic title by the head of the department, Martin Scorsese. \"Wake in Fright\" is one of only two films ever to screen twice in the history of the festival. Scorsese said, \"\"Wake in Fright\" is a deeply -- and I mean deeply -- unsettling and disturbing movie. I saw it when it premiered at Cannes in 1971, and it left me speechless. Visually, dramatically, atmospherically and psychologically, it's beautifully calibrated and it gets under your skin one encounter at a time, right","Document [4](Title: Wake in Fright) shown to the general public for the first time at the Sydney Film Festival in June 2009, and in re-release has been called \"a classic Australian film which has achieved cult status\". Network Ten premiered a two-part miniseries based on the novel on October 8, 2017. Wake in Fright Wake in Fright (initially released as Outback outside Australia) is a 1971 psychological thriller film directed by Ted Kotcheff, written by Evan Jones and starring Gary Bond, Donald Pleasence, Chips Rafferty, Sylvia Kay and Jack Thompson. Based on Kenneth Cook's 1961 novel of the same name, the film follows a young","Document [5](Title: Wake in Fright) one of two Australian films to be nominated for the Grand Prix du Festival at the 24th Cannes Film Festival. Despite attracting positive reviews, the film was a commercial failure in Australia, in part due to minimal promotion by United Artists, as well as audiences being uncomfortable with its portrayal of outback life, including a controversial hunting scene involving real kangaroos being shot. By the 1990s, \"Wake in Fright\" had developed a cult reputation as Australia's great \"lost film\" because its master negative had gone missing, resulting in censored prints of degraded quality being used for its few television broadcasts","Document [6](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) Wake in Fright (miniseries) Wake in Fright is an Australian miniseries based on Kenneth Cook's 1961 novel of the same name, which first aired on Network Ten in October 2017. Directed by Kriv Stenders and written by Stephen M. Irwin, the series features an ensemble cast that includes Sean Keenan, Alex Dimitriades, Caren Pistorius, David Wenham, Anna Samson, Gary Sweet and Robyn Malcolm. It is the second filmed adaptation of Cook's novel, following Ted Kotcheff's 1971 film version. As with earlier versions of the story, the series depicts the psychological journey of John Grant, a schoolteacher who has been marooned","Document [7](Title: Wake in Fright) February 1972. \"Wake in Fright\" found a favourable public response in France, where it ran for five months, and in the United Kingdom. However, despite receiving such critical support at Cannes and in Australia, \"Wake in Fright\" suffered poor domestic box-office returns. Although there were complaints that the film's distributor, United Artists, had failed to promote the film successfully, it was also thought that the film was \"perhaps too uncomfortably direct and uncompromising to draw large Australian audiences\". During an early Australian screening, one man stood up, pointed at the screen and protested \"That's not us!\", to which Jack Thompson","Document [8](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) option for the original 1971 film version - if the deal stated that the adaptation rights were owned by a single entity in perpetuity, Moliere and Bowden would not be allowed to proceed with a series. The search for the option took three years, and eventually resulted in a copy being uncovered at the Estate of Dirk Bogarde (who had originally planned to produce an adaptation in 1963) in Paris, which indicated that the option only referred to a film version, allowing Moliere and Bowden - who had left Matchbox and co-founded Lingo Pictures with Jason Stephens of FremantleMedia Australia","Document [9](Title: Wake in Fright) negatives of \"Wake in Fright\" in a shipping container labelled \"For Destruction\". He rescued the material, which formed the basis for the film's painstaking 2009 restoration. Evidently a 35mm print in excellent condition had also survived in the collection of the Library of Congress, which screened it in the library's Mary Pickford Theater in 2008, although its reported running time of only 96 minutes suggests this was an edited version. \"Wake in Fright\" was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc formats by Madman Entertainment on 4 November 2009, based on a digital restoration completed earlier that year. This restoration was","Document [10](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) Principal photography for Wake in Fright took place in Broken Hill and Sydney. Beginning on March 5, 2017, the shoot lasted five weeks.","Document [11](Title: Wake in Fright) along with the protagonist played by Gary Bond. I'm excited that \"Wake in Fright\" has been preserved and restored and that it is finally getting the exposure it deserves.\" Roger Ebert reviewed the re-release and said \"It's not dated. It is powerful, genuinely shocking and rather amazing. It comes billed as a 'horror film' and contains a great deal of horror, but all of the horror is human and brutally realistic.\" Don Groves of SBS gave the film four stars out of five, claiming that \"\"Wake in Fright\" deserves to rank as an Australian classic as it packs enormous emotional","Document [12](Title: Wake in Fright) the hunt. At the 2009 Cannes Classic screening of \"Wake in Fright\", 12 people walked out during the kangaroo hunt. Director Ted Kotcheff, a professed vegetarian, has defended his use of the hunting footage in the film. For many years, the only known print of \"Wake in Fright\", found in Dublin, was considered of insufficient quality for transfer to DVD or videotape for commercial release. In response to this situation, \"Wake in Fright\"s editor, Anthony Buckley, began to search in 1994 for a better-preserved copy of the film in an uncut state. Eight years later, in Pittsburgh, Buckley found the","Document [13](Title: Wake in Fright (novel)) a script by Evan Jones, and featured Gary Bond, Donald Pleasence and Chips Rafferty in the lead roles. The novel was also adapted for a two-part miniseries in 2017. Wake in Fright (novel) Wake in Fright (1961) is the debut novel by Australian author Kenneth Cook. John Grant is a young, bonded schoolteacher who has been assigned to work a gruelling two-year post as the schoolmaster of Tiboonda, an isolated, three-building township in the outback of western New South Wales. Upon finishing school in time for the six-week Christmas holiday season, Grant catches a train to the mining town of","Document [14](Title: Wake in Fright) yelled back \"Sit down, mate. It is us.\" The un-restored version of \"Wake in Fright\" received a three stars (out of four) rating from the American film reviewer Leonard Maltin in his \"2006 Movie Guide\", while Brian McFarlane, writing in 1999 in \"The Oxford Companion to Australian Film\", said that it was \u201calmost uniquely unsettling in the history of new Australian Cinema\u201d. Askmen.com echoed these sentiments, citing that \"it's not hard to see why the dusty savagery and clown-faced surrealism of Ted Kotcheff's fourth feature was never shown on telly at the time.\" Following the film's restoration, \"Wake in Fright\"","Document [15](Title: Wake in Fright) new school year. A film version of \"Wake in Fright\", based on the 1961 novel by Kenneth Cook, was linked with the actor Dirk Bogarde and the director Joseph Losey as early as 1963. Morris West later secured the film rights and tried, unsuccessfully, to raise funding for the film's production. The rights were eventually bought by NLT and Group W, and Canadian director Ted Kotcheff was recruited to direct the film. At the time of production, Kotcheff had directed three films, \"Tiara Tahiti\" (1962), \"Life at the Top\" (1965) and \"Two Men Sharing\" (1969). After \"Wake in Fright\", Kotcheff","Document [16](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) - to enter active development by the end of 2015. By this time, Lingo Pictures had also entered a co-production deal for two series with Mark and Carl Fennessy of Endemol Shine Australia, and \"Wake in Fright\" was decided as the first of those two productions. Both would also receive international distribution through Endemol Shine International. The series was officially announced on September 6, 2016, with Kriv Stenders being revealed as director. Commenting on the relatively short period from development to principal photography (roughly fourteen months), Bowden explained that screenwriter Stephen M. Irwin - who was hired in January 2016","Document [17](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) Lee Jones, Anna Samson, Hannah Frederiksen and Jada Alberts - was announced. Many of the smaller supporting roles and extras were portrayed by locals with no professional acting experience. Keenan revealed that he was offered the part of John Grant while shooting another project; after being introduced to the film by a prop master who had found it on DVD in a charity shop, he studied both the novel and film, particularly the former, to get an understanding of his character. Wenham admitted that he expressed scepticism when he was offered the role of Jock Crawford, calling the reimagining \"a","Document [18](Title: Wake in Fright (novel)) Wake in Fright (novel) Wake in Fright (1961) is the debut novel by Australian author Kenneth Cook. John Grant is a young, bonded schoolteacher who has been assigned to work a gruelling two-year post as the schoolmaster of Tiboonda, an isolated, three-building township in the outback of western New South Wales. Upon finishing school in time for the six-week Christmas holiday season, Grant catches a train to the mining town of Bundanyabba \u2013 known by the locals as \"The Yabba\" \u2013 to await a flight home to Sydney, where he hopes to spend his vacation swimming at the nearby beach.","Document [19](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) - and Network Ten's Head of Drama Rick Maier were \"very fast and very good with feedback\". Although noting that \"Wake in Fright\" was primarily targeted at a contemporary Australian audience, she expressed confidence in the series finding success abroad, saying \"It's got a franchise, so it's known through the novel, which has never been out of print in 50 years and it's known through the film, which is very famous and not long ago the restored version was distributed through the US and a number of European countries. And [Endemol Shine CEO Cathy Payne] thinks the Outback setting and","Document [20](Title: Wake in Fright) force, was bravely and inventively directed, and features superb performances. \" American critic Rex Reed, an early advocate of \"Wake in Fright\", praised the film's restoration as \"the best movie news of the year\", and said it \"may be the greatest Australian film ever made\". According to Australian musician and screenwriter Nick Cave, it is \"the best and most terrifying film about Australia in existence.\" The film has an approval rating of 100% and a rating average score of 8.7 out of 10 on the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, based on 51 reviews. The site's consensus states: \"A disquieting"],"query":"where was the remake of wake in fright filmed?","answers":["Broken","Broken Hill","Broken Hill and Sydney"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Wake in Fright) and VHS releases. After the original film and sound elements were rescued by editor Anthony Buckley in 2004, the film was digitally remastered and given a 2009 re-release at Cannes and in Australian theatres to widespread acclaim; it was issued commercially on DVD and Blu-ray later that year. Praised by critics for its direction and performances, \"Wake in Fright\" is now considered a pivotal film of the Australian New Wave and has earned a rare 100% approval rating on the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes. A televised miniseries remake of \"Wake in Fright\" premiered in 2017. John Grant is a","Document [2](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) 29. The DVD includes a 10-minute behind-the-scenes featurette containing brief interviews with key cast and crew members. Wake in Fright (miniseries) Wake in Fright is an Australian miniseries based on Kenneth Cook's 1961 novel of the same name, which first aired on Network Ten in October 2017. Directed by Kriv Stenders and written by Stephen M. Irwin, the series features an ensemble cast that includes Sean Keenan, Alex Dimitriades, Caren Pistorius, David Wenham, Anna Samson, Gary Sweet and Robyn Malcolm. It is the second filmed adaptation of Cook's novel, following Ted Kotcheff's 1971 film version. As with earlier versions of","Document [3](Title: Wake in Fright) screened at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival on 15 May 2009 when it was selected as a Cannes Classic title by the head of the department, Martin Scorsese. \"Wake in Fright\" is one of only two films ever to screen twice in the history of the festival. Scorsese said, \"\"Wake in Fright\" is a deeply -- and I mean deeply -- unsettling and disturbing movie. I saw it when it premiered at Cannes in 1971, and it left me speechless. Visually, dramatically, atmospherically and psychologically, it's beautifully calibrated and it gets under your skin one encounter at a time, right","Document [4](Title: Wake in Fright) shown to the general public for the first time at the Sydney Film Festival in June 2009, and in re-release has been called \"a classic Australian film which has achieved cult status\". Network Ten premiered a two-part miniseries based on the novel on October 8, 2017. Wake in Fright Wake in Fright (initially released as Outback outside Australia) is a 1971 psychological thriller film directed by Ted Kotcheff, written by Evan Jones and starring Gary Bond, Donald Pleasence, Chips Rafferty, Sylvia Kay and Jack Thompson. Based on Kenneth Cook's 1961 novel of the same name, the film follows a young","Document [5](Title: Wake in Fright) one of two Australian films to be nominated for the Grand Prix du Festival at the 24th Cannes Film Festival. Despite attracting positive reviews, the film was a commercial failure in Australia, in part due to minimal promotion by United Artists, as well as audiences being uncomfortable with its portrayal of outback life, including a controversial hunting scene involving real kangaroos being shot. By the 1990s, \"Wake in Fright\" had developed a cult reputation as Australia's great \"lost film\" because its master negative had gone missing, resulting in censored prints of degraded quality being used for its few television broadcasts","Document [6](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) Wake in Fright (miniseries) Wake in Fright is an Australian miniseries based on Kenneth Cook's 1961 novel of the same name, which first aired on Network Ten in October 2017. Directed by Kriv Stenders and written by Stephen M. Irwin, the series features an ensemble cast that includes Sean Keenan, Alex Dimitriades, Caren Pistorius, David Wenham, Anna Samson, Gary Sweet and Robyn Malcolm. It is the second filmed adaptation of Cook's novel, following Ted Kotcheff's 1971 film version. As with earlier versions of the story, the series depicts the psychological journey of John Grant, a schoolteacher who has been marooned","Document [7](Title: Wake in Fright) February 1972. \"Wake in Fright\" found a favourable public response in France, where it ran for five months, and in the United Kingdom. However, despite receiving such critical support at Cannes and in Australia, \"Wake in Fright\" suffered poor domestic box-office returns. Although there were complaints that the film's distributor, United Artists, had failed to promote the film successfully, it was also thought that the film was \"perhaps too uncomfortably direct and uncompromising to draw large Australian audiences\". During an early Australian screening, one man stood up, pointed at the screen and protested \"That's not us!\", to which Jack Thompson","Document [8](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) option for the original 1971 film version - if the deal stated that the adaptation rights were owned by a single entity in perpetuity, Moliere and Bowden would not be allowed to proceed with a series. The search for the option took three years, and eventually resulted in a copy being uncovered at the Estate of Dirk Bogarde (who had originally planned to produce an adaptation in 1963) in Paris, which indicated that the option only referred to a film version, allowing Moliere and Bowden - who had left Matchbox and co-founded Lingo Pictures with Jason Stephens of FremantleMedia Australia","Document [9](Title: Wake in Fright) negatives of \"Wake in Fright\" in a shipping container labelled \"For Destruction\". He rescued the material, which formed the basis for the film's painstaking 2009 restoration. Evidently a 35mm print in excellent condition had also survived in the collection of the Library of Congress, which screened it in the library's Mary Pickford Theater in 2008, although its reported running time of only 96 minutes suggests this was an edited version. \"Wake in Fright\" was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc formats by Madman Entertainment on 4 November 2009, based on a digital restoration completed earlier that year. This restoration was","Document [10](Title: Wake in Fright) along with the protagonist played by Gary Bond. I'm excited that \"Wake in Fright\" has been preserved and restored and that it is finally getting the exposure it deserves.\" Roger Ebert reviewed the re-release and said \"It's not dated. It is powerful, genuinely shocking and rather amazing. It comes billed as a 'horror film' and contains a great deal of horror, but all of the horror is human and brutally realistic.\" Don Groves of SBS gave the film four stars out of five, claiming that \"\"Wake in Fright\" deserves to rank as an Australian classic as it packs enormous emotional","Document [11](Title: Wake in Fright) the hunt. At the 2009 Cannes Classic screening of \"Wake in Fright\", 12 people walked out during the kangaroo hunt. Director Ted Kotcheff, a professed vegetarian, has defended his use of the hunting footage in the film. For many years, the only known print of \"Wake in Fright\", found in Dublin, was considered of insufficient quality for transfer to DVD or videotape for commercial release. In response to this situation, \"Wake in Fright\"s editor, Anthony Buckley, began to search in 1994 for a better-preserved copy of the film in an uncut state. Eight years later, in Pittsburgh, Buckley found the","Document [12](Title: Wake in Fright (novel)) a script by Evan Jones, and featured Gary Bond, Donald Pleasence and Chips Rafferty in the lead roles. The novel was also adapted for a two-part miniseries in 2017. Wake in Fright (novel) Wake in Fright (1961) is the debut novel by Australian author Kenneth Cook. John Grant is a young, bonded schoolteacher who has been assigned to work a gruelling two-year post as the schoolmaster of Tiboonda, an isolated, three-building township in the outback of western New South Wales. Upon finishing school in time for the six-week Christmas holiday season, Grant catches a train to the mining town of","Document [13](Title: Wake in Fright) yelled back \"Sit down, mate. It is us.\" The un-restored version of \"Wake in Fright\" received a three stars (out of four) rating from the American film reviewer Leonard Maltin in his \"2006 Movie Guide\", while Brian McFarlane, writing in 1999 in \"The Oxford Companion to Australian Film\", said that it was \u201calmost uniquely unsettling in the history of new Australian Cinema\u201d. Askmen.com echoed these sentiments, citing that \"it's not hard to see why the dusty savagery and clown-faced surrealism of Ted Kotcheff's fourth feature was never shown on telly at the time.\" Following the film's restoration, \"Wake in Fright\"","Document [14](Title: Wake in Fright) new school year. A film version of \"Wake in Fright\", based on the 1961 novel by Kenneth Cook, was linked with the actor Dirk Bogarde and the director Joseph Losey as early as 1963. Morris West later secured the film rights and tried, unsuccessfully, to raise funding for the film's production. The rights were eventually bought by NLT and Group W, and Canadian director Ted Kotcheff was recruited to direct the film. At the time of production, Kotcheff had directed three films, \"Tiara Tahiti\" (1962), \"Life at the Top\" (1965) and \"Two Men Sharing\" (1969). After \"Wake in Fright\", Kotcheff","Document [15](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) Principal photography for Wake in Fright took place in Broken Hill and Sydney. Beginning on March 5, 2017, the shoot lasted five weeks.","Document [16](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) - to enter active development by the end of 2015. By this time, Lingo Pictures had also entered a co-production deal for two series with Mark and Carl Fennessy of Endemol Shine Australia, and \"Wake in Fright\" was decided as the first of those two productions. Both would also receive international distribution through Endemol Shine International. The series was officially announced on September 6, 2016, with Kriv Stenders being revealed as director. Commenting on the relatively short period from development to principal photography (roughly fourteen months), Bowden explained that screenwriter Stephen M. Irwin - who was hired in January 2016","Document [17](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) Lee Jones, Anna Samson, Hannah Frederiksen and Jada Alberts - was announced. Many of the smaller supporting roles and extras were portrayed by locals with no professional acting experience. Keenan revealed that he was offered the part of John Grant while shooting another project; after being introduced to the film by a prop master who had found it on DVD in a charity shop, he studied both the novel and film, particularly the former, to get an understanding of his character. Wenham admitted that he expressed scepticism when he was offered the role of Jock Crawford, calling the reimagining \"a","Document [18](Title: Wake in Fright (novel)) Wake in Fright (novel) Wake in Fright (1961) is the debut novel by Australian author Kenneth Cook. John Grant is a young, bonded schoolteacher who has been assigned to work a gruelling two-year post as the schoolmaster of Tiboonda, an isolated, three-building township in the outback of western New South Wales. Upon finishing school in time for the six-week Christmas holiday season, Grant catches a train to the mining town of Bundanyabba \u2013 known by the locals as \"The Yabba\" \u2013 to await a flight home to Sydney, where he hopes to spend his vacation swimming at the nearby beach.","Document [19](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) - and Network Ten's Head of Drama Rick Maier were \"very fast and very good with feedback\". Although noting that \"Wake in Fright\" was primarily targeted at a contemporary Australian audience, she expressed confidence in the series finding success abroad, saying \"It's got a franchise, so it's known through the novel, which has never been out of print in 50 years and it's known through the film, which is very famous and not long ago the restored version was distributed through the US and a number of European countries. And [Endemol Shine CEO Cathy Payne] thinks the Outback setting and","Document [20](Title: Wake in Fright) force, was bravely and inventively directed, and features superb performances. \" American critic Rex Reed, an early advocate of \"Wake in Fright\", praised the film's restoration as \"the best movie news of the year\", and said it \"may be the greatest Australian film ever made\". According to Australian musician and screenwriter Nick Cave, it is \"the best and most terrifying film about Australia in existence.\" The film has an approval rating of 100% and a rating average score of 8.7 out of 10 on the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, based on 51 reviews. The site's consensus states: \"A disquieting"],"query":"where was the remake of wake in fright filmed?","answers":["Broken","Broken Hill","Broken Hill and Sydney"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Wake in Fright) and VHS releases. After the original film and sound elements were rescued by editor Anthony Buckley in 2004, the film was digitally remastered and given a 2009 re-release at Cannes and in Australian theatres to widespread acclaim; it was issued commercially on DVD and Blu-ray later that year. Praised by critics for its direction and performances, \"Wake in Fright\" is now considered a pivotal film of the Australian New Wave and has earned a rare 100% approval rating on the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes. A televised miniseries remake of \"Wake in Fright\" premiered in 2017. John Grant is a","Document [2](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) 29. The DVD includes a 10-minute behind-the-scenes featurette containing brief interviews with key cast and crew members. Wake in Fright (miniseries) Wake in Fright is an Australian miniseries based on Kenneth Cook's 1961 novel of the same name, which first aired on Network Ten in October 2017. Directed by Kriv Stenders and written by Stephen M. Irwin, the series features an ensemble cast that includes Sean Keenan, Alex Dimitriades, Caren Pistorius, David Wenham, Anna Samson, Gary Sweet and Robyn Malcolm. It is the second filmed adaptation of Cook's novel, following Ted Kotcheff's 1971 film version. As with earlier versions of","Document [3](Title: Wake in Fright) screened at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival on 15 May 2009 when it was selected as a Cannes Classic title by the head of the department, Martin Scorsese. \"Wake in Fright\" is one of only two films ever to screen twice in the history of the festival. Scorsese said, \"\"Wake in Fright\" is a deeply -- and I mean deeply -- unsettling and disturbing movie. I saw it when it premiered at Cannes in 1971, and it left me speechless. Visually, dramatically, atmospherically and psychologically, it's beautifully calibrated and it gets under your skin one encounter at a time, right","Document [4](Title: Wake in Fright) shown to the general public for the first time at the Sydney Film Festival in June 2009, and in re-release has been called \"a classic Australian film which has achieved cult status\". Network Ten premiered a two-part miniseries based on the novel on October 8, 2017. Wake in Fright Wake in Fright (initially released as Outback outside Australia) is a 1971 psychological thriller film directed by Ted Kotcheff, written by Evan Jones and starring Gary Bond, Donald Pleasence, Chips Rafferty, Sylvia Kay and Jack Thompson. Based on Kenneth Cook's 1961 novel of the same name, the film follows a young","Document [5](Title: Wake in Fright) one of two Australian films to be nominated for the Grand Prix du Festival at the 24th Cannes Film Festival. Despite attracting positive reviews, the film was a commercial failure in Australia, in part due to minimal promotion by United Artists, as well as audiences being uncomfortable with its portrayal of outback life, including a controversial hunting scene involving real kangaroos being shot. By the 1990s, \"Wake in Fright\" had developed a cult reputation as Australia's great \"lost film\" because its master negative had gone missing, resulting in censored prints of degraded quality being used for its few television broadcasts","Document [6](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) Wake in Fright (miniseries) Wake in Fright is an Australian miniseries based on Kenneth Cook's 1961 novel of the same name, which first aired on Network Ten in October 2017. Directed by Kriv Stenders and written by Stephen M. Irwin, the series features an ensemble cast that includes Sean Keenan, Alex Dimitriades, Caren Pistorius, David Wenham, Anna Samson, Gary Sweet and Robyn Malcolm. It is the second filmed adaptation of Cook's novel, following Ted Kotcheff's 1971 film version. As with earlier versions of the story, the series depicts the psychological journey of John Grant, a schoolteacher who has been marooned","Document [7](Title: Wake in Fright) February 1972. \"Wake in Fright\" found a favourable public response in France, where it ran for five months, and in the United Kingdom. However, despite receiving such critical support at Cannes and in Australia, \"Wake in Fright\" suffered poor domestic box-office returns. Although there were complaints that the film's distributor, United Artists, had failed to promote the film successfully, it was also thought that the film was \"perhaps too uncomfortably direct and uncompromising to draw large Australian audiences\". During an early Australian screening, one man stood up, pointed at the screen and protested \"That's not us!\", to which Jack Thompson","Document [8](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) option for the original 1971 film version - if the deal stated that the adaptation rights were owned by a single entity in perpetuity, Moliere and Bowden would not be allowed to proceed with a series. The search for the option took three years, and eventually resulted in a copy being uncovered at the Estate of Dirk Bogarde (who had originally planned to produce an adaptation in 1963) in Paris, which indicated that the option only referred to a film version, allowing Moliere and Bowden - who had left Matchbox and co-founded Lingo Pictures with Jason Stephens of FremantleMedia Australia","Document [9](Title: Wake in Fright) negatives of \"Wake in Fright\" in a shipping container labelled \"For Destruction\". He rescued the material, which formed the basis for the film's painstaking 2009 restoration. Evidently a 35mm print in excellent condition had also survived in the collection of the Library of Congress, which screened it in the library's Mary Pickford Theater in 2008, although its reported running time of only 96 minutes suggests this was an edited version. \"Wake in Fright\" was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc formats by Madman Entertainment on 4 November 2009, based on a digital restoration completed earlier that year. This restoration was","Document [10](Title: Wake in Fright) along with the protagonist played by Gary Bond. I'm excited that \"Wake in Fright\" has been preserved and restored and that it is finally getting the exposure it deserves.\" Roger Ebert reviewed the re-release and said \"It's not dated. It is powerful, genuinely shocking and rather amazing. It comes billed as a 'horror film' and contains a great deal of horror, but all of the horror is human and brutally realistic.\" Don Groves of SBS gave the film four stars out of five, claiming that \"\"Wake in Fright\" deserves to rank as an Australian classic as it packs enormous emotional","Document [11](Title: Wake in Fright) the hunt. At the 2009 Cannes Classic screening of \"Wake in Fright\", 12 people walked out during the kangaroo hunt. Director Ted Kotcheff, a professed vegetarian, has defended his use of the hunting footage in the film. For many years, the only known print of \"Wake in Fright\", found in Dublin, was considered of insufficient quality for transfer to DVD or videotape for commercial release. In response to this situation, \"Wake in Fright\"s editor, Anthony Buckley, began to search in 1994 for a better-preserved copy of the film in an uncut state. Eight years later, in Pittsburgh, Buckley found the","Document [12](Title: Wake in Fright (novel)) a script by Evan Jones, and featured Gary Bond, Donald Pleasence and Chips Rafferty in the lead roles. The novel was also adapted for a two-part miniseries in 2017. Wake in Fright (novel) Wake in Fright (1961) is the debut novel by Australian author Kenneth Cook. John Grant is a young, bonded schoolteacher who has been assigned to work a gruelling two-year post as the schoolmaster of Tiboonda, an isolated, three-building township in the outback of western New South Wales. Upon finishing school in time for the six-week Christmas holiday season, Grant catches a train to the mining town of","Document [13](Title: Wake in Fright) yelled back \"Sit down, mate. It is us.\" The un-restored version of \"Wake in Fright\" received a three stars (out of four) rating from the American film reviewer Leonard Maltin in his \"2006 Movie Guide\", while Brian McFarlane, writing in 1999 in \"The Oxford Companion to Australian Film\", said that it was \u201calmost uniquely unsettling in the history of new Australian Cinema\u201d. Askmen.com echoed these sentiments, citing that \"it's not hard to see why the dusty savagery and clown-faced surrealism of Ted Kotcheff's fourth feature was never shown on telly at the time.\" Following the film's restoration, \"Wake in Fright\"","Document [14](Title: Wake in Fright) new school year. A film version of \"Wake in Fright\", based on the 1961 novel by Kenneth Cook, was linked with the actor Dirk Bogarde and the director Joseph Losey as early as 1963. Morris West later secured the film rights and tried, unsuccessfully, to raise funding for the film's production. The rights were eventually bought by NLT and Group W, and Canadian director Ted Kotcheff was recruited to direct the film. At the time of production, Kotcheff had directed three films, \"Tiara Tahiti\" (1962), \"Life at the Top\" (1965) and \"Two Men Sharing\" (1969). After \"Wake in Fright\", Kotcheff","Document [15](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) - to enter active development by the end of 2015. By this time, Lingo Pictures had also entered a co-production deal for two series with Mark and Carl Fennessy of Endemol Shine Australia, and \"Wake in Fright\" was decided as the first of those two productions. Both would also receive international distribution through Endemol Shine International. The series was officially announced on September 6, 2016, with Kriv Stenders being revealed as director. Commenting on the relatively short period from development to principal photography (roughly fourteen months), Bowden explained that screenwriter Stephen M. Irwin - who was hired in January 2016","Document [16](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) Lee Jones, Anna Samson, Hannah Frederiksen and Jada Alberts - was announced. Many of the smaller supporting roles and extras were portrayed by locals with no professional acting experience. Keenan revealed that he was offered the part of John Grant while shooting another project; after being introduced to the film by a prop master who had found it on DVD in a charity shop, he studied both the novel and film, particularly the former, to get an understanding of his character. Wenham admitted that he expressed scepticism when he was offered the role of Jock Crawford, calling the reimagining \"a","Document [17](Title: Wake in Fright (novel)) Wake in Fright (novel) Wake in Fright (1961) is the debut novel by Australian author Kenneth Cook. John Grant is a young, bonded schoolteacher who has been assigned to work a gruelling two-year post as the schoolmaster of Tiboonda, an isolated, three-building township in the outback of western New South Wales. Upon finishing school in time for the six-week Christmas holiday season, Grant catches a train to the mining town of Bundanyabba \u2013 known by the locals as \"The Yabba\" \u2013 to await a flight home to Sydney, where he hopes to spend his vacation swimming at the nearby beach.","Document [18](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) - and Network Ten's Head of Drama Rick Maier were \"very fast and very good with feedback\". Although noting that \"Wake in Fright\" was primarily targeted at a contemporary Australian audience, she expressed confidence in the series finding success abroad, saying \"It's got a franchise, so it's known through the novel, which has never been out of print in 50 years and it's known through the film, which is very famous and not long ago the restored version was distributed through the US and a number of European countries. And [Endemol Shine CEO Cathy Payne] thinks the Outback setting and","Document [19](Title: Wake in Fright) force, was bravely and inventively directed, and features superb performances. \" American critic Rex Reed, an early advocate of \"Wake in Fright\", praised the film's restoration as \"the best movie news of the year\", and said it \"may be the greatest Australian film ever made\". According to Australian musician and screenwriter Nick Cave, it is \"the best and most terrifying film about Australia in existence.\" The film has an approval rating of 100% and a rating average score of 8.7 out of 10 on the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, based on 51 reviews. The site's consensus states: \"A disquieting","Document [20](Title: Wake in Fright (miniseries)) Principal photography for Wake in Fright took place in Broken Hill and Sydney. Beginning on March 5, 2017, the shoot lasted five weeks."],"query":"where was the remake of wake in fright filmed?","answers":["Broken","Broken Hill","Broken Hill and Sydney"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Surfin' Bird) The Rivingtons followed up their 1962 Billboard Hot 100 hit \"Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow\" with the similar \"The Bird's the Word\" in 1963. The Trashmen had not heard this version but saw a band called The Sorensen Brothers playing it. They decided to play the song that night at their own gig. During this first performance, drummer and vocalist Steve Wahrer stopped playing and ad-libbed the \"Surfin' Bird\" middle section. Despite not knowing \"The Bird's the Word\" was a Rivingtons song, the similarity to \"Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow\" was obvious and The Trashmen added the chorus to the end of their new track.","Document [2](Title: Free Bird) Free Bird \"Free Bird\", or \"Freebird\", is a power ballad performed by American rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd. The song was first featured on the band's debut album in 1973 and has been included on subsequent albums, including the unfaded-ending version of the original recording (featured on \"Skynyrd's Innyrds\"). Released as a single in November 1974, \"Free Bird\" entered the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 on November 23 at No. 87 and became the band's second Top 40 hit in early 1975, peaking at No. 19 on January 25. A live version of the song reentered the charts in late 1976, eventually peaking","Document [3](Title: A Bird came down the Walk) A Bird came down the Walk \"A Bird came down the Walk\" is a short poem by Emily Dickinson (1830\u20131886) that tells of the poet's encounter with a worm-eating bird. The poem was first published in 1891 in the second collection of Dickinson's poems. The poet encounters a bird on the walk who eats a worm, drinks a dew from the grass, and steps aside to let a beetle pass. The bird then glances about, apparently frightened. The poet offers the bird a crumb but the bird takes flight. The poet observes that the flight of the bird is \"softer\"","Document [4](Title: A Bird came down the Walk) the bird taking flight lightly suggests the same potential ease of journey for the soul to heaven, in spite of imperfection, such as killing to eat, as the bird eats the angle worm. A Bird came down the Walk \"A Bird came down the Walk\" is a short poem by Emily Dickinson (1830\u20131886) that tells of the poet's encounter with a worm-eating bird. The poem was first published in 1891 in the second collection of Dickinson's poems. The poet encounters a bird on the walk who eats a worm, drinks a dew from the grass, and steps aside to let","Document [5](Title: White Bird (song)) circumstances and yearning to be free. The song's repeated chorus is, \"White bird must fly or she will die.\" In a later interview, LaFlamme said: Where the 'white bird' thing came from ... We were like caged birds in that attic. We had no money, no transportation, the weather was miserable. We were just barely getting by on a very small food allowance provided to us. It was quite an experience, but it was very creative in a way. The song was arranged and produced by LaFlamme and sung as a duet between him and group member Patti Santos. A","Document [6](Title: What a queer bird) What a queer bird \"What a queer bird\" is a poem of unclear origin. It first can be found in print in 1922, rapidly disseminating across dozens of publications in the United States that year. \"What a queer bird\" is a poem, folk song, or essay that may be sung as a round. It first can be found in print in 1922, rapidly disseminating across dozens of publications in the United States that year, but its precise origin is unclear. The words are as follows: In 1922, multiple United States publications attributed the poem or essay to \"a young Norwegian","Document [7](Title: White Bird (song)) White Bird (song) \"White Bird\" is a 1969 song by San Francisco rock group It's a Beautiful Day, written by David LaFlamme and his then wife Linda LaFlamme (n\u00e9e Neska). \"White Bird\" was written in December 1967, in Seattle, Washington. Manager Matthew Katz had moved the band there to polish their act at a small Seattle ballroom before booking them into San Francisco nightclubs. Living in the attic of a Victorian house across the street from Volunteer Park, the band had inadequate food and no transportation during a dreary Seattle winter. The song evolved from the depression of the band's","Document [8](Title: Bird Song (Hampton Hawes album)) Bird Song (Hampton Hawes album) Bird Song is an album by American jazz pianist Hampton Hawes recorded at sessions in 1956 and 1958 but not released on the Contemporary label until 1999. The Allmusic review by Jim Todd states \"It's a mystery why these tracks from 1956 and 1958 went unreleased until 1999. They come from a key creative period in Hawes' career when he was enjoying new levels of commercial and critical acclaim. Regardless, the music has now been done justice in a well-mastered release that will please fans of Hawes and of bop piano in general\". On All","Document [9](Title: Last Holiday (1950 film)) staff, Bird comes into contact with Sir Trevor Lampington (Thesiger), the doctor after whom Lampington's disease was named. Lampington insists that Bird cannot possibly have the disease as he has no symptoms, and contacts the hospital to ask it to check. Just as the hospital discovers its error Bird enters and it is confirmed that he indeed was given the wrong diagnosis. Overjoyed, he is ready to begin life afresh with his new sweetheart, friends and business opportunities. In a twist ending, however, he is killed in a car accident on the way back to the hotel, while taking a","Document [10](Title: Birds (Coldplay song)) Birds (Coldplay song) \"Birds\" is a song by British alternative rock band Coldplay. It was produced by the band's long-time record producer Rik Simpson along with Norwegian production duo Stargate. It appears as the second track on their seventh studio album, \"A Head Full of Dreams\" (2015). An official music video was also released by the band. The video was directed by Marcus Haney. It was set to the backdrop of the Colorado Desert's famous Salvation Mountain. The entire video was shot on a Super 8mm camera. The director wrote on Instagram: \"It's a tribute of thanks to the late","Document [11](Title: White Bird (song)) shared the lead vocal with David LaFlamme, died at age 40, in a 1989 automobile accident. White Bird (song) \"White Bird\" is a 1969 song by San Francisco rock group It's a Beautiful Day, written by David LaFlamme and his then wife Linda LaFlamme (n\u00e9e Neska). \"White Bird\" was written in December 1967, in Seattle, Washington. Manager Matthew Katz had moved the band there to polish their act at a small Seattle ballroom before booking them into San Francisco nightclubs. Living in the attic of a Victorian house across the street from Volunteer Park, the band had inadequate food and","Document [12](Title: Kicking Bird) Bird's death maintains that something may have been wrong with his heart that caused his death. Agent Haworth noted that the night before his death, Kicking Bird had been up late and told someone that \"his heart felt just like someone had hold of it pulling it out.\" The next morning, as was custom for almost all diseases, Kicking Bird went to the creek and came back after he felt better. Shortly after coming out of the water and having a cup of coffee, Kicking Bird died. This version fits descriptions in modern medical science of someone having a heart","Document [13](Title: Bird Song (MIA song)) Bird Song (MIA song) \"Bird Song\" is a song by British recording artist M.I.A. from her fifth studio album, \"AIM\" (2016). It served as the fourth single from the album. M.I.A. announced the release of the single on 1 August 2016, and that the producers include Diplo and Blaqstarr. The song was written by M.I.A. and Blaqstarr, and was the first collaboration between Diplo and M.I.A. since her 2010 album \"Maya\". The Blaqstarr version was officially released on 12 August 2016 while the release of the Diplo version was delayed due to clearance problems with Interscope, and eventually premiered on","Document [14](Title: Free Bird) It has become something of a humorous tradition for audience members at concerts to shout \"Free Bird\" as a request to hear the song, regardless of the performer or style of music. For example, during the Nirvana 1993 MTV Unplugged in New York show, a shout-out for \"Freebird!\" eventually resulted in a lyrically slurred, if short, rendition of \"Sweet Home Alabama\". The phenomenon began earlier in the 1970s with The Allman Brothers Band's \"Whipping Post\" and Deep Purple's \"Smoke on the Water\" but then took off with \"Free Bird\" by 1979. On Skynyrd's first live album, 1976's \"One More from","Document [15](Title: Theophilus Bird) William and son Theophilus alternatively spelled their family name as Bird or Bourne. The extensive Henslowe papers in the collection of Dulwich College contain many mentions of the elder Bird and members of his family. The younger Bird started out as a boy player acting female roles, as was customary at the time; he played Paulina in Massinger's \"The Renegado\" for Queen Henrietta's Men in 1625. He played Tota, the Queen of Fez, in Thomas Heywood's \"The Fair Maid of the West, Part 2\" around 1630, when he was 21 years old. Like most boy actors, Bird moved on the","Document [16](Title: Bird (1988 film)) the time of recording, so trumpet player Jon Faddis was hired to record his parts. Bird (1988 film) Bird is a 1988 American biographical film, produced and directed by Clint Eastwood from a screenplay by Joel Oliansky. The film is a tribute to the life and music of jazz saxophonist Charlie \"Bird\" Parker. It is constructed as a montage of scenes from Parker's life, from his childhood in Kansas City, through his early death at the age of 34. The film moves back and forth through Parker's history, blending moments to find some truth to his life. Much of the","Document [17](Title: Little Bird (The Beach Boys song)) Little Bird (The Beach Boys song) \"Little Bird\" is a song written by Dennis Wilson and Stephen Kalinich with uncredited contributions from Brian Wilson. It was first recorded by American rock band the Beach Boys and released on their 1968 album \"Friends\". It was also placed as the B-side of the album's \"Friends\" single. The single peaked at number 47 in the US and number 25 in the UK. Brian once said; \"Dennis gave us 'Little Bird' which blew my mind because it was so full of spiritualness. He was a late bloomer as a music maker. He lived hard","Document [18](Title: The Bird (Jerry Reed song)) The Bird (Jerry Reed song) \"The Bird\" is a song recorded by American country music singer Jerry Reed. Written by Hal Coleman and Barry Etris, this novelty song contains impressions of Willie Nelson's \"Whiskey River\" and \"On the Road Again;\" and George Jones' \"He Stopped Loving Her Today.\" It was released in October 1982 as the lead single from the album, \"The Bird\". The song peaked at No. 2 on the \"Billboard magazine\" Hot Country Singles chart just before Christmas. The song is told in first person from the point of view of a blue-collar worker who stops at a","Document [19](Title: Bird in Flight) Both sides ran at 45RPM. Bird in Flight \"Bird in Flight\"\/\"Tribal Look\" is the third single by Toyah, released on February 1, 1980, by Safari Records. Neither track was featured on an album at the time, though both were added to the 2002 reissue of \"Sheep Farming in Barnet\"\/\/\"The Blue Meaning\", and also on the 2005 compilation album \"The Safari Singles Collection Part 1: 1979-1981\". In February \"New Musical Express\" wrote of \"Bird in Flight\": \"Surprisingly gentle song by the banshee from Birmingham. It has an insidious quality that slowly gets under your skin and is a good pop song.","Document [20](Title: Song Bird) Song Bird Song Bird is the sophomore studio album of singer Deniece Williams released on October 28, 1977 by Columbia Records. The album rose to No. 23 on the Billboard Top R&B Albums chart. The album cut \"Baby, Baby My Love's All for You\" rose to nos. 13 & 32 upon the Billboard Hot R&B Songs and UK singles charts respectively. Williams went on to perform the album cut God Is Amazing at the 1984 Grammy Awards. As well the album cut We Have Love for You was sampled upon the 2000 track Remember Them Days by Beanie Siegel featuring"],"query":"when did bird is the word come out?","answers":["1963"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Free Bird) Free Bird \"Free Bird\", or \"Freebird\", is a power ballad performed by American rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd. The song was first featured on the band's debut album in 1973 and has been included on subsequent albums, including the unfaded-ending version of the original recording (featured on \"Skynyrd's Innyrds\"). Released as a single in November 1974, \"Free Bird\" entered the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 on November 23 at No. 87 and became the band's second Top 40 hit in early 1975, peaking at No. 19 on January 25. A live version of the song reentered the charts in late 1976, eventually peaking","Document [2](Title: A Bird came down the Walk) A Bird came down the Walk \"A Bird came down the Walk\" is a short poem by Emily Dickinson (1830\u20131886) that tells of the poet's encounter with a worm-eating bird. The poem was first published in 1891 in the second collection of Dickinson's poems. The poet encounters a bird on the walk who eats a worm, drinks a dew from the grass, and steps aside to let a beetle pass. The bird then glances about, apparently frightened. The poet offers the bird a crumb but the bird takes flight. The poet observes that the flight of the bird is \"softer\"","Document [3](Title: A Bird came down the Walk) the bird taking flight lightly suggests the same potential ease of journey for the soul to heaven, in spite of imperfection, such as killing to eat, as the bird eats the angle worm. A Bird came down the Walk \"A Bird came down the Walk\" is a short poem by Emily Dickinson (1830\u20131886) that tells of the poet's encounter with a worm-eating bird. The poem was first published in 1891 in the second collection of Dickinson's poems. The poet encounters a bird on the walk who eats a worm, drinks a dew from the grass, and steps aside to let","Document [4](Title: White Bird (song)) circumstances and yearning to be free. The song's repeated chorus is, \"White bird must fly or she will die.\" In a later interview, LaFlamme said: Where the 'white bird' thing came from ... We were like caged birds in that attic. We had no money, no transportation, the weather was miserable. We were just barely getting by on a very small food allowance provided to us. It was quite an experience, but it was very creative in a way. The song was arranged and produced by LaFlamme and sung as a duet between him and group member Patti Santos. A","Document [5](Title: Surfin' Bird) The Rivingtons followed up their 1962 Billboard Hot 100 hit \"Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow\" with the similar \"The Bird's the Word\" in 1963. The Trashmen had not heard this version but saw a band called The Sorensen Brothers playing it. They decided to play the song that night at their own gig. During this first performance, drummer and vocalist Steve Wahrer stopped playing and ad-libbed the \"Surfin' Bird\" middle section. Despite not knowing \"The Bird's the Word\" was a Rivingtons song, the similarity to \"Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow\" was obvious and The Trashmen added the chorus to the end of their new track.","Document [6](Title: What a queer bird) What a queer bird \"What a queer bird\" is a poem of unclear origin. It first can be found in print in 1922, rapidly disseminating across dozens of publications in the United States that year. \"What a queer bird\" is a poem, folk song, or essay that may be sung as a round. It first can be found in print in 1922, rapidly disseminating across dozens of publications in the United States that year, but its precise origin is unclear. The words are as follows: In 1922, multiple United States publications attributed the poem or essay to \"a young Norwegian","Document [7](Title: White Bird (song)) White Bird (song) \"White Bird\" is a 1969 song by San Francisco rock group It's a Beautiful Day, written by David LaFlamme and his then wife Linda LaFlamme (n\u00e9e Neska). \"White Bird\" was written in December 1967, in Seattle, Washington. Manager Matthew Katz had moved the band there to polish their act at a small Seattle ballroom before booking them into San Francisco nightclubs. Living in the attic of a Victorian house across the street from Volunteer Park, the band had inadequate food and no transportation during a dreary Seattle winter. The song evolved from the depression of the band's","Document [8](Title: Bird Song (Hampton Hawes album)) Bird Song (Hampton Hawes album) Bird Song is an album by American jazz pianist Hampton Hawes recorded at sessions in 1956 and 1958 but not released on the Contemporary label until 1999. The Allmusic review by Jim Todd states \"It's a mystery why these tracks from 1956 and 1958 went unreleased until 1999. They come from a key creative period in Hawes' career when he was enjoying new levels of commercial and critical acclaim. Regardless, the music has now been done justice in a well-mastered release that will please fans of Hawes and of bop piano in general\". On All","Document [9](Title: Last Holiday (1950 film)) staff, Bird comes into contact with Sir Trevor Lampington (Thesiger), the doctor after whom Lampington's disease was named. Lampington insists that Bird cannot possibly have the disease as he has no symptoms, and contacts the hospital to ask it to check. Just as the hospital discovers its error Bird enters and it is confirmed that he indeed was given the wrong diagnosis. Overjoyed, he is ready to begin life afresh with his new sweetheart, friends and business opportunities. In a twist ending, however, he is killed in a car accident on the way back to the hotel, while taking a","Document [10](Title: Birds (Coldplay song)) Birds (Coldplay song) \"Birds\" is a song by British alternative rock band Coldplay. It was produced by the band's long-time record producer Rik Simpson along with Norwegian production duo Stargate. It appears as the second track on their seventh studio album, \"A Head Full of Dreams\" (2015). An official music video was also released by the band. The video was directed by Marcus Haney. It was set to the backdrop of the Colorado Desert's famous Salvation Mountain. The entire video was shot on a Super 8mm camera. The director wrote on Instagram: \"It's a tribute of thanks to the late","Document [11](Title: White Bird (song)) shared the lead vocal with David LaFlamme, died at age 40, in a 1989 automobile accident. White Bird (song) \"White Bird\" is a 1969 song by San Francisco rock group It's a Beautiful Day, written by David LaFlamme and his then wife Linda LaFlamme (n\u00e9e Neska). \"White Bird\" was written in December 1967, in Seattle, Washington. Manager Matthew Katz had moved the band there to polish their act at a small Seattle ballroom before booking them into San Francisco nightclubs. Living in the attic of a Victorian house across the street from Volunteer Park, the band had inadequate food and","Document [12](Title: Kicking Bird) Bird's death maintains that something may have been wrong with his heart that caused his death. Agent Haworth noted that the night before his death, Kicking Bird had been up late and told someone that \"his heart felt just like someone had hold of it pulling it out.\" The next morning, as was custom for almost all diseases, Kicking Bird went to the creek and came back after he felt better. Shortly after coming out of the water and having a cup of coffee, Kicking Bird died. This version fits descriptions in modern medical science of someone having a heart","Document [13](Title: Bird Song (MIA song)) Bird Song (MIA song) \"Bird Song\" is a song by British recording artist M.I.A. from her fifth studio album, \"AIM\" (2016). It served as the fourth single from the album. M.I.A. announced the release of the single on 1 August 2016, and that the producers include Diplo and Blaqstarr. The song was written by M.I.A. and Blaqstarr, and was the first collaboration between Diplo and M.I.A. since her 2010 album \"Maya\". The Blaqstarr version was officially released on 12 August 2016 while the release of the Diplo version was delayed due to clearance problems with Interscope, and eventually premiered on","Document [14](Title: Free Bird) It has become something of a humorous tradition for audience members at concerts to shout \"Free Bird\" as a request to hear the song, regardless of the performer or style of music. For example, during the Nirvana 1993 MTV Unplugged in New York show, a shout-out for \"Freebird!\" eventually resulted in a lyrically slurred, if short, rendition of \"Sweet Home Alabama\". The phenomenon began earlier in the 1970s with The Allman Brothers Band's \"Whipping Post\" and Deep Purple's \"Smoke on the Water\" but then took off with \"Free Bird\" by 1979. On Skynyrd's first live album, 1976's \"One More from","Document [15](Title: Theophilus Bird) William and son Theophilus alternatively spelled their family name as Bird or Bourne. The extensive Henslowe papers in the collection of Dulwich College contain many mentions of the elder Bird and members of his family. The younger Bird started out as a boy player acting female roles, as was customary at the time; he played Paulina in Massinger's \"The Renegado\" for Queen Henrietta's Men in 1625. He played Tota, the Queen of Fez, in Thomas Heywood's \"The Fair Maid of the West, Part 2\" around 1630, when he was 21 years old. Like most boy actors, Bird moved on the","Document [16](Title: Bird (1988 film)) the time of recording, so trumpet player Jon Faddis was hired to record his parts. Bird (1988 film) Bird is a 1988 American biographical film, produced and directed by Clint Eastwood from a screenplay by Joel Oliansky. The film is a tribute to the life and music of jazz saxophonist Charlie \"Bird\" Parker. It is constructed as a montage of scenes from Parker's life, from his childhood in Kansas City, through his early death at the age of 34. The film moves back and forth through Parker's history, blending moments to find some truth to his life. Much of the","Document [17](Title: Little Bird (The Beach Boys song)) Little Bird (The Beach Boys song) \"Little Bird\" is a song written by Dennis Wilson and Stephen Kalinich with uncredited contributions from Brian Wilson. It was first recorded by American rock band the Beach Boys and released on their 1968 album \"Friends\". It was also placed as the B-side of the album's \"Friends\" single. The single peaked at number 47 in the US and number 25 in the UK. Brian once said; \"Dennis gave us 'Little Bird' which blew my mind because it was so full of spiritualness. He was a late bloomer as a music maker. He lived hard","Document [18](Title: The Bird (Jerry Reed song)) The Bird (Jerry Reed song) \"The Bird\" is a song recorded by American country music singer Jerry Reed. Written by Hal Coleman and Barry Etris, this novelty song contains impressions of Willie Nelson's \"Whiskey River\" and \"On the Road Again;\" and George Jones' \"He Stopped Loving Her Today.\" It was released in October 1982 as the lead single from the album, \"The Bird\". The song peaked at No. 2 on the \"Billboard magazine\" Hot Country Singles chart just before Christmas. The song is told in first person from the point of view of a blue-collar worker who stops at a","Document [19](Title: Bird in Flight) Both sides ran at 45RPM. Bird in Flight \"Bird in Flight\"\/\"Tribal Look\" is the third single by Toyah, released on February 1, 1980, by Safari Records. Neither track was featured on an album at the time, though both were added to the 2002 reissue of \"Sheep Farming in Barnet\"\/\/\"The Blue Meaning\", and also on the 2005 compilation album \"The Safari Singles Collection Part 1: 1979-1981\". In February \"New Musical Express\" wrote of \"Bird in Flight\": \"Surprisingly gentle song by the banshee from Birmingham. It has an insidious quality that slowly gets under your skin and is a good pop song.","Document [20](Title: Song Bird) Song Bird Song Bird is the sophomore studio album of singer Deniece Williams released on October 28, 1977 by Columbia Records. The album rose to No. 23 on the Billboard Top R&B Albums chart. The album cut \"Baby, Baby My Love's All for You\" rose to nos. 13 & 32 upon the Billboard Hot R&B Songs and UK singles charts respectively. Williams went on to perform the album cut God Is Amazing at the 1984 Grammy Awards. As well the album cut We Have Love for You was sampled upon the 2000 track Remember Them Days by Beanie Siegel featuring"],"query":"when did bird is the word come out?","answers":["1963"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Free Bird) Free Bird \"Free Bird\", or \"Freebird\", is a power ballad performed by American rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd. The song was first featured on the band's debut album in 1973 and has been included on subsequent albums, including the unfaded-ending version of the original recording (featured on \"Skynyrd's Innyrds\"). Released as a single in November 1974, \"Free Bird\" entered the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 on November 23 at No. 87 and became the band's second Top 40 hit in early 1975, peaking at No. 19 on January 25. A live version of the song reentered the charts in late 1976, eventually peaking","Document [2](Title: A Bird came down the Walk) A Bird came down the Walk \"A Bird came down the Walk\" is a short poem by Emily Dickinson (1830\u20131886) that tells of the poet's encounter with a worm-eating bird. The poem was first published in 1891 in the second collection of Dickinson's poems. The poet encounters a bird on the walk who eats a worm, drinks a dew from the grass, and steps aside to let a beetle pass. The bird then glances about, apparently frightened. The poet offers the bird a crumb but the bird takes flight. The poet observes that the flight of the bird is \"softer\"","Document [3](Title: A Bird came down the Walk) the bird taking flight lightly suggests the same potential ease of journey for the soul to heaven, in spite of imperfection, such as killing to eat, as the bird eats the angle worm. A Bird came down the Walk \"A Bird came down the Walk\" is a short poem by Emily Dickinson (1830\u20131886) that tells of the poet's encounter with a worm-eating bird. The poem was first published in 1891 in the second collection of Dickinson's poems. The poet encounters a bird on the walk who eats a worm, drinks a dew from the grass, and steps aside to let","Document [4](Title: White Bird (song)) circumstances and yearning to be free. The song's repeated chorus is, \"White bird must fly or she will die.\" In a later interview, LaFlamme said: Where the 'white bird' thing came from ... We were like caged birds in that attic. We had no money, no transportation, the weather was miserable. We were just barely getting by on a very small food allowance provided to us. It was quite an experience, but it was very creative in a way. The song was arranged and produced by LaFlamme and sung as a duet between him and group member Patti Santos. A","Document [5](Title: What a queer bird) What a queer bird \"What a queer bird\" is a poem of unclear origin. It first can be found in print in 1922, rapidly disseminating across dozens of publications in the United States that year. \"What a queer bird\" is a poem, folk song, or essay that may be sung as a round. It first can be found in print in 1922, rapidly disseminating across dozens of publications in the United States that year, but its precise origin is unclear. The words are as follows: In 1922, multiple United States publications attributed the poem or essay to \"a young Norwegian","Document [6](Title: White Bird (song)) White Bird (song) \"White Bird\" is a 1969 song by San Francisco rock group It's a Beautiful Day, written by David LaFlamme and his then wife Linda LaFlamme (n\u00e9e Neska). \"White Bird\" was written in December 1967, in Seattle, Washington. Manager Matthew Katz had moved the band there to polish their act at a small Seattle ballroom before booking them into San Francisco nightclubs. Living in the attic of a Victorian house across the street from Volunteer Park, the band had inadequate food and no transportation during a dreary Seattle winter. The song evolved from the depression of the band's","Document [7](Title: Bird Song (Hampton Hawes album)) Bird Song (Hampton Hawes album) Bird Song is an album by American jazz pianist Hampton Hawes recorded at sessions in 1956 and 1958 but not released on the Contemporary label until 1999. The Allmusic review by Jim Todd states \"It's a mystery why these tracks from 1956 and 1958 went unreleased until 1999. They come from a key creative period in Hawes' career when he was enjoying new levels of commercial and critical acclaim. Regardless, the music has now been done justice in a well-mastered release that will please fans of Hawes and of bop piano in general\". On All","Document [8](Title: Last Holiday (1950 film)) staff, Bird comes into contact with Sir Trevor Lampington (Thesiger), the doctor after whom Lampington's disease was named. Lampington insists that Bird cannot possibly have the disease as he has no symptoms, and contacts the hospital to ask it to check. Just as the hospital discovers its error Bird enters and it is confirmed that he indeed was given the wrong diagnosis. Overjoyed, he is ready to begin life afresh with his new sweetheart, friends and business opportunities. In a twist ending, however, he is killed in a car accident on the way back to the hotel, while taking a","Document [9](Title: Birds (Coldplay song)) Birds (Coldplay song) \"Birds\" is a song by British alternative rock band Coldplay. It was produced by the band's long-time record producer Rik Simpson along with Norwegian production duo Stargate. It appears as the second track on their seventh studio album, \"A Head Full of Dreams\" (2015). An official music video was also released by the band. The video was directed by Marcus Haney. It was set to the backdrop of the Colorado Desert's famous Salvation Mountain. The entire video was shot on a Super 8mm camera. The director wrote on Instagram: \"It's a tribute of thanks to the late","Document [10](Title: Surfin' Bird) The Rivingtons followed up their 1962 Billboard Hot 100 hit \"Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow\" with the similar \"The Bird's the Word\" in 1963. The Trashmen had not heard this version but saw a band called The Sorensen Brothers playing it. They decided to play the song that night at their own gig. During this first performance, drummer and vocalist Steve Wahrer stopped playing and ad-libbed the \"Surfin' Bird\" middle section. Despite not knowing \"The Bird's the Word\" was a Rivingtons song, the similarity to \"Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow\" was obvious and The Trashmen added the chorus to the end of their new track.","Document [11](Title: White Bird (song)) shared the lead vocal with David LaFlamme, died at age 40, in a 1989 automobile accident. White Bird (song) \"White Bird\" is a 1969 song by San Francisco rock group It's a Beautiful Day, written by David LaFlamme and his then wife Linda LaFlamme (n\u00e9e Neska). \"White Bird\" was written in December 1967, in Seattle, Washington. Manager Matthew Katz had moved the band there to polish their act at a small Seattle ballroom before booking them into San Francisco nightclubs. Living in the attic of a Victorian house across the street from Volunteer Park, the band had inadequate food and","Document [12](Title: Kicking Bird) Bird's death maintains that something may have been wrong with his heart that caused his death. Agent Haworth noted that the night before his death, Kicking Bird had been up late and told someone that \"his heart felt just like someone had hold of it pulling it out.\" The next morning, as was custom for almost all diseases, Kicking Bird went to the creek and came back after he felt better. Shortly after coming out of the water and having a cup of coffee, Kicking Bird died. This version fits descriptions in modern medical science of someone having a heart","Document [13](Title: Bird Song (MIA song)) Bird Song (MIA song) \"Bird Song\" is a song by British recording artist M.I.A. from her fifth studio album, \"AIM\" (2016). It served as the fourth single from the album. M.I.A. announced the release of the single on 1 August 2016, and that the producers include Diplo and Blaqstarr. The song was written by M.I.A. and Blaqstarr, and was the first collaboration between Diplo and M.I.A. since her 2010 album \"Maya\". The Blaqstarr version was officially released on 12 August 2016 while the release of the Diplo version was delayed due to clearance problems with Interscope, and eventually premiered on","Document [14](Title: Free Bird) It has become something of a humorous tradition for audience members at concerts to shout \"Free Bird\" as a request to hear the song, regardless of the performer or style of music. For example, during the Nirvana 1993 MTV Unplugged in New York show, a shout-out for \"Freebird!\" eventually resulted in a lyrically slurred, if short, rendition of \"Sweet Home Alabama\". The phenomenon began earlier in the 1970s with The Allman Brothers Band's \"Whipping Post\" and Deep Purple's \"Smoke on the Water\" but then took off with \"Free Bird\" by 1979. On Skynyrd's first live album, 1976's \"One More from","Document [15](Title: Theophilus Bird) William and son Theophilus alternatively spelled their family name as Bird or Bourne. The extensive Henslowe papers in the collection of Dulwich College contain many mentions of the elder Bird and members of his family. The younger Bird started out as a boy player acting female roles, as was customary at the time; he played Paulina in Massinger's \"The Renegado\" for Queen Henrietta's Men in 1625. He played Tota, the Queen of Fez, in Thomas Heywood's \"The Fair Maid of the West, Part 2\" around 1630, when he was 21 years old. Like most boy actors, Bird moved on the","Document [16](Title: Bird (1988 film)) the time of recording, so trumpet player Jon Faddis was hired to record his parts. Bird (1988 film) Bird is a 1988 American biographical film, produced and directed by Clint Eastwood from a screenplay by Joel Oliansky. The film is a tribute to the life and music of jazz saxophonist Charlie \"Bird\" Parker. It is constructed as a montage of scenes from Parker's life, from his childhood in Kansas City, through his early death at the age of 34. The film moves back and forth through Parker's history, blending moments to find some truth to his life. Much of the","Document [17](Title: Little Bird (The Beach Boys song)) Little Bird (The Beach Boys song) \"Little Bird\" is a song written by Dennis Wilson and Stephen Kalinich with uncredited contributions from Brian Wilson. It was first recorded by American rock band the Beach Boys and released on their 1968 album \"Friends\". It was also placed as the B-side of the album's \"Friends\" single. The single peaked at number 47 in the US and number 25 in the UK. Brian once said; \"Dennis gave us 'Little Bird' which blew my mind because it was so full of spiritualness. He was a late bloomer as a music maker. He lived hard","Document [18](Title: The Bird (Jerry Reed song)) The Bird (Jerry Reed song) \"The Bird\" is a song recorded by American country music singer Jerry Reed. Written by Hal Coleman and Barry Etris, this novelty song contains impressions of Willie Nelson's \"Whiskey River\" and \"On the Road Again;\" and George Jones' \"He Stopped Loving Her Today.\" It was released in October 1982 as the lead single from the album, \"The Bird\". The song peaked at No. 2 on the \"Billboard magazine\" Hot Country Singles chart just before Christmas. The song is told in first person from the point of view of a blue-collar worker who stops at a","Document [19](Title: Bird in Flight) Both sides ran at 45RPM. Bird in Flight \"Bird in Flight\"\/\"Tribal Look\" is the third single by Toyah, released on February 1, 1980, by Safari Records. Neither track was featured on an album at the time, though both were added to the 2002 reissue of \"Sheep Farming in Barnet\"\/\/\"The Blue Meaning\", and also on the 2005 compilation album \"The Safari Singles Collection Part 1: 1979-1981\". In February \"New Musical Express\" wrote of \"Bird in Flight\": \"Surprisingly gentle song by the banshee from Birmingham. It has an insidious quality that slowly gets under your skin and is a good pop song.","Document [20](Title: Song Bird) Song Bird Song Bird is the sophomore studio album of singer Deniece Williams released on October 28, 1977 by Columbia Records. The album rose to No. 23 on the Billboard Top R&B Albums chart. The album cut \"Baby, Baby My Love's All for You\" rose to nos. 13 & 32 upon the Billboard Hot R&B Songs and UK singles charts respectively. Williams went on to perform the album cut God Is Amazing at the 1984 Grammy Awards. As well the album cut We Have Love for You was sampled upon the 2000 track Remember Them Days by Beanie Siegel featuring"],"query":"when did bird is the word come out?","answers":["1963"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Free Bird) Free Bird \"Free Bird\", or \"Freebird\", is a power ballad performed by American rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd. The song was first featured on the band's debut album in 1973 and has been included on subsequent albums, including the unfaded-ending version of the original recording (featured on \"Skynyrd's Innyrds\"). Released as a single in November 1974, \"Free Bird\" entered the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 on November 23 at No. 87 and became the band's second Top 40 hit in early 1975, peaking at No. 19 on January 25. A live version of the song reentered the charts in late 1976, eventually peaking","Document [2](Title: A Bird came down the Walk) A Bird came down the Walk \"A Bird came down the Walk\" is a short poem by Emily Dickinson (1830\u20131886) that tells of the poet's encounter with a worm-eating bird. The poem was first published in 1891 in the second collection of Dickinson's poems. The poet encounters a bird on the walk who eats a worm, drinks a dew from the grass, and steps aside to let a beetle pass. The bird then glances about, apparently frightened. The poet offers the bird a crumb but the bird takes flight. The poet observes that the flight of the bird is \"softer\"","Document [3](Title: A Bird came down the Walk) the bird taking flight lightly suggests the same potential ease of journey for the soul to heaven, in spite of imperfection, such as killing to eat, as the bird eats the angle worm. A Bird came down the Walk \"A Bird came down the Walk\" is a short poem by Emily Dickinson (1830\u20131886) that tells of the poet's encounter with a worm-eating bird. The poem was first published in 1891 in the second collection of Dickinson's poems. The poet encounters a bird on the walk who eats a worm, drinks a dew from the grass, and steps aside to let","Document [4](Title: White Bird (song)) circumstances and yearning to be free. The song's repeated chorus is, \"White bird must fly or she will die.\" In a later interview, LaFlamme said: Where the 'white bird' thing came from ... We were like caged birds in that attic. We had no money, no transportation, the weather was miserable. We were just barely getting by on a very small food allowance provided to us. It was quite an experience, but it was very creative in a way. The song was arranged and produced by LaFlamme and sung as a duet between him and group member Patti Santos. A","Document [5](Title: What a queer bird) What a queer bird \"What a queer bird\" is a poem of unclear origin. It first can be found in print in 1922, rapidly disseminating across dozens of publications in the United States that year. \"What a queer bird\" is a poem, folk song, or essay that may be sung as a round. It first can be found in print in 1922, rapidly disseminating across dozens of publications in the United States that year, but its precise origin is unclear. The words are as follows: In 1922, multiple United States publications attributed the poem or essay to \"a young Norwegian","Document [6](Title: White Bird (song)) White Bird (song) \"White Bird\" is a 1969 song by San Francisco rock group It's a Beautiful Day, written by David LaFlamme and his then wife Linda LaFlamme (n\u00e9e Neska). \"White Bird\" was written in December 1967, in Seattle, Washington. Manager Matthew Katz had moved the band there to polish their act at a small Seattle ballroom before booking them into San Francisco nightclubs. Living in the attic of a Victorian house across the street from Volunteer Park, the band had inadequate food and no transportation during a dreary Seattle winter. The song evolved from the depression of the band's","Document [7](Title: Bird Song (Hampton Hawes album)) Bird Song (Hampton Hawes album) Bird Song is an album by American jazz pianist Hampton Hawes recorded at sessions in 1956 and 1958 but not released on the Contemporary label until 1999. The Allmusic review by Jim Todd states \"It's a mystery why these tracks from 1956 and 1958 went unreleased until 1999. They come from a key creative period in Hawes' career when he was enjoying new levels of commercial and critical acclaim. Regardless, the music has now been done justice in a well-mastered release that will please fans of Hawes and of bop piano in general\". On All","Document [8](Title: Last Holiday (1950 film)) staff, Bird comes into contact with Sir Trevor Lampington (Thesiger), the doctor after whom Lampington's disease was named. Lampington insists that Bird cannot possibly have the disease as he has no symptoms, and contacts the hospital to ask it to check. Just as the hospital discovers its error Bird enters and it is confirmed that he indeed was given the wrong diagnosis. Overjoyed, he is ready to begin life afresh with his new sweetheart, friends and business opportunities. In a twist ending, however, he is killed in a car accident on the way back to the hotel, while taking a","Document [9](Title: Birds (Coldplay song)) Birds (Coldplay song) \"Birds\" is a song by British alternative rock band Coldplay. It was produced by the band's long-time record producer Rik Simpson along with Norwegian production duo Stargate. It appears as the second track on their seventh studio album, \"A Head Full of Dreams\" (2015). An official music video was also released by the band. The video was directed by Marcus Haney. It was set to the backdrop of the Colorado Desert's famous Salvation Mountain. The entire video was shot on a Super 8mm camera. The director wrote on Instagram: \"It's a tribute of thanks to the late","Document [10](Title: White Bird (song)) shared the lead vocal with David LaFlamme, died at age 40, in a 1989 automobile accident. White Bird (song) \"White Bird\" is a 1969 song by San Francisco rock group It's a Beautiful Day, written by David LaFlamme and his then wife Linda LaFlamme (n\u00e9e Neska). \"White Bird\" was written in December 1967, in Seattle, Washington. Manager Matthew Katz had moved the band there to polish their act at a small Seattle ballroom before booking them into San Francisco nightclubs. Living in the attic of a Victorian house across the street from Volunteer Park, the band had inadequate food and","Document [11](Title: Kicking Bird) Bird's death maintains that something may have been wrong with his heart that caused his death. Agent Haworth noted that the night before his death, Kicking Bird had been up late and told someone that \"his heart felt just like someone had hold of it pulling it out.\" The next morning, as was custom for almost all diseases, Kicking Bird went to the creek and came back after he felt better. Shortly after coming out of the water and having a cup of coffee, Kicking Bird died. This version fits descriptions in modern medical science of someone having a heart","Document [12](Title: Bird Song (MIA song)) Bird Song (MIA song) \"Bird Song\" is a song by British recording artist M.I.A. from her fifth studio album, \"AIM\" (2016). It served as the fourth single from the album. M.I.A. announced the release of the single on 1 August 2016, and that the producers include Diplo and Blaqstarr. The song was written by M.I.A. and Blaqstarr, and was the first collaboration between Diplo and M.I.A. since her 2010 album \"Maya\". The Blaqstarr version was officially released on 12 August 2016 while the release of the Diplo version was delayed due to clearance problems with Interscope, and eventually premiered on","Document [13](Title: Free Bird) It has become something of a humorous tradition for audience members at concerts to shout \"Free Bird\" as a request to hear the song, regardless of the performer or style of music. For example, during the Nirvana 1993 MTV Unplugged in New York show, a shout-out for \"Freebird!\" eventually resulted in a lyrically slurred, if short, rendition of \"Sweet Home Alabama\". The phenomenon began earlier in the 1970s with The Allman Brothers Band's \"Whipping Post\" and Deep Purple's \"Smoke on the Water\" but then took off with \"Free Bird\" by 1979. On Skynyrd's first live album, 1976's \"One More from","Document [14](Title: Theophilus Bird) William and son Theophilus alternatively spelled their family name as Bird or Bourne. The extensive Henslowe papers in the collection of Dulwich College contain many mentions of the elder Bird and members of his family. The younger Bird started out as a boy player acting female roles, as was customary at the time; he played Paulina in Massinger's \"The Renegado\" for Queen Henrietta's Men in 1625. He played Tota, the Queen of Fez, in Thomas Heywood's \"The Fair Maid of the West, Part 2\" around 1630, when he was 21 years old. Like most boy actors, Bird moved on the","Document [15](Title: Surfin' Bird) The Rivingtons followed up their 1962 Billboard Hot 100 hit \"Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow\" with the similar \"The Bird's the Word\" in 1963. The Trashmen had not heard this version but saw a band called The Sorensen Brothers playing it. They decided to play the song that night at their own gig. During this first performance, drummer and vocalist Steve Wahrer stopped playing and ad-libbed the \"Surfin' Bird\" middle section. Despite not knowing \"The Bird's the Word\" was a Rivingtons song, the similarity to \"Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow\" was obvious and The Trashmen added the chorus to the end of their new track.","Document [16](Title: Bird (1988 film)) the time of recording, so trumpet player Jon Faddis was hired to record his parts. Bird (1988 film) Bird is a 1988 American biographical film, produced and directed by Clint Eastwood from a screenplay by Joel Oliansky. The film is a tribute to the life and music of jazz saxophonist Charlie \"Bird\" Parker. It is constructed as a montage of scenes from Parker's life, from his childhood in Kansas City, through his early death at the age of 34. The film moves back and forth through Parker's history, blending moments to find some truth to his life. Much of the","Document [17](Title: Little Bird (The Beach Boys song)) Little Bird (The Beach Boys song) \"Little Bird\" is a song written by Dennis Wilson and Stephen Kalinich with uncredited contributions from Brian Wilson. It was first recorded by American rock band the Beach Boys and released on their 1968 album \"Friends\". It was also placed as the B-side of the album's \"Friends\" single. The single peaked at number 47 in the US and number 25 in the UK. Brian once said; \"Dennis gave us 'Little Bird' which blew my mind because it was so full of spiritualness. He was a late bloomer as a music maker. He lived hard","Document [18](Title: The Bird (Jerry Reed song)) The Bird (Jerry Reed song) \"The Bird\" is a song recorded by American country music singer Jerry Reed. Written by Hal Coleman and Barry Etris, this novelty song contains impressions of Willie Nelson's \"Whiskey River\" and \"On the Road Again;\" and George Jones' \"He Stopped Loving Her Today.\" It was released in October 1982 as the lead single from the album, \"The Bird\". The song peaked at No. 2 on the \"Billboard magazine\" Hot Country Singles chart just before Christmas. The song is told in first person from the point of view of a blue-collar worker who stops at a","Document [19](Title: Bird in Flight) Both sides ran at 45RPM. Bird in Flight \"Bird in Flight\"\/\"Tribal Look\" is the third single by Toyah, released on February 1, 1980, by Safari Records. Neither track was featured on an album at the time, though both were added to the 2002 reissue of \"Sheep Farming in Barnet\"\/\/\"The Blue Meaning\", and also on the 2005 compilation album \"The Safari Singles Collection Part 1: 1979-1981\". In February \"New Musical Express\" wrote of \"Bird in Flight\": \"Surprisingly gentle song by the banshee from Birmingham. It has an insidious quality that slowly gets under your skin and is a good pop song.","Document [20](Title: Song Bird) Song Bird Song Bird is the sophomore studio album of singer Deniece Williams released on October 28, 1977 by Columbia Records. The album rose to No. 23 on the Billboard Top R&B Albums chart. The album cut \"Baby, Baby My Love's All for You\" rose to nos. 13 & 32 upon the Billboard Hot R&B Songs and UK singles charts respectively. Williams went on to perform the album cut God Is Amazing at the 1984 Grammy Awards. As well the album cut We Have Love for You was sampled upon the 2000 track Remember Them Days by Beanie Siegel featuring"],"query":"when did bird is the word come out?","answers":["1963"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Free Bird) Free Bird \"Free Bird\", or \"Freebird\", is a power ballad performed by American rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd. The song was first featured on the band's debut album in 1973 and has been included on subsequent albums, including the unfaded-ending version of the original recording (featured on \"Skynyrd's Innyrds\"). Released as a single in November 1974, \"Free Bird\" entered the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 on November 23 at No. 87 and became the band's second Top 40 hit in early 1975, peaking at No. 19 on January 25. A live version of the song reentered the charts in late 1976, eventually peaking","Document [2](Title: A Bird came down the Walk) A Bird came down the Walk \"A Bird came down the Walk\" is a short poem by Emily Dickinson (1830\u20131886) that tells of the poet's encounter with a worm-eating bird. The poem was first published in 1891 in the second collection of Dickinson's poems. The poet encounters a bird on the walk who eats a worm, drinks a dew from the grass, and steps aside to let a beetle pass. The bird then glances about, apparently frightened. The poet offers the bird a crumb but the bird takes flight. The poet observes that the flight of the bird is \"softer\"","Document [3](Title: A Bird came down the Walk) the bird taking flight lightly suggests the same potential ease of journey for the soul to heaven, in spite of imperfection, such as killing to eat, as the bird eats the angle worm. A Bird came down the Walk \"A Bird came down the Walk\" is a short poem by Emily Dickinson (1830\u20131886) that tells of the poet's encounter with a worm-eating bird. The poem was first published in 1891 in the second collection of Dickinson's poems. The poet encounters a bird on the walk who eats a worm, drinks a dew from the grass, and steps aside to let","Document [4](Title: White Bird (song)) circumstances and yearning to be free. The song's repeated chorus is, \"White bird must fly or she will die.\" In a later interview, LaFlamme said: Where the 'white bird' thing came from ... We were like caged birds in that attic. We had no money, no transportation, the weather was miserable. We were just barely getting by on a very small food allowance provided to us. It was quite an experience, but it was very creative in a way. The song was arranged and produced by LaFlamme and sung as a duet between him and group member Patti Santos. A","Document [5](Title: What a queer bird) What a queer bird \"What a queer bird\" is a poem of unclear origin. It first can be found in print in 1922, rapidly disseminating across dozens of publications in the United States that year. \"What a queer bird\" is a poem, folk song, or essay that may be sung as a round. It first can be found in print in 1922, rapidly disseminating across dozens of publications in the United States that year, but its precise origin is unclear. The words are as follows: In 1922, multiple United States publications attributed the poem or essay to \"a young Norwegian","Document [6](Title: White Bird (song)) White Bird (song) \"White Bird\" is a 1969 song by San Francisco rock group It's a Beautiful Day, written by David LaFlamme and his then wife Linda LaFlamme (n\u00e9e Neska). \"White Bird\" was written in December 1967, in Seattle, Washington. Manager Matthew Katz had moved the band there to polish their act at a small Seattle ballroom before booking them into San Francisco nightclubs. Living in the attic of a Victorian house across the street from Volunteer Park, the band had inadequate food and no transportation during a dreary Seattle winter. The song evolved from the depression of the band's","Document [7](Title: Bird Song (Hampton Hawes album)) Bird Song (Hampton Hawes album) Bird Song is an album by American jazz pianist Hampton Hawes recorded at sessions in 1956 and 1958 but not released on the Contemporary label until 1999. The Allmusic review by Jim Todd states \"It's a mystery why these tracks from 1956 and 1958 went unreleased until 1999. They come from a key creative period in Hawes' career when he was enjoying new levels of commercial and critical acclaim. Regardless, the music has now been done justice in a well-mastered release that will please fans of Hawes and of bop piano in general\". On All","Document [8](Title: Last Holiday (1950 film)) staff, Bird comes into contact with Sir Trevor Lampington (Thesiger), the doctor after whom Lampington's disease was named. Lampington insists that Bird cannot possibly have the disease as he has no symptoms, and contacts the hospital to ask it to check. Just as the hospital discovers its error Bird enters and it is confirmed that he indeed was given the wrong diagnosis. Overjoyed, he is ready to begin life afresh with his new sweetheart, friends and business opportunities. In a twist ending, however, he is killed in a car accident on the way back to the hotel, while taking a","Document [9](Title: Birds (Coldplay song)) Birds (Coldplay song) \"Birds\" is a song by British alternative rock band Coldplay. It was produced by the band's long-time record producer Rik Simpson along with Norwegian production duo Stargate. It appears as the second track on their seventh studio album, \"A Head Full of Dreams\" (2015). An official music video was also released by the band. The video was directed by Marcus Haney. It was set to the backdrop of the Colorado Desert's famous Salvation Mountain. The entire video was shot on a Super 8mm camera. The director wrote on Instagram: \"It's a tribute of thanks to the late","Document [10](Title: White Bird (song)) shared the lead vocal with David LaFlamme, died at age 40, in a 1989 automobile accident. White Bird (song) \"White Bird\" is a 1969 song by San Francisco rock group It's a Beautiful Day, written by David LaFlamme and his then wife Linda LaFlamme (n\u00e9e Neska). \"White Bird\" was written in December 1967, in Seattle, Washington. Manager Matthew Katz had moved the band there to polish their act at a small Seattle ballroom before booking them into San Francisco nightclubs. Living in the attic of a Victorian house across the street from Volunteer Park, the band had inadequate food and","Document [11](Title: Kicking Bird) Bird's death maintains that something may have been wrong with his heart that caused his death. Agent Haworth noted that the night before his death, Kicking Bird had been up late and told someone that \"his heart felt just like someone had hold of it pulling it out.\" The next morning, as was custom for almost all diseases, Kicking Bird went to the creek and came back after he felt better. Shortly after coming out of the water and having a cup of coffee, Kicking Bird died. This version fits descriptions in modern medical science of someone having a heart","Document [12](Title: Bird Song (MIA song)) Bird Song (MIA song) \"Bird Song\" is a song by British recording artist M.I.A. from her fifth studio album, \"AIM\" (2016). It served as the fourth single from the album. M.I.A. announced the release of the single on 1 August 2016, and that the producers include Diplo and Blaqstarr. The song was written by M.I.A. and Blaqstarr, and was the first collaboration between Diplo and M.I.A. since her 2010 album \"Maya\". The Blaqstarr version was officially released on 12 August 2016 while the release of the Diplo version was delayed due to clearance problems with Interscope, and eventually premiered on","Document [13](Title: Free Bird) It has become something of a humorous tradition for audience members at concerts to shout \"Free Bird\" as a request to hear the song, regardless of the performer or style of music. For example, during the Nirvana 1993 MTV Unplugged in New York show, a shout-out for \"Freebird!\" eventually resulted in a lyrically slurred, if short, rendition of \"Sweet Home Alabama\". The phenomenon began earlier in the 1970s with The Allman Brothers Band's \"Whipping Post\" and Deep Purple's \"Smoke on the Water\" but then took off with \"Free Bird\" by 1979. On Skynyrd's first live album, 1976's \"One More from","Document [14](Title: Theophilus Bird) William and son Theophilus alternatively spelled their family name as Bird or Bourne. The extensive Henslowe papers in the collection of Dulwich College contain many mentions of the elder Bird and members of his family. The younger Bird started out as a boy player acting female roles, as was customary at the time; he played Paulina in Massinger's \"The Renegado\" for Queen Henrietta's Men in 1625. He played Tota, the Queen of Fez, in Thomas Heywood's \"The Fair Maid of the West, Part 2\" around 1630, when he was 21 years old. Like most boy actors, Bird moved on the","Document [15](Title: Bird (1988 film)) the time of recording, so trumpet player Jon Faddis was hired to record his parts. Bird (1988 film) Bird is a 1988 American biographical film, produced and directed by Clint Eastwood from a screenplay by Joel Oliansky. The film is a tribute to the life and music of jazz saxophonist Charlie \"Bird\" Parker. It is constructed as a montage of scenes from Parker's life, from his childhood in Kansas City, through his early death at the age of 34. The film moves back and forth through Parker's history, blending moments to find some truth to his life. Much of the","Document [16](Title: Little Bird (The Beach Boys song)) Little Bird (The Beach Boys song) \"Little Bird\" is a song written by Dennis Wilson and Stephen Kalinich with uncredited contributions from Brian Wilson. It was first recorded by American rock band the Beach Boys and released on their 1968 album \"Friends\". It was also placed as the B-side of the album's \"Friends\" single. The single peaked at number 47 in the US and number 25 in the UK. Brian once said; \"Dennis gave us 'Little Bird' which blew my mind because it was so full of spiritualness. He was a late bloomer as a music maker. He lived hard","Document [17](Title: The Bird (Jerry Reed song)) The Bird (Jerry Reed song) \"The Bird\" is a song recorded by American country music singer Jerry Reed. Written by Hal Coleman and Barry Etris, this novelty song contains impressions of Willie Nelson's \"Whiskey River\" and \"On the Road Again;\" and George Jones' \"He Stopped Loving Her Today.\" It was released in October 1982 as the lead single from the album, \"The Bird\". The song peaked at No. 2 on the \"Billboard magazine\" Hot Country Singles chart just before Christmas. The song is told in first person from the point of view of a blue-collar worker who stops at a","Document [18](Title: Bird in Flight) Both sides ran at 45RPM. Bird in Flight \"Bird in Flight\"\/\"Tribal Look\" is the third single by Toyah, released on February 1, 1980, by Safari Records. Neither track was featured on an album at the time, though both were added to the 2002 reissue of \"Sheep Farming in Barnet\"\/\/\"The Blue Meaning\", and also on the 2005 compilation album \"The Safari Singles Collection Part 1: 1979-1981\". In February \"New Musical Express\" wrote of \"Bird in Flight\": \"Surprisingly gentle song by the banshee from Birmingham. It has an insidious quality that slowly gets under your skin and is a good pop song.","Document [19](Title: Song Bird) Song Bird Song Bird is the sophomore studio album of singer Deniece Williams released on October 28, 1977 by Columbia Records. The album rose to No. 23 on the Billboard Top R&B Albums chart. The album cut \"Baby, Baby My Love's All for You\" rose to nos. 13 & 32 upon the Billboard Hot R&B Songs and UK singles charts respectively. Williams went on to perform the album cut God Is Amazing at the 1984 Grammy Awards. As well the album cut We Have Love for You was sampled upon the 2000 track Remember Them Days by Beanie Siegel featuring","Document [20](Title: Surfin' Bird) The Rivingtons followed up their 1962 Billboard Hot 100 hit \"Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow\" with the similar \"The Bird's the Word\" in 1963. The Trashmen had not heard this version but saw a band called The Sorensen Brothers playing it. They decided to play the song that night at their own gig. During this first performance, drummer and vocalist Steve Wahrer stopped playing and ad-libbed the \"Surfin' Bird\" middle section. Despite not knowing \"The Bird's the Word\" was a Rivingtons song, the similarity to \"Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow\" was obvious and The Trashmen added the chorus to the end of their new track."],"query":"when did bird is the word come out?","answers":["1963"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) borrow houses not normally open to the public. Among them were Dyrham Park for the exterior of the house and the driveway, Powderham Castle (staircase, hall, music room, bedroom; used for the aqua-turquoise stairway scenes), Corsham Court (library and dining room) and Badminton House (servants' quarters, conservatory, entrance hall). Luciana Arrighi, the production designer, scouted most of these locations. Scenes were also shot in Weston-super-Mare, which stood in for Clevedon. The pub where Mr Stevens stays is the Hop Pole in Limpley Stoke; the shop featured is also in Limpley Stoke. The pub where Miss Kenton and Mr Benn meet","Document [2](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) The Remains of the Day (film) The Remains of the Day is a 1993 British-American drama film adapted from the Booker Prize-winning 1989 novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The film was directed by James Ivory and produced by Ismail Merchant, Mike Nichols, and John Calley. It stars Anthony Hopkins as Stevens and Emma Thompson as Miss Kenton, with James Fox, Christopher Reeve, and Hugh Grant in supporting roles. The film was nominated for eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor (for Hopkins) and Best Actress (for Thompson). In 1999, the British Film Institute ranked \"The Remains","Document [3](Title: The Remains of the Day) The Remains of the Day The Remains of the Day is a 1989 novel by the Nobel Prize-winning British author Kazuo Ishiguro. The story is told from a first-person point of view, as were Ishiguro's two previous novels. The narrator, Stevens, a butler, recalls his life in the form of a diary; the action progresses from the mid-1930s through to the present (~ 1970). Much of the novel is concerned with Stevens' professional and, above all, personal relationship with a former colleague, the housekeeper, Miss Kenton. The work received the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 1989. A film adaptation","Document [4](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) characters in Kazuo Ishiguro's novel: Congressman Lewis (who attends the pre-WW2 conference in Darlington Hall), and Mr Farraday, who succeeds Lord Darlington as master of Darlington Hall. The original score was composed by Richard Robbins. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Score, but lost to \"Schindler's List\". The film achieves a 95% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 40 reviews with an 8.4\/10 average rating. Its consensus states: \"Smart, elegant, and blessed with impeccable performances from Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson, \"The Remains of the Day\" is a Merchant-Ivory classic.\" Roger Ebert particularly praised the film","Document [5](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) Academy Awards, but won none: The film is #64 at the British Film Institute's \"Top 100 British films\". The film was also nominated for the American Film Institute's \"100 Years...100 Passions\" list. The Remains of the Day (film) The Remains of the Day is a 1993 British-American drama film adapted from the Booker Prize-winning 1989 novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The film was directed by James Ivory and produced by Ismail Merchant, Mike Nichols, and John Calley. It stars Anthony Hopkins as Stevens and Emma Thompson as Miss Kenton, with James Fox, Christopher Reeve, and Hugh Grant","Document [6](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) of the Day\" the 64th greatest British film of the 20th century. In 1958 post-war Britain, Stevens, the butler of Darlington Hall, receives a letter from Miss Kenton, a recently-separated former colleague employed as the housekeeper some twenty years earlier. Lord Darlington has died a broken man, his reputation destroyed after he was exposed as a Nazi sympathizer, and his stately country manor has been sold to a retired United States Congressman, Mr. Jack Lewis. Stevens is granted permission to borrow his Daimler, and he sets off to the West Country to meet Miss Kenton. The film flashes back to","Document [7](Title: The Remains of the Day (musical)) The Remains of the Day (musical) The Remains of the Day is a musical written by Alex Loveless, based on the novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The original production, directed by Chris Loveless, premiered at the Union Theatre in London, playing from August 31, 2010 to September 25, 2010. In an interview, Ishiguro said, \"It struck me as an intriguing idea. ... I am a big believer in musicals and I see no reason why my novel shouldn't make a good one. Stephen Sondheim's \"A Little Night Music\" shows you can set an unlikely story to music.","Document [8](Title: The Remains of the Day (musical)) material they have, endowing it with rich emotion.\" Mixed to negative reviews included those in the \"Financial Times\", \"TimeOut\" and MusicOMH. The Remains of the Day (musical) The Remains of the Day is a musical written by Alex Loveless, based on the novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The original production, directed by Chris Loveless, premiered at the Union Theatre in London, playing from August 31, 2010 to September 25, 2010. In an interview, Ishiguro said, \"It struck me as an intriguing idea. ... I am a big believer in musicals and I see no reason why my","Document [9](Title: Remains of the Day (song)) Remains of the Day (song) \"Remains of the Day\" is one of the four main songs sung in the 2005 stop-motion animated film \"Tim Burton's Corpse Bride\". It was composed by Danny Elfman, along with all other music for the film. The song is the second one in the movie, and vital to the plot. The character Bonejangles (voiced by Danny Elfman) introduces the song with the following lyrics: \"What a story it is; a tragic tale of romance, passion and murder most foul\". Then, Bonejangles and other skeletons and corpses from the Land of the Dead sing the song","Document [10](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) script for \"The Handmaid's Tale\", which he has decided not to publish. When his script for \"The Remains of the Day\" was radically revised by the James Ivory-Ismail Merchant partnership, he refused to allow his name to be listed in the credits\" (125). Though no longer the director, Nichols remained associated with the project as one of its producers. A number of English country estates were used as locations for the film, partly owing to the persuasive power of Ismail Merchant, who was able to cajole permission for the production to borrow houses not normally open to the public. Among","Document [11](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) trapped in the hall, and is eventually freed by the two men, leaving both Stevens and Darlington Hall far behind. A film adaptation of the novel was originally planned to be directed by Mike Nichols from a script by Harold Pinter. Some of Pinter's script was used in the film, but, while Pinter was paid for his work, he asked to have his name removed from the credits, in keeping with his contract. Christopher C. Hudgins observes: \"During our 1994 interview, Pinter told [Steven H.] Gale and me that he had learned his lesson after the revisions imposed on his","Document [12](Title: The Remains of the Day) of the novel, made in 1993 and starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson, was nominated for eight Academy Awards. The novel tells, in first-person narration, the story of Stevens, an English butler who has dedicated his life to the loyal service of Lord Darlington (who is recently deceased, and whom Stevens describes in increasing detail in flashbacks). The novel begins in the late 1950s, with Stevens receiving a letter from a former colleague, the housekeeper Miss Kenton, describing her married life, which Stevens believes hints at an unhappy marriage. Stevens' receipt of the letter coincides with his opportunity to revisit","Document [13](Title: Emma Thompson) alongside a cast that also included Denzel Washington, Keanu Reeves, and Michael Keaton. Thompson was widely praised for the on-screen chemistry with Branagh and the natural ease with which she played the role marking another critical success for Thompson. Her performance earned a nomination for Best Female Lead at the Independent Spirit Awards. Thompson reunited with Merchant\u2013Ivory and Anthony Hopkins to film \"The Remains of the Day\" (1993), a film which has been described as a \"classic\" and the production team's definitive film. Based on Kazuo Ishiguro's novel about a housekeeper and butler in interwar Britain, the story is acclaimed","Document [14](Title: The Day (1960 film)) The Day (1960 film) The Day is a 1960 short film co-written and directed by Peter Finch. It is a fictionalized documentary on a young boy's life on the Spanish island of Ibiza. Music by Sir Eugene Goossens, for string quartet, percussion and flute. A little Spanish boy (Antonion Costa) goes from his village with his donkey and cart to the city to bring the news of the birth of a child. Although Finch was best known as an actor, he had worked as a writer and director before, notably on stage. He also helped make the documentary \"Primitive Peoples\"","Document [15](Title: Remains of the Day (song)) vowed to remain there until her \"true love set her free.\" Remains of the Day (song) \"Remains of the Day\" is one of the four main songs sung in the 2005 stop-motion animated film \"Tim Burton's Corpse Bride\". It was composed by Danny Elfman, along with all other music for the film. The song is the second one in the movie, and vital to the plot. The character Bonejangles (voiced by Danny Elfman) introduces the song with the following lyrics: \"What a story it is; a tragic tale of romance, passion and murder most foul\". Then, Bonejangles and other skeletons","Document [16](Title: The Day (2011 film)) The Day (2011 film) The Day is a 2011 Canadian post-apocalyptic film directed by Douglas Aarniokoski. The film stars Ashley Bell, Shannyn Sossamon, Dominic Monaghan, Shawn Ashmore and Cory Hardrict. The film premiered on , 2011 at the 2011 Toronto International Film Festival. The film was released in in the United States on , 2012. It screened theatrically for and grossed $20,984. The Day follows a group of five survivors in a post-apocalyptic world as they travel through a bleak environment in an attempt to find food, shelter, and a safe place to stop running from tribes of savage cannibals","Document [17](Title: The Day of the Wolves) The Day of the Wolves The Day of the Wolves is a 1971 heist movie starring Richard Egan and directed, written and produced by Ferde Grofe Jr. the son of the renowned composer who had previously worked in the Philippine film industry. It was the first movie to be made on location in the new town of Lake Havasu City, Arizona. This was the last feature film made by actress Martha Hyer and was also the last film made by actor Percy Helton who died about five months after filming wrapped (Helton's last released film was Legend of the Northwest,","Document [18](Title: Walter Day) Wilson and John Sorflaten in 1982 and 1983 is considered the earliest known attempt to film a documentary on the burgeoning video game culture. That vintage footage was the original source material used widely throughout both and . Between 1973 and the early 1980s, Day enjoyed a brief career as an amateur ragtime pianist, publicly performing in Massachusetts (Beverly and Salem), New York State (Livingstone Manor and South Fallsburg), France (Avoriaz and Le Plagne), Switzerland (Brunnen, Leysin, St. Moritz and Arosa) and Fairfield, Iowa. He was self-taught and mastered the form by memorizing the songs, a feat that often took","Document [19](Title: The Day (1960 film)) (1949). The film won awards at the 1961 Venice Festival of Children's Films, and Cork Festival in Ireland. Finch had hopes to direct a feature film, an adaptation of Derek Monsey's World War II novel \"The Hero\" but could not get the finance. The Day (1960 film) The Day is a 1960 short film co-written and directed by Peter Finch. It is a fictionalized documentary on a young boy's life on the Spanish island of Ibiza. Music by Sir Eugene Goossens, for string quartet, percussion and flute. A little Spanish boy (Antonion Costa) goes from his village with his donkey","Document [20](Title: Kazuo Ishiguro) unnamed Central European city. \"The Remains of the Day\" is set in the large country house of an English lord in the period surrounding World War II. \"An Artist of the Floating World\" is set in an unnamed Japanese city during the period of reconstruction following Japan's surrender in 1945. The narrator is forced to come to terms with his part in World War II. He finds himself blamed by the new generation who accuse him of being part of Japan's misguided foreign policy and is forced to confront the ideals of the modern times as represented by his grandson."],"query":"where was the film the remains of the day filmed?","answers":["Powderham Castle","Weston-super-Mare","Dyrham Park","Badminton House","Corsham Court","Limpley Stoke"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) The Remains of the Day (film) The Remains of the Day is a 1993 British-American drama film adapted from the Booker Prize-winning 1989 novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The film was directed by James Ivory and produced by Ismail Merchant, Mike Nichols, and John Calley. It stars Anthony Hopkins as Stevens and Emma Thompson as Miss Kenton, with James Fox, Christopher Reeve, and Hugh Grant in supporting roles. The film was nominated for eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor (for Hopkins) and Best Actress (for Thompson). In 1999, the British Film Institute ranked \"The Remains","Document [2](Title: The Remains of the Day) The Remains of the Day The Remains of the Day is a 1989 novel by the Nobel Prize-winning British author Kazuo Ishiguro. The story is told from a first-person point of view, as were Ishiguro's two previous novels. The narrator, Stevens, a butler, recalls his life in the form of a diary; the action progresses from the mid-1930s through to the present (~ 1970). Much of the novel is concerned with Stevens' professional and, above all, personal relationship with a former colleague, the housekeeper, Miss Kenton. The work received the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 1989. A film adaptation","Document [3](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) characters in Kazuo Ishiguro's novel: Congressman Lewis (who attends the pre-WW2 conference in Darlington Hall), and Mr Farraday, who succeeds Lord Darlington as master of Darlington Hall. The original score was composed by Richard Robbins. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Score, but lost to \"Schindler's List\". The film achieves a 95% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 40 reviews with an 8.4\/10 average rating. Its consensus states: \"Smart, elegant, and blessed with impeccable performances from Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson, \"The Remains of the Day\" is a Merchant-Ivory classic.\" Roger Ebert particularly praised the film","Document [4](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) Academy Awards, but won none: The film is #64 at the British Film Institute's \"Top 100 British films\". The film was also nominated for the American Film Institute's \"100 Years...100 Passions\" list. The Remains of the Day (film) The Remains of the Day is a 1993 British-American drama film adapted from the Booker Prize-winning 1989 novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The film was directed by James Ivory and produced by Ismail Merchant, Mike Nichols, and John Calley. It stars Anthony Hopkins as Stevens and Emma Thompson as Miss Kenton, with James Fox, Christopher Reeve, and Hugh Grant","Document [5](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) borrow houses not normally open to the public. Among them were Dyrham Park for the exterior of the house and the driveway, Powderham Castle (staircase, hall, music room, bedroom; used for the aqua-turquoise stairway scenes), Corsham Court (library and dining room) and Badminton House (servants' quarters, conservatory, entrance hall). Luciana Arrighi, the production designer, scouted most of these locations. Scenes were also shot in Weston-super-Mare, which stood in for Clevedon. The pub where Mr Stevens stays is the Hop Pole in Limpley Stoke; the shop featured is also in Limpley Stoke. The pub where Miss Kenton and Mr Benn meet","Document [6](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) of the Day\" the 64th greatest British film of the 20th century. In 1958 post-war Britain, Stevens, the butler of Darlington Hall, receives a letter from Miss Kenton, a recently-separated former colleague employed as the housekeeper some twenty years earlier. Lord Darlington has died a broken man, his reputation destroyed after he was exposed as a Nazi sympathizer, and his stately country manor has been sold to a retired United States Congressman, Mr. Jack Lewis. Stevens is granted permission to borrow his Daimler, and he sets off to the West Country to meet Miss Kenton. The film flashes back to","Document [7](Title: The Remains of the Day (musical)) The Remains of the Day (musical) The Remains of the Day is a musical written by Alex Loveless, based on the novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The original production, directed by Chris Loveless, premiered at the Union Theatre in London, playing from August 31, 2010 to September 25, 2010. In an interview, Ishiguro said, \"It struck me as an intriguing idea. ... I am a big believer in musicals and I see no reason why my novel shouldn't make a good one. Stephen Sondheim's \"A Little Night Music\" shows you can set an unlikely story to music.","Document [8](Title: The Remains of the Day (musical)) material they have, endowing it with rich emotion.\" Mixed to negative reviews included those in the \"Financial Times\", \"TimeOut\" and MusicOMH. The Remains of the Day (musical) The Remains of the Day is a musical written by Alex Loveless, based on the novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The original production, directed by Chris Loveless, premiered at the Union Theatre in London, playing from August 31, 2010 to September 25, 2010. In an interview, Ishiguro said, \"It struck me as an intriguing idea. ... I am a big believer in musicals and I see no reason why my","Document [9](Title: Remains of the Day (song)) Remains of the Day (song) \"Remains of the Day\" is one of the four main songs sung in the 2005 stop-motion animated film \"Tim Burton's Corpse Bride\". It was composed by Danny Elfman, along with all other music for the film. The song is the second one in the movie, and vital to the plot. The character Bonejangles (voiced by Danny Elfman) introduces the song with the following lyrics: \"What a story it is; a tragic tale of romance, passion and murder most foul\". Then, Bonejangles and other skeletons and corpses from the Land of the Dead sing the song","Document [10](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) script for \"The Handmaid's Tale\", which he has decided not to publish. When his script for \"The Remains of the Day\" was radically revised by the James Ivory-Ismail Merchant partnership, he refused to allow his name to be listed in the credits\" (125). Though no longer the director, Nichols remained associated with the project as one of its producers. A number of English country estates were used as locations for the film, partly owing to the persuasive power of Ismail Merchant, who was able to cajole permission for the production to borrow houses not normally open to the public. Among","Document [11](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) trapped in the hall, and is eventually freed by the two men, leaving both Stevens and Darlington Hall far behind. A film adaptation of the novel was originally planned to be directed by Mike Nichols from a script by Harold Pinter. Some of Pinter's script was used in the film, but, while Pinter was paid for his work, he asked to have his name removed from the credits, in keeping with his contract. Christopher C. Hudgins observes: \"During our 1994 interview, Pinter told [Steven H.] Gale and me that he had learned his lesson after the revisions imposed on his","Document [12](Title: The Remains of the Day) of the novel, made in 1993 and starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson, was nominated for eight Academy Awards. The novel tells, in first-person narration, the story of Stevens, an English butler who has dedicated his life to the loyal service of Lord Darlington (who is recently deceased, and whom Stevens describes in increasing detail in flashbacks). The novel begins in the late 1950s, with Stevens receiving a letter from a former colleague, the housekeeper Miss Kenton, describing her married life, which Stevens believes hints at an unhappy marriage. Stevens' receipt of the letter coincides with his opportunity to revisit","Document [13](Title: Emma Thompson) alongside a cast that also included Denzel Washington, Keanu Reeves, and Michael Keaton. Thompson was widely praised for the on-screen chemistry with Branagh and the natural ease with which she played the role marking another critical success for Thompson. Her performance earned a nomination for Best Female Lead at the Independent Spirit Awards. Thompson reunited with Merchant\u2013Ivory and Anthony Hopkins to film \"The Remains of the Day\" (1993), a film which has been described as a \"classic\" and the production team's definitive film. Based on Kazuo Ishiguro's novel about a housekeeper and butler in interwar Britain, the story is acclaimed","Document [14](Title: The Day (1960 film)) The Day (1960 film) The Day is a 1960 short film co-written and directed by Peter Finch. It is a fictionalized documentary on a young boy's life on the Spanish island of Ibiza. Music by Sir Eugene Goossens, for string quartet, percussion and flute. A little Spanish boy (Antonion Costa) goes from his village with his donkey and cart to the city to bring the news of the birth of a child. Although Finch was best known as an actor, he had worked as a writer and director before, notably on stage. He also helped make the documentary \"Primitive Peoples\"","Document [15](Title: Remains of the Day (song)) vowed to remain there until her \"true love set her free.\" Remains of the Day (song) \"Remains of the Day\" is one of the four main songs sung in the 2005 stop-motion animated film \"Tim Burton's Corpse Bride\". It was composed by Danny Elfman, along with all other music for the film. The song is the second one in the movie, and vital to the plot. The character Bonejangles (voiced by Danny Elfman) introduces the song with the following lyrics: \"What a story it is; a tragic tale of romance, passion and murder most foul\". Then, Bonejangles and other skeletons","Document [16](Title: The Day (2011 film)) The Day (2011 film) The Day is a 2011 Canadian post-apocalyptic film directed by Douglas Aarniokoski. The film stars Ashley Bell, Shannyn Sossamon, Dominic Monaghan, Shawn Ashmore and Cory Hardrict. The film premiered on , 2011 at the 2011 Toronto International Film Festival. The film was released in in the United States on , 2012. It screened theatrically for and grossed $20,984. The Day follows a group of five survivors in a post-apocalyptic world as they travel through a bleak environment in an attempt to find food, shelter, and a safe place to stop running from tribes of savage cannibals","Document [17](Title: The Day of the Wolves) The Day of the Wolves The Day of the Wolves is a 1971 heist movie starring Richard Egan and directed, written and produced by Ferde Grofe Jr. the son of the renowned composer who had previously worked in the Philippine film industry. It was the first movie to be made on location in the new town of Lake Havasu City, Arizona. This was the last feature film made by actress Martha Hyer and was also the last film made by actor Percy Helton who died about five months after filming wrapped (Helton's last released film was Legend of the Northwest,","Document [18](Title: Walter Day) Wilson and John Sorflaten in 1982 and 1983 is considered the earliest known attempt to film a documentary on the burgeoning video game culture. That vintage footage was the original source material used widely throughout both and . Between 1973 and the early 1980s, Day enjoyed a brief career as an amateur ragtime pianist, publicly performing in Massachusetts (Beverly and Salem), New York State (Livingstone Manor and South Fallsburg), France (Avoriaz and Le Plagne), Switzerland (Brunnen, Leysin, St. Moritz and Arosa) and Fairfield, Iowa. He was self-taught and mastered the form by memorizing the songs, a feat that often took","Document [19](Title: The Day (1960 film)) (1949). The film won awards at the 1961 Venice Festival of Children's Films, and Cork Festival in Ireland. Finch had hopes to direct a feature film, an adaptation of Derek Monsey's World War II novel \"The Hero\" but could not get the finance. The Day (1960 film) The Day is a 1960 short film co-written and directed by Peter Finch. It is a fictionalized documentary on a young boy's life on the Spanish island of Ibiza. Music by Sir Eugene Goossens, for string quartet, percussion and flute. A little Spanish boy (Antonion Costa) goes from his village with his donkey","Document [20](Title: Kazuo Ishiguro) unnamed Central European city. \"The Remains of the Day\" is set in the large country house of an English lord in the period surrounding World War II. \"An Artist of the Floating World\" is set in an unnamed Japanese city during the period of reconstruction following Japan's surrender in 1945. The narrator is forced to come to terms with his part in World War II. He finds himself blamed by the new generation who accuse him of being part of Japan's misguided foreign policy and is forced to confront the ideals of the modern times as represented by his grandson."],"query":"where was the film the remains of the day filmed?","answers":["Powderham Castle","Weston-super-Mare","Dyrham Park","Badminton House","Corsham Court","Limpley Stoke"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) The Remains of the Day (film) The Remains of the Day is a 1993 British-American drama film adapted from the Booker Prize-winning 1989 novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The film was directed by James Ivory and produced by Ismail Merchant, Mike Nichols, and John Calley. It stars Anthony Hopkins as Stevens and Emma Thompson as Miss Kenton, with James Fox, Christopher Reeve, and Hugh Grant in supporting roles. The film was nominated for eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor (for Hopkins) and Best Actress (for Thompson). In 1999, the British Film Institute ranked \"The Remains","Document [2](Title: The Remains of the Day) The Remains of the Day The Remains of the Day is a 1989 novel by the Nobel Prize-winning British author Kazuo Ishiguro. The story is told from a first-person point of view, as were Ishiguro's two previous novels. The narrator, Stevens, a butler, recalls his life in the form of a diary; the action progresses from the mid-1930s through to the present (~ 1970). Much of the novel is concerned with Stevens' professional and, above all, personal relationship with a former colleague, the housekeeper, Miss Kenton. The work received the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 1989. A film adaptation","Document [3](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) characters in Kazuo Ishiguro's novel: Congressman Lewis (who attends the pre-WW2 conference in Darlington Hall), and Mr Farraday, who succeeds Lord Darlington as master of Darlington Hall. The original score was composed by Richard Robbins. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Score, but lost to \"Schindler's List\". The film achieves a 95% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 40 reviews with an 8.4\/10 average rating. Its consensus states: \"Smart, elegant, and blessed with impeccable performances from Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson, \"The Remains of the Day\" is a Merchant-Ivory classic.\" Roger Ebert particularly praised the film","Document [4](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) Academy Awards, but won none: The film is #64 at the British Film Institute's \"Top 100 British films\". The film was also nominated for the American Film Institute's \"100 Years...100 Passions\" list. The Remains of the Day (film) The Remains of the Day is a 1993 British-American drama film adapted from the Booker Prize-winning 1989 novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The film was directed by James Ivory and produced by Ismail Merchant, Mike Nichols, and John Calley. It stars Anthony Hopkins as Stevens and Emma Thompson as Miss Kenton, with James Fox, Christopher Reeve, and Hugh Grant","Document [5](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) of the Day\" the 64th greatest British film of the 20th century. In 1958 post-war Britain, Stevens, the butler of Darlington Hall, receives a letter from Miss Kenton, a recently-separated former colleague employed as the housekeeper some twenty years earlier. Lord Darlington has died a broken man, his reputation destroyed after he was exposed as a Nazi sympathizer, and his stately country manor has been sold to a retired United States Congressman, Mr. Jack Lewis. Stevens is granted permission to borrow his Daimler, and he sets off to the West Country to meet Miss Kenton. The film flashes back to","Document [6](Title: The Remains of the Day (musical)) The Remains of the Day (musical) The Remains of the Day is a musical written by Alex Loveless, based on the novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The original production, directed by Chris Loveless, premiered at the Union Theatre in London, playing from August 31, 2010 to September 25, 2010. In an interview, Ishiguro said, \"It struck me as an intriguing idea. ... I am a big believer in musicals and I see no reason why my novel shouldn't make a good one. Stephen Sondheim's \"A Little Night Music\" shows you can set an unlikely story to music.","Document [7](Title: The Remains of the Day (musical)) material they have, endowing it with rich emotion.\" Mixed to negative reviews included those in the \"Financial Times\", \"TimeOut\" and MusicOMH. The Remains of the Day (musical) The Remains of the Day is a musical written by Alex Loveless, based on the novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The original production, directed by Chris Loveless, premiered at the Union Theatre in London, playing from August 31, 2010 to September 25, 2010. In an interview, Ishiguro said, \"It struck me as an intriguing idea. ... I am a big believer in musicals and I see no reason why my","Document [8](Title: Remains of the Day (song)) Remains of the Day (song) \"Remains of the Day\" is one of the four main songs sung in the 2005 stop-motion animated film \"Tim Burton's Corpse Bride\". It was composed by Danny Elfman, along with all other music for the film. The song is the second one in the movie, and vital to the plot. The character Bonejangles (voiced by Danny Elfman) introduces the song with the following lyrics: \"What a story it is; a tragic tale of romance, passion and murder most foul\". Then, Bonejangles and other skeletons and corpses from the Land of the Dead sing the song","Document [9](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) script for \"The Handmaid's Tale\", which he has decided not to publish. When his script for \"The Remains of the Day\" was radically revised by the James Ivory-Ismail Merchant partnership, he refused to allow his name to be listed in the credits\" (125). Though no longer the director, Nichols remained associated with the project as one of its producers. A number of English country estates were used as locations for the film, partly owing to the persuasive power of Ismail Merchant, who was able to cajole permission for the production to borrow houses not normally open to the public. Among","Document [10](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) borrow houses not normally open to the public. Among them were Dyrham Park for the exterior of the house and the driveway, Powderham Castle (staircase, hall, music room, bedroom; used for the aqua-turquoise stairway scenes), Corsham Court (library and dining room) and Badminton House (servants' quarters, conservatory, entrance hall). Luciana Arrighi, the production designer, scouted most of these locations. Scenes were also shot in Weston-super-Mare, which stood in for Clevedon. The pub where Mr Stevens stays is the Hop Pole in Limpley Stoke; the shop featured is also in Limpley Stoke. The pub where Miss Kenton and Mr Benn meet","Document [11](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) trapped in the hall, and is eventually freed by the two men, leaving both Stevens and Darlington Hall far behind. A film adaptation of the novel was originally planned to be directed by Mike Nichols from a script by Harold Pinter. Some of Pinter's script was used in the film, but, while Pinter was paid for his work, he asked to have his name removed from the credits, in keeping with his contract. Christopher C. Hudgins observes: \"During our 1994 interview, Pinter told [Steven H.] Gale and me that he had learned his lesson after the revisions imposed on his","Document [12](Title: The Remains of the Day) of the novel, made in 1993 and starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson, was nominated for eight Academy Awards. The novel tells, in first-person narration, the story of Stevens, an English butler who has dedicated his life to the loyal service of Lord Darlington (who is recently deceased, and whom Stevens describes in increasing detail in flashbacks). The novel begins in the late 1950s, with Stevens receiving a letter from a former colleague, the housekeeper Miss Kenton, describing her married life, which Stevens believes hints at an unhappy marriage. Stevens' receipt of the letter coincides with his opportunity to revisit","Document [13](Title: Emma Thompson) alongside a cast that also included Denzel Washington, Keanu Reeves, and Michael Keaton. Thompson was widely praised for the on-screen chemistry with Branagh and the natural ease with which she played the role marking another critical success for Thompson. Her performance earned a nomination for Best Female Lead at the Independent Spirit Awards. Thompson reunited with Merchant\u2013Ivory and Anthony Hopkins to film \"The Remains of the Day\" (1993), a film which has been described as a \"classic\" and the production team's definitive film. Based on Kazuo Ishiguro's novel about a housekeeper and butler in interwar Britain, the story is acclaimed","Document [14](Title: The Day (1960 film)) The Day (1960 film) The Day is a 1960 short film co-written and directed by Peter Finch. It is a fictionalized documentary on a young boy's life on the Spanish island of Ibiza. Music by Sir Eugene Goossens, for string quartet, percussion and flute. A little Spanish boy (Antonion Costa) goes from his village with his donkey and cart to the city to bring the news of the birth of a child. Although Finch was best known as an actor, he had worked as a writer and director before, notably on stage. He also helped make the documentary \"Primitive Peoples\"","Document [15](Title: Remains of the Day (song)) vowed to remain there until her \"true love set her free.\" Remains of the Day (song) \"Remains of the Day\" is one of the four main songs sung in the 2005 stop-motion animated film \"Tim Burton's Corpse Bride\". It was composed by Danny Elfman, along with all other music for the film. The song is the second one in the movie, and vital to the plot. The character Bonejangles (voiced by Danny Elfman) introduces the song with the following lyrics: \"What a story it is; a tragic tale of romance, passion and murder most foul\". Then, Bonejangles and other skeletons","Document [16](Title: The Day (2011 film)) The Day (2011 film) The Day is a 2011 Canadian post-apocalyptic film directed by Douglas Aarniokoski. The film stars Ashley Bell, Shannyn Sossamon, Dominic Monaghan, Shawn Ashmore and Cory Hardrict. The film premiered on , 2011 at the 2011 Toronto International Film Festival. The film was released in in the United States on , 2012. It screened theatrically for and grossed $20,984. The Day follows a group of five survivors in a post-apocalyptic world as they travel through a bleak environment in an attempt to find food, shelter, and a safe place to stop running from tribes of savage cannibals","Document [17](Title: The Day of the Wolves) The Day of the Wolves The Day of the Wolves is a 1971 heist movie starring Richard Egan and directed, written and produced by Ferde Grofe Jr. the son of the renowned composer who had previously worked in the Philippine film industry. It was the first movie to be made on location in the new town of Lake Havasu City, Arizona. This was the last feature film made by actress Martha Hyer and was also the last film made by actor Percy Helton who died about five months after filming wrapped (Helton's last released film was Legend of the Northwest,","Document [18](Title: Walter Day) Wilson and John Sorflaten in 1982 and 1983 is considered the earliest known attempt to film a documentary on the burgeoning video game culture. That vintage footage was the original source material used widely throughout both and . Between 1973 and the early 1980s, Day enjoyed a brief career as an amateur ragtime pianist, publicly performing in Massachusetts (Beverly and Salem), New York State (Livingstone Manor and South Fallsburg), France (Avoriaz and Le Plagne), Switzerland (Brunnen, Leysin, St. Moritz and Arosa) and Fairfield, Iowa. He was self-taught and mastered the form by memorizing the songs, a feat that often took","Document [19](Title: The Day (1960 film)) (1949). The film won awards at the 1961 Venice Festival of Children's Films, and Cork Festival in Ireland. Finch had hopes to direct a feature film, an adaptation of Derek Monsey's World War II novel \"The Hero\" but could not get the finance. The Day (1960 film) The Day is a 1960 short film co-written and directed by Peter Finch. It is a fictionalized documentary on a young boy's life on the Spanish island of Ibiza. Music by Sir Eugene Goossens, for string quartet, percussion and flute. A little Spanish boy (Antonion Costa) goes from his village with his donkey","Document [20](Title: Kazuo Ishiguro) unnamed Central European city. \"The Remains of the Day\" is set in the large country house of an English lord in the period surrounding World War II. \"An Artist of the Floating World\" is set in an unnamed Japanese city during the period of reconstruction following Japan's surrender in 1945. The narrator is forced to come to terms with his part in World War II. He finds himself blamed by the new generation who accuse him of being part of Japan's misguided foreign policy and is forced to confront the ideals of the modern times as represented by his grandson."],"query":"where was the film the remains of the day filmed?","answers":["Powderham Castle","Weston-super-Mare","Dyrham Park","Badminton House","Corsham Court","Limpley Stoke"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) The Remains of the Day (film) The Remains of the Day is a 1993 British-American drama film adapted from the Booker Prize-winning 1989 novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The film was directed by James Ivory and produced by Ismail Merchant, Mike Nichols, and John Calley. It stars Anthony Hopkins as Stevens and Emma Thompson as Miss Kenton, with James Fox, Christopher Reeve, and Hugh Grant in supporting roles. The film was nominated for eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor (for Hopkins) and Best Actress (for Thompson). In 1999, the British Film Institute ranked \"The Remains","Document [2](Title: The Remains of the Day) The Remains of the Day The Remains of the Day is a 1989 novel by the Nobel Prize-winning British author Kazuo Ishiguro. The story is told from a first-person point of view, as were Ishiguro's two previous novels. The narrator, Stevens, a butler, recalls his life in the form of a diary; the action progresses from the mid-1930s through to the present (~ 1970). Much of the novel is concerned with Stevens' professional and, above all, personal relationship with a former colleague, the housekeeper, Miss Kenton. The work received the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 1989. A film adaptation","Document [3](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) characters in Kazuo Ishiguro's novel: Congressman Lewis (who attends the pre-WW2 conference in Darlington Hall), and Mr Farraday, who succeeds Lord Darlington as master of Darlington Hall. The original score was composed by Richard Robbins. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Score, but lost to \"Schindler's List\". The film achieves a 95% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 40 reviews with an 8.4\/10 average rating. Its consensus states: \"Smart, elegant, and blessed with impeccable performances from Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson, \"The Remains of the Day\" is a Merchant-Ivory classic.\" Roger Ebert particularly praised the film","Document [4](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) Academy Awards, but won none: The film is #64 at the British Film Institute's \"Top 100 British films\". The film was also nominated for the American Film Institute's \"100 Years...100 Passions\" list. The Remains of the Day (film) The Remains of the Day is a 1993 British-American drama film adapted from the Booker Prize-winning 1989 novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The film was directed by James Ivory and produced by Ismail Merchant, Mike Nichols, and John Calley. It stars Anthony Hopkins as Stevens and Emma Thompson as Miss Kenton, with James Fox, Christopher Reeve, and Hugh Grant","Document [5](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) of the Day\" the 64th greatest British film of the 20th century. In 1958 post-war Britain, Stevens, the butler of Darlington Hall, receives a letter from Miss Kenton, a recently-separated former colleague employed as the housekeeper some twenty years earlier. Lord Darlington has died a broken man, his reputation destroyed after he was exposed as a Nazi sympathizer, and his stately country manor has been sold to a retired United States Congressman, Mr. Jack Lewis. Stevens is granted permission to borrow his Daimler, and he sets off to the West Country to meet Miss Kenton. The film flashes back to","Document [6](Title: The Remains of the Day (musical)) The Remains of the Day (musical) The Remains of the Day is a musical written by Alex Loveless, based on the novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The original production, directed by Chris Loveless, premiered at the Union Theatre in London, playing from August 31, 2010 to September 25, 2010. In an interview, Ishiguro said, \"It struck me as an intriguing idea. ... I am a big believer in musicals and I see no reason why my novel shouldn't make a good one. Stephen Sondheim's \"A Little Night Music\" shows you can set an unlikely story to music.","Document [7](Title: The Remains of the Day (musical)) material they have, endowing it with rich emotion.\" Mixed to negative reviews included those in the \"Financial Times\", \"TimeOut\" and MusicOMH. The Remains of the Day (musical) The Remains of the Day is a musical written by Alex Loveless, based on the novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The original production, directed by Chris Loveless, premiered at the Union Theatre in London, playing from August 31, 2010 to September 25, 2010. In an interview, Ishiguro said, \"It struck me as an intriguing idea. ... I am a big believer in musicals and I see no reason why my","Document [8](Title: Remains of the Day (song)) Remains of the Day (song) \"Remains of the Day\" is one of the four main songs sung in the 2005 stop-motion animated film \"Tim Burton's Corpse Bride\". It was composed by Danny Elfman, along with all other music for the film. The song is the second one in the movie, and vital to the plot. The character Bonejangles (voiced by Danny Elfman) introduces the song with the following lyrics: \"What a story it is; a tragic tale of romance, passion and murder most foul\". Then, Bonejangles and other skeletons and corpses from the Land of the Dead sing the song","Document [9](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) script for \"The Handmaid's Tale\", which he has decided not to publish. When his script for \"The Remains of the Day\" was radically revised by the James Ivory-Ismail Merchant partnership, he refused to allow his name to be listed in the credits\" (125). Though no longer the director, Nichols remained associated with the project as one of its producers. A number of English country estates were used as locations for the film, partly owing to the persuasive power of Ismail Merchant, who was able to cajole permission for the production to borrow houses not normally open to the public. Among","Document [10](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) trapped in the hall, and is eventually freed by the two men, leaving both Stevens and Darlington Hall far behind. A film adaptation of the novel was originally planned to be directed by Mike Nichols from a script by Harold Pinter. Some of Pinter's script was used in the film, but, while Pinter was paid for his work, he asked to have his name removed from the credits, in keeping with his contract. Christopher C. Hudgins observes: \"During our 1994 interview, Pinter told [Steven H.] Gale and me that he had learned his lesson after the revisions imposed on his","Document [11](Title: The Remains of the Day) of the novel, made in 1993 and starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson, was nominated for eight Academy Awards. The novel tells, in first-person narration, the story of Stevens, an English butler who has dedicated his life to the loyal service of Lord Darlington (who is recently deceased, and whom Stevens describes in increasing detail in flashbacks). The novel begins in the late 1950s, with Stevens receiving a letter from a former colleague, the housekeeper Miss Kenton, describing her married life, which Stevens believes hints at an unhappy marriage. Stevens' receipt of the letter coincides with his opportunity to revisit","Document [12](Title: Emma Thompson) alongside a cast that also included Denzel Washington, Keanu Reeves, and Michael Keaton. Thompson was widely praised for the on-screen chemistry with Branagh and the natural ease with which she played the role marking another critical success for Thompson. Her performance earned a nomination for Best Female Lead at the Independent Spirit Awards. Thompson reunited with Merchant\u2013Ivory and Anthony Hopkins to film \"The Remains of the Day\" (1993), a film which has been described as a \"classic\" and the production team's definitive film. Based on Kazuo Ishiguro's novel about a housekeeper and butler in interwar Britain, the story is acclaimed","Document [13](Title: The Day (1960 film)) The Day (1960 film) The Day is a 1960 short film co-written and directed by Peter Finch. It is a fictionalized documentary on a young boy's life on the Spanish island of Ibiza. Music by Sir Eugene Goossens, for string quartet, percussion and flute. A little Spanish boy (Antonion Costa) goes from his village with his donkey and cart to the city to bring the news of the birth of a child. Although Finch was best known as an actor, he had worked as a writer and director before, notably on stage. He also helped make the documentary \"Primitive Peoples\"","Document [14](Title: Remains of the Day (song)) vowed to remain there until her \"true love set her free.\" Remains of the Day (song) \"Remains of the Day\" is one of the four main songs sung in the 2005 stop-motion animated film \"Tim Burton's Corpse Bride\". It was composed by Danny Elfman, along with all other music for the film. The song is the second one in the movie, and vital to the plot. The character Bonejangles (voiced by Danny Elfman) introduces the song with the following lyrics: \"What a story it is; a tragic tale of romance, passion and murder most foul\". Then, Bonejangles and other skeletons","Document [15](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) borrow houses not normally open to the public. Among them were Dyrham Park for the exterior of the house and the driveway, Powderham Castle (staircase, hall, music room, bedroom; used for the aqua-turquoise stairway scenes), Corsham Court (library and dining room) and Badminton House (servants' quarters, conservatory, entrance hall). Luciana Arrighi, the production designer, scouted most of these locations. Scenes were also shot in Weston-super-Mare, which stood in for Clevedon. The pub where Mr Stevens stays is the Hop Pole in Limpley Stoke; the shop featured is also in Limpley Stoke. The pub where Miss Kenton and Mr Benn meet","Document [16](Title: The Day (2011 film)) The Day (2011 film) The Day is a 2011 Canadian post-apocalyptic film directed by Douglas Aarniokoski. The film stars Ashley Bell, Shannyn Sossamon, Dominic Monaghan, Shawn Ashmore and Cory Hardrict. The film premiered on , 2011 at the 2011 Toronto International Film Festival. The film was released in in the United States on , 2012. It screened theatrically for and grossed $20,984. The Day follows a group of five survivors in a post-apocalyptic world as they travel through a bleak environment in an attempt to find food, shelter, and a safe place to stop running from tribes of savage cannibals","Document [17](Title: The Day of the Wolves) The Day of the Wolves The Day of the Wolves is a 1971 heist movie starring Richard Egan and directed, written and produced by Ferde Grofe Jr. the son of the renowned composer who had previously worked in the Philippine film industry. It was the first movie to be made on location in the new town of Lake Havasu City, Arizona. This was the last feature film made by actress Martha Hyer and was also the last film made by actor Percy Helton who died about five months after filming wrapped (Helton's last released film was Legend of the Northwest,","Document [18](Title: Walter Day) Wilson and John Sorflaten in 1982 and 1983 is considered the earliest known attempt to film a documentary on the burgeoning video game culture. That vintage footage was the original source material used widely throughout both and . Between 1973 and the early 1980s, Day enjoyed a brief career as an amateur ragtime pianist, publicly performing in Massachusetts (Beverly and Salem), New York State (Livingstone Manor and South Fallsburg), France (Avoriaz and Le Plagne), Switzerland (Brunnen, Leysin, St. Moritz and Arosa) and Fairfield, Iowa. He was self-taught and mastered the form by memorizing the songs, a feat that often took","Document [19](Title: The Day (1960 film)) (1949). The film won awards at the 1961 Venice Festival of Children's Films, and Cork Festival in Ireland. Finch had hopes to direct a feature film, an adaptation of Derek Monsey's World War II novel \"The Hero\" but could not get the finance. The Day (1960 film) The Day is a 1960 short film co-written and directed by Peter Finch. It is a fictionalized documentary on a young boy's life on the Spanish island of Ibiza. Music by Sir Eugene Goossens, for string quartet, percussion and flute. A little Spanish boy (Antonion Costa) goes from his village with his donkey","Document [20](Title: Kazuo Ishiguro) unnamed Central European city. \"The Remains of the Day\" is set in the large country house of an English lord in the period surrounding World War II. \"An Artist of the Floating World\" is set in an unnamed Japanese city during the period of reconstruction following Japan's surrender in 1945. The narrator is forced to come to terms with his part in World War II. He finds himself blamed by the new generation who accuse him of being part of Japan's misguided foreign policy and is forced to confront the ideals of the modern times as represented by his grandson."],"query":"where was the film the remains of the day filmed?","answers":["Powderham Castle","Weston-super-Mare","Dyrham Park","Badminton House","Corsham Court","Limpley Stoke"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) The Remains of the Day (film) The Remains of the Day is a 1993 British-American drama film adapted from the Booker Prize-winning 1989 novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The film was directed by James Ivory and produced by Ismail Merchant, Mike Nichols, and John Calley. It stars Anthony Hopkins as Stevens and Emma Thompson as Miss Kenton, with James Fox, Christopher Reeve, and Hugh Grant in supporting roles. The film was nominated for eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor (for Hopkins) and Best Actress (for Thompson). In 1999, the British Film Institute ranked \"The Remains","Document [2](Title: The Remains of the Day) The Remains of the Day The Remains of the Day is a 1989 novel by the Nobel Prize-winning British author Kazuo Ishiguro. The story is told from a first-person point of view, as were Ishiguro's two previous novels. The narrator, Stevens, a butler, recalls his life in the form of a diary; the action progresses from the mid-1930s through to the present (~ 1970). Much of the novel is concerned with Stevens' professional and, above all, personal relationship with a former colleague, the housekeeper, Miss Kenton. The work received the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 1989. A film adaptation","Document [3](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) characters in Kazuo Ishiguro's novel: Congressman Lewis (who attends the pre-WW2 conference in Darlington Hall), and Mr Farraday, who succeeds Lord Darlington as master of Darlington Hall. The original score was composed by Richard Robbins. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Score, but lost to \"Schindler's List\". The film achieves a 95% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 40 reviews with an 8.4\/10 average rating. Its consensus states: \"Smart, elegant, and blessed with impeccable performances from Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson, \"The Remains of the Day\" is a Merchant-Ivory classic.\" Roger Ebert particularly praised the film","Document [4](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) Academy Awards, but won none: The film is #64 at the British Film Institute's \"Top 100 British films\". The film was also nominated for the American Film Institute's \"100 Years...100 Passions\" list. The Remains of the Day (film) The Remains of the Day is a 1993 British-American drama film adapted from the Booker Prize-winning 1989 novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The film was directed by James Ivory and produced by Ismail Merchant, Mike Nichols, and John Calley. It stars Anthony Hopkins as Stevens and Emma Thompson as Miss Kenton, with James Fox, Christopher Reeve, and Hugh Grant","Document [5](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) of the Day\" the 64th greatest British film of the 20th century. In 1958 post-war Britain, Stevens, the butler of Darlington Hall, receives a letter from Miss Kenton, a recently-separated former colleague employed as the housekeeper some twenty years earlier. Lord Darlington has died a broken man, his reputation destroyed after he was exposed as a Nazi sympathizer, and his stately country manor has been sold to a retired United States Congressman, Mr. Jack Lewis. Stevens is granted permission to borrow his Daimler, and he sets off to the West Country to meet Miss Kenton. The film flashes back to","Document [6](Title: The Remains of the Day (musical)) The Remains of the Day (musical) The Remains of the Day is a musical written by Alex Loveless, based on the novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The original production, directed by Chris Loveless, premiered at the Union Theatre in London, playing from August 31, 2010 to September 25, 2010. In an interview, Ishiguro said, \"It struck me as an intriguing idea. ... I am a big believer in musicals and I see no reason why my novel shouldn't make a good one. Stephen Sondheim's \"A Little Night Music\" shows you can set an unlikely story to music.","Document [7](Title: The Remains of the Day (musical)) material they have, endowing it with rich emotion.\" Mixed to negative reviews included those in the \"Financial Times\", \"TimeOut\" and MusicOMH. The Remains of the Day (musical) The Remains of the Day is a musical written by Alex Loveless, based on the novel of the same name by Kazuo Ishiguro. The original production, directed by Chris Loveless, premiered at the Union Theatre in London, playing from August 31, 2010 to September 25, 2010. In an interview, Ishiguro said, \"It struck me as an intriguing idea. ... I am a big believer in musicals and I see no reason why my","Document [8](Title: Remains of the Day (song)) Remains of the Day (song) \"Remains of the Day\" is one of the four main songs sung in the 2005 stop-motion animated film \"Tim Burton's Corpse Bride\". It was composed by Danny Elfman, along with all other music for the film. The song is the second one in the movie, and vital to the plot. The character Bonejangles (voiced by Danny Elfman) introduces the song with the following lyrics: \"What a story it is; a tragic tale of romance, passion and murder most foul\". Then, Bonejangles and other skeletons and corpses from the Land of the Dead sing the song","Document [9](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) script for \"The Handmaid's Tale\", which he has decided not to publish. When his script for \"The Remains of the Day\" was radically revised by the James Ivory-Ismail Merchant partnership, he refused to allow his name to be listed in the credits\" (125). Though no longer the director, Nichols remained associated with the project as one of its producers. A number of English country estates were used as locations for the film, partly owing to the persuasive power of Ismail Merchant, who was able to cajole permission for the production to borrow houses not normally open to the public. Among","Document [10](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) trapped in the hall, and is eventually freed by the two men, leaving both Stevens and Darlington Hall far behind. A film adaptation of the novel was originally planned to be directed by Mike Nichols from a script by Harold Pinter. Some of Pinter's script was used in the film, but, while Pinter was paid for his work, he asked to have his name removed from the credits, in keeping with his contract. Christopher C. Hudgins observes: \"During our 1994 interview, Pinter told [Steven H.] Gale and me that he had learned his lesson after the revisions imposed on his","Document [11](Title: The Remains of the Day) of the novel, made in 1993 and starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson, was nominated for eight Academy Awards. The novel tells, in first-person narration, the story of Stevens, an English butler who has dedicated his life to the loyal service of Lord Darlington (who is recently deceased, and whom Stevens describes in increasing detail in flashbacks). The novel begins in the late 1950s, with Stevens receiving a letter from a former colleague, the housekeeper Miss Kenton, describing her married life, which Stevens believes hints at an unhappy marriage. Stevens' receipt of the letter coincides with his opportunity to revisit","Document [12](Title: Emma Thompson) alongside a cast that also included Denzel Washington, Keanu Reeves, and Michael Keaton. Thompson was widely praised for the on-screen chemistry with Branagh and the natural ease with which she played the role marking another critical success for Thompson. Her performance earned a nomination for Best Female Lead at the Independent Spirit Awards. Thompson reunited with Merchant\u2013Ivory and Anthony Hopkins to film \"The Remains of the Day\" (1993), a film which has been described as a \"classic\" and the production team's definitive film. Based on Kazuo Ishiguro's novel about a housekeeper and butler in interwar Britain, the story is acclaimed","Document [13](Title: The Day (1960 film)) The Day (1960 film) The Day is a 1960 short film co-written and directed by Peter Finch. It is a fictionalized documentary on a young boy's life on the Spanish island of Ibiza. Music by Sir Eugene Goossens, for string quartet, percussion and flute. A little Spanish boy (Antonion Costa) goes from his village with his donkey and cart to the city to bring the news of the birth of a child. Although Finch was best known as an actor, he had worked as a writer and director before, notably on stage. He also helped make the documentary \"Primitive Peoples\"","Document [14](Title: Remains of the Day (song)) vowed to remain there until her \"true love set her free.\" Remains of the Day (song) \"Remains of the Day\" is one of the four main songs sung in the 2005 stop-motion animated film \"Tim Burton's Corpse Bride\". It was composed by Danny Elfman, along with all other music for the film. The song is the second one in the movie, and vital to the plot. The character Bonejangles (voiced by Danny Elfman) introduces the song with the following lyrics: \"What a story it is; a tragic tale of romance, passion and murder most foul\". Then, Bonejangles and other skeletons","Document [15](Title: The Day (2011 film)) The Day (2011 film) The Day is a 2011 Canadian post-apocalyptic film directed by Douglas Aarniokoski. The film stars Ashley Bell, Shannyn Sossamon, Dominic Monaghan, Shawn Ashmore and Cory Hardrict. The film premiered on , 2011 at the 2011 Toronto International Film Festival. The film was released in in the United States on , 2012. It screened theatrically for and grossed $20,984. The Day follows a group of five survivors in a post-apocalyptic world as they travel through a bleak environment in an attempt to find food, shelter, and a safe place to stop running from tribes of savage cannibals","Document [16](Title: The Day of the Wolves) The Day of the Wolves The Day of the Wolves is a 1971 heist movie starring Richard Egan and directed, written and produced by Ferde Grofe Jr. the son of the renowned composer who had previously worked in the Philippine film industry. It was the first movie to be made on location in the new town of Lake Havasu City, Arizona. This was the last feature film made by actress Martha Hyer and was also the last film made by actor Percy Helton who died about five months after filming wrapped (Helton's last released film was Legend of the Northwest,","Document [17](Title: Walter Day) Wilson and John Sorflaten in 1982 and 1983 is considered the earliest known attempt to film a documentary on the burgeoning video game culture. That vintage footage was the original source material used widely throughout both and . Between 1973 and the early 1980s, Day enjoyed a brief career as an amateur ragtime pianist, publicly performing in Massachusetts (Beverly and Salem), New York State (Livingstone Manor and South Fallsburg), France (Avoriaz and Le Plagne), Switzerland (Brunnen, Leysin, St. Moritz and Arosa) and Fairfield, Iowa. He was self-taught and mastered the form by memorizing the songs, a feat that often took","Document [18](Title: The Day (1960 film)) (1949). The film won awards at the 1961 Venice Festival of Children's Films, and Cork Festival in Ireland. Finch had hopes to direct a feature film, an adaptation of Derek Monsey's World War II novel \"The Hero\" but could not get the finance. The Day (1960 film) The Day is a 1960 short film co-written and directed by Peter Finch. It is a fictionalized documentary on a young boy's life on the Spanish island of Ibiza. Music by Sir Eugene Goossens, for string quartet, percussion and flute. A little Spanish boy (Antonion Costa) goes from his village with his donkey","Document [19](Title: Kazuo Ishiguro) unnamed Central European city. \"The Remains of the Day\" is set in the large country house of an English lord in the period surrounding World War II. \"An Artist of the Floating World\" is set in an unnamed Japanese city during the period of reconstruction following Japan's surrender in 1945. The narrator is forced to come to terms with his part in World War II. He finds himself blamed by the new generation who accuse him of being part of Japan's misguided foreign policy and is forced to confront the ideals of the modern times as represented by his grandson.","Document [20](Title: The Remains of the Day (film)) borrow houses not normally open to the public. Among them were Dyrham Park for the exterior of the house and the driveway, Powderham Castle (staircase, hall, music room, bedroom; used for the aqua-turquoise stairway scenes), Corsham Court (library and dining room) and Badminton House (servants' quarters, conservatory, entrance hall). Luciana Arrighi, the production designer, scouted most of these locations. Scenes were also shot in Weston-super-Mare, which stood in for Clevedon. The pub where Mr Stevens stays is the Hop Pole in Limpley Stoke; the shop featured is also in Limpley Stoke. The pub where Miss Kenton and Mr Benn meet"],"query":"where was the film the remains of the day filmed?","answers":["Powderham Castle","Weston-super-Mare","Dyrham Park","Badminton House","Corsham Court","Limpley Stoke"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Maia Shibutani) Maia Harumi Shibutani was born on July 20, 1994, in New York City. She is the daughter of Chris Shibutani and Naomi Uyemura, both of Japanese descent, who met as Harvard musicians. She has an older brother, Alex Shibutani, who competes with her as her partner in the discipline of Ice Dance. She started figure skating at the age of 4 in 1998 in Old Greenwich, Connecticut, where she was a student at Greenwich Academy in Greenwich, Connecticut.","Document [2](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) Siah-Posh tribe living in Hindukush mountains descended from the ancient Kambojas While discussing the Kambojas, H. H. Wilson and several other authorities also acknowledge that there is an apparent trace of their (\"Kambojas' \") name in the Camojis of Kafirstan (Nuristan) who may have retreated to the mountains before the advance of the Turk tribes. The physiognomic features and other physical characteristics of the Siah-Posh tribes resemble those of the Kamboj population of greater Panjab(Pakistan). Like the (\"unmixed\") Kamboj, they have fairly tall stature, fair-body color, light brown or some times green eyes, brown and some times blond hair, slender","Document [3](Title: Sib (anthropology)) Sib (anthropology) Sib is a technical term in the discipline of anthropology which originally denoted a kinship group among Anglo-Saxon and other Germanic peoples. In an extended sense, it then became the standard term for a variety of other kinds of lineal (matrilineal or patrilineal) or cognatic (i.e.,descended through links of both sexes) kinship groups. The word may also denote a member of such a group. American anthropologists often used the term 'sib' as the generic term for a category that breaks down into the sub-classifications of \"patri-sib\", referring to patrilineal clan descent, and \"matri-sib\", to refer to matrilineal clan","Document [4](Title: Sib Chandra Deb) Sib Chandra Deb Sib Chandra Deb ( \"Shib Ch\u00f4ndro Deb\") (also spelt Shib Chandra Deb, Shibchandra Deb, Shib Chander Deb) (20 July 1811 \u2013 12 November 1890) was one of the leading Derozians, virtually the first generation of English-knowing Indians. He had joined Hindu College in 1825 and was subsequently drawn towards Derozio. Sivanath Sastri recalls that even in his old age he fondly recalled in detail what Derozio used to say. A brilliant student he won a scholarship while studying at Hindu College. As a student, he occasionally attended the meetings of the Brahmo Sabha established by Raja Rammohun","Document [5](Title: Sib (anthropology)) descent. Sib (anthropology) Sib is a technical term in the discipline of anthropology which originally denoted a kinship group among Anglo-Saxon and other Germanic peoples. In an extended sense, it then became the standard term for a variety of other kinds of lineal (matrilineal or patrilineal) or cognatic (i.e.,descended through links of both sexes) kinship groups. The word may also denote a member of such a group. American anthropologists often used the term 'sib' as the generic term for a category that breaks down into the sub-classifications of \"patri-sib\", referring to patrilineal clan descent, and \"matri-sib\", to refer to matrilineal","Document [6](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) and straight or acquiline noses, high physical and mental tenacity and stamina etc. The \"Siah-posh\" Kafirs of the Hindukush ranges, who used to be collectively known as \"Kamoges\" or \"Kamojis\" (Sanskrit Kambojis or Kambojas) are stated to have been a remain of a considerable ancient people among whom were original Kashmerians and a greater part of Badakshan and Kabol as far as Deggan tribes...and on the southern face of the higher ridges of Himalaya extending to an unknown distance...Though whole of their pristine population being subjected to Muslim conquerors in the Middle Ages, and having mixed with them, they have","Document [7](Title: Bhimber) son of Raja Partab chand Katoch who came to Bhimber and established the state after marrying local ruler`s daughter in 1400 A.D. Chibs are direct descendents of Raja Chib Chand Katoch. In Chibs, the first who embraced Islam was Shadaab Khan who is famous as Hazrat Baba Shadi Shaheed. His Hindu name was Raja Dharm Chand Chib. The last ruler of Chibhal was Raja Sultan Khan (1800\u20131840). Bhimber has been important strategically. It lies on the route that was followed by the Mughal Emperors for their frequent visits to the Kashmir Valley. It is also known as \"Baab-e-Kashmir\" (Door to","Document [8](Title: Yapese people) daughter can inherit the land. This land is separated by matrilineal kinship. Individuals and groups who have to rely on other people's lands are part of the serf caste. A patriclan is a political and economic unit while a patrilineage is a social unit of kinsmen. Yapese clans or sibs (\"genung\") are totemic and claim mythical ancestry and a mythical place of origin. Sib members are instructed not to eat the living counterpart of their mythical ancestress. Sibs are exogamous and consider each other as brothers and sisters. Each sib has a chief, and each village has a head chief","Document [9](Title: Sibpur Hindu Girls High School) Sibpur Hindu Girls High School Shibpur Hindu Girls High School is a Higher Secondary Girls school situated at Shibpur in Howrah of West Bengal,India. The school is affiliated with West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education. The school was founded by Jadunath Banerjee in the year of 1867. In the early days, initially the students studied free of cost, Some local philanthropists donated 4 annas to run this school . After a few years a minimum fees of 1 anna and 4 annas were charged for primary and secondary students. The Howrah Corporation","Document [10](Title: Sibe people) and Kazakh. The different ethnicities of Northern Xinjiang have shared music culture and adopted elements from each other's music. Sibe people The Sibe or Xibo ( ; ) are a Tungusic people living mostly in Xinjiang, Jilin (bordering North Korea) and Shenyang in Liaoning. The Sibe form one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by China. The Sibe are known by several variations of their name. The self-appellation of the Sibe people is pronounced \"\u015aiv\u0259\", the official Chinese term is \"Xibo\", in Russian literature the terms \"sibin'ci\"\/\"\u0161ibin'ci\" are used, while in English works the name \"Sibe\" has been established,","Document [11](Title: Sibe people) Sibe people The Sibe or Xibo ( ; ) are a Tungusic people living mostly in Xinjiang, Jilin (bordering North Korea) and Shenyang in Liaoning. The Sibe form one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by China. The Sibe are known by several variations of their name. The self-appellation of the Sibe people is pronounced \"\u015aiv\u0259\", the official Chinese term is \"Xibo\", in Russian literature the terms \"sibin'ci\"\/\"\u0161ibin'ci\" are used, while in English works the name \"Sibe\" has been established, which corresponds to the written form. According to the Russian scholar Elena P. Lebedeva, the Sibe people originated as","Document [12](Title: Sibi) the area are: Khajjak, Marghzani, Silachi, Saafi, Mizri, Dehpal, Barozai, and Luni. Major Jamot (Sindhi) tribes include: Soomro, Abro, Dayo, Mangrio, Mahar, and Solangi. Major Punjabi clans include: Bhatti Rajput, Rana Rajput, Arain, Malik, Butt, Choudary, Khokhar, and Mughal. Major Brahvi tribes include: Raisani, Bangulzai, GohramZai, Mohummad Shahi, and Lehri. Major Urdu speaking surnames may include: Quraishi, Sheikh, Siddiqui, Abbasi, Ansari, and Yousaf Zai. Siraiki's include Jamali, Machi, Hanbhi and Langah but almost all of them are ethnically diverse. Minorities include Hindus, Christians, and small groups of nomadic people who live mainly in the huts on western corner of the","Document [13](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) Siah-Posh Kafirs Siah-Posh (\"black-Robed\") Kafirs used to designate the major and dominant group of the Hindu Kush Kafirs inhabiting the Bashgul (\"Kam\") valley of the Kafiristan, now called Nuristan. They were so-called because of the color of the robes they wore. They were distinguished from the Sped-Posh (\"white-robed\") Kafirs (sometimes also called Lal-Posh or \"Red-robed\") by reason of the color of their dress as also because of their language, customs and other characteristics. The Siah-Posh Kafirs (Nuristanis) have sometimes been erroneously confused with Kalasha people, though they are not directly related to the Kalash of the neighboring Chitral Province in","Document [14](Title: Sian (Kurdish tribe)) of south of Erbil city where most of Sian villages are distributed has helped the members of the tribe enjoy a mild climate and engage in fruitful farming such as growing wheat and barley and raising livestock. There is a Siyan tribe in Afghanistan , Iran and Pakistan. In Afghanistan and Iran the major branches of Siyan are Lashkarzai,Ladadzai,Kachkolzai,Alluzai,Bahanzai,Habibzai and Rehmanzai. While in Pakistan subbranches of Siyan are Jaddazai, Jangozai, Bandozai, Bakerzai,Arizai,Kamash,Aqoobani,Polaati, Ghamyni, Zehri Siyan, Aqoobani Siyan etc. The branches of the Siyan in Iraq are the Shemzini, Esdikerri, Dimsori, Salmemi, Kaci, and Piresni. According to Baluchistani Siyan, they were","Document [15](Title: Arbab) Arbab Arbab () is a Persian word that means \"boss\", \"master\" and \"landlord\". It was a title used by tribal leaders in Middle East and South Asia. It is the title used by the heads of the Kasi Pashtun in Balochistan and Khalil, Momand, Daudzai and Gigyani tribe in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It is also used by the Samma tribes like Sammo, Abro, and Jakhro tribes in Sindh. It is a common family name in Iran, Pakistan and some Arab countries. Arbabs are also very famous in Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Quetta Balochistan they are one of the most popular educated","Document [16](Title: Sian (Kurdish tribe)) migrated approximately 200\u2013350 years ago from Iranian Baluchistan (Sistan) to Pakistani Baluchistan.And they are settled in different Districts of Balochistan such as Awaran,Dalbandin,Khuzdar, Lasbela and Quetta. Sian (Kurdish tribe) Sian, Syan or Siyan (\u0633\u064a\u0627\u0646 in Kurdish) is a Kurdish tribe based in southern Erbil city of Iraqi Kurdistan. Members of the tribe live mainly in Gabaraka, Darbandy Gom, Sarbashakh, Jastan, Mekhmur, Deshti-Qeraj, Kand\u00eanawe, and Girdesor villages. The total population of Sian tribe members is estimated to be over 100000 thousands men and women. Sian tribe has had major role in Kurdish movements such that its members were always ative players","Document [17](Title: Shirin Tagab District) and eight caravanseries. Livestock and grain are the main items of transactions in the bazaar before the war. Because most of the central and northern districts in Faryab Province have a salty water supply, many civilians bring water from the Shirin Tagab bazaar. Shirin Tagab District Shirin-Tagab (meaning in Uzbek language: \"Sweet Water\", also known as Koh-i-Saiy\u0101d) is the district center in the Faryab Province, Afghanistan. The population was 65,800 in 2004. Ethnic composition includes 10% Pashtun, 10% Tajik and 80% Uzbek. This Turkmen populated township is 33 km to the south of Dawlatabad. The valley of Shirin-Tagab hosts many","Document [18](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) Pakistan. Prior to 1895, the Kafirs of Hindukush were classified into two groups as (i) Siah-Posh and (ii) Safed-Posh. But the British investigator George Scott Robertson who visited Kafiristan and studied the Kafirs for about two years (1889\u20131891) had improved upon the old classification and re-classified the Kafirs more scientifically into (1) Siah-Posh, (2) Waigulis, (3) Presungulis, or Viron people and (4) Ashkuns. The \"Ashukuns\" are probably allied to the Waigulis. The later three groups of the Kafirs used to be collectively known as Sped-Posh Kafirs. The Siah-Posh tribe was further sub-divided into (1) \"Siah-Posh Katirs\" (Kamtoz), (2) \"Siah-Posh Mumans\"","Document [19](Title: Shibpur) Shibpur Shibpur or Sibpur is a residential area located in the city of Howrah, West Bengal, India. It is well known for being the location of the Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden, the IIEST Shibpur and the Hazar Hath Kaali Temple. The famous Bengali linguist Suniti Kumar Chatterji was born in Shibpur. During British Raj, its name was written as Seebpore. Recently, parts of administrative headquarters of the West Bengal government have been temporarily shifted to Mandirtala in Shibpur. The area was home to many royal landlords (jamindars) in Bengal. During the era of British rule in India,","Document [20](Title: Siavi) probably is the oldest native Pashto speaking clan of Iran: Although the history of their arrival to Iran is not very clear, they most likely migrated from southern regions of what is now Afghanistan. According to the 2006 census, their population in the Siavi Village of Iran was only 138 members. Currently mainly in Khyberpukhtoonwa province in Pakistan, many of the clan members have settled in the Nizampur area of Nowshera District. Their population estimated to be around 1000 strong. As was the case with their settled era over many centuries in Iran, over many centuries of settlement in mainly"],"query":"what is the ethnic background of the shib sibs?","answers":["Japanese"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) Siah-Posh tribe living in Hindukush mountains descended from the ancient Kambojas While discussing the Kambojas, H. H. Wilson and several other authorities also acknowledge that there is an apparent trace of their (\"Kambojas' \") name in the Camojis of Kafirstan (Nuristan) who may have retreated to the mountains before the advance of the Turk tribes. The physiognomic features and other physical characteristics of the Siah-Posh tribes resemble those of the Kamboj population of greater Panjab(Pakistan). Like the (\"unmixed\") Kamboj, they have fairly tall stature, fair-body color, light brown or some times green eyes, brown and some times blond hair, slender","Document [2](Title: Sib (anthropology)) Sib (anthropology) Sib is a technical term in the discipline of anthropology which originally denoted a kinship group among Anglo-Saxon and other Germanic peoples. In an extended sense, it then became the standard term for a variety of other kinds of lineal (matrilineal or patrilineal) or cognatic (i.e.,descended through links of both sexes) kinship groups. The word may also denote a member of such a group. American anthropologists often used the term 'sib' as the generic term for a category that breaks down into the sub-classifications of \"patri-sib\", referring to patrilineal clan descent, and \"matri-sib\", to refer to matrilineal clan","Document [3](Title: Sib Chandra Deb) Sib Chandra Deb Sib Chandra Deb ( \"Shib Ch\u00f4ndro Deb\") (also spelt Shib Chandra Deb, Shibchandra Deb, Shib Chander Deb) (20 July 1811 \u2013 12 November 1890) was one of the leading Derozians, virtually the first generation of English-knowing Indians. He had joined Hindu College in 1825 and was subsequently drawn towards Derozio. Sivanath Sastri recalls that even in his old age he fondly recalled in detail what Derozio used to say. A brilliant student he won a scholarship while studying at Hindu College. As a student, he occasionally attended the meetings of the Brahmo Sabha established by Raja Rammohun","Document [4](Title: Sib (anthropology)) descent. Sib (anthropology) Sib is a technical term in the discipline of anthropology which originally denoted a kinship group among Anglo-Saxon and other Germanic peoples. In an extended sense, it then became the standard term for a variety of other kinds of lineal (matrilineal or patrilineal) or cognatic (i.e.,descended through links of both sexes) kinship groups. The word may also denote a member of such a group. American anthropologists often used the term 'sib' as the generic term for a category that breaks down into the sub-classifications of \"patri-sib\", referring to patrilineal clan descent, and \"matri-sib\", to refer to matrilineal","Document [5](Title: Maia Shibutani) Maia Harumi Shibutani was born on July 20, 1994, in New York City. She is the daughter of Chris Shibutani and Naomi Uyemura, both of Japanese descent, who met as Harvard musicians. She has an older brother, Alex Shibutani, who competes with her as her partner in the discipline of Ice Dance. She started figure skating at the age of 4 in 1998 in Old Greenwich, Connecticut, where she was a student at Greenwich Academy in Greenwich, Connecticut.","Document [6](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) and straight or acquiline noses, high physical and mental tenacity and stamina etc. The \"Siah-posh\" Kafirs of the Hindukush ranges, who used to be collectively known as \"Kamoges\" or \"Kamojis\" (Sanskrit Kambojis or Kambojas) are stated to have been a remain of a considerable ancient people among whom were original Kashmerians and a greater part of Badakshan and Kabol as far as Deggan tribes...and on the southern face of the higher ridges of Himalaya extending to an unknown distance...Though whole of their pristine population being subjected to Muslim conquerors in the Middle Ages, and having mixed with them, they have","Document [7](Title: Bhimber) son of Raja Partab chand Katoch who came to Bhimber and established the state after marrying local ruler`s daughter in 1400 A.D. Chibs are direct descendents of Raja Chib Chand Katoch. In Chibs, the first who embraced Islam was Shadaab Khan who is famous as Hazrat Baba Shadi Shaheed. His Hindu name was Raja Dharm Chand Chib. The last ruler of Chibhal was Raja Sultan Khan (1800\u20131840). Bhimber has been important strategically. It lies on the route that was followed by the Mughal Emperors for their frequent visits to the Kashmir Valley. It is also known as \"Baab-e-Kashmir\" (Door to","Document [8](Title: Yapese people) daughter can inherit the land. This land is separated by matrilineal kinship. Individuals and groups who have to rely on other people's lands are part of the serf caste. A patriclan is a political and economic unit while a patrilineage is a social unit of kinsmen. Yapese clans or sibs (\"genung\") are totemic and claim mythical ancestry and a mythical place of origin. Sib members are instructed not to eat the living counterpart of their mythical ancestress. Sibs are exogamous and consider each other as brothers and sisters. Each sib has a chief, and each village has a head chief","Document [9](Title: Sibpur Hindu Girls High School) Sibpur Hindu Girls High School Shibpur Hindu Girls High School is a Higher Secondary Girls school situated at Shibpur in Howrah of West Bengal,India. The school is affiliated with West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education. The school was founded by Jadunath Banerjee in the year of 1867. In the early days, initially the students studied free of cost, Some local philanthropists donated 4 annas to run this school . After a few years a minimum fees of 1 anna and 4 annas were charged for primary and secondary students. The Howrah Corporation","Document [10](Title: Sibe people) and Kazakh. The different ethnicities of Northern Xinjiang have shared music culture and adopted elements from each other's music. Sibe people The Sibe or Xibo ( ; ) are a Tungusic people living mostly in Xinjiang, Jilin (bordering North Korea) and Shenyang in Liaoning. The Sibe form one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by China. The Sibe are known by several variations of their name. The self-appellation of the Sibe people is pronounced \"\u015aiv\u0259\", the official Chinese term is \"Xibo\", in Russian literature the terms \"sibin'ci\"\/\"\u0161ibin'ci\" are used, while in English works the name \"Sibe\" has been established,","Document [11](Title: Sibe people) Sibe people The Sibe or Xibo ( ; ) are a Tungusic people living mostly in Xinjiang, Jilin (bordering North Korea) and Shenyang in Liaoning. The Sibe form one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by China. The Sibe are known by several variations of their name. The self-appellation of the Sibe people is pronounced \"\u015aiv\u0259\", the official Chinese term is \"Xibo\", in Russian literature the terms \"sibin'ci\"\/\"\u0161ibin'ci\" are used, while in English works the name \"Sibe\" has been established, which corresponds to the written form. According to the Russian scholar Elena P. Lebedeva, the Sibe people originated as","Document [12](Title: Sibi) the area are: Khajjak, Marghzani, Silachi, Saafi, Mizri, Dehpal, Barozai, and Luni. Major Jamot (Sindhi) tribes include: Soomro, Abro, Dayo, Mangrio, Mahar, and Solangi. Major Punjabi clans include: Bhatti Rajput, Rana Rajput, Arain, Malik, Butt, Choudary, Khokhar, and Mughal. Major Brahvi tribes include: Raisani, Bangulzai, GohramZai, Mohummad Shahi, and Lehri. Major Urdu speaking surnames may include: Quraishi, Sheikh, Siddiqui, Abbasi, Ansari, and Yousaf Zai. Siraiki's include Jamali, Machi, Hanbhi and Langah but almost all of them are ethnically diverse. Minorities include Hindus, Christians, and small groups of nomadic people who live mainly in the huts on western corner of the","Document [13](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) Siah-Posh Kafirs Siah-Posh (\"black-Robed\") Kafirs used to designate the major and dominant group of the Hindu Kush Kafirs inhabiting the Bashgul (\"Kam\") valley of the Kafiristan, now called Nuristan. They were so-called because of the color of the robes they wore. They were distinguished from the Sped-Posh (\"white-robed\") Kafirs (sometimes also called Lal-Posh or \"Red-robed\") by reason of the color of their dress as also because of their language, customs and other characteristics. The Siah-Posh Kafirs (Nuristanis) have sometimes been erroneously confused with Kalasha people, though they are not directly related to the Kalash of the neighboring Chitral Province in","Document [14](Title: Sian (Kurdish tribe)) of south of Erbil city where most of Sian villages are distributed has helped the members of the tribe enjoy a mild climate and engage in fruitful farming such as growing wheat and barley and raising livestock. There is a Siyan tribe in Afghanistan , Iran and Pakistan. In Afghanistan and Iran the major branches of Siyan are Lashkarzai,Ladadzai,Kachkolzai,Alluzai,Bahanzai,Habibzai and Rehmanzai. While in Pakistan subbranches of Siyan are Jaddazai, Jangozai, Bandozai, Bakerzai,Arizai,Kamash,Aqoobani,Polaati, Ghamyni, Zehri Siyan, Aqoobani Siyan etc. The branches of the Siyan in Iraq are the Shemzini, Esdikerri, Dimsori, Salmemi, Kaci, and Piresni. According to Baluchistani Siyan, they were","Document [15](Title: Arbab) Arbab Arbab () is a Persian word that means \"boss\", \"master\" and \"landlord\". It was a title used by tribal leaders in Middle East and South Asia. It is the title used by the heads of the Kasi Pashtun in Balochistan and Khalil, Momand, Daudzai and Gigyani tribe in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It is also used by the Samma tribes like Sammo, Abro, and Jakhro tribes in Sindh. It is a common family name in Iran, Pakistan and some Arab countries. Arbabs are also very famous in Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Quetta Balochistan they are one of the most popular educated","Document [16](Title: Sian (Kurdish tribe)) migrated approximately 200\u2013350 years ago from Iranian Baluchistan (Sistan) to Pakistani Baluchistan.And they are settled in different Districts of Balochistan such as Awaran,Dalbandin,Khuzdar, Lasbela and Quetta. Sian (Kurdish tribe) Sian, Syan or Siyan (\u0633\u064a\u0627\u0646 in Kurdish) is a Kurdish tribe based in southern Erbil city of Iraqi Kurdistan. Members of the tribe live mainly in Gabaraka, Darbandy Gom, Sarbashakh, Jastan, Mekhmur, Deshti-Qeraj, Kand\u00eanawe, and Girdesor villages. The total population of Sian tribe members is estimated to be over 100000 thousands men and women. Sian tribe has had major role in Kurdish movements such that its members were always ative players","Document [17](Title: Shirin Tagab District) and eight caravanseries. Livestock and grain are the main items of transactions in the bazaar before the war. Because most of the central and northern districts in Faryab Province have a salty water supply, many civilians bring water from the Shirin Tagab bazaar. Shirin Tagab District Shirin-Tagab (meaning in Uzbek language: \"Sweet Water\", also known as Koh-i-Saiy\u0101d) is the district center in the Faryab Province, Afghanistan. The population was 65,800 in 2004. Ethnic composition includes 10% Pashtun, 10% Tajik and 80% Uzbek. This Turkmen populated township is 33 km to the south of Dawlatabad. The valley of Shirin-Tagab hosts many","Document [18](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) Pakistan. Prior to 1895, the Kafirs of Hindukush were classified into two groups as (i) Siah-Posh and (ii) Safed-Posh. But the British investigator George Scott Robertson who visited Kafiristan and studied the Kafirs for about two years (1889\u20131891) had improved upon the old classification and re-classified the Kafirs more scientifically into (1) Siah-Posh, (2) Waigulis, (3) Presungulis, or Viron people and (4) Ashkuns. The \"Ashukuns\" are probably allied to the Waigulis. The later three groups of the Kafirs used to be collectively known as Sped-Posh Kafirs. The Siah-Posh tribe was further sub-divided into (1) \"Siah-Posh Katirs\" (Kamtoz), (2) \"Siah-Posh Mumans\"","Document [19](Title: Shibpur) Shibpur Shibpur or Sibpur is a residential area located in the city of Howrah, West Bengal, India. It is well known for being the location of the Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden, the IIEST Shibpur and the Hazar Hath Kaali Temple. The famous Bengali linguist Suniti Kumar Chatterji was born in Shibpur. During British Raj, its name was written as Seebpore. Recently, parts of administrative headquarters of the West Bengal government have been temporarily shifted to Mandirtala in Shibpur. The area was home to many royal landlords (jamindars) in Bengal. During the era of British rule in India,","Document [20](Title: Siavi) probably is the oldest native Pashto speaking clan of Iran: Although the history of their arrival to Iran is not very clear, they most likely migrated from southern regions of what is now Afghanistan. According to the 2006 census, their population in the Siavi Village of Iran was only 138 members. Currently mainly in Khyberpukhtoonwa province in Pakistan, many of the clan members have settled in the Nizampur area of Nowshera District. Their population estimated to be around 1000 strong. As was the case with their settled era over many centuries in Iran, over many centuries of settlement in mainly"],"query":"what is the ethnic background of the shib sibs?","answers":["Japanese"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) Siah-Posh tribe living in Hindukush mountains descended from the ancient Kambojas While discussing the Kambojas, H. H. Wilson and several other authorities also acknowledge that there is an apparent trace of their (\"Kambojas' \") name in the Camojis of Kafirstan (Nuristan) who may have retreated to the mountains before the advance of the Turk tribes. The physiognomic features and other physical characteristics of the Siah-Posh tribes resemble those of the Kamboj population of greater Panjab(Pakistan). Like the (\"unmixed\") Kamboj, they have fairly tall stature, fair-body color, light brown or some times green eyes, brown and some times blond hair, slender","Document [2](Title: Sib (anthropology)) Sib (anthropology) Sib is a technical term in the discipline of anthropology which originally denoted a kinship group among Anglo-Saxon and other Germanic peoples. In an extended sense, it then became the standard term for a variety of other kinds of lineal (matrilineal or patrilineal) or cognatic (i.e.,descended through links of both sexes) kinship groups. The word may also denote a member of such a group. American anthropologists often used the term 'sib' as the generic term for a category that breaks down into the sub-classifications of \"patri-sib\", referring to patrilineal clan descent, and \"matri-sib\", to refer to matrilineal clan","Document [3](Title: Sib Chandra Deb) Sib Chandra Deb Sib Chandra Deb ( \"Shib Ch\u00f4ndro Deb\") (also spelt Shib Chandra Deb, Shibchandra Deb, Shib Chander Deb) (20 July 1811 \u2013 12 November 1890) was one of the leading Derozians, virtually the first generation of English-knowing Indians. He had joined Hindu College in 1825 and was subsequently drawn towards Derozio. Sivanath Sastri recalls that even in his old age he fondly recalled in detail what Derozio used to say. A brilliant student he won a scholarship while studying at Hindu College. As a student, he occasionally attended the meetings of the Brahmo Sabha established by Raja Rammohun","Document [4](Title: Sib (anthropology)) descent. Sib (anthropology) Sib is a technical term in the discipline of anthropology which originally denoted a kinship group among Anglo-Saxon and other Germanic peoples. In an extended sense, it then became the standard term for a variety of other kinds of lineal (matrilineal or patrilineal) or cognatic (i.e.,descended through links of both sexes) kinship groups. The word may also denote a member of such a group. American anthropologists often used the term 'sib' as the generic term for a category that breaks down into the sub-classifications of \"patri-sib\", referring to patrilineal clan descent, and \"matri-sib\", to refer to matrilineal","Document [5](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) and straight or acquiline noses, high physical and mental tenacity and stamina etc. The \"Siah-posh\" Kafirs of the Hindukush ranges, who used to be collectively known as \"Kamoges\" or \"Kamojis\" (Sanskrit Kambojis or Kambojas) are stated to have been a remain of a considerable ancient people among whom were original Kashmerians and a greater part of Badakshan and Kabol as far as Deggan tribes...and on the southern face of the higher ridges of Himalaya extending to an unknown distance...Though whole of their pristine population being subjected to Muslim conquerors in the Middle Ages, and having mixed with them, they have","Document [6](Title: Bhimber) son of Raja Partab chand Katoch who came to Bhimber and established the state after marrying local ruler`s daughter in 1400 A.D. Chibs are direct descendents of Raja Chib Chand Katoch. In Chibs, the first who embraced Islam was Shadaab Khan who is famous as Hazrat Baba Shadi Shaheed. His Hindu name was Raja Dharm Chand Chib. The last ruler of Chibhal was Raja Sultan Khan (1800\u20131840). Bhimber has been important strategically. It lies on the route that was followed by the Mughal Emperors for their frequent visits to the Kashmir Valley. It is also known as \"Baab-e-Kashmir\" (Door to","Document [7](Title: Yapese people) daughter can inherit the land. This land is separated by matrilineal kinship. Individuals and groups who have to rely on other people's lands are part of the serf caste. A patriclan is a political and economic unit while a patrilineage is a social unit of kinsmen. Yapese clans or sibs (\"genung\") are totemic and claim mythical ancestry and a mythical place of origin. Sib members are instructed not to eat the living counterpart of their mythical ancestress. Sibs are exogamous and consider each other as brothers and sisters. Each sib has a chief, and each village has a head chief","Document [8](Title: Sibpur Hindu Girls High School) Sibpur Hindu Girls High School Shibpur Hindu Girls High School is a Higher Secondary Girls school situated at Shibpur in Howrah of West Bengal,India. The school is affiliated with West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education. The school was founded by Jadunath Banerjee in the year of 1867. In the early days, initially the students studied free of cost, Some local philanthropists donated 4 annas to run this school . After a few years a minimum fees of 1 anna and 4 annas were charged for primary and secondary students. The Howrah Corporation","Document [9](Title: Sibe people) and Kazakh. The different ethnicities of Northern Xinjiang have shared music culture and adopted elements from each other's music. Sibe people The Sibe or Xibo ( ; ) are a Tungusic people living mostly in Xinjiang, Jilin (bordering North Korea) and Shenyang in Liaoning. The Sibe form one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by China. The Sibe are known by several variations of their name. The self-appellation of the Sibe people is pronounced \"\u015aiv\u0259\", the official Chinese term is \"Xibo\", in Russian literature the terms \"sibin'ci\"\/\"\u0161ibin'ci\" are used, while in English works the name \"Sibe\" has been established,","Document [10](Title: Maia Shibutani) Maia Harumi Shibutani was born on July 20, 1994, in New York City. She is the daughter of Chris Shibutani and Naomi Uyemura, both of Japanese descent, who met as Harvard musicians. She has an older brother, Alex Shibutani, who competes with her as her partner in the discipline of Ice Dance. She started figure skating at the age of 4 in 1998 in Old Greenwich, Connecticut, where she was a student at Greenwich Academy in Greenwich, Connecticut.","Document [11](Title: Sibe people) Sibe people The Sibe or Xibo ( ; ) are a Tungusic people living mostly in Xinjiang, Jilin (bordering North Korea) and Shenyang in Liaoning. The Sibe form one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by China. The Sibe are known by several variations of their name. The self-appellation of the Sibe people is pronounced \"\u015aiv\u0259\", the official Chinese term is \"Xibo\", in Russian literature the terms \"sibin'ci\"\/\"\u0161ibin'ci\" are used, while in English works the name \"Sibe\" has been established, which corresponds to the written form. According to the Russian scholar Elena P. Lebedeva, the Sibe people originated as","Document [12](Title: Sibi) the area are: Khajjak, Marghzani, Silachi, Saafi, Mizri, Dehpal, Barozai, and Luni. Major Jamot (Sindhi) tribes include: Soomro, Abro, Dayo, Mangrio, Mahar, and Solangi. Major Punjabi clans include: Bhatti Rajput, Rana Rajput, Arain, Malik, Butt, Choudary, Khokhar, and Mughal. Major Brahvi tribes include: Raisani, Bangulzai, GohramZai, Mohummad Shahi, and Lehri. Major Urdu speaking surnames may include: Quraishi, Sheikh, Siddiqui, Abbasi, Ansari, and Yousaf Zai. Siraiki's include Jamali, Machi, Hanbhi and Langah but almost all of them are ethnically diverse. Minorities include Hindus, Christians, and small groups of nomadic people who live mainly in the huts on western corner of the","Document [13](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) Siah-Posh Kafirs Siah-Posh (\"black-Robed\") Kafirs used to designate the major and dominant group of the Hindu Kush Kafirs inhabiting the Bashgul (\"Kam\") valley of the Kafiristan, now called Nuristan. They were so-called because of the color of the robes they wore. They were distinguished from the Sped-Posh (\"white-robed\") Kafirs (sometimes also called Lal-Posh or \"Red-robed\") by reason of the color of their dress as also because of their language, customs and other characteristics. The Siah-Posh Kafirs (Nuristanis) have sometimes been erroneously confused with Kalasha people, though they are not directly related to the Kalash of the neighboring Chitral Province in","Document [14](Title: Sian (Kurdish tribe)) of south of Erbil city where most of Sian villages are distributed has helped the members of the tribe enjoy a mild climate and engage in fruitful farming such as growing wheat and barley and raising livestock. There is a Siyan tribe in Afghanistan , Iran and Pakistan. In Afghanistan and Iran the major branches of Siyan are Lashkarzai,Ladadzai,Kachkolzai,Alluzai,Bahanzai,Habibzai and Rehmanzai. While in Pakistan subbranches of Siyan are Jaddazai, Jangozai, Bandozai, Bakerzai,Arizai,Kamash,Aqoobani,Polaati, Ghamyni, Zehri Siyan, Aqoobani Siyan etc. The branches of the Siyan in Iraq are the Shemzini, Esdikerri, Dimsori, Salmemi, Kaci, and Piresni. According to Baluchistani Siyan, they were","Document [15](Title: Arbab) Arbab Arbab () is a Persian word that means \"boss\", \"master\" and \"landlord\". It was a title used by tribal leaders in Middle East and South Asia. It is the title used by the heads of the Kasi Pashtun in Balochistan and Khalil, Momand, Daudzai and Gigyani tribe in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It is also used by the Samma tribes like Sammo, Abro, and Jakhro tribes in Sindh. It is a common family name in Iran, Pakistan and some Arab countries. Arbabs are also very famous in Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Quetta Balochistan they are one of the most popular educated","Document [16](Title: Sian (Kurdish tribe)) migrated approximately 200\u2013350 years ago from Iranian Baluchistan (Sistan) to Pakistani Baluchistan.And they are settled in different Districts of Balochistan such as Awaran,Dalbandin,Khuzdar, Lasbela and Quetta. Sian (Kurdish tribe) Sian, Syan or Siyan (\u0633\u064a\u0627\u0646 in Kurdish) is a Kurdish tribe based in southern Erbil city of Iraqi Kurdistan. Members of the tribe live mainly in Gabaraka, Darbandy Gom, Sarbashakh, Jastan, Mekhmur, Deshti-Qeraj, Kand\u00eanawe, and Girdesor villages. The total population of Sian tribe members is estimated to be over 100000 thousands men and women. Sian tribe has had major role in Kurdish movements such that its members were always ative players","Document [17](Title: Shirin Tagab District) and eight caravanseries. Livestock and grain are the main items of transactions in the bazaar before the war. Because most of the central and northern districts in Faryab Province have a salty water supply, many civilians bring water from the Shirin Tagab bazaar. Shirin Tagab District Shirin-Tagab (meaning in Uzbek language: \"Sweet Water\", also known as Koh-i-Saiy\u0101d) is the district center in the Faryab Province, Afghanistan. The population was 65,800 in 2004. Ethnic composition includes 10% Pashtun, 10% Tajik and 80% Uzbek. This Turkmen populated township is 33 km to the south of Dawlatabad. The valley of Shirin-Tagab hosts many","Document [18](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) Pakistan. Prior to 1895, the Kafirs of Hindukush were classified into two groups as (i) Siah-Posh and (ii) Safed-Posh. But the British investigator George Scott Robertson who visited Kafiristan and studied the Kafirs for about two years (1889\u20131891) had improved upon the old classification and re-classified the Kafirs more scientifically into (1) Siah-Posh, (2) Waigulis, (3) Presungulis, or Viron people and (4) Ashkuns. The \"Ashukuns\" are probably allied to the Waigulis. The later three groups of the Kafirs used to be collectively known as Sped-Posh Kafirs. The Siah-Posh tribe was further sub-divided into (1) \"Siah-Posh Katirs\" (Kamtoz), (2) \"Siah-Posh Mumans\"","Document [19](Title: Shibpur) Shibpur Shibpur or Sibpur is a residential area located in the city of Howrah, West Bengal, India. It is well known for being the location of the Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden, the IIEST Shibpur and the Hazar Hath Kaali Temple. The famous Bengali linguist Suniti Kumar Chatterji was born in Shibpur. During British Raj, its name was written as Seebpore. Recently, parts of administrative headquarters of the West Bengal government have been temporarily shifted to Mandirtala in Shibpur. The area was home to many royal landlords (jamindars) in Bengal. During the era of British rule in India,","Document [20](Title: Siavi) probably is the oldest native Pashto speaking clan of Iran: Although the history of their arrival to Iran is not very clear, they most likely migrated from southern regions of what is now Afghanistan. According to the 2006 census, their population in the Siavi Village of Iran was only 138 members. Currently mainly in Khyberpukhtoonwa province in Pakistan, many of the clan members have settled in the Nizampur area of Nowshera District. Their population estimated to be around 1000 strong. As was the case with their settled era over many centuries in Iran, over many centuries of settlement in mainly"],"query":"what is the ethnic background of the shib sibs?","answers":["Japanese"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) Siah-Posh tribe living in Hindukush mountains descended from the ancient Kambojas While discussing the Kambojas, H. H. Wilson and several other authorities also acknowledge that there is an apparent trace of their (\"Kambojas' \") name in the Camojis of Kafirstan (Nuristan) who may have retreated to the mountains before the advance of the Turk tribes. The physiognomic features and other physical characteristics of the Siah-Posh tribes resemble those of the Kamboj population of greater Panjab(Pakistan). Like the (\"unmixed\") Kamboj, they have fairly tall stature, fair-body color, light brown or some times green eyes, brown and some times blond hair, slender","Document [2](Title: Sib (anthropology)) Sib (anthropology) Sib is a technical term in the discipline of anthropology which originally denoted a kinship group among Anglo-Saxon and other Germanic peoples. In an extended sense, it then became the standard term for a variety of other kinds of lineal (matrilineal or patrilineal) or cognatic (i.e.,descended through links of both sexes) kinship groups. The word may also denote a member of such a group. American anthropologists often used the term 'sib' as the generic term for a category that breaks down into the sub-classifications of \"patri-sib\", referring to patrilineal clan descent, and \"matri-sib\", to refer to matrilineal clan","Document [3](Title: Sib Chandra Deb) Sib Chandra Deb Sib Chandra Deb ( \"Shib Ch\u00f4ndro Deb\") (also spelt Shib Chandra Deb, Shibchandra Deb, Shib Chander Deb) (20 July 1811 \u2013 12 November 1890) was one of the leading Derozians, virtually the first generation of English-knowing Indians. He had joined Hindu College in 1825 and was subsequently drawn towards Derozio. Sivanath Sastri recalls that even in his old age he fondly recalled in detail what Derozio used to say. A brilliant student he won a scholarship while studying at Hindu College. As a student, he occasionally attended the meetings of the Brahmo Sabha established by Raja Rammohun","Document [4](Title: Sib (anthropology)) descent. Sib (anthropology) Sib is a technical term in the discipline of anthropology which originally denoted a kinship group among Anglo-Saxon and other Germanic peoples. In an extended sense, it then became the standard term for a variety of other kinds of lineal (matrilineal or patrilineal) or cognatic (i.e.,descended through links of both sexes) kinship groups. The word may also denote a member of such a group. American anthropologists often used the term 'sib' as the generic term for a category that breaks down into the sub-classifications of \"patri-sib\", referring to patrilineal clan descent, and \"matri-sib\", to refer to matrilineal","Document [5](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) and straight or acquiline noses, high physical and mental tenacity and stamina etc. The \"Siah-posh\" Kafirs of the Hindukush ranges, who used to be collectively known as \"Kamoges\" or \"Kamojis\" (Sanskrit Kambojis or Kambojas) are stated to have been a remain of a considerable ancient people among whom were original Kashmerians and a greater part of Badakshan and Kabol as far as Deggan tribes...and on the southern face of the higher ridges of Himalaya extending to an unknown distance...Though whole of their pristine population being subjected to Muslim conquerors in the Middle Ages, and having mixed with them, they have","Document [6](Title: Bhimber) son of Raja Partab chand Katoch who came to Bhimber and established the state after marrying local ruler`s daughter in 1400 A.D. Chibs are direct descendents of Raja Chib Chand Katoch. In Chibs, the first who embraced Islam was Shadaab Khan who is famous as Hazrat Baba Shadi Shaheed. His Hindu name was Raja Dharm Chand Chib. The last ruler of Chibhal was Raja Sultan Khan (1800\u20131840). Bhimber has been important strategically. It lies on the route that was followed by the Mughal Emperors for their frequent visits to the Kashmir Valley. It is also known as \"Baab-e-Kashmir\" (Door to","Document [7](Title: Yapese people) daughter can inherit the land. This land is separated by matrilineal kinship. Individuals and groups who have to rely on other people's lands are part of the serf caste. A patriclan is a political and economic unit while a patrilineage is a social unit of kinsmen. Yapese clans or sibs (\"genung\") are totemic and claim mythical ancestry and a mythical place of origin. Sib members are instructed not to eat the living counterpart of their mythical ancestress. Sibs are exogamous and consider each other as brothers and sisters. Each sib has a chief, and each village has a head chief","Document [8](Title: Sibpur Hindu Girls High School) Sibpur Hindu Girls High School Shibpur Hindu Girls High School is a Higher Secondary Girls school situated at Shibpur in Howrah of West Bengal,India. The school is affiliated with West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education. The school was founded by Jadunath Banerjee in the year of 1867. In the early days, initially the students studied free of cost, Some local philanthropists donated 4 annas to run this school . After a few years a minimum fees of 1 anna and 4 annas were charged for primary and secondary students. The Howrah Corporation","Document [9](Title: Sibe people) and Kazakh. The different ethnicities of Northern Xinjiang have shared music culture and adopted elements from each other's music. Sibe people The Sibe or Xibo ( ; ) are a Tungusic people living mostly in Xinjiang, Jilin (bordering North Korea) and Shenyang in Liaoning. The Sibe form one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by China. The Sibe are known by several variations of their name. The self-appellation of the Sibe people is pronounced \"\u015aiv\u0259\", the official Chinese term is \"Xibo\", in Russian literature the terms \"sibin'ci\"\/\"\u0161ibin'ci\" are used, while in English works the name \"Sibe\" has been established,","Document [10](Title: Sibe people) Sibe people The Sibe or Xibo ( ; ) are a Tungusic people living mostly in Xinjiang, Jilin (bordering North Korea) and Shenyang in Liaoning. The Sibe form one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by China. The Sibe are known by several variations of their name. The self-appellation of the Sibe people is pronounced \"\u015aiv\u0259\", the official Chinese term is \"Xibo\", in Russian literature the terms \"sibin'ci\"\/\"\u0161ibin'ci\" are used, while in English works the name \"Sibe\" has been established, which corresponds to the written form. According to the Russian scholar Elena P. Lebedeva, the Sibe people originated as","Document [11](Title: Sibi) the area are: Khajjak, Marghzani, Silachi, Saafi, Mizri, Dehpal, Barozai, and Luni. Major Jamot (Sindhi) tribes include: Soomro, Abro, Dayo, Mangrio, Mahar, and Solangi. Major Punjabi clans include: Bhatti Rajput, Rana Rajput, Arain, Malik, Butt, Choudary, Khokhar, and Mughal. Major Brahvi tribes include: Raisani, Bangulzai, GohramZai, Mohummad Shahi, and Lehri. Major Urdu speaking surnames may include: Quraishi, Sheikh, Siddiqui, Abbasi, Ansari, and Yousaf Zai. Siraiki's include Jamali, Machi, Hanbhi and Langah but almost all of them are ethnically diverse. Minorities include Hindus, Christians, and small groups of nomadic people who live mainly in the huts on western corner of the","Document [12](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) Siah-Posh Kafirs Siah-Posh (\"black-Robed\") Kafirs used to designate the major and dominant group of the Hindu Kush Kafirs inhabiting the Bashgul (\"Kam\") valley of the Kafiristan, now called Nuristan. They were so-called because of the color of the robes they wore. They were distinguished from the Sped-Posh (\"white-robed\") Kafirs (sometimes also called Lal-Posh or \"Red-robed\") by reason of the color of their dress as also because of their language, customs and other characteristics. The Siah-Posh Kafirs (Nuristanis) have sometimes been erroneously confused with Kalasha people, though they are not directly related to the Kalash of the neighboring Chitral Province in","Document [13](Title: Sian (Kurdish tribe)) of south of Erbil city where most of Sian villages are distributed has helped the members of the tribe enjoy a mild climate and engage in fruitful farming such as growing wheat and barley and raising livestock. There is a Siyan tribe in Afghanistan , Iran and Pakistan. In Afghanistan and Iran the major branches of Siyan are Lashkarzai,Ladadzai,Kachkolzai,Alluzai,Bahanzai,Habibzai and Rehmanzai. While in Pakistan subbranches of Siyan are Jaddazai, Jangozai, Bandozai, Bakerzai,Arizai,Kamash,Aqoobani,Polaati, Ghamyni, Zehri Siyan, Aqoobani Siyan etc. The branches of the Siyan in Iraq are the Shemzini, Esdikerri, Dimsori, Salmemi, Kaci, and Piresni. According to Baluchistani Siyan, they were","Document [14](Title: Arbab) Arbab Arbab () is a Persian word that means \"boss\", \"master\" and \"landlord\". It was a title used by tribal leaders in Middle East and South Asia. It is the title used by the heads of the Kasi Pashtun in Balochistan and Khalil, Momand, Daudzai and Gigyani tribe in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It is also used by the Samma tribes like Sammo, Abro, and Jakhro tribes in Sindh. It is a common family name in Iran, Pakistan and some Arab countries. Arbabs are also very famous in Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Quetta Balochistan they are one of the most popular educated","Document [15](Title: Maia Shibutani) Maia Harumi Shibutani was born on July 20, 1994, in New York City. She is the daughter of Chris Shibutani and Naomi Uyemura, both of Japanese descent, who met as Harvard musicians. She has an older brother, Alex Shibutani, who competes with her as her partner in the discipline of Ice Dance. She started figure skating at the age of 4 in 1998 in Old Greenwich, Connecticut, where she was a student at Greenwich Academy in Greenwich, Connecticut.","Document [16](Title: Sian (Kurdish tribe)) migrated approximately 200\u2013350 years ago from Iranian Baluchistan (Sistan) to Pakistani Baluchistan.And they are settled in different Districts of Balochistan such as Awaran,Dalbandin,Khuzdar, Lasbela and Quetta. Sian (Kurdish tribe) Sian, Syan or Siyan (\u0633\u064a\u0627\u0646 in Kurdish) is a Kurdish tribe based in southern Erbil city of Iraqi Kurdistan. Members of the tribe live mainly in Gabaraka, Darbandy Gom, Sarbashakh, Jastan, Mekhmur, Deshti-Qeraj, Kand\u00eanawe, and Girdesor villages. The total population of Sian tribe members is estimated to be over 100000 thousands men and women. Sian tribe has had major role in Kurdish movements such that its members were always ative players","Document [17](Title: Shirin Tagab District) and eight caravanseries. Livestock and grain are the main items of transactions in the bazaar before the war. Because most of the central and northern districts in Faryab Province have a salty water supply, many civilians bring water from the Shirin Tagab bazaar. Shirin Tagab District Shirin-Tagab (meaning in Uzbek language: \"Sweet Water\", also known as Koh-i-Saiy\u0101d) is the district center in the Faryab Province, Afghanistan. The population was 65,800 in 2004. Ethnic composition includes 10% Pashtun, 10% Tajik and 80% Uzbek. This Turkmen populated township is 33 km to the south of Dawlatabad. The valley of Shirin-Tagab hosts many","Document [18](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) Pakistan. Prior to 1895, the Kafirs of Hindukush were classified into two groups as (i) Siah-Posh and (ii) Safed-Posh. But the British investigator George Scott Robertson who visited Kafiristan and studied the Kafirs for about two years (1889\u20131891) had improved upon the old classification and re-classified the Kafirs more scientifically into (1) Siah-Posh, (2) Waigulis, (3) Presungulis, or Viron people and (4) Ashkuns. The \"Ashukuns\" are probably allied to the Waigulis. The later three groups of the Kafirs used to be collectively known as Sped-Posh Kafirs. The Siah-Posh tribe was further sub-divided into (1) \"Siah-Posh Katirs\" (Kamtoz), (2) \"Siah-Posh Mumans\"","Document [19](Title: Shibpur) Shibpur Shibpur or Sibpur is a residential area located in the city of Howrah, West Bengal, India. It is well known for being the location of the Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden, the IIEST Shibpur and the Hazar Hath Kaali Temple. The famous Bengali linguist Suniti Kumar Chatterji was born in Shibpur. During British Raj, its name was written as Seebpore. Recently, parts of administrative headquarters of the West Bengal government have been temporarily shifted to Mandirtala in Shibpur. The area was home to many royal landlords (jamindars) in Bengal. During the era of British rule in India,","Document [20](Title: Siavi) probably is the oldest native Pashto speaking clan of Iran: Although the history of their arrival to Iran is not very clear, they most likely migrated from southern regions of what is now Afghanistan. According to the 2006 census, their population in the Siavi Village of Iran was only 138 members. Currently mainly in Khyberpukhtoonwa province in Pakistan, many of the clan members have settled in the Nizampur area of Nowshera District. Their population estimated to be around 1000 strong. As was the case with their settled era over many centuries in Iran, over many centuries of settlement in mainly"],"query":"what is the ethnic background of the shib sibs?","answers":["Japanese"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) Siah-Posh tribe living in Hindukush mountains descended from the ancient Kambojas While discussing the Kambojas, H. H. Wilson and several other authorities also acknowledge that there is an apparent trace of their (\"Kambojas' \") name in the Camojis of Kafirstan (Nuristan) who may have retreated to the mountains before the advance of the Turk tribes. The physiognomic features and other physical characteristics of the Siah-Posh tribes resemble those of the Kamboj population of greater Panjab(Pakistan). Like the (\"unmixed\") Kamboj, they have fairly tall stature, fair-body color, light brown or some times green eyes, brown and some times blond hair, slender","Document [2](Title: Sib (anthropology)) Sib (anthropology) Sib is a technical term in the discipline of anthropology which originally denoted a kinship group among Anglo-Saxon and other Germanic peoples. In an extended sense, it then became the standard term for a variety of other kinds of lineal (matrilineal or patrilineal) or cognatic (i.e.,descended through links of both sexes) kinship groups. The word may also denote a member of such a group. American anthropologists often used the term 'sib' as the generic term for a category that breaks down into the sub-classifications of \"patri-sib\", referring to patrilineal clan descent, and \"matri-sib\", to refer to matrilineal clan","Document [3](Title: Sib Chandra Deb) Sib Chandra Deb Sib Chandra Deb ( \"Shib Ch\u00f4ndro Deb\") (also spelt Shib Chandra Deb, Shibchandra Deb, Shib Chander Deb) (20 July 1811 \u2013 12 November 1890) was one of the leading Derozians, virtually the first generation of English-knowing Indians. He had joined Hindu College in 1825 and was subsequently drawn towards Derozio. Sivanath Sastri recalls that even in his old age he fondly recalled in detail what Derozio used to say. A brilliant student he won a scholarship while studying at Hindu College. As a student, he occasionally attended the meetings of the Brahmo Sabha established by Raja Rammohun","Document [4](Title: Sib (anthropology)) descent. Sib (anthropology) Sib is a technical term in the discipline of anthropology which originally denoted a kinship group among Anglo-Saxon and other Germanic peoples. In an extended sense, it then became the standard term for a variety of other kinds of lineal (matrilineal or patrilineal) or cognatic (i.e.,descended through links of both sexes) kinship groups. The word may also denote a member of such a group. American anthropologists often used the term 'sib' as the generic term for a category that breaks down into the sub-classifications of \"patri-sib\", referring to patrilineal clan descent, and \"matri-sib\", to refer to matrilineal","Document [5](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) and straight or acquiline noses, high physical and mental tenacity and stamina etc. The \"Siah-posh\" Kafirs of the Hindukush ranges, who used to be collectively known as \"Kamoges\" or \"Kamojis\" (Sanskrit Kambojis or Kambojas) are stated to have been a remain of a considerable ancient people among whom were original Kashmerians and a greater part of Badakshan and Kabol as far as Deggan tribes...and on the southern face of the higher ridges of Himalaya extending to an unknown distance...Though whole of their pristine population being subjected to Muslim conquerors in the Middle Ages, and having mixed with them, they have","Document [6](Title: Bhimber) son of Raja Partab chand Katoch who came to Bhimber and established the state after marrying local ruler`s daughter in 1400 A.D. Chibs are direct descendents of Raja Chib Chand Katoch. In Chibs, the first who embraced Islam was Shadaab Khan who is famous as Hazrat Baba Shadi Shaheed. His Hindu name was Raja Dharm Chand Chib. The last ruler of Chibhal was Raja Sultan Khan (1800\u20131840). Bhimber has been important strategically. It lies on the route that was followed by the Mughal Emperors for their frequent visits to the Kashmir Valley. It is also known as \"Baab-e-Kashmir\" (Door to","Document [7](Title: Yapese people) daughter can inherit the land. This land is separated by matrilineal kinship. Individuals and groups who have to rely on other people's lands are part of the serf caste. A patriclan is a political and economic unit while a patrilineage is a social unit of kinsmen. Yapese clans or sibs (\"genung\") are totemic and claim mythical ancestry and a mythical place of origin. Sib members are instructed not to eat the living counterpart of their mythical ancestress. Sibs are exogamous and consider each other as brothers and sisters. Each sib has a chief, and each village has a head chief","Document [8](Title: Sibpur Hindu Girls High School) Sibpur Hindu Girls High School Shibpur Hindu Girls High School is a Higher Secondary Girls school situated at Shibpur in Howrah of West Bengal,India. The school is affiliated with West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education. The school was founded by Jadunath Banerjee in the year of 1867. In the early days, initially the students studied free of cost, Some local philanthropists donated 4 annas to run this school . After a few years a minimum fees of 1 anna and 4 annas were charged for primary and secondary students. The Howrah Corporation","Document [9](Title: Sibe people) and Kazakh. The different ethnicities of Northern Xinjiang have shared music culture and adopted elements from each other's music. Sibe people The Sibe or Xibo ( ; ) are a Tungusic people living mostly in Xinjiang, Jilin (bordering North Korea) and Shenyang in Liaoning. The Sibe form one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by China. The Sibe are known by several variations of their name. The self-appellation of the Sibe people is pronounced \"\u015aiv\u0259\", the official Chinese term is \"Xibo\", in Russian literature the terms \"sibin'ci\"\/\"\u0161ibin'ci\" are used, while in English works the name \"Sibe\" has been established,","Document [10](Title: Sibe people) Sibe people The Sibe or Xibo ( ; ) are a Tungusic people living mostly in Xinjiang, Jilin (bordering North Korea) and Shenyang in Liaoning. The Sibe form one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by China. The Sibe are known by several variations of their name. The self-appellation of the Sibe people is pronounced \"\u015aiv\u0259\", the official Chinese term is \"Xibo\", in Russian literature the terms \"sibin'ci\"\/\"\u0161ibin'ci\" are used, while in English works the name \"Sibe\" has been established, which corresponds to the written form. According to the Russian scholar Elena P. Lebedeva, the Sibe people originated as","Document [11](Title: Sibi) the area are: Khajjak, Marghzani, Silachi, Saafi, Mizri, Dehpal, Barozai, and Luni. Major Jamot (Sindhi) tribes include: Soomro, Abro, Dayo, Mangrio, Mahar, and Solangi. Major Punjabi clans include: Bhatti Rajput, Rana Rajput, Arain, Malik, Butt, Choudary, Khokhar, and Mughal. Major Brahvi tribes include: Raisani, Bangulzai, GohramZai, Mohummad Shahi, and Lehri. Major Urdu speaking surnames may include: Quraishi, Sheikh, Siddiqui, Abbasi, Ansari, and Yousaf Zai. Siraiki's include Jamali, Machi, Hanbhi and Langah but almost all of them are ethnically diverse. Minorities include Hindus, Christians, and small groups of nomadic people who live mainly in the huts on western corner of the","Document [12](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) Siah-Posh Kafirs Siah-Posh (\"black-Robed\") Kafirs used to designate the major and dominant group of the Hindu Kush Kafirs inhabiting the Bashgul (\"Kam\") valley of the Kafiristan, now called Nuristan. They were so-called because of the color of the robes they wore. They were distinguished from the Sped-Posh (\"white-robed\") Kafirs (sometimes also called Lal-Posh or \"Red-robed\") by reason of the color of their dress as also because of their language, customs and other characteristics. The Siah-Posh Kafirs (Nuristanis) have sometimes been erroneously confused with Kalasha people, though they are not directly related to the Kalash of the neighboring Chitral Province in","Document [13](Title: Sian (Kurdish tribe)) of south of Erbil city where most of Sian villages are distributed has helped the members of the tribe enjoy a mild climate and engage in fruitful farming such as growing wheat and barley and raising livestock. There is a Siyan tribe in Afghanistan , Iran and Pakistan. In Afghanistan and Iran the major branches of Siyan are Lashkarzai,Ladadzai,Kachkolzai,Alluzai,Bahanzai,Habibzai and Rehmanzai. While in Pakistan subbranches of Siyan are Jaddazai, Jangozai, Bandozai, Bakerzai,Arizai,Kamash,Aqoobani,Polaati, Ghamyni, Zehri Siyan, Aqoobani Siyan etc. The branches of the Siyan in Iraq are the Shemzini, Esdikerri, Dimsori, Salmemi, Kaci, and Piresni. According to Baluchistani Siyan, they were","Document [14](Title: Arbab) Arbab Arbab () is a Persian word that means \"boss\", \"master\" and \"landlord\". It was a title used by tribal leaders in Middle East and South Asia. It is the title used by the heads of the Kasi Pashtun in Balochistan and Khalil, Momand, Daudzai and Gigyani tribe in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It is also used by the Samma tribes like Sammo, Abro, and Jakhro tribes in Sindh. It is a common family name in Iran, Pakistan and some Arab countries. Arbabs are also very famous in Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Quetta Balochistan they are one of the most popular educated","Document [15](Title: Sian (Kurdish tribe)) migrated approximately 200\u2013350 years ago from Iranian Baluchistan (Sistan) to Pakistani Baluchistan.And they are settled in different Districts of Balochistan such as Awaran,Dalbandin,Khuzdar, Lasbela and Quetta. Sian (Kurdish tribe) Sian, Syan or Siyan (\u0633\u064a\u0627\u0646 in Kurdish) is a Kurdish tribe based in southern Erbil city of Iraqi Kurdistan. Members of the tribe live mainly in Gabaraka, Darbandy Gom, Sarbashakh, Jastan, Mekhmur, Deshti-Qeraj, Kand\u00eanawe, and Girdesor villages. The total population of Sian tribe members is estimated to be over 100000 thousands men and women. Sian tribe has had major role in Kurdish movements such that its members were always ative players","Document [16](Title: Shirin Tagab District) and eight caravanseries. Livestock and grain are the main items of transactions in the bazaar before the war. Because most of the central and northern districts in Faryab Province have a salty water supply, many civilians bring water from the Shirin Tagab bazaar. Shirin Tagab District Shirin-Tagab (meaning in Uzbek language: \"Sweet Water\", also known as Koh-i-Saiy\u0101d) is the district center in the Faryab Province, Afghanistan. The population was 65,800 in 2004. Ethnic composition includes 10% Pashtun, 10% Tajik and 80% Uzbek. This Turkmen populated township is 33 km to the south of Dawlatabad. The valley of Shirin-Tagab hosts many","Document [17](Title: Siah-Posh Kafirs) Pakistan. Prior to 1895, the Kafirs of Hindukush were classified into two groups as (i) Siah-Posh and (ii) Safed-Posh. But the British investigator George Scott Robertson who visited Kafiristan and studied the Kafirs for about two years (1889\u20131891) had improved upon the old classification and re-classified the Kafirs more scientifically into (1) Siah-Posh, (2) Waigulis, (3) Presungulis, or Viron people and (4) Ashkuns. The \"Ashukuns\" are probably allied to the Waigulis. The later three groups of the Kafirs used to be collectively known as Sped-Posh Kafirs. The Siah-Posh tribe was further sub-divided into (1) \"Siah-Posh Katirs\" (Kamtoz), (2) \"Siah-Posh Mumans\"","Document [18](Title: Shibpur) Shibpur Shibpur or Sibpur is a residential area located in the city of Howrah, West Bengal, India. It is well known for being the location of the Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden, the IIEST Shibpur and the Hazar Hath Kaali Temple. The famous Bengali linguist Suniti Kumar Chatterji was born in Shibpur. During British Raj, its name was written as Seebpore. Recently, parts of administrative headquarters of the West Bengal government have been temporarily shifted to Mandirtala in Shibpur. The area was home to many royal landlords (jamindars) in Bengal. During the era of British rule in India,","Document [19](Title: Siavi) probably is the oldest native Pashto speaking clan of Iran: Although the history of their arrival to Iran is not very clear, they most likely migrated from southern regions of what is now Afghanistan. According to the 2006 census, their population in the Siavi Village of Iran was only 138 members. Currently mainly in Khyberpukhtoonwa province in Pakistan, many of the clan members have settled in the Nizampur area of Nowshera District. Their population estimated to be around 1000 strong. As was the case with their settled era over many centuries in Iran, over many centuries of settlement in mainly","Document [20](Title: Maia Shibutani) Maia Harumi Shibutani was born on July 20, 1994, in New York City. She is the daughter of Chris Shibutani and Naomi Uyemura, both of Japanese descent, who met as Harvard musicians. She has an older brother, Alex Shibutani, who competes with her as her partner in the discipline of Ice Dance. She started figure skating at the age of 4 in 1998 in Old Greenwich, Connecticut, where she was a student at Greenwich Academy in Greenwich, Connecticut."],"query":"what is the ethnic background of the shib sibs?","answers":["Japanese"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Spanish colonization of the Americas) Beginning with the 1492 arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Caribbean and continuing control of vast territory for over three centuries, the Spanish Empire would expand across the Caribbean Islands, half of South America, most of Central America and much of North America (including present day Mexico, Florida and the Southwestern and Pacific Coastal regions of the United States). It is estimated that during the colonial period (1492\u20131832), a total of 1.86 million Spaniards settled in the Americas and a further 3.5 million immigrated during the post-colonial era (1850\u20131950); the estimate is 250,000 in the 16th century, and most during","Document [2](Title: History of Hispanic and Latino Americans in the United States) de O\u00f1ate. In all, Spaniards probed half of today's lower 48 states before the first English colonization attempt (Roanoke Island, 1585). The Spanish didn't just explore, they settled, creating the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States, at St. Augustine, Florida in 1565. Santa Fe, New Mexico also predates Jamestown, Virginia (of Pocahontas fame, founded in 1607) and Plymouth Colony (of \"Mayflower\", Pilgrims and Thanksgiving fame). In 1566 Pedro Menendez established Fort San Felipe on Santa Elena- which is present day Parris Island near Beaufort South Carolina. The fort was part of the Spanish King\u2019s ongoing effort to","Document [3](Title: Pacific Northwest) and including Juan Per\u00e9z and Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra as officers. On July 14, 1775, they landed on the Olympic Peninsula near the mouth of the Quinault River. On August 17, 1775, Heceta, returning south, sighted the mouth of the Columbia River and named it \"Bahia de la Asunci\u00f3n\". While Heceta sailed south, Quadra continued north in the expedition's second ship, \"Sonora\", reaching Alaska, at 59\u00b0 N. In 1778 English mariner Captain James Cook visited Nootka Sound on Vancouver Island and also voyaged as far as Prince William Sound. In 1779, a third Spanish expedition, under the","Document [4](Title: Hispanic and Latino Americans) confirmed European landing in the continental United States was by Juan Ponce de Le\u00f3n, who landed in 1513 at a lush shore he christened \"La Florida\". Within three decades of Ponce de Le\u00f3n's landing, the Spanish became the first Europeans to reach the Appalachian Mountains, the Mississippi River, the Grand Canyon and the Great Plains. Spanish ships sailed along the East Coast, penetrating to present-day Bangor, Maine, and up the Pacific Coast as far as Oregon. From 1528 to 1536, \u00c1lvar N\u00fa\u00f1ez Cabeza de Vaca and three fellows (including an African named Estevanico), from a Spanish expedition that foundered, journeyed","Document [5](Title: History of British Columbia) he did not make landfall or \"discover\" British Columbia. It was not until Captain James Cook's doomed third expedition that British Columbia was \"discovered\" when he anchored in Friendly Cove, modern-day Nootka Sound. In 1774, the Spanish navigator Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez, a native of Mexico, sailed from San Blas, Nueva Galicia (modern-day Nayarit), with instructions to reach 60\u00b0 north latitude to discover possible Russian settlements and take possession of the lands for the Spanish Crown. Hern\u00e1ndez reached 55\u00b0 north latitude, becoming the first European to sight the Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver Island. He traded with the natives near","Document [6](Title: Maritime history of Colonial America) Americas. Spanish explorers also reached the present-day United States. The first confirmed landing in the continental US was by a Spaniard, Juan Ponce de Le\u00f3n, who landed in 1513 at a lush shore he christened La Florida. The Spanish sent some settlers, creating the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States at St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565 and later Santa Fe, New Mexico, San Antonio, Tucson, San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Most Spanish settlements were along the California coast or the Sante Fe River in New Mexico. The first successful English colony was established in 1607,","Document [7](Title: San Juan Island) de G\u00fcemes Padilla Horcasitas y Aguayo, 2nd Count of Revillagigedo. One of the officers under Eliza's command, Gonzalo L\u00f3pez de Haro, was the first European to discover San Juan Island. During the Wilkes Expedition, American explorer Charles Wilkes renamed the island \"Rodgers Island\"; the Spanish name remained on British nautical charts and over time became the island's official name. The island saw seasonal use for salmon fishing. The Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) established the first permanent, non-native settlement on the island on December 13, 1853, with the intention of creating a sheep farm. The island was also occupied by Native","Document [8](Title: James Colnett) the ocean and visit, trade, and make settlements anywhere not already occupied by a civilized nation. In 1789 a Spanish expedition under Esteb\u00e0n Jos\u00e9 Mart\u00ednez set sail from San Blas in order to occupy Nootka Sound. Arriving on 5 May 1789, the Spanish quickly built a few buildings and a small fort with the Spanish flag clearly displayed. Martinez formally occupied the land and began checking the papers of visiting vessels. Two American fur trading ships were already anchored in the sound, one of which was the \"Columbia Rediviva\", and more arrived later, including the \"Lady Washington\", under Robert Gray.","Document [9](Title: Hispanophone) States. Other Spanish explorers of the United States make up a long list that includes, among others, Lucas V\u00e1squez de Ayll\u00f3n, P\u00e1nfilo de Narv\u00e1ez, Sebasti\u00e1n Vizca\u00edno, Juan Rodr\u00edguez Cabrillo, Gaspar de Portol\u00e0, Pedro Men\u00e9ndez de Avil\u00e9s, \u00c1lvar N\u00fa\u00f1ez Cabeza de Vaca, Trist\u00e1n de Luna y Arellano, and Juan de O\u00f1ate. In all, Spaniards probed half of today's lower 48 states before the first English colonization attempt at Roanoke Island in 1585. The Spanish created the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States, at St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565. Santa Fe, New Mexico also predates Jamestown, Virginia (founded in","Document [10](Title: History of the west coast of North America) exploratory expeditions along the coast as far north as Alaska. In 1774 Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez was commissioned to explore the coast up to 60\u00b0 N, but only made it as far as 55\u00b030\u00b4 N. Off Langara Island in Haida Gwaii he made contact with the Haida, and on the homeward journey, the Nuu-chah-nulth. In 1775, a two-ship exploration expedition led by Spanish Captain Don Bruno de Heceta landed on the coast of today's Washington\u2014the first European to have sailed this far north along the coast. The expedition re-asserted Spanish claims to all the coastal lands, including to the Russian","Document [11](Title: Jose\u0301 Mari\u0301a Narva\u0301ez) was the \"Northwest America\", built by John Meares at Nootka Sound the previous year. In his effort to assert Spanish sovereignty, Mart\u00ednez seized the ship. On June 21, Mart\u00ednez dispatched Narv\u00e1ez in the captured \"Northwest America\", renamed \"Santa Gertrudis la Magna\" (and later \"Santa Saturnina\"), to explore three inlets south of Nootka Sound \u2014 Clayoquot Sound, Barkley Sound, and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Narv\u00e1ez sailed more than 25 leagues (about ) into the Strait of Juan de Fuca. By this time only a few non-natives had entered the Strait, and none as far as Narv\u00e1ez. By early July","Document [12](Title: Juan Jose\u0301 Pe\u0301rez Herna\u0301ndez) Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez (born Joan Per\u00e9s ca. 1725 \u2013 November 3, 1775), often simply Juan P\u00e9rez, was an 18th-century Spanish explorer. He was the first European to sight, examine, name, and record the islands near present-day British Columbia, Canada. Born in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, he first served as a \"piloto\" in western Spanish colonial North America on Manila galleons en route to and from the Philippines in the Spanish East Indies. In 1768, he was assigned to the Pacific port of San Blas, in the Viceroyalty of New Spain (present day Mexico), and acquired","Document [13](Title: Sebastian Cabot (explorer)) of North America (published in Antwerp, 1544) claiming to have discovered North America with his father in 1494, three years before his father's voyage. Sancho Gutierrez repeated this text in Castilian on his 1551 map. Placed next to the border of North America, the text reads: This land was discovered by Johannes Caboto, venetian and Sebastian Caboto, his son, in the year of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ MCCCCXCIV, 24th of June in the morning. They put to it the name 'prima terra vista' and [...] This big island was named Saint John, as it was discovered on","Document [14](Title: Miami-Dade County, Florida) was Miami's first recorded name. It is unknown whether he came ashore or made contact with the natives. Pedro Men\u00e9ndez de Avil\u00e9s and his men made the first recorded landing when they visited the Tequesta settlement in 1566 while looking for Avil\u00e9s' missing son, shipwrecked a year earlier. Spanish soldiers led by Father Francisco Villarreal built a Jesuit mission at the mouth of the Miami River a year later but it was short-lived. After the Spaniards left, the Tequesta Indians were left to fend themselves from European-introduced diseases like smallpox. By 1711, the Tequesta sent a couple of local chiefs","Document [15](Title: Spanish Canadians) British Columbian coast in 1579, it was Juan P\u00e9rez who completed the first documented voyage, which took place in 1774. Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra explored the coast in 1775. In doing so, P\u00e9rez and de la Bodega reasserted the Spanish claim for the Pacific coast, first made by Vasco N\u00fa\u00f1ez de Balboa in 1513. A major war between Spain and Britain over British Columbia could have begun via the Nootka Sound dispute in 1789. Spain at the time sent Jos\u00e9 Mart\u00ednez to occupy Nootka Sound and establish exclusive Spanish sovereignty. During the summer of 1789 a number","Document [16](Title: Jamaica) landing point was Dry Harbour, called Discovery Bay, and St. Ann's Bay was named \"Saint Gloria\" by Columbus, as the first sighting of the land. One and a half kilometres west of St. Ann's Bay is the site of the first Spanish settlement on the island, Sevilla, which was established in 1509 and abandoned around 1524 because it was deemed unhealthy. The capital was moved to Spanish Town, then called \"St. Jago de la Vega\", around 1534 (at present-day St. Catherine). Spanish Town has the oldest cathedral of the British colonies in the Caribbean. The Spanish were forcibly evicted by","Document [17](Title: Spanish Canadians) of the Virgin Mary in the other, he walked knee-deep into Ocean, and claimed possession of the Pacific Ocean and all adjoining lands (which included British Columbia) for Spain in the name of his Spanish sovereigns on September 13, 1513. Then a Greek born Spanish explorer Juan de Fuca in the service of the king of Spain, Philip II, explored the Strait of Ani\u00e1n in 1592, now known as the Strait of Juan de Fuca, between Vancouver Island, now part of British Columbia, Canada, and northwestern Washington state, United States. People from northwestern Spain known as Basques have been landing","Document [18](Title: Hispanic and Latino Americans) Portol\u00e0, Pedro Men\u00e9ndez de Avil\u00e9s, \u00c1lvar N\u00fa\u00f1ez Cabeza de Vaca, Trist\u00e1n de Luna y Arellano and Juan de O\u00f1ate, and non-Spanish explorers working for the Spanish Crown, such as Juan Rodr\u00edguez Cabrillo. In all, Spaniards probed half of today's lower 48 states before the first English colonization effort in 1585 at Roanoke Island off the East Coast. In 1565, the Spanish created the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States, at St. Augustine, Florida. Santa Fe, New Mexico was founded before Jamestown, Virginia (founded in 1607) and the New England Plymouth Colony (1620, of \"Mayflower\" and Pilgrims fame).","Document [19](Title: Hispanophone) nation's total population by the year 2050. Historically, a continuous Hispanic presence in the territory of the United States has existed since the 16th century, earlier than any other group after the Amerindians. Spaniards pioneered the present-day United States. The first confirmed European landing on the continent was that of Juan Ponce de Le\u00f3n, who landed in 1513 on the shore he christened \"La Florida\". Within three decades of Ponce de Le\u00f3n's landing, the Spanish became the first Europeans to reach the Appalachian Mountains, the Mississippi River, the Grand Canyon, and the Great Plains. Spanish ships sailed along the East","Document [20](Title: History of the west coast of North America) the Strait of Juan de Fuca, discovered an entrance to the Strait of Georgia, which prompted further investigation. In Acapulco, Malaspina took over two schooners, the \"Sutil\" and \"Mexicana\", placed them under the command of one of his officers, Dionisio Alcal\u00e1 Galiano, and had them sail north to explore the Strait of Georgia. Galiano's expedition took place in 1792 at the same time as that of George Vancouver. The two expeditions met in the Strait of Georgia and worked together to map the waters and establish the insularity of Vancouver Island. Today, Spain's legacy endures as dozens of Spanish place"],"query":"who made the first spanish landing on the mainland of north america?","answers":["1535","Christopher Columbus"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: History of Hispanic and Latino Americans in the United States) de O\u00f1ate. In all, Spaniards probed half of today's lower 48 states before the first English colonization attempt (Roanoke Island, 1585). The Spanish didn't just explore, they settled, creating the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States, at St. Augustine, Florida in 1565. Santa Fe, New Mexico also predates Jamestown, Virginia (of Pocahontas fame, founded in 1607) and Plymouth Colony (of \"Mayflower\", Pilgrims and Thanksgiving fame). In 1566 Pedro Menendez established Fort San Felipe on Santa Elena- which is present day Parris Island near Beaufort South Carolina. The fort was part of the Spanish King\u2019s ongoing effort to","Document [2](Title: Pacific Northwest) and including Juan Per\u00e9z and Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra as officers. On July 14, 1775, they landed on the Olympic Peninsula near the mouth of the Quinault River. On August 17, 1775, Heceta, returning south, sighted the mouth of the Columbia River and named it \"Bahia de la Asunci\u00f3n\". While Heceta sailed south, Quadra continued north in the expedition's second ship, \"Sonora\", reaching Alaska, at 59\u00b0 N. In 1778 English mariner Captain James Cook visited Nootka Sound on Vancouver Island and also voyaged as far as Prince William Sound. In 1779, a third Spanish expedition, under the","Document [3](Title: Hispanic and Latino Americans) confirmed European landing in the continental United States was by Juan Ponce de Le\u00f3n, who landed in 1513 at a lush shore he christened \"La Florida\". Within three decades of Ponce de Le\u00f3n's landing, the Spanish became the first Europeans to reach the Appalachian Mountains, the Mississippi River, the Grand Canyon and the Great Plains. Spanish ships sailed along the East Coast, penetrating to present-day Bangor, Maine, and up the Pacific Coast as far as Oregon. From 1528 to 1536, \u00c1lvar N\u00fa\u00f1ez Cabeza de Vaca and three fellows (including an African named Estevanico), from a Spanish expedition that foundered, journeyed","Document [4](Title: History of British Columbia) he did not make landfall or \"discover\" British Columbia. It was not until Captain James Cook's doomed third expedition that British Columbia was \"discovered\" when he anchored in Friendly Cove, modern-day Nootka Sound. In 1774, the Spanish navigator Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez, a native of Mexico, sailed from San Blas, Nueva Galicia (modern-day Nayarit), with instructions to reach 60\u00b0 north latitude to discover possible Russian settlements and take possession of the lands for the Spanish Crown. Hern\u00e1ndez reached 55\u00b0 north latitude, becoming the first European to sight the Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver Island. He traded with the natives near","Document [5](Title: Spanish colonization of the Americas) Beginning with the 1492 arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Caribbean and continuing control of vast territory for over three centuries, the Spanish Empire would expand across the Caribbean Islands, half of South America, most of Central America and much of North America (including present day Mexico, Florida and the Southwestern and Pacific Coastal regions of the United States). It is estimated that during the colonial period (1492\u20131832), a total of 1.86 million Spaniards settled in the Americas and a further 3.5 million immigrated during the post-colonial era (1850\u20131950); the estimate is 250,000 in the 16th century, and most during","Document [6](Title: Maritime history of Colonial America) Americas. Spanish explorers also reached the present-day United States. The first confirmed landing in the continental US was by a Spaniard, Juan Ponce de Le\u00f3n, who landed in 1513 at a lush shore he christened La Florida. The Spanish sent some settlers, creating the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States at St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565 and later Santa Fe, New Mexico, San Antonio, Tucson, San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Most Spanish settlements were along the California coast or the Sante Fe River in New Mexico. The first successful English colony was established in 1607,","Document [7](Title: San Juan Island) de G\u00fcemes Padilla Horcasitas y Aguayo, 2nd Count of Revillagigedo. One of the officers under Eliza's command, Gonzalo L\u00f3pez de Haro, was the first European to discover San Juan Island. During the Wilkes Expedition, American explorer Charles Wilkes renamed the island \"Rodgers Island\"; the Spanish name remained on British nautical charts and over time became the island's official name. The island saw seasonal use for salmon fishing. The Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) established the first permanent, non-native settlement on the island on December 13, 1853, with the intention of creating a sheep farm. The island was also occupied by Native","Document [8](Title: James Colnett) the ocean and visit, trade, and make settlements anywhere not already occupied by a civilized nation. In 1789 a Spanish expedition under Esteb\u00e0n Jos\u00e9 Mart\u00ednez set sail from San Blas in order to occupy Nootka Sound. Arriving on 5 May 1789, the Spanish quickly built a few buildings and a small fort with the Spanish flag clearly displayed. Martinez formally occupied the land and began checking the papers of visiting vessels. Two American fur trading ships were already anchored in the sound, one of which was the \"Columbia Rediviva\", and more arrived later, including the \"Lady Washington\", under Robert Gray.","Document [9](Title: Hispanophone) States. Other Spanish explorers of the United States make up a long list that includes, among others, Lucas V\u00e1squez de Ayll\u00f3n, P\u00e1nfilo de Narv\u00e1ez, Sebasti\u00e1n Vizca\u00edno, Juan Rodr\u00edguez Cabrillo, Gaspar de Portol\u00e0, Pedro Men\u00e9ndez de Avil\u00e9s, \u00c1lvar N\u00fa\u00f1ez Cabeza de Vaca, Trist\u00e1n de Luna y Arellano, and Juan de O\u00f1ate. In all, Spaniards probed half of today's lower 48 states before the first English colonization attempt at Roanoke Island in 1585. The Spanish created the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States, at St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565. Santa Fe, New Mexico also predates Jamestown, Virginia (founded in","Document [10](Title: History of the west coast of North America) exploratory expeditions along the coast as far north as Alaska. In 1774 Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez was commissioned to explore the coast up to 60\u00b0 N, but only made it as far as 55\u00b030\u00b4 N. Off Langara Island in Haida Gwaii he made contact with the Haida, and on the homeward journey, the Nuu-chah-nulth. In 1775, a two-ship exploration expedition led by Spanish Captain Don Bruno de Heceta landed on the coast of today's Washington\u2014the first European to have sailed this far north along the coast. The expedition re-asserted Spanish claims to all the coastal lands, including to the Russian","Document [11](Title: Jose\u0301 Mari\u0301a Narva\u0301ez) was the \"Northwest America\", built by John Meares at Nootka Sound the previous year. In his effort to assert Spanish sovereignty, Mart\u00ednez seized the ship. On June 21, Mart\u00ednez dispatched Narv\u00e1ez in the captured \"Northwest America\", renamed \"Santa Gertrudis la Magna\" (and later \"Santa Saturnina\"), to explore three inlets south of Nootka Sound \u2014 Clayoquot Sound, Barkley Sound, and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Narv\u00e1ez sailed more than 25 leagues (about ) into the Strait of Juan de Fuca. By this time only a few non-natives had entered the Strait, and none as far as Narv\u00e1ez. By early July","Document [12](Title: Juan Jose\u0301 Pe\u0301rez Herna\u0301ndez) Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez (born Joan Per\u00e9s ca. 1725 \u2013 November 3, 1775), often simply Juan P\u00e9rez, was an 18th-century Spanish explorer. He was the first European to sight, examine, name, and record the islands near present-day British Columbia, Canada. Born in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, he first served as a \"piloto\" in western Spanish colonial North America on Manila galleons en route to and from the Philippines in the Spanish East Indies. In 1768, he was assigned to the Pacific port of San Blas, in the Viceroyalty of New Spain (present day Mexico), and acquired","Document [13](Title: Sebastian Cabot (explorer)) of North America (published in Antwerp, 1544) claiming to have discovered North America with his father in 1494, three years before his father's voyage. Sancho Gutierrez repeated this text in Castilian on his 1551 map. Placed next to the border of North America, the text reads: This land was discovered by Johannes Caboto, venetian and Sebastian Caboto, his son, in the year of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ MCCCCXCIV, 24th of June in the morning. They put to it the name 'prima terra vista' and [...] This big island was named Saint John, as it was discovered on","Document [14](Title: Miami-Dade County, Florida) was Miami's first recorded name. It is unknown whether he came ashore or made contact with the natives. Pedro Men\u00e9ndez de Avil\u00e9s and his men made the first recorded landing when they visited the Tequesta settlement in 1566 while looking for Avil\u00e9s' missing son, shipwrecked a year earlier. Spanish soldiers led by Father Francisco Villarreal built a Jesuit mission at the mouth of the Miami River a year later but it was short-lived. After the Spaniards left, the Tequesta Indians were left to fend themselves from European-introduced diseases like smallpox. By 1711, the Tequesta sent a couple of local chiefs","Document [15](Title: Spanish Canadians) British Columbian coast in 1579, it was Juan P\u00e9rez who completed the first documented voyage, which took place in 1774. Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra explored the coast in 1775. In doing so, P\u00e9rez and de la Bodega reasserted the Spanish claim for the Pacific coast, first made by Vasco N\u00fa\u00f1ez de Balboa in 1513. A major war between Spain and Britain over British Columbia could have begun via the Nootka Sound dispute in 1789. Spain at the time sent Jos\u00e9 Mart\u00ednez to occupy Nootka Sound and establish exclusive Spanish sovereignty. During the summer of 1789 a number","Document [16](Title: Jamaica) landing point was Dry Harbour, called Discovery Bay, and St. Ann's Bay was named \"Saint Gloria\" by Columbus, as the first sighting of the land. One and a half kilometres west of St. Ann's Bay is the site of the first Spanish settlement on the island, Sevilla, which was established in 1509 and abandoned around 1524 because it was deemed unhealthy. The capital was moved to Spanish Town, then called \"St. Jago de la Vega\", around 1534 (at present-day St. Catherine). Spanish Town has the oldest cathedral of the British colonies in the Caribbean. The Spanish were forcibly evicted by","Document [17](Title: Spanish Canadians) of the Virgin Mary in the other, he walked knee-deep into Ocean, and claimed possession of the Pacific Ocean and all adjoining lands (which included British Columbia) for Spain in the name of his Spanish sovereigns on September 13, 1513. Then a Greek born Spanish explorer Juan de Fuca in the service of the king of Spain, Philip II, explored the Strait of Ani\u00e1n in 1592, now known as the Strait of Juan de Fuca, between Vancouver Island, now part of British Columbia, Canada, and northwestern Washington state, United States. People from northwestern Spain known as Basques have been landing","Document [18](Title: Hispanic and Latino Americans) Portol\u00e0, Pedro Men\u00e9ndez de Avil\u00e9s, \u00c1lvar N\u00fa\u00f1ez Cabeza de Vaca, Trist\u00e1n de Luna y Arellano and Juan de O\u00f1ate, and non-Spanish explorers working for the Spanish Crown, such as Juan Rodr\u00edguez Cabrillo. In all, Spaniards probed half of today's lower 48 states before the first English colonization effort in 1585 at Roanoke Island off the East Coast. In 1565, the Spanish created the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States, at St. Augustine, Florida. Santa Fe, New Mexico was founded before Jamestown, Virginia (founded in 1607) and the New England Plymouth Colony (1620, of \"Mayflower\" and Pilgrims fame).","Document [19](Title: Hispanophone) nation's total population by the year 2050. Historically, a continuous Hispanic presence in the territory of the United States has existed since the 16th century, earlier than any other group after the Amerindians. Spaniards pioneered the present-day United States. The first confirmed European landing on the continent was that of Juan Ponce de Le\u00f3n, who landed in 1513 on the shore he christened \"La Florida\". Within three decades of Ponce de Le\u00f3n's landing, the Spanish became the first Europeans to reach the Appalachian Mountains, the Mississippi River, the Grand Canyon, and the Great Plains. Spanish ships sailed along the East","Document [20](Title: History of the west coast of North America) the Strait of Juan de Fuca, discovered an entrance to the Strait of Georgia, which prompted further investigation. In Acapulco, Malaspina took over two schooners, the \"Sutil\" and \"Mexicana\", placed them under the command of one of his officers, Dionisio Alcal\u00e1 Galiano, and had them sail north to explore the Strait of Georgia. Galiano's expedition took place in 1792 at the same time as that of George Vancouver. The two expeditions met in the Strait of Georgia and worked together to map the waters and establish the insularity of Vancouver Island. Today, Spain's legacy endures as dozens of Spanish place"],"query":"who made the first spanish landing on the mainland of north america?","answers":["1535","Christopher Columbus"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: History of Hispanic and Latino Americans in the United States) de O\u00f1ate. In all, Spaniards probed half of today's lower 48 states before the first English colonization attempt (Roanoke Island, 1585). The Spanish didn't just explore, they settled, creating the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States, at St. Augustine, Florida in 1565. Santa Fe, New Mexico also predates Jamestown, Virginia (of Pocahontas fame, founded in 1607) and Plymouth Colony (of \"Mayflower\", Pilgrims and Thanksgiving fame). In 1566 Pedro Menendez established Fort San Felipe on Santa Elena- which is present day Parris Island near Beaufort South Carolina. The fort was part of the Spanish King\u2019s ongoing effort to","Document [2](Title: Pacific Northwest) and including Juan Per\u00e9z and Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra as officers. On July 14, 1775, they landed on the Olympic Peninsula near the mouth of the Quinault River. On August 17, 1775, Heceta, returning south, sighted the mouth of the Columbia River and named it \"Bahia de la Asunci\u00f3n\". While Heceta sailed south, Quadra continued north in the expedition's second ship, \"Sonora\", reaching Alaska, at 59\u00b0 N. In 1778 English mariner Captain James Cook visited Nootka Sound on Vancouver Island and also voyaged as far as Prince William Sound. In 1779, a third Spanish expedition, under the","Document [3](Title: Hispanic and Latino Americans) confirmed European landing in the continental United States was by Juan Ponce de Le\u00f3n, who landed in 1513 at a lush shore he christened \"La Florida\". Within three decades of Ponce de Le\u00f3n's landing, the Spanish became the first Europeans to reach the Appalachian Mountains, the Mississippi River, the Grand Canyon and the Great Plains. Spanish ships sailed along the East Coast, penetrating to present-day Bangor, Maine, and up the Pacific Coast as far as Oregon. From 1528 to 1536, \u00c1lvar N\u00fa\u00f1ez Cabeza de Vaca and three fellows (including an African named Estevanico), from a Spanish expedition that foundered, journeyed","Document [4](Title: History of British Columbia) he did not make landfall or \"discover\" British Columbia. It was not until Captain James Cook's doomed third expedition that British Columbia was \"discovered\" when he anchored in Friendly Cove, modern-day Nootka Sound. In 1774, the Spanish navigator Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez, a native of Mexico, sailed from San Blas, Nueva Galicia (modern-day Nayarit), with instructions to reach 60\u00b0 north latitude to discover possible Russian settlements and take possession of the lands for the Spanish Crown. Hern\u00e1ndez reached 55\u00b0 north latitude, becoming the first European to sight the Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver Island. He traded with the natives near","Document [5](Title: Maritime history of Colonial America) Americas. Spanish explorers also reached the present-day United States. The first confirmed landing in the continental US was by a Spaniard, Juan Ponce de Le\u00f3n, who landed in 1513 at a lush shore he christened La Florida. The Spanish sent some settlers, creating the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States at St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565 and later Santa Fe, New Mexico, San Antonio, Tucson, San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Most Spanish settlements were along the California coast or the Sante Fe River in New Mexico. The first successful English colony was established in 1607,","Document [6](Title: San Juan Island) de G\u00fcemes Padilla Horcasitas y Aguayo, 2nd Count of Revillagigedo. One of the officers under Eliza's command, Gonzalo L\u00f3pez de Haro, was the first European to discover San Juan Island. During the Wilkes Expedition, American explorer Charles Wilkes renamed the island \"Rodgers Island\"; the Spanish name remained on British nautical charts and over time became the island's official name. The island saw seasonal use for salmon fishing. The Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) established the first permanent, non-native settlement on the island on December 13, 1853, with the intention of creating a sheep farm. The island was also occupied by Native","Document [7](Title: James Colnett) the ocean and visit, trade, and make settlements anywhere not already occupied by a civilized nation. In 1789 a Spanish expedition under Esteb\u00e0n Jos\u00e9 Mart\u00ednez set sail from San Blas in order to occupy Nootka Sound. Arriving on 5 May 1789, the Spanish quickly built a few buildings and a small fort with the Spanish flag clearly displayed. Martinez formally occupied the land and began checking the papers of visiting vessels. Two American fur trading ships were already anchored in the sound, one of which was the \"Columbia Rediviva\", and more arrived later, including the \"Lady Washington\", under Robert Gray.","Document [8](Title: Hispanophone) States. Other Spanish explorers of the United States make up a long list that includes, among others, Lucas V\u00e1squez de Ayll\u00f3n, P\u00e1nfilo de Narv\u00e1ez, Sebasti\u00e1n Vizca\u00edno, Juan Rodr\u00edguez Cabrillo, Gaspar de Portol\u00e0, Pedro Men\u00e9ndez de Avil\u00e9s, \u00c1lvar N\u00fa\u00f1ez Cabeza de Vaca, Trist\u00e1n de Luna y Arellano, and Juan de O\u00f1ate. In all, Spaniards probed half of today's lower 48 states before the first English colonization attempt at Roanoke Island in 1585. The Spanish created the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States, at St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565. Santa Fe, New Mexico also predates Jamestown, Virginia (founded in","Document [9](Title: History of the west coast of North America) exploratory expeditions along the coast as far north as Alaska. In 1774 Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez was commissioned to explore the coast up to 60\u00b0 N, but only made it as far as 55\u00b030\u00b4 N. Off Langara Island in Haida Gwaii he made contact with the Haida, and on the homeward journey, the Nuu-chah-nulth. In 1775, a two-ship exploration expedition led by Spanish Captain Don Bruno de Heceta landed on the coast of today's Washington\u2014the first European to have sailed this far north along the coast. The expedition re-asserted Spanish claims to all the coastal lands, including to the Russian","Document [10](Title: Spanish colonization of the Americas) Beginning with the 1492 arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Caribbean and continuing control of vast territory for over three centuries, the Spanish Empire would expand across the Caribbean Islands, half of South America, most of Central America and much of North America (including present day Mexico, Florida and the Southwestern and Pacific Coastal regions of the United States). It is estimated that during the colonial period (1492\u20131832), a total of 1.86 million Spaniards settled in the Americas and a further 3.5 million immigrated during the post-colonial era (1850\u20131950); the estimate is 250,000 in the 16th century, and most during","Document [11](Title: Jose\u0301 Mari\u0301a Narva\u0301ez) was the \"Northwest America\", built by John Meares at Nootka Sound the previous year. In his effort to assert Spanish sovereignty, Mart\u00ednez seized the ship. On June 21, Mart\u00ednez dispatched Narv\u00e1ez in the captured \"Northwest America\", renamed \"Santa Gertrudis la Magna\" (and later \"Santa Saturnina\"), to explore three inlets south of Nootka Sound \u2014 Clayoquot Sound, Barkley Sound, and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Narv\u00e1ez sailed more than 25 leagues (about ) into the Strait of Juan de Fuca. By this time only a few non-natives had entered the Strait, and none as far as Narv\u00e1ez. By early July","Document [12](Title: Juan Jose\u0301 Pe\u0301rez Herna\u0301ndez) Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez (born Joan Per\u00e9s ca. 1725 \u2013 November 3, 1775), often simply Juan P\u00e9rez, was an 18th-century Spanish explorer. He was the first European to sight, examine, name, and record the islands near present-day British Columbia, Canada. Born in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, he first served as a \"piloto\" in western Spanish colonial North America on Manila galleons en route to and from the Philippines in the Spanish East Indies. In 1768, he was assigned to the Pacific port of San Blas, in the Viceroyalty of New Spain (present day Mexico), and acquired","Document [13](Title: Sebastian Cabot (explorer)) of North America (published in Antwerp, 1544) claiming to have discovered North America with his father in 1494, three years before his father's voyage. Sancho Gutierrez repeated this text in Castilian on his 1551 map. Placed next to the border of North America, the text reads: This land was discovered by Johannes Caboto, venetian and Sebastian Caboto, his son, in the year of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ MCCCCXCIV, 24th of June in the morning. They put to it the name 'prima terra vista' and [...] This big island was named Saint John, as it was discovered on","Document [14](Title: Miami-Dade County, Florida) was Miami's first recorded name. It is unknown whether he came ashore or made contact with the natives. Pedro Men\u00e9ndez de Avil\u00e9s and his men made the first recorded landing when they visited the Tequesta settlement in 1566 while looking for Avil\u00e9s' missing son, shipwrecked a year earlier. Spanish soldiers led by Father Francisco Villarreal built a Jesuit mission at the mouth of the Miami River a year later but it was short-lived. After the Spaniards left, the Tequesta Indians were left to fend themselves from European-introduced diseases like smallpox. By 1711, the Tequesta sent a couple of local chiefs","Document [15](Title: Spanish Canadians) British Columbian coast in 1579, it was Juan P\u00e9rez who completed the first documented voyage, which took place in 1774. Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra explored the coast in 1775. In doing so, P\u00e9rez and de la Bodega reasserted the Spanish claim for the Pacific coast, first made by Vasco N\u00fa\u00f1ez de Balboa in 1513. A major war between Spain and Britain over British Columbia could have begun via the Nootka Sound dispute in 1789. Spain at the time sent Jos\u00e9 Mart\u00ednez to occupy Nootka Sound and establish exclusive Spanish sovereignty. During the summer of 1789 a number","Document [16](Title: Jamaica) landing point was Dry Harbour, called Discovery Bay, and St. Ann's Bay was named \"Saint Gloria\" by Columbus, as the first sighting of the land. One and a half kilometres west of St. Ann's Bay is the site of the first Spanish settlement on the island, Sevilla, which was established in 1509 and abandoned around 1524 because it was deemed unhealthy. The capital was moved to Spanish Town, then called \"St. Jago de la Vega\", around 1534 (at present-day St. Catherine). Spanish Town has the oldest cathedral of the British colonies in the Caribbean. The Spanish were forcibly evicted by","Document [17](Title: Spanish Canadians) of the Virgin Mary in the other, he walked knee-deep into Ocean, and claimed possession of the Pacific Ocean and all adjoining lands (which included British Columbia) for Spain in the name of his Spanish sovereigns on September 13, 1513. Then a Greek born Spanish explorer Juan de Fuca in the service of the king of Spain, Philip II, explored the Strait of Ani\u00e1n in 1592, now known as the Strait of Juan de Fuca, between Vancouver Island, now part of British Columbia, Canada, and northwestern Washington state, United States. People from northwestern Spain known as Basques have been landing","Document [18](Title: Hispanic and Latino Americans) Portol\u00e0, Pedro Men\u00e9ndez de Avil\u00e9s, \u00c1lvar N\u00fa\u00f1ez Cabeza de Vaca, Trist\u00e1n de Luna y Arellano and Juan de O\u00f1ate, and non-Spanish explorers working for the Spanish Crown, such as Juan Rodr\u00edguez Cabrillo. In all, Spaniards probed half of today's lower 48 states before the first English colonization effort in 1585 at Roanoke Island off the East Coast. In 1565, the Spanish created the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States, at St. Augustine, Florida. Santa Fe, New Mexico was founded before Jamestown, Virginia (founded in 1607) and the New England Plymouth Colony (1620, of \"Mayflower\" and Pilgrims fame).","Document [19](Title: Hispanophone) nation's total population by the year 2050. Historically, a continuous Hispanic presence in the territory of the United States has existed since the 16th century, earlier than any other group after the Amerindians. Spaniards pioneered the present-day United States. The first confirmed European landing on the continent was that of Juan Ponce de Le\u00f3n, who landed in 1513 on the shore he christened \"La Florida\". Within three decades of Ponce de Le\u00f3n's landing, the Spanish became the first Europeans to reach the Appalachian Mountains, the Mississippi River, the Grand Canyon, and the Great Plains. Spanish ships sailed along the East","Document [20](Title: History of the west coast of North America) the Strait of Juan de Fuca, discovered an entrance to the Strait of Georgia, which prompted further investigation. In Acapulco, Malaspina took over two schooners, the \"Sutil\" and \"Mexicana\", placed them under the command of one of his officers, Dionisio Alcal\u00e1 Galiano, and had them sail north to explore the Strait of Georgia. Galiano's expedition took place in 1792 at the same time as that of George Vancouver. The two expeditions met in the Strait of Georgia and worked together to map the waters and establish the insularity of Vancouver Island. Today, Spain's legacy endures as dozens of Spanish place"],"query":"who made the first spanish landing on the mainland of north america?","answers":["1535","Christopher Columbus"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: History of Hispanic and Latino Americans in the United States) de O\u00f1ate. In all, Spaniards probed half of today's lower 48 states before the first English colonization attempt (Roanoke Island, 1585). The Spanish didn't just explore, they settled, creating the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States, at St. Augustine, Florida in 1565. Santa Fe, New Mexico also predates Jamestown, Virginia (of Pocahontas fame, founded in 1607) and Plymouth Colony (of \"Mayflower\", Pilgrims and Thanksgiving fame). In 1566 Pedro Menendez established Fort San Felipe on Santa Elena- which is present day Parris Island near Beaufort South Carolina. The fort was part of the Spanish King\u2019s ongoing effort to","Document [2](Title: Pacific Northwest) and including Juan Per\u00e9z and Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra as officers. On July 14, 1775, they landed on the Olympic Peninsula near the mouth of the Quinault River. On August 17, 1775, Heceta, returning south, sighted the mouth of the Columbia River and named it \"Bahia de la Asunci\u00f3n\". While Heceta sailed south, Quadra continued north in the expedition's second ship, \"Sonora\", reaching Alaska, at 59\u00b0 N. In 1778 English mariner Captain James Cook visited Nootka Sound on Vancouver Island and also voyaged as far as Prince William Sound. In 1779, a third Spanish expedition, under the","Document [3](Title: Hispanic and Latino Americans) confirmed European landing in the continental United States was by Juan Ponce de Le\u00f3n, who landed in 1513 at a lush shore he christened \"La Florida\". Within three decades of Ponce de Le\u00f3n's landing, the Spanish became the first Europeans to reach the Appalachian Mountains, the Mississippi River, the Grand Canyon and the Great Plains. Spanish ships sailed along the East Coast, penetrating to present-day Bangor, Maine, and up the Pacific Coast as far as Oregon. From 1528 to 1536, \u00c1lvar N\u00fa\u00f1ez Cabeza de Vaca and three fellows (including an African named Estevanico), from a Spanish expedition that foundered, journeyed","Document [4](Title: History of British Columbia) he did not make landfall or \"discover\" British Columbia. It was not until Captain James Cook's doomed third expedition that British Columbia was \"discovered\" when he anchored in Friendly Cove, modern-day Nootka Sound. In 1774, the Spanish navigator Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez, a native of Mexico, sailed from San Blas, Nueva Galicia (modern-day Nayarit), with instructions to reach 60\u00b0 north latitude to discover possible Russian settlements and take possession of the lands for the Spanish Crown. Hern\u00e1ndez reached 55\u00b0 north latitude, becoming the first European to sight the Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver Island. He traded with the natives near","Document [5](Title: Maritime history of Colonial America) Americas. Spanish explorers also reached the present-day United States. The first confirmed landing in the continental US was by a Spaniard, Juan Ponce de Le\u00f3n, who landed in 1513 at a lush shore he christened La Florida. The Spanish sent some settlers, creating the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States at St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565 and later Santa Fe, New Mexico, San Antonio, Tucson, San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Most Spanish settlements were along the California coast or the Sante Fe River in New Mexico. The first successful English colony was established in 1607,","Document [6](Title: San Juan Island) de G\u00fcemes Padilla Horcasitas y Aguayo, 2nd Count of Revillagigedo. One of the officers under Eliza's command, Gonzalo L\u00f3pez de Haro, was the first European to discover San Juan Island. During the Wilkes Expedition, American explorer Charles Wilkes renamed the island \"Rodgers Island\"; the Spanish name remained on British nautical charts and over time became the island's official name. The island saw seasonal use for salmon fishing. The Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) established the first permanent, non-native settlement on the island on December 13, 1853, with the intention of creating a sheep farm. The island was also occupied by Native","Document [7](Title: James Colnett) the ocean and visit, trade, and make settlements anywhere not already occupied by a civilized nation. In 1789 a Spanish expedition under Esteb\u00e0n Jos\u00e9 Mart\u00ednez set sail from San Blas in order to occupy Nootka Sound. Arriving on 5 May 1789, the Spanish quickly built a few buildings and a small fort with the Spanish flag clearly displayed. Martinez formally occupied the land and began checking the papers of visiting vessels. Two American fur trading ships were already anchored in the sound, one of which was the \"Columbia Rediviva\", and more arrived later, including the \"Lady Washington\", under Robert Gray.","Document [8](Title: Hispanophone) States. Other Spanish explorers of the United States make up a long list that includes, among others, Lucas V\u00e1squez de Ayll\u00f3n, P\u00e1nfilo de Narv\u00e1ez, Sebasti\u00e1n Vizca\u00edno, Juan Rodr\u00edguez Cabrillo, Gaspar de Portol\u00e0, Pedro Men\u00e9ndez de Avil\u00e9s, \u00c1lvar N\u00fa\u00f1ez Cabeza de Vaca, Trist\u00e1n de Luna y Arellano, and Juan de O\u00f1ate. In all, Spaniards probed half of today's lower 48 states before the first English colonization attempt at Roanoke Island in 1585. The Spanish created the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States, at St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565. Santa Fe, New Mexico also predates Jamestown, Virginia (founded in","Document [9](Title: History of the west coast of North America) exploratory expeditions along the coast as far north as Alaska. In 1774 Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez was commissioned to explore the coast up to 60\u00b0 N, but only made it as far as 55\u00b030\u00b4 N. Off Langara Island in Haida Gwaii he made contact with the Haida, and on the homeward journey, the Nuu-chah-nulth. In 1775, a two-ship exploration expedition led by Spanish Captain Don Bruno de Heceta landed on the coast of today's Washington\u2014the first European to have sailed this far north along the coast. The expedition re-asserted Spanish claims to all the coastal lands, including to the Russian","Document [10](Title: Jose\u0301 Mari\u0301a Narva\u0301ez) was the \"Northwest America\", built by John Meares at Nootka Sound the previous year. In his effort to assert Spanish sovereignty, Mart\u00ednez seized the ship. On June 21, Mart\u00ednez dispatched Narv\u00e1ez in the captured \"Northwest America\", renamed \"Santa Gertrudis la Magna\" (and later \"Santa Saturnina\"), to explore three inlets south of Nootka Sound \u2014 Clayoquot Sound, Barkley Sound, and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Narv\u00e1ez sailed more than 25 leagues (about ) into the Strait of Juan de Fuca. By this time only a few non-natives had entered the Strait, and none as far as Narv\u00e1ez. By early July","Document [11](Title: Juan Jose\u0301 Pe\u0301rez Herna\u0301ndez) Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez (born Joan Per\u00e9s ca. 1725 \u2013 November 3, 1775), often simply Juan P\u00e9rez, was an 18th-century Spanish explorer. He was the first European to sight, examine, name, and record the islands near present-day British Columbia, Canada. Born in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, he first served as a \"piloto\" in western Spanish colonial North America on Manila galleons en route to and from the Philippines in the Spanish East Indies. In 1768, he was assigned to the Pacific port of San Blas, in the Viceroyalty of New Spain (present day Mexico), and acquired","Document [12](Title: Sebastian Cabot (explorer)) of North America (published in Antwerp, 1544) claiming to have discovered North America with his father in 1494, three years before his father's voyage. Sancho Gutierrez repeated this text in Castilian on his 1551 map. Placed next to the border of North America, the text reads: This land was discovered by Johannes Caboto, venetian and Sebastian Caboto, his son, in the year of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ MCCCCXCIV, 24th of June in the morning. They put to it the name 'prima terra vista' and [...] This big island was named Saint John, as it was discovered on","Document [13](Title: Miami-Dade County, Florida) was Miami's first recorded name. It is unknown whether he came ashore or made contact with the natives. Pedro Men\u00e9ndez de Avil\u00e9s and his men made the first recorded landing when they visited the Tequesta settlement in 1566 while looking for Avil\u00e9s' missing son, shipwrecked a year earlier. Spanish soldiers led by Father Francisco Villarreal built a Jesuit mission at the mouth of the Miami River a year later but it was short-lived. After the Spaniards left, the Tequesta Indians were left to fend themselves from European-introduced diseases like smallpox. By 1711, the Tequesta sent a couple of local chiefs","Document [14](Title: Spanish Canadians) British Columbian coast in 1579, it was Juan P\u00e9rez who completed the first documented voyage, which took place in 1774. Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra explored the coast in 1775. In doing so, P\u00e9rez and de la Bodega reasserted the Spanish claim for the Pacific coast, first made by Vasco N\u00fa\u00f1ez de Balboa in 1513. A major war between Spain and Britain over British Columbia could have begun via the Nootka Sound dispute in 1789. Spain at the time sent Jos\u00e9 Mart\u00ednez to occupy Nootka Sound and establish exclusive Spanish sovereignty. During the summer of 1789 a number","Document [15](Title: Spanish colonization of the Americas) Beginning with the 1492 arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Caribbean and continuing control of vast territory for over three centuries, the Spanish Empire would expand across the Caribbean Islands, half of South America, most of Central America and much of North America (including present day Mexico, Florida and the Southwestern and Pacific Coastal regions of the United States). It is estimated that during the colonial period (1492\u20131832), a total of 1.86 million Spaniards settled in the Americas and a further 3.5 million immigrated during the post-colonial era (1850\u20131950); the estimate is 250,000 in the 16th century, and most during","Document [16](Title: Jamaica) landing point was Dry Harbour, called Discovery Bay, and St. Ann's Bay was named \"Saint Gloria\" by Columbus, as the first sighting of the land. One and a half kilometres west of St. Ann's Bay is the site of the first Spanish settlement on the island, Sevilla, which was established in 1509 and abandoned around 1524 because it was deemed unhealthy. The capital was moved to Spanish Town, then called \"St. Jago de la Vega\", around 1534 (at present-day St. Catherine). Spanish Town has the oldest cathedral of the British colonies in the Caribbean. The Spanish were forcibly evicted by","Document [17](Title: Spanish Canadians) of the Virgin Mary in the other, he walked knee-deep into Ocean, and claimed possession of the Pacific Ocean and all adjoining lands (which included British Columbia) for Spain in the name of his Spanish sovereigns on September 13, 1513. Then a Greek born Spanish explorer Juan de Fuca in the service of the king of Spain, Philip II, explored the Strait of Ani\u00e1n in 1592, now known as the Strait of Juan de Fuca, between Vancouver Island, now part of British Columbia, Canada, and northwestern Washington state, United States. People from northwestern Spain known as Basques have been landing","Document [18](Title: Hispanic and Latino Americans) Portol\u00e0, Pedro Men\u00e9ndez de Avil\u00e9s, \u00c1lvar N\u00fa\u00f1ez Cabeza de Vaca, Trist\u00e1n de Luna y Arellano and Juan de O\u00f1ate, and non-Spanish explorers working for the Spanish Crown, such as Juan Rodr\u00edguez Cabrillo. In all, Spaniards probed half of today's lower 48 states before the first English colonization effort in 1585 at Roanoke Island off the East Coast. In 1565, the Spanish created the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States, at St. Augustine, Florida. Santa Fe, New Mexico was founded before Jamestown, Virginia (founded in 1607) and the New England Plymouth Colony (1620, of \"Mayflower\" and Pilgrims fame).","Document [19](Title: Hispanophone) nation's total population by the year 2050. Historically, a continuous Hispanic presence in the territory of the United States has existed since the 16th century, earlier than any other group after the Amerindians. Spaniards pioneered the present-day United States. The first confirmed European landing on the continent was that of Juan Ponce de Le\u00f3n, who landed in 1513 on the shore he christened \"La Florida\". Within three decades of Ponce de Le\u00f3n's landing, the Spanish became the first Europeans to reach the Appalachian Mountains, the Mississippi River, the Grand Canyon, and the Great Plains. Spanish ships sailed along the East","Document [20](Title: History of the west coast of North America) the Strait of Juan de Fuca, discovered an entrance to the Strait of Georgia, which prompted further investigation. In Acapulco, Malaspina took over two schooners, the \"Sutil\" and \"Mexicana\", placed them under the command of one of his officers, Dionisio Alcal\u00e1 Galiano, and had them sail north to explore the Strait of Georgia. Galiano's expedition took place in 1792 at the same time as that of George Vancouver. The two expeditions met in the Strait of Georgia and worked together to map the waters and establish the insularity of Vancouver Island. Today, Spain's legacy endures as dozens of Spanish place"],"query":"who made the first spanish landing on the mainland of north america?","answers":["1535","Christopher Columbus"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: History of Hispanic and Latino Americans in the United States) de O\u00f1ate. In all, Spaniards probed half of today's lower 48 states before the first English colonization attempt (Roanoke Island, 1585). The Spanish didn't just explore, they settled, creating the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States, at St. Augustine, Florida in 1565. Santa Fe, New Mexico also predates Jamestown, Virginia (of Pocahontas fame, founded in 1607) and Plymouth Colony (of \"Mayflower\", Pilgrims and Thanksgiving fame). In 1566 Pedro Menendez established Fort San Felipe on Santa Elena- which is present day Parris Island near Beaufort South Carolina. The fort was part of the Spanish King\u2019s ongoing effort to","Document [2](Title: Pacific Northwest) and including Juan Per\u00e9z and Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra as officers. On July 14, 1775, they landed on the Olympic Peninsula near the mouth of the Quinault River. On August 17, 1775, Heceta, returning south, sighted the mouth of the Columbia River and named it \"Bahia de la Asunci\u00f3n\". While Heceta sailed south, Quadra continued north in the expedition's second ship, \"Sonora\", reaching Alaska, at 59\u00b0 N. In 1778 English mariner Captain James Cook visited Nootka Sound on Vancouver Island and also voyaged as far as Prince William Sound. In 1779, a third Spanish expedition, under the","Document [3](Title: Hispanic and Latino Americans) confirmed European landing in the continental United States was by Juan Ponce de Le\u00f3n, who landed in 1513 at a lush shore he christened \"La Florida\". Within three decades of Ponce de Le\u00f3n's landing, the Spanish became the first Europeans to reach the Appalachian Mountains, the Mississippi River, the Grand Canyon and the Great Plains. Spanish ships sailed along the East Coast, penetrating to present-day Bangor, Maine, and up the Pacific Coast as far as Oregon. From 1528 to 1536, \u00c1lvar N\u00fa\u00f1ez Cabeza de Vaca and three fellows (including an African named Estevanico), from a Spanish expedition that foundered, journeyed","Document [4](Title: History of British Columbia) he did not make landfall or \"discover\" British Columbia. It was not until Captain James Cook's doomed third expedition that British Columbia was \"discovered\" when he anchored in Friendly Cove, modern-day Nootka Sound. In 1774, the Spanish navigator Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez, a native of Mexico, sailed from San Blas, Nueva Galicia (modern-day Nayarit), with instructions to reach 60\u00b0 north latitude to discover possible Russian settlements and take possession of the lands for the Spanish Crown. Hern\u00e1ndez reached 55\u00b0 north latitude, becoming the first European to sight the Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver Island. He traded with the natives near","Document [5](Title: Maritime history of Colonial America) Americas. Spanish explorers also reached the present-day United States. The first confirmed landing in the continental US was by a Spaniard, Juan Ponce de Le\u00f3n, who landed in 1513 at a lush shore he christened La Florida. The Spanish sent some settlers, creating the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States at St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565 and later Santa Fe, New Mexico, San Antonio, Tucson, San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Most Spanish settlements were along the California coast or the Sante Fe River in New Mexico. The first successful English colony was established in 1607,","Document [6](Title: San Juan Island) de G\u00fcemes Padilla Horcasitas y Aguayo, 2nd Count of Revillagigedo. One of the officers under Eliza's command, Gonzalo L\u00f3pez de Haro, was the first European to discover San Juan Island. During the Wilkes Expedition, American explorer Charles Wilkes renamed the island \"Rodgers Island\"; the Spanish name remained on British nautical charts and over time became the island's official name. The island saw seasonal use for salmon fishing. The Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) established the first permanent, non-native settlement on the island on December 13, 1853, with the intention of creating a sheep farm. The island was also occupied by Native","Document [7](Title: James Colnett) the ocean and visit, trade, and make settlements anywhere not already occupied by a civilized nation. In 1789 a Spanish expedition under Esteb\u00e0n Jos\u00e9 Mart\u00ednez set sail from San Blas in order to occupy Nootka Sound. Arriving on 5 May 1789, the Spanish quickly built a few buildings and a small fort with the Spanish flag clearly displayed. Martinez formally occupied the land and began checking the papers of visiting vessels. Two American fur trading ships were already anchored in the sound, one of which was the \"Columbia Rediviva\", and more arrived later, including the \"Lady Washington\", under Robert Gray.","Document [8](Title: Hispanophone) States. Other Spanish explorers of the United States make up a long list that includes, among others, Lucas V\u00e1squez de Ayll\u00f3n, P\u00e1nfilo de Narv\u00e1ez, Sebasti\u00e1n Vizca\u00edno, Juan Rodr\u00edguez Cabrillo, Gaspar de Portol\u00e0, Pedro Men\u00e9ndez de Avil\u00e9s, \u00c1lvar N\u00fa\u00f1ez Cabeza de Vaca, Trist\u00e1n de Luna y Arellano, and Juan de O\u00f1ate. In all, Spaniards probed half of today's lower 48 states before the first English colonization attempt at Roanoke Island in 1585. The Spanish created the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States, at St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565. Santa Fe, New Mexico also predates Jamestown, Virginia (founded in","Document [9](Title: History of the west coast of North America) exploratory expeditions along the coast as far north as Alaska. In 1774 Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez was commissioned to explore the coast up to 60\u00b0 N, but only made it as far as 55\u00b030\u00b4 N. Off Langara Island in Haida Gwaii he made contact with the Haida, and on the homeward journey, the Nuu-chah-nulth. In 1775, a two-ship exploration expedition led by Spanish Captain Don Bruno de Heceta landed on the coast of today's Washington\u2014the first European to have sailed this far north along the coast. The expedition re-asserted Spanish claims to all the coastal lands, including to the Russian","Document [10](Title: Jose\u0301 Mari\u0301a Narva\u0301ez) was the \"Northwest America\", built by John Meares at Nootka Sound the previous year. In his effort to assert Spanish sovereignty, Mart\u00ednez seized the ship. On June 21, Mart\u00ednez dispatched Narv\u00e1ez in the captured \"Northwest America\", renamed \"Santa Gertrudis la Magna\" (and later \"Santa Saturnina\"), to explore three inlets south of Nootka Sound \u2014 Clayoquot Sound, Barkley Sound, and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Narv\u00e1ez sailed more than 25 leagues (about ) into the Strait of Juan de Fuca. By this time only a few non-natives had entered the Strait, and none as far as Narv\u00e1ez. By early July","Document [11](Title: Juan Jose\u0301 Pe\u0301rez Herna\u0301ndez) Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez Juan Jos\u00e9 P\u00e9rez Hern\u00e1ndez (born Joan Per\u00e9s ca. 1725 \u2013 November 3, 1775), often simply Juan P\u00e9rez, was an 18th-century Spanish explorer. He was the first European to sight, examine, name, and record the islands near present-day British Columbia, Canada. Born in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, he first served as a \"piloto\" in western Spanish colonial North America on Manila galleons en route to and from the Philippines in the Spanish East Indies. In 1768, he was assigned to the Pacific port of San Blas, in the Viceroyalty of New Spain (present day Mexico), and acquired","Document [12](Title: Sebastian Cabot (explorer)) of North America (published in Antwerp, 1544) claiming to have discovered North America with his father in 1494, three years before his father's voyage. Sancho Gutierrez repeated this text in Castilian on his 1551 map. Placed next to the border of North America, the text reads: This land was discovered by Johannes Caboto, venetian and Sebastian Caboto, his son, in the year of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ MCCCCXCIV, 24th of June in the morning. They put to it the name 'prima terra vista' and [...] This big island was named Saint John, as it was discovered on","Document [13](Title: Miami-Dade County, Florida) was Miami's first recorded name. It is unknown whether he came ashore or made contact with the natives. Pedro Men\u00e9ndez de Avil\u00e9s and his men made the first recorded landing when they visited the Tequesta settlement in 1566 while looking for Avil\u00e9s' missing son, shipwrecked a year earlier. Spanish soldiers led by Father Francisco Villarreal built a Jesuit mission at the mouth of the Miami River a year later but it was short-lived. After the Spaniards left, the Tequesta Indians were left to fend themselves from European-introduced diseases like smallpox. By 1711, the Tequesta sent a couple of local chiefs","Document [14](Title: Spanish Canadians) British Columbian coast in 1579, it was Juan P\u00e9rez who completed the first documented voyage, which took place in 1774. Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra explored the coast in 1775. In doing so, P\u00e9rez and de la Bodega reasserted the Spanish claim for the Pacific coast, first made by Vasco N\u00fa\u00f1ez de Balboa in 1513. A major war between Spain and Britain over British Columbia could have begun via the Nootka Sound dispute in 1789. Spain at the time sent Jos\u00e9 Mart\u00ednez to occupy Nootka Sound and establish exclusive Spanish sovereignty. During the summer of 1789 a number","Document [15](Title: Jamaica) landing point was Dry Harbour, called Discovery Bay, and St. Ann's Bay was named \"Saint Gloria\" by Columbus, as the first sighting of the land. One and a half kilometres west of St. Ann's Bay is the site of the first Spanish settlement on the island, Sevilla, which was established in 1509 and abandoned around 1524 because it was deemed unhealthy. The capital was moved to Spanish Town, then called \"St. Jago de la Vega\", around 1534 (at present-day St. Catherine). Spanish Town has the oldest cathedral of the British colonies in the Caribbean. The Spanish were forcibly evicted by","Document [16](Title: Spanish Canadians) of the Virgin Mary in the other, he walked knee-deep into Ocean, and claimed possession of the Pacific Ocean and all adjoining lands (which included British Columbia) for Spain in the name of his Spanish sovereigns on September 13, 1513. Then a Greek born Spanish explorer Juan de Fuca in the service of the king of Spain, Philip II, explored the Strait of Ani\u00e1n in 1592, now known as the Strait of Juan de Fuca, between Vancouver Island, now part of British Columbia, Canada, and northwestern Washington state, United States. People from northwestern Spain known as Basques have been landing","Document [17](Title: Hispanic and Latino Americans) Portol\u00e0, Pedro Men\u00e9ndez de Avil\u00e9s, \u00c1lvar N\u00fa\u00f1ez Cabeza de Vaca, Trist\u00e1n de Luna y Arellano and Juan de O\u00f1ate, and non-Spanish explorers working for the Spanish Crown, such as Juan Rodr\u00edguez Cabrillo. In all, Spaniards probed half of today's lower 48 states before the first English colonization effort in 1585 at Roanoke Island off the East Coast. In 1565, the Spanish created the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States, at St. Augustine, Florida. Santa Fe, New Mexico was founded before Jamestown, Virginia (founded in 1607) and the New England Plymouth Colony (1620, of \"Mayflower\" and Pilgrims fame).","Document [18](Title: Hispanophone) nation's total population by the year 2050. Historically, a continuous Hispanic presence in the territory of the United States has existed since the 16th century, earlier than any other group after the Amerindians. Spaniards pioneered the present-day United States. The first confirmed European landing on the continent was that of Juan Ponce de Le\u00f3n, who landed in 1513 on the shore he christened \"La Florida\". Within three decades of Ponce de Le\u00f3n's landing, the Spanish became the first Europeans to reach the Appalachian Mountains, the Mississippi River, the Grand Canyon, and the Great Plains. Spanish ships sailed along the East","Document [19](Title: History of the west coast of North America) the Strait of Juan de Fuca, discovered an entrance to the Strait of Georgia, which prompted further investigation. In Acapulco, Malaspina took over two schooners, the \"Sutil\" and \"Mexicana\", placed them under the command of one of his officers, Dionisio Alcal\u00e1 Galiano, and had them sail north to explore the Strait of Georgia. Galiano's expedition took place in 1792 at the same time as that of George Vancouver. The two expeditions met in the Strait of Georgia and worked together to map the waters and establish the insularity of Vancouver Island. Today, Spain's legacy endures as dozens of Spanish place","Document [20](Title: Spanish colonization of the Americas) Beginning with the 1492 arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Caribbean and continuing control of vast territory for over three centuries, the Spanish Empire would expand across the Caribbean Islands, half of South America, most of Central America and much of North America (including present day Mexico, Florida and the Southwestern and Pacific Coastal regions of the United States). It is estimated that during the colonial period (1492\u20131832), a total of 1.86 million Spaniards settled in the Americas and a further 3.5 million immigrated during the post-colonial era (1850\u20131950); the estimate is 250,000 in the 16th century, and most during"],"query":"who made the first spanish landing on the mainland of north america?","answers":["1535","Christopher Columbus"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: My Little Pony: The Movie (2017 film)) The film was produced by Allspark Pictures and DHX Media, using traditional animation created with Toon Boom Harmony. It premiered in New York City on September 24, 2017, and was released on October 6, 2017 in the United States and Canada through Lionsgate. The film received mixed reviews from critics and has grossed over $52 million worldwide.","Document [2](Title: ML (film)) period to tell the tale. ML (film) ML is a 2018 Philippine independent film written and directed by Benedict Mique Jr., starring Eddie Garcia as a retired METROCOM Colonel suffering from dementia, leading him to believe that he is still living in the days of the Marcos dictatorship. He mistakes a visiting student, played by Tony Labrusca as an activist resisting Marcos' Martial Law administration, and captures and torture the student, just as he did to activists back in the 1970s. The film was released on August 3, 2018 at the 14th Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival. Along with Kip Oebanda's","Document [3](Title: ML (film)) ML (film) ML is a 2018 Philippine independent film written and directed by Benedict Mique Jr., starring Eddie Garcia as a retired METROCOM Colonel suffering from dementia, leading him to believe that he is still living in the days of the Marcos dictatorship. He mistakes a visiting student, played by Tony Labrusca as an activist resisting Marcos' Martial Law administration, and captures and torture the student, just as he did to activists back in the 1970s. The film was released on August 3, 2018 at the 14th Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival. Along with Kip Oebanda's \"Liway\", it is one of","Document [4](Title: How High) on to something other than the sequel. The sequel has been greenlit by MTV and Universal 1440 Entertainment as of June 25, 2018. It is set to be a non-theatrical release. The film will take place in Atlanta. Production has started as of September 25, 2018. The film is starring Lil' Yachty. It will be released on DVD, Blu-ray and Digital HD in 2019. Redman has confirmed that him and Method Man are not reprising their roles in the sequel because \"the business wasn't right\". How High How High is a 2001 stoner film starring Method Man and Redman, written","Document [5](Title: RoboCop (2014 film)) explore the concept is different.\" It was announced in October 2013 that the film would get an IMAX release in February 2014. Columbia Pictures and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer distributed the film in United States, Canada, and worldwide with the exclusion of United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria, where StudioCanal handled distribution. On April 12, 2011, rumors stated that MGM was looking at A-list stars such as Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, and Keanu Reeves to star in the lead role of Alex Murphy\/RoboCop in the upcoming remake. On June 16, 2011, pictures of promotional art were released, as well as a sales","Document [6](Title: RoboCop (2014 film)) film, respectively, for a tentative 2010 release. The film was delayed numerous times, and Padilha signed on in 2011. In March 2012, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (successor company to Orion Pictures until September 11, 2014, the studio that released the original film) announced an August 2013 release, but that was then changed to February 2014. The principal characters were cast from March to July 2012. Principal photography began in September 2012 in Toronto and Vancouver in Canada, with additional locations in Hamilton, in Canada, and Detroit in the United States. The film was released in the United States on February 12, 2014. \"RoboCop\"","Document [7](Title: Libertarian Party of New York) a State Representative to the LPNY. The most recent chapter to have chosen an election versus the Chair serving as Representative is the Libertarian Party of Queens County in March 2017. The Manhattan Libertarian Party (MLP) is a chapter of the Libertarian Party of New York established in 2000. The Manhattan LP was the host chapter of the 2012 Libertarian Party of New York convention, held January 21, 2012. The convention was attended by several candidates seeking the national Libertarian Party's presidential nomination, including former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson and New York attorney Carl E. Person. Sam Sloan and","Document [8](Title: Ride Along (film)) released a full length trailer for the film. On the night of January 6, 2014, the film's first premiere was held at Atlantic Station in Atlanta. On January 13, the Los Angeles premiere was held at TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California. Following the two premieres, the film was released worldwide on January 17, 2014. The film's 3-day opening weekend gross was $41,516,170, at 2,663 US and Canadian theaters (an average $15,590 per theater gross), giving \"Ride Along\" the then-record for highest domestic opening weekend gross in the month of January, ahead of 2008's \"Cloverfield\". For the 4-day record-breaking MLK","Document [9](Title: Spawn (upcoming film)) character, titled \"Spawn\", scheduled for release in 2008. During an interview on the \"Scott Ferrall\" show on Sirius radio, McFarlane said: \"It's coming out no matter what. Even if I have to produce, direct and finance it myself, it's going to come out.\" McFarlane announced on August 23, 2009 that he had begun writing the screenplay for a new movie based on the character, saying that \"The story has been in my head for 7 or 8 years\", that \"The movie idea is neither a recap or continuation. It is a standalone story that will be R-rated. Creepy and scary\",","Document [10](Title: Come Over When You're Sober, Pt. 2) has unreleased music from him. In February 2018, Smokeasac tweeted a confirmation that the album is coming, but would be released when the \"time is right\". The release date was later confirmed to be November 9, 2018. On October 17, 2018, Lil Peep's estate confirmed on his social media that the lead single off the album,\"Cry Alone\", would be released on October 18, 2018. The day of the single release, the estate confirmed a release date for the album of November 9, 2018. A \"Cry Alone\" video shot in May 2017 in San Francisco by Max Beck was released the","Document [11](Title: Dick Figures: The Movie) been announced. It is still unknown if Skudder and Keller will be reprising their roles or not. It is also unknown whether Mondo Media will distribute the sequel on its own or not. The film's soundtrack composed and created by Nick Keller using the software Apple Logic, including the complete score and the movie's closing credits theme, \"Dick Figures: The Movie: The Song\" performed by Ninja Sex Party, was released on September 16, 2013, one day before the film came out. Music from the original series can be heard in certain parts of the movie. The official \"Dick Figures: The","Document [12](Title: Carrie (2013 film)) in early January 2013 the release date was moved to October 18, 2013. Sony held a \"First Look\" event at the New York Comic Con on October 13, 2013 that allowed attendees to view the film prior to the release date. The event was followed by a panel session with several members of the cast and crew. Trailers for the film included a phone number that offered promotions to the caller, as well as a recording of a simulated encounter with characters from the film. The film was released on DVD and Blu-ray on January 14, 2014. The Blu-ray features","Document [13](Title: Fanboys (film)) of the film and asked for (and was given) a cameo in the film. The film was originally to be released on August 17, 2007. The film was pushed back once more to January 2008 because director Kyle Newman was given more funding to shoot additional scenes that the original budget did not include. Getting the cast back together would only be possible in September 2007, thus the film's release date had to be moved to 2008. The film was again pushed back because the reshoots could not take place before November\/December 2007. These reshoots were directed by Steven Brill","Document [14](Title: RoboCop (2014 film)) would be developing in the future. An MGM poster displayed at the Licensing International Expo of June 2008 read, \"\"RoboCop\" coming 2010.\" The studio met with Darren Aronofsky to discuss the possibility of him directing the film. At the San Diego Comic-Con International 2008, Aronofsky was confirmed to direct the \"2010 \"RoboCop\"\" film, with David Self writing the script. The release date was postponed to 2011. At the San Diego Comic-Con in July 2009, MGM representatives stated only that the film would be pushed back to Summer 2010 or a later date, due to scheduling conflicts with the director (most","Document [15](Title: The Legend of Spyro) going to direct the film, which would've made it the first theatrical film Dippe directed since \"Spawn\". This film was originally planned for released in theaters on Christmas 2009 for the United States and Canada, but it was delayed to April 10, 2010 for its North American release. It was later confirmed by Daniel Altiere himself that the movie had been officially cancelled due to decisions made by Activision to go in a different direction, which was later revealed in the form of \"Skylanders\". Critical reception of the games was mixed. IGN was highly impressed by \"A New Beginning\", citing","Document [16](Title: Unleashed (2016 film)) world premiere at the Mill Valley Film Festival on October 12, 2016. Level 33 Entertainment acquired the domestic distribution rights and released the film on August 25, 2017, in select theaters and through video on demand. \"Unleashed\" received positive reviews from critics. On Rotten Tomatoes the film holds an 80% rating, based on 5 reviews. Frank Scheck of \"The Hollywood Reporter\" gave the film a positive review writing: \"Although it never quite lives up to the satirical possibilities of its high-concept premise, Unleashed delivers some mildly enjoyable laughs thanks to its engaging female lead and the exuberantly physical performances of","Document [17](Title: I Got the Hook-Up) Lorraine's boss Dalton and the FBI are also closing in. Master P announced in 2017 via Instagram he's looking for locations to film a sequel to the movie. Filming started in late July 2018 and completed in mid August 2018. The film stars Master P, AJ Johnson, Fatboy SSE, Romeo Miller, John Witherspoon and more. It is scheduled for release in May 2019. A soundtrack containing hip hop music was released on April 7, 1998 by No Limit Records. It peaked at #3 on the \"Billboard\" 200 and #1 on the Top R&B\/Hip-Hop Albums. I Got the Hook-Up I Got","Document [18](Title: Ride Along 2) to gross $35.2 million in its opening weekend and $41 million for the four-day MLK Holiday weekend, lower than its predecessor's $48.6 million four-day MLK Holiday opening two years prior, but still finished first at the box office. On Rotten Tomatoes the film has an approval rating of 14% based on 107 reviews, with an average rating of 3.9\/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"\"Ride Along 2\" presents a cop-comedy sequel whose well-matched stars can't break the law of diminishing returns -- or lock up a script that unabashedly steals from the original.\" On Metacritic, the film has a weighted","Document [19](Title: Pee-wee Herman) and months of being right on the verge of being announced\u2026I thought something was going to go public yesterday, actually, and that you\u2019d be the first person I\u2019d be talking about this with. But I\u2019m thinking there will be something made public very soon. It's going to get made shortly after the new year. I wish I could tell you about it right now, because\u2026I mean, it's amazing. It's going to be amazing. It think it first got leaked four years ago or so that the movie was going to be made, and ever since then it's just been stalling","Document [20](Title: Warner Bros. Animation) day \"The Lego Movie\" was released, it was reported that Jared Stern and Michelle Morgan were hired to write \"The Lego Movie Sequel\". The sequel was announced to be released on May 26, 2017, but later that year, it was reported that a spin-off film featuring Batman from \"The Lego Movie\" might take the sequel's release date, pushing the sequel to May 18, 2018. Phil Lord and Christopher Miller returned to script and co-direct the sequel. Rob Schrab was set to direct the film, but was later replaced by Mike Mitchell due to \"creative differences\". On June 2016, the release"],"query":"when does the new mlp movie come out?","answers":["September 24, 2017","October\u00a06,\u00a02017","October 6, 2017"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: ML (film)) period to tell the tale. ML (film) ML is a 2018 Philippine independent film written and directed by Benedict Mique Jr., starring Eddie Garcia as a retired METROCOM Colonel suffering from dementia, leading him to believe that he is still living in the days of the Marcos dictatorship. He mistakes a visiting student, played by Tony Labrusca as an activist resisting Marcos' Martial Law administration, and captures and torture the student, just as he did to activists back in the 1970s. The film was released on August 3, 2018 at the 14th Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival. Along with Kip Oebanda's","Document [2](Title: ML (film)) ML (film) ML is a 2018 Philippine independent film written and directed by Benedict Mique Jr., starring Eddie Garcia as a retired METROCOM Colonel suffering from dementia, leading him to believe that he is still living in the days of the Marcos dictatorship. He mistakes a visiting student, played by Tony Labrusca as an activist resisting Marcos' Martial Law administration, and captures and torture the student, just as he did to activists back in the 1970s. The film was released on August 3, 2018 at the 14th Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival. Along with Kip Oebanda's \"Liway\", it is one of","Document [3](Title: How High) on to something other than the sequel. The sequel has been greenlit by MTV and Universal 1440 Entertainment as of June 25, 2018. It is set to be a non-theatrical release. The film will take place in Atlanta. Production has started as of September 25, 2018. The film is starring Lil' Yachty. It will be released on DVD, Blu-ray and Digital HD in 2019. Redman has confirmed that him and Method Man are not reprising their roles in the sequel because \"the business wasn't right\". How High How High is a 2001 stoner film starring Method Man and Redman, written","Document [4](Title: RoboCop (2014 film)) explore the concept is different.\" It was announced in October 2013 that the film would get an IMAX release in February 2014. Columbia Pictures and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer distributed the film in United States, Canada, and worldwide with the exclusion of United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria, where StudioCanal handled distribution. On April 12, 2011, rumors stated that MGM was looking at A-list stars such as Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, and Keanu Reeves to star in the lead role of Alex Murphy\/RoboCop in the upcoming remake. On June 16, 2011, pictures of promotional art were released, as well as a sales","Document [5](Title: My Little Pony: The Movie (2017 film)) The film was produced by Allspark Pictures and DHX Media, using traditional animation created with Toon Boom Harmony. It premiered in New York City on September 24, 2017, and was released on October 6, 2017 in the United States and Canada through Lionsgate. The film received mixed reviews from critics and has grossed over $52 million worldwide.","Document [6](Title: RoboCop (2014 film)) film, respectively, for a tentative 2010 release. The film was delayed numerous times, and Padilha signed on in 2011. In March 2012, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (successor company to Orion Pictures until September 11, 2014, the studio that released the original film) announced an August 2013 release, but that was then changed to February 2014. The principal characters were cast from March to July 2012. Principal photography began in September 2012 in Toronto and Vancouver in Canada, with additional locations in Hamilton, in Canada, and Detroit in the United States. The film was released in the United States on February 12, 2014. \"RoboCop\"","Document [7](Title: Libertarian Party of New York) a State Representative to the LPNY. The most recent chapter to have chosen an election versus the Chair serving as Representative is the Libertarian Party of Queens County in March 2017. The Manhattan Libertarian Party (MLP) is a chapter of the Libertarian Party of New York established in 2000. The Manhattan LP was the host chapter of the 2012 Libertarian Party of New York convention, held January 21, 2012. The convention was attended by several candidates seeking the national Libertarian Party's presidential nomination, including former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson and New York attorney Carl E. Person. Sam Sloan and","Document [8](Title: Ride Along (film)) released a full length trailer for the film. On the night of January 6, 2014, the film's first premiere was held at Atlantic Station in Atlanta. On January 13, the Los Angeles premiere was held at TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California. Following the two premieres, the film was released worldwide on January 17, 2014. The film's 3-day opening weekend gross was $41,516,170, at 2,663 US and Canadian theaters (an average $15,590 per theater gross), giving \"Ride Along\" the then-record for highest domestic opening weekend gross in the month of January, ahead of 2008's \"Cloverfield\". For the 4-day record-breaking MLK","Document [9](Title: Spawn (upcoming film)) character, titled \"Spawn\", scheduled for release in 2008. During an interview on the \"Scott Ferrall\" show on Sirius radio, McFarlane said: \"It's coming out no matter what. Even if I have to produce, direct and finance it myself, it's going to come out.\" McFarlane announced on August 23, 2009 that he had begun writing the screenplay for a new movie based on the character, saying that \"The story has been in my head for 7 or 8 years\", that \"The movie idea is neither a recap or continuation. It is a standalone story that will be R-rated. Creepy and scary\",","Document [10](Title: Come Over When You're Sober, Pt. 2) has unreleased music from him. In February 2018, Smokeasac tweeted a confirmation that the album is coming, but would be released when the \"time is right\". The release date was later confirmed to be November 9, 2018. On October 17, 2018, Lil Peep's estate confirmed on his social media that the lead single off the album,\"Cry Alone\", would be released on October 18, 2018. The day of the single release, the estate confirmed a release date for the album of November 9, 2018. A \"Cry Alone\" video shot in May 2017 in San Francisco by Max Beck was released the","Document [11](Title: Dick Figures: The Movie) been announced. It is still unknown if Skudder and Keller will be reprising their roles or not. It is also unknown whether Mondo Media will distribute the sequel on its own or not. The film's soundtrack composed and created by Nick Keller using the software Apple Logic, including the complete score and the movie's closing credits theme, \"Dick Figures: The Movie: The Song\" performed by Ninja Sex Party, was released on September 16, 2013, one day before the film came out. Music from the original series can be heard in certain parts of the movie. The official \"Dick Figures: The","Document [12](Title: Carrie (2013 film)) in early January 2013 the release date was moved to October 18, 2013. Sony held a \"First Look\" event at the New York Comic Con on October 13, 2013 that allowed attendees to view the film prior to the release date. The event was followed by a panel session with several members of the cast and crew. Trailers for the film included a phone number that offered promotions to the caller, as well as a recording of a simulated encounter with characters from the film. The film was released on DVD and Blu-ray on January 14, 2014. The Blu-ray features","Document [13](Title: Fanboys (film)) of the film and asked for (and was given) a cameo in the film. The film was originally to be released on August 17, 2007. The film was pushed back once more to January 2008 because director Kyle Newman was given more funding to shoot additional scenes that the original budget did not include. Getting the cast back together would only be possible in September 2007, thus the film's release date had to be moved to 2008. The film was again pushed back because the reshoots could not take place before November\/December 2007. These reshoots were directed by Steven Brill","Document [14](Title: RoboCop (2014 film)) would be developing in the future. An MGM poster displayed at the Licensing International Expo of June 2008 read, \"\"RoboCop\" coming 2010.\" The studio met with Darren Aronofsky to discuss the possibility of him directing the film. At the San Diego Comic-Con International 2008, Aronofsky was confirmed to direct the \"2010 \"RoboCop\"\" film, with David Self writing the script. The release date was postponed to 2011. At the San Diego Comic-Con in July 2009, MGM representatives stated only that the film would be pushed back to Summer 2010 or a later date, due to scheduling conflicts with the director (most","Document [15](Title: The Legend of Spyro) going to direct the film, which would've made it the first theatrical film Dippe directed since \"Spawn\". This film was originally planned for released in theaters on Christmas 2009 for the United States and Canada, but it was delayed to April 10, 2010 for its North American release. It was later confirmed by Daniel Altiere himself that the movie had been officially cancelled due to decisions made by Activision to go in a different direction, which was later revealed in the form of \"Skylanders\". Critical reception of the games was mixed. IGN was highly impressed by \"A New Beginning\", citing","Document [16](Title: Unleashed (2016 film)) world premiere at the Mill Valley Film Festival on October 12, 2016. Level 33 Entertainment acquired the domestic distribution rights and released the film on August 25, 2017, in select theaters and through video on demand. \"Unleashed\" received positive reviews from critics. On Rotten Tomatoes the film holds an 80% rating, based on 5 reviews. Frank Scheck of \"The Hollywood Reporter\" gave the film a positive review writing: \"Although it never quite lives up to the satirical possibilities of its high-concept premise, Unleashed delivers some mildly enjoyable laughs thanks to its engaging female lead and the exuberantly physical performances of","Document [17](Title: I Got the Hook-Up) Lorraine's boss Dalton and the FBI are also closing in. Master P announced in 2017 via Instagram he's looking for locations to film a sequel to the movie. Filming started in late July 2018 and completed in mid August 2018. The film stars Master P, AJ Johnson, Fatboy SSE, Romeo Miller, John Witherspoon and more. It is scheduled for release in May 2019. A soundtrack containing hip hop music was released on April 7, 1998 by No Limit Records. It peaked at #3 on the \"Billboard\" 200 and #1 on the Top R&B\/Hip-Hop Albums. I Got the Hook-Up I Got","Document [18](Title: Ride Along 2) to gross $35.2 million in its opening weekend and $41 million for the four-day MLK Holiday weekend, lower than its predecessor's $48.6 million four-day MLK Holiday opening two years prior, but still finished first at the box office. On Rotten Tomatoes the film has an approval rating of 14% based on 107 reviews, with an average rating of 3.9\/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"\"Ride Along 2\" presents a cop-comedy sequel whose well-matched stars can't break the law of diminishing returns -- or lock up a script that unabashedly steals from the original.\" On Metacritic, the film has a weighted","Document [19](Title: Pee-wee Herman) and months of being right on the verge of being announced\u2026I thought something was going to go public yesterday, actually, and that you\u2019d be the first person I\u2019d be talking about this with. But I\u2019m thinking there will be something made public very soon. It's going to get made shortly after the new year. I wish I could tell you about it right now, because\u2026I mean, it's amazing. It's going to be amazing. It think it first got leaked four years ago or so that the movie was going to be made, and ever since then it's just been stalling","Document [20](Title: Warner Bros. Animation) day \"The Lego Movie\" was released, it was reported that Jared Stern and Michelle Morgan were hired to write \"The Lego Movie Sequel\". The sequel was announced to be released on May 26, 2017, but later that year, it was reported that a spin-off film featuring Batman from \"The Lego Movie\" might take the sequel's release date, pushing the sequel to May 18, 2018. Phil Lord and Christopher Miller returned to script and co-direct the sequel. Rob Schrab was set to direct the film, but was later replaced by Mike Mitchell due to \"creative differences\". On June 2016, the release"],"query":"when does the new mlp movie come out?","answers":["September 24, 2017","October\u00a06,\u00a02017","October 6, 2017"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: ML (film)) period to tell the tale. ML (film) ML is a 2018 Philippine independent film written and directed by Benedict Mique Jr., starring Eddie Garcia as a retired METROCOM Colonel suffering from dementia, leading him to believe that he is still living in the days of the Marcos dictatorship. He mistakes a visiting student, played by Tony Labrusca as an activist resisting Marcos' Martial Law administration, and captures and torture the student, just as he did to activists back in the 1970s. The film was released on August 3, 2018 at the 14th Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival. Along with Kip Oebanda's","Document [2](Title: ML (film)) ML (film) ML is a 2018 Philippine independent film written and directed by Benedict Mique Jr., starring Eddie Garcia as a retired METROCOM Colonel suffering from dementia, leading him to believe that he is still living in the days of the Marcos dictatorship. He mistakes a visiting student, played by Tony Labrusca as an activist resisting Marcos' Martial Law administration, and captures and torture the student, just as he did to activists back in the 1970s. The film was released on August 3, 2018 at the 14th Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival. Along with Kip Oebanda's \"Liway\", it is one of","Document [3](Title: How High) on to something other than the sequel. The sequel has been greenlit by MTV and Universal 1440 Entertainment as of June 25, 2018. It is set to be a non-theatrical release. The film will take place in Atlanta. Production has started as of September 25, 2018. The film is starring Lil' Yachty. It will be released on DVD, Blu-ray and Digital HD in 2019. Redman has confirmed that him and Method Man are not reprising their roles in the sequel because \"the business wasn't right\". How High How High is a 2001 stoner film starring Method Man and Redman, written","Document [4](Title: RoboCop (2014 film)) explore the concept is different.\" It was announced in October 2013 that the film would get an IMAX release in February 2014. Columbia Pictures and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer distributed the film in United States, Canada, and worldwide with the exclusion of United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria, where StudioCanal handled distribution. On April 12, 2011, rumors stated that MGM was looking at A-list stars such as Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, and Keanu Reeves to star in the lead role of Alex Murphy\/RoboCop in the upcoming remake. On June 16, 2011, pictures of promotional art were released, as well as a sales","Document [5](Title: RoboCop (2014 film)) film, respectively, for a tentative 2010 release. The film was delayed numerous times, and Padilha signed on in 2011. In March 2012, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (successor company to Orion Pictures until September 11, 2014, the studio that released the original film) announced an August 2013 release, but that was then changed to February 2014. The principal characters were cast from March to July 2012. Principal photography began in September 2012 in Toronto and Vancouver in Canada, with additional locations in Hamilton, in Canada, and Detroit in the United States. The film was released in the United States on February 12, 2014. \"RoboCop\"","Document [6](Title: Libertarian Party of New York) a State Representative to the LPNY. The most recent chapter to have chosen an election versus the Chair serving as Representative is the Libertarian Party of Queens County in March 2017. The Manhattan Libertarian Party (MLP) is a chapter of the Libertarian Party of New York established in 2000. The Manhattan LP was the host chapter of the 2012 Libertarian Party of New York convention, held January 21, 2012. The convention was attended by several candidates seeking the national Libertarian Party's presidential nomination, including former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson and New York attorney Carl E. Person. Sam Sloan and","Document [7](Title: Ride Along (film)) released a full length trailer for the film. On the night of January 6, 2014, the film's first premiere was held at Atlantic Station in Atlanta. On January 13, the Los Angeles premiere was held at TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California. Following the two premieres, the film was released worldwide on January 17, 2014. The film's 3-day opening weekend gross was $41,516,170, at 2,663 US and Canadian theaters (an average $15,590 per theater gross), giving \"Ride Along\" the then-record for highest domestic opening weekend gross in the month of January, ahead of 2008's \"Cloverfield\". For the 4-day record-breaking MLK","Document [8](Title: Spawn (upcoming film)) character, titled \"Spawn\", scheduled for release in 2008. During an interview on the \"Scott Ferrall\" show on Sirius radio, McFarlane said: \"It's coming out no matter what. Even if I have to produce, direct and finance it myself, it's going to come out.\" McFarlane announced on August 23, 2009 that he had begun writing the screenplay for a new movie based on the character, saying that \"The story has been in my head for 7 or 8 years\", that \"The movie idea is neither a recap or continuation. It is a standalone story that will be R-rated. Creepy and scary\",","Document [9](Title: Come Over When You're Sober, Pt. 2) has unreleased music from him. In February 2018, Smokeasac tweeted a confirmation that the album is coming, but would be released when the \"time is right\". The release date was later confirmed to be November 9, 2018. On October 17, 2018, Lil Peep's estate confirmed on his social media that the lead single off the album,\"Cry Alone\", would be released on October 18, 2018. The day of the single release, the estate confirmed a release date for the album of November 9, 2018. A \"Cry Alone\" video shot in May 2017 in San Francisco by Max Beck was released the","Document [10](Title: My Little Pony: The Movie (2017 film)) The film was produced by Allspark Pictures and DHX Media, using traditional animation created with Toon Boom Harmony. It premiered in New York City on September 24, 2017, and was released on October 6, 2017 in the United States and Canada through Lionsgate. The film received mixed reviews from critics and has grossed over $52 million worldwide.","Document [11](Title: Dick Figures: The Movie) been announced. It is still unknown if Skudder and Keller will be reprising their roles or not. It is also unknown whether Mondo Media will distribute the sequel on its own or not. The film's soundtrack composed and created by Nick Keller using the software Apple Logic, including the complete score and the movie's closing credits theme, \"Dick Figures: The Movie: The Song\" performed by Ninja Sex Party, was released on September 16, 2013, one day before the film came out. Music from the original series can be heard in certain parts of the movie. The official \"Dick Figures: The","Document [12](Title: Carrie (2013 film)) in early January 2013 the release date was moved to October 18, 2013. Sony held a \"First Look\" event at the New York Comic Con on October 13, 2013 that allowed attendees to view the film prior to the release date. The event was followed by a panel session with several members of the cast and crew. Trailers for the film included a phone number that offered promotions to the caller, as well as a recording of a simulated encounter with characters from the film. The film was released on DVD and Blu-ray on January 14, 2014. The Blu-ray features","Document [13](Title: Fanboys (film)) of the film and asked for (and was given) a cameo in the film. The film was originally to be released on August 17, 2007. The film was pushed back once more to January 2008 because director Kyle Newman was given more funding to shoot additional scenes that the original budget did not include. Getting the cast back together would only be possible in September 2007, thus the film's release date had to be moved to 2008. The film was again pushed back because the reshoots could not take place before November\/December 2007. These reshoots were directed by Steven Brill","Document [14](Title: RoboCop (2014 film)) would be developing in the future. An MGM poster displayed at the Licensing International Expo of June 2008 read, \"\"RoboCop\" coming 2010.\" The studio met with Darren Aronofsky to discuss the possibility of him directing the film. At the San Diego Comic-Con International 2008, Aronofsky was confirmed to direct the \"2010 \"RoboCop\"\" film, with David Self writing the script. The release date was postponed to 2011. At the San Diego Comic-Con in July 2009, MGM representatives stated only that the film would be pushed back to Summer 2010 or a later date, due to scheduling conflicts with the director (most","Document [15](Title: The Legend of Spyro) going to direct the film, which would've made it the first theatrical film Dippe directed since \"Spawn\". This film was originally planned for released in theaters on Christmas 2009 for the United States and Canada, but it was delayed to April 10, 2010 for its North American release. It was later confirmed by Daniel Altiere himself that the movie had been officially cancelled due to decisions made by Activision to go in a different direction, which was later revealed in the form of \"Skylanders\". Critical reception of the games was mixed. IGN was highly impressed by \"A New Beginning\", citing","Document [16](Title: Unleashed (2016 film)) world premiere at the Mill Valley Film Festival on October 12, 2016. Level 33 Entertainment acquired the domestic distribution rights and released the film on August 25, 2017, in select theaters and through video on demand. \"Unleashed\" received positive reviews from critics. On Rotten Tomatoes the film holds an 80% rating, based on 5 reviews. Frank Scheck of \"The Hollywood Reporter\" gave the film a positive review writing: \"Although it never quite lives up to the satirical possibilities of its high-concept premise, Unleashed delivers some mildly enjoyable laughs thanks to its engaging female lead and the exuberantly physical performances of","Document [17](Title: I Got the Hook-Up) Lorraine's boss Dalton and the FBI are also closing in. Master P announced in 2017 via Instagram he's looking for locations to film a sequel to the movie. Filming started in late July 2018 and completed in mid August 2018. The film stars Master P, AJ Johnson, Fatboy SSE, Romeo Miller, John Witherspoon and more. It is scheduled for release in May 2019. A soundtrack containing hip hop music was released on April 7, 1998 by No Limit Records. It peaked at #3 on the \"Billboard\" 200 and #1 on the Top R&B\/Hip-Hop Albums. I Got the Hook-Up I Got","Document [18](Title: Ride Along 2) to gross $35.2 million in its opening weekend and $41 million for the four-day MLK Holiday weekend, lower than its predecessor's $48.6 million four-day MLK Holiday opening two years prior, but still finished first at the box office. On Rotten Tomatoes the film has an approval rating of 14% based on 107 reviews, with an average rating of 3.9\/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"\"Ride Along 2\" presents a cop-comedy sequel whose well-matched stars can't break the law of diminishing returns -- or lock up a script that unabashedly steals from the original.\" On Metacritic, the film has a weighted","Document [19](Title: Pee-wee Herman) and months of being right on the verge of being announced\u2026I thought something was going to go public yesterday, actually, and that you\u2019d be the first person I\u2019d be talking about this with. But I\u2019m thinking there will be something made public very soon. It's going to get made shortly after the new year. I wish I could tell you about it right now, because\u2026I mean, it's amazing. It's going to be amazing. It think it first got leaked four years ago or so that the movie was going to be made, and ever since then it's just been stalling","Document [20](Title: Warner Bros. Animation) day \"The Lego Movie\" was released, it was reported that Jared Stern and Michelle Morgan were hired to write \"The Lego Movie Sequel\". The sequel was announced to be released on May 26, 2017, but later that year, it was reported that a spin-off film featuring Batman from \"The Lego Movie\" might take the sequel's release date, pushing the sequel to May 18, 2018. Phil Lord and Christopher Miller returned to script and co-direct the sequel. Rob Schrab was set to direct the film, but was later replaced by Mike Mitchell due to \"creative differences\". On June 2016, the release"],"query":"when does the new mlp movie come out?","answers":["September 24, 2017","October\u00a06,\u00a02017","October 6, 2017"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: ML (film)) period to tell the tale. ML (film) ML is a 2018 Philippine independent film written and directed by Benedict Mique Jr., starring Eddie Garcia as a retired METROCOM Colonel suffering from dementia, leading him to believe that he is still living in the days of the Marcos dictatorship. He mistakes a visiting student, played by Tony Labrusca as an activist resisting Marcos' Martial Law administration, and captures and torture the student, just as he did to activists back in the 1970s. The film was released on August 3, 2018 at the 14th Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival. Along with Kip Oebanda's","Document [2](Title: ML (film)) ML (film) ML is a 2018 Philippine independent film written and directed by Benedict Mique Jr., starring Eddie Garcia as a retired METROCOM Colonel suffering from dementia, leading him to believe that he is still living in the days of the Marcos dictatorship. He mistakes a visiting student, played by Tony Labrusca as an activist resisting Marcos' Martial Law administration, and captures and torture the student, just as he did to activists back in the 1970s. The film was released on August 3, 2018 at the 14th Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival. Along with Kip Oebanda's \"Liway\", it is one of","Document [3](Title: How High) on to something other than the sequel. The sequel has been greenlit by MTV and Universal 1440 Entertainment as of June 25, 2018. It is set to be a non-theatrical release. The film will take place in Atlanta. Production has started as of September 25, 2018. The film is starring Lil' Yachty. It will be released on DVD, Blu-ray and Digital HD in 2019. Redman has confirmed that him and Method Man are not reprising their roles in the sequel because \"the business wasn't right\". How High How High is a 2001 stoner film starring Method Man and Redman, written","Document [4](Title: RoboCop (2014 film)) explore the concept is different.\" It was announced in October 2013 that the film would get an IMAX release in February 2014. Columbia Pictures and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer distributed the film in United States, Canada, and worldwide with the exclusion of United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria, where StudioCanal handled distribution. On April 12, 2011, rumors stated that MGM was looking at A-list stars such as Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, and Keanu Reeves to star in the lead role of Alex Murphy\/RoboCop in the upcoming remake. On June 16, 2011, pictures of promotional art were released, as well as a sales","Document [5](Title: RoboCop (2014 film)) film, respectively, for a tentative 2010 release. The film was delayed numerous times, and Padilha signed on in 2011. In March 2012, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (successor company to Orion Pictures until September 11, 2014, the studio that released the original film) announced an August 2013 release, but that was then changed to February 2014. The principal characters were cast from March to July 2012. Principal photography began in September 2012 in Toronto and Vancouver in Canada, with additional locations in Hamilton, in Canada, and Detroit in the United States. The film was released in the United States on February 12, 2014. \"RoboCop\"","Document [6](Title: Libertarian Party of New York) a State Representative to the LPNY. The most recent chapter to have chosen an election versus the Chair serving as Representative is the Libertarian Party of Queens County in March 2017. The Manhattan Libertarian Party (MLP) is a chapter of the Libertarian Party of New York established in 2000. The Manhattan LP was the host chapter of the 2012 Libertarian Party of New York convention, held January 21, 2012. The convention was attended by several candidates seeking the national Libertarian Party's presidential nomination, including former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson and New York attorney Carl E. Person. Sam Sloan and","Document [7](Title: Ride Along (film)) released a full length trailer for the film. On the night of January 6, 2014, the film's first premiere was held at Atlantic Station in Atlanta. On January 13, the Los Angeles premiere was held at TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California. Following the two premieres, the film was released worldwide on January 17, 2014. The film's 3-day opening weekend gross was $41,516,170, at 2,663 US and Canadian theaters (an average $15,590 per theater gross), giving \"Ride Along\" the then-record for highest domestic opening weekend gross in the month of January, ahead of 2008's \"Cloverfield\". For the 4-day record-breaking MLK","Document [8](Title: Spawn (upcoming film)) character, titled \"Spawn\", scheduled for release in 2008. During an interview on the \"Scott Ferrall\" show on Sirius radio, McFarlane said: \"It's coming out no matter what. Even if I have to produce, direct and finance it myself, it's going to come out.\" McFarlane announced on August 23, 2009 that he had begun writing the screenplay for a new movie based on the character, saying that \"The story has been in my head for 7 or 8 years\", that \"The movie idea is neither a recap or continuation. It is a standalone story that will be R-rated. Creepy and scary\",","Document [9](Title: Come Over When You're Sober, Pt. 2) has unreleased music from him. In February 2018, Smokeasac tweeted a confirmation that the album is coming, but would be released when the \"time is right\". The release date was later confirmed to be November 9, 2018. On October 17, 2018, Lil Peep's estate confirmed on his social media that the lead single off the album,\"Cry Alone\", would be released on October 18, 2018. The day of the single release, the estate confirmed a release date for the album of November 9, 2018. A \"Cry Alone\" video shot in May 2017 in San Francisco by Max Beck was released the","Document [10](Title: Dick Figures: The Movie) been announced. It is still unknown if Skudder and Keller will be reprising their roles or not. It is also unknown whether Mondo Media will distribute the sequel on its own or not. The film's soundtrack composed and created by Nick Keller using the software Apple Logic, including the complete score and the movie's closing credits theme, \"Dick Figures: The Movie: The Song\" performed by Ninja Sex Party, was released on September 16, 2013, one day before the film came out. Music from the original series can be heard in certain parts of the movie. The official \"Dick Figures: The","Document [11](Title: Carrie (2013 film)) in early January 2013 the release date was moved to October 18, 2013. Sony held a \"First Look\" event at the New York Comic Con on October 13, 2013 that allowed attendees to view the film prior to the release date. The event was followed by a panel session with several members of the cast and crew. Trailers for the film included a phone number that offered promotions to the caller, as well as a recording of a simulated encounter with characters from the film. The film was released on DVD and Blu-ray on January 14, 2014. The Blu-ray features","Document [12](Title: Fanboys (film)) of the film and asked for (and was given) a cameo in the film. The film was originally to be released on August 17, 2007. The film was pushed back once more to January 2008 because director Kyle Newman was given more funding to shoot additional scenes that the original budget did not include. Getting the cast back together would only be possible in September 2007, thus the film's release date had to be moved to 2008. The film was again pushed back because the reshoots could not take place before November\/December 2007. These reshoots were directed by Steven Brill","Document [13](Title: RoboCop (2014 film)) would be developing in the future. An MGM poster displayed at the Licensing International Expo of June 2008 read, \"\"RoboCop\" coming 2010.\" The studio met with Darren Aronofsky to discuss the possibility of him directing the film. At the San Diego Comic-Con International 2008, Aronofsky was confirmed to direct the \"2010 \"RoboCop\"\" film, with David Self writing the script. The release date was postponed to 2011. At the San Diego Comic-Con in July 2009, MGM representatives stated only that the film would be pushed back to Summer 2010 or a later date, due to scheduling conflicts with the director (most","Document [14](Title: The Legend of Spyro) going to direct the film, which would've made it the first theatrical film Dippe directed since \"Spawn\". This film was originally planned for released in theaters on Christmas 2009 for the United States and Canada, but it was delayed to April 10, 2010 for its North American release. It was later confirmed by Daniel Altiere himself that the movie had been officially cancelled due to decisions made by Activision to go in a different direction, which was later revealed in the form of \"Skylanders\". Critical reception of the games was mixed. IGN was highly impressed by \"A New Beginning\", citing","Document [15](Title: My Little Pony: The Movie (2017 film)) The film was produced by Allspark Pictures and DHX Media, using traditional animation created with Toon Boom Harmony. It premiered in New York City on September 24, 2017, and was released on October 6, 2017 in the United States and Canada through Lionsgate. The film received mixed reviews from critics and has grossed over $52 million worldwide.","Document [16](Title: Unleashed (2016 film)) world premiere at the Mill Valley Film Festival on October 12, 2016. Level 33 Entertainment acquired the domestic distribution rights and released the film on August 25, 2017, in select theaters and through video on demand. \"Unleashed\" received positive reviews from critics. On Rotten Tomatoes the film holds an 80% rating, based on 5 reviews. Frank Scheck of \"The Hollywood Reporter\" gave the film a positive review writing: \"Although it never quite lives up to the satirical possibilities of its high-concept premise, Unleashed delivers some mildly enjoyable laughs thanks to its engaging female lead and the exuberantly physical performances of","Document [17](Title: I Got the Hook-Up) Lorraine's boss Dalton and the FBI are also closing in. Master P announced in 2017 via Instagram he's looking for locations to film a sequel to the movie. Filming started in late July 2018 and completed in mid August 2018. The film stars Master P, AJ Johnson, Fatboy SSE, Romeo Miller, John Witherspoon and more. It is scheduled for release in May 2019. A soundtrack containing hip hop music was released on April 7, 1998 by No Limit Records. It peaked at #3 on the \"Billboard\" 200 and #1 on the Top R&B\/Hip-Hop Albums. I Got the Hook-Up I Got","Document [18](Title: Ride Along 2) to gross $35.2 million in its opening weekend and $41 million for the four-day MLK Holiday weekend, lower than its predecessor's $48.6 million four-day MLK Holiday opening two years prior, but still finished first at the box office. On Rotten Tomatoes the film has an approval rating of 14% based on 107 reviews, with an average rating of 3.9\/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"\"Ride Along 2\" presents a cop-comedy sequel whose well-matched stars can't break the law of diminishing returns -- or lock up a script that unabashedly steals from the original.\" On Metacritic, the film has a weighted","Document [19](Title: Pee-wee Herman) and months of being right on the verge of being announced\u2026I thought something was going to go public yesterday, actually, and that you\u2019d be the first person I\u2019d be talking about this with. But I\u2019m thinking there will be something made public very soon. It's going to get made shortly after the new year. I wish I could tell you about it right now, because\u2026I mean, it's amazing. It's going to be amazing. It think it first got leaked four years ago or so that the movie was going to be made, and ever since then it's just been stalling","Document [20](Title: Warner Bros. Animation) day \"The Lego Movie\" was released, it was reported that Jared Stern and Michelle Morgan were hired to write \"The Lego Movie Sequel\". The sequel was announced to be released on May 26, 2017, but later that year, it was reported that a spin-off film featuring Batman from \"The Lego Movie\" might take the sequel's release date, pushing the sequel to May 18, 2018. Phil Lord and Christopher Miller returned to script and co-direct the sequel. Rob Schrab was set to direct the film, but was later replaced by Mike Mitchell due to \"creative differences\". On June 2016, the release"],"query":"when does the new mlp movie come out?","answers":["September 24, 2017","October\u00a06,\u00a02017","October 6, 2017"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: ML (film)) period to tell the tale. ML (film) ML is a 2018 Philippine independent film written and directed by Benedict Mique Jr., starring Eddie Garcia as a retired METROCOM Colonel suffering from dementia, leading him to believe that he is still living in the days of the Marcos dictatorship. He mistakes a visiting student, played by Tony Labrusca as an activist resisting Marcos' Martial Law administration, and captures and torture the student, just as he did to activists back in the 1970s. The film was released on August 3, 2018 at the 14th Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival. Along with Kip Oebanda's","Document [2](Title: ML (film)) ML (film) ML is a 2018 Philippine independent film written and directed by Benedict Mique Jr., starring Eddie Garcia as a retired METROCOM Colonel suffering from dementia, leading him to believe that he is still living in the days of the Marcos dictatorship. He mistakes a visiting student, played by Tony Labrusca as an activist resisting Marcos' Martial Law administration, and captures and torture the student, just as he did to activists back in the 1970s. The film was released on August 3, 2018 at the 14th Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival. Along with Kip Oebanda's \"Liway\", it is one of","Document [3](Title: How High) on to something other than the sequel. The sequel has been greenlit by MTV and Universal 1440 Entertainment as of June 25, 2018. It is set to be a non-theatrical release. The film will take place in Atlanta. Production has started as of September 25, 2018. The film is starring Lil' Yachty. It will be released on DVD, Blu-ray and Digital HD in 2019. Redman has confirmed that him and Method Man are not reprising their roles in the sequel because \"the business wasn't right\". How High How High is a 2001 stoner film starring Method Man and Redman, written","Document [4](Title: RoboCop (2014 film)) explore the concept is different.\" It was announced in October 2013 that the film would get an IMAX release in February 2014. Columbia Pictures and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer distributed the film in United States, Canada, and worldwide with the exclusion of United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria, where StudioCanal handled distribution. On April 12, 2011, rumors stated that MGM was looking at A-list stars such as Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, and Keanu Reeves to star in the lead role of Alex Murphy\/RoboCop in the upcoming remake. On June 16, 2011, pictures of promotional art were released, as well as a sales","Document [5](Title: RoboCop (2014 film)) film, respectively, for a tentative 2010 release. The film was delayed numerous times, and Padilha signed on in 2011. In March 2012, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (successor company to Orion Pictures until September 11, 2014, the studio that released the original film) announced an August 2013 release, but that was then changed to February 2014. The principal characters were cast from March to July 2012. Principal photography began in September 2012 in Toronto and Vancouver in Canada, with additional locations in Hamilton, in Canada, and Detroit in the United States. The film was released in the United States on February 12, 2014. \"RoboCop\"","Document [6](Title: Libertarian Party of New York) a State Representative to the LPNY. The most recent chapter to have chosen an election versus the Chair serving as Representative is the Libertarian Party of Queens County in March 2017. The Manhattan Libertarian Party (MLP) is a chapter of the Libertarian Party of New York established in 2000. The Manhattan LP was the host chapter of the 2012 Libertarian Party of New York convention, held January 21, 2012. The convention was attended by several candidates seeking the national Libertarian Party's presidential nomination, including former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson and New York attorney Carl E. Person. Sam Sloan and","Document [7](Title: Ride Along (film)) released a full length trailer for the film. On the night of January 6, 2014, the film's first premiere was held at Atlantic Station in Atlanta. On January 13, the Los Angeles premiere was held at TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California. Following the two premieres, the film was released worldwide on January 17, 2014. The film's 3-day opening weekend gross was $41,516,170, at 2,663 US and Canadian theaters (an average $15,590 per theater gross), giving \"Ride Along\" the then-record for highest domestic opening weekend gross in the month of January, ahead of 2008's \"Cloverfield\". For the 4-day record-breaking MLK","Document [8](Title: Spawn (upcoming film)) character, titled \"Spawn\", scheduled for release in 2008. During an interview on the \"Scott Ferrall\" show on Sirius radio, McFarlane said: \"It's coming out no matter what. Even if I have to produce, direct and finance it myself, it's going to come out.\" McFarlane announced on August 23, 2009 that he had begun writing the screenplay for a new movie based on the character, saying that \"The story has been in my head for 7 or 8 years\", that \"The movie idea is neither a recap or continuation. It is a standalone story that will be R-rated. Creepy and scary\",","Document [9](Title: Come Over When You're Sober, Pt. 2) has unreleased music from him. In February 2018, Smokeasac tweeted a confirmation that the album is coming, but would be released when the \"time is right\". The release date was later confirmed to be November 9, 2018. On October 17, 2018, Lil Peep's estate confirmed on his social media that the lead single off the album,\"Cry Alone\", would be released on October 18, 2018. The day of the single release, the estate confirmed a release date for the album of November 9, 2018. A \"Cry Alone\" video shot in May 2017 in San Francisco by Max Beck was released the","Document [10](Title: Dick Figures: The Movie) been announced. It is still unknown if Skudder and Keller will be reprising their roles or not. It is also unknown whether Mondo Media will distribute the sequel on its own or not. The film's soundtrack composed and created by Nick Keller using the software Apple Logic, including the complete score and the movie's closing credits theme, \"Dick Figures: The Movie: The Song\" performed by Ninja Sex Party, was released on September 16, 2013, one day before the film came out. Music from the original series can be heard in certain parts of the movie. The official \"Dick Figures: The","Document [11](Title: Carrie (2013 film)) in early January 2013 the release date was moved to October 18, 2013. Sony held a \"First Look\" event at the New York Comic Con on October 13, 2013 that allowed attendees to view the film prior to the release date. The event was followed by a panel session with several members of the cast and crew. Trailers for the film included a phone number that offered promotions to the caller, as well as a recording of a simulated encounter with characters from the film. The film was released on DVD and Blu-ray on January 14, 2014. The Blu-ray features","Document [12](Title: Fanboys (film)) of the film and asked for (and was given) a cameo in the film. The film was originally to be released on August 17, 2007. The film was pushed back once more to January 2008 because director Kyle Newman was given more funding to shoot additional scenes that the original budget did not include. Getting the cast back together would only be possible in September 2007, thus the film's release date had to be moved to 2008. The film was again pushed back because the reshoots could not take place before November\/December 2007. These reshoots were directed by Steven Brill","Document [13](Title: RoboCop (2014 film)) would be developing in the future. An MGM poster displayed at the Licensing International Expo of June 2008 read, \"\"RoboCop\" coming 2010.\" The studio met with Darren Aronofsky to discuss the possibility of him directing the film. At the San Diego Comic-Con International 2008, Aronofsky was confirmed to direct the \"2010 \"RoboCop\"\" film, with David Self writing the script. The release date was postponed to 2011. At the San Diego Comic-Con in July 2009, MGM representatives stated only that the film would be pushed back to Summer 2010 or a later date, due to scheduling conflicts with the director (most","Document [14](Title: The Legend of Spyro) going to direct the film, which would've made it the first theatrical film Dippe directed since \"Spawn\". This film was originally planned for released in theaters on Christmas 2009 for the United States and Canada, but it was delayed to April 10, 2010 for its North American release. It was later confirmed by Daniel Altiere himself that the movie had been officially cancelled due to decisions made by Activision to go in a different direction, which was later revealed in the form of \"Skylanders\". Critical reception of the games was mixed. IGN was highly impressed by \"A New Beginning\", citing","Document [15](Title: Unleashed (2016 film)) world premiere at the Mill Valley Film Festival on October 12, 2016. Level 33 Entertainment acquired the domestic distribution rights and released the film on August 25, 2017, in select theaters and through video on demand. \"Unleashed\" received positive reviews from critics. On Rotten Tomatoes the film holds an 80% rating, based on 5 reviews. Frank Scheck of \"The Hollywood Reporter\" gave the film a positive review writing: \"Although it never quite lives up to the satirical possibilities of its high-concept premise, Unleashed delivers some mildly enjoyable laughs thanks to its engaging female lead and the exuberantly physical performances of","Document [16](Title: I Got the Hook-Up) Lorraine's boss Dalton and the FBI are also closing in. Master P announced in 2017 via Instagram he's looking for locations to film a sequel to the movie. Filming started in late July 2018 and completed in mid August 2018. The film stars Master P, AJ Johnson, Fatboy SSE, Romeo Miller, John Witherspoon and more. It is scheduled for release in May 2019. A soundtrack containing hip hop music was released on April 7, 1998 by No Limit Records. It peaked at #3 on the \"Billboard\" 200 and #1 on the Top R&B\/Hip-Hop Albums. I Got the Hook-Up I Got","Document [17](Title: Ride Along 2) to gross $35.2 million in its opening weekend and $41 million for the four-day MLK Holiday weekend, lower than its predecessor's $48.6 million four-day MLK Holiday opening two years prior, but still finished first at the box office. On Rotten Tomatoes the film has an approval rating of 14% based on 107 reviews, with an average rating of 3.9\/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"\"Ride Along 2\" presents a cop-comedy sequel whose well-matched stars can't break the law of diminishing returns -- or lock up a script that unabashedly steals from the original.\" On Metacritic, the film has a weighted","Document [18](Title: Pee-wee Herman) and months of being right on the verge of being announced\u2026I thought something was going to go public yesterday, actually, and that you\u2019d be the first person I\u2019d be talking about this with. But I\u2019m thinking there will be something made public very soon. It's going to get made shortly after the new year. I wish I could tell you about it right now, because\u2026I mean, it's amazing. It's going to be amazing. It think it first got leaked four years ago or so that the movie was going to be made, and ever since then it's just been stalling","Document [19](Title: Warner Bros. Animation) day \"The Lego Movie\" was released, it was reported that Jared Stern and Michelle Morgan were hired to write \"The Lego Movie Sequel\". The sequel was announced to be released on May 26, 2017, but later that year, it was reported that a spin-off film featuring Batman from \"The Lego Movie\" might take the sequel's release date, pushing the sequel to May 18, 2018. Phil Lord and Christopher Miller returned to script and co-direct the sequel. Rob Schrab was set to direct the film, but was later replaced by Mike Mitchell due to \"creative differences\". On June 2016, the release","Document [20](Title: My Little Pony: The Movie (2017 film)) The film was produced by Allspark Pictures and DHX Media, using traditional animation created with Toon Boom Harmony. It premiered in New York City on September 24, 2017, and was released on October 6, 2017 in the United States and Canada through Lionsgate. The film received mixed reviews from critics and has grossed over $52 million worldwide."],"query":"when does the new mlp movie come out?","answers":["September 24, 2017","October\u00a06,\u00a02017","October 6, 2017"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: American Revolution) Tensions erupted into battle between Patriot militia and British regulars when the king's army attempted to capture and destroy Colonial military supplies at Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775. The conflict then developed into a global war, during which the Patriots (and later their French, Spanish, and Dutch allies) fought the British and Loyalists in what became known as the American Revolutionary War (1775\u201383). Each of the thirteen colonies formed a Provincial Congress that assumed power from the old colonial governments and suppressed Loyalism, and from there they built a Continental Army under the leadership of General George Washington. ","Document [2](Title: Codorus State Park) employed as a deputy surveyor by the Penn Family. Stevenson organized wagons and supplies for the Forbes Campaign during the French and Indian War. When the British occupied Philadelphia and York became the capital of the Colonies, George Washington called on Stevenson to take charge of the supply lines. George Ross was a lawyer from Lancaster. During the American Revolutionary War, he served in the Provincial Assembly, the Provincial Conference and the Continental Congress. He signed the Declaration of Independence. He also introduced George Washington to the widow of his nephew, the flagmaker Betsy Ross. William Thompson emigrated from Ireland.","Document [3](Title: Henry Ludington) Ridgefield in April 1777, of the American Revolutionary War. The volunteers were mostly from the towns of Kent and Carmel of that county (later Putman County). Ludington was affiliated with George Washington as an aide-de-camp. He worked with Washington and helped establish the initial \"secret service\" in America. Washington, in his campaign for American independence, conceived the idea of gathering patriots in a secret service of espionage to gather information on British troops and their activities so he could gain an advantage in his military movements. He sent a letter on February 4, 1777, to the military commander Nathaniel Sackett","Document [4](Title: James Lovell (Continental Congress)) struggle for influence and command in the Continental Army. Lovell became a supporter of Horatio Gates in his lobbying quest for command. He encouraged Gates in reporting directly to Congress, in effect going over Washington's head. This reached its peak when Gates was given command of the Northern Department, replacing Philip Schuyler in the summer of 1777. The controversy also extended into his family along political lines as he was a fervent Whig as opposed to his father who was a Loyalist. Lovell was also a frequent correspondent with both John and Abigail Adams. In his correspondence to Abigail, he","Document [5](Title: Lipscomb Norvell) where he had received considerable lands as a bounty for his war service. At the time of his death, he lived with his family in Nashville, Tennessee. He is believed to be the first Revolutionary War officer buried in the Nashville City Cemetery. One of his sons was U.S. Senator John Norvell of Michigan and his grandson, William Walker, the son of Mary Norvell Walker, was the filibuster in Nicaragua. Lipscomb Norvell Lipscomb Norvell (September 1756 \u2013 March 2, 1843) was an American military officer in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Norvell was the son of John","Document [6](Title: Jeremiah Wadsworth) up as much pork as he could (both to furnish the American army and to keep it out of the hands and stomachs of the British forces). Having served effectively in these assignments in Connecticut, Congress elected him Deputy Commissary General of Purchases on June 17, 1777, but he resigned in August. When Congress reorganized the supply system, he became Commissary General in April 1778, resigning in December 1779. Reaching the rank of colonel, he became commissary for Comte de Rochambeau's army until the war's end. In the summer of 1783, he went to Paris to report to the French","Document [7](Title: Intelligence in the American Revolutionary War) specially designated officers to assist him in conducting intelligence operations. The first to assume this role appears to have been Joseph Reed, who fulfilled the duties of \"Secretary, Adjutant General and Quarter Master, besides doing a thousand other little Things which fell incidentally.\" A later successor to Reed was Alexander Hamilton, who is known to have been deeply involved with the Commander-in-Chief's intelligence operations, including developing reports received in secret writing and investigating a suspected double agent. When Elias Boudinot was appointed Commissary General of Prisoners, responsible for screening captured soldiers and for dealing with the British concerning American patriots","Document [8](Title: Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau) appointed commander of land forces as part of the project code named Exp\u00e9dition Particuli\u00e8re. He was given the rank of Lieutenant General in command of some 7,000 French troops and sent to join the Continental Army under George Washington during the American Revolutionary War. Axel von Fersen the Younger served as his aide-de-camp and interpreter. The small size of the force at his disposal made him initially reluctant to lead the expedition. He landed at Newport, Rhode Island on July 10 but was held there inactive for a year due to his reluctance to abandon the French fleet blockaded by","Document [9](Title: James Randolph Reid) James Randolph Reid James Randolph Reid (August 11, 1750 \u2013 January 25, 1789) was an American soldier in the Revolutionary War. He later served as a delegate for Pennsylvania to the Continental Congress from 1787 until 1789. Reid was born in Hamilton Township in what was then York County, Pennsylvania. He graduated from the College of New Jersey (now Princeton) in 1775 and joined the Continental Army as a lieutenant. He rose to the rank of major, and was 2nd in command of Congress' Own Regiment. After the war, Reid was one of the veterans who received a patent or","Document [10](Title: Ward Circle) Leonard Crunelle at a cost of $50,000, the statue was unveiled on November 3, 1938 by Maj. Gen. Ward's great-great-great-granddaughter, Mrs. Lewis Wesley Feick. It shows Ward, the first Commander-in-Chief in the Revolutionary War, atop a granite pedestal in a Continental Army uniform. The pedestal of the statue bears the inscription: ARTEMAS WARD
FIRST COMMANDER OF THE PATRIOT FORCES Located on the west of the circle, the home of American University's School of Public Affairs was named for and","Document [11](Title: Alured Clarke) Pembroke, and received a pension from him until 1790, but Clarke and she had no children. Alured Clarke Field Marshal Sir Alured Clarke (24 November 1744 \u2013 16 September 1832) was a British army officer. He took charge of all British troops in Georgia in May 1780 and was then deployed to Philadelphia to supervise the evacuation of British prisoners of war at the closing stages of the American Revolutionary War. He went on to be Governor of Jamaica and then lieutenant-governor of Lower Canada in which role he had responsibility for implementing the Constitutional Act 1791. He was then","Document [12](Title: William Palfrey) American Revolution, and visited England in 1771. During the War of Independence, he served as an aide-de-camp to George Washington in March and April 1776, after which Hancock arranged to have him appointed paymaster-general in the Continental Army, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. In November 1780, he was appointed consul-general in France by a unanimous vote of Congress, and embarked in a ship for that country, which was never heard of after she had left the capes. Lost at sea in December, 1780, while on special business to France by order of the Continental Congress. His grandson John G. Palfrey","Document [13](Title: Benjamin Chew) the extensive repairs necessary after the Battle of Germantown. While in Delaware, the Chews rented their house on Third Street to Don Juan de Miralles (the Spanish representative to the American government); the Marquis de Chastellux (principal liaison officer between the French Commander-in-Chief and George Washington); and to George and Martha Washington, from November 1781 to March 1782, during the Second Continental Congress. By 1783, the Chews concluded that the political situation was safe enough for their family to return to Philadelphia. They lived full-time in the house on South Third Street during the formation of the United States: the","Document [14](Title: Morgan Lewis (governor)) Army. Lewis was then made a captain of a regiment of the New York militia. Once the 2nd New York militia regiment was organized, he was promoted to the rank of major. He was then appointed chief-of-staff to General Horatio Gates, with the rank of colonel, and accompanied him into Canada, and soon after congress appointed him quartermaster-general of the Northern Army. In 1775, he planned and executed the night attack on Stone Arabia, and was in command at the battle of Crown Point, where he was accompanied by New York Governor George Clinton. He was prominent throughout the campaign","Document [15](Title: Joseph Trumbull (commissary general)) appoint his nephew Walter Livingston as commissary for Schuyler's Northern Department. Trumbull was charged with corruption but an official inquiry cleared him of wrongdoing in December 1775. Trumbull resigned in 1777 when Congress took away some of his duties. Congress then appointed him to the Board of War, and he served from August 1777 until his resignation in April 1778 due to sickness. He died three months later in Lebanon and was buried in the East Cemetery. Joseph Trumbull (commissary general) Joseph Trumbull (March 11, 1737 \u2013 July 23, 1778), son of Governor Jonathan Trumbull of Connecticut, was the first","Document [16](Title: John Brown of Pittsfield) John Brown of Pittsfield John Brown (October 19, 1744 \u2013 October 19, 1780) of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, was a Revolutionary War officer, a state legislator, and a Berkshire County judge. He played key roles in the conquest of Fort Ticonderoga at the start of the war, during the American invasion of Canada in 1775-1776, and once again in 1777 during Lieutenant General John Burgoyne's invasion of the United States by way of Lake Champlain and the Hudson River. Brown was the first man to bring formal charges against Benedict Arnold, who was then a prominent American general. Brown died in battle","Document [17](Title: Robert H. Harrison) Robert H. Harrison Robert Hanson Harrison (1745 \u2013 April 2, 1790) was an American Army officer, attorney, and judge. A Continental Army veteran of the American Revolution, he is most notable for his service as George Washington's military secretary, the \"de facto\" chief of staff of Washington's headquarters for most of the war. Born in Charles County, Maryland, Robert Hanson Harrison was the son of Dorothy (Hanson) Harrison and Colonel Richard Harrison, who served in offices including justice of the peace and member of the Maryland House of Delegates. Little is known of the younger Harrison's early life and education,","Document [18](Title: Richard Platt (military officer)) Richard Platt (military officer) Richard Platt (1754 - 1830.) was an aide-de-camp to Alexander McDougall during the Revolutionary War. Platt served as the chairman of the Committee of Arrangements in organizing New York's Federal Procession of 1788, which celebrated the ratification of the United States Constitution. Platt was also a member of the Society of the Cincinnati of the State of New York, for which he served as Treasurer alongside Alexander Hamilton, who served as the society's Vice President Platt served as the chairman of the Committee of Arrangements in organizing New York's Federal Procession of 1788, which celebrated the","Document [19](Title: John Cleves Symmes Jr.) John Cleves Symmes Jr. John Cleves Symmes Jr. (November 5, 1780 \u2013 May 28, 1829) was an American Army officer, trader, and lecturer. Symmes is best known for his 1818 variant of the Hollow Earth Theory, which introduced the concept of openings to the inner world at the poles. John Cleves Symmes Jr. was born in Sussex County, New Jersey, son of Thomas and Mercy (\"n\u00e9e\" Harker) Symmes. He was named for his uncle John Cleves Symmes, a delegate to the Continental Congress, a Colonel in the Revolutionary War, Chief Justice of New Jersey, father-in-law of US President William Henry","Document [20](Title: Thomas Mifflin) on March 4, 1767. They had no children. Early in the Revolutionary War, Mifflin left the Continental Congress to serve in the Continental Army. He was commissioned as a major, then became an \"aide-de-camp\" of George Washington. On August 14, 1775, Washington appointed him to become the army's first Quartermaster General, under order of Congress. Although it has been said that he was good at the job despite preferring to be on the front lines, questions were raised regarding his failure to properly supply Washington and the troops at Valley Forge, alleging that he had instead warehoused and sold supplies"],"query":"who was in charge of the revolutionary war?","answers":["General George Washington","the king"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Codorus State Park) employed as a deputy surveyor by the Penn Family. Stevenson organized wagons and supplies for the Forbes Campaign during the French and Indian War. When the British occupied Philadelphia and York became the capital of the Colonies, George Washington called on Stevenson to take charge of the supply lines. George Ross was a lawyer from Lancaster. During the American Revolutionary War, he served in the Provincial Assembly, the Provincial Conference and the Continental Congress. He signed the Declaration of Independence. He also introduced George Washington to the widow of his nephew, the flagmaker Betsy Ross. William Thompson emigrated from Ireland.","Document [2](Title: Henry Ludington) Ridgefield in April 1777, of the American Revolutionary War. The volunteers were mostly from the towns of Kent and Carmel of that county (later Putman County). Ludington was affiliated with George Washington as an aide-de-camp. He worked with Washington and helped establish the initial \"secret service\" in America. Washington, in his campaign for American independence, conceived the idea of gathering patriots in a secret service of espionage to gather information on British troops and their activities so he could gain an advantage in his military movements. He sent a letter on February 4, 1777, to the military commander Nathaniel Sackett","Document [3](Title: James Lovell (Continental Congress)) struggle for influence and command in the Continental Army. Lovell became a supporter of Horatio Gates in his lobbying quest for command. He encouraged Gates in reporting directly to Congress, in effect going over Washington's head. This reached its peak when Gates was given command of the Northern Department, replacing Philip Schuyler in the summer of 1777. The controversy also extended into his family along political lines as he was a fervent Whig as opposed to his father who was a Loyalist. Lovell was also a frequent correspondent with both John and Abigail Adams. In his correspondence to Abigail, he","Document [4](Title: Lipscomb Norvell) where he had received considerable lands as a bounty for his war service. At the time of his death, he lived with his family in Nashville, Tennessee. He is believed to be the first Revolutionary War officer buried in the Nashville City Cemetery. One of his sons was U.S. Senator John Norvell of Michigan and his grandson, William Walker, the son of Mary Norvell Walker, was the filibuster in Nicaragua. Lipscomb Norvell Lipscomb Norvell (September 1756 \u2013 March 2, 1843) was an American military officer in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Norvell was the son of John","Document [5](Title: American Revolution) Tensions erupted into battle between Patriot militia and British regulars when the king's army attempted to capture and destroy Colonial military supplies at Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775. The conflict then developed into a global war, during which the Patriots (and later their French, Spanish, and Dutch allies) fought the British and Loyalists in what became known as the American Revolutionary War (1775\u201383). Each of the thirteen colonies formed a Provincial Congress that assumed power from the old colonial governments and suppressed Loyalism, and from there they built a Continental Army under the leadership of General George Washington. ","Document [6](Title: Jeremiah Wadsworth) up as much pork as he could (both to furnish the American army and to keep it out of the hands and stomachs of the British forces). Having served effectively in these assignments in Connecticut, Congress elected him Deputy Commissary General of Purchases on June 17, 1777, but he resigned in August. When Congress reorganized the supply system, he became Commissary General in April 1778, resigning in December 1779. Reaching the rank of colonel, he became commissary for Comte de Rochambeau's army until the war's end. In the summer of 1783, he went to Paris to report to the French","Document [7](Title: Intelligence in the American Revolutionary War) specially designated officers to assist him in conducting intelligence operations. The first to assume this role appears to have been Joseph Reed, who fulfilled the duties of \"Secretary, Adjutant General and Quarter Master, besides doing a thousand other little Things which fell incidentally.\" A later successor to Reed was Alexander Hamilton, who is known to have been deeply involved with the Commander-in-Chief's intelligence operations, including developing reports received in secret writing and investigating a suspected double agent. When Elias Boudinot was appointed Commissary General of Prisoners, responsible for screening captured soldiers and for dealing with the British concerning American patriots","Document [8](Title: Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau) appointed commander of land forces as part of the project code named Exp\u00e9dition Particuli\u00e8re. He was given the rank of Lieutenant General in command of some 7,000 French troops and sent to join the Continental Army under George Washington during the American Revolutionary War. Axel von Fersen the Younger served as his aide-de-camp and interpreter. The small size of the force at his disposal made him initially reluctant to lead the expedition. He landed at Newport, Rhode Island on July 10 but was held there inactive for a year due to his reluctance to abandon the French fleet blockaded by","Document [9](Title: James Randolph Reid) James Randolph Reid James Randolph Reid (August 11, 1750 \u2013 January 25, 1789) was an American soldier in the Revolutionary War. He later served as a delegate for Pennsylvania to the Continental Congress from 1787 until 1789. Reid was born in Hamilton Township in what was then York County, Pennsylvania. He graduated from the College of New Jersey (now Princeton) in 1775 and joined the Continental Army as a lieutenant. He rose to the rank of major, and was 2nd in command of Congress' Own Regiment. After the war, Reid was one of the veterans who received a patent or","Document [10](Title: Ward Circle) Leonard Crunelle at a cost of $50,000, the statue was unveiled on November 3, 1938 by Maj. Gen. Ward's great-great-great-granddaughter, Mrs. Lewis Wesley Feick. It shows Ward, the first Commander-in-Chief in the Revolutionary War, atop a granite pedestal in a Continental Army uniform. The pedestal of the statue bears the inscription: ARTEMAS WARD
FIRST COMMANDER OF THE PATRIOT FORCES Located on the west of the circle, the home of American University's School of Public Affairs was named for and","Document [11](Title: Alured Clarke) Pembroke, and received a pension from him until 1790, but Clarke and she had no children. Alured Clarke Field Marshal Sir Alured Clarke (24 November 1744 \u2013 16 September 1832) was a British army officer. He took charge of all British troops in Georgia in May 1780 and was then deployed to Philadelphia to supervise the evacuation of British prisoners of war at the closing stages of the American Revolutionary War. He went on to be Governor of Jamaica and then lieutenant-governor of Lower Canada in which role he had responsibility for implementing the Constitutional Act 1791. He was then","Document [12](Title: William Palfrey) American Revolution, and visited England in 1771. During the War of Independence, he served as an aide-de-camp to George Washington in March and April 1776, after which Hancock arranged to have him appointed paymaster-general in the Continental Army, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. In November 1780, he was appointed consul-general in France by a unanimous vote of Congress, and embarked in a ship for that country, which was never heard of after she had left the capes. Lost at sea in December, 1780, while on special business to France by order of the Continental Congress. His grandson John G. Palfrey","Document [13](Title: Benjamin Chew) the extensive repairs necessary after the Battle of Germantown. While in Delaware, the Chews rented their house on Third Street to Don Juan de Miralles (the Spanish representative to the American government); the Marquis de Chastellux (principal liaison officer between the French Commander-in-Chief and George Washington); and to George and Martha Washington, from November 1781 to March 1782, during the Second Continental Congress. By 1783, the Chews concluded that the political situation was safe enough for their family to return to Philadelphia. They lived full-time in the house on South Third Street during the formation of the United States: the","Document [14](Title: Morgan Lewis (governor)) Army. Lewis was then made a captain of a regiment of the New York militia. Once the 2nd New York militia regiment was organized, he was promoted to the rank of major. He was then appointed chief-of-staff to General Horatio Gates, with the rank of colonel, and accompanied him into Canada, and soon after congress appointed him quartermaster-general of the Northern Army. In 1775, he planned and executed the night attack on Stone Arabia, and was in command at the battle of Crown Point, where he was accompanied by New York Governor George Clinton. He was prominent throughout the campaign","Document [15](Title: Joseph Trumbull (commissary general)) appoint his nephew Walter Livingston as commissary for Schuyler's Northern Department. Trumbull was charged with corruption but an official inquiry cleared him of wrongdoing in December 1775. Trumbull resigned in 1777 when Congress took away some of his duties. Congress then appointed him to the Board of War, and he served from August 1777 until his resignation in April 1778 due to sickness. He died three months later in Lebanon and was buried in the East Cemetery. Joseph Trumbull (commissary general) Joseph Trumbull (March 11, 1737 \u2013 July 23, 1778), son of Governor Jonathan Trumbull of Connecticut, was the first","Document [16](Title: John Brown of Pittsfield) John Brown of Pittsfield John Brown (October 19, 1744 \u2013 October 19, 1780) of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, was a Revolutionary War officer, a state legislator, and a Berkshire County judge. He played key roles in the conquest of Fort Ticonderoga at the start of the war, during the American invasion of Canada in 1775-1776, and once again in 1777 during Lieutenant General John Burgoyne's invasion of the United States by way of Lake Champlain and the Hudson River. Brown was the first man to bring formal charges against Benedict Arnold, who was then a prominent American general. Brown died in battle","Document [17](Title: Robert H. Harrison) Robert H. Harrison Robert Hanson Harrison (1745 \u2013 April 2, 1790) was an American Army officer, attorney, and judge. A Continental Army veteran of the American Revolution, he is most notable for his service as George Washington's military secretary, the \"de facto\" chief of staff of Washington's headquarters for most of the war. Born in Charles County, Maryland, Robert Hanson Harrison was the son of Dorothy (Hanson) Harrison and Colonel Richard Harrison, who served in offices including justice of the peace and member of the Maryland House of Delegates. Little is known of the younger Harrison's early life and education,","Document [18](Title: Richard Platt (military officer)) Richard Platt (military officer) Richard Platt (1754 - 1830.) was an aide-de-camp to Alexander McDougall during the Revolutionary War. Platt served as the chairman of the Committee of Arrangements in organizing New York's Federal Procession of 1788, which celebrated the ratification of the United States Constitution. Platt was also a member of the Society of the Cincinnati of the State of New York, for which he served as Treasurer alongside Alexander Hamilton, who served as the society's Vice President Platt served as the chairman of the Committee of Arrangements in organizing New York's Federal Procession of 1788, which celebrated the","Document [19](Title: John Cleves Symmes Jr.) John Cleves Symmes Jr. John Cleves Symmes Jr. (November 5, 1780 \u2013 May 28, 1829) was an American Army officer, trader, and lecturer. Symmes is best known for his 1818 variant of the Hollow Earth Theory, which introduced the concept of openings to the inner world at the poles. John Cleves Symmes Jr. was born in Sussex County, New Jersey, son of Thomas and Mercy (\"n\u00e9e\" Harker) Symmes. He was named for his uncle John Cleves Symmes, a delegate to the Continental Congress, a Colonel in the Revolutionary War, Chief Justice of New Jersey, father-in-law of US President William Henry","Document [20](Title: Thomas Mifflin) on March 4, 1767. They had no children. Early in the Revolutionary War, Mifflin left the Continental Congress to serve in the Continental Army. He was commissioned as a major, then became an \"aide-de-camp\" of George Washington. On August 14, 1775, Washington appointed him to become the army's first Quartermaster General, under order of Congress. Although it has been said that he was good at the job despite preferring to be on the front lines, questions were raised regarding his failure to properly supply Washington and the troops at Valley Forge, alleging that he had instead warehoused and sold supplies"],"query":"who was in charge of the revolutionary war?","answers":["General George Washington","the king"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Codorus State Park) employed as a deputy surveyor by the Penn Family. Stevenson organized wagons and supplies for the Forbes Campaign during the French and Indian War. When the British occupied Philadelphia and York became the capital of the Colonies, George Washington called on Stevenson to take charge of the supply lines. George Ross was a lawyer from Lancaster. During the American Revolutionary War, he served in the Provincial Assembly, the Provincial Conference and the Continental Congress. He signed the Declaration of Independence. He also introduced George Washington to the widow of his nephew, the flagmaker Betsy Ross. William Thompson emigrated from Ireland.","Document [2](Title: Henry Ludington) Ridgefield in April 1777, of the American Revolutionary War. The volunteers were mostly from the towns of Kent and Carmel of that county (later Putman County). Ludington was affiliated with George Washington as an aide-de-camp. He worked with Washington and helped establish the initial \"secret service\" in America. Washington, in his campaign for American independence, conceived the idea of gathering patriots in a secret service of espionage to gather information on British troops and their activities so he could gain an advantage in his military movements. He sent a letter on February 4, 1777, to the military commander Nathaniel Sackett","Document [3](Title: James Lovell (Continental Congress)) struggle for influence and command in the Continental Army. Lovell became a supporter of Horatio Gates in his lobbying quest for command. He encouraged Gates in reporting directly to Congress, in effect going over Washington's head. This reached its peak when Gates was given command of the Northern Department, replacing Philip Schuyler in the summer of 1777. The controversy also extended into his family along political lines as he was a fervent Whig as opposed to his father who was a Loyalist. Lovell was also a frequent correspondent with both John and Abigail Adams. In his correspondence to Abigail, he","Document [4](Title: Lipscomb Norvell) where he had received considerable lands as a bounty for his war service. At the time of his death, he lived with his family in Nashville, Tennessee. He is believed to be the first Revolutionary War officer buried in the Nashville City Cemetery. One of his sons was U.S. Senator John Norvell of Michigan and his grandson, William Walker, the son of Mary Norvell Walker, was the filibuster in Nicaragua. Lipscomb Norvell Lipscomb Norvell (September 1756 \u2013 March 2, 1843) was an American military officer in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Norvell was the son of John","Document [5](Title: Jeremiah Wadsworth) up as much pork as he could (both to furnish the American army and to keep it out of the hands and stomachs of the British forces). Having served effectively in these assignments in Connecticut, Congress elected him Deputy Commissary General of Purchases on June 17, 1777, but he resigned in August. When Congress reorganized the supply system, he became Commissary General in April 1778, resigning in December 1779. Reaching the rank of colonel, he became commissary for Comte de Rochambeau's army until the war's end. In the summer of 1783, he went to Paris to report to the French","Document [6](Title: Intelligence in the American Revolutionary War) specially designated officers to assist him in conducting intelligence operations. The first to assume this role appears to have been Joseph Reed, who fulfilled the duties of \"Secretary, Adjutant General and Quarter Master, besides doing a thousand other little Things which fell incidentally.\" A later successor to Reed was Alexander Hamilton, who is known to have been deeply involved with the Commander-in-Chief's intelligence operations, including developing reports received in secret writing and investigating a suspected double agent. When Elias Boudinot was appointed Commissary General of Prisoners, responsible for screening captured soldiers and for dealing with the British concerning American patriots","Document [7](Title: Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau) appointed commander of land forces as part of the project code named Exp\u00e9dition Particuli\u00e8re. He was given the rank of Lieutenant General in command of some 7,000 French troops and sent to join the Continental Army under George Washington during the American Revolutionary War. Axel von Fersen the Younger served as his aide-de-camp and interpreter. The small size of the force at his disposal made him initially reluctant to lead the expedition. He landed at Newport, Rhode Island on July 10 but was held there inactive for a year due to his reluctance to abandon the French fleet blockaded by","Document [8](Title: James Randolph Reid) James Randolph Reid James Randolph Reid (August 11, 1750 \u2013 January 25, 1789) was an American soldier in the Revolutionary War. He later served as a delegate for Pennsylvania to the Continental Congress from 1787 until 1789. Reid was born in Hamilton Township in what was then York County, Pennsylvania. He graduated from the College of New Jersey (now Princeton) in 1775 and joined the Continental Army as a lieutenant. He rose to the rank of major, and was 2nd in command of Congress' Own Regiment. After the war, Reid was one of the veterans who received a patent or","Document [9](Title: Ward Circle) Leonard Crunelle at a cost of $50,000, the statue was unveiled on November 3, 1938 by Maj. Gen. Ward's great-great-great-granddaughter, Mrs. Lewis Wesley Feick. It shows Ward, the first Commander-in-Chief in the Revolutionary War, atop a granite pedestal in a Continental Army uniform. The pedestal of the statue bears the inscription: ARTEMAS WARD
FIRST COMMANDER OF THE PATRIOT FORCES Located on the west of the circle, the home of American University's School of Public Affairs was named for and","Document [10](Title: American Revolution) Tensions erupted into battle between Patriot militia and British regulars when the king's army attempted to capture and destroy Colonial military supplies at Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775. The conflict then developed into a global war, during which the Patriots (and later their French, Spanish, and Dutch allies) fought the British and Loyalists in what became known as the American Revolutionary War (1775\u201383). Each of the thirteen colonies formed a Provincial Congress that assumed power from the old colonial governments and suppressed Loyalism, and from there they built a Continental Army under the leadership of General George Washington. ","Document [11](Title: Alured Clarke) Pembroke, and received a pension from him until 1790, but Clarke and she had no children. Alured Clarke Field Marshal Sir Alured Clarke (24 November 1744 \u2013 16 September 1832) was a British army officer. He took charge of all British troops in Georgia in May 1780 and was then deployed to Philadelphia to supervise the evacuation of British prisoners of war at the closing stages of the American Revolutionary War. He went on to be Governor of Jamaica and then lieutenant-governor of Lower Canada in which role he had responsibility for implementing the Constitutional Act 1791. He was then","Document [12](Title: William Palfrey) American Revolution, and visited England in 1771. During the War of Independence, he served as an aide-de-camp to George Washington in March and April 1776, after which Hancock arranged to have him appointed paymaster-general in the Continental Army, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. In November 1780, he was appointed consul-general in France by a unanimous vote of Congress, and embarked in a ship for that country, which was never heard of after she had left the capes. Lost at sea in December, 1780, while on special business to France by order of the Continental Congress. His grandson John G. Palfrey","Document [13](Title: Benjamin Chew) the extensive repairs necessary after the Battle of Germantown. While in Delaware, the Chews rented their house on Third Street to Don Juan de Miralles (the Spanish representative to the American government); the Marquis de Chastellux (principal liaison officer between the French Commander-in-Chief and George Washington); and to George and Martha Washington, from November 1781 to March 1782, during the Second Continental Congress. By 1783, the Chews concluded that the political situation was safe enough for their family to return to Philadelphia. They lived full-time in the house on South Third Street during the formation of the United States: the","Document [14](Title: Morgan Lewis (governor)) Army. Lewis was then made a captain of a regiment of the New York militia. Once the 2nd New York militia regiment was organized, he was promoted to the rank of major. He was then appointed chief-of-staff to General Horatio Gates, with the rank of colonel, and accompanied him into Canada, and soon after congress appointed him quartermaster-general of the Northern Army. In 1775, he planned and executed the night attack on Stone Arabia, and was in command at the battle of Crown Point, where he was accompanied by New York Governor George Clinton. He was prominent throughout the campaign","Document [15](Title: Joseph Trumbull (commissary general)) appoint his nephew Walter Livingston as commissary for Schuyler's Northern Department. Trumbull was charged with corruption but an official inquiry cleared him of wrongdoing in December 1775. Trumbull resigned in 1777 when Congress took away some of his duties. Congress then appointed him to the Board of War, and he served from August 1777 until his resignation in April 1778 due to sickness. He died three months later in Lebanon and was buried in the East Cemetery. Joseph Trumbull (commissary general) Joseph Trumbull (March 11, 1737 \u2013 July 23, 1778), son of Governor Jonathan Trumbull of Connecticut, was the first","Document [16](Title: John Brown of Pittsfield) John Brown of Pittsfield John Brown (October 19, 1744 \u2013 October 19, 1780) of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, was a Revolutionary War officer, a state legislator, and a Berkshire County judge. He played key roles in the conquest of Fort Ticonderoga at the start of the war, during the American invasion of Canada in 1775-1776, and once again in 1777 during Lieutenant General John Burgoyne's invasion of the United States by way of Lake Champlain and the Hudson River. Brown was the first man to bring formal charges against Benedict Arnold, who was then a prominent American general. Brown died in battle","Document [17](Title: Robert H. Harrison) Robert H. Harrison Robert Hanson Harrison (1745 \u2013 April 2, 1790) was an American Army officer, attorney, and judge. A Continental Army veteran of the American Revolution, he is most notable for his service as George Washington's military secretary, the \"de facto\" chief of staff of Washington's headquarters for most of the war. Born in Charles County, Maryland, Robert Hanson Harrison was the son of Dorothy (Hanson) Harrison and Colonel Richard Harrison, who served in offices including justice of the peace and member of the Maryland House of Delegates. Little is known of the younger Harrison's early life and education,","Document [18](Title: Richard Platt (military officer)) Richard Platt (military officer) Richard Platt (1754 - 1830.) was an aide-de-camp to Alexander McDougall during the Revolutionary War. Platt served as the chairman of the Committee of Arrangements in organizing New York's Federal Procession of 1788, which celebrated the ratification of the United States Constitution. Platt was also a member of the Society of the Cincinnati of the State of New York, for which he served as Treasurer alongside Alexander Hamilton, who served as the society's Vice President Platt served as the chairman of the Committee of Arrangements in organizing New York's Federal Procession of 1788, which celebrated the","Document [19](Title: John Cleves Symmes Jr.) John Cleves Symmes Jr. John Cleves Symmes Jr. (November 5, 1780 \u2013 May 28, 1829) was an American Army officer, trader, and lecturer. Symmes is best known for his 1818 variant of the Hollow Earth Theory, which introduced the concept of openings to the inner world at the poles. John Cleves Symmes Jr. was born in Sussex County, New Jersey, son of Thomas and Mercy (\"n\u00e9e\" Harker) Symmes. He was named for his uncle John Cleves Symmes, a delegate to the Continental Congress, a Colonel in the Revolutionary War, Chief Justice of New Jersey, father-in-law of US President William Henry","Document [20](Title: Thomas Mifflin) on March 4, 1767. They had no children. Early in the Revolutionary War, Mifflin left the Continental Congress to serve in the Continental Army. He was commissioned as a major, then became an \"aide-de-camp\" of George Washington. On August 14, 1775, Washington appointed him to become the army's first Quartermaster General, under order of Congress. Although it has been said that he was good at the job despite preferring to be on the front lines, questions were raised regarding his failure to properly supply Washington and the troops at Valley Forge, alleging that he had instead warehoused and sold supplies"],"query":"who was in charge of the revolutionary war?","answers":["General George Washington","the king"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Codorus State Park) employed as a deputy surveyor by the Penn Family. Stevenson organized wagons and supplies for the Forbes Campaign during the French and Indian War. When the British occupied Philadelphia and York became the capital of the Colonies, George Washington called on Stevenson to take charge of the supply lines. George Ross was a lawyer from Lancaster. During the American Revolutionary War, he served in the Provincial Assembly, the Provincial Conference and the Continental Congress. He signed the Declaration of Independence. He also introduced George Washington to the widow of his nephew, the flagmaker Betsy Ross. William Thompson emigrated from Ireland.","Document [2](Title: Henry Ludington) Ridgefield in April 1777, of the American Revolutionary War. The volunteers were mostly from the towns of Kent and Carmel of that county (later Putman County). Ludington was affiliated with George Washington as an aide-de-camp. He worked with Washington and helped establish the initial \"secret service\" in America. Washington, in his campaign for American independence, conceived the idea of gathering patriots in a secret service of espionage to gather information on British troops and their activities so he could gain an advantage in his military movements. He sent a letter on February 4, 1777, to the military commander Nathaniel Sackett","Document [3](Title: James Lovell (Continental Congress)) struggle for influence and command in the Continental Army. Lovell became a supporter of Horatio Gates in his lobbying quest for command. He encouraged Gates in reporting directly to Congress, in effect going over Washington's head. This reached its peak when Gates was given command of the Northern Department, replacing Philip Schuyler in the summer of 1777. The controversy also extended into his family along political lines as he was a fervent Whig as opposed to his father who was a Loyalist. Lovell was also a frequent correspondent with both John and Abigail Adams. In his correspondence to Abigail, he","Document [4](Title: Lipscomb Norvell) where he had received considerable lands as a bounty for his war service. At the time of his death, he lived with his family in Nashville, Tennessee. He is believed to be the first Revolutionary War officer buried in the Nashville City Cemetery. One of his sons was U.S. Senator John Norvell of Michigan and his grandson, William Walker, the son of Mary Norvell Walker, was the filibuster in Nicaragua. Lipscomb Norvell Lipscomb Norvell (September 1756 \u2013 March 2, 1843) was an American military officer in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Norvell was the son of John","Document [5](Title: Jeremiah Wadsworth) up as much pork as he could (both to furnish the American army and to keep it out of the hands and stomachs of the British forces). Having served effectively in these assignments in Connecticut, Congress elected him Deputy Commissary General of Purchases on June 17, 1777, but he resigned in August. When Congress reorganized the supply system, he became Commissary General in April 1778, resigning in December 1779. Reaching the rank of colonel, he became commissary for Comte de Rochambeau's army until the war's end. In the summer of 1783, he went to Paris to report to the French","Document [6](Title: Intelligence in the American Revolutionary War) specially designated officers to assist him in conducting intelligence operations. The first to assume this role appears to have been Joseph Reed, who fulfilled the duties of \"Secretary, Adjutant General and Quarter Master, besides doing a thousand other little Things which fell incidentally.\" A later successor to Reed was Alexander Hamilton, who is known to have been deeply involved with the Commander-in-Chief's intelligence operations, including developing reports received in secret writing and investigating a suspected double agent. When Elias Boudinot was appointed Commissary General of Prisoners, responsible for screening captured soldiers and for dealing with the British concerning American patriots","Document [7](Title: Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau) appointed commander of land forces as part of the project code named Exp\u00e9dition Particuli\u00e8re. He was given the rank of Lieutenant General in command of some 7,000 French troops and sent to join the Continental Army under George Washington during the American Revolutionary War. Axel von Fersen the Younger served as his aide-de-camp and interpreter. The small size of the force at his disposal made him initially reluctant to lead the expedition. He landed at Newport, Rhode Island on July 10 but was held there inactive for a year due to his reluctance to abandon the French fleet blockaded by","Document [8](Title: James Randolph Reid) James Randolph Reid James Randolph Reid (August 11, 1750 \u2013 January 25, 1789) was an American soldier in the Revolutionary War. He later served as a delegate for Pennsylvania to the Continental Congress from 1787 until 1789. Reid was born in Hamilton Township in what was then York County, Pennsylvania. He graduated from the College of New Jersey (now Princeton) in 1775 and joined the Continental Army as a lieutenant. He rose to the rank of major, and was 2nd in command of Congress' Own Regiment. After the war, Reid was one of the veterans who received a patent or","Document [9](Title: Ward Circle) Leonard Crunelle at a cost of $50,000, the statue was unveiled on November 3, 1938 by Maj. Gen. Ward's great-great-great-granddaughter, Mrs. Lewis Wesley Feick. It shows Ward, the first Commander-in-Chief in the Revolutionary War, atop a granite pedestal in a Continental Army uniform. The pedestal of the statue bears the inscription: ARTEMAS WARD
FIRST COMMANDER OF THE PATRIOT FORCES Located on the west of the circle, the home of American University's School of Public Affairs was named for and","Document [10](Title: Alured Clarke) Pembroke, and received a pension from him until 1790, but Clarke and she had no children. Alured Clarke Field Marshal Sir Alured Clarke (24 November 1744 \u2013 16 September 1832) was a British army officer. He took charge of all British troops in Georgia in May 1780 and was then deployed to Philadelphia to supervise the evacuation of British prisoners of war at the closing stages of the American Revolutionary War. He went on to be Governor of Jamaica and then lieutenant-governor of Lower Canada in which role he had responsibility for implementing the Constitutional Act 1791. He was then","Document [11](Title: William Palfrey) American Revolution, and visited England in 1771. During the War of Independence, he served as an aide-de-camp to George Washington in March and April 1776, after which Hancock arranged to have him appointed paymaster-general in the Continental Army, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. In November 1780, he was appointed consul-general in France by a unanimous vote of Congress, and embarked in a ship for that country, which was never heard of after she had left the capes. Lost at sea in December, 1780, while on special business to France by order of the Continental Congress. His grandson John G. Palfrey","Document [12](Title: Benjamin Chew) the extensive repairs necessary after the Battle of Germantown. While in Delaware, the Chews rented their house on Third Street to Don Juan de Miralles (the Spanish representative to the American government); the Marquis de Chastellux (principal liaison officer between the French Commander-in-Chief and George Washington); and to George and Martha Washington, from November 1781 to March 1782, during the Second Continental Congress. By 1783, the Chews concluded that the political situation was safe enough for their family to return to Philadelphia. They lived full-time in the house on South Third Street during the formation of the United States: the","Document [13](Title: Morgan Lewis (governor)) Army. Lewis was then made a captain of a regiment of the New York militia. Once the 2nd New York militia regiment was organized, he was promoted to the rank of major. He was then appointed chief-of-staff to General Horatio Gates, with the rank of colonel, and accompanied him into Canada, and soon after congress appointed him quartermaster-general of the Northern Army. In 1775, he planned and executed the night attack on Stone Arabia, and was in command at the battle of Crown Point, where he was accompanied by New York Governor George Clinton. He was prominent throughout the campaign","Document [14](Title: Joseph Trumbull (commissary general)) appoint his nephew Walter Livingston as commissary for Schuyler's Northern Department. Trumbull was charged with corruption but an official inquiry cleared him of wrongdoing in December 1775. Trumbull resigned in 1777 when Congress took away some of his duties. Congress then appointed him to the Board of War, and he served from August 1777 until his resignation in April 1778 due to sickness. He died three months later in Lebanon and was buried in the East Cemetery. Joseph Trumbull (commissary general) Joseph Trumbull (March 11, 1737 \u2013 July 23, 1778), son of Governor Jonathan Trumbull of Connecticut, was the first","Document [15](Title: American Revolution) Tensions erupted into battle between Patriot militia and British regulars when the king's army attempted to capture and destroy Colonial military supplies at Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775. The conflict then developed into a global war, during which the Patriots (and later their French, Spanish, and Dutch allies) fought the British and Loyalists in what became known as the American Revolutionary War (1775\u201383). Each of the thirteen colonies formed a Provincial Congress that assumed power from the old colonial governments and suppressed Loyalism, and from there they built a Continental Army under the leadership of General George Washington. ","Document [16](Title: John Brown of Pittsfield) John Brown of Pittsfield John Brown (October 19, 1744 \u2013 October 19, 1780) of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, was a Revolutionary War officer, a state legislator, and a Berkshire County judge. He played key roles in the conquest of Fort Ticonderoga at the start of the war, during the American invasion of Canada in 1775-1776, and once again in 1777 during Lieutenant General John Burgoyne's invasion of the United States by way of Lake Champlain and the Hudson River. Brown was the first man to bring formal charges against Benedict Arnold, who was then a prominent American general. Brown died in battle","Document [17](Title: Robert H. Harrison) Robert H. Harrison Robert Hanson Harrison (1745 \u2013 April 2, 1790) was an American Army officer, attorney, and judge. A Continental Army veteran of the American Revolution, he is most notable for his service as George Washington's military secretary, the \"de facto\" chief of staff of Washington's headquarters for most of the war. Born in Charles County, Maryland, Robert Hanson Harrison was the son of Dorothy (Hanson) Harrison and Colonel Richard Harrison, who served in offices including justice of the peace and member of the Maryland House of Delegates. Little is known of the younger Harrison's early life and education,","Document [18](Title: Richard Platt (military officer)) Richard Platt (military officer) Richard Platt (1754 - 1830.) was an aide-de-camp to Alexander McDougall during the Revolutionary War. Platt served as the chairman of the Committee of Arrangements in organizing New York's Federal Procession of 1788, which celebrated the ratification of the United States Constitution. Platt was also a member of the Society of the Cincinnati of the State of New York, for which he served as Treasurer alongside Alexander Hamilton, who served as the society's Vice President Platt served as the chairman of the Committee of Arrangements in organizing New York's Federal Procession of 1788, which celebrated the","Document [19](Title: John Cleves Symmes Jr.) John Cleves Symmes Jr. John Cleves Symmes Jr. (November 5, 1780 \u2013 May 28, 1829) was an American Army officer, trader, and lecturer. Symmes is best known for his 1818 variant of the Hollow Earth Theory, which introduced the concept of openings to the inner world at the poles. John Cleves Symmes Jr. was born in Sussex County, New Jersey, son of Thomas and Mercy (\"n\u00e9e\" Harker) Symmes. He was named for his uncle John Cleves Symmes, a delegate to the Continental Congress, a Colonel in the Revolutionary War, Chief Justice of New Jersey, father-in-law of US President William Henry","Document [20](Title: Thomas Mifflin) on March 4, 1767. They had no children. Early in the Revolutionary War, Mifflin left the Continental Congress to serve in the Continental Army. He was commissioned as a major, then became an \"aide-de-camp\" of George Washington. On August 14, 1775, Washington appointed him to become the army's first Quartermaster General, under order of Congress. Although it has been said that he was good at the job despite preferring to be on the front lines, questions were raised regarding his failure to properly supply Washington and the troops at Valley Forge, alleging that he had instead warehoused and sold supplies"],"query":"who was in charge of the revolutionary war?","answers":["General George Washington","the king"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Codorus State Park) employed as a deputy surveyor by the Penn Family. Stevenson organized wagons and supplies for the Forbes Campaign during the French and Indian War. When the British occupied Philadelphia and York became the capital of the Colonies, George Washington called on Stevenson to take charge of the supply lines. George Ross was a lawyer from Lancaster. During the American Revolutionary War, he served in the Provincial Assembly, the Provincial Conference and the Continental Congress. He signed the Declaration of Independence. He also introduced George Washington to the widow of his nephew, the flagmaker Betsy Ross. William Thompson emigrated from Ireland.","Document [2](Title: Henry Ludington) Ridgefield in April 1777, of the American Revolutionary War. The volunteers were mostly from the towns of Kent and Carmel of that county (later Putman County). Ludington was affiliated with George Washington as an aide-de-camp. He worked with Washington and helped establish the initial \"secret service\" in America. Washington, in his campaign for American independence, conceived the idea of gathering patriots in a secret service of espionage to gather information on British troops and their activities so he could gain an advantage in his military movements. He sent a letter on February 4, 1777, to the military commander Nathaniel Sackett","Document [3](Title: James Lovell (Continental Congress)) struggle for influence and command in the Continental Army. Lovell became a supporter of Horatio Gates in his lobbying quest for command. He encouraged Gates in reporting directly to Congress, in effect going over Washington's head. This reached its peak when Gates was given command of the Northern Department, replacing Philip Schuyler in the summer of 1777. The controversy also extended into his family along political lines as he was a fervent Whig as opposed to his father who was a Loyalist. Lovell was also a frequent correspondent with both John and Abigail Adams. In his correspondence to Abigail, he","Document [4](Title: Lipscomb Norvell) where he had received considerable lands as a bounty for his war service. At the time of his death, he lived with his family in Nashville, Tennessee. He is believed to be the first Revolutionary War officer buried in the Nashville City Cemetery. One of his sons was U.S. Senator John Norvell of Michigan and his grandson, William Walker, the son of Mary Norvell Walker, was the filibuster in Nicaragua. Lipscomb Norvell Lipscomb Norvell (September 1756 \u2013 March 2, 1843) was an American military officer in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Norvell was the son of John","Document [5](Title: Jeremiah Wadsworth) up as much pork as he could (both to furnish the American army and to keep it out of the hands and stomachs of the British forces). Having served effectively in these assignments in Connecticut, Congress elected him Deputy Commissary General of Purchases on June 17, 1777, but he resigned in August. When Congress reorganized the supply system, he became Commissary General in April 1778, resigning in December 1779. Reaching the rank of colonel, he became commissary for Comte de Rochambeau's army until the war's end. In the summer of 1783, he went to Paris to report to the French","Document [6](Title: Intelligence in the American Revolutionary War) specially designated officers to assist him in conducting intelligence operations. The first to assume this role appears to have been Joseph Reed, who fulfilled the duties of \"Secretary, Adjutant General and Quarter Master, besides doing a thousand other little Things which fell incidentally.\" A later successor to Reed was Alexander Hamilton, who is known to have been deeply involved with the Commander-in-Chief's intelligence operations, including developing reports received in secret writing and investigating a suspected double agent. When Elias Boudinot was appointed Commissary General of Prisoners, responsible for screening captured soldiers and for dealing with the British concerning American patriots","Document [7](Title: Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau) appointed commander of land forces as part of the project code named Exp\u00e9dition Particuli\u00e8re. He was given the rank of Lieutenant General in command of some 7,000 French troops and sent to join the Continental Army under George Washington during the American Revolutionary War. Axel von Fersen the Younger served as his aide-de-camp and interpreter. The small size of the force at his disposal made him initially reluctant to lead the expedition. He landed at Newport, Rhode Island on July 10 but was held there inactive for a year due to his reluctance to abandon the French fleet blockaded by","Document [8](Title: James Randolph Reid) James Randolph Reid James Randolph Reid (August 11, 1750 \u2013 January 25, 1789) was an American soldier in the Revolutionary War. He later served as a delegate for Pennsylvania to the Continental Congress from 1787 until 1789. Reid was born in Hamilton Township in what was then York County, Pennsylvania. He graduated from the College of New Jersey (now Princeton) in 1775 and joined the Continental Army as a lieutenant. He rose to the rank of major, and was 2nd in command of Congress' Own Regiment. After the war, Reid was one of the veterans who received a patent or","Document [9](Title: Ward Circle) Leonard Crunelle at a cost of $50,000, the statue was unveiled on November 3, 1938 by Maj. Gen. Ward's great-great-great-granddaughter, Mrs. Lewis Wesley Feick. It shows Ward, the first Commander-in-Chief in the Revolutionary War, atop a granite pedestal in a Continental Army uniform. The pedestal of the statue bears the inscription: ARTEMAS WARD
FIRST COMMANDER OF THE PATRIOT FORCES Located on the west of the circle, the home of American University's School of Public Affairs was named for and","Document [10](Title: Alured Clarke) Pembroke, and received a pension from him until 1790, but Clarke and she had no children. Alured Clarke Field Marshal Sir Alured Clarke (24 November 1744 \u2013 16 September 1832) was a British army officer. He took charge of all British troops in Georgia in May 1780 and was then deployed to Philadelphia to supervise the evacuation of British prisoners of war at the closing stages of the American Revolutionary War. He went on to be Governor of Jamaica and then lieutenant-governor of Lower Canada in which role he had responsibility for implementing the Constitutional Act 1791. He was then","Document [11](Title: William Palfrey) American Revolution, and visited England in 1771. During the War of Independence, he served as an aide-de-camp to George Washington in March and April 1776, after which Hancock arranged to have him appointed paymaster-general in the Continental Army, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. In November 1780, he was appointed consul-general in France by a unanimous vote of Congress, and embarked in a ship for that country, which was never heard of after she had left the capes. Lost at sea in December, 1780, while on special business to France by order of the Continental Congress. His grandson John G. Palfrey","Document [12](Title: Benjamin Chew) the extensive repairs necessary after the Battle of Germantown. While in Delaware, the Chews rented their house on Third Street to Don Juan de Miralles (the Spanish representative to the American government); the Marquis de Chastellux (principal liaison officer between the French Commander-in-Chief and George Washington); and to George and Martha Washington, from November 1781 to March 1782, during the Second Continental Congress. By 1783, the Chews concluded that the political situation was safe enough for their family to return to Philadelphia. They lived full-time in the house on South Third Street during the formation of the United States: the","Document [13](Title: Morgan Lewis (governor)) Army. Lewis was then made a captain of a regiment of the New York militia. Once the 2nd New York militia regiment was organized, he was promoted to the rank of major. He was then appointed chief-of-staff to General Horatio Gates, with the rank of colonel, and accompanied him into Canada, and soon after congress appointed him quartermaster-general of the Northern Army. In 1775, he planned and executed the night attack on Stone Arabia, and was in command at the battle of Crown Point, where he was accompanied by New York Governor George Clinton. He was prominent throughout the campaign","Document [14](Title: Joseph Trumbull (commissary general)) appoint his nephew Walter Livingston as commissary for Schuyler's Northern Department. Trumbull was charged with corruption but an official inquiry cleared him of wrongdoing in December 1775. Trumbull resigned in 1777 when Congress took away some of his duties. Congress then appointed him to the Board of War, and he served from August 1777 until his resignation in April 1778 due to sickness. He died three months later in Lebanon and was buried in the East Cemetery. Joseph Trumbull (commissary general) Joseph Trumbull (March 11, 1737 \u2013 July 23, 1778), son of Governor Jonathan Trumbull of Connecticut, was the first","Document [15](Title: John Brown of Pittsfield) John Brown of Pittsfield John Brown (October 19, 1744 \u2013 October 19, 1780) of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, was a Revolutionary War officer, a state legislator, and a Berkshire County judge. He played key roles in the conquest of Fort Ticonderoga at the start of the war, during the American invasion of Canada in 1775-1776, and once again in 1777 during Lieutenant General John Burgoyne's invasion of the United States by way of Lake Champlain and the Hudson River. Brown was the first man to bring formal charges against Benedict Arnold, who was then a prominent American general. Brown died in battle","Document [16](Title: Robert H. Harrison) Robert H. Harrison Robert Hanson Harrison (1745 \u2013 April 2, 1790) was an American Army officer, attorney, and judge. A Continental Army veteran of the American Revolution, he is most notable for his service as George Washington's military secretary, the \"de facto\" chief of staff of Washington's headquarters for most of the war. Born in Charles County, Maryland, Robert Hanson Harrison was the son of Dorothy (Hanson) Harrison and Colonel Richard Harrison, who served in offices including justice of the peace and member of the Maryland House of Delegates. Little is known of the younger Harrison's early life and education,","Document [17](Title: Richard Platt (military officer)) Richard Platt (military officer) Richard Platt (1754 - 1830.) was an aide-de-camp to Alexander McDougall during the Revolutionary War. Platt served as the chairman of the Committee of Arrangements in organizing New York's Federal Procession of 1788, which celebrated the ratification of the United States Constitution. Platt was also a member of the Society of the Cincinnati of the State of New York, for which he served as Treasurer alongside Alexander Hamilton, who served as the society's Vice President Platt served as the chairman of the Committee of Arrangements in organizing New York's Federal Procession of 1788, which celebrated the","Document [18](Title: John Cleves Symmes Jr.) John Cleves Symmes Jr. John Cleves Symmes Jr. (November 5, 1780 \u2013 May 28, 1829) was an American Army officer, trader, and lecturer. Symmes is best known for his 1818 variant of the Hollow Earth Theory, which introduced the concept of openings to the inner world at the poles. John Cleves Symmes Jr. was born in Sussex County, New Jersey, son of Thomas and Mercy (\"n\u00e9e\" Harker) Symmes. He was named for his uncle John Cleves Symmes, a delegate to the Continental Congress, a Colonel in the Revolutionary War, Chief Justice of New Jersey, father-in-law of US President William Henry","Document [19](Title: Thomas Mifflin) on March 4, 1767. They had no children. Early in the Revolutionary War, Mifflin left the Continental Congress to serve in the Continental Army. He was commissioned as a major, then became an \"aide-de-camp\" of George Washington. On August 14, 1775, Washington appointed him to become the army's first Quartermaster General, under order of Congress. Although it has been said that he was good at the job despite preferring to be on the front lines, questions were raised regarding his failure to properly supply Washington and the troops at Valley Forge, alleging that he had instead warehoused and sold supplies","Document [20](Title: American Revolution) Tensions erupted into battle between Patriot militia and British regulars when the king's army attempted to capture and destroy Colonial military supplies at Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775. The conflict then developed into a global war, during which the Patriots (and later their French, Spanish, and Dutch allies) fought the British and Loyalists in what became known as the American Revolutionary War (1775\u201383). Each of the thirteen colonies formed a Provincial Congress that assumed power from the old colonial governments and suppressed Loyalism, and from there they built a Continental Army under the leadership of General George Washington. "],"query":"who was in charge of the revolutionary war?","answers":["General George Washington","the king"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: God Gave Rock and Roll to You) \"God Gave Rock and Roll to You\" is a 1973 song by the British band Argent and covered by both Petra, in 1977 and 1984, and Kiss in 1991, both with modified lyrics.","Document [2](Title: God Gave Rock and Roll to You) a big hit for the band in many parts of the world, including making the Top Ten in the United Kingdom and Germany. It reached number 21 on \"Billboard'\"s Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart in the US, as well as its video receiving heavy rotation on music television channels. The version released as a single and on the soundtrack to \"Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey\" differs slightly from that played in the film. In the film, a 40-second guitar solo is played by Steve Vai. It was later included on Steve Vai's album \"The Elusive Light and Sound, Vol. 1\"","Document [3](Title: Petra (band)) the second record, among them former e vocalist Greg X. Volz (that band's name being a lower-case abbreviation of \"Emmanuel\"). Volz took the lead vocals on two songs and backed up several others. Among Volz's songs was a cover of the Argent anthem \"God Gave Rock and Roll to You\", which Myrrh had hoped to release as a radio single to the secular market. The song was immediately controversial \u2013 and revolutionary. \"It was the boldest statement anyone in Christian music had made until that time,\" said Ambassador Artist Agency president Wes Yoder. \"This was a radical notion, especially in","Document [4](Title: Revenge (Kiss album)) on VH1 Classic, Simmons stated the importance of the song \"God Gave Rock 'N' Roll to You II\": \"It's not just a cover song for a soundtrack, but a testament to Eric Carr, and I think a lot of people don't realize that.\" The first single released from the album was \"God Gave Rock 'N' Roll to You II\", which was a big hit in the UK and Switzerland, reaching #4. It peaked at #21 on the US Mainstream Rock Tracks Chart and #18 on the Australian Singles Charts. \"Domino\" was the next single from the album, peaking at #26","Document [5](Title: Rock and Roll Heaven) Roll Heaven. Rock and Roll Heaven \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" is song written by Alan O'Day and Johnny Stevenson and popularized by The Righteous Brothers. It is a paean to several deceased singers such as Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Otis Redding, and has been rewritten a number of times to include other singers. The song was first recorded by the band Climax in 1973, but it failed to chart. It was then covered by The Righteous Brothers in 1974 and reached number three on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The Righteous Brothers recorded \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" a few","Document [6](Title: Rock and Roll Heaven) Rock and Roll Heaven \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" is song written by Alan O'Day and Johnny Stevenson and popularized by The Righteous Brothers. It is a paean to several deceased singers such as Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Otis Redding, and has been rewritten a number of times to include other singers. The song was first recorded by the band Climax in 1973, but it failed to chart. It was then covered by The Righteous Brothers in 1974 and reached number three on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The Righteous Brothers recorded \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" a few weeks after","Document [7](Title: Rock and Roll (I Gave You the Best Years of My Life)) Rock and Roll (I Gave You the Best Years of My Life) \"Rock and Roll (I Gave You the Best Years of My Life)\" is a 1973 song written and originally performed by Australian singer Kevin Johnson, most famously covered by American singer Mac Davis. Johnson's version reached number four in Australia. The guitar solo in Johnson's version was played by Rory O'Donoghue. In Australia, the UK and Ireland, it was only Johnson's original version which charted. In Canada, Terry Jacks got it into the charts. No version of the song charted in New Zealand, even though the country's very","Document [8](Title: Petra (band)) the minds of the leaders of conservative churches.\" Other guest singers featured in the album were Steve Camp, Karen Morrison, and Austin Roberts. The recording process also was marked by disputes: the label refused Hartman's request to name the album \"God Gave Rock and Roll to You\" while a bluesy, crowd-favorite track written by Hartman about rejecting the pre-Christian self, \"Killing My Old Man\", was deemed too controversial and cut from the album (the song would later appear on the album \"Never Say Die\"). With a harder-edged sound reminiscent of Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple, \"Come and Join Us\" was","Document [9](Title: Rock n Roll (Avril Lavigne song)) sing-along chorus, rocking beat and carpe diem attitude.\" For Sam Lansky of \"Idolator\", the songwriting of the song handled by Dr. Luke protege Jacob Kasher, David Hodges from Evanescence and Peter Svensson from The Cardigans, \"is a funny marriage of execrable alt-rock pedigree and genius pop pedigree.\" Lansky also noted that the song has \"a 'stomp-stomp-clap' loop that shamelessly apes Queen's 'We Will Rock You', strategically placed gang vocals and a post-chorus 'Hey!' hook so catchy it\u2019s effectively burning holes in your brain.\" Lyrically, \"Rock n Roll\" is a \"boisterous\" declaration of rebellion on which the singer puts up her","Document [10](Title: Avril Lavigne (album)) before, and I even throw a little bit of Japanese in it.\" She also described the song called \"Rock n Roll\" as \"LOUD, impressive and it stands for so many other things than just music \u2013 that's really what it comes down to - and it's a song that I\u2019m just putting the final touches to now.\" She also called her duet with Marilyn Manson as \"heavier\" and \"rock\". While responding what was her favourite song on the album, Lavigne answered, \"'Give You What You Like,' 'Hush Hush' and 'Bad Girl.'\" The album's opening track \"Rock n Roll\" is an","Document [11](Title: Rock n Roll Jesus (song)) Rock n Roll Jesus (song) \"Rock n Roll Jesus\" is the fifth single from Kid Rock's album of the same name. It was typical bravado-laced Kid Rock about sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. The song was co-written by former lead guitarist Kenny Tudrick, who replaced Kenny Olson on the 2006 'Live' Trucker tour. The song and album title were attacked by some religious groups for being sacrilegious. The song along with \"All Summer Long\" and \"Son of Detroit\" were featured in the guitar game \"\". A live version was released on the Targer Version of Born Free in 2010.","Document [12](Title: Ronnie Weiser) Ronnie Weiser Ronny Weiser (born 1946 in Milan, Italy), also known as Rockin' Ronny Weiser, is an American record producer and founder of rockabilly record label Rollin' Rock. In Milan, Ronny discovered American rock'n'roll and rockabilly watching an Elvis Presley film, \"Loving You\". Upon immigrating to the United States in the 1960s, he published a rockabilly fanzine called Rollin' Rock, which evolved into full-fledged record label Rollin' Rock. In 1970, Rollin' Rock started reissuing 1950s recordings, and eventually recorded and released new recordings by 1950s artists such as Ray Campi, Mac Curtis, Gene Vincent, Alvis Wayne, Charlie Feathers, Johnny Carroll,","Document [13](Title: Rock and Roll Heaven) number four. The lyrics involving Jim Croce and Bobby Darin replaced Climax's lyrics for Buddy Holly (\"Peggy Sue\") and Ritchie Valens (\"Donna\"), both of whom died in a plane crash that had already been commemorated by another hit song, Don McLean's \"American Pie.\" Also, in 1981, when the Righteous Brothers appeared for a one song reunion on \"American Bandstand\", they performed \"Rock and Roll Heaven\", and made it longer including new lyrics as tributes to Elvis Presley, John Lennon, and Keith Moon. It was rewritten with new lyrics in 1991 to mourn the passing of Elvis Presley (Love Me Tender),","Document [14](Title: Origins of rock and roll) singer Helen Ward. Other notable recordings using the words, both released in 1938, were \"Rock It for Me\" by Chick Webb, a swing number with Ella Fitzgerald on vocals featuring the lyrics \"... Won't you satisfy my soul, With the rock and roll?\"; and \"Rock Me\" by Sister Rosetta Tharpe, a gospel song originally written by Thomas Dorsey as \"Hide Me in Thy Bosom\". Tharpe performed the song in the style of a city blues, with secular lyrics, ecstatic vocals and electric guitar. She changed Dorsey's \"singing\" to \"swinging,\" and the way she rolled the \"R\" in \"rock me\" led","Document [15](Title: Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey: Music from the Motion Picture) Again\" was used for a television promo for the film. Both songs were released one month prior on Neverland's self-titled debut album. The version of \"God Gave Rock 'n Roll to You II\" is not that which plays at the film's end as it lacks the intro by Steve Vai and the sound of girls chanting the chorus as the song fades to end. The intro solo was released by Steve Vai in his compilation album \"The Elusive Light and Sound, Vol. 1\", along with all of the other small pieces performed by him during the movie. Pieced together versions","Document [16](Title: Rock You) was road tested in concert, played for the first time at the Alrosa Villa in Columbus, Ohio. Helix vocalist Brian Vollmer claims that he wrote a new verse for the song but was denied a co-writing credit. The track was produced by the band with Rodney Mills, who was brought in due to his earlier mixing work with 38 Special. A brand new acoustic studio version was recorded and released in 2010 on the band's \"Smash Hits...Unplugged!\" CD. This version was produced by Aaron Murray, Sean Kelly and Vollmer. The chorus of \"Rock You\" has lent itself to Vollmer's autobiography,","Document [17](Title: Sister Rosetta Tharpe) by Decca, \"Rock Me,\" \"That's All,\" \"My Man and I\" and \"The Lonesome Road\" were instant hits, establishing Tharpe as an overnight sensation and one of the first commercially successful gospel recording artists. \"Rock Me\" influenced many rock-and-roll singers, such as Elvis Presley, Little Richard, and Jerry Lee Lewis. In 1942, the music critic Maurie Orodenker, describing Tharpe's \"Rock Me\", wrote that \"It's Sister Rosetta Tharpe for the rock-and roll spiritual singing.\" She had signed a seven-year contract with Reminder and was managed by Mo Galye. Her records caused an immediate furor: many churchgoers were shocked by the mixture of","Document [18](Title: Who Loves You (song)) Who Loves You (song) \"Who Loves You\" is the title song of a 1975 album by The Four Seasons. It was composed by Bob Gaudio and Judy Parker and produced by Gaudio. It reached number 3 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in November 1975. After their release from Philips, the group signed with Motown and released one album and three singles for the organization in 1972 and 1973. All Motown recordings failed to chart in the U.S. and the company dropped the band. In August, \"Who Loves You\" entered the Hot 100 as Frankie Valli's \"Swearin' to God\" was sliding","Document [19](Title: The Statesmen Quartet) The Statesmen used the phrase \"Rockin' and rollin'\" in a song, and Hovie Lister's frantic boogie-woogie piano, piano bench acrobatics, and hair shaken down in his eyes would have great influence on early rock and roll artists, particularly on Jerry Lee Lewis, who was a fan of gospel music and the Statesmen. On July 4, 1955, the Blackwood\/Statesmen team traveled to Texas for an engagement that would feature several secular artists on the same program. Among them was Elvis Presley. Elvis was planning to sing his rock hits, but refrained out of respect of his gospel idols. The Statesmen exerted","Document [20](Title: Wanda Jackson) rockabilly material when revivalists sought her out. She regularly toured Scandinavia, England, and Germany during the decade. Now embracing her rock-and-roll history, Jackson released the album \"Rockabilly Fever\" in 1984 (later issued by Rounder Records as \"Rock N' Roll Your Blues Away\" in 1986), her first secular album in a decade and her first recording of rock music in over twenty years. Cyndi Lauper acknowledged Jackson's classic rockabilly records were a major influence and inspiration for her during this period, and Jackson's fans also included a new generation of country music female vocalists, among them Rosanne Cash, Pam Tillis, Jann"],"query":"who sings god gave rock and roll to you?","answers":["the British band Argent","Petra","Kiss"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: God Gave Rock and Roll to You) a big hit for the band in many parts of the world, including making the Top Ten in the United Kingdom and Germany. It reached number 21 on \"Billboard'\"s Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart in the US, as well as its video receiving heavy rotation on music television channels. The version released as a single and on the soundtrack to \"Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey\" differs slightly from that played in the film. In the film, a 40-second guitar solo is played by Steve Vai. It was later included on Steve Vai's album \"The Elusive Light and Sound, Vol. 1\"","Document [2](Title: Petra (band)) the second record, among them former e vocalist Greg X. Volz (that band's name being a lower-case abbreviation of \"Emmanuel\"). Volz took the lead vocals on two songs and backed up several others. Among Volz's songs was a cover of the Argent anthem \"God Gave Rock and Roll to You\", which Myrrh had hoped to release as a radio single to the secular market. The song was immediately controversial \u2013 and revolutionary. \"It was the boldest statement anyone in Christian music had made until that time,\" said Ambassador Artist Agency president Wes Yoder. \"This was a radical notion, especially in","Document [3](Title: Revenge (Kiss album)) on VH1 Classic, Simmons stated the importance of the song \"God Gave Rock 'N' Roll to You II\": \"It's not just a cover song for a soundtrack, but a testament to Eric Carr, and I think a lot of people don't realize that.\" The first single released from the album was \"God Gave Rock 'N' Roll to You II\", which was a big hit in the UK and Switzerland, reaching #4. It peaked at #21 on the US Mainstream Rock Tracks Chart and #18 on the Australian Singles Charts. \"Domino\" was the next single from the album, peaking at #26","Document [4](Title: Rock and Roll Heaven) Roll Heaven. Rock and Roll Heaven \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" is song written by Alan O'Day and Johnny Stevenson and popularized by The Righteous Brothers. It is a paean to several deceased singers such as Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Otis Redding, and has been rewritten a number of times to include other singers. The song was first recorded by the band Climax in 1973, but it failed to chart. It was then covered by The Righteous Brothers in 1974 and reached number three on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The Righteous Brothers recorded \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" a few","Document [5](Title: God Gave Rock and Roll to You) \"God Gave Rock and Roll to You\" is a 1973 song by the British band Argent and covered by both Petra, in 1977 and 1984, and Kiss in 1991, both with modified lyrics.","Document [6](Title: Rock and Roll Heaven) Rock and Roll Heaven \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" is song written by Alan O'Day and Johnny Stevenson and popularized by The Righteous Brothers. It is a paean to several deceased singers such as Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Otis Redding, and has been rewritten a number of times to include other singers. The song was first recorded by the band Climax in 1973, but it failed to chart. It was then covered by The Righteous Brothers in 1974 and reached number three on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The Righteous Brothers recorded \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" a few weeks after","Document [7](Title: Rock and Roll (I Gave You the Best Years of My Life)) Rock and Roll (I Gave You the Best Years of My Life) \"Rock and Roll (I Gave You the Best Years of My Life)\" is a 1973 song written and originally performed by Australian singer Kevin Johnson, most famously covered by American singer Mac Davis. Johnson's version reached number four in Australia. The guitar solo in Johnson's version was played by Rory O'Donoghue. In Australia, the UK and Ireland, it was only Johnson's original version which charted. In Canada, Terry Jacks got it into the charts. No version of the song charted in New Zealand, even though the country's very","Document [8](Title: Petra (band)) the minds of the leaders of conservative churches.\" Other guest singers featured in the album were Steve Camp, Karen Morrison, and Austin Roberts. The recording process also was marked by disputes: the label refused Hartman's request to name the album \"God Gave Rock and Roll to You\" while a bluesy, crowd-favorite track written by Hartman about rejecting the pre-Christian self, \"Killing My Old Man\", was deemed too controversial and cut from the album (the song would later appear on the album \"Never Say Die\"). With a harder-edged sound reminiscent of Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple, \"Come and Join Us\" was","Document [9](Title: Rock n Roll (Avril Lavigne song)) sing-along chorus, rocking beat and carpe diem attitude.\" For Sam Lansky of \"Idolator\", the songwriting of the song handled by Dr. Luke protege Jacob Kasher, David Hodges from Evanescence and Peter Svensson from The Cardigans, \"is a funny marriage of execrable alt-rock pedigree and genius pop pedigree.\" Lansky also noted that the song has \"a 'stomp-stomp-clap' loop that shamelessly apes Queen's 'We Will Rock You', strategically placed gang vocals and a post-chorus 'Hey!' hook so catchy it\u2019s effectively burning holes in your brain.\" Lyrically, \"Rock n Roll\" is a \"boisterous\" declaration of rebellion on which the singer puts up her","Document [10](Title: Avril Lavigne (album)) before, and I even throw a little bit of Japanese in it.\" She also described the song called \"Rock n Roll\" as \"LOUD, impressive and it stands for so many other things than just music \u2013 that's really what it comes down to - and it's a song that I\u2019m just putting the final touches to now.\" She also called her duet with Marilyn Manson as \"heavier\" and \"rock\". While responding what was her favourite song on the album, Lavigne answered, \"'Give You What You Like,' 'Hush Hush' and 'Bad Girl.'\" The album's opening track \"Rock n Roll\" is an","Document [11](Title: Rock n Roll Jesus (song)) Rock n Roll Jesus (song) \"Rock n Roll Jesus\" is the fifth single from Kid Rock's album of the same name. It was typical bravado-laced Kid Rock about sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. The song was co-written by former lead guitarist Kenny Tudrick, who replaced Kenny Olson on the 2006 'Live' Trucker tour. The song and album title were attacked by some religious groups for being sacrilegious. The song along with \"All Summer Long\" and \"Son of Detroit\" were featured in the guitar game \"\". A live version was released on the Targer Version of Born Free in 2010.","Document [12](Title: Ronnie Weiser) Ronnie Weiser Ronny Weiser (born 1946 in Milan, Italy), also known as Rockin' Ronny Weiser, is an American record producer and founder of rockabilly record label Rollin' Rock. In Milan, Ronny discovered American rock'n'roll and rockabilly watching an Elvis Presley film, \"Loving You\". Upon immigrating to the United States in the 1960s, he published a rockabilly fanzine called Rollin' Rock, which evolved into full-fledged record label Rollin' Rock. In 1970, Rollin' Rock started reissuing 1950s recordings, and eventually recorded and released new recordings by 1950s artists such as Ray Campi, Mac Curtis, Gene Vincent, Alvis Wayne, Charlie Feathers, Johnny Carroll,","Document [13](Title: Rock and Roll Heaven) number four. The lyrics involving Jim Croce and Bobby Darin replaced Climax's lyrics for Buddy Holly (\"Peggy Sue\") and Ritchie Valens (\"Donna\"), both of whom died in a plane crash that had already been commemorated by another hit song, Don McLean's \"American Pie.\" Also, in 1981, when the Righteous Brothers appeared for a one song reunion on \"American Bandstand\", they performed \"Rock and Roll Heaven\", and made it longer including new lyrics as tributes to Elvis Presley, John Lennon, and Keith Moon. It was rewritten with new lyrics in 1991 to mourn the passing of Elvis Presley (Love Me Tender),","Document [14](Title: Origins of rock and roll) singer Helen Ward. Other notable recordings using the words, both released in 1938, were \"Rock It for Me\" by Chick Webb, a swing number with Ella Fitzgerald on vocals featuring the lyrics \"... Won't you satisfy my soul, With the rock and roll?\"; and \"Rock Me\" by Sister Rosetta Tharpe, a gospel song originally written by Thomas Dorsey as \"Hide Me in Thy Bosom\". Tharpe performed the song in the style of a city blues, with secular lyrics, ecstatic vocals and electric guitar. She changed Dorsey's \"singing\" to \"swinging,\" and the way she rolled the \"R\" in \"rock me\" led","Document [15](Title: Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey: Music from the Motion Picture) Again\" was used for a television promo for the film. Both songs were released one month prior on Neverland's self-titled debut album. The version of \"God Gave Rock 'n Roll to You II\" is not that which plays at the film's end as it lacks the intro by Steve Vai and the sound of girls chanting the chorus as the song fades to end. The intro solo was released by Steve Vai in his compilation album \"The Elusive Light and Sound, Vol. 1\", along with all of the other small pieces performed by him during the movie. Pieced together versions","Document [16](Title: Rock You) was road tested in concert, played for the first time at the Alrosa Villa in Columbus, Ohio. Helix vocalist Brian Vollmer claims that he wrote a new verse for the song but was denied a co-writing credit. The track was produced by the band with Rodney Mills, who was brought in due to his earlier mixing work with 38 Special. A brand new acoustic studio version was recorded and released in 2010 on the band's \"Smash Hits...Unplugged!\" CD. This version was produced by Aaron Murray, Sean Kelly and Vollmer. The chorus of \"Rock You\" has lent itself to Vollmer's autobiography,","Document [17](Title: Sister Rosetta Tharpe) by Decca, \"Rock Me,\" \"That's All,\" \"My Man and I\" and \"The Lonesome Road\" were instant hits, establishing Tharpe as an overnight sensation and one of the first commercially successful gospel recording artists. \"Rock Me\" influenced many rock-and-roll singers, such as Elvis Presley, Little Richard, and Jerry Lee Lewis. In 1942, the music critic Maurie Orodenker, describing Tharpe's \"Rock Me\", wrote that \"It's Sister Rosetta Tharpe for the rock-and roll spiritual singing.\" She had signed a seven-year contract with Reminder and was managed by Mo Galye. Her records caused an immediate furor: many churchgoers were shocked by the mixture of","Document [18](Title: Who Loves You (song)) Who Loves You (song) \"Who Loves You\" is the title song of a 1975 album by The Four Seasons. It was composed by Bob Gaudio and Judy Parker and produced by Gaudio. It reached number 3 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in November 1975. After their release from Philips, the group signed with Motown and released one album and three singles for the organization in 1972 and 1973. All Motown recordings failed to chart in the U.S. and the company dropped the band. In August, \"Who Loves You\" entered the Hot 100 as Frankie Valli's \"Swearin' to God\" was sliding","Document [19](Title: The Statesmen Quartet) The Statesmen used the phrase \"Rockin' and rollin'\" in a song, and Hovie Lister's frantic boogie-woogie piano, piano bench acrobatics, and hair shaken down in his eyes would have great influence on early rock and roll artists, particularly on Jerry Lee Lewis, who was a fan of gospel music and the Statesmen. On July 4, 1955, the Blackwood\/Statesmen team traveled to Texas for an engagement that would feature several secular artists on the same program. Among them was Elvis Presley. Elvis was planning to sing his rock hits, but refrained out of respect of his gospel idols. The Statesmen exerted","Document [20](Title: Wanda Jackson) rockabilly material when revivalists sought her out. She regularly toured Scandinavia, England, and Germany during the decade. Now embracing her rock-and-roll history, Jackson released the album \"Rockabilly Fever\" in 1984 (later issued by Rounder Records as \"Rock N' Roll Your Blues Away\" in 1986), her first secular album in a decade and her first recording of rock music in over twenty years. Cyndi Lauper acknowledged Jackson's classic rockabilly records were a major influence and inspiration for her during this period, and Jackson's fans also included a new generation of country music female vocalists, among them Rosanne Cash, Pam Tillis, Jann"],"query":"who sings god gave rock and roll to you?","answers":["the British band Argent","Petra","Kiss"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: God Gave Rock and Roll to You) a big hit for the band in many parts of the world, including making the Top Ten in the United Kingdom and Germany. It reached number 21 on \"Billboard'\"s Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart in the US, as well as its video receiving heavy rotation on music television channels. The version released as a single and on the soundtrack to \"Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey\" differs slightly from that played in the film. In the film, a 40-second guitar solo is played by Steve Vai. It was later included on Steve Vai's album \"The Elusive Light and Sound, Vol. 1\"","Document [2](Title: Petra (band)) the second record, among them former e vocalist Greg X. Volz (that band's name being a lower-case abbreviation of \"Emmanuel\"). Volz took the lead vocals on two songs and backed up several others. Among Volz's songs was a cover of the Argent anthem \"God Gave Rock and Roll to You\", which Myrrh had hoped to release as a radio single to the secular market. The song was immediately controversial \u2013 and revolutionary. \"It was the boldest statement anyone in Christian music had made until that time,\" said Ambassador Artist Agency president Wes Yoder. \"This was a radical notion, especially in","Document [3](Title: Revenge (Kiss album)) on VH1 Classic, Simmons stated the importance of the song \"God Gave Rock 'N' Roll to You II\": \"It's not just a cover song for a soundtrack, but a testament to Eric Carr, and I think a lot of people don't realize that.\" The first single released from the album was \"God Gave Rock 'N' Roll to You II\", which was a big hit in the UK and Switzerland, reaching #4. It peaked at #21 on the US Mainstream Rock Tracks Chart and #18 on the Australian Singles Charts. \"Domino\" was the next single from the album, peaking at #26","Document [4](Title: Rock and Roll Heaven) Roll Heaven. Rock and Roll Heaven \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" is song written by Alan O'Day and Johnny Stevenson and popularized by The Righteous Brothers. It is a paean to several deceased singers such as Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Otis Redding, and has been rewritten a number of times to include other singers. The song was first recorded by the band Climax in 1973, but it failed to chart. It was then covered by The Righteous Brothers in 1974 and reached number three on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The Righteous Brothers recorded \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" a few","Document [5](Title: Rock and Roll Heaven) Rock and Roll Heaven \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" is song written by Alan O'Day and Johnny Stevenson and popularized by The Righteous Brothers. It is a paean to several deceased singers such as Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Otis Redding, and has been rewritten a number of times to include other singers. The song was first recorded by the band Climax in 1973, but it failed to chart. It was then covered by The Righteous Brothers in 1974 and reached number three on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The Righteous Brothers recorded \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" a few weeks after","Document [6](Title: Rock and Roll (I Gave You the Best Years of My Life)) Rock and Roll (I Gave You the Best Years of My Life) \"Rock and Roll (I Gave You the Best Years of My Life)\" is a 1973 song written and originally performed by Australian singer Kevin Johnson, most famously covered by American singer Mac Davis. Johnson's version reached number four in Australia. The guitar solo in Johnson's version was played by Rory O'Donoghue. In Australia, the UK and Ireland, it was only Johnson's original version which charted. In Canada, Terry Jacks got it into the charts. No version of the song charted in New Zealand, even though the country's very","Document [7](Title: Petra (band)) the minds of the leaders of conservative churches.\" Other guest singers featured in the album were Steve Camp, Karen Morrison, and Austin Roberts. The recording process also was marked by disputes: the label refused Hartman's request to name the album \"God Gave Rock and Roll to You\" while a bluesy, crowd-favorite track written by Hartman about rejecting the pre-Christian self, \"Killing My Old Man\", was deemed too controversial and cut from the album (the song would later appear on the album \"Never Say Die\"). With a harder-edged sound reminiscent of Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple, \"Come and Join Us\" was","Document [8](Title: Rock n Roll (Avril Lavigne song)) sing-along chorus, rocking beat and carpe diem attitude.\" For Sam Lansky of \"Idolator\", the songwriting of the song handled by Dr. Luke protege Jacob Kasher, David Hodges from Evanescence and Peter Svensson from The Cardigans, \"is a funny marriage of execrable alt-rock pedigree and genius pop pedigree.\" Lansky also noted that the song has \"a 'stomp-stomp-clap' loop that shamelessly apes Queen's 'We Will Rock You', strategically placed gang vocals and a post-chorus 'Hey!' hook so catchy it\u2019s effectively burning holes in your brain.\" Lyrically, \"Rock n Roll\" is a \"boisterous\" declaration of rebellion on which the singer puts up her","Document [9](Title: Avril Lavigne (album)) before, and I even throw a little bit of Japanese in it.\" She also described the song called \"Rock n Roll\" as \"LOUD, impressive and it stands for so many other things than just music \u2013 that's really what it comes down to - and it's a song that I\u2019m just putting the final touches to now.\" She also called her duet with Marilyn Manson as \"heavier\" and \"rock\". While responding what was her favourite song on the album, Lavigne answered, \"'Give You What You Like,' 'Hush Hush' and 'Bad Girl.'\" The album's opening track \"Rock n Roll\" is an","Document [10](Title: God Gave Rock and Roll to You) \"God Gave Rock and Roll to You\" is a 1973 song by the British band Argent and covered by both Petra, in 1977 and 1984, and Kiss in 1991, both with modified lyrics.","Document [11](Title: Rock n Roll Jesus (song)) Rock n Roll Jesus (song) \"Rock n Roll Jesus\" is the fifth single from Kid Rock's album of the same name. It was typical bravado-laced Kid Rock about sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. The song was co-written by former lead guitarist Kenny Tudrick, who replaced Kenny Olson on the 2006 'Live' Trucker tour. The song and album title were attacked by some religious groups for being sacrilegious. The song along with \"All Summer Long\" and \"Son of Detroit\" were featured in the guitar game \"\". A live version was released on the Targer Version of Born Free in 2010.","Document [12](Title: Ronnie Weiser) Ronnie Weiser Ronny Weiser (born 1946 in Milan, Italy), also known as Rockin' Ronny Weiser, is an American record producer and founder of rockabilly record label Rollin' Rock. In Milan, Ronny discovered American rock'n'roll and rockabilly watching an Elvis Presley film, \"Loving You\". Upon immigrating to the United States in the 1960s, he published a rockabilly fanzine called Rollin' Rock, which evolved into full-fledged record label Rollin' Rock. In 1970, Rollin' Rock started reissuing 1950s recordings, and eventually recorded and released new recordings by 1950s artists such as Ray Campi, Mac Curtis, Gene Vincent, Alvis Wayne, Charlie Feathers, Johnny Carroll,","Document [13](Title: Rock and Roll Heaven) number four. The lyrics involving Jim Croce and Bobby Darin replaced Climax's lyrics for Buddy Holly (\"Peggy Sue\") and Ritchie Valens (\"Donna\"), both of whom died in a plane crash that had already been commemorated by another hit song, Don McLean's \"American Pie.\" Also, in 1981, when the Righteous Brothers appeared for a one song reunion on \"American Bandstand\", they performed \"Rock and Roll Heaven\", and made it longer including new lyrics as tributes to Elvis Presley, John Lennon, and Keith Moon. It was rewritten with new lyrics in 1991 to mourn the passing of Elvis Presley (Love Me Tender),","Document [14](Title: Origins of rock and roll) singer Helen Ward. Other notable recordings using the words, both released in 1938, were \"Rock It for Me\" by Chick Webb, a swing number with Ella Fitzgerald on vocals featuring the lyrics \"... Won't you satisfy my soul, With the rock and roll?\"; and \"Rock Me\" by Sister Rosetta Tharpe, a gospel song originally written by Thomas Dorsey as \"Hide Me in Thy Bosom\". Tharpe performed the song in the style of a city blues, with secular lyrics, ecstatic vocals and electric guitar. She changed Dorsey's \"singing\" to \"swinging,\" and the way she rolled the \"R\" in \"rock me\" led","Document [15](Title: Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey: Music from the Motion Picture) Again\" was used for a television promo for the film. Both songs were released one month prior on Neverland's self-titled debut album. The version of \"God Gave Rock 'n Roll to You II\" is not that which plays at the film's end as it lacks the intro by Steve Vai and the sound of girls chanting the chorus as the song fades to end. The intro solo was released by Steve Vai in his compilation album \"The Elusive Light and Sound, Vol. 1\", along with all of the other small pieces performed by him during the movie. Pieced together versions","Document [16](Title: Rock You) was road tested in concert, played for the first time at the Alrosa Villa in Columbus, Ohio. Helix vocalist Brian Vollmer claims that he wrote a new verse for the song but was denied a co-writing credit. The track was produced by the band with Rodney Mills, who was brought in due to his earlier mixing work with 38 Special. A brand new acoustic studio version was recorded and released in 2010 on the band's \"Smash Hits...Unplugged!\" CD. This version was produced by Aaron Murray, Sean Kelly and Vollmer. The chorus of \"Rock You\" has lent itself to Vollmer's autobiography,","Document [17](Title: Sister Rosetta Tharpe) by Decca, \"Rock Me,\" \"That's All,\" \"My Man and I\" and \"The Lonesome Road\" were instant hits, establishing Tharpe as an overnight sensation and one of the first commercially successful gospel recording artists. \"Rock Me\" influenced many rock-and-roll singers, such as Elvis Presley, Little Richard, and Jerry Lee Lewis. In 1942, the music critic Maurie Orodenker, describing Tharpe's \"Rock Me\", wrote that \"It's Sister Rosetta Tharpe for the rock-and roll spiritual singing.\" She had signed a seven-year contract with Reminder and was managed by Mo Galye. Her records caused an immediate furor: many churchgoers were shocked by the mixture of","Document [18](Title: Who Loves You (song)) Who Loves You (song) \"Who Loves You\" is the title song of a 1975 album by The Four Seasons. It was composed by Bob Gaudio and Judy Parker and produced by Gaudio. It reached number 3 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in November 1975. After their release from Philips, the group signed with Motown and released one album and three singles for the organization in 1972 and 1973. All Motown recordings failed to chart in the U.S. and the company dropped the band. In August, \"Who Loves You\" entered the Hot 100 as Frankie Valli's \"Swearin' to God\" was sliding","Document [19](Title: The Statesmen Quartet) The Statesmen used the phrase \"Rockin' and rollin'\" in a song, and Hovie Lister's frantic boogie-woogie piano, piano bench acrobatics, and hair shaken down in his eyes would have great influence on early rock and roll artists, particularly on Jerry Lee Lewis, who was a fan of gospel music and the Statesmen. On July 4, 1955, the Blackwood\/Statesmen team traveled to Texas for an engagement that would feature several secular artists on the same program. Among them was Elvis Presley. Elvis was planning to sing his rock hits, but refrained out of respect of his gospel idols. The Statesmen exerted","Document [20](Title: Wanda Jackson) rockabilly material when revivalists sought her out. She regularly toured Scandinavia, England, and Germany during the decade. Now embracing her rock-and-roll history, Jackson released the album \"Rockabilly Fever\" in 1984 (later issued by Rounder Records as \"Rock N' Roll Your Blues Away\" in 1986), her first secular album in a decade and her first recording of rock music in over twenty years. Cyndi Lauper acknowledged Jackson's classic rockabilly records were a major influence and inspiration for her during this period, and Jackson's fans also included a new generation of country music female vocalists, among them Rosanne Cash, Pam Tillis, Jann"],"query":"who sings god gave rock and roll to you?","answers":["the British band Argent","Petra","Kiss"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: God Gave Rock and Roll to You) a big hit for the band in many parts of the world, including making the Top Ten in the United Kingdom and Germany. It reached number 21 on \"Billboard'\"s Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart in the US, as well as its video receiving heavy rotation on music television channels. The version released as a single and on the soundtrack to \"Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey\" differs slightly from that played in the film. In the film, a 40-second guitar solo is played by Steve Vai. It was later included on Steve Vai's album \"The Elusive Light and Sound, Vol. 1\"","Document [2](Title: Petra (band)) the second record, among them former e vocalist Greg X. Volz (that band's name being a lower-case abbreviation of \"Emmanuel\"). Volz took the lead vocals on two songs and backed up several others. Among Volz's songs was a cover of the Argent anthem \"God Gave Rock and Roll to You\", which Myrrh had hoped to release as a radio single to the secular market. The song was immediately controversial \u2013 and revolutionary. \"It was the boldest statement anyone in Christian music had made until that time,\" said Ambassador Artist Agency president Wes Yoder. \"This was a radical notion, especially in","Document [3](Title: Revenge (Kiss album)) on VH1 Classic, Simmons stated the importance of the song \"God Gave Rock 'N' Roll to You II\": \"It's not just a cover song for a soundtrack, but a testament to Eric Carr, and I think a lot of people don't realize that.\" The first single released from the album was \"God Gave Rock 'N' Roll to You II\", which was a big hit in the UK and Switzerland, reaching #4. It peaked at #21 on the US Mainstream Rock Tracks Chart and #18 on the Australian Singles Charts. \"Domino\" was the next single from the album, peaking at #26","Document [4](Title: Rock and Roll Heaven) Roll Heaven. Rock and Roll Heaven \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" is song written by Alan O'Day and Johnny Stevenson and popularized by The Righteous Brothers. It is a paean to several deceased singers such as Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Otis Redding, and has been rewritten a number of times to include other singers. The song was first recorded by the band Climax in 1973, but it failed to chart. It was then covered by The Righteous Brothers in 1974 and reached number three on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The Righteous Brothers recorded \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" a few","Document [5](Title: Rock and Roll Heaven) Rock and Roll Heaven \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" is song written by Alan O'Day and Johnny Stevenson and popularized by The Righteous Brothers. It is a paean to several deceased singers such as Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Otis Redding, and has been rewritten a number of times to include other singers. The song was first recorded by the band Climax in 1973, but it failed to chart. It was then covered by The Righteous Brothers in 1974 and reached number three on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The Righteous Brothers recorded \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" a few weeks after","Document [6](Title: Rock and Roll (I Gave You the Best Years of My Life)) Rock and Roll (I Gave You the Best Years of My Life) \"Rock and Roll (I Gave You the Best Years of My Life)\" is a 1973 song written and originally performed by Australian singer Kevin Johnson, most famously covered by American singer Mac Davis. Johnson's version reached number four in Australia. The guitar solo in Johnson's version was played by Rory O'Donoghue. In Australia, the UK and Ireland, it was only Johnson's original version which charted. In Canada, Terry Jacks got it into the charts. No version of the song charted in New Zealand, even though the country's very","Document [7](Title: Petra (band)) the minds of the leaders of conservative churches.\" Other guest singers featured in the album were Steve Camp, Karen Morrison, and Austin Roberts. The recording process also was marked by disputes: the label refused Hartman's request to name the album \"God Gave Rock and Roll to You\" while a bluesy, crowd-favorite track written by Hartman about rejecting the pre-Christian self, \"Killing My Old Man\", was deemed too controversial and cut from the album (the song would later appear on the album \"Never Say Die\"). With a harder-edged sound reminiscent of Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple, \"Come and Join Us\" was","Document [8](Title: Rock n Roll (Avril Lavigne song)) sing-along chorus, rocking beat and carpe diem attitude.\" For Sam Lansky of \"Idolator\", the songwriting of the song handled by Dr. Luke protege Jacob Kasher, David Hodges from Evanescence and Peter Svensson from The Cardigans, \"is a funny marriage of execrable alt-rock pedigree and genius pop pedigree.\" Lansky also noted that the song has \"a 'stomp-stomp-clap' loop that shamelessly apes Queen's 'We Will Rock You', strategically placed gang vocals and a post-chorus 'Hey!' hook so catchy it\u2019s effectively burning holes in your brain.\" Lyrically, \"Rock n Roll\" is a \"boisterous\" declaration of rebellion on which the singer puts up her","Document [9](Title: Avril Lavigne (album)) before, and I even throw a little bit of Japanese in it.\" She also described the song called \"Rock n Roll\" as \"LOUD, impressive and it stands for so many other things than just music \u2013 that's really what it comes down to - and it's a song that I\u2019m just putting the final touches to now.\" She also called her duet with Marilyn Manson as \"heavier\" and \"rock\". While responding what was her favourite song on the album, Lavigne answered, \"'Give You What You Like,' 'Hush Hush' and 'Bad Girl.'\" The album's opening track \"Rock n Roll\" is an","Document [10](Title: Rock n Roll Jesus (song)) Rock n Roll Jesus (song) \"Rock n Roll Jesus\" is the fifth single from Kid Rock's album of the same name. It was typical bravado-laced Kid Rock about sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. The song was co-written by former lead guitarist Kenny Tudrick, who replaced Kenny Olson on the 2006 'Live' Trucker tour. The song and album title were attacked by some religious groups for being sacrilegious. The song along with \"All Summer Long\" and \"Son of Detroit\" were featured in the guitar game \"\". A live version was released on the Targer Version of Born Free in 2010.","Document [11](Title: Ronnie Weiser) Ronnie Weiser Ronny Weiser (born 1946 in Milan, Italy), also known as Rockin' Ronny Weiser, is an American record producer and founder of rockabilly record label Rollin' Rock. In Milan, Ronny discovered American rock'n'roll and rockabilly watching an Elvis Presley film, \"Loving You\". Upon immigrating to the United States in the 1960s, he published a rockabilly fanzine called Rollin' Rock, which evolved into full-fledged record label Rollin' Rock. In 1970, Rollin' Rock started reissuing 1950s recordings, and eventually recorded and released new recordings by 1950s artists such as Ray Campi, Mac Curtis, Gene Vincent, Alvis Wayne, Charlie Feathers, Johnny Carroll,","Document [12](Title: Rock and Roll Heaven) number four. The lyrics involving Jim Croce and Bobby Darin replaced Climax's lyrics for Buddy Holly (\"Peggy Sue\") and Ritchie Valens (\"Donna\"), both of whom died in a plane crash that had already been commemorated by another hit song, Don McLean's \"American Pie.\" Also, in 1981, when the Righteous Brothers appeared for a one song reunion on \"American Bandstand\", they performed \"Rock and Roll Heaven\", and made it longer including new lyrics as tributes to Elvis Presley, John Lennon, and Keith Moon. It was rewritten with new lyrics in 1991 to mourn the passing of Elvis Presley (Love Me Tender),","Document [13](Title: Origins of rock and roll) singer Helen Ward. Other notable recordings using the words, both released in 1938, were \"Rock It for Me\" by Chick Webb, a swing number with Ella Fitzgerald on vocals featuring the lyrics \"... Won't you satisfy my soul, With the rock and roll?\"; and \"Rock Me\" by Sister Rosetta Tharpe, a gospel song originally written by Thomas Dorsey as \"Hide Me in Thy Bosom\". Tharpe performed the song in the style of a city blues, with secular lyrics, ecstatic vocals and electric guitar. She changed Dorsey's \"singing\" to \"swinging,\" and the way she rolled the \"R\" in \"rock me\" led","Document [14](Title: Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey: Music from the Motion Picture) Again\" was used for a television promo for the film. Both songs were released one month prior on Neverland's self-titled debut album. The version of \"God Gave Rock 'n Roll to You II\" is not that which plays at the film's end as it lacks the intro by Steve Vai and the sound of girls chanting the chorus as the song fades to end. The intro solo was released by Steve Vai in his compilation album \"The Elusive Light and Sound, Vol. 1\", along with all of the other small pieces performed by him during the movie. Pieced together versions","Document [15](Title: God Gave Rock and Roll to You) \"God Gave Rock and Roll to You\" is a 1973 song by the British band Argent and covered by both Petra, in 1977 and 1984, and Kiss in 1991, both with modified lyrics.","Document [16](Title: Rock You) was road tested in concert, played for the first time at the Alrosa Villa in Columbus, Ohio. Helix vocalist Brian Vollmer claims that he wrote a new verse for the song but was denied a co-writing credit. The track was produced by the band with Rodney Mills, who was brought in due to his earlier mixing work with 38 Special. A brand new acoustic studio version was recorded and released in 2010 on the band's \"Smash Hits...Unplugged!\" CD. This version was produced by Aaron Murray, Sean Kelly and Vollmer. The chorus of \"Rock You\" has lent itself to Vollmer's autobiography,","Document [17](Title: Sister Rosetta Tharpe) by Decca, \"Rock Me,\" \"That's All,\" \"My Man and I\" and \"The Lonesome Road\" were instant hits, establishing Tharpe as an overnight sensation and one of the first commercially successful gospel recording artists. \"Rock Me\" influenced many rock-and-roll singers, such as Elvis Presley, Little Richard, and Jerry Lee Lewis. In 1942, the music critic Maurie Orodenker, describing Tharpe's \"Rock Me\", wrote that \"It's Sister Rosetta Tharpe for the rock-and roll spiritual singing.\" She had signed a seven-year contract with Reminder and was managed by Mo Galye. Her records caused an immediate furor: many churchgoers were shocked by the mixture of","Document [18](Title: Who Loves You (song)) Who Loves You (song) \"Who Loves You\" is the title song of a 1975 album by The Four Seasons. It was composed by Bob Gaudio and Judy Parker and produced by Gaudio. It reached number 3 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in November 1975. After their release from Philips, the group signed with Motown and released one album and three singles for the organization in 1972 and 1973. All Motown recordings failed to chart in the U.S. and the company dropped the band. In August, \"Who Loves You\" entered the Hot 100 as Frankie Valli's \"Swearin' to God\" was sliding","Document [19](Title: The Statesmen Quartet) The Statesmen used the phrase \"Rockin' and rollin'\" in a song, and Hovie Lister's frantic boogie-woogie piano, piano bench acrobatics, and hair shaken down in his eyes would have great influence on early rock and roll artists, particularly on Jerry Lee Lewis, who was a fan of gospel music and the Statesmen. On July 4, 1955, the Blackwood\/Statesmen team traveled to Texas for an engagement that would feature several secular artists on the same program. Among them was Elvis Presley. Elvis was planning to sing his rock hits, but refrained out of respect of his gospel idols. The Statesmen exerted","Document [20](Title: Wanda Jackson) rockabilly material when revivalists sought her out. She regularly toured Scandinavia, England, and Germany during the decade. Now embracing her rock-and-roll history, Jackson released the album \"Rockabilly Fever\" in 1984 (later issued by Rounder Records as \"Rock N' Roll Your Blues Away\" in 1986), her first secular album in a decade and her first recording of rock music in over twenty years. Cyndi Lauper acknowledged Jackson's classic rockabilly records were a major influence and inspiration for her during this period, and Jackson's fans also included a new generation of country music female vocalists, among them Rosanne Cash, Pam Tillis, Jann"],"query":"who sings god gave rock and roll to you?","answers":["the British band Argent","Petra","Kiss"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: God Gave Rock and Roll to You) a big hit for the band in many parts of the world, including making the Top Ten in the United Kingdom and Germany. It reached number 21 on \"Billboard'\"s Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart in the US, as well as its video receiving heavy rotation on music television channels. The version released as a single and on the soundtrack to \"Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey\" differs slightly from that played in the film. In the film, a 40-second guitar solo is played by Steve Vai. It was later included on Steve Vai's album \"The Elusive Light and Sound, Vol. 1\"","Document [2](Title: Petra (band)) the second record, among them former e vocalist Greg X. Volz (that band's name being a lower-case abbreviation of \"Emmanuel\"). Volz took the lead vocals on two songs and backed up several others. Among Volz's songs was a cover of the Argent anthem \"God Gave Rock and Roll to You\", which Myrrh had hoped to release as a radio single to the secular market. The song was immediately controversial \u2013 and revolutionary. \"It was the boldest statement anyone in Christian music had made until that time,\" said Ambassador Artist Agency president Wes Yoder. \"This was a radical notion, especially in","Document [3](Title: Revenge (Kiss album)) on VH1 Classic, Simmons stated the importance of the song \"God Gave Rock 'N' Roll to You II\": \"It's not just a cover song for a soundtrack, but a testament to Eric Carr, and I think a lot of people don't realize that.\" The first single released from the album was \"God Gave Rock 'N' Roll to You II\", which was a big hit in the UK and Switzerland, reaching #4. It peaked at #21 on the US Mainstream Rock Tracks Chart and #18 on the Australian Singles Charts. \"Domino\" was the next single from the album, peaking at #26","Document [4](Title: Rock and Roll Heaven) Roll Heaven. Rock and Roll Heaven \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" is song written by Alan O'Day and Johnny Stevenson and popularized by The Righteous Brothers. It is a paean to several deceased singers such as Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Otis Redding, and has been rewritten a number of times to include other singers. The song was first recorded by the band Climax in 1973, but it failed to chart. It was then covered by The Righteous Brothers in 1974 and reached number three on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The Righteous Brothers recorded \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" a few","Document [5](Title: Rock and Roll Heaven) Rock and Roll Heaven \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" is song written by Alan O'Day and Johnny Stevenson and popularized by The Righteous Brothers. It is a paean to several deceased singers such as Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Otis Redding, and has been rewritten a number of times to include other singers. The song was first recorded by the band Climax in 1973, but it failed to chart. It was then covered by The Righteous Brothers in 1974 and reached number three on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The Righteous Brothers recorded \"Rock and Roll Heaven\" a few weeks after","Document [6](Title: Rock and Roll (I Gave You the Best Years of My Life)) Rock and Roll (I Gave You the Best Years of My Life) \"Rock and Roll (I Gave You the Best Years of My Life)\" is a 1973 song written and originally performed by Australian singer Kevin Johnson, most famously covered by American singer Mac Davis. Johnson's version reached number four in Australia. The guitar solo in Johnson's version was played by Rory O'Donoghue. In Australia, the UK and Ireland, it was only Johnson's original version which charted. In Canada, Terry Jacks got it into the charts. No version of the song charted in New Zealand, even though the country's very","Document [7](Title: Petra (band)) the minds of the leaders of conservative churches.\" Other guest singers featured in the album were Steve Camp, Karen Morrison, and Austin Roberts. The recording process also was marked by disputes: the label refused Hartman's request to name the album \"God Gave Rock and Roll to You\" while a bluesy, crowd-favorite track written by Hartman about rejecting the pre-Christian self, \"Killing My Old Man\", was deemed too controversial and cut from the album (the song would later appear on the album \"Never Say Die\"). With a harder-edged sound reminiscent of Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple, \"Come and Join Us\" was","Document [8](Title: Rock n Roll (Avril Lavigne song)) sing-along chorus, rocking beat and carpe diem attitude.\" For Sam Lansky of \"Idolator\", the songwriting of the song handled by Dr. Luke protege Jacob Kasher, David Hodges from Evanescence and Peter Svensson from The Cardigans, \"is a funny marriage of execrable alt-rock pedigree and genius pop pedigree.\" Lansky also noted that the song has \"a 'stomp-stomp-clap' loop that shamelessly apes Queen's 'We Will Rock You', strategically placed gang vocals and a post-chorus 'Hey!' hook so catchy it\u2019s effectively burning holes in your brain.\" Lyrically, \"Rock n Roll\" is a \"boisterous\" declaration of rebellion on which the singer puts up her","Document [9](Title: Avril Lavigne (album)) before, and I even throw a little bit of Japanese in it.\" She also described the song called \"Rock n Roll\" as \"LOUD, impressive and it stands for so many other things than just music \u2013 that's really what it comes down to - and it's a song that I\u2019m just putting the final touches to now.\" She also called her duet with Marilyn Manson as \"heavier\" and \"rock\". While responding what was her favourite song on the album, Lavigne answered, \"'Give You What You Like,' 'Hush Hush' and 'Bad Girl.'\" The album's opening track \"Rock n Roll\" is an","Document [10](Title: Rock n Roll Jesus (song)) Rock n Roll Jesus (song) \"Rock n Roll Jesus\" is the fifth single from Kid Rock's album of the same name. It was typical bravado-laced Kid Rock about sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. The song was co-written by former lead guitarist Kenny Tudrick, who replaced Kenny Olson on the 2006 'Live' Trucker tour. The song and album title were attacked by some religious groups for being sacrilegious. The song along with \"All Summer Long\" and \"Son of Detroit\" were featured in the guitar game \"\". A live version was released on the Targer Version of Born Free in 2010.","Document [11](Title: Ronnie Weiser) Ronnie Weiser Ronny Weiser (born 1946 in Milan, Italy), also known as Rockin' Ronny Weiser, is an American record producer and founder of rockabilly record label Rollin' Rock. In Milan, Ronny discovered American rock'n'roll and rockabilly watching an Elvis Presley film, \"Loving You\". Upon immigrating to the United States in the 1960s, he published a rockabilly fanzine called Rollin' Rock, which evolved into full-fledged record label Rollin' Rock. In 1970, Rollin' Rock started reissuing 1950s recordings, and eventually recorded and released new recordings by 1950s artists such as Ray Campi, Mac Curtis, Gene Vincent, Alvis Wayne, Charlie Feathers, Johnny Carroll,","Document [12](Title: Rock and Roll Heaven) number four. The lyrics involving Jim Croce and Bobby Darin replaced Climax's lyrics for Buddy Holly (\"Peggy Sue\") and Ritchie Valens (\"Donna\"), both of whom died in a plane crash that had already been commemorated by another hit song, Don McLean's \"American Pie.\" Also, in 1981, when the Righteous Brothers appeared for a one song reunion on \"American Bandstand\", they performed \"Rock and Roll Heaven\", and made it longer including new lyrics as tributes to Elvis Presley, John Lennon, and Keith Moon. It was rewritten with new lyrics in 1991 to mourn the passing of Elvis Presley (Love Me Tender),","Document [13](Title: Origins of rock and roll) singer Helen Ward. Other notable recordings using the words, both released in 1938, were \"Rock It for Me\" by Chick Webb, a swing number with Ella Fitzgerald on vocals featuring the lyrics \"... Won't you satisfy my soul, With the rock and roll?\"; and \"Rock Me\" by Sister Rosetta Tharpe, a gospel song originally written by Thomas Dorsey as \"Hide Me in Thy Bosom\". Tharpe performed the song in the style of a city blues, with secular lyrics, ecstatic vocals and electric guitar. She changed Dorsey's \"singing\" to \"swinging,\" and the way she rolled the \"R\" in \"rock me\" led","Document [14](Title: Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey: Music from the Motion Picture) Again\" was used for a television promo for the film. Both songs were released one month prior on Neverland's self-titled debut album. The version of \"God Gave Rock 'n Roll to You II\" is not that which plays at the film's end as it lacks the intro by Steve Vai and the sound of girls chanting the chorus as the song fades to end. The intro solo was released by Steve Vai in his compilation album \"The Elusive Light and Sound, Vol. 1\", along with all of the other small pieces performed by him during the movie. Pieced together versions","Document [15](Title: Rock You) was road tested in concert, played for the first time at the Alrosa Villa in Columbus, Ohio. Helix vocalist Brian Vollmer claims that he wrote a new verse for the song but was denied a co-writing credit. The track was produced by the band with Rodney Mills, who was brought in due to his earlier mixing work with 38 Special. A brand new acoustic studio version was recorded and released in 2010 on the band's \"Smash Hits...Unplugged!\" CD. This version was produced by Aaron Murray, Sean Kelly and Vollmer. The chorus of \"Rock You\" has lent itself to Vollmer's autobiography,","Document [16](Title: Sister Rosetta Tharpe) by Decca, \"Rock Me,\" \"That's All,\" \"My Man and I\" and \"The Lonesome Road\" were instant hits, establishing Tharpe as an overnight sensation and one of the first commercially successful gospel recording artists. \"Rock Me\" influenced many rock-and-roll singers, such as Elvis Presley, Little Richard, and Jerry Lee Lewis. In 1942, the music critic Maurie Orodenker, describing Tharpe's \"Rock Me\", wrote that \"It's Sister Rosetta Tharpe for the rock-and roll spiritual singing.\" She had signed a seven-year contract with Reminder and was managed by Mo Galye. Her records caused an immediate furor: many churchgoers were shocked by the mixture of","Document [17](Title: Who Loves You (song)) Who Loves You (song) \"Who Loves You\" is the title song of a 1975 album by The Four Seasons. It was composed by Bob Gaudio and Judy Parker and produced by Gaudio. It reached number 3 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in November 1975. After their release from Philips, the group signed with Motown and released one album and three singles for the organization in 1972 and 1973. All Motown recordings failed to chart in the U.S. and the company dropped the band. In August, \"Who Loves You\" entered the Hot 100 as Frankie Valli's \"Swearin' to God\" was sliding","Document [18](Title: The Statesmen Quartet) The Statesmen used the phrase \"Rockin' and rollin'\" in a song, and Hovie Lister's frantic boogie-woogie piano, piano bench acrobatics, and hair shaken down in his eyes would have great influence on early rock and roll artists, particularly on Jerry Lee Lewis, who was a fan of gospel music and the Statesmen. On July 4, 1955, the Blackwood\/Statesmen team traveled to Texas for an engagement that would feature several secular artists on the same program. Among them was Elvis Presley. Elvis was planning to sing his rock hits, but refrained out of respect of his gospel idols. The Statesmen exerted","Document [19](Title: Wanda Jackson) rockabilly material when revivalists sought her out. She regularly toured Scandinavia, England, and Germany during the decade. Now embracing her rock-and-roll history, Jackson released the album \"Rockabilly Fever\" in 1984 (later issued by Rounder Records as \"Rock N' Roll Your Blues Away\" in 1986), her first secular album in a decade and her first recording of rock music in over twenty years. Cyndi Lauper acknowledged Jackson's classic rockabilly records were a major influence and inspiration for her during this period, and Jackson's fans also included a new generation of country music female vocalists, among them Rosanne Cash, Pam Tillis, Jann","Document [20](Title: God Gave Rock and Roll to You) \"God Gave Rock and Roll to You\" is a 1973 song by the British band Argent and covered by both Petra, in 1977 and 1984, and Kiss in 1991, both with modified lyrics."],"query":"who sings god gave rock and roll to you?","answers":["the British band Argent","Petra","Kiss"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) Nala is a fictional lioness, a character who appears in the Disney Lion King franchise. Introduced in the animated film The Lion King in 1994, Nala subsequently appears as a less prominent character in the film's sequels The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (1998) and The Lion King 1\u00bd (2004). In the original film, the adult Nala was voiced by American actress Moira Kelly. Young Nala's speaking voice is provided by actress Niketa Calame, while singers Laura Williams and Sally Dworsky provide the singing voices of young and adult Nala respectively.","Document [2](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) Broadway musical adaptation of the film, first played by singer Heather Headley. The character also appears in the television series \"The Lion Guard\", with Gabrielle Union replacing Kelly as the voice of Nala. Beyonc\u00e9 is set to voice the character in the upcoming 2019 remake of the original film directed by Jon Favreau. Screenwriter Linda Woolverton conceived Nala \"as part of a gradual progression ... which have driven recent public conversation about what young girls should be able to expect from their cinematic role models.\" In early versions of the screenplay, Nala has a younger brother named Mheetu, who enjoys","Document [3](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) voice of adult Nala.\" A straight woman character, Kelly described Nala as a sensible and nurturing yet authoritative character, while Amber Leab of Bitch Flicks described her as strong, independent and intelligent. According to Oh My Disney, Nala serves as \"the proverbial glue that keeps \"The Lion King\" together\", from whose perspective the audience watches the film because she \"says EXACTLY what we\u2019re thinking\". Occupying the role of the film's female lead, Nala is \"The Lion King\"'s most important female character, who contributes to the film's \"small romance element\". Often identified as the film's deuteragonist, Taylor Orci of \"The Atlantic\"","Document [4](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) footage from the first film was simply reused accordingly. Elton John's official website cites Kelly among the film's cast of actors who \"would grace any red carpet.\" Kelly's performance as Nala is responsible for introducing the actress to a younger audience. Previously, she had been better known for appearing in more adult-oriented live-action films at that time. In 2011, Kelly revealed that fans of the film rarely recognize her speaking voice as the voice of Nala, although Robert DeSalvo of NextMovie.com claims that the actress \"has a ... distinctive voice that \"The Lion King\" fans will instantly recognize as the","Document [5](Title: Tajja Isen) Nala in a Toronto production of Disney's \"The Lion King\" and was nominated for an Equity Emerging Artist Award for that role. Since 2008, she has been working on releasing her first solo album. She cites Tori Amos, Kate Bush and Paul McCartney as some of her influences. She has a younger sister Nissae Isen who is also a voice actress. Tajja Isen Tajja Isen (born June 29, 1991 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada) is a Canadian actress and singer-songwriter best known for voicing the title character in the television series \"Atomic Betty.\" She has several other voice credits, including the","Document [6](Title: Javine Hylton) played Nala in a production of \"The Lion King\" in London's West End. In a potentially risky move, she opted to channel this experience of live singing into an audition for ITV's \"\", a reality television talent show in which young hopefuls sought to be picked for a place in a new manufactured group. Her gamble paid off as she was one of the last six contenders for a place in the girl group, but she missed out on a spot in what later became the chart-topping group Girls Aloud, and instead embarked on a solo singing career. In the","Document [7](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) audition because the filmmakers were interested in hearing different voices at the time. Kelly believes the directors had been searching for a specific \"quality of voice ... a sort of authoritative voice but with a lot of warmth\" to compliment Nala's sensible yet nurturing personality. After attending a series of callbacks, during which Kelly returned to Disney several times to re-read the character's lines, Kelly was selected as one of two finalists. Kelly would not officially be offered the part until several months after her audition; Disney's first choice for the role remains undisclosed. Actor Matthew Broderick, voice of Simba,","Document [8](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) Lion King\", which is expected to be released in July 19, 2019. The same day Shahadi Wright Joseph was cast as young Nala in the film. In the Broadway musical adaptation of \"The Lion King\", the role of Nala was originated by Trinidadian-American singer Heather Headley. Her Broadway debut, at first auditioning for the role proved a challenge for the singer due to her \"Ragtime\" contract, which her agent was eventually successful in getting her released from. Director Julie Taymor felt that Nala's journey in the film was underdeveloped and among the story's weaker elements, and thus decided to \"strengthen\"","Document [9](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) was preceded by the made-for-television film \"\" (2015). Set within the time gap in \"The Lion King II: Simba's Pride\", the show revolves around Nala and Simba's son Kion who, being their second-born cub after Kiara, has been tasked with forming the next Lion Guard, a group responsible for protecting the Pride Lands. Although a fan of the \"Lion King\" franchise, Union avoided watching previous \"Lion King\" films in preparation for the role because she wanted to \"put [her] own stamp\" on the character. On November 1, 2017, it was confirmed that would voice adult Nala in Jon Favreau's \"The","Document [10](Title: India Scandrick) India Scandrick India Scandrick is an American Broadway actress and one of two girls who landed the role as young Nala in the Broadway musical \"The Lion King\".The experience was a hallmark in a career that spans 11 years. Her resume is thick with experiences, including television acting roles in Tyler Perry\u2019s \u201cHouse of Payne,\u201d \u201cDisney 365\u201d and Fox tv Sleepy Hollow She also has appeared in films such as \u201cThe Greening of Whitney Brown\u201d and other musicals like \u201cA Christmas Carol\u201d and \u201cThe Wiz.\u201d The actress continues to stay busy these days.Shes a Theatre Arts Major at Clark Atlanta","Document [11](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) had already begun recording alongside another actress who had been cast as Nala before that actress was replaced with Kelly. Broderick was not informed that his original co-star had been recast, and only learned that Nala was voiced by Kelly at the film's premiere. The film's entire recording process took approximately three years to complete, during which Kelly's sessions were held in both the United States and Canada, while her co-stars Broderick and Jeremy Irons, voice of Scar, were recording in the United States and England, respectively. Each main cast member recorded their dialogue separately, which took Kelly some time","Document [12](Title: The Lion King) Nala, but she had not accepted the role yet due to a pregnancy. In April 2017, Billy Eichner and Seth Rogen joined the film as Timon and Pumbaa, respectively. Two months later, John Oliver was cast as Zazu. At the end of July 2017, had reportedly entered final negotiations to play Nala and contribute the soundtrack as well. The following month, Chiwetel Ejiofor entered talks to play Scar. Later on, Alfre Woodard and John Kani joined the film as Sarabi and Rafiki, respectively. On November 1, 2017, and Chiwetel Ejiofor were officially confirmed to voice Nala and Scar with Eric","Document [13](Title: Beyonce\u0301) album-equivalent units, of which 70,000 were pure album sales. In film, Beyonc\u00e9 will voice Nala in Jon Favreau's \"The Lion King\", which is expected to be released on July 19, 2019. Jody Rosen highlights her tone and timbre as particularly distinctive, describing her voice as \"one of the most compelling instruments in popular music\". Her vocal abilities mean she is identified as the centerpiece of Destiny's Child. Jon Pareles of \"The New York Times\" commented that her voice is \"velvety yet tart, with an insistent flutter and reserves of soul belting\". Rosen notes that the hip hop era highly influenced","Document [14](Title: Diamond White (singer)) Diamond White (singer) Diamond White is an American singer, and actress who, in 2007, starred in a Chicago-based production of \"The Color Purple\" that also toured nationally. She voices Frankie Greene in \",\" Fuli on the Disney Junior series \"The Lion Guard,\" and has had cameo appearances on \"The Haunted Hathaways\" and \"Sofia the First\" and a recurring role on \"Phineas and Ferb.\" In 2012, she was a contestant on the second season of the American version of \"The X Factor,\" finishing in fifth place. White was born in Detroit, Michigan. She played Young Nala in Disney's \"The Lion King\"","Document [15](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) end of the film, Nala gains Kovu as her son-in-law after he marries Kiara. In \"The Lion King 1\u00bd\" (2004), which focuses instead on Timon and Pumbaa's friendship, Nala's role is virtually identical to that of her appearance in \"The Lion King\" because filmmakers reused most of the character's footage from the first film. Nala didn't appear in an episode of \"Timon & Pumbaa\", despite that she is the queen at that time. Voiced by actress Gabrielle Union, Nala reprises her role as Queen of the Pride Lands in the television series \"The Lion Guard\", the 2016 premiere of which","Document [16](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) to get used to because she had grown accustomed to working with several other actors at a time on the sets of her live-action films. For \"The Lion King\", a director would often take the place of another actor for Kelly to act opposite of. Vocally, Kelly decided to approach the role as though she were reading to a child, explaining, \"it's kind of fun to play with different voices and try to color the lines for the child so they can imagine it more fully\", which she admitted is different than how the actress would approach a live-action role.","Document [17](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) positive reviews as well. Sara Franks-Allen of ScreenCrush wrote that \"If being a Disney princess is about being a good role model for little girls, then Nala has a lot in her favor\", elaborating, \"She's strong enough to take down Simba, ventures out on her own to find help for her pride and calls Simba out for ignoring his responsibilities.\" Meanwhile, Ella Ceron of \"Thought Catalog\" ranked Nala 14th on her list of \"The 16 Most Awesome Female Characters From Disney Movies\". Responsible for introducing the seasoned actress to a younger audience, Kelly's vocal performance as Nala has garnered critical","Document [18](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) mind. However, John lobbied in favor of \"Can You Feel the Love Tonight\" being a love song performed as a duet by Nala and Simba, with which the filmmakers ultimately agreed. When asked by Disney if she was interested in reprising her role as Nala in \"The Lion King II: Simba's Pride\", Kelly immediately accepted, joking, \"Sure, you wanna do a third, fourth, fifth? I'm right there\". In the case of \"The Lion King \"1\u00bd, it took the actress only a few days to record her character's dialogue due to Nala's comparatively smaller role in the film; much of Nala's","Document [19](Title: Lisa Tucker (singer)) Kennedy High after she was voted off. Tucker was encouraged by her parents to audition for a production of \"The Little Princess\" at Orange County Children's Theater (OCCT). Despite the fact it was her first audition, she landed the lead role. At the age of ten, Tucker was referred by OCCT to Walt Disney Productions, who cast her as young Nala for the musical production of \"The Lion King\". It was her first paying job and Tucker said, \"I would have done it for free!\" Tucker played Nala for 11 months but had to stop due to child labor laws","Document [20](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) also ranked Nala eighth on the website's \"Definitive Ranking of Disney Cats\" list. In a 2014 interview, actor Eddie Redmayne admitted that Nala was his first \"celebrity crush\", having been specifically attracted to the character's \"sweet\" face and singing voice, referring to the experience as his \"sexual awakening\". Nala (The Lion King) Nala is a fictional character who appears in Disney's \"The\" \"Lion King\" franchise. Introduced in the animated film \"The Lion King\" in 1994, Nala subsequently appears as a less prominent character in the film's sequels \"\" (1998) and \"The Lion King 1\u00bd\" (2004), and serves as a recurring"],"query":"who does the voice of nala in the lion king?","answers":["Niketa Calame","Sally Dworsky","Moira Kelly","Laura Williams"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) Broadway musical adaptation of the film, first played by singer Heather Headley. The character also appears in the television series \"The Lion Guard\", with Gabrielle Union replacing Kelly as the voice of Nala. Beyonc\u00e9 is set to voice the character in the upcoming 2019 remake of the original film directed by Jon Favreau. Screenwriter Linda Woolverton conceived Nala \"as part of a gradual progression ... which have driven recent public conversation about what young girls should be able to expect from their cinematic role models.\" In early versions of the screenplay, Nala has a younger brother named Mheetu, who enjoys","Document [2](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) voice of adult Nala.\" A straight woman character, Kelly described Nala as a sensible and nurturing yet authoritative character, while Amber Leab of Bitch Flicks described her as strong, independent and intelligent. According to Oh My Disney, Nala serves as \"the proverbial glue that keeps \"The Lion King\" together\", from whose perspective the audience watches the film because she \"says EXACTLY what we\u2019re thinking\". Occupying the role of the film's female lead, Nala is \"The Lion King\"'s most important female character, who contributes to the film's \"small romance element\". Often identified as the film's deuteragonist, Taylor Orci of \"The Atlantic\"","Document [3](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) footage from the first film was simply reused accordingly. Elton John's official website cites Kelly among the film's cast of actors who \"would grace any red carpet.\" Kelly's performance as Nala is responsible for introducing the actress to a younger audience. Previously, she had been better known for appearing in more adult-oriented live-action films at that time. In 2011, Kelly revealed that fans of the film rarely recognize her speaking voice as the voice of Nala, although Robert DeSalvo of NextMovie.com claims that the actress \"has a ... distinctive voice that \"The Lion King\" fans will instantly recognize as the","Document [4](Title: Tajja Isen) Nala in a Toronto production of Disney's \"The Lion King\" and was nominated for an Equity Emerging Artist Award for that role. Since 2008, she has been working on releasing her first solo album. She cites Tori Amos, Kate Bush and Paul McCartney as some of her influences. She has a younger sister Nissae Isen who is also a voice actress. Tajja Isen Tajja Isen (born June 29, 1991 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada) is a Canadian actress and singer-songwriter best known for voicing the title character in the television series \"Atomic Betty.\" She has several other voice credits, including the","Document [5](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) Nala is a fictional lioness, a character who appears in the Disney Lion King franchise. Introduced in the animated film The Lion King in 1994, Nala subsequently appears as a less prominent character in the film's sequels The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (1998) and The Lion King 1\u00bd (2004). In the original film, the adult Nala was voiced by American actress Moira Kelly. Young Nala's speaking voice is provided by actress Niketa Calame, while singers Laura Williams and Sally Dworsky provide the singing voices of young and adult Nala respectively.","Document [6](Title: Javine Hylton) played Nala in a production of \"The Lion King\" in London's West End. In a potentially risky move, she opted to channel this experience of live singing into an audition for ITV's \"\", a reality television talent show in which young hopefuls sought to be picked for a place in a new manufactured group. Her gamble paid off as she was one of the last six contenders for a place in the girl group, but she missed out on a spot in what later became the chart-topping group Girls Aloud, and instead embarked on a solo singing career. In the","Document [7](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) audition because the filmmakers were interested in hearing different voices at the time. Kelly believes the directors had been searching for a specific \"quality of voice ... a sort of authoritative voice but with a lot of warmth\" to compliment Nala's sensible yet nurturing personality. After attending a series of callbacks, during which Kelly returned to Disney several times to re-read the character's lines, Kelly was selected as one of two finalists. Kelly would not officially be offered the part until several months after her audition; Disney's first choice for the role remains undisclosed. Actor Matthew Broderick, voice of Simba,","Document [8](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) Lion King\", which is expected to be released in July 19, 2019. The same day Shahadi Wright Joseph was cast as young Nala in the film. In the Broadway musical adaptation of \"The Lion King\", the role of Nala was originated by Trinidadian-American singer Heather Headley. Her Broadway debut, at first auditioning for the role proved a challenge for the singer due to her \"Ragtime\" contract, which her agent was eventually successful in getting her released from. Director Julie Taymor felt that Nala's journey in the film was underdeveloped and among the story's weaker elements, and thus decided to \"strengthen\"","Document [9](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) was preceded by the made-for-television film \"\" (2015). Set within the time gap in \"The Lion King II: Simba's Pride\", the show revolves around Nala and Simba's son Kion who, being their second-born cub after Kiara, has been tasked with forming the next Lion Guard, a group responsible for protecting the Pride Lands. Although a fan of the \"Lion King\" franchise, Union avoided watching previous \"Lion King\" films in preparation for the role because she wanted to \"put [her] own stamp\" on the character. On November 1, 2017, it was confirmed that would voice adult Nala in Jon Favreau's \"The","Document [10](Title: India Scandrick) India Scandrick India Scandrick is an American Broadway actress and one of two girls who landed the role as young Nala in the Broadway musical \"The Lion King\".The experience was a hallmark in a career that spans 11 years. Her resume is thick with experiences, including television acting roles in Tyler Perry\u2019s \u201cHouse of Payne,\u201d \u201cDisney 365\u201d and Fox tv Sleepy Hollow She also has appeared in films such as \u201cThe Greening of Whitney Brown\u201d and other musicals like \u201cA Christmas Carol\u201d and \u201cThe Wiz.\u201d The actress continues to stay busy these days.Shes a Theatre Arts Major at Clark Atlanta","Document [11](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) had already begun recording alongside another actress who had been cast as Nala before that actress was replaced with Kelly. Broderick was not informed that his original co-star had been recast, and only learned that Nala was voiced by Kelly at the film's premiere. The film's entire recording process took approximately three years to complete, during which Kelly's sessions were held in both the United States and Canada, while her co-stars Broderick and Jeremy Irons, voice of Scar, were recording in the United States and England, respectively. Each main cast member recorded their dialogue separately, which took Kelly some time","Document [12](Title: The Lion King) Nala, but she had not accepted the role yet due to a pregnancy. In April 2017, Billy Eichner and Seth Rogen joined the film as Timon and Pumbaa, respectively. Two months later, John Oliver was cast as Zazu. At the end of July 2017, had reportedly entered final negotiations to play Nala and contribute the soundtrack as well. The following month, Chiwetel Ejiofor entered talks to play Scar. Later on, Alfre Woodard and John Kani joined the film as Sarabi and Rafiki, respectively. On November 1, 2017, and Chiwetel Ejiofor were officially confirmed to voice Nala and Scar with Eric","Document [13](Title: Beyonce\u0301) album-equivalent units, of which 70,000 were pure album sales. In film, Beyonc\u00e9 will voice Nala in Jon Favreau's \"The Lion King\", which is expected to be released on July 19, 2019. Jody Rosen highlights her tone and timbre as particularly distinctive, describing her voice as \"one of the most compelling instruments in popular music\". Her vocal abilities mean she is identified as the centerpiece of Destiny's Child. Jon Pareles of \"The New York Times\" commented that her voice is \"velvety yet tart, with an insistent flutter and reserves of soul belting\". Rosen notes that the hip hop era highly influenced","Document [14](Title: Diamond White (singer)) Diamond White (singer) Diamond White is an American singer, and actress who, in 2007, starred in a Chicago-based production of \"The Color Purple\" that also toured nationally. She voices Frankie Greene in \",\" Fuli on the Disney Junior series \"The Lion Guard,\" and has had cameo appearances on \"The Haunted Hathaways\" and \"Sofia the First\" and a recurring role on \"Phineas and Ferb.\" In 2012, she was a contestant on the second season of the American version of \"The X Factor,\" finishing in fifth place. White was born in Detroit, Michigan. She played Young Nala in Disney's \"The Lion King\"","Document [15](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) end of the film, Nala gains Kovu as her son-in-law after he marries Kiara. In \"The Lion King 1\u00bd\" (2004), which focuses instead on Timon and Pumbaa's friendship, Nala's role is virtually identical to that of her appearance in \"The Lion King\" because filmmakers reused most of the character's footage from the first film. Nala didn't appear in an episode of \"Timon & Pumbaa\", despite that she is the queen at that time. Voiced by actress Gabrielle Union, Nala reprises her role as Queen of the Pride Lands in the television series \"The Lion Guard\", the 2016 premiere of which","Document [16](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) to get used to because she had grown accustomed to working with several other actors at a time on the sets of her live-action films. For \"The Lion King\", a director would often take the place of another actor for Kelly to act opposite of. Vocally, Kelly decided to approach the role as though she were reading to a child, explaining, \"it's kind of fun to play with different voices and try to color the lines for the child so they can imagine it more fully\", which she admitted is different than how the actress would approach a live-action role.","Document [17](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) positive reviews as well. Sara Franks-Allen of ScreenCrush wrote that \"If being a Disney princess is about being a good role model for little girls, then Nala has a lot in her favor\", elaborating, \"She's strong enough to take down Simba, ventures out on her own to find help for her pride and calls Simba out for ignoring his responsibilities.\" Meanwhile, Ella Ceron of \"Thought Catalog\" ranked Nala 14th on her list of \"The 16 Most Awesome Female Characters From Disney Movies\". Responsible for introducing the seasoned actress to a younger audience, Kelly's vocal performance as Nala has garnered critical","Document [18](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) mind. However, John lobbied in favor of \"Can You Feel the Love Tonight\" being a love song performed as a duet by Nala and Simba, with which the filmmakers ultimately agreed. When asked by Disney if she was interested in reprising her role as Nala in \"The Lion King II: Simba's Pride\", Kelly immediately accepted, joking, \"Sure, you wanna do a third, fourth, fifth? I'm right there\". In the case of \"The Lion King \"1\u00bd, it took the actress only a few days to record her character's dialogue due to Nala's comparatively smaller role in the film; much of Nala's","Document [19](Title: Lisa Tucker (singer)) Kennedy High after she was voted off. Tucker was encouraged by her parents to audition for a production of \"The Little Princess\" at Orange County Children's Theater (OCCT). Despite the fact it was her first audition, she landed the lead role. At the age of ten, Tucker was referred by OCCT to Walt Disney Productions, who cast her as young Nala for the musical production of \"The Lion King\". It was her first paying job and Tucker said, \"I would have done it for free!\" Tucker played Nala for 11 months but had to stop due to child labor laws","Document [20](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) also ranked Nala eighth on the website's \"Definitive Ranking of Disney Cats\" list. In a 2014 interview, actor Eddie Redmayne admitted that Nala was his first \"celebrity crush\", having been specifically attracted to the character's \"sweet\" face and singing voice, referring to the experience as his \"sexual awakening\". Nala (The Lion King) Nala is a fictional character who appears in Disney's \"The\" \"Lion King\" franchise. Introduced in the animated film \"The Lion King\" in 1994, Nala subsequently appears as a less prominent character in the film's sequels \"\" (1998) and \"The Lion King 1\u00bd\" (2004), and serves as a recurring"],"query":"who does the voice of nala in the lion king?","answers":["Niketa Calame","Sally Dworsky","Moira Kelly","Laura Williams"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) Broadway musical adaptation of the film, first played by singer Heather Headley. The character also appears in the television series \"The Lion Guard\", with Gabrielle Union replacing Kelly as the voice of Nala. Beyonc\u00e9 is set to voice the character in the upcoming 2019 remake of the original film directed by Jon Favreau. Screenwriter Linda Woolverton conceived Nala \"as part of a gradual progression ... which have driven recent public conversation about what young girls should be able to expect from their cinematic role models.\" In early versions of the screenplay, Nala has a younger brother named Mheetu, who enjoys","Document [2](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) voice of adult Nala.\" A straight woman character, Kelly described Nala as a sensible and nurturing yet authoritative character, while Amber Leab of Bitch Flicks described her as strong, independent and intelligent. According to Oh My Disney, Nala serves as \"the proverbial glue that keeps \"The Lion King\" together\", from whose perspective the audience watches the film because she \"says EXACTLY what we\u2019re thinking\". Occupying the role of the film's female lead, Nala is \"The Lion King\"'s most important female character, who contributes to the film's \"small romance element\". Often identified as the film's deuteragonist, Taylor Orci of \"The Atlantic\"","Document [3](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) footage from the first film was simply reused accordingly. Elton John's official website cites Kelly among the film's cast of actors who \"would grace any red carpet.\" Kelly's performance as Nala is responsible for introducing the actress to a younger audience. Previously, she had been better known for appearing in more adult-oriented live-action films at that time. In 2011, Kelly revealed that fans of the film rarely recognize her speaking voice as the voice of Nala, although Robert DeSalvo of NextMovie.com claims that the actress \"has a ... distinctive voice that \"The Lion King\" fans will instantly recognize as the","Document [4](Title: Tajja Isen) Nala in a Toronto production of Disney's \"The Lion King\" and was nominated for an Equity Emerging Artist Award for that role. Since 2008, she has been working on releasing her first solo album. She cites Tori Amos, Kate Bush and Paul McCartney as some of her influences. She has a younger sister Nissae Isen who is also a voice actress. Tajja Isen Tajja Isen (born June 29, 1991 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada) is a Canadian actress and singer-songwriter best known for voicing the title character in the television series \"Atomic Betty.\" She has several other voice credits, including the","Document [5](Title: Javine Hylton) played Nala in a production of \"The Lion King\" in London's West End. In a potentially risky move, she opted to channel this experience of live singing into an audition for ITV's \"\", a reality television talent show in which young hopefuls sought to be picked for a place in a new manufactured group. Her gamble paid off as she was one of the last six contenders for a place in the girl group, but she missed out on a spot in what later became the chart-topping group Girls Aloud, and instead embarked on a solo singing career. In the","Document [6](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) audition because the filmmakers were interested in hearing different voices at the time. Kelly believes the directors had been searching for a specific \"quality of voice ... a sort of authoritative voice but with a lot of warmth\" to compliment Nala's sensible yet nurturing personality. After attending a series of callbacks, during which Kelly returned to Disney several times to re-read the character's lines, Kelly was selected as one of two finalists. Kelly would not officially be offered the part until several months after her audition; Disney's first choice for the role remains undisclosed. Actor Matthew Broderick, voice of Simba,","Document [7](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) Lion King\", which is expected to be released in July 19, 2019. The same day Shahadi Wright Joseph was cast as young Nala in the film. In the Broadway musical adaptation of \"The Lion King\", the role of Nala was originated by Trinidadian-American singer Heather Headley. Her Broadway debut, at first auditioning for the role proved a challenge for the singer due to her \"Ragtime\" contract, which her agent was eventually successful in getting her released from. Director Julie Taymor felt that Nala's journey in the film was underdeveloped and among the story's weaker elements, and thus decided to \"strengthen\"","Document [8](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) was preceded by the made-for-television film \"\" (2015). Set within the time gap in \"The Lion King II: Simba's Pride\", the show revolves around Nala and Simba's son Kion who, being their second-born cub after Kiara, has been tasked with forming the next Lion Guard, a group responsible for protecting the Pride Lands. Although a fan of the \"Lion King\" franchise, Union avoided watching previous \"Lion King\" films in preparation for the role because she wanted to \"put [her] own stamp\" on the character. On November 1, 2017, it was confirmed that would voice adult Nala in Jon Favreau's \"The","Document [9](Title: India Scandrick) India Scandrick India Scandrick is an American Broadway actress and one of two girls who landed the role as young Nala in the Broadway musical \"The Lion King\".The experience was a hallmark in a career that spans 11 years. Her resume is thick with experiences, including television acting roles in Tyler Perry\u2019s \u201cHouse of Payne,\u201d \u201cDisney 365\u201d and Fox tv Sleepy Hollow She also has appeared in films such as \u201cThe Greening of Whitney Brown\u201d and other musicals like \u201cA Christmas Carol\u201d and \u201cThe Wiz.\u201d The actress continues to stay busy these days.Shes a Theatre Arts Major at Clark Atlanta","Document [10](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) Nala is a fictional lioness, a character who appears in the Disney Lion King franchise. Introduced in the animated film The Lion King in 1994, Nala subsequently appears as a less prominent character in the film's sequels The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (1998) and The Lion King 1\u00bd (2004). In the original film, the adult Nala was voiced by American actress Moira Kelly. Young Nala's speaking voice is provided by actress Niketa Calame, while singers Laura Williams and Sally Dworsky provide the singing voices of young and adult Nala respectively.","Document [11](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) had already begun recording alongside another actress who had been cast as Nala before that actress was replaced with Kelly. Broderick was not informed that his original co-star had been recast, and only learned that Nala was voiced by Kelly at the film's premiere. The film's entire recording process took approximately three years to complete, during which Kelly's sessions were held in both the United States and Canada, while her co-stars Broderick and Jeremy Irons, voice of Scar, were recording in the United States and England, respectively. Each main cast member recorded their dialogue separately, which took Kelly some time","Document [12](Title: The Lion King) Nala, but she had not accepted the role yet due to a pregnancy. In April 2017, Billy Eichner and Seth Rogen joined the film as Timon and Pumbaa, respectively. Two months later, John Oliver was cast as Zazu. At the end of July 2017, had reportedly entered final negotiations to play Nala and contribute the soundtrack as well. The following month, Chiwetel Ejiofor entered talks to play Scar. Later on, Alfre Woodard and John Kani joined the film as Sarabi and Rafiki, respectively. On November 1, 2017, and Chiwetel Ejiofor were officially confirmed to voice Nala and Scar with Eric","Document [13](Title: Beyonce\u0301) album-equivalent units, of which 70,000 were pure album sales. In film, Beyonc\u00e9 will voice Nala in Jon Favreau's \"The Lion King\", which is expected to be released on July 19, 2019. Jody Rosen highlights her tone and timbre as particularly distinctive, describing her voice as \"one of the most compelling instruments in popular music\". Her vocal abilities mean she is identified as the centerpiece of Destiny's Child. Jon Pareles of \"The New York Times\" commented that her voice is \"velvety yet tart, with an insistent flutter and reserves of soul belting\". Rosen notes that the hip hop era highly influenced","Document [14](Title: Diamond White (singer)) Diamond White (singer) Diamond White is an American singer, and actress who, in 2007, starred in a Chicago-based production of \"The Color Purple\" that also toured nationally. She voices Frankie Greene in \",\" Fuli on the Disney Junior series \"The Lion Guard,\" and has had cameo appearances on \"The Haunted Hathaways\" and \"Sofia the First\" and a recurring role on \"Phineas and Ferb.\" In 2012, she was a contestant on the second season of the American version of \"The X Factor,\" finishing in fifth place. White was born in Detroit, Michigan. She played Young Nala in Disney's \"The Lion King\"","Document [15](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) end of the film, Nala gains Kovu as her son-in-law after he marries Kiara. In \"The Lion King 1\u00bd\" (2004), which focuses instead on Timon and Pumbaa's friendship, Nala's role is virtually identical to that of her appearance in \"The Lion King\" because filmmakers reused most of the character's footage from the first film. Nala didn't appear in an episode of \"Timon & Pumbaa\", despite that she is the queen at that time. Voiced by actress Gabrielle Union, Nala reprises her role as Queen of the Pride Lands in the television series \"The Lion Guard\", the 2016 premiere of which","Document [16](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) to get used to because she had grown accustomed to working with several other actors at a time on the sets of her live-action films. For \"The Lion King\", a director would often take the place of another actor for Kelly to act opposite of. Vocally, Kelly decided to approach the role as though she were reading to a child, explaining, \"it's kind of fun to play with different voices and try to color the lines for the child so they can imagine it more fully\", which she admitted is different than how the actress would approach a live-action role.","Document [17](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) positive reviews as well. Sara Franks-Allen of ScreenCrush wrote that \"If being a Disney princess is about being a good role model for little girls, then Nala has a lot in her favor\", elaborating, \"She's strong enough to take down Simba, ventures out on her own to find help for her pride and calls Simba out for ignoring his responsibilities.\" Meanwhile, Ella Ceron of \"Thought Catalog\" ranked Nala 14th on her list of \"The 16 Most Awesome Female Characters From Disney Movies\". Responsible for introducing the seasoned actress to a younger audience, Kelly's vocal performance as Nala has garnered critical","Document [18](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) mind. However, John lobbied in favor of \"Can You Feel the Love Tonight\" being a love song performed as a duet by Nala and Simba, with which the filmmakers ultimately agreed. When asked by Disney if she was interested in reprising her role as Nala in \"The Lion King II: Simba's Pride\", Kelly immediately accepted, joking, \"Sure, you wanna do a third, fourth, fifth? I'm right there\". In the case of \"The Lion King \"1\u00bd, it took the actress only a few days to record her character's dialogue due to Nala's comparatively smaller role in the film; much of Nala's","Document [19](Title: Lisa Tucker (singer)) Kennedy High after she was voted off. Tucker was encouraged by her parents to audition for a production of \"The Little Princess\" at Orange County Children's Theater (OCCT). Despite the fact it was her first audition, she landed the lead role. At the age of ten, Tucker was referred by OCCT to Walt Disney Productions, who cast her as young Nala for the musical production of \"The Lion King\". It was her first paying job and Tucker said, \"I would have done it for free!\" Tucker played Nala for 11 months but had to stop due to child labor laws","Document [20](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) also ranked Nala eighth on the website's \"Definitive Ranking of Disney Cats\" list. In a 2014 interview, actor Eddie Redmayne admitted that Nala was his first \"celebrity crush\", having been specifically attracted to the character's \"sweet\" face and singing voice, referring to the experience as his \"sexual awakening\". Nala (The Lion King) Nala is a fictional character who appears in Disney's \"The\" \"Lion King\" franchise. Introduced in the animated film \"The Lion King\" in 1994, Nala subsequently appears as a less prominent character in the film's sequels \"\" (1998) and \"The Lion King 1\u00bd\" (2004), and serves as a recurring"],"query":"who does the voice of nala in the lion king?","answers":["Niketa Calame","Sally Dworsky","Moira Kelly","Laura Williams"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) Broadway musical adaptation of the film, first played by singer Heather Headley. The character also appears in the television series \"The Lion Guard\", with Gabrielle Union replacing Kelly as the voice of Nala. Beyonc\u00e9 is set to voice the character in the upcoming 2019 remake of the original film directed by Jon Favreau. Screenwriter Linda Woolverton conceived Nala \"as part of a gradual progression ... which have driven recent public conversation about what young girls should be able to expect from their cinematic role models.\" In early versions of the screenplay, Nala has a younger brother named Mheetu, who enjoys","Document [2](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) voice of adult Nala.\" A straight woman character, Kelly described Nala as a sensible and nurturing yet authoritative character, while Amber Leab of Bitch Flicks described her as strong, independent and intelligent. According to Oh My Disney, Nala serves as \"the proverbial glue that keeps \"The Lion King\" together\", from whose perspective the audience watches the film because she \"says EXACTLY what we\u2019re thinking\". Occupying the role of the film's female lead, Nala is \"The Lion King\"'s most important female character, who contributes to the film's \"small romance element\". Often identified as the film's deuteragonist, Taylor Orci of \"The Atlantic\"","Document [3](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) footage from the first film was simply reused accordingly. Elton John's official website cites Kelly among the film's cast of actors who \"would grace any red carpet.\" Kelly's performance as Nala is responsible for introducing the actress to a younger audience. Previously, she had been better known for appearing in more adult-oriented live-action films at that time. In 2011, Kelly revealed that fans of the film rarely recognize her speaking voice as the voice of Nala, although Robert DeSalvo of NextMovie.com claims that the actress \"has a ... distinctive voice that \"The Lion King\" fans will instantly recognize as the","Document [4](Title: Tajja Isen) Nala in a Toronto production of Disney's \"The Lion King\" and was nominated for an Equity Emerging Artist Award for that role. Since 2008, she has been working on releasing her first solo album. She cites Tori Amos, Kate Bush and Paul McCartney as some of her influences. She has a younger sister Nissae Isen who is also a voice actress. Tajja Isen Tajja Isen (born June 29, 1991 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada) is a Canadian actress and singer-songwriter best known for voicing the title character in the television series \"Atomic Betty.\" She has several other voice credits, including the","Document [5](Title: Javine Hylton) played Nala in a production of \"The Lion King\" in London's West End. In a potentially risky move, she opted to channel this experience of live singing into an audition for ITV's \"\", a reality television talent show in which young hopefuls sought to be picked for a place in a new manufactured group. Her gamble paid off as she was one of the last six contenders for a place in the girl group, but she missed out on a spot in what later became the chart-topping group Girls Aloud, and instead embarked on a solo singing career. In the","Document [6](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) audition because the filmmakers were interested in hearing different voices at the time. Kelly believes the directors had been searching for a specific \"quality of voice ... a sort of authoritative voice but with a lot of warmth\" to compliment Nala's sensible yet nurturing personality. After attending a series of callbacks, during which Kelly returned to Disney several times to re-read the character's lines, Kelly was selected as one of two finalists. Kelly would not officially be offered the part until several months after her audition; Disney's first choice for the role remains undisclosed. Actor Matthew Broderick, voice of Simba,","Document [7](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) Lion King\", which is expected to be released in July 19, 2019. The same day Shahadi Wright Joseph was cast as young Nala in the film. In the Broadway musical adaptation of \"The Lion King\", the role of Nala was originated by Trinidadian-American singer Heather Headley. Her Broadway debut, at first auditioning for the role proved a challenge for the singer due to her \"Ragtime\" contract, which her agent was eventually successful in getting her released from. Director Julie Taymor felt that Nala's journey in the film was underdeveloped and among the story's weaker elements, and thus decided to \"strengthen\"","Document [8](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) was preceded by the made-for-television film \"\" (2015). Set within the time gap in \"The Lion King II: Simba's Pride\", the show revolves around Nala and Simba's son Kion who, being their second-born cub after Kiara, has been tasked with forming the next Lion Guard, a group responsible for protecting the Pride Lands. Although a fan of the \"Lion King\" franchise, Union avoided watching previous \"Lion King\" films in preparation for the role because she wanted to \"put [her] own stamp\" on the character. On November 1, 2017, it was confirmed that would voice adult Nala in Jon Favreau's \"The","Document [9](Title: India Scandrick) India Scandrick India Scandrick is an American Broadway actress and one of two girls who landed the role as young Nala in the Broadway musical \"The Lion King\".The experience was a hallmark in a career that spans 11 years. Her resume is thick with experiences, including television acting roles in Tyler Perry\u2019s \u201cHouse of Payne,\u201d \u201cDisney 365\u201d and Fox tv Sleepy Hollow She also has appeared in films such as \u201cThe Greening of Whitney Brown\u201d and other musicals like \u201cA Christmas Carol\u201d and \u201cThe Wiz.\u201d The actress continues to stay busy these days.Shes a Theatre Arts Major at Clark Atlanta","Document [10](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) had already begun recording alongside another actress who had been cast as Nala before that actress was replaced with Kelly. Broderick was not informed that his original co-star had been recast, and only learned that Nala was voiced by Kelly at the film's premiere. The film's entire recording process took approximately three years to complete, during which Kelly's sessions were held in both the United States and Canada, while her co-stars Broderick and Jeremy Irons, voice of Scar, were recording in the United States and England, respectively. Each main cast member recorded their dialogue separately, which took Kelly some time","Document [11](Title: The Lion King) Nala, but she had not accepted the role yet due to a pregnancy. In April 2017, Billy Eichner and Seth Rogen joined the film as Timon and Pumbaa, respectively. Two months later, John Oliver was cast as Zazu. At the end of July 2017, had reportedly entered final negotiations to play Nala and contribute the soundtrack as well. The following month, Chiwetel Ejiofor entered talks to play Scar. Later on, Alfre Woodard and John Kani joined the film as Sarabi and Rafiki, respectively. On November 1, 2017, and Chiwetel Ejiofor were officially confirmed to voice Nala and Scar with Eric","Document [12](Title: Beyonce\u0301) album-equivalent units, of which 70,000 were pure album sales. In film, Beyonc\u00e9 will voice Nala in Jon Favreau's \"The Lion King\", which is expected to be released on July 19, 2019. Jody Rosen highlights her tone and timbre as particularly distinctive, describing her voice as \"one of the most compelling instruments in popular music\". Her vocal abilities mean she is identified as the centerpiece of Destiny's Child. Jon Pareles of \"The New York Times\" commented that her voice is \"velvety yet tart, with an insistent flutter and reserves of soul belting\". Rosen notes that the hip hop era highly influenced","Document [13](Title: Diamond White (singer)) Diamond White (singer) Diamond White is an American singer, and actress who, in 2007, starred in a Chicago-based production of \"The Color Purple\" that also toured nationally. She voices Frankie Greene in \",\" Fuli on the Disney Junior series \"The Lion Guard,\" and has had cameo appearances on \"The Haunted Hathaways\" and \"Sofia the First\" and a recurring role on \"Phineas and Ferb.\" In 2012, she was a contestant on the second season of the American version of \"The X Factor,\" finishing in fifth place. White was born in Detroit, Michigan. She played Young Nala in Disney's \"The Lion King\"","Document [14](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) end of the film, Nala gains Kovu as her son-in-law after he marries Kiara. In \"The Lion King 1\u00bd\" (2004), which focuses instead on Timon and Pumbaa's friendship, Nala's role is virtually identical to that of her appearance in \"The Lion King\" because filmmakers reused most of the character's footage from the first film. Nala didn't appear in an episode of \"Timon & Pumbaa\", despite that she is the queen at that time. Voiced by actress Gabrielle Union, Nala reprises her role as Queen of the Pride Lands in the television series \"The Lion Guard\", the 2016 premiere of which","Document [15](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) Nala is a fictional lioness, a character who appears in the Disney Lion King franchise. Introduced in the animated film The Lion King in 1994, Nala subsequently appears as a less prominent character in the film's sequels The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (1998) and The Lion King 1\u00bd (2004). In the original film, the adult Nala was voiced by American actress Moira Kelly. Young Nala's speaking voice is provided by actress Niketa Calame, while singers Laura Williams and Sally Dworsky provide the singing voices of young and adult Nala respectively.","Document [16](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) to get used to because she had grown accustomed to working with several other actors at a time on the sets of her live-action films. For \"The Lion King\", a director would often take the place of another actor for Kelly to act opposite of. Vocally, Kelly decided to approach the role as though she were reading to a child, explaining, \"it's kind of fun to play with different voices and try to color the lines for the child so they can imagine it more fully\", which she admitted is different than how the actress would approach a live-action role.","Document [17](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) positive reviews as well. Sara Franks-Allen of ScreenCrush wrote that \"If being a Disney princess is about being a good role model for little girls, then Nala has a lot in her favor\", elaborating, \"She's strong enough to take down Simba, ventures out on her own to find help for her pride and calls Simba out for ignoring his responsibilities.\" Meanwhile, Ella Ceron of \"Thought Catalog\" ranked Nala 14th on her list of \"The 16 Most Awesome Female Characters From Disney Movies\". Responsible for introducing the seasoned actress to a younger audience, Kelly's vocal performance as Nala has garnered critical","Document [18](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) mind. However, John lobbied in favor of \"Can You Feel the Love Tonight\" being a love song performed as a duet by Nala and Simba, with which the filmmakers ultimately agreed. When asked by Disney if she was interested in reprising her role as Nala in \"The Lion King II: Simba's Pride\", Kelly immediately accepted, joking, \"Sure, you wanna do a third, fourth, fifth? I'm right there\". In the case of \"The Lion King \"1\u00bd, it took the actress only a few days to record her character's dialogue due to Nala's comparatively smaller role in the film; much of Nala's","Document [19](Title: Lisa Tucker (singer)) Kennedy High after she was voted off. Tucker was encouraged by her parents to audition for a production of \"The Little Princess\" at Orange County Children's Theater (OCCT). Despite the fact it was her first audition, she landed the lead role. At the age of ten, Tucker was referred by OCCT to Walt Disney Productions, who cast her as young Nala for the musical production of \"The Lion King\". It was her first paying job and Tucker said, \"I would have done it for free!\" Tucker played Nala for 11 months but had to stop due to child labor laws","Document [20](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) also ranked Nala eighth on the website's \"Definitive Ranking of Disney Cats\" list. In a 2014 interview, actor Eddie Redmayne admitted that Nala was his first \"celebrity crush\", having been specifically attracted to the character's \"sweet\" face and singing voice, referring to the experience as his \"sexual awakening\". Nala (The Lion King) Nala is a fictional character who appears in Disney's \"The\" \"Lion King\" franchise. Introduced in the animated film \"The Lion King\" in 1994, Nala subsequently appears as a less prominent character in the film's sequels \"\" (1998) and \"The Lion King 1\u00bd\" (2004), and serves as a recurring"],"query":"who does the voice of nala in the lion king?","answers":["Niketa Calame","Sally Dworsky","Moira Kelly","Laura Williams"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) Broadway musical adaptation of the film, first played by singer Heather Headley. The character also appears in the television series \"The Lion Guard\", with Gabrielle Union replacing Kelly as the voice of Nala. Beyonc\u00e9 is set to voice the character in the upcoming 2019 remake of the original film directed by Jon Favreau. Screenwriter Linda Woolverton conceived Nala \"as part of a gradual progression ... which have driven recent public conversation about what young girls should be able to expect from their cinematic role models.\" In early versions of the screenplay, Nala has a younger brother named Mheetu, who enjoys","Document [2](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) voice of adult Nala.\" A straight woman character, Kelly described Nala as a sensible and nurturing yet authoritative character, while Amber Leab of Bitch Flicks described her as strong, independent and intelligent. According to Oh My Disney, Nala serves as \"the proverbial glue that keeps \"The Lion King\" together\", from whose perspective the audience watches the film because she \"says EXACTLY what we\u2019re thinking\". Occupying the role of the film's female lead, Nala is \"The Lion King\"'s most important female character, who contributes to the film's \"small romance element\". Often identified as the film's deuteragonist, Taylor Orci of \"The Atlantic\"","Document [3](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) footage from the first film was simply reused accordingly. Elton John's official website cites Kelly among the film's cast of actors who \"would grace any red carpet.\" Kelly's performance as Nala is responsible for introducing the actress to a younger audience. Previously, she had been better known for appearing in more adult-oriented live-action films at that time. In 2011, Kelly revealed that fans of the film rarely recognize her speaking voice as the voice of Nala, although Robert DeSalvo of NextMovie.com claims that the actress \"has a ... distinctive voice that \"The Lion King\" fans will instantly recognize as the","Document [4](Title: Tajja Isen) Nala in a Toronto production of Disney's \"The Lion King\" and was nominated for an Equity Emerging Artist Award for that role. Since 2008, she has been working on releasing her first solo album. She cites Tori Amos, Kate Bush and Paul McCartney as some of her influences. She has a younger sister Nissae Isen who is also a voice actress. Tajja Isen Tajja Isen (born June 29, 1991 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada) is a Canadian actress and singer-songwriter best known for voicing the title character in the television series \"Atomic Betty.\" She has several other voice credits, including the","Document [5](Title: Javine Hylton) played Nala in a production of \"The Lion King\" in London's West End. In a potentially risky move, she opted to channel this experience of live singing into an audition for ITV's \"\", a reality television talent show in which young hopefuls sought to be picked for a place in a new manufactured group. Her gamble paid off as she was one of the last six contenders for a place in the girl group, but she missed out on a spot in what later became the chart-topping group Girls Aloud, and instead embarked on a solo singing career. In the","Document [6](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) audition because the filmmakers were interested in hearing different voices at the time. Kelly believes the directors had been searching for a specific \"quality of voice ... a sort of authoritative voice but with a lot of warmth\" to compliment Nala's sensible yet nurturing personality. After attending a series of callbacks, during which Kelly returned to Disney several times to re-read the character's lines, Kelly was selected as one of two finalists. Kelly would not officially be offered the part until several months after her audition; Disney's first choice for the role remains undisclosed. Actor Matthew Broderick, voice of Simba,","Document [7](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) Lion King\", which is expected to be released in July 19, 2019. The same day Shahadi Wright Joseph was cast as young Nala in the film. In the Broadway musical adaptation of \"The Lion King\", the role of Nala was originated by Trinidadian-American singer Heather Headley. Her Broadway debut, at first auditioning for the role proved a challenge for the singer due to her \"Ragtime\" contract, which her agent was eventually successful in getting her released from. Director Julie Taymor felt that Nala's journey in the film was underdeveloped and among the story's weaker elements, and thus decided to \"strengthen\"","Document [8](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) was preceded by the made-for-television film \"\" (2015). Set within the time gap in \"The Lion King II: Simba's Pride\", the show revolves around Nala and Simba's son Kion who, being their second-born cub after Kiara, has been tasked with forming the next Lion Guard, a group responsible for protecting the Pride Lands. Although a fan of the \"Lion King\" franchise, Union avoided watching previous \"Lion King\" films in preparation for the role because she wanted to \"put [her] own stamp\" on the character. On November 1, 2017, it was confirmed that would voice adult Nala in Jon Favreau's \"The","Document [9](Title: India Scandrick) India Scandrick India Scandrick is an American Broadway actress and one of two girls who landed the role as young Nala in the Broadway musical \"The Lion King\".The experience was a hallmark in a career that spans 11 years. Her resume is thick with experiences, including television acting roles in Tyler Perry\u2019s \u201cHouse of Payne,\u201d \u201cDisney 365\u201d and Fox tv Sleepy Hollow She also has appeared in films such as \u201cThe Greening of Whitney Brown\u201d and other musicals like \u201cA Christmas Carol\u201d and \u201cThe Wiz.\u201d The actress continues to stay busy these days.Shes a Theatre Arts Major at Clark Atlanta","Document [10](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) had already begun recording alongside another actress who had been cast as Nala before that actress was replaced with Kelly. Broderick was not informed that his original co-star had been recast, and only learned that Nala was voiced by Kelly at the film's premiere. The film's entire recording process took approximately three years to complete, during which Kelly's sessions were held in both the United States and Canada, while her co-stars Broderick and Jeremy Irons, voice of Scar, were recording in the United States and England, respectively. Each main cast member recorded their dialogue separately, which took Kelly some time","Document [11](Title: The Lion King) Nala, but she had not accepted the role yet due to a pregnancy. In April 2017, Billy Eichner and Seth Rogen joined the film as Timon and Pumbaa, respectively. Two months later, John Oliver was cast as Zazu. At the end of July 2017, had reportedly entered final negotiations to play Nala and contribute the soundtrack as well. The following month, Chiwetel Ejiofor entered talks to play Scar. Later on, Alfre Woodard and John Kani joined the film as Sarabi and Rafiki, respectively. On November 1, 2017, and Chiwetel Ejiofor were officially confirmed to voice Nala and Scar with Eric","Document [12](Title: Beyonce\u0301) album-equivalent units, of which 70,000 were pure album sales. In film, Beyonc\u00e9 will voice Nala in Jon Favreau's \"The Lion King\", which is expected to be released on July 19, 2019. Jody Rosen highlights her tone and timbre as particularly distinctive, describing her voice as \"one of the most compelling instruments in popular music\". Her vocal abilities mean she is identified as the centerpiece of Destiny's Child. Jon Pareles of \"The New York Times\" commented that her voice is \"velvety yet tart, with an insistent flutter and reserves of soul belting\". Rosen notes that the hip hop era highly influenced","Document [13](Title: Diamond White (singer)) Diamond White (singer) Diamond White is an American singer, and actress who, in 2007, starred in a Chicago-based production of \"The Color Purple\" that also toured nationally. She voices Frankie Greene in \",\" Fuli on the Disney Junior series \"The Lion Guard,\" and has had cameo appearances on \"The Haunted Hathaways\" and \"Sofia the First\" and a recurring role on \"Phineas and Ferb.\" In 2012, she was a contestant on the second season of the American version of \"The X Factor,\" finishing in fifth place. White was born in Detroit, Michigan. She played Young Nala in Disney's \"The Lion King\"","Document [14](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) end of the film, Nala gains Kovu as her son-in-law after he marries Kiara. In \"The Lion King 1\u00bd\" (2004), which focuses instead on Timon and Pumbaa's friendship, Nala's role is virtually identical to that of her appearance in \"The Lion King\" because filmmakers reused most of the character's footage from the first film. Nala didn't appear in an episode of \"Timon & Pumbaa\", despite that she is the queen at that time. Voiced by actress Gabrielle Union, Nala reprises her role as Queen of the Pride Lands in the television series \"The Lion Guard\", the 2016 premiere of which","Document [15](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) to get used to because she had grown accustomed to working with several other actors at a time on the sets of her live-action films. For \"The Lion King\", a director would often take the place of another actor for Kelly to act opposite of. Vocally, Kelly decided to approach the role as though she were reading to a child, explaining, \"it's kind of fun to play with different voices and try to color the lines for the child so they can imagine it more fully\", which she admitted is different than how the actress would approach a live-action role.","Document [16](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) positive reviews as well. Sara Franks-Allen of ScreenCrush wrote that \"If being a Disney princess is about being a good role model for little girls, then Nala has a lot in her favor\", elaborating, \"She's strong enough to take down Simba, ventures out on her own to find help for her pride and calls Simba out for ignoring his responsibilities.\" Meanwhile, Ella Ceron of \"Thought Catalog\" ranked Nala 14th on her list of \"The 16 Most Awesome Female Characters From Disney Movies\". Responsible for introducing the seasoned actress to a younger audience, Kelly's vocal performance as Nala has garnered critical","Document [17](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) mind. However, John lobbied in favor of \"Can You Feel the Love Tonight\" being a love song performed as a duet by Nala and Simba, with which the filmmakers ultimately agreed. When asked by Disney if she was interested in reprising her role as Nala in \"The Lion King II: Simba's Pride\", Kelly immediately accepted, joking, \"Sure, you wanna do a third, fourth, fifth? I'm right there\". In the case of \"The Lion King \"1\u00bd, it took the actress only a few days to record her character's dialogue due to Nala's comparatively smaller role in the film; much of Nala's","Document [18](Title: Lisa Tucker (singer)) Kennedy High after she was voted off. Tucker was encouraged by her parents to audition for a production of \"The Little Princess\" at Orange County Children's Theater (OCCT). Despite the fact it was her first audition, she landed the lead role. At the age of ten, Tucker was referred by OCCT to Walt Disney Productions, who cast her as young Nala for the musical production of \"The Lion King\". It was her first paying job and Tucker said, \"I would have done it for free!\" Tucker played Nala for 11 months but had to stop due to child labor laws","Document [19](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) also ranked Nala eighth on the website's \"Definitive Ranking of Disney Cats\" list. In a 2014 interview, actor Eddie Redmayne admitted that Nala was his first \"celebrity crush\", having been specifically attracted to the character's \"sweet\" face and singing voice, referring to the experience as his \"sexual awakening\". Nala (The Lion King) Nala is a fictional character who appears in Disney's \"The\" \"Lion King\" franchise. Introduced in the animated film \"The Lion King\" in 1994, Nala subsequently appears as a less prominent character in the film's sequels \"\" (1998) and \"The Lion King 1\u00bd\" (2004), and serves as a recurring","Document [20](Title: Nala (The Lion King)) Nala is a fictional lioness, a character who appears in the Disney Lion King franchise. Introduced in the animated film The Lion King in 1994, Nala subsequently appears as a less prominent character in the film's sequels The Lion King II: Simba's Pride (1998) and The Lion King 1\u00bd (2004). In the original film, the adult Nala was voiced by American actress Moira Kelly. Young Nala's speaking voice is provided by actress Niketa Calame, while singers Laura Williams and Sally Dworsky provide the singing voices of young and adult Nala respectively."],"query":"who does the voice of nala in the lion king?","answers":["Niketa Calame","Sally Dworsky","Moira Kelly","Laura Williams"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) by The CW for a full 22-episode season on February 16, 2010. The first episode premiered on September 9, 2010, at 8 p.m. ET. The season picks up immediately after the events of the season one finale. All the series regulars returned. Season two focuses on the return of Elena Gilbert's (Nina Dobrev) doppelg\u00e4nger, Katherine Pierce, the introduction of werewolves, the sun and moon curse, and the arrival of the original vampires. Tyler Lockwood's (Michael Trevino) uncle, Mason Lockwood (Taylor Kinney), arrives in town searching for the moonstone, a family heirloom. Tyler later learns of his family's werewolf curse. Meanwhile,","Document [2](Title: Klaus (The Vampire Diaries)) leaves Elijah to go to Jenna. In a flashback, we see that Elijah was in love with Katherine back in 1492. Elena tries to calm Jenna down and tells her the whole truth. Then, she goes back to Elijah, asking him to tell her about the curse. Elijah tells her that his mother was unfaithful to his father and Klaus is a brother from another father, a werewolf, something that makes Klaus both a vampire and a werewolf. Klaus wants to break the curse that is upon him so he can reawaken his werewolf side and create an army of","Document [3](Title: Klaus (The Vampire Diaries)) hybrids. Since Klaus is both a vampire and a werewolf, Elijah explains Elena that the dagger cannot kill him, and they have to try to do it using a witch when Klaus is on transition, a moment that makes him weak. Elena tells him that she knows a witch that can channel the power they need, and Elijah tells her that the curse needs to be broken during a full moon. Through another flashback, we see that Elijah found a way to protect the life of the doppelg\u00e4nger during the sacrifice, meaning he can protect Elena's life. Katherine did not","Document [4](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) they became vampires, can kill Originals. Elijah then works with a witch to locate Elena. The witch is able to locate her, so he goes to Mystic Falls to confront her, where he ends up saving her from a group of vampires who also wanted to take Elena. It is revealed that those vampires wanted to hand her over to Klaus. When Elijah discovers this, he makes peace with Elena and her friends, because he wants to use Elena as bait to draw out Klaus and kill him. He thus makes a deal with Elena that if she helps him","Document [5](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 3)) premiered on Thursday, September 15, 2011. The series stars Nina Dobrev as Elena Gilbert and Katherine Pierce, Paul Wesley as Stefan Salvatore and Silas, Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore, Steven R. McQueen as Jeremy Gilbert, Kat Graham as Bonnie Bennett, Candice Accola as Caroline Forbes, Zach Roerig as Matt Donovan, Michael Trevino as Tyler Lockwood, Matt Davis as Alaric Saltzman and Joseph Morgan as Klaus. 7th Heaven's David Gallagher was cast as werewolf Ray Sutton who has a run-in with Klaus in Tennessee. Australian actress, Claire Holt has been cast as Rebekah the sister of Klaus and Elijah, a beautiful","Document [6](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) Elijah is trapped in a room with animal heads which represent each brother of the family. To escape, Elijah discovers you must ruin the representation of each other, thus causing him to share with Klaus that he killed Tatia. When Klaus proves he is capable of forgiveness the spell is broken and they are free. Niklaus Mikaelson (more commonly called Klaus) is physically the most powerful immortal supernatural being in \"The Vampire Diaries\" and \"The Originals\" universe. He is shown to be cruel, sadistic, ruthless. He's portrayed by British actor Joseph Morgan. After the Original couple moved to the Americas,","Document [7](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) not trust Elijah and chose to flee. Later, he would punish her for her betrayal by compelling her to stay in a tomb until he said otherwise. Elena is rescued by the Salvatore brothers not long after Elijah kills Trevor, who had betrayed Elijah in the past by helping Katerina escape. The Salvatores attack Elijah and succeed in staking him; however, he comes back to life at the end of the episode because he is an Original Vampire who can not be killed by any wooden stake. Only wood from the ancient White Oak Tree, which his family burned when","Document [8](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) leaves Mystic Falls a tortured soul, ashamed of his own barbaric actions and those of his family's. He is shown to be one of the most sophisticated and peaceful of the Original siblings, alongside his older brother Finn. He is the most compromising regarding Elena and her friends. Elijah and Elena develop a sort of understanding, and Elena comes to be fond of Elijah's company. She thus feels especially betrayed when earlier Elijah threatened to allow Rebekah to kill Elena if the Salvatore brothers are not able to stop Esther Mikaelson from killing the Original Family. However, in the 18th","Document [9](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 3)) an injury. She uses vampire blood to cure people and starts dating Alaric. On November 16, 2011, it was announced that Robert Ri'chard was cast as Jamie a new love interest for resident witch Bonnie. On November 22, 2011, it was announced that Daniel Newman was cast as Daniel Warren, appearing in one episode. Australian actor Nathaniel Buzolic has been cast to play Klaus and Elijah's brother Kol and English actor Caspar Zafer has been cast as their other brother Finn. On January 13, 2012, it was announced that Cassidy Freeman was cast as Sage. On March 31, 2012, Sara","Document [10](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) kill Klaus, he will leave her family and her friends alone and keep them safe. However, he intends for Elena to be successfully sacrificed, as once Klaus breaks the curse and starts transforming, he will be left vulnerable enough to be killed. During a series of events, Elijah is temporarily \"killed\" when Elena stabs him with a mystical dagger that can kill an Original when dipped in ash from the White Oak Tree. When Klaus comes to town, Elena un-daggers Elijah because she needs his help, and he then reveals to her his family's history, and the fact that Klaus","Document [11](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) for the moonstone, a family heirloom. Tyler later learns of his family's werewolf curse. Meanwhile, Caroline Forbes (Candice Accola) is killed by Katherine while having Damon Salvatore's (Ian Somerhalder) blood in her system, turning her into a vampire. The arrival of the original vampires, Elijah (Daniel Gillies) and Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan), also bring about complications. Klaus is a vampire-werewolf hybrid, but his werewolf side had been forced into dormancy by witches, as nature would not stand for such an imbalance in power. Therefore, Klaus arrives in town with plans to break the curse and unleash his werewolf side by","Document [12](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) curse is on Klaus, who therefore wants to kill her. But Elijah says he has an elixir that can save Elena from dying. Elena believes Elijah, but Damon says that there is another way to save her life and feeds her his blood. Stefan tries to stop him, but he stabs in the chest with the wooden dagger. Elena then cries that she will be a vampire against her will. Maddox kidnaps Tyler and Caroline. Damon frees them and is bitten. Then he goes to Klaus to tell him that he does not have a werewolf and witch, as he","Document [13](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) episode of season 3, Elena professes that she hopes that her vampire friends are descended from Elijah's bloodline, so that he can be spared. Elijah returns to town in the season three finale episode, \"The Departed\", in order to make a deal with Elena and her friends. Elijah proposes that he be allowed to take Klaus's desiccated (by witch Bonnie and help from the Salvatores and Tyler) body with him and his siblings and leave town, and in exchange, he would make sure that Klaus would not be resurrected within Elena's lifetime or even that of her children, stating: \"perhaps","Document [14](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) to kill Klaus. When Elijah awakes, he undaggers the rest of his siblings who were located in similar coffins in the same room. They begin to plot their revenge against Klaus; however, before they can make their move, their mother Esther, thought to be dead, reappears and convinces the siblings to be a family again [which later turns out to be a front for her true motives; she wants to link her children's lives together and kill one of them to kill the rest, rendering vampires extinct]. After Elijah foils his mother's plans to kill him and his siblings, he","Document [15](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) tells her that Klaus will be weakened by the sacrificial ritual, meaning that Elena has to die so that Elijah can kill him and free his sister. John gives Damon the special dagger to kill Elijah. Elena finds out that if a vampire uses the dagger, that vampire will die. Stefan warns Damon and Alaric stabs Elijah, but he pulls the dagger out and tells Elena their deal is off. Elena stabs herself in the stomach, and Elijah begs her to let him heal her. She stabs him with the dagger and leaves it in him. Elijah's death means that","Document [16](Title: The Dinner Party (The Vampire Diaries)) to keep her family and friends safe. Elijah does not seem to agree and Elena threatens to kill herself and become a vampire, just like Katherine did, something the will make her useless for him. Elijah calls her bluff but Elena moves on and stabs herself in the stomach. Elijah freaks out, accepts the deal and asks her to let him heal her. When he gets close enough, Elena stabs him with the dagger and Elijah falls dead. Stefan gives Elena his blood to heal her and Damon is also there reminding to not remove the dagger from the body.","Document [17](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 3)) daughter has become a monster, but later accepts her. Alice Evans joined the cast as the original witch Esther, Klaus' mother. She was first seen in a flashback in episode eight. Daniel Gillies will also return first appearing in a flashback during episode eight as Klaus' brother, Elijah. Persia White has been cast as Bonnie's mother, Abby Bennett. On November 10, 2011, it was announced that Paul Wesley's wife Torrey DeVitto was cast as Meredith Fell (based off Meredith Sulez from the source novel), a young doctor who is fascinated by Alaric, when she notices how quickly he recovers from","Document [18](Title: All My Children (The Vampire Diaries)) All My Children (The Vampire Diaries) \"All My Children\" is the fifteenth episode of the third season of The CW television series, \"The Vampire Diaries\" and the 59th episode of the series overall. It originally aired on February 16, 2012. The episode was written by Evan Bleiweiss & Michael Narducci and directed by Pascal Verschooris. Elijah (Daniel Gillies) finds evidence that Esther (Alice Evans) was casting a spell during the ball and he believes that Elena (Nina Dobrev) lied to him. He kidnaps Elena who tells him that Esther wants to kill them all. Elijah takes Elena into the tunnels","Document [19](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 5)) Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore; Steven R. McQueen as Jeremy Gilbert; Candice Accola as Caroline Forbes; Zach Roerig as Matt Donovan; Kat Graham as Bonnie Bennett and Michael Trevino as Tyler Lockwood, who is still under contract. Within the first three episodes, four new characters were introduced: Nadia, a girl with a mission of revenge who has traveled around the world, Jesse, an upper-class boy who goes to college, Actors Olga Fonda and Kendrick Sampson were cast in the roles of Nadia and Jesse, respectively. On August 2, 2013, it was announced that Janina Gavankar will play Tessa. The Vampire","Document [20](Title: Crying Wolf (The Vampire Diaries)) for a romantic weekend at her parents' house near the lake. When they get there, Elena remembers her parents and memories of them at the house come back to her mind. Stefan is there for her and they later find out a secret place where Elena's parents were hiding vampire weapons as well as other Gilbert journals. Damon (Ian Somerhalder) meets Elijah (Daniel Gillies) at the tea party Carol (Susan Walters) is organizing and tries to find out his plans and why he wants to keep Elena safe at the moment but Elijah does not seem willing to share his"],"query":"when does elijah first appear in vampire diaries?","answers":["Rose","\"Rose\"","Season two"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Klaus (The Vampire Diaries)) leaves Elijah to go to Jenna. In a flashback, we see that Elijah was in love with Katherine back in 1492. Elena tries to calm Jenna down and tells her the whole truth. Then, she goes back to Elijah, asking him to tell her about the curse. Elijah tells her that his mother was unfaithful to his father and Klaus is a brother from another father, a werewolf, something that makes Klaus both a vampire and a werewolf. Klaus wants to break the curse that is upon him so he can reawaken his werewolf side and create an army of","Document [2](Title: Klaus (The Vampire Diaries)) hybrids. Since Klaus is both a vampire and a werewolf, Elijah explains Elena that the dagger cannot kill him, and they have to try to do it using a witch when Klaus is on transition, a moment that makes him weak. Elena tells him that she knows a witch that can channel the power they need, and Elijah tells her that the curse needs to be broken during a full moon. Through another flashback, we see that Elijah found a way to protect the life of the doppelg\u00e4nger during the sacrifice, meaning he can protect Elena's life. Katherine did not","Document [3](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) they became vampires, can kill Originals. Elijah then works with a witch to locate Elena. The witch is able to locate her, so he goes to Mystic Falls to confront her, where he ends up saving her from a group of vampires who also wanted to take Elena. It is revealed that those vampires wanted to hand her over to Klaus. When Elijah discovers this, he makes peace with Elena and her friends, because he wants to use Elena as bait to draw out Klaus and kill him. He thus makes a deal with Elena that if she helps him","Document [4](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 3)) premiered on Thursday, September 15, 2011. The series stars Nina Dobrev as Elena Gilbert and Katherine Pierce, Paul Wesley as Stefan Salvatore and Silas, Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore, Steven R. McQueen as Jeremy Gilbert, Kat Graham as Bonnie Bennett, Candice Accola as Caroline Forbes, Zach Roerig as Matt Donovan, Michael Trevino as Tyler Lockwood, Matt Davis as Alaric Saltzman and Joseph Morgan as Klaus. 7th Heaven's David Gallagher was cast as werewolf Ray Sutton who has a run-in with Klaus in Tennessee. Australian actress, Claire Holt has been cast as Rebekah the sister of Klaus and Elijah, a beautiful","Document [5](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) by The CW for a full 22-episode season on February 16, 2010. The first episode premiered on September 9, 2010, at 8 p.m. ET. The season picks up immediately after the events of the season one finale. All the series regulars returned. Season two focuses on the return of Elena Gilbert's (Nina Dobrev) doppelg\u00e4nger, Katherine Pierce, the introduction of werewolves, the sun and moon curse, and the arrival of the original vampires. Tyler Lockwood's (Michael Trevino) uncle, Mason Lockwood (Taylor Kinney), arrives in town searching for the moonstone, a family heirloom. Tyler later learns of his family's werewolf curse. Meanwhile,","Document [6](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) Elijah is trapped in a room with animal heads which represent each brother of the family. To escape, Elijah discovers you must ruin the representation of each other, thus causing him to share with Klaus that he killed Tatia. When Klaus proves he is capable of forgiveness the spell is broken and they are free. Niklaus Mikaelson (more commonly called Klaus) is physically the most powerful immortal supernatural being in \"The Vampire Diaries\" and \"The Originals\" universe. He is shown to be cruel, sadistic, ruthless. He's portrayed by British actor Joseph Morgan. After the Original couple moved to the Americas,","Document [7](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) not trust Elijah and chose to flee. Later, he would punish her for her betrayal by compelling her to stay in a tomb until he said otherwise. Elena is rescued by the Salvatore brothers not long after Elijah kills Trevor, who had betrayed Elijah in the past by helping Katerina escape. The Salvatores attack Elijah and succeed in staking him; however, he comes back to life at the end of the episode because he is an Original Vampire who can not be killed by any wooden stake. Only wood from the ancient White Oak Tree, which his family burned when","Document [8](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) leaves Mystic Falls a tortured soul, ashamed of his own barbaric actions and those of his family's. He is shown to be one of the most sophisticated and peaceful of the Original siblings, alongside his older brother Finn. He is the most compromising regarding Elena and her friends. Elijah and Elena develop a sort of understanding, and Elena comes to be fond of Elijah's company. She thus feels especially betrayed when earlier Elijah threatened to allow Rebekah to kill Elena if the Salvatore brothers are not able to stop Esther Mikaelson from killing the Original Family. However, in the 18th","Document [9](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 3)) an injury. She uses vampire blood to cure people and starts dating Alaric. On November 16, 2011, it was announced that Robert Ri'chard was cast as Jamie a new love interest for resident witch Bonnie. On November 22, 2011, it was announced that Daniel Newman was cast as Daniel Warren, appearing in one episode. Australian actor Nathaniel Buzolic has been cast to play Klaus and Elijah's brother Kol and English actor Caspar Zafer has been cast as their other brother Finn. On January 13, 2012, it was announced that Cassidy Freeman was cast as Sage. On March 31, 2012, Sara","Document [10](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) kill Klaus, he will leave her family and her friends alone and keep them safe. However, he intends for Elena to be successfully sacrificed, as once Klaus breaks the curse and starts transforming, he will be left vulnerable enough to be killed. During a series of events, Elijah is temporarily \"killed\" when Elena stabs him with a mystical dagger that can kill an Original when dipped in ash from the White Oak Tree. When Klaus comes to town, Elena un-daggers Elijah because she needs his help, and he then reveals to her his family's history, and the fact that Klaus","Document [11](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) for the moonstone, a family heirloom. Tyler later learns of his family's werewolf curse. Meanwhile, Caroline Forbes (Candice Accola) is killed by Katherine while having Damon Salvatore's (Ian Somerhalder) blood in her system, turning her into a vampire. The arrival of the original vampires, Elijah (Daniel Gillies) and Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan), also bring about complications. Klaus is a vampire-werewolf hybrid, but his werewolf side had been forced into dormancy by witches, as nature would not stand for such an imbalance in power. Therefore, Klaus arrives in town with plans to break the curse and unleash his werewolf side by","Document [12](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) curse is on Klaus, who therefore wants to kill her. But Elijah says he has an elixir that can save Elena from dying. Elena believes Elijah, but Damon says that there is another way to save her life and feeds her his blood. Stefan tries to stop him, but he stabs in the chest with the wooden dagger. Elena then cries that she will be a vampire against her will. Maddox kidnaps Tyler and Caroline. Damon frees them and is bitten. Then he goes to Klaus to tell him that he does not have a werewolf and witch, as he","Document [13](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) episode of season 3, Elena professes that she hopes that her vampire friends are descended from Elijah's bloodline, so that he can be spared. Elijah returns to town in the season three finale episode, \"The Departed\", in order to make a deal with Elena and her friends. Elijah proposes that he be allowed to take Klaus's desiccated (by witch Bonnie and help from the Salvatores and Tyler) body with him and his siblings and leave town, and in exchange, he would make sure that Klaus would not be resurrected within Elena's lifetime or even that of her children, stating: \"perhaps","Document [14](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) to kill Klaus. When Elijah awakes, he undaggers the rest of his siblings who were located in similar coffins in the same room. They begin to plot their revenge against Klaus; however, before they can make their move, their mother Esther, thought to be dead, reappears and convinces the siblings to be a family again [which later turns out to be a front for her true motives; she wants to link her children's lives together and kill one of them to kill the rest, rendering vampires extinct]. After Elijah foils his mother's plans to kill him and his siblings, he","Document [15](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) tells her that Klaus will be weakened by the sacrificial ritual, meaning that Elena has to die so that Elijah can kill him and free his sister. John gives Damon the special dagger to kill Elijah. Elena finds out that if a vampire uses the dagger, that vampire will die. Stefan warns Damon and Alaric stabs Elijah, but he pulls the dagger out and tells Elena their deal is off. Elena stabs herself in the stomach, and Elijah begs her to let him heal her. She stabs him with the dagger and leaves it in him. Elijah's death means that","Document [16](Title: The Dinner Party (The Vampire Diaries)) to keep her family and friends safe. Elijah does not seem to agree and Elena threatens to kill herself and become a vampire, just like Katherine did, something the will make her useless for him. Elijah calls her bluff but Elena moves on and stabs herself in the stomach. Elijah freaks out, accepts the deal and asks her to let him heal her. When he gets close enough, Elena stabs him with the dagger and Elijah falls dead. Stefan gives Elena his blood to heal her and Damon is also there reminding to not remove the dagger from the body.","Document [17](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 3)) daughter has become a monster, but later accepts her. Alice Evans joined the cast as the original witch Esther, Klaus' mother. She was first seen in a flashback in episode eight. Daniel Gillies will also return first appearing in a flashback during episode eight as Klaus' brother, Elijah. Persia White has been cast as Bonnie's mother, Abby Bennett. On November 10, 2011, it was announced that Paul Wesley's wife Torrey DeVitto was cast as Meredith Fell (based off Meredith Sulez from the source novel), a young doctor who is fascinated by Alaric, when she notices how quickly he recovers from","Document [18](Title: All My Children (The Vampire Diaries)) All My Children (The Vampire Diaries) \"All My Children\" is the fifteenth episode of the third season of The CW television series, \"The Vampire Diaries\" and the 59th episode of the series overall. It originally aired on February 16, 2012. The episode was written by Evan Bleiweiss & Michael Narducci and directed by Pascal Verschooris. Elijah (Daniel Gillies) finds evidence that Esther (Alice Evans) was casting a spell during the ball and he believes that Elena (Nina Dobrev) lied to him. He kidnaps Elena who tells him that Esther wants to kill them all. Elijah takes Elena into the tunnels","Document [19](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 5)) Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore; Steven R. McQueen as Jeremy Gilbert; Candice Accola as Caroline Forbes; Zach Roerig as Matt Donovan; Kat Graham as Bonnie Bennett and Michael Trevino as Tyler Lockwood, who is still under contract. Within the first three episodes, four new characters were introduced: Nadia, a girl with a mission of revenge who has traveled around the world, Jesse, an upper-class boy who goes to college, Actors Olga Fonda and Kendrick Sampson were cast in the roles of Nadia and Jesse, respectively. On August 2, 2013, it was announced that Janina Gavankar will play Tessa. The Vampire","Document [20](Title: Crying Wolf (The Vampire Diaries)) for a romantic weekend at her parents' house near the lake. When they get there, Elena remembers her parents and memories of them at the house come back to her mind. Stefan is there for her and they later find out a secret place where Elena's parents were hiding vampire weapons as well as other Gilbert journals. Damon (Ian Somerhalder) meets Elijah (Daniel Gillies) at the tea party Carol (Susan Walters) is organizing and tries to find out his plans and why he wants to keep Elena safe at the moment but Elijah does not seem willing to share his"],"query":"when does elijah first appear in vampire diaries?","answers":["Rose","\"Rose\"","Season two"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Klaus (The Vampire Diaries)) leaves Elijah to go to Jenna. In a flashback, we see that Elijah was in love with Katherine back in 1492. Elena tries to calm Jenna down and tells her the whole truth. Then, she goes back to Elijah, asking him to tell her about the curse. Elijah tells her that his mother was unfaithful to his father and Klaus is a brother from another father, a werewolf, something that makes Klaus both a vampire and a werewolf. Klaus wants to break the curse that is upon him so he can reawaken his werewolf side and create an army of","Document [2](Title: Klaus (The Vampire Diaries)) hybrids. Since Klaus is both a vampire and a werewolf, Elijah explains Elena that the dagger cannot kill him, and they have to try to do it using a witch when Klaus is on transition, a moment that makes him weak. Elena tells him that she knows a witch that can channel the power they need, and Elijah tells her that the curse needs to be broken during a full moon. Through another flashback, we see that Elijah found a way to protect the life of the doppelg\u00e4nger during the sacrifice, meaning he can protect Elena's life. Katherine did not","Document [3](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) they became vampires, can kill Originals. Elijah then works with a witch to locate Elena. The witch is able to locate her, so he goes to Mystic Falls to confront her, where he ends up saving her from a group of vampires who also wanted to take Elena. It is revealed that those vampires wanted to hand her over to Klaus. When Elijah discovers this, he makes peace with Elena and her friends, because he wants to use Elena as bait to draw out Klaus and kill him. He thus makes a deal with Elena that if she helps him","Document [4](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 3)) premiered on Thursday, September 15, 2011. The series stars Nina Dobrev as Elena Gilbert and Katherine Pierce, Paul Wesley as Stefan Salvatore and Silas, Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore, Steven R. McQueen as Jeremy Gilbert, Kat Graham as Bonnie Bennett, Candice Accola as Caroline Forbes, Zach Roerig as Matt Donovan, Michael Trevino as Tyler Lockwood, Matt Davis as Alaric Saltzman and Joseph Morgan as Klaus. 7th Heaven's David Gallagher was cast as werewolf Ray Sutton who has a run-in with Klaus in Tennessee. Australian actress, Claire Holt has been cast as Rebekah the sister of Klaus and Elijah, a beautiful","Document [5](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) Elijah is trapped in a room with animal heads which represent each brother of the family. To escape, Elijah discovers you must ruin the representation of each other, thus causing him to share with Klaus that he killed Tatia. When Klaus proves he is capable of forgiveness the spell is broken and they are free. Niklaus Mikaelson (more commonly called Klaus) is physically the most powerful immortal supernatural being in \"The Vampire Diaries\" and \"The Originals\" universe. He is shown to be cruel, sadistic, ruthless. He's portrayed by British actor Joseph Morgan. After the Original couple moved to the Americas,","Document [6](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) not trust Elijah and chose to flee. Later, he would punish her for her betrayal by compelling her to stay in a tomb until he said otherwise. Elena is rescued by the Salvatore brothers not long after Elijah kills Trevor, who had betrayed Elijah in the past by helping Katerina escape. The Salvatores attack Elijah and succeed in staking him; however, he comes back to life at the end of the episode because he is an Original Vampire who can not be killed by any wooden stake. Only wood from the ancient White Oak Tree, which his family burned when","Document [7](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) leaves Mystic Falls a tortured soul, ashamed of his own barbaric actions and those of his family's. He is shown to be one of the most sophisticated and peaceful of the Original siblings, alongside his older brother Finn. He is the most compromising regarding Elena and her friends. Elijah and Elena develop a sort of understanding, and Elena comes to be fond of Elijah's company. She thus feels especially betrayed when earlier Elijah threatened to allow Rebekah to kill Elena if the Salvatore brothers are not able to stop Esther Mikaelson from killing the Original Family. However, in the 18th","Document [8](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 3)) an injury. She uses vampire blood to cure people and starts dating Alaric. On November 16, 2011, it was announced that Robert Ri'chard was cast as Jamie a new love interest for resident witch Bonnie. On November 22, 2011, it was announced that Daniel Newman was cast as Daniel Warren, appearing in one episode. Australian actor Nathaniel Buzolic has been cast to play Klaus and Elijah's brother Kol and English actor Caspar Zafer has been cast as their other brother Finn. On January 13, 2012, it was announced that Cassidy Freeman was cast as Sage. On March 31, 2012, Sara","Document [9](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) kill Klaus, he will leave her family and her friends alone and keep them safe. However, he intends for Elena to be successfully sacrificed, as once Klaus breaks the curse and starts transforming, he will be left vulnerable enough to be killed. During a series of events, Elijah is temporarily \"killed\" when Elena stabs him with a mystical dagger that can kill an Original when dipped in ash from the White Oak Tree. When Klaus comes to town, Elena un-daggers Elijah because she needs his help, and he then reveals to her his family's history, and the fact that Klaus","Document [10](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) by The CW for a full 22-episode season on February 16, 2010. The first episode premiered on September 9, 2010, at 8 p.m. ET. The season picks up immediately after the events of the season one finale. All the series regulars returned. Season two focuses on the return of Elena Gilbert's (Nina Dobrev) doppelg\u00e4nger, Katherine Pierce, the introduction of werewolves, the sun and moon curse, and the arrival of the original vampires. Tyler Lockwood's (Michael Trevino) uncle, Mason Lockwood (Taylor Kinney), arrives in town searching for the moonstone, a family heirloom. Tyler later learns of his family's werewolf curse. Meanwhile,","Document [11](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) for the moonstone, a family heirloom. Tyler later learns of his family's werewolf curse. Meanwhile, Caroline Forbes (Candice Accola) is killed by Katherine while having Damon Salvatore's (Ian Somerhalder) blood in her system, turning her into a vampire. The arrival of the original vampires, Elijah (Daniel Gillies) and Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan), also bring about complications. Klaus is a vampire-werewolf hybrid, but his werewolf side had been forced into dormancy by witches, as nature would not stand for such an imbalance in power. Therefore, Klaus arrives in town with plans to break the curse and unleash his werewolf side by","Document [12](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) curse is on Klaus, who therefore wants to kill her. But Elijah says he has an elixir that can save Elena from dying. Elena believes Elijah, but Damon says that there is another way to save her life and feeds her his blood. Stefan tries to stop him, but he stabs in the chest with the wooden dagger. Elena then cries that she will be a vampire against her will. Maddox kidnaps Tyler and Caroline. Damon frees them and is bitten. Then he goes to Klaus to tell him that he does not have a werewolf and witch, as he","Document [13](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) episode of season 3, Elena professes that she hopes that her vampire friends are descended from Elijah's bloodline, so that he can be spared. Elijah returns to town in the season three finale episode, \"The Departed\", in order to make a deal with Elena and her friends. Elijah proposes that he be allowed to take Klaus's desiccated (by witch Bonnie and help from the Salvatores and Tyler) body with him and his siblings and leave town, and in exchange, he would make sure that Klaus would not be resurrected within Elena's lifetime or even that of her children, stating: \"perhaps","Document [14](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) to kill Klaus. When Elijah awakes, he undaggers the rest of his siblings who were located in similar coffins in the same room. They begin to plot their revenge against Klaus; however, before they can make their move, their mother Esther, thought to be dead, reappears and convinces the siblings to be a family again [which later turns out to be a front for her true motives; she wants to link her children's lives together and kill one of them to kill the rest, rendering vampires extinct]. After Elijah foils his mother's plans to kill him and his siblings, he","Document [15](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) tells her that Klaus will be weakened by the sacrificial ritual, meaning that Elena has to die so that Elijah can kill him and free his sister. John gives Damon the special dagger to kill Elijah. Elena finds out that if a vampire uses the dagger, that vampire will die. Stefan warns Damon and Alaric stabs Elijah, but he pulls the dagger out and tells Elena their deal is off. Elena stabs herself in the stomach, and Elijah begs her to let him heal her. She stabs him with the dagger and leaves it in him. Elijah's death means that","Document [16](Title: The Dinner Party (The Vampire Diaries)) to keep her family and friends safe. Elijah does not seem to agree and Elena threatens to kill herself and become a vampire, just like Katherine did, something the will make her useless for him. Elijah calls her bluff but Elena moves on and stabs herself in the stomach. Elijah freaks out, accepts the deal and asks her to let him heal her. When he gets close enough, Elena stabs him with the dagger and Elijah falls dead. Stefan gives Elena his blood to heal her and Damon is also there reminding to not remove the dagger from the body.","Document [17](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 3)) daughter has become a monster, but later accepts her. Alice Evans joined the cast as the original witch Esther, Klaus' mother. She was first seen in a flashback in episode eight. Daniel Gillies will also return first appearing in a flashback during episode eight as Klaus' brother, Elijah. Persia White has been cast as Bonnie's mother, Abby Bennett. On November 10, 2011, it was announced that Paul Wesley's wife Torrey DeVitto was cast as Meredith Fell (based off Meredith Sulez from the source novel), a young doctor who is fascinated by Alaric, when she notices how quickly he recovers from","Document [18](Title: All My Children (The Vampire Diaries)) All My Children (The Vampire Diaries) \"All My Children\" is the fifteenth episode of the third season of The CW television series, \"The Vampire Diaries\" and the 59th episode of the series overall. It originally aired on February 16, 2012. The episode was written by Evan Bleiweiss & Michael Narducci and directed by Pascal Verschooris. Elijah (Daniel Gillies) finds evidence that Esther (Alice Evans) was casting a spell during the ball and he believes that Elena (Nina Dobrev) lied to him. He kidnaps Elena who tells him that Esther wants to kill them all. Elijah takes Elena into the tunnels","Document [19](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 5)) Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore; Steven R. McQueen as Jeremy Gilbert; Candice Accola as Caroline Forbes; Zach Roerig as Matt Donovan; Kat Graham as Bonnie Bennett and Michael Trevino as Tyler Lockwood, who is still under contract. Within the first three episodes, four new characters were introduced: Nadia, a girl with a mission of revenge who has traveled around the world, Jesse, an upper-class boy who goes to college, Actors Olga Fonda and Kendrick Sampson were cast in the roles of Nadia and Jesse, respectively. On August 2, 2013, it was announced that Janina Gavankar will play Tessa. The Vampire","Document [20](Title: Crying Wolf (The Vampire Diaries)) for a romantic weekend at her parents' house near the lake. When they get there, Elena remembers her parents and memories of them at the house come back to her mind. Stefan is there for her and they later find out a secret place where Elena's parents were hiding vampire weapons as well as other Gilbert journals. Damon (Ian Somerhalder) meets Elijah (Daniel Gillies) at the tea party Carol (Susan Walters) is organizing and tries to find out his plans and why he wants to keep Elena safe at the moment but Elijah does not seem willing to share his"],"query":"when does elijah first appear in vampire diaries?","answers":["Rose","\"Rose\"","Season two"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Klaus (The Vampire Diaries)) leaves Elijah to go to Jenna. In a flashback, we see that Elijah was in love with Katherine back in 1492. Elena tries to calm Jenna down and tells her the whole truth. Then, she goes back to Elijah, asking him to tell her about the curse. Elijah tells her that his mother was unfaithful to his father and Klaus is a brother from another father, a werewolf, something that makes Klaus both a vampire and a werewolf. Klaus wants to break the curse that is upon him so he can reawaken his werewolf side and create an army of","Document [2](Title: Klaus (The Vampire Diaries)) hybrids. Since Klaus is both a vampire and a werewolf, Elijah explains Elena that the dagger cannot kill him, and they have to try to do it using a witch when Klaus is on transition, a moment that makes him weak. Elena tells him that she knows a witch that can channel the power they need, and Elijah tells her that the curse needs to be broken during a full moon. Through another flashback, we see that Elijah found a way to protect the life of the doppelg\u00e4nger during the sacrifice, meaning he can protect Elena's life. Katherine did not","Document [3](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) they became vampires, can kill Originals. Elijah then works with a witch to locate Elena. The witch is able to locate her, so he goes to Mystic Falls to confront her, where he ends up saving her from a group of vampires who also wanted to take Elena. It is revealed that those vampires wanted to hand her over to Klaus. When Elijah discovers this, he makes peace with Elena and her friends, because he wants to use Elena as bait to draw out Klaus and kill him. He thus makes a deal with Elena that if she helps him","Document [4](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 3)) premiered on Thursday, September 15, 2011. The series stars Nina Dobrev as Elena Gilbert and Katherine Pierce, Paul Wesley as Stefan Salvatore and Silas, Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore, Steven R. McQueen as Jeremy Gilbert, Kat Graham as Bonnie Bennett, Candice Accola as Caroline Forbes, Zach Roerig as Matt Donovan, Michael Trevino as Tyler Lockwood, Matt Davis as Alaric Saltzman and Joseph Morgan as Klaus. 7th Heaven's David Gallagher was cast as werewolf Ray Sutton who has a run-in with Klaus in Tennessee. Australian actress, Claire Holt has been cast as Rebekah the sister of Klaus and Elijah, a beautiful","Document [5](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) Elijah is trapped in a room with animal heads which represent each brother of the family. To escape, Elijah discovers you must ruin the representation of each other, thus causing him to share with Klaus that he killed Tatia. When Klaus proves he is capable of forgiveness the spell is broken and they are free. Niklaus Mikaelson (more commonly called Klaus) is physically the most powerful immortal supernatural being in \"The Vampire Diaries\" and \"The Originals\" universe. He is shown to be cruel, sadistic, ruthless. He's portrayed by British actor Joseph Morgan. After the Original couple moved to the Americas,","Document [6](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) not trust Elijah and chose to flee. Later, he would punish her for her betrayal by compelling her to stay in a tomb until he said otherwise. Elena is rescued by the Salvatore brothers not long after Elijah kills Trevor, who had betrayed Elijah in the past by helping Katerina escape. The Salvatores attack Elijah and succeed in staking him; however, he comes back to life at the end of the episode because he is an Original Vampire who can not be killed by any wooden stake. Only wood from the ancient White Oak Tree, which his family burned when","Document [7](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) leaves Mystic Falls a tortured soul, ashamed of his own barbaric actions and those of his family's. He is shown to be one of the most sophisticated and peaceful of the Original siblings, alongside his older brother Finn. He is the most compromising regarding Elena and her friends. Elijah and Elena develop a sort of understanding, and Elena comes to be fond of Elijah's company. She thus feels especially betrayed when earlier Elijah threatened to allow Rebekah to kill Elena if the Salvatore brothers are not able to stop Esther Mikaelson from killing the Original Family. However, in the 18th","Document [8](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 3)) an injury. She uses vampire blood to cure people and starts dating Alaric. On November 16, 2011, it was announced that Robert Ri'chard was cast as Jamie a new love interest for resident witch Bonnie. On November 22, 2011, it was announced that Daniel Newman was cast as Daniel Warren, appearing in one episode. Australian actor Nathaniel Buzolic has been cast to play Klaus and Elijah's brother Kol and English actor Caspar Zafer has been cast as their other brother Finn. On January 13, 2012, it was announced that Cassidy Freeman was cast as Sage. On March 31, 2012, Sara","Document [9](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) kill Klaus, he will leave her family and her friends alone and keep them safe. However, he intends for Elena to be successfully sacrificed, as once Klaus breaks the curse and starts transforming, he will be left vulnerable enough to be killed. During a series of events, Elijah is temporarily \"killed\" when Elena stabs him with a mystical dagger that can kill an Original when dipped in ash from the White Oak Tree. When Klaus comes to town, Elena un-daggers Elijah because she needs his help, and he then reveals to her his family's history, and the fact that Klaus","Document [10](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) for the moonstone, a family heirloom. Tyler later learns of his family's werewolf curse. Meanwhile, Caroline Forbes (Candice Accola) is killed by Katherine while having Damon Salvatore's (Ian Somerhalder) blood in her system, turning her into a vampire. The arrival of the original vampires, Elijah (Daniel Gillies) and Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan), also bring about complications. Klaus is a vampire-werewolf hybrid, but his werewolf side had been forced into dormancy by witches, as nature would not stand for such an imbalance in power. Therefore, Klaus arrives in town with plans to break the curse and unleash his werewolf side by","Document [11](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) curse is on Klaus, who therefore wants to kill her. But Elijah says he has an elixir that can save Elena from dying. Elena believes Elijah, but Damon says that there is another way to save her life and feeds her his blood. Stefan tries to stop him, but he stabs in the chest with the wooden dagger. Elena then cries that she will be a vampire against her will. Maddox kidnaps Tyler and Caroline. Damon frees them and is bitten. Then he goes to Klaus to tell him that he does not have a werewolf and witch, as he","Document [12](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) episode of season 3, Elena professes that she hopes that her vampire friends are descended from Elijah's bloodline, so that he can be spared. Elijah returns to town in the season three finale episode, \"The Departed\", in order to make a deal with Elena and her friends. Elijah proposes that he be allowed to take Klaus's desiccated (by witch Bonnie and help from the Salvatores and Tyler) body with him and his siblings and leave town, and in exchange, he would make sure that Klaus would not be resurrected within Elena's lifetime or even that of her children, stating: \"perhaps","Document [13](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) to kill Klaus. When Elijah awakes, he undaggers the rest of his siblings who were located in similar coffins in the same room. They begin to plot their revenge against Klaus; however, before they can make their move, their mother Esther, thought to be dead, reappears and convinces the siblings to be a family again [which later turns out to be a front for her true motives; she wants to link her children's lives together and kill one of them to kill the rest, rendering vampires extinct]. After Elijah foils his mother's plans to kill him and his siblings, he","Document [14](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) tells her that Klaus will be weakened by the sacrificial ritual, meaning that Elena has to die so that Elijah can kill him and free his sister. John gives Damon the special dagger to kill Elijah. Elena finds out that if a vampire uses the dagger, that vampire will die. Stefan warns Damon and Alaric stabs Elijah, but he pulls the dagger out and tells Elena their deal is off. Elena stabs herself in the stomach, and Elijah begs her to let him heal her. She stabs him with the dagger and leaves it in him. Elijah's death means that","Document [15](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) by The CW for a full 22-episode season on February 16, 2010. The first episode premiered on September 9, 2010, at 8 p.m. ET. The season picks up immediately after the events of the season one finale. All the series regulars returned. Season two focuses on the return of Elena Gilbert's (Nina Dobrev) doppelg\u00e4nger, Katherine Pierce, the introduction of werewolves, the sun and moon curse, and the arrival of the original vampires. Tyler Lockwood's (Michael Trevino) uncle, Mason Lockwood (Taylor Kinney), arrives in town searching for the moonstone, a family heirloom. Tyler later learns of his family's werewolf curse. Meanwhile,","Document [16](Title: The Dinner Party (The Vampire Diaries)) to keep her family and friends safe. Elijah does not seem to agree and Elena threatens to kill herself and become a vampire, just like Katherine did, something the will make her useless for him. Elijah calls her bluff but Elena moves on and stabs herself in the stomach. Elijah freaks out, accepts the deal and asks her to let him heal her. When he gets close enough, Elena stabs him with the dagger and Elijah falls dead. Stefan gives Elena his blood to heal her and Damon is also there reminding to not remove the dagger from the body.","Document [17](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 3)) daughter has become a monster, but later accepts her. Alice Evans joined the cast as the original witch Esther, Klaus' mother. She was first seen in a flashback in episode eight. Daniel Gillies will also return first appearing in a flashback during episode eight as Klaus' brother, Elijah. Persia White has been cast as Bonnie's mother, Abby Bennett. On November 10, 2011, it was announced that Paul Wesley's wife Torrey DeVitto was cast as Meredith Fell (based off Meredith Sulez from the source novel), a young doctor who is fascinated by Alaric, when she notices how quickly he recovers from","Document [18](Title: All My Children (The Vampire Diaries)) All My Children (The Vampire Diaries) \"All My Children\" is the fifteenth episode of the third season of The CW television series, \"The Vampire Diaries\" and the 59th episode of the series overall. It originally aired on February 16, 2012. The episode was written by Evan Bleiweiss & Michael Narducci and directed by Pascal Verschooris. Elijah (Daniel Gillies) finds evidence that Esther (Alice Evans) was casting a spell during the ball and he believes that Elena (Nina Dobrev) lied to him. He kidnaps Elena who tells him that Esther wants to kill them all. Elijah takes Elena into the tunnels","Document [19](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 5)) Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore; Steven R. McQueen as Jeremy Gilbert; Candice Accola as Caroline Forbes; Zach Roerig as Matt Donovan; Kat Graham as Bonnie Bennett and Michael Trevino as Tyler Lockwood, who is still under contract. Within the first three episodes, four new characters were introduced: Nadia, a girl with a mission of revenge who has traveled around the world, Jesse, an upper-class boy who goes to college, Actors Olga Fonda and Kendrick Sampson were cast in the roles of Nadia and Jesse, respectively. On August 2, 2013, it was announced that Janina Gavankar will play Tessa. The Vampire","Document [20](Title: Crying Wolf (The Vampire Diaries)) for a romantic weekend at her parents' house near the lake. When they get there, Elena remembers her parents and memories of them at the house come back to her mind. Stefan is there for her and they later find out a secret place where Elena's parents were hiding vampire weapons as well as other Gilbert journals. Damon (Ian Somerhalder) meets Elijah (Daniel Gillies) at the tea party Carol (Susan Walters) is organizing and tries to find out his plans and why he wants to keep Elena safe at the moment but Elijah does not seem willing to share his"],"query":"when does elijah first appear in vampire diaries?","answers":["Rose","\"Rose\"","Season two"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Klaus (The Vampire Diaries)) leaves Elijah to go to Jenna. In a flashback, we see that Elijah was in love with Katherine back in 1492. Elena tries to calm Jenna down and tells her the whole truth. Then, she goes back to Elijah, asking him to tell her about the curse. Elijah tells her that his mother was unfaithful to his father and Klaus is a brother from another father, a werewolf, something that makes Klaus both a vampire and a werewolf. Klaus wants to break the curse that is upon him so he can reawaken his werewolf side and create an army of","Document [2](Title: Klaus (The Vampire Diaries)) hybrids. Since Klaus is both a vampire and a werewolf, Elijah explains Elena that the dagger cannot kill him, and they have to try to do it using a witch when Klaus is on transition, a moment that makes him weak. Elena tells him that she knows a witch that can channel the power they need, and Elijah tells her that the curse needs to be broken during a full moon. Through another flashback, we see that Elijah found a way to protect the life of the doppelg\u00e4nger during the sacrifice, meaning he can protect Elena's life. Katherine did not","Document [3](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) they became vampires, can kill Originals. Elijah then works with a witch to locate Elena. The witch is able to locate her, so he goes to Mystic Falls to confront her, where he ends up saving her from a group of vampires who also wanted to take Elena. It is revealed that those vampires wanted to hand her over to Klaus. When Elijah discovers this, he makes peace with Elena and her friends, because he wants to use Elena as bait to draw out Klaus and kill him. He thus makes a deal with Elena that if she helps him","Document [4](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 3)) premiered on Thursday, September 15, 2011. The series stars Nina Dobrev as Elena Gilbert and Katherine Pierce, Paul Wesley as Stefan Salvatore and Silas, Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore, Steven R. McQueen as Jeremy Gilbert, Kat Graham as Bonnie Bennett, Candice Accola as Caroline Forbes, Zach Roerig as Matt Donovan, Michael Trevino as Tyler Lockwood, Matt Davis as Alaric Saltzman and Joseph Morgan as Klaus. 7th Heaven's David Gallagher was cast as werewolf Ray Sutton who has a run-in with Klaus in Tennessee. Australian actress, Claire Holt has been cast as Rebekah the sister of Klaus and Elijah, a beautiful","Document [5](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) Elijah is trapped in a room with animal heads which represent each brother of the family. To escape, Elijah discovers you must ruin the representation of each other, thus causing him to share with Klaus that he killed Tatia. When Klaus proves he is capable of forgiveness the spell is broken and they are free. Niklaus Mikaelson (more commonly called Klaus) is physically the most powerful immortal supernatural being in \"The Vampire Diaries\" and \"The Originals\" universe. He is shown to be cruel, sadistic, ruthless. He's portrayed by British actor Joseph Morgan. After the Original couple moved to the Americas,","Document [6](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) not trust Elijah and chose to flee. Later, he would punish her for her betrayal by compelling her to stay in a tomb until he said otherwise. Elena is rescued by the Salvatore brothers not long after Elijah kills Trevor, who had betrayed Elijah in the past by helping Katerina escape. The Salvatores attack Elijah and succeed in staking him; however, he comes back to life at the end of the episode because he is an Original Vampire who can not be killed by any wooden stake. Only wood from the ancient White Oak Tree, which his family burned when","Document [7](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) leaves Mystic Falls a tortured soul, ashamed of his own barbaric actions and those of his family's. He is shown to be one of the most sophisticated and peaceful of the Original siblings, alongside his older brother Finn. He is the most compromising regarding Elena and her friends. Elijah and Elena develop a sort of understanding, and Elena comes to be fond of Elijah's company. She thus feels especially betrayed when earlier Elijah threatened to allow Rebekah to kill Elena if the Salvatore brothers are not able to stop Esther Mikaelson from killing the Original Family. However, in the 18th","Document [8](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 3)) an injury. She uses vampire blood to cure people and starts dating Alaric. On November 16, 2011, it was announced that Robert Ri'chard was cast as Jamie a new love interest for resident witch Bonnie. On November 22, 2011, it was announced that Daniel Newman was cast as Daniel Warren, appearing in one episode. Australian actor Nathaniel Buzolic has been cast to play Klaus and Elijah's brother Kol and English actor Caspar Zafer has been cast as their other brother Finn. On January 13, 2012, it was announced that Cassidy Freeman was cast as Sage. On March 31, 2012, Sara","Document [9](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) kill Klaus, he will leave her family and her friends alone and keep them safe. However, he intends for Elena to be successfully sacrificed, as once Klaus breaks the curse and starts transforming, he will be left vulnerable enough to be killed. During a series of events, Elijah is temporarily \"killed\" when Elena stabs him with a mystical dagger that can kill an Original when dipped in ash from the White Oak Tree. When Klaus comes to town, Elena un-daggers Elijah because she needs his help, and he then reveals to her his family's history, and the fact that Klaus","Document [10](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) for the moonstone, a family heirloom. Tyler later learns of his family's werewolf curse. Meanwhile, Caroline Forbes (Candice Accola) is killed by Katherine while having Damon Salvatore's (Ian Somerhalder) blood in her system, turning her into a vampire. The arrival of the original vampires, Elijah (Daniel Gillies) and Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan), also bring about complications. Klaus is a vampire-werewolf hybrid, but his werewolf side had been forced into dormancy by witches, as nature would not stand for such an imbalance in power. Therefore, Klaus arrives in town with plans to break the curse and unleash his werewolf side by","Document [11](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) curse is on Klaus, who therefore wants to kill her. But Elijah says he has an elixir that can save Elena from dying. Elena believes Elijah, but Damon says that there is another way to save her life and feeds her his blood. Stefan tries to stop him, but he stabs in the chest with the wooden dagger. Elena then cries that she will be a vampire against her will. Maddox kidnaps Tyler and Caroline. Damon frees them and is bitten. Then he goes to Klaus to tell him that he does not have a werewolf and witch, as he","Document [12](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) episode of season 3, Elena professes that she hopes that her vampire friends are descended from Elijah's bloodline, so that he can be spared. Elijah returns to town in the season three finale episode, \"The Departed\", in order to make a deal with Elena and her friends. Elijah proposes that he be allowed to take Klaus's desiccated (by witch Bonnie and help from the Salvatores and Tyler) body with him and his siblings and leave town, and in exchange, he would make sure that Klaus would not be resurrected within Elena's lifetime or even that of her children, stating: \"perhaps","Document [13](Title: Original Vampires (The Vampire Diaries)) to kill Klaus. When Elijah awakes, he undaggers the rest of his siblings who were located in similar coffins in the same room. They begin to plot their revenge against Klaus; however, before they can make their move, their mother Esther, thought to be dead, reappears and convinces the siblings to be a family again [which later turns out to be a front for her true motives; she wants to link her children's lives together and kill one of them to kill the rest, rendering vampires extinct]. After Elijah foils his mother's plans to kill him and his siblings, he","Document [14](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) tells her that Klaus will be weakened by the sacrificial ritual, meaning that Elena has to die so that Elijah can kill him and free his sister. John gives Damon the special dagger to kill Elijah. Elena finds out that if a vampire uses the dagger, that vampire will die. Stefan warns Damon and Alaric stabs Elijah, but he pulls the dagger out and tells Elena their deal is off. Elena stabs herself in the stomach, and Elijah begs her to let him heal her. She stabs him with the dagger and leaves it in him. Elijah's death means that","Document [15](Title: The Dinner Party (The Vampire Diaries)) to keep her family and friends safe. Elijah does not seem to agree and Elena threatens to kill herself and become a vampire, just like Katherine did, something the will make her useless for him. Elijah calls her bluff but Elena moves on and stabs herself in the stomach. Elijah freaks out, accepts the deal and asks her to let him heal her. When he gets close enough, Elena stabs him with the dagger and Elijah falls dead. Stefan gives Elena his blood to heal her and Damon is also there reminding to not remove the dagger from the body.","Document [16](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 3)) daughter has become a monster, but later accepts her. Alice Evans joined the cast as the original witch Esther, Klaus' mother. She was first seen in a flashback in episode eight. Daniel Gillies will also return first appearing in a flashback during episode eight as Klaus' brother, Elijah. Persia White has been cast as Bonnie's mother, Abby Bennett. On November 10, 2011, it was announced that Paul Wesley's wife Torrey DeVitto was cast as Meredith Fell (based off Meredith Sulez from the source novel), a young doctor who is fascinated by Alaric, when she notices how quickly he recovers from","Document [17](Title: All My Children (The Vampire Diaries)) All My Children (The Vampire Diaries) \"All My Children\" is the fifteenth episode of the third season of The CW television series, \"The Vampire Diaries\" and the 59th episode of the series overall. It originally aired on February 16, 2012. The episode was written by Evan Bleiweiss & Michael Narducci and directed by Pascal Verschooris. Elijah (Daniel Gillies) finds evidence that Esther (Alice Evans) was casting a spell during the ball and he believes that Elena (Nina Dobrev) lied to him. He kidnaps Elena who tells him that Esther wants to kill them all. Elijah takes Elena into the tunnels","Document [18](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 5)) Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore; Steven R. McQueen as Jeremy Gilbert; Candice Accola as Caroline Forbes; Zach Roerig as Matt Donovan; Kat Graham as Bonnie Bennett and Michael Trevino as Tyler Lockwood, who is still under contract. Within the first three episodes, four new characters were introduced: Nadia, a girl with a mission of revenge who has traveled around the world, Jesse, an upper-class boy who goes to college, Actors Olga Fonda and Kendrick Sampson were cast in the roles of Nadia and Jesse, respectively. On August 2, 2013, it was announced that Janina Gavankar will play Tessa. The Vampire","Document [19](Title: Crying Wolf (The Vampire Diaries)) for a romantic weekend at her parents' house near the lake. When they get there, Elena remembers her parents and memories of them at the house come back to her mind. Stefan is there for her and they later find out a secret place where Elena's parents were hiding vampire weapons as well as other Gilbert journals. Damon (Ian Somerhalder) meets Elijah (Daniel Gillies) at the tea party Carol (Susan Walters) is organizing and tries to find out his plans and why he wants to keep Elena safe at the moment but Elijah does not seem willing to share his","Document [20](Title: The Vampire Diaries (season 2)) by The CW for a full 22-episode season on February 16, 2010. The first episode premiered on September 9, 2010, at 8 p.m. ET. The season picks up immediately after the events of the season one finale. All the series regulars returned. Season two focuses on the return of Elena Gilbert's (Nina Dobrev) doppelg\u00e4nger, Katherine Pierce, the introduction of werewolves, the sun and moon curse, and the arrival of the original vampires. Tyler Lockwood's (Michael Trevino) uncle, Mason Lockwood (Taylor Kinney), arrives in town searching for the moonstone, a family heirloom. Tyler later learns of his family's werewolf curse. Meanwhile,"],"query":"when does elijah first appear in vampire diaries?","answers":["Rose","\"Rose\"","Season two"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Retina) In section, the retina is no more than 0.5 mm thick. It has three layers of nerve cells and two of synapses, including the unique ribbon synapse. The optic nerve carries the ganglion cell axons to the brain, and the blood vessels that supply the retina. The ganglion cells lie innermost in the eye while the photoreceptive cells lie beyond. Because of this counter-intuitive arrangement, light must first pass through and around the ganglion cells and through the thickness of the retina, (including its capillary vessels, not shown) before reaching the rods and cones. Light is absorbed by the retinal","Document [2](Title: Retina) is \"wired wrongly\" or \"badly designed\"; but in fact, the retina could not function if it were not inverted. The photoreceptor layer must be embedded in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), which performs at least seven vital functions, one of the most obvious being to supply oxygen and other necessary nutrients needed for the photoreceptors to function. These nutrients include glucose, fatty acids, and retinal. The mammalian photoreceptor amplification process uses large quantities energy for vision in photopic conditions (requiring less under scotopic conditions) and, thus, requires the large supply nutrients supplied by the blood vessels in the choroid, which","Document [3](Title: Retina) of the forkhead transcription factors FOXD1 and FOXG1. Additional gradients are formed within the retina that aid in proper targeting of RGC axons that function to establish the retinotopic map. The retina is stratified into distinct layers, each containing specific cell types or cellular compartments that have metabolisms with different nutritional requirements. To satisfy these requirements, the ophthalmic artery bifurcates and supplies the retina via two distinct vascular networks: the choroidal network, which supplies the choroid and the outer retina, and the retinal network, which supplies the retina's inner layer. At first glance, one may think that the vertebrate retina","Document [4](Title: Retina) lies beyond the RPE. The choroid supplies about 75% of these nutrients to the retina and the retinal vasculature only 25%. When light strikes 11-cis-retinal (in the disks in the rods and cones), 11-cis-retinal changes to all-trans-retinal which then triggers changes in the opsins. Now, the outer segments do not regenerate the retinal back into the cis- form once it has been changed by light. Instead the retinal is pumped out to the surrounding RPE where it is regenerated and transported back into the outer segments of the photoreceptors. This recycling function of the RPE protects the photoreceptors against photo-oxidative","Document [5](Title: Conjunctiva) Conjunctiva The conjunctiva lines the inside of the eyelids and covers the sclera (the white of the eye). It is composed of non-keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium with goblet cells, and also stratified columnar epithelium. The conjunctiva is highly vascularised, with many microvessels easily accessible for imaging studies. The conjunctiva is typically divided into three parts: Blood to the bulbar conjunctiva is primarily derived from the ophthalmic artery. The blood supply to the palpebral conjunctiva (the eyelid) is derived from the external carotid artery. However, the circulation of the bulbar conjunctiva and palpebral conjunctiva are linked, so both bulbar conjunctival and","Document [6](Title: Eye) pigment epithelium, and constitutes the cells of the dilator muscle. The vitreous is the transparent, colourless, gelatinous mass that fills the space between the lens of the eye and the retina lining the back of the eye. It is produced by certain retinal cells. It is of rather similar composition to the cornea, but contains very few cells (mostly phagocytes which remove unwanted cellular debris in the visual field, as well as the hyalocytes of Balazs of the surface of the vitreous, which reprocess the hyaluronic acid), no blood vessels, and 98\u201399% of its volume is water (as opposed to","Document [7](Title: Retina) Retina The retina is the innermost, light-sensitive layer, or \"coat\", of shell tissue of the eye of most vertebrates and some molluscs. The optics of the eye create a focused two-dimensional image of the visual world on the retina, which translates that image into electrical neural impulses to the brain to create visual perception, the retina serving much the same function as film or a CCD in a camera. The retina consists of several layers of neurons interconnected by synapses. The neural retina refers to the three layers of neural cells (photo receptor cells, bipolar cells, and ganglion cells) within","Document [8](Title: Retinylidene protein) of retinal at the ground state that photoisomerizes to an all-\"trans\" retinal upon light activation. They are commonly found in the light-sensing organs, for example in the photoreceptor cells of vertebrate retina where they facilitate eyesight. Animal opsins can also be found in the skin of amphibians, the pineal glands of lizards and birds, the hypothalamus of toads, and the human brain. They can be categorized into several distinct classes including: The \"visual purple\" rhodopsin (opsin-2) of the rod cells in the vertebrate retina absorbs green-blue light. The photopsins of the cone cells of the retina differ in a few","Document [9](Title: Sclera) pass. The thickness of the sclera varies from 1mm at the posterior pole to 0.3 mm just behind the rectus muscle insertions. The sclera's blood vessels are mainly on the surface. Along with the vessels of the conjunctiva (which is a thin layer covering the sclera), those in the episclera render the inflamed eye bright red. In many vertebrates, the sclera is reinforced with plates of cartilage or bone, together forming a circular structure called the sclerotic ring. In primitive fish, this ring consists of four plates, but the number is lower in many living ray-finned fishes, and much higher","Document [10](Title: Retinal haemorrhage) Retinal haemorrhage Retinal haemorrhage is a disorder of the eye in which bleeding occurs in the retina, the light sensitive tissue, located on the back wall of the eye. There are photoreceptor cells in the retina called rods and cones, which transduce light energy into nerve signals that can be processed by the brain to form visual images. Retinal hemorrhage can affect adults, and newborn babies and infants may also suffer from this disorder. A retinal hemorrhage can be caused by several medical conditions such as hypertension, retinal vein occlusion (a blockage of a retinal vein), anemia, leukemia or diabetes","Document [11](Title: Retinopathy) blood to sludge, or thicken and flow slowly, through the retinal arteries. Other disorders that cause hyperviscosity syndrome may also cause blood sludging. Lastly, clots or central artery thrombosis directly blocks flow to the retina causing the cells to die. Proliferative retinopathy is the result of aberrant blood flow to the retina due to blood vessel overgrowth, or neovascularization. These pathologically overgrown blood vessels are often fragile, weak, and ineffective at perfusing the retinal tissues. These weak, fragile vessels are also often leaky, allowing fluids, protein, and other debris to leech out into the retina. They are also prone to","Document [12](Title: Retina) entire retina contains about 7 million cones and 75 to 150 million rods. The optic disc, a part of the retina sometimes called \"the blind spot\" because it lacks photoreceptors, is located at the optic papilla, where the optic-nerve fibres leave the eye. It appears as an oval white area of 3 mm\u00b2. Temporal (in the direction of the temples) to this disc is the macula, at whose centre is the fovea, a pit that is responsible for our sharp central vision but is actually less sensitive to light because of its lack of rods. Human and non-human primates possess","Document [13](Title: Diabetic retinopathy) show areas of retinal thickening due to fluid accumulation from macular edema. In the second stage, abnormal new blood vessels (neovascularisation) form at the back of the eye as part of \"proliferative diabetic retinopathy\" (PDR); these can burst and bleed (vitreous hemorrhage) and blur the vision, because these new blood vessels are fragile. The first time this bleeding occurs, it may not be very severe. In most cases, it will leave just a few specks of blood, or spots floating in a person's visual field, though the spots often go away after a few hours. These spots are often followed","Document [14](Title: Epiretinal membrane) field dependent aniseikonia that cannot be fully corrected optically with glasses. Partial correction often improves the binocular vision considerably though. In the young (under 50 years of age), these cells occasionally pull free and disintegrate on their own; but in the majority of sufferers (over 60 years of age) the condition is permanent. The underlying photoreceptor cells, rod cells and cone cells, are usually not damaged unless the membrane becomes quite thick and hard; so usually there is no macular degeneration. The source of the cells in epiretinal membranes (ERM) has been found to comprise glial cells, retinal pigment epithelial","Document [15](Title: Special senses) light from its surroundings onto a light-sensitive membrane in the back of the eye, called the retina. The retina is actually part of the brain that is isolated to serve as a transducer for the conversion of light into neuronal signals. Based on feedback from the visual system, the lens of the eye adjusts its thickness to focus light on the photoreceptive cells of the retina, also known as the rods and cones, which detect the photons of light and respond by producing neural impulses. These signals are processed via complex feedforward and feedback processes by different parts of the","Document [16](Title: Conjunctiva) palpebral conjunctival vessels will be supplied by both the ophthalmic artery and the external carotid artery, to varying extents. Sensory innervation of the conjunctiva is divided into four parts: The conjunctiva consists of non-keratinized, both stratified squamous and stratified columnar epithelium, with interspersed goblet cells. The epithelial layer contains blood vessels, fibrous tissue, and lymphatic channels. Accessory lacrimal glands in the conjunctiva constantly produce the aqueous portion of tears. Additional cells present in the conjunctival epithelium include melanocytes, T and B cell lymphocytes. The conjunctiva helps lubricate the eye by producing mucus and tears, although a smaller volume of tears","Document [17](Title: Rubeosis iridis) VEGF. These factors stimulate the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis). Unfortunately, these new vessels do not have the same characteristics as the blood vessels originally formed in the eye. In addition, new blood vessels can form in areas that do not have them. Specifically, new blood vessels can be observed on the iris. In addition to the blood vessels in the iris, they can grow into the angle of the eye. These blood vessels eventually go through a process called fibrosis which closes the normal physiologic anatomy of the angle. The closing of the angle prevents fluid from leaving","Document [18](Title: Retinol) (three forms\/colors in humans), responsible for color vision and sensing relatively high light intensities (day vision), are less impaired at early stages of the vitamin A deficiency. All these protein-pigment complexes are located in the light-sensing cells in eye's retina. When stimulated by light, rhodopsin splits into a protein and a cofactor: opsin and all-\"trans\"-retinal (a form of vitamin A). The regeneration of active rhodopsin requires opsin and 11-\"cis\"-retinal. The regeneration of 11-\"cis\"-retinal occurs in vertebrates via a sequence of chemical transformations that constitute \"the visual cycle\" and which occurs primarily in the retinal pigmented epithelial cells. Without adequate amounts","Document [19](Title: Blood\u2013retinal barrier) Blood\u2013retinal barrier The blood\u2013retinal barrier, or the BRB, is part of the blood\u2013ocular barrier that consists of cells that are joined tightly together to prevent certain substances from entering the tissue of the retina. It consists of non-fenestrated capillaries of the retinal circulation and tight-junctions between retinal epithelial cells preventing passage of large molecules from choriocapillaris into the retina. The blood retinal barrier has two components: the retinal vascular endothelium and the retinal pigment epithelium. Retinal blood vessels that are similar to cerebral blood vessels maintain the inner blood-ocular barrier. This physiological barrier comprises a single layer of non-fenestrated endothelial","Document [20](Title: Optics and vision) called the retina. The retina converts patterns of light into neuronal signals. The lens of the eye focuses light on the photoreceptive cells of the retina, which detect the photons of light and respond by producing neural impulses. These signals are processed in a hierarchical fashion by different parts of the brain, from the retina to the lateral geniculate nucleus, to the primary and secondary visual cortex of the brain. Signals from the retina can also travel directly from the retina to the Superior colliculus. The human eye is an organ which reacts to light for several purposes. As a"],"query":"where do the blood vessels that supply the retinal cells lie?","answers":["optic nerve","The optic nerve"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Retina) is \"wired wrongly\" or \"badly designed\"; but in fact, the retina could not function if it were not inverted. The photoreceptor layer must be embedded in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), which performs at least seven vital functions, one of the most obvious being to supply oxygen and other necessary nutrients needed for the photoreceptors to function. These nutrients include glucose, fatty acids, and retinal. The mammalian photoreceptor amplification process uses large quantities energy for vision in photopic conditions (requiring less under scotopic conditions) and, thus, requires the large supply nutrients supplied by the blood vessels in the choroid, which","Document [2](Title: Retina) of the forkhead transcription factors FOXD1 and FOXG1. Additional gradients are formed within the retina that aid in proper targeting of RGC axons that function to establish the retinotopic map. The retina is stratified into distinct layers, each containing specific cell types or cellular compartments that have metabolisms with different nutritional requirements. To satisfy these requirements, the ophthalmic artery bifurcates and supplies the retina via two distinct vascular networks: the choroidal network, which supplies the choroid and the outer retina, and the retinal network, which supplies the retina's inner layer. At first glance, one may think that the vertebrate retina","Document [3](Title: Retina) lies beyond the RPE. The choroid supplies about 75% of these nutrients to the retina and the retinal vasculature only 25%. When light strikes 11-cis-retinal (in the disks in the rods and cones), 11-cis-retinal changes to all-trans-retinal which then triggers changes in the opsins. Now, the outer segments do not regenerate the retinal back into the cis- form once it has been changed by light. Instead the retinal is pumped out to the surrounding RPE where it is regenerated and transported back into the outer segments of the photoreceptors. This recycling function of the RPE protects the photoreceptors against photo-oxidative","Document [4](Title: Conjunctiva) Conjunctiva The conjunctiva lines the inside of the eyelids and covers the sclera (the white of the eye). It is composed of non-keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium with goblet cells, and also stratified columnar epithelium. The conjunctiva is highly vascularised, with many microvessels easily accessible for imaging studies. The conjunctiva is typically divided into three parts: Blood to the bulbar conjunctiva is primarily derived from the ophthalmic artery. The blood supply to the palpebral conjunctiva (the eyelid) is derived from the external carotid artery. However, the circulation of the bulbar conjunctiva and palpebral conjunctiva are linked, so both bulbar conjunctival and","Document [5](Title: Retina) In section, the retina is no more than 0.5 mm thick. It has three layers of nerve cells and two of synapses, including the unique ribbon synapse. The optic nerve carries the ganglion cell axons to the brain, and the blood vessels that supply the retina. The ganglion cells lie innermost in the eye while the photoreceptive cells lie beyond. Because of this counter-intuitive arrangement, light must first pass through and around the ganglion cells and through the thickness of the retina, (including its capillary vessels, not shown) before reaching the rods and cones. Light is absorbed by the retinal","Document [6](Title: Eye) pigment epithelium, and constitutes the cells of the dilator muscle. The vitreous is the transparent, colourless, gelatinous mass that fills the space between the lens of the eye and the retina lining the back of the eye. It is produced by certain retinal cells. It is of rather similar composition to the cornea, but contains very few cells (mostly phagocytes which remove unwanted cellular debris in the visual field, as well as the hyalocytes of Balazs of the surface of the vitreous, which reprocess the hyaluronic acid), no blood vessels, and 98\u201399% of its volume is water (as opposed to","Document [7](Title: Retina) Retina The retina is the innermost, light-sensitive layer, or \"coat\", of shell tissue of the eye of most vertebrates and some molluscs. The optics of the eye create a focused two-dimensional image of the visual world on the retina, which translates that image into electrical neural impulses to the brain to create visual perception, the retina serving much the same function as film or a CCD in a camera. The retina consists of several layers of neurons interconnected by synapses. The neural retina refers to the three layers of neural cells (photo receptor cells, bipolar cells, and ganglion cells) within","Document [8](Title: Retinylidene protein) of retinal at the ground state that photoisomerizes to an all-\"trans\" retinal upon light activation. They are commonly found in the light-sensing organs, for example in the photoreceptor cells of vertebrate retina where they facilitate eyesight. Animal opsins can also be found in the skin of amphibians, the pineal glands of lizards and birds, the hypothalamus of toads, and the human brain. They can be categorized into several distinct classes including: The \"visual purple\" rhodopsin (opsin-2) of the rod cells in the vertebrate retina absorbs green-blue light. The photopsins of the cone cells of the retina differ in a few","Document [9](Title: Sclera) pass. The thickness of the sclera varies from 1mm at the posterior pole to 0.3 mm just behind the rectus muscle insertions. The sclera's blood vessels are mainly on the surface. Along with the vessels of the conjunctiva (which is a thin layer covering the sclera), those in the episclera render the inflamed eye bright red. In many vertebrates, the sclera is reinforced with plates of cartilage or bone, together forming a circular structure called the sclerotic ring. In primitive fish, this ring consists of four plates, but the number is lower in many living ray-finned fishes, and much higher","Document [10](Title: Retinal haemorrhage) Retinal haemorrhage Retinal haemorrhage is a disorder of the eye in which bleeding occurs in the retina, the light sensitive tissue, located on the back wall of the eye. There are photoreceptor cells in the retina called rods and cones, which transduce light energy into nerve signals that can be processed by the brain to form visual images. Retinal hemorrhage can affect adults, and newborn babies and infants may also suffer from this disorder. A retinal hemorrhage can be caused by several medical conditions such as hypertension, retinal vein occlusion (a blockage of a retinal vein), anemia, leukemia or diabetes","Document [11](Title: Retinopathy) blood to sludge, or thicken and flow slowly, through the retinal arteries. Other disorders that cause hyperviscosity syndrome may also cause blood sludging. Lastly, clots or central artery thrombosis directly blocks flow to the retina causing the cells to die. Proliferative retinopathy is the result of aberrant blood flow to the retina due to blood vessel overgrowth, or neovascularization. These pathologically overgrown blood vessels are often fragile, weak, and ineffective at perfusing the retinal tissues. These weak, fragile vessels are also often leaky, allowing fluids, protein, and other debris to leech out into the retina. They are also prone to","Document [12](Title: Retina) entire retina contains about 7 million cones and 75 to 150 million rods. The optic disc, a part of the retina sometimes called \"the blind spot\" because it lacks photoreceptors, is located at the optic papilla, where the optic-nerve fibres leave the eye. It appears as an oval white area of 3 mm\u00b2. Temporal (in the direction of the temples) to this disc is the macula, at whose centre is the fovea, a pit that is responsible for our sharp central vision but is actually less sensitive to light because of its lack of rods. Human and non-human primates possess","Document [13](Title: Diabetic retinopathy) show areas of retinal thickening due to fluid accumulation from macular edema. In the second stage, abnormal new blood vessels (neovascularisation) form at the back of the eye as part of \"proliferative diabetic retinopathy\" (PDR); these can burst and bleed (vitreous hemorrhage) and blur the vision, because these new blood vessels are fragile. The first time this bleeding occurs, it may not be very severe. In most cases, it will leave just a few specks of blood, or spots floating in a person's visual field, though the spots often go away after a few hours. These spots are often followed","Document [14](Title: Epiretinal membrane) field dependent aniseikonia that cannot be fully corrected optically with glasses. Partial correction often improves the binocular vision considerably though. In the young (under 50 years of age), these cells occasionally pull free and disintegrate on their own; but in the majority of sufferers (over 60 years of age) the condition is permanent. The underlying photoreceptor cells, rod cells and cone cells, are usually not damaged unless the membrane becomes quite thick and hard; so usually there is no macular degeneration. The source of the cells in epiretinal membranes (ERM) has been found to comprise glial cells, retinal pigment epithelial","Document [15](Title: Special senses) light from its surroundings onto a light-sensitive membrane in the back of the eye, called the retina. The retina is actually part of the brain that is isolated to serve as a transducer for the conversion of light into neuronal signals. Based on feedback from the visual system, the lens of the eye adjusts its thickness to focus light on the photoreceptive cells of the retina, also known as the rods and cones, which detect the photons of light and respond by producing neural impulses. These signals are processed via complex feedforward and feedback processes by different parts of the","Document [16](Title: Conjunctiva) palpebral conjunctival vessels will be supplied by both the ophthalmic artery and the external carotid artery, to varying extents. Sensory innervation of the conjunctiva is divided into four parts: The conjunctiva consists of non-keratinized, both stratified squamous and stratified columnar epithelium, with interspersed goblet cells. The epithelial layer contains blood vessels, fibrous tissue, and lymphatic channels. Accessory lacrimal glands in the conjunctiva constantly produce the aqueous portion of tears. Additional cells present in the conjunctival epithelium include melanocytes, T and B cell lymphocytes. The conjunctiva helps lubricate the eye by producing mucus and tears, although a smaller volume of tears","Document [17](Title: Rubeosis iridis) VEGF. These factors stimulate the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis). Unfortunately, these new vessels do not have the same characteristics as the blood vessels originally formed in the eye. In addition, new blood vessels can form in areas that do not have them. Specifically, new blood vessels can be observed on the iris. In addition to the blood vessels in the iris, they can grow into the angle of the eye. These blood vessels eventually go through a process called fibrosis which closes the normal physiologic anatomy of the angle. The closing of the angle prevents fluid from leaving","Document [18](Title: Retinol) (three forms\/colors in humans), responsible for color vision and sensing relatively high light intensities (day vision), are less impaired at early stages of the vitamin A deficiency. All these protein-pigment complexes are located in the light-sensing cells in eye's retina. When stimulated by light, rhodopsin splits into a protein and a cofactor: opsin and all-\"trans\"-retinal (a form of vitamin A). The regeneration of active rhodopsin requires opsin and 11-\"cis\"-retinal. The regeneration of 11-\"cis\"-retinal occurs in vertebrates via a sequence of chemical transformations that constitute \"the visual cycle\" and which occurs primarily in the retinal pigmented epithelial cells. Without adequate amounts","Document [19](Title: Blood\u2013retinal barrier) Blood\u2013retinal barrier The blood\u2013retinal barrier, or the BRB, is part of the blood\u2013ocular barrier that consists of cells that are joined tightly together to prevent certain substances from entering the tissue of the retina. It consists of non-fenestrated capillaries of the retinal circulation and tight-junctions between retinal epithelial cells preventing passage of large molecules from choriocapillaris into the retina. The blood retinal barrier has two components: the retinal vascular endothelium and the retinal pigment epithelium. Retinal blood vessels that are similar to cerebral blood vessels maintain the inner blood-ocular barrier. This physiological barrier comprises a single layer of non-fenestrated endothelial","Document [20](Title: Optics and vision) called the retina. The retina converts patterns of light into neuronal signals. The lens of the eye focuses light on the photoreceptive cells of the retina, which detect the photons of light and respond by producing neural impulses. These signals are processed in a hierarchical fashion by different parts of the brain, from the retina to the lateral geniculate nucleus, to the primary and secondary visual cortex of the brain. Signals from the retina can also travel directly from the retina to the Superior colliculus. The human eye is an organ which reacts to light for several purposes. As a"],"query":"where do the blood vessels that supply the retinal cells lie?","answers":["optic nerve","The optic nerve"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Retina) is \"wired wrongly\" or \"badly designed\"; but in fact, the retina could not function if it were not inverted. The photoreceptor layer must be embedded in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), which performs at least seven vital functions, one of the most obvious being to supply oxygen and other necessary nutrients needed for the photoreceptors to function. These nutrients include glucose, fatty acids, and retinal. The mammalian photoreceptor amplification process uses large quantities energy for vision in photopic conditions (requiring less under scotopic conditions) and, thus, requires the large supply nutrients supplied by the blood vessels in the choroid, which","Document [2](Title: Retina) of the forkhead transcription factors FOXD1 and FOXG1. Additional gradients are formed within the retina that aid in proper targeting of RGC axons that function to establish the retinotopic map. The retina is stratified into distinct layers, each containing specific cell types or cellular compartments that have metabolisms with different nutritional requirements. To satisfy these requirements, the ophthalmic artery bifurcates and supplies the retina via two distinct vascular networks: the choroidal network, which supplies the choroid and the outer retina, and the retinal network, which supplies the retina's inner layer. At first glance, one may think that the vertebrate retina","Document [3](Title: Retina) lies beyond the RPE. The choroid supplies about 75% of these nutrients to the retina and the retinal vasculature only 25%. When light strikes 11-cis-retinal (in the disks in the rods and cones), 11-cis-retinal changes to all-trans-retinal which then triggers changes in the opsins. Now, the outer segments do not regenerate the retinal back into the cis- form once it has been changed by light. Instead the retinal is pumped out to the surrounding RPE where it is regenerated and transported back into the outer segments of the photoreceptors. This recycling function of the RPE protects the photoreceptors against photo-oxidative","Document [4](Title: Conjunctiva) Conjunctiva The conjunctiva lines the inside of the eyelids and covers the sclera (the white of the eye). It is composed of non-keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium with goblet cells, and also stratified columnar epithelium. The conjunctiva is highly vascularised, with many microvessels easily accessible for imaging studies. The conjunctiva is typically divided into three parts: Blood to the bulbar conjunctiva is primarily derived from the ophthalmic artery. The blood supply to the palpebral conjunctiva (the eyelid) is derived from the external carotid artery. However, the circulation of the bulbar conjunctiva and palpebral conjunctiva are linked, so both bulbar conjunctival and","Document [5](Title: Eye) pigment epithelium, and constitutes the cells of the dilator muscle. The vitreous is the transparent, colourless, gelatinous mass that fills the space between the lens of the eye and the retina lining the back of the eye. It is produced by certain retinal cells. It is of rather similar composition to the cornea, but contains very few cells (mostly phagocytes which remove unwanted cellular debris in the visual field, as well as the hyalocytes of Balazs of the surface of the vitreous, which reprocess the hyaluronic acid), no blood vessels, and 98\u201399% of its volume is water (as opposed to","Document [6](Title: Retina) Retina The retina is the innermost, light-sensitive layer, or \"coat\", of shell tissue of the eye of most vertebrates and some molluscs. The optics of the eye create a focused two-dimensional image of the visual world on the retina, which translates that image into electrical neural impulses to the brain to create visual perception, the retina serving much the same function as film or a CCD in a camera. The retina consists of several layers of neurons interconnected by synapses. The neural retina refers to the three layers of neural cells (photo receptor cells, bipolar cells, and ganglion cells) within","Document [7](Title: Retinylidene protein) of retinal at the ground state that photoisomerizes to an all-\"trans\" retinal upon light activation. They are commonly found in the light-sensing organs, for example in the photoreceptor cells of vertebrate retina where they facilitate eyesight. Animal opsins can also be found in the skin of amphibians, the pineal glands of lizards and birds, the hypothalamus of toads, and the human brain. They can be categorized into several distinct classes including: The \"visual purple\" rhodopsin (opsin-2) of the rod cells in the vertebrate retina absorbs green-blue light. The photopsins of the cone cells of the retina differ in a few","Document [8](Title: Sclera) pass. The thickness of the sclera varies from 1mm at the posterior pole to 0.3 mm just behind the rectus muscle insertions. The sclera's blood vessels are mainly on the surface. Along with the vessels of the conjunctiva (which is a thin layer covering the sclera), those in the episclera render the inflamed eye bright red. In many vertebrates, the sclera is reinforced with plates of cartilage or bone, together forming a circular structure called the sclerotic ring. In primitive fish, this ring consists of four plates, but the number is lower in many living ray-finned fishes, and much higher","Document [9](Title: Retinal haemorrhage) Retinal haemorrhage Retinal haemorrhage is a disorder of the eye in which bleeding occurs in the retina, the light sensitive tissue, located on the back wall of the eye. There are photoreceptor cells in the retina called rods and cones, which transduce light energy into nerve signals that can be processed by the brain to form visual images. Retinal hemorrhage can affect adults, and newborn babies and infants may also suffer from this disorder. A retinal hemorrhage can be caused by several medical conditions such as hypertension, retinal vein occlusion (a blockage of a retinal vein), anemia, leukemia or diabetes","Document [10](Title: Retina) In section, the retina is no more than 0.5 mm thick. It has three layers of nerve cells and two of synapses, including the unique ribbon synapse. The optic nerve carries the ganglion cell axons to the brain, and the blood vessels that supply the retina. The ganglion cells lie innermost in the eye while the photoreceptive cells lie beyond. Because of this counter-intuitive arrangement, light must first pass through and around the ganglion cells and through the thickness of the retina, (including its capillary vessels, not shown) before reaching the rods and cones. Light is absorbed by the retinal","Document [11](Title: Retinopathy) blood to sludge, or thicken and flow slowly, through the retinal arteries. Other disorders that cause hyperviscosity syndrome may also cause blood sludging. Lastly, clots or central artery thrombosis directly blocks flow to the retina causing the cells to die. Proliferative retinopathy is the result of aberrant blood flow to the retina due to blood vessel overgrowth, or neovascularization. These pathologically overgrown blood vessels are often fragile, weak, and ineffective at perfusing the retinal tissues. These weak, fragile vessels are also often leaky, allowing fluids, protein, and other debris to leech out into the retina. They are also prone to","Document [12](Title: Retina) entire retina contains about 7 million cones and 75 to 150 million rods. The optic disc, a part of the retina sometimes called \"the blind spot\" because it lacks photoreceptors, is located at the optic papilla, where the optic-nerve fibres leave the eye. It appears as an oval white area of 3 mm\u00b2. Temporal (in the direction of the temples) to this disc is the macula, at whose centre is the fovea, a pit that is responsible for our sharp central vision but is actually less sensitive to light because of its lack of rods. Human and non-human primates possess","Document [13](Title: Diabetic retinopathy) show areas of retinal thickening due to fluid accumulation from macular edema. In the second stage, abnormal new blood vessels (neovascularisation) form at the back of the eye as part of \"proliferative diabetic retinopathy\" (PDR); these can burst and bleed (vitreous hemorrhage) and blur the vision, because these new blood vessels are fragile. The first time this bleeding occurs, it may not be very severe. In most cases, it will leave just a few specks of blood, or spots floating in a person's visual field, though the spots often go away after a few hours. These spots are often followed","Document [14](Title: Epiretinal membrane) field dependent aniseikonia that cannot be fully corrected optically with glasses. Partial correction often improves the binocular vision considerably though. In the young (under 50 years of age), these cells occasionally pull free and disintegrate on their own; but in the majority of sufferers (over 60 years of age) the condition is permanent. The underlying photoreceptor cells, rod cells and cone cells, are usually not damaged unless the membrane becomes quite thick and hard; so usually there is no macular degeneration. The source of the cells in epiretinal membranes (ERM) has been found to comprise glial cells, retinal pigment epithelial","Document [15](Title: Special senses) light from its surroundings onto a light-sensitive membrane in the back of the eye, called the retina. The retina is actually part of the brain that is isolated to serve as a transducer for the conversion of light into neuronal signals. Based on feedback from the visual system, the lens of the eye adjusts its thickness to focus light on the photoreceptive cells of the retina, also known as the rods and cones, which detect the photons of light and respond by producing neural impulses. These signals are processed via complex feedforward and feedback processes by different parts of the","Document [16](Title: Conjunctiva) palpebral conjunctival vessels will be supplied by both the ophthalmic artery and the external carotid artery, to varying extents. Sensory innervation of the conjunctiva is divided into four parts: The conjunctiva consists of non-keratinized, both stratified squamous and stratified columnar epithelium, with interspersed goblet cells. The epithelial layer contains blood vessels, fibrous tissue, and lymphatic channels. Accessory lacrimal glands in the conjunctiva constantly produce the aqueous portion of tears. Additional cells present in the conjunctival epithelium include melanocytes, T and B cell lymphocytes. The conjunctiva helps lubricate the eye by producing mucus and tears, although a smaller volume of tears","Document [17](Title: Rubeosis iridis) VEGF. These factors stimulate the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis). Unfortunately, these new vessels do not have the same characteristics as the blood vessels originally formed in the eye. In addition, new blood vessels can form in areas that do not have them. Specifically, new blood vessels can be observed on the iris. In addition to the blood vessels in the iris, they can grow into the angle of the eye. These blood vessels eventually go through a process called fibrosis which closes the normal physiologic anatomy of the angle. The closing of the angle prevents fluid from leaving","Document [18](Title: Retinol) (three forms\/colors in humans), responsible for color vision and sensing relatively high light intensities (day vision), are less impaired at early stages of the vitamin A deficiency. All these protein-pigment complexes are located in the light-sensing cells in eye's retina. When stimulated by light, rhodopsin splits into a protein and a cofactor: opsin and all-\"trans\"-retinal (a form of vitamin A). The regeneration of active rhodopsin requires opsin and 11-\"cis\"-retinal. The regeneration of 11-\"cis\"-retinal occurs in vertebrates via a sequence of chemical transformations that constitute \"the visual cycle\" and which occurs primarily in the retinal pigmented epithelial cells. Without adequate amounts","Document [19](Title: Blood\u2013retinal barrier) Blood\u2013retinal barrier The blood\u2013retinal barrier, or the BRB, is part of the blood\u2013ocular barrier that consists of cells that are joined tightly together to prevent certain substances from entering the tissue of the retina. It consists of non-fenestrated capillaries of the retinal circulation and tight-junctions between retinal epithelial cells preventing passage of large molecules from choriocapillaris into the retina. The blood retinal barrier has two components: the retinal vascular endothelium and the retinal pigment epithelium. Retinal blood vessels that are similar to cerebral blood vessels maintain the inner blood-ocular barrier. This physiological barrier comprises a single layer of non-fenestrated endothelial","Document [20](Title: Optics and vision) called the retina. The retina converts patterns of light into neuronal signals. The lens of the eye focuses light on the photoreceptive cells of the retina, which detect the photons of light and respond by producing neural impulses. These signals are processed in a hierarchical fashion by different parts of the brain, from the retina to the lateral geniculate nucleus, to the primary and secondary visual cortex of the brain. Signals from the retina can also travel directly from the retina to the Superior colliculus. The human eye is an organ which reacts to light for several purposes. As a"],"query":"where do the blood vessels that supply the retinal cells lie?","answers":["optic nerve","The optic nerve"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Retina) is \"wired wrongly\" or \"badly designed\"; but in fact, the retina could not function if it were not inverted. The photoreceptor layer must be embedded in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), which performs at least seven vital functions, one of the most obvious being to supply oxygen and other necessary nutrients needed for the photoreceptors to function. These nutrients include glucose, fatty acids, and retinal. The mammalian photoreceptor amplification process uses large quantities energy for vision in photopic conditions (requiring less under scotopic conditions) and, thus, requires the large supply nutrients supplied by the blood vessels in the choroid, which","Document [2](Title: Retina) of the forkhead transcription factors FOXD1 and FOXG1. Additional gradients are formed within the retina that aid in proper targeting of RGC axons that function to establish the retinotopic map. The retina is stratified into distinct layers, each containing specific cell types or cellular compartments that have metabolisms with different nutritional requirements. To satisfy these requirements, the ophthalmic artery bifurcates and supplies the retina via two distinct vascular networks: the choroidal network, which supplies the choroid and the outer retina, and the retinal network, which supplies the retina's inner layer. At first glance, one may think that the vertebrate retina","Document [3](Title: Retina) lies beyond the RPE. The choroid supplies about 75% of these nutrients to the retina and the retinal vasculature only 25%. When light strikes 11-cis-retinal (in the disks in the rods and cones), 11-cis-retinal changes to all-trans-retinal which then triggers changes in the opsins. Now, the outer segments do not regenerate the retinal back into the cis- form once it has been changed by light. Instead the retinal is pumped out to the surrounding RPE where it is regenerated and transported back into the outer segments of the photoreceptors. This recycling function of the RPE protects the photoreceptors against photo-oxidative","Document [4](Title: Conjunctiva) Conjunctiva The conjunctiva lines the inside of the eyelids and covers the sclera (the white of the eye). It is composed of non-keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium with goblet cells, and also stratified columnar epithelium. The conjunctiva is highly vascularised, with many microvessels easily accessible for imaging studies. The conjunctiva is typically divided into three parts: Blood to the bulbar conjunctiva is primarily derived from the ophthalmic artery. The blood supply to the palpebral conjunctiva (the eyelid) is derived from the external carotid artery. However, the circulation of the bulbar conjunctiva and palpebral conjunctiva are linked, so both bulbar conjunctival and","Document [5](Title: Eye) pigment epithelium, and constitutes the cells of the dilator muscle. The vitreous is the transparent, colourless, gelatinous mass that fills the space between the lens of the eye and the retina lining the back of the eye. It is produced by certain retinal cells. It is of rather similar composition to the cornea, but contains very few cells (mostly phagocytes which remove unwanted cellular debris in the visual field, as well as the hyalocytes of Balazs of the surface of the vitreous, which reprocess the hyaluronic acid), no blood vessels, and 98\u201399% of its volume is water (as opposed to","Document [6](Title: Retina) Retina The retina is the innermost, light-sensitive layer, or \"coat\", of shell tissue of the eye of most vertebrates and some molluscs. The optics of the eye create a focused two-dimensional image of the visual world on the retina, which translates that image into electrical neural impulses to the brain to create visual perception, the retina serving much the same function as film or a CCD in a camera. The retina consists of several layers of neurons interconnected by synapses. The neural retina refers to the three layers of neural cells (photo receptor cells, bipolar cells, and ganglion cells) within","Document [7](Title: Retinylidene protein) of retinal at the ground state that photoisomerizes to an all-\"trans\" retinal upon light activation. They are commonly found in the light-sensing organs, for example in the photoreceptor cells of vertebrate retina where they facilitate eyesight. Animal opsins can also be found in the skin of amphibians, the pineal glands of lizards and birds, the hypothalamus of toads, and the human brain. They can be categorized into several distinct classes including: The \"visual purple\" rhodopsin (opsin-2) of the rod cells in the vertebrate retina absorbs green-blue light. The photopsins of the cone cells of the retina differ in a few","Document [8](Title: Sclera) pass. The thickness of the sclera varies from 1mm at the posterior pole to 0.3 mm just behind the rectus muscle insertions. The sclera's blood vessels are mainly on the surface. Along with the vessels of the conjunctiva (which is a thin layer covering the sclera), those in the episclera render the inflamed eye bright red. In many vertebrates, the sclera is reinforced with plates of cartilage or bone, together forming a circular structure called the sclerotic ring. In primitive fish, this ring consists of four plates, but the number is lower in many living ray-finned fishes, and much higher","Document [9](Title: Retinal haemorrhage) Retinal haemorrhage Retinal haemorrhage is a disorder of the eye in which bleeding occurs in the retina, the light sensitive tissue, located on the back wall of the eye. There are photoreceptor cells in the retina called rods and cones, which transduce light energy into nerve signals that can be processed by the brain to form visual images. Retinal hemorrhage can affect adults, and newborn babies and infants may also suffer from this disorder. A retinal hemorrhage can be caused by several medical conditions such as hypertension, retinal vein occlusion (a blockage of a retinal vein), anemia, leukemia or diabetes","Document [10](Title: Retinopathy) blood to sludge, or thicken and flow slowly, through the retinal arteries. Other disorders that cause hyperviscosity syndrome may also cause blood sludging. Lastly, clots or central artery thrombosis directly blocks flow to the retina causing the cells to die. Proliferative retinopathy is the result of aberrant blood flow to the retina due to blood vessel overgrowth, or neovascularization. These pathologically overgrown blood vessels are often fragile, weak, and ineffective at perfusing the retinal tissues. These weak, fragile vessels are also often leaky, allowing fluids, protein, and other debris to leech out into the retina. They are also prone to","Document [11](Title: Retina) entire retina contains about 7 million cones and 75 to 150 million rods. The optic disc, a part of the retina sometimes called \"the blind spot\" because it lacks photoreceptors, is located at the optic papilla, where the optic-nerve fibres leave the eye. It appears as an oval white area of 3 mm\u00b2. Temporal (in the direction of the temples) to this disc is the macula, at whose centre is the fovea, a pit that is responsible for our sharp central vision but is actually less sensitive to light because of its lack of rods. Human and non-human primates possess","Document [12](Title: Diabetic retinopathy) show areas of retinal thickening due to fluid accumulation from macular edema. In the second stage, abnormal new blood vessels (neovascularisation) form at the back of the eye as part of \"proliferative diabetic retinopathy\" (PDR); these can burst and bleed (vitreous hemorrhage) and blur the vision, because these new blood vessels are fragile. The first time this bleeding occurs, it may not be very severe. In most cases, it will leave just a few specks of blood, or spots floating in a person's visual field, though the spots often go away after a few hours. These spots are often followed","Document [13](Title: Epiretinal membrane) field dependent aniseikonia that cannot be fully corrected optically with glasses. Partial correction often improves the binocular vision considerably though. In the young (under 50 years of age), these cells occasionally pull free and disintegrate on their own; but in the majority of sufferers (over 60 years of age) the condition is permanent. The underlying photoreceptor cells, rod cells and cone cells, are usually not damaged unless the membrane becomes quite thick and hard; so usually there is no macular degeneration. The source of the cells in epiretinal membranes (ERM) has been found to comprise glial cells, retinal pigment epithelial","Document [14](Title: Special senses) light from its surroundings onto a light-sensitive membrane in the back of the eye, called the retina. The retina is actually part of the brain that is isolated to serve as a transducer for the conversion of light into neuronal signals. Based on feedback from the visual system, the lens of the eye adjusts its thickness to focus light on the photoreceptive cells of the retina, also known as the rods and cones, which detect the photons of light and respond by producing neural impulses. These signals are processed via complex feedforward and feedback processes by different parts of the","Document [15](Title: Retina) In section, the retina is no more than 0.5 mm thick. It has three layers of nerve cells and two of synapses, including the unique ribbon synapse. The optic nerve carries the ganglion cell axons to the brain, and the blood vessels that supply the retina. The ganglion cells lie innermost in the eye while the photoreceptive cells lie beyond. Because of this counter-intuitive arrangement, light must first pass through and around the ganglion cells and through the thickness of the retina, (including its capillary vessels, not shown) before reaching the rods and cones. Light is absorbed by the retinal","Document [16](Title: Conjunctiva) palpebral conjunctival vessels will be supplied by both the ophthalmic artery and the external carotid artery, to varying extents. Sensory innervation of the conjunctiva is divided into four parts: The conjunctiva consists of non-keratinized, both stratified squamous and stratified columnar epithelium, with interspersed goblet cells. The epithelial layer contains blood vessels, fibrous tissue, and lymphatic channels. Accessory lacrimal glands in the conjunctiva constantly produce the aqueous portion of tears. Additional cells present in the conjunctival epithelium include melanocytes, T and B cell lymphocytes. The conjunctiva helps lubricate the eye by producing mucus and tears, although a smaller volume of tears","Document [17](Title: Rubeosis iridis) VEGF. These factors stimulate the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis). Unfortunately, these new vessels do not have the same characteristics as the blood vessels originally formed in the eye. In addition, new blood vessels can form in areas that do not have them. Specifically, new blood vessels can be observed on the iris. In addition to the blood vessels in the iris, they can grow into the angle of the eye. These blood vessels eventually go through a process called fibrosis which closes the normal physiologic anatomy of the angle. The closing of the angle prevents fluid from leaving","Document [18](Title: Retinol) (three forms\/colors in humans), responsible for color vision and sensing relatively high light intensities (day vision), are less impaired at early stages of the vitamin A deficiency. All these protein-pigment complexes are located in the light-sensing cells in eye's retina. When stimulated by light, rhodopsin splits into a protein and a cofactor: opsin and all-\"trans\"-retinal (a form of vitamin A). The regeneration of active rhodopsin requires opsin and 11-\"cis\"-retinal. The regeneration of 11-\"cis\"-retinal occurs in vertebrates via a sequence of chemical transformations that constitute \"the visual cycle\" and which occurs primarily in the retinal pigmented epithelial cells. Without adequate amounts","Document [19](Title: Blood\u2013retinal barrier) Blood\u2013retinal barrier The blood\u2013retinal barrier, or the BRB, is part of the blood\u2013ocular barrier that consists of cells that are joined tightly together to prevent certain substances from entering the tissue of the retina. It consists of non-fenestrated capillaries of the retinal circulation and tight-junctions between retinal epithelial cells preventing passage of large molecules from choriocapillaris into the retina. The blood retinal barrier has two components: the retinal vascular endothelium and the retinal pigment epithelium. Retinal blood vessels that are similar to cerebral blood vessels maintain the inner blood-ocular barrier. This physiological barrier comprises a single layer of non-fenestrated endothelial","Document [20](Title: Optics and vision) called the retina. The retina converts patterns of light into neuronal signals. The lens of the eye focuses light on the photoreceptive cells of the retina, which detect the photons of light and respond by producing neural impulses. These signals are processed in a hierarchical fashion by different parts of the brain, from the retina to the lateral geniculate nucleus, to the primary and secondary visual cortex of the brain. Signals from the retina can also travel directly from the retina to the Superior colliculus. The human eye is an organ which reacts to light for several purposes. As a"],"query":"where do the blood vessels that supply the retinal cells lie?","answers":["optic nerve","The optic nerve"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Retina) is \"wired wrongly\" or \"badly designed\"; but in fact, the retina could not function if it were not inverted. The photoreceptor layer must be embedded in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), which performs at least seven vital functions, one of the most obvious being to supply oxygen and other necessary nutrients needed for the photoreceptors to function. These nutrients include glucose, fatty acids, and retinal. The mammalian photoreceptor amplification process uses large quantities energy for vision in photopic conditions (requiring less under scotopic conditions) and, thus, requires the large supply nutrients supplied by the blood vessels in the choroid, which","Document [2](Title: Retina) of the forkhead transcription factors FOXD1 and FOXG1. Additional gradients are formed within the retina that aid in proper targeting of RGC axons that function to establish the retinotopic map. The retina is stratified into distinct layers, each containing specific cell types or cellular compartments that have metabolisms with different nutritional requirements. To satisfy these requirements, the ophthalmic artery bifurcates and supplies the retina via two distinct vascular networks: the choroidal network, which supplies the choroid and the outer retina, and the retinal network, which supplies the retina's inner layer. At first glance, one may think that the vertebrate retina","Document [3](Title: Retina) lies beyond the RPE. The choroid supplies about 75% of these nutrients to the retina and the retinal vasculature only 25%. When light strikes 11-cis-retinal (in the disks in the rods and cones), 11-cis-retinal changes to all-trans-retinal which then triggers changes in the opsins. Now, the outer segments do not regenerate the retinal back into the cis- form once it has been changed by light. Instead the retinal is pumped out to the surrounding RPE where it is regenerated and transported back into the outer segments of the photoreceptors. This recycling function of the RPE protects the photoreceptors against photo-oxidative","Document [4](Title: Conjunctiva) Conjunctiva The conjunctiva lines the inside of the eyelids and covers the sclera (the white of the eye). It is composed of non-keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium with goblet cells, and also stratified columnar epithelium. The conjunctiva is highly vascularised, with many microvessels easily accessible for imaging studies. The conjunctiva is typically divided into three parts: Blood to the bulbar conjunctiva is primarily derived from the ophthalmic artery. The blood supply to the palpebral conjunctiva (the eyelid) is derived from the external carotid artery. However, the circulation of the bulbar conjunctiva and palpebral conjunctiva are linked, so both bulbar conjunctival and","Document [5](Title: Eye) pigment epithelium, and constitutes the cells of the dilator muscle. The vitreous is the transparent, colourless, gelatinous mass that fills the space between the lens of the eye and the retina lining the back of the eye. It is produced by certain retinal cells. It is of rather similar composition to the cornea, but contains very few cells (mostly phagocytes which remove unwanted cellular debris in the visual field, as well as the hyalocytes of Balazs of the surface of the vitreous, which reprocess the hyaluronic acid), no blood vessels, and 98\u201399% of its volume is water (as opposed to","Document [6](Title: Retina) Retina The retina is the innermost, light-sensitive layer, or \"coat\", of shell tissue of the eye of most vertebrates and some molluscs. The optics of the eye create a focused two-dimensional image of the visual world on the retina, which translates that image into electrical neural impulses to the brain to create visual perception, the retina serving much the same function as film or a CCD in a camera. The retina consists of several layers of neurons interconnected by synapses. The neural retina refers to the three layers of neural cells (photo receptor cells, bipolar cells, and ganglion cells) within","Document [7](Title: Retinylidene protein) of retinal at the ground state that photoisomerizes to an all-\"trans\" retinal upon light activation. They are commonly found in the light-sensing organs, for example in the photoreceptor cells of vertebrate retina where they facilitate eyesight. Animal opsins can also be found in the skin of amphibians, the pineal glands of lizards and birds, the hypothalamus of toads, and the human brain. They can be categorized into several distinct classes including: The \"visual purple\" rhodopsin (opsin-2) of the rod cells in the vertebrate retina absorbs green-blue light. The photopsins of the cone cells of the retina differ in a few","Document [8](Title: Sclera) pass. The thickness of the sclera varies from 1mm at the posterior pole to 0.3 mm just behind the rectus muscle insertions. The sclera's blood vessels are mainly on the surface. Along with the vessels of the conjunctiva (which is a thin layer covering the sclera), those in the episclera render the inflamed eye bright red. In many vertebrates, the sclera is reinforced with plates of cartilage or bone, together forming a circular structure called the sclerotic ring. In primitive fish, this ring consists of four plates, but the number is lower in many living ray-finned fishes, and much higher","Document [9](Title: Retinal haemorrhage) Retinal haemorrhage Retinal haemorrhage is a disorder of the eye in which bleeding occurs in the retina, the light sensitive tissue, located on the back wall of the eye. There are photoreceptor cells in the retina called rods and cones, which transduce light energy into nerve signals that can be processed by the brain to form visual images. Retinal hemorrhage can affect adults, and newborn babies and infants may also suffer from this disorder. A retinal hemorrhage can be caused by several medical conditions such as hypertension, retinal vein occlusion (a blockage of a retinal vein), anemia, leukemia or diabetes","Document [10](Title: Retinopathy) blood to sludge, or thicken and flow slowly, through the retinal arteries. Other disorders that cause hyperviscosity syndrome may also cause blood sludging. Lastly, clots or central artery thrombosis directly blocks flow to the retina causing the cells to die. Proliferative retinopathy is the result of aberrant blood flow to the retina due to blood vessel overgrowth, or neovascularization. These pathologically overgrown blood vessels are often fragile, weak, and ineffective at perfusing the retinal tissues. These weak, fragile vessels are also often leaky, allowing fluids, protein, and other debris to leech out into the retina. They are also prone to","Document [11](Title: Retina) entire retina contains about 7 million cones and 75 to 150 million rods. The optic disc, a part of the retina sometimes called \"the blind spot\" because it lacks photoreceptors, is located at the optic papilla, where the optic-nerve fibres leave the eye. It appears as an oval white area of 3 mm\u00b2. Temporal (in the direction of the temples) to this disc is the macula, at whose centre is the fovea, a pit that is responsible for our sharp central vision but is actually less sensitive to light because of its lack of rods. Human and non-human primates possess","Document [12](Title: Diabetic retinopathy) show areas of retinal thickening due to fluid accumulation from macular edema. In the second stage, abnormal new blood vessels (neovascularisation) form at the back of the eye as part of \"proliferative diabetic retinopathy\" (PDR); these can burst and bleed (vitreous hemorrhage) and blur the vision, because these new blood vessels are fragile. The first time this bleeding occurs, it may not be very severe. In most cases, it will leave just a few specks of blood, or spots floating in a person's visual field, though the spots often go away after a few hours. These spots are often followed","Document [13](Title: Epiretinal membrane) field dependent aniseikonia that cannot be fully corrected optically with glasses. Partial correction often improves the binocular vision considerably though. In the young (under 50 years of age), these cells occasionally pull free and disintegrate on their own; but in the majority of sufferers (over 60 years of age) the condition is permanent. The underlying photoreceptor cells, rod cells and cone cells, are usually not damaged unless the membrane becomes quite thick and hard; so usually there is no macular degeneration. The source of the cells in epiretinal membranes (ERM) has been found to comprise glial cells, retinal pigment epithelial","Document [14](Title: Special senses) light from its surroundings onto a light-sensitive membrane in the back of the eye, called the retina. The retina is actually part of the brain that is isolated to serve as a transducer for the conversion of light into neuronal signals. Based on feedback from the visual system, the lens of the eye adjusts its thickness to focus light on the photoreceptive cells of the retina, also known as the rods and cones, which detect the photons of light and respond by producing neural impulses. These signals are processed via complex feedforward and feedback processes by different parts of the","Document [15](Title: Conjunctiva) palpebral conjunctival vessels will be supplied by both the ophthalmic artery and the external carotid artery, to varying extents. Sensory innervation of the conjunctiva is divided into four parts: The conjunctiva consists of non-keratinized, both stratified squamous and stratified columnar epithelium, with interspersed goblet cells. The epithelial layer contains blood vessels, fibrous tissue, and lymphatic channels. Accessory lacrimal glands in the conjunctiva constantly produce the aqueous portion of tears. Additional cells present in the conjunctival epithelium include melanocytes, T and B cell lymphocytes. The conjunctiva helps lubricate the eye by producing mucus and tears, although a smaller volume of tears","Document [16](Title: Rubeosis iridis) VEGF. These factors stimulate the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis). Unfortunately, these new vessels do not have the same characteristics as the blood vessels originally formed in the eye. In addition, new blood vessels can form in areas that do not have them. Specifically, new blood vessels can be observed on the iris. In addition to the blood vessels in the iris, they can grow into the angle of the eye. These blood vessels eventually go through a process called fibrosis which closes the normal physiologic anatomy of the angle. The closing of the angle prevents fluid from leaving","Document [17](Title: Retinol) (three forms\/colors in humans), responsible for color vision and sensing relatively high light intensities (day vision), are less impaired at early stages of the vitamin A deficiency. All these protein-pigment complexes are located in the light-sensing cells in eye's retina. When stimulated by light, rhodopsin splits into a protein and a cofactor: opsin and all-\"trans\"-retinal (a form of vitamin A). The regeneration of active rhodopsin requires opsin and 11-\"cis\"-retinal. The regeneration of 11-\"cis\"-retinal occurs in vertebrates via a sequence of chemical transformations that constitute \"the visual cycle\" and which occurs primarily in the retinal pigmented epithelial cells. Without adequate amounts","Document [18](Title: Blood\u2013retinal barrier) Blood\u2013retinal barrier The blood\u2013retinal barrier, or the BRB, is part of the blood\u2013ocular barrier that consists of cells that are joined tightly together to prevent certain substances from entering the tissue of the retina. It consists of non-fenestrated capillaries of the retinal circulation and tight-junctions between retinal epithelial cells preventing passage of large molecules from choriocapillaris into the retina. The blood retinal barrier has two components: the retinal vascular endothelium and the retinal pigment epithelium. Retinal blood vessels that are similar to cerebral blood vessels maintain the inner blood-ocular barrier. This physiological barrier comprises a single layer of non-fenestrated endothelial","Document [19](Title: Optics and vision) called the retina. The retina converts patterns of light into neuronal signals. The lens of the eye focuses light on the photoreceptive cells of the retina, which detect the photons of light and respond by producing neural impulses. These signals are processed in a hierarchical fashion by different parts of the brain, from the retina to the lateral geniculate nucleus, to the primary and secondary visual cortex of the brain. Signals from the retina can also travel directly from the retina to the Superior colliculus. The human eye is an organ which reacts to light for several purposes. As a","Document [20](Title: Retina) In section, the retina is no more than 0.5 mm thick. It has three layers of nerve cells and two of synapses, including the unique ribbon synapse. The optic nerve carries the ganglion cell axons to the brain, and the blood vessels that supply the retina. The ganglion cells lie innermost in the eye while the photoreceptive cells lie beyond. Because of this counter-intuitive arrangement, light must first pass through and around the ganglion cells and through the thickness of the retina, (including its capillary vessels, not shown) before reaching the rods and cones. Light is absorbed by the retinal"],"query":"where do the blood vessels that supply the retinal cells lie?","answers":["optic nerve","The optic nerve"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Serial ATA) Revision 1.0a was released on January 7, 2003. First-generation SATA interfaces, now known as SATA 1.5\u00a0Gbit\/s, communicate at a rate of 1.5\u00a0Gbit\/s, and do not support Native Command Queuing (NCQ). Taking 8b\/10b encoding overhead into account, they have an actual uncoded transfer rate of 1.2 Gbit\/s (150 MB\/s). The theoretical burst throughput of SATA 1.5 Gbit\/s is similar to that of PATA\/133, but newer SATA devices offer enhancements such as NCQ, which improve performance in a multitasking environment.","Document [2](Title: Western Digital Raptor) cables, as the SATA data connector does not have the required rails. Therefore, only normal cables can be plugged into these connectors. WD360GD Raptors with the Marvell 88i8030-TBC PATA to SATA bridge chip, such as WD360GD-00FNA0 (December 2003) and earlier, are limited to UDMA 5 transfers. In Linux, \"applying bridge limits\" is displayed and then it allows transfers up to UDMA\/100. In Microsoft Windows, they are reported as UDMA 6, but give a burst rate of 104 MB\/s, while WD360GD with the 88i8030-TBC1 chip are reported as UDMA 6 and give a burst rate of 122 MB\/s, close their theoretical","Document [3](Title: Serial ATA) 3.0 Gbit\/s that, when accounted for the 8b\/10b encoding scheme, equals to the maximum uncoded transfer rate of 2.4 Gbit\/s (300 MB\/s). The theoretical burst throughput of the SATA revision 2.0, which is also known as the SATA 3 Gbit\/s, doubles the throughput of SATA revision 1.0. All SATA data cables meeting the SATA spec are rated for 3.0 Gbit\/s and handle modern mechanical drives without any loss of sustained and burst data transfer performance. However, high-performance flash-based drives can exceed the SATA 3 Gbit\/s transfer rate; this is addressed with the SATA 6 Gbit\/s interoperability standard. Announced in August","Document [4](Title: SATA Express) Express bus for achieving data transfer speeds greater than the SATA 3.0 speed limit of 6 Gbit\/s. Designers of the SATA interface concluded that doubling the native SATA speed would take too much time to catch up with the advancements in solid-state drive (SSD) technology, would require too many changes to the SATA standard, and would result in a much greater power consumption compared with the existing PCI Express bus. As a widely adopted computer bus, PCI Express provides sufficient bandwidth while allowing easy scaling up by using faster or additional lanes. In addition to supporting legacy Advanced Host Controller","Document [5](Title: SATA Express) in 2003), through 3 Gbit\/s in SATA 2.0 (standardized in 2004), to 6 Gbit\/s as provided by SATA 3.0 (standardized in 2009). SATA has also gradually been selected as the interface for more adopted solid-state drives (SSDs), but the need for a faster interface became apparent as the speed of SSDs and hybrid drives increased over time. As an example, some SSDs available in early 2009 were already well over the capabilities of SATA 1.0 and close to the SATA 2.0 maximum transfer speed, while in the second half of 2013 high-end consumer SSDs had already reached the SATA 3.0","Document [6](Title: Serial ATA) are: Aimed at the consumer market, eSATA enters an external storage market served also by the USB and FireWire interfaces. The SATA interface has certain advantages. Most external hard-disk-drive cases with FireWire or USB interfaces use either PATA or SATA drives and \"bridges\" to translate between the drives' interfaces and the enclosures' external ports; this bridging incurs some inefficiency. Some single disks can transfer 157 MB\/s during real use, about four times the maximum transfer rate of USB 2.0 or FireWire 400 (IEEE 1394a) and almost twice as fast as the maximum transfer rate of FireWire 800. The S3200 FireWire","Document [7](Title: Serial ATA) 2005, SATA revision 2.5 consolidated the specification to a single document. Announced in February 2007, SATA revision 2.6 introduced the following features: Serial ATA International Organization (SATA-IO) presented the draft specification of SATA 6 Gbit\/s physical layer in July 2008, and ratified its physical layer specification on August 18, 2008. The full 3.0 standard was released on May 27, 2009. Third-generation SATA interfaces run with a native transfer rate of 6.0 Gbit\/s; taking 8b\/10b encoding into account, the maximum uncoded transfer rate is 4.8 Gbit\/s (600 MB\/s). The theoretical burst throughput of SATA 6.0 Gbit\/s is double that of SATA","Document [8](Title: Serial ATA) support for \"Serial ATA Tunneling Protocol\"). SATA 3 Gbit\/s theoretically offers a maximum bandwidth of 300 MB\/s per device, which is only slightly lower than the rated speed for SCSI Ultra 320 with a maximum of 320 MB\/s total for all devices on a bus. SCSI drives provide greater sustained throughput than multiple SATA drives connected via a simple (i.e., command-based) port multiplier because of disconnect-reconnect and aggregating performance. In general, SATA devices link compatibly to SAS enclosures and adapters, whereas SCSI devices cannot be directly connected to a SATA bus. SCSI, SAS, and fibre-channel (FC) drives are more expensive","Document [9](Title: Serial ATA) wafer connectors on each end. SATA cables can have lengths up to , and connect one motherboard socket to one hard drive. PATA ribbon cables, in comparison, connect one motherboard socket to one or two hard drives, carry either 40 or 80 wires, and are limited to in length by the PATA specification; however, cables up to are readily available. Thus, SATA connectors and cables are easier to fit in closed spaces and reduce obstructions to air cooling. Although they are more susceptible to accidental unplugging and breakage than PATA, users can purchase cables that have a locking feature, whereby","Document [10](Title: SATA Express) enables scaling up the performance of SATA Express interface by using multiple lanes and different versions of PCI Express. In more detail, using two PCI Express 2.0 lanes provides a total bandwidth of 1 GB\/s (2 \u00d7 5 GT\/s raw data rate and 8b\/10b encoding, equating to effective 1000 MB\/s), while using two PCI Express 3.0 lanes provides close to 2 GB\/s (2 \u00d7 8 GT\/s raw data rate and 128b\/130b encoding, equating to effective 1969 MB\/s). In comparison, the 6 Gbit\/s raw bandwidth of SATA 3.0 equates effectively to 0.6 GB\/s due to the overhead introduced by 8b\/10b encoding.","Document [11](Title: SATA Express) speed limit, requiring an even faster interface. While evaluating different approaches to the required speed increase, designers of the SATA interface concluded that extending the SATA interface so it doubles its native speed to 12 Gbit\/s would require more than two years, making that approach unsuitable for catching up with advancements in SSD technology. At the same time, increasing the native SATA speed to 12 Gbit\/s would require too many changes to the SATA standard, ending up in a more costly and less power efficient solution compared with the already available and widely adopted PCI Express bus. Thus, PCI Express","Document [12](Title: PCI Express) this allows much higher transfer rates (over 1 GB\/s) and IOPS (over one million I\/O operations per second) when compared to Serial ATA or SAS drives. For example, in 2011 OCZ and Marvell co-developed a native PCI Express solid-state drive controller for a PCI Express 3.0 \u00d716 slot with maximum capacity of 12 TB and a performance of to 7.2 GB\/s sequential transfers and up to 2.52 million IOPS in random transfers. SATA Express is an interface for connecting SSDs, by providing multiple PCI Express lanes as a pure PCI Express connection to the attached storage device. M.2 is a","Document [13](Title: Serial ATA) the M.2 standard is a small form factor implementation of the SATA Express interface, with the addition of an internal USB 3.0 port. U.2, formerly known as SFF-8639. Like its predecessor it carries a PCI Express electrical signal, however U.2 uses a PCIe 3.0 \u00d74 link providing a higher bandwidth of 32 Gbit\/s in each direction. In order to provide maximum backward compatibility the U.2 connector also supports SATA and multi-path SAS. The SATA specification defines three distinct protocol layers: physical, link, and transport. The physical layer defines SATA's electrical and physical characteristics (such as cable dimensions and parasitics, driver","Document [14](Title: Serial ATA) The host connector is backward compatible with the standard 3.5-inch SATA data connector, allowing up to two legacy SATA devices to connect. At the same time, the host connector provides up to two PCI Express 3.0 lanes as a pure PCI Express connection to the storage device, allowing bandwidths of up to 2 GB\/s. Instead of the otherwise usual approach of doubling the native speed of the SATA interface, PCI Express was selected for achieving data transfer speeds greater than 6 Gbit\/s. It was concluded that doubling the native SATA speed would take too much time, too many changes would","Document [15](Title: Serial ATA) revision 2.0. It is backward compatible with SATA 3 Gbit\/s. The SATA 3.0 specification contains the following changes: In general, the enhancements are aimed at improving quality of service for video streaming and high-priority interrupts. In addition, the standard continues to support distances up to one meter. The newer speeds may require higher power consumption for supporting chips, though improved process technologies and power management techniques may mitigate this. The later specification can use existing SATA cables and connectors, though it was reported in 2008 that some OEMs were expected to upgrade host connectors for the higher speeds. Released in","Document [16](Title: Serial ATA) supply power to these drives. Connectors and cables present the most visible differences between SATA and parallel ATA drives. Unlike PATA, the same connectors are used on SATA hard disks (for desktop and server computers) and disks (for portable or small computers). Standard SATA connectors for both data and power have a conductor pitch of . Low insertion force is required to mate a SATA connector. A smaller mini-SATA or mSATA connector is used by smaller devices such as 1.8-inch SATA drives, some DVD and Blu-ray drives, and mini SSDs. A special eSATA connector is specified for external devices, and","Document [17](Title: USB) transceivers. By contrast, the MIDI plug standard and Ethernet have built-in isolation to or more. The eSATA connector is a more robust SATA connector, intended for connection to external hard drives and SSDs. eSATA's transfer rate (up to 6 Gbit\/s) is similar to that of USB 3.0 (up to 5 Gbit\/s on current devices; 10 Gbit\/s speeds via USB 3.1, announced on 31 July 2013). A device connected by eSATA appears as an ordinary SATA device, giving both full performance and full compatibility associated with internal drives. eSATA does not supply power to external devices. This is an increasing disadvantage","Document [18](Title: Hard disk drive) is 3.0 Gbit\/s SATA, which can send about 300 megabyte\/s (10-bit encoding) from the buffer to the computer, and thus is still comfortably ahead of today's disk-to-buffer transfer rates. Data transfer rate (read\/write) can be measured by writing a large file to disk using special file generator tools, then reading back the file. Transfer rate can be influenced by file system fragmentation and the layout of the files. HDD data transfer rate depends upon the rotational speed of the platters and the data recording density. Because heat and vibration limit rotational speed, advancing density becomes the main method to improve","Document [19](Title: Serial ATA) voltage level and receiver operating range), as well as the physical coding subsystem (bit-level encoding, device detection on the wire, and link initialization). Physical transmission uses differential signaling. The SATA PHY contains a transmit pair and receive pair. When the SATA-link is not in use (example: no device attached), the transmitter allows the transmit pins to float to their common-mode voltage level. When the SATA-link is either active or in the link-initialization phase, the transmitter drives the transmit pins at the specified differential voltage (1.5 V in SATA\/I). SATA physical coding uses a line encoding system known as 8b\/10b encoding.","Document [20](Title: Serial ATA) connectors are designed for hot swapping. Many server and RAID systems provide hardware support for transparent hot swapping. The designers of the SCSI standard prior to SCA-2 connectors did not target hot swapping, but in practice, most RAID implementations support hot swapping of hard disks. Serial ATA Serial ATA (SATA, abbreviated from Serial AT Attachment) is a computer bus interface that connects host bus adapters to mass storage devices such as hard disk drives, optical drives, and solid-state drives. Serial ATA succeeded the older Parallel ATA (PATA) standard to become the predominant interface for storage devices. Serial ATA industry compatibility"],"query":"what is the transfer speed for sata 1?","answers":["1.5\u00a0Gbit\/s"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Western Digital Raptor) cables, as the SATA data connector does not have the required rails. Therefore, only normal cables can be plugged into these connectors. WD360GD Raptors with the Marvell 88i8030-TBC PATA to SATA bridge chip, such as WD360GD-00FNA0 (December 2003) and earlier, are limited to UDMA 5 transfers. In Linux, \"applying bridge limits\" is displayed and then it allows transfers up to UDMA\/100. In Microsoft Windows, they are reported as UDMA 6, but give a burst rate of 104 MB\/s, while WD360GD with the 88i8030-TBC1 chip are reported as UDMA 6 and give a burst rate of 122 MB\/s, close their theoretical","Document [2](Title: Serial ATA) 3.0 Gbit\/s that, when accounted for the 8b\/10b encoding scheme, equals to the maximum uncoded transfer rate of 2.4 Gbit\/s (300 MB\/s). The theoretical burst throughput of the SATA revision 2.0, which is also known as the SATA 3 Gbit\/s, doubles the throughput of SATA revision 1.0. All SATA data cables meeting the SATA spec are rated for 3.0 Gbit\/s and handle modern mechanical drives without any loss of sustained and burst data transfer performance. However, high-performance flash-based drives can exceed the SATA 3 Gbit\/s transfer rate; this is addressed with the SATA 6 Gbit\/s interoperability standard. Announced in August","Document [3](Title: SATA Express) Express bus for achieving data transfer speeds greater than the SATA 3.0 speed limit of 6 Gbit\/s. Designers of the SATA interface concluded that doubling the native SATA speed would take too much time to catch up with the advancements in solid-state drive (SSD) technology, would require too many changes to the SATA standard, and would result in a much greater power consumption compared with the existing PCI Express bus. As a widely adopted computer bus, PCI Express provides sufficient bandwidth while allowing easy scaling up by using faster or additional lanes. In addition to supporting legacy Advanced Host Controller","Document [4](Title: SATA Express) in 2003), through 3 Gbit\/s in SATA 2.0 (standardized in 2004), to 6 Gbit\/s as provided by SATA 3.0 (standardized in 2009). SATA has also gradually been selected as the interface for more adopted solid-state drives (SSDs), but the need for a faster interface became apparent as the speed of SSDs and hybrid drives increased over time. As an example, some SSDs available in early 2009 were already well over the capabilities of SATA 1.0 and close to the SATA 2.0 maximum transfer speed, while in the second half of 2013 high-end consumer SSDs had already reached the SATA 3.0","Document [5](Title: Serial ATA) Revision 1.0a was released on January 7, 2003. First-generation SATA interfaces, now known as SATA 1.5\u00a0Gbit\/s, communicate at a rate of 1.5\u00a0Gbit\/s, and do not support Native Command Queuing (NCQ). Taking 8b\/10b encoding overhead into account, they have an actual uncoded transfer rate of 1.2 Gbit\/s (150 MB\/s). The theoretical burst throughput of SATA 1.5 Gbit\/s is similar to that of PATA\/133, but newer SATA devices offer enhancements such as NCQ, which improve performance in a multitasking environment.","Document [6](Title: Serial ATA) are: Aimed at the consumer market, eSATA enters an external storage market served also by the USB and FireWire interfaces. The SATA interface has certain advantages. Most external hard-disk-drive cases with FireWire or USB interfaces use either PATA or SATA drives and \"bridges\" to translate between the drives' interfaces and the enclosures' external ports; this bridging incurs some inefficiency. Some single disks can transfer 157 MB\/s during real use, about four times the maximum transfer rate of USB 2.0 or FireWire 400 (IEEE 1394a) and almost twice as fast as the maximum transfer rate of FireWire 800. The S3200 FireWire","Document [7](Title: Serial ATA) 2005, SATA revision 2.5 consolidated the specification to a single document. Announced in February 2007, SATA revision 2.6 introduced the following features: Serial ATA International Organization (SATA-IO) presented the draft specification of SATA 6 Gbit\/s physical layer in July 2008, and ratified its physical layer specification on August 18, 2008. The full 3.0 standard was released on May 27, 2009. Third-generation SATA interfaces run with a native transfer rate of 6.0 Gbit\/s; taking 8b\/10b encoding into account, the maximum uncoded transfer rate is 4.8 Gbit\/s (600 MB\/s). The theoretical burst throughput of SATA 6.0 Gbit\/s is double that of SATA","Document [8](Title: Serial ATA) support for \"Serial ATA Tunneling Protocol\"). SATA 3 Gbit\/s theoretically offers a maximum bandwidth of 300 MB\/s per device, which is only slightly lower than the rated speed for SCSI Ultra 320 with a maximum of 320 MB\/s total for all devices on a bus. SCSI drives provide greater sustained throughput than multiple SATA drives connected via a simple (i.e., command-based) port multiplier because of disconnect-reconnect and aggregating performance. In general, SATA devices link compatibly to SAS enclosures and adapters, whereas SCSI devices cannot be directly connected to a SATA bus. SCSI, SAS, and fibre-channel (FC) drives are more expensive","Document [9](Title: Serial ATA) wafer connectors on each end. SATA cables can have lengths up to , and connect one motherboard socket to one hard drive. PATA ribbon cables, in comparison, connect one motherboard socket to one or two hard drives, carry either 40 or 80 wires, and are limited to in length by the PATA specification; however, cables up to are readily available. Thus, SATA connectors and cables are easier to fit in closed spaces and reduce obstructions to air cooling. Although they are more susceptible to accidental unplugging and breakage than PATA, users can purchase cables that have a locking feature, whereby","Document [10](Title: SATA Express) enables scaling up the performance of SATA Express interface by using multiple lanes and different versions of PCI Express. In more detail, using two PCI Express 2.0 lanes provides a total bandwidth of 1 GB\/s (2 \u00d7 5 GT\/s raw data rate and 8b\/10b encoding, equating to effective 1000 MB\/s), while using two PCI Express 3.0 lanes provides close to 2 GB\/s (2 \u00d7 8 GT\/s raw data rate and 128b\/130b encoding, equating to effective 1969 MB\/s). In comparison, the 6 Gbit\/s raw bandwidth of SATA 3.0 equates effectively to 0.6 GB\/s due to the overhead introduced by 8b\/10b encoding.","Document [11](Title: SATA Express) speed limit, requiring an even faster interface. While evaluating different approaches to the required speed increase, designers of the SATA interface concluded that extending the SATA interface so it doubles its native speed to 12 Gbit\/s would require more than two years, making that approach unsuitable for catching up with advancements in SSD technology. At the same time, increasing the native SATA speed to 12 Gbit\/s would require too many changes to the SATA standard, ending up in a more costly and less power efficient solution compared with the already available and widely adopted PCI Express bus. Thus, PCI Express","Document [12](Title: PCI Express) this allows much higher transfer rates (over 1 GB\/s) and IOPS (over one million I\/O operations per second) when compared to Serial ATA or SAS drives. For example, in 2011 OCZ and Marvell co-developed a native PCI Express solid-state drive controller for a PCI Express 3.0 \u00d716 slot with maximum capacity of 12 TB and a performance of to 7.2 GB\/s sequential transfers and up to 2.52 million IOPS in random transfers. SATA Express is an interface for connecting SSDs, by providing multiple PCI Express lanes as a pure PCI Express connection to the attached storage device. M.2 is a","Document [13](Title: Serial ATA) the M.2 standard is a small form factor implementation of the SATA Express interface, with the addition of an internal USB 3.0 port. U.2, formerly known as SFF-8639. Like its predecessor it carries a PCI Express electrical signal, however U.2 uses a PCIe 3.0 \u00d74 link providing a higher bandwidth of 32 Gbit\/s in each direction. In order to provide maximum backward compatibility the U.2 connector also supports SATA and multi-path SAS. The SATA specification defines three distinct protocol layers: physical, link, and transport. The physical layer defines SATA's electrical and physical characteristics (such as cable dimensions and parasitics, driver","Document [14](Title: Serial ATA) The host connector is backward compatible with the standard 3.5-inch SATA data connector, allowing up to two legacy SATA devices to connect. At the same time, the host connector provides up to two PCI Express 3.0 lanes as a pure PCI Express connection to the storage device, allowing bandwidths of up to 2 GB\/s. Instead of the otherwise usual approach of doubling the native speed of the SATA interface, PCI Express was selected for achieving data transfer speeds greater than 6 Gbit\/s. It was concluded that doubling the native SATA speed would take too much time, too many changes would","Document [15](Title: Serial ATA) revision 2.0. It is backward compatible with SATA 3 Gbit\/s. The SATA 3.0 specification contains the following changes: In general, the enhancements are aimed at improving quality of service for video streaming and high-priority interrupts. In addition, the standard continues to support distances up to one meter. The newer speeds may require higher power consumption for supporting chips, though improved process technologies and power management techniques may mitigate this. The later specification can use existing SATA cables and connectors, though it was reported in 2008 that some OEMs were expected to upgrade host connectors for the higher speeds. Released in","Document [16](Title: Serial ATA) supply power to these drives. Connectors and cables present the most visible differences between SATA and parallel ATA drives. Unlike PATA, the same connectors are used on SATA hard disks (for desktop and server computers) and disks (for portable or small computers). Standard SATA connectors for both data and power have a conductor pitch of . Low insertion force is required to mate a SATA connector. A smaller mini-SATA or mSATA connector is used by smaller devices such as 1.8-inch SATA drives, some DVD and Blu-ray drives, and mini SSDs. A special eSATA connector is specified for external devices, and","Document [17](Title: USB) transceivers. By contrast, the MIDI plug standard and Ethernet have built-in isolation to or more. The eSATA connector is a more robust SATA connector, intended for connection to external hard drives and SSDs. eSATA's transfer rate (up to 6 Gbit\/s) is similar to that of USB 3.0 (up to 5 Gbit\/s on current devices; 10 Gbit\/s speeds via USB 3.1, announced on 31 July 2013). A device connected by eSATA appears as an ordinary SATA device, giving both full performance and full compatibility associated with internal drives. eSATA does not supply power to external devices. This is an increasing disadvantage","Document [18](Title: Hard disk drive) is 3.0 Gbit\/s SATA, which can send about 300 megabyte\/s (10-bit encoding) from the buffer to the computer, and thus is still comfortably ahead of today's disk-to-buffer transfer rates. Data transfer rate (read\/write) can be measured by writing a large file to disk using special file generator tools, then reading back the file. Transfer rate can be influenced by file system fragmentation and the layout of the files. HDD data transfer rate depends upon the rotational speed of the platters and the data recording density. Because heat and vibration limit rotational speed, advancing density becomes the main method to improve","Document [19](Title: Serial ATA) voltage level and receiver operating range), as well as the physical coding subsystem (bit-level encoding, device detection on the wire, and link initialization). Physical transmission uses differential signaling. The SATA PHY contains a transmit pair and receive pair. When the SATA-link is not in use (example: no device attached), the transmitter allows the transmit pins to float to their common-mode voltage level. When the SATA-link is either active or in the link-initialization phase, the transmitter drives the transmit pins at the specified differential voltage (1.5 V in SATA\/I). SATA physical coding uses a line encoding system known as 8b\/10b encoding.","Document [20](Title: Serial ATA) connectors are designed for hot swapping. Many server and RAID systems provide hardware support for transparent hot swapping. The designers of the SCSI standard prior to SCA-2 connectors did not target hot swapping, but in practice, most RAID implementations support hot swapping of hard disks. Serial ATA Serial ATA (SATA, abbreviated from Serial AT Attachment) is a computer bus interface that connects host bus adapters to mass storage devices such as hard disk drives, optical drives, and solid-state drives. Serial ATA succeeded the older Parallel ATA (PATA) standard to become the predominant interface for storage devices. Serial ATA industry compatibility"],"query":"what is the transfer speed for sata 1?","answers":["1.5\u00a0Gbit\/s"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Western Digital Raptor) cables, as the SATA data connector does not have the required rails. Therefore, only normal cables can be plugged into these connectors. WD360GD Raptors with the Marvell 88i8030-TBC PATA to SATA bridge chip, such as WD360GD-00FNA0 (December 2003) and earlier, are limited to UDMA 5 transfers. In Linux, \"applying bridge limits\" is displayed and then it allows transfers up to UDMA\/100. In Microsoft Windows, they are reported as UDMA 6, but give a burst rate of 104 MB\/s, while WD360GD with the 88i8030-TBC1 chip are reported as UDMA 6 and give a burst rate of 122 MB\/s, close their theoretical","Document [2](Title: Serial ATA) 3.0 Gbit\/s that, when accounted for the 8b\/10b encoding scheme, equals to the maximum uncoded transfer rate of 2.4 Gbit\/s (300 MB\/s). The theoretical burst throughput of the SATA revision 2.0, which is also known as the SATA 3 Gbit\/s, doubles the throughput of SATA revision 1.0. All SATA data cables meeting the SATA spec are rated for 3.0 Gbit\/s and handle modern mechanical drives without any loss of sustained and burst data transfer performance. However, high-performance flash-based drives can exceed the SATA 3 Gbit\/s transfer rate; this is addressed with the SATA 6 Gbit\/s interoperability standard. Announced in August","Document [3](Title: SATA Express) Express bus for achieving data transfer speeds greater than the SATA 3.0 speed limit of 6 Gbit\/s. Designers of the SATA interface concluded that doubling the native SATA speed would take too much time to catch up with the advancements in solid-state drive (SSD) technology, would require too many changes to the SATA standard, and would result in a much greater power consumption compared with the existing PCI Express bus. As a widely adopted computer bus, PCI Express provides sufficient bandwidth while allowing easy scaling up by using faster or additional lanes. In addition to supporting legacy Advanced Host Controller","Document [4](Title: SATA Express) in 2003), through 3 Gbit\/s in SATA 2.0 (standardized in 2004), to 6 Gbit\/s as provided by SATA 3.0 (standardized in 2009). SATA has also gradually been selected as the interface for more adopted solid-state drives (SSDs), but the need for a faster interface became apparent as the speed of SSDs and hybrid drives increased over time. As an example, some SSDs available in early 2009 were already well over the capabilities of SATA 1.0 and close to the SATA 2.0 maximum transfer speed, while in the second half of 2013 high-end consumer SSDs had already reached the SATA 3.0","Document [5](Title: Serial ATA) are: Aimed at the consumer market, eSATA enters an external storage market served also by the USB and FireWire interfaces. The SATA interface has certain advantages. Most external hard-disk-drive cases with FireWire or USB interfaces use either PATA or SATA drives and \"bridges\" to translate between the drives' interfaces and the enclosures' external ports; this bridging incurs some inefficiency. Some single disks can transfer 157 MB\/s during real use, about four times the maximum transfer rate of USB 2.0 or FireWire 400 (IEEE 1394a) and almost twice as fast as the maximum transfer rate of FireWire 800. The S3200 FireWire","Document [6](Title: Serial ATA) 2005, SATA revision 2.5 consolidated the specification to a single document. Announced in February 2007, SATA revision 2.6 introduced the following features: Serial ATA International Organization (SATA-IO) presented the draft specification of SATA 6 Gbit\/s physical layer in July 2008, and ratified its physical layer specification on August 18, 2008. The full 3.0 standard was released on May 27, 2009. Third-generation SATA interfaces run with a native transfer rate of 6.0 Gbit\/s; taking 8b\/10b encoding into account, the maximum uncoded transfer rate is 4.8 Gbit\/s (600 MB\/s). The theoretical burst throughput of SATA 6.0 Gbit\/s is double that of SATA","Document [7](Title: Serial ATA) support for \"Serial ATA Tunneling Protocol\"). SATA 3 Gbit\/s theoretically offers a maximum bandwidth of 300 MB\/s per device, which is only slightly lower than the rated speed for SCSI Ultra 320 with a maximum of 320 MB\/s total for all devices on a bus. SCSI drives provide greater sustained throughput than multiple SATA drives connected via a simple (i.e., command-based) port multiplier because of disconnect-reconnect and aggregating performance. In general, SATA devices link compatibly to SAS enclosures and adapters, whereas SCSI devices cannot be directly connected to a SATA bus. SCSI, SAS, and fibre-channel (FC) drives are more expensive","Document [8](Title: Serial ATA) wafer connectors on each end. SATA cables can have lengths up to , and connect one motherboard socket to one hard drive. PATA ribbon cables, in comparison, connect one motherboard socket to one or two hard drives, carry either 40 or 80 wires, and are limited to in length by the PATA specification; however, cables up to are readily available. Thus, SATA connectors and cables are easier to fit in closed spaces and reduce obstructions to air cooling. Although they are more susceptible to accidental unplugging and breakage than PATA, users can purchase cables that have a locking feature, whereby","Document [9](Title: SATA Express) enables scaling up the performance of SATA Express interface by using multiple lanes and different versions of PCI Express. In more detail, using two PCI Express 2.0 lanes provides a total bandwidth of 1 GB\/s (2 \u00d7 5 GT\/s raw data rate and 8b\/10b encoding, equating to effective 1000 MB\/s), while using two PCI Express 3.0 lanes provides close to 2 GB\/s (2 \u00d7 8 GT\/s raw data rate and 128b\/130b encoding, equating to effective 1969 MB\/s). In comparison, the 6 Gbit\/s raw bandwidth of SATA 3.0 equates effectively to 0.6 GB\/s due to the overhead introduced by 8b\/10b encoding.","Document [10](Title: Serial ATA) Revision 1.0a was released on January 7, 2003. First-generation SATA interfaces, now known as SATA 1.5\u00a0Gbit\/s, communicate at a rate of 1.5\u00a0Gbit\/s, and do not support Native Command Queuing (NCQ). Taking 8b\/10b encoding overhead into account, they have an actual uncoded transfer rate of 1.2 Gbit\/s (150 MB\/s). The theoretical burst throughput of SATA 1.5 Gbit\/s is similar to that of PATA\/133, but newer SATA devices offer enhancements such as NCQ, which improve performance in a multitasking environment.","Document [11](Title: SATA Express) speed limit, requiring an even faster interface. While evaluating different approaches to the required speed increase, designers of the SATA interface concluded that extending the SATA interface so it doubles its native speed to 12 Gbit\/s would require more than two years, making that approach unsuitable for catching up with advancements in SSD technology. At the same time, increasing the native SATA speed to 12 Gbit\/s would require too many changes to the SATA standard, ending up in a more costly and less power efficient solution compared with the already available and widely adopted PCI Express bus. Thus, PCI Express","Document [12](Title: PCI Express) this allows much higher transfer rates (over 1 GB\/s) and IOPS (over one million I\/O operations per second) when compared to Serial ATA or SAS drives. For example, in 2011 OCZ and Marvell co-developed a native PCI Express solid-state drive controller for a PCI Express 3.0 \u00d716 slot with maximum capacity of 12 TB and a performance of to 7.2 GB\/s sequential transfers and up to 2.52 million IOPS in random transfers. SATA Express is an interface for connecting SSDs, by providing multiple PCI Express lanes as a pure PCI Express connection to the attached storage device. M.2 is a","Document [13](Title: Serial ATA) the M.2 standard is a small form factor implementation of the SATA Express interface, with the addition of an internal USB 3.0 port. U.2, formerly known as SFF-8639. Like its predecessor it carries a PCI Express electrical signal, however U.2 uses a PCIe 3.0 \u00d74 link providing a higher bandwidth of 32 Gbit\/s in each direction. In order to provide maximum backward compatibility the U.2 connector also supports SATA and multi-path SAS. The SATA specification defines three distinct protocol layers: physical, link, and transport. The physical layer defines SATA's electrical and physical characteristics (such as cable dimensions and parasitics, driver","Document [14](Title: Serial ATA) The host connector is backward compatible with the standard 3.5-inch SATA data connector, allowing up to two legacy SATA devices to connect. At the same time, the host connector provides up to two PCI Express 3.0 lanes as a pure PCI Express connection to the storage device, allowing bandwidths of up to 2 GB\/s. Instead of the otherwise usual approach of doubling the native speed of the SATA interface, PCI Express was selected for achieving data transfer speeds greater than 6 Gbit\/s. It was concluded that doubling the native SATA speed would take too much time, too many changes would","Document [15](Title: Serial ATA) revision 2.0. It is backward compatible with SATA 3 Gbit\/s. The SATA 3.0 specification contains the following changes: In general, the enhancements are aimed at improving quality of service for video streaming and high-priority interrupts. In addition, the standard continues to support distances up to one meter. The newer speeds may require higher power consumption for supporting chips, though improved process technologies and power management techniques may mitigate this. The later specification can use existing SATA cables and connectors, though it was reported in 2008 that some OEMs were expected to upgrade host connectors for the higher speeds. Released in","Document [16](Title: Serial ATA) supply power to these drives. Connectors and cables present the most visible differences between SATA and parallel ATA drives. Unlike PATA, the same connectors are used on SATA hard disks (for desktop and server computers) and disks (for portable or small computers). Standard SATA connectors for both data and power have a conductor pitch of . Low insertion force is required to mate a SATA connector. A smaller mini-SATA or mSATA connector is used by smaller devices such as 1.8-inch SATA drives, some DVD and Blu-ray drives, and mini SSDs. A special eSATA connector is specified for external devices, and","Document [17](Title: USB) transceivers. By contrast, the MIDI plug standard and Ethernet have built-in isolation to or more. The eSATA connector is a more robust SATA connector, intended for connection to external hard drives and SSDs. eSATA's transfer rate (up to 6 Gbit\/s) is similar to that of USB 3.0 (up to 5 Gbit\/s on current devices; 10 Gbit\/s speeds via USB 3.1, announced on 31 July 2013). A device connected by eSATA appears as an ordinary SATA device, giving both full performance and full compatibility associated with internal drives. eSATA does not supply power to external devices. This is an increasing disadvantage","Document [18](Title: Hard disk drive) is 3.0 Gbit\/s SATA, which can send about 300 megabyte\/s (10-bit encoding) from the buffer to the computer, and thus is still comfortably ahead of today's disk-to-buffer transfer rates. Data transfer rate (read\/write) can be measured by writing a large file to disk using special file generator tools, then reading back the file. Transfer rate can be influenced by file system fragmentation and the layout of the files. HDD data transfer rate depends upon the rotational speed of the platters and the data recording density. Because heat and vibration limit rotational speed, advancing density becomes the main method to improve","Document [19](Title: Serial ATA) voltage level and receiver operating range), as well as the physical coding subsystem (bit-level encoding, device detection on the wire, and link initialization). Physical transmission uses differential signaling. The SATA PHY contains a transmit pair and receive pair. When the SATA-link is not in use (example: no device attached), the transmitter allows the transmit pins to float to their common-mode voltage level. When the SATA-link is either active or in the link-initialization phase, the transmitter drives the transmit pins at the specified differential voltage (1.5 V in SATA\/I). SATA physical coding uses a line encoding system known as 8b\/10b encoding.","Document [20](Title: Serial ATA) connectors are designed for hot swapping. Many server and RAID systems provide hardware support for transparent hot swapping. The designers of the SCSI standard prior to SCA-2 connectors did not target hot swapping, but in practice, most RAID implementations support hot swapping of hard disks. Serial ATA Serial ATA (SATA, abbreviated from Serial AT Attachment) is a computer bus interface that connects host bus adapters to mass storage devices such as hard disk drives, optical drives, and solid-state drives. Serial ATA succeeded the older Parallel ATA (PATA) standard to become the predominant interface for storage devices. Serial ATA industry compatibility"],"query":"what is the transfer speed for sata 1?","answers":["1.5\u00a0Gbit\/s"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Western Digital Raptor) cables, as the SATA data connector does not have the required rails. Therefore, only normal cables can be plugged into these connectors. WD360GD Raptors with the Marvell 88i8030-TBC PATA to SATA bridge chip, such as WD360GD-00FNA0 (December 2003) and earlier, are limited to UDMA 5 transfers. In Linux, \"applying bridge limits\" is displayed and then it allows transfers up to UDMA\/100. In Microsoft Windows, they are reported as UDMA 6, but give a burst rate of 104 MB\/s, while WD360GD with the 88i8030-TBC1 chip are reported as UDMA 6 and give a burst rate of 122 MB\/s, close their theoretical","Document [2](Title: Serial ATA) 3.0 Gbit\/s that, when accounted for the 8b\/10b encoding scheme, equals to the maximum uncoded transfer rate of 2.4 Gbit\/s (300 MB\/s). The theoretical burst throughput of the SATA revision 2.0, which is also known as the SATA 3 Gbit\/s, doubles the throughput of SATA revision 1.0. All SATA data cables meeting the SATA spec are rated for 3.0 Gbit\/s and handle modern mechanical drives without any loss of sustained and burst data transfer performance. However, high-performance flash-based drives can exceed the SATA 3 Gbit\/s transfer rate; this is addressed with the SATA 6 Gbit\/s interoperability standard. Announced in August","Document [3](Title: SATA Express) Express bus for achieving data transfer speeds greater than the SATA 3.0 speed limit of 6 Gbit\/s. Designers of the SATA interface concluded that doubling the native SATA speed would take too much time to catch up with the advancements in solid-state drive (SSD) technology, would require too many changes to the SATA standard, and would result in a much greater power consumption compared with the existing PCI Express bus. As a widely adopted computer bus, PCI Express provides sufficient bandwidth while allowing easy scaling up by using faster or additional lanes. In addition to supporting legacy Advanced Host Controller","Document [4](Title: SATA Express) in 2003), through 3 Gbit\/s in SATA 2.0 (standardized in 2004), to 6 Gbit\/s as provided by SATA 3.0 (standardized in 2009). SATA has also gradually been selected as the interface for more adopted solid-state drives (SSDs), but the need for a faster interface became apparent as the speed of SSDs and hybrid drives increased over time. As an example, some SSDs available in early 2009 were already well over the capabilities of SATA 1.0 and close to the SATA 2.0 maximum transfer speed, while in the second half of 2013 high-end consumer SSDs had already reached the SATA 3.0","Document [5](Title: Serial ATA) are: Aimed at the consumer market, eSATA enters an external storage market served also by the USB and FireWire interfaces. The SATA interface has certain advantages. Most external hard-disk-drive cases with FireWire or USB interfaces use either PATA or SATA drives and \"bridges\" to translate between the drives' interfaces and the enclosures' external ports; this bridging incurs some inefficiency. Some single disks can transfer 157 MB\/s during real use, about four times the maximum transfer rate of USB 2.0 or FireWire 400 (IEEE 1394a) and almost twice as fast as the maximum transfer rate of FireWire 800. The S3200 FireWire","Document [6](Title: Serial ATA) 2005, SATA revision 2.5 consolidated the specification to a single document. Announced in February 2007, SATA revision 2.6 introduced the following features: Serial ATA International Organization (SATA-IO) presented the draft specification of SATA 6 Gbit\/s physical layer in July 2008, and ratified its physical layer specification on August 18, 2008. The full 3.0 standard was released on May 27, 2009. Third-generation SATA interfaces run with a native transfer rate of 6.0 Gbit\/s; taking 8b\/10b encoding into account, the maximum uncoded transfer rate is 4.8 Gbit\/s (600 MB\/s). The theoretical burst throughput of SATA 6.0 Gbit\/s is double that of SATA","Document [7](Title: Serial ATA) support for \"Serial ATA Tunneling Protocol\"). SATA 3 Gbit\/s theoretically offers a maximum bandwidth of 300 MB\/s per device, which is only slightly lower than the rated speed for SCSI Ultra 320 with a maximum of 320 MB\/s total for all devices on a bus. SCSI drives provide greater sustained throughput than multiple SATA drives connected via a simple (i.e., command-based) port multiplier because of disconnect-reconnect and aggregating performance. In general, SATA devices link compatibly to SAS enclosures and adapters, whereas SCSI devices cannot be directly connected to a SATA bus. SCSI, SAS, and fibre-channel (FC) drives are more expensive","Document [8](Title: Serial ATA) wafer connectors on each end. SATA cables can have lengths up to , and connect one motherboard socket to one hard drive. PATA ribbon cables, in comparison, connect one motherboard socket to one or two hard drives, carry either 40 or 80 wires, and are limited to in length by the PATA specification; however, cables up to are readily available. Thus, SATA connectors and cables are easier to fit in closed spaces and reduce obstructions to air cooling. Although they are more susceptible to accidental unplugging and breakage than PATA, users can purchase cables that have a locking feature, whereby","Document [9](Title: SATA Express) enables scaling up the performance of SATA Express interface by using multiple lanes and different versions of PCI Express. In more detail, using two PCI Express 2.0 lanes provides a total bandwidth of 1 GB\/s (2 \u00d7 5 GT\/s raw data rate and 8b\/10b encoding, equating to effective 1000 MB\/s), while using two PCI Express 3.0 lanes provides close to 2 GB\/s (2 \u00d7 8 GT\/s raw data rate and 128b\/130b encoding, equating to effective 1969 MB\/s). In comparison, the 6 Gbit\/s raw bandwidth of SATA 3.0 equates effectively to 0.6 GB\/s due to the overhead introduced by 8b\/10b encoding.","Document [10](Title: SATA Express) speed limit, requiring an even faster interface. While evaluating different approaches to the required speed increase, designers of the SATA interface concluded that extending the SATA interface so it doubles its native speed to 12 Gbit\/s would require more than two years, making that approach unsuitable for catching up with advancements in SSD technology. At the same time, increasing the native SATA speed to 12 Gbit\/s would require too many changes to the SATA standard, ending up in a more costly and less power efficient solution compared with the already available and widely adopted PCI Express bus. Thus, PCI Express","Document [11](Title: PCI Express) this allows much higher transfer rates (over 1 GB\/s) and IOPS (over one million I\/O operations per second) when compared to Serial ATA or SAS drives. For example, in 2011 OCZ and Marvell co-developed a native PCI Express solid-state drive controller for a PCI Express 3.0 \u00d716 slot with maximum capacity of 12 TB and a performance of to 7.2 GB\/s sequential transfers and up to 2.52 million IOPS in random transfers. SATA Express is an interface for connecting SSDs, by providing multiple PCI Express lanes as a pure PCI Express connection to the attached storage device. M.2 is a","Document [12](Title: Serial ATA) the M.2 standard is a small form factor implementation of the SATA Express interface, with the addition of an internal USB 3.0 port. U.2, formerly known as SFF-8639. Like its predecessor it carries a PCI Express electrical signal, however U.2 uses a PCIe 3.0 \u00d74 link providing a higher bandwidth of 32 Gbit\/s in each direction. In order to provide maximum backward compatibility the U.2 connector also supports SATA and multi-path SAS. The SATA specification defines three distinct protocol layers: physical, link, and transport. The physical layer defines SATA's electrical and physical characteristics (such as cable dimensions and parasitics, driver","Document [13](Title: Serial ATA) The host connector is backward compatible with the standard 3.5-inch SATA data connector, allowing up to two legacy SATA devices to connect. At the same time, the host connector provides up to two PCI Express 3.0 lanes as a pure PCI Express connection to the storage device, allowing bandwidths of up to 2 GB\/s. Instead of the otherwise usual approach of doubling the native speed of the SATA interface, PCI Express was selected for achieving data transfer speeds greater than 6 Gbit\/s. It was concluded that doubling the native SATA speed would take too much time, too many changes would","Document [14](Title: Serial ATA) revision 2.0. It is backward compatible with SATA 3 Gbit\/s. The SATA 3.0 specification contains the following changes: In general, the enhancements are aimed at improving quality of service for video streaming and high-priority interrupts. In addition, the standard continues to support distances up to one meter. The newer speeds may require higher power consumption for supporting chips, though improved process technologies and power management techniques may mitigate this. The later specification can use existing SATA cables and connectors, though it was reported in 2008 that some OEMs were expected to upgrade host connectors for the higher speeds. Released in","Document [15](Title: Serial ATA) Revision 1.0a was released on January 7, 2003. First-generation SATA interfaces, now known as SATA 1.5\u00a0Gbit\/s, communicate at a rate of 1.5\u00a0Gbit\/s, and do not support Native Command Queuing (NCQ). Taking 8b\/10b encoding overhead into account, they have an actual uncoded transfer rate of 1.2 Gbit\/s (150 MB\/s). The theoretical burst throughput of SATA 1.5 Gbit\/s is similar to that of PATA\/133, but newer SATA devices offer enhancements such as NCQ, which improve performance in a multitasking environment.","Document [16](Title: Serial ATA) supply power to these drives. Connectors and cables present the most visible differences between SATA and parallel ATA drives. Unlike PATA, the same connectors are used on SATA hard disks (for desktop and server computers) and disks (for portable or small computers). Standard SATA connectors for both data and power have a conductor pitch of . Low insertion force is required to mate a SATA connector. A smaller mini-SATA or mSATA connector is used by smaller devices such as 1.8-inch SATA drives, some DVD and Blu-ray drives, and mini SSDs. A special eSATA connector is specified for external devices, and","Document [17](Title: USB) transceivers. By contrast, the MIDI plug standard and Ethernet have built-in isolation to or more. The eSATA connector is a more robust SATA connector, intended for connection to external hard drives and SSDs. eSATA's transfer rate (up to 6 Gbit\/s) is similar to that of USB 3.0 (up to 5 Gbit\/s on current devices; 10 Gbit\/s speeds via USB 3.1, announced on 31 July 2013). A device connected by eSATA appears as an ordinary SATA device, giving both full performance and full compatibility associated with internal drives. eSATA does not supply power to external devices. This is an increasing disadvantage","Document [18](Title: Hard disk drive) is 3.0 Gbit\/s SATA, which can send about 300 megabyte\/s (10-bit encoding) from the buffer to the computer, and thus is still comfortably ahead of today's disk-to-buffer transfer rates. Data transfer rate (read\/write) can be measured by writing a large file to disk using special file generator tools, then reading back the file. Transfer rate can be influenced by file system fragmentation and the layout of the files. HDD data transfer rate depends upon the rotational speed of the platters and the data recording density. Because heat and vibration limit rotational speed, advancing density becomes the main method to improve","Document [19](Title: Serial ATA) voltage level and receiver operating range), as well as the physical coding subsystem (bit-level encoding, device detection on the wire, and link initialization). Physical transmission uses differential signaling. The SATA PHY contains a transmit pair and receive pair. When the SATA-link is not in use (example: no device attached), the transmitter allows the transmit pins to float to their common-mode voltage level. When the SATA-link is either active or in the link-initialization phase, the transmitter drives the transmit pins at the specified differential voltage (1.5 V in SATA\/I). SATA physical coding uses a line encoding system known as 8b\/10b encoding.","Document [20](Title: Serial ATA) connectors are designed for hot swapping. Many server and RAID systems provide hardware support for transparent hot swapping. The designers of the SCSI standard prior to SCA-2 connectors did not target hot swapping, but in practice, most RAID implementations support hot swapping of hard disks. Serial ATA Serial ATA (SATA, abbreviated from Serial AT Attachment) is a computer bus interface that connects host bus adapters to mass storage devices such as hard disk drives, optical drives, and solid-state drives. Serial ATA succeeded the older Parallel ATA (PATA) standard to become the predominant interface for storage devices. Serial ATA industry compatibility"],"query":"what is the transfer speed for sata 1?","answers":["1.5\u00a0Gbit\/s"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Western Digital Raptor) cables, as the SATA data connector does not have the required rails. Therefore, only normal cables can be plugged into these connectors. WD360GD Raptors with the Marvell 88i8030-TBC PATA to SATA bridge chip, such as WD360GD-00FNA0 (December 2003) and earlier, are limited to UDMA 5 transfers. In Linux, \"applying bridge limits\" is displayed and then it allows transfers up to UDMA\/100. In Microsoft Windows, they are reported as UDMA 6, but give a burst rate of 104 MB\/s, while WD360GD with the 88i8030-TBC1 chip are reported as UDMA 6 and give a burst rate of 122 MB\/s, close their theoretical","Document [2](Title: Serial ATA) 3.0 Gbit\/s that, when accounted for the 8b\/10b encoding scheme, equals to the maximum uncoded transfer rate of 2.4 Gbit\/s (300 MB\/s). The theoretical burst throughput of the SATA revision 2.0, which is also known as the SATA 3 Gbit\/s, doubles the throughput of SATA revision 1.0. All SATA data cables meeting the SATA spec are rated for 3.0 Gbit\/s and handle modern mechanical drives without any loss of sustained and burst data transfer performance. However, high-performance flash-based drives can exceed the SATA 3 Gbit\/s transfer rate; this is addressed with the SATA 6 Gbit\/s interoperability standard. Announced in August","Document [3](Title: SATA Express) Express bus for achieving data transfer speeds greater than the SATA 3.0 speed limit of 6 Gbit\/s. Designers of the SATA interface concluded that doubling the native SATA speed would take too much time to catch up with the advancements in solid-state drive (SSD) technology, would require too many changes to the SATA standard, and would result in a much greater power consumption compared with the existing PCI Express bus. As a widely adopted computer bus, PCI Express provides sufficient bandwidth while allowing easy scaling up by using faster or additional lanes. In addition to supporting legacy Advanced Host Controller","Document [4](Title: SATA Express) in 2003), through 3 Gbit\/s in SATA 2.0 (standardized in 2004), to 6 Gbit\/s as provided by SATA 3.0 (standardized in 2009). SATA has also gradually been selected as the interface for more adopted solid-state drives (SSDs), but the need for a faster interface became apparent as the speed of SSDs and hybrid drives increased over time. As an example, some SSDs available in early 2009 were already well over the capabilities of SATA 1.0 and close to the SATA 2.0 maximum transfer speed, while in the second half of 2013 high-end consumer SSDs had already reached the SATA 3.0","Document [5](Title: Serial ATA) are: Aimed at the consumer market, eSATA enters an external storage market served also by the USB and FireWire interfaces. The SATA interface has certain advantages. Most external hard-disk-drive cases with FireWire or USB interfaces use either PATA or SATA drives and \"bridges\" to translate between the drives' interfaces and the enclosures' external ports; this bridging incurs some inefficiency. Some single disks can transfer 157 MB\/s during real use, about four times the maximum transfer rate of USB 2.0 or FireWire 400 (IEEE 1394a) and almost twice as fast as the maximum transfer rate of FireWire 800. The S3200 FireWire","Document [6](Title: Serial ATA) 2005, SATA revision 2.5 consolidated the specification to a single document. Announced in February 2007, SATA revision 2.6 introduced the following features: Serial ATA International Organization (SATA-IO) presented the draft specification of SATA 6 Gbit\/s physical layer in July 2008, and ratified its physical layer specification on August 18, 2008. The full 3.0 standard was released on May 27, 2009. Third-generation SATA interfaces run with a native transfer rate of 6.0 Gbit\/s; taking 8b\/10b encoding into account, the maximum uncoded transfer rate is 4.8 Gbit\/s (600 MB\/s). The theoretical burst throughput of SATA 6.0 Gbit\/s is double that of SATA","Document [7](Title: Serial ATA) support for \"Serial ATA Tunneling Protocol\"). SATA 3 Gbit\/s theoretically offers a maximum bandwidth of 300 MB\/s per device, which is only slightly lower than the rated speed for SCSI Ultra 320 with a maximum of 320 MB\/s total for all devices on a bus. SCSI drives provide greater sustained throughput than multiple SATA drives connected via a simple (i.e., command-based) port multiplier because of disconnect-reconnect and aggregating performance. In general, SATA devices link compatibly to SAS enclosures and adapters, whereas SCSI devices cannot be directly connected to a SATA bus. SCSI, SAS, and fibre-channel (FC) drives are more expensive","Document [8](Title: Serial ATA) wafer connectors on each end. SATA cables can have lengths up to , and connect one motherboard socket to one hard drive. PATA ribbon cables, in comparison, connect one motherboard socket to one or two hard drives, carry either 40 or 80 wires, and are limited to in length by the PATA specification; however, cables up to are readily available. Thus, SATA connectors and cables are easier to fit in closed spaces and reduce obstructions to air cooling. Although they are more susceptible to accidental unplugging and breakage than PATA, users can purchase cables that have a locking feature, whereby","Document [9](Title: SATA Express) enables scaling up the performance of SATA Express interface by using multiple lanes and different versions of PCI Express. In more detail, using two PCI Express 2.0 lanes provides a total bandwidth of 1 GB\/s (2 \u00d7 5 GT\/s raw data rate and 8b\/10b encoding, equating to effective 1000 MB\/s), while using two PCI Express 3.0 lanes provides close to 2 GB\/s (2 \u00d7 8 GT\/s raw data rate and 128b\/130b encoding, equating to effective 1969 MB\/s). In comparison, the 6 Gbit\/s raw bandwidth of SATA 3.0 equates effectively to 0.6 GB\/s due to the overhead introduced by 8b\/10b encoding.","Document [10](Title: SATA Express) speed limit, requiring an even faster interface. While evaluating different approaches to the required speed increase, designers of the SATA interface concluded that extending the SATA interface so it doubles its native speed to 12 Gbit\/s would require more than two years, making that approach unsuitable for catching up with advancements in SSD technology. At the same time, increasing the native SATA speed to 12 Gbit\/s would require too many changes to the SATA standard, ending up in a more costly and less power efficient solution compared with the already available and widely adopted PCI Express bus. Thus, PCI Express","Document [11](Title: PCI Express) this allows much higher transfer rates (over 1 GB\/s) and IOPS (over one million I\/O operations per second) when compared to Serial ATA or SAS drives. For example, in 2011 OCZ and Marvell co-developed a native PCI Express solid-state drive controller for a PCI Express 3.0 \u00d716 slot with maximum capacity of 12 TB and a performance of to 7.2 GB\/s sequential transfers and up to 2.52 million IOPS in random transfers. SATA Express is an interface for connecting SSDs, by providing multiple PCI Express lanes as a pure PCI Express connection to the attached storage device. M.2 is a","Document [12](Title: Serial ATA) the M.2 standard is a small form factor implementation of the SATA Express interface, with the addition of an internal USB 3.0 port. U.2, formerly known as SFF-8639. Like its predecessor it carries a PCI Express electrical signal, however U.2 uses a PCIe 3.0 \u00d74 link providing a higher bandwidth of 32 Gbit\/s in each direction. In order to provide maximum backward compatibility the U.2 connector also supports SATA and multi-path SAS. The SATA specification defines three distinct protocol layers: physical, link, and transport. The physical layer defines SATA's electrical and physical characteristics (such as cable dimensions and parasitics, driver","Document [13](Title: Serial ATA) The host connector is backward compatible with the standard 3.5-inch SATA data connector, allowing up to two legacy SATA devices to connect. At the same time, the host connector provides up to two PCI Express 3.0 lanes as a pure PCI Express connection to the storage device, allowing bandwidths of up to 2 GB\/s. Instead of the otherwise usual approach of doubling the native speed of the SATA interface, PCI Express was selected for achieving data transfer speeds greater than 6 Gbit\/s. It was concluded that doubling the native SATA speed would take too much time, too many changes would","Document [14](Title: Serial ATA) revision 2.0. It is backward compatible with SATA 3 Gbit\/s. The SATA 3.0 specification contains the following changes: In general, the enhancements are aimed at improving quality of service for video streaming and high-priority interrupts. In addition, the standard continues to support distances up to one meter. The newer speeds may require higher power consumption for supporting chips, though improved process technologies and power management techniques may mitigate this. The later specification can use existing SATA cables and connectors, though it was reported in 2008 that some OEMs were expected to upgrade host connectors for the higher speeds. Released in","Document [15](Title: Serial ATA) supply power to these drives. Connectors and cables present the most visible differences between SATA and parallel ATA drives. Unlike PATA, the same connectors are used on SATA hard disks (for desktop and server computers) and disks (for portable or small computers). Standard SATA connectors for both data and power have a conductor pitch of . Low insertion force is required to mate a SATA connector. A smaller mini-SATA or mSATA connector is used by smaller devices such as 1.8-inch SATA drives, some DVD and Blu-ray drives, and mini SSDs. A special eSATA connector is specified for external devices, and","Document [16](Title: USB) transceivers. By contrast, the MIDI plug standard and Ethernet have built-in isolation to or more. The eSATA connector is a more robust SATA connector, intended for connection to external hard drives and SSDs. eSATA's transfer rate (up to 6 Gbit\/s) is similar to that of USB 3.0 (up to 5 Gbit\/s on current devices; 10 Gbit\/s speeds via USB 3.1, announced on 31 July 2013). A device connected by eSATA appears as an ordinary SATA device, giving both full performance and full compatibility associated with internal drives. eSATA does not supply power to external devices. This is an increasing disadvantage","Document [17](Title: Hard disk drive) is 3.0 Gbit\/s SATA, which can send about 300 megabyte\/s (10-bit encoding) from the buffer to the computer, and thus is still comfortably ahead of today's disk-to-buffer transfer rates. Data transfer rate (read\/write) can be measured by writing a large file to disk using special file generator tools, then reading back the file. Transfer rate can be influenced by file system fragmentation and the layout of the files. HDD data transfer rate depends upon the rotational speed of the platters and the data recording density. Because heat and vibration limit rotational speed, advancing density becomes the main method to improve","Document [18](Title: Serial ATA) voltage level and receiver operating range), as well as the physical coding subsystem (bit-level encoding, device detection on the wire, and link initialization). Physical transmission uses differential signaling. The SATA PHY contains a transmit pair and receive pair. When the SATA-link is not in use (example: no device attached), the transmitter allows the transmit pins to float to their common-mode voltage level. When the SATA-link is either active or in the link-initialization phase, the transmitter drives the transmit pins at the specified differential voltage (1.5 V in SATA\/I). SATA physical coding uses a line encoding system known as 8b\/10b encoding.","Document [19](Title: Serial ATA) connectors are designed for hot swapping. Many server and RAID systems provide hardware support for transparent hot swapping. The designers of the SCSI standard prior to SCA-2 connectors did not target hot swapping, but in practice, most RAID implementations support hot swapping of hard disks. Serial ATA Serial ATA (SATA, abbreviated from Serial AT Attachment) is a computer bus interface that connects host bus adapters to mass storage devices such as hard disk drives, optical drives, and solid-state drives. Serial ATA succeeded the older Parallel ATA (PATA) standard to become the predominant interface for storage devices. Serial ATA industry compatibility","Document [20](Title: Serial ATA) Revision 1.0a was released on January 7, 2003. First-generation SATA interfaces, now known as SATA 1.5\u00a0Gbit\/s, communicate at a rate of 1.5\u00a0Gbit\/s, and do not support Native Command Queuing (NCQ). Taking 8b\/10b encoding overhead into account, they have an actual uncoded transfer rate of 1.2 Gbit\/s (150 MB\/s). The theoretical burst throughput of SATA 1.5 Gbit\/s is similar to that of PATA\/133, but newer SATA devices offer enhancements such as NCQ, which improve performance in a multitasking environment."],"query":"what is the transfer speed for sata 1?","answers":["1.5\u00a0Gbit\/s"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) On 30 October 1918, the Armistice of Mudros was signed, ending Ottoman involvement in World War 1. The Ottoman public, however, was given misleadingly positive impressions of the severity of the terms of the Armistice. They thought its terms were considerably more lenient than they actually were, a source of discontent later that the Allies had betrayed the offered terms.","Document [2](Title: Eastern Question) Eastern Question was put to rest after World War I, one of the outcomes of which was the collapse and division of the Ottoman holdings. The Eastern Question emerged as the power of the Ottoman Empire began to decline during the 18th century. The Ottomans were at the height of their power in 1683, when they lost the Battle of Vienna to the combined forces of the Polish\u2013Lithuanian Commonwealth and Austria, under the command of John III Sobieski. Peace was made much later, in 1699, with the Treaty of Karlowitz, which forced the Ottoman Empire to cede many of its","Document [3](Title: Ottoman wars in Asia) the main problem was the rebel in Yemen which was subdued. Ottoman Empire fought against the Allies in the First World War and was defeated. According to Armistice of Mudros Ottoman Empire accepted the loss of all territories in the Arabian Peninsula, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and most of Iraq. Although Turkey and North Iraq were still under Ottoman rule, soon Allies occupied the Mediterranean coast and North Iraq. They also offered Aegean coast (as well as Thrace) to Greece and eastern Anatolia to newly establiahed Armenia by the Treaty of S\u00e8vres. However the treaty became ineffective during the Turkish","Document [4](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) Enver informed the Quadruple Alliance that they would like to see the 1877 border (Russo-Turkish War (1877\u20131878)), pointing out that the only Ottomans lost territory and 1877 border was Ottoman territories inhabited by Muslims. Ottomans did not pushed 1877 position too hard, scared to fall back to bilateral agreements. On the other hand, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria clearly stood behind on the pulling back the Ottoman and Russian forces from Iran. Ottomans wanted Muslim Iran be under its own control. The ambassador to Berlin, Ibrahim Hakki Pasha, wrote: \"Although Russia may be in a weakened state today, it is always","Document [5](Title: Middle Eastern theatre of World War I) was never ratified by the Ottoman Empire. The Treaty of S\u00e8vres was annulled in the course of the Turkish War of Independence, and the parties signed and ratified the superseding Treaty of Lausanne in 1923. On 3 March 1924, the Ottoman Caliphate was abolished when Mustafa Kemal Ataturk deposed the last caliph, Abdul Mejid II. Allied military losses are placed between 1,000,000 and 1,500,000 including killed, wounded, captured or missing. This includes 303,000 British Empire and French casualties in Gallipoli, 601,000 British Empire casualties in Sinai-Palestine, at least 140,000 Russian casualties in the Caucasus, and 256,000 British Empire casualties in","Document [6](Title: Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire) caused by the Ottoman counter-coup of 1909, which preceded the 31 March Incident (Restoration, 1909) and 1912 Ottoman coup d'\u00e9tat (\"Saviours\") and the 1913 Ottoman coup d'\u00e9tat in the Empire up to World War I. The Ottoman entry into World War I in the Middle Eastern theatre ended with the partition of the Ottoman Empire under the terms of the Treaty of S\u00e8vres. This treaty, as designed in the conference of London, gave a nominal land and permitted the title Ottoman Caliphate (compared with Vatican; a sacerdotal-monarchical state ruled by the Catholic Pope), not to be a further threat but","Document [7](Title: Pax Ottomana) with the period after World War I, when only Asia Minor and Eastern Thrace remained under Turkish rule. The term is derived by analogy from the more common \"Pax Romana\", \"the Roman Peace\". Pax Ottomana In historiography, the Pax Ottomana (literally \"the Ottoman Peace\") or Pax Ottomanica is the economic and social stability attained in the conquered provinces of the Ottoman Empire, which, at the height of the Empire's power during the 16th and 17th centuries, applied to lands in the Balkans, Anatolia, the Middle East, North Africa and the Caucasus. The term is preferred in particular by historians and","Document [8](Title: Ottoman casualties of World War I) by Ottoman and Kurdish armies in 1914 and 1920. Sources have put the death tolls at nearly 750,000. After the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire, for reliability reasons, the data regarding the Muslim casualties had to be collected by region. The records regarding the Muslim civilians were sealed at the time of the Paris Peace Conference, and there is very little literature review on the Muslim millet, compared to Christian millet of the Empire (see: Armenian casualties). One plausible explanation that needs further study may be attributable to productivity patterns of the Muslim millet, which could have dropped beyond sustainable","Document [9](Title: Diplomatic history of World War I) wars, most recently in 1912. The economy was heavily traditional, but with a strong German influence in terms of modernization, especially building railways. In 1914 the Ottoman government in Constantinople took the initiative in supporting the Central Powers. see Ottoman\u2013German alliance Its Army already was under German guidance, especially by General Otto Liman von Sanders. The British expected the alliance with Germany and seized two dreadnoughts under construction that had been paid for by the Ottomans. Negotiations with the Allies went nowhere after the Turks demanded very large concessions. Instead, a secret alliance was made with Germany in early August,","Document [10](Title: Turkish War of Independence) Eastern theatre of World War I to a close. The treaty granted the Allies the right to occupy forts controlling the Straits of the Dardanelles and the Bosporus; and the right to occupy \"in case of disorder\" any territory in case of a threat to security. Somerset Arthur Gough-Calthorpe\u2014the British signatory of the Mudros Armistice\u2014stated the Triple Entente\u2032s public position that they had no intention to dismantle the government of the Ottoman Empire or place it under military occupation by \"occupying Constantinople\". However, dismantling the Ottoman government and partitioning the Ottoman Empire among the Allied nations had been an objective","Document [11](Title: Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire) was based on the arrangements nominally made in the Treaty of Berlin (1878) and the Treaty of San Stefano. According to this arrangement the inspectors general, whose powers and duties constituted the key to the question, were to be named for a period of ten years, and their engagement was not to be revocable during that period. The History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I began with the Ottoman's attack on Russia's Black Sea coast on 29 October 1914. The attack prompted Russia and its allies, Britain and France, to declare war on the Ottoman Empire in November","Document [12](Title: Black Sea Raid) quickly retaliated with naval attacks in the Dardanelles, and the Russians declared war on 2 November, followed by the British and the French three days later. The Ottomans did not officially declare war until 11 November. The Ottomans desperately tried to secure an alliance with a great power before the outbreak of World War I in 1914, but almost all of their attempts ended in failure. Even when the Germanophile Ottoman War Minister Enver Pasha directly proposed an alliance on 22 July to the German ambassador in Istanbul, Hans Freiherr von Wangenheim, he was turned down. Kaiser Wilhelm II overruled","Document [13](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) bay without spreading to Ottomans in a violent. On 3 December the Ottoman foreign minister Ahmed Nesimi Bey informed the \"Chamber of Deputies\" about the prospects. Chamber discussed the possible outcomes and priorities. On 15 December Armistice between Russia and the Central Powers signed. On 18 December Armistice of Erzincan signed. The Bolsheviks\u2019 anti-imperialist formula of peace with no annexations and no indemnities was close to Ottoman position. The Bolsheviks' position brought a conflict with the Germany's aim to preserve control over the East European lands it occupied and with Bulgaria\u2019s claims on Dobruja and parts of Serbia. In December","Document [14](Title: Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire) cast covetous eyes on this new and largely Islamic state. The young state, however, collapsed within weeks of the outbreak of World War I. At the turn of 1913, the Ottoman Modern Army failed at counterinsurgencies in the periphery of the empire, Libya was lost to Italy, and Balkan war erupted in the fall of 1912. LU flexed its muscles with the forced dissolution of the parliament in 1912. The signs of humiliation of the Balkan wars worked to the advantage of the CUP The cumulative defeats of 1912 enabled the CUP to seize control of the government. The Liberal","Document [15](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) on 18 March 1915 was a set of secret assurances, which Great Britain promised to give the Capital and the Dardanelles to the Russians in the event of victory. The city of Constantinople was intended to be a free port. During 1915, British forces invalidated the Anglo-Ottoman Convention, declaring Kuwait to be an \"independent sheikdom under British protectorate.\" On 10 September 1915, Interior Minister Talat Pasha abolished the \"Capitulations\". On 10 September 1915 Grand Vizier Said Halim Pasha annulled (Vizer had the authority on annuls) the Capitulations, which ended the special privileges they granted to foreign nationals. The capitulation holders","Document [16](Title: Assyrian independence movement) Austro-Hungarian Empire and Bulgaria) and join them in dividing up the British, Russian and French empires in Asia. In 1914, knowing that it was heading into the war, the Ottoman government passed a law that required the conscription of all young males into the Ottoman army to support the war effort. The Ottoman Empire entered World War I in October 1914 by bombarding Russian ports on the Black Sea. In late 1914 and 1915, the Ottoman Empire under the Young Turk regime declared a holy war on the British, French and Russian Empires. Ottoman Turkish army and allied Kurdish, Turcoman,","Document [17](Title: Middle Eastern theatre of World War I) 18 January 1919, peace negotiations began with the Paris Peace Conference. The negotiations continued at the Conference of London, but the treaty took definite shape only after the premiers' meeting at the San Remo conference in April 1920. France, Italy, and Great Britain had been secretly planning the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire as early as 1915. The Ottoman Government representatives signed the Treaty of S\u00e8vres on 10 August 1920, but the treaty was not sent to the Ottoman Parliament for ratification, as the Parliament had been abolished on 18 March 1920 by the British. As a result, the treaty","Document [18](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire) the Ottoman Empire lost Libya, the Balkan League declared war against the Ottoman Empire. The Empire lost the Balkan Wars (1912\u201313). It lost its Balkan territories except East Thrace and the historic Ottoman capital city of Adrianople during the war. Some 400,000 Muslims, out of fear of Greek, Serbian or Bulgarian atrocities, left with the retreating Ottoman army. The Baghdad Railway under German control was a proposal to build rail lines into Iraq. The railway was not actually built at this time but its prospect worried the British until that issue was resolved in 1914. The railway did not play","Document [19](Title: Ottoman wars in Europe) by the signing of the Treaty of S\u00e8vres at the close of World War I. After striking a blow to the weakened Byzantine Empire in 1356 (or in 1358 - disputable due to a change in the Byzantine calendar), (see S\u00fcleyman Pasha) which provided it with Gallipoli as a basis for operations in Europe, the Ottoman Empire started its westward expansion into the European continent in the middle of the 14th century. Constantinople fell in 1453 after the Battle of Varna (1444) and the Second Battle of Kosovo (1448). The remaining Greek states fell in 1461 (Despotate of the Morea","Document [20](Title: Yalova Peninsula massacres) the atrocities. Michael Smith claims that Circassian irregulars also took part in the massacres. One of the results was that refugees were transported to Constantinople on ships. After World War I, the Ottoman Empire officially surrendered to the Entente Powers and it had to disband its army. At the peace conference the British and French tried to secure territory for the Kingdom of Greece in Smyrna and its surrounding regions. As a result, the Greek army, with the support of the Entente Powers, invaded Anatolia and occupied Smyrna. The Ottoman government and Turkish nationalists, which included people from all layers"],"query":"when did the ottoman empire surrender in ww1?","answers":["1918","30 October 1918"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Eastern Question) Eastern Question was put to rest after World War I, one of the outcomes of which was the collapse and division of the Ottoman holdings. The Eastern Question emerged as the power of the Ottoman Empire began to decline during the 18th century. The Ottomans were at the height of their power in 1683, when they lost the Battle of Vienna to the combined forces of the Polish\u2013Lithuanian Commonwealth and Austria, under the command of John III Sobieski. Peace was made much later, in 1699, with the Treaty of Karlowitz, which forced the Ottoman Empire to cede many of its","Document [2](Title: Ottoman wars in Asia) the main problem was the rebel in Yemen which was subdued. Ottoman Empire fought against the Allies in the First World War and was defeated. According to Armistice of Mudros Ottoman Empire accepted the loss of all territories in the Arabian Peninsula, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and most of Iraq. Although Turkey and North Iraq were still under Ottoman rule, soon Allies occupied the Mediterranean coast and North Iraq. They also offered Aegean coast (as well as Thrace) to Greece and eastern Anatolia to newly establiahed Armenia by the Treaty of S\u00e8vres. However the treaty became ineffective during the Turkish","Document [3](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) Enver informed the Quadruple Alliance that they would like to see the 1877 border (Russo-Turkish War (1877\u20131878)), pointing out that the only Ottomans lost territory and 1877 border was Ottoman territories inhabited by Muslims. Ottomans did not pushed 1877 position too hard, scared to fall back to bilateral agreements. On the other hand, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria clearly stood behind on the pulling back the Ottoman and Russian forces from Iran. Ottomans wanted Muslim Iran be under its own control. The ambassador to Berlin, Ibrahim Hakki Pasha, wrote: \"Although Russia may be in a weakened state today, it is always","Document [4](Title: Middle Eastern theatre of World War I) was never ratified by the Ottoman Empire. The Treaty of S\u00e8vres was annulled in the course of the Turkish War of Independence, and the parties signed and ratified the superseding Treaty of Lausanne in 1923. On 3 March 1924, the Ottoman Caliphate was abolished when Mustafa Kemal Ataturk deposed the last caliph, Abdul Mejid II. Allied military losses are placed between 1,000,000 and 1,500,000 including killed, wounded, captured or missing. This includes 303,000 British Empire and French casualties in Gallipoli, 601,000 British Empire casualties in Sinai-Palestine, at least 140,000 Russian casualties in the Caucasus, and 256,000 British Empire casualties in","Document [5](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) On 30 October 1918, the Armistice of Mudros was signed, ending Ottoman involvement in World War 1. The Ottoman public, however, was given misleadingly positive impressions of the severity of the terms of the Armistice. They thought its terms were considerably more lenient than they actually were, a source of discontent later that the Allies had betrayed the offered terms.","Document [6](Title: Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire) caused by the Ottoman counter-coup of 1909, which preceded the 31 March Incident (Restoration, 1909) and 1912 Ottoman coup d'\u00e9tat (\"Saviours\") and the 1913 Ottoman coup d'\u00e9tat in the Empire up to World War I. The Ottoman entry into World War I in the Middle Eastern theatre ended with the partition of the Ottoman Empire under the terms of the Treaty of S\u00e8vres. This treaty, as designed in the conference of London, gave a nominal land and permitted the title Ottoman Caliphate (compared with Vatican; a sacerdotal-monarchical state ruled by the Catholic Pope), not to be a further threat but","Document [7](Title: Pax Ottomana) with the period after World War I, when only Asia Minor and Eastern Thrace remained under Turkish rule. The term is derived by analogy from the more common \"Pax Romana\", \"the Roman Peace\". Pax Ottomana In historiography, the Pax Ottomana (literally \"the Ottoman Peace\") or Pax Ottomanica is the economic and social stability attained in the conquered provinces of the Ottoman Empire, which, at the height of the Empire's power during the 16th and 17th centuries, applied to lands in the Balkans, Anatolia, the Middle East, North Africa and the Caucasus. The term is preferred in particular by historians and","Document [8](Title: Ottoman casualties of World War I) by Ottoman and Kurdish armies in 1914 and 1920. Sources have put the death tolls at nearly 750,000. After the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire, for reliability reasons, the data regarding the Muslim casualties had to be collected by region. The records regarding the Muslim civilians were sealed at the time of the Paris Peace Conference, and there is very little literature review on the Muslim millet, compared to Christian millet of the Empire (see: Armenian casualties). One plausible explanation that needs further study may be attributable to productivity patterns of the Muslim millet, which could have dropped beyond sustainable","Document [9](Title: Diplomatic history of World War I) wars, most recently in 1912. The economy was heavily traditional, but with a strong German influence in terms of modernization, especially building railways. In 1914 the Ottoman government in Constantinople took the initiative in supporting the Central Powers. see Ottoman\u2013German alliance Its Army already was under German guidance, especially by General Otto Liman von Sanders. The British expected the alliance with Germany and seized two dreadnoughts under construction that had been paid for by the Ottomans. Negotiations with the Allies went nowhere after the Turks demanded very large concessions. Instead, a secret alliance was made with Germany in early August,","Document [10](Title: Turkish War of Independence) Eastern theatre of World War I to a close. The treaty granted the Allies the right to occupy forts controlling the Straits of the Dardanelles and the Bosporus; and the right to occupy \"in case of disorder\" any territory in case of a threat to security. Somerset Arthur Gough-Calthorpe\u2014the British signatory of the Mudros Armistice\u2014stated the Triple Entente\u2032s public position that they had no intention to dismantle the government of the Ottoman Empire or place it under military occupation by \"occupying Constantinople\". However, dismantling the Ottoman government and partitioning the Ottoman Empire among the Allied nations had been an objective","Document [11](Title: Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire) was based on the arrangements nominally made in the Treaty of Berlin (1878) and the Treaty of San Stefano. According to this arrangement the inspectors general, whose powers and duties constituted the key to the question, were to be named for a period of ten years, and their engagement was not to be revocable during that period. The History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I began with the Ottoman's attack on Russia's Black Sea coast on 29 October 1914. The attack prompted Russia and its allies, Britain and France, to declare war on the Ottoman Empire in November","Document [12](Title: Black Sea Raid) quickly retaliated with naval attacks in the Dardanelles, and the Russians declared war on 2 November, followed by the British and the French three days later. The Ottomans did not officially declare war until 11 November. The Ottomans desperately tried to secure an alliance with a great power before the outbreak of World War I in 1914, but almost all of their attempts ended in failure. Even when the Germanophile Ottoman War Minister Enver Pasha directly proposed an alliance on 22 July to the German ambassador in Istanbul, Hans Freiherr von Wangenheim, he was turned down. Kaiser Wilhelm II overruled","Document [13](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) bay without spreading to Ottomans in a violent. On 3 December the Ottoman foreign minister Ahmed Nesimi Bey informed the \"Chamber of Deputies\" about the prospects. Chamber discussed the possible outcomes and priorities. On 15 December Armistice between Russia and the Central Powers signed. On 18 December Armistice of Erzincan signed. The Bolsheviks\u2019 anti-imperialist formula of peace with no annexations and no indemnities was close to Ottoman position. The Bolsheviks' position brought a conflict with the Germany's aim to preserve control over the East European lands it occupied and with Bulgaria\u2019s claims on Dobruja and parts of Serbia. In December","Document [14](Title: Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire) cast covetous eyes on this new and largely Islamic state. The young state, however, collapsed within weeks of the outbreak of World War I. At the turn of 1913, the Ottoman Modern Army failed at counterinsurgencies in the periphery of the empire, Libya was lost to Italy, and Balkan war erupted in the fall of 1912. LU flexed its muscles with the forced dissolution of the parliament in 1912. The signs of humiliation of the Balkan wars worked to the advantage of the CUP The cumulative defeats of 1912 enabled the CUP to seize control of the government. The Liberal","Document [15](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) on 18 March 1915 was a set of secret assurances, which Great Britain promised to give the Capital and the Dardanelles to the Russians in the event of victory. The city of Constantinople was intended to be a free port. During 1915, British forces invalidated the Anglo-Ottoman Convention, declaring Kuwait to be an \"independent sheikdom under British protectorate.\" On 10 September 1915, Interior Minister Talat Pasha abolished the \"Capitulations\". On 10 September 1915 Grand Vizier Said Halim Pasha annulled (Vizer had the authority on annuls) the Capitulations, which ended the special privileges they granted to foreign nationals. The capitulation holders","Document [16](Title: Assyrian independence movement) Austro-Hungarian Empire and Bulgaria) and join them in dividing up the British, Russian and French empires in Asia. In 1914, knowing that it was heading into the war, the Ottoman government passed a law that required the conscription of all young males into the Ottoman army to support the war effort. The Ottoman Empire entered World War I in October 1914 by bombarding Russian ports on the Black Sea. In late 1914 and 1915, the Ottoman Empire under the Young Turk regime declared a holy war on the British, French and Russian Empires. Ottoman Turkish army and allied Kurdish, Turcoman,","Document [17](Title: Middle Eastern theatre of World War I) 18 January 1919, peace negotiations began with the Paris Peace Conference. The negotiations continued at the Conference of London, but the treaty took definite shape only after the premiers' meeting at the San Remo conference in April 1920. France, Italy, and Great Britain had been secretly planning the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire as early as 1915. The Ottoman Government representatives signed the Treaty of S\u00e8vres on 10 August 1920, but the treaty was not sent to the Ottoman Parliament for ratification, as the Parliament had been abolished on 18 March 1920 by the British. As a result, the treaty","Document [18](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire) the Ottoman Empire lost Libya, the Balkan League declared war against the Ottoman Empire. The Empire lost the Balkan Wars (1912\u201313). It lost its Balkan territories except East Thrace and the historic Ottoman capital city of Adrianople during the war. Some 400,000 Muslims, out of fear of Greek, Serbian or Bulgarian atrocities, left with the retreating Ottoman army. The Baghdad Railway under German control was a proposal to build rail lines into Iraq. The railway was not actually built at this time but its prospect worried the British until that issue was resolved in 1914. The railway did not play","Document [19](Title: Ottoman wars in Europe) by the signing of the Treaty of S\u00e8vres at the close of World War I. After striking a blow to the weakened Byzantine Empire in 1356 (or in 1358 - disputable due to a change in the Byzantine calendar), (see S\u00fcleyman Pasha) which provided it with Gallipoli as a basis for operations in Europe, the Ottoman Empire started its westward expansion into the European continent in the middle of the 14th century. Constantinople fell in 1453 after the Battle of Varna (1444) and the Second Battle of Kosovo (1448). The remaining Greek states fell in 1461 (Despotate of the Morea","Document [20](Title: Yalova Peninsula massacres) the atrocities. Michael Smith claims that Circassian irregulars also took part in the massacres. One of the results was that refugees were transported to Constantinople on ships. After World War I, the Ottoman Empire officially surrendered to the Entente Powers and it had to disband its army. At the peace conference the British and French tried to secure territory for the Kingdom of Greece in Smyrna and its surrounding regions. As a result, the Greek army, with the support of the Entente Powers, invaded Anatolia and occupied Smyrna. The Ottoman government and Turkish nationalists, which included people from all layers"],"query":"when did the ottoman empire surrender in ww1?","answers":["1918","30 October 1918"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Eastern Question) Eastern Question was put to rest after World War I, one of the outcomes of which was the collapse and division of the Ottoman holdings. The Eastern Question emerged as the power of the Ottoman Empire began to decline during the 18th century. The Ottomans were at the height of their power in 1683, when they lost the Battle of Vienna to the combined forces of the Polish\u2013Lithuanian Commonwealth and Austria, under the command of John III Sobieski. Peace was made much later, in 1699, with the Treaty of Karlowitz, which forced the Ottoman Empire to cede many of its","Document [2](Title: Ottoman wars in Asia) the main problem was the rebel in Yemen which was subdued. Ottoman Empire fought against the Allies in the First World War and was defeated. According to Armistice of Mudros Ottoman Empire accepted the loss of all territories in the Arabian Peninsula, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and most of Iraq. Although Turkey and North Iraq were still under Ottoman rule, soon Allies occupied the Mediterranean coast and North Iraq. They also offered Aegean coast (as well as Thrace) to Greece and eastern Anatolia to newly establiahed Armenia by the Treaty of S\u00e8vres. However the treaty became ineffective during the Turkish","Document [3](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) Enver informed the Quadruple Alliance that they would like to see the 1877 border (Russo-Turkish War (1877\u20131878)), pointing out that the only Ottomans lost territory and 1877 border was Ottoman territories inhabited by Muslims. Ottomans did not pushed 1877 position too hard, scared to fall back to bilateral agreements. On the other hand, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria clearly stood behind on the pulling back the Ottoman and Russian forces from Iran. Ottomans wanted Muslim Iran be under its own control. The ambassador to Berlin, Ibrahim Hakki Pasha, wrote: \"Although Russia may be in a weakened state today, it is always","Document [4](Title: Middle Eastern theatre of World War I) was never ratified by the Ottoman Empire. The Treaty of S\u00e8vres was annulled in the course of the Turkish War of Independence, and the parties signed and ratified the superseding Treaty of Lausanne in 1923. On 3 March 1924, the Ottoman Caliphate was abolished when Mustafa Kemal Ataturk deposed the last caliph, Abdul Mejid II. Allied military losses are placed between 1,000,000 and 1,500,000 including killed, wounded, captured or missing. This includes 303,000 British Empire and French casualties in Gallipoli, 601,000 British Empire casualties in Sinai-Palestine, at least 140,000 Russian casualties in the Caucasus, and 256,000 British Empire casualties in","Document [5](Title: Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire) caused by the Ottoman counter-coup of 1909, which preceded the 31 March Incident (Restoration, 1909) and 1912 Ottoman coup d'\u00e9tat (\"Saviours\") and the 1913 Ottoman coup d'\u00e9tat in the Empire up to World War I. The Ottoman entry into World War I in the Middle Eastern theatre ended with the partition of the Ottoman Empire under the terms of the Treaty of S\u00e8vres. This treaty, as designed in the conference of London, gave a nominal land and permitted the title Ottoman Caliphate (compared with Vatican; a sacerdotal-monarchical state ruled by the Catholic Pope), not to be a further threat but","Document [6](Title: Pax Ottomana) with the period after World War I, when only Asia Minor and Eastern Thrace remained under Turkish rule. The term is derived by analogy from the more common \"Pax Romana\", \"the Roman Peace\". Pax Ottomana In historiography, the Pax Ottomana (literally \"the Ottoman Peace\") or Pax Ottomanica is the economic and social stability attained in the conquered provinces of the Ottoman Empire, which, at the height of the Empire's power during the 16th and 17th centuries, applied to lands in the Balkans, Anatolia, the Middle East, North Africa and the Caucasus. The term is preferred in particular by historians and","Document [7](Title: Ottoman casualties of World War I) by Ottoman and Kurdish armies in 1914 and 1920. Sources have put the death tolls at nearly 750,000. After the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire, for reliability reasons, the data regarding the Muslim casualties had to be collected by region. The records regarding the Muslim civilians were sealed at the time of the Paris Peace Conference, and there is very little literature review on the Muslim millet, compared to Christian millet of the Empire (see: Armenian casualties). One plausible explanation that needs further study may be attributable to productivity patterns of the Muslim millet, which could have dropped beyond sustainable","Document [8](Title: Diplomatic history of World War I) wars, most recently in 1912. The economy was heavily traditional, but with a strong German influence in terms of modernization, especially building railways. In 1914 the Ottoman government in Constantinople took the initiative in supporting the Central Powers. see Ottoman\u2013German alliance Its Army already was under German guidance, especially by General Otto Liman von Sanders. The British expected the alliance with Germany and seized two dreadnoughts under construction that had been paid for by the Ottomans. Negotiations with the Allies went nowhere after the Turks demanded very large concessions. Instead, a secret alliance was made with Germany in early August,","Document [9](Title: Turkish War of Independence) Eastern theatre of World War I to a close. The treaty granted the Allies the right to occupy forts controlling the Straits of the Dardanelles and the Bosporus; and the right to occupy \"in case of disorder\" any territory in case of a threat to security. Somerset Arthur Gough-Calthorpe\u2014the British signatory of the Mudros Armistice\u2014stated the Triple Entente\u2032s public position that they had no intention to dismantle the government of the Ottoman Empire or place it under military occupation by \"occupying Constantinople\". However, dismantling the Ottoman government and partitioning the Ottoman Empire among the Allied nations had been an objective","Document [10](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) On 30 October 1918, the Armistice of Mudros was signed, ending Ottoman involvement in World War 1. The Ottoman public, however, was given misleadingly positive impressions of the severity of the terms of the Armistice. They thought its terms were considerably more lenient than they actually were, a source of discontent later that the Allies had betrayed the offered terms.","Document [11](Title: Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire) was based on the arrangements nominally made in the Treaty of Berlin (1878) and the Treaty of San Stefano. According to this arrangement the inspectors general, whose powers and duties constituted the key to the question, were to be named for a period of ten years, and their engagement was not to be revocable during that period. The History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I began with the Ottoman's attack on Russia's Black Sea coast on 29 October 1914. The attack prompted Russia and its allies, Britain and France, to declare war on the Ottoman Empire in November","Document [12](Title: Black Sea Raid) quickly retaliated with naval attacks in the Dardanelles, and the Russians declared war on 2 November, followed by the British and the French three days later. The Ottomans did not officially declare war until 11 November. The Ottomans desperately tried to secure an alliance with a great power before the outbreak of World War I in 1914, but almost all of their attempts ended in failure. Even when the Germanophile Ottoman War Minister Enver Pasha directly proposed an alliance on 22 July to the German ambassador in Istanbul, Hans Freiherr von Wangenheim, he was turned down. Kaiser Wilhelm II overruled","Document [13](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) bay without spreading to Ottomans in a violent. On 3 December the Ottoman foreign minister Ahmed Nesimi Bey informed the \"Chamber of Deputies\" about the prospects. Chamber discussed the possible outcomes and priorities. On 15 December Armistice between Russia and the Central Powers signed. On 18 December Armistice of Erzincan signed. The Bolsheviks\u2019 anti-imperialist formula of peace with no annexations and no indemnities was close to Ottoman position. The Bolsheviks' position brought a conflict with the Germany's aim to preserve control over the East European lands it occupied and with Bulgaria\u2019s claims on Dobruja and parts of Serbia. In December","Document [14](Title: Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire) cast covetous eyes on this new and largely Islamic state. The young state, however, collapsed within weeks of the outbreak of World War I. At the turn of 1913, the Ottoman Modern Army failed at counterinsurgencies in the periphery of the empire, Libya was lost to Italy, and Balkan war erupted in the fall of 1912. LU flexed its muscles with the forced dissolution of the parliament in 1912. The signs of humiliation of the Balkan wars worked to the advantage of the CUP The cumulative defeats of 1912 enabled the CUP to seize control of the government. The Liberal","Document [15](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) on 18 March 1915 was a set of secret assurances, which Great Britain promised to give the Capital and the Dardanelles to the Russians in the event of victory. The city of Constantinople was intended to be a free port. During 1915, British forces invalidated the Anglo-Ottoman Convention, declaring Kuwait to be an \"independent sheikdom under British protectorate.\" On 10 September 1915, Interior Minister Talat Pasha abolished the \"Capitulations\". On 10 September 1915 Grand Vizier Said Halim Pasha annulled (Vizer had the authority on annuls) the Capitulations, which ended the special privileges they granted to foreign nationals. The capitulation holders","Document [16](Title: Assyrian independence movement) Austro-Hungarian Empire and Bulgaria) and join them in dividing up the British, Russian and French empires in Asia. In 1914, knowing that it was heading into the war, the Ottoman government passed a law that required the conscription of all young males into the Ottoman army to support the war effort. The Ottoman Empire entered World War I in October 1914 by bombarding Russian ports on the Black Sea. In late 1914 and 1915, the Ottoman Empire under the Young Turk regime declared a holy war on the British, French and Russian Empires. Ottoman Turkish army and allied Kurdish, Turcoman,","Document [17](Title: Middle Eastern theatre of World War I) 18 January 1919, peace negotiations began with the Paris Peace Conference. The negotiations continued at the Conference of London, but the treaty took definite shape only after the premiers' meeting at the San Remo conference in April 1920. France, Italy, and Great Britain had been secretly planning the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire as early as 1915. The Ottoman Government representatives signed the Treaty of S\u00e8vres on 10 August 1920, but the treaty was not sent to the Ottoman Parliament for ratification, as the Parliament had been abolished on 18 March 1920 by the British. As a result, the treaty","Document [18](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire) the Ottoman Empire lost Libya, the Balkan League declared war against the Ottoman Empire. The Empire lost the Balkan Wars (1912\u201313). It lost its Balkan territories except East Thrace and the historic Ottoman capital city of Adrianople during the war. Some 400,000 Muslims, out of fear of Greek, Serbian or Bulgarian atrocities, left with the retreating Ottoman army. The Baghdad Railway under German control was a proposal to build rail lines into Iraq. The railway was not actually built at this time but its prospect worried the British until that issue was resolved in 1914. The railway did not play","Document [19](Title: Ottoman wars in Europe) by the signing of the Treaty of S\u00e8vres at the close of World War I. After striking a blow to the weakened Byzantine Empire in 1356 (or in 1358 - disputable due to a change in the Byzantine calendar), (see S\u00fcleyman Pasha) which provided it with Gallipoli as a basis for operations in Europe, the Ottoman Empire started its westward expansion into the European continent in the middle of the 14th century. Constantinople fell in 1453 after the Battle of Varna (1444) and the Second Battle of Kosovo (1448). The remaining Greek states fell in 1461 (Despotate of the Morea","Document [20](Title: Yalova Peninsula massacres) the atrocities. Michael Smith claims that Circassian irregulars also took part in the massacres. One of the results was that refugees were transported to Constantinople on ships. After World War I, the Ottoman Empire officially surrendered to the Entente Powers and it had to disband its army. At the peace conference the British and French tried to secure territory for the Kingdom of Greece in Smyrna and its surrounding regions. As a result, the Greek army, with the support of the Entente Powers, invaded Anatolia and occupied Smyrna. The Ottoman government and Turkish nationalists, which included people from all layers"],"query":"when did the ottoman empire surrender in ww1?","answers":["1918","30 October 1918"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Eastern Question) Eastern Question was put to rest after World War I, one of the outcomes of which was the collapse and division of the Ottoman holdings. The Eastern Question emerged as the power of the Ottoman Empire began to decline during the 18th century. The Ottomans were at the height of their power in 1683, when they lost the Battle of Vienna to the combined forces of the Polish\u2013Lithuanian Commonwealth and Austria, under the command of John III Sobieski. Peace was made much later, in 1699, with the Treaty of Karlowitz, which forced the Ottoman Empire to cede many of its","Document [2](Title: Ottoman wars in Asia) the main problem was the rebel in Yemen which was subdued. Ottoman Empire fought against the Allies in the First World War and was defeated. According to Armistice of Mudros Ottoman Empire accepted the loss of all territories in the Arabian Peninsula, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and most of Iraq. Although Turkey and North Iraq were still under Ottoman rule, soon Allies occupied the Mediterranean coast and North Iraq. They also offered Aegean coast (as well as Thrace) to Greece and eastern Anatolia to newly establiahed Armenia by the Treaty of S\u00e8vres. However the treaty became ineffective during the Turkish","Document [3](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) Enver informed the Quadruple Alliance that they would like to see the 1877 border (Russo-Turkish War (1877\u20131878)), pointing out that the only Ottomans lost territory and 1877 border was Ottoman territories inhabited by Muslims. Ottomans did not pushed 1877 position too hard, scared to fall back to bilateral agreements. On the other hand, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria clearly stood behind on the pulling back the Ottoman and Russian forces from Iran. Ottomans wanted Muslim Iran be under its own control. The ambassador to Berlin, Ibrahim Hakki Pasha, wrote: \"Although Russia may be in a weakened state today, it is always","Document [4](Title: Middle Eastern theatre of World War I) was never ratified by the Ottoman Empire. The Treaty of S\u00e8vres was annulled in the course of the Turkish War of Independence, and the parties signed and ratified the superseding Treaty of Lausanne in 1923. On 3 March 1924, the Ottoman Caliphate was abolished when Mustafa Kemal Ataturk deposed the last caliph, Abdul Mejid II. Allied military losses are placed between 1,000,000 and 1,500,000 including killed, wounded, captured or missing. This includes 303,000 British Empire and French casualties in Gallipoli, 601,000 British Empire casualties in Sinai-Palestine, at least 140,000 Russian casualties in the Caucasus, and 256,000 British Empire casualties in","Document [5](Title: Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire) caused by the Ottoman counter-coup of 1909, which preceded the 31 March Incident (Restoration, 1909) and 1912 Ottoman coup d'\u00e9tat (\"Saviours\") and the 1913 Ottoman coup d'\u00e9tat in the Empire up to World War I. The Ottoman entry into World War I in the Middle Eastern theatre ended with the partition of the Ottoman Empire under the terms of the Treaty of S\u00e8vres. This treaty, as designed in the conference of London, gave a nominal land and permitted the title Ottoman Caliphate (compared with Vatican; a sacerdotal-monarchical state ruled by the Catholic Pope), not to be a further threat but","Document [6](Title: Pax Ottomana) with the period after World War I, when only Asia Minor and Eastern Thrace remained under Turkish rule. The term is derived by analogy from the more common \"Pax Romana\", \"the Roman Peace\". Pax Ottomana In historiography, the Pax Ottomana (literally \"the Ottoman Peace\") or Pax Ottomanica is the economic and social stability attained in the conquered provinces of the Ottoman Empire, which, at the height of the Empire's power during the 16th and 17th centuries, applied to lands in the Balkans, Anatolia, the Middle East, North Africa and the Caucasus. The term is preferred in particular by historians and","Document [7](Title: Ottoman casualties of World War I) by Ottoman and Kurdish armies in 1914 and 1920. Sources have put the death tolls at nearly 750,000. After the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire, for reliability reasons, the data regarding the Muslim casualties had to be collected by region. The records regarding the Muslim civilians were sealed at the time of the Paris Peace Conference, and there is very little literature review on the Muslim millet, compared to Christian millet of the Empire (see: Armenian casualties). One plausible explanation that needs further study may be attributable to productivity patterns of the Muslim millet, which could have dropped beyond sustainable","Document [8](Title: Diplomatic history of World War I) wars, most recently in 1912. The economy was heavily traditional, but with a strong German influence in terms of modernization, especially building railways. In 1914 the Ottoman government in Constantinople took the initiative in supporting the Central Powers. see Ottoman\u2013German alliance Its Army already was under German guidance, especially by General Otto Liman von Sanders. The British expected the alliance with Germany and seized two dreadnoughts under construction that had been paid for by the Ottomans. Negotiations with the Allies went nowhere after the Turks demanded very large concessions. Instead, a secret alliance was made with Germany in early August,","Document [9](Title: Turkish War of Independence) Eastern theatre of World War I to a close. The treaty granted the Allies the right to occupy forts controlling the Straits of the Dardanelles and the Bosporus; and the right to occupy \"in case of disorder\" any territory in case of a threat to security. Somerset Arthur Gough-Calthorpe\u2014the British signatory of the Mudros Armistice\u2014stated the Triple Entente\u2032s public position that they had no intention to dismantle the government of the Ottoman Empire or place it under military occupation by \"occupying Constantinople\". However, dismantling the Ottoman government and partitioning the Ottoman Empire among the Allied nations had been an objective","Document [10](Title: Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire) was based on the arrangements nominally made in the Treaty of Berlin (1878) and the Treaty of San Stefano. According to this arrangement the inspectors general, whose powers and duties constituted the key to the question, were to be named for a period of ten years, and their engagement was not to be revocable during that period. The History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I began with the Ottoman's attack on Russia's Black Sea coast on 29 October 1914. The attack prompted Russia and its allies, Britain and France, to declare war on the Ottoman Empire in November","Document [11](Title: Black Sea Raid) quickly retaliated with naval attacks in the Dardanelles, and the Russians declared war on 2 November, followed by the British and the French three days later. The Ottomans did not officially declare war until 11 November. The Ottomans desperately tried to secure an alliance with a great power before the outbreak of World War I in 1914, but almost all of their attempts ended in failure. Even when the Germanophile Ottoman War Minister Enver Pasha directly proposed an alliance on 22 July to the German ambassador in Istanbul, Hans Freiherr von Wangenheim, he was turned down. Kaiser Wilhelm II overruled","Document [12](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) bay without spreading to Ottomans in a violent. On 3 December the Ottoman foreign minister Ahmed Nesimi Bey informed the \"Chamber of Deputies\" about the prospects. Chamber discussed the possible outcomes and priorities. On 15 December Armistice between Russia and the Central Powers signed. On 18 December Armistice of Erzincan signed. The Bolsheviks\u2019 anti-imperialist formula of peace with no annexations and no indemnities was close to Ottoman position. The Bolsheviks' position brought a conflict with the Germany's aim to preserve control over the East European lands it occupied and with Bulgaria\u2019s claims on Dobruja and parts of Serbia. In December","Document [13](Title: Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire) cast covetous eyes on this new and largely Islamic state. The young state, however, collapsed within weeks of the outbreak of World War I. At the turn of 1913, the Ottoman Modern Army failed at counterinsurgencies in the periphery of the empire, Libya was lost to Italy, and Balkan war erupted in the fall of 1912. LU flexed its muscles with the forced dissolution of the parliament in 1912. The signs of humiliation of the Balkan wars worked to the advantage of the CUP The cumulative defeats of 1912 enabled the CUP to seize control of the government. The Liberal","Document [14](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) on 18 March 1915 was a set of secret assurances, which Great Britain promised to give the Capital and the Dardanelles to the Russians in the event of victory. The city of Constantinople was intended to be a free port. During 1915, British forces invalidated the Anglo-Ottoman Convention, declaring Kuwait to be an \"independent sheikdom under British protectorate.\" On 10 September 1915, Interior Minister Talat Pasha abolished the \"Capitulations\". On 10 September 1915 Grand Vizier Said Halim Pasha annulled (Vizer had the authority on annuls) the Capitulations, which ended the special privileges they granted to foreign nationals. The capitulation holders","Document [15](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) On 30 October 1918, the Armistice of Mudros was signed, ending Ottoman involvement in World War 1. The Ottoman public, however, was given misleadingly positive impressions of the severity of the terms of the Armistice. They thought its terms were considerably more lenient than they actually were, a source of discontent later that the Allies had betrayed the offered terms.","Document [16](Title: Assyrian independence movement) Austro-Hungarian Empire and Bulgaria) and join them in dividing up the British, Russian and French empires in Asia. In 1914, knowing that it was heading into the war, the Ottoman government passed a law that required the conscription of all young males into the Ottoman army to support the war effort. The Ottoman Empire entered World War I in October 1914 by bombarding Russian ports on the Black Sea. In late 1914 and 1915, the Ottoman Empire under the Young Turk regime declared a holy war on the British, French and Russian Empires. Ottoman Turkish army and allied Kurdish, Turcoman,","Document [17](Title: Middle Eastern theatre of World War I) 18 January 1919, peace negotiations began with the Paris Peace Conference. The negotiations continued at the Conference of London, but the treaty took definite shape only after the premiers' meeting at the San Remo conference in April 1920. France, Italy, and Great Britain had been secretly planning the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire as early as 1915. The Ottoman Government representatives signed the Treaty of S\u00e8vres on 10 August 1920, but the treaty was not sent to the Ottoman Parliament for ratification, as the Parliament had been abolished on 18 March 1920 by the British. As a result, the treaty","Document [18](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire) the Ottoman Empire lost Libya, the Balkan League declared war against the Ottoman Empire. The Empire lost the Balkan Wars (1912\u201313). It lost its Balkan territories except East Thrace and the historic Ottoman capital city of Adrianople during the war. Some 400,000 Muslims, out of fear of Greek, Serbian or Bulgarian atrocities, left with the retreating Ottoman army. The Baghdad Railway under German control was a proposal to build rail lines into Iraq. The railway was not actually built at this time but its prospect worried the British until that issue was resolved in 1914. The railway did not play","Document [19](Title: Ottoman wars in Europe) by the signing of the Treaty of S\u00e8vres at the close of World War I. After striking a blow to the weakened Byzantine Empire in 1356 (or in 1358 - disputable due to a change in the Byzantine calendar), (see S\u00fcleyman Pasha) which provided it with Gallipoli as a basis for operations in Europe, the Ottoman Empire started its westward expansion into the European continent in the middle of the 14th century. Constantinople fell in 1453 after the Battle of Varna (1444) and the Second Battle of Kosovo (1448). The remaining Greek states fell in 1461 (Despotate of the Morea","Document [20](Title: Yalova Peninsula massacres) the atrocities. Michael Smith claims that Circassian irregulars also took part in the massacres. One of the results was that refugees were transported to Constantinople on ships. After World War I, the Ottoman Empire officially surrendered to the Entente Powers and it had to disband its army. At the peace conference the British and French tried to secure territory for the Kingdom of Greece in Smyrna and its surrounding regions. As a result, the Greek army, with the support of the Entente Powers, invaded Anatolia and occupied Smyrna. The Ottoman government and Turkish nationalists, which included people from all layers"],"query":"when did the ottoman empire surrender in ww1?","answers":["1918","30 October 1918"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Eastern Question) Eastern Question was put to rest after World War I, one of the outcomes of which was the collapse and division of the Ottoman holdings. The Eastern Question emerged as the power of the Ottoman Empire began to decline during the 18th century. The Ottomans were at the height of their power in 1683, when they lost the Battle of Vienna to the combined forces of the Polish\u2013Lithuanian Commonwealth and Austria, under the command of John III Sobieski. Peace was made much later, in 1699, with the Treaty of Karlowitz, which forced the Ottoman Empire to cede many of its","Document [2](Title: Ottoman wars in Asia) the main problem was the rebel in Yemen which was subdued. Ottoman Empire fought against the Allies in the First World War and was defeated. According to Armistice of Mudros Ottoman Empire accepted the loss of all territories in the Arabian Peninsula, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and most of Iraq. Although Turkey and North Iraq were still under Ottoman rule, soon Allies occupied the Mediterranean coast and North Iraq. They also offered Aegean coast (as well as Thrace) to Greece and eastern Anatolia to newly establiahed Armenia by the Treaty of S\u00e8vres. However the treaty became ineffective during the Turkish","Document [3](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) Enver informed the Quadruple Alliance that they would like to see the 1877 border (Russo-Turkish War (1877\u20131878)), pointing out that the only Ottomans lost territory and 1877 border was Ottoman territories inhabited by Muslims. Ottomans did not pushed 1877 position too hard, scared to fall back to bilateral agreements. On the other hand, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria clearly stood behind on the pulling back the Ottoman and Russian forces from Iran. Ottomans wanted Muslim Iran be under its own control. The ambassador to Berlin, Ibrahim Hakki Pasha, wrote: \"Although Russia may be in a weakened state today, it is always","Document [4](Title: Middle Eastern theatre of World War I) was never ratified by the Ottoman Empire. The Treaty of S\u00e8vres was annulled in the course of the Turkish War of Independence, and the parties signed and ratified the superseding Treaty of Lausanne in 1923. On 3 March 1924, the Ottoman Caliphate was abolished when Mustafa Kemal Ataturk deposed the last caliph, Abdul Mejid II. Allied military losses are placed between 1,000,000 and 1,500,000 including killed, wounded, captured or missing. This includes 303,000 British Empire and French casualties in Gallipoli, 601,000 British Empire casualties in Sinai-Palestine, at least 140,000 Russian casualties in the Caucasus, and 256,000 British Empire casualties in","Document [5](Title: Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire) caused by the Ottoman counter-coup of 1909, which preceded the 31 March Incident (Restoration, 1909) and 1912 Ottoman coup d'\u00e9tat (\"Saviours\") and the 1913 Ottoman coup d'\u00e9tat in the Empire up to World War I. The Ottoman entry into World War I in the Middle Eastern theatre ended with the partition of the Ottoman Empire under the terms of the Treaty of S\u00e8vres. This treaty, as designed in the conference of London, gave a nominal land and permitted the title Ottoman Caliphate (compared with Vatican; a sacerdotal-monarchical state ruled by the Catholic Pope), not to be a further threat but","Document [6](Title: Pax Ottomana) with the period after World War I, when only Asia Minor and Eastern Thrace remained under Turkish rule. The term is derived by analogy from the more common \"Pax Romana\", \"the Roman Peace\". Pax Ottomana In historiography, the Pax Ottomana (literally \"the Ottoman Peace\") or Pax Ottomanica is the economic and social stability attained in the conquered provinces of the Ottoman Empire, which, at the height of the Empire's power during the 16th and 17th centuries, applied to lands in the Balkans, Anatolia, the Middle East, North Africa and the Caucasus. The term is preferred in particular by historians and","Document [7](Title: Ottoman casualties of World War I) by Ottoman and Kurdish armies in 1914 and 1920. Sources have put the death tolls at nearly 750,000. After the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire, for reliability reasons, the data regarding the Muslim casualties had to be collected by region. The records regarding the Muslim civilians were sealed at the time of the Paris Peace Conference, and there is very little literature review on the Muslim millet, compared to Christian millet of the Empire (see: Armenian casualties). One plausible explanation that needs further study may be attributable to productivity patterns of the Muslim millet, which could have dropped beyond sustainable","Document [8](Title: Diplomatic history of World War I) wars, most recently in 1912. The economy was heavily traditional, but with a strong German influence in terms of modernization, especially building railways. In 1914 the Ottoman government in Constantinople took the initiative in supporting the Central Powers. see Ottoman\u2013German alliance Its Army already was under German guidance, especially by General Otto Liman von Sanders. The British expected the alliance with Germany and seized two dreadnoughts under construction that had been paid for by the Ottomans. Negotiations with the Allies went nowhere after the Turks demanded very large concessions. Instead, a secret alliance was made with Germany in early August,","Document [9](Title: Turkish War of Independence) Eastern theatre of World War I to a close. The treaty granted the Allies the right to occupy forts controlling the Straits of the Dardanelles and the Bosporus; and the right to occupy \"in case of disorder\" any territory in case of a threat to security. Somerset Arthur Gough-Calthorpe\u2014the British signatory of the Mudros Armistice\u2014stated the Triple Entente\u2032s public position that they had no intention to dismantle the government of the Ottoman Empire or place it under military occupation by \"occupying Constantinople\". However, dismantling the Ottoman government and partitioning the Ottoman Empire among the Allied nations had been an objective","Document [10](Title: Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire) was based on the arrangements nominally made in the Treaty of Berlin (1878) and the Treaty of San Stefano. According to this arrangement the inspectors general, whose powers and duties constituted the key to the question, were to be named for a period of ten years, and their engagement was not to be revocable during that period. The History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I began with the Ottoman's attack on Russia's Black Sea coast on 29 October 1914. The attack prompted Russia and its allies, Britain and France, to declare war on the Ottoman Empire in November","Document [11](Title: Black Sea Raid) quickly retaliated with naval attacks in the Dardanelles, and the Russians declared war on 2 November, followed by the British and the French three days later. The Ottomans did not officially declare war until 11 November. The Ottomans desperately tried to secure an alliance with a great power before the outbreak of World War I in 1914, but almost all of their attempts ended in failure. Even when the Germanophile Ottoman War Minister Enver Pasha directly proposed an alliance on 22 July to the German ambassador in Istanbul, Hans Freiherr von Wangenheim, he was turned down. Kaiser Wilhelm II overruled","Document [12](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) bay without spreading to Ottomans in a violent. On 3 December the Ottoman foreign minister Ahmed Nesimi Bey informed the \"Chamber of Deputies\" about the prospects. Chamber discussed the possible outcomes and priorities. On 15 December Armistice between Russia and the Central Powers signed. On 18 December Armistice of Erzincan signed. The Bolsheviks\u2019 anti-imperialist formula of peace with no annexations and no indemnities was close to Ottoman position. The Bolsheviks' position brought a conflict with the Germany's aim to preserve control over the East European lands it occupied and with Bulgaria\u2019s claims on Dobruja and parts of Serbia. In December","Document [13](Title: Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire) cast covetous eyes on this new and largely Islamic state. The young state, however, collapsed within weeks of the outbreak of World War I. At the turn of 1913, the Ottoman Modern Army failed at counterinsurgencies in the periphery of the empire, Libya was lost to Italy, and Balkan war erupted in the fall of 1912. LU flexed its muscles with the forced dissolution of the parliament in 1912. The signs of humiliation of the Balkan wars worked to the advantage of the CUP The cumulative defeats of 1912 enabled the CUP to seize control of the government. The Liberal","Document [14](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) on 18 March 1915 was a set of secret assurances, which Great Britain promised to give the Capital and the Dardanelles to the Russians in the event of victory. The city of Constantinople was intended to be a free port. During 1915, British forces invalidated the Anglo-Ottoman Convention, declaring Kuwait to be an \"independent sheikdom under British protectorate.\" On 10 September 1915, Interior Minister Talat Pasha abolished the \"Capitulations\". On 10 September 1915 Grand Vizier Said Halim Pasha annulled (Vizer had the authority on annuls) the Capitulations, which ended the special privileges they granted to foreign nationals. The capitulation holders","Document [15](Title: Assyrian independence movement) Austro-Hungarian Empire and Bulgaria) and join them in dividing up the British, Russian and French empires in Asia. In 1914, knowing that it was heading into the war, the Ottoman government passed a law that required the conscription of all young males into the Ottoman army to support the war effort. The Ottoman Empire entered World War I in October 1914 by bombarding Russian ports on the Black Sea. In late 1914 and 1915, the Ottoman Empire under the Young Turk regime declared a holy war on the British, French and Russian Empires. Ottoman Turkish army and allied Kurdish, Turcoman,","Document [16](Title: Middle Eastern theatre of World War I) 18 January 1919, peace negotiations began with the Paris Peace Conference. The negotiations continued at the Conference of London, but the treaty took definite shape only after the premiers' meeting at the San Remo conference in April 1920. France, Italy, and Great Britain had been secretly planning the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire as early as 1915. The Ottoman Government representatives signed the Treaty of S\u00e8vres on 10 August 1920, but the treaty was not sent to the Ottoman Parliament for ratification, as the Parliament had been abolished on 18 March 1920 by the British. As a result, the treaty","Document [17](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire) the Ottoman Empire lost Libya, the Balkan League declared war against the Ottoman Empire. The Empire lost the Balkan Wars (1912\u201313). It lost its Balkan territories except East Thrace and the historic Ottoman capital city of Adrianople during the war. Some 400,000 Muslims, out of fear of Greek, Serbian or Bulgarian atrocities, left with the retreating Ottoman army. The Baghdad Railway under German control was a proposal to build rail lines into Iraq. The railway was not actually built at this time but its prospect worried the British until that issue was resolved in 1914. The railway did not play","Document [18](Title: Ottoman wars in Europe) by the signing of the Treaty of S\u00e8vres at the close of World War I. After striking a blow to the weakened Byzantine Empire in 1356 (or in 1358 - disputable due to a change in the Byzantine calendar), (see S\u00fcleyman Pasha) which provided it with Gallipoli as a basis for operations in Europe, the Ottoman Empire started its westward expansion into the European continent in the middle of the 14th century. Constantinople fell in 1453 after the Battle of Varna (1444) and the Second Battle of Kosovo (1448). The remaining Greek states fell in 1461 (Despotate of the Morea","Document [19](Title: Yalova Peninsula massacres) the atrocities. Michael Smith claims that Circassian irregulars also took part in the massacres. One of the results was that refugees were transported to Constantinople on ships. After World War I, the Ottoman Empire officially surrendered to the Entente Powers and it had to disband its army. At the peace conference the British and French tried to secure territory for the Kingdom of Greece in Smyrna and its surrounding regions. As a result, the Greek army, with the support of the Entente Powers, invaded Anatolia and occupied Smyrna. The Ottoman government and Turkish nationalists, which included people from all layers","Document [20](Title: History of the Ottoman Empire during World War I) On 30 October 1918, the Armistice of Mudros was signed, ending Ottoman involvement in World War 1. The Ottoman public, however, was given misleadingly positive impressions of the severity of the terms of the Armistice. They thought its terms were considerably more lenient than they actually were, a source of discontent later that the Allies had betrayed the offered terms."],"query":"when did the ottoman empire surrender in ww1?","answers":["1918","30 October 1918"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Electron transport chain) The electron transport chain consists of a spatially separated series of redox reactions in which electrons are transferred from a donor molecule to an acceptor molecule. The underlying force driving these reactions is the Gibbs free energy of the reactants and products. The Gibbs free energy is the energy available (\"free\") to do work. Any reaction that decreases the overall Gibbs free energy of a system is thermodynamically spontaneous.","Document [2](Title: Reactive oxygen species) chain. In the electron transport chain, electrons are passed through a series of proteins via oxidation-reduction reactions, with each acceptor protein along the chain having a greater reduction potential than the previous. The last destination for an electron along this chain is an oxygen molecule. In normal conditions, the oxygen is reduced to produce water; however, in about 0.1\u20132% of electrons passing through the chain (this number derives from studies in isolated mitochondria, though the exact rate in live organisms is yet to be fully agreed upon), oxygen is instead prematurely and incompletely reduced to give the superoxide radical (),","Document [3](Title: Electron transport chain) aerobic respiration is molecular oxygen although a variety of acceptors other than oxygen such as sulfate exist in anaerobic respiration. Electron transport chains are used for extracting energy via redox reactions from sunlight in photosynthesis or, such as in the case of the oxidation of sugars, cellular respiration. In eukaryotes, an important electron transport chain is found in the inner mitochondrial membrane where it serves as the site of oxidative phosphorylation through the action of ATP synthase. It is also found in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast in photosynthetic eukaryotes. In bacteria, the electron transport chain is located in","Document [4](Title: Electron transport chain) to the acceptor through another electron transport chain. Photosynthetic electron transport chains have many similarities to the oxidative chains discussed above. They use mobile, lipid-soluble carriers (quinones) and mobile, water-soluble carriers (cytochromes, etc.). They also contain a proton pump. It is remarkable that the proton pump in \"all\" photosynthetic chains resembles mitochondrial \"Complex III\". Photosynthetic electron transport chains are discussed in greater detail in the articles Photophosphorylation, Photosynthesis, Photosynthetic reaction center and Light-dependent reaction. Electron transport chains are redox reactions that transfer electrons from an electron donor to an electron acceptor. The transfer of electrons is coupled to the translocation","Document [5](Title: Electron transport chain) can synthesize different transmembrane complexes and produce different electron transport chains in their cell membranes. Bacteria select their electron transport chains from a DNA library containing multiple possible dehydrogenases, terminal oxidases and terminal reductases. The situation is often summarized by saying that electron transport chains in bacteria are \"branched\", \"modular\", and \"inducible\". In oxidative phosphorylation, electrons are transferred from a low-energy electron donor (e.g., NADH) to an acceptor (e.g., O) through an electron transport chain. In photophosphorylation, the energy of sunlight is used to \"create\" a high-energy electron donor and an electron acceptor. Electrons are then transferred from the donor","Document [6](Title: Electron transport chain) pass electrons to a more electronegative acceptor, which in turn donates these electrons to another acceptor, a process that continues down the series until electrons are passed to oxygen, the most electronegative and terminal electron acceptor in the chain. Passage of electrons between donor and acceptor releases energy, which is used to generate a proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane by actively \"pumping\" protons into the intermembrane space, producing a thermodynamic state that has the potential to do work. This entire process is called oxidative phosphorylation, since ADP is phosphorylated to ATP using the energy of hydrogen oxidation in many","Document [7](Title: Oxidative phosphorylation) serve solely to transport electrons through proteins. Electrons move quite long distances through proteins by hopping along chains of these cofactors. This occurs by quantum tunnelling, which is rapid over distances of less than 1.4 m. Many catabolic biochemical processes, such as glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and beta oxidation, produce the reduced coenzyme NADH. This coenzyme contains electrons that have a high transfer potential; in other words, they will release a large amount of energy upon oxidation. However, the cell does not release this energy all at once, as this would be an uncontrollable reaction. Instead, the electrons are","Document [8](Title: Chlorophyll a) electron transport chain. These two systems are different in their redox potentials for one-electron oxidation. The E for P700 is approximately 500mV, while the E for P680 is approximately 1,100-1,200 mV. Chlorophyll \"a\" is very important in the energy phase of photosynthesis. Two electrons need to be passed to an electron acceptor for the process of photosynthesis to proceed. Within the reaction centers of both photosystems there are a pair of chlorophyll \"a\" molecules that pass electrons on to the transport chain through redox reactions. Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll \"a\" is a specific form of chlorophyll used in oxygenic photosynthesis. It","Document [9](Title: Anoxygenic photosynthesis) transport chain, proteins such as halorhodopsin capture light energy with the aid of diterpenes to move ions against the gradient and produce ATP via chemiosmosis in the manner of mitochondria. There are two main types of anaerobic photosynthetic electron transport chains in bacteria. The type I reaction centers found in GSB, Chloracidobacterium, and Heliobacteria and the type II reaction centers found in FAPs and Purple Bacteria Type I Reaction Centers The electron transport chain of green sulfur bacteria \u2014 such as is present in model organism \"Chlorobaculum tepidum\" \u2014 uses the reaction centre bacteriochlorophyll pair, P840. When light is absorbed","Document [10](Title: Oxidative phosphorylation) removed from NADH and passed to oxygen through a series of enzymes that each release a small amount of the energy. This set of enzymes, consisting of complexes I through IV, is called the electron transport chain and is found in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. Succinate is also oxidized by the electron transport chain, but feeds into the pathway at a different point. In eukaryotes, the enzymes in this electron transport system use the energy released from the oxidation of NADH to pump protons across the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. This causes protons to build up in","Document [11](Title: Oxidative phosphorylation) passing electrons from donors to acceptors, and transporting protons across a membrane. These processes use both soluble and protein-bound transfer molecules. In mitochondria, electrons are transferred within the intermembrane space by the water-soluble electron transfer protein cytochrome c. This carries only electrons, and these are transferred by the reduction and oxidation of an iron atom that the protein holds within a heme group in its structure. Cytochrome c is also found in some bacteria, where it is located within the periplasmic space. Within the inner mitochondrial membrane, the lipid-soluble electron carrier coenzyme Q10 (Q) carries both electrons and protons by","Document [12](Title: Electron transport chain) steps. A small percentage of electrons do not complete the whole series and instead directly leak to oxygen, resulting in the formation of the free-radical superoxide, a highly reactive molecule that contributes to oxidative stress and has been implicated in a number of diseases and aging. Energy obtained through the transfer of electrons down the ETC is used to pump protons from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space, creating an electrochemical proton gradient (\u0394pH) across the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM). This proton gradient is largely but not exclusively responsible for the mitochondrial membrane potential (\u0394\u03a8). It allows ATP synthase","Document [13](Title: Electron transport chain) ions to reduce molecular oxygen to water. Four membrane-bound complexes have been identified in mitochondria. Each is an extremely complex transmembrane structure that is embedded in the inner membrane. Three of them are proton pumps. The structures are electrically connected by lipid-soluble electron carriers and water-soluble electron carriers. The overall electron transport chain: In \"Complex I\" (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, NADH-CoQ reductase, or NADH dehydrogenase; ), two electrons are removed from NADH and ultimately transferred to a lipid-soluble carrier, ubiquinone (UQ). The reduced product, ubiquinol (UQH), freely diffuses within the membrane, and Complex I translocates four protons (H) across the membrane, thus","Document [14](Title: Adenosine diphosphate) electrons from NADH or FADH2 to O2 through electron carriers. The energy released when electrons are passed from higher-energy NADH or FADH2 to the lower-energy O2 is required to phosphorylate ADP and once again generate ATP. It is this energy coupling and phosphorylation of ADP to ATP that gives the electron transport chain the name oxidative phosphorylation. During the initial phases of glycolysis and the TCA cycle, cofactors such as NAD+ donate and accept electrons that aid in the electron transport chain's ability to produce a proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. The ATP synthase complex exists within the","Document [15](Title: Mitochondrion) of FADH) that are a source of electrons for the \"electron transport chain\", and a molecule of GTP (that is readily converted to an ATP). The redox energy from NADH and FADH is transferred to oxygen (O) in several steps via the electron transport chain. These energy-rich molecules are produced within the matrix via the citric acid cycle but are also produced in the cytoplasm by glycolysis. Reducing equivalents from the cytoplasm can be imported via the malate-aspartate shuttle system of antiporter proteins or feed into the electron transport chain using a glycerol phosphate shuttle. Protein complexes in the inner","Document [16](Title: Electron transport chain) and inorganic. If oxygen is available, it is invariably used as the terminal electron acceptor, because it generates the greatest Gibbs free energy change and produces the most energy. In anaerobic environments, different electron acceptors are used, including nitrate, nitrite, ferric iron, sulfate, carbon dioxide, and small organic molecules such as fumarate. Since electron transport chains are redox processes, they can be described as the sum of two redox pairs. For example, the mitochondrial electron transport chain can be described as the sum of the NAD\/NADH redox pair and the O\/HO redox pair. NADH is the electron donor and O","Document [17](Title: Crista) molecules of water (HO). By accepting the electrons, oxygen allows the electron transport chain to continue functioning. The electrons from each NADH molecule can form a total of 3 ATP's from ADPs and phosphate groups through the electron transport chain, while each FADH molecule can produce a total of 2 ATPs. As a result, 10 NADH molecules (from glycolysis and the Krebs cycle), along with 2 FADH molecules, can form a total of 34 ATPs during aerobic respiration (from a single electron transport chain). This means that combined with the Krebs Cycle and glycolysis, the efficiency for the electron transport","Document [18](Title: Photosynthetic reaction centre) pigment molecules, or passed to them by resonance transfer from a surrounding light-harvesting complex, they release two electrons into an electron transport chain. Light is made up of small bundles of energy called photons. If a photon with the right amount of energy hits an electron, it will raise the electron to a higher energy level. Electrons are most stable at their lowest energy level, what is also called its ground state. In this state, the electron is in the orbit that has the least amount of energy. Electrons in higher energy levels can return to ground state in a","Document [19](Title: Electron transport chain) proton gradient). ATP synthase is also readily reversible. Thus ATP can be used to build a proton gradient, which in turn can be used to make NADH. This process of \"reverse electron transport\" is important in many prokaryotic electron transport chains. In eukaryotes, NADH is the most important electron donor. The associated electron transport chain is NADH \u2192 \"Complex I\" \u2192 Q \u2192 \"Complex III\" \u2192 cytochrome \"c\" \u2192 \"Complex IV\" \u2192 O where \"Complexes I, III\" and\" IV\" are proton pumps, while Q and cytochrome \"c\" are mobile electron carriers. The electron acceptor is molecular oxygen. In prokaryotes (bacteria","Document [20](Title: Chlorophyll) electron to a series of molecular intermediates called an electron transport chain. The charged reaction center of chlorophyll (P680) is then reduced back to its ground state by accepting an electron stripped from water. The electron that reduces P680 ultimately comes from the oxidation of water into O and H through several intermediates. This reaction is how photosynthetic organisms such as plants produce O gas, and is the source for practically all the O in Earth's atmosphere. Photosystem I typically works in series with Photosystem II; thus the P700 of Photosystem I is usually reduced as it accepts the electron,"],"query":"where does the electron transport chain get its electrons from?","answers":["electron donors","donor molecule"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Reactive oxygen species) chain. In the electron transport chain, electrons are passed through a series of proteins via oxidation-reduction reactions, with each acceptor protein along the chain having a greater reduction potential than the previous. The last destination for an electron along this chain is an oxygen molecule. In normal conditions, the oxygen is reduced to produce water; however, in about 0.1\u20132% of electrons passing through the chain (this number derives from studies in isolated mitochondria, though the exact rate in live organisms is yet to be fully agreed upon), oxygen is instead prematurely and incompletely reduced to give the superoxide radical (),","Document [2](Title: Electron transport chain) aerobic respiration is molecular oxygen although a variety of acceptors other than oxygen such as sulfate exist in anaerobic respiration. Electron transport chains are used for extracting energy via redox reactions from sunlight in photosynthesis or, such as in the case of the oxidation of sugars, cellular respiration. In eukaryotes, an important electron transport chain is found in the inner mitochondrial membrane where it serves as the site of oxidative phosphorylation through the action of ATP synthase. It is also found in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast in photosynthetic eukaryotes. In bacteria, the electron transport chain is located in","Document [3](Title: Electron transport chain) to the acceptor through another electron transport chain. Photosynthetic electron transport chains have many similarities to the oxidative chains discussed above. They use mobile, lipid-soluble carriers (quinones) and mobile, water-soluble carriers (cytochromes, etc.). They also contain a proton pump. It is remarkable that the proton pump in \"all\" photosynthetic chains resembles mitochondrial \"Complex III\". Photosynthetic electron transport chains are discussed in greater detail in the articles Photophosphorylation, Photosynthesis, Photosynthetic reaction center and Light-dependent reaction. Electron transport chains are redox reactions that transfer electrons from an electron donor to an electron acceptor. The transfer of electrons is coupled to the translocation","Document [4](Title: Electron transport chain) can synthesize different transmembrane complexes and produce different electron transport chains in their cell membranes. Bacteria select their electron transport chains from a DNA library containing multiple possible dehydrogenases, terminal oxidases and terminal reductases. The situation is often summarized by saying that electron transport chains in bacteria are \"branched\", \"modular\", and \"inducible\". In oxidative phosphorylation, electrons are transferred from a low-energy electron donor (e.g., NADH) to an acceptor (e.g., O) through an electron transport chain. In photophosphorylation, the energy of sunlight is used to \"create\" a high-energy electron donor and an electron acceptor. Electrons are then transferred from the donor","Document [5](Title: Electron transport chain) The electron transport chain consists of a spatially separated series of redox reactions in which electrons are transferred from a donor molecule to an acceptor molecule. The underlying force driving these reactions is the Gibbs free energy of the reactants and products. The Gibbs free energy is the energy available (\"free\") to do work. Any reaction that decreases the overall Gibbs free energy of a system is thermodynamically spontaneous.","Document [6](Title: Electron transport chain) pass electrons to a more electronegative acceptor, which in turn donates these electrons to another acceptor, a process that continues down the series until electrons are passed to oxygen, the most electronegative and terminal electron acceptor in the chain. Passage of electrons between donor and acceptor releases energy, which is used to generate a proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane by actively \"pumping\" protons into the intermembrane space, producing a thermodynamic state that has the potential to do work. This entire process is called oxidative phosphorylation, since ADP is phosphorylated to ATP using the energy of hydrogen oxidation in many","Document [7](Title: Oxidative phosphorylation) serve solely to transport electrons through proteins. Electrons move quite long distances through proteins by hopping along chains of these cofactors. This occurs by quantum tunnelling, which is rapid over distances of less than 1.4 m. Many catabolic biochemical processes, such as glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and beta oxidation, produce the reduced coenzyme NADH. This coenzyme contains electrons that have a high transfer potential; in other words, they will release a large amount of energy upon oxidation. However, the cell does not release this energy all at once, as this would be an uncontrollable reaction. Instead, the electrons are","Document [8](Title: Chlorophyll a) electron transport chain. These two systems are different in their redox potentials for one-electron oxidation. The E for P700 is approximately 500mV, while the E for P680 is approximately 1,100-1,200 mV. Chlorophyll \"a\" is very important in the energy phase of photosynthesis. Two electrons need to be passed to an electron acceptor for the process of photosynthesis to proceed. Within the reaction centers of both photosystems there are a pair of chlorophyll \"a\" molecules that pass electrons on to the transport chain through redox reactions. Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll \"a\" is a specific form of chlorophyll used in oxygenic photosynthesis. It","Document [9](Title: Anoxygenic photosynthesis) transport chain, proteins such as halorhodopsin capture light energy with the aid of diterpenes to move ions against the gradient and produce ATP via chemiosmosis in the manner of mitochondria. There are two main types of anaerobic photosynthetic electron transport chains in bacteria. The type I reaction centers found in GSB, Chloracidobacterium, and Heliobacteria and the type II reaction centers found in FAPs and Purple Bacteria Type I Reaction Centers The electron transport chain of green sulfur bacteria \u2014 such as is present in model organism \"Chlorobaculum tepidum\" \u2014 uses the reaction centre bacteriochlorophyll pair, P840. When light is absorbed","Document [10](Title: Oxidative phosphorylation) removed from NADH and passed to oxygen through a series of enzymes that each release a small amount of the energy. This set of enzymes, consisting of complexes I through IV, is called the electron transport chain and is found in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. Succinate is also oxidized by the electron transport chain, but feeds into the pathway at a different point. In eukaryotes, the enzymes in this electron transport system use the energy released from the oxidation of NADH to pump protons across the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. This causes protons to build up in","Document [11](Title: Oxidative phosphorylation) passing electrons from donors to acceptors, and transporting protons across a membrane. These processes use both soluble and protein-bound transfer molecules. In mitochondria, electrons are transferred within the intermembrane space by the water-soluble electron transfer protein cytochrome c. This carries only electrons, and these are transferred by the reduction and oxidation of an iron atom that the protein holds within a heme group in its structure. Cytochrome c is also found in some bacteria, where it is located within the periplasmic space. Within the inner mitochondrial membrane, the lipid-soluble electron carrier coenzyme Q10 (Q) carries both electrons and protons by","Document [12](Title: Electron transport chain) steps. A small percentage of electrons do not complete the whole series and instead directly leak to oxygen, resulting in the formation of the free-radical superoxide, a highly reactive molecule that contributes to oxidative stress and has been implicated in a number of diseases and aging. Energy obtained through the transfer of electrons down the ETC is used to pump protons from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space, creating an electrochemical proton gradient (\u0394pH) across the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM). This proton gradient is largely but not exclusively responsible for the mitochondrial membrane potential (\u0394\u03a8). It allows ATP synthase","Document [13](Title: Electron transport chain) ions to reduce molecular oxygen to water. Four membrane-bound complexes have been identified in mitochondria. Each is an extremely complex transmembrane structure that is embedded in the inner membrane. Three of them are proton pumps. The structures are electrically connected by lipid-soluble electron carriers and water-soluble electron carriers. The overall electron transport chain: In \"Complex I\" (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, NADH-CoQ reductase, or NADH dehydrogenase; ), two electrons are removed from NADH and ultimately transferred to a lipid-soluble carrier, ubiquinone (UQ). The reduced product, ubiquinol (UQH), freely diffuses within the membrane, and Complex I translocates four protons (H) across the membrane, thus","Document [14](Title: Adenosine diphosphate) electrons from NADH or FADH2 to O2 through electron carriers. The energy released when electrons are passed from higher-energy NADH or FADH2 to the lower-energy O2 is required to phosphorylate ADP and once again generate ATP. It is this energy coupling and phosphorylation of ADP to ATP that gives the electron transport chain the name oxidative phosphorylation. During the initial phases of glycolysis and the TCA cycle, cofactors such as NAD+ donate and accept electrons that aid in the electron transport chain's ability to produce a proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. The ATP synthase complex exists within the","Document [15](Title: Mitochondrion) of FADH) that are a source of electrons for the \"electron transport chain\", and a molecule of GTP (that is readily converted to an ATP). The redox energy from NADH and FADH is transferred to oxygen (O) in several steps via the electron transport chain. These energy-rich molecules are produced within the matrix via the citric acid cycle but are also produced in the cytoplasm by glycolysis. Reducing equivalents from the cytoplasm can be imported via the malate-aspartate shuttle system of antiporter proteins or feed into the electron transport chain using a glycerol phosphate shuttle. Protein complexes in the inner","Document [16](Title: Electron transport chain) and inorganic. If oxygen is available, it is invariably used as the terminal electron acceptor, because it generates the greatest Gibbs free energy change and produces the most energy. In anaerobic environments, different electron acceptors are used, including nitrate, nitrite, ferric iron, sulfate, carbon dioxide, and small organic molecules such as fumarate. Since electron transport chains are redox processes, they can be described as the sum of two redox pairs. For example, the mitochondrial electron transport chain can be described as the sum of the NAD\/NADH redox pair and the O\/HO redox pair. NADH is the electron donor and O","Document [17](Title: Crista) molecules of water (HO). By accepting the electrons, oxygen allows the electron transport chain to continue functioning. The electrons from each NADH molecule can form a total of 3 ATP's from ADPs and phosphate groups through the electron transport chain, while each FADH molecule can produce a total of 2 ATPs. As a result, 10 NADH molecules (from glycolysis and the Krebs cycle), along with 2 FADH molecules, can form a total of 34 ATPs during aerobic respiration (from a single electron transport chain). This means that combined with the Krebs Cycle and glycolysis, the efficiency for the electron transport","Document [18](Title: Photosynthetic reaction centre) pigment molecules, or passed to them by resonance transfer from a surrounding light-harvesting complex, they release two electrons into an electron transport chain. Light is made up of small bundles of energy called photons. If a photon with the right amount of energy hits an electron, it will raise the electron to a higher energy level. Electrons are most stable at their lowest energy level, what is also called its ground state. In this state, the electron is in the orbit that has the least amount of energy. Electrons in higher energy levels can return to ground state in a","Document [19](Title: Electron transport chain) proton gradient). ATP synthase is also readily reversible. Thus ATP can be used to build a proton gradient, which in turn can be used to make NADH. This process of \"reverse electron transport\" is important in many prokaryotic electron transport chains. In eukaryotes, NADH is the most important electron donor. The associated electron transport chain is NADH \u2192 \"Complex I\" \u2192 Q \u2192 \"Complex III\" \u2192 cytochrome \"c\" \u2192 \"Complex IV\" \u2192 O where \"Complexes I, III\" and\" IV\" are proton pumps, while Q and cytochrome \"c\" are mobile electron carriers. The electron acceptor is molecular oxygen. In prokaryotes (bacteria","Document [20](Title: Chlorophyll) electron to a series of molecular intermediates called an electron transport chain. The charged reaction center of chlorophyll (P680) is then reduced back to its ground state by accepting an electron stripped from water. The electron that reduces P680 ultimately comes from the oxidation of water into O and H through several intermediates. This reaction is how photosynthetic organisms such as plants produce O gas, and is the source for practically all the O in Earth's atmosphere. Photosystem I typically works in series with Photosystem II; thus the P700 of Photosystem I is usually reduced as it accepts the electron,"],"query":"where does the electron transport chain get its electrons from?","answers":["electron donors","donor molecule"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Reactive oxygen species) chain. In the electron transport chain, electrons are passed through a series of proteins via oxidation-reduction reactions, with each acceptor protein along the chain having a greater reduction potential than the previous. The last destination for an electron along this chain is an oxygen molecule. In normal conditions, the oxygen is reduced to produce water; however, in about 0.1\u20132% of electrons passing through the chain (this number derives from studies in isolated mitochondria, though the exact rate in live organisms is yet to be fully agreed upon), oxygen is instead prematurely and incompletely reduced to give the superoxide radical (),","Document [2](Title: Electron transport chain) aerobic respiration is molecular oxygen although a variety of acceptors other than oxygen such as sulfate exist in anaerobic respiration. Electron transport chains are used for extracting energy via redox reactions from sunlight in photosynthesis or, such as in the case of the oxidation of sugars, cellular respiration. In eukaryotes, an important electron transport chain is found in the inner mitochondrial membrane where it serves as the site of oxidative phosphorylation through the action of ATP synthase. It is also found in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast in photosynthetic eukaryotes. In bacteria, the electron transport chain is located in","Document [3](Title: Electron transport chain) to the acceptor through another electron transport chain. Photosynthetic electron transport chains have many similarities to the oxidative chains discussed above. They use mobile, lipid-soluble carriers (quinones) and mobile, water-soluble carriers (cytochromes, etc.). They also contain a proton pump. It is remarkable that the proton pump in \"all\" photosynthetic chains resembles mitochondrial \"Complex III\". Photosynthetic electron transport chains are discussed in greater detail in the articles Photophosphorylation, Photosynthesis, Photosynthetic reaction center and Light-dependent reaction. Electron transport chains are redox reactions that transfer electrons from an electron donor to an electron acceptor. The transfer of electrons is coupled to the translocation","Document [4](Title: Electron transport chain) can synthesize different transmembrane complexes and produce different electron transport chains in their cell membranes. Bacteria select their electron transport chains from a DNA library containing multiple possible dehydrogenases, terminal oxidases and terminal reductases. The situation is often summarized by saying that electron transport chains in bacteria are \"branched\", \"modular\", and \"inducible\". In oxidative phosphorylation, electrons are transferred from a low-energy electron donor (e.g., NADH) to an acceptor (e.g., O) through an electron transport chain. In photophosphorylation, the energy of sunlight is used to \"create\" a high-energy electron donor and an electron acceptor. Electrons are then transferred from the donor","Document [5](Title: Electron transport chain) pass electrons to a more electronegative acceptor, which in turn donates these electrons to another acceptor, a process that continues down the series until electrons are passed to oxygen, the most electronegative and terminal electron acceptor in the chain. Passage of electrons between donor and acceptor releases energy, which is used to generate a proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane by actively \"pumping\" protons into the intermembrane space, producing a thermodynamic state that has the potential to do work. This entire process is called oxidative phosphorylation, since ADP is phosphorylated to ATP using the energy of hydrogen oxidation in many","Document [6](Title: Oxidative phosphorylation) serve solely to transport electrons through proteins. Electrons move quite long distances through proteins by hopping along chains of these cofactors. This occurs by quantum tunnelling, which is rapid over distances of less than 1.4 m. Many catabolic biochemical processes, such as glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and beta oxidation, produce the reduced coenzyme NADH. This coenzyme contains electrons that have a high transfer potential; in other words, they will release a large amount of energy upon oxidation. However, the cell does not release this energy all at once, as this would be an uncontrollable reaction. Instead, the electrons are","Document [7](Title: Chlorophyll a) electron transport chain. These two systems are different in their redox potentials for one-electron oxidation. The E for P700 is approximately 500mV, while the E for P680 is approximately 1,100-1,200 mV. Chlorophyll \"a\" is very important in the energy phase of photosynthesis. Two electrons need to be passed to an electron acceptor for the process of photosynthesis to proceed. Within the reaction centers of both photosystems there are a pair of chlorophyll \"a\" molecules that pass electrons on to the transport chain through redox reactions. Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll \"a\" is a specific form of chlorophyll used in oxygenic photosynthesis. It","Document [8](Title: Anoxygenic photosynthesis) transport chain, proteins such as halorhodopsin capture light energy with the aid of diterpenes to move ions against the gradient and produce ATP via chemiosmosis in the manner of mitochondria. There are two main types of anaerobic photosynthetic electron transport chains in bacteria. The type I reaction centers found in GSB, Chloracidobacterium, and Heliobacteria and the type II reaction centers found in FAPs and Purple Bacteria Type I Reaction Centers The electron transport chain of green sulfur bacteria \u2014 such as is present in model organism \"Chlorobaculum tepidum\" \u2014 uses the reaction centre bacteriochlorophyll pair, P840. When light is absorbed","Document [9](Title: Oxidative phosphorylation) removed from NADH and passed to oxygen through a series of enzymes that each release a small amount of the energy. This set of enzymes, consisting of complexes I through IV, is called the electron transport chain and is found in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. Succinate is also oxidized by the electron transport chain, but feeds into the pathway at a different point. In eukaryotes, the enzymes in this electron transport system use the energy released from the oxidation of NADH to pump protons across the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. This causes protons to build up in","Document [10](Title: Electron transport chain) The electron transport chain consists of a spatially separated series of redox reactions in which electrons are transferred from a donor molecule to an acceptor molecule. The underlying force driving these reactions is the Gibbs free energy of the reactants and products. The Gibbs free energy is the energy available (\"free\") to do work. Any reaction that decreases the overall Gibbs free energy of a system is thermodynamically spontaneous.","Document [11](Title: Oxidative phosphorylation) passing electrons from donors to acceptors, and transporting protons across a membrane. These processes use both soluble and protein-bound transfer molecules. In mitochondria, electrons are transferred within the intermembrane space by the water-soluble electron transfer protein cytochrome c. This carries only electrons, and these are transferred by the reduction and oxidation of an iron atom that the protein holds within a heme group in its structure. Cytochrome c is also found in some bacteria, where it is located within the periplasmic space. Within the inner mitochondrial membrane, the lipid-soluble electron carrier coenzyme Q10 (Q) carries both electrons and protons by","Document [12](Title: Electron transport chain) steps. A small percentage of electrons do not complete the whole series and instead directly leak to oxygen, resulting in the formation of the free-radical superoxide, a highly reactive molecule that contributes to oxidative stress and has been implicated in a number of diseases and aging. Energy obtained through the transfer of electrons down the ETC is used to pump protons from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space, creating an electrochemical proton gradient (\u0394pH) across the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM). This proton gradient is largely but not exclusively responsible for the mitochondrial membrane potential (\u0394\u03a8). It allows ATP synthase","Document [13](Title: Electron transport chain) ions to reduce molecular oxygen to water. Four membrane-bound complexes have been identified in mitochondria. Each is an extremely complex transmembrane structure that is embedded in the inner membrane. Three of them are proton pumps. The structures are electrically connected by lipid-soluble electron carriers and water-soluble electron carriers. The overall electron transport chain: In \"Complex I\" (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, NADH-CoQ reductase, or NADH dehydrogenase; ), two electrons are removed from NADH and ultimately transferred to a lipid-soluble carrier, ubiquinone (UQ). The reduced product, ubiquinol (UQH), freely diffuses within the membrane, and Complex I translocates four protons (H) across the membrane, thus","Document [14](Title: Adenosine diphosphate) electrons from NADH or FADH2 to O2 through electron carriers. The energy released when electrons are passed from higher-energy NADH or FADH2 to the lower-energy O2 is required to phosphorylate ADP and once again generate ATP. It is this energy coupling and phosphorylation of ADP to ATP that gives the electron transport chain the name oxidative phosphorylation. During the initial phases of glycolysis and the TCA cycle, cofactors such as NAD+ donate and accept electrons that aid in the electron transport chain's ability to produce a proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. The ATP synthase complex exists within the","Document [15](Title: Mitochondrion) of FADH) that are a source of electrons for the \"electron transport chain\", and a molecule of GTP (that is readily converted to an ATP). The redox energy from NADH and FADH is transferred to oxygen (O) in several steps via the electron transport chain. These energy-rich molecules are produced within the matrix via the citric acid cycle but are also produced in the cytoplasm by glycolysis. Reducing equivalents from the cytoplasm can be imported via the malate-aspartate shuttle system of antiporter proteins or feed into the electron transport chain using a glycerol phosphate shuttle. Protein complexes in the inner","Document [16](Title: Electron transport chain) and inorganic. If oxygen is available, it is invariably used as the terminal electron acceptor, because it generates the greatest Gibbs free energy change and produces the most energy. In anaerobic environments, different electron acceptors are used, including nitrate, nitrite, ferric iron, sulfate, carbon dioxide, and small organic molecules such as fumarate. Since electron transport chains are redox processes, they can be described as the sum of two redox pairs. For example, the mitochondrial electron transport chain can be described as the sum of the NAD\/NADH redox pair and the O\/HO redox pair. NADH is the electron donor and O","Document [17](Title: Crista) molecules of water (HO). By accepting the electrons, oxygen allows the electron transport chain to continue functioning. The electrons from each NADH molecule can form a total of 3 ATP's from ADPs and phosphate groups through the electron transport chain, while each FADH molecule can produce a total of 2 ATPs. As a result, 10 NADH molecules (from glycolysis and the Krebs cycle), along with 2 FADH molecules, can form a total of 34 ATPs during aerobic respiration (from a single electron transport chain). This means that combined with the Krebs Cycle and glycolysis, the efficiency for the electron transport","Document [18](Title: Photosynthetic reaction centre) pigment molecules, or passed to them by resonance transfer from a surrounding light-harvesting complex, they release two electrons into an electron transport chain. Light is made up of small bundles of energy called photons. If a photon with the right amount of energy hits an electron, it will raise the electron to a higher energy level. Electrons are most stable at their lowest energy level, what is also called its ground state. In this state, the electron is in the orbit that has the least amount of energy. Electrons in higher energy levels can return to ground state in a","Document [19](Title: Electron transport chain) proton gradient). ATP synthase is also readily reversible. Thus ATP can be used to build a proton gradient, which in turn can be used to make NADH. This process of \"reverse electron transport\" is important in many prokaryotic electron transport chains. In eukaryotes, NADH is the most important electron donor. The associated electron transport chain is NADH \u2192 \"Complex I\" \u2192 Q \u2192 \"Complex III\" \u2192 cytochrome \"c\" \u2192 \"Complex IV\" \u2192 O where \"Complexes I, III\" and\" IV\" are proton pumps, while Q and cytochrome \"c\" are mobile electron carriers. The electron acceptor is molecular oxygen. In prokaryotes (bacteria","Document [20](Title: Chlorophyll) electron to a series of molecular intermediates called an electron transport chain. The charged reaction center of chlorophyll (P680) is then reduced back to its ground state by accepting an electron stripped from water. The electron that reduces P680 ultimately comes from the oxidation of water into O and H through several intermediates. This reaction is how photosynthetic organisms such as plants produce O gas, and is the source for practically all the O in Earth's atmosphere. Photosystem I typically works in series with Photosystem II; thus the P700 of Photosystem I is usually reduced as it accepts the electron,"],"query":"where does the electron transport chain get its electrons from?","answers":["electron donors","donor molecule"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Reactive oxygen species) chain. In the electron transport chain, electrons are passed through a series of proteins via oxidation-reduction reactions, with each acceptor protein along the chain having a greater reduction potential than the previous. The last destination for an electron along this chain is an oxygen molecule. In normal conditions, the oxygen is reduced to produce water; however, in about 0.1\u20132% of electrons passing through the chain (this number derives from studies in isolated mitochondria, though the exact rate in live organisms is yet to be fully agreed upon), oxygen is instead prematurely and incompletely reduced to give the superoxide radical (),","Document [2](Title: Electron transport chain) aerobic respiration is molecular oxygen although a variety of acceptors other than oxygen such as sulfate exist in anaerobic respiration. Electron transport chains are used for extracting energy via redox reactions from sunlight in photosynthesis or, such as in the case of the oxidation of sugars, cellular respiration. In eukaryotes, an important electron transport chain is found in the inner mitochondrial membrane where it serves as the site of oxidative phosphorylation through the action of ATP synthase. It is also found in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast in photosynthetic eukaryotes. In bacteria, the electron transport chain is located in","Document [3](Title: Electron transport chain) to the acceptor through another electron transport chain. Photosynthetic electron transport chains have many similarities to the oxidative chains discussed above. They use mobile, lipid-soluble carriers (quinones) and mobile, water-soluble carriers (cytochromes, etc.). They also contain a proton pump. It is remarkable that the proton pump in \"all\" photosynthetic chains resembles mitochondrial \"Complex III\". Photosynthetic electron transport chains are discussed in greater detail in the articles Photophosphorylation, Photosynthesis, Photosynthetic reaction center and Light-dependent reaction. Electron transport chains are redox reactions that transfer electrons from an electron donor to an electron acceptor. The transfer of electrons is coupled to the translocation","Document [4](Title: Electron transport chain) can synthesize different transmembrane complexes and produce different electron transport chains in their cell membranes. Bacteria select their electron transport chains from a DNA library containing multiple possible dehydrogenases, terminal oxidases and terminal reductases. The situation is often summarized by saying that electron transport chains in bacteria are \"branched\", \"modular\", and \"inducible\". In oxidative phosphorylation, electrons are transferred from a low-energy electron donor (e.g., NADH) to an acceptor (e.g., O) through an electron transport chain. In photophosphorylation, the energy of sunlight is used to \"create\" a high-energy electron donor and an electron acceptor. Electrons are then transferred from the donor","Document [5](Title: Electron transport chain) pass electrons to a more electronegative acceptor, which in turn donates these electrons to another acceptor, a process that continues down the series until electrons are passed to oxygen, the most electronegative and terminal electron acceptor in the chain. Passage of electrons between donor and acceptor releases energy, which is used to generate a proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane by actively \"pumping\" protons into the intermembrane space, producing a thermodynamic state that has the potential to do work. This entire process is called oxidative phosphorylation, since ADP is phosphorylated to ATP using the energy of hydrogen oxidation in many","Document [6](Title: Oxidative phosphorylation) serve solely to transport electrons through proteins. Electrons move quite long distances through proteins by hopping along chains of these cofactors. This occurs by quantum tunnelling, which is rapid over distances of less than 1.4 m. Many catabolic biochemical processes, such as glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and beta oxidation, produce the reduced coenzyme NADH. This coenzyme contains electrons that have a high transfer potential; in other words, they will release a large amount of energy upon oxidation. However, the cell does not release this energy all at once, as this would be an uncontrollable reaction. Instead, the electrons are","Document [7](Title: Chlorophyll a) electron transport chain. These two systems are different in their redox potentials for one-electron oxidation. The E for P700 is approximately 500mV, while the E for P680 is approximately 1,100-1,200 mV. Chlorophyll \"a\" is very important in the energy phase of photosynthesis. Two electrons need to be passed to an electron acceptor for the process of photosynthesis to proceed. Within the reaction centers of both photosystems there are a pair of chlorophyll \"a\" molecules that pass electrons on to the transport chain through redox reactions. Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll \"a\" is a specific form of chlorophyll used in oxygenic photosynthesis. It","Document [8](Title: Anoxygenic photosynthesis) transport chain, proteins such as halorhodopsin capture light energy with the aid of diterpenes to move ions against the gradient and produce ATP via chemiosmosis in the manner of mitochondria. There are two main types of anaerobic photosynthetic electron transport chains in bacteria. The type I reaction centers found in GSB, Chloracidobacterium, and Heliobacteria and the type II reaction centers found in FAPs and Purple Bacteria Type I Reaction Centers The electron transport chain of green sulfur bacteria \u2014 such as is present in model organism \"Chlorobaculum tepidum\" \u2014 uses the reaction centre bacteriochlorophyll pair, P840. When light is absorbed","Document [9](Title: Oxidative phosphorylation) removed from NADH and passed to oxygen through a series of enzymes that each release a small amount of the energy. This set of enzymes, consisting of complexes I through IV, is called the electron transport chain and is found in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. Succinate is also oxidized by the electron transport chain, but feeds into the pathway at a different point. In eukaryotes, the enzymes in this electron transport system use the energy released from the oxidation of NADH to pump protons across the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. This causes protons to build up in","Document [10](Title: Oxidative phosphorylation) passing electrons from donors to acceptors, and transporting protons across a membrane. These processes use both soluble and protein-bound transfer molecules. In mitochondria, electrons are transferred within the intermembrane space by the water-soluble electron transfer protein cytochrome c. This carries only electrons, and these are transferred by the reduction and oxidation of an iron atom that the protein holds within a heme group in its structure. Cytochrome c is also found in some bacteria, where it is located within the periplasmic space. Within the inner mitochondrial membrane, the lipid-soluble electron carrier coenzyme Q10 (Q) carries both electrons and protons by","Document [11](Title: Electron transport chain) steps. A small percentage of electrons do not complete the whole series and instead directly leak to oxygen, resulting in the formation of the free-radical superoxide, a highly reactive molecule that contributes to oxidative stress and has been implicated in a number of diseases and aging. Energy obtained through the transfer of electrons down the ETC is used to pump protons from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space, creating an electrochemical proton gradient (\u0394pH) across the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM). This proton gradient is largely but not exclusively responsible for the mitochondrial membrane potential (\u0394\u03a8). It allows ATP synthase","Document [12](Title: Electron transport chain) ions to reduce molecular oxygen to water. Four membrane-bound complexes have been identified in mitochondria. Each is an extremely complex transmembrane structure that is embedded in the inner membrane. Three of them are proton pumps. The structures are electrically connected by lipid-soluble electron carriers and water-soluble electron carriers. The overall electron transport chain: In \"Complex I\" (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, NADH-CoQ reductase, or NADH dehydrogenase; ), two electrons are removed from NADH and ultimately transferred to a lipid-soluble carrier, ubiquinone (UQ). The reduced product, ubiquinol (UQH), freely diffuses within the membrane, and Complex I translocates four protons (H) across the membrane, thus","Document [13](Title: Adenosine diphosphate) electrons from NADH or FADH2 to O2 through electron carriers. The energy released when electrons are passed from higher-energy NADH or FADH2 to the lower-energy O2 is required to phosphorylate ADP and once again generate ATP. It is this energy coupling and phosphorylation of ADP to ATP that gives the electron transport chain the name oxidative phosphorylation. During the initial phases of glycolysis and the TCA cycle, cofactors such as NAD+ donate and accept electrons that aid in the electron transport chain's ability to produce a proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. The ATP synthase complex exists within the","Document [14](Title: Mitochondrion) of FADH) that are a source of electrons for the \"electron transport chain\", and a molecule of GTP (that is readily converted to an ATP). The redox energy from NADH and FADH is transferred to oxygen (O) in several steps via the electron transport chain. These energy-rich molecules are produced within the matrix via the citric acid cycle but are also produced in the cytoplasm by glycolysis. Reducing equivalents from the cytoplasm can be imported via the malate-aspartate shuttle system of antiporter proteins or feed into the electron transport chain using a glycerol phosphate shuttle. Protein complexes in the inner","Document [15](Title: Electron transport chain) The electron transport chain consists of a spatially separated series of redox reactions in which electrons are transferred from a donor molecule to an acceptor molecule. The underlying force driving these reactions is the Gibbs free energy of the reactants and products. The Gibbs free energy is the energy available (\"free\") to do work. Any reaction that decreases the overall Gibbs free energy of a system is thermodynamically spontaneous.","Document [16](Title: Electron transport chain) and inorganic. If oxygen is available, it is invariably used as the terminal electron acceptor, because it generates the greatest Gibbs free energy change and produces the most energy. In anaerobic environments, different electron acceptors are used, including nitrate, nitrite, ferric iron, sulfate, carbon dioxide, and small organic molecules such as fumarate. Since electron transport chains are redox processes, they can be described as the sum of two redox pairs. For example, the mitochondrial electron transport chain can be described as the sum of the NAD\/NADH redox pair and the O\/HO redox pair. NADH is the electron donor and O","Document [17](Title: Crista) molecules of water (HO). By accepting the electrons, oxygen allows the electron transport chain to continue functioning. The electrons from each NADH molecule can form a total of 3 ATP's from ADPs and phosphate groups through the electron transport chain, while each FADH molecule can produce a total of 2 ATPs. As a result, 10 NADH molecules (from glycolysis and the Krebs cycle), along with 2 FADH molecules, can form a total of 34 ATPs during aerobic respiration (from a single electron transport chain). This means that combined with the Krebs Cycle and glycolysis, the efficiency for the electron transport","Document [18](Title: Photosynthetic reaction centre) pigment molecules, or passed to them by resonance transfer from a surrounding light-harvesting complex, they release two electrons into an electron transport chain. Light is made up of small bundles of energy called photons. If a photon with the right amount of energy hits an electron, it will raise the electron to a higher energy level. Electrons are most stable at their lowest energy level, what is also called its ground state. In this state, the electron is in the orbit that has the least amount of energy. Electrons in higher energy levels can return to ground state in a","Document [19](Title: Electron transport chain) proton gradient). ATP synthase is also readily reversible. Thus ATP can be used to build a proton gradient, which in turn can be used to make NADH. This process of \"reverse electron transport\" is important in many prokaryotic electron transport chains. In eukaryotes, NADH is the most important electron donor. The associated electron transport chain is NADH \u2192 \"Complex I\" \u2192 Q \u2192 \"Complex III\" \u2192 cytochrome \"c\" \u2192 \"Complex IV\" \u2192 O where \"Complexes I, III\" and\" IV\" are proton pumps, while Q and cytochrome \"c\" are mobile electron carriers. The electron acceptor is molecular oxygen. In prokaryotes (bacteria","Document [20](Title: Chlorophyll) electron to a series of molecular intermediates called an electron transport chain. The charged reaction center of chlorophyll (P680) is then reduced back to its ground state by accepting an electron stripped from water. The electron that reduces P680 ultimately comes from the oxidation of water into O and H through several intermediates. This reaction is how photosynthetic organisms such as plants produce O gas, and is the source for practically all the O in Earth's atmosphere. Photosystem I typically works in series with Photosystem II; thus the P700 of Photosystem I is usually reduced as it accepts the electron,"],"query":"where does the electron transport chain get its electrons from?","answers":["electron donors","donor molecule"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Reactive oxygen species) chain. In the electron transport chain, electrons are passed through a series of proteins via oxidation-reduction reactions, with each acceptor protein along the chain having a greater reduction potential than the previous. The last destination for an electron along this chain is an oxygen molecule. In normal conditions, the oxygen is reduced to produce water; however, in about 0.1\u20132% of electrons passing through the chain (this number derives from studies in isolated mitochondria, though the exact rate in live organisms is yet to be fully agreed upon), oxygen is instead prematurely and incompletely reduced to give the superoxide radical (),","Document [2](Title: Electron transport chain) aerobic respiration is molecular oxygen although a variety of acceptors other than oxygen such as sulfate exist in anaerobic respiration. Electron transport chains are used for extracting energy via redox reactions from sunlight in photosynthesis or, such as in the case of the oxidation of sugars, cellular respiration. In eukaryotes, an important electron transport chain is found in the inner mitochondrial membrane where it serves as the site of oxidative phosphorylation through the action of ATP synthase. It is also found in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast in photosynthetic eukaryotes. In bacteria, the electron transport chain is located in","Document [3](Title: Electron transport chain) to the acceptor through another electron transport chain. Photosynthetic electron transport chains have many similarities to the oxidative chains discussed above. They use mobile, lipid-soluble carriers (quinones) and mobile, water-soluble carriers (cytochromes, etc.). They also contain a proton pump. It is remarkable that the proton pump in \"all\" photosynthetic chains resembles mitochondrial \"Complex III\". Photosynthetic electron transport chains are discussed in greater detail in the articles Photophosphorylation, Photosynthesis, Photosynthetic reaction center and Light-dependent reaction. Electron transport chains are redox reactions that transfer electrons from an electron donor to an electron acceptor. The transfer of electrons is coupled to the translocation","Document [4](Title: Electron transport chain) can synthesize different transmembrane complexes and produce different electron transport chains in their cell membranes. Bacteria select their electron transport chains from a DNA library containing multiple possible dehydrogenases, terminal oxidases and terminal reductases. The situation is often summarized by saying that electron transport chains in bacteria are \"branched\", \"modular\", and \"inducible\". In oxidative phosphorylation, electrons are transferred from a low-energy electron donor (e.g., NADH) to an acceptor (e.g., O) through an electron transport chain. In photophosphorylation, the energy of sunlight is used to \"create\" a high-energy electron donor and an electron acceptor. Electrons are then transferred from the donor","Document [5](Title: Electron transport chain) pass electrons to a more electronegative acceptor, which in turn donates these electrons to another acceptor, a process that continues down the series until electrons are passed to oxygen, the most electronegative and terminal electron acceptor in the chain. Passage of electrons between donor and acceptor releases energy, which is used to generate a proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane by actively \"pumping\" protons into the intermembrane space, producing a thermodynamic state that has the potential to do work. This entire process is called oxidative phosphorylation, since ADP is phosphorylated to ATP using the energy of hydrogen oxidation in many","Document [6](Title: Oxidative phosphorylation) serve solely to transport electrons through proteins. Electrons move quite long distances through proteins by hopping along chains of these cofactors. This occurs by quantum tunnelling, which is rapid over distances of less than 1.4 m. Many catabolic biochemical processes, such as glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and beta oxidation, produce the reduced coenzyme NADH. This coenzyme contains electrons that have a high transfer potential; in other words, they will release a large amount of energy upon oxidation. However, the cell does not release this energy all at once, as this would be an uncontrollable reaction. Instead, the electrons are","Document [7](Title: Chlorophyll a) electron transport chain. These two systems are different in their redox potentials for one-electron oxidation. The E for P700 is approximately 500mV, while the E for P680 is approximately 1,100-1,200 mV. Chlorophyll \"a\" is very important in the energy phase of photosynthesis. Two electrons need to be passed to an electron acceptor for the process of photosynthesis to proceed. Within the reaction centers of both photosystems there are a pair of chlorophyll \"a\" molecules that pass electrons on to the transport chain through redox reactions. Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll \"a\" is a specific form of chlorophyll used in oxygenic photosynthesis. It","Document [8](Title: Anoxygenic photosynthesis) transport chain, proteins such as halorhodopsin capture light energy with the aid of diterpenes to move ions against the gradient and produce ATP via chemiosmosis in the manner of mitochondria. There are two main types of anaerobic photosynthetic electron transport chains in bacteria. The type I reaction centers found in GSB, Chloracidobacterium, and Heliobacteria and the type II reaction centers found in FAPs and Purple Bacteria Type I Reaction Centers The electron transport chain of green sulfur bacteria \u2014 such as is present in model organism \"Chlorobaculum tepidum\" \u2014 uses the reaction centre bacteriochlorophyll pair, P840. When light is absorbed","Document [9](Title: Oxidative phosphorylation) removed from NADH and passed to oxygen through a series of enzymes that each release a small amount of the energy. This set of enzymes, consisting of complexes I through IV, is called the electron transport chain and is found in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. Succinate is also oxidized by the electron transport chain, but feeds into the pathway at a different point. In eukaryotes, the enzymes in this electron transport system use the energy released from the oxidation of NADH to pump protons across the inner membrane of the mitochondrion. This causes protons to build up in","Document [10](Title: Oxidative phosphorylation) passing electrons from donors to acceptors, and transporting protons across a membrane. These processes use both soluble and protein-bound transfer molecules. In mitochondria, electrons are transferred within the intermembrane space by the water-soluble electron transfer protein cytochrome c. This carries only electrons, and these are transferred by the reduction and oxidation of an iron atom that the protein holds within a heme group in its structure. Cytochrome c is also found in some bacteria, where it is located within the periplasmic space. Within the inner mitochondrial membrane, the lipid-soluble electron carrier coenzyme Q10 (Q) carries both electrons and protons by","Document [11](Title: Electron transport chain) steps. A small percentage of electrons do not complete the whole series and instead directly leak to oxygen, resulting in the formation of the free-radical superoxide, a highly reactive molecule that contributes to oxidative stress and has been implicated in a number of diseases and aging. Energy obtained through the transfer of electrons down the ETC is used to pump protons from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space, creating an electrochemical proton gradient (\u0394pH) across the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM). This proton gradient is largely but not exclusively responsible for the mitochondrial membrane potential (\u0394\u03a8). It allows ATP synthase","Document [12](Title: Electron transport chain) ions to reduce molecular oxygen to water. Four membrane-bound complexes have been identified in mitochondria. Each is an extremely complex transmembrane structure that is embedded in the inner membrane. Three of them are proton pumps. The structures are electrically connected by lipid-soluble electron carriers and water-soluble electron carriers. The overall electron transport chain: In \"Complex I\" (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, NADH-CoQ reductase, or NADH dehydrogenase; ), two electrons are removed from NADH and ultimately transferred to a lipid-soluble carrier, ubiquinone (UQ). The reduced product, ubiquinol (UQH), freely diffuses within the membrane, and Complex I translocates four protons (H) across the membrane, thus","Document [13](Title: Adenosine diphosphate) electrons from NADH or FADH2 to O2 through electron carriers. The energy released when electrons are passed from higher-energy NADH or FADH2 to the lower-energy O2 is required to phosphorylate ADP and once again generate ATP. It is this energy coupling and phosphorylation of ADP to ATP that gives the electron transport chain the name oxidative phosphorylation. During the initial phases of glycolysis and the TCA cycle, cofactors such as NAD+ donate and accept electrons that aid in the electron transport chain's ability to produce a proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. The ATP synthase complex exists within the","Document [14](Title: Mitochondrion) of FADH) that are a source of electrons for the \"electron transport chain\", and a molecule of GTP (that is readily converted to an ATP). The redox energy from NADH and FADH is transferred to oxygen (O) in several steps via the electron transport chain. These energy-rich molecules are produced within the matrix via the citric acid cycle but are also produced in the cytoplasm by glycolysis. Reducing equivalents from the cytoplasm can be imported via the malate-aspartate shuttle system of antiporter proteins or feed into the electron transport chain using a glycerol phosphate shuttle. Protein complexes in the inner","Document [15](Title: Electron transport chain) and inorganic. If oxygen is available, it is invariably used as the terminal electron acceptor, because it generates the greatest Gibbs free energy change and produces the most energy. In anaerobic environments, different electron acceptors are used, including nitrate, nitrite, ferric iron, sulfate, carbon dioxide, and small organic molecules such as fumarate. Since electron transport chains are redox processes, they can be described as the sum of two redox pairs. For example, the mitochondrial electron transport chain can be described as the sum of the NAD\/NADH redox pair and the O\/HO redox pair. NADH is the electron donor and O","Document [16](Title: Crista) molecules of water (HO). By accepting the electrons, oxygen allows the electron transport chain to continue functioning. The electrons from each NADH molecule can form a total of 3 ATP's from ADPs and phosphate groups through the electron transport chain, while each FADH molecule can produce a total of 2 ATPs. As a result, 10 NADH molecules (from glycolysis and the Krebs cycle), along with 2 FADH molecules, can form a total of 34 ATPs during aerobic respiration (from a single electron transport chain). This means that combined with the Krebs Cycle and glycolysis, the efficiency for the electron transport","Document [17](Title: Photosynthetic reaction centre) pigment molecules, or passed to them by resonance transfer from a surrounding light-harvesting complex, they release two electrons into an electron transport chain. Light is made up of small bundles of energy called photons. If a photon with the right amount of energy hits an electron, it will raise the electron to a higher energy level. Electrons are most stable at their lowest energy level, what is also called its ground state. In this state, the electron is in the orbit that has the least amount of energy. Electrons in higher energy levels can return to ground state in a","Document [18](Title: Electron transport chain) proton gradient). ATP synthase is also readily reversible. Thus ATP can be used to build a proton gradient, which in turn can be used to make NADH. This process of \"reverse electron transport\" is important in many prokaryotic electron transport chains. In eukaryotes, NADH is the most important electron donor. The associated electron transport chain is NADH \u2192 \"Complex I\" \u2192 Q \u2192 \"Complex III\" \u2192 cytochrome \"c\" \u2192 \"Complex IV\" \u2192 O where \"Complexes I, III\" and\" IV\" are proton pumps, while Q and cytochrome \"c\" are mobile electron carriers. The electron acceptor is molecular oxygen. In prokaryotes (bacteria","Document [19](Title: Chlorophyll) electron to a series of molecular intermediates called an electron transport chain. The charged reaction center of chlorophyll (P680) is then reduced back to its ground state by accepting an electron stripped from water. The electron that reduces P680 ultimately comes from the oxidation of water into O and H through several intermediates. This reaction is how photosynthetic organisms such as plants produce O gas, and is the source for practically all the O in Earth's atmosphere. Photosystem I typically works in series with Photosystem II; thus the P700 of Photosystem I is usually reduced as it accepts the electron,","Document [20](Title: Electron transport chain) The electron transport chain consists of a spatially separated series of redox reactions in which electrons are transferred from a donor molecule to an acceptor molecule. The underlying force driving these reactions is the Gibbs free energy of the reactants and products. The Gibbs free energy is the energy available (\"free\") to do work. Any reaction that decreases the overall Gibbs free energy of a system is thermodynamically spontaneous."],"query":"where does the electron transport chain get its electrons from?","answers":["electron donors","donor molecule"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Fingerprint) difficult to alter, and durable over the life of an individual, making them suitable as long-term markers of human identity. They may be employed by police or other authorities to identify individuals who wish to conceal their identity, or to identify people who are incapacitated or deceased and thus unable to identify themselves, as in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Fingerprint analysis, in use since the early 20th century, has led to many crimes being solved. This means that many criminals consider gloves essential. In 2015, the identification of sex by use of a fingerprint test has been reported.","Document [2](Title: Edward Henry) already been exchanging letters with Francis Galton regarding the use of fingerprinting to identify criminals, either instead of or in addition to the anthropometric method of Alphonse Bertillon, which Henry introduced into the Bengal police department. The taking of fingerprints and palm prints had been common among officialdom in Bengal as a means of identification for forty years, having been introduced by Sir William Herschel, but it was not used by the police and there was no system of simple sorting to allow rapid identification of an individual print (although classification of types was already used). Between July 1896 and","Document [3](Title: Fingerprint) a crime scene, or on items of evidence from a crime, have been used in forensic science to identify suspects, victims and other persons who touched a surface. Fingerprint identification emerged as an important system within police agencies in the late 19th century, when it replaced anthropometric measurements as a more reliable method for identifying persons having a prior record, often under a false name, in a criminal record repository. In modern times, researchers can find traces of addictive drugs on just a fingerprint. Fingerprinting has served all governments worldwide during the past 100 years or so to provide identification","Document [4](Title: Fingerprint) United States, Dr. Henry P. DeForrest used fingerprinting in the New York Civil Service in 1902, and by 1906, New York City Police Department Deputy Commissioner Joseph A. Faurot, an expert in the Bertillon system and a finger print advocate at Police Headquarters, introduced the fingerprinting of criminals to the United States. The Scheffer case of 1902 is the first case of the identification, arrest and conviction of a murderer based upon fingerprint evidence. Alphonse Bertillon identified the thief and murderer Scheffer, who had previously been arrested and his fingerprints filed some months before, from the fingerprints found on a","Document [5](Title: Forensic science) used in breaking and entering. Although his central methods were soon to be supplanted by fingerprinting, \"his other contributions like the mug shot and the systematization of crime-scene photography remain in place to this day.\" Sir William Herschel was one of the first to advocate the use of fingerprinting in the identification of criminal suspects. While working for the Indian Civil Service, he began to use thumbprints on documents as a security measure to prevent the then-rampant repudiation of signatures in 1858. In 1877 at Hooghly (near Kolkata), Herschel instituted the use of fingerprints on contracts and deeds, and he","Document [6](Title: Edward Henry) was originally not to assist in identifying criminals, but to prevent criminals from concealing previous convictions from the police, courts and prisons. However, it was used to ensure the conviction of burglar Harry Jackson in 1902 and soon caught on with CID. This usage was later cemented when fingerprint evidence was used to secure the convictions of Alfred and Albert Stratton for murder in 1905. Henry introduced other innovations as well. He bought the first typewriters to be used in Scotland Yard outside the Registry, replacing the laborious hand copying of the clerks. In 1902, he ran a private telegraph","Document [7](Title: Criminal Justice Information Services) Tayside Police, James Mackay QPM, and Tayside's head of CID, Detective Chief Superintendent Scott Robertson, were then appointed by the Crown Office to conduct a further investigation into the issues relating to fingerprint evidence and to report back with their findings. Mackay's interim report on August 3, 2000 suggested that SCRO fingerprint personnel had given evidence in court that was: According to a Scottish Executive Justice Department internal email written by senior official, Sheena Maclaren: Marked 'confidential', the final Mackay and Robertson report was submitted to the Crown Office in October 2000. It took more than five years for details","Document [8](Title: Biometrics use by the South African government) of biometrics in the police services are fingerprint readers (with fake fingerprint detection functionality) for access control in departments with secure and sensitive information (e.g. forensic laboratories, stolen vehicle departments etc.). Fingerprints are also being used as the sole method for doing criminal record background checks for commercial purposes \u2013 as the use of a name, surname or identification number has too much potential for abuse, and this system failure has led to much fraud. A full set of fingerprints is required for a criminal record check to be done on an individual. Companies who want to make use of","Document [9](Title: Fingerprint) they refuse to reveal the technique. In the 1930s criminal investigators in the United States first discovered the existence of latent fingerprints on the surfaces of fabrics, most notably on the insides of gloves discarded by perpetrators. Since the late nineteenth century, fingerprint identification methods have been used by police agencies around the world to identify suspected criminals as well as the victims of crime. The basis of the traditional fingerprinting technique is simple. The skin on the palmar surface of the hands and feet forms ridges, so-called papillary ridges, in patterns that are unique to each individual and which","Document [10](Title: Forensic science) accepted in England and Wales when the first United Kingdom Fingerprint Bureau was founded in Scotland Yard, the Metropolitan Police headquarters, London, in 1901. Sir Edward Richard Henry subsequently achieved improvements in dactyloscopy. In the United States, Dr. Henry P. DeForrest used fingerprinting in the New York Civil Service in 1902, and by December 1905, New York City Police Department Deputy Commissioner Joseph A. Faurot, an expert in the Bertillon system and a fingerprint advocate at Police Headquarters, introduced the fingerprinting of criminals to the United States. The Uhlenhuth test, or the antigen\u2013antibody precipitin test for species, was invented by","Document [11](Title: Criminal Justice Information Services) separation in 2001 of these services from local control by each of the eight Scottish police forces (Central Scotland Police; Dumfries & Galloway Constabulary; Fife Constabulary; Grampian Police; Lothian & Borders Police; Northern Constabulary; Strathclyde Police; and, Tayside Police) and to the establishment of the Scottish Fingerprint Service. In January 1997 an expert from the SCRO identified the left thumb print of DC Shirley McKie, a murder squad detective with Strathclyde Police, as coming from the bathroom door frame inside the house in Kilmarnock of murder victim, Marion Ross. Three other SCRO experts confirmed this thumb print identification but another","Document [12](Title: Fingerprint) committee report that fingerprints should be used for the classification of criminal records. Working in the Calcutta Anthropometric Bureau were Azizul Haque and Hem Chandra Bose. Haque and Bose were Indian fingerprint experts who have been credited with the primary development of a fingerprint classification system eventually named after their supervisor, Sir Edward Richard Henry. The Henry Classification System, co-devised by Haque and Bose, was accepted in England and Wales when the first United Kingdom Fingerprint Bureau was founded in Scotland Yard, the Metropolitan Police headquarters, London, in 1901. Sir Edward Richard Henry subsequently achieved improvements in dactyloscopy. In the","Document [13](Title: Fingerprint) petitions with a fingerprint. Although ancient peoples probably did not realize that fingerprints could uniquely identify individuals, references from the age of the Babylonian king Hammurabi (reigned 1792-1750 BCE) indicate that law officials would take the fingerprints of people who had been arrested. During China's Qin Dynasty, records have shown that officials took hand prints, foot prints as well as finger prints as evidence from a crime scene. In China, around 300 CE, handprints were used as evidence in a trial for theft. By 650, the Chinese historian Kia Kung-Yen remarked that fingerprints could be used as a means of","Document [14](Title: Hem Chandra Bose) report that fingerprints should be used for classification of criminal records. After that year, the Kolkata Anthropometric Bureau became the world's first Fingerprint Bureau. He was working in the Calcutta Anthropometric Bureau (before it became the Fingerprint Bureau) with Azizul Haque. He and Haque were the two Indian fingerprint experts credited with primary development of the Henry Classification System (named for their supervisor, Edward Richard Henry). The Henry Classification System is still used in all English-speaking countries (primarily as the manual filing system for accessing paper archive files that have not been scanned and computerized). Hem Chandra Bose Rai Bahadur","Document [15](Title: Harry Jackson (criminal)) events. As one letter to \"The Times\" (signed by \"A Disgusted Magistrate\") stated: \"Scotland Yard, once known as the world\u2019s finest police organisation, will be the laughing stock of Europe it if insists on trying to trace criminals by odd ridges on their skins.\" Jackson's status as the first person to be arrested on the basis of fingerprint evidence was the subject of episode 4 of \"Connections 2\", a documentary series by James Burke. Harry Jackson (criminal) Harry Jackson (c. 1861\u2013?) was the first man to be convicted in the United Kingdom via fingerprint evidence. On June 27, 1902, a","Document [16](Title: Fingerprint) Lord William Russell, a provincial doctor, Robert Blake Overton, wrote to Scotland Yard suggesting checking for fingerprints but the suggestion, though followed up, did not lead to their routine use by the police for another 50 years. Some years later, the German anatomist Georg von Meissner (1829\u20131905) studied friction ridges, and five years after this, in 1858, Sir William James Herschel initiated fingerprinting in India. In 1877 at Hooghly (near Calcutta) he instituted the use of fingerprints on contracts and deeds to prevent the then-rampant repudiation of signatures and he registered government pensioners' fingerprints to prevent the collection of money","Document [17](Title: Identix Incorporated) which include identifying a person suspected of committing a crime or linking a suspect to other unsolved crimes. In 1972, Randall C. Fowler began working in his garage in Redondo Beach, California to develop technology for the acquisition and recording of a person\u2019s fingerprints. The intent was to provide a more reliable technique than ink to be used initially by the FBI, and later in automated fingerprint verification systems as advances in computing power became available. Automated fingerprint verification is closely related to AFIS for use in applications such as attendance and access control systems, and it was not clear","Document [18](Title: Fingerprint) in forensic science in his book \"Finger Prints\". He had calculated that the chance of a \"false positive\" (two different individuals having the same fingerprints) was about 1 in 64 billion. Juan Vucetich, an Argentine chief police officer, created the first method of recording the fingerprints of individuals on file, associating these fingerprints to the anthropometric system of Alphonse Bertillon, who had created, in 1879, a system to identify individuals by anthropometric photographs and associated quantitative descriptions. In 1892, after studying Galton's pattern types, Vucetich set up the world's first fingerprint bureau. In that same year, Francisca Rojas of Necochea,","Document [19](Title: Fingerprint) of criminals. Fingerprints are the fundamental tool in every police agency for the identification of people with a criminal history. They remain the most commonly gathered forensic evidence worldwide, and in most jurisdictions fingerprint examination is more common than all other forensic examination casework combined. Moreover, it continues to expand, with tens of thousands of people added to fingerprint repositories daily in America alone \u2014 far more than other forensic databases. Fingerprinting was the basis upon which the first forensic professional organization was formed, the International Association for Identification (IAI), in 1915. The first professional certification program for forensic scientists","Document [20](Title: Biometrics use by the South African government) African Police Service (SAPS) implemented a biometric system in 2001 to secure the Integrated Justice System (IJS). Finger- and palm prints of convicted criminals have been captured in their Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) \u2013 this database is used for Identity Management (IDM) and is used to monitor criminals as well as to track down wanted criminals. Portable readers (powered by Sagem's MorphoTouch and RapID technology) are used at roadblocks around the country to identify wanted criminals and bring them to justice. The AFIS was implemented by the Ideco Group, who also completed the HANIS system discussed above. Additional uses"],"query":"when was fingerprinting first used by the police?","answers":["the early 20th century","In 1840"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Edward Henry) already been exchanging letters with Francis Galton regarding the use of fingerprinting to identify criminals, either instead of or in addition to the anthropometric method of Alphonse Bertillon, which Henry introduced into the Bengal police department. The taking of fingerprints and palm prints had been common among officialdom in Bengal as a means of identification for forty years, having been introduced by Sir William Herschel, but it was not used by the police and there was no system of simple sorting to allow rapid identification of an individual print (although classification of types was already used). Between July 1896 and","Document [2](Title: Fingerprint) a crime scene, or on items of evidence from a crime, have been used in forensic science to identify suspects, victims and other persons who touched a surface. Fingerprint identification emerged as an important system within police agencies in the late 19th century, when it replaced anthropometric measurements as a more reliable method for identifying persons having a prior record, often under a false name, in a criminal record repository. In modern times, researchers can find traces of addictive drugs on just a fingerprint. Fingerprinting has served all governments worldwide during the past 100 years or so to provide identification","Document [3](Title: Fingerprint) United States, Dr. Henry P. DeForrest used fingerprinting in the New York Civil Service in 1902, and by 1906, New York City Police Department Deputy Commissioner Joseph A. Faurot, an expert in the Bertillon system and a finger print advocate at Police Headquarters, introduced the fingerprinting of criminals to the United States. The Scheffer case of 1902 is the first case of the identification, arrest and conviction of a murderer based upon fingerprint evidence. Alphonse Bertillon identified the thief and murderer Scheffer, who had previously been arrested and his fingerprints filed some months before, from the fingerprints found on a","Document [4](Title: Forensic science) used in breaking and entering. Although his central methods were soon to be supplanted by fingerprinting, \"his other contributions like the mug shot and the systematization of crime-scene photography remain in place to this day.\" Sir William Herschel was one of the first to advocate the use of fingerprinting in the identification of criminal suspects. While working for the Indian Civil Service, he began to use thumbprints on documents as a security measure to prevent the then-rampant repudiation of signatures in 1858. In 1877 at Hooghly (near Kolkata), Herschel instituted the use of fingerprints on contracts and deeds, and he","Document [5](Title: Fingerprint) difficult to alter, and durable over the life of an individual, making them suitable as long-term markers of human identity. They may be employed by police or other authorities to identify individuals who wish to conceal their identity, or to identify people who are incapacitated or deceased and thus unable to identify themselves, as in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Fingerprint analysis, in use since the early 20th century, has led to many crimes being solved. This means that many criminals consider gloves essential. In 2015, the identification of sex by use of a fingerprint test has been reported.","Document [6](Title: Edward Henry) was originally not to assist in identifying criminals, but to prevent criminals from concealing previous convictions from the police, courts and prisons. However, it was used to ensure the conviction of burglar Harry Jackson in 1902 and soon caught on with CID. This usage was later cemented when fingerprint evidence was used to secure the convictions of Alfred and Albert Stratton for murder in 1905. Henry introduced other innovations as well. He bought the first typewriters to be used in Scotland Yard outside the Registry, replacing the laborious hand copying of the clerks. In 1902, he ran a private telegraph","Document [7](Title: Criminal Justice Information Services) Tayside Police, James Mackay QPM, and Tayside's head of CID, Detective Chief Superintendent Scott Robertson, were then appointed by the Crown Office to conduct a further investigation into the issues relating to fingerprint evidence and to report back with their findings. Mackay's interim report on August 3, 2000 suggested that SCRO fingerprint personnel had given evidence in court that was: According to a Scottish Executive Justice Department internal email written by senior official, Sheena Maclaren: Marked 'confidential', the final Mackay and Robertson report was submitted to the Crown Office in October 2000. It took more than five years for details","Document [8](Title: Biometrics use by the South African government) of biometrics in the police services are fingerprint readers (with fake fingerprint detection functionality) for access control in departments with secure and sensitive information (e.g. forensic laboratories, stolen vehicle departments etc.). Fingerprints are also being used as the sole method for doing criminal record background checks for commercial purposes \u2013 as the use of a name, surname or identification number has too much potential for abuse, and this system failure has led to much fraud. A full set of fingerprints is required for a criminal record check to be done on an individual. Companies who want to make use of","Document [9](Title: Fingerprint) they refuse to reveal the technique. In the 1930s criminal investigators in the United States first discovered the existence of latent fingerprints on the surfaces of fabrics, most notably on the insides of gloves discarded by perpetrators. Since the late nineteenth century, fingerprint identification methods have been used by police agencies around the world to identify suspected criminals as well as the victims of crime. The basis of the traditional fingerprinting technique is simple. The skin on the palmar surface of the hands and feet forms ridges, so-called papillary ridges, in patterns that are unique to each individual and which","Document [10](Title: Forensic science) accepted in England and Wales when the first United Kingdom Fingerprint Bureau was founded in Scotland Yard, the Metropolitan Police headquarters, London, in 1901. Sir Edward Richard Henry subsequently achieved improvements in dactyloscopy. In the United States, Dr. Henry P. DeForrest used fingerprinting in the New York Civil Service in 1902, and by December 1905, New York City Police Department Deputy Commissioner Joseph A. Faurot, an expert in the Bertillon system and a fingerprint advocate at Police Headquarters, introduced the fingerprinting of criminals to the United States. The Uhlenhuth test, or the antigen\u2013antibody precipitin test for species, was invented by","Document [11](Title: Criminal Justice Information Services) separation in 2001 of these services from local control by each of the eight Scottish police forces (Central Scotland Police; Dumfries & Galloway Constabulary; Fife Constabulary; Grampian Police; Lothian & Borders Police; Northern Constabulary; Strathclyde Police; and, Tayside Police) and to the establishment of the Scottish Fingerprint Service. In January 1997 an expert from the SCRO identified the left thumb print of DC Shirley McKie, a murder squad detective with Strathclyde Police, as coming from the bathroom door frame inside the house in Kilmarnock of murder victim, Marion Ross. Three other SCRO experts confirmed this thumb print identification but another","Document [12](Title: Fingerprint) committee report that fingerprints should be used for the classification of criminal records. Working in the Calcutta Anthropometric Bureau were Azizul Haque and Hem Chandra Bose. Haque and Bose were Indian fingerprint experts who have been credited with the primary development of a fingerprint classification system eventually named after their supervisor, Sir Edward Richard Henry. The Henry Classification System, co-devised by Haque and Bose, was accepted in England and Wales when the first United Kingdom Fingerprint Bureau was founded in Scotland Yard, the Metropolitan Police headquarters, London, in 1901. Sir Edward Richard Henry subsequently achieved improvements in dactyloscopy. In the","Document [13](Title: Fingerprint) petitions with a fingerprint. Although ancient peoples probably did not realize that fingerprints could uniquely identify individuals, references from the age of the Babylonian king Hammurabi (reigned 1792-1750 BCE) indicate that law officials would take the fingerprints of people who had been arrested. During China's Qin Dynasty, records have shown that officials took hand prints, foot prints as well as finger prints as evidence from a crime scene. In China, around 300 CE, handprints were used as evidence in a trial for theft. By 650, the Chinese historian Kia Kung-Yen remarked that fingerprints could be used as a means of","Document [14](Title: Hem Chandra Bose) report that fingerprints should be used for classification of criminal records. After that year, the Kolkata Anthropometric Bureau became the world's first Fingerprint Bureau. He was working in the Calcutta Anthropometric Bureau (before it became the Fingerprint Bureau) with Azizul Haque. He and Haque were the two Indian fingerprint experts credited with primary development of the Henry Classification System (named for their supervisor, Edward Richard Henry). The Henry Classification System is still used in all English-speaking countries (primarily as the manual filing system for accessing paper archive files that have not been scanned and computerized). Hem Chandra Bose Rai Bahadur","Document [15](Title: Harry Jackson (criminal)) events. As one letter to \"The Times\" (signed by \"A Disgusted Magistrate\") stated: \"Scotland Yard, once known as the world\u2019s finest police organisation, will be the laughing stock of Europe it if insists on trying to trace criminals by odd ridges on their skins.\" Jackson's status as the first person to be arrested on the basis of fingerprint evidence was the subject of episode 4 of \"Connections 2\", a documentary series by James Burke. Harry Jackson (criminal) Harry Jackson (c. 1861\u2013?) was the first man to be convicted in the United Kingdom via fingerprint evidence. On June 27, 1902, a","Document [16](Title: Fingerprint) Lord William Russell, a provincial doctor, Robert Blake Overton, wrote to Scotland Yard suggesting checking for fingerprints but the suggestion, though followed up, did not lead to their routine use by the police for another 50 years. Some years later, the German anatomist Georg von Meissner (1829\u20131905) studied friction ridges, and five years after this, in 1858, Sir William James Herschel initiated fingerprinting in India. In 1877 at Hooghly (near Calcutta) he instituted the use of fingerprints on contracts and deeds to prevent the then-rampant repudiation of signatures and he registered government pensioners' fingerprints to prevent the collection of money","Document [17](Title: Identix Incorporated) which include identifying a person suspected of committing a crime or linking a suspect to other unsolved crimes. In 1972, Randall C. Fowler began working in his garage in Redondo Beach, California to develop technology for the acquisition and recording of a person\u2019s fingerprints. The intent was to provide a more reliable technique than ink to be used initially by the FBI, and later in automated fingerprint verification systems as advances in computing power became available. Automated fingerprint verification is closely related to AFIS for use in applications such as attendance and access control systems, and it was not clear","Document [18](Title: Fingerprint) in forensic science in his book \"Finger Prints\". He had calculated that the chance of a \"false positive\" (two different individuals having the same fingerprints) was about 1 in 64 billion. Juan Vucetich, an Argentine chief police officer, created the first method of recording the fingerprints of individuals on file, associating these fingerprints to the anthropometric system of Alphonse Bertillon, who had created, in 1879, a system to identify individuals by anthropometric photographs and associated quantitative descriptions. In 1892, after studying Galton's pattern types, Vucetich set up the world's first fingerprint bureau. In that same year, Francisca Rojas of Necochea,","Document [19](Title: Fingerprint) of criminals. Fingerprints are the fundamental tool in every police agency for the identification of people with a criminal history. They remain the most commonly gathered forensic evidence worldwide, and in most jurisdictions fingerprint examination is more common than all other forensic examination casework combined. Moreover, it continues to expand, with tens of thousands of people added to fingerprint repositories daily in America alone \u2014 far more than other forensic databases. Fingerprinting was the basis upon which the first forensic professional organization was formed, the International Association for Identification (IAI), in 1915. The first professional certification program for forensic scientists","Document [20](Title: Biometrics use by the South African government) African Police Service (SAPS) implemented a biometric system in 2001 to secure the Integrated Justice System (IJS). Finger- and palm prints of convicted criminals have been captured in their Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) \u2013 this database is used for Identity Management (IDM) and is used to monitor criminals as well as to track down wanted criminals. Portable readers (powered by Sagem's MorphoTouch and RapID technology) are used at roadblocks around the country to identify wanted criminals and bring them to justice. The AFIS was implemented by the Ideco Group, who also completed the HANIS system discussed above. Additional uses"],"query":"when was fingerprinting first used by the police?","answers":["the early 20th century","In 1840"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Edward Henry) already been exchanging letters with Francis Galton regarding the use of fingerprinting to identify criminals, either instead of or in addition to the anthropometric method of Alphonse Bertillon, which Henry introduced into the Bengal police department. The taking of fingerprints and palm prints had been common among officialdom in Bengal as a means of identification for forty years, having been introduced by Sir William Herschel, but it was not used by the police and there was no system of simple sorting to allow rapid identification of an individual print (although classification of types was already used). Between July 1896 and","Document [2](Title: Fingerprint) a crime scene, or on items of evidence from a crime, have been used in forensic science to identify suspects, victims and other persons who touched a surface. Fingerprint identification emerged as an important system within police agencies in the late 19th century, when it replaced anthropometric measurements as a more reliable method for identifying persons having a prior record, often under a false name, in a criminal record repository. In modern times, researchers can find traces of addictive drugs on just a fingerprint. Fingerprinting has served all governments worldwide during the past 100 years or so to provide identification","Document [3](Title: Fingerprint) United States, Dr. Henry P. DeForrest used fingerprinting in the New York Civil Service in 1902, and by 1906, New York City Police Department Deputy Commissioner Joseph A. Faurot, an expert in the Bertillon system and a finger print advocate at Police Headquarters, introduced the fingerprinting of criminals to the United States. The Scheffer case of 1902 is the first case of the identification, arrest and conviction of a murderer based upon fingerprint evidence. Alphonse Bertillon identified the thief and murderer Scheffer, who had previously been arrested and his fingerprints filed some months before, from the fingerprints found on a","Document [4](Title: Forensic science) used in breaking and entering. Although his central methods were soon to be supplanted by fingerprinting, \"his other contributions like the mug shot and the systematization of crime-scene photography remain in place to this day.\" Sir William Herschel was one of the first to advocate the use of fingerprinting in the identification of criminal suspects. While working for the Indian Civil Service, he began to use thumbprints on documents as a security measure to prevent the then-rampant repudiation of signatures in 1858. In 1877 at Hooghly (near Kolkata), Herschel instituted the use of fingerprints on contracts and deeds, and he","Document [5](Title: Edward Henry) was originally not to assist in identifying criminals, but to prevent criminals from concealing previous convictions from the police, courts and prisons. However, it was used to ensure the conviction of burglar Harry Jackson in 1902 and soon caught on with CID. This usage was later cemented when fingerprint evidence was used to secure the convictions of Alfred and Albert Stratton for murder in 1905. Henry introduced other innovations as well. He bought the first typewriters to be used in Scotland Yard outside the Registry, replacing the laborious hand copying of the clerks. In 1902, he ran a private telegraph","Document [6](Title: Criminal Justice Information Services) Tayside Police, James Mackay QPM, and Tayside's head of CID, Detective Chief Superintendent Scott Robertson, were then appointed by the Crown Office to conduct a further investigation into the issues relating to fingerprint evidence and to report back with their findings. Mackay's interim report on August 3, 2000 suggested that SCRO fingerprint personnel had given evidence in court that was: According to a Scottish Executive Justice Department internal email written by senior official, Sheena Maclaren: Marked 'confidential', the final Mackay and Robertson report was submitted to the Crown Office in October 2000. It took more than five years for details","Document [7](Title: Biometrics use by the South African government) of biometrics in the police services are fingerprint readers (with fake fingerprint detection functionality) for access control in departments with secure and sensitive information (e.g. forensic laboratories, stolen vehicle departments etc.). Fingerprints are also being used as the sole method for doing criminal record background checks for commercial purposes \u2013 as the use of a name, surname or identification number has too much potential for abuse, and this system failure has led to much fraud. A full set of fingerprints is required for a criminal record check to be done on an individual. Companies who want to make use of","Document [8](Title: Fingerprint) they refuse to reveal the technique. In the 1930s criminal investigators in the United States first discovered the existence of latent fingerprints on the surfaces of fabrics, most notably on the insides of gloves discarded by perpetrators. Since the late nineteenth century, fingerprint identification methods have been used by police agencies around the world to identify suspected criminals as well as the victims of crime. The basis of the traditional fingerprinting technique is simple. The skin on the palmar surface of the hands and feet forms ridges, so-called papillary ridges, in patterns that are unique to each individual and which","Document [9](Title: Forensic science) accepted in England and Wales when the first United Kingdom Fingerprint Bureau was founded in Scotland Yard, the Metropolitan Police headquarters, London, in 1901. Sir Edward Richard Henry subsequently achieved improvements in dactyloscopy. In the United States, Dr. Henry P. DeForrest used fingerprinting in the New York Civil Service in 1902, and by December 1905, New York City Police Department Deputy Commissioner Joseph A. Faurot, an expert in the Bertillon system and a fingerprint advocate at Police Headquarters, introduced the fingerprinting of criminals to the United States. The Uhlenhuth test, or the antigen\u2013antibody precipitin test for species, was invented by","Document [10](Title: Fingerprint) difficult to alter, and durable over the life of an individual, making them suitable as long-term markers of human identity. They may be employed by police or other authorities to identify individuals who wish to conceal their identity, or to identify people who are incapacitated or deceased and thus unable to identify themselves, as in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Fingerprint analysis, in use since the early 20th century, has led to many crimes being solved. This means that many criminals consider gloves essential. In 2015, the identification of sex by use of a fingerprint test has been reported.","Document [11](Title: Criminal Justice Information Services) separation in 2001 of these services from local control by each of the eight Scottish police forces (Central Scotland Police; Dumfries & Galloway Constabulary; Fife Constabulary; Grampian Police; Lothian & Borders Police; Northern Constabulary; Strathclyde Police; and, Tayside Police) and to the establishment of the Scottish Fingerprint Service. In January 1997 an expert from the SCRO identified the left thumb print of DC Shirley McKie, a murder squad detective with Strathclyde Police, as coming from the bathroom door frame inside the house in Kilmarnock of murder victim, Marion Ross. Three other SCRO experts confirmed this thumb print identification but another","Document [12](Title: Fingerprint) committee report that fingerprints should be used for the classification of criminal records. Working in the Calcutta Anthropometric Bureau were Azizul Haque and Hem Chandra Bose. Haque and Bose were Indian fingerprint experts who have been credited with the primary development of a fingerprint classification system eventually named after their supervisor, Sir Edward Richard Henry. The Henry Classification System, co-devised by Haque and Bose, was accepted in England and Wales when the first United Kingdom Fingerprint Bureau was founded in Scotland Yard, the Metropolitan Police headquarters, London, in 1901. Sir Edward Richard Henry subsequently achieved improvements in dactyloscopy. In the","Document [13](Title: Fingerprint) petitions with a fingerprint. Although ancient peoples probably did not realize that fingerprints could uniquely identify individuals, references from the age of the Babylonian king Hammurabi (reigned 1792-1750 BCE) indicate that law officials would take the fingerprints of people who had been arrested. During China's Qin Dynasty, records have shown that officials took hand prints, foot prints as well as finger prints as evidence from a crime scene. In China, around 300 CE, handprints were used as evidence in a trial for theft. By 650, the Chinese historian Kia Kung-Yen remarked that fingerprints could be used as a means of","Document [14](Title: Hem Chandra Bose) report that fingerprints should be used for classification of criminal records. After that year, the Kolkata Anthropometric Bureau became the world's first Fingerprint Bureau. He was working in the Calcutta Anthropometric Bureau (before it became the Fingerprint Bureau) with Azizul Haque. He and Haque were the two Indian fingerprint experts credited with primary development of the Henry Classification System (named for their supervisor, Edward Richard Henry). The Henry Classification System is still used in all English-speaking countries (primarily as the manual filing system for accessing paper archive files that have not been scanned and computerized). Hem Chandra Bose Rai Bahadur","Document [15](Title: Harry Jackson (criminal)) events. As one letter to \"The Times\" (signed by \"A Disgusted Magistrate\") stated: \"Scotland Yard, once known as the world\u2019s finest police organisation, will be the laughing stock of Europe it if insists on trying to trace criminals by odd ridges on their skins.\" Jackson's status as the first person to be arrested on the basis of fingerprint evidence was the subject of episode 4 of \"Connections 2\", a documentary series by James Burke. Harry Jackson (criminal) Harry Jackson (c. 1861\u2013?) was the first man to be convicted in the United Kingdom via fingerprint evidence. On June 27, 1902, a","Document [16](Title: Fingerprint) Lord William Russell, a provincial doctor, Robert Blake Overton, wrote to Scotland Yard suggesting checking for fingerprints but the suggestion, though followed up, did not lead to their routine use by the police for another 50 years. Some years later, the German anatomist Georg von Meissner (1829\u20131905) studied friction ridges, and five years after this, in 1858, Sir William James Herschel initiated fingerprinting in India. In 1877 at Hooghly (near Calcutta) he instituted the use of fingerprints on contracts and deeds to prevent the then-rampant repudiation of signatures and he registered government pensioners' fingerprints to prevent the collection of money","Document [17](Title: Identix Incorporated) which include identifying a person suspected of committing a crime or linking a suspect to other unsolved crimes. In 1972, Randall C. Fowler began working in his garage in Redondo Beach, California to develop technology for the acquisition and recording of a person\u2019s fingerprints. The intent was to provide a more reliable technique than ink to be used initially by the FBI, and later in automated fingerprint verification systems as advances in computing power became available. Automated fingerprint verification is closely related to AFIS for use in applications such as attendance and access control systems, and it was not clear","Document [18](Title: Fingerprint) in forensic science in his book \"Finger Prints\". He had calculated that the chance of a \"false positive\" (two different individuals having the same fingerprints) was about 1 in 64 billion. Juan Vucetich, an Argentine chief police officer, created the first method of recording the fingerprints of individuals on file, associating these fingerprints to the anthropometric system of Alphonse Bertillon, who had created, in 1879, a system to identify individuals by anthropometric photographs and associated quantitative descriptions. In 1892, after studying Galton's pattern types, Vucetich set up the world's first fingerprint bureau. In that same year, Francisca Rojas of Necochea,","Document [19](Title: Fingerprint) of criminals. Fingerprints are the fundamental tool in every police agency for the identification of people with a criminal history. They remain the most commonly gathered forensic evidence worldwide, and in most jurisdictions fingerprint examination is more common than all other forensic examination casework combined. Moreover, it continues to expand, with tens of thousands of people added to fingerprint repositories daily in America alone \u2014 far more than other forensic databases. Fingerprinting was the basis upon which the first forensic professional organization was formed, the International Association for Identification (IAI), in 1915. The first professional certification program for forensic scientists","Document [20](Title: Biometrics use by the South African government) African Police Service (SAPS) implemented a biometric system in 2001 to secure the Integrated Justice System (IJS). Finger- and palm prints of convicted criminals have been captured in their Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) \u2013 this database is used for Identity Management (IDM) and is used to monitor criminals as well as to track down wanted criminals. Portable readers (powered by Sagem's MorphoTouch and RapID technology) are used at roadblocks around the country to identify wanted criminals and bring them to justice. The AFIS was implemented by the Ideco Group, who also completed the HANIS system discussed above. Additional uses"],"query":"when was fingerprinting first used by the police?","answers":["the early 20th century","In 1840"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Edward Henry) already been exchanging letters with Francis Galton regarding the use of fingerprinting to identify criminals, either instead of or in addition to the anthropometric method of Alphonse Bertillon, which Henry introduced into the Bengal police department. The taking of fingerprints and palm prints had been common among officialdom in Bengal as a means of identification for forty years, having been introduced by Sir William Herschel, but it was not used by the police and there was no system of simple sorting to allow rapid identification of an individual print (although classification of types was already used). Between July 1896 and","Document [2](Title: Fingerprint) a crime scene, or on items of evidence from a crime, have been used in forensic science to identify suspects, victims and other persons who touched a surface. Fingerprint identification emerged as an important system within police agencies in the late 19th century, when it replaced anthropometric measurements as a more reliable method for identifying persons having a prior record, often under a false name, in a criminal record repository. In modern times, researchers can find traces of addictive drugs on just a fingerprint. Fingerprinting has served all governments worldwide during the past 100 years or so to provide identification","Document [3](Title: Fingerprint) United States, Dr. Henry P. DeForrest used fingerprinting in the New York Civil Service in 1902, and by 1906, New York City Police Department Deputy Commissioner Joseph A. Faurot, an expert in the Bertillon system and a finger print advocate at Police Headquarters, introduced the fingerprinting of criminals to the United States. The Scheffer case of 1902 is the first case of the identification, arrest and conviction of a murderer based upon fingerprint evidence. Alphonse Bertillon identified the thief and murderer Scheffer, who had previously been arrested and his fingerprints filed some months before, from the fingerprints found on a","Document [4](Title: Forensic science) used in breaking and entering. Although his central methods were soon to be supplanted by fingerprinting, \"his other contributions like the mug shot and the systematization of crime-scene photography remain in place to this day.\" Sir William Herschel was one of the first to advocate the use of fingerprinting in the identification of criminal suspects. While working for the Indian Civil Service, he began to use thumbprints on documents as a security measure to prevent the then-rampant repudiation of signatures in 1858. In 1877 at Hooghly (near Kolkata), Herschel instituted the use of fingerprints on contracts and deeds, and he","Document [5](Title: Edward Henry) was originally not to assist in identifying criminals, but to prevent criminals from concealing previous convictions from the police, courts and prisons. However, it was used to ensure the conviction of burglar Harry Jackson in 1902 and soon caught on with CID. This usage was later cemented when fingerprint evidence was used to secure the convictions of Alfred and Albert Stratton for murder in 1905. Henry introduced other innovations as well. He bought the first typewriters to be used in Scotland Yard outside the Registry, replacing the laborious hand copying of the clerks. In 1902, he ran a private telegraph","Document [6](Title: Criminal Justice Information Services) Tayside Police, James Mackay QPM, and Tayside's head of CID, Detective Chief Superintendent Scott Robertson, were then appointed by the Crown Office to conduct a further investigation into the issues relating to fingerprint evidence and to report back with their findings. Mackay's interim report on August 3, 2000 suggested that SCRO fingerprint personnel had given evidence in court that was: According to a Scottish Executive Justice Department internal email written by senior official, Sheena Maclaren: Marked 'confidential', the final Mackay and Robertson report was submitted to the Crown Office in October 2000. It took more than five years for details","Document [7](Title: Biometrics use by the South African government) of biometrics in the police services are fingerprint readers (with fake fingerprint detection functionality) for access control in departments with secure and sensitive information (e.g. forensic laboratories, stolen vehicle departments etc.). Fingerprints are also being used as the sole method for doing criminal record background checks for commercial purposes \u2013 as the use of a name, surname or identification number has too much potential for abuse, and this system failure has led to much fraud. A full set of fingerprints is required for a criminal record check to be done on an individual. Companies who want to make use of","Document [8](Title: Fingerprint) they refuse to reveal the technique. In the 1930s criminal investigators in the United States first discovered the existence of latent fingerprints on the surfaces of fabrics, most notably on the insides of gloves discarded by perpetrators. Since the late nineteenth century, fingerprint identification methods have been used by police agencies around the world to identify suspected criminals as well as the victims of crime. The basis of the traditional fingerprinting technique is simple. The skin on the palmar surface of the hands and feet forms ridges, so-called papillary ridges, in patterns that are unique to each individual and which","Document [9](Title: Forensic science) accepted in England and Wales when the first United Kingdom Fingerprint Bureau was founded in Scotland Yard, the Metropolitan Police headquarters, London, in 1901. Sir Edward Richard Henry subsequently achieved improvements in dactyloscopy. In the United States, Dr. Henry P. DeForrest used fingerprinting in the New York Civil Service in 1902, and by December 1905, New York City Police Department Deputy Commissioner Joseph A. Faurot, an expert in the Bertillon system and a fingerprint advocate at Police Headquarters, introduced the fingerprinting of criminals to the United States. The Uhlenhuth test, or the antigen\u2013antibody precipitin test for species, was invented by","Document [10](Title: Criminal Justice Information Services) separation in 2001 of these services from local control by each of the eight Scottish police forces (Central Scotland Police; Dumfries & Galloway Constabulary; Fife Constabulary; Grampian Police; Lothian & Borders Police; Northern Constabulary; Strathclyde Police; and, Tayside Police) and to the establishment of the Scottish Fingerprint Service. In January 1997 an expert from the SCRO identified the left thumb print of DC Shirley McKie, a murder squad detective with Strathclyde Police, as coming from the bathroom door frame inside the house in Kilmarnock of murder victim, Marion Ross. Three other SCRO experts confirmed this thumb print identification but another","Document [11](Title: Fingerprint) committee report that fingerprints should be used for the classification of criminal records. Working in the Calcutta Anthropometric Bureau were Azizul Haque and Hem Chandra Bose. Haque and Bose were Indian fingerprint experts who have been credited with the primary development of a fingerprint classification system eventually named after their supervisor, Sir Edward Richard Henry. The Henry Classification System, co-devised by Haque and Bose, was accepted in England and Wales when the first United Kingdom Fingerprint Bureau was founded in Scotland Yard, the Metropolitan Police headquarters, London, in 1901. Sir Edward Richard Henry subsequently achieved improvements in dactyloscopy. In the","Document [12](Title: Fingerprint) petitions with a fingerprint. Although ancient peoples probably did not realize that fingerprints could uniquely identify individuals, references from the age of the Babylonian king Hammurabi (reigned 1792-1750 BCE) indicate that law officials would take the fingerprints of people who had been arrested. During China's Qin Dynasty, records have shown that officials took hand prints, foot prints as well as finger prints as evidence from a crime scene. In China, around 300 CE, handprints were used as evidence in a trial for theft. By 650, the Chinese historian Kia Kung-Yen remarked that fingerprints could be used as a means of","Document [13](Title: Hem Chandra Bose) report that fingerprints should be used for classification of criminal records. After that year, the Kolkata Anthropometric Bureau became the world's first Fingerprint Bureau. He was working in the Calcutta Anthropometric Bureau (before it became the Fingerprint Bureau) with Azizul Haque. He and Haque were the two Indian fingerprint experts credited with primary development of the Henry Classification System (named for their supervisor, Edward Richard Henry). The Henry Classification System is still used in all English-speaking countries (primarily as the manual filing system for accessing paper archive files that have not been scanned and computerized). Hem Chandra Bose Rai Bahadur","Document [14](Title: Harry Jackson (criminal)) events. As one letter to \"The Times\" (signed by \"A Disgusted Magistrate\") stated: \"Scotland Yard, once known as the world\u2019s finest police organisation, will be the laughing stock of Europe it if insists on trying to trace criminals by odd ridges on their skins.\" Jackson's status as the first person to be arrested on the basis of fingerprint evidence was the subject of episode 4 of \"Connections 2\", a documentary series by James Burke. Harry Jackson (criminal) Harry Jackson (c. 1861\u2013?) was the first man to be convicted in the United Kingdom via fingerprint evidence. On June 27, 1902, a","Document [15](Title: Fingerprint) difficult to alter, and durable over the life of an individual, making them suitable as long-term markers of human identity. They may be employed by police or other authorities to identify individuals who wish to conceal their identity, or to identify people who are incapacitated or deceased and thus unable to identify themselves, as in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Fingerprint analysis, in use since the early 20th century, has led to many crimes being solved. This means that many criminals consider gloves essential. In 2015, the identification of sex by use of a fingerprint test has been reported.","Document [16](Title: Fingerprint) Lord William Russell, a provincial doctor, Robert Blake Overton, wrote to Scotland Yard suggesting checking for fingerprints but the suggestion, though followed up, did not lead to their routine use by the police for another 50 years. Some years later, the German anatomist Georg von Meissner (1829\u20131905) studied friction ridges, and five years after this, in 1858, Sir William James Herschel initiated fingerprinting in India. In 1877 at Hooghly (near Calcutta) he instituted the use of fingerprints on contracts and deeds to prevent the then-rampant repudiation of signatures and he registered government pensioners' fingerprints to prevent the collection of money","Document [17](Title: Identix Incorporated) which include identifying a person suspected of committing a crime or linking a suspect to other unsolved crimes. In 1972, Randall C. Fowler began working in his garage in Redondo Beach, California to develop technology for the acquisition and recording of a person\u2019s fingerprints. The intent was to provide a more reliable technique than ink to be used initially by the FBI, and later in automated fingerprint verification systems as advances in computing power became available. Automated fingerprint verification is closely related to AFIS for use in applications such as attendance and access control systems, and it was not clear","Document [18](Title: Fingerprint) in forensic science in his book \"Finger Prints\". He had calculated that the chance of a \"false positive\" (two different individuals having the same fingerprints) was about 1 in 64 billion. Juan Vucetich, an Argentine chief police officer, created the first method of recording the fingerprints of individuals on file, associating these fingerprints to the anthropometric system of Alphonse Bertillon, who had created, in 1879, a system to identify individuals by anthropometric photographs and associated quantitative descriptions. In 1892, after studying Galton's pattern types, Vucetich set up the world's first fingerprint bureau. In that same year, Francisca Rojas of Necochea,","Document [19](Title: Fingerprint) of criminals. Fingerprints are the fundamental tool in every police agency for the identification of people with a criminal history. They remain the most commonly gathered forensic evidence worldwide, and in most jurisdictions fingerprint examination is more common than all other forensic examination casework combined. Moreover, it continues to expand, with tens of thousands of people added to fingerprint repositories daily in America alone \u2014 far more than other forensic databases. Fingerprinting was the basis upon which the first forensic professional organization was formed, the International Association for Identification (IAI), in 1915. The first professional certification program for forensic scientists","Document [20](Title: Biometrics use by the South African government) African Police Service (SAPS) implemented a biometric system in 2001 to secure the Integrated Justice System (IJS). Finger- and palm prints of convicted criminals have been captured in their Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) \u2013 this database is used for Identity Management (IDM) and is used to monitor criminals as well as to track down wanted criminals. Portable readers (powered by Sagem's MorphoTouch and RapID technology) are used at roadblocks around the country to identify wanted criminals and bring them to justice. The AFIS was implemented by the Ideco Group, who also completed the HANIS system discussed above. Additional uses"],"query":"when was fingerprinting first used by the police?","answers":["the early 20th century","In 1840"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Edward Henry) already been exchanging letters with Francis Galton regarding the use of fingerprinting to identify criminals, either instead of or in addition to the anthropometric method of Alphonse Bertillon, which Henry introduced into the Bengal police department. The taking of fingerprints and palm prints had been common among officialdom in Bengal as a means of identification for forty years, having been introduced by Sir William Herschel, but it was not used by the police and there was no system of simple sorting to allow rapid identification of an individual print (although classification of types was already used). Between July 1896 and","Document [2](Title: Fingerprint) a crime scene, or on items of evidence from a crime, have been used in forensic science to identify suspects, victims and other persons who touched a surface. Fingerprint identification emerged as an important system within police agencies in the late 19th century, when it replaced anthropometric measurements as a more reliable method for identifying persons having a prior record, often under a false name, in a criminal record repository. In modern times, researchers can find traces of addictive drugs on just a fingerprint. Fingerprinting has served all governments worldwide during the past 100 years or so to provide identification","Document [3](Title: Fingerprint) United States, Dr. Henry P. DeForrest used fingerprinting in the New York Civil Service in 1902, and by 1906, New York City Police Department Deputy Commissioner Joseph A. Faurot, an expert in the Bertillon system and a finger print advocate at Police Headquarters, introduced the fingerprinting of criminals to the United States. The Scheffer case of 1902 is the first case of the identification, arrest and conviction of a murderer based upon fingerprint evidence. Alphonse Bertillon identified the thief and murderer Scheffer, who had previously been arrested and his fingerprints filed some months before, from the fingerprints found on a","Document [4](Title: Forensic science) used in breaking and entering. Although his central methods were soon to be supplanted by fingerprinting, \"his other contributions like the mug shot and the systematization of crime-scene photography remain in place to this day.\" Sir William Herschel was one of the first to advocate the use of fingerprinting in the identification of criminal suspects. While working for the Indian Civil Service, he began to use thumbprints on documents as a security measure to prevent the then-rampant repudiation of signatures in 1858. In 1877 at Hooghly (near Kolkata), Herschel instituted the use of fingerprints on contracts and deeds, and he","Document [5](Title: Edward Henry) was originally not to assist in identifying criminals, but to prevent criminals from concealing previous convictions from the police, courts and prisons. However, it was used to ensure the conviction of burglar Harry Jackson in 1902 and soon caught on with CID. This usage was later cemented when fingerprint evidence was used to secure the convictions of Alfred and Albert Stratton for murder in 1905. Henry introduced other innovations as well. He bought the first typewriters to be used in Scotland Yard outside the Registry, replacing the laborious hand copying of the clerks. In 1902, he ran a private telegraph","Document [6](Title: Criminal Justice Information Services) Tayside Police, James Mackay QPM, and Tayside's head of CID, Detective Chief Superintendent Scott Robertson, were then appointed by the Crown Office to conduct a further investigation into the issues relating to fingerprint evidence and to report back with their findings. Mackay's interim report on August 3, 2000 suggested that SCRO fingerprint personnel had given evidence in court that was: According to a Scottish Executive Justice Department internal email written by senior official, Sheena Maclaren: Marked 'confidential', the final Mackay and Robertson report was submitted to the Crown Office in October 2000. It took more than five years for details","Document [7](Title: Biometrics use by the South African government) of biometrics in the police services are fingerprint readers (with fake fingerprint detection functionality) for access control in departments with secure and sensitive information (e.g. forensic laboratories, stolen vehicle departments etc.). Fingerprints are also being used as the sole method for doing criminal record background checks for commercial purposes \u2013 as the use of a name, surname or identification number has too much potential for abuse, and this system failure has led to much fraud. A full set of fingerprints is required for a criminal record check to be done on an individual. Companies who want to make use of","Document [8](Title: Fingerprint) they refuse to reveal the technique. In the 1930s criminal investigators in the United States first discovered the existence of latent fingerprints on the surfaces of fabrics, most notably on the insides of gloves discarded by perpetrators. Since the late nineteenth century, fingerprint identification methods have been used by police agencies around the world to identify suspected criminals as well as the victims of crime. The basis of the traditional fingerprinting technique is simple. The skin on the palmar surface of the hands and feet forms ridges, so-called papillary ridges, in patterns that are unique to each individual and which","Document [9](Title: Forensic science) accepted in England and Wales when the first United Kingdom Fingerprint Bureau was founded in Scotland Yard, the Metropolitan Police headquarters, London, in 1901. Sir Edward Richard Henry subsequently achieved improvements in dactyloscopy. In the United States, Dr. Henry P. DeForrest used fingerprinting in the New York Civil Service in 1902, and by December 1905, New York City Police Department Deputy Commissioner Joseph A. Faurot, an expert in the Bertillon system and a fingerprint advocate at Police Headquarters, introduced the fingerprinting of criminals to the United States. The Uhlenhuth test, or the antigen\u2013antibody precipitin test for species, was invented by","Document [10](Title: Criminal Justice Information Services) separation in 2001 of these services from local control by each of the eight Scottish police forces (Central Scotland Police; Dumfries & Galloway Constabulary; Fife Constabulary; Grampian Police; Lothian & Borders Police; Northern Constabulary; Strathclyde Police; and, Tayside Police) and to the establishment of the Scottish Fingerprint Service. In January 1997 an expert from the SCRO identified the left thumb print of DC Shirley McKie, a murder squad detective with Strathclyde Police, as coming from the bathroom door frame inside the house in Kilmarnock of murder victim, Marion Ross. Three other SCRO experts confirmed this thumb print identification but another","Document [11](Title: Fingerprint) committee report that fingerprints should be used for the classification of criminal records. Working in the Calcutta Anthropometric Bureau were Azizul Haque and Hem Chandra Bose. Haque and Bose were Indian fingerprint experts who have been credited with the primary development of a fingerprint classification system eventually named after their supervisor, Sir Edward Richard Henry. The Henry Classification System, co-devised by Haque and Bose, was accepted in England and Wales when the first United Kingdom Fingerprint Bureau was founded in Scotland Yard, the Metropolitan Police headquarters, London, in 1901. Sir Edward Richard Henry subsequently achieved improvements in dactyloscopy. In the","Document [12](Title: Fingerprint) petitions with a fingerprint. Although ancient peoples probably did not realize that fingerprints could uniquely identify individuals, references from the age of the Babylonian king Hammurabi (reigned 1792-1750 BCE) indicate that law officials would take the fingerprints of people who had been arrested. During China's Qin Dynasty, records have shown that officials took hand prints, foot prints as well as finger prints as evidence from a crime scene. In China, around 300 CE, handprints were used as evidence in a trial for theft. By 650, the Chinese historian Kia Kung-Yen remarked that fingerprints could be used as a means of","Document [13](Title: Hem Chandra Bose) report that fingerprints should be used for classification of criminal records. After that year, the Kolkata Anthropometric Bureau became the world's first Fingerprint Bureau. He was working in the Calcutta Anthropometric Bureau (before it became the Fingerprint Bureau) with Azizul Haque. He and Haque were the two Indian fingerprint experts credited with primary development of the Henry Classification System (named for their supervisor, Edward Richard Henry). The Henry Classification System is still used in all English-speaking countries (primarily as the manual filing system for accessing paper archive files that have not been scanned and computerized). Hem Chandra Bose Rai Bahadur","Document [14](Title: Harry Jackson (criminal)) events. As one letter to \"The Times\" (signed by \"A Disgusted Magistrate\") stated: \"Scotland Yard, once known as the world\u2019s finest police organisation, will be the laughing stock of Europe it if insists on trying to trace criminals by odd ridges on their skins.\" Jackson's status as the first person to be arrested on the basis of fingerprint evidence was the subject of episode 4 of \"Connections 2\", a documentary series by James Burke. Harry Jackson (criminal) Harry Jackson (c. 1861\u2013?) was the first man to be convicted in the United Kingdom via fingerprint evidence. On June 27, 1902, a","Document [15](Title: Fingerprint) Lord William Russell, a provincial doctor, Robert Blake Overton, wrote to Scotland Yard suggesting checking for fingerprints but the suggestion, though followed up, did not lead to their routine use by the police for another 50 years. Some years later, the German anatomist Georg von Meissner (1829\u20131905) studied friction ridges, and five years after this, in 1858, Sir William James Herschel initiated fingerprinting in India. In 1877 at Hooghly (near Calcutta) he instituted the use of fingerprints on contracts and deeds to prevent the then-rampant repudiation of signatures and he registered government pensioners' fingerprints to prevent the collection of money","Document [16](Title: Identix Incorporated) which include identifying a person suspected of committing a crime or linking a suspect to other unsolved crimes. In 1972, Randall C. Fowler began working in his garage in Redondo Beach, California to develop technology for the acquisition and recording of a person\u2019s fingerprints. The intent was to provide a more reliable technique than ink to be used initially by the FBI, and later in automated fingerprint verification systems as advances in computing power became available. Automated fingerprint verification is closely related to AFIS for use in applications such as attendance and access control systems, and it was not clear","Document [17](Title: Fingerprint) in forensic science in his book \"Finger Prints\". He had calculated that the chance of a \"false positive\" (two different individuals having the same fingerprints) was about 1 in 64 billion. Juan Vucetich, an Argentine chief police officer, created the first method of recording the fingerprints of individuals on file, associating these fingerprints to the anthropometric system of Alphonse Bertillon, who had created, in 1879, a system to identify individuals by anthropometric photographs and associated quantitative descriptions. In 1892, after studying Galton's pattern types, Vucetich set up the world's first fingerprint bureau. In that same year, Francisca Rojas of Necochea,","Document [18](Title: Fingerprint) of criminals. Fingerprints are the fundamental tool in every police agency for the identification of people with a criminal history. They remain the most commonly gathered forensic evidence worldwide, and in most jurisdictions fingerprint examination is more common than all other forensic examination casework combined. Moreover, it continues to expand, with tens of thousands of people added to fingerprint repositories daily in America alone \u2014 far more than other forensic databases. Fingerprinting was the basis upon which the first forensic professional organization was formed, the International Association for Identification (IAI), in 1915. The first professional certification program for forensic scientists","Document [19](Title: Biometrics use by the South African government) African Police Service (SAPS) implemented a biometric system in 2001 to secure the Integrated Justice System (IJS). Finger- and palm prints of convicted criminals have been captured in their Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) \u2013 this database is used for Identity Management (IDM) and is used to monitor criminals as well as to track down wanted criminals. Portable readers (powered by Sagem's MorphoTouch and RapID technology) are used at roadblocks around the country to identify wanted criminals and bring them to justice. The AFIS was implemented by the Ideco Group, who also completed the HANIS system discussed above. Additional uses","Document [20](Title: Fingerprint) difficult to alter, and durable over the life of an individual, making them suitable as long-term markers of human identity. They may be employed by police or other authorities to identify individuals who wish to conceal their identity, or to identify people who are incapacitated or deceased and thus unable to identify themselves, as in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Fingerprint analysis, in use since the early 20th century, has led to many crimes being solved. This means that many criminals consider gloves essential. In 2015, the identification of sex by use of a fingerprint test has been reported."],"query":"when was fingerprinting first used by the police?","answers":["the early 20th century","In 1840"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: M\u00e9nage \u00e0 Troi) \"M\u00e9nage \u00e0 Troi\" is the 24th episode of the third season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, and the 72nd episode of the series overall.","Document [2](Title: The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) also notes that they may reapply to join the Federation at a later date. The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Hunted\" is the 11th episode of the of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\", and the 59th episode of the series overall. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, as Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) and his staff meet with the leaders of the planet Angosia III who are petitioning for Federation membership, they find themselves learning more than expected about the Angosians","Document [3](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 3)) Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 3) The third season of the American science fiction television series \"\" commenced airing in broadcast syndication in the United States on September 25, 1989 and concluded on June 18, 1990 after airing 26 episodes. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\"-D. Season three featured the return of Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher after she was replaced by Diana Muldaur for the . The season also saw the debut of several actors who would reappear in the same roles and others throughout","Document [4](Title: The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Hunted\" is the 11th episode of the of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\", and the 59th episode of the series overall. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, as Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) and his staff meet with the leaders of the planet Angosia III who are petitioning for Federation membership, they find themselves learning more than expected about the Angosians when they offer to help capture a local escaped prisoner. The \"Enterprise\" is investigating","Document [5](Title: The Chase (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) The Chase (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Chase\" is the 146th episode of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\", the 20th episode of the . It is directed by series cast member Jonathan Frakes (Commander William Riker). Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D. In this episode, four competing expeditions\u2014Federation, Klingon, Cardassian, and Romulan\u2014attempt to solve an ancient genetic puzzle. \"Enterprise\" Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) has always been a student of archaeology, and in this episode he is contacted by his former mentor Professor Richard","Document [6](Title: Clues (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) not knowing. One of them even has a broken limb...\" Clues (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Clues\" is the 14th episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", it originally aired on February 11, 1991 in broadcast syndication. The teleplay was written by Bruce D. Arthurs and Joe Menosky from a story by Arthurs and was directed by Les Landau Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D. While en route to investigate a mysterious planet, the entire crew, with the exception of Lieutenant Commander Data,","Document [7](Title: Preemptive Strike (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Preemptive Strike (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Preemptive Strike\" is the 176th episode of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\". It is the 24th episode of the , and penultimate episode of the series overall, directed by cast member Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean-Luc Picard). Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D. In this episode, the recurring character Ro Laren (Michelle Forbes), a court-martialed Starfleet officer who first appeared in the episode \"\", finds her loyalties divided between Starfleet and a group of resistance fighters who oppose","Document [8](Title: Manhunt (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) about her, much to his dismay. Manhunt had some of the lowest Nielsen ratings of all of The Next Generation first run broadcasts, at 8.9 points. Manhunt (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Manhunt\" is the 19th episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", the 45th episode overall, originally broadcast on June 19, 1989. In this episode, the \"Enterprise\" must transport delegates to a conference, one of whom is an extremely man-hungry Lwaxana Troi with eyes for Captain Picard. Drummer Mick Fleetwood from the British rock band Fleetwood Mac plays an Antedean dignitary in this episode. The","Document [9](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation) and films, including \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG and ST:TNG) is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. It originally aired from September 28, 1987 to May 23, 1994 on syndication, spanning 178 episodes over the course of seven seasons. The third series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it is the second sequel to \"\". Set in the 24th century, when Earth is part of a United Federation of Planets, it follows the adventures of a Starfleet starship, the USS \"Enterprise\"-D, in its exploration of the","Document [10](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 2)) Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 2) The second season of the American science fiction television series \"\" commenced airing in broadcast syndication in the United States on November 21, 1988, and concluded on July 17, 1989, after airing 22 episodes. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\"-D. Season two featured changes to the main cast, following the departure of Gates McFadden. Diana Muldaur was cast as Dr. Katherine Pulaski for a single season before the return of McFadden in season three. Academy Award winner Whoopi Goldberg also joined","Document [11](Title: Code of Honor (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) in March 2002, and was released as part of the season one Blu-ray set on July 24, 2012. Code of Honor (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Code of Honor\" is the third episode of the American science fiction television series \"\", originally aired on October 12, 1987, in broadcast syndication. The episode was written by Katharyn Powers and Michael Baron and was directed by Russ Mayberry. Mayberry was replaced part way through the filming of the episode with first assistant director Les Landau. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship","Document [12](Title: Coming of Age (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Coming of Age (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Coming of Age\" is the 18th episode of the American science fiction television series \"\". It first aired in broadcast syndication on March 14, 1988. Sandy Fries originally wrote the episode, but Hannah Louise Shearer performed an uncredited re-write. It is the only episode of the series directed by Mike Vejar, who went on to direct episodes of \"\", \"\" and \"\". Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the Starfleet crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\"-D. In the episode, Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton) takes a Starfleet Academy","Document [13](Title: Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Sins of the Father\" is the 65th episode of the American science fiction television series \"\" and the 17th episode of the . The episode is one of three chosen for Paramount's \"The Next Level\" Blu-ray sampler. During the HD remastering process a 13-second portion of the episode had to be upconverted from a standard definition source as the original 35mm elements could not be located. This footage was later located and remastered in HD for the third season Blu-ray set. In this episode, the Federation Starfleet Starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D's Klingon","Document [14](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation) Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG and ST:TNG) is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. It originally aired from September 28, 1987 to May 23, 1994 on syndication, spanning 178 episodes over the course of seven seasons. The third series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it is the second sequel to \"\". Set in the 24th century, when Earth is part of a United Federation of Planets, it follows the adventures of a Starfleet starship, the USS \"Enterprise\"-D, in its exploration of the Milky Way galaxy. After the cancellation of \"The","Document [15](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation) the last episode of \"Enteprise\" called \"These Are the Voyages...\" (S4E22) featured a holodeck simulation on the USS \"Enterprise\" (NCC-1701-D) from \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" during the events of the episode \"\" and the return of Commander William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis). It was written by Berman and Braga, who noted \"... this was a very cool episode because it has a great concept driving it\". \"\" was the TV show launched following the conclusion of \"Star Trek: Voyager\" and was set 100 years before \"TOS\" and 200 years before \"TNG\", in addition to","Document [16](Title: Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Next Generation\" episodes. Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Sins of the Father\" is the 65th episode of the American science fiction television series \"\" and the 17th episode of the . The episode is one of three chosen for Paramount's \"The Next Level\" Blu-ray sampler. During the HD remastering process a 13-second portion of the episode had to be upconverted from a standard definition source as the original 35mm elements could not be located. This footage was later located and remastered in HD for the third season Blu-ray set. In this episode, the Federation Starfleet Starship","Document [17](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 4)) Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 4) The fourth season of the American science fiction television series \"\" commenced airing in broadcast syndication in the United States on September 24, 1990 and concluded on June 17, 1991 after airing 26 episodes. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\"-D. This season saw the show embracing the notion of serialized storylines. A recurring theme throughout the season is the notion of a brewing Duras-Romulan plot against the Federation, coupled with Worf's effort to reclaim his family honor. Both storylines were introduced","Document [18](Title: Shades of Gray (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Shades of Gray (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Shades of Gray\" is the 22nd episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", the 48th episode overall. It was originally broadcast on July 17, 1989, in broadcast syndication. It was the only clip show filmed during the series and was created due to a lack of funds left over from other episodes during the season. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, Commander William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) undergoes medical treatment by Dr. Katherine Pulaski","Document [19](Title: Allegiance (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Picard releases them, pointing out that they now know what it is like to be captured. Allowing the aliens to go free, he warns them not to abduct others again. \"Allegiance\" was nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Achievement in Makeup for a Series. Allegiance (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Allegiance\" is the 18th episode of the of the American syndicated science fiction television series \"\", and the 66th episode of the series overall. It was originally released on March 26, 1990, in broadcast syndication. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the","Document [20](Title: The Dauphin (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) The Dauphin (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Dauphin\" is the tenth episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", the 36th episode overall. It was originally released on February 20, 1989, in broadcast syndication. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, the \"Enterprise\" must transport a young head of state to the planet she is to lead. The Federation starship \"Enterprise\", under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, is assigned to transport beautiful Salia, the future ruler and dauphin of Daled IV,"],"query":"star trek the next generation season 3 episode 24?","answers":["\"M\u00e9nage \u00e0 Troi\""],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) also notes that they may reapply to join the Federation at a later date. The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Hunted\" is the 11th episode of the of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\", and the 59th episode of the series overall. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, as Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) and his staff meet with the leaders of the planet Angosia III who are petitioning for Federation membership, they find themselves learning more than expected about the Angosians","Document [2](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 3)) Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 3) The third season of the American science fiction television series \"\" commenced airing in broadcast syndication in the United States on September 25, 1989 and concluded on June 18, 1990 after airing 26 episodes. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\"-D. Season three featured the return of Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher after she was replaced by Diana Muldaur for the . The season also saw the debut of several actors who would reappear in the same roles and others throughout","Document [3](Title: The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Hunted\" is the 11th episode of the of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\", and the 59th episode of the series overall. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, as Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) and his staff meet with the leaders of the planet Angosia III who are petitioning for Federation membership, they find themselves learning more than expected about the Angosians when they offer to help capture a local escaped prisoner. The \"Enterprise\" is investigating","Document [4](Title: The Chase (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) The Chase (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Chase\" is the 146th episode of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\", the 20th episode of the . It is directed by series cast member Jonathan Frakes (Commander William Riker). Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D. In this episode, four competing expeditions\u2014Federation, Klingon, Cardassian, and Romulan\u2014attempt to solve an ancient genetic puzzle. \"Enterprise\" Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) has always been a student of archaeology, and in this episode he is contacted by his former mentor Professor Richard","Document [5](Title: M\u00e9nage \u00e0 Troi) \"M\u00e9nage \u00e0 Troi\" is the 24th episode of the third season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, and the 72nd episode of the series overall.","Document [6](Title: Clues (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) not knowing. One of them even has a broken limb...\" Clues (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Clues\" is the 14th episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", it originally aired on February 11, 1991 in broadcast syndication. The teleplay was written by Bruce D. Arthurs and Joe Menosky from a story by Arthurs and was directed by Les Landau Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D. While en route to investigate a mysterious planet, the entire crew, with the exception of Lieutenant Commander Data,","Document [7](Title: Preemptive Strike (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Preemptive Strike (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Preemptive Strike\" is the 176th episode of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\". It is the 24th episode of the , and penultimate episode of the series overall, directed by cast member Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean-Luc Picard). Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D. In this episode, the recurring character Ro Laren (Michelle Forbes), a court-martialed Starfleet officer who first appeared in the episode \"\", finds her loyalties divided between Starfleet and a group of resistance fighters who oppose","Document [8](Title: Manhunt (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) about her, much to his dismay. Manhunt had some of the lowest Nielsen ratings of all of The Next Generation first run broadcasts, at 8.9 points. Manhunt (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Manhunt\" is the 19th episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", the 45th episode overall, originally broadcast on June 19, 1989. In this episode, the \"Enterprise\" must transport delegates to a conference, one of whom is an extremely man-hungry Lwaxana Troi with eyes for Captain Picard. Drummer Mick Fleetwood from the British rock band Fleetwood Mac plays an Antedean dignitary in this episode. The","Document [9](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation) and films, including \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG and ST:TNG) is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. It originally aired from September 28, 1987 to May 23, 1994 on syndication, spanning 178 episodes over the course of seven seasons. The third series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it is the second sequel to \"\". Set in the 24th century, when Earth is part of a United Federation of Planets, it follows the adventures of a Starfleet starship, the USS \"Enterprise\"-D, in its exploration of the","Document [10](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 2)) Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 2) The second season of the American science fiction television series \"\" commenced airing in broadcast syndication in the United States on November 21, 1988, and concluded on July 17, 1989, after airing 22 episodes. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\"-D. Season two featured changes to the main cast, following the departure of Gates McFadden. Diana Muldaur was cast as Dr. Katherine Pulaski for a single season before the return of McFadden in season three. Academy Award winner Whoopi Goldberg also joined","Document [11](Title: Code of Honor (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) in March 2002, and was released as part of the season one Blu-ray set on July 24, 2012. Code of Honor (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Code of Honor\" is the third episode of the American science fiction television series \"\", originally aired on October 12, 1987, in broadcast syndication. The episode was written by Katharyn Powers and Michael Baron and was directed by Russ Mayberry. Mayberry was replaced part way through the filming of the episode with first assistant director Les Landau. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship","Document [12](Title: Coming of Age (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Coming of Age (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Coming of Age\" is the 18th episode of the American science fiction television series \"\". It first aired in broadcast syndication on March 14, 1988. Sandy Fries originally wrote the episode, but Hannah Louise Shearer performed an uncredited re-write. It is the only episode of the series directed by Mike Vejar, who went on to direct episodes of \"\", \"\" and \"\". Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the Starfleet crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\"-D. In the episode, Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton) takes a Starfleet Academy","Document [13](Title: Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Sins of the Father\" is the 65th episode of the American science fiction television series \"\" and the 17th episode of the . The episode is one of three chosen for Paramount's \"The Next Level\" Blu-ray sampler. During the HD remastering process a 13-second portion of the episode had to be upconverted from a standard definition source as the original 35mm elements could not be located. This footage was later located and remastered in HD for the third season Blu-ray set. In this episode, the Federation Starfleet Starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D's Klingon","Document [14](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation) Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG and ST:TNG) is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. It originally aired from September 28, 1987 to May 23, 1994 on syndication, spanning 178 episodes over the course of seven seasons. The third series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it is the second sequel to \"\". Set in the 24th century, when Earth is part of a United Federation of Planets, it follows the adventures of a Starfleet starship, the USS \"Enterprise\"-D, in its exploration of the Milky Way galaxy. After the cancellation of \"The","Document [15](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation) the last episode of \"Enteprise\" called \"These Are the Voyages...\" (S4E22) featured a holodeck simulation on the USS \"Enterprise\" (NCC-1701-D) from \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" during the events of the episode \"\" and the return of Commander William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis). It was written by Berman and Braga, who noted \"... this was a very cool episode because it has a great concept driving it\". \"\" was the TV show launched following the conclusion of \"Star Trek: Voyager\" and was set 100 years before \"TOS\" and 200 years before \"TNG\", in addition to","Document [16](Title: Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Next Generation\" episodes. Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Sins of the Father\" is the 65th episode of the American science fiction television series \"\" and the 17th episode of the . The episode is one of three chosen for Paramount's \"The Next Level\" Blu-ray sampler. During the HD remastering process a 13-second portion of the episode had to be upconverted from a standard definition source as the original 35mm elements could not be located. This footage was later located and remastered in HD for the third season Blu-ray set. In this episode, the Federation Starfleet Starship","Document [17](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 4)) Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 4) The fourth season of the American science fiction television series \"\" commenced airing in broadcast syndication in the United States on September 24, 1990 and concluded on June 17, 1991 after airing 26 episodes. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\"-D. This season saw the show embracing the notion of serialized storylines. A recurring theme throughout the season is the notion of a brewing Duras-Romulan plot against the Federation, coupled with Worf's effort to reclaim his family honor. Both storylines were introduced","Document [18](Title: Shades of Gray (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Shades of Gray (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Shades of Gray\" is the 22nd episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", the 48th episode overall. It was originally broadcast on July 17, 1989, in broadcast syndication. It was the only clip show filmed during the series and was created due to a lack of funds left over from other episodes during the season. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, Commander William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) undergoes medical treatment by Dr. Katherine Pulaski","Document [19](Title: Allegiance (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Picard releases them, pointing out that they now know what it is like to be captured. Allowing the aliens to go free, he warns them not to abduct others again. \"Allegiance\" was nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Achievement in Makeup for a Series. Allegiance (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Allegiance\" is the 18th episode of the of the American syndicated science fiction television series \"\", and the 66th episode of the series overall. It was originally released on March 26, 1990, in broadcast syndication. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the","Document [20](Title: The Dauphin (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) The Dauphin (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Dauphin\" is the tenth episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", the 36th episode overall. It was originally released on February 20, 1989, in broadcast syndication. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, the \"Enterprise\" must transport a young head of state to the planet she is to lead. The Federation starship \"Enterprise\", under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, is assigned to transport beautiful Salia, the future ruler and dauphin of Daled IV,"],"query":"star trek the next generation season 3 episode 24?","answers":["\"M\u00e9nage \u00e0 Troi\""],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) also notes that they may reapply to join the Federation at a later date. The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Hunted\" is the 11th episode of the of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\", and the 59th episode of the series overall. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, as Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) and his staff meet with the leaders of the planet Angosia III who are petitioning for Federation membership, they find themselves learning more than expected about the Angosians","Document [2](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 3)) Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 3) The third season of the American science fiction television series \"\" commenced airing in broadcast syndication in the United States on September 25, 1989 and concluded on June 18, 1990 after airing 26 episodes. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\"-D. Season three featured the return of Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher after she was replaced by Diana Muldaur for the . The season also saw the debut of several actors who would reappear in the same roles and others throughout","Document [3](Title: The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Hunted\" is the 11th episode of the of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\", and the 59th episode of the series overall. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, as Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) and his staff meet with the leaders of the planet Angosia III who are petitioning for Federation membership, they find themselves learning more than expected about the Angosians when they offer to help capture a local escaped prisoner. The \"Enterprise\" is investigating","Document [4](Title: The Chase (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) The Chase (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Chase\" is the 146th episode of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\", the 20th episode of the . It is directed by series cast member Jonathan Frakes (Commander William Riker). Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D. In this episode, four competing expeditions\u2014Federation, Klingon, Cardassian, and Romulan\u2014attempt to solve an ancient genetic puzzle. \"Enterprise\" Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) has always been a student of archaeology, and in this episode he is contacted by his former mentor Professor Richard","Document [5](Title: Clues (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) not knowing. One of them even has a broken limb...\" Clues (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Clues\" is the 14th episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", it originally aired on February 11, 1991 in broadcast syndication. The teleplay was written by Bruce D. Arthurs and Joe Menosky from a story by Arthurs and was directed by Les Landau Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D. While en route to investigate a mysterious planet, the entire crew, with the exception of Lieutenant Commander Data,","Document [6](Title: Preemptive Strike (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Preemptive Strike (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Preemptive Strike\" is the 176th episode of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\". It is the 24th episode of the , and penultimate episode of the series overall, directed by cast member Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean-Luc Picard). Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D. In this episode, the recurring character Ro Laren (Michelle Forbes), a court-martialed Starfleet officer who first appeared in the episode \"\", finds her loyalties divided between Starfleet and a group of resistance fighters who oppose","Document [7](Title: Manhunt (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) about her, much to his dismay. Manhunt had some of the lowest Nielsen ratings of all of The Next Generation first run broadcasts, at 8.9 points. Manhunt (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Manhunt\" is the 19th episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", the 45th episode overall, originally broadcast on June 19, 1989. In this episode, the \"Enterprise\" must transport delegates to a conference, one of whom is an extremely man-hungry Lwaxana Troi with eyes for Captain Picard. Drummer Mick Fleetwood from the British rock band Fleetwood Mac plays an Antedean dignitary in this episode. The","Document [8](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation) and films, including \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG and ST:TNG) is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. It originally aired from September 28, 1987 to May 23, 1994 on syndication, spanning 178 episodes over the course of seven seasons. The third series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it is the second sequel to \"\". Set in the 24th century, when Earth is part of a United Federation of Planets, it follows the adventures of a Starfleet starship, the USS \"Enterprise\"-D, in its exploration of the","Document [9](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 2)) Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 2) The second season of the American science fiction television series \"\" commenced airing in broadcast syndication in the United States on November 21, 1988, and concluded on July 17, 1989, after airing 22 episodes. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\"-D. Season two featured changes to the main cast, following the departure of Gates McFadden. Diana Muldaur was cast as Dr. Katherine Pulaski for a single season before the return of McFadden in season three. Academy Award winner Whoopi Goldberg also joined","Document [10](Title: M\u00e9nage \u00e0 Troi) \"M\u00e9nage \u00e0 Troi\" is the 24th episode of the third season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, and the 72nd episode of the series overall.","Document [11](Title: Code of Honor (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) in March 2002, and was released as part of the season one Blu-ray set on July 24, 2012. Code of Honor (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Code of Honor\" is the third episode of the American science fiction television series \"\", originally aired on October 12, 1987, in broadcast syndication. The episode was written by Katharyn Powers and Michael Baron and was directed by Russ Mayberry. Mayberry was replaced part way through the filming of the episode with first assistant director Les Landau. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship","Document [12](Title: Coming of Age (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Coming of Age (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Coming of Age\" is the 18th episode of the American science fiction television series \"\". It first aired in broadcast syndication on March 14, 1988. Sandy Fries originally wrote the episode, but Hannah Louise Shearer performed an uncredited re-write. It is the only episode of the series directed by Mike Vejar, who went on to direct episodes of \"\", \"\" and \"\". Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the Starfleet crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\"-D. In the episode, Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton) takes a Starfleet Academy","Document [13](Title: Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Sins of the Father\" is the 65th episode of the American science fiction television series \"\" and the 17th episode of the . The episode is one of three chosen for Paramount's \"The Next Level\" Blu-ray sampler. During the HD remastering process a 13-second portion of the episode had to be upconverted from a standard definition source as the original 35mm elements could not be located. This footage was later located and remastered in HD for the third season Blu-ray set. In this episode, the Federation Starfleet Starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D's Klingon","Document [14](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation) Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG and ST:TNG) is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. It originally aired from September 28, 1987 to May 23, 1994 on syndication, spanning 178 episodes over the course of seven seasons. The third series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it is the second sequel to \"\". Set in the 24th century, when Earth is part of a United Federation of Planets, it follows the adventures of a Starfleet starship, the USS \"Enterprise\"-D, in its exploration of the Milky Way galaxy. After the cancellation of \"The","Document [15](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation) the last episode of \"Enteprise\" called \"These Are the Voyages...\" (S4E22) featured a holodeck simulation on the USS \"Enterprise\" (NCC-1701-D) from \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" during the events of the episode \"\" and the return of Commander William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis). It was written by Berman and Braga, who noted \"... this was a very cool episode because it has a great concept driving it\". \"\" was the TV show launched following the conclusion of \"Star Trek: Voyager\" and was set 100 years before \"TOS\" and 200 years before \"TNG\", in addition to","Document [16](Title: Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Next Generation\" episodes. Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Sins of the Father\" is the 65th episode of the American science fiction television series \"\" and the 17th episode of the . The episode is one of three chosen for Paramount's \"The Next Level\" Blu-ray sampler. During the HD remastering process a 13-second portion of the episode had to be upconverted from a standard definition source as the original 35mm elements could not be located. This footage was later located and remastered in HD for the third season Blu-ray set. In this episode, the Federation Starfleet Starship","Document [17](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 4)) Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 4) The fourth season of the American science fiction television series \"\" commenced airing in broadcast syndication in the United States on September 24, 1990 and concluded on June 17, 1991 after airing 26 episodes. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\"-D. This season saw the show embracing the notion of serialized storylines. A recurring theme throughout the season is the notion of a brewing Duras-Romulan plot against the Federation, coupled with Worf's effort to reclaim his family honor. Both storylines were introduced","Document [18](Title: Shades of Gray (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Shades of Gray (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Shades of Gray\" is the 22nd episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", the 48th episode overall. It was originally broadcast on July 17, 1989, in broadcast syndication. It was the only clip show filmed during the series and was created due to a lack of funds left over from other episodes during the season. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, Commander William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) undergoes medical treatment by Dr. Katherine Pulaski","Document [19](Title: Allegiance (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Picard releases them, pointing out that they now know what it is like to be captured. Allowing the aliens to go free, he warns them not to abduct others again. \"Allegiance\" was nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Achievement in Makeup for a Series. Allegiance (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Allegiance\" is the 18th episode of the of the American syndicated science fiction television series \"\", and the 66th episode of the series overall. It was originally released on March 26, 1990, in broadcast syndication. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the","Document [20](Title: The Dauphin (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) The Dauphin (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Dauphin\" is the tenth episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", the 36th episode overall. It was originally released on February 20, 1989, in broadcast syndication. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, the \"Enterprise\" must transport a young head of state to the planet she is to lead. The Federation starship \"Enterprise\", under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, is assigned to transport beautiful Salia, the future ruler and dauphin of Daled IV,"],"query":"star trek the next generation season 3 episode 24?","answers":["\"M\u00e9nage \u00e0 Troi\""],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) also notes that they may reapply to join the Federation at a later date. The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Hunted\" is the 11th episode of the of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\", and the 59th episode of the series overall. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, as Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) and his staff meet with the leaders of the planet Angosia III who are petitioning for Federation membership, they find themselves learning more than expected about the Angosians","Document [2](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 3)) Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 3) The third season of the American science fiction television series \"\" commenced airing in broadcast syndication in the United States on September 25, 1989 and concluded on June 18, 1990 after airing 26 episodes. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\"-D. Season three featured the return of Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher after she was replaced by Diana Muldaur for the . The season also saw the debut of several actors who would reappear in the same roles and others throughout","Document [3](Title: The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Hunted\" is the 11th episode of the of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\", and the 59th episode of the series overall. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, as Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) and his staff meet with the leaders of the planet Angosia III who are petitioning for Federation membership, they find themselves learning more than expected about the Angosians when they offer to help capture a local escaped prisoner. The \"Enterprise\" is investigating","Document [4](Title: The Chase (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) The Chase (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Chase\" is the 146th episode of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\", the 20th episode of the . It is directed by series cast member Jonathan Frakes (Commander William Riker). Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D. In this episode, four competing expeditions\u2014Federation, Klingon, Cardassian, and Romulan\u2014attempt to solve an ancient genetic puzzle. \"Enterprise\" Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) has always been a student of archaeology, and in this episode he is contacted by his former mentor Professor Richard","Document [5](Title: Clues (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) not knowing. One of them even has a broken limb...\" Clues (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Clues\" is the 14th episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", it originally aired on February 11, 1991 in broadcast syndication. The teleplay was written by Bruce D. Arthurs and Joe Menosky from a story by Arthurs and was directed by Les Landau Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D. While en route to investigate a mysterious planet, the entire crew, with the exception of Lieutenant Commander Data,","Document [6](Title: Preemptive Strike (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Preemptive Strike (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Preemptive Strike\" is the 176th episode of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\". It is the 24th episode of the , and penultimate episode of the series overall, directed by cast member Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean-Luc Picard). Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D. In this episode, the recurring character Ro Laren (Michelle Forbes), a court-martialed Starfleet officer who first appeared in the episode \"\", finds her loyalties divided between Starfleet and a group of resistance fighters who oppose","Document [7](Title: Manhunt (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) about her, much to his dismay. Manhunt had some of the lowest Nielsen ratings of all of The Next Generation first run broadcasts, at 8.9 points. Manhunt (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Manhunt\" is the 19th episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", the 45th episode overall, originally broadcast on June 19, 1989. In this episode, the \"Enterprise\" must transport delegates to a conference, one of whom is an extremely man-hungry Lwaxana Troi with eyes for Captain Picard. Drummer Mick Fleetwood from the British rock band Fleetwood Mac plays an Antedean dignitary in this episode. The","Document [8](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation) and films, including \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG and ST:TNG) is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. It originally aired from September 28, 1987 to May 23, 1994 on syndication, spanning 178 episodes over the course of seven seasons. The third series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it is the second sequel to \"\". Set in the 24th century, when Earth is part of a United Federation of Planets, it follows the adventures of a Starfleet starship, the USS \"Enterprise\"-D, in its exploration of the","Document [9](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 2)) Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 2) The second season of the American science fiction television series \"\" commenced airing in broadcast syndication in the United States on November 21, 1988, and concluded on July 17, 1989, after airing 22 episodes. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\"-D. Season two featured changes to the main cast, following the departure of Gates McFadden. Diana Muldaur was cast as Dr. Katherine Pulaski for a single season before the return of McFadden in season three. Academy Award winner Whoopi Goldberg also joined","Document [10](Title: Code of Honor (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) in March 2002, and was released as part of the season one Blu-ray set on July 24, 2012. Code of Honor (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Code of Honor\" is the third episode of the American science fiction television series \"\", originally aired on October 12, 1987, in broadcast syndication. The episode was written by Katharyn Powers and Michael Baron and was directed by Russ Mayberry. Mayberry was replaced part way through the filming of the episode with first assistant director Les Landau. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship","Document [11](Title: Coming of Age (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Coming of Age (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Coming of Age\" is the 18th episode of the American science fiction television series \"\". It first aired in broadcast syndication on March 14, 1988. Sandy Fries originally wrote the episode, but Hannah Louise Shearer performed an uncredited re-write. It is the only episode of the series directed by Mike Vejar, who went on to direct episodes of \"\", \"\" and \"\". Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the Starfleet crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\"-D. In the episode, Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton) takes a Starfleet Academy","Document [12](Title: Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Sins of the Father\" is the 65th episode of the American science fiction television series \"\" and the 17th episode of the . The episode is one of three chosen for Paramount's \"The Next Level\" Blu-ray sampler. During the HD remastering process a 13-second portion of the episode had to be upconverted from a standard definition source as the original 35mm elements could not be located. This footage was later located and remastered in HD for the third season Blu-ray set. In this episode, the Federation Starfleet Starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D's Klingon","Document [13](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation) Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG and ST:TNG) is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. It originally aired from September 28, 1987 to May 23, 1994 on syndication, spanning 178 episodes over the course of seven seasons. The third series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it is the second sequel to \"\". Set in the 24th century, when Earth is part of a United Federation of Planets, it follows the adventures of a Starfleet starship, the USS \"Enterprise\"-D, in its exploration of the Milky Way galaxy. After the cancellation of \"The","Document [14](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation) the last episode of \"Enteprise\" called \"These Are the Voyages...\" (S4E22) featured a holodeck simulation on the USS \"Enterprise\" (NCC-1701-D) from \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" during the events of the episode \"\" and the return of Commander William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis). It was written by Berman and Braga, who noted \"... this was a very cool episode because it has a great concept driving it\". \"\" was the TV show launched following the conclusion of \"Star Trek: Voyager\" and was set 100 years before \"TOS\" and 200 years before \"TNG\", in addition to","Document [15](Title: M\u00e9nage \u00e0 Troi) \"M\u00e9nage \u00e0 Troi\" is the 24th episode of the third season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, and the 72nd episode of the series overall.","Document [16](Title: Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Next Generation\" episodes. Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Sins of the Father\" is the 65th episode of the American science fiction television series \"\" and the 17th episode of the . The episode is one of three chosen for Paramount's \"The Next Level\" Blu-ray sampler. During the HD remastering process a 13-second portion of the episode had to be upconverted from a standard definition source as the original 35mm elements could not be located. This footage was later located and remastered in HD for the third season Blu-ray set. In this episode, the Federation Starfleet Starship","Document [17](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 4)) Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 4) The fourth season of the American science fiction television series \"\" commenced airing in broadcast syndication in the United States on September 24, 1990 and concluded on June 17, 1991 after airing 26 episodes. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\"-D. This season saw the show embracing the notion of serialized storylines. A recurring theme throughout the season is the notion of a brewing Duras-Romulan plot against the Federation, coupled with Worf's effort to reclaim his family honor. Both storylines were introduced","Document [18](Title: Shades of Gray (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Shades of Gray (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Shades of Gray\" is the 22nd episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", the 48th episode overall. It was originally broadcast on July 17, 1989, in broadcast syndication. It was the only clip show filmed during the series and was created due to a lack of funds left over from other episodes during the season. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, Commander William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) undergoes medical treatment by Dr. Katherine Pulaski","Document [19](Title: Allegiance (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Picard releases them, pointing out that they now know what it is like to be captured. Allowing the aliens to go free, he warns them not to abduct others again. \"Allegiance\" was nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Achievement in Makeup for a Series. Allegiance (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Allegiance\" is the 18th episode of the of the American syndicated science fiction television series \"\", and the 66th episode of the series overall. It was originally released on March 26, 1990, in broadcast syndication. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the","Document [20](Title: The Dauphin (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) The Dauphin (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Dauphin\" is the tenth episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", the 36th episode overall. It was originally released on February 20, 1989, in broadcast syndication. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, the \"Enterprise\" must transport a young head of state to the planet she is to lead. The Federation starship \"Enterprise\", under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, is assigned to transport beautiful Salia, the future ruler and dauphin of Daled IV,"],"query":"star trek the next generation season 3 episode 24?","answers":["\"M\u00e9nage \u00e0 Troi\""],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) also notes that they may reapply to join the Federation at a later date. The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Hunted\" is the 11th episode of the of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\", and the 59th episode of the series overall. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, as Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) and his staff meet with the leaders of the planet Angosia III who are petitioning for Federation membership, they find themselves learning more than expected about the Angosians","Document [2](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 3)) Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 3) The third season of the American science fiction television series \"\" commenced airing in broadcast syndication in the United States on September 25, 1989 and concluded on June 18, 1990 after airing 26 episodes. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\"-D. Season three featured the return of Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher after she was replaced by Diana Muldaur for the . The season also saw the debut of several actors who would reappear in the same roles and others throughout","Document [3](Title: The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) The Hunted (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Hunted\" is the 11th episode of the of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\", and the 59th episode of the series overall. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, as Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) and his staff meet with the leaders of the planet Angosia III who are petitioning for Federation membership, they find themselves learning more than expected about the Angosians when they offer to help capture a local escaped prisoner. The \"Enterprise\" is investigating","Document [4](Title: The Chase (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) The Chase (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Chase\" is the 146th episode of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\", the 20th episode of the . It is directed by series cast member Jonathan Frakes (Commander William Riker). Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D. In this episode, four competing expeditions\u2014Federation, Klingon, Cardassian, and Romulan\u2014attempt to solve an ancient genetic puzzle. \"Enterprise\" Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) has always been a student of archaeology, and in this episode he is contacted by his former mentor Professor Richard","Document [5](Title: Clues (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) not knowing. One of them even has a broken limb...\" Clues (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Clues\" is the 14th episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", it originally aired on February 11, 1991 in broadcast syndication. The teleplay was written by Bruce D. Arthurs and Joe Menosky from a story by Arthurs and was directed by Les Landau Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D. While en route to investigate a mysterious planet, the entire crew, with the exception of Lieutenant Commander Data,","Document [6](Title: Preemptive Strike (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Preemptive Strike (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Preemptive Strike\" is the 176th episode of the syndicated American science fiction television series \"\". It is the 24th episode of the , and penultimate episode of the series overall, directed by cast member Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean-Luc Picard). Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D. In this episode, the recurring character Ro Laren (Michelle Forbes), a court-martialed Starfleet officer who first appeared in the episode \"\", finds her loyalties divided between Starfleet and a group of resistance fighters who oppose","Document [7](Title: Manhunt (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) about her, much to his dismay. Manhunt had some of the lowest Nielsen ratings of all of The Next Generation first run broadcasts, at 8.9 points. Manhunt (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Manhunt\" is the 19th episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", the 45th episode overall, originally broadcast on June 19, 1989. In this episode, the \"Enterprise\" must transport delegates to a conference, one of whom is an extremely man-hungry Lwaxana Troi with eyes for Captain Picard. Drummer Mick Fleetwood from the British rock band Fleetwood Mac plays an Antedean dignitary in this episode. The","Document [8](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation) and films, including \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG and ST:TNG) is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. It originally aired from September 28, 1987 to May 23, 1994 on syndication, spanning 178 episodes over the course of seven seasons. The third series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it is the second sequel to \"\". Set in the 24th century, when Earth is part of a United Federation of Planets, it follows the adventures of a Starfleet starship, the USS \"Enterprise\"-D, in its exploration of the","Document [9](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 2)) Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 2) The second season of the American science fiction television series \"\" commenced airing in broadcast syndication in the United States on November 21, 1988, and concluded on July 17, 1989, after airing 22 episodes. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\"-D. Season two featured changes to the main cast, following the departure of Gates McFadden. Diana Muldaur was cast as Dr. Katherine Pulaski for a single season before the return of McFadden in season three. Academy Award winner Whoopi Goldberg also joined","Document [10](Title: Code of Honor (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) in March 2002, and was released as part of the season one Blu-ray set on July 24, 2012. Code of Honor (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Code of Honor\" is the third episode of the American science fiction television series \"\", originally aired on October 12, 1987, in broadcast syndication. The episode was written by Katharyn Powers and Michael Baron and was directed by Russ Mayberry. Mayberry was replaced part way through the filming of the episode with first assistant director Les Landau. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship","Document [11](Title: Coming of Age (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Coming of Age (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Coming of Age\" is the 18th episode of the American science fiction television series \"\". It first aired in broadcast syndication on March 14, 1988. Sandy Fries originally wrote the episode, but Hannah Louise Shearer performed an uncredited re-write. It is the only episode of the series directed by Mike Vejar, who went on to direct episodes of \"\", \"\" and \"\". Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the Starfleet crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\"-D. In the episode, Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton) takes a Starfleet Academy","Document [12](Title: Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Sins of the Father\" is the 65th episode of the American science fiction television series \"\" and the 17th episode of the . The episode is one of three chosen for Paramount's \"The Next Level\" Blu-ray sampler. During the HD remastering process a 13-second portion of the episode had to be upconverted from a standard definition source as the original 35mm elements could not be located. This footage was later located and remastered in HD for the third season Blu-ray set. In this episode, the Federation Starfleet Starship USS \"Enterprise\"-D's Klingon","Document [13](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation) Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG and ST:TNG) is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. It originally aired from September 28, 1987 to May 23, 1994 on syndication, spanning 178 episodes over the course of seven seasons. The third series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it is the second sequel to \"\". Set in the 24th century, when Earth is part of a United Federation of Planets, it follows the adventures of a Starfleet starship, the USS \"Enterprise\"-D, in its exploration of the Milky Way galaxy. After the cancellation of \"The","Document [14](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation) the last episode of \"Enteprise\" called \"These Are the Voyages...\" (S4E22) featured a holodeck simulation on the USS \"Enterprise\" (NCC-1701-D) from \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" during the events of the episode \"\" and the return of Commander William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis). It was written by Berman and Braga, who noted \"... this was a very cool episode because it has a great concept driving it\". \"\" was the TV show launched following the conclusion of \"Star Trek: Voyager\" and was set 100 years before \"TOS\" and 200 years before \"TNG\", in addition to","Document [15](Title: Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Next Generation\" episodes. Sins of the Father (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Sins of the Father\" is the 65th episode of the American science fiction television series \"\" and the 17th episode of the . The episode is one of three chosen for Paramount's \"The Next Level\" Blu-ray sampler. During the HD remastering process a 13-second portion of the episode had to be upconverted from a standard definition source as the original 35mm elements could not be located. This footage was later located and remastered in HD for the third season Blu-ray set. In this episode, the Federation Starfleet Starship","Document [16](Title: Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 4)) Star Trek: The Next Generation (season 4) The fourth season of the American science fiction television series \"\" commenced airing in broadcast syndication in the United States on September 24, 1990 and concluded on June 17, 1991 after airing 26 episodes. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\"-D. This season saw the show embracing the notion of serialized storylines. A recurring theme throughout the season is the notion of a brewing Duras-Romulan plot against the Federation, coupled with Worf's effort to reclaim his family honor. Both storylines were introduced","Document [17](Title: Shades of Gray (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Shades of Gray (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Shades of Gray\" is the 22nd episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", the 48th episode overall. It was originally broadcast on July 17, 1989, in broadcast syndication. It was the only clip show filmed during the series and was created due to a lack of funds left over from other episodes during the season. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, Commander William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) undergoes medical treatment by Dr. Katherine Pulaski","Document [18](Title: Allegiance (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) Picard releases them, pointing out that they now know what it is like to be captured. Allowing the aliens to go free, he warns them not to abduct others again. \"Allegiance\" was nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Achievement in Makeup for a Series. Allegiance (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"Allegiance\" is the 18th episode of the of the American syndicated science fiction television series \"\", and the 66th episode of the series overall. It was originally released on March 26, 1990, in broadcast syndication. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the","Document [19](Title: The Dauphin (Star Trek: The Next Generation)) The Dauphin (Star Trek: The Next Generation) \"The Dauphin\" is the tenth episode of the of the American science fiction television series \"\", the 36th episode overall. It was originally released on February 20, 1989, in broadcast syndication. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship \"Enterprise\". In this episode, the \"Enterprise\" must transport a young head of state to the planet she is to lead. The Federation starship \"Enterprise\", under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, is assigned to transport beautiful Salia, the future ruler and dauphin of Daled IV,","Document [20](Title: M\u00e9nage \u00e0 Troi) \"M\u00e9nage \u00e0 Troi\" is the 24th episode of the third season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, and the 72nd episode of the series overall."],"query":"star trek the next generation season 3 episode 24?","answers":["\"M\u00e9nage \u00e0 Troi\""],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) is a fictional starship in the fictional Star Trek universe that serves as both the main setting of the original Star Trek television series, as well as the primary transportation method for the show's characters. The Enterprise has been depicted in four network television series, six feature films, many books, and much fan-created media. The original Star Trek series (1966\u20131969) features a voice-over by Enterprise captain, James T. Kirk (William Shatner), which describes the mission of the Enterprise as \"to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no","Document [2](Title: Starship Enterprise) that was Earth's first attempt to explore another star system. \"The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture\", published in 1980, describes the ship as \"the very first starship U.S.S. \"Enterprise\"\". A painting of this ship hangs on the wall of Earth's 602 Club in flashbacks that appeared in the \"\" episode \"\" (2003). Registry: \"Enterprise\" (NX-01) Class: NX Service: 2151\u20132161 (10 years) Captain: Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) United Earth Starfleet's \"Enterprise\" is the main setting of \"\" (2001\u20132005). \"Enterprise\" was the first Earth built starship capable of reaching Warp 5. She was commanded by Captain Jonathan Archer and played","Document [3](Title: Starship Enterprise) of illustrations depicting ships named \"Enterprise\". It also appears as a model in \"Star Trek Into Darkness\" (2013), together with models of a \"Wright Flyer\", a V-2 rocket, a Bell X-1, a Vostok-3KA capsule, a Space Shuttle orbiter, and some \"Star Trek\" universe starships. The 1979 \"Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology\" describes this \"first interstellar liner\" as a \"Declaration\"-class ship launched in 2123. Its length is given as , and it has a capacity of 100 crew and 850 passengers. The \"Star Trek Maps\" by New Eye Photography Editors, also published in 1979, listed this ship as a fusion drive probe","Document [4](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)) at Farpoint\" under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Several episodes, as well as the ship's dedication plaque, establish that the \"Enterprise\" was built at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in orbit around Mars. The \"Enterprise\"-D is the third \"Galaxy\"-class starship, after the pathfinder ship USS \"Galaxy\" and the USS \"Yamato\". The dedication plaque gives its commissioning date as 40759.5, which was intended to represent October 4, 2363, which would be the 406th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik, humanity's first spacecraft. During the \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" series, the ship's crew makes first contact with many species, including","Document [5](Title: Star Trek: Enterprise) the adventures of the crew of the starship \"Enterprise\", designation NX-01. They are the first deep space explorers in Starfleet, using the first Warp 5 equipped vessel. At the start of the series, it is revealed that the Vulcans have withheld advanced technology from humanity since their first contact, concerned that humans were not ready for it. This has delayed human space exploration and caused resentment in Captain Jonathan Archer, whose father developed the Warp 5 engine but did not live to see it used. \"Enterprise\" was intentionally equipped with less advanced versions of technologies seen in previous series. For","Document [6](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)) \"Enterprise\", which would become the latest flagship of the United Federation of Planets after the \"Enterprise\"-D had been destroyed. The \"Enterprise\"-E, a Sovereign class starship, launched in 2372 from the San Francisco Fleet Yards under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, and most of the key officers from the \"Enterprise\"-D. According to the non-canon novel \"Ship of the Line\", the originally planned name for the vessel was USS \"Honorius\", and Montgomery Scott was part of the team of engineers that designed the \"Enterprise\"-E. In the film \"Star Trek: First Contact\", the \"Enterprise\" participates in the Battle of Sector 001, destroying","Document [7](Title: First Flight (Star Trek: Enterprise)) Base and the first NASA astronauts. Reference is also made to the Apollo 11 lunar landing, when Archer mentions that no-one remembers astronaut Buzz Aldrin's first words when he stepped onto the moon. His actual first words were \"Beautiful view.\" Warp drive was first mentioned in Gene Roddenberry's first-draft pitch for \"Star Trek\", dated March 11, 1964, although in that version it was referred to as a \"space-warp drive\". The drive allows for a vessel to travel faster than the speed of light by warping space-time around the ship itself. In 1994, physicist Miguel Alcubierre created the theoretical Alcubierre drive,","Document [8](Title: Star Trek) Star Trek Star Trek is an American space opera media franchise based on the science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. The first television series, simply called \"Star Trek\" and now referred to as \"\"\"\", debuted in 1966 and aired for three seasons on the television network NBC. It followed the interstellar adventures of Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and his crew aboard the starship USS \"Enterprise\", a space exploration vessel, built by the United Federation of Planets in the twenty-third century. The \"Star Trek\" canon of the franchise includes \"The Original Series\", an animated series, five spin-off","Document [9](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) fan letters about the \"Enterprise\" than any of the actors. A write-in campaign in 1976 led to the first space shuttle being named \"Enterprise\" rather than \"Constitution\". In 2009, Virgin Galactic named its first commercial spaceship to honor the \"Star Trek\" vessel. \"Build the Enterprise\" is a website that proposes creating a functional spacecraft with a hull similar to the \"Enterprise\". The United States Navy evaluated the efficiency of the \"Enterprise\" bridge's style and layout, and the bridge of the USS \"Independence\" and the Ship's Mission Center of the USS \"Zumwalt\" have been compared to the \"Enterprise\"s bridge. An exacting","Document [10](Title: Kir'Shara) the first Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\", registration NX-01. In this episode, \"Enterprise\" attempts to avert a war, and is caught in a crossfire between Vulcan and Andorian starships. Meanwhile. Captain Archer, Commander T'Pol, and T'Pau aim to take the Kir'Shara to the Vulcan capital, and use it to reveal Administrator V'Las' plot to the rest of the Vulcan High Command. In addition to the guest stars returning from the previous arc episodes, or the episode \"\", Jeffrey Combs returned as Shran. The episode was shot across seven days using mostly standing sets, with only an Andorian brig built specifically for this","Document [11](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) science fiction spacecraft. The \"Enterprise\" was originally going to be named \"Yorktown\". Pato Guzman was the original art director assigned to \"Star Trek\"; Matt Jefferies, his assistant, took over when Guzman left the project. Jefferies, who was not a science fiction fan, was the primary designer of the \"Enterprise\" and based his work on concepts from series creator Gene Roddenberry. Roddenberry did not have any ideas about what the ship should look like, but he laid out several parameters for the ship: Roddenberry further specified that the \"Enterprise\" would operate mainly in space, have a crew of 100-150, and be","Document [12](Title: Bread and Circuses (Star Trek: The Original Series)) entertainment. In the episode, Captain Kirk and his companions are forced to fight in gladiatorial games on a planet resembling the Roman Empire, but possessing mid-20th century Earth technology. The Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\" is on routine patrol when it finds wreckage of the SS \"Beagle\". The \"Beagle\" was under the command of Captain R. M. Merik (William Smithers), whom Captain Kirk (William Shatner) knew during his academy days. First Officer Spock (Leonard Nimoy) traces the path of debris back to a planet in the previously unexplored system 892. The \"Enterprise\" picks up a 20th-century-style television news broadcast, reporting in","Document [13](Title: Star Trek: First Contact) ships to concentrate their firepower on a seemingly unimportant point on the Borg ship. The Cube is destroyed after launching a smaller sphere ship towards the planet. \"Enterprise\" pursues the sphere into a temporal vortex. As the sphere disappears, \"Enterprise\" discovers Earth has been altered \u2013 it is now populated entirely by Borg. Realizing the Borg have used time travel to change the past, \"Enterprise\" follows the sphere through the vortex. \"Enterprise\" arrives hundreds of years in its past on April 4, 2063, the day before humanity's first encounter with alien life after Zefram Cochrane's historic warp drive flight; the","Document [14](Title: Enterprise (NX-01)) \"a sort of retro-futurism\". Several \"Enterprise\" toys and models have been released, including versions by Art Asylum, Diamond Select Toys, QMx and Eaglemoss Publications. In the original pitch for \"\" by creator Gene Roddenberry, the vessel that the series was set on was called the SS \"Yorktown\". The starship was subsequently renamed USS \"Enterprise\" before the start of the series because of the growing real world fame of the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, recently launched by the U.S. Navy as the . The name \"Enterprise\" has been linked with \"Star Trek\" since. A second \"Enterprise\" made its debut in","Document [15](Title: Star Trek: Enterprise) Star Trek: Enterprise Star Trek: Enterprise, titled simply Enterprise for its first two seasons, is an American science fiction television series created by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga. It originally aired from September 26, 2001 to May 13, 2005 on UPN, spanning . The sixth series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it served as a prequel to \"\". Set in the 22nd century a hundred years before the events of \"The Original Series\", and just prior to the formation of the United Federation of Planets, the series follows the adventures of the \"Enterprise\", Earth's first starship capable of traveling at","Document [16](Title: Beyond the Farthest Star (Star Trek: The Animated Series)) it escape the massive gravity well of a dead star. On stardate 5221.3, while exploring on the outermost rim of the galaxy the Federation starship \"Enterprise\" is pulled into the orbit of a dead star. Trapped there, the crew discovers that there is a massive derelict 300,000,000-year-old pod ship trapped with them as well. Captain Kirk beams aboard the huge starship with a boarding party that includes First Officer Spock, Chief Medical Officer Dr. McCoy and Chief Engineer Scott, where they learn it was once home to an insectoid race. They also learn from a pre-recorded message left behind that","Document [17](Title: More Tribbles, More Troubles) the Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\" escorts two robot cargo ships carrying quintotriticale, a new seed grain, to famine-stricken Sherman's Planet, it encounters a Klingon battlecruiser pursuing a Federation scout ship. When the \"Enterprise\" rescues the pilot, the Klingons attack with a new energy weapon capable of incapacitating a starship and demand that the pilot be handed over to them. The pilot turns out to be Cyrano Jones, an intergalactic trader well known to Captain Kirk and crew (Kirk refers to Jones as a \"nuisance\"). The Klingons desperately want Jones for introducing the tribble to Klingon planets where it has become","Document [18](Title: Starship Enterprise) Starship Enterprise Enterprise or USS \"Enterprise (often referred to as the \"Starship \"Enterprise\") is the name of several fictional spacecraft, some of which are the main craft and setting for various television series and films in the \"Star Trek\" science fiction franchise. The most notable were Captain James T. Kirk's from the , and Captain Jean-Luc Picard's from \"\". Two spacecraft with the name \"Enterprise\" predate the United Federation of Planets in \"Star Trek\"s fictional timeline. Registry: USS \"Enterprise\" (XCV 330) Class: \"Declaration\" Service: circa 2130s Captain: Unknown This USS \"Enterprise\" (XCV 330) appears in \"\" (1979) among a series","Document [19](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) \"Star Trek\". Another \"Discovery\" producer, Greg Harberts isn't worried whether fans are satisfied with the ship's redesign: while many of the staff who developed the new appearance are \"Star Trek\" fans, Harberts stated fans rarely agree on anything. Starfleet commissioned the \"Enterprise\" in 2245. Robert April is the \"Enterprise\"s first captain, succeeded by Christopher Pike. Pike leads the \"Enterprise\" for about a decade and is the commanding officer in the original pilot, \"The Cage\". Throughout the first live action and animated \"Star Trek\" television series, Captain James T. Kirk commands the ship on an exploration mission from 2264 to 2269.","Document [20](Title: Star Trek: The Animated Series) Star Trek: The Animated Series Star Trek: The Animated Series (\"ST: TAS\"), originally aired as Star Trek and as The Animated Adventures of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek, is an American animated science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. It originally aired from September 8, 1973 to October 12, 1974 on NBC, spanning 22 episodes over two seasons. The second series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it is the first sequel to \"\". Set in the 23rd century, when Earth is part of a United Federation of Planets, it follows the adventures of the Starfleet vessel USS \"Enterprise\" as it"],"query":"what was the first star trek enterprise ship?","answers":["NCC-1701"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Starship Enterprise) that was Earth's first attempt to explore another star system. \"The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture\", published in 1980, describes the ship as \"the very first starship U.S.S. \"Enterprise\"\". A painting of this ship hangs on the wall of Earth's 602 Club in flashbacks that appeared in the \"\" episode \"\" (2003). Registry: \"Enterprise\" (NX-01) Class: NX Service: 2151\u20132161 (10 years) Captain: Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) United Earth Starfleet's \"Enterprise\" is the main setting of \"\" (2001\u20132005). \"Enterprise\" was the first Earth built starship capable of reaching Warp 5. She was commanded by Captain Jonathan Archer and played","Document [2](Title: Starship Enterprise) of illustrations depicting ships named \"Enterprise\". It also appears as a model in \"Star Trek Into Darkness\" (2013), together with models of a \"Wright Flyer\", a V-2 rocket, a Bell X-1, a Vostok-3KA capsule, a Space Shuttle orbiter, and some \"Star Trek\" universe starships. The 1979 \"Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology\" describes this \"first interstellar liner\" as a \"Declaration\"-class ship launched in 2123. Its length is given as , and it has a capacity of 100 crew and 850 passengers. The \"Star Trek Maps\" by New Eye Photography Editors, also published in 1979, listed this ship as a fusion drive probe","Document [3](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)) at Farpoint\" under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Several episodes, as well as the ship's dedication plaque, establish that the \"Enterprise\" was built at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in orbit around Mars. The \"Enterprise\"-D is the third \"Galaxy\"-class starship, after the pathfinder ship USS \"Galaxy\" and the USS \"Yamato\". The dedication plaque gives its commissioning date as 40759.5, which was intended to represent October 4, 2363, which would be the 406th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik, humanity's first spacecraft. During the \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" series, the ship's crew makes first contact with many species, including","Document [4](Title: Star Trek: Enterprise) the adventures of the crew of the starship \"Enterprise\", designation NX-01. They are the first deep space explorers in Starfleet, using the first Warp 5 equipped vessel. At the start of the series, it is revealed that the Vulcans have withheld advanced technology from humanity since their first contact, concerned that humans were not ready for it. This has delayed human space exploration and caused resentment in Captain Jonathan Archer, whose father developed the Warp 5 engine but did not live to see it used. \"Enterprise\" was intentionally equipped with less advanced versions of technologies seen in previous series. For","Document [5](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) is a fictional starship in the fictional Star Trek universe that serves as both the main setting of the original Star Trek television series, as well as the primary transportation method for the show's characters. The Enterprise has been depicted in four network television series, six feature films, many books, and much fan-created media. The original Star Trek series (1966\u20131969) features a voice-over by Enterprise captain, James T. Kirk (William Shatner), which describes the mission of the Enterprise as \"to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no","Document [6](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)) \"Enterprise\", which would become the latest flagship of the United Federation of Planets after the \"Enterprise\"-D had been destroyed. The \"Enterprise\"-E, a Sovereign class starship, launched in 2372 from the San Francisco Fleet Yards under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, and most of the key officers from the \"Enterprise\"-D. According to the non-canon novel \"Ship of the Line\", the originally planned name for the vessel was USS \"Honorius\", and Montgomery Scott was part of the team of engineers that designed the \"Enterprise\"-E. In the film \"Star Trek: First Contact\", the \"Enterprise\" participates in the Battle of Sector 001, destroying","Document [7](Title: First Flight (Star Trek: Enterprise)) Base and the first NASA astronauts. Reference is also made to the Apollo 11 lunar landing, when Archer mentions that no-one remembers astronaut Buzz Aldrin's first words when he stepped onto the moon. His actual first words were \"Beautiful view.\" Warp drive was first mentioned in Gene Roddenberry's first-draft pitch for \"Star Trek\", dated March 11, 1964, although in that version it was referred to as a \"space-warp drive\". The drive allows for a vessel to travel faster than the speed of light by warping space-time around the ship itself. In 1994, physicist Miguel Alcubierre created the theoretical Alcubierre drive,","Document [8](Title: Star Trek) Star Trek Star Trek is an American space opera media franchise based on the science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. The first television series, simply called \"Star Trek\" and now referred to as \"\"\"\", debuted in 1966 and aired for three seasons on the television network NBC. It followed the interstellar adventures of Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and his crew aboard the starship USS \"Enterprise\", a space exploration vessel, built by the United Federation of Planets in the twenty-third century. The \"Star Trek\" canon of the franchise includes \"The Original Series\", an animated series, five spin-off","Document [9](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) fan letters about the \"Enterprise\" than any of the actors. A write-in campaign in 1976 led to the first space shuttle being named \"Enterprise\" rather than \"Constitution\". In 2009, Virgin Galactic named its first commercial spaceship to honor the \"Star Trek\" vessel. \"Build the Enterprise\" is a website that proposes creating a functional spacecraft with a hull similar to the \"Enterprise\". The United States Navy evaluated the efficiency of the \"Enterprise\" bridge's style and layout, and the bridge of the USS \"Independence\" and the Ship's Mission Center of the USS \"Zumwalt\" have been compared to the \"Enterprise\"s bridge. An exacting","Document [10](Title: Kir'Shara) the first Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\", registration NX-01. In this episode, \"Enterprise\" attempts to avert a war, and is caught in a crossfire between Vulcan and Andorian starships. Meanwhile. Captain Archer, Commander T'Pol, and T'Pau aim to take the Kir'Shara to the Vulcan capital, and use it to reveal Administrator V'Las' plot to the rest of the Vulcan High Command. In addition to the guest stars returning from the previous arc episodes, or the episode \"\", Jeffrey Combs returned as Shran. The episode was shot across seven days using mostly standing sets, with only an Andorian brig built specifically for this","Document [11](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) science fiction spacecraft. The \"Enterprise\" was originally going to be named \"Yorktown\". Pato Guzman was the original art director assigned to \"Star Trek\"; Matt Jefferies, his assistant, took over when Guzman left the project. Jefferies, who was not a science fiction fan, was the primary designer of the \"Enterprise\" and based his work on concepts from series creator Gene Roddenberry. Roddenberry did not have any ideas about what the ship should look like, but he laid out several parameters for the ship: Roddenberry further specified that the \"Enterprise\" would operate mainly in space, have a crew of 100-150, and be","Document [12](Title: Bread and Circuses (Star Trek: The Original Series)) entertainment. In the episode, Captain Kirk and his companions are forced to fight in gladiatorial games on a planet resembling the Roman Empire, but possessing mid-20th century Earth technology. The Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\" is on routine patrol when it finds wreckage of the SS \"Beagle\". The \"Beagle\" was under the command of Captain R. M. Merik (William Smithers), whom Captain Kirk (William Shatner) knew during his academy days. First Officer Spock (Leonard Nimoy) traces the path of debris back to a planet in the previously unexplored system 892. The \"Enterprise\" picks up a 20th-century-style television news broadcast, reporting in","Document [13](Title: Star Trek: First Contact) ships to concentrate their firepower on a seemingly unimportant point on the Borg ship. The Cube is destroyed after launching a smaller sphere ship towards the planet. \"Enterprise\" pursues the sphere into a temporal vortex. As the sphere disappears, \"Enterprise\" discovers Earth has been altered \u2013 it is now populated entirely by Borg. Realizing the Borg have used time travel to change the past, \"Enterprise\" follows the sphere through the vortex. \"Enterprise\" arrives hundreds of years in its past on April 4, 2063, the day before humanity's first encounter with alien life after Zefram Cochrane's historic warp drive flight; the","Document [14](Title: Enterprise (NX-01)) \"a sort of retro-futurism\". Several \"Enterprise\" toys and models have been released, including versions by Art Asylum, Diamond Select Toys, QMx and Eaglemoss Publications. In the original pitch for \"\" by creator Gene Roddenberry, the vessel that the series was set on was called the SS \"Yorktown\". The starship was subsequently renamed USS \"Enterprise\" before the start of the series because of the growing real world fame of the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, recently launched by the U.S. Navy as the . The name \"Enterprise\" has been linked with \"Star Trek\" since. A second \"Enterprise\" made its debut in","Document [15](Title: Star Trek: Enterprise) Star Trek: Enterprise Star Trek: Enterprise, titled simply Enterprise for its first two seasons, is an American science fiction television series created by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga. It originally aired from September 26, 2001 to May 13, 2005 on UPN, spanning . The sixth series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it served as a prequel to \"\". Set in the 22nd century a hundred years before the events of \"The Original Series\", and just prior to the formation of the United Federation of Planets, the series follows the adventures of the \"Enterprise\", Earth's first starship capable of traveling at","Document [16](Title: Beyond the Farthest Star (Star Trek: The Animated Series)) it escape the massive gravity well of a dead star. On stardate 5221.3, while exploring on the outermost rim of the galaxy the Federation starship \"Enterprise\" is pulled into the orbit of a dead star. Trapped there, the crew discovers that there is a massive derelict 300,000,000-year-old pod ship trapped with them as well. Captain Kirk beams aboard the huge starship with a boarding party that includes First Officer Spock, Chief Medical Officer Dr. McCoy and Chief Engineer Scott, where they learn it was once home to an insectoid race. They also learn from a pre-recorded message left behind that","Document [17](Title: More Tribbles, More Troubles) the Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\" escorts two robot cargo ships carrying quintotriticale, a new seed grain, to famine-stricken Sherman's Planet, it encounters a Klingon battlecruiser pursuing a Federation scout ship. When the \"Enterprise\" rescues the pilot, the Klingons attack with a new energy weapon capable of incapacitating a starship and demand that the pilot be handed over to them. The pilot turns out to be Cyrano Jones, an intergalactic trader well known to Captain Kirk and crew (Kirk refers to Jones as a \"nuisance\"). The Klingons desperately want Jones for introducing the tribble to Klingon planets where it has become","Document [18](Title: Starship Enterprise) Starship Enterprise Enterprise or USS \"Enterprise (often referred to as the \"Starship \"Enterprise\") is the name of several fictional spacecraft, some of which are the main craft and setting for various television series and films in the \"Star Trek\" science fiction franchise. The most notable were Captain James T. Kirk's from the , and Captain Jean-Luc Picard's from \"\". Two spacecraft with the name \"Enterprise\" predate the United Federation of Planets in \"Star Trek\"s fictional timeline. Registry: USS \"Enterprise\" (XCV 330) Class: \"Declaration\" Service: circa 2130s Captain: Unknown This USS \"Enterprise\" (XCV 330) appears in \"\" (1979) among a series","Document [19](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) \"Star Trek\". Another \"Discovery\" producer, Greg Harberts isn't worried whether fans are satisfied with the ship's redesign: while many of the staff who developed the new appearance are \"Star Trek\" fans, Harberts stated fans rarely agree on anything. Starfleet commissioned the \"Enterprise\" in 2245. Robert April is the \"Enterprise\"s first captain, succeeded by Christopher Pike. Pike leads the \"Enterprise\" for about a decade and is the commanding officer in the original pilot, \"The Cage\". Throughout the first live action and animated \"Star Trek\" television series, Captain James T. Kirk commands the ship on an exploration mission from 2264 to 2269.","Document [20](Title: Star Trek: The Animated Series) Star Trek: The Animated Series Star Trek: The Animated Series (\"ST: TAS\"), originally aired as Star Trek and as The Animated Adventures of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek, is an American animated science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. It originally aired from September 8, 1973 to October 12, 1974 on NBC, spanning 22 episodes over two seasons. The second series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it is the first sequel to \"\". Set in the 23rd century, when Earth is part of a United Federation of Planets, it follows the adventures of the Starfleet vessel USS \"Enterprise\" as it"],"query":"what was the first star trek enterprise ship?","answers":["NCC-1701"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Starship Enterprise) that was Earth's first attempt to explore another star system. \"The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture\", published in 1980, describes the ship as \"the very first starship U.S.S. \"Enterprise\"\". A painting of this ship hangs on the wall of Earth's 602 Club in flashbacks that appeared in the \"\" episode \"\" (2003). Registry: \"Enterprise\" (NX-01) Class: NX Service: 2151\u20132161 (10 years) Captain: Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) United Earth Starfleet's \"Enterprise\" is the main setting of \"\" (2001\u20132005). \"Enterprise\" was the first Earth built starship capable of reaching Warp 5. She was commanded by Captain Jonathan Archer and played","Document [2](Title: Starship Enterprise) of illustrations depicting ships named \"Enterprise\". It also appears as a model in \"Star Trek Into Darkness\" (2013), together with models of a \"Wright Flyer\", a V-2 rocket, a Bell X-1, a Vostok-3KA capsule, a Space Shuttle orbiter, and some \"Star Trek\" universe starships. The 1979 \"Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology\" describes this \"first interstellar liner\" as a \"Declaration\"-class ship launched in 2123. Its length is given as , and it has a capacity of 100 crew and 850 passengers. The \"Star Trek Maps\" by New Eye Photography Editors, also published in 1979, listed this ship as a fusion drive probe","Document [3](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)) at Farpoint\" under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Several episodes, as well as the ship's dedication plaque, establish that the \"Enterprise\" was built at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in orbit around Mars. The \"Enterprise\"-D is the third \"Galaxy\"-class starship, after the pathfinder ship USS \"Galaxy\" and the USS \"Yamato\". The dedication plaque gives its commissioning date as 40759.5, which was intended to represent October 4, 2363, which would be the 406th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik, humanity's first spacecraft. During the \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" series, the ship's crew makes first contact with many species, including","Document [4](Title: Star Trek: Enterprise) the adventures of the crew of the starship \"Enterprise\", designation NX-01. They are the first deep space explorers in Starfleet, using the first Warp 5 equipped vessel. At the start of the series, it is revealed that the Vulcans have withheld advanced technology from humanity since their first contact, concerned that humans were not ready for it. This has delayed human space exploration and caused resentment in Captain Jonathan Archer, whose father developed the Warp 5 engine but did not live to see it used. \"Enterprise\" was intentionally equipped with less advanced versions of technologies seen in previous series. For","Document [5](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)) \"Enterprise\", which would become the latest flagship of the United Federation of Planets after the \"Enterprise\"-D had been destroyed. The \"Enterprise\"-E, a Sovereign class starship, launched in 2372 from the San Francisco Fleet Yards under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, and most of the key officers from the \"Enterprise\"-D. According to the non-canon novel \"Ship of the Line\", the originally planned name for the vessel was USS \"Honorius\", and Montgomery Scott was part of the team of engineers that designed the \"Enterprise\"-E. In the film \"Star Trek: First Contact\", the \"Enterprise\" participates in the Battle of Sector 001, destroying","Document [6](Title: First Flight (Star Trek: Enterprise)) Base and the first NASA astronauts. Reference is also made to the Apollo 11 lunar landing, when Archer mentions that no-one remembers astronaut Buzz Aldrin's first words when he stepped onto the moon. His actual first words were \"Beautiful view.\" Warp drive was first mentioned in Gene Roddenberry's first-draft pitch for \"Star Trek\", dated March 11, 1964, although in that version it was referred to as a \"space-warp drive\". The drive allows for a vessel to travel faster than the speed of light by warping space-time around the ship itself. In 1994, physicist Miguel Alcubierre created the theoretical Alcubierre drive,","Document [7](Title: Star Trek) Star Trek Star Trek is an American space opera media franchise based on the science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. The first television series, simply called \"Star Trek\" and now referred to as \"\"\"\", debuted in 1966 and aired for three seasons on the television network NBC. It followed the interstellar adventures of Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and his crew aboard the starship USS \"Enterprise\", a space exploration vessel, built by the United Federation of Planets in the twenty-third century. The \"Star Trek\" canon of the franchise includes \"The Original Series\", an animated series, five spin-off","Document [8](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) fan letters about the \"Enterprise\" than any of the actors. A write-in campaign in 1976 led to the first space shuttle being named \"Enterprise\" rather than \"Constitution\". In 2009, Virgin Galactic named its first commercial spaceship to honor the \"Star Trek\" vessel. \"Build the Enterprise\" is a website that proposes creating a functional spacecraft with a hull similar to the \"Enterprise\". The United States Navy evaluated the efficiency of the \"Enterprise\" bridge's style and layout, and the bridge of the USS \"Independence\" and the Ship's Mission Center of the USS \"Zumwalt\" have been compared to the \"Enterprise\"s bridge. An exacting","Document [9](Title: Kir'Shara) the first Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\", registration NX-01. In this episode, \"Enterprise\" attempts to avert a war, and is caught in a crossfire between Vulcan and Andorian starships. Meanwhile. Captain Archer, Commander T'Pol, and T'Pau aim to take the Kir'Shara to the Vulcan capital, and use it to reveal Administrator V'Las' plot to the rest of the Vulcan High Command. In addition to the guest stars returning from the previous arc episodes, or the episode \"\", Jeffrey Combs returned as Shran. The episode was shot across seven days using mostly standing sets, with only an Andorian brig built specifically for this","Document [10](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) is a fictional starship in the fictional Star Trek universe that serves as both the main setting of the original Star Trek television series, as well as the primary transportation method for the show's characters. The Enterprise has been depicted in four network television series, six feature films, many books, and much fan-created media. The original Star Trek series (1966\u20131969) features a voice-over by Enterprise captain, James T. Kirk (William Shatner), which describes the mission of the Enterprise as \"to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no","Document [11](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) science fiction spacecraft. The \"Enterprise\" was originally going to be named \"Yorktown\". Pato Guzman was the original art director assigned to \"Star Trek\"; Matt Jefferies, his assistant, took over when Guzman left the project. Jefferies, who was not a science fiction fan, was the primary designer of the \"Enterprise\" and based his work on concepts from series creator Gene Roddenberry. Roddenberry did not have any ideas about what the ship should look like, but he laid out several parameters for the ship: Roddenberry further specified that the \"Enterprise\" would operate mainly in space, have a crew of 100-150, and be","Document [12](Title: Bread and Circuses (Star Trek: The Original Series)) entertainment. In the episode, Captain Kirk and his companions are forced to fight in gladiatorial games on a planet resembling the Roman Empire, but possessing mid-20th century Earth technology. The Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\" is on routine patrol when it finds wreckage of the SS \"Beagle\". The \"Beagle\" was under the command of Captain R. M. Merik (William Smithers), whom Captain Kirk (William Shatner) knew during his academy days. First Officer Spock (Leonard Nimoy) traces the path of debris back to a planet in the previously unexplored system 892. The \"Enterprise\" picks up a 20th-century-style television news broadcast, reporting in","Document [13](Title: Star Trek: First Contact) ships to concentrate their firepower on a seemingly unimportant point on the Borg ship. The Cube is destroyed after launching a smaller sphere ship towards the planet. \"Enterprise\" pursues the sphere into a temporal vortex. As the sphere disappears, \"Enterprise\" discovers Earth has been altered \u2013 it is now populated entirely by Borg. Realizing the Borg have used time travel to change the past, \"Enterprise\" follows the sphere through the vortex. \"Enterprise\" arrives hundreds of years in its past on April 4, 2063, the day before humanity's first encounter with alien life after Zefram Cochrane's historic warp drive flight; the","Document [14](Title: Enterprise (NX-01)) \"a sort of retro-futurism\". Several \"Enterprise\" toys and models have been released, including versions by Art Asylum, Diamond Select Toys, QMx and Eaglemoss Publications. In the original pitch for \"\" by creator Gene Roddenberry, the vessel that the series was set on was called the SS \"Yorktown\". The starship was subsequently renamed USS \"Enterprise\" before the start of the series because of the growing real world fame of the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, recently launched by the U.S. Navy as the . The name \"Enterprise\" has been linked with \"Star Trek\" since. A second \"Enterprise\" made its debut in","Document [15](Title: Star Trek: Enterprise) Star Trek: Enterprise Star Trek: Enterprise, titled simply Enterprise for its first two seasons, is an American science fiction television series created by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga. It originally aired from September 26, 2001 to May 13, 2005 on UPN, spanning . The sixth series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it served as a prequel to \"\". Set in the 22nd century a hundred years before the events of \"The Original Series\", and just prior to the formation of the United Federation of Planets, the series follows the adventures of the \"Enterprise\", Earth's first starship capable of traveling at","Document [16](Title: Beyond the Farthest Star (Star Trek: The Animated Series)) it escape the massive gravity well of a dead star. On stardate 5221.3, while exploring on the outermost rim of the galaxy the Federation starship \"Enterprise\" is pulled into the orbit of a dead star. Trapped there, the crew discovers that there is a massive derelict 300,000,000-year-old pod ship trapped with them as well. Captain Kirk beams aboard the huge starship with a boarding party that includes First Officer Spock, Chief Medical Officer Dr. McCoy and Chief Engineer Scott, where they learn it was once home to an insectoid race. They also learn from a pre-recorded message left behind that","Document [17](Title: More Tribbles, More Troubles) the Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\" escorts two robot cargo ships carrying quintotriticale, a new seed grain, to famine-stricken Sherman's Planet, it encounters a Klingon battlecruiser pursuing a Federation scout ship. When the \"Enterprise\" rescues the pilot, the Klingons attack with a new energy weapon capable of incapacitating a starship and demand that the pilot be handed over to them. The pilot turns out to be Cyrano Jones, an intergalactic trader well known to Captain Kirk and crew (Kirk refers to Jones as a \"nuisance\"). The Klingons desperately want Jones for introducing the tribble to Klingon planets where it has become","Document [18](Title: Starship Enterprise) Starship Enterprise Enterprise or USS \"Enterprise (often referred to as the \"Starship \"Enterprise\") is the name of several fictional spacecraft, some of which are the main craft and setting for various television series and films in the \"Star Trek\" science fiction franchise. The most notable were Captain James T. Kirk's from the , and Captain Jean-Luc Picard's from \"\". Two spacecraft with the name \"Enterprise\" predate the United Federation of Planets in \"Star Trek\"s fictional timeline. Registry: USS \"Enterprise\" (XCV 330) Class: \"Declaration\" Service: circa 2130s Captain: Unknown This USS \"Enterprise\" (XCV 330) appears in \"\" (1979) among a series","Document [19](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) \"Star Trek\". Another \"Discovery\" producer, Greg Harberts isn't worried whether fans are satisfied with the ship's redesign: while many of the staff who developed the new appearance are \"Star Trek\" fans, Harberts stated fans rarely agree on anything. Starfleet commissioned the \"Enterprise\" in 2245. Robert April is the \"Enterprise\"s first captain, succeeded by Christopher Pike. Pike leads the \"Enterprise\" for about a decade and is the commanding officer in the original pilot, \"The Cage\". Throughout the first live action and animated \"Star Trek\" television series, Captain James T. Kirk commands the ship on an exploration mission from 2264 to 2269.","Document [20](Title: Star Trek: The Animated Series) Star Trek: The Animated Series Star Trek: The Animated Series (\"ST: TAS\"), originally aired as Star Trek and as The Animated Adventures of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek, is an American animated science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. It originally aired from September 8, 1973 to October 12, 1974 on NBC, spanning 22 episodes over two seasons. The second series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it is the first sequel to \"\". Set in the 23rd century, when Earth is part of a United Federation of Planets, it follows the adventures of the Starfleet vessel USS \"Enterprise\" as it"],"query":"what was the first star trek enterprise ship?","answers":["NCC-1701"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Starship Enterprise) that was Earth's first attempt to explore another star system. \"The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture\", published in 1980, describes the ship as \"the very first starship U.S.S. \"Enterprise\"\". A painting of this ship hangs on the wall of Earth's 602 Club in flashbacks that appeared in the \"\" episode \"\" (2003). Registry: \"Enterprise\" (NX-01) Class: NX Service: 2151\u20132161 (10 years) Captain: Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) United Earth Starfleet's \"Enterprise\" is the main setting of \"\" (2001\u20132005). \"Enterprise\" was the first Earth built starship capable of reaching Warp 5. She was commanded by Captain Jonathan Archer and played","Document [2](Title: Starship Enterprise) of illustrations depicting ships named \"Enterprise\". It also appears as a model in \"Star Trek Into Darkness\" (2013), together with models of a \"Wright Flyer\", a V-2 rocket, a Bell X-1, a Vostok-3KA capsule, a Space Shuttle orbiter, and some \"Star Trek\" universe starships. The 1979 \"Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology\" describes this \"first interstellar liner\" as a \"Declaration\"-class ship launched in 2123. Its length is given as , and it has a capacity of 100 crew and 850 passengers. The \"Star Trek Maps\" by New Eye Photography Editors, also published in 1979, listed this ship as a fusion drive probe","Document [3](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)) at Farpoint\" under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Several episodes, as well as the ship's dedication plaque, establish that the \"Enterprise\" was built at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in orbit around Mars. The \"Enterprise\"-D is the third \"Galaxy\"-class starship, after the pathfinder ship USS \"Galaxy\" and the USS \"Yamato\". The dedication plaque gives its commissioning date as 40759.5, which was intended to represent October 4, 2363, which would be the 406th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik, humanity's first spacecraft. During the \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" series, the ship's crew makes first contact with many species, including","Document [4](Title: Star Trek: Enterprise) the adventures of the crew of the starship \"Enterprise\", designation NX-01. They are the first deep space explorers in Starfleet, using the first Warp 5 equipped vessel. At the start of the series, it is revealed that the Vulcans have withheld advanced technology from humanity since their first contact, concerned that humans were not ready for it. This has delayed human space exploration and caused resentment in Captain Jonathan Archer, whose father developed the Warp 5 engine but did not live to see it used. \"Enterprise\" was intentionally equipped with less advanced versions of technologies seen in previous series. For","Document [5](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)) \"Enterprise\", which would become the latest flagship of the United Federation of Planets after the \"Enterprise\"-D had been destroyed. The \"Enterprise\"-E, a Sovereign class starship, launched in 2372 from the San Francisco Fleet Yards under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, and most of the key officers from the \"Enterprise\"-D. According to the non-canon novel \"Ship of the Line\", the originally planned name for the vessel was USS \"Honorius\", and Montgomery Scott was part of the team of engineers that designed the \"Enterprise\"-E. In the film \"Star Trek: First Contact\", the \"Enterprise\" participates in the Battle of Sector 001, destroying","Document [6](Title: First Flight (Star Trek: Enterprise)) Base and the first NASA astronauts. Reference is also made to the Apollo 11 lunar landing, when Archer mentions that no-one remembers astronaut Buzz Aldrin's first words when he stepped onto the moon. His actual first words were \"Beautiful view.\" Warp drive was first mentioned in Gene Roddenberry's first-draft pitch for \"Star Trek\", dated March 11, 1964, although in that version it was referred to as a \"space-warp drive\". The drive allows for a vessel to travel faster than the speed of light by warping space-time around the ship itself. In 1994, physicist Miguel Alcubierre created the theoretical Alcubierre drive,","Document [7](Title: Star Trek) Star Trek Star Trek is an American space opera media franchise based on the science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. The first television series, simply called \"Star Trek\" and now referred to as \"\"\"\", debuted in 1966 and aired for three seasons on the television network NBC. It followed the interstellar adventures of Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and his crew aboard the starship USS \"Enterprise\", a space exploration vessel, built by the United Federation of Planets in the twenty-third century. The \"Star Trek\" canon of the franchise includes \"The Original Series\", an animated series, five spin-off","Document [8](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) fan letters about the \"Enterprise\" than any of the actors. A write-in campaign in 1976 led to the first space shuttle being named \"Enterprise\" rather than \"Constitution\". In 2009, Virgin Galactic named its first commercial spaceship to honor the \"Star Trek\" vessel. \"Build the Enterprise\" is a website that proposes creating a functional spacecraft with a hull similar to the \"Enterprise\". The United States Navy evaluated the efficiency of the \"Enterprise\" bridge's style and layout, and the bridge of the USS \"Independence\" and the Ship's Mission Center of the USS \"Zumwalt\" have been compared to the \"Enterprise\"s bridge. An exacting","Document [9](Title: Kir'Shara) the first Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\", registration NX-01. In this episode, \"Enterprise\" attempts to avert a war, and is caught in a crossfire between Vulcan and Andorian starships. Meanwhile. Captain Archer, Commander T'Pol, and T'Pau aim to take the Kir'Shara to the Vulcan capital, and use it to reveal Administrator V'Las' plot to the rest of the Vulcan High Command. In addition to the guest stars returning from the previous arc episodes, or the episode \"\", Jeffrey Combs returned as Shran. The episode was shot across seven days using mostly standing sets, with only an Andorian brig built specifically for this","Document [10](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) science fiction spacecraft. The \"Enterprise\" was originally going to be named \"Yorktown\". Pato Guzman was the original art director assigned to \"Star Trek\"; Matt Jefferies, his assistant, took over when Guzman left the project. Jefferies, who was not a science fiction fan, was the primary designer of the \"Enterprise\" and based his work on concepts from series creator Gene Roddenberry. Roddenberry did not have any ideas about what the ship should look like, but he laid out several parameters for the ship: Roddenberry further specified that the \"Enterprise\" would operate mainly in space, have a crew of 100-150, and be","Document [11](Title: Bread and Circuses (Star Trek: The Original Series)) entertainment. In the episode, Captain Kirk and his companions are forced to fight in gladiatorial games on a planet resembling the Roman Empire, but possessing mid-20th century Earth technology. The Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\" is on routine patrol when it finds wreckage of the SS \"Beagle\". The \"Beagle\" was under the command of Captain R. M. Merik (William Smithers), whom Captain Kirk (William Shatner) knew during his academy days. First Officer Spock (Leonard Nimoy) traces the path of debris back to a planet in the previously unexplored system 892. The \"Enterprise\" picks up a 20th-century-style television news broadcast, reporting in","Document [12](Title: Star Trek: First Contact) ships to concentrate their firepower on a seemingly unimportant point on the Borg ship. The Cube is destroyed after launching a smaller sphere ship towards the planet. \"Enterprise\" pursues the sphere into a temporal vortex. As the sphere disappears, \"Enterprise\" discovers Earth has been altered \u2013 it is now populated entirely by Borg. Realizing the Borg have used time travel to change the past, \"Enterprise\" follows the sphere through the vortex. \"Enterprise\" arrives hundreds of years in its past on April 4, 2063, the day before humanity's first encounter with alien life after Zefram Cochrane's historic warp drive flight; the","Document [13](Title: Enterprise (NX-01)) \"a sort of retro-futurism\". Several \"Enterprise\" toys and models have been released, including versions by Art Asylum, Diamond Select Toys, QMx and Eaglemoss Publications. In the original pitch for \"\" by creator Gene Roddenberry, the vessel that the series was set on was called the SS \"Yorktown\". The starship was subsequently renamed USS \"Enterprise\" before the start of the series because of the growing real world fame of the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, recently launched by the U.S. Navy as the . The name \"Enterprise\" has been linked with \"Star Trek\" since. A second \"Enterprise\" made its debut in","Document [14](Title: Star Trek: Enterprise) Star Trek: Enterprise Star Trek: Enterprise, titled simply Enterprise for its first two seasons, is an American science fiction television series created by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga. It originally aired from September 26, 2001 to May 13, 2005 on UPN, spanning . The sixth series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it served as a prequel to \"\". Set in the 22nd century a hundred years before the events of \"The Original Series\", and just prior to the formation of the United Federation of Planets, the series follows the adventures of the \"Enterprise\", Earth's first starship capable of traveling at","Document [15](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) is a fictional starship in the fictional Star Trek universe that serves as both the main setting of the original Star Trek television series, as well as the primary transportation method for the show's characters. The Enterprise has been depicted in four network television series, six feature films, many books, and much fan-created media. The original Star Trek series (1966\u20131969) features a voice-over by Enterprise captain, James T. Kirk (William Shatner), which describes the mission of the Enterprise as \"to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no","Document [16](Title: Beyond the Farthest Star (Star Trek: The Animated Series)) it escape the massive gravity well of a dead star. On stardate 5221.3, while exploring on the outermost rim of the galaxy the Federation starship \"Enterprise\" is pulled into the orbit of a dead star. Trapped there, the crew discovers that there is a massive derelict 300,000,000-year-old pod ship trapped with them as well. Captain Kirk beams aboard the huge starship with a boarding party that includes First Officer Spock, Chief Medical Officer Dr. McCoy and Chief Engineer Scott, where they learn it was once home to an insectoid race. They also learn from a pre-recorded message left behind that","Document [17](Title: More Tribbles, More Troubles) the Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\" escorts two robot cargo ships carrying quintotriticale, a new seed grain, to famine-stricken Sherman's Planet, it encounters a Klingon battlecruiser pursuing a Federation scout ship. When the \"Enterprise\" rescues the pilot, the Klingons attack with a new energy weapon capable of incapacitating a starship and demand that the pilot be handed over to them. The pilot turns out to be Cyrano Jones, an intergalactic trader well known to Captain Kirk and crew (Kirk refers to Jones as a \"nuisance\"). The Klingons desperately want Jones for introducing the tribble to Klingon planets where it has become","Document [18](Title: Starship Enterprise) Starship Enterprise Enterprise or USS \"Enterprise (often referred to as the \"Starship \"Enterprise\") is the name of several fictional spacecraft, some of which are the main craft and setting for various television series and films in the \"Star Trek\" science fiction franchise. The most notable were Captain James T. Kirk's from the , and Captain Jean-Luc Picard's from \"\". Two spacecraft with the name \"Enterprise\" predate the United Federation of Planets in \"Star Trek\"s fictional timeline. Registry: USS \"Enterprise\" (XCV 330) Class: \"Declaration\" Service: circa 2130s Captain: Unknown This USS \"Enterprise\" (XCV 330) appears in \"\" (1979) among a series","Document [19](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) \"Star Trek\". Another \"Discovery\" producer, Greg Harberts isn't worried whether fans are satisfied with the ship's redesign: while many of the staff who developed the new appearance are \"Star Trek\" fans, Harberts stated fans rarely agree on anything. Starfleet commissioned the \"Enterprise\" in 2245. Robert April is the \"Enterprise\"s first captain, succeeded by Christopher Pike. Pike leads the \"Enterprise\" for about a decade and is the commanding officer in the original pilot, \"The Cage\". Throughout the first live action and animated \"Star Trek\" television series, Captain James T. Kirk commands the ship on an exploration mission from 2264 to 2269.","Document [20](Title: Star Trek: The Animated Series) Star Trek: The Animated Series Star Trek: The Animated Series (\"ST: TAS\"), originally aired as Star Trek and as The Animated Adventures of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek, is an American animated science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. It originally aired from September 8, 1973 to October 12, 1974 on NBC, spanning 22 episodes over two seasons. The second series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it is the first sequel to \"\". Set in the 23rd century, when Earth is part of a United Federation of Planets, it follows the adventures of the Starfleet vessel USS \"Enterprise\" as it"],"query":"what was the first star trek enterprise ship?","answers":["NCC-1701"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Starship Enterprise) that was Earth's first attempt to explore another star system. \"The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture\", published in 1980, describes the ship as \"the very first starship U.S.S. \"Enterprise\"\". A painting of this ship hangs on the wall of Earth's 602 Club in flashbacks that appeared in the \"\" episode \"\" (2003). Registry: \"Enterprise\" (NX-01) Class: NX Service: 2151\u20132161 (10 years) Captain: Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) United Earth Starfleet's \"Enterprise\" is the main setting of \"\" (2001\u20132005). \"Enterprise\" was the first Earth built starship capable of reaching Warp 5. She was commanded by Captain Jonathan Archer and played","Document [2](Title: Starship Enterprise) of illustrations depicting ships named \"Enterprise\". It also appears as a model in \"Star Trek Into Darkness\" (2013), together with models of a \"Wright Flyer\", a V-2 rocket, a Bell X-1, a Vostok-3KA capsule, a Space Shuttle orbiter, and some \"Star Trek\" universe starships. The 1979 \"Star Trek Spaceflight Chronology\" describes this \"first interstellar liner\" as a \"Declaration\"-class ship launched in 2123. Its length is given as , and it has a capacity of 100 crew and 850 passengers. The \"Star Trek Maps\" by New Eye Photography Editors, also published in 1979, listed this ship as a fusion drive probe","Document [3](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)) at Farpoint\" under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Several episodes, as well as the ship's dedication plaque, establish that the \"Enterprise\" was built at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in orbit around Mars. The \"Enterprise\"-D is the third \"Galaxy\"-class starship, after the pathfinder ship USS \"Galaxy\" and the USS \"Yamato\". The dedication plaque gives its commissioning date as 40759.5, which was intended to represent October 4, 2363, which would be the 406th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik, humanity's first spacecraft. During the \"Star Trek: The Next Generation\" series, the ship's crew makes first contact with many species, including","Document [4](Title: Star Trek: Enterprise) the adventures of the crew of the starship \"Enterprise\", designation NX-01. They are the first deep space explorers in Starfleet, using the first Warp 5 equipped vessel. At the start of the series, it is revealed that the Vulcans have withheld advanced technology from humanity since their first contact, concerned that humans were not ready for it. This has delayed human space exploration and caused resentment in Captain Jonathan Archer, whose father developed the Warp 5 engine but did not live to see it used. \"Enterprise\" was intentionally equipped with less advanced versions of technologies seen in previous series. For","Document [5](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)) \"Enterprise\", which would become the latest flagship of the United Federation of Planets after the \"Enterprise\"-D had been destroyed. The \"Enterprise\"-E, a Sovereign class starship, launched in 2372 from the San Francisco Fleet Yards under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, and most of the key officers from the \"Enterprise\"-D. According to the non-canon novel \"Ship of the Line\", the originally planned name for the vessel was USS \"Honorius\", and Montgomery Scott was part of the team of engineers that designed the \"Enterprise\"-E. In the film \"Star Trek: First Contact\", the \"Enterprise\" participates in the Battle of Sector 001, destroying","Document [6](Title: First Flight (Star Trek: Enterprise)) Base and the first NASA astronauts. Reference is also made to the Apollo 11 lunar landing, when Archer mentions that no-one remembers astronaut Buzz Aldrin's first words when he stepped onto the moon. His actual first words were \"Beautiful view.\" Warp drive was first mentioned in Gene Roddenberry's first-draft pitch for \"Star Trek\", dated March 11, 1964, although in that version it was referred to as a \"space-warp drive\". The drive allows for a vessel to travel faster than the speed of light by warping space-time around the ship itself. In 1994, physicist Miguel Alcubierre created the theoretical Alcubierre drive,","Document [7](Title: Star Trek) Star Trek Star Trek is an American space opera media franchise based on the science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. The first television series, simply called \"Star Trek\" and now referred to as \"\"\"\", debuted in 1966 and aired for three seasons on the television network NBC. It followed the interstellar adventures of Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and his crew aboard the starship USS \"Enterprise\", a space exploration vessel, built by the United Federation of Planets in the twenty-third century. The \"Star Trek\" canon of the franchise includes \"The Original Series\", an animated series, five spin-off","Document [8](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) fan letters about the \"Enterprise\" than any of the actors. A write-in campaign in 1976 led to the first space shuttle being named \"Enterprise\" rather than \"Constitution\". In 2009, Virgin Galactic named its first commercial spaceship to honor the \"Star Trek\" vessel. \"Build the Enterprise\" is a website that proposes creating a functional spacecraft with a hull similar to the \"Enterprise\". The United States Navy evaluated the efficiency of the \"Enterprise\" bridge's style and layout, and the bridge of the USS \"Independence\" and the Ship's Mission Center of the USS \"Zumwalt\" have been compared to the \"Enterprise\"s bridge. An exacting","Document [9](Title: Kir'Shara) the first Starfleet starship \"Enterprise\", registration NX-01. In this episode, \"Enterprise\" attempts to avert a war, and is caught in a crossfire between Vulcan and Andorian starships. Meanwhile. Captain Archer, Commander T'Pol, and T'Pau aim to take the Kir'Shara to the Vulcan capital, and use it to reveal Administrator V'Las' plot to the rest of the Vulcan High Command. In addition to the guest stars returning from the previous arc episodes, or the episode \"\", Jeffrey Combs returned as Shran. The episode was shot across seven days using mostly standing sets, with only an Andorian brig built specifically for this","Document [10](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) science fiction spacecraft. The \"Enterprise\" was originally going to be named \"Yorktown\". Pato Guzman was the original art director assigned to \"Star Trek\"; Matt Jefferies, his assistant, took over when Guzman left the project. Jefferies, who was not a science fiction fan, was the primary designer of the \"Enterprise\" and based his work on concepts from series creator Gene Roddenberry. Roddenberry did not have any ideas about what the ship should look like, but he laid out several parameters for the ship: Roddenberry further specified that the \"Enterprise\" would operate mainly in space, have a crew of 100-150, and be","Document [11](Title: Bread and Circuses (Star Trek: The Original Series)) entertainment. In the episode, Captain Kirk and his companions are forced to fight in gladiatorial games on a planet resembling the Roman Empire, but possessing mid-20th century Earth technology. The Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\" is on routine patrol when it finds wreckage of the SS \"Beagle\". The \"Beagle\" was under the command of Captain R. M. Merik (William Smithers), whom Captain Kirk (William Shatner) knew during his academy days. First Officer Spock (Leonard Nimoy) traces the path of debris back to a planet in the previously unexplored system 892. The \"Enterprise\" picks up a 20th-century-style television news broadcast, reporting in","Document [12](Title: Star Trek: First Contact) ships to concentrate their firepower on a seemingly unimportant point on the Borg ship. The Cube is destroyed after launching a smaller sphere ship towards the planet. \"Enterprise\" pursues the sphere into a temporal vortex. As the sphere disappears, \"Enterprise\" discovers Earth has been altered \u2013 it is now populated entirely by Borg. Realizing the Borg have used time travel to change the past, \"Enterprise\" follows the sphere through the vortex. \"Enterprise\" arrives hundreds of years in its past on April 4, 2063, the day before humanity's first encounter with alien life after Zefram Cochrane's historic warp drive flight; the","Document [13](Title: Enterprise (NX-01)) \"a sort of retro-futurism\". Several \"Enterprise\" toys and models have been released, including versions by Art Asylum, Diamond Select Toys, QMx and Eaglemoss Publications. In the original pitch for \"\" by creator Gene Roddenberry, the vessel that the series was set on was called the SS \"Yorktown\". The starship was subsequently renamed USS \"Enterprise\" before the start of the series because of the growing real world fame of the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, recently launched by the U.S. Navy as the . The name \"Enterprise\" has been linked with \"Star Trek\" since. A second \"Enterprise\" made its debut in","Document [14](Title: Star Trek: Enterprise) Star Trek: Enterprise Star Trek: Enterprise, titled simply Enterprise for its first two seasons, is an American science fiction television series created by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga. It originally aired from September 26, 2001 to May 13, 2005 on UPN, spanning . The sixth series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it served as a prequel to \"\". Set in the 22nd century a hundred years before the events of \"The Original Series\", and just prior to the formation of the United Federation of Planets, the series follows the adventures of the \"Enterprise\", Earth's first starship capable of traveling at","Document [15](Title: Beyond the Farthest Star (Star Trek: The Animated Series)) it escape the massive gravity well of a dead star. On stardate 5221.3, while exploring on the outermost rim of the galaxy the Federation starship \"Enterprise\" is pulled into the orbit of a dead star. Trapped there, the crew discovers that there is a massive derelict 300,000,000-year-old pod ship trapped with them as well. Captain Kirk beams aboard the huge starship with a boarding party that includes First Officer Spock, Chief Medical Officer Dr. McCoy and Chief Engineer Scott, where they learn it was once home to an insectoid race. They also learn from a pre-recorded message left behind that","Document [16](Title: More Tribbles, More Troubles) the Federation starship USS \"Enterprise\" escorts two robot cargo ships carrying quintotriticale, a new seed grain, to famine-stricken Sherman's Planet, it encounters a Klingon battlecruiser pursuing a Federation scout ship. When the \"Enterprise\" rescues the pilot, the Klingons attack with a new energy weapon capable of incapacitating a starship and demand that the pilot be handed over to them. The pilot turns out to be Cyrano Jones, an intergalactic trader well known to Captain Kirk and crew (Kirk refers to Jones as a \"nuisance\"). The Klingons desperately want Jones for introducing the tribble to Klingon planets where it has become","Document [17](Title: Starship Enterprise) Starship Enterprise Enterprise or USS \"Enterprise (often referred to as the \"Starship \"Enterprise\") is the name of several fictional spacecraft, some of which are the main craft and setting for various television series and films in the \"Star Trek\" science fiction franchise. The most notable were Captain James T. Kirk's from the , and Captain Jean-Luc Picard's from \"\". Two spacecraft with the name \"Enterprise\" predate the United Federation of Planets in \"Star Trek\"s fictional timeline. Registry: USS \"Enterprise\" (XCV 330) Class: \"Declaration\" Service: circa 2130s Captain: Unknown This USS \"Enterprise\" (XCV 330) appears in \"\" (1979) among a series","Document [18](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) \"Star Trek\". Another \"Discovery\" producer, Greg Harberts isn't worried whether fans are satisfied with the ship's redesign: while many of the staff who developed the new appearance are \"Star Trek\" fans, Harberts stated fans rarely agree on anything. Starfleet commissioned the \"Enterprise\" in 2245. Robert April is the \"Enterprise\"s first captain, succeeded by Christopher Pike. Pike leads the \"Enterprise\" for about a decade and is the commanding officer in the original pilot, \"The Cage\". Throughout the first live action and animated \"Star Trek\" television series, Captain James T. Kirk commands the ship on an exploration mission from 2264 to 2269.","Document [19](Title: Star Trek: The Animated Series) Star Trek: The Animated Series Star Trek: The Animated Series (\"ST: TAS\"), originally aired as Star Trek and as The Animated Adventures of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek, is an American animated science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. It originally aired from September 8, 1973 to October 12, 1974 on NBC, spanning 22 episodes over two seasons. The second series in the \"Star Trek\" franchise, it is the first sequel to \"\". Set in the 23rd century, when Earth is part of a United Federation of Planets, it follows the adventures of the Starfleet vessel USS \"Enterprise\" as it","Document [20](Title: USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)) USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) is a fictional starship in the fictional Star Trek universe that serves as both the main setting of the original Star Trek television series, as well as the primary transportation method for the show's characters. The Enterprise has been depicted in four network television series, six feature films, many books, and much fan-created media. The original Star Trek series (1966\u20131969) features a voice-over by Enterprise captain, James T. Kirk (William Shatner), which describes the mission of the Enterprise as \"to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no"],"query":"what was the first star trek enterprise ship?","answers":["NCC-1701"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Art of War) The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the Spring and Autumn period in 5th century BC. The work, which is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu (\"Master Sun\", also spelled Sunzi), is composed of 13 chapters. Each one is devoted to a distinct aspect of warfare and how that applies to military strategy and tactics. For almost 1,500 years it was the lead text in an anthology that would be formalised as the Seven Military Classics by Emperor Shenzong of Song in 1080. The Art of War remains the most influential strategy","Document [2](Title: The Art of War) cited by KGB officers in charge of disinformation operations in Vladimir Volkoff's novel \"Le Montage\". \"The Art of War\" has been applied to many fields well outside of the military. Much of the text is about how to fight wars without actually having to do battle: It gives tips on how to outsmart one's opponent so that physical battle is not necessary. As such, it has found application as a training guide for many competitive endeavors that do not involve actual combat. \"The Art of War\" is mentioned as an influence in the earliest known Chinese collection of stories about","Document [3](Title: The Art of War) remains the most influential strategy text in East Asian warfare. It has a profound influence on both Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond. The book was first translated and published into French in 1772 (re-published in 1782) by the French Jesuit Jean Joseph Marie Amiot and a partial translation into English was attempted by British officer Everard Ferguson Calthrop in 1905 under the title The Book of War. The first annotated English translation was completed and published by Lionel Giles in 1910. Numerous military and political leaders such as the Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Zedong,","Document [4](Title: The Art of War) to the field of education. \"The Art of War\" has been the subject of legal books and legal articles on the trial process, including negotiation tactics and trial strategy. \"The Art of War\" has also been applied in the world of sports. National Football League coach Bill Belichick is known to have read the book and used its lessons to gain insights in preparing for games. Australian cricket as well as Brazilian association football coaches Luiz Felipe Scolari and Carlos Alberto Parreira are known to have embraced the text. Scolari made the Brazilian World Cup squad of 2002 study the","Document [5](Title: The Art of War) lists \"The Art of War\" as one example of a book that may be kept at a military unit's library. \"The Art of War\" is listed on the Marine Corps Professional Reading Program (formerly known as the Commandant's Reading List). It is recommended reading for all United States Military Intelligence personnel. According to some authors, the strategy of deception from \"The Art of War\" was studied and widely used by the KGB: \"I will force the enemy to take our strength for weakness, and our weakness for strength, and thus will turn his strength into weakness\". The book is widely","Document [6](Title: The Art of War) War\" and \"Strategic Problems of China's Revolutionary War\", and includes Mao's quote: \"We must not belittle the saying in the book of Sun Wu Tzu, the great military expert of ancient China, 'Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a thousand battles without disaster.\" During the Vietnam War, some Vietcong officers extensively studied \"The Art of War\" and reportedly could recite entire passages from memory. General V\u00f5 Nguy\u00ean Gi\u00e1p successfully implemented tactics described in \"The Art of War\" during the Battle of Dien Bien Phu ending major French involvement in Indochina and leading to the accords which","Document [7](Title: The Art of War) the state of Chu. The prominent strategist, poet, and warlord Cao Cao in the early 3rd century AD authored the earliest known commentary to the \"Art of War\". Cao's preface makes clear that he edited the text and removed certain passages, but the extent of his changes were unclear historically. \"The Art of War\" appears throughout the bibliographical catalogs of the Chinese dynastic histories, but listings of its divisions and size varied widely. In the early 20th century, the Chinese writer and reformer Liang Qichao theorized that the text was actually written in the 4th century BC by Sunzi's purported","Document [8](Title: William S. Lind) Jr., of Ohio from 1973 through 1976 and held a similar position with Senator Gary Hart of Colorado from 1977 to 1986. He is the author of the \"Maneuver Warfare Handbook\" (Westview Press, 1985) and co-author, with Gary Hart, of \"America Can Win: The Case for Military Reform.\" With Bruce Gudmundsson, Lind hosted the program \"Modern War\" on the now-defunct satellite television network NET. Lind has written for the \"Marine Corps Gazette\", \"Defense and the National Interest\", (D-N-I.net), and \"The American Conservative\". According to writer Robert Coram's book \"Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed The Art of War\", during lectures","Document [9](Title: Lionel Giles) studied Classics at Wadham College, Oxford, graduating BA in 1899. The 1910 Giles translation of \"The Art of War\" succeeded British officer Everard Ferguson Calthrop's 1905 and 1908 translations, and refuted large portions of Calthrop's work. In the Introduction, Giles writes: It is not merely a question of downright blunders, from which none can hope to be wholly exempt. Omissions were frequent; hard passages were willfully distorted or slurred over. Such offenses are less pardonable. They would not be tolerated in any edition of a Latin or Greek classic, and a similar standard of honesty ought to be insisted upon","Document [10](Title: J. F. C. Fuller) expressive, and opinionated writer of military history and of controversial predictions of the future of war, publishing \"On Future Warfare\" in 1928. Seeing his teachings largely vindicated by the Second World War, he published \"Machine Warfare: An Enquiry into the Influence of Mechanics on the Art of War\" in 1942. Fuller is perhaps best known today for his \"Nine Principles of War\" which have formed the foundation of much of modern military theory since the 1930s, and which were originally derived from a convergence of Fuller's mystical and military interests. The Nine Principles went through several iterations; Fuller stated that","Document [11](Title: The Art of War) ancient work during their successful campaign. \"The Art of War\" is often quoted while developing tactics and\/or strategy in Electronic Sports. Particularly, one of the fundamental books about e-sports, \"Play To Win\" by Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate David Sirlin, is actually just an analysis about possible applications of the ideas from \"The Art of War\" in modern Electronic Sports. \"The Art of War\" was released in 2014 as an e-book companion alongside the Art of War DLC for Europa Universalis IV, a PC strategy game by Paradox Development Studios, with a foreword by Thomas Johansson. The book has been","Document [12](Title: The Art of War (Machiavelli)) Fabrizio declaims that we should imitate ancient warfare rather than ancient art forms. However, the \"Art of War\" is a dialogue in the humanist tradition of imitating classical forms. Machiavelli himself appears to have fallen into the trap for which Fabrizio criticizes Bernardo Rucellai. Despite this inherent contradiction, the book lacks much of the cynical tone and humour that is so characteristic of Machiavelli's other works. The Art of War (Machiavelli) The Art of War () is a treatise by the Italian Renaissance political philosopher and historian Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli. The format of \"The Art of War\" is a socratic dialogue.","Document [13](Title: The Utility of Force) The Utility of Force The Utility of Force: The Art of War in the Modern World is a treatise on modern warfare written by General Sir Rupert Smith and published in 2005. Smith is a retired general who spent 40 years in the British Army; he commanded the 1st Armoured Division in the First Gulf War and served as General Officer Commanding Northern Ireland at the end of the Troubles. He was motivated to write the book by his experiences in the Balkans. He commanded the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) in Bosnia from 1995 to 1996, during which time","Document [14](Title: The Art of War (Machiavelli)) The Art of War (Machiavelli) The Art of War () is a treatise by the Italian Renaissance political philosopher and historian Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli. The format of \"The Art of War\" is a socratic dialogue. The purpose, declared by Lord Fabrizio Colonna (perhaps Machiavelli's \"persona\") at the outset, \"To honor and reward \"virt\u00f9\", not to have contempt for poverty, to esteem the modes and orders of military discipline, to constrain citizens to love one another, to live without factions, to esteem less the private than the public good.\" To these ends, Machiavelli notes in his preface, the military is like the","Document [15](Title: L'Art franc\u0327ais de la guerre) L'Art fran\u00e7ais de la guerre L'Art fran\u00e7ais de la guerre (\"The French art of war\") is a 2011 novel by the French writer Alexis Jenni, published by \u00c9ditions Gallimard. It is an adventure story about the military history of France in Indochina and Algeria. It received the Prix Goncourt, with five votes to three against Carole Martinez's \"\". It was published in English by Atlantic Books as \"The French Art of War\" (translated by Frank Wynne). \"L'Art fran\u00e7ais de la guerre\" was the third novel written by Alexis Jenni, a high-school biology teacher, although the first published. He had previously","Document [16](Title: Sun Bin) in ambush attacked. Pang committed suicide after being hit by many enemy arrows. Sun Bin retired from service because of political entanglement in the court and led a reclusive life as a hermit in the later part of his life. \"Sun Bin's Art of War\" (\u5b6b\u81cf\u5175\u6cd5) is a military treatise authored by Sun Bin. The book was believed to be lost after the Han Dynasty, and although there were numerous references to it in post-contemporary texts, some historians still believed that the book was never written and could be a forgery. However, in April 1972, archaeologists excavated several fragments of","Document [17](Title: Ardant du Picq) upon the writings of former Chief of Staff Baron Antoine-Henri Jomini when it came to warfare. Before his death, du Picq had already published Combat antique (ancient battle), which was later expanded from his manuscripts into the classic Etudes sur les combat: Combat antique et moderne, often referred to by its common English title as Battle Studies. This work was published in part in 1880 posthumously, and the complete text did not appear until 1902. The difficulties surrounding reform of the French military and its organization were widely discussed and his work referenced, and it was a very popular work","Document [18](Title: Robert Greene (American author)) use of his left hand and leg. Robert Greene (American author) Robert Greene (born May 14, 1959) is an American author known for his books on strategy, power and seduction. He has written five international bestsellers: \"The 48 Laws of Power\", \"The Art of Seduction\", \"The 33 Strategies of War\", \"The 50th Law\" (with rapper 50 Cent) and \"Mastery\". The younger son of Jewish parents, Greene grew up in Los Angeles and attended University of California, Berkeley before finishing his degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a B.A. in classical studies. Before becoming an author, Greene estimates that he","Document [19](Title: Geoffrey Blainey) Nations in New York in 1988, he was one of five intellectuals, including the American economist John Kenneth Galbraith and the Mexican poet Octavio Paz, who were awarded gold medals for \"excellence in the dissemination of knowledge for the benefit of mankind\". Blainey's book \"The Causes of War\", much read in military academies and American universities, was said to be one reason for the award. He is an emeritus professor of the University of Melbourne, and a fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia. In 2002 the degree of Doctor","Document [20](Title: Henry Lloyd (soldier)) of Germany and her allies\", adding \"Reflections on the principles of the art of war\" for the second edition in 1781. This became his most influential book. It was translated into German (five editions) and French (three editions). A second volume was added in 1784, after his death, compiled from his papers. These writings led to Lloyd being regarded by James Jay Carafano as \"the father of the principles of modern warfare\". He wrote on how to organize armies and conduct operations, using mathematical calculations. He was influenced by French military theory and also Enlightenment philosophy that human behaviour could"],"query":"who was the author of the art of war?","answers":["Sun Tzu"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Art of War) cited by KGB officers in charge of disinformation operations in Vladimir Volkoff's novel \"Le Montage\". \"The Art of War\" has been applied to many fields well outside of the military. Much of the text is about how to fight wars without actually having to do battle: It gives tips on how to outsmart one's opponent so that physical battle is not necessary. As such, it has found application as a training guide for many competitive endeavors that do not involve actual combat. \"The Art of War\" is mentioned as an influence in the earliest known Chinese collection of stories about","Document [2](Title: The Art of War) remains the most influential strategy text in East Asian warfare. It has a profound influence on both Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond. The book was first translated and published into French in 1772 (re-published in 1782) by the French Jesuit Jean Joseph Marie Amiot and a partial translation into English was attempted by British officer Everard Ferguson Calthrop in 1905 under the title The Book of War. The first annotated English translation was completed and published by Lionel Giles in 1910. Numerous military and political leaders such as the Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Zedong,","Document [3](Title: The Art of War) to the field of education. \"The Art of War\" has been the subject of legal books and legal articles on the trial process, including negotiation tactics and trial strategy. \"The Art of War\" has also been applied in the world of sports. National Football League coach Bill Belichick is known to have read the book and used its lessons to gain insights in preparing for games. Australian cricket as well as Brazilian association football coaches Luiz Felipe Scolari and Carlos Alberto Parreira are known to have embraced the text. Scolari made the Brazilian World Cup squad of 2002 study the","Document [4](Title: The Art of War) lists \"The Art of War\" as one example of a book that may be kept at a military unit's library. \"The Art of War\" is listed on the Marine Corps Professional Reading Program (formerly known as the Commandant's Reading List). It is recommended reading for all United States Military Intelligence personnel. According to some authors, the strategy of deception from \"The Art of War\" was studied and widely used by the KGB: \"I will force the enemy to take our strength for weakness, and our weakness for strength, and thus will turn his strength into weakness\". The book is widely","Document [5](Title: The Art of War) The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the Spring and Autumn period in 5th century BC. The work, which is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu (\"Master Sun\", also spelled Sunzi), is composed of 13 chapters. Each one is devoted to a distinct aspect of warfare and how that applies to military strategy and tactics. For almost 1,500 years it was the lead text in an anthology that would be formalised as the Seven Military Classics by Emperor Shenzong of Song in 1080. The Art of War remains the most influential strategy","Document [6](Title: The Art of War) War\" and \"Strategic Problems of China's Revolutionary War\", and includes Mao's quote: \"We must not belittle the saying in the book of Sun Wu Tzu, the great military expert of ancient China, 'Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a thousand battles without disaster.\" During the Vietnam War, some Vietcong officers extensively studied \"The Art of War\" and reportedly could recite entire passages from memory. General V\u00f5 Nguy\u00ean Gi\u00e1p successfully implemented tactics described in \"The Art of War\" during the Battle of Dien Bien Phu ending major French involvement in Indochina and leading to the accords which","Document [7](Title: The Art of War) the state of Chu. The prominent strategist, poet, and warlord Cao Cao in the early 3rd century AD authored the earliest known commentary to the \"Art of War\". Cao's preface makes clear that he edited the text and removed certain passages, but the extent of his changes were unclear historically. \"The Art of War\" appears throughout the bibliographical catalogs of the Chinese dynastic histories, but listings of its divisions and size varied widely. In the early 20th century, the Chinese writer and reformer Liang Qichao theorized that the text was actually written in the 4th century BC by Sunzi's purported","Document [8](Title: William S. Lind) Jr., of Ohio from 1973 through 1976 and held a similar position with Senator Gary Hart of Colorado from 1977 to 1986. He is the author of the \"Maneuver Warfare Handbook\" (Westview Press, 1985) and co-author, with Gary Hart, of \"America Can Win: The Case for Military Reform.\" With Bruce Gudmundsson, Lind hosted the program \"Modern War\" on the now-defunct satellite television network NET. Lind has written for the \"Marine Corps Gazette\", \"Defense and the National Interest\", (D-N-I.net), and \"The American Conservative\". According to writer Robert Coram's book \"Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed The Art of War\", during lectures","Document [9](Title: Lionel Giles) studied Classics at Wadham College, Oxford, graduating BA in 1899. The 1910 Giles translation of \"The Art of War\" succeeded British officer Everard Ferguson Calthrop's 1905 and 1908 translations, and refuted large portions of Calthrop's work. In the Introduction, Giles writes: It is not merely a question of downright blunders, from which none can hope to be wholly exempt. Omissions were frequent; hard passages were willfully distorted or slurred over. Such offenses are less pardonable. They would not be tolerated in any edition of a Latin or Greek classic, and a similar standard of honesty ought to be insisted upon","Document [10](Title: J. F. C. Fuller) expressive, and opinionated writer of military history and of controversial predictions of the future of war, publishing \"On Future Warfare\" in 1928. Seeing his teachings largely vindicated by the Second World War, he published \"Machine Warfare: An Enquiry into the Influence of Mechanics on the Art of War\" in 1942. Fuller is perhaps best known today for his \"Nine Principles of War\" which have formed the foundation of much of modern military theory since the 1930s, and which were originally derived from a convergence of Fuller's mystical and military interests. The Nine Principles went through several iterations; Fuller stated that","Document [11](Title: The Art of War) ancient work during their successful campaign. \"The Art of War\" is often quoted while developing tactics and\/or strategy in Electronic Sports. Particularly, one of the fundamental books about e-sports, \"Play To Win\" by Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate David Sirlin, is actually just an analysis about possible applications of the ideas from \"The Art of War\" in modern Electronic Sports. \"The Art of War\" was released in 2014 as an e-book companion alongside the Art of War DLC for Europa Universalis IV, a PC strategy game by Paradox Development Studios, with a foreword by Thomas Johansson. The book has been","Document [12](Title: The Art of War (Machiavelli)) Fabrizio declaims that we should imitate ancient warfare rather than ancient art forms. However, the \"Art of War\" is a dialogue in the humanist tradition of imitating classical forms. Machiavelli himself appears to have fallen into the trap for which Fabrizio criticizes Bernardo Rucellai. Despite this inherent contradiction, the book lacks much of the cynical tone and humour that is so characteristic of Machiavelli's other works. The Art of War (Machiavelli) The Art of War () is a treatise by the Italian Renaissance political philosopher and historian Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli. The format of \"The Art of War\" is a socratic dialogue.","Document [13](Title: The Utility of Force) The Utility of Force The Utility of Force: The Art of War in the Modern World is a treatise on modern warfare written by General Sir Rupert Smith and published in 2005. Smith is a retired general who spent 40 years in the British Army; he commanded the 1st Armoured Division in the First Gulf War and served as General Officer Commanding Northern Ireland at the end of the Troubles. He was motivated to write the book by his experiences in the Balkans. He commanded the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) in Bosnia from 1995 to 1996, during which time","Document [14](Title: The Art of War (Machiavelli)) The Art of War (Machiavelli) The Art of War () is a treatise by the Italian Renaissance political philosopher and historian Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli. The format of \"The Art of War\" is a socratic dialogue. The purpose, declared by Lord Fabrizio Colonna (perhaps Machiavelli's \"persona\") at the outset, \"To honor and reward \"virt\u00f9\", not to have contempt for poverty, to esteem the modes and orders of military discipline, to constrain citizens to love one another, to live without factions, to esteem less the private than the public good.\" To these ends, Machiavelli notes in his preface, the military is like the","Document [15](Title: L'Art franc\u0327ais de la guerre) L'Art fran\u00e7ais de la guerre L'Art fran\u00e7ais de la guerre (\"The French art of war\") is a 2011 novel by the French writer Alexis Jenni, published by \u00c9ditions Gallimard. It is an adventure story about the military history of France in Indochina and Algeria. It received the Prix Goncourt, with five votes to three against Carole Martinez's \"\". It was published in English by Atlantic Books as \"The French Art of War\" (translated by Frank Wynne). \"L'Art fran\u00e7ais de la guerre\" was the third novel written by Alexis Jenni, a high-school biology teacher, although the first published. He had previously","Document [16](Title: Sun Bin) in ambush attacked. Pang committed suicide after being hit by many enemy arrows. Sun Bin retired from service because of political entanglement in the court and led a reclusive life as a hermit in the later part of his life. \"Sun Bin's Art of War\" (\u5b6b\u81cf\u5175\u6cd5) is a military treatise authored by Sun Bin. The book was believed to be lost after the Han Dynasty, and although there were numerous references to it in post-contemporary texts, some historians still believed that the book was never written and could be a forgery. However, in April 1972, archaeologists excavated several fragments of","Document [17](Title: Ardant du Picq) upon the writings of former Chief of Staff Baron Antoine-Henri Jomini when it came to warfare. Before his death, du Picq had already published Combat antique (ancient battle), which was later expanded from his manuscripts into the classic Etudes sur les combat: Combat antique et moderne, often referred to by its common English title as Battle Studies. This work was published in part in 1880 posthumously, and the complete text did not appear until 1902. The difficulties surrounding reform of the French military and its organization were widely discussed and his work referenced, and it was a very popular work","Document [18](Title: Robert Greene (American author)) use of his left hand and leg. Robert Greene (American author) Robert Greene (born May 14, 1959) is an American author known for his books on strategy, power and seduction. He has written five international bestsellers: \"The 48 Laws of Power\", \"The Art of Seduction\", \"The 33 Strategies of War\", \"The 50th Law\" (with rapper 50 Cent) and \"Mastery\". The younger son of Jewish parents, Greene grew up in Los Angeles and attended University of California, Berkeley before finishing his degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a B.A. in classical studies. Before becoming an author, Greene estimates that he","Document [19](Title: Geoffrey Blainey) Nations in New York in 1988, he was one of five intellectuals, including the American economist John Kenneth Galbraith and the Mexican poet Octavio Paz, who were awarded gold medals for \"excellence in the dissemination of knowledge for the benefit of mankind\". Blainey's book \"The Causes of War\", much read in military academies and American universities, was said to be one reason for the award. He is an emeritus professor of the University of Melbourne, and a fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia. In 2002 the degree of Doctor","Document [20](Title: Henry Lloyd (soldier)) of Germany and her allies\", adding \"Reflections on the principles of the art of war\" for the second edition in 1781. This became his most influential book. It was translated into German (five editions) and French (three editions). A second volume was added in 1784, after his death, compiled from his papers. These writings led to Lloyd being regarded by James Jay Carafano as \"the father of the principles of modern warfare\". He wrote on how to organize armies and conduct operations, using mathematical calculations. He was influenced by French military theory and also Enlightenment philosophy that human behaviour could"],"query":"who was the author of the art of war?","answers":["Sun Tzu"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Art of War) cited by KGB officers in charge of disinformation operations in Vladimir Volkoff's novel \"Le Montage\". \"The Art of War\" has been applied to many fields well outside of the military. Much of the text is about how to fight wars without actually having to do battle: It gives tips on how to outsmart one's opponent so that physical battle is not necessary. As such, it has found application as a training guide for many competitive endeavors that do not involve actual combat. \"The Art of War\" is mentioned as an influence in the earliest known Chinese collection of stories about","Document [2](Title: The Art of War) remains the most influential strategy text in East Asian warfare. It has a profound influence on both Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond. The book was first translated and published into French in 1772 (re-published in 1782) by the French Jesuit Jean Joseph Marie Amiot and a partial translation into English was attempted by British officer Everard Ferguson Calthrop in 1905 under the title The Book of War. The first annotated English translation was completed and published by Lionel Giles in 1910. Numerous military and political leaders such as the Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Zedong,","Document [3](Title: The Art of War) to the field of education. \"The Art of War\" has been the subject of legal books and legal articles on the trial process, including negotiation tactics and trial strategy. \"The Art of War\" has also been applied in the world of sports. National Football League coach Bill Belichick is known to have read the book and used its lessons to gain insights in preparing for games. Australian cricket as well as Brazilian association football coaches Luiz Felipe Scolari and Carlos Alberto Parreira are known to have embraced the text. Scolari made the Brazilian World Cup squad of 2002 study the","Document [4](Title: The Art of War) lists \"The Art of War\" as one example of a book that may be kept at a military unit's library. \"The Art of War\" is listed on the Marine Corps Professional Reading Program (formerly known as the Commandant's Reading List). It is recommended reading for all United States Military Intelligence personnel. According to some authors, the strategy of deception from \"The Art of War\" was studied and widely used by the KGB: \"I will force the enemy to take our strength for weakness, and our weakness for strength, and thus will turn his strength into weakness\". The book is widely","Document [5](Title: The Art of War) War\" and \"Strategic Problems of China's Revolutionary War\", and includes Mao's quote: \"We must not belittle the saying in the book of Sun Wu Tzu, the great military expert of ancient China, 'Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a thousand battles without disaster.\" During the Vietnam War, some Vietcong officers extensively studied \"The Art of War\" and reportedly could recite entire passages from memory. General V\u00f5 Nguy\u00ean Gi\u00e1p successfully implemented tactics described in \"The Art of War\" during the Battle of Dien Bien Phu ending major French involvement in Indochina and leading to the accords which","Document [6](Title: The Art of War) the state of Chu. The prominent strategist, poet, and warlord Cao Cao in the early 3rd century AD authored the earliest known commentary to the \"Art of War\". Cao's preface makes clear that he edited the text and removed certain passages, but the extent of his changes were unclear historically. \"The Art of War\" appears throughout the bibliographical catalogs of the Chinese dynastic histories, but listings of its divisions and size varied widely. In the early 20th century, the Chinese writer and reformer Liang Qichao theorized that the text was actually written in the 4th century BC by Sunzi's purported","Document [7](Title: William S. Lind) Jr., of Ohio from 1973 through 1976 and held a similar position with Senator Gary Hart of Colorado from 1977 to 1986. He is the author of the \"Maneuver Warfare Handbook\" (Westview Press, 1985) and co-author, with Gary Hart, of \"America Can Win: The Case for Military Reform.\" With Bruce Gudmundsson, Lind hosted the program \"Modern War\" on the now-defunct satellite television network NET. Lind has written for the \"Marine Corps Gazette\", \"Defense and the National Interest\", (D-N-I.net), and \"The American Conservative\". According to writer Robert Coram's book \"Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed The Art of War\", during lectures","Document [8](Title: Lionel Giles) studied Classics at Wadham College, Oxford, graduating BA in 1899. The 1910 Giles translation of \"The Art of War\" succeeded British officer Everard Ferguson Calthrop's 1905 and 1908 translations, and refuted large portions of Calthrop's work. In the Introduction, Giles writes: It is not merely a question of downright blunders, from which none can hope to be wholly exempt. Omissions were frequent; hard passages were willfully distorted or slurred over. Such offenses are less pardonable. They would not be tolerated in any edition of a Latin or Greek classic, and a similar standard of honesty ought to be insisted upon","Document [9](Title: J. F. C. Fuller) expressive, and opinionated writer of military history and of controversial predictions of the future of war, publishing \"On Future Warfare\" in 1928. Seeing his teachings largely vindicated by the Second World War, he published \"Machine Warfare: An Enquiry into the Influence of Mechanics on the Art of War\" in 1942. Fuller is perhaps best known today for his \"Nine Principles of War\" which have formed the foundation of much of modern military theory since the 1930s, and which were originally derived from a convergence of Fuller's mystical and military interests. The Nine Principles went through several iterations; Fuller stated that","Document [10](Title: The Art of War) The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the Spring and Autumn period in 5th century BC. The work, which is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu (\"Master Sun\", also spelled Sunzi), is composed of 13 chapters. Each one is devoted to a distinct aspect of warfare and how that applies to military strategy and tactics. For almost 1,500 years it was the lead text in an anthology that would be formalised as the Seven Military Classics by Emperor Shenzong of Song in 1080. The Art of War remains the most influential strategy","Document [11](Title: The Art of War) ancient work during their successful campaign. \"The Art of War\" is often quoted while developing tactics and\/or strategy in Electronic Sports. Particularly, one of the fundamental books about e-sports, \"Play To Win\" by Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate David Sirlin, is actually just an analysis about possible applications of the ideas from \"The Art of War\" in modern Electronic Sports. \"The Art of War\" was released in 2014 as an e-book companion alongside the Art of War DLC for Europa Universalis IV, a PC strategy game by Paradox Development Studios, with a foreword by Thomas Johansson. The book has been","Document [12](Title: The Art of War (Machiavelli)) Fabrizio declaims that we should imitate ancient warfare rather than ancient art forms. However, the \"Art of War\" is a dialogue in the humanist tradition of imitating classical forms. Machiavelli himself appears to have fallen into the trap for which Fabrizio criticizes Bernardo Rucellai. Despite this inherent contradiction, the book lacks much of the cynical tone and humour that is so characteristic of Machiavelli's other works. The Art of War (Machiavelli) The Art of War () is a treatise by the Italian Renaissance political philosopher and historian Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli. The format of \"The Art of War\" is a socratic dialogue.","Document [13](Title: The Utility of Force) The Utility of Force The Utility of Force: The Art of War in the Modern World is a treatise on modern warfare written by General Sir Rupert Smith and published in 2005. Smith is a retired general who spent 40 years in the British Army; he commanded the 1st Armoured Division in the First Gulf War and served as General Officer Commanding Northern Ireland at the end of the Troubles. He was motivated to write the book by his experiences in the Balkans. He commanded the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) in Bosnia from 1995 to 1996, during which time","Document [14](Title: The Art of War (Machiavelli)) The Art of War (Machiavelli) The Art of War () is a treatise by the Italian Renaissance political philosopher and historian Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli. The format of \"The Art of War\" is a socratic dialogue. The purpose, declared by Lord Fabrizio Colonna (perhaps Machiavelli's \"persona\") at the outset, \"To honor and reward \"virt\u00f9\", not to have contempt for poverty, to esteem the modes and orders of military discipline, to constrain citizens to love one another, to live without factions, to esteem less the private than the public good.\" To these ends, Machiavelli notes in his preface, the military is like the","Document [15](Title: L'Art franc\u0327ais de la guerre) L'Art fran\u00e7ais de la guerre L'Art fran\u00e7ais de la guerre (\"The French art of war\") is a 2011 novel by the French writer Alexis Jenni, published by \u00c9ditions Gallimard. It is an adventure story about the military history of France in Indochina and Algeria. It received the Prix Goncourt, with five votes to three against Carole Martinez's \"\". It was published in English by Atlantic Books as \"The French Art of War\" (translated by Frank Wynne). \"L'Art fran\u00e7ais de la guerre\" was the third novel written by Alexis Jenni, a high-school biology teacher, although the first published. He had previously","Document [16](Title: Sun Bin) in ambush attacked. Pang committed suicide after being hit by many enemy arrows. Sun Bin retired from service because of political entanglement in the court and led a reclusive life as a hermit in the later part of his life. \"Sun Bin's Art of War\" (\u5b6b\u81cf\u5175\u6cd5) is a military treatise authored by Sun Bin. The book was believed to be lost after the Han Dynasty, and although there were numerous references to it in post-contemporary texts, some historians still believed that the book was never written and could be a forgery. However, in April 1972, archaeologists excavated several fragments of","Document [17](Title: Ardant du Picq) upon the writings of former Chief of Staff Baron Antoine-Henri Jomini when it came to warfare. Before his death, du Picq had already published Combat antique (ancient battle), which was later expanded from his manuscripts into the classic Etudes sur les combat: Combat antique et moderne, often referred to by its common English title as Battle Studies. This work was published in part in 1880 posthumously, and the complete text did not appear until 1902. The difficulties surrounding reform of the French military and its organization were widely discussed and his work referenced, and it was a very popular work","Document [18](Title: Robert Greene (American author)) use of his left hand and leg. Robert Greene (American author) Robert Greene (born May 14, 1959) is an American author known for his books on strategy, power and seduction. He has written five international bestsellers: \"The 48 Laws of Power\", \"The Art of Seduction\", \"The 33 Strategies of War\", \"The 50th Law\" (with rapper 50 Cent) and \"Mastery\". The younger son of Jewish parents, Greene grew up in Los Angeles and attended University of California, Berkeley before finishing his degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a B.A. in classical studies. Before becoming an author, Greene estimates that he","Document [19](Title: Geoffrey Blainey) Nations in New York in 1988, he was one of five intellectuals, including the American economist John Kenneth Galbraith and the Mexican poet Octavio Paz, who were awarded gold medals for \"excellence in the dissemination of knowledge for the benefit of mankind\". Blainey's book \"The Causes of War\", much read in military academies and American universities, was said to be one reason for the award. He is an emeritus professor of the University of Melbourne, and a fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia. In 2002 the degree of Doctor","Document [20](Title: Henry Lloyd (soldier)) of Germany and her allies\", adding \"Reflections on the principles of the art of war\" for the second edition in 1781. This became his most influential book. It was translated into German (five editions) and French (three editions). A second volume was added in 1784, after his death, compiled from his papers. These writings led to Lloyd being regarded by James Jay Carafano as \"the father of the principles of modern warfare\". He wrote on how to organize armies and conduct operations, using mathematical calculations. He was influenced by French military theory and also Enlightenment philosophy that human behaviour could"],"query":"who was the author of the art of war?","answers":["Sun Tzu"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Art of War) cited by KGB officers in charge of disinformation operations in Vladimir Volkoff's novel \"Le Montage\". \"The Art of War\" has been applied to many fields well outside of the military. Much of the text is about how to fight wars without actually having to do battle: It gives tips on how to outsmart one's opponent so that physical battle is not necessary. As such, it has found application as a training guide for many competitive endeavors that do not involve actual combat. \"The Art of War\" is mentioned as an influence in the earliest known Chinese collection of stories about","Document [2](Title: The Art of War) remains the most influential strategy text in East Asian warfare. It has a profound influence on both Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond. The book was first translated and published into French in 1772 (re-published in 1782) by the French Jesuit Jean Joseph Marie Amiot and a partial translation into English was attempted by British officer Everard Ferguson Calthrop in 1905 under the title The Book of War. The first annotated English translation was completed and published by Lionel Giles in 1910. Numerous military and political leaders such as the Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Zedong,","Document [3](Title: The Art of War) to the field of education. \"The Art of War\" has been the subject of legal books and legal articles on the trial process, including negotiation tactics and trial strategy. \"The Art of War\" has also been applied in the world of sports. National Football League coach Bill Belichick is known to have read the book and used its lessons to gain insights in preparing for games. Australian cricket as well as Brazilian association football coaches Luiz Felipe Scolari and Carlos Alberto Parreira are known to have embraced the text. Scolari made the Brazilian World Cup squad of 2002 study the","Document [4](Title: The Art of War) lists \"The Art of War\" as one example of a book that may be kept at a military unit's library. \"The Art of War\" is listed on the Marine Corps Professional Reading Program (formerly known as the Commandant's Reading List). It is recommended reading for all United States Military Intelligence personnel. According to some authors, the strategy of deception from \"The Art of War\" was studied and widely used by the KGB: \"I will force the enemy to take our strength for weakness, and our weakness for strength, and thus will turn his strength into weakness\". The book is widely","Document [5](Title: The Art of War) War\" and \"Strategic Problems of China's Revolutionary War\", and includes Mao's quote: \"We must not belittle the saying in the book of Sun Wu Tzu, the great military expert of ancient China, 'Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a thousand battles without disaster.\" During the Vietnam War, some Vietcong officers extensively studied \"The Art of War\" and reportedly could recite entire passages from memory. General V\u00f5 Nguy\u00ean Gi\u00e1p successfully implemented tactics described in \"The Art of War\" during the Battle of Dien Bien Phu ending major French involvement in Indochina and leading to the accords which","Document [6](Title: The Art of War) the state of Chu. The prominent strategist, poet, and warlord Cao Cao in the early 3rd century AD authored the earliest known commentary to the \"Art of War\". Cao's preface makes clear that he edited the text and removed certain passages, but the extent of his changes were unclear historically. \"The Art of War\" appears throughout the bibliographical catalogs of the Chinese dynastic histories, but listings of its divisions and size varied widely. In the early 20th century, the Chinese writer and reformer Liang Qichao theorized that the text was actually written in the 4th century BC by Sunzi's purported","Document [7](Title: William S. Lind) Jr., of Ohio from 1973 through 1976 and held a similar position with Senator Gary Hart of Colorado from 1977 to 1986. He is the author of the \"Maneuver Warfare Handbook\" (Westview Press, 1985) and co-author, with Gary Hart, of \"America Can Win: The Case for Military Reform.\" With Bruce Gudmundsson, Lind hosted the program \"Modern War\" on the now-defunct satellite television network NET. Lind has written for the \"Marine Corps Gazette\", \"Defense and the National Interest\", (D-N-I.net), and \"The American Conservative\". According to writer Robert Coram's book \"Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed The Art of War\", during lectures","Document [8](Title: Lionel Giles) studied Classics at Wadham College, Oxford, graduating BA in 1899. The 1910 Giles translation of \"The Art of War\" succeeded British officer Everard Ferguson Calthrop's 1905 and 1908 translations, and refuted large portions of Calthrop's work. In the Introduction, Giles writes: It is not merely a question of downright blunders, from which none can hope to be wholly exempt. Omissions were frequent; hard passages were willfully distorted or slurred over. Such offenses are less pardonable. They would not be tolerated in any edition of a Latin or Greek classic, and a similar standard of honesty ought to be insisted upon","Document [9](Title: J. F. C. Fuller) expressive, and opinionated writer of military history and of controversial predictions of the future of war, publishing \"On Future Warfare\" in 1928. Seeing his teachings largely vindicated by the Second World War, he published \"Machine Warfare: An Enquiry into the Influence of Mechanics on the Art of War\" in 1942. Fuller is perhaps best known today for his \"Nine Principles of War\" which have formed the foundation of much of modern military theory since the 1930s, and which were originally derived from a convergence of Fuller's mystical and military interests. The Nine Principles went through several iterations; Fuller stated that","Document [10](Title: The Art of War) ancient work during their successful campaign. \"The Art of War\" is often quoted while developing tactics and\/or strategy in Electronic Sports. Particularly, one of the fundamental books about e-sports, \"Play To Win\" by Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate David Sirlin, is actually just an analysis about possible applications of the ideas from \"The Art of War\" in modern Electronic Sports. \"The Art of War\" was released in 2014 as an e-book companion alongside the Art of War DLC for Europa Universalis IV, a PC strategy game by Paradox Development Studios, with a foreword by Thomas Johansson. The book has been","Document [11](Title: The Art of War (Machiavelli)) Fabrizio declaims that we should imitate ancient warfare rather than ancient art forms. However, the \"Art of War\" is a dialogue in the humanist tradition of imitating classical forms. Machiavelli himself appears to have fallen into the trap for which Fabrizio criticizes Bernardo Rucellai. Despite this inherent contradiction, the book lacks much of the cynical tone and humour that is so characteristic of Machiavelli's other works. The Art of War (Machiavelli) The Art of War () is a treatise by the Italian Renaissance political philosopher and historian Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli. The format of \"The Art of War\" is a socratic dialogue.","Document [12](Title: The Utility of Force) The Utility of Force The Utility of Force: The Art of War in the Modern World is a treatise on modern warfare written by General Sir Rupert Smith and published in 2005. Smith is a retired general who spent 40 years in the British Army; he commanded the 1st Armoured Division in the First Gulf War and served as General Officer Commanding Northern Ireland at the end of the Troubles. He was motivated to write the book by his experiences in the Balkans. He commanded the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) in Bosnia from 1995 to 1996, during which time","Document [13](Title: The Art of War (Machiavelli)) The Art of War (Machiavelli) The Art of War () is a treatise by the Italian Renaissance political philosopher and historian Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli. The format of \"The Art of War\" is a socratic dialogue. The purpose, declared by Lord Fabrizio Colonna (perhaps Machiavelli's \"persona\") at the outset, \"To honor and reward \"virt\u00f9\", not to have contempt for poverty, to esteem the modes and orders of military discipline, to constrain citizens to love one another, to live without factions, to esteem less the private than the public good.\" To these ends, Machiavelli notes in his preface, the military is like the","Document [14](Title: L'Art franc\u0327ais de la guerre) L'Art fran\u00e7ais de la guerre L'Art fran\u00e7ais de la guerre (\"The French art of war\") is a 2011 novel by the French writer Alexis Jenni, published by \u00c9ditions Gallimard. It is an adventure story about the military history of France in Indochina and Algeria. It received the Prix Goncourt, with five votes to three against Carole Martinez's \"\". It was published in English by Atlantic Books as \"The French Art of War\" (translated by Frank Wynne). \"L'Art fran\u00e7ais de la guerre\" was the third novel written by Alexis Jenni, a high-school biology teacher, although the first published. He had previously","Document [15](Title: The Art of War) The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the Spring and Autumn period in 5th century BC. The work, which is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu (\"Master Sun\", also spelled Sunzi), is composed of 13 chapters. Each one is devoted to a distinct aspect of warfare and how that applies to military strategy and tactics. For almost 1,500 years it was the lead text in an anthology that would be formalised as the Seven Military Classics by Emperor Shenzong of Song in 1080. The Art of War remains the most influential strategy","Document [16](Title: Sun Bin) in ambush attacked. Pang committed suicide after being hit by many enemy arrows. Sun Bin retired from service because of political entanglement in the court and led a reclusive life as a hermit in the later part of his life. \"Sun Bin's Art of War\" (\u5b6b\u81cf\u5175\u6cd5) is a military treatise authored by Sun Bin. The book was believed to be lost after the Han Dynasty, and although there were numerous references to it in post-contemporary texts, some historians still believed that the book was never written and could be a forgery. However, in April 1972, archaeologists excavated several fragments of","Document [17](Title: Ardant du Picq) upon the writings of former Chief of Staff Baron Antoine-Henri Jomini when it came to warfare. Before his death, du Picq had already published Combat antique (ancient battle), which was later expanded from his manuscripts into the classic Etudes sur les combat: Combat antique et moderne, often referred to by its common English title as Battle Studies. This work was published in part in 1880 posthumously, and the complete text did not appear until 1902. The difficulties surrounding reform of the French military and its organization were widely discussed and his work referenced, and it was a very popular work","Document [18](Title: Robert Greene (American author)) use of his left hand and leg. Robert Greene (American author) Robert Greene (born May 14, 1959) is an American author known for his books on strategy, power and seduction. He has written five international bestsellers: \"The 48 Laws of Power\", \"The Art of Seduction\", \"The 33 Strategies of War\", \"The 50th Law\" (with rapper 50 Cent) and \"Mastery\". The younger son of Jewish parents, Greene grew up in Los Angeles and attended University of California, Berkeley before finishing his degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a B.A. in classical studies. Before becoming an author, Greene estimates that he","Document [19](Title: Geoffrey Blainey) Nations in New York in 1988, he was one of five intellectuals, including the American economist John Kenneth Galbraith and the Mexican poet Octavio Paz, who were awarded gold medals for \"excellence in the dissemination of knowledge for the benefit of mankind\". Blainey's book \"The Causes of War\", much read in military academies and American universities, was said to be one reason for the award. He is an emeritus professor of the University of Melbourne, and a fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia. In 2002 the degree of Doctor","Document [20](Title: Henry Lloyd (soldier)) of Germany and her allies\", adding \"Reflections on the principles of the art of war\" for the second edition in 1781. This became his most influential book. It was translated into German (five editions) and French (three editions). A second volume was added in 1784, after his death, compiled from his papers. These writings led to Lloyd being regarded by James Jay Carafano as \"the father of the principles of modern warfare\". He wrote on how to organize armies and conduct operations, using mathematical calculations. He was influenced by French military theory and also Enlightenment philosophy that human behaviour could"],"query":"who was the author of the art of war?","answers":["Sun Tzu"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Art of War) cited by KGB officers in charge of disinformation operations in Vladimir Volkoff's novel \"Le Montage\". \"The Art of War\" has been applied to many fields well outside of the military. Much of the text is about how to fight wars without actually having to do battle: It gives tips on how to outsmart one's opponent so that physical battle is not necessary. As such, it has found application as a training guide for many competitive endeavors that do not involve actual combat. \"The Art of War\" is mentioned as an influence in the earliest known Chinese collection of stories about","Document [2](Title: The Art of War) remains the most influential strategy text in East Asian warfare. It has a profound influence on both Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond. The book was first translated and published into French in 1772 (re-published in 1782) by the French Jesuit Jean Joseph Marie Amiot and a partial translation into English was attempted by British officer Everard Ferguson Calthrop in 1905 under the title The Book of War. The first annotated English translation was completed and published by Lionel Giles in 1910. Numerous military and political leaders such as the Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Zedong,","Document [3](Title: The Art of War) to the field of education. \"The Art of War\" has been the subject of legal books and legal articles on the trial process, including negotiation tactics and trial strategy. \"The Art of War\" has also been applied in the world of sports. National Football League coach Bill Belichick is known to have read the book and used its lessons to gain insights in preparing for games. Australian cricket as well as Brazilian association football coaches Luiz Felipe Scolari and Carlos Alberto Parreira are known to have embraced the text. Scolari made the Brazilian World Cup squad of 2002 study the","Document [4](Title: The Art of War) lists \"The Art of War\" as one example of a book that may be kept at a military unit's library. \"The Art of War\" is listed on the Marine Corps Professional Reading Program (formerly known as the Commandant's Reading List). It is recommended reading for all United States Military Intelligence personnel. According to some authors, the strategy of deception from \"The Art of War\" was studied and widely used by the KGB: \"I will force the enemy to take our strength for weakness, and our weakness for strength, and thus will turn his strength into weakness\". The book is widely","Document [5](Title: The Art of War) War\" and \"Strategic Problems of China's Revolutionary War\", and includes Mao's quote: \"We must not belittle the saying in the book of Sun Wu Tzu, the great military expert of ancient China, 'Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a thousand battles without disaster.\" During the Vietnam War, some Vietcong officers extensively studied \"The Art of War\" and reportedly could recite entire passages from memory. General V\u00f5 Nguy\u00ean Gi\u00e1p successfully implemented tactics described in \"The Art of War\" during the Battle of Dien Bien Phu ending major French involvement in Indochina and leading to the accords which","Document [6](Title: The Art of War) the state of Chu. The prominent strategist, poet, and warlord Cao Cao in the early 3rd century AD authored the earliest known commentary to the \"Art of War\". Cao's preface makes clear that he edited the text and removed certain passages, but the extent of his changes were unclear historically. \"The Art of War\" appears throughout the bibliographical catalogs of the Chinese dynastic histories, but listings of its divisions and size varied widely. In the early 20th century, the Chinese writer and reformer Liang Qichao theorized that the text was actually written in the 4th century BC by Sunzi's purported","Document [7](Title: William S. Lind) Jr., of Ohio from 1973 through 1976 and held a similar position with Senator Gary Hart of Colorado from 1977 to 1986. He is the author of the \"Maneuver Warfare Handbook\" (Westview Press, 1985) and co-author, with Gary Hart, of \"America Can Win: The Case for Military Reform.\" With Bruce Gudmundsson, Lind hosted the program \"Modern War\" on the now-defunct satellite television network NET. Lind has written for the \"Marine Corps Gazette\", \"Defense and the National Interest\", (D-N-I.net), and \"The American Conservative\". According to writer Robert Coram's book \"Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed The Art of War\", during lectures","Document [8](Title: Lionel Giles) studied Classics at Wadham College, Oxford, graduating BA in 1899. The 1910 Giles translation of \"The Art of War\" succeeded British officer Everard Ferguson Calthrop's 1905 and 1908 translations, and refuted large portions of Calthrop's work. In the Introduction, Giles writes: It is not merely a question of downright blunders, from which none can hope to be wholly exempt. Omissions were frequent; hard passages were willfully distorted or slurred over. Such offenses are less pardonable. They would not be tolerated in any edition of a Latin or Greek classic, and a similar standard of honesty ought to be insisted upon","Document [9](Title: J. F. C. Fuller) expressive, and opinionated writer of military history and of controversial predictions of the future of war, publishing \"On Future Warfare\" in 1928. Seeing his teachings largely vindicated by the Second World War, he published \"Machine Warfare: An Enquiry into the Influence of Mechanics on the Art of War\" in 1942. Fuller is perhaps best known today for his \"Nine Principles of War\" which have formed the foundation of much of modern military theory since the 1930s, and which were originally derived from a convergence of Fuller's mystical and military interests. The Nine Principles went through several iterations; Fuller stated that","Document [10](Title: The Art of War) ancient work during their successful campaign. \"The Art of War\" is often quoted while developing tactics and\/or strategy in Electronic Sports. Particularly, one of the fundamental books about e-sports, \"Play To Win\" by Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate David Sirlin, is actually just an analysis about possible applications of the ideas from \"The Art of War\" in modern Electronic Sports. \"The Art of War\" was released in 2014 as an e-book companion alongside the Art of War DLC for Europa Universalis IV, a PC strategy game by Paradox Development Studios, with a foreword by Thomas Johansson. The book has been","Document [11](Title: The Art of War (Machiavelli)) Fabrizio declaims that we should imitate ancient warfare rather than ancient art forms. However, the \"Art of War\" is a dialogue in the humanist tradition of imitating classical forms. Machiavelli himself appears to have fallen into the trap for which Fabrizio criticizes Bernardo Rucellai. Despite this inherent contradiction, the book lacks much of the cynical tone and humour that is so characteristic of Machiavelli's other works. The Art of War (Machiavelli) The Art of War () is a treatise by the Italian Renaissance political philosopher and historian Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli. The format of \"The Art of War\" is a socratic dialogue.","Document [12](Title: The Utility of Force) The Utility of Force The Utility of Force: The Art of War in the Modern World is a treatise on modern warfare written by General Sir Rupert Smith and published in 2005. Smith is a retired general who spent 40 years in the British Army; he commanded the 1st Armoured Division in the First Gulf War and served as General Officer Commanding Northern Ireland at the end of the Troubles. He was motivated to write the book by his experiences in the Balkans. He commanded the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) in Bosnia from 1995 to 1996, during which time","Document [13](Title: The Art of War (Machiavelli)) The Art of War (Machiavelli) The Art of War () is a treatise by the Italian Renaissance political philosopher and historian Niccol\u00f2 Machiavelli. The format of \"The Art of War\" is a socratic dialogue. The purpose, declared by Lord Fabrizio Colonna (perhaps Machiavelli's \"persona\") at the outset, \"To honor and reward \"virt\u00f9\", not to have contempt for poverty, to esteem the modes and orders of military discipline, to constrain citizens to love one another, to live without factions, to esteem less the private than the public good.\" To these ends, Machiavelli notes in his preface, the military is like the","Document [14](Title: L'Art franc\u0327ais de la guerre) L'Art fran\u00e7ais de la guerre L'Art fran\u00e7ais de la guerre (\"The French art of war\") is a 2011 novel by the French writer Alexis Jenni, published by \u00c9ditions Gallimard. It is an adventure story about the military history of France in Indochina and Algeria. It received the Prix Goncourt, with five votes to three against Carole Martinez's \"\". It was published in English by Atlantic Books as \"The French Art of War\" (translated by Frank Wynne). \"L'Art fran\u00e7ais de la guerre\" was the third novel written by Alexis Jenni, a high-school biology teacher, although the first published. He had previously","Document [15](Title: Sun Bin) in ambush attacked. Pang committed suicide after being hit by many enemy arrows. Sun Bin retired from service because of political entanglement in the court and led a reclusive life as a hermit in the later part of his life. \"Sun Bin's Art of War\" (\u5b6b\u81cf\u5175\u6cd5) is a military treatise authored by Sun Bin. The book was believed to be lost after the Han Dynasty, and although there were numerous references to it in post-contemporary texts, some historians still believed that the book was never written and could be a forgery. However, in April 1972, archaeologists excavated several fragments of","Document [16](Title: Ardant du Picq) upon the writings of former Chief of Staff Baron Antoine-Henri Jomini when it came to warfare. Before his death, du Picq had already published Combat antique (ancient battle), which was later expanded from his manuscripts into the classic Etudes sur les combat: Combat antique et moderne, often referred to by its common English title as Battle Studies. This work was published in part in 1880 posthumously, and the complete text did not appear until 1902. The difficulties surrounding reform of the French military and its organization were widely discussed and his work referenced, and it was a very popular work","Document [17](Title: Robert Greene (American author)) use of his left hand and leg. Robert Greene (American author) Robert Greene (born May 14, 1959) is an American author known for his books on strategy, power and seduction. He has written five international bestsellers: \"The 48 Laws of Power\", \"The Art of Seduction\", \"The 33 Strategies of War\", \"The 50th Law\" (with rapper 50 Cent) and \"Mastery\". The younger son of Jewish parents, Greene grew up in Los Angeles and attended University of California, Berkeley before finishing his degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a B.A. in classical studies. Before becoming an author, Greene estimates that he","Document [18](Title: Geoffrey Blainey) Nations in New York in 1988, he was one of five intellectuals, including the American economist John Kenneth Galbraith and the Mexican poet Octavio Paz, who were awarded gold medals for \"excellence in the dissemination of knowledge for the benefit of mankind\". Blainey's book \"The Causes of War\", much read in military academies and American universities, was said to be one reason for the award. He is an emeritus professor of the University of Melbourne, and a fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia. In 2002 the degree of Doctor","Document [19](Title: Henry Lloyd (soldier)) of Germany and her allies\", adding \"Reflections on the principles of the art of war\" for the second edition in 1781. This became his most influential book. It was translated into German (five editions) and French (three editions). A second volume was added in 1784, after his death, compiled from his papers. These writings led to Lloyd being regarded by James Jay Carafano as \"the father of the principles of modern warfare\". He wrote on how to organize armies and conduct operations, using mathematical calculations. He was influenced by French military theory and also Enlightenment philosophy that human behaviour could","Document [20](Title: The Art of War) The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the Spring and Autumn period in 5th century BC. The work, which is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu (\"Master Sun\", also spelled Sunzi), is composed of 13 chapters. Each one is devoted to a distinct aspect of warfare and how that applies to military strategy and tactics. For almost 1,500 years it was the lead text in an anthology that would be formalised as the Seven Military Classics by Emperor Shenzong of Song in 1080. The Art of War remains the most influential strategy"],"query":"who was the author of the art of war?","answers":["Sun Tzu"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) In 1966, the Dallas Cowboys, who had been founded six years earlier, adopted the practice of hosting Thanksgiving games. It is widely rumored that the Cowboys sought a guarantee that they would regularly host Thanksgiving games as a condition of their very first one (since games on days other than Sunday were uncommon at the time and thus high attendance was not a certainty). This is only partly true; Dallas had in fact decided to host games on Thanksgiving by their own decision because there was nothing else to do or watch on that day. In 1975 and 1977, at the behest of then-Commissioner Pete Rozelle, the St. Louis Cardinals replaced Dallas as a host team (Dallas then hosted St. Louis in 1976). Although the Cardinals, at the time known as the \"Cardiac Cards\" due to their propensity for winning very close games, were a modest success at the time, they were nowhere near as popular nationwide as the Cowboys, who were regular Super Bowl contenders during this era. This, combined with St. Louis's consistently weak attendance, a series of ugly Cardinals losses in the three-game stretch, and opposition from the Kirkwood\u2013Webster Groves Turkey Day Game (a local high school football contest) led to Dallas resuming regular hosting duties in 1978; it was then, after Rozelle asked Dallas to resume hosting Thanksgiving games, that the Cowboys requested (and received) an agreement guaranteeing the Cowboys a spot on Thanksgiving Day forever.","Document [2](Title: 2016 Dallas Cowboys season) time. Thanksgiving Day game In the traditional Thanksgiving game, the Cowboys hosted the Washington Redskins, who had just came off a victory against the Green Bay Packers. In a game of catch-up, the Redskins never led; however, they made a valiant effort in the fourth quarter to take the lead. The Cowboys held them off and won the game, thus extending their winning streak to ten games for the first time in franchise history. The Cowboys traveled to Minnesota to take on the struggling Vikings following their loss against the Detroit Lions on Thanksgiving. In a rather tightly contested game","Document [3](Title: Dallas Cowboys) their regular blue jerseys for their Thanksgiving game, something they have not done at home since Schramm started the white-jersey-at-home tradition. With the Cowboys traditionally hosting Thanksgiving Day games, separate practice uniforms have been used for these games in recent years. Through the 2000 season, the Cowboys continued the usual practice of wearing white at home. In 2001, the Cowboys wore blue at home for the first time in years with was an older design of the blue jersey. Dallas would lose the game, but again wore the older blue jersey at home on Thanksgiving the next year and won.","Document [4](Title: 2010 Dallas Cowboys season) in their annual Thanksgiving Day game. The Cowboys trailed early with RB Chris Ivory getting a 3-yard TD run, followed by kicker Garrett Hartley getting a 50-yard field goal, and then by Ivory making a 6-yard TD run. The Cowboys cut the lead as kicker David Buehler got a 21-yard field goal, but the Saints replied as Hartley nailed a 45-yard field goal. The Cowboys tried to come back as Buehler hit a 53-yard field goal, followed by Miles Austin getting a 60-yard TD run. The Cowboys trailed further with Hartley making a 28-yard field goal, but took the lead","Document [5](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) time since 1963. In 2015, the Cowboys resurrected their 1994 white \"Double-Star\" jerseys only this time wore them with white pants as part of the league's \"Color Rush\", a trial run of specially-designed, monochromatic jerseys to be worn during Thursday games. It has remained a tradition for Dallas and Detroit to host the afternoon games dating back several decades. However, in recent years, other teams have expressed interest in hosting Thanksgiving games. Lamar Hunt, the former owner of the Chiefs (who had hosted Thanksgiving games from 1967\u201369 as an AFL team prior to the merger), lobbied heavily in favor of","Document [6](Title: National Football League on television) Network package that season, with the exception of , when the Cowboys played the Green Bay Packers on week after their traditional Thanksgiving game. The Cowboys and Detroit Lions were ineligible for appearing on the NFL Network, due to hosting Thanksgiving games every year. However, the Cowboys played a Thursday night game at the Chicago Bears in 2014, one week after both teams played on Thanksgiving, while the Lions hosted a Thursday night game against the Packers in 2015, one week after their traditional Thanksgiving game. The \"one Thursday game per team\" rule does not include the Kickoff Game, so","Document [7](Title: 2006 Dallas Cowboys season) Romo botched the hold on a go-ahead field goal inside the final two minutes. When Romo started the Thanksgiving Day game against Tampa Bay, it marked the 7th different starting Cowboys quarterback in the last 7 Thanksgiving Day games (Troy Aikman, Ryan Leaf, Chad Hutchison, Quincy Carter, Drew Henson, Drew Bledsoe and Romo). This was Bill Parcells' final season as a head coach as he would go on to retire following the end of the season. During the 2006 offseason, the team signed several high-profile players, including kicker Mike Vanderjagt, linebacker Akin Ayodele, offensive linemen Jason Fabini and Kyle Kosier,","Document [8](Title: Dallas Cowboys) Cowboys resurrected their original 1960\u20131963 uniform on Thanksgiving Day. This uniform became the team's alternate or \"third jersey\" and was usually worn at least once a year, primarily Thanksgiving Day. Two exceptions were when the Cowboys wore their normal white uniforms on Thanksgiving in 2007 and 2008. While the team didn't wear the throwback uniform exactly on Thanksgiving Day in those two years, Dallas wore them on a date around Thanksgiving for those two years. In 2007 Dallas wore the throwback uniform on November 29, 2007 against the Green Bay Packers. In 2008 Dallas wore the throwback uniform on November","Document [9](Title: Dallas Cowboys) With the 2002 victory, it seems an exception to the theory of the blue jersey jinx is invoked on Thanksgiving. Thus, the Cowboys continued wearing blue at home on Thanksgiving from 2003\u20132006, however it was always an older-styled alternate blue jersey. In 2007 and 2008, the Cowboys returned to wearing white at home for their Thanksgiving game. Since 2009, the Cowboys returned to wearing blue at home on Thanksgiving only. (From 2009\u20132012, the team again decided to go with an older-styled blue uniform as they had in previous years on Thanksgiving, and since 2013 have worn the newer-styled blue jersey.)","Document [10](Title: Dallas Cowboys) home for Thanksgiving, which has since become an annual tradition. In 2017, the team initially announced that they will wear blue jerseys at home on a more regular basis, only to rescind soon after. In 2015, the Cowboys released their Color Rush uniform, featuring a variation of the 1990s \"Double Star\" alternates with white pants and socks. The uniform was first used in a Thanksgiving game against the Carolina Panthers and in subsequent \"Thursday Night Football\" games during the 2016 and 2017 seasons. The Cowboys also unveiled a navy uniform-white pants combination which was first used on December 10, 2017","Document [11](Title: History of the Dallas Cowboys) were unable to capitalize on their momentum as they dropped 3 out of their next 4 games. One of those losses was a tight 31\u201329 game to eventual Super Bowl XLVII Champions the Baltimore Ravens. They entered their annual Thanksgiving home game with a 5\u20135 record. Their opponent on Turkey Day this year was upstart division rival Washington whom was being led by rookie QB Robert Griffin III. The Redskins got off to a quick start leading 21\u20133 at halftime. Dallas fought back in the second half but it wasn't enough which led to 38\u201331 loss. The Cowboys won their","Document [12](Title: 2008 NFL season) Fox at 4:15 PM EST against the Seattle Seahawks (Dallas Cowboys defeated the Seattle Seahawks by a score of 34\u20139). A third game on NFL Network, featuring the Arizona Cardinals and the Philadelphia Eagles followed at 8:15 PM EST. It was the first home game for the Eagles on Thanksgiving Day since 1940, and their first Thanksgiving game at any location since the infamous Bounty Bowl Game in 1989; the Eagles defeated the Cardinals by a score of 48\u201320. (The Cardinals and Eagles would, two months later, rematch in the NFC Championship Game, with Arizona winning this time by a","Document [13](Title: Leon Lett) ESPN fan list, at #2 in the ESPN expert panel, #3 on \"Top 10 Foul-Ups\" (along with the Thanksgiving play), and #9 on \"Top 10 Worst Plays\". The second play occurred during the next season and was more serious as it resulted in a Cowboy defeat. On Thanksgiving Day in 1993, during a rare snow and sleet storm in Dallas, the Cowboys, who came into the game with a 7\u20133 record, were leading the 8\u20132 Miami Dolphins by a score of 14\u201313 with 15 seconds remaining in the game. The Dolphins sent kicker Pete Stoyanovich out to attempt a 41-yard","Document [14](Title: 2005 Dallas Cowboys season) place in the NFC. The Cowboys had already won more game than they did in the previous seasonSummary In the annual Thanksgiving Day Game, the Dallas Cowboys hosted the Denver Broncos. The Cowboys offense had 314 yards, greater than Denver's 293 yards, but Cowboys kicker Billy Cundiff a missed field goal in the fourth quarter so the game went into overtime. Denver won the coin toss and Broncos backup runningback Ron Dayne ran 55 yards on the second play in overtime and Jason Elam kicked the game-winning field goal. Summary In this season's rematch, the New York Giants made the","Document [15](Title: 2006 Dallas Cowboys season) and possibly a first-round bye in the playoffs were suddenly much brighter, especially with the rival Philadelphia Eagles losing Donovan McNabb for the season. With the win, the Cowboys improved to 6\u20134. Stats The Cowboys slugged the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 38\u201310 in the annual Thanksgiving Day game. Tony Romo had his best game so far throwing for 306 yards and a near-perfect 148.9 passer rating, and he tied a team record with five touchdown passes in one game. No Cowboys quarterback had done that since Troy Aikman in the 1999 season opener (including overtime), and since Danny White in 1983","Document [16](Title: 2011 Dallas Cowboys season) at home in five years, the Cowboys fell to 2\u20132. The Cowboys' blue uniforms returned after a 1-year hiatus, and they blew a 3-point fourth quarter lead, and lost to the 2011 AFC champion New England Patriots. Thanksgiving Day game Coming off their thrilling overtime road win over the Redskins, the Cowboys went home, donned their throwback uniforms, and played a Week 12 interconference duel with the Miami Dolphins in the annual Thanksgiving game. Dallas trailed early in the first quarter with Dolphins kicker Shayne Graham getting a 26-yard field goal, yet the Cowboys would answer in the second quarter","Document [17](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) and Cowboys' division rivals for the contests so that ratings are maximized; seven out of the ten Thanksgiving games involving the Lions or Cowboys since 2014 have involved a team in the same division, while only one (a 2017 contest between the Cowboys and Los Angeles Chargers) has involved the AFC. The Los Angeles Rams have the longest active appearance drought of any team, with their last appearance coming in 1975. Among current NFL markets, Cleveland has had the longest wait to have a team from its city play on Thanksgiving; the Browns last appeared in 1989, several years before","Document [18](Title: 1986 Dallas Cowboys season) Diego. The Cowboys lost seven out of their final eight games, and suffered a five-game losing streak to close out the season, including embarrassing losses to the Redskins (41\u201314) and the Seahawks in the annual Thanksgiving Day game (31\u201314). It was the Cowboys' first loss on Thanksgiving since 1979. During the third quarter of a late-season loss to the Los Angeles Rams, Tom Landry was forced to leave the field due to a threat against his life. Landry returned to the field later in the game wearing a bulletproof vest. The Cowboys undoing certainly wasn't because of an inability to","Document [19](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) a guarantee that they would regularly host Thanksgiving games as a condition of their very first one (since games on days other than Sunday were uncommon at the time and thus high attendance was not a certainty). This is only partly true; Dallas had in fact decided to host games on Thanksgiving by their own decision because there was nothing else to do or watch on that day. In 1975 and 1977, at the behest of then-Commissioner Pete Rozelle, the St. Louis Cardinals replaced Dallas as a host team (Dallas then hosted St. Louis in 1976). Although the Cardinals, at","Document [20](Title: Dallas Cowboys) Thanksgiving Day. This jersey was used for special occasions and was worn throughout the 1994\u20131995 playoffs. During the same season, the Cowboys also wore their 1960\u201363 road jersey with a silver helmet for one game as part of a league-wide \"throwback\" policy. During the 1995 season, the team wore the navy \"Double-Star\" jersey for games at Washington and Philadelphia and permanently switched to solid color socks (royal blue for the white uniform, and navy blue for the dark uniform). The navy \"Double-Star\" jersey was not seen again until the NFL's \"Classic Throwback Weekend\" on Thanksgiving Day 2001\u20132003. In 2004, the"],"query":"when did the cowboys start playing on thanksgiving day?","answers":["In 1966","1966","1978"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: 2016 Dallas Cowboys season) time. Thanksgiving Day game In the traditional Thanksgiving game, the Cowboys hosted the Washington Redskins, who had just came off a victory against the Green Bay Packers. In a game of catch-up, the Redskins never led; however, they made a valiant effort in the fourth quarter to take the lead. The Cowboys held them off and won the game, thus extending their winning streak to ten games for the first time in franchise history. The Cowboys traveled to Minnesota to take on the struggling Vikings following their loss against the Detroit Lions on Thanksgiving. In a rather tightly contested game","Document [2](Title: Dallas Cowboys) their regular blue jerseys for their Thanksgiving game, something they have not done at home since Schramm started the white-jersey-at-home tradition. With the Cowboys traditionally hosting Thanksgiving Day games, separate practice uniforms have been used for these games in recent years. Through the 2000 season, the Cowboys continued the usual practice of wearing white at home. In 2001, the Cowboys wore blue at home for the first time in years with was an older design of the blue jersey. Dallas would lose the game, but again wore the older blue jersey at home on Thanksgiving the next year and won.","Document [3](Title: 2010 Dallas Cowboys season) in their annual Thanksgiving Day game. The Cowboys trailed early with RB Chris Ivory getting a 3-yard TD run, followed by kicker Garrett Hartley getting a 50-yard field goal, and then by Ivory making a 6-yard TD run. The Cowboys cut the lead as kicker David Buehler got a 21-yard field goal, but the Saints replied as Hartley nailed a 45-yard field goal. The Cowboys tried to come back as Buehler hit a 53-yard field goal, followed by Miles Austin getting a 60-yard TD run. The Cowboys trailed further with Hartley making a 28-yard field goal, but took the lead","Document [4](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) time since 1963. In 2015, the Cowboys resurrected their 1994 white \"Double-Star\" jerseys only this time wore them with white pants as part of the league's \"Color Rush\", a trial run of specially-designed, monochromatic jerseys to be worn during Thursday games. It has remained a tradition for Dallas and Detroit to host the afternoon games dating back several decades. However, in recent years, other teams have expressed interest in hosting Thanksgiving games. Lamar Hunt, the former owner of the Chiefs (who had hosted Thanksgiving games from 1967\u201369 as an AFL team prior to the merger), lobbied heavily in favor of","Document [5](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) In 1966, the Dallas Cowboys, who had been founded six years earlier, adopted the practice of hosting Thanksgiving games. It is widely rumored that the Cowboys sought a guarantee that they would regularly host Thanksgiving games as a condition of their very first one (since games on days other than Sunday were uncommon at the time and thus high attendance was not a certainty). This is only partly true; Dallas had in fact decided to host games on Thanksgiving by their own decision because there was nothing else to do or watch on that day. In 1975 and 1977, at the behest of then-Commissioner Pete Rozelle, the St. Louis Cardinals replaced Dallas as a host team (Dallas then hosted St. Louis in 1976). Although the Cardinals, at the time known as the \"Cardiac Cards\" due to their propensity for winning very close games, were a modest success at the time, they were nowhere near as popular nationwide as the Cowboys, who were regular Super Bowl contenders during this era. This, combined with St. Louis's consistently weak attendance, a series of ugly Cardinals losses in the three-game stretch, and opposition from the Kirkwood\u2013Webster Groves Turkey Day Game (a local high school football contest) led to Dallas resuming regular hosting duties in 1978; it was then, after Rozelle asked Dallas to resume hosting Thanksgiving games, that the Cowboys requested (and received) an agreement guaranteeing the Cowboys a spot on Thanksgiving Day forever.","Document [6](Title: National Football League on television) Network package that season, with the exception of , when the Cowboys played the Green Bay Packers on week after their traditional Thanksgiving game. The Cowboys and Detroit Lions were ineligible for appearing on the NFL Network, due to hosting Thanksgiving games every year. However, the Cowboys played a Thursday night game at the Chicago Bears in 2014, one week after both teams played on Thanksgiving, while the Lions hosted a Thursday night game against the Packers in 2015, one week after their traditional Thanksgiving game. The \"one Thursday game per team\" rule does not include the Kickoff Game, so","Document [7](Title: 2006 Dallas Cowboys season) Romo botched the hold on a go-ahead field goal inside the final two minutes. When Romo started the Thanksgiving Day game against Tampa Bay, it marked the 7th different starting Cowboys quarterback in the last 7 Thanksgiving Day games (Troy Aikman, Ryan Leaf, Chad Hutchison, Quincy Carter, Drew Henson, Drew Bledsoe and Romo). This was Bill Parcells' final season as a head coach as he would go on to retire following the end of the season. During the 2006 offseason, the team signed several high-profile players, including kicker Mike Vanderjagt, linebacker Akin Ayodele, offensive linemen Jason Fabini and Kyle Kosier,","Document [8](Title: Dallas Cowboys) Cowboys resurrected their original 1960\u20131963 uniform on Thanksgiving Day. This uniform became the team's alternate or \"third jersey\" and was usually worn at least once a year, primarily Thanksgiving Day. Two exceptions were when the Cowboys wore their normal white uniforms on Thanksgiving in 2007 and 2008. While the team didn't wear the throwback uniform exactly on Thanksgiving Day in those two years, Dallas wore them on a date around Thanksgiving for those two years. In 2007 Dallas wore the throwback uniform on November 29, 2007 against the Green Bay Packers. In 2008 Dallas wore the throwback uniform on November","Document [9](Title: Dallas Cowboys) With the 2002 victory, it seems an exception to the theory of the blue jersey jinx is invoked on Thanksgiving. Thus, the Cowboys continued wearing blue at home on Thanksgiving from 2003\u20132006, however it was always an older-styled alternate blue jersey. In 2007 and 2008, the Cowboys returned to wearing white at home for their Thanksgiving game. Since 2009, the Cowboys returned to wearing blue at home on Thanksgiving only. (From 2009\u20132012, the team again decided to go with an older-styled blue uniform as they had in previous years on Thanksgiving, and since 2013 have worn the newer-styled blue jersey.)","Document [10](Title: Dallas Cowboys) home for Thanksgiving, which has since become an annual tradition. In 2017, the team initially announced that they will wear blue jerseys at home on a more regular basis, only to rescind soon after. In 2015, the Cowboys released their Color Rush uniform, featuring a variation of the 1990s \"Double Star\" alternates with white pants and socks. The uniform was first used in a Thanksgiving game against the Carolina Panthers and in subsequent \"Thursday Night Football\" games during the 2016 and 2017 seasons. The Cowboys also unveiled a navy uniform-white pants combination which was first used on December 10, 2017","Document [11](Title: History of the Dallas Cowboys) were unable to capitalize on their momentum as they dropped 3 out of their next 4 games. One of those losses was a tight 31\u201329 game to eventual Super Bowl XLVII Champions the Baltimore Ravens. They entered their annual Thanksgiving home game with a 5\u20135 record. Their opponent on Turkey Day this year was upstart division rival Washington whom was being led by rookie QB Robert Griffin III. The Redskins got off to a quick start leading 21\u20133 at halftime. Dallas fought back in the second half but it wasn't enough which led to 38\u201331 loss. The Cowboys won their","Document [12](Title: 2008 NFL season) Fox at 4:15 PM EST against the Seattle Seahawks (Dallas Cowboys defeated the Seattle Seahawks by a score of 34\u20139). A third game on NFL Network, featuring the Arizona Cardinals and the Philadelphia Eagles followed at 8:15 PM EST. It was the first home game for the Eagles on Thanksgiving Day since 1940, and their first Thanksgiving game at any location since the infamous Bounty Bowl Game in 1989; the Eagles defeated the Cardinals by a score of 48\u201320. (The Cardinals and Eagles would, two months later, rematch in the NFC Championship Game, with Arizona winning this time by a","Document [13](Title: Leon Lett) ESPN fan list, at #2 in the ESPN expert panel, #3 on \"Top 10 Foul-Ups\" (along with the Thanksgiving play), and #9 on \"Top 10 Worst Plays\". The second play occurred during the next season and was more serious as it resulted in a Cowboy defeat. On Thanksgiving Day in 1993, during a rare snow and sleet storm in Dallas, the Cowboys, who came into the game with a 7\u20133 record, were leading the 8\u20132 Miami Dolphins by a score of 14\u201313 with 15 seconds remaining in the game. The Dolphins sent kicker Pete Stoyanovich out to attempt a 41-yard","Document [14](Title: 2005 Dallas Cowboys season) place in the NFC. The Cowboys had already won more game than they did in the previous seasonSummary In the annual Thanksgiving Day Game, the Dallas Cowboys hosted the Denver Broncos. The Cowboys offense had 314 yards, greater than Denver's 293 yards, but Cowboys kicker Billy Cundiff a missed field goal in the fourth quarter so the game went into overtime. Denver won the coin toss and Broncos backup runningback Ron Dayne ran 55 yards on the second play in overtime and Jason Elam kicked the game-winning field goal. Summary In this season's rematch, the New York Giants made the","Document [15](Title: 2006 Dallas Cowboys season) and possibly a first-round bye in the playoffs were suddenly much brighter, especially with the rival Philadelphia Eagles losing Donovan McNabb for the season. With the win, the Cowboys improved to 6\u20134. Stats The Cowboys slugged the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 38\u201310 in the annual Thanksgiving Day game. Tony Romo had his best game so far throwing for 306 yards and a near-perfect 148.9 passer rating, and he tied a team record with five touchdown passes in one game. No Cowboys quarterback had done that since Troy Aikman in the 1999 season opener (including overtime), and since Danny White in 1983","Document [16](Title: 2011 Dallas Cowboys season) at home in five years, the Cowboys fell to 2\u20132. The Cowboys' blue uniforms returned after a 1-year hiatus, and they blew a 3-point fourth quarter lead, and lost to the 2011 AFC champion New England Patriots. Thanksgiving Day game Coming off their thrilling overtime road win over the Redskins, the Cowboys went home, donned their throwback uniforms, and played a Week 12 interconference duel with the Miami Dolphins in the annual Thanksgiving game. Dallas trailed early in the first quarter with Dolphins kicker Shayne Graham getting a 26-yard field goal, yet the Cowboys would answer in the second quarter","Document [17](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) and Cowboys' division rivals for the contests so that ratings are maximized; seven out of the ten Thanksgiving games involving the Lions or Cowboys since 2014 have involved a team in the same division, while only one (a 2017 contest between the Cowboys and Los Angeles Chargers) has involved the AFC. The Los Angeles Rams have the longest active appearance drought of any team, with their last appearance coming in 1975. Among current NFL markets, Cleveland has had the longest wait to have a team from its city play on Thanksgiving; the Browns last appeared in 1989, several years before","Document [18](Title: 1986 Dallas Cowboys season) Diego. The Cowboys lost seven out of their final eight games, and suffered a five-game losing streak to close out the season, including embarrassing losses to the Redskins (41\u201314) and the Seahawks in the annual Thanksgiving Day game (31\u201314). It was the Cowboys' first loss on Thanksgiving since 1979. During the third quarter of a late-season loss to the Los Angeles Rams, Tom Landry was forced to leave the field due to a threat against his life. Landry returned to the field later in the game wearing a bulletproof vest. The Cowboys undoing certainly wasn't because of an inability to","Document [19](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) a guarantee that they would regularly host Thanksgiving games as a condition of their very first one (since games on days other than Sunday were uncommon at the time and thus high attendance was not a certainty). This is only partly true; Dallas had in fact decided to host games on Thanksgiving by their own decision because there was nothing else to do or watch on that day. In 1975 and 1977, at the behest of then-Commissioner Pete Rozelle, the St. Louis Cardinals replaced Dallas as a host team (Dallas then hosted St. Louis in 1976). Although the Cardinals, at","Document [20](Title: Dallas Cowboys) Thanksgiving Day. This jersey was used for special occasions and was worn throughout the 1994\u20131995 playoffs. During the same season, the Cowboys also wore their 1960\u201363 road jersey with a silver helmet for one game as part of a league-wide \"throwback\" policy. During the 1995 season, the team wore the navy \"Double-Star\" jersey for games at Washington and Philadelphia and permanently switched to solid color socks (royal blue for the white uniform, and navy blue for the dark uniform). The navy \"Double-Star\" jersey was not seen again until the NFL's \"Classic Throwback Weekend\" on Thanksgiving Day 2001\u20132003. In 2004, the"],"query":"when did the cowboys start playing on thanksgiving day?","answers":["In 1966","1966","1978"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: 2016 Dallas Cowboys season) time. Thanksgiving Day game In the traditional Thanksgiving game, the Cowboys hosted the Washington Redskins, who had just came off a victory against the Green Bay Packers. In a game of catch-up, the Redskins never led; however, they made a valiant effort in the fourth quarter to take the lead. The Cowboys held them off and won the game, thus extending their winning streak to ten games for the first time in franchise history. The Cowboys traveled to Minnesota to take on the struggling Vikings following their loss against the Detroit Lions on Thanksgiving. In a rather tightly contested game","Document [2](Title: Dallas Cowboys) their regular blue jerseys for their Thanksgiving game, something they have not done at home since Schramm started the white-jersey-at-home tradition. With the Cowboys traditionally hosting Thanksgiving Day games, separate practice uniforms have been used for these games in recent years. Through the 2000 season, the Cowboys continued the usual practice of wearing white at home. In 2001, the Cowboys wore blue at home for the first time in years with was an older design of the blue jersey. Dallas would lose the game, but again wore the older blue jersey at home on Thanksgiving the next year and won.","Document [3](Title: 2010 Dallas Cowboys season) in their annual Thanksgiving Day game. The Cowboys trailed early with RB Chris Ivory getting a 3-yard TD run, followed by kicker Garrett Hartley getting a 50-yard field goal, and then by Ivory making a 6-yard TD run. The Cowboys cut the lead as kicker David Buehler got a 21-yard field goal, but the Saints replied as Hartley nailed a 45-yard field goal. The Cowboys tried to come back as Buehler hit a 53-yard field goal, followed by Miles Austin getting a 60-yard TD run. The Cowboys trailed further with Hartley making a 28-yard field goal, but took the lead","Document [4](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) time since 1963. In 2015, the Cowboys resurrected their 1994 white \"Double-Star\" jerseys only this time wore them with white pants as part of the league's \"Color Rush\", a trial run of specially-designed, monochromatic jerseys to be worn during Thursday games. It has remained a tradition for Dallas and Detroit to host the afternoon games dating back several decades. However, in recent years, other teams have expressed interest in hosting Thanksgiving games. Lamar Hunt, the former owner of the Chiefs (who had hosted Thanksgiving games from 1967\u201369 as an AFL team prior to the merger), lobbied heavily in favor of","Document [5](Title: National Football League on television) Network package that season, with the exception of , when the Cowboys played the Green Bay Packers on week after their traditional Thanksgiving game. The Cowboys and Detroit Lions were ineligible for appearing on the NFL Network, due to hosting Thanksgiving games every year. However, the Cowboys played a Thursday night game at the Chicago Bears in 2014, one week after both teams played on Thanksgiving, while the Lions hosted a Thursday night game against the Packers in 2015, one week after their traditional Thanksgiving game. The \"one Thursday game per team\" rule does not include the Kickoff Game, so","Document [6](Title: 2006 Dallas Cowboys season) Romo botched the hold on a go-ahead field goal inside the final two minutes. When Romo started the Thanksgiving Day game against Tampa Bay, it marked the 7th different starting Cowboys quarterback in the last 7 Thanksgiving Day games (Troy Aikman, Ryan Leaf, Chad Hutchison, Quincy Carter, Drew Henson, Drew Bledsoe and Romo). This was Bill Parcells' final season as a head coach as he would go on to retire following the end of the season. During the 2006 offseason, the team signed several high-profile players, including kicker Mike Vanderjagt, linebacker Akin Ayodele, offensive linemen Jason Fabini and Kyle Kosier,","Document [7](Title: Dallas Cowboys) Cowboys resurrected their original 1960\u20131963 uniform on Thanksgiving Day. This uniform became the team's alternate or \"third jersey\" and was usually worn at least once a year, primarily Thanksgiving Day. Two exceptions were when the Cowboys wore their normal white uniforms on Thanksgiving in 2007 and 2008. While the team didn't wear the throwback uniform exactly on Thanksgiving Day in those two years, Dallas wore them on a date around Thanksgiving for those two years. In 2007 Dallas wore the throwback uniform on November 29, 2007 against the Green Bay Packers. In 2008 Dallas wore the throwback uniform on November","Document [8](Title: Dallas Cowboys) With the 2002 victory, it seems an exception to the theory of the blue jersey jinx is invoked on Thanksgiving. Thus, the Cowboys continued wearing blue at home on Thanksgiving from 2003\u20132006, however it was always an older-styled alternate blue jersey. In 2007 and 2008, the Cowboys returned to wearing white at home for their Thanksgiving game. Since 2009, the Cowboys returned to wearing blue at home on Thanksgiving only. (From 2009\u20132012, the team again decided to go with an older-styled blue uniform as they had in previous years on Thanksgiving, and since 2013 have worn the newer-styled blue jersey.)","Document [9](Title: Dallas Cowboys) home for Thanksgiving, which has since become an annual tradition. In 2017, the team initially announced that they will wear blue jerseys at home on a more regular basis, only to rescind soon after. In 2015, the Cowboys released their Color Rush uniform, featuring a variation of the 1990s \"Double Star\" alternates with white pants and socks. The uniform was first used in a Thanksgiving game against the Carolina Panthers and in subsequent \"Thursday Night Football\" games during the 2016 and 2017 seasons. The Cowboys also unveiled a navy uniform-white pants combination which was first used on December 10, 2017","Document [10](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) In 1966, the Dallas Cowboys, who had been founded six years earlier, adopted the practice of hosting Thanksgiving games. It is widely rumored that the Cowboys sought a guarantee that they would regularly host Thanksgiving games as a condition of their very first one (since games on days other than Sunday were uncommon at the time and thus high attendance was not a certainty). This is only partly true; Dallas had in fact decided to host games on Thanksgiving by their own decision because there was nothing else to do or watch on that day. In 1975 and 1977, at the behest of then-Commissioner Pete Rozelle, the St. Louis Cardinals replaced Dallas as a host team (Dallas then hosted St. Louis in 1976). Although the Cardinals, at the time known as the \"Cardiac Cards\" due to their propensity for winning very close games, were a modest success at the time, they were nowhere near as popular nationwide as the Cowboys, who were regular Super Bowl contenders during this era. This, combined with St. Louis's consistently weak attendance, a series of ugly Cardinals losses in the three-game stretch, and opposition from the Kirkwood\u2013Webster Groves Turkey Day Game (a local high school football contest) led to Dallas resuming regular hosting duties in 1978; it was then, after Rozelle asked Dallas to resume hosting Thanksgiving games, that the Cowboys requested (and received) an agreement guaranteeing the Cowboys a spot on Thanksgiving Day forever.","Document [11](Title: History of the Dallas Cowboys) were unable to capitalize on their momentum as they dropped 3 out of their next 4 games. One of those losses was a tight 31\u201329 game to eventual Super Bowl XLVII Champions the Baltimore Ravens. They entered their annual Thanksgiving home game with a 5\u20135 record. Their opponent on Turkey Day this year was upstart division rival Washington whom was being led by rookie QB Robert Griffin III. The Redskins got off to a quick start leading 21\u20133 at halftime. Dallas fought back in the second half but it wasn't enough which led to 38\u201331 loss. The Cowboys won their","Document [12](Title: 2008 NFL season) Fox at 4:15 PM EST against the Seattle Seahawks (Dallas Cowboys defeated the Seattle Seahawks by a score of 34\u20139). A third game on NFL Network, featuring the Arizona Cardinals and the Philadelphia Eagles followed at 8:15 PM EST. It was the first home game for the Eagles on Thanksgiving Day since 1940, and their first Thanksgiving game at any location since the infamous Bounty Bowl Game in 1989; the Eagles defeated the Cardinals by a score of 48\u201320. (The Cardinals and Eagles would, two months later, rematch in the NFC Championship Game, with Arizona winning this time by a","Document [13](Title: Leon Lett) ESPN fan list, at #2 in the ESPN expert panel, #3 on \"Top 10 Foul-Ups\" (along with the Thanksgiving play), and #9 on \"Top 10 Worst Plays\". The second play occurred during the next season and was more serious as it resulted in a Cowboy defeat. On Thanksgiving Day in 1993, during a rare snow and sleet storm in Dallas, the Cowboys, who came into the game with a 7\u20133 record, were leading the 8\u20132 Miami Dolphins by a score of 14\u201313 with 15 seconds remaining in the game. The Dolphins sent kicker Pete Stoyanovich out to attempt a 41-yard","Document [14](Title: 2005 Dallas Cowboys season) place in the NFC. The Cowboys had already won more game than they did in the previous seasonSummary In the annual Thanksgiving Day Game, the Dallas Cowboys hosted the Denver Broncos. The Cowboys offense had 314 yards, greater than Denver's 293 yards, but Cowboys kicker Billy Cundiff a missed field goal in the fourth quarter so the game went into overtime. Denver won the coin toss and Broncos backup runningback Ron Dayne ran 55 yards on the second play in overtime and Jason Elam kicked the game-winning field goal. Summary In this season's rematch, the New York Giants made the","Document [15](Title: 2006 Dallas Cowboys season) and possibly a first-round bye in the playoffs were suddenly much brighter, especially with the rival Philadelphia Eagles losing Donovan McNabb for the season. With the win, the Cowboys improved to 6\u20134. Stats The Cowboys slugged the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 38\u201310 in the annual Thanksgiving Day game. Tony Romo had his best game so far throwing for 306 yards and a near-perfect 148.9 passer rating, and he tied a team record with five touchdown passes in one game. No Cowboys quarterback had done that since Troy Aikman in the 1999 season opener (including overtime), and since Danny White in 1983","Document [16](Title: 2011 Dallas Cowboys season) at home in five years, the Cowboys fell to 2\u20132. The Cowboys' blue uniforms returned after a 1-year hiatus, and they blew a 3-point fourth quarter lead, and lost to the 2011 AFC champion New England Patriots. Thanksgiving Day game Coming off their thrilling overtime road win over the Redskins, the Cowboys went home, donned their throwback uniforms, and played a Week 12 interconference duel with the Miami Dolphins in the annual Thanksgiving game. Dallas trailed early in the first quarter with Dolphins kicker Shayne Graham getting a 26-yard field goal, yet the Cowboys would answer in the second quarter","Document [17](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) and Cowboys' division rivals for the contests so that ratings are maximized; seven out of the ten Thanksgiving games involving the Lions or Cowboys since 2014 have involved a team in the same division, while only one (a 2017 contest between the Cowboys and Los Angeles Chargers) has involved the AFC. The Los Angeles Rams have the longest active appearance drought of any team, with their last appearance coming in 1975. Among current NFL markets, Cleveland has had the longest wait to have a team from its city play on Thanksgiving; the Browns last appeared in 1989, several years before","Document [18](Title: 1986 Dallas Cowboys season) Diego. The Cowboys lost seven out of their final eight games, and suffered a five-game losing streak to close out the season, including embarrassing losses to the Redskins (41\u201314) and the Seahawks in the annual Thanksgiving Day game (31\u201314). It was the Cowboys' first loss on Thanksgiving since 1979. During the third quarter of a late-season loss to the Los Angeles Rams, Tom Landry was forced to leave the field due to a threat against his life. Landry returned to the field later in the game wearing a bulletproof vest. The Cowboys undoing certainly wasn't because of an inability to","Document [19](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) a guarantee that they would regularly host Thanksgiving games as a condition of their very first one (since games on days other than Sunday were uncommon at the time and thus high attendance was not a certainty). This is only partly true; Dallas had in fact decided to host games on Thanksgiving by their own decision because there was nothing else to do or watch on that day. In 1975 and 1977, at the behest of then-Commissioner Pete Rozelle, the St. Louis Cardinals replaced Dallas as a host team (Dallas then hosted St. Louis in 1976). Although the Cardinals, at","Document [20](Title: Dallas Cowboys) Thanksgiving Day. This jersey was used for special occasions and was worn throughout the 1994\u20131995 playoffs. During the same season, the Cowboys also wore their 1960\u201363 road jersey with a silver helmet for one game as part of a league-wide \"throwback\" policy. During the 1995 season, the team wore the navy \"Double-Star\" jersey for games at Washington and Philadelphia and permanently switched to solid color socks (royal blue for the white uniform, and navy blue for the dark uniform). The navy \"Double-Star\" jersey was not seen again until the NFL's \"Classic Throwback Weekend\" on Thanksgiving Day 2001\u20132003. In 2004, the"],"query":"when did the cowboys start playing on thanksgiving day?","answers":["In 1966","1966","1978"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: 2016 Dallas Cowboys season) time. Thanksgiving Day game In the traditional Thanksgiving game, the Cowboys hosted the Washington Redskins, who had just came off a victory against the Green Bay Packers. In a game of catch-up, the Redskins never led; however, they made a valiant effort in the fourth quarter to take the lead. The Cowboys held them off and won the game, thus extending their winning streak to ten games for the first time in franchise history. The Cowboys traveled to Minnesota to take on the struggling Vikings following their loss against the Detroit Lions on Thanksgiving. In a rather tightly contested game","Document [2](Title: Dallas Cowboys) their regular blue jerseys for their Thanksgiving game, something they have not done at home since Schramm started the white-jersey-at-home tradition. With the Cowboys traditionally hosting Thanksgiving Day games, separate practice uniforms have been used for these games in recent years. Through the 2000 season, the Cowboys continued the usual practice of wearing white at home. In 2001, the Cowboys wore blue at home for the first time in years with was an older design of the blue jersey. Dallas would lose the game, but again wore the older blue jersey at home on Thanksgiving the next year and won.","Document [3](Title: 2010 Dallas Cowboys season) in their annual Thanksgiving Day game. The Cowboys trailed early with RB Chris Ivory getting a 3-yard TD run, followed by kicker Garrett Hartley getting a 50-yard field goal, and then by Ivory making a 6-yard TD run. The Cowboys cut the lead as kicker David Buehler got a 21-yard field goal, but the Saints replied as Hartley nailed a 45-yard field goal. The Cowboys tried to come back as Buehler hit a 53-yard field goal, followed by Miles Austin getting a 60-yard TD run. The Cowboys trailed further with Hartley making a 28-yard field goal, but took the lead","Document [4](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) time since 1963. In 2015, the Cowboys resurrected their 1994 white \"Double-Star\" jerseys only this time wore them with white pants as part of the league's \"Color Rush\", a trial run of specially-designed, monochromatic jerseys to be worn during Thursday games. It has remained a tradition for Dallas and Detroit to host the afternoon games dating back several decades. However, in recent years, other teams have expressed interest in hosting Thanksgiving games. Lamar Hunt, the former owner of the Chiefs (who had hosted Thanksgiving games from 1967\u201369 as an AFL team prior to the merger), lobbied heavily in favor of","Document [5](Title: National Football League on television) Network package that season, with the exception of , when the Cowboys played the Green Bay Packers on week after their traditional Thanksgiving game. The Cowboys and Detroit Lions were ineligible for appearing on the NFL Network, due to hosting Thanksgiving games every year. However, the Cowboys played a Thursday night game at the Chicago Bears in 2014, one week after both teams played on Thanksgiving, while the Lions hosted a Thursday night game against the Packers in 2015, one week after their traditional Thanksgiving game. The \"one Thursday game per team\" rule does not include the Kickoff Game, so","Document [6](Title: 2006 Dallas Cowboys season) Romo botched the hold on a go-ahead field goal inside the final two minutes. When Romo started the Thanksgiving Day game against Tampa Bay, it marked the 7th different starting Cowboys quarterback in the last 7 Thanksgiving Day games (Troy Aikman, Ryan Leaf, Chad Hutchison, Quincy Carter, Drew Henson, Drew Bledsoe and Romo). This was Bill Parcells' final season as a head coach as he would go on to retire following the end of the season. During the 2006 offseason, the team signed several high-profile players, including kicker Mike Vanderjagt, linebacker Akin Ayodele, offensive linemen Jason Fabini and Kyle Kosier,","Document [7](Title: Dallas Cowboys) Cowboys resurrected their original 1960\u20131963 uniform on Thanksgiving Day. This uniform became the team's alternate or \"third jersey\" and was usually worn at least once a year, primarily Thanksgiving Day. Two exceptions were when the Cowboys wore their normal white uniforms on Thanksgiving in 2007 and 2008. While the team didn't wear the throwback uniform exactly on Thanksgiving Day in those two years, Dallas wore them on a date around Thanksgiving for those two years. In 2007 Dallas wore the throwback uniform on November 29, 2007 against the Green Bay Packers. In 2008 Dallas wore the throwback uniform on November","Document [8](Title: Dallas Cowboys) With the 2002 victory, it seems an exception to the theory of the blue jersey jinx is invoked on Thanksgiving. Thus, the Cowboys continued wearing blue at home on Thanksgiving from 2003\u20132006, however it was always an older-styled alternate blue jersey. In 2007 and 2008, the Cowboys returned to wearing white at home for their Thanksgiving game. Since 2009, the Cowboys returned to wearing blue at home on Thanksgiving only. (From 2009\u20132012, the team again decided to go with an older-styled blue uniform as they had in previous years on Thanksgiving, and since 2013 have worn the newer-styled blue jersey.)","Document [9](Title: Dallas Cowboys) home for Thanksgiving, which has since become an annual tradition. In 2017, the team initially announced that they will wear blue jerseys at home on a more regular basis, only to rescind soon after. In 2015, the Cowboys released their Color Rush uniform, featuring a variation of the 1990s \"Double Star\" alternates with white pants and socks. The uniform was first used in a Thanksgiving game against the Carolina Panthers and in subsequent \"Thursday Night Football\" games during the 2016 and 2017 seasons. The Cowboys also unveiled a navy uniform-white pants combination which was first used on December 10, 2017","Document [10](Title: History of the Dallas Cowboys) were unable to capitalize on their momentum as they dropped 3 out of their next 4 games. One of those losses was a tight 31\u201329 game to eventual Super Bowl XLVII Champions the Baltimore Ravens. They entered their annual Thanksgiving home game with a 5\u20135 record. Their opponent on Turkey Day this year was upstart division rival Washington whom was being led by rookie QB Robert Griffin III. The Redskins got off to a quick start leading 21\u20133 at halftime. Dallas fought back in the second half but it wasn't enough which led to 38\u201331 loss. The Cowboys won their","Document [11](Title: 2008 NFL season) Fox at 4:15 PM EST against the Seattle Seahawks (Dallas Cowboys defeated the Seattle Seahawks by a score of 34\u20139). A third game on NFL Network, featuring the Arizona Cardinals and the Philadelphia Eagles followed at 8:15 PM EST. It was the first home game for the Eagles on Thanksgiving Day since 1940, and their first Thanksgiving game at any location since the infamous Bounty Bowl Game in 1989; the Eagles defeated the Cardinals by a score of 48\u201320. (The Cardinals and Eagles would, two months later, rematch in the NFC Championship Game, with Arizona winning this time by a","Document [12](Title: Leon Lett) ESPN fan list, at #2 in the ESPN expert panel, #3 on \"Top 10 Foul-Ups\" (along with the Thanksgiving play), and #9 on \"Top 10 Worst Plays\". The second play occurred during the next season and was more serious as it resulted in a Cowboy defeat. On Thanksgiving Day in 1993, during a rare snow and sleet storm in Dallas, the Cowboys, who came into the game with a 7\u20133 record, were leading the 8\u20132 Miami Dolphins by a score of 14\u201313 with 15 seconds remaining in the game. The Dolphins sent kicker Pete Stoyanovich out to attempt a 41-yard","Document [13](Title: 2005 Dallas Cowboys season) place in the NFC. The Cowboys had already won more game than they did in the previous seasonSummary In the annual Thanksgiving Day Game, the Dallas Cowboys hosted the Denver Broncos. The Cowboys offense had 314 yards, greater than Denver's 293 yards, but Cowboys kicker Billy Cundiff a missed field goal in the fourth quarter so the game went into overtime. Denver won the coin toss and Broncos backup runningback Ron Dayne ran 55 yards on the second play in overtime and Jason Elam kicked the game-winning field goal. Summary In this season's rematch, the New York Giants made the","Document [14](Title: 2006 Dallas Cowboys season) and possibly a first-round bye in the playoffs were suddenly much brighter, especially with the rival Philadelphia Eagles losing Donovan McNabb for the season. With the win, the Cowboys improved to 6\u20134. Stats The Cowboys slugged the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 38\u201310 in the annual Thanksgiving Day game. Tony Romo had his best game so far throwing for 306 yards and a near-perfect 148.9 passer rating, and he tied a team record with five touchdown passes in one game. No Cowboys quarterback had done that since Troy Aikman in the 1999 season opener (including overtime), and since Danny White in 1983","Document [15](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) In 1966, the Dallas Cowboys, who had been founded six years earlier, adopted the practice of hosting Thanksgiving games. It is widely rumored that the Cowboys sought a guarantee that they would regularly host Thanksgiving games as a condition of their very first one (since games on days other than Sunday were uncommon at the time and thus high attendance was not a certainty). This is only partly true; Dallas had in fact decided to host games on Thanksgiving by their own decision because there was nothing else to do or watch on that day. In 1975 and 1977, at the behest of then-Commissioner Pete Rozelle, the St. Louis Cardinals replaced Dallas as a host team (Dallas then hosted St. Louis in 1976). Although the Cardinals, at the time known as the \"Cardiac Cards\" due to their propensity for winning very close games, were a modest success at the time, they were nowhere near as popular nationwide as the Cowboys, who were regular Super Bowl contenders during this era. This, combined with St. Louis's consistently weak attendance, a series of ugly Cardinals losses in the three-game stretch, and opposition from the Kirkwood\u2013Webster Groves Turkey Day Game (a local high school football contest) led to Dallas resuming regular hosting duties in 1978; it was then, after Rozelle asked Dallas to resume hosting Thanksgiving games, that the Cowboys requested (and received) an agreement guaranteeing the Cowboys a spot on Thanksgiving Day forever.","Document [16](Title: 2011 Dallas Cowboys season) at home in five years, the Cowboys fell to 2\u20132. The Cowboys' blue uniforms returned after a 1-year hiatus, and they blew a 3-point fourth quarter lead, and lost to the 2011 AFC champion New England Patriots. Thanksgiving Day game Coming off their thrilling overtime road win over the Redskins, the Cowboys went home, donned their throwback uniforms, and played a Week 12 interconference duel with the Miami Dolphins in the annual Thanksgiving game. Dallas trailed early in the first quarter with Dolphins kicker Shayne Graham getting a 26-yard field goal, yet the Cowboys would answer in the second quarter","Document [17](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) and Cowboys' division rivals for the contests so that ratings are maximized; seven out of the ten Thanksgiving games involving the Lions or Cowboys since 2014 have involved a team in the same division, while only one (a 2017 contest between the Cowboys and Los Angeles Chargers) has involved the AFC. The Los Angeles Rams have the longest active appearance drought of any team, with their last appearance coming in 1975. Among current NFL markets, Cleveland has had the longest wait to have a team from its city play on Thanksgiving; the Browns last appeared in 1989, several years before","Document [18](Title: 1986 Dallas Cowboys season) Diego. The Cowboys lost seven out of their final eight games, and suffered a five-game losing streak to close out the season, including embarrassing losses to the Redskins (41\u201314) and the Seahawks in the annual Thanksgiving Day game (31\u201314). It was the Cowboys' first loss on Thanksgiving since 1979. During the third quarter of a late-season loss to the Los Angeles Rams, Tom Landry was forced to leave the field due to a threat against his life. Landry returned to the field later in the game wearing a bulletproof vest. The Cowboys undoing certainly wasn't because of an inability to","Document [19](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) a guarantee that they would regularly host Thanksgiving games as a condition of their very first one (since games on days other than Sunday were uncommon at the time and thus high attendance was not a certainty). This is only partly true; Dallas had in fact decided to host games on Thanksgiving by their own decision because there was nothing else to do or watch on that day. In 1975 and 1977, at the behest of then-Commissioner Pete Rozelle, the St. Louis Cardinals replaced Dallas as a host team (Dallas then hosted St. Louis in 1976). Although the Cardinals, at","Document [20](Title: Dallas Cowboys) Thanksgiving Day. This jersey was used for special occasions and was worn throughout the 1994\u20131995 playoffs. During the same season, the Cowboys also wore their 1960\u201363 road jersey with a silver helmet for one game as part of a league-wide \"throwback\" policy. During the 1995 season, the team wore the navy \"Double-Star\" jersey for games at Washington and Philadelphia and permanently switched to solid color socks (royal blue for the white uniform, and navy blue for the dark uniform). The navy \"Double-Star\" jersey was not seen again until the NFL's \"Classic Throwback Weekend\" on Thanksgiving Day 2001\u20132003. In 2004, the"],"query":"when did the cowboys start playing on thanksgiving day?","answers":["In 1966","1966","1978"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: 2016 Dallas Cowboys season) time. Thanksgiving Day game In the traditional Thanksgiving game, the Cowboys hosted the Washington Redskins, who had just came off a victory against the Green Bay Packers. In a game of catch-up, the Redskins never led; however, they made a valiant effort in the fourth quarter to take the lead. The Cowboys held them off and won the game, thus extending their winning streak to ten games for the first time in franchise history. The Cowboys traveled to Minnesota to take on the struggling Vikings following their loss against the Detroit Lions on Thanksgiving. In a rather tightly contested game","Document [2](Title: Dallas Cowboys) their regular blue jerseys for their Thanksgiving game, something they have not done at home since Schramm started the white-jersey-at-home tradition. With the Cowboys traditionally hosting Thanksgiving Day games, separate practice uniforms have been used for these games in recent years. Through the 2000 season, the Cowboys continued the usual practice of wearing white at home. In 2001, the Cowboys wore blue at home for the first time in years with was an older design of the blue jersey. Dallas would lose the game, but again wore the older blue jersey at home on Thanksgiving the next year and won.","Document [3](Title: 2010 Dallas Cowboys season) in their annual Thanksgiving Day game. The Cowboys trailed early with RB Chris Ivory getting a 3-yard TD run, followed by kicker Garrett Hartley getting a 50-yard field goal, and then by Ivory making a 6-yard TD run. The Cowboys cut the lead as kicker David Buehler got a 21-yard field goal, but the Saints replied as Hartley nailed a 45-yard field goal. The Cowboys tried to come back as Buehler hit a 53-yard field goal, followed by Miles Austin getting a 60-yard TD run. The Cowboys trailed further with Hartley making a 28-yard field goal, but took the lead","Document [4](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) time since 1963. In 2015, the Cowboys resurrected their 1994 white \"Double-Star\" jerseys only this time wore them with white pants as part of the league's \"Color Rush\", a trial run of specially-designed, monochromatic jerseys to be worn during Thursday games. It has remained a tradition for Dallas and Detroit to host the afternoon games dating back several decades. However, in recent years, other teams have expressed interest in hosting Thanksgiving games. Lamar Hunt, the former owner of the Chiefs (who had hosted Thanksgiving games from 1967\u201369 as an AFL team prior to the merger), lobbied heavily in favor of","Document [5](Title: National Football League on television) Network package that season, with the exception of , when the Cowboys played the Green Bay Packers on week after their traditional Thanksgiving game. The Cowboys and Detroit Lions were ineligible for appearing on the NFL Network, due to hosting Thanksgiving games every year. However, the Cowboys played a Thursday night game at the Chicago Bears in 2014, one week after both teams played on Thanksgiving, while the Lions hosted a Thursday night game against the Packers in 2015, one week after their traditional Thanksgiving game. The \"one Thursday game per team\" rule does not include the Kickoff Game, so","Document [6](Title: 2006 Dallas Cowboys season) Romo botched the hold on a go-ahead field goal inside the final two minutes. When Romo started the Thanksgiving Day game against Tampa Bay, it marked the 7th different starting Cowboys quarterback in the last 7 Thanksgiving Day games (Troy Aikman, Ryan Leaf, Chad Hutchison, Quincy Carter, Drew Henson, Drew Bledsoe and Romo). This was Bill Parcells' final season as a head coach as he would go on to retire following the end of the season. During the 2006 offseason, the team signed several high-profile players, including kicker Mike Vanderjagt, linebacker Akin Ayodele, offensive linemen Jason Fabini and Kyle Kosier,","Document [7](Title: Dallas Cowboys) Cowboys resurrected their original 1960\u20131963 uniform on Thanksgiving Day. This uniform became the team's alternate or \"third jersey\" and was usually worn at least once a year, primarily Thanksgiving Day. Two exceptions were when the Cowboys wore their normal white uniforms on Thanksgiving in 2007 and 2008. While the team didn't wear the throwback uniform exactly on Thanksgiving Day in those two years, Dallas wore them on a date around Thanksgiving for those two years. In 2007 Dallas wore the throwback uniform on November 29, 2007 against the Green Bay Packers. In 2008 Dallas wore the throwback uniform on November","Document [8](Title: Dallas Cowboys) With the 2002 victory, it seems an exception to the theory of the blue jersey jinx is invoked on Thanksgiving. Thus, the Cowboys continued wearing blue at home on Thanksgiving from 2003\u20132006, however it was always an older-styled alternate blue jersey. In 2007 and 2008, the Cowboys returned to wearing white at home for their Thanksgiving game. Since 2009, the Cowboys returned to wearing blue at home on Thanksgiving only. (From 2009\u20132012, the team again decided to go with an older-styled blue uniform as they had in previous years on Thanksgiving, and since 2013 have worn the newer-styled blue jersey.)","Document [9](Title: Dallas Cowboys) home for Thanksgiving, which has since become an annual tradition. In 2017, the team initially announced that they will wear blue jerseys at home on a more regular basis, only to rescind soon after. In 2015, the Cowboys released their Color Rush uniform, featuring a variation of the 1990s \"Double Star\" alternates with white pants and socks. The uniform was first used in a Thanksgiving game against the Carolina Panthers and in subsequent \"Thursday Night Football\" games during the 2016 and 2017 seasons. The Cowboys also unveiled a navy uniform-white pants combination which was first used on December 10, 2017","Document [10](Title: History of the Dallas Cowboys) were unable to capitalize on their momentum as they dropped 3 out of their next 4 games. One of those losses was a tight 31\u201329 game to eventual Super Bowl XLVII Champions the Baltimore Ravens. They entered their annual Thanksgiving home game with a 5\u20135 record. Their opponent on Turkey Day this year was upstart division rival Washington whom was being led by rookie QB Robert Griffin III. The Redskins got off to a quick start leading 21\u20133 at halftime. Dallas fought back in the second half but it wasn't enough which led to 38\u201331 loss. The Cowboys won their","Document [11](Title: 2008 NFL season) Fox at 4:15 PM EST against the Seattle Seahawks (Dallas Cowboys defeated the Seattle Seahawks by a score of 34\u20139). A third game on NFL Network, featuring the Arizona Cardinals and the Philadelphia Eagles followed at 8:15 PM EST. It was the first home game for the Eagles on Thanksgiving Day since 1940, and their first Thanksgiving game at any location since the infamous Bounty Bowl Game in 1989; the Eagles defeated the Cardinals by a score of 48\u201320. (The Cardinals and Eagles would, two months later, rematch in the NFC Championship Game, with Arizona winning this time by a","Document [12](Title: Leon Lett) ESPN fan list, at #2 in the ESPN expert panel, #3 on \"Top 10 Foul-Ups\" (along with the Thanksgiving play), and #9 on \"Top 10 Worst Plays\". The second play occurred during the next season and was more serious as it resulted in a Cowboy defeat. On Thanksgiving Day in 1993, during a rare snow and sleet storm in Dallas, the Cowboys, who came into the game with a 7\u20133 record, were leading the 8\u20132 Miami Dolphins by a score of 14\u201313 with 15 seconds remaining in the game. The Dolphins sent kicker Pete Stoyanovich out to attempt a 41-yard","Document [13](Title: 2005 Dallas Cowboys season) place in the NFC. The Cowboys had already won more game than they did in the previous seasonSummary In the annual Thanksgiving Day Game, the Dallas Cowboys hosted the Denver Broncos. The Cowboys offense had 314 yards, greater than Denver's 293 yards, but Cowboys kicker Billy Cundiff a missed field goal in the fourth quarter so the game went into overtime. Denver won the coin toss and Broncos backup runningback Ron Dayne ran 55 yards on the second play in overtime and Jason Elam kicked the game-winning field goal. Summary In this season's rematch, the New York Giants made the","Document [14](Title: 2006 Dallas Cowboys season) and possibly a first-round bye in the playoffs were suddenly much brighter, especially with the rival Philadelphia Eagles losing Donovan McNabb for the season. With the win, the Cowboys improved to 6\u20134. Stats The Cowboys slugged the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 38\u201310 in the annual Thanksgiving Day game. Tony Romo had his best game so far throwing for 306 yards and a near-perfect 148.9 passer rating, and he tied a team record with five touchdown passes in one game. No Cowboys quarterback had done that since Troy Aikman in the 1999 season opener (including overtime), and since Danny White in 1983","Document [15](Title: 2011 Dallas Cowboys season) at home in five years, the Cowboys fell to 2\u20132. The Cowboys' blue uniforms returned after a 1-year hiatus, and they blew a 3-point fourth quarter lead, and lost to the 2011 AFC champion New England Patriots. Thanksgiving Day game Coming off their thrilling overtime road win over the Redskins, the Cowboys went home, donned their throwback uniforms, and played a Week 12 interconference duel with the Miami Dolphins in the annual Thanksgiving game. Dallas trailed early in the first quarter with Dolphins kicker Shayne Graham getting a 26-yard field goal, yet the Cowboys would answer in the second quarter","Document [16](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) and Cowboys' division rivals for the contests so that ratings are maximized; seven out of the ten Thanksgiving games involving the Lions or Cowboys since 2014 have involved a team in the same division, while only one (a 2017 contest between the Cowboys and Los Angeles Chargers) has involved the AFC. The Los Angeles Rams have the longest active appearance drought of any team, with their last appearance coming in 1975. Among current NFL markets, Cleveland has had the longest wait to have a team from its city play on Thanksgiving; the Browns last appeared in 1989, several years before","Document [17](Title: 1986 Dallas Cowboys season) Diego. The Cowboys lost seven out of their final eight games, and suffered a five-game losing streak to close out the season, including embarrassing losses to the Redskins (41\u201314) and the Seahawks in the annual Thanksgiving Day game (31\u201314). It was the Cowboys' first loss on Thanksgiving since 1979. During the third quarter of a late-season loss to the Los Angeles Rams, Tom Landry was forced to leave the field due to a threat against his life. Landry returned to the field later in the game wearing a bulletproof vest. The Cowboys undoing certainly wasn't because of an inability to","Document [18](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) a guarantee that they would regularly host Thanksgiving games as a condition of their very first one (since games on days other than Sunday were uncommon at the time and thus high attendance was not a certainty). This is only partly true; Dallas had in fact decided to host games on Thanksgiving by their own decision because there was nothing else to do or watch on that day. In 1975 and 1977, at the behest of then-Commissioner Pete Rozelle, the St. Louis Cardinals replaced Dallas as a host team (Dallas then hosted St. Louis in 1976). Although the Cardinals, at","Document [19](Title: Dallas Cowboys) Thanksgiving Day. This jersey was used for special occasions and was worn throughout the 1994\u20131995 playoffs. During the same season, the Cowboys also wore their 1960\u201363 road jersey with a silver helmet for one game as part of a league-wide \"throwback\" policy. During the 1995 season, the team wore the navy \"Double-Star\" jersey for games at Washington and Philadelphia and permanently switched to solid color socks (royal blue for the white uniform, and navy blue for the dark uniform). The navy \"Double-Star\" jersey was not seen again until the NFL's \"Classic Throwback Weekend\" on Thanksgiving Day 2001\u20132003. In 2004, the","Document [20](Title: NFL on Thanksgiving Day) In 1966, the Dallas Cowboys, who had been founded six years earlier, adopted the practice of hosting Thanksgiving games. It is widely rumored that the Cowboys sought a guarantee that they would regularly host Thanksgiving games as a condition of their very first one (since games on days other than Sunday were uncommon at the time and thus high attendance was not a certainty). This is only partly true; Dallas had in fact decided to host games on Thanksgiving by their own decision because there was nothing else to do or watch on that day. In 1975 and 1977, at the behest of then-Commissioner Pete Rozelle, the St. Louis Cardinals replaced Dallas as a host team (Dallas then hosted St. Louis in 1976). Although the Cardinals, at the time known as the \"Cardiac Cards\" due to their propensity for winning very close games, were a modest success at the time, they were nowhere near as popular nationwide as the Cowboys, who were regular Super Bowl contenders during this era. This, combined with St. Louis's consistently weak attendance, a series of ugly Cardinals losses in the three-game stretch, and opposition from the Kirkwood\u2013Webster Groves Turkey Day Game (a local high school football contest) led to Dallas resuming regular hosting duties in 1978; it was then, after Rozelle asked Dallas to resume hosting Thanksgiving games, that the Cowboys requested (and received) an agreement guaranteeing the Cowboys a spot on Thanksgiving Day forever."],"query":"when did the cowboys start playing on thanksgiving day?","answers":["In 1966","1966","1978"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) Set during the Great Depression, the novel focuses on the Joads, a poor family of tenant farmers driven from their Oklahoma home by drought, economic hardship, agricultural industry changes, and bank foreclosures forcing tenant farmers out of work. Due to their nearly hopeless situation, and in part because they are trapped in the Dust Bowl, the Joads set out for California. Along with thousands of other \"Okies\", they seek jobs, land, dignity, and a future.","Document [2](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (play)) The Grapes of Wrath (play) The Grapes of Wrath is a 1988 play adapted by Frank Galati from the classic John Steinbeck novel of the same name, with incidental music by Michael Smith. The play debuted at the Steppenwolf Theatre in Chicago, followed by a May 1989 production at the La Jolla Playhouse in San Diego and a June 1989 production at the Royal National Theatre in London. After eleven previews, the Broadway production, directed by Galati, opened on March 22, 1990 at the Cort Theatre, where it ran for 188 performances. The cast included Gary Sinise, Kathryn Erbe, Terry","Document [3](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) The Grapes of Wrath (opera) The Grapes of Wrath is an opera in three acts composed by Ricky Ian Gordon to a libretto by Michael Korie based on John Steinbeck\u2019s 1939 novel of the same title. It premiered on February 10, 2007 at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts in Saint Paul, Minnesota in a production by Minnesota Opera. The work has been revised in subsequent years and has also been performed as a two-act concert version. Originally commissioned by the Minnesota Opera and co-produced with Utah Symphony \u2013 Utah Opera, the Minnesota Opera production had its premiere February","Document [4](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (play)) Kinney, Jeff Perry, Lois Smith, Francis Guinan, and Stephen Bogardus. The Grapes of Wrath (play) The Grapes of Wrath is a 1988 play adapted by Frank Galati from the classic John Steinbeck novel of the same name, with incidental music by Michael Smith. The play debuted at the Steppenwolf Theatre in Chicago, followed by a May 1989 production at the La Jolla Playhouse in San Diego and a June 1989 production at the Royal National Theatre in London. After eleven previews, the Broadway production, directed by Galati, opened on March 22, 1990 at the Cort Theatre, where it ran for","Document [5](Title: Operation Grapes of Wrath) the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword: His truth is marching on.<\/poem> The irony (and potential controversy) of an Israeli military operation being named after a Christian religious doctrine was not entirely lost on the Israeli press. However, most commentators either believed the title was a reference from the Torah or that the phrase merely referred to John Steinbeck's novel of the same name, \"The Grapes of Wrath\". Operation Grapes of Wrath Operation \"Grapes of Wrath\" () is the Israeli Defense Forces code-name (referred to as April War by Hezbollah)","Document [6](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) break-up of the Joad family, the film switches the order of sequences so that the family ends up in a \"good\" camp provided by the government, and events turn out relatively well. The novel's original ending was considered far too controversial to be included in the film. In the novel, Rose-of-Sharon (\"Rosasharn\") Rivers (played in the film by Dorris Bowdon) gives birth to a stillborn baby. Later she offers her milk-filled breasts to a starving man, dying in a barn. These scenes were not included in the film. While the film is somewhat stark, it has a more optimistic and","Document [7](Title: Operation Grapes of Wrath) Committee for the Implementation of the \"Grapes of Wrath\" Understandings was set up, comprising representatives from the U.S., France, Syria, Israel and Lebanon. The committee convenes to monitor and discuss infringements of the understandings by the two sides. The phrase \"grapes of wrath\" is a reference from the Book of Revelation (chapter 14 verses 19 and 20). It was a well-known idea in 19th century American Christian eschatology and also appears in the abolitionist hymn The Battle Hymn of the Republic: Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord: He is trampling out the vintage where","Document [8](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) whereas the novel focuses on their journey as a part of the \"family of man\". She points out that their farm is never shown in detail, and that the family members are never shown working in agriculture; not a single peach is shown in the entire film. This subtly serves to focus the film on the specific family, as opposed to the novel's focus on man and land together. In the film, most family members are either reduced, such as Al, Noah and Uncle John, to background characters or, like Rose of Sharon and Connie, to being the focus of","Document [9](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) 10, 2007, at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts in Saint Paul, Minnesota conducted by Grant Gershon. The world premiere broadcast was heard on Minnesota Public Radio on September 19, 2007. Utah Symphony \u2013 Utah Opera subsequently performed the work (in a modified version) on May 12\u201320, 2007, at the Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake City. A revised version of the opera was performed by Pittsburgh Opera in November, 2008. Its collegiate premiere was performed at the Moores School of Music of the University of Houston in April, 2009. A greatly revised concert version of the opera (in two","Document [10](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) of Daryl F. Zanuck, outtakes, a gallery, Franklin D. Roosevelt lauds motion pictures at Academy featurette, Movietone news: three drought reports from 1934, etc. The film was released on Blu-ray on April 3, 2012, and features all supplemental material from the DVD release. The Grapes of Wrath (film) The Grapes of Wrath is a 1940 American drama film directed by John Ford. It was based on John Steinbeck's 1939 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of the same name. The screenplay was written by Nunnally Johnson and the executive producer was Darryl F. Zanuck. The film tells the story of the Joads, an","Document [11](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) Galati. Gary Sinise played Tom Joad for its entire run of 188 performances on Broadway in 1990. One of these performances was filmed and shown on PBS the following year. In 1990, the Illegitimate Players theater company in Chicago produced \"Of Grapes and Nuts\", an original, satirical mash-up of \"The Grapes of Wrath\" and Steinbeck's acclaimed novella \"Of Mice and Men\". The Grapes of Wrath The Grapes of Wrath is an American realist novel written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939. The book won the National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize for fiction, and it was cited prominently when","Document [12](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) the preacher who baptized Tom, but now Casy has \"lost the spirit\" and his faith. Casy goes with Tom to the Joad property only to find it deserted. There, they meet Muley Graves (John Qualen) who is hiding out. In a flashback, he describes how farmers all over the area were forced from their farms by the deed holders of the land. A local boy (John Arledge), hired for the purpose, is shown knocking down Muley's house with a Caterpillar tractor. The large Joad family of twelve leaves at daybreak, along with Casy, who decides to accompany them. They pack","Document [13](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) \"Here is outstanding entertainment, projected against a heart-rending sector of the American scene,\" concluding, \"It possesses an adult viewpoint and its success may lead other producers to explore the rich field of contemporary life which films long have neglected and ignored.\" John Mosher wrote in \"The New Yorker\", \"With a majesty never before so constantly sustained on any screen, the film never for an instant falters. Its beauty is of the sort found in the art of Burchfield, Benton and Curry, as the landscape and people involved belong to the world of these painters.\" The \"Film Daily\" year-end poll of","Document [14](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) \"The Grapes of Wrath\" was comedian Bill Hicks' favorite novel. He based his famous last words on Tom Joad's final speech: \"I left in love, in laughter, and in truth, and wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit.\" In July 2013, Steven Spielberg announced his plans to direct a remake of \"The Grapes of Wrath\" for DreamWorks. Woody Guthrie's two-part song\u2014\"Tom Joad \u2013 Parts 1 & 2\" \u2013 from the album \"Dust Bowl Ballads\" (1940), explores the protagonist's life after being paroled from prison. It was covered in 1988 by Andy Irvine, who recorded both parts","Document [15](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) 546 critics nationwide ranked \"The Grapes of Wrath\" as the second-best film of 1940, behind only \"Rebecca\". Academy Awards wins (1941) Academy Awards nominations (1941) Other wins American Film Institute recognition The film was released on VHS in 1988 by Key Video. It was later it was released in video format on March 3, 1998 by 20th Century Fox on its Studio Classic series. A DVD was released on April 6, 2004 by 20th Century Fox Entertainment. The DVD contains a special commentary track by scholars Joseph McBride and Susan Shillinglaw. It also includes various supplements: an A&E Network biography","Document [16](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) \"Grapes of Wrath\" was published by Carl Fischer Music in 2010. Some are expanded versions of arias which were shortened or cut in the most recent edition of the opera. Articles and reviews Video, audio, photographs The Grapes of Wrath (opera) The Grapes of Wrath is an opera in three acts composed by Ricky Ian Gordon to a libretto by Michael Korie based on John Steinbeck\u2019s 1939 novel of the same title. It premiered on February 10, 2007 at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts in Saint Paul, Minnesota in a production by Minnesota Opera. The work has been","Document [17](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) when the engine overheats due to a broken fan belt; they have little gas, but decide to try coasting down the hill to some lights. The lights are from a third type of camp: Farmworkers' Wheat Patch Camp (Weedpatch in the book), a clean camp run by the Department of Agriculture, complete with indoor toilets and showers, which the Joad children had never seen before. Tom is moved to work for change by what he has witnessed in the various camps. He tells his family that he plans to carry on Casy's mission in the world by fighting for social","Document [18](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) his father, who is dying of starvation. Rose of Sharon takes pity on the man and offers him her breast milk to save him from starvation. Many scholars note Steinbeck for his many uses of Christian imagery within \"The Grapes of Wrath.\" The largest implications lie with Tom Joad and Jim Casy, who are both interpreted as Christ-like figures at certain intervals within the novel. These two are often interpreted together, with Jim Casy representing Jesus Christ in the early days of his ministry, up until his death, which is interpreted as representing the death of Christ. From there, Tom","Document [19](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) acts) was given its New York premiere by The Collegiate Chorale at Carnegie Hall on March 22, 2010, with Ted Sperling conducting the American Symphony Orchestra and a narration performed by Jane Fonda. In April 2011, the Opera was presented by the Michigan State University College of Music Opera Theater, directed by Melanie Helton and conducted by Raphael Jimenez. This performance was in collaboration with Gordan's residency at Michigan State. In February 2013, the opera found its Chicago premiere at Northwestern University through the Bienen School of Music. The production was directed by Michael Ehrman, conducted by Hal France, and","Document [20](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) killed by one of the camp guards. As Tom tries to defend Casy from the attack, he inadvertently kills the guard. Tom suffers a serious wound on his cheek, and the camp guards realize it will not be difficult to identify him. That evening the family hides Tom under the mattresses of the truck just as guards arrive to question them; they are searching for the man who killed the guard. Tom avoids being spotted and the family leaves the Keene Ranch without further incident. After driving for a while, they have to stop at the top of a hill"],"query":"where does the grapes of wrath take place?","answers":["Oklahoma","California"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (play)) The Grapes of Wrath (play) The Grapes of Wrath is a 1988 play adapted by Frank Galati from the classic John Steinbeck novel of the same name, with incidental music by Michael Smith. The play debuted at the Steppenwolf Theatre in Chicago, followed by a May 1989 production at the La Jolla Playhouse in San Diego and a June 1989 production at the Royal National Theatre in London. After eleven previews, the Broadway production, directed by Galati, opened on March 22, 1990 at the Cort Theatre, where it ran for 188 performances. The cast included Gary Sinise, Kathryn Erbe, Terry","Document [2](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) The Grapes of Wrath (opera) The Grapes of Wrath is an opera in three acts composed by Ricky Ian Gordon to a libretto by Michael Korie based on John Steinbeck\u2019s 1939 novel of the same title. It premiered on February 10, 2007 at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts in Saint Paul, Minnesota in a production by Minnesota Opera. The work has been revised in subsequent years and has also been performed as a two-act concert version. Originally commissioned by the Minnesota Opera and co-produced with Utah Symphony \u2013 Utah Opera, the Minnesota Opera production had its premiere February","Document [3](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (play)) Kinney, Jeff Perry, Lois Smith, Francis Guinan, and Stephen Bogardus. The Grapes of Wrath (play) The Grapes of Wrath is a 1988 play adapted by Frank Galati from the classic John Steinbeck novel of the same name, with incidental music by Michael Smith. The play debuted at the Steppenwolf Theatre in Chicago, followed by a May 1989 production at the La Jolla Playhouse in San Diego and a June 1989 production at the Royal National Theatre in London. After eleven previews, the Broadway production, directed by Galati, opened on March 22, 1990 at the Cort Theatre, where it ran for","Document [4](Title: Operation Grapes of Wrath) the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword: His truth is marching on.<\/poem> The irony (and potential controversy) of an Israeli military operation being named after a Christian religious doctrine was not entirely lost on the Israeli press. However, most commentators either believed the title was a reference from the Torah or that the phrase merely referred to John Steinbeck's novel of the same name, \"The Grapes of Wrath\". Operation Grapes of Wrath Operation \"Grapes of Wrath\" () is the Israeli Defense Forces code-name (referred to as April War by Hezbollah)","Document [5](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) Set during the Great Depression, the novel focuses on the Joads, a poor family of tenant farmers driven from their Oklahoma home by drought, economic hardship, agricultural industry changes, and bank foreclosures forcing tenant farmers out of work. Due to their nearly hopeless situation, and in part because they are trapped in the Dust Bowl, the Joads set out for California. Along with thousands of other \"Okies\", they seek jobs, land, dignity, and a future.","Document [6](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) break-up of the Joad family, the film switches the order of sequences so that the family ends up in a \"good\" camp provided by the government, and events turn out relatively well. The novel's original ending was considered far too controversial to be included in the film. In the novel, Rose-of-Sharon (\"Rosasharn\") Rivers (played in the film by Dorris Bowdon) gives birth to a stillborn baby. Later she offers her milk-filled breasts to a starving man, dying in a barn. These scenes were not included in the film. While the film is somewhat stark, it has a more optimistic and","Document [7](Title: Operation Grapes of Wrath) Committee for the Implementation of the \"Grapes of Wrath\" Understandings was set up, comprising representatives from the U.S., France, Syria, Israel and Lebanon. The committee convenes to monitor and discuss infringements of the understandings by the two sides. The phrase \"grapes of wrath\" is a reference from the Book of Revelation (chapter 14 verses 19 and 20). It was a well-known idea in 19th century American Christian eschatology and also appears in the abolitionist hymn The Battle Hymn of the Republic: Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord: He is trampling out the vintage where","Document [8](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) whereas the novel focuses on their journey as a part of the \"family of man\". She points out that their farm is never shown in detail, and that the family members are never shown working in agriculture; not a single peach is shown in the entire film. This subtly serves to focus the film on the specific family, as opposed to the novel's focus on man and land together. In the film, most family members are either reduced, such as Al, Noah and Uncle John, to background characters or, like Rose of Sharon and Connie, to being the focus of","Document [9](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) 10, 2007, at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts in Saint Paul, Minnesota conducted by Grant Gershon. The world premiere broadcast was heard on Minnesota Public Radio on September 19, 2007. Utah Symphony \u2013 Utah Opera subsequently performed the work (in a modified version) on May 12\u201320, 2007, at the Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake City. A revised version of the opera was performed by Pittsburgh Opera in November, 2008. Its collegiate premiere was performed at the Moores School of Music of the University of Houston in April, 2009. A greatly revised concert version of the opera (in two","Document [10](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) of Daryl F. Zanuck, outtakes, a gallery, Franklin D. Roosevelt lauds motion pictures at Academy featurette, Movietone news: three drought reports from 1934, etc. The film was released on Blu-ray on April 3, 2012, and features all supplemental material from the DVD release. The Grapes of Wrath (film) The Grapes of Wrath is a 1940 American drama film directed by John Ford. It was based on John Steinbeck's 1939 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of the same name. The screenplay was written by Nunnally Johnson and the executive producer was Darryl F. Zanuck. The film tells the story of the Joads, an","Document [11](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) Galati. Gary Sinise played Tom Joad for its entire run of 188 performances on Broadway in 1990. One of these performances was filmed and shown on PBS the following year. In 1990, the Illegitimate Players theater company in Chicago produced \"Of Grapes and Nuts\", an original, satirical mash-up of \"The Grapes of Wrath\" and Steinbeck's acclaimed novella \"Of Mice and Men\". The Grapes of Wrath The Grapes of Wrath is an American realist novel written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939. The book won the National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize for fiction, and it was cited prominently when","Document [12](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) the preacher who baptized Tom, but now Casy has \"lost the spirit\" and his faith. Casy goes with Tom to the Joad property only to find it deserted. There, they meet Muley Graves (John Qualen) who is hiding out. In a flashback, he describes how farmers all over the area were forced from their farms by the deed holders of the land. A local boy (John Arledge), hired for the purpose, is shown knocking down Muley's house with a Caterpillar tractor. The large Joad family of twelve leaves at daybreak, along with Casy, who decides to accompany them. They pack","Document [13](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) \"Here is outstanding entertainment, projected against a heart-rending sector of the American scene,\" concluding, \"It possesses an adult viewpoint and its success may lead other producers to explore the rich field of contemporary life which films long have neglected and ignored.\" John Mosher wrote in \"The New Yorker\", \"With a majesty never before so constantly sustained on any screen, the film never for an instant falters. Its beauty is of the sort found in the art of Burchfield, Benton and Curry, as the landscape and people involved belong to the world of these painters.\" The \"Film Daily\" year-end poll of","Document [14](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) \"The Grapes of Wrath\" was comedian Bill Hicks' favorite novel. He based his famous last words on Tom Joad's final speech: \"I left in love, in laughter, and in truth, and wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit.\" In July 2013, Steven Spielberg announced his plans to direct a remake of \"The Grapes of Wrath\" for DreamWorks. Woody Guthrie's two-part song\u2014\"Tom Joad \u2013 Parts 1 & 2\" \u2013 from the album \"Dust Bowl Ballads\" (1940), explores the protagonist's life after being paroled from prison. It was covered in 1988 by Andy Irvine, who recorded both parts","Document [15](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) 546 critics nationwide ranked \"The Grapes of Wrath\" as the second-best film of 1940, behind only \"Rebecca\". Academy Awards wins (1941) Academy Awards nominations (1941) Other wins American Film Institute recognition The film was released on VHS in 1988 by Key Video. It was later it was released in video format on March 3, 1998 by 20th Century Fox on its Studio Classic series. A DVD was released on April 6, 2004 by 20th Century Fox Entertainment. The DVD contains a special commentary track by scholars Joseph McBride and Susan Shillinglaw. It also includes various supplements: an A&E Network biography","Document [16](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) \"Grapes of Wrath\" was published by Carl Fischer Music in 2010. Some are expanded versions of arias which were shortened or cut in the most recent edition of the opera. Articles and reviews Video, audio, photographs The Grapes of Wrath (opera) The Grapes of Wrath is an opera in three acts composed by Ricky Ian Gordon to a libretto by Michael Korie based on John Steinbeck\u2019s 1939 novel of the same title. It premiered on February 10, 2007 at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts in Saint Paul, Minnesota in a production by Minnesota Opera. The work has been","Document [17](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) when the engine overheats due to a broken fan belt; they have little gas, but decide to try coasting down the hill to some lights. The lights are from a third type of camp: Farmworkers' Wheat Patch Camp (Weedpatch in the book), a clean camp run by the Department of Agriculture, complete with indoor toilets and showers, which the Joad children had never seen before. Tom is moved to work for change by what he has witnessed in the various camps. He tells his family that he plans to carry on Casy's mission in the world by fighting for social","Document [18](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) his father, who is dying of starvation. Rose of Sharon takes pity on the man and offers him her breast milk to save him from starvation. Many scholars note Steinbeck for his many uses of Christian imagery within \"The Grapes of Wrath.\" The largest implications lie with Tom Joad and Jim Casy, who are both interpreted as Christ-like figures at certain intervals within the novel. These two are often interpreted together, with Jim Casy representing Jesus Christ in the early days of his ministry, up until his death, which is interpreted as representing the death of Christ. From there, Tom","Document [19](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) acts) was given its New York premiere by The Collegiate Chorale at Carnegie Hall on March 22, 2010, with Ted Sperling conducting the American Symphony Orchestra and a narration performed by Jane Fonda. In April 2011, the Opera was presented by the Michigan State University College of Music Opera Theater, directed by Melanie Helton and conducted by Raphael Jimenez. This performance was in collaboration with Gordan's residency at Michigan State. In February 2013, the opera found its Chicago premiere at Northwestern University through the Bienen School of Music. The production was directed by Michael Ehrman, conducted by Hal France, and","Document [20](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) killed by one of the camp guards. As Tom tries to defend Casy from the attack, he inadvertently kills the guard. Tom suffers a serious wound on his cheek, and the camp guards realize it will not be difficult to identify him. That evening the family hides Tom under the mattresses of the truck just as guards arrive to question them; they are searching for the man who killed the guard. Tom avoids being spotted and the family leaves the Keene Ranch without further incident. After driving for a while, they have to stop at the top of a hill"],"query":"where does the grapes of wrath take place?","answers":["Oklahoma","California"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (play)) The Grapes of Wrath (play) The Grapes of Wrath is a 1988 play adapted by Frank Galati from the classic John Steinbeck novel of the same name, with incidental music by Michael Smith. The play debuted at the Steppenwolf Theatre in Chicago, followed by a May 1989 production at the La Jolla Playhouse in San Diego and a June 1989 production at the Royal National Theatre in London. After eleven previews, the Broadway production, directed by Galati, opened on March 22, 1990 at the Cort Theatre, where it ran for 188 performances. The cast included Gary Sinise, Kathryn Erbe, Terry","Document [2](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) The Grapes of Wrath (opera) The Grapes of Wrath is an opera in three acts composed by Ricky Ian Gordon to a libretto by Michael Korie based on John Steinbeck\u2019s 1939 novel of the same title. It premiered on February 10, 2007 at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts in Saint Paul, Minnesota in a production by Minnesota Opera. The work has been revised in subsequent years and has also been performed as a two-act concert version. Originally commissioned by the Minnesota Opera and co-produced with Utah Symphony \u2013 Utah Opera, the Minnesota Opera production had its premiere February","Document [3](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (play)) Kinney, Jeff Perry, Lois Smith, Francis Guinan, and Stephen Bogardus. The Grapes of Wrath (play) The Grapes of Wrath is a 1988 play adapted by Frank Galati from the classic John Steinbeck novel of the same name, with incidental music by Michael Smith. The play debuted at the Steppenwolf Theatre in Chicago, followed by a May 1989 production at the La Jolla Playhouse in San Diego and a June 1989 production at the Royal National Theatre in London. After eleven previews, the Broadway production, directed by Galati, opened on March 22, 1990 at the Cort Theatre, where it ran for","Document [4](Title: Operation Grapes of Wrath) the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword: His truth is marching on.<\/poem> The irony (and potential controversy) of an Israeli military operation being named after a Christian religious doctrine was not entirely lost on the Israeli press. However, most commentators either believed the title was a reference from the Torah or that the phrase merely referred to John Steinbeck's novel of the same name, \"The Grapes of Wrath\". Operation Grapes of Wrath Operation \"Grapes of Wrath\" () is the Israeli Defense Forces code-name (referred to as April War by Hezbollah)","Document [5](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) break-up of the Joad family, the film switches the order of sequences so that the family ends up in a \"good\" camp provided by the government, and events turn out relatively well. The novel's original ending was considered far too controversial to be included in the film. In the novel, Rose-of-Sharon (\"Rosasharn\") Rivers (played in the film by Dorris Bowdon) gives birth to a stillborn baby. Later she offers her milk-filled breasts to a starving man, dying in a barn. These scenes were not included in the film. While the film is somewhat stark, it has a more optimistic and","Document [6](Title: Operation Grapes of Wrath) Committee for the Implementation of the \"Grapes of Wrath\" Understandings was set up, comprising representatives from the U.S., France, Syria, Israel and Lebanon. The committee convenes to monitor and discuss infringements of the understandings by the two sides. The phrase \"grapes of wrath\" is a reference from the Book of Revelation (chapter 14 verses 19 and 20). It was a well-known idea in 19th century American Christian eschatology and also appears in the abolitionist hymn The Battle Hymn of the Republic: Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord: He is trampling out the vintage where","Document [7](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) whereas the novel focuses on their journey as a part of the \"family of man\". She points out that their farm is never shown in detail, and that the family members are never shown working in agriculture; not a single peach is shown in the entire film. This subtly serves to focus the film on the specific family, as opposed to the novel's focus on man and land together. In the film, most family members are either reduced, such as Al, Noah and Uncle John, to background characters or, like Rose of Sharon and Connie, to being the focus of","Document [8](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) 10, 2007, at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts in Saint Paul, Minnesota conducted by Grant Gershon. The world premiere broadcast was heard on Minnesota Public Radio on September 19, 2007. Utah Symphony \u2013 Utah Opera subsequently performed the work (in a modified version) on May 12\u201320, 2007, at the Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake City. A revised version of the opera was performed by Pittsburgh Opera in November, 2008. Its collegiate premiere was performed at the Moores School of Music of the University of Houston in April, 2009. A greatly revised concert version of the opera (in two","Document [9](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) of Daryl F. Zanuck, outtakes, a gallery, Franklin D. Roosevelt lauds motion pictures at Academy featurette, Movietone news: three drought reports from 1934, etc. The film was released on Blu-ray on April 3, 2012, and features all supplemental material from the DVD release. The Grapes of Wrath (film) The Grapes of Wrath is a 1940 American drama film directed by John Ford. It was based on John Steinbeck's 1939 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of the same name. The screenplay was written by Nunnally Johnson and the executive producer was Darryl F. Zanuck. The film tells the story of the Joads, an","Document [10](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) Set during the Great Depression, the novel focuses on the Joads, a poor family of tenant farmers driven from their Oklahoma home by drought, economic hardship, agricultural industry changes, and bank foreclosures forcing tenant farmers out of work. Due to their nearly hopeless situation, and in part because they are trapped in the Dust Bowl, the Joads set out for California. Along with thousands of other \"Okies\", they seek jobs, land, dignity, and a future.","Document [11](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) Galati. Gary Sinise played Tom Joad for its entire run of 188 performances on Broadway in 1990. One of these performances was filmed and shown on PBS the following year. In 1990, the Illegitimate Players theater company in Chicago produced \"Of Grapes and Nuts\", an original, satirical mash-up of \"The Grapes of Wrath\" and Steinbeck's acclaimed novella \"Of Mice and Men\". The Grapes of Wrath The Grapes of Wrath is an American realist novel written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939. The book won the National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize for fiction, and it was cited prominently when","Document [12](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) the preacher who baptized Tom, but now Casy has \"lost the spirit\" and his faith. Casy goes with Tom to the Joad property only to find it deserted. There, they meet Muley Graves (John Qualen) who is hiding out. In a flashback, he describes how farmers all over the area were forced from their farms by the deed holders of the land. A local boy (John Arledge), hired for the purpose, is shown knocking down Muley's house with a Caterpillar tractor. The large Joad family of twelve leaves at daybreak, along with Casy, who decides to accompany them. They pack","Document [13](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) \"Here is outstanding entertainment, projected against a heart-rending sector of the American scene,\" concluding, \"It possesses an adult viewpoint and its success may lead other producers to explore the rich field of contemporary life which films long have neglected and ignored.\" John Mosher wrote in \"The New Yorker\", \"With a majesty never before so constantly sustained on any screen, the film never for an instant falters. Its beauty is of the sort found in the art of Burchfield, Benton and Curry, as the landscape and people involved belong to the world of these painters.\" The \"Film Daily\" year-end poll of","Document [14](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) \"The Grapes of Wrath\" was comedian Bill Hicks' favorite novel. He based his famous last words on Tom Joad's final speech: \"I left in love, in laughter, and in truth, and wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit.\" In July 2013, Steven Spielberg announced his plans to direct a remake of \"The Grapes of Wrath\" for DreamWorks. Woody Guthrie's two-part song\u2014\"Tom Joad \u2013 Parts 1 & 2\" \u2013 from the album \"Dust Bowl Ballads\" (1940), explores the protagonist's life after being paroled from prison. It was covered in 1988 by Andy Irvine, who recorded both parts","Document [15](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) 546 critics nationwide ranked \"The Grapes of Wrath\" as the second-best film of 1940, behind only \"Rebecca\". Academy Awards wins (1941) Academy Awards nominations (1941) Other wins American Film Institute recognition The film was released on VHS in 1988 by Key Video. It was later it was released in video format on March 3, 1998 by 20th Century Fox on its Studio Classic series. A DVD was released on April 6, 2004 by 20th Century Fox Entertainment. The DVD contains a special commentary track by scholars Joseph McBride and Susan Shillinglaw. It also includes various supplements: an A&E Network biography","Document [16](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) \"Grapes of Wrath\" was published by Carl Fischer Music in 2010. Some are expanded versions of arias which were shortened or cut in the most recent edition of the opera. Articles and reviews Video, audio, photographs The Grapes of Wrath (opera) The Grapes of Wrath is an opera in three acts composed by Ricky Ian Gordon to a libretto by Michael Korie based on John Steinbeck\u2019s 1939 novel of the same title. It premiered on February 10, 2007 at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts in Saint Paul, Minnesota in a production by Minnesota Opera. The work has been","Document [17](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) when the engine overheats due to a broken fan belt; they have little gas, but decide to try coasting down the hill to some lights. The lights are from a third type of camp: Farmworkers' Wheat Patch Camp (Weedpatch in the book), a clean camp run by the Department of Agriculture, complete with indoor toilets and showers, which the Joad children had never seen before. Tom is moved to work for change by what he has witnessed in the various camps. He tells his family that he plans to carry on Casy's mission in the world by fighting for social","Document [18](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) his father, who is dying of starvation. Rose of Sharon takes pity on the man and offers him her breast milk to save him from starvation. Many scholars note Steinbeck for his many uses of Christian imagery within \"The Grapes of Wrath.\" The largest implications lie with Tom Joad and Jim Casy, who are both interpreted as Christ-like figures at certain intervals within the novel. These two are often interpreted together, with Jim Casy representing Jesus Christ in the early days of his ministry, up until his death, which is interpreted as representing the death of Christ. From there, Tom","Document [19](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) acts) was given its New York premiere by The Collegiate Chorale at Carnegie Hall on March 22, 2010, with Ted Sperling conducting the American Symphony Orchestra and a narration performed by Jane Fonda. In April 2011, the Opera was presented by the Michigan State University College of Music Opera Theater, directed by Melanie Helton and conducted by Raphael Jimenez. This performance was in collaboration with Gordan's residency at Michigan State. In February 2013, the opera found its Chicago premiere at Northwestern University through the Bienen School of Music. The production was directed by Michael Ehrman, conducted by Hal France, and","Document [20](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) killed by one of the camp guards. As Tom tries to defend Casy from the attack, he inadvertently kills the guard. Tom suffers a serious wound on his cheek, and the camp guards realize it will not be difficult to identify him. That evening the family hides Tom under the mattresses of the truck just as guards arrive to question them; they are searching for the man who killed the guard. Tom avoids being spotted and the family leaves the Keene Ranch without further incident. After driving for a while, they have to stop at the top of a hill"],"query":"where does the grapes of wrath take place?","answers":["Oklahoma","California"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (play)) The Grapes of Wrath (play) The Grapes of Wrath is a 1988 play adapted by Frank Galati from the classic John Steinbeck novel of the same name, with incidental music by Michael Smith. The play debuted at the Steppenwolf Theatre in Chicago, followed by a May 1989 production at the La Jolla Playhouse in San Diego and a June 1989 production at the Royal National Theatre in London. After eleven previews, the Broadway production, directed by Galati, opened on March 22, 1990 at the Cort Theatre, where it ran for 188 performances. The cast included Gary Sinise, Kathryn Erbe, Terry","Document [2](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) The Grapes of Wrath (opera) The Grapes of Wrath is an opera in three acts composed by Ricky Ian Gordon to a libretto by Michael Korie based on John Steinbeck\u2019s 1939 novel of the same title. It premiered on February 10, 2007 at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts in Saint Paul, Minnesota in a production by Minnesota Opera. The work has been revised in subsequent years and has also been performed as a two-act concert version. Originally commissioned by the Minnesota Opera and co-produced with Utah Symphony \u2013 Utah Opera, the Minnesota Opera production had its premiere February","Document [3](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (play)) Kinney, Jeff Perry, Lois Smith, Francis Guinan, and Stephen Bogardus. The Grapes of Wrath (play) The Grapes of Wrath is a 1988 play adapted by Frank Galati from the classic John Steinbeck novel of the same name, with incidental music by Michael Smith. The play debuted at the Steppenwolf Theatre in Chicago, followed by a May 1989 production at the La Jolla Playhouse in San Diego and a June 1989 production at the Royal National Theatre in London. After eleven previews, the Broadway production, directed by Galati, opened on March 22, 1990 at the Cort Theatre, where it ran for","Document [4](Title: Operation Grapes of Wrath) the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword: His truth is marching on.<\/poem> The irony (and potential controversy) of an Israeli military operation being named after a Christian religious doctrine was not entirely lost on the Israeli press. However, most commentators either believed the title was a reference from the Torah or that the phrase merely referred to John Steinbeck's novel of the same name, \"The Grapes of Wrath\". Operation Grapes of Wrath Operation \"Grapes of Wrath\" () is the Israeli Defense Forces code-name (referred to as April War by Hezbollah)","Document [5](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) break-up of the Joad family, the film switches the order of sequences so that the family ends up in a \"good\" camp provided by the government, and events turn out relatively well. The novel's original ending was considered far too controversial to be included in the film. In the novel, Rose-of-Sharon (\"Rosasharn\") Rivers (played in the film by Dorris Bowdon) gives birth to a stillborn baby. Later she offers her milk-filled breasts to a starving man, dying in a barn. These scenes were not included in the film. While the film is somewhat stark, it has a more optimistic and","Document [6](Title: Operation Grapes of Wrath) Committee for the Implementation of the \"Grapes of Wrath\" Understandings was set up, comprising representatives from the U.S., France, Syria, Israel and Lebanon. The committee convenes to monitor and discuss infringements of the understandings by the two sides. The phrase \"grapes of wrath\" is a reference from the Book of Revelation (chapter 14 verses 19 and 20). It was a well-known idea in 19th century American Christian eschatology and also appears in the abolitionist hymn The Battle Hymn of the Republic: Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord: He is trampling out the vintage where","Document [7](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) whereas the novel focuses on their journey as a part of the \"family of man\". She points out that their farm is never shown in detail, and that the family members are never shown working in agriculture; not a single peach is shown in the entire film. This subtly serves to focus the film on the specific family, as opposed to the novel's focus on man and land together. In the film, most family members are either reduced, such as Al, Noah and Uncle John, to background characters or, like Rose of Sharon and Connie, to being the focus of","Document [8](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) 10, 2007, at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts in Saint Paul, Minnesota conducted by Grant Gershon. The world premiere broadcast was heard on Minnesota Public Radio on September 19, 2007. Utah Symphony \u2013 Utah Opera subsequently performed the work (in a modified version) on May 12\u201320, 2007, at the Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake City. A revised version of the opera was performed by Pittsburgh Opera in November, 2008. Its collegiate premiere was performed at the Moores School of Music of the University of Houston in April, 2009. A greatly revised concert version of the opera (in two","Document [9](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) of Daryl F. Zanuck, outtakes, a gallery, Franklin D. Roosevelt lauds motion pictures at Academy featurette, Movietone news: three drought reports from 1934, etc. The film was released on Blu-ray on April 3, 2012, and features all supplemental material from the DVD release. The Grapes of Wrath (film) The Grapes of Wrath is a 1940 American drama film directed by John Ford. It was based on John Steinbeck's 1939 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of the same name. The screenplay was written by Nunnally Johnson and the executive producer was Darryl F. Zanuck. The film tells the story of the Joads, an","Document [10](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) Galati. Gary Sinise played Tom Joad for its entire run of 188 performances on Broadway in 1990. One of these performances was filmed and shown on PBS the following year. In 1990, the Illegitimate Players theater company in Chicago produced \"Of Grapes and Nuts\", an original, satirical mash-up of \"The Grapes of Wrath\" and Steinbeck's acclaimed novella \"Of Mice and Men\". The Grapes of Wrath The Grapes of Wrath is an American realist novel written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939. The book won the National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize for fiction, and it was cited prominently when","Document [11](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) the preacher who baptized Tom, but now Casy has \"lost the spirit\" and his faith. Casy goes with Tom to the Joad property only to find it deserted. There, they meet Muley Graves (John Qualen) who is hiding out. In a flashback, he describes how farmers all over the area were forced from their farms by the deed holders of the land. A local boy (John Arledge), hired for the purpose, is shown knocking down Muley's house with a Caterpillar tractor. The large Joad family of twelve leaves at daybreak, along with Casy, who decides to accompany them. They pack","Document [12](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) \"Here is outstanding entertainment, projected against a heart-rending sector of the American scene,\" concluding, \"It possesses an adult viewpoint and its success may lead other producers to explore the rich field of contemporary life which films long have neglected and ignored.\" John Mosher wrote in \"The New Yorker\", \"With a majesty never before so constantly sustained on any screen, the film never for an instant falters. Its beauty is of the sort found in the art of Burchfield, Benton and Curry, as the landscape and people involved belong to the world of these painters.\" The \"Film Daily\" year-end poll of","Document [13](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) \"The Grapes of Wrath\" was comedian Bill Hicks' favorite novel. He based his famous last words on Tom Joad's final speech: \"I left in love, in laughter, and in truth, and wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit.\" In July 2013, Steven Spielberg announced his plans to direct a remake of \"The Grapes of Wrath\" for DreamWorks. Woody Guthrie's two-part song\u2014\"Tom Joad \u2013 Parts 1 & 2\" \u2013 from the album \"Dust Bowl Ballads\" (1940), explores the protagonist's life after being paroled from prison. It was covered in 1988 by Andy Irvine, who recorded both parts","Document [14](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) 546 critics nationwide ranked \"The Grapes of Wrath\" as the second-best film of 1940, behind only \"Rebecca\". Academy Awards wins (1941) Academy Awards nominations (1941) Other wins American Film Institute recognition The film was released on VHS in 1988 by Key Video. It was later it was released in video format on March 3, 1998 by 20th Century Fox on its Studio Classic series. A DVD was released on April 6, 2004 by 20th Century Fox Entertainment. The DVD contains a special commentary track by scholars Joseph McBride and Susan Shillinglaw. It also includes various supplements: an A&E Network biography","Document [15](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) Set during the Great Depression, the novel focuses on the Joads, a poor family of tenant farmers driven from their Oklahoma home by drought, economic hardship, agricultural industry changes, and bank foreclosures forcing tenant farmers out of work. Due to their nearly hopeless situation, and in part because they are trapped in the Dust Bowl, the Joads set out for California. Along with thousands of other \"Okies\", they seek jobs, land, dignity, and a future.","Document [16](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) \"Grapes of Wrath\" was published by Carl Fischer Music in 2010. Some are expanded versions of arias which were shortened or cut in the most recent edition of the opera. Articles and reviews Video, audio, photographs The Grapes of Wrath (opera) The Grapes of Wrath is an opera in three acts composed by Ricky Ian Gordon to a libretto by Michael Korie based on John Steinbeck\u2019s 1939 novel of the same title. It premiered on February 10, 2007 at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts in Saint Paul, Minnesota in a production by Minnesota Opera. The work has been","Document [17](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) when the engine overheats due to a broken fan belt; they have little gas, but decide to try coasting down the hill to some lights. The lights are from a third type of camp: Farmworkers' Wheat Patch Camp (Weedpatch in the book), a clean camp run by the Department of Agriculture, complete with indoor toilets and showers, which the Joad children had never seen before. Tom is moved to work for change by what he has witnessed in the various camps. He tells his family that he plans to carry on Casy's mission in the world by fighting for social","Document [18](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) his father, who is dying of starvation. Rose of Sharon takes pity on the man and offers him her breast milk to save him from starvation. Many scholars note Steinbeck for his many uses of Christian imagery within \"The Grapes of Wrath.\" The largest implications lie with Tom Joad and Jim Casy, who are both interpreted as Christ-like figures at certain intervals within the novel. These two are often interpreted together, with Jim Casy representing Jesus Christ in the early days of his ministry, up until his death, which is interpreted as representing the death of Christ. From there, Tom","Document [19](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) acts) was given its New York premiere by The Collegiate Chorale at Carnegie Hall on March 22, 2010, with Ted Sperling conducting the American Symphony Orchestra and a narration performed by Jane Fonda. In April 2011, the Opera was presented by the Michigan State University College of Music Opera Theater, directed by Melanie Helton and conducted by Raphael Jimenez. This performance was in collaboration with Gordan's residency at Michigan State. In February 2013, the opera found its Chicago premiere at Northwestern University through the Bienen School of Music. The production was directed by Michael Ehrman, conducted by Hal France, and","Document [20](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) killed by one of the camp guards. As Tom tries to defend Casy from the attack, he inadvertently kills the guard. Tom suffers a serious wound on his cheek, and the camp guards realize it will not be difficult to identify him. That evening the family hides Tom under the mattresses of the truck just as guards arrive to question them; they are searching for the man who killed the guard. Tom avoids being spotted and the family leaves the Keene Ranch without further incident. After driving for a while, they have to stop at the top of a hill"],"query":"where does the grapes of wrath take place?","answers":["Oklahoma","California"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (play)) The Grapes of Wrath (play) The Grapes of Wrath is a 1988 play adapted by Frank Galati from the classic John Steinbeck novel of the same name, with incidental music by Michael Smith. The play debuted at the Steppenwolf Theatre in Chicago, followed by a May 1989 production at the La Jolla Playhouse in San Diego and a June 1989 production at the Royal National Theatre in London. After eleven previews, the Broadway production, directed by Galati, opened on March 22, 1990 at the Cort Theatre, where it ran for 188 performances. The cast included Gary Sinise, Kathryn Erbe, Terry","Document [2](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) The Grapes of Wrath (opera) The Grapes of Wrath is an opera in three acts composed by Ricky Ian Gordon to a libretto by Michael Korie based on John Steinbeck\u2019s 1939 novel of the same title. It premiered on February 10, 2007 at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts in Saint Paul, Minnesota in a production by Minnesota Opera. The work has been revised in subsequent years and has also been performed as a two-act concert version. Originally commissioned by the Minnesota Opera and co-produced with Utah Symphony \u2013 Utah Opera, the Minnesota Opera production had its premiere February","Document [3](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (play)) Kinney, Jeff Perry, Lois Smith, Francis Guinan, and Stephen Bogardus. The Grapes of Wrath (play) The Grapes of Wrath is a 1988 play adapted by Frank Galati from the classic John Steinbeck novel of the same name, with incidental music by Michael Smith. The play debuted at the Steppenwolf Theatre in Chicago, followed by a May 1989 production at the La Jolla Playhouse in San Diego and a June 1989 production at the Royal National Theatre in London. After eleven previews, the Broadway production, directed by Galati, opened on March 22, 1990 at the Cort Theatre, where it ran for","Document [4](Title: Operation Grapes of Wrath) the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword: His truth is marching on.<\/poem> The irony (and potential controversy) of an Israeli military operation being named after a Christian religious doctrine was not entirely lost on the Israeli press. However, most commentators either believed the title was a reference from the Torah or that the phrase merely referred to John Steinbeck's novel of the same name, \"The Grapes of Wrath\". Operation Grapes of Wrath Operation \"Grapes of Wrath\" () is the Israeli Defense Forces code-name (referred to as April War by Hezbollah)","Document [5](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) break-up of the Joad family, the film switches the order of sequences so that the family ends up in a \"good\" camp provided by the government, and events turn out relatively well. The novel's original ending was considered far too controversial to be included in the film. In the novel, Rose-of-Sharon (\"Rosasharn\") Rivers (played in the film by Dorris Bowdon) gives birth to a stillborn baby. Later she offers her milk-filled breasts to a starving man, dying in a barn. These scenes were not included in the film. While the film is somewhat stark, it has a more optimistic and","Document [6](Title: Operation Grapes of Wrath) Committee for the Implementation of the \"Grapes of Wrath\" Understandings was set up, comprising representatives from the U.S., France, Syria, Israel and Lebanon. The committee convenes to monitor and discuss infringements of the understandings by the two sides. The phrase \"grapes of wrath\" is a reference from the Book of Revelation (chapter 14 verses 19 and 20). It was a well-known idea in 19th century American Christian eschatology and also appears in the abolitionist hymn The Battle Hymn of the Republic: Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord: He is trampling out the vintage where","Document [7](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) whereas the novel focuses on their journey as a part of the \"family of man\". She points out that their farm is never shown in detail, and that the family members are never shown working in agriculture; not a single peach is shown in the entire film. This subtly serves to focus the film on the specific family, as opposed to the novel's focus on man and land together. In the film, most family members are either reduced, such as Al, Noah and Uncle John, to background characters or, like Rose of Sharon and Connie, to being the focus of","Document [8](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) 10, 2007, at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts in Saint Paul, Minnesota conducted by Grant Gershon. The world premiere broadcast was heard on Minnesota Public Radio on September 19, 2007. Utah Symphony \u2013 Utah Opera subsequently performed the work (in a modified version) on May 12\u201320, 2007, at the Capitol Theatre in Salt Lake City. A revised version of the opera was performed by Pittsburgh Opera in November, 2008. Its collegiate premiere was performed at the Moores School of Music of the University of Houston in April, 2009. A greatly revised concert version of the opera (in two","Document [9](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) of Daryl F. Zanuck, outtakes, a gallery, Franklin D. Roosevelt lauds motion pictures at Academy featurette, Movietone news: three drought reports from 1934, etc. The film was released on Blu-ray on April 3, 2012, and features all supplemental material from the DVD release. The Grapes of Wrath (film) The Grapes of Wrath is a 1940 American drama film directed by John Ford. It was based on John Steinbeck's 1939 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of the same name. The screenplay was written by Nunnally Johnson and the executive producer was Darryl F. Zanuck. The film tells the story of the Joads, an","Document [10](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) Galati. Gary Sinise played Tom Joad for its entire run of 188 performances on Broadway in 1990. One of these performances was filmed and shown on PBS the following year. In 1990, the Illegitimate Players theater company in Chicago produced \"Of Grapes and Nuts\", an original, satirical mash-up of \"The Grapes of Wrath\" and Steinbeck's acclaimed novella \"Of Mice and Men\". The Grapes of Wrath The Grapes of Wrath is an American realist novel written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939. The book won the National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize for fiction, and it was cited prominently when","Document [11](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) the preacher who baptized Tom, but now Casy has \"lost the spirit\" and his faith. Casy goes with Tom to the Joad property only to find it deserted. There, they meet Muley Graves (John Qualen) who is hiding out. In a flashback, he describes how farmers all over the area were forced from their farms by the deed holders of the land. A local boy (John Arledge), hired for the purpose, is shown knocking down Muley's house with a Caterpillar tractor. The large Joad family of twelve leaves at daybreak, along with Casy, who decides to accompany them. They pack","Document [12](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) \"Here is outstanding entertainment, projected against a heart-rending sector of the American scene,\" concluding, \"It possesses an adult viewpoint and its success may lead other producers to explore the rich field of contemporary life which films long have neglected and ignored.\" John Mosher wrote in \"The New Yorker\", \"With a majesty never before so constantly sustained on any screen, the film never for an instant falters. Its beauty is of the sort found in the art of Burchfield, Benton and Curry, as the landscape and people involved belong to the world of these painters.\" The \"Film Daily\" year-end poll of","Document [13](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) \"The Grapes of Wrath\" was comedian Bill Hicks' favorite novel. He based his famous last words on Tom Joad's final speech: \"I left in love, in laughter, and in truth, and wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit.\" In July 2013, Steven Spielberg announced his plans to direct a remake of \"The Grapes of Wrath\" for DreamWorks. Woody Guthrie's two-part song\u2014\"Tom Joad \u2013 Parts 1 & 2\" \u2013 from the album \"Dust Bowl Ballads\" (1940), explores the protagonist's life after being paroled from prison. It was covered in 1988 by Andy Irvine, who recorded both parts","Document [14](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) 546 critics nationwide ranked \"The Grapes of Wrath\" as the second-best film of 1940, behind only \"Rebecca\". Academy Awards wins (1941) Academy Awards nominations (1941) Other wins American Film Institute recognition The film was released on VHS in 1988 by Key Video. It was later it was released in video format on March 3, 1998 by 20th Century Fox on its Studio Classic series. A DVD was released on April 6, 2004 by 20th Century Fox Entertainment. The DVD contains a special commentary track by scholars Joseph McBride and Susan Shillinglaw. It also includes various supplements: an A&E Network biography","Document [15](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) \"Grapes of Wrath\" was published by Carl Fischer Music in 2010. Some are expanded versions of arias which were shortened or cut in the most recent edition of the opera. Articles and reviews Video, audio, photographs The Grapes of Wrath (opera) The Grapes of Wrath is an opera in three acts composed by Ricky Ian Gordon to a libretto by Michael Korie based on John Steinbeck\u2019s 1939 novel of the same title. It premiered on February 10, 2007 at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts in Saint Paul, Minnesota in a production by Minnesota Opera. The work has been","Document [16](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) when the engine overheats due to a broken fan belt; they have little gas, but decide to try coasting down the hill to some lights. The lights are from a third type of camp: Farmworkers' Wheat Patch Camp (Weedpatch in the book), a clean camp run by the Department of Agriculture, complete with indoor toilets and showers, which the Joad children had never seen before. Tom is moved to work for change by what he has witnessed in the various camps. He tells his family that he plans to carry on Casy's mission in the world by fighting for social","Document [17](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) his father, who is dying of starvation. Rose of Sharon takes pity on the man and offers him her breast milk to save him from starvation. Many scholars note Steinbeck for his many uses of Christian imagery within \"The Grapes of Wrath.\" The largest implications lie with Tom Joad and Jim Casy, who are both interpreted as Christ-like figures at certain intervals within the novel. These two are often interpreted together, with Jim Casy representing Jesus Christ in the early days of his ministry, up until his death, which is interpreted as representing the death of Christ. From there, Tom","Document [18](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (opera)) acts) was given its New York premiere by The Collegiate Chorale at Carnegie Hall on March 22, 2010, with Ted Sperling conducting the American Symphony Orchestra and a narration performed by Jane Fonda. In April 2011, the Opera was presented by the Michigan State University College of Music Opera Theater, directed by Melanie Helton and conducted by Raphael Jimenez. This performance was in collaboration with Gordan's residency at Michigan State. In February 2013, the opera found its Chicago premiere at Northwestern University through the Bienen School of Music. The production was directed by Michael Ehrman, conducted by Hal France, and","Document [19](Title: The Grapes of Wrath (film)) killed by one of the camp guards. As Tom tries to defend Casy from the attack, he inadvertently kills the guard. Tom suffers a serious wound on his cheek, and the camp guards realize it will not be difficult to identify him. That evening the family hides Tom under the mattresses of the truck just as guards arrive to question them; they are searching for the man who killed the guard. Tom avoids being spotted and the family leaves the Keene Ranch without further incident. After driving for a while, they have to stop at the top of a hill","Document [20](Title: The Grapes of Wrath) Set during the Great Depression, the novel focuses on the Joads, a poor family of tenant farmers driven from their Oklahoma home by drought, economic hardship, agricultural industry changes, and bank foreclosures forcing tenant farmers out of work. Due to their nearly hopeless situation, and in part because they are trapped in the Dust Bowl, the Joads set out for California. Along with thousands of other \"Okies\", they seek jobs, land, dignity, and a future."],"query":"where does the grapes of wrath take place?","answers":["Oklahoma","California"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Ming dynasty) In 1363, Zhu Yuanzhang eliminated his archrival and leader of the rebel Han faction, Chen Youliang, in the Battle of Lake Poyang, arguably the largest naval battle in history. Known for its ambitious use of fire ships, Zhu's force of 200,000 Ming sailors were able to defeat a Han rebel force over triple their size, claimed to be 650,000-strong. The victory destroyed the last opposing rebel faction, leaving Zhu Yuanzhang in uncontested control of the bountiful Yangtze River Valley and cementing his power in the south. After the dynastic head of the Red Turbans suspiciously died in 1367 while a guest of Zhu, there was no one left who was remotely capable of contesting his march to the throne, and he made his imperial ambitions known by sending an army toward the Yuan capital Dadu (present-day Beijing) in 1368. The last Yuan emperor fled north to the upper capital Shangdu, and Zhu declared the founding of the Ming dynasty after razing the Yuan palaces in Dadu to the ground; the city was renamed Beiping in the same year. Zhu Yuanzhang took Hongwu, or \"Vastly Martial\", as his era name.","Document [2](Title: House of Zhu) Beijing), he claimed the Mandate of Heaven and established the Ming dynasty in 1368. The Ming's mission was to drive away the Mongols and restore Han Chinese rule in China. Under the Hongwu Emperor's rule, the Mongol bureaucrats who dominated the government in the Yuan dynasty were replaced by Han Chinese officials. The Hongwu Emperor revamped the traditional Confucian examination system. Mongol-related things, including garments and names, were discontinued from use and boycotted. There were also attacks on palaces and administrative buildings previously used by the Mongol rulers. The Hongwu Emperor's grandson, Zhu Yunwen, assumed the throne as the Jianwen","Document [3](Title: Manchuria under Ming rule) and the Qing dynasty established by his son would eventually conquer the Ming and take control of China proper. The Mongol Empire conquered all Manchuria (modern Northeast China and Outer Manchuria) in the 13th century and it was put under the rule of the Yuan dynasty established by Kublai Khan. After the overthrown of the Mongol Yuan dynasty by the Ming dynasty founded by the Han Chinese in 1368, Manchuria was still under control of the Mongols of the Northern Yuan dynasty based in Mongolia. Naghachu, a former Yuan official and a Uriankhai general of the Northern Yuan dynasty, won","Document [4](Title: Ming dynasty) remained under control of the Mongols of the Northern Yuan dynasty based in Mongolia. Naghachu, a former Yuan official and a Uriankhai general of the Northern Yuan dynasty, won hegemony over the Mongol tribes in Manchuria (Liaoyang province of the former Yuan dynasty). He grew strong in the northeast, with forces large enough (numbering hundreds of thousands) to threaten invasion of the newly founded Ming dynasty in order to restore the Mongols to power in China. The Ming decided to defeat him instead of waiting for the Mongols to attack. In 1387 the Ming sent a military campaign to attack","Document [5](Title: Hongwu Emperor) his era name. His dynasty's mission was to drive away the Mongols and restore Han Chinese rule in China. In 1368, Ming armies headed north to attack territories that were still under Yuan rule. The Mongols gave up their capital, Khanbaliq (present-day Beijing), and the rest of northern China in September 1368 and retreated to Mongolia. On 15 October 1371, one of the Hongwu Emperor's sons, Zhu Shuang, was married to the sister of K\u00f6ke Tem\u00fcr, a Bayad general of the Yuan dynasty. The Ming dynasty defeated Ming Yuchen's Xia polity, which ruled Sichuan. The Ming army captured the last","Document [6](Title: Emperor Yingzong of Ming) to its core, and the ensuing crisis almost caused the dynasty to collapse had it not been for the capable governing of a prominent minister named Yu Qian. Although the Zhengtong Emperor was a prisoner of the Mongols, he became a good friend to both Tayisung Khan Toghtoa Bukha (1416\u20131453) and his grand preceptor (taishi) Esen. Meanwhile, to calm the crisis at home, his younger brother Zhu Qiyu was installed as the Jingtai Emperor. This reduced the Zhengtong Emperor's imperial status and he was granted the title of \"T\u00e0ish\u00e0ng Hu\u00e1ngdi\" (emperor emeritus). Historians at the time, in an effort to","Document [7](Title: Chinese emperors family tree (late)) 1271. The dynasty was overthrown by the Ming dynasty during the reign of Toghun Tem\u00fcr in 1368, but it survived in Mongolia, known as the Northern Yuan dynasty; years of reign over the Northern Yuan dynasty (up to 1388) are given in brackets. It should be noted that the Mongol Great Khans (Khagans) before Kublai Khan were only declared Yuan emperors after the creation of Yuan dynasty in 1271. The following is a simplified family tree for the Ming dynasty, which ruled China between 1368 and 1644. Those who became emperor are listed in bold, with their years of reign.","Document [8](Title: History of the Yuan dynasty) History of the Yuan dynasty The Yuan dynasty was the ruling dynasty of China and Mongolia established by Kublai Khan and a khanate of the Mongol Empire. Genghis Khan united the Mongol and Turkic tribes of the steppes and became Great Khan in 1206. He and his successors expanded the Mongol Empire across Asia. Under the reign of Genghis' third son, \u00d6gedei Khan, the Mongols destroyed the weakened Jin dynasty in 1234 and conquered most of northern China. \u00d6gedei offered his nephew Kublai a position in Xingzhou, Hebei. Kublai was unable to read Chinese, but had several Han Chinese teachers","Document [9](Title: Chin Ning Chu) Emperor of the Ming Dynasty (1368\u20131644 AD) by defeating the Mongol rule of Genghis Khan. At the age of three, holding tight to her mother's skirt, she ran for her life across the Shanghai airport runway amid bombs bursting as her parents boarded the last commercial flight out of China. Her family, from a life of affluence, were reduced to refugees. At the age of twenty-two, clutching two suitcases, again she up-rooted herself and came to America. She brought two books, Sun Tzu - The Art of War and Li Zongwu - Thick Black Theory. At the age of ten,","Document [10](Title: Ming dynasty) epidemic, the dynasty collapsed before the rebel leader Li Zicheng, who was defeated by the Manchu-led Eight Banner armies who founded the Qing dynasty. The Mongol-led Yuan dynasty (1271\u20131368) ruled before the establishment of the Ming dynasty. Explanations for the demise of the Yuan include institutionalized ethnic discrimination against Han Chinese that stirred resentment and rebellion, overtaxation of areas hard-hit by inflation, and massive flooding of the Yellow River as a result of the abandonment of irrigation projects. Consequently, agriculture and the economy were in shambles, and rebellion broke out among the hundreds of thousands of peasants called upon to","Document [11](Title: Khutughtu Khan Kusala) Khutughtu Khan Kusala Khutughtu Khan (Mongolian: \u0425\u0443\u0442\u0430\u0433\u0442 \u0445\u0430\u0430\u043d, \"Hutagt haan\", Qutu\u03b3tu qa\u03b3an), born Ku\u015bala (Mongolian: \u0425\u04af\u0441\u043b\u044d\u043d H\u00f6slen), also known by the temple name Mingzong (Emperor Mingzong of Yuan, Chinese: \u5143\u660e\u5b97, December 22, 1300 \u2013 August 30, 1329), was a son of Khayishan who seized the throne of the Yuan dynasty in 1329, but died soon after. Apart from Emperor of China, he is considered as the 13th Great Khan of the Mongol Empire or Mongols, although it was only nominal due to the division of the empire. He was the eldest son of Khayishan (K\u00fcl\u00fcg Khan or Emperor Wuzong) and","Document [12](Title: Hongwu Emperor) Yuan-controlled province of Yunnan in 1381, and China was unified under Ming rule. Under the Hongwu Emperor's rule, the Mongol, and other foreign bureaucrats, who dominated the government during the Yuan dynasty along with Northern Chinese officials, were replaced by Han Chinese officials. The emperor re-instituted, then abolished, then restored the Confucian civil service imperial examination system, from which most state officials were selected based on their knowledge of literature and philosophy. The Ming examination curriculum followed that set by the Yuan in 1313: a focus on the Four Books over the Five Classics, and the commentaries of Zhu Xi.","Document [13](Title: Mongol Empire) Yuan dynasty. Some sources state that the full Mongolian name was \"Dai \u00d6n Yehe Monggul Ulus\". The area around Mongolia, Manchuria, and parts of North China had been controlled by the Liao dynasty since the 10th century. In 1125, the Jin dynasty founded by the Jurchens overthrew the Liao dynasty and attempted to gain control over former Liao territory in Mongolia. In the 1130s the Jin dynasty rulers, known as the Golden Kings, successfully resisted the Khamag Mongol confederation, ruled at the time by Khabul Khan, great-grandfather of Genghis Khan. The Mongolian plateau was occupied mainly by five powerful tribal","Document [14](Title: Sino-Tibetan relations during the Ming dynasty) the Golden Horde. It describes the Yuan dynasty as \"A Mongol dynasty of China that ruled from 1271 to 1368, and a division of the great empire conquered by the Mongols. Founded by Kublai Khan, who adopted the Chinese dynastic name of Y\u00fcan in 1271.\" The \"Encyclopedia Americana\" describes the Yuan dynasty as \"the line of Mongol rulers in China\" and adds that the Mongols \"proclaimed a Chinese-style Y\u00fcan dynasty at Khanbaliq (Beijing).\" The Metropolitan Museum of Art writes that the Mongol rulers of the Yuan dynasty \"adopted Chinese political and cultural models; ruling from their capitals in Dadu, they","Document [15](Title: Mongolia) Khaanate\", consisting of the Mongol homeland and China, became known as the Yuan dynasty under Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan. He set up his capital in present-day Beijing. After more than a century of power, the Yuan was replaced by the Ming dynasty in 1368, and the Mongol court fled to the north. As the Ming armies pursued the Mongols into their homeland, they successfully sacked and destroyed the Mongol capital Karakorum and other cities. Some of these attacks were repelled by the Mongols under Ayushridar and his general K\u00f6ke Tem\u00fcr. After the expulsion of the Yuan dynasty","Document [16](Title: History of the Song dynasty) boy emperor in his arms and jumped from his sinking ship into the sea, drowning both of them. With the death of the last remaining emperor, Song China was eliminated, while Kublai Khan established the realm of the Yuan dynasty over China proper, Mongolia, Manchuria, Tibet, and Korea. For nearly a century to follow, the Chinese would live under a dynasty established by Mongols. However, a native Han Chinese dynasty would be established once more with the Ming dynasty in 1368. During the Song dynasty, the \"Zizhi Tongjian\" (Chinese: \u8cc7\u6cbb\u901a\u9452\/\u8d44\u6cbb\u901a\u9274; Wade\u2013Giles : \"Tzu-chih t'ung-chien\"; literally \"Comprehensive Mirror for\/to Aid in","Document [17](Title: Chinese nobility) alive by the Yuan. Zhao Yiguang was a Song Imperial family descendant who was a writer during the Ming dynasty. When the Ming dynasty fell and the Qing dynasty took over, the Qing Emperors granted a Ming descendant the title Marquis of Extended Grace and gave him a stipend to perform sacrifices to his ancestors, the Ming Emperors at the Ming Imperial Tombs. The Qing granted Zheng Keshuang of the Kingdom of Tungning the title of \"Duke of Haicheng\" (\u6d77\u6f84\u516c) after he surrendered to the Qing. When the Northern Yuan Chahar Borjigin Mongol Khan Ejei Khan surrendered to the Qing,","Document [18](Title: Mongol siege of Kaifeng) looted the city. The dynasty fell two years later after the suicide of Aizong and the capture of Caizhou in 1234. Genghis Khan was declared Khaghan in 1206. The Mongols had united under his leadership, and defeated the rival tribes of the steppes. In the same period, China was divided into three separate states. In the north, the Jurchen Jin dynasty controlled Manchuria and all of China north of the Huai River. The Tangut Western Xia ruled parts of the western China, while the Song dynasty reigned over the south. The Mongols subjugated Western Xia in 1210. In that same","Document [19](Title: Mongol conquest of the Jin dynasty) Yongji and enthroned Wanyan Yongji's nephew, Emperor Xuanzong. When the Mongols besieged Zhongdu, the Jin government temporarily agreed to become a tributary state of the Mongol Empire, presenting a Jurchen princess to Genghis Khan. But when the Mongols withdrew in 1214, believing the war was over after being given a large tribute by the Jurchens, Li Ying wanted to ambush them on the way with his forces (which had grown to several tens of thousands). However, the Jin ruler, Emperor Aizong, was afraid of offending the Mongols again so he stopped Li Ying. Emperor Aizong and the general Zhuhu Gaoqi","Document [20](Title: Yuan dynasty in Inner Asia) dynasty. Even after the overthrown of the Mongol Yuan dynasty by the Ming dynasty in 1368, Manchuria was still controlled by the Mongols under Naghachu, a general of the Mongolia-based Northern Yuan dynasty who was originally a Yuan official. Ming conquest of Manchuria only occurred after the Ming military campaign against Naghachu in 1387. The Mongols came from the Mongolian steppe, and Karakorum was the capital of the Mongol Empire until 1260. During the Toluid Civil War, Mongolia was controlled by Ariq B\u00f6ke, a younger brother of Kublai Khan. After Kublai's victory over Ariq B\u00f6ke, Mongolia was put within the"],"query":"who overthrew the mongols and established the ming dynasty?","answers":["Zhu Yuanzhang"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: House of Zhu) Beijing), he claimed the Mandate of Heaven and established the Ming dynasty in 1368. The Ming's mission was to drive away the Mongols and restore Han Chinese rule in China. Under the Hongwu Emperor's rule, the Mongol bureaucrats who dominated the government in the Yuan dynasty were replaced by Han Chinese officials. The Hongwu Emperor revamped the traditional Confucian examination system. Mongol-related things, including garments and names, were discontinued from use and boycotted. There were also attacks on palaces and administrative buildings previously used by the Mongol rulers. The Hongwu Emperor's grandson, Zhu Yunwen, assumed the throne as the Jianwen","Document [2](Title: Manchuria under Ming rule) and the Qing dynasty established by his son would eventually conquer the Ming and take control of China proper. The Mongol Empire conquered all Manchuria (modern Northeast China and Outer Manchuria) in the 13th century and it was put under the rule of the Yuan dynasty established by Kublai Khan. After the overthrown of the Mongol Yuan dynasty by the Ming dynasty founded by the Han Chinese in 1368, Manchuria was still under control of the Mongols of the Northern Yuan dynasty based in Mongolia. Naghachu, a former Yuan official and a Uriankhai general of the Northern Yuan dynasty, won","Document [3](Title: Ming dynasty) remained under control of the Mongols of the Northern Yuan dynasty based in Mongolia. Naghachu, a former Yuan official and a Uriankhai general of the Northern Yuan dynasty, won hegemony over the Mongol tribes in Manchuria (Liaoyang province of the former Yuan dynasty). He grew strong in the northeast, with forces large enough (numbering hundreds of thousands) to threaten invasion of the newly founded Ming dynasty in order to restore the Mongols to power in China. The Ming decided to defeat him instead of waiting for the Mongols to attack. In 1387 the Ming sent a military campaign to attack","Document [4](Title: Hongwu Emperor) his era name. His dynasty's mission was to drive away the Mongols and restore Han Chinese rule in China. In 1368, Ming armies headed north to attack territories that were still under Yuan rule. The Mongols gave up their capital, Khanbaliq (present-day Beijing), and the rest of northern China in September 1368 and retreated to Mongolia. On 15 October 1371, one of the Hongwu Emperor's sons, Zhu Shuang, was married to the sister of K\u00f6ke Tem\u00fcr, a Bayad general of the Yuan dynasty. The Ming dynasty defeated Ming Yuchen's Xia polity, which ruled Sichuan. The Ming army captured the last","Document [5](Title: Ming dynasty) In 1363, Zhu Yuanzhang eliminated his archrival and leader of the rebel Han faction, Chen Youliang, in the Battle of Lake Poyang, arguably the largest naval battle in history. Known for its ambitious use of fire ships, Zhu's force of 200,000 Ming sailors were able to defeat a Han rebel force over triple their size, claimed to be 650,000-strong. The victory destroyed the last opposing rebel faction, leaving Zhu Yuanzhang in uncontested control of the bountiful Yangtze River Valley and cementing his power in the south. After the dynastic head of the Red Turbans suspiciously died in 1367 while a guest of Zhu, there was no one left who was remotely capable of contesting his march to the throne, and he made his imperial ambitions known by sending an army toward the Yuan capital Dadu (present-day Beijing) in 1368. The last Yuan emperor fled north to the upper capital Shangdu, and Zhu declared the founding of the Ming dynasty after razing the Yuan palaces in Dadu to the ground; the city was renamed Beiping in the same year. Zhu Yuanzhang took Hongwu, or \"Vastly Martial\", as his era name.","Document [6](Title: Emperor Yingzong of Ming) to its core, and the ensuing crisis almost caused the dynasty to collapse had it not been for the capable governing of a prominent minister named Yu Qian. Although the Zhengtong Emperor was a prisoner of the Mongols, he became a good friend to both Tayisung Khan Toghtoa Bukha (1416\u20131453) and his grand preceptor (taishi) Esen. Meanwhile, to calm the crisis at home, his younger brother Zhu Qiyu was installed as the Jingtai Emperor. This reduced the Zhengtong Emperor's imperial status and he was granted the title of \"T\u00e0ish\u00e0ng Hu\u00e1ngdi\" (emperor emeritus). Historians at the time, in an effort to","Document [7](Title: Chinese emperors family tree (late)) 1271. The dynasty was overthrown by the Ming dynasty during the reign of Toghun Tem\u00fcr in 1368, but it survived in Mongolia, known as the Northern Yuan dynasty; years of reign over the Northern Yuan dynasty (up to 1388) are given in brackets. It should be noted that the Mongol Great Khans (Khagans) before Kublai Khan were only declared Yuan emperors after the creation of Yuan dynasty in 1271. The following is a simplified family tree for the Ming dynasty, which ruled China between 1368 and 1644. Those who became emperor are listed in bold, with their years of reign.","Document [8](Title: History of the Yuan dynasty) History of the Yuan dynasty The Yuan dynasty was the ruling dynasty of China and Mongolia established by Kublai Khan and a khanate of the Mongol Empire. Genghis Khan united the Mongol and Turkic tribes of the steppes and became Great Khan in 1206. He and his successors expanded the Mongol Empire across Asia. Under the reign of Genghis' third son, \u00d6gedei Khan, the Mongols destroyed the weakened Jin dynasty in 1234 and conquered most of northern China. \u00d6gedei offered his nephew Kublai a position in Xingzhou, Hebei. Kublai was unable to read Chinese, but had several Han Chinese teachers","Document [9](Title: Chin Ning Chu) Emperor of the Ming Dynasty (1368\u20131644 AD) by defeating the Mongol rule of Genghis Khan. At the age of three, holding tight to her mother's skirt, she ran for her life across the Shanghai airport runway amid bombs bursting as her parents boarded the last commercial flight out of China. Her family, from a life of affluence, were reduced to refugees. At the age of twenty-two, clutching two suitcases, again she up-rooted herself and came to America. She brought two books, Sun Tzu - The Art of War and Li Zongwu - Thick Black Theory. At the age of ten,","Document [10](Title: Ming dynasty) epidemic, the dynasty collapsed before the rebel leader Li Zicheng, who was defeated by the Manchu-led Eight Banner armies who founded the Qing dynasty. The Mongol-led Yuan dynasty (1271\u20131368) ruled before the establishment of the Ming dynasty. Explanations for the demise of the Yuan include institutionalized ethnic discrimination against Han Chinese that stirred resentment and rebellion, overtaxation of areas hard-hit by inflation, and massive flooding of the Yellow River as a result of the abandonment of irrigation projects. Consequently, agriculture and the economy were in shambles, and rebellion broke out among the hundreds of thousands of peasants called upon to","Document [11](Title: Khutughtu Khan Kusala) Khutughtu Khan Kusala Khutughtu Khan (Mongolian: \u0425\u0443\u0442\u0430\u0433\u0442 \u0445\u0430\u0430\u043d, \"Hutagt haan\", Qutu\u03b3tu qa\u03b3an), born Ku\u015bala (Mongolian: \u0425\u04af\u0441\u043b\u044d\u043d H\u00f6slen), also known by the temple name Mingzong (Emperor Mingzong of Yuan, Chinese: \u5143\u660e\u5b97, December 22, 1300 \u2013 August 30, 1329), was a son of Khayishan who seized the throne of the Yuan dynasty in 1329, but died soon after. Apart from Emperor of China, he is considered as the 13th Great Khan of the Mongol Empire or Mongols, although it was only nominal due to the division of the empire. He was the eldest son of Khayishan (K\u00fcl\u00fcg Khan or Emperor Wuzong) and","Document [12](Title: Hongwu Emperor) Yuan-controlled province of Yunnan in 1381, and China was unified under Ming rule. Under the Hongwu Emperor's rule, the Mongol, and other foreign bureaucrats, who dominated the government during the Yuan dynasty along with Northern Chinese officials, were replaced by Han Chinese officials. The emperor re-instituted, then abolished, then restored the Confucian civil service imperial examination system, from which most state officials were selected based on their knowledge of literature and philosophy. The Ming examination curriculum followed that set by the Yuan in 1313: a focus on the Four Books over the Five Classics, and the commentaries of Zhu Xi.","Document [13](Title: Mongol Empire) Yuan dynasty. Some sources state that the full Mongolian name was \"Dai \u00d6n Yehe Monggul Ulus\". The area around Mongolia, Manchuria, and parts of North China had been controlled by the Liao dynasty since the 10th century. In 1125, the Jin dynasty founded by the Jurchens overthrew the Liao dynasty and attempted to gain control over former Liao territory in Mongolia. In the 1130s the Jin dynasty rulers, known as the Golden Kings, successfully resisted the Khamag Mongol confederation, ruled at the time by Khabul Khan, great-grandfather of Genghis Khan. The Mongolian plateau was occupied mainly by five powerful tribal","Document [14](Title: Sino-Tibetan relations during the Ming dynasty) the Golden Horde. It describes the Yuan dynasty as \"A Mongol dynasty of China that ruled from 1271 to 1368, and a division of the great empire conquered by the Mongols. Founded by Kublai Khan, who adopted the Chinese dynastic name of Y\u00fcan in 1271.\" The \"Encyclopedia Americana\" describes the Yuan dynasty as \"the line of Mongol rulers in China\" and adds that the Mongols \"proclaimed a Chinese-style Y\u00fcan dynasty at Khanbaliq (Beijing).\" The Metropolitan Museum of Art writes that the Mongol rulers of the Yuan dynasty \"adopted Chinese political and cultural models; ruling from their capitals in Dadu, they","Document [15](Title: Mongolia) Khaanate\", consisting of the Mongol homeland and China, became known as the Yuan dynasty under Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan. He set up his capital in present-day Beijing. After more than a century of power, the Yuan was replaced by the Ming dynasty in 1368, and the Mongol court fled to the north. As the Ming armies pursued the Mongols into their homeland, they successfully sacked and destroyed the Mongol capital Karakorum and other cities. Some of these attacks were repelled by the Mongols under Ayushridar and his general K\u00f6ke Tem\u00fcr. After the expulsion of the Yuan dynasty","Document [16](Title: History of the Song dynasty) boy emperor in his arms and jumped from his sinking ship into the sea, drowning both of them. With the death of the last remaining emperor, Song China was eliminated, while Kublai Khan established the realm of the Yuan dynasty over China proper, Mongolia, Manchuria, Tibet, and Korea. For nearly a century to follow, the Chinese would live under a dynasty established by Mongols. However, a native Han Chinese dynasty would be established once more with the Ming dynasty in 1368. During the Song dynasty, the \"Zizhi Tongjian\" (Chinese: \u8cc7\u6cbb\u901a\u9452\/\u8d44\u6cbb\u901a\u9274; Wade\u2013Giles : \"Tzu-chih t'ung-chien\"; literally \"Comprehensive Mirror for\/to Aid in","Document [17](Title: Chinese nobility) alive by the Yuan. Zhao Yiguang was a Song Imperial family descendant who was a writer during the Ming dynasty. When the Ming dynasty fell and the Qing dynasty took over, the Qing Emperors granted a Ming descendant the title Marquis of Extended Grace and gave him a stipend to perform sacrifices to his ancestors, the Ming Emperors at the Ming Imperial Tombs. The Qing granted Zheng Keshuang of the Kingdom of Tungning the title of \"Duke of Haicheng\" (\u6d77\u6f84\u516c) after he surrendered to the Qing. When the Northern Yuan Chahar Borjigin Mongol Khan Ejei Khan surrendered to the Qing,","Document [18](Title: Mongol siege of Kaifeng) looted the city. The dynasty fell two years later after the suicide of Aizong and the capture of Caizhou in 1234. Genghis Khan was declared Khaghan in 1206. The Mongols had united under his leadership, and defeated the rival tribes of the steppes. In the same period, China was divided into three separate states. In the north, the Jurchen Jin dynasty controlled Manchuria and all of China north of the Huai River. The Tangut Western Xia ruled parts of the western China, while the Song dynasty reigned over the south. The Mongols subjugated Western Xia in 1210. In that same","Document [19](Title: Mongol conquest of the Jin dynasty) Yongji and enthroned Wanyan Yongji's nephew, Emperor Xuanzong. When the Mongols besieged Zhongdu, the Jin government temporarily agreed to become a tributary state of the Mongol Empire, presenting a Jurchen princess to Genghis Khan. But when the Mongols withdrew in 1214, believing the war was over after being given a large tribute by the Jurchens, Li Ying wanted to ambush them on the way with his forces (which had grown to several tens of thousands). However, the Jin ruler, Emperor Aizong, was afraid of offending the Mongols again so he stopped Li Ying. Emperor Aizong and the general Zhuhu Gaoqi","Document [20](Title: Yuan dynasty in Inner Asia) dynasty. Even after the overthrown of the Mongol Yuan dynasty by the Ming dynasty in 1368, Manchuria was still controlled by the Mongols under Naghachu, a general of the Mongolia-based Northern Yuan dynasty who was originally a Yuan official. Ming conquest of Manchuria only occurred after the Ming military campaign against Naghachu in 1387. The Mongols came from the Mongolian steppe, and Karakorum was the capital of the Mongol Empire until 1260. During the Toluid Civil War, Mongolia was controlled by Ariq B\u00f6ke, a younger brother of Kublai Khan. After Kublai's victory over Ariq B\u00f6ke, Mongolia was put within the"],"query":"who overthrew the mongols and established the ming dynasty?","answers":["Zhu Yuanzhang"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: House of Zhu) Beijing), he claimed the Mandate of Heaven and established the Ming dynasty in 1368. The Ming's mission was to drive away the Mongols and restore Han Chinese rule in China. Under the Hongwu Emperor's rule, the Mongol bureaucrats who dominated the government in the Yuan dynasty were replaced by Han Chinese officials. The Hongwu Emperor revamped the traditional Confucian examination system. Mongol-related things, including garments and names, were discontinued from use and boycotted. There were also attacks on palaces and administrative buildings previously used by the Mongol rulers. The Hongwu Emperor's grandson, Zhu Yunwen, assumed the throne as the Jianwen","Document [2](Title: Manchuria under Ming rule) and the Qing dynasty established by his son would eventually conquer the Ming and take control of China proper. The Mongol Empire conquered all Manchuria (modern Northeast China and Outer Manchuria) in the 13th century and it was put under the rule of the Yuan dynasty established by Kublai Khan. After the overthrown of the Mongol Yuan dynasty by the Ming dynasty founded by the Han Chinese in 1368, Manchuria was still under control of the Mongols of the Northern Yuan dynasty based in Mongolia. Naghachu, a former Yuan official and a Uriankhai general of the Northern Yuan dynasty, won","Document [3](Title: Ming dynasty) remained under control of the Mongols of the Northern Yuan dynasty based in Mongolia. Naghachu, a former Yuan official and a Uriankhai general of the Northern Yuan dynasty, won hegemony over the Mongol tribes in Manchuria (Liaoyang province of the former Yuan dynasty). He grew strong in the northeast, with forces large enough (numbering hundreds of thousands) to threaten invasion of the newly founded Ming dynasty in order to restore the Mongols to power in China. The Ming decided to defeat him instead of waiting for the Mongols to attack. In 1387 the Ming sent a military campaign to attack","Document [4](Title: Hongwu Emperor) his era name. His dynasty's mission was to drive away the Mongols and restore Han Chinese rule in China. In 1368, Ming armies headed north to attack territories that were still under Yuan rule. The Mongols gave up their capital, Khanbaliq (present-day Beijing), and the rest of northern China in September 1368 and retreated to Mongolia. On 15 October 1371, one of the Hongwu Emperor's sons, Zhu Shuang, was married to the sister of K\u00f6ke Tem\u00fcr, a Bayad general of the Yuan dynasty. The Ming dynasty defeated Ming Yuchen's Xia polity, which ruled Sichuan. The Ming army captured the last","Document [5](Title: Emperor Yingzong of Ming) to its core, and the ensuing crisis almost caused the dynasty to collapse had it not been for the capable governing of a prominent minister named Yu Qian. Although the Zhengtong Emperor was a prisoner of the Mongols, he became a good friend to both Tayisung Khan Toghtoa Bukha (1416\u20131453) and his grand preceptor (taishi) Esen. Meanwhile, to calm the crisis at home, his younger brother Zhu Qiyu was installed as the Jingtai Emperor. This reduced the Zhengtong Emperor's imperial status and he was granted the title of \"T\u00e0ish\u00e0ng Hu\u00e1ngdi\" (emperor emeritus). Historians at the time, in an effort to","Document [6](Title: Chinese emperors family tree (late)) 1271. The dynasty was overthrown by the Ming dynasty during the reign of Toghun Tem\u00fcr in 1368, but it survived in Mongolia, known as the Northern Yuan dynasty; years of reign over the Northern Yuan dynasty (up to 1388) are given in brackets. It should be noted that the Mongol Great Khans (Khagans) before Kublai Khan were only declared Yuan emperors after the creation of Yuan dynasty in 1271. The following is a simplified family tree for the Ming dynasty, which ruled China between 1368 and 1644. Those who became emperor are listed in bold, with their years of reign.","Document [7](Title: History of the Yuan dynasty) History of the Yuan dynasty The Yuan dynasty was the ruling dynasty of China and Mongolia established by Kublai Khan and a khanate of the Mongol Empire. Genghis Khan united the Mongol and Turkic tribes of the steppes and became Great Khan in 1206. He and his successors expanded the Mongol Empire across Asia. Under the reign of Genghis' third son, \u00d6gedei Khan, the Mongols destroyed the weakened Jin dynasty in 1234 and conquered most of northern China. \u00d6gedei offered his nephew Kublai a position in Xingzhou, Hebei. Kublai was unable to read Chinese, but had several Han Chinese teachers","Document [8](Title: Chin Ning Chu) Emperor of the Ming Dynasty (1368\u20131644 AD) by defeating the Mongol rule of Genghis Khan. At the age of three, holding tight to her mother's skirt, she ran for her life across the Shanghai airport runway amid bombs bursting as her parents boarded the last commercial flight out of China. Her family, from a life of affluence, were reduced to refugees. At the age of twenty-two, clutching two suitcases, again she up-rooted herself and came to America. She brought two books, Sun Tzu - The Art of War and Li Zongwu - Thick Black Theory. At the age of ten,","Document [9](Title: Ming dynasty) epidemic, the dynasty collapsed before the rebel leader Li Zicheng, who was defeated by the Manchu-led Eight Banner armies who founded the Qing dynasty. The Mongol-led Yuan dynasty (1271\u20131368) ruled before the establishment of the Ming dynasty. Explanations for the demise of the Yuan include institutionalized ethnic discrimination against Han Chinese that stirred resentment and rebellion, overtaxation of areas hard-hit by inflation, and massive flooding of the Yellow River as a result of the abandonment of irrigation projects. Consequently, agriculture and the economy were in shambles, and rebellion broke out among the hundreds of thousands of peasants called upon to","Document [10](Title: Ming dynasty) In 1363, Zhu Yuanzhang eliminated his archrival and leader of the rebel Han faction, Chen Youliang, in the Battle of Lake Poyang, arguably the largest naval battle in history. Known for its ambitious use of fire ships, Zhu's force of 200,000 Ming sailors were able to defeat a Han rebel force over triple their size, claimed to be 650,000-strong. The victory destroyed the last opposing rebel faction, leaving Zhu Yuanzhang in uncontested control of the bountiful Yangtze River Valley and cementing his power in the south. After the dynastic head of the Red Turbans suspiciously died in 1367 while a guest of Zhu, there was no one left who was remotely capable of contesting his march to the throne, and he made his imperial ambitions known by sending an army toward the Yuan capital Dadu (present-day Beijing) in 1368. The last Yuan emperor fled north to the upper capital Shangdu, and Zhu declared the founding of the Ming dynasty after razing the Yuan palaces in Dadu to the ground; the city was renamed Beiping in the same year. Zhu Yuanzhang took Hongwu, or \"Vastly Martial\", as his era name.","Document [11](Title: Khutughtu Khan Kusala) Khutughtu Khan Kusala Khutughtu Khan (Mongolian: \u0425\u0443\u0442\u0430\u0433\u0442 \u0445\u0430\u0430\u043d, \"Hutagt haan\", Qutu\u03b3tu qa\u03b3an), born Ku\u015bala (Mongolian: \u0425\u04af\u0441\u043b\u044d\u043d H\u00f6slen), also known by the temple name Mingzong (Emperor Mingzong of Yuan, Chinese: \u5143\u660e\u5b97, December 22, 1300 \u2013 August 30, 1329), was a son of Khayishan who seized the throne of the Yuan dynasty in 1329, but died soon after. Apart from Emperor of China, he is considered as the 13th Great Khan of the Mongol Empire or Mongols, although it was only nominal due to the division of the empire. He was the eldest son of Khayishan (K\u00fcl\u00fcg Khan or Emperor Wuzong) and","Document [12](Title: Hongwu Emperor) Yuan-controlled province of Yunnan in 1381, and China was unified under Ming rule. Under the Hongwu Emperor's rule, the Mongol, and other foreign bureaucrats, who dominated the government during the Yuan dynasty along with Northern Chinese officials, were replaced by Han Chinese officials. The emperor re-instituted, then abolished, then restored the Confucian civil service imperial examination system, from which most state officials were selected based on their knowledge of literature and philosophy. The Ming examination curriculum followed that set by the Yuan in 1313: a focus on the Four Books over the Five Classics, and the commentaries of Zhu Xi.","Document [13](Title: Mongol Empire) Yuan dynasty. Some sources state that the full Mongolian name was \"Dai \u00d6n Yehe Monggul Ulus\". The area around Mongolia, Manchuria, and parts of North China had been controlled by the Liao dynasty since the 10th century. In 1125, the Jin dynasty founded by the Jurchens overthrew the Liao dynasty and attempted to gain control over former Liao territory in Mongolia. In the 1130s the Jin dynasty rulers, known as the Golden Kings, successfully resisted the Khamag Mongol confederation, ruled at the time by Khabul Khan, great-grandfather of Genghis Khan. The Mongolian plateau was occupied mainly by five powerful tribal","Document [14](Title: Sino-Tibetan relations during the Ming dynasty) the Golden Horde. It describes the Yuan dynasty as \"A Mongol dynasty of China that ruled from 1271 to 1368, and a division of the great empire conquered by the Mongols. Founded by Kublai Khan, who adopted the Chinese dynastic name of Y\u00fcan in 1271.\" The \"Encyclopedia Americana\" describes the Yuan dynasty as \"the line of Mongol rulers in China\" and adds that the Mongols \"proclaimed a Chinese-style Y\u00fcan dynasty at Khanbaliq (Beijing).\" The Metropolitan Museum of Art writes that the Mongol rulers of the Yuan dynasty \"adopted Chinese political and cultural models; ruling from their capitals in Dadu, they","Document [15](Title: Mongolia) Khaanate\", consisting of the Mongol homeland and China, became known as the Yuan dynasty under Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan. He set up his capital in present-day Beijing. After more than a century of power, the Yuan was replaced by the Ming dynasty in 1368, and the Mongol court fled to the north. As the Ming armies pursued the Mongols into their homeland, they successfully sacked and destroyed the Mongol capital Karakorum and other cities. Some of these attacks were repelled by the Mongols under Ayushridar and his general K\u00f6ke Tem\u00fcr. After the expulsion of the Yuan dynasty","Document [16](Title: History of the Song dynasty) boy emperor in his arms and jumped from his sinking ship into the sea, drowning both of them. With the death of the last remaining emperor, Song China was eliminated, while Kublai Khan established the realm of the Yuan dynasty over China proper, Mongolia, Manchuria, Tibet, and Korea. For nearly a century to follow, the Chinese would live under a dynasty established by Mongols. However, a native Han Chinese dynasty would be established once more with the Ming dynasty in 1368. During the Song dynasty, the \"Zizhi Tongjian\" (Chinese: \u8cc7\u6cbb\u901a\u9452\/\u8d44\u6cbb\u901a\u9274; Wade\u2013Giles : \"Tzu-chih t'ung-chien\"; literally \"Comprehensive Mirror for\/to Aid in","Document [17](Title: Chinese nobility) alive by the Yuan. Zhao Yiguang was a Song Imperial family descendant who was a writer during the Ming dynasty. When the Ming dynasty fell and the Qing dynasty took over, the Qing Emperors granted a Ming descendant the title Marquis of Extended Grace and gave him a stipend to perform sacrifices to his ancestors, the Ming Emperors at the Ming Imperial Tombs. The Qing granted Zheng Keshuang of the Kingdom of Tungning the title of \"Duke of Haicheng\" (\u6d77\u6f84\u516c) after he surrendered to the Qing. When the Northern Yuan Chahar Borjigin Mongol Khan Ejei Khan surrendered to the Qing,","Document [18](Title: Mongol siege of Kaifeng) looted the city. The dynasty fell two years later after the suicide of Aizong and the capture of Caizhou in 1234. Genghis Khan was declared Khaghan in 1206. The Mongols had united under his leadership, and defeated the rival tribes of the steppes. In the same period, China was divided into three separate states. In the north, the Jurchen Jin dynasty controlled Manchuria and all of China north of the Huai River. The Tangut Western Xia ruled parts of the western China, while the Song dynasty reigned over the south. The Mongols subjugated Western Xia in 1210. In that same","Document [19](Title: Mongol conquest of the Jin dynasty) Yongji and enthroned Wanyan Yongji's nephew, Emperor Xuanzong. When the Mongols besieged Zhongdu, the Jin government temporarily agreed to become a tributary state of the Mongol Empire, presenting a Jurchen princess to Genghis Khan. But when the Mongols withdrew in 1214, believing the war was over after being given a large tribute by the Jurchens, Li Ying wanted to ambush them on the way with his forces (which had grown to several tens of thousands). However, the Jin ruler, Emperor Aizong, was afraid of offending the Mongols again so he stopped Li Ying. Emperor Aizong and the general Zhuhu Gaoqi","Document [20](Title: Yuan dynasty in Inner Asia) dynasty. Even after the overthrown of the Mongol Yuan dynasty by the Ming dynasty in 1368, Manchuria was still controlled by the Mongols under Naghachu, a general of the Mongolia-based Northern Yuan dynasty who was originally a Yuan official. Ming conquest of Manchuria only occurred after the Ming military campaign against Naghachu in 1387. The Mongols came from the Mongolian steppe, and Karakorum was the capital of the Mongol Empire until 1260. During the Toluid Civil War, Mongolia was controlled by Ariq B\u00f6ke, a younger brother of Kublai Khan. After Kublai's victory over Ariq B\u00f6ke, Mongolia was put within the"],"query":"who overthrew the mongols and established the ming dynasty?","answers":["Zhu Yuanzhang"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: House of Zhu) Beijing), he claimed the Mandate of Heaven and established the Ming dynasty in 1368. The Ming's mission was to drive away the Mongols and restore Han Chinese rule in China. Under the Hongwu Emperor's rule, the Mongol bureaucrats who dominated the government in the Yuan dynasty were replaced by Han Chinese officials. The Hongwu Emperor revamped the traditional Confucian examination system. Mongol-related things, including garments and names, were discontinued from use and boycotted. There were also attacks on palaces and administrative buildings previously used by the Mongol rulers. The Hongwu Emperor's grandson, Zhu Yunwen, assumed the throne as the Jianwen","Document [2](Title: Manchuria under Ming rule) and the Qing dynasty established by his son would eventually conquer the Ming and take control of China proper. The Mongol Empire conquered all Manchuria (modern Northeast China and Outer Manchuria) in the 13th century and it was put under the rule of the Yuan dynasty established by Kublai Khan. After the overthrown of the Mongol Yuan dynasty by the Ming dynasty founded by the Han Chinese in 1368, Manchuria was still under control of the Mongols of the Northern Yuan dynasty based in Mongolia. Naghachu, a former Yuan official and a Uriankhai general of the Northern Yuan dynasty, won","Document [3](Title: Ming dynasty) remained under control of the Mongols of the Northern Yuan dynasty based in Mongolia. Naghachu, a former Yuan official and a Uriankhai general of the Northern Yuan dynasty, won hegemony over the Mongol tribes in Manchuria (Liaoyang province of the former Yuan dynasty). He grew strong in the northeast, with forces large enough (numbering hundreds of thousands) to threaten invasion of the newly founded Ming dynasty in order to restore the Mongols to power in China. The Ming decided to defeat him instead of waiting for the Mongols to attack. In 1387 the Ming sent a military campaign to attack","Document [4](Title: Hongwu Emperor) his era name. His dynasty's mission was to drive away the Mongols and restore Han Chinese rule in China. In 1368, Ming armies headed north to attack territories that were still under Yuan rule. The Mongols gave up their capital, Khanbaliq (present-day Beijing), and the rest of northern China in September 1368 and retreated to Mongolia. On 15 October 1371, one of the Hongwu Emperor's sons, Zhu Shuang, was married to the sister of K\u00f6ke Tem\u00fcr, a Bayad general of the Yuan dynasty. The Ming dynasty defeated Ming Yuchen's Xia polity, which ruled Sichuan. The Ming army captured the last","Document [5](Title: Emperor Yingzong of Ming) to its core, and the ensuing crisis almost caused the dynasty to collapse had it not been for the capable governing of a prominent minister named Yu Qian. Although the Zhengtong Emperor was a prisoner of the Mongols, he became a good friend to both Tayisung Khan Toghtoa Bukha (1416\u20131453) and his grand preceptor (taishi) Esen. Meanwhile, to calm the crisis at home, his younger brother Zhu Qiyu was installed as the Jingtai Emperor. This reduced the Zhengtong Emperor's imperial status and he was granted the title of \"T\u00e0ish\u00e0ng Hu\u00e1ngdi\" (emperor emeritus). Historians at the time, in an effort to","Document [6](Title: Chinese emperors family tree (late)) 1271. The dynasty was overthrown by the Ming dynasty during the reign of Toghun Tem\u00fcr in 1368, but it survived in Mongolia, known as the Northern Yuan dynasty; years of reign over the Northern Yuan dynasty (up to 1388) are given in brackets. It should be noted that the Mongol Great Khans (Khagans) before Kublai Khan were only declared Yuan emperors after the creation of Yuan dynasty in 1271. The following is a simplified family tree for the Ming dynasty, which ruled China between 1368 and 1644. Those who became emperor are listed in bold, with their years of reign.","Document [7](Title: History of the Yuan dynasty) History of the Yuan dynasty The Yuan dynasty was the ruling dynasty of China and Mongolia established by Kublai Khan and a khanate of the Mongol Empire. Genghis Khan united the Mongol and Turkic tribes of the steppes and became Great Khan in 1206. He and his successors expanded the Mongol Empire across Asia. Under the reign of Genghis' third son, \u00d6gedei Khan, the Mongols destroyed the weakened Jin dynasty in 1234 and conquered most of northern China. \u00d6gedei offered his nephew Kublai a position in Xingzhou, Hebei. Kublai was unable to read Chinese, but had several Han Chinese teachers","Document [8](Title: Chin Ning Chu) Emperor of the Ming Dynasty (1368\u20131644 AD) by defeating the Mongol rule of Genghis Khan. At the age of three, holding tight to her mother's skirt, she ran for her life across the Shanghai airport runway amid bombs bursting as her parents boarded the last commercial flight out of China. Her family, from a life of affluence, were reduced to refugees. At the age of twenty-two, clutching two suitcases, again she up-rooted herself and came to America. She brought two books, Sun Tzu - The Art of War and Li Zongwu - Thick Black Theory. At the age of ten,","Document [9](Title: Ming dynasty) epidemic, the dynasty collapsed before the rebel leader Li Zicheng, who was defeated by the Manchu-led Eight Banner armies who founded the Qing dynasty. The Mongol-led Yuan dynasty (1271\u20131368) ruled before the establishment of the Ming dynasty. Explanations for the demise of the Yuan include institutionalized ethnic discrimination against Han Chinese that stirred resentment and rebellion, overtaxation of areas hard-hit by inflation, and massive flooding of the Yellow River as a result of the abandonment of irrigation projects. Consequently, agriculture and the economy were in shambles, and rebellion broke out among the hundreds of thousands of peasants called upon to","Document [10](Title: Khutughtu Khan Kusala) Khutughtu Khan Kusala Khutughtu Khan (Mongolian: \u0425\u0443\u0442\u0430\u0433\u0442 \u0445\u0430\u0430\u043d, \"Hutagt haan\", Qutu\u03b3tu qa\u03b3an), born Ku\u015bala (Mongolian: \u0425\u04af\u0441\u043b\u044d\u043d H\u00f6slen), also known by the temple name Mingzong (Emperor Mingzong of Yuan, Chinese: \u5143\u660e\u5b97, December 22, 1300 \u2013 August 30, 1329), was a son of Khayishan who seized the throne of the Yuan dynasty in 1329, but died soon after. Apart from Emperor of China, he is considered as the 13th Great Khan of the Mongol Empire or Mongols, although it was only nominal due to the division of the empire. He was the eldest son of Khayishan (K\u00fcl\u00fcg Khan or Emperor Wuzong) and","Document [11](Title: Hongwu Emperor) Yuan-controlled province of Yunnan in 1381, and China was unified under Ming rule. Under the Hongwu Emperor's rule, the Mongol, and other foreign bureaucrats, who dominated the government during the Yuan dynasty along with Northern Chinese officials, were replaced by Han Chinese officials. The emperor re-instituted, then abolished, then restored the Confucian civil service imperial examination system, from which most state officials were selected based on their knowledge of literature and philosophy. The Ming examination curriculum followed that set by the Yuan in 1313: a focus on the Four Books over the Five Classics, and the commentaries of Zhu Xi.","Document [12](Title: Mongol Empire) Yuan dynasty. Some sources state that the full Mongolian name was \"Dai \u00d6n Yehe Monggul Ulus\". The area around Mongolia, Manchuria, and parts of North China had been controlled by the Liao dynasty since the 10th century. In 1125, the Jin dynasty founded by the Jurchens overthrew the Liao dynasty and attempted to gain control over former Liao territory in Mongolia. In the 1130s the Jin dynasty rulers, known as the Golden Kings, successfully resisted the Khamag Mongol confederation, ruled at the time by Khabul Khan, great-grandfather of Genghis Khan. The Mongolian plateau was occupied mainly by five powerful tribal","Document [13](Title: Sino-Tibetan relations during the Ming dynasty) the Golden Horde. It describes the Yuan dynasty as \"A Mongol dynasty of China that ruled from 1271 to 1368, and a division of the great empire conquered by the Mongols. Founded by Kublai Khan, who adopted the Chinese dynastic name of Y\u00fcan in 1271.\" The \"Encyclopedia Americana\" describes the Yuan dynasty as \"the line of Mongol rulers in China\" and adds that the Mongols \"proclaimed a Chinese-style Y\u00fcan dynasty at Khanbaliq (Beijing).\" The Metropolitan Museum of Art writes that the Mongol rulers of the Yuan dynasty \"adopted Chinese political and cultural models; ruling from their capitals in Dadu, they","Document [14](Title: Mongolia) Khaanate\", consisting of the Mongol homeland and China, became known as the Yuan dynasty under Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan. He set up his capital in present-day Beijing. After more than a century of power, the Yuan was replaced by the Ming dynasty in 1368, and the Mongol court fled to the north. As the Ming armies pursued the Mongols into their homeland, they successfully sacked and destroyed the Mongol capital Karakorum and other cities. Some of these attacks were repelled by the Mongols under Ayushridar and his general K\u00f6ke Tem\u00fcr. After the expulsion of the Yuan dynasty","Document [15](Title: Ming dynasty) In 1363, Zhu Yuanzhang eliminated his archrival and leader of the rebel Han faction, Chen Youliang, in the Battle of Lake Poyang, arguably the largest naval battle in history. Known for its ambitious use of fire ships, Zhu's force of 200,000 Ming sailors were able to defeat a Han rebel force over triple their size, claimed to be 650,000-strong. The victory destroyed the last opposing rebel faction, leaving Zhu Yuanzhang in uncontested control of the bountiful Yangtze River Valley and cementing his power in the south. After the dynastic head of the Red Turbans suspiciously died in 1367 while a guest of Zhu, there was no one left who was remotely capable of contesting his march to the throne, and he made his imperial ambitions known by sending an army toward the Yuan capital Dadu (present-day Beijing) in 1368. The last Yuan emperor fled north to the upper capital Shangdu, and Zhu declared the founding of the Ming dynasty after razing the Yuan palaces in Dadu to the ground; the city was renamed Beiping in the same year. Zhu Yuanzhang took Hongwu, or \"Vastly Martial\", as his era name.","Document [16](Title: History of the Song dynasty) boy emperor in his arms and jumped from his sinking ship into the sea, drowning both of them. With the death of the last remaining emperor, Song China was eliminated, while Kublai Khan established the realm of the Yuan dynasty over China proper, Mongolia, Manchuria, Tibet, and Korea. For nearly a century to follow, the Chinese would live under a dynasty established by Mongols. However, a native Han Chinese dynasty would be established once more with the Ming dynasty in 1368. During the Song dynasty, the \"Zizhi Tongjian\" (Chinese: \u8cc7\u6cbb\u901a\u9452\/\u8d44\u6cbb\u901a\u9274; Wade\u2013Giles : \"Tzu-chih t'ung-chien\"; literally \"Comprehensive Mirror for\/to Aid in","Document [17](Title: Chinese nobility) alive by the Yuan. Zhao Yiguang was a Song Imperial family descendant who was a writer during the Ming dynasty. When the Ming dynasty fell and the Qing dynasty took over, the Qing Emperors granted a Ming descendant the title Marquis of Extended Grace and gave him a stipend to perform sacrifices to his ancestors, the Ming Emperors at the Ming Imperial Tombs. The Qing granted Zheng Keshuang of the Kingdom of Tungning the title of \"Duke of Haicheng\" (\u6d77\u6f84\u516c) after he surrendered to the Qing. When the Northern Yuan Chahar Borjigin Mongol Khan Ejei Khan surrendered to the Qing,","Document [18](Title: Mongol siege of Kaifeng) looted the city. The dynasty fell two years later after the suicide of Aizong and the capture of Caizhou in 1234. Genghis Khan was declared Khaghan in 1206. The Mongols had united under his leadership, and defeated the rival tribes of the steppes. In the same period, China was divided into three separate states. In the north, the Jurchen Jin dynasty controlled Manchuria and all of China north of the Huai River. The Tangut Western Xia ruled parts of the western China, while the Song dynasty reigned over the south. The Mongols subjugated Western Xia in 1210. In that same","Document [19](Title: Mongol conquest of the Jin dynasty) Yongji and enthroned Wanyan Yongji's nephew, Emperor Xuanzong. When the Mongols besieged Zhongdu, the Jin government temporarily agreed to become a tributary state of the Mongol Empire, presenting a Jurchen princess to Genghis Khan. But when the Mongols withdrew in 1214, believing the war was over after being given a large tribute by the Jurchens, Li Ying wanted to ambush them on the way with his forces (which had grown to several tens of thousands). However, the Jin ruler, Emperor Aizong, was afraid of offending the Mongols again so he stopped Li Ying. Emperor Aizong and the general Zhuhu Gaoqi","Document [20](Title: Yuan dynasty in Inner Asia) dynasty. Even after the overthrown of the Mongol Yuan dynasty by the Ming dynasty in 1368, Manchuria was still controlled by the Mongols under Naghachu, a general of the Mongolia-based Northern Yuan dynasty who was originally a Yuan official. Ming conquest of Manchuria only occurred after the Ming military campaign against Naghachu in 1387. The Mongols came from the Mongolian steppe, and Karakorum was the capital of the Mongol Empire until 1260. During the Toluid Civil War, Mongolia was controlled by Ariq B\u00f6ke, a younger brother of Kublai Khan. After Kublai's victory over Ariq B\u00f6ke, Mongolia was put within the"],"query":"who overthrew the mongols and established the ming dynasty?","answers":["Zhu Yuanzhang"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: House of Zhu) Beijing), he claimed the Mandate of Heaven and established the Ming dynasty in 1368. The Ming's mission was to drive away the Mongols and restore Han Chinese rule in China. Under the Hongwu Emperor's rule, the Mongol bureaucrats who dominated the government in the Yuan dynasty were replaced by Han Chinese officials. The Hongwu Emperor revamped the traditional Confucian examination system. Mongol-related things, including garments and names, were discontinued from use and boycotted. There were also attacks on palaces and administrative buildings previously used by the Mongol rulers. The Hongwu Emperor's grandson, Zhu Yunwen, assumed the throne as the Jianwen","Document [2](Title: Manchuria under Ming rule) and the Qing dynasty established by his son would eventually conquer the Ming and take control of China proper. The Mongol Empire conquered all Manchuria (modern Northeast China and Outer Manchuria) in the 13th century and it was put under the rule of the Yuan dynasty established by Kublai Khan. After the overthrown of the Mongol Yuan dynasty by the Ming dynasty founded by the Han Chinese in 1368, Manchuria was still under control of the Mongols of the Northern Yuan dynasty based in Mongolia. Naghachu, a former Yuan official and a Uriankhai general of the Northern Yuan dynasty, won","Document [3](Title: Ming dynasty) remained under control of the Mongols of the Northern Yuan dynasty based in Mongolia. Naghachu, a former Yuan official and a Uriankhai general of the Northern Yuan dynasty, won hegemony over the Mongol tribes in Manchuria (Liaoyang province of the former Yuan dynasty). He grew strong in the northeast, with forces large enough (numbering hundreds of thousands) to threaten invasion of the newly founded Ming dynasty in order to restore the Mongols to power in China. The Ming decided to defeat him instead of waiting for the Mongols to attack. In 1387 the Ming sent a military campaign to attack","Document [4](Title: Hongwu Emperor) his era name. His dynasty's mission was to drive away the Mongols and restore Han Chinese rule in China. In 1368, Ming armies headed north to attack territories that were still under Yuan rule. The Mongols gave up their capital, Khanbaliq (present-day Beijing), and the rest of northern China in September 1368 and retreated to Mongolia. On 15 October 1371, one of the Hongwu Emperor's sons, Zhu Shuang, was married to the sister of K\u00f6ke Tem\u00fcr, a Bayad general of the Yuan dynasty. The Ming dynasty defeated Ming Yuchen's Xia polity, which ruled Sichuan. The Ming army captured the last","Document [5](Title: Emperor Yingzong of Ming) to its core, and the ensuing crisis almost caused the dynasty to collapse had it not been for the capable governing of a prominent minister named Yu Qian. Although the Zhengtong Emperor was a prisoner of the Mongols, he became a good friend to both Tayisung Khan Toghtoa Bukha (1416\u20131453) and his grand preceptor (taishi) Esen. Meanwhile, to calm the crisis at home, his younger brother Zhu Qiyu was installed as the Jingtai Emperor. This reduced the Zhengtong Emperor's imperial status and he was granted the title of \"T\u00e0ish\u00e0ng Hu\u00e1ngdi\" (emperor emeritus). Historians at the time, in an effort to","Document [6](Title: Chinese emperors family tree (late)) 1271. The dynasty was overthrown by the Ming dynasty during the reign of Toghun Tem\u00fcr in 1368, but it survived in Mongolia, known as the Northern Yuan dynasty; years of reign over the Northern Yuan dynasty (up to 1388) are given in brackets. It should be noted that the Mongol Great Khans (Khagans) before Kublai Khan were only declared Yuan emperors after the creation of Yuan dynasty in 1271. The following is a simplified family tree for the Ming dynasty, which ruled China between 1368 and 1644. Those who became emperor are listed in bold, with their years of reign.","Document [7](Title: History of the Yuan dynasty) History of the Yuan dynasty The Yuan dynasty was the ruling dynasty of China and Mongolia established by Kublai Khan and a khanate of the Mongol Empire. Genghis Khan united the Mongol and Turkic tribes of the steppes and became Great Khan in 1206. He and his successors expanded the Mongol Empire across Asia. Under the reign of Genghis' third son, \u00d6gedei Khan, the Mongols destroyed the weakened Jin dynasty in 1234 and conquered most of northern China. \u00d6gedei offered his nephew Kublai a position in Xingzhou, Hebei. Kublai was unable to read Chinese, but had several Han Chinese teachers","Document [8](Title: Chin Ning Chu) Emperor of the Ming Dynasty (1368\u20131644 AD) by defeating the Mongol rule of Genghis Khan. At the age of three, holding tight to her mother's skirt, she ran for her life across the Shanghai airport runway amid bombs bursting as her parents boarded the last commercial flight out of China. Her family, from a life of affluence, were reduced to refugees. At the age of twenty-two, clutching two suitcases, again she up-rooted herself and came to America. She brought two books, Sun Tzu - The Art of War and Li Zongwu - Thick Black Theory. At the age of ten,","Document [9](Title: Ming dynasty) epidemic, the dynasty collapsed before the rebel leader Li Zicheng, who was defeated by the Manchu-led Eight Banner armies who founded the Qing dynasty. The Mongol-led Yuan dynasty (1271\u20131368) ruled before the establishment of the Ming dynasty. Explanations for the demise of the Yuan include institutionalized ethnic discrimination against Han Chinese that stirred resentment and rebellion, overtaxation of areas hard-hit by inflation, and massive flooding of the Yellow River as a result of the abandonment of irrigation projects. Consequently, agriculture and the economy were in shambles, and rebellion broke out among the hundreds of thousands of peasants called upon to","Document [10](Title: Khutughtu Khan Kusala) Khutughtu Khan Kusala Khutughtu Khan (Mongolian: \u0425\u0443\u0442\u0430\u0433\u0442 \u0445\u0430\u0430\u043d, \"Hutagt haan\", Qutu\u03b3tu qa\u03b3an), born Ku\u015bala (Mongolian: \u0425\u04af\u0441\u043b\u044d\u043d H\u00f6slen), also known by the temple name Mingzong (Emperor Mingzong of Yuan, Chinese: \u5143\u660e\u5b97, December 22, 1300 \u2013 August 30, 1329), was a son of Khayishan who seized the throne of the Yuan dynasty in 1329, but died soon after. Apart from Emperor of China, he is considered as the 13th Great Khan of the Mongol Empire or Mongols, although it was only nominal due to the division of the empire. He was the eldest son of Khayishan (K\u00fcl\u00fcg Khan or Emperor Wuzong) and","Document [11](Title: Hongwu Emperor) Yuan-controlled province of Yunnan in 1381, and China was unified under Ming rule. Under the Hongwu Emperor's rule, the Mongol, and other foreign bureaucrats, who dominated the government during the Yuan dynasty along with Northern Chinese officials, were replaced by Han Chinese officials. The emperor re-instituted, then abolished, then restored the Confucian civil service imperial examination system, from which most state officials were selected based on their knowledge of literature and philosophy. The Ming examination curriculum followed that set by the Yuan in 1313: a focus on the Four Books over the Five Classics, and the commentaries of Zhu Xi.","Document [12](Title: Mongol Empire) Yuan dynasty. Some sources state that the full Mongolian name was \"Dai \u00d6n Yehe Monggul Ulus\". The area around Mongolia, Manchuria, and parts of North China had been controlled by the Liao dynasty since the 10th century. In 1125, the Jin dynasty founded by the Jurchens overthrew the Liao dynasty and attempted to gain control over former Liao territory in Mongolia. In the 1130s the Jin dynasty rulers, known as the Golden Kings, successfully resisted the Khamag Mongol confederation, ruled at the time by Khabul Khan, great-grandfather of Genghis Khan. The Mongolian plateau was occupied mainly by five powerful tribal","Document [13](Title: Sino-Tibetan relations during the Ming dynasty) the Golden Horde. It describes the Yuan dynasty as \"A Mongol dynasty of China that ruled from 1271 to 1368, and a division of the great empire conquered by the Mongols. Founded by Kublai Khan, who adopted the Chinese dynastic name of Y\u00fcan in 1271.\" The \"Encyclopedia Americana\" describes the Yuan dynasty as \"the line of Mongol rulers in China\" and adds that the Mongols \"proclaimed a Chinese-style Y\u00fcan dynasty at Khanbaliq (Beijing).\" The Metropolitan Museum of Art writes that the Mongol rulers of the Yuan dynasty \"adopted Chinese political and cultural models; ruling from their capitals in Dadu, they","Document [14](Title: Mongolia) Khaanate\", consisting of the Mongol homeland and China, became known as the Yuan dynasty under Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan. He set up his capital in present-day Beijing. After more than a century of power, the Yuan was replaced by the Ming dynasty in 1368, and the Mongol court fled to the north. As the Ming armies pursued the Mongols into their homeland, they successfully sacked and destroyed the Mongol capital Karakorum and other cities. Some of these attacks were repelled by the Mongols under Ayushridar and his general K\u00f6ke Tem\u00fcr. After the expulsion of the Yuan dynasty","Document [15](Title: History of the Song dynasty) boy emperor in his arms and jumped from his sinking ship into the sea, drowning both of them. With the death of the last remaining emperor, Song China was eliminated, while Kublai Khan established the realm of the Yuan dynasty over China proper, Mongolia, Manchuria, Tibet, and Korea. For nearly a century to follow, the Chinese would live under a dynasty established by Mongols. However, a native Han Chinese dynasty would be established once more with the Ming dynasty in 1368. During the Song dynasty, the \"Zizhi Tongjian\" (Chinese: \u8cc7\u6cbb\u901a\u9452\/\u8d44\u6cbb\u901a\u9274; Wade\u2013Giles : \"Tzu-chih t'ung-chien\"; literally \"Comprehensive Mirror for\/to Aid in","Document [16](Title: Chinese nobility) alive by the Yuan. Zhao Yiguang was a Song Imperial family descendant who was a writer during the Ming dynasty. When the Ming dynasty fell and the Qing dynasty took over, the Qing Emperors granted a Ming descendant the title Marquis of Extended Grace and gave him a stipend to perform sacrifices to his ancestors, the Ming Emperors at the Ming Imperial Tombs. The Qing granted Zheng Keshuang of the Kingdom of Tungning the title of \"Duke of Haicheng\" (\u6d77\u6f84\u516c) after he surrendered to the Qing. When the Northern Yuan Chahar Borjigin Mongol Khan Ejei Khan surrendered to the Qing,","Document [17](Title: Mongol siege of Kaifeng) looted the city. The dynasty fell two years later after the suicide of Aizong and the capture of Caizhou in 1234. Genghis Khan was declared Khaghan in 1206. The Mongols had united under his leadership, and defeated the rival tribes of the steppes. In the same period, China was divided into three separate states. In the north, the Jurchen Jin dynasty controlled Manchuria and all of China north of the Huai River. The Tangut Western Xia ruled parts of the western China, while the Song dynasty reigned over the south. The Mongols subjugated Western Xia in 1210. In that same","Document [18](Title: Mongol conquest of the Jin dynasty) Yongji and enthroned Wanyan Yongji's nephew, Emperor Xuanzong. When the Mongols besieged Zhongdu, the Jin government temporarily agreed to become a tributary state of the Mongol Empire, presenting a Jurchen princess to Genghis Khan. But when the Mongols withdrew in 1214, believing the war was over after being given a large tribute by the Jurchens, Li Ying wanted to ambush them on the way with his forces (which had grown to several tens of thousands). However, the Jin ruler, Emperor Aizong, was afraid of offending the Mongols again so he stopped Li Ying. Emperor Aizong and the general Zhuhu Gaoqi","Document [19](Title: Yuan dynasty in Inner Asia) dynasty. Even after the overthrown of the Mongol Yuan dynasty by the Ming dynasty in 1368, Manchuria was still controlled by the Mongols under Naghachu, a general of the Mongolia-based Northern Yuan dynasty who was originally a Yuan official. Ming conquest of Manchuria only occurred after the Ming military campaign against Naghachu in 1387. The Mongols came from the Mongolian steppe, and Karakorum was the capital of the Mongol Empire until 1260. During the Toluid Civil War, Mongolia was controlled by Ariq B\u00f6ke, a younger brother of Kublai Khan. After Kublai's victory over Ariq B\u00f6ke, Mongolia was put within the","Document [20](Title: Ming dynasty) In 1363, Zhu Yuanzhang eliminated his archrival and leader of the rebel Han faction, Chen Youliang, in the Battle of Lake Poyang, arguably the largest naval battle in history. Known for its ambitious use of fire ships, Zhu's force of 200,000 Ming sailors were able to defeat a Han rebel force over triple their size, claimed to be 650,000-strong. The victory destroyed the last opposing rebel faction, leaving Zhu Yuanzhang in uncontested control of the bountiful Yangtze River Valley and cementing his power in the south. After the dynastic head of the Red Turbans suspiciously died in 1367 while a guest of Zhu, there was no one left who was remotely capable of contesting his march to the throne, and he made his imperial ambitions known by sending an army toward the Yuan capital Dadu (present-day Beijing) in 1368. The last Yuan emperor fled north to the upper capital Shangdu, and Zhu declared the founding of the Ming dynasty after razing the Yuan palaces in Dadu to the ground; the city was renamed Beiping in the same year. Zhu Yuanzhang took Hongwu, or \"Vastly Martial\", as his era name."],"query":"who overthrew the mongols and established the ming dynasty?","answers":["Zhu Yuanzhang"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (U.S. TV series)) Celebrity Big Brother, also known as Big Brother: Celebrity Edition, is a spin-off series of the American reality television series Big Brother. This season aired during the winter of the 2017\u201318 network television season on CBS and was the second U.S. Big Brother season to air outside the usual summer television season, the first being Big Brother 9 in 2008. Julie Chen returned as host, with Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan returning as executive producers. The season was produced by Fly on the Wall Entertainment in association with Endemol Shine North America. The season premiered on February 7, 2018.","Document [2](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 16 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 16 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 16, also known as Celebrity Big Brother: UK vs USA, was the sixteenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\", hosted by Emma Willis and narrated by Marcus Bentley. The series launched on 27 August 2015 on Channel 5 in the United Kingdom and TV3 in the Ireland, and ended after 29 days on 24 September 2015. It is the ninth celebrity series and the fourteenth series of \"Big Brother\" overall to air on Channel 5. It was the only celebrity series to credit Denis O'Connor as creative director.","Document [3](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) the spin-off series provided poor ratings and was not renewed. \"Ultimate Big Brother\" was the final series to air on Channel 4, and featured fourteen of the most memorable housemates from both \"Big Brother\" and \"Celebrity Big Brother\" competing in the series. Numerous other spin-offs have occurred throughout the series such as \"Big Brother's Big Mouth\", hosted by Russell Brand, and \"Big Brother's Little Brother\" hosted by Dermot O'Leary. Following the show's move to Channel 5, \"Big Brother's Bit on the Side\" is the only currently airing spin-off series. \"Big Brother\" is a game show in which a group of","Document [4](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 1 (UK)) March 2001, on Channel 4. The contestants were recorded 24 hours a day with cameras fixed around the house, and had to wear portable microphones. Due to the tie-in with Comic Relief, the first series was partly broadcast on BBC One in the week leading up to the telethon. Channel 4 broadcast a daily 30-minute highlights show, and from the second day on there was a live eviction show hosted by Davina McCall, where the evicted housemate was interviewed. In the nightly highlight episodes, viewers are shown various highlights of a specific day in the house. BBC One's coverage consisted","Document [5](Title: Celebrity Big Brother) Celebrity Big Brother Celebrity Big Brother (or Big Brother VIP) is an adaptation of the \"Big Brother\" reality television series. Just like its parent franchise, \"Celebrity Big Brother\" airs in several countries, however the housemates or houseguests are local celebrities. In some countries, the prize money normally awarded to the winning housemate is donated to a charity, and all celebrities are paid to appear in the show as long as they do not voluntarily leave before their eviction or the end of the series. The rest of the rules are nearly the same as those of the original version. The","Document [6](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 3 (UK)) the pupil, indicating that it is a celebrity series. The live launch, nightly highlight shows, live eviction and finale were all broadcast on Channel 4. Davina McCall remained host of the live shows. Big Brother's Little Brother returned for the celebrity series once again hosted by Dermot O'Leary, for the first time ever it was broadcast in a late night time-slot on Channel 4, however it was broadcast in its usual Sunday lunchtime slot. On E4, live coverage from the house dominated its daily and nightly schedule, Nominations Uncut and Diary Room Uncut \u2013 which were both introduced during Big","Document [7](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) in the United Kingdom and immediately became a ratings success. Following the success of the first series, it was confirmed that a celebrity edition of the show was in the works. \"Celebrity Big Brother\" aired in March 2001 as a one-time special on Channel 4 in association with the BBC's \"Comic Relief\" charity telethon. Due to the tie-in with Comic Relief, the first series was partly broadcast on BBC One in the week leading up to the telethon. It lasted for eight days, and was ultimately won by comedian Jack Dee. With the first series proving to be a success,","Document [8](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK)) not include Channel 5 +1. Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 14 was the fourteenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". The series launched on 18 August 2014 on Channel 5 and ended after 26 days on 12 September. It was the seventh celebrity series and the eleventh series of \"Big Brother\" overall to air on the channel. Emma Willis hosted the series, whilst Rylan Clark presented the spin-off show \"Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side\" along with Iain Lee, Willis and regular panelist Luisa Zissman. The series was won by actor Gary","Document [9](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK)) house and the first task set. Lauren Harries acted as fashion expert on the launch night show, castigating the styling of the new housemates. The show was similar to ex-spin off shows \"Big Brother's Little Brother\" and \"Big Brother's Big Mouth\", but is shown after the main show. The debut show was watched by 1.82 million viewers (receiving 13.4%). It returned along with the ninth series of the main celebrity show in January 2012. This is a special edition of the main \"OK! TV\" magazine show broadcast from the Big Brother compound in the Elstree Studio. The first edition aired","Document [10](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK)) the eye. Despite fifteenth series of \"Big Brother\" having only an hour and a half live feed for the entire series run, it was officially announced on 6 August 2014 that there would be an hour of live feed available almost nightly on Channel 5 due to the ratings success of the previous editions of the show and mass viewer request. On 11 August 2014, the first 30-second teaser was released which features footage from past series of \"Celebrity Big Brother\" on Channel 5. However, the tenth series or eleventh series are not included. SuperCasino continued its sponsorship for this","Document [11](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 16 (UK)) episodes will air on Channel 5, with the weekend episodes airing on 5*. The first five-second teaser for \"Celebrity Big Brother\" aired on 31 July 2015 confirming the theme UK v USA. Channel 5 later revealed the full length advert on 7 August 2015. The advert featured hosts Emma Willis and Rylan Clark. Lucozade returns to sponsor \"Celebrity Big Brother\" after previously sponsoring \"Big Brother 16\" earlier in the year. The house was redecorated following the sixteenth civilian series. The house was decorated with British and American iconography to suit the UK v USA theme. House pictures were officially revealed","Document [12](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 2011, also known as Celebrity Big Brother 8, was the eighth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". It was the first series of \"Celebrity Big Brother\" to air on Channel 5, and the first celebrity series not to air in January since \"Celebrity Big Brother 2\", which was broadcast in November 2002. The series launched on 18 August 2011, and ended after 22 days on 8 September 2011, making it the shortest Channel 5 series. It was followed by the twelfth regular series, which launched the following night","Document [13](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 10 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 10 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 10 was the tenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". It launched on 15 August 2012, two days after the final of \"Big Brother 13\", and aired on Channel 5 and 5* for 24 days until 7 September 2012. It was the third celebrity series to air on Channel 5 as part of a contract extension of the current two-year contract with Endemol, and the fifth series of \"Big Brother\" to air on Channel 5 since they acquired the show. The series was sponsored by hair product brand","Document [14](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 14 was the fourteenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". The series launched on 18 August 2014 on Channel 5 and ended after 26 days on 12 September. It was the seventh celebrity series and the eleventh series of \"Big Brother\" overall to air on the channel. Emma Willis hosted the series, whilst Rylan Clark presented the spin-off show \"Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side\" along with Iain Lee, Willis and regular panelist Luisa Zissman. The series was won by actor Gary Busey. With an average of","Document [15](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK)) celebrity housemates. It revealed a colourful, opulent look with a return to the luxury feel of the early Channel 4 series. It featured a bar, gym, sauna, an open-plan bathroom, the UK series' largest swimming pool thus far. In the celebrity series, the shower enclosure was screened off from public view but this was changed to a clear view for the main series. There was also a large outdoor area and a sophisticated range of designer furnishings and fittings. This made a radical contrast with the shift to an austere, claustrophobic house seen in the later Channel 4 series. The","Document [16](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) \"Celebrity Big Brother\" began as a one-time spin-off series to the original \"Big Brother UK\", and premiered on Channel 4 on 9 March 2001. Following the successful first series, the show returned the following year for a second series. Though the show did not air for the next two years, it returned in 2005 and 2006. Following the highly controversial fifth series in 2007, the show did not return in 2008. It did air in 2009, but it was officially axed after the seventh series in 2010 when Channel 4 chose to cancel the programme as well as the main","Document [17](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) Brother\" did not air in 2008. It did, however, return in 2009 and 2010, with the 2010 series being announced as the final one. After Richard Desmond bought Channel 5 in 2010, he said he was keen to acquire both \"Big Brother\" and \"Celebrity Big Brother\". Meanwhile, Endemol had been granted permission to keep the \"Big Brother\" House at the Elstree TV Studios until 30 September 2013. On 2 April 2011, \"The Daily Star\", a newspaper owned by Desmond's Northern & Shell company, reported that \"Big Brother\" would be returning on Channel 5 in August 2011 with a Celebrity edition,","Document [18](Title: Celebrity Big Brother) celebrity version has become particularly popular in the UK, causing UK broadcaster Channel 5 to extend its deal with Endemol enabling them to air two celebrity series in addition to the civilian version every year from 2012. In total the UK aired 22 celebrity series with their \"twenty-second and final series\" ending on 10 September 2018, Four days later on 14 September 2018, Channel 5 confirmed that they had axed both \"Big Brother\" and \"Celebrity Big Brother\". In Bulgaria, \"VIP Brother\" has replaced the original format of the show and more seasons of the celebrity edition have been produced than","Document [19](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 1 (UK)) celebrities living in a custom built house with no contact with the outside world. Each week, the housemates are required to nominate two people for eviction. The two or more people with the most votes were nominated to leave the House. The viewers then decided which of the nominees should leave, with the selected person leaving during a live show. This process continued until only three housemates remained, at which time the public voted for which of them should win the series. Unlike the original show, \"Celebrity Big Brother\" saw the housemates competing for charity. The series premiered on 9","Document [20](Title: Channel 5 (UK) programming) \"Celebrity Big Brother\" was won by Ryan Thomas on 10 September 2018 with the final series of \"Big Brother\" launching four days later on 14 September 2018, ending after 53 days on 5 November 2018. In total Big Brother and Celebrity Big Brother aired twenty-three series on Channel 5 between 2011\u20132018, with 8 regular and 15 celebrity series respectively. \"The Farm\" was Channel 5's version of the international TV format \"The Farm\". It had a series of celebrities appearing on it during its two series run and did attract some controversy. Channel 5 cancelled \"The Farm\" following series two in"],"query":"what channel is celebrity big brother on in the usa?","answers":["CBS","on CBS"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 16 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 16 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 16, also known as Celebrity Big Brother: UK vs USA, was the sixteenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\", hosted by Emma Willis and narrated by Marcus Bentley. The series launched on 27 August 2015 on Channel 5 in the United Kingdom and TV3 in the Ireland, and ended after 29 days on 24 September 2015. It is the ninth celebrity series and the fourteenth series of \"Big Brother\" overall to air on Channel 5. It was the only celebrity series to credit Denis O'Connor as creative director.","Document [2](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) the spin-off series provided poor ratings and was not renewed. \"Ultimate Big Brother\" was the final series to air on Channel 4, and featured fourteen of the most memorable housemates from both \"Big Brother\" and \"Celebrity Big Brother\" competing in the series. Numerous other spin-offs have occurred throughout the series such as \"Big Brother's Big Mouth\", hosted by Russell Brand, and \"Big Brother's Little Brother\" hosted by Dermot O'Leary. Following the show's move to Channel 5, \"Big Brother's Bit on the Side\" is the only currently airing spin-off series. \"Big Brother\" is a game show in which a group of","Document [3](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 1 (UK)) March 2001, on Channel 4. The contestants were recorded 24 hours a day with cameras fixed around the house, and had to wear portable microphones. Due to the tie-in with Comic Relief, the first series was partly broadcast on BBC One in the week leading up to the telethon. Channel 4 broadcast a daily 30-minute highlights show, and from the second day on there was a live eviction show hosted by Davina McCall, where the evicted housemate was interviewed. In the nightly highlight episodes, viewers are shown various highlights of a specific day in the house. BBC One's coverage consisted","Document [4](Title: Celebrity Big Brother) Celebrity Big Brother Celebrity Big Brother (or Big Brother VIP) is an adaptation of the \"Big Brother\" reality television series. Just like its parent franchise, \"Celebrity Big Brother\" airs in several countries, however the housemates or houseguests are local celebrities. In some countries, the prize money normally awarded to the winning housemate is donated to a charity, and all celebrities are paid to appear in the show as long as they do not voluntarily leave before their eviction or the end of the series. The rest of the rules are nearly the same as those of the original version. The","Document [5](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (U.S. TV series)) Celebrity Big Brother, also known as Big Brother: Celebrity Edition, is a spin-off series of the American reality television series Big Brother. This season aired during the winter of the 2017\u201318 network television season on CBS and was the second U.S. Big Brother season to air outside the usual summer television season, the first being Big Brother 9 in 2008. Julie Chen returned as host, with Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan returning as executive producers. The season was produced by Fly on the Wall Entertainment in association with Endemol Shine North America. The season premiered on February 7, 2018.","Document [6](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 3 (UK)) the pupil, indicating that it is a celebrity series. The live launch, nightly highlight shows, live eviction and finale were all broadcast on Channel 4. Davina McCall remained host of the live shows. Big Brother's Little Brother returned for the celebrity series once again hosted by Dermot O'Leary, for the first time ever it was broadcast in a late night time-slot on Channel 4, however it was broadcast in its usual Sunday lunchtime slot. On E4, live coverage from the house dominated its daily and nightly schedule, Nominations Uncut and Diary Room Uncut \u2013 which were both introduced during Big","Document [7](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) in the United Kingdom and immediately became a ratings success. Following the success of the first series, it was confirmed that a celebrity edition of the show was in the works. \"Celebrity Big Brother\" aired in March 2001 as a one-time special on Channel 4 in association with the BBC's \"Comic Relief\" charity telethon. Due to the tie-in with Comic Relief, the first series was partly broadcast on BBC One in the week leading up to the telethon. It lasted for eight days, and was ultimately won by comedian Jack Dee. With the first series proving to be a success,","Document [8](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK)) not include Channel 5 +1. Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 14 was the fourteenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". The series launched on 18 August 2014 on Channel 5 and ended after 26 days on 12 September. It was the seventh celebrity series and the eleventh series of \"Big Brother\" overall to air on the channel. Emma Willis hosted the series, whilst Rylan Clark presented the spin-off show \"Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side\" along with Iain Lee, Willis and regular panelist Luisa Zissman. The series was won by actor Gary","Document [9](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK)) house and the first task set. Lauren Harries acted as fashion expert on the launch night show, castigating the styling of the new housemates. The show was similar to ex-spin off shows \"Big Brother's Little Brother\" and \"Big Brother's Big Mouth\", but is shown after the main show. The debut show was watched by 1.82 million viewers (receiving 13.4%). It returned along with the ninth series of the main celebrity show in January 2012. This is a special edition of the main \"OK! TV\" magazine show broadcast from the Big Brother compound in the Elstree Studio. The first edition aired","Document [10](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK)) the eye. Despite fifteenth series of \"Big Brother\" having only an hour and a half live feed for the entire series run, it was officially announced on 6 August 2014 that there would be an hour of live feed available almost nightly on Channel 5 due to the ratings success of the previous editions of the show and mass viewer request. On 11 August 2014, the first 30-second teaser was released which features footage from past series of \"Celebrity Big Brother\" on Channel 5. However, the tenth series or eleventh series are not included. SuperCasino continued its sponsorship for this","Document [11](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 16 (UK)) episodes will air on Channel 5, with the weekend episodes airing on 5*. The first five-second teaser for \"Celebrity Big Brother\" aired on 31 July 2015 confirming the theme UK v USA. Channel 5 later revealed the full length advert on 7 August 2015. The advert featured hosts Emma Willis and Rylan Clark. Lucozade returns to sponsor \"Celebrity Big Brother\" after previously sponsoring \"Big Brother 16\" earlier in the year. The house was redecorated following the sixteenth civilian series. The house was decorated with British and American iconography to suit the UK v USA theme. House pictures were officially revealed","Document [12](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 2011, also known as Celebrity Big Brother 8, was the eighth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". It was the first series of \"Celebrity Big Brother\" to air on Channel 5, and the first celebrity series not to air in January since \"Celebrity Big Brother 2\", which was broadcast in November 2002. The series launched on 18 August 2011, and ended after 22 days on 8 September 2011, making it the shortest Channel 5 series. It was followed by the twelfth regular series, which launched the following night","Document [13](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 10 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 10 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 10 was the tenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". It launched on 15 August 2012, two days after the final of \"Big Brother 13\", and aired on Channel 5 and 5* for 24 days until 7 September 2012. It was the third celebrity series to air on Channel 5 as part of a contract extension of the current two-year contract with Endemol, and the fifth series of \"Big Brother\" to air on Channel 5 since they acquired the show. The series was sponsored by hair product brand","Document [14](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 14 was the fourteenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". The series launched on 18 August 2014 on Channel 5 and ended after 26 days on 12 September. It was the seventh celebrity series and the eleventh series of \"Big Brother\" overall to air on the channel. Emma Willis hosted the series, whilst Rylan Clark presented the spin-off show \"Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side\" along with Iain Lee, Willis and regular panelist Luisa Zissman. The series was won by actor Gary Busey. With an average of","Document [15](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK)) celebrity housemates. It revealed a colourful, opulent look with a return to the luxury feel of the early Channel 4 series. It featured a bar, gym, sauna, an open-plan bathroom, the UK series' largest swimming pool thus far. In the celebrity series, the shower enclosure was screened off from public view but this was changed to a clear view for the main series. There was also a large outdoor area and a sophisticated range of designer furnishings and fittings. This made a radical contrast with the shift to an austere, claustrophobic house seen in the later Channel 4 series. The","Document [16](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) \"Celebrity Big Brother\" began as a one-time spin-off series to the original \"Big Brother UK\", and premiered on Channel 4 on 9 March 2001. Following the successful first series, the show returned the following year for a second series. Though the show did not air for the next two years, it returned in 2005 and 2006. Following the highly controversial fifth series in 2007, the show did not return in 2008. It did air in 2009, but it was officially axed after the seventh series in 2010 when Channel 4 chose to cancel the programme as well as the main","Document [17](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) Brother\" did not air in 2008. It did, however, return in 2009 and 2010, with the 2010 series being announced as the final one. After Richard Desmond bought Channel 5 in 2010, he said he was keen to acquire both \"Big Brother\" and \"Celebrity Big Brother\". Meanwhile, Endemol had been granted permission to keep the \"Big Brother\" House at the Elstree TV Studios until 30 September 2013. On 2 April 2011, \"The Daily Star\", a newspaper owned by Desmond's Northern & Shell company, reported that \"Big Brother\" would be returning on Channel 5 in August 2011 with a Celebrity edition,","Document [18](Title: Celebrity Big Brother) celebrity version has become particularly popular in the UK, causing UK broadcaster Channel 5 to extend its deal with Endemol enabling them to air two celebrity series in addition to the civilian version every year from 2012. In total the UK aired 22 celebrity series with their \"twenty-second and final series\" ending on 10 September 2018, Four days later on 14 September 2018, Channel 5 confirmed that they had axed both \"Big Brother\" and \"Celebrity Big Brother\". In Bulgaria, \"VIP Brother\" has replaced the original format of the show and more seasons of the celebrity edition have been produced than","Document [19](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 1 (UK)) celebrities living in a custom built house with no contact with the outside world. Each week, the housemates are required to nominate two people for eviction. The two or more people with the most votes were nominated to leave the House. The viewers then decided which of the nominees should leave, with the selected person leaving during a live show. This process continued until only three housemates remained, at which time the public voted for which of them should win the series. Unlike the original show, \"Celebrity Big Brother\" saw the housemates competing for charity. The series premiered on 9","Document [20](Title: Channel 5 (UK) programming) \"Celebrity Big Brother\" was won by Ryan Thomas on 10 September 2018 with the final series of \"Big Brother\" launching four days later on 14 September 2018, ending after 53 days on 5 November 2018. In total Big Brother and Celebrity Big Brother aired twenty-three series on Channel 5 between 2011\u20132018, with 8 regular and 15 celebrity series respectively. \"The Farm\" was Channel 5's version of the international TV format \"The Farm\". It had a series of celebrities appearing on it during its two series run and did attract some controversy. Channel 5 cancelled \"The Farm\" following series two in"],"query":"what channel is celebrity big brother on in the usa?","answers":["CBS","on CBS"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 16 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 16 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 16, also known as Celebrity Big Brother: UK vs USA, was the sixteenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\", hosted by Emma Willis and narrated by Marcus Bentley. The series launched on 27 August 2015 on Channel 5 in the United Kingdom and TV3 in the Ireland, and ended after 29 days on 24 September 2015. It is the ninth celebrity series and the fourteenth series of \"Big Brother\" overall to air on Channel 5. It was the only celebrity series to credit Denis O'Connor as creative director.","Document [2](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) the spin-off series provided poor ratings and was not renewed. \"Ultimate Big Brother\" was the final series to air on Channel 4, and featured fourteen of the most memorable housemates from both \"Big Brother\" and \"Celebrity Big Brother\" competing in the series. Numerous other spin-offs have occurred throughout the series such as \"Big Brother's Big Mouth\", hosted by Russell Brand, and \"Big Brother's Little Brother\" hosted by Dermot O'Leary. Following the show's move to Channel 5, \"Big Brother's Bit on the Side\" is the only currently airing spin-off series. \"Big Brother\" is a game show in which a group of","Document [3](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 1 (UK)) March 2001, on Channel 4. The contestants were recorded 24 hours a day with cameras fixed around the house, and had to wear portable microphones. Due to the tie-in with Comic Relief, the first series was partly broadcast on BBC One in the week leading up to the telethon. Channel 4 broadcast a daily 30-minute highlights show, and from the second day on there was a live eviction show hosted by Davina McCall, where the evicted housemate was interviewed. In the nightly highlight episodes, viewers are shown various highlights of a specific day in the house. BBC One's coverage consisted","Document [4](Title: Celebrity Big Brother) Celebrity Big Brother Celebrity Big Brother (or Big Brother VIP) is an adaptation of the \"Big Brother\" reality television series. Just like its parent franchise, \"Celebrity Big Brother\" airs in several countries, however the housemates or houseguests are local celebrities. In some countries, the prize money normally awarded to the winning housemate is donated to a charity, and all celebrities are paid to appear in the show as long as they do not voluntarily leave before their eviction or the end of the series. The rest of the rules are nearly the same as those of the original version. The","Document [5](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 3 (UK)) the pupil, indicating that it is a celebrity series. The live launch, nightly highlight shows, live eviction and finale were all broadcast on Channel 4. Davina McCall remained host of the live shows. Big Brother's Little Brother returned for the celebrity series once again hosted by Dermot O'Leary, for the first time ever it was broadcast in a late night time-slot on Channel 4, however it was broadcast in its usual Sunday lunchtime slot. On E4, live coverage from the house dominated its daily and nightly schedule, Nominations Uncut and Diary Room Uncut \u2013 which were both introduced during Big","Document [6](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) in the United Kingdom and immediately became a ratings success. Following the success of the first series, it was confirmed that a celebrity edition of the show was in the works. \"Celebrity Big Brother\" aired in March 2001 as a one-time special on Channel 4 in association with the BBC's \"Comic Relief\" charity telethon. Due to the tie-in with Comic Relief, the first series was partly broadcast on BBC One in the week leading up to the telethon. It lasted for eight days, and was ultimately won by comedian Jack Dee. With the first series proving to be a success,","Document [7](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK)) not include Channel 5 +1. Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 14 was the fourteenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". The series launched on 18 August 2014 on Channel 5 and ended after 26 days on 12 September. It was the seventh celebrity series and the eleventh series of \"Big Brother\" overall to air on the channel. Emma Willis hosted the series, whilst Rylan Clark presented the spin-off show \"Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side\" along with Iain Lee, Willis and regular panelist Luisa Zissman. The series was won by actor Gary","Document [8](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK)) house and the first task set. Lauren Harries acted as fashion expert on the launch night show, castigating the styling of the new housemates. The show was similar to ex-spin off shows \"Big Brother's Little Brother\" and \"Big Brother's Big Mouth\", but is shown after the main show. The debut show was watched by 1.82 million viewers (receiving 13.4%). It returned along with the ninth series of the main celebrity show in January 2012. This is a special edition of the main \"OK! TV\" magazine show broadcast from the Big Brother compound in the Elstree Studio. The first edition aired","Document [9](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK)) the eye. Despite fifteenth series of \"Big Brother\" having only an hour and a half live feed for the entire series run, it was officially announced on 6 August 2014 that there would be an hour of live feed available almost nightly on Channel 5 due to the ratings success of the previous editions of the show and mass viewer request. On 11 August 2014, the first 30-second teaser was released which features footage from past series of \"Celebrity Big Brother\" on Channel 5. However, the tenth series or eleventh series are not included. SuperCasino continued its sponsorship for this","Document [10](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (U.S. TV series)) Celebrity Big Brother, also known as Big Brother: Celebrity Edition, is a spin-off series of the American reality television series Big Brother. This season aired during the winter of the 2017\u201318 network television season on CBS and was the second U.S. Big Brother season to air outside the usual summer television season, the first being Big Brother 9 in 2008. Julie Chen returned as host, with Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan returning as executive producers. The season was produced by Fly on the Wall Entertainment in association with Endemol Shine North America. The season premiered on February 7, 2018.","Document [11](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 16 (UK)) episodes will air on Channel 5, with the weekend episodes airing on 5*. The first five-second teaser for \"Celebrity Big Brother\" aired on 31 July 2015 confirming the theme UK v USA. Channel 5 later revealed the full length advert on 7 August 2015. The advert featured hosts Emma Willis and Rylan Clark. Lucozade returns to sponsor \"Celebrity Big Brother\" after previously sponsoring \"Big Brother 16\" earlier in the year. The house was redecorated following the sixteenth civilian series. The house was decorated with British and American iconography to suit the UK v USA theme. House pictures were officially revealed","Document [12](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 2011, also known as Celebrity Big Brother 8, was the eighth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". It was the first series of \"Celebrity Big Brother\" to air on Channel 5, and the first celebrity series not to air in January since \"Celebrity Big Brother 2\", which was broadcast in November 2002. The series launched on 18 August 2011, and ended after 22 days on 8 September 2011, making it the shortest Channel 5 series. It was followed by the twelfth regular series, which launched the following night","Document [13](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 10 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 10 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 10 was the tenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". It launched on 15 August 2012, two days after the final of \"Big Brother 13\", and aired on Channel 5 and 5* for 24 days until 7 September 2012. It was the third celebrity series to air on Channel 5 as part of a contract extension of the current two-year contract with Endemol, and the fifth series of \"Big Brother\" to air on Channel 5 since they acquired the show. The series was sponsored by hair product brand","Document [14](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 14 was the fourteenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". The series launched on 18 August 2014 on Channel 5 and ended after 26 days on 12 September. It was the seventh celebrity series and the eleventh series of \"Big Brother\" overall to air on the channel. Emma Willis hosted the series, whilst Rylan Clark presented the spin-off show \"Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side\" along with Iain Lee, Willis and regular panelist Luisa Zissman. The series was won by actor Gary Busey. With an average of","Document [15](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK)) celebrity housemates. It revealed a colourful, opulent look with a return to the luxury feel of the early Channel 4 series. It featured a bar, gym, sauna, an open-plan bathroom, the UK series' largest swimming pool thus far. In the celebrity series, the shower enclosure was screened off from public view but this was changed to a clear view for the main series. There was also a large outdoor area and a sophisticated range of designer furnishings and fittings. This made a radical contrast with the shift to an austere, claustrophobic house seen in the later Channel 4 series. The","Document [16](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) \"Celebrity Big Brother\" began as a one-time spin-off series to the original \"Big Brother UK\", and premiered on Channel 4 on 9 March 2001. Following the successful first series, the show returned the following year for a second series. Though the show did not air for the next two years, it returned in 2005 and 2006. Following the highly controversial fifth series in 2007, the show did not return in 2008. It did air in 2009, but it was officially axed after the seventh series in 2010 when Channel 4 chose to cancel the programme as well as the main","Document [17](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) Brother\" did not air in 2008. It did, however, return in 2009 and 2010, with the 2010 series being announced as the final one. After Richard Desmond bought Channel 5 in 2010, he said he was keen to acquire both \"Big Brother\" and \"Celebrity Big Brother\". Meanwhile, Endemol had been granted permission to keep the \"Big Brother\" House at the Elstree TV Studios until 30 September 2013. On 2 April 2011, \"The Daily Star\", a newspaper owned by Desmond's Northern & Shell company, reported that \"Big Brother\" would be returning on Channel 5 in August 2011 with a Celebrity edition,","Document [18](Title: Celebrity Big Brother) celebrity version has become particularly popular in the UK, causing UK broadcaster Channel 5 to extend its deal with Endemol enabling them to air two celebrity series in addition to the civilian version every year from 2012. In total the UK aired 22 celebrity series with their \"twenty-second and final series\" ending on 10 September 2018, Four days later on 14 September 2018, Channel 5 confirmed that they had axed both \"Big Brother\" and \"Celebrity Big Brother\". In Bulgaria, \"VIP Brother\" has replaced the original format of the show and more seasons of the celebrity edition have been produced than","Document [19](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 1 (UK)) celebrities living in a custom built house with no contact with the outside world. Each week, the housemates are required to nominate two people for eviction. The two or more people with the most votes were nominated to leave the House. The viewers then decided which of the nominees should leave, with the selected person leaving during a live show. This process continued until only three housemates remained, at which time the public voted for which of them should win the series. Unlike the original show, \"Celebrity Big Brother\" saw the housemates competing for charity. The series premiered on 9","Document [20](Title: Channel 5 (UK) programming) \"Celebrity Big Brother\" was won by Ryan Thomas on 10 September 2018 with the final series of \"Big Brother\" launching four days later on 14 September 2018, ending after 53 days on 5 November 2018. In total Big Brother and Celebrity Big Brother aired twenty-three series on Channel 5 between 2011\u20132018, with 8 regular and 15 celebrity series respectively. \"The Farm\" was Channel 5's version of the international TV format \"The Farm\". It had a series of celebrities appearing on it during its two series run and did attract some controversy. Channel 5 cancelled \"The Farm\" following series two in"],"query":"what channel is celebrity big brother on in the usa?","answers":["CBS","on CBS"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 16 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 16 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 16, also known as Celebrity Big Brother: UK vs USA, was the sixteenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\", hosted by Emma Willis and narrated by Marcus Bentley. The series launched on 27 August 2015 on Channel 5 in the United Kingdom and TV3 in the Ireland, and ended after 29 days on 24 September 2015. It is the ninth celebrity series and the fourteenth series of \"Big Brother\" overall to air on Channel 5. It was the only celebrity series to credit Denis O'Connor as creative director.","Document [2](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) the spin-off series provided poor ratings and was not renewed. \"Ultimate Big Brother\" was the final series to air on Channel 4, and featured fourteen of the most memorable housemates from both \"Big Brother\" and \"Celebrity Big Brother\" competing in the series. Numerous other spin-offs have occurred throughout the series such as \"Big Brother's Big Mouth\", hosted by Russell Brand, and \"Big Brother's Little Brother\" hosted by Dermot O'Leary. Following the show's move to Channel 5, \"Big Brother's Bit on the Side\" is the only currently airing spin-off series. \"Big Brother\" is a game show in which a group of","Document [3](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 1 (UK)) March 2001, on Channel 4. The contestants were recorded 24 hours a day with cameras fixed around the house, and had to wear portable microphones. Due to the tie-in with Comic Relief, the first series was partly broadcast on BBC One in the week leading up to the telethon. Channel 4 broadcast a daily 30-minute highlights show, and from the second day on there was a live eviction show hosted by Davina McCall, where the evicted housemate was interviewed. In the nightly highlight episodes, viewers are shown various highlights of a specific day in the house. BBC One's coverage consisted","Document [4](Title: Celebrity Big Brother) Celebrity Big Brother Celebrity Big Brother (or Big Brother VIP) is an adaptation of the \"Big Brother\" reality television series. Just like its parent franchise, \"Celebrity Big Brother\" airs in several countries, however the housemates or houseguests are local celebrities. In some countries, the prize money normally awarded to the winning housemate is donated to a charity, and all celebrities are paid to appear in the show as long as they do not voluntarily leave before their eviction or the end of the series. The rest of the rules are nearly the same as those of the original version. The","Document [5](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 3 (UK)) the pupil, indicating that it is a celebrity series. The live launch, nightly highlight shows, live eviction and finale were all broadcast on Channel 4. Davina McCall remained host of the live shows. Big Brother's Little Brother returned for the celebrity series once again hosted by Dermot O'Leary, for the first time ever it was broadcast in a late night time-slot on Channel 4, however it was broadcast in its usual Sunday lunchtime slot. On E4, live coverage from the house dominated its daily and nightly schedule, Nominations Uncut and Diary Room Uncut \u2013 which were both introduced during Big","Document [6](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) in the United Kingdom and immediately became a ratings success. Following the success of the first series, it was confirmed that a celebrity edition of the show was in the works. \"Celebrity Big Brother\" aired in March 2001 as a one-time special on Channel 4 in association with the BBC's \"Comic Relief\" charity telethon. Due to the tie-in with Comic Relief, the first series was partly broadcast on BBC One in the week leading up to the telethon. It lasted for eight days, and was ultimately won by comedian Jack Dee. With the first series proving to be a success,","Document [7](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK)) not include Channel 5 +1. Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 14 was the fourteenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". The series launched on 18 August 2014 on Channel 5 and ended after 26 days on 12 September. It was the seventh celebrity series and the eleventh series of \"Big Brother\" overall to air on the channel. Emma Willis hosted the series, whilst Rylan Clark presented the spin-off show \"Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side\" along with Iain Lee, Willis and regular panelist Luisa Zissman. The series was won by actor Gary","Document [8](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK)) house and the first task set. Lauren Harries acted as fashion expert on the launch night show, castigating the styling of the new housemates. The show was similar to ex-spin off shows \"Big Brother's Little Brother\" and \"Big Brother's Big Mouth\", but is shown after the main show. The debut show was watched by 1.82 million viewers (receiving 13.4%). It returned along with the ninth series of the main celebrity show in January 2012. This is a special edition of the main \"OK! TV\" magazine show broadcast from the Big Brother compound in the Elstree Studio. The first edition aired","Document [9](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK)) the eye. Despite fifteenth series of \"Big Brother\" having only an hour and a half live feed for the entire series run, it was officially announced on 6 August 2014 that there would be an hour of live feed available almost nightly on Channel 5 due to the ratings success of the previous editions of the show and mass viewer request. On 11 August 2014, the first 30-second teaser was released which features footage from past series of \"Celebrity Big Brother\" on Channel 5. However, the tenth series or eleventh series are not included. SuperCasino continued its sponsorship for this","Document [10](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 16 (UK)) episodes will air on Channel 5, with the weekend episodes airing on 5*. The first five-second teaser for \"Celebrity Big Brother\" aired on 31 July 2015 confirming the theme UK v USA. Channel 5 later revealed the full length advert on 7 August 2015. The advert featured hosts Emma Willis and Rylan Clark. Lucozade returns to sponsor \"Celebrity Big Brother\" after previously sponsoring \"Big Brother 16\" earlier in the year. The house was redecorated following the sixteenth civilian series. The house was decorated with British and American iconography to suit the UK v USA theme. House pictures were officially revealed","Document [11](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 2011, also known as Celebrity Big Brother 8, was the eighth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". It was the first series of \"Celebrity Big Brother\" to air on Channel 5, and the first celebrity series not to air in January since \"Celebrity Big Brother 2\", which was broadcast in November 2002. The series launched on 18 August 2011, and ended after 22 days on 8 September 2011, making it the shortest Channel 5 series. It was followed by the twelfth regular series, which launched the following night","Document [12](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 10 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 10 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 10 was the tenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". It launched on 15 August 2012, two days after the final of \"Big Brother 13\", and aired on Channel 5 and 5* for 24 days until 7 September 2012. It was the third celebrity series to air on Channel 5 as part of a contract extension of the current two-year contract with Endemol, and the fifth series of \"Big Brother\" to air on Channel 5 since they acquired the show. The series was sponsored by hair product brand","Document [13](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 14 was the fourteenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". The series launched on 18 August 2014 on Channel 5 and ended after 26 days on 12 September. It was the seventh celebrity series and the eleventh series of \"Big Brother\" overall to air on the channel. Emma Willis hosted the series, whilst Rylan Clark presented the spin-off show \"Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side\" along with Iain Lee, Willis and regular panelist Luisa Zissman. The series was won by actor Gary Busey. With an average of","Document [14](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK)) celebrity housemates. It revealed a colourful, opulent look with a return to the luxury feel of the early Channel 4 series. It featured a bar, gym, sauna, an open-plan bathroom, the UK series' largest swimming pool thus far. In the celebrity series, the shower enclosure was screened off from public view but this was changed to a clear view for the main series. There was also a large outdoor area and a sophisticated range of designer furnishings and fittings. This made a radical contrast with the shift to an austere, claustrophobic house seen in the later Channel 4 series. The","Document [15](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (U.S. TV series)) Celebrity Big Brother, also known as Big Brother: Celebrity Edition, is a spin-off series of the American reality television series Big Brother. This season aired during the winter of the 2017\u201318 network television season on CBS and was the second U.S. Big Brother season to air outside the usual summer television season, the first being Big Brother 9 in 2008. Julie Chen returned as host, with Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan returning as executive producers. The season was produced by Fly on the Wall Entertainment in association with Endemol Shine North America. The season premiered on February 7, 2018.","Document [16](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) \"Celebrity Big Brother\" began as a one-time spin-off series to the original \"Big Brother UK\", and premiered on Channel 4 on 9 March 2001. Following the successful first series, the show returned the following year for a second series. Though the show did not air for the next two years, it returned in 2005 and 2006. Following the highly controversial fifth series in 2007, the show did not return in 2008. It did air in 2009, but it was officially axed after the seventh series in 2010 when Channel 4 chose to cancel the programme as well as the main","Document [17](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) Brother\" did not air in 2008. It did, however, return in 2009 and 2010, with the 2010 series being announced as the final one. After Richard Desmond bought Channel 5 in 2010, he said he was keen to acquire both \"Big Brother\" and \"Celebrity Big Brother\". Meanwhile, Endemol had been granted permission to keep the \"Big Brother\" House at the Elstree TV Studios until 30 September 2013. On 2 April 2011, \"The Daily Star\", a newspaper owned by Desmond's Northern & Shell company, reported that \"Big Brother\" would be returning on Channel 5 in August 2011 with a Celebrity edition,","Document [18](Title: Celebrity Big Brother) celebrity version has become particularly popular in the UK, causing UK broadcaster Channel 5 to extend its deal with Endemol enabling them to air two celebrity series in addition to the civilian version every year from 2012. In total the UK aired 22 celebrity series with their \"twenty-second and final series\" ending on 10 September 2018, Four days later on 14 September 2018, Channel 5 confirmed that they had axed both \"Big Brother\" and \"Celebrity Big Brother\". In Bulgaria, \"VIP Brother\" has replaced the original format of the show and more seasons of the celebrity edition have been produced than","Document [19](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 1 (UK)) celebrities living in a custom built house with no contact with the outside world. Each week, the housemates are required to nominate two people for eviction. The two or more people with the most votes were nominated to leave the House. The viewers then decided which of the nominees should leave, with the selected person leaving during a live show. This process continued until only three housemates remained, at which time the public voted for which of them should win the series. Unlike the original show, \"Celebrity Big Brother\" saw the housemates competing for charity. The series premiered on 9","Document [20](Title: Channel 5 (UK) programming) \"Celebrity Big Brother\" was won by Ryan Thomas on 10 September 2018 with the final series of \"Big Brother\" launching four days later on 14 September 2018, ending after 53 days on 5 November 2018. In total Big Brother and Celebrity Big Brother aired twenty-three series on Channel 5 between 2011\u20132018, with 8 regular and 15 celebrity series respectively. \"The Farm\" was Channel 5's version of the international TV format \"The Farm\". It had a series of celebrities appearing on it during its two series run and did attract some controversy. Channel 5 cancelled \"The Farm\" following series two in"],"query":"what channel is celebrity big brother on in the usa?","answers":["CBS","on CBS"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 16 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 16 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 16, also known as Celebrity Big Brother: UK vs USA, was the sixteenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\", hosted by Emma Willis and narrated by Marcus Bentley. The series launched on 27 August 2015 on Channel 5 in the United Kingdom and TV3 in the Ireland, and ended after 29 days on 24 September 2015. It is the ninth celebrity series and the fourteenth series of \"Big Brother\" overall to air on Channel 5. It was the only celebrity series to credit Denis O'Connor as creative director.","Document [2](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) the spin-off series provided poor ratings and was not renewed. \"Ultimate Big Brother\" was the final series to air on Channel 4, and featured fourteen of the most memorable housemates from both \"Big Brother\" and \"Celebrity Big Brother\" competing in the series. Numerous other spin-offs have occurred throughout the series such as \"Big Brother's Big Mouth\", hosted by Russell Brand, and \"Big Brother's Little Brother\" hosted by Dermot O'Leary. Following the show's move to Channel 5, \"Big Brother's Bit on the Side\" is the only currently airing spin-off series. \"Big Brother\" is a game show in which a group of","Document [3](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 1 (UK)) March 2001, on Channel 4. The contestants were recorded 24 hours a day with cameras fixed around the house, and had to wear portable microphones. Due to the tie-in with Comic Relief, the first series was partly broadcast on BBC One in the week leading up to the telethon. Channel 4 broadcast a daily 30-minute highlights show, and from the second day on there was a live eviction show hosted by Davina McCall, where the evicted housemate was interviewed. In the nightly highlight episodes, viewers are shown various highlights of a specific day in the house. BBC One's coverage consisted","Document [4](Title: Celebrity Big Brother) Celebrity Big Brother Celebrity Big Brother (or Big Brother VIP) is an adaptation of the \"Big Brother\" reality television series. Just like its parent franchise, \"Celebrity Big Brother\" airs in several countries, however the housemates or houseguests are local celebrities. In some countries, the prize money normally awarded to the winning housemate is donated to a charity, and all celebrities are paid to appear in the show as long as they do not voluntarily leave before their eviction or the end of the series. The rest of the rules are nearly the same as those of the original version. The","Document [5](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 3 (UK)) the pupil, indicating that it is a celebrity series. The live launch, nightly highlight shows, live eviction and finale were all broadcast on Channel 4. Davina McCall remained host of the live shows. Big Brother's Little Brother returned for the celebrity series once again hosted by Dermot O'Leary, for the first time ever it was broadcast in a late night time-slot on Channel 4, however it was broadcast in its usual Sunday lunchtime slot. On E4, live coverage from the house dominated its daily and nightly schedule, Nominations Uncut and Diary Room Uncut \u2013 which were both introduced during Big","Document [6](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) in the United Kingdom and immediately became a ratings success. Following the success of the first series, it was confirmed that a celebrity edition of the show was in the works. \"Celebrity Big Brother\" aired in March 2001 as a one-time special on Channel 4 in association with the BBC's \"Comic Relief\" charity telethon. Due to the tie-in with Comic Relief, the first series was partly broadcast on BBC One in the week leading up to the telethon. It lasted for eight days, and was ultimately won by comedian Jack Dee. With the first series proving to be a success,","Document [7](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK)) not include Channel 5 +1. Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 14 was the fourteenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". The series launched on 18 August 2014 on Channel 5 and ended after 26 days on 12 September. It was the seventh celebrity series and the eleventh series of \"Big Brother\" overall to air on the channel. Emma Willis hosted the series, whilst Rylan Clark presented the spin-off show \"Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side\" along with Iain Lee, Willis and regular panelist Luisa Zissman. The series was won by actor Gary","Document [8](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK)) house and the first task set. Lauren Harries acted as fashion expert on the launch night show, castigating the styling of the new housemates. The show was similar to ex-spin off shows \"Big Brother's Little Brother\" and \"Big Brother's Big Mouth\", but is shown after the main show. The debut show was watched by 1.82 million viewers (receiving 13.4%). It returned along with the ninth series of the main celebrity show in January 2012. This is a special edition of the main \"OK! TV\" magazine show broadcast from the Big Brother compound in the Elstree Studio. The first edition aired","Document [9](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK)) the eye. Despite fifteenth series of \"Big Brother\" having only an hour and a half live feed for the entire series run, it was officially announced on 6 August 2014 that there would be an hour of live feed available almost nightly on Channel 5 due to the ratings success of the previous editions of the show and mass viewer request. On 11 August 2014, the first 30-second teaser was released which features footage from past series of \"Celebrity Big Brother\" on Channel 5. However, the tenth series or eleventh series are not included. SuperCasino continued its sponsorship for this","Document [10](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 16 (UK)) episodes will air on Channel 5, with the weekend episodes airing on 5*. The first five-second teaser for \"Celebrity Big Brother\" aired on 31 July 2015 confirming the theme UK v USA. Channel 5 later revealed the full length advert on 7 August 2015. The advert featured hosts Emma Willis and Rylan Clark. Lucozade returns to sponsor \"Celebrity Big Brother\" after previously sponsoring \"Big Brother 16\" earlier in the year. The house was redecorated following the sixteenth civilian series. The house was decorated with British and American iconography to suit the UK v USA theme. House pictures were officially revealed","Document [11](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 2011, also known as Celebrity Big Brother 8, was the eighth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". It was the first series of \"Celebrity Big Brother\" to air on Channel 5, and the first celebrity series not to air in January since \"Celebrity Big Brother 2\", which was broadcast in November 2002. The series launched on 18 August 2011, and ended after 22 days on 8 September 2011, making it the shortest Channel 5 series. It was followed by the twelfth regular series, which launched the following night","Document [12](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 10 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 10 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 10 was the tenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". It launched on 15 August 2012, two days after the final of \"Big Brother 13\", and aired on Channel 5 and 5* for 24 days until 7 September 2012. It was the third celebrity series to air on Channel 5 as part of a contract extension of the current two-year contract with Endemol, and the fifth series of \"Big Brother\" to air on Channel 5 since they acquired the show. The series was sponsored by hair product brand","Document [13](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK)) Celebrity Big Brother 14 (UK) Celebrity Big Brother 14 was the fourteenth series of the British reality television series \"Celebrity Big Brother\". The series launched on 18 August 2014 on Channel 5 and ended after 26 days on 12 September. It was the seventh celebrity series and the eleventh series of \"Big Brother\" overall to air on the channel. Emma Willis hosted the series, whilst Rylan Clark presented the spin-off show \"Celebrity Big Brother's Bit on the Side\" along with Iain Lee, Willis and regular panelist Luisa Zissman. The series was won by actor Gary Busey. With an average of","Document [14](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 8 (UK)) celebrity housemates. It revealed a colourful, opulent look with a return to the luxury feel of the early Channel 4 series. It featured a bar, gym, sauna, an open-plan bathroom, the UK series' largest swimming pool thus far. In the celebrity series, the shower enclosure was screened off from public view but this was changed to a clear view for the main series. There was also a large outdoor area and a sophisticated range of designer furnishings and fittings. This made a radical contrast with the shift to an austere, claustrophobic house seen in the later Channel 4 series. The","Document [15](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) \"Celebrity Big Brother\" began as a one-time spin-off series to the original \"Big Brother UK\", and premiered on Channel 4 on 9 March 2001. Following the successful first series, the show returned the following year for a second series. Though the show did not air for the next two years, it returned in 2005 and 2006. Following the highly controversial fifth series in 2007, the show did not return in 2008. It did air in 2009, but it was officially axed after the seventh series in 2010 when Channel 4 chose to cancel the programme as well as the main","Document [16](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (UK TV series)) Brother\" did not air in 2008. It did, however, return in 2009 and 2010, with the 2010 series being announced as the final one. After Richard Desmond bought Channel 5 in 2010, he said he was keen to acquire both \"Big Brother\" and \"Celebrity Big Brother\". Meanwhile, Endemol had been granted permission to keep the \"Big Brother\" House at the Elstree TV Studios until 30 September 2013. On 2 April 2011, \"The Daily Star\", a newspaper owned by Desmond's Northern & Shell company, reported that \"Big Brother\" would be returning on Channel 5 in August 2011 with a Celebrity edition,","Document [17](Title: Celebrity Big Brother) celebrity version has become particularly popular in the UK, causing UK broadcaster Channel 5 to extend its deal with Endemol enabling them to air two celebrity series in addition to the civilian version every year from 2012. In total the UK aired 22 celebrity series with their \"twenty-second and final series\" ending on 10 September 2018, Four days later on 14 September 2018, Channel 5 confirmed that they had axed both \"Big Brother\" and \"Celebrity Big Brother\". In Bulgaria, \"VIP Brother\" has replaced the original format of the show and more seasons of the celebrity edition have been produced than","Document [18](Title: Celebrity Big Brother 1 (UK)) celebrities living in a custom built house with no contact with the outside world. Each week, the housemates are required to nominate two people for eviction. The two or more people with the most votes were nominated to leave the House. The viewers then decided which of the nominees should leave, with the selected person leaving during a live show. This process continued until only three housemates remained, at which time the public voted for which of them should win the series. Unlike the original show, \"Celebrity Big Brother\" saw the housemates competing for charity. The series premiered on 9","Document [19](Title: Channel 5 (UK) programming) \"Celebrity Big Brother\" was won by Ryan Thomas on 10 September 2018 with the final series of \"Big Brother\" launching four days later on 14 September 2018, ending after 53 days on 5 November 2018. In total Big Brother and Celebrity Big Brother aired twenty-three series on Channel 5 between 2011\u20132018, with 8 regular and 15 celebrity series respectively. \"The Farm\" was Channel 5's version of the international TV format \"The Farm\". It had a series of celebrities appearing on it during its two series run and did attract some controversy. Channel 5 cancelled \"The Farm\" following series two in","Document [20](Title: Celebrity Big Brother (U.S. TV series)) Celebrity Big Brother, also known as Big Brother: Celebrity Edition, is a spin-off series of the American reality television series Big Brother. This season aired during the winter of the 2017\u201318 network television season on CBS and was the second U.S. Big Brother season to air outside the usual summer television season, the first being Big Brother 9 in 2008. Julie Chen returned as host, with Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan returning as executive producers. The season was produced by Fly on the Wall Entertainment in association with Endemol Shine North America. The season premiered on February 7, 2018."],"query":"what channel is celebrity big brother on in the usa?","answers":["CBS","on CBS"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Penicillin) Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming. People began using it to treat infections in 1942. There are several enhanced penicillin families which are effective against additional bacteria; these include the antistaphylococcal penicillins, aminopenicillins and the antipseudomonal penicillins. They are derived from Penicillium fungi.","Document [2](Title: History of penicillin) respond to any traditional antiseptic was then given another substance that cured her, and Lister's registrar informed her that it was called Penicillium. In 1874, the Welsh physician William Roberts, who later coined the term \"enzyme\", observed that bacterial contamination is generally absent in laboratory cultures of \"Penicillium glaucum\". John Tyndall followed up on Burdon-Sanderson's work and demonstrated to the Royal Society in 1875 the antibacterial action of the \"Penicillium\" fungus. By this time, \"Bacillus anthracis\" had been shown to cause anthrax, the first demonstration that a specific bacterium caused a specific disease. In 1877, French biologists Louis Pasteur and","Document [3](Title: History of penicillin) (now Sandoz) developed the first acid-stable penicillin for oral administration, Penicillin V. American chemist John C. Sheehan of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) subsequently completed the first chemical synthesis of penicillin in 1957. The second-generation semi-synthetic \u03b2-lactam antibiotic methicillin, designed to counter first-generation-resistant penicillinases, was introduced in the United Kingdom in 1959. Methicillin-resistant forms of \"Staphylococcus aureus\" likely already existed at the time. History of penicillin The history of penicillin follows a number of observations and discoveries of apparent evidence of antibiotic activity in molds before the modern isolation of the chemical penicillin in 1928. There are anecdotes about","Document [4](Title: History of penicillin) History of penicillin The history of penicillin follows a number of observations and discoveries of apparent evidence of antibiotic activity in molds before the modern isolation of the chemical penicillin in 1928. There are anecdotes about ancient societies using molds to treat infections, and in the following centuries many people observed the inhibition of bacterial growth by various molds. However, it is unknown if the species involved were \"Penicillium\" species or if the antimicrobial substances produced were penicillin. The Scottish physician Alexander Fleming was the first to suggest that a \"Penicillium\" mold must secrete an antibacterial substance, and the first","Document [5](Title: History of penicillin) to concentrate the active substance involved, which he named penicillin, in 1928. Penicillin was the first modern antibiotic. During the next twelve years Fleming grew, distributed, and studied the original mold, which was determined to be a rare variant of \"Penicillium notatum\" (now \"Penicillium chrysogenum\"). Many later scientists were involved in the stabilization and mass production of penicillin and in the search for more productive strains of \"Penicillium\". Important contributors include Ernst Chain, Howard Florey, Norman Heatley, and Edward Abraham. Shortly after the discovery of penicillin, scientists found that some disease-causing pathogens display antibiotic resistance to penicillin. Research that aims","Document [6](Title: Roaring Twenties) Alexander Fleming discovered a substance that killed a number of disease-causing bacteria. In 1929, he named the new substance \"penicillin\". His publications were largely ignored at first, but it became a significant antibiotic in the 1930s. In 1930, Cecil George Paine, a pathologist at Sheffield Royal Infirmary, used penicillin to treat sycosis barbae, eruptions in beard follicles, but was unsuccessful. Moving on to ophthalmia neonatorum, a gonococcal infection in infants, he achieved the first recorded cure with penicillin, on November 25, 1930. He then cured four additional patients (one adult and three infants) of eye infections, but failed to cure","Document [7](Title: Gladys Lounsbury Hobby) 1940 and 1941, before presenting at the American Society for Clinical Investigation. They discovered that penicillin was a powerful germ-killer that reduced the severity of infectious diseases and made procedures such as organ transplantation and open-heart surgery possible. Their findings received media coverage, which helped attract funding from the United States Government to mass-produce penicillin during World War II, saving the lives of many soldiers. At Pfizer, Hobby did extensive early work on Terramycin and Viomycin, used for the treatment of tuberculosis. Gladys Lounsbury Hobby Gladys Lounsbury Hobby (November 19, 1910 \u2013 July 4, 1993), born in New York City,","Document [8](Title: Penicillin) by scientists and physicians on the antibacterial properties of the different types of moulds including the mould penicillium but they were unable to discern what process was causing the effect. The effects of penicillium mould would finally be isolated in 1928 by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming, in work that seems to have been independent of those earlier observations. Fleming recounted that the date of his discovery of penicillin was on the morning of Friday 28 September 1928. The traditional version of this story describes the discovery as a serendipitous accident: in his laboratory in the basement of St Mary's Hospital","Document [9](Title: Penicillin) November 19, 1999. In 1930, Cecil George Paine, a pathologist at the Royal Infirmary in Sheffield, attempted to use penicillin to treat sycosis barbae, eruptions in beard follicles, but was unsuccessful. Moving on to ophthalmia neonatorum, a gonococcal infection in infants, he achieved the first recorded cure with penicillin, on November 25, 1930. He then cured four additional patients (one adult and three infants) of eye infections, and failed to cure a fifth. In 1939, Australian scientist Howard Florey (later Baron Florey) and a team of researchers (Ernst Boris Chain, Edward Abraham, Arthur Duncan Gardner, Norman Heatley, M. Jennings, J.","Document [10](Title: Albert Alexander (police officer)) murder, the purification invites disaster.\u201d Nonetheless, by March 15, 1945, supplies of penicillin were not only available to American troops, but to the American public, as war-time restrictions on availability were lifted. Albert Alexander (police officer) Reserve Constable Albert Alexander (1896 \u2013 15 March 1941) was the first patient to be treated with injections of penicillin. Albert Alexander was a constable in the police force of the County of Oxford, England. In December 1940, Constable Alexander was accidentally scratched by a rose thorn on his face. By the end of the month, the scratch was badly infected with both \"Staphylococcus\"","Document [11](Title: La Follette-Bulwinkle Act) Cosmetic Act Penicillin Amendment on July 6, 1945. The United States public law required the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to certify and test penicillin samplings validating the effectiveness, potency, purification, and safety of the antibiotic drugs. The 1960s sexual revolution movement prompt the United States Congress to draft amendments for the Public Health Service Act authorizing control, prevention, and vaccination assistance for communicable diseases. The United States statutes were enacted into law by the 37th President of the United States Richard Nixon and the 38th President of the United States Gerald Ford. By 1914, American exploitation films were produced","Document [12](Title: History of penicillin) earnest in the 1870s, in the United Kingdom. Sir John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, who started out at St. Mary's Hospital (1852\u20131858) and later worked there as a lecturer (1854\u20131862), observed that culture fluid covered with mold would produce no bacterial growth. Burdon-Sanderson's discovery prompted Joseph Lister, an English surgeon and the father of modern antisepsis, to discover in 1871 that urine samples contaminated with mold also did not permit the growth of bacteria. Lister also described the antibacterial action on human tissue of a species of mold he called \"Penicillium glaucum\". A nurse at King's College Hospital whose wounds did not","Document [13](Title: Martin Henry Dawson) prepare it and use it in human disease. This included the successful treatment of bacterial endocarditis with penicillin, and the use of gold salts in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Dawson became the first person in history to stick a needle full of an antibiotic (penicillin) into a patient, on October 16, 1940. After he had graduated Dalhousie University in Halifax with a BA in 1916 he started serving in the Canadian forces in the First World War. Pte. M. Henry Dawson was with No. 7 Stationary Hospital at La Harve, France. He became a Capt. in the Nova Scotia","Document [14](Title: Vincenzo Tiberio) connection anticipated the discovery of the drug penicillin by Alexander Fleming thirty-five years later (see: Penicillin - Discovery). At the time, his work was disregarded as coincidence and received no further study. Vincenzo Tiberio Vincenzo Tiberio (May 1, 1869 \u2013 January 7, 1915) was an Italian researcher and medical officer of the Medical Corps of the Italian Navy and physician at the University of Naples. During his medical studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Naples he noticed that when the walls of a well which supplied drinking water was cleaned off, the people who drank the well\u2019s water complained","Document [15](Title: Penicillium chrysogenum) a fermenter. The mold is grown in a liquid culture containing sugar and other nutrients including a source of nitrogen. As the mold grows, it uses up the sugar and starts to make penicillin only after using up most of the nutrients for growth. Penicillin was discovered in 1928 when Alexander Fleming's lab assistant accidentally left a window open overnight and mold spores covered his \"Staphylococcus\" bacterial specimens in a Petri dish. At first, Fleming was very irritated at the contamination, but as he was about to throw the specimens away, he noticed something interesting. He looked under the microscope","Document [16](Title: Biotechnology) \u2013 to form what we today know as penicillin. In 1940, penicillin became available for medicinal use to treat bacterial infections in humans. The field of modern biotechnology is generally thought of as having been born in 1971 when Paul Berg's (Stanford) experiments in gene splicing had early success. Herbert W. Boyer (Univ. Calif. at San Francisco) and Stanley N. Cohen (Stanford) significantly advanced the new technology in 1972 by transferring genetic material into a bacterium, such that the imported material would be reproduced. The commercial viability of a biotechnology industry was significantly expanded on June 16, 1980, when the","Document [17](Title: Norman Heatley) to a PhD in 1936, and he then moved to Oxford where he became a fellow of Lincoln College at the University of Oxford and joined a team working under Howard Florey, which also included Ernst Chain. Alexander Fleming had first discovered penicillin by accident in 1928, but at that time believed it had little application. When Florey and his team recognised the potential of the discovery for combating bacterial infection, they faced the problem of how to manufacture penicillin in sufficient quantities to be of use. Heatley, although the junior member of the team, possessed a natural gift for","Document [18](Title: History of penicillin) and subsequently concentrated what he later named \"penicillin\". During the next twelve years, Fleming grew and distributed the original mold, which was eventually identified as \"Penicillium notatum\" (now known as \"Penicillium chrysogenum\"). He was unsuccessful in making a stable form of it for mass production. Cecil George Paine, a pathologist at the Royal Infirmary in Sheffield, attempted to treat sycosis (eruptions in beard follicles) with penicillin but was unsuccessful, probably because the drug did not penetrate deep enough. Moving on to ophthalmia neonatorum, a gonococcal infection in babies, he achieved the first cure on 25 November 1930. He cured four","Document [19](Title: History of penicillin) patients (one adult, the others infants) of eye infections, although a fifth patient was not so lucky. At Oxford, Howard Walter Florey organized a large and very skilled biochemical research team, notable among them Ernst Boris Chain and Norman Heatley, to undertake clinical trials and produce a stable penicillin in quantity. In 1940, Chain and Edward Abraham reported the first indication of antibiotic resistance to penicillin, an \"E. coli\" strain that produced the penicillinase enzyme, which was capable of breaking down penicillin and completely negating its antibacterial effect. Between 1941 and 1943, Moyer, Coghill and Raper at the USDA Northern","Document [20](Title: Gru\u0308nenthal) prohibited the research and manufacture of penicillin by German companies. When the ban was lifted, Gr\u00fcnenthal was the first company to introduce penicillin in the postwar period into the German market. This investment achieved a big financial boost for the company. Chemie Gr\u00fcnenthal synthesized thalidomide in 1954 and acquired a 20-year patent. Soon after obtaining a patent in April 1954, the company started clinical trials, and as early as November 1956, marketed the drug for the treatment of respiratory infections under the trade name Grippex, a combination drug that contained thalidomide, quinine, vitamin C, phenacetin, and acetylsalicylic acid. Researchers at"],"query":"when was penicillin first introduced to the public?","answers":["After World War II","1942"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: History of penicillin) respond to any traditional antiseptic was then given another substance that cured her, and Lister's registrar informed her that it was called Penicillium. In 1874, the Welsh physician William Roberts, who later coined the term \"enzyme\", observed that bacterial contamination is generally absent in laboratory cultures of \"Penicillium glaucum\". John Tyndall followed up on Burdon-Sanderson's work and demonstrated to the Royal Society in 1875 the antibacterial action of the \"Penicillium\" fungus. By this time, \"Bacillus anthracis\" had been shown to cause anthrax, the first demonstration that a specific bacterium caused a specific disease. In 1877, French biologists Louis Pasteur and","Document [2](Title: History of penicillin) (now Sandoz) developed the first acid-stable penicillin for oral administration, Penicillin V. American chemist John C. Sheehan of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) subsequently completed the first chemical synthesis of penicillin in 1957. The second-generation semi-synthetic \u03b2-lactam antibiotic methicillin, designed to counter first-generation-resistant penicillinases, was introduced in the United Kingdom in 1959. Methicillin-resistant forms of \"Staphylococcus aureus\" likely already existed at the time. History of penicillin The history of penicillin follows a number of observations and discoveries of apparent evidence of antibiotic activity in molds before the modern isolation of the chemical penicillin in 1928. There are anecdotes about","Document [3](Title: History of penicillin) History of penicillin The history of penicillin follows a number of observations and discoveries of apparent evidence of antibiotic activity in molds before the modern isolation of the chemical penicillin in 1928. There are anecdotes about ancient societies using molds to treat infections, and in the following centuries many people observed the inhibition of bacterial growth by various molds. However, it is unknown if the species involved were \"Penicillium\" species or if the antimicrobial substances produced were penicillin. The Scottish physician Alexander Fleming was the first to suggest that a \"Penicillium\" mold must secrete an antibacterial substance, and the first","Document [4](Title: History of penicillin) to concentrate the active substance involved, which he named penicillin, in 1928. Penicillin was the first modern antibiotic. During the next twelve years Fleming grew, distributed, and studied the original mold, which was determined to be a rare variant of \"Penicillium notatum\" (now \"Penicillium chrysogenum\"). Many later scientists were involved in the stabilization and mass production of penicillin and in the search for more productive strains of \"Penicillium\". Important contributors include Ernst Chain, Howard Florey, Norman Heatley, and Edward Abraham. Shortly after the discovery of penicillin, scientists found that some disease-causing pathogens display antibiotic resistance to penicillin. Research that aims","Document [5](Title: Penicillin) Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming. People began using it to treat infections in 1942. There are several enhanced penicillin families which are effective against additional bacteria; these include the antistaphylococcal penicillins, aminopenicillins and the antipseudomonal penicillins. They are derived from Penicillium fungi.","Document [6](Title: Roaring Twenties) Alexander Fleming discovered a substance that killed a number of disease-causing bacteria. In 1929, he named the new substance \"penicillin\". His publications were largely ignored at first, but it became a significant antibiotic in the 1930s. In 1930, Cecil George Paine, a pathologist at Sheffield Royal Infirmary, used penicillin to treat sycosis barbae, eruptions in beard follicles, but was unsuccessful. Moving on to ophthalmia neonatorum, a gonococcal infection in infants, he achieved the first recorded cure with penicillin, on November 25, 1930. He then cured four additional patients (one adult and three infants) of eye infections, but failed to cure","Document [7](Title: Gladys Lounsbury Hobby) 1940 and 1941, before presenting at the American Society for Clinical Investigation. They discovered that penicillin was a powerful germ-killer that reduced the severity of infectious diseases and made procedures such as organ transplantation and open-heart surgery possible. Their findings received media coverage, which helped attract funding from the United States Government to mass-produce penicillin during World War II, saving the lives of many soldiers. At Pfizer, Hobby did extensive early work on Terramycin and Viomycin, used for the treatment of tuberculosis. Gladys Lounsbury Hobby Gladys Lounsbury Hobby (November 19, 1910 \u2013 July 4, 1993), born in New York City,","Document [8](Title: Penicillin) by scientists and physicians on the antibacterial properties of the different types of moulds including the mould penicillium but they were unable to discern what process was causing the effect. The effects of penicillium mould would finally be isolated in 1928 by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming, in work that seems to have been independent of those earlier observations. Fleming recounted that the date of his discovery of penicillin was on the morning of Friday 28 September 1928. The traditional version of this story describes the discovery as a serendipitous accident: in his laboratory in the basement of St Mary's Hospital","Document [9](Title: Penicillin) November 19, 1999. In 1930, Cecil George Paine, a pathologist at the Royal Infirmary in Sheffield, attempted to use penicillin to treat sycosis barbae, eruptions in beard follicles, but was unsuccessful. Moving on to ophthalmia neonatorum, a gonococcal infection in infants, he achieved the first recorded cure with penicillin, on November 25, 1930. He then cured four additional patients (one adult and three infants) of eye infections, and failed to cure a fifth. In 1939, Australian scientist Howard Florey (later Baron Florey) and a team of researchers (Ernst Boris Chain, Edward Abraham, Arthur Duncan Gardner, Norman Heatley, M. Jennings, J.","Document [10](Title: Albert Alexander (police officer)) murder, the purification invites disaster.\u201d Nonetheless, by March 15, 1945, supplies of penicillin were not only available to American troops, but to the American public, as war-time restrictions on availability were lifted. Albert Alexander (police officer) Reserve Constable Albert Alexander (1896 \u2013 15 March 1941) was the first patient to be treated with injections of penicillin. Albert Alexander was a constable in the police force of the County of Oxford, England. In December 1940, Constable Alexander was accidentally scratched by a rose thorn on his face. By the end of the month, the scratch was badly infected with both \"Staphylococcus\"","Document [11](Title: La Follette-Bulwinkle Act) Cosmetic Act Penicillin Amendment on July 6, 1945. The United States public law required the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to certify and test penicillin samplings validating the effectiveness, potency, purification, and safety of the antibiotic drugs. The 1960s sexual revolution movement prompt the United States Congress to draft amendments for the Public Health Service Act authorizing control, prevention, and vaccination assistance for communicable diseases. The United States statutes were enacted into law by the 37th President of the United States Richard Nixon and the 38th President of the United States Gerald Ford. By 1914, American exploitation films were produced","Document [12](Title: History of penicillin) earnest in the 1870s, in the United Kingdom. Sir John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, who started out at St. Mary's Hospital (1852\u20131858) and later worked there as a lecturer (1854\u20131862), observed that culture fluid covered with mold would produce no bacterial growth. Burdon-Sanderson's discovery prompted Joseph Lister, an English surgeon and the father of modern antisepsis, to discover in 1871 that urine samples contaminated with mold also did not permit the growth of bacteria. Lister also described the antibacterial action on human tissue of a species of mold he called \"Penicillium glaucum\". A nurse at King's College Hospital whose wounds did not","Document [13](Title: Martin Henry Dawson) prepare it and use it in human disease. This included the successful treatment of bacterial endocarditis with penicillin, and the use of gold salts in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Dawson became the first person in history to stick a needle full of an antibiotic (penicillin) into a patient, on October 16, 1940. After he had graduated Dalhousie University in Halifax with a BA in 1916 he started serving in the Canadian forces in the First World War. Pte. M. Henry Dawson was with No. 7 Stationary Hospital at La Harve, France. He became a Capt. in the Nova Scotia","Document [14](Title: Vincenzo Tiberio) connection anticipated the discovery of the drug penicillin by Alexander Fleming thirty-five years later (see: Penicillin - Discovery). At the time, his work was disregarded as coincidence and received no further study. Vincenzo Tiberio Vincenzo Tiberio (May 1, 1869 \u2013 January 7, 1915) was an Italian researcher and medical officer of the Medical Corps of the Italian Navy and physician at the University of Naples. During his medical studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Naples he noticed that when the walls of a well which supplied drinking water was cleaned off, the people who drank the well\u2019s water complained","Document [15](Title: Penicillium chrysogenum) a fermenter. The mold is grown in a liquid culture containing sugar and other nutrients including a source of nitrogen. As the mold grows, it uses up the sugar and starts to make penicillin only after using up most of the nutrients for growth. Penicillin was discovered in 1928 when Alexander Fleming's lab assistant accidentally left a window open overnight and mold spores covered his \"Staphylococcus\" bacterial specimens in a Petri dish. At first, Fleming was very irritated at the contamination, but as he was about to throw the specimens away, he noticed something interesting. He looked under the microscope","Document [16](Title: Biotechnology) \u2013 to form what we today know as penicillin. In 1940, penicillin became available for medicinal use to treat bacterial infections in humans. The field of modern biotechnology is generally thought of as having been born in 1971 when Paul Berg's (Stanford) experiments in gene splicing had early success. Herbert W. Boyer (Univ. Calif. at San Francisco) and Stanley N. Cohen (Stanford) significantly advanced the new technology in 1972 by transferring genetic material into a bacterium, such that the imported material would be reproduced. The commercial viability of a biotechnology industry was significantly expanded on June 16, 1980, when the","Document [17](Title: Norman Heatley) to a PhD in 1936, and he then moved to Oxford where he became a fellow of Lincoln College at the University of Oxford and joined a team working under Howard Florey, which also included Ernst Chain. Alexander Fleming had first discovered penicillin by accident in 1928, but at that time believed it had little application. When Florey and his team recognised the potential of the discovery for combating bacterial infection, they faced the problem of how to manufacture penicillin in sufficient quantities to be of use. Heatley, although the junior member of the team, possessed a natural gift for","Document [18](Title: History of penicillin) and subsequently concentrated what he later named \"penicillin\". During the next twelve years, Fleming grew and distributed the original mold, which was eventually identified as \"Penicillium notatum\" (now known as \"Penicillium chrysogenum\"). He was unsuccessful in making a stable form of it for mass production. Cecil George Paine, a pathologist at the Royal Infirmary in Sheffield, attempted to treat sycosis (eruptions in beard follicles) with penicillin but was unsuccessful, probably because the drug did not penetrate deep enough. Moving on to ophthalmia neonatorum, a gonococcal infection in babies, he achieved the first cure on 25 November 1930. He cured four","Document [19](Title: History of penicillin) patients (one adult, the others infants) of eye infections, although a fifth patient was not so lucky. At Oxford, Howard Walter Florey organized a large and very skilled biochemical research team, notable among them Ernst Boris Chain and Norman Heatley, to undertake clinical trials and produce a stable penicillin in quantity. In 1940, Chain and Edward Abraham reported the first indication of antibiotic resistance to penicillin, an \"E. coli\" strain that produced the penicillinase enzyme, which was capable of breaking down penicillin and completely negating its antibacterial effect. Between 1941 and 1943, Moyer, Coghill and Raper at the USDA Northern","Document [20](Title: Gru\u0308nenthal) prohibited the research and manufacture of penicillin by German companies. When the ban was lifted, Gr\u00fcnenthal was the first company to introduce penicillin in the postwar period into the German market. This investment achieved a big financial boost for the company. Chemie Gr\u00fcnenthal synthesized thalidomide in 1954 and acquired a 20-year patent. Soon after obtaining a patent in April 1954, the company started clinical trials, and as early as November 1956, marketed the drug for the treatment of respiratory infections under the trade name Grippex, a combination drug that contained thalidomide, quinine, vitamin C, phenacetin, and acetylsalicylic acid. Researchers at"],"query":"when was penicillin first introduced to the public?","answers":["After World War II","1942"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: History of penicillin) respond to any traditional antiseptic was then given another substance that cured her, and Lister's registrar informed her that it was called Penicillium. In 1874, the Welsh physician William Roberts, who later coined the term \"enzyme\", observed that bacterial contamination is generally absent in laboratory cultures of \"Penicillium glaucum\". John Tyndall followed up on Burdon-Sanderson's work and demonstrated to the Royal Society in 1875 the antibacterial action of the \"Penicillium\" fungus. By this time, \"Bacillus anthracis\" had been shown to cause anthrax, the first demonstration that a specific bacterium caused a specific disease. In 1877, French biologists Louis Pasteur and","Document [2](Title: History of penicillin) (now Sandoz) developed the first acid-stable penicillin for oral administration, Penicillin V. American chemist John C. Sheehan of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) subsequently completed the first chemical synthesis of penicillin in 1957. The second-generation semi-synthetic \u03b2-lactam antibiotic methicillin, designed to counter first-generation-resistant penicillinases, was introduced in the United Kingdom in 1959. Methicillin-resistant forms of \"Staphylococcus aureus\" likely already existed at the time. History of penicillin The history of penicillin follows a number of observations and discoveries of apparent evidence of antibiotic activity in molds before the modern isolation of the chemical penicillin in 1928. There are anecdotes about","Document [3](Title: History of penicillin) History of penicillin The history of penicillin follows a number of observations and discoveries of apparent evidence of antibiotic activity in molds before the modern isolation of the chemical penicillin in 1928. There are anecdotes about ancient societies using molds to treat infections, and in the following centuries many people observed the inhibition of bacterial growth by various molds. However, it is unknown if the species involved were \"Penicillium\" species or if the antimicrobial substances produced were penicillin. The Scottish physician Alexander Fleming was the first to suggest that a \"Penicillium\" mold must secrete an antibacterial substance, and the first","Document [4](Title: History of penicillin) to concentrate the active substance involved, which he named penicillin, in 1928. Penicillin was the first modern antibiotic. During the next twelve years Fleming grew, distributed, and studied the original mold, which was determined to be a rare variant of \"Penicillium notatum\" (now \"Penicillium chrysogenum\"). Many later scientists were involved in the stabilization and mass production of penicillin and in the search for more productive strains of \"Penicillium\". Important contributors include Ernst Chain, Howard Florey, Norman Heatley, and Edward Abraham. Shortly after the discovery of penicillin, scientists found that some disease-causing pathogens display antibiotic resistance to penicillin. Research that aims","Document [5](Title: Roaring Twenties) Alexander Fleming discovered a substance that killed a number of disease-causing bacteria. In 1929, he named the new substance \"penicillin\". His publications were largely ignored at first, but it became a significant antibiotic in the 1930s. In 1930, Cecil George Paine, a pathologist at Sheffield Royal Infirmary, used penicillin to treat sycosis barbae, eruptions in beard follicles, but was unsuccessful. Moving on to ophthalmia neonatorum, a gonococcal infection in infants, he achieved the first recorded cure with penicillin, on November 25, 1930. He then cured four additional patients (one adult and three infants) of eye infections, but failed to cure","Document [6](Title: Gladys Lounsbury Hobby) 1940 and 1941, before presenting at the American Society for Clinical Investigation. They discovered that penicillin was a powerful germ-killer that reduced the severity of infectious diseases and made procedures such as organ transplantation and open-heart surgery possible. Their findings received media coverage, which helped attract funding from the United States Government to mass-produce penicillin during World War II, saving the lives of many soldiers. At Pfizer, Hobby did extensive early work on Terramycin and Viomycin, used for the treatment of tuberculosis. Gladys Lounsbury Hobby Gladys Lounsbury Hobby (November 19, 1910 \u2013 July 4, 1993), born in New York City,","Document [7](Title: Penicillin) by scientists and physicians on the antibacterial properties of the different types of moulds including the mould penicillium but they were unable to discern what process was causing the effect. The effects of penicillium mould would finally be isolated in 1928 by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming, in work that seems to have been independent of those earlier observations. Fleming recounted that the date of his discovery of penicillin was on the morning of Friday 28 September 1928. The traditional version of this story describes the discovery as a serendipitous accident: in his laboratory in the basement of St Mary's Hospital","Document [8](Title: Penicillin) November 19, 1999. In 1930, Cecil George Paine, a pathologist at the Royal Infirmary in Sheffield, attempted to use penicillin to treat sycosis barbae, eruptions in beard follicles, but was unsuccessful. Moving on to ophthalmia neonatorum, a gonococcal infection in infants, he achieved the first recorded cure with penicillin, on November 25, 1930. He then cured four additional patients (one adult and three infants) of eye infections, and failed to cure a fifth. In 1939, Australian scientist Howard Florey (later Baron Florey) and a team of researchers (Ernst Boris Chain, Edward Abraham, Arthur Duncan Gardner, Norman Heatley, M. Jennings, J.","Document [9](Title: Albert Alexander (police officer)) murder, the purification invites disaster.\u201d Nonetheless, by March 15, 1945, supplies of penicillin were not only available to American troops, but to the American public, as war-time restrictions on availability were lifted. Albert Alexander (police officer) Reserve Constable Albert Alexander (1896 \u2013 15 March 1941) was the first patient to be treated with injections of penicillin. Albert Alexander was a constable in the police force of the County of Oxford, England. In December 1940, Constable Alexander was accidentally scratched by a rose thorn on his face. By the end of the month, the scratch was badly infected with both \"Staphylococcus\"","Document [10](Title: Penicillin) Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming. People began using it to treat infections in 1942. There are several enhanced penicillin families which are effective against additional bacteria; these include the antistaphylococcal penicillins, aminopenicillins and the antipseudomonal penicillins. They are derived from Penicillium fungi.","Document [11](Title: La Follette-Bulwinkle Act) Cosmetic Act Penicillin Amendment on July 6, 1945. The United States public law required the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to certify and test penicillin samplings validating the effectiveness, potency, purification, and safety of the antibiotic drugs. The 1960s sexual revolution movement prompt the United States Congress to draft amendments for the Public Health Service Act authorizing control, prevention, and vaccination assistance for communicable diseases. The United States statutes were enacted into law by the 37th President of the United States Richard Nixon and the 38th President of the United States Gerald Ford. By 1914, American exploitation films were produced","Document [12](Title: History of penicillin) earnest in the 1870s, in the United Kingdom. Sir John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, who started out at St. Mary's Hospital (1852\u20131858) and later worked there as a lecturer (1854\u20131862), observed that culture fluid covered with mold would produce no bacterial growth. Burdon-Sanderson's discovery prompted Joseph Lister, an English surgeon and the father of modern antisepsis, to discover in 1871 that urine samples contaminated with mold also did not permit the growth of bacteria. Lister also described the antibacterial action on human tissue of a species of mold he called \"Penicillium glaucum\". A nurse at King's College Hospital whose wounds did not","Document [13](Title: Martin Henry Dawson) prepare it and use it in human disease. This included the successful treatment of bacterial endocarditis with penicillin, and the use of gold salts in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Dawson became the first person in history to stick a needle full of an antibiotic (penicillin) into a patient, on October 16, 1940. After he had graduated Dalhousie University in Halifax with a BA in 1916 he started serving in the Canadian forces in the First World War. Pte. M. Henry Dawson was with No. 7 Stationary Hospital at La Harve, France. He became a Capt. in the Nova Scotia","Document [14](Title: Vincenzo Tiberio) connection anticipated the discovery of the drug penicillin by Alexander Fleming thirty-five years later (see: Penicillin - Discovery). At the time, his work was disregarded as coincidence and received no further study. Vincenzo Tiberio Vincenzo Tiberio (May 1, 1869 \u2013 January 7, 1915) was an Italian researcher and medical officer of the Medical Corps of the Italian Navy and physician at the University of Naples. During his medical studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Naples he noticed that when the walls of a well which supplied drinking water was cleaned off, the people who drank the well\u2019s water complained","Document [15](Title: Penicillium chrysogenum) a fermenter. The mold is grown in a liquid culture containing sugar and other nutrients including a source of nitrogen. As the mold grows, it uses up the sugar and starts to make penicillin only after using up most of the nutrients for growth. Penicillin was discovered in 1928 when Alexander Fleming's lab assistant accidentally left a window open overnight and mold spores covered his \"Staphylococcus\" bacterial specimens in a Petri dish. At first, Fleming was very irritated at the contamination, but as he was about to throw the specimens away, he noticed something interesting. He looked under the microscope","Document [16](Title: Biotechnology) \u2013 to form what we today know as penicillin. In 1940, penicillin became available for medicinal use to treat bacterial infections in humans. The field of modern biotechnology is generally thought of as having been born in 1971 when Paul Berg's (Stanford) experiments in gene splicing had early success. Herbert W. Boyer (Univ. Calif. at San Francisco) and Stanley N. Cohen (Stanford) significantly advanced the new technology in 1972 by transferring genetic material into a bacterium, such that the imported material would be reproduced. The commercial viability of a biotechnology industry was significantly expanded on June 16, 1980, when the","Document [17](Title: Norman Heatley) to a PhD in 1936, and he then moved to Oxford where he became a fellow of Lincoln College at the University of Oxford and joined a team working under Howard Florey, which also included Ernst Chain. Alexander Fleming had first discovered penicillin by accident in 1928, but at that time believed it had little application. When Florey and his team recognised the potential of the discovery for combating bacterial infection, they faced the problem of how to manufacture penicillin in sufficient quantities to be of use. Heatley, although the junior member of the team, possessed a natural gift for","Document [18](Title: History of penicillin) and subsequently concentrated what he later named \"penicillin\". During the next twelve years, Fleming grew and distributed the original mold, which was eventually identified as \"Penicillium notatum\" (now known as \"Penicillium chrysogenum\"). He was unsuccessful in making a stable form of it for mass production. Cecil George Paine, a pathologist at the Royal Infirmary in Sheffield, attempted to treat sycosis (eruptions in beard follicles) with penicillin but was unsuccessful, probably because the drug did not penetrate deep enough. Moving on to ophthalmia neonatorum, a gonococcal infection in babies, he achieved the first cure on 25 November 1930. He cured four","Document [19](Title: History of penicillin) patients (one adult, the others infants) of eye infections, although a fifth patient was not so lucky. At Oxford, Howard Walter Florey organized a large and very skilled biochemical research team, notable among them Ernst Boris Chain and Norman Heatley, to undertake clinical trials and produce a stable penicillin in quantity. In 1940, Chain and Edward Abraham reported the first indication of antibiotic resistance to penicillin, an \"E. coli\" strain that produced the penicillinase enzyme, which was capable of breaking down penicillin and completely negating its antibacterial effect. Between 1941 and 1943, Moyer, Coghill and Raper at the USDA Northern","Document [20](Title: Gru\u0308nenthal) prohibited the research and manufacture of penicillin by German companies. When the ban was lifted, Gr\u00fcnenthal was the first company to introduce penicillin in the postwar period into the German market. This investment achieved a big financial boost for the company. Chemie Gr\u00fcnenthal synthesized thalidomide in 1954 and acquired a 20-year patent. Soon after obtaining a patent in April 1954, the company started clinical trials, and as early as November 1956, marketed the drug for the treatment of respiratory infections under the trade name Grippex, a combination drug that contained thalidomide, quinine, vitamin C, phenacetin, and acetylsalicylic acid. Researchers at"],"query":"when was penicillin first introduced to the public?","answers":["After World War II","1942"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: History of penicillin) respond to any traditional antiseptic was then given another substance that cured her, and Lister's registrar informed her that it was called Penicillium. In 1874, the Welsh physician William Roberts, who later coined the term \"enzyme\", observed that bacterial contamination is generally absent in laboratory cultures of \"Penicillium glaucum\". John Tyndall followed up on Burdon-Sanderson's work and demonstrated to the Royal Society in 1875 the antibacterial action of the \"Penicillium\" fungus. By this time, \"Bacillus anthracis\" had been shown to cause anthrax, the first demonstration that a specific bacterium caused a specific disease. In 1877, French biologists Louis Pasteur and","Document [2](Title: History of penicillin) (now Sandoz) developed the first acid-stable penicillin for oral administration, Penicillin V. American chemist John C. Sheehan of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) subsequently completed the first chemical synthesis of penicillin in 1957. The second-generation semi-synthetic \u03b2-lactam antibiotic methicillin, designed to counter first-generation-resistant penicillinases, was introduced in the United Kingdom in 1959. Methicillin-resistant forms of \"Staphylococcus aureus\" likely already existed at the time. History of penicillin The history of penicillin follows a number of observations and discoveries of apparent evidence of antibiotic activity in molds before the modern isolation of the chemical penicillin in 1928. There are anecdotes about","Document [3](Title: History of penicillin) History of penicillin The history of penicillin follows a number of observations and discoveries of apparent evidence of antibiotic activity in molds before the modern isolation of the chemical penicillin in 1928. There are anecdotes about ancient societies using molds to treat infections, and in the following centuries many people observed the inhibition of bacterial growth by various molds. However, it is unknown if the species involved were \"Penicillium\" species or if the antimicrobial substances produced were penicillin. The Scottish physician Alexander Fleming was the first to suggest that a \"Penicillium\" mold must secrete an antibacterial substance, and the first","Document [4](Title: History of penicillin) to concentrate the active substance involved, which he named penicillin, in 1928. Penicillin was the first modern antibiotic. During the next twelve years Fleming grew, distributed, and studied the original mold, which was determined to be a rare variant of \"Penicillium notatum\" (now \"Penicillium chrysogenum\"). Many later scientists were involved in the stabilization and mass production of penicillin and in the search for more productive strains of \"Penicillium\". Important contributors include Ernst Chain, Howard Florey, Norman Heatley, and Edward Abraham. Shortly after the discovery of penicillin, scientists found that some disease-causing pathogens display antibiotic resistance to penicillin. Research that aims","Document [5](Title: Roaring Twenties) Alexander Fleming discovered a substance that killed a number of disease-causing bacteria. In 1929, he named the new substance \"penicillin\". His publications were largely ignored at first, but it became a significant antibiotic in the 1930s. In 1930, Cecil George Paine, a pathologist at Sheffield Royal Infirmary, used penicillin to treat sycosis barbae, eruptions in beard follicles, but was unsuccessful. Moving on to ophthalmia neonatorum, a gonococcal infection in infants, he achieved the first recorded cure with penicillin, on November 25, 1930. He then cured four additional patients (one adult and three infants) of eye infections, but failed to cure","Document [6](Title: Gladys Lounsbury Hobby) 1940 and 1941, before presenting at the American Society for Clinical Investigation. They discovered that penicillin was a powerful germ-killer that reduced the severity of infectious diseases and made procedures such as organ transplantation and open-heart surgery possible. Their findings received media coverage, which helped attract funding from the United States Government to mass-produce penicillin during World War II, saving the lives of many soldiers. At Pfizer, Hobby did extensive early work on Terramycin and Viomycin, used for the treatment of tuberculosis. Gladys Lounsbury Hobby Gladys Lounsbury Hobby (November 19, 1910 \u2013 July 4, 1993), born in New York City,","Document [7](Title: Penicillin) by scientists and physicians on the antibacterial properties of the different types of moulds including the mould penicillium but they were unable to discern what process was causing the effect. The effects of penicillium mould would finally be isolated in 1928 by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming, in work that seems to have been independent of those earlier observations. Fleming recounted that the date of his discovery of penicillin was on the morning of Friday 28 September 1928. The traditional version of this story describes the discovery as a serendipitous accident: in his laboratory in the basement of St Mary's Hospital","Document [8](Title: Penicillin) November 19, 1999. In 1930, Cecil George Paine, a pathologist at the Royal Infirmary in Sheffield, attempted to use penicillin to treat sycosis barbae, eruptions in beard follicles, but was unsuccessful. Moving on to ophthalmia neonatorum, a gonococcal infection in infants, he achieved the first recorded cure with penicillin, on November 25, 1930. He then cured four additional patients (one adult and three infants) of eye infections, and failed to cure a fifth. In 1939, Australian scientist Howard Florey (later Baron Florey) and a team of researchers (Ernst Boris Chain, Edward Abraham, Arthur Duncan Gardner, Norman Heatley, M. Jennings, J.","Document [9](Title: Albert Alexander (police officer)) murder, the purification invites disaster.\u201d Nonetheless, by March 15, 1945, supplies of penicillin were not only available to American troops, but to the American public, as war-time restrictions on availability were lifted. Albert Alexander (police officer) Reserve Constable Albert Alexander (1896 \u2013 15 March 1941) was the first patient to be treated with injections of penicillin. Albert Alexander was a constable in the police force of the County of Oxford, England. In December 1940, Constable Alexander was accidentally scratched by a rose thorn on his face. By the end of the month, the scratch was badly infected with both \"Staphylococcus\"","Document [10](Title: La Follette-Bulwinkle Act) Cosmetic Act Penicillin Amendment on July 6, 1945. The United States public law required the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to certify and test penicillin samplings validating the effectiveness, potency, purification, and safety of the antibiotic drugs. The 1960s sexual revolution movement prompt the United States Congress to draft amendments for the Public Health Service Act authorizing control, prevention, and vaccination assistance for communicable diseases. The United States statutes were enacted into law by the 37th President of the United States Richard Nixon and the 38th President of the United States Gerald Ford. By 1914, American exploitation films were produced","Document [11](Title: History of penicillin) earnest in the 1870s, in the United Kingdom. Sir John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, who started out at St. Mary's Hospital (1852\u20131858) and later worked there as a lecturer (1854\u20131862), observed that culture fluid covered with mold would produce no bacterial growth. Burdon-Sanderson's discovery prompted Joseph Lister, an English surgeon and the father of modern antisepsis, to discover in 1871 that urine samples contaminated with mold also did not permit the growth of bacteria. Lister also described the antibacterial action on human tissue of a species of mold he called \"Penicillium glaucum\". A nurse at King's College Hospital whose wounds did not","Document [12](Title: Martin Henry Dawson) prepare it and use it in human disease. This included the successful treatment of bacterial endocarditis with penicillin, and the use of gold salts in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Dawson became the first person in history to stick a needle full of an antibiotic (penicillin) into a patient, on October 16, 1940. After he had graduated Dalhousie University in Halifax with a BA in 1916 he started serving in the Canadian forces in the First World War. Pte. M. Henry Dawson was with No. 7 Stationary Hospital at La Harve, France. He became a Capt. in the Nova Scotia","Document [13](Title: Vincenzo Tiberio) connection anticipated the discovery of the drug penicillin by Alexander Fleming thirty-five years later (see: Penicillin - Discovery). At the time, his work was disregarded as coincidence and received no further study. Vincenzo Tiberio Vincenzo Tiberio (May 1, 1869 \u2013 January 7, 1915) was an Italian researcher and medical officer of the Medical Corps of the Italian Navy and physician at the University of Naples. During his medical studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Naples he noticed that when the walls of a well which supplied drinking water was cleaned off, the people who drank the well\u2019s water complained","Document [14](Title: Penicillium chrysogenum) a fermenter. The mold is grown in a liquid culture containing sugar and other nutrients including a source of nitrogen. As the mold grows, it uses up the sugar and starts to make penicillin only after using up most of the nutrients for growth. Penicillin was discovered in 1928 when Alexander Fleming's lab assistant accidentally left a window open overnight and mold spores covered his \"Staphylococcus\" bacterial specimens in a Petri dish. At first, Fleming was very irritated at the contamination, but as he was about to throw the specimens away, he noticed something interesting. He looked under the microscope","Document [15](Title: Penicillin) Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming. People began using it to treat infections in 1942. There are several enhanced penicillin families which are effective against additional bacteria; these include the antistaphylococcal penicillins, aminopenicillins and the antipseudomonal penicillins. They are derived from Penicillium fungi.","Document [16](Title: Biotechnology) \u2013 to form what we today know as penicillin. In 1940, penicillin became available for medicinal use to treat bacterial infections in humans. The field of modern biotechnology is generally thought of as having been born in 1971 when Paul Berg's (Stanford) experiments in gene splicing had early success. Herbert W. Boyer (Univ. Calif. at San Francisco) and Stanley N. Cohen (Stanford) significantly advanced the new technology in 1972 by transferring genetic material into a bacterium, such that the imported material would be reproduced. The commercial viability of a biotechnology industry was significantly expanded on June 16, 1980, when the","Document [17](Title: Norman Heatley) to a PhD in 1936, and he then moved to Oxford where he became a fellow of Lincoln College at the University of Oxford and joined a team working under Howard Florey, which also included Ernst Chain. Alexander Fleming had first discovered penicillin by accident in 1928, but at that time believed it had little application. When Florey and his team recognised the potential of the discovery for combating bacterial infection, they faced the problem of how to manufacture penicillin in sufficient quantities to be of use. Heatley, although the junior member of the team, possessed a natural gift for","Document [18](Title: History of penicillin) and subsequently concentrated what he later named \"penicillin\". During the next twelve years, Fleming grew and distributed the original mold, which was eventually identified as \"Penicillium notatum\" (now known as \"Penicillium chrysogenum\"). He was unsuccessful in making a stable form of it for mass production. Cecil George Paine, a pathologist at the Royal Infirmary in Sheffield, attempted to treat sycosis (eruptions in beard follicles) with penicillin but was unsuccessful, probably because the drug did not penetrate deep enough. Moving on to ophthalmia neonatorum, a gonococcal infection in babies, he achieved the first cure on 25 November 1930. He cured four","Document [19](Title: History of penicillin) patients (one adult, the others infants) of eye infections, although a fifth patient was not so lucky. At Oxford, Howard Walter Florey organized a large and very skilled biochemical research team, notable among them Ernst Boris Chain and Norman Heatley, to undertake clinical trials and produce a stable penicillin in quantity. In 1940, Chain and Edward Abraham reported the first indication of antibiotic resistance to penicillin, an \"E. coli\" strain that produced the penicillinase enzyme, which was capable of breaking down penicillin and completely negating its antibacterial effect. Between 1941 and 1943, Moyer, Coghill and Raper at the USDA Northern","Document [20](Title: Gru\u0308nenthal) prohibited the research and manufacture of penicillin by German companies. When the ban was lifted, Gr\u00fcnenthal was the first company to introduce penicillin in the postwar period into the German market. This investment achieved a big financial boost for the company. Chemie Gr\u00fcnenthal synthesized thalidomide in 1954 and acquired a 20-year patent. Soon after obtaining a patent in April 1954, the company started clinical trials, and as early as November 1956, marketed the drug for the treatment of respiratory infections under the trade name Grippex, a combination drug that contained thalidomide, quinine, vitamin C, phenacetin, and acetylsalicylic acid. Researchers at"],"query":"when was penicillin first introduced to the public?","answers":["After World War II","1942"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: History of penicillin) respond to any traditional antiseptic was then given another substance that cured her, and Lister's registrar informed her that it was called Penicillium. In 1874, the Welsh physician William Roberts, who later coined the term \"enzyme\", observed that bacterial contamination is generally absent in laboratory cultures of \"Penicillium glaucum\". John Tyndall followed up on Burdon-Sanderson's work and demonstrated to the Royal Society in 1875 the antibacterial action of the \"Penicillium\" fungus. By this time, \"Bacillus anthracis\" had been shown to cause anthrax, the first demonstration that a specific bacterium caused a specific disease. In 1877, French biologists Louis Pasteur and","Document [2](Title: History of penicillin) (now Sandoz) developed the first acid-stable penicillin for oral administration, Penicillin V. American chemist John C. Sheehan of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) subsequently completed the first chemical synthesis of penicillin in 1957. The second-generation semi-synthetic \u03b2-lactam antibiotic methicillin, designed to counter first-generation-resistant penicillinases, was introduced in the United Kingdom in 1959. Methicillin-resistant forms of \"Staphylococcus aureus\" likely already existed at the time. History of penicillin The history of penicillin follows a number of observations and discoveries of apparent evidence of antibiotic activity in molds before the modern isolation of the chemical penicillin in 1928. There are anecdotes about","Document [3](Title: History of penicillin) History of penicillin The history of penicillin follows a number of observations and discoveries of apparent evidence of antibiotic activity in molds before the modern isolation of the chemical penicillin in 1928. There are anecdotes about ancient societies using molds to treat infections, and in the following centuries many people observed the inhibition of bacterial growth by various molds. However, it is unknown if the species involved were \"Penicillium\" species or if the antimicrobial substances produced were penicillin. The Scottish physician Alexander Fleming was the first to suggest that a \"Penicillium\" mold must secrete an antibacterial substance, and the first","Document [4](Title: History of penicillin) to concentrate the active substance involved, which he named penicillin, in 1928. Penicillin was the first modern antibiotic. During the next twelve years Fleming grew, distributed, and studied the original mold, which was determined to be a rare variant of \"Penicillium notatum\" (now \"Penicillium chrysogenum\"). Many later scientists were involved in the stabilization and mass production of penicillin and in the search for more productive strains of \"Penicillium\". Important contributors include Ernst Chain, Howard Florey, Norman Heatley, and Edward Abraham. Shortly after the discovery of penicillin, scientists found that some disease-causing pathogens display antibiotic resistance to penicillin. Research that aims","Document [5](Title: Roaring Twenties) Alexander Fleming discovered a substance that killed a number of disease-causing bacteria. In 1929, he named the new substance \"penicillin\". His publications were largely ignored at first, but it became a significant antibiotic in the 1930s. In 1930, Cecil George Paine, a pathologist at Sheffield Royal Infirmary, used penicillin to treat sycosis barbae, eruptions in beard follicles, but was unsuccessful. Moving on to ophthalmia neonatorum, a gonococcal infection in infants, he achieved the first recorded cure with penicillin, on November 25, 1930. He then cured four additional patients (one adult and three infants) of eye infections, but failed to cure","Document [6](Title: Gladys Lounsbury Hobby) 1940 and 1941, before presenting at the American Society for Clinical Investigation. They discovered that penicillin was a powerful germ-killer that reduced the severity of infectious diseases and made procedures such as organ transplantation and open-heart surgery possible. Their findings received media coverage, which helped attract funding from the United States Government to mass-produce penicillin during World War II, saving the lives of many soldiers. At Pfizer, Hobby did extensive early work on Terramycin and Viomycin, used for the treatment of tuberculosis. Gladys Lounsbury Hobby Gladys Lounsbury Hobby (November 19, 1910 \u2013 July 4, 1993), born in New York City,","Document [7](Title: Penicillin) by scientists and physicians on the antibacterial properties of the different types of moulds including the mould penicillium but they were unable to discern what process was causing the effect. The effects of penicillium mould would finally be isolated in 1928 by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming, in work that seems to have been independent of those earlier observations. Fleming recounted that the date of his discovery of penicillin was on the morning of Friday 28 September 1928. The traditional version of this story describes the discovery as a serendipitous accident: in his laboratory in the basement of St Mary's Hospital","Document [8](Title: Penicillin) November 19, 1999. In 1930, Cecil George Paine, a pathologist at the Royal Infirmary in Sheffield, attempted to use penicillin to treat sycosis barbae, eruptions in beard follicles, but was unsuccessful. Moving on to ophthalmia neonatorum, a gonococcal infection in infants, he achieved the first recorded cure with penicillin, on November 25, 1930. He then cured four additional patients (one adult and three infants) of eye infections, and failed to cure a fifth. In 1939, Australian scientist Howard Florey (later Baron Florey) and a team of researchers (Ernst Boris Chain, Edward Abraham, Arthur Duncan Gardner, Norman Heatley, M. Jennings, J.","Document [9](Title: Albert Alexander (police officer)) murder, the purification invites disaster.\u201d Nonetheless, by March 15, 1945, supplies of penicillin were not only available to American troops, but to the American public, as war-time restrictions on availability were lifted. Albert Alexander (police officer) Reserve Constable Albert Alexander (1896 \u2013 15 March 1941) was the first patient to be treated with injections of penicillin. Albert Alexander was a constable in the police force of the County of Oxford, England. In December 1940, Constable Alexander was accidentally scratched by a rose thorn on his face. By the end of the month, the scratch was badly infected with both \"Staphylococcus\"","Document [10](Title: La Follette-Bulwinkle Act) Cosmetic Act Penicillin Amendment on July 6, 1945. The United States public law required the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to certify and test penicillin samplings validating the effectiveness, potency, purification, and safety of the antibiotic drugs. The 1960s sexual revolution movement prompt the United States Congress to draft amendments for the Public Health Service Act authorizing control, prevention, and vaccination assistance for communicable diseases. The United States statutes were enacted into law by the 37th President of the United States Richard Nixon and the 38th President of the United States Gerald Ford. By 1914, American exploitation films were produced","Document [11](Title: History of penicillin) earnest in the 1870s, in the United Kingdom. Sir John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, who started out at St. Mary's Hospital (1852\u20131858) and later worked there as a lecturer (1854\u20131862), observed that culture fluid covered with mold would produce no bacterial growth. Burdon-Sanderson's discovery prompted Joseph Lister, an English surgeon and the father of modern antisepsis, to discover in 1871 that urine samples contaminated with mold also did not permit the growth of bacteria. Lister also described the antibacterial action on human tissue of a species of mold he called \"Penicillium glaucum\". A nurse at King's College Hospital whose wounds did not","Document [12](Title: Martin Henry Dawson) prepare it and use it in human disease. This included the successful treatment of bacterial endocarditis with penicillin, and the use of gold salts in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Dawson became the first person in history to stick a needle full of an antibiotic (penicillin) into a patient, on October 16, 1940. After he had graduated Dalhousie University in Halifax with a BA in 1916 he started serving in the Canadian forces in the First World War. Pte. M. Henry Dawson was with No. 7 Stationary Hospital at La Harve, France. He became a Capt. in the Nova Scotia","Document [13](Title: Vincenzo Tiberio) connection anticipated the discovery of the drug penicillin by Alexander Fleming thirty-five years later (see: Penicillin - Discovery). At the time, his work was disregarded as coincidence and received no further study. Vincenzo Tiberio Vincenzo Tiberio (May 1, 1869 \u2013 January 7, 1915) was an Italian researcher and medical officer of the Medical Corps of the Italian Navy and physician at the University of Naples. During his medical studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Naples he noticed that when the walls of a well which supplied drinking water was cleaned off, the people who drank the well\u2019s water complained","Document [14](Title: Penicillium chrysogenum) a fermenter. The mold is grown in a liquid culture containing sugar and other nutrients including a source of nitrogen. As the mold grows, it uses up the sugar and starts to make penicillin only after using up most of the nutrients for growth. Penicillin was discovered in 1928 when Alexander Fleming's lab assistant accidentally left a window open overnight and mold spores covered his \"Staphylococcus\" bacterial specimens in a Petri dish. At first, Fleming was very irritated at the contamination, but as he was about to throw the specimens away, he noticed something interesting. He looked under the microscope","Document [15](Title: Biotechnology) \u2013 to form what we today know as penicillin. In 1940, penicillin became available for medicinal use to treat bacterial infections in humans. The field of modern biotechnology is generally thought of as having been born in 1971 when Paul Berg's (Stanford) experiments in gene splicing had early success. Herbert W. Boyer (Univ. Calif. at San Francisco) and Stanley N. Cohen (Stanford) significantly advanced the new technology in 1972 by transferring genetic material into a bacterium, such that the imported material would be reproduced. The commercial viability of a biotechnology industry was significantly expanded on June 16, 1980, when the","Document [16](Title: Norman Heatley) to a PhD in 1936, and he then moved to Oxford where he became a fellow of Lincoln College at the University of Oxford and joined a team working under Howard Florey, which also included Ernst Chain. Alexander Fleming had first discovered penicillin by accident in 1928, but at that time believed it had little application. When Florey and his team recognised the potential of the discovery for combating bacterial infection, they faced the problem of how to manufacture penicillin in sufficient quantities to be of use. Heatley, although the junior member of the team, possessed a natural gift for","Document [17](Title: History of penicillin) and subsequently concentrated what he later named \"penicillin\". During the next twelve years, Fleming grew and distributed the original mold, which was eventually identified as \"Penicillium notatum\" (now known as \"Penicillium chrysogenum\"). He was unsuccessful in making a stable form of it for mass production. Cecil George Paine, a pathologist at the Royal Infirmary in Sheffield, attempted to treat sycosis (eruptions in beard follicles) with penicillin but was unsuccessful, probably because the drug did not penetrate deep enough. Moving on to ophthalmia neonatorum, a gonococcal infection in babies, he achieved the first cure on 25 November 1930. He cured four","Document [18](Title: History of penicillin) patients (one adult, the others infants) of eye infections, although a fifth patient was not so lucky. At Oxford, Howard Walter Florey organized a large and very skilled biochemical research team, notable among them Ernst Boris Chain and Norman Heatley, to undertake clinical trials and produce a stable penicillin in quantity. In 1940, Chain and Edward Abraham reported the first indication of antibiotic resistance to penicillin, an \"E. coli\" strain that produced the penicillinase enzyme, which was capable of breaking down penicillin and completely negating its antibacterial effect. Between 1941 and 1943, Moyer, Coghill and Raper at the USDA Northern","Document [19](Title: Gru\u0308nenthal) prohibited the research and manufacture of penicillin by German companies. When the ban was lifted, Gr\u00fcnenthal was the first company to introduce penicillin in the postwar period into the German market. This investment achieved a big financial boost for the company. Chemie Gr\u00fcnenthal synthesized thalidomide in 1954 and acquired a 20-year patent. Soon after obtaining a patent in April 1954, the company started clinical trials, and as early as November 1956, marketed the drug for the treatment of respiratory infections under the trade name Grippex, a combination drug that contained thalidomide, quinine, vitamin C, phenacetin, and acetylsalicylic acid. Researchers at","Document [20](Title: Penicillin) Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming. People began using it to treat infections in 1942. There are several enhanced penicillin families which are effective against additional bacteria; these include the antistaphylococcal penicillins, aminopenicillins and the antipseudomonal penicillins. They are derived from Penicillium fungi."],"query":"when was penicillin first introduced to the public?","answers":["After World War II","1942"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: IP Multimedia Subsystem) To ease the integration with the Internet, IMS uses IETF protocols wherever possible, e.g., SIP (Session Initiation Protocol). According to the 3GPP, IMS is not intended to standardize applications, but rather to aid the access of multimedia and voice applications from wireless and wireline terminals, i.e., to create a form of fixed-mobile convergence (FMC). This is done by having a horizontal control layer that isolates the access network from the service layer. From a logical architecture perspective, services need not have their own control functions, as the control layer is a common horizontal layer. However, in implementation this does not","Document [2](Title: Session Initiation Protocol) permanent element of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) architecture for IP-based streaming multimedia services in cellular networks. In June 2002 the specification was revised in and various extensions and clarifications have been published since. SIP was designed to provide a signaling and call setup protocol for IP-based communications supporting the call processing functions and features present in the public switched telephone network (PSTN) with a vision of supporting new multimedia applications. It has been extended for video conferencing, streaming media distribution, instant messaging, presence information, file transfer, Internet fax and online games. SIP is distinguished by its proponents for having","Document [3](Title: UMTS security) calls, video conferences, streaming and chat. SIP is specified by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)27. IMS also uses the IETF Session Description Protocol (SDP)28 to specify the session parameters and to negotiate the codecs to be used. SIP runs on top of different IP transport protocols such as the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). A 3G IMS subscriber has one IP multimedia private identity (IMPI) and at least one IP multimedia public identity (IMPU). To participate in multimedia sessions, an IMS subscriber must register at least one IMPU with the IMS. The private identity","Document [4](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) extensions is not restricted to the IMS framework. The 3GPP has stated several general requirements stated for operation of the IMS. These include an efficient use of the radio interface by minimizing the exchange of signaling messages between the mobile terminal and the network, a minimum session setup time by performing tasks prior to session establishment instead of during session establishment, a minimum support required in the terminal, the support for roaming and non-roaming scenarios with terminal mobility management (supported by the access network, not SIP), and support for IPv6 addressing. Other requirements involve protocol extensions, such as SIP header","Document [5](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) functionality. These extensions are based on Request for Comments (RFC) protocol recommendations by the IETF. The 3GPP, which is a collaboration between groups of telecommunications associations aimed at developing and maintaining the IMS, stated a series of requirements for SIP to be successfully used in the IMS. Some of them could be addressed by using existing capabilities and extensions in SIP while, in other cases, the 3GPP had to collaborate with the IETF to standardize new SIP extensions to meet the new requirements. In any case, the IETF evolves SIP in a generic basis, so that the use of its","Document [6](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) configured to relay messages across both networks according to these recommendations, user agents will need to implement extensions so that they can directly exchange media streams. These extensions are related to the Session Description Protocol offer\/answer initial exchange, that will be used to gather the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of both ends so that they can establish a direct communication. Apart from all the explained extensions to SIP that make it possible for the IMS to work successfully, it is also necessary that the IMS framework interworks and exchanges services with existing network infrastructures, mainly the Public switched telephone network","Document [7](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) to negotiate and allocate the call resources before the called party is alerted. In the IMS framework, it is required that once the callee is alerted, the chances of a session failure are minimum. An important source of failure is the inability to reserve network resources to support the session, so these resources should be allocated before the phone rings. However, in the IMS, to reserve resources the network needs to know the callee's IP address, port and session parameters and therefore it is necessary that the initial offer\/answer exchange to establish a session has started (INVITE request). In basic","Document [8](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) resource reservation on its side. Subsequent UPDATE requests are sent to inform about the reservation progress, and they are answered by 2XX response codes. In a typical offer\/answer exchange, one UPDATE will be sent by the calling party when its reservation is completed, then the called party will respond and eventually finish allocating the resources. It is then, when all the resources for the call are in place, when the caller is alerted. In the IMS framework it is fundamental to handle user identities for authentication, authorization and accounting purposes. The IMS is meant to provide multimedia services over IP","Document [9](Title: SIP trunking) applications such as desktop sharing, web conferencing, and shared whiteboard. The architecture of SIP trunking provides a partitioning of the unified communications network into two different domains of expertise: The interconnection between the two domains must occur through a SIP trunk. The interconnection between the two domains, created by transport via the Internet Protocol (IP), involves setting specific rules and regulations as well as the ability to handle some services and protocols that fall under the name of SIP trunking. The ITSP is responsible to the applicable regulatory authority regarding all the following law obligations of the public domain: The","Document [10](Title: Telecoms & Internet converged Services & Protocols for Advanced Networks) networking. In 2011, TISPAN published the specification of a functional architecture for Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and is now working on the specification of the protocols applicable to the reference points identified in this architecture (See ETSI TS 182 019) The ETSI website on Next Generation Networking states: \"\"Standards for fixed NGN were developed by the now closed ETSI technical committee TISPAN. The TC has adopted the 3GPP\u2122 core IMS specifications using Internet (SIP) protocols to allow features such as Presence, IPTV, Messaging, and Conferencing to be delivered irrespective of the network in use. Maintenance of NGN standards are now","Document [11](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) a format used to describe streaming media initialization parameters, carried in the body of SIP messages. The new SDP attributes are meant to describe the \"current status\" of the resource reservation, the \"desired status\" of the reservation to proceed with session establishment, and the \"confirmation status\", to indicate when the reservation status should be confirmed. In the IMS, the initial session parameter negotiation can be done by using the provisional responses and session description updating extensions, along with SDP in the body of the messages. The first offer, described by means of SDP, can be carried by the INVITE request","Document [12](Title: IP Multimedia Subsystem) in a single network, for dimensioning, load balancing or organizational issues. The user can connect to IMS in various ways, most of which use the standard IP. IMS terminals (such as mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and computers) can register directly on IMS, even when they are roaming in another network or country (the visited network). The only requirement is that they can use IP and run SIP user agents. Fixed access (e.g., Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), cable modems, Ethernet), mobile access (e.g. W-CDMA, CDMA2000, GSM, GPRS) and wireless access (e.g., WLAN, WiMAX) are all supported. Other phone systems","Document [13](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) to the user agent. This extension is only applicable within administrative domains with trust relationships. It was particularly designed for specialized SIP networks like the IMS, and not for the general Internet. Source routing is the mechanism that allows the sender of a message to specify partially or completely the route the message traverses. In SIP, the \"route\" header field, filled by the sender, supports this functionality by listing a set of proxies the message will visit. In the IMS context, there are certain network entities (i.e. certain CSCFs) that must be traversed by requests from or to a user,","Document [14](Title: Telecoms & Internet converged Services & Protocols for Advanced Networks) it ensures mobility of users, terminals and services as much as possible, even across administrative boundaries. A key subsystem is based on the architectures of 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). TISPAN has been working with 3GPP to extend the IMS architecture with capabilities required in support of wire-line access. TISPAN NGN Release 2 was finalized early 2008, and added support for IPTV services and Business Communications over the IMS. Since early 2008, TISPAN has begun work on the third release of its NGN specifications with prime focus on IPTV enhancements, Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and home","Document [15](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) SIP instance, and the registrar (i.e. S-CSCF) builds the GRUU, associates it to the registered identity and SIP instance and sends it back to the user agent in the response. When the S-CSCF receives a request for that GRUU, it will be able to route the request to the registered SIP instance. The efficient use of network resources, which may include a radio interface or other low-bandwidth access, is essential in the IMS in order to provide the user with an acceptable experience in terms of latency. To achieve this goal, SIP messages can be compressed using the mechanism known","Document [16](Title: Service layer) IP multimedia Subsystem Service Control Interface (ISC). The ISC interface uses the SIP signalling protocol. The network elements contained within the service layer are generically referred to as 'service platforms' however the 3GPP specification (3GPP TS 23.228 V8.7.0) defines several types of service platforms: The SIP Application Server (AS) performs the same function as a Telephony Application Server in a pre-IMS network, however it is specifically tailored to support the SIP signalling protocol for use in an IMS network. An OSA Service Capability Server acts as a secure gateway between the IMS network and an application which runs upon the","Document [17](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) user agents (terminals) can describe themselves when they register so that others can search for them according to their caller preferences extension headers. For this purpose, they list their capabilities in the \"Contact\" header field of the REGISTER message. The aim of event notification is to obtain the status of a given resource (e.g. a user, one's voicemail service) and to receive updates of that status when it changes. Event notification is necessary in the IMS framework to inform about the \"presence\" of a user (i.e. \"online\" or \"offline\") to others that may be waiting to contact them, or to","Document [18](Title: Session Initiation Protocol) corporate information system infrastructure by sharing Internet access for voice and data, and removing the cost for Basic Rate Interface (BRI) or Primary Rate Interface (PRI) telephone circuits. \"SIP trunking\" is a similar marketing term preferred for when the service is used to simplify a telecom infrastructure by sharing the carrier access circuit for voice, data, and Internet traffic while removing the need for Primary Rate Interface (PRI) circuits. SIP-enabled video surveillance cameras can initiate calls to alert the operator of events, such as motion of objects in a protected area. SIP is used in audio over IP for broadcasting","Document [19](Title: Femtocell) up a connection between the femtocell and a femtocell convergence server (FCS). Voice calls are routed through the FCS which emulates an MSC. SIP is not required or used by the mobile device itself. In the SIP architecture, the femtocell connects to a core network of the mobile operator that is based on the SIP\/IMS architecture. This is achieved by having the femtocells behave toward the SIP\/IMS network like a SIP\/IMS client by converting the circuit-switched 3G signaling to SIP\/IMS signaling, and by transporting the voice traffic over RTP as defined in the IETF standards. Although much of the commercial","Document [20](Title: Multimedia telephony) Multimedia telephony The 3GPP\/NGN IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) multimedia telephony service (MMTel) is a global standard based on the IMS, offering converged, fixed and mobile real-time multimedia communication using the media capabilities such as voice, real-time video, text, file transfer and sharing of pictures, audio and video clips. With MMTel, users have the capability to add and drop media during a session. You can start with chat, add voice (for instance Mobile VoIP), add another caller, add video, share media and transfer files, and drop any of these without losing or having to end the session. MMTel is one of"],"query":"what does sip stand for in the ngn \/ ims context?","answers":["Session Initiation Protocol"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Session Initiation Protocol) permanent element of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) architecture for IP-based streaming multimedia services in cellular networks. In June 2002 the specification was revised in and various extensions and clarifications have been published since. SIP was designed to provide a signaling and call setup protocol for IP-based communications supporting the call processing functions and features present in the public switched telephone network (PSTN) with a vision of supporting new multimedia applications. It has been extended for video conferencing, streaming media distribution, instant messaging, presence information, file transfer, Internet fax and online games. SIP is distinguished by its proponents for having","Document [2](Title: UMTS security) calls, video conferences, streaming and chat. SIP is specified by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)27. IMS also uses the IETF Session Description Protocol (SDP)28 to specify the session parameters and to negotiate the codecs to be used. SIP runs on top of different IP transport protocols such as the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). A 3G IMS subscriber has one IP multimedia private identity (IMPI) and at least one IP multimedia public identity (IMPU). To participate in multimedia sessions, an IMS subscriber must register at least one IMPU with the IMS. The private identity","Document [3](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) extensions is not restricted to the IMS framework. The 3GPP has stated several general requirements stated for operation of the IMS. These include an efficient use of the radio interface by minimizing the exchange of signaling messages between the mobile terminal and the network, a minimum session setup time by performing tasks prior to session establishment instead of during session establishment, a minimum support required in the terminal, the support for roaming and non-roaming scenarios with terminal mobility management (supported by the access network, not SIP), and support for IPv6 addressing. Other requirements involve protocol extensions, such as SIP header","Document [4](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) functionality. These extensions are based on Request for Comments (RFC) protocol recommendations by the IETF. The 3GPP, which is a collaboration between groups of telecommunications associations aimed at developing and maintaining the IMS, stated a series of requirements for SIP to be successfully used in the IMS. Some of them could be addressed by using existing capabilities and extensions in SIP while, in other cases, the 3GPP had to collaborate with the IETF to standardize new SIP extensions to meet the new requirements. In any case, the IETF evolves SIP in a generic basis, so that the use of its","Document [5](Title: IP Multimedia Subsystem) To ease the integration with the Internet, IMS uses IETF protocols wherever possible, e.g., SIP (Session Initiation Protocol). According to the 3GPP, IMS is not intended to standardize applications, but rather to aid the access of multimedia and voice applications from wireless and wireline terminals, i.e., to create a form of fixed-mobile convergence (FMC). This is done by having a horizontal control layer that isolates the access network from the service layer. From a logical architecture perspective, services need not have their own control functions, as the control layer is a common horizontal layer. However, in implementation this does not","Document [6](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) configured to relay messages across both networks according to these recommendations, user agents will need to implement extensions so that they can directly exchange media streams. These extensions are related to the Session Description Protocol offer\/answer initial exchange, that will be used to gather the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of both ends so that they can establish a direct communication. Apart from all the explained extensions to SIP that make it possible for the IMS to work successfully, it is also necessary that the IMS framework interworks and exchanges services with existing network infrastructures, mainly the Public switched telephone network","Document [7](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) to negotiate and allocate the call resources before the called party is alerted. In the IMS framework, it is required that once the callee is alerted, the chances of a session failure are minimum. An important source of failure is the inability to reserve network resources to support the session, so these resources should be allocated before the phone rings. However, in the IMS, to reserve resources the network needs to know the callee's IP address, port and session parameters and therefore it is necessary that the initial offer\/answer exchange to establish a session has started (INVITE request). In basic","Document [8](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) resource reservation on its side. Subsequent UPDATE requests are sent to inform about the reservation progress, and they are answered by 2XX response codes. In a typical offer\/answer exchange, one UPDATE will be sent by the calling party when its reservation is completed, then the called party will respond and eventually finish allocating the resources. It is then, when all the resources for the call are in place, when the caller is alerted. In the IMS framework it is fundamental to handle user identities for authentication, authorization and accounting purposes. The IMS is meant to provide multimedia services over IP","Document [9](Title: SIP trunking) applications such as desktop sharing, web conferencing, and shared whiteboard. The architecture of SIP trunking provides a partitioning of the unified communications network into two different domains of expertise: The interconnection between the two domains must occur through a SIP trunk. The interconnection between the two domains, created by transport via the Internet Protocol (IP), involves setting specific rules and regulations as well as the ability to handle some services and protocols that fall under the name of SIP trunking. The ITSP is responsible to the applicable regulatory authority regarding all the following law obligations of the public domain: The","Document [10](Title: Telecoms & Internet converged Services & Protocols for Advanced Networks) networking. In 2011, TISPAN published the specification of a functional architecture for Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and is now working on the specification of the protocols applicable to the reference points identified in this architecture (See ETSI TS 182 019) The ETSI website on Next Generation Networking states: \"\"Standards for fixed NGN were developed by the now closed ETSI technical committee TISPAN. The TC has adopted the 3GPP\u2122 core IMS specifications using Internet (SIP) protocols to allow features such as Presence, IPTV, Messaging, and Conferencing to be delivered irrespective of the network in use. Maintenance of NGN standards are now","Document [11](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) a format used to describe streaming media initialization parameters, carried in the body of SIP messages. The new SDP attributes are meant to describe the \"current status\" of the resource reservation, the \"desired status\" of the reservation to proceed with session establishment, and the \"confirmation status\", to indicate when the reservation status should be confirmed. In the IMS, the initial session parameter negotiation can be done by using the provisional responses and session description updating extensions, along with SDP in the body of the messages. The first offer, described by means of SDP, can be carried by the INVITE request","Document [12](Title: IP Multimedia Subsystem) in a single network, for dimensioning, load balancing or organizational issues. The user can connect to IMS in various ways, most of which use the standard IP. IMS terminals (such as mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and computers) can register directly on IMS, even when they are roaming in another network or country (the visited network). The only requirement is that they can use IP and run SIP user agents. Fixed access (e.g., Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), cable modems, Ethernet), mobile access (e.g. W-CDMA, CDMA2000, GSM, GPRS) and wireless access (e.g., WLAN, WiMAX) are all supported. Other phone systems","Document [13](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) to the user agent. This extension is only applicable within administrative domains with trust relationships. It was particularly designed for specialized SIP networks like the IMS, and not for the general Internet. Source routing is the mechanism that allows the sender of a message to specify partially or completely the route the message traverses. In SIP, the \"route\" header field, filled by the sender, supports this functionality by listing a set of proxies the message will visit. In the IMS context, there are certain network entities (i.e. certain CSCFs) that must be traversed by requests from or to a user,","Document [14](Title: Telecoms & Internet converged Services & Protocols for Advanced Networks) it ensures mobility of users, terminals and services as much as possible, even across administrative boundaries. A key subsystem is based on the architectures of 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). TISPAN has been working with 3GPP to extend the IMS architecture with capabilities required in support of wire-line access. TISPAN NGN Release 2 was finalized early 2008, and added support for IPTV services and Business Communications over the IMS. Since early 2008, TISPAN has begun work on the third release of its NGN specifications with prime focus on IPTV enhancements, Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and home","Document [15](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) SIP instance, and the registrar (i.e. S-CSCF) builds the GRUU, associates it to the registered identity and SIP instance and sends it back to the user agent in the response. When the S-CSCF receives a request for that GRUU, it will be able to route the request to the registered SIP instance. The efficient use of network resources, which may include a radio interface or other low-bandwidth access, is essential in the IMS in order to provide the user with an acceptable experience in terms of latency. To achieve this goal, SIP messages can be compressed using the mechanism known","Document [16](Title: Service layer) IP multimedia Subsystem Service Control Interface (ISC). The ISC interface uses the SIP signalling protocol. The network elements contained within the service layer are generically referred to as 'service platforms' however the 3GPP specification (3GPP TS 23.228 V8.7.0) defines several types of service platforms: The SIP Application Server (AS) performs the same function as a Telephony Application Server in a pre-IMS network, however it is specifically tailored to support the SIP signalling protocol for use in an IMS network. An OSA Service Capability Server acts as a secure gateway between the IMS network and an application which runs upon the","Document [17](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) user agents (terminals) can describe themselves when they register so that others can search for them according to their caller preferences extension headers. For this purpose, they list their capabilities in the \"Contact\" header field of the REGISTER message. The aim of event notification is to obtain the status of a given resource (e.g. a user, one's voicemail service) and to receive updates of that status when it changes. Event notification is necessary in the IMS framework to inform about the \"presence\" of a user (i.e. \"online\" or \"offline\") to others that may be waiting to contact them, or to","Document [18](Title: Session Initiation Protocol) corporate information system infrastructure by sharing Internet access for voice and data, and removing the cost for Basic Rate Interface (BRI) or Primary Rate Interface (PRI) telephone circuits. \"SIP trunking\" is a similar marketing term preferred for when the service is used to simplify a telecom infrastructure by sharing the carrier access circuit for voice, data, and Internet traffic while removing the need for Primary Rate Interface (PRI) circuits. SIP-enabled video surveillance cameras can initiate calls to alert the operator of events, such as motion of objects in a protected area. SIP is used in audio over IP for broadcasting","Document [19](Title: Femtocell) up a connection between the femtocell and a femtocell convergence server (FCS). Voice calls are routed through the FCS which emulates an MSC. SIP is not required or used by the mobile device itself. In the SIP architecture, the femtocell connects to a core network of the mobile operator that is based on the SIP\/IMS architecture. This is achieved by having the femtocells behave toward the SIP\/IMS network like a SIP\/IMS client by converting the circuit-switched 3G signaling to SIP\/IMS signaling, and by transporting the voice traffic over RTP as defined in the IETF standards. Although much of the commercial","Document [20](Title: Multimedia telephony) Multimedia telephony The 3GPP\/NGN IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) multimedia telephony service (MMTel) is a global standard based on the IMS, offering converged, fixed and mobile real-time multimedia communication using the media capabilities such as voice, real-time video, text, file transfer and sharing of pictures, audio and video clips. With MMTel, users have the capability to add and drop media during a session. You can start with chat, add voice (for instance Mobile VoIP), add another caller, add video, share media and transfer files, and drop any of these without losing or having to end the session. MMTel is one of"],"query":"what does sip stand for in the ngn \/ ims context?","answers":["Session Initiation Protocol"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Session Initiation Protocol) permanent element of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) architecture for IP-based streaming multimedia services in cellular networks. In June 2002 the specification was revised in and various extensions and clarifications have been published since. SIP was designed to provide a signaling and call setup protocol for IP-based communications supporting the call processing functions and features present in the public switched telephone network (PSTN) with a vision of supporting new multimedia applications. It has been extended for video conferencing, streaming media distribution, instant messaging, presence information, file transfer, Internet fax and online games. SIP is distinguished by its proponents for having","Document [2](Title: UMTS security) calls, video conferences, streaming and chat. SIP is specified by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)27. IMS also uses the IETF Session Description Protocol (SDP)28 to specify the session parameters and to negotiate the codecs to be used. SIP runs on top of different IP transport protocols such as the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). A 3G IMS subscriber has one IP multimedia private identity (IMPI) and at least one IP multimedia public identity (IMPU). To participate in multimedia sessions, an IMS subscriber must register at least one IMPU with the IMS. The private identity","Document [3](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) extensions is not restricted to the IMS framework. The 3GPP has stated several general requirements stated for operation of the IMS. These include an efficient use of the radio interface by minimizing the exchange of signaling messages between the mobile terminal and the network, a minimum session setup time by performing tasks prior to session establishment instead of during session establishment, a minimum support required in the terminal, the support for roaming and non-roaming scenarios with terminal mobility management (supported by the access network, not SIP), and support for IPv6 addressing. Other requirements involve protocol extensions, such as SIP header","Document [4](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) functionality. These extensions are based on Request for Comments (RFC) protocol recommendations by the IETF. The 3GPP, which is a collaboration between groups of telecommunications associations aimed at developing and maintaining the IMS, stated a series of requirements for SIP to be successfully used in the IMS. Some of them could be addressed by using existing capabilities and extensions in SIP while, in other cases, the 3GPP had to collaborate with the IETF to standardize new SIP extensions to meet the new requirements. In any case, the IETF evolves SIP in a generic basis, so that the use of its","Document [5](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) configured to relay messages across both networks according to these recommendations, user agents will need to implement extensions so that they can directly exchange media streams. These extensions are related to the Session Description Protocol offer\/answer initial exchange, that will be used to gather the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of both ends so that they can establish a direct communication. Apart from all the explained extensions to SIP that make it possible for the IMS to work successfully, it is also necessary that the IMS framework interworks and exchanges services with existing network infrastructures, mainly the Public switched telephone network","Document [6](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) to negotiate and allocate the call resources before the called party is alerted. In the IMS framework, it is required that once the callee is alerted, the chances of a session failure are minimum. An important source of failure is the inability to reserve network resources to support the session, so these resources should be allocated before the phone rings. However, in the IMS, to reserve resources the network needs to know the callee's IP address, port and session parameters and therefore it is necessary that the initial offer\/answer exchange to establish a session has started (INVITE request). In basic","Document [7](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) resource reservation on its side. Subsequent UPDATE requests are sent to inform about the reservation progress, and they are answered by 2XX response codes. In a typical offer\/answer exchange, one UPDATE will be sent by the calling party when its reservation is completed, then the called party will respond and eventually finish allocating the resources. It is then, when all the resources for the call are in place, when the caller is alerted. In the IMS framework it is fundamental to handle user identities for authentication, authorization and accounting purposes. The IMS is meant to provide multimedia services over IP","Document [8](Title: SIP trunking) applications such as desktop sharing, web conferencing, and shared whiteboard. The architecture of SIP trunking provides a partitioning of the unified communications network into two different domains of expertise: The interconnection between the two domains must occur through a SIP trunk. The interconnection between the two domains, created by transport via the Internet Protocol (IP), involves setting specific rules and regulations as well as the ability to handle some services and protocols that fall under the name of SIP trunking. The ITSP is responsible to the applicable regulatory authority regarding all the following law obligations of the public domain: The","Document [9](Title: Telecoms & Internet converged Services & Protocols for Advanced Networks) networking. In 2011, TISPAN published the specification of a functional architecture for Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and is now working on the specification of the protocols applicable to the reference points identified in this architecture (See ETSI TS 182 019) The ETSI website on Next Generation Networking states: \"\"Standards for fixed NGN were developed by the now closed ETSI technical committee TISPAN. The TC has adopted the 3GPP\u2122 core IMS specifications using Internet (SIP) protocols to allow features such as Presence, IPTV, Messaging, and Conferencing to be delivered irrespective of the network in use. Maintenance of NGN standards are now","Document [10](Title: IP Multimedia Subsystem) To ease the integration with the Internet, IMS uses IETF protocols wherever possible, e.g., SIP (Session Initiation Protocol). According to the 3GPP, IMS is not intended to standardize applications, but rather to aid the access of multimedia and voice applications from wireless and wireline terminals, i.e., to create a form of fixed-mobile convergence (FMC). This is done by having a horizontal control layer that isolates the access network from the service layer. From a logical architecture perspective, services need not have their own control functions, as the control layer is a common horizontal layer. However, in implementation this does not","Document [11](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) a format used to describe streaming media initialization parameters, carried in the body of SIP messages. The new SDP attributes are meant to describe the \"current status\" of the resource reservation, the \"desired status\" of the reservation to proceed with session establishment, and the \"confirmation status\", to indicate when the reservation status should be confirmed. In the IMS, the initial session parameter negotiation can be done by using the provisional responses and session description updating extensions, along with SDP in the body of the messages. The first offer, described by means of SDP, can be carried by the INVITE request","Document [12](Title: IP Multimedia Subsystem) in a single network, for dimensioning, load balancing or organizational issues. The user can connect to IMS in various ways, most of which use the standard IP. IMS terminals (such as mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and computers) can register directly on IMS, even when they are roaming in another network or country (the visited network). The only requirement is that they can use IP and run SIP user agents. Fixed access (e.g., Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), cable modems, Ethernet), mobile access (e.g. W-CDMA, CDMA2000, GSM, GPRS) and wireless access (e.g., WLAN, WiMAX) are all supported. Other phone systems","Document [13](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) to the user agent. This extension is only applicable within administrative domains with trust relationships. It was particularly designed for specialized SIP networks like the IMS, and not for the general Internet. Source routing is the mechanism that allows the sender of a message to specify partially or completely the route the message traverses. In SIP, the \"route\" header field, filled by the sender, supports this functionality by listing a set of proxies the message will visit. In the IMS context, there are certain network entities (i.e. certain CSCFs) that must be traversed by requests from or to a user,","Document [14](Title: Telecoms & Internet converged Services & Protocols for Advanced Networks) it ensures mobility of users, terminals and services as much as possible, even across administrative boundaries. A key subsystem is based on the architectures of 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). TISPAN has been working with 3GPP to extend the IMS architecture with capabilities required in support of wire-line access. TISPAN NGN Release 2 was finalized early 2008, and added support for IPTV services and Business Communications over the IMS. Since early 2008, TISPAN has begun work on the third release of its NGN specifications with prime focus on IPTV enhancements, Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and home","Document [15](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) SIP instance, and the registrar (i.e. S-CSCF) builds the GRUU, associates it to the registered identity and SIP instance and sends it back to the user agent in the response. When the S-CSCF receives a request for that GRUU, it will be able to route the request to the registered SIP instance. The efficient use of network resources, which may include a radio interface or other low-bandwidth access, is essential in the IMS in order to provide the user with an acceptable experience in terms of latency. To achieve this goal, SIP messages can be compressed using the mechanism known","Document [16](Title: Service layer) IP multimedia Subsystem Service Control Interface (ISC). The ISC interface uses the SIP signalling protocol. The network elements contained within the service layer are generically referred to as 'service platforms' however the 3GPP specification (3GPP TS 23.228 V8.7.0) defines several types of service platforms: The SIP Application Server (AS) performs the same function as a Telephony Application Server in a pre-IMS network, however it is specifically tailored to support the SIP signalling protocol for use in an IMS network. An OSA Service Capability Server acts as a secure gateway between the IMS network and an application which runs upon the","Document [17](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) user agents (terminals) can describe themselves when they register so that others can search for them according to their caller preferences extension headers. For this purpose, they list their capabilities in the \"Contact\" header field of the REGISTER message. The aim of event notification is to obtain the status of a given resource (e.g. a user, one's voicemail service) and to receive updates of that status when it changes. Event notification is necessary in the IMS framework to inform about the \"presence\" of a user (i.e. \"online\" or \"offline\") to others that may be waiting to contact them, or to","Document [18](Title: Session Initiation Protocol) corporate information system infrastructure by sharing Internet access for voice and data, and removing the cost for Basic Rate Interface (BRI) or Primary Rate Interface (PRI) telephone circuits. \"SIP trunking\" is a similar marketing term preferred for when the service is used to simplify a telecom infrastructure by sharing the carrier access circuit for voice, data, and Internet traffic while removing the need for Primary Rate Interface (PRI) circuits. SIP-enabled video surveillance cameras can initiate calls to alert the operator of events, such as motion of objects in a protected area. SIP is used in audio over IP for broadcasting","Document [19](Title: Femtocell) up a connection between the femtocell and a femtocell convergence server (FCS). Voice calls are routed through the FCS which emulates an MSC. SIP is not required or used by the mobile device itself. In the SIP architecture, the femtocell connects to a core network of the mobile operator that is based on the SIP\/IMS architecture. This is achieved by having the femtocells behave toward the SIP\/IMS network like a SIP\/IMS client by converting the circuit-switched 3G signaling to SIP\/IMS signaling, and by transporting the voice traffic over RTP as defined in the IETF standards. Although much of the commercial","Document [20](Title: Multimedia telephony) Multimedia telephony The 3GPP\/NGN IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) multimedia telephony service (MMTel) is a global standard based on the IMS, offering converged, fixed and mobile real-time multimedia communication using the media capabilities such as voice, real-time video, text, file transfer and sharing of pictures, audio and video clips. With MMTel, users have the capability to add and drop media during a session. You can start with chat, add voice (for instance Mobile VoIP), add another caller, add video, share media and transfer files, and drop any of these without losing or having to end the session. MMTel is one of"],"query":"what does sip stand for in the ngn \/ ims context?","answers":["Session Initiation Protocol"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Session Initiation Protocol) permanent element of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) architecture for IP-based streaming multimedia services in cellular networks. In June 2002 the specification was revised in and various extensions and clarifications have been published since. SIP was designed to provide a signaling and call setup protocol for IP-based communications supporting the call processing functions and features present in the public switched telephone network (PSTN) with a vision of supporting new multimedia applications. It has been extended for video conferencing, streaming media distribution, instant messaging, presence information, file transfer, Internet fax and online games. SIP is distinguished by its proponents for having","Document [2](Title: UMTS security) calls, video conferences, streaming and chat. SIP is specified by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)27. IMS also uses the IETF Session Description Protocol (SDP)28 to specify the session parameters and to negotiate the codecs to be used. SIP runs on top of different IP transport protocols such as the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). A 3G IMS subscriber has one IP multimedia private identity (IMPI) and at least one IP multimedia public identity (IMPU). To participate in multimedia sessions, an IMS subscriber must register at least one IMPU with the IMS. The private identity","Document [3](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) extensions is not restricted to the IMS framework. The 3GPP has stated several general requirements stated for operation of the IMS. These include an efficient use of the radio interface by minimizing the exchange of signaling messages between the mobile terminal and the network, a minimum session setup time by performing tasks prior to session establishment instead of during session establishment, a minimum support required in the terminal, the support for roaming and non-roaming scenarios with terminal mobility management (supported by the access network, not SIP), and support for IPv6 addressing. Other requirements involve protocol extensions, such as SIP header","Document [4](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) functionality. These extensions are based on Request for Comments (RFC) protocol recommendations by the IETF. The 3GPP, which is a collaboration between groups of telecommunications associations aimed at developing and maintaining the IMS, stated a series of requirements for SIP to be successfully used in the IMS. Some of them could be addressed by using existing capabilities and extensions in SIP while, in other cases, the 3GPP had to collaborate with the IETF to standardize new SIP extensions to meet the new requirements. In any case, the IETF evolves SIP in a generic basis, so that the use of its","Document [5](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) configured to relay messages across both networks according to these recommendations, user agents will need to implement extensions so that they can directly exchange media streams. These extensions are related to the Session Description Protocol offer\/answer initial exchange, that will be used to gather the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of both ends so that they can establish a direct communication. Apart from all the explained extensions to SIP that make it possible for the IMS to work successfully, it is also necessary that the IMS framework interworks and exchanges services with existing network infrastructures, mainly the Public switched telephone network","Document [6](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) to negotiate and allocate the call resources before the called party is alerted. In the IMS framework, it is required that once the callee is alerted, the chances of a session failure are minimum. An important source of failure is the inability to reserve network resources to support the session, so these resources should be allocated before the phone rings. However, in the IMS, to reserve resources the network needs to know the callee's IP address, port and session parameters and therefore it is necessary that the initial offer\/answer exchange to establish a session has started (INVITE request). In basic","Document [7](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) resource reservation on its side. Subsequent UPDATE requests are sent to inform about the reservation progress, and they are answered by 2XX response codes. In a typical offer\/answer exchange, one UPDATE will be sent by the calling party when its reservation is completed, then the called party will respond and eventually finish allocating the resources. It is then, when all the resources for the call are in place, when the caller is alerted. In the IMS framework it is fundamental to handle user identities for authentication, authorization and accounting purposes. The IMS is meant to provide multimedia services over IP","Document [8](Title: SIP trunking) applications such as desktop sharing, web conferencing, and shared whiteboard. The architecture of SIP trunking provides a partitioning of the unified communications network into two different domains of expertise: The interconnection between the two domains must occur through a SIP trunk. The interconnection between the two domains, created by transport via the Internet Protocol (IP), involves setting specific rules and regulations as well as the ability to handle some services and protocols that fall under the name of SIP trunking. The ITSP is responsible to the applicable regulatory authority regarding all the following law obligations of the public domain: The","Document [9](Title: Telecoms & Internet converged Services & Protocols for Advanced Networks) networking. In 2011, TISPAN published the specification of a functional architecture for Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and is now working on the specification of the protocols applicable to the reference points identified in this architecture (See ETSI TS 182 019) The ETSI website on Next Generation Networking states: \"\"Standards for fixed NGN were developed by the now closed ETSI technical committee TISPAN. The TC has adopted the 3GPP\u2122 core IMS specifications using Internet (SIP) protocols to allow features such as Presence, IPTV, Messaging, and Conferencing to be delivered irrespective of the network in use. Maintenance of NGN standards are now","Document [10](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) a format used to describe streaming media initialization parameters, carried in the body of SIP messages. The new SDP attributes are meant to describe the \"current status\" of the resource reservation, the \"desired status\" of the reservation to proceed with session establishment, and the \"confirmation status\", to indicate when the reservation status should be confirmed. In the IMS, the initial session parameter negotiation can be done by using the provisional responses and session description updating extensions, along with SDP in the body of the messages. The first offer, described by means of SDP, can be carried by the INVITE request","Document [11](Title: IP Multimedia Subsystem) in a single network, for dimensioning, load balancing or organizational issues. The user can connect to IMS in various ways, most of which use the standard IP. IMS terminals (such as mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and computers) can register directly on IMS, even when they are roaming in another network or country (the visited network). The only requirement is that they can use IP and run SIP user agents. Fixed access (e.g., Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), cable modems, Ethernet), mobile access (e.g. W-CDMA, CDMA2000, GSM, GPRS) and wireless access (e.g., WLAN, WiMAX) are all supported. Other phone systems","Document [12](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) to the user agent. This extension is only applicable within administrative domains with trust relationships. It was particularly designed for specialized SIP networks like the IMS, and not for the general Internet. Source routing is the mechanism that allows the sender of a message to specify partially or completely the route the message traverses. In SIP, the \"route\" header field, filled by the sender, supports this functionality by listing a set of proxies the message will visit. In the IMS context, there are certain network entities (i.e. certain CSCFs) that must be traversed by requests from or to a user,","Document [13](Title: Telecoms & Internet converged Services & Protocols for Advanced Networks) it ensures mobility of users, terminals and services as much as possible, even across administrative boundaries. A key subsystem is based on the architectures of 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). TISPAN has been working with 3GPP to extend the IMS architecture with capabilities required in support of wire-line access. TISPAN NGN Release 2 was finalized early 2008, and added support for IPTV services and Business Communications over the IMS. Since early 2008, TISPAN has begun work on the third release of its NGN specifications with prime focus on IPTV enhancements, Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and home","Document [14](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) SIP instance, and the registrar (i.e. S-CSCF) builds the GRUU, associates it to the registered identity and SIP instance and sends it back to the user agent in the response. When the S-CSCF receives a request for that GRUU, it will be able to route the request to the registered SIP instance. The efficient use of network resources, which may include a radio interface or other low-bandwidth access, is essential in the IMS in order to provide the user with an acceptable experience in terms of latency. To achieve this goal, SIP messages can be compressed using the mechanism known","Document [15](Title: IP Multimedia Subsystem) To ease the integration with the Internet, IMS uses IETF protocols wherever possible, e.g., SIP (Session Initiation Protocol). According to the 3GPP, IMS is not intended to standardize applications, but rather to aid the access of multimedia and voice applications from wireless and wireline terminals, i.e., to create a form of fixed-mobile convergence (FMC). This is done by having a horizontal control layer that isolates the access network from the service layer. From a logical architecture perspective, services need not have their own control functions, as the control layer is a common horizontal layer. However, in implementation this does not","Document [16](Title: Service layer) IP multimedia Subsystem Service Control Interface (ISC). The ISC interface uses the SIP signalling protocol. The network elements contained within the service layer are generically referred to as 'service platforms' however the 3GPP specification (3GPP TS 23.228 V8.7.0) defines several types of service platforms: The SIP Application Server (AS) performs the same function as a Telephony Application Server in a pre-IMS network, however it is specifically tailored to support the SIP signalling protocol for use in an IMS network. An OSA Service Capability Server acts as a secure gateway between the IMS network and an application which runs upon the","Document [17](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) user agents (terminals) can describe themselves when they register so that others can search for them according to their caller preferences extension headers. For this purpose, they list their capabilities in the \"Contact\" header field of the REGISTER message. The aim of event notification is to obtain the status of a given resource (e.g. a user, one's voicemail service) and to receive updates of that status when it changes. Event notification is necessary in the IMS framework to inform about the \"presence\" of a user (i.e. \"online\" or \"offline\") to others that may be waiting to contact them, or to","Document [18](Title: Session Initiation Protocol) corporate information system infrastructure by sharing Internet access for voice and data, and removing the cost for Basic Rate Interface (BRI) or Primary Rate Interface (PRI) telephone circuits. \"SIP trunking\" is a similar marketing term preferred for when the service is used to simplify a telecom infrastructure by sharing the carrier access circuit for voice, data, and Internet traffic while removing the need for Primary Rate Interface (PRI) circuits. SIP-enabled video surveillance cameras can initiate calls to alert the operator of events, such as motion of objects in a protected area. SIP is used in audio over IP for broadcasting","Document [19](Title: Femtocell) up a connection between the femtocell and a femtocell convergence server (FCS). Voice calls are routed through the FCS which emulates an MSC. SIP is not required or used by the mobile device itself. In the SIP architecture, the femtocell connects to a core network of the mobile operator that is based on the SIP\/IMS architecture. This is achieved by having the femtocells behave toward the SIP\/IMS network like a SIP\/IMS client by converting the circuit-switched 3G signaling to SIP\/IMS signaling, and by transporting the voice traffic over RTP as defined in the IETF standards. Although much of the commercial","Document [20](Title: Multimedia telephony) Multimedia telephony The 3GPP\/NGN IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) multimedia telephony service (MMTel) is a global standard based on the IMS, offering converged, fixed and mobile real-time multimedia communication using the media capabilities such as voice, real-time video, text, file transfer and sharing of pictures, audio and video clips. With MMTel, users have the capability to add and drop media during a session. You can start with chat, add voice (for instance Mobile VoIP), add another caller, add video, share media and transfer files, and drop any of these without losing or having to end the session. MMTel is one of"],"query":"what does sip stand for in the ngn \/ ims context?","answers":["Session Initiation Protocol"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Session Initiation Protocol) permanent element of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) architecture for IP-based streaming multimedia services in cellular networks. In June 2002 the specification was revised in and various extensions and clarifications have been published since. SIP was designed to provide a signaling and call setup protocol for IP-based communications supporting the call processing functions and features present in the public switched telephone network (PSTN) with a vision of supporting new multimedia applications. It has been extended for video conferencing, streaming media distribution, instant messaging, presence information, file transfer, Internet fax and online games. SIP is distinguished by its proponents for having","Document [2](Title: UMTS security) calls, video conferences, streaming and chat. SIP is specified by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)27. IMS also uses the IETF Session Description Protocol (SDP)28 to specify the session parameters and to negotiate the codecs to be used. SIP runs on top of different IP transport protocols such as the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). A 3G IMS subscriber has one IP multimedia private identity (IMPI) and at least one IP multimedia public identity (IMPU). To participate in multimedia sessions, an IMS subscriber must register at least one IMPU with the IMS. The private identity","Document [3](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) extensions is not restricted to the IMS framework. The 3GPP has stated several general requirements stated for operation of the IMS. These include an efficient use of the radio interface by minimizing the exchange of signaling messages between the mobile terminal and the network, a minimum session setup time by performing tasks prior to session establishment instead of during session establishment, a minimum support required in the terminal, the support for roaming and non-roaming scenarios with terminal mobility management (supported by the access network, not SIP), and support for IPv6 addressing. Other requirements involve protocol extensions, such as SIP header","Document [4](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) functionality. These extensions are based on Request for Comments (RFC) protocol recommendations by the IETF. The 3GPP, which is a collaboration between groups of telecommunications associations aimed at developing and maintaining the IMS, stated a series of requirements for SIP to be successfully used in the IMS. Some of them could be addressed by using existing capabilities and extensions in SIP while, in other cases, the 3GPP had to collaborate with the IETF to standardize new SIP extensions to meet the new requirements. In any case, the IETF evolves SIP in a generic basis, so that the use of its","Document [5](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) configured to relay messages across both networks according to these recommendations, user agents will need to implement extensions so that they can directly exchange media streams. These extensions are related to the Session Description Protocol offer\/answer initial exchange, that will be used to gather the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of both ends so that they can establish a direct communication. Apart from all the explained extensions to SIP that make it possible for the IMS to work successfully, it is also necessary that the IMS framework interworks and exchanges services with existing network infrastructures, mainly the Public switched telephone network","Document [6](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) to negotiate and allocate the call resources before the called party is alerted. In the IMS framework, it is required that once the callee is alerted, the chances of a session failure are minimum. An important source of failure is the inability to reserve network resources to support the session, so these resources should be allocated before the phone rings. However, in the IMS, to reserve resources the network needs to know the callee's IP address, port and session parameters and therefore it is necessary that the initial offer\/answer exchange to establish a session has started (INVITE request). In basic","Document [7](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) resource reservation on its side. Subsequent UPDATE requests are sent to inform about the reservation progress, and they are answered by 2XX response codes. In a typical offer\/answer exchange, one UPDATE will be sent by the calling party when its reservation is completed, then the called party will respond and eventually finish allocating the resources. It is then, when all the resources for the call are in place, when the caller is alerted. In the IMS framework it is fundamental to handle user identities for authentication, authorization and accounting purposes. The IMS is meant to provide multimedia services over IP","Document [8](Title: SIP trunking) applications such as desktop sharing, web conferencing, and shared whiteboard. The architecture of SIP trunking provides a partitioning of the unified communications network into two different domains of expertise: The interconnection between the two domains must occur through a SIP trunk. The interconnection between the two domains, created by transport via the Internet Protocol (IP), involves setting specific rules and regulations as well as the ability to handle some services and protocols that fall under the name of SIP trunking. The ITSP is responsible to the applicable regulatory authority regarding all the following law obligations of the public domain: The","Document [9](Title: Telecoms & Internet converged Services & Protocols for Advanced Networks) networking. In 2011, TISPAN published the specification of a functional architecture for Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and is now working on the specification of the protocols applicable to the reference points identified in this architecture (See ETSI TS 182 019) The ETSI website on Next Generation Networking states: \"\"Standards for fixed NGN were developed by the now closed ETSI technical committee TISPAN. The TC has adopted the 3GPP\u2122 core IMS specifications using Internet (SIP) protocols to allow features such as Presence, IPTV, Messaging, and Conferencing to be delivered irrespective of the network in use. Maintenance of NGN standards are now","Document [10](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) a format used to describe streaming media initialization parameters, carried in the body of SIP messages. The new SDP attributes are meant to describe the \"current status\" of the resource reservation, the \"desired status\" of the reservation to proceed with session establishment, and the \"confirmation status\", to indicate when the reservation status should be confirmed. In the IMS, the initial session parameter negotiation can be done by using the provisional responses and session description updating extensions, along with SDP in the body of the messages. The first offer, described by means of SDP, can be carried by the INVITE request","Document [11](Title: IP Multimedia Subsystem) in a single network, for dimensioning, load balancing or organizational issues. The user can connect to IMS in various ways, most of which use the standard IP. IMS terminals (such as mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and computers) can register directly on IMS, even when they are roaming in another network or country (the visited network). The only requirement is that they can use IP and run SIP user agents. Fixed access (e.g., Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), cable modems, Ethernet), mobile access (e.g. W-CDMA, CDMA2000, GSM, GPRS) and wireless access (e.g., WLAN, WiMAX) are all supported. Other phone systems","Document [12](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) to the user agent. This extension is only applicable within administrative domains with trust relationships. It was particularly designed for specialized SIP networks like the IMS, and not for the general Internet. Source routing is the mechanism that allows the sender of a message to specify partially or completely the route the message traverses. In SIP, the \"route\" header field, filled by the sender, supports this functionality by listing a set of proxies the message will visit. In the IMS context, there are certain network entities (i.e. certain CSCFs) that must be traversed by requests from or to a user,","Document [13](Title: Telecoms & Internet converged Services & Protocols for Advanced Networks) it ensures mobility of users, terminals and services as much as possible, even across administrative boundaries. A key subsystem is based on the architectures of 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). TISPAN has been working with 3GPP to extend the IMS architecture with capabilities required in support of wire-line access. TISPAN NGN Release 2 was finalized early 2008, and added support for IPTV services and Business Communications over the IMS. Since early 2008, TISPAN has begun work on the third release of its NGN specifications with prime focus on IPTV enhancements, Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and home","Document [14](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) SIP instance, and the registrar (i.e. S-CSCF) builds the GRUU, associates it to the registered identity and SIP instance and sends it back to the user agent in the response. When the S-CSCF receives a request for that GRUU, it will be able to route the request to the registered SIP instance. The efficient use of network resources, which may include a radio interface or other low-bandwidth access, is essential in the IMS in order to provide the user with an acceptable experience in terms of latency. To achieve this goal, SIP messages can be compressed using the mechanism known","Document [15](Title: Service layer) IP multimedia Subsystem Service Control Interface (ISC). The ISC interface uses the SIP signalling protocol. The network elements contained within the service layer are generically referred to as 'service platforms' however the 3GPP specification (3GPP TS 23.228 V8.7.0) defines several types of service platforms: The SIP Application Server (AS) performs the same function as a Telephony Application Server in a pre-IMS network, however it is specifically tailored to support the SIP signalling protocol for use in an IMS network. An OSA Service Capability Server acts as a secure gateway between the IMS network and an application which runs upon the","Document [16](Title: SIP extensions for the IP Multimedia Subsystem) user agents (terminals) can describe themselves when they register so that others can search for them according to their caller preferences extension headers. For this purpose, they list their capabilities in the \"Contact\" header field of the REGISTER message. The aim of event notification is to obtain the status of a given resource (e.g. a user, one's voicemail service) and to receive updates of that status when it changes. Event notification is necessary in the IMS framework to inform about the \"presence\" of a user (i.e. \"online\" or \"offline\") to others that may be waiting to contact them, or to","Document [17](Title: Session Initiation Protocol) corporate information system infrastructure by sharing Internet access for voice and data, and removing the cost for Basic Rate Interface (BRI) or Primary Rate Interface (PRI) telephone circuits. \"SIP trunking\" is a similar marketing term preferred for when the service is used to simplify a telecom infrastructure by sharing the carrier access circuit for voice, data, and Internet traffic while removing the need for Primary Rate Interface (PRI) circuits. SIP-enabled video surveillance cameras can initiate calls to alert the operator of events, such as motion of objects in a protected area. SIP is used in audio over IP for broadcasting","Document [18](Title: Femtocell) up a connection between the femtocell and a femtocell convergence server (FCS). Voice calls are routed through the FCS which emulates an MSC. SIP is not required or used by the mobile device itself. In the SIP architecture, the femtocell connects to a core network of the mobile operator that is based on the SIP\/IMS architecture. This is achieved by having the femtocells behave toward the SIP\/IMS network like a SIP\/IMS client by converting the circuit-switched 3G signaling to SIP\/IMS signaling, and by transporting the voice traffic over RTP as defined in the IETF standards. Although much of the commercial","Document [19](Title: Multimedia telephony) Multimedia telephony The 3GPP\/NGN IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) multimedia telephony service (MMTel) is a global standard based on the IMS, offering converged, fixed and mobile real-time multimedia communication using the media capabilities such as voice, real-time video, text, file transfer and sharing of pictures, audio and video clips. With MMTel, users have the capability to add and drop media during a session. You can start with chat, add voice (for instance Mobile VoIP), add another caller, add video, share media and transfer files, and drop any of these without losing or having to end the session. MMTel is one of","Document [20](Title: IP Multimedia Subsystem) To ease the integration with the Internet, IMS uses IETF protocols wherever possible, e.g., SIP (Session Initiation Protocol). According to the 3GPP, IMS is not intended to standardize applications, but rather to aid the access of multimedia and voice applications from wireless and wireline terminals, i.e., to create a form of fixed-mobile convergence (FMC). This is done by having a horizontal control layer that isolates the access network from the service layer. From a logical architecture perspective, services need not have their own control functions, as the control layer is a common horizontal layer. However, in implementation this does not"],"query":"what does sip stand for in the ngn \/ ims context?","answers":["Session Initiation Protocol"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Roman Empire) period of the ancient Roman civilization, characterized by government headed by emperors and large territorial holdings around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, Africa and Asia. The city of Rome was the largest city in the world c.\u2009100 BC\u00a0\u2013 c.\u2009AD 400, with Constantinople (New Rome) becoming the largest around AD 500, and the Empire's populace grew to an estimated 50 to 90\u00a0million inhabitants (roughly 20% of the world's population at the time). The 500-year-old republic which preceded it was severely destabilized in a series of civil wars and political conflict, during which Julius Caesar was appointed as","Document [2](Title: Roman Empire) of 5 million square kilometres. The traditional population estimate of inhabitants accounted for between one-sixth and one-fourth of the world's total population and made it the largest population of any unified political entity in the West until the mid-19th century. Recent demographic studies have argued for a population peak ranging from to more than . Each of the three largest cities in the Empire\u2014Rome, Alexandria, and Antioch\u2014was almost twice the size of any European city at the beginning of the 17th century. As the historian Christopher Kelly has described it: Trajan's successor Hadrian adopted a policy of maintaining rather than","Document [3](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) in the Imperial period. At its peak, the city of Rome had at least one million inhabitants, a total not equalled again until the 19th century. As the imperial capital, Rome was sustained by transfers in kind from throughout the empire; no other city could be sustained at this level. Other major cities in the empire (Alexandria, Antioch, Carthage, Ephesus, etc.) had populations of about a few hundred thousand. Of the remaining cities, most were quite small, usually possessing only 10\u201315,000 inhabitants. The cumulative urban population of the empire is estimated at around 14 million (using a population threshold of","Document [4](Title: Classical demography) lived within the city of Alexandria. The population of the vast Seleucid Empire has been estimated to have been higher than 30 million. There are many estimates of the population for the Roman Empire, that range from 45 million to 120 million with 55-65 million as the most accepted range. \"An estimated population of the empire during the reign of Augustus:\" \"Beloch's 1886 estimate for the population of the empire during the reign of Augustus:\" \"Russell's 1958 estimate for the population of the empire in 1 AD:\" \"Russell's 1958 estimate for the population of the empire in 350 AD:\" The","Document [5](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) with comparative evidence from other periods and other parts of the empire. \"Beloch's 1886 estimate for the population of the empire during the reign of Augustus:\" \"Russell's 1958 estimate for the population of the empire in 350 CE:\" Recent demographic studies have argued for a population peak ranging from (comparable to the contemporaneous and similarly sized Han empire in China), with one-tenth of them located in Italy itself, to more than . By the standards of pre-modern economies, the Roman Empire was highly urbanized. According to recent work, there were some 1,400 sites with urban characteristics in the Roman world","Document [6](Title: Roman Britain) the end of the second century. At the end of the fourth century, it had an estimated population of 3.6 million people, of whom 125,000 consisted of the Roman army and their families and dependents. The urban population of Roman Britain was about 240,000 people at the end of the fourth century. The capital city of Londinium is estimated to have had a population of about 60,000 people. Londinium was an ethnically diverse city with inhabitants from across the Roman Empire, including natives of Britannia, continental Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. There was also cultural diversity in other","Document [7](Title: Medieval demography) been found for the 3rd century as for the 1st. During the period from 150 to 400, with the intermittent appearance of plague, the population of the Roman Empire ranged from a high of 70 to a low of 50 million, followed by a fairly good recovery if not to the previous highs of the Early Empire. Serious gradual depopulation began in the West only in the 5th century and in the East due to the appearance of bubonic plague in 541 after 250 years of economic growth after the troubles which afflicted the empire from the 250s to 270s.","Document [8](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) By providing a check to population densities, these area figures compel a baseline level of plausibility. Beloch's 1886 estimate of the population of the empire in 14 CE has withstood contemporary and more recent criticism, and underlies modern analysis (his 1899 revision of those figures is less esteemed). Only his estimates for Anatolia and Greater Syria required extensive revision; Beloch estimated population figure, 19 million, produced population densities not otherwise achieved in those areas until the 20th century. Bruce Frier, in a recent estimate of the population of the empire, suggested a figure of 12 million as \"considerably more plausible\".","Document [9](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) Beloch's figures for Spain and Africa have also been revised downwards. This estimate produces a population density of 13.6 inhabitants per square kilometer, a very low figure by modern standards (the United Kingdom, for example, has a population density of 254.7\/km). The population density in the Greek East was 20.9\/km, twice as dense as the Latin West at 10.6\/km; only the Western provinces of Italy and Sicily had a density comparable to the East. Slaves constituted about 15 percent of the Empire's total population; the proportionate figure would be much higher in Italy and much lower in Africa and Egypt.","Document [10](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) 5,000 individuals), indicating an urbanization rate of at least 25-30 % to be consistent with conventional estimates for the total population, comparable to those in the 19th century. High mortality rates and pre-modern sanitary conditions made urban regions net population sinks, with more local deaths than births. They could only be sustained by constant immigration. The large cities provided a major stimulus to demand, and not only for agricultural products, but for manufactured goods and luxury items as well. Russell estimated the urban population in Late Antiquity, as follows. Demography of the Roman Empire Demographically, the Roman Empire was an","Document [11](Title: Military of ancient Rome) and created permanent stations that became cities. At its territorial height, the Roman Empire may have contained between 45 million and 120 million people. Historian Edward Gibbon estimated that the size of the Roman army \"most probably formed a standing force of three hundred and seventy-five thousand men\" at the Empire's territorial peak in the time of the Roman Emperor Hadrian (117 \u2212 138CE). This estimate probably included only legionary and auxiliary troops of the Roman army. However, Gibbon states that it is \"not... easy to define \"the size of the Roman military\" with any tolerable accuracy.\" In the late","Document [12](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) have needed to be higher than that baseline, at around 6 to 9 children per woman. Fertility could not long have either fallen below or outstripped replacement levels. A population which maintained an annual growth or decline of 0.7% would double or halve itself every century. Such rates are feasible locally or over a short period of time, and deaths could consistently outstrip births during epidemics, but, in the long term, convergence to maintenance levels was the rule. The surviving census returns from Roman Egypt speak to a population that had not yet undergone the \"fertility transition\"; artificial fertility controls","Document [13](Title: Classical demography) total population of Roman Italy (south of the Po Valley) was estimated to be around 4 million before the Second Punic War. The figure is approximate: the Romans carried out a regular census of citizens eligible for military service (Polybius 2.23), but for the population of the rest of Italy at this time we have to rely on a single report of the military strength of Rome's allies in 227 BC - and guess the numbers of those who were opposed to Rome at this time. The citizen count in the second century B.C. hovered between 250-325,000 presumably males over","Document [14](Title: Deforestation during the Roman period) to house increasing populations throughout the Roman Empire. While some Mediterranean houses were built with brick and stone, roof structures, covered with tiles, as well as the floors in multistory apartment buildings were often made of wood. At one point it is estimated that the Roman Empire had a population of 56.8 million people and an estimated one million or more in Rome alone (a population that was not matched in size in Europe until London in the 19th century). With such a large population increase, coupled with an enhancement of exuberant lifestyles and a high standard of living for","Document [15](Title: Early Middle Ages) first. Estimates of the population of the Roman Empire during the period from 150 to 400 suggest a fall from 65 million to 50 million, a decline of more than 20 per cent. Some scholars have connected this de-population to the (300\u2013700), when a decrease in global temperatures impaired agricultural yields. Early in the 3rd century Germanic peoples migrated south from Scandinavia and reached the Black Sea, creating formidable confederations which opposed the local Sarmatians. In Dacia (present-day Romania) and on the steppes north of the Black Sea the Goths, a Germanic people, established at least two kingdoms: Therving and","Document [16](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) annual growth from 1 CE to 1800 CE. After population decline following the disintegration of the western half of the Roman state in the fifth and sixth centuries, Europe probably re-attained Roman-era population totals in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries and, following another decline associated with the Black Death, consistently exceeded them after the mid-15th century. There are no reliable surviving records for the general demography of the Roman Empire. There are no detailed local records, such as underlie the demographic study of early modern Europe, either. Large numbers of impressionistic, moralizing, and anecdotal observations on demography survive from the","Document [17](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) There are few recorded population numbers for the whole of antiquity, and those that exist are often rhetorical or symbolic. Unlike the contemporaneous Han Dynasty, no general census survives for the Roman Empire. The late period of the Roman Republic provides a small exception to this general rule: serial statistics for Roman citizen numbers, taken from census returns, survive for the early Republic through the 1st century CE. Only the figures for periods after the mid-3rd century BCE are reliable, however. Fourteen figures are available for the 2nd century BCE (from 258,318 to 394,736). Only four figures are available for","Document [18](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) in the vicinity of Rome revealed that only 1 individual definitely came from outside of Europe (North Africa), and another 2 possibly did, but results are inconclusive. Other than that, there was no apparent net inter-regional migration in the imperial period, except perhaps a small continuous resettlement of Easterners in the West. Modern estimates of the population of the Roman Empire derive from the fundamental work of nineteenth-century historian Karl Julius Beloch. His estimates of the area of different components of the empire, based on planimetric estimates by contemporary military cartographers, have not been challenged by any more modern analyst.","Document [19](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) urbanization rates. During the 2nd century CE, the city of Rome had more than one million inhabitants. No Western city would have as many again until the 19th century. For the lands around the Mediterranean Sea and their hinterlands, the period from the second millennium BCE to the early first millennium CE was one of substantial population growth. What would become the territory of the Roman Empire saw an average annual population growth of about 0.1 per cent from the 12th century BCE to the 3rd century CE, resulting in a quadrupling of the region's total population. Growth was slower","Document [20](Title: Classical demography) Gaul and other parts of the Empire. If this only represents adult male citizens (or some subset of adult male citizens those over age 13 as the census traditionally did not count children until they were formally enrolled as citizens early in puberty), then the population of Italy must have been around 10 million, not including slaves and foreigners, which was a striking, sustained increase despite the Romans' losses in the almost constant wars over the previous two centuries. Others find this entirely incredible, and argue that the census must now be counting all citizens, male and female over the"],"query":"what was the population of the roman empire at its height?","answers":["50 to 90\u00a0million inhabitants","70\u00a0million","55\u201360 million","an estimated 70\u00a0million people"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Roman Empire) of 5 million square kilometres. The traditional population estimate of inhabitants accounted for between one-sixth and one-fourth of the world's total population and made it the largest population of any unified political entity in the West until the mid-19th century. Recent demographic studies have argued for a population peak ranging from to more than . Each of the three largest cities in the Empire\u2014Rome, Alexandria, and Antioch\u2014was almost twice the size of any European city at the beginning of the 17th century. As the historian Christopher Kelly has described it: Trajan's successor Hadrian adopted a policy of maintaining rather than","Document [2](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) in the Imperial period. At its peak, the city of Rome had at least one million inhabitants, a total not equalled again until the 19th century. As the imperial capital, Rome was sustained by transfers in kind from throughout the empire; no other city could be sustained at this level. Other major cities in the empire (Alexandria, Antioch, Carthage, Ephesus, etc.) had populations of about a few hundred thousand. Of the remaining cities, most were quite small, usually possessing only 10\u201315,000 inhabitants. The cumulative urban population of the empire is estimated at around 14 million (using a population threshold of","Document [3](Title: Classical demography) lived within the city of Alexandria. The population of the vast Seleucid Empire has been estimated to have been higher than 30 million. There are many estimates of the population for the Roman Empire, that range from 45 million to 120 million with 55-65 million as the most accepted range. \"An estimated population of the empire during the reign of Augustus:\" \"Beloch's 1886 estimate for the population of the empire during the reign of Augustus:\" \"Russell's 1958 estimate for the population of the empire in 1 AD:\" \"Russell's 1958 estimate for the population of the empire in 350 AD:\" The","Document [4](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) with comparative evidence from other periods and other parts of the empire. \"Beloch's 1886 estimate for the population of the empire during the reign of Augustus:\" \"Russell's 1958 estimate for the population of the empire in 350 CE:\" Recent demographic studies have argued for a population peak ranging from (comparable to the contemporaneous and similarly sized Han empire in China), with one-tenth of them located in Italy itself, to more than . By the standards of pre-modern economies, the Roman Empire was highly urbanized. According to recent work, there were some 1,400 sites with urban characteristics in the Roman world","Document [5](Title: Roman Empire) period of the ancient Roman civilization, characterized by government headed by emperors and large territorial holdings around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, Africa and Asia. The city of Rome was the largest city in the world c.\u2009100 BC\u00a0\u2013 c.\u2009AD 400, with Constantinople (New Rome) becoming the largest around AD 500, and the Empire's populace grew to an estimated 50 to 90\u00a0million inhabitants (roughly 20% of the world's population at the time). The 500-year-old republic which preceded it was severely destabilized in a series of civil wars and political conflict, during which Julius Caesar was appointed as","Document [6](Title: Roman Britain) the end of the second century. At the end of the fourth century, it had an estimated population of 3.6 million people, of whom 125,000 consisted of the Roman army and their families and dependents. The urban population of Roman Britain was about 240,000 people at the end of the fourth century. The capital city of Londinium is estimated to have had a population of about 60,000 people. Londinium was an ethnically diverse city with inhabitants from across the Roman Empire, including natives of Britannia, continental Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. There was also cultural diversity in other","Document [7](Title: Medieval demography) been found for the 3rd century as for the 1st. During the period from 150 to 400, with the intermittent appearance of plague, the population of the Roman Empire ranged from a high of 70 to a low of 50 million, followed by a fairly good recovery if not to the previous highs of the Early Empire. Serious gradual depopulation began in the West only in the 5th century and in the East due to the appearance of bubonic plague in 541 after 250 years of economic growth after the troubles which afflicted the empire from the 250s to 270s.","Document [8](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) By providing a check to population densities, these area figures compel a baseline level of plausibility. Beloch's 1886 estimate of the population of the empire in 14 CE has withstood contemporary and more recent criticism, and underlies modern analysis (his 1899 revision of those figures is less esteemed). Only his estimates for Anatolia and Greater Syria required extensive revision; Beloch estimated population figure, 19 million, produced population densities not otherwise achieved in those areas until the 20th century. Bruce Frier, in a recent estimate of the population of the empire, suggested a figure of 12 million as \"considerably more plausible\".","Document [9](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) Beloch's figures for Spain and Africa have also been revised downwards. This estimate produces a population density of 13.6 inhabitants per square kilometer, a very low figure by modern standards (the United Kingdom, for example, has a population density of 254.7\/km). The population density in the Greek East was 20.9\/km, twice as dense as the Latin West at 10.6\/km; only the Western provinces of Italy and Sicily had a density comparable to the East. Slaves constituted about 15 percent of the Empire's total population; the proportionate figure would be much higher in Italy and much lower in Africa and Egypt.","Document [10](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) 5,000 individuals), indicating an urbanization rate of at least 25-30 % to be consistent with conventional estimates for the total population, comparable to those in the 19th century. High mortality rates and pre-modern sanitary conditions made urban regions net population sinks, with more local deaths than births. They could only be sustained by constant immigration. The large cities provided a major stimulus to demand, and not only for agricultural products, but for manufactured goods and luxury items as well. Russell estimated the urban population in Late Antiquity, as follows. Demography of the Roman Empire Demographically, the Roman Empire was an","Document [11](Title: Military of ancient Rome) and created permanent stations that became cities. At its territorial height, the Roman Empire may have contained between 45 million and 120 million people. Historian Edward Gibbon estimated that the size of the Roman army \"most probably formed a standing force of three hundred and seventy-five thousand men\" at the Empire's territorial peak in the time of the Roman Emperor Hadrian (117 \u2212 138CE). This estimate probably included only legionary and auxiliary troops of the Roman army. However, Gibbon states that it is \"not... easy to define \"the size of the Roman military\" with any tolerable accuracy.\" In the late","Document [12](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) have needed to be higher than that baseline, at around 6 to 9 children per woman. Fertility could not long have either fallen below or outstripped replacement levels. A population which maintained an annual growth or decline of 0.7% would double or halve itself every century. Such rates are feasible locally or over a short period of time, and deaths could consistently outstrip births during epidemics, but, in the long term, convergence to maintenance levels was the rule. The surviving census returns from Roman Egypt speak to a population that had not yet undergone the \"fertility transition\"; artificial fertility controls","Document [13](Title: Classical demography) total population of Roman Italy (south of the Po Valley) was estimated to be around 4 million before the Second Punic War. The figure is approximate: the Romans carried out a regular census of citizens eligible for military service (Polybius 2.23), but for the population of the rest of Italy at this time we have to rely on a single report of the military strength of Rome's allies in 227 BC - and guess the numbers of those who were opposed to Rome at this time. The citizen count in the second century B.C. hovered between 250-325,000 presumably males over","Document [14](Title: Deforestation during the Roman period) to house increasing populations throughout the Roman Empire. While some Mediterranean houses were built with brick and stone, roof structures, covered with tiles, as well as the floors in multistory apartment buildings were often made of wood. At one point it is estimated that the Roman Empire had a population of 56.8 million people and an estimated one million or more in Rome alone (a population that was not matched in size in Europe until London in the 19th century). With such a large population increase, coupled with an enhancement of exuberant lifestyles and a high standard of living for","Document [15](Title: Early Middle Ages) first. Estimates of the population of the Roman Empire during the period from 150 to 400 suggest a fall from 65 million to 50 million, a decline of more than 20 per cent. Some scholars have connected this de-population to the (300\u2013700), when a decrease in global temperatures impaired agricultural yields. Early in the 3rd century Germanic peoples migrated south from Scandinavia and reached the Black Sea, creating formidable confederations which opposed the local Sarmatians. In Dacia (present-day Romania) and on the steppes north of the Black Sea the Goths, a Germanic people, established at least two kingdoms: Therving and","Document [16](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) annual growth from 1 CE to 1800 CE. After population decline following the disintegration of the western half of the Roman state in the fifth and sixth centuries, Europe probably re-attained Roman-era population totals in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries and, following another decline associated with the Black Death, consistently exceeded them after the mid-15th century. There are no reliable surviving records for the general demography of the Roman Empire. There are no detailed local records, such as underlie the demographic study of early modern Europe, either. Large numbers of impressionistic, moralizing, and anecdotal observations on demography survive from the","Document [17](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) There are few recorded population numbers for the whole of antiquity, and those that exist are often rhetorical or symbolic. Unlike the contemporaneous Han Dynasty, no general census survives for the Roman Empire. The late period of the Roman Republic provides a small exception to this general rule: serial statistics for Roman citizen numbers, taken from census returns, survive for the early Republic through the 1st century CE. Only the figures for periods after the mid-3rd century BCE are reliable, however. Fourteen figures are available for the 2nd century BCE (from 258,318 to 394,736). Only four figures are available for","Document [18](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) in the vicinity of Rome revealed that only 1 individual definitely came from outside of Europe (North Africa), and another 2 possibly did, but results are inconclusive. Other than that, there was no apparent net inter-regional migration in the imperial period, except perhaps a small continuous resettlement of Easterners in the West. Modern estimates of the population of the Roman Empire derive from the fundamental work of nineteenth-century historian Karl Julius Beloch. His estimates of the area of different components of the empire, based on planimetric estimates by contemporary military cartographers, have not been challenged by any more modern analyst.","Document [19](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) urbanization rates. During the 2nd century CE, the city of Rome had more than one million inhabitants. No Western city would have as many again until the 19th century. For the lands around the Mediterranean Sea and their hinterlands, the period from the second millennium BCE to the early first millennium CE was one of substantial population growth. What would become the territory of the Roman Empire saw an average annual population growth of about 0.1 per cent from the 12th century BCE to the 3rd century CE, resulting in a quadrupling of the region's total population. Growth was slower","Document [20](Title: Classical demography) Gaul and other parts of the Empire. If this only represents adult male citizens (or some subset of adult male citizens those over age 13 as the census traditionally did not count children until they were formally enrolled as citizens early in puberty), then the population of Italy must have been around 10 million, not including slaves and foreigners, which was a striking, sustained increase despite the Romans' losses in the almost constant wars over the previous two centuries. Others find this entirely incredible, and argue that the census must now be counting all citizens, male and female over the"],"query":"what was the population of the roman empire at its height?","answers":["50 to 90\u00a0million inhabitants","70\u00a0million","55\u201360 million","an estimated 70\u00a0million people"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Roman Empire) of 5 million square kilometres. The traditional population estimate of inhabitants accounted for between one-sixth and one-fourth of the world's total population and made it the largest population of any unified political entity in the West until the mid-19th century. Recent demographic studies have argued for a population peak ranging from to more than . Each of the three largest cities in the Empire\u2014Rome, Alexandria, and Antioch\u2014was almost twice the size of any European city at the beginning of the 17th century. As the historian Christopher Kelly has described it: Trajan's successor Hadrian adopted a policy of maintaining rather than","Document [2](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) in the Imperial period. At its peak, the city of Rome had at least one million inhabitants, a total not equalled again until the 19th century. As the imperial capital, Rome was sustained by transfers in kind from throughout the empire; no other city could be sustained at this level. Other major cities in the empire (Alexandria, Antioch, Carthage, Ephesus, etc.) had populations of about a few hundred thousand. Of the remaining cities, most were quite small, usually possessing only 10\u201315,000 inhabitants. The cumulative urban population of the empire is estimated at around 14 million (using a population threshold of","Document [3](Title: Classical demography) lived within the city of Alexandria. The population of the vast Seleucid Empire has been estimated to have been higher than 30 million. There are many estimates of the population for the Roman Empire, that range from 45 million to 120 million with 55-65 million as the most accepted range. \"An estimated population of the empire during the reign of Augustus:\" \"Beloch's 1886 estimate for the population of the empire during the reign of Augustus:\" \"Russell's 1958 estimate for the population of the empire in 1 AD:\" \"Russell's 1958 estimate for the population of the empire in 350 AD:\" The","Document [4](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) with comparative evidence from other periods and other parts of the empire. \"Beloch's 1886 estimate for the population of the empire during the reign of Augustus:\" \"Russell's 1958 estimate for the population of the empire in 350 CE:\" Recent demographic studies have argued for a population peak ranging from (comparable to the contemporaneous and similarly sized Han empire in China), with one-tenth of them located in Italy itself, to more than . By the standards of pre-modern economies, the Roman Empire was highly urbanized. According to recent work, there were some 1,400 sites with urban characteristics in the Roman world","Document [5](Title: Roman Britain) the end of the second century. At the end of the fourth century, it had an estimated population of 3.6 million people, of whom 125,000 consisted of the Roman army and their families and dependents. The urban population of Roman Britain was about 240,000 people at the end of the fourth century. The capital city of Londinium is estimated to have had a population of about 60,000 people. Londinium was an ethnically diverse city with inhabitants from across the Roman Empire, including natives of Britannia, continental Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. There was also cultural diversity in other","Document [6](Title: Medieval demography) been found for the 3rd century as for the 1st. During the period from 150 to 400, with the intermittent appearance of plague, the population of the Roman Empire ranged from a high of 70 to a low of 50 million, followed by a fairly good recovery if not to the previous highs of the Early Empire. Serious gradual depopulation began in the West only in the 5th century and in the East due to the appearance of bubonic plague in 541 after 250 years of economic growth after the troubles which afflicted the empire from the 250s to 270s.","Document [7](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) By providing a check to population densities, these area figures compel a baseline level of plausibility. Beloch's 1886 estimate of the population of the empire in 14 CE has withstood contemporary and more recent criticism, and underlies modern analysis (his 1899 revision of those figures is less esteemed). Only his estimates for Anatolia and Greater Syria required extensive revision; Beloch estimated population figure, 19 million, produced population densities not otherwise achieved in those areas until the 20th century. Bruce Frier, in a recent estimate of the population of the empire, suggested a figure of 12 million as \"considerably more plausible\".","Document [8](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) Beloch's figures for Spain and Africa have also been revised downwards. This estimate produces a population density of 13.6 inhabitants per square kilometer, a very low figure by modern standards (the United Kingdom, for example, has a population density of 254.7\/km). The population density in the Greek East was 20.9\/km, twice as dense as the Latin West at 10.6\/km; only the Western provinces of Italy and Sicily had a density comparable to the East. Slaves constituted about 15 percent of the Empire's total population; the proportionate figure would be much higher in Italy and much lower in Africa and Egypt.","Document [9](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) 5,000 individuals), indicating an urbanization rate of at least 25-30 % to be consistent with conventional estimates for the total population, comparable to those in the 19th century. High mortality rates and pre-modern sanitary conditions made urban regions net population sinks, with more local deaths than births. They could only be sustained by constant immigration. The large cities provided a major stimulus to demand, and not only for agricultural products, but for manufactured goods and luxury items as well. Russell estimated the urban population in Late Antiquity, as follows. Demography of the Roman Empire Demographically, the Roman Empire was an","Document [10](Title: Roman Empire) period of the ancient Roman civilization, characterized by government headed by emperors and large territorial holdings around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, Africa and Asia. The city of Rome was the largest city in the world c.\u2009100 BC\u00a0\u2013 c.\u2009AD 400, with Constantinople (New Rome) becoming the largest around AD 500, and the Empire's populace grew to an estimated 50 to 90\u00a0million inhabitants (roughly 20% of the world's population at the time). The 500-year-old republic which preceded it was severely destabilized in a series of civil wars and political conflict, during which Julius Caesar was appointed as","Document [11](Title: Military of ancient Rome) and created permanent stations that became cities. At its territorial height, the Roman Empire may have contained between 45 million and 120 million people. Historian Edward Gibbon estimated that the size of the Roman army \"most probably formed a standing force of three hundred and seventy-five thousand men\" at the Empire's territorial peak in the time of the Roman Emperor Hadrian (117 \u2212 138CE). This estimate probably included only legionary and auxiliary troops of the Roman army. However, Gibbon states that it is \"not... easy to define \"the size of the Roman military\" with any tolerable accuracy.\" In the late","Document [12](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) have needed to be higher than that baseline, at around 6 to 9 children per woman. Fertility could not long have either fallen below or outstripped replacement levels. A population which maintained an annual growth or decline of 0.7% would double or halve itself every century. Such rates are feasible locally or over a short period of time, and deaths could consistently outstrip births during epidemics, but, in the long term, convergence to maintenance levels was the rule. The surviving census returns from Roman Egypt speak to a population that had not yet undergone the \"fertility transition\"; artificial fertility controls","Document [13](Title: Classical demography) total population of Roman Italy (south of the Po Valley) was estimated to be around 4 million before the Second Punic War. The figure is approximate: the Romans carried out a regular census of citizens eligible for military service (Polybius 2.23), but for the population of the rest of Italy at this time we have to rely on a single report of the military strength of Rome's allies in 227 BC - and guess the numbers of those who were opposed to Rome at this time. The citizen count in the second century B.C. hovered between 250-325,000 presumably males over","Document [14](Title: Deforestation during the Roman period) to house increasing populations throughout the Roman Empire. While some Mediterranean houses were built with brick and stone, roof structures, covered with tiles, as well as the floors in multistory apartment buildings were often made of wood. At one point it is estimated that the Roman Empire had a population of 56.8 million people and an estimated one million or more in Rome alone (a population that was not matched in size in Europe until London in the 19th century). With such a large population increase, coupled with an enhancement of exuberant lifestyles and a high standard of living for","Document [15](Title: Early Middle Ages) first. Estimates of the population of the Roman Empire during the period from 150 to 400 suggest a fall from 65 million to 50 million, a decline of more than 20 per cent. Some scholars have connected this de-population to the (300\u2013700), when a decrease in global temperatures impaired agricultural yields. Early in the 3rd century Germanic peoples migrated south from Scandinavia and reached the Black Sea, creating formidable confederations which opposed the local Sarmatians. In Dacia (present-day Romania) and on the steppes north of the Black Sea the Goths, a Germanic people, established at least two kingdoms: Therving and","Document [16](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) annual growth from 1 CE to 1800 CE. After population decline following the disintegration of the western half of the Roman state in the fifth and sixth centuries, Europe probably re-attained Roman-era population totals in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries and, following another decline associated with the Black Death, consistently exceeded them after the mid-15th century. There are no reliable surviving records for the general demography of the Roman Empire. There are no detailed local records, such as underlie the demographic study of early modern Europe, either. Large numbers of impressionistic, moralizing, and anecdotal observations on demography survive from the","Document [17](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) There are few recorded population numbers for the whole of antiquity, and those that exist are often rhetorical or symbolic. Unlike the contemporaneous Han Dynasty, no general census survives for the Roman Empire. The late period of the Roman Republic provides a small exception to this general rule: serial statistics for Roman citizen numbers, taken from census returns, survive for the early Republic through the 1st century CE. Only the figures for periods after the mid-3rd century BCE are reliable, however. Fourteen figures are available for the 2nd century BCE (from 258,318 to 394,736). Only four figures are available for","Document [18](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) in the vicinity of Rome revealed that only 1 individual definitely came from outside of Europe (North Africa), and another 2 possibly did, but results are inconclusive. Other than that, there was no apparent net inter-regional migration in the imperial period, except perhaps a small continuous resettlement of Easterners in the West. Modern estimates of the population of the Roman Empire derive from the fundamental work of nineteenth-century historian Karl Julius Beloch. His estimates of the area of different components of the empire, based on planimetric estimates by contemporary military cartographers, have not been challenged by any more modern analyst.","Document [19](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) urbanization rates. During the 2nd century CE, the city of Rome had more than one million inhabitants. No Western city would have as many again until the 19th century. For the lands around the Mediterranean Sea and their hinterlands, the period from the second millennium BCE to the early first millennium CE was one of substantial population growth. What would become the territory of the Roman Empire saw an average annual population growth of about 0.1 per cent from the 12th century BCE to the 3rd century CE, resulting in a quadrupling of the region's total population. Growth was slower","Document [20](Title: Classical demography) Gaul and other parts of the Empire. If this only represents adult male citizens (or some subset of adult male citizens those over age 13 as the census traditionally did not count children until they were formally enrolled as citizens early in puberty), then the population of Italy must have been around 10 million, not including slaves and foreigners, which was a striking, sustained increase despite the Romans' losses in the almost constant wars over the previous two centuries. Others find this entirely incredible, and argue that the census must now be counting all citizens, male and female over the"],"query":"what was the population of the roman empire at its height?","answers":["50 to 90\u00a0million inhabitants","70\u00a0million","55\u201360 million","an estimated 70\u00a0million people"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Roman Empire) of 5 million square kilometres. The traditional population estimate of inhabitants accounted for between one-sixth and one-fourth of the world's total population and made it the largest population of any unified political entity in the West until the mid-19th century. Recent demographic studies have argued for a population peak ranging from to more than . Each of the three largest cities in the Empire\u2014Rome, Alexandria, and Antioch\u2014was almost twice the size of any European city at the beginning of the 17th century. As the historian Christopher Kelly has described it: Trajan's successor Hadrian adopted a policy of maintaining rather than","Document [2](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) in the Imperial period. At its peak, the city of Rome had at least one million inhabitants, a total not equalled again until the 19th century. As the imperial capital, Rome was sustained by transfers in kind from throughout the empire; no other city could be sustained at this level. Other major cities in the empire (Alexandria, Antioch, Carthage, Ephesus, etc.) had populations of about a few hundred thousand. Of the remaining cities, most were quite small, usually possessing only 10\u201315,000 inhabitants. The cumulative urban population of the empire is estimated at around 14 million (using a population threshold of","Document [3](Title: Classical demography) lived within the city of Alexandria. The population of the vast Seleucid Empire has been estimated to have been higher than 30 million. There are many estimates of the population for the Roman Empire, that range from 45 million to 120 million with 55-65 million as the most accepted range. \"An estimated population of the empire during the reign of Augustus:\" \"Beloch's 1886 estimate for the population of the empire during the reign of Augustus:\" \"Russell's 1958 estimate for the population of the empire in 1 AD:\" \"Russell's 1958 estimate for the population of the empire in 350 AD:\" The","Document [4](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) with comparative evidence from other periods and other parts of the empire. \"Beloch's 1886 estimate for the population of the empire during the reign of Augustus:\" \"Russell's 1958 estimate for the population of the empire in 350 CE:\" Recent demographic studies have argued for a population peak ranging from (comparable to the contemporaneous and similarly sized Han empire in China), with one-tenth of them located in Italy itself, to more than . By the standards of pre-modern economies, the Roman Empire was highly urbanized. According to recent work, there were some 1,400 sites with urban characteristics in the Roman world","Document [5](Title: Roman Britain) the end of the second century. At the end of the fourth century, it had an estimated population of 3.6 million people, of whom 125,000 consisted of the Roman army and their families and dependents. The urban population of Roman Britain was about 240,000 people at the end of the fourth century. The capital city of Londinium is estimated to have had a population of about 60,000 people. Londinium was an ethnically diverse city with inhabitants from across the Roman Empire, including natives of Britannia, continental Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. There was also cultural diversity in other","Document [6](Title: Medieval demography) been found for the 3rd century as for the 1st. During the period from 150 to 400, with the intermittent appearance of plague, the population of the Roman Empire ranged from a high of 70 to a low of 50 million, followed by a fairly good recovery if not to the previous highs of the Early Empire. Serious gradual depopulation began in the West only in the 5th century and in the East due to the appearance of bubonic plague in 541 after 250 years of economic growth after the troubles which afflicted the empire from the 250s to 270s.","Document [7](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) By providing a check to population densities, these area figures compel a baseline level of plausibility. Beloch's 1886 estimate of the population of the empire in 14 CE has withstood contemporary and more recent criticism, and underlies modern analysis (his 1899 revision of those figures is less esteemed). Only his estimates for Anatolia and Greater Syria required extensive revision; Beloch estimated population figure, 19 million, produced population densities not otherwise achieved in those areas until the 20th century. Bruce Frier, in a recent estimate of the population of the empire, suggested a figure of 12 million as \"considerably more plausible\".","Document [8](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) Beloch's figures for Spain and Africa have also been revised downwards. This estimate produces a population density of 13.6 inhabitants per square kilometer, a very low figure by modern standards (the United Kingdom, for example, has a population density of 254.7\/km). The population density in the Greek East was 20.9\/km, twice as dense as the Latin West at 10.6\/km; only the Western provinces of Italy and Sicily had a density comparable to the East. Slaves constituted about 15 percent of the Empire's total population; the proportionate figure would be much higher in Italy and much lower in Africa and Egypt.","Document [9](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) 5,000 individuals), indicating an urbanization rate of at least 25-30 % to be consistent with conventional estimates for the total population, comparable to those in the 19th century. High mortality rates and pre-modern sanitary conditions made urban regions net population sinks, with more local deaths than births. They could only be sustained by constant immigration. The large cities provided a major stimulus to demand, and not only for agricultural products, but for manufactured goods and luxury items as well. Russell estimated the urban population in Late Antiquity, as follows. Demography of the Roman Empire Demographically, the Roman Empire was an","Document [10](Title: Military of ancient Rome) and created permanent stations that became cities. At its territorial height, the Roman Empire may have contained between 45 million and 120 million people. Historian Edward Gibbon estimated that the size of the Roman army \"most probably formed a standing force of three hundred and seventy-five thousand men\" at the Empire's territorial peak in the time of the Roman Emperor Hadrian (117 \u2212 138CE). This estimate probably included only legionary and auxiliary troops of the Roman army. However, Gibbon states that it is \"not... easy to define \"the size of the Roman military\" with any tolerable accuracy.\" In the late","Document [11](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) have needed to be higher than that baseline, at around 6 to 9 children per woman. Fertility could not long have either fallen below or outstripped replacement levels. A population which maintained an annual growth or decline of 0.7% would double or halve itself every century. Such rates are feasible locally or over a short period of time, and deaths could consistently outstrip births during epidemics, but, in the long term, convergence to maintenance levels was the rule. The surviving census returns from Roman Egypt speak to a population that had not yet undergone the \"fertility transition\"; artificial fertility controls","Document [12](Title: Classical demography) total population of Roman Italy (south of the Po Valley) was estimated to be around 4 million before the Second Punic War. The figure is approximate: the Romans carried out a regular census of citizens eligible for military service (Polybius 2.23), but for the population of the rest of Italy at this time we have to rely on a single report of the military strength of Rome's allies in 227 BC - and guess the numbers of those who were opposed to Rome at this time. The citizen count in the second century B.C. hovered between 250-325,000 presumably males over","Document [13](Title: Deforestation during the Roman period) to house increasing populations throughout the Roman Empire. While some Mediterranean houses were built with brick and stone, roof structures, covered with tiles, as well as the floors in multistory apartment buildings were often made of wood. At one point it is estimated that the Roman Empire had a population of 56.8 million people and an estimated one million or more in Rome alone (a population that was not matched in size in Europe until London in the 19th century). With such a large population increase, coupled with an enhancement of exuberant lifestyles and a high standard of living for","Document [14](Title: Early Middle Ages) first. Estimates of the population of the Roman Empire during the period from 150 to 400 suggest a fall from 65 million to 50 million, a decline of more than 20 per cent. Some scholars have connected this de-population to the (300\u2013700), when a decrease in global temperatures impaired agricultural yields. Early in the 3rd century Germanic peoples migrated south from Scandinavia and reached the Black Sea, creating formidable confederations which opposed the local Sarmatians. In Dacia (present-day Romania) and on the steppes north of the Black Sea the Goths, a Germanic people, established at least two kingdoms: Therving and","Document [15](Title: Roman Empire) period of the ancient Roman civilization, characterized by government headed by emperors and large territorial holdings around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, Africa and Asia. The city of Rome was the largest city in the world c.\u2009100 BC\u00a0\u2013 c.\u2009AD 400, with Constantinople (New Rome) becoming the largest around AD 500, and the Empire's populace grew to an estimated 50 to 90\u00a0million inhabitants (roughly 20% of the world's population at the time). The 500-year-old republic which preceded it was severely destabilized in a series of civil wars and political conflict, during which Julius Caesar was appointed as","Document [16](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) annual growth from 1 CE to 1800 CE. After population decline following the disintegration of the western half of the Roman state in the fifth and sixth centuries, Europe probably re-attained Roman-era population totals in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries and, following another decline associated with the Black Death, consistently exceeded them after the mid-15th century. There are no reliable surviving records for the general demography of the Roman Empire. There are no detailed local records, such as underlie the demographic study of early modern Europe, either. Large numbers of impressionistic, moralizing, and anecdotal observations on demography survive from the","Document [17](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) There are few recorded population numbers for the whole of antiquity, and those that exist are often rhetorical or symbolic. Unlike the contemporaneous Han Dynasty, no general census survives for the Roman Empire. The late period of the Roman Republic provides a small exception to this general rule: serial statistics for Roman citizen numbers, taken from census returns, survive for the early Republic through the 1st century CE. Only the figures for periods after the mid-3rd century BCE are reliable, however. Fourteen figures are available for the 2nd century BCE (from 258,318 to 394,736). Only four figures are available for","Document [18](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) in the vicinity of Rome revealed that only 1 individual definitely came from outside of Europe (North Africa), and another 2 possibly did, but results are inconclusive. Other than that, there was no apparent net inter-regional migration in the imperial period, except perhaps a small continuous resettlement of Easterners in the West. Modern estimates of the population of the Roman Empire derive from the fundamental work of nineteenth-century historian Karl Julius Beloch. His estimates of the area of different components of the empire, based on planimetric estimates by contemporary military cartographers, have not been challenged by any more modern analyst.","Document [19](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) urbanization rates. During the 2nd century CE, the city of Rome had more than one million inhabitants. No Western city would have as many again until the 19th century. For the lands around the Mediterranean Sea and their hinterlands, the period from the second millennium BCE to the early first millennium CE was one of substantial population growth. What would become the territory of the Roman Empire saw an average annual population growth of about 0.1 per cent from the 12th century BCE to the 3rd century CE, resulting in a quadrupling of the region's total population. Growth was slower","Document [20](Title: Classical demography) Gaul and other parts of the Empire. If this only represents adult male citizens (or some subset of adult male citizens those over age 13 as the census traditionally did not count children until they were formally enrolled as citizens early in puberty), then the population of Italy must have been around 10 million, not including slaves and foreigners, which was a striking, sustained increase despite the Romans' losses in the almost constant wars over the previous two centuries. Others find this entirely incredible, and argue that the census must now be counting all citizens, male and female over the"],"query":"what was the population of the roman empire at its height?","answers":["50 to 90\u00a0million inhabitants","70\u00a0million","55\u201360 million","an estimated 70\u00a0million people"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Roman Empire) of 5 million square kilometres. The traditional population estimate of inhabitants accounted for between one-sixth and one-fourth of the world's total population and made it the largest population of any unified political entity in the West until the mid-19th century. Recent demographic studies have argued for a population peak ranging from to more than . Each of the three largest cities in the Empire\u2014Rome, Alexandria, and Antioch\u2014was almost twice the size of any European city at the beginning of the 17th century. As the historian Christopher Kelly has described it: Trajan's successor Hadrian adopted a policy of maintaining rather than","Document [2](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) in the Imperial period. At its peak, the city of Rome had at least one million inhabitants, a total not equalled again until the 19th century. As the imperial capital, Rome was sustained by transfers in kind from throughout the empire; no other city could be sustained at this level. Other major cities in the empire (Alexandria, Antioch, Carthage, Ephesus, etc.) had populations of about a few hundred thousand. Of the remaining cities, most were quite small, usually possessing only 10\u201315,000 inhabitants. The cumulative urban population of the empire is estimated at around 14 million (using a population threshold of","Document [3](Title: Classical demography) lived within the city of Alexandria. The population of the vast Seleucid Empire has been estimated to have been higher than 30 million. There are many estimates of the population for the Roman Empire, that range from 45 million to 120 million with 55-65 million as the most accepted range. \"An estimated population of the empire during the reign of Augustus:\" \"Beloch's 1886 estimate for the population of the empire during the reign of Augustus:\" \"Russell's 1958 estimate for the population of the empire in 1 AD:\" \"Russell's 1958 estimate for the population of the empire in 350 AD:\" The","Document [4](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) with comparative evidence from other periods and other parts of the empire. \"Beloch's 1886 estimate for the population of the empire during the reign of Augustus:\" \"Russell's 1958 estimate for the population of the empire in 350 CE:\" Recent demographic studies have argued for a population peak ranging from (comparable to the contemporaneous and similarly sized Han empire in China), with one-tenth of them located in Italy itself, to more than . By the standards of pre-modern economies, the Roman Empire was highly urbanized. According to recent work, there were some 1,400 sites with urban characteristics in the Roman world","Document [5](Title: Roman Britain) the end of the second century. At the end of the fourth century, it had an estimated population of 3.6 million people, of whom 125,000 consisted of the Roman army and their families and dependents. The urban population of Roman Britain was about 240,000 people at the end of the fourth century. The capital city of Londinium is estimated to have had a population of about 60,000 people. Londinium was an ethnically diverse city with inhabitants from across the Roman Empire, including natives of Britannia, continental Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. There was also cultural diversity in other","Document [6](Title: Medieval demography) been found for the 3rd century as for the 1st. During the period from 150 to 400, with the intermittent appearance of plague, the population of the Roman Empire ranged from a high of 70 to a low of 50 million, followed by a fairly good recovery if not to the previous highs of the Early Empire. Serious gradual depopulation began in the West only in the 5th century and in the East due to the appearance of bubonic plague in 541 after 250 years of economic growth after the troubles which afflicted the empire from the 250s to 270s.","Document [7](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) By providing a check to population densities, these area figures compel a baseline level of plausibility. Beloch's 1886 estimate of the population of the empire in 14 CE has withstood contemporary and more recent criticism, and underlies modern analysis (his 1899 revision of those figures is less esteemed). Only his estimates for Anatolia and Greater Syria required extensive revision; Beloch estimated population figure, 19 million, produced population densities not otherwise achieved in those areas until the 20th century. Bruce Frier, in a recent estimate of the population of the empire, suggested a figure of 12 million as \"considerably more plausible\".","Document [8](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) Beloch's figures for Spain and Africa have also been revised downwards. This estimate produces a population density of 13.6 inhabitants per square kilometer, a very low figure by modern standards (the United Kingdom, for example, has a population density of 254.7\/km). The population density in the Greek East was 20.9\/km, twice as dense as the Latin West at 10.6\/km; only the Western provinces of Italy and Sicily had a density comparable to the East. Slaves constituted about 15 percent of the Empire's total population; the proportionate figure would be much higher in Italy and much lower in Africa and Egypt.","Document [9](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) 5,000 individuals), indicating an urbanization rate of at least 25-30 % to be consistent with conventional estimates for the total population, comparable to those in the 19th century. High mortality rates and pre-modern sanitary conditions made urban regions net population sinks, with more local deaths than births. They could only be sustained by constant immigration. The large cities provided a major stimulus to demand, and not only for agricultural products, but for manufactured goods and luxury items as well. Russell estimated the urban population in Late Antiquity, as follows. Demography of the Roman Empire Demographically, the Roman Empire was an","Document [10](Title: Military of ancient Rome) and created permanent stations that became cities. At its territorial height, the Roman Empire may have contained between 45 million and 120 million people. Historian Edward Gibbon estimated that the size of the Roman army \"most probably formed a standing force of three hundred and seventy-five thousand men\" at the Empire's territorial peak in the time of the Roman Emperor Hadrian (117 \u2212 138CE). This estimate probably included only legionary and auxiliary troops of the Roman army. However, Gibbon states that it is \"not... easy to define \"the size of the Roman military\" with any tolerable accuracy.\" In the late","Document [11](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) have needed to be higher than that baseline, at around 6 to 9 children per woman. Fertility could not long have either fallen below or outstripped replacement levels. A population which maintained an annual growth or decline of 0.7% would double or halve itself every century. Such rates are feasible locally or over a short period of time, and deaths could consistently outstrip births during epidemics, but, in the long term, convergence to maintenance levels was the rule. The surviving census returns from Roman Egypt speak to a population that had not yet undergone the \"fertility transition\"; artificial fertility controls","Document [12](Title: Classical demography) total population of Roman Italy (south of the Po Valley) was estimated to be around 4 million before the Second Punic War. The figure is approximate: the Romans carried out a regular census of citizens eligible for military service (Polybius 2.23), but for the population of the rest of Italy at this time we have to rely on a single report of the military strength of Rome's allies in 227 BC - and guess the numbers of those who were opposed to Rome at this time. The citizen count in the second century B.C. hovered between 250-325,000 presumably males over","Document [13](Title: Deforestation during the Roman period) to house increasing populations throughout the Roman Empire. While some Mediterranean houses were built with brick and stone, roof structures, covered with tiles, as well as the floors in multistory apartment buildings were often made of wood. At one point it is estimated that the Roman Empire had a population of 56.8 million people and an estimated one million or more in Rome alone (a population that was not matched in size in Europe until London in the 19th century). With such a large population increase, coupled with an enhancement of exuberant lifestyles and a high standard of living for","Document [14](Title: Early Middle Ages) first. Estimates of the population of the Roman Empire during the period from 150 to 400 suggest a fall from 65 million to 50 million, a decline of more than 20 per cent. Some scholars have connected this de-population to the (300\u2013700), when a decrease in global temperatures impaired agricultural yields. Early in the 3rd century Germanic peoples migrated south from Scandinavia and reached the Black Sea, creating formidable confederations which opposed the local Sarmatians. In Dacia (present-day Romania) and on the steppes north of the Black Sea the Goths, a Germanic people, established at least two kingdoms: Therving and","Document [15](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) annual growth from 1 CE to 1800 CE. After population decline following the disintegration of the western half of the Roman state in the fifth and sixth centuries, Europe probably re-attained Roman-era population totals in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries and, following another decline associated with the Black Death, consistently exceeded them after the mid-15th century. There are no reliable surviving records for the general demography of the Roman Empire. There are no detailed local records, such as underlie the demographic study of early modern Europe, either. Large numbers of impressionistic, moralizing, and anecdotal observations on demography survive from the","Document [16](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) There are few recorded population numbers for the whole of antiquity, and those that exist are often rhetorical or symbolic. Unlike the contemporaneous Han Dynasty, no general census survives for the Roman Empire. The late period of the Roman Republic provides a small exception to this general rule: serial statistics for Roman citizen numbers, taken from census returns, survive for the early Republic through the 1st century CE. Only the figures for periods after the mid-3rd century BCE are reliable, however. Fourteen figures are available for the 2nd century BCE (from 258,318 to 394,736). Only four figures are available for","Document [17](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) in the vicinity of Rome revealed that only 1 individual definitely came from outside of Europe (North Africa), and another 2 possibly did, but results are inconclusive. Other than that, there was no apparent net inter-regional migration in the imperial period, except perhaps a small continuous resettlement of Easterners in the West. Modern estimates of the population of the Roman Empire derive from the fundamental work of nineteenth-century historian Karl Julius Beloch. His estimates of the area of different components of the empire, based on planimetric estimates by contemporary military cartographers, have not been challenged by any more modern analyst.","Document [18](Title: Demography of the Roman Empire) urbanization rates. During the 2nd century CE, the city of Rome had more than one million inhabitants. No Western city would have as many again until the 19th century. For the lands around the Mediterranean Sea and their hinterlands, the period from the second millennium BCE to the early first millennium CE was one of substantial population growth. What would become the territory of the Roman Empire saw an average annual population growth of about 0.1 per cent from the 12th century BCE to the 3rd century CE, resulting in a quadrupling of the region's total population. Growth was slower","Document [19](Title: Classical demography) Gaul and other parts of the Empire. If this only represents adult male citizens (or some subset of adult male citizens those over age 13 as the census traditionally did not count children until they were formally enrolled as citizens early in puberty), then the population of Italy must have been around 10 million, not including slaves and foreigners, which was a striking, sustained increase despite the Romans' losses in the almost constant wars over the previous two centuries. Others find this entirely incredible, and argue that the census must now be counting all citizens, male and female over the","Document [20](Title: Roman Empire) period of the ancient Roman civilization, characterized by government headed by emperors and large territorial holdings around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, Africa and Asia. The city of Rome was the largest city in the world c.\u2009100 BC\u00a0\u2013 c.\u2009AD 400, with Constantinople (New Rome) becoming the largest around AD 500, and the Empire's populace grew to an estimated 50 to 90\u00a0million inhabitants (roughly 20% of the world's population at the time). The 500-year-old republic which preceded it was severely destabilized in a series of civil wars and political conflict, during which Julius Caesar was appointed as"],"query":"what was the population of the roman empire at its height?","answers":["50 to 90\u00a0million inhabitants","70\u00a0million","55\u201360 million","an estimated 70\u00a0million people"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Bora Bora) As of 2017, the Bora Bora group has a permanent population of 10,605.","Document [2](Title: Dugda (woreda)) they observed this belief, while 3.88% of the population were Protestant, 2.13% of the population were Muslim, and 1.36% of the population practiced traditional beliefs. Based on figures published by the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, this woreda has an estimated total population of 196,323, of whom 96,849 are men and 99,474 are women; 50,126 or 25.53% of its population are urban dwellers, which is less than the Zone average of 32.1%. With an estimated area of 1,459.53 square kilometers, Dugda Bora has an estimated population density of 134.5 people per square kilometer, which is less than the Zone average","Document [3](Title: Bora (woreda)) 6.01% of the population practiced traditional beliefs, 4.47% of the population were Muslim, and 3.11% of the population were Protestant. Bora (woreda) Bora is one of the woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. It was part of the former woreda of Dugda Bora. Part of the Misraq Shewa Zone it is located in the Great Rift Valley. The administrative center of Bora is Bote (Alem Tena). The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 58,748, of whom 30,487 were men and 28,261 were women; 11,403 or 19.41% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority","Document [4](Title: Borawal) 700 years\" (). Borawal has population of 3950 of which 2112 are males while 1838 are females, as per Population Census 2011. In Borawal village, there are 403 children aged between, making up 10.20% of total population of village. The average sex ratio is 870 which is lower than the Punjab state average of 895. The child Sex Ratio for the Borawal as per the census is 824, lower than the Punjab average of 846. Borawal village has lower literacy rate compared to Punjab. In 2011, the literacy rate of Borawal village was 55.79% compared to 75.84% of Punjab. In","Document [5](Title: Boda Upazila) Boda Upazila Boda () is an Upazila of Panchagarh District in the Division of Rangpur, Bangladesh. Boda is the largest upazila in Panchagarh. It is named \"Boda\" because the big Badeshwari Temple is there. Boda is located at . It has 33535 households and total area 349.47 km\u00b2. As of the 1991 Bangladesh census, Boda has a population of 168258. Males constitute 51.22% of the population, and females 48.78%. This Upazila's eighteen up population is 83118. Boda has an average literacy rate of 29.4% (7+ years), and the national average of 32.4% literate. Boda Upazila is divided into one municipality","Document [6](Title: Bora Reserve) Bora Reserve Bora Special Reserve is a wildlife reserve in the Sofia Region of Madagascar, between the villages of Antsohihy and Bealalana. Bora is in a transition zone between eastern humid forests and western dry forests and the reserve and has many endemic species including six lemur species, twenty birds and over 150 species of endemic plants. This reserve is in the north-west of Madagascar, from Antsohihy. In the north the park is accessible by the tarmaced road, RN31, which runs between Antsohihy and Bealalana, and the southern part of the reserve is accessible by the road between North Befandriana","Document [7](Title: Bora (woreda)) Bora (woreda) Bora is one of the woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. It was part of the former woreda of Dugda Bora. Part of the Misraq Shewa Zone it is located in the Great Rift Valley. The administrative center of Bora is Bote (Alem Tena). The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 58,748, of whom 30,487 were men and 28,261 were women; 11,403 or 19.41% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants said they practised Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 86% of the population reporting they observed this belief, while","Document [8](Title: Dugda (woreda)) 54 people (94% of which performed food processing), as well as 707 registered businesses including 108 wholesalers, 404 retailers and 195 service providers. There were 54 Farmers Associations with 18,946 members and 2 Farmers Service Cooperatives with 2226 members. Dugda Bora has 85 kilometers of dry-weather and 122 of all-weather road, for an average road density of 142 kilometers per 1000 square kilometers. About 67% of the rural, 100% of the urban and 74% of the total population has access to drinking water. In late August 2005, the Awash and Meki rivers burst their banks due to heavy rains and","Document [9](Title: Dugda (woreda)) flooded Dugda Bora. According to reports, up to 7,000 people were made homeless, one person was killed, many livestock were swept away and more than 814 hectares of farmland was destroyed. It was also reported that up to 3,400 of those displaced were stranded by the floodwaters, and authorities rescued 455 people. The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 144,910, of whom 74,561 were men and 70,349 were women; 36,252 or 25.02% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants said they practised Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 91.32% of the population reporting","Document [10](Title: Boda Upazila) and 10 union parishads: Benghari Banagram, Boda, Boroshoshi, Chandanbari, Jholaishalshiri, Kajoldighikaligonj, Mareabamonhat, Moidandighi, Pachpir, and Sakoa. The union parishads are subdivided into 174 mauzas and 239 villages. Boda Upazila Boda () is an Upazila of Panchagarh District in the Division of Rangpur, Bangladesh. Boda is the largest upazila in Panchagarh. It is named \"Boda\" because the big Badeshwari Temple is there. Boda is located at . It has 33535 households and total area 349.47 km\u00b2. As of the 1991 Bangladesh census, Boda has a population of 168258. Males constitute 51.22% of the population, and females 48.78%. This Upazila's eighteen up","Document [11](Title: Bora people) tribe's ancestral lands are currently threatened by illegal logging practices. The Bora have no indigenous reserves. Bora people The Bora are an indigenous tribe of the Peruvian, Colombian and Brazilian Amazon, located between the Putumayo and Napo rivers. The Bora speak a Witotan language and comprise approximately 2,000 people. In the last forty years, they have become a largely settled people living mostly in permanent forest settlements. In the animist Bora worldview, there is no distinction between the physical and spiritual worlds and spirits are present throughout the world. Bora families practice exogamy. The Bora have an elaborate knowledge of","Document [12](Title: Boko, Kamrup) district headquarters in Amingaon. The population of Boko constituency based on the 2011 census is 111,880. The average sex ratio of Boko is 983 women to 1000 men, or 56,415 males and 55,465 females. 23,509 families resided there. The total literacy rate is 76.17%. The male literacy rate is 70.85% and the female literacy rate is 61.9%. Based on population, Boko is ranked 8th in Kamrup district and ranked 122nd in Assam. Satras at Boko include Bhalukghata Satra, Haripur Satra and Chamaria Satra. Among them, Chamaria Satra is the oldest and largest. This well-known satra is situated about 22km from","Document [13](Title: Bora Reserve) herds of zebu. Bora Reserve Bora Special Reserve is a wildlife reserve in the Sofia Region of Madagascar, between the villages of Antsohihy and Bealalana. Bora is in a transition zone between eastern humid forests and western dry forests and the reserve and has many endemic species including six lemur species, twenty birds and over 150 species of endemic plants. This reserve is in the north-west of Madagascar, from Antsohihy. In the north the park is accessible by the tarmaced road, RN31, which runs between Antsohihy and Bealalana, and the southern part of the reserve is accessible by the road","Document [14](Title: Borim) Borim Borim or Bori is a census town in Ponda taluka, North Goa district in the state of Goa, India on the banks of Zuari River. It has a land area of 1536.07 acres and has a population size of 8,257 people living there. The village has a rich history dating back to the 12th century Kadamba era, when the Kamleshwar temple was built at Deulwada by the Kadamba queen, Kamaladevi. The name \" Bore\" is etymologically derived from the word \" Bora\" (Indian berry, zizyphus). It is said that the village had many Bora trees at some point in","Document [15](Title: Bora, Punjab) Bora, Punjab Bora is a village in the Hoshiarpur district of Punjab, India. Bora is located east of Garshankar. It is situated on the Garhshankar - Sri Anand pur Sahib Road. In the 19th century, between 1800-1820 AD, Shri Mahant Ram, a Digpal Brahmin, came from Garhi Mansowal and purchased or occupied some land. As the time passed people from nearby villages started to come there, and Mahant Ram started selling plots to those people, becoming wealthy in the process. According to the caste norms of the time, Brahmins occupied the center of the developing town, while peasants occupied the","Document [16](Title: Bora Reserve) habitat in the reserve and there are also areas of degraded secondary forest, gallery forest and savannah, as well as some areas converted into rice paddies. Nearly three hundred species of plants have been recorded and more than half are endemic. There is also six species of lemur (four nocturnal and two diurnal), 48 species of birds (twenty endemic), fifteen reptiles species, five species of amphibians and 160 families of arthropods. The reserve is under threat from hunting for bush meat, illegal tree felling, plantations, rice paddies, and setting fire (known as tavy) to land to encourage grass for grazing","Document [17](Title: Bo people (Andaman)) of the tribe living on a reservation on Strait Island, but none can speak the original language. The original size of the Bo tribe, by 1858, has been estimated at 200 individuals. However, they were discovered by the British only later, in the work leading to the 1901 census. Like other Andamanese peoples, the Bo were decimated during colonial and post-colonial times, by diseases, alcohol, colonial warfare and loss of territory. The census of 1901 recorded only 48 individuals. Census takers were told that an epidemic had come from the neighboring Kari and Kora tribes, and the Bo had resorted","Document [18](Title: Ripun Bora) Ripun Bora Ripun Bora is a leader of the Indian National Congress party hailing from Assam. He is currently President, Assam Pradesh Congress Committee,MP of Rajya Sabha for Assam and Ex-Minister Govt of Assam. On 21 March 2016, he has been elected to the Rajya Sabha, the Upper House of Indian Parliament along with Ranee Narah also from the Indian National Congress. Congress got support from AIUDF for the biennial Rajya Sabha election held on that day.Out of 114 MLAs, 85 (67 of INC, 16 of AIUDF, 1 Independent, 1 BJP voted for the Congress candidate. AGP, BJP, BPF boycotted","Document [19](Title: Bora people) Bora people The Bora are an indigenous tribe of the Peruvian, Colombian and Brazilian Amazon, located between the Putumayo and Napo rivers. The Bora speak a Witotan language and comprise approximately 2,000 people. In the last forty years, they have become a largely settled people living mostly in permanent forest settlements. In the animist Bora worldview, there is no distinction between the physical and spiritual worlds and spirits are present throughout the world. Bora families practice exogamy. The Bora have an elaborate knowledge of the plant life of the surrounding rainforest. Like other indigenous peoples of the Peruvian Amazon, such","Document [20](Title: Borio (community development block)) and Santhalis generally inhabit the area. Borio CD Block has 344 gram panchayats, 264 inhabited (chiragi) and 80 uninhabited (bechiragi) villages. As per 2011 Census of India Borio CD Block had a total population of 97,845, of which 90,881 were rural and 6,964 were urban. There were 49,234 (50 %) males and 48,611 (50 %) females. Population below 6 years was 17,825. Scheduled Castes numbered 2,479 and Scheduled Tribes numbered 59,732. Borio, with a population of 6,964 in 2011 census, is a census town. As per 2011 census the total number of literates in Borio CD Block was 33,916 (42.38"],"query":"what is the current population of bora bora?","answers":["10,605"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Dugda (woreda)) they observed this belief, while 3.88% of the population were Protestant, 2.13% of the population were Muslim, and 1.36% of the population practiced traditional beliefs. Based on figures published by the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, this woreda has an estimated total population of 196,323, of whom 96,849 are men and 99,474 are women; 50,126 or 25.53% of its population are urban dwellers, which is less than the Zone average of 32.1%. With an estimated area of 1,459.53 square kilometers, Dugda Bora has an estimated population density of 134.5 people per square kilometer, which is less than the Zone average","Document [2](Title: Bora (woreda)) 6.01% of the population practiced traditional beliefs, 4.47% of the population were Muslim, and 3.11% of the population were Protestant. Bora (woreda) Bora is one of the woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. It was part of the former woreda of Dugda Bora. Part of the Misraq Shewa Zone it is located in the Great Rift Valley. The administrative center of Bora is Bote (Alem Tena). The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 58,748, of whom 30,487 were men and 28,261 were women; 11,403 or 19.41% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority","Document [3](Title: Borawal) 700 years\" (). Borawal has population of 3950 of which 2112 are males while 1838 are females, as per Population Census 2011. In Borawal village, there are 403 children aged between, making up 10.20% of total population of village. The average sex ratio is 870 which is lower than the Punjab state average of 895. The child Sex Ratio for the Borawal as per the census is 824, lower than the Punjab average of 846. Borawal village has lower literacy rate compared to Punjab. In 2011, the literacy rate of Borawal village was 55.79% compared to 75.84% of Punjab. In","Document [4](Title: Boda Upazila) Boda Upazila Boda () is an Upazila of Panchagarh District in the Division of Rangpur, Bangladesh. Boda is the largest upazila in Panchagarh. It is named \"Boda\" because the big Badeshwari Temple is there. Boda is located at . It has 33535 households and total area 349.47 km\u00b2. As of the 1991 Bangladesh census, Boda has a population of 168258. Males constitute 51.22% of the population, and females 48.78%. This Upazila's eighteen up population is 83118. Boda has an average literacy rate of 29.4% (7+ years), and the national average of 32.4% literate. Boda Upazila is divided into one municipality","Document [5](Title: Bora Bora) As of 2017, the Bora Bora group has a permanent population of 10,605.","Document [6](Title: Bora Reserve) Bora Reserve Bora Special Reserve is a wildlife reserve in the Sofia Region of Madagascar, between the villages of Antsohihy and Bealalana. Bora is in a transition zone between eastern humid forests and western dry forests and the reserve and has many endemic species including six lemur species, twenty birds and over 150 species of endemic plants. This reserve is in the north-west of Madagascar, from Antsohihy. In the north the park is accessible by the tarmaced road, RN31, which runs between Antsohihy and Bealalana, and the southern part of the reserve is accessible by the road between North Befandriana","Document [7](Title: Bora (woreda)) Bora (woreda) Bora is one of the woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. It was part of the former woreda of Dugda Bora. Part of the Misraq Shewa Zone it is located in the Great Rift Valley. The administrative center of Bora is Bote (Alem Tena). The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 58,748, of whom 30,487 were men and 28,261 were women; 11,403 or 19.41% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants said they practised Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 86% of the population reporting they observed this belief, while","Document [8](Title: Dugda (woreda)) 54 people (94% of which performed food processing), as well as 707 registered businesses including 108 wholesalers, 404 retailers and 195 service providers. There were 54 Farmers Associations with 18,946 members and 2 Farmers Service Cooperatives with 2226 members. Dugda Bora has 85 kilometers of dry-weather and 122 of all-weather road, for an average road density of 142 kilometers per 1000 square kilometers. About 67% of the rural, 100% of the urban and 74% of the total population has access to drinking water. In late August 2005, the Awash and Meki rivers burst their banks due to heavy rains and","Document [9](Title: Dugda (woreda)) flooded Dugda Bora. According to reports, up to 7,000 people were made homeless, one person was killed, many livestock were swept away and more than 814 hectares of farmland was destroyed. It was also reported that up to 3,400 of those displaced were stranded by the floodwaters, and authorities rescued 455 people. The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 144,910, of whom 74,561 were men and 70,349 were women; 36,252 or 25.02% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants said they practised Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 91.32% of the population reporting","Document [10](Title: Boda Upazila) and 10 union parishads: Benghari Banagram, Boda, Boroshoshi, Chandanbari, Jholaishalshiri, Kajoldighikaligonj, Mareabamonhat, Moidandighi, Pachpir, and Sakoa. The union parishads are subdivided into 174 mauzas and 239 villages. Boda Upazila Boda () is an Upazila of Panchagarh District in the Division of Rangpur, Bangladesh. Boda is the largest upazila in Panchagarh. It is named \"Boda\" because the big Badeshwari Temple is there. Boda is located at . It has 33535 households and total area 349.47 km\u00b2. As of the 1991 Bangladesh census, Boda has a population of 168258. Males constitute 51.22% of the population, and females 48.78%. This Upazila's eighteen up","Document [11](Title: Bora people) tribe's ancestral lands are currently threatened by illegal logging practices. The Bora have no indigenous reserves. Bora people The Bora are an indigenous tribe of the Peruvian, Colombian and Brazilian Amazon, located between the Putumayo and Napo rivers. The Bora speak a Witotan language and comprise approximately 2,000 people. In the last forty years, they have become a largely settled people living mostly in permanent forest settlements. In the animist Bora worldview, there is no distinction between the physical and spiritual worlds and spirits are present throughout the world. Bora families practice exogamy. The Bora have an elaborate knowledge of","Document [12](Title: Boko, Kamrup) district headquarters in Amingaon. The population of Boko constituency based on the 2011 census is 111,880. The average sex ratio of Boko is 983 women to 1000 men, or 56,415 males and 55,465 females. 23,509 families resided there. The total literacy rate is 76.17%. The male literacy rate is 70.85% and the female literacy rate is 61.9%. Based on population, Boko is ranked 8th in Kamrup district and ranked 122nd in Assam. Satras at Boko include Bhalukghata Satra, Haripur Satra and Chamaria Satra. Among them, Chamaria Satra is the oldest and largest. This well-known satra is situated about 22km from","Document [13](Title: Bora Reserve) herds of zebu. Bora Reserve Bora Special Reserve is a wildlife reserve in the Sofia Region of Madagascar, between the villages of Antsohihy and Bealalana. Bora is in a transition zone between eastern humid forests and western dry forests and the reserve and has many endemic species including six lemur species, twenty birds and over 150 species of endemic plants. This reserve is in the north-west of Madagascar, from Antsohihy. In the north the park is accessible by the tarmaced road, RN31, which runs between Antsohihy and Bealalana, and the southern part of the reserve is accessible by the road","Document [14](Title: Borim) Borim Borim or Bori is a census town in Ponda taluka, North Goa district in the state of Goa, India on the banks of Zuari River. It has a land area of 1536.07 acres and has a population size of 8,257 people living there. The village has a rich history dating back to the 12th century Kadamba era, when the Kamleshwar temple was built at Deulwada by the Kadamba queen, Kamaladevi. The name \" Bore\" is etymologically derived from the word \" Bora\" (Indian berry, zizyphus). It is said that the village had many Bora trees at some point in","Document [15](Title: Bora, Punjab) Bora, Punjab Bora is a village in the Hoshiarpur district of Punjab, India. Bora is located east of Garshankar. It is situated on the Garhshankar - Sri Anand pur Sahib Road. In the 19th century, between 1800-1820 AD, Shri Mahant Ram, a Digpal Brahmin, came from Garhi Mansowal and purchased or occupied some land. As the time passed people from nearby villages started to come there, and Mahant Ram started selling plots to those people, becoming wealthy in the process. According to the caste norms of the time, Brahmins occupied the center of the developing town, while peasants occupied the","Document [16](Title: Bora Reserve) habitat in the reserve and there are also areas of degraded secondary forest, gallery forest and savannah, as well as some areas converted into rice paddies. Nearly three hundred species of plants have been recorded and more than half are endemic. There is also six species of lemur (four nocturnal and two diurnal), 48 species of birds (twenty endemic), fifteen reptiles species, five species of amphibians and 160 families of arthropods. The reserve is under threat from hunting for bush meat, illegal tree felling, plantations, rice paddies, and setting fire (known as tavy) to land to encourage grass for grazing","Document [17](Title: Bo people (Andaman)) of the tribe living on a reservation on Strait Island, but none can speak the original language. The original size of the Bo tribe, by 1858, has been estimated at 200 individuals. However, they were discovered by the British only later, in the work leading to the 1901 census. Like other Andamanese peoples, the Bo were decimated during colonial and post-colonial times, by diseases, alcohol, colonial warfare and loss of territory. The census of 1901 recorded only 48 individuals. Census takers were told that an epidemic had come from the neighboring Kari and Kora tribes, and the Bo had resorted","Document [18](Title: Ripun Bora) Ripun Bora Ripun Bora is a leader of the Indian National Congress party hailing from Assam. He is currently President, Assam Pradesh Congress Committee,MP of Rajya Sabha for Assam and Ex-Minister Govt of Assam. On 21 March 2016, he has been elected to the Rajya Sabha, the Upper House of Indian Parliament along with Ranee Narah also from the Indian National Congress. Congress got support from AIUDF for the biennial Rajya Sabha election held on that day.Out of 114 MLAs, 85 (67 of INC, 16 of AIUDF, 1 Independent, 1 BJP voted for the Congress candidate. AGP, BJP, BPF boycotted","Document [19](Title: Bora people) Bora people The Bora are an indigenous tribe of the Peruvian, Colombian and Brazilian Amazon, located between the Putumayo and Napo rivers. The Bora speak a Witotan language and comprise approximately 2,000 people. In the last forty years, they have become a largely settled people living mostly in permanent forest settlements. In the animist Bora worldview, there is no distinction between the physical and spiritual worlds and spirits are present throughout the world. Bora families practice exogamy. The Bora have an elaborate knowledge of the plant life of the surrounding rainforest. Like other indigenous peoples of the Peruvian Amazon, such","Document [20](Title: Borio (community development block)) and Santhalis generally inhabit the area. Borio CD Block has 344 gram panchayats, 264 inhabited (chiragi) and 80 uninhabited (bechiragi) villages. As per 2011 Census of India Borio CD Block had a total population of 97,845, of which 90,881 were rural and 6,964 were urban. There were 49,234 (50 %) males and 48,611 (50 %) females. Population below 6 years was 17,825. Scheduled Castes numbered 2,479 and Scheduled Tribes numbered 59,732. Borio, with a population of 6,964 in 2011 census, is a census town. As per 2011 census the total number of literates in Borio CD Block was 33,916 (42.38"],"query":"what is the current population of bora bora?","answers":["10,605"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Dugda (woreda)) they observed this belief, while 3.88% of the population were Protestant, 2.13% of the population were Muslim, and 1.36% of the population practiced traditional beliefs. Based on figures published by the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, this woreda has an estimated total population of 196,323, of whom 96,849 are men and 99,474 are women; 50,126 or 25.53% of its population are urban dwellers, which is less than the Zone average of 32.1%. With an estimated area of 1,459.53 square kilometers, Dugda Bora has an estimated population density of 134.5 people per square kilometer, which is less than the Zone average","Document [2](Title: Bora (woreda)) 6.01% of the population practiced traditional beliefs, 4.47% of the population were Muslim, and 3.11% of the population were Protestant. Bora (woreda) Bora is one of the woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. It was part of the former woreda of Dugda Bora. Part of the Misraq Shewa Zone it is located in the Great Rift Valley. The administrative center of Bora is Bote (Alem Tena). The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 58,748, of whom 30,487 were men and 28,261 were women; 11,403 or 19.41% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority","Document [3](Title: Borawal) 700 years\" (). Borawal has population of 3950 of which 2112 are males while 1838 are females, as per Population Census 2011. In Borawal village, there are 403 children aged between, making up 10.20% of total population of village. The average sex ratio is 870 which is lower than the Punjab state average of 895. The child Sex Ratio for the Borawal as per the census is 824, lower than the Punjab average of 846. Borawal village has lower literacy rate compared to Punjab. In 2011, the literacy rate of Borawal village was 55.79% compared to 75.84% of Punjab. In","Document [4](Title: Boda Upazila) Boda Upazila Boda () is an Upazila of Panchagarh District in the Division of Rangpur, Bangladesh. Boda is the largest upazila in Panchagarh. It is named \"Boda\" because the big Badeshwari Temple is there. Boda is located at . It has 33535 households and total area 349.47 km\u00b2. As of the 1991 Bangladesh census, Boda has a population of 168258. Males constitute 51.22% of the population, and females 48.78%. This Upazila's eighteen up population is 83118. Boda has an average literacy rate of 29.4% (7+ years), and the national average of 32.4% literate. Boda Upazila is divided into one municipality","Document [5](Title: Bora Reserve) Bora Reserve Bora Special Reserve is a wildlife reserve in the Sofia Region of Madagascar, between the villages of Antsohihy and Bealalana. Bora is in a transition zone between eastern humid forests and western dry forests and the reserve and has many endemic species including six lemur species, twenty birds and over 150 species of endemic plants. This reserve is in the north-west of Madagascar, from Antsohihy. In the north the park is accessible by the tarmaced road, RN31, which runs between Antsohihy and Bealalana, and the southern part of the reserve is accessible by the road between North Befandriana","Document [6](Title: Bora (woreda)) Bora (woreda) Bora is one of the woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. It was part of the former woreda of Dugda Bora. Part of the Misraq Shewa Zone it is located in the Great Rift Valley. The administrative center of Bora is Bote (Alem Tena). The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 58,748, of whom 30,487 were men and 28,261 were women; 11,403 or 19.41% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants said they practised Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 86% of the population reporting they observed this belief, while","Document [7](Title: Dugda (woreda)) 54 people (94% of which performed food processing), as well as 707 registered businesses including 108 wholesalers, 404 retailers and 195 service providers. There were 54 Farmers Associations with 18,946 members and 2 Farmers Service Cooperatives with 2226 members. Dugda Bora has 85 kilometers of dry-weather and 122 of all-weather road, for an average road density of 142 kilometers per 1000 square kilometers. About 67% of the rural, 100% of the urban and 74% of the total population has access to drinking water. In late August 2005, the Awash and Meki rivers burst their banks due to heavy rains and","Document [8](Title: Dugda (woreda)) flooded Dugda Bora. According to reports, up to 7,000 people were made homeless, one person was killed, many livestock were swept away and more than 814 hectares of farmland was destroyed. It was also reported that up to 3,400 of those displaced were stranded by the floodwaters, and authorities rescued 455 people. The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 144,910, of whom 74,561 were men and 70,349 were women; 36,252 or 25.02% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants said they practised Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 91.32% of the population reporting","Document [9](Title: Boda Upazila) and 10 union parishads: Benghari Banagram, Boda, Boroshoshi, Chandanbari, Jholaishalshiri, Kajoldighikaligonj, Mareabamonhat, Moidandighi, Pachpir, and Sakoa. The union parishads are subdivided into 174 mauzas and 239 villages. Boda Upazila Boda () is an Upazila of Panchagarh District in the Division of Rangpur, Bangladesh. Boda is the largest upazila in Panchagarh. It is named \"Boda\" because the big Badeshwari Temple is there. Boda is located at . It has 33535 households and total area 349.47 km\u00b2. As of the 1991 Bangladesh census, Boda has a population of 168258. Males constitute 51.22% of the population, and females 48.78%. This Upazila's eighteen up","Document [10](Title: Bora Bora) As of 2017, the Bora Bora group has a permanent population of 10,605.","Document [11](Title: Bora people) tribe's ancestral lands are currently threatened by illegal logging practices. The Bora have no indigenous reserves. Bora people The Bora are an indigenous tribe of the Peruvian, Colombian and Brazilian Amazon, located between the Putumayo and Napo rivers. The Bora speak a Witotan language and comprise approximately 2,000 people. In the last forty years, they have become a largely settled people living mostly in permanent forest settlements. In the animist Bora worldview, there is no distinction between the physical and spiritual worlds and spirits are present throughout the world. Bora families practice exogamy. The Bora have an elaborate knowledge of","Document [12](Title: Boko, Kamrup) district headquarters in Amingaon. The population of Boko constituency based on the 2011 census is 111,880. The average sex ratio of Boko is 983 women to 1000 men, or 56,415 males and 55,465 females. 23,509 families resided there. The total literacy rate is 76.17%. The male literacy rate is 70.85% and the female literacy rate is 61.9%. Based on population, Boko is ranked 8th in Kamrup district and ranked 122nd in Assam. Satras at Boko include Bhalukghata Satra, Haripur Satra and Chamaria Satra. Among them, Chamaria Satra is the oldest and largest. This well-known satra is situated about 22km from","Document [13](Title: Bora Reserve) herds of zebu. Bora Reserve Bora Special Reserve is a wildlife reserve in the Sofia Region of Madagascar, between the villages of Antsohihy and Bealalana. Bora is in a transition zone between eastern humid forests and western dry forests and the reserve and has many endemic species including six lemur species, twenty birds and over 150 species of endemic plants. This reserve is in the north-west of Madagascar, from Antsohihy. In the north the park is accessible by the tarmaced road, RN31, which runs between Antsohihy and Bealalana, and the southern part of the reserve is accessible by the road","Document [14](Title: Borim) Borim Borim or Bori is a census town in Ponda taluka, North Goa district in the state of Goa, India on the banks of Zuari River. It has a land area of 1536.07 acres and has a population size of 8,257 people living there. The village has a rich history dating back to the 12th century Kadamba era, when the Kamleshwar temple was built at Deulwada by the Kadamba queen, Kamaladevi. The name \" Bore\" is etymologically derived from the word \" Bora\" (Indian berry, zizyphus). It is said that the village had many Bora trees at some point in","Document [15](Title: Bora, Punjab) Bora, Punjab Bora is a village in the Hoshiarpur district of Punjab, India. Bora is located east of Garshankar. It is situated on the Garhshankar - Sri Anand pur Sahib Road. In the 19th century, between 1800-1820 AD, Shri Mahant Ram, a Digpal Brahmin, came from Garhi Mansowal and purchased or occupied some land. As the time passed people from nearby villages started to come there, and Mahant Ram started selling plots to those people, becoming wealthy in the process. According to the caste norms of the time, Brahmins occupied the center of the developing town, while peasants occupied the","Document [16](Title: Bora Reserve) habitat in the reserve and there are also areas of degraded secondary forest, gallery forest and savannah, as well as some areas converted into rice paddies. Nearly three hundred species of plants have been recorded and more than half are endemic. There is also six species of lemur (four nocturnal and two diurnal), 48 species of birds (twenty endemic), fifteen reptiles species, five species of amphibians and 160 families of arthropods. The reserve is under threat from hunting for bush meat, illegal tree felling, plantations, rice paddies, and setting fire (known as tavy) to land to encourage grass for grazing","Document [17](Title: Bo people (Andaman)) of the tribe living on a reservation on Strait Island, but none can speak the original language. The original size of the Bo tribe, by 1858, has been estimated at 200 individuals. However, they were discovered by the British only later, in the work leading to the 1901 census. Like other Andamanese peoples, the Bo were decimated during colonial and post-colonial times, by diseases, alcohol, colonial warfare and loss of territory. The census of 1901 recorded only 48 individuals. Census takers were told that an epidemic had come from the neighboring Kari and Kora tribes, and the Bo had resorted","Document [18](Title: Ripun Bora) Ripun Bora Ripun Bora is a leader of the Indian National Congress party hailing from Assam. He is currently President, Assam Pradesh Congress Committee,MP of Rajya Sabha for Assam and Ex-Minister Govt of Assam. On 21 March 2016, he has been elected to the Rajya Sabha, the Upper House of Indian Parliament along with Ranee Narah also from the Indian National Congress. Congress got support from AIUDF for the biennial Rajya Sabha election held on that day.Out of 114 MLAs, 85 (67 of INC, 16 of AIUDF, 1 Independent, 1 BJP voted for the Congress candidate. AGP, BJP, BPF boycotted","Document [19](Title: Bora people) Bora people The Bora are an indigenous tribe of the Peruvian, Colombian and Brazilian Amazon, located between the Putumayo and Napo rivers. The Bora speak a Witotan language and comprise approximately 2,000 people. In the last forty years, they have become a largely settled people living mostly in permanent forest settlements. In the animist Bora worldview, there is no distinction between the physical and spiritual worlds and spirits are present throughout the world. Bora families practice exogamy. The Bora have an elaborate knowledge of the plant life of the surrounding rainforest. Like other indigenous peoples of the Peruvian Amazon, such","Document [20](Title: Borio (community development block)) and Santhalis generally inhabit the area. Borio CD Block has 344 gram panchayats, 264 inhabited (chiragi) and 80 uninhabited (bechiragi) villages. As per 2011 Census of India Borio CD Block had a total population of 97,845, of which 90,881 were rural and 6,964 were urban. There were 49,234 (50 %) males and 48,611 (50 %) females. Population below 6 years was 17,825. Scheduled Castes numbered 2,479 and Scheduled Tribes numbered 59,732. Borio, with a population of 6,964 in 2011 census, is a census town. As per 2011 census the total number of literates in Borio CD Block was 33,916 (42.38"],"query":"what is the current population of bora bora?","answers":["10,605"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Dugda (woreda)) they observed this belief, while 3.88% of the population were Protestant, 2.13% of the population were Muslim, and 1.36% of the population practiced traditional beliefs. Based on figures published by the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, this woreda has an estimated total population of 196,323, of whom 96,849 are men and 99,474 are women; 50,126 or 25.53% of its population are urban dwellers, which is less than the Zone average of 32.1%. With an estimated area of 1,459.53 square kilometers, Dugda Bora has an estimated population density of 134.5 people per square kilometer, which is less than the Zone average","Document [2](Title: Bora (woreda)) 6.01% of the population practiced traditional beliefs, 4.47% of the population were Muslim, and 3.11% of the population were Protestant. Bora (woreda) Bora is one of the woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. It was part of the former woreda of Dugda Bora. Part of the Misraq Shewa Zone it is located in the Great Rift Valley. The administrative center of Bora is Bote (Alem Tena). The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 58,748, of whom 30,487 were men and 28,261 were women; 11,403 or 19.41% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority","Document [3](Title: Borawal) 700 years\" (). Borawal has population of 3950 of which 2112 are males while 1838 are females, as per Population Census 2011. In Borawal village, there are 403 children aged between, making up 10.20% of total population of village. The average sex ratio is 870 which is lower than the Punjab state average of 895. The child Sex Ratio for the Borawal as per the census is 824, lower than the Punjab average of 846. Borawal village has lower literacy rate compared to Punjab. In 2011, the literacy rate of Borawal village was 55.79% compared to 75.84% of Punjab. In","Document [4](Title: Boda Upazila) Boda Upazila Boda () is an Upazila of Panchagarh District in the Division of Rangpur, Bangladesh. Boda is the largest upazila in Panchagarh. It is named \"Boda\" because the big Badeshwari Temple is there. Boda is located at . It has 33535 households and total area 349.47 km\u00b2. As of the 1991 Bangladesh census, Boda has a population of 168258. Males constitute 51.22% of the population, and females 48.78%. This Upazila's eighteen up population is 83118. Boda has an average literacy rate of 29.4% (7+ years), and the national average of 32.4% literate. Boda Upazila is divided into one municipality","Document [5](Title: Bora Reserve) Bora Reserve Bora Special Reserve is a wildlife reserve in the Sofia Region of Madagascar, between the villages of Antsohihy and Bealalana. Bora is in a transition zone between eastern humid forests and western dry forests and the reserve and has many endemic species including six lemur species, twenty birds and over 150 species of endemic plants. This reserve is in the north-west of Madagascar, from Antsohihy. In the north the park is accessible by the tarmaced road, RN31, which runs between Antsohihy and Bealalana, and the southern part of the reserve is accessible by the road between North Befandriana","Document [6](Title: Bora (woreda)) Bora (woreda) Bora is one of the woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. It was part of the former woreda of Dugda Bora. Part of the Misraq Shewa Zone it is located in the Great Rift Valley. The administrative center of Bora is Bote (Alem Tena). The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 58,748, of whom 30,487 were men and 28,261 were women; 11,403 or 19.41% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants said they practised Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 86% of the population reporting they observed this belief, while","Document [7](Title: Dugda (woreda)) 54 people (94% of which performed food processing), as well as 707 registered businesses including 108 wholesalers, 404 retailers and 195 service providers. There were 54 Farmers Associations with 18,946 members and 2 Farmers Service Cooperatives with 2226 members. Dugda Bora has 85 kilometers of dry-weather and 122 of all-weather road, for an average road density of 142 kilometers per 1000 square kilometers. About 67% of the rural, 100% of the urban and 74% of the total population has access to drinking water. In late August 2005, the Awash and Meki rivers burst their banks due to heavy rains and","Document [8](Title: Dugda (woreda)) flooded Dugda Bora. According to reports, up to 7,000 people were made homeless, one person was killed, many livestock were swept away and more than 814 hectares of farmland was destroyed. It was also reported that up to 3,400 of those displaced were stranded by the floodwaters, and authorities rescued 455 people. The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 144,910, of whom 74,561 were men and 70,349 were women; 36,252 or 25.02% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants said they practised Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 91.32% of the population reporting","Document [9](Title: Boda Upazila) and 10 union parishads: Benghari Banagram, Boda, Boroshoshi, Chandanbari, Jholaishalshiri, Kajoldighikaligonj, Mareabamonhat, Moidandighi, Pachpir, and Sakoa. The union parishads are subdivided into 174 mauzas and 239 villages. Boda Upazila Boda () is an Upazila of Panchagarh District in the Division of Rangpur, Bangladesh. Boda is the largest upazila in Panchagarh. It is named \"Boda\" because the big Badeshwari Temple is there. Boda is located at . It has 33535 households and total area 349.47 km\u00b2. As of the 1991 Bangladesh census, Boda has a population of 168258. Males constitute 51.22% of the population, and females 48.78%. This Upazila's eighteen up","Document [10](Title: Bora people) tribe's ancestral lands are currently threatened by illegal logging practices. The Bora have no indigenous reserves. Bora people The Bora are an indigenous tribe of the Peruvian, Colombian and Brazilian Amazon, located between the Putumayo and Napo rivers. The Bora speak a Witotan language and comprise approximately 2,000 people. In the last forty years, they have become a largely settled people living mostly in permanent forest settlements. In the animist Bora worldview, there is no distinction between the physical and spiritual worlds and spirits are present throughout the world. Bora families practice exogamy. The Bora have an elaborate knowledge of","Document [11](Title: Boko, Kamrup) district headquarters in Amingaon. The population of Boko constituency based on the 2011 census is 111,880. The average sex ratio of Boko is 983 women to 1000 men, or 56,415 males and 55,465 females. 23,509 families resided there. The total literacy rate is 76.17%. The male literacy rate is 70.85% and the female literacy rate is 61.9%. Based on population, Boko is ranked 8th in Kamrup district and ranked 122nd in Assam. Satras at Boko include Bhalukghata Satra, Haripur Satra and Chamaria Satra. Among them, Chamaria Satra is the oldest and largest. This well-known satra is situated about 22km from","Document [12](Title: Bora Reserve) herds of zebu. Bora Reserve Bora Special Reserve is a wildlife reserve in the Sofia Region of Madagascar, between the villages of Antsohihy and Bealalana. Bora is in a transition zone between eastern humid forests and western dry forests and the reserve and has many endemic species including six lemur species, twenty birds and over 150 species of endemic plants. This reserve is in the north-west of Madagascar, from Antsohihy. In the north the park is accessible by the tarmaced road, RN31, which runs between Antsohihy and Bealalana, and the southern part of the reserve is accessible by the road","Document [13](Title: Borim) Borim Borim or Bori is a census town in Ponda taluka, North Goa district in the state of Goa, India on the banks of Zuari River. It has a land area of 1536.07 acres and has a population size of 8,257 people living there. The village has a rich history dating back to the 12th century Kadamba era, when the Kamleshwar temple was built at Deulwada by the Kadamba queen, Kamaladevi. The name \" Bore\" is etymologically derived from the word \" Bora\" (Indian berry, zizyphus). It is said that the village had many Bora trees at some point in","Document [14](Title: Bora, Punjab) Bora, Punjab Bora is a village in the Hoshiarpur district of Punjab, India. Bora is located east of Garshankar. It is situated on the Garhshankar - Sri Anand pur Sahib Road. In the 19th century, between 1800-1820 AD, Shri Mahant Ram, a Digpal Brahmin, came from Garhi Mansowal and purchased or occupied some land. As the time passed people from nearby villages started to come there, and Mahant Ram started selling plots to those people, becoming wealthy in the process. According to the caste norms of the time, Brahmins occupied the center of the developing town, while peasants occupied the","Document [15](Title: Bora Bora) As of 2017, the Bora Bora group has a permanent population of 10,605.","Document [16](Title: Bora Reserve) habitat in the reserve and there are also areas of degraded secondary forest, gallery forest and savannah, as well as some areas converted into rice paddies. Nearly three hundred species of plants have been recorded and more than half are endemic. There is also six species of lemur (four nocturnal and two diurnal), 48 species of birds (twenty endemic), fifteen reptiles species, five species of amphibians and 160 families of arthropods. The reserve is under threat from hunting for bush meat, illegal tree felling, plantations, rice paddies, and setting fire (known as tavy) to land to encourage grass for grazing","Document [17](Title: Bo people (Andaman)) of the tribe living on a reservation on Strait Island, but none can speak the original language. The original size of the Bo tribe, by 1858, has been estimated at 200 individuals. However, they were discovered by the British only later, in the work leading to the 1901 census. Like other Andamanese peoples, the Bo were decimated during colonial and post-colonial times, by diseases, alcohol, colonial warfare and loss of territory. The census of 1901 recorded only 48 individuals. Census takers were told that an epidemic had come from the neighboring Kari and Kora tribes, and the Bo had resorted","Document [18](Title: Ripun Bora) Ripun Bora Ripun Bora is a leader of the Indian National Congress party hailing from Assam. He is currently President, Assam Pradesh Congress Committee,MP of Rajya Sabha for Assam and Ex-Minister Govt of Assam. On 21 March 2016, he has been elected to the Rajya Sabha, the Upper House of Indian Parliament along with Ranee Narah also from the Indian National Congress. Congress got support from AIUDF for the biennial Rajya Sabha election held on that day.Out of 114 MLAs, 85 (67 of INC, 16 of AIUDF, 1 Independent, 1 BJP voted for the Congress candidate. AGP, BJP, BPF boycotted","Document [19](Title: Bora people) Bora people The Bora are an indigenous tribe of the Peruvian, Colombian and Brazilian Amazon, located between the Putumayo and Napo rivers. The Bora speak a Witotan language and comprise approximately 2,000 people. In the last forty years, they have become a largely settled people living mostly in permanent forest settlements. In the animist Bora worldview, there is no distinction between the physical and spiritual worlds and spirits are present throughout the world. Bora families practice exogamy. The Bora have an elaborate knowledge of the plant life of the surrounding rainforest. Like other indigenous peoples of the Peruvian Amazon, such","Document [20](Title: Borio (community development block)) and Santhalis generally inhabit the area. Borio CD Block has 344 gram panchayats, 264 inhabited (chiragi) and 80 uninhabited (bechiragi) villages. As per 2011 Census of India Borio CD Block had a total population of 97,845, of which 90,881 were rural and 6,964 were urban. There were 49,234 (50 %) males and 48,611 (50 %) females. Population below 6 years was 17,825. Scheduled Castes numbered 2,479 and Scheduled Tribes numbered 59,732. Borio, with a population of 6,964 in 2011 census, is a census town. As per 2011 census the total number of literates in Borio CD Block was 33,916 (42.38"],"query":"what is the current population of bora bora?","answers":["10,605"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Dugda (woreda)) they observed this belief, while 3.88% of the population were Protestant, 2.13% of the population were Muslim, and 1.36% of the population practiced traditional beliefs. Based on figures published by the Central Statistical Agency in 2005, this woreda has an estimated total population of 196,323, of whom 96,849 are men and 99,474 are women; 50,126 or 25.53% of its population are urban dwellers, which is less than the Zone average of 32.1%. With an estimated area of 1,459.53 square kilometers, Dugda Bora has an estimated population density of 134.5 people per square kilometer, which is less than the Zone average","Document [2](Title: Bora (woreda)) 6.01% of the population practiced traditional beliefs, 4.47% of the population were Muslim, and 3.11% of the population were Protestant. Bora (woreda) Bora is one of the woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. It was part of the former woreda of Dugda Bora. Part of the Misraq Shewa Zone it is located in the Great Rift Valley. The administrative center of Bora is Bote (Alem Tena). The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 58,748, of whom 30,487 were men and 28,261 were women; 11,403 or 19.41% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority","Document [3](Title: Borawal) 700 years\" (). Borawal has population of 3950 of which 2112 are males while 1838 are females, as per Population Census 2011. In Borawal village, there are 403 children aged between, making up 10.20% of total population of village. The average sex ratio is 870 which is lower than the Punjab state average of 895. The child Sex Ratio for the Borawal as per the census is 824, lower than the Punjab average of 846. Borawal village has lower literacy rate compared to Punjab. In 2011, the literacy rate of Borawal village was 55.79% compared to 75.84% of Punjab. In","Document [4](Title: Boda Upazila) Boda Upazila Boda () is an Upazila of Panchagarh District in the Division of Rangpur, Bangladesh. Boda is the largest upazila in Panchagarh. It is named \"Boda\" because the big Badeshwari Temple is there. Boda is located at . It has 33535 households and total area 349.47 km\u00b2. As of the 1991 Bangladesh census, Boda has a population of 168258. Males constitute 51.22% of the population, and females 48.78%. This Upazila's eighteen up population is 83118. Boda has an average literacy rate of 29.4% (7+ years), and the national average of 32.4% literate. Boda Upazila is divided into one municipality","Document [5](Title: Bora Reserve) Bora Reserve Bora Special Reserve is a wildlife reserve in the Sofia Region of Madagascar, between the villages of Antsohihy and Bealalana. Bora is in a transition zone between eastern humid forests and western dry forests and the reserve and has many endemic species including six lemur species, twenty birds and over 150 species of endemic plants. This reserve is in the north-west of Madagascar, from Antsohihy. In the north the park is accessible by the tarmaced road, RN31, which runs between Antsohihy and Bealalana, and the southern part of the reserve is accessible by the road between North Befandriana","Document [6](Title: Bora (woreda)) Bora (woreda) Bora is one of the woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. It was part of the former woreda of Dugda Bora. Part of the Misraq Shewa Zone it is located in the Great Rift Valley. The administrative center of Bora is Bote (Alem Tena). The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 58,748, of whom 30,487 were men and 28,261 were women; 11,403 or 19.41% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants said they practised Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 86% of the population reporting they observed this belief, while","Document [7](Title: Dugda (woreda)) 54 people (94% of which performed food processing), as well as 707 registered businesses including 108 wholesalers, 404 retailers and 195 service providers. There were 54 Farmers Associations with 18,946 members and 2 Farmers Service Cooperatives with 2226 members. Dugda Bora has 85 kilometers of dry-weather and 122 of all-weather road, for an average road density of 142 kilometers per 1000 square kilometers. About 67% of the rural, 100% of the urban and 74% of the total population has access to drinking water. In late August 2005, the Awash and Meki rivers burst their banks due to heavy rains and","Document [8](Title: Dugda (woreda)) flooded Dugda Bora. According to reports, up to 7,000 people were made homeless, one person was killed, many livestock were swept away and more than 814 hectares of farmland was destroyed. It was also reported that up to 3,400 of those displaced were stranded by the floodwaters, and authorities rescued 455 people. The 2007 national census reported a total population for this woreda of 144,910, of whom 74,561 were men and 70,349 were women; 36,252 or 25.02% of its population were urban dwellers. The majority of the inhabitants said they practised Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity, with 91.32% of the population reporting","Document [9](Title: Boda Upazila) and 10 union parishads: Benghari Banagram, Boda, Boroshoshi, Chandanbari, Jholaishalshiri, Kajoldighikaligonj, Mareabamonhat, Moidandighi, Pachpir, and Sakoa. The union parishads are subdivided into 174 mauzas and 239 villages. Boda Upazila Boda () is an Upazila of Panchagarh District in the Division of Rangpur, Bangladesh. Boda is the largest upazila in Panchagarh. It is named \"Boda\" because the big Badeshwari Temple is there. Boda is located at . It has 33535 households and total area 349.47 km\u00b2. As of the 1991 Bangladesh census, Boda has a population of 168258. Males constitute 51.22% of the population, and females 48.78%. This Upazila's eighteen up","Document [10](Title: Bora people) tribe's ancestral lands are currently threatened by illegal logging practices. The Bora have no indigenous reserves. Bora people The Bora are an indigenous tribe of the Peruvian, Colombian and Brazilian Amazon, located between the Putumayo and Napo rivers. The Bora speak a Witotan language and comprise approximately 2,000 people. In the last forty years, they have become a largely settled people living mostly in permanent forest settlements. In the animist Bora worldview, there is no distinction between the physical and spiritual worlds and spirits are present throughout the world. Bora families practice exogamy. The Bora have an elaborate knowledge of","Document [11](Title: Boko, Kamrup) district headquarters in Amingaon. The population of Boko constituency based on the 2011 census is 111,880. The average sex ratio of Boko is 983 women to 1000 men, or 56,415 males and 55,465 females. 23,509 families resided there. The total literacy rate is 76.17%. The male literacy rate is 70.85% and the female literacy rate is 61.9%. Based on population, Boko is ranked 8th in Kamrup district and ranked 122nd in Assam. Satras at Boko include Bhalukghata Satra, Haripur Satra and Chamaria Satra. Among them, Chamaria Satra is the oldest and largest. This well-known satra is situated about 22km from","Document [12](Title: Bora Reserve) herds of zebu. Bora Reserve Bora Special Reserve is a wildlife reserve in the Sofia Region of Madagascar, between the villages of Antsohihy and Bealalana. Bora is in a transition zone between eastern humid forests and western dry forests and the reserve and has many endemic species including six lemur species, twenty birds and over 150 species of endemic plants. This reserve is in the north-west of Madagascar, from Antsohihy. In the north the park is accessible by the tarmaced road, RN31, which runs between Antsohihy and Bealalana, and the southern part of the reserve is accessible by the road","Document [13](Title: Borim) Borim Borim or Bori is a census town in Ponda taluka, North Goa district in the state of Goa, India on the banks of Zuari River. It has a land area of 1536.07 acres and has a population size of 8,257 people living there. The village has a rich history dating back to the 12th century Kadamba era, when the Kamleshwar temple was built at Deulwada by the Kadamba queen, Kamaladevi. The name \" Bore\" is etymologically derived from the word \" Bora\" (Indian berry, zizyphus). It is said that the village had many Bora trees at some point in","Document [14](Title: Bora, Punjab) Bora, Punjab Bora is a village in the Hoshiarpur district of Punjab, India. Bora is located east of Garshankar. It is situated on the Garhshankar - Sri Anand pur Sahib Road. In the 19th century, between 1800-1820 AD, Shri Mahant Ram, a Digpal Brahmin, came from Garhi Mansowal and purchased or occupied some land. As the time passed people from nearby villages started to come there, and Mahant Ram started selling plots to those people, becoming wealthy in the process. According to the caste norms of the time, Brahmins occupied the center of the developing town, while peasants occupied the","Document [15](Title: Bora Reserve) habitat in the reserve and there are also areas of degraded secondary forest, gallery forest and savannah, as well as some areas converted into rice paddies. Nearly three hundred species of plants have been recorded and more than half are endemic. There is also six species of lemur (four nocturnal and two diurnal), 48 species of birds (twenty endemic), fifteen reptiles species, five species of amphibians and 160 families of arthropods. The reserve is under threat from hunting for bush meat, illegal tree felling, plantations, rice paddies, and setting fire (known as tavy) to land to encourage grass for grazing","Document [16](Title: Bo people (Andaman)) of the tribe living on a reservation on Strait Island, but none can speak the original language. The original size of the Bo tribe, by 1858, has been estimated at 200 individuals. However, they were discovered by the British only later, in the work leading to the 1901 census. Like other Andamanese peoples, the Bo were decimated during colonial and post-colonial times, by diseases, alcohol, colonial warfare and loss of territory. The census of 1901 recorded only 48 individuals. Census takers were told that an epidemic had come from the neighboring Kari and Kora tribes, and the Bo had resorted","Document [17](Title: Ripun Bora) Ripun Bora Ripun Bora is a leader of the Indian National Congress party hailing from Assam. He is currently President, Assam Pradesh Congress Committee,MP of Rajya Sabha for Assam and Ex-Minister Govt of Assam. On 21 March 2016, he has been elected to the Rajya Sabha, the Upper House of Indian Parliament along with Ranee Narah also from the Indian National Congress. Congress got support from AIUDF for the biennial Rajya Sabha election held on that day.Out of 114 MLAs, 85 (67 of INC, 16 of AIUDF, 1 Independent, 1 BJP voted for the Congress candidate. AGP, BJP, BPF boycotted","Document [18](Title: Bora people) Bora people The Bora are an indigenous tribe of the Peruvian, Colombian and Brazilian Amazon, located between the Putumayo and Napo rivers. The Bora speak a Witotan language and comprise approximately 2,000 people. In the last forty years, they have become a largely settled people living mostly in permanent forest settlements. In the animist Bora worldview, there is no distinction between the physical and spiritual worlds and spirits are present throughout the world. Bora families practice exogamy. The Bora have an elaborate knowledge of the plant life of the surrounding rainforest. Like other indigenous peoples of the Peruvian Amazon, such","Document [19](Title: Borio (community development block)) and Santhalis generally inhabit the area. Borio CD Block has 344 gram panchayats, 264 inhabited (chiragi) and 80 uninhabited (bechiragi) villages. As per 2011 Census of India Borio CD Block had a total population of 97,845, of which 90,881 were rural and 6,964 were urban. There were 49,234 (50 %) males and 48,611 (50 %) females. Population below 6 years was 17,825. Scheduled Castes numbered 2,479 and Scheduled Tribes numbered 59,732. Borio, with a population of 6,964 in 2011 census, is a census town. As per 2011 census the total number of literates in Borio CD Block was 33,916 (42.38","Document [20](Title: Bora Bora) As of 2017, the Bora Bora group has a permanent population of 10,605."],"query":"what is the current population of bora bora?","answers":["10,605"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Constitutional Convention (United States)) of travel in the late 18th century, very few of the selected delegates were present on the designated day of May 14, 1787, and it was not until May 25 that a quorum of seven states was secured. (New Hampshire delegates would not join the Convention until more than halfway through the proceedings, on July 23.) James Madison arrived first, and soon most of the Virginia delegation arrived. While waiting for the other delegates, the Virginia delegation produced the Virginia Plan, which was designed and written by James Madison. On May 25, the delegations convened in the Pennsylvania State House.","Document [2](Title: Charles Pinckney (governor)) elaborate form of the Virginia Plan, proposed first by Edmund Randolph, but it was disregarded by the other delegates. Historians assess him as an important contributing delegate. Pinckney boasted that he was 24, allowing him to claim distinction as the youngest delegate, but he was 29 years old at the time of the convention. He attended full-time, spoke often and effectively, and contributed to the final draft and to resolution of problems that arose during the debates. He also worked for ratification of the constitution in South Carolina (1788). At the Convention, Pierce Butler and Pinckney, both from South Carolina,","Document [3](Title: Edmund Randolph) Virginia law forbade executive officers from private practice in its courts. The following year, as a delegate from Virginia to the Constitutional Convention, at age 34 Randolph introduced the Virginia Plan as an outline for a new national government. He argued against importation of slaves and in favor of a strong central government, advocating a plan for three chief executives from various parts of the country. The Virginia Plan also proposed a bicameral legislature, both houses of which comprising delegates chosen based on state population. Randolph additionally proposed, and was supported by unanimous approval by the Convention's delegates, \"that a","Document [4](Title: Constitutional Convention (United States)) and would therefore be selected by the legislature. The Virginia Plan also created a judiciary, and gave both the executive and some of the judiciary the power to veto, subject to override. After the Virginia Plan was introduced, New Jersey delegate William Paterson asked for an adjournment to contemplate the Plan. Under the Articles of Confederation, each state had equal representation in Congress, exercising one vote each. The Virginia Plan threatened to limit the smaller states' power by making both houses of the legislature proportionate to population. On June 14 and 15, 1787, a small-state caucus met to create a","Document [5](Title: Virginia Plan) of the national legislature. Each of the states would be represented in proportion to their \"Quotas of contribution, or to the number of free inhabitants.\" States with a large population, like Virginia (which was the most populous state at the time), would thus have more representatives than smaller states. Large states supported this plan, and smaller states generally opposed it, preferring an alternative put forward on June 15. The New Jersey Plan proposed a single-chamber legislature in which each state, regardless of size, would have one vote, as under the Articles of Confederation. In the end, the convention settled on","Document [6](Title: Stuart B. Carter) constitution requiring free public education (hence the January 1956 referendum to modify the state constitution which Carter was only one of four delegates to oppose). After both the Virginia Supreme Court and a three-judge federal panel announced on January 19, 1959 that the Stanley plan was unconstitutional, Governor J. Lindsay Almond Jr. eventually reconsidered his opposition to \"Brown\", and joined with the Perrow Commission plan. Meanwhile, Carter had been elected to the Virginia Senate, and although recovering from recent abdominal surgery, appeared to cast his crucial vote in favor of the Perrow Commission plan. Thus, it passed by a single","Document [7](Title: Virginia Plan) judicial). One contentious issue facing the convention was the manner in which large and small states would be represented in the legislature: proportionate to population, with larger states having more votes than less-populous states, or by equal representation for each state, regardless of its size and population. The latter system more closely resembled that of the Articles of Confederation, under which each state was represented by one vote in a unicameral legislature. The Virginia Plan proposed a legislative branch consisting of two chambers (bicameral legislature), with the dual principles of rotation in office and recall applied to the lower house","Document [8](Title: George Mason) powerful than the states. The Virginia Plan, if implemented, would base representation in both houses of the federal legislature on population. This was unsatisfactory to the smaller states. Delaware's delegates had been instructed to seek an equal vote for each state, and this became the New Jersey Plan, introduced by that state's governor, William Paterson. The divisions in the convention became apparent in late June, when by a narrow vote, the convention voted that representation in the lower house be based on population, but the motion of Connecticut's Oliver Ellsworth for each state to have an equal vote in the","Document [9](Title: Constitution of Virginia) Virginia General Assembly approved a new commission, chaired by former Governor Albertis Harrison, to revise the constitution. The Commission on Constitutional Revision presented its report and recommendations to Governor Godwin and the General Assembly in January 1969, and continued to work with them to draft a final consensus version. The proposed Constitution was overwhelmingly approved by the voters of Virginia (who by then included African-American men and women, following passage of federal civil rights legislation in the mid-1960s) and took effect on July 1, 1971. Since 1971, additional amendments have been passed by the General Assembly and approved by the","Document [10](Title: Constitutional Convention (United States)) and Nathaniel Gorham. Though the committee did not record minutes of its proceedings, three key surviving documents offer clues to the committee's handiwork: an outline by Randolph with edits by Rutledge, extensive notes and a second draft by Wilson, also with Rutledge's edits, and the committee's final report to the Convention. From this evidence it is thought that the committee used the original Virginia Plan, the decisions of the Convention on modifications to that plan, and other sources, such as the Articles of Confederation, provisions of the state constitutions, and even Charles Pinckney's plan, to produce the first full draft,","Document [11](Title: Benjamin Banneker) in Thomas Jefferson's 1787 \"Notes on the State of Virginia\". The 1793 almanac also contained a copy of \"A Plan of a \"Peace-Office\", for the United States\". Although the almanac did not identify the Plan's author, writers later attributed the work to Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. The Plan proposed the appointment of a \"Secretary of Peace\", described the Secretary's powers and advocated federal support and promotion of the Christian religion. The Plan stated: On August 19, 1791, after departing the federal capital area, Banneker wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson, who in 1776 had drafted","Document [12](Title: Zephaniah Swift) General and presenter of the Virginia Plan at the Constitutional Convention; Robert Morris - \"Financier of the Revolution\"; Oliver Ellsworth - future Chief Justice and presenter of the Connecticut Plan; Charles Lee - Third Attorney General) and signers of the Declaration of Independence. Subscribers are listed from every state, including the original 13 colonies, Vermont, Kentucky and Tennessee, which became the 16th state when the second volume was published. In the introduction of \"A System of Law\" he explained that every citizen ought to acquire of knowledge of those laws that govern their daily conduct and \"secure the invaluable blessings","Document [13](Title: George Mason) original writing in Mason's hand is not known, the extent to which the final draft was written by him is uncertain. Nevertheless, William Fleming on June 22, 1776, sent Jefferson a copy of the draft before the Cary Committee, telling him \"the inclosed printed plan was drawn by Colo. G. Mason and by him laid before the committee\". Mason had submitted his plan sometime between June 8 and 10, 1776. It named the new state the \"Commonwealth of Virginia\", a name chosen pointedly by Mason to indicate that power stemmed from the people. The constitution provided for a popularly elected","Document [14](Title: George Mason) and formulated what became known as the Virginia Plan. They also did some sightseeing, and were presented to Pennsylvania's president, Benjamin Franklin. Within a week of arrival, Mason was bored with the social events to which the delegates were invited, \"I begin to grow tired of the etiquette and nonsense so fashionable in this city\". Going into the convention, Mason wanted to see a more powerful central government than under the Articles, but not one that would threaten local interests. He feared that the more numerous Northern states would dominate the union, and would impose restrictions on trade that would","Document [15](Title: Second Virginia Convention) into a posture of defence: and that Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Robert Carter Nicholas, Benjamin Harrison, Lemuel Riddick, George Washington, Adam Stephen, Andrew Lewis, William Christian, Edmund Pendleton, Thomas Jefferson and Isaac Zane, Esquires, be a committee to prepare a plan for the embodying arming and disciplining such a number of men as may be sufficient for that purpose.\" The speech was also a contributing factor in the decision by governor John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore to remove the gunpowder from the Williamsburg, Virginia magazine to a Royal Navy ship in the Gunpowder Incident. Virginia Conventions Second Virginia","Document [16](Title: David Stuart (Virginia politician)) resided at three estates in Fairfax County, Virginia: Abingdon, Hope Park and Ossian Hall. Stuart served as a representative to the Virginia House of Delegates and also to the Virginia convention of 1788 that considered the ratification of the United States Constitution. To address the issues of greatest concern, the convention considered the following resolution: \"Resolved\", That previous to the ratification of the new Constitution of government recommended by the late Federal Convention, a declaration of rights asserting and securing from encroachment the great principle of civil and religious liberty and the unalienable rights of the people, together with amendments","Document [17](Title: Virginia Ratifying Convention) Virginia Ratifying Convention The Virginia Ratifying Convention (also historically referred to as the \"Virginia Federal Convention\") was a convention of 168 delegates from Virginia who met in 1788 to ratify or reject the United States Constitution, which had been drafted at the Philadelphia Convention the previous year. The Convention met and deliberated from June 2 through June 27 in Richmond at the Richmond Theatre, presently the site of Monumental Church. Judge Edmund Pendleton, Virginia delegate to the Constitutional Convention, served as the convention's president by unanimous consent. The Convention met from June 2\u201327, 1788, in the wooden \"Old Capitol\" building","Document [18](Title: Virginia Conventions) commissions for constitutional reform in 1927 for restructuring state government and in 1969 to conform the state constitution with congressional statutes of the Voting Rights Act and U.S. Constitutional law. Each of these 20th century recommendations was placed before the people for ratification in a referendum. The First Convention was organized after Lord Dunmore, the colony's royal governor, dissolved the House of Burgesses when that body called for a day of prayer as a show of solidarity with Boston, Massachusetts, when the British government closed the harbor under the Boston Port Act. The Burgesses, who had been elected by propertied","Document [19](Title: Virginia Constitutional Convention of 1850) Democrats were divided between easterners who supported an apportionment in the General Assembly based on a mixed basis of population and property which favored their slave-holding counties. Democrats in the west, while agreeing with anti-federal government Doctrines of '98 and states' rights, were more inclined to a white population basis. The Whigs were more united statewide in their insistence to expand suffrage and find a more equitable reapportionment between east and west sections. The General Assembly malapportionment was a perpetual irritant in Virginia's politics, and in December 1849 Democrat John B. Floyd became the fourth governor to call for a","Document [20](Title: Wyndham Robertson) House of Delegates, as one of their three delegates in the 1859-1861 session based on the representational changes after adoption of the Virginia Constitution of 1850 and population shifts documented in the census. As Virginia struggled with the idea of seceding from the United States, Robertson was a staunch Unionist, and tried to prevent its secession. He later characterized himself as a \"friend to peace and the Union\" and noted that he had actively opposed South Carolina's call for a Southern Convention in 1859. At the Henry Clay banquet in April 1860, at which former President John Tyler was present,"],"query":"who proposed the virginia plan at the constitutional convention?","answers":["Madison","James Madison"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Charles Pinckney (governor)) elaborate form of the Virginia Plan, proposed first by Edmund Randolph, but it was disregarded by the other delegates. Historians assess him as an important contributing delegate. Pinckney boasted that he was 24, allowing him to claim distinction as the youngest delegate, but he was 29 years old at the time of the convention. He attended full-time, spoke often and effectively, and contributed to the final draft and to resolution of problems that arose during the debates. He also worked for ratification of the constitution in South Carolina (1788). At the Convention, Pierce Butler and Pinckney, both from South Carolina,","Document [2](Title: Edmund Randolph) Virginia law forbade executive officers from private practice in its courts. The following year, as a delegate from Virginia to the Constitutional Convention, at age 34 Randolph introduced the Virginia Plan as an outline for a new national government. He argued against importation of slaves and in favor of a strong central government, advocating a plan for three chief executives from various parts of the country. The Virginia Plan also proposed a bicameral legislature, both houses of which comprising delegates chosen based on state population. Randolph additionally proposed, and was supported by unanimous approval by the Convention's delegates, \"that a","Document [3](Title: Constitutional Convention (United States)) and would therefore be selected by the legislature. The Virginia Plan also created a judiciary, and gave both the executive and some of the judiciary the power to veto, subject to override. After the Virginia Plan was introduced, New Jersey delegate William Paterson asked for an adjournment to contemplate the Plan. Under the Articles of Confederation, each state had equal representation in Congress, exercising one vote each. The Virginia Plan threatened to limit the smaller states' power by making both houses of the legislature proportionate to population. On June 14 and 15, 1787, a small-state caucus met to create a","Document [4](Title: Virginia Plan) of the national legislature. Each of the states would be represented in proportion to their \"Quotas of contribution, or to the number of free inhabitants.\" States with a large population, like Virginia (which was the most populous state at the time), would thus have more representatives than smaller states. Large states supported this plan, and smaller states generally opposed it, preferring an alternative put forward on June 15. The New Jersey Plan proposed a single-chamber legislature in which each state, regardless of size, would have one vote, as under the Articles of Confederation. In the end, the convention settled on","Document [5](Title: Constitutional Convention (United States)) of travel in the late 18th century, very few of the selected delegates were present on the designated day of May 14, 1787, and it was not until May 25 that a quorum of seven states was secured. (New Hampshire delegates would not join the Convention until more than halfway through the proceedings, on July 23.) James Madison arrived first, and soon most of the Virginia delegation arrived. While waiting for the other delegates, the Virginia delegation produced the Virginia Plan, which was designed and written by James Madison. On May 25, the delegations convened in the Pennsylvania State House.","Document [6](Title: Stuart B. Carter) constitution requiring free public education (hence the January 1956 referendum to modify the state constitution which Carter was only one of four delegates to oppose). After both the Virginia Supreme Court and a three-judge federal panel announced on January 19, 1959 that the Stanley plan was unconstitutional, Governor J. Lindsay Almond Jr. eventually reconsidered his opposition to \"Brown\", and joined with the Perrow Commission plan. Meanwhile, Carter had been elected to the Virginia Senate, and although recovering from recent abdominal surgery, appeared to cast his crucial vote in favor of the Perrow Commission plan. Thus, it passed by a single","Document [7](Title: Virginia Plan) judicial). One contentious issue facing the convention was the manner in which large and small states would be represented in the legislature: proportionate to population, with larger states having more votes than less-populous states, or by equal representation for each state, regardless of its size and population. The latter system more closely resembled that of the Articles of Confederation, under which each state was represented by one vote in a unicameral legislature. The Virginia Plan proposed a legislative branch consisting of two chambers (bicameral legislature), with the dual principles of rotation in office and recall applied to the lower house","Document [8](Title: George Mason) powerful than the states. The Virginia Plan, if implemented, would base representation in both houses of the federal legislature on population. This was unsatisfactory to the smaller states. Delaware's delegates had been instructed to seek an equal vote for each state, and this became the New Jersey Plan, introduced by that state's governor, William Paterson. The divisions in the convention became apparent in late June, when by a narrow vote, the convention voted that representation in the lower house be based on population, but the motion of Connecticut's Oliver Ellsworth for each state to have an equal vote in the","Document [9](Title: Constitution of Virginia) Virginia General Assembly approved a new commission, chaired by former Governor Albertis Harrison, to revise the constitution. The Commission on Constitutional Revision presented its report and recommendations to Governor Godwin and the General Assembly in January 1969, and continued to work with them to draft a final consensus version. The proposed Constitution was overwhelmingly approved by the voters of Virginia (who by then included African-American men and women, following passage of federal civil rights legislation in the mid-1960s) and took effect on July 1, 1971. Since 1971, additional amendments have been passed by the General Assembly and approved by the","Document [10](Title: Constitutional Convention (United States)) and Nathaniel Gorham. Though the committee did not record minutes of its proceedings, three key surviving documents offer clues to the committee's handiwork: an outline by Randolph with edits by Rutledge, extensive notes and a second draft by Wilson, also with Rutledge's edits, and the committee's final report to the Convention. From this evidence it is thought that the committee used the original Virginia Plan, the decisions of the Convention on modifications to that plan, and other sources, such as the Articles of Confederation, provisions of the state constitutions, and even Charles Pinckney's plan, to produce the first full draft,","Document [11](Title: Benjamin Banneker) in Thomas Jefferson's 1787 \"Notes on the State of Virginia\". The 1793 almanac also contained a copy of \"A Plan of a \"Peace-Office\", for the United States\". Although the almanac did not identify the Plan's author, writers later attributed the work to Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. The Plan proposed the appointment of a \"Secretary of Peace\", described the Secretary's powers and advocated federal support and promotion of the Christian religion. The Plan stated: On August 19, 1791, after departing the federal capital area, Banneker wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson, who in 1776 had drafted","Document [12](Title: Zephaniah Swift) General and presenter of the Virginia Plan at the Constitutional Convention; Robert Morris - \"Financier of the Revolution\"; Oliver Ellsworth - future Chief Justice and presenter of the Connecticut Plan; Charles Lee - Third Attorney General) and signers of the Declaration of Independence. Subscribers are listed from every state, including the original 13 colonies, Vermont, Kentucky and Tennessee, which became the 16th state when the second volume was published. In the introduction of \"A System of Law\" he explained that every citizen ought to acquire of knowledge of those laws that govern their daily conduct and \"secure the invaluable blessings","Document [13](Title: George Mason) original writing in Mason's hand is not known, the extent to which the final draft was written by him is uncertain. Nevertheless, William Fleming on June 22, 1776, sent Jefferson a copy of the draft before the Cary Committee, telling him \"the inclosed printed plan was drawn by Colo. G. Mason and by him laid before the committee\". Mason had submitted his plan sometime between June 8 and 10, 1776. It named the new state the \"Commonwealth of Virginia\", a name chosen pointedly by Mason to indicate that power stemmed from the people. The constitution provided for a popularly elected","Document [14](Title: George Mason) and formulated what became known as the Virginia Plan. They also did some sightseeing, and were presented to Pennsylvania's president, Benjamin Franklin. Within a week of arrival, Mason was bored with the social events to which the delegates were invited, \"I begin to grow tired of the etiquette and nonsense so fashionable in this city\". Going into the convention, Mason wanted to see a more powerful central government than under the Articles, but not one that would threaten local interests. He feared that the more numerous Northern states would dominate the union, and would impose restrictions on trade that would","Document [15](Title: Second Virginia Convention) into a posture of defence: and that Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Robert Carter Nicholas, Benjamin Harrison, Lemuel Riddick, George Washington, Adam Stephen, Andrew Lewis, William Christian, Edmund Pendleton, Thomas Jefferson and Isaac Zane, Esquires, be a committee to prepare a plan for the embodying arming and disciplining such a number of men as may be sufficient for that purpose.\" The speech was also a contributing factor in the decision by governor John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore to remove the gunpowder from the Williamsburg, Virginia magazine to a Royal Navy ship in the Gunpowder Incident. Virginia Conventions Second Virginia","Document [16](Title: David Stuart (Virginia politician)) resided at three estates in Fairfax County, Virginia: Abingdon, Hope Park and Ossian Hall. Stuart served as a representative to the Virginia House of Delegates and also to the Virginia convention of 1788 that considered the ratification of the United States Constitution. To address the issues of greatest concern, the convention considered the following resolution: \"Resolved\", That previous to the ratification of the new Constitution of government recommended by the late Federal Convention, a declaration of rights asserting and securing from encroachment the great principle of civil and religious liberty and the unalienable rights of the people, together with amendments","Document [17](Title: Virginia Ratifying Convention) Virginia Ratifying Convention The Virginia Ratifying Convention (also historically referred to as the \"Virginia Federal Convention\") was a convention of 168 delegates from Virginia who met in 1788 to ratify or reject the United States Constitution, which had been drafted at the Philadelphia Convention the previous year. The Convention met and deliberated from June 2 through June 27 in Richmond at the Richmond Theatre, presently the site of Monumental Church. Judge Edmund Pendleton, Virginia delegate to the Constitutional Convention, served as the convention's president by unanimous consent. The Convention met from June 2\u201327, 1788, in the wooden \"Old Capitol\" building","Document [18](Title: Virginia Conventions) commissions for constitutional reform in 1927 for restructuring state government and in 1969 to conform the state constitution with congressional statutes of the Voting Rights Act and U.S. Constitutional law. Each of these 20th century recommendations was placed before the people for ratification in a referendum. The First Convention was organized after Lord Dunmore, the colony's royal governor, dissolved the House of Burgesses when that body called for a day of prayer as a show of solidarity with Boston, Massachusetts, when the British government closed the harbor under the Boston Port Act. The Burgesses, who had been elected by propertied","Document [19](Title: Virginia Constitutional Convention of 1850) Democrats were divided between easterners who supported an apportionment in the General Assembly based on a mixed basis of population and property which favored their slave-holding counties. Democrats in the west, while agreeing with anti-federal government Doctrines of '98 and states' rights, were more inclined to a white population basis. The Whigs were more united statewide in their insistence to expand suffrage and find a more equitable reapportionment between east and west sections. The General Assembly malapportionment was a perpetual irritant in Virginia's politics, and in December 1849 Democrat John B. Floyd became the fourth governor to call for a","Document [20](Title: Wyndham Robertson) House of Delegates, as one of their three delegates in the 1859-1861 session based on the representational changes after adoption of the Virginia Constitution of 1850 and population shifts documented in the census. As Virginia struggled with the idea of seceding from the United States, Robertson was a staunch Unionist, and tried to prevent its secession. He later characterized himself as a \"friend to peace and the Union\" and noted that he had actively opposed South Carolina's call for a Southern Convention in 1859. At the Henry Clay banquet in April 1860, at which former President John Tyler was present,"],"query":"who proposed the virginia plan at the constitutional convention?","answers":["Madison","James Madison"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Charles Pinckney (governor)) elaborate form of the Virginia Plan, proposed first by Edmund Randolph, but it was disregarded by the other delegates. Historians assess him as an important contributing delegate. Pinckney boasted that he was 24, allowing him to claim distinction as the youngest delegate, but he was 29 years old at the time of the convention. He attended full-time, spoke often and effectively, and contributed to the final draft and to resolution of problems that arose during the debates. He also worked for ratification of the constitution in South Carolina (1788). At the Convention, Pierce Butler and Pinckney, both from South Carolina,","Document [2](Title: Edmund Randolph) Virginia law forbade executive officers from private practice in its courts. The following year, as a delegate from Virginia to the Constitutional Convention, at age 34 Randolph introduced the Virginia Plan as an outline for a new national government. He argued against importation of slaves and in favor of a strong central government, advocating a plan for three chief executives from various parts of the country. The Virginia Plan also proposed a bicameral legislature, both houses of which comprising delegates chosen based on state population. Randolph additionally proposed, and was supported by unanimous approval by the Convention's delegates, \"that a","Document [3](Title: Constitutional Convention (United States)) and would therefore be selected by the legislature. The Virginia Plan also created a judiciary, and gave both the executive and some of the judiciary the power to veto, subject to override. After the Virginia Plan was introduced, New Jersey delegate William Paterson asked for an adjournment to contemplate the Plan. Under the Articles of Confederation, each state had equal representation in Congress, exercising one vote each. The Virginia Plan threatened to limit the smaller states' power by making both houses of the legislature proportionate to population. On June 14 and 15, 1787, a small-state caucus met to create a","Document [4](Title: Virginia Plan) of the national legislature. Each of the states would be represented in proportion to their \"Quotas of contribution, or to the number of free inhabitants.\" States with a large population, like Virginia (which was the most populous state at the time), would thus have more representatives than smaller states. Large states supported this plan, and smaller states generally opposed it, preferring an alternative put forward on June 15. The New Jersey Plan proposed a single-chamber legislature in which each state, regardless of size, would have one vote, as under the Articles of Confederation. In the end, the convention settled on","Document [5](Title: Stuart B. Carter) constitution requiring free public education (hence the January 1956 referendum to modify the state constitution which Carter was only one of four delegates to oppose). After both the Virginia Supreme Court and a three-judge federal panel announced on January 19, 1959 that the Stanley plan was unconstitutional, Governor J. Lindsay Almond Jr. eventually reconsidered his opposition to \"Brown\", and joined with the Perrow Commission plan. Meanwhile, Carter had been elected to the Virginia Senate, and although recovering from recent abdominal surgery, appeared to cast his crucial vote in favor of the Perrow Commission plan. Thus, it passed by a single","Document [6](Title: Virginia Plan) judicial). One contentious issue facing the convention was the manner in which large and small states would be represented in the legislature: proportionate to population, with larger states having more votes than less-populous states, or by equal representation for each state, regardless of its size and population. The latter system more closely resembled that of the Articles of Confederation, under which each state was represented by one vote in a unicameral legislature. The Virginia Plan proposed a legislative branch consisting of two chambers (bicameral legislature), with the dual principles of rotation in office and recall applied to the lower house","Document [7](Title: George Mason) powerful than the states. The Virginia Plan, if implemented, would base representation in both houses of the federal legislature on population. This was unsatisfactory to the smaller states. Delaware's delegates had been instructed to seek an equal vote for each state, and this became the New Jersey Plan, introduced by that state's governor, William Paterson. The divisions in the convention became apparent in late June, when by a narrow vote, the convention voted that representation in the lower house be based on population, but the motion of Connecticut's Oliver Ellsworth for each state to have an equal vote in the","Document [8](Title: Constitution of Virginia) Virginia General Assembly approved a new commission, chaired by former Governor Albertis Harrison, to revise the constitution. The Commission on Constitutional Revision presented its report and recommendations to Governor Godwin and the General Assembly in January 1969, and continued to work with them to draft a final consensus version. The proposed Constitution was overwhelmingly approved by the voters of Virginia (who by then included African-American men and women, following passage of federal civil rights legislation in the mid-1960s) and took effect on July 1, 1971. Since 1971, additional amendments have been passed by the General Assembly and approved by the","Document [9](Title: Constitutional Convention (United States)) and Nathaniel Gorham. Though the committee did not record minutes of its proceedings, three key surviving documents offer clues to the committee's handiwork: an outline by Randolph with edits by Rutledge, extensive notes and a second draft by Wilson, also with Rutledge's edits, and the committee's final report to the Convention. From this evidence it is thought that the committee used the original Virginia Plan, the decisions of the Convention on modifications to that plan, and other sources, such as the Articles of Confederation, provisions of the state constitutions, and even Charles Pinckney's plan, to produce the first full draft,","Document [10](Title: Constitutional Convention (United States)) of travel in the late 18th century, very few of the selected delegates were present on the designated day of May 14, 1787, and it was not until May 25 that a quorum of seven states was secured. (New Hampshire delegates would not join the Convention until more than halfway through the proceedings, on July 23.) James Madison arrived first, and soon most of the Virginia delegation arrived. While waiting for the other delegates, the Virginia delegation produced the Virginia Plan, which was designed and written by James Madison. On May 25, the delegations convened in the Pennsylvania State House.","Document [11](Title: Benjamin Banneker) in Thomas Jefferson's 1787 \"Notes on the State of Virginia\". The 1793 almanac also contained a copy of \"A Plan of a \"Peace-Office\", for the United States\". Although the almanac did not identify the Plan's author, writers later attributed the work to Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. The Plan proposed the appointment of a \"Secretary of Peace\", described the Secretary's powers and advocated federal support and promotion of the Christian religion. The Plan stated: On August 19, 1791, after departing the federal capital area, Banneker wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson, who in 1776 had drafted","Document [12](Title: Zephaniah Swift) General and presenter of the Virginia Plan at the Constitutional Convention; Robert Morris - \"Financier of the Revolution\"; Oliver Ellsworth - future Chief Justice and presenter of the Connecticut Plan; Charles Lee - Third Attorney General) and signers of the Declaration of Independence. Subscribers are listed from every state, including the original 13 colonies, Vermont, Kentucky and Tennessee, which became the 16th state when the second volume was published. In the introduction of \"A System of Law\" he explained that every citizen ought to acquire of knowledge of those laws that govern their daily conduct and \"secure the invaluable blessings","Document [13](Title: George Mason) original writing in Mason's hand is not known, the extent to which the final draft was written by him is uncertain. Nevertheless, William Fleming on June 22, 1776, sent Jefferson a copy of the draft before the Cary Committee, telling him \"the inclosed printed plan was drawn by Colo. G. Mason and by him laid before the committee\". Mason had submitted his plan sometime between June 8 and 10, 1776. It named the new state the \"Commonwealth of Virginia\", a name chosen pointedly by Mason to indicate that power stemmed from the people. The constitution provided for a popularly elected","Document [14](Title: George Mason) and formulated what became known as the Virginia Plan. They also did some sightseeing, and were presented to Pennsylvania's president, Benjamin Franklin. Within a week of arrival, Mason was bored with the social events to which the delegates were invited, \"I begin to grow tired of the etiquette and nonsense so fashionable in this city\". Going into the convention, Mason wanted to see a more powerful central government than under the Articles, but not one that would threaten local interests. He feared that the more numerous Northern states would dominate the union, and would impose restrictions on trade that would","Document [15](Title: Second Virginia Convention) into a posture of defence: and that Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Robert Carter Nicholas, Benjamin Harrison, Lemuel Riddick, George Washington, Adam Stephen, Andrew Lewis, William Christian, Edmund Pendleton, Thomas Jefferson and Isaac Zane, Esquires, be a committee to prepare a plan for the embodying arming and disciplining such a number of men as may be sufficient for that purpose.\" The speech was also a contributing factor in the decision by governor John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore to remove the gunpowder from the Williamsburg, Virginia magazine to a Royal Navy ship in the Gunpowder Incident. Virginia Conventions Second Virginia","Document [16](Title: David Stuart (Virginia politician)) resided at three estates in Fairfax County, Virginia: Abingdon, Hope Park and Ossian Hall. Stuart served as a representative to the Virginia House of Delegates and also to the Virginia convention of 1788 that considered the ratification of the United States Constitution. To address the issues of greatest concern, the convention considered the following resolution: \"Resolved\", That previous to the ratification of the new Constitution of government recommended by the late Federal Convention, a declaration of rights asserting and securing from encroachment the great principle of civil and religious liberty and the unalienable rights of the people, together with amendments","Document [17](Title: Virginia Ratifying Convention) Virginia Ratifying Convention The Virginia Ratifying Convention (also historically referred to as the \"Virginia Federal Convention\") was a convention of 168 delegates from Virginia who met in 1788 to ratify or reject the United States Constitution, which had been drafted at the Philadelphia Convention the previous year. The Convention met and deliberated from June 2 through June 27 in Richmond at the Richmond Theatre, presently the site of Monumental Church. Judge Edmund Pendleton, Virginia delegate to the Constitutional Convention, served as the convention's president by unanimous consent. The Convention met from June 2\u201327, 1788, in the wooden \"Old Capitol\" building","Document [18](Title: Virginia Conventions) commissions for constitutional reform in 1927 for restructuring state government and in 1969 to conform the state constitution with congressional statutes of the Voting Rights Act and U.S. Constitutional law. Each of these 20th century recommendations was placed before the people for ratification in a referendum. The First Convention was organized after Lord Dunmore, the colony's royal governor, dissolved the House of Burgesses when that body called for a day of prayer as a show of solidarity with Boston, Massachusetts, when the British government closed the harbor under the Boston Port Act. The Burgesses, who had been elected by propertied","Document [19](Title: Virginia Constitutional Convention of 1850) Democrats were divided between easterners who supported an apportionment in the General Assembly based on a mixed basis of population and property which favored their slave-holding counties. Democrats in the west, while agreeing with anti-federal government Doctrines of '98 and states' rights, were more inclined to a white population basis. The Whigs were more united statewide in their insistence to expand suffrage and find a more equitable reapportionment between east and west sections. The General Assembly malapportionment was a perpetual irritant in Virginia's politics, and in December 1849 Democrat John B. Floyd became the fourth governor to call for a","Document [20](Title: Wyndham Robertson) House of Delegates, as one of their three delegates in the 1859-1861 session based on the representational changes after adoption of the Virginia Constitution of 1850 and population shifts documented in the census. As Virginia struggled with the idea of seceding from the United States, Robertson was a staunch Unionist, and tried to prevent its secession. He later characterized himself as a \"friend to peace and the Union\" and noted that he had actively opposed South Carolina's call for a Southern Convention in 1859. At the Henry Clay banquet in April 1860, at which former President John Tyler was present,"],"query":"who proposed the virginia plan at the constitutional convention?","answers":["Madison","James Madison"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Charles Pinckney (governor)) elaborate form of the Virginia Plan, proposed first by Edmund Randolph, but it was disregarded by the other delegates. Historians assess him as an important contributing delegate. Pinckney boasted that he was 24, allowing him to claim distinction as the youngest delegate, but he was 29 years old at the time of the convention. He attended full-time, spoke often and effectively, and contributed to the final draft and to resolution of problems that arose during the debates. He also worked for ratification of the constitution in South Carolina (1788). At the Convention, Pierce Butler and Pinckney, both from South Carolina,","Document [2](Title: Edmund Randolph) Virginia law forbade executive officers from private practice in its courts. The following year, as a delegate from Virginia to the Constitutional Convention, at age 34 Randolph introduced the Virginia Plan as an outline for a new national government. He argued against importation of slaves and in favor of a strong central government, advocating a plan for three chief executives from various parts of the country. The Virginia Plan also proposed a bicameral legislature, both houses of which comprising delegates chosen based on state population. Randolph additionally proposed, and was supported by unanimous approval by the Convention's delegates, \"that a","Document [3](Title: Constitutional Convention (United States)) and would therefore be selected by the legislature. The Virginia Plan also created a judiciary, and gave both the executive and some of the judiciary the power to veto, subject to override. After the Virginia Plan was introduced, New Jersey delegate William Paterson asked for an adjournment to contemplate the Plan. Under the Articles of Confederation, each state had equal representation in Congress, exercising one vote each. The Virginia Plan threatened to limit the smaller states' power by making both houses of the legislature proportionate to population. On June 14 and 15, 1787, a small-state caucus met to create a","Document [4](Title: Virginia Plan) of the national legislature. Each of the states would be represented in proportion to their \"Quotas of contribution, or to the number of free inhabitants.\" States with a large population, like Virginia (which was the most populous state at the time), would thus have more representatives than smaller states. Large states supported this plan, and smaller states generally opposed it, preferring an alternative put forward on June 15. The New Jersey Plan proposed a single-chamber legislature in which each state, regardless of size, would have one vote, as under the Articles of Confederation. In the end, the convention settled on","Document [5](Title: Stuart B. Carter) constitution requiring free public education (hence the January 1956 referendum to modify the state constitution which Carter was only one of four delegates to oppose). After both the Virginia Supreme Court and a three-judge federal panel announced on January 19, 1959 that the Stanley plan was unconstitutional, Governor J. Lindsay Almond Jr. eventually reconsidered his opposition to \"Brown\", and joined with the Perrow Commission plan. Meanwhile, Carter had been elected to the Virginia Senate, and although recovering from recent abdominal surgery, appeared to cast his crucial vote in favor of the Perrow Commission plan. Thus, it passed by a single","Document [6](Title: Virginia Plan) judicial). One contentious issue facing the convention was the manner in which large and small states would be represented in the legislature: proportionate to population, with larger states having more votes than less-populous states, or by equal representation for each state, regardless of its size and population. The latter system more closely resembled that of the Articles of Confederation, under which each state was represented by one vote in a unicameral legislature. The Virginia Plan proposed a legislative branch consisting of two chambers (bicameral legislature), with the dual principles of rotation in office and recall applied to the lower house","Document [7](Title: George Mason) powerful than the states. The Virginia Plan, if implemented, would base representation in both houses of the federal legislature on population. This was unsatisfactory to the smaller states. Delaware's delegates had been instructed to seek an equal vote for each state, and this became the New Jersey Plan, introduced by that state's governor, William Paterson. The divisions in the convention became apparent in late June, when by a narrow vote, the convention voted that representation in the lower house be based on population, but the motion of Connecticut's Oliver Ellsworth for each state to have an equal vote in the","Document [8](Title: Constitution of Virginia) Virginia General Assembly approved a new commission, chaired by former Governor Albertis Harrison, to revise the constitution. The Commission on Constitutional Revision presented its report and recommendations to Governor Godwin and the General Assembly in January 1969, and continued to work with them to draft a final consensus version. The proposed Constitution was overwhelmingly approved by the voters of Virginia (who by then included African-American men and women, following passage of federal civil rights legislation in the mid-1960s) and took effect on July 1, 1971. Since 1971, additional amendments have been passed by the General Assembly and approved by the","Document [9](Title: Constitutional Convention (United States)) and Nathaniel Gorham. Though the committee did not record minutes of its proceedings, three key surviving documents offer clues to the committee's handiwork: an outline by Randolph with edits by Rutledge, extensive notes and a second draft by Wilson, also with Rutledge's edits, and the committee's final report to the Convention. From this evidence it is thought that the committee used the original Virginia Plan, the decisions of the Convention on modifications to that plan, and other sources, such as the Articles of Confederation, provisions of the state constitutions, and even Charles Pinckney's plan, to produce the first full draft,","Document [10](Title: Benjamin Banneker) in Thomas Jefferson's 1787 \"Notes on the State of Virginia\". The 1793 almanac also contained a copy of \"A Plan of a \"Peace-Office\", for the United States\". Although the almanac did not identify the Plan's author, writers later attributed the work to Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. The Plan proposed the appointment of a \"Secretary of Peace\", described the Secretary's powers and advocated federal support and promotion of the Christian religion. The Plan stated: On August 19, 1791, after departing the federal capital area, Banneker wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson, who in 1776 had drafted","Document [11](Title: Zephaniah Swift) General and presenter of the Virginia Plan at the Constitutional Convention; Robert Morris - \"Financier of the Revolution\"; Oliver Ellsworth - future Chief Justice and presenter of the Connecticut Plan; Charles Lee - Third Attorney General) and signers of the Declaration of Independence. Subscribers are listed from every state, including the original 13 colonies, Vermont, Kentucky and Tennessee, which became the 16th state when the second volume was published. In the introduction of \"A System of Law\" he explained that every citizen ought to acquire of knowledge of those laws that govern their daily conduct and \"secure the invaluable blessings","Document [12](Title: George Mason) original writing in Mason's hand is not known, the extent to which the final draft was written by him is uncertain. Nevertheless, William Fleming on June 22, 1776, sent Jefferson a copy of the draft before the Cary Committee, telling him \"the inclosed printed plan was drawn by Colo. G. Mason and by him laid before the committee\". Mason had submitted his plan sometime between June 8 and 10, 1776. It named the new state the \"Commonwealth of Virginia\", a name chosen pointedly by Mason to indicate that power stemmed from the people. The constitution provided for a popularly elected","Document [13](Title: George Mason) and formulated what became known as the Virginia Plan. They also did some sightseeing, and were presented to Pennsylvania's president, Benjamin Franklin. Within a week of arrival, Mason was bored with the social events to which the delegates were invited, \"I begin to grow tired of the etiquette and nonsense so fashionable in this city\". Going into the convention, Mason wanted to see a more powerful central government than under the Articles, but not one that would threaten local interests. He feared that the more numerous Northern states would dominate the union, and would impose restrictions on trade that would","Document [14](Title: Second Virginia Convention) into a posture of defence: and that Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Robert Carter Nicholas, Benjamin Harrison, Lemuel Riddick, George Washington, Adam Stephen, Andrew Lewis, William Christian, Edmund Pendleton, Thomas Jefferson and Isaac Zane, Esquires, be a committee to prepare a plan for the embodying arming and disciplining such a number of men as may be sufficient for that purpose.\" The speech was also a contributing factor in the decision by governor John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore to remove the gunpowder from the Williamsburg, Virginia magazine to a Royal Navy ship in the Gunpowder Incident. Virginia Conventions Second Virginia","Document [15](Title: Constitutional Convention (United States)) of travel in the late 18th century, very few of the selected delegates were present on the designated day of May 14, 1787, and it was not until May 25 that a quorum of seven states was secured. (New Hampshire delegates would not join the Convention until more than halfway through the proceedings, on July 23.) James Madison arrived first, and soon most of the Virginia delegation arrived. While waiting for the other delegates, the Virginia delegation produced the Virginia Plan, which was designed and written by James Madison. On May 25, the delegations convened in the Pennsylvania State House.","Document [16](Title: David Stuart (Virginia politician)) resided at three estates in Fairfax County, Virginia: Abingdon, Hope Park and Ossian Hall. Stuart served as a representative to the Virginia House of Delegates and also to the Virginia convention of 1788 that considered the ratification of the United States Constitution. To address the issues of greatest concern, the convention considered the following resolution: \"Resolved\", That previous to the ratification of the new Constitution of government recommended by the late Federal Convention, a declaration of rights asserting and securing from encroachment the great principle of civil and religious liberty and the unalienable rights of the people, together with amendments","Document [17](Title: Virginia Ratifying Convention) Virginia Ratifying Convention The Virginia Ratifying Convention (also historically referred to as the \"Virginia Federal Convention\") was a convention of 168 delegates from Virginia who met in 1788 to ratify or reject the United States Constitution, which had been drafted at the Philadelphia Convention the previous year. The Convention met and deliberated from June 2 through June 27 in Richmond at the Richmond Theatre, presently the site of Monumental Church. Judge Edmund Pendleton, Virginia delegate to the Constitutional Convention, served as the convention's president by unanimous consent. The Convention met from June 2\u201327, 1788, in the wooden \"Old Capitol\" building","Document [18](Title: Virginia Conventions) commissions for constitutional reform in 1927 for restructuring state government and in 1969 to conform the state constitution with congressional statutes of the Voting Rights Act and U.S. Constitutional law. Each of these 20th century recommendations was placed before the people for ratification in a referendum. The First Convention was organized after Lord Dunmore, the colony's royal governor, dissolved the House of Burgesses when that body called for a day of prayer as a show of solidarity with Boston, Massachusetts, when the British government closed the harbor under the Boston Port Act. The Burgesses, who had been elected by propertied","Document [19](Title: Virginia Constitutional Convention of 1850) Democrats were divided between easterners who supported an apportionment in the General Assembly based on a mixed basis of population and property which favored their slave-holding counties. Democrats in the west, while agreeing with anti-federal government Doctrines of '98 and states' rights, were more inclined to a white population basis. The Whigs were more united statewide in their insistence to expand suffrage and find a more equitable reapportionment between east and west sections. The General Assembly malapportionment was a perpetual irritant in Virginia's politics, and in December 1849 Democrat John B. Floyd became the fourth governor to call for a","Document [20](Title: Wyndham Robertson) House of Delegates, as one of their three delegates in the 1859-1861 session based on the representational changes after adoption of the Virginia Constitution of 1850 and population shifts documented in the census. As Virginia struggled with the idea of seceding from the United States, Robertson was a staunch Unionist, and tried to prevent its secession. He later characterized himself as a \"friend to peace and the Union\" and noted that he had actively opposed South Carolina's call for a Southern Convention in 1859. At the Henry Clay banquet in April 1860, at which former President John Tyler was present,"],"query":"who proposed the virginia plan at the constitutional convention?","answers":["Madison","James Madison"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Charles Pinckney (governor)) elaborate form of the Virginia Plan, proposed first by Edmund Randolph, but it was disregarded by the other delegates. Historians assess him as an important contributing delegate. Pinckney boasted that he was 24, allowing him to claim distinction as the youngest delegate, but he was 29 years old at the time of the convention. He attended full-time, spoke often and effectively, and contributed to the final draft and to resolution of problems that arose during the debates. He also worked for ratification of the constitution in South Carolina (1788). At the Convention, Pierce Butler and Pinckney, both from South Carolina,","Document [2](Title: Edmund Randolph) Virginia law forbade executive officers from private practice in its courts. The following year, as a delegate from Virginia to the Constitutional Convention, at age 34 Randolph introduced the Virginia Plan as an outline for a new national government. He argued against importation of slaves and in favor of a strong central government, advocating a plan for three chief executives from various parts of the country. The Virginia Plan also proposed a bicameral legislature, both houses of which comprising delegates chosen based on state population. Randolph additionally proposed, and was supported by unanimous approval by the Convention's delegates, \"that a","Document [3](Title: Constitutional Convention (United States)) and would therefore be selected by the legislature. The Virginia Plan also created a judiciary, and gave both the executive and some of the judiciary the power to veto, subject to override. After the Virginia Plan was introduced, New Jersey delegate William Paterson asked for an adjournment to contemplate the Plan. Under the Articles of Confederation, each state had equal representation in Congress, exercising one vote each. The Virginia Plan threatened to limit the smaller states' power by making both houses of the legislature proportionate to population. On June 14 and 15, 1787, a small-state caucus met to create a","Document [4](Title: Virginia Plan) of the national legislature. Each of the states would be represented in proportion to their \"Quotas of contribution, or to the number of free inhabitants.\" States with a large population, like Virginia (which was the most populous state at the time), would thus have more representatives than smaller states. Large states supported this plan, and smaller states generally opposed it, preferring an alternative put forward on June 15. The New Jersey Plan proposed a single-chamber legislature in which each state, regardless of size, would have one vote, as under the Articles of Confederation. In the end, the convention settled on","Document [5](Title: Stuart B. Carter) constitution requiring free public education (hence the January 1956 referendum to modify the state constitution which Carter was only one of four delegates to oppose). After both the Virginia Supreme Court and a three-judge federal panel announced on January 19, 1959 that the Stanley plan was unconstitutional, Governor J. Lindsay Almond Jr. eventually reconsidered his opposition to \"Brown\", and joined with the Perrow Commission plan. Meanwhile, Carter had been elected to the Virginia Senate, and although recovering from recent abdominal surgery, appeared to cast his crucial vote in favor of the Perrow Commission plan. Thus, it passed by a single","Document [6](Title: Virginia Plan) judicial). One contentious issue facing the convention was the manner in which large and small states would be represented in the legislature: proportionate to population, with larger states having more votes than less-populous states, or by equal representation for each state, regardless of its size and population. The latter system more closely resembled that of the Articles of Confederation, under which each state was represented by one vote in a unicameral legislature. The Virginia Plan proposed a legislative branch consisting of two chambers (bicameral legislature), with the dual principles of rotation in office and recall applied to the lower house","Document [7](Title: George Mason) powerful than the states. The Virginia Plan, if implemented, would base representation in both houses of the federal legislature on population. This was unsatisfactory to the smaller states. Delaware's delegates had been instructed to seek an equal vote for each state, and this became the New Jersey Plan, introduced by that state's governor, William Paterson. The divisions in the convention became apparent in late June, when by a narrow vote, the convention voted that representation in the lower house be based on population, but the motion of Connecticut's Oliver Ellsworth for each state to have an equal vote in the","Document [8](Title: Constitution of Virginia) Virginia General Assembly approved a new commission, chaired by former Governor Albertis Harrison, to revise the constitution. The Commission on Constitutional Revision presented its report and recommendations to Governor Godwin and the General Assembly in January 1969, and continued to work with them to draft a final consensus version. The proposed Constitution was overwhelmingly approved by the voters of Virginia (who by then included African-American men and women, following passage of federal civil rights legislation in the mid-1960s) and took effect on July 1, 1971. Since 1971, additional amendments have been passed by the General Assembly and approved by the","Document [9](Title: Constitutional Convention (United States)) and Nathaniel Gorham. Though the committee did not record minutes of its proceedings, three key surviving documents offer clues to the committee's handiwork: an outline by Randolph with edits by Rutledge, extensive notes and a second draft by Wilson, also with Rutledge's edits, and the committee's final report to the Convention. From this evidence it is thought that the committee used the original Virginia Plan, the decisions of the Convention on modifications to that plan, and other sources, such as the Articles of Confederation, provisions of the state constitutions, and even Charles Pinckney's plan, to produce the first full draft,","Document [10](Title: Benjamin Banneker) in Thomas Jefferson's 1787 \"Notes on the State of Virginia\". The 1793 almanac also contained a copy of \"A Plan of a \"Peace-Office\", for the United States\". Although the almanac did not identify the Plan's author, writers later attributed the work to Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. The Plan proposed the appointment of a \"Secretary of Peace\", described the Secretary's powers and advocated federal support and promotion of the Christian religion. The Plan stated: On August 19, 1791, after departing the federal capital area, Banneker wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson, who in 1776 had drafted","Document [11](Title: Zephaniah Swift) General and presenter of the Virginia Plan at the Constitutional Convention; Robert Morris - \"Financier of the Revolution\"; Oliver Ellsworth - future Chief Justice and presenter of the Connecticut Plan; Charles Lee - Third Attorney General) and signers of the Declaration of Independence. Subscribers are listed from every state, including the original 13 colonies, Vermont, Kentucky and Tennessee, which became the 16th state when the second volume was published. In the introduction of \"A System of Law\" he explained that every citizen ought to acquire of knowledge of those laws that govern their daily conduct and \"secure the invaluable blessings","Document [12](Title: George Mason) original writing in Mason's hand is not known, the extent to which the final draft was written by him is uncertain. Nevertheless, William Fleming on June 22, 1776, sent Jefferson a copy of the draft before the Cary Committee, telling him \"the inclosed printed plan was drawn by Colo. G. Mason and by him laid before the committee\". Mason had submitted his plan sometime between June 8 and 10, 1776. It named the new state the \"Commonwealth of Virginia\", a name chosen pointedly by Mason to indicate that power stemmed from the people. The constitution provided for a popularly elected","Document [13](Title: George Mason) and formulated what became known as the Virginia Plan. They also did some sightseeing, and were presented to Pennsylvania's president, Benjamin Franklin. Within a week of arrival, Mason was bored with the social events to which the delegates were invited, \"I begin to grow tired of the etiquette and nonsense so fashionable in this city\". Going into the convention, Mason wanted to see a more powerful central government than under the Articles, but not one that would threaten local interests. He feared that the more numerous Northern states would dominate the union, and would impose restrictions on trade that would","Document [14](Title: Second Virginia Convention) into a posture of defence: and that Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Robert Carter Nicholas, Benjamin Harrison, Lemuel Riddick, George Washington, Adam Stephen, Andrew Lewis, William Christian, Edmund Pendleton, Thomas Jefferson and Isaac Zane, Esquires, be a committee to prepare a plan for the embodying arming and disciplining such a number of men as may be sufficient for that purpose.\" The speech was also a contributing factor in the decision by governor John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore to remove the gunpowder from the Williamsburg, Virginia magazine to a Royal Navy ship in the Gunpowder Incident. Virginia Conventions Second Virginia","Document [15](Title: David Stuart (Virginia politician)) resided at three estates in Fairfax County, Virginia: Abingdon, Hope Park and Ossian Hall. Stuart served as a representative to the Virginia House of Delegates and also to the Virginia convention of 1788 that considered the ratification of the United States Constitution. To address the issues of greatest concern, the convention considered the following resolution: \"Resolved\", That previous to the ratification of the new Constitution of government recommended by the late Federal Convention, a declaration of rights asserting and securing from encroachment the great principle of civil and religious liberty and the unalienable rights of the people, together with amendments","Document [16](Title: Virginia Ratifying Convention) Virginia Ratifying Convention The Virginia Ratifying Convention (also historically referred to as the \"Virginia Federal Convention\") was a convention of 168 delegates from Virginia who met in 1788 to ratify or reject the United States Constitution, which had been drafted at the Philadelphia Convention the previous year. The Convention met and deliberated from June 2 through June 27 in Richmond at the Richmond Theatre, presently the site of Monumental Church. Judge Edmund Pendleton, Virginia delegate to the Constitutional Convention, served as the convention's president by unanimous consent. The Convention met from June 2\u201327, 1788, in the wooden \"Old Capitol\" building","Document [17](Title: Virginia Conventions) commissions for constitutional reform in 1927 for restructuring state government and in 1969 to conform the state constitution with congressional statutes of the Voting Rights Act and U.S. Constitutional law. Each of these 20th century recommendations was placed before the people for ratification in a referendum. The First Convention was organized after Lord Dunmore, the colony's royal governor, dissolved the House of Burgesses when that body called for a day of prayer as a show of solidarity with Boston, Massachusetts, when the British government closed the harbor under the Boston Port Act. The Burgesses, who had been elected by propertied","Document [18](Title: Virginia Constitutional Convention of 1850) Democrats were divided between easterners who supported an apportionment in the General Assembly based on a mixed basis of population and property which favored their slave-holding counties. Democrats in the west, while agreeing with anti-federal government Doctrines of '98 and states' rights, were more inclined to a white population basis. The Whigs were more united statewide in their insistence to expand suffrage and find a more equitable reapportionment between east and west sections. The General Assembly malapportionment was a perpetual irritant in Virginia's politics, and in December 1849 Democrat John B. Floyd became the fourth governor to call for a","Document [19](Title: Wyndham Robertson) House of Delegates, as one of their three delegates in the 1859-1861 session based on the representational changes after adoption of the Virginia Constitution of 1850 and population shifts documented in the census. As Virginia struggled with the idea of seceding from the United States, Robertson was a staunch Unionist, and tried to prevent its secession. He later characterized himself as a \"friend to peace and the Union\" and noted that he had actively opposed South Carolina's call for a Southern Convention in 1859. At the Henry Clay banquet in April 1860, at which former President John Tyler was present,","Document [20](Title: Constitutional Convention (United States)) of travel in the late 18th century, very few of the selected delegates were present on the designated day of May 14, 1787, and it was not until May 25 that a quorum of seven states was secured. (New Hampshire delegates would not join the Convention until more than halfway through the proceedings, on July 23.) James Madison arrived first, and soon most of the Virginia delegation arrived. While waiting for the other delegates, the Virginia delegation produced the Virginia Plan, which was designed and written by James Madison. On May 25, the delegations convened in the Pennsylvania State House."],"query":"who proposed the virginia plan at the constitutional convention?","answers":["Madison","James Madison"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) Half-Life 2: Episode Two is a first-person shooter video game, the second in a series of episodic sequels to the 2004 Half-Life 2. It was developed by Valve Corporation in tandem with Episode One, the first game in the series, and released in 2007 via Valve's Steam content distribution platform. The episode was released both separately and as a part of a bundled package, The Orange Box.","Document [2](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) the series separated. It was originally rumored that \"Episode Two\" would be delayed until 2008. On June 14, 2007, however, Valve confirmed the release date for \"Episode Two\" to be October 9, 2007 for all announced platforms. Valve handled the development of the game for the PC and Xbox 360, while Electronic Arts British office in Chertsey worked on the PlayStation 3 version of the game. It was announced on September 7, 2007 that the PlayStation 3 version of the game would be delayed because the development studio behind the game was in the United Kingdom, away from Valve's development","Document [3](Title: Half-Life 2) the \"Half-Life 2\" \"episodes\" are essentially \"Half-Life 3\". He reasons that rather than force fans to wait another six years for a full sequel, Valve Corporation would release the game in episodic installments. Newell stated that a more accurate title for these episodes would have been \"\"Half-Life 3: Episode One\"\" and so forth, having referred to the episodes as \"Half-Life 3\" repeatedly throughout the interview. In a May 2011 interview with Develop, Newell stated that the episodic model had been replaced by even shorter development cycles and continuous updates via Steam. Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2 (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE) is a","Document [4](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) Half-Life 2: Episode One Half-Life 2: Episode One (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE: EPISODE ONE) is a first-person shooter video game, the first in an intended series of episodes that would serve as the sequels to \"Half-Life 2\" (2004). It was developed by Valve Corporation and released on June 1, 2006. Originally called \"Half-Life 2: Aftermath\", the game was renamed \"Episode One\" after Valve became confident in using an episodic structure for the game. \"Episode One\" uses the same game engine, Source, as \"Half-Life 2\". The game debuted new lighting and animation technologies, as well as AI sidekick enhancements. The game's events","Document [5](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) body. \"Episode Two\" was developed simultaneously with \"Episode One\" by a development team led by David Speyrer. This schedule of simultaneous development aided them in streamlining the story between the two games to create an immersive story. The technology used was the same for both games, allowing the development teams to quickly fix any technical problems that might arise from either game; this happened often because of the multi-platform release. An announcement was made on July 13, 2006 stating that \"Episode Two\" would be released on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in addition to the PC, where previous iterations of","Document [6](Title: Half-Life 2) Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2 (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE) is a first-person shooter video game developed and published by Valve Corporation. It is the sequel to 1998's \"Half-Life\" and was released in November 2004 following a five-year $40 million development. During development, a substantial part of the project was leaked and distributed on the Internet. The game was developed alongside Valve's Steam software and the Source engine. Taking place some years after the events of \"Half-Life\", protagonist Gordon Freeman is awakened by the enigmatic G-Man to find the world has been taken over by the alien Combine. Joined by allies including resistance","Document [7](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) aggregator GameRankings. On Metacritic, the game had an average score of 90 out of 100, based on 21 reviews. Dan Adams of IGN rated the game 9.4 out of 10 and praised its improved visuals and expansive environments, but cited the short six-hour length as a drawback. He said: \"Any way you look at it, Episode Two stands out, even among the Half-Life series, as something special ... a burly experience packed into roughly six hours or so that offers up all the diversity, level design, and thoughtful gameplay we've known while making sure to propel the story forward and","Document [8](Title: Half-Life 2) judge took into account such factors as Gembe's difficult childhood and the fact that he was taking steps to improve his situation. A 1 GB portion of \"Half-Life 2\" became available for pre-load through Steam on August 26, 2004. This meant that customers could begin to download encrypted game files to their computer before the game was released. When the game's release date arrived, customers were able to pay for the game through Steam, unlock the files on their hard drives and play the game immediately, without having to wait for the entire game to download. The pre-load period lasted","Document [9](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) companion. A common criticism of the game is its short length. \"Episode One\" takes roughly 4\u20136 hours to complete, which raises the issue of whether the game justifies its price. \"Computer Games Magazine\" argued the futility of reviewing the game due to its episodic nature; as the first part of a three-part story arc, it is difficult to judge it when divorced from the final product. Game Revolution expressed disappointment at a lack of new features such as environments and weapons. Half-Life 2: Episode One Half-Life 2: Episode One (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE: EPISODE ONE) is a first-person shooter video game,","Document [10](Title: The Orange Box) \"Half-Life\" have come to bear fully upon human society, and he is forced to fight against increasingly unfavorable odds in order to survive. In his struggle, he is joined by various acquaintances, including former Black Mesa colleagues, oppressed citizens of City 17, and the Vortigaunts, all of whom later prove to be valuable allies. \"Half-Life 2\" received critical acclaim, including 35 Game of the Year awards, when it was originally released for Windows in 2004. , over 6.5 million copies of Half-Life 2 have been sold at retail. Although Steam sales figures are unknown, their rate surpassed retail's in mid-2008","Document [11](Title: Half-Life 2) for \"Team Fortress 2\" was added on June 10, 2010, completing the package. In May 2013, Valve released a beta update to \"Half-Life 2\" which included support for the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, with a full release of the feature coming later that year in June. An NVIDIA Shield-exclusive port for Android was released on May 12, 2014. Purchasers of the Gold Package of the game were given (among other things) a CD soundtrack, titled The Soundtrack of Half-Life 2, containing nearly all the music from the game, along with three bonus tracks. This CD was available for separate","Document [12](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) Citadel as it detonates. The resulting shockwave catches the train, derailing it. \"Half-Life 2: Episode One\" is the first in a trilogy of episodes serving as the sequel of the 2004 first-person shooter video game \"Half-Life 2\". In February 2006, Valve announced that they would be releasing a trilogy of episodes covering the same story arc. While the plots and dialogue of \"Half-Life\" and \"Half-Life 2\" were written solely by Valve's in-house writer Marc Laidlaw, the \"Half-Life 2\" Episodes were collaboratively written by Laidlaw, Chet Faliszek, and Erik Wolpaw, with Laidlaw retaining overall leadership of the group. Valve explained that","Document [13](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) in City 17. Likewise, City 17 has been altered to reflect the aftermath of the resistance's open rebellion, with vast swathes of destroyed buildings, and the introduction of foes previously kept outside its confines in \"Half-Life 2\" to emphasize the scale of the uprising. Upon release, \"Episode One\" was sold in both retail stores and Valve's online Steam distribution system, where it was sold at a discount price. The game was also distributed by Electronic Arts as both a standalone release and as part of \"Half-Life 2: Platinum Collection\". It was available for pre-load and pre-purchase through Steam on May","Document [14](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) the Russian edition of \"The Orange Box\" and is also sold separately. An audio commentary is also featured, as in \"\" and \"\". A notable change to the vocal cast is the inclusion of actor Tony Todd as the voice of the Vortigaunts. He replaces Louis Gossett, Jr. in the role. Actor Adam Baldwin voices several of the civilian and rebel NPCs, most notably the character who informs the player of the Striders' locations in the penultimate chapter. \"Half-Life 2: Episode 2\" received critical acclaim. The game had an average score of 90.68% based on 22 reviews on the review","Document [15](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) team, and therefore lagged behind in its schedule. Valve's marketing director, Doug Lombardi, gave assurance that the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC versions of the game would be identical in functionality and performance. \"Episode Two\"s soundtrack was composed by Kelly Bailey, who also composed the music for the \"Half-Life\" series' other installments. The music is used sparingly throughout, played primarily during scenes of major plot development or particularly important action sequences, such as an early fight with a massive wave of Antlions or speeding down train tracks while being fired on by a helicopter. The soundtrack is included in","Document [16](Title: Half-Life 2) purchase via the Valve online store. The soundtrack was re-released in 2014 for use in Steam Music. Tracks 15, 16, 18 and 42 are bonus tracks that are exclusive to the CD soundtrack. Many of the tracks were retitled and carried over from the \"Half-Life\" soundtrack; the names in parentheses are the original titles. Tracks 34, 41, and 42 are remixes. The composer of the soundtrack is Kelly Bailey. \"Half-Life 2\" received critical acclaim upon release, gaining an aggregated score of 96\/100 on Metacritic. Sources, such as GameSpy, \"The Cincinnati Enquirer\", \"The New York Times\", and \"VideoGamer.com\", have given perfect","Document [17](Title: Half-Life (series)) a journalist attempting to infiltrate the Black Mesa Research Facility and discover what was happening there. In early 2009, the Purchase Brothers, a Toronto-based film company, released a five-minute film based on \"Half-Life 2: Episode One,\" \"\". The film combines live-action footage with 3D animation created using the Source SDK. It was well received by Valve. On August 25, 2010 they released a nearly 15-minute long sequel. In late 2010 a trailer for a \"Half-Life\" inspired independent short film, \"Beyond Black Mesa,\" was released. Directed by Brian Curtin, it follows the character Adrian Shephard. The full short film was released","Document [18](Title: The Orange Box) against the Combine. The game was originally released in 2006 for Windows as a standalone game and was generally well received. \"Half-Life 2: Episode Two\" was first available as part of \"The Orange Box\" and focuses on expansive environments, travel, and less linear play. In the game, Gordon Freeman and the series' other major characters move away from City 17 to the surrounding wilderness following the closing events of \"Episode One\". The game was praised for its new environments and features and was well received by critics. \"Portal\" is a single-player first-person action\/puzzle game that was first available as part","Document [19](Title: Half-Life (series)) all use Valve's GoldSrc game engine, a heavily modified \"Quake\" engine. The later games accompanying the sequel all use Valve's proprietary Source engine. \"Half-Life\" is the first game in the series, and was the debut game of Valve Software, released on November 19, 1998. \"Half-Life\" follows Gordon Freeman, a theoretical physicist, after the Black Mesa Research Facility accidentally causes a dimensional rift which allows the facility to be invaded by aliens. Freeman consequently attempts to survive the slaughter and resolve the situation. The game was originally published by Sierra Studios and released for Windows, although Gearbox Software would later port","Document [20](Title: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch) Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Deathmatch is a multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Valve Corporation. Released on Steam on November 30, 2004, it uses many of the assets from \"Half-Life 2\" and its Source engine. It features new levels, optimized for multiplayer arena play, and a few new weapons. Also included are portions of the game's source code, which were the basis for many early Source-based multiplayer modifications. The game is the successor to the popular multiplayer component of the original \"Half-Life\", but is offered as a separate product from \"Half-Life 2\". \"Deathmatch\", like \"Half-Life\"s multiplayer, does not"],"query":"when was half life 2 episode 2 released?","answers":["in 2007","October 10, 2007"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) the series separated. It was originally rumored that \"Episode Two\" would be delayed until 2008. On June 14, 2007, however, Valve confirmed the release date for \"Episode Two\" to be October 9, 2007 for all announced platforms. Valve handled the development of the game for the PC and Xbox 360, while Electronic Arts British office in Chertsey worked on the PlayStation 3 version of the game. It was announced on September 7, 2007 that the PlayStation 3 version of the game would be delayed because the development studio behind the game was in the United Kingdom, away from Valve's development","Document [2](Title: Half-Life 2) the \"Half-Life 2\" \"episodes\" are essentially \"Half-Life 3\". He reasons that rather than force fans to wait another six years for a full sequel, Valve Corporation would release the game in episodic installments. Newell stated that a more accurate title for these episodes would have been \"\"Half-Life 3: Episode One\"\" and so forth, having referred to the episodes as \"Half-Life 3\" repeatedly throughout the interview. In a May 2011 interview with Develop, Newell stated that the episodic model had been replaced by even shorter development cycles and continuous updates via Steam. Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2 (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE) is a","Document [3](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) Half-Life 2: Episode One Half-Life 2: Episode One (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE: EPISODE ONE) is a first-person shooter video game, the first in an intended series of episodes that would serve as the sequels to \"Half-Life 2\" (2004). It was developed by Valve Corporation and released on June 1, 2006. Originally called \"Half-Life 2: Aftermath\", the game was renamed \"Episode One\" after Valve became confident in using an episodic structure for the game. \"Episode One\" uses the same game engine, Source, as \"Half-Life 2\". The game debuted new lighting and animation technologies, as well as AI sidekick enhancements. The game's events","Document [4](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) body. \"Episode Two\" was developed simultaneously with \"Episode One\" by a development team led by David Speyrer. This schedule of simultaneous development aided them in streamlining the story between the two games to create an immersive story. The technology used was the same for both games, allowing the development teams to quickly fix any technical problems that might arise from either game; this happened often because of the multi-platform release. An announcement was made on July 13, 2006 stating that \"Episode Two\" would be released on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in addition to the PC, where previous iterations of","Document [5](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) Half-Life 2: Episode Two is a first-person shooter video game, the second in a series of episodic sequels to the 2004 Half-Life 2. It was developed by Valve Corporation in tandem with Episode One, the first game in the series, and released in 2007 via Valve's Steam content distribution platform. The episode was released both separately and as a part of a bundled package, The Orange Box.","Document [6](Title: Half-Life 2) Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2 (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE) is a first-person shooter video game developed and published by Valve Corporation. It is the sequel to 1998's \"Half-Life\" and was released in November 2004 following a five-year $40 million development. During development, a substantial part of the project was leaked and distributed on the Internet. The game was developed alongside Valve's Steam software and the Source engine. Taking place some years after the events of \"Half-Life\", protagonist Gordon Freeman is awakened by the enigmatic G-Man to find the world has been taken over by the alien Combine. Joined by allies including resistance","Document [7](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) aggregator GameRankings. On Metacritic, the game had an average score of 90 out of 100, based on 21 reviews. Dan Adams of IGN rated the game 9.4 out of 10 and praised its improved visuals and expansive environments, but cited the short six-hour length as a drawback. He said: \"Any way you look at it, Episode Two stands out, even among the Half-Life series, as something special ... a burly experience packed into roughly six hours or so that offers up all the diversity, level design, and thoughtful gameplay we've known while making sure to propel the story forward and","Document [8](Title: Half-Life 2) judge took into account such factors as Gembe's difficult childhood and the fact that he was taking steps to improve his situation. A 1 GB portion of \"Half-Life 2\" became available for pre-load through Steam on August 26, 2004. This meant that customers could begin to download encrypted game files to their computer before the game was released. When the game's release date arrived, customers were able to pay for the game through Steam, unlock the files on their hard drives and play the game immediately, without having to wait for the entire game to download. The pre-load period lasted","Document [9](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) companion. A common criticism of the game is its short length. \"Episode One\" takes roughly 4\u20136 hours to complete, which raises the issue of whether the game justifies its price. \"Computer Games Magazine\" argued the futility of reviewing the game due to its episodic nature; as the first part of a three-part story arc, it is difficult to judge it when divorced from the final product. Game Revolution expressed disappointment at a lack of new features such as environments and weapons. Half-Life 2: Episode One Half-Life 2: Episode One (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE: EPISODE ONE) is a first-person shooter video game,","Document [10](Title: The Orange Box) \"Half-Life\" have come to bear fully upon human society, and he is forced to fight against increasingly unfavorable odds in order to survive. In his struggle, he is joined by various acquaintances, including former Black Mesa colleagues, oppressed citizens of City 17, and the Vortigaunts, all of whom later prove to be valuable allies. \"Half-Life 2\" received critical acclaim, including 35 Game of the Year awards, when it was originally released for Windows in 2004. , over 6.5 million copies of Half-Life 2 have been sold at retail. Although Steam sales figures are unknown, their rate surpassed retail's in mid-2008","Document [11](Title: Half-Life 2) for \"Team Fortress 2\" was added on June 10, 2010, completing the package. In May 2013, Valve released a beta update to \"Half-Life 2\" which included support for the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, with a full release of the feature coming later that year in June. An NVIDIA Shield-exclusive port for Android was released on May 12, 2014. Purchasers of the Gold Package of the game were given (among other things) a CD soundtrack, titled The Soundtrack of Half-Life 2, containing nearly all the music from the game, along with three bonus tracks. This CD was available for separate","Document [12](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) Citadel as it detonates. The resulting shockwave catches the train, derailing it. \"Half-Life 2: Episode One\" is the first in a trilogy of episodes serving as the sequel of the 2004 first-person shooter video game \"Half-Life 2\". In February 2006, Valve announced that they would be releasing a trilogy of episodes covering the same story arc. While the plots and dialogue of \"Half-Life\" and \"Half-Life 2\" were written solely by Valve's in-house writer Marc Laidlaw, the \"Half-Life 2\" Episodes were collaboratively written by Laidlaw, Chet Faliszek, and Erik Wolpaw, with Laidlaw retaining overall leadership of the group. Valve explained that","Document [13](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) in City 17. Likewise, City 17 has been altered to reflect the aftermath of the resistance's open rebellion, with vast swathes of destroyed buildings, and the introduction of foes previously kept outside its confines in \"Half-Life 2\" to emphasize the scale of the uprising. Upon release, \"Episode One\" was sold in both retail stores and Valve's online Steam distribution system, where it was sold at a discount price. The game was also distributed by Electronic Arts as both a standalone release and as part of \"Half-Life 2: Platinum Collection\". It was available for pre-load and pre-purchase through Steam on May","Document [14](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) the Russian edition of \"The Orange Box\" and is also sold separately. An audio commentary is also featured, as in \"\" and \"\". A notable change to the vocal cast is the inclusion of actor Tony Todd as the voice of the Vortigaunts. He replaces Louis Gossett, Jr. in the role. Actor Adam Baldwin voices several of the civilian and rebel NPCs, most notably the character who informs the player of the Striders' locations in the penultimate chapter. \"Half-Life 2: Episode 2\" received critical acclaim. The game had an average score of 90.68% based on 22 reviews on the review","Document [15](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) team, and therefore lagged behind in its schedule. Valve's marketing director, Doug Lombardi, gave assurance that the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC versions of the game would be identical in functionality and performance. \"Episode Two\"s soundtrack was composed by Kelly Bailey, who also composed the music for the \"Half-Life\" series' other installments. The music is used sparingly throughout, played primarily during scenes of major plot development or particularly important action sequences, such as an early fight with a massive wave of Antlions or speeding down train tracks while being fired on by a helicopter. The soundtrack is included in","Document [16](Title: Half-Life 2) purchase via the Valve online store. The soundtrack was re-released in 2014 for use in Steam Music. Tracks 15, 16, 18 and 42 are bonus tracks that are exclusive to the CD soundtrack. Many of the tracks were retitled and carried over from the \"Half-Life\" soundtrack; the names in parentheses are the original titles. Tracks 34, 41, and 42 are remixes. The composer of the soundtrack is Kelly Bailey. \"Half-Life 2\" received critical acclaim upon release, gaining an aggregated score of 96\/100 on Metacritic. Sources, such as GameSpy, \"The Cincinnati Enquirer\", \"The New York Times\", and \"VideoGamer.com\", have given perfect","Document [17](Title: Half-Life (series)) a journalist attempting to infiltrate the Black Mesa Research Facility and discover what was happening there. In early 2009, the Purchase Brothers, a Toronto-based film company, released a five-minute film based on \"Half-Life 2: Episode One,\" \"\". The film combines live-action footage with 3D animation created using the Source SDK. It was well received by Valve. On August 25, 2010 they released a nearly 15-minute long sequel. In late 2010 a trailer for a \"Half-Life\" inspired independent short film, \"Beyond Black Mesa,\" was released. Directed by Brian Curtin, it follows the character Adrian Shephard. The full short film was released","Document [18](Title: The Orange Box) against the Combine. The game was originally released in 2006 for Windows as a standalone game and was generally well received. \"Half-Life 2: Episode Two\" was first available as part of \"The Orange Box\" and focuses on expansive environments, travel, and less linear play. In the game, Gordon Freeman and the series' other major characters move away from City 17 to the surrounding wilderness following the closing events of \"Episode One\". The game was praised for its new environments and features and was well received by critics. \"Portal\" is a single-player first-person action\/puzzle game that was first available as part","Document [19](Title: Half-Life (series)) all use Valve's GoldSrc game engine, a heavily modified \"Quake\" engine. The later games accompanying the sequel all use Valve's proprietary Source engine. \"Half-Life\" is the first game in the series, and was the debut game of Valve Software, released on November 19, 1998. \"Half-Life\" follows Gordon Freeman, a theoretical physicist, after the Black Mesa Research Facility accidentally causes a dimensional rift which allows the facility to be invaded by aliens. Freeman consequently attempts to survive the slaughter and resolve the situation. The game was originally published by Sierra Studios and released for Windows, although Gearbox Software would later port","Document [20](Title: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch) Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Deathmatch is a multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Valve Corporation. Released on Steam on November 30, 2004, it uses many of the assets from \"Half-Life 2\" and its Source engine. It features new levels, optimized for multiplayer arena play, and a few new weapons. Also included are portions of the game's source code, which were the basis for many early Source-based multiplayer modifications. The game is the successor to the popular multiplayer component of the original \"Half-Life\", but is offered as a separate product from \"Half-Life 2\". \"Deathmatch\", like \"Half-Life\"s multiplayer, does not"],"query":"when was half life 2 episode 2 released?","answers":["in 2007","October 10, 2007"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) the series separated. It was originally rumored that \"Episode Two\" would be delayed until 2008. On June 14, 2007, however, Valve confirmed the release date for \"Episode Two\" to be October 9, 2007 for all announced platforms. Valve handled the development of the game for the PC and Xbox 360, while Electronic Arts British office in Chertsey worked on the PlayStation 3 version of the game. It was announced on September 7, 2007 that the PlayStation 3 version of the game would be delayed because the development studio behind the game was in the United Kingdom, away from Valve's development","Document [2](Title: Half-Life 2) the \"Half-Life 2\" \"episodes\" are essentially \"Half-Life 3\". He reasons that rather than force fans to wait another six years for a full sequel, Valve Corporation would release the game in episodic installments. Newell stated that a more accurate title for these episodes would have been \"\"Half-Life 3: Episode One\"\" and so forth, having referred to the episodes as \"Half-Life 3\" repeatedly throughout the interview. In a May 2011 interview with Develop, Newell stated that the episodic model had been replaced by even shorter development cycles and continuous updates via Steam. Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2 (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE) is a","Document [3](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) Half-Life 2: Episode One Half-Life 2: Episode One (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE: EPISODE ONE) is a first-person shooter video game, the first in an intended series of episodes that would serve as the sequels to \"Half-Life 2\" (2004). It was developed by Valve Corporation and released on June 1, 2006. Originally called \"Half-Life 2: Aftermath\", the game was renamed \"Episode One\" after Valve became confident in using an episodic structure for the game. \"Episode One\" uses the same game engine, Source, as \"Half-Life 2\". The game debuted new lighting and animation technologies, as well as AI sidekick enhancements. The game's events","Document [4](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) body. \"Episode Two\" was developed simultaneously with \"Episode One\" by a development team led by David Speyrer. This schedule of simultaneous development aided them in streamlining the story between the two games to create an immersive story. The technology used was the same for both games, allowing the development teams to quickly fix any technical problems that might arise from either game; this happened often because of the multi-platform release. An announcement was made on July 13, 2006 stating that \"Episode Two\" would be released on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in addition to the PC, where previous iterations of","Document [5](Title: Half-Life 2) Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2 (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE) is a first-person shooter video game developed and published by Valve Corporation. It is the sequel to 1998's \"Half-Life\" and was released in November 2004 following a five-year $40 million development. During development, a substantial part of the project was leaked and distributed on the Internet. The game was developed alongside Valve's Steam software and the Source engine. Taking place some years after the events of \"Half-Life\", protagonist Gordon Freeman is awakened by the enigmatic G-Man to find the world has been taken over by the alien Combine. Joined by allies including resistance","Document [6](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) aggregator GameRankings. On Metacritic, the game had an average score of 90 out of 100, based on 21 reviews. Dan Adams of IGN rated the game 9.4 out of 10 and praised its improved visuals and expansive environments, but cited the short six-hour length as a drawback. He said: \"Any way you look at it, Episode Two stands out, even among the Half-Life series, as something special ... a burly experience packed into roughly six hours or so that offers up all the diversity, level design, and thoughtful gameplay we've known while making sure to propel the story forward and","Document [7](Title: Half-Life 2) judge took into account such factors as Gembe's difficult childhood and the fact that he was taking steps to improve his situation. A 1 GB portion of \"Half-Life 2\" became available for pre-load through Steam on August 26, 2004. This meant that customers could begin to download encrypted game files to their computer before the game was released. When the game's release date arrived, customers were able to pay for the game through Steam, unlock the files on their hard drives and play the game immediately, without having to wait for the entire game to download. The pre-load period lasted","Document [8](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) companion. A common criticism of the game is its short length. \"Episode One\" takes roughly 4\u20136 hours to complete, which raises the issue of whether the game justifies its price. \"Computer Games Magazine\" argued the futility of reviewing the game due to its episodic nature; as the first part of a three-part story arc, it is difficult to judge it when divorced from the final product. Game Revolution expressed disappointment at a lack of new features such as environments and weapons. Half-Life 2: Episode One Half-Life 2: Episode One (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE: EPISODE ONE) is a first-person shooter video game,","Document [9](Title: The Orange Box) \"Half-Life\" have come to bear fully upon human society, and he is forced to fight against increasingly unfavorable odds in order to survive. In his struggle, he is joined by various acquaintances, including former Black Mesa colleagues, oppressed citizens of City 17, and the Vortigaunts, all of whom later prove to be valuable allies. \"Half-Life 2\" received critical acclaim, including 35 Game of the Year awards, when it was originally released for Windows in 2004. , over 6.5 million copies of Half-Life 2 have been sold at retail. Although Steam sales figures are unknown, their rate surpassed retail's in mid-2008","Document [10](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) Half-Life 2: Episode Two is a first-person shooter video game, the second in a series of episodic sequels to the 2004 Half-Life 2. It was developed by Valve Corporation in tandem with Episode One, the first game in the series, and released in 2007 via Valve's Steam content distribution platform. The episode was released both separately and as a part of a bundled package, The Orange Box.","Document [11](Title: Half-Life 2) for \"Team Fortress 2\" was added on June 10, 2010, completing the package. In May 2013, Valve released a beta update to \"Half-Life 2\" which included support for the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, with a full release of the feature coming later that year in June. An NVIDIA Shield-exclusive port for Android was released on May 12, 2014. Purchasers of the Gold Package of the game were given (among other things) a CD soundtrack, titled The Soundtrack of Half-Life 2, containing nearly all the music from the game, along with three bonus tracks. This CD was available for separate","Document [12](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) Citadel as it detonates. The resulting shockwave catches the train, derailing it. \"Half-Life 2: Episode One\" is the first in a trilogy of episodes serving as the sequel of the 2004 first-person shooter video game \"Half-Life 2\". In February 2006, Valve announced that they would be releasing a trilogy of episodes covering the same story arc. While the plots and dialogue of \"Half-Life\" and \"Half-Life 2\" were written solely by Valve's in-house writer Marc Laidlaw, the \"Half-Life 2\" Episodes were collaboratively written by Laidlaw, Chet Faliszek, and Erik Wolpaw, with Laidlaw retaining overall leadership of the group. Valve explained that","Document [13](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) in City 17. Likewise, City 17 has been altered to reflect the aftermath of the resistance's open rebellion, with vast swathes of destroyed buildings, and the introduction of foes previously kept outside its confines in \"Half-Life 2\" to emphasize the scale of the uprising. Upon release, \"Episode One\" was sold in both retail stores and Valve's online Steam distribution system, where it was sold at a discount price. The game was also distributed by Electronic Arts as both a standalone release and as part of \"Half-Life 2: Platinum Collection\". It was available for pre-load and pre-purchase through Steam on May","Document [14](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) the Russian edition of \"The Orange Box\" and is also sold separately. An audio commentary is also featured, as in \"\" and \"\". A notable change to the vocal cast is the inclusion of actor Tony Todd as the voice of the Vortigaunts. He replaces Louis Gossett, Jr. in the role. Actor Adam Baldwin voices several of the civilian and rebel NPCs, most notably the character who informs the player of the Striders' locations in the penultimate chapter. \"Half-Life 2: Episode 2\" received critical acclaim. The game had an average score of 90.68% based on 22 reviews on the review","Document [15](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) team, and therefore lagged behind in its schedule. Valve's marketing director, Doug Lombardi, gave assurance that the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC versions of the game would be identical in functionality and performance. \"Episode Two\"s soundtrack was composed by Kelly Bailey, who also composed the music for the \"Half-Life\" series' other installments. The music is used sparingly throughout, played primarily during scenes of major plot development or particularly important action sequences, such as an early fight with a massive wave of Antlions or speeding down train tracks while being fired on by a helicopter. The soundtrack is included in","Document [16](Title: Half-Life 2) purchase via the Valve online store. The soundtrack was re-released in 2014 for use in Steam Music. Tracks 15, 16, 18 and 42 are bonus tracks that are exclusive to the CD soundtrack. Many of the tracks were retitled and carried over from the \"Half-Life\" soundtrack; the names in parentheses are the original titles. Tracks 34, 41, and 42 are remixes. The composer of the soundtrack is Kelly Bailey. \"Half-Life 2\" received critical acclaim upon release, gaining an aggregated score of 96\/100 on Metacritic. Sources, such as GameSpy, \"The Cincinnati Enquirer\", \"The New York Times\", and \"VideoGamer.com\", have given perfect","Document [17](Title: Half-Life (series)) a journalist attempting to infiltrate the Black Mesa Research Facility and discover what was happening there. In early 2009, the Purchase Brothers, a Toronto-based film company, released a five-minute film based on \"Half-Life 2: Episode One,\" \"\". The film combines live-action footage with 3D animation created using the Source SDK. It was well received by Valve. On August 25, 2010 they released a nearly 15-minute long sequel. In late 2010 a trailer for a \"Half-Life\" inspired independent short film, \"Beyond Black Mesa,\" was released. Directed by Brian Curtin, it follows the character Adrian Shephard. The full short film was released","Document [18](Title: The Orange Box) against the Combine. The game was originally released in 2006 for Windows as a standalone game and was generally well received. \"Half-Life 2: Episode Two\" was first available as part of \"The Orange Box\" and focuses on expansive environments, travel, and less linear play. In the game, Gordon Freeman and the series' other major characters move away from City 17 to the surrounding wilderness following the closing events of \"Episode One\". The game was praised for its new environments and features and was well received by critics. \"Portal\" is a single-player first-person action\/puzzle game that was first available as part","Document [19](Title: Half-Life (series)) all use Valve's GoldSrc game engine, a heavily modified \"Quake\" engine. The later games accompanying the sequel all use Valve's proprietary Source engine. \"Half-Life\" is the first game in the series, and was the debut game of Valve Software, released on November 19, 1998. \"Half-Life\" follows Gordon Freeman, a theoretical physicist, after the Black Mesa Research Facility accidentally causes a dimensional rift which allows the facility to be invaded by aliens. Freeman consequently attempts to survive the slaughter and resolve the situation. The game was originally published by Sierra Studios and released for Windows, although Gearbox Software would later port","Document [20](Title: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch) Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Deathmatch is a multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Valve Corporation. Released on Steam on November 30, 2004, it uses many of the assets from \"Half-Life 2\" and its Source engine. It features new levels, optimized for multiplayer arena play, and a few new weapons. Also included are portions of the game's source code, which were the basis for many early Source-based multiplayer modifications. The game is the successor to the popular multiplayer component of the original \"Half-Life\", but is offered as a separate product from \"Half-Life 2\". \"Deathmatch\", like \"Half-Life\"s multiplayer, does not"],"query":"when was half life 2 episode 2 released?","answers":["in 2007","October 10, 2007"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) the series separated. It was originally rumored that \"Episode Two\" would be delayed until 2008. On June 14, 2007, however, Valve confirmed the release date for \"Episode Two\" to be October 9, 2007 for all announced platforms. Valve handled the development of the game for the PC and Xbox 360, while Electronic Arts British office in Chertsey worked on the PlayStation 3 version of the game. It was announced on September 7, 2007 that the PlayStation 3 version of the game would be delayed because the development studio behind the game was in the United Kingdom, away from Valve's development","Document [2](Title: Half-Life 2) the \"Half-Life 2\" \"episodes\" are essentially \"Half-Life 3\". He reasons that rather than force fans to wait another six years for a full sequel, Valve Corporation would release the game in episodic installments. Newell stated that a more accurate title for these episodes would have been \"\"Half-Life 3: Episode One\"\" and so forth, having referred to the episodes as \"Half-Life 3\" repeatedly throughout the interview. In a May 2011 interview with Develop, Newell stated that the episodic model had been replaced by even shorter development cycles and continuous updates via Steam. Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2 (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE) is a","Document [3](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) Half-Life 2: Episode One Half-Life 2: Episode One (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE: EPISODE ONE) is a first-person shooter video game, the first in an intended series of episodes that would serve as the sequels to \"Half-Life 2\" (2004). It was developed by Valve Corporation and released on June 1, 2006. Originally called \"Half-Life 2: Aftermath\", the game was renamed \"Episode One\" after Valve became confident in using an episodic structure for the game. \"Episode One\" uses the same game engine, Source, as \"Half-Life 2\". The game debuted new lighting and animation technologies, as well as AI sidekick enhancements. The game's events","Document [4](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) body. \"Episode Two\" was developed simultaneously with \"Episode One\" by a development team led by David Speyrer. This schedule of simultaneous development aided them in streamlining the story between the two games to create an immersive story. The technology used was the same for both games, allowing the development teams to quickly fix any technical problems that might arise from either game; this happened often because of the multi-platform release. An announcement was made on July 13, 2006 stating that \"Episode Two\" would be released on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in addition to the PC, where previous iterations of","Document [5](Title: Half-Life 2) Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2 (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE) is a first-person shooter video game developed and published by Valve Corporation. It is the sequel to 1998's \"Half-Life\" and was released in November 2004 following a five-year $40 million development. During development, a substantial part of the project was leaked and distributed on the Internet. The game was developed alongside Valve's Steam software and the Source engine. Taking place some years after the events of \"Half-Life\", protagonist Gordon Freeman is awakened by the enigmatic G-Man to find the world has been taken over by the alien Combine. Joined by allies including resistance","Document [6](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) aggregator GameRankings. On Metacritic, the game had an average score of 90 out of 100, based on 21 reviews. Dan Adams of IGN rated the game 9.4 out of 10 and praised its improved visuals and expansive environments, but cited the short six-hour length as a drawback. He said: \"Any way you look at it, Episode Two stands out, even among the Half-Life series, as something special ... a burly experience packed into roughly six hours or so that offers up all the diversity, level design, and thoughtful gameplay we've known while making sure to propel the story forward and","Document [7](Title: Half-Life 2) judge took into account such factors as Gembe's difficult childhood and the fact that he was taking steps to improve his situation. A 1 GB portion of \"Half-Life 2\" became available for pre-load through Steam on August 26, 2004. This meant that customers could begin to download encrypted game files to their computer before the game was released. When the game's release date arrived, customers were able to pay for the game through Steam, unlock the files on their hard drives and play the game immediately, without having to wait for the entire game to download. The pre-load period lasted","Document [8](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) companion. A common criticism of the game is its short length. \"Episode One\" takes roughly 4\u20136 hours to complete, which raises the issue of whether the game justifies its price. \"Computer Games Magazine\" argued the futility of reviewing the game due to its episodic nature; as the first part of a three-part story arc, it is difficult to judge it when divorced from the final product. Game Revolution expressed disappointment at a lack of new features such as environments and weapons. Half-Life 2: Episode One Half-Life 2: Episode One (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE: EPISODE ONE) is a first-person shooter video game,","Document [9](Title: The Orange Box) \"Half-Life\" have come to bear fully upon human society, and he is forced to fight against increasingly unfavorable odds in order to survive. In his struggle, he is joined by various acquaintances, including former Black Mesa colleagues, oppressed citizens of City 17, and the Vortigaunts, all of whom later prove to be valuable allies. \"Half-Life 2\" received critical acclaim, including 35 Game of the Year awards, when it was originally released for Windows in 2004. , over 6.5 million copies of Half-Life 2 have been sold at retail. Although Steam sales figures are unknown, their rate surpassed retail's in mid-2008","Document [10](Title: Half-Life 2) for \"Team Fortress 2\" was added on June 10, 2010, completing the package. In May 2013, Valve released a beta update to \"Half-Life 2\" which included support for the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, with a full release of the feature coming later that year in June. An NVIDIA Shield-exclusive port for Android was released on May 12, 2014. Purchasers of the Gold Package of the game were given (among other things) a CD soundtrack, titled The Soundtrack of Half-Life 2, containing nearly all the music from the game, along with three bonus tracks. This CD was available for separate","Document [11](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) Citadel as it detonates. The resulting shockwave catches the train, derailing it. \"Half-Life 2: Episode One\" is the first in a trilogy of episodes serving as the sequel of the 2004 first-person shooter video game \"Half-Life 2\". In February 2006, Valve announced that they would be releasing a trilogy of episodes covering the same story arc. While the plots and dialogue of \"Half-Life\" and \"Half-Life 2\" were written solely by Valve's in-house writer Marc Laidlaw, the \"Half-Life 2\" Episodes were collaboratively written by Laidlaw, Chet Faliszek, and Erik Wolpaw, with Laidlaw retaining overall leadership of the group. Valve explained that","Document [12](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) in City 17. Likewise, City 17 has been altered to reflect the aftermath of the resistance's open rebellion, with vast swathes of destroyed buildings, and the introduction of foes previously kept outside its confines in \"Half-Life 2\" to emphasize the scale of the uprising. Upon release, \"Episode One\" was sold in both retail stores and Valve's online Steam distribution system, where it was sold at a discount price. The game was also distributed by Electronic Arts as both a standalone release and as part of \"Half-Life 2: Platinum Collection\". It was available for pre-load and pre-purchase through Steam on May","Document [13](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) the Russian edition of \"The Orange Box\" and is also sold separately. An audio commentary is also featured, as in \"\" and \"\". A notable change to the vocal cast is the inclusion of actor Tony Todd as the voice of the Vortigaunts. He replaces Louis Gossett, Jr. in the role. Actor Adam Baldwin voices several of the civilian and rebel NPCs, most notably the character who informs the player of the Striders' locations in the penultimate chapter. \"Half-Life 2: Episode 2\" received critical acclaim. The game had an average score of 90.68% based on 22 reviews on the review","Document [14](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) team, and therefore lagged behind in its schedule. Valve's marketing director, Doug Lombardi, gave assurance that the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC versions of the game would be identical in functionality and performance. \"Episode Two\"s soundtrack was composed by Kelly Bailey, who also composed the music for the \"Half-Life\" series' other installments. The music is used sparingly throughout, played primarily during scenes of major plot development or particularly important action sequences, such as an early fight with a massive wave of Antlions or speeding down train tracks while being fired on by a helicopter. The soundtrack is included in","Document [15](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) Half-Life 2: Episode Two is a first-person shooter video game, the second in a series of episodic sequels to the 2004 Half-Life 2. It was developed by Valve Corporation in tandem with Episode One, the first game in the series, and released in 2007 via Valve's Steam content distribution platform. The episode was released both separately and as a part of a bundled package, The Orange Box.","Document [16](Title: Half-Life 2) purchase via the Valve online store. The soundtrack was re-released in 2014 for use in Steam Music. Tracks 15, 16, 18 and 42 are bonus tracks that are exclusive to the CD soundtrack. Many of the tracks were retitled and carried over from the \"Half-Life\" soundtrack; the names in parentheses are the original titles. Tracks 34, 41, and 42 are remixes. The composer of the soundtrack is Kelly Bailey. \"Half-Life 2\" received critical acclaim upon release, gaining an aggregated score of 96\/100 on Metacritic. Sources, such as GameSpy, \"The Cincinnati Enquirer\", \"The New York Times\", and \"VideoGamer.com\", have given perfect","Document [17](Title: Half-Life (series)) a journalist attempting to infiltrate the Black Mesa Research Facility and discover what was happening there. In early 2009, the Purchase Brothers, a Toronto-based film company, released a five-minute film based on \"Half-Life 2: Episode One,\" \"\". The film combines live-action footage with 3D animation created using the Source SDK. It was well received by Valve. On August 25, 2010 they released a nearly 15-minute long sequel. In late 2010 a trailer for a \"Half-Life\" inspired independent short film, \"Beyond Black Mesa,\" was released. Directed by Brian Curtin, it follows the character Adrian Shephard. The full short film was released","Document [18](Title: The Orange Box) against the Combine. The game was originally released in 2006 for Windows as a standalone game and was generally well received. \"Half-Life 2: Episode Two\" was first available as part of \"The Orange Box\" and focuses on expansive environments, travel, and less linear play. In the game, Gordon Freeman and the series' other major characters move away from City 17 to the surrounding wilderness following the closing events of \"Episode One\". The game was praised for its new environments and features and was well received by critics. \"Portal\" is a single-player first-person action\/puzzle game that was first available as part","Document [19](Title: Half-Life (series)) all use Valve's GoldSrc game engine, a heavily modified \"Quake\" engine. The later games accompanying the sequel all use Valve's proprietary Source engine. \"Half-Life\" is the first game in the series, and was the debut game of Valve Software, released on November 19, 1998. \"Half-Life\" follows Gordon Freeman, a theoretical physicist, after the Black Mesa Research Facility accidentally causes a dimensional rift which allows the facility to be invaded by aliens. Freeman consequently attempts to survive the slaughter and resolve the situation. The game was originally published by Sierra Studios and released for Windows, although Gearbox Software would later port","Document [20](Title: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch) Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Deathmatch is a multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Valve Corporation. Released on Steam on November 30, 2004, it uses many of the assets from \"Half-Life 2\" and its Source engine. It features new levels, optimized for multiplayer arena play, and a few new weapons. Also included are portions of the game's source code, which were the basis for many early Source-based multiplayer modifications. The game is the successor to the popular multiplayer component of the original \"Half-Life\", but is offered as a separate product from \"Half-Life 2\". \"Deathmatch\", like \"Half-Life\"s multiplayer, does not"],"query":"when was half life 2 episode 2 released?","answers":["in 2007","October 10, 2007"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) the series separated. It was originally rumored that \"Episode Two\" would be delayed until 2008. On June 14, 2007, however, Valve confirmed the release date for \"Episode Two\" to be October 9, 2007 for all announced platforms. Valve handled the development of the game for the PC and Xbox 360, while Electronic Arts British office in Chertsey worked on the PlayStation 3 version of the game. It was announced on September 7, 2007 that the PlayStation 3 version of the game would be delayed because the development studio behind the game was in the United Kingdom, away from Valve's development","Document [2](Title: Half-Life 2) the \"Half-Life 2\" \"episodes\" are essentially \"Half-Life 3\". He reasons that rather than force fans to wait another six years for a full sequel, Valve Corporation would release the game in episodic installments. Newell stated that a more accurate title for these episodes would have been \"\"Half-Life 3: Episode One\"\" and so forth, having referred to the episodes as \"Half-Life 3\" repeatedly throughout the interview. In a May 2011 interview with Develop, Newell stated that the episodic model had been replaced by even shorter development cycles and continuous updates via Steam. Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2 (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE) is a","Document [3](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) Half-Life 2: Episode One Half-Life 2: Episode One (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE: EPISODE ONE) is a first-person shooter video game, the first in an intended series of episodes that would serve as the sequels to \"Half-Life 2\" (2004). It was developed by Valve Corporation and released on June 1, 2006. Originally called \"Half-Life 2: Aftermath\", the game was renamed \"Episode One\" after Valve became confident in using an episodic structure for the game. \"Episode One\" uses the same game engine, Source, as \"Half-Life 2\". The game debuted new lighting and animation technologies, as well as AI sidekick enhancements. The game's events","Document [4](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) body. \"Episode Two\" was developed simultaneously with \"Episode One\" by a development team led by David Speyrer. This schedule of simultaneous development aided them in streamlining the story between the two games to create an immersive story. The technology used was the same for both games, allowing the development teams to quickly fix any technical problems that might arise from either game; this happened often because of the multi-platform release. An announcement was made on July 13, 2006 stating that \"Episode Two\" would be released on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in addition to the PC, where previous iterations of","Document [5](Title: Half-Life 2) Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2 (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE) is a first-person shooter video game developed and published by Valve Corporation. It is the sequel to 1998's \"Half-Life\" and was released in November 2004 following a five-year $40 million development. During development, a substantial part of the project was leaked and distributed on the Internet. The game was developed alongside Valve's Steam software and the Source engine. Taking place some years after the events of \"Half-Life\", protagonist Gordon Freeman is awakened by the enigmatic G-Man to find the world has been taken over by the alien Combine. Joined by allies including resistance","Document [6](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) aggregator GameRankings. On Metacritic, the game had an average score of 90 out of 100, based on 21 reviews. Dan Adams of IGN rated the game 9.4 out of 10 and praised its improved visuals and expansive environments, but cited the short six-hour length as a drawback. He said: \"Any way you look at it, Episode Two stands out, even among the Half-Life series, as something special ... a burly experience packed into roughly six hours or so that offers up all the diversity, level design, and thoughtful gameplay we've known while making sure to propel the story forward and","Document [7](Title: Half-Life 2) judge took into account such factors as Gembe's difficult childhood and the fact that he was taking steps to improve his situation. A 1 GB portion of \"Half-Life 2\" became available for pre-load through Steam on August 26, 2004. This meant that customers could begin to download encrypted game files to their computer before the game was released. When the game's release date arrived, customers were able to pay for the game through Steam, unlock the files on their hard drives and play the game immediately, without having to wait for the entire game to download. The pre-load period lasted","Document [8](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) companion. A common criticism of the game is its short length. \"Episode One\" takes roughly 4\u20136 hours to complete, which raises the issue of whether the game justifies its price. \"Computer Games Magazine\" argued the futility of reviewing the game due to its episodic nature; as the first part of a three-part story arc, it is difficult to judge it when divorced from the final product. Game Revolution expressed disappointment at a lack of new features such as environments and weapons. Half-Life 2: Episode One Half-Life 2: Episode One (stylized as H\u03bbLF-LIFE: EPISODE ONE) is a first-person shooter video game,","Document [9](Title: The Orange Box) \"Half-Life\" have come to bear fully upon human society, and he is forced to fight against increasingly unfavorable odds in order to survive. In his struggle, he is joined by various acquaintances, including former Black Mesa colleagues, oppressed citizens of City 17, and the Vortigaunts, all of whom later prove to be valuable allies. \"Half-Life 2\" received critical acclaim, including 35 Game of the Year awards, when it was originally released for Windows in 2004. , over 6.5 million copies of Half-Life 2 have been sold at retail. Although Steam sales figures are unknown, their rate surpassed retail's in mid-2008","Document [10](Title: Half-Life 2) for \"Team Fortress 2\" was added on June 10, 2010, completing the package. In May 2013, Valve released a beta update to \"Half-Life 2\" which included support for the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, with a full release of the feature coming later that year in June. An NVIDIA Shield-exclusive port for Android was released on May 12, 2014. Purchasers of the Gold Package of the game were given (among other things) a CD soundtrack, titled The Soundtrack of Half-Life 2, containing nearly all the music from the game, along with three bonus tracks. This CD was available for separate","Document [11](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) Citadel as it detonates. The resulting shockwave catches the train, derailing it. \"Half-Life 2: Episode One\" is the first in a trilogy of episodes serving as the sequel of the 2004 first-person shooter video game \"Half-Life 2\". In February 2006, Valve announced that they would be releasing a trilogy of episodes covering the same story arc. While the plots and dialogue of \"Half-Life\" and \"Half-Life 2\" were written solely by Valve's in-house writer Marc Laidlaw, the \"Half-Life 2\" Episodes were collaboratively written by Laidlaw, Chet Faliszek, and Erik Wolpaw, with Laidlaw retaining overall leadership of the group. Valve explained that","Document [12](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode One) in City 17. Likewise, City 17 has been altered to reflect the aftermath of the resistance's open rebellion, with vast swathes of destroyed buildings, and the introduction of foes previously kept outside its confines in \"Half-Life 2\" to emphasize the scale of the uprising. Upon release, \"Episode One\" was sold in both retail stores and Valve's online Steam distribution system, where it was sold at a discount price. The game was also distributed by Electronic Arts as both a standalone release and as part of \"Half-Life 2: Platinum Collection\". It was available for pre-load and pre-purchase through Steam on May","Document [13](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) the Russian edition of \"The Orange Box\" and is also sold separately. An audio commentary is also featured, as in \"\" and \"\". A notable change to the vocal cast is the inclusion of actor Tony Todd as the voice of the Vortigaunts. He replaces Louis Gossett, Jr. in the role. Actor Adam Baldwin voices several of the civilian and rebel NPCs, most notably the character who informs the player of the Striders' locations in the penultimate chapter. \"Half-Life 2: Episode 2\" received critical acclaim. The game had an average score of 90.68% based on 22 reviews on the review","Document [14](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) team, and therefore lagged behind in its schedule. Valve's marketing director, Doug Lombardi, gave assurance that the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC versions of the game would be identical in functionality and performance. \"Episode Two\"s soundtrack was composed by Kelly Bailey, who also composed the music for the \"Half-Life\" series' other installments. The music is used sparingly throughout, played primarily during scenes of major plot development or particularly important action sequences, such as an early fight with a massive wave of Antlions or speeding down train tracks while being fired on by a helicopter. The soundtrack is included in","Document [15](Title: Half-Life 2) purchase via the Valve online store. The soundtrack was re-released in 2014 for use in Steam Music. Tracks 15, 16, 18 and 42 are bonus tracks that are exclusive to the CD soundtrack. Many of the tracks were retitled and carried over from the \"Half-Life\" soundtrack; the names in parentheses are the original titles. Tracks 34, 41, and 42 are remixes. The composer of the soundtrack is Kelly Bailey. \"Half-Life 2\" received critical acclaim upon release, gaining an aggregated score of 96\/100 on Metacritic. Sources, such as GameSpy, \"The Cincinnati Enquirer\", \"The New York Times\", and \"VideoGamer.com\", have given perfect","Document [16](Title: Half-Life (series)) a journalist attempting to infiltrate the Black Mesa Research Facility and discover what was happening there. In early 2009, the Purchase Brothers, a Toronto-based film company, released a five-minute film based on \"Half-Life 2: Episode One,\" \"\". The film combines live-action footage with 3D animation created using the Source SDK. It was well received by Valve. On August 25, 2010 they released a nearly 15-minute long sequel. In late 2010 a trailer for a \"Half-Life\" inspired independent short film, \"Beyond Black Mesa,\" was released. Directed by Brian Curtin, it follows the character Adrian Shephard. The full short film was released","Document [17](Title: The Orange Box) against the Combine. The game was originally released in 2006 for Windows as a standalone game and was generally well received. \"Half-Life 2: Episode Two\" was first available as part of \"The Orange Box\" and focuses on expansive environments, travel, and less linear play. In the game, Gordon Freeman and the series' other major characters move away from City 17 to the surrounding wilderness following the closing events of \"Episode One\". The game was praised for its new environments and features and was well received by critics. \"Portal\" is a single-player first-person action\/puzzle game that was first available as part","Document [18](Title: Half-Life (series)) all use Valve's GoldSrc game engine, a heavily modified \"Quake\" engine. The later games accompanying the sequel all use Valve's proprietary Source engine. \"Half-Life\" is the first game in the series, and was the debut game of Valve Software, released on November 19, 1998. \"Half-Life\" follows Gordon Freeman, a theoretical physicist, after the Black Mesa Research Facility accidentally causes a dimensional rift which allows the facility to be invaded by aliens. Freeman consequently attempts to survive the slaughter and resolve the situation. The game was originally published by Sierra Studios and released for Windows, although Gearbox Software would later port","Document [19](Title: Half-Life 2: Deathmatch) Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Half-Life 2: Deathmatch is a multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Valve Corporation. Released on Steam on November 30, 2004, it uses many of the assets from \"Half-Life 2\" and its Source engine. It features new levels, optimized for multiplayer arena play, and a few new weapons. Also included are portions of the game's source code, which were the basis for many early Source-based multiplayer modifications. The game is the successor to the popular multiplayer component of the original \"Half-Life\", but is offered as a separate product from \"Half-Life 2\". \"Deathmatch\", like \"Half-Life\"s multiplayer, does not","Document [20](Title: Half-Life 2: Episode Two) Half-Life 2: Episode Two is a first-person shooter video game, the second in a series of episodic sequels to the 2004 Half-Life 2. It was developed by Valve Corporation in tandem with Episode One, the first game in the series, and released in 2007 via Valve's Steam content distribution platform. The episode was released both separately and as a part of a bundled package, The Orange Box."],"query":"when was half life 2 episode 2 released?","answers":["in 2007","October 10, 2007"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Nintendo) company headquartered in Kyoto. Nintendo is one of the world's largest video game companies by market capitalization, creating some of the best-known and top-selling video game franchises, such as Mario, The Legend of Zelda, and Pok\u00e9mon. Founded on 23 September 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi, it originally produced handmade hanafuda playing cards. By 1963, the company had tried several small niche businesses, such as cab services and love hotels. Abandoning previous ventures in favor of toys in the 1960s, Nintendo then developed into a video game company in the 1970s, ultimately becoming one of the most influential in the industry and","Document [2](Title: Satoru Iwata) in 1993 at the insistence of Nintendo President Hiroshi Yamauchi and brought financial stability to the company. In the following years, he assisted in the development of the \"Pok\u00e9mon\" and \"Super Smash Bros.\" series. Iwata joined Nintendo as the head of its corporate-planning division in 2000. Nintendo soon saw notable growth with Iwata's assistance and, when Yamauchi retired, he became the company's president in May 2002. Under Iwata's direction, Nintendo developed the Nintendo DS and Wii video game consoles, helping the company achieve financial success. As a self-declared gamer, he focused on expanding the appeal of video games across all","Document [3](Title: Fusajiro Yamauchi) Fusajiro Yamauchi Fusajiro Yamauchi (\u5c71\u5185 \u623f\u6cbb\u90ce \"Yamauchi, Fusajir\u014d\", November 22, 1859 \u2013 January 1, 1940) was a Japanese entrepreneur who founded the company that is now known as Nintendo. Yamauchi lived in Kyoto, Japan and had a wife and a daughter, Tei Yamauchi (who later married future Nintendo president and Fusajiro Yamauchi's successor, Sekiryo Kaneda). On November 6, 1889, Fusajiro Yamauchi opened the first \u201c\"Hanafuda\"\u201d (flower cards) card shop called \u201c\"Nintendo Koppai\"\u201d during a time when the Japanese government was banning playing cards from the hands of the public, due to them being tied to gambling, with the exception of","Document [4](Title: History of Nintendo) History of Nintendo The history of Nintendo traces back to 1889, when it was founded to produce handmade hanafuda. is a Japanese multinational consumer electronics company headquartered in Kyoto, Japan. It eventually became one of the most prominent figures in today's video game industry, being the world's largest video game company by revenue. Nintendo started out as a small Japanese company, founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi on September 23, 1889, as Nintendo Koppai. Based in Kyoto, Japan, the business produced and marketed \"hanafuda\". The name \"Nintendo\" is commonly assumed to mean \"leave luck to heaven\", but there are no historical records","Document [5](Title: History of games) founder of Nintendo, Fusajiro Yamauchi, initially created Japanese flower cards. These became a huge hit in the western world. Yamauchi Nintendo & Co. was their first company name, then in 1951, the company changed their name to Nintendo Playing Card Co. Ltd. The company created a laser clay shooting system which many took on as a hobby. Nintendo then developed a 16mm projection system in 1974 which also became a huge hit in the western world. Six years later, Nintendo created \u201cDonkey Kong\u201d, a game in which the \u201cJumpman\u201d has to rescue his girlfriend from the ape. They later named","Document [6](Title: Good-Feel) Good-Feel In 2008 the company transitioned into mainstream video games by becoming the developer for the Wii game \"\" from the large publisher Nintendo. This marks Good-Feel's first entry into the home console market. The company was founded by former Konami employee Etsunobu Ebisu on October 3, 2005. He told Nintendo about the new company and asked if they could work on a game. Long-time Nintendo employee Takahiro Harada asked Ebisu if he would like to make a new \"Wario Land\" title, since Harada learned before the meeting that Ebisu was involved in the development of a Nintendo DS platform","Document [7](Title: Level-5 (company)) Level-5 (company) Level-5 Inc. is a Japanese video game developer and publisher based in Fukuoka, who are best known for their \"Professor Layton\", \"Inazuma Eleven\", \"Ni no Kuni\", and \"Yo-kai Watch\" franchises. The company was founded in October 1998 by Akihiro Hino after he departed from the now defunct Riverhillsoft. Early in its history, the company enjoyed a close relationship with Sony Computer Entertainment, with many of its titles funded by and produced in conjunction with them. Starting in 2007, the company started self-publishing its titles in Japan, while Nintendo took over publishing on their systems internationally. By the early","Document [8](Title: Shuntaro Furukawa) Shuntaro Furukawa Shuntaro Furukawa (born January 10, 1972) is a Japanese businessman and executive. He is the 6th and current president of the video game company Nintendo. He took over as company president in June 2018, succeeding Tatsumi Kimishima. Furukawa was born in Tokyo, Japan on January 10, 1972 to illustrator Taku Furukawa. He grew up playing the \"Famicom\" system made by Nintendo. Furukawa is a graduate of Kunitachi Senior High School, and graduated from Waseda University's School of Political Science and Economics in 1994. In April that same year, he joined Nintendo and worked as an accountant in Germany","Document [9](Title: 1-Up Studio) 2013, the company announced on their original official website that due to their recent co-development efforts with Nintendo, Brownie Brown had undergone a change in internal structure, which includes officially changing the name of their company to 1-Up Studio. 1-Up Studio , formerly , is a Japanese Nintendo-funded and owned video game developer founded on June 30, 2000 in Tokyo, Japan. On February 1, 2013, the company announced that due to their recent co-development efforts with Nintendo, that they were undergoing a change in internal structure, which included changing the name of their company to 1-Up Studio. The company consists","Document [10](Title: Marigul Management) Marigul Management Marigul was a Japanese corporation created and jointly owned by video game company Nintendo Co., Ltd. (40%) and media company Recruit (60%). Its name is a combination of Nintendo's mascot Mario and Recruit's mascot Seegul. Marigul was founded because the Nintendo 64 was not getting enough third-party support. Marigul would provide financing, to let game studios focus on making games. The only condition was that the studios would have a game ready in five years. Marigul provided services for the video game studios Ambrella, Clever Trick, Noise, Param, and Saru Brunei. Although Marigul was liquidated in May 2003,","Document [11](Title: Magical Company) Magical Company , also known as Mah\u014d, is a Japanese entertainment company. Established in Kobe in 1983 to design and develop video games, the company was incorporated on May 29, 1985 as Home Data. During the 80's they developed and published various mahjong games for the Arcades. They developed \"Last Apostle Puppet Show\" (known in Japan as \"Reikai D\u014dshi: Chinese Exorcist\"), released in September 1988. It was the first fighting game to use digitized sprites and motion capture animation, and was the first claymation fighting game. They also created \"Battlecry\" among many other titles for different console systems. In 1993,","Document [12](Title: Nintendo) market, although a version of the Nintendo 3DS XL was released in 2012. As of 2013, it is a 100% Nintendo-owned subsidiary. Nintendo's South Korean subsidiary was established on 7 July 2006, and is based in Seoul. In March 2016, the subsidiary was heavily downsized due to a corporate restructuring after analysing shifts in the current market, laying off 80% of its employees, leaving only ten people, including CEO Hiroyuki Fukuda. This did not affect any games scheduled for release in South Korea, and Nintendo continued operations there as usual. Although most of the Research & Development is being done","Document [13](Title: History of Nintendo) \"Marufuku Co. Ltd.\" to \"Nintendo Playing Card Co., Ltd.\" In 1953, Nintendo became the first company in Japan to produce playing cards from plastic. In 1956, Yamauchi visited the U.S., to engage in talks with the United States Playing Card Company, the dominant playing card manufacturer in the United States. He was shocked to find that the world's biggest company in his business was relegated to using a small office. This was a turning point for Yamauchi, who then realized the limitations of the playing card business. In 1959, Nintendo struck a deal with Disney to allow the use Disney's","Document [14](Title: Shigeru Miyamoto) Shigeru Miyamoto Miyamoto originally joined Nintendo in 1977, when the company was beginning its foray into video games and starting to abandon the playing cards it had made since 1889. His games have been prominently showcased and widely anticipated as flagship titles of every Nintendo video game console, with his earliest work appearing on arcade machines in the late 1970s. He managed Nintendo's Entertainment Analysis & Development software division, which developed many of the company's first-party titles. As a result of Nintendo president Satoru Iwata's death in July 2015, Miyamoto fulfilled the role of acting president alongside Genyo Takeda until","Document [15](Title: Satoru Iwata) Japanese release. Additionally, he assisted Masahiro Sakurai in the development of \"Super Smash Bros.\" for the Nintendo 64. In 2000, Iwata took a position at Nintendo as the head of its corporate planning division and took a seat on the board of directors. Over the next two years, he sought to reduce the cost and length of game development while preserving quality. During his first two years at Nintendo, the company saw profit increases of 20 and 41 percent, values which are at least partially attributable to his work. When Yamauchi, the company's president since 1949, retired on May 24,","Document [16](Title: Good-Feel) the GFDL by its authors.\" Good-Feel In 2008 the company transitioned into mainstream video games by becoming the developer for the Wii game \"\" from the large publisher Nintendo. This marks Good-Feel's first entry into the home console market. The company was founded by former Konami employee Etsunobu Ebisu on October 3, 2005. He told Nintendo about the new company and asked if they could work on a game. Long-time Nintendo employee Takahiro Harada asked Ebisu if he would like to make a new \"Wario Land\" title, since Harada learned before the meeting that Ebisu was involved in the development","Document [17](Title: 1-Up Studio) 1-Up Studio , formerly , is a Japanese Nintendo-funded and owned video game developer founded on June 30, 2000 in Tokyo, Japan. On February 1, 2013, the company announced that due to their recent co-development efforts with Nintendo, that they were undergoing a change in internal structure, which included changing the name of their company to 1-Up Studio. The company consists of many ex-Square Co., Ltd. 2D artists. At least two of its founders (Kameoka Shinichi and Kouji Tsuda) had previously worked on the award-winning \"Mana\" series on the Game Boy and Super NES platforms. The founders left Square due","Document [18](Title: Hiroshi Yamauchi) changed the company name to Nintendo Company Limited and took the company public (listed on stock market) and became the chairman. He then decided to travel to the U.S. to visit the United States Playing Card Company, the world\u2019s biggest manufacturer of playing cards. Upon arriving in Cincinnati, Yamauchi was disappointed to see a small-scale office and factory. This led to the realisation that card manufacturing was an extremely limited venture. Upon his return to Japan, Yamauchi decided to diversify the company. Some of the new areas he ventured into included a taxi company called Daiya, a love hotel with","Document [19](Title: History of Nintendo) year that Nintendo purchased part of Rare. In 1994, after many years of Nintendo's products being distributed in Australia by Mattel since the NES in 1985, Nintendo opened its Australian headquarters and its first Managing Directors were Graham Kerry, who moved along from Mattel Australia as Managing Director and Susumu Tanaka of Nintendo UK Ltd. In 1995, Nintendo released the Virtual Boy in Japan. The console sold poorly, but Nintendo still said they had hope for it and continued to release several other games and attempted a release in the US, which was another disaster. Also in 1995, Nintendo found","Document [20](Title: Video gaming in Japan) Video gaming in Japan Video gaming in Japan is a major industry. Japanese game development is often identified with the golden age of video games, including Nintendo under Shigeru Miyamoto and Hiroshi Yamauchi, Sega during the same time period, Sony Computer Entertainment when it was based in Tokyo, and other companies such as Taito, Namco, Capcom, Square Enix, Konami, NEC, and SNK, among others. In 1966, Sega introduced an electro-mechanical game called \"Periscope\" - an submarine simulator which used lights and plastic waves to simulate sinking ships from a submarine. It became an instant success in Japan, Europe, and North"],"query":"when was the japanese videogame company nintendo founded?","answers":["23 September 1889"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Satoru Iwata) in 1993 at the insistence of Nintendo President Hiroshi Yamauchi and brought financial stability to the company. In the following years, he assisted in the development of the \"Pok\u00e9mon\" and \"Super Smash Bros.\" series. Iwata joined Nintendo as the head of its corporate-planning division in 2000. Nintendo soon saw notable growth with Iwata's assistance and, when Yamauchi retired, he became the company's president in May 2002. Under Iwata's direction, Nintendo developed the Nintendo DS and Wii video game consoles, helping the company achieve financial success. As a self-declared gamer, he focused on expanding the appeal of video games across all","Document [2](Title: Fusajiro Yamauchi) Fusajiro Yamauchi Fusajiro Yamauchi (\u5c71\u5185 \u623f\u6cbb\u90ce \"Yamauchi, Fusajir\u014d\", November 22, 1859 \u2013 January 1, 1940) was a Japanese entrepreneur who founded the company that is now known as Nintendo. Yamauchi lived in Kyoto, Japan and had a wife and a daughter, Tei Yamauchi (who later married future Nintendo president and Fusajiro Yamauchi's successor, Sekiryo Kaneda). On November 6, 1889, Fusajiro Yamauchi opened the first \u201c\"Hanafuda\"\u201d (flower cards) card shop called \u201c\"Nintendo Koppai\"\u201d during a time when the Japanese government was banning playing cards from the hands of the public, due to them being tied to gambling, with the exception of","Document [3](Title: History of Nintendo) History of Nintendo The history of Nintendo traces back to 1889, when it was founded to produce handmade hanafuda. is a Japanese multinational consumer electronics company headquartered in Kyoto, Japan. It eventually became one of the most prominent figures in today's video game industry, being the world's largest video game company by revenue. Nintendo started out as a small Japanese company, founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi on September 23, 1889, as Nintendo Koppai. Based in Kyoto, Japan, the business produced and marketed \"hanafuda\". The name \"Nintendo\" is commonly assumed to mean \"leave luck to heaven\", but there are no historical records","Document [4](Title: History of games) founder of Nintendo, Fusajiro Yamauchi, initially created Japanese flower cards. These became a huge hit in the western world. Yamauchi Nintendo & Co. was their first company name, then in 1951, the company changed their name to Nintendo Playing Card Co. Ltd. The company created a laser clay shooting system which many took on as a hobby. Nintendo then developed a 16mm projection system in 1974 which also became a huge hit in the western world. Six years later, Nintendo created \u201cDonkey Kong\u201d, a game in which the \u201cJumpman\u201d has to rescue his girlfriend from the ape. They later named","Document [5](Title: Nintendo) company headquartered in Kyoto. Nintendo is one of the world's largest video game companies by market capitalization, creating some of the best-known and top-selling video game franchises, such as Mario, The Legend of Zelda, and Pok\u00e9mon. Founded on 23 September 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi, it originally produced handmade hanafuda playing cards. By 1963, the company had tried several small niche businesses, such as cab services and love hotels. Abandoning previous ventures in favor of toys in the 1960s, Nintendo then developed into a video game company in the 1970s, ultimately becoming one of the most influential in the industry and","Document [6](Title: Good-Feel) Good-Feel In 2008 the company transitioned into mainstream video games by becoming the developer for the Wii game \"\" from the large publisher Nintendo. This marks Good-Feel's first entry into the home console market. The company was founded by former Konami employee Etsunobu Ebisu on October 3, 2005. He told Nintendo about the new company and asked if they could work on a game. Long-time Nintendo employee Takahiro Harada asked Ebisu if he would like to make a new \"Wario Land\" title, since Harada learned before the meeting that Ebisu was involved in the development of a Nintendo DS platform","Document [7](Title: Level-5 (company)) Level-5 (company) Level-5 Inc. is a Japanese video game developer and publisher based in Fukuoka, who are best known for their \"Professor Layton\", \"Inazuma Eleven\", \"Ni no Kuni\", and \"Yo-kai Watch\" franchises. The company was founded in October 1998 by Akihiro Hino after he departed from the now defunct Riverhillsoft. Early in its history, the company enjoyed a close relationship with Sony Computer Entertainment, with many of its titles funded by and produced in conjunction with them. Starting in 2007, the company started self-publishing its titles in Japan, while Nintendo took over publishing on their systems internationally. By the early","Document [8](Title: Shuntaro Furukawa) Shuntaro Furukawa Shuntaro Furukawa (born January 10, 1972) is a Japanese businessman and executive. He is the 6th and current president of the video game company Nintendo. He took over as company president in June 2018, succeeding Tatsumi Kimishima. Furukawa was born in Tokyo, Japan on January 10, 1972 to illustrator Taku Furukawa. He grew up playing the \"Famicom\" system made by Nintendo. Furukawa is a graduate of Kunitachi Senior High School, and graduated from Waseda University's School of Political Science and Economics in 1994. In April that same year, he joined Nintendo and worked as an accountant in Germany","Document [9](Title: 1-Up Studio) 2013, the company announced on their original official website that due to their recent co-development efforts with Nintendo, Brownie Brown had undergone a change in internal structure, which includes officially changing the name of their company to 1-Up Studio. 1-Up Studio , formerly , is a Japanese Nintendo-funded and owned video game developer founded on June 30, 2000 in Tokyo, Japan. On February 1, 2013, the company announced that due to their recent co-development efforts with Nintendo, that they were undergoing a change in internal structure, which included changing the name of their company to 1-Up Studio. The company consists","Document [10](Title: Marigul Management) Marigul Management Marigul was a Japanese corporation created and jointly owned by video game company Nintendo Co., Ltd. (40%) and media company Recruit (60%). Its name is a combination of Nintendo's mascot Mario and Recruit's mascot Seegul. Marigul was founded because the Nintendo 64 was not getting enough third-party support. Marigul would provide financing, to let game studios focus on making games. The only condition was that the studios would have a game ready in five years. Marigul provided services for the video game studios Ambrella, Clever Trick, Noise, Param, and Saru Brunei. Although Marigul was liquidated in May 2003,","Document [11](Title: Magical Company) Magical Company , also known as Mah\u014d, is a Japanese entertainment company. Established in Kobe in 1983 to design and develop video games, the company was incorporated on May 29, 1985 as Home Data. During the 80's they developed and published various mahjong games for the Arcades. They developed \"Last Apostle Puppet Show\" (known in Japan as \"Reikai D\u014dshi: Chinese Exorcist\"), released in September 1988. It was the first fighting game to use digitized sprites and motion capture animation, and was the first claymation fighting game. They also created \"Battlecry\" among many other titles for different console systems. In 1993,","Document [12](Title: Nintendo) market, although a version of the Nintendo 3DS XL was released in 2012. As of 2013, it is a 100% Nintendo-owned subsidiary. Nintendo's South Korean subsidiary was established on 7 July 2006, and is based in Seoul. In March 2016, the subsidiary was heavily downsized due to a corporate restructuring after analysing shifts in the current market, laying off 80% of its employees, leaving only ten people, including CEO Hiroyuki Fukuda. This did not affect any games scheduled for release in South Korea, and Nintendo continued operations there as usual. Although most of the Research & Development is being done","Document [13](Title: History of Nintendo) \"Marufuku Co. Ltd.\" to \"Nintendo Playing Card Co., Ltd.\" In 1953, Nintendo became the first company in Japan to produce playing cards from plastic. In 1956, Yamauchi visited the U.S., to engage in talks with the United States Playing Card Company, the dominant playing card manufacturer in the United States. He was shocked to find that the world's biggest company in his business was relegated to using a small office. This was a turning point for Yamauchi, who then realized the limitations of the playing card business. In 1959, Nintendo struck a deal with Disney to allow the use Disney's","Document [14](Title: Shigeru Miyamoto) Shigeru Miyamoto Miyamoto originally joined Nintendo in 1977, when the company was beginning its foray into video games and starting to abandon the playing cards it had made since 1889. His games have been prominently showcased and widely anticipated as flagship titles of every Nintendo video game console, with his earliest work appearing on arcade machines in the late 1970s. He managed Nintendo's Entertainment Analysis & Development software division, which developed many of the company's first-party titles. As a result of Nintendo president Satoru Iwata's death in July 2015, Miyamoto fulfilled the role of acting president alongside Genyo Takeda until","Document [15](Title: Satoru Iwata) Japanese release. Additionally, he assisted Masahiro Sakurai in the development of \"Super Smash Bros.\" for the Nintendo 64. In 2000, Iwata took a position at Nintendo as the head of its corporate planning division and took a seat on the board of directors. Over the next two years, he sought to reduce the cost and length of game development while preserving quality. During his first two years at Nintendo, the company saw profit increases of 20 and 41 percent, values which are at least partially attributable to his work. When Yamauchi, the company's president since 1949, retired on May 24,","Document [16](Title: Good-Feel) the GFDL by its authors.\" Good-Feel In 2008 the company transitioned into mainstream video games by becoming the developer for the Wii game \"\" from the large publisher Nintendo. This marks Good-Feel's first entry into the home console market. The company was founded by former Konami employee Etsunobu Ebisu on October 3, 2005. He told Nintendo about the new company and asked if they could work on a game. Long-time Nintendo employee Takahiro Harada asked Ebisu if he would like to make a new \"Wario Land\" title, since Harada learned before the meeting that Ebisu was involved in the development","Document [17](Title: 1-Up Studio) 1-Up Studio , formerly , is a Japanese Nintendo-funded and owned video game developer founded on June 30, 2000 in Tokyo, Japan. On February 1, 2013, the company announced that due to their recent co-development efforts with Nintendo, that they were undergoing a change in internal structure, which included changing the name of their company to 1-Up Studio. The company consists of many ex-Square Co., Ltd. 2D artists. At least two of its founders (Kameoka Shinichi and Kouji Tsuda) had previously worked on the award-winning \"Mana\" series on the Game Boy and Super NES platforms. The founders left Square due","Document [18](Title: Hiroshi Yamauchi) changed the company name to Nintendo Company Limited and took the company public (listed on stock market) and became the chairman. He then decided to travel to the U.S. to visit the United States Playing Card Company, the world\u2019s biggest manufacturer of playing cards. Upon arriving in Cincinnati, Yamauchi was disappointed to see a small-scale office and factory. This led to the realisation that card manufacturing was an extremely limited venture. Upon his return to Japan, Yamauchi decided to diversify the company. Some of the new areas he ventured into included a taxi company called Daiya, a love hotel with","Document [19](Title: History of Nintendo) year that Nintendo purchased part of Rare. In 1994, after many years of Nintendo's products being distributed in Australia by Mattel since the NES in 1985, Nintendo opened its Australian headquarters and its first Managing Directors were Graham Kerry, who moved along from Mattel Australia as Managing Director and Susumu Tanaka of Nintendo UK Ltd. In 1995, Nintendo released the Virtual Boy in Japan. The console sold poorly, but Nintendo still said they had hope for it and continued to release several other games and attempted a release in the US, which was another disaster. Also in 1995, Nintendo found","Document [20](Title: Video gaming in Japan) Video gaming in Japan Video gaming in Japan is a major industry. Japanese game development is often identified with the golden age of video games, including Nintendo under Shigeru Miyamoto and Hiroshi Yamauchi, Sega during the same time period, Sony Computer Entertainment when it was based in Tokyo, and other companies such as Taito, Namco, Capcom, Square Enix, Konami, NEC, and SNK, among others. In 1966, Sega introduced an electro-mechanical game called \"Periscope\" - an submarine simulator which used lights and plastic waves to simulate sinking ships from a submarine. It became an instant success in Japan, Europe, and North"],"query":"when was the japanese videogame company nintendo founded?","answers":["23 September 1889"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Satoru Iwata) in 1993 at the insistence of Nintendo President Hiroshi Yamauchi and brought financial stability to the company. In the following years, he assisted in the development of the \"Pok\u00e9mon\" and \"Super Smash Bros.\" series. Iwata joined Nintendo as the head of its corporate-planning division in 2000. Nintendo soon saw notable growth with Iwata's assistance and, when Yamauchi retired, he became the company's president in May 2002. Under Iwata's direction, Nintendo developed the Nintendo DS and Wii video game consoles, helping the company achieve financial success. As a self-declared gamer, he focused on expanding the appeal of video games across all","Document [2](Title: Fusajiro Yamauchi) Fusajiro Yamauchi Fusajiro Yamauchi (\u5c71\u5185 \u623f\u6cbb\u90ce \"Yamauchi, Fusajir\u014d\", November 22, 1859 \u2013 January 1, 1940) was a Japanese entrepreneur who founded the company that is now known as Nintendo. Yamauchi lived in Kyoto, Japan and had a wife and a daughter, Tei Yamauchi (who later married future Nintendo president and Fusajiro Yamauchi's successor, Sekiryo Kaneda). On November 6, 1889, Fusajiro Yamauchi opened the first \u201c\"Hanafuda\"\u201d (flower cards) card shop called \u201c\"Nintendo Koppai\"\u201d during a time when the Japanese government was banning playing cards from the hands of the public, due to them being tied to gambling, with the exception of","Document [3](Title: History of Nintendo) History of Nintendo The history of Nintendo traces back to 1889, when it was founded to produce handmade hanafuda. is a Japanese multinational consumer electronics company headquartered in Kyoto, Japan. It eventually became one of the most prominent figures in today's video game industry, being the world's largest video game company by revenue. Nintendo started out as a small Japanese company, founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi on September 23, 1889, as Nintendo Koppai. Based in Kyoto, Japan, the business produced and marketed \"hanafuda\". The name \"Nintendo\" is commonly assumed to mean \"leave luck to heaven\", but there are no historical records","Document [4](Title: History of games) founder of Nintendo, Fusajiro Yamauchi, initially created Japanese flower cards. These became a huge hit in the western world. Yamauchi Nintendo & Co. was their first company name, then in 1951, the company changed their name to Nintendo Playing Card Co. Ltd. The company created a laser clay shooting system which many took on as a hobby. Nintendo then developed a 16mm projection system in 1974 which also became a huge hit in the western world. Six years later, Nintendo created \u201cDonkey Kong\u201d, a game in which the \u201cJumpman\u201d has to rescue his girlfriend from the ape. They later named","Document [5](Title: Good-Feel) Good-Feel In 2008 the company transitioned into mainstream video games by becoming the developer for the Wii game \"\" from the large publisher Nintendo. This marks Good-Feel's first entry into the home console market. The company was founded by former Konami employee Etsunobu Ebisu on October 3, 2005. He told Nintendo about the new company and asked if they could work on a game. Long-time Nintendo employee Takahiro Harada asked Ebisu if he would like to make a new \"Wario Land\" title, since Harada learned before the meeting that Ebisu was involved in the development of a Nintendo DS platform","Document [6](Title: Level-5 (company)) Level-5 (company) Level-5 Inc. is a Japanese video game developer and publisher based in Fukuoka, who are best known for their \"Professor Layton\", \"Inazuma Eleven\", \"Ni no Kuni\", and \"Yo-kai Watch\" franchises. The company was founded in October 1998 by Akihiro Hino after he departed from the now defunct Riverhillsoft. Early in its history, the company enjoyed a close relationship with Sony Computer Entertainment, with many of its titles funded by and produced in conjunction with them. Starting in 2007, the company started self-publishing its titles in Japan, while Nintendo took over publishing on their systems internationally. By the early","Document [7](Title: Shuntaro Furukawa) Shuntaro Furukawa Shuntaro Furukawa (born January 10, 1972) is a Japanese businessman and executive. He is the 6th and current president of the video game company Nintendo. He took over as company president in June 2018, succeeding Tatsumi Kimishima. Furukawa was born in Tokyo, Japan on January 10, 1972 to illustrator Taku Furukawa. He grew up playing the \"Famicom\" system made by Nintendo. Furukawa is a graduate of Kunitachi Senior High School, and graduated from Waseda University's School of Political Science and Economics in 1994. In April that same year, he joined Nintendo and worked as an accountant in Germany","Document [8](Title: 1-Up Studio) 2013, the company announced on their original official website that due to their recent co-development efforts with Nintendo, Brownie Brown had undergone a change in internal structure, which includes officially changing the name of their company to 1-Up Studio. 1-Up Studio , formerly , is a Japanese Nintendo-funded and owned video game developer founded on June 30, 2000 in Tokyo, Japan. On February 1, 2013, the company announced that due to their recent co-development efforts with Nintendo, that they were undergoing a change in internal structure, which included changing the name of their company to 1-Up Studio. The company consists","Document [9](Title: Marigul Management) Marigul Management Marigul was a Japanese corporation created and jointly owned by video game company Nintendo Co., Ltd. (40%) and media company Recruit (60%). Its name is a combination of Nintendo's mascot Mario and Recruit's mascot Seegul. Marigul was founded because the Nintendo 64 was not getting enough third-party support. Marigul would provide financing, to let game studios focus on making games. The only condition was that the studios would have a game ready in five years. Marigul provided services for the video game studios Ambrella, Clever Trick, Noise, Param, and Saru Brunei. Although Marigul was liquidated in May 2003,","Document [10](Title: Nintendo) company headquartered in Kyoto. Nintendo is one of the world's largest video game companies by market capitalization, creating some of the best-known and top-selling video game franchises, such as Mario, The Legend of Zelda, and Pok\u00e9mon. Founded on 23 September 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi, it originally produced handmade hanafuda playing cards. By 1963, the company had tried several small niche businesses, such as cab services and love hotels. Abandoning previous ventures in favor of toys in the 1960s, Nintendo then developed into a video game company in the 1970s, ultimately becoming one of the most influential in the industry and","Document [11](Title: Magical Company) Magical Company , also known as Mah\u014d, is a Japanese entertainment company. Established in Kobe in 1983 to design and develop video games, the company was incorporated on May 29, 1985 as Home Data. During the 80's they developed and published various mahjong games for the Arcades. They developed \"Last Apostle Puppet Show\" (known in Japan as \"Reikai D\u014dshi: Chinese Exorcist\"), released in September 1988. It was the first fighting game to use digitized sprites and motion capture animation, and was the first claymation fighting game. They also created \"Battlecry\" among many other titles for different console systems. In 1993,","Document [12](Title: Nintendo) market, although a version of the Nintendo 3DS XL was released in 2012. As of 2013, it is a 100% Nintendo-owned subsidiary. Nintendo's South Korean subsidiary was established on 7 July 2006, and is based in Seoul. In March 2016, the subsidiary was heavily downsized due to a corporate restructuring after analysing shifts in the current market, laying off 80% of its employees, leaving only ten people, including CEO Hiroyuki Fukuda. This did not affect any games scheduled for release in South Korea, and Nintendo continued operations there as usual. Although most of the Research & Development is being done","Document [13](Title: History of Nintendo) \"Marufuku Co. Ltd.\" to \"Nintendo Playing Card Co., Ltd.\" In 1953, Nintendo became the first company in Japan to produce playing cards from plastic. In 1956, Yamauchi visited the U.S., to engage in talks with the United States Playing Card Company, the dominant playing card manufacturer in the United States. He was shocked to find that the world's biggest company in his business was relegated to using a small office. This was a turning point for Yamauchi, who then realized the limitations of the playing card business. In 1959, Nintendo struck a deal with Disney to allow the use Disney's","Document [14](Title: Shigeru Miyamoto) Shigeru Miyamoto Miyamoto originally joined Nintendo in 1977, when the company was beginning its foray into video games and starting to abandon the playing cards it had made since 1889. His games have been prominently showcased and widely anticipated as flagship titles of every Nintendo video game console, with his earliest work appearing on arcade machines in the late 1970s. He managed Nintendo's Entertainment Analysis & Development software division, which developed many of the company's first-party titles. As a result of Nintendo president Satoru Iwata's death in July 2015, Miyamoto fulfilled the role of acting president alongside Genyo Takeda until","Document [15](Title: Satoru Iwata) Japanese release. Additionally, he assisted Masahiro Sakurai in the development of \"Super Smash Bros.\" for the Nintendo 64. In 2000, Iwata took a position at Nintendo as the head of its corporate planning division and took a seat on the board of directors. Over the next two years, he sought to reduce the cost and length of game development while preserving quality. During his first two years at Nintendo, the company saw profit increases of 20 and 41 percent, values which are at least partially attributable to his work. When Yamauchi, the company's president since 1949, retired on May 24,","Document [16](Title: Good-Feel) the GFDL by its authors.\" Good-Feel In 2008 the company transitioned into mainstream video games by becoming the developer for the Wii game \"\" from the large publisher Nintendo. This marks Good-Feel's first entry into the home console market. The company was founded by former Konami employee Etsunobu Ebisu on October 3, 2005. He told Nintendo about the new company and asked if they could work on a game. Long-time Nintendo employee Takahiro Harada asked Ebisu if he would like to make a new \"Wario Land\" title, since Harada learned before the meeting that Ebisu was involved in the development","Document [17](Title: 1-Up Studio) 1-Up Studio , formerly , is a Japanese Nintendo-funded and owned video game developer founded on June 30, 2000 in Tokyo, Japan. On February 1, 2013, the company announced that due to their recent co-development efforts with Nintendo, that they were undergoing a change in internal structure, which included changing the name of their company to 1-Up Studio. The company consists of many ex-Square Co., Ltd. 2D artists. At least two of its founders (Kameoka Shinichi and Kouji Tsuda) had previously worked on the award-winning \"Mana\" series on the Game Boy and Super NES platforms. The founders left Square due","Document [18](Title: Hiroshi Yamauchi) changed the company name to Nintendo Company Limited and took the company public (listed on stock market) and became the chairman. He then decided to travel to the U.S. to visit the United States Playing Card Company, the world\u2019s biggest manufacturer of playing cards. Upon arriving in Cincinnati, Yamauchi was disappointed to see a small-scale office and factory. This led to the realisation that card manufacturing was an extremely limited venture. Upon his return to Japan, Yamauchi decided to diversify the company. Some of the new areas he ventured into included a taxi company called Daiya, a love hotel with","Document [19](Title: History of Nintendo) year that Nintendo purchased part of Rare. In 1994, after many years of Nintendo's products being distributed in Australia by Mattel since the NES in 1985, Nintendo opened its Australian headquarters and its first Managing Directors were Graham Kerry, who moved along from Mattel Australia as Managing Director and Susumu Tanaka of Nintendo UK Ltd. In 1995, Nintendo released the Virtual Boy in Japan. The console sold poorly, but Nintendo still said they had hope for it and continued to release several other games and attempted a release in the US, which was another disaster. Also in 1995, Nintendo found","Document [20](Title: Video gaming in Japan) Video gaming in Japan Video gaming in Japan is a major industry. Japanese game development is often identified with the golden age of video games, including Nintendo under Shigeru Miyamoto and Hiroshi Yamauchi, Sega during the same time period, Sony Computer Entertainment when it was based in Tokyo, and other companies such as Taito, Namco, Capcom, Square Enix, Konami, NEC, and SNK, among others. In 1966, Sega introduced an electro-mechanical game called \"Periscope\" - an submarine simulator which used lights and plastic waves to simulate sinking ships from a submarine. It became an instant success in Japan, Europe, and North"],"query":"when was the japanese videogame company nintendo founded?","answers":["23 September 1889"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Satoru Iwata) in 1993 at the insistence of Nintendo President Hiroshi Yamauchi and brought financial stability to the company. In the following years, he assisted in the development of the \"Pok\u00e9mon\" and \"Super Smash Bros.\" series. Iwata joined Nintendo as the head of its corporate-planning division in 2000. Nintendo soon saw notable growth with Iwata's assistance and, when Yamauchi retired, he became the company's president in May 2002. Under Iwata's direction, Nintendo developed the Nintendo DS and Wii video game consoles, helping the company achieve financial success. As a self-declared gamer, he focused on expanding the appeal of video games across all","Document [2](Title: Fusajiro Yamauchi) Fusajiro Yamauchi Fusajiro Yamauchi (\u5c71\u5185 \u623f\u6cbb\u90ce \"Yamauchi, Fusajir\u014d\", November 22, 1859 \u2013 January 1, 1940) was a Japanese entrepreneur who founded the company that is now known as Nintendo. Yamauchi lived in Kyoto, Japan and had a wife and a daughter, Tei Yamauchi (who later married future Nintendo president and Fusajiro Yamauchi's successor, Sekiryo Kaneda). On November 6, 1889, Fusajiro Yamauchi opened the first \u201c\"Hanafuda\"\u201d (flower cards) card shop called \u201c\"Nintendo Koppai\"\u201d during a time when the Japanese government was banning playing cards from the hands of the public, due to them being tied to gambling, with the exception of","Document [3](Title: History of Nintendo) History of Nintendo The history of Nintendo traces back to 1889, when it was founded to produce handmade hanafuda. is a Japanese multinational consumer electronics company headquartered in Kyoto, Japan. It eventually became one of the most prominent figures in today's video game industry, being the world's largest video game company by revenue. Nintendo started out as a small Japanese company, founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi on September 23, 1889, as Nintendo Koppai. Based in Kyoto, Japan, the business produced and marketed \"hanafuda\". The name \"Nintendo\" is commonly assumed to mean \"leave luck to heaven\", but there are no historical records","Document [4](Title: History of games) founder of Nintendo, Fusajiro Yamauchi, initially created Japanese flower cards. These became a huge hit in the western world. Yamauchi Nintendo & Co. was their first company name, then in 1951, the company changed their name to Nintendo Playing Card Co. Ltd. The company created a laser clay shooting system which many took on as a hobby. Nintendo then developed a 16mm projection system in 1974 which also became a huge hit in the western world. Six years later, Nintendo created \u201cDonkey Kong\u201d, a game in which the \u201cJumpman\u201d has to rescue his girlfriend from the ape. They later named","Document [5](Title: Good-Feel) Good-Feel In 2008 the company transitioned into mainstream video games by becoming the developer for the Wii game \"\" from the large publisher Nintendo. This marks Good-Feel's first entry into the home console market. The company was founded by former Konami employee Etsunobu Ebisu on October 3, 2005. He told Nintendo about the new company and asked if they could work on a game. Long-time Nintendo employee Takahiro Harada asked Ebisu if he would like to make a new \"Wario Land\" title, since Harada learned before the meeting that Ebisu was involved in the development of a Nintendo DS platform","Document [6](Title: Level-5 (company)) Level-5 (company) Level-5 Inc. is a Japanese video game developer and publisher based in Fukuoka, who are best known for their \"Professor Layton\", \"Inazuma Eleven\", \"Ni no Kuni\", and \"Yo-kai Watch\" franchises. The company was founded in October 1998 by Akihiro Hino after he departed from the now defunct Riverhillsoft. Early in its history, the company enjoyed a close relationship with Sony Computer Entertainment, with many of its titles funded by and produced in conjunction with them. Starting in 2007, the company started self-publishing its titles in Japan, while Nintendo took over publishing on their systems internationally. By the early","Document [7](Title: Shuntaro Furukawa) Shuntaro Furukawa Shuntaro Furukawa (born January 10, 1972) is a Japanese businessman and executive. He is the 6th and current president of the video game company Nintendo. He took over as company president in June 2018, succeeding Tatsumi Kimishima. Furukawa was born in Tokyo, Japan on January 10, 1972 to illustrator Taku Furukawa. He grew up playing the \"Famicom\" system made by Nintendo. Furukawa is a graduate of Kunitachi Senior High School, and graduated from Waseda University's School of Political Science and Economics in 1994. In April that same year, he joined Nintendo and worked as an accountant in Germany","Document [8](Title: 1-Up Studio) 2013, the company announced on their original official website that due to their recent co-development efforts with Nintendo, Brownie Brown had undergone a change in internal structure, which includes officially changing the name of their company to 1-Up Studio. 1-Up Studio , formerly , is a Japanese Nintendo-funded and owned video game developer founded on June 30, 2000 in Tokyo, Japan. On February 1, 2013, the company announced that due to their recent co-development efforts with Nintendo, that they were undergoing a change in internal structure, which included changing the name of their company to 1-Up Studio. The company consists","Document [9](Title: Marigul Management) Marigul Management Marigul was a Japanese corporation created and jointly owned by video game company Nintendo Co., Ltd. (40%) and media company Recruit (60%). Its name is a combination of Nintendo's mascot Mario and Recruit's mascot Seegul. Marigul was founded because the Nintendo 64 was not getting enough third-party support. Marigul would provide financing, to let game studios focus on making games. The only condition was that the studios would have a game ready in five years. Marigul provided services for the video game studios Ambrella, Clever Trick, Noise, Param, and Saru Brunei. Although Marigul was liquidated in May 2003,","Document [10](Title: Magical Company) Magical Company , also known as Mah\u014d, is a Japanese entertainment company. Established in Kobe in 1983 to design and develop video games, the company was incorporated on May 29, 1985 as Home Data. During the 80's they developed and published various mahjong games for the Arcades. They developed \"Last Apostle Puppet Show\" (known in Japan as \"Reikai D\u014dshi: Chinese Exorcist\"), released in September 1988. It was the first fighting game to use digitized sprites and motion capture animation, and was the first claymation fighting game. They also created \"Battlecry\" among many other titles for different console systems. In 1993,","Document [11](Title: Nintendo) market, although a version of the Nintendo 3DS XL was released in 2012. As of 2013, it is a 100% Nintendo-owned subsidiary. Nintendo's South Korean subsidiary was established on 7 July 2006, and is based in Seoul. In March 2016, the subsidiary was heavily downsized due to a corporate restructuring after analysing shifts in the current market, laying off 80% of its employees, leaving only ten people, including CEO Hiroyuki Fukuda. This did not affect any games scheduled for release in South Korea, and Nintendo continued operations there as usual. Although most of the Research & Development is being done","Document [12](Title: History of Nintendo) \"Marufuku Co. Ltd.\" to \"Nintendo Playing Card Co., Ltd.\" In 1953, Nintendo became the first company in Japan to produce playing cards from plastic. In 1956, Yamauchi visited the U.S., to engage in talks with the United States Playing Card Company, the dominant playing card manufacturer in the United States. He was shocked to find that the world's biggest company in his business was relegated to using a small office. This was a turning point for Yamauchi, who then realized the limitations of the playing card business. In 1959, Nintendo struck a deal with Disney to allow the use Disney's","Document [13](Title: Shigeru Miyamoto) Shigeru Miyamoto Miyamoto originally joined Nintendo in 1977, when the company was beginning its foray into video games and starting to abandon the playing cards it had made since 1889. His games have been prominently showcased and widely anticipated as flagship titles of every Nintendo video game console, with his earliest work appearing on arcade machines in the late 1970s. He managed Nintendo's Entertainment Analysis & Development software division, which developed many of the company's first-party titles. As a result of Nintendo president Satoru Iwata's death in July 2015, Miyamoto fulfilled the role of acting president alongside Genyo Takeda until","Document [14](Title: Satoru Iwata) Japanese release. Additionally, he assisted Masahiro Sakurai in the development of \"Super Smash Bros.\" for the Nintendo 64. In 2000, Iwata took a position at Nintendo as the head of its corporate planning division and took a seat on the board of directors. Over the next two years, he sought to reduce the cost and length of game development while preserving quality. During his first two years at Nintendo, the company saw profit increases of 20 and 41 percent, values which are at least partially attributable to his work. When Yamauchi, the company's president since 1949, retired on May 24,","Document [15](Title: Nintendo) company headquartered in Kyoto. Nintendo is one of the world's largest video game companies by market capitalization, creating some of the best-known and top-selling video game franchises, such as Mario, The Legend of Zelda, and Pok\u00e9mon. Founded on 23 September 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi, it originally produced handmade hanafuda playing cards. By 1963, the company had tried several small niche businesses, such as cab services and love hotels. Abandoning previous ventures in favor of toys in the 1960s, Nintendo then developed into a video game company in the 1970s, ultimately becoming one of the most influential in the industry and","Document [16](Title: Good-Feel) the GFDL by its authors.\" Good-Feel In 2008 the company transitioned into mainstream video games by becoming the developer for the Wii game \"\" from the large publisher Nintendo. This marks Good-Feel's first entry into the home console market. The company was founded by former Konami employee Etsunobu Ebisu on October 3, 2005. He told Nintendo about the new company and asked if they could work on a game. Long-time Nintendo employee Takahiro Harada asked Ebisu if he would like to make a new \"Wario Land\" title, since Harada learned before the meeting that Ebisu was involved in the development","Document [17](Title: 1-Up Studio) 1-Up Studio , formerly , is a Japanese Nintendo-funded and owned video game developer founded on June 30, 2000 in Tokyo, Japan. On February 1, 2013, the company announced that due to their recent co-development efforts with Nintendo, that they were undergoing a change in internal structure, which included changing the name of their company to 1-Up Studio. The company consists of many ex-Square Co., Ltd. 2D artists. At least two of its founders (Kameoka Shinichi and Kouji Tsuda) had previously worked on the award-winning \"Mana\" series on the Game Boy and Super NES platforms. The founders left Square due","Document [18](Title: Hiroshi Yamauchi) changed the company name to Nintendo Company Limited and took the company public (listed on stock market) and became the chairman. He then decided to travel to the U.S. to visit the United States Playing Card Company, the world\u2019s biggest manufacturer of playing cards. Upon arriving in Cincinnati, Yamauchi was disappointed to see a small-scale office and factory. This led to the realisation that card manufacturing was an extremely limited venture. Upon his return to Japan, Yamauchi decided to diversify the company. Some of the new areas he ventured into included a taxi company called Daiya, a love hotel with","Document [19](Title: History of Nintendo) year that Nintendo purchased part of Rare. In 1994, after many years of Nintendo's products being distributed in Australia by Mattel since the NES in 1985, Nintendo opened its Australian headquarters and its first Managing Directors were Graham Kerry, who moved along from Mattel Australia as Managing Director and Susumu Tanaka of Nintendo UK Ltd. In 1995, Nintendo released the Virtual Boy in Japan. The console sold poorly, but Nintendo still said they had hope for it and continued to release several other games and attempted a release in the US, which was another disaster. Also in 1995, Nintendo found","Document [20](Title: Video gaming in Japan) Video gaming in Japan Video gaming in Japan is a major industry. Japanese game development is often identified with the golden age of video games, including Nintendo under Shigeru Miyamoto and Hiroshi Yamauchi, Sega during the same time period, Sony Computer Entertainment when it was based in Tokyo, and other companies such as Taito, Namco, Capcom, Square Enix, Konami, NEC, and SNK, among others. In 1966, Sega introduced an electro-mechanical game called \"Periscope\" - an submarine simulator which used lights and plastic waves to simulate sinking ships from a submarine. It became an instant success in Japan, Europe, and North"],"query":"when was the japanese videogame company nintendo founded?","answers":["23 September 1889"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Satoru Iwata) in 1993 at the insistence of Nintendo President Hiroshi Yamauchi and brought financial stability to the company. In the following years, he assisted in the development of the \"Pok\u00e9mon\" and \"Super Smash Bros.\" series. Iwata joined Nintendo as the head of its corporate-planning division in 2000. Nintendo soon saw notable growth with Iwata's assistance and, when Yamauchi retired, he became the company's president in May 2002. Under Iwata's direction, Nintendo developed the Nintendo DS and Wii video game consoles, helping the company achieve financial success. As a self-declared gamer, he focused on expanding the appeal of video games across all","Document [2](Title: Fusajiro Yamauchi) Fusajiro Yamauchi Fusajiro Yamauchi (\u5c71\u5185 \u623f\u6cbb\u90ce \"Yamauchi, Fusajir\u014d\", November 22, 1859 \u2013 January 1, 1940) was a Japanese entrepreneur who founded the company that is now known as Nintendo. Yamauchi lived in Kyoto, Japan and had a wife and a daughter, Tei Yamauchi (who later married future Nintendo president and Fusajiro Yamauchi's successor, Sekiryo Kaneda). On November 6, 1889, Fusajiro Yamauchi opened the first \u201c\"Hanafuda\"\u201d (flower cards) card shop called \u201c\"Nintendo Koppai\"\u201d during a time when the Japanese government was banning playing cards from the hands of the public, due to them being tied to gambling, with the exception of","Document [3](Title: History of Nintendo) History of Nintendo The history of Nintendo traces back to 1889, when it was founded to produce handmade hanafuda. is a Japanese multinational consumer electronics company headquartered in Kyoto, Japan. It eventually became one of the most prominent figures in today's video game industry, being the world's largest video game company by revenue. Nintendo started out as a small Japanese company, founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi on September 23, 1889, as Nintendo Koppai. Based in Kyoto, Japan, the business produced and marketed \"hanafuda\". The name \"Nintendo\" is commonly assumed to mean \"leave luck to heaven\", but there are no historical records","Document [4](Title: History of games) founder of Nintendo, Fusajiro Yamauchi, initially created Japanese flower cards. These became a huge hit in the western world. Yamauchi Nintendo & Co. was their first company name, then in 1951, the company changed their name to Nintendo Playing Card Co. Ltd. The company created a laser clay shooting system which many took on as a hobby. Nintendo then developed a 16mm projection system in 1974 which also became a huge hit in the western world. Six years later, Nintendo created \u201cDonkey Kong\u201d, a game in which the \u201cJumpman\u201d has to rescue his girlfriend from the ape. They later named","Document [5](Title: Good-Feel) Good-Feel In 2008 the company transitioned into mainstream video games by becoming the developer for the Wii game \"\" from the large publisher Nintendo. This marks Good-Feel's first entry into the home console market. The company was founded by former Konami employee Etsunobu Ebisu on October 3, 2005. He told Nintendo about the new company and asked if they could work on a game. Long-time Nintendo employee Takahiro Harada asked Ebisu if he would like to make a new \"Wario Land\" title, since Harada learned before the meeting that Ebisu was involved in the development of a Nintendo DS platform","Document [6](Title: Level-5 (company)) Level-5 (company) Level-5 Inc. is a Japanese video game developer and publisher based in Fukuoka, who are best known for their \"Professor Layton\", \"Inazuma Eleven\", \"Ni no Kuni\", and \"Yo-kai Watch\" franchises. The company was founded in October 1998 by Akihiro Hino after he departed from the now defunct Riverhillsoft. Early in its history, the company enjoyed a close relationship with Sony Computer Entertainment, with many of its titles funded by and produced in conjunction with them. Starting in 2007, the company started self-publishing its titles in Japan, while Nintendo took over publishing on their systems internationally. By the early","Document [7](Title: Shuntaro Furukawa) Shuntaro Furukawa Shuntaro Furukawa (born January 10, 1972) is a Japanese businessman and executive. He is the 6th and current president of the video game company Nintendo. He took over as company president in June 2018, succeeding Tatsumi Kimishima. Furukawa was born in Tokyo, Japan on January 10, 1972 to illustrator Taku Furukawa. He grew up playing the \"Famicom\" system made by Nintendo. Furukawa is a graduate of Kunitachi Senior High School, and graduated from Waseda University's School of Political Science and Economics in 1994. In April that same year, he joined Nintendo and worked as an accountant in Germany","Document [8](Title: 1-Up Studio) 2013, the company announced on their original official website that due to their recent co-development efforts with Nintendo, Brownie Brown had undergone a change in internal structure, which includes officially changing the name of their company to 1-Up Studio. 1-Up Studio , formerly , is a Japanese Nintendo-funded and owned video game developer founded on June 30, 2000 in Tokyo, Japan. On February 1, 2013, the company announced that due to their recent co-development efforts with Nintendo, that they were undergoing a change in internal structure, which included changing the name of their company to 1-Up Studio. The company consists","Document [9](Title: Marigul Management) Marigul Management Marigul was a Japanese corporation created and jointly owned by video game company Nintendo Co., Ltd. (40%) and media company Recruit (60%). Its name is a combination of Nintendo's mascot Mario and Recruit's mascot Seegul. Marigul was founded because the Nintendo 64 was not getting enough third-party support. Marigul would provide financing, to let game studios focus on making games. The only condition was that the studios would have a game ready in five years. Marigul provided services for the video game studios Ambrella, Clever Trick, Noise, Param, and Saru Brunei. Although Marigul was liquidated in May 2003,","Document [10](Title: Magical Company) Magical Company , also known as Mah\u014d, is a Japanese entertainment company. Established in Kobe in 1983 to design and develop video games, the company was incorporated on May 29, 1985 as Home Data. During the 80's they developed and published various mahjong games for the Arcades. They developed \"Last Apostle Puppet Show\" (known in Japan as \"Reikai D\u014dshi: Chinese Exorcist\"), released in September 1988. It was the first fighting game to use digitized sprites and motion capture animation, and was the first claymation fighting game. They also created \"Battlecry\" among many other titles for different console systems. In 1993,","Document [11](Title: Nintendo) market, although a version of the Nintendo 3DS XL was released in 2012. As of 2013, it is a 100% Nintendo-owned subsidiary. Nintendo's South Korean subsidiary was established on 7 July 2006, and is based in Seoul. In March 2016, the subsidiary was heavily downsized due to a corporate restructuring after analysing shifts in the current market, laying off 80% of its employees, leaving only ten people, including CEO Hiroyuki Fukuda. This did not affect any games scheduled for release in South Korea, and Nintendo continued operations there as usual. Although most of the Research & Development is being done","Document [12](Title: History of Nintendo) \"Marufuku Co. Ltd.\" to \"Nintendo Playing Card Co., Ltd.\" In 1953, Nintendo became the first company in Japan to produce playing cards from plastic. In 1956, Yamauchi visited the U.S., to engage in talks with the United States Playing Card Company, the dominant playing card manufacturer in the United States. He was shocked to find that the world's biggest company in his business was relegated to using a small office. This was a turning point for Yamauchi, who then realized the limitations of the playing card business. In 1959, Nintendo struck a deal with Disney to allow the use Disney's","Document [13](Title: Shigeru Miyamoto) Shigeru Miyamoto Miyamoto originally joined Nintendo in 1977, when the company was beginning its foray into video games and starting to abandon the playing cards it had made since 1889. His games have been prominently showcased and widely anticipated as flagship titles of every Nintendo video game console, with his earliest work appearing on arcade machines in the late 1970s. He managed Nintendo's Entertainment Analysis & Development software division, which developed many of the company's first-party titles. As a result of Nintendo president Satoru Iwata's death in July 2015, Miyamoto fulfilled the role of acting president alongside Genyo Takeda until","Document [14](Title: Satoru Iwata) Japanese release. Additionally, he assisted Masahiro Sakurai in the development of \"Super Smash Bros.\" for the Nintendo 64. In 2000, Iwata took a position at Nintendo as the head of its corporate planning division and took a seat on the board of directors. Over the next two years, he sought to reduce the cost and length of game development while preserving quality. During his first two years at Nintendo, the company saw profit increases of 20 and 41 percent, values which are at least partially attributable to his work. When Yamauchi, the company's president since 1949, retired on May 24,","Document [15](Title: Good-Feel) the GFDL by its authors.\" Good-Feel In 2008 the company transitioned into mainstream video games by becoming the developer for the Wii game \"\" from the large publisher Nintendo. This marks Good-Feel's first entry into the home console market. The company was founded by former Konami employee Etsunobu Ebisu on October 3, 2005. He told Nintendo about the new company and asked if they could work on a game. Long-time Nintendo employee Takahiro Harada asked Ebisu if he would like to make a new \"Wario Land\" title, since Harada learned before the meeting that Ebisu was involved in the development","Document [16](Title: 1-Up Studio) 1-Up Studio , formerly , is a Japanese Nintendo-funded and owned video game developer founded on June 30, 2000 in Tokyo, Japan. On February 1, 2013, the company announced that due to their recent co-development efforts with Nintendo, that they were undergoing a change in internal structure, which included changing the name of their company to 1-Up Studio. The company consists of many ex-Square Co., Ltd. 2D artists. At least two of its founders (Kameoka Shinichi and Kouji Tsuda) had previously worked on the award-winning \"Mana\" series on the Game Boy and Super NES platforms. The founders left Square due","Document [17](Title: Hiroshi Yamauchi) changed the company name to Nintendo Company Limited and took the company public (listed on stock market) and became the chairman. He then decided to travel to the U.S. to visit the United States Playing Card Company, the world\u2019s biggest manufacturer of playing cards. Upon arriving in Cincinnati, Yamauchi was disappointed to see a small-scale office and factory. This led to the realisation that card manufacturing was an extremely limited venture. Upon his return to Japan, Yamauchi decided to diversify the company. Some of the new areas he ventured into included a taxi company called Daiya, a love hotel with","Document [18](Title: History of Nintendo) year that Nintendo purchased part of Rare. In 1994, after many years of Nintendo's products being distributed in Australia by Mattel since the NES in 1985, Nintendo opened its Australian headquarters and its first Managing Directors were Graham Kerry, who moved along from Mattel Australia as Managing Director and Susumu Tanaka of Nintendo UK Ltd. In 1995, Nintendo released the Virtual Boy in Japan. The console sold poorly, but Nintendo still said they had hope for it and continued to release several other games and attempted a release in the US, which was another disaster. Also in 1995, Nintendo found","Document [19](Title: Video gaming in Japan) Video gaming in Japan Video gaming in Japan is a major industry. Japanese game development is often identified with the golden age of video games, including Nintendo under Shigeru Miyamoto and Hiroshi Yamauchi, Sega during the same time period, Sony Computer Entertainment when it was based in Tokyo, and other companies such as Taito, Namco, Capcom, Square Enix, Konami, NEC, and SNK, among others. In 1966, Sega introduced an electro-mechanical game called \"Periscope\" - an submarine simulator which used lights and plastic waves to simulate sinking ships from a submarine. It became an instant success in Japan, Europe, and North","Document [20](Title: Nintendo) company headquartered in Kyoto. Nintendo is one of the world's largest video game companies by market capitalization, creating some of the best-known and top-selling video game franchises, such as Mario, The Legend of Zelda, and Pok\u00e9mon. Founded on 23 September 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi, it originally produced handmade hanafuda playing cards. By 1963, the company had tried several small niche businesses, such as cab services and love hotels. Abandoning previous ventures in favor of toys in the 1960s, Nintendo then developed into a video game company in the 1970s, ultimately becoming one of the most influential in the industry and"],"query":"when was the japanese videogame company nintendo founded?","answers":["23 September 1889"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) the states of Arizona and Nevada. The bridge is located within the Lake Mead National Recreation Area approximately 30 miles (48 km) southeast of Las Vegas, and carries U.S. Route 93 over the Colorado River. Opened in 2010, it was the key component of the Hoover Dam Bypass project, which rerouted US 93 from its previous routing along the top of Hoover Dam and removed several hairpin turns and blind curves from the route. It is jointly named for Mike O'Callaghan, Governor of Nevada from 1971\u20131979, and Pat Tillman, an American football player who left his career with the Arizona","Document [2](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) or doing nothing. In March 2001 the Federal Highway Administration issued a Record of Decision indicating its selection of the \"Sugarloaf Mountain Alternative\" routing. The project called for approximately of highway in Nevada, of highway in Arizona, and a bridge that would cross the river downstream (south) of Hoover Dam. Design work began in July 2001. Security measures implemented following the September 11 attacks prohibited commercial truck traffic from driving across Hoover Dam. Prior to the completion of the bridge, through commercial vehicles were required to follow a detour route between Boulder City and Kingman via US 95, Nevada State","Document [3](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) was featured in episode 5x02 of the TV series \"Extreme Engineering\". The filming of this episode took place before the start of work on the arch. When the bridge opened to traffic, the roadway over Hoover Dam was closed to through traffic, and all visitor access to the dam was routed to the Nevada side; vehicles are still allowed to drive across the dam to the Arizona side following a security inspection, but must return to the Nevada side to return to US 93. The former US 93 route between the dam and its junction with the present US 93","Document [4](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) Mike O'Callaghan, Governor of Nevada from 1971\u20131979, and Pat Tillman, an American football player who left his career with the Arizona Cardinals to enlist in the United States Army and was later killed in Afghanistan by friendly fire. As early as the 1960s, officials identified the US 93 route over Hoover Dam to be dangerous and inadequate for projected traffic volumes. From 1998\u20132001, officials from Arizona, Nevada, and several federal government agencies collaborated to determine the best routing for an alternative river crossing. In March 2001, the Federal Highway Administration selected the route, which crosses the Colorado River approximately downstream","Document [5](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) after the Royal Gorge Bridge, and is the world's highest concrete arch bridge. Upon the completion of the Boulder City Bypass, the bridge has become a part of Interstate 11, concurrent with US 93. In 1935, the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHO, later AASHTO) authorized a southward extension of U.S. Route 93 from its previous southern terminus in Glendale, Nevada to Kingman, Arizona by way of Las Vegas and Boulder City, crossing the Colorado River on the newly constructed Hoover Dam (also known then as Boulder Dam). Clark County was sparsely populated at the time, with a population","Document [6](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) 11 project. Through traffic on US 93 combined with pedestrian and tourist traffic at Hoover Dam itself led to major traffic congestion on the dam and on the approaches to the dam. The approaches featured hairpin turns on both the Nevada and Arizona sides of the dam, and the terrain caused limited sight distances around curves. In addition to traffic safety considerations, officials were also concerned about the safety and security of Hoover Dam, specifically the impact a vehicle accident could have on the dam's operation and the waters of Lake Mead. Officials first discussed the need for a new","Document [7](Title: Hoover Dam) longer allowed across Hoover Dam; dam visitors are allowed to use the existing roadway to approach from the Nevada side and cross to parking lots and other facilities on the Arizona side. Hoover Dam opened for tours in 1937 after its completion, but following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, it was closed to the public when the United States entered World War II, during which only authorized traffic, in convoys, was permitted. After the war, it reopened September 2, 1945, and by 1953, annual attendance had risen to 448,081. The dam closed on November 25, 1963,","Document [8](Title: Hoover Dam) overheads were filled in. The concrete lining is thick, reducing the finished tunnel diameter to . The river was diverted into the two Arizona tunnels on November 13, 1932; the Nevada tunnels were kept in reserve for high water. This was done by exploding a temporary cofferdam protecting the Arizona tunnels while at the same time dumping rubble into the river until its natural course was blocked. Following the completion of the dam, the entrances to the two outer diversion tunnels were sealed at the opening and halfway through the tunnels with large concrete plugs. The downstream halves of the","Document [9](Title: U.S. Route 93 in Arizona) with construction ongoing. This routing is part of a proposed Interstate 11 which could potentially connect Interstate 10 west of Phoenix with Interstate 515 southeast of Las Vegas. A segment of this new highway consists of a new route across the Colorado River called the Hoover Dam Bypass. The new crossing is the Mike O'Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge, the first so-called concrete-steel composite arch bridge built in the United States. The bridge is with a main span. The roadway is above the river. The bypass replaced the old section of U.S. 93 that approached and crossed directly over Hoover Dam,","Document [10](Title: Virginia Street Bridge) 2016. Built in 1905, the current Virginia Street Bridge is the fifth in a series of bridges to have been built in downtown Reno. The first was a wooden bridge built in 1860 by Charles W. Fuller and was hence called Fuller's Crossing. After it was destroyed by a flood, a second bridge, a toll bridge, was built and sold to Myron Lake in 1861, although in 1867 it was also destroyed by a flood. Even though it was replaced by yet another bridge, it became unneeded after the arrival of the Transcontinental Railroad. In 1877, the Washoe County authorized","Document [11](Title: Hoover Dam) was forthcoming from Washington. The strike ended. Before the dam could be built, the Colorado River needed to be diverted away from the construction site. To accomplish this, four diversion tunnels were driven through the canyon walls, two on the Nevada side and two on the Arizona side. These tunnels were in diameter. Their combined length was nearly 16,000 ft, or more than . The contract required these tunnels to be completed by October 1, 1933, with a $3,000-per-day fine to be assessed for any delay. To meet the deadline, Six Companies had to complete work by early 1933, since","Document [12](Title: Hoover Dam) Hoover Dam Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Nevada and Arizona. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression and was dedicated on September 30, 1935, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Its construction was the result of a massive effort involving thousands of workers, and cost over one hundred lives. Originally known as Boulder Dam from 1933, it was officially renamed Hoover Dam, for President Herbert Hoover, by a joint resolution of Congress in 1947. Since about 1900, the Black","Document [13](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) Colorado River crossing that would bypass the dam in the 1960s. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, which operates the dam, began work on the \"Colorado River Bridge Project\" in 1989, but the project was put on hold in 1995. In 1997 the Federal Highway Administration took over the project and released a draft environmental impact statement in 1998. From 1998\u20132001 state officials from Arizona and Nevada as well as several federal government agencies studied the feasibility of several alternative routes and river crossings, as well as the feasibility of modifying the roadway over the dam, restricting traffic over the dam,","Document [14](Title: Hoover Dam) the change, stating, \"I didn't know Hoover was that small a man to take credit for something he had nothing to do with.\" Hoover Dam was recognized as a National Civil Engineering Landmark in 1984. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1981, and was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1985, cited for its engineering innovations. Other sources Hoover Dam Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Nevada and Arizona. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the","Document [15](Title: Hoover Dam) the government. Six Companies was not required to complete work on one item, a concrete plug for one of the bypass tunnels, as the tunnel had to be used to take in irrigation water until the powerhouse went into operation. There were 112 deaths reported as associated with the construction of the dam. The first was J. G. Tierney, a surveyor who drowned on December 20, 1922, while looking for an ideal spot for the dam. The last death on the project's official fatality list occurred on December 20, 1935, when an \"electrician's helper\", Patrick Tierney, the son of J.","Document [16](Title: Boulder City, Nevada) it was officially renamed Hoover Dam by a joint resolution of Congress). Men hoping for work on the dam project had begun settling along the river in tents soon after the precise site for the dam had been chosen by the Bureau of Reclamation in 1930. Their ramshackle edifices were collectively known as \"Ragtown\". Boulder City was originally built in 1931 by the Bureau of Reclamation and Six Companies, Inc. as housing for workers who were building the Hoover Dam. The sheer scale of the dam and duration of the project required the Bureau of Reclamation to consider the construction","Document [17](Title: Clark Avenue Railroad Underpass) Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad) tracks. The bridge was constructed in 1937 by the Works Progress Administration. The structure has changed over time, primarily due to a widening project on Bonanza Road. Clark Avenue Railroad Underpass The Clark Avenue Railroad Underpass, also known as the Bonanza Underpass, is a bridge and underpass in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The bridge is so named since at the time of construction it crossed Clark Avenue which was later renamed to Bonanza Road. The underpass is currently part of Nevada State","Document [18](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) of less than 9,000 at the 1930 U.S. Census (compared to an estimated 2 million in 2013). Development in and around Las Vegas in the latter half of the 20th century made Las Vegas and its surrounding area a tourist attraction, and US 93 became an important transportation corridor for passenger and commercial traffic between Las Vegas and Phoenix. In 1995, the portion of US 93 over Hoover Dam was included as part of the CANAMEX Corridor, a high-priority transportation corridor established under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This bridge is a key component of the proposed Interstate","Document [19](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) but the dam is not visible for those driving across it. A parking area is provided near the bridge on the Nevada side at what was a staging area during construction. A set of stairs and disabled access ramps lead to the sidewalk across the bridge. Work began in 2003 on the approaches in both states and the construction contract for the arch bridge was awarded in October 2004. The largest obstacle to the project was the river crossing. The bridge and the bypass were constructed by a consortium of different government agencies and contractors, among them the Federal Highway","Document [20](Title: U.S. Route 93 in Arizona) just downstream from Hoover Dam. US 93 continues into Nevada to the cities of Boulder City, Henderson and Las Vegas. The route between Kingman and Hoover Dam first became part of the state highway system in 1934 when it was designated as SR 69. At the time, Hoover Dam was still under construction and the highway did not link to Nevada. The dam was completed the following year in 1935 enabling traffic to cross over the top of the dam. In that year, US 466 was designated over SR 69 from Kingman to Hoover Dam. US 93 was extended south"],"query":"when was the bridge over the hoover dam built?","answers":["2010"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) or doing nothing. In March 2001 the Federal Highway Administration issued a Record of Decision indicating its selection of the \"Sugarloaf Mountain Alternative\" routing. The project called for approximately of highway in Nevada, of highway in Arizona, and a bridge that would cross the river downstream (south) of Hoover Dam. Design work began in July 2001. Security measures implemented following the September 11 attacks prohibited commercial truck traffic from driving across Hoover Dam. Prior to the completion of the bridge, through commercial vehicles were required to follow a detour route between Boulder City and Kingman via US 95, Nevada State","Document [2](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) was featured in episode 5x02 of the TV series \"Extreme Engineering\". The filming of this episode took place before the start of work on the arch. When the bridge opened to traffic, the roadway over Hoover Dam was closed to through traffic, and all visitor access to the dam was routed to the Nevada side; vehicles are still allowed to drive across the dam to the Arizona side following a security inspection, but must return to the Nevada side to return to US 93. The former US 93 route between the dam and its junction with the present US 93","Document [3](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) Mike O'Callaghan, Governor of Nevada from 1971\u20131979, and Pat Tillman, an American football player who left his career with the Arizona Cardinals to enlist in the United States Army and was later killed in Afghanistan by friendly fire. As early as the 1960s, officials identified the US 93 route over Hoover Dam to be dangerous and inadequate for projected traffic volumes. From 1998\u20132001, officials from Arizona, Nevada, and several federal government agencies collaborated to determine the best routing for an alternative river crossing. In March 2001, the Federal Highway Administration selected the route, which crosses the Colorado River approximately downstream","Document [4](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) after the Royal Gorge Bridge, and is the world's highest concrete arch bridge. Upon the completion of the Boulder City Bypass, the bridge has become a part of Interstate 11, concurrent with US 93. In 1935, the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHO, later AASHTO) authorized a southward extension of U.S. Route 93 from its previous southern terminus in Glendale, Nevada to Kingman, Arizona by way of Las Vegas and Boulder City, crossing the Colorado River on the newly constructed Hoover Dam (also known then as Boulder Dam). Clark County was sparsely populated at the time, with a population","Document [5](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) the states of Arizona and Nevada. The bridge is located within the Lake Mead National Recreation Area approximately 30 miles (48 km) southeast of Las Vegas, and carries U.S. Route 93 over the Colorado River. Opened in 2010, it was the key component of the Hoover Dam Bypass project, which rerouted US 93 from its previous routing along the top of Hoover Dam and removed several hairpin turns and blind curves from the route. It is jointly named for Mike O'Callaghan, Governor of Nevada from 1971\u20131979, and Pat Tillman, an American football player who left his career with the Arizona","Document [6](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) 11 project. Through traffic on US 93 combined with pedestrian and tourist traffic at Hoover Dam itself led to major traffic congestion on the dam and on the approaches to the dam. The approaches featured hairpin turns on both the Nevada and Arizona sides of the dam, and the terrain caused limited sight distances around curves. In addition to traffic safety considerations, officials were also concerned about the safety and security of Hoover Dam, specifically the impact a vehicle accident could have on the dam's operation and the waters of Lake Mead. Officials first discussed the need for a new","Document [7](Title: Hoover Dam) longer allowed across Hoover Dam; dam visitors are allowed to use the existing roadway to approach from the Nevada side and cross to parking lots and other facilities on the Arizona side. Hoover Dam opened for tours in 1937 after its completion, but following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, it was closed to the public when the United States entered World War II, during which only authorized traffic, in convoys, was permitted. After the war, it reopened September 2, 1945, and by 1953, annual attendance had risen to 448,081. The dam closed on November 25, 1963,","Document [8](Title: Hoover Dam) overheads were filled in. The concrete lining is thick, reducing the finished tunnel diameter to . The river was diverted into the two Arizona tunnels on November 13, 1932; the Nevada tunnels were kept in reserve for high water. This was done by exploding a temporary cofferdam protecting the Arizona tunnels while at the same time dumping rubble into the river until its natural course was blocked. Following the completion of the dam, the entrances to the two outer diversion tunnels were sealed at the opening and halfway through the tunnels with large concrete plugs. The downstream halves of the","Document [9](Title: U.S. Route 93 in Arizona) with construction ongoing. This routing is part of a proposed Interstate 11 which could potentially connect Interstate 10 west of Phoenix with Interstate 515 southeast of Las Vegas. A segment of this new highway consists of a new route across the Colorado River called the Hoover Dam Bypass. The new crossing is the Mike O'Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge, the first so-called concrete-steel composite arch bridge built in the United States. The bridge is with a main span. The roadway is above the river. The bypass replaced the old section of U.S. 93 that approached and crossed directly over Hoover Dam,","Document [10](Title: Virginia Street Bridge) 2016. Built in 1905, the current Virginia Street Bridge is the fifth in a series of bridges to have been built in downtown Reno. The first was a wooden bridge built in 1860 by Charles W. Fuller and was hence called Fuller's Crossing. After it was destroyed by a flood, a second bridge, a toll bridge, was built and sold to Myron Lake in 1861, although in 1867 it was also destroyed by a flood. Even though it was replaced by yet another bridge, it became unneeded after the arrival of the Transcontinental Railroad. In 1877, the Washoe County authorized","Document [11](Title: Hoover Dam) was forthcoming from Washington. The strike ended. Before the dam could be built, the Colorado River needed to be diverted away from the construction site. To accomplish this, four diversion tunnels were driven through the canyon walls, two on the Nevada side and two on the Arizona side. These tunnels were in diameter. Their combined length was nearly 16,000 ft, or more than . The contract required these tunnels to be completed by October 1, 1933, with a $3,000-per-day fine to be assessed for any delay. To meet the deadline, Six Companies had to complete work by early 1933, since","Document [12](Title: Hoover Dam) Hoover Dam Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Nevada and Arizona. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression and was dedicated on September 30, 1935, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Its construction was the result of a massive effort involving thousands of workers, and cost over one hundred lives. Originally known as Boulder Dam from 1933, it was officially renamed Hoover Dam, for President Herbert Hoover, by a joint resolution of Congress in 1947. Since about 1900, the Black","Document [13](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) Colorado River crossing that would bypass the dam in the 1960s. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, which operates the dam, began work on the \"Colorado River Bridge Project\" in 1989, but the project was put on hold in 1995. In 1997 the Federal Highway Administration took over the project and released a draft environmental impact statement in 1998. From 1998\u20132001 state officials from Arizona and Nevada as well as several federal government agencies studied the feasibility of several alternative routes and river crossings, as well as the feasibility of modifying the roadway over the dam, restricting traffic over the dam,","Document [14](Title: Hoover Dam) the change, stating, \"I didn't know Hoover was that small a man to take credit for something he had nothing to do with.\" Hoover Dam was recognized as a National Civil Engineering Landmark in 1984. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1981, and was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1985, cited for its engineering innovations. Other sources Hoover Dam Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Nevada and Arizona. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the","Document [15](Title: Hoover Dam) the government. Six Companies was not required to complete work on one item, a concrete plug for one of the bypass tunnels, as the tunnel had to be used to take in irrigation water until the powerhouse went into operation. There were 112 deaths reported as associated with the construction of the dam. The first was J. G. Tierney, a surveyor who drowned on December 20, 1922, while looking for an ideal spot for the dam. The last death on the project's official fatality list occurred on December 20, 1935, when an \"electrician's helper\", Patrick Tierney, the son of J.","Document [16](Title: Boulder City, Nevada) it was officially renamed Hoover Dam by a joint resolution of Congress). Men hoping for work on the dam project had begun settling along the river in tents soon after the precise site for the dam had been chosen by the Bureau of Reclamation in 1930. Their ramshackle edifices were collectively known as \"Ragtown\". Boulder City was originally built in 1931 by the Bureau of Reclamation and Six Companies, Inc. as housing for workers who were building the Hoover Dam. The sheer scale of the dam and duration of the project required the Bureau of Reclamation to consider the construction","Document [17](Title: Clark Avenue Railroad Underpass) Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad) tracks. The bridge was constructed in 1937 by the Works Progress Administration. The structure has changed over time, primarily due to a widening project on Bonanza Road. Clark Avenue Railroad Underpass The Clark Avenue Railroad Underpass, also known as the Bonanza Underpass, is a bridge and underpass in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The bridge is so named since at the time of construction it crossed Clark Avenue which was later renamed to Bonanza Road. The underpass is currently part of Nevada State","Document [18](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) of less than 9,000 at the 1930 U.S. Census (compared to an estimated 2 million in 2013). Development in and around Las Vegas in the latter half of the 20th century made Las Vegas and its surrounding area a tourist attraction, and US 93 became an important transportation corridor for passenger and commercial traffic between Las Vegas and Phoenix. In 1995, the portion of US 93 over Hoover Dam was included as part of the CANAMEX Corridor, a high-priority transportation corridor established under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This bridge is a key component of the proposed Interstate","Document [19](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) but the dam is not visible for those driving across it. A parking area is provided near the bridge on the Nevada side at what was a staging area during construction. A set of stairs and disabled access ramps lead to the sidewalk across the bridge. Work began in 2003 on the approaches in both states and the construction contract for the arch bridge was awarded in October 2004. The largest obstacle to the project was the river crossing. The bridge and the bypass were constructed by a consortium of different government agencies and contractors, among them the Federal Highway","Document [20](Title: U.S. Route 93 in Arizona) just downstream from Hoover Dam. US 93 continues into Nevada to the cities of Boulder City, Henderson and Las Vegas. The route between Kingman and Hoover Dam first became part of the state highway system in 1934 when it was designated as SR 69. At the time, Hoover Dam was still under construction and the highway did not link to Nevada. The dam was completed the following year in 1935 enabling traffic to cross over the top of the dam. In that year, US 466 was designated over SR 69 from Kingman to Hoover Dam. US 93 was extended south"],"query":"when was the bridge over the hoover dam built?","answers":["2010"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) or doing nothing. In March 2001 the Federal Highway Administration issued a Record of Decision indicating its selection of the \"Sugarloaf Mountain Alternative\" routing. The project called for approximately of highway in Nevada, of highway in Arizona, and a bridge that would cross the river downstream (south) of Hoover Dam. Design work began in July 2001. Security measures implemented following the September 11 attacks prohibited commercial truck traffic from driving across Hoover Dam. Prior to the completion of the bridge, through commercial vehicles were required to follow a detour route between Boulder City and Kingman via US 95, Nevada State","Document [2](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) was featured in episode 5x02 of the TV series \"Extreme Engineering\". The filming of this episode took place before the start of work on the arch. When the bridge opened to traffic, the roadway over Hoover Dam was closed to through traffic, and all visitor access to the dam was routed to the Nevada side; vehicles are still allowed to drive across the dam to the Arizona side following a security inspection, but must return to the Nevada side to return to US 93. The former US 93 route between the dam and its junction with the present US 93","Document [3](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) Mike O'Callaghan, Governor of Nevada from 1971\u20131979, and Pat Tillman, an American football player who left his career with the Arizona Cardinals to enlist in the United States Army and was later killed in Afghanistan by friendly fire. As early as the 1960s, officials identified the US 93 route over Hoover Dam to be dangerous and inadequate for projected traffic volumes. From 1998\u20132001, officials from Arizona, Nevada, and several federal government agencies collaborated to determine the best routing for an alternative river crossing. In March 2001, the Federal Highway Administration selected the route, which crosses the Colorado River approximately downstream","Document [4](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) after the Royal Gorge Bridge, and is the world's highest concrete arch bridge. Upon the completion of the Boulder City Bypass, the bridge has become a part of Interstate 11, concurrent with US 93. In 1935, the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHO, later AASHTO) authorized a southward extension of U.S. Route 93 from its previous southern terminus in Glendale, Nevada to Kingman, Arizona by way of Las Vegas and Boulder City, crossing the Colorado River on the newly constructed Hoover Dam (also known then as Boulder Dam). Clark County was sparsely populated at the time, with a population","Document [5](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) 11 project. Through traffic on US 93 combined with pedestrian and tourist traffic at Hoover Dam itself led to major traffic congestion on the dam and on the approaches to the dam. The approaches featured hairpin turns on both the Nevada and Arizona sides of the dam, and the terrain caused limited sight distances around curves. In addition to traffic safety considerations, officials were also concerned about the safety and security of Hoover Dam, specifically the impact a vehicle accident could have on the dam's operation and the waters of Lake Mead. Officials first discussed the need for a new","Document [6](Title: Hoover Dam) longer allowed across Hoover Dam; dam visitors are allowed to use the existing roadway to approach from the Nevada side and cross to parking lots and other facilities on the Arizona side. Hoover Dam opened for tours in 1937 after its completion, but following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, it was closed to the public when the United States entered World War II, during which only authorized traffic, in convoys, was permitted. After the war, it reopened September 2, 1945, and by 1953, annual attendance had risen to 448,081. The dam closed on November 25, 1963,","Document [7](Title: Hoover Dam) overheads were filled in. The concrete lining is thick, reducing the finished tunnel diameter to . The river was diverted into the two Arizona tunnels on November 13, 1932; the Nevada tunnels were kept in reserve for high water. This was done by exploding a temporary cofferdam protecting the Arizona tunnels while at the same time dumping rubble into the river until its natural course was blocked. Following the completion of the dam, the entrances to the two outer diversion tunnels were sealed at the opening and halfway through the tunnels with large concrete plugs. The downstream halves of the","Document [8](Title: U.S. Route 93 in Arizona) with construction ongoing. This routing is part of a proposed Interstate 11 which could potentially connect Interstate 10 west of Phoenix with Interstate 515 southeast of Las Vegas. A segment of this new highway consists of a new route across the Colorado River called the Hoover Dam Bypass. The new crossing is the Mike O'Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge, the first so-called concrete-steel composite arch bridge built in the United States. The bridge is with a main span. The roadway is above the river. The bypass replaced the old section of U.S. 93 that approached and crossed directly over Hoover Dam,","Document [9](Title: Virginia Street Bridge) 2016. Built in 1905, the current Virginia Street Bridge is the fifth in a series of bridges to have been built in downtown Reno. The first was a wooden bridge built in 1860 by Charles W. Fuller and was hence called Fuller's Crossing. After it was destroyed by a flood, a second bridge, a toll bridge, was built and sold to Myron Lake in 1861, although in 1867 it was also destroyed by a flood. Even though it was replaced by yet another bridge, it became unneeded after the arrival of the Transcontinental Railroad. In 1877, the Washoe County authorized","Document [10](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) the states of Arizona and Nevada. The bridge is located within the Lake Mead National Recreation Area approximately 30 miles (48 km) southeast of Las Vegas, and carries U.S. Route 93 over the Colorado River. Opened in 2010, it was the key component of the Hoover Dam Bypass project, which rerouted US 93 from its previous routing along the top of Hoover Dam and removed several hairpin turns and blind curves from the route. It is jointly named for Mike O'Callaghan, Governor of Nevada from 1971\u20131979, and Pat Tillman, an American football player who left his career with the Arizona","Document [11](Title: Hoover Dam) was forthcoming from Washington. The strike ended. Before the dam could be built, the Colorado River needed to be diverted away from the construction site. To accomplish this, four diversion tunnels were driven through the canyon walls, two on the Nevada side and two on the Arizona side. These tunnels were in diameter. Their combined length was nearly 16,000 ft, or more than . The contract required these tunnels to be completed by October 1, 1933, with a $3,000-per-day fine to be assessed for any delay. To meet the deadline, Six Companies had to complete work by early 1933, since","Document [12](Title: Hoover Dam) Hoover Dam Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Nevada and Arizona. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression and was dedicated on September 30, 1935, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Its construction was the result of a massive effort involving thousands of workers, and cost over one hundred lives. Originally known as Boulder Dam from 1933, it was officially renamed Hoover Dam, for President Herbert Hoover, by a joint resolution of Congress in 1947. Since about 1900, the Black","Document [13](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) Colorado River crossing that would bypass the dam in the 1960s. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, which operates the dam, began work on the \"Colorado River Bridge Project\" in 1989, but the project was put on hold in 1995. In 1997 the Federal Highway Administration took over the project and released a draft environmental impact statement in 1998. From 1998\u20132001 state officials from Arizona and Nevada as well as several federal government agencies studied the feasibility of several alternative routes and river crossings, as well as the feasibility of modifying the roadway over the dam, restricting traffic over the dam,","Document [14](Title: Hoover Dam) the change, stating, \"I didn't know Hoover was that small a man to take credit for something he had nothing to do with.\" Hoover Dam was recognized as a National Civil Engineering Landmark in 1984. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1981, and was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1985, cited for its engineering innovations. Other sources Hoover Dam Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Nevada and Arizona. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the","Document [15](Title: Hoover Dam) the government. Six Companies was not required to complete work on one item, a concrete plug for one of the bypass tunnels, as the tunnel had to be used to take in irrigation water until the powerhouse went into operation. There were 112 deaths reported as associated with the construction of the dam. The first was J. G. Tierney, a surveyor who drowned on December 20, 1922, while looking for an ideal spot for the dam. The last death on the project's official fatality list occurred on December 20, 1935, when an \"electrician's helper\", Patrick Tierney, the son of J.","Document [16](Title: Boulder City, Nevada) it was officially renamed Hoover Dam by a joint resolution of Congress). Men hoping for work on the dam project had begun settling along the river in tents soon after the precise site for the dam had been chosen by the Bureau of Reclamation in 1930. Their ramshackle edifices were collectively known as \"Ragtown\". Boulder City was originally built in 1931 by the Bureau of Reclamation and Six Companies, Inc. as housing for workers who were building the Hoover Dam. The sheer scale of the dam and duration of the project required the Bureau of Reclamation to consider the construction","Document [17](Title: Clark Avenue Railroad Underpass) Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad) tracks. The bridge was constructed in 1937 by the Works Progress Administration. The structure has changed over time, primarily due to a widening project on Bonanza Road. Clark Avenue Railroad Underpass The Clark Avenue Railroad Underpass, also known as the Bonanza Underpass, is a bridge and underpass in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The bridge is so named since at the time of construction it crossed Clark Avenue which was later renamed to Bonanza Road. The underpass is currently part of Nevada State","Document [18](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) of less than 9,000 at the 1930 U.S. Census (compared to an estimated 2 million in 2013). Development in and around Las Vegas in the latter half of the 20th century made Las Vegas and its surrounding area a tourist attraction, and US 93 became an important transportation corridor for passenger and commercial traffic between Las Vegas and Phoenix. In 1995, the portion of US 93 over Hoover Dam was included as part of the CANAMEX Corridor, a high-priority transportation corridor established under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This bridge is a key component of the proposed Interstate","Document [19](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) but the dam is not visible for those driving across it. A parking area is provided near the bridge on the Nevada side at what was a staging area during construction. A set of stairs and disabled access ramps lead to the sidewalk across the bridge. Work began in 2003 on the approaches in both states and the construction contract for the arch bridge was awarded in October 2004. The largest obstacle to the project was the river crossing. The bridge and the bypass were constructed by a consortium of different government agencies and contractors, among them the Federal Highway","Document [20](Title: U.S. Route 93 in Arizona) just downstream from Hoover Dam. US 93 continues into Nevada to the cities of Boulder City, Henderson and Las Vegas. The route between Kingman and Hoover Dam first became part of the state highway system in 1934 when it was designated as SR 69. At the time, Hoover Dam was still under construction and the highway did not link to Nevada. The dam was completed the following year in 1935 enabling traffic to cross over the top of the dam. In that year, US 466 was designated over SR 69 from Kingman to Hoover Dam. US 93 was extended south"],"query":"when was the bridge over the hoover dam built?","answers":["2010"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) or doing nothing. In March 2001 the Federal Highway Administration issued a Record of Decision indicating its selection of the \"Sugarloaf Mountain Alternative\" routing. The project called for approximately of highway in Nevada, of highway in Arizona, and a bridge that would cross the river downstream (south) of Hoover Dam. Design work began in July 2001. Security measures implemented following the September 11 attacks prohibited commercial truck traffic from driving across Hoover Dam. Prior to the completion of the bridge, through commercial vehicles were required to follow a detour route between Boulder City and Kingman via US 95, Nevada State","Document [2](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) was featured in episode 5x02 of the TV series \"Extreme Engineering\". The filming of this episode took place before the start of work on the arch. When the bridge opened to traffic, the roadway over Hoover Dam was closed to through traffic, and all visitor access to the dam was routed to the Nevada side; vehicles are still allowed to drive across the dam to the Arizona side following a security inspection, but must return to the Nevada side to return to US 93. The former US 93 route between the dam and its junction with the present US 93","Document [3](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) Mike O'Callaghan, Governor of Nevada from 1971\u20131979, and Pat Tillman, an American football player who left his career with the Arizona Cardinals to enlist in the United States Army and was later killed in Afghanistan by friendly fire. As early as the 1960s, officials identified the US 93 route over Hoover Dam to be dangerous and inadequate for projected traffic volumes. From 1998\u20132001, officials from Arizona, Nevada, and several federal government agencies collaborated to determine the best routing for an alternative river crossing. In March 2001, the Federal Highway Administration selected the route, which crosses the Colorado River approximately downstream","Document [4](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) after the Royal Gorge Bridge, and is the world's highest concrete arch bridge. Upon the completion of the Boulder City Bypass, the bridge has become a part of Interstate 11, concurrent with US 93. In 1935, the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHO, later AASHTO) authorized a southward extension of U.S. Route 93 from its previous southern terminus in Glendale, Nevada to Kingman, Arizona by way of Las Vegas and Boulder City, crossing the Colorado River on the newly constructed Hoover Dam (also known then as Boulder Dam). Clark County was sparsely populated at the time, with a population","Document [5](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) 11 project. Through traffic on US 93 combined with pedestrian and tourist traffic at Hoover Dam itself led to major traffic congestion on the dam and on the approaches to the dam. The approaches featured hairpin turns on both the Nevada and Arizona sides of the dam, and the terrain caused limited sight distances around curves. In addition to traffic safety considerations, officials were also concerned about the safety and security of Hoover Dam, specifically the impact a vehicle accident could have on the dam's operation and the waters of Lake Mead. Officials first discussed the need for a new","Document [6](Title: Hoover Dam) longer allowed across Hoover Dam; dam visitors are allowed to use the existing roadway to approach from the Nevada side and cross to parking lots and other facilities on the Arizona side. Hoover Dam opened for tours in 1937 after its completion, but following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, it was closed to the public when the United States entered World War II, during which only authorized traffic, in convoys, was permitted. After the war, it reopened September 2, 1945, and by 1953, annual attendance had risen to 448,081. The dam closed on November 25, 1963,","Document [7](Title: Hoover Dam) overheads were filled in. The concrete lining is thick, reducing the finished tunnel diameter to . The river was diverted into the two Arizona tunnels on November 13, 1932; the Nevada tunnels were kept in reserve for high water. This was done by exploding a temporary cofferdam protecting the Arizona tunnels while at the same time dumping rubble into the river until its natural course was blocked. Following the completion of the dam, the entrances to the two outer diversion tunnels were sealed at the opening and halfway through the tunnels with large concrete plugs. The downstream halves of the","Document [8](Title: U.S. Route 93 in Arizona) with construction ongoing. This routing is part of a proposed Interstate 11 which could potentially connect Interstate 10 west of Phoenix with Interstate 515 southeast of Las Vegas. A segment of this new highway consists of a new route across the Colorado River called the Hoover Dam Bypass. The new crossing is the Mike O'Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge, the first so-called concrete-steel composite arch bridge built in the United States. The bridge is with a main span. The roadway is above the river. The bypass replaced the old section of U.S. 93 that approached and crossed directly over Hoover Dam,","Document [9](Title: Virginia Street Bridge) 2016. Built in 1905, the current Virginia Street Bridge is the fifth in a series of bridges to have been built in downtown Reno. The first was a wooden bridge built in 1860 by Charles W. Fuller and was hence called Fuller's Crossing. After it was destroyed by a flood, a second bridge, a toll bridge, was built and sold to Myron Lake in 1861, although in 1867 it was also destroyed by a flood. Even though it was replaced by yet another bridge, it became unneeded after the arrival of the Transcontinental Railroad. In 1877, the Washoe County authorized","Document [10](Title: Hoover Dam) was forthcoming from Washington. The strike ended. Before the dam could be built, the Colorado River needed to be diverted away from the construction site. To accomplish this, four diversion tunnels were driven through the canyon walls, two on the Nevada side and two on the Arizona side. These tunnels were in diameter. Their combined length was nearly 16,000 ft, or more than . The contract required these tunnels to be completed by October 1, 1933, with a $3,000-per-day fine to be assessed for any delay. To meet the deadline, Six Companies had to complete work by early 1933, since","Document [11](Title: Hoover Dam) Hoover Dam Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Nevada and Arizona. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression and was dedicated on September 30, 1935, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Its construction was the result of a massive effort involving thousands of workers, and cost over one hundred lives. Originally known as Boulder Dam from 1933, it was officially renamed Hoover Dam, for President Herbert Hoover, by a joint resolution of Congress in 1947. Since about 1900, the Black","Document [12](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) Colorado River crossing that would bypass the dam in the 1960s. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, which operates the dam, began work on the \"Colorado River Bridge Project\" in 1989, but the project was put on hold in 1995. In 1997 the Federal Highway Administration took over the project and released a draft environmental impact statement in 1998. From 1998\u20132001 state officials from Arizona and Nevada as well as several federal government agencies studied the feasibility of several alternative routes and river crossings, as well as the feasibility of modifying the roadway over the dam, restricting traffic over the dam,","Document [13](Title: Hoover Dam) the change, stating, \"I didn't know Hoover was that small a man to take credit for something he had nothing to do with.\" Hoover Dam was recognized as a National Civil Engineering Landmark in 1984. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1981, and was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1985, cited for its engineering innovations. Other sources Hoover Dam Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Nevada and Arizona. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the","Document [14](Title: Hoover Dam) the government. Six Companies was not required to complete work on one item, a concrete plug for one of the bypass tunnels, as the tunnel had to be used to take in irrigation water until the powerhouse went into operation. There were 112 deaths reported as associated with the construction of the dam. The first was J. G. Tierney, a surveyor who drowned on December 20, 1922, while looking for an ideal spot for the dam. The last death on the project's official fatality list occurred on December 20, 1935, when an \"electrician's helper\", Patrick Tierney, the son of J.","Document [15](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) the states of Arizona and Nevada. The bridge is located within the Lake Mead National Recreation Area approximately 30 miles (48 km) southeast of Las Vegas, and carries U.S. Route 93 over the Colorado River. Opened in 2010, it was the key component of the Hoover Dam Bypass project, which rerouted US 93 from its previous routing along the top of Hoover Dam and removed several hairpin turns and blind curves from the route. It is jointly named for Mike O'Callaghan, Governor of Nevada from 1971\u20131979, and Pat Tillman, an American football player who left his career with the Arizona","Document [16](Title: Boulder City, Nevada) it was officially renamed Hoover Dam by a joint resolution of Congress). Men hoping for work on the dam project had begun settling along the river in tents soon after the precise site for the dam had been chosen by the Bureau of Reclamation in 1930. Their ramshackle edifices were collectively known as \"Ragtown\". Boulder City was originally built in 1931 by the Bureau of Reclamation and Six Companies, Inc. as housing for workers who were building the Hoover Dam. The sheer scale of the dam and duration of the project required the Bureau of Reclamation to consider the construction","Document [17](Title: Clark Avenue Railroad Underpass) Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad) tracks. The bridge was constructed in 1937 by the Works Progress Administration. The structure has changed over time, primarily due to a widening project on Bonanza Road. Clark Avenue Railroad Underpass The Clark Avenue Railroad Underpass, also known as the Bonanza Underpass, is a bridge and underpass in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The bridge is so named since at the time of construction it crossed Clark Avenue which was later renamed to Bonanza Road. The underpass is currently part of Nevada State","Document [18](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) of less than 9,000 at the 1930 U.S. Census (compared to an estimated 2 million in 2013). Development in and around Las Vegas in the latter half of the 20th century made Las Vegas and its surrounding area a tourist attraction, and US 93 became an important transportation corridor for passenger and commercial traffic between Las Vegas and Phoenix. In 1995, the portion of US 93 over Hoover Dam was included as part of the CANAMEX Corridor, a high-priority transportation corridor established under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This bridge is a key component of the proposed Interstate","Document [19](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) but the dam is not visible for those driving across it. A parking area is provided near the bridge on the Nevada side at what was a staging area during construction. A set of stairs and disabled access ramps lead to the sidewalk across the bridge. Work began in 2003 on the approaches in both states and the construction contract for the arch bridge was awarded in October 2004. The largest obstacle to the project was the river crossing. The bridge and the bypass were constructed by a consortium of different government agencies and contractors, among them the Federal Highway","Document [20](Title: U.S. Route 93 in Arizona) just downstream from Hoover Dam. US 93 continues into Nevada to the cities of Boulder City, Henderson and Las Vegas. The route between Kingman and Hoover Dam first became part of the state highway system in 1934 when it was designated as SR 69. At the time, Hoover Dam was still under construction and the highway did not link to Nevada. The dam was completed the following year in 1935 enabling traffic to cross over the top of the dam. In that year, US 466 was designated over SR 69 from Kingman to Hoover Dam. US 93 was extended south"],"query":"when was the bridge over the hoover dam built?","answers":["2010"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) or doing nothing. In March 2001 the Federal Highway Administration issued a Record of Decision indicating its selection of the \"Sugarloaf Mountain Alternative\" routing. The project called for approximately of highway in Nevada, of highway in Arizona, and a bridge that would cross the river downstream (south) of Hoover Dam. Design work began in July 2001. Security measures implemented following the September 11 attacks prohibited commercial truck traffic from driving across Hoover Dam. Prior to the completion of the bridge, through commercial vehicles were required to follow a detour route between Boulder City and Kingman via US 95, Nevada State","Document [2](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) was featured in episode 5x02 of the TV series \"Extreme Engineering\". The filming of this episode took place before the start of work on the arch. When the bridge opened to traffic, the roadway over Hoover Dam was closed to through traffic, and all visitor access to the dam was routed to the Nevada side; vehicles are still allowed to drive across the dam to the Arizona side following a security inspection, but must return to the Nevada side to return to US 93. The former US 93 route between the dam and its junction with the present US 93","Document [3](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) Mike O'Callaghan, Governor of Nevada from 1971\u20131979, and Pat Tillman, an American football player who left his career with the Arizona Cardinals to enlist in the United States Army and was later killed in Afghanistan by friendly fire. As early as the 1960s, officials identified the US 93 route over Hoover Dam to be dangerous and inadequate for projected traffic volumes. From 1998\u20132001, officials from Arizona, Nevada, and several federal government agencies collaborated to determine the best routing for an alternative river crossing. In March 2001, the Federal Highway Administration selected the route, which crosses the Colorado River approximately downstream","Document [4](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) after the Royal Gorge Bridge, and is the world's highest concrete arch bridge. Upon the completion of the Boulder City Bypass, the bridge has become a part of Interstate 11, concurrent with US 93. In 1935, the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHO, later AASHTO) authorized a southward extension of U.S. Route 93 from its previous southern terminus in Glendale, Nevada to Kingman, Arizona by way of Las Vegas and Boulder City, crossing the Colorado River on the newly constructed Hoover Dam (also known then as Boulder Dam). Clark County was sparsely populated at the time, with a population","Document [5](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) 11 project. Through traffic on US 93 combined with pedestrian and tourist traffic at Hoover Dam itself led to major traffic congestion on the dam and on the approaches to the dam. The approaches featured hairpin turns on both the Nevada and Arizona sides of the dam, and the terrain caused limited sight distances around curves. In addition to traffic safety considerations, officials were also concerned about the safety and security of Hoover Dam, specifically the impact a vehicle accident could have on the dam's operation and the waters of Lake Mead. Officials first discussed the need for a new","Document [6](Title: Hoover Dam) longer allowed across Hoover Dam; dam visitors are allowed to use the existing roadway to approach from the Nevada side and cross to parking lots and other facilities on the Arizona side. Hoover Dam opened for tours in 1937 after its completion, but following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, it was closed to the public when the United States entered World War II, during which only authorized traffic, in convoys, was permitted. After the war, it reopened September 2, 1945, and by 1953, annual attendance had risen to 448,081. The dam closed on November 25, 1963,","Document [7](Title: Hoover Dam) overheads were filled in. The concrete lining is thick, reducing the finished tunnel diameter to . The river was diverted into the two Arizona tunnels on November 13, 1932; the Nevada tunnels were kept in reserve for high water. This was done by exploding a temporary cofferdam protecting the Arizona tunnels while at the same time dumping rubble into the river until its natural course was blocked. Following the completion of the dam, the entrances to the two outer diversion tunnels were sealed at the opening and halfway through the tunnels with large concrete plugs. The downstream halves of the","Document [8](Title: U.S. Route 93 in Arizona) with construction ongoing. This routing is part of a proposed Interstate 11 which could potentially connect Interstate 10 west of Phoenix with Interstate 515 southeast of Las Vegas. A segment of this new highway consists of a new route across the Colorado River called the Hoover Dam Bypass. The new crossing is the Mike O'Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge, the first so-called concrete-steel composite arch bridge built in the United States. The bridge is with a main span. The roadway is above the river. The bypass replaced the old section of U.S. 93 that approached and crossed directly over Hoover Dam,","Document [9](Title: Virginia Street Bridge) 2016. Built in 1905, the current Virginia Street Bridge is the fifth in a series of bridges to have been built in downtown Reno. The first was a wooden bridge built in 1860 by Charles W. Fuller and was hence called Fuller's Crossing. After it was destroyed by a flood, a second bridge, a toll bridge, was built and sold to Myron Lake in 1861, although in 1867 it was also destroyed by a flood. Even though it was replaced by yet another bridge, it became unneeded after the arrival of the Transcontinental Railroad. In 1877, the Washoe County authorized","Document [10](Title: Hoover Dam) was forthcoming from Washington. The strike ended. Before the dam could be built, the Colorado River needed to be diverted away from the construction site. To accomplish this, four diversion tunnels were driven through the canyon walls, two on the Nevada side and two on the Arizona side. These tunnels were in diameter. Their combined length was nearly 16,000 ft, or more than . The contract required these tunnels to be completed by October 1, 1933, with a $3,000-per-day fine to be assessed for any delay. To meet the deadline, Six Companies had to complete work by early 1933, since","Document [11](Title: Hoover Dam) Hoover Dam Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Nevada and Arizona. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression and was dedicated on September 30, 1935, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Its construction was the result of a massive effort involving thousands of workers, and cost over one hundred lives. Originally known as Boulder Dam from 1933, it was officially renamed Hoover Dam, for President Herbert Hoover, by a joint resolution of Congress in 1947. Since about 1900, the Black","Document [12](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) Colorado River crossing that would bypass the dam in the 1960s. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, which operates the dam, began work on the \"Colorado River Bridge Project\" in 1989, but the project was put on hold in 1995. In 1997 the Federal Highway Administration took over the project and released a draft environmental impact statement in 1998. From 1998\u20132001 state officials from Arizona and Nevada as well as several federal government agencies studied the feasibility of several alternative routes and river crossings, as well as the feasibility of modifying the roadway over the dam, restricting traffic over the dam,","Document [13](Title: Hoover Dam) the change, stating, \"I didn't know Hoover was that small a man to take credit for something he had nothing to do with.\" Hoover Dam was recognized as a National Civil Engineering Landmark in 1984. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1981, and was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1985, cited for its engineering innovations. Other sources Hoover Dam Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Nevada and Arizona. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the","Document [14](Title: Hoover Dam) the government. Six Companies was not required to complete work on one item, a concrete plug for one of the bypass tunnels, as the tunnel had to be used to take in irrigation water until the powerhouse went into operation. There were 112 deaths reported as associated with the construction of the dam. The first was J. G. Tierney, a surveyor who drowned on December 20, 1922, while looking for an ideal spot for the dam. The last death on the project's official fatality list occurred on December 20, 1935, when an \"electrician's helper\", Patrick Tierney, the son of J.","Document [15](Title: Boulder City, Nevada) it was officially renamed Hoover Dam by a joint resolution of Congress). Men hoping for work on the dam project had begun settling along the river in tents soon after the precise site for the dam had been chosen by the Bureau of Reclamation in 1930. Their ramshackle edifices were collectively known as \"Ragtown\". Boulder City was originally built in 1931 by the Bureau of Reclamation and Six Companies, Inc. as housing for workers who were building the Hoover Dam. The sheer scale of the dam and duration of the project required the Bureau of Reclamation to consider the construction","Document [16](Title: Clark Avenue Railroad Underpass) Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad) tracks. The bridge was constructed in 1937 by the Works Progress Administration. The structure has changed over time, primarily due to a widening project on Bonanza Road. Clark Avenue Railroad Underpass The Clark Avenue Railroad Underpass, also known as the Bonanza Underpass, is a bridge and underpass in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The bridge is so named since at the time of construction it crossed Clark Avenue which was later renamed to Bonanza Road. The underpass is currently part of Nevada State","Document [17](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) of less than 9,000 at the 1930 U.S. Census (compared to an estimated 2 million in 2013). Development in and around Las Vegas in the latter half of the 20th century made Las Vegas and its surrounding area a tourist attraction, and US 93 became an important transportation corridor for passenger and commercial traffic between Las Vegas and Phoenix. In 1995, the portion of US 93 over Hoover Dam was included as part of the CANAMEX Corridor, a high-priority transportation corridor established under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This bridge is a key component of the proposed Interstate","Document [18](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) but the dam is not visible for those driving across it. A parking area is provided near the bridge on the Nevada side at what was a staging area during construction. A set of stairs and disabled access ramps lead to the sidewalk across the bridge. Work began in 2003 on the approaches in both states and the construction contract for the arch bridge was awarded in October 2004. The largest obstacle to the project was the river crossing. The bridge and the bypass were constructed by a consortium of different government agencies and contractors, among them the Federal Highway","Document [19](Title: U.S. Route 93 in Arizona) just downstream from Hoover Dam. US 93 continues into Nevada to the cities of Boulder City, Henderson and Las Vegas. The route between Kingman and Hoover Dam first became part of the state highway system in 1934 when it was designated as SR 69. At the time, Hoover Dam was still under construction and the highway did not link to Nevada. The dam was completed the following year in 1935 enabling traffic to cross over the top of the dam. In that year, US 466 was designated over SR 69 from Kingman to Hoover Dam. US 93 was extended south","Document [20](Title: Mike O'Callaghan\u2013Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge) the states of Arizona and Nevada. The bridge is located within the Lake Mead National Recreation Area approximately 30 miles (48 km) southeast of Las Vegas, and carries U.S. Route 93 over the Colorado River. Opened in 2010, it was the key component of the Hoover Dam Bypass project, which rerouted US 93 from its previous routing along the top of Hoover Dam and removed several hairpin turns and blind curves from the route. It is jointly named for Mike O'Callaghan, Governor of Nevada from 1971\u20131979, and Pat Tillman, an American football player who left his career with the Arizona"],"query":"when was the bridge over the hoover dam built?","answers":["2010"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"If I Were a Boy\" is a song performed by American singer and songwriter Beyonc\u00e9 from her third studio album I Am... Sasha Fierce (2008). It was written by BC Jean and Toby Gad, who also handled its production alongside Beyonc\u00e9. Inspired by the difficult break-up of a romantic relationship, the song was initially recorded by Jean, whose record company rejected it. Beyonc\u00e9 then recorded her own version. Jean was upset when she learned that Beyonc\u00e9 was releasing it as a single, but eventually, they reached an agreement. Columbia Records released \"If I Were a Boy\" to US radio on","Document [2](Title: If I Were a Boy) was an artist, so it was, like, 'Oh, this songwriter BC.' \" \"If I Were a Boy\" was the first song she ever recorded, and she initially did not intend to hand it to another singer. Jean said that the fact that Beyonc\u00e9 recorded the ballad provided many opportunities, and she was approached by many people who wanted to purchase her lyrics. She refused their offers, desiring to use her songs for her own album. However, Jean still intends to write for other artists. \"If I Were a Boy\" is a midtempo pop and R&B ballad, with folk rock and","Document [3](Title: If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)) boy.<\/poem> If You Were the Only Girl (In the World) \"If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)\" is a popular song written by Nat D. Ayer with lyrics by Clifford Grey. It was written for the musical revue \"The Bing Boys Are Here\", which premi\u00e8red on 19 April 1916 at the Alhambra Theatre in Leicester Square, London. The song was originally performed as a duet between Lucius Bing, played by George Robey, and his love interest Emma, originated by Violet Loraine. The song was published in 1916 and republished in 1946. It has become a standard, recorded by","Document [4](Title: If I Were a Boy) evening\" and added that it was \"a lesson of what country music should be striving for these days\". Jon Caramanica of \"The New York Times\" gave a mixed review of her performance, writing that \"[McEntire] did something unexpected, softening her delivery and finding the creases in the song, as if Beyonc\u00e9 were whispering to her from the wings.\" However, \"Entertainment Weekly\"s Mandi Bierly wrote that the lyrics were \"just too young for [McEntire], and when it comes to the chorus, I want someone to belt it\". If I Were a Boy \"If I Were a Boy\" is a song performed","Document [5](Title: If I Were a Boy) writing, \"Singing with no band onstage, donning a glittery black dress with her signature red hair flowing to her shoulders, the legendary vocalist's performance scored a standing ovation.\" Jillian Mapes and Megan Vick of \"Billboard\" praised the performance, writing, \"As if Beyonce's 2008 ballad 'If I Were a Boy' wasn't moving enough, country queen Reba McEntire's smokey twang and solemn stance turned the song on its head.\" They also noted that the simple and powerful performance \"is enough to inspire tears, or at least goosebumps.\" Country Music Television's Chet Flippo felt that McEntire's performance was \"the musical highlight of the","Document [6](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"If I Were a Boy\" to US radio on October 8, 2008, as a double A-side single album's alongside \"Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)\" as the lead singles. The two songs showcased the contrast between Beyonc\u00e9's personality and her aggressive onstage persona, Sasha Fierce. A Spanish version of the song, titled \"Si Yo Fuera un Chico\", was digitally released in Mexico and Spain. \"If I Were a Boy\" is a pop and R&B introspective ballad which draws influences from folk rock through its instrumentation of which includes acoustic guitars, drums and strings. The song's lyrics lament the misunderstandings","Document [7](Title: If I Were a Boy) US. The accompanying music video for \"If I Were a Boy\" was directed by Jake Nava and shot in black-and-white. With a theme of role reversal, it is conceptually similar to the American comedy film \"Freaky Friday\" (1976). A video for the Spanish version of the ballad was edited from the original clip. Beyonc\u00e9 promoted \"If I Were a Boy\" through live performances at venues including \"The Oprah Winfrey Show\", the 52nd Grammy Awards, and the I Am... World Tour (2009\u201310). The song has been covered several times on televised music competitions. American singer Reba McEntire sang a country version","Document [8](Title: If I Were a Boy) as the second single from her studio album \"All the Women I Am\" (2010). McEntire revealed that she originally wanted to only cover her own hits. However, her husband and manager, Narvel Blackstock wanted her to do a cover song. Blackstock finally came up with the idea that she should record her own version of Beyonc\u00e9's \"If I Were a Boy\". Speaking about her version of the song, McEntire said: \"When I got the song and the lyrics, I thought it was an incredible song ... And, to me, it turned out to be a country song, when we got","Document [9](Title: If I Were a Boy) Am... World Tour\" and \"\". Prior to the performance of the song at the tour, outtakes of its music video were used. Beyonc\u00e9 later appeared performing \"If I Were a Boy\" wearing Ray-Bans, a leather breastplate, aviator shades and a bulletproof-looking one-piece further asking the crowd to sing along the track. During the bridge of the song, she included excerpts from Morissette's \"You Oughta Know\" and Tupac Shakur's \"California Love\" while imitating a male person with her moves. Alice Jones of \"The Independent\" wrote in her review that Beyonc\u00e9 \"whip[s] up a quasi-feminist singalong.\" Caryn Ganz of \"Rolling Stone\" noted","Document [10](Title: If I Were a Boy) a low of F\u266f to the high of E. Her singing gets higher and louder as she employs melodic crescendos. Critics noted that Beyonc\u00e9 delivers a tormented performance with unwavering sentiments. The lyrics of \"If I Were a Boy\" are about a gender-swapping thought experiment, through which Beyonc\u00e9 analyses the ideologies of a tense relationship. As she sings about things she would do if she were a boy, Beyonc\u00e9 highlights the vulnerability of a woman and ponders how things would be different if men had women's sense of empathy. During the first part of the ballad, Beyonc\u00e9 alternates between the","Document [11](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"If I Were a Boy\", Jean presented it to her record company, which rejected the song. Gad and Jean had co-written 12 songs, including \"If I Were a Boy\", for the singer's debut album. As the deal with Jean's record company fell apart, Gad marketed the songs to established artists. Beyonc\u00e9 liked \"If I Were a Boy\" and recorded her own version of it for her album \"I Am... Sasha Fierce\". Gad and Beyonc\u00e9 produced the track in 2008 at Roc the Mic Studios and Strawberry Productions in New York City and at GAD Studios in Ibiza. Gad did the","Document [12](Title: If I Were a Boy) a jangly guitar-pop number\" during the show. Kyle Anderson of \"Entertainment Weekly\" wrote that \"the most attention-grabbing moments of the night... came when she dipped into other artists' catalogs\". In 2013, \"If I Were a Boy\" was included in the set list of The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour where it featured the string motif from The Verve's \"Bitter Sweet Symphony\" (1997). In January 2009, Matthew Zeghibe, a 26-year-old computer art student from Connecticut, used pitch-correction software to make a clip that he claimed was the soundboard recording of \"If I Were a Boy\" from Beyonc\u00e9's \"Today\" show appearance in","Document [13](Title: If I Were a Boy) between the genders and indict the male side of relationships. \"If I Were a Boy\" was well received by critics, who complimented Beyonc\u00e9's tormented and emotive vocal performance and called the song her best work to date. The single was a commercial success as it placed in the top ten on twenty-five different singles charts. It topped the charts in more than eight European countries, including the United Kingdom, where it is Beyonc\u00e9's best-selling single. \"If I Were a Boy\" peaked at number three on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart and earned multi-platinum certifications in Australia, Canada, and the","Document [14](Title: If I Were a Boy) wrote in his review of the album that \"If I Were a Boy\" has the \"most interesting lyrics\" of the entire record. In a separate review of \"If I Were a Boy\", Levine awarded it four stars out of five, writing that Beyonc\u00e9's vocals on the song are passionate. He praised the lyrics for not being overwritten and commended their \"emotional punch\" and \"very strong melody\" which he said can make people feel that they have always known the song. Pitchfork Media's Ryan Dombal called \"If I Were a Boy\" an \"effective and affecting gender-bender\". Allmusic writer Andy Kellman felt","Document [15](Title: If I Were a Boy) EPs were made available on February 3 and 10, 2009. A Spanish version of \"If I Were a Boy\" was translated by Rudy P\u00e9rez and mixed by Andr\u00e9s Berm\u00fadez at The Beach House in Miami. Titled \"Si Yo Fuera un Chico (If I Were a Boy)\", this version was only included on copies of \"I Am... Sasha Fierce\" in Mexico as well as iTunes Stores in Latin America and Spain, where it was released as a stand-alone single on February 3, 2009. \"If I Were a Boy\" was widely acclaimed by contemporary music critics, who applauded Beyonc\u00e9's vocal performance and","Document [16](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"elegant new musical direction\" for Beyonc\u00e9 and praised it for being different from the songs played on Top 40 radio. By contrast, Stacey Anderson of \"Spin\" magazine was unimpressed with \"If I Were a Boy\", calling it a glistening and boring ballad. Adam Mazmanian of \"The Washington Times\" noted that the musical composition of \"If I Were a Boy\" has \"a spare [and] cinematic quality that [Beyonc\u00e9] fills with an expansive voice\", which nevertheless falters at times. A 2010 review of \"well-intended yet misguided feminist anthems\" in \"The A.V. Club\" noted the song had both a \"fresh perspective and a","Document [17](Title: If I Were a Boy) sense of self-awareness\" but cast is as \"a soppy wallow in whiny self-pity and broad stereotyping\". Erika Ramirez and Jason Lipshutz of \"Billboard\" magazine placed \"If I Were a Boy\" at number 19 on a list of Beyonc\u00e9's 30 biggest \"Billboard\" hits published for Beyonc\u00e9's thirtieth birthday. They wrote that the song \"found Beyonc\u00e9 at her most honest, drawing in both women and men\". \"If I Were a Boy\" was nominated for the Best Foreign Song at the 2009 Porin Awards in Croatia. On \"The Village Voice\"s year-end Pazz & Jop singles list, \"If I Were a Boy\" was ranked","Document [18](Title: If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)) If You Were the Only Girl (In the World) \"If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)\" is a popular song written by Nat D. Ayer with lyrics by Clifford Grey. It was written for the musical revue \"The Bing Boys Are Here\", which premi\u00e8red on 19 April 1916 at the Alhambra Theatre in Leicester Square, London. The song was originally performed as a duet between Lucius Bing, played by George Robey, and his love interest Emma, originated by Violet Loraine. The song was published in 1916 and republished in 1946. It has become a standard, recorded by many","Document [19](Title: If I Were a Boy) series of the British televised music competition \"The X Factor\", girl band Little Mix covered the \"If I Were a Boy\". Digital Spy's Daniel Sperling noted that the cover contained \"a little Amelia Lily-esque shouting\". On September 26, 2012, during the second season of \"The X Factor\" in the United States, Dinah Jane Hansen covered \"If I Were a Boy\". Annie Barrett of \"Entertainment Weekly\" praised Hansen's singing, writing that she \"stunned the crowd with a vocal so powerful\" and \"made the song her own\". Bruna Nessif of E! Online praised her \"powerful\" rendition, and Peter Larsen of \"The Orange","Document [20](Title: If I Were a Boy) no amount of money, fame or skill can solve the basic inequity between her man's heart and her own.\" Sal Cinquemani of Slant Magazine wrote that \"If I Were a Boy\" could become as commercially successful as \"Irreplaceable\" because of its radio-friendly appeal. James Montgomery of MTV News complimented the \"tear-jerking power\" of \"If I Were a Boy\" and noted that it reveals \"sides of Beyonc\u00e9 we never knew existed\". Matos Michaelangelo of \"The A.V. Club\" remarked that \"If I Were a Boy\" has \"boilerplate lyrics\" that would fit perfectly in a Hayley Mills film. Nick Levine of Digital Spy"],"query":"who wrote the song if i were a boy?","answers":["BC Jean and Toby Gad","Toby Gad","BC Jean"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: If I Were a Boy) was an artist, so it was, like, 'Oh, this songwriter BC.' \" \"If I Were a Boy\" was the first song she ever recorded, and she initially did not intend to hand it to another singer. Jean said that the fact that Beyonc\u00e9 recorded the ballad provided many opportunities, and she was approached by many people who wanted to purchase her lyrics. She refused their offers, desiring to use her songs for her own album. However, Jean still intends to write for other artists. \"If I Were a Boy\" is a midtempo pop and R&B ballad, with folk rock and","Document [2](Title: If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)) boy.<\/poem> If You Were the Only Girl (In the World) \"If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)\" is a popular song written by Nat D. Ayer with lyrics by Clifford Grey. It was written for the musical revue \"The Bing Boys Are Here\", which premi\u00e8red on 19 April 1916 at the Alhambra Theatre in Leicester Square, London. The song was originally performed as a duet between Lucius Bing, played by George Robey, and his love interest Emma, originated by Violet Loraine. The song was published in 1916 and republished in 1946. It has become a standard, recorded by","Document [3](Title: If I Were a Boy) evening\" and added that it was \"a lesson of what country music should be striving for these days\". Jon Caramanica of \"The New York Times\" gave a mixed review of her performance, writing that \"[McEntire] did something unexpected, softening her delivery and finding the creases in the song, as if Beyonc\u00e9 were whispering to her from the wings.\" However, \"Entertainment Weekly\"s Mandi Bierly wrote that the lyrics were \"just too young for [McEntire], and when it comes to the chorus, I want someone to belt it\". If I Were a Boy \"If I Were a Boy\" is a song performed","Document [4](Title: If I Were a Boy) writing, \"Singing with no band onstage, donning a glittery black dress with her signature red hair flowing to her shoulders, the legendary vocalist's performance scored a standing ovation.\" Jillian Mapes and Megan Vick of \"Billboard\" praised the performance, writing, \"As if Beyonce's 2008 ballad 'If I Were a Boy' wasn't moving enough, country queen Reba McEntire's smokey twang and solemn stance turned the song on its head.\" They also noted that the simple and powerful performance \"is enough to inspire tears, or at least goosebumps.\" Country Music Television's Chet Flippo felt that McEntire's performance was \"the musical highlight of the","Document [5](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"If I Were a Boy\" is a song performed by American singer and songwriter Beyonc\u00e9 from her third studio album I Am... Sasha Fierce (2008). It was written by BC Jean and Toby Gad, who also handled its production alongside Beyonc\u00e9. Inspired by the difficult break-up of a romantic relationship, the song was initially recorded by Jean, whose record company rejected it. Beyonc\u00e9 then recorded her own version. Jean was upset when she learned that Beyonc\u00e9 was releasing it as a single, but eventually, they reached an agreement. Columbia Records released \"If I Were a Boy\" to US radio on","Document [6](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"If I Were a Boy\" to US radio on October 8, 2008, as a double A-side single album's alongside \"Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)\" as the lead singles. The two songs showcased the contrast between Beyonc\u00e9's personality and her aggressive onstage persona, Sasha Fierce. A Spanish version of the song, titled \"Si Yo Fuera un Chico\", was digitally released in Mexico and Spain. \"If I Were a Boy\" is a pop and R&B introspective ballad which draws influences from folk rock through its instrumentation of which includes acoustic guitars, drums and strings. The song's lyrics lament the misunderstandings","Document [7](Title: If I Were a Boy) US. The accompanying music video for \"If I Were a Boy\" was directed by Jake Nava and shot in black-and-white. With a theme of role reversal, it is conceptually similar to the American comedy film \"Freaky Friday\" (1976). A video for the Spanish version of the ballad was edited from the original clip. Beyonc\u00e9 promoted \"If I Were a Boy\" through live performances at venues including \"The Oprah Winfrey Show\", the 52nd Grammy Awards, and the I Am... World Tour (2009\u201310). The song has been covered several times on televised music competitions. American singer Reba McEntire sang a country version","Document [8](Title: If I Were a Boy) as the second single from her studio album \"All the Women I Am\" (2010). McEntire revealed that she originally wanted to only cover her own hits. However, her husband and manager, Narvel Blackstock wanted her to do a cover song. Blackstock finally came up with the idea that she should record her own version of Beyonc\u00e9's \"If I Were a Boy\". Speaking about her version of the song, McEntire said: \"When I got the song and the lyrics, I thought it was an incredible song ... And, to me, it turned out to be a country song, when we got","Document [9](Title: If I Were a Boy) Am... World Tour\" and \"\". Prior to the performance of the song at the tour, outtakes of its music video were used. Beyonc\u00e9 later appeared performing \"If I Were a Boy\" wearing Ray-Bans, a leather breastplate, aviator shades and a bulletproof-looking one-piece further asking the crowd to sing along the track. During the bridge of the song, she included excerpts from Morissette's \"You Oughta Know\" and Tupac Shakur's \"California Love\" while imitating a male person with her moves. Alice Jones of \"The Independent\" wrote in her review that Beyonc\u00e9 \"whip[s] up a quasi-feminist singalong.\" Caryn Ganz of \"Rolling Stone\" noted","Document [10](Title: If I Were a Boy) a low of F\u266f to the high of E. Her singing gets higher and louder as she employs melodic crescendos. Critics noted that Beyonc\u00e9 delivers a tormented performance with unwavering sentiments. The lyrics of \"If I Were a Boy\" are about a gender-swapping thought experiment, through which Beyonc\u00e9 analyses the ideologies of a tense relationship. As she sings about things she would do if she were a boy, Beyonc\u00e9 highlights the vulnerability of a woman and ponders how things would be different if men had women's sense of empathy. During the first part of the ballad, Beyonc\u00e9 alternates between the","Document [11](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"If I Were a Boy\", Jean presented it to her record company, which rejected the song. Gad and Jean had co-written 12 songs, including \"If I Were a Boy\", for the singer's debut album. As the deal with Jean's record company fell apart, Gad marketed the songs to established artists. Beyonc\u00e9 liked \"If I Were a Boy\" and recorded her own version of it for her album \"I Am... Sasha Fierce\". Gad and Beyonc\u00e9 produced the track in 2008 at Roc the Mic Studios and Strawberry Productions in New York City and at GAD Studios in Ibiza. Gad did the","Document [12](Title: If I Were a Boy) a jangly guitar-pop number\" during the show. Kyle Anderson of \"Entertainment Weekly\" wrote that \"the most attention-grabbing moments of the night... came when she dipped into other artists' catalogs\". In 2013, \"If I Were a Boy\" was included in the set list of The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour where it featured the string motif from The Verve's \"Bitter Sweet Symphony\" (1997). In January 2009, Matthew Zeghibe, a 26-year-old computer art student from Connecticut, used pitch-correction software to make a clip that he claimed was the soundboard recording of \"If I Were a Boy\" from Beyonc\u00e9's \"Today\" show appearance in","Document [13](Title: If I Were a Boy) between the genders and indict the male side of relationships. \"If I Were a Boy\" was well received by critics, who complimented Beyonc\u00e9's tormented and emotive vocal performance and called the song her best work to date. The single was a commercial success as it placed in the top ten on twenty-five different singles charts. It topped the charts in more than eight European countries, including the United Kingdom, where it is Beyonc\u00e9's best-selling single. \"If I Were a Boy\" peaked at number three on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart and earned multi-platinum certifications in Australia, Canada, and the","Document [14](Title: If I Were a Boy) wrote in his review of the album that \"If I Were a Boy\" has the \"most interesting lyrics\" of the entire record. In a separate review of \"If I Were a Boy\", Levine awarded it four stars out of five, writing that Beyonc\u00e9's vocals on the song are passionate. He praised the lyrics for not being overwritten and commended their \"emotional punch\" and \"very strong melody\" which he said can make people feel that they have always known the song. Pitchfork Media's Ryan Dombal called \"If I Were a Boy\" an \"effective and affecting gender-bender\". Allmusic writer Andy Kellman felt","Document [15](Title: If I Were a Boy) EPs were made available on February 3 and 10, 2009. A Spanish version of \"If I Were a Boy\" was translated by Rudy P\u00e9rez and mixed by Andr\u00e9s Berm\u00fadez at The Beach House in Miami. Titled \"Si Yo Fuera un Chico (If I Were a Boy)\", this version was only included on copies of \"I Am... Sasha Fierce\" in Mexico as well as iTunes Stores in Latin America and Spain, where it was released as a stand-alone single on February 3, 2009. \"If I Were a Boy\" was widely acclaimed by contemporary music critics, who applauded Beyonc\u00e9's vocal performance and","Document [16](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"elegant new musical direction\" for Beyonc\u00e9 and praised it for being different from the songs played on Top 40 radio. By contrast, Stacey Anderson of \"Spin\" magazine was unimpressed with \"If I Were a Boy\", calling it a glistening and boring ballad. Adam Mazmanian of \"The Washington Times\" noted that the musical composition of \"If I Were a Boy\" has \"a spare [and] cinematic quality that [Beyonc\u00e9] fills with an expansive voice\", which nevertheless falters at times. A 2010 review of \"well-intended yet misguided feminist anthems\" in \"The A.V. Club\" noted the song had both a \"fresh perspective and a","Document [17](Title: If I Were a Boy) sense of self-awareness\" but cast is as \"a soppy wallow in whiny self-pity and broad stereotyping\". Erika Ramirez and Jason Lipshutz of \"Billboard\" magazine placed \"If I Were a Boy\" at number 19 on a list of Beyonc\u00e9's 30 biggest \"Billboard\" hits published for Beyonc\u00e9's thirtieth birthday. They wrote that the song \"found Beyonc\u00e9 at her most honest, drawing in both women and men\". \"If I Were a Boy\" was nominated for the Best Foreign Song at the 2009 Porin Awards in Croatia. On \"The Village Voice\"s year-end Pazz & Jop singles list, \"If I Were a Boy\" was ranked","Document [18](Title: If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)) If You Were the Only Girl (In the World) \"If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)\" is a popular song written by Nat D. Ayer with lyrics by Clifford Grey. It was written for the musical revue \"The Bing Boys Are Here\", which premi\u00e8red on 19 April 1916 at the Alhambra Theatre in Leicester Square, London. The song was originally performed as a duet between Lucius Bing, played by George Robey, and his love interest Emma, originated by Violet Loraine. The song was published in 1916 and republished in 1946. It has become a standard, recorded by many","Document [19](Title: If I Were a Boy) series of the British televised music competition \"The X Factor\", girl band Little Mix covered the \"If I Were a Boy\". Digital Spy's Daniel Sperling noted that the cover contained \"a little Amelia Lily-esque shouting\". On September 26, 2012, during the second season of \"The X Factor\" in the United States, Dinah Jane Hansen covered \"If I Were a Boy\". Annie Barrett of \"Entertainment Weekly\" praised Hansen's singing, writing that she \"stunned the crowd with a vocal so powerful\" and \"made the song her own\". Bruna Nessif of E! Online praised her \"powerful\" rendition, and Peter Larsen of \"The Orange","Document [20](Title: If I Were a Boy) no amount of money, fame or skill can solve the basic inequity between her man's heart and her own.\" Sal Cinquemani of Slant Magazine wrote that \"If I Were a Boy\" could become as commercially successful as \"Irreplaceable\" because of its radio-friendly appeal. James Montgomery of MTV News complimented the \"tear-jerking power\" of \"If I Were a Boy\" and noted that it reveals \"sides of Beyonc\u00e9 we never knew existed\". Matos Michaelangelo of \"The A.V. Club\" remarked that \"If I Were a Boy\" has \"boilerplate lyrics\" that would fit perfectly in a Hayley Mills film. Nick Levine of Digital Spy"],"query":"who wrote the song if i were a boy?","answers":["BC Jean and Toby Gad","Toby Gad","BC Jean"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: If I Were a Boy) was an artist, so it was, like, 'Oh, this songwriter BC.' \" \"If I Were a Boy\" was the first song she ever recorded, and she initially did not intend to hand it to another singer. Jean said that the fact that Beyonc\u00e9 recorded the ballad provided many opportunities, and she was approached by many people who wanted to purchase her lyrics. She refused their offers, desiring to use her songs for her own album. However, Jean still intends to write for other artists. \"If I Were a Boy\" is a midtempo pop and R&B ballad, with folk rock and","Document [2](Title: If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)) boy.<\/poem> If You Were the Only Girl (In the World) \"If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)\" is a popular song written by Nat D. Ayer with lyrics by Clifford Grey. It was written for the musical revue \"The Bing Boys Are Here\", which premi\u00e8red on 19 April 1916 at the Alhambra Theatre in Leicester Square, London. The song was originally performed as a duet between Lucius Bing, played by George Robey, and his love interest Emma, originated by Violet Loraine. The song was published in 1916 and republished in 1946. It has become a standard, recorded by","Document [3](Title: If I Were a Boy) evening\" and added that it was \"a lesson of what country music should be striving for these days\". Jon Caramanica of \"The New York Times\" gave a mixed review of her performance, writing that \"[McEntire] did something unexpected, softening her delivery and finding the creases in the song, as if Beyonc\u00e9 were whispering to her from the wings.\" However, \"Entertainment Weekly\"s Mandi Bierly wrote that the lyrics were \"just too young for [McEntire], and when it comes to the chorus, I want someone to belt it\". If I Were a Boy \"If I Were a Boy\" is a song performed","Document [4](Title: If I Were a Boy) writing, \"Singing with no band onstage, donning a glittery black dress with her signature red hair flowing to her shoulders, the legendary vocalist's performance scored a standing ovation.\" Jillian Mapes and Megan Vick of \"Billboard\" praised the performance, writing, \"As if Beyonce's 2008 ballad 'If I Were a Boy' wasn't moving enough, country queen Reba McEntire's smokey twang and solemn stance turned the song on its head.\" They also noted that the simple and powerful performance \"is enough to inspire tears, or at least goosebumps.\" Country Music Television's Chet Flippo felt that McEntire's performance was \"the musical highlight of the","Document [5](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"If I Were a Boy\" to US radio on October 8, 2008, as a double A-side single album's alongside \"Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)\" as the lead singles. The two songs showcased the contrast between Beyonc\u00e9's personality and her aggressive onstage persona, Sasha Fierce. A Spanish version of the song, titled \"Si Yo Fuera un Chico\", was digitally released in Mexico and Spain. \"If I Were a Boy\" is a pop and R&B introspective ballad which draws influences from folk rock through its instrumentation of which includes acoustic guitars, drums and strings. The song's lyrics lament the misunderstandings","Document [6](Title: If I Were a Boy) US. The accompanying music video for \"If I Were a Boy\" was directed by Jake Nava and shot in black-and-white. With a theme of role reversal, it is conceptually similar to the American comedy film \"Freaky Friday\" (1976). A video for the Spanish version of the ballad was edited from the original clip. Beyonc\u00e9 promoted \"If I Were a Boy\" through live performances at venues including \"The Oprah Winfrey Show\", the 52nd Grammy Awards, and the I Am... World Tour (2009\u201310). The song has been covered several times on televised music competitions. American singer Reba McEntire sang a country version","Document [7](Title: If I Were a Boy) as the second single from her studio album \"All the Women I Am\" (2010). McEntire revealed that she originally wanted to only cover her own hits. However, her husband and manager, Narvel Blackstock wanted her to do a cover song. Blackstock finally came up with the idea that she should record her own version of Beyonc\u00e9's \"If I Were a Boy\". Speaking about her version of the song, McEntire said: \"When I got the song and the lyrics, I thought it was an incredible song ... And, to me, it turned out to be a country song, when we got","Document [8](Title: If I Were a Boy) Am... World Tour\" and \"\". Prior to the performance of the song at the tour, outtakes of its music video were used. Beyonc\u00e9 later appeared performing \"If I Were a Boy\" wearing Ray-Bans, a leather breastplate, aviator shades and a bulletproof-looking one-piece further asking the crowd to sing along the track. During the bridge of the song, she included excerpts from Morissette's \"You Oughta Know\" and Tupac Shakur's \"California Love\" while imitating a male person with her moves. Alice Jones of \"The Independent\" wrote in her review that Beyonc\u00e9 \"whip[s] up a quasi-feminist singalong.\" Caryn Ganz of \"Rolling Stone\" noted","Document [9](Title: If I Were a Boy) a low of F\u266f to the high of E. Her singing gets higher and louder as she employs melodic crescendos. Critics noted that Beyonc\u00e9 delivers a tormented performance with unwavering sentiments. The lyrics of \"If I Were a Boy\" are about a gender-swapping thought experiment, through which Beyonc\u00e9 analyses the ideologies of a tense relationship. As she sings about things she would do if she were a boy, Beyonc\u00e9 highlights the vulnerability of a woman and ponders how things would be different if men had women's sense of empathy. During the first part of the ballad, Beyonc\u00e9 alternates between the","Document [10](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"If I Were a Boy\" is a song performed by American singer and songwriter Beyonc\u00e9 from her third studio album I Am... Sasha Fierce (2008). It was written by BC Jean and Toby Gad, who also handled its production alongside Beyonc\u00e9. Inspired by the difficult break-up of a romantic relationship, the song was initially recorded by Jean, whose record company rejected it. Beyonc\u00e9 then recorded her own version. Jean was upset when she learned that Beyonc\u00e9 was releasing it as a single, but eventually, they reached an agreement. Columbia Records released \"If I Were a Boy\" to US radio on","Document [11](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"If I Were a Boy\", Jean presented it to her record company, which rejected the song. Gad and Jean had co-written 12 songs, including \"If I Were a Boy\", for the singer's debut album. As the deal with Jean's record company fell apart, Gad marketed the songs to established artists. Beyonc\u00e9 liked \"If I Were a Boy\" and recorded her own version of it for her album \"I Am... Sasha Fierce\". Gad and Beyonc\u00e9 produced the track in 2008 at Roc the Mic Studios and Strawberry Productions in New York City and at GAD Studios in Ibiza. Gad did the","Document [12](Title: If I Were a Boy) a jangly guitar-pop number\" during the show. Kyle Anderson of \"Entertainment Weekly\" wrote that \"the most attention-grabbing moments of the night... came when she dipped into other artists' catalogs\". In 2013, \"If I Were a Boy\" was included in the set list of The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour where it featured the string motif from The Verve's \"Bitter Sweet Symphony\" (1997). In January 2009, Matthew Zeghibe, a 26-year-old computer art student from Connecticut, used pitch-correction software to make a clip that he claimed was the soundboard recording of \"If I Were a Boy\" from Beyonc\u00e9's \"Today\" show appearance in","Document [13](Title: If I Were a Boy) between the genders and indict the male side of relationships. \"If I Were a Boy\" was well received by critics, who complimented Beyonc\u00e9's tormented and emotive vocal performance and called the song her best work to date. The single was a commercial success as it placed in the top ten on twenty-five different singles charts. It topped the charts in more than eight European countries, including the United Kingdom, where it is Beyonc\u00e9's best-selling single. \"If I Were a Boy\" peaked at number three on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart and earned multi-platinum certifications in Australia, Canada, and the","Document [14](Title: If I Were a Boy) wrote in his review of the album that \"If I Were a Boy\" has the \"most interesting lyrics\" of the entire record. In a separate review of \"If I Were a Boy\", Levine awarded it four stars out of five, writing that Beyonc\u00e9's vocals on the song are passionate. He praised the lyrics for not being overwritten and commended their \"emotional punch\" and \"very strong melody\" which he said can make people feel that they have always known the song. Pitchfork Media's Ryan Dombal called \"If I Were a Boy\" an \"effective and affecting gender-bender\". Allmusic writer Andy Kellman felt","Document [15](Title: If I Were a Boy) EPs were made available on February 3 and 10, 2009. A Spanish version of \"If I Were a Boy\" was translated by Rudy P\u00e9rez and mixed by Andr\u00e9s Berm\u00fadez at The Beach House in Miami. Titled \"Si Yo Fuera un Chico (If I Were a Boy)\", this version was only included on copies of \"I Am... Sasha Fierce\" in Mexico as well as iTunes Stores in Latin America and Spain, where it was released as a stand-alone single on February 3, 2009. \"If I Were a Boy\" was widely acclaimed by contemporary music critics, who applauded Beyonc\u00e9's vocal performance and","Document [16](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"elegant new musical direction\" for Beyonc\u00e9 and praised it for being different from the songs played on Top 40 radio. By contrast, Stacey Anderson of \"Spin\" magazine was unimpressed with \"If I Were a Boy\", calling it a glistening and boring ballad. Adam Mazmanian of \"The Washington Times\" noted that the musical composition of \"If I Were a Boy\" has \"a spare [and] cinematic quality that [Beyonc\u00e9] fills with an expansive voice\", which nevertheless falters at times. A 2010 review of \"well-intended yet misguided feminist anthems\" in \"The A.V. Club\" noted the song had both a \"fresh perspective and a","Document [17](Title: If I Were a Boy) sense of self-awareness\" but cast is as \"a soppy wallow in whiny self-pity and broad stereotyping\". Erika Ramirez and Jason Lipshutz of \"Billboard\" magazine placed \"If I Were a Boy\" at number 19 on a list of Beyonc\u00e9's 30 biggest \"Billboard\" hits published for Beyonc\u00e9's thirtieth birthday. They wrote that the song \"found Beyonc\u00e9 at her most honest, drawing in both women and men\". \"If I Were a Boy\" was nominated for the Best Foreign Song at the 2009 Porin Awards in Croatia. On \"The Village Voice\"s year-end Pazz & Jop singles list, \"If I Were a Boy\" was ranked","Document [18](Title: If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)) If You Were the Only Girl (In the World) \"If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)\" is a popular song written by Nat D. Ayer with lyrics by Clifford Grey. It was written for the musical revue \"The Bing Boys Are Here\", which premi\u00e8red on 19 April 1916 at the Alhambra Theatre in Leicester Square, London. The song was originally performed as a duet between Lucius Bing, played by George Robey, and his love interest Emma, originated by Violet Loraine. The song was published in 1916 and republished in 1946. It has become a standard, recorded by many","Document [19](Title: If I Were a Boy) series of the British televised music competition \"The X Factor\", girl band Little Mix covered the \"If I Were a Boy\". Digital Spy's Daniel Sperling noted that the cover contained \"a little Amelia Lily-esque shouting\". On September 26, 2012, during the second season of \"The X Factor\" in the United States, Dinah Jane Hansen covered \"If I Were a Boy\". Annie Barrett of \"Entertainment Weekly\" praised Hansen's singing, writing that she \"stunned the crowd with a vocal so powerful\" and \"made the song her own\". Bruna Nessif of E! Online praised her \"powerful\" rendition, and Peter Larsen of \"The Orange","Document [20](Title: If I Were a Boy) no amount of money, fame or skill can solve the basic inequity between her man's heart and her own.\" Sal Cinquemani of Slant Magazine wrote that \"If I Were a Boy\" could become as commercially successful as \"Irreplaceable\" because of its radio-friendly appeal. James Montgomery of MTV News complimented the \"tear-jerking power\" of \"If I Were a Boy\" and noted that it reveals \"sides of Beyonc\u00e9 we never knew existed\". Matos Michaelangelo of \"The A.V. Club\" remarked that \"If I Were a Boy\" has \"boilerplate lyrics\" that would fit perfectly in a Hayley Mills film. Nick Levine of Digital Spy"],"query":"who wrote the song if i were a boy?","answers":["BC Jean and Toby Gad","Toby Gad","BC Jean"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: If I Were a Boy) was an artist, so it was, like, 'Oh, this songwriter BC.' \" \"If I Were a Boy\" was the first song she ever recorded, and she initially did not intend to hand it to another singer. Jean said that the fact that Beyonc\u00e9 recorded the ballad provided many opportunities, and she was approached by many people who wanted to purchase her lyrics. She refused their offers, desiring to use her songs for her own album. However, Jean still intends to write for other artists. \"If I Were a Boy\" is a midtempo pop and R&B ballad, with folk rock and","Document [2](Title: If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)) boy.<\/poem> If You Were the Only Girl (In the World) \"If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)\" is a popular song written by Nat D. Ayer with lyrics by Clifford Grey. It was written for the musical revue \"The Bing Boys Are Here\", which premi\u00e8red on 19 April 1916 at the Alhambra Theatre in Leicester Square, London. The song was originally performed as a duet between Lucius Bing, played by George Robey, and his love interest Emma, originated by Violet Loraine. The song was published in 1916 and republished in 1946. It has become a standard, recorded by","Document [3](Title: If I Were a Boy) evening\" and added that it was \"a lesson of what country music should be striving for these days\". Jon Caramanica of \"The New York Times\" gave a mixed review of her performance, writing that \"[McEntire] did something unexpected, softening her delivery and finding the creases in the song, as if Beyonc\u00e9 were whispering to her from the wings.\" However, \"Entertainment Weekly\"s Mandi Bierly wrote that the lyrics were \"just too young for [McEntire], and when it comes to the chorus, I want someone to belt it\". If I Were a Boy \"If I Were a Boy\" is a song performed","Document [4](Title: If I Were a Boy) writing, \"Singing with no band onstage, donning a glittery black dress with her signature red hair flowing to her shoulders, the legendary vocalist's performance scored a standing ovation.\" Jillian Mapes and Megan Vick of \"Billboard\" praised the performance, writing, \"As if Beyonce's 2008 ballad 'If I Were a Boy' wasn't moving enough, country queen Reba McEntire's smokey twang and solemn stance turned the song on its head.\" They also noted that the simple and powerful performance \"is enough to inspire tears, or at least goosebumps.\" Country Music Television's Chet Flippo felt that McEntire's performance was \"the musical highlight of the","Document [5](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"If I Were a Boy\" to US radio on October 8, 2008, as a double A-side single album's alongside \"Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)\" as the lead singles. The two songs showcased the contrast between Beyonc\u00e9's personality and her aggressive onstage persona, Sasha Fierce. A Spanish version of the song, titled \"Si Yo Fuera un Chico\", was digitally released in Mexico and Spain. \"If I Were a Boy\" is a pop and R&B introspective ballad which draws influences from folk rock through its instrumentation of which includes acoustic guitars, drums and strings. The song's lyrics lament the misunderstandings","Document [6](Title: If I Were a Boy) US. The accompanying music video for \"If I Were a Boy\" was directed by Jake Nava and shot in black-and-white. With a theme of role reversal, it is conceptually similar to the American comedy film \"Freaky Friday\" (1976). A video for the Spanish version of the ballad was edited from the original clip. Beyonc\u00e9 promoted \"If I Were a Boy\" through live performances at venues including \"The Oprah Winfrey Show\", the 52nd Grammy Awards, and the I Am... World Tour (2009\u201310). The song has been covered several times on televised music competitions. American singer Reba McEntire sang a country version","Document [7](Title: If I Were a Boy) as the second single from her studio album \"All the Women I Am\" (2010). McEntire revealed that she originally wanted to only cover her own hits. However, her husband and manager, Narvel Blackstock wanted her to do a cover song. Blackstock finally came up with the idea that she should record her own version of Beyonc\u00e9's \"If I Were a Boy\". Speaking about her version of the song, McEntire said: \"When I got the song and the lyrics, I thought it was an incredible song ... And, to me, it turned out to be a country song, when we got","Document [8](Title: If I Were a Boy) Am... World Tour\" and \"\". Prior to the performance of the song at the tour, outtakes of its music video were used. Beyonc\u00e9 later appeared performing \"If I Were a Boy\" wearing Ray-Bans, a leather breastplate, aviator shades and a bulletproof-looking one-piece further asking the crowd to sing along the track. During the bridge of the song, she included excerpts from Morissette's \"You Oughta Know\" and Tupac Shakur's \"California Love\" while imitating a male person with her moves. Alice Jones of \"The Independent\" wrote in her review that Beyonc\u00e9 \"whip[s] up a quasi-feminist singalong.\" Caryn Ganz of \"Rolling Stone\" noted","Document [9](Title: If I Were a Boy) a low of F\u266f to the high of E. Her singing gets higher and louder as she employs melodic crescendos. Critics noted that Beyonc\u00e9 delivers a tormented performance with unwavering sentiments. The lyrics of \"If I Were a Boy\" are about a gender-swapping thought experiment, through which Beyonc\u00e9 analyses the ideologies of a tense relationship. As she sings about things she would do if she were a boy, Beyonc\u00e9 highlights the vulnerability of a woman and ponders how things would be different if men had women's sense of empathy. During the first part of the ballad, Beyonc\u00e9 alternates between the","Document [10](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"If I Were a Boy\", Jean presented it to her record company, which rejected the song. Gad and Jean had co-written 12 songs, including \"If I Were a Boy\", for the singer's debut album. As the deal with Jean's record company fell apart, Gad marketed the songs to established artists. Beyonc\u00e9 liked \"If I Were a Boy\" and recorded her own version of it for her album \"I Am... Sasha Fierce\". Gad and Beyonc\u00e9 produced the track in 2008 at Roc the Mic Studios and Strawberry Productions in New York City and at GAD Studios in Ibiza. Gad did the","Document [11](Title: If I Were a Boy) a jangly guitar-pop number\" during the show. Kyle Anderson of \"Entertainment Weekly\" wrote that \"the most attention-grabbing moments of the night... came when she dipped into other artists' catalogs\". In 2013, \"If I Were a Boy\" was included in the set list of The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour where it featured the string motif from The Verve's \"Bitter Sweet Symphony\" (1997). In January 2009, Matthew Zeghibe, a 26-year-old computer art student from Connecticut, used pitch-correction software to make a clip that he claimed was the soundboard recording of \"If I Were a Boy\" from Beyonc\u00e9's \"Today\" show appearance in","Document [12](Title: If I Were a Boy) between the genders and indict the male side of relationships. \"If I Were a Boy\" was well received by critics, who complimented Beyonc\u00e9's tormented and emotive vocal performance and called the song her best work to date. The single was a commercial success as it placed in the top ten on twenty-five different singles charts. It topped the charts in more than eight European countries, including the United Kingdom, where it is Beyonc\u00e9's best-selling single. \"If I Were a Boy\" peaked at number three on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart and earned multi-platinum certifications in Australia, Canada, and the","Document [13](Title: If I Were a Boy) wrote in his review of the album that \"If I Were a Boy\" has the \"most interesting lyrics\" of the entire record. In a separate review of \"If I Were a Boy\", Levine awarded it four stars out of five, writing that Beyonc\u00e9's vocals on the song are passionate. He praised the lyrics for not being overwritten and commended their \"emotional punch\" and \"very strong melody\" which he said can make people feel that they have always known the song. Pitchfork Media's Ryan Dombal called \"If I Were a Boy\" an \"effective and affecting gender-bender\". Allmusic writer Andy Kellman felt","Document [14](Title: If I Were a Boy) EPs were made available on February 3 and 10, 2009. A Spanish version of \"If I Were a Boy\" was translated by Rudy P\u00e9rez and mixed by Andr\u00e9s Berm\u00fadez at The Beach House in Miami. Titled \"Si Yo Fuera un Chico (If I Were a Boy)\", this version was only included on copies of \"I Am... Sasha Fierce\" in Mexico as well as iTunes Stores in Latin America and Spain, where it was released as a stand-alone single on February 3, 2009. \"If I Were a Boy\" was widely acclaimed by contemporary music critics, who applauded Beyonc\u00e9's vocal performance and","Document [15](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"If I Were a Boy\" is a song performed by American singer and songwriter Beyonc\u00e9 from her third studio album I Am... Sasha Fierce (2008). It was written by BC Jean and Toby Gad, who also handled its production alongside Beyonc\u00e9. Inspired by the difficult break-up of a romantic relationship, the song was initially recorded by Jean, whose record company rejected it. Beyonc\u00e9 then recorded her own version. Jean was upset when she learned that Beyonc\u00e9 was releasing it as a single, but eventually, they reached an agreement. Columbia Records released \"If I Were a Boy\" to US radio on","Document [16](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"elegant new musical direction\" for Beyonc\u00e9 and praised it for being different from the songs played on Top 40 radio. By contrast, Stacey Anderson of \"Spin\" magazine was unimpressed with \"If I Were a Boy\", calling it a glistening and boring ballad. Adam Mazmanian of \"The Washington Times\" noted that the musical composition of \"If I Were a Boy\" has \"a spare [and] cinematic quality that [Beyonc\u00e9] fills with an expansive voice\", which nevertheless falters at times. A 2010 review of \"well-intended yet misguided feminist anthems\" in \"The A.V. Club\" noted the song had both a \"fresh perspective and a","Document [17](Title: If I Were a Boy) sense of self-awareness\" but cast is as \"a soppy wallow in whiny self-pity and broad stereotyping\". Erika Ramirez and Jason Lipshutz of \"Billboard\" magazine placed \"If I Were a Boy\" at number 19 on a list of Beyonc\u00e9's 30 biggest \"Billboard\" hits published for Beyonc\u00e9's thirtieth birthday. They wrote that the song \"found Beyonc\u00e9 at her most honest, drawing in both women and men\". \"If I Were a Boy\" was nominated for the Best Foreign Song at the 2009 Porin Awards in Croatia. On \"The Village Voice\"s year-end Pazz & Jop singles list, \"If I Were a Boy\" was ranked","Document [18](Title: If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)) If You Were the Only Girl (In the World) \"If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)\" is a popular song written by Nat D. Ayer with lyrics by Clifford Grey. It was written for the musical revue \"The Bing Boys Are Here\", which premi\u00e8red on 19 April 1916 at the Alhambra Theatre in Leicester Square, London. The song was originally performed as a duet between Lucius Bing, played by George Robey, and his love interest Emma, originated by Violet Loraine. The song was published in 1916 and republished in 1946. It has become a standard, recorded by many","Document [19](Title: If I Were a Boy) series of the British televised music competition \"The X Factor\", girl band Little Mix covered the \"If I Were a Boy\". Digital Spy's Daniel Sperling noted that the cover contained \"a little Amelia Lily-esque shouting\". On September 26, 2012, during the second season of \"The X Factor\" in the United States, Dinah Jane Hansen covered \"If I Were a Boy\". Annie Barrett of \"Entertainment Weekly\" praised Hansen's singing, writing that she \"stunned the crowd with a vocal so powerful\" and \"made the song her own\". Bruna Nessif of E! Online praised her \"powerful\" rendition, and Peter Larsen of \"The Orange","Document [20](Title: If I Were a Boy) no amount of money, fame or skill can solve the basic inequity between her man's heart and her own.\" Sal Cinquemani of Slant Magazine wrote that \"If I Were a Boy\" could become as commercially successful as \"Irreplaceable\" because of its radio-friendly appeal. James Montgomery of MTV News complimented the \"tear-jerking power\" of \"If I Were a Boy\" and noted that it reveals \"sides of Beyonc\u00e9 we never knew existed\". Matos Michaelangelo of \"The A.V. Club\" remarked that \"If I Were a Boy\" has \"boilerplate lyrics\" that would fit perfectly in a Hayley Mills film. Nick Levine of Digital Spy"],"query":"who wrote the song if i were a boy?","answers":["BC Jean and Toby Gad","Toby Gad","BC Jean"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: If I Were a Boy) was an artist, so it was, like, 'Oh, this songwriter BC.' \" \"If I Were a Boy\" was the first song she ever recorded, and she initially did not intend to hand it to another singer. Jean said that the fact that Beyonc\u00e9 recorded the ballad provided many opportunities, and she was approached by many people who wanted to purchase her lyrics. She refused their offers, desiring to use her songs for her own album. However, Jean still intends to write for other artists. \"If I Were a Boy\" is a midtempo pop and R&B ballad, with folk rock and","Document [2](Title: If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)) boy.<\/poem> If You Were the Only Girl (In the World) \"If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)\" is a popular song written by Nat D. Ayer with lyrics by Clifford Grey. It was written for the musical revue \"The Bing Boys Are Here\", which premi\u00e8red on 19 April 1916 at the Alhambra Theatre in Leicester Square, London. The song was originally performed as a duet between Lucius Bing, played by George Robey, and his love interest Emma, originated by Violet Loraine. The song was published in 1916 and republished in 1946. It has become a standard, recorded by","Document [3](Title: If I Were a Boy) evening\" and added that it was \"a lesson of what country music should be striving for these days\". Jon Caramanica of \"The New York Times\" gave a mixed review of her performance, writing that \"[McEntire] did something unexpected, softening her delivery and finding the creases in the song, as if Beyonc\u00e9 were whispering to her from the wings.\" However, \"Entertainment Weekly\"s Mandi Bierly wrote that the lyrics were \"just too young for [McEntire], and when it comes to the chorus, I want someone to belt it\". If I Were a Boy \"If I Were a Boy\" is a song performed","Document [4](Title: If I Were a Boy) writing, \"Singing with no band onstage, donning a glittery black dress with her signature red hair flowing to her shoulders, the legendary vocalist's performance scored a standing ovation.\" Jillian Mapes and Megan Vick of \"Billboard\" praised the performance, writing, \"As if Beyonce's 2008 ballad 'If I Were a Boy' wasn't moving enough, country queen Reba McEntire's smokey twang and solemn stance turned the song on its head.\" They also noted that the simple and powerful performance \"is enough to inspire tears, or at least goosebumps.\" Country Music Television's Chet Flippo felt that McEntire's performance was \"the musical highlight of the","Document [5](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"If I Were a Boy\" to US radio on October 8, 2008, as a double A-side single album's alongside \"Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)\" as the lead singles. The two songs showcased the contrast between Beyonc\u00e9's personality and her aggressive onstage persona, Sasha Fierce. A Spanish version of the song, titled \"Si Yo Fuera un Chico\", was digitally released in Mexico and Spain. \"If I Were a Boy\" is a pop and R&B introspective ballad which draws influences from folk rock through its instrumentation of which includes acoustic guitars, drums and strings. The song's lyrics lament the misunderstandings","Document [6](Title: If I Were a Boy) US. The accompanying music video for \"If I Were a Boy\" was directed by Jake Nava and shot in black-and-white. With a theme of role reversal, it is conceptually similar to the American comedy film \"Freaky Friday\" (1976). A video for the Spanish version of the ballad was edited from the original clip. Beyonc\u00e9 promoted \"If I Were a Boy\" through live performances at venues including \"The Oprah Winfrey Show\", the 52nd Grammy Awards, and the I Am... World Tour (2009\u201310). The song has been covered several times on televised music competitions. American singer Reba McEntire sang a country version","Document [7](Title: If I Were a Boy) as the second single from her studio album \"All the Women I Am\" (2010). McEntire revealed that she originally wanted to only cover her own hits. However, her husband and manager, Narvel Blackstock wanted her to do a cover song. Blackstock finally came up with the idea that she should record her own version of Beyonc\u00e9's \"If I Were a Boy\". Speaking about her version of the song, McEntire said: \"When I got the song and the lyrics, I thought it was an incredible song ... And, to me, it turned out to be a country song, when we got","Document [8](Title: If I Were a Boy) Am... World Tour\" and \"\". Prior to the performance of the song at the tour, outtakes of its music video were used. Beyonc\u00e9 later appeared performing \"If I Were a Boy\" wearing Ray-Bans, a leather breastplate, aviator shades and a bulletproof-looking one-piece further asking the crowd to sing along the track. During the bridge of the song, she included excerpts from Morissette's \"You Oughta Know\" and Tupac Shakur's \"California Love\" while imitating a male person with her moves. Alice Jones of \"The Independent\" wrote in her review that Beyonc\u00e9 \"whip[s] up a quasi-feminist singalong.\" Caryn Ganz of \"Rolling Stone\" noted","Document [9](Title: If I Were a Boy) a low of F\u266f to the high of E. Her singing gets higher and louder as she employs melodic crescendos. Critics noted that Beyonc\u00e9 delivers a tormented performance with unwavering sentiments. The lyrics of \"If I Were a Boy\" are about a gender-swapping thought experiment, through which Beyonc\u00e9 analyses the ideologies of a tense relationship. As she sings about things she would do if she were a boy, Beyonc\u00e9 highlights the vulnerability of a woman and ponders how things would be different if men had women's sense of empathy. During the first part of the ballad, Beyonc\u00e9 alternates between the","Document [10](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"If I Were a Boy\", Jean presented it to her record company, which rejected the song. Gad and Jean had co-written 12 songs, including \"If I Were a Boy\", for the singer's debut album. As the deal with Jean's record company fell apart, Gad marketed the songs to established artists. Beyonc\u00e9 liked \"If I Were a Boy\" and recorded her own version of it for her album \"I Am... Sasha Fierce\". Gad and Beyonc\u00e9 produced the track in 2008 at Roc the Mic Studios and Strawberry Productions in New York City and at GAD Studios in Ibiza. Gad did the","Document [11](Title: If I Were a Boy) a jangly guitar-pop number\" during the show. Kyle Anderson of \"Entertainment Weekly\" wrote that \"the most attention-grabbing moments of the night... came when she dipped into other artists' catalogs\". In 2013, \"If I Were a Boy\" was included in the set list of The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour where it featured the string motif from The Verve's \"Bitter Sweet Symphony\" (1997). In January 2009, Matthew Zeghibe, a 26-year-old computer art student from Connecticut, used pitch-correction software to make a clip that he claimed was the soundboard recording of \"If I Were a Boy\" from Beyonc\u00e9's \"Today\" show appearance in","Document [12](Title: If I Were a Boy) between the genders and indict the male side of relationships. \"If I Were a Boy\" was well received by critics, who complimented Beyonc\u00e9's tormented and emotive vocal performance and called the song her best work to date. The single was a commercial success as it placed in the top ten on twenty-five different singles charts. It topped the charts in more than eight European countries, including the United Kingdom, where it is Beyonc\u00e9's best-selling single. \"If I Were a Boy\" peaked at number three on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart and earned multi-platinum certifications in Australia, Canada, and the","Document [13](Title: If I Were a Boy) wrote in his review of the album that \"If I Were a Boy\" has the \"most interesting lyrics\" of the entire record. In a separate review of \"If I Were a Boy\", Levine awarded it four stars out of five, writing that Beyonc\u00e9's vocals on the song are passionate. He praised the lyrics for not being overwritten and commended their \"emotional punch\" and \"very strong melody\" which he said can make people feel that they have always known the song. Pitchfork Media's Ryan Dombal called \"If I Were a Boy\" an \"effective and affecting gender-bender\". Allmusic writer Andy Kellman felt","Document [14](Title: If I Were a Boy) EPs were made available on February 3 and 10, 2009. A Spanish version of \"If I Were a Boy\" was translated by Rudy P\u00e9rez and mixed by Andr\u00e9s Berm\u00fadez at The Beach House in Miami. Titled \"Si Yo Fuera un Chico (If I Were a Boy)\", this version was only included on copies of \"I Am... Sasha Fierce\" in Mexico as well as iTunes Stores in Latin America and Spain, where it was released as a stand-alone single on February 3, 2009. \"If I Were a Boy\" was widely acclaimed by contemporary music critics, who applauded Beyonc\u00e9's vocal performance and","Document [15](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"elegant new musical direction\" for Beyonc\u00e9 and praised it for being different from the songs played on Top 40 radio. By contrast, Stacey Anderson of \"Spin\" magazine was unimpressed with \"If I Were a Boy\", calling it a glistening and boring ballad. Adam Mazmanian of \"The Washington Times\" noted that the musical composition of \"If I Were a Boy\" has \"a spare [and] cinematic quality that [Beyonc\u00e9] fills with an expansive voice\", which nevertheless falters at times. A 2010 review of \"well-intended yet misguided feminist anthems\" in \"The A.V. Club\" noted the song had both a \"fresh perspective and a","Document [16](Title: If I Were a Boy) sense of self-awareness\" but cast is as \"a soppy wallow in whiny self-pity and broad stereotyping\". Erika Ramirez and Jason Lipshutz of \"Billboard\" magazine placed \"If I Were a Boy\" at number 19 on a list of Beyonc\u00e9's 30 biggest \"Billboard\" hits published for Beyonc\u00e9's thirtieth birthday. They wrote that the song \"found Beyonc\u00e9 at her most honest, drawing in both women and men\". \"If I Were a Boy\" was nominated for the Best Foreign Song at the 2009 Porin Awards in Croatia. On \"The Village Voice\"s year-end Pazz & Jop singles list, \"If I Were a Boy\" was ranked","Document [17](Title: If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)) If You Were the Only Girl (In the World) \"If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)\" is a popular song written by Nat D. Ayer with lyrics by Clifford Grey. It was written for the musical revue \"The Bing Boys Are Here\", which premi\u00e8red on 19 April 1916 at the Alhambra Theatre in Leicester Square, London. The song was originally performed as a duet between Lucius Bing, played by George Robey, and his love interest Emma, originated by Violet Loraine. The song was published in 1916 and republished in 1946. It has become a standard, recorded by many","Document [18](Title: If I Were a Boy) series of the British televised music competition \"The X Factor\", girl band Little Mix covered the \"If I Were a Boy\". Digital Spy's Daniel Sperling noted that the cover contained \"a little Amelia Lily-esque shouting\". On September 26, 2012, during the second season of \"The X Factor\" in the United States, Dinah Jane Hansen covered \"If I Were a Boy\". Annie Barrett of \"Entertainment Weekly\" praised Hansen's singing, writing that she \"stunned the crowd with a vocal so powerful\" and \"made the song her own\". Bruna Nessif of E! Online praised her \"powerful\" rendition, and Peter Larsen of \"The Orange","Document [19](Title: If I Were a Boy) no amount of money, fame or skill can solve the basic inequity between her man's heart and her own.\" Sal Cinquemani of Slant Magazine wrote that \"If I Were a Boy\" could become as commercially successful as \"Irreplaceable\" because of its radio-friendly appeal. James Montgomery of MTV News complimented the \"tear-jerking power\" of \"If I Were a Boy\" and noted that it reveals \"sides of Beyonc\u00e9 we never knew existed\". Matos Michaelangelo of \"The A.V. Club\" remarked that \"If I Were a Boy\" has \"boilerplate lyrics\" that would fit perfectly in a Hayley Mills film. Nick Levine of Digital Spy","Document [20](Title: If I Were a Boy) \"If I Were a Boy\" is a song performed by American singer and songwriter Beyonc\u00e9 from her third studio album I Am... Sasha Fierce (2008). It was written by BC Jean and Toby Gad, who also handled its production alongside Beyonc\u00e9. Inspired by the difficult break-up of a romantic relationship, the song was initially recorded by Jean, whose record company rejected it. Beyonc\u00e9 then recorded her own version. Jean was upset when she learned that Beyonc\u00e9 was releasing it as a single, but eventually, they reached an agreement. Columbia Records released \"If I Were a Boy\" to US radio on"],"query":"who wrote the song if i were a boy?","answers":["BC Jean and Toby Gad","Toby Gad","BC Jean"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Social Security Amendments of 1965) The legislation made two amendments to the Social Security Act of 1935. Title XVIII, which became known as Medicare, includes Part A, which provides hospital insurance for the aged, and Part B, which provides supplementary medical insurance. Title XIX, which became known as Medicaid, provides for the states to finance health care for individuals who were at or close to the public assistance level with federal matching funds.","Document [2](Title: Social Security (United States)) Social Security (United States) In the United States, Social Security is the commonly used term for the federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program and is administered by the Social Security Administration. The original Social Security Act was signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935, and the current version of the Act, as amended, encompasses several social welfare and social insurance programs. Social Security is funded primarily through payroll taxes called Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax (FICA) or Self Employed Contributions Act Tax (SECA). Tax deposits are collected by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and are formally","Document [3](Title: Supplemental Security Income) States. The restructuring of these programs was intended to standardize the eligibility requirements and level of benefits. The new federal program was incorporated into Title XVI (Title 16) of the Social Security Act. Today the program provides benefits to approximately eight million Americans. The legislation creating the program was a result of President Richard Nixon's effort to reform the nation's welfare programs. At that time, each state had similar programs under the Aid to the Blind, Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled, and Aid to the Elderly. The Nixon Administration thought these programs should be federalized and run by","Document [4](Title: Social Security Advisory Board) old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (OASDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs. The legislation passed both Houses of Congress without opposition and President Clinton signed the Social Security Independence and Program Improvements Act of 1994 into law (P.L. 103-296) on August 15, 1994. The law took effect on March 31, 1995. Social Security Advisory Board The Social Security Advisory Board (SSAB) is an independent, bipartisan board of the United States federal government. It was created by Congress and is appointed by the President and the Congress to advise the President, the Congress, and the Commissioner of Social Security on matters","Document [5](Title: Social Security Act) I is designed to give money to states to provide assistance to aged individuals Title III concerns unemployment insurance Title IV concerns Aid to Families with Dependent Children. Title V concerns Maternal and Child Welfare. Title VI concerns public health services (investigation of disease and problems of sanitation) Title X concerns support for blind people. H.R.6635 Approved, August 10, 1939 Public Law 76-379 Amendments of 1939: The original Act provided only retirement benefits, and only to the worker. The 1939 Amendments made a fundamental change in the Social Security program. The Amendments added two new categories of benefits: payments to","Document [6](Title: History of Social Security in the United States) the benefits for single workers were decreased and lump-sum death payments were abolished. In the original 1935 law, the benefit provisions were in Title II of the Act (which is why Social Security is sometimes referred to as the \"Title II\" program.) The taxing provisions were in a separate title (Title VIII) (for reasons related to the constitutionality of the 1935 Act). As part of the 1939 Amendments, the Title VIII taxing provisions were taken out of the Social Security Act and placed in the Internal Revenue Code and renamed the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA). Social Security payroll taxes","Document [7](Title: Social Security Act) Social Security Act The Social Security Act of 1935 , now codified as , created Social Security in the United States, and is relevant for US labor law. It created a basic right to a pension in old age, and insurance against unemployment. In the Second New Deal, the Social Security Act was signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on August 14, 1935. The act laid the groundwork for the modern welfare system in the United States, with its primary focus to provide aid for the elderly, the unemployed, and children. Industrialization and the urbanization in the 19th","Document [8](Title: Social Security Administration) named the 12th best place to work in the U.S. federal government (out of 18 large agencies). The Social Security Act created a Social Security Board (SSB), to oversee the administration of the new program. It was created as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal with the signing of the Social Security Act of 1935 on August 14, 1935. The Board consisted of three presidentially appointed executives, and started with no budget, no staff, and no furniture. It obtained a temporary budget from the Federal Emergency Relief Administration headed by Harry Hopkins. The first counsel for the new","Document [9](Title: Supplemental Security Income) the Social Security Administration. Thus, SSI was created to eliminate the differences between the states including different disability standards and income and resources requirements, which many perceived as irrational or unfair. President Nixon signed the Social Security Amendments of 1972 on October 30, 1972 which created the SSI Program. The SSI program officially began operations in January 1974 by federalizing states' programs, designating the Social Security Administration (SSA) to administer the SSI program. SSA was selected because it had been administering a nationwide adult disability program under the Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) program since 1956 for workers who","Document [10](Title: Social Security Act) the spouse and minor children of a retired worker (called dependents benefits) and survivors benefits paid to the family in the event of the premature death of the worker. The 1939 Amendments also increased benefit amounts and accelerated the start of monthly benefit payments from 1942 to 1940. S.2051 Approved, October 3, 1944 Public Law 78-458 Title XII H.R.7037 Approved, August 10, 1946 Public Law 79-719 Title XIII H.R.6000 Approved August 28, 1950 Public Law 81-734 These amendments raised benefits for the first time and placed the program on the road to the virtually universal coverage it has today. Specifically","Document [11](Title: Social Security System (Philippines)) Social Security System (Philippines) The Philippine Social Security System (SSS; ) is a state-run, social insurance program in the Philippines to workers in the private, professional, and informal sectors. SSS is established by virtue of Republic Act No.1161, better known as Social Security Act of 1954. This law was later amended by Republic Act No. 8282 in 1997. Government employees, meanwhile, are covered under a separate state-pension fund managed by the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS). It was former President Manuel A. Roxas who first proposed a bill in Congress, seeking the establishment of a social security system for wage","Document [12](Title: Social Security Amendments of 1965) bill to Congress. The Conservative coalition dominated the House Ways and Means Committee, which complicated attempts to pass social health programs. Wilbur Mills (D-AR), chair of the committee, later played a role in creating the health care program that was integrated into the Social Security Act. In 1960, the Kerr-Mills Act created the Medical Assistance for the Aged (MAA) program which gave states the power to decide which patients needed financial assistance. The federal government would provide matching funds to the states for the program. Some states did not participate or abide by the Act. Another preliminary bill, the King-Anderson","Document [13](Title: Great Society) coverage and adequacy of benefits. The Tax Adjustment Act of 1966 included a provision for special payments under the social security program to certain uninsured individuals aged 72 and over. The Social Security Amendments of 1965 included a 7% increase in cash benefits, a liberalization of the definition of disability, a liberalization of the amount a person can earn and still get full benefits (the so-called retirement test), payment of benefits to eligible children aged 18\u201321 who are attending school, payment of benefits to widows at age 60 on an actuarially reduced basis, coverage of self-employed physicians, coverage of tips","Document [14](Title: Older Americans Act) Americans Act of 1965. Older Americans Act The Older Americans Act of 1965 (, ) was the first federal level initiative aimed at providing comprehensive services for older adults. It created the National Aging Network comprising the Administration on Aging on the federal level, State Units on Aging, and Area Agencies on Aging at the local level. The network provides funding - based primarily on the percentage of an area's population 60 and older - for nutrition and supportive home and community-based services, disease prevention\/health promotion services, elder rights programs, the National Family Caregiver Support Program, and the Native American","Document [15](Title: Medicare (United States)) Conference on Aging in January 1961, in which creating a health care program for social security beneficiaries was proposed. In July 1965, under the leadership of President Lyndon Johnson, Congress enacted Medicare under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide health insurance to people age 65 and older, regardless of income or medical history. Johnson signed the bill into law on July 30, 1965 at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri. Former President Harry S. Truman and his wife, former First Lady Bess Truman became the first recipients of the program. Before Medicare was created,","Document [16](Title: Older Americans Act) Older Americans Act The Older Americans Act of 1965 (, ) was the first federal level initiative aimed at providing comprehensive services for older adults. It created the National Aging Network comprising the Administration on Aging on the federal level, State Units on Aging, and Area Agencies on Aging at the local level. The network provides funding - based primarily on the percentage of an area's population 60 and older - for nutrition and supportive home and community-based services, disease prevention\/health promotion services, elder rights programs, the National Family Caregiver Support Program, and the Native American Caregiver Support Program. The","Document [17](Title: History of Social Security in the United States) poverty, unemployment, and the burdens of widows and fatherless children. By signing this Act on August 14, 1935, President Roosevelt became the first president to advocate federal assistance for the elderly. The Act provided benefits to retirees and the unemployed, and a lump-sum benefit at death. Payments to current retirees are financed by a payroll tax on current workers' wages, half directly as a payroll tax and half paid by the employer. The act also gave money to states to provide assistance to aged individuals (Title I), for unemployment insurance (Title III), Aid to Families with Dependent Children (Title IV),","Document [18](Title: Labour government, 1964\u20131970) sufficient to remove from initial poverty more than half the families (working and non-working) found to be poor at the end of 1966 by the poverty standard then applied.\" Under the Social Security Act 1966, newly unemployed individuals were no longer denied assistance during their first month of unemployment, while men who had had their Unemployment Benefit disallowed for six weeks (on the grounds that they had been at fault for losing their job) were no longer subjected to a harsh rule applied by the National Assistance confining their payments to below \"benefit rate\". Instead, a policy was adopted of","Document [19](Title: Social Security Administration) Social Security Administration The United States Social Security Administration (SSA) is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government that administers Social Security, a social insurance program consisting of retirement, disability, and survivors' benefits. To qualify for most of these benefits, most workers pay Social Security taxes on their earnings; the claimant's benefits are based on the wage earner's contributions. Otherwise benefits such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are given based on need. The Social Security Administration was established by a law codified at . Its current leader, Deputy Commissioner of Operations Nancy Berryhill, was acting commissioner from January 19,","Document [20](Title: History of Social Security in the United States) History of Social Security in the United States A limited form of the Social Security program began as a measure to implement \"social insurance\" during the Great Depression of the 1930s, when poverty rates among senior citizens exceeded 50 percent. The Social Security Act was enacted August 14, 1935. The Act was drafted during President Franklin D. Roosevelt's first term by the President's Committee on Economic Security, under Frances Perkins, and passed by Congress as part of the New Deal. The Act was an attempt to limit what were seen as dangers in the modern American life, including old age,"],"query":"the xix of the social security act of 1965 established?","answers":["Medicaid"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Social Security (United States)) Social Security (United States) In the United States, Social Security is the commonly used term for the federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program and is administered by the Social Security Administration. The original Social Security Act was signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935, and the current version of the Act, as amended, encompasses several social welfare and social insurance programs. Social Security is funded primarily through payroll taxes called Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax (FICA) or Self Employed Contributions Act Tax (SECA). Tax deposits are collected by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and are formally","Document [2](Title: Supplemental Security Income) States. The restructuring of these programs was intended to standardize the eligibility requirements and level of benefits. The new federal program was incorporated into Title XVI (Title 16) of the Social Security Act. Today the program provides benefits to approximately eight million Americans. The legislation creating the program was a result of President Richard Nixon's effort to reform the nation's welfare programs. At that time, each state had similar programs under the Aid to the Blind, Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled, and Aid to the Elderly. The Nixon Administration thought these programs should be federalized and run by","Document [3](Title: Social Security Advisory Board) old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (OASDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs. The legislation passed both Houses of Congress without opposition and President Clinton signed the Social Security Independence and Program Improvements Act of 1994 into law (P.L. 103-296) on August 15, 1994. The law took effect on March 31, 1995. Social Security Advisory Board The Social Security Advisory Board (SSAB) is an independent, bipartisan board of the United States federal government. It was created by Congress and is appointed by the President and the Congress to advise the President, the Congress, and the Commissioner of Social Security on matters","Document [4](Title: Social Security Act) I is designed to give money to states to provide assistance to aged individuals Title III concerns unemployment insurance Title IV concerns Aid to Families with Dependent Children. Title V concerns Maternal and Child Welfare. Title VI concerns public health services (investigation of disease and problems of sanitation) Title X concerns support for blind people. H.R.6635 Approved, August 10, 1939 Public Law 76-379 Amendments of 1939: The original Act provided only retirement benefits, and only to the worker. The 1939 Amendments made a fundamental change in the Social Security program. The Amendments added two new categories of benefits: payments to","Document [5](Title: Social Security Amendments of 1965) The legislation made two amendments to the Social Security Act of 1935. Title XVIII, which became known as Medicare, includes Part A, which provides hospital insurance for the aged, and Part B, which provides supplementary medical insurance. Title XIX, which became known as Medicaid, provides for the states to finance health care for individuals who were at or close to the public assistance level with federal matching funds.","Document [6](Title: History of Social Security in the United States) the benefits for single workers were decreased and lump-sum death payments were abolished. In the original 1935 law, the benefit provisions were in Title II of the Act (which is why Social Security is sometimes referred to as the \"Title II\" program.) The taxing provisions were in a separate title (Title VIII) (for reasons related to the constitutionality of the 1935 Act). As part of the 1939 Amendments, the Title VIII taxing provisions were taken out of the Social Security Act and placed in the Internal Revenue Code and renamed the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA). Social Security payroll taxes","Document [7](Title: Social Security Act) Social Security Act The Social Security Act of 1935 , now codified as , created Social Security in the United States, and is relevant for US labor law. It created a basic right to a pension in old age, and insurance against unemployment. In the Second New Deal, the Social Security Act was signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on August 14, 1935. The act laid the groundwork for the modern welfare system in the United States, with its primary focus to provide aid for the elderly, the unemployed, and children. Industrialization and the urbanization in the 19th","Document [8](Title: Social Security Administration) named the 12th best place to work in the U.S. federal government (out of 18 large agencies). The Social Security Act created a Social Security Board (SSB), to oversee the administration of the new program. It was created as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal with the signing of the Social Security Act of 1935 on August 14, 1935. The Board consisted of three presidentially appointed executives, and started with no budget, no staff, and no furniture. It obtained a temporary budget from the Federal Emergency Relief Administration headed by Harry Hopkins. The first counsel for the new","Document [9](Title: Supplemental Security Income) the Social Security Administration. Thus, SSI was created to eliminate the differences between the states including different disability standards and income and resources requirements, which many perceived as irrational or unfair. President Nixon signed the Social Security Amendments of 1972 on October 30, 1972 which created the SSI Program. The SSI program officially began operations in January 1974 by federalizing states' programs, designating the Social Security Administration (SSA) to administer the SSI program. SSA was selected because it had been administering a nationwide adult disability program under the Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) program since 1956 for workers who","Document [10](Title: Social Security Act) the spouse and minor children of a retired worker (called dependents benefits) and survivors benefits paid to the family in the event of the premature death of the worker. The 1939 Amendments also increased benefit amounts and accelerated the start of monthly benefit payments from 1942 to 1940. S.2051 Approved, October 3, 1944 Public Law 78-458 Title XII H.R.7037 Approved, August 10, 1946 Public Law 79-719 Title XIII H.R.6000 Approved August 28, 1950 Public Law 81-734 These amendments raised benefits for the first time and placed the program on the road to the virtually universal coverage it has today. Specifically","Document [11](Title: Social Security System (Philippines)) Social Security System (Philippines) The Philippine Social Security System (SSS; ) is a state-run, social insurance program in the Philippines to workers in the private, professional, and informal sectors. SSS is established by virtue of Republic Act No.1161, better known as Social Security Act of 1954. This law was later amended by Republic Act No. 8282 in 1997. Government employees, meanwhile, are covered under a separate state-pension fund managed by the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS). It was former President Manuel A. Roxas who first proposed a bill in Congress, seeking the establishment of a social security system for wage","Document [12](Title: Social Security Amendments of 1965) bill to Congress. The Conservative coalition dominated the House Ways and Means Committee, which complicated attempts to pass social health programs. Wilbur Mills (D-AR), chair of the committee, later played a role in creating the health care program that was integrated into the Social Security Act. In 1960, the Kerr-Mills Act created the Medical Assistance for the Aged (MAA) program which gave states the power to decide which patients needed financial assistance. The federal government would provide matching funds to the states for the program. Some states did not participate or abide by the Act. Another preliminary bill, the King-Anderson","Document [13](Title: Great Society) coverage and adequacy of benefits. The Tax Adjustment Act of 1966 included a provision for special payments under the social security program to certain uninsured individuals aged 72 and over. The Social Security Amendments of 1965 included a 7% increase in cash benefits, a liberalization of the definition of disability, a liberalization of the amount a person can earn and still get full benefits (the so-called retirement test), payment of benefits to eligible children aged 18\u201321 who are attending school, payment of benefits to widows at age 60 on an actuarially reduced basis, coverage of self-employed physicians, coverage of tips","Document [14](Title: Older Americans Act) Americans Act of 1965. Older Americans Act The Older Americans Act of 1965 (, ) was the first federal level initiative aimed at providing comprehensive services for older adults. It created the National Aging Network comprising the Administration on Aging on the federal level, State Units on Aging, and Area Agencies on Aging at the local level. The network provides funding - based primarily on the percentage of an area's population 60 and older - for nutrition and supportive home and community-based services, disease prevention\/health promotion services, elder rights programs, the National Family Caregiver Support Program, and the Native American","Document [15](Title: Medicare (United States)) Conference on Aging in January 1961, in which creating a health care program for social security beneficiaries was proposed. In July 1965, under the leadership of President Lyndon Johnson, Congress enacted Medicare under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide health insurance to people age 65 and older, regardless of income or medical history. Johnson signed the bill into law on July 30, 1965 at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri. Former President Harry S. Truman and his wife, former First Lady Bess Truman became the first recipients of the program. Before Medicare was created,","Document [16](Title: Older Americans Act) Older Americans Act The Older Americans Act of 1965 (, ) was the first federal level initiative aimed at providing comprehensive services for older adults. It created the National Aging Network comprising the Administration on Aging on the federal level, State Units on Aging, and Area Agencies on Aging at the local level. The network provides funding - based primarily on the percentage of an area's population 60 and older - for nutrition and supportive home and community-based services, disease prevention\/health promotion services, elder rights programs, the National Family Caregiver Support Program, and the Native American Caregiver Support Program. The","Document [17](Title: History of Social Security in the United States) poverty, unemployment, and the burdens of widows and fatherless children. By signing this Act on August 14, 1935, President Roosevelt became the first president to advocate federal assistance for the elderly. The Act provided benefits to retirees and the unemployed, and a lump-sum benefit at death. Payments to current retirees are financed by a payroll tax on current workers' wages, half directly as a payroll tax and half paid by the employer. The act also gave money to states to provide assistance to aged individuals (Title I), for unemployment insurance (Title III), Aid to Families with Dependent Children (Title IV),","Document [18](Title: Labour government, 1964\u20131970) sufficient to remove from initial poverty more than half the families (working and non-working) found to be poor at the end of 1966 by the poverty standard then applied.\" Under the Social Security Act 1966, newly unemployed individuals were no longer denied assistance during their first month of unemployment, while men who had had their Unemployment Benefit disallowed for six weeks (on the grounds that they had been at fault for losing their job) were no longer subjected to a harsh rule applied by the National Assistance confining their payments to below \"benefit rate\". Instead, a policy was adopted of","Document [19](Title: Social Security Administration) Social Security Administration The United States Social Security Administration (SSA) is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government that administers Social Security, a social insurance program consisting of retirement, disability, and survivors' benefits. To qualify for most of these benefits, most workers pay Social Security taxes on their earnings; the claimant's benefits are based on the wage earner's contributions. Otherwise benefits such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are given based on need. The Social Security Administration was established by a law codified at . Its current leader, Deputy Commissioner of Operations Nancy Berryhill, was acting commissioner from January 19,","Document [20](Title: History of Social Security in the United States) History of Social Security in the United States A limited form of the Social Security program began as a measure to implement \"social insurance\" during the Great Depression of the 1930s, when poverty rates among senior citizens exceeded 50 percent. The Social Security Act was enacted August 14, 1935. The Act was drafted during President Franklin D. Roosevelt's first term by the President's Committee on Economic Security, under Frances Perkins, and passed by Congress as part of the New Deal. The Act was an attempt to limit what were seen as dangers in the modern American life, including old age,"],"query":"the xix of the social security act of 1965 established?","answers":["Medicaid"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Social Security (United States)) Social Security (United States) In the United States, Social Security is the commonly used term for the federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program and is administered by the Social Security Administration. The original Social Security Act was signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935, and the current version of the Act, as amended, encompasses several social welfare and social insurance programs. Social Security is funded primarily through payroll taxes called Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax (FICA) or Self Employed Contributions Act Tax (SECA). Tax deposits are collected by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and are formally","Document [2](Title: Supplemental Security Income) States. The restructuring of these programs was intended to standardize the eligibility requirements and level of benefits. The new federal program was incorporated into Title XVI (Title 16) of the Social Security Act. Today the program provides benefits to approximately eight million Americans. The legislation creating the program was a result of President Richard Nixon's effort to reform the nation's welfare programs. At that time, each state had similar programs under the Aid to the Blind, Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled, and Aid to the Elderly. The Nixon Administration thought these programs should be federalized and run by","Document [3](Title: Social Security Advisory Board) old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (OASDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs. The legislation passed both Houses of Congress without opposition and President Clinton signed the Social Security Independence and Program Improvements Act of 1994 into law (P.L. 103-296) on August 15, 1994. The law took effect on March 31, 1995. Social Security Advisory Board The Social Security Advisory Board (SSAB) is an independent, bipartisan board of the United States federal government. It was created by Congress and is appointed by the President and the Congress to advise the President, the Congress, and the Commissioner of Social Security on matters","Document [4](Title: Social Security Act) I is designed to give money to states to provide assistance to aged individuals Title III concerns unemployment insurance Title IV concerns Aid to Families with Dependent Children. Title V concerns Maternal and Child Welfare. Title VI concerns public health services (investigation of disease and problems of sanitation) Title X concerns support for blind people. H.R.6635 Approved, August 10, 1939 Public Law 76-379 Amendments of 1939: The original Act provided only retirement benefits, and only to the worker. The 1939 Amendments made a fundamental change in the Social Security program. The Amendments added two new categories of benefits: payments to","Document [5](Title: History of Social Security in the United States) the benefits for single workers were decreased and lump-sum death payments were abolished. In the original 1935 law, the benefit provisions were in Title II of the Act (which is why Social Security is sometimes referred to as the \"Title II\" program.) The taxing provisions were in a separate title (Title VIII) (for reasons related to the constitutionality of the 1935 Act). As part of the 1939 Amendments, the Title VIII taxing provisions were taken out of the Social Security Act and placed in the Internal Revenue Code and renamed the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA). Social Security payroll taxes","Document [6](Title: Social Security Act) Social Security Act The Social Security Act of 1935 , now codified as , created Social Security in the United States, and is relevant for US labor law. It created a basic right to a pension in old age, and insurance against unemployment. In the Second New Deal, the Social Security Act was signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on August 14, 1935. The act laid the groundwork for the modern welfare system in the United States, with its primary focus to provide aid for the elderly, the unemployed, and children. Industrialization and the urbanization in the 19th","Document [7](Title: Social Security Administration) named the 12th best place to work in the U.S. federal government (out of 18 large agencies). The Social Security Act created a Social Security Board (SSB), to oversee the administration of the new program. It was created as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal with the signing of the Social Security Act of 1935 on August 14, 1935. The Board consisted of three presidentially appointed executives, and started with no budget, no staff, and no furniture. It obtained a temporary budget from the Federal Emergency Relief Administration headed by Harry Hopkins. The first counsel for the new","Document [8](Title: Supplemental Security Income) the Social Security Administration. Thus, SSI was created to eliminate the differences between the states including different disability standards and income and resources requirements, which many perceived as irrational or unfair. President Nixon signed the Social Security Amendments of 1972 on October 30, 1972 which created the SSI Program. The SSI program officially began operations in January 1974 by federalizing states' programs, designating the Social Security Administration (SSA) to administer the SSI program. SSA was selected because it had been administering a nationwide adult disability program under the Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) program since 1956 for workers who","Document [9](Title: Social Security Act) the spouse and minor children of a retired worker (called dependents benefits) and survivors benefits paid to the family in the event of the premature death of the worker. The 1939 Amendments also increased benefit amounts and accelerated the start of monthly benefit payments from 1942 to 1940. S.2051 Approved, October 3, 1944 Public Law 78-458 Title XII H.R.7037 Approved, August 10, 1946 Public Law 79-719 Title XIII H.R.6000 Approved August 28, 1950 Public Law 81-734 These amendments raised benefits for the first time and placed the program on the road to the virtually universal coverage it has today. Specifically","Document [10](Title: Social Security Amendments of 1965) The legislation made two amendments to the Social Security Act of 1935. Title XVIII, which became known as Medicare, includes Part A, which provides hospital insurance for the aged, and Part B, which provides supplementary medical insurance. Title XIX, which became known as Medicaid, provides for the states to finance health care for individuals who were at or close to the public assistance level with federal matching funds.","Document [11](Title: Social Security System (Philippines)) Social Security System (Philippines) The Philippine Social Security System (SSS; ) is a state-run, social insurance program in the Philippines to workers in the private, professional, and informal sectors. SSS is established by virtue of Republic Act No.1161, better known as Social Security Act of 1954. This law was later amended by Republic Act No. 8282 in 1997. Government employees, meanwhile, are covered under a separate state-pension fund managed by the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS). It was former President Manuel A. Roxas who first proposed a bill in Congress, seeking the establishment of a social security system for wage","Document [12](Title: Social Security Amendments of 1965) bill to Congress. The Conservative coalition dominated the House Ways and Means Committee, which complicated attempts to pass social health programs. Wilbur Mills (D-AR), chair of the committee, later played a role in creating the health care program that was integrated into the Social Security Act. In 1960, the Kerr-Mills Act created the Medical Assistance for the Aged (MAA) program which gave states the power to decide which patients needed financial assistance. The federal government would provide matching funds to the states for the program. Some states did not participate or abide by the Act. Another preliminary bill, the King-Anderson","Document [13](Title: Great Society) coverage and adequacy of benefits. The Tax Adjustment Act of 1966 included a provision for special payments under the social security program to certain uninsured individuals aged 72 and over. The Social Security Amendments of 1965 included a 7% increase in cash benefits, a liberalization of the definition of disability, a liberalization of the amount a person can earn and still get full benefits (the so-called retirement test), payment of benefits to eligible children aged 18\u201321 who are attending school, payment of benefits to widows at age 60 on an actuarially reduced basis, coverage of self-employed physicians, coverage of tips","Document [14](Title: Older Americans Act) Americans Act of 1965. Older Americans Act The Older Americans Act of 1965 (, ) was the first federal level initiative aimed at providing comprehensive services for older adults. It created the National Aging Network comprising the Administration on Aging on the federal level, State Units on Aging, and Area Agencies on Aging at the local level. The network provides funding - based primarily on the percentage of an area's population 60 and older - for nutrition and supportive home and community-based services, disease prevention\/health promotion services, elder rights programs, the National Family Caregiver Support Program, and the Native American","Document [15](Title: Medicare (United States)) Conference on Aging in January 1961, in which creating a health care program for social security beneficiaries was proposed. In July 1965, under the leadership of President Lyndon Johnson, Congress enacted Medicare under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide health insurance to people age 65 and older, regardless of income or medical history. Johnson signed the bill into law on July 30, 1965 at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri. Former President Harry S. Truman and his wife, former First Lady Bess Truman became the first recipients of the program. Before Medicare was created,","Document [16](Title: Older Americans Act) Older Americans Act The Older Americans Act of 1965 (, ) was the first federal level initiative aimed at providing comprehensive services for older adults. It created the National Aging Network comprising the Administration on Aging on the federal level, State Units on Aging, and Area Agencies on Aging at the local level. The network provides funding - based primarily on the percentage of an area's population 60 and older - for nutrition and supportive home and community-based services, disease prevention\/health promotion services, elder rights programs, the National Family Caregiver Support Program, and the Native American Caregiver Support Program. The","Document [17](Title: History of Social Security in the United States) poverty, unemployment, and the burdens of widows and fatherless children. By signing this Act on August 14, 1935, President Roosevelt became the first president to advocate federal assistance for the elderly. The Act provided benefits to retirees and the unemployed, and a lump-sum benefit at death. Payments to current retirees are financed by a payroll tax on current workers' wages, half directly as a payroll tax and half paid by the employer. The act also gave money to states to provide assistance to aged individuals (Title I), for unemployment insurance (Title III), Aid to Families with Dependent Children (Title IV),","Document [18](Title: Labour government, 1964\u20131970) sufficient to remove from initial poverty more than half the families (working and non-working) found to be poor at the end of 1966 by the poverty standard then applied.\" Under the Social Security Act 1966, newly unemployed individuals were no longer denied assistance during their first month of unemployment, while men who had had their Unemployment Benefit disallowed for six weeks (on the grounds that they had been at fault for losing their job) were no longer subjected to a harsh rule applied by the National Assistance confining their payments to below \"benefit rate\". Instead, a policy was adopted of","Document [19](Title: Social Security Administration) Social Security Administration The United States Social Security Administration (SSA) is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government that administers Social Security, a social insurance program consisting of retirement, disability, and survivors' benefits. To qualify for most of these benefits, most workers pay Social Security taxes on their earnings; the claimant's benefits are based on the wage earner's contributions. Otherwise benefits such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are given based on need. The Social Security Administration was established by a law codified at . Its current leader, Deputy Commissioner of Operations Nancy Berryhill, was acting commissioner from January 19,","Document [20](Title: History of Social Security in the United States) History of Social Security in the United States A limited form of the Social Security program began as a measure to implement \"social insurance\" during the Great Depression of the 1930s, when poverty rates among senior citizens exceeded 50 percent. The Social Security Act was enacted August 14, 1935. The Act was drafted during President Franklin D. Roosevelt's first term by the President's Committee on Economic Security, under Frances Perkins, and passed by Congress as part of the New Deal. The Act was an attempt to limit what were seen as dangers in the modern American life, including old age,"],"query":"the xix of the social security act of 1965 established?","answers":["Medicaid"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Social Security (United States)) Social Security (United States) In the United States, Social Security is the commonly used term for the federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program and is administered by the Social Security Administration. The original Social Security Act was signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935, and the current version of the Act, as amended, encompasses several social welfare and social insurance programs. Social Security is funded primarily through payroll taxes called Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax (FICA) or Self Employed Contributions Act Tax (SECA). Tax deposits are collected by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and are formally","Document [2](Title: Supplemental Security Income) States. The restructuring of these programs was intended to standardize the eligibility requirements and level of benefits. The new federal program was incorporated into Title XVI (Title 16) of the Social Security Act. Today the program provides benefits to approximately eight million Americans. The legislation creating the program was a result of President Richard Nixon's effort to reform the nation's welfare programs. At that time, each state had similar programs under the Aid to the Blind, Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled, and Aid to the Elderly. The Nixon Administration thought these programs should be federalized and run by","Document [3](Title: Social Security Advisory Board) old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (OASDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs. The legislation passed both Houses of Congress without opposition and President Clinton signed the Social Security Independence and Program Improvements Act of 1994 into law (P.L. 103-296) on August 15, 1994. The law took effect on March 31, 1995. Social Security Advisory Board The Social Security Advisory Board (SSAB) is an independent, bipartisan board of the United States federal government. It was created by Congress and is appointed by the President and the Congress to advise the President, the Congress, and the Commissioner of Social Security on matters","Document [4](Title: Social Security Act) I is designed to give money to states to provide assistance to aged individuals Title III concerns unemployment insurance Title IV concerns Aid to Families with Dependent Children. Title V concerns Maternal and Child Welfare. Title VI concerns public health services (investigation of disease and problems of sanitation) Title X concerns support for blind people. H.R.6635 Approved, August 10, 1939 Public Law 76-379 Amendments of 1939: The original Act provided only retirement benefits, and only to the worker. The 1939 Amendments made a fundamental change in the Social Security program. The Amendments added two new categories of benefits: payments to","Document [5](Title: History of Social Security in the United States) the benefits for single workers were decreased and lump-sum death payments were abolished. In the original 1935 law, the benefit provisions were in Title II of the Act (which is why Social Security is sometimes referred to as the \"Title II\" program.) The taxing provisions were in a separate title (Title VIII) (for reasons related to the constitutionality of the 1935 Act). As part of the 1939 Amendments, the Title VIII taxing provisions were taken out of the Social Security Act and placed in the Internal Revenue Code and renamed the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA). Social Security payroll taxes","Document [6](Title: Social Security Act) Social Security Act The Social Security Act of 1935 , now codified as , created Social Security in the United States, and is relevant for US labor law. It created a basic right to a pension in old age, and insurance against unemployment. In the Second New Deal, the Social Security Act was signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on August 14, 1935. The act laid the groundwork for the modern welfare system in the United States, with its primary focus to provide aid for the elderly, the unemployed, and children. Industrialization and the urbanization in the 19th","Document [7](Title: Social Security Administration) named the 12th best place to work in the U.S. federal government (out of 18 large agencies). The Social Security Act created a Social Security Board (SSB), to oversee the administration of the new program. It was created as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal with the signing of the Social Security Act of 1935 on August 14, 1935. The Board consisted of three presidentially appointed executives, and started with no budget, no staff, and no furniture. It obtained a temporary budget from the Federal Emergency Relief Administration headed by Harry Hopkins. The first counsel for the new","Document [8](Title: Supplemental Security Income) the Social Security Administration. Thus, SSI was created to eliminate the differences between the states including different disability standards and income and resources requirements, which many perceived as irrational or unfair. President Nixon signed the Social Security Amendments of 1972 on October 30, 1972 which created the SSI Program. The SSI program officially began operations in January 1974 by federalizing states' programs, designating the Social Security Administration (SSA) to administer the SSI program. SSA was selected because it had been administering a nationwide adult disability program under the Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) program since 1956 for workers who","Document [9](Title: Social Security Act) the spouse and minor children of a retired worker (called dependents benefits) and survivors benefits paid to the family in the event of the premature death of the worker. The 1939 Amendments also increased benefit amounts and accelerated the start of monthly benefit payments from 1942 to 1940. S.2051 Approved, October 3, 1944 Public Law 78-458 Title XII H.R.7037 Approved, August 10, 1946 Public Law 79-719 Title XIII H.R.6000 Approved August 28, 1950 Public Law 81-734 These amendments raised benefits for the first time and placed the program on the road to the virtually universal coverage it has today. Specifically","Document [10](Title: Social Security System (Philippines)) Social Security System (Philippines) The Philippine Social Security System (SSS; ) is a state-run, social insurance program in the Philippines to workers in the private, professional, and informal sectors. SSS is established by virtue of Republic Act No.1161, better known as Social Security Act of 1954. This law was later amended by Republic Act No. 8282 in 1997. Government employees, meanwhile, are covered under a separate state-pension fund managed by the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS). It was former President Manuel A. Roxas who first proposed a bill in Congress, seeking the establishment of a social security system for wage","Document [11](Title: Social Security Amendments of 1965) bill to Congress. The Conservative coalition dominated the House Ways and Means Committee, which complicated attempts to pass social health programs. Wilbur Mills (D-AR), chair of the committee, later played a role in creating the health care program that was integrated into the Social Security Act. In 1960, the Kerr-Mills Act created the Medical Assistance for the Aged (MAA) program which gave states the power to decide which patients needed financial assistance. The federal government would provide matching funds to the states for the program. Some states did not participate or abide by the Act. Another preliminary bill, the King-Anderson","Document [12](Title: Great Society) coverage and adequacy of benefits. The Tax Adjustment Act of 1966 included a provision for special payments under the social security program to certain uninsured individuals aged 72 and over. The Social Security Amendments of 1965 included a 7% increase in cash benefits, a liberalization of the definition of disability, a liberalization of the amount a person can earn and still get full benefits (the so-called retirement test), payment of benefits to eligible children aged 18\u201321 who are attending school, payment of benefits to widows at age 60 on an actuarially reduced basis, coverage of self-employed physicians, coverage of tips","Document [13](Title: Older Americans Act) Americans Act of 1965. Older Americans Act The Older Americans Act of 1965 (, ) was the first federal level initiative aimed at providing comprehensive services for older adults. It created the National Aging Network comprising the Administration on Aging on the federal level, State Units on Aging, and Area Agencies on Aging at the local level. The network provides funding - based primarily on the percentage of an area's population 60 and older - for nutrition and supportive home and community-based services, disease prevention\/health promotion services, elder rights programs, the National Family Caregiver Support Program, and the Native American","Document [14](Title: Medicare (United States)) Conference on Aging in January 1961, in which creating a health care program for social security beneficiaries was proposed. In July 1965, under the leadership of President Lyndon Johnson, Congress enacted Medicare under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide health insurance to people age 65 and older, regardless of income or medical history. Johnson signed the bill into law on July 30, 1965 at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri. Former President Harry S. Truman and his wife, former First Lady Bess Truman became the first recipients of the program. Before Medicare was created,","Document [15](Title: Social Security Amendments of 1965) The legislation made two amendments to the Social Security Act of 1935. Title XVIII, which became known as Medicare, includes Part A, which provides hospital insurance for the aged, and Part B, which provides supplementary medical insurance. Title XIX, which became known as Medicaid, provides for the states to finance health care for individuals who were at or close to the public assistance level with federal matching funds.","Document [16](Title: Older Americans Act) Older Americans Act The Older Americans Act of 1965 (, ) was the first federal level initiative aimed at providing comprehensive services for older adults. It created the National Aging Network comprising the Administration on Aging on the federal level, State Units on Aging, and Area Agencies on Aging at the local level. The network provides funding - based primarily on the percentage of an area's population 60 and older - for nutrition and supportive home and community-based services, disease prevention\/health promotion services, elder rights programs, the National Family Caregiver Support Program, and the Native American Caregiver Support Program. The","Document [17](Title: History of Social Security in the United States) poverty, unemployment, and the burdens of widows and fatherless children. By signing this Act on August 14, 1935, President Roosevelt became the first president to advocate federal assistance for the elderly. The Act provided benefits to retirees and the unemployed, and a lump-sum benefit at death. Payments to current retirees are financed by a payroll tax on current workers' wages, half directly as a payroll tax and half paid by the employer. The act also gave money to states to provide assistance to aged individuals (Title I), for unemployment insurance (Title III), Aid to Families with Dependent Children (Title IV),","Document [18](Title: Labour government, 1964\u20131970) sufficient to remove from initial poverty more than half the families (working and non-working) found to be poor at the end of 1966 by the poverty standard then applied.\" Under the Social Security Act 1966, newly unemployed individuals were no longer denied assistance during their first month of unemployment, while men who had had their Unemployment Benefit disallowed for six weeks (on the grounds that they had been at fault for losing their job) were no longer subjected to a harsh rule applied by the National Assistance confining their payments to below \"benefit rate\". Instead, a policy was adopted of","Document [19](Title: Social Security Administration) Social Security Administration The United States Social Security Administration (SSA) is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government that administers Social Security, a social insurance program consisting of retirement, disability, and survivors' benefits. To qualify for most of these benefits, most workers pay Social Security taxes on their earnings; the claimant's benefits are based on the wage earner's contributions. Otherwise benefits such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are given based on need. The Social Security Administration was established by a law codified at . Its current leader, Deputy Commissioner of Operations Nancy Berryhill, was acting commissioner from January 19,","Document [20](Title: History of Social Security in the United States) History of Social Security in the United States A limited form of the Social Security program began as a measure to implement \"social insurance\" during the Great Depression of the 1930s, when poverty rates among senior citizens exceeded 50 percent. The Social Security Act was enacted August 14, 1935. The Act was drafted during President Franklin D. Roosevelt's first term by the President's Committee on Economic Security, under Frances Perkins, and passed by Congress as part of the New Deal. The Act was an attempt to limit what were seen as dangers in the modern American life, including old age,"],"query":"the xix of the social security act of 1965 established?","answers":["Medicaid"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Social Security (United States)) Social Security (United States) In the United States, Social Security is the commonly used term for the federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program and is administered by the Social Security Administration. The original Social Security Act was signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935, and the current version of the Act, as amended, encompasses several social welfare and social insurance programs. Social Security is funded primarily through payroll taxes called Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax (FICA) or Self Employed Contributions Act Tax (SECA). Tax deposits are collected by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and are formally","Document [2](Title: Supplemental Security Income) States. The restructuring of these programs was intended to standardize the eligibility requirements and level of benefits. The new federal program was incorporated into Title XVI (Title 16) of the Social Security Act. Today the program provides benefits to approximately eight million Americans. The legislation creating the program was a result of President Richard Nixon's effort to reform the nation's welfare programs. At that time, each state had similar programs under the Aid to the Blind, Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled, and Aid to the Elderly. The Nixon Administration thought these programs should be federalized and run by","Document [3](Title: Social Security Advisory Board) old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (OASDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs. The legislation passed both Houses of Congress without opposition and President Clinton signed the Social Security Independence and Program Improvements Act of 1994 into law (P.L. 103-296) on August 15, 1994. The law took effect on March 31, 1995. Social Security Advisory Board The Social Security Advisory Board (SSAB) is an independent, bipartisan board of the United States federal government. It was created by Congress and is appointed by the President and the Congress to advise the President, the Congress, and the Commissioner of Social Security on matters","Document [4](Title: Social Security Act) I is designed to give money to states to provide assistance to aged individuals Title III concerns unemployment insurance Title IV concerns Aid to Families with Dependent Children. Title V concerns Maternal and Child Welfare. Title VI concerns public health services (investigation of disease and problems of sanitation) Title X concerns support for blind people. H.R.6635 Approved, August 10, 1939 Public Law 76-379 Amendments of 1939: The original Act provided only retirement benefits, and only to the worker. The 1939 Amendments made a fundamental change in the Social Security program. The Amendments added two new categories of benefits: payments to","Document [5](Title: History of Social Security in the United States) the benefits for single workers were decreased and lump-sum death payments were abolished. In the original 1935 law, the benefit provisions were in Title II of the Act (which is why Social Security is sometimes referred to as the \"Title II\" program.) The taxing provisions were in a separate title (Title VIII) (for reasons related to the constitutionality of the 1935 Act). As part of the 1939 Amendments, the Title VIII taxing provisions were taken out of the Social Security Act and placed in the Internal Revenue Code and renamed the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA). Social Security payroll taxes","Document [6](Title: Social Security Act) Social Security Act The Social Security Act of 1935 , now codified as , created Social Security in the United States, and is relevant for US labor law. It created a basic right to a pension in old age, and insurance against unemployment. In the Second New Deal, the Social Security Act was signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on August 14, 1935. The act laid the groundwork for the modern welfare system in the United States, with its primary focus to provide aid for the elderly, the unemployed, and children. Industrialization and the urbanization in the 19th","Document [7](Title: Social Security Administration) named the 12th best place to work in the U.S. federal government (out of 18 large agencies). The Social Security Act created a Social Security Board (SSB), to oversee the administration of the new program. It was created as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal with the signing of the Social Security Act of 1935 on August 14, 1935. The Board consisted of three presidentially appointed executives, and started with no budget, no staff, and no furniture. It obtained a temporary budget from the Federal Emergency Relief Administration headed by Harry Hopkins. The first counsel for the new","Document [8](Title: Supplemental Security Income) the Social Security Administration. Thus, SSI was created to eliminate the differences between the states including different disability standards and income and resources requirements, which many perceived as irrational or unfair. President Nixon signed the Social Security Amendments of 1972 on October 30, 1972 which created the SSI Program. The SSI program officially began operations in January 1974 by federalizing states' programs, designating the Social Security Administration (SSA) to administer the SSI program. SSA was selected because it had been administering a nationwide adult disability program under the Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) program since 1956 for workers who","Document [9](Title: Social Security Act) the spouse and minor children of a retired worker (called dependents benefits) and survivors benefits paid to the family in the event of the premature death of the worker. The 1939 Amendments also increased benefit amounts and accelerated the start of monthly benefit payments from 1942 to 1940. S.2051 Approved, October 3, 1944 Public Law 78-458 Title XII H.R.7037 Approved, August 10, 1946 Public Law 79-719 Title XIII H.R.6000 Approved August 28, 1950 Public Law 81-734 These amendments raised benefits for the first time and placed the program on the road to the virtually universal coverage it has today. Specifically","Document [10](Title: Social Security System (Philippines)) Social Security System (Philippines) The Philippine Social Security System (SSS; ) is a state-run, social insurance program in the Philippines to workers in the private, professional, and informal sectors. SSS is established by virtue of Republic Act No.1161, better known as Social Security Act of 1954. This law was later amended by Republic Act No. 8282 in 1997. Government employees, meanwhile, are covered under a separate state-pension fund managed by the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS). It was former President Manuel A. Roxas who first proposed a bill in Congress, seeking the establishment of a social security system for wage","Document [11](Title: Social Security Amendments of 1965) bill to Congress. The Conservative coalition dominated the House Ways and Means Committee, which complicated attempts to pass social health programs. Wilbur Mills (D-AR), chair of the committee, later played a role in creating the health care program that was integrated into the Social Security Act. In 1960, the Kerr-Mills Act created the Medical Assistance for the Aged (MAA) program which gave states the power to decide which patients needed financial assistance. The federal government would provide matching funds to the states for the program. Some states did not participate or abide by the Act. Another preliminary bill, the King-Anderson","Document [12](Title: Great Society) coverage and adequacy of benefits. The Tax Adjustment Act of 1966 included a provision for special payments under the social security program to certain uninsured individuals aged 72 and over. The Social Security Amendments of 1965 included a 7% increase in cash benefits, a liberalization of the definition of disability, a liberalization of the amount a person can earn and still get full benefits (the so-called retirement test), payment of benefits to eligible children aged 18\u201321 who are attending school, payment of benefits to widows at age 60 on an actuarially reduced basis, coverage of self-employed physicians, coverage of tips","Document [13](Title: Older Americans Act) Americans Act of 1965. Older Americans Act The Older Americans Act of 1965 (, ) was the first federal level initiative aimed at providing comprehensive services for older adults. It created the National Aging Network comprising the Administration on Aging on the federal level, State Units on Aging, and Area Agencies on Aging at the local level. The network provides funding - based primarily on the percentage of an area's population 60 and older - for nutrition and supportive home and community-based services, disease prevention\/health promotion services, elder rights programs, the National Family Caregiver Support Program, and the Native American","Document [14](Title: Medicare (United States)) Conference on Aging in January 1961, in which creating a health care program for social security beneficiaries was proposed. In July 1965, under the leadership of President Lyndon Johnson, Congress enacted Medicare under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide health insurance to people age 65 and older, regardless of income or medical history. Johnson signed the bill into law on July 30, 1965 at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri. Former President Harry S. Truman and his wife, former First Lady Bess Truman became the first recipients of the program. Before Medicare was created,","Document [15](Title: Older Americans Act) Older Americans Act The Older Americans Act of 1965 (, ) was the first federal level initiative aimed at providing comprehensive services for older adults. It created the National Aging Network comprising the Administration on Aging on the federal level, State Units on Aging, and Area Agencies on Aging at the local level. The network provides funding - based primarily on the percentage of an area's population 60 and older - for nutrition and supportive home and community-based services, disease prevention\/health promotion services, elder rights programs, the National Family Caregiver Support Program, and the Native American Caregiver Support Program. The","Document [16](Title: History of Social Security in the United States) poverty, unemployment, and the burdens of widows and fatherless children. By signing this Act on August 14, 1935, President Roosevelt became the first president to advocate federal assistance for the elderly. The Act provided benefits to retirees and the unemployed, and a lump-sum benefit at death. Payments to current retirees are financed by a payroll tax on current workers' wages, half directly as a payroll tax and half paid by the employer. The act also gave money to states to provide assistance to aged individuals (Title I), for unemployment insurance (Title III), Aid to Families with Dependent Children (Title IV),","Document [17](Title: Labour government, 1964\u20131970) sufficient to remove from initial poverty more than half the families (working and non-working) found to be poor at the end of 1966 by the poverty standard then applied.\" Under the Social Security Act 1966, newly unemployed individuals were no longer denied assistance during their first month of unemployment, while men who had had their Unemployment Benefit disallowed for six weeks (on the grounds that they had been at fault for losing their job) were no longer subjected to a harsh rule applied by the National Assistance confining their payments to below \"benefit rate\". Instead, a policy was adopted of","Document [18](Title: Social Security Administration) Social Security Administration The United States Social Security Administration (SSA) is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government that administers Social Security, a social insurance program consisting of retirement, disability, and survivors' benefits. To qualify for most of these benefits, most workers pay Social Security taxes on their earnings; the claimant's benefits are based on the wage earner's contributions. Otherwise benefits such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are given based on need. The Social Security Administration was established by a law codified at . Its current leader, Deputy Commissioner of Operations Nancy Berryhill, was acting commissioner from January 19,","Document [19](Title: History of Social Security in the United States) History of Social Security in the United States A limited form of the Social Security program began as a measure to implement \"social insurance\" during the Great Depression of the 1930s, when poverty rates among senior citizens exceeded 50 percent. The Social Security Act was enacted August 14, 1935. The Act was drafted during President Franklin D. Roosevelt's first term by the President's Committee on Economic Security, under Frances Perkins, and passed by Congress as part of the New Deal. The Act was an attempt to limit what were seen as dangers in the modern American life, including old age,","Document [20](Title: Social Security Amendments of 1965) The legislation made two amendments to the Social Security Act of 1935. Title XVIII, which became known as Medicare, includes Part A, which provides hospital insurance for the aged, and Part B, which provides supplementary medical insurance. Title XIX, which became known as Medicaid, provides for the states to finance health care for individuals who were at or close to the public assistance level with federal matching funds."],"query":"the xix of the social security act of 1965 established?","answers":["Medicaid"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Return of the Mack) \"Return of the Mack\" is a song written and recorded by the German-born British R&B singer Mark Morrison. It was released in the United Kingdom in March 1996 and topped the UK Singles Chart a month later. It reached the #1 spot on the UK Singles Chart and #2 on the US Billboard Hot 100 in early-Summer 1997 for one week behind \"MMMBop\" by Hanson, and went Platinum.","Document [2](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) album was largely self-produced by Morrison, and was recorded over a two-year period. The album's release was preceded by the release of three singles. At the 1997 BRIT Awards held on 24 February 1997, he performed \"Return of the Mack\". The debut song \"Crazy\" became a top 20 hit in the UK. It was later featured in the 1997 film \"\" and appeared on the film's . The second single was \"Let's Get Down\". \"Return of the Mack\" received mixed reviews from music critics. \"Entertainment Weekly\" writer Matt Diehl wrote \"its title, \"Return of the Mack\" sounds like another rap","Document [3](Title: Return of the Mack) digital download through Straightforward Music, Nourishing Music, and Capitol Records on 23 September 2016. This song has since received commercial successful by peaking inside top 20 in Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, while received chart appearance in many other countries. In 2012 \"Return of the Mack\" was sampled again in a song by Trae Tha Truth called \"I'm On\" which samples the opening vocals from \"Return of the Mack\" and features MDMA, Lupe Fiasco, Big Boi, Wale & Wiz Khalifa. And in June 2012, he made a remix called \"I'm On 2.0\". Return of the Mack \"Return","Document [4](Title: Shibe Park) status in the American League contributed to the vicious circle of bad teams and empty seats. There was also a precipitous decline in the boss himself. 1950 marked Mack's 50th year in Philadelphia and his 87th birthday, and for the better part of a decade it had been obvious he was going senile. He would spend most games asleep in the dugout, leaving game strategy in the hands of his coaches. Whenever he was awake, he often made strange calls that the players and coaches usually disregarded. He would also call for players from decades earlier to pinch-hit; in the","Document [5](Title: Connie Mack) 12 games out of first, and it was obvious the season was a lost cause. On that date, his sons Earle, Roy and Connie, Jr. persuaded their father to promote Jimmy Dykes, who had been a coach since 1949, to assistant manager for the remainder of the season. Dykes became the team's main operator in the dugout, and would take over the managerial reins in his own right in 1951. At the same time, Cochrane was named general manager\u2014thus stripping Connie, Sr. of his remaining authority. Six weeks after his mid-season retirement, Mack was honored by baseball when he threw","Document [6](Title: Return of the Mack) single \u2013 US CD single \u2013 Europe 12\" maxi \u2013 US 12\" maxi \u2013 Europe American hip-hop\/rap artist Mann released a cover version of the song, featuring vocals from Snoop Dogg and Iyaz. His version is simply titled \"The Mack\". The single was released in the United Kingdom on 23 May 2011 as a digital download. The Music Video premiered on Mann's YouTube Channel on 28 June. It was released in the United States on 5 July 2011. A music video to accompany the release of \"The Mack\" was first released onto YouTube on June 23, 2011 at a total","Document [7](Title: Connie Mack) was no longer viable in post-World War II America due to various factors, including the increased expense of running a team. For instance, he never installed a telephone line between the bullpen and dugout. Despite the circumstances, the octogenarian Mack led the team to three winning seasons in 1947\u201349 (including a fourth-place finish in 1948). With the A's unexpected resurgence in 1947-49, there was hope that 1950\u2014Mack's 50th anniversary as A's manager\u2014would bring a pennant at last. However, the A's never recovered from a dreadful May in which they only won five games. By May 26, the A's were 11-21,","Document [8](Title: Shibe Park) battling each other. Despite undeniable signs of deterioration, it would be a few more years before the operation collapsed entirely. In the meantime, the Macks tried to capitalize on the remaining vestiges of affection in the city for their father, who turned 90 years old in December 1952. They opened the nostalgic Elephant Room, filled with memorabilia from the old glory days, under the first base grandstand. They renamed the park Connie Mack Stadium in February 1953 for the opening of the 1953 season, hanging a new metal plate over the old \"SHIBE PARK\" inscription, which was \"still written in","Document [9](Title: Shibe Park) the perfect 50th anniversary present \u2013 a pennant. However, the 1950 season was an unmitigated disaster. By May 26, they were 11-21, their season all but finished. On that date, Mack's sons Roy and Earle gently pushed their father into announcing his retirement at the end of the season. The power vacuum in the wake of \"Mr. Baseball's\" exit only worsened the problems, however. Roy and Earle Mack, \"undistinguished men living in the shadow of their father,\" were products of Mack's first marriage; their half-brother Connie, Jr. \u2013 20 years their junior \u2013 came from his second. As the family","Document [10](Title: Earle Mack) Mack brothers were forced to sell, and the team relocated to Kansas City in 1954. Earle Mack died at age 77 in Upper Darby Township, Pennsylvania. Earle Mack Earle Thaddeus Mack (born Earle Thaddeus McGillicuddy; February 1, 1890 \u2013 February 4, 1967), was an American player and coach in Major League Baseball, and, during parts of two seasons, manager of the Philadelphia Athletics when his father, Connie Mack, was too ill to manage. He also became a part-owner of the franchise. His nephew Connie Mack III became a U.S. Senator. Mack was born in Spencer, Massachusetts and attended Niagara University","Document [11](Title: The Mack) was present. The New Line DVD release restored the original Willie Hutch score to the film. The Mack The Mack is a 1973 blaxploitation film directed by California native Michael Campus, starring Max Julien and Richard Pryor. The film also stars Oscar-nominee Juanita Moore, and Tony nominated actor Dick Anthony Williams. Filmed in Oakland, California the movie follows the rise and fall of Goldie. After returning home from a 5-year prison sentence, he returns home to find his brother involved in Black nationalism. Goldie decides to take an alternative path, striving to become the city\u2019s biggest pimp. Although the movie","Document [12](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) five top ten singles from a debut album to chart on the UK Singles Chart. These singles included \"Let's Get Down\", \"Return of the Mack\", \"Crazy (Remix)\", \"Trippin'\", \"Horny\" and \"Moan and Groan\". The first single \"Crazy\" became a top twenty hit in the United Kingdom, a remix was also released, which peaked at number 6 in the United Kingdom. The single, \"Return of the Mack\" has become an international hit for spending two weeks at number one on the UK Singles Chart, and one week at number 2 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The song was listed at","Document [13](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) but described the album as having weak production. The album stayed for thirty-eight weeks on the UK Albums Chart, where it debuted and peaked at number 4, and became a certified platinum by British Phonographic Industry (BPI). On the US \"Billboard\" 200, the album reached a peak of a number 76, however, it would eventually became a certified platinum by Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), due to the success of the single \"Return of the Mack\". The album has since sold over 3 million copies worldwide. The album made Morrison the first artist in British pop history to have","Document [14](Title: Shibe Park) the A's tremendous acrimony among Philadelphia fans. Mack launched a rebuilding program in the mid-1920s, and his effort became \"The Second Dynasty\", which culminated in back-to-back-to-back AL pennants in 1929, 1930 and 1931. It was an ill-timed hegemony, though: the Wall Street Crash of 1929 triggered the Great Depression, and hard times caused baseball attendance to plummet, winners or no. By October 1932, the second great sell-off, of The Second Dynasty, was underway; by 1935, the stars were gone and the franchise had picked up $545,000 cash for itself. The A's had won the last of their pennants (and would","Document [15](Title: The Mack) The Mack The Mack is a 1973 blaxploitation film directed by California native Michael Campus, starring Max Julien and Richard Pryor. The film also stars Oscar-nominee Juanita Moore, and Tony nominated actor Dick Anthony Williams. Filmed in Oakland, California the movie follows the rise and fall of Goldie. After returning home from a 5-year prison sentence, he returns home to find his brother involved in Black nationalism. Goldie decides to take an alternative path, striving to become the city\u2019s biggest pimp. Although the movie was produced during the era of such blaxploitation movies as \"Dolemite\", its producers do not label","Document [16](Title: Connie Mack) time. When he had two strikes, I tipped his bat again and got away with it. Mack's last three seasons in the National League were as a player-manager with the Pittsburgh Pirates from 1894 to 1896, with a 149\u2013134 (.527) record. Fired on September 21, 1896, he retired as a full-time player and accepted a deal from Henry Killilea to act as manager and occasional backup catcher for the minor league Milwaukee Brewers. He agreed to a salary of $3,000 and 25% of the club. He managed the Brewers for four seasons from 1897 to 1900, their best year coming","Document [17](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) tale of gangsta paradise; instead, Mark Morrison comes off more like a funked-up Seal, promising revenge to a deceitful lover in a warbly croon.\" He goes onto add, \"the end result is an odd but infectious new-jack-swing variation on Hey Joe, buoyed by bubbly beats and the insistent title refrain.\" Return of the Mack (album) Return of the Mack is the debut studio album by English singer-songwriter Mark Morrison. It was first released through his Mack Life Records imprint in the United Kingdom and then released by Atlantic Records in the United States, with distribution via Warner Music Group on","Document [18](Title: Earle Mack) the league folded (no doubt a war casualty) on May 30. Mack then became player-manager of the Hanover (Pennsylvania) Raiders of the Blue Ridge League, another Class D circuit. Mack achieved some success as the player\/manager of the Moline Plowboys of the Class B Illinois\u2013Indiana\u2013Iowa League (often called the Three-I, or Three-Eye League). In 1921, his team, with almost no legitimate major league prospects, won the Three-I pennant. However, in his three years there (1920\u201322), the team had only a 196-214 record. Mack's final season as a minor league manager was 1923, returning to the Blue Ridge League and managing","Document [19](Title: Hayward Mack) by taking poison. Hayward Mack Hayward Seaton Mack (March 20, 1882 \u2013 December 24, 1921) was an American actor of the silent era. Born in Albany, New York, in 1882, Mack appeared in 81 films between 1910 and 1921. Mack's motion picture career began in 1910; he appeared in films of many leading motion picture companies of the time. He had also worked in vaudeville and in stage productions. Before embarking on an entertainment career Mack was a civil engineer and also worked as a newspaper man. Mack died in Los Angeles, California, in 1921. Mack committed suicide in Los","Document [20](Title: Return of the Mack) length of three minutes and fifty-five seconds. It features Mann, Iyaz and Snoop Dogg, at a pool party that starts off in the day into the night and they are surrounded by women. Mark is also shown entering London Heathrow airport and then driving a car. Lewis Corner of Digital Spy gave the song a positive review stating, \"I'm tryin' to bag a chick from a centerfold and I'm tryin' burn bread like it's gonna be toast,\" the pint-sized rapper curiously explains between an instantly recognisable chorus that samples Mark Morrison's '96 classic 'Return Of The Mack' \u2013 the robotic"],"query":"what year did return of the mack come out?","answers":["18\u00a0March\u00a01996","March 1996","1996"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) album was largely self-produced by Morrison, and was recorded over a two-year period. The album's release was preceded by the release of three singles. At the 1997 BRIT Awards held on 24 February 1997, he performed \"Return of the Mack\". The debut song \"Crazy\" became a top 20 hit in the UK. It was later featured in the 1997 film \"\" and appeared on the film's . The second single was \"Let's Get Down\". \"Return of the Mack\" received mixed reviews from music critics. \"Entertainment Weekly\" writer Matt Diehl wrote \"its title, \"Return of the Mack\" sounds like another rap","Document [2](Title: Return of the Mack) digital download through Straightforward Music, Nourishing Music, and Capitol Records on 23 September 2016. This song has since received commercial successful by peaking inside top 20 in Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, while received chart appearance in many other countries. In 2012 \"Return of the Mack\" was sampled again in a song by Trae Tha Truth called \"I'm On\" which samples the opening vocals from \"Return of the Mack\" and features MDMA, Lupe Fiasco, Big Boi, Wale & Wiz Khalifa. And in June 2012, he made a remix called \"I'm On 2.0\". Return of the Mack \"Return","Document [3](Title: Shibe Park) status in the American League contributed to the vicious circle of bad teams and empty seats. There was also a precipitous decline in the boss himself. 1950 marked Mack's 50th year in Philadelphia and his 87th birthday, and for the better part of a decade it had been obvious he was going senile. He would spend most games asleep in the dugout, leaving game strategy in the hands of his coaches. Whenever he was awake, he often made strange calls that the players and coaches usually disregarded. He would also call for players from decades earlier to pinch-hit; in the","Document [4](Title: Connie Mack) 12 games out of first, and it was obvious the season was a lost cause. On that date, his sons Earle, Roy and Connie, Jr. persuaded their father to promote Jimmy Dykes, who had been a coach since 1949, to assistant manager for the remainder of the season. Dykes became the team's main operator in the dugout, and would take over the managerial reins in his own right in 1951. At the same time, Cochrane was named general manager\u2014thus stripping Connie, Sr. of his remaining authority. Six weeks after his mid-season retirement, Mack was honored by baseball when he threw","Document [5](Title: Return of the Mack) \"Return of the Mack\" is a song written and recorded by the German-born British R&B singer Mark Morrison. It was released in the United Kingdom in March 1996 and topped the UK Singles Chart a month later. It reached the #1 spot on the UK Singles Chart and #2 on the US Billboard Hot 100 in early-Summer 1997 for one week behind \"MMMBop\" by Hanson, and went Platinum.","Document [6](Title: Return of the Mack) single \u2013 US CD single \u2013 Europe 12\" maxi \u2013 US 12\" maxi \u2013 Europe American hip-hop\/rap artist Mann released a cover version of the song, featuring vocals from Snoop Dogg and Iyaz. His version is simply titled \"The Mack\". The single was released in the United Kingdom on 23 May 2011 as a digital download. The Music Video premiered on Mann's YouTube Channel on 28 June. It was released in the United States on 5 July 2011. A music video to accompany the release of \"The Mack\" was first released onto YouTube on June 23, 2011 at a total","Document [7](Title: Connie Mack) was no longer viable in post-World War II America due to various factors, including the increased expense of running a team. For instance, he never installed a telephone line between the bullpen and dugout. Despite the circumstances, the octogenarian Mack led the team to three winning seasons in 1947\u201349 (including a fourth-place finish in 1948). With the A's unexpected resurgence in 1947-49, there was hope that 1950\u2014Mack's 50th anniversary as A's manager\u2014would bring a pennant at last. However, the A's never recovered from a dreadful May in which they only won five games. By May 26, the A's were 11-21,","Document [8](Title: Shibe Park) battling each other. Despite undeniable signs of deterioration, it would be a few more years before the operation collapsed entirely. In the meantime, the Macks tried to capitalize on the remaining vestiges of affection in the city for their father, who turned 90 years old in December 1952. They opened the nostalgic Elephant Room, filled with memorabilia from the old glory days, under the first base grandstand. They renamed the park Connie Mack Stadium in February 1953 for the opening of the 1953 season, hanging a new metal plate over the old \"SHIBE PARK\" inscription, which was \"still written in","Document [9](Title: Shibe Park) the perfect 50th anniversary present \u2013 a pennant. However, the 1950 season was an unmitigated disaster. By May 26, they were 11-21, their season all but finished. On that date, Mack's sons Roy and Earle gently pushed their father into announcing his retirement at the end of the season. The power vacuum in the wake of \"Mr. Baseball's\" exit only worsened the problems, however. Roy and Earle Mack, \"undistinguished men living in the shadow of their father,\" were products of Mack's first marriage; their half-brother Connie, Jr. \u2013 20 years their junior \u2013 came from his second. As the family","Document [10](Title: Earle Mack) Mack brothers were forced to sell, and the team relocated to Kansas City in 1954. Earle Mack died at age 77 in Upper Darby Township, Pennsylvania. Earle Mack Earle Thaddeus Mack (born Earle Thaddeus McGillicuddy; February 1, 1890 \u2013 February 4, 1967), was an American player and coach in Major League Baseball, and, during parts of two seasons, manager of the Philadelphia Athletics when his father, Connie Mack, was too ill to manage. He also became a part-owner of the franchise. His nephew Connie Mack III became a U.S. Senator. Mack was born in Spencer, Massachusetts and attended Niagara University","Document [11](Title: The Mack) was present. The New Line DVD release restored the original Willie Hutch score to the film. The Mack The Mack is a 1973 blaxploitation film directed by California native Michael Campus, starring Max Julien and Richard Pryor. The film also stars Oscar-nominee Juanita Moore, and Tony nominated actor Dick Anthony Williams. Filmed in Oakland, California the movie follows the rise and fall of Goldie. After returning home from a 5-year prison sentence, he returns home to find his brother involved in Black nationalism. Goldie decides to take an alternative path, striving to become the city\u2019s biggest pimp. Although the movie","Document [12](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) five top ten singles from a debut album to chart on the UK Singles Chart. These singles included \"Let's Get Down\", \"Return of the Mack\", \"Crazy (Remix)\", \"Trippin'\", \"Horny\" and \"Moan and Groan\". The first single \"Crazy\" became a top twenty hit in the United Kingdom, a remix was also released, which peaked at number 6 in the United Kingdom. The single, \"Return of the Mack\" has become an international hit for spending two weeks at number one on the UK Singles Chart, and one week at number 2 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The song was listed at","Document [13](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) but described the album as having weak production. The album stayed for thirty-eight weeks on the UK Albums Chart, where it debuted and peaked at number 4, and became a certified platinum by British Phonographic Industry (BPI). On the US \"Billboard\" 200, the album reached a peak of a number 76, however, it would eventually became a certified platinum by Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), due to the success of the single \"Return of the Mack\". The album has since sold over 3 million copies worldwide. The album made Morrison the first artist in British pop history to have","Document [14](Title: Shibe Park) the A's tremendous acrimony among Philadelphia fans. Mack launched a rebuilding program in the mid-1920s, and his effort became \"The Second Dynasty\", which culminated in back-to-back-to-back AL pennants in 1929, 1930 and 1931. It was an ill-timed hegemony, though: the Wall Street Crash of 1929 triggered the Great Depression, and hard times caused baseball attendance to plummet, winners or no. By October 1932, the second great sell-off, of The Second Dynasty, was underway; by 1935, the stars were gone and the franchise had picked up $545,000 cash for itself. The A's had won the last of their pennants (and would","Document [15](Title: The Mack) The Mack The Mack is a 1973 blaxploitation film directed by California native Michael Campus, starring Max Julien and Richard Pryor. The film also stars Oscar-nominee Juanita Moore, and Tony nominated actor Dick Anthony Williams. Filmed in Oakland, California the movie follows the rise and fall of Goldie. After returning home from a 5-year prison sentence, he returns home to find his brother involved in Black nationalism. Goldie decides to take an alternative path, striving to become the city\u2019s biggest pimp. Although the movie was produced during the era of such blaxploitation movies as \"Dolemite\", its producers do not label","Document [16](Title: Connie Mack) time. When he had two strikes, I tipped his bat again and got away with it. Mack's last three seasons in the National League were as a player-manager with the Pittsburgh Pirates from 1894 to 1896, with a 149\u2013134 (.527) record. Fired on September 21, 1896, he retired as a full-time player and accepted a deal from Henry Killilea to act as manager and occasional backup catcher for the minor league Milwaukee Brewers. He agreed to a salary of $3,000 and 25% of the club. He managed the Brewers for four seasons from 1897 to 1900, their best year coming","Document [17](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) tale of gangsta paradise; instead, Mark Morrison comes off more like a funked-up Seal, promising revenge to a deceitful lover in a warbly croon.\" He goes onto add, \"the end result is an odd but infectious new-jack-swing variation on Hey Joe, buoyed by bubbly beats and the insistent title refrain.\" Return of the Mack (album) Return of the Mack is the debut studio album by English singer-songwriter Mark Morrison. It was first released through his Mack Life Records imprint in the United Kingdom and then released by Atlantic Records in the United States, with distribution via Warner Music Group on","Document [18](Title: Earle Mack) the league folded (no doubt a war casualty) on May 30. Mack then became player-manager of the Hanover (Pennsylvania) Raiders of the Blue Ridge League, another Class D circuit. Mack achieved some success as the player\/manager of the Moline Plowboys of the Class B Illinois\u2013Indiana\u2013Iowa League (often called the Three-I, or Three-Eye League). In 1921, his team, with almost no legitimate major league prospects, won the Three-I pennant. However, in his three years there (1920\u201322), the team had only a 196-214 record. Mack's final season as a minor league manager was 1923, returning to the Blue Ridge League and managing","Document [19](Title: Hayward Mack) by taking poison. Hayward Mack Hayward Seaton Mack (March 20, 1882 \u2013 December 24, 1921) was an American actor of the silent era. Born in Albany, New York, in 1882, Mack appeared in 81 films between 1910 and 1921. Mack's motion picture career began in 1910; he appeared in films of many leading motion picture companies of the time. He had also worked in vaudeville and in stage productions. Before embarking on an entertainment career Mack was a civil engineer and also worked as a newspaper man. Mack died in Los Angeles, California, in 1921. Mack committed suicide in Los","Document [20](Title: Return of the Mack) length of three minutes and fifty-five seconds. It features Mann, Iyaz and Snoop Dogg, at a pool party that starts off in the day into the night and they are surrounded by women. Mark is also shown entering London Heathrow airport and then driving a car. Lewis Corner of Digital Spy gave the song a positive review stating, \"I'm tryin' to bag a chick from a centerfold and I'm tryin' burn bread like it's gonna be toast,\" the pint-sized rapper curiously explains between an instantly recognisable chorus that samples Mark Morrison's '96 classic 'Return Of The Mack' \u2013 the robotic"],"query":"what year did return of the mack come out?","answers":["18\u00a0March\u00a01996","March 1996","1996"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) album was largely self-produced by Morrison, and was recorded over a two-year period. The album's release was preceded by the release of three singles. At the 1997 BRIT Awards held on 24 February 1997, he performed \"Return of the Mack\". The debut song \"Crazy\" became a top 20 hit in the UK. It was later featured in the 1997 film \"\" and appeared on the film's . The second single was \"Let's Get Down\". \"Return of the Mack\" received mixed reviews from music critics. \"Entertainment Weekly\" writer Matt Diehl wrote \"its title, \"Return of the Mack\" sounds like another rap","Document [2](Title: Return of the Mack) digital download through Straightforward Music, Nourishing Music, and Capitol Records on 23 September 2016. This song has since received commercial successful by peaking inside top 20 in Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, while received chart appearance in many other countries. In 2012 \"Return of the Mack\" was sampled again in a song by Trae Tha Truth called \"I'm On\" which samples the opening vocals from \"Return of the Mack\" and features MDMA, Lupe Fiasco, Big Boi, Wale & Wiz Khalifa. And in June 2012, he made a remix called \"I'm On 2.0\". Return of the Mack \"Return","Document [3](Title: Shibe Park) status in the American League contributed to the vicious circle of bad teams and empty seats. There was also a precipitous decline in the boss himself. 1950 marked Mack's 50th year in Philadelphia and his 87th birthday, and for the better part of a decade it had been obvious he was going senile. He would spend most games asleep in the dugout, leaving game strategy in the hands of his coaches. Whenever he was awake, he often made strange calls that the players and coaches usually disregarded. He would also call for players from decades earlier to pinch-hit; in the","Document [4](Title: Connie Mack) 12 games out of first, and it was obvious the season was a lost cause. On that date, his sons Earle, Roy and Connie, Jr. persuaded their father to promote Jimmy Dykes, who had been a coach since 1949, to assistant manager for the remainder of the season. Dykes became the team's main operator in the dugout, and would take over the managerial reins in his own right in 1951. At the same time, Cochrane was named general manager\u2014thus stripping Connie, Sr. of his remaining authority. Six weeks after his mid-season retirement, Mack was honored by baseball when he threw","Document [5](Title: Return of the Mack) single \u2013 US CD single \u2013 Europe 12\" maxi \u2013 US 12\" maxi \u2013 Europe American hip-hop\/rap artist Mann released a cover version of the song, featuring vocals from Snoop Dogg and Iyaz. His version is simply titled \"The Mack\". The single was released in the United Kingdom on 23 May 2011 as a digital download. The Music Video premiered on Mann's YouTube Channel on 28 June. It was released in the United States on 5 July 2011. A music video to accompany the release of \"The Mack\" was first released onto YouTube on June 23, 2011 at a total","Document [6](Title: Connie Mack) was no longer viable in post-World War II America due to various factors, including the increased expense of running a team. For instance, he never installed a telephone line between the bullpen and dugout. Despite the circumstances, the octogenarian Mack led the team to three winning seasons in 1947\u201349 (including a fourth-place finish in 1948). With the A's unexpected resurgence in 1947-49, there was hope that 1950\u2014Mack's 50th anniversary as A's manager\u2014would bring a pennant at last. However, the A's never recovered from a dreadful May in which they only won five games. By May 26, the A's were 11-21,","Document [7](Title: Shibe Park) battling each other. Despite undeniable signs of deterioration, it would be a few more years before the operation collapsed entirely. In the meantime, the Macks tried to capitalize on the remaining vestiges of affection in the city for their father, who turned 90 years old in December 1952. They opened the nostalgic Elephant Room, filled with memorabilia from the old glory days, under the first base grandstand. They renamed the park Connie Mack Stadium in February 1953 for the opening of the 1953 season, hanging a new metal plate over the old \"SHIBE PARK\" inscription, which was \"still written in","Document [8](Title: Shibe Park) the perfect 50th anniversary present \u2013 a pennant. However, the 1950 season was an unmitigated disaster. By May 26, they were 11-21, their season all but finished. On that date, Mack's sons Roy and Earle gently pushed their father into announcing his retirement at the end of the season. The power vacuum in the wake of \"Mr. Baseball's\" exit only worsened the problems, however. Roy and Earle Mack, \"undistinguished men living in the shadow of their father,\" were products of Mack's first marriage; their half-brother Connie, Jr. \u2013 20 years their junior \u2013 came from his second. As the family","Document [9](Title: Earle Mack) Mack brothers were forced to sell, and the team relocated to Kansas City in 1954. Earle Mack died at age 77 in Upper Darby Township, Pennsylvania. Earle Mack Earle Thaddeus Mack (born Earle Thaddeus McGillicuddy; February 1, 1890 \u2013 February 4, 1967), was an American player and coach in Major League Baseball, and, during parts of two seasons, manager of the Philadelphia Athletics when his father, Connie Mack, was too ill to manage. He also became a part-owner of the franchise. His nephew Connie Mack III became a U.S. Senator. Mack was born in Spencer, Massachusetts and attended Niagara University","Document [10](Title: Return of the Mack) \"Return of the Mack\" is a song written and recorded by the German-born British R&B singer Mark Morrison. It was released in the United Kingdom in March 1996 and topped the UK Singles Chart a month later. It reached the #1 spot on the UK Singles Chart and #2 on the US Billboard Hot 100 in early-Summer 1997 for one week behind \"MMMBop\" by Hanson, and went Platinum.","Document [11](Title: The Mack) was present. The New Line DVD release restored the original Willie Hutch score to the film. The Mack The Mack is a 1973 blaxploitation film directed by California native Michael Campus, starring Max Julien and Richard Pryor. The film also stars Oscar-nominee Juanita Moore, and Tony nominated actor Dick Anthony Williams. Filmed in Oakland, California the movie follows the rise and fall of Goldie. After returning home from a 5-year prison sentence, he returns home to find his brother involved in Black nationalism. Goldie decides to take an alternative path, striving to become the city\u2019s biggest pimp. Although the movie","Document [12](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) five top ten singles from a debut album to chart on the UK Singles Chart. These singles included \"Let's Get Down\", \"Return of the Mack\", \"Crazy (Remix)\", \"Trippin'\", \"Horny\" and \"Moan and Groan\". The first single \"Crazy\" became a top twenty hit in the United Kingdom, a remix was also released, which peaked at number 6 in the United Kingdom. The single, \"Return of the Mack\" has become an international hit for spending two weeks at number one on the UK Singles Chart, and one week at number 2 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The song was listed at","Document [13](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) but described the album as having weak production. The album stayed for thirty-eight weeks on the UK Albums Chart, where it debuted and peaked at number 4, and became a certified platinum by British Phonographic Industry (BPI). On the US \"Billboard\" 200, the album reached a peak of a number 76, however, it would eventually became a certified platinum by Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), due to the success of the single \"Return of the Mack\". The album has since sold over 3 million copies worldwide. The album made Morrison the first artist in British pop history to have","Document [14](Title: Shibe Park) the A's tremendous acrimony among Philadelphia fans. Mack launched a rebuilding program in the mid-1920s, and his effort became \"The Second Dynasty\", which culminated in back-to-back-to-back AL pennants in 1929, 1930 and 1931. It was an ill-timed hegemony, though: the Wall Street Crash of 1929 triggered the Great Depression, and hard times caused baseball attendance to plummet, winners or no. By October 1932, the second great sell-off, of The Second Dynasty, was underway; by 1935, the stars were gone and the franchise had picked up $545,000 cash for itself. The A's had won the last of their pennants (and would","Document [15](Title: The Mack) The Mack The Mack is a 1973 blaxploitation film directed by California native Michael Campus, starring Max Julien and Richard Pryor. The film also stars Oscar-nominee Juanita Moore, and Tony nominated actor Dick Anthony Williams. Filmed in Oakland, California the movie follows the rise and fall of Goldie. After returning home from a 5-year prison sentence, he returns home to find his brother involved in Black nationalism. Goldie decides to take an alternative path, striving to become the city\u2019s biggest pimp. Although the movie was produced during the era of such blaxploitation movies as \"Dolemite\", its producers do not label","Document [16](Title: Connie Mack) time. When he had two strikes, I tipped his bat again and got away with it. Mack's last three seasons in the National League were as a player-manager with the Pittsburgh Pirates from 1894 to 1896, with a 149\u2013134 (.527) record. Fired on September 21, 1896, he retired as a full-time player and accepted a deal from Henry Killilea to act as manager and occasional backup catcher for the minor league Milwaukee Brewers. He agreed to a salary of $3,000 and 25% of the club. He managed the Brewers for four seasons from 1897 to 1900, their best year coming","Document [17](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) tale of gangsta paradise; instead, Mark Morrison comes off more like a funked-up Seal, promising revenge to a deceitful lover in a warbly croon.\" He goes onto add, \"the end result is an odd but infectious new-jack-swing variation on Hey Joe, buoyed by bubbly beats and the insistent title refrain.\" Return of the Mack (album) Return of the Mack is the debut studio album by English singer-songwriter Mark Morrison. It was first released through his Mack Life Records imprint in the United Kingdom and then released by Atlantic Records in the United States, with distribution via Warner Music Group on","Document [18](Title: Earle Mack) the league folded (no doubt a war casualty) on May 30. Mack then became player-manager of the Hanover (Pennsylvania) Raiders of the Blue Ridge League, another Class D circuit. Mack achieved some success as the player\/manager of the Moline Plowboys of the Class B Illinois\u2013Indiana\u2013Iowa League (often called the Three-I, or Three-Eye League). In 1921, his team, with almost no legitimate major league prospects, won the Three-I pennant. However, in his three years there (1920\u201322), the team had only a 196-214 record. Mack's final season as a minor league manager was 1923, returning to the Blue Ridge League and managing","Document [19](Title: Hayward Mack) by taking poison. Hayward Mack Hayward Seaton Mack (March 20, 1882 \u2013 December 24, 1921) was an American actor of the silent era. Born in Albany, New York, in 1882, Mack appeared in 81 films between 1910 and 1921. Mack's motion picture career began in 1910; he appeared in films of many leading motion picture companies of the time. He had also worked in vaudeville and in stage productions. Before embarking on an entertainment career Mack was a civil engineer and also worked as a newspaper man. Mack died in Los Angeles, California, in 1921. Mack committed suicide in Los","Document [20](Title: Return of the Mack) length of three minutes and fifty-five seconds. It features Mann, Iyaz and Snoop Dogg, at a pool party that starts off in the day into the night and they are surrounded by women. Mark is also shown entering London Heathrow airport and then driving a car. Lewis Corner of Digital Spy gave the song a positive review stating, \"I'm tryin' to bag a chick from a centerfold and I'm tryin' burn bread like it's gonna be toast,\" the pint-sized rapper curiously explains between an instantly recognisable chorus that samples Mark Morrison's '96 classic 'Return Of The Mack' \u2013 the robotic"],"query":"what year did return of the mack come out?","answers":["18\u00a0March\u00a01996","March 1996","1996"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) album was largely self-produced by Morrison, and was recorded over a two-year period. The album's release was preceded by the release of three singles. At the 1997 BRIT Awards held on 24 February 1997, he performed \"Return of the Mack\". The debut song \"Crazy\" became a top 20 hit in the UK. It was later featured in the 1997 film \"\" and appeared on the film's . The second single was \"Let's Get Down\". \"Return of the Mack\" received mixed reviews from music critics. \"Entertainment Weekly\" writer Matt Diehl wrote \"its title, \"Return of the Mack\" sounds like another rap","Document [2](Title: Return of the Mack) digital download through Straightforward Music, Nourishing Music, and Capitol Records on 23 September 2016. This song has since received commercial successful by peaking inside top 20 in Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, while received chart appearance in many other countries. In 2012 \"Return of the Mack\" was sampled again in a song by Trae Tha Truth called \"I'm On\" which samples the opening vocals from \"Return of the Mack\" and features MDMA, Lupe Fiasco, Big Boi, Wale & Wiz Khalifa. And in June 2012, he made a remix called \"I'm On 2.0\". Return of the Mack \"Return","Document [3](Title: Shibe Park) status in the American League contributed to the vicious circle of bad teams and empty seats. There was also a precipitous decline in the boss himself. 1950 marked Mack's 50th year in Philadelphia and his 87th birthday, and for the better part of a decade it had been obvious he was going senile. He would spend most games asleep in the dugout, leaving game strategy in the hands of his coaches. Whenever he was awake, he often made strange calls that the players and coaches usually disregarded. He would also call for players from decades earlier to pinch-hit; in the","Document [4](Title: Connie Mack) 12 games out of first, and it was obvious the season was a lost cause. On that date, his sons Earle, Roy and Connie, Jr. persuaded their father to promote Jimmy Dykes, who had been a coach since 1949, to assistant manager for the remainder of the season. Dykes became the team's main operator in the dugout, and would take over the managerial reins in his own right in 1951. At the same time, Cochrane was named general manager\u2014thus stripping Connie, Sr. of his remaining authority. Six weeks after his mid-season retirement, Mack was honored by baseball when he threw","Document [5](Title: Return of the Mack) single \u2013 US CD single \u2013 Europe 12\" maxi \u2013 US 12\" maxi \u2013 Europe American hip-hop\/rap artist Mann released a cover version of the song, featuring vocals from Snoop Dogg and Iyaz. His version is simply titled \"The Mack\". The single was released in the United Kingdom on 23 May 2011 as a digital download. The Music Video premiered on Mann's YouTube Channel on 28 June. It was released in the United States on 5 July 2011. A music video to accompany the release of \"The Mack\" was first released onto YouTube on June 23, 2011 at a total","Document [6](Title: Connie Mack) was no longer viable in post-World War II America due to various factors, including the increased expense of running a team. For instance, he never installed a telephone line between the bullpen and dugout. Despite the circumstances, the octogenarian Mack led the team to three winning seasons in 1947\u201349 (including a fourth-place finish in 1948). With the A's unexpected resurgence in 1947-49, there was hope that 1950\u2014Mack's 50th anniversary as A's manager\u2014would bring a pennant at last. However, the A's never recovered from a dreadful May in which they only won five games. By May 26, the A's were 11-21,","Document [7](Title: Shibe Park) battling each other. Despite undeniable signs of deterioration, it would be a few more years before the operation collapsed entirely. In the meantime, the Macks tried to capitalize on the remaining vestiges of affection in the city for their father, who turned 90 years old in December 1952. They opened the nostalgic Elephant Room, filled with memorabilia from the old glory days, under the first base grandstand. They renamed the park Connie Mack Stadium in February 1953 for the opening of the 1953 season, hanging a new metal plate over the old \"SHIBE PARK\" inscription, which was \"still written in","Document [8](Title: Shibe Park) the perfect 50th anniversary present \u2013 a pennant. However, the 1950 season was an unmitigated disaster. By May 26, they were 11-21, their season all but finished. On that date, Mack's sons Roy and Earle gently pushed their father into announcing his retirement at the end of the season. The power vacuum in the wake of \"Mr. Baseball's\" exit only worsened the problems, however. Roy and Earle Mack, \"undistinguished men living in the shadow of their father,\" were products of Mack's first marriage; their half-brother Connie, Jr. \u2013 20 years their junior \u2013 came from his second. As the family","Document [9](Title: Earle Mack) Mack brothers were forced to sell, and the team relocated to Kansas City in 1954. Earle Mack died at age 77 in Upper Darby Township, Pennsylvania. Earle Mack Earle Thaddeus Mack (born Earle Thaddeus McGillicuddy; February 1, 1890 \u2013 February 4, 1967), was an American player and coach in Major League Baseball, and, during parts of two seasons, manager of the Philadelphia Athletics when his father, Connie Mack, was too ill to manage. He also became a part-owner of the franchise. His nephew Connie Mack III became a U.S. Senator. Mack was born in Spencer, Massachusetts and attended Niagara University","Document [10](Title: The Mack) was present. The New Line DVD release restored the original Willie Hutch score to the film. The Mack The Mack is a 1973 blaxploitation film directed by California native Michael Campus, starring Max Julien and Richard Pryor. The film also stars Oscar-nominee Juanita Moore, and Tony nominated actor Dick Anthony Williams. Filmed in Oakland, California the movie follows the rise and fall of Goldie. After returning home from a 5-year prison sentence, he returns home to find his brother involved in Black nationalism. Goldie decides to take an alternative path, striving to become the city\u2019s biggest pimp. Although the movie","Document [11](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) five top ten singles from a debut album to chart on the UK Singles Chart. These singles included \"Let's Get Down\", \"Return of the Mack\", \"Crazy (Remix)\", \"Trippin'\", \"Horny\" and \"Moan and Groan\". The first single \"Crazy\" became a top twenty hit in the United Kingdom, a remix was also released, which peaked at number 6 in the United Kingdom. The single, \"Return of the Mack\" has become an international hit for spending two weeks at number one on the UK Singles Chart, and one week at number 2 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The song was listed at","Document [12](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) but described the album as having weak production. The album stayed for thirty-eight weeks on the UK Albums Chart, where it debuted and peaked at number 4, and became a certified platinum by British Phonographic Industry (BPI). On the US \"Billboard\" 200, the album reached a peak of a number 76, however, it would eventually became a certified platinum by Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), due to the success of the single \"Return of the Mack\". The album has since sold over 3 million copies worldwide. The album made Morrison the first artist in British pop history to have","Document [13](Title: Shibe Park) the A's tremendous acrimony among Philadelphia fans. Mack launched a rebuilding program in the mid-1920s, and his effort became \"The Second Dynasty\", which culminated in back-to-back-to-back AL pennants in 1929, 1930 and 1931. It was an ill-timed hegemony, though: the Wall Street Crash of 1929 triggered the Great Depression, and hard times caused baseball attendance to plummet, winners or no. By October 1932, the second great sell-off, of The Second Dynasty, was underway; by 1935, the stars were gone and the franchise had picked up $545,000 cash for itself. The A's had won the last of their pennants (and would","Document [14](Title: The Mack) The Mack The Mack is a 1973 blaxploitation film directed by California native Michael Campus, starring Max Julien and Richard Pryor. The film also stars Oscar-nominee Juanita Moore, and Tony nominated actor Dick Anthony Williams. Filmed in Oakland, California the movie follows the rise and fall of Goldie. After returning home from a 5-year prison sentence, he returns home to find his brother involved in Black nationalism. Goldie decides to take an alternative path, striving to become the city\u2019s biggest pimp. Although the movie was produced during the era of such blaxploitation movies as \"Dolemite\", its producers do not label","Document [15](Title: Return of the Mack) \"Return of the Mack\" is a song written and recorded by the German-born British R&B singer Mark Morrison. It was released in the United Kingdom in March 1996 and topped the UK Singles Chart a month later. It reached the #1 spot on the UK Singles Chart and #2 on the US Billboard Hot 100 in early-Summer 1997 for one week behind \"MMMBop\" by Hanson, and went Platinum.","Document [16](Title: Connie Mack) time. When he had two strikes, I tipped his bat again and got away with it. Mack's last three seasons in the National League were as a player-manager with the Pittsburgh Pirates from 1894 to 1896, with a 149\u2013134 (.527) record. Fired on September 21, 1896, he retired as a full-time player and accepted a deal from Henry Killilea to act as manager and occasional backup catcher for the minor league Milwaukee Brewers. He agreed to a salary of $3,000 and 25% of the club. He managed the Brewers for four seasons from 1897 to 1900, their best year coming","Document [17](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) tale of gangsta paradise; instead, Mark Morrison comes off more like a funked-up Seal, promising revenge to a deceitful lover in a warbly croon.\" He goes onto add, \"the end result is an odd but infectious new-jack-swing variation on Hey Joe, buoyed by bubbly beats and the insistent title refrain.\" Return of the Mack (album) Return of the Mack is the debut studio album by English singer-songwriter Mark Morrison. It was first released through his Mack Life Records imprint in the United Kingdom and then released by Atlantic Records in the United States, with distribution via Warner Music Group on","Document [18](Title: Earle Mack) the league folded (no doubt a war casualty) on May 30. Mack then became player-manager of the Hanover (Pennsylvania) Raiders of the Blue Ridge League, another Class D circuit. Mack achieved some success as the player\/manager of the Moline Plowboys of the Class B Illinois\u2013Indiana\u2013Iowa League (often called the Three-I, or Three-Eye League). In 1921, his team, with almost no legitimate major league prospects, won the Three-I pennant. However, in his three years there (1920\u201322), the team had only a 196-214 record. Mack's final season as a minor league manager was 1923, returning to the Blue Ridge League and managing","Document [19](Title: Hayward Mack) by taking poison. Hayward Mack Hayward Seaton Mack (March 20, 1882 \u2013 December 24, 1921) was an American actor of the silent era. Born in Albany, New York, in 1882, Mack appeared in 81 films between 1910 and 1921. Mack's motion picture career began in 1910; he appeared in films of many leading motion picture companies of the time. He had also worked in vaudeville and in stage productions. Before embarking on an entertainment career Mack was a civil engineer and also worked as a newspaper man. Mack died in Los Angeles, California, in 1921. Mack committed suicide in Los","Document [20](Title: Return of the Mack) length of three minutes and fifty-five seconds. It features Mann, Iyaz and Snoop Dogg, at a pool party that starts off in the day into the night and they are surrounded by women. Mark is also shown entering London Heathrow airport and then driving a car. Lewis Corner of Digital Spy gave the song a positive review stating, \"I'm tryin' to bag a chick from a centerfold and I'm tryin' burn bread like it's gonna be toast,\" the pint-sized rapper curiously explains between an instantly recognisable chorus that samples Mark Morrison's '96 classic 'Return Of The Mack' \u2013 the robotic"],"query":"what year did return of the mack come out?","answers":["18\u00a0March\u00a01996","March 1996","1996"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) album was largely self-produced by Morrison, and was recorded over a two-year period. The album's release was preceded by the release of three singles. At the 1997 BRIT Awards held on 24 February 1997, he performed \"Return of the Mack\". The debut song \"Crazy\" became a top 20 hit in the UK. It was later featured in the 1997 film \"\" and appeared on the film's . The second single was \"Let's Get Down\". \"Return of the Mack\" received mixed reviews from music critics. \"Entertainment Weekly\" writer Matt Diehl wrote \"its title, \"Return of the Mack\" sounds like another rap","Document [2](Title: Return of the Mack) digital download through Straightforward Music, Nourishing Music, and Capitol Records on 23 September 2016. This song has since received commercial successful by peaking inside top 20 in Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, while received chart appearance in many other countries. In 2012 \"Return of the Mack\" was sampled again in a song by Trae Tha Truth called \"I'm On\" which samples the opening vocals from \"Return of the Mack\" and features MDMA, Lupe Fiasco, Big Boi, Wale & Wiz Khalifa. And in June 2012, he made a remix called \"I'm On 2.0\". Return of the Mack \"Return","Document [3](Title: Shibe Park) status in the American League contributed to the vicious circle of bad teams and empty seats. There was also a precipitous decline in the boss himself. 1950 marked Mack's 50th year in Philadelphia and his 87th birthday, and for the better part of a decade it had been obvious he was going senile. He would spend most games asleep in the dugout, leaving game strategy in the hands of his coaches. Whenever he was awake, he often made strange calls that the players and coaches usually disregarded. He would also call for players from decades earlier to pinch-hit; in the","Document [4](Title: Connie Mack) 12 games out of first, and it was obvious the season was a lost cause. On that date, his sons Earle, Roy and Connie, Jr. persuaded their father to promote Jimmy Dykes, who had been a coach since 1949, to assistant manager for the remainder of the season. Dykes became the team's main operator in the dugout, and would take over the managerial reins in his own right in 1951. At the same time, Cochrane was named general manager\u2014thus stripping Connie, Sr. of his remaining authority. Six weeks after his mid-season retirement, Mack was honored by baseball when he threw","Document [5](Title: Return of the Mack) single \u2013 US CD single \u2013 Europe 12\" maxi \u2013 US 12\" maxi \u2013 Europe American hip-hop\/rap artist Mann released a cover version of the song, featuring vocals from Snoop Dogg and Iyaz. His version is simply titled \"The Mack\". The single was released in the United Kingdom on 23 May 2011 as a digital download. The Music Video premiered on Mann's YouTube Channel on 28 June. It was released in the United States on 5 July 2011. A music video to accompany the release of \"The Mack\" was first released onto YouTube on June 23, 2011 at a total","Document [6](Title: Connie Mack) was no longer viable in post-World War II America due to various factors, including the increased expense of running a team. For instance, he never installed a telephone line between the bullpen and dugout. Despite the circumstances, the octogenarian Mack led the team to three winning seasons in 1947\u201349 (including a fourth-place finish in 1948). With the A's unexpected resurgence in 1947-49, there was hope that 1950\u2014Mack's 50th anniversary as A's manager\u2014would bring a pennant at last. However, the A's never recovered from a dreadful May in which they only won five games. By May 26, the A's were 11-21,","Document [7](Title: Shibe Park) battling each other. Despite undeniable signs of deterioration, it would be a few more years before the operation collapsed entirely. In the meantime, the Macks tried to capitalize on the remaining vestiges of affection in the city for their father, who turned 90 years old in December 1952. They opened the nostalgic Elephant Room, filled with memorabilia from the old glory days, under the first base grandstand. They renamed the park Connie Mack Stadium in February 1953 for the opening of the 1953 season, hanging a new metal plate over the old \"SHIBE PARK\" inscription, which was \"still written in","Document [8](Title: Shibe Park) the perfect 50th anniversary present \u2013 a pennant. However, the 1950 season was an unmitigated disaster. By May 26, they were 11-21, their season all but finished. On that date, Mack's sons Roy and Earle gently pushed their father into announcing his retirement at the end of the season. The power vacuum in the wake of \"Mr. Baseball's\" exit only worsened the problems, however. Roy and Earle Mack, \"undistinguished men living in the shadow of their father,\" were products of Mack's first marriage; their half-brother Connie, Jr. \u2013 20 years their junior \u2013 came from his second. As the family","Document [9](Title: Earle Mack) Mack brothers were forced to sell, and the team relocated to Kansas City in 1954. Earle Mack died at age 77 in Upper Darby Township, Pennsylvania. Earle Mack Earle Thaddeus Mack (born Earle Thaddeus McGillicuddy; February 1, 1890 \u2013 February 4, 1967), was an American player and coach in Major League Baseball, and, during parts of two seasons, manager of the Philadelphia Athletics when his father, Connie Mack, was too ill to manage. He also became a part-owner of the franchise. His nephew Connie Mack III became a U.S. Senator. Mack was born in Spencer, Massachusetts and attended Niagara University","Document [10](Title: The Mack) was present. The New Line DVD release restored the original Willie Hutch score to the film. The Mack The Mack is a 1973 blaxploitation film directed by California native Michael Campus, starring Max Julien and Richard Pryor. The film also stars Oscar-nominee Juanita Moore, and Tony nominated actor Dick Anthony Williams. Filmed in Oakland, California the movie follows the rise and fall of Goldie. After returning home from a 5-year prison sentence, he returns home to find his brother involved in Black nationalism. Goldie decides to take an alternative path, striving to become the city\u2019s biggest pimp. Although the movie","Document [11](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) five top ten singles from a debut album to chart on the UK Singles Chart. These singles included \"Let's Get Down\", \"Return of the Mack\", \"Crazy (Remix)\", \"Trippin'\", \"Horny\" and \"Moan and Groan\". The first single \"Crazy\" became a top twenty hit in the United Kingdom, a remix was also released, which peaked at number 6 in the United Kingdom. The single, \"Return of the Mack\" has become an international hit for spending two weeks at number one on the UK Singles Chart, and one week at number 2 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The song was listed at","Document [12](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) but described the album as having weak production. The album stayed for thirty-eight weeks on the UK Albums Chart, where it debuted and peaked at number 4, and became a certified platinum by British Phonographic Industry (BPI). On the US \"Billboard\" 200, the album reached a peak of a number 76, however, it would eventually became a certified platinum by Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), due to the success of the single \"Return of the Mack\". The album has since sold over 3 million copies worldwide. The album made Morrison the first artist in British pop history to have","Document [13](Title: Shibe Park) the A's tremendous acrimony among Philadelphia fans. Mack launched a rebuilding program in the mid-1920s, and his effort became \"The Second Dynasty\", which culminated in back-to-back-to-back AL pennants in 1929, 1930 and 1931. It was an ill-timed hegemony, though: the Wall Street Crash of 1929 triggered the Great Depression, and hard times caused baseball attendance to plummet, winners or no. By October 1932, the second great sell-off, of The Second Dynasty, was underway; by 1935, the stars were gone and the franchise had picked up $545,000 cash for itself. The A's had won the last of their pennants (and would","Document [14](Title: The Mack) The Mack The Mack is a 1973 blaxploitation film directed by California native Michael Campus, starring Max Julien and Richard Pryor. The film also stars Oscar-nominee Juanita Moore, and Tony nominated actor Dick Anthony Williams. Filmed in Oakland, California the movie follows the rise and fall of Goldie. After returning home from a 5-year prison sentence, he returns home to find his brother involved in Black nationalism. Goldie decides to take an alternative path, striving to become the city\u2019s biggest pimp. Although the movie was produced during the era of such blaxploitation movies as \"Dolemite\", its producers do not label","Document [15](Title: Connie Mack) time. When he had two strikes, I tipped his bat again and got away with it. Mack's last three seasons in the National League were as a player-manager with the Pittsburgh Pirates from 1894 to 1896, with a 149\u2013134 (.527) record. Fired on September 21, 1896, he retired as a full-time player and accepted a deal from Henry Killilea to act as manager and occasional backup catcher for the minor league Milwaukee Brewers. He agreed to a salary of $3,000 and 25% of the club. He managed the Brewers for four seasons from 1897 to 1900, their best year coming","Document [16](Title: Return of the Mack (album)) tale of gangsta paradise; instead, Mark Morrison comes off more like a funked-up Seal, promising revenge to a deceitful lover in a warbly croon.\" He goes onto add, \"the end result is an odd but infectious new-jack-swing variation on Hey Joe, buoyed by bubbly beats and the insistent title refrain.\" Return of the Mack (album) Return of the Mack is the debut studio album by English singer-songwriter Mark Morrison. It was first released through his Mack Life Records imprint in the United Kingdom and then released by Atlantic Records in the United States, with distribution via Warner Music Group on","Document [17](Title: Earle Mack) the league folded (no doubt a war casualty) on May 30. Mack then became player-manager of the Hanover (Pennsylvania) Raiders of the Blue Ridge League, another Class D circuit. Mack achieved some success as the player\/manager of the Moline Plowboys of the Class B Illinois\u2013Indiana\u2013Iowa League (often called the Three-I, or Three-Eye League). In 1921, his team, with almost no legitimate major league prospects, won the Three-I pennant. However, in his three years there (1920\u201322), the team had only a 196-214 record. Mack's final season as a minor league manager was 1923, returning to the Blue Ridge League and managing","Document [18](Title: Hayward Mack) by taking poison. Hayward Mack Hayward Seaton Mack (March 20, 1882 \u2013 December 24, 1921) was an American actor of the silent era. Born in Albany, New York, in 1882, Mack appeared in 81 films between 1910 and 1921. Mack's motion picture career began in 1910; he appeared in films of many leading motion picture companies of the time. He had also worked in vaudeville and in stage productions. Before embarking on an entertainment career Mack was a civil engineer and also worked as a newspaper man. Mack died in Los Angeles, California, in 1921. Mack committed suicide in Los","Document [19](Title: Return of the Mack) length of three minutes and fifty-five seconds. It features Mann, Iyaz and Snoop Dogg, at a pool party that starts off in the day into the night and they are surrounded by women. Mark is also shown entering London Heathrow airport and then driving a car. Lewis Corner of Digital Spy gave the song a positive review stating, \"I'm tryin' to bag a chick from a centerfold and I'm tryin' burn bread like it's gonna be toast,\" the pint-sized rapper curiously explains between an instantly recognisable chorus that samples Mark Morrison's '96 classic 'Return Of The Mack' \u2013 the robotic","Document [20](Title: Return of the Mack) \"Return of the Mack\" is a song written and recorded by the German-born British R&B singer Mark Morrison. It was released in the United Kingdom in March 1996 and topped the UK Singles Chart a month later. It reached the #1 spot on the UK Singles Chart and #2 on the US Billboard Hot 100 in early-Summer 1997 for one week behind \"MMMBop\" by Hanson, and went Platinum."],"query":"what year did return of the mack come out?","answers":["18\u00a0March\u00a01996","March 1996","1996"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Jack Lord) John Joseph Patrick Ryan (December 30, 1920\u00a0\u2013 January 21, 1998), best known by his stage name, Jack Lord, was an American television, film and Broadway actor and director and producer. He was known for his starring role as Steve McGarrett in the CBS television program Hawaii Five-O, which ran from 1968 to 1980.","Document [2](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) series now airs Friday nights at 9 PM Eastern, 8 PM Central time. The remake version \"Hawaii Five-0\" uses the same principal character names as the original, and the new Steve McGarrett's late father's vintage 1974 Mercury Marquis is the actual specimen driven by Lord in the original series's final seasons. The new series opening credit sequence is an homage to the original; the theme song is cut in half, from 60 to 30 seconds, but is an otherwise identical instrumentation. Most of the iconic shots are replicated, beginning with the helicopter approach and close-up turn of McGarrett at the","Document [3](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) espionage and national intelligence. McGarrett's nemesis is a rogue intelligence officer of the People's Republic of China named Wo Fat. The communist rogue agent was played by veteran actor Khigh Dhiegh. In the show's final episode in 1980, titled \"Woe to Wo Fat\", McGarrett finally sees his foe go to jail. Unlike the reboot the show's action and straightforward storytelling left little time for personal stories involving wives or girlfriends, though a two-part story in the first season dealt with the loss of McGarrett's sister's baby. Occasionally, a show would flash back to McGarrett's younger years or to a romantic","Document [4](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) McGarrett in \"Hawaii Five-O\" is a 1974 Mercury Marquis. The car has belonged to stuntman John Nordlum since the original series ended. Nordlum has let the car be used in the new series, where it is said to have belonged to Steve McGarrett's father John. The license plate is still F6-3958. The series premiered in the United States on CBS on September 20, 2010, exactly 42 years after the premiere of the original series. Canada's Global TV and NTV premiered the show at the same time as the United States premiere. \"Hawaii Five-0\" has been syndicated for broadcast in several","Document [5](Title: Ina Paha) Ina Paha \"Ina Paha\" (Hawaiian for: \"If Perhaps\") is the seventh episode of the fifth season of \"Hawaii Five-0\". It is also the one hundredth episode of the series overall and aired on November 7, 2014. The episode was written by Peter M. Lenkov and was directed by Larry Teng. In the episode Steve is kidnapped and drugged by Wo Fat and McGarrett imagines what would've happened had the team never gotten together. The episode featured all current main cast members at the time, as well as current and past recurring cast members from the series. McGarrett wakes up in","Document [6](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) now plays a friend of McGarrett's, Mamo Kahike. Dennis Chun, who had various guest roles in the original series and is the son of Kam Fong Chun (the actor that portrayed the original Chin Ho), has a recurring role as HPD Sgt. Duke Lukela in the remake. James MacArthur, the last surviving main cast member from the original series, agreed to guest-star in a first-season episode; however, he died on October 28, 2010, before filming his appearance. Larisa Oleynik was cast as Jessica Kaye (changed to Jenna Kaye in the episode broadcast), scheduled to join the Five-0 task force in","Document [7](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) On September 8, 2016 it was announced that Borth would be returning as a guest for the shows 150th episode. Christine Lahti was also cast in a recurring role as Doris McGarrett, the thought-to-be-deceased mother of Steve McGarrett. On July 10, 2013 ahead of the show's fourth season it was announced that Chi McBride would have a guest spot in the first episode of the season. On November 21, 2013 it was announced that McBride would become a series regular beginning with the seasons 10th episode. After appearing as a guest star in several season four episodes, Jorge Garcia who","Document [8](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) figure. In the episode \"Number One with a Bullet, Part 2\", McGarrett tells a criminal, \"It was a bastard like you who killed my father.\" His 42-year-old father had been run down and killed by someone who had just held up a supermarket. Because Steve McGarrett is also a commander in the Naval Reserve, he sometimes uses their resources to help investigate and solve crimes. Hence the closing credits of some episodes mentioned the Naval Reserve. A 1975 episode involving Danno's aunt, played by MacArthur's mother Helen Hayes, provided a bit of Williams' back story. Sources differ on how the","Document [9](Title: Pilot (Hawaii Five-0)) some time with HPD officers, as well as viewing some episodes of the original series as \"homework\" for the character. Alex O'Loughlin was next to be cast as the main protagonist Steve McGarrett. Despite playing two series on CBS, \"Moonlight\" and \"Three Rivers\", that were cancelled in their first year, CBS was still interested in having O'Loughlin headline another series. However, the producers initially had reservations casting the actor, until they realized his dedication towards the role. Grace Park was later cast as Kono Kalakaua. It is the second time she starred in a re-imagined television series in which her","Document [10](Title: Pilot (Hawaii Five-0)) Kelly, a disgraced HPD cop and Grace Park as Kono Kalakaua, a former surfer-turned-HPD Academy graduate who is also Chin's cousin. In the pilot, McGarrett returns to Hawaii to find Victor Hesse (James Marsters), a terrorist who murdered his father, John McGarrett. The Governor of Hawaii, Pat Jameson (Jean Smart) offers McGarrett to head a new task force to fight serious crimes by any means. Since the end of the original \"Hawaii Five-O\" series, there had been a number of attempts to create a remake, but ultimately none went beyond the pilot stage. CBS later hired Lenkov to pitch a","Document [11](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) as on and off Steve McGarrett's girlfriend, Lt. Catherine Rollins, a Navy Lieutenant. On March 26, 2012, CBS announced that Borth would become a cast regular on \"Hawaii Five-0\" for season 3. On March 27, 2014, it was announced that she would not be returning for the fifth season, with the reason for her departure left unknown. On April 24, 2015 it was announced that Borth would return as a guest star for the shows fifth-season finale. In July 2015 it was announced that Borth would have a recurring role in the first three episodes of the shows 6th season.","Document [12](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series, season 3)) return of McGarrett's girlfriend Catherine, who \"shamelessly flirted\" with a federal agent to get information about her. Ed Asner reprised his role as smuggler August March, a villain from the original series who become the first non-main character from it to have a rebooted version on the new series when McGarrett seeks March's help in apprehending some art thieves. In other casting developments, Lenkov revealed on his Twitter feed that Carlos Bernard had joined the show. He declined to identify which role Bernard would play, but did say that the producers hoped he would appear in \"many eps\". He appeared","Document [13](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) end with McGarrett instructing his subordinate to \"Book 'em, Danno!\", sometimes specifying a charge such as \"murder one\". The CBS television network produced \"Hawaii Five-O\", which aired from September 20, 1968, to April 5, 1980. The program continues to be broadcast in syndication worldwide. Created by Leonard Freeman, \"Hawaii Five-O\" was shot on location in Honolulu, Hawaii, and throughout the island of Oahu and other Hawaiian islands with occasional filming in locales such as Los Angeles, Singapore, and Hong Kong. The show centers on a fictional state police force led by former US naval officer Steve McGarrett (played by Jack","Document [14](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) Lord), a detective captain, who is appointed by the Governor, Paul Jameson. In the show, McGarrett oversees state police officers \u2013 the young Danny Williams, veteran Chin Ho Kelly, and streetwise Kono Kalakaua for seasons one through four. Honolulu Police Department Officer Duke Lukela joined the team as a regular, as did Ben Kokua, who replaced Kono beginning with season five. Occasionally, McGarrett's Five-O team is assisted by other officers as needed: Douglas Mossman as Det. Frank Kamana, P.O. Sandi Wells (Amanda McBroom), medical examiner Doc Bergman (Al Eben), forensic specialist Che Fong (Harry Endo), and a secretary. The first","Document [15](Title: Steve McGarrett) Wahine A Me Ka Aina\", Steve was awarded the George Cross by Queen Elizabeth II for stopping a terrorist attack against Europe. In the pilot, Steve did not wear all of his medals and ribbons on his uniform, only the following awards: In \"\"Mea Makamae\"\", Steve wore the following medals and ribbons on his service khakis uniform: Steve McGarrett Steve McGarrett is a fictional character who is the protagonist of CBS' \"Hawaii Five-O\". McGarrett is a former United States Navy officer and the leader of a special state police task force, which is called Five-O. McGarrett was originally portrayed by","Document [16](Title: William Sadler (actor)) Man 3\", in \"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.\", and in \"WHIH Newsfront\". He also recurs as Steve McGarrett's murdered father, John McGarrett, in the 2010 remake of the 1968 television series, \"Hawaii Five-O\". Sadler was born in Buffalo, New York, the son of Jane and William Sadler. He is of mostly Scottish descent, with smaller amounts of English and German ancestry. From an early age, he took to performing in front of an audience. Playing a variety of stringed instruments, Sadler found hometown success during his high-school years at Orchard Park High School. He took on the persona as Banjo Bill","Document [17](Title: Michelle Borth) Old Fashioned Orgy\" with Leslie Bibb, Lake Bell, and Jason Sudeikis. In 2009, she was a cast member of ABC's \"The Forgotten\", appearing in 17 episodes, including part of the 2010 season. In 2010, she also guest starred on the TNT TV series \"Dark Blue\" double-episode season finale. In 2010 Borth appeared in the 2010 version of \"Hawaii Five-0\" on CBS where she appeared as on and off Steve McGarrett's girlfriend, Lt. Catherine Rollins, a Navy Lieutenant. On March 26, 2012, CBS announced that Borth would become a cast regular on \"Hawaii Five-0\" for seasons 3 & 4. On March","Document [18](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) to expose a protection ring in Chinatown in the last episode of season 10. New characters Jim 'Kimo' Carew (William Smith), Lori Wilson (Sharon Farrell), and Truck (Moe Keale) were introduced in season 12 alongside returning regular character Duke Lukela. Most episodes of \"Hawaii Five-O\" ended with the arrest of criminals and McGarrett snapping, \"Book 'em.\" The offense occasionally was added after this phrase, for example, \"Book 'em, murder one.\" In many episodes, this was directed to Danny Williams and became McGarrett's catchphrase: \"Book 'em, Danno.\" In many episodes (including the pilot), McGarrett is drawn into the world of international","Document [19](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) they were never called \"co-stars\". Very few episodes were shot outside of Hawaii. At least two episodes were shot in Los Angeles, one in Hong Kong, and one in Singapore. The opening title sequence was created by television director Reza S. Badiyi. Early shows began with a cold open suggesting the sinister plot for that episode, then cut to a shot of a big ocean wave and the start of the theme song. A fast zoom-in to the top balcony of the Ilikai Hotel followed, showing McGarrett turning to face the camera, followed by many quick-cuts and freeze-frames of Hawaiian","Document [20](Title: Ka \u02bbo\u0304wili \u02bbo\u0304ka\u2019i) 5, 2018 it was revealed that the episode would be a remake of the pilot from the original series, Hawaii Five-O, also entitled \"Cocoon\". On August 22, 2018 it was reported by TV Line that Rochelle Aytes had been cast in a guest role as a character named Greer. The character portrays a CIA operative and a former romantic interest of O'Loughlin's character, Steve McGarrett. Mark Dacascos returned as Wo Fat for the first time since the season 5 episode \"Ina Paha\". Despite being credited in the opening title sequence Ian Anthony Dale, Taylor Wily, and Dennis Chun were absent"],"query":"who played the original steve mcgarrett on hawaii five-o?","answers":["John Joseph Patrick Ryan","Jack Lord"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) series now airs Friday nights at 9 PM Eastern, 8 PM Central time. The remake version \"Hawaii Five-0\" uses the same principal character names as the original, and the new Steve McGarrett's late father's vintage 1974 Mercury Marquis is the actual specimen driven by Lord in the original series's final seasons. The new series opening credit sequence is an homage to the original; the theme song is cut in half, from 60 to 30 seconds, but is an otherwise identical instrumentation. Most of the iconic shots are replicated, beginning with the helicopter approach and close-up turn of McGarrett at the","Document [2](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) espionage and national intelligence. McGarrett's nemesis is a rogue intelligence officer of the People's Republic of China named Wo Fat. The communist rogue agent was played by veteran actor Khigh Dhiegh. In the show's final episode in 1980, titled \"Woe to Wo Fat\", McGarrett finally sees his foe go to jail. Unlike the reboot the show's action and straightforward storytelling left little time for personal stories involving wives or girlfriends, though a two-part story in the first season dealt with the loss of McGarrett's sister's baby. Occasionally, a show would flash back to McGarrett's younger years or to a romantic","Document [3](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) McGarrett in \"Hawaii Five-O\" is a 1974 Mercury Marquis. The car has belonged to stuntman John Nordlum since the original series ended. Nordlum has let the car be used in the new series, where it is said to have belonged to Steve McGarrett's father John. The license plate is still F6-3958. The series premiered in the United States on CBS on September 20, 2010, exactly 42 years after the premiere of the original series. Canada's Global TV and NTV premiered the show at the same time as the United States premiere. \"Hawaii Five-0\" has been syndicated for broadcast in several","Document [4](Title: Ina Paha) Ina Paha \"Ina Paha\" (Hawaiian for: \"If Perhaps\") is the seventh episode of the fifth season of \"Hawaii Five-0\". It is also the one hundredth episode of the series overall and aired on November 7, 2014. The episode was written by Peter M. Lenkov and was directed by Larry Teng. In the episode Steve is kidnapped and drugged by Wo Fat and McGarrett imagines what would've happened had the team never gotten together. The episode featured all current main cast members at the time, as well as current and past recurring cast members from the series. McGarrett wakes up in","Document [5](Title: Jack Lord) John Joseph Patrick Ryan (December 30, 1920\u00a0\u2013 January 21, 1998), best known by his stage name, Jack Lord, was an American television, film and Broadway actor and director and producer. He was known for his starring role as Steve McGarrett in the CBS television program Hawaii Five-O, which ran from 1968 to 1980.","Document [6](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) now plays a friend of McGarrett's, Mamo Kahike. Dennis Chun, who had various guest roles in the original series and is the son of Kam Fong Chun (the actor that portrayed the original Chin Ho), has a recurring role as HPD Sgt. Duke Lukela in the remake. James MacArthur, the last surviving main cast member from the original series, agreed to guest-star in a first-season episode; however, he died on October 28, 2010, before filming his appearance. Larisa Oleynik was cast as Jessica Kaye (changed to Jenna Kaye in the episode broadcast), scheduled to join the Five-0 task force in","Document [7](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) On September 8, 2016 it was announced that Borth would be returning as a guest for the shows 150th episode. Christine Lahti was also cast in a recurring role as Doris McGarrett, the thought-to-be-deceased mother of Steve McGarrett. On July 10, 2013 ahead of the show's fourth season it was announced that Chi McBride would have a guest spot in the first episode of the season. On November 21, 2013 it was announced that McBride would become a series regular beginning with the seasons 10th episode. After appearing as a guest star in several season four episodes, Jorge Garcia who","Document [8](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) figure. In the episode \"Number One with a Bullet, Part 2\", McGarrett tells a criminal, \"It was a bastard like you who killed my father.\" His 42-year-old father had been run down and killed by someone who had just held up a supermarket. Because Steve McGarrett is also a commander in the Naval Reserve, he sometimes uses their resources to help investigate and solve crimes. Hence the closing credits of some episodes mentioned the Naval Reserve. A 1975 episode involving Danno's aunt, played by MacArthur's mother Helen Hayes, provided a bit of Williams' back story. Sources differ on how the","Document [9](Title: Pilot (Hawaii Five-0)) some time with HPD officers, as well as viewing some episodes of the original series as \"homework\" for the character. Alex O'Loughlin was next to be cast as the main protagonist Steve McGarrett. Despite playing two series on CBS, \"Moonlight\" and \"Three Rivers\", that were cancelled in their first year, CBS was still interested in having O'Loughlin headline another series. However, the producers initially had reservations casting the actor, until they realized his dedication towards the role. Grace Park was later cast as Kono Kalakaua. It is the second time she starred in a re-imagined television series in which her","Document [10](Title: Pilot (Hawaii Five-0)) Kelly, a disgraced HPD cop and Grace Park as Kono Kalakaua, a former surfer-turned-HPD Academy graduate who is also Chin's cousin. In the pilot, McGarrett returns to Hawaii to find Victor Hesse (James Marsters), a terrorist who murdered his father, John McGarrett. The Governor of Hawaii, Pat Jameson (Jean Smart) offers McGarrett to head a new task force to fight serious crimes by any means. Since the end of the original \"Hawaii Five-O\" series, there had been a number of attempts to create a remake, but ultimately none went beyond the pilot stage. CBS later hired Lenkov to pitch a","Document [11](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) as on and off Steve McGarrett's girlfriend, Lt. Catherine Rollins, a Navy Lieutenant. On March 26, 2012, CBS announced that Borth would become a cast regular on \"Hawaii Five-0\" for season 3. On March 27, 2014, it was announced that she would not be returning for the fifth season, with the reason for her departure left unknown. On April 24, 2015 it was announced that Borth would return as a guest star for the shows fifth-season finale. In July 2015 it was announced that Borth would have a recurring role in the first three episodes of the shows 6th season.","Document [12](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series, season 3)) return of McGarrett's girlfriend Catherine, who \"shamelessly flirted\" with a federal agent to get information about her. Ed Asner reprised his role as smuggler August March, a villain from the original series who become the first non-main character from it to have a rebooted version on the new series when McGarrett seeks March's help in apprehending some art thieves. In other casting developments, Lenkov revealed on his Twitter feed that Carlos Bernard had joined the show. He declined to identify which role Bernard would play, but did say that the producers hoped he would appear in \"many eps\". He appeared","Document [13](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) end with McGarrett instructing his subordinate to \"Book 'em, Danno!\", sometimes specifying a charge such as \"murder one\". The CBS television network produced \"Hawaii Five-O\", which aired from September 20, 1968, to April 5, 1980. The program continues to be broadcast in syndication worldwide. Created by Leonard Freeman, \"Hawaii Five-O\" was shot on location in Honolulu, Hawaii, and throughout the island of Oahu and other Hawaiian islands with occasional filming in locales such as Los Angeles, Singapore, and Hong Kong. The show centers on a fictional state police force led by former US naval officer Steve McGarrett (played by Jack","Document [14](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) Lord), a detective captain, who is appointed by the Governor, Paul Jameson. In the show, McGarrett oversees state police officers \u2013 the young Danny Williams, veteran Chin Ho Kelly, and streetwise Kono Kalakaua for seasons one through four. Honolulu Police Department Officer Duke Lukela joined the team as a regular, as did Ben Kokua, who replaced Kono beginning with season five. Occasionally, McGarrett's Five-O team is assisted by other officers as needed: Douglas Mossman as Det. Frank Kamana, P.O. Sandi Wells (Amanda McBroom), medical examiner Doc Bergman (Al Eben), forensic specialist Che Fong (Harry Endo), and a secretary. The first","Document [15](Title: Steve McGarrett) Wahine A Me Ka Aina\", Steve was awarded the George Cross by Queen Elizabeth II for stopping a terrorist attack against Europe. In the pilot, Steve did not wear all of his medals and ribbons on his uniform, only the following awards: In \"\"Mea Makamae\"\", Steve wore the following medals and ribbons on his service khakis uniform: Steve McGarrett Steve McGarrett is a fictional character who is the protagonist of CBS' \"Hawaii Five-O\". McGarrett is a former United States Navy officer and the leader of a special state police task force, which is called Five-O. McGarrett was originally portrayed by","Document [16](Title: William Sadler (actor)) Man 3\", in \"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.\", and in \"WHIH Newsfront\". He also recurs as Steve McGarrett's murdered father, John McGarrett, in the 2010 remake of the 1968 television series, \"Hawaii Five-O\". Sadler was born in Buffalo, New York, the son of Jane and William Sadler. He is of mostly Scottish descent, with smaller amounts of English and German ancestry. From an early age, he took to performing in front of an audience. Playing a variety of stringed instruments, Sadler found hometown success during his high-school years at Orchard Park High School. He took on the persona as Banjo Bill","Document [17](Title: Michelle Borth) Old Fashioned Orgy\" with Leslie Bibb, Lake Bell, and Jason Sudeikis. In 2009, she was a cast member of ABC's \"The Forgotten\", appearing in 17 episodes, including part of the 2010 season. In 2010, she also guest starred on the TNT TV series \"Dark Blue\" double-episode season finale. In 2010 Borth appeared in the 2010 version of \"Hawaii Five-0\" on CBS where she appeared as on and off Steve McGarrett's girlfriend, Lt. Catherine Rollins, a Navy Lieutenant. On March 26, 2012, CBS announced that Borth would become a cast regular on \"Hawaii Five-0\" for seasons 3 & 4. On March","Document [18](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) to expose a protection ring in Chinatown in the last episode of season 10. New characters Jim 'Kimo' Carew (William Smith), Lori Wilson (Sharon Farrell), and Truck (Moe Keale) were introduced in season 12 alongside returning regular character Duke Lukela. Most episodes of \"Hawaii Five-O\" ended with the arrest of criminals and McGarrett snapping, \"Book 'em.\" The offense occasionally was added after this phrase, for example, \"Book 'em, murder one.\" In many episodes, this was directed to Danny Williams and became McGarrett's catchphrase: \"Book 'em, Danno.\" In many episodes (including the pilot), McGarrett is drawn into the world of international","Document [19](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) they were never called \"co-stars\". Very few episodes were shot outside of Hawaii. At least two episodes were shot in Los Angeles, one in Hong Kong, and one in Singapore. The opening title sequence was created by television director Reza S. Badiyi. Early shows began with a cold open suggesting the sinister plot for that episode, then cut to a shot of a big ocean wave and the start of the theme song. A fast zoom-in to the top balcony of the Ilikai Hotel followed, showing McGarrett turning to face the camera, followed by many quick-cuts and freeze-frames of Hawaiian","Document [20](Title: Ka \u02bbo\u0304wili \u02bbo\u0304ka\u2019i) 5, 2018 it was revealed that the episode would be a remake of the pilot from the original series, Hawaii Five-O, also entitled \"Cocoon\". On August 22, 2018 it was reported by TV Line that Rochelle Aytes had been cast in a guest role as a character named Greer. The character portrays a CIA operative and a former romantic interest of O'Loughlin's character, Steve McGarrett. Mark Dacascos returned as Wo Fat for the first time since the season 5 episode \"Ina Paha\". Despite being credited in the opening title sequence Ian Anthony Dale, Taylor Wily, and Dennis Chun were absent"],"query":"who played the original steve mcgarrett on hawaii five-o?","answers":["John Joseph Patrick Ryan","Jack Lord"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) series now airs Friday nights at 9 PM Eastern, 8 PM Central time. The remake version \"Hawaii Five-0\" uses the same principal character names as the original, and the new Steve McGarrett's late father's vintage 1974 Mercury Marquis is the actual specimen driven by Lord in the original series's final seasons. The new series opening credit sequence is an homage to the original; the theme song is cut in half, from 60 to 30 seconds, but is an otherwise identical instrumentation. Most of the iconic shots are replicated, beginning with the helicopter approach and close-up turn of McGarrett at the","Document [2](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) espionage and national intelligence. McGarrett's nemesis is a rogue intelligence officer of the People's Republic of China named Wo Fat. The communist rogue agent was played by veteran actor Khigh Dhiegh. In the show's final episode in 1980, titled \"Woe to Wo Fat\", McGarrett finally sees his foe go to jail. Unlike the reboot the show's action and straightforward storytelling left little time for personal stories involving wives or girlfriends, though a two-part story in the first season dealt with the loss of McGarrett's sister's baby. Occasionally, a show would flash back to McGarrett's younger years or to a romantic","Document [3](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) McGarrett in \"Hawaii Five-O\" is a 1974 Mercury Marquis. The car has belonged to stuntman John Nordlum since the original series ended. Nordlum has let the car be used in the new series, where it is said to have belonged to Steve McGarrett's father John. The license plate is still F6-3958. The series premiered in the United States on CBS on September 20, 2010, exactly 42 years after the premiere of the original series. Canada's Global TV and NTV premiered the show at the same time as the United States premiere. \"Hawaii Five-0\" has been syndicated for broadcast in several","Document [4](Title: Ina Paha) Ina Paha \"Ina Paha\" (Hawaiian for: \"If Perhaps\") is the seventh episode of the fifth season of \"Hawaii Five-0\". It is also the one hundredth episode of the series overall and aired on November 7, 2014. The episode was written by Peter M. Lenkov and was directed by Larry Teng. In the episode Steve is kidnapped and drugged by Wo Fat and McGarrett imagines what would've happened had the team never gotten together. The episode featured all current main cast members at the time, as well as current and past recurring cast members from the series. McGarrett wakes up in","Document [5](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) now plays a friend of McGarrett's, Mamo Kahike. Dennis Chun, who had various guest roles in the original series and is the son of Kam Fong Chun (the actor that portrayed the original Chin Ho), has a recurring role as HPD Sgt. Duke Lukela in the remake. James MacArthur, the last surviving main cast member from the original series, agreed to guest-star in a first-season episode; however, he died on October 28, 2010, before filming his appearance. Larisa Oleynik was cast as Jessica Kaye (changed to Jenna Kaye in the episode broadcast), scheduled to join the Five-0 task force in","Document [6](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) On September 8, 2016 it was announced that Borth would be returning as a guest for the shows 150th episode. Christine Lahti was also cast in a recurring role as Doris McGarrett, the thought-to-be-deceased mother of Steve McGarrett. On July 10, 2013 ahead of the show's fourth season it was announced that Chi McBride would have a guest spot in the first episode of the season. On November 21, 2013 it was announced that McBride would become a series regular beginning with the seasons 10th episode. After appearing as a guest star in several season four episodes, Jorge Garcia who","Document [7](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) figure. In the episode \"Number One with a Bullet, Part 2\", McGarrett tells a criminal, \"It was a bastard like you who killed my father.\" His 42-year-old father had been run down and killed by someone who had just held up a supermarket. Because Steve McGarrett is also a commander in the Naval Reserve, he sometimes uses their resources to help investigate and solve crimes. Hence the closing credits of some episodes mentioned the Naval Reserve. A 1975 episode involving Danno's aunt, played by MacArthur's mother Helen Hayes, provided a bit of Williams' back story. Sources differ on how the","Document [8](Title: Pilot (Hawaii Five-0)) some time with HPD officers, as well as viewing some episodes of the original series as \"homework\" for the character. Alex O'Loughlin was next to be cast as the main protagonist Steve McGarrett. Despite playing two series on CBS, \"Moonlight\" and \"Three Rivers\", that were cancelled in their first year, CBS was still interested in having O'Loughlin headline another series. However, the producers initially had reservations casting the actor, until they realized his dedication towards the role. Grace Park was later cast as Kono Kalakaua. It is the second time she starred in a re-imagined television series in which her","Document [9](Title: Pilot (Hawaii Five-0)) Kelly, a disgraced HPD cop and Grace Park as Kono Kalakaua, a former surfer-turned-HPD Academy graduate who is also Chin's cousin. In the pilot, McGarrett returns to Hawaii to find Victor Hesse (James Marsters), a terrorist who murdered his father, John McGarrett. The Governor of Hawaii, Pat Jameson (Jean Smart) offers McGarrett to head a new task force to fight serious crimes by any means. Since the end of the original \"Hawaii Five-O\" series, there had been a number of attempts to create a remake, but ultimately none went beyond the pilot stage. CBS later hired Lenkov to pitch a","Document [10](Title: Jack Lord) John Joseph Patrick Ryan (December 30, 1920\u00a0\u2013 January 21, 1998), best known by his stage name, Jack Lord, was an American television, film and Broadway actor and director and producer. He was known for his starring role as Steve McGarrett in the CBS television program Hawaii Five-O, which ran from 1968 to 1980.","Document [11](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) as on and off Steve McGarrett's girlfriend, Lt. Catherine Rollins, a Navy Lieutenant. On March 26, 2012, CBS announced that Borth would become a cast regular on \"Hawaii Five-0\" for season 3. On March 27, 2014, it was announced that she would not be returning for the fifth season, with the reason for her departure left unknown. On April 24, 2015 it was announced that Borth would return as a guest star for the shows fifth-season finale. In July 2015 it was announced that Borth would have a recurring role in the first three episodes of the shows 6th season.","Document [12](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series, season 3)) return of McGarrett's girlfriend Catherine, who \"shamelessly flirted\" with a federal agent to get information about her. Ed Asner reprised his role as smuggler August March, a villain from the original series who become the first non-main character from it to have a rebooted version on the new series when McGarrett seeks March's help in apprehending some art thieves. In other casting developments, Lenkov revealed on his Twitter feed that Carlos Bernard had joined the show. He declined to identify which role Bernard would play, but did say that the producers hoped he would appear in \"many eps\". He appeared","Document [13](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) end with McGarrett instructing his subordinate to \"Book 'em, Danno!\", sometimes specifying a charge such as \"murder one\". The CBS television network produced \"Hawaii Five-O\", which aired from September 20, 1968, to April 5, 1980. The program continues to be broadcast in syndication worldwide. Created by Leonard Freeman, \"Hawaii Five-O\" was shot on location in Honolulu, Hawaii, and throughout the island of Oahu and other Hawaiian islands with occasional filming in locales such as Los Angeles, Singapore, and Hong Kong. The show centers on a fictional state police force led by former US naval officer Steve McGarrett (played by Jack","Document [14](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) Lord), a detective captain, who is appointed by the Governor, Paul Jameson. In the show, McGarrett oversees state police officers \u2013 the young Danny Williams, veteran Chin Ho Kelly, and streetwise Kono Kalakaua for seasons one through four. Honolulu Police Department Officer Duke Lukela joined the team as a regular, as did Ben Kokua, who replaced Kono beginning with season five. Occasionally, McGarrett's Five-O team is assisted by other officers as needed: Douglas Mossman as Det. Frank Kamana, P.O. Sandi Wells (Amanda McBroom), medical examiner Doc Bergman (Al Eben), forensic specialist Che Fong (Harry Endo), and a secretary. The first","Document [15](Title: Steve McGarrett) Wahine A Me Ka Aina\", Steve was awarded the George Cross by Queen Elizabeth II for stopping a terrorist attack against Europe. In the pilot, Steve did not wear all of his medals and ribbons on his uniform, only the following awards: In \"\"Mea Makamae\"\", Steve wore the following medals and ribbons on his service khakis uniform: Steve McGarrett Steve McGarrett is a fictional character who is the protagonist of CBS' \"Hawaii Five-O\". McGarrett is a former United States Navy officer and the leader of a special state police task force, which is called Five-O. McGarrett was originally portrayed by","Document [16](Title: William Sadler (actor)) Man 3\", in \"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.\", and in \"WHIH Newsfront\". He also recurs as Steve McGarrett's murdered father, John McGarrett, in the 2010 remake of the 1968 television series, \"Hawaii Five-O\". Sadler was born in Buffalo, New York, the son of Jane and William Sadler. He is of mostly Scottish descent, with smaller amounts of English and German ancestry. From an early age, he took to performing in front of an audience. Playing a variety of stringed instruments, Sadler found hometown success during his high-school years at Orchard Park High School. He took on the persona as Banjo Bill","Document [17](Title: Michelle Borth) Old Fashioned Orgy\" with Leslie Bibb, Lake Bell, and Jason Sudeikis. In 2009, she was a cast member of ABC's \"The Forgotten\", appearing in 17 episodes, including part of the 2010 season. In 2010, she also guest starred on the TNT TV series \"Dark Blue\" double-episode season finale. In 2010 Borth appeared in the 2010 version of \"Hawaii Five-0\" on CBS where she appeared as on and off Steve McGarrett's girlfriend, Lt. Catherine Rollins, a Navy Lieutenant. On March 26, 2012, CBS announced that Borth would become a cast regular on \"Hawaii Five-0\" for seasons 3 & 4. On March","Document [18](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) to expose a protection ring in Chinatown in the last episode of season 10. New characters Jim 'Kimo' Carew (William Smith), Lori Wilson (Sharon Farrell), and Truck (Moe Keale) were introduced in season 12 alongside returning regular character Duke Lukela. Most episodes of \"Hawaii Five-O\" ended with the arrest of criminals and McGarrett snapping, \"Book 'em.\" The offense occasionally was added after this phrase, for example, \"Book 'em, murder one.\" In many episodes, this was directed to Danny Williams and became McGarrett's catchphrase: \"Book 'em, Danno.\" In many episodes (including the pilot), McGarrett is drawn into the world of international","Document [19](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) they were never called \"co-stars\". Very few episodes were shot outside of Hawaii. At least two episodes were shot in Los Angeles, one in Hong Kong, and one in Singapore. The opening title sequence was created by television director Reza S. Badiyi. Early shows began with a cold open suggesting the sinister plot for that episode, then cut to a shot of a big ocean wave and the start of the theme song. A fast zoom-in to the top balcony of the Ilikai Hotel followed, showing McGarrett turning to face the camera, followed by many quick-cuts and freeze-frames of Hawaiian","Document [20](Title: Ka \u02bbo\u0304wili \u02bbo\u0304ka\u2019i) 5, 2018 it was revealed that the episode would be a remake of the pilot from the original series, Hawaii Five-O, also entitled \"Cocoon\". On August 22, 2018 it was reported by TV Line that Rochelle Aytes had been cast in a guest role as a character named Greer. The character portrays a CIA operative and a former romantic interest of O'Loughlin's character, Steve McGarrett. Mark Dacascos returned as Wo Fat for the first time since the season 5 episode \"Ina Paha\". Despite being credited in the opening title sequence Ian Anthony Dale, Taylor Wily, and Dennis Chun were absent"],"query":"who played the original steve mcgarrett on hawaii five-o?","answers":["John Joseph Patrick Ryan","Jack Lord"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) series now airs Friday nights at 9 PM Eastern, 8 PM Central time. The remake version \"Hawaii Five-0\" uses the same principal character names as the original, and the new Steve McGarrett's late father's vintage 1974 Mercury Marquis is the actual specimen driven by Lord in the original series's final seasons. The new series opening credit sequence is an homage to the original; the theme song is cut in half, from 60 to 30 seconds, but is an otherwise identical instrumentation. Most of the iconic shots are replicated, beginning with the helicopter approach and close-up turn of McGarrett at the","Document [2](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) espionage and national intelligence. McGarrett's nemesis is a rogue intelligence officer of the People's Republic of China named Wo Fat. The communist rogue agent was played by veteran actor Khigh Dhiegh. In the show's final episode in 1980, titled \"Woe to Wo Fat\", McGarrett finally sees his foe go to jail. Unlike the reboot the show's action and straightforward storytelling left little time for personal stories involving wives or girlfriends, though a two-part story in the first season dealt with the loss of McGarrett's sister's baby. Occasionally, a show would flash back to McGarrett's younger years or to a romantic","Document [3](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) McGarrett in \"Hawaii Five-O\" is a 1974 Mercury Marquis. The car has belonged to stuntman John Nordlum since the original series ended. Nordlum has let the car be used in the new series, where it is said to have belonged to Steve McGarrett's father John. The license plate is still F6-3958. The series premiered in the United States on CBS on September 20, 2010, exactly 42 years after the premiere of the original series. Canada's Global TV and NTV premiered the show at the same time as the United States premiere. \"Hawaii Five-0\" has been syndicated for broadcast in several","Document [4](Title: Ina Paha) Ina Paha \"Ina Paha\" (Hawaiian for: \"If Perhaps\") is the seventh episode of the fifth season of \"Hawaii Five-0\". It is also the one hundredth episode of the series overall and aired on November 7, 2014. The episode was written by Peter M. Lenkov and was directed by Larry Teng. In the episode Steve is kidnapped and drugged by Wo Fat and McGarrett imagines what would've happened had the team never gotten together. The episode featured all current main cast members at the time, as well as current and past recurring cast members from the series. McGarrett wakes up in","Document [5](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) now plays a friend of McGarrett's, Mamo Kahike. Dennis Chun, who had various guest roles in the original series and is the son of Kam Fong Chun (the actor that portrayed the original Chin Ho), has a recurring role as HPD Sgt. Duke Lukela in the remake. James MacArthur, the last surviving main cast member from the original series, agreed to guest-star in a first-season episode; however, he died on October 28, 2010, before filming his appearance. Larisa Oleynik was cast as Jessica Kaye (changed to Jenna Kaye in the episode broadcast), scheduled to join the Five-0 task force in","Document [6](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) On September 8, 2016 it was announced that Borth would be returning as a guest for the shows 150th episode. Christine Lahti was also cast in a recurring role as Doris McGarrett, the thought-to-be-deceased mother of Steve McGarrett. On July 10, 2013 ahead of the show's fourth season it was announced that Chi McBride would have a guest spot in the first episode of the season. On November 21, 2013 it was announced that McBride would become a series regular beginning with the seasons 10th episode. After appearing as a guest star in several season four episodes, Jorge Garcia who","Document [7](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) figure. In the episode \"Number One with a Bullet, Part 2\", McGarrett tells a criminal, \"It was a bastard like you who killed my father.\" His 42-year-old father had been run down and killed by someone who had just held up a supermarket. Because Steve McGarrett is also a commander in the Naval Reserve, he sometimes uses their resources to help investigate and solve crimes. Hence the closing credits of some episodes mentioned the Naval Reserve. A 1975 episode involving Danno's aunt, played by MacArthur's mother Helen Hayes, provided a bit of Williams' back story. Sources differ on how the","Document [8](Title: Pilot (Hawaii Five-0)) some time with HPD officers, as well as viewing some episodes of the original series as \"homework\" for the character. Alex O'Loughlin was next to be cast as the main protagonist Steve McGarrett. Despite playing two series on CBS, \"Moonlight\" and \"Three Rivers\", that were cancelled in their first year, CBS was still interested in having O'Loughlin headline another series. However, the producers initially had reservations casting the actor, until they realized his dedication towards the role. Grace Park was later cast as Kono Kalakaua. It is the second time she starred in a re-imagined television series in which her","Document [9](Title: Pilot (Hawaii Five-0)) Kelly, a disgraced HPD cop and Grace Park as Kono Kalakaua, a former surfer-turned-HPD Academy graduate who is also Chin's cousin. In the pilot, McGarrett returns to Hawaii to find Victor Hesse (James Marsters), a terrorist who murdered his father, John McGarrett. The Governor of Hawaii, Pat Jameson (Jean Smart) offers McGarrett to head a new task force to fight serious crimes by any means. Since the end of the original \"Hawaii Five-O\" series, there had been a number of attempts to create a remake, but ultimately none went beyond the pilot stage. CBS later hired Lenkov to pitch a","Document [10](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) as on and off Steve McGarrett's girlfriend, Lt. Catherine Rollins, a Navy Lieutenant. On March 26, 2012, CBS announced that Borth would become a cast regular on \"Hawaii Five-0\" for season 3. On March 27, 2014, it was announced that she would not be returning for the fifth season, with the reason for her departure left unknown. On April 24, 2015 it was announced that Borth would return as a guest star for the shows fifth-season finale. In July 2015 it was announced that Borth would have a recurring role in the first three episodes of the shows 6th season.","Document [11](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series, season 3)) return of McGarrett's girlfriend Catherine, who \"shamelessly flirted\" with a federal agent to get information about her. Ed Asner reprised his role as smuggler August March, a villain from the original series who become the first non-main character from it to have a rebooted version on the new series when McGarrett seeks March's help in apprehending some art thieves. In other casting developments, Lenkov revealed on his Twitter feed that Carlos Bernard had joined the show. He declined to identify which role Bernard would play, but did say that the producers hoped he would appear in \"many eps\". He appeared","Document [12](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) end with McGarrett instructing his subordinate to \"Book 'em, Danno!\", sometimes specifying a charge such as \"murder one\". The CBS television network produced \"Hawaii Five-O\", which aired from September 20, 1968, to April 5, 1980. The program continues to be broadcast in syndication worldwide. Created by Leonard Freeman, \"Hawaii Five-O\" was shot on location in Honolulu, Hawaii, and throughout the island of Oahu and other Hawaiian islands with occasional filming in locales such as Los Angeles, Singapore, and Hong Kong. The show centers on a fictional state police force led by former US naval officer Steve McGarrett (played by Jack","Document [13](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) Lord), a detective captain, who is appointed by the Governor, Paul Jameson. In the show, McGarrett oversees state police officers \u2013 the young Danny Williams, veteran Chin Ho Kelly, and streetwise Kono Kalakaua for seasons one through four. Honolulu Police Department Officer Duke Lukela joined the team as a regular, as did Ben Kokua, who replaced Kono beginning with season five. Occasionally, McGarrett's Five-O team is assisted by other officers as needed: Douglas Mossman as Det. Frank Kamana, P.O. Sandi Wells (Amanda McBroom), medical examiner Doc Bergman (Al Eben), forensic specialist Che Fong (Harry Endo), and a secretary. The first","Document [14](Title: Steve McGarrett) Wahine A Me Ka Aina\", Steve was awarded the George Cross by Queen Elizabeth II for stopping a terrorist attack against Europe. In the pilot, Steve did not wear all of his medals and ribbons on his uniform, only the following awards: In \"\"Mea Makamae\"\", Steve wore the following medals and ribbons on his service khakis uniform: Steve McGarrett Steve McGarrett is a fictional character who is the protagonist of CBS' \"Hawaii Five-O\". McGarrett is a former United States Navy officer and the leader of a special state police task force, which is called Five-O. McGarrett was originally portrayed by","Document [15](Title: Jack Lord) John Joseph Patrick Ryan (December 30, 1920\u00a0\u2013 January 21, 1998), best known by his stage name, Jack Lord, was an American television, film and Broadway actor and director and producer. He was known for his starring role as Steve McGarrett in the CBS television program Hawaii Five-O, which ran from 1968 to 1980.","Document [16](Title: William Sadler (actor)) Man 3\", in \"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.\", and in \"WHIH Newsfront\". He also recurs as Steve McGarrett's murdered father, John McGarrett, in the 2010 remake of the 1968 television series, \"Hawaii Five-O\". Sadler was born in Buffalo, New York, the son of Jane and William Sadler. He is of mostly Scottish descent, with smaller amounts of English and German ancestry. From an early age, he took to performing in front of an audience. Playing a variety of stringed instruments, Sadler found hometown success during his high-school years at Orchard Park High School. He took on the persona as Banjo Bill","Document [17](Title: Michelle Borth) Old Fashioned Orgy\" with Leslie Bibb, Lake Bell, and Jason Sudeikis. In 2009, she was a cast member of ABC's \"The Forgotten\", appearing in 17 episodes, including part of the 2010 season. In 2010, she also guest starred on the TNT TV series \"Dark Blue\" double-episode season finale. In 2010 Borth appeared in the 2010 version of \"Hawaii Five-0\" on CBS where she appeared as on and off Steve McGarrett's girlfriend, Lt. Catherine Rollins, a Navy Lieutenant. On March 26, 2012, CBS announced that Borth would become a cast regular on \"Hawaii Five-0\" for seasons 3 & 4. On March","Document [18](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) to expose a protection ring in Chinatown in the last episode of season 10. New characters Jim 'Kimo' Carew (William Smith), Lori Wilson (Sharon Farrell), and Truck (Moe Keale) were introduced in season 12 alongside returning regular character Duke Lukela. Most episodes of \"Hawaii Five-O\" ended with the arrest of criminals and McGarrett snapping, \"Book 'em.\" The offense occasionally was added after this phrase, for example, \"Book 'em, murder one.\" In many episodes, this was directed to Danny Williams and became McGarrett's catchphrase: \"Book 'em, Danno.\" In many episodes (including the pilot), McGarrett is drawn into the world of international","Document [19](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) they were never called \"co-stars\". Very few episodes were shot outside of Hawaii. At least two episodes were shot in Los Angeles, one in Hong Kong, and one in Singapore. The opening title sequence was created by television director Reza S. Badiyi. Early shows began with a cold open suggesting the sinister plot for that episode, then cut to a shot of a big ocean wave and the start of the theme song. A fast zoom-in to the top balcony of the Ilikai Hotel followed, showing McGarrett turning to face the camera, followed by many quick-cuts and freeze-frames of Hawaiian","Document [20](Title: Ka \u02bbo\u0304wili \u02bbo\u0304ka\u2019i) 5, 2018 it was revealed that the episode would be a remake of the pilot from the original series, Hawaii Five-O, also entitled \"Cocoon\". On August 22, 2018 it was reported by TV Line that Rochelle Aytes had been cast in a guest role as a character named Greer. The character portrays a CIA operative and a former romantic interest of O'Loughlin's character, Steve McGarrett. Mark Dacascos returned as Wo Fat for the first time since the season 5 episode \"Ina Paha\". Despite being credited in the opening title sequence Ian Anthony Dale, Taylor Wily, and Dennis Chun were absent"],"query":"who played the original steve mcgarrett on hawaii five-o?","answers":["John Joseph Patrick Ryan","Jack Lord"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) series now airs Friday nights at 9 PM Eastern, 8 PM Central time. The remake version \"Hawaii Five-0\" uses the same principal character names as the original, and the new Steve McGarrett's late father's vintage 1974 Mercury Marquis is the actual specimen driven by Lord in the original series's final seasons. The new series opening credit sequence is an homage to the original; the theme song is cut in half, from 60 to 30 seconds, but is an otherwise identical instrumentation. Most of the iconic shots are replicated, beginning with the helicopter approach and close-up turn of McGarrett at the","Document [2](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) espionage and national intelligence. McGarrett's nemesis is a rogue intelligence officer of the People's Republic of China named Wo Fat. The communist rogue agent was played by veteran actor Khigh Dhiegh. In the show's final episode in 1980, titled \"Woe to Wo Fat\", McGarrett finally sees his foe go to jail. Unlike the reboot the show's action and straightforward storytelling left little time for personal stories involving wives or girlfriends, though a two-part story in the first season dealt with the loss of McGarrett's sister's baby. Occasionally, a show would flash back to McGarrett's younger years or to a romantic","Document [3](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) McGarrett in \"Hawaii Five-O\" is a 1974 Mercury Marquis. The car has belonged to stuntman John Nordlum since the original series ended. Nordlum has let the car be used in the new series, where it is said to have belonged to Steve McGarrett's father John. The license plate is still F6-3958. The series premiered in the United States on CBS on September 20, 2010, exactly 42 years after the premiere of the original series. Canada's Global TV and NTV premiered the show at the same time as the United States premiere. \"Hawaii Five-0\" has been syndicated for broadcast in several","Document [4](Title: Ina Paha) Ina Paha \"Ina Paha\" (Hawaiian for: \"If Perhaps\") is the seventh episode of the fifth season of \"Hawaii Five-0\". It is also the one hundredth episode of the series overall and aired on November 7, 2014. The episode was written by Peter M. Lenkov and was directed by Larry Teng. In the episode Steve is kidnapped and drugged by Wo Fat and McGarrett imagines what would've happened had the team never gotten together. The episode featured all current main cast members at the time, as well as current and past recurring cast members from the series. McGarrett wakes up in","Document [5](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) now plays a friend of McGarrett's, Mamo Kahike. Dennis Chun, who had various guest roles in the original series and is the son of Kam Fong Chun (the actor that portrayed the original Chin Ho), has a recurring role as HPD Sgt. Duke Lukela in the remake. James MacArthur, the last surviving main cast member from the original series, agreed to guest-star in a first-season episode; however, he died on October 28, 2010, before filming his appearance. Larisa Oleynik was cast as Jessica Kaye (changed to Jenna Kaye in the episode broadcast), scheduled to join the Five-0 task force in","Document [6](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) On September 8, 2016 it was announced that Borth would be returning as a guest for the shows 150th episode. Christine Lahti was also cast in a recurring role as Doris McGarrett, the thought-to-be-deceased mother of Steve McGarrett. On July 10, 2013 ahead of the show's fourth season it was announced that Chi McBride would have a guest spot in the first episode of the season. On November 21, 2013 it was announced that McBride would become a series regular beginning with the seasons 10th episode. After appearing as a guest star in several season four episodes, Jorge Garcia who","Document [7](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) figure. In the episode \"Number One with a Bullet, Part 2\", McGarrett tells a criminal, \"It was a bastard like you who killed my father.\" His 42-year-old father had been run down and killed by someone who had just held up a supermarket. Because Steve McGarrett is also a commander in the Naval Reserve, he sometimes uses their resources to help investigate and solve crimes. Hence the closing credits of some episodes mentioned the Naval Reserve. A 1975 episode involving Danno's aunt, played by MacArthur's mother Helen Hayes, provided a bit of Williams' back story. Sources differ on how the","Document [8](Title: Pilot (Hawaii Five-0)) some time with HPD officers, as well as viewing some episodes of the original series as \"homework\" for the character. Alex O'Loughlin was next to be cast as the main protagonist Steve McGarrett. Despite playing two series on CBS, \"Moonlight\" and \"Three Rivers\", that were cancelled in their first year, CBS was still interested in having O'Loughlin headline another series. However, the producers initially had reservations casting the actor, until they realized his dedication towards the role. Grace Park was later cast as Kono Kalakaua. It is the second time she starred in a re-imagined television series in which her","Document [9](Title: Pilot (Hawaii Five-0)) Kelly, a disgraced HPD cop and Grace Park as Kono Kalakaua, a former surfer-turned-HPD Academy graduate who is also Chin's cousin. In the pilot, McGarrett returns to Hawaii to find Victor Hesse (James Marsters), a terrorist who murdered his father, John McGarrett. The Governor of Hawaii, Pat Jameson (Jean Smart) offers McGarrett to head a new task force to fight serious crimes by any means. Since the end of the original \"Hawaii Five-O\" series, there had been a number of attempts to create a remake, but ultimately none went beyond the pilot stage. CBS later hired Lenkov to pitch a","Document [10](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series)) as on and off Steve McGarrett's girlfriend, Lt. Catherine Rollins, a Navy Lieutenant. On March 26, 2012, CBS announced that Borth would become a cast regular on \"Hawaii Five-0\" for season 3. On March 27, 2014, it was announced that she would not be returning for the fifth season, with the reason for her departure left unknown. On April 24, 2015 it was announced that Borth would return as a guest star for the shows fifth-season finale. In July 2015 it was announced that Borth would have a recurring role in the first three episodes of the shows 6th season.","Document [11](Title: Hawaii Five-0 (2010 TV series, season 3)) return of McGarrett's girlfriend Catherine, who \"shamelessly flirted\" with a federal agent to get information about her. Ed Asner reprised his role as smuggler August March, a villain from the original series who become the first non-main character from it to have a rebooted version on the new series when McGarrett seeks March's help in apprehending some art thieves. In other casting developments, Lenkov revealed on his Twitter feed that Carlos Bernard had joined the show. He declined to identify which role Bernard would play, but did say that the producers hoped he would appear in \"many eps\". He appeared","Document [12](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) end with McGarrett instructing his subordinate to \"Book 'em, Danno!\", sometimes specifying a charge such as \"murder one\". The CBS television network produced \"Hawaii Five-O\", which aired from September 20, 1968, to April 5, 1980. The program continues to be broadcast in syndication worldwide. Created by Leonard Freeman, \"Hawaii Five-O\" was shot on location in Honolulu, Hawaii, and throughout the island of Oahu and other Hawaiian islands with occasional filming in locales such as Los Angeles, Singapore, and Hong Kong. The show centers on a fictional state police force led by former US naval officer Steve McGarrett (played by Jack","Document [13](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) Lord), a detective captain, who is appointed by the Governor, Paul Jameson. In the show, McGarrett oversees state police officers \u2013 the young Danny Williams, veteran Chin Ho Kelly, and streetwise Kono Kalakaua for seasons one through four. Honolulu Police Department Officer Duke Lukela joined the team as a regular, as did Ben Kokua, who replaced Kono beginning with season five. Occasionally, McGarrett's Five-O team is assisted by other officers as needed: Douglas Mossman as Det. Frank Kamana, P.O. Sandi Wells (Amanda McBroom), medical examiner Doc Bergman (Al Eben), forensic specialist Che Fong (Harry Endo), and a secretary. The first","Document [14](Title: Steve McGarrett) Wahine A Me Ka Aina\", Steve was awarded the George Cross by Queen Elizabeth II for stopping a terrorist attack against Europe. In the pilot, Steve did not wear all of his medals and ribbons on his uniform, only the following awards: In \"\"Mea Makamae\"\", Steve wore the following medals and ribbons on his service khakis uniform: Steve McGarrett Steve McGarrett is a fictional character who is the protagonist of CBS' \"Hawaii Five-O\". McGarrett is a former United States Navy officer and the leader of a special state police task force, which is called Five-O. McGarrett was originally portrayed by","Document [15](Title: William Sadler (actor)) Man 3\", in \"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.\", and in \"WHIH Newsfront\". He also recurs as Steve McGarrett's murdered father, John McGarrett, in the 2010 remake of the 1968 television series, \"Hawaii Five-O\". Sadler was born in Buffalo, New York, the son of Jane and William Sadler. He is of mostly Scottish descent, with smaller amounts of English and German ancestry. From an early age, he took to performing in front of an audience. Playing a variety of stringed instruments, Sadler found hometown success during his high-school years at Orchard Park High School. He took on the persona as Banjo Bill","Document [16](Title: Michelle Borth) Old Fashioned Orgy\" with Leslie Bibb, Lake Bell, and Jason Sudeikis. In 2009, she was a cast member of ABC's \"The Forgotten\", appearing in 17 episodes, including part of the 2010 season. In 2010, she also guest starred on the TNT TV series \"Dark Blue\" double-episode season finale. In 2010 Borth appeared in the 2010 version of \"Hawaii Five-0\" on CBS where she appeared as on and off Steve McGarrett's girlfriend, Lt. Catherine Rollins, a Navy Lieutenant. On March 26, 2012, CBS announced that Borth would become a cast regular on \"Hawaii Five-0\" for seasons 3 & 4. On March","Document [17](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) to expose a protection ring in Chinatown in the last episode of season 10. New characters Jim 'Kimo' Carew (William Smith), Lori Wilson (Sharon Farrell), and Truck (Moe Keale) were introduced in season 12 alongside returning regular character Duke Lukela. Most episodes of \"Hawaii Five-O\" ended with the arrest of criminals and McGarrett snapping, \"Book 'em.\" The offense occasionally was added after this phrase, for example, \"Book 'em, murder one.\" In many episodes, this was directed to Danny Williams and became McGarrett's catchphrase: \"Book 'em, Danno.\" In many episodes (including the pilot), McGarrett is drawn into the world of international","Document [18](Title: Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series)) they were never called \"co-stars\". Very few episodes were shot outside of Hawaii. At least two episodes were shot in Los Angeles, one in Hong Kong, and one in Singapore. The opening title sequence was created by television director Reza S. Badiyi. Early shows began with a cold open suggesting the sinister plot for that episode, then cut to a shot of a big ocean wave and the start of the theme song. A fast zoom-in to the top balcony of the Ilikai Hotel followed, showing McGarrett turning to face the camera, followed by many quick-cuts and freeze-frames of Hawaiian","Document [19](Title: Ka \u02bbo\u0304wili \u02bbo\u0304ka\u2019i) 5, 2018 it was revealed that the episode would be a remake of the pilot from the original series, Hawaii Five-O, also entitled \"Cocoon\". On August 22, 2018 it was reported by TV Line that Rochelle Aytes had been cast in a guest role as a character named Greer. The character portrays a CIA operative and a former romantic interest of O'Loughlin's character, Steve McGarrett. Mark Dacascos returned as Wo Fat for the first time since the season 5 episode \"Ina Paha\". Despite being credited in the opening title sequence Ian Anthony Dale, Taylor Wily, and Dennis Chun were absent","Document [20](Title: Jack Lord) John Joseph Patrick Ryan (December 30, 1920\u00a0\u2013 January 21, 1998), best known by his stage name, Jack Lord, was an American television, film and Broadway actor and director and producer. He was known for his starring role as Steve McGarrett in the CBS television program Hawaii Five-O, which ran from 1968 to 1980."],"query":"who played the original steve mcgarrett on hawaii five-o?","answers":["John Joseph Patrick Ryan","Jack Lord"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Layer Cake (film)) Layer Cake (also occasionally stylised as L4YER CAK\u0190) is a 2004 British crime thriller film directed by Matthew Vaughn, in his directorial debut. The screenplay was adapted by J. J. Connolly from his novel of the same name. The film's plot revolves around a London-based criminal known as XXXX, played by Daniel Craig, working in the trade of cocaine who wishes to leave the drug business. The film also features Tom Hardy, Colm Meaney, and Sienna Miller.","Document [2](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) daughter of Edward Temple, a wealthy business contractor and socialite whom Price has known since childhood. She has run away with her new boyfriend, a cokehead by the name of Trevor Atkins, alias Kinky. Price charges the narrator with the task of locating Charlotte as a favour to Jimmy's pal, and promises that if he is successful, Price will allow him to retire without fuss. Price also tells the narrator about a crew of gangsters who have recently acquired two million high quality Ecstasy pills from Amsterdam. Price tasks the narrator with finding a buyer for the pills, and quickly.","Document [3](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Trevor and Shanks, two powerful North England drug dealers. Upon their arrival, Shanks tells the narrator and his colleagues that the Yahoos have in fact stolen the pills from a neo-Nazi outfit in Amsterdam, and they used the narrator and Mortimers' names to gain credibility. Shanks tells the narrator that the Germans have unleashed an assassin named Klaus to recover the pills and eliminate the thieves. Unfortunately for the narrator, Klaus believes that he was the one who initiated the robbery. The meeting ends and Trevor invites the narrator to come to dinner at his house. The narrator has a","Document [4](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Heathrow Airport, where Temple is having the pills flown to Tokyo. When they arrive at the airport, Eddie and his private security team take them all hostage and take the pills. Temple takes the pills, telling the narrator that he is owed them as a result of the narrator causing Charlie distress. Temple then delivers a speech to the narrator, explaining the nature of the drugs game, crime and life in general: \"You're born, you take shit. Get out in the world, you take more shit. Climb a little higher, you take less shit. Until one day you're up in","Document [5](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) an argument between Mort and an employee, Nobby, who is confused on what to do over a shipment from the Netherlands of low-quality sex gear that they did not order. They decide to send it back. Mort then drives the narrator to a fancy, out-of-the-way restaurant called Pepi's Barn, the haunt of \"don\" Jimmy Price, who has demanded to meet with him. Here the reader is introduced to Jimmy's right-hand man Gene, a loyal gundog to boot. The purpose of the dinner, as it turns out, is the disappearance of a young girl name of Charlotte Temple. Charlotte is the","Document [6](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) into their histories, including Jimmy Price; Mister Mortimer (Morty), who served five and a quarter years of an eight-year sentence for being caught while disposing of suicide victim Kilburn Jerry after a party; young Clarkie, whom the narrator expects to take his place when he retires; and Terry, friend to all. The narrator also explains to the readers how he made it to where he is\u2014starting small, growing in rank, keeping quiet and making sure everything is strictly business. Jeremy eventually arrives half an hour late to make the purchase. Narrator is invited to Mortimer's porn shop, Loveland, and interrupts","Document [7](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) During the meeting with the gangsters, collectively known as the \"Yahoos,\" the narrator finds that he cannot reason with them, and he leaves upon promising to find a buyer for the pills, albeit at a much lower price than if the Yahoos would consent to releasing the pills in small instalments. The narrator tells the Yahoos that the pills are worth much less than they believe, which they are not happy to hear. The narrator tasks his old friend Cody, also known as Billy Bogus and his partner Tiptoes with locating Charlie. Cody expects little difficulty and quickly accepts the","Document [8](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) plan is complicated by a large shipment of stolen Ecstasy, the German neo-Nazis who want the drugs back and revenge on anyone they hold responsible for the theft, the unpredictable and often outrageous personalities of his friends, and his boss, kingpin Jimmy Price, who charges him with the task of recovering the missing daughter of a wealthy socialite. On April Fool's Day in 1997, the narrator, and his pal Mister Mortimer are waiting impatiently to sell a half-kilo of cocaine to a less-than-punctual pal, Jeremy. Until Jeremy arrives, readers are introduced to various characters and are given a brief look","Document [9](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) transported across London to The City. There he meets Eddie Temple, who explains that Jimmy has double-crossed the narrator. Jimmy had become involved in a scheme with some gangsters from Chechnya to purchase a consignment of non-existent Pakistani heroin. Jimmy had been taken in by the gangsters and had lost nearly 13 million pounds. In his rage, Jimmy believed that his old friend Eddie had arranged for Jimmy to be ensnared, and he therefore tasked the narrator to find Charlie, Eddie's daughter. Jimmy believed that if he could hold Charlie hostage, he could force Eddie to get his money back.","Document [10](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) job. While looking for Cody in a London club, the narrator encounters Sydney, a low-ranking member of the Yahoos. The narrator then meets Sydney's girlfriend Tammy, who he is immediately attracted to. Before leaving the club, Tammy gives him her number and surreptitiously asks him to call her. While speaking with Sydney, the narrator hears a story about the leader of Sydney's crew, a man named Darren who prefers to be known as The Duke. The Duke and his girlfriend, Slasher, are a pair of dedicated coke addicts who live just outside London. The pair of them have become steadily","Document [11](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Netherlands are changed to Serbian war criminals (albeit confusingly speaking Romanian to each other). Layer Cake (novel) Layer Cake is the debut novel of British author J. J. Connolly, first published in 2000 by Duckworth Press. It was made into a motion picture in 2004 (also called \"Layer Cake\"), directed by Matthew Vaughn and written for the screen by Connolly himself. The book takes place in London in the 1990s and is narrated by an unnamed, 29-year-old drug dealer (\"If you knew my name, you'd be as clever as me\") who plans on leaving the life of crime behind at","Document [12](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) years. The narrator is now living on the northern coast of Venezuela where he runs a bar. It turns out that about six weeks after Temple took the pills, the narrator and Tammy were eating in a restaurant in London when Sydney, Tammy's jilted ex-boyfriend, found them. Sydney shot the narrator multiple times, including in the head. The narrator spent six weeks in a coma and awoke with a steel plate in his head. He is visited in hospital by a mysterious government official, who may work for the police or MI5. The man tells the narrator to abandon the","Document [13](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Layer Cake (novel) Layer Cake is the debut novel of British author J. J. Connolly, first published in 2000 by Duckworth Press. It was made into a motion picture in 2004 (also called \"Layer Cake\"), directed by Matthew Vaughn and written for the screen by Connolly himself. The book takes place in London in the 1990s and is narrated by an unnamed, 29-year-old drug dealer (\"If you knew my name, you'd be as clever as me\") who plans on leaving the life of crime behind at the age of thirty to live life as \"a gentleman of leisure.\" His retirement","Document [14](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) nightmare involving Jimmy Price and awakes to a television news story about the brutal torture and murder of a boatman named Van Tuck. At Trevor's house, Trevor and the narrator are discussing the state of the drugs game when the narrator offhandedly mentions Van Tuck's murder. Trevor flies into a panic and takes the narrator to see Duncan, a local reporter who is friendly with many police officers and feeds Trevor information. On the way, Trevor explains that Van Tuck was a smuggler and he was currently moving several million pounds worth of marijuana into the country for Trevor. Trevor's","Document [15](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Eddie goes on to explain that Jimmy has been moonlighting as a police informer for a number of years. Eddie plays the narrator a recording in which Jimmy speaks with Albie Carter, a member of the Southeast Regional Crime Squad. Jimmy tells Albie that he wants the narrator to be arrested for possession of drugs, which would result in a 12-year sentence. Jimmy had sent the narrator to a dodgy accountant, and after the narrator is imprisoned, Jimmy was planning to take control of his assets to recover his lost wealth. Eddie drops the narrator off back at the Churchill","Document [16](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) heroin overdose, and one of the crackheads who was living with Kinky believes that Kinky was murdered. The narrator is intrigued to learn that Kinky had turned up at the flat shortly before his death with Charlie and two grand in cash. The crackheads tell them that Charlie has gone to Brighton and the narrator sends Cody after her. The narrator and Morty retire to a caf\u00e9, where they run into Freddy Hurst, a fat and slovenly ex-gangster who is down on his luck. Freddy subtly ridicules Morty and asks for some money. Morty complies, but when Freddy makes another","Document [17](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) hope is that Van Tuck had not yet picked up the shipment, but there is a strong possibility that the police will have confiscated the drugs during their investigation of Van Tuck's murder. Through Duncan, Trevor discovers that the cannabis has been seized by the police and after destroying many of Duncan's possessions in a rage, the action moves back to London. The narrator and Morty receive a call from Cody, telling them that he has located Kinky, Charlie's boyfriend, in a flat in King's Cross. Upon arriving at the flat, the men find that Kinky is dead of a","Document [18](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) the rarified atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.\" Seemingly defeated, the narrator and his colleagues then discover that they have delivered the wrong boxes to Temple. The boxes were actually filled with sex toys and pornography that Morty had been able to sell at Loveland, the sex shop that he owned. The real pills had been shipped back to Amsterdam and to an unknown fate. Clarkie then tells Morty that had Freddie Hurst has died of his injuries, which could cause serious problems for Morty. The story then fast-forwards about three","Document [19](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) hideout to steal back the pills. Cody and his team assault the hideout, posing as armed police. They allow the Yahoos to escape and they \"confiscate\" the pills. Gene and the narrator find the Yahoos in a run-down bar and convince them that the police who raided them were crooked and have taken the pills for themselves. The narrator had previously worked out a deal with Eddie Ryder to give Ryder the pills in return for 2.5 million pounds. Thinking that his job is finally complete, the narrator and his colleagues take the pills to Eddie Temple's bonded warehouse at","Document [20](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) same gun that Gene used to kill Crazy Larry Flynn, a homosexual London gangster who had been friends with both Gene and Morty. Upon producing the recording, the narrator manages to convince Gene and Morty that Jimmy was an informer, and they trust one another again. The narrator now decides to eliminate both of his remaining problems. One, he has to stop Klaus the murderous Nazi and, two, he has to find a way to steal the pills back from the Yahoos. The narrator and Morty contact Shanks in Liverpool and get him to send an assassin down on the"],"query":"what is the main character's name in layer cake?","answers":["XXXX","XXXX,","Daniel Craig"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) daughter of Edward Temple, a wealthy business contractor and socialite whom Price has known since childhood. She has run away with her new boyfriend, a cokehead by the name of Trevor Atkins, alias Kinky. Price charges the narrator with the task of locating Charlotte as a favour to Jimmy's pal, and promises that if he is successful, Price will allow him to retire without fuss. Price also tells the narrator about a crew of gangsters who have recently acquired two million high quality Ecstasy pills from Amsterdam. Price tasks the narrator with finding a buyer for the pills, and quickly.","Document [2](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Trevor and Shanks, two powerful North England drug dealers. Upon their arrival, Shanks tells the narrator and his colleagues that the Yahoos have in fact stolen the pills from a neo-Nazi outfit in Amsterdam, and they used the narrator and Mortimers' names to gain credibility. Shanks tells the narrator that the Germans have unleashed an assassin named Klaus to recover the pills and eliminate the thieves. Unfortunately for the narrator, Klaus believes that he was the one who initiated the robbery. The meeting ends and Trevor invites the narrator to come to dinner at his house. The narrator has a","Document [3](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Heathrow Airport, where Temple is having the pills flown to Tokyo. When they arrive at the airport, Eddie and his private security team take them all hostage and take the pills. Temple takes the pills, telling the narrator that he is owed them as a result of the narrator causing Charlie distress. Temple then delivers a speech to the narrator, explaining the nature of the drugs game, crime and life in general: \"You're born, you take shit. Get out in the world, you take more shit. Climb a little higher, you take less shit. Until one day you're up in","Document [4](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) an argument between Mort and an employee, Nobby, who is confused on what to do over a shipment from the Netherlands of low-quality sex gear that they did not order. They decide to send it back. Mort then drives the narrator to a fancy, out-of-the-way restaurant called Pepi's Barn, the haunt of \"don\" Jimmy Price, who has demanded to meet with him. Here the reader is introduced to Jimmy's right-hand man Gene, a loyal gundog to boot. The purpose of the dinner, as it turns out, is the disappearance of a young girl name of Charlotte Temple. Charlotte is the","Document [5](Title: Layer Cake (film)) Layer Cake (also occasionally stylised as L4YER CAK\u0190) is a 2004 British crime thriller film directed by Matthew Vaughn, in his directorial debut. The screenplay was adapted by J. J. Connolly from his novel of the same name. The film's plot revolves around a London-based criminal known as XXXX, played by Daniel Craig, working in the trade of cocaine who wishes to leave the drug business. The film also features Tom Hardy, Colm Meaney, and Sienna Miller.","Document [6](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) into their histories, including Jimmy Price; Mister Mortimer (Morty), who served five and a quarter years of an eight-year sentence for being caught while disposing of suicide victim Kilburn Jerry after a party; young Clarkie, whom the narrator expects to take his place when he retires; and Terry, friend to all. The narrator also explains to the readers how he made it to where he is\u2014starting small, growing in rank, keeping quiet and making sure everything is strictly business. Jeremy eventually arrives half an hour late to make the purchase. Narrator is invited to Mortimer's porn shop, Loveland, and interrupts","Document [7](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) During the meeting with the gangsters, collectively known as the \"Yahoos,\" the narrator finds that he cannot reason with them, and he leaves upon promising to find a buyer for the pills, albeit at a much lower price than if the Yahoos would consent to releasing the pills in small instalments. The narrator tells the Yahoos that the pills are worth much less than they believe, which they are not happy to hear. The narrator tasks his old friend Cody, also known as Billy Bogus and his partner Tiptoes with locating Charlie. Cody expects little difficulty and quickly accepts the","Document [8](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) plan is complicated by a large shipment of stolen Ecstasy, the German neo-Nazis who want the drugs back and revenge on anyone they hold responsible for the theft, the unpredictable and often outrageous personalities of his friends, and his boss, kingpin Jimmy Price, who charges him with the task of recovering the missing daughter of a wealthy socialite. On April Fool's Day in 1997, the narrator, and his pal Mister Mortimer are waiting impatiently to sell a half-kilo of cocaine to a less-than-punctual pal, Jeremy. Until Jeremy arrives, readers are introduced to various characters and are given a brief look","Document [9](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) transported across London to The City. There he meets Eddie Temple, who explains that Jimmy has double-crossed the narrator. Jimmy had become involved in a scheme with some gangsters from Chechnya to purchase a consignment of non-existent Pakistani heroin. Jimmy had been taken in by the gangsters and had lost nearly 13 million pounds. In his rage, Jimmy believed that his old friend Eddie had arranged for Jimmy to be ensnared, and he therefore tasked the narrator to find Charlie, Eddie's daughter. Jimmy believed that if he could hold Charlie hostage, he could force Eddie to get his money back.","Document [10](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) job. While looking for Cody in a London club, the narrator encounters Sydney, a low-ranking member of the Yahoos. The narrator then meets Sydney's girlfriend Tammy, who he is immediately attracted to. Before leaving the club, Tammy gives him her number and surreptitiously asks him to call her. While speaking with Sydney, the narrator hears a story about the leader of Sydney's crew, a man named Darren who prefers to be known as The Duke. The Duke and his girlfriend, Slasher, are a pair of dedicated coke addicts who live just outside London. The pair of them have become steadily","Document [11](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Netherlands are changed to Serbian war criminals (albeit confusingly speaking Romanian to each other). Layer Cake (novel) Layer Cake is the debut novel of British author J. J. Connolly, first published in 2000 by Duckworth Press. It was made into a motion picture in 2004 (also called \"Layer Cake\"), directed by Matthew Vaughn and written for the screen by Connolly himself. The book takes place in London in the 1990s and is narrated by an unnamed, 29-year-old drug dealer (\"If you knew my name, you'd be as clever as me\") who plans on leaving the life of crime behind at","Document [12](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) years. The narrator is now living on the northern coast of Venezuela where he runs a bar. It turns out that about six weeks after Temple took the pills, the narrator and Tammy were eating in a restaurant in London when Sydney, Tammy's jilted ex-boyfriend, found them. Sydney shot the narrator multiple times, including in the head. The narrator spent six weeks in a coma and awoke with a steel plate in his head. He is visited in hospital by a mysterious government official, who may work for the police or MI5. The man tells the narrator to abandon the","Document [13](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Layer Cake (novel) Layer Cake is the debut novel of British author J. J. Connolly, first published in 2000 by Duckworth Press. It was made into a motion picture in 2004 (also called \"Layer Cake\"), directed by Matthew Vaughn and written for the screen by Connolly himself. The book takes place in London in the 1990s and is narrated by an unnamed, 29-year-old drug dealer (\"If you knew my name, you'd be as clever as me\") who plans on leaving the life of crime behind at the age of thirty to live life as \"a gentleman of leisure.\" His retirement","Document [14](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) nightmare involving Jimmy Price and awakes to a television news story about the brutal torture and murder of a boatman named Van Tuck. At Trevor's house, Trevor and the narrator are discussing the state of the drugs game when the narrator offhandedly mentions Van Tuck's murder. Trevor flies into a panic and takes the narrator to see Duncan, a local reporter who is friendly with many police officers and feeds Trevor information. On the way, Trevor explains that Van Tuck was a smuggler and he was currently moving several million pounds worth of marijuana into the country for Trevor. Trevor's","Document [15](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Eddie goes on to explain that Jimmy has been moonlighting as a police informer for a number of years. Eddie plays the narrator a recording in which Jimmy speaks with Albie Carter, a member of the Southeast Regional Crime Squad. Jimmy tells Albie that he wants the narrator to be arrested for possession of drugs, which would result in a 12-year sentence. Jimmy had sent the narrator to a dodgy accountant, and after the narrator is imprisoned, Jimmy was planning to take control of his assets to recover his lost wealth. Eddie drops the narrator off back at the Churchill","Document [16](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) heroin overdose, and one of the crackheads who was living with Kinky believes that Kinky was murdered. The narrator is intrigued to learn that Kinky had turned up at the flat shortly before his death with Charlie and two grand in cash. The crackheads tell them that Charlie has gone to Brighton and the narrator sends Cody after her. The narrator and Morty retire to a caf\u00e9, where they run into Freddy Hurst, a fat and slovenly ex-gangster who is down on his luck. Freddy subtly ridicules Morty and asks for some money. Morty complies, but when Freddy makes another","Document [17](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) hope is that Van Tuck had not yet picked up the shipment, but there is a strong possibility that the police will have confiscated the drugs during their investigation of Van Tuck's murder. Through Duncan, Trevor discovers that the cannabis has been seized by the police and after destroying many of Duncan's possessions in a rage, the action moves back to London. The narrator and Morty receive a call from Cody, telling them that he has located Kinky, Charlie's boyfriend, in a flat in King's Cross. Upon arriving at the flat, the men find that Kinky is dead of a","Document [18](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) the rarified atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.\" Seemingly defeated, the narrator and his colleagues then discover that they have delivered the wrong boxes to Temple. The boxes were actually filled with sex toys and pornography that Morty had been able to sell at Loveland, the sex shop that he owned. The real pills had been shipped back to Amsterdam and to an unknown fate. Clarkie then tells Morty that had Freddie Hurst has died of his injuries, which could cause serious problems for Morty. The story then fast-forwards about three","Document [19](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) hideout to steal back the pills. Cody and his team assault the hideout, posing as armed police. They allow the Yahoos to escape and they \"confiscate\" the pills. Gene and the narrator find the Yahoos in a run-down bar and convince them that the police who raided them were crooked and have taken the pills for themselves. The narrator had previously worked out a deal with Eddie Ryder to give Ryder the pills in return for 2.5 million pounds. Thinking that his job is finally complete, the narrator and his colleagues take the pills to Eddie Temple's bonded warehouse at","Document [20](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) same gun that Gene used to kill Crazy Larry Flynn, a homosexual London gangster who had been friends with both Gene and Morty. Upon producing the recording, the narrator manages to convince Gene and Morty that Jimmy was an informer, and they trust one another again. The narrator now decides to eliminate both of his remaining problems. One, he has to stop Klaus the murderous Nazi and, two, he has to find a way to steal the pills back from the Yahoos. The narrator and Morty contact Shanks in Liverpool and get him to send an assassin down on the"],"query":"what is the main character's name in layer cake?","answers":["XXXX","XXXX,","Daniel Craig"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) daughter of Edward Temple, a wealthy business contractor and socialite whom Price has known since childhood. She has run away with her new boyfriend, a cokehead by the name of Trevor Atkins, alias Kinky. Price charges the narrator with the task of locating Charlotte as a favour to Jimmy's pal, and promises that if he is successful, Price will allow him to retire without fuss. Price also tells the narrator about a crew of gangsters who have recently acquired two million high quality Ecstasy pills from Amsterdam. Price tasks the narrator with finding a buyer for the pills, and quickly.","Document [2](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Trevor and Shanks, two powerful North England drug dealers. Upon their arrival, Shanks tells the narrator and his colleagues that the Yahoos have in fact stolen the pills from a neo-Nazi outfit in Amsterdam, and they used the narrator and Mortimers' names to gain credibility. Shanks tells the narrator that the Germans have unleashed an assassin named Klaus to recover the pills and eliminate the thieves. Unfortunately for the narrator, Klaus believes that he was the one who initiated the robbery. The meeting ends and Trevor invites the narrator to come to dinner at his house. The narrator has a","Document [3](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Heathrow Airport, where Temple is having the pills flown to Tokyo. When they arrive at the airport, Eddie and his private security team take them all hostage and take the pills. Temple takes the pills, telling the narrator that he is owed them as a result of the narrator causing Charlie distress. Temple then delivers a speech to the narrator, explaining the nature of the drugs game, crime and life in general: \"You're born, you take shit. Get out in the world, you take more shit. Climb a little higher, you take less shit. Until one day you're up in","Document [4](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) an argument between Mort and an employee, Nobby, who is confused on what to do over a shipment from the Netherlands of low-quality sex gear that they did not order. They decide to send it back. Mort then drives the narrator to a fancy, out-of-the-way restaurant called Pepi's Barn, the haunt of \"don\" Jimmy Price, who has demanded to meet with him. Here the reader is introduced to Jimmy's right-hand man Gene, a loyal gundog to boot. The purpose of the dinner, as it turns out, is the disappearance of a young girl name of Charlotte Temple. Charlotte is the","Document [5](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) into their histories, including Jimmy Price; Mister Mortimer (Morty), who served five and a quarter years of an eight-year sentence for being caught while disposing of suicide victim Kilburn Jerry after a party; young Clarkie, whom the narrator expects to take his place when he retires; and Terry, friend to all. The narrator also explains to the readers how he made it to where he is\u2014starting small, growing in rank, keeping quiet and making sure everything is strictly business. Jeremy eventually arrives half an hour late to make the purchase. Narrator is invited to Mortimer's porn shop, Loveland, and interrupts","Document [6](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) During the meeting with the gangsters, collectively known as the \"Yahoos,\" the narrator finds that he cannot reason with them, and he leaves upon promising to find a buyer for the pills, albeit at a much lower price than if the Yahoos would consent to releasing the pills in small instalments. The narrator tells the Yahoos that the pills are worth much less than they believe, which they are not happy to hear. The narrator tasks his old friend Cody, also known as Billy Bogus and his partner Tiptoes with locating Charlie. Cody expects little difficulty and quickly accepts the","Document [7](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) plan is complicated by a large shipment of stolen Ecstasy, the German neo-Nazis who want the drugs back and revenge on anyone they hold responsible for the theft, the unpredictable and often outrageous personalities of his friends, and his boss, kingpin Jimmy Price, who charges him with the task of recovering the missing daughter of a wealthy socialite. On April Fool's Day in 1997, the narrator, and his pal Mister Mortimer are waiting impatiently to sell a half-kilo of cocaine to a less-than-punctual pal, Jeremy. Until Jeremy arrives, readers are introduced to various characters and are given a brief look","Document [8](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) transported across London to The City. There he meets Eddie Temple, who explains that Jimmy has double-crossed the narrator. Jimmy had become involved in a scheme with some gangsters from Chechnya to purchase a consignment of non-existent Pakistani heroin. Jimmy had been taken in by the gangsters and had lost nearly 13 million pounds. In his rage, Jimmy believed that his old friend Eddie had arranged for Jimmy to be ensnared, and he therefore tasked the narrator to find Charlie, Eddie's daughter. Jimmy believed that if he could hold Charlie hostage, he could force Eddie to get his money back.","Document [9](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) job. While looking for Cody in a London club, the narrator encounters Sydney, a low-ranking member of the Yahoos. The narrator then meets Sydney's girlfriend Tammy, who he is immediately attracted to. Before leaving the club, Tammy gives him her number and surreptitiously asks him to call her. While speaking with Sydney, the narrator hears a story about the leader of Sydney's crew, a man named Darren who prefers to be known as The Duke. The Duke and his girlfriend, Slasher, are a pair of dedicated coke addicts who live just outside London. The pair of them have become steadily","Document [10](Title: Layer Cake (film)) Layer Cake (also occasionally stylised as L4YER CAK\u0190) is a 2004 British crime thriller film directed by Matthew Vaughn, in his directorial debut. The screenplay was adapted by J. J. Connolly from his novel of the same name. The film's plot revolves around a London-based criminal known as XXXX, played by Daniel Craig, working in the trade of cocaine who wishes to leave the drug business. The film also features Tom Hardy, Colm Meaney, and Sienna Miller.","Document [11](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Netherlands are changed to Serbian war criminals (albeit confusingly speaking Romanian to each other). Layer Cake (novel) Layer Cake is the debut novel of British author J. J. Connolly, first published in 2000 by Duckworth Press. It was made into a motion picture in 2004 (also called \"Layer Cake\"), directed by Matthew Vaughn and written for the screen by Connolly himself. The book takes place in London in the 1990s and is narrated by an unnamed, 29-year-old drug dealer (\"If you knew my name, you'd be as clever as me\") who plans on leaving the life of crime behind at","Document [12](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) years. The narrator is now living on the northern coast of Venezuela where he runs a bar. It turns out that about six weeks after Temple took the pills, the narrator and Tammy were eating in a restaurant in London when Sydney, Tammy's jilted ex-boyfriend, found them. Sydney shot the narrator multiple times, including in the head. The narrator spent six weeks in a coma and awoke with a steel plate in his head. He is visited in hospital by a mysterious government official, who may work for the police or MI5. The man tells the narrator to abandon the","Document [13](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Layer Cake (novel) Layer Cake is the debut novel of British author J. J. Connolly, first published in 2000 by Duckworth Press. It was made into a motion picture in 2004 (also called \"Layer Cake\"), directed by Matthew Vaughn and written for the screen by Connolly himself. The book takes place in London in the 1990s and is narrated by an unnamed, 29-year-old drug dealer (\"If you knew my name, you'd be as clever as me\") who plans on leaving the life of crime behind at the age of thirty to live life as \"a gentleman of leisure.\" His retirement","Document [14](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) nightmare involving Jimmy Price and awakes to a television news story about the brutal torture and murder of a boatman named Van Tuck. At Trevor's house, Trevor and the narrator are discussing the state of the drugs game when the narrator offhandedly mentions Van Tuck's murder. Trevor flies into a panic and takes the narrator to see Duncan, a local reporter who is friendly with many police officers and feeds Trevor information. On the way, Trevor explains that Van Tuck was a smuggler and he was currently moving several million pounds worth of marijuana into the country for Trevor. Trevor's","Document [15](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Eddie goes on to explain that Jimmy has been moonlighting as a police informer for a number of years. Eddie plays the narrator a recording in which Jimmy speaks with Albie Carter, a member of the Southeast Regional Crime Squad. Jimmy tells Albie that he wants the narrator to be arrested for possession of drugs, which would result in a 12-year sentence. Jimmy had sent the narrator to a dodgy accountant, and after the narrator is imprisoned, Jimmy was planning to take control of his assets to recover his lost wealth. Eddie drops the narrator off back at the Churchill","Document [16](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) heroin overdose, and one of the crackheads who was living with Kinky believes that Kinky was murdered. The narrator is intrigued to learn that Kinky had turned up at the flat shortly before his death with Charlie and two grand in cash. The crackheads tell them that Charlie has gone to Brighton and the narrator sends Cody after her. The narrator and Morty retire to a caf\u00e9, where they run into Freddy Hurst, a fat and slovenly ex-gangster who is down on his luck. Freddy subtly ridicules Morty and asks for some money. Morty complies, but when Freddy makes another","Document [17](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) hope is that Van Tuck had not yet picked up the shipment, but there is a strong possibility that the police will have confiscated the drugs during their investigation of Van Tuck's murder. Through Duncan, Trevor discovers that the cannabis has been seized by the police and after destroying many of Duncan's possessions in a rage, the action moves back to London. The narrator and Morty receive a call from Cody, telling them that he has located Kinky, Charlie's boyfriend, in a flat in King's Cross. Upon arriving at the flat, the men find that Kinky is dead of a","Document [18](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) the rarified atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.\" Seemingly defeated, the narrator and his colleagues then discover that they have delivered the wrong boxes to Temple. The boxes were actually filled with sex toys and pornography that Morty had been able to sell at Loveland, the sex shop that he owned. The real pills had been shipped back to Amsterdam and to an unknown fate. Clarkie then tells Morty that had Freddie Hurst has died of his injuries, which could cause serious problems for Morty. The story then fast-forwards about three","Document [19](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) hideout to steal back the pills. Cody and his team assault the hideout, posing as armed police. They allow the Yahoos to escape and they \"confiscate\" the pills. Gene and the narrator find the Yahoos in a run-down bar and convince them that the police who raided them were crooked and have taken the pills for themselves. The narrator had previously worked out a deal with Eddie Ryder to give Ryder the pills in return for 2.5 million pounds. Thinking that his job is finally complete, the narrator and his colleagues take the pills to Eddie Temple's bonded warehouse at","Document [20](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) same gun that Gene used to kill Crazy Larry Flynn, a homosexual London gangster who had been friends with both Gene and Morty. Upon producing the recording, the narrator manages to convince Gene and Morty that Jimmy was an informer, and they trust one another again. The narrator now decides to eliminate both of his remaining problems. One, he has to stop Klaus the murderous Nazi and, two, he has to find a way to steal the pills back from the Yahoos. The narrator and Morty contact Shanks in Liverpool and get him to send an assassin down on the"],"query":"what is the main character's name in layer cake?","answers":["XXXX","XXXX,","Daniel Craig"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) daughter of Edward Temple, a wealthy business contractor and socialite whom Price has known since childhood. She has run away with her new boyfriend, a cokehead by the name of Trevor Atkins, alias Kinky. Price charges the narrator with the task of locating Charlotte as a favour to Jimmy's pal, and promises that if he is successful, Price will allow him to retire without fuss. Price also tells the narrator about a crew of gangsters who have recently acquired two million high quality Ecstasy pills from Amsterdam. Price tasks the narrator with finding a buyer for the pills, and quickly.","Document [2](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Trevor and Shanks, two powerful North England drug dealers. Upon their arrival, Shanks tells the narrator and his colleagues that the Yahoos have in fact stolen the pills from a neo-Nazi outfit in Amsterdam, and they used the narrator and Mortimers' names to gain credibility. Shanks tells the narrator that the Germans have unleashed an assassin named Klaus to recover the pills and eliminate the thieves. Unfortunately for the narrator, Klaus believes that he was the one who initiated the robbery. The meeting ends and Trevor invites the narrator to come to dinner at his house. The narrator has a","Document [3](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Heathrow Airport, where Temple is having the pills flown to Tokyo. When they arrive at the airport, Eddie and his private security team take them all hostage and take the pills. Temple takes the pills, telling the narrator that he is owed them as a result of the narrator causing Charlie distress. Temple then delivers a speech to the narrator, explaining the nature of the drugs game, crime and life in general: \"You're born, you take shit. Get out in the world, you take more shit. Climb a little higher, you take less shit. Until one day you're up in","Document [4](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) an argument between Mort and an employee, Nobby, who is confused on what to do over a shipment from the Netherlands of low-quality sex gear that they did not order. They decide to send it back. Mort then drives the narrator to a fancy, out-of-the-way restaurant called Pepi's Barn, the haunt of \"don\" Jimmy Price, who has demanded to meet with him. Here the reader is introduced to Jimmy's right-hand man Gene, a loyal gundog to boot. The purpose of the dinner, as it turns out, is the disappearance of a young girl name of Charlotte Temple. Charlotte is the","Document [5](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) into their histories, including Jimmy Price; Mister Mortimer (Morty), who served five and a quarter years of an eight-year sentence for being caught while disposing of suicide victim Kilburn Jerry after a party; young Clarkie, whom the narrator expects to take his place when he retires; and Terry, friend to all. The narrator also explains to the readers how he made it to where he is\u2014starting small, growing in rank, keeping quiet and making sure everything is strictly business. Jeremy eventually arrives half an hour late to make the purchase. Narrator is invited to Mortimer's porn shop, Loveland, and interrupts","Document [6](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) During the meeting with the gangsters, collectively known as the \"Yahoos,\" the narrator finds that he cannot reason with them, and he leaves upon promising to find a buyer for the pills, albeit at a much lower price than if the Yahoos would consent to releasing the pills in small instalments. The narrator tells the Yahoos that the pills are worth much less than they believe, which they are not happy to hear. The narrator tasks his old friend Cody, also known as Billy Bogus and his partner Tiptoes with locating Charlie. Cody expects little difficulty and quickly accepts the","Document [7](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) plan is complicated by a large shipment of stolen Ecstasy, the German neo-Nazis who want the drugs back and revenge on anyone they hold responsible for the theft, the unpredictable and often outrageous personalities of his friends, and his boss, kingpin Jimmy Price, who charges him with the task of recovering the missing daughter of a wealthy socialite. On April Fool's Day in 1997, the narrator, and his pal Mister Mortimer are waiting impatiently to sell a half-kilo of cocaine to a less-than-punctual pal, Jeremy. Until Jeremy arrives, readers are introduced to various characters and are given a brief look","Document [8](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) transported across London to The City. There he meets Eddie Temple, who explains that Jimmy has double-crossed the narrator. Jimmy had become involved in a scheme with some gangsters from Chechnya to purchase a consignment of non-existent Pakistani heroin. Jimmy had been taken in by the gangsters and had lost nearly 13 million pounds. In his rage, Jimmy believed that his old friend Eddie had arranged for Jimmy to be ensnared, and he therefore tasked the narrator to find Charlie, Eddie's daughter. Jimmy believed that if he could hold Charlie hostage, he could force Eddie to get his money back.","Document [9](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) job. While looking for Cody in a London club, the narrator encounters Sydney, a low-ranking member of the Yahoos. The narrator then meets Sydney's girlfriend Tammy, who he is immediately attracted to. Before leaving the club, Tammy gives him her number and surreptitiously asks him to call her. While speaking with Sydney, the narrator hears a story about the leader of Sydney's crew, a man named Darren who prefers to be known as The Duke. The Duke and his girlfriend, Slasher, are a pair of dedicated coke addicts who live just outside London. The pair of them have become steadily","Document [10](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Netherlands are changed to Serbian war criminals (albeit confusingly speaking Romanian to each other). Layer Cake (novel) Layer Cake is the debut novel of British author J. J. Connolly, first published in 2000 by Duckworth Press. It was made into a motion picture in 2004 (also called \"Layer Cake\"), directed by Matthew Vaughn and written for the screen by Connolly himself. The book takes place in London in the 1990s and is narrated by an unnamed, 29-year-old drug dealer (\"If you knew my name, you'd be as clever as me\") who plans on leaving the life of crime behind at","Document [11](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) years. The narrator is now living on the northern coast of Venezuela where he runs a bar. It turns out that about six weeks after Temple took the pills, the narrator and Tammy were eating in a restaurant in London when Sydney, Tammy's jilted ex-boyfriend, found them. Sydney shot the narrator multiple times, including in the head. The narrator spent six weeks in a coma and awoke with a steel plate in his head. He is visited in hospital by a mysterious government official, who may work for the police or MI5. The man tells the narrator to abandon the","Document [12](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Layer Cake (novel) Layer Cake is the debut novel of British author J. J. Connolly, first published in 2000 by Duckworth Press. It was made into a motion picture in 2004 (also called \"Layer Cake\"), directed by Matthew Vaughn and written for the screen by Connolly himself. The book takes place in London in the 1990s and is narrated by an unnamed, 29-year-old drug dealer (\"If you knew my name, you'd be as clever as me\") who plans on leaving the life of crime behind at the age of thirty to live life as \"a gentleman of leisure.\" His retirement","Document [13](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) nightmare involving Jimmy Price and awakes to a television news story about the brutal torture and murder of a boatman named Van Tuck. At Trevor's house, Trevor and the narrator are discussing the state of the drugs game when the narrator offhandedly mentions Van Tuck's murder. Trevor flies into a panic and takes the narrator to see Duncan, a local reporter who is friendly with many police officers and feeds Trevor information. On the way, Trevor explains that Van Tuck was a smuggler and he was currently moving several million pounds worth of marijuana into the country for Trevor. Trevor's","Document [14](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Eddie goes on to explain that Jimmy has been moonlighting as a police informer for a number of years. Eddie plays the narrator a recording in which Jimmy speaks with Albie Carter, a member of the Southeast Regional Crime Squad. Jimmy tells Albie that he wants the narrator to be arrested for possession of drugs, which would result in a 12-year sentence. Jimmy had sent the narrator to a dodgy accountant, and after the narrator is imprisoned, Jimmy was planning to take control of his assets to recover his lost wealth. Eddie drops the narrator off back at the Churchill","Document [15](Title: Layer Cake (film)) Layer Cake (also occasionally stylised as L4YER CAK\u0190) is a 2004 British crime thriller film directed by Matthew Vaughn, in his directorial debut. The screenplay was adapted by J. J. Connolly from his novel of the same name. The film's plot revolves around a London-based criminal known as XXXX, played by Daniel Craig, working in the trade of cocaine who wishes to leave the drug business. The film also features Tom Hardy, Colm Meaney, and Sienna Miller.","Document [16](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) heroin overdose, and one of the crackheads who was living with Kinky believes that Kinky was murdered. The narrator is intrigued to learn that Kinky had turned up at the flat shortly before his death with Charlie and two grand in cash. The crackheads tell them that Charlie has gone to Brighton and the narrator sends Cody after her. The narrator and Morty retire to a caf\u00e9, where they run into Freddy Hurst, a fat and slovenly ex-gangster who is down on his luck. Freddy subtly ridicules Morty and asks for some money. Morty complies, but when Freddy makes another","Document [17](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) hope is that Van Tuck had not yet picked up the shipment, but there is a strong possibility that the police will have confiscated the drugs during their investigation of Van Tuck's murder. Through Duncan, Trevor discovers that the cannabis has been seized by the police and after destroying many of Duncan's possessions in a rage, the action moves back to London. The narrator and Morty receive a call from Cody, telling them that he has located Kinky, Charlie's boyfriend, in a flat in King's Cross. Upon arriving at the flat, the men find that Kinky is dead of a","Document [18](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) the rarified atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.\" Seemingly defeated, the narrator and his colleagues then discover that they have delivered the wrong boxes to Temple. The boxes were actually filled with sex toys and pornography that Morty had been able to sell at Loveland, the sex shop that he owned. The real pills had been shipped back to Amsterdam and to an unknown fate. Clarkie then tells Morty that had Freddie Hurst has died of his injuries, which could cause serious problems for Morty. The story then fast-forwards about three","Document [19](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) hideout to steal back the pills. Cody and his team assault the hideout, posing as armed police. They allow the Yahoos to escape and they \"confiscate\" the pills. Gene and the narrator find the Yahoos in a run-down bar and convince them that the police who raided them were crooked and have taken the pills for themselves. The narrator had previously worked out a deal with Eddie Ryder to give Ryder the pills in return for 2.5 million pounds. Thinking that his job is finally complete, the narrator and his colleagues take the pills to Eddie Temple's bonded warehouse at","Document [20](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) same gun that Gene used to kill Crazy Larry Flynn, a homosexual London gangster who had been friends with both Gene and Morty. Upon producing the recording, the narrator manages to convince Gene and Morty that Jimmy was an informer, and they trust one another again. The narrator now decides to eliminate both of his remaining problems. One, he has to stop Klaus the murderous Nazi and, two, he has to find a way to steal the pills back from the Yahoos. The narrator and Morty contact Shanks in Liverpool and get him to send an assassin down on the"],"query":"what is the main character's name in layer cake?","answers":["XXXX","XXXX,","Daniel Craig"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) daughter of Edward Temple, a wealthy business contractor and socialite whom Price has known since childhood. She has run away with her new boyfriend, a cokehead by the name of Trevor Atkins, alias Kinky. Price charges the narrator with the task of locating Charlotte as a favour to Jimmy's pal, and promises that if he is successful, Price will allow him to retire without fuss. Price also tells the narrator about a crew of gangsters who have recently acquired two million high quality Ecstasy pills from Amsterdam. Price tasks the narrator with finding a buyer for the pills, and quickly.","Document [2](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Trevor and Shanks, two powerful North England drug dealers. Upon their arrival, Shanks tells the narrator and his colleagues that the Yahoos have in fact stolen the pills from a neo-Nazi outfit in Amsterdam, and they used the narrator and Mortimers' names to gain credibility. Shanks tells the narrator that the Germans have unleashed an assassin named Klaus to recover the pills and eliminate the thieves. Unfortunately for the narrator, Klaus believes that he was the one who initiated the robbery. The meeting ends and Trevor invites the narrator to come to dinner at his house. The narrator has a","Document [3](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Heathrow Airport, where Temple is having the pills flown to Tokyo. When they arrive at the airport, Eddie and his private security team take them all hostage and take the pills. Temple takes the pills, telling the narrator that he is owed them as a result of the narrator causing Charlie distress. Temple then delivers a speech to the narrator, explaining the nature of the drugs game, crime and life in general: \"You're born, you take shit. Get out in the world, you take more shit. Climb a little higher, you take less shit. Until one day you're up in","Document [4](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) an argument between Mort and an employee, Nobby, who is confused on what to do over a shipment from the Netherlands of low-quality sex gear that they did not order. They decide to send it back. Mort then drives the narrator to a fancy, out-of-the-way restaurant called Pepi's Barn, the haunt of \"don\" Jimmy Price, who has demanded to meet with him. Here the reader is introduced to Jimmy's right-hand man Gene, a loyal gundog to boot. The purpose of the dinner, as it turns out, is the disappearance of a young girl name of Charlotte Temple. Charlotte is the","Document [5](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) into their histories, including Jimmy Price; Mister Mortimer (Morty), who served five and a quarter years of an eight-year sentence for being caught while disposing of suicide victim Kilburn Jerry after a party; young Clarkie, whom the narrator expects to take his place when he retires; and Terry, friend to all. The narrator also explains to the readers how he made it to where he is\u2014starting small, growing in rank, keeping quiet and making sure everything is strictly business. Jeremy eventually arrives half an hour late to make the purchase. Narrator is invited to Mortimer's porn shop, Loveland, and interrupts","Document [6](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) During the meeting with the gangsters, collectively known as the \"Yahoos,\" the narrator finds that he cannot reason with them, and he leaves upon promising to find a buyer for the pills, albeit at a much lower price than if the Yahoos would consent to releasing the pills in small instalments. The narrator tells the Yahoos that the pills are worth much less than they believe, which they are not happy to hear. The narrator tasks his old friend Cody, also known as Billy Bogus and his partner Tiptoes with locating Charlie. Cody expects little difficulty and quickly accepts the","Document [7](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) plan is complicated by a large shipment of stolen Ecstasy, the German neo-Nazis who want the drugs back and revenge on anyone they hold responsible for the theft, the unpredictable and often outrageous personalities of his friends, and his boss, kingpin Jimmy Price, who charges him with the task of recovering the missing daughter of a wealthy socialite. On April Fool's Day in 1997, the narrator, and his pal Mister Mortimer are waiting impatiently to sell a half-kilo of cocaine to a less-than-punctual pal, Jeremy. Until Jeremy arrives, readers are introduced to various characters and are given a brief look","Document [8](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) transported across London to The City. There he meets Eddie Temple, who explains that Jimmy has double-crossed the narrator. Jimmy had become involved in a scheme with some gangsters from Chechnya to purchase a consignment of non-existent Pakistani heroin. Jimmy had been taken in by the gangsters and had lost nearly 13 million pounds. In his rage, Jimmy believed that his old friend Eddie had arranged for Jimmy to be ensnared, and he therefore tasked the narrator to find Charlie, Eddie's daughter. Jimmy believed that if he could hold Charlie hostage, he could force Eddie to get his money back.","Document [9](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) job. While looking for Cody in a London club, the narrator encounters Sydney, a low-ranking member of the Yahoos. The narrator then meets Sydney's girlfriend Tammy, who he is immediately attracted to. Before leaving the club, Tammy gives him her number and surreptitiously asks him to call her. While speaking with Sydney, the narrator hears a story about the leader of Sydney's crew, a man named Darren who prefers to be known as The Duke. The Duke and his girlfriend, Slasher, are a pair of dedicated coke addicts who live just outside London. The pair of them have become steadily","Document [10](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Netherlands are changed to Serbian war criminals (albeit confusingly speaking Romanian to each other). Layer Cake (novel) Layer Cake is the debut novel of British author J. J. Connolly, first published in 2000 by Duckworth Press. It was made into a motion picture in 2004 (also called \"Layer Cake\"), directed by Matthew Vaughn and written for the screen by Connolly himself. The book takes place in London in the 1990s and is narrated by an unnamed, 29-year-old drug dealer (\"If you knew my name, you'd be as clever as me\") who plans on leaving the life of crime behind at","Document [11](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) years. The narrator is now living on the northern coast of Venezuela where he runs a bar. It turns out that about six weeks after Temple took the pills, the narrator and Tammy were eating in a restaurant in London when Sydney, Tammy's jilted ex-boyfriend, found them. Sydney shot the narrator multiple times, including in the head. The narrator spent six weeks in a coma and awoke with a steel plate in his head. He is visited in hospital by a mysterious government official, who may work for the police or MI5. The man tells the narrator to abandon the","Document [12](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Layer Cake (novel) Layer Cake is the debut novel of British author J. J. Connolly, first published in 2000 by Duckworth Press. It was made into a motion picture in 2004 (also called \"Layer Cake\"), directed by Matthew Vaughn and written for the screen by Connolly himself. The book takes place in London in the 1990s and is narrated by an unnamed, 29-year-old drug dealer (\"If you knew my name, you'd be as clever as me\") who plans on leaving the life of crime behind at the age of thirty to live life as \"a gentleman of leisure.\" His retirement","Document [13](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) nightmare involving Jimmy Price and awakes to a television news story about the brutal torture and murder of a boatman named Van Tuck. At Trevor's house, Trevor and the narrator are discussing the state of the drugs game when the narrator offhandedly mentions Van Tuck's murder. Trevor flies into a panic and takes the narrator to see Duncan, a local reporter who is friendly with many police officers and feeds Trevor information. On the way, Trevor explains that Van Tuck was a smuggler and he was currently moving several million pounds worth of marijuana into the country for Trevor. Trevor's","Document [14](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) Eddie goes on to explain that Jimmy has been moonlighting as a police informer for a number of years. Eddie plays the narrator a recording in which Jimmy speaks with Albie Carter, a member of the Southeast Regional Crime Squad. Jimmy tells Albie that he wants the narrator to be arrested for possession of drugs, which would result in a 12-year sentence. Jimmy had sent the narrator to a dodgy accountant, and after the narrator is imprisoned, Jimmy was planning to take control of his assets to recover his lost wealth. Eddie drops the narrator off back at the Churchill","Document [15](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) heroin overdose, and one of the crackheads who was living with Kinky believes that Kinky was murdered. The narrator is intrigued to learn that Kinky had turned up at the flat shortly before his death with Charlie and two grand in cash. The crackheads tell them that Charlie has gone to Brighton and the narrator sends Cody after her. The narrator and Morty retire to a caf\u00e9, where they run into Freddy Hurst, a fat and slovenly ex-gangster who is down on his luck. Freddy subtly ridicules Morty and asks for some money. Morty complies, but when Freddy makes another","Document [16](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) hope is that Van Tuck had not yet picked up the shipment, but there is a strong possibility that the police will have confiscated the drugs during their investigation of Van Tuck's murder. Through Duncan, Trevor discovers that the cannabis has been seized by the police and after destroying many of Duncan's possessions in a rage, the action moves back to London. The narrator and Morty receive a call from Cody, telling them that he has located Kinky, Charlie's boyfriend, in a flat in King's Cross. Upon arriving at the flat, the men find that Kinky is dead of a","Document [17](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) the rarified atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.\" Seemingly defeated, the narrator and his colleagues then discover that they have delivered the wrong boxes to Temple. The boxes were actually filled with sex toys and pornography that Morty had been able to sell at Loveland, the sex shop that he owned. The real pills had been shipped back to Amsterdam and to an unknown fate. Clarkie then tells Morty that had Freddie Hurst has died of his injuries, which could cause serious problems for Morty. The story then fast-forwards about three","Document [18](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) hideout to steal back the pills. Cody and his team assault the hideout, posing as armed police. They allow the Yahoos to escape and they \"confiscate\" the pills. Gene and the narrator find the Yahoos in a run-down bar and convince them that the police who raided them were crooked and have taken the pills for themselves. The narrator had previously worked out a deal with Eddie Ryder to give Ryder the pills in return for 2.5 million pounds. Thinking that his job is finally complete, the narrator and his colleagues take the pills to Eddie Temple's bonded warehouse at","Document [19](Title: Layer Cake (novel)) same gun that Gene used to kill Crazy Larry Flynn, a homosexual London gangster who had been friends with both Gene and Morty. Upon producing the recording, the narrator manages to convince Gene and Morty that Jimmy was an informer, and they trust one another again. The narrator now decides to eliminate both of his remaining problems. One, he has to stop Klaus the murderous Nazi and, two, he has to find a way to steal the pills back from the Yahoos. The narrator and Morty contact Shanks in Liverpool and get him to send an assassin down on the","Document [20](Title: Layer Cake (film)) Layer Cake (also occasionally stylised as L4YER CAK\u0190) is a 2004 British crime thriller film directed by Matthew Vaughn, in his directorial debut. The screenplay was adapted by J. J. Connolly from his novel of the same name. The film's plot revolves around a London-based criminal known as XXXX, played by Daniel Craig, working in the trade of cocaine who wishes to leave the drug business. The film also features Tom Hardy, Colm Meaney, and Sienna Miller."],"query":"what is the main character's name in layer cake?","answers":["XXXX","XXXX,","Daniel Craig"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Rio Bravo (film)) Chance's friend Pat Wheeler (Ward Bond) and his wagon train of supplies stop in town, with a young gunslinger, Colorado Ryan (Ricky Nelson), riding guard. Inside the jail, Stumpy (Walter Brennan), Chance's game-legged deputy, keeps watch over the jail and Joe, who knows that Stumpy holds an old grudge against Joe's wealthy and powerful brother. Joe warns his jailers that Nathan Burdette will not like how his brother is being treated.","Document [2](Title: Rio Bravo (film)) by the Nelson Riddle Orchestra, sings a specially composed song, \"Rio Bravo\", written by Tiomkin with lyrics by Paul Francis Webster. Nelson later paid homage to both the film and his character, Colorado, by including the song \"Restless Kid\" on his 1959 LP, \"Ricky Sings Again\". Members of the Western Writers of America chose \"My Rifle, My Pony, and Me\" as one of the Top 100 Western songs of all time. A brief clip from \"Rio Bravo\" was among the archive footage later incorporated into the opening sequence of Wayne's last film, \"The Shootist,\" to illustrate the backstory of Wayne's","Document [3](Title: Laredo Kid) years before leaving the promotion to work on the Mexican Independent circuit. The wrestler that would later be known as Laredo Kid made his professional wrestling debut in 2003, under the name \"Exterminador\". He would often wrestle against his brother \"Oscuridad\" and would work alongside his uncle and trainer Muerte Subita (also known as \"El Hechicero\"). He worked on the Mexican Independent circuit until early 2005. After signing with Asistencia Asesor\u00eda y Administraci\u00f3n (AAA) in 2005 he was repackaged as \"Laredo Kid\", named after his home town of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. Laredo Kid's first notable appearance for AAA was at","Document [4](Title: Mike Rapada) Mike Rapada Michael Rapada (born August 28, 1964) best known as \"The Colorado Kid\" Mike Rapada is an American professional wrestler. Mike Rapada started out in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It took three months, but eventually he convinced Jeff Jarrett to hire him. After Jarrett left for the WWF, Rapada sought out training from the likes of Ken Wayne, Buddy Wayne and others. He also made several appearances on \"WCW Monday Nitro\" as a security guard during his career. In 1994, he was named Rookie of the Year in the United States Wrestling Association promotion out of Memphis. He also had","Document [5](Title: Chris-Pin Martin) Angeles. Chris-Pin Martin Chris-Pin Martin (born Ysabel Ponciana Chris-Pin Martin Paiz, November 19, 1893 \u2013 June 27, 1953) was an American character actor whose specialty lay in portraying comical Mexicans, particularly sidekicks in \"The Cisco Kid\" film series. He acted in over 100 films between 1925 and 1953, including over 50 westerns. Martin was born in Tucson. His roles were as a rotund, roly-poly bumbling or slow comedic character who spoke in broken English. His most remembered western film role was in nine of the \"Cisco Kid\" films playing the Kid's sidekicks Gordito and in the later films Pancho. He","Document [6](Title: Roque Gallart) Roque Gallart Roque Jos\u0117 Gallart Ortiz, (born September 21, 1979), also known as Rocky the Kid, is a Puerto Rican actor and radio and television personality. Gallart was host of a Mega-TV television show named \"Descarao' Por La Noche\". Roque Jos\u00e9 Gallart Ortiz is the son of Roque Jos\u00e9 Gallart, Sr., himself a well-known radio announcer. Roque, Jr. would visit his dad's radio station and stay there until a school bus picked him up as a little kid. Roque, Jr. became interested in radio work during this era in his life. In 1995, at age 16, he was hired by","Document [7](Title: Jack Starrett) Starrett played the Durango Kid in many films. Starrett died from kidney failure in Sherman Oaks, California at the age of 52. At the time of his death he was married to Valerie Starrett. His daughter is Jennifer Starrett, who is also an actress. Jack Starrett Jack Starrett (November 2, 1936 \u2013 March 27, 1989) was an American actor and film director. He is credited as Claude Ennis Starrett Jr. in some of his films. Starrett is perhaps best known for his role as \"Gabby Johnson\", a parody of George \"Gabby\" Hayes, in the 1974 film \"Blazing Saddles\" and is","Document [8](Title: Laredo Kid) Laredo Kid Laredo Kid (born December 30, 1986) is a Mexican \"luchador enmascarado\", or masked professional wrestler. He is best known for his time in Impact Wrestling and Asistencia Asesor\u00eda y Administraci\u00f3n (AAA) from 2005 to 2011. Laredo Kid's real name is not a matter of public record, as is often the case with masked wrestlers in Mexico where their private lives are kept a secret from the wrestling fans. Laredo Kid originally used the ring name The Exterminador but changed it to \"Laredo Kid\" after a year. He signed with AAA in 2005 and worked for them for several","Document [9](Title: Germa\u0301n Legarreta) and Somos Unicos under his belt, at the age of 14, German beat out numerous other young stars for the role of \"Freddy\" in the hit theatrical release, \"Roller Kids\". A role on Telemundo's popular TV series, \"Dame Un Break\", soon followed, and German was recognized as a true teen star. While enjoying his newfound fame in Puerto Rico, he continued to hone his craft under the guidance of several prestigious acting coaches. In 2001, German left Puerto Rico to pursue his dreams in Hollywood. Since arriving, he gave memorable performances in a variety of feature films: \"Chasing Papi\" (2003),","Document [10](Title: Zach Woodlee) in Mesquite. It should be no surprise that he is now pursuing a career in acting. In the past year, he\u2019s made some impressive progress. Woodlee starred in his first commercial, for Pop Rocks, when he was 12 years old. From there, he worked with the Kim Dawson studio in Dallas and won the UIL state competition for his role of Davey in a school play. He Can be seen appearing in Old Navy television ads. Some of his other commercial appearances include ads for Exxon, Sony and Abracat.com. After graduating from Poteet High School in 1995, his parents encouraged","Document [11](Title: South of the Rio Grande) cantina. Dolores Gonzales (Molleri) is abducted and forced to sing in the cantina. When Cisco and Pancho go undercover at the Sanchez hacienda, Sanchez is eventually killed by Cisco and the town is rid of the corruption. The film was preceded by the April 3 release of \"The Cisco Kid Returns\", which revealed Cisco's name to be Juan Francisco Hernandez, and \"In Old New Mexico\" on May 15, with Cisco's name changed to Juan Carlos Francisco Antonio. South of the Rio Grande South of the Rio Grande is a 1945 American western film. Released on September 15, it was the","Document [12](Title: Nacho Galindo (actor)) Nacho Galindo (actor) Nacho Galindo (November 7, 1908 \u2013 June 22, 1973) was a Mexican-American film and television actor who lived and worked in the Los Angeles area for most of his life. Between 1941 and 1970 he had small, often unbilled roles in 71 feature films and at least 60 TV episodes. His most prominent film role was that of the Cisco Kid's third-billed sidekick, \"Baby\", in 1946's \"The Gay Cavalier\", the first of poverty row Monogram's entries in the series, which starred Gilbert Roland as The Cisco Kid. Born Ignacio Galindo in Mexico's fourth-largest municipality, Guadalajara, he emigrated","Document [13](Title: The Cisco Kid Returns) the Rio Grande\" on September 15 falling back to Cisco's name being Juan Francisco Hernandez. Martin Garralaga appears in both as Pancho. The Cisco Kid Returns The Cisco Kid Returns is a 1945 American western drama film. Released on April 3, 1945, it was the first of three Cisco Kid films made that year with Duncan Renaldo as Cisco and Martin Garralaga as Pancho. In this release, Cisco's real name is Juan Francisco Hernandez. Cisco must clear himself of murder charges, while preventing his girlfriend Rosita (Callejo) from eloping with his rival John Harris (Pryor). The film was followed by","Document [14](Title: Kirk Harris) Kirk Harris Award winning actor-filmmaker, Kirk Harris has been the lead actor in several films that have had arthouse theatrical releases in the U.S. He starred in the 2013 western thriller \"A Sierra Nevada Gunfight\" (originally titled \"The Sorrow\") by director Vernon Mortensen. The film was shot in the mountains of Eastern San Diego county. The film was written by Mortensen and Johnny Harrington. He also starred in \"The Kid: Chamaco\", which was shot in Mexico City by Mexican director\/producer Miguel Necoechea. The film was written by Harris, Necoechea and Canadian filmmaker Carl Bessai. A former amateur boxer, Harris played","Document [15](Title: Jose Pablo Cantillo) Jose Pablo Cantillo Jose Pablo Cantillo (born March 30, 1979), is an American actor. He is best known for playing Ricky Verona in \"Crank\", Hector Salazar in FX's \"Sons of Anarchy\", and Caesar Martinez in AMC's \"The Walking Dead\". The son of Costa Rican parents, Roberto Cantillo and Rita Bola\u00f1os, Jose Pablo Cantillo (known as \"Joey\" in his high school days ) was born in Marshfield, Wisconsin. He grew up in Terre Haute, Indiana and attended Terre Haute South Vigo High School, where he was a tennis standout for all four years, leading the Terre Haute South Braves to a","Document [16](Title: Diego Gutie\u0301rrez Cha\u0301vez) a two-year contract for the Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC. Diego Guti\u00e9rrez Ch\u00e1vez Diego Gutierrez (born October 24, 1993) is a Mexican born soccer player who plays as a defender and defensive midfielder for Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC in the United Soccer League. Diego was born in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico but moved to the United States at the age of 12. He attended Frisco Centennial High School and played collegiate Division 1 soccer for Houston Baptist University. Gutierrez signed for his hometown club Club Le\u00f3n in December 2015. After a 6-month spell, he transferred to Inter Playa del Carmen where he","Document [17](Title: Laredo Kid) team tournmanent for the Impact Wrestling world tag team championships. Laredo Kid Laredo Kid (born December 30, 1986) is a Mexican \"luchador enmascarado\", or masked professional wrestler. He is best known for his time in Impact Wrestling and Asistencia Asesor\u00eda y Administraci\u00f3n (AAA) from 2005 to 2011. Laredo Kid's real name is not a matter of public record, as is often the case with masked wrestlers in Mexico where their private lives are kept a secret from the wrestling fans. Laredo Kid originally used the ring name The Exterminador but changed it to \"Laredo Kid\" after a year. He signed","Document [18](Title: South of the Rio Grande) South of the Rio Grande South of the Rio Grande is a 1945 American western film. Released on September 15, it was the third of three Cisco Kid films made that year with Duncan Renaldo as Cisco and Martin Garralaga as Pancho. Unusual as a Cisco Kid film, this one is a quasi-musical and opens with Cisco serenading a girlfriend. The Guadalajara Trio are featured as themselves. In this release, Cisco's real name is Juan Francisco Hernandez. Bandits Cisco and Pancho travel to a Mexican town to battle corrupt official Miguel Sanchez (Lewis) whose girlfriend Pepita (Armida) sings at a","Document [19](Title: Estelita Rodriguez) Estelita Rodriguez Estelita Rodriguez (July 2, 1928 \u2013 March 12, 1966) was a Cuban actress best known for her roles in many Roy Rogers Republic westerns, and her role in Howard Hawks' western classic \"Rio Bravo\". Rodriguez's career began in 1942 when she won a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer at the age of 14. She continued to go to MGM school in preparation to make a movie. However, MGM dropped her at the last minute, and Rodriguez traveled back to New York until 1945 when she signed a five-picture deal with Republic. The studio that same year cast her in her","Document [20](Title: Laredo Kid) 13 competitors in a \"Domo De La Muerte\" (Dome of Death) match to determine the competitors in a tournament to crown the first ever AAA Cruiserweight Champion. Laredo Kid defeated Super Fly in the first round but lost to Alan Stone in the semi-final. On April 7, 2015, Laredo Kid wrestled a tryout match for WWE, which he worked unmasked under the ring name Tony Guevara. Teaming with Sammy Guevara, the two were defeated by Los Matadores. On the March 30, 2017 episode of Impact Wrestling, Laredo Kid made his debut. He teamed up with Garza Jr. in a tag"],"query":"who played the colorado kid in rio bravo?","answers":["Ricky Nelson"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Rio Bravo (film)) by the Nelson Riddle Orchestra, sings a specially composed song, \"Rio Bravo\", written by Tiomkin with lyrics by Paul Francis Webster. Nelson later paid homage to both the film and his character, Colorado, by including the song \"Restless Kid\" on his 1959 LP, \"Ricky Sings Again\". Members of the Western Writers of America chose \"My Rifle, My Pony, and Me\" as one of the Top 100 Western songs of all time. A brief clip from \"Rio Bravo\" was among the archive footage later incorporated into the opening sequence of Wayne's last film, \"The Shootist,\" to illustrate the backstory of Wayne's","Document [2](Title: Laredo Kid) years before leaving the promotion to work on the Mexican Independent circuit. The wrestler that would later be known as Laredo Kid made his professional wrestling debut in 2003, under the name \"Exterminador\". He would often wrestle against his brother \"Oscuridad\" and would work alongside his uncle and trainer Muerte Subita (also known as \"El Hechicero\"). He worked on the Mexican Independent circuit until early 2005. After signing with Asistencia Asesor\u00eda y Administraci\u00f3n (AAA) in 2005 he was repackaged as \"Laredo Kid\", named after his home town of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. Laredo Kid's first notable appearance for AAA was at","Document [3](Title: Mike Rapada) Mike Rapada Michael Rapada (born August 28, 1964) best known as \"The Colorado Kid\" Mike Rapada is an American professional wrestler. Mike Rapada started out in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It took three months, but eventually he convinced Jeff Jarrett to hire him. After Jarrett left for the WWF, Rapada sought out training from the likes of Ken Wayne, Buddy Wayne and others. He also made several appearances on \"WCW Monday Nitro\" as a security guard during his career. In 1994, he was named Rookie of the Year in the United States Wrestling Association promotion out of Memphis. He also had","Document [4](Title: Chris-Pin Martin) Angeles. Chris-Pin Martin Chris-Pin Martin (born Ysabel Ponciana Chris-Pin Martin Paiz, November 19, 1893 \u2013 June 27, 1953) was an American character actor whose specialty lay in portraying comical Mexicans, particularly sidekicks in \"The Cisco Kid\" film series. He acted in over 100 films between 1925 and 1953, including over 50 westerns. Martin was born in Tucson. His roles were as a rotund, roly-poly bumbling or slow comedic character who spoke in broken English. His most remembered western film role was in nine of the \"Cisco Kid\" films playing the Kid's sidekicks Gordito and in the later films Pancho. He","Document [5](Title: Rio Bravo (film)) Chance's friend Pat Wheeler (Ward Bond) and his wagon train of supplies stop in town, with a young gunslinger, Colorado Ryan (Ricky Nelson), riding guard. Inside the jail, Stumpy (Walter Brennan), Chance's game-legged deputy, keeps watch over the jail and Joe, who knows that Stumpy holds an old grudge against Joe's wealthy and powerful brother. Joe warns his jailers that Nathan Burdette will not like how his brother is being treated.","Document [6](Title: Roque Gallart) Roque Gallart Roque Jos\u0117 Gallart Ortiz, (born September 21, 1979), also known as Rocky the Kid, is a Puerto Rican actor and radio and television personality. Gallart was host of a Mega-TV television show named \"Descarao' Por La Noche\". Roque Jos\u00e9 Gallart Ortiz is the son of Roque Jos\u00e9 Gallart, Sr., himself a well-known radio announcer. Roque, Jr. would visit his dad's radio station and stay there until a school bus picked him up as a little kid. Roque, Jr. became interested in radio work during this era in his life. In 1995, at age 16, he was hired by","Document [7](Title: Jack Starrett) Starrett played the Durango Kid in many films. Starrett died from kidney failure in Sherman Oaks, California at the age of 52. At the time of his death he was married to Valerie Starrett. His daughter is Jennifer Starrett, who is also an actress. Jack Starrett Jack Starrett (November 2, 1936 \u2013 March 27, 1989) was an American actor and film director. He is credited as Claude Ennis Starrett Jr. in some of his films. Starrett is perhaps best known for his role as \"Gabby Johnson\", a parody of George \"Gabby\" Hayes, in the 1974 film \"Blazing Saddles\" and is","Document [8](Title: Laredo Kid) Laredo Kid Laredo Kid (born December 30, 1986) is a Mexican \"luchador enmascarado\", or masked professional wrestler. He is best known for his time in Impact Wrestling and Asistencia Asesor\u00eda y Administraci\u00f3n (AAA) from 2005 to 2011. Laredo Kid's real name is not a matter of public record, as is often the case with masked wrestlers in Mexico where their private lives are kept a secret from the wrestling fans. Laredo Kid originally used the ring name The Exterminador but changed it to \"Laredo Kid\" after a year. He signed with AAA in 2005 and worked for them for several","Document [9](Title: Germa\u0301n Legarreta) and Somos Unicos under his belt, at the age of 14, German beat out numerous other young stars for the role of \"Freddy\" in the hit theatrical release, \"Roller Kids\". A role on Telemundo's popular TV series, \"Dame Un Break\", soon followed, and German was recognized as a true teen star. While enjoying his newfound fame in Puerto Rico, he continued to hone his craft under the guidance of several prestigious acting coaches. In 2001, German left Puerto Rico to pursue his dreams in Hollywood. Since arriving, he gave memorable performances in a variety of feature films: \"Chasing Papi\" (2003),","Document [10](Title: Zach Woodlee) in Mesquite. It should be no surprise that he is now pursuing a career in acting. In the past year, he\u2019s made some impressive progress. Woodlee starred in his first commercial, for Pop Rocks, when he was 12 years old. From there, he worked with the Kim Dawson studio in Dallas and won the UIL state competition for his role of Davey in a school play. He Can be seen appearing in Old Navy television ads. Some of his other commercial appearances include ads for Exxon, Sony and Abracat.com. After graduating from Poteet High School in 1995, his parents encouraged","Document [11](Title: South of the Rio Grande) cantina. Dolores Gonzales (Molleri) is abducted and forced to sing in the cantina. When Cisco and Pancho go undercover at the Sanchez hacienda, Sanchez is eventually killed by Cisco and the town is rid of the corruption. The film was preceded by the April 3 release of \"The Cisco Kid Returns\", which revealed Cisco's name to be Juan Francisco Hernandez, and \"In Old New Mexico\" on May 15, with Cisco's name changed to Juan Carlos Francisco Antonio. South of the Rio Grande South of the Rio Grande is a 1945 American western film. Released on September 15, it was the","Document [12](Title: Nacho Galindo (actor)) Nacho Galindo (actor) Nacho Galindo (November 7, 1908 \u2013 June 22, 1973) was a Mexican-American film and television actor who lived and worked in the Los Angeles area for most of his life. Between 1941 and 1970 he had small, often unbilled roles in 71 feature films and at least 60 TV episodes. His most prominent film role was that of the Cisco Kid's third-billed sidekick, \"Baby\", in 1946's \"The Gay Cavalier\", the first of poverty row Monogram's entries in the series, which starred Gilbert Roland as The Cisco Kid. Born Ignacio Galindo in Mexico's fourth-largest municipality, Guadalajara, he emigrated","Document [13](Title: The Cisco Kid Returns) the Rio Grande\" on September 15 falling back to Cisco's name being Juan Francisco Hernandez. Martin Garralaga appears in both as Pancho. The Cisco Kid Returns The Cisco Kid Returns is a 1945 American western drama film. Released on April 3, 1945, it was the first of three Cisco Kid films made that year with Duncan Renaldo as Cisco and Martin Garralaga as Pancho. In this release, Cisco's real name is Juan Francisco Hernandez. Cisco must clear himself of murder charges, while preventing his girlfriend Rosita (Callejo) from eloping with his rival John Harris (Pryor). The film was followed by","Document [14](Title: Kirk Harris) Kirk Harris Award winning actor-filmmaker, Kirk Harris has been the lead actor in several films that have had arthouse theatrical releases in the U.S. He starred in the 2013 western thriller \"A Sierra Nevada Gunfight\" (originally titled \"The Sorrow\") by director Vernon Mortensen. The film was shot in the mountains of Eastern San Diego county. The film was written by Mortensen and Johnny Harrington. He also starred in \"The Kid: Chamaco\", which was shot in Mexico City by Mexican director\/producer Miguel Necoechea. The film was written by Harris, Necoechea and Canadian filmmaker Carl Bessai. A former amateur boxer, Harris played","Document [15](Title: Jose Pablo Cantillo) Jose Pablo Cantillo Jose Pablo Cantillo (born March 30, 1979), is an American actor. He is best known for playing Ricky Verona in \"Crank\", Hector Salazar in FX's \"Sons of Anarchy\", and Caesar Martinez in AMC's \"The Walking Dead\". The son of Costa Rican parents, Roberto Cantillo and Rita Bola\u00f1os, Jose Pablo Cantillo (known as \"Joey\" in his high school days ) was born in Marshfield, Wisconsin. He grew up in Terre Haute, Indiana and attended Terre Haute South Vigo High School, where he was a tennis standout for all four years, leading the Terre Haute South Braves to a","Document [16](Title: Diego Gutie\u0301rrez Cha\u0301vez) a two-year contract for the Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC. Diego Guti\u00e9rrez Ch\u00e1vez Diego Gutierrez (born October 24, 1993) is a Mexican born soccer player who plays as a defender and defensive midfielder for Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC in the United Soccer League. Diego was born in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico but moved to the United States at the age of 12. He attended Frisco Centennial High School and played collegiate Division 1 soccer for Houston Baptist University. Gutierrez signed for his hometown club Club Le\u00f3n in December 2015. After a 6-month spell, he transferred to Inter Playa del Carmen where he","Document [17](Title: Laredo Kid) team tournmanent for the Impact Wrestling world tag team championships. Laredo Kid Laredo Kid (born December 30, 1986) is a Mexican \"luchador enmascarado\", or masked professional wrestler. He is best known for his time in Impact Wrestling and Asistencia Asesor\u00eda y Administraci\u00f3n (AAA) from 2005 to 2011. Laredo Kid's real name is not a matter of public record, as is often the case with masked wrestlers in Mexico where their private lives are kept a secret from the wrestling fans. Laredo Kid originally used the ring name The Exterminador but changed it to \"Laredo Kid\" after a year. He signed","Document [18](Title: South of the Rio Grande) South of the Rio Grande South of the Rio Grande is a 1945 American western film. Released on September 15, it was the third of three Cisco Kid films made that year with Duncan Renaldo as Cisco and Martin Garralaga as Pancho. Unusual as a Cisco Kid film, this one is a quasi-musical and opens with Cisco serenading a girlfriend. The Guadalajara Trio are featured as themselves. In this release, Cisco's real name is Juan Francisco Hernandez. Bandits Cisco and Pancho travel to a Mexican town to battle corrupt official Miguel Sanchez (Lewis) whose girlfriend Pepita (Armida) sings at a","Document [19](Title: Estelita Rodriguez) Estelita Rodriguez Estelita Rodriguez (July 2, 1928 \u2013 March 12, 1966) was a Cuban actress best known for her roles in many Roy Rogers Republic westerns, and her role in Howard Hawks' western classic \"Rio Bravo\". Rodriguez's career began in 1942 when she won a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer at the age of 14. She continued to go to MGM school in preparation to make a movie. However, MGM dropped her at the last minute, and Rodriguez traveled back to New York until 1945 when she signed a five-picture deal with Republic. The studio that same year cast her in her","Document [20](Title: Laredo Kid) 13 competitors in a \"Domo De La Muerte\" (Dome of Death) match to determine the competitors in a tournament to crown the first ever AAA Cruiserweight Champion. Laredo Kid defeated Super Fly in the first round but lost to Alan Stone in the semi-final. On April 7, 2015, Laredo Kid wrestled a tryout match for WWE, which he worked unmasked under the ring name Tony Guevara. Teaming with Sammy Guevara, the two were defeated by Los Matadores. On the March 30, 2017 episode of Impact Wrestling, Laredo Kid made his debut. He teamed up with Garza Jr. in a tag"],"query":"who played the colorado kid in rio bravo?","answers":["Ricky Nelson"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Rio Bravo (film)) by the Nelson Riddle Orchestra, sings a specially composed song, \"Rio Bravo\", written by Tiomkin with lyrics by Paul Francis Webster. Nelson later paid homage to both the film and his character, Colorado, by including the song \"Restless Kid\" on his 1959 LP, \"Ricky Sings Again\". Members of the Western Writers of America chose \"My Rifle, My Pony, and Me\" as one of the Top 100 Western songs of all time. A brief clip from \"Rio Bravo\" was among the archive footage later incorporated into the opening sequence of Wayne's last film, \"The Shootist,\" to illustrate the backstory of Wayne's","Document [2](Title: Laredo Kid) years before leaving the promotion to work on the Mexican Independent circuit. The wrestler that would later be known as Laredo Kid made his professional wrestling debut in 2003, under the name \"Exterminador\". He would often wrestle against his brother \"Oscuridad\" and would work alongside his uncle and trainer Muerte Subita (also known as \"El Hechicero\"). He worked on the Mexican Independent circuit until early 2005. After signing with Asistencia Asesor\u00eda y Administraci\u00f3n (AAA) in 2005 he was repackaged as \"Laredo Kid\", named after his home town of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. Laredo Kid's first notable appearance for AAA was at","Document [3](Title: Mike Rapada) Mike Rapada Michael Rapada (born August 28, 1964) best known as \"The Colorado Kid\" Mike Rapada is an American professional wrestler. Mike Rapada started out in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It took three months, but eventually he convinced Jeff Jarrett to hire him. After Jarrett left for the WWF, Rapada sought out training from the likes of Ken Wayne, Buddy Wayne and others. He also made several appearances on \"WCW Monday Nitro\" as a security guard during his career. In 1994, he was named Rookie of the Year in the United States Wrestling Association promotion out of Memphis. He also had","Document [4](Title: Chris-Pin Martin) Angeles. Chris-Pin Martin Chris-Pin Martin (born Ysabel Ponciana Chris-Pin Martin Paiz, November 19, 1893 \u2013 June 27, 1953) was an American character actor whose specialty lay in portraying comical Mexicans, particularly sidekicks in \"The Cisco Kid\" film series. He acted in over 100 films between 1925 and 1953, including over 50 westerns. Martin was born in Tucson. His roles were as a rotund, roly-poly bumbling or slow comedic character who spoke in broken English. His most remembered western film role was in nine of the \"Cisco Kid\" films playing the Kid's sidekicks Gordito and in the later films Pancho. He","Document [5](Title: Roque Gallart) Roque Gallart Roque Jos\u0117 Gallart Ortiz, (born September 21, 1979), also known as Rocky the Kid, is a Puerto Rican actor and radio and television personality. Gallart was host of a Mega-TV television show named \"Descarao' Por La Noche\". Roque Jos\u00e9 Gallart Ortiz is the son of Roque Jos\u00e9 Gallart, Sr., himself a well-known radio announcer. Roque, Jr. would visit his dad's radio station and stay there until a school bus picked him up as a little kid. Roque, Jr. became interested in radio work during this era in his life. In 1995, at age 16, he was hired by","Document [6](Title: Jack Starrett) Starrett played the Durango Kid in many films. Starrett died from kidney failure in Sherman Oaks, California at the age of 52. At the time of his death he was married to Valerie Starrett. His daughter is Jennifer Starrett, who is also an actress. Jack Starrett Jack Starrett (November 2, 1936 \u2013 March 27, 1989) was an American actor and film director. He is credited as Claude Ennis Starrett Jr. in some of his films. Starrett is perhaps best known for his role as \"Gabby Johnson\", a parody of George \"Gabby\" Hayes, in the 1974 film \"Blazing Saddles\" and is","Document [7](Title: Laredo Kid) Laredo Kid Laredo Kid (born December 30, 1986) is a Mexican \"luchador enmascarado\", or masked professional wrestler. He is best known for his time in Impact Wrestling and Asistencia Asesor\u00eda y Administraci\u00f3n (AAA) from 2005 to 2011. Laredo Kid's real name is not a matter of public record, as is often the case with masked wrestlers in Mexico where their private lives are kept a secret from the wrestling fans. Laredo Kid originally used the ring name The Exterminador but changed it to \"Laredo Kid\" after a year. He signed with AAA in 2005 and worked for them for several","Document [8](Title: Germa\u0301n Legarreta) and Somos Unicos under his belt, at the age of 14, German beat out numerous other young stars for the role of \"Freddy\" in the hit theatrical release, \"Roller Kids\". A role on Telemundo's popular TV series, \"Dame Un Break\", soon followed, and German was recognized as a true teen star. While enjoying his newfound fame in Puerto Rico, he continued to hone his craft under the guidance of several prestigious acting coaches. In 2001, German left Puerto Rico to pursue his dreams in Hollywood. Since arriving, he gave memorable performances in a variety of feature films: \"Chasing Papi\" (2003),","Document [9](Title: Zach Woodlee) in Mesquite. It should be no surprise that he is now pursuing a career in acting. In the past year, he\u2019s made some impressive progress. Woodlee starred in his first commercial, for Pop Rocks, when he was 12 years old. From there, he worked with the Kim Dawson studio in Dallas and won the UIL state competition for his role of Davey in a school play. He Can be seen appearing in Old Navy television ads. Some of his other commercial appearances include ads for Exxon, Sony and Abracat.com. After graduating from Poteet High School in 1995, his parents encouraged","Document [10](Title: Rio Bravo (film)) Chance's friend Pat Wheeler (Ward Bond) and his wagon train of supplies stop in town, with a young gunslinger, Colorado Ryan (Ricky Nelson), riding guard. Inside the jail, Stumpy (Walter Brennan), Chance's game-legged deputy, keeps watch over the jail and Joe, who knows that Stumpy holds an old grudge against Joe's wealthy and powerful brother. Joe warns his jailers that Nathan Burdette will not like how his brother is being treated.","Document [11](Title: South of the Rio Grande) cantina. Dolores Gonzales (Molleri) is abducted and forced to sing in the cantina. When Cisco and Pancho go undercover at the Sanchez hacienda, Sanchez is eventually killed by Cisco and the town is rid of the corruption. The film was preceded by the April 3 release of \"The Cisco Kid Returns\", which revealed Cisco's name to be Juan Francisco Hernandez, and \"In Old New Mexico\" on May 15, with Cisco's name changed to Juan Carlos Francisco Antonio. South of the Rio Grande South of the Rio Grande is a 1945 American western film. Released on September 15, it was the","Document [12](Title: Nacho Galindo (actor)) Nacho Galindo (actor) Nacho Galindo (November 7, 1908 \u2013 June 22, 1973) was a Mexican-American film and television actor who lived and worked in the Los Angeles area for most of his life. Between 1941 and 1970 he had small, often unbilled roles in 71 feature films and at least 60 TV episodes. His most prominent film role was that of the Cisco Kid's third-billed sidekick, \"Baby\", in 1946's \"The Gay Cavalier\", the first of poverty row Monogram's entries in the series, which starred Gilbert Roland as The Cisco Kid. Born Ignacio Galindo in Mexico's fourth-largest municipality, Guadalajara, he emigrated","Document [13](Title: The Cisco Kid Returns) the Rio Grande\" on September 15 falling back to Cisco's name being Juan Francisco Hernandez. Martin Garralaga appears in both as Pancho. The Cisco Kid Returns The Cisco Kid Returns is a 1945 American western drama film. Released on April 3, 1945, it was the first of three Cisco Kid films made that year with Duncan Renaldo as Cisco and Martin Garralaga as Pancho. In this release, Cisco's real name is Juan Francisco Hernandez. Cisco must clear himself of murder charges, while preventing his girlfriend Rosita (Callejo) from eloping with his rival John Harris (Pryor). The film was followed by","Document [14](Title: Kirk Harris) Kirk Harris Award winning actor-filmmaker, Kirk Harris has been the lead actor in several films that have had arthouse theatrical releases in the U.S. He starred in the 2013 western thriller \"A Sierra Nevada Gunfight\" (originally titled \"The Sorrow\") by director Vernon Mortensen. The film was shot in the mountains of Eastern San Diego county. The film was written by Mortensen and Johnny Harrington. He also starred in \"The Kid: Chamaco\", which was shot in Mexico City by Mexican director\/producer Miguel Necoechea. The film was written by Harris, Necoechea and Canadian filmmaker Carl Bessai. A former amateur boxer, Harris played","Document [15](Title: Jose Pablo Cantillo) Jose Pablo Cantillo Jose Pablo Cantillo (born March 30, 1979), is an American actor. He is best known for playing Ricky Verona in \"Crank\", Hector Salazar in FX's \"Sons of Anarchy\", and Caesar Martinez in AMC's \"The Walking Dead\". The son of Costa Rican parents, Roberto Cantillo and Rita Bola\u00f1os, Jose Pablo Cantillo (known as \"Joey\" in his high school days ) was born in Marshfield, Wisconsin. He grew up in Terre Haute, Indiana and attended Terre Haute South Vigo High School, where he was a tennis standout for all four years, leading the Terre Haute South Braves to a","Document [16](Title: Diego Gutie\u0301rrez Cha\u0301vez) a two-year contract for the Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC. Diego Guti\u00e9rrez Ch\u00e1vez Diego Gutierrez (born October 24, 1993) is a Mexican born soccer player who plays as a defender and defensive midfielder for Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC in the United Soccer League. Diego was born in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico but moved to the United States at the age of 12. He attended Frisco Centennial High School and played collegiate Division 1 soccer for Houston Baptist University. Gutierrez signed for his hometown club Club Le\u00f3n in December 2015. After a 6-month spell, he transferred to Inter Playa del Carmen where he","Document [17](Title: Laredo Kid) team tournmanent for the Impact Wrestling world tag team championships. Laredo Kid Laredo Kid (born December 30, 1986) is a Mexican \"luchador enmascarado\", or masked professional wrestler. He is best known for his time in Impact Wrestling and Asistencia Asesor\u00eda y Administraci\u00f3n (AAA) from 2005 to 2011. Laredo Kid's real name is not a matter of public record, as is often the case with masked wrestlers in Mexico where their private lives are kept a secret from the wrestling fans. Laredo Kid originally used the ring name The Exterminador but changed it to \"Laredo Kid\" after a year. He signed","Document [18](Title: South of the Rio Grande) South of the Rio Grande South of the Rio Grande is a 1945 American western film. Released on September 15, it was the third of three Cisco Kid films made that year with Duncan Renaldo as Cisco and Martin Garralaga as Pancho. Unusual as a Cisco Kid film, this one is a quasi-musical and opens with Cisco serenading a girlfriend. The Guadalajara Trio are featured as themselves. In this release, Cisco's real name is Juan Francisco Hernandez. Bandits Cisco and Pancho travel to a Mexican town to battle corrupt official Miguel Sanchez (Lewis) whose girlfriend Pepita (Armida) sings at a","Document [19](Title: Estelita Rodriguez) Estelita Rodriguez Estelita Rodriguez (July 2, 1928 \u2013 March 12, 1966) was a Cuban actress best known for her roles in many Roy Rogers Republic westerns, and her role in Howard Hawks' western classic \"Rio Bravo\". Rodriguez's career began in 1942 when she won a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer at the age of 14. She continued to go to MGM school in preparation to make a movie. However, MGM dropped her at the last minute, and Rodriguez traveled back to New York until 1945 when she signed a five-picture deal with Republic. The studio that same year cast her in her","Document [20](Title: Laredo Kid) 13 competitors in a \"Domo De La Muerte\" (Dome of Death) match to determine the competitors in a tournament to crown the first ever AAA Cruiserweight Champion. Laredo Kid defeated Super Fly in the first round but lost to Alan Stone in the semi-final. On April 7, 2015, Laredo Kid wrestled a tryout match for WWE, which he worked unmasked under the ring name Tony Guevara. Teaming with Sammy Guevara, the two were defeated by Los Matadores. On the March 30, 2017 episode of Impact Wrestling, Laredo Kid made his debut. He teamed up with Garza Jr. in a tag"],"query":"who played the colorado kid in rio bravo?","answers":["Ricky Nelson"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Rio Bravo (film)) by the Nelson Riddle Orchestra, sings a specially composed song, \"Rio Bravo\", written by Tiomkin with lyrics by Paul Francis Webster. Nelson later paid homage to both the film and his character, Colorado, by including the song \"Restless Kid\" on his 1959 LP, \"Ricky Sings Again\". Members of the Western Writers of America chose \"My Rifle, My Pony, and Me\" as one of the Top 100 Western songs of all time. A brief clip from \"Rio Bravo\" was among the archive footage later incorporated into the opening sequence of Wayne's last film, \"The Shootist,\" to illustrate the backstory of Wayne's","Document [2](Title: Laredo Kid) years before leaving the promotion to work on the Mexican Independent circuit. The wrestler that would later be known as Laredo Kid made his professional wrestling debut in 2003, under the name \"Exterminador\". He would often wrestle against his brother \"Oscuridad\" and would work alongside his uncle and trainer Muerte Subita (also known as \"El Hechicero\"). He worked on the Mexican Independent circuit until early 2005. After signing with Asistencia Asesor\u00eda y Administraci\u00f3n (AAA) in 2005 he was repackaged as \"Laredo Kid\", named after his home town of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. Laredo Kid's first notable appearance for AAA was at","Document [3](Title: Mike Rapada) Mike Rapada Michael Rapada (born August 28, 1964) best known as \"The Colorado Kid\" Mike Rapada is an American professional wrestler. Mike Rapada started out in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It took three months, but eventually he convinced Jeff Jarrett to hire him. After Jarrett left for the WWF, Rapada sought out training from the likes of Ken Wayne, Buddy Wayne and others. He also made several appearances on \"WCW Monday Nitro\" as a security guard during his career. In 1994, he was named Rookie of the Year in the United States Wrestling Association promotion out of Memphis. He also had","Document [4](Title: Chris-Pin Martin) Angeles. Chris-Pin Martin Chris-Pin Martin (born Ysabel Ponciana Chris-Pin Martin Paiz, November 19, 1893 \u2013 June 27, 1953) was an American character actor whose specialty lay in portraying comical Mexicans, particularly sidekicks in \"The Cisco Kid\" film series. He acted in over 100 films between 1925 and 1953, including over 50 westerns. Martin was born in Tucson. His roles were as a rotund, roly-poly bumbling or slow comedic character who spoke in broken English. His most remembered western film role was in nine of the \"Cisco Kid\" films playing the Kid's sidekicks Gordito and in the later films Pancho. He","Document [5](Title: Roque Gallart) Roque Gallart Roque Jos\u0117 Gallart Ortiz, (born September 21, 1979), also known as Rocky the Kid, is a Puerto Rican actor and radio and television personality. Gallart was host of a Mega-TV television show named \"Descarao' Por La Noche\". Roque Jos\u00e9 Gallart Ortiz is the son of Roque Jos\u00e9 Gallart, Sr., himself a well-known radio announcer. Roque, Jr. would visit his dad's radio station and stay there until a school bus picked him up as a little kid. Roque, Jr. became interested in radio work during this era in his life. In 1995, at age 16, he was hired by","Document [6](Title: Jack Starrett) Starrett played the Durango Kid in many films. Starrett died from kidney failure in Sherman Oaks, California at the age of 52. At the time of his death he was married to Valerie Starrett. His daughter is Jennifer Starrett, who is also an actress. Jack Starrett Jack Starrett (November 2, 1936 \u2013 March 27, 1989) was an American actor and film director. He is credited as Claude Ennis Starrett Jr. in some of his films. Starrett is perhaps best known for his role as \"Gabby Johnson\", a parody of George \"Gabby\" Hayes, in the 1974 film \"Blazing Saddles\" and is","Document [7](Title: Laredo Kid) Laredo Kid Laredo Kid (born December 30, 1986) is a Mexican \"luchador enmascarado\", or masked professional wrestler. He is best known for his time in Impact Wrestling and Asistencia Asesor\u00eda y Administraci\u00f3n (AAA) from 2005 to 2011. Laredo Kid's real name is not a matter of public record, as is often the case with masked wrestlers in Mexico where their private lives are kept a secret from the wrestling fans. Laredo Kid originally used the ring name The Exterminador but changed it to \"Laredo Kid\" after a year. He signed with AAA in 2005 and worked for them for several","Document [8](Title: Germa\u0301n Legarreta) and Somos Unicos under his belt, at the age of 14, German beat out numerous other young stars for the role of \"Freddy\" in the hit theatrical release, \"Roller Kids\". A role on Telemundo's popular TV series, \"Dame Un Break\", soon followed, and German was recognized as a true teen star. While enjoying his newfound fame in Puerto Rico, he continued to hone his craft under the guidance of several prestigious acting coaches. In 2001, German left Puerto Rico to pursue his dreams in Hollywood. Since arriving, he gave memorable performances in a variety of feature films: \"Chasing Papi\" (2003),","Document [9](Title: Zach Woodlee) in Mesquite. It should be no surprise that he is now pursuing a career in acting. In the past year, he\u2019s made some impressive progress. Woodlee starred in his first commercial, for Pop Rocks, when he was 12 years old. From there, he worked with the Kim Dawson studio in Dallas and won the UIL state competition for his role of Davey in a school play. He Can be seen appearing in Old Navy television ads. Some of his other commercial appearances include ads for Exxon, Sony and Abracat.com. After graduating from Poteet High School in 1995, his parents encouraged","Document [10](Title: South of the Rio Grande) cantina. Dolores Gonzales (Molleri) is abducted and forced to sing in the cantina. When Cisco and Pancho go undercover at the Sanchez hacienda, Sanchez is eventually killed by Cisco and the town is rid of the corruption. The film was preceded by the April 3 release of \"The Cisco Kid Returns\", which revealed Cisco's name to be Juan Francisco Hernandez, and \"In Old New Mexico\" on May 15, with Cisco's name changed to Juan Carlos Francisco Antonio. South of the Rio Grande South of the Rio Grande is a 1945 American western film. Released on September 15, it was the","Document [11](Title: Nacho Galindo (actor)) Nacho Galindo (actor) Nacho Galindo (November 7, 1908 \u2013 June 22, 1973) was a Mexican-American film and television actor who lived and worked in the Los Angeles area for most of his life. Between 1941 and 1970 he had small, often unbilled roles in 71 feature films and at least 60 TV episodes. His most prominent film role was that of the Cisco Kid's third-billed sidekick, \"Baby\", in 1946's \"The Gay Cavalier\", the first of poverty row Monogram's entries in the series, which starred Gilbert Roland as The Cisco Kid. Born Ignacio Galindo in Mexico's fourth-largest municipality, Guadalajara, he emigrated","Document [12](Title: The Cisco Kid Returns) the Rio Grande\" on September 15 falling back to Cisco's name being Juan Francisco Hernandez. Martin Garralaga appears in both as Pancho. The Cisco Kid Returns The Cisco Kid Returns is a 1945 American western drama film. Released on April 3, 1945, it was the first of three Cisco Kid films made that year with Duncan Renaldo as Cisco and Martin Garralaga as Pancho. In this release, Cisco's real name is Juan Francisco Hernandez. Cisco must clear himself of murder charges, while preventing his girlfriend Rosita (Callejo) from eloping with his rival John Harris (Pryor). The film was followed by","Document [13](Title: Kirk Harris) Kirk Harris Award winning actor-filmmaker, Kirk Harris has been the lead actor in several films that have had arthouse theatrical releases in the U.S. He starred in the 2013 western thriller \"A Sierra Nevada Gunfight\" (originally titled \"The Sorrow\") by director Vernon Mortensen. The film was shot in the mountains of Eastern San Diego county. The film was written by Mortensen and Johnny Harrington. He also starred in \"The Kid: Chamaco\", which was shot in Mexico City by Mexican director\/producer Miguel Necoechea. The film was written by Harris, Necoechea and Canadian filmmaker Carl Bessai. A former amateur boxer, Harris played","Document [14](Title: Jose Pablo Cantillo) Jose Pablo Cantillo Jose Pablo Cantillo (born March 30, 1979), is an American actor. He is best known for playing Ricky Verona in \"Crank\", Hector Salazar in FX's \"Sons of Anarchy\", and Caesar Martinez in AMC's \"The Walking Dead\". The son of Costa Rican parents, Roberto Cantillo and Rita Bola\u00f1os, Jose Pablo Cantillo (known as \"Joey\" in his high school days ) was born in Marshfield, Wisconsin. He grew up in Terre Haute, Indiana and attended Terre Haute South Vigo High School, where he was a tennis standout for all four years, leading the Terre Haute South Braves to a","Document [15](Title: Rio Bravo (film)) Chance's friend Pat Wheeler (Ward Bond) and his wagon train of supplies stop in town, with a young gunslinger, Colorado Ryan (Ricky Nelson), riding guard. Inside the jail, Stumpy (Walter Brennan), Chance's game-legged deputy, keeps watch over the jail and Joe, who knows that Stumpy holds an old grudge against Joe's wealthy and powerful brother. Joe warns his jailers that Nathan Burdette will not like how his brother is being treated.","Document [16](Title: Diego Gutie\u0301rrez Cha\u0301vez) a two-year contract for the Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC. Diego Guti\u00e9rrez Ch\u00e1vez Diego Gutierrez (born October 24, 1993) is a Mexican born soccer player who plays as a defender and defensive midfielder for Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC in the United Soccer League. Diego was born in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico but moved to the United States at the age of 12. He attended Frisco Centennial High School and played collegiate Division 1 soccer for Houston Baptist University. Gutierrez signed for his hometown club Club Le\u00f3n in December 2015. After a 6-month spell, he transferred to Inter Playa del Carmen where he","Document [17](Title: Laredo Kid) team tournmanent for the Impact Wrestling world tag team championships. Laredo Kid Laredo Kid (born December 30, 1986) is a Mexican \"luchador enmascarado\", or masked professional wrestler. He is best known for his time in Impact Wrestling and Asistencia Asesor\u00eda y Administraci\u00f3n (AAA) from 2005 to 2011. Laredo Kid's real name is not a matter of public record, as is often the case with masked wrestlers in Mexico where their private lives are kept a secret from the wrestling fans. Laredo Kid originally used the ring name The Exterminador but changed it to \"Laredo Kid\" after a year. He signed","Document [18](Title: South of the Rio Grande) South of the Rio Grande South of the Rio Grande is a 1945 American western film. Released on September 15, it was the third of three Cisco Kid films made that year with Duncan Renaldo as Cisco and Martin Garralaga as Pancho. Unusual as a Cisco Kid film, this one is a quasi-musical and opens with Cisco serenading a girlfriend. The Guadalajara Trio are featured as themselves. In this release, Cisco's real name is Juan Francisco Hernandez. Bandits Cisco and Pancho travel to a Mexican town to battle corrupt official Miguel Sanchez (Lewis) whose girlfriend Pepita (Armida) sings at a","Document [19](Title: Estelita Rodriguez) Estelita Rodriguez Estelita Rodriguez (July 2, 1928 \u2013 March 12, 1966) was a Cuban actress best known for her roles in many Roy Rogers Republic westerns, and her role in Howard Hawks' western classic \"Rio Bravo\". Rodriguez's career began in 1942 when she won a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer at the age of 14. She continued to go to MGM school in preparation to make a movie. However, MGM dropped her at the last minute, and Rodriguez traveled back to New York until 1945 when she signed a five-picture deal with Republic. The studio that same year cast her in her","Document [20](Title: Laredo Kid) 13 competitors in a \"Domo De La Muerte\" (Dome of Death) match to determine the competitors in a tournament to crown the first ever AAA Cruiserweight Champion. Laredo Kid defeated Super Fly in the first round but lost to Alan Stone in the semi-final. On April 7, 2015, Laredo Kid wrestled a tryout match for WWE, which he worked unmasked under the ring name Tony Guevara. Teaming with Sammy Guevara, the two were defeated by Los Matadores. On the March 30, 2017 episode of Impact Wrestling, Laredo Kid made his debut. He teamed up with Garza Jr. in a tag"],"query":"who played the colorado kid in rio bravo?","answers":["Ricky Nelson"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Rio Bravo (film)) by the Nelson Riddle Orchestra, sings a specially composed song, \"Rio Bravo\", written by Tiomkin with lyrics by Paul Francis Webster. Nelson later paid homage to both the film and his character, Colorado, by including the song \"Restless Kid\" on his 1959 LP, \"Ricky Sings Again\". Members of the Western Writers of America chose \"My Rifle, My Pony, and Me\" as one of the Top 100 Western songs of all time. A brief clip from \"Rio Bravo\" was among the archive footage later incorporated into the opening sequence of Wayne's last film, \"The Shootist,\" to illustrate the backstory of Wayne's","Document [2](Title: Laredo Kid) years before leaving the promotion to work on the Mexican Independent circuit. The wrestler that would later be known as Laredo Kid made his professional wrestling debut in 2003, under the name \"Exterminador\". He would often wrestle against his brother \"Oscuridad\" and would work alongside his uncle and trainer Muerte Subita (also known as \"El Hechicero\"). He worked on the Mexican Independent circuit until early 2005. After signing with Asistencia Asesor\u00eda y Administraci\u00f3n (AAA) in 2005 he was repackaged as \"Laredo Kid\", named after his home town of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. Laredo Kid's first notable appearance for AAA was at","Document [3](Title: Mike Rapada) Mike Rapada Michael Rapada (born August 28, 1964) best known as \"The Colorado Kid\" Mike Rapada is an American professional wrestler. Mike Rapada started out in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It took three months, but eventually he convinced Jeff Jarrett to hire him. After Jarrett left for the WWF, Rapada sought out training from the likes of Ken Wayne, Buddy Wayne and others. He also made several appearances on \"WCW Monday Nitro\" as a security guard during his career. In 1994, he was named Rookie of the Year in the United States Wrestling Association promotion out of Memphis. He also had","Document [4](Title: Chris-Pin Martin) Angeles. Chris-Pin Martin Chris-Pin Martin (born Ysabel Ponciana Chris-Pin Martin Paiz, November 19, 1893 \u2013 June 27, 1953) was an American character actor whose specialty lay in portraying comical Mexicans, particularly sidekicks in \"The Cisco Kid\" film series. He acted in over 100 films between 1925 and 1953, including over 50 westerns. Martin was born in Tucson. His roles were as a rotund, roly-poly bumbling or slow comedic character who spoke in broken English. His most remembered western film role was in nine of the \"Cisco Kid\" films playing the Kid's sidekicks Gordito and in the later films Pancho. He","Document [5](Title: Roque Gallart) Roque Gallart Roque Jos\u0117 Gallart Ortiz, (born September 21, 1979), also known as Rocky the Kid, is a Puerto Rican actor and radio and television personality. Gallart was host of a Mega-TV television show named \"Descarao' Por La Noche\". Roque Jos\u00e9 Gallart Ortiz is the son of Roque Jos\u00e9 Gallart, Sr., himself a well-known radio announcer. Roque, Jr. would visit his dad's radio station and stay there until a school bus picked him up as a little kid. Roque, Jr. became interested in radio work during this era in his life. In 1995, at age 16, he was hired by","Document [6](Title: Jack Starrett) Starrett played the Durango Kid in many films. Starrett died from kidney failure in Sherman Oaks, California at the age of 52. At the time of his death he was married to Valerie Starrett. His daughter is Jennifer Starrett, who is also an actress. Jack Starrett Jack Starrett (November 2, 1936 \u2013 March 27, 1989) was an American actor and film director. He is credited as Claude Ennis Starrett Jr. in some of his films. Starrett is perhaps best known for his role as \"Gabby Johnson\", a parody of George \"Gabby\" Hayes, in the 1974 film \"Blazing Saddles\" and is","Document [7](Title: Laredo Kid) Laredo Kid Laredo Kid (born December 30, 1986) is a Mexican \"luchador enmascarado\", or masked professional wrestler. He is best known for his time in Impact Wrestling and Asistencia Asesor\u00eda y Administraci\u00f3n (AAA) from 2005 to 2011. Laredo Kid's real name is not a matter of public record, as is often the case with masked wrestlers in Mexico where their private lives are kept a secret from the wrestling fans. Laredo Kid originally used the ring name The Exterminador but changed it to \"Laredo Kid\" after a year. He signed with AAA in 2005 and worked for them for several","Document [8](Title: Germa\u0301n Legarreta) and Somos Unicos under his belt, at the age of 14, German beat out numerous other young stars for the role of \"Freddy\" in the hit theatrical release, \"Roller Kids\". A role on Telemundo's popular TV series, \"Dame Un Break\", soon followed, and German was recognized as a true teen star. While enjoying his newfound fame in Puerto Rico, he continued to hone his craft under the guidance of several prestigious acting coaches. In 2001, German left Puerto Rico to pursue his dreams in Hollywood. Since arriving, he gave memorable performances in a variety of feature films: \"Chasing Papi\" (2003),","Document [9](Title: Zach Woodlee) in Mesquite. It should be no surprise that he is now pursuing a career in acting. In the past year, he\u2019s made some impressive progress. Woodlee starred in his first commercial, for Pop Rocks, when he was 12 years old. From there, he worked with the Kim Dawson studio in Dallas and won the UIL state competition for his role of Davey in a school play. He Can be seen appearing in Old Navy television ads. Some of his other commercial appearances include ads for Exxon, Sony and Abracat.com. After graduating from Poteet High School in 1995, his parents encouraged","Document [10](Title: South of the Rio Grande) cantina. Dolores Gonzales (Molleri) is abducted and forced to sing in the cantina. When Cisco and Pancho go undercover at the Sanchez hacienda, Sanchez is eventually killed by Cisco and the town is rid of the corruption. The film was preceded by the April 3 release of \"The Cisco Kid Returns\", which revealed Cisco's name to be Juan Francisco Hernandez, and \"In Old New Mexico\" on May 15, with Cisco's name changed to Juan Carlos Francisco Antonio. South of the Rio Grande South of the Rio Grande is a 1945 American western film. Released on September 15, it was the","Document [11](Title: Nacho Galindo (actor)) Nacho Galindo (actor) Nacho Galindo (November 7, 1908 \u2013 June 22, 1973) was a Mexican-American film and television actor who lived and worked in the Los Angeles area for most of his life. Between 1941 and 1970 he had small, often unbilled roles in 71 feature films and at least 60 TV episodes. His most prominent film role was that of the Cisco Kid's third-billed sidekick, \"Baby\", in 1946's \"The Gay Cavalier\", the first of poverty row Monogram's entries in the series, which starred Gilbert Roland as The Cisco Kid. Born Ignacio Galindo in Mexico's fourth-largest municipality, Guadalajara, he emigrated","Document [12](Title: The Cisco Kid Returns) the Rio Grande\" on September 15 falling back to Cisco's name being Juan Francisco Hernandez. Martin Garralaga appears in both as Pancho. The Cisco Kid Returns The Cisco Kid Returns is a 1945 American western drama film. Released on April 3, 1945, it was the first of three Cisco Kid films made that year with Duncan Renaldo as Cisco and Martin Garralaga as Pancho. In this release, Cisco's real name is Juan Francisco Hernandez. Cisco must clear himself of murder charges, while preventing his girlfriend Rosita (Callejo) from eloping with his rival John Harris (Pryor). The film was followed by","Document [13](Title: Kirk Harris) Kirk Harris Award winning actor-filmmaker, Kirk Harris has been the lead actor in several films that have had arthouse theatrical releases in the U.S. He starred in the 2013 western thriller \"A Sierra Nevada Gunfight\" (originally titled \"The Sorrow\") by director Vernon Mortensen. The film was shot in the mountains of Eastern San Diego county. The film was written by Mortensen and Johnny Harrington. He also starred in \"The Kid: Chamaco\", which was shot in Mexico City by Mexican director\/producer Miguel Necoechea. The film was written by Harris, Necoechea and Canadian filmmaker Carl Bessai. A former amateur boxer, Harris played","Document [14](Title: Jose Pablo Cantillo) Jose Pablo Cantillo Jose Pablo Cantillo (born March 30, 1979), is an American actor. He is best known for playing Ricky Verona in \"Crank\", Hector Salazar in FX's \"Sons of Anarchy\", and Caesar Martinez in AMC's \"The Walking Dead\". The son of Costa Rican parents, Roberto Cantillo and Rita Bola\u00f1os, Jose Pablo Cantillo (known as \"Joey\" in his high school days ) was born in Marshfield, Wisconsin. He grew up in Terre Haute, Indiana and attended Terre Haute South Vigo High School, where he was a tennis standout for all four years, leading the Terre Haute South Braves to a","Document [15](Title: Diego Gutie\u0301rrez Cha\u0301vez) a two-year contract for the Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC. Diego Guti\u00e9rrez Ch\u00e1vez Diego Gutierrez (born October 24, 1993) is a Mexican born soccer player who plays as a defender and defensive midfielder for Colorado Springs Switchbacks FC in the United Soccer League. Diego was born in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico but moved to the United States at the age of 12. He attended Frisco Centennial High School and played collegiate Division 1 soccer for Houston Baptist University. Gutierrez signed for his hometown club Club Le\u00f3n in December 2015. After a 6-month spell, he transferred to Inter Playa del Carmen where he","Document [16](Title: Laredo Kid) team tournmanent for the Impact Wrestling world tag team championships. Laredo Kid Laredo Kid (born December 30, 1986) is a Mexican \"luchador enmascarado\", or masked professional wrestler. He is best known for his time in Impact Wrestling and Asistencia Asesor\u00eda y Administraci\u00f3n (AAA) from 2005 to 2011. Laredo Kid's real name is not a matter of public record, as is often the case with masked wrestlers in Mexico where their private lives are kept a secret from the wrestling fans. Laredo Kid originally used the ring name The Exterminador but changed it to \"Laredo Kid\" after a year. He signed","Document [17](Title: South of the Rio Grande) South of the Rio Grande South of the Rio Grande is a 1945 American western film. Released on September 15, it was the third of three Cisco Kid films made that year with Duncan Renaldo as Cisco and Martin Garralaga as Pancho. Unusual as a Cisco Kid film, this one is a quasi-musical and opens with Cisco serenading a girlfriend. The Guadalajara Trio are featured as themselves. In this release, Cisco's real name is Juan Francisco Hernandez. Bandits Cisco and Pancho travel to a Mexican town to battle corrupt official Miguel Sanchez (Lewis) whose girlfriend Pepita (Armida) sings at a","Document [18](Title: Estelita Rodriguez) Estelita Rodriguez Estelita Rodriguez (July 2, 1928 \u2013 March 12, 1966) was a Cuban actress best known for her roles in many Roy Rogers Republic westerns, and her role in Howard Hawks' western classic \"Rio Bravo\". Rodriguez's career began in 1942 when she won a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer at the age of 14. She continued to go to MGM school in preparation to make a movie. However, MGM dropped her at the last minute, and Rodriguez traveled back to New York until 1945 when she signed a five-picture deal with Republic. The studio that same year cast her in her","Document [19](Title: Laredo Kid) 13 competitors in a \"Domo De La Muerte\" (Dome of Death) match to determine the competitors in a tournament to crown the first ever AAA Cruiserweight Champion. Laredo Kid defeated Super Fly in the first round but lost to Alan Stone in the semi-final. On April 7, 2015, Laredo Kid wrestled a tryout match for WWE, which he worked unmasked under the ring name Tony Guevara. Teaming with Sammy Guevara, the two were defeated by Los Matadores. On the March 30, 2017 episode of Impact Wrestling, Laredo Kid made his debut. He teamed up with Garza Jr. in a tag","Document [20](Title: Rio Bravo (film)) Chance's friend Pat Wheeler (Ward Bond) and his wagon train of supplies stop in town, with a young gunslinger, Colorado Ryan (Ricky Nelson), riding guard. Inside the jail, Stumpy (Walter Brennan), Chance's game-legged deputy, keeps watch over the jail and Joe, who knows that Stumpy holds an old grudge against Joe's wealthy and powerful brother. Joe warns his jailers that Nathan Burdette will not like how his brother is being treated."],"query":"who played the colorado kid in rio bravo?","answers":["Ricky Nelson"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Satavahana dynasty) The Satavahanas are among the earliest Indian rulers to issue their own coins with portraits of their rulers, starting with king Gautamiputra Satakarni, a practice derived from that of the Western Kshatrapas he defeated, itself originating with the Indo-Greek kings to the northwest.","Document [2](Title: Beonna of East Anglia) for runic lettering. Beonna had three moneyers whose names are known: Werferth, Efe and Wilred. The coins struck by Werferth are considered to be the earliest. His coins and those struck under the authority of Eadberht of Northumbria both contained 70% silver and were similar in type and detail, which suggests the possibility of producing a chronology for Beonna's coins, using the established sequence for the Northumbrian coins of Eadberht. However, as Eadberht's reign began in 738, several years before Beonna became king in East Anglia, the coins cannot be related to each other closely enough to construct a reliable","Document [3](Title: Ancient Greek coinage) by other Greeks as showing hubris (arrogance). But the kings of Ptolemaic Egypt and Seleucid Syria had no such scruples: having already awarded themselves with \"divine\" status, they issued magnificent gold coins adorned with their own portraits, with the symbols of their state on the reverse. The names of the kings were frequently inscribed on the coin as well. This established a pattern for coins which has persisted ever since: a portrait of the king, usually in profile and striking a heroic pose, on the obverse, with his name beside him, and a coat of arms or other symbol of","Document [4](Title: Pathankot district) kings issued their coins. These early coins are thin pieces of copper either square or oblong. Their identity is marked by the symbols found on these coins such as Trident, Nandi Bull, Swastic and elephant etc. Some silver coins have also been issued by the Audumbra Kings. They were issued in the name of the community and king. These coins bear the name of the king as well as the state as Audumbrisa . Dharaghosa was probably the most famous and great king of the Audumbra republic. These coins remained in use till the fourth century A.D. Sir A. Cunnigham,","Document [5](Title: Illyrian coinage) being known under the name of Patraus. On the reverse of the coins is a horseman riding over an enemy, in allusion to triumphs over the Macedonians and an inscription of the king. The coins of Audoleon have a head wearing a Corinthian helmet on the obverse and on the reverse a horse stepping, very boldly executed and the inscription of the king. The first Dardanian king to have minted silver coins was Monunius in the beginning of the 3rd century BC, around 280 BC. He struck his coins in the Greek colony of Durr\u00ebs and they differed only in","Document [6](Title: Cantiaci) the Thames, sent a message to these four kings to attack the Roman naval camp as a distraction. The attack failed, a chieftain called Lugotorix was captured, and Cassivellaunus was forced to seek terms. In the century between Caesar's expeditions and the conquest under Claudius (starting in 43 CE), kings in Britain began to issue coins stamped with their names. The following kings of the Cantiaci are known: According to Nennius, Gwrangon was King of Kent in the time of Vortigern, until Vortigern took away the kingdom and gave it to Hengist; but Nennius is regarded as an untrustworthy source,","Document [7](Title: Addedomarus) Addedomarus Addedomarus (sometimes written A\u03b8\u03b8edomarus on coins) was a king of south-eastern Britain in the late 1st century BC. His name is known only from his inscribed coins, the distribution of which seem to indicate that he was the ruler of the Trinovantes. He was the first king to produce inscribed coins north of the Thames, perhaps as early as 35 BC, although some estimates are as late as 15 BC. He seems to have moved the Trinovantian capital from Braughing in Hertfordshire to Camulodunum (Colchester, Essex). For a brief period (ca. 15-10 BC) he seems to have been supplanted","Document [8](Title: Illyrian coinage) the Aegean, as well as original symbols such as tongs of a metal smelter. The circulation of Damastion coins included Kosovo, southern Serbia, Macedonia and the Adriatic coast from Shkod\u00ebr to Split. The presence of silver mines around the city in ancient sources made it possible for the minting of coins in such a great abundance. The only kings to have minted coins bearing their names were Lycceius, Patraus, Audoleon, Monunius, Mytilus, Gentius and Ballaios. The coinage of Patraus is remarkable. They have on the obverse a head of Apollo, which may be in allusion to the king's name, Apollo","Document [9](Title: Visigothic coinage) where they were struck. Unlike Frankish or later Anglo-Saxon coins, the name of the moneyer is not given. The first of the royal coinage was issued during the reign of Liuvigild (567-586). For a short period coins imitating Byzantine issues, but with the name of Visigothic king were struck - an example is MEC 210. This tremissis of Liuvigild was minted in Barcelona. The obverse shows a stylised bust of the king facing left, with the legend \"\"; on the reverse, a cross on steps, with the legend \"\", identifying the mint. Another type, MEC 209, shows the king facing","Document [10](Title: Alchon Huns) at the time) as donors to a Buddhist reliquary stupa. The rulers of the Alchons practiced skull deformation, as evidenced from their coins, a practice shared with the Huns that migrated into Europe. The names of the first Alchon rulers do not survive. Starting from 430 CE, names of Alchon kings, assuming the title \"Tegin\", survive on coins and religious inscriptions: The earliest Alchon Hun coins were based on Sasanian designs, often with the simple addition of the Alchon \"tamgha\" and a mention of \"Alchon\" or \"Alkhan\". Various coins minted in Bactria and based on a Sasanian designs are known,","Document [11](Title: Iceni) the only coin-producing group to use their tribal name on coins. The earliest personal name to appear on coins is Antedios (about 10 BC), and other abbreviated names like AESU and SAEMU follow. It has been discovered that the name of Antedios\u2019 succeeding ruler Prasutagus appears on the coins as well. H. R. Mossop in his article \u201cAn Elusive Icenian Legend\u201d discusses coins that were discovered by D. F. Allen in Joist Fen, Suffolk, and states, \u201cIt is the coins Nos. 6 and 7 which give an advance in the obverse reading, confirming Allen\u2019s attractive reading PRASTO, with its implied","Document [12](Title: Kadamba dynasty) the epithets on the coins, \"sri dosharashi\", is known from inscriptions to have been used by the Kadamba king Krishnavarma II (ruled 516\u2013540). Other coins with the legend \"sri manarashi\" were also found, along with anepigraphic coins (that is, coins without any legends) featuring flowers, \"chakras\", and conches. The lotus, \"chakra\" (discus), and conch are all symbols of the god Vishnu. Kadamba inscriptions frequently invoke Vishnu, indicating they must have been devotees of this deity. The identity of the king named \"sri manarashi\" has still not been determined. The coins are perhaps the earliest ones to use Kannada letters, a","Document [13](Title: Kosala) to know whether king Muladeva of the coins is identifiable with Muladeva, murderer of the Shunga ruler Vasumitra or not (though a historian, Jagannath has tried to do so). King Dhanadeva of the coins is identified with king Dhanadeva (1st century BCE) of Ayodhya inscription. In this Sanskrit inscription, King Kaushikiputra Dhanadeva mentions about setting a \"ketana\" (flag-staff) in memory of his father, Phalgudeva. In this inscription he claimed himself as the sixth in descent from Pushyamitra Shunga. Dhanadeva issued both cast and die-struck coins and both the types have a bull on obverse. Other local rulers whose coins were","Document [14](Title: Bithynian coinage) silver and bronze coinage. Elsewhere, Cappadocians are primarily known for their military issues of coins, and the less monetized Pontic region primarily struck bronze coinage. The purpose of the first royal Bithynian and Cappadocian bronze coinage is still unknown. The first king was Zipoetes I c. 298 BC \u2013 c. 279 BC. It is thought that there were no coinage struck during his reign. The first Bithynian king to strike coins was Nicomedes I (c. 280 BC \u2013 c. 250 BC). He is primarily known for bringing the Gauls known as Galatians to the Asia Minor in 277 BC to","Document [15](Title: Visigothic coinage) find the name of the king in the genitive, rather than the nominative, and preceded by D N, an abbreviation for \"dominus\". Under Chindasuinth, the mint of Toledo introduced the legend INDN, abbreviating \"In nomine Domine\" (in the name of the Lord) , which became common until the reign of Wamba, with various other abbreviations known, such as INDNM, INDIMN. The coinage of Egica also sometimes bear the legend N + P N\u2022M\u2022, an abbreviation of \"In Xristi Nomine\" (in the name of Christ). The names of the kings were written in various ways, for example Suintila is found as","Document [16](Title: Airdeconut) relates to coins of the kings Siefredus and Cnut (Sigfro\u00f0r and Kn\u00fatr in Old Norse), who ruled the Viking kingdom of Northumbria jointly between 895 and 905. The coin is also significant since it suggests Airdeconut was a Christian \u2013 the reverse inscription () is arranged in a cross. This coin is the only piece of evidence for the existence of a ruler of Northumbria by the name of Harthacnut. According to Dr Gareth Williams, curator of early medieval coins at the British Museum, the discovery of the existence of Airdeconut represents the first new Medieval king in England discovered","Document [17](Title: Dynamis (Bosporan queen)) this occurred by the concurrence of Octavian (the name used by historians for Augustus before he became the emperor) and Mark Antony when they shared the rule of the Roman Empire. Minns reckoned that Asander started issuing coins in his name in 44 BC, the year Caesar, who supported Mithridates of Pergamon, died. Then he started minting with the acquiescence of Octavian, whose head featured on his coins. For the first three years the coins had the inscription \u0391\u03a1\u03a7\u039f\u039d\u03a4\u039f\u03a3 \u0391\u03a3\u0391\u039d \u0394\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 (Archiontos Asandrou), archon Asander. Here we also have the first occurrence of \u03c6\u03b9\u03bb\u03bf\u03c1\u03ce\u03b1\u03bc\u03b9\u03bf\u03c2 (philoromaios, friend of Rome) on coinage.","Document [18](Title: Western Satraps) and the date of issue, and have helped clarify the early history of India. From the reigns of Jivadaman and Rudrasimha I, the date of minting of each coin, reckoned in the Saka era, is usually written on the obverse behind the king's head in Brahmi numerals, allowing for a quite precise datation of the rule of each king. This is a rather uncommon case in Indian numismatics. Some, such as the numismat R.C Senior considered that these dates might correspond to the much earlier Azes era instead. Also the father of each king is systematically mentioned in the reverse","Document [19](Title: Monunius I) The royal staters, with the legend 'Basileos Monuniou' (of King Monunius), were a copy of the coins of Durr\u00ebs, the place where they were minted. The coins of Monunius differed only in having the jaw of the boar set over the cow, as a symbol of the royal Illyrian name. The mint also had the abbreviated name \u0394\u03a5\u03a1 (for Durr\u00ebs) to donate the place where they were minted, as well as showing royal sovereignty over the city. These coins have been found in great numbers in the Illyrian city of Gur\u00ebzeza, and in the interior of modern-day Albania beyond the","Document [20](Title: Kingdom of Northumbria) to bartering) regained popularity in the late 600s, Northumbrian coins featured kings' names, indicating royal control of currency. Royal currency was unique in Britain for a long time. King Aldfrith (685\u2013705) minted Northumbria's earliest silver coins, likely in York. Later royal coinage bears the name of King Eadberht (738\u2013758), as well as his brother, archbishop Ecgbert of York. Later kings and archbishops minted coins until the Danish conquest of York in 866\/7. These coins were primarily small silver sceattas, more suitable to small, everyday transactions than larger gold Frankish or Roman coins. They were not a fiat currency, but rather"],"query":"who were the first kings to issue coins bearing their names?","answers":["the Indo-Greek kings"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Beonna of East Anglia) for runic lettering. Beonna had three moneyers whose names are known: Werferth, Efe and Wilred. The coins struck by Werferth are considered to be the earliest. His coins and those struck under the authority of Eadberht of Northumbria both contained 70% silver and were similar in type and detail, which suggests the possibility of producing a chronology for Beonna's coins, using the established sequence for the Northumbrian coins of Eadberht. However, as Eadberht's reign began in 738, several years before Beonna became king in East Anglia, the coins cannot be related to each other closely enough to construct a reliable","Document [2](Title: Ancient Greek coinage) by other Greeks as showing hubris (arrogance). But the kings of Ptolemaic Egypt and Seleucid Syria had no such scruples: having already awarded themselves with \"divine\" status, they issued magnificent gold coins adorned with their own portraits, with the symbols of their state on the reverse. The names of the kings were frequently inscribed on the coin as well. This established a pattern for coins which has persisted ever since: a portrait of the king, usually in profile and striking a heroic pose, on the obverse, with his name beside him, and a coat of arms or other symbol of","Document [3](Title: Pathankot district) kings issued their coins. These early coins are thin pieces of copper either square or oblong. Their identity is marked by the symbols found on these coins such as Trident, Nandi Bull, Swastic and elephant etc. Some silver coins have also been issued by the Audumbra Kings. They were issued in the name of the community and king. These coins bear the name of the king as well as the state as Audumbrisa . Dharaghosa was probably the most famous and great king of the Audumbra republic. These coins remained in use till the fourth century A.D. Sir A. Cunnigham,","Document [4](Title: Illyrian coinage) being known under the name of Patraus. On the reverse of the coins is a horseman riding over an enemy, in allusion to triumphs over the Macedonians and an inscription of the king. The coins of Audoleon have a head wearing a Corinthian helmet on the obverse and on the reverse a horse stepping, very boldly executed and the inscription of the king. The first Dardanian king to have minted silver coins was Monunius in the beginning of the 3rd century BC, around 280 BC. He struck his coins in the Greek colony of Durr\u00ebs and they differed only in","Document [5](Title: Satavahana dynasty) The Satavahanas are among the earliest Indian rulers to issue their own coins with portraits of their rulers, starting with king Gautamiputra Satakarni, a practice derived from that of the Western Kshatrapas he defeated, itself originating with the Indo-Greek kings to the northwest.","Document [6](Title: Cantiaci) the Thames, sent a message to these four kings to attack the Roman naval camp as a distraction. The attack failed, a chieftain called Lugotorix was captured, and Cassivellaunus was forced to seek terms. In the century between Caesar's expeditions and the conquest under Claudius (starting in 43 CE), kings in Britain began to issue coins stamped with their names. The following kings of the Cantiaci are known: According to Nennius, Gwrangon was King of Kent in the time of Vortigern, until Vortigern took away the kingdom and gave it to Hengist; but Nennius is regarded as an untrustworthy source,","Document [7](Title: Addedomarus) Addedomarus Addedomarus (sometimes written A\u03b8\u03b8edomarus on coins) was a king of south-eastern Britain in the late 1st century BC. His name is known only from his inscribed coins, the distribution of which seem to indicate that he was the ruler of the Trinovantes. He was the first king to produce inscribed coins north of the Thames, perhaps as early as 35 BC, although some estimates are as late as 15 BC. He seems to have moved the Trinovantian capital from Braughing in Hertfordshire to Camulodunum (Colchester, Essex). For a brief period (ca. 15-10 BC) he seems to have been supplanted","Document [8](Title: Illyrian coinage) the Aegean, as well as original symbols such as tongs of a metal smelter. The circulation of Damastion coins included Kosovo, southern Serbia, Macedonia and the Adriatic coast from Shkod\u00ebr to Split. The presence of silver mines around the city in ancient sources made it possible for the minting of coins in such a great abundance. The only kings to have minted coins bearing their names were Lycceius, Patraus, Audoleon, Monunius, Mytilus, Gentius and Ballaios. The coinage of Patraus is remarkable. They have on the obverse a head of Apollo, which may be in allusion to the king's name, Apollo","Document [9](Title: Visigothic coinage) where they were struck. Unlike Frankish or later Anglo-Saxon coins, the name of the moneyer is not given. The first of the royal coinage was issued during the reign of Liuvigild (567-586). For a short period coins imitating Byzantine issues, but with the name of Visigothic king were struck - an example is MEC 210. This tremissis of Liuvigild was minted in Barcelona. The obverse shows a stylised bust of the king facing left, with the legend \"\"; on the reverse, a cross on steps, with the legend \"\", identifying the mint. Another type, MEC 209, shows the king facing","Document [10](Title: Alchon Huns) at the time) as donors to a Buddhist reliquary stupa. The rulers of the Alchons practiced skull deformation, as evidenced from their coins, a practice shared with the Huns that migrated into Europe. The names of the first Alchon rulers do not survive. Starting from 430 CE, names of Alchon kings, assuming the title \"Tegin\", survive on coins and religious inscriptions: The earliest Alchon Hun coins were based on Sasanian designs, often with the simple addition of the Alchon \"tamgha\" and a mention of \"Alchon\" or \"Alkhan\". Various coins minted in Bactria and based on a Sasanian designs are known,","Document [11](Title: Iceni) the only coin-producing group to use their tribal name on coins. The earliest personal name to appear on coins is Antedios (about 10 BC), and other abbreviated names like AESU and SAEMU follow. It has been discovered that the name of Antedios\u2019 succeeding ruler Prasutagus appears on the coins as well. H. R. Mossop in his article \u201cAn Elusive Icenian Legend\u201d discusses coins that were discovered by D. F. Allen in Joist Fen, Suffolk, and states, \u201cIt is the coins Nos. 6 and 7 which give an advance in the obverse reading, confirming Allen\u2019s attractive reading PRASTO, with its implied","Document [12](Title: Kadamba dynasty) the epithets on the coins, \"sri dosharashi\", is known from inscriptions to have been used by the Kadamba king Krishnavarma II (ruled 516\u2013540). Other coins with the legend \"sri manarashi\" were also found, along with anepigraphic coins (that is, coins without any legends) featuring flowers, \"chakras\", and conches. The lotus, \"chakra\" (discus), and conch are all symbols of the god Vishnu. Kadamba inscriptions frequently invoke Vishnu, indicating they must have been devotees of this deity. The identity of the king named \"sri manarashi\" has still not been determined. The coins are perhaps the earliest ones to use Kannada letters, a","Document [13](Title: Kosala) to know whether king Muladeva of the coins is identifiable with Muladeva, murderer of the Shunga ruler Vasumitra or not (though a historian, Jagannath has tried to do so). King Dhanadeva of the coins is identified with king Dhanadeva (1st century BCE) of Ayodhya inscription. In this Sanskrit inscription, King Kaushikiputra Dhanadeva mentions about setting a \"ketana\" (flag-staff) in memory of his father, Phalgudeva. In this inscription he claimed himself as the sixth in descent from Pushyamitra Shunga. Dhanadeva issued both cast and die-struck coins and both the types have a bull on obverse. Other local rulers whose coins were","Document [14](Title: Bithynian coinage) silver and bronze coinage. Elsewhere, Cappadocians are primarily known for their military issues of coins, and the less monetized Pontic region primarily struck bronze coinage. The purpose of the first royal Bithynian and Cappadocian bronze coinage is still unknown. The first king was Zipoetes I c. 298 BC \u2013 c. 279 BC. It is thought that there were no coinage struck during his reign. The first Bithynian king to strike coins was Nicomedes I (c. 280 BC \u2013 c. 250 BC). He is primarily known for bringing the Gauls known as Galatians to the Asia Minor in 277 BC to","Document [15](Title: Visigothic coinage) find the name of the king in the genitive, rather than the nominative, and preceded by D N, an abbreviation for \"dominus\". Under Chindasuinth, the mint of Toledo introduced the legend INDN, abbreviating \"In nomine Domine\" (in the name of the Lord) , which became common until the reign of Wamba, with various other abbreviations known, such as INDNM, INDIMN. The coinage of Egica also sometimes bear the legend N + P N\u2022M\u2022, an abbreviation of \"In Xristi Nomine\" (in the name of Christ). The names of the kings were written in various ways, for example Suintila is found as","Document [16](Title: Airdeconut) relates to coins of the kings Siefredus and Cnut (Sigfro\u00f0r and Kn\u00fatr in Old Norse), who ruled the Viking kingdom of Northumbria jointly between 895 and 905. The coin is also significant since it suggests Airdeconut was a Christian \u2013 the reverse inscription () is arranged in a cross. This coin is the only piece of evidence for the existence of a ruler of Northumbria by the name of Harthacnut. According to Dr Gareth Williams, curator of early medieval coins at the British Museum, the discovery of the existence of Airdeconut represents the first new Medieval king in England discovered","Document [17](Title: Dynamis (Bosporan queen)) this occurred by the concurrence of Octavian (the name used by historians for Augustus before he became the emperor) and Mark Antony when they shared the rule of the Roman Empire. Minns reckoned that Asander started issuing coins in his name in 44 BC, the year Caesar, who supported Mithridates of Pergamon, died. Then he started minting with the acquiescence of Octavian, whose head featured on his coins. For the first three years the coins had the inscription \u0391\u03a1\u03a7\u039f\u039d\u03a4\u039f\u03a3 \u0391\u03a3\u0391\u039d \u0394\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 (Archiontos Asandrou), archon Asander. Here we also have the first occurrence of \u03c6\u03b9\u03bb\u03bf\u03c1\u03ce\u03b1\u03bc\u03b9\u03bf\u03c2 (philoromaios, friend of Rome) on coinage.","Document [18](Title: Western Satraps) and the date of issue, and have helped clarify the early history of India. From the reigns of Jivadaman and Rudrasimha I, the date of minting of each coin, reckoned in the Saka era, is usually written on the obverse behind the king's head in Brahmi numerals, allowing for a quite precise datation of the rule of each king. This is a rather uncommon case in Indian numismatics. Some, such as the numismat R.C Senior considered that these dates might correspond to the much earlier Azes era instead. Also the father of each king is systematically mentioned in the reverse","Document [19](Title: Monunius I) The royal staters, with the legend 'Basileos Monuniou' (of King Monunius), were a copy of the coins of Durr\u00ebs, the place where they were minted. The coins of Monunius differed only in having the jaw of the boar set over the cow, as a symbol of the royal Illyrian name. The mint also had the abbreviated name \u0394\u03a5\u03a1 (for Durr\u00ebs) to donate the place where they were minted, as well as showing royal sovereignty over the city. These coins have been found in great numbers in the Illyrian city of Gur\u00ebzeza, and in the interior of modern-day Albania beyond the","Document [20](Title: Kingdom of Northumbria) to bartering) regained popularity in the late 600s, Northumbrian coins featured kings' names, indicating royal control of currency. Royal currency was unique in Britain for a long time. King Aldfrith (685\u2013705) minted Northumbria's earliest silver coins, likely in York. Later royal coinage bears the name of King Eadberht (738\u2013758), as well as his brother, archbishop Ecgbert of York. Later kings and archbishops minted coins until the Danish conquest of York in 866\/7. These coins were primarily small silver sceattas, more suitable to small, everyday transactions than larger gold Frankish or Roman coins. They were not a fiat currency, but rather"],"query":"who were the first kings to issue coins bearing their names?","answers":["the Indo-Greek kings"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Beonna of East Anglia) for runic lettering. Beonna had three moneyers whose names are known: Werferth, Efe and Wilred. The coins struck by Werferth are considered to be the earliest. His coins and those struck under the authority of Eadberht of Northumbria both contained 70% silver and were similar in type and detail, which suggests the possibility of producing a chronology for Beonna's coins, using the established sequence for the Northumbrian coins of Eadberht. However, as Eadberht's reign began in 738, several years before Beonna became king in East Anglia, the coins cannot be related to each other closely enough to construct a reliable","Document [2](Title: Ancient Greek coinage) by other Greeks as showing hubris (arrogance). But the kings of Ptolemaic Egypt and Seleucid Syria had no such scruples: having already awarded themselves with \"divine\" status, they issued magnificent gold coins adorned with their own portraits, with the symbols of their state on the reverse. The names of the kings were frequently inscribed on the coin as well. This established a pattern for coins which has persisted ever since: a portrait of the king, usually in profile and striking a heroic pose, on the obverse, with his name beside him, and a coat of arms or other symbol of","Document [3](Title: Pathankot district) kings issued their coins. These early coins are thin pieces of copper either square or oblong. Their identity is marked by the symbols found on these coins such as Trident, Nandi Bull, Swastic and elephant etc. Some silver coins have also been issued by the Audumbra Kings. They were issued in the name of the community and king. These coins bear the name of the king as well as the state as Audumbrisa . Dharaghosa was probably the most famous and great king of the Audumbra republic. These coins remained in use till the fourth century A.D. Sir A. Cunnigham,","Document [4](Title: Illyrian coinage) being known under the name of Patraus. On the reverse of the coins is a horseman riding over an enemy, in allusion to triumphs over the Macedonians and an inscription of the king. The coins of Audoleon have a head wearing a Corinthian helmet on the obverse and on the reverse a horse stepping, very boldly executed and the inscription of the king. The first Dardanian king to have minted silver coins was Monunius in the beginning of the 3rd century BC, around 280 BC. He struck his coins in the Greek colony of Durr\u00ebs and they differed only in","Document [5](Title: Cantiaci) the Thames, sent a message to these four kings to attack the Roman naval camp as a distraction. The attack failed, a chieftain called Lugotorix was captured, and Cassivellaunus was forced to seek terms. In the century between Caesar's expeditions and the conquest under Claudius (starting in 43 CE), kings in Britain began to issue coins stamped with their names. The following kings of the Cantiaci are known: According to Nennius, Gwrangon was King of Kent in the time of Vortigern, until Vortigern took away the kingdom and gave it to Hengist; but Nennius is regarded as an untrustworthy source,","Document [6](Title: Addedomarus) Addedomarus Addedomarus (sometimes written A\u03b8\u03b8edomarus on coins) was a king of south-eastern Britain in the late 1st century BC. His name is known only from his inscribed coins, the distribution of which seem to indicate that he was the ruler of the Trinovantes. He was the first king to produce inscribed coins north of the Thames, perhaps as early as 35 BC, although some estimates are as late as 15 BC. He seems to have moved the Trinovantian capital from Braughing in Hertfordshire to Camulodunum (Colchester, Essex). For a brief period (ca. 15-10 BC) he seems to have been supplanted","Document [7](Title: Illyrian coinage) the Aegean, as well as original symbols such as tongs of a metal smelter. The circulation of Damastion coins included Kosovo, southern Serbia, Macedonia and the Adriatic coast from Shkod\u00ebr to Split. The presence of silver mines around the city in ancient sources made it possible for the minting of coins in such a great abundance. The only kings to have minted coins bearing their names were Lycceius, Patraus, Audoleon, Monunius, Mytilus, Gentius and Ballaios. The coinage of Patraus is remarkable. They have on the obverse a head of Apollo, which may be in allusion to the king's name, Apollo","Document [8](Title: Visigothic coinage) where they were struck. Unlike Frankish or later Anglo-Saxon coins, the name of the moneyer is not given. The first of the royal coinage was issued during the reign of Liuvigild (567-586). For a short period coins imitating Byzantine issues, but with the name of Visigothic king were struck - an example is MEC 210. This tremissis of Liuvigild was minted in Barcelona. The obverse shows a stylised bust of the king facing left, with the legend \"\"; on the reverse, a cross on steps, with the legend \"\", identifying the mint. Another type, MEC 209, shows the king facing","Document [9](Title: Alchon Huns) at the time) as donors to a Buddhist reliquary stupa. The rulers of the Alchons practiced skull deformation, as evidenced from their coins, a practice shared with the Huns that migrated into Europe. The names of the first Alchon rulers do not survive. Starting from 430 CE, names of Alchon kings, assuming the title \"Tegin\", survive on coins and religious inscriptions: The earliest Alchon Hun coins were based on Sasanian designs, often with the simple addition of the Alchon \"tamgha\" and a mention of \"Alchon\" or \"Alkhan\". Various coins minted in Bactria and based on a Sasanian designs are known,","Document [10](Title: Satavahana dynasty) The Satavahanas are among the earliest Indian rulers to issue their own coins with portraits of their rulers, starting with king Gautamiputra Satakarni, a practice derived from that of the Western Kshatrapas he defeated, itself originating with the Indo-Greek kings to the northwest.","Document [11](Title: Iceni) the only coin-producing group to use their tribal name on coins. The earliest personal name to appear on coins is Antedios (about 10 BC), and other abbreviated names like AESU and SAEMU follow. It has been discovered that the name of Antedios\u2019 succeeding ruler Prasutagus appears on the coins as well. H. R. Mossop in his article \u201cAn Elusive Icenian Legend\u201d discusses coins that were discovered by D. F. Allen in Joist Fen, Suffolk, and states, \u201cIt is the coins Nos. 6 and 7 which give an advance in the obverse reading, confirming Allen\u2019s attractive reading PRASTO, with its implied","Document [12](Title: Kadamba dynasty) the epithets on the coins, \"sri dosharashi\", is known from inscriptions to have been used by the Kadamba king Krishnavarma II (ruled 516\u2013540). Other coins with the legend \"sri manarashi\" were also found, along with anepigraphic coins (that is, coins without any legends) featuring flowers, \"chakras\", and conches. The lotus, \"chakra\" (discus), and conch are all symbols of the god Vishnu. Kadamba inscriptions frequently invoke Vishnu, indicating they must have been devotees of this deity. The identity of the king named \"sri manarashi\" has still not been determined. The coins are perhaps the earliest ones to use Kannada letters, a","Document [13](Title: Kosala) to know whether king Muladeva of the coins is identifiable with Muladeva, murderer of the Shunga ruler Vasumitra or not (though a historian, Jagannath has tried to do so). King Dhanadeva of the coins is identified with king Dhanadeva (1st century BCE) of Ayodhya inscription. In this Sanskrit inscription, King Kaushikiputra Dhanadeva mentions about setting a \"ketana\" (flag-staff) in memory of his father, Phalgudeva. In this inscription he claimed himself as the sixth in descent from Pushyamitra Shunga. Dhanadeva issued both cast and die-struck coins and both the types have a bull on obverse. Other local rulers whose coins were","Document [14](Title: Bithynian coinage) silver and bronze coinage. Elsewhere, Cappadocians are primarily known for their military issues of coins, and the less monetized Pontic region primarily struck bronze coinage. The purpose of the first royal Bithynian and Cappadocian bronze coinage is still unknown. The first king was Zipoetes I c. 298 BC \u2013 c. 279 BC. It is thought that there were no coinage struck during his reign. The first Bithynian king to strike coins was Nicomedes I (c. 280 BC \u2013 c. 250 BC). He is primarily known for bringing the Gauls known as Galatians to the Asia Minor in 277 BC to","Document [15](Title: Visigothic coinage) find the name of the king in the genitive, rather than the nominative, and preceded by D N, an abbreviation for \"dominus\". Under Chindasuinth, the mint of Toledo introduced the legend INDN, abbreviating \"In nomine Domine\" (in the name of the Lord) , which became common until the reign of Wamba, with various other abbreviations known, such as INDNM, INDIMN. The coinage of Egica also sometimes bear the legend N + P N\u2022M\u2022, an abbreviation of \"In Xristi Nomine\" (in the name of Christ). The names of the kings were written in various ways, for example Suintila is found as","Document [16](Title: Airdeconut) relates to coins of the kings Siefredus and Cnut (Sigfro\u00f0r and Kn\u00fatr in Old Norse), who ruled the Viking kingdom of Northumbria jointly between 895 and 905. The coin is also significant since it suggests Airdeconut was a Christian \u2013 the reverse inscription () is arranged in a cross. This coin is the only piece of evidence for the existence of a ruler of Northumbria by the name of Harthacnut. According to Dr Gareth Williams, curator of early medieval coins at the British Museum, the discovery of the existence of Airdeconut represents the first new Medieval king in England discovered","Document [17](Title: Dynamis (Bosporan queen)) this occurred by the concurrence of Octavian (the name used by historians for Augustus before he became the emperor) and Mark Antony when they shared the rule of the Roman Empire. Minns reckoned that Asander started issuing coins in his name in 44 BC, the year Caesar, who supported Mithridates of Pergamon, died. Then he started minting with the acquiescence of Octavian, whose head featured on his coins. For the first three years the coins had the inscription \u0391\u03a1\u03a7\u039f\u039d\u03a4\u039f\u03a3 \u0391\u03a3\u0391\u039d \u0394\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 (Archiontos Asandrou), archon Asander. Here we also have the first occurrence of \u03c6\u03b9\u03bb\u03bf\u03c1\u03ce\u03b1\u03bc\u03b9\u03bf\u03c2 (philoromaios, friend of Rome) on coinage.","Document [18](Title: Western Satraps) and the date of issue, and have helped clarify the early history of India. From the reigns of Jivadaman and Rudrasimha I, the date of minting of each coin, reckoned in the Saka era, is usually written on the obverse behind the king's head in Brahmi numerals, allowing for a quite precise datation of the rule of each king. This is a rather uncommon case in Indian numismatics. Some, such as the numismat R.C Senior considered that these dates might correspond to the much earlier Azes era instead. Also the father of each king is systematically mentioned in the reverse","Document [19](Title: Monunius I) The royal staters, with the legend 'Basileos Monuniou' (of King Monunius), were a copy of the coins of Durr\u00ebs, the place where they were minted. The coins of Monunius differed only in having the jaw of the boar set over the cow, as a symbol of the royal Illyrian name. The mint also had the abbreviated name \u0394\u03a5\u03a1 (for Durr\u00ebs) to donate the place where they were minted, as well as showing royal sovereignty over the city. These coins have been found in great numbers in the Illyrian city of Gur\u00ebzeza, and in the interior of modern-day Albania beyond the","Document [20](Title: Kingdom of Northumbria) to bartering) regained popularity in the late 600s, Northumbrian coins featured kings' names, indicating royal control of currency. Royal currency was unique in Britain for a long time. King Aldfrith (685\u2013705) minted Northumbria's earliest silver coins, likely in York. Later royal coinage bears the name of King Eadberht (738\u2013758), as well as his brother, archbishop Ecgbert of York. Later kings and archbishops minted coins until the Danish conquest of York in 866\/7. These coins were primarily small silver sceattas, more suitable to small, everyday transactions than larger gold Frankish or Roman coins. They were not a fiat currency, but rather"],"query":"who were the first kings to issue coins bearing their names?","answers":["the Indo-Greek kings"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Beonna of East Anglia) for runic lettering. Beonna had three moneyers whose names are known: Werferth, Efe and Wilred. The coins struck by Werferth are considered to be the earliest. His coins and those struck under the authority of Eadberht of Northumbria both contained 70% silver and were similar in type and detail, which suggests the possibility of producing a chronology for Beonna's coins, using the established sequence for the Northumbrian coins of Eadberht. However, as Eadberht's reign began in 738, several years before Beonna became king in East Anglia, the coins cannot be related to each other closely enough to construct a reliable","Document [2](Title: Ancient Greek coinage) by other Greeks as showing hubris (arrogance). But the kings of Ptolemaic Egypt and Seleucid Syria had no such scruples: having already awarded themselves with \"divine\" status, they issued magnificent gold coins adorned with their own portraits, with the symbols of their state on the reverse. The names of the kings were frequently inscribed on the coin as well. This established a pattern for coins which has persisted ever since: a portrait of the king, usually in profile and striking a heroic pose, on the obverse, with his name beside him, and a coat of arms or other symbol of","Document [3](Title: Pathankot district) kings issued their coins. These early coins are thin pieces of copper either square or oblong. Their identity is marked by the symbols found on these coins such as Trident, Nandi Bull, Swastic and elephant etc. Some silver coins have also been issued by the Audumbra Kings. They were issued in the name of the community and king. These coins bear the name of the king as well as the state as Audumbrisa . Dharaghosa was probably the most famous and great king of the Audumbra republic. These coins remained in use till the fourth century A.D. Sir A. Cunnigham,","Document [4](Title: Illyrian coinage) being known under the name of Patraus. On the reverse of the coins is a horseman riding over an enemy, in allusion to triumphs over the Macedonians and an inscription of the king. The coins of Audoleon have a head wearing a Corinthian helmet on the obverse and on the reverse a horse stepping, very boldly executed and the inscription of the king. The first Dardanian king to have minted silver coins was Monunius in the beginning of the 3rd century BC, around 280 BC. He struck his coins in the Greek colony of Durr\u00ebs and they differed only in","Document [5](Title: Cantiaci) the Thames, sent a message to these four kings to attack the Roman naval camp as a distraction. The attack failed, a chieftain called Lugotorix was captured, and Cassivellaunus was forced to seek terms. In the century between Caesar's expeditions and the conquest under Claudius (starting in 43 CE), kings in Britain began to issue coins stamped with their names. The following kings of the Cantiaci are known: According to Nennius, Gwrangon was King of Kent in the time of Vortigern, until Vortigern took away the kingdom and gave it to Hengist; but Nennius is regarded as an untrustworthy source,","Document [6](Title: Addedomarus) Addedomarus Addedomarus (sometimes written A\u03b8\u03b8edomarus on coins) was a king of south-eastern Britain in the late 1st century BC. His name is known only from his inscribed coins, the distribution of which seem to indicate that he was the ruler of the Trinovantes. He was the first king to produce inscribed coins north of the Thames, perhaps as early as 35 BC, although some estimates are as late as 15 BC. He seems to have moved the Trinovantian capital from Braughing in Hertfordshire to Camulodunum (Colchester, Essex). For a brief period (ca. 15-10 BC) he seems to have been supplanted","Document [7](Title: Illyrian coinage) the Aegean, as well as original symbols such as tongs of a metal smelter. The circulation of Damastion coins included Kosovo, southern Serbia, Macedonia and the Adriatic coast from Shkod\u00ebr to Split. The presence of silver mines around the city in ancient sources made it possible for the minting of coins in such a great abundance. The only kings to have minted coins bearing their names were Lycceius, Patraus, Audoleon, Monunius, Mytilus, Gentius and Ballaios. The coinage of Patraus is remarkable. They have on the obverse a head of Apollo, which may be in allusion to the king's name, Apollo","Document [8](Title: Visigothic coinage) where they were struck. Unlike Frankish or later Anglo-Saxon coins, the name of the moneyer is not given. The first of the royal coinage was issued during the reign of Liuvigild (567-586). For a short period coins imitating Byzantine issues, but with the name of Visigothic king were struck - an example is MEC 210. This tremissis of Liuvigild was minted in Barcelona. The obverse shows a stylised bust of the king facing left, with the legend \"\"; on the reverse, a cross on steps, with the legend \"\", identifying the mint. Another type, MEC 209, shows the king facing","Document [9](Title: Alchon Huns) at the time) as donors to a Buddhist reliquary stupa. The rulers of the Alchons practiced skull deformation, as evidenced from their coins, a practice shared with the Huns that migrated into Europe. The names of the first Alchon rulers do not survive. Starting from 430 CE, names of Alchon kings, assuming the title \"Tegin\", survive on coins and religious inscriptions: The earliest Alchon Hun coins were based on Sasanian designs, often with the simple addition of the Alchon \"tamgha\" and a mention of \"Alchon\" or \"Alkhan\". Various coins minted in Bactria and based on a Sasanian designs are known,","Document [10](Title: Iceni) the only coin-producing group to use their tribal name on coins. The earliest personal name to appear on coins is Antedios (about 10 BC), and other abbreviated names like AESU and SAEMU follow. It has been discovered that the name of Antedios\u2019 succeeding ruler Prasutagus appears on the coins as well. H. R. Mossop in his article \u201cAn Elusive Icenian Legend\u201d discusses coins that were discovered by D. F. Allen in Joist Fen, Suffolk, and states, \u201cIt is the coins Nos. 6 and 7 which give an advance in the obverse reading, confirming Allen\u2019s attractive reading PRASTO, with its implied","Document [11](Title: Kadamba dynasty) the epithets on the coins, \"sri dosharashi\", is known from inscriptions to have been used by the Kadamba king Krishnavarma II (ruled 516\u2013540). Other coins with the legend \"sri manarashi\" were also found, along with anepigraphic coins (that is, coins without any legends) featuring flowers, \"chakras\", and conches. The lotus, \"chakra\" (discus), and conch are all symbols of the god Vishnu. Kadamba inscriptions frequently invoke Vishnu, indicating they must have been devotees of this deity. The identity of the king named \"sri manarashi\" has still not been determined. The coins are perhaps the earliest ones to use Kannada letters, a","Document [12](Title: Kosala) to know whether king Muladeva of the coins is identifiable with Muladeva, murderer of the Shunga ruler Vasumitra or not (though a historian, Jagannath has tried to do so). King Dhanadeva of the coins is identified with king Dhanadeva (1st century BCE) of Ayodhya inscription. In this Sanskrit inscription, King Kaushikiputra Dhanadeva mentions about setting a \"ketana\" (flag-staff) in memory of his father, Phalgudeva. In this inscription he claimed himself as the sixth in descent from Pushyamitra Shunga. Dhanadeva issued both cast and die-struck coins and both the types have a bull on obverse. Other local rulers whose coins were","Document [13](Title: Bithynian coinage) silver and bronze coinage. Elsewhere, Cappadocians are primarily known for their military issues of coins, and the less monetized Pontic region primarily struck bronze coinage. The purpose of the first royal Bithynian and Cappadocian bronze coinage is still unknown. The first king was Zipoetes I c. 298 BC \u2013 c. 279 BC. It is thought that there were no coinage struck during his reign. The first Bithynian king to strike coins was Nicomedes I (c. 280 BC \u2013 c. 250 BC). He is primarily known for bringing the Gauls known as Galatians to the Asia Minor in 277 BC to","Document [14](Title: Visigothic coinage) find the name of the king in the genitive, rather than the nominative, and preceded by D N, an abbreviation for \"dominus\". Under Chindasuinth, the mint of Toledo introduced the legend INDN, abbreviating \"In nomine Domine\" (in the name of the Lord) , which became common until the reign of Wamba, with various other abbreviations known, such as INDNM, INDIMN. The coinage of Egica also sometimes bear the legend N + P N\u2022M\u2022, an abbreviation of \"In Xristi Nomine\" (in the name of Christ). The names of the kings were written in various ways, for example Suintila is found as","Document [15](Title: Satavahana dynasty) The Satavahanas are among the earliest Indian rulers to issue their own coins with portraits of their rulers, starting with king Gautamiputra Satakarni, a practice derived from that of the Western Kshatrapas he defeated, itself originating with the Indo-Greek kings to the northwest.","Document [16](Title: Airdeconut) relates to coins of the kings Siefredus and Cnut (Sigfro\u00f0r and Kn\u00fatr in Old Norse), who ruled the Viking kingdom of Northumbria jointly between 895 and 905. The coin is also significant since it suggests Airdeconut was a Christian \u2013 the reverse inscription () is arranged in a cross. This coin is the only piece of evidence for the existence of a ruler of Northumbria by the name of Harthacnut. According to Dr Gareth Williams, curator of early medieval coins at the British Museum, the discovery of the existence of Airdeconut represents the first new Medieval king in England discovered","Document [17](Title: Dynamis (Bosporan queen)) this occurred by the concurrence of Octavian (the name used by historians for Augustus before he became the emperor) and Mark Antony when they shared the rule of the Roman Empire. Minns reckoned that Asander started issuing coins in his name in 44 BC, the year Caesar, who supported Mithridates of Pergamon, died. Then he started minting with the acquiescence of Octavian, whose head featured on his coins. For the first three years the coins had the inscription \u0391\u03a1\u03a7\u039f\u039d\u03a4\u039f\u03a3 \u0391\u03a3\u0391\u039d \u0394\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 (Archiontos Asandrou), archon Asander. Here we also have the first occurrence of \u03c6\u03b9\u03bb\u03bf\u03c1\u03ce\u03b1\u03bc\u03b9\u03bf\u03c2 (philoromaios, friend of Rome) on coinage.","Document [18](Title: Western Satraps) and the date of issue, and have helped clarify the early history of India. From the reigns of Jivadaman and Rudrasimha I, the date of minting of each coin, reckoned in the Saka era, is usually written on the obverse behind the king's head in Brahmi numerals, allowing for a quite precise datation of the rule of each king. This is a rather uncommon case in Indian numismatics. Some, such as the numismat R.C Senior considered that these dates might correspond to the much earlier Azes era instead. Also the father of each king is systematically mentioned in the reverse","Document [19](Title: Monunius I) The royal staters, with the legend 'Basileos Monuniou' (of King Monunius), were a copy of the coins of Durr\u00ebs, the place where they were minted. The coins of Monunius differed only in having the jaw of the boar set over the cow, as a symbol of the royal Illyrian name. The mint also had the abbreviated name \u0394\u03a5\u03a1 (for Durr\u00ebs) to donate the place where they were minted, as well as showing royal sovereignty over the city. These coins have been found in great numbers in the Illyrian city of Gur\u00ebzeza, and in the interior of modern-day Albania beyond the","Document [20](Title: Kingdom of Northumbria) to bartering) regained popularity in the late 600s, Northumbrian coins featured kings' names, indicating royal control of currency. Royal currency was unique in Britain for a long time. King Aldfrith (685\u2013705) minted Northumbria's earliest silver coins, likely in York. Later royal coinage bears the name of King Eadberht (738\u2013758), as well as his brother, archbishop Ecgbert of York. Later kings and archbishops minted coins until the Danish conquest of York in 866\/7. These coins were primarily small silver sceattas, more suitable to small, everyday transactions than larger gold Frankish or Roman coins. They were not a fiat currency, but rather"],"query":"who were the first kings to issue coins bearing their names?","answers":["the Indo-Greek kings"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Beonna of East Anglia) for runic lettering. Beonna had three moneyers whose names are known: Werferth, Efe and Wilred. The coins struck by Werferth are considered to be the earliest. His coins and those struck under the authority of Eadberht of Northumbria both contained 70% silver and were similar in type and detail, which suggests the possibility of producing a chronology for Beonna's coins, using the established sequence for the Northumbrian coins of Eadberht. However, as Eadberht's reign began in 738, several years before Beonna became king in East Anglia, the coins cannot be related to each other closely enough to construct a reliable","Document [2](Title: Ancient Greek coinage) by other Greeks as showing hubris (arrogance). But the kings of Ptolemaic Egypt and Seleucid Syria had no such scruples: having already awarded themselves with \"divine\" status, they issued magnificent gold coins adorned with their own portraits, with the symbols of their state on the reverse. The names of the kings were frequently inscribed on the coin as well. This established a pattern for coins which has persisted ever since: a portrait of the king, usually in profile and striking a heroic pose, on the obverse, with his name beside him, and a coat of arms or other symbol of","Document [3](Title: Pathankot district) kings issued their coins. These early coins are thin pieces of copper either square or oblong. Their identity is marked by the symbols found on these coins such as Trident, Nandi Bull, Swastic and elephant etc. Some silver coins have also been issued by the Audumbra Kings. They were issued in the name of the community and king. These coins bear the name of the king as well as the state as Audumbrisa . Dharaghosa was probably the most famous and great king of the Audumbra republic. These coins remained in use till the fourth century A.D. Sir A. Cunnigham,","Document [4](Title: Illyrian coinage) being known under the name of Patraus. On the reverse of the coins is a horseman riding over an enemy, in allusion to triumphs over the Macedonians and an inscription of the king. The coins of Audoleon have a head wearing a Corinthian helmet on the obverse and on the reverse a horse stepping, very boldly executed and the inscription of the king. The first Dardanian king to have minted silver coins was Monunius in the beginning of the 3rd century BC, around 280 BC. He struck his coins in the Greek colony of Durr\u00ebs and they differed only in","Document [5](Title: Cantiaci) the Thames, sent a message to these four kings to attack the Roman naval camp as a distraction. The attack failed, a chieftain called Lugotorix was captured, and Cassivellaunus was forced to seek terms. In the century between Caesar's expeditions and the conquest under Claudius (starting in 43 CE), kings in Britain began to issue coins stamped with their names. The following kings of the Cantiaci are known: According to Nennius, Gwrangon was King of Kent in the time of Vortigern, until Vortigern took away the kingdom and gave it to Hengist; but Nennius is regarded as an untrustworthy source,","Document [6](Title: Addedomarus) Addedomarus Addedomarus (sometimes written A\u03b8\u03b8edomarus on coins) was a king of south-eastern Britain in the late 1st century BC. His name is known only from his inscribed coins, the distribution of which seem to indicate that he was the ruler of the Trinovantes. He was the first king to produce inscribed coins north of the Thames, perhaps as early as 35 BC, although some estimates are as late as 15 BC. He seems to have moved the Trinovantian capital from Braughing in Hertfordshire to Camulodunum (Colchester, Essex). For a brief period (ca. 15-10 BC) he seems to have been supplanted","Document [7](Title: Illyrian coinage) the Aegean, as well as original symbols such as tongs of a metal smelter. The circulation of Damastion coins included Kosovo, southern Serbia, Macedonia and the Adriatic coast from Shkod\u00ebr to Split. The presence of silver mines around the city in ancient sources made it possible for the minting of coins in such a great abundance. The only kings to have minted coins bearing their names were Lycceius, Patraus, Audoleon, Monunius, Mytilus, Gentius and Ballaios. The coinage of Patraus is remarkable. They have on the obverse a head of Apollo, which may be in allusion to the king's name, Apollo","Document [8](Title: Visigothic coinage) where they were struck. Unlike Frankish or later Anglo-Saxon coins, the name of the moneyer is not given. The first of the royal coinage was issued during the reign of Liuvigild (567-586). For a short period coins imitating Byzantine issues, but with the name of Visigothic king were struck - an example is MEC 210. This tremissis of Liuvigild was minted in Barcelona. The obverse shows a stylised bust of the king facing left, with the legend \"\"; on the reverse, a cross on steps, with the legend \"\", identifying the mint. Another type, MEC 209, shows the king facing","Document [9](Title: Alchon Huns) at the time) as donors to a Buddhist reliquary stupa. The rulers of the Alchons practiced skull deformation, as evidenced from their coins, a practice shared with the Huns that migrated into Europe. The names of the first Alchon rulers do not survive. Starting from 430 CE, names of Alchon kings, assuming the title \"Tegin\", survive on coins and religious inscriptions: The earliest Alchon Hun coins were based on Sasanian designs, often with the simple addition of the Alchon \"tamgha\" and a mention of \"Alchon\" or \"Alkhan\". Various coins minted in Bactria and based on a Sasanian designs are known,","Document [10](Title: Iceni) the only coin-producing group to use their tribal name on coins. The earliest personal name to appear on coins is Antedios (about 10 BC), and other abbreviated names like AESU and SAEMU follow. It has been discovered that the name of Antedios\u2019 succeeding ruler Prasutagus appears on the coins as well. H. R. Mossop in his article \u201cAn Elusive Icenian Legend\u201d discusses coins that were discovered by D. F. Allen in Joist Fen, Suffolk, and states, \u201cIt is the coins Nos. 6 and 7 which give an advance in the obverse reading, confirming Allen\u2019s attractive reading PRASTO, with its implied","Document [11](Title: Kadamba dynasty) the epithets on the coins, \"sri dosharashi\", is known from inscriptions to have been used by the Kadamba king Krishnavarma II (ruled 516\u2013540). Other coins with the legend \"sri manarashi\" were also found, along with anepigraphic coins (that is, coins without any legends) featuring flowers, \"chakras\", and conches. The lotus, \"chakra\" (discus), and conch are all symbols of the god Vishnu. Kadamba inscriptions frequently invoke Vishnu, indicating they must have been devotees of this deity. The identity of the king named \"sri manarashi\" has still not been determined. The coins are perhaps the earliest ones to use Kannada letters, a","Document [12](Title: Kosala) to know whether king Muladeva of the coins is identifiable with Muladeva, murderer of the Shunga ruler Vasumitra or not (though a historian, Jagannath has tried to do so). King Dhanadeva of the coins is identified with king Dhanadeva (1st century BCE) of Ayodhya inscription. In this Sanskrit inscription, King Kaushikiputra Dhanadeva mentions about setting a \"ketana\" (flag-staff) in memory of his father, Phalgudeva. In this inscription he claimed himself as the sixth in descent from Pushyamitra Shunga. Dhanadeva issued both cast and die-struck coins and both the types have a bull on obverse. Other local rulers whose coins were","Document [13](Title: Bithynian coinage) silver and bronze coinage. Elsewhere, Cappadocians are primarily known for their military issues of coins, and the less monetized Pontic region primarily struck bronze coinage. The purpose of the first royal Bithynian and Cappadocian bronze coinage is still unknown. The first king was Zipoetes I c. 298 BC \u2013 c. 279 BC. It is thought that there were no coinage struck during his reign. The first Bithynian king to strike coins was Nicomedes I (c. 280 BC \u2013 c. 250 BC). He is primarily known for bringing the Gauls known as Galatians to the Asia Minor in 277 BC to","Document [14](Title: Visigothic coinage) find the name of the king in the genitive, rather than the nominative, and preceded by D N, an abbreviation for \"dominus\". Under Chindasuinth, the mint of Toledo introduced the legend INDN, abbreviating \"In nomine Domine\" (in the name of the Lord) , which became common until the reign of Wamba, with various other abbreviations known, such as INDNM, INDIMN. The coinage of Egica also sometimes bear the legend N + P N\u2022M\u2022, an abbreviation of \"In Xristi Nomine\" (in the name of Christ). The names of the kings were written in various ways, for example Suintila is found as","Document [15](Title: Airdeconut) relates to coins of the kings Siefredus and Cnut (Sigfro\u00f0r and Kn\u00fatr in Old Norse), who ruled the Viking kingdom of Northumbria jointly between 895 and 905. The coin is also significant since it suggests Airdeconut was a Christian \u2013 the reverse inscription () is arranged in a cross. This coin is the only piece of evidence for the existence of a ruler of Northumbria by the name of Harthacnut. According to Dr Gareth Williams, curator of early medieval coins at the British Museum, the discovery of the existence of Airdeconut represents the first new Medieval king in England discovered","Document [16](Title: Dynamis (Bosporan queen)) this occurred by the concurrence of Octavian (the name used by historians for Augustus before he became the emperor) and Mark Antony when they shared the rule of the Roman Empire. Minns reckoned that Asander started issuing coins in his name in 44 BC, the year Caesar, who supported Mithridates of Pergamon, died. Then he started minting with the acquiescence of Octavian, whose head featured on his coins. For the first three years the coins had the inscription \u0391\u03a1\u03a7\u039f\u039d\u03a4\u039f\u03a3 \u0391\u03a3\u0391\u039d \u0394\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 (Archiontos Asandrou), archon Asander. Here we also have the first occurrence of \u03c6\u03b9\u03bb\u03bf\u03c1\u03ce\u03b1\u03bc\u03b9\u03bf\u03c2 (philoromaios, friend of Rome) on coinage.","Document [17](Title: Western Satraps) and the date of issue, and have helped clarify the early history of India. From the reigns of Jivadaman and Rudrasimha I, the date of minting of each coin, reckoned in the Saka era, is usually written on the obverse behind the king's head in Brahmi numerals, allowing for a quite precise datation of the rule of each king. This is a rather uncommon case in Indian numismatics. Some, such as the numismat R.C Senior considered that these dates might correspond to the much earlier Azes era instead. Also the father of each king is systematically mentioned in the reverse","Document [18](Title: Monunius I) The royal staters, with the legend 'Basileos Monuniou' (of King Monunius), were a copy of the coins of Durr\u00ebs, the place where they were minted. The coins of Monunius differed only in having the jaw of the boar set over the cow, as a symbol of the royal Illyrian name. The mint also had the abbreviated name \u0394\u03a5\u03a1 (for Durr\u00ebs) to donate the place where they were minted, as well as showing royal sovereignty over the city. These coins have been found in great numbers in the Illyrian city of Gur\u00ebzeza, and in the interior of modern-day Albania beyond the","Document [19](Title: Kingdom of Northumbria) to bartering) regained popularity in the late 600s, Northumbrian coins featured kings' names, indicating royal control of currency. Royal currency was unique in Britain for a long time. King Aldfrith (685\u2013705) minted Northumbria's earliest silver coins, likely in York. Later royal coinage bears the name of King Eadberht (738\u2013758), as well as his brother, archbishop Ecgbert of York. Later kings and archbishops minted coins until the Danish conquest of York in 866\/7. These coins were primarily small silver sceattas, more suitable to small, everyday transactions than larger gold Frankish or Roman coins. They were not a fiat currency, but rather","Document [20](Title: Satavahana dynasty) The Satavahanas are among the earliest Indian rulers to issue their own coins with portraits of their rulers, starting with king Gautamiputra Satakarni, a practice derived from that of the Western Kshatrapas he defeated, itself originating with the Indo-Greek kings to the northwest."],"query":"who were the first kings to issue coins bearing their names?","answers":["the Indo-Greek kings"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Call of the Wild) The Call of the Wild is a short adventure novel by Jack London published in 1903 and set in Yukon, Canada during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush, when strong sled dogs were in high demand. The central character of the novel is a dog named Buck. The story opens at a ranch in Santa Clara Valley, California, when Buck is stolen from his home and sold into service as a sled dog in Alaska. He becomes progressively feral in the harsh environment, where he is forced to fight to survive and dominate other dogs. By the end, he sheds the","Document [2](Title: Call of the Wild (TV series)) Call of the Wild (TV series) Call of the Wild is a 2000 adventure television series based on Jack London's eponymous 1903 novel. It was originally broadcast on Animal Planet, and the 13 episodes were released on DVD as a 120-minute, full-length movie. The series received a Leo Award nomination for Best Cinematography in a Dramatic Series (Stephen McNutt), and for Best Production Designer (Brian Davies) in the episode \"The Attack\". The series was also a 2000 LEO nominee for Best Overall Sound\/Drama (Miguel Nunes) and received a nomination for a 2000 Emmy Award for Outstanding Main Title Theme Music","Document [3](Title: Call of the Wild (1935 film)) Call of the Wild (1935 film) Call of the Wild is a 1935 American adventure film based on Jack London's novel of \"The Call of the Wild\", directed by William A. Wellman, and stars Clark Gable, Loretta Young, and Jack Oakie. The film omits all but one of the book's story lines. In Skagway in 1900, Jack Thornton announces to a crowded bar that he is going home after striking it rich in the gold fields. However, he loses most of his money gambling first. Then he runs into an old pal, \"Shorty\" Hoolihan, just released from jail after serving","Document [4](Title: The Call of the Wild (1923 film)) The Call of the Wild (1923 film) The Call of the Wild is an American silent film based on the popular book by Jack London. The film was written and directed by Fred Jackman and produced by Hal Roach. The feature was released on September 23, 1923 and distributed by Path\u00e9 Exchange. Prints of the movie are archived at the Museum of Modern Art. The story opens with Buck as a puppy, being ushered into a happy family as a Christmas present for a little girl. He grows up a faithful and loving friend of the children until one day","Document [5](Title: Call of the Wild (2019 film)) were added to the cast. In October, Bradley Whitford joined the cast, with Cara Gee joining in November. Principal photography on the film began in late-September 2018 in Los Angeles. \"Call of the Wild\" is scheduled to be released on December 25, 2019 by 20th Century Fox. Call of the Wild (2019 film) Call of the Wild is an upcoming American live-action CGI-animated adventure film based on the Jack London's 1903 novel of the same name. The film is directed by Chris Sanders, written by Michael Green, and stars Harrison Ford, Dan Stevens, Karen Gillan, Bradley Whitford and Omar Sy.","Document [6](Title: The Call of the Wild (1976 film)) The Call of the Wild (1976 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1976 American television film based on Jack London's 1903 novel \"The Call of the Wild\". The film, starring John Beck, was directed by Jerry Jameson from a script by the poet and novelist James Dickey. One of several adaptations of London's novel, this version was produced following the success of the 1972 film \"Deliverance\", an adaptation of Dickey's novel of the same title. The author's son, Christopher Dickey, wrote in his 1998 memoir, \"Summer of Deliverance\", that \"[t]he Hollywood concept [for the 1976 film] was James","Document [7](Title: Call of the Wild (1935 film)) Jack and Claire. Buck finds John Blake, still alive, though in bad shape. They nurse him back to health. Jack wants to keep Claire anyway, but she will not go along. Jack then recommends that John leave to get proper medical attention before the weather makes it impossible. John and Claire leave. Jack also During the filming of \"Call of the Wild\", Clark Gable impregnated Loretta Young, which resulted in Young's hushed-up pregnancy and the birth of their daughter Judy Lewis (1935-2011). The pregnancy was widely assumed to be the result of an affair; however, in 2015, Linda Lewis, Young's","Document [8](Title: Call of the Wild (2019 film)) Call of the Wild (2019 film) Call of the Wild is an upcoming American live-action CGI-animated adventure film based on the Jack London's 1903 novel of the same name. The film is directed by Chris Sanders, written by Michael Green, and stars Harrison Ford, Dan Stevens, Karen Gillan, Bradley Whitford and Omar Sy. It will be released on December 25, 2019 by 20th Century Fox. A domesticated St. Bernard\/Scotch Collie dog named Buck is stolen from his Santa Clara, California home and sold to freight haulers in the Yukon. In October 2017, it was announced that 20th Century Fox was","Document [9](Title: The Call of the Wild (1976 film)) Dickey meets Jack London; sort of \"Deliverance\" in the Klondike.\" The Call of the Wild (1976 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1976 American television film based on Jack London's 1903 novel \"The Call of the Wild\". The film, starring John Beck, was directed by Jerry Jameson from a script by the poet and novelist James Dickey. One of several adaptations of London's novel, this version was produced following the success of the 1972 film \"Deliverance\", an adaptation of Dickey's novel of the same title. The author's son, Christopher Dickey, wrote in his 1998 memoir, \"Summer of Deliverance\",","Document [10](Title: The Call of the Wild (1923 film)) 1923 feature was the only silent film produced based on the book. A Charlie Brown special with a plot similar to the novel aired on TV in 1978, Rick Schroder starred in a 1993 TV adaption, a 1997 Canadian TV film featured Richard Dreyfuss and Rutger Hauer and the Animal Planet produced a 13 episode series based on the novel in 2000. During its two-week run at the Cameo Theater in New York, reviews in the local newspapers were unanimous in praising the film. \"The Evening Sun\" called the film \"a very effective picture version\" of London's novel and noted","Document [11](Title: The Call of the Wild (1923 film)) which animals play the leading roles...the dog who plays the hero is a very good dog indeed. Several times, as a matter of fact, he was rewarded with applause, and I have no doubt that many of the audience felt that for his performance he should have been tendered a whole stack of bones\". The Call of the Wild (1923 film) The Call of the Wild is an American silent film based on the popular book by Jack London. The film was written and directed by Fred Jackman and produced by Hal Roach. The feature was released on September 23,","Document [12](Title: The Call of the Wild (2007 film)) The Call of the Wild (2007 film) The Call of the Wild is a 2007 documentary film by the independent filmmaker Ron Lamothe. The premise details the odyssey of Christopher McCandless as Lamothe takes a road trip across North America to the places McCandless visited. Within the film, Lamothe reaches conclusions about McCandless' death which contradict both Sean Penn's film \"Into the Wild\" (2007) and Jon Krakauer's book \"Into the Wild\" (1997), on which Penn's film was based. In 2006, Ron Lamothe, decided to make a road trip documentary on Christopher McCandless. Lamothe was inspired by McCandless' story even before","Document [13](Title: Call of the Wild (1935 film)) leaves to file a claim. Jack and Claire wait and eventually acknowledge their love for each other. Buck, in the meantime, feels a strong urge to join a pack of wolves; he frequently leaves to spend time with a female wolf. When Blake and Smith reach the site, Smith has Blake strangled, then holds Jack and Claire at gunpoint. The intruders take the gold they have already gathered and destroy anything that would enable the couple to leave. The villains then leave in their canoe, but it overturns and they drown, weighed down by the stolen gold, within sight of","Document [14](Title: The Call of the Wild (1908 film)) The Call of the Wild (1908 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1908 American short adventure film directed by D.W. Griffith. It starred Charles Inslee, Harry Solter and Florence Lawrence. The film was made by the American Mutoscope and Biograph Company when it and many other early film studios in America's first motion picture industry were based in Fort Lee, New Jersey at the beginning of the 20th century. This film is preserved in the paper print collection of the Library of Congress. Despite its similarity in title it is unrelated to the Jack London story. A white","Document [15](Title: The Call of the Wild (1972 film)) film was shot on location in Finland. Charlton Heston in his autobiography \"In the Arena: An Autobiography\" made it very clear how unhappy he was with this film and asked people to not watch it. Although it was poorly received upon release, and wasn't released in the United States until 1975, today the film is seen in a better light. \"Contemporary British and Irish Film Directors: A Wallflower Critical Guide\" described it as a \"swinging back to action-adventure\", starring \"Charlton Heston at his best\", another in the \"long line of Annakin's panoramic films featuring a myriad of beautiful locations\". The","Document [16](Title: The Call of the Wild) omitted, and John Thorton's killers are now white criminals, who as before, are also killed by Buck. French Canadian film director Christian Duguay has announced financing and distribution for a version of \"The Call of the Wild\" to be released in 2018. Meanwhile, Chris Sanders is directing another film adaptation Call of the Wild[sic], this time hybrid with live action combined with computer animation, scheduled to release on December 25, 2019 by 20th Century Fox. Harrison Ford will star as the lead role and Terry Notary will start as Buck. The Call of the Wild The Call of the Wild","Document [17](Title: The Call of the Wild (1972 film)) The Call of the Wild (1972 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1972 family adventure film directed by Ken Annakin and starring Charlton Heston, Mich\u00e8le Mercier, Raimund Harmstorf, George Eastman, and Maria Rohm. Based on Jack London's novel \"The Call of the Wild\", the film follows the adventures of a dog that is brought north to Canada to be used as a sled dog. John Thornton (Charlton Heston) a prospector in the 1897 Klondike Gold Rush is trying to eke out a living in the harsh conditions of the bitterly cold Yukon region of Canada, with Buck the","Document [18](Title: The Call of the Wild (2007 film)) the San Francisco Documentary Film Festival, and the University of Alaska hosted the Fairbanks premiere of the film December 10, 2007. The Denver Film Society offered that the film mounted \"a thoughtful challenge to Jon Krakauer's \"Into the Wild\" (and actor-director Sean Penn's screen adaptation thereof), \"The Call of the Wild\" presents an alternative to the popular account of Chris McCandless, the self-styled 'aesthetic voyager' who died alone in the Alaskan wilderness in 1992 at age 24.\" They further noted Lamothe's, while filming, having several \"run-ins\" with Penn who was, in the same time-frame and locations, himself involved in the","Document [19](Title: Clark Gable) Gable (born September 20, 1988). Kayley is an actress, while Clark James is currently host of the nationally syndicated reality show \"Cheaters\". During the filming of \"The Call of the Wild\" in early 1935, the film's lead actress, Loretta Young, became pregnant with Gable's child. Their daughter, Judy, was born on November 6, 1935 in Venice, California. Young's pregnancy was hidden in an elaborate scheme. Gable was in New York City when he received an unsigned telegram that said, \"The baby was born, she is beautiful, and has blonde hair.\" Young and her mother both denied sending the telegram; Loretta","Document [20](Title: The Call of the Wild (2007 film)) in Alaska-and along I-80 through Nebraska to Council Bluffs, Iowa with a group of young adults who enjoy collecting mushrooms alongside the road. After days of hitchhiking, Lamothe finally makes it to Carthage but learns that no one in the town will take interviews for his documentary, since they are under contract by Paramount Vantage for Penn's film. However, Lamothe does get to interview the truck driver who gave McCandless a ride from Carthage to Enderlin, North Dakota, as his life story was not owned by Paramount. After departing Carthage, Lamothe travels through Canada but this time as the driver."],"query":"when does the call of the wild take place?","answers":["1890s","the 1890s"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Call of the Wild (TV series)) Call of the Wild (TV series) Call of the Wild is a 2000 adventure television series based on Jack London's eponymous 1903 novel. It was originally broadcast on Animal Planet, and the 13 episodes were released on DVD as a 120-minute, full-length movie. The series received a Leo Award nomination for Best Cinematography in a Dramatic Series (Stephen McNutt), and for Best Production Designer (Brian Davies) in the episode \"The Attack\". The series was also a 2000 LEO nominee for Best Overall Sound\/Drama (Miguel Nunes) and received a nomination for a 2000 Emmy Award for Outstanding Main Title Theme Music","Document [2](Title: Call of the Wild (1935 film)) Call of the Wild (1935 film) Call of the Wild is a 1935 American adventure film based on Jack London's novel of \"The Call of the Wild\", directed by William A. Wellman, and stars Clark Gable, Loretta Young, and Jack Oakie. The film omits all but one of the book's story lines. In Skagway in 1900, Jack Thornton announces to a crowded bar that he is going home after striking it rich in the gold fields. However, he loses most of his money gambling first. Then he runs into an old pal, \"Shorty\" Hoolihan, just released from jail after serving","Document [3](Title: The Call of the Wild (1923 film)) The Call of the Wild (1923 film) The Call of the Wild is an American silent film based on the popular book by Jack London. The film was written and directed by Fred Jackman and produced by Hal Roach. The feature was released on September 23, 1923 and distributed by Path\u00e9 Exchange. Prints of the movie are archived at the Museum of Modern Art. The story opens with Buck as a puppy, being ushered into a happy family as a Christmas present for a little girl. He grows up a faithful and loving friend of the children until one day","Document [4](Title: Call of the Wild (2019 film)) were added to the cast. In October, Bradley Whitford joined the cast, with Cara Gee joining in November. Principal photography on the film began in late-September 2018 in Los Angeles. \"Call of the Wild\" is scheduled to be released on December 25, 2019 by 20th Century Fox. Call of the Wild (2019 film) Call of the Wild is an upcoming American live-action CGI-animated adventure film based on the Jack London's 1903 novel of the same name. The film is directed by Chris Sanders, written by Michael Green, and stars Harrison Ford, Dan Stevens, Karen Gillan, Bradley Whitford and Omar Sy.","Document [5](Title: The Call of the Wild) The Call of the Wild is a short adventure novel by Jack London published in 1903 and set in Yukon, Canada during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush, when strong sled dogs were in high demand. The central character of the novel is a dog named Buck. The story opens at a ranch in Santa Clara Valley, California, when Buck is stolen from his home and sold into service as a sled dog in Alaska. He becomes progressively feral in the harsh environment, where he is forced to fight to survive and dominate other dogs. By the end, he sheds the","Document [6](Title: The Call of the Wild (1976 film)) The Call of the Wild (1976 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1976 American television film based on Jack London's 1903 novel \"The Call of the Wild\". The film, starring John Beck, was directed by Jerry Jameson from a script by the poet and novelist James Dickey. One of several adaptations of London's novel, this version was produced following the success of the 1972 film \"Deliverance\", an adaptation of Dickey's novel of the same title. The author's son, Christopher Dickey, wrote in his 1998 memoir, \"Summer of Deliverance\", that \"[t]he Hollywood concept [for the 1976 film] was James","Document [7](Title: Call of the Wild (1935 film)) Jack and Claire. Buck finds John Blake, still alive, though in bad shape. They nurse him back to health. Jack wants to keep Claire anyway, but she will not go along. Jack then recommends that John leave to get proper medical attention before the weather makes it impossible. John and Claire leave. Jack also During the filming of \"Call of the Wild\", Clark Gable impregnated Loretta Young, which resulted in Young's hushed-up pregnancy and the birth of their daughter Judy Lewis (1935-2011). The pregnancy was widely assumed to be the result of an affair; however, in 2015, Linda Lewis, Young's","Document [8](Title: Call of the Wild (2019 film)) Call of the Wild (2019 film) Call of the Wild is an upcoming American live-action CGI-animated adventure film based on the Jack London's 1903 novel of the same name. The film is directed by Chris Sanders, written by Michael Green, and stars Harrison Ford, Dan Stevens, Karen Gillan, Bradley Whitford and Omar Sy. It will be released on December 25, 2019 by 20th Century Fox. A domesticated St. Bernard\/Scotch Collie dog named Buck is stolen from his Santa Clara, California home and sold to freight haulers in the Yukon. In October 2017, it was announced that 20th Century Fox was","Document [9](Title: The Call of the Wild (1976 film)) Dickey meets Jack London; sort of \"Deliverance\" in the Klondike.\" The Call of the Wild (1976 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1976 American television film based on Jack London's 1903 novel \"The Call of the Wild\". The film, starring John Beck, was directed by Jerry Jameson from a script by the poet and novelist James Dickey. One of several adaptations of London's novel, this version was produced following the success of the 1972 film \"Deliverance\", an adaptation of Dickey's novel of the same title. The author's son, Christopher Dickey, wrote in his 1998 memoir, \"Summer of Deliverance\",","Document [10](Title: The Call of the Wild (1923 film)) 1923 feature was the only silent film produced based on the book. A Charlie Brown special with a plot similar to the novel aired on TV in 1978, Rick Schroder starred in a 1993 TV adaption, a 1997 Canadian TV film featured Richard Dreyfuss and Rutger Hauer and the Animal Planet produced a 13 episode series based on the novel in 2000. During its two-week run at the Cameo Theater in New York, reviews in the local newspapers were unanimous in praising the film. \"The Evening Sun\" called the film \"a very effective picture version\" of London's novel and noted","Document [11](Title: The Call of the Wild (1923 film)) which animals play the leading roles...the dog who plays the hero is a very good dog indeed. Several times, as a matter of fact, he was rewarded with applause, and I have no doubt that many of the audience felt that for his performance he should have been tendered a whole stack of bones\". The Call of the Wild (1923 film) The Call of the Wild is an American silent film based on the popular book by Jack London. The film was written and directed by Fred Jackman and produced by Hal Roach. The feature was released on September 23,","Document [12](Title: The Call of the Wild (2007 film)) The Call of the Wild (2007 film) The Call of the Wild is a 2007 documentary film by the independent filmmaker Ron Lamothe. The premise details the odyssey of Christopher McCandless as Lamothe takes a road trip across North America to the places McCandless visited. Within the film, Lamothe reaches conclusions about McCandless' death which contradict both Sean Penn's film \"Into the Wild\" (2007) and Jon Krakauer's book \"Into the Wild\" (1997), on which Penn's film was based. In 2006, Ron Lamothe, decided to make a road trip documentary on Christopher McCandless. Lamothe was inspired by McCandless' story even before","Document [13](Title: Call of the Wild (1935 film)) leaves to file a claim. Jack and Claire wait and eventually acknowledge their love for each other. Buck, in the meantime, feels a strong urge to join a pack of wolves; he frequently leaves to spend time with a female wolf. When Blake and Smith reach the site, Smith has Blake strangled, then holds Jack and Claire at gunpoint. The intruders take the gold they have already gathered and destroy anything that would enable the couple to leave. The villains then leave in their canoe, but it overturns and they drown, weighed down by the stolen gold, within sight of","Document [14](Title: The Call of the Wild (1908 film)) The Call of the Wild (1908 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1908 American short adventure film directed by D.W. Griffith. It starred Charles Inslee, Harry Solter and Florence Lawrence. The film was made by the American Mutoscope and Biograph Company when it and many other early film studios in America's first motion picture industry were based in Fort Lee, New Jersey at the beginning of the 20th century. This film is preserved in the paper print collection of the Library of Congress. Despite its similarity in title it is unrelated to the Jack London story. A white","Document [15](Title: The Call of the Wild (1972 film)) film was shot on location in Finland. Charlton Heston in his autobiography \"In the Arena: An Autobiography\" made it very clear how unhappy he was with this film and asked people to not watch it. Although it was poorly received upon release, and wasn't released in the United States until 1975, today the film is seen in a better light. \"Contemporary British and Irish Film Directors: A Wallflower Critical Guide\" described it as a \"swinging back to action-adventure\", starring \"Charlton Heston at his best\", another in the \"long line of Annakin's panoramic films featuring a myriad of beautiful locations\". The","Document [16](Title: The Call of the Wild) omitted, and John Thorton's killers are now white criminals, who as before, are also killed by Buck. French Canadian film director Christian Duguay has announced financing and distribution for a version of \"The Call of the Wild\" to be released in 2018. Meanwhile, Chris Sanders is directing another film adaptation Call of the Wild[sic], this time hybrid with live action combined with computer animation, scheduled to release on December 25, 2019 by 20th Century Fox. Harrison Ford will star as the lead role and Terry Notary will start as Buck. The Call of the Wild The Call of the Wild","Document [17](Title: The Call of the Wild (1972 film)) The Call of the Wild (1972 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1972 family adventure film directed by Ken Annakin and starring Charlton Heston, Mich\u00e8le Mercier, Raimund Harmstorf, George Eastman, and Maria Rohm. Based on Jack London's novel \"The Call of the Wild\", the film follows the adventures of a dog that is brought north to Canada to be used as a sled dog. John Thornton (Charlton Heston) a prospector in the 1897 Klondike Gold Rush is trying to eke out a living in the harsh conditions of the bitterly cold Yukon region of Canada, with Buck the","Document [18](Title: The Call of the Wild (2007 film)) the San Francisco Documentary Film Festival, and the University of Alaska hosted the Fairbanks premiere of the film December 10, 2007. The Denver Film Society offered that the film mounted \"a thoughtful challenge to Jon Krakauer's \"Into the Wild\" (and actor-director Sean Penn's screen adaptation thereof), \"The Call of the Wild\" presents an alternative to the popular account of Chris McCandless, the self-styled 'aesthetic voyager' who died alone in the Alaskan wilderness in 1992 at age 24.\" They further noted Lamothe's, while filming, having several \"run-ins\" with Penn who was, in the same time-frame and locations, himself involved in the","Document [19](Title: Clark Gable) Gable (born September 20, 1988). Kayley is an actress, while Clark James is currently host of the nationally syndicated reality show \"Cheaters\". During the filming of \"The Call of the Wild\" in early 1935, the film's lead actress, Loretta Young, became pregnant with Gable's child. Their daughter, Judy, was born on November 6, 1935 in Venice, California. Young's pregnancy was hidden in an elaborate scheme. Gable was in New York City when he received an unsigned telegram that said, \"The baby was born, she is beautiful, and has blonde hair.\" Young and her mother both denied sending the telegram; Loretta","Document [20](Title: The Call of the Wild (2007 film)) in Alaska-and along I-80 through Nebraska to Council Bluffs, Iowa with a group of young adults who enjoy collecting mushrooms alongside the road. After days of hitchhiking, Lamothe finally makes it to Carthage but learns that no one in the town will take interviews for his documentary, since they are under contract by Paramount Vantage for Penn's film. However, Lamothe does get to interview the truck driver who gave McCandless a ride from Carthage to Enderlin, North Dakota, as his life story was not owned by Paramount. After departing Carthage, Lamothe travels through Canada but this time as the driver."],"query":"when does the call of the wild take place?","answers":["1890s","the 1890s"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Call of the Wild (TV series)) Call of the Wild (TV series) Call of the Wild is a 2000 adventure television series based on Jack London's eponymous 1903 novel. It was originally broadcast on Animal Planet, and the 13 episodes were released on DVD as a 120-minute, full-length movie. The series received a Leo Award nomination for Best Cinematography in a Dramatic Series (Stephen McNutt), and for Best Production Designer (Brian Davies) in the episode \"The Attack\". The series was also a 2000 LEO nominee for Best Overall Sound\/Drama (Miguel Nunes) and received a nomination for a 2000 Emmy Award for Outstanding Main Title Theme Music","Document [2](Title: Call of the Wild (1935 film)) Call of the Wild (1935 film) Call of the Wild is a 1935 American adventure film based on Jack London's novel of \"The Call of the Wild\", directed by William A. Wellman, and stars Clark Gable, Loretta Young, and Jack Oakie. The film omits all but one of the book's story lines. In Skagway in 1900, Jack Thornton announces to a crowded bar that he is going home after striking it rich in the gold fields. However, he loses most of his money gambling first. Then he runs into an old pal, \"Shorty\" Hoolihan, just released from jail after serving","Document [3](Title: The Call of the Wild (1923 film)) The Call of the Wild (1923 film) The Call of the Wild is an American silent film based on the popular book by Jack London. The film was written and directed by Fred Jackman and produced by Hal Roach. The feature was released on September 23, 1923 and distributed by Path\u00e9 Exchange. Prints of the movie are archived at the Museum of Modern Art. The story opens with Buck as a puppy, being ushered into a happy family as a Christmas present for a little girl. He grows up a faithful and loving friend of the children until one day","Document [4](Title: Call of the Wild (2019 film)) were added to the cast. In October, Bradley Whitford joined the cast, with Cara Gee joining in November. Principal photography on the film began in late-September 2018 in Los Angeles. \"Call of the Wild\" is scheduled to be released on December 25, 2019 by 20th Century Fox. Call of the Wild (2019 film) Call of the Wild is an upcoming American live-action CGI-animated adventure film based on the Jack London's 1903 novel of the same name. The film is directed by Chris Sanders, written by Michael Green, and stars Harrison Ford, Dan Stevens, Karen Gillan, Bradley Whitford and Omar Sy.","Document [5](Title: The Call of the Wild (1976 film)) The Call of the Wild (1976 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1976 American television film based on Jack London's 1903 novel \"The Call of the Wild\". The film, starring John Beck, was directed by Jerry Jameson from a script by the poet and novelist James Dickey. One of several adaptations of London's novel, this version was produced following the success of the 1972 film \"Deliverance\", an adaptation of Dickey's novel of the same title. The author's son, Christopher Dickey, wrote in his 1998 memoir, \"Summer of Deliverance\", that \"[t]he Hollywood concept [for the 1976 film] was James","Document [6](Title: Call of the Wild (1935 film)) Jack and Claire. Buck finds John Blake, still alive, though in bad shape. They nurse him back to health. Jack wants to keep Claire anyway, but she will not go along. Jack then recommends that John leave to get proper medical attention before the weather makes it impossible. John and Claire leave. Jack also During the filming of \"Call of the Wild\", Clark Gable impregnated Loretta Young, which resulted in Young's hushed-up pregnancy and the birth of their daughter Judy Lewis (1935-2011). The pregnancy was widely assumed to be the result of an affair; however, in 2015, Linda Lewis, Young's","Document [7](Title: Call of the Wild (2019 film)) Call of the Wild (2019 film) Call of the Wild is an upcoming American live-action CGI-animated adventure film based on the Jack London's 1903 novel of the same name. The film is directed by Chris Sanders, written by Michael Green, and stars Harrison Ford, Dan Stevens, Karen Gillan, Bradley Whitford and Omar Sy. It will be released on December 25, 2019 by 20th Century Fox. A domesticated St. Bernard\/Scotch Collie dog named Buck is stolen from his Santa Clara, California home and sold to freight haulers in the Yukon. In October 2017, it was announced that 20th Century Fox was","Document [8](Title: The Call of the Wild (1976 film)) Dickey meets Jack London; sort of \"Deliverance\" in the Klondike.\" The Call of the Wild (1976 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1976 American television film based on Jack London's 1903 novel \"The Call of the Wild\". The film, starring John Beck, was directed by Jerry Jameson from a script by the poet and novelist James Dickey. One of several adaptations of London's novel, this version was produced following the success of the 1972 film \"Deliverance\", an adaptation of Dickey's novel of the same title. The author's son, Christopher Dickey, wrote in his 1998 memoir, \"Summer of Deliverance\",","Document [9](Title: The Call of the Wild (1923 film)) 1923 feature was the only silent film produced based on the book. A Charlie Brown special with a plot similar to the novel aired on TV in 1978, Rick Schroder starred in a 1993 TV adaption, a 1997 Canadian TV film featured Richard Dreyfuss and Rutger Hauer and the Animal Planet produced a 13 episode series based on the novel in 2000. During its two-week run at the Cameo Theater in New York, reviews in the local newspapers were unanimous in praising the film. \"The Evening Sun\" called the film \"a very effective picture version\" of London's novel and noted","Document [10](Title: The Call of the Wild) The Call of the Wild is a short adventure novel by Jack London published in 1903 and set in Yukon, Canada during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush, when strong sled dogs were in high demand. The central character of the novel is a dog named Buck. The story opens at a ranch in Santa Clara Valley, California, when Buck is stolen from his home and sold into service as a sled dog in Alaska. He becomes progressively feral in the harsh environment, where he is forced to fight to survive and dominate other dogs. By the end, he sheds the","Document [11](Title: The Call of the Wild (1923 film)) which animals play the leading roles...the dog who plays the hero is a very good dog indeed. Several times, as a matter of fact, he was rewarded with applause, and I have no doubt that many of the audience felt that for his performance he should have been tendered a whole stack of bones\". The Call of the Wild (1923 film) The Call of the Wild is an American silent film based on the popular book by Jack London. The film was written and directed by Fred Jackman and produced by Hal Roach. The feature was released on September 23,","Document [12](Title: The Call of the Wild (2007 film)) The Call of the Wild (2007 film) The Call of the Wild is a 2007 documentary film by the independent filmmaker Ron Lamothe. The premise details the odyssey of Christopher McCandless as Lamothe takes a road trip across North America to the places McCandless visited. Within the film, Lamothe reaches conclusions about McCandless' death which contradict both Sean Penn's film \"Into the Wild\" (2007) and Jon Krakauer's book \"Into the Wild\" (1997), on which Penn's film was based. In 2006, Ron Lamothe, decided to make a road trip documentary on Christopher McCandless. Lamothe was inspired by McCandless' story even before","Document [13](Title: Call of the Wild (1935 film)) leaves to file a claim. Jack and Claire wait and eventually acknowledge their love for each other. Buck, in the meantime, feels a strong urge to join a pack of wolves; he frequently leaves to spend time with a female wolf. When Blake and Smith reach the site, Smith has Blake strangled, then holds Jack and Claire at gunpoint. The intruders take the gold they have already gathered and destroy anything that would enable the couple to leave. The villains then leave in their canoe, but it overturns and they drown, weighed down by the stolen gold, within sight of","Document [14](Title: The Call of the Wild (1908 film)) The Call of the Wild (1908 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1908 American short adventure film directed by D.W. Griffith. It starred Charles Inslee, Harry Solter and Florence Lawrence. The film was made by the American Mutoscope and Biograph Company when it and many other early film studios in America's first motion picture industry were based in Fort Lee, New Jersey at the beginning of the 20th century. This film is preserved in the paper print collection of the Library of Congress. Despite its similarity in title it is unrelated to the Jack London story. A white","Document [15](Title: The Call of the Wild (1972 film)) film was shot on location in Finland. Charlton Heston in his autobiography \"In the Arena: An Autobiography\" made it very clear how unhappy he was with this film and asked people to not watch it. Although it was poorly received upon release, and wasn't released in the United States until 1975, today the film is seen in a better light. \"Contemporary British and Irish Film Directors: A Wallflower Critical Guide\" described it as a \"swinging back to action-adventure\", starring \"Charlton Heston at his best\", another in the \"long line of Annakin's panoramic films featuring a myriad of beautiful locations\". The","Document [16](Title: The Call of the Wild) omitted, and John Thorton's killers are now white criminals, who as before, are also killed by Buck. French Canadian film director Christian Duguay has announced financing and distribution for a version of \"The Call of the Wild\" to be released in 2018. Meanwhile, Chris Sanders is directing another film adaptation Call of the Wild[sic], this time hybrid with live action combined with computer animation, scheduled to release on December 25, 2019 by 20th Century Fox. Harrison Ford will star as the lead role and Terry Notary will start as Buck. The Call of the Wild The Call of the Wild","Document [17](Title: The Call of the Wild (1972 film)) The Call of the Wild (1972 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1972 family adventure film directed by Ken Annakin and starring Charlton Heston, Mich\u00e8le Mercier, Raimund Harmstorf, George Eastman, and Maria Rohm. Based on Jack London's novel \"The Call of the Wild\", the film follows the adventures of a dog that is brought north to Canada to be used as a sled dog. John Thornton (Charlton Heston) a prospector in the 1897 Klondike Gold Rush is trying to eke out a living in the harsh conditions of the bitterly cold Yukon region of Canada, with Buck the","Document [18](Title: The Call of the Wild (2007 film)) the San Francisco Documentary Film Festival, and the University of Alaska hosted the Fairbanks premiere of the film December 10, 2007. The Denver Film Society offered that the film mounted \"a thoughtful challenge to Jon Krakauer's \"Into the Wild\" (and actor-director Sean Penn's screen adaptation thereof), \"The Call of the Wild\" presents an alternative to the popular account of Chris McCandless, the self-styled 'aesthetic voyager' who died alone in the Alaskan wilderness in 1992 at age 24.\" They further noted Lamothe's, while filming, having several \"run-ins\" with Penn who was, in the same time-frame and locations, himself involved in the","Document [19](Title: Clark Gable) Gable (born September 20, 1988). Kayley is an actress, while Clark James is currently host of the nationally syndicated reality show \"Cheaters\". During the filming of \"The Call of the Wild\" in early 1935, the film's lead actress, Loretta Young, became pregnant with Gable's child. Their daughter, Judy, was born on November 6, 1935 in Venice, California. Young's pregnancy was hidden in an elaborate scheme. Gable was in New York City when he received an unsigned telegram that said, \"The baby was born, she is beautiful, and has blonde hair.\" Young and her mother both denied sending the telegram; Loretta","Document [20](Title: The Call of the Wild (2007 film)) in Alaska-and along I-80 through Nebraska to Council Bluffs, Iowa with a group of young adults who enjoy collecting mushrooms alongside the road. After days of hitchhiking, Lamothe finally makes it to Carthage but learns that no one in the town will take interviews for his documentary, since they are under contract by Paramount Vantage for Penn's film. However, Lamothe does get to interview the truck driver who gave McCandless a ride from Carthage to Enderlin, North Dakota, as his life story was not owned by Paramount. After departing Carthage, Lamothe travels through Canada but this time as the driver."],"query":"when does the call of the wild take place?","answers":["1890s","the 1890s"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Call of the Wild (TV series)) Call of the Wild (TV series) Call of the Wild is a 2000 adventure television series based on Jack London's eponymous 1903 novel. It was originally broadcast on Animal Planet, and the 13 episodes were released on DVD as a 120-minute, full-length movie. The series received a Leo Award nomination for Best Cinematography in a Dramatic Series (Stephen McNutt), and for Best Production Designer (Brian Davies) in the episode \"The Attack\". The series was also a 2000 LEO nominee for Best Overall Sound\/Drama (Miguel Nunes) and received a nomination for a 2000 Emmy Award for Outstanding Main Title Theme Music","Document [2](Title: Call of the Wild (1935 film)) Call of the Wild (1935 film) Call of the Wild is a 1935 American adventure film based on Jack London's novel of \"The Call of the Wild\", directed by William A. Wellman, and stars Clark Gable, Loretta Young, and Jack Oakie. The film omits all but one of the book's story lines. In Skagway in 1900, Jack Thornton announces to a crowded bar that he is going home after striking it rich in the gold fields. However, he loses most of his money gambling first. Then he runs into an old pal, \"Shorty\" Hoolihan, just released from jail after serving","Document [3](Title: The Call of the Wild (1923 film)) The Call of the Wild (1923 film) The Call of the Wild is an American silent film based on the popular book by Jack London. The film was written and directed by Fred Jackman and produced by Hal Roach. The feature was released on September 23, 1923 and distributed by Path\u00e9 Exchange. Prints of the movie are archived at the Museum of Modern Art. The story opens with Buck as a puppy, being ushered into a happy family as a Christmas present for a little girl. He grows up a faithful and loving friend of the children until one day","Document [4](Title: Call of the Wild (2019 film)) were added to the cast. In October, Bradley Whitford joined the cast, with Cara Gee joining in November. Principal photography on the film began in late-September 2018 in Los Angeles. \"Call of the Wild\" is scheduled to be released on December 25, 2019 by 20th Century Fox. Call of the Wild (2019 film) Call of the Wild is an upcoming American live-action CGI-animated adventure film based on the Jack London's 1903 novel of the same name. The film is directed by Chris Sanders, written by Michael Green, and stars Harrison Ford, Dan Stevens, Karen Gillan, Bradley Whitford and Omar Sy.","Document [5](Title: The Call of the Wild (1976 film)) The Call of the Wild (1976 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1976 American television film based on Jack London's 1903 novel \"The Call of the Wild\". The film, starring John Beck, was directed by Jerry Jameson from a script by the poet and novelist James Dickey. One of several adaptations of London's novel, this version was produced following the success of the 1972 film \"Deliverance\", an adaptation of Dickey's novel of the same title. The author's son, Christopher Dickey, wrote in his 1998 memoir, \"Summer of Deliverance\", that \"[t]he Hollywood concept [for the 1976 film] was James","Document [6](Title: Call of the Wild (1935 film)) Jack and Claire. Buck finds John Blake, still alive, though in bad shape. They nurse him back to health. Jack wants to keep Claire anyway, but she will not go along. Jack then recommends that John leave to get proper medical attention before the weather makes it impossible. John and Claire leave. Jack also During the filming of \"Call of the Wild\", Clark Gable impregnated Loretta Young, which resulted in Young's hushed-up pregnancy and the birth of their daughter Judy Lewis (1935-2011). The pregnancy was widely assumed to be the result of an affair; however, in 2015, Linda Lewis, Young's","Document [7](Title: Call of the Wild (2019 film)) Call of the Wild (2019 film) Call of the Wild is an upcoming American live-action CGI-animated adventure film based on the Jack London's 1903 novel of the same name. The film is directed by Chris Sanders, written by Michael Green, and stars Harrison Ford, Dan Stevens, Karen Gillan, Bradley Whitford and Omar Sy. It will be released on December 25, 2019 by 20th Century Fox. A domesticated St. Bernard\/Scotch Collie dog named Buck is stolen from his Santa Clara, California home and sold to freight haulers in the Yukon. In October 2017, it was announced that 20th Century Fox was","Document [8](Title: The Call of the Wild (1976 film)) Dickey meets Jack London; sort of \"Deliverance\" in the Klondike.\" The Call of the Wild (1976 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1976 American television film based on Jack London's 1903 novel \"The Call of the Wild\". The film, starring John Beck, was directed by Jerry Jameson from a script by the poet and novelist James Dickey. One of several adaptations of London's novel, this version was produced following the success of the 1972 film \"Deliverance\", an adaptation of Dickey's novel of the same title. The author's son, Christopher Dickey, wrote in his 1998 memoir, \"Summer of Deliverance\",","Document [9](Title: The Call of the Wild (1923 film)) 1923 feature was the only silent film produced based on the book. A Charlie Brown special with a plot similar to the novel aired on TV in 1978, Rick Schroder starred in a 1993 TV adaption, a 1997 Canadian TV film featured Richard Dreyfuss and Rutger Hauer and the Animal Planet produced a 13 episode series based on the novel in 2000. During its two-week run at the Cameo Theater in New York, reviews in the local newspapers were unanimous in praising the film. \"The Evening Sun\" called the film \"a very effective picture version\" of London's novel and noted","Document [10](Title: The Call of the Wild (1923 film)) which animals play the leading roles...the dog who plays the hero is a very good dog indeed. Several times, as a matter of fact, he was rewarded with applause, and I have no doubt that many of the audience felt that for his performance he should have been tendered a whole stack of bones\". The Call of the Wild (1923 film) The Call of the Wild is an American silent film based on the popular book by Jack London. The film was written and directed by Fred Jackman and produced by Hal Roach. The feature was released on September 23,","Document [11](Title: The Call of the Wild (2007 film)) The Call of the Wild (2007 film) The Call of the Wild is a 2007 documentary film by the independent filmmaker Ron Lamothe. The premise details the odyssey of Christopher McCandless as Lamothe takes a road trip across North America to the places McCandless visited. Within the film, Lamothe reaches conclusions about McCandless' death which contradict both Sean Penn's film \"Into the Wild\" (2007) and Jon Krakauer's book \"Into the Wild\" (1997), on which Penn's film was based. In 2006, Ron Lamothe, decided to make a road trip documentary on Christopher McCandless. Lamothe was inspired by McCandless' story even before","Document [12](Title: Call of the Wild (1935 film)) leaves to file a claim. Jack and Claire wait and eventually acknowledge their love for each other. Buck, in the meantime, feels a strong urge to join a pack of wolves; he frequently leaves to spend time with a female wolf. When Blake and Smith reach the site, Smith has Blake strangled, then holds Jack and Claire at gunpoint. The intruders take the gold they have already gathered and destroy anything that would enable the couple to leave. The villains then leave in their canoe, but it overturns and they drown, weighed down by the stolen gold, within sight of","Document [13](Title: The Call of the Wild (1908 film)) The Call of the Wild (1908 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1908 American short adventure film directed by D.W. Griffith. It starred Charles Inslee, Harry Solter and Florence Lawrence. The film was made by the American Mutoscope and Biograph Company when it and many other early film studios in America's first motion picture industry were based in Fort Lee, New Jersey at the beginning of the 20th century. This film is preserved in the paper print collection of the Library of Congress. Despite its similarity in title it is unrelated to the Jack London story. A white","Document [14](Title: The Call of the Wild (1972 film)) film was shot on location in Finland. Charlton Heston in his autobiography \"In the Arena: An Autobiography\" made it very clear how unhappy he was with this film and asked people to not watch it. Although it was poorly received upon release, and wasn't released in the United States until 1975, today the film is seen in a better light. \"Contemporary British and Irish Film Directors: A Wallflower Critical Guide\" described it as a \"swinging back to action-adventure\", starring \"Charlton Heston at his best\", another in the \"long line of Annakin's panoramic films featuring a myriad of beautiful locations\". The","Document [15](Title: The Call of the Wild) The Call of the Wild is a short adventure novel by Jack London published in 1903 and set in Yukon, Canada during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush, when strong sled dogs were in high demand. The central character of the novel is a dog named Buck. The story opens at a ranch in Santa Clara Valley, California, when Buck is stolen from his home and sold into service as a sled dog in Alaska. He becomes progressively feral in the harsh environment, where he is forced to fight to survive and dominate other dogs. By the end, he sheds the","Document [16](Title: The Call of the Wild) omitted, and John Thorton's killers are now white criminals, who as before, are also killed by Buck. French Canadian film director Christian Duguay has announced financing and distribution for a version of \"The Call of the Wild\" to be released in 2018. Meanwhile, Chris Sanders is directing another film adaptation Call of the Wild[sic], this time hybrid with live action combined with computer animation, scheduled to release on December 25, 2019 by 20th Century Fox. Harrison Ford will star as the lead role and Terry Notary will start as Buck. The Call of the Wild The Call of the Wild","Document [17](Title: The Call of the Wild (1972 film)) The Call of the Wild (1972 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1972 family adventure film directed by Ken Annakin and starring Charlton Heston, Mich\u00e8le Mercier, Raimund Harmstorf, George Eastman, and Maria Rohm. Based on Jack London's novel \"The Call of the Wild\", the film follows the adventures of a dog that is brought north to Canada to be used as a sled dog. John Thornton (Charlton Heston) a prospector in the 1897 Klondike Gold Rush is trying to eke out a living in the harsh conditions of the bitterly cold Yukon region of Canada, with Buck the","Document [18](Title: The Call of the Wild (2007 film)) the San Francisco Documentary Film Festival, and the University of Alaska hosted the Fairbanks premiere of the film December 10, 2007. The Denver Film Society offered that the film mounted \"a thoughtful challenge to Jon Krakauer's \"Into the Wild\" (and actor-director Sean Penn's screen adaptation thereof), \"The Call of the Wild\" presents an alternative to the popular account of Chris McCandless, the self-styled 'aesthetic voyager' who died alone in the Alaskan wilderness in 1992 at age 24.\" They further noted Lamothe's, while filming, having several \"run-ins\" with Penn who was, in the same time-frame and locations, himself involved in the","Document [19](Title: Clark Gable) Gable (born September 20, 1988). Kayley is an actress, while Clark James is currently host of the nationally syndicated reality show \"Cheaters\". During the filming of \"The Call of the Wild\" in early 1935, the film's lead actress, Loretta Young, became pregnant with Gable's child. Their daughter, Judy, was born on November 6, 1935 in Venice, California. Young's pregnancy was hidden in an elaborate scheme. Gable was in New York City when he received an unsigned telegram that said, \"The baby was born, she is beautiful, and has blonde hair.\" Young and her mother both denied sending the telegram; Loretta","Document [20](Title: The Call of the Wild (2007 film)) in Alaska-and along I-80 through Nebraska to Council Bluffs, Iowa with a group of young adults who enjoy collecting mushrooms alongside the road. After days of hitchhiking, Lamothe finally makes it to Carthage but learns that no one in the town will take interviews for his documentary, since they are under contract by Paramount Vantage for Penn's film. However, Lamothe does get to interview the truck driver who gave McCandless a ride from Carthage to Enderlin, North Dakota, as his life story was not owned by Paramount. After departing Carthage, Lamothe travels through Canada but this time as the driver."],"query":"when does the call of the wild take place?","answers":["1890s","the 1890s"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Call of the Wild (TV series)) Call of the Wild (TV series) Call of the Wild is a 2000 adventure television series based on Jack London's eponymous 1903 novel. It was originally broadcast on Animal Planet, and the 13 episodes were released on DVD as a 120-minute, full-length movie. The series received a Leo Award nomination for Best Cinematography in a Dramatic Series (Stephen McNutt), and for Best Production Designer (Brian Davies) in the episode \"The Attack\". The series was also a 2000 LEO nominee for Best Overall Sound\/Drama (Miguel Nunes) and received a nomination for a 2000 Emmy Award for Outstanding Main Title Theme Music","Document [2](Title: Call of the Wild (1935 film)) Call of the Wild (1935 film) Call of the Wild is a 1935 American adventure film based on Jack London's novel of \"The Call of the Wild\", directed by William A. Wellman, and stars Clark Gable, Loretta Young, and Jack Oakie. The film omits all but one of the book's story lines. In Skagway in 1900, Jack Thornton announces to a crowded bar that he is going home after striking it rich in the gold fields. However, he loses most of his money gambling first. Then he runs into an old pal, \"Shorty\" Hoolihan, just released from jail after serving","Document [3](Title: The Call of the Wild (1923 film)) The Call of the Wild (1923 film) The Call of the Wild is an American silent film based on the popular book by Jack London. The film was written and directed by Fred Jackman and produced by Hal Roach. The feature was released on September 23, 1923 and distributed by Path\u00e9 Exchange. Prints of the movie are archived at the Museum of Modern Art. The story opens with Buck as a puppy, being ushered into a happy family as a Christmas present for a little girl. He grows up a faithful and loving friend of the children until one day","Document [4](Title: Call of the Wild (2019 film)) were added to the cast. In October, Bradley Whitford joined the cast, with Cara Gee joining in November. Principal photography on the film began in late-September 2018 in Los Angeles. \"Call of the Wild\" is scheduled to be released on December 25, 2019 by 20th Century Fox. Call of the Wild (2019 film) Call of the Wild is an upcoming American live-action CGI-animated adventure film based on the Jack London's 1903 novel of the same name. The film is directed by Chris Sanders, written by Michael Green, and stars Harrison Ford, Dan Stevens, Karen Gillan, Bradley Whitford and Omar Sy.","Document [5](Title: The Call of the Wild (1976 film)) The Call of the Wild (1976 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1976 American television film based on Jack London's 1903 novel \"The Call of the Wild\". The film, starring John Beck, was directed by Jerry Jameson from a script by the poet and novelist James Dickey. One of several adaptations of London's novel, this version was produced following the success of the 1972 film \"Deliverance\", an adaptation of Dickey's novel of the same title. The author's son, Christopher Dickey, wrote in his 1998 memoir, \"Summer of Deliverance\", that \"[t]he Hollywood concept [for the 1976 film] was James","Document [6](Title: Call of the Wild (1935 film)) Jack and Claire. Buck finds John Blake, still alive, though in bad shape. They nurse him back to health. Jack wants to keep Claire anyway, but she will not go along. Jack then recommends that John leave to get proper medical attention before the weather makes it impossible. John and Claire leave. Jack also During the filming of \"Call of the Wild\", Clark Gable impregnated Loretta Young, which resulted in Young's hushed-up pregnancy and the birth of their daughter Judy Lewis (1935-2011). The pregnancy was widely assumed to be the result of an affair; however, in 2015, Linda Lewis, Young's","Document [7](Title: Call of the Wild (2019 film)) Call of the Wild (2019 film) Call of the Wild is an upcoming American live-action CGI-animated adventure film based on the Jack London's 1903 novel of the same name. The film is directed by Chris Sanders, written by Michael Green, and stars Harrison Ford, Dan Stevens, Karen Gillan, Bradley Whitford and Omar Sy. It will be released on December 25, 2019 by 20th Century Fox. A domesticated St. Bernard\/Scotch Collie dog named Buck is stolen from his Santa Clara, California home and sold to freight haulers in the Yukon. In October 2017, it was announced that 20th Century Fox was","Document [8](Title: The Call of the Wild (1976 film)) Dickey meets Jack London; sort of \"Deliverance\" in the Klondike.\" The Call of the Wild (1976 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1976 American television film based on Jack London's 1903 novel \"The Call of the Wild\". The film, starring John Beck, was directed by Jerry Jameson from a script by the poet and novelist James Dickey. One of several adaptations of London's novel, this version was produced following the success of the 1972 film \"Deliverance\", an adaptation of Dickey's novel of the same title. The author's son, Christopher Dickey, wrote in his 1998 memoir, \"Summer of Deliverance\",","Document [9](Title: The Call of the Wild (1923 film)) 1923 feature was the only silent film produced based on the book. A Charlie Brown special with a plot similar to the novel aired on TV in 1978, Rick Schroder starred in a 1993 TV adaption, a 1997 Canadian TV film featured Richard Dreyfuss and Rutger Hauer and the Animal Planet produced a 13 episode series based on the novel in 2000. During its two-week run at the Cameo Theater in New York, reviews in the local newspapers were unanimous in praising the film. \"The Evening Sun\" called the film \"a very effective picture version\" of London's novel and noted","Document [10](Title: The Call of the Wild (1923 film)) which animals play the leading roles...the dog who plays the hero is a very good dog indeed. Several times, as a matter of fact, he was rewarded with applause, and I have no doubt that many of the audience felt that for his performance he should have been tendered a whole stack of bones\". The Call of the Wild (1923 film) The Call of the Wild is an American silent film based on the popular book by Jack London. The film was written and directed by Fred Jackman and produced by Hal Roach. The feature was released on September 23,","Document [11](Title: The Call of the Wild (2007 film)) The Call of the Wild (2007 film) The Call of the Wild is a 2007 documentary film by the independent filmmaker Ron Lamothe. The premise details the odyssey of Christopher McCandless as Lamothe takes a road trip across North America to the places McCandless visited. Within the film, Lamothe reaches conclusions about McCandless' death which contradict both Sean Penn's film \"Into the Wild\" (2007) and Jon Krakauer's book \"Into the Wild\" (1997), on which Penn's film was based. In 2006, Ron Lamothe, decided to make a road trip documentary on Christopher McCandless. Lamothe was inspired by McCandless' story even before","Document [12](Title: Call of the Wild (1935 film)) leaves to file a claim. Jack and Claire wait and eventually acknowledge their love for each other. Buck, in the meantime, feels a strong urge to join a pack of wolves; he frequently leaves to spend time with a female wolf. When Blake and Smith reach the site, Smith has Blake strangled, then holds Jack and Claire at gunpoint. The intruders take the gold they have already gathered and destroy anything that would enable the couple to leave. The villains then leave in their canoe, but it overturns and they drown, weighed down by the stolen gold, within sight of","Document [13](Title: The Call of the Wild (1908 film)) The Call of the Wild (1908 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1908 American short adventure film directed by D.W. Griffith. It starred Charles Inslee, Harry Solter and Florence Lawrence. The film was made by the American Mutoscope and Biograph Company when it and many other early film studios in America's first motion picture industry were based in Fort Lee, New Jersey at the beginning of the 20th century. This film is preserved in the paper print collection of the Library of Congress. Despite its similarity in title it is unrelated to the Jack London story. A white","Document [14](Title: The Call of the Wild (1972 film)) film was shot on location in Finland. Charlton Heston in his autobiography \"In the Arena: An Autobiography\" made it very clear how unhappy he was with this film and asked people to not watch it. Although it was poorly received upon release, and wasn't released in the United States until 1975, today the film is seen in a better light. \"Contemporary British and Irish Film Directors: A Wallflower Critical Guide\" described it as a \"swinging back to action-adventure\", starring \"Charlton Heston at his best\", another in the \"long line of Annakin's panoramic films featuring a myriad of beautiful locations\". The","Document [15](Title: The Call of the Wild) omitted, and John Thorton's killers are now white criminals, who as before, are also killed by Buck. French Canadian film director Christian Duguay has announced financing and distribution for a version of \"The Call of the Wild\" to be released in 2018. Meanwhile, Chris Sanders is directing another film adaptation Call of the Wild[sic], this time hybrid with live action combined with computer animation, scheduled to release on December 25, 2019 by 20th Century Fox. Harrison Ford will star as the lead role and Terry Notary will start as Buck. The Call of the Wild The Call of the Wild","Document [16](Title: The Call of the Wild (1972 film)) The Call of the Wild (1972 film) The Call of the Wild is a 1972 family adventure film directed by Ken Annakin and starring Charlton Heston, Mich\u00e8le Mercier, Raimund Harmstorf, George Eastman, and Maria Rohm. Based on Jack London's novel \"The Call of the Wild\", the film follows the adventures of a dog that is brought north to Canada to be used as a sled dog. John Thornton (Charlton Heston) a prospector in the 1897 Klondike Gold Rush is trying to eke out a living in the harsh conditions of the bitterly cold Yukon region of Canada, with Buck the","Document [17](Title: The Call of the Wild (2007 film)) the San Francisco Documentary Film Festival, and the University of Alaska hosted the Fairbanks premiere of the film December 10, 2007. The Denver Film Society offered that the film mounted \"a thoughtful challenge to Jon Krakauer's \"Into the Wild\" (and actor-director Sean Penn's screen adaptation thereof), \"The Call of the Wild\" presents an alternative to the popular account of Chris McCandless, the self-styled 'aesthetic voyager' who died alone in the Alaskan wilderness in 1992 at age 24.\" They further noted Lamothe's, while filming, having several \"run-ins\" with Penn who was, in the same time-frame and locations, himself involved in the","Document [18](Title: Clark Gable) Gable (born September 20, 1988). Kayley is an actress, while Clark James is currently host of the nationally syndicated reality show \"Cheaters\". During the filming of \"The Call of the Wild\" in early 1935, the film's lead actress, Loretta Young, became pregnant with Gable's child. Their daughter, Judy, was born on November 6, 1935 in Venice, California. Young's pregnancy was hidden in an elaborate scheme. Gable was in New York City when he received an unsigned telegram that said, \"The baby was born, she is beautiful, and has blonde hair.\" Young and her mother both denied sending the telegram; Loretta","Document [19](Title: The Call of the Wild (2007 film)) in Alaska-and along I-80 through Nebraska to Council Bluffs, Iowa with a group of young adults who enjoy collecting mushrooms alongside the road. After days of hitchhiking, Lamothe finally makes it to Carthage but learns that no one in the town will take interviews for his documentary, since they are under contract by Paramount Vantage for Penn's film. However, Lamothe does get to interview the truck driver who gave McCandless a ride from Carthage to Enderlin, North Dakota, as his life story was not owned by Paramount. After departing Carthage, Lamothe travels through Canada but this time as the driver.","Document [20](Title: The Call of the Wild) The Call of the Wild is a short adventure novel by Jack London published in 1903 and set in Yukon, Canada during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush, when strong sled dogs were in high demand. The central character of the novel is a dog named Buck. The story opens at a ranch in Santa Clara Valley, California, when Buck is stolen from his home and sold into service as a sled dog in Alaska. He becomes progressively feral in the harsh environment, where he is forced to fight to survive and dominate other dogs. By the end, he sheds the"],"query":"when does the call of the wild take place?","answers":["1890s","the 1890s"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Ivy League) In 1945 the presidents of the eight schools signed the first Ivy Group Agreement, which set academic, financial, and athletic standards for the football teams. The principles established reiterated those put forward in the Harvard-Yale-Princeton Presidents' Agreement of 1916. The Ivy Group Agreement established the core tenet that an applicant's ability to play on a team would not influence admissions decisions:","Document [2](Title: Harvard University) Harvard University Harvard University is a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with about 6,700 undergraduate students and about 15,250 post graduate students. Established in 1636 and named for its first benefactor, clergyman John Harvard, Harvard is the United States' oldest institution of higher learning, and its history, influence, and wealth have made it one of the world's most prestigious universities. The Harvard Corporation is its first chartered corporation. Although never formally affiliated with any denomination, the early College primarily trained Congregational and Unitarian clergy. Its curriculum and student body were gradually secularized during the 18th century, and","Document [3](Title: Ivy League) \"a philosophical enclave\" and not a statement about class. Columnist Russell Baker opined that \"Voters inclined to loathe and fear elite Ivy League schools rarely make fine distinctions between Yale and Harvard. All they know is that both are full of rich, fancy, stuck-up and possibly dangerous intellectuals who never sit down to supper in their undershirt no matter how hot the weather gets.\" Still, the last five presidents have all attended Ivy League schools for at least part of their education\u2014 George H. W. Bush (Yale undergrad), Bill Clinton (Yale Law School), George W. Bush (Yale undergrad, Harvard Business","Document [4](Title: Big Three (colleges)) process. From the 1930s on, Big Three admissions became progressively more meritocratic, but still included non-academic factors such as \u201clineage.\u201d Ivy League schools including Harvard, Yale and Princeton have in the past been regarded as the goals for many children in WASP circles. Some educators have attempted to discourage this fixation. Jay Mathews, author of \"Harvard Schmarvard\", addresses seniors obsessed with Ivy League schools with the analysis: \u201cIt does not matter where you go to school, it matters what you do when you get there and what you do after you graduate.\u201d The \"Big Three\" schools: Princeton, Harvard and Yale","Document [5](Title: William Deresiewicz) Facebook. Many readers had mixed reactions to the article, with plenty of criticism coming directly from the Ivy League, its peer institutions, and many others who accused him of cherry picking. The IvyGate blog published a facetious rebuttal, \"Isn't Harvard Just the Worst?\", telling the Class of 2012 to \"enjoy these last few months of innocence, because soon you'll join the ranks of an organization whose sole purpose is to destroy the world.\" The article became the groundwork for Deresiewicz' book \"Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life\" (2014). This work had","Document [6](Title: Ivy League) up living. Students of the Ivy League, both graduate and undergraduate, come primarily from upper middle and upper class families. In recent years, however, the universities have looked towards increasing socioeconomic and class diversity, by providing greater financial aid packages to applicants from lower, working, and middle class American families. In 2013, 46% of Harvard undergraduate students came from families in the top 3.8% of all American households (i.e., over $200,000 annual income). In 2012, the bottom 25% of the American income distribution accounted for only 3\u20134% of students at Brown, a figure that had remained unchanged since 1992. In","Document [7](Title: Ivy League) president to graduate from college, graduating from Harvard in 1755. Students of the Ivy League largely hail from the Northeast, largely from the New York City, Boston, and Philadelphia areas. As all eight Ivy League universities are within the Northeast, it is no surprise that most graduates end up working and residing in the Northeast after graduation. An unscientific survey of Harvard seniors from the Class of 2013 found that 42% hailed from the Northeast and 55% overall were planning on working and residing in the Northeast. Boston and New York City are traditionally where many Ivy League graduates end","Document [8](Title: History of Harvard University) into Eliot's term, Richard Theodore Greener became the first African-American to graduate from Harvard College. Seven years later, Louis Brandeis, the first Jewish justice on the Supreme Court, graduated from Harvard Law School. Nevertheless, Harvard became the bastion of a distinctly Protestant \u00e9lite \u2013 the so-called Boston Brahmin class \u2013 and continued to be so well into the 20th century. The annual undergraduate tuition was $300 in the 1930s and $400 in the 1940s, doubling to $800 in 1953. It reached $2,600 in 1970 and $22,700 in 2000. Charles W. Eliot, president 1869\u20131909, eliminated the favored position of Christianity from","Document [9](Title: History of Harvard University) Radcliffe College, established in 1879 as sister school of Harvard College, became one of the most prominent schools for women in the United States. In the 1920s Edward Harkness (1874\u20131940), a Yale man with oil wealth, was ignored by his alma mater and so gave $12,000,000 to Harvard to establish a house system like that of Oxford University. Yale later took his money and set up a similar system. In addition to the usual department, specialized research centers proliferated, especially to enable interdisciplinary research projects that could not be handled at the department level. However, the departments kept jealous control","Document [10](Title: History of Harvard University) own among American colleges. Ronald Story notes that in 1850, Harvard's total assets were \"five times that of Amherst and Williams combined, and three times that of Yale\". Story also notes that \"all the evidence\u2026 points to the four decades from 1815 to 1855 as the era when parents, in Henry Adams's words, began 'sending their children to Harvard College for the sake of its social advantages'\". Under President Eliot's tenure, Harvard earned a reputation for being more liberal and democratic than either Princeton or Yale in regard to bigotry against Jews and other ethnic minorities. In 1870, one year","Document [11](Title: History of Harvard University) \"official philosophy\" of the more empirical and more deistic Scottish school. Between 1830 and 1870, Harvard became \"privatized\". While the Federalists controlled state government, Harvard had prospered and the 1824 defeat of the Federalist Party in Massachusetts allowed the renascent Democratic-Republicans to block state funding of private universities. By 1870, the politicians and ministers that heretofore had made up the university's board of overseers had been replaced by Harvard alumni drawn from Boston's upper-class business and professional community and funded by private endowment. During this period, Harvard experienced unparalleled growth that securely placed it financially in a league of its","Document [12](Title: Ivy League) was formed over a century ago and consisted of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and a fourth school that varies depending on who is telling the story. However, it is clear that Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Columbia met on November 23, 1876 at the so-called Massasoit Convention to decide on uniform rules for the emerging game of American football, which rapidly spread. Seven out of the eight Ivy League schools were founded before the American Revolution; Cornell was founded just after the American Civil War. These seven were the primary colleges in the Northern and Middle Colonies, and their early faculties and","Document [13](Title: American Jews) the Harvard English department in 1943, but the Economics department decided not to hire Paul Samuelson in 1948. Harvard hired its first Jewish biochemists in 1954. Today, American Jews no longer face the discrimination in higher education that they did in the past, particularly in the Ivy League. For example, by 1986, a third of the presidents of the elite undergraduate final clubs at Harvard were Jewish. Rick Levin has been president of Yale University since 1993, Judith Rodin was president of the University of Pennsylvania from 1994 to 2004 (and is currently president of the Rockefeller Foundation), Paul Samuelson's","Document [14](Title: Ivy League) of Ivy stereotyping were illustrated during the 1988 presidential election, when George H. W. Bush (Yale '48) derided Michael Dukakis (graduate of Harvard Law School) for having \"foreign-policy views born in Harvard Yard's boutique.\" \"New York Times\" columnist Maureen Dowd asked \"Wasn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle elite?\" Bush explained, however, that, unlike Harvard, Yale's reputation was \"so diffuse, there isn't a symbol, I don't think, in the Yale situation, any symbolism in it. ... Harvard boutique to me has the connotation of liberalism and elitism\" and said \"Harvard\" in his remark was intended to represent","Document [15](Title: History of Harvard University) History of Harvard University Harvard College, around which Harvard University eventually grew, was founded in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, making it the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. For centuries, its graduates dominated Massachusetts' clerical and civil ranks and beginning in the 19th century its stature became national, then international, as a dozen graduate and professional schools were formed alongside the nucleus undergraduate College. Historically influential in national roles are the schools of medicine (1782), law (1817) and business (1908) as well as the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (1890). Since the late 19th century","Document [16](Title: Harvard University) in 2011. Regarding rankings of specific indicators, Harvard topped both \"University Ranking by Academic Performance 20152016\" and (2011), which measured universities' numbers of alumni holding CEO positions in Fortune Global 500 companies. According to the 2016 poll done by \"The Princeton Review\", Harvard is the second most commonly named \"dream college\" in the United States, both for students and parents. \"College ROI Report: Best Value Colleges\" by PayScale puts Harvard 22nd nationwide in the most recent 2016 edition. In the last six years, Harvard's student population ranged from 19,000 to 21,000, across all programs. Harvard enrolled 6,655 students in undergraduate","Document [17](Title: Ivy League) the NCAA tournament bid, then rebounded to win outright championships in 2012, 2013, and 2014. Harvard also won the 2013 Great Alaska Shootout, defeating TCU to become the only Ivy League school to win the now-defunct tournament. Rivalries exist between other Ivy league teams in other sports, including Cornell and Harvard in hockey, Harvard and Princeton in swimming, and Harvard and Penn in football (Penn and Harvard have won 28 Ivy League Football Championships since 1982, Penn-16; Harvard-12). During that time Penn has had 8 undefeated Ivy League Football Championships and Harvard has had 6 undefeated Ivy League Football Championships.","Document [18](Title: Black Ivy League) 1999 to 2007, Ivy League colleges launched initiatives to make higher education more affordable, to the point that students from low income families can graduate debt-free. The University of Pennsylvania has expanded its financial aid program to the point that all students qualifying for financial aid can graduate debt-free. The \"Journal of Blacks in Higher Education\" notes that the significant increase in financial aid by Harvard and other Ivy League schools will make it difficult for other schools to compete for top African-American students. A study of the average wages of alumni conducted by Roland G. Fryer Jr. and Michael","Document [19](Title: Harvard College) will be barred from campus leadership positions such as team captaincies, and from receiving recommendation letters from Harvard requisite for certain scholarships and fellowships. Harvard College Harvard College is the undergraduate liberal arts college of Harvard University. Founded in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, it is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and one of the most prestigious in the world. The school came into existence in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court (colonial legislature, second oldest in British America) of the Massachusetts Bay Colony\u2014though without a single building, instructor, or student. In 1638,","Document [20](Title: Ivy League) of a typical private liberal arts college and smaller than a typical public state university. Total enrollments, including graduate students, range from approximately 6,400 at Dartmouth to over 20,000 at Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, and Penn. Ivy League financial endowments range from Brown's $3.5 billion to Harvard's $34.5 billion, the largest financial endowment of any academic institution in the world. The Ivy League has drawn many comparisons to other elite grouping of universities in other nations such as Oxbridge and the Golden Triangle in the United Kingdom, C9 League in China, Group of Eight in Australia, and Imperial Universities in Japan."],"query":"when did harvard become an ivy league school?","answers":["1945"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Harvard University) Harvard University Harvard University is a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with about 6,700 undergraduate students and about 15,250 post graduate students. Established in 1636 and named for its first benefactor, clergyman John Harvard, Harvard is the United States' oldest institution of higher learning, and its history, influence, and wealth have made it one of the world's most prestigious universities. The Harvard Corporation is its first chartered corporation. Although never formally affiliated with any denomination, the early College primarily trained Congregational and Unitarian clergy. Its curriculum and student body were gradually secularized during the 18th century, and","Document [2](Title: Ivy League) \"a philosophical enclave\" and not a statement about class. Columnist Russell Baker opined that \"Voters inclined to loathe and fear elite Ivy League schools rarely make fine distinctions between Yale and Harvard. All they know is that both are full of rich, fancy, stuck-up and possibly dangerous intellectuals who never sit down to supper in their undershirt no matter how hot the weather gets.\" Still, the last five presidents have all attended Ivy League schools for at least part of their education\u2014 George H. W. Bush (Yale undergrad), Bill Clinton (Yale Law School), George W. Bush (Yale undergrad, Harvard Business","Document [3](Title: Big Three (colleges)) process. From the 1930s on, Big Three admissions became progressively more meritocratic, but still included non-academic factors such as \u201clineage.\u201d Ivy League schools including Harvard, Yale and Princeton have in the past been regarded as the goals for many children in WASP circles. Some educators have attempted to discourage this fixation. Jay Mathews, author of \"Harvard Schmarvard\", addresses seniors obsessed with Ivy League schools with the analysis: \u201cIt does not matter where you go to school, it matters what you do when you get there and what you do after you graduate.\u201d The \"Big Three\" schools: Princeton, Harvard and Yale","Document [4](Title: William Deresiewicz) Facebook. Many readers had mixed reactions to the article, with plenty of criticism coming directly from the Ivy League, its peer institutions, and many others who accused him of cherry picking. The IvyGate blog published a facetious rebuttal, \"Isn't Harvard Just the Worst?\", telling the Class of 2012 to \"enjoy these last few months of innocence, because soon you'll join the ranks of an organization whose sole purpose is to destroy the world.\" The article became the groundwork for Deresiewicz' book \"Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life\" (2014). This work had","Document [5](Title: Ivy League) In 1945 the presidents of the eight schools signed the first Ivy Group Agreement, which set academic, financial, and athletic standards for the football teams. The principles established reiterated those put forward in the Harvard-Yale-Princeton Presidents' Agreement of 1916. The Ivy Group Agreement established the core tenet that an applicant's ability to play on a team would not influence admissions decisions:","Document [6](Title: Ivy League) up living. Students of the Ivy League, both graduate and undergraduate, come primarily from upper middle and upper class families. In recent years, however, the universities have looked towards increasing socioeconomic and class diversity, by providing greater financial aid packages to applicants from lower, working, and middle class American families. In 2013, 46% of Harvard undergraduate students came from families in the top 3.8% of all American households (i.e., over $200,000 annual income). In 2012, the bottom 25% of the American income distribution accounted for only 3\u20134% of students at Brown, a figure that had remained unchanged since 1992. In","Document [7](Title: Ivy League) president to graduate from college, graduating from Harvard in 1755. Students of the Ivy League largely hail from the Northeast, largely from the New York City, Boston, and Philadelphia areas. As all eight Ivy League universities are within the Northeast, it is no surprise that most graduates end up working and residing in the Northeast after graduation. An unscientific survey of Harvard seniors from the Class of 2013 found that 42% hailed from the Northeast and 55% overall were planning on working and residing in the Northeast. Boston and New York City are traditionally where many Ivy League graduates end","Document [8](Title: History of Harvard University) into Eliot's term, Richard Theodore Greener became the first African-American to graduate from Harvard College. Seven years later, Louis Brandeis, the first Jewish justice on the Supreme Court, graduated from Harvard Law School. Nevertheless, Harvard became the bastion of a distinctly Protestant \u00e9lite \u2013 the so-called Boston Brahmin class \u2013 and continued to be so well into the 20th century. The annual undergraduate tuition was $300 in the 1930s and $400 in the 1940s, doubling to $800 in 1953. It reached $2,600 in 1970 and $22,700 in 2000. Charles W. Eliot, president 1869\u20131909, eliminated the favored position of Christianity from","Document [9](Title: History of Harvard University) Radcliffe College, established in 1879 as sister school of Harvard College, became one of the most prominent schools for women in the United States. In the 1920s Edward Harkness (1874\u20131940), a Yale man with oil wealth, was ignored by his alma mater and so gave $12,000,000 to Harvard to establish a house system like that of Oxford University. Yale later took his money and set up a similar system. In addition to the usual department, specialized research centers proliferated, especially to enable interdisciplinary research projects that could not be handled at the department level. However, the departments kept jealous control","Document [10](Title: History of Harvard University) own among American colleges. Ronald Story notes that in 1850, Harvard's total assets were \"five times that of Amherst and Williams combined, and three times that of Yale\". Story also notes that \"all the evidence\u2026 points to the four decades from 1815 to 1855 as the era when parents, in Henry Adams's words, began 'sending their children to Harvard College for the sake of its social advantages'\". Under President Eliot's tenure, Harvard earned a reputation for being more liberal and democratic than either Princeton or Yale in regard to bigotry against Jews and other ethnic minorities. In 1870, one year","Document [11](Title: History of Harvard University) \"official philosophy\" of the more empirical and more deistic Scottish school. Between 1830 and 1870, Harvard became \"privatized\". While the Federalists controlled state government, Harvard had prospered and the 1824 defeat of the Federalist Party in Massachusetts allowed the renascent Democratic-Republicans to block state funding of private universities. By 1870, the politicians and ministers that heretofore had made up the university's board of overseers had been replaced by Harvard alumni drawn from Boston's upper-class business and professional community and funded by private endowment. During this period, Harvard experienced unparalleled growth that securely placed it financially in a league of its","Document [12](Title: Ivy League) was formed over a century ago and consisted of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and a fourth school that varies depending on who is telling the story. However, it is clear that Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Columbia met on November 23, 1876 at the so-called Massasoit Convention to decide on uniform rules for the emerging game of American football, which rapidly spread. Seven out of the eight Ivy League schools were founded before the American Revolution; Cornell was founded just after the American Civil War. These seven were the primary colleges in the Northern and Middle Colonies, and their early faculties and","Document [13](Title: American Jews) the Harvard English department in 1943, but the Economics department decided not to hire Paul Samuelson in 1948. Harvard hired its first Jewish biochemists in 1954. Today, American Jews no longer face the discrimination in higher education that they did in the past, particularly in the Ivy League. For example, by 1986, a third of the presidents of the elite undergraduate final clubs at Harvard were Jewish. Rick Levin has been president of Yale University since 1993, Judith Rodin was president of the University of Pennsylvania from 1994 to 2004 (and is currently president of the Rockefeller Foundation), Paul Samuelson's","Document [14](Title: Ivy League) of Ivy stereotyping were illustrated during the 1988 presidential election, when George H. W. Bush (Yale '48) derided Michael Dukakis (graduate of Harvard Law School) for having \"foreign-policy views born in Harvard Yard's boutique.\" \"New York Times\" columnist Maureen Dowd asked \"Wasn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle elite?\" Bush explained, however, that, unlike Harvard, Yale's reputation was \"so diffuse, there isn't a symbol, I don't think, in the Yale situation, any symbolism in it. ... Harvard boutique to me has the connotation of liberalism and elitism\" and said \"Harvard\" in his remark was intended to represent","Document [15](Title: History of Harvard University) History of Harvard University Harvard College, around which Harvard University eventually grew, was founded in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, making it the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. For centuries, its graduates dominated Massachusetts' clerical and civil ranks and beginning in the 19th century its stature became national, then international, as a dozen graduate and professional schools were formed alongside the nucleus undergraduate College. Historically influential in national roles are the schools of medicine (1782), law (1817) and business (1908) as well as the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (1890). Since the late 19th century","Document [16](Title: Harvard University) in 2011. Regarding rankings of specific indicators, Harvard topped both \"University Ranking by Academic Performance 20152016\" and (2011), which measured universities' numbers of alumni holding CEO positions in Fortune Global 500 companies. According to the 2016 poll done by \"The Princeton Review\", Harvard is the second most commonly named \"dream college\" in the United States, both for students and parents. \"College ROI Report: Best Value Colleges\" by PayScale puts Harvard 22nd nationwide in the most recent 2016 edition. In the last six years, Harvard's student population ranged from 19,000 to 21,000, across all programs. Harvard enrolled 6,655 students in undergraduate","Document [17](Title: Ivy League) the NCAA tournament bid, then rebounded to win outright championships in 2012, 2013, and 2014. Harvard also won the 2013 Great Alaska Shootout, defeating TCU to become the only Ivy League school to win the now-defunct tournament. Rivalries exist between other Ivy league teams in other sports, including Cornell and Harvard in hockey, Harvard and Princeton in swimming, and Harvard and Penn in football (Penn and Harvard have won 28 Ivy League Football Championships since 1982, Penn-16; Harvard-12). During that time Penn has had 8 undefeated Ivy League Football Championships and Harvard has had 6 undefeated Ivy League Football Championships.","Document [18](Title: Black Ivy League) 1999 to 2007, Ivy League colleges launched initiatives to make higher education more affordable, to the point that students from low income families can graduate debt-free. The University of Pennsylvania has expanded its financial aid program to the point that all students qualifying for financial aid can graduate debt-free. The \"Journal of Blacks in Higher Education\" notes that the significant increase in financial aid by Harvard and other Ivy League schools will make it difficult for other schools to compete for top African-American students. A study of the average wages of alumni conducted by Roland G. Fryer Jr. and Michael","Document [19](Title: Harvard College) will be barred from campus leadership positions such as team captaincies, and from receiving recommendation letters from Harvard requisite for certain scholarships and fellowships. Harvard College Harvard College is the undergraduate liberal arts college of Harvard University. Founded in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, it is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and one of the most prestigious in the world. The school came into existence in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court (colonial legislature, second oldest in British America) of the Massachusetts Bay Colony\u2014though without a single building, instructor, or student. In 1638,","Document [20](Title: Ivy League) of a typical private liberal arts college and smaller than a typical public state university. Total enrollments, including graduate students, range from approximately 6,400 at Dartmouth to over 20,000 at Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, and Penn. Ivy League financial endowments range from Brown's $3.5 billion to Harvard's $34.5 billion, the largest financial endowment of any academic institution in the world. The Ivy League has drawn many comparisons to other elite grouping of universities in other nations such as Oxbridge and the Golden Triangle in the United Kingdom, C9 League in China, Group of Eight in Australia, and Imperial Universities in Japan."],"query":"when did harvard become an ivy league school?","answers":["1945"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Harvard University) Harvard University Harvard University is a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with about 6,700 undergraduate students and about 15,250 post graduate students. Established in 1636 and named for its first benefactor, clergyman John Harvard, Harvard is the United States' oldest institution of higher learning, and its history, influence, and wealth have made it one of the world's most prestigious universities. The Harvard Corporation is its first chartered corporation. Although never formally affiliated with any denomination, the early College primarily trained Congregational and Unitarian clergy. Its curriculum and student body were gradually secularized during the 18th century, and","Document [2](Title: Ivy League) \"a philosophical enclave\" and not a statement about class. Columnist Russell Baker opined that \"Voters inclined to loathe and fear elite Ivy League schools rarely make fine distinctions between Yale and Harvard. All they know is that both are full of rich, fancy, stuck-up and possibly dangerous intellectuals who never sit down to supper in their undershirt no matter how hot the weather gets.\" Still, the last five presidents have all attended Ivy League schools for at least part of their education\u2014 George H. W. Bush (Yale undergrad), Bill Clinton (Yale Law School), George W. Bush (Yale undergrad, Harvard Business","Document [3](Title: Big Three (colleges)) process. From the 1930s on, Big Three admissions became progressively more meritocratic, but still included non-academic factors such as \u201clineage.\u201d Ivy League schools including Harvard, Yale and Princeton have in the past been regarded as the goals for many children in WASP circles. Some educators have attempted to discourage this fixation. Jay Mathews, author of \"Harvard Schmarvard\", addresses seniors obsessed with Ivy League schools with the analysis: \u201cIt does not matter where you go to school, it matters what you do when you get there and what you do after you graduate.\u201d The \"Big Three\" schools: Princeton, Harvard and Yale","Document [4](Title: William Deresiewicz) Facebook. Many readers had mixed reactions to the article, with plenty of criticism coming directly from the Ivy League, its peer institutions, and many others who accused him of cherry picking. The IvyGate blog published a facetious rebuttal, \"Isn't Harvard Just the Worst?\", telling the Class of 2012 to \"enjoy these last few months of innocence, because soon you'll join the ranks of an organization whose sole purpose is to destroy the world.\" The article became the groundwork for Deresiewicz' book \"Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life\" (2014). This work had","Document [5](Title: Ivy League) up living. Students of the Ivy League, both graduate and undergraduate, come primarily from upper middle and upper class families. In recent years, however, the universities have looked towards increasing socioeconomic and class diversity, by providing greater financial aid packages to applicants from lower, working, and middle class American families. In 2013, 46% of Harvard undergraduate students came from families in the top 3.8% of all American households (i.e., over $200,000 annual income). In 2012, the bottom 25% of the American income distribution accounted for only 3\u20134% of students at Brown, a figure that had remained unchanged since 1992. In","Document [6](Title: Ivy League) president to graduate from college, graduating from Harvard in 1755. Students of the Ivy League largely hail from the Northeast, largely from the New York City, Boston, and Philadelphia areas. As all eight Ivy League universities are within the Northeast, it is no surprise that most graduates end up working and residing in the Northeast after graduation. An unscientific survey of Harvard seniors from the Class of 2013 found that 42% hailed from the Northeast and 55% overall were planning on working and residing in the Northeast. Boston and New York City are traditionally where many Ivy League graduates end","Document [7](Title: History of Harvard University) into Eliot's term, Richard Theodore Greener became the first African-American to graduate from Harvard College. Seven years later, Louis Brandeis, the first Jewish justice on the Supreme Court, graduated from Harvard Law School. Nevertheless, Harvard became the bastion of a distinctly Protestant \u00e9lite \u2013 the so-called Boston Brahmin class \u2013 and continued to be so well into the 20th century. The annual undergraduate tuition was $300 in the 1930s and $400 in the 1940s, doubling to $800 in 1953. It reached $2,600 in 1970 and $22,700 in 2000. Charles W. Eliot, president 1869\u20131909, eliminated the favored position of Christianity from","Document [8](Title: History of Harvard University) Radcliffe College, established in 1879 as sister school of Harvard College, became one of the most prominent schools for women in the United States. In the 1920s Edward Harkness (1874\u20131940), a Yale man with oil wealth, was ignored by his alma mater and so gave $12,000,000 to Harvard to establish a house system like that of Oxford University. Yale later took his money and set up a similar system. In addition to the usual department, specialized research centers proliferated, especially to enable interdisciplinary research projects that could not be handled at the department level. However, the departments kept jealous control","Document [9](Title: History of Harvard University) own among American colleges. Ronald Story notes that in 1850, Harvard's total assets were \"five times that of Amherst and Williams combined, and three times that of Yale\". Story also notes that \"all the evidence\u2026 points to the four decades from 1815 to 1855 as the era when parents, in Henry Adams's words, began 'sending their children to Harvard College for the sake of its social advantages'\". Under President Eliot's tenure, Harvard earned a reputation for being more liberal and democratic than either Princeton or Yale in regard to bigotry against Jews and other ethnic minorities. In 1870, one year","Document [10](Title: Ivy League) In 1945 the presidents of the eight schools signed the first Ivy Group Agreement, which set academic, financial, and athletic standards for the football teams. The principles established reiterated those put forward in the Harvard-Yale-Princeton Presidents' Agreement of 1916. The Ivy Group Agreement established the core tenet that an applicant's ability to play on a team would not influence admissions decisions:","Document [11](Title: History of Harvard University) \"official philosophy\" of the more empirical and more deistic Scottish school. Between 1830 and 1870, Harvard became \"privatized\". While the Federalists controlled state government, Harvard had prospered and the 1824 defeat of the Federalist Party in Massachusetts allowed the renascent Democratic-Republicans to block state funding of private universities. By 1870, the politicians and ministers that heretofore had made up the university's board of overseers had been replaced by Harvard alumni drawn from Boston's upper-class business and professional community and funded by private endowment. During this period, Harvard experienced unparalleled growth that securely placed it financially in a league of its","Document [12](Title: Ivy League) was formed over a century ago and consisted of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and a fourth school that varies depending on who is telling the story. However, it is clear that Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Columbia met on November 23, 1876 at the so-called Massasoit Convention to decide on uniform rules for the emerging game of American football, which rapidly spread. Seven out of the eight Ivy League schools were founded before the American Revolution; Cornell was founded just after the American Civil War. These seven were the primary colleges in the Northern and Middle Colonies, and their early faculties and","Document [13](Title: American Jews) the Harvard English department in 1943, but the Economics department decided not to hire Paul Samuelson in 1948. Harvard hired its first Jewish biochemists in 1954. Today, American Jews no longer face the discrimination in higher education that they did in the past, particularly in the Ivy League. For example, by 1986, a third of the presidents of the elite undergraduate final clubs at Harvard were Jewish. Rick Levin has been president of Yale University since 1993, Judith Rodin was president of the University of Pennsylvania from 1994 to 2004 (and is currently president of the Rockefeller Foundation), Paul Samuelson's","Document [14](Title: Ivy League) of Ivy stereotyping were illustrated during the 1988 presidential election, when George H. W. Bush (Yale '48) derided Michael Dukakis (graduate of Harvard Law School) for having \"foreign-policy views born in Harvard Yard's boutique.\" \"New York Times\" columnist Maureen Dowd asked \"Wasn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle elite?\" Bush explained, however, that, unlike Harvard, Yale's reputation was \"so diffuse, there isn't a symbol, I don't think, in the Yale situation, any symbolism in it. ... Harvard boutique to me has the connotation of liberalism and elitism\" and said \"Harvard\" in his remark was intended to represent","Document [15](Title: History of Harvard University) History of Harvard University Harvard College, around which Harvard University eventually grew, was founded in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, making it the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. For centuries, its graduates dominated Massachusetts' clerical and civil ranks and beginning in the 19th century its stature became national, then international, as a dozen graduate and professional schools were formed alongside the nucleus undergraduate College. Historically influential in national roles are the schools of medicine (1782), law (1817) and business (1908) as well as the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (1890). Since the late 19th century","Document [16](Title: Harvard University) in 2011. Regarding rankings of specific indicators, Harvard topped both \"University Ranking by Academic Performance 20152016\" and (2011), which measured universities' numbers of alumni holding CEO positions in Fortune Global 500 companies. According to the 2016 poll done by \"The Princeton Review\", Harvard is the second most commonly named \"dream college\" in the United States, both for students and parents. \"College ROI Report: Best Value Colleges\" by PayScale puts Harvard 22nd nationwide in the most recent 2016 edition. In the last six years, Harvard's student population ranged from 19,000 to 21,000, across all programs. Harvard enrolled 6,655 students in undergraduate","Document [17](Title: Ivy League) the NCAA tournament bid, then rebounded to win outright championships in 2012, 2013, and 2014. Harvard also won the 2013 Great Alaska Shootout, defeating TCU to become the only Ivy League school to win the now-defunct tournament. Rivalries exist between other Ivy league teams in other sports, including Cornell and Harvard in hockey, Harvard and Princeton in swimming, and Harvard and Penn in football (Penn and Harvard have won 28 Ivy League Football Championships since 1982, Penn-16; Harvard-12). During that time Penn has had 8 undefeated Ivy League Football Championships and Harvard has had 6 undefeated Ivy League Football Championships.","Document [18](Title: Black Ivy League) 1999 to 2007, Ivy League colleges launched initiatives to make higher education more affordable, to the point that students from low income families can graduate debt-free. The University of Pennsylvania has expanded its financial aid program to the point that all students qualifying for financial aid can graduate debt-free. The \"Journal of Blacks in Higher Education\" notes that the significant increase in financial aid by Harvard and other Ivy League schools will make it difficult for other schools to compete for top African-American students. A study of the average wages of alumni conducted by Roland G. Fryer Jr. and Michael","Document [19](Title: Harvard College) will be barred from campus leadership positions such as team captaincies, and from receiving recommendation letters from Harvard requisite for certain scholarships and fellowships. Harvard College Harvard College is the undergraduate liberal arts college of Harvard University. Founded in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, it is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and one of the most prestigious in the world. The school came into existence in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court (colonial legislature, second oldest in British America) of the Massachusetts Bay Colony\u2014though without a single building, instructor, or student. In 1638,","Document [20](Title: Ivy League) of a typical private liberal arts college and smaller than a typical public state university. Total enrollments, including graduate students, range from approximately 6,400 at Dartmouth to over 20,000 at Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, and Penn. Ivy League financial endowments range from Brown's $3.5 billion to Harvard's $34.5 billion, the largest financial endowment of any academic institution in the world. The Ivy League has drawn many comparisons to other elite grouping of universities in other nations such as Oxbridge and the Golden Triangle in the United Kingdom, C9 League in China, Group of Eight in Australia, and Imperial Universities in Japan."],"query":"when did harvard become an ivy league school?","answers":["1945"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Harvard University) Harvard University Harvard University is a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with about 6,700 undergraduate students and about 15,250 post graduate students. Established in 1636 and named for its first benefactor, clergyman John Harvard, Harvard is the United States' oldest institution of higher learning, and its history, influence, and wealth have made it one of the world's most prestigious universities. The Harvard Corporation is its first chartered corporation. Although never formally affiliated with any denomination, the early College primarily trained Congregational and Unitarian clergy. Its curriculum and student body were gradually secularized during the 18th century, and","Document [2](Title: Ivy League) \"a philosophical enclave\" and not a statement about class. Columnist Russell Baker opined that \"Voters inclined to loathe and fear elite Ivy League schools rarely make fine distinctions between Yale and Harvard. All they know is that both are full of rich, fancy, stuck-up and possibly dangerous intellectuals who never sit down to supper in their undershirt no matter how hot the weather gets.\" Still, the last five presidents have all attended Ivy League schools for at least part of their education\u2014 George H. W. Bush (Yale undergrad), Bill Clinton (Yale Law School), George W. Bush (Yale undergrad, Harvard Business","Document [3](Title: Big Three (colleges)) process. From the 1930s on, Big Three admissions became progressively more meritocratic, but still included non-academic factors such as \u201clineage.\u201d Ivy League schools including Harvard, Yale and Princeton have in the past been regarded as the goals for many children in WASP circles. Some educators have attempted to discourage this fixation. Jay Mathews, author of \"Harvard Schmarvard\", addresses seniors obsessed with Ivy League schools with the analysis: \u201cIt does not matter where you go to school, it matters what you do when you get there and what you do after you graduate.\u201d The \"Big Three\" schools: Princeton, Harvard and Yale","Document [4](Title: William Deresiewicz) Facebook. Many readers had mixed reactions to the article, with plenty of criticism coming directly from the Ivy League, its peer institutions, and many others who accused him of cherry picking. The IvyGate blog published a facetious rebuttal, \"Isn't Harvard Just the Worst?\", telling the Class of 2012 to \"enjoy these last few months of innocence, because soon you'll join the ranks of an organization whose sole purpose is to destroy the world.\" The article became the groundwork for Deresiewicz' book \"Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life\" (2014). This work had","Document [5](Title: Ivy League) up living. Students of the Ivy League, both graduate and undergraduate, come primarily from upper middle and upper class families. In recent years, however, the universities have looked towards increasing socioeconomic and class diversity, by providing greater financial aid packages to applicants from lower, working, and middle class American families. In 2013, 46% of Harvard undergraduate students came from families in the top 3.8% of all American households (i.e., over $200,000 annual income). In 2012, the bottom 25% of the American income distribution accounted for only 3\u20134% of students at Brown, a figure that had remained unchanged since 1992. In","Document [6](Title: Ivy League) president to graduate from college, graduating from Harvard in 1755. Students of the Ivy League largely hail from the Northeast, largely from the New York City, Boston, and Philadelphia areas. As all eight Ivy League universities are within the Northeast, it is no surprise that most graduates end up working and residing in the Northeast after graduation. An unscientific survey of Harvard seniors from the Class of 2013 found that 42% hailed from the Northeast and 55% overall were planning on working and residing in the Northeast. Boston and New York City are traditionally where many Ivy League graduates end","Document [7](Title: History of Harvard University) into Eliot's term, Richard Theodore Greener became the first African-American to graduate from Harvard College. Seven years later, Louis Brandeis, the first Jewish justice on the Supreme Court, graduated from Harvard Law School. Nevertheless, Harvard became the bastion of a distinctly Protestant \u00e9lite \u2013 the so-called Boston Brahmin class \u2013 and continued to be so well into the 20th century. The annual undergraduate tuition was $300 in the 1930s and $400 in the 1940s, doubling to $800 in 1953. It reached $2,600 in 1970 and $22,700 in 2000. Charles W. Eliot, president 1869\u20131909, eliminated the favored position of Christianity from","Document [8](Title: History of Harvard University) Radcliffe College, established in 1879 as sister school of Harvard College, became one of the most prominent schools for women in the United States. In the 1920s Edward Harkness (1874\u20131940), a Yale man with oil wealth, was ignored by his alma mater and so gave $12,000,000 to Harvard to establish a house system like that of Oxford University. Yale later took his money and set up a similar system. In addition to the usual department, specialized research centers proliferated, especially to enable interdisciplinary research projects that could not be handled at the department level. However, the departments kept jealous control","Document [9](Title: History of Harvard University) own among American colleges. Ronald Story notes that in 1850, Harvard's total assets were \"five times that of Amherst and Williams combined, and three times that of Yale\". Story also notes that \"all the evidence\u2026 points to the four decades from 1815 to 1855 as the era when parents, in Henry Adams's words, began 'sending their children to Harvard College for the sake of its social advantages'\". Under President Eliot's tenure, Harvard earned a reputation for being more liberal and democratic than either Princeton or Yale in regard to bigotry against Jews and other ethnic minorities. In 1870, one year","Document [10](Title: History of Harvard University) \"official philosophy\" of the more empirical and more deistic Scottish school. Between 1830 and 1870, Harvard became \"privatized\". While the Federalists controlled state government, Harvard had prospered and the 1824 defeat of the Federalist Party in Massachusetts allowed the renascent Democratic-Republicans to block state funding of private universities. By 1870, the politicians and ministers that heretofore had made up the university's board of overseers had been replaced by Harvard alumni drawn from Boston's upper-class business and professional community and funded by private endowment. During this period, Harvard experienced unparalleled growth that securely placed it financially in a league of its","Document [11](Title: Ivy League) was formed over a century ago and consisted of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and a fourth school that varies depending on who is telling the story. However, it is clear that Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Columbia met on November 23, 1876 at the so-called Massasoit Convention to decide on uniform rules for the emerging game of American football, which rapidly spread. Seven out of the eight Ivy League schools were founded before the American Revolution; Cornell was founded just after the American Civil War. These seven were the primary colleges in the Northern and Middle Colonies, and their early faculties and","Document [12](Title: American Jews) the Harvard English department in 1943, but the Economics department decided not to hire Paul Samuelson in 1948. Harvard hired its first Jewish biochemists in 1954. Today, American Jews no longer face the discrimination in higher education that they did in the past, particularly in the Ivy League. For example, by 1986, a third of the presidents of the elite undergraduate final clubs at Harvard were Jewish. Rick Levin has been president of Yale University since 1993, Judith Rodin was president of the University of Pennsylvania from 1994 to 2004 (and is currently president of the Rockefeller Foundation), Paul Samuelson's","Document [13](Title: Ivy League) of Ivy stereotyping were illustrated during the 1988 presidential election, when George H. W. Bush (Yale '48) derided Michael Dukakis (graduate of Harvard Law School) for having \"foreign-policy views born in Harvard Yard's boutique.\" \"New York Times\" columnist Maureen Dowd asked \"Wasn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle elite?\" Bush explained, however, that, unlike Harvard, Yale's reputation was \"so diffuse, there isn't a symbol, I don't think, in the Yale situation, any symbolism in it. ... Harvard boutique to me has the connotation of liberalism and elitism\" and said \"Harvard\" in his remark was intended to represent","Document [14](Title: History of Harvard University) History of Harvard University Harvard College, around which Harvard University eventually grew, was founded in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, making it the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. For centuries, its graduates dominated Massachusetts' clerical and civil ranks and beginning in the 19th century its stature became national, then international, as a dozen graduate and professional schools were formed alongside the nucleus undergraduate College. Historically influential in national roles are the schools of medicine (1782), law (1817) and business (1908) as well as the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (1890). Since the late 19th century","Document [15](Title: Ivy League) In 1945 the presidents of the eight schools signed the first Ivy Group Agreement, which set academic, financial, and athletic standards for the football teams. The principles established reiterated those put forward in the Harvard-Yale-Princeton Presidents' Agreement of 1916. The Ivy Group Agreement established the core tenet that an applicant's ability to play on a team would not influence admissions decisions:","Document [16](Title: Harvard University) in 2011. Regarding rankings of specific indicators, Harvard topped both \"University Ranking by Academic Performance 20152016\" and (2011), which measured universities' numbers of alumni holding CEO positions in Fortune Global 500 companies. According to the 2016 poll done by \"The Princeton Review\", Harvard is the second most commonly named \"dream college\" in the United States, both for students and parents. \"College ROI Report: Best Value Colleges\" by PayScale puts Harvard 22nd nationwide in the most recent 2016 edition. In the last six years, Harvard's student population ranged from 19,000 to 21,000, across all programs. Harvard enrolled 6,655 students in undergraduate","Document [17](Title: Ivy League) the NCAA tournament bid, then rebounded to win outright championships in 2012, 2013, and 2014. Harvard also won the 2013 Great Alaska Shootout, defeating TCU to become the only Ivy League school to win the now-defunct tournament. Rivalries exist between other Ivy league teams in other sports, including Cornell and Harvard in hockey, Harvard and Princeton in swimming, and Harvard and Penn in football (Penn and Harvard have won 28 Ivy League Football Championships since 1982, Penn-16; Harvard-12). During that time Penn has had 8 undefeated Ivy League Football Championships and Harvard has had 6 undefeated Ivy League Football Championships.","Document [18](Title: Black Ivy League) 1999 to 2007, Ivy League colleges launched initiatives to make higher education more affordable, to the point that students from low income families can graduate debt-free. The University of Pennsylvania has expanded its financial aid program to the point that all students qualifying for financial aid can graduate debt-free. The \"Journal of Blacks in Higher Education\" notes that the significant increase in financial aid by Harvard and other Ivy League schools will make it difficult for other schools to compete for top African-American students. A study of the average wages of alumni conducted by Roland G. Fryer Jr. and Michael","Document [19](Title: Harvard College) will be barred from campus leadership positions such as team captaincies, and from receiving recommendation letters from Harvard requisite for certain scholarships and fellowships. Harvard College Harvard College is the undergraduate liberal arts college of Harvard University. Founded in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, it is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and one of the most prestigious in the world. The school came into existence in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court (colonial legislature, second oldest in British America) of the Massachusetts Bay Colony\u2014though without a single building, instructor, or student. In 1638,","Document [20](Title: Ivy League) of a typical private liberal arts college and smaller than a typical public state university. Total enrollments, including graduate students, range from approximately 6,400 at Dartmouth to over 20,000 at Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, and Penn. Ivy League financial endowments range from Brown's $3.5 billion to Harvard's $34.5 billion, the largest financial endowment of any academic institution in the world. The Ivy League has drawn many comparisons to other elite grouping of universities in other nations such as Oxbridge and the Golden Triangle in the United Kingdom, C9 League in China, Group of Eight in Australia, and Imperial Universities in Japan."],"query":"when did harvard become an ivy league school?","answers":["1945"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Harvard University) Harvard University Harvard University is a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with about 6,700 undergraduate students and about 15,250 post graduate students. Established in 1636 and named for its first benefactor, clergyman John Harvard, Harvard is the United States' oldest institution of higher learning, and its history, influence, and wealth have made it one of the world's most prestigious universities. The Harvard Corporation is its first chartered corporation. Although never formally affiliated with any denomination, the early College primarily trained Congregational and Unitarian clergy. Its curriculum and student body were gradually secularized during the 18th century, and","Document [2](Title: Ivy League) \"a philosophical enclave\" and not a statement about class. Columnist Russell Baker opined that \"Voters inclined to loathe and fear elite Ivy League schools rarely make fine distinctions between Yale and Harvard. All they know is that both are full of rich, fancy, stuck-up and possibly dangerous intellectuals who never sit down to supper in their undershirt no matter how hot the weather gets.\" Still, the last five presidents have all attended Ivy League schools for at least part of their education\u2014 George H. W. Bush (Yale undergrad), Bill Clinton (Yale Law School), George W. Bush (Yale undergrad, Harvard Business","Document [3](Title: Big Three (colleges)) process. From the 1930s on, Big Three admissions became progressively more meritocratic, but still included non-academic factors such as \u201clineage.\u201d Ivy League schools including Harvard, Yale and Princeton have in the past been regarded as the goals for many children in WASP circles. Some educators have attempted to discourage this fixation. Jay Mathews, author of \"Harvard Schmarvard\", addresses seniors obsessed with Ivy League schools with the analysis: \u201cIt does not matter where you go to school, it matters what you do when you get there and what you do after you graduate.\u201d The \"Big Three\" schools: Princeton, Harvard and Yale","Document [4](Title: William Deresiewicz) Facebook. Many readers had mixed reactions to the article, with plenty of criticism coming directly from the Ivy League, its peer institutions, and many others who accused him of cherry picking. The IvyGate blog published a facetious rebuttal, \"Isn't Harvard Just the Worst?\", telling the Class of 2012 to \"enjoy these last few months of innocence, because soon you'll join the ranks of an organization whose sole purpose is to destroy the world.\" The article became the groundwork for Deresiewicz' book \"Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life\" (2014). This work had","Document [5](Title: Ivy League) up living. Students of the Ivy League, both graduate and undergraduate, come primarily from upper middle and upper class families. In recent years, however, the universities have looked towards increasing socioeconomic and class diversity, by providing greater financial aid packages to applicants from lower, working, and middle class American families. In 2013, 46% of Harvard undergraduate students came from families in the top 3.8% of all American households (i.e., over $200,000 annual income). In 2012, the bottom 25% of the American income distribution accounted for only 3\u20134% of students at Brown, a figure that had remained unchanged since 1992. In","Document [6](Title: Ivy League) president to graduate from college, graduating from Harvard in 1755. Students of the Ivy League largely hail from the Northeast, largely from the New York City, Boston, and Philadelphia areas. As all eight Ivy League universities are within the Northeast, it is no surprise that most graduates end up working and residing in the Northeast after graduation. An unscientific survey of Harvard seniors from the Class of 2013 found that 42% hailed from the Northeast and 55% overall were planning on working and residing in the Northeast. Boston and New York City are traditionally where many Ivy League graduates end","Document [7](Title: History of Harvard University) into Eliot's term, Richard Theodore Greener became the first African-American to graduate from Harvard College. Seven years later, Louis Brandeis, the first Jewish justice on the Supreme Court, graduated from Harvard Law School. Nevertheless, Harvard became the bastion of a distinctly Protestant \u00e9lite \u2013 the so-called Boston Brahmin class \u2013 and continued to be so well into the 20th century. The annual undergraduate tuition was $300 in the 1930s and $400 in the 1940s, doubling to $800 in 1953. It reached $2,600 in 1970 and $22,700 in 2000. Charles W. Eliot, president 1869\u20131909, eliminated the favored position of Christianity from","Document [8](Title: History of Harvard University) Radcliffe College, established in 1879 as sister school of Harvard College, became one of the most prominent schools for women in the United States. In the 1920s Edward Harkness (1874\u20131940), a Yale man with oil wealth, was ignored by his alma mater and so gave $12,000,000 to Harvard to establish a house system like that of Oxford University. Yale later took his money and set up a similar system. In addition to the usual department, specialized research centers proliferated, especially to enable interdisciplinary research projects that could not be handled at the department level. However, the departments kept jealous control","Document [9](Title: History of Harvard University) own among American colleges. Ronald Story notes that in 1850, Harvard's total assets were \"five times that of Amherst and Williams combined, and three times that of Yale\". Story also notes that \"all the evidence\u2026 points to the four decades from 1815 to 1855 as the era when parents, in Henry Adams's words, began 'sending their children to Harvard College for the sake of its social advantages'\". Under President Eliot's tenure, Harvard earned a reputation for being more liberal and democratic than either Princeton or Yale in regard to bigotry against Jews and other ethnic minorities. In 1870, one year","Document [10](Title: History of Harvard University) \"official philosophy\" of the more empirical and more deistic Scottish school. Between 1830 and 1870, Harvard became \"privatized\". While the Federalists controlled state government, Harvard had prospered and the 1824 defeat of the Federalist Party in Massachusetts allowed the renascent Democratic-Republicans to block state funding of private universities. By 1870, the politicians and ministers that heretofore had made up the university's board of overseers had been replaced by Harvard alumni drawn from Boston's upper-class business and professional community and funded by private endowment. During this period, Harvard experienced unparalleled growth that securely placed it financially in a league of its","Document [11](Title: Ivy League) was formed over a century ago and consisted of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and a fourth school that varies depending on who is telling the story. However, it is clear that Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Columbia met on November 23, 1876 at the so-called Massasoit Convention to decide on uniform rules for the emerging game of American football, which rapidly spread. Seven out of the eight Ivy League schools were founded before the American Revolution; Cornell was founded just after the American Civil War. These seven were the primary colleges in the Northern and Middle Colonies, and their early faculties and","Document [12](Title: American Jews) the Harvard English department in 1943, but the Economics department decided not to hire Paul Samuelson in 1948. Harvard hired its first Jewish biochemists in 1954. Today, American Jews no longer face the discrimination in higher education that they did in the past, particularly in the Ivy League. For example, by 1986, a third of the presidents of the elite undergraduate final clubs at Harvard were Jewish. Rick Levin has been president of Yale University since 1993, Judith Rodin was president of the University of Pennsylvania from 1994 to 2004 (and is currently president of the Rockefeller Foundation), Paul Samuelson's","Document [13](Title: Ivy League) of Ivy stereotyping were illustrated during the 1988 presidential election, when George H. W. Bush (Yale '48) derided Michael Dukakis (graduate of Harvard Law School) for having \"foreign-policy views born in Harvard Yard's boutique.\" \"New York Times\" columnist Maureen Dowd asked \"Wasn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle elite?\" Bush explained, however, that, unlike Harvard, Yale's reputation was \"so diffuse, there isn't a symbol, I don't think, in the Yale situation, any symbolism in it. ... Harvard boutique to me has the connotation of liberalism and elitism\" and said \"Harvard\" in his remark was intended to represent","Document [14](Title: History of Harvard University) History of Harvard University Harvard College, around which Harvard University eventually grew, was founded in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, making it the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. For centuries, its graduates dominated Massachusetts' clerical and civil ranks and beginning in the 19th century its stature became national, then international, as a dozen graduate and professional schools were formed alongside the nucleus undergraduate College. Historically influential in national roles are the schools of medicine (1782), law (1817) and business (1908) as well as the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (1890). Since the late 19th century","Document [15](Title: Harvard University) in 2011. Regarding rankings of specific indicators, Harvard topped both \"University Ranking by Academic Performance 20152016\" and (2011), which measured universities' numbers of alumni holding CEO positions in Fortune Global 500 companies. According to the 2016 poll done by \"The Princeton Review\", Harvard is the second most commonly named \"dream college\" in the United States, both for students and parents. \"College ROI Report: Best Value Colleges\" by PayScale puts Harvard 22nd nationwide in the most recent 2016 edition. In the last six years, Harvard's student population ranged from 19,000 to 21,000, across all programs. Harvard enrolled 6,655 students in undergraduate","Document [16](Title: Ivy League) the NCAA tournament bid, then rebounded to win outright championships in 2012, 2013, and 2014. Harvard also won the 2013 Great Alaska Shootout, defeating TCU to become the only Ivy League school to win the now-defunct tournament. Rivalries exist between other Ivy league teams in other sports, including Cornell and Harvard in hockey, Harvard and Princeton in swimming, and Harvard and Penn in football (Penn and Harvard have won 28 Ivy League Football Championships since 1982, Penn-16; Harvard-12). During that time Penn has had 8 undefeated Ivy League Football Championships and Harvard has had 6 undefeated Ivy League Football Championships.","Document [17](Title: Black Ivy League) 1999 to 2007, Ivy League colleges launched initiatives to make higher education more affordable, to the point that students from low income families can graduate debt-free. The University of Pennsylvania has expanded its financial aid program to the point that all students qualifying for financial aid can graduate debt-free. The \"Journal of Blacks in Higher Education\" notes that the significant increase in financial aid by Harvard and other Ivy League schools will make it difficult for other schools to compete for top African-American students. A study of the average wages of alumni conducted by Roland G. Fryer Jr. and Michael","Document [18](Title: Harvard College) will be barred from campus leadership positions such as team captaincies, and from receiving recommendation letters from Harvard requisite for certain scholarships and fellowships. Harvard College Harvard College is the undergraduate liberal arts college of Harvard University. Founded in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, it is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and one of the most prestigious in the world. The school came into existence in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court (colonial legislature, second oldest in British America) of the Massachusetts Bay Colony\u2014though without a single building, instructor, or student. In 1638,","Document [19](Title: Ivy League) of a typical private liberal arts college and smaller than a typical public state university. Total enrollments, including graduate students, range from approximately 6,400 at Dartmouth to over 20,000 at Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, and Penn. Ivy League financial endowments range from Brown's $3.5 billion to Harvard's $34.5 billion, the largest financial endowment of any academic institution in the world. The Ivy League has drawn many comparisons to other elite grouping of universities in other nations such as Oxbridge and the Golden Triangle in the United Kingdom, C9 League in China, Group of Eight in Australia, and Imperial Universities in Japan.","Document [20](Title: Ivy League) In 1945 the presidents of the eight schools signed the first Ivy Group Agreement, which set academic, financial, and athletic standards for the football teams. The principles established reiterated those put forward in the Harvard-Yale-Princeton Presidents' Agreement of 1916. The Ivy Group Agreement established the core tenet that an applicant's ability to play on a team would not influence admissions decisions:"],"query":"when did harvard become an ivy league school?","answers":["1945"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Louisiana Purchase) The Louisiana Purchase Treaty was signed on 30 April by Robert Livingston, James Monroe, and Barb\u00e9 Marbois in Paris. Jefferson announced the treaty to the American people on July 4. After the signing of the Louisiana Purchase agreement in 1803, Livingston made this famous statement, \"We have lived long, but this is the noblest work of our whole lives... From this day the United States take their place among the powers of the first rank.\"","Document [2](Title: Louisiana Purchase) had authorized Livingston only to purchase New Orleans. However, Livingston was certain that the United States would accept the offer. The Americans thought that Napoleon might withdraw the offer at any time, preventing the United States from acquiring New Orleans, so they agreed and signed the Louisiana Purchase Treaty on April 30, 1803. On July 4, 1803, the treaty was announced, but the documents did not arrive in Washington, D.C. until July 14. The Louisiana Territory was vast, stretching from the Gulf of Mexico in the south to Rupert's Land in the north, and from the Mississippi River in the","Document [3](Title: History of Missouri) United States in the Louisiana Purchase. Official news of the transfer had reached the region in August 1803 in a letter from the governor of the Indiana Territory, William Henry Harrison. Although the transfer of all of Louisiana was formalized in a ceremony in New Orleans in December 1803, a separate ceremony took place in St. Louis in March 1804 to commemorate the transfer of Upper Louisiana from French to United States colonial status. At the time of the transfer, the purchase was initially divided into two parts: land north of the thirty-third parallel (including present-day Missouri) became the District","Document [4](Title: St. Francois County, Missouri) along the banks during the day. When the party arrived at Ste. Genevieve, the inhabitants gave them a rousing welcome. About the same year, Michael Hart and his son Charles settled in the same vicinity. At the time of this settlement the area was under Spanish rule. On October 7, 1800, Spain ceded the whole of upper and lower Louisiana to France. It was not until our own Louisiana Purchase on April 30, 1803 that this area became a part of the United States. Settlers came in large numbers after the Murphy Settlement was established, and at the close of","Document [5](Title: History of Oklahoma) of Louisiana in the secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso. But, strained by obligations in Europe, Napoleon Bonaparte decided to sell the territory to the United States. With the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the United States acquired France's 828,000 square mile claim to the watersheds of the Mississippi River (west of the river) and Missouri River. The purchase encompassed all or part of 15 current U.S. states] (including all of Oklahoma) and parts of two Canadian provinces. Out of the Louisiana Purchase, Louisiana Territory and Orleans Territory were organized. Orleans Territory became the state of Louisiana in 1812, and Louisiana","Document [6](Title: History of South Dakota) In 1801, a post known as Fort aux Cedres was constructed by Registre Loisel of St. Louis, on Cedar Island on the Missouri about southeast of the present location of Pierre. This trading post was the major regional post until its destruction by fire in 1810. In 1800, Spain gave Louisiana back to France in the Treaty of San Ildefonso. In 1803, the United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon for $11,000,000. The territory included most of the western half of the Mississippi watershed and covered nearly all of present-day South Dakota, except for a small portion in the","Document [7](Title: Louisiana State Capitol) and the remaining territory east of the Mississippi was turned over to Great Britain. The French reclaimed Louisiana from the Spanish in 1803 after the Treaty of San Ildefonso in 1800; the territory was then sold as the Louisiana Purchase to the United States. The ceremonial transfers of Louisiana from Spain to France took place in front of the colonial seat of government, the Cabildo, in November 1803, with the transfer from France to the U.S. occurring there, as well, less than a month later. New Orleans continued to be the location of the capital of the Territory of Orleans,","Document [8](Title: Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana) then in Spanish during their brief rule in the late 18th century, with a return to French after France reacquired the area under Napoleon Bonaparte in the early 19th century. He sold the large Louisiana Purchase territory to the United States under President Thomas Jefferson in 1803. As the US expanded its rule, local documents began to be recorded in the English of the new government. After Napoleon sold Louisiana to the United States, its government arranged for expeditions to survey the Louisiana Territory. It hired local French soldiers, surveyors and doctors, many of whom eventually settled in the area.","Document [9](Title: Louisiana (New France)) France regained sovereignty of the western territory in the secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso of 1800. But strained by obligations in Europe, Napoleon Bonaparte sold the territory to the United States in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, ending France's presence in Louisiana. The United States ceded part of the Louisiana Purchase to the United Kingdom in the Treaty of 1818. This section lies above the 49th parallel north in a part of present-day Alberta and Saskatchewan. In the 18th century, Louisiana included most of the Mississippi River basin (see drawing alongside) from what is now the Midwestern United States","Document [10](Title: Louisiana Territory) the Louisiana Purchase, in which colonial Louisiana was purchased from France. The Eighth Congress of the United States on March 26, 1804, passed legislation entitled \"An act erecting Louisiana into two territories, and providing for the temporary government thereof,\" which established the Territory of Orleans and the civil District of Louisiana. This act, which went into effect on October 1, 1804, expanded the authority of the governor and judges of the Indiana Territory to provide temporary jurisdiction over the District of Louisiana. On March 3, 1805, Congress enacted legislation organizing the District of Louisiana into the Louisiana Territory, effective July","Document [11](Title: Louisiana Territory) 4, 1805. The Territory was governed similarly to Indiana Territory. The Louisiana Territory included everything in the Louisiana Purchase north of the 33rd parallel (the southern boundary of the present state of Arkansas). The southern and western boundaries with Spanish Texas and New Mexico were not fully defined until the Adams\u2013On\u00eds Treaty of 1819. The Louisiana Territory had five subdivisions: St. Louis District, St. Charles District, Ste. Genevieve District, Cape Girardeau District, and New Madrid District. In 1806, the territorial legislature created the District of Arkansas from lands ceded by the Osage Nation. The remainder was known as the Upper","Document [12](Title: Missouri) increased river trade. Napoleon Bonaparte had gained Louisiana for French ownership from Spain in 1800 under the Treaty of San Ildefonso, after it had been a Spanish colony since 1762. But the treaty was kept secret. Louisiana remained nominally under Spanish control until a transfer of power to France on November 30, 1803, just three weeks before the cession to the United States. Part of the 1803 Louisiana Purchase by the United States, Missouri earned the nickname \"Gateway to the West\" because it served as a major departure point for expeditions and settlers heading to the West during the 19th","Document [13](Title: Caddo Lake State Park) short while later. In early 1803, diplomat James Monroe was sent to France to negotiate purchasing Louisiana from France. Louisiana was bought from France later that year. This was known as the Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of the United States. The northeastern part of Texas was thought to be included in the purchase. There was no official border between Louisiana and Texas, which caused disputes between Spain and the United States. In 1806, United States General James Wilkinson and Spanish Lieutenant Colonel Sim\u00f3n de Herrera attempted to negotiate establishing a border between the two nations. On November 5,","Document [14](Title: Neutral Ground (Louisiana)) worship in Catholic churches. Many Americans took advantage of these grants that would eventually became known as Rio Hondo claims. By the secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso of October 1, 1800, Louisiana was formally transferred back to France, although the Spanish continued to administer it. The terms of the treaty did not specify the boundaries of the territory being returned. Rumors of the treaty reached U.S. President Thomas Jefferson, who sought to purchase land at the mouth of the Mississippi to ensure American access to the Gulf of Mexico. Jefferson discovered that Napoleon was willing to sell the entire","Document [15](Title: History of Missouri) of Louisiana, which was added to the jurisdiction of the Indiana Territory under Harrison. However, most Missourians disliked the arrangement, arguing that their territorial capital at Vincennes, Indiana was too far, and that slavery was unprotected by law. In 1805, Congress reorganized the territory and created the Louisiana Territory with its government seat in St. Louis. This new arrangement initially gave its inhabitants no voice in government, although the territorial governor and three judges worked in St. Louis. The land south of the thirty-third parallel, then-known as the Territory of Orleans, became the state of Louisiana in 1812, and the","Document [16](Title: United States territorial acquisitions) Webster\u2013Ashburton Treaty in 1842. Beginning in the late 18th century, the new nation organized areas west of the Original thirteen states into several United States territories, setting a template for future expansion. The Louisiana Purchase in 1803, was negotiated with Napoleon during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson; the territory was acquired from France for $15 million (equivalent to $ in present-day terms). A small portion of this land was ceded to Britain in 1818 in exchange for the Red River Basin. More of this land was ceded to Spain in 1819 with the Florida Purchase, but was later reacquired through","Document [17](Title: Louisiana Purchase) 1801, Spanish Governor Don Juan Manuel de Salcedo took over from the Marquess of Casa Calvo, and restored the American right to deposit goods. However, in 1800 Spain had ceded the Louisiana territory back to France as part of Napoleon's secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso. The territory nominally remained under Spanish control, until a transfer of power to France on November 30, 1803, just three weeks before the formal cession of the territory to the United States on December 20, 1803. A further ceremony was held in St. Louis, Upper Louisiana regarding the New Orleans formalities. The March 9\u201310,","Document [18](Title: Louisiana (New France)) of San Ildefonso, signed in secrecy on October 1, 1800, envisaged the transfer of Western Louisiana as well as New Orleans to France in exchange for the Duchy of Parma. However, Napoleon Bonaparte soon decided not to keep the immense territory. The army he sent to take possession of the colony was first required to put down a revolution in Saint-Domingue (now Haiti); its failure to do so, and the rupture of the Treaty of Amiens with the United Kingdom, prompted him to decide to sell Louisiana to the young United States. This was done on April 30, 1803 for","Document [19](Title: Spanish Texas) 1799 Spain gave Louisiana back to France, and in 1803 Napol\u00e9on Bonaparte (First Consul of the French Republic) sold the territory to the United States of America as part of the Louisiana Purchase, U.S. President Thomas Jefferson (in office: 1801-1809) insisted that the purchase included all land to the east of the Rocky Mountains and to the north of the Rio Grande, although its large southwestern expanse lay within New Spain. The territorial ambiguity remained unresolved until the Adams\u2013On\u00eds Treaty compromise in 1819, when Spain ceded Spanish Florida to the United States in return for recognition of the Sabine River","Document [20](Title: Louisiana Purchase) Effective October 1, 1804, the purchased territory was organized into the Territory of Orleans (most of which would become the state of Louisiana) and the District of Louisiana, which was temporarily under control of the governor and judicial system of the Indiana Territory. The following year, the District of Louisiana was renamed the Territory of Louisiana, aka Louisiana Territory (1805\u20131812). New Orleans was the administrative capital of the Orleans Territory, and St. Louis was the capital of the Louisiana Territory. A dispute soon arose between Spain and the United States regarding the extent of Louisiana. The territory's boundaries had not"],"query":"where was the louisiana purchase signed in 1803?","answers":["Paris"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Louisiana Purchase) had authorized Livingston only to purchase New Orleans. However, Livingston was certain that the United States would accept the offer. The Americans thought that Napoleon might withdraw the offer at any time, preventing the United States from acquiring New Orleans, so they agreed and signed the Louisiana Purchase Treaty on April 30, 1803. On July 4, 1803, the treaty was announced, but the documents did not arrive in Washington, D.C. until July 14. The Louisiana Territory was vast, stretching from the Gulf of Mexico in the south to Rupert's Land in the north, and from the Mississippi River in the","Document [2](Title: History of Missouri) United States in the Louisiana Purchase. Official news of the transfer had reached the region in August 1803 in a letter from the governor of the Indiana Territory, William Henry Harrison. Although the transfer of all of Louisiana was formalized in a ceremony in New Orleans in December 1803, a separate ceremony took place in St. Louis in March 1804 to commemorate the transfer of Upper Louisiana from French to United States colonial status. At the time of the transfer, the purchase was initially divided into two parts: land north of the thirty-third parallel (including present-day Missouri) became the District","Document [3](Title: St. Francois County, Missouri) along the banks during the day. When the party arrived at Ste. Genevieve, the inhabitants gave them a rousing welcome. About the same year, Michael Hart and his son Charles settled in the same vicinity. At the time of this settlement the area was under Spanish rule. On October 7, 1800, Spain ceded the whole of upper and lower Louisiana to France. It was not until our own Louisiana Purchase on April 30, 1803 that this area became a part of the United States. Settlers came in large numbers after the Murphy Settlement was established, and at the close of","Document [4](Title: History of Oklahoma) of Louisiana in the secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso. But, strained by obligations in Europe, Napoleon Bonaparte decided to sell the territory to the United States. With the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the United States acquired France's 828,000 square mile claim to the watersheds of the Mississippi River (west of the river) and Missouri River. The purchase encompassed all or part of 15 current U.S. states] (including all of Oklahoma) and parts of two Canadian provinces. Out of the Louisiana Purchase, Louisiana Territory and Orleans Territory were organized. Orleans Territory became the state of Louisiana in 1812, and Louisiana","Document [5](Title: Louisiana Purchase) The Louisiana Purchase Treaty was signed on 30 April by Robert Livingston, James Monroe, and Barb\u00e9 Marbois in Paris. Jefferson announced the treaty to the American people on July 4. After the signing of the Louisiana Purchase agreement in 1803, Livingston made this famous statement, \"We have lived long, but this is the noblest work of our whole lives... From this day the United States take their place among the powers of the first rank.\"","Document [6](Title: History of South Dakota) In 1801, a post known as Fort aux Cedres was constructed by Registre Loisel of St. Louis, on Cedar Island on the Missouri about southeast of the present location of Pierre. This trading post was the major regional post until its destruction by fire in 1810. In 1800, Spain gave Louisiana back to France in the Treaty of San Ildefonso. In 1803, the United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon for $11,000,000. The territory included most of the western half of the Mississippi watershed and covered nearly all of present-day South Dakota, except for a small portion in the","Document [7](Title: Louisiana State Capitol) and the remaining territory east of the Mississippi was turned over to Great Britain. The French reclaimed Louisiana from the Spanish in 1803 after the Treaty of San Ildefonso in 1800; the territory was then sold as the Louisiana Purchase to the United States. The ceremonial transfers of Louisiana from Spain to France took place in front of the colonial seat of government, the Cabildo, in November 1803, with the transfer from France to the U.S. occurring there, as well, less than a month later. New Orleans continued to be the location of the capital of the Territory of Orleans,","Document [8](Title: Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana) then in Spanish during their brief rule in the late 18th century, with a return to French after France reacquired the area under Napoleon Bonaparte in the early 19th century. He sold the large Louisiana Purchase territory to the United States under President Thomas Jefferson in 1803. As the US expanded its rule, local documents began to be recorded in the English of the new government. After Napoleon sold Louisiana to the United States, its government arranged for expeditions to survey the Louisiana Territory. It hired local French soldiers, surveyors and doctors, many of whom eventually settled in the area.","Document [9](Title: Louisiana (New France)) France regained sovereignty of the western territory in the secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso of 1800. But strained by obligations in Europe, Napoleon Bonaparte sold the territory to the United States in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, ending France's presence in Louisiana. The United States ceded part of the Louisiana Purchase to the United Kingdom in the Treaty of 1818. This section lies above the 49th parallel north in a part of present-day Alberta and Saskatchewan. In the 18th century, Louisiana included most of the Mississippi River basin (see drawing alongside) from what is now the Midwestern United States","Document [10](Title: Louisiana Territory) the Louisiana Purchase, in which colonial Louisiana was purchased from France. The Eighth Congress of the United States on March 26, 1804, passed legislation entitled \"An act erecting Louisiana into two territories, and providing for the temporary government thereof,\" which established the Territory of Orleans and the civil District of Louisiana. This act, which went into effect on October 1, 1804, expanded the authority of the governor and judges of the Indiana Territory to provide temporary jurisdiction over the District of Louisiana. On March 3, 1805, Congress enacted legislation organizing the District of Louisiana into the Louisiana Territory, effective July","Document [11](Title: Louisiana Territory) 4, 1805. The Territory was governed similarly to Indiana Territory. The Louisiana Territory included everything in the Louisiana Purchase north of the 33rd parallel (the southern boundary of the present state of Arkansas). The southern and western boundaries with Spanish Texas and New Mexico were not fully defined until the Adams\u2013On\u00eds Treaty of 1819. The Louisiana Territory had five subdivisions: St. Louis District, St. Charles District, Ste. Genevieve District, Cape Girardeau District, and New Madrid District. In 1806, the territorial legislature created the District of Arkansas from lands ceded by the Osage Nation. The remainder was known as the Upper","Document [12](Title: Missouri) increased river trade. Napoleon Bonaparte had gained Louisiana for French ownership from Spain in 1800 under the Treaty of San Ildefonso, after it had been a Spanish colony since 1762. But the treaty was kept secret. Louisiana remained nominally under Spanish control until a transfer of power to France on November 30, 1803, just three weeks before the cession to the United States. Part of the 1803 Louisiana Purchase by the United States, Missouri earned the nickname \"Gateway to the West\" because it served as a major departure point for expeditions and settlers heading to the West during the 19th","Document [13](Title: Caddo Lake State Park) short while later. In early 1803, diplomat James Monroe was sent to France to negotiate purchasing Louisiana from France. Louisiana was bought from France later that year. This was known as the Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of the United States. The northeastern part of Texas was thought to be included in the purchase. There was no official border between Louisiana and Texas, which caused disputes between Spain and the United States. In 1806, United States General James Wilkinson and Spanish Lieutenant Colonel Sim\u00f3n de Herrera attempted to negotiate establishing a border between the two nations. On November 5,","Document [14](Title: Neutral Ground (Louisiana)) worship in Catholic churches. Many Americans took advantage of these grants that would eventually became known as Rio Hondo claims. By the secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso of October 1, 1800, Louisiana was formally transferred back to France, although the Spanish continued to administer it. The terms of the treaty did not specify the boundaries of the territory being returned. Rumors of the treaty reached U.S. President Thomas Jefferson, who sought to purchase land at the mouth of the Mississippi to ensure American access to the Gulf of Mexico. Jefferson discovered that Napoleon was willing to sell the entire","Document [15](Title: History of Missouri) of Louisiana, which was added to the jurisdiction of the Indiana Territory under Harrison. However, most Missourians disliked the arrangement, arguing that their territorial capital at Vincennes, Indiana was too far, and that slavery was unprotected by law. In 1805, Congress reorganized the territory and created the Louisiana Territory with its government seat in St. Louis. This new arrangement initially gave its inhabitants no voice in government, although the territorial governor and three judges worked in St. Louis. The land south of the thirty-third parallel, then-known as the Territory of Orleans, became the state of Louisiana in 1812, and the","Document [16](Title: United States territorial acquisitions) Webster\u2013Ashburton Treaty in 1842. Beginning in the late 18th century, the new nation organized areas west of the Original thirteen states into several United States territories, setting a template for future expansion. The Louisiana Purchase in 1803, was negotiated with Napoleon during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson; the territory was acquired from France for $15 million (equivalent to $ in present-day terms). A small portion of this land was ceded to Britain in 1818 in exchange for the Red River Basin. More of this land was ceded to Spain in 1819 with the Florida Purchase, but was later reacquired through","Document [17](Title: Louisiana Purchase) 1801, Spanish Governor Don Juan Manuel de Salcedo took over from the Marquess of Casa Calvo, and restored the American right to deposit goods. However, in 1800 Spain had ceded the Louisiana territory back to France as part of Napoleon's secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso. The territory nominally remained under Spanish control, until a transfer of power to France on November 30, 1803, just three weeks before the formal cession of the territory to the United States on December 20, 1803. A further ceremony was held in St. Louis, Upper Louisiana regarding the New Orleans formalities. The March 9\u201310,","Document [18](Title: Louisiana (New France)) of San Ildefonso, signed in secrecy on October 1, 1800, envisaged the transfer of Western Louisiana as well as New Orleans to France in exchange for the Duchy of Parma. However, Napoleon Bonaparte soon decided not to keep the immense territory. The army he sent to take possession of the colony was first required to put down a revolution in Saint-Domingue (now Haiti); its failure to do so, and the rupture of the Treaty of Amiens with the United Kingdom, prompted him to decide to sell Louisiana to the young United States. This was done on April 30, 1803 for","Document [19](Title: Spanish Texas) 1799 Spain gave Louisiana back to France, and in 1803 Napol\u00e9on Bonaparte (First Consul of the French Republic) sold the territory to the United States of America as part of the Louisiana Purchase, U.S. President Thomas Jefferson (in office: 1801-1809) insisted that the purchase included all land to the east of the Rocky Mountains and to the north of the Rio Grande, although its large southwestern expanse lay within New Spain. The territorial ambiguity remained unresolved until the Adams\u2013On\u00eds Treaty compromise in 1819, when Spain ceded Spanish Florida to the United States in return for recognition of the Sabine River","Document [20](Title: Louisiana Purchase) Effective October 1, 1804, the purchased territory was organized into the Territory of Orleans (most of which would become the state of Louisiana) and the District of Louisiana, which was temporarily under control of the governor and judicial system of the Indiana Territory. The following year, the District of Louisiana was renamed the Territory of Louisiana, aka Louisiana Territory (1805\u20131812). New Orleans was the administrative capital of the Orleans Territory, and St. Louis was the capital of the Louisiana Territory. A dispute soon arose between Spain and the United States regarding the extent of Louisiana. The territory's boundaries had not"],"query":"where was the louisiana purchase signed in 1803?","answers":["Paris"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Louisiana Purchase) had authorized Livingston only to purchase New Orleans. However, Livingston was certain that the United States would accept the offer. The Americans thought that Napoleon might withdraw the offer at any time, preventing the United States from acquiring New Orleans, so they agreed and signed the Louisiana Purchase Treaty on April 30, 1803. On July 4, 1803, the treaty was announced, but the documents did not arrive in Washington, D.C. until July 14. The Louisiana Territory was vast, stretching from the Gulf of Mexico in the south to Rupert's Land in the north, and from the Mississippi River in the","Document [2](Title: History of Missouri) United States in the Louisiana Purchase. Official news of the transfer had reached the region in August 1803 in a letter from the governor of the Indiana Territory, William Henry Harrison. Although the transfer of all of Louisiana was formalized in a ceremony in New Orleans in December 1803, a separate ceremony took place in St. Louis in March 1804 to commemorate the transfer of Upper Louisiana from French to United States colonial status. At the time of the transfer, the purchase was initially divided into two parts: land north of the thirty-third parallel (including present-day Missouri) became the District","Document [3](Title: St. Francois County, Missouri) along the banks during the day. When the party arrived at Ste. Genevieve, the inhabitants gave them a rousing welcome. About the same year, Michael Hart and his son Charles settled in the same vicinity. At the time of this settlement the area was under Spanish rule. On October 7, 1800, Spain ceded the whole of upper and lower Louisiana to France. It was not until our own Louisiana Purchase on April 30, 1803 that this area became a part of the United States. Settlers came in large numbers after the Murphy Settlement was established, and at the close of","Document [4](Title: History of Oklahoma) of Louisiana in the secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso. But, strained by obligations in Europe, Napoleon Bonaparte decided to sell the territory to the United States. With the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the United States acquired France's 828,000 square mile claim to the watersheds of the Mississippi River (west of the river) and Missouri River. The purchase encompassed all or part of 15 current U.S. states] (including all of Oklahoma) and parts of two Canadian provinces. Out of the Louisiana Purchase, Louisiana Territory and Orleans Territory were organized. Orleans Territory became the state of Louisiana in 1812, and Louisiana","Document [5](Title: History of South Dakota) In 1801, a post known as Fort aux Cedres was constructed by Registre Loisel of St. Louis, on Cedar Island on the Missouri about southeast of the present location of Pierre. This trading post was the major regional post until its destruction by fire in 1810. In 1800, Spain gave Louisiana back to France in the Treaty of San Ildefonso. In 1803, the United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon for $11,000,000. The territory included most of the western half of the Mississippi watershed and covered nearly all of present-day South Dakota, except for a small portion in the","Document [6](Title: Louisiana State Capitol) and the remaining territory east of the Mississippi was turned over to Great Britain. The French reclaimed Louisiana from the Spanish in 1803 after the Treaty of San Ildefonso in 1800; the territory was then sold as the Louisiana Purchase to the United States. The ceremonial transfers of Louisiana from Spain to France took place in front of the colonial seat of government, the Cabildo, in November 1803, with the transfer from France to the U.S. occurring there, as well, less than a month later. New Orleans continued to be the location of the capital of the Territory of Orleans,","Document [7](Title: Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana) then in Spanish during their brief rule in the late 18th century, with a return to French after France reacquired the area under Napoleon Bonaparte in the early 19th century. He sold the large Louisiana Purchase territory to the United States under President Thomas Jefferson in 1803. As the US expanded its rule, local documents began to be recorded in the English of the new government. After Napoleon sold Louisiana to the United States, its government arranged for expeditions to survey the Louisiana Territory. It hired local French soldiers, surveyors and doctors, many of whom eventually settled in the area.","Document [8](Title: Louisiana (New France)) France regained sovereignty of the western territory in the secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso of 1800. But strained by obligations in Europe, Napoleon Bonaparte sold the territory to the United States in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, ending France's presence in Louisiana. The United States ceded part of the Louisiana Purchase to the United Kingdom in the Treaty of 1818. This section lies above the 49th parallel north in a part of present-day Alberta and Saskatchewan. In the 18th century, Louisiana included most of the Mississippi River basin (see drawing alongside) from what is now the Midwestern United States","Document [9](Title: Louisiana Territory) the Louisiana Purchase, in which colonial Louisiana was purchased from France. The Eighth Congress of the United States on March 26, 1804, passed legislation entitled \"An act erecting Louisiana into two territories, and providing for the temporary government thereof,\" which established the Territory of Orleans and the civil District of Louisiana. This act, which went into effect on October 1, 1804, expanded the authority of the governor and judges of the Indiana Territory to provide temporary jurisdiction over the District of Louisiana. On March 3, 1805, Congress enacted legislation organizing the District of Louisiana into the Louisiana Territory, effective July","Document [10](Title: Louisiana Purchase) The Louisiana Purchase Treaty was signed on 30 April by Robert Livingston, James Monroe, and Barb\u00e9 Marbois in Paris. Jefferson announced the treaty to the American people on July 4. After the signing of the Louisiana Purchase agreement in 1803, Livingston made this famous statement, \"We have lived long, but this is the noblest work of our whole lives... From this day the United States take their place among the powers of the first rank.\"","Document [11](Title: Louisiana Territory) 4, 1805. The Territory was governed similarly to Indiana Territory. The Louisiana Territory included everything in the Louisiana Purchase north of the 33rd parallel (the southern boundary of the present state of Arkansas). The southern and western boundaries with Spanish Texas and New Mexico were not fully defined until the Adams\u2013On\u00eds Treaty of 1819. The Louisiana Territory had five subdivisions: St. Louis District, St. Charles District, Ste. Genevieve District, Cape Girardeau District, and New Madrid District. In 1806, the territorial legislature created the District of Arkansas from lands ceded by the Osage Nation. The remainder was known as the Upper","Document [12](Title: Missouri) increased river trade. Napoleon Bonaparte had gained Louisiana for French ownership from Spain in 1800 under the Treaty of San Ildefonso, after it had been a Spanish colony since 1762. But the treaty was kept secret. Louisiana remained nominally under Spanish control until a transfer of power to France on November 30, 1803, just three weeks before the cession to the United States. Part of the 1803 Louisiana Purchase by the United States, Missouri earned the nickname \"Gateway to the West\" because it served as a major departure point for expeditions and settlers heading to the West during the 19th","Document [13](Title: Caddo Lake State Park) short while later. In early 1803, diplomat James Monroe was sent to France to negotiate purchasing Louisiana from France. Louisiana was bought from France later that year. This was known as the Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of the United States. The northeastern part of Texas was thought to be included in the purchase. There was no official border between Louisiana and Texas, which caused disputes between Spain and the United States. In 1806, United States General James Wilkinson and Spanish Lieutenant Colonel Sim\u00f3n de Herrera attempted to negotiate establishing a border between the two nations. On November 5,","Document [14](Title: Neutral Ground (Louisiana)) worship in Catholic churches. Many Americans took advantage of these grants that would eventually became known as Rio Hondo claims. By the secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso of October 1, 1800, Louisiana was formally transferred back to France, although the Spanish continued to administer it. The terms of the treaty did not specify the boundaries of the territory being returned. Rumors of the treaty reached U.S. President Thomas Jefferson, who sought to purchase land at the mouth of the Mississippi to ensure American access to the Gulf of Mexico. Jefferson discovered that Napoleon was willing to sell the entire","Document [15](Title: History of Missouri) of Louisiana, which was added to the jurisdiction of the Indiana Territory under Harrison. However, most Missourians disliked the arrangement, arguing that their territorial capital at Vincennes, Indiana was too far, and that slavery was unprotected by law. In 1805, Congress reorganized the territory and created the Louisiana Territory with its government seat in St. Louis. This new arrangement initially gave its inhabitants no voice in government, although the territorial governor and three judges worked in St. Louis. The land south of the thirty-third parallel, then-known as the Territory of Orleans, became the state of Louisiana in 1812, and the","Document [16](Title: United States territorial acquisitions) Webster\u2013Ashburton Treaty in 1842. Beginning in the late 18th century, the new nation organized areas west of the Original thirteen states into several United States territories, setting a template for future expansion. The Louisiana Purchase in 1803, was negotiated with Napoleon during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson; the territory was acquired from France for $15 million (equivalent to $ in present-day terms). A small portion of this land was ceded to Britain in 1818 in exchange for the Red River Basin. More of this land was ceded to Spain in 1819 with the Florida Purchase, but was later reacquired through","Document [17](Title: Louisiana Purchase) 1801, Spanish Governor Don Juan Manuel de Salcedo took over from the Marquess of Casa Calvo, and restored the American right to deposit goods. However, in 1800 Spain had ceded the Louisiana territory back to France as part of Napoleon's secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso. The territory nominally remained under Spanish control, until a transfer of power to France on November 30, 1803, just three weeks before the formal cession of the territory to the United States on December 20, 1803. A further ceremony was held in St. Louis, Upper Louisiana regarding the New Orleans formalities. The March 9\u201310,","Document [18](Title: Louisiana (New France)) of San Ildefonso, signed in secrecy on October 1, 1800, envisaged the transfer of Western Louisiana as well as New Orleans to France in exchange for the Duchy of Parma. However, Napoleon Bonaparte soon decided not to keep the immense territory. The army he sent to take possession of the colony was first required to put down a revolution in Saint-Domingue (now Haiti); its failure to do so, and the rupture of the Treaty of Amiens with the United Kingdom, prompted him to decide to sell Louisiana to the young United States. This was done on April 30, 1803 for","Document [19](Title: Spanish Texas) 1799 Spain gave Louisiana back to France, and in 1803 Napol\u00e9on Bonaparte (First Consul of the French Republic) sold the territory to the United States of America as part of the Louisiana Purchase, U.S. President Thomas Jefferson (in office: 1801-1809) insisted that the purchase included all land to the east of the Rocky Mountains and to the north of the Rio Grande, although its large southwestern expanse lay within New Spain. The territorial ambiguity remained unresolved until the Adams\u2013On\u00eds Treaty compromise in 1819, when Spain ceded Spanish Florida to the United States in return for recognition of the Sabine River","Document [20](Title: Louisiana Purchase) Effective October 1, 1804, the purchased territory was organized into the Territory of Orleans (most of which would become the state of Louisiana) and the District of Louisiana, which was temporarily under control of the governor and judicial system of the Indiana Territory. The following year, the District of Louisiana was renamed the Territory of Louisiana, aka Louisiana Territory (1805\u20131812). New Orleans was the administrative capital of the Orleans Territory, and St. Louis was the capital of the Louisiana Territory. A dispute soon arose between Spain and the United States regarding the extent of Louisiana. The territory's boundaries had not"],"query":"where was the louisiana purchase signed in 1803?","answers":["Paris"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Louisiana Purchase) had authorized Livingston only to purchase New Orleans. However, Livingston was certain that the United States would accept the offer. The Americans thought that Napoleon might withdraw the offer at any time, preventing the United States from acquiring New Orleans, so they agreed and signed the Louisiana Purchase Treaty on April 30, 1803. On July 4, 1803, the treaty was announced, but the documents did not arrive in Washington, D.C. until July 14. The Louisiana Territory was vast, stretching from the Gulf of Mexico in the south to Rupert's Land in the north, and from the Mississippi River in the","Document [2](Title: History of Missouri) United States in the Louisiana Purchase. Official news of the transfer had reached the region in August 1803 in a letter from the governor of the Indiana Territory, William Henry Harrison. Although the transfer of all of Louisiana was formalized in a ceremony in New Orleans in December 1803, a separate ceremony took place in St. Louis in March 1804 to commemorate the transfer of Upper Louisiana from French to United States colonial status. At the time of the transfer, the purchase was initially divided into two parts: land north of the thirty-third parallel (including present-day Missouri) became the District","Document [3](Title: St. Francois County, Missouri) along the banks during the day. When the party arrived at Ste. Genevieve, the inhabitants gave them a rousing welcome. About the same year, Michael Hart and his son Charles settled in the same vicinity. At the time of this settlement the area was under Spanish rule. On October 7, 1800, Spain ceded the whole of upper and lower Louisiana to France. It was not until our own Louisiana Purchase on April 30, 1803 that this area became a part of the United States. Settlers came in large numbers after the Murphy Settlement was established, and at the close of","Document [4](Title: History of Oklahoma) of Louisiana in the secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso. But, strained by obligations in Europe, Napoleon Bonaparte decided to sell the territory to the United States. With the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the United States acquired France's 828,000 square mile claim to the watersheds of the Mississippi River (west of the river) and Missouri River. The purchase encompassed all or part of 15 current U.S. states] (including all of Oklahoma) and parts of two Canadian provinces. Out of the Louisiana Purchase, Louisiana Territory and Orleans Territory were organized. Orleans Territory became the state of Louisiana in 1812, and Louisiana","Document [5](Title: History of South Dakota) In 1801, a post known as Fort aux Cedres was constructed by Registre Loisel of St. Louis, on Cedar Island on the Missouri about southeast of the present location of Pierre. This trading post was the major regional post until its destruction by fire in 1810. In 1800, Spain gave Louisiana back to France in the Treaty of San Ildefonso. In 1803, the United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon for $11,000,000. The territory included most of the western half of the Mississippi watershed and covered nearly all of present-day South Dakota, except for a small portion in the","Document [6](Title: Louisiana State Capitol) and the remaining territory east of the Mississippi was turned over to Great Britain. The French reclaimed Louisiana from the Spanish in 1803 after the Treaty of San Ildefonso in 1800; the territory was then sold as the Louisiana Purchase to the United States. The ceremonial transfers of Louisiana from Spain to France took place in front of the colonial seat of government, the Cabildo, in November 1803, with the transfer from France to the U.S. occurring there, as well, less than a month later. New Orleans continued to be the location of the capital of the Territory of Orleans,","Document [7](Title: Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana) then in Spanish during their brief rule in the late 18th century, with a return to French after France reacquired the area under Napoleon Bonaparte in the early 19th century. He sold the large Louisiana Purchase territory to the United States under President Thomas Jefferson in 1803. As the US expanded its rule, local documents began to be recorded in the English of the new government. After Napoleon sold Louisiana to the United States, its government arranged for expeditions to survey the Louisiana Territory. It hired local French soldiers, surveyors and doctors, many of whom eventually settled in the area.","Document [8](Title: Louisiana (New France)) France regained sovereignty of the western territory in the secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso of 1800. But strained by obligations in Europe, Napoleon Bonaparte sold the territory to the United States in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, ending France's presence in Louisiana. The United States ceded part of the Louisiana Purchase to the United Kingdom in the Treaty of 1818. This section lies above the 49th parallel north in a part of present-day Alberta and Saskatchewan. In the 18th century, Louisiana included most of the Mississippi River basin (see drawing alongside) from what is now the Midwestern United States","Document [9](Title: Louisiana Territory) the Louisiana Purchase, in which colonial Louisiana was purchased from France. The Eighth Congress of the United States on March 26, 1804, passed legislation entitled \"An act erecting Louisiana into two territories, and providing for the temporary government thereof,\" which established the Territory of Orleans and the civil District of Louisiana. This act, which went into effect on October 1, 1804, expanded the authority of the governor and judges of the Indiana Territory to provide temporary jurisdiction over the District of Louisiana. On March 3, 1805, Congress enacted legislation organizing the District of Louisiana into the Louisiana Territory, effective July","Document [10](Title: Louisiana Territory) 4, 1805. The Territory was governed similarly to Indiana Territory. The Louisiana Territory included everything in the Louisiana Purchase north of the 33rd parallel (the southern boundary of the present state of Arkansas). The southern and western boundaries with Spanish Texas and New Mexico were not fully defined until the Adams\u2013On\u00eds Treaty of 1819. The Louisiana Territory had five subdivisions: St. Louis District, St. Charles District, Ste. Genevieve District, Cape Girardeau District, and New Madrid District. In 1806, the territorial legislature created the District of Arkansas from lands ceded by the Osage Nation. The remainder was known as the Upper","Document [11](Title: Missouri) increased river trade. Napoleon Bonaparte had gained Louisiana for French ownership from Spain in 1800 under the Treaty of San Ildefonso, after it had been a Spanish colony since 1762. But the treaty was kept secret. Louisiana remained nominally under Spanish control until a transfer of power to France on November 30, 1803, just three weeks before the cession to the United States. Part of the 1803 Louisiana Purchase by the United States, Missouri earned the nickname \"Gateway to the West\" because it served as a major departure point for expeditions and settlers heading to the West during the 19th","Document [12](Title: Caddo Lake State Park) short while later. In early 1803, diplomat James Monroe was sent to France to negotiate purchasing Louisiana from France. Louisiana was bought from France later that year. This was known as the Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of the United States. The northeastern part of Texas was thought to be included in the purchase. There was no official border between Louisiana and Texas, which caused disputes between Spain and the United States. In 1806, United States General James Wilkinson and Spanish Lieutenant Colonel Sim\u00f3n de Herrera attempted to negotiate establishing a border between the two nations. On November 5,","Document [13](Title: Neutral Ground (Louisiana)) worship in Catholic churches. Many Americans took advantage of these grants that would eventually became known as Rio Hondo claims. By the secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso of October 1, 1800, Louisiana was formally transferred back to France, although the Spanish continued to administer it. The terms of the treaty did not specify the boundaries of the territory being returned. Rumors of the treaty reached U.S. President Thomas Jefferson, who sought to purchase land at the mouth of the Mississippi to ensure American access to the Gulf of Mexico. Jefferson discovered that Napoleon was willing to sell the entire","Document [14](Title: History of Missouri) of Louisiana, which was added to the jurisdiction of the Indiana Territory under Harrison. However, most Missourians disliked the arrangement, arguing that their territorial capital at Vincennes, Indiana was too far, and that slavery was unprotected by law. In 1805, Congress reorganized the territory and created the Louisiana Territory with its government seat in St. Louis. This new arrangement initially gave its inhabitants no voice in government, although the territorial governor and three judges worked in St. Louis. The land south of the thirty-third parallel, then-known as the Territory of Orleans, became the state of Louisiana in 1812, and the","Document [15](Title: Louisiana Purchase) The Louisiana Purchase Treaty was signed on 30 April by Robert Livingston, James Monroe, and Barb\u00e9 Marbois in Paris. Jefferson announced the treaty to the American people on July 4. After the signing of the Louisiana Purchase agreement in 1803, Livingston made this famous statement, \"We have lived long, but this is the noblest work of our whole lives... From this day the United States take their place among the powers of the first rank.\"","Document [16](Title: United States territorial acquisitions) Webster\u2013Ashburton Treaty in 1842. Beginning in the late 18th century, the new nation organized areas west of the Original thirteen states into several United States territories, setting a template for future expansion. The Louisiana Purchase in 1803, was negotiated with Napoleon during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson; the territory was acquired from France for $15 million (equivalent to $ in present-day terms). A small portion of this land was ceded to Britain in 1818 in exchange for the Red River Basin. More of this land was ceded to Spain in 1819 with the Florida Purchase, but was later reacquired through","Document [17](Title: Louisiana Purchase) 1801, Spanish Governor Don Juan Manuel de Salcedo took over from the Marquess of Casa Calvo, and restored the American right to deposit goods. However, in 1800 Spain had ceded the Louisiana territory back to France as part of Napoleon's secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso. The territory nominally remained under Spanish control, until a transfer of power to France on November 30, 1803, just three weeks before the formal cession of the territory to the United States on December 20, 1803. A further ceremony was held in St. Louis, Upper Louisiana regarding the New Orleans formalities. The March 9\u201310,","Document [18](Title: Louisiana (New France)) of San Ildefonso, signed in secrecy on October 1, 1800, envisaged the transfer of Western Louisiana as well as New Orleans to France in exchange for the Duchy of Parma. However, Napoleon Bonaparte soon decided not to keep the immense territory. The army he sent to take possession of the colony was first required to put down a revolution in Saint-Domingue (now Haiti); its failure to do so, and the rupture of the Treaty of Amiens with the United Kingdom, prompted him to decide to sell Louisiana to the young United States. This was done on April 30, 1803 for","Document [19](Title: Spanish Texas) 1799 Spain gave Louisiana back to France, and in 1803 Napol\u00e9on Bonaparte (First Consul of the French Republic) sold the territory to the United States of America as part of the Louisiana Purchase, U.S. President Thomas Jefferson (in office: 1801-1809) insisted that the purchase included all land to the east of the Rocky Mountains and to the north of the Rio Grande, although its large southwestern expanse lay within New Spain. The territorial ambiguity remained unresolved until the Adams\u2013On\u00eds Treaty compromise in 1819, when Spain ceded Spanish Florida to the United States in return for recognition of the Sabine River","Document [20](Title: Louisiana Purchase) Effective October 1, 1804, the purchased territory was organized into the Territory of Orleans (most of which would become the state of Louisiana) and the District of Louisiana, which was temporarily under control of the governor and judicial system of the Indiana Territory. The following year, the District of Louisiana was renamed the Territory of Louisiana, aka Louisiana Territory (1805\u20131812). New Orleans was the administrative capital of the Orleans Territory, and St. Louis was the capital of the Louisiana Territory. A dispute soon arose between Spain and the United States regarding the extent of Louisiana. The territory's boundaries had not"],"query":"where was the louisiana purchase signed in 1803?","answers":["Paris"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Louisiana Purchase) had authorized Livingston only to purchase New Orleans. However, Livingston was certain that the United States would accept the offer. The Americans thought that Napoleon might withdraw the offer at any time, preventing the United States from acquiring New Orleans, so they agreed and signed the Louisiana Purchase Treaty on April 30, 1803. On July 4, 1803, the treaty was announced, but the documents did not arrive in Washington, D.C. until July 14. The Louisiana Territory was vast, stretching from the Gulf of Mexico in the south to Rupert's Land in the north, and from the Mississippi River in the","Document [2](Title: History of Missouri) United States in the Louisiana Purchase. Official news of the transfer had reached the region in August 1803 in a letter from the governor of the Indiana Territory, William Henry Harrison. Although the transfer of all of Louisiana was formalized in a ceremony in New Orleans in December 1803, a separate ceremony took place in St. Louis in March 1804 to commemorate the transfer of Upper Louisiana from French to United States colonial status. At the time of the transfer, the purchase was initially divided into two parts: land north of the thirty-third parallel (including present-day Missouri) became the District","Document [3](Title: St. Francois County, Missouri) along the banks during the day. When the party arrived at Ste. Genevieve, the inhabitants gave them a rousing welcome. About the same year, Michael Hart and his son Charles settled in the same vicinity. At the time of this settlement the area was under Spanish rule. On October 7, 1800, Spain ceded the whole of upper and lower Louisiana to France. It was not until our own Louisiana Purchase on April 30, 1803 that this area became a part of the United States. Settlers came in large numbers after the Murphy Settlement was established, and at the close of","Document [4](Title: History of Oklahoma) of Louisiana in the secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso. But, strained by obligations in Europe, Napoleon Bonaparte decided to sell the territory to the United States. With the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the United States acquired France's 828,000 square mile claim to the watersheds of the Mississippi River (west of the river) and Missouri River. The purchase encompassed all or part of 15 current U.S. states] (including all of Oklahoma) and parts of two Canadian provinces. Out of the Louisiana Purchase, Louisiana Territory and Orleans Territory were organized. Orleans Territory became the state of Louisiana in 1812, and Louisiana","Document [5](Title: History of South Dakota) In 1801, a post known as Fort aux Cedres was constructed by Registre Loisel of St. Louis, on Cedar Island on the Missouri about southeast of the present location of Pierre. This trading post was the major regional post until its destruction by fire in 1810. In 1800, Spain gave Louisiana back to France in the Treaty of San Ildefonso. In 1803, the United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon for $11,000,000. The territory included most of the western half of the Mississippi watershed and covered nearly all of present-day South Dakota, except for a small portion in the","Document [6](Title: Louisiana State Capitol) and the remaining territory east of the Mississippi was turned over to Great Britain. The French reclaimed Louisiana from the Spanish in 1803 after the Treaty of San Ildefonso in 1800; the territory was then sold as the Louisiana Purchase to the United States. The ceremonial transfers of Louisiana from Spain to France took place in front of the colonial seat of government, the Cabildo, in November 1803, with the transfer from France to the U.S. occurring there, as well, less than a month later. New Orleans continued to be the location of the capital of the Territory of Orleans,","Document [7](Title: Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana) then in Spanish during their brief rule in the late 18th century, with a return to French after France reacquired the area under Napoleon Bonaparte in the early 19th century. He sold the large Louisiana Purchase territory to the United States under President Thomas Jefferson in 1803. As the US expanded its rule, local documents began to be recorded in the English of the new government. After Napoleon sold Louisiana to the United States, its government arranged for expeditions to survey the Louisiana Territory. It hired local French soldiers, surveyors and doctors, many of whom eventually settled in the area.","Document [8](Title: Louisiana (New France)) France regained sovereignty of the western territory in the secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso of 1800. But strained by obligations in Europe, Napoleon Bonaparte sold the territory to the United States in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, ending France's presence in Louisiana. The United States ceded part of the Louisiana Purchase to the United Kingdom in the Treaty of 1818. This section lies above the 49th parallel north in a part of present-day Alberta and Saskatchewan. In the 18th century, Louisiana included most of the Mississippi River basin (see drawing alongside) from what is now the Midwestern United States","Document [9](Title: Louisiana Territory) the Louisiana Purchase, in which colonial Louisiana was purchased from France. The Eighth Congress of the United States on March 26, 1804, passed legislation entitled \"An act erecting Louisiana into two territories, and providing for the temporary government thereof,\" which established the Territory of Orleans and the civil District of Louisiana. This act, which went into effect on October 1, 1804, expanded the authority of the governor and judges of the Indiana Territory to provide temporary jurisdiction over the District of Louisiana. On March 3, 1805, Congress enacted legislation organizing the District of Louisiana into the Louisiana Territory, effective July","Document [10](Title: Louisiana Territory) 4, 1805. The Territory was governed similarly to Indiana Territory. The Louisiana Territory included everything in the Louisiana Purchase north of the 33rd parallel (the southern boundary of the present state of Arkansas). The southern and western boundaries with Spanish Texas and New Mexico were not fully defined until the Adams\u2013On\u00eds Treaty of 1819. The Louisiana Territory had five subdivisions: St. Louis District, St. Charles District, Ste. Genevieve District, Cape Girardeau District, and New Madrid District. In 1806, the territorial legislature created the District of Arkansas from lands ceded by the Osage Nation. The remainder was known as the Upper","Document [11](Title: Missouri) increased river trade. Napoleon Bonaparte had gained Louisiana for French ownership from Spain in 1800 under the Treaty of San Ildefonso, after it had been a Spanish colony since 1762. But the treaty was kept secret. Louisiana remained nominally under Spanish control until a transfer of power to France on November 30, 1803, just three weeks before the cession to the United States. Part of the 1803 Louisiana Purchase by the United States, Missouri earned the nickname \"Gateway to the West\" because it served as a major departure point for expeditions and settlers heading to the West during the 19th","Document [12](Title: Caddo Lake State Park) short while later. In early 1803, diplomat James Monroe was sent to France to negotiate purchasing Louisiana from France. Louisiana was bought from France later that year. This was known as the Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of the United States. The northeastern part of Texas was thought to be included in the purchase. There was no official border between Louisiana and Texas, which caused disputes between Spain and the United States. In 1806, United States General James Wilkinson and Spanish Lieutenant Colonel Sim\u00f3n de Herrera attempted to negotiate establishing a border between the two nations. On November 5,","Document [13](Title: Neutral Ground (Louisiana)) worship in Catholic churches. Many Americans took advantage of these grants that would eventually became known as Rio Hondo claims. By the secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso of October 1, 1800, Louisiana was formally transferred back to France, although the Spanish continued to administer it. The terms of the treaty did not specify the boundaries of the territory being returned. Rumors of the treaty reached U.S. President Thomas Jefferson, who sought to purchase land at the mouth of the Mississippi to ensure American access to the Gulf of Mexico. Jefferson discovered that Napoleon was willing to sell the entire","Document [14](Title: History of Missouri) of Louisiana, which was added to the jurisdiction of the Indiana Territory under Harrison. However, most Missourians disliked the arrangement, arguing that their territorial capital at Vincennes, Indiana was too far, and that slavery was unprotected by law. In 1805, Congress reorganized the territory and created the Louisiana Territory with its government seat in St. Louis. This new arrangement initially gave its inhabitants no voice in government, although the territorial governor and three judges worked in St. Louis. The land south of the thirty-third parallel, then-known as the Territory of Orleans, became the state of Louisiana in 1812, and the","Document [15](Title: United States territorial acquisitions) Webster\u2013Ashburton Treaty in 1842. Beginning in the late 18th century, the new nation organized areas west of the Original thirteen states into several United States territories, setting a template for future expansion. The Louisiana Purchase in 1803, was negotiated with Napoleon during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson; the territory was acquired from France for $15 million (equivalent to $ in present-day terms). A small portion of this land was ceded to Britain in 1818 in exchange for the Red River Basin. More of this land was ceded to Spain in 1819 with the Florida Purchase, but was later reacquired through","Document [16](Title: Louisiana Purchase) 1801, Spanish Governor Don Juan Manuel de Salcedo took over from the Marquess of Casa Calvo, and restored the American right to deposit goods. However, in 1800 Spain had ceded the Louisiana territory back to France as part of Napoleon's secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso. The territory nominally remained under Spanish control, until a transfer of power to France on November 30, 1803, just three weeks before the formal cession of the territory to the United States on December 20, 1803. A further ceremony was held in St. Louis, Upper Louisiana regarding the New Orleans formalities. The March 9\u201310,","Document [17](Title: Louisiana (New France)) of San Ildefonso, signed in secrecy on October 1, 1800, envisaged the transfer of Western Louisiana as well as New Orleans to France in exchange for the Duchy of Parma. However, Napoleon Bonaparte soon decided not to keep the immense territory. The army he sent to take possession of the colony was first required to put down a revolution in Saint-Domingue (now Haiti); its failure to do so, and the rupture of the Treaty of Amiens with the United Kingdom, prompted him to decide to sell Louisiana to the young United States. This was done on April 30, 1803 for","Document [18](Title: Spanish Texas) 1799 Spain gave Louisiana back to France, and in 1803 Napol\u00e9on Bonaparte (First Consul of the French Republic) sold the territory to the United States of America as part of the Louisiana Purchase, U.S. President Thomas Jefferson (in office: 1801-1809) insisted that the purchase included all land to the east of the Rocky Mountains and to the north of the Rio Grande, although its large southwestern expanse lay within New Spain. The territorial ambiguity remained unresolved until the Adams\u2013On\u00eds Treaty compromise in 1819, when Spain ceded Spanish Florida to the United States in return for recognition of the Sabine River","Document [19](Title: Louisiana Purchase) Effective October 1, 1804, the purchased territory was organized into the Territory of Orleans (most of which would become the state of Louisiana) and the District of Louisiana, which was temporarily under control of the governor and judicial system of the Indiana Territory. The following year, the District of Louisiana was renamed the Territory of Louisiana, aka Louisiana Territory (1805\u20131812). New Orleans was the administrative capital of the Orleans Territory, and St. Louis was the capital of the Louisiana Territory. A dispute soon arose between Spain and the United States regarding the extent of Louisiana. The territory's boundaries had not","Document [20](Title: Louisiana Purchase) The Louisiana Purchase Treaty was signed on 30 April by Robert Livingston, James Monroe, and Barb\u00e9 Marbois in Paris. Jefferson announced the treaty to the American people on July 4. After the signing of the Louisiana Purchase agreement in 1803, Livingston made this famous statement, \"We have lived long, but this is the noblest work of our whole lives... From this day the United States take their place among the powers of the first rank.\""],"query":"where was the louisiana purchase signed in 1803?","answers":["Paris"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) Wonder Woman, known from seasons 2 and 3 as The New Adventures of Wonder Woman, is an American television series based on the DC Comics comic book superhero of the same name. The show stars Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman\/Diana Prince and Lyle Waggoner as Steve Trevor Sr. & Jr. It originally aired for three seasons from 1975 to 1979. The show's first season aired on ABC and is set in the 1940s during World War II. The second and third seasons aired on CBS and are set in the 1970s, with the title changed to The New Adventures of","Document [2](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) \"The New Adventures of Wonder Woman\", and a complete change of cast other than Carter and Waggoner. Waggoner's character was changed to Steve Trevor Jr., the son of his original character. \"Wonder Woman\" refers to both a 1974 television film and a 1975-79 television series based on the DC Comics character of the same name. The 1974 television film called \"Wonder Woman\" directed by Vincent McEveety and starring Cathy Lee Crosby, was a pilot for an intended television series being considered by ABC. Ratings were described as \"respectable but not exactly wondrous,\" and ABC did not pick up the pilot.","Document [3](Title: Wonder Woman 1984) with director Patty Jenkins confirming her casting the next month. By March 28, Pedro Pascal, who played Ed Indelicato in the pilot of the canceled 2011 \"Wonder Woman\" television adaptation, was cast in an undisclosed key role. On June 13, director Patty Jenkins confirmed the addition of Chris Pine as Steve Trevor through Twitter. On July 24, 2018, Natasha Rothwell was announced to be cast in an undisclosed role. A few days later, on July 27, Ravi Patel and Gabriella Wilde also joined the film, with their being roles kept under wraps as well. By late August, Connie Nielsen and","Document [4](Title: Wonder Woman (1974 film)) Wonder Woman (1974 film) Wonder Woman is a 1974 American made-for-television superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name, directed by Vincent McEveety and starring Cathy Lee Crosby. The film was a pilot for an intended television series being considered by ABC. Ratings were described as \"respectable but not exactly wondrous,\" and ABC did not pick up the pilot. Instead, Warner Brothers and ABC developed a different Wonder Woman television concept that fit the more traditional presentation of the character as created by William Moulton Marston, turning away from the 1968\u201372 era that had influenced the","Document [5](Title: Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot)) Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot) Wonder Woman is an unaired television pilot produced by Warner Bros. Television and DC Entertainment for NBC, based on the DC Comics character of the same name. David E. Kelley wrote the pilot, which was directed by Jeffrey Reiner. Adrianne Palicki starred as the main character. The \"Wonder Woman\" pilot was expected to debut in 2011, but NBC opted not to buy the series. In an inner city home a teenager tells his family that he has been accepted to college moments before he begins convulsing and bleeding from the eyes and ears. Meanwhile, Wonder","Document [6](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) \"Justice League Unlimited.\" (Prior to the series in which Carter starred, the transformation was depicted in the comics by way of Diana spinning her magic lasso around her body, with the lasso changing her clothes, or by simply changing at super-human speed.) The iconic explosion overlay most associated with the TV show was introduced after the third episode to mask the cut point between the Diana and Wonder Woman clips, meaning they no longer needed to be perfectly aligned. This allowed them to be shot without a locked off camera at more convenient points in the production schedule, when Carter","Document [7](Title: Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot)) Flickering Myth in 2017, Neil Calloway said \"it has its moments ... but it was probably dated in 2011 ... We didn\u2019t really lose anything by it not being commissioned into a series.\" Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot) Wonder Woman is an unaired television pilot produced by Warner Bros. Television and DC Entertainment for NBC, based on the DC Comics character of the same name. David E. Kelley wrote the pilot, which was directed by Jeffrey Reiner. Adrianne Palicki starred as the main character. The \"Wonder Woman\" pilot was expected to debut in 2011, but NBC opted not to buy","Document [8](Title: Wonder Woman (1974 film)) 1980s. On December 11, 2012, Warner Brothers made the Cathy Lee Crosby pilot available as a Video On Demand purchase through their online store. Warner Home Video released the TV film to DVD in 2012 through Amazon.com and their Warner Archive collection. Wonder Woman (1974 film) Wonder Woman is a 1974 American made-for-television superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name, directed by Vincent McEveety and starring Cathy Lee Crosby. The film was a pilot for an intended television series being considered by ABC. Ratings were described as \"respectable but not exactly wondrous,\" and ABC did","Document [9](Title: Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot)) Thoms were cast as villain Veronica Cale and Diana's personal assistant Etta Candy, respectively. Pedro Pascal was cast as Ed Indelicato, Wonder Woman's liaison to the police department and Cary Elwes as Henry Detmer, who runs the day-to-day operations of Diana's company. Actor Justin Bruening was cast to play Steve Trevor. The plot is described as \"a reinvention of the iconic DC Comic in which Wonder Womanaka Diana Themyscirais a vigilante crime fighter in L.A., but also a successful corporate executive and a modern woman, trying to balance all of the elements of her extraordinary life.\" No clear reference is","Document [10](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) lead role. For the role of Steve Trevor, the producers chose Lyle Waggoner, despite his dark brown, almost-black, hair not matching the comic's blond Trevor, who at the time was better known as a comedic actor after several years co-starring in \"The Carol Burnett Show.\" He was also known to Ross as having been one of the leading candidates to play Batman a decade earlier, but instead Adam West was signed. Waggoner was also considered a sex symblol, having done a semi-nude pictorial in the first issue of \"Playgirl.\" Although the pilot followed the original comic book closely, in particular","Document [11](Title: Lynda Carter) Marston and artist Harry G. Peter in 1941 for DC Comics. Conceived in the wake of popularity of Superman, Marston designed his creation as counter-programming to the \"Man of Steel\". The Diana Prince\/Wonder Woman character is also referred to by such names as the Amazing Amazon, the Spirit of Truth, Themyscira's Champion, and the Goddess of Love and War. Wonder Woman was an instant hit with readers, and for the last 76 years, the character has been the world's most prominent DC comic book female superhero. Carter's acting career took off when she landed the starring role on \"Wonder Woman\"","Document [12](Title: Diana Prince) based on a comedic conceit that the homely Diana Prince saw herself as a gorgeous Amazon whenever she becomes Wonder Woman\u2014although no one else sees such a change in her looks. The first TV pilot movie, starring Cathy Lee Crosby, was modeled primarily on the mod Diana Prince era and featured Crosby as Diana Prince, secretary to Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S) Major Steve Trevor, but secretly operating on her own as an agent known to some as \"Wonder Woman\". The \"Super Friends\" animated series included at least one episode featuring Diana Prince spinning to become Wonder Woman. The most","Document [13](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) actress Beatrice Colen joined the cast as Corporal Etta Candy WAAC, General Blankenship's secretary, thereby providing YN1 Prince with a subordinate. Three episodes featured Debra Winger as Diana's younger sister, Drusilla, a.k.a. Wonder Girl, in one of her earliest acting roles. One of the most memorable aspects of the show that was developed during the first season was the transformation sequence that changed Diana Prince into her superheroine alter ego. The sequence in the original specials employed a slow fade between two synchronized shots, both filmed with an overcranked camera to create a slow motion effect. A twirling Diana Prince's","Document [14](Title: Lynda Carter) as the title character and her secret identity, Diana Prince. The savings she had set aside from her days of touring on the road with her band to pursue acting in Los Angeles were almost exhausted, and she was close to returning to Arizona when Carter's manager informed her that Joanna Cassidy had lost the part to her. Carter's earnest performance greatly endeared her to both fans and critics and as a result, she continues to be closely identified with Wonder Woman. The \"Wonder Woman\" series lasted for three seasons, which aired on ABC and later on CBS from 1975","Document [15](Title: Shannon Farnon) Super Friends\" and the revival of \"Super Friends\". Farnon did voice several incidental characters, such as Lois Lane and Hawkgirl on some of the series and also played Kim Butler in \"Valley of the Dinosaurs\" in 1974, but mainly she did the voice of Wonder Woman. However, in 1984, her prominent character was recast in \"\", when the role was given to Constance Caufield and later to B.J. Ward. This case has often been given as an example of injustice in the television and animation industry. Mary McDonald-Lewis voiced Wonder Woman in an episode of \"Superman\". She voiced Wonder Woman","Document [16](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) a way to show how Diana Prince became Wonder Woman, when Carter suggested that she do a spin. Unlike the earlier pilot, the comic-book origins of the character were emphasized by the retention of the character's traditional uniform (the design of which was interpreted and executed by Donald Lee Feld, credited as \"Donfeld\") with the original setting and through the use of comic book elements. The series's title sequence was animated in the form of a series of comic book panels featuring Wonder Woman performing a variety of heroic feats. Within the show, location and exposition were handled through comic","Document [17](Title: Bridget Regan) former lawyer, later criminal mastermind, who is involved in a complicated same-sex love affair. Also in 2014, she had a small role in \"John Wick\", as Addy. Regan is popular with the comic book community, and, from 2009 to 2013, was commonly selected among comic book fans and critics as their ideal choice to portray Wonder Woman. In 2009, Rick Marshall of MTV stated, \"In one of the most voted-on, yet lop-sided weekly polls we've ever conducted here on Splash Page, \"Legend of the Seeker\" actress Bridget Regan was voted fans' favored lady to bring DC's iconic Amazon warrior, Wonder","Document [18](Title: DC Extended Universe) Amazon warrior who also is the demigoddess daughter of the god Zeus, uses her talents and abilities in order to help humanity during World War I. Israeli actress and model Gal Gadot was cast as Diana Prince\/Wonder Woman in December 2013 and signed a three-picture deal which included a solo film. In October 2014, \"Wonder Woman\" was announced by Warner Bros. In November, Michelle MacLaren was confirmed to direct the film from a screenplay by Jason Fuchs. In April 2015, MacLaren left the project due to creative differences. Later that month, Patty Jenkins was announced as the new director of","Document [19](Title: Wonder Woman in other media) film. Wonder Woman reappeared briefly as a non-speaking character in follow-up \"The Lego Batman Movie\" (2017). Rica Matsumoto provides the voice for Wonder Woman in \"DC Super Heroes vs. Eagle Talon\". Halsey provides the voice for Wonder Woman in \"Teen Titans Go! To the Movies\". Wonder Woman's first appearance on television was as a guest in an episode of \"The Brady Kids\" cartoon series in 1972, entitled \"It's All Greek to Me\" (voiced by Jane Webb). The Brady kids meet Diana Prince\/Wonder Woman and together they find themselves accidentally transported back to the time of the Ancient Olympic Games. The","Document [20](Title: Keri Russell) on \"The View\" on December 15, 2008, Russell said she got the part because Adam Sandler's wife Jackie had seen her in \"Waitress\" and suggested her for the movie. Russell voiced Wonder Woman in a direct-to-video animated feature released March 3, 2009. Russell starred alongside Brendan Fraser and Harrison Ford in the Tom Vaughan-helmed \"Extraordinary Measures\" for CBS Films. The drama, which started filming on April 6, 2009 and was released on January 22, 2010, was the first film to go into production for the new company. Russell played Aileen Crowley, a mother who tries to build a normal home"],"query":"who played the original wonder woman on tv?","answers":["Lynda Carter"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) \"The New Adventures of Wonder Woman\", and a complete change of cast other than Carter and Waggoner. Waggoner's character was changed to Steve Trevor Jr., the son of his original character. \"Wonder Woman\" refers to both a 1974 television film and a 1975-79 television series based on the DC Comics character of the same name. The 1974 television film called \"Wonder Woman\" directed by Vincent McEveety and starring Cathy Lee Crosby, was a pilot for an intended television series being considered by ABC. Ratings were described as \"respectable but not exactly wondrous,\" and ABC did not pick up the pilot.","Document [2](Title: Wonder Woman 1984) with director Patty Jenkins confirming her casting the next month. By March 28, Pedro Pascal, who played Ed Indelicato in the pilot of the canceled 2011 \"Wonder Woman\" television adaptation, was cast in an undisclosed key role. On June 13, director Patty Jenkins confirmed the addition of Chris Pine as Steve Trevor through Twitter. On July 24, 2018, Natasha Rothwell was announced to be cast in an undisclosed role. A few days later, on July 27, Ravi Patel and Gabriella Wilde also joined the film, with their being roles kept under wraps as well. By late August, Connie Nielsen and","Document [3](Title: Wonder Woman (1974 film)) Wonder Woman (1974 film) Wonder Woman is a 1974 American made-for-television superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name, directed by Vincent McEveety and starring Cathy Lee Crosby. The film was a pilot for an intended television series being considered by ABC. Ratings were described as \"respectable but not exactly wondrous,\" and ABC did not pick up the pilot. Instead, Warner Brothers and ABC developed a different Wonder Woman television concept that fit the more traditional presentation of the character as created by William Moulton Marston, turning away from the 1968\u201372 era that had influenced the","Document [4](Title: Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot)) Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot) Wonder Woman is an unaired television pilot produced by Warner Bros. Television and DC Entertainment for NBC, based on the DC Comics character of the same name. David E. Kelley wrote the pilot, which was directed by Jeffrey Reiner. Adrianne Palicki starred as the main character. The \"Wonder Woman\" pilot was expected to debut in 2011, but NBC opted not to buy the series. In an inner city home a teenager tells his family that he has been accepted to college moments before he begins convulsing and bleeding from the eyes and ears. Meanwhile, Wonder","Document [5](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) Wonder Woman, known from seasons 2 and 3 as The New Adventures of Wonder Woman, is an American television series based on the DC Comics comic book superhero of the same name. The show stars Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman\/Diana Prince and Lyle Waggoner as Steve Trevor Sr. & Jr. It originally aired for three seasons from 1975 to 1979. The show's first season aired on ABC and is set in the 1940s during World War II. The second and third seasons aired on CBS and are set in the 1970s, with the title changed to The New Adventures of","Document [6](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) \"Justice League Unlimited.\" (Prior to the series in which Carter starred, the transformation was depicted in the comics by way of Diana spinning her magic lasso around her body, with the lasso changing her clothes, or by simply changing at super-human speed.) The iconic explosion overlay most associated with the TV show was introduced after the third episode to mask the cut point between the Diana and Wonder Woman clips, meaning they no longer needed to be perfectly aligned. This allowed them to be shot without a locked off camera at more convenient points in the production schedule, when Carter","Document [7](Title: Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot)) Flickering Myth in 2017, Neil Calloway said \"it has its moments ... but it was probably dated in 2011 ... We didn\u2019t really lose anything by it not being commissioned into a series.\" Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot) Wonder Woman is an unaired television pilot produced by Warner Bros. Television and DC Entertainment for NBC, based on the DC Comics character of the same name. David E. Kelley wrote the pilot, which was directed by Jeffrey Reiner. Adrianne Palicki starred as the main character. The \"Wonder Woman\" pilot was expected to debut in 2011, but NBC opted not to buy","Document [8](Title: Wonder Woman (1974 film)) 1980s. On December 11, 2012, Warner Brothers made the Cathy Lee Crosby pilot available as a Video On Demand purchase through their online store. Warner Home Video released the TV film to DVD in 2012 through Amazon.com and their Warner Archive collection. Wonder Woman (1974 film) Wonder Woman is a 1974 American made-for-television superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name, directed by Vincent McEveety and starring Cathy Lee Crosby. The film was a pilot for an intended television series being considered by ABC. Ratings were described as \"respectable but not exactly wondrous,\" and ABC did","Document [9](Title: Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot)) Thoms were cast as villain Veronica Cale and Diana's personal assistant Etta Candy, respectively. Pedro Pascal was cast as Ed Indelicato, Wonder Woman's liaison to the police department and Cary Elwes as Henry Detmer, who runs the day-to-day operations of Diana's company. Actor Justin Bruening was cast to play Steve Trevor. The plot is described as \"a reinvention of the iconic DC Comic in which Wonder Womanaka Diana Themyscirais a vigilante crime fighter in L.A., but also a successful corporate executive and a modern woman, trying to balance all of the elements of her extraordinary life.\" No clear reference is","Document [10](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) lead role. For the role of Steve Trevor, the producers chose Lyle Waggoner, despite his dark brown, almost-black, hair not matching the comic's blond Trevor, who at the time was better known as a comedic actor after several years co-starring in \"The Carol Burnett Show.\" He was also known to Ross as having been one of the leading candidates to play Batman a decade earlier, but instead Adam West was signed. Waggoner was also considered a sex symblol, having done a semi-nude pictorial in the first issue of \"Playgirl.\" Although the pilot followed the original comic book closely, in particular","Document [11](Title: Lynda Carter) Marston and artist Harry G. Peter in 1941 for DC Comics. Conceived in the wake of popularity of Superman, Marston designed his creation as counter-programming to the \"Man of Steel\". The Diana Prince\/Wonder Woman character is also referred to by such names as the Amazing Amazon, the Spirit of Truth, Themyscira's Champion, and the Goddess of Love and War. Wonder Woman was an instant hit with readers, and for the last 76 years, the character has been the world's most prominent DC comic book female superhero. Carter's acting career took off when she landed the starring role on \"Wonder Woman\"","Document [12](Title: Diana Prince) based on a comedic conceit that the homely Diana Prince saw herself as a gorgeous Amazon whenever she becomes Wonder Woman\u2014although no one else sees such a change in her looks. The first TV pilot movie, starring Cathy Lee Crosby, was modeled primarily on the mod Diana Prince era and featured Crosby as Diana Prince, secretary to Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S) Major Steve Trevor, but secretly operating on her own as an agent known to some as \"Wonder Woman\". The \"Super Friends\" animated series included at least one episode featuring Diana Prince spinning to become Wonder Woman. The most","Document [13](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) actress Beatrice Colen joined the cast as Corporal Etta Candy WAAC, General Blankenship's secretary, thereby providing YN1 Prince with a subordinate. Three episodes featured Debra Winger as Diana's younger sister, Drusilla, a.k.a. Wonder Girl, in one of her earliest acting roles. One of the most memorable aspects of the show that was developed during the first season was the transformation sequence that changed Diana Prince into her superheroine alter ego. The sequence in the original specials employed a slow fade between two synchronized shots, both filmed with an overcranked camera to create a slow motion effect. A twirling Diana Prince's","Document [14](Title: Lynda Carter) as the title character and her secret identity, Diana Prince. The savings she had set aside from her days of touring on the road with her band to pursue acting in Los Angeles were almost exhausted, and she was close to returning to Arizona when Carter's manager informed her that Joanna Cassidy had lost the part to her. Carter's earnest performance greatly endeared her to both fans and critics and as a result, she continues to be closely identified with Wonder Woman. The \"Wonder Woman\" series lasted for three seasons, which aired on ABC and later on CBS from 1975","Document [15](Title: Shannon Farnon) Super Friends\" and the revival of \"Super Friends\". Farnon did voice several incidental characters, such as Lois Lane and Hawkgirl on some of the series and also played Kim Butler in \"Valley of the Dinosaurs\" in 1974, but mainly she did the voice of Wonder Woman. However, in 1984, her prominent character was recast in \"\", when the role was given to Constance Caufield and later to B.J. Ward. This case has often been given as an example of injustice in the television and animation industry. Mary McDonald-Lewis voiced Wonder Woman in an episode of \"Superman\". She voiced Wonder Woman","Document [16](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) a way to show how Diana Prince became Wonder Woman, when Carter suggested that she do a spin. Unlike the earlier pilot, the comic-book origins of the character were emphasized by the retention of the character's traditional uniform (the design of which was interpreted and executed by Donald Lee Feld, credited as \"Donfeld\") with the original setting and through the use of comic book elements. The series's title sequence was animated in the form of a series of comic book panels featuring Wonder Woman performing a variety of heroic feats. Within the show, location and exposition were handled through comic","Document [17](Title: Bridget Regan) former lawyer, later criminal mastermind, who is involved in a complicated same-sex love affair. Also in 2014, she had a small role in \"John Wick\", as Addy. Regan is popular with the comic book community, and, from 2009 to 2013, was commonly selected among comic book fans and critics as their ideal choice to portray Wonder Woman. In 2009, Rick Marshall of MTV stated, \"In one of the most voted-on, yet lop-sided weekly polls we've ever conducted here on Splash Page, \"Legend of the Seeker\" actress Bridget Regan was voted fans' favored lady to bring DC's iconic Amazon warrior, Wonder","Document [18](Title: DC Extended Universe) Amazon warrior who also is the demigoddess daughter of the god Zeus, uses her talents and abilities in order to help humanity during World War I. Israeli actress and model Gal Gadot was cast as Diana Prince\/Wonder Woman in December 2013 and signed a three-picture deal which included a solo film. In October 2014, \"Wonder Woman\" was announced by Warner Bros. In November, Michelle MacLaren was confirmed to direct the film from a screenplay by Jason Fuchs. In April 2015, MacLaren left the project due to creative differences. Later that month, Patty Jenkins was announced as the new director of","Document [19](Title: Wonder Woman in other media) film. Wonder Woman reappeared briefly as a non-speaking character in follow-up \"The Lego Batman Movie\" (2017). Rica Matsumoto provides the voice for Wonder Woman in \"DC Super Heroes vs. Eagle Talon\". Halsey provides the voice for Wonder Woman in \"Teen Titans Go! To the Movies\". Wonder Woman's first appearance on television was as a guest in an episode of \"The Brady Kids\" cartoon series in 1972, entitled \"It's All Greek to Me\" (voiced by Jane Webb). The Brady kids meet Diana Prince\/Wonder Woman and together they find themselves accidentally transported back to the time of the Ancient Olympic Games. The","Document [20](Title: Keri Russell) on \"The View\" on December 15, 2008, Russell said she got the part because Adam Sandler's wife Jackie had seen her in \"Waitress\" and suggested her for the movie. Russell voiced Wonder Woman in a direct-to-video animated feature released March 3, 2009. Russell starred alongside Brendan Fraser and Harrison Ford in the Tom Vaughan-helmed \"Extraordinary Measures\" for CBS Films. The drama, which started filming on April 6, 2009 and was released on January 22, 2010, was the first film to go into production for the new company. Russell played Aileen Crowley, a mother who tries to build a normal home"],"query":"who played the original wonder woman on tv?","answers":["Lynda Carter"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) \"The New Adventures of Wonder Woman\", and a complete change of cast other than Carter and Waggoner. Waggoner's character was changed to Steve Trevor Jr., the son of his original character. \"Wonder Woman\" refers to both a 1974 television film and a 1975-79 television series based on the DC Comics character of the same name. The 1974 television film called \"Wonder Woman\" directed by Vincent McEveety and starring Cathy Lee Crosby, was a pilot for an intended television series being considered by ABC. Ratings were described as \"respectable but not exactly wondrous,\" and ABC did not pick up the pilot.","Document [2](Title: Wonder Woman 1984) with director Patty Jenkins confirming her casting the next month. By March 28, Pedro Pascal, who played Ed Indelicato in the pilot of the canceled 2011 \"Wonder Woman\" television adaptation, was cast in an undisclosed key role. On June 13, director Patty Jenkins confirmed the addition of Chris Pine as Steve Trevor through Twitter. On July 24, 2018, Natasha Rothwell was announced to be cast in an undisclosed role. A few days later, on July 27, Ravi Patel and Gabriella Wilde also joined the film, with their being roles kept under wraps as well. By late August, Connie Nielsen and","Document [3](Title: Wonder Woman (1974 film)) Wonder Woman (1974 film) Wonder Woman is a 1974 American made-for-television superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name, directed by Vincent McEveety and starring Cathy Lee Crosby. The film was a pilot for an intended television series being considered by ABC. Ratings were described as \"respectable but not exactly wondrous,\" and ABC did not pick up the pilot. Instead, Warner Brothers and ABC developed a different Wonder Woman television concept that fit the more traditional presentation of the character as created by William Moulton Marston, turning away from the 1968\u201372 era that had influenced the","Document [4](Title: Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot)) Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot) Wonder Woman is an unaired television pilot produced by Warner Bros. Television and DC Entertainment for NBC, based on the DC Comics character of the same name. David E. Kelley wrote the pilot, which was directed by Jeffrey Reiner. Adrianne Palicki starred as the main character. The \"Wonder Woman\" pilot was expected to debut in 2011, but NBC opted not to buy the series. In an inner city home a teenager tells his family that he has been accepted to college moments before he begins convulsing and bleeding from the eyes and ears. Meanwhile, Wonder","Document [5](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) \"Justice League Unlimited.\" (Prior to the series in which Carter starred, the transformation was depicted in the comics by way of Diana spinning her magic lasso around her body, with the lasso changing her clothes, or by simply changing at super-human speed.) The iconic explosion overlay most associated with the TV show was introduced after the third episode to mask the cut point between the Diana and Wonder Woman clips, meaning they no longer needed to be perfectly aligned. This allowed them to be shot without a locked off camera at more convenient points in the production schedule, when Carter","Document [6](Title: Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot)) Flickering Myth in 2017, Neil Calloway said \"it has its moments ... but it was probably dated in 2011 ... We didn\u2019t really lose anything by it not being commissioned into a series.\" Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot) Wonder Woman is an unaired television pilot produced by Warner Bros. Television and DC Entertainment for NBC, based on the DC Comics character of the same name. David E. Kelley wrote the pilot, which was directed by Jeffrey Reiner. Adrianne Palicki starred as the main character. The \"Wonder Woman\" pilot was expected to debut in 2011, but NBC opted not to buy","Document [7](Title: Wonder Woman (1974 film)) 1980s. On December 11, 2012, Warner Brothers made the Cathy Lee Crosby pilot available as a Video On Demand purchase through their online store. Warner Home Video released the TV film to DVD in 2012 through Amazon.com and their Warner Archive collection. Wonder Woman (1974 film) Wonder Woman is a 1974 American made-for-television superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name, directed by Vincent McEveety and starring Cathy Lee Crosby. The film was a pilot for an intended television series being considered by ABC. Ratings were described as \"respectable but not exactly wondrous,\" and ABC did","Document [8](Title: Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot)) Thoms were cast as villain Veronica Cale and Diana's personal assistant Etta Candy, respectively. Pedro Pascal was cast as Ed Indelicato, Wonder Woman's liaison to the police department and Cary Elwes as Henry Detmer, who runs the day-to-day operations of Diana's company. Actor Justin Bruening was cast to play Steve Trevor. The plot is described as \"a reinvention of the iconic DC Comic in which Wonder Womanaka Diana Themyscirais a vigilante crime fighter in L.A., but also a successful corporate executive and a modern woman, trying to balance all of the elements of her extraordinary life.\" No clear reference is","Document [9](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) lead role. For the role of Steve Trevor, the producers chose Lyle Waggoner, despite his dark brown, almost-black, hair not matching the comic's blond Trevor, who at the time was better known as a comedic actor after several years co-starring in \"The Carol Burnett Show.\" He was also known to Ross as having been one of the leading candidates to play Batman a decade earlier, but instead Adam West was signed. Waggoner was also considered a sex symblol, having done a semi-nude pictorial in the first issue of \"Playgirl.\" Although the pilot followed the original comic book closely, in particular","Document [10](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) Wonder Woman, known from seasons 2 and 3 as The New Adventures of Wonder Woman, is an American television series based on the DC Comics comic book superhero of the same name. The show stars Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman\/Diana Prince and Lyle Waggoner as Steve Trevor Sr. & Jr. It originally aired for three seasons from 1975 to 1979. The show's first season aired on ABC and is set in the 1940s during World War II. The second and third seasons aired on CBS and are set in the 1970s, with the title changed to The New Adventures of","Document [11](Title: Lynda Carter) Marston and artist Harry G. Peter in 1941 for DC Comics. Conceived in the wake of popularity of Superman, Marston designed his creation as counter-programming to the \"Man of Steel\". The Diana Prince\/Wonder Woman character is also referred to by such names as the Amazing Amazon, the Spirit of Truth, Themyscira's Champion, and the Goddess of Love and War. Wonder Woman was an instant hit with readers, and for the last 76 years, the character has been the world's most prominent DC comic book female superhero. Carter's acting career took off when she landed the starring role on \"Wonder Woman\"","Document [12](Title: Diana Prince) based on a comedic conceit that the homely Diana Prince saw herself as a gorgeous Amazon whenever she becomes Wonder Woman\u2014although no one else sees such a change in her looks. The first TV pilot movie, starring Cathy Lee Crosby, was modeled primarily on the mod Diana Prince era and featured Crosby as Diana Prince, secretary to Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S) Major Steve Trevor, but secretly operating on her own as an agent known to some as \"Wonder Woman\". The \"Super Friends\" animated series included at least one episode featuring Diana Prince spinning to become Wonder Woman. The most","Document [13](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) actress Beatrice Colen joined the cast as Corporal Etta Candy WAAC, General Blankenship's secretary, thereby providing YN1 Prince with a subordinate. Three episodes featured Debra Winger as Diana's younger sister, Drusilla, a.k.a. Wonder Girl, in one of her earliest acting roles. One of the most memorable aspects of the show that was developed during the first season was the transformation sequence that changed Diana Prince into her superheroine alter ego. The sequence in the original specials employed a slow fade between two synchronized shots, both filmed with an overcranked camera to create a slow motion effect. A twirling Diana Prince's","Document [14](Title: Lynda Carter) as the title character and her secret identity, Diana Prince. The savings she had set aside from her days of touring on the road with her band to pursue acting in Los Angeles were almost exhausted, and she was close to returning to Arizona when Carter's manager informed her that Joanna Cassidy had lost the part to her. Carter's earnest performance greatly endeared her to both fans and critics and as a result, she continues to be closely identified with Wonder Woman. The \"Wonder Woman\" series lasted for three seasons, which aired on ABC and later on CBS from 1975","Document [15](Title: Shannon Farnon) Super Friends\" and the revival of \"Super Friends\". Farnon did voice several incidental characters, such as Lois Lane and Hawkgirl on some of the series and also played Kim Butler in \"Valley of the Dinosaurs\" in 1974, but mainly she did the voice of Wonder Woman. However, in 1984, her prominent character was recast in \"\", when the role was given to Constance Caufield and later to B.J. Ward. This case has often been given as an example of injustice in the television and animation industry. Mary McDonald-Lewis voiced Wonder Woman in an episode of \"Superman\". She voiced Wonder Woman","Document [16](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) a way to show how Diana Prince became Wonder Woman, when Carter suggested that she do a spin. Unlike the earlier pilot, the comic-book origins of the character were emphasized by the retention of the character's traditional uniform (the design of which was interpreted and executed by Donald Lee Feld, credited as \"Donfeld\") with the original setting and through the use of comic book elements. The series's title sequence was animated in the form of a series of comic book panels featuring Wonder Woman performing a variety of heroic feats. Within the show, location and exposition were handled through comic","Document [17](Title: Bridget Regan) former lawyer, later criminal mastermind, who is involved in a complicated same-sex love affair. Also in 2014, she had a small role in \"John Wick\", as Addy. Regan is popular with the comic book community, and, from 2009 to 2013, was commonly selected among comic book fans and critics as their ideal choice to portray Wonder Woman. In 2009, Rick Marshall of MTV stated, \"In one of the most voted-on, yet lop-sided weekly polls we've ever conducted here on Splash Page, \"Legend of the Seeker\" actress Bridget Regan was voted fans' favored lady to bring DC's iconic Amazon warrior, Wonder","Document [18](Title: DC Extended Universe) Amazon warrior who also is the demigoddess daughter of the god Zeus, uses her talents and abilities in order to help humanity during World War I. Israeli actress and model Gal Gadot was cast as Diana Prince\/Wonder Woman in December 2013 and signed a three-picture deal which included a solo film. In October 2014, \"Wonder Woman\" was announced by Warner Bros. In November, Michelle MacLaren was confirmed to direct the film from a screenplay by Jason Fuchs. In April 2015, MacLaren left the project due to creative differences. Later that month, Patty Jenkins was announced as the new director of","Document [19](Title: Wonder Woman in other media) film. Wonder Woman reappeared briefly as a non-speaking character in follow-up \"The Lego Batman Movie\" (2017). Rica Matsumoto provides the voice for Wonder Woman in \"DC Super Heroes vs. Eagle Talon\". Halsey provides the voice for Wonder Woman in \"Teen Titans Go! To the Movies\". Wonder Woman's first appearance on television was as a guest in an episode of \"The Brady Kids\" cartoon series in 1972, entitled \"It's All Greek to Me\" (voiced by Jane Webb). The Brady kids meet Diana Prince\/Wonder Woman and together they find themselves accidentally transported back to the time of the Ancient Olympic Games. The","Document [20](Title: Keri Russell) on \"The View\" on December 15, 2008, Russell said she got the part because Adam Sandler's wife Jackie had seen her in \"Waitress\" and suggested her for the movie. Russell voiced Wonder Woman in a direct-to-video animated feature released March 3, 2009. Russell starred alongside Brendan Fraser and Harrison Ford in the Tom Vaughan-helmed \"Extraordinary Measures\" for CBS Films. The drama, which started filming on April 6, 2009 and was released on January 22, 2010, was the first film to go into production for the new company. Russell played Aileen Crowley, a mother who tries to build a normal home"],"query":"who played the original wonder woman on tv?","answers":["Lynda Carter"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) \"The New Adventures of Wonder Woman\", and a complete change of cast other than Carter and Waggoner. Waggoner's character was changed to Steve Trevor Jr., the son of his original character. \"Wonder Woman\" refers to both a 1974 television film and a 1975-79 television series based on the DC Comics character of the same name. The 1974 television film called \"Wonder Woman\" directed by Vincent McEveety and starring Cathy Lee Crosby, was a pilot for an intended television series being considered by ABC. Ratings were described as \"respectable but not exactly wondrous,\" and ABC did not pick up the pilot.","Document [2](Title: Wonder Woman 1984) with director Patty Jenkins confirming her casting the next month. By March 28, Pedro Pascal, who played Ed Indelicato in the pilot of the canceled 2011 \"Wonder Woman\" television adaptation, was cast in an undisclosed key role. On June 13, director Patty Jenkins confirmed the addition of Chris Pine as Steve Trevor through Twitter. On July 24, 2018, Natasha Rothwell was announced to be cast in an undisclosed role. A few days later, on July 27, Ravi Patel and Gabriella Wilde also joined the film, with their being roles kept under wraps as well. By late August, Connie Nielsen and","Document [3](Title: Wonder Woman (1974 film)) Wonder Woman (1974 film) Wonder Woman is a 1974 American made-for-television superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name, directed by Vincent McEveety and starring Cathy Lee Crosby. The film was a pilot for an intended television series being considered by ABC. Ratings were described as \"respectable but not exactly wondrous,\" and ABC did not pick up the pilot. Instead, Warner Brothers and ABC developed a different Wonder Woman television concept that fit the more traditional presentation of the character as created by William Moulton Marston, turning away from the 1968\u201372 era that had influenced the","Document [4](Title: Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot)) Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot) Wonder Woman is an unaired television pilot produced by Warner Bros. Television and DC Entertainment for NBC, based on the DC Comics character of the same name. David E. Kelley wrote the pilot, which was directed by Jeffrey Reiner. Adrianne Palicki starred as the main character. The \"Wonder Woman\" pilot was expected to debut in 2011, but NBC opted not to buy the series. In an inner city home a teenager tells his family that he has been accepted to college moments before he begins convulsing and bleeding from the eyes and ears. Meanwhile, Wonder","Document [5](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) \"Justice League Unlimited.\" (Prior to the series in which Carter starred, the transformation was depicted in the comics by way of Diana spinning her magic lasso around her body, with the lasso changing her clothes, or by simply changing at super-human speed.) The iconic explosion overlay most associated with the TV show was introduced after the third episode to mask the cut point between the Diana and Wonder Woman clips, meaning they no longer needed to be perfectly aligned. This allowed them to be shot without a locked off camera at more convenient points in the production schedule, when Carter","Document [6](Title: Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot)) Flickering Myth in 2017, Neil Calloway said \"it has its moments ... but it was probably dated in 2011 ... We didn\u2019t really lose anything by it not being commissioned into a series.\" Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot) Wonder Woman is an unaired television pilot produced by Warner Bros. Television and DC Entertainment for NBC, based on the DC Comics character of the same name. David E. Kelley wrote the pilot, which was directed by Jeffrey Reiner. Adrianne Palicki starred as the main character. The \"Wonder Woman\" pilot was expected to debut in 2011, but NBC opted not to buy","Document [7](Title: Wonder Woman (1974 film)) 1980s. On December 11, 2012, Warner Brothers made the Cathy Lee Crosby pilot available as a Video On Demand purchase through their online store. Warner Home Video released the TV film to DVD in 2012 through Amazon.com and their Warner Archive collection. Wonder Woman (1974 film) Wonder Woman is a 1974 American made-for-television superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name, directed by Vincent McEveety and starring Cathy Lee Crosby. The film was a pilot for an intended television series being considered by ABC. Ratings were described as \"respectable but not exactly wondrous,\" and ABC did","Document [8](Title: Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot)) Thoms were cast as villain Veronica Cale and Diana's personal assistant Etta Candy, respectively. Pedro Pascal was cast as Ed Indelicato, Wonder Woman's liaison to the police department and Cary Elwes as Henry Detmer, who runs the day-to-day operations of Diana's company. Actor Justin Bruening was cast to play Steve Trevor. The plot is described as \"a reinvention of the iconic DC Comic in which Wonder Womanaka Diana Themyscirais a vigilante crime fighter in L.A., but also a successful corporate executive and a modern woman, trying to balance all of the elements of her extraordinary life.\" No clear reference is","Document [9](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) lead role. For the role of Steve Trevor, the producers chose Lyle Waggoner, despite his dark brown, almost-black, hair not matching the comic's blond Trevor, who at the time was better known as a comedic actor after several years co-starring in \"The Carol Burnett Show.\" He was also known to Ross as having been one of the leading candidates to play Batman a decade earlier, but instead Adam West was signed. Waggoner was also considered a sex symblol, having done a semi-nude pictorial in the first issue of \"Playgirl.\" Although the pilot followed the original comic book closely, in particular","Document [10](Title: Lynda Carter) Marston and artist Harry G. Peter in 1941 for DC Comics. Conceived in the wake of popularity of Superman, Marston designed his creation as counter-programming to the \"Man of Steel\". The Diana Prince\/Wonder Woman character is also referred to by such names as the Amazing Amazon, the Spirit of Truth, Themyscira's Champion, and the Goddess of Love and War. Wonder Woman was an instant hit with readers, and for the last 76 years, the character has been the world's most prominent DC comic book female superhero. Carter's acting career took off when she landed the starring role on \"Wonder Woman\"","Document [11](Title: Diana Prince) based on a comedic conceit that the homely Diana Prince saw herself as a gorgeous Amazon whenever she becomes Wonder Woman\u2014although no one else sees such a change in her looks. The first TV pilot movie, starring Cathy Lee Crosby, was modeled primarily on the mod Diana Prince era and featured Crosby as Diana Prince, secretary to Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S) Major Steve Trevor, but secretly operating on her own as an agent known to some as \"Wonder Woman\". The \"Super Friends\" animated series included at least one episode featuring Diana Prince spinning to become Wonder Woman. The most","Document [12](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) actress Beatrice Colen joined the cast as Corporal Etta Candy WAAC, General Blankenship's secretary, thereby providing YN1 Prince with a subordinate. Three episodes featured Debra Winger as Diana's younger sister, Drusilla, a.k.a. Wonder Girl, in one of her earliest acting roles. One of the most memorable aspects of the show that was developed during the first season was the transformation sequence that changed Diana Prince into her superheroine alter ego. The sequence in the original specials employed a slow fade between two synchronized shots, both filmed with an overcranked camera to create a slow motion effect. A twirling Diana Prince's","Document [13](Title: Lynda Carter) as the title character and her secret identity, Diana Prince. The savings she had set aside from her days of touring on the road with her band to pursue acting in Los Angeles were almost exhausted, and she was close to returning to Arizona when Carter's manager informed her that Joanna Cassidy had lost the part to her. Carter's earnest performance greatly endeared her to both fans and critics and as a result, she continues to be closely identified with Wonder Woman. The \"Wonder Woman\" series lasted for three seasons, which aired on ABC and later on CBS from 1975","Document [14](Title: Shannon Farnon) Super Friends\" and the revival of \"Super Friends\". Farnon did voice several incidental characters, such as Lois Lane and Hawkgirl on some of the series and also played Kim Butler in \"Valley of the Dinosaurs\" in 1974, but mainly she did the voice of Wonder Woman. However, in 1984, her prominent character was recast in \"\", when the role was given to Constance Caufield and later to B.J. Ward. This case has often been given as an example of injustice in the television and animation industry. Mary McDonald-Lewis voiced Wonder Woman in an episode of \"Superman\". She voiced Wonder Woman","Document [15](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) Wonder Woman, known from seasons 2 and 3 as The New Adventures of Wonder Woman, is an American television series based on the DC Comics comic book superhero of the same name. The show stars Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman\/Diana Prince and Lyle Waggoner as Steve Trevor Sr. & Jr. It originally aired for three seasons from 1975 to 1979. The show's first season aired on ABC and is set in the 1940s during World War II. The second and third seasons aired on CBS and are set in the 1970s, with the title changed to The New Adventures of","Document [16](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) a way to show how Diana Prince became Wonder Woman, when Carter suggested that she do a spin. Unlike the earlier pilot, the comic-book origins of the character were emphasized by the retention of the character's traditional uniform (the design of which was interpreted and executed by Donald Lee Feld, credited as \"Donfeld\") with the original setting and through the use of comic book elements. The series's title sequence was animated in the form of a series of comic book panels featuring Wonder Woman performing a variety of heroic feats. Within the show, location and exposition were handled through comic","Document [17](Title: Bridget Regan) former lawyer, later criminal mastermind, who is involved in a complicated same-sex love affair. Also in 2014, she had a small role in \"John Wick\", as Addy. Regan is popular with the comic book community, and, from 2009 to 2013, was commonly selected among comic book fans and critics as their ideal choice to portray Wonder Woman. In 2009, Rick Marshall of MTV stated, \"In one of the most voted-on, yet lop-sided weekly polls we've ever conducted here on Splash Page, \"Legend of the Seeker\" actress Bridget Regan was voted fans' favored lady to bring DC's iconic Amazon warrior, Wonder","Document [18](Title: DC Extended Universe) Amazon warrior who also is the demigoddess daughter of the god Zeus, uses her talents and abilities in order to help humanity during World War I. Israeli actress and model Gal Gadot was cast as Diana Prince\/Wonder Woman in December 2013 and signed a three-picture deal which included a solo film. In October 2014, \"Wonder Woman\" was announced by Warner Bros. In November, Michelle MacLaren was confirmed to direct the film from a screenplay by Jason Fuchs. In April 2015, MacLaren left the project due to creative differences. Later that month, Patty Jenkins was announced as the new director of","Document [19](Title: Wonder Woman in other media) film. Wonder Woman reappeared briefly as a non-speaking character in follow-up \"The Lego Batman Movie\" (2017). Rica Matsumoto provides the voice for Wonder Woman in \"DC Super Heroes vs. Eagle Talon\". Halsey provides the voice for Wonder Woman in \"Teen Titans Go! To the Movies\". Wonder Woman's first appearance on television was as a guest in an episode of \"The Brady Kids\" cartoon series in 1972, entitled \"It's All Greek to Me\" (voiced by Jane Webb). The Brady kids meet Diana Prince\/Wonder Woman and together they find themselves accidentally transported back to the time of the Ancient Olympic Games. The","Document [20](Title: Keri Russell) on \"The View\" on December 15, 2008, Russell said she got the part because Adam Sandler's wife Jackie had seen her in \"Waitress\" and suggested her for the movie. Russell voiced Wonder Woman in a direct-to-video animated feature released March 3, 2009. Russell starred alongside Brendan Fraser and Harrison Ford in the Tom Vaughan-helmed \"Extraordinary Measures\" for CBS Films. The drama, which started filming on April 6, 2009 and was released on January 22, 2010, was the first film to go into production for the new company. Russell played Aileen Crowley, a mother who tries to build a normal home"],"query":"who played the original wonder woman on tv?","answers":["Lynda Carter"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) \"The New Adventures of Wonder Woman\", and a complete change of cast other than Carter and Waggoner. Waggoner's character was changed to Steve Trevor Jr., the son of his original character. \"Wonder Woman\" refers to both a 1974 television film and a 1975-79 television series based on the DC Comics character of the same name. The 1974 television film called \"Wonder Woman\" directed by Vincent McEveety and starring Cathy Lee Crosby, was a pilot for an intended television series being considered by ABC. Ratings were described as \"respectable but not exactly wondrous,\" and ABC did not pick up the pilot.","Document [2](Title: Wonder Woman 1984) with director Patty Jenkins confirming her casting the next month. By March 28, Pedro Pascal, who played Ed Indelicato in the pilot of the canceled 2011 \"Wonder Woman\" television adaptation, was cast in an undisclosed key role. On June 13, director Patty Jenkins confirmed the addition of Chris Pine as Steve Trevor through Twitter. On July 24, 2018, Natasha Rothwell was announced to be cast in an undisclosed role. A few days later, on July 27, Ravi Patel and Gabriella Wilde also joined the film, with their being roles kept under wraps as well. By late August, Connie Nielsen and","Document [3](Title: Wonder Woman (1974 film)) Wonder Woman (1974 film) Wonder Woman is a 1974 American made-for-television superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name, directed by Vincent McEveety and starring Cathy Lee Crosby. The film was a pilot for an intended television series being considered by ABC. Ratings were described as \"respectable but not exactly wondrous,\" and ABC did not pick up the pilot. Instead, Warner Brothers and ABC developed a different Wonder Woman television concept that fit the more traditional presentation of the character as created by William Moulton Marston, turning away from the 1968\u201372 era that had influenced the","Document [4](Title: Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot)) Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot) Wonder Woman is an unaired television pilot produced by Warner Bros. Television and DC Entertainment for NBC, based on the DC Comics character of the same name. David E. Kelley wrote the pilot, which was directed by Jeffrey Reiner. Adrianne Palicki starred as the main character. The \"Wonder Woman\" pilot was expected to debut in 2011, but NBC opted not to buy the series. In an inner city home a teenager tells his family that he has been accepted to college moments before he begins convulsing and bleeding from the eyes and ears. Meanwhile, Wonder","Document [5](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) \"Justice League Unlimited.\" (Prior to the series in which Carter starred, the transformation was depicted in the comics by way of Diana spinning her magic lasso around her body, with the lasso changing her clothes, or by simply changing at super-human speed.) The iconic explosion overlay most associated with the TV show was introduced after the third episode to mask the cut point between the Diana and Wonder Woman clips, meaning they no longer needed to be perfectly aligned. This allowed them to be shot without a locked off camera at more convenient points in the production schedule, when Carter","Document [6](Title: Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot)) Flickering Myth in 2017, Neil Calloway said \"it has its moments ... but it was probably dated in 2011 ... We didn\u2019t really lose anything by it not being commissioned into a series.\" Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot) Wonder Woman is an unaired television pilot produced by Warner Bros. Television and DC Entertainment for NBC, based on the DC Comics character of the same name. David E. Kelley wrote the pilot, which was directed by Jeffrey Reiner. Adrianne Palicki starred as the main character. The \"Wonder Woman\" pilot was expected to debut in 2011, but NBC opted not to buy","Document [7](Title: Wonder Woman (1974 film)) 1980s. On December 11, 2012, Warner Brothers made the Cathy Lee Crosby pilot available as a Video On Demand purchase through their online store. Warner Home Video released the TV film to DVD in 2012 through Amazon.com and their Warner Archive collection. Wonder Woman (1974 film) Wonder Woman is a 1974 American made-for-television superhero film based on the DC Comics character of the same name, directed by Vincent McEveety and starring Cathy Lee Crosby. The film was a pilot for an intended television series being considered by ABC. Ratings were described as \"respectable but not exactly wondrous,\" and ABC did","Document [8](Title: Wonder Woman (2011 TV pilot)) Thoms were cast as villain Veronica Cale and Diana's personal assistant Etta Candy, respectively. Pedro Pascal was cast as Ed Indelicato, Wonder Woman's liaison to the police department and Cary Elwes as Henry Detmer, who runs the day-to-day operations of Diana's company. Actor Justin Bruening was cast to play Steve Trevor. The plot is described as \"a reinvention of the iconic DC Comic in which Wonder Womanaka Diana Themyscirais a vigilante crime fighter in L.A., but also a successful corporate executive and a modern woman, trying to balance all of the elements of her extraordinary life.\" No clear reference is","Document [9](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) lead role. For the role of Steve Trevor, the producers chose Lyle Waggoner, despite his dark brown, almost-black, hair not matching the comic's blond Trevor, who at the time was better known as a comedic actor after several years co-starring in \"The Carol Burnett Show.\" He was also known to Ross as having been one of the leading candidates to play Batman a decade earlier, but instead Adam West was signed. Waggoner was also considered a sex symblol, having done a semi-nude pictorial in the first issue of \"Playgirl.\" Although the pilot followed the original comic book closely, in particular","Document [10](Title: Lynda Carter) Marston and artist Harry G. Peter in 1941 for DC Comics. Conceived in the wake of popularity of Superman, Marston designed his creation as counter-programming to the \"Man of Steel\". The Diana Prince\/Wonder Woman character is also referred to by such names as the Amazing Amazon, the Spirit of Truth, Themyscira's Champion, and the Goddess of Love and War. Wonder Woman was an instant hit with readers, and for the last 76 years, the character has been the world's most prominent DC comic book female superhero. Carter's acting career took off when she landed the starring role on \"Wonder Woman\"","Document [11](Title: Diana Prince) based on a comedic conceit that the homely Diana Prince saw herself as a gorgeous Amazon whenever she becomes Wonder Woman\u2014although no one else sees such a change in her looks. The first TV pilot movie, starring Cathy Lee Crosby, was modeled primarily on the mod Diana Prince era and featured Crosby as Diana Prince, secretary to Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S) Major Steve Trevor, but secretly operating on her own as an agent known to some as \"Wonder Woman\". The \"Super Friends\" animated series included at least one episode featuring Diana Prince spinning to become Wonder Woman. The most","Document [12](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) actress Beatrice Colen joined the cast as Corporal Etta Candy WAAC, General Blankenship's secretary, thereby providing YN1 Prince with a subordinate. Three episodes featured Debra Winger as Diana's younger sister, Drusilla, a.k.a. Wonder Girl, in one of her earliest acting roles. One of the most memorable aspects of the show that was developed during the first season was the transformation sequence that changed Diana Prince into her superheroine alter ego. The sequence in the original specials employed a slow fade between two synchronized shots, both filmed with an overcranked camera to create a slow motion effect. A twirling Diana Prince's","Document [13](Title: Lynda Carter) as the title character and her secret identity, Diana Prince. The savings she had set aside from her days of touring on the road with her band to pursue acting in Los Angeles were almost exhausted, and she was close to returning to Arizona when Carter's manager informed her that Joanna Cassidy had lost the part to her. Carter's earnest performance greatly endeared her to both fans and critics and as a result, she continues to be closely identified with Wonder Woman. The \"Wonder Woman\" series lasted for three seasons, which aired on ABC and later on CBS from 1975","Document [14](Title: Shannon Farnon) Super Friends\" and the revival of \"Super Friends\". Farnon did voice several incidental characters, such as Lois Lane and Hawkgirl on some of the series and also played Kim Butler in \"Valley of the Dinosaurs\" in 1974, but mainly she did the voice of Wonder Woman. However, in 1984, her prominent character was recast in \"\", when the role was given to Constance Caufield and later to B.J. Ward. This case has often been given as an example of injustice in the television and animation industry. Mary McDonald-Lewis voiced Wonder Woman in an episode of \"Superman\". She voiced Wonder Woman","Document [15](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) a way to show how Diana Prince became Wonder Woman, when Carter suggested that she do a spin. Unlike the earlier pilot, the comic-book origins of the character were emphasized by the retention of the character's traditional uniform (the design of which was interpreted and executed by Donald Lee Feld, credited as \"Donfeld\") with the original setting and through the use of comic book elements. The series's title sequence was animated in the form of a series of comic book panels featuring Wonder Woman performing a variety of heroic feats. Within the show, location and exposition were handled through comic","Document [16](Title: Bridget Regan) former lawyer, later criminal mastermind, who is involved in a complicated same-sex love affair. Also in 2014, she had a small role in \"John Wick\", as Addy. Regan is popular with the comic book community, and, from 2009 to 2013, was commonly selected among comic book fans and critics as their ideal choice to portray Wonder Woman. In 2009, Rick Marshall of MTV stated, \"In one of the most voted-on, yet lop-sided weekly polls we've ever conducted here on Splash Page, \"Legend of the Seeker\" actress Bridget Regan was voted fans' favored lady to bring DC's iconic Amazon warrior, Wonder","Document [17](Title: DC Extended Universe) Amazon warrior who also is the demigoddess daughter of the god Zeus, uses her talents and abilities in order to help humanity during World War I. Israeli actress and model Gal Gadot was cast as Diana Prince\/Wonder Woman in December 2013 and signed a three-picture deal which included a solo film. In October 2014, \"Wonder Woman\" was announced by Warner Bros. In November, Michelle MacLaren was confirmed to direct the film from a screenplay by Jason Fuchs. In April 2015, MacLaren left the project due to creative differences. Later that month, Patty Jenkins was announced as the new director of","Document [18](Title: Wonder Woman in other media) film. Wonder Woman reappeared briefly as a non-speaking character in follow-up \"The Lego Batman Movie\" (2017). Rica Matsumoto provides the voice for Wonder Woman in \"DC Super Heroes vs. Eagle Talon\". Halsey provides the voice for Wonder Woman in \"Teen Titans Go! To the Movies\". Wonder Woman's first appearance on television was as a guest in an episode of \"The Brady Kids\" cartoon series in 1972, entitled \"It's All Greek to Me\" (voiced by Jane Webb). The Brady kids meet Diana Prince\/Wonder Woman and together they find themselves accidentally transported back to the time of the Ancient Olympic Games. The","Document [19](Title: Keri Russell) on \"The View\" on December 15, 2008, Russell said she got the part because Adam Sandler's wife Jackie had seen her in \"Waitress\" and suggested her for the movie. Russell voiced Wonder Woman in a direct-to-video animated feature released March 3, 2009. Russell starred alongside Brendan Fraser and Harrison Ford in the Tom Vaughan-helmed \"Extraordinary Measures\" for CBS Films. The drama, which started filming on April 6, 2009 and was released on January 22, 2010, was the first film to go into production for the new company. Russell played Aileen Crowley, a mother who tries to build a normal home","Document [20](Title: Wonder Woman (TV series)) Wonder Woman, known from seasons 2 and 3 as The New Adventures of Wonder Woman, is an American television series based on the DC Comics comic book superhero of the same name. The show stars Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman\/Diana Prince and Lyle Waggoner as Steve Trevor Sr. & Jr. It originally aired for three seasons from 1975 to 1979. The show's first season aired on ABC and is set in the 1940s during World War II. The second and third seasons aired on CBS and are set in the 1970s, with the title changed to The New Adventures of"],"query":"who played the original wonder woman on tv?","answers":["Lynda Carter"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Vertebrate) Vertebrates originated about 525 million years ago during the Cambrian explosion, which saw the rise in organism diversity. The earliest known vertebrate is believed to be the Myllokunmingia. Another early vertebrate is Haikouichthys ercaicunensis. Unlike the other fauna that dominated the Cambrian, these groups had the basic vertebrate body plan: a notochord, rudimentary vertebrae, and a well-defined head and tail. All of these early vertebrates lacked jaws in the common sense and relied on filter feeding close to the seabed. A vertebrate group of uncertain phylogeny, small-eel-like conodonts, are known from microfossils of their paired tooth segments from the late","Document [2](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) Ma (megaannum, million years ago). The Devonian Period (395 to 345 Ma) brought in the changes that allowed primitive air-breathing fish to remain on land as long as they wished, thus becoming the first terrestrial vertebrates, the amphibians. Amphibians developed forms of reproduction and locomotion and a metabolism better suited for life exclusively on land, becoming more reptilian. Full-fledged reptiles appeared in the Carboniferous Period (345 to 280 Ma). The reptilian changes and adaptations to diet and geography are chronicled in the fossil record of the varying forms of therapsida. True mammals showed up in the Triassic Period (225 to","Document [3](Title: Evolution of mammals) their choice was based on the fact that \"the lower jaw is the most likely skeletal element of a Mesozoic mammal to be preserved.\" Today, most paleontologists consider that animals are mammals if they satisfy this criterion. The first fully terrestrial vertebrates were amniotes \u2014 their eggs had internal membranes that allowed the developing embryo to breathe but kept water in. This allowed amniotes to lay eggs on dry land, while amphibians generally need to lay their eggs in water (a few amphibians, such as the common Suriname toad, have evolved other ways of getting around this limitation). The first","Document [4](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) Vertebrate paleontology Vertebrate paleontology is the subfield of paleontology that seeks to discover, through the study of fossilized remains, the behavior, reproduction and appearance of extinct animals with vertebrae or a notochord. It also tries to connect, by using the evolutionary timeline, the animals of the past and their modern-day relatives. The fossil record shows aspects of the meandering evolutionary path from early aquatic vertebrates to mammals, with a host of transitional fossils, though there are still large blank areas. The earliest known fossil vertebrates were heavily armored fish discovered in rocks from the Ordovician Period about 500 to 430","Document [5](Title: Casineria) \"Casineria\", vertebrates were primarily aquatic, only spending part of their time on land. \"Casineria\" and its relatives were the first vertebrates to live and reproduce on land. In 1992, an amateur fossil collector spotted the remnants of this four-legged creature on the shore of Cheese Bay, Scotland. For the next five years, the fossil languished at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh while researchers focused on other projects. Consisting of a slab and counterslab (compression fossil) of a single partial skeleton, the fossil was cataloged with the specimen designation NMS G.1993.54.1. Around 1997, work began to expose the remainder","Document [6](Title: Brain) work: The first vertebrates appeared over 500 million years ago (Mya), during the Cambrian period, and may have resembled the modern hagfish in form. Sharks appeared about 450 Mya, amphibians about 400 Mya, reptiles about 350 Mya, and mammals about 200 Mya. Each species has an equally long evolutionary history, but the brains of modern hagfishes, lampreys, sharks, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals show a gradient of size and complexity that roughly follows the evolutionary sequence. All of these brains contain the same set of basic anatomical components, but many are rudimentary in the hagfish, whereas in mammals the foremost part","Document [7](Title: Julia Clarke) Vega Island in the Antarctic in 1992, Vegavis iaai which was an early relative of ducks and geese in 2005. It is thought to be the only species of modern bird to have lived at the time of the dinosaurs. She studied the voice organ (syrinx) of a fossil originally found in 1992. The findings by her and other researchers was published in the science journal Nature. Fossils of the ancient bird Inkayacu were first discovered in 2008 on the Pacific coast of Ica, Peru. A nearly complete skeleton was uncovered in the Paracas National Reserve by a team led","Document [8](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) beginning the serious study into the lives of extinct animals. With the publication of the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin in 1849, the field got a theoretical framework. Much of the subsequent work has been to map the relationship between fossil and extant organisms, as well as their history through time. In modern times, Alfred Romer (1894\u20131973) wrote what has been termed the definitive textbook on the subject, called \"Vertebrate Paleontology\". It shows the progression of evolution in fossil fish, and amphibians and reptiles through comparative anatomy, including a list of all the (then) known fossil vertebrate genera. Romer","Document [9](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) 190 Ma) around the same time as the dinosaurs, which also sprouted from the reptilian line. Birds first diverged from dinosaurs between 100 Ma and 60 Ma. One of the people who helped figure out the vertebrate progression was French zoologist Georges Cuvier (1769\u20131832), who realized that fossils found in older rock strata differed greatly from more recent fossils or modern animals. He published his findings in 1812 and, although he steadfastly refuted evolution, his work proved the (at the time) contested theory of extinction of species. Thomas Jefferson is credited with initiating the science of vertebrate paleontology in the","Document [10](Title: Evolution of mammalian auditory ossicles) in. This allowed amniotes to lay eggs on dry land, while amphibians generally need to lay their eggs in water. The first amniotes apparently arose in the late Carboniferous from the ancestral reptiliomorphs (a group of amphibians whose only living descendants are amniotes). Within a few million years two important amniote lineages became distinct: mammals' synapsid ancestors and the sauropsids, from which lizards, snakes, crocodilians, dinosaurs and birds are descended. The earliest known fossils of all these groups date from about 320 to 315M years ago. It is difficult to be sure about when each of them evolved, since vertebrate","Document [11](Title: Paleozoology) classify species adhering to a rod-shaped, flexible body type called a notochord. They differ from other phyla in that other phyla may have cartilage or cartilage-like tissues forming a sort of skeleton, but only vertebrates possess what we define as bone. Classes of vertebrates listed in chronological order from oldest to most recent include heterostracans, osteostracans, coelolepid agnathans, acanthodians, osteichthyan fishes, chondrichthyan fishes, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds. All vertebrates are studied under standard evolutionary generalizations of behavior and life process, although there is controversy over whether population can be accurately estimated from limited fossil resources. Evolutionary origins of vertebrates","Document [12](Title: John A. Long) Devonian fishes showing embryos inside them. This later discovery, published in the journal \"Nature\" (May 2008) was the first time that reproduction by internal fertilisation was demonstrated in the extinct Class Placodermi, and the oldest evidence for vertebrate viviparity yet discovered. One of the specimens, named \"Materpiscis\", was also the only known fossil to show a mineralised umbilical structure linked to the unborn embryo. Nature magazine made a short documentary video about this discovery. Other Gogo fish fossils have been found showing remarkable preservation of 3-D muscle tissues, nerve cells and microcapillaries, making this one of the world's most extraordinary","Document [13](Title: Life) of vertebrates and invertebrates respectively, and divided the blooded animals into five groups: viviparous quadrupeds (mammals), oviparous quadrupeds (reptiles and amphibians), birds, fishes and whales. The bloodless animals were also divided into five groups: cephalopods, crustaceans, insects (which included the spiders, scorpions, and centipedes, in addition to what we define as insects today), shelled animals (such as most molluscs and echinoderms), and \"zoophytes\" (animals that resemble plants). Though Aristotle's work in zoology was not without errors, it was the grandest biological synthesis of the time and remained the ultimate authority for many centuries after his death. The exploration of the","Document [14](Title: Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer)) Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer) Vertebrate Paleontology is an advanced textbook on vertebrate paleontology by Alfred Sherwood Romer, published by the University of Chicago Press. It went through three editions (1933, 1945, 1966) and for many years constituted a very authoritative work and the definitive coverage of the subject. A condensed version centering on comparative anatomy, coauthored by T.S. Parson came in 1977, remaining in print until 1985. The 1987 book \"Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution\" by Robert L. Carroll is largely based on Romer's book. The book provides a very detailed and comprehensive technical account of every main group of living and","Document [15](Title: Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution) Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution is an advanced textbook on vertebrate paleontology by Robert L. Carroll, published in 1988 by WH Freeman. It provides a very detailed technical account of various groups of living and fossil vertebrates. The book, which is written in the style of Alfred Sherwood Romer's \"Vertebrate Paleontology\", presented more recent overall coverage of the subject. At the rear of the book is a 53-page Classification list which lists every genus known at the time of publication, along with locality and stratigraphic range. \"Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution\" appeared in print in 1988, just before","Document [16](Title: History of Earth) the terrestrial plants. There is also unconfirmed evidence that arthropods may have appeared on land as early as 530 Ma. At the end of the Ordovician period, 443 Ma, additional extinction events occurred, perhaps due to a concurrent ice age. Around 380 to 375 Ma, the first tetrapods evolved from fish. Fins evolved to become limbs that the first tetrapods used to lift their heads out of the water to breathe air. This would let them live in oxygen-poor water, or pursue small prey in shallow water. They may have later ventured on land for brief periods. Eventually, some of","Document [17](Title: Evolution of mammals) amniotes apparently arose in the middle Carboniferous from the ancestral reptiliomorphs. Within a few million years, two important amniote lineages became distinct: mammals' synapsid ancestors and the sauropsids, from which lizards, snakes, turtles\/tortoises, crocodilians, dinosaurs, and birds are descended. The earliest known fossils of synapsids and sauropsids (such as \"Archaeothyris\" and \"Hylonomus\", respectively) date from about 320 to 315 million years ago. The times of origin are difficult to know, because vertebrate fossils from the late Carboniferous are very rare, and therefore the actual first occurrences of each of these types of animal might have been considerably earlier than the","Document [18](Title: Aristotle's biology) \"Enhaima\" (the modern zoologist's vertebrates) and animals without blood, \"Anhaima\" (invertebrates). Animals with blood included live-bearing tetrapods, \"Z\u014diotoka tetrapoda\" (roughly, the mammals), being warm, having four legs, and giving birth to their young. The cetaceans, \"K\u0113t\u014dd\u0113\", also had blood and gave birth to live young, but did not have legs, and therefore formed a separate group (\"megista gen\u0113\", defined by a set of functioning \"parts\"). The birds, \"Ornithes\" had blood and laid eggs, but had only 2 legs and were a distinct form (\"eidos\") with feathers and beaks instead of teeth, so they too formed a distinct group, of over","Document [19](Title: Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer)) fossil vertebrates, though the mammal-like reptiles are covered in particular, these being Romer's main interest. At the rear of the book is a classification list which includes every genus known at the time of publication, along with locality and stratigraphic range. Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer) Vertebrate Paleontology is an advanced textbook on vertebrate paleontology by Alfred Sherwood Romer, published by the University of Chicago Press. It went through three editions (1933, 1945, 1966) and for many years constituted a very authoritative work and the definitive coverage of the subject. A condensed version centering on comparative anatomy, coauthored by T.S. Parson came","Document [20](Title: Jamoytius) that clade. It is also the earliest known vertebrate with camera-type eyes. It also possessed weakly mineralised scales. \"Jamoytius\" was originally named by Errol White on the basis of two specimens (the generic name is a reference to J. A. Moy-Thomas) and, at the time, it was considered to be the most basal vertebrate known. Since then, it has been reclassified by many workers as having many different affinities, such as an \"unspecialized anaspid\", or as a sister taxon to the lampreys, its difficulty in classification due to difficulties in reconstructing the anatomy; it does not possess any usual chordate"],"query":"what was the first kind of vertebrate to exist on earth?","answers":["believed to be the Myllokunmingia","the Myllokunmingia","Myllokunmingia"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) Ma (megaannum, million years ago). The Devonian Period (395 to 345 Ma) brought in the changes that allowed primitive air-breathing fish to remain on land as long as they wished, thus becoming the first terrestrial vertebrates, the amphibians. Amphibians developed forms of reproduction and locomotion and a metabolism better suited for life exclusively on land, becoming more reptilian. Full-fledged reptiles appeared in the Carboniferous Period (345 to 280 Ma). The reptilian changes and adaptations to diet and geography are chronicled in the fossil record of the varying forms of therapsida. True mammals showed up in the Triassic Period (225 to","Document [2](Title: Evolution of mammals) their choice was based on the fact that \"the lower jaw is the most likely skeletal element of a Mesozoic mammal to be preserved.\" Today, most paleontologists consider that animals are mammals if they satisfy this criterion. The first fully terrestrial vertebrates were amniotes \u2014 their eggs had internal membranes that allowed the developing embryo to breathe but kept water in. This allowed amniotes to lay eggs on dry land, while amphibians generally need to lay their eggs in water (a few amphibians, such as the common Suriname toad, have evolved other ways of getting around this limitation). The first","Document [3](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) Vertebrate paleontology Vertebrate paleontology is the subfield of paleontology that seeks to discover, through the study of fossilized remains, the behavior, reproduction and appearance of extinct animals with vertebrae or a notochord. It also tries to connect, by using the evolutionary timeline, the animals of the past and their modern-day relatives. The fossil record shows aspects of the meandering evolutionary path from early aquatic vertebrates to mammals, with a host of transitional fossils, though there are still large blank areas. The earliest known fossil vertebrates were heavily armored fish discovered in rocks from the Ordovician Period about 500 to 430","Document [4](Title: Casineria) \"Casineria\", vertebrates were primarily aquatic, only spending part of their time on land. \"Casineria\" and its relatives were the first vertebrates to live and reproduce on land. In 1992, an amateur fossil collector spotted the remnants of this four-legged creature on the shore of Cheese Bay, Scotland. For the next five years, the fossil languished at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh while researchers focused on other projects. Consisting of a slab and counterslab (compression fossil) of a single partial skeleton, the fossil was cataloged with the specimen designation NMS G.1993.54.1. Around 1997, work began to expose the remainder","Document [5](Title: Vertebrate) Vertebrates originated about 525 million years ago during the Cambrian explosion, which saw the rise in organism diversity. The earliest known vertebrate is believed to be the Myllokunmingia. Another early vertebrate is Haikouichthys ercaicunensis. Unlike the other fauna that dominated the Cambrian, these groups had the basic vertebrate body plan: a notochord, rudimentary vertebrae, and a well-defined head and tail. All of these early vertebrates lacked jaws in the common sense and relied on filter feeding close to the seabed. A vertebrate group of uncertain phylogeny, small-eel-like conodonts, are known from microfossils of their paired tooth segments from the late","Document [6](Title: Brain) work: The first vertebrates appeared over 500 million years ago (Mya), during the Cambrian period, and may have resembled the modern hagfish in form. Sharks appeared about 450 Mya, amphibians about 400 Mya, reptiles about 350 Mya, and mammals about 200 Mya. Each species has an equally long evolutionary history, but the brains of modern hagfishes, lampreys, sharks, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals show a gradient of size and complexity that roughly follows the evolutionary sequence. All of these brains contain the same set of basic anatomical components, but many are rudimentary in the hagfish, whereas in mammals the foremost part","Document [7](Title: Julia Clarke) Vega Island in the Antarctic in 1992, Vegavis iaai which was an early relative of ducks and geese in 2005. It is thought to be the only species of modern bird to have lived at the time of the dinosaurs. She studied the voice organ (syrinx) of a fossil originally found in 1992. The findings by her and other researchers was published in the science journal Nature. Fossils of the ancient bird Inkayacu were first discovered in 2008 on the Pacific coast of Ica, Peru. A nearly complete skeleton was uncovered in the Paracas National Reserve by a team led","Document [8](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) beginning the serious study into the lives of extinct animals. With the publication of the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin in 1849, the field got a theoretical framework. Much of the subsequent work has been to map the relationship between fossil and extant organisms, as well as their history through time. In modern times, Alfred Romer (1894\u20131973) wrote what has been termed the definitive textbook on the subject, called \"Vertebrate Paleontology\". It shows the progression of evolution in fossil fish, and amphibians and reptiles through comparative anatomy, including a list of all the (then) known fossil vertebrate genera. Romer","Document [9](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) 190 Ma) around the same time as the dinosaurs, which also sprouted from the reptilian line. Birds first diverged from dinosaurs between 100 Ma and 60 Ma. One of the people who helped figure out the vertebrate progression was French zoologist Georges Cuvier (1769\u20131832), who realized that fossils found in older rock strata differed greatly from more recent fossils or modern animals. He published his findings in 1812 and, although he steadfastly refuted evolution, his work proved the (at the time) contested theory of extinction of species. Thomas Jefferson is credited with initiating the science of vertebrate paleontology in the","Document [10](Title: Evolution of mammalian auditory ossicles) in. This allowed amniotes to lay eggs on dry land, while amphibians generally need to lay their eggs in water. The first amniotes apparently arose in the late Carboniferous from the ancestral reptiliomorphs (a group of amphibians whose only living descendants are amniotes). Within a few million years two important amniote lineages became distinct: mammals' synapsid ancestors and the sauropsids, from which lizards, snakes, crocodilians, dinosaurs and birds are descended. The earliest known fossils of all these groups date from about 320 to 315M years ago. It is difficult to be sure about when each of them evolved, since vertebrate","Document [11](Title: Paleozoology) classify species adhering to a rod-shaped, flexible body type called a notochord. They differ from other phyla in that other phyla may have cartilage or cartilage-like tissues forming a sort of skeleton, but only vertebrates possess what we define as bone. Classes of vertebrates listed in chronological order from oldest to most recent include heterostracans, osteostracans, coelolepid agnathans, acanthodians, osteichthyan fishes, chondrichthyan fishes, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds. All vertebrates are studied under standard evolutionary generalizations of behavior and life process, although there is controversy over whether population can be accurately estimated from limited fossil resources. Evolutionary origins of vertebrates","Document [12](Title: John A. Long) Devonian fishes showing embryos inside them. This later discovery, published in the journal \"Nature\" (May 2008) was the first time that reproduction by internal fertilisation was demonstrated in the extinct Class Placodermi, and the oldest evidence for vertebrate viviparity yet discovered. One of the specimens, named \"Materpiscis\", was also the only known fossil to show a mineralised umbilical structure linked to the unborn embryo. Nature magazine made a short documentary video about this discovery. Other Gogo fish fossils have been found showing remarkable preservation of 3-D muscle tissues, nerve cells and microcapillaries, making this one of the world's most extraordinary","Document [13](Title: Life) of vertebrates and invertebrates respectively, and divided the blooded animals into five groups: viviparous quadrupeds (mammals), oviparous quadrupeds (reptiles and amphibians), birds, fishes and whales. The bloodless animals were also divided into five groups: cephalopods, crustaceans, insects (which included the spiders, scorpions, and centipedes, in addition to what we define as insects today), shelled animals (such as most molluscs and echinoderms), and \"zoophytes\" (animals that resemble plants). Though Aristotle's work in zoology was not without errors, it was the grandest biological synthesis of the time and remained the ultimate authority for many centuries after his death. The exploration of the","Document [14](Title: Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer)) Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer) Vertebrate Paleontology is an advanced textbook on vertebrate paleontology by Alfred Sherwood Romer, published by the University of Chicago Press. It went through three editions (1933, 1945, 1966) and for many years constituted a very authoritative work and the definitive coverage of the subject. A condensed version centering on comparative anatomy, coauthored by T.S. Parson came in 1977, remaining in print until 1985. The 1987 book \"Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution\" by Robert L. Carroll is largely based on Romer's book. The book provides a very detailed and comprehensive technical account of every main group of living and","Document [15](Title: Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution) Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution is an advanced textbook on vertebrate paleontology by Robert L. Carroll, published in 1988 by WH Freeman. It provides a very detailed technical account of various groups of living and fossil vertebrates. The book, which is written in the style of Alfred Sherwood Romer's \"Vertebrate Paleontology\", presented more recent overall coverage of the subject. At the rear of the book is a 53-page Classification list which lists every genus known at the time of publication, along with locality and stratigraphic range. \"Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution\" appeared in print in 1988, just before","Document [16](Title: History of Earth) the terrestrial plants. There is also unconfirmed evidence that arthropods may have appeared on land as early as 530 Ma. At the end of the Ordovician period, 443 Ma, additional extinction events occurred, perhaps due to a concurrent ice age. Around 380 to 375 Ma, the first tetrapods evolved from fish. Fins evolved to become limbs that the first tetrapods used to lift their heads out of the water to breathe air. This would let them live in oxygen-poor water, or pursue small prey in shallow water. They may have later ventured on land for brief periods. Eventually, some of","Document [17](Title: Evolution of mammals) amniotes apparently arose in the middle Carboniferous from the ancestral reptiliomorphs. Within a few million years, two important amniote lineages became distinct: mammals' synapsid ancestors and the sauropsids, from which lizards, snakes, turtles\/tortoises, crocodilians, dinosaurs, and birds are descended. The earliest known fossils of synapsids and sauropsids (such as \"Archaeothyris\" and \"Hylonomus\", respectively) date from about 320 to 315 million years ago. The times of origin are difficult to know, because vertebrate fossils from the late Carboniferous are very rare, and therefore the actual first occurrences of each of these types of animal might have been considerably earlier than the","Document [18](Title: Aristotle's biology) \"Enhaima\" (the modern zoologist's vertebrates) and animals without blood, \"Anhaima\" (invertebrates). Animals with blood included live-bearing tetrapods, \"Z\u014diotoka tetrapoda\" (roughly, the mammals), being warm, having four legs, and giving birth to their young. The cetaceans, \"K\u0113t\u014dd\u0113\", also had blood and gave birth to live young, but did not have legs, and therefore formed a separate group (\"megista gen\u0113\", defined by a set of functioning \"parts\"). The birds, \"Ornithes\" had blood and laid eggs, but had only 2 legs and were a distinct form (\"eidos\") with feathers and beaks instead of teeth, so they too formed a distinct group, of over","Document [19](Title: Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer)) fossil vertebrates, though the mammal-like reptiles are covered in particular, these being Romer's main interest. At the rear of the book is a classification list which includes every genus known at the time of publication, along with locality and stratigraphic range. Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer) Vertebrate Paleontology is an advanced textbook on vertebrate paleontology by Alfred Sherwood Romer, published by the University of Chicago Press. It went through three editions (1933, 1945, 1966) and for many years constituted a very authoritative work and the definitive coverage of the subject. A condensed version centering on comparative anatomy, coauthored by T.S. Parson came","Document [20](Title: Jamoytius) that clade. It is also the earliest known vertebrate with camera-type eyes. It also possessed weakly mineralised scales. \"Jamoytius\" was originally named by Errol White on the basis of two specimens (the generic name is a reference to J. A. Moy-Thomas) and, at the time, it was considered to be the most basal vertebrate known. Since then, it has been reclassified by many workers as having many different affinities, such as an \"unspecialized anaspid\", or as a sister taxon to the lampreys, its difficulty in classification due to difficulties in reconstructing the anatomy; it does not possess any usual chordate"],"query":"what was the first kind of vertebrate to exist on earth?","answers":["believed to be the Myllokunmingia","the Myllokunmingia","Myllokunmingia"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) Ma (megaannum, million years ago). The Devonian Period (395 to 345 Ma) brought in the changes that allowed primitive air-breathing fish to remain on land as long as they wished, thus becoming the first terrestrial vertebrates, the amphibians. Amphibians developed forms of reproduction and locomotion and a metabolism better suited for life exclusively on land, becoming more reptilian. Full-fledged reptiles appeared in the Carboniferous Period (345 to 280 Ma). The reptilian changes and adaptations to diet and geography are chronicled in the fossil record of the varying forms of therapsida. True mammals showed up in the Triassic Period (225 to","Document [2](Title: Evolution of mammals) their choice was based on the fact that \"the lower jaw is the most likely skeletal element of a Mesozoic mammal to be preserved.\" Today, most paleontologists consider that animals are mammals if they satisfy this criterion. The first fully terrestrial vertebrates were amniotes \u2014 their eggs had internal membranes that allowed the developing embryo to breathe but kept water in. This allowed amniotes to lay eggs on dry land, while amphibians generally need to lay their eggs in water (a few amphibians, such as the common Suriname toad, have evolved other ways of getting around this limitation). The first","Document [3](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) Vertebrate paleontology Vertebrate paleontology is the subfield of paleontology that seeks to discover, through the study of fossilized remains, the behavior, reproduction and appearance of extinct animals with vertebrae or a notochord. It also tries to connect, by using the evolutionary timeline, the animals of the past and their modern-day relatives. The fossil record shows aspects of the meandering evolutionary path from early aquatic vertebrates to mammals, with a host of transitional fossils, though there are still large blank areas. The earliest known fossil vertebrates were heavily armored fish discovered in rocks from the Ordovician Period about 500 to 430","Document [4](Title: Casineria) \"Casineria\", vertebrates were primarily aquatic, only spending part of their time on land. \"Casineria\" and its relatives were the first vertebrates to live and reproduce on land. In 1992, an amateur fossil collector spotted the remnants of this four-legged creature on the shore of Cheese Bay, Scotland. For the next five years, the fossil languished at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh while researchers focused on other projects. Consisting of a slab and counterslab (compression fossil) of a single partial skeleton, the fossil was cataloged with the specimen designation NMS G.1993.54.1. Around 1997, work began to expose the remainder","Document [5](Title: Brain) work: The first vertebrates appeared over 500 million years ago (Mya), during the Cambrian period, and may have resembled the modern hagfish in form. Sharks appeared about 450 Mya, amphibians about 400 Mya, reptiles about 350 Mya, and mammals about 200 Mya. Each species has an equally long evolutionary history, but the brains of modern hagfishes, lampreys, sharks, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals show a gradient of size and complexity that roughly follows the evolutionary sequence. All of these brains contain the same set of basic anatomical components, but many are rudimentary in the hagfish, whereas in mammals the foremost part","Document [6](Title: Julia Clarke) Vega Island in the Antarctic in 1992, Vegavis iaai which was an early relative of ducks and geese in 2005. It is thought to be the only species of modern bird to have lived at the time of the dinosaurs. She studied the voice organ (syrinx) of a fossil originally found in 1992. The findings by her and other researchers was published in the science journal Nature. Fossils of the ancient bird Inkayacu were first discovered in 2008 on the Pacific coast of Ica, Peru. A nearly complete skeleton was uncovered in the Paracas National Reserve by a team led","Document [7](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) beginning the serious study into the lives of extinct animals. With the publication of the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin in 1849, the field got a theoretical framework. Much of the subsequent work has been to map the relationship between fossil and extant organisms, as well as their history through time. In modern times, Alfred Romer (1894\u20131973) wrote what has been termed the definitive textbook on the subject, called \"Vertebrate Paleontology\". It shows the progression of evolution in fossil fish, and amphibians and reptiles through comparative anatomy, including a list of all the (then) known fossil vertebrate genera. Romer","Document [8](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) 190 Ma) around the same time as the dinosaurs, which also sprouted from the reptilian line. Birds first diverged from dinosaurs between 100 Ma and 60 Ma. One of the people who helped figure out the vertebrate progression was French zoologist Georges Cuvier (1769\u20131832), who realized that fossils found in older rock strata differed greatly from more recent fossils or modern animals. He published his findings in 1812 and, although he steadfastly refuted evolution, his work proved the (at the time) contested theory of extinction of species. Thomas Jefferson is credited with initiating the science of vertebrate paleontology in the","Document [9](Title: Evolution of mammalian auditory ossicles) in. This allowed amniotes to lay eggs on dry land, while amphibians generally need to lay their eggs in water. The first amniotes apparently arose in the late Carboniferous from the ancestral reptiliomorphs (a group of amphibians whose only living descendants are amniotes). Within a few million years two important amniote lineages became distinct: mammals' synapsid ancestors and the sauropsids, from which lizards, snakes, crocodilians, dinosaurs and birds are descended. The earliest known fossils of all these groups date from about 320 to 315M years ago. It is difficult to be sure about when each of them evolved, since vertebrate","Document [10](Title: Vertebrate) Vertebrates originated about 525 million years ago during the Cambrian explosion, which saw the rise in organism diversity. The earliest known vertebrate is believed to be the Myllokunmingia. Another early vertebrate is Haikouichthys ercaicunensis. Unlike the other fauna that dominated the Cambrian, these groups had the basic vertebrate body plan: a notochord, rudimentary vertebrae, and a well-defined head and tail. All of these early vertebrates lacked jaws in the common sense and relied on filter feeding close to the seabed. A vertebrate group of uncertain phylogeny, small-eel-like conodonts, are known from microfossils of their paired tooth segments from the late","Document [11](Title: Paleozoology) classify species adhering to a rod-shaped, flexible body type called a notochord. They differ from other phyla in that other phyla may have cartilage or cartilage-like tissues forming a sort of skeleton, but only vertebrates possess what we define as bone. Classes of vertebrates listed in chronological order from oldest to most recent include heterostracans, osteostracans, coelolepid agnathans, acanthodians, osteichthyan fishes, chondrichthyan fishes, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds. All vertebrates are studied under standard evolutionary generalizations of behavior and life process, although there is controversy over whether population can be accurately estimated from limited fossil resources. Evolutionary origins of vertebrates","Document [12](Title: John A. Long) Devonian fishes showing embryos inside them. This later discovery, published in the journal \"Nature\" (May 2008) was the first time that reproduction by internal fertilisation was demonstrated in the extinct Class Placodermi, and the oldest evidence for vertebrate viviparity yet discovered. One of the specimens, named \"Materpiscis\", was also the only known fossil to show a mineralised umbilical structure linked to the unborn embryo. Nature magazine made a short documentary video about this discovery. Other Gogo fish fossils have been found showing remarkable preservation of 3-D muscle tissues, nerve cells and microcapillaries, making this one of the world's most extraordinary","Document [13](Title: Life) of vertebrates and invertebrates respectively, and divided the blooded animals into five groups: viviparous quadrupeds (mammals), oviparous quadrupeds (reptiles and amphibians), birds, fishes and whales. The bloodless animals were also divided into five groups: cephalopods, crustaceans, insects (which included the spiders, scorpions, and centipedes, in addition to what we define as insects today), shelled animals (such as most molluscs and echinoderms), and \"zoophytes\" (animals that resemble plants). Though Aristotle's work in zoology was not without errors, it was the grandest biological synthesis of the time and remained the ultimate authority for many centuries after his death. The exploration of the","Document [14](Title: Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer)) Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer) Vertebrate Paleontology is an advanced textbook on vertebrate paleontology by Alfred Sherwood Romer, published by the University of Chicago Press. It went through three editions (1933, 1945, 1966) and for many years constituted a very authoritative work and the definitive coverage of the subject. A condensed version centering on comparative anatomy, coauthored by T.S. Parson came in 1977, remaining in print until 1985. The 1987 book \"Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution\" by Robert L. Carroll is largely based on Romer's book. The book provides a very detailed and comprehensive technical account of every main group of living and","Document [15](Title: Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution) Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution is an advanced textbook on vertebrate paleontology by Robert L. Carroll, published in 1988 by WH Freeman. It provides a very detailed technical account of various groups of living and fossil vertebrates. The book, which is written in the style of Alfred Sherwood Romer's \"Vertebrate Paleontology\", presented more recent overall coverage of the subject. At the rear of the book is a 53-page Classification list which lists every genus known at the time of publication, along with locality and stratigraphic range. \"Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution\" appeared in print in 1988, just before","Document [16](Title: History of Earth) the terrestrial plants. There is also unconfirmed evidence that arthropods may have appeared on land as early as 530 Ma. At the end of the Ordovician period, 443 Ma, additional extinction events occurred, perhaps due to a concurrent ice age. Around 380 to 375 Ma, the first tetrapods evolved from fish. Fins evolved to become limbs that the first tetrapods used to lift their heads out of the water to breathe air. This would let them live in oxygen-poor water, or pursue small prey in shallow water. They may have later ventured on land for brief periods. Eventually, some of","Document [17](Title: Evolution of mammals) amniotes apparently arose in the middle Carboniferous from the ancestral reptiliomorphs. Within a few million years, two important amniote lineages became distinct: mammals' synapsid ancestors and the sauropsids, from which lizards, snakes, turtles\/tortoises, crocodilians, dinosaurs, and birds are descended. The earliest known fossils of synapsids and sauropsids (such as \"Archaeothyris\" and \"Hylonomus\", respectively) date from about 320 to 315 million years ago. The times of origin are difficult to know, because vertebrate fossils from the late Carboniferous are very rare, and therefore the actual first occurrences of each of these types of animal might have been considerably earlier than the","Document [18](Title: Aristotle's biology) \"Enhaima\" (the modern zoologist's vertebrates) and animals without blood, \"Anhaima\" (invertebrates). Animals with blood included live-bearing tetrapods, \"Z\u014diotoka tetrapoda\" (roughly, the mammals), being warm, having four legs, and giving birth to their young. The cetaceans, \"K\u0113t\u014dd\u0113\", also had blood and gave birth to live young, but did not have legs, and therefore formed a separate group (\"megista gen\u0113\", defined by a set of functioning \"parts\"). The birds, \"Ornithes\" had blood and laid eggs, but had only 2 legs and were a distinct form (\"eidos\") with feathers and beaks instead of teeth, so they too formed a distinct group, of over","Document [19](Title: Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer)) fossil vertebrates, though the mammal-like reptiles are covered in particular, these being Romer's main interest. At the rear of the book is a classification list which includes every genus known at the time of publication, along with locality and stratigraphic range. Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer) Vertebrate Paleontology is an advanced textbook on vertebrate paleontology by Alfred Sherwood Romer, published by the University of Chicago Press. It went through three editions (1933, 1945, 1966) and for many years constituted a very authoritative work and the definitive coverage of the subject. A condensed version centering on comparative anatomy, coauthored by T.S. Parson came","Document [20](Title: Jamoytius) that clade. It is also the earliest known vertebrate with camera-type eyes. It also possessed weakly mineralised scales. \"Jamoytius\" was originally named by Errol White on the basis of two specimens (the generic name is a reference to J. A. Moy-Thomas) and, at the time, it was considered to be the most basal vertebrate known. Since then, it has been reclassified by many workers as having many different affinities, such as an \"unspecialized anaspid\", or as a sister taxon to the lampreys, its difficulty in classification due to difficulties in reconstructing the anatomy; it does not possess any usual chordate"],"query":"what was the first kind of vertebrate to exist on earth?","answers":["believed to be the Myllokunmingia","the Myllokunmingia","Myllokunmingia"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) Ma (megaannum, million years ago). The Devonian Period (395 to 345 Ma) brought in the changes that allowed primitive air-breathing fish to remain on land as long as they wished, thus becoming the first terrestrial vertebrates, the amphibians. Amphibians developed forms of reproduction and locomotion and a metabolism better suited for life exclusively on land, becoming more reptilian. Full-fledged reptiles appeared in the Carboniferous Period (345 to 280 Ma). The reptilian changes and adaptations to diet and geography are chronicled in the fossil record of the varying forms of therapsida. True mammals showed up in the Triassic Period (225 to","Document [2](Title: Evolution of mammals) their choice was based on the fact that \"the lower jaw is the most likely skeletal element of a Mesozoic mammal to be preserved.\" Today, most paleontologists consider that animals are mammals if they satisfy this criterion. The first fully terrestrial vertebrates were amniotes \u2014 their eggs had internal membranes that allowed the developing embryo to breathe but kept water in. This allowed amniotes to lay eggs on dry land, while amphibians generally need to lay their eggs in water (a few amphibians, such as the common Suriname toad, have evolved other ways of getting around this limitation). The first","Document [3](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) Vertebrate paleontology Vertebrate paleontology is the subfield of paleontology that seeks to discover, through the study of fossilized remains, the behavior, reproduction and appearance of extinct animals with vertebrae or a notochord. It also tries to connect, by using the evolutionary timeline, the animals of the past and their modern-day relatives. The fossil record shows aspects of the meandering evolutionary path from early aquatic vertebrates to mammals, with a host of transitional fossils, though there are still large blank areas. The earliest known fossil vertebrates were heavily armored fish discovered in rocks from the Ordovician Period about 500 to 430","Document [4](Title: Casineria) \"Casineria\", vertebrates were primarily aquatic, only spending part of their time on land. \"Casineria\" and its relatives were the first vertebrates to live and reproduce on land. In 1992, an amateur fossil collector spotted the remnants of this four-legged creature on the shore of Cheese Bay, Scotland. For the next five years, the fossil languished at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh while researchers focused on other projects. Consisting of a slab and counterslab (compression fossil) of a single partial skeleton, the fossil was cataloged with the specimen designation NMS G.1993.54.1. Around 1997, work began to expose the remainder","Document [5](Title: Brain) work: The first vertebrates appeared over 500 million years ago (Mya), during the Cambrian period, and may have resembled the modern hagfish in form. Sharks appeared about 450 Mya, amphibians about 400 Mya, reptiles about 350 Mya, and mammals about 200 Mya. Each species has an equally long evolutionary history, but the brains of modern hagfishes, lampreys, sharks, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals show a gradient of size and complexity that roughly follows the evolutionary sequence. All of these brains contain the same set of basic anatomical components, but many are rudimentary in the hagfish, whereas in mammals the foremost part","Document [6](Title: Julia Clarke) Vega Island in the Antarctic in 1992, Vegavis iaai which was an early relative of ducks and geese in 2005. It is thought to be the only species of modern bird to have lived at the time of the dinosaurs. She studied the voice organ (syrinx) of a fossil originally found in 1992. The findings by her and other researchers was published in the science journal Nature. Fossils of the ancient bird Inkayacu were first discovered in 2008 on the Pacific coast of Ica, Peru. A nearly complete skeleton was uncovered in the Paracas National Reserve by a team led","Document [7](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) beginning the serious study into the lives of extinct animals. With the publication of the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin in 1849, the field got a theoretical framework. Much of the subsequent work has been to map the relationship between fossil and extant organisms, as well as their history through time. In modern times, Alfred Romer (1894\u20131973) wrote what has been termed the definitive textbook on the subject, called \"Vertebrate Paleontology\". It shows the progression of evolution in fossil fish, and amphibians and reptiles through comparative anatomy, including a list of all the (then) known fossil vertebrate genera. Romer","Document [8](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) 190 Ma) around the same time as the dinosaurs, which also sprouted from the reptilian line. Birds first diverged from dinosaurs between 100 Ma and 60 Ma. One of the people who helped figure out the vertebrate progression was French zoologist Georges Cuvier (1769\u20131832), who realized that fossils found in older rock strata differed greatly from more recent fossils or modern animals. He published his findings in 1812 and, although he steadfastly refuted evolution, his work proved the (at the time) contested theory of extinction of species. Thomas Jefferson is credited with initiating the science of vertebrate paleontology in the","Document [9](Title: Evolution of mammalian auditory ossicles) in. This allowed amniotes to lay eggs on dry land, while amphibians generally need to lay their eggs in water. The first amniotes apparently arose in the late Carboniferous from the ancestral reptiliomorphs (a group of amphibians whose only living descendants are amniotes). Within a few million years two important amniote lineages became distinct: mammals' synapsid ancestors and the sauropsids, from which lizards, snakes, crocodilians, dinosaurs and birds are descended. The earliest known fossils of all these groups date from about 320 to 315M years ago. It is difficult to be sure about when each of them evolved, since vertebrate","Document [10](Title: Paleozoology) classify species adhering to a rod-shaped, flexible body type called a notochord. They differ from other phyla in that other phyla may have cartilage or cartilage-like tissues forming a sort of skeleton, but only vertebrates possess what we define as bone. Classes of vertebrates listed in chronological order from oldest to most recent include heterostracans, osteostracans, coelolepid agnathans, acanthodians, osteichthyan fishes, chondrichthyan fishes, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds. All vertebrates are studied under standard evolutionary generalizations of behavior and life process, although there is controversy over whether population can be accurately estimated from limited fossil resources. Evolutionary origins of vertebrates","Document [11](Title: John A. Long) Devonian fishes showing embryos inside them. This later discovery, published in the journal \"Nature\" (May 2008) was the first time that reproduction by internal fertilisation was demonstrated in the extinct Class Placodermi, and the oldest evidence for vertebrate viviparity yet discovered. One of the specimens, named \"Materpiscis\", was also the only known fossil to show a mineralised umbilical structure linked to the unborn embryo. Nature magazine made a short documentary video about this discovery. Other Gogo fish fossils have been found showing remarkable preservation of 3-D muscle tissues, nerve cells and microcapillaries, making this one of the world's most extraordinary","Document [12](Title: Life) of vertebrates and invertebrates respectively, and divided the blooded animals into five groups: viviparous quadrupeds (mammals), oviparous quadrupeds (reptiles and amphibians), birds, fishes and whales. The bloodless animals were also divided into five groups: cephalopods, crustaceans, insects (which included the spiders, scorpions, and centipedes, in addition to what we define as insects today), shelled animals (such as most molluscs and echinoderms), and \"zoophytes\" (animals that resemble plants). Though Aristotle's work in zoology was not without errors, it was the grandest biological synthesis of the time and remained the ultimate authority for many centuries after his death. The exploration of the","Document [13](Title: Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer)) Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer) Vertebrate Paleontology is an advanced textbook on vertebrate paleontology by Alfred Sherwood Romer, published by the University of Chicago Press. It went through three editions (1933, 1945, 1966) and for many years constituted a very authoritative work and the definitive coverage of the subject. A condensed version centering on comparative anatomy, coauthored by T.S. Parson came in 1977, remaining in print until 1985. The 1987 book \"Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution\" by Robert L. Carroll is largely based on Romer's book. The book provides a very detailed and comprehensive technical account of every main group of living and","Document [14](Title: Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution) Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution is an advanced textbook on vertebrate paleontology by Robert L. Carroll, published in 1988 by WH Freeman. It provides a very detailed technical account of various groups of living and fossil vertebrates. The book, which is written in the style of Alfred Sherwood Romer's \"Vertebrate Paleontology\", presented more recent overall coverage of the subject. At the rear of the book is a 53-page Classification list which lists every genus known at the time of publication, along with locality and stratigraphic range. \"Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution\" appeared in print in 1988, just before","Document [15](Title: Vertebrate) Vertebrates originated about 525 million years ago during the Cambrian explosion, which saw the rise in organism diversity. The earliest known vertebrate is believed to be the Myllokunmingia. Another early vertebrate is Haikouichthys ercaicunensis. Unlike the other fauna that dominated the Cambrian, these groups had the basic vertebrate body plan: a notochord, rudimentary vertebrae, and a well-defined head and tail. All of these early vertebrates lacked jaws in the common sense and relied on filter feeding close to the seabed. A vertebrate group of uncertain phylogeny, small-eel-like conodonts, are known from microfossils of their paired tooth segments from the late","Document [16](Title: History of Earth) the terrestrial plants. There is also unconfirmed evidence that arthropods may have appeared on land as early as 530 Ma. At the end of the Ordovician period, 443 Ma, additional extinction events occurred, perhaps due to a concurrent ice age. Around 380 to 375 Ma, the first tetrapods evolved from fish. Fins evolved to become limbs that the first tetrapods used to lift their heads out of the water to breathe air. This would let them live in oxygen-poor water, or pursue small prey in shallow water. They may have later ventured on land for brief periods. Eventually, some of","Document [17](Title: Evolution of mammals) amniotes apparently arose in the middle Carboniferous from the ancestral reptiliomorphs. Within a few million years, two important amniote lineages became distinct: mammals' synapsid ancestors and the sauropsids, from which lizards, snakes, turtles\/tortoises, crocodilians, dinosaurs, and birds are descended. The earliest known fossils of synapsids and sauropsids (such as \"Archaeothyris\" and \"Hylonomus\", respectively) date from about 320 to 315 million years ago. The times of origin are difficult to know, because vertebrate fossils from the late Carboniferous are very rare, and therefore the actual first occurrences of each of these types of animal might have been considerably earlier than the","Document [18](Title: Aristotle's biology) \"Enhaima\" (the modern zoologist's vertebrates) and animals without blood, \"Anhaima\" (invertebrates). Animals with blood included live-bearing tetrapods, \"Z\u014diotoka tetrapoda\" (roughly, the mammals), being warm, having four legs, and giving birth to their young. The cetaceans, \"K\u0113t\u014dd\u0113\", also had blood and gave birth to live young, but did not have legs, and therefore formed a separate group (\"megista gen\u0113\", defined by a set of functioning \"parts\"). The birds, \"Ornithes\" had blood and laid eggs, but had only 2 legs and were a distinct form (\"eidos\") with feathers and beaks instead of teeth, so they too formed a distinct group, of over","Document [19](Title: Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer)) fossil vertebrates, though the mammal-like reptiles are covered in particular, these being Romer's main interest. At the rear of the book is a classification list which includes every genus known at the time of publication, along with locality and stratigraphic range. Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer) Vertebrate Paleontology is an advanced textbook on vertebrate paleontology by Alfred Sherwood Romer, published by the University of Chicago Press. It went through three editions (1933, 1945, 1966) and for many years constituted a very authoritative work and the definitive coverage of the subject. A condensed version centering on comparative anatomy, coauthored by T.S. Parson came","Document [20](Title: Jamoytius) that clade. It is also the earliest known vertebrate with camera-type eyes. It also possessed weakly mineralised scales. \"Jamoytius\" was originally named by Errol White on the basis of two specimens (the generic name is a reference to J. A. Moy-Thomas) and, at the time, it was considered to be the most basal vertebrate known. Since then, it has been reclassified by many workers as having many different affinities, such as an \"unspecialized anaspid\", or as a sister taxon to the lampreys, its difficulty in classification due to difficulties in reconstructing the anatomy; it does not possess any usual chordate"],"query":"what was the first kind of vertebrate to exist on earth?","answers":["believed to be the Myllokunmingia","the Myllokunmingia","Myllokunmingia"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) Ma (megaannum, million years ago). The Devonian Period (395 to 345 Ma) brought in the changes that allowed primitive air-breathing fish to remain on land as long as they wished, thus becoming the first terrestrial vertebrates, the amphibians. Amphibians developed forms of reproduction and locomotion and a metabolism better suited for life exclusively on land, becoming more reptilian. Full-fledged reptiles appeared in the Carboniferous Period (345 to 280 Ma). The reptilian changes and adaptations to diet and geography are chronicled in the fossil record of the varying forms of therapsida. True mammals showed up in the Triassic Period (225 to","Document [2](Title: Evolution of mammals) their choice was based on the fact that \"the lower jaw is the most likely skeletal element of a Mesozoic mammal to be preserved.\" Today, most paleontologists consider that animals are mammals if they satisfy this criterion. The first fully terrestrial vertebrates were amniotes \u2014 their eggs had internal membranes that allowed the developing embryo to breathe but kept water in. This allowed amniotes to lay eggs on dry land, while amphibians generally need to lay their eggs in water (a few amphibians, such as the common Suriname toad, have evolved other ways of getting around this limitation). The first","Document [3](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) Vertebrate paleontology Vertebrate paleontology is the subfield of paleontology that seeks to discover, through the study of fossilized remains, the behavior, reproduction and appearance of extinct animals with vertebrae or a notochord. It also tries to connect, by using the evolutionary timeline, the animals of the past and their modern-day relatives. The fossil record shows aspects of the meandering evolutionary path from early aquatic vertebrates to mammals, with a host of transitional fossils, though there are still large blank areas. The earliest known fossil vertebrates were heavily armored fish discovered in rocks from the Ordovician Period about 500 to 430","Document [4](Title: Casineria) \"Casineria\", vertebrates were primarily aquatic, only spending part of their time on land. \"Casineria\" and its relatives were the first vertebrates to live and reproduce on land. In 1992, an amateur fossil collector spotted the remnants of this four-legged creature on the shore of Cheese Bay, Scotland. For the next five years, the fossil languished at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh while researchers focused on other projects. Consisting of a slab and counterslab (compression fossil) of a single partial skeleton, the fossil was cataloged with the specimen designation NMS G.1993.54.1. Around 1997, work began to expose the remainder","Document [5](Title: Brain) work: The first vertebrates appeared over 500 million years ago (Mya), during the Cambrian period, and may have resembled the modern hagfish in form. Sharks appeared about 450 Mya, amphibians about 400 Mya, reptiles about 350 Mya, and mammals about 200 Mya. Each species has an equally long evolutionary history, but the brains of modern hagfishes, lampreys, sharks, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals show a gradient of size and complexity that roughly follows the evolutionary sequence. All of these brains contain the same set of basic anatomical components, but many are rudimentary in the hagfish, whereas in mammals the foremost part","Document [6](Title: Julia Clarke) Vega Island in the Antarctic in 1992, Vegavis iaai which was an early relative of ducks and geese in 2005. It is thought to be the only species of modern bird to have lived at the time of the dinosaurs. She studied the voice organ (syrinx) of a fossil originally found in 1992. The findings by her and other researchers was published in the science journal Nature. Fossils of the ancient bird Inkayacu were first discovered in 2008 on the Pacific coast of Ica, Peru. A nearly complete skeleton was uncovered in the Paracas National Reserve by a team led","Document [7](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) beginning the serious study into the lives of extinct animals. With the publication of the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin in 1849, the field got a theoretical framework. Much of the subsequent work has been to map the relationship between fossil and extant organisms, as well as their history through time. In modern times, Alfred Romer (1894\u20131973) wrote what has been termed the definitive textbook on the subject, called \"Vertebrate Paleontology\". It shows the progression of evolution in fossil fish, and amphibians and reptiles through comparative anatomy, including a list of all the (then) known fossil vertebrate genera. Romer","Document [8](Title: Vertebrate paleontology) 190 Ma) around the same time as the dinosaurs, which also sprouted from the reptilian line. Birds first diverged from dinosaurs between 100 Ma and 60 Ma. One of the people who helped figure out the vertebrate progression was French zoologist Georges Cuvier (1769\u20131832), who realized that fossils found in older rock strata differed greatly from more recent fossils or modern animals. He published his findings in 1812 and, although he steadfastly refuted evolution, his work proved the (at the time) contested theory of extinction of species. Thomas Jefferson is credited with initiating the science of vertebrate paleontology in the","Document [9](Title: Evolution of mammalian auditory ossicles) in. This allowed amniotes to lay eggs on dry land, while amphibians generally need to lay their eggs in water. The first amniotes apparently arose in the late Carboniferous from the ancestral reptiliomorphs (a group of amphibians whose only living descendants are amniotes). Within a few million years two important amniote lineages became distinct: mammals' synapsid ancestors and the sauropsids, from which lizards, snakes, crocodilians, dinosaurs and birds are descended. The earliest known fossils of all these groups date from about 320 to 315M years ago. It is difficult to be sure about when each of them evolved, since vertebrate","Document [10](Title: Paleozoology) classify species adhering to a rod-shaped, flexible body type called a notochord. They differ from other phyla in that other phyla may have cartilage or cartilage-like tissues forming a sort of skeleton, but only vertebrates possess what we define as bone. Classes of vertebrates listed in chronological order from oldest to most recent include heterostracans, osteostracans, coelolepid agnathans, acanthodians, osteichthyan fishes, chondrichthyan fishes, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds. All vertebrates are studied under standard evolutionary generalizations of behavior and life process, although there is controversy over whether population can be accurately estimated from limited fossil resources. Evolutionary origins of vertebrates","Document [11](Title: John A. Long) Devonian fishes showing embryos inside them. This later discovery, published in the journal \"Nature\" (May 2008) was the first time that reproduction by internal fertilisation was demonstrated in the extinct Class Placodermi, and the oldest evidence for vertebrate viviparity yet discovered. One of the specimens, named \"Materpiscis\", was also the only known fossil to show a mineralised umbilical structure linked to the unborn embryo. Nature magazine made a short documentary video about this discovery. Other Gogo fish fossils have been found showing remarkable preservation of 3-D muscle tissues, nerve cells and microcapillaries, making this one of the world's most extraordinary","Document [12](Title: Life) of vertebrates and invertebrates respectively, and divided the blooded animals into five groups: viviparous quadrupeds (mammals), oviparous quadrupeds (reptiles and amphibians), birds, fishes and whales. The bloodless animals were also divided into five groups: cephalopods, crustaceans, insects (which included the spiders, scorpions, and centipedes, in addition to what we define as insects today), shelled animals (such as most molluscs and echinoderms), and \"zoophytes\" (animals that resemble plants). Though Aristotle's work in zoology was not without errors, it was the grandest biological synthesis of the time and remained the ultimate authority for many centuries after his death. The exploration of the","Document [13](Title: Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer)) Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer) Vertebrate Paleontology is an advanced textbook on vertebrate paleontology by Alfred Sherwood Romer, published by the University of Chicago Press. It went through three editions (1933, 1945, 1966) and for many years constituted a very authoritative work and the definitive coverage of the subject. A condensed version centering on comparative anatomy, coauthored by T.S. Parson came in 1977, remaining in print until 1985. The 1987 book \"Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution\" by Robert L. Carroll is largely based on Romer's book. The book provides a very detailed and comprehensive technical account of every main group of living and","Document [14](Title: Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution) Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution is an advanced textbook on vertebrate paleontology by Robert L. Carroll, published in 1988 by WH Freeman. It provides a very detailed technical account of various groups of living and fossil vertebrates. The book, which is written in the style of Alfred Sherwood Romer's \"Vertebrate Paleontology\", presented more recent overall coverage of the subject. At the rear of the book is a 53-page Classification list which lists every genus known at the time of publication, along with locality and stratigraphic range. \"Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution\" appeared in print in 1988, just before","Document [15](Title: History of Earth) the terrestrial plants. There is also unconfirmed evidence that arthropods may have appeared on land as early as 530 Ma. At the end of the Ordovician period, 443 Ma, additional extinction events occurred, perhaps due to a concurrent ice age. Around 380 to 375 Ma, the first tetrapods evolved from fish. Fins evolved to become limbs that the first tetrapods used to lift their heads out of the water to breathe air. This would let them live in oxygen-poor water, or pursue small prey in shallow water. They may have later ventured on land for brief periods. Eventually, some of","Document [16](Title: Evolution of mammals) amniotes apparently arose in the middle Carboniferous from the ancestral reptiliomorphs. Within a few million years, two important amniote lineages became distinct: mammals' synapsid ancestors and the sauropsids, from which lizards, snakes, turtles\/tortoises, crocodilians, dinosaurs, and birds are descended. The earliest known fossils of synapsids and sauropsids (such as \"Archaeothyris\" and \"Hylonomus\", respectively) date from about 320 to 315 million years ago. The times of origin are difficult to know, because vertebrate fossils from the late Carboniferous are very rare, and therefore the actual first occurrences of each of these types of animal might have been considerably earlier than the","Document [17](Title: Aristotle's biology) \"Enhaima\" (the modern zoologist's vertebrates) and animals without blood, \"Anhaima\" (invertebrates). Animals with blood included live-bearing tetrapods, \"Z\u014diotoka tetrapoda\" (roughly, the mammals), being warm, having four legs, and giving birth to their young. The cetaceans, \"K\u0113t\u014dd\u0113\", also had blood and gave birth to live young, but did not have legs, and therefore formed a separate group (\"megista gen\u0113\", defined by a set of functioning \"parts\"). The birds, \"Ornithes\" had blood and laid eggs, but had only 2 legs and were a distinct form (\"eidos\") with feathers and beaks instead of teeth, so they too formed a distinct group, of over","Document [18](Title: Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer)) fossil vertebrates, though the mammal-like reptiles are covered in particular, these being Romer's main interest. At the rear of the book is a classification list which includes every genus known at the time of publication, along with locality and stratigraphic range. Vertebrate Paleontology (Romer) Vertebrate Paleontology is an advanced textbook on vertebrate paleontology by Alfred Sherwood Romer, published by the University of Chicago Press. It went through three editions (1933, 1945, 1966) and for many years constituted a very authoritative work and the definitive coverage of the subject. A condensed version centering on comparative anatomy, coauthored by T.S. Parson came","Document [19](Title: Jamoytius) that clade. It is also the earliest known vertebrate with camera-type eyes. It also possessed weakly mineralised scales. \"Jamoytius\" was originally named by Errol White on the basis of two specimens (the generic name is a reference to J. A. Moy-Thomas) and, at the time, it was considered to be the most basal vertebrate known. Since then, it has been reclassified by many workers as having many different affinities, such as an \"unspecialized anaspid\", or as a sister taxon to the lampreys, its difficulty in classification due to difficulties in reconstructing the anatomy; it does not possess any usual chordate","Document [20](Title: Vertebrate) Vertebrates originated about 525 million years ago during the Cambrian explosion, which saw the rise in organism diversity. The earliest known vertebrate is believed to be the Myllokunmingia. Another early vertebrate is Haikouichthys ercaicunensis. Unlike the other fauna that dominated the Cambrian, these groups had the basic vertebrate body plan: a notochord, rudimentary vertebrae, and a well-defined head and tail. All of these early vertebrates lacked jaws in the common sense and relied on filter feeding close to the seabed. A vertebrate group of uncertain phylogeny, small-eel-like conodonts, are known from microfossils of their paired tooth segments from the late"],"query":"what was the first kind of vertebrate to exist on earth?","answers":["believed to be the Myllokunmingia","the Myllokunmingia","Myllokunmingia"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Ten Green Bottles) \"Ten Green Bottles\" is a song that is popular in the United Kingdom. In essence, the song is a single verse repeated, each time with one bottle fewer:","Document [2](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) Threshold Theatre. Ten Green Bottles (book) Ten Green Bottles is a book by Vivian Jeanette Kaplan and a play based on the book. It is the true story of a Jewish family that escaped from Nazi-occupied Vienna to Shanghai under Japanese rule. The book was published in English in Canada and in the U.S. by St. Martin's Press in 2004 and has been republished in Germany (as \"Von Wien nach Shanghai\"), Italy (as \"Dieci Bottiglie Verdi\"), Hungary (as \"Sanghaji Fogsag\") and China (as \"\u5341\u4e2a\u7eff\u74f6\u5b50\"). In Canada it won the Canadian Jewish Book Award and in Italy won the ADEI (Associazione","Document [3](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) Ten Green Bottles (book) Ten Green Bottles is a book by Vivian Jeanette Kaplan and a play based on the book. It is the true story of a Jewish family that escaped from Nazi-occupied Vienna to Shanghai under Japanese rule. The book was published in English in Canada and in the U.S. by St. Martin's Press in 2004 and has been republished in Germany (as \"Von Wien nach Shanghai\"), Italy (as \"Dieci Bottiglie Verdi\"), Hungary (as \"Sanghaji Fogsag\") and China (as \"\u5341\u4e2a\u7eff\u74f6\u5b50\"). In Canada it won the Canadian Jewish Book Award and in Italy won the ADEI (Associazione Donne Ebree","Document [4](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) d'Italia) - WIZO Award. It has received generally positive critical reviews in the North American press. The title of the book comes from the song sung in Marco's Bar by British servicemen stationed in Shanghai. The book is told from the viewpoint of the author's mother and starts in 1921. Gerda Karpel (referred to always as Nini in the book) is a 5-year-old Jewish girl living in Vienna in 1921. She comes from an upper-middle-class family. The book starts with the birth of Nini's brother, Willi, and chronicles the death of Nini's father shortly after the birth. The book then","Document [5](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) greets them on arrival and to the moving of most Jews into a ghetto in the Hongkou District. During that time, they purchase ownership in a bar owned by Marco, a Bulgarian Jew; this is where Nini heard the song \"Ten Green Bottles\". The book ends with the family leaving Shanghai for Richmond Hill, Canada. The critically acclaimed world premiere of the play was performed in English in Toronto, Canada in 2009. All performances were sold out and seen by over 4,000 people. It was produced by Helena Fine of Te-Amim Theatre and written and directed by Mark Cassidy of","Document [6](Title: 99 Bottles of Beer) 99 Bottles of Beer \"99 Bottles of Beer\" is an anonymous folk song dating to the mid-20th century. It is a traditional reverse counting song in both the United States and Canada. It is popular to sing on long trips, as it has a very repetitive format which is easy to memorize and can take a long time to sing. In particular, the song is often sung by children on long bus trips, such as class field trips, or on Scout and\/or Girl Guide outings. The song's lyrics are as follows: 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles","Document [7](Title: The Bottle) it a \"strong anti-alcohol rant with a funky bass hook and chilly flute fills.\" \"The Bottle\" was later ranked number 92 on \"NME's\" list of The Top 150 Singles of All-Time and was included in \"Q\" magazine's \"1010 Songs You Must Own!\" publication. These are the formats and track listings of the U.K. single releases of \"The Bottle\": Billboard Music Charts (North America) \u2013 \"The Bottle\" Joe Bataan covered \"The Bottle\" for his 1975 album \"Afrofilipino\", though slightly re-titled \"The Bottle (La Botella)\". The Christians covered \"The Bottle\" for their 1992 album \"Happy In Hell\". Paul Weller covered \"The Bottle\"","Document [8](Title: 99 Bottles of Beer) programming languages. A simple example using classical BASIC syntax: FOR Bottle = 100 TO 1 STEP -1 NEXT Bottle Another example using C#: for (int bottleNumber = 100; 1 <= bottleNumber;) 99 Bottles of Beer \"99 Bottles of Beer\" is an anonymous folk song dating to the mid-20th century. It is a traditional reverse counting song in both the United States and Canada. It is popular to sing on long trips, as it has a very repetitive format which is easy to memorize and can take a long time to sing. In particular, the song is often sung by children","Document [9](Title: GreenBottle) its production process is highly energy intensive and whilst 62% of glass is recycled in the UK, only 50% of this is remelted. The balance is either destined for land fill, road aggregate or fibreglass insulation manufacture. In the UK more than 1.2 billion wine bottles are used every year. Although recyclable, glass containers are constituted of varying degrees of recycled glass. Green glass is made of 76% recycled glass content, clear glass just 29%. Plastic bottles require up to 4.5 times the amount carbon to produce compared to a milk GreenBottle. Most plastic, even if it has been recycled","Document [10](Title: The Glass Bottle) The Glass Bottle The Glass Bottle was an American pop band fronted by Gary Criss, whose song about bitterness and heartbreak, \"I Ain't Got Time Anymore\", was recorded in 1970 and reached #36 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart in September 1971. The band was co-produced by Dickie Goodman. Goodman had an advertising deal with a PR firm that was trying to save the glass industry from losing soda pop clients to plastic bottles, so Goodman and partner Bill Ramal formed a group, called them \"The Glass Bottle\" and produced their album. The group produced two hits, \"I Ain't Got","Document [11](Title: Green Coca-Cola Bottles) Green Coca-Cola Bottles Green Coca-Cola Bottles is a 1962 painting by Andy Warhol that depicts one hundred and twelve almost identical bottles Coca-Cola bottles. \"Green Coca-Cola Bottles\" took a mainstream item and converted it into a piece of art. Warhol\u2019s piece utilized a silkscreen technique, which mechanicalized some aspects of the painting but featured individualized \u201cunevenness\u201d across the painting. The painting engenders an optimistic message for the American public, described in Warhol\u2019s own words, \u201cWhat\u2019s grand about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same thing as the poorest... you can know","Document [12](Title: Shades of green) bottles. The first recorded use of \"bottle green\" as a color name in English was in 1816. \"Bottle green\" is a color in Prismacolor marker and pencil sets. It is also the color of the uniform of the Police Service of Northern Ireland replacing the Royal Ulster Constabulary's \"rifle green\" colored uniforms in 2001. It also the green used in uniforms for South Sydney High School in Sydney. \"Bottle green\" is also the color most associated with guide signs and street name signs in the United States. Bottle green is also the background color of the Flag of Bangladesh, as","Document [13](Title: Bottle Fairy) music and melody, but different lyrics for each version. The first four versions are named after the four seasons and are sung by a different Bottle Fairy according to her season. The final version, \"Four Seasons Song\", features all four of the Bottle Fairies. All five EDs are used in the anime, the first four playing three episodes each to roughly correspond with the progression of seasons and months and the final song playing in episode 13. Each episode of the anime also features a different ED animation corresponding to the month shown in the episode. Episode 13 shows multiple","Document [14](Title: Drinking from the Bottle) Drinking from the Bottle \"Drinking from the Bottle\" is a song by British DJ and record producer Calvin Harris from his third studio album, \"18 Months\". The song features British rapper Tinie Tempah. The song was released as a single on 27 January 2013. It has peaked at number five on the UK Singles Chart. A lyric video to accompany the release of \"Drinking from the Bottle\" was first released onto YouTube on 2 December 2012 at a total length of four minutes and one second. The official video was uploaded to Harris's YouTube's account on 21 December, after being","Document [15](Title: Drinking from the Bottle) weary response: 'Go on then, one last time won't hurt us... right?'.\" Drinking from the Bottle \"Drinking from the Bottle\" is a song by British DJ and record producer Calvin Harris from his third studio album, \"18 Months\". The song features British rapper Tinie Tempah. The song was released as a single on 27 January 2013. It has peaked at number five on the UK Singles Chart. A lyric video to accompany the release of \"Drinking from the Bottle\" was first released onto YouTube on 2 December 2012 at a total length of four minutes and one second. The official","Document [16](Title: Winter in America) and flute harmonies by Jackson. It became a popular song played at parties at the time. French music critic Pierre Jean-Critin calls it \"an epic song [...] whose infectious groove can still set dance floors alight over thirty years later.\" The song's dance and popular music sensibilities and social message engendered its appeal to listeners following its release as a single. Scott-Heron later said of the single's success and style, \"Pop music doesn't necessarily have to be shit.\" \"The Bottle\" also addresses problems of drug addiction, abortion, and incarceration, and features Scott-Heron on keyboards. Despite its grim observations, \"The Bottle\"","Document [17](Title: The Bottle) America\" (1974). It became an underground and cult hit upon its release, and the single peaked at number 15 on the R&B Singles Chart. Described by music critics as the album's best recording, the commercial success of \"The Bottle\" helped lead to Jackson's and Scott-Heron's next recording contract with Arista Records. Similar to other compositions by Scott-Heron, the song has been sampled extensively by hip hop artists. \"The Bottle\" is a social commentary on alcohol abuse with a Caribbean beat. Scott-Heron wrote it after seeing men line up every day in front of a liquor store called the Log Cabin,","Document [18](Title: Bottom of the Bottle (song)) on WorldStarHipHop October 30, 2015 and was uploaded to Currensy's official YouTube account November 2, 2015. August Alsina does not appear in the video. \"Bottom of the Bottle\" is Currensy's highest charting single of his career peaking at 97 on \"Billboard\" Hot 100. Bottom of the Bottle (song) \"Bottom of the Bottle\" is a song by American rapper Currensy featuring R&B singer August Alsina and rapper Lil Wayne. The song was released on August 28, 2015, by Jet Life Recordings and Atlantic Records as the first single from his eight studio album, \"Canal Street Confidential\" (2015). The song premiered on","Document [19](Title: Genie in a Bottle) the mashup as possible, and as a result it became their first single as a double A-side, with another song, \"Save Yourself\", reaching #10 in the UK Singles Chart. In 2016, Dove Cameron covered \"Genie in a Bottle\" with cleaner lyrics for the Disney Channel short series \"\". It has over 143 million plays on VEVO. In 2017, after her departure from Fifth Harmony, Camila Cabello released her debut single \"Crying in the Club\", which samples \"Genie in a Bottle\". \"Genie in a Bottle\" has been widely regarded as one of Aguilera's signature songs. This song gained her mainstream success","Document [20](Title: Genie in a Bottle) song follows a chord progression of Fm \u2013 E \u2013 D, and Aguilera's vocals span from F to B. Tom Lanham of \"Entertainment Weekly\" gave the song a B+ rating referencing the predictability after other performers from the \"Mickey Mouse Club\" writing \"Yet another ex-Mouseketeer scampers down the Britney-pop path with a suggestive synth ditty and a husky voice well beyond her 18 years.\" Lanham wrote her vocal performance is \"uncomfortably adult\" and called the track \"a sinfully sweet confection\". A writer for the \"Pittsburgh Post-Gazette\" gave the song a positive review calling it a \"smoldering soul-pop\" track and described"],"query":"where does the song 10 green bottles come from?","answers":["United Kingdom"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) Threshold Theatre. Ten Green Bottles (book) Ten Green Bottles is a book by Vivian Jeanette Kaplan and a play based on the book. It is the true story of a Jewish family that escaped from Nazi-occupied Vienna to Shanghai under Japanese rule. The book was published in English in Canada and in the U.S. by St. Martin's Press in 2004 and has been republished in Germany (as \"Von Wien nach Shanghai\"), Italy (as \"Dieci Bottiglie Verdi\"), Hungary (as \"Sanghaji Fogsag\") and China (as \"\u5341\u4e2a\u7eff\u74f6\u5b50\"). In Canada it won the Canadian Jewish Book Award and in Italy won the ADEI (Associazione","Document [2](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) Ten Green Bottles (book) Ten Green Bottles is a book by Vivian Jeanette Kaplan and a play based on the book. It is the true story of a Jewish family that escaped from Nazi-occupied Vienna to Shanghai under Japanese rule. The book was published in English in Canada and in the U.S. by St. Martin's Press in 2004 and has been republished in Germany (as \"Von Wien nach Shanghai\"), Italy (as \"Dieci Bottiglie Verdi\"), Hungary (as \"Sanghaji Fogsag\") and China (as \"\u5341\u4e2a\u7eff\u74f6\u5b50\"). In Canada it won the Canadian Jewish Book Award and in Italy won the ADEI (Associazione Donne Ebree","Document [3](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) d'Italia) - WIZO Award. It has received generally positive critical reviews in the North American press. The title of the book comes from the song sung in Marco's Bar by British servicemen stationed in Shanghai. The book is told from the viewpoint of the author's mother and starts in 1921. Gerda Karpel (referred to always as Nini in the book) is a 5-year-old Jewish girl living in Vienna in 1921. She comes from an upper-middle-class family. The book starts with the birth of Nini's brother, Willi, and chronicles the death of Nini's father shortly after the birth. The book then","Document [4](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) greets them on arrival and to the moving of most Jews into a ghetto in the Hongkou District. During that time, they purchase ownership in a bar owned by Marco, a Bulgarian Jew; this is where Nini heard the song \"Ten Green Bottles\". The book ends with the family leaving Shanghai for Richmond Hill, Canada. The critically acclaimed world premiere of the play was performed in English in Toronto, Canada in 2009. All performances were sold out and seen by over 4,000 people. It was produced by Helena Fine of Te-Amim Theatre and written and directed by Mark Cassidy of","Document [5](Title: Ten Green Bottles) \"Ten Green Bottles\" is a song that is popular in the United Kingdom. In essence, the song is a single verse repeated, each time with one bottle fewer:","Document [6](Title: 99 Bottles of Beer) 99 Bottles of Beer \"99 Bottles of Beer\" is an anonymous folk song dating to the mid-20th century. It is a traditional reverse counting song in both the United States and Canada. It is popular to sing on long trips, as it has a very repetitive format which is easy to memorize and can take a long time to sing. In particular, the song is often sung by children on long bus trips, such as class field trips, or on Scout and\/or Girl Guide outings. The song's lyrics are as follows: 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles","Document [7](Title: The Bottle) it a \"strong anti-alcohol rant with a funky bass hook and chilly flute fills.\" \"The Bottle\" was later ranked number 92 on \"NME's\" list of The Top 150 Singles of All-Time and was included in \"Q\" magazine's \"1010 Songs You Must Own!\" publication. These are the formats and track listings of the U.K. single releases of \"The Bottle\": Billboard Music Charts (North America) \u2013 \"The Bottle\" Joe Bataan covered \"The Bottle\" for his 1975 album \"Afrofilipino\", though slightly re-titled \"The Bottle (La Botella)\". The Christians covered \"The Bottle\" for their 1992 album \"Happy In Hell\". Paul Weller covered \"The Bottle\"","Document [8](Title: 99 Bottles of Beer) programming languages. A simple example using classical BASIC syntax: FOR Bottle = 100 TO 1 STEP -1 NEXT Bottle Another example using C#: for (int bottleNumber = 100; 1 <= bottleNumber;) 99 Bottles of Beer \"99 Bottles of Beer\" is an anonymous folk song dating to the mid-20th century. It is a traditional reverse counting song in both the United States and Canada. It is popular to sing on long trips, as it has a very repetitive format which is easy to memorize and can take a long time to sing. In particular, the song is often sung by children","Document [9](Title: GreenBottle) its production process is highly energy intensive and whilst 62% of glass is recycled in the UK, only 50% of this is remelted. The balance is either destined for land fill, road aggregate or fibreglass insulation manufacture. In the UK more than 1.2 billion wine bottles are used every year. Although recyclable, glass containers are constituted of varying degrees of recycled glass. Green glass is made of 76% recycled glass content, clear glass just 29%. Plastic bottles require up to 4.5 times the amount carbon to produce compared to a milk GreenBottle. Most plastic, even if it has been recycled","Document [10](Title: The Glass Bottle) The Glass Bottle The Glass Bottle was an American pop band fronted by Gary Criss, whose song about bitterness and heartbreak, \"I Ain't Got Time Anymore\", was recorded in 1970 and reached #36 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart in September 1971. The band was co-produced by Dickie Goodman. Goodman had an advertising deal with a PR firm that was trying to save the glass industry from losing soda pop clients to plastic bottles, so Goodman and partner Bill Ramal formed a group, called them \"The Glass Bottle\" and produced their album. The group produced two hits, \"I Ain't Got","Document [11](Title: Green Coca-Cola Bottles) Green Coca-Cola Bottles Green Coca-Cola Bottles is a 1962 painting by Andy Warhol that depicts one hundred and twelve almost identical bottles Coca-Cola bottles. \"Green Coca-Cola Bottles\" took a mainstream item and converted it into a piece of art. Warhol\u2019s piece utilized a silkscreen technique, which mechanicalized some aspects of the painting but featured individualized \u201cunevenness\u201d across the painting. The painting engenders an optimistic message for the American public, described in Warhol\u2019s own words, \u201cWhat\u2019s grand about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same thing as the poorest... you can know","Document [12](Title: Shades of green) bottles. The first recorded use of \"bottle green\" as a color name in English was in 1816. \"Bottle green\" is a color in Prismacolor marker and pencil sets. It is also the color of the uniform of the Police Service of Northern Ireland replacing the Royal Ulster Constabulary's \"rifle green\" colored uniforms in 2001. It also the green used in uniforms for South Sydney High School in Sydney. \"Bottle green\" is also the color most associated with guide signs and street name signs in the United States. Bottle green is also the background color of the Flag of Bangladesh, as","Document [13](Title: Bottle Fairy) music and melody, but different lyrics for each version. The first four versions are named after the four seasons and are sung by a different Bottle Fairy according to her season. The final version, \"Four Seasons Song\", features all four of the Bottle Fairies. All five EDs are used in the anime, the first four playing three episodes each to roughly correspond with the progression of seasons and months and the final song playing in episode 13. Each episode of the anime also features a different ED animation corresponding to the month shown in the episode. Episode 13 shows multiple","Document [14](Title: Drinking from the Bottle) Drinking from the Bottle \"Drinking from the Bottle\" is a song by British DJ and record producer Calvin Harris from his third studio album, \"18 Months\". The song features British rapper Tinie Tempah. The song was released as a single on 27 January 2013. It has peaked at number five on the UK Singles Chart. A lyric video to accompany the release of \"Drinking from the Bottle\" was first released onto YouTube on 2 December 2012 at a total length of four minutes and one second. The official video was uploaded to Harris's YouTube's account on 21 December, after being","Document [15](Title: Drinking from the Bottle) weary response: 'Go on then, one last time won't hurt us... right?'.\" Drinking from the Bottle \"Drinking from the Bottle\" is a song by British DJ and record producer Calvin Harris from his third studio album, \"18 Months\". The song features British rapper Tinie Tempah. The song was released as a single on 27 January 2013. It has peaked at number five on the UK Singles Chart. A lyric video to accompany the release of \"Drinking from the Bottle\" was first released onto YouTube on 2 December 2012 at a total length of four minutes and one second. The official","Document [16](Title: Winter in America) and flute harmonies by Jackson. It became a popular song played at parties at the time. French music critic Pierre Jean-Critin calls it \"an epic song [...] whose infectious groove can still set dance floors alight over thirty years later.\" The song's dance and popular music sensibilities and social message engendered its appeal to listeners following its release as a single. Scott-Heron later said of the single's success and style, \"Pop music doesn't necessarily have to be shit.\" \"The Bottle\" also addresses problems of drug addiction, abortion, and incarceration, and features Scott-Heron on keyboards. Despite its grim observations, \"The Bottle\"","Document [17](Title: The Bottle) America\" (1974). It became an underground and cult hit upon its release, and the single peaked at number 15 on the R&B Singles Chart. Described by music critics as the album's best recording, the commercial success of \"The Bottle\" helped lead to Jackson's and Scott-Heron's next recording contract with Arista Records. Similar to other compositions by Scott-Heron, the song has been sampled extensively by hip hop artists. \"The Bottle\" is a social commentary on alcohol abuse with a Caribbean beat. Scott-Heron wrote it after seeing men line up every day in front of a liquor store called the Log Cabin,","Document [18](Title: Bottom of the Bottle (song)) on WorldStarHipHop October 30, 2015 and was uploaded to Currensy's official YouTube account November 2, 2015. August Alsina does not appear in the video. \"Bottom of the Bottle\" is Currensy's highest charting single of his career peaking at 97 on \"Billboard\" Hot 100. Bottom of the Bottle (song) \"Bottom of the Bottle\" is a song by American rapper Currensy featuring R&B singer August Alsina and rapper Lil Wayne. The song was released on August 28, 2015, by Jet Life Recordings and Atlantic Records as the first single from his eight studio album, \"Canal Street Confidential\" (2015). The song premiered on","Document [19](Title: Genie in a Bottle) the mashup as possible, and as a result it became their first single as a double A-side, with another song, \"Save Yourself\", reaching #10 in the UK Singles Chart. In 2016, Dove Cameron covered \"Genie in a Bottle\" with cleaner lyrics for the Disney Channel short series \"\". It has over 143 million plays on VEVO. In 2017, after her departure from Fifth Harmony, Camila Cabello released her debut single \"Crying in the Club\", which samples \"Genie in a Bottle\". \"Genie in a Bottle\" has been widely regarded as one of Aguilera's signature songs. This song gained her mainstream success","Document [20](Title: Genie in a Bottle) song follows a chord progression of Fm \u2013 E \u2013 D, and Aguilera's vocals span from F to B. Tom Lanham of \"Entertainment Weekly\" gave the song a B+ rating referencing the predictability after other performers from the \"Mickey Mouse Club\" writing \"Yet another ex-Mouseketeer scampers down the Britney-pop path with a suggestive synth ditty and a husky voice well beyond her 18 years.\" Lanham wrote her vocal performance is \"uncomfortably adult\" and called the track \"a sinfully sweet confection\". A writer for the \"Pittsburgh Post-Gazette\" gave the song a positive review calling it a \"smoldering soul-pop\" track and described"],"query":"where does the song 10 green bottles come from?","answers":["United Kingdom"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) Threshold Theatre. Ten Green Bottles (book) Ten Green Bottles is a book by Vivian Jeanette Kaplan and a play based on the book. It is the true story of a Jewish family that escaped from Nazi-occupied Vienna to Shanghai under Japanese rule. The book was published in English in Canada and in the U.S. by St. Martin's Press in 2004 and has been republished in Germany (as \"Von Wien nach Shanghai\"), Italy (as \"Dieci Bottiglie Verdi\"), Hungary (as \"Sanghaji Fogsag\") and China (as \"\u5341\u4e2a\u7eff\u74f6\u5b50\"). In Canada it won the Canadian Jewish Book Award and in Italy won the ADEI (Associazione","Document [2](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) Ten Green Bottles (book) Ten Green Bottles is a book by Vivian Jeanette Kaplan and a play based on the book. It is the true story of a Jewish family that escaped from Nazi-occupied Vienna to Shanghai under Japanese rule. The book was published in English in Canada and in the U.S. by St. Martin's Press in 2004 and has been republished in Germany (as \"Von Wien nach Shanghai\"), Italy (as \"Dieci Bottiglie Verdi\"), Hungary (as \"Sanghaji Fogsag\") and China (as \"\u5341\u4e2a\u7eff\u74f6\u5b50\"). In Canada it won the Canadian Jewish Book Award and in Italy won the ADEI (Associazione Donne Ebree","Document [3](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) d'Italia) - WIZO Award. It has received generally positive critical reviews in the North American press. The title of the book comes from the song sung in Marco's Bar by British servicemen stationed in Shanghai. The book is told from the viewpoint of the author's mother and starts in 1921. Gerda Karpel (referred to always as Nini in the book) is a 5-year-old Jewish girl living in Vienna in 1921. She comes from an upper-middle-class family. The book starts with the birth of Nini's brother, Willi, and chronicles the death of Nini's father shortly after the birth. The book then","Document [4](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) greets them on arrival and to the moving of most Jews into a ghetto in the Hongkou District. During that time, they purchase ownership in a bar owned by Marco, a Bulgarian Jew; this is where Nini heard the song \"Ten Green Bottles\". The book ends with the family leaving Shanghai for Richmond Hill, Canada. The critically acclaimed world premiere of the play was performed in English in Toronto, Canada in 2009. All performances were sold out and seen by over 4,000 people. It was produced by Helena Fine of Te-Amim Theatre and written and directed by Mark Cassidy of","Document [5](Title: 99 Bottles of Beer) 99 Bottles of Beer \"99 Bottles of Beer\" is an anonymous folk song dating to the mid-20th century. It is a traditional reverse counting song in both the United States and Canada. It is popular to sing on long trips, as it has a very repetitive format which is easy to memorize and can take a long time to sing. In particular, the song is often sung by children on long bus trips, such as class field trips, or on Scout and\/or Girl Guide outings. The song's lyrics are as follows: 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles","Document [6](Title: The Bottle) it a \"strong anti-alcohol rant with a funky bass hook and chilly flute fills.\" \"The Bottle\" was later ranked number 92 on \"NME's\" list of The Top 150 Singles of All-Time and was included in \"Q\" magazine's \"1010 Songs You Must Own!\" publication. These are the formats and track listings of the U.K. single releases of \"The Bottle\": Billboard Music Charts (North America) \u2013 \"The Bottle\" Joe Bataan covered \"The Bottle\" for his 1975 album \"Afrofilipino\", though slightly re-titled \"The Bottle (La Botella)\". The Christians covered \"The Bottle\" for their 1992 album \"Happy In Hell\". Paul Weller covered \"The Bottle\"","Document [7](Title: 99 Bottles of Beer) programming languages. A simple example using classical BASIC syntax: FOR Bottle = 100 TO 1 STEP -1 NEXT Bottle Another example using C#: for (int bottleNumber = 100; 1 <= bottleNumber;) 99 Bottles of Beer \"99 Bottles of Beer\" is an anonymous folk song dating to the mid-20th century. It is a traditional reverse counting song in both the United States and Canada. It is popular to sing on long trips, as it has a very repetitive format which is easy to memorize and can take a long time to sing. In particular, the song is often sung by children","Document [8](Title: GreenBottle) its production process is highly energy intensive and whilst 62% of glass is recycled in the UK, only 50% of this is remelted. The balance is either destined for land fill, road aggregate or fibreglass insulation manufacture. In the UK more than 1.2 billion wine bottles are used every year. Although recyclable, glass containers are constituted of varying degrees of recycled glass. Green glass is made of 76% recycled glass content, clear glass just 29%. Plastic bottles require up to 4.5 times the amount carbon to produce compared to a milk GreenBottle. Most plastic, even if it has been recycled","Document [9](Title: The Glass Bottle) The Glass Bottle The Glass Bottle was an American pop band fronted by Gary Criss, whose song about bitterness and heartbreak, \"I Ain't Got Time Anymore\", was recorded in 1970 and reached #36 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart in September 1971. The band was co-produced by Dickie Goodman. Goodman had an advertising deal with a PR firm that was trying to save the glass industry from losing soda pop clients to plastic bottles, so Goodman and partner Bill Ramal formed a group, called them \"The Glass Bottle\" and produced their album. The group produced two hits, \"I Ain't Got","Document [10](Title: Ten Green Bottles) \"Ten Green Bottles\" is a song that is popular in the United Kingdom. In essence, the song is a single verse repeated, each time with one bottle fewer:","Document [11](Title: Green Coca-Cola Bottles) Green Coca-Cola Bottles Green Coca-Cola Bottles is a 1962 painting by Andy Warhol that depicts one hundred and twelve almost identical bottles Coca-Cola bottles. \"Green Coca-Cola Bottles\" took a mainstream item and converted it into a piece of art. Warhol\u2019s piece utilized a silkscreen technique, which mechanicalized some aspects of the painting but featured individualized \u201cunevenness\u201d across the painting. The painting engenders an optimistic message for the American public, described in Warhol\u2019s own words, \u201cWhat\u2019s grand about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same thing as the poorest... you can know","Document [12](Title: Shades of green) bottles. The first recorded use of \"bottle green\" as a color name in English was in 1816. \"Bottle green\" is a color in Prismacolor marker and pencil sets. It is also the color of the uniform of the Police Service of Northern Ireland replacing the Royal Ulster Constabulary's \"rifle green\" colored uniforms in 2001. It also the green used in uniforms for South Sydney High School in Sydney. \"Bottle green\" is also the color most associated with guide signs and street name signs in the United States. Bottle green is also the background color of the Flag of Bangladesh, as","Document [13](Title: Bottle Fairy) music and melody, but different lyrics for each version. The first four versions are named after the four seasons and are sung by a different Bottle Fairy according to her season. The final version, \"Four Seasons Song\", features all four of the Bottle Fairies. All five EDs are used in the anime, the first four playing three episodes each to roughly correspond with the progression of seasons and months and the final song playing in episode 13. Each episode of the anime also features a different ED animation corresponding to the month shown in the episode. Episode 13 shows multiple","Document [14](Title: Drinking from the Bottle) Drinking from the Bottle \"Drinking from the Bottle\" is a song by British DJ and record producer Calvin Harris from his third studio album, \"18 Months\". The song features British rapper Tinie Tempah. The song was released as a single on 27 January 2013. It has peaked at number five on the UK Singles Chart. A lyric video to accompany the release of \"Drinking from the Bottle\" was first released onto YouTube on 2 December 2012 at a total length of four minutes and one second. The official video was uploaded to Harris's YouTube's account on 21 December, after being","Document [15](Title: Drinking from the Bottle) weary response: 'Go on then, one last time won't hurt us... right?'.\" Drinking from the Bottle \"Drinking from the Bottle\" is a song by British DJ and record producer Calvin Harris from his third studio album, \"18 Months\". The song features British rapper Tinie Tempah. The song was released as a single on 27 January 2013. It has peaked at number five on the UK Singles Chart. A lyric video to accompany the release of \"Drinking from the Bottle\" was first released onto YouTube on 2 December 2012 at a total length of four minutes and one second. The official","Document [16](Title: Winter in America) and flute harmonies by Jackson. It became a popular song played at parties at the time. French music critic Pierre Jean-Critin calls it \"an epic song [...] whose infectious groove can still set dance floors alight over thirty years later.\" The song's dance and popular music sensibilities and social message engendered its appeal to listeners following its release as a single. Scott-Heron later said of the single's success and style, \"Pop music doesn't necessarily have to be shit.\" \"The Bottle\" also addresses problems of drug addiction, abortion, and incarceration, and features Scott-Heron on keyboards. Despite its grim observations, \"The Bottle\"","Document [17](Title: The Bottle) America\" (1974). It became an underground and cult hit upon its release, and the single peaked at number 15 on the R&B Singles Chart. Described by music critics as the album's best recording, the commercial success of \"The Bottle\" helped lead to Jackson's and Scott-Heron's next recording contract with Arista Records. Similar to other compositions by Scott-Heron, the song has been sampled extensively by hip hop artists. \"The Bottle\" is a social commentary on alcohol abuse with a Caribbean beat. Scott-Heron wrote it after seeing men line up every day in front of a liquor store called the Log Cabin,","Document [18](Title: Bottom of the Bottle (song)) on WorldStarHipHop October 30, 2015 and was uploaded to Currensy's official YouTube account November 2, 2015. August Alsina does not appear in the video. \"Bottom of the Bottle\" is Currensy's highest charting single of his career peaking at 97 on \"Billboard\" Hot 100. Bottom of the Bottle (song) \"Bottom of the Bottle\" is a song by American rapper Currensy featuring R&B singer August Alsina and rapper Lil Wayne. The song was released on August 28, 2015, by Jet Life Recordings and Atlantic Records as the first single from his eight studio album, \"Canal Street Confidential\" (2015). The song premiered on","Document [19](Title: Genie in a Bottle) the mashup as possible, and as a result it became their first single as a double A-side, with another song, \"Save Yourself\", reaching #10 in the UK Singles Chart. In 2016, Dove Cameron covered \"Genie in a Bottle\" with cleaner lyrics for the Disney Channel short series \"\". It has over 143 million plays on VEVO. In 2017, after her departure from Fifth Harmony, Camila Cabello released her debut single \"Crying in the Club\", which samples \"Genie in a Bottle\". \"Genie in a Bottle\" has been widely regarded as one of Aguilera's signature songs. This song gained her mainstream success","Document [20](Title: Genie in a Bottle) song follows a chord progression of Fm \u2013 E \u2013 D, and Aguilera's vocals span from F to B. Tom Lanham of \"Entertainment Weekly\" gave the song a B+ rating referencing the predictability after other performers from the \"Mickey Mouse Club\" writing \"Yet another ex-Mouseketeer scampers down the Britney-pop path with a suggestive synth ditty and a husky voice well beyond her 18 years.\" Lanham wrote her vocal performance is \"uncomfortably adult\" and called the track \"a sinfully sweet confection\". A writer for the \"Pittsburgh Post-Gazette\" gave the song a positive review calling it a \"smoldering soul-pop\" track and described"],"query":"where does the song 10 green bottles come from?","answers":["United Kingdom"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) Threshold Theatre. Ten Green Bottles (book) Ten Green Bottles is a book by Vivian Jeanette Kaplan and a play based on the book. It is the true story of a Jewish family that escaped from Nazi-occupied Vienna to Shanghai under Japanese rule. The book was published in English in Canada and in the U.S. by St. Martin's Press in 2004 and has been republished in Germany (as \"Von Wien nach Shanghai\"), Italy (as \"Dieci Bottiglie Verdi\"), Hungary (as \"Sanghaji Fogsag\") and China (as \"\u5341\u4e2a\u7eff\u74f6\u5b50\"). In Canada it won the Canadian Jewish Book Award and in Italy won the ADEI (Associazione","Document [2](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) Ten Green Bottles (book) Ten Green Bottles is a book by Vivian Jeanette Kaplan and a play based on the book. It is the true story of a Jewish family that escaped from Nazi-occupied Vienna to Shanghai under Japanese rule. The book was published in English in Canada and in the U.S. by St. Martin's Press in 2004 and has been republished in Germany (as \"Von Wien nach Shanghai\"), Italy (as \"Dieci Bottiglie Verdi\"), Hungary (as \"Sanghaji Fogsag\") and China (as \"\u5341\u4e2a\u7eff\u74f6\u5b50\"). In Canada it won the Canadian Jewish Book Award and in Italy won the ADEI (Associazione Donne Ebree","Document [3](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) d'Italia) - WIZO Award. It has received generally positive critical reviews in the North American press. The title of the book comes from the song sung in Marco's Bar by British servicemen stationed in Shanghai. The book is told from the viewpoint of the author's mother and starts in 1921. Gerda Karpel (referred to always as Nini in the book) is a 5-year-old Jewish girl living in Vienna in 1921. She comes from an upper-middle-class family. The book starts with the birth of Nini's brother, Willi, and chronicles the death of Nini's father shortly after the birth. The book then","Document [4](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) greets them on arrival and to the moving of most Jews into a ghetto in the Hongkou District. During that time, they purchase ownership in a bar owned by Marco, a Bulgarian Jew; this is where Nini heard the song \"Ten Green Bottles\". The book ends with the family leaving Shanghai for Richmond Hill, Canada. The critically acclaimed world premiere of the play was performed in English in Toronto, Canada in 2009. All performances were sold out and seen by over 4,000 people. It was produced by Helena Fine of Te-Amim Theatre and written and directed by Mark Cassidy of","Document [5](Title: 99 Bottles of Beer) 99 Bottles of Beer \"99 Bottles of Beer\" is an anonymous folk song dating to the mid-20th century. It is a traditional reverse counting song in both the United States and Canada. It is popular to sing on long trips, as it has a very repetitive format which is easy to memorize and can take a long time to sing. In particular, the song is often sung by children on long bus trips, such as class field trips, or on Scout and\/or Girl Guide outings. The song's lyrics are as follows: 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles","Document [6](Title: The Bottle) it a \"strong anti-alcohol rant with a funky bass hook and chilly flute fills.\" \"The Bottle\" was later ranked number 92 on \"NME's\" list of The Top 150 Singles of All-Time and was included in \"Q\" magazine's \"1010 Songs You Must Own!\" publication. These are the formats and track listings of the U.K. single releases of \"The Bottle\": Billboard Music Charts (North America) \u2013 \"The Bottle\" Joe Bataan covered \"The Bottle\" for his 1975 album \"Afrofilipino\", though slightly re-titled \"The Bottle (La Botella)\". The Christians covered \"The Bottle\" for their 1992 album \"Happy In Hell\". Paul Weller covered \"The Bottle\"","Document [7](Title: 99 Bottles of Beer) programming languages. A simple example using classical BASIC syntax: FOR Bottle = 100 TO 1 STEP -1 NEXT Bottle Another example using C#: for (int bottleNumber = 100; 1 <= bottleNumber;) 99 Bottles of Beer \"99 Bottles of Beer\" is an anonymous folk song dating to the mid-20th century. It is a traditional reverse counting song in both the United States and Canada. It is popular to sing on long trips, as it has a very repetitive format which is easy to memorize and can take a long time to sing. In particular, the song is often sung by children","Document [8](Title: GreenBottle) its production process is highly energy intensive and whilst 62% of glass is recycled in the UK, only 50% of this is remelted. The balance is either destined for land fill, road aggregate or fibreglass insulation manufacture. In the UK more than 1.2 billion wine bottles are used every year. Although recyclable, glass containers are constituted of varying degrees of recycled glass. Green glass is made of 76% recycled glass content, clear glass just 29%. Plastic bottles require up to 4.5 times the amount carbon to produce compared to a milk GreenBottle. Most plastic, even if it has been recycled","Document [9](Title: The Glass Bottle) The Glass Bottle The Glass Bottle was an American pop band fronted by Gary Criss, whose song about bitterness and heartbreak, \"I Ain't Got Time Anymore\", was recorded in 1970 and reached #36 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart in September 1971. The band was co-produced by Dickie Goodman. Goodman had an advertising deal with a PR firm that was trying to save the glass industry from losing soda pop clients to plastic bottles, so Goodman and partner Bill Ramal formed a group, called them \"The Glass Bottle\" and produced their album. The group produced two hits, \"I Ain't Got","Document [10](Title: Green Coca-Cola Bottles) Green Coca-Cola Bottles Green Coca-Cola Bottles is a 1962 painting by Andy Warhol that depicts one hundred and twelve almost identical bottles Coca-Cola bottles. \"Green Coca-Cola Bottles\" took a mainstream item and converted it into a piece of art. Warhol\u2019s piece utilized a silkscreen technique, which mechanicalized some aspects of the painting but featured individualized \u201cunevenness\u201d across the painting. The painting engenders an optimistic message for the American public, described in Warhol\u2019s own words, \u201cWhat\u2019s grand about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same thing as the poorest... you can know","Document [11](Title: Shades of green) bottles. The first recorded use of \"bottle green\" as a color name in English was in 1816. \"Bottle green\" is a color in Prismacolor marker and pencil sets. It is also the color of the uniform of the Police Service of Northern Ireland replacing the Royal Ulster Constabulary's \"rifle green\" colored uniforms in 2001. It also the green used in uniforms for South Sydney High School in Sydney. \"Bottle green\" is also the color most associated with guide signs and street name signs in the United States. Bottle green is also the background color of the Flag of Bangladesh, as","Document [12](Title: Bottle Fairy) music and melody, but different lyrics for each version. The first four versions are named after the four seasons and are sung by a different Bottle Fairy according to her season. The final version, \"Four Seasons Song\", features all four of the Bottle Fairies. All five EDs are used in the anime, the first four playing three episodes each to roughly correspond with the progression of seasons and months and the final song playing in episode 13. Each episode of the anime also features a different ED animation corresponding to the month shown in the episode. Episode 13 shows multiple","Document [13](Title: Drinking from the Bottle) Drinking from the Bottle \"Drinking from the Bottle\" is a song by British DJ and record producer Calvin Harris from his third studio album, \"18 Months\". The song features British rapper Tinie Tempah. The song was released as a single on 27 January 2013. It has peaked at number five on the UK Singles Chart. A lyric video to accompany the release of \"Drinking from the Bottle\" was first released onto YouTube on 2 December 2012 at a total length of four minutes and one second. The official video was uploaded to Harris's YouTube's account on 21 December, after being","Document [14](Title: Drinking from the Bottle) weary response: 'Go on then, one last time won't hurt us... right?'.\" Drinking from the Bottle \"Drinking from the Bottle\" is a song by British DJ and record producer Calvin Harris from his third studio album, \"18 Months\". The song features British rapper Tinie Tempah. The song was released as a single on 27 January 2013. It has peaked at number five on the UK Singles Chart. A lyric video to accompany the release of \"Drinking from the Bottle\" was first released onto YouTube on 2 December 2012 at a total length of four minutes and one second. The official","Document [15](Title: Ten Green Bottles) \"Ten Green Bottles\" is a song that is popular in the United Kingdom. In essence, the song is a single verse repeated, each time with one bottle fewer:","Document [16](Title: Winter in America) and flute harmonies by Jackson. It became a popular song played at parties at the time. French music critic Pierre Jean-Critin calls it \"an epic song [...] whose infectious groove can still set dance floors alight over thirty years later.\" The song's dance and popular music sensibilities and social message engendered its appeal to listeners following its release as a single. Scott-Heron later said of the single's success and style, \"Pop music doesn't necessarily have to be shit.\" \"The Bottle\" also addresses problems of drug addiction, abortion, and incarceration, and features Scott-Heron on keyboards. Despite its grim observations, \"The Bottle\"","Document [17](Title: The Bottle) America\" (1974). It became an underground and cult hit upon its release, and the single peaked at number 15 on the R&B Singles Chart. Described by music critics as the album's best recording, the commercial success of \"The Bottle\" helped lead to Jackson's and Scott-Heron's next recording contract with Arista Records. Similar to other compositions by Scott-Heron, the song has been sampled extensively by hip hop artists. \"The Bottle\" is a social commentary on alcohol abuse with a Caribbean beat. Scott-Heron wrote it after seeing men line up every day in front of a liquor store called the Log Cabin,","Document [18](Title: Bottom of the Bottle (song)) on WorldStarHipHop October 30, 2015 and was uploaded to Currensy's official YouTube account November 2, 2015. August Alsina does not appear in the video. \"Bottom of the Bottle\" is Currensy's highest charting single of his career peaking at 97 on \"Billboard\" Hot 100. Bottom of the Bottle (song) \"Bottom of the Bottle\" is a song by American rapper Currensy featuring R&B singer August Alsina and rapper Lil Wayne. The song was released on August 28, 2015, by Jet Life Recordings and Atlantic Records as the first single from his eight studio album, \"Canal Street Confidential\" (2015). The song premiered on","Document [19](Title: Genie in a Bottle) the mashup as possible, and as a result it became their first single as a double A-side, with another song, \"Save Yourself\", reaching #10 in the UK Singles Chart. In 2016, Dove Cameron covered \"Genie in a Bottle\" with cleaner lyrics for the Disney Channel short series \"\". It has over 143 million plays on VEVO. In 2017, after her departure from Fifth Harmony, Camila Cabello released her debut single \"Crying in the Club\", which samples \"Genie in a Bottle\". \"Genie in a Bottle\" has been widely regarded as one of Aguilera's signature songs. This song gained her mainstream success","Document [20](Title: Genie in a Bottle) song follows a chord progression of Fm \u2013 E \u2013 D, and Aguilera's vocals span from F to B. Tom Lanham of \"Entertainment Weekly\" gave the song a B+ rating referencing the predictability after other performers from the \"Mickey Mouse Club\" writing \"Yet another ex-Mouseketeer scampers down the Britney-pop path with a suggestive synth ditty and a husky voice well beyond her 18 years.\" Lanham wrote her vocal performance is \"uncomfortably adult\" and called the track \"a sinfully sweet confection\". A writer for the \"Pittsburgh Post-Gazette\" gave the song a positive review calling it a \"smoldering soul-pop\" track and described"],"query":"where does the song 10 green bottles come from?","answers":["United Kingdom"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) Threshold Theatre. Ten Green Bottles (book) Ten Green Bottles is a book by Vivian Jeanette Kaplan and a play based on the book. It is the true story of a Jewish family that escaped from Nazi-occupied Vienna to Shanghai under Japanese rule. The book was published in English in Canada and in the U.S. by St. Martin's Press in 2004 and has been republished in Germany (as \"Von Wien nach Shanghai\"), Italy (as \"Dieci Bottiglie Verdi\"), Hungary (as \"Sanghaji Fogsag\") and China (as \"\u5341\u4e2a\u7eff\u74f6\u5b50\"). In Canada it won the Canadian Jewish Book Award and in Italy won the ADEI (Associazione","Document [2](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) Ten Green Bottles (book) Ten Green Bottles is a book by Vivian Jeanette Kaplan and a play based on the book. It is the true story of a Jewish family that escaped from Nazi-occupied Vienna to Shanghai under Japanese rule. The book was published in English in Canada and in the U.S. by St. Martin's Press in 2004 and has been republished in Germany (as \"Von Wien nach Shanghai\"), Italy (as \"Dieci Bottiglie Verdi\"), Hungary (as \"Sanghaji Fogsag\") and China (as \"\u5341\u4e2a\u7eff\u74f6\u5b50\"). In Canada it won the Canadian Jewish Book Award and in Italy won the ADEI (Associazione Donne Ebree","Document [3](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) d'Italia) - WIZO Award. It has received generally positive critical reviews in the North American press. The title of the book comes from the song sung in Marco's Bar by British servicemen stationed in Shanghai. The book is told from the viewpoint of the author's mother and starts in 1921. Gerda Karpel (referred to always as Nini in the book) is a 5-year-old Jewish girl living in Vienna in 1921. She comes from an upper-middle-class family. The book starts with the birth of Nini's brother, Willi, and chronicles the death of Nini's father shortly after the birth. The book then","Document [4](Title: Ten Green Bottles (book)) greets them on arrival and to the moving of most Jews into a ghetto in the Hongkou District. During that time, they purchase ownership in a bar owned by Marco, a Bulgarian Jew; this is where Nini heard the song \"Ten Green Bottles\". The book ends with the family leaving Shanghai for Richmond Hill, Canada. The critically acclaimed world premiere of the play was performed in English in Toronto, Canada in 2009. All performances were sold out and seen by over 4,000 people. It was produced by Helena Fine of Te-Amim Theatre and written and directed by Mark Cassidy of","Document [5](Title: 99 Bottles of Beer) 99 Bottles of Beer \"99 Bottles of Beer\" is an anonymous folk song dating to the mid-20th century. It is a traditional reverse counting song in both the United States and Canada. It is popular to sing on long trips, as it has a very repetitive format which is easy to memorize and can take a long time to sing. In particular, the song is often sung by children on long bus trips, such as class field trips, or on Scout and\/or Girl Guide outings. The song's lyrics are as follows: 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles","Document [6](Title: The Bottle) it a \"strong anti-alcohol rant with a funky bass hook and chilly flute fills.\" \"The Bottle\" was later ranked number 92 on \"NME's\" list of The Top 150 Singles of All-Time and was included in \"Q\" magazine's \"1010 Songs You Must Own!\" publication. These are the formats and track listings of the U.K. single releases of \"The Bottle\": Billboard Music Charts (North America) \u2013 \"The Bottle\" Joe Bataan covered \"The Bottle\" for his 1975 album \"Afrofilipino\", though slightly re-titled \"The Bottle (La Botella)\". The Christians covered \"The Bottle\" for their 1992 album \"Happy In Hell\". Paul Weller covered \"The Bottle\"","Document [7](Title: 99 Bottles of Beer) programming languages. A simple example using classical BASIC syntax: FOR Bottle = 100 TO 1 STEP -1 NEXT Bottle Another example using C#: for (int bottleNumber = 100; 1 <= bottleNumber;) 99 Bottles of Beer \"99 Bottles of Beer\" is an anonymous folk song dating to the mid-20th century. It is a traditional reverse counting song in both the United States and Canada. It is popular to sing on long trips, as it has a very repetitive format which is easy to memorize and can take a long time to sing. In particular, the song is often sung by children","Document [8](Title: GreenBottle) its production process is highly energy intensive and whilst 62% of glass is recycled in the UK, only 50% of this is remelted. The balance is either destined for land fill, road aggregate or fibreglass insulation manufacture. In the UK more than 1.2 billion wine bottles are used every year. Although recyclable, glass containers are constituted of varying degrees of recycled glass. Green glass is made of 76% recycled glass content, clear glass just 29%. Plastic bottles require up to 4.5 times the amount carbon to produce compared to a milk GreenBottle. Most plastic, even if it has been recycled","Document [9](Title: The Glass Bottle) The Glass Bottle The Glass Bottle was an American pop band fronted by Gary Criss, whose song about bitterness and heartbreak, \"I Ain't Got Time Anymore\", was recorded in 1970 and reached #36 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart in September 1971. The band was co-produced by Dickie Goodman. Goodman had an advertising deal with a PR firm that was trying to save the glass industry from losing soda pop clients to plastic bottles, so Goodman and partner Bill Ramal formed a group, called them \"The Glass Bottle\" and produced their album. The group produced two hits, \"I Ain't Got","Document [10](Title: Green Coca-Cola Bottles) Green Coca-Cola Bottles Green Coca-Cola Bottles is a 1962 painting by Andy Warhol that depicts one hundred and twelve almost identical bottles Coca-Cola bottles. \"Green Coca-Cola Bottles\" took a mainstream item and converted it into a piece of art. Warhol\u2019s piece utilized a silkscreen technique, which mechanicalized some aspects of the painting but featured individualized \u201cunevenness\u201d across the painting. The painting engenders an optimistic message for the American public, described in Warhol\u2019s own words, \u201cWhat\u2019s grand about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same thing as the poorest... you can know","Document [11](Title: Shades of green) bottles. The first recorded use of \"bottle green\" as a color name in English was in 1816. \"Bottle green\" is a color in Prismacolor marker and pencil sets. It is also the color of the uniform of the Police Service of Northern Ireland replacing the Royal Ulster Constabulary's \"rifle green\" colored uniforms in 2001. It also the green used in uniforms for South Sydney High School in Sydney. \"Bottle green\" is also the color most associated with guide signs and street name signs in the United States. Bottle green is also the background color of the Flag of Bangladesh, as","Document [12](Title: Bottle Fairy) music and melody, but different lyrics for each version. The first four versions are named after the four seasons and are sung by a different Bottle Fairy according to her season. The final version, \"Four Seasons Song\", features all four of the Bottle Fairies. All five EDs are used in the anime, the first four playing three episodes each to roughly correspond with the progression of seasons and months and the final song playing in episode 13. Each episode of the anime also features a different ED animation corresponding to the month shown in the episode. Episode 13 shows multiple","Document [13](Title: Drinking from the Bottle) Drinking from the Bottle \"Drinking from the Bottle\" is a song by British DJ and record producer Calvin Harris from his third studio album, \"18 Months\". The song features British rapper Tinie Tempah. The song was released as a single on 27 January 2013. It has peaked at number five on the UK Singles Chart. A lyric video to accompany the release of \"Drinking from the Bottle\" was first released onto YouTube on 2 December 2012 at a total length of four minutes and one second. The official video was uploaded to Harris's YouTube's account on 21 December, after being","Document [14](Title: Drinking from the Bottle) weary response: 'Go on then, one last time won't hurt us... right?'.\" Drinking from the Bottle \"Drinking from the Bottle\" is a song by British DJ and record producer Calvin Harris from his third studio album, \"18 Months\". The song features British rapper Tinie Tempah. The song was released as a single on 27 January 2013. It has peaked at number five on the UK Singles Chart. A lyric video to accompany the release of \"Drinking from the Bottle\" was first released onto YouTube on 2 December 2012 at a total length of four minutes and one second. The official","Document [15](Title: Winter in America) and flute harmonies by Jackson. It became a popular song played at parties at the time. French music critic Pierre Jean-Critin calls it \"an epic song [...] whose infectious groove can still set dance floors alight over thirty years later.\" The song's dance and popular music sensibilities and social message engendered its appeal to listeners following its release as a single. Scott-Heron later said of the single's success and style, \"Pop music doesn't necessarily have to be shit.\" \"The Bottle\" also addresses problems of drug addiction, abortion, and incarceration, and features Scott-Heron on keyboards. Despite its grim observations, \"The Bottle\"","Document [16](Title: The Bottle) America\" (1974). It became an underground and cult hit upon its release, and the single peaked at number 15 on the R&B Singles Chart. Described by music critics as the album's best recording, the commercial success of \"The Bottle\" helped lead to Jackson's and Scott-Heron's next recording contract with Arista Records. Similar to other compositions by Scott-Heron, the song has been sampled extensively by hip hop artists. \"The Bottle\" is a social commentary on alcohol abuse with a Caribbean beat. Scott-Heron wrote it after seeing men line up every day in front of a liquor store called the Log Cabin,","Document [17](Title: Bottom of the Bottle (song)) on WorldStarHipHop October 30, 2015 and was uploaded to Currensy's official YouTube account November 2, 2015. August Alsina does not appear in the video. \"Bottom of the Bottle\" is Currensy's highest charting single of his career peaking at 97 on \"Billboard\" Hot 100. Bottom of the Bottle (song) \"Bottom of the Bottle\" is a song by American rapper Currensy featuring R&B singer August Alsina and rapper Lil Wayne. The song was released on August 28, 2015, by Jet Life Recordings and Atlantic Records as the first single from his eight studio album, \"Canal Street Confidential\" (2015). The song premiered on","Document [18](Title: Genie in a Bottle) the mashup as possible, and as a result it became their first single as a double A-side, with another song, \"Save Yourself\", reaching #10 in the UK Singles Chart. In 2016, Dove Cameron covered \"Genie in a Bottle\" with cleaner lyrics for the Disney Channel short series \"\". It has over 143 million plays on VEVO. In 2017, after her departure from Fifth Harmony, Camila Cabello released her debut single \"Crying in the Club\", which samples \"Genie in a Bottle\". \"Genie in a Bottle\" has been widely regarded as one of Aguilera's signature songs. This song gained her mainstream success","Document [19](Title: Genie in a Bottle) song follows a chord progression of Fm \u2013 E \u2013 D, and Aguilera's vocals span from F to B. Tom Lanham of \"Entertainment Weekly\" gave the song a B+ rating referencing the predictability after other performers from the \"Mickey Mouse Club\" writing \"Yet another ex-Mouseketeer scampers down the Britney-pop path with a suggestive synth ditty and a husky voice well beyond her 18 years.\" Lanham wrote her vocal performance is \"uncomfortably adult\" and called the track \"a sinfully sweet confection\". A writer for the \"Pittsburgh Post-Gazette\" gave the song a positive review calling it a \"smoldering soul-pop\" track and described","Document [20](Title: Ten Green Bottles) \"Ten Green Bottles\" is a song that is popular in the United Kingdom. In essence, the song is a single verse repeated, each time with one bottle fewer:"],"query":"where does the song 10 green bottles come from?","answers":["United Kingdom"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) Tomb Raider is a 2018 action-adventure film directed by Roar Uthaug, with a screenplay by Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Alastair Siddons, from a story by Evan Daugherty and Robertson-Dworet. It is based on the 2013 video game of the same name, with some elements of its sequel by Crystal Dynamics, and is a reboot of the Tomb Raider film series. The film stars Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft, who embarks on a perilous journey to her father's last-known destination, hoping to solve the mystery of his disappearance. Dominic West, Walton Goggins, Daniel Wu, and Kristin Scott Thomas appear in supporting roles.","Document [2](Title: Alicia Vikander) the adaptation of the novel \"The Light Between Oceans\" (2016), directed by Derek Cianfrance, with Michael Fassbender and Rachel Weisz. The film was released in the United States by Touchstone Pictures on 2 September 2016. Vikander portrayed Lara Croft in the action reboot film \"Tomb Raider\", which was released on 16 March 2018. Vikander previously lived in North London. In late 2014, she began a relationship with actor Michael Fassbender, in which they made their first public appearance together at the 2016 Golden Globes, where Vikander was nominated twice\u2014for her roles in \"The Danish Girl\" (2015) and \"Ex Machina\" (2015).","Document [3](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) and is accompanied by Conrad Roth, a Royal Marine turned adventurer and close friend of the Croft family who serves as mentor to Lara; Samantha \"Sam\" Nishimura, Lara's friend and a representative of the Nishimura family who films the expedition for a documentary; Joslyn Reyes, a skeptical and temperamental mechanic and single mother; Jonah Maiava, an imposing and placid fisherman who is willing to believe in the existence of the paranormal and esoteric; Angus \"Grim\" Grimaldi, the gruff Glaswegian helmsman of the \"Endurance\"; and Alex Weiss, a goofy and bespectacled electronics specialist. Lara set out on her first expedition aboard","Document [4](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) she prepares for her next adventure. Additionally, Nick Frost plays a pawn shop owner and Jaime Winstone his wife. Hannah John-Kamen and Antonio Aakeel play Lara's friends. Duncan Airlie James plays Terry, a mixed martial arts club operator. Josef Altin portrays Bruce, Lara's boss, Billy Postlethwaite and Roger Nsengiyumva appear as Bill and Rog, Lara's co-workers and opponents at the race and Michael Obiora portrays Baxter, the Croft Holdings' receptionist. GK Films first acquired the rights to make the film in 2011. Norwegian director Roar Uthaug came on board in November 2015, and Alicia Vikander was announced as the new","Document [5](Title: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider) Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (also known as simply Tomb Raider) is a 2001 action-adventure film based on the \"Tomb Raider\" video game series featuring the character Lara Croft, portrayed by Angelina Jolie. An international co-production between the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and Germany, it was directed by Simon West and revolves around Lara Croft trying to obtain ancient artifacts from the Illuminati. The film was released on June 15, 2001, and received generally negative reviews from critics for its stylized action and bland plot, although Angelina Jolie was praised for her performance. \"Tomb Raider\"","Document [6](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) to Hong Kong where she hires Lu Ren, captain of the ship \"Endurance\", to sail into the Devil's Sea and the island of Yamatai. The ship capsizes in a violent storm and Lara is washed ashore where she is knocked unconscious. She awakens only to encounter Mathias Vogel, the leader of an expedition to locate Himiko's tomb. The expedition has been funded by a shadowy organization called Trinity, which seeks to harness and weaponize Himiko's power. Vogel takes Lara prisoner, claiming that he killed her father and revealing that he intends to use Richard's research to continue his expedition. He","Document [7](Title: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider) Angelina Jolie was nominated for the Worst Actress Golden Raspberry Award for her role in the film, but she lost to Mariah Carey in \"Glitter\". \"Lara Croft: Tomb Raider\" is a 2001 soundtrack album to the film. The various artists soundtrack was released June 15, 2001. The Score was later released on June 25, 2001. The movie also featured the songs \"Lila\" by Vas and \"Piano Concerto in F Minor\" performed by Hae-Wong Chang. These were not featured on the soundtrack. Also used in the movie were elements of \"Elevation (Influx Remix)\" by U2. This was uncredited. For the first","Document [8](Title: Camilla Luddington) Rivers, Kelly Osbourne, George Kotsiopoulos, and Kris Jenner. In June 2012, Crystal Dynamics confirmed Luddington would voice Lara Croft in the video game \"Tomb Raider\". Luddington originally went into the audition for Lara thinking she was auditioning for a project called \"Krypted\" with a character called Sara. In June 2014, it was revealed that a sequel was in production, titled \"Rise of the Tomb Raider\", and Luddington confirmed on her Twitter account that she would be returning to voice and motion capture Lara in the new game. Luddington also returned to reprise her role for \"Shadow of the Tomb Raider\",","Document [9](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) Lara Croft in April 2016. \"Deadline Hollywood\" had previously reported that Daisy Ridley was considered for the role, though she later stated in an interview that it was just a \"crazy rumor.\" Walton Goggins was announced to play the villain in December 2016, and much of the rest of the cast was revealed in early 2017. Principal photography on the film began on January 23, 2017, in Cape Town, South Africa, and ended on June 9, 2017, at Warner Bros. Studios, Leavesden. Wilton House near Salisbury in Wiltshire was the location for exterior shots for Croft Manor. The waterfall sequence","Document [10](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) CGI studio Visual Works. Keeley Hawes did not return as Lara Croft for 2013's \"Tomb Raider\", after completing \"\", \"\", \"\" and \"Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light\". She reprised the role of Lara in the downloadable game \"Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris\", which was released on 9 December 2014. In December 2010, Crystal Dynamics was said to be trialling dozens of voice actresses. On 26 June 2012, the voice actress of Lara Croft was revealed to be Camilla Luddington. Lara is played by Nadine Njeim in the Arabic dub, by Nora Tschirner in the German dub,","Document [11](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) by Alice David in the French dub, by Karolina Gorczyca in the Polish dub, by Yuhko Kaida in the Japanese dub, by Benedetta Ponticelli in the Italian dub, by Guiomar Alburquerque Dur\u00e1n in the Spanish dub and by Polina Sherbakova in the Russian dub. On 31 May 2012, a gameplay trailer was released online, showcasing more action-based gameplay along with varying plot elements. The trailer confirmed the presence of several other non-playable characters besides Lara on the island, many of which appear to be part of a menacing organization. On 4 June, at Microsoft's E3 2012 press conference, a new","Document [12](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) in returning as Lara Croft for a second film, stating that \"If there's an audience out there for it, then I would love to\". In 2015, Adrian Askarieh, producer of the \"Hitman\" films, stated that he hoped to oversee a shared universe of Square Enix films with \"Just Cause\", \"Hitman\", \"Tomb Raider\", \"Deus Ex\", and \"Thief\", but admitted that he does not have the rights to \"Tomb Raider\". Tomb Raider (film) Tomb Raider is a 2018 action-adventure film directed by Roar Uthaug, with a screenplay by Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Alastair Siddons, from a story by Evan Daugherty and Robertson-Dworet. An","Document [13](Title: Jill de Jong) Jill de Jong Jill de Jong, also known as Jildou de Jong (born February 17, 1982) is a Dutch model and actress. Born in Hoogeveen, Drenthe. On March 21, 2002 she was selected by Eidos Interactive as the Lara Croft character model for the Tomb Raider video game series. She began her career as a model at the age of fifteen after winning a modeling contest in the Netherlands. Over the past ten years she became a respected and successful top model, shooting TV and print campaigns for big brand names such as, Ralph Lauren, Escada, Redken, Izod, St. Yves,","Document [14](Title: Alison Carroll) a receptionist at a golf club, Carroll was announced as the new Lara Croft model for the latest video game featuring the heroine, \"\". Carroll replaced previous Lara model Karima McAdams, who retired from the role earlier in the year. Carroll held the position until 2010, and is the final official Lara Croft model, as the use of models has been discontinued for future \"Tomb Raider\" games. In January 2011, it was announced that Carroll was cast in the action film Amsterdam Heavy by director Michael Wright. Other cast members are Michael Madsen, Vincent van Ommen and Fajah Lourens. Alison","Document [15](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) Raider\", directed by the Norwegian genre specialist Roar Uthaug, is that it doesn\u2019t tamp down Vikander\u2019s inner flame, or the three-dimensionality of her talent; it doesn\u2019t fold and insert her into an overly gymnastic and CGI-happy thrill ride. The movie is full of vine-swinging, bow-and-arrow-shooting, ancient-spirit-meeting action, but most of it is staged on a convincing human scale, one that\u2019s been expertly tailored to its star\u2019s understated directness.\" Matt Zoller Seitz of RogerEbert.com gave the film 3 out of 4 stars, and said, \"this is a beautifully crafted and unpretentious piece of action cinema, with a number of sequences that","Document [16](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) reviews from critics, with some describing the plot as \"paint-by-numbers\", and others praising the action sequences, tone, grittiness and realistic take on the franchise. Vikander's performance was highly praised but the characterization of Croft drew a polarized response; some described her as a \"capable, powerful, and unobjectified heroine\", while others called her bland, and a \"punching bag and onlooker.\" Following the disappearance of her father, Lord Richard Croft, Lara Croft makes a living as a bike courier. When she is arrested after a bike accident involving a police car, Richard's business partner Ana Miller posts her bail. After never claiming","Document [17](Title: Rise of the Tomb Raider) reprised her role as protagonist Lara Croft. Bobby Tahouri, known for his work on \"Game of Thrones\", composed the soundtrack. Development was completed on 9 October 2015, with Crystal Dynamics confirming that the game was declared gold (indicating that it was being prepared for duplication and release). One of the game's intentions was to craft a more \"personal\" experience for players, and the team wanted to explore the journey in which Lara becomes the tomb raider. She becomes determined to uncover more myths, and convinces the world that they are real at the end of the 2013 reboot; this became","Document [18](Title: Rhona Mitra) Irish. She has a brother, Jason, who is two years older, and a younger brother, Guyan, who is a travel writer for Lonely Planet and \"The Sunday Times\". Mitra appeared as the live action model for Lara Croft, the lead character in Eidos Interactive's \"Tomb Raider\" video game series before Angelina Jolie took the role for the two \"Tomb Raider\" films (2001\u20132003). Mitra was ranked No. 46 on the \"Maxim\" Hot 100 Women of 2001. She played the romantic interest of Christopher Lambert in \"Beowulf\". Her first main role came as Scott Wolf's illicit love interest on \"Party of Five\".","Document [19](Title: Revisioned: Tomb Raider) Revisioned: Tomb Raider Revisioned: Tomb Raider (trademarked as Re\\Visioned: Tomb Raider) is a ten-part animated series based on the \"Tomb Raider\" series. It was distributed through the online video game service GameTap from July 10, 2007 to November 13, 2007. The series consists of various animation and comic book talent's renditions of Lara Croft, presented in the form of animated short films. The series was originally intended to conclude on August 23, 2007, but the date for the final episode was changed to November 13, 2007. Even though the styles of the episodes vary, the voice actress for Lara Croft,","Document [20](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) her father. The film was released on 16 March 2018. Tomb Raider (2013 video game) Tomb Raider is an action-adventure video game developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Square Enix. \"Tomb Raider\" is the tenth title in the \"Tomb Raider\" franchise, and operates as a reboot that reconstructs the origins of Lara Croft. \"Tomb Raider\" was released on 5 March 2013 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, on 23 January 2014 for OS X, on 27 April 2016 for Linux, and on 7 March 2017 for Shield TV. Crystal Dynamics began development of \"Tomb Raider\" soon after"],"query":"who is the cast of the new tomb raider movie?","answers":["Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Alicia Vikander) the adaptation of the novel \"The Light Between Oceans\" (2016), directed by Derek Cianfrance, with Michael Fassbender and Rachel Weisz. The film was released in the United States by Touchstone Pictures on 2 September 2016. Vikander portrayed Lara Croft in the action reboot film \"Tomb Raider\", which was released on 16 March 2018. Vikander previously lived in North London. In late 2014, she began a relationship with actor Michael Fassbender, in which they made their first public appearance together at the 2016 Golden Globes, where Vikander was nominated twice\u2014for her roles in \"The Danish Girl\" (2015) and \"Ex Machina\" (2015).","Document [2](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) and is accompanied by Conrad Roth, a Royal Marine turned adventurer and close friend of the Croft family who serves as mentor to Lara; Samantha \"Sam\" Nishimura, Lara's friend and a representative of the Nishimura family who films the expedition for a documentary; Joslyn Reyes, a skeptical and temperamental mechanic and single mother; Jonah Maiava, an imposing and placid fisherman who is willing to believe in the existence of the paranormal and esoteric; Angus \"Grim\" Grimaldi, the gruff Glaswegian helmsman of the \"Endurance\"; and Alex Weiss, a goofy and bespectacled electronics specialist. Lara set out on her first expedition aboard","Document [3](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) she prepares for her next adventure. Additionally, Nick Frost plays a pawn shop owner and Jaime Winstone his wife. Hannah John-Kamen and Antonio Aakeel play Lara's friends. Duncan Airlie James plays Terry, a mixed martial arts club operator. Josef Altin portrays Bruce, Lara's boss, Billy Postlethwaite and Roger Nsengiyumva appear as Bill and Rog, Lara's co-workers and opponents at the race and Michael Obiora portrays Baxter, the Croft Holdings' receptionist. GK Films first acquired the rights to make the film in 2011. Norwegian director Roar Uthaug came on board in November 2015, and Alicia Vikander was announced as the new","Document [4](Title: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider) Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (also known as simply Tomb Raider) is a 2001 action-adventure film based on the \"Tomb Raider\" video game series featuring the character Lara Croft, portrayed by Angelina Jolie. An international co-production between the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and Germany, it was directed by Simon West and revolves around Lara Croft trying to obtain ancient artifacts from the Illuminati. The film was released on June 15, 2001, and received generally negative reviews from critics for its stylized action and bland plot, although Angelina Jolie was praised for her performance. \"Tomb Raider\"","Document [5](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) Tomb Raider is a 2018 action-adventure film directed by Roar Uthaug, with a screenplay by Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Alastair Siddons, from a story by Evan Daugherty and Robertson-Dworet. It is based on the 2013 video game of the same name, with some elements of its sequel by Crystal Dynamics, and is a reboot of the Tomb Raider film series. The film stars Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft, who embarks on a perilous journey to her father's last-known destination, hoping to solve the mystery of his disappearance. Dominic West, Walton Goggins, Daniel Wu, and Kristin Scott Thomas appear in supporting roles.","Document [6](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) to Hong Kong where she hires Lu Ren, captain of the ship \"Endurance\", to sail into the Devil's Sea and the island of Yamatai. The ship capsizes in a violent storm and Lara is washed ashore where she is knocked unconscious. She awakens only to encounter Mathias Vogel, the leader of an expedition to locate Himiko's tomb. The expedition has been funded by a shadowy organization called Trinity, which seeks to harness and weaponize Himiko's power. Vogel takes Lara prisoner, claiming that he killed her father and revealing that he intends to use Richard's research to continue his expedition. He","Document [7](Title: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider) Angelina Jolie was nominated for the Worst Actress Golden Raspberry Award for her role in the film, but she lost to Mariah Carey in \"Glitter\". \"Lara Croft: Tomb Raider\" is a 2001 soundtrack album to the film. The various artists soundtrack was released June 15, 2001. The Score was later released on June 25, 2001. The movie also featured the songs \"Lila\" by Vas and \"Piano Concerto in F Minor\" performed by Hae-Wong Chang. These were not featured on the soundtrack. Also used in the movie were elements of \"Elevation (Influx Remix)\" by U2. This was uncredited. For the first","Document [8](Title: Camilla Luddington) Rivers, Kelly Osbourne, George Kotsiopoulos, and Kris Jenner. In June 2012, Crystal Dynamics confirmed Luddington would voice Lara Croft in the video game \"Tomb Raider\". Luddington originally went into the audition for Lara thinking she was auditioning for a project called \"Krypted\" with a character called Sara. In June 2014, it was revealed that a sequel was in production, titled \"Rise of the Tomb Raider\", and Luddington confirmed on her Twitter account that she would be returning to voice and motion capture Lara in the new game. Luddington also returned to reprise her role for \"Shadow of the Tomb Raider\",","Document [9](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) Lara Croft in April 2016. \"Deadline Hollywood\" had previously reported that Daisy Ridley was considered for the role, though she later stated in an interview that it was just a \"crazy rumor.\" Walton Goggins was announced to play the villain in December 2016, and much of the rest of the cast was revealed in early 2017. Principal photography on the film began on January 23, 2017, in Cape Town, South Africa, and ended on June 9, 2017, at Warner Bros. Studios, Leavesden. Wilton House near Salisbury in Wiltshire was the location for exterior shots for Croft Manor. The waterfall sequence","Document [10](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) CGI studio Visual Works. Keeley Hawes did not return as Lara Croft for 2013's \"Tomb Raider\", after completing \"\", \"\", \"\" and \"Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light\". She reprised the role of Lara in the downloadable game \"Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris\", which was released on 9 December 2014. In December 2010, Crystal Dynamics was said to be trialling dozens of voice actresses. On 26 June 2012, the voice actress of Lara Croft was revealed to be Camilla Luddington. Lara is played by Nadine Njeim in the Arabic dub, by Nora Tschirner in the German dub,","Document [11](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) by Alice David in the French dub, by Karolina Gorczyca in the Polish dub, by Yuhko Kaida in the Japanese dub, by Benedetta Ponticelli in the Italian dub, by Guiomar Alburquerque Dur\u00e1n in the Spanish dub and by Polina Sherbakova in the Russian dub. On 31 May 2012, a gameplay trailer was released online, showcasing more action-based gameplay along with varying plot elements. The trailer confirmed the presence of several other non-playable characters besides Lara on the island, many of which appear to be part of a menacing organization. On 4 June, at Microsoft's E3 2012 press conference, a new","Document [12](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) in returning as Lara Croft for a second film, stating that \"If there's an audience out there for it, then I would love to\". In 2015, Adrian Askarieh, producer of the \"Hitman\" films, stated that he hoped to oversee a shared universe of Square Enix films with \"Just Cause\", \"Hitman\", \"Tomb Raider\", \"Deus Ex\", and \"Thief\", but admitted that he does not have the rights to \"Tomb Raider\". Tomb Raider (film) Tomb Raider is a 2018 action-adventure film directed by Roar Uthaug, with a screenplay by Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Alastair Siddons, from a story by Evan Daugherty and Robertson-Dworet. An","Document [13](Title: Jill de Jong) Jill de Jong Jill de Jong, also known as Jildou de Jong (born February 17, 1982) is a Dutch model and actress. Born in Hoogeveen, Drenthe. On March 21, 2002 she was selected by Eidos Interactive as the Lara Croft character model for the Tomb Raider video game series. She began her career as a model at the age of fifteen after winning a modeling contest in the Netherlands. Over the past ten years she became a respected and successful top model, shooting TV and print campaigns for big brand names such as, Ralph Lauren, Escada, Redken, Izod, St. Yves,","Document [14](Title: Alison Carroll) a receptionist at a golf club, Carroll was announced as the new Lara Croft model for the latest video game featuring the heroine, \"\". Carroll replaced previous Lara model Karima McAdams, who retired from the role earlier in the year. Carroll held the position until 2010, and is the final official Lara Croft model, as the use of models has been discontinued for future \"Tomb Raider\" games. In January 2011, it was announced that Carroll was cast in the action film Amsterdam Heavy by director Michael Wright. Other cast members are Michael Madsen, Vincent van Ommen and Fajah Lourens. Alison","Document [15](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) Raider\", directed by the Norwegian genre specialist Roar Uthaug, is that it doesn\u2019t tamp down Vikander\u2019s inner flame, or the three-dimensionality of her talent; it doesn\u2019t fold and insert her into an overly gymnastic and CGI-happy thrill ride. The movie is full of vine-swinging, bow-and-arrow-shooting, ancient-spirit-meeting action, but most of it is staged on a convincing human scale, one that\u2019s been expertly tailored to its star\u2019s understated directness.\" Matt Zoller Seitz of RogerEbert.com gave the film 3 out of 4 stars, and said, \"this is a beautifully crafted and unpretentious piece of action cinema, with a number of sequences that","Document [16](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) reviews from critics, with some describing the plot as \"paint-by-numbers\", and others praising the action sequences, tone, grittiness and realistic take on the franchise. Vikander's performance was highly praised but the characterization of Croft drew a polarized response; some described her as a \"capable, powerful, and unobjectified heroine\", while others called her bland, and a \"punching bag and onlooker.\" Following the disappearance of her father, Lord Richard Croft, Lara Croft makes a living as a bike courier. When she is arrested after a bike accident involving a police car, Richard's business partner Ana Miller posts her bail. After never claiming","Document [17](Title: Rise of the Tomb Raider) reprised her role as protagonist Lara Croft. Bobby Tahouri, known for his work on \"Game of Thrones\", composed the soundtrack. Development was completed on 9 October 2015, with Crystal Dynamics confirming that the game was declared gold (indicating that it was being prepared for duplication and release). One of the game's intentions was to craft a more \"personal\" experience for players, and the team wanted to explore the journey in which Lara becomes the tomb raider. She becomes determined to uncover more myths, and convinces the world that they are real at the end of the 2013 reboot; this became","Document [18](Title: Rhona Mitra) Irish. She has a brother, Jason, who is two years older, and a younger brother, Guyan, who is a travel writer for Lonely Planet and \"The Sunday Times\". Mitra appeared as the live action model for Lara Croft, the lead character in Eidos Interactive's \"Tomb Raider\" video game series before Angelina Jolie took the role for the two \"Tomb Raider\" films (2001\u20132003). Mitra was ranked No. 46 on the \"Maxim\" Hot 100 Women of 2001. She played the romantic interest of Christopher Lambert in \"Beowulf\". Her first main role came as Scott Wolf's illicit love interest on \"Party of Five\".","Document [19](Title: Revisioned: Tomb Raider) Revisioned: Tomb Raider Revisioned: Tomb Raider (trademarked as Re\\Visioned: Tomb Raider) is a ten-part animated series based on the \"Tomb Raider\" series. It was distributed through the online video game service GameTap from July 10, 2007 to November 13, 2007. The series consists of various animation and comic book talent's renditions of Lara Croft, presented in the form of animated short films. The series was originally intended to conclude on August 23, 2007, but the date for the final episode was changed to November 13, 2007. Even though the styles of the episodes vary, the voice actress for Lara Croft,","Document [20](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) her father. The film was released on 16 March 2018. Tomb Raider (2013 video game) Tomb Raider is an action-adventure video game developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Square Enix. \"Tomb Raider\" is the tenth title in the \"Tomb Raider\" franchise, and operates as a reboot that reconstructs the origins of Lara Croft. \"Tomb Raider\" was released on 5 March 2013 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, on 23 January 2014 for OS X, on 27 April 2016 for Linux, and on 7 March 2017 for Shield TV. Crystal Dynamics began development of \"Tomb Raider\" soon after"],"query":"who is the cast of the new tomb raider movie?","answers":["Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Alicia Vikander) the adaptation of the novel \"The Light Between Oceans\" (2016), directed by Derek Cianfrance, with Michael Fassbender and Rachel Weisz. The film was released in the United States by Touchstone Pictures on 2 September 2016. Vikander portrayed Lara Croft in the action reboot film \"Tomb Raider\", which was released on 16 March 2018. Vikander previously lived in North London. In late 2014, she began a relationship with actor Michael Fassbender, in which they made their first public appearance together at the 2016 Golden Globes, where Vikander was nominated twice\u2014for her roles in \"The Danish Girl\" (2015) and \"Ex Machina\" (2015).","Document [2](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) and is accompanied by Conrad Roth, a Royal Marine turned adventurer and close friend of the Croft family who serves as mentor to Lara; Samantha \"Sam\" Nishimura, Lara's friend and a representative of the Nishimura family who films the expedition for a documentary; Joslyn Reyes, a skeptical and temperamental mechanic and single mother; Jonah Maiava, an imposing and placid fisherman who is willing to believe in the existence of the paranormal and esoteric; Angus \"Grim\" Grimaldi, the gruff Glaswegian helmsman of the \"Endurance\"; and Alex Weiss, a goofy and bespectacled electronics specialist. Lara set out on her first expedition aboard","Document [3](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) she prepares for her next adventure. Additionally, Nick Frost plays a pawn shop owner and Jaime Winstone his wife. Hannah John-Kamen and Antonio Aakeel play Lara's friends. Duncan Airlie James plays Terry, a mixed martial arts club operator. Josef Altin portrays Bruce, Lara's boss, Billy Postlethwaite and Roger Nsengiyumva appear as Bill and Rog, Lara's co-workers and opponents at the race and Michael Obiora portrays Baxter, the Croft Holdings' receptionist. GK Films first acquired the rights to make the film in 2011. Norwegian director Roar Uthaug came on board in November 2015, and Alicia Vikander was announced as the new","Document [4](Title: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider) Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (also known as simply Tomb Raider) is a 2001 action-adventure film based on the \"Tomb Raider\" video game series featuring the character Lara Croft, portrayed by Angelina Jolie. An international co-production between the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and Germany, it was directed by Simon West and revolves around Lara Croft trying to obtain ancient artifacts from the Illuminati. The film was released on June 15, 2001, and received generally negative reviews from critics for its stylized action and bland plot, although Angelina Jolie was praised for her performance. \"Tomb Raider\"","Document [5](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) to Hong Kong where she hires Lu Ren, captain of the ship \"Endurance\", to sail into the Devil's Sea and the island of Yamatai. The ship capsizes in a violent storm and Lara is washed ashore where she is knocked unconscious. She awakens only to encounter Mathias Vogel, the leader of an expedition to locate Himiko's tomb. The expedition has been funded by a shadowy organization called Trinity, which seeks to harness and weaponize Himiko's power. Vogel takes Lara prisoner, claiming that he killed her father and revealing that he intends to use Richard's research to continue his expedition. He","Document [6](Title: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider) Angelina Jolie was nominated for the Worst Actress Golden Raspberry Award for her role in the film, but she lost to Mariah Carey in \"Glitter\". \"Lara Croft: Tomb Raider\" is a 2001 soundtrack album to the film. The various artists soundtrack was released June 15, 2001. The Score was later released on June 25, 2001. The movie also featured the songs \"Lila\" by Vas and \"Piano Concerto in F Minor\" performed by Hae-Wong Chang. These were not featured on the soundtrack. Also used in the movie were elements of \"Elevation (Influx Remix)\" by U2. This was uncredited. For the first","Document [7](Title: Camilla Luddington) Rivers, Kelly Osbourne, George Kotsiopoulos, and Kris Jenner. In June 2012, Crystal Dynamics confirmed Luddington would voice Lara Croft in the video game \"Tomb Raider\". Luddington originally went into the audition for Lara thinking she was auditioning for a project called \"Krypted\" with a character called Sara. In June 2014, it was revealed that a sequel was in production, titled \"Rise of the Tomb Raider\", and Luddington confirmed on her Twitter account that she would be returning to voice and motion capture Lara in the new game. Luddington also returned to reprise her role for \"Shadow of the Tomb Raider\",","Document [8](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) Lara Croft in April 2016. \"Deadline Hollywood\" had previously reported that Daisy Ridley was considered for the role, though she later stated in an interview that it was just a \"crazy rumor.\" Walton Goggins was announced to play the villain in December 2016, and much of the rest of the cast was revealed in early 2017. Principal photography on the film began on January 23, 2017, in Cape Town, South Africa, and ended on June 9, 2017, at Warner Bros. Studios, Leavesden. Wilton House near Salisbury in Wiltshire was the location for exterior shots for Croft Manor. The waterfall sequence","Document [9](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) CGI studio Visual Works. Keeley Hawes did not return as Lara Croft for 2013's \"Tomb Raider\", after completing \"\", \"\", \"\" and \"Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light\". She reprised the role of Lara in the downloadable game \"Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris\", which was released on 9 December 2014. In December 2010, Crystal Dynamics was said to be trialling dozens of voice actresses. On 26 June 2012, the voice actress of Lara Croft was revealed to be Camilla Luddington. Lara is played by Nadine Njeim in the Arabic dub, by Nora Tschirner in the German dub,","Document [10](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) Tomb Raider is a 2018 action-adventure film directed by Roar Uthaug, with a screenplay by Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Alastair Siddons, from a story by Evan Daugherty and Robertson-Dworet. It is based on the 2013 video game of the same name, with some elements of its sequel by Crystal Dynamics, and is a reboot of the Tomb Raider film series. The film stars Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft, who embarks on a perilous journey to her father's last-known destination, hoping to solve the mystery of his disappearance. Dominic West, Walton Goggins, Daniel Wu, and Kristin Scott Thomas appear in supporting roles.","Document [11](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) by Alice David in the French dub, by Karolina Gorczyca in the Polish dub, by Yuhko Kaida in the Japanese dub, by Benedetta Ponticelli in the Italian dub, by Guiomar Alburquerque Dur\u00e1n in the Spanish dub and by Polina Sherbakova in the Russian dub. On 31 May 2012, a gameplay trailer was released online, showcasing more action-based gameplay along with varying plot elements. The trailer confirmed the presence of several other non-playable characters besides Lara on the island, many of which appear to be part of a menacing organization. On 4 June, at Microsoft's E3 2012 press conference, a new","Document [12](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) in returning as Lara Croft for a second film, stating that \"If there's an audience out there for it, then I would love to\". In 2015, Adrian Askarieh, producer of the \"Hitman\" films, stated that he hoped to oversee a shared universe of Square Enix films with \"Just Cause\", \"Hitman\", \"Tomb Raider\", \"Deus Ex\", and \"Thief\", but admitted that he does not have the rights to \"Tomb Raider\". Tomb Raider (film) Tomb Raider is a 2018 action-adventure film directed by Roar Uthaug, with a screenplay by Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Alastair Siddons, from a story by Evan Daugherty and Robertson-Dworet. An","Document [13](Title: Jill de Jong) Jill de Jong Jill de Jong, also known as Jildou de Jong (born February 17, 1982) is a Dutch model and actress. Born in Hoogeveen, Drenthe. On March 21, 2002 she was selected by Eidos Interactive as the Lara Croft character model for the Tomb Raider video game series. She began her career as a model at the age of fifteen after winning a modeling contest in the Netherlands. Over the past ten years she became a respected and successful top model, shooting TV and print campaigns for big brand names such as, Ralph Lauren, Escada, Redken, Izod, St. Yves,","Document [14](Title: Alison Carroll) a receptionist at a golf club, Carroll was announced as the new Lara Croft model for the latest video game featuring the heroine, \"\". Carroll replaced previous Lara model Karima McAdams, who retired from the role earlier in the year. Carroll held the position until 2010, and is the final official Lara Croft model, as the use of models has been discontinued for future \"Tomb Raider\" games. In January 2011, it was announced that Carroll was cast in the action film Amsterdam Heavy by director Michael Wright. Other cast members are Michael Madsen, Vincent van Ommen and Fajah Lourens. Alison","Document [15](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) Raider\", directed by the Norwegian genre specialist Roar Uthaug, is that it doesn\u2019t tamp down Vikander\u2019s inner flame, or the three-dimensionality of her talent; it doesn\u2019t fold and insert her into an overly gymnastic and CGI-happy thrill ride. The movie is full of vine-swinging, bow-and-arrow-shooting, ancient-spirit-meeting action, but most of it is staged on a convincing human scale, one that\u2019s been expertly tailored to its star\u2019s understated directness.\" Matt Zoller Seitz of RogerEbert.com gave the film 3 out of 4 stars, and said, \"this is a beautifully crafted and unpretentious piece of action cinema, with a number of sequences that","Document [16](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) reviews from critics, with some describing the plot as \"paint-by-numbers\", and others praising the action sequences, tone, grittiness and realistic take on the franchise. Vikander's performance was highly praised but the characterization of Croft drew a polarized response; some described her as a \"capable, powerful, and unobjectified heroine\", while others called her bland, and a \"punching bag and onlooker.\" Following the disappearance of her father, Lord Richard Croft, Lara Croft makes a living as a bike courier. When she is arrested after a bike accident involving a police car, Richard's business partner Ana Miller posts her bail. After never claiming","Document [17](Title: Rise of the Tomb Raider) reprised her role as protagonist Lara Croft. Bobby Tahouri, known for his work on \"Game of Thrones\", composed the soundtrack. Development was completed on 9 October 2015, with Crystal Dynamics confirming that the game was declared gold (indicating that it was being prepared for duplication and release). One of the game's intentions was to craft a more \"personal\" experience for players, and the team wanted to explore the journey in which Lara becomes the tomb raider. She becomes determined to uncover more myths, and convinces the world that they are real at the end of the 2013 reboot; this became","Document [18](Title: Rhona Mitra) Irish. She has a brother, Jason, who is two years older, and a younger brother, Guyan, who is a travel writer for Lonely Planet and \"The Sunday Times\". Mitra appeared as the live action model for Lara Croft, the lead character in Eidos Interactive's \"Tomb Raider\" video game series before Angelina Jolie took the role for the two \"Tomb Raider\" films (2001\u20132003). Mitra was ranked No. 46 on the \"Maxim\" Hot 100 Women of 2001. She played the romantic interest of Christopher Lambert in \"Beowulf\". Her first main role came as Scott Wolf's illicit love interest on \"Party of Five\".","Document [19](Title: Revisioned: Tomb Raider) Revisioned: Tomb Raider Revisioned: Tomb Raider (trademarked as Re\\Visioned: Tomb Raider) is a ten-part animated series based on the \"Tomb Raider\" series. It was distributed through the online video game service GameTap from July 10, 2007 to November 13, 2007. The series consists of various animation and comic book talent's renditions of Lara Croft, presented in the form of animated short films. The series was originally intended to conclude on August 23, 2007, but the date for the final episode was changed to November 13, 2007. Even though the styles of the episodes vary, the voice actress for Lara Croft,","Document [20](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) her father. The film was released on 16 March 2018. Tomb Raider (2013 video game) Tomb Raider is an action-adventure video game developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Square Enix. \"Tomb Raider\" is the tenth title in the \"Tomb Raider\" franchise, and operates as a reboot that reconstructs the origins of Lara Croft. \"Tomb Raider\" was released on 5 March 2013 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, on 23 January 2014 for OS X, on 27 April 2016 for Linux, and on 7 March 2017 for Shield TV. Crystal Dynamics began development of \"Tomb Raider\" soon after"],"query":"who is the cast of the new tomb raider movie?","answers":["Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Alicia Vikander) the adaptation of the novel \"The Light Between Oceans\" (2016), directed by Derek Cianfrance, with Michael Fassbender and Rachel Weisz. The film was released in the United States by Touchstone Pictures on 2 September 2016. Vikander portrayed Lara Croft in the action reboot film \"Tomb Raider\", which was released on 16 March 2018. Vikander previously lived in North London. In late 2014, she began a relationship with actor Michael Fassbender, in which they made their first public appearance together at the 2016 Golden Globes, where Vikander was nominated twice\u2014for her roles in \"The Danish Girl\" (2015) and \"Ex Machina\" (2015).","Document [2](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) and is accompanied by Conrad Roth, a Royal Marine turned adventurer and close friend of the Croft family who serves as mentor to Lara; Samantha \"Sam\" Nishimura, Lara's friend and a representative of the Nishimura family who films the expedition for a documentary; Joslyn Reyes, a skeptical and temperamental mechanic and single mother; Jonah Maiava, an imposing and placid fisherman who is willing to believe in the existence of the paranormal and esoteric; Angus \"Grim\" Grimaldi, the gruff Glaswegian helmsman of the \"Endurance\"; and Alex Weiss, a goofy and bespectacled electronics specialist. Lara set out on her first expedition aboard","Document [3](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) she prepares for her next adventure. Additionally, Nick Frost plays a pawn shop owner and Jaime Winstone his wife. Hannah John-Kamen and Antonio Aakeel play Lara's friends. Duncan Airlie James plays Terry, a mixed martial arts club operator. Josef Altin portrays Bruce, Lara's boss, Billy Postlethwaite and Roger Nsengiyumva appear as Bill and Rog, Lara's co-workers and opponents at the race and Michael Obiora portrays Baxter, the Croft Holdings' receptionist. GK Films first acquired the rights to make the film in 2011. Norwegian director Roar Uthaug came on board in November 2015, and Alicia Vikander was announced as the new","Document [4](Title: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider) Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (also known as simply Tomb Raider) is a 2001 action-adventure film based on the \"Tomb Raider\" video game series featuring the character Lara Croft, portrayed by Angelina Jolie. An international co-production between the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and Germany, it was directed by Simon West and revolves around Lara Croft trying to obtain ancient artifacts from the Illuminati. The film was released on June 15, 2001, and received generally negative reviews from critics for its stylized action and bland plot, although Angelina Jolie was praised for her performance. \"Tomb Raider\"","Document [5](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) to Hong Kong where she hires Lu Ren, captain of the ship \"Endurance\", to sail into the Devil's Sea and the island of Yamatai. The ship capsizes in a violent storm and Lara is washed ashore where she is knocked unconscious. She awakens only to encounter Mathias Vogel, the leader of an expedition to locate Himiko's tomb. The expedition has been funded by a shadowy organization called Trinity, which seeks to harness and weaponize Himiko's power. Vogel takes Lara prisoner, claiming that he killed her father and revealing that he intends to use Richard's research to continue his expedition. He","Document [6](Title: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider) Angelina Jolie was nominated for the Worst Actress Golden Raspberry Award for her role in the film, but she lost to Mariah Carey in \"Glitter\". \"Lara Croft: Tomb Raider\" is a 2001 soundtrack album to the film. The various artists soundtrack was released June 15, 2001. The Score was later released on June 25, 2001. The movie also featured the songs \"Lila\" by Vas and \"Piano Concerto in F Minor\" performed by Hae-Wong Chang. These were not featured on the soundtrack. Also used in the movie were elements of \"Elevation (Influx Remix)\" by U2. This was uncredited. For the first","Document [7](Title: Camilla Luddington) Rivers, Kelly Osbourne, George Kotsiopoulos, and Kris Jenner. In June 2012, Crystal Dynamics confirmed Luddington would voice Lara Croft in the video game \"Tomb Raider\". Luddington originally went into the audition for Lara thinking she was auditioning for a project called \"Krypted\" with a character called Sara. In June 2014, it was revealed that a sequel was in production, titled \"Rise of the Tomb Raider\", and Luddington confirmed on her Twitter account that she would be returning to voice and motion capture Lara in the new game. Luddington also returned to reprise her role for \"Shadow of the Tomb Raider\",","Document [8](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) Lara Croft in April 2016. \"Deadline Hollywood\" had previously reported that Daisy Ridley was considered for the role, though she later stated in an interview that it was just a \"crazy rumor.\" Walton Goggins was announced to play the villain in December 2016, and much of the rest of the cast was revealed in early 2017. Principal photography on the film began on January 23, 2017, in Cape Town, South Africa, and ended on June 9, 2017, at Warner Bros. Studios, Leavesden. Wilton House near Salisbury in Wiltshire was the location for exterior shots for Croft Manor. The waterfall sequence","Document [9](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) CGI studio Visual Works. Keeley Hawes did not return as Lara Croft for 2013's \"Tomb Raider\", after completing \"\", \"\", \"\" and \"Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light\". She reprised the role of Lara in the downloadable game \"Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris\", which was released on 9 December 2014. In December 2010, Crystal Dynamics was said to be trialling dozens of voice actresses. On 26 June 2012, the voice actress of Lara Croft was revealed to be Camilla Luddington. Lara is played by Nadine Njeim in the Arabic dub, by Nora Tschirner in the German dub,","Document [10](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) by Alice David in the French dub, by Karolina Gorczyca in the Polish dub, by Yuhko Kaida in the Japanese dub, by Benedetta Ponticelli in the Italian dub, by Guiomar Alburquerque Dur\u00e1n in the Spanish dub and by Polina Sherbakova in the Russian dub. On 31 May 2012, a gameplay trailer was released online, showcasing more action-based gameplay along with varying plot elements. The trailer confirmed the presence of several other non-playable characters besides Lara on the island, many of which appear to be part of a menacing organization. On 4 June, at Microsoft's E3 2012 press conference, a new","Document [11](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) in returning as Lara Croft for a second film, stating that \"If there's an audience out there for it, then I would love to\". In 2015, Adrian Askarieh, producer of the \"Hitman\" films, stated that he hoped to oversee a shared universe of Square Enix films with \"Just Cause\", \"Hitman\", \"Tomb Raider\", \"Deus Ex\", and \"Thief\", but admitted that he does not have the rights to \"Tomb Raider\". Tomb Raider (film) Tomb Raider is a 2018 action-adventure film directed by Roar Uthaug, with a screenplay by Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Alastair Siddons, from a story by Evan Daugherty and Robertson-Dworet. An","Document [12](Title: Jill de Jong) Jill de Jong Jill de Jong, also known as Jildou de Jong (born February 17, 1982) is a Dutch model and actress. Born in Hoogeveen, Drenthe. On March 21, 2002 she was selected by Eidos Interactive as the Lara Croft character model for the Tomb Raider video game series. She began her career as a model at the age of fifteen after winning a modeling contest in the Netherlands. Over the past ten years she became a respected and successful top model, shooting TV and print campaigns for big brand names such as, Ralph Lauren, Escada, Redken, Izod, St. Yves,","Document [13](Title: Alison Carroll) a receptionist at a golf club, Carroll was announced as the new Lara Croft model for the latest video game featuring the heroine, \"\". Carroll replaced previous Lara model Karima McAdams, who retired from the role earlier in the year. Carroll held the position until 2010, and is the final official Lara Croft model, as the use of models has been discontinued for future \"Tomb Raider\" games. In January 2011, it was announced that Carroll was cast in the action film Amsterdam Heavy by director Michael Wright. Other cast members are Michael Madsen, Vincent van Ommen and Fajah Lourens. Alison","Document [14](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) Raider\", directed by the Norwegian genre specialist Roar Uthaug, is that it doesn\u2019t tamp down Vikander\u2019s inner flame, or the three-dimensionality of her talent; it doesn\u2019t fold and insert her into an overly gymnastic and CGI-happy thrill ride. The movie is full of vine-swinging, bow-and-arrow-shooting, ancient-spirit-meeting action, but most of it is staged on a convincing human scale, one that\u2019s been expertly tailored to its star\u2019s understated directness.\" Matt Zoller Seitz of RogerEbert.com gave the film 3 out of 4 stars, and said, \"this is a beautifully crafted and unpretentious piece of action cinema, with a number of sequences that","Document [15](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) Tomb Raider is a 2018 action-adventure film directed by Roar Uthaug, with a screenplay by Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Alastair Siddons, from a story by Evan Daugherty and Robertson-Dworet. It is based on the 2013 video game of the same name, with some elements of its sequel by Crystal Dynamics, and is a reboot of the Tomb Raider film series. The film stars Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft, who embarks on a perilous journey to her father's last-known destination, hoping to solve the mystery of his disappearance. Dominic West, Walton Goggins, Daniel Wu, and Kristin Scott Thomas appear in supporting roles.","Document [16](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) reviews from critics, with some describing the plot as \"paint-by-numbers\", and others praising the action sequences, tone, grittiness and realistic take on the franchise. Vikander's performance was highly praised but the characterization of Croft drew a polarized response; some described her as a \"capable, powerful, and unobjectified heroine\", while others called her bland, and a \"punching bag and onlooker.\" Following the disappearance of her father, Lord Richard Croft, Lara Croft makes a living as a bike courier. When she is arrested after a bike accident involving a police car, Richard's business partner Ana Miller posts her bail. After never claiming","Document [17](Title: Rise of the Tomb Raider) reprised her role as protagonist Lara Croft. Bobby Tahouri, known for his work on \"Game of Thrones\", composed the soundtrack. Development was completed on 9 October 2015, with Crystal Dynamics confirming that the game was declared gold (indicating that it was being prepared for duplication and release). One of the game's intentions was to craft a more \"personal\" experience for players, and the team wanted to explore the journey in which Lara becomes the tomb raider. She becomes determined to uncover more myths, and convinces the world that they are real at the end of the 2013 reboot; this became","Document [18](Title: Rhona Mitra) Irish. She has a brother, Jason, who is two years older, and a younger brother, Guyan, who is a travel writer for Lonely Planet and \"The Sunday Times\". Mitra appeared as the live action model for Lara Croft, the lead character in Eidos Interactive's \"Tomb Raider\" video game series before Angelina Jolie took the role for the two \"Tomb Raider\" films (2001\u20132003). Mitra was ranked No. 46 on the \"Maxim\" Hot 100 Women of 2001. She played the romantic interest of Christopher Lambert in \"Beowulf\". Her first main role came as Scott Wolf's illicit love interest on \"Party of Five\".","Document [19](Title: Revisioned: Tomb Raider) Revisioned: Tomb Raider Revisioned: Tomb Raider (trademarked as Re\\Visioned: Tomb Raider) is a ten-part animated series based on the \"Tomb Raider\" series. It was distributed through the online video game service GameTap from July 10, 2007 to November 13, 2007. The series consists of various animation and comic book talent's renditions of Lara Croft, presented in the form of animated short films. The series was originally intended to conclude on August 23, 2007, but the date for the final episode was changed to November 13, 2007. Even though the styles of the episodes vary, the voice actress for Lara Croft,","Document [20](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) her father. The film was released on 16 March 2018. Tomb Raider (2013 video game) Tomb Raider is an action-adventure video game developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Square Enix. \"Tomb Raider\" is the tenth title in the \"Tomb Raider\" franchise, and operates as a reboot that reconstructs the origins of Lara Croft. \"Tomb Raider\" was released on 5 March 2013 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, on 23 January 2014 for OS X, on 27 April 2016 for Linux, and on 7 March 2017 for Shield TV. Crystal Dynamics began development of \"Tomb Raider\" soon after"],"query":"who is the cast of the new tomb raider movie?","answers":["Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Alicia Vikander) the adaptation of the novel \"The Light Between Oceans\" (2016), directed by Derek Cianfrance, with Michael Fassbender and Rachel Weisz. The film was released in the United States by Touchstone Pictures on 2 September 2016. Vikander portrayed Lara Croft in the action reboot film \"Tomb Raider\", which was released on 16 March 2018. Vikander previously lived in North London. In late 2014, she began a relationship with actor Michael Fassbender, in which they made their first public appearance together at the 2016 Golden Globes, where Vikander was nominated twice\u2014for her roles in \"The Danish Girl\" (2015) and \"Ex Machina\" (2015).","Document [2](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) and is accompanied by Conrad Roth, a Royal Marine turned adventurer and close friend of the Croft family who serves as mentor to Lara; Samantha \"Sam\" Nishimura, Lara's friend and a representative of the Nishimura family who films the expedition for a documentary; Joslyn Reyes, a skeptical and temperamental mechanic and single mother; Jonah Maiava, an imposing and placid fisherman who is willing to believe in the existence of the paranormal and esoteric; Angus \"Grim\" Grimaldi, the gruff Glaswegian helmsman of the \"Endurance\"; and Alex Weiss, a goofy and bespectacled electronics specialist. Lara set out on her first expedition aboard","Document [3](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) she prepares for her next adventure. Additionally, Nick Frost plays a pawn shop owner and Jaime Winstone his wife. Hannah John-Kamen and Antonio Aakeel play Lara's friends. Duncan Airlie James plays Terry, a mixed martial arts club operator. Josef Altin portrays Bruce, Lara's boss, Billy Postlethwaite and Roger Nsengiyumva appear as Bill and Rog, Lara's co-workers and opponents at the race and Michael Obiora portrays Baxter, the Croft Holdings' receptionist. GK Films first acquired the rights to make the film in 2011. Norwegian director Roar Uthaug came on board in November 2015, and Alicia Vikander was announced as the new","Document [4](Title: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider) Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (also known as simply Tomb Raider) is a 2001 action-adventure film based on the \"Tomb Raider\" video game series featuring the character Lara Croft, portrayed by Angelina Jolie. An international co-production between the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and Germany, it was directed by Simon West and revolves around Lara Croft trying to obtain ancient artifacts from the Illuminati. The film was released on June 15, 2001, and received generally negative reviews from critics for its stylized action and bland plot, although Angelina Jolie was praised for her performance. \"Tomb Raider\"","Document [5](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) to Hong Kong where she hires Lu Ren, captain of the ship \"Endurance\", to sail into the Devil's Sea and the island of Yamatai. The ship capsizes in a violent storm and Lara is washed ashore where she is knocked unconscious. She awakens only to encounter Mathias Vogel, the leader of an expedition to locate Himiko's tomb. The expedition has been funded by a shadowy organization called Trinity, which seeks to harness and weaponize Himiko's power. Vogel takes Lara prisoner, claiming that he killed her father and revealing that he intends to use Richard's research to continue his expedition. He","Document [6](Title: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider) Angelina Jolie was nominated for the Worst Actress Golden Raspberry Award for her role in the film, but she lost to Mariah Carey in \"Glitter\". \"Lara Croft: Tomb Raider\" is a 2001 soundtrack album to the film. The various artists soundtrack was released June 15, 2001. The Score was later released on June 25, 2001. The movie also featured the songs \"Lila\" by Vas and \"Piano Concerto in F Minor\" performed by Hae-Wong Chang. These were not featured on the soundtrack. Also used in the movie were elements of \"Elevation (Influx Remix)\" by U2. This was uncredited. For the first","Document [7](Title: Camilla Luddington) Rivers, Kelly Osbourne, George Kotsiopoulos, and Kris Jenner. In June 2012, Crystal Dynamics confirmed Luddington would voice Lara Croft in the video game \"Tomb Raider\". Luddington originally went into the audition for Lara thinking she was auditioning for a project called \"Krypted\" with a character called Sara. In June 2014, it was revealed that a sequel was in production, titled \"Rise of the Tomb Raider\", and Luddington confirmed on her Twitter account that she would be returning to voice and motion capture Lara in the new game. Luddington also returned to reprise her role for \"Shadow of the Tomb Raider\",","Document [8](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) Lara Croft in April 2016. \"Deadline Hollywood\" had previously reported that Daisy Ridley was considered for the role, though she later stated in an interview that it was just a \"crazy rumor.\" Walton Goggins was announced to play the villain in December 2016, and much of the rest of the cast was revealed in early 2017. Principal photography on the film began on January 23, 2017, in Cape Town, South Africa, and ended on June 9, 2017, at Warner Bros. Studios, Leavesden. Wilton House near Salisbury in Wiltshire was the location for exterior shots for Croft Manor. The waterfall sequence","Document [9](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) CGI studio Visual Works. Keeley Hawes did not return as Lara Croft for 2013's \"Tomb Raider\", after completing \"\", \"\", \"\" and \"Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light\". She reprised the role of Lara in the downloadable game \"Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris\", which was released on 9 December 2014. In December 2010, Crystal Dynamics was said to be trialling dozens of voice actresses. On 26 June 2012, the voice actress of Lara Croft was revealed to be Camilla Luddington. Lara is played by Nadine Njeim in the Arabic dub, by Nora Tschirner in the German dub,","Document [10](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) by Alice David in the French dub, by Karolina Gorczyca in the Polish dub, by Yuhko Kaida in the Japanese dub, by Benedetta Ponticelli in the Italian dub, by Guiomar Alburquerque Dur\u00e1n in the Spanish dub and by Polina Sherbakova in the Russian dub. On 31 May 2012, a gameplay trailer was released online, showcasing more action-based gameplay along with varying plot elements. The trailer confirmed the presence of several other non-playable characters besides Lara on the island, many of which appear to be part of a menacing organization. On 4 June, at Microsoft's E3 2012 press conference, a new","Document [11](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) in returning as Lara Croft for a second film, stating that \"If there's an audience out there for it, then I would love to\". In 2015, Adrian Askarieh, producer of the \"Hitman\" films, stated that he hoped to oversee a shared universe of Square Enix films with \"Just Cause\", \"Hitman\", \"Tomb Raider\", \"Deus Ex\", and \"Thief\", but admitted that he does not have the rights to \"Tomb Raider\". Tomb Raider (film) Tomb Raider is a 2018 action-adventure film directed by Roar Uthaug, with a screenplay by Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Alastair Siddons, from a story by Evan Daugherty and Robertson-Dworet. An","Document [12](Title: Jill de Jong) Jill de Jong Jill de Jong, also known as Jildou de Jong (born February 17, 1982) is a Dutch model and actress. Born in Hoogeveen, Drenthe. On March 21, 2002 she was selected by Eidos Interactive as the Lara Croft character model for the Tomb Raider video game series. She began her career as a model at the age of fifteen after winning a modeling contest in the Netherlands. Over the past ten years she became a respected and successful top model, shooting TV and print campaigns for big brand names such as, Ralph Lauren, Escada, Redken, Izod, St. Yves,","Document [13](Title: Alison Carroll) a receptionist at a golf club, Carroll was announced as the new Lara Croft model for the latest video game featuring the heroine, \"\". Carroll replaced previous Lara model Karima McAdams, who retired from the role earlier in the year. Carroll held the position until 2010, and is the final official Lara Croft model, as the use of models has been discontinued for future \"Tomb Raider\" games. In January 2011, it was announced that Carroll was cast in the action film Amsterdam Heavy by director Michael Wright. Other cast members are Michael Madsen, Vincent van Ommen and Fajah Lourens. Alison","Document [14](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) Raider\", directed by the Norwegian genre specialist Roar Uthaug, is that it doesn\u2019t tamp down Vikander\u2019s inner flame, or the three-dimensionality of her talent; it doesn\u2019t fold and insert her into an overly gymnastic and CGI-happy thrill ride. The movie is full of vine-swinging, bow-and-arrow-shooting, ancient-spirit-meeting action, but most of it is staged on a convincing human scale, one that\u2019s been expertly tailored to its star\u2019s understated directness.\" Matt Zoller Seitz of RogerEbert.com gave the film 3 out of 4 stars, and said, \"this is a beautifully crafted and unpretentious piece of action cinema, with a number of sequences that","Document [15](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) reviews from critics, with some describing the plot as \"paint-by-numbers\", and others praising the action sequences, tone, grittiness and realistic take on the franchise. Vikander's performance was highly praised but the characterization of Croft drew a polarized response; some described her as a \"capable, powerful, and unobjectified heroine\", while others called her bland, and a \"punching bag and onlooker.\" Following the disappearance of her father, Lord Richard Croft, Lara Croft makes a living as a bike courier. When she is arrested after a bike accident involving a police car, Richard's business partner Ana Miller posts her bail. After never claiming","Document [16](Title: Rise of the Tomb Raider) reprised her role as protagonist Lara Croft. Bobby Tahouri, known for his work on \"Game of Thrones\", composed the soundtrack. Development was completed on 9 October 2015, with Crystal Dynamics confirming that the game was declared gold (indicating that it was being prepared for duplication and release). One of the game's intentions was to craft a more \"personal\" experience for players, and the team wanted to explore the journey in which Lara becomes the tomb raider. She becomes determined to uncover more myths, and convinces the world that they are real at the end of the 2013 reboot; this became","Document [17](Title: Rhona Mitra) Irish. She has a brother, Jason, who is two years older, and a younger brother, Guyan, who is a travel writer for Lonely Planet and \"The Sunday Times\". Mitra appeared as the live action model for Lara Croft, the lead character in Eidos Interactive's \"Tomb Raider\" video game series before Angelina Jolie took the role for the two \"Tomb Raider\" films (2001\u20132003). Mitra was ranked No. 46 on the \"Maxim\" Hot 100 Women of 2001. She played the romantic interest of Christopher Lambert in \"Beowulf\". Her first main role came as Scott Wolf's illicit love interest on \"Party of Five\".","Document [18](Title: Revisioned: Tomb Raider) Revisioned: Tomb Raider Revisioned: Tomb Raider (trademarked as Re\\Visioned: Tomb Raider) is a ten-part animated series based on the \"Tomb Raider\" series. It was distributed through the online video game service GameTap from July 10, 2007 to November 13, 2007. The series consists of various animation and comic book talent's renditions of Lara Croft, presented in the form of animated short films. The series was originally intended to conclude on August 23, 2007, but the date for the final episode was changed to November 13, 2007. Even though the styles of the episodes vary, the voice actress for Lara Croft,","Document [19](Title: Tomb Raider (2013 video game)) her father. The film was released on 16 March 2018. Tomb Raider (2013 video game) Tomb Raider is an action-adventure video game developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Square Enix. \"Tomb Raider\" is the tenth title in the \"Tomb Raider\" franchise, and operates as a reboot that reconstructs the origins of Lara Croft. \"Tomb Raider\" was released on 5 March 2013 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, on 23 January 2014 for OS X, on 27 April 2016 for Linux, and on 7 March 2017 for Shield TV. Crystal Dynamics began development of \"Tomb Raider\" soon after","Document [20](Title: Tomb Raider (film)) Tomb Raider is a 2018 action-adventure film directed by Roar Uthaug, with a screenplay by Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Alastair Siddons, from a story by Evan Daugherty and Robertson-Dworet. It is based on the 2013 video game of the same name, with some elements of its sequel by Crystal Dynamics, and is a reboot of the Tomb Raider film series. The film stars Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft, who embarks on a perilous journey to her father's last-known destination, hoping to solve the mystery of his disappearance. Dominic West, Walton Goggins, Daniel Wu, and Kristin Scott Thomas appear in supporting roles."],"query":"who is the cast of the new tomb raider movie?","answers":["Alicia Vikander as Lara Croft"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Fix You) \"Fix You\" is a song by the British rock band Coldplay. It was written by all four members of the band for their third studio album, X&Y (2005). The track is built around an organ accompanied by slow tempo drums and vocals.","Document [2](Title: Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall) Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall \"Every Teardrop is a Waterfall\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. The song is the lead single from Coldplay's fifth studio album, \"Mylo Xyloto\", it was released on 3 June 2011, as a digital download except in the United Kingdom where it was released 2 days later. The song was nominated for two Grammy Awards: Best Rock Performance and Best Rock Song. It contains elements of the 1976 song \"I Go to Rio\" written by Peter Allen and Adrienne Anderson. Debuting at number 29 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in the United States,","Document [3](Title: Yellow (Coldplay song)) song's main melody, consisting of a chord pattern, popped into his head. At first, Martin did not take it seriously \"as he relayed the tune to the rest of the band in his worst Neil Young impersonation voice\". Martin has said, \"The song had the word 'stars' and that seemed like a word you should sing in a Neil Young voice.\" The melody \"started off a lot slower\", according to drummer Will Champion, and it sounded like a Neil Young song. Not long after, despite not taking the song seriously, Martin's idea worked out when he had developed the tempo","Document [4](Title: Viva la Vida) the stupidity of what we have to put up with every day. Hence the album title.\" Unlike the then-typical arrangement of Coldplay songs, in which either the guitar or piano is the prominent instrument, the track mostly consists of a string section and a digital piano playing the song's upbeat riff, along with a steady bass drum beat, percussion (including a timpano and a church bell), bass guitar, and Martin's vocals; there is limited use of electric guitar. All the strings are arranged and conducted by violinist Davide Rossi, who is one of the main collaborators of the album. Rossi's","Document [5](Title: Birds (Coldplay song)) Birds (Coldplay song) \"Birds\" is a song by British alternative rock band Coldplay. It was produced by the band's long-time record producer Rik Simpson along with Norwegian production duo Stargate. It appears as the second track on their seventh studio album, \"A Head Full of Dreams\" (2015). An official music video was also released by the band. The video was directed by Marcus Haney. It was set to the backdrop of the Colorado Desert's famous Salvation Mountain. The entire video was shot on a Super 8mm camera. The director wrote on Instagram: \"It's a tribute of thanks to the late","Document [6](Title: Fix You) Manchester\" benefit concert for the victims of the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing. The song received widespread acclaim from music critics. In the \"Rolling Stone Magazine\" review of the album, critic Kelefa Sanneh wrote: \"One of the best is 'Fix You', an unabashedly sentimental song where Martin delivers words of encouragement in a gentle falsetto [...] Proving once more that no band can deliver a stately rock ballad like this one.\" Paul McNamee of \"NME\" magazine wrote: \"It\u2019s a wonderful song that shifts from simple stark piano and voice to a ringing, clattering burst of intent and proto-prog four-part harmony.\" Adrien","Document [7](Title: Oceans (Coldplay song)) performance of the song, playing the acoustic guitar without his wedding ring; the first time since his separation from Gwyneth Paltrow. Oceans (Coldplay song) \"Oceans\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. It is the seventh track from their sixth studio album, \"Ghost Stories\". The song is an acoustic ballad that has been described as channelling Coldplay's earlier works, \"Parachutes\" and \"A Rush of Blood to the Head\". The song is predominantly played with an acoustic guitar and a steady electronic drum beat, with a light orchestra accompanying the song towards the end. The song's second half merges into","Document [8](Title: Strawberry Swing) Petrdis of \"The Guardian\" stated that there \"certainly a wider sonic palette on offer\" on the song, musing that that track contained both a jerkily funky beat, and a vaguely African-sounding guitar line. The song shares common traits of Coldplay's songs; it's a mid-tempo track, featuring echoing guitars, piano ballad-inspired melodies and bittersweet, anthemics, falsetto vocals. The overall sound of the song was also inspired by the Delakota song \"The Rock\", which utilizes a backward guitar loop. The song received mostly positive reviews from music critics. Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic stated that the track, with its light, \"gently infectious","Document [9](Title: Oceans (Coldplay song)) a lovely, slightly forlorn sway of a song, with an acoustic guitar anchoring Chris Martin's meandering falsetto amidst some swirling atmospherics\". Alex Young of \"Consequence of Sound\" jokingly stated that the song would \"make for a good Starbucks soundtrack\". \"Oceans\" was first performed by the band during their appearance on BBC Radio 1's Live Lounge program on 23 April 2014, alongside \"Magic\". A video of the performance was uploaded onto the official BBC Radio 1 YouTube channel the same day as the airing of the performance. The performance was featured on many music magazines and websites, with some noting Martin's","Document [10](Title: Fun (Coldplay song)) The song has the name title and concept as another song written by Chris Martin in 2008, which was left off \"Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends\" and was released by Australian singer-songwriter Natalie Imbruglia. Judah Joseph of \"The Huffington Post\" said Martin's and Tove Lo's vocals \"[weaved] seamlessly\", and he complimented the former for his \"effortless\" crooning. Referring to Martin's allusion to his separation from Paltrow, Tom Breihan of \"Stereogum\" wrote, \"It\u2019s a rare moment of acute, cutting humanity from a songwriter who tends to prefer sloppy vagaries.\" Furthermore, he said, \"And goofy though it may","Document [11](Title: Magic (Coldplay song)) craftsmanship.\" The song was placed at number thirty on \"Rolling Stone\"s 50 Best Songs of 2014 list. Writing for Consequence of Sound, Alex Young opined that the track \"sounds a lot less Bon Iver and a lot more Chris Martin drinking a venti, no-whip Skinny Vanilla Latte on a Sunday afternoon.\" Carl Williot of Idolator noted the song's Edge influence and commented that it showed \"a tonedown their trademark grandeur in exchange for a more minimalist, atmospheric set of songs.\" \"Spin\"'s Kyle McGovern had similar thoughts, and called the track \"a low-key meditation on love.\" Bill Lamb of About.com gave","Document [12](Title: Paradise (Coldplay song)) in a Rihanna song and melodies you would expect from a band like Friendly Fires and the \"oohs\" from 3OH!3 is what you first hear. That is, of course, until Chris Martin's vocals come into play and there is no doubt in your mind that this is Coldplay. A wonderful chorus of \"para-para-paradise\" reminds you just how good they really are. It will remain with you for weeks to come, like that new piece of clothing you just can't get enough of\". About.com said, in a three-and-a-half star review, that \"even when Coldplay sound a bit like they are spinning","Document [13](Title: Trouble (Coldplay song)) at number 1. Two different music videos for the single were released. An associated EP titled Trouble \u2013 Norwegian Live EP was released in the summer of 2001, consisted of five tracks recorded live by the band at Rockefeller Music Hall in Oslo, Norway. According to Coldplay's lead singer Chris Martin, the song's writing was inspired by his own behaviour. Martin recalls, \"There were some bad things going in our band ... the song is about behaving badly towards somebody you really love and I was certainly doing that to some members of the band.\" He added that he supposed","Document [14](Title: The Hardest Part (Coldplay song)) The Hardest Part (Coldplay song) \"The Hardest Part\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. It was written by all four members of the band for their third album, \"X&Y\". A piano-based ballad song, it begins with a piano melody, followed with electric guitar lines, that accompanies slow-tempo drumming. It was released on 3 April 2006 as the fourth single from \"X&Y\". The song was released as a radio-only song on United Kingdom radio stations. It appeared on the United States \"Billboard\" Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks chart and peaked at number 37, making it Coldplay's first appearance on that","Document [15](Title: 42 (song)) 42 (song) \"42\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. It was written by all members of the band for their fourth album, \"Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends\". The song, divided into three parts, does not have a chorus. The first part is a ballad with piano and strings. It then transforms into an uptempo rock arrangement with a guitar solo. Finally, the song ends with a multi-instrumental part. A live version of \"42\" was featured on the band's 2009 live album, \"LeftRightLeftRightLeft\". The mysterious title \"42\" may be related to the fact that there","Document [16](Title: Fix You) anyway.\" The song, which is written in the key of E major, features an organ and piano sound. The song starts with a hushed electric organ ballad, including Martin's falsetto. The song then builds with acoustic guitar and piano, along with a string section during the beginning choruses. The sound then shifts with a plaintive three-note guitar line, ringing through a rhythmic upbeat drum tempo. The song then transitions to its bridge, which roars into an instrumentation of piano notes, electric & bass guitar riffs, drums, and a singalong chorus with an anthemic feel. A synthesiser then joins the instrumentation,","Document [17](Title: Coldplay) and funds aiming to counter plastic pollution of the ocean. Coldplay have won numerous music awards throughout their history, including the American Music Award, nine Brit Awards (including winning the Best British Group four times), six MTV Video Music Awards, seven MTV Europe Music Awards, three World Music Awards, seven Billboard Music Awards, and seven Grammy Awards out of 32 nominations. 2009 was their most successful year having received seven Grammy Award nominations at the 51st Grammy Awards, and won three. Coldplay have sold over 100 million records worldwide. Coldplay Coldplay are a British rock band, formed in 1996 by","Document [18](Title: Violet Hill) most any Coldplay tunes I can think of.\" Kristina Feliciano of \"Paste\" magazine wrote: \"You know you're in for a different kind of Coldplay experience when Chris Martin ditches his anguished falsetto for a deep, doomy basso profundo, as he does on 'Violet Hill'\". Mikael Wood of \"Spin\" magazine wrote: \"'Violet Hill' pulls a similar fake-out, bludgeoning a delicate Eno-style soundscape with big Black Sabbath guitars.\" Darcie Stevens of the \"Austin Chronicle\" wrote: \"While the band's fourth LP begins light and pretty, its power breaks late-album with Old West tangent 'Violet Hill'\". The song appeared on \"Rolling Stone\"s Hot List","Document [19](Title: Talk (Coldplay song)) a chiming note for more abrasive riffs during the bridge (or breakdown) near the end of the song. A string section can be heard during the choruses and before the start of the bridge. Guy Berryman also plays uptempo bass lines to compliment the track's pace, featuring slower, more abrasive riffs during the song's verses and bridge. In the fourth line of the second verse, Martin sings: \"Or write a song nobody had sung\/Or do something that's never been done.\" The third line of the third verse is: \"Tell me how do you feel?\/Well I feel like they're talking in","Document [20](Title: Yellow (Coldplay song)) Artists Company. It was shot at 50 frames per second, twice the regular speed. At the shoot, Chris Martin had to sing the song at double speed so that the audio and visual content would be in sync, a common yet difficult practice of music videos. The final product is slowed to 25 frames per second, giving the slow motion effect of the video. The transition of the video from night to day was achieved during the telecine process. During the transfer from film to videotape, an operator manually adjusted the amount of lighting for blue in the beginning, red"],"query":"coldplay song i will try to fix you?","answers":["\"Fix You\""],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall) Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall \"Every Teardrop is a Waterfall\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. The song is the lead single from Coldplay's fifth studio album, \"Mylo Xyloto\", it was released on 3 June 2011, as a digital download except in the United Kingdom where it was released 2 days later. The song was nominated for two Grammy Awards: Best Rock Performance and Best Rock Song. It contains elements of the 1976 song \"I Go to Rio\" written by Peter Allen and Adrienne Anderson. Debuting at number 29 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in the United States,","Document [2](Title: Yellow (Coldplay song)) song's main melody, consisting of a chord pattern, popped into his head. At first, Martin did not take it seriously \"as he relayed the tune to the rest of the band in his worst Neil Young impersonation voice\". Martin has said, \"The song had the word 'stars' and that seemed like a word you should sing in a Neil Young voice.\" The melody \"started off a lot slower\", according to drummer Will Champion, and it sounded like a Neil Young song. Not long after, despite not taking the song seriously, Martin's idea worked out when he had developed the tempo","Document [3](Title: Viva la Vida) the stupidity of what we have to put up with every day. Hence the album title.\" Unlike the then-typical arrangement of Coldplay songs, in which either the guitar or piano is the prominent instrument, the track mostly consists of a string section and a digital piano playing the song's upbeat riff, along with a steady bass drum beat, percussion (including a timpano and a church bell), bass guitar, and Martin's vocals; there is limited use of electric guitar. All the strings are arranged and conducted by violinist Davide Rossi, who is one of the main collaborators of the album. Rossi's","Document [4](Title: Birds (Coldplay song)) Birds (Coldplay song) \"Birds\" is a song by British alternative rock band Coldplay. It was produced by the band's long-time record producer Rik Simpson along with Norwegian production duo Stargate. It appears as the second track on their seventh studio album, \"A Head Full of Dreams\" (2015). An official music video was also released by the band. The video was directed by Marcus Haney. It was set to the backdrop of the Colorado Desert's famous Salvation Mountain. The entire video was shot on a Super 8mm camera. The director wrote on Instagram: \"It's a tribute of thanks to the late","Document [5](Title: Fix You) \"Fix You\" is a song by the British rock band Coldplay. It was written by all four members of the band for their third studio album, X&Y (2005). The track is built around an organ accompanied by slow tempo drums and vocals.","Document [6](Title: Fix You) Manchester\" benefit concert for the victims of the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing. The song received widespread acclaim from music critics. In the \"Rolling Stone Magazine\" review of the album, critic Kelefa Sanneh wrote: \"One of the best is 'Fix You', an unabashedly sentimental song where Martin delivers words of encouragement in a gentle falsetto [...] Proving once more that no band can deliver a stately rock ballad like this one.\" Paul McNamee of \"NME\" magazine wrote: \"It\u2019s a wonderful song that shifts from simple stark piano and voice to a ringing, clattering burst of intent and proto-prog four-part harmony.\" Adrien","Document [7](Title: Oceans (Coldplay song)) performance of the song, playing the acoustic guitar without his wedding ring; the first time since his separation from Gwyneth Paltrow. Oceans (Coldplay song) \"Oceans\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. It is the seventh track from their sixth studio album, \"Ghost Stories\". The song is an acoustic ballad that has been described as channelling Coldplay's earlier works, \"Parachutes\" and \"A Rush of Blood to the Head\". The song is predominantly played with an acoustic guitar and a steady electronic drum beat, with a light orchestra accompanying the song towards the end. The song's second half merges into","Document [8](Title: Strawberry Swing) Petrdis of \"The Guardian\" stated that there \"certainly a wider sonic palette on offer\" on the song, musing that that track contained both a jerkily funky beat, and a vaguely African-sounding guitar line. The song shares common traits of Coldplay's songs; it's a mid-tempo track, featuring echoing guitars, piano ballad-inspired melodies and bittersweet, anthemics, falsetto vocals. The overall sound of the song was also inspired by the Delakota song \"The Rock\", which utilizes a backward guitar loop. The song received mostly positive reviews from music critics. Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic stated that the track, with its light, \"gently infectious","Document [9](Title: Oceans (Coldplay song)) a lovely, slightly forlorn sway of a song, with an acoustic guitar anchoring Chris Martin's meandering falsetto amidst some swirling atmospherics\". Alex Young of \"Consequence of Sound\" jokingly stated that the song would \"make for a good Starbucks soundtrack\". \"Oceans\" was first performed by the band during their appearance on BBC Radio 1's Live Lounge program on 23 April 2014, alongside \"Magic\". A video of the performance was uploaded onto the official BBC Radio 1 YouTube channel the same day as the airing of the performance. The performance was featured on many music magazines and websites, with some noting Martin's","Document [10](Title: Fun (Coldplay song)) The song has the name title and concept as another song written by Chris Martin in 2008, which was left off \"Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends\" and was released by Australian singer-songwriter Natalie Imbruglia. Judah Joseph of \"The Huffington Post\" said Martin's and Tove Lo's vocals \"[weaved] seamlessly\", and he complimented the former for his \"effortless\" crooning. Referring to Martin's allusion to his separation from Paltrow, Tom Breihan of \"Stereogum\" wrote, \"It\u2019s a rare moment of acute, cutting humanity from a songwriter who tends to prefer sloppy vagaries.\" Furthermore, he said, \"And goofy though it may","Document [11](Title: Magic (Coldplay song)) craftsmanship.\" The song was placed at number thirty on \"Rolling Stone\"s 50 Best Songs of 2014 list. Writing for Consequence of Sound, Alex Young opined that the track \"sounds a lot less Bon Iver and a lot more Chris Martin drinking a venti, no-whip Skinny Vanilla Latte on a Sunday afternoon.\" Carl Williot of Idolator noted the song's Edge influence and commented that it showed \"a tonedown their trademark grandeur in exchange for a more minimalist, atmospheric set of songs.\" \"Spin\"'s Kyle McGovern had similar thoughts, and called the track \"a low-key meditation on love.\" Bill Lamb of About.com gave","Document [12](Title: Paradise (Coldplay song)) in a Rihanna song and melodies you would expect from a band like Friendly Fires and the \"oohs\" from 3OH!3 is what you first hear. That is, of course, until Chris Martin's vocals come into play and there is no doubt in your mind that this is Coldplay. A wonderful chorus of \"para-para-paradise\" reminds you just how good they really are. It will remain with you for weeks to come, like that new piece of clothing you just can't get enough of\". About.com said, in a three-and-a-half star review, that \"even when Coldplay sound a bit like they are spinning","Document [13](Title: Trouble (Coldplay song)) at number 1. Two different music videos for the single were released. An associated EP titled Trouble \u2013 Norwegian Live EP was released in the summer of 2001, consisted of five tracks recorded live by the band at Rockefeller Music Hall in Oslo, Norway. According to Coldplay's lead singer Chris Martin, the song's writing was inspired by his own behaviour. Martin recalls, \"There were some bad things going in our band ... the song is about behaving badly towards somebody you really love and I was certainly doing that to some members of the band.\" He added that he supposed","Document [14](Title: The Hardest Part (Coldplay song)) The Hardest Part (Coldplay song) \"The Hardest Part\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. It was written by all four members of the band for their third album, \"X&Y\". A piano-based ballad song, it begins with a piano melody, followed with electric guitar lines, that accompanies slow-tempo drumming. It was released on 3 April 2006 as the fourth single from \"X&Y\". The song was released as a radio-only song on United Kingdom radio stations. It appeared on the United States \"Billboard\" Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks chart and peaked at number 37, making it Coldplay's first appearance on that","Document [15](Title: 42 (song)) 42 (song) \"42\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. It was written by all members of the band for their fourth album, \"Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends\". The song, divided into three parts, does not have a chorus. The first part is a ballad with piano and strings. It then transforms into an uptempo rock arrangement with a guitar solo. Finally, the song ends with a multi-instrumental part. A live version of \"42\" was featured on the band's 2009 live album, \"LeftRightLeftRightLeft\". The mysterious title \"42\" may be related to the fact that there","Document [16](Title: Fix You) anyway.\" The song, which is written in the key of E major, features an organ and piano sound. The song starts with a hushed electric organ ballad, including Martin's falsetto. The song then builds with acoustic guitar and piano, along with a string section during the beginning choruses. The sound then shifts with a plaintive three-note guitar line, ringing through a rhythmic upbeat drum tempo. The song then transitions to its bridge, which roars into an instrumentation of piano notes, electric & bass guitar riffs, drums, and a singalong chorus with an anthemic feel. A synthesiser then joins the instrumentation,","Document [17](Title: Coldplay) and funds aiming to counter plastic pollution of the ocean. Coldplay have won numerous music awards throughout their history, including the American Music Award, nine Brit Awards (including winning the Best British Group four times), six MTV Video Music Awards, seven MTV Europe Music Awards, three World Music Awards, seven Billboard Music Awards, and seven Grammy Awards out of 32 nominations. 2009 was their most successful year having received seven Grammy Award nominations at the 51st Grammy Awards, and won three. Coldplay have sold over 100 million records worldwide. Coldplay Coldplay are a British rock band, formed in 1996 by","Document [18](Title: Violet Hill) most any Coldplay tunes I can think of.\" Kristina Feliciano of \"Paste\" magazine wrote: \"You know you're in for a different kind of Coldplay experience when Chris Martin ditches his anguished falsetto for a deep, doomy basso profundo, as he does on 'Violet Hill'\". Mikael Wood of \"Spin\" magazine wrote: \"'Violet Hill' pulls a similar fake-out, bludgeoning a delicate Eno-style soundscape with big Black Sabbath guitars.\" Darcie Stevens of the \"Austin Chronicle\" wrote: \"While the band's fourth LP begins light and pretty, its power breaks late-album with Old West tangent 'Violet Hill'\". The song appeared on \"Rolling Stone\"s Hot List","Document [19](Title: Talk (Coldplay song)) a chiming note for more abrasive riffs during the bridge (or breakdown) near the end of the song. A string section can be heard during the choruses and before the start of the bridge. Guy Berryman also plays uptempo bass lines to compliment the track's pace, featuring slower, more abrasive riffs during the song's verses and bridge. In the fourth line of the second verse, Martin sings: \"Or write a song nobody had sung\/Or do something that's never been done.\" The third line of the third verse is: \"Tell me how do you feel?\/Well I feel like they're talking in","Document [20](Title: Yellow (Coldplay song)) Artists Company. It was shot at 50 frames per second, twice the regular speed. At the shoot, Chris Martin had to sing the song at double speed so that the audio and visual content would be in sync, a common yet difficult practice of music videos. The final product is slowed to 25 frames per second, giving the slow motion effect of the video. The transition of the video from night to day was achieved during the telecine process. During the transfer from film to videotape, an operator manually adjusted the amount of lighting for blue in the beginning, red"],"query":"coldplay song i will try to fix you?","answers":["\"Fix You\""],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall) Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall \"Every Teardrop is a Waterfall\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. The song is the lead single from Coldplay's fifth studio album, \"Mylo Xyloto\", it was released on 3 June 2011, as a digital download except in the United Kingdom where it was released 2 days later. The song was nominated for two Grammy Awards: Best Rock Performance and Best Rock Song. It contains elements of the 1976 song \"I Go to Rio\" written by Peter Allen and Adrienne Anderson. Debuting at number 29 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in the United States,","Document [2](Title: Yellow (Coldplay song)) song's main melody, consisting of a chord pattern, popped into his head. At first, Martin did not take it seriously \"as he relayed the tune to the rest of the band in his worst Neil Young impersonation voice\". Martin has said, \"The song had the word 'stars' and that seemed like a word you should sing in a Neil Young voice.\" The melody \"started off a lot slower\", according to drummer Will Champion, and it sounded like a Neil Young song. Not long after, despite not taking the song seriously, Martin's idea worked out when he had developed the tempo","Document [3](Title: Viva la Vida) the stupidity of what we have to put up with every day. Hence the album title.\" Unlike the then-typical arrangement of Coldplay songs, in which either the guitar or piano is the prominent instrument, the track mostly consists of a string section and a digital piano playing the song's upbeat riff, along with a steady bass drum beat, percussion (including a timpano and a church bell), bass guitar, and Martin's vocals; there is limited use of electric guitar. All the strings are arranged and conducted by violinist Davide Rossi, who is one of the main collaborators of the album. Rossi's","Document [4](Title: Birds (Coldplay song)) Birds (Coldplay song) \"Birds\" is a song by British alternative rock band Coldplay. It was produced by the band's long-time record producer Rik Simpson along with Norwegian production duo Stargate. It appears as the second track on their seventh studio album, \"A Head Full of Dreams\" (2015). An official music video was also released by the band. The video was directed by Marcus Haney. It was set to the backdrop of the Colorado Desert's famous Salvation Mountain. The entire video was shot on a Super 8mm camera. The director wrote on Instagram: \"It's a tribute of thanks to the late","Document [5](Title: Fix You) Manchester\" benefit concert for the victims of the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing. The song received widespread acclaim from music critics. In the \"Rolling Stone Magazine\" review of the album, critic Kelefa Sanneh wrote: \"One of the best is 'Fix You', an unabashedly sentimental song where Martin delivers words of encouragement in a gentle falsetto [...] Proving once more that no band can deliver a stately rock ballad like this one.\" Paul McNamee of \"NME\" magazine wrote: \"It\u2019s a wonderful song that shifts from simple stark piano and voice to a ringing, clattering burst of intent and proto-prog four-part harmony.\" Adrien","Document [6](Title: Oceans (Coldplay song)) performance of the song, playing the acoustic guitar without his wedding ring; the first time since his separation from Gwyneth Paltrow. Oceans (Coldplay song) \"Oceans\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. It is the seventh track from their sixth studio album, \"Ghost Stories\". The song is an acoustic ballad that has been described as channelling Coldplay's earlier works, \"Parachutes\" and \"A Rush of Blood to the Head\". The song is predominantly played with an acoustic guitar and a steady electronic drum beat, with a light orchestra accompanying the song towards the end. The song's second half merges into","Document [7](Title: Strawberry Swing) Petrdis of \"The Guardian\" stated that there \"certainly a wider sonic palette on offer\" on the song, musing that that track contained both a jerkily funky beat, and a vaguely African-sounding guitar line. The song shares common traits of Coldplay's songs; it's a mid-tempo track, featuring echoing guitars, piano ballad-inspired melodies and bittersweet, anthemics, falsetto vocals. The overall sound of the song was also inspired by the Delakota song \"The Rock\", which utilizes a backward guitar loop. The song received mostly positive reviews from music critics. Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic stated that the track, with its light, \"gently infectious","Document [8](Title: Oceans (Coldplay song)) a lovely, slightly forlorn sway of a song, with an acoustic guitar anchoring Chris Martin's meandering falsetto amidst some swirling atmospherics\". Alex Young of \"Consequence of Sound\" jokingly stated that the song would \"make for a good Starbucks soundtrack\". \"Oceans\" was first performed by the band during their appearance on BBC Radio 1's Live Lounge program on 23 April 2014, alongside \"Magic\". A video of the performance was uploaded onto the official BBC Radio 1 YouTube channel the same day as the airing of the performance. The performance was featured on many music magazines and websites, with some noting Martin's","Document [9](Title: Fun (Coldplay song)) The song has the name title and concept as another song written by Chris Martin in 2008, which was left off \"Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends\" and was released by Australian singer-songwriter Natalie Imbruglia. Judah Joseph of \"The Huffington Post\" said Martin's and Tove Lo's vocals \"[weaved] seamlessly\", and he complimented the former for his \"effortless\" crooning. Referring to Martin's allusion to his separation from Paltrow, Tom Breihan of \"Stereogum\" wrote, \"It\u2019s a rare moment of acute, cutting humanity from a songwriter who tends to prefer sloppy vagaries.\" Furthermore, he said, \"And goofy though it may","Document [10](Title: Fix You) \"Fix You\" is a song by the British rock band Coldplay. It was written by all four members of the band for their third studio album, X&Y (2005). The track is built around an organ accompanied by slow tempo drums and vocals.","Document [11](Title: Magic (Coldplay song)) craftsmanship.\" The song was placed at number thirty on \"Rolling Stone\"s 50 Best Songs of 2014 list. Writing for Consequence of Sound, Alex Young opined that the track \"sounds a lot less Bon Iver and a lot more Chris Martin drinking a venti, no-whip Skinny Vanilla Latte on a Sunday afternoon.\" Carl Williot of Idolator noted the song's Edge influence and commented that it showed \"a tonedown their trademark grandeur in exchange for a more minimalist, atmospheric set of songs.\" \"Spin\"'s Kyle McGovern had similar thoughts, and called the track \"a low-key meditation on love.\" Bill Lamb of About.com gave","Document [12](Title: Paradise (Coldplay song)) in a Rihanna song and melodies you would expect from a band like Friendly Fires and the \"oohs\" from 3OH!3 is what you first hear. That is, of course, until Chris Martin's vocals come into play and there is no doubt in your mind that this is Coldplay. A wonderful chorus of \"para-para-paradise\" reminds you just how good they really are. It will remain with you for weeks to come, like that new piece of clothing you just can't get enough of\". About.com said, in a three-and-a-half star review, that \"even when Coldplay sound a bit like they are spinning","Document [13](Title: Trouble (Coldplay song)) at number 1. Two different music videos for the single were released. An associated EP titled Trouble \u2013 Norwegian Live EP was released in the summer of 2001, consisted of five tracks recorded live by the band at Rockefeller Music Hall in Oslo, Norway. According to Coldplay's lead singer Chris Martin, the song's writing was inspired by his own behaviour. Martin recalls, \"There were some bad things going in our band ... the song is about behaving badly towards somebody you really love and I was certainly doing that to some members of the band.\" He added that he supposed","Document [14](Title: The Hardest Part (Coldplay song)) The Hardest Part (Coldplay song) \"The Hardest Part\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. It was written by all four members of the band for their third album, \"X&Y\". A piano-based ballad song, it begins with a piano melody, followed with electric guitar lines, that accompanies slow-tempo drumming. It was released on 3 April 2006 as the fourth single from \"X&Y\". The song was released as a radio-only song on United Kingdom radio stations. It appeared on the United States \"Billboard\" Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks chart and peaked at number 37, making it Coldplay's first appearance on that","Document [15](Title: 42 (song)) 42 (song) \"42\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. It was written by all members of the band for their fourth album, \"Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends\". The song, divided into three parts, does not have a chorus. The first part is a ballad with piano and strings. It then transforms into an uptempo rock arrangement with a guitar solo. Finally, the song ends with a multi-instrumental part. A live version of \"42\" was featured on the band's 2009 live album, \"LeftRightLeftRightLeft\". The mysterious title \"42\" may be related to the fact that there","Document [16](Title: Fix You) anyway.\" The song, which is written in the key of E major, features an organ and piano sound. The song starts with a hushed electric organ ballad, including Martin's falsetto. The song then builds with acoustic guitar and piano, along with a string section during the beginning choruses. The sound then shifts with a plaintive three-note guitar line, ringing through a rhythmic upbeat drum tempo. The song then transitions to its bridge, which roars into an instrumentation of piano notes, electric & bass guitar riffs, drums, and a singalong chorus with an anthemic feel. A synthesiser then joins the instrumentation,","Document [17](Title: Coldplay) and funds aiming to counter plastic pollution of the ocean. Coldplay have won numerous music awards throughout their history, including the American Music Award, nine Brit Awards (including winning the Best British Group four times), six MTV Video Music Awards, seven MTV Europe Music Awards, three World Music Awards, seven Billboard Music Awards, and seven Grammy Awards out of 32 nominations. 2009 was their most successful year having received seven Grammy Award nominations at the 51st Grammy Awards, and won three. Coldplay have sold over 100 million records worldwide. Coldplay Coldplay are a British rock band, formed in 1996 by","Document [18](Title: Violet Hill) most any Coldplay tunes I can think of.\" Kristina Feliciano of \"Paste\" magazine wrote: \"You know you're in for a different kind of Coldplay experience when Chris Martin ditches his anguished falsetto for a deep, doomy basso profundo, as he does on 'Violet Hill'\". Mikael Wood of \"Spin\" magazine wrote: \"'Violet Hill' pulls a similar fake-out, bludgeoning a delicate Eno-style soundscape with big Black Sabbath guitars.\" Darcie Stevens of the \"Austin Chronicle\" wrote: \"While the band's fourth LP begins light and pretty, its power breaks late-album with Old West tangent 'Violet Hill'\". The song appeared on \"Rolling Stone\"s Hot List","Document [19](Title: Talk (Coldplay song)) a chiming note for more abrasive riffs during the bridge (or breakdown) near the end of the song. A string section can be heard during the choruses and before the start of the bridge. Guy Berryman also plays uptempo bass lines to compliment the track's pace, featuring slower, more abrasive riffs during the song's verses and bridge. In the fourth line of the second verse, Martin sings: \"Or write a song nobody had sung\/Or do something that's never been done.\" The third line of the third verse is: \"Tell me how do you feel?\/Well I feel like they're talking in","Document [20](Title: Yellow (Coldplay song)) Artists Company. It was shot at 50 frames per second, twice the regular speed. At the shoot, Chris Martin had to sing the song at double speed so that the audio and visual content would be in sync, a common yet difficult practice of music videos. The final product is slowed to 25 frames per second, giving the slow motion effect of the video. The transition of the video from night to day was achieved during the telecine process. During the transfer from film to videotape, an operator manually adjusted the amount of lighting for blue in the beginning, red"],"query":"coldplay song i will try to fix you?","answers":["\"Fix You\""],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall) Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall \"Every Teardrop is a Waterfall\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. The song is the lead single from Coldplay's fifth studio album, \"Mylo Xyloto\", it was released on 3 June 2011, as a digital download except in the United Kingdom where it was released 2 days later. The song was nominated for two Grammy Awards: Best Rock Performance and Best Rock Song. It contains elements of the 1976 song \"I Go to Rio\" written by Peter Allen and Adrienne Anderson. Debuting at number 29 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in the United States,","Document [2](Title: Yellow (Coldplay song)) song's main melody, consisting of a chord pattern, popped into his head. At first, Martin did not take it seriously \"as he relayed the tune to the rest of the band in his worst Neil Young impersonation voice\". Martin has said, \"The song had the word 'stars' and that seemed like a word you should sing in a Neil Young voice.\" The melody \"started off a lot slower\", according to drummer Will Champion, and it sounded like a Neil Young song. Not long after, despite not taking the song seriously, Martin's idea worked out when he had developed the tempo","Document [3](Title: Viva la Vida) the stupidity of what we have to put up with every day. Hence the album title.\" Unlike the then-typical arrangement of Coldplay songs, in which either the guitar or piano is the prominent instrument, the track mostly consists of a string section and a digital piano playing the song's upbeat riff, along with a steady bass drum beat, percussion (including a timpano and a church bell), bass guitar, and Martin's vocals; there is limited use of electric guitar. All the strings are arranged and conducted by violinist Davide Rossi, who is one of the main collaborators of the album. Rossi's","Document [4](Title: Birds (Coldplay song)) Birds (Coldplay song) \"Birds\" is a song by British alternative rock band Coldplay. It was produced by the band's long-time record producer Rik Simpson along with Norwegian production duo Stargate. It appears as the second track on their seventh studio album, \"A Head Full of Dreams\" (2015). An official music video was also released by the band. The video was directed by Marcus Haney. It was set to the backdrop of the Colorado Desert's famous Salvation Mountain. The entire video was shot on a Super 8mm camera. The director wrote on Instagram: \"It's a tribute of thanks to the late","Document [5](Title: Fix You) Manchester\" benefit concert for the victims of the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing. The song received widespread acclaim from music critics. In the \"Rolling Stone Magazine\" review of the album, critic Kelefa Sanneh wrote: \"One of the best is 'Fix You', an unabashedly sentimental song where Martin delivers words of encouragement in a gentle falsetto [...] Proving once more that no band can deliver a stately rock ballad like this one.\" Paul McNamee of \"NME\" magazine wrote: \"It\u2019s a wonderful song that shifts from simple stark piano and voice to a ringing, clattering burst of intent and proto-prog four-part harmony.\" Adrien","Document [6](Title: Oceans (Coldplay song)) performance of the song, playing the acoustic guitar without his wedding ring; the first time since his separation from Gwyneth Paltrow. Oceans (Coldplay song) \"Oceans\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. It is the seventh track from their sixth studio album, \"Ghost Stories\". The song is an acoustic ballad that has been described as channelling Coldplay's earlier works, \"Parachutes\" and \"A Rush of Blood to the Head\". The song is predominantly played with an acoustic guitar and a steady electronic drum beat, with a light orchestra accompanying the song towards the end. The song's second half merges into","Document [7](Title: Strawberry Swing) Petrdis of \"The Guardian\" stated that there \"certainly a wider sonic palette on offer\" on the song, musing that that track contained both a jerkily funky beat, and a vaguely African-sounding guitar line. The song shares common traits of Coldplay's songs; it's a mid-tempo track, featuring echoing guitars, piano ballad-inspired melodies and bittersweet, anthemics, falsetto vocals. The overall sound of the song was also inspired by the Delakota song \"The Rock\", which utilizes a backward guitar loop. The song received mostly positive reviews from music critics. Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic stated that the track, with its light, \"gently infectious","Document [8](Title: Oceans (Coldplay song)) a lovely, slightly forlorn sway of a song, with an acoustic guitar anchoring Chris Martin's meandering falsetto amidst some swirling atmospherics\". Alex Young of \"Consequence of Sound\" jokingly stated that the song would \"make for a good Starbucks soundtrack\". \"Oceans\" was first performed by the band during their appearance on BBC Radio 1's Live Lounge program on 23 April 2014, alongside \"Magic\". A video of the performance was uploaded onto the official BBC Radio 1 YouTube channel the same day as the airing of the performance. The performance was featured on many music magazines and websites, with some noting Martin's","Document [9](Title: Fun (Coldplay song)) The song has the name title and concept as another song written by Chris Martin in 2008, which was left off \"Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends\" and was released by Australian singer-songwriter Natalie Imbruglia. Judah Joseph of \"The Huffington Post\" said Martin's and Tove Lo's vocals \"[weaved] seamlessly\", and he complimented the former for his \"effortless\" crooning. Referring to Martin's allusion to his separation from Paltrow, Tom Breihan of \"Stereogum\" wrote, \"It\u2019s a rare moment of acute, cutting humanity from a songwriter who tends to prefer sloppy vagaries.\" Furthermore, he said, \"And goofy though it may","Document [10](Title: Magic (Coldplay song)) craftsmanship.\" The song was placed at number thirty on \"Rolling Stone\"s 50 Best Songs of 2014 list. Writing for Consequence of Sound, Alex Young opined that the track \"sounds a lot less Bon Iver and a lot more Chris Martin drinking a venti, no-whip Skinny Vanilla Latte on a Sunday afternoon.\" Carl Williot of Idolator noted the song's Edge influence and commented that it showed \"a tonedown their trademark grandeur in exchange for a more minimalist, atmospheric set of songs.\" \"Spin\"'s Kyle McGovern had similar thoughts, and called the track \"a low-key meditation on love.\" Bill Lamb of About.com gave","Document [11](Title: Paradise (Coldplay song)) in a Rihanna song and melodies you would expect from a band like Friendly Fires and the \"oohs\" from 3OH!3 is what you first hear. That is, of course, until Chris Martin's vocals come into play and there is no doubt in your mind that this is Coldplay. A wonderful chorus of \"para-para-paradise\" reminds you just how good they really are. It will remain with you for weeks to come, like that new piece of clothing you just can't get enough of\". About.com said, in a three-and-a-half star review, that \"even when Coldplay sound a bit like they are spinning","Document [12](Title: Trouble (Coldplay song)) at number 1. Two different music videos for the single were released. An associated EP titled Trouble \u2013 Norwegian Live EP was released in the summer of 2001, consisted of five tracks recorded live by the band at Rockefeller Music Hall in Oslo, Norway. According to Coldplay's lead singer Chris Martin, the song's writing was inspired by his own behaviour. Martin recalls, \"There were some bad things going in our band ... the song is about behaving badly towards somebody you really love and I was certainly doing that to some members of the band.\" He added that he supposed","Document [13](Title: The Hardest Part (Coldplay song)) The Hardest Part (Coldplay song) \"The Hardest Part\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. It was written by all four members of the band for their third album, \"X&Y\". A piano-based ballad song, it begins with a piano melody, followed with electric guitar lines, that accompanies slow-tempo drumming. It was released on 3 April 2006 as the fourth single from \"X&Y\". The song was released as a radio-only song on United Kingdom radio stations. It appeared on the United States \"Billboard\" Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks chart and peaked at number 37, making it Coldplay's first appearance on that","Document [14](Title: 42 (song)) 42 (song) \"42\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. It was written by all members of the band for their fourth album, \"Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends\". The song, divided into three parts, does not have a chorus. The first part is a ballad with piano and strings. It then transforms into an uptempo rock arrangement with a guitar solo. Finally, the song ends with a multi-instrumental part. A live version of \"42\" was featured on the band's 2009 live album, \"LeftRightLeftRightLeft\". The mysterious title \"42\" may be related to the fact that there","Document [15](Title: Fix You) \"Fix You\" is a song by the British rock band Coldplay. It was written by all four members of the band for their third studio album, X&Y (2005). The track is built around an organ accompanied by slow tempo drums and vocals.","Document [16](Title: Fix You) anyway.\" The song, which is written in the key of E major, features an organ and piano sound. The song starts with a hushed electric organ ballad, including Martin's falsetto. The song then builds with acoustic guitar and piano, along with a string section during the beginning choruses. The sound then shifts with a plaintive three-note guitar line, ringing through a rhythmic upbeat drum tempo. The song then transitions to its bridge, which roars into an instrumentation of piano notes, electric & bass guitar riffs, drums, and a singalong chorus with an anthemic feel. A synthesiser then joins the instrumentation,","Document [17](Title: Coldplay) and funds aiming to counter plastic pollution of the ocean. Coldplay have won numerous music awards throughout their history, including the American Music Award, nine Brit Awards (including winning the Best British Group four times), six MTV Video Music Awards, seven MTV Europe Music Awards, three World Music Awards, seven Billboard Music Awards, and seven Grammy Awards out of 32 nominations. 2009 was their most successful year having received seven Grammy Award nominations at the 51st Grammy Awards, and won three. Coldplay have sold over 100 million records worldwide. Coldplay Coldplay are a British rock band, formed in 1996 by","Document [18](Title: Violet Hill) most any Coldplay tunes I can think of.\" Kristina Feliciano of \"Paste\" magazine wrote: \"You know you're in for a different kind of Coldplay experience when Chris Martin ditches his anguished falsetto for a deep, doomy basso profundo, as he does on 'Violet Hill'\". Mikael Wood of \"Spin\" magazine wrote: \"'Violet Hill' pulls a similar fake-out, bludgeoning a delicate Eno-style soundscape with big Black Sabbath guitars.\" Darcie Stevens of the \"Austin Chronicle\" wrote: \"While the band's fourth LP begins light and pretty, its power breaks late-album with Old West tangent 'Violet Hill'\". The song appeared on \"Rolling Stone\"s Hot List","Document [19](Title: Talk (Coldplay song)) a chiming note for more abrasive riffs during the bridge (or breakdown) near the end of the song. A string section can be heard during the choruses and before the start of the bridge. Guy Berryman also plays uptempo bass lines to compliment the track's pace, featuring slower, more abrasive riffs during the song's verses and bridge. In the fourth line of the second verse, Martin sings: \"Or write a song nobody had sung\/Or do something that's never been done.\" The third line of the third verse is: \"Tell me how do you feel?\/Well I feel like they're talking in","Document [20](Title: Yellow (Coldplay song)) Artists Company. It was shot at 50 frames per second, twice the regular speed. At the shoot, Chris Martin had to sing the song at double speed so that the audio and visual content would be in sync, a common yet difficult practice of music videos. The final product is slowed to 25 frames per second, giving the slow motion effect of the video. The transition of the video from night to day was achieved during the telecine process. During the transfer from film to videotape, an operator manually adjusted the amount of lighting for blue in the beginning, red"],"query":"coldplay song i will try to fix you?","answers":["\"Fix You\""],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall) Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall \"Every Teardrop is a Waterfall\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. The song is the lead single from Coldplay's fifth studio album, \"Mylo Xyloto\", it was released on 3 June 2011, as a digital download except in the United Kingdom where it was released 2 days later. The song was nominated for two Grammy Awards: Best Rock Performance and Best Rock Song. It contains elements of the 1976 song \"I Go to Rio\" written by Peter Allen and Adrienne Anderson. Debuting at number 29 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in the United States,","Document [2](Title: Yellow (Coldplay song)) song's main melody, consisting of a chord pattern, popped into his head. At first, Martin did not take it seriously \"as he relayed the tune to the rest of the band in his worst Neil Young impersonation voice\". Martin has said, \"The song had the word 'stars' and that seemed like a word you should sing in a Neil Young voice.\" The melody \"started off a lot slower\", according to drummer Will Champion, and it sounded like a Neil Young song. Not long after, despite not taking the song seriously, Martin's idea worked out when he had developed the tempo","Document [3](Title: Viva la Vida) the stupidity of what we have to put up with every day. Hence the album title.\" Unlike the then-typical arrangement of Coldplay songs, in which either the guitar or piano is the prominent instrument, the track mostly consists of a string section and a digital piano playing the song's upbeat riff, along with a steady bass drum beat, percussion (including a timpano and a church bell), bass guitar, and Martin's vocals; there is limited use of electric guitar. All the strings are arranged and conducted by violinist Davide Rossi, who is one of the main collaborators of the album. Rossi's","Document [4](Title: Birds (Coldplay song)) Birds (Coldplay song) \"Birds\" is a song by British alternative rock band Coldplay. It was produced by the band's long-time record producer Rik Simpson along with Norwegian production duo Stargate. It appears as the second track on their seventh studio album, \"A Head Full of Dreams\" (2015). An official music video was also released by the band. The video was directed by Marcus Haney. It was set to the backdrop of the Colorado Desert's famous Salvation Mountain. The entire video was shot on a Super 8mm camera. The director wrote on Instagram: \"It's a tribute of thanks to the late","Document [5](Title: Fix You) Manchester\" benefit concert for the victims of the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing. The song received widespread acclaim from music critics. In the \"Rolling Stone Magazine\" review of the album, critic Kelefa Sanneh wrote: \"One of the best is 'Fix You', an unabashedly sentimental song where Martin delivers words of encouragement in a gentle falsetto [...] Proving once more that no band can deliver a stately rock ballad like this one.\" Paul McNamee of \"NME\" magazine wrote: \"It\u2019s a wonderful song that shifts from simple stark piano and voice to a ringing, clattering burst of intent and proto-prog four-part harmony.\" Adrien","Document [6](Title: Oceans (Coldplay song)) performance of the song, playing the acoustic guitar without his wedding ring; the first time since his separation from Gwyneth Paltrow. Oceans (Coldplay song) \"Oceans\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. It is the seventh track from their sixth studio album, \"Ghost Stories\". The song is an acoustic ballad that has been described as channelling Coldplay's earlier works, \"Parachutes\" and \"A Rush of Blood to the Head\". The song is predominantly played with an acoustic guitar and a steady electronic drum beat, with a light orchestra accompanying the song towards the end. The song's second half merges into","Document [7](Title: Strawberry Swing) Petrdis of \"The Guardian\" stated that there \"certainly a wider sonic palette on offer\" on the song, musing that that track contained both a jerkily funky beat, and a vaguely African-sounding guitar line. The song shares common traits of Coldplay's songs; it's a mid-tempo track, featuring echoing guitars, piano ballad-inspired melodies and bittersweet, anthemics, falsetto vocals. The overall sound of the song was also inspired by the Delakota song \"The Rock\", which utilizes a backward guitar loop. The song received mostly positive reviews from music critics. Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic stated that the track, with its light, \"gently infectious","Document [8](Title: Oceans (Coldplay song)) a lovely, slightly forlorn sway of a song, with an acoustic guitar anchoring Chris Martin's meandering falsetto amidst some swirling atmospherics\". Alex Young of \"Consequence of Sound\" jokingly stated that the song would \"make for a good Starbucks soundtrack\". \"Oceans\" was first performed by the band during their appearance on BBC Radio 1's Live Lounge program on 23 April 2014, alongside \"Magic\". A video of the performance was uploaded onto the official BBC Radio 1 YouTube channel the same day as the airing of the performance. The performance was featured on many music magazines and websites, with some noting Martin's","Document [9](Title: Fun (Coldplay song)) The song has the name title and concept as another song written by Chris Martin in 2008, which was left off \"Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends\" and was released by Australian singer-songwriter Natalie Imbruglia. Judah Joseph of \"The Huffington Post\" said Martin's and Tove Lo's vocals \"[weaved] seamlessly\", and he complimented the former for his \"effortless\" crooning. Referring to Martin's allusion to his separation from Paltrow, Tom Breihan of \"Stereogum\" wrote, \"It\u2019s a rare moment of acute, cutting humanity from a songwriter who tends to prefer sloppy vagaries.\" Furthermore, he said, \"And goofy though it may","Document [10](Title: Magic (Coldplay song)) craftsmanship.\" The song was placed at number thirty on \"Rolling Stone\"s 50 Best Songs of 2014 list. Writing for Consequence of Sound, Alex Young opined that the track \"sounds a lot less Bon Iver and a lot more Chris Martin drinking a venti, no-whip Skinny Vanilla Latte on a Sunday afternoon.\" Carl Williot of Idolator noted the song's Edge influence and commented that it showed \"a tonedown their trademark grandeur in exchange for a more minimalist, atmospheric set of songs.\" \"Spin\"'s Kyle McGovern had similar thoughts, and called the track \"a low-key meditation on love.\" Bill Lamb of About.com gave","Document [11](Title: Paradise (Coldplay song)) in a Rihanna song and melodies you would expect from a band like Friendly Fires and the \"oohs\" from 3OH!3 is what you first hear. That is, of course, until Chris Martin's vocals come into play and there is no doubt in your mind that this is Coldplay. A wonderful chorus of \"para-para-paradise\" reminds you just how good they really are. It will remain with you for weeks to come, like that new piece of clothing you just can't get enough of\". About.com said, in a three-and-a-half star review, that \"even when Coldplay sound a bit like they are spinning","Document [12](Title: Trouble (Coldplay song)) at number 1. Two different music videos for the single were released. An associated EP titled Trouble \u2013 Norwegian Live EP was released in the summer of 2001, consisted of five tracks recorded live by the band at Rockefeller Music Hall in Oslo, Norway. According to Coldplay's lead singer Chris Martin, the song's writing was inspired by his own behaviour. Martin recalls, \"There were some bad things going in our band ... the song is about behaving badly towards somebody you really love and I was certainly doing that to some members of the band.\" He added that he supposed","Document [13](Title: The Hardest Part (Coldplay song)) The Hardest Part (Coldplay song) \"The Hardest Part\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. It was written by all four members of the band for their third album, \"X&Y\". A piano-based ballad song, it begins with a piano melody, followed with electric guitar lines, that accompanies slow-tempo drumming. It was released on 3 April 2006 as the fourth single from \"X&Y\". The song was released as a radio-only song on United Kingdom radio stations. It appeared on the United States \"Billboard\" Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks chart and peaked at number 37, making it Coldplay's first appearance on that","Document [14](Title: 42 (song)) 42 (song) \"42\" is a song by British rock band Coldplay. It was written by all members of the band for their fourth album, \"Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends\". The song, divided into three parts, does not have a chorus. The first part is a ballad with piano and strings. It then transforms into an uptempo rock arrangement with a guitar solo. Finally, the song ends with a multi-instrumental part. A live version of \"42\" was featured on the band's 2009 live album, \"LeftRightLeftRightLeft\". The mysterious title \"42\" may be related to the fact that there","Document [15](Title: Fix You) anyway.\" The song, which is written in the key of E major, features an organ and piano sound. The song starts with a hushed electric organ ballad, including Martin's falsetto. The song then builds with acoustic guitar and piano, along with a string section during the beginning choruses. The sound then shifts with a plaintive three-note guitar line, ringing through a rhythmic upbeat drum tempo. The song then transitions to its bridge, which roars into an instrumentation of piano notes, electric & bass guitar riffs, drums, and a singalong chorus with an anthemic feel. A synthesiser then joins the instrumentation,","Document [16](Title: Coldplay) and funds aiming to counter plastic pollution of the ocean. Coldplay have won numerous music awards throughout their history, including the American Music Award, nine Brit Awards (including winning the Best British Group four times), six MTV Video Music Awards, seven MTV Europe Music Awards, three World Music Awards, seven Billboard Music Awards, and seven Grammy Awards out of 32 nominations. 2009 was their most successful year having received seven Grammy Award nominations at the 51st Grammy Awards, and won three. Coldplay have sold over 100 million records worldwide. Coldplay Coldplay are a British rock band, formed in 1996 by","Document [17](Title: Violet Hill) most any Coldplay tunes I can think of.\" Kristina Feliciano of \"Paste\" magazine wrote: \"You know you're in for a different kind of Coldplay experience when Chris Martin ditches his anguished falsetto for a deep, doomy basso profundo, as he does on 'Violet Hill'\". Mikael Wood of \"Spin\" magazine wrote: \"'Violet Hill' pulls a similar fake-out, bludgeoning a delicate Eno-style soundscape with big Black Sabbath guitars.\" Darcie Stevens of the \"Austin Chronicle\" wrote: \"While the band's fourth LP begins light and pretty, its power breaks late-album with Old West tangent 'Violet Hill'\". The song appeared on \"Rolling Stone\"s Hot List","Document [18](Title: Talk (Coldplay song)) a chiming note for more abrasive riffs during the bridge (or breakdown) near the end of the song. A string section can be heard during the choruses and before the start of the bridge. Guy Berryman also plays uptempo bass lines to compliment the track's pace, featuring slower, more abrasive riffs during the song's verses and bridge. In the fourth line of the second verse, Martin sings: \"Or write a song nobody had sung\/Or do something that's never been done.\" The third line of the third verse is: \"Tell me how do you feel?\/Well I feel like they're talking in","Document [19](Title: Yellow (Coldplay song)) Artists Company. It was shot at 50 frames per second, twice the regular speed. At the shoot, Chris Martin had to sing the song at double speed so that the audio and visual content would be in sync, a common yet difficult practice of music videos. The final product is slowed to 25 frames per second, giving the slow motion effect of the video. The transition of the video from night to day was achieved during the telecine process. During the transfer from film to videotape, an operator manually adjusted the amount of lighting for blue in the beginning, red","Document [20](Title: Fix You) \"Fix You\" is a song by the British rock band Coldplay. It was written by all four members of the band for their third studio album, X&Y (2005). The track is built around an organ accompanied by slow tempo drums and vocals."],"query":"coldplay song i will try to fix you?","answers":["\"Fix You\""],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Blond) hair is related to the evolution of light skin, and in turn the requirement for vitamin D synthesis and northern Europe's seasonal less solar radiation. Lighter skin is due to a low concentration in pigmentation, thus allowing more sunlight to trigger the production of vitamin D. In this way, high frequencies of light hair in northern latitudes are a result of the light skin adaptation to lower levels of solar radiation, which reduces the prevalence of rickets caused by vitamin D deficiency. The darker pigmentation at higher latitudes in certain ethnic groups such as the Inuit is explained by a","Document [2](Title: Blond) ice or snow on the ground, and this reflects the solar radiation onto the skin, making this environment lack the conditions for the person to have blond, brown or red hair, light skin and blue, grey or green eyes. An alternative hypothesis was presented by Canadian anthropologist Peter Frost, who claims blond hair evolved very quickly in a specific area at the end of the last ice age by means of sexual selection. According to Frost, the appearance of blond hair and blue eyes in some northern European women made them stand out from their rivals, and more sexually appealing","Document [3](Title: Eye color) low or moderate concentration of melanin) with: 2) a blue shade created by the Rayleigh scattering of reflected light. Green eyes contain the yellowish pigment lipochrome. Green eyes probably result from the interaction of multiple variants within the \"OCA2\" and other genes. They were present in south Siberia during the Bronze Age. They are most common in Northern, Western and Central Europe. In Ireland and Scotland 14% of people have brown eyes and 86% have either blue or green eyes, In Iceland, 89% of women and 87% of men have either blue or green eye color. A study of Icelandic","Document [4](Title: Sex differences in human physiology) hair, whereas males were more likely to have black or dark brown hair. Another study found green eyes, which are a result of lower melanin levels, to be much more common in women than in men, at least by a factor of two. However, one more recent study found that while women indeed tend to have a lower frequency of black hair, men on the other hand had a higher frequency of platinum blond hair, blue eyes and lighter skin. According to this one theory the cause for this is a higher frequency of genetic recombination in women than in","Document [5](Title: Green) green pigment in green eyes; like the color of blue eyes, it is an optical illusion; its appearance is caused by the combination of an amber or light brown pigmentation of the stroma, given by a low or moderate concentration of melanin, with the blue tone imparted by the Rayleigh scattering of the reflected light. Green eyes are most common in Northern and Central Europe. They can also be found in Southern Europe, West Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia. In Iceland, 89% of women and 87% of men have either blue or green eye color. A study of Icelandic","Document [6](Title: Eye color) and Dutch adults found green eyes to be much more prevalent in women than in men. Among European Americans, green eyes are most common among those of recent Celtic and Germanic ancestry, about 16%. 37.2% of Italians from Verona and 56% of Slovenes have blue\/green eyes. Green eyes are common in Tabby cats as well as the Chinchilla Longhair and its shorthaired equivalents are notable for their black-rimmed sea-green eyes. Hazel eyes are due to a combination of Rayleigh scattering and a moderate amount of melanin in the iris' anterior border layer. Hazel eyes often appear to shift in color","Document [7](Title: Leggy) sweet and pretty, and likes to sing diverse songs. Jill has long blonde hair almost to her knees with bangs, as well as blue eyes and pink lipstick. In the Leggy brochure it states that her nickname is the new blonde. She was American born in Denver, living in Santa Monica California. She is a student, with the distinguishing features of long blonde hair, long legs and big eyes. She loves horses, sleeping late and cooking. Nan has brown curly hair in an up do ponytail, with brown and violet eyes and red lipstick. In the Leggy brochure it states","Document [8](Title: Eva Green) described herself as \"a secular Jew who never attended synagogue as a girl\" and feels \"like a citizen of the world\". She has described her family as \"bourgeois\" and has said that her sister is very different from her. Green is naturally dark blonde; she has dyed her hair black since she was 15 years old. She is the niece of actress Marika Green and the maternal first cousin of singer Elsa Lunghini and actress Jos\u00e9phine Jobert. The surname \"Green\" ]; is Swedish. It does not originate from the English word \"green\", which is \"gr\u00f6n\" in Swedish. \"Green\" is derived","Document [9](Title: The Green-Eyed Blonde) The Green-Eyed Blonde The Green-Eyed Blonde is a 1957 American drama film directed by Bernard Girard and written by Dalton Trumbo, a blacklisted Hollywood screenwriter; the script was credited to his front, Sally Stubblefield. The film stars Susan Oliver, Melinda Plowman, Beverly Long, Norma Jean Nilsson, Tommie Moore and Carla Merey. The film was released by Warner Bros. on December 14, 1957. Maggie Wilson joins the staff of a California institution for wayward girls, run by the stern Mrs. Nichols. A new arrival, Betsy Abel, hates her mother and has a two-month-old baby of her own, refusing to identify the","Document [10](Title: Carleton S. Coon) basin from a Near Eastern origin. While often characterized by dark brown hair, dark eyes and robust features, he stressed that Mediterraneans skin is, as a rule, some shade of white from pink to light brown, hair is usually black or dark brown but his whiskers may reveal a few strands of red of even blond, and blond hair is an exception but can be found, and a wide range of eye color can be found. Coon first modified Franz Weidenreich's polycentric (or multiregional) theory of the origin of races. The Weidenreich Theory states that human races have evolved independently","Document [11](Title: My Scene) maroon-streaked platinum blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin and a beauty mark on her cheek. In 2007, she was produced with dark brown hair with blonde streaks and green-blue eyes. She is from California and is a skater and surfer. She is Chelsea 's cousin. According to the My Scene website, she enjoys the beach. Ellis is her boyfriend. Her birthday is May 10 and her astrological sign is Taurus. Her look is edgy, funky, and colorful. She was named after Delancey Street in New York City. Her pet is named Sugar. Delancey is voiced by Meghan Black. Kenzie has","Document [12](Title: Blond) culture, blonde women are often negatively stereotyped as sexually attractive, but unintelligent. The word \"blond\" is first documented in English in 1481 and derives from Old French \"blund, blont\", meaning \"a colour midway between golden and light chestnut\". It gradually eclipsed the native term \"fair\", of same meaning, from Old English \"f\u00e6\u0121er\", causing \"fair\" later to become a general term for \"light complexioned\". This earlier use of \"fair\" survives in the proper name Fairfax, from Old English \"f\u00e6\u0121er-feahs\" meaning \"blond hair\". The word \"blond\" has two possible origins. Some linguists say it comes from Medieval Latin \"blundus\", meaning \"yellow\", from","Document [13](Title: Girl with Green Eyes) with Baba, where she gets over her heartbreak and meets \"different people, different men\". In \"The New York Times\", Bosley Crowther wrote, \"\"Girl With Green Eyes\" is another of those remarkably fresh and natural films that have come from the Woodfall organisation, which is sparked by protean Tony Richardson and which has given us such a dazzling range of pictures as \"A Taste of Honey\", \"Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner\" and \"Tom Jones\". While it is not as ambitious or extensive as any of those, it is a wonderfully tender, touching and humorous little drama of a lonely Irish","Document [14](Title: My Scene) red hair, light freckled skin, and green eyes and is from Atlanta, Georgia. Kenzie has appeared four times since she was introduced in 2004. She and \"Nolee\" were very close and, according to the official website, Kenzie works in a shopping mall and also creates scents. Her birthday is June 25 and her astrological sign is Cancer. She likes to make people laugh, and her style is characterized as \"cute.\" Her pet is Coco, and was a repaint of Barbie's dog, Yorkie. Kenzie is voiced by Ashleigh Ball. Kennedy has golden-blonde hair, light (then tanned) skin and gray-blue eyes. She","Document [15](Title: Blonde stereotype) been conducted over the years to measure society's attitude toward blondes and brunettes. Many of the studies have shown that men, especially those of European descent, find blonde women more attractive than brunettes, redheads, or women of other races who had darker hair, eyes, or complexion. A Cornell University study showed that blonde waitresses receive larger tips than brunettes, even when controlling for other variables such as age, breast size, height and weight. In a 2012 interview with NBC News, Dr. Lisa Walker, Sociology Department Chair at the University of North Carolina said that hair color \"absolutely\" plays a role","Document [16](Title: White Latin Americans) a subsequent DNA tests showed that the average self identifying white was genetically 54% European. Genotype and phenotype in Chileans vary according to social class. 13% of lower-class Chileans have at least one non-Hispanic European surname, compared to 72% of those who belong to the upper-middle-class. Phenotypically, only 9.6% of lower-class girls have light-colored eyes\u2014either green or blue\u2014where 31.6% of upper-middle class girls have such eyes. Blonde hair is present in 2.2% and 21.3%, of lower-class and upper-middle girls respectively, whilst black hair is more common among lower-class girls (24.5%) than upper-middle class ones (9.0%). Chile was usually an unattractive","Document [17](Title: The Green-Eyed Blonde) the girls start a full-scale riot. Greeneyes is given a six-month extension to her sentence, against Maggie's recommendation. Greeneyes escapes, but when she and Ed are chased by police, they are killed. The Green-Eyed Blonde The Green-Eyed Blonde is a 1957 American drama film directed by Bernard Girard and written by Dalton Trumbo, a blacklisted Hollywood screenwriter; the script was credited to his front, Sally Stubblefield. The film stars Susan Oliver, Melinda Plowman, Beverly Long, Norma Jean Nilsson, Tommie Moore and Carla Merey. The film was released by Warner Bros. on December 14, 1957. Maggie Wilson joins the staff of","Document [18](Title: Blond Eskimos) to explain the high amount of blondeness in Copper Inuit inhabiting southwestern Victoria Island. In 2003, two Icelandic scientists, the geneticists and anthropologists Agnar Helgason and G\u00edsli P\u00e1lsson announced the results of their research comparing DNA from 100 Cambridge Bay Inuit with DNA from Icelanders, and concluded that there was no match. In 2008, in an article in \"Current Anthropology,\" Palsson concludes that recent work \"refutes Stefansson's speculations on the Copper Inuit\". Blond Eskimos Blonde Eskimos or Blond Eskimos is a term first applied to sightings and encounters of light haired Inuit (then known as Eskimo) peoples of Northern Canada","Document [19](Title: Blond) hair is very frequent. The hair color gene MC1R has at least seven variants in Europe, giving the continent a wide range of hair and eye shades. Based on a genetic research carried out at three Japanese universities, the date of the genetic mutation that resulted in blond hair in Europe has been isolated to about 11,000 years ago during the last ice age. A typical explanation found in the scientific literature for the evolution of light hair is related to the evolution of light skin, and in turn the requirement for vitamin D synthesis and northern Europe's seasonal less","Document [20](Title: Blond) to 7,700 years ago, as the earliest known individuals in whom the modern Scandinavian phenotype, combining light skin, blue eyes and blond hair, was combined. These individuals had light skin gene alleles in SLC24A5 and SLC45A2, and HERC2\/OCA2 alleles associated with blue eyes (also contributes to lighter skin and blond hair). Light pigmentation traits had thus already existed in pre-Indo-European Europeans, since at least the later Mesolithic. Later individuals with Yamnaya ancestry, by contrast, were predominantly dark-eyed (brown), dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European. It is"],"query":"where does blonde hair green eyes come from?","answers":["a low concentration in pigmentation"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Blond) ice or snow on the ground, and this reflects the solar radiation onto the skin, making this environment lack the conditions for the person to have blond, brown or red hair, light skin and blue, grey or green eyes. An alternative hypothesis was presented by Canadian anthropologist Peter Frost, who claims blond hair evolved very quickly in a specific area at the end of the last ice age by means of sexual selection. According to Frost, the appearance of blond hair and blue eyes in some northern European women made them stand out from their rivals, and more sexually appealing","Document [2](Title: Eye color) low or moderate concentration of melanin) with: 2) a blue shade created by the Rayleigh scattering of reflected light. Green eyes contain the yellowish pigment lipochrome. Green eyes probably result from the interaction of multiple variants within the \"OCA2\" and other genes. They were present in south Siberia during the Bronze Age. They are most common in Northern, Western and Central Europe. In Ireland and Scotland 14% of people have brown eyes and 86% have either blue or green eyes, In Iceland, 89% of women and 87% of men have either blue or green eye color. A study of Icelandic","Document [3](Title: Sex differences in human physiology) hair, whereas males were more likely to have black or dark brown hair. Another study found green eyes, which are a result of lower melanin levels, to be much more common in women than in men, at least by a factor of two. However, one more recent study found that while women indeed tend to have a lower frequency of black hair, men on the other hand had a higher frequency of platinum blond hair, blue eyes and lighter skin. According to this one theory the cause for this is a higher frequency of genetic recombination in women than in","Document [4](Title: Green) green pigment in green eyes; like the color of blue eyes, it is an optical illusion; its appearance is caused by the combination of an amber or light brown pigmentation of the stroma, given by a low or moderate concentration of melanin, with the blue tone imparted by the Rayleigh scattering of the reflected light. Green eyes are most common in Northern and Central Europe. They can also be found in Southern Europe, West Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia. In Iceland, 89% of women and 87% of men have either blue or green eye color. A study of Icelandic","Document [5](Title: Blond) hair is related to the evolution of light skin, and in turn the requirement for vitamin D synthesis and northern Europe's seasonal less solar radiation. Lighter skin is due to a low concentration in pigmentation, thus allowing more sunlight to trigger the production of vitamin D. In this way, high frequencies of light hair in northern latitudes are a result of the light skin adaptation to lower levels of solar radiation, which reduces the prevalence of rickets caused by vitamin D deficiency. The darker pigmentation at higher latitudes in certain ethnic groups such as the Inuit is explained by a","Document [6](Title: Eye color) and Dutch adults found green eyes to be much more prevalent in women than in men. Among European Americans, green eyes are most common among those of recent Celtic and Germanic ancestry, about 16%. 37.2% of Italians from Verona and 56% of Slovenes have blue\/green eyes. Green eyes are common in Tabby cats as well as the Chinchilla Longhair and its shorthaired equivalents are notable for their black-rimmed sea-green eyes. Hazel eyes are due to a combination of Rayleigh scattering and a moderate amount of melanin in the iris' anterior border layer. Hazel eyes often appear to shift in color","Document [7](Title: Leggy) sweet and pretty, and likes to sing diverse songs. Jill has long blonde hair almost to her knees with bangs, as well as blue eyes and pink lipstick. In the Leggy brochure it states that her nickname is the new blonde. She was American born in Denver, living in Santa Monica California. She is a student, with the distinguishing features of long blonde hair, long legs and big eyes. She loves horses, sleeping late and cooking. Nan has brown curly hair in an up do ponytail, with brown and violet eyes and red lipstick. In the Leggy brochure it states","Document [8](Title: Eva Green) described herself as \"a secular Jew who never attended synagogue as a girl\" and feels \"like a citizen of the world\". She has described her family as \"bourgeois\" and has said that her sister is very different from her. Green is naturally dark blonde; she has dyed her hair black since she was 15 years old. She is the niece of actress Marika Green and the maternal first cousin of singer Elsa Lunghini and actress Jos\u00e9phine Jobert. The surname \"Green\" ]; is Swedish. It does not originate from the English word \"green\", which is \"gr\u00f6n\" in Swedish. \"Green\" is derived","Document [9](Title: The Green-Eyed Blonde) The Green-Eyed Blonde The Green-Eyed Blonde is a 1957 American drama film directed by Bernard Girard and written by Dalton Trumbo, a blacklisted Hollywood screenwriter; the script was credited to his front, Sally Stubblefield. The film stars Susan Oliver, Melinda Plowman, Beverly Long, Norma Jean Nilsson, Tommie Moore and Carla Merey. The film was released by Warner Bros. on December 14, 1957. Maggie Wilson joins the staff of a California institution for wayward girls, run by the stern Mrs. Nichols. A new arrival, Betsy Abel, hates her mother and has a two-month-old baby of her own, refusing to identify the","Document [10](Title: Carleton S. Coon) basin from a Near Eastern origin. While often characterized by dark brown hair, dark eyes and robust features, he stressed that Mediterraneans skin is, as a rule, some shade of white from pink to light brown, hair is usually black or dark brown but his whiskers may reveal a few strands of red of even blond, and blond hair is an exception but can be found, and a wide range of eye color can be found. Coon first modified Franz Weidenreich's polycentric (or multiregional) theory of the origin of races. The Weidenreich Theory states that human races have evolved independently","Document [11](Title: My Scene) maroon-streaked platinum blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin and a beauty mark on her cheek. In 2007, she was produced with dark brown hair with blonde streaks and green-blue eyes. She is from California and is a skater and surfer. She is Chelsea 's cousin. According to the My Scene website, she enjoys the beach. Ellis is her boyfriend. Her birthday is May 10 and her astrological sign is Taurus. Her look is edgy, funky, and colorful. She was named after Delancey Street in New York City. Her pet is named Sugar. Delancey is voiced by Meghan Black. Kenzie has","Document [12](Title: Blond) culture, blonde women are often negatively stereotyped as sexually attractive, but unintelligent. The word \"blond\" is first documented in English in 1481 and derives from Old French \"blund, blont\", meaning \"a colour midway between golden and light chestnut\". It gradually eclipsed the native term \"fair\", of same meaning, from Old English \"f\u00e6\u0121er\", causing \"fair\" later to become a general term for \"light complexioned\". This earlier use of \"fair\" survives in the proper name Fairfax, from Old English \"f\u00e6\u0121er-feahs\" meaning \"blond hair\". The word \"blond\" has two possible origins. Some linguists say it comes from Medieval Latin \"blundus\", meaning \"yellow\", from","Document [13](Title: Girl with Green Eyes) with Baba, where she gets over her heartbreak and meets \"different people, different men\". In \"The New York Times\", Bosley Crowther wrote, \"\"Girl With Green Eyes\" is another of those remarkably fresh and natural films that have come from the Woodfall organisation, which is sparked by protean Tony Richardson and which has given us such a dazzling range of pictures as \"A Taste of Honey\", \"Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner\" and \"Tom Jones\". While it is not as ambitious or extensive as any of those, it is a wonderfully tender, touching and humorous little drama of a lonely Irish","Document [14](Title: My Scene) red hair, light freckled skin, and green eyes and is from Atlanta, Georgia. Kenzie has appeared four times since she was introduced in 2004. She and \"Nolee\" were very close and, according to the official website, Kenzie works in a shopping mall and also creates scents. Her birthday is June 25 and her astrological sign is Cancer. She likes to make people laugh, and her style is characterized as \"cute.\" Her pet is Coco, and was a repaint of Barbie's dog, Yorkie. Kenzie is voiced by Ashleigh Ball. Kennedy has golden-blonde hair, light (then tanned) skin and gray-blue eyes. She","Document [15](Title: Blonde stereotype) been conducted over the years to measure society's attitude toward blondes and brunettes. Many of the studies have shown that men, especially those of European descent, find blonde women more attractive than brunettes, redheads, or women of other races who had darker hair, eyes, or complexion. A Cornell University study showed that blonde waitresses receive larger tips than brunettes, even when controlling for other variables such as age, breast size, height and weight. In a 2012 interview with NBC News, Dr. Lisa Walker, Sociology Department Chair at the University of North Carolina said that hair color \"absolutely\" plays a role","Document [16](Title: White Latin Americans) a subsequent DNA tests showed that the average self identifying white was genetically 54% European. Genotype and phenotype in Chileans vary according to social class. 13% of lower-class Chileans have at least one non-Hispanic European surname, compared to 72% of those who belong to the upper-middle-class. Phenotypically, only 9.6% of lower-class girls have light-colored eyes\u2014either green or blue\u2014where 31.6% of upper-middle class girls have such eyes. Blonde hair is present in 2.2% and 21.3%, of lower-class and upper-middle girls respectively, whilst black hair is more common among lower-class girls (24.5%) than upper-middle class ones (9.0%). Chile was usually an unattractive","Document [17](Title: The Green-Eyed Blonde) the girls start a full-scale riot. Greeneyes is given a six-month extension to her sentence, against Maggie's recommendation. Greeneyes escapes, but when she and Ed are chased by police, they are killed. The Green-Eyed Blonde The Green-Eyed Blonde is a 1957 American drama film directed by Bernard Girard and written by Dalton Trumbo, a blacklisted Hollywood screenwriter; the script was credited to his front, Sally Stubblefield. The film stars Susan Oliver, Melinda Plowman, Beverly Long, Norma Jean Nilsson, Tommie Moore and Carla Merey. The film was released by Warner Bros. on December 14, 1957. Maggie Wilson joins the staff of","Document [18](Title: Blond Eskimos) to explain the high amount of blondeness in Copper Inuit inhabiting southwestern Victoria Island. In 2003, two Icelandic scientists, the geneticists and anthropologists Agnar Helgason and G\u00edsli P\u00e1lsson announced the results of their research comparing DNA from 100 Cambridge Bay Inuit with DNA from Icelanders, and concluded that there was no match. In 2008, in an article in \"Current Anthropology,\" Palsson concludes that recent work \"refutes Stefansson's speculations on the Copper Inuit\". Blond Eskimos Blonde Eskimos or Blond Eskimos is a term first applied to sightings and encounters of light haired Inuit (then known as Eskimo) peoples of Northern Canada","Document [19](Title: Blond) hair is very frequent. The hair color gene MC1R has at least seven variants in Europe, giving the continent a wide range of hair and eye shades. Based on a genetic research carried out at three Japanese universities, the date of the genetic mutation that resulted in blond hair in Europe has been isolated to about 11,000 years ago during the last ice age. A typical explanation found in the scientific literature for the evolution of light hair is related to the evolution of light skin, and in turn the requirement for vitamin D synthesis and northern Europe's seasonal less","Document [20](Title: Blond) to 7,700 years ago, as the earliest known individuals in whom the modern Scandinavian phenotype, combining light skin, blue eyes and blond hair, was combined. These individuals had light skin gene alleles in SLC24A5 and SLC45A2, and HERC2\/OCA2 alleles associated with blue eyes (also contributes to lighter skin and blond hair). Light pigmentation traits had thus already existed in pre-Indo-European Europeans, since at least the later Mesolithic. Later individuals with Yamnaya ancestry, by contrast, were predominantly dark-eyed (brown), dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European. It is"],"query":"where does blonde hair green eyes come from?","answers":["a low concentration in pigmentation"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Blond) ice or snow on the ground, and this reflects the solar radiation onto the skin, making this environment lack the conditions for the person to have blond, brown or red hair, light skin and blue, grey or green eyes. An alternative hypothesis was presented by Canadian anthropologist Peter Frost, who claims blond hair evolved very quickly in a specific area at the end of the last ice age by means of sexual selection. According to Frost, the appearance of blond hair and blue eyes in some northern European women made them stand out from their rivals, and more sexually appealing","Document [2](Title: Eye color) low or moderate concentration of melanin) with: 2) a blue shade created by the Rayleigh scattering of reflected light. Green eyes contain the yellowish pigment lipochrome. Green eyes probably result from the interaction of multiple variants within the \"OCA2\" and other genes. They were present in south Siberia during the Bronze Age. They are most common in Northern, Western and Central Europe. In Ireland and Scotland 14% of people have brown eyes and 86% have either blue or green eyes, In Iceland, 89% of women and 87% of men have either blue or green eye color. A study of Icelandic","Document [3](Title: Sex differences in human physiology) hair, whereas males were more likely to have black or dark brown hair. Another study found green eyes, which are a result of lower melanin levels, to be much more common in women than in men, at least by a factor of two. However, one more recent study found that while women indeed tend to have a lower frequency of black hair, men on the other hand had a higher frequency of platinum blond hair, blue eyes and lighter skin. According to this one theory the cause for this is a higher frequency of genetic recombination in women than in","Document [4](Title: Green) green pigment in green eyes; like the color of blue eyes, it is an optical illusion; its appearance is caused by the combination of an amber or light brown pigmentation of the stroma, given by a low or moderate concentration of melanin, with the blue tone imparted by the Rayleigh scattering of the reflected light. Green eyes are most common in Northern and Central Europe. They can also be found in Southern Europe, West Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia. In Iceland, 89% of women and 87% of men have either blue or green eye color. A study of Icelandic","Document [5](Title: Eye color) and Dutch adults found green eyes to be much more prevalent in women than in men. Among European Americans, green eyes are most common among those of recent Celtic and Germanic ancestry, about 16%. 37.2% of Italians from Verona and 56% of Slovenes have blue\/green eyes. Green eyes are common in Tabby cats as well as the Chinchilla Longhair and its shorthaired equivalents are notable for their black-rimmed sea-green eyes. Hazel eyes are due to a combination of Rayleigh scattering and a moderate amount of melanin in the iris' anterior border layer. Hazel eyes often appear to shift in color","Document [6](Title: Leggy) sweet and pretty, and likes to sing diverse songs. Jill has long blonde hair almost to her knees with bangs, as well as blue eyes and pink lipstick. In the Leggy brochure it states that her nickname is the new blonde. She was American born in Denver, living in Santa Monica California. She is a student, with the distinguishing features of long blonde hair, long legs and big eyes. She loves horses, sleeping late and cooking. Nan has brown curly hair in an up do ponytail, with brown and violet eyes and red lipstick. In the Leggy brochure it states","Document [7](Title: Eva Green) described herself as \"a secular Jew who never attended synagogue as a girl\" and feels \"like a citizen of the world\". She has described her family as \"bourgeois\" and has said that her sister is very different from her. Green is naturally dark blonde; she has dyed her hair black since she was 15 years old. She is the niece of actress Marika Green and the maternal first cousin of singer Elsa Lunghini and actress Jos\u00e9phine Jobert. The surname \"Green\" ]; is Swedish. It does not originate from the English word \"green\", which is \"gr\u00f6n\" in Swedish. \"Green\" is derived","Document [8](Title: The Green-Eyed Blonde) The Green-Eyed Blonde The Green-Eyed Blonde is a 1957 American drama film directed by Bernard Girard and written by Dalton Trumbo, a blacklisted Hollywood screenwriter; the script was credited to his front, Sally Stubblefield. The film stars Susan Oliver, Melinda Plowman, Beverly Long, Norma Jean Nilsson, Tommie Moore and Carla Merey. The film was released by Warner Bros. on December 14, 1957. Maggie Wilson joins the staff of a California institution for wayward girls, run by the stern Mrs. Nichols. A new arrival, Betsy Abel, hates her mother and has a two-month-old baby of her own, refusing to identify the","Document [9](Title: Carleton S. Coon) basin from a Near Eastern origin. While often characterized by dark brown hair, dark eyes and robust features, he stressed that Mediterraneans skin is, as a rule, some shade of white from pink to light brown, hair is usually black or dark brown but his whiskers may reveal a few strands of red of even blond, and blond hair is an exception but can be found, and a wide range of eye color can be found. Coon first modified Franz Weidenreich's polycentric (or multiregional) theory of the origin of races. The Weidenreich Theory states that human races have evolved independently","Document [10](Title: Blond) hair is related to the evolution of light skin, and in turn the requirement for vitamin D synthesis and northern Europe's seasonal less solar radiation. Lighter skin is due to a low concentration in pigmentation, thus allowing more sunlight to trigger the production of vitamin D. In this way, high frequencies of light hair in northern latitudes are a result of the light skin adaptation to lower levels of solar radiation, which reduces the prevalence of rickets caused by vitamin D deficiency. The darker pigmentation at higher latitudes in certain ethnic groups such as the Inuit is explained by a","Document [11](Title: My Scene) maroon-streaked platinum blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin and a beauty mark on her cheek. In 2007, she was produced with dark brown hair with blonde streaks and green-blue eyes. She is from California and is a skater and surfer. She is Chelsea 's cousin. According to the My Scene website, she enjoys the beach. Ellis is her boyfriend. Her birthday is May 10 and her astrological sign is Taurus. Her look is edgy, funky, and colorful. She was named after Delancey Street in New York City. Her pet is named Sugar. Delancey is voiced by Meghan Black. Kenzie has","Document [12](Title: Blond) culture, blonde women are often negatively stereotyped as sexually attractive, but unintelligent. The word \"blond\" is first documented in English in 1481 and derives from Old French \"blund, blont\", meaning \"a colour midway between golden and light chestnut\". It gradually eclipsed the native term \"fair\", of same meaning, from Old English \"f\u00e6\u0121er\", causing \"fair\" later to become a general term for \"light complexioned\". This earlier use of \"fair\" survives in the proper name Fairfax, from Old English \"f\u00e6\u0121er-feahs\" meaning \"blond hair\". The word \"blond\" has two possible origins. Some linguists say it comes from Medieval Latin \"blundus\", meaning \"yellow\", from","Document [13](Title: Girl with Green Eyes) with Baba, where she gets over her heartbreak and meets \"different people, different men\". In \"The New York Times\", Bosley Crowther wrote, \"\"Girl With Green Eyes\" is another of those remarkably fresh and natural films that have come from the Woodfall organisation, which is sparked by protean Tony Richardson and which has given us such a dazzling range of pictures as \"A Taste of Honey\", \"Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner\" and \"Tom Jones\". While it is not as ambitious or extensive as any of those, it is a wonderfully tender, touching and humorous little drama of a lonely Irish","Document [14](Title: My Scene) red hair, light freckled skin, and green eyes and is from Atlanta, Georgia. Kenzie has appeared four times since she was introduced in 2004. She and \"Nolee\" were very close and, according to the official website, Kenzie works in a shopping mall and also creates scents. Her birthday is June 25 and her astrological sign is Cancer. She likes to make people laugh, and her style is characterized as \"cute.\" Her pet is Coco, and was a repaint of Barbie's dog, Yorkie. Kenzie is voiced by Ashleigh Ball. Kennedy has golden-blonde hair, light (then tanned) skin and gray-blue eyes. She","Document [15](Title: Blonde stereotype) been conducted over the years to measure society's attitude toward blondes and brunettes. Many of the studies have shown that men, especially those of European descent, find blonde women more attractive than brunettes, redheads, or women of other races who had darker hair, eyes, or complexion. A Cornell University study showed that blonde waitresses receive larger tips than brunettes, even when controlling for other variables such as age, breast size, height and weight. In a 2012 interview with NBC News, Dr. Lisa Walker, Sociology Department Chair at the University of North Carolina said that hair color \"absolutely\" plays a role","Document [16](Title: White Latin Americans) a subsequent DNA tests showed that the average self identifying white was genetically 54% European. Genotype and phenotype in Chileans vary according to social class. 13% of lower-class Chileans have at least one non-Hispanic European surname, compared to 72% of those who belong to the upper-middle-class. Phenotypically, only 9.6% of lower-class girls have light-colored eyes\u2014either green or blue\u2014where 31.6% of upper-middle class girls have such eyes. Blonde hair is present in 2.2% and 21.3%, of lower-class and upper-middle girls respectively, whilst black hair is more common among lower-class girls (24.5%) than upper-middle class ones (9.0%). Chile was usually an unattractive","Document [17](Title: The Green-Eyed Blonde) the girls start a full-scale riot. Greeneyes is given a six-month extension to her sentence, against Maggie's recommendation. Greeneyes escapes, but when she and Ed are chased by police, they are killed. The Green-Eyed Blonde The Green-Eyed Blonde is a 1957 American drama film directed by Bernard Girard and written by Dalton Trumbo, a blacklisted Hollywood screenwriter; the script was credited to his front, Sally Stubblefield. The film stars Susan Oliver, Melinda Plowman, Beverly Long, Norma Jean Nilsson, Tommie Moore and Carla Merey. The film was released by Warner Bros. on December 14, 1957. Maggie Wilson joins the staff of","Document [18](Title: Blond Eskimos) to explain the high amount of blondeness in Copper Inuit inhabiting southwestern Victoria Island. In 2003, two Icelandic scientists, the geneticists and anthropologists Agnar Helgason and G\u00edsli P\u00e1lsson announced the results of their research comparing DNA from 100 Cambridge Bay Inuit with DNA from Icelanders, and concluded that there was no match. In 2008, in an article in \"Current Anthropology,\" Palsson concludes that recent work \"refutes Stefansson's speculations on the Copper Inuit\". Blond Eskimos Blonde Eskimos or Blond Eskimos is a term first applied to sightings and encounters of light haired Inuit (then known as Eskimo) peoples of Northern Canada","Document [19](Title: Blond) hair is very frequent. The hair color gene MC1R has at least seven variants in Europe, giving the continent a wide range of hair and eye shades. Based on a genetic research carried out at three Japanese universities, the date of the genetic mutation that resulted in blond hair in Europe has been isolated to about 11,000 years ago during the last ice age. A typical explanation found in the scientific literature for the evolution of light hair is related to the evolution of light skin, and in turn the requirement for vitamin D synthesis and northern Europe's seasonal less","Document [20](Title: Blond) to 7,700 years ago, as the earliest known individuals in whom the modern Scandinavian phenotype, combining light skin, blue eyes and blond hair, was combined. These individuals had light skin gene alleles in SLC24A5 and SLC45A2, and HERC2\/OCA2 alleles associated with blue eyes (also contributes to lighter skin and blond hair). Light pigmentation traits had thus already existed in pre-Indo-European Europeans, since at least the later Mesolithic. Later individuals with Yamnaya ancestry, by contrast, were predominantly dark-eyed (brown), dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European. It is"],"query":"where does blonde hair green eyes come from?","answers":["a low concentration in pigmentation"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Blond) ice or snow on the ground, and this reflects the solar radiation onto the skin, making this environment lack the conditions for the person to have blond, brown or red hair, light skin and blue, grey or green eyes. An alternative hypothesis was presented by Canadian anthropologist Peter Frost, who claims blond hair evolved very quickly in a specific area at the end of the last ice age by means of sexual selection. According to Frost, the appearance of blond hair and blue eyes in some northern European women made them stand out from their rivals, and more sexually appealing","Document [2](Title: Eye color) low or moderate concentration of melanin) with: 2) a blue shade created by the Rayleigh scattering of reflected light. Green eyes contain the yellowish pigment lipochrome. Green eyes probably result from the interaction of multiple variants within the \"OCA2\" and other genes. They were present in south Siberia during the Bronze Age. They are most common in Northern, Western and Central Europe. In Ireland and Scotland 14% of people have brown eyes and 86% have either blue or green eyes, In Iceland, 89% of women and 87% of men have either blue or green eye color. A study of Icelandic","Document [3](Title: Sex differences in human physiology) hair, whereas males were more likely to have black or dark brown hair. Another study found green eyes, which are a result of lower melanin levels, to be much more common in women than in men, at least by a factor of two. However, one more recent study found that while women indeed tend to have a lower frequency of black hair, men on the other hand had a higher frequency of platinum blond hair, blue eyes and lighter skin. According to this one theory the cause for this is a higher frequency of genetic recombination in women than in","Document [4](Title: Green) green pigment in green eyes; like the color of blue eyes, it is an optical illusion; its appearance is caused by the combination of an amber or light brown pigmentation of the stroma, given by a low or moderate concentration of melanin, with the blue tone imparted by the Rayleigh scattering of the reflected light. Green eyes are most common in Northern and Central Europe. They can also be found in Southern Europe, West Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia. In Iceland, 89% of women and 87% of men have either blue or green eye color. A study of Icelandic","Document [5](Title: Eye color) and Dutch adults found green eyes to be much more prevalent in women than in men. Among European Americans, green eyes are most common among those of recent Celtic and Germanic ancestry, about 16%. 37.2% of Italians from Verona and 56% of Slovenes have blue\/green eyes. Green eyes are common in Tabby cats as well as the Chinchilla Longhair and its shorthaired equivalents are notable for their black-rimmed sea-green eyes. Hazel eyes are due to a combination of Rayleigh scattering and a moderate amount of melanin in the iris' anterior border layer. Hazel eyes often appear to shift in color","Document [6](Title: Leggy) sweet and pretty, and likes to sing diverse songs. Jill has long blonde hair almost to her knees with bangs, as well as blue eyes and pink lipstick. In the Leggy brochure it states that her nickname is the new blonde. She was American born in Denver, living in Santa Monica California. She is a student, with the distinguishing features of long blonde hair, long legs and big eyes. She loves horses, sleeping late and cooking. Nan has brown curly hair in an up do ponytail, with brown and violet eyes and red lipstick. In the Leggy brochure it states","Document [7](Title: Eva Green) described herself as \"a secular Jew who never attended synagogue as a girl\" and feels \"like a citizen of the world\". She has described her family as \"bourgeois\" and has said that her sister is very different from her. Green is naturally dark blonde; she has dyed her hair black since she was 15 years old. She is the niece of actress Marika Green and the maternal first cousin of singer Elsa Lunghini and actress Jos\u00e9phine Jobert. The surname \"Green\" ]; is Swedish. It does not originate from the English word \"green\", which is \"gr\u00f6n\" in Swedish. \"Green\" is derived","Document [8](Title: The Green-Eyed Blonde) The Green-Eyed Blonde The Green-Eyed Blonde is a 1957 American drama film directed by Bernard Girard and written by Dalton Trumbo, a blacklisted Hollywood screenwriter; the script was credited to his front, Sally Stubblefield. The film stars Susan Oliver, Melinda Plowman, Beverly Long, Norma Jean Nilsson, Tommie Moore and Carla Merey. The film was released by Warner Bros. on December 14, 1957. Maggie Wilson joins the staff of a California institution for wayward girls, run by the stern Mrs. Nichols. A new arrival, Betsy Abel, hates her mother and has a two-month-old baby of her own, refusing to identify the","Document [9](Title: Carleton S. Coon) basin from a Near Eastern origin. While often characterized by dark brown hair, dark eyes and robust features, he stressed that Mediterraneans skin is, as a rule, some shade of white from pink to light brown, hair is usually black or dark brown but his whiskers may reveal a few strands of red of even blond, and blond hair is an exception but can be found, and a wide range of eye color can be found. Coon first modified Franz Weidenreich's polycentric (or multiregional) theory of the origin of races. The Weidenreich Theory states that human races have evolved independently","Document [10](Title: My Scene) maroon-streaked platinum blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin and a beauty mark on her cheek. In 2007, she was produced with dark brown hair with blonde streaks and green-blue eyes. She is from California and is a skater and surfer. She is Chelsea 's cousin. According to the My Scene website, she enjoys the beach. Ellis is her boyfriend. Her birthday is May 10 and her astrological sign is Taurus. Her look is edgy, funky, and colorful. She was named after Delancey Street in New York City. Her pet is named Sugar. Delancey is voiced by Meghan Black. Kenzie has","Document [11](Title: Blond) culture, blonde women are often negatively stereotyped as sexually attractive, but unintelligent. The word \"blond\" is first documented in English in 1481 and derives from Old French \"blund, blont\", meaning \"a colour midway between golden and light chestnut\". It gradually eclipsed the native term \"fair\", of same meaning, from Old English \"f\u00e6\u0121er\", causing \"fair\" later to become a general term for \"light complexioned\". This earlier use of \"fair\" survives in the proper name Fairfax, from Old English \"f\u00e6\u0121er-feahs\" meaning \"blond hair\". The word \"blond\" has two possible origins. Some linguists say it comes from Medieval Latin \"blundus\", meaning \"yellow\", from","Document [12](Title: Girl with Green Eyes) with Baba, where she gets over her heartbreak and meets \"different people, different men\". In \"The New York Times\", Bosley Crowther wrote, \"\"Girl With Green Eyes\" is another of those remarkably fresh and natural films that have come from the Woodfall organisation, which is sparked by protean Tony Richardson and which has given us such a dazzling range of pictures as \"A Taste of Honey\", \"Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner\" and \"Tom Jones\". While it is not as ambitious or extensive as any of those, it is a wonderfully tender, touching and humorous little drama of a lonely Irish","Document [13](Title: My Scene) red hair, light freckled skin, and green eyes and is from Atlanta, Georgia. Kenzie has appeared four times since she was introduced in 2004. She and \"Nolee\" were very close and, according to the official website, Kenzie works in a shopping mall and also creates scents. Her birthday is June 25 and her astrological sign is Cancer. She likes to make people laugh, and her style is characterized as \"cute.\" Her pet is Coco, and was a repaint of Barbie's dog, Yorkie. Kenzie is voiced by Ashleigh Ball. Kennedy has golden-blonde hair, light (then tanned) skin and gray-blue eyes. She","Document [14](Title: Blonde stereotype) been conducted over the years to measure society's attitude toward blondes and brunettes. Many of the studies have shown that men, especially those of European descent, find blonde women more attractive than brunettes, redheads, or women of other races who had darker hair, eyes, or complexion. A Cornell University study showed that blonde waitresses receive larger tips than brunettes, even when controlling for other variables such as age, breast size, height and weight. In a 2012 interview with NBC News, Dr. Lisa Walker, Sociology Department Chair at the University of North Carolina said that hair color \"absolutely\" plays a role","Document [15](Title: Blond) hair is related to the evolution of light skin, and in turn the requirement for vitamin D synthesis and northern Europe's seasonal less solar radiation. Lighter skin is due to a low concentration in pigmentation, thus allowing more sunlight to trigger the production of vitamin D. In this way, high frequencies of light hair in northern latitudes are a result of the light skin adaptation to lower levels of solar radiation, which reduces the prevalence of rickets caused by vitamin D deficiency. The darker pigmentation at higher latitudes in certain ethnic groups such as the Inuit is explained by a","Document [16](Title: White Latin Americans) a subsequent DNA tests showed that the average self identifying white was genetically 54% European. Genotype and phenotype in Chileans vary according to social class. 13% of lower-class Chileans have at least one non-Hispanic European surname, compared to 72% of those who belong to the upper-middle-class. Phenotypically, only 9.6% of lower-class girls have light-colored eyes\u2014either green or blue\u2014where 31.6% of upper-middle class girls have such eyes. Blonde hair is present in 2.2% and 21.3%, of lower-class and upper-middle girls respectively, whilst black hair is more common among lower-class girls (24.5%) than upper-middle class ones (9.0%). Chile was usually an unattractive","Document [17](Title: The Green-Eyed Blonde) the girls start a full-scale riot. Greeneyes is given a six-month extension to her sentence, against Maggie's recommendation. Greeneyes escapes, but when she and Ed are chased by police, they are killed. The Green-Eyed Blonde The Green-Eyed Blonde is a 1957 American drama film directed by Bernard Girard and written by Dalton Trumbo, a blacklisted Hollywood screenwriter; the script was credited to his front, Sally Stubblefield. The film stars Susan Oliver, Melinda Plowman, Beverly Long, Norma Jean Nilsson, Tommie Moore and Carla Merey. The film was released by Warner Bros. on December 14, 1957. Maggie Wilson joins the staff of","Document [18](Title: Blond Eskimos) to explain the high amount of blondeness in Copper Inuit inhabiting southwestern Victoria Island. In 2003, two Icelandic scientists, the geneticists and anthropologists Agnar Helgason and G\u00edsli P\u00e1lsson announced the results of their research comparing DNA from 100 Cambridge Bay Inuit with DNA from Icelanders, and concluded that there was no match. In 2008, in an article in \"Current Anthropology,\" Palsson concludes that recent work \"refutes Stefansson's speculations on the Copper Inuit\". Blond Eskimos Blonde Eskimos or Blond Eskimos is a term first applied to sightings and encounters of light haired Inuit (then known as Eskimo) peoples of Northern Canada","Document [19](Title: Blond) hair is very frequent. The hair color gene MC1R has at least seven variants in Europe, giving the continent a wide range of hair and eye shades. Based on a genetic research carried out at three Japanese universities, the date of the genetic mutation that resulted in blond hair in Europe has been isolated to about 11,000 years ago during the last ice age. A typical explanation found in the scientific literature for the evolution of light hair is related to the evolution of light skin, and in turn the requirement for vitamin D synthesis and northern Europe's seasonal less","Document [20](Title: Blond) to 7,700 years ago, as the earliest known individuals in whom the modern Scandinavian phenotype, combining light skin, blue eyes and blond hair, was combined. These individuals had light skin gene alleles in SLC24A5 and SLC45A2, and HERC2\/OCA2 alleles associated with blue eyes (also contributes to lighter skin and blond hair). Light pigmentation traits had thus already existed in pre-Indo-European Europeans, since at least the later Mesolithic. Later individuals with Yamnaya ancestry, by contrast, were predominantly dark-eyed (brown), dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European. It is"],"query":"where does blonde hair green eyes come from?","answers":["a low concentration in pigmentation"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Blond) ice or snow on the ground, and this reflects the solar radiation onto the skin, making this environment lack the conditions for the person to have blond, brown or red hair, light skin and blue, grey or green eyes. An alternative hypothesis was presented by Canadian anthropologist Peter Frost, who claims blond hair evolved very quickly in a specific area at the end of the last ice age by means of sexual selection. According to Frost, the appearance of blond hair and blue eyes in some northern European women made them stand out from their rivals, and more sexually appealing","Document [2](Title: Eye color) low or moderate concentration of melanin) with: 2) a blue shade created by the Rayleigh scattering of reflected light. Green eyes contain the yellowish pigment lipochrome. Green eyes probably result from the interaction of multiple variants within the \"OCA2\" and other genes. They were present in south Siberia during the Bronze Age. They are most common in Northern, Western and Central Europe. In Ireland and Scotland 14% of people have brown eyes and 86% have either blue or green eyes, In Iceland, 89% of women and 87% of men have either blue or green eye color. A study of Icelandic","Document [3](Title: Sex differences in human physiology) hair, whereas males were more likely to have black or dark brown hair. Another study found green eyes, which are a result of lower melanin levels, to be much more common in women than in men, at least by a factor of two. However, one more recent study found that while women indeed tend to have a lower frequency of black hair, men on the other hand had a higher frequency of platinum blond hair, blue eyes and lighter skin. According to this one theory the cause for this is a higher frequency of genetic recombination in women than in","Document [4](Title: Green) green pigment in green eyes; like the color of blue eyes, it is an optical illusion; its appearance is caused by the combination of an amber or light brown pigmentation of the stroma, given by a low or moderate concentration of melanin, with the blue tone imparted by the Rayleigh scattering of the reflected light. Green eyes are most common in Northern and Central Europe. They can also be found in Southern Europe, West Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia. In Iceland, 89% of women and 87% of men have either blue or green eye color. A study of Icelandic","Document [5](Title: Eye color) and Dutch adults found green eyes to be much more prevalent in women than in men. Among European Americans, green eyes are most common among those of recent Celtic and Germanic ancestry, about 16%. 37.2% of Italians from Verona and 56% of Slovenes have blue\/green eyes. Green eyes are common in Tabby cats as well as the Chinchilla Longhair and its shorthaired equivalents are notable for their black-rimmed sea-green eyes. Hazel eyes are due to a combination of Rayleigh scattering and a moderate amount of melanin in the iris' anterior border layer. Hazel eyes often appear to shift in color","Document [6](Title: Leggy) sweet and pretty, and likes to sing diverse songs. Jill has long blonde hair almost to her knees with bangs, as well as blue eyes and pink lipstick. In the Leggy brochure it states that her nickname is the new blonde. She was American born in Denver, living in Santa Monica California. She is a student, with the distinguishing features of long blonde hair, long legs and big eyes. She loves horses, sleeping late and cooking. Nan has brown curly hair in an up do ponytail, with brown and violet eyes and red lipstick. In the Leggy brochure it states","Document [7](Title: Eva Green) described herself as \"a secular Jew who never attended synagogue as a girl\" and feels \"like a citizen of the world\". She has described her family as \"bourgeois\" and has said that her sister is very different from her. Green is naturally dark blonde; she has dyed her hair black since she was 15 years old. She is the niece of actress Marika Green and the maternal first cousin of singer Elsa Lunghini and actress Jos\u00e9phine Jobert. The surname \"Green\" ]; is Swedish. It does not originate from the English word \"green\", which is \"gr\u00f6n\" in Swedish. \"Green\" is derived","Document [8](Title: The Green-Eyed Blonde) The Green-Eyed Blonde The Green-Eyed Blonde is a 1957 American drama film directed by Bernard Girard and written by Dalton Trumbo, a blacklisted Hollywood screenwriter; the script was credited to his front, Sally Stubblefield. The film stars Susan Oliver, Melinda Plowman, Beverly Long, Norma Jean Nilsson, Tommie Moore and Carla Merey. The film was released by Warner Bros. on December 14, 1957. Maggie Wilson joins the staff of a California institution for wayward girls, run by the stern Mrs. Nichols. A new arrival, Betsy Abel, hates her mother and has a two-month-old baby of her own, refusing to identify the","Document [9](Title: Carleton S. Coon) basin from a Near Eastern origin. While often characterized by dark brown hair, dark eyes and robust features, he stressed that Mediterraneans skin is, as a rule, some shade of white from pink to light brown, hair is usually black or dark brown but his whiskers may reveal a few strands of red of even blond, and blond hair is an exception but can be found, and a wide range of eye color can be found. Coon first modified Franz Weidenreich's polycentric (or multiregional) theory of the origin of races. The Weidenreich Theory states that human races have evolved independently","Document [10](Title: My Scene) maroon-streaked platinum blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin and a beauty mark on her cheek. In 2007, she was produced with dark brown hair with blonde streaks and green-blue eyes. She is from California and is a skater and surfer. She is Chelsea 's cousin. According to the My Scene website, she enjoys the beach. Ellis is her boyfriend. Her birthday is May 10 and her astrological sign is Taurus. Her look is edgy, funky, and colorful. She was named after Delancey Street in New York City. Her pet is named Sugar. Delancey is voiced by Meghan Black. Kenzie has","Document [11](Title: Blond) culture, blonde women are often negatively stereotyped as sexually attractive, but unintelligent. The word \"blond\" is first documented in English in 1481 and derives from Old French \"blund, blont\", meaning \"a colour midway between golden and light chestnut\". It gradually eclipsed the native term \"fair\", of same meaning, from Old English \"f\u00e6\u0121er\", causing \"fair\" later to become a general term for \"light complexioned\". This earlier use of \"fair\" survives in the proper name Fairfax, from Old English \"f\u00e6\u0121er-feahs\" meaning \"blond hair\". The word \"blond\" has two possible origins. Some linguists say it comes from Medieval Latin \"blundus\", meaning \"yellow\", from","Document [12](Title: Girl with Green Eyes) with Baba, where she gets over her heartbreak and meets \"different people, different men\". In \"The New York Times\", Bosley Crowther wrote, \"\"Girl With Green Eyes\" is another of those remarkably fresh and natural films that have come from the Woodfall organisation, which is sparked by protean Tony Richardson and which has given us such a dazzling range of pictures as \"A Taste of Honey\", \"Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner\" and \"Tom Jones\". While it is not as ambitious or extensive as any of those, it is a wonderfully tender, touching and humorous little drama of a lonely Irish","Document [13](Title: My Scene) red hair, light freckled skin, and green eyes and is from Atlanta, Georgia. Kenzie has appeared four times since she was introduced in 2004. She and \"Nolee\" were very close and, according to the official website, Kenzie works in a shopping mall and also creates scents. Her birthday is June 25 and her astrological sign is Cancer. She likes to make people laugh, and her style is characterized as \"cute.\" Her pet is Coco, and was a repaint of Barbie's dog, Yorkie. Kenzie is voiced by Ashleigh Ball. Kennedy has golden-blonde hair, light (then tanned) skin and gray-blue eyes. She","Document [14](Title: Blonde stereotype) been conducted over the years to measure society's attitude toward blondes and brunettes. Many of the studies have shown that men, especially those of European descent, find blonde women more attractive than brunettes, redheads, or women of other races who had darker hair, eyes, or complexion. A Cornell University study showed that blonde waitresses receive larger tips than brunettes, even when controlling for other variables such as age, breast size, height and weight. In a 2012 interview with NBC News, Dr. Lisa Walker, Sociology Department Chair at the University of North Carolina said that hair color \"absolutely\" plays a role","Document [15](Title: White Latin Americans) a subsequent DNA tests showed that the average self identifying white was genetically 54% European. Genotype and phenotype in Chileans vary according to social class. 13% of lower-class Chileans have at least one non-Hispanic European surname, compared to 72% of those who belong to the upper-middle-class. Phenotypically, only 9.6% of lower-class girls have light-colored eyes\u2014either green or blue\u2014where 31.6% of upper-middle class girls have such eyes. Blonde hair is present in 2.2% and 21.3%, of lower-class and upper-middle girls respectively, whilst black hair is more common among lower-class girls (24.5%) than upper-middle class ones (9.0%). Chile was usually an unattractive","Document [16](Title: The Green-Eyed Blonde) the girls start a full-scale riot. Greeneyes is given a six-month extension to her sentence, against Maggie's recommendation. Greeneyes escapes, but when she and Ed are chased by police, they are killed. The Green-Eyed Blonde The Green-Eyed Blonde is a 1957 American drama film directed by Bernard Girard and written by Dalton Trumbo, a blacklisted Hollywood screenwriter; the script was credited to his front, Sally Stubblefield. The film stars Susan Oliver, Melinda Plowman, Beverly Long, Norma Jean Nilsson, Tommie Moore and Carla Merey. The film was released by Warner Bros. on December 14, 1957. Maggie Wilson joins the staff of","Document [17](Title: Blond Eskimos) to explain the high amount of blondeness in Copper Inuit inhabiting southwestern Victoria Island. In 2003, two Icelandic scientists, the geneticists and anthropologists Agnar Helgason and G\u00edsli P\u00e1lsson announced the results of their research comparing DNA from 100 Cambridge Bay Inuit with DNA from Icelanders, and concluded that there was no match. In 2008, in an article in \"Current Anthropology,\" Palsson concludes that recent work \"refutes Stefansson's speculations on the Copper Inuit\". Blond Eskimos Blonde Eskimos or Blond Eskimos is a term first applied to sightings and encounters of light haired Inuit (then known as Eskimo) peoples of Northern Canada","Document [18](Title: Blond) hair is very frequent. The hair color gene MC1R has at least seven variants in Europe, giving the continent a wide range of hair and eye shades. Based on a genetic research carried out at three Japanese universities, the date of the genetic mutation that resulted in blond hair in Europe has been isolated to about 11,000 years ago during the last ice age. A typical explanation found in the scientific literature for the evolution of light hair is related to the evolution of light skin, and in turn the requirement for vitamin D synthesis and northern Europe's seasonal less","Document [19](Title: Blond) to 7,700 years ago, as the earliest known individuals in whom the modern Scandinavian phenotype, combining light skin, blue eyes and blond hair, was combined. These individuals had light skin gene alleles in SLC24A5 and SLC45A2, and HERC2\/OCA2 alleles associated with blue eyes (also contributes to lighter skin and blond hair). Light pigmentation traits had thus already existed in pre-Indo-European Europeans, since at least the later Mesolithic. Later individuals with Yamnaya ancestry, by contrast, were predominantly dark-eyed (brown), dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European. It is","Document [20](Title: Blond) hair is related to the evolution of light skin, and in turn the requirement for vitamin D synthesis and northern Europe's seasonal less solar radiation. Lighter skin is due to a low concentration in pigmentation, thus allowing more sunlight to trigger the production of vitamin D. In this way, high frequencies of light hair in northern latitudes are a result of the light skin adaptation to lower levels of solar radiation, which reduces the prevalence of rickets caused by vitamin D deficiency. The darker pigmentation at higher latitudes in certain ethnic groups such as the Inuit is explained by a"],"query":"where does blonde hair green eyes come from?","answers":["a low concentration in pigmentation"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Anglo-Zulu War) Frere, on his own initiative, without the approval of the British government and with the intent of instigating a war with the Zulu, had presented an ultimatum on 11 December 1878, to the Zulu king Cetshwayo with which the Zulu king could not comply, including disbanding his army and abandoning key cultural traditions. Bartle Frere then sent Lord Chelmsford to invade Zululand after this ultimatum was not met. The war is notable for several particularly bloody battles, including an opening victory of the Zulu at the Battle of Isandlwana, followed by the defeat of a large Zulu army at Rorke's","Document [2](Title: Mbongeleni Zondi) Mbongeleni Zondi Inkosi (Zulu Chief\/King) Mbongeleni Zondi (1969 \u2013 January 22, 2009) was a Zulu chief and great-grandson of Inkosi Bambatha kaMancinza, who led a Zulu rebellion against British rule in 1906. He was also a close ally of African National Congress President Jacob Zuma and a cultural patron of the ANC leadership in KwaZulu-Natal. At 7:00 AM on January 22, 2009, Zondi was shot to death along Stimela Avenue in Durban\u2019s Umlazi township. At the time, he lived in Msinga in the Midlands, and was visiting his sister in Umlazi. Four men arrived in an SUV; two of them","Document [3](Title: Senzangakhona kaJama) Senzangakhona kaJama Senzangakhona kaJama (c. 1762 \u2013 1816) was a chief of the Zulu clan, and primarily notable as the father of three Zulu kings who ruled during the period when the Zulus achieved prominence, led by his oldest son Shaka. His father was King Jama kaNdaba and his mother was Queen Mthaniya Sibiya. He succeeded on his father's death. During the chieftaincy of Senzangakhona, the Zulus were a small clan in the Mthethwa confederation which was ruled by Dingiswayo. Senzangakhona\u2019s name is derived from the Zulu word meaning \"he who acts with a good reason\". Although the Zulus practised","Document [4](Title: Anthony Durnford) decision not to fortify the camp (which was in direct violation of his own standing pre-campaign orders). In the 1979 film \"Zulu Dawn\", which depicted the battle of Isandlwana, Durnford was portrayed by Burt Lancaster. Anthony Durnford Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony William Durnford (24 June 1830 \u2013 22 January 1879) was an Irish career British Army officer of the Royal Engineers who served in the Anglo-Zulu War. Breveted colonel, Durnford is mainly known for his heroic presence at the defeat of the British Army by the Zulus at the Battle of Isandlwana. Durnford was born into a military family at Manorhamilton, County","Document [5](Title: Henry Cele) Henry Cele Henry Cele () (30 January 1949 \u2013 2 November 2007) was a South African actor noted for his portrayal of the great Zulu Warrior King Shaka kaSenzangakhona in the South African television miniseries \"Shaka Zulu.\" Henry Cele was born on 30 January 1949 in KwaMashu, Durban, South Africa. As a member of the Cele family he was referred to by his clan name Ndosi (Bavela KwaMthetwa), or Magaye. Cele, nicknamed \"Black Cat\" for his prowess as a goalkeeper, played for Aces United in the old South African Soccer League (SASL) in the 1960s. He also played for Zulu","Document [6](Title: Henry Francis Fynn) Shaka and the kingdom of the Zulu in South Africa. He was played by Robert Powell in the 1986 television drama \"Shaka Zulu\". Fynn's son, also Henry Francis attended St. Andrew's College, Grahamstown in 1858 and 1859. Francis Farewell, leader of the colonists \"This article draws heavily on the article in the German-language Wikipedia, which was accessed in the version of 19 July 2011\". Henry Francis Fynn Henry Francis Fynn (29 March 1803 in Grosvenor Square, London, England \u2013 20 September 1861 in Durban, Natal, South Africa) was an English traveler and trader. His diary covers the period from 1824","Document [7](Title: Lindiwe Zulu) Lindiwe Zulu Lindiwe Daphney Zulu (born 21 April 1958) is South Africa's Minister of Small Business Development. She was the special advisor to the President on International Relations. She previously served as the head of communication for the PAN African women\u2019s organisation in Angola in 1988. In 1989 she moved to Lusaka, Zambia where she held the position of head of communication in the ANC department of Religious Affairs. In 1990 she moved to Uganda where she was the head of communication and administrator in the ANC office. In 1991 she returned to South Africa and became the head of","Document [8](Title: Mbongeni Ngema) the heart of Zululand, with the wealth of his heritage, bringing vividly to life the historic panoply of the Zulu nation. \"The Zulu\" continues its triumphant tours of South Africa, filling theatres around the country, and is set to soon tour abroad. Ngema prides himself on being from the lineage of the warriors Mbandama and Sigcwelegcwele kaMhlekehleke of the Ngema clan who led the Ingoba Makhosi regiment, a pivotal regiment that defeated the British armies at the Battle of Isandlwana in the Anglo-Zulu war, on 22 January 1879. To add to the growing list of accolades, Ngema has recently been","Document [9](Title: Kleist Sykes) Zulu warriors. The Zulu mercenaries were under the leadership of Chief Mohosh of Inhambane, Mozambique. They were recruited from a village named Kwa Likunyi in Mozambique. Among the mercenaries was my grandfather, Sykes Mbuwane. This was just after the Berlin Conference of 1884 in which Africa was partitioned between imperial powers in Europe. This caused resistance and from 1888-89 the people of Tanganyika rose up in arms to defend their freedom. Germans had a military camp at Pangani, the small coastal town few miles from Tanga which in those days was an important town in the German administration. It was","Document [10](Title: Mangosuthu Buthelezi) Mangosuthu Buthelezi Mangosuthu Buthelezi (born 27 August 1928) is a South African politician and Zulu tribal leader who founded the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) in 1975 and was Chief Minister of the KwaZulu bantustan until 1994. He was Minister of Home Affairs of South Africa from 1994 to 2004. His praise name is Shenge. He was also previously called Gatsha. Throughout most of the apartheid era, Buthelezi was considered one of the foremost black leaders. He played a key role in creating a framework for a negotiated solution to South Africa's racial conflict, signing the landmark Mahlabatini Declaration of Faith","Document [11](Title: Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo) or 45. He was succeeded by his son Solomon kaDinuzulu. A statue of Dinuzulu has been erected next to the statue of General Louis Botha, the first prime minister of the Transvaal colony, at the corner of Berea Road and Warwick Avenue in Durban. Beads from Dinuzulu's necklace\u2014claimed to have been found by Robert Baden-Powell\u2014were later presented to Scout leaders following Wood Badge leadership training. Today the Wood Badge beads are replicas of the original beads. Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo (1868 \u2013 18 October 1913, commonly misspelled Dinizulu) was the king of the Zulu nation from 20 May 1884 until","Document [12](Title: Zulu royal family) Zulu royal family The Zulu royal family consists of the reigning monarch of the Zulus of South Africa, King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu, his consorts, legitimate descendants, near relatives and male-line descendants of his great-great-grandfather, King Mpande who, as a half-brother of the Zulu \"Pater Patriae\", King Shaka, reigned from 1840 to 1872. Shaka's policies and conquests transformed a small clan into one of South Africa's most influential pre-colonial realms, extending over much of what is now KwaZulu-Natal. The Nguni-speaking clan of the southern Bantus, which evolved into the Zulu people, takes its name from the third of its recorded chiefs.","Document [13](Title: Dabulamanzi kaMpande) was Sanguza, one of Mpande's many wives. He took part in the Battle of Isandlwana, where he led the Undi Corps. He then led the Zulu force at the Battle of Rorke's Drift. Dabulamanzi had been specifically instructed by his brother not to attack the British outside Zulu territory, but ignored him. Dabulamanzi's tactics were ineffective, allowing the small British force to repel the Zulus. Dabulamanzi subsequently organised the Siege of Eshowe, a blockade at Fort Eshowe which isolated British troops for two months. When Lord Chelmsford arrived with a relief force, Dabulamanzi led the right wing of the Zulu","Document [14](Title: Dingiswayo) Dingiswayo Dingiswayo () (c.1780 \u2013 1817) (born Godongwana) was a Mthethwa chief, well known for his mentorship over a young Zulu general, Shaka Zulu, who rose to become the greatest of the Zulu kings. His father was the Mthethwa chief Jobe, and Jobe was the son of Kayi, who may be seen as the founder of the Mthethwa kingdom. It was under Dingiswayo that the Mthethwa rose to prominence, mostly employing diplomacy and assimilation of nearby chiefdoms to strengthen his power base. Dingiswayo was born into the Mthethwa royal family, and was son of Jobe. According to Muzi Mthethwa (1995),","Document [15](Title: Josiah Tshangana Gumede) and the Reverend William August Illing, a German-trained Lutheran missionary who after 1869 renounced his Lutheran faith and became a convert of the Anglican Church. The Zulu Choir experienced blatant racial prejudice in England. He was a founding member of two important African organisations in colonial Natal, Funamalungelo and the Natal Native Congress, although he did not attend the inaugural meeting of the Natal Native Congress in June 1900. He was serving as head of the Sotho Scouts during the Anglo Boer War of 1899-1902. His testimony before the South African Native Affairs, the so-called Lagden Commission of 1904 revealed","Document [16](Title: Zulu royal family) KwaZulu Natal in conjunction with the province's \"UNdunankulu weSizwe samaZulu\". The dynasty is Christian and practices polygamy, agnates of the dynasty bearing the prefix \"Prince\/Princess\" and the surname \"Zulu\", while holding the rank of \"KaBhekuZulu\", (i.e. \"prince of the Blood\"). The present head of the Zulu royal family is King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu, the current monarch of the Zulu nation of South Africa. He was born on 14 July 1948, in Nongoma, KwaZulu-Natal. He became king on the death of his father, King Cyprian Bhekuzulu kaSolomon in 1968. As of 2004, Goodwill Zwelethini had six wives and 27 children: Zulu","Document [17](Title: Zulu royal family) whom have living descendants. In 1887 the British annexed Zululand, effectively mediatising the Zulu dynasty as paramount chiefs in the region. The Zulu people and dynasty retained their distinct cultural identity and a measure of independence under the governments of South Africa through the establishment of Zululand as a bantustan and the subsequent abolition of apartheid in the Republic. As paramount chief within the Republic of South Africa and pursuant to the preservation of African traditional leadership, the hereditary head of the Zulu dynasty retains kingly dignity, ethnic leadership, ritual authority and a civil list, reigning but not ruling in","Document [18](Title: South African Wars (1879\u20131915)) during the Bantu migrations. The Zulu tribe traditionally resided in the Natal province on the eastern side of South Africa. The Zulu were involved in two major wars. They fought against the British colonials in the Anglo-Zulu War in 1879. The Zulu were eventually overpowered by superior British technology. The Anglo-Zulu war resulted in the absorption of traditional Zululand into the British Cape Colony. The second conflict also involved Zulu and British colonials. Bambatha, a leader of the Zondi clan led a rebellion against British authority in the Natal province. The rebellion was suppressed by British colonial forces. The British","Document [19](Title: Marthinus Nikolaas Ras) on the way back to his farm at Bokfontein, he was ambushed and killed at Kaya's Put by an impi (African war party) of the Kgatla tribal chief Linchwe, an African tribe fighting on the side of the British. Marthinus Nikolaas Ras Marthinus Nikolaas Ras (18 January 1853 \u2013 21 February 1900) was a South African farmer, soldier, and gun-maker who is considered the father of South African Artillery. He served in the First Boer War in the Potchefstroom commando under General Piet Cronj\u00e9. After witnessing the siege on the British fort at Potchefstroom by the Boers, he realized the","Document [20](Title: Solomon kaDinuzulu) became famous as a singer of traditional Zulu songs as well as for being the mother of Mangosuthu Buthelezi, leader of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP). He was succeeded by his son Cyprian Bhekuzulu kaSolomon. Solomon kaDinuzulu Solomon kaDinuzulu (1891\u20131933) was the king of the Zulu nation from 1913 until his death on 4 March 1933 at Kambi at the age of 41 or 42. He was born on the island of St. Helena during the exile there of his father, king Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo. In conjunction with the ANC he was a founder of the original Inkatha (or \"Inkatha kaZulu\""],"query":"who was the leader of the zulu in south africa who led the fight against the british?","answers":["Cetshwayo","Cetshwayo kaMpande"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Mbongeleni Zondi) Mbongeleni Zondi Inkosi (Zulu Chief\/King) Mbongeleni Zondi (1969 \u2013 January 22, 2009) was a Zulu chief and great-grandson of Inkosi Bambatha kaMancinza, who led a Zulu rebellion against British rule in 1906. He was also a close ally of African National Congress President Jacob Zuma and a cultural patron of the ANC leadership in KwaZulu-Natal. At 7:00 AM on January 22, 2009, Zondi was shot to death along Stimela Avenue in Durban\u2019s Umlazi township. At the time, he lived in Msinga in the Midlands, and was visiting his sister in Umlazi. Four men arrived in an SUV; two of them","Document [2](Title: Senzangakhona kaJama) Senzangakhona kaJama Senzangakhona kaJama (c. 1762 \u2013 1816) was a chief of the Zulu clan, and primarily notable as the father of three Zulu kings who ruled during the period when the Zulus achieved prominence, led by his oldest son Shaka. His father was King Jama kaNdaba and his mother was Queen Mthaniya Sibiya. He succeeded on his father's death. During the chieftaincy of Senzangakhona, the Zulus were a small clan in the Mthethwa confederation which was ruled by Dingiswayo. Senzangakhona\u2019s name is derived from the Zulu word meaning \"he who acts with a good reason\". Although the Zulus practised","Document [3](Title: Anthony Durnford) decision not to fortify the camp (which was in direct violation of his own standing pre-campaign orders). In the 1979 film \"Zulu Dawn\", which depicted the battle of Isandlwana, Durnford was portrayed by Burt Lancaster. Anthony Durnford Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony William Durnford (24 June 1830 \u2013 22 January 1879) was an Irish career British Army officer of the Royal Engineers who served in the Anglo-Zulu War. Breveted colonel, Durnford is mainly known for his heroic presence at the defeat of the British Army by the Zulus at the Battle of Isandlwana. Durnford was born into a military family at Manorhamilton, County","Document [4](Title: Henry Cele) Henry Cele Henry Cele () (30 January 1949 \u2013 2 November 2007) was a South African actor noted for his portrayal of the great Zulu Warrior King Shaka kaSenzangakhona in the South African television miniseries \"Shaka Zulu.\" Henry Cele was born on 30 January 1949 in KwaMashu, Durban, South Africa. As a member of the Cele family he was referred to by his clan name Ndosi (Bavela KwaMthetwa), or Magaye. Cele, nicknamed \"Black Cat\" for his prowess as a goalkeeper, played for Aces United in the old South African Soccer League (SASL) in the 1960s. He also played for Zulu","Document [5](Title: Anglo-Zulu War) Frere, on his own initiative, without the approval of the British government and with the intent of instigating a war with the Zulu, had presented an ultimatum on 11 December 1878, to the Zulu king Cetshwayo with which the Zulu king could not comply, including disbanding his army and abandoning key cultural traditions. Bartle Frere then sent Lord Chelmsford to invade Zululand after this ultimatum was not met. The war is notable for several particularly bloody battles, including an opening victory of the Zulu at the Battle of Isandlwana, followed by the defeat of a large Zulu army at Rorke's","Document [6](Title: Henry Francis Fynn) Shaka and the kingdom of the Zulu in South Africa. He was played by Robert Powell in the 1986 television drama \"Shaka Zulu\". Fynn's son, also Henry Francis attended St. Andrew's College, Grahamstown in 1858 and 1859. Francis Farewell, leader of the colonists \"This article draws heavily on the article in the German-language Wikipedia, which was accessed in the version of 19 July 2011\". Henry Francis Fynn Henry Francis Fynn (29 March 1803 in Grosvenor Square, London, England \u2013 20 September 1861 in Durban, Natal, South Africa) was an English traveler and trader. His diary covers the period from 1824","Document [7](Title: Lindiwe Zulu) Lindiwe Zulu Lindiwe Daphney Zulu (born 21 April 1958) is South Africa's Minister of Small Business Development. She was the special advisor to the President on International Relations. She previously served as the head of communication for the PAN African women\u2019s organisation in Angola in 1988. In 1989 she moved to Lusaka, Zambia where she held the position of head of communication in the ANC department of Religious Affairs. In 1990 she moved to Uganda where she was the head of communication and administrator in the ANC office. In 1991 she returned to South Africa and became the head of","Document [8](Title: Mbongeni Ngema) the heart of Zululand, with the wealth of his heritage, bringing vividly to life the historic panoply of the Zulu nation. \"The Zulu\" continues its triumphant tours of South Africa, filling theatres around the country, and is set to soon tour abroad. Ngema prides himself on being from the lineage of the warriors Mbandama and Sigcwelegcwele kaMhlekehleke of the Ngema clan who led the Ingoba Makhosi regiment, a pivotal regiment that defeated the British armies at the Battle of Isandlwana in the Anglo-Zulu war, on 22 January 1879. To add to the growing list of accolades, Ngema has recently been","Document [9](Title: Kleist Sykes) Zulu warriors. The Zulu mercenaries were under the leadership of Chief Mohosh of Inhambane, Mozambique. They were recruited from a village named Kwa Likunyi in Mozambique. Among the mercenaries was my grandfather, Sykes Mbuwane. This was just after the Berlin Conference of 1884 in which Africa was partitioned between imperial powers in Europe. This caused resistance and from 1888-89 the people of Tanganyika rose up in arms to defend their freedom. Germans had a military camp at Pangani, the small coastal town few miles from Tanga which in those days was an important town in the German administration. It was","Document [10](Title: Mangosuthu Buthelezi) Mangosuthu Buthelezi Mangosuthu Buthelezi (born 27 August 1928) is a South African politician and Zulu tribal leader who founded the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) in 1975 and was Chief Minister of the KwaZulu bantustan until 1994. He was Minister of Home Affairs of South Africa from 1994 to 2004. His praise name is Shenge. He was also previously called Gatsha. Throughout most of the apartheid era, Buthelezi was considered one of the foremost black leaders. He played a key role in creating a framework for a negotiated solution to South Africa's racial conflict, signing the landmark Mahlabatini Declaration of Faith","Document [11](Title: Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo) or 45. He was succeeded by his son Solomon kaDinuzulu. A statue of Dinuzulu has been erected next to the statue of General Louis Botha, the first prime minister of the Transvaal colony, at the corner of Berea Road and Warwick Avenue in Durban. Beads from Dinuzulu's necklace\u2014claimed to have been found by Robert Baden-Powell\u2014were later presented to Scout leaders following Wood Badge leadership training. Today the Wood Badge beads are replicas of the original beads. Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo (1868 \u2013 18 October 1913, commonly misspelled Dinizulu) was the king of the Zulu nation from 20 May 1884 until","Document [12](Title: Zulu royal family) Zulu royal family The Zulu royal family consists of the reigning monarch of the Zulus of South Africa, King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu, his consorts, legitimate descendants, near relatives and male-line descendants of his great-great-grandfather, King Mpande who, as a half-brother of the Zulu \"Pater Patriae\", King Shaka, reigned from 1840 to 1872. Shaka's policies and conquests transformed a small clan into one of South Africa's most influential pre-colonial realms, extending over much of what is now KwaZulu-Natal. The Nguni-speaking clan of the southern Bantus, which evolved into the Zulu people, takes its name from the third of its recorded chiefs.","Document [13](Title: Dabulamanzi kaMpande) was Sanguza, one of Mpande's many wives. He took part in the Battle of Isandlwana, where he led the Undi Corps. He then led the Zulu force at the Battle of Rorke's Drift. Dabulamanzi had been specifically instructed by his brother not to attack the British outside Zulu territory, but ignored him. Dabulamanzi's tactics were ineffective, allowing the small British force to repel the Zulus. Dabulamanzi subsequently organised the Siege of Eshowe, a blockade at Fort Eshowe which isolated British troops for two months. When Lord Chelmsford arrived with a relief force, Dabulamanzi led the right wing of the Zulu","Document [14](Title: Dingiswayo) Dingiswayo Dingiswayo () (c.1780 \u2013 1817) (born Godongwana) was a Mthethwa chief, well known for his mentorship over a young Zulu general, Shaka Zulu, who rose to become the greatest of the Zulu kings. His father was the Mthethwa chief Jobe, and Jobe was the son of Kayi, who may be seen as the founder of the Mthethwa kingdom. It was under Dingiswayo that the Mthethwa rose to prominence, mostly employing diplomacy and assimilation of nearby chiefdoms to strengthen his power base. Dingiswayo was born into the Mthethwa royal family, and was son of Jobe. According to Muzi Mthethwa (1995),","Document [15](Title: Josiah Tshangana Gumede) and the Reverend William August Illing, a German-trained Lutheran missionary who after 1869 renounced his Lutheran faith and became a convert of the Anglican Church. The Zulu Choir experienced blatant racial prejudice in England. He was a founding member of two important African organisations in colonial Natal, Funamalungelo and the Natal Native Congress, although he did not attend the inaugural meeting of the Natal Native Congress in June 1900. He was serving as head of the Sotho Scouts during the Anglo Boer War of 1899-1902. His testimony before the South African Native Affairs, the so-called Lagden Commission of 1904 revealed","Document [16](Title: Zulu royal family) KwaZulu Natal in conjunction with the province's \"UNdunankulu weSizwe samaZulu\". The dynasty is Christian and practices polygamy, agnates of the dynasty bearing the prefix \"Prince\/Princess\" and the surname \"Zulu\", while holding the rank of \"KaBhekuZulu\", (i.e. \"prince of the Blood\"). The present head of the Zulu royal family is King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu, the current monarch of the Zulu nation of South Africa. He was born on 14 July 1948, in Nongoma, KwaZulu-Natal. He became king on the death of his father, King Cyprian Bhekuzulu kaSolomon in 1968. As of 2004, Goodwill Zwelethini had six wives and 27 children: Zulu","Document [17](Title: Zulu royal family) whom have living descendants. In 1887 the British annexed Zululand, effectively mediatising the Zulu dynasty as paramount chiefs in the region. The Zulu people and dynasty retained their distinct cultural identity and a measure of independence under the governments of South Africa through the establishment of Zululand as a bantustan and the subsequent abolition of apartheid in the Republic. As paramount chief within the Republic of South Africa and pursuant to the preservation of African traditional leadership, the hereditary head of the Zulu dynasty retains kingly dignity, ethnic leadership, ritual authority and a civil list, reigning but not ruling in","Document [18](Title: South African Wars (1879\u20131915)) during the Bantu migrations. The Zulu tribe traditionally resided in the Natal province on the eastern side of South Africa. The Zulu were involved in two major wars. They fought against the British colonials in the Anglo-Zulu War in 1879. The Zulu were eventually overpowered by superior British technology. The Anglo-Zulu war resulted in the absorption of traditional Zululand into the British Cape Colony. The second conflict also involved Zulu and British colonials. Bambatha, a leader of the Zondi clan led a rebellion against British authority in the Natal province. The rebellion was suppressed by British colonial forces. The British","Document [19](Title: Marthinus Nikolaas Ras) on the way back to his farm at Bokfontein, he was ambushed and killed at Kaya's Put by an impi (African war party) of the Kgatla tribal chief Linchwe, an African tribe fighting on the side of the British. Marthinus Nikolaas Ras Marthinus Nikolaas Ras (18 January 1853 \u2013 21 February 1900) was a South African farmer, soldier, and gun-maker who is considered the father of South African Artillery. He served in the First Boer War in the Potchefstroom commando under General Piet Cronj\u00e9. After witnessing the siege on the British fort at Potchefstroom by the Boers, he realized the","Document [20](Title: Solomon kaDinuzulu) became famous as a singer of traditional Zulu songs as well as for being the mother of Mangosuthu Buthelezi, leader of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP). He was succeeded by his son Cyprian Bhekuzulu kaSolomon. Solomon kaDinuzulu Solomon kaDinuzulu (1891\u20131933) was the king of the Zulu nation from 1913 until his death on 4 March 1933 at Kambi at the age of 41 or 42. He was born on the island of St. Helena during the exile there of his father, king Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo. In conjunction with the ANC he was a founder of the original Inkatha (or \"Inkatha kaZulu\""],"query":"who was the leader of the zulu in south africa who led the fight against the british?","answers":["Cetshwayo","Cetshwayo kaMpande"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Mbongeleni Zondi) Mbongeleni Zondi Inkosi (Zulu Chief\/King) Mbongeleni Zondi (1969 \u2013 January 22, 2009) was a Zulu chief and great-grandson of Inkosi Bambatha kaMancinza, who led a Zulu rebellion against British rule in 1906. He was also a close ally of African National Congress President Jacob Zuma and a cultural patron of the ANC leadership in KwaZulu-Natal. At 7:00 AM on January 22, 2009, Zondi was shot to death along Stimela Avenue in Durban\u2019s Umlazi township. At the time, he lived in Msinga in the Midlands, and was visiting his sister in Umlazi. Four men arrived in an SUV; two of them","Document [2](Title: Senzangakhona kaJama) Senzangakhona kaJama Senzangakhona kaJama (c. 1762 \u2013 1816) was a chief of the Zulu clan, and primarily notable as the father of three Zulu kings who ruled during the period when the Zulus achieved prominence, led by his oldest son Shaka. His father was King Jama kaNdaba and his mother was Queen Mthaniya Sibiya. He succeeded on his father's death. During the chieftaincy of Senzangakhona, the Zulus were a small clan in the Mthethwa confederation which was ruled by Dingiswayo. Senzangakhona\u2019s name is derived from the Zulu word meaning \"he who acts with a good reason\". Although the Zulus practised","Document [3](Title: Anthony Durnford) decision not to fortify the camp (which was in direct violation of his own standing pre-campaign orders). In the 1979 film \"Zulu Dawn\", which depicted the battle of Isandlwana, Durnford was portrayed by Burt Lancaster. Anthony Durnford Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony William Durnford (24 June 1830 \u2013 22 January 1879) was an Irish career British Army officer of the Royal Engineers who served in the Anglo-Zulu War. Breveted colonel, Durnford is mainly known for his heroic presence at the defeat of the British Army by the Zulus at the Battle of Isandlwana. Durnford was born into a military family at Manorhamilton, County","Document [4](Title: Henry Cele) Henry Cele Henry Cele () (30 January 1949 \u2013 2 November 2007) was a South African actor noted for his portrayal of the great Zulu Warrior King Shaka kaSenzangakhona in the South African television miniseries \"Shaka Zulu.\" Henry Cele was born on 30 January 1949 in KwaMashu, Durban, South Africa. As a member of the Cele family he was referred to by his clan name Ndosi (Bavela KwaMthetwa), or Magaye. Cele, nicknamed \"Black Cat\" for his prowess as a goalkeeper, played for Aces United in the old South African Soccer League (SASL) in the 1960s. He also played for Zulu","Document [5](Title: Henry Francis Fynn) Shaka and the kingdom of the Zulu in South Africa. He was played by Robert Powell in the 1986 television drama \"Shaka Zulu\". Fynn's son, also Henry Francis attended St. Andrew's College, Grahamstown in 1858 and 1859. Francis Farewell, leader of the colonists \"This article draws heavily on the article in the German-language Wikipedia, which was accessed in the version of 19 July 2011\". Henry Francis Fynn Henry Francis Fynn (29 March 1803 in Grosvenor Square, London, England \u2013 20 September 1861 in Durban, Natal, South Africa) was an English traveler and trader. His diary covers the period from 1824","Document [6](Title: Lindiwe Zulu) Lindiwe Zulu Lindiwe Daphney Zulu (born 21 April 1958) is South Africa's Minister of Small Business Development. She was the special advisor to the President on International Relations. She previously served as the head of communication for the PAN African women\u2019s organisation in Angola in 1988. In 1989 she moved to Lusaka, Zambia where she held the position of head of communication in the ANC department of Religious Affairs. In 1990 she moved to Uganda where she was the head of communication and administrator in the ANC office. In 1991 she returned to South Africa and became the head of","Document [7](Title: Mbongeni Ngema) the heart of Zululand, with the wealth of his heritage, bringing vividly to life the historic panoply of the Zulu nation. \"The Zulu\" continues its triumphant tours of South Africa, filling theatres around the country, and is set to soon tour abroad. Ngema prides himself on being from the lineage of the warriors Mbandama and Sigcwelegcwele kaMhlekehleke of the Ngema clan who led the Ingoba Makhosi regiment, a pivotal regiment that defeated the British armies at the Battle of Isandlwana in the Anglo-Zulu war, on 22 January 1879. To add to the growing list of accolades, Ngema has recently been","Document [8](Title: Kleist Sykes) Zulu warriors. The Zulu mercenaries were under the leadership of Chief Mohosh of Inhambane, Mozambique. They were recruited from a village named Kwa Likunyi in Mozambique. Among the mercenaries was my grandfather, Sykes Mbuwane. This was just after the Berlin Conference of 1884 in which Africa was partitioned between imperial powers in Europe. This caused resistance and from 1888-89 the people of Tanganyika rose up in arms to defend their freedom. Germans had a military camp at Pangani, the small coastal town few miles from Tanga which in those days was an important town in the German administration. It was","Document [9](Title: Mangosuthu Buthelezi) Mangosuthu Buthelezi Mangosuthu Buthelezi (born 27 August 1928) is a South African politician and Zulu tribal leader who founded the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) in 1975 and was Chief Minister of the KwaZulu bantustan until 1994. He was Minister of Home Affairs of South Africa from 1994 to 2004. His praise name is Shenge. He was also previously called Gatsha. Throughout most of the apartheid era, Buthelezi was considered one of the foremost black leaders. He played a key role in creating a framework for a negotiated solution to South Africa's racial conflict, signing the landmark Mahlabatini Declaration of Faith","Document [10](Title: Anglo-Zulu War) Frere, on his own initiative, without the approval of the British government and with the intent of instigating a war with the Zulu, had presented an ultimatum on 11 December 1878, to the Zulu king Cetshwayo with which the Zulu king could not comply, including disbanding his army and abandoning key cultural traditions. Bartle Frere then sent Lord Chelmsford to invade Zululand after this ultimatum was not met. The war is notable for several particularly bloody battles, including an opening victory of the Zulu at the Battle of Isandlwana, followed by the defeat of a large Zulu army at Rorke's","Document [11](Title: Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo) or 45. He was succeeded by his son Solomon kaDinuzulu. A statue of Dinuzulu has been erected next to the statue of General Louis Botha, the first prime minister of the Transvaal colony, at the corner of Berea Road and Warwick Avenue in Durban. Beads from Dinuzulu's necklace\u2014claimed to have been found by Robert Baden-Powell\u2014were later presented to Scout leaders following Wood Badge leadership training. Today the Wood Badge beads are replicas of the original beads. Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo (1868 \u2013 18 October 1913, commonly misspelled Dinizulu) was the king of the Zulu nation from 20 May 1884 until","Document [12](Title: Zulu royal family) Zulu royal family The Zulu royal family consists of the reigning monarch of the Zulus of South Africa, King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu, his consorts, legitimate descendants, near relatives and male-line descendants of his great-great-grandfather, King Mpande who, as a half-brother of the Zulu \"Pater Patriae\", King Shaka, reigned from 1840 to 1872. Shaka's policies and conquests transformed a small clan into one of South Africa's most influential pre-colonial realms, extending over much of what is now KwaZulu-Natal. The Nguni-speaking clan of the southern Bantus, which evolved into the Zulu people, takes its name from the third of its recorded chiefs.","Document [13](Title: Dabulamanzi kaMpande) was Sanguza, one of Mpande's many wives. He took part in the Battle of Isandlwana, where he led the Undi Corps. He then led the Zulu force at the Battle of Rorke's Drift. Dabulamanzi had been specifically instructed by his brother not to attack the British outside Zulu territory, but ignored him. Dabulamanzi's tactics were ineffective, allowing the small British force to repel the Zulus. Dabulamanzi subsequently organised the Siege of Eshowe, a blockade at Fort Eshowe which isolated British troops for two months. When Lord Chelmsford arrived with a relief force, Dabulamanzi led the right wing of the Zulu","Document [14](Title: Dingiswayo) Dingiswayo Dingiswayo () (c.1780 \u2013 1817) (born Godongwana) was a Mthethwa chief, well known for his mentorship over a young Zulu general, Shaka Zulu, who rose to become the greatest of the Zulu kings. His father was the Mthethwa chief Jobe, and Jobe was the son of Kayi, who may be seen as the founder of the Mthethwa kingdom. It was under Dingiswayo that the Mthethwa rose to prominence, mostly employing diplomacy and assimilation of nearby chiefdoms to strengthen his power base. Dingiswayo was born into the Mthethwa royal family, and was son of Jobe. According to Muzi Mthethwa (1995),","Document [15](Title: Josiah Tshangana Gumede) and the Reverend William August Illing, a German-trained Lutheran missionary who after 1869 renounced his Lutheran faith and became a convert of the Anglican Church. The Zulu Choir experienced blatant racial prejudice in England. He was a founding member of two important African organisations in colonial Natal, Funamalungelo and the Natal Native Congress, although he did not attend the inaugural meeting of the Natal Native Congress in June 1900. He was serving as head of the Sotho Scouts during the Anglo Boer War of 1899-1902. His testimony before the South African Native Affairs, the so-called Lagden Commission of 1904 revealed","Document [16](Title: Zulu royal family) KwaZulu Natal in conjunction with the province's \"UNdunankulu weSizwe samaZulu\". The dynasty is Christian and practices polygamy, agnates of the dynasty bearing the prefix \"Prince\/Princess\" and the surname \"Zulu\", while holding the rank of \"KaBhekuZulu\", (i.e. \"prince of the Blood\"). The present head of the Zulu royal family is King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu, the current monarch of the Zulu nation of South Africa. He was born on 14 July 1948, in Nongoma, KwaZulu-Natal. He became king on the death of his father, King Cyprian Bhekuzulu kaSolomon in 1968. As of 2004, Goodwill Zwelethini had six wives and 27 children: Zulu","Document [17](Title: Zulu royal family) whom have living descendants. In 1887 the British annexed Zululand, effectively mediatising the Zulu dynasty as paramount chiefs in the region. The Zulu people and dynasty retained their distinct cultural identity and a measure of independence under the governments of South Africa through the establishment of Zululand as a bantustan and the subsequent abolition of apartheid in the Republic. As paramount chief within the Republic of South Africa and pursuant to the preservation of African traditional leadership, the hereditary head of the Zulu dynasty retains kingly dignity, ethnic leadership, ritual authority and a civil list, reigning but not ruling in","Document [18](Title: South African Wars (1879\u20131915)) during the Bantu migrations. The Zulu tribe traditionally resided in the Natal province on the eastern side of South Africa. The Zulu were involved in two major wars. They fought against the British colonials in the Anglo-Zulu War in 1879. The Zulu were eventually overpowered by superior British technology. The Anglo-Zulu war resulted in the absorption of traditional Zululand into the British Cape Colony. The second conflict also involved Zulu and British colonials. Bambatha, a leader of the Zondi clan led a rebellion against British authority in the Natal province. The rebellion was suppressed by British colonial forces. The British","Document [19](Title: Marthinus Nikolaas Ras) on the way back to his farm at Bokfontein, he was ambushed and killed at Kaya's Put by an impi (African war party) of the Kgatla tribal chief Linchwe, an African tribe fighting on the side of the British. Marthinus Nikolaas Ras Marthinus Nikolaas Ras (18 January 1853 \u2013 21 February 1900) was a South African farmer, soldier, and gun-maker who is considered the father of South African Artillery. He served in the First Boer War in the Potchefstroom commando under General Piet Cronj\u00e9. After witnessing the siege on the British fort at Potchefstroom by the Boers, he realized the","Document [20](Title: Solomon kaDinuzulu) became famous as a singer of traditional Zulu songs as well as for being the mother of Mangosuthu Buthelezi, leader of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP). He was succeeded by his son Cyprian Bhekuzulu kaSolomon. Solomon kaDinuzulu Solomon kaDinuzulu (1891\u20131933) was the king of the Zulu nation from 1913 until his death on 4 March 1933 at Kambi at the age of 41 or 42. He was born on the island of St. Helena during the exile there of his father, king Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo. In conjunction with the ANC he was a founder of the original Inkatha (or \"Inkatha kaZulu\""],"query":"who was the leader of the zulu in south africa who led the fight against the british?","answers":["Cetshwayo","Cetshwayo kaMpande"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Mbongeleni Zondi) Mbongeleni Zondi Inkosi (Zulu Chief\/King) Mbongeleni Zondi (1969 \u2013 January 22, 2009) was a Zulu chief and great-grandson of Inkosi Bambatha kaMancinza, who led a Zulu rebellion against British rule in 1906. He was also a close ally of African National Congress President Jacob Zuma and a cultural patron of the ANC leadership in KwaZulu-Natal. At 7:00 AM on January 22, 2009, Zondi was shot to death along Stimela Avenue in Durban\u2019s Umlazi township. At the time, he lived in Msinga in the Midlands, and was visiting his sister in Umlazi. Four men arrived in an SUV; two of them","Document [2](Title: Senzangakhona kaJama) Senzangakhona kaJama Senzangakhona kaJama (c. 1762 \u2013 1816) was a chief of the Zulu clan, and primarily notable as the father of three Zulu kings who ruled during the period when the Zulus achieved prominence, led by his oldest son Shaka. His father was King Jama kaNdaba and his mother was Queen Mthaniya Sibiya. He succeeded on his father's death. During the chieftaincy of Senzangakhona, the Zulus were a small clan in the Mthethwa confederation which was ruled by Dingiswayo. Senzangakhona\u2019s name is derived from the Zulu word meaning \"he who acts with a good reason\". Although the Zulus practised","Document [3](Title: Anthony Durnford) decision not to fortify the camp (which was in direct violation of his own standing pre-campaign orders). In the 1979 film \"Zulu Dawn\", which depicted the battle of Isandlwana, Durnford was portrayed by Burt Lancaster. Anthony Durnford Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony William Durnford (24 June 1830 \u2013 22 January 1879) was an Irish career British Army officer of the Royal Engineers who served in the Anglo-Zulu War. Breveted colonel, Durnford is mainly known for his heroic presence at the defeat of the British Army by the Zulus at the Battle of Isandlwana. Durnford was born into a military family at Manorhamilton, County","Document [4](Title: Henry Cele) Henry Cele Henry Cele () (30 January 1949 \u2013 2 November 2007) was a South African actor noted for his portrayal of the great Zulu Warrior King Shaka kaSenzangakhona in the South African television miniseries \"Shaka Zulu.\" Henry Cele was born on 30 January 1949 in KwaMashu, Durban, South Africa. As a member of the Cele family he was referred to by his clan name Ndosi (Bavela KwaMthetwa), or Magaye. Cele, nicknamed \"Black Cat\" for his prowess as a goalkeeper, played for Aces United in the old South African Soccer League (SASL) in the 1960s. He also played for Zulu","Document [5](Title: Henry Francis Fynn) Shaka and the kingdom of the Zulu in South Africa. He was played by Robert Powell in the 1986 television drama \"Shaka Zulu\". Fynn's son, also Henry Francis attended St. Andrew's College, Grahamstown in 1858 and 1859. Francis Farewell, leader of the colonists \"This article draws heavily on the article in the German-language Wikipedia, which was accessed in the version of 19 July 2011\". Henry Francis Fynn Henry Francis Fynn (29 March 1803 in Grosvenor Square, London, England \u2013 20 September 1861 in Durban, Natal, South Africa) was an English traveler and trader. His diary covers the period from 1824","Document [6](Title: Lindiwe Zulu) Lindiwe Zulu Lindiwe Daphney Zulu (born 21 April 1958) is South Africa's Minister of Small Business Development. She was the special advisor to the President on International Relations. She previously served as the head of communication for the PAN African women\u2019s organisation in Angola in 1988. In 1989 she moved to Lusaka, Zambia where she held the position of head of communication in the ANC department of Religious Affairs. In 1990 she moved to Uganda where she was the head of communication and administrator in the ANC office. In 1991 she returned to South Africa and became the head of","Document [7](Title: Mbongeni Ngema) the heart of Zululand, with the wealth of his heritage, bringing vividly to life the historic panoply of the Zulu nation. \"The Zulu\" continues its triumphant tours of South Africa, filling theatres around the country, and is set to soon tour abroad. Ngema prides himself on being from the lineage of the warriors Mbandama and Sigcwelegcwele kaMhlekehleke of the Ngema clan who led the Ingoba Makhosi regiment, a pivotal regiment that defeated the British armies at the Battle of Isandlwana in the Anglo-Zulu war, on 22 January 1879. To add to the growing list of accolades, Ngema has recently been","Document [8](Title: Kleist Sykes) Zulu warriors. The Zulu mercenaries were under the leadership of Chief Mohosh of Inhambane, Mozambique. They were recruited from a village named Kwa Likunyi in Mozambique. Among the mercenaries was my grandfather, Sykes Mbuwane. This was just after the Berlin Conference of 1884 in which Africa was partitioned between imperial powers in Europe. This caused resistance and from 1888-89 the people of Tanganyika rose up in arms to defend their freedom. Germans had a military camp at Pangani, the small coastal town few miles from Tanga which in those days was an important town in the German administration. It was","Document [9](Title: Mangosuthu Buthelezi) Mangosuthu Buthelezi Mangosuthu Buthelezi (born 27 August 1928) is a South African politician and Zulu tribal leader who founded the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) in 1975 and was Chief Minister of the KwaZulu bantustan until 1994. He was Minister of Home Affairs of South Africa from 1994 to 2004. His praise name is Shenge. He was also previously called Gatsha. Throughout most of the apartheid era, Buthelezi was considered one of the foremost black leaders. He played a key role in creating a framework for a negotiated solution to South Africa's racial conflict, signing the landmark Mahlabatini Declaration of Faith","Document [10](Title: Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo) or 45. He was succeeded by his son Solomon kaDinuzulu. A statue of Dinuzulu has been erected next to the statue of General Louis Botha, the first prime minister of the Transvaal colony, at the corner of Berea Road and Warwick Avenue in Durban. Beads from Dinuzulu's necklace\u2014claimed to have been found by Robert Baden-Powell\u2014were later presented to Scout leaders following Wood Badge leadership training. Today the Wood Badge beads are replicas of the original beads. Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo (1868 \u2013 18 October 1913, commonly misspelled Dinizulu) was the king of the Zulu nation from 20 May 1884 until","Document [11](Title: Zulu royal family) Zulu royal family The Zulu royal family consists of the reigning monarch of the Zulus of South Africa, King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu, his consorts, legitimate descendants, near relatives and male-line descendants of his great-great-grandfather, King Mpande who, as a half-brother of the Zulu \"Pater Patriae\", King Shaka, reigned from 1840 to 1872. Shaka's policies and conquests transformed a small clan into one of South Africa's most influential pre-colonial realms, extending over much of what is now KwaZulu-Natal. The Nguni-speaking clan of the southern Bantus, which evolved into the Zulu people, takes its name from the third of its recorded chiefs.","Document [12](Title: Dabulamanzi kaMpande) was Sanguza, one of Mpande's many wives. He took part in the Battle of Isandlwana, where he led the Undi Corps. He then led the Zulu force at the Battle of Rorke's Drift. Dabulamanzi had been specifically instructed by his brother not to attack the British outside Zulu territory, but ignored him. Dabulamanzi's tactics were ineffective, allowing the small British force to repel the Zulus. Dabulamanzi subsequently organised the Siege of Eshowe, a blockade at Fort Eshowe which isolated British troops for two months. When Lord Chelmsford arrived with a relief force, Dabulamanzi led the right wing of the Zulu","Document [13](Title: Dingiswayo) Dingiswayo Dingiswayo () (c.1780 \u2013 1817) (born Godongwana) was a Mthethwa chief, well known for his mentorship over a young Zulu general, Shaka Zulu, who rose to become the greatest of the Zulu kings. His father was the Mthethwa chief Jobe, and Jobe was the son of Kayi, who may be seen as the founder of the Mthethwa kingdom. It was under Dingiswayo that the Mthethwa rose to prominence, mostly employing diplomacy and assimilation of nearby chiefdoms to strengthen his power base. Dingiswayo was born into the Mthethwa royal family, and was son of Jobe. According to Muzi Mthethwa (1995),","Document [14](Title: Josiah Tshangana Gumede) and the Reverend William August Illing, a German-trained Lutheran missionary who after 1869 renounced his Lutheran faith and became a convert of the Anglican Church. The Zulu Choir experienced blatant racial prejudice in England. He was a founding member of two important African organisations in colonial Natal, Funamalungelo and the Natal Native Congress, although he did not attend the inaugural meeting of the Natal Native Congress in June 1900. He was serving as head of the Sotho Scouts during the Anglo Boer War of 1899-1902. His testimony before the South African Native Affairs, the so-called Lagden Commission of 1904 revealed","Document [15](Title: Anglo-Zulu War) Frere, on his own initiative, without the approval of the British government and with the intent of instigating a war with the Zulu, had presented an ultimatum on 11 December 1878, to the Zulu king Cetshwayo with which the Zulu king could not comply, including disbanding his army and abandoning key cultural traditions. Bartle Frere then sent Lord Chelmsford to invade Zululand after this ultimatum was not met. The war is notable for several particularly bloody battles, including an opening victory of the Zulu at the Battle of Isandlwana, followed by the defeat of a large Zulu army at Rorke's","Document [16](Title: Zulu royal family) KwaZulu Natal in conjunction with the province's \"UNdunankulu weSizwe samaZulu\". The dynasty is Christian and practices polygamy, agnates of the dynasty bearing the prefix \"Prince\/Princess\" and the surname \"Zulu\", while holding the rank of \"KaBhekuZulu\", (i.e. \"prince of the Blood\"). The present head of the Zulu royal family is King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu, the current monarch of the Zulu nation of South Africa. He was born on 14 July 1948, in Nongoma, KwaZulu-Natal. He became king on the death of his father, King Cyprian Bhekuzulu kaSolomon in 1968. As of 2004, Goodwill Zwelethini had six wives and 27 children: Zulu","Document [17](Title: Zulu royal family) whom have living descendants. In 1887 the British annexed Zululand, effectively mediatising the Zulu dynasty as paramount chiefs in the region. The Zulu people and dynasty retained their distinct cultural identity and a measure of independence under the governments of South Africa through the establishment of Zululand as a bantustan and the subsequent abolition of apartheid in the Republic. As paramount chief within the Republic of South Africa and pursuant to the preservation of African traditional leadership, the hereditary head of the Zulu dynasty retains kingly dignity, ethnic leadership, ritual authority and a civil list, reigning but not ruling in","Document [18](Title: South African Wars (1879\u20131915)) during the Bantu migrations. The Zulu tribe traditionally resided in the Natal province on the eastern side of South Africa. The Zulu were involved in two major wars. They fought against the British colonials in the Anglo-Zulu War in 1879. The Zulu were eventually overpowered by superior British technology. The Anglo-Zulu war resulted in the absorption of traditional Zululand into the British Cape Colony. The second conflict also involved Zulu and British colonials. Bambatha, a leader of the Zondi clan led a rebellion against British authority in the Natal province. The rebellion was suppressed by British colonial forces. The British","Document [19](Title: Marthinus Nikolaas Ras) on the way back to his farm at Bokfontein, he was ambushed and killed at Kaya's Put by an impi (African war party) of the Kgatla tribal chief Linchwe, an African tribe fighting on the side of the British. Marthinus Nikolaas Ras Marthinus Nikolaas Ras (18 January 1853 \u2013 21 February 1900) was a South African farmer, soldier, and gun-maker who is considered the father of South African Artillery. He served in the First Boer War in the Potchefstroom commando under General Piet Cronj\u00e9. After witnessing the siege on the British fort at Potchefstroom by the Boers, he realized the","Document [20](Title: Solomon kaDinuzulu) became famous as a singer of traditional Zulu songs as well as for being the mother of Mangosuthu Buthelezi, leader of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP). He was succeeded by his son Cyprian Bhekuzulu kaSolomon. Solomon kaDinuzulu Solomon kaDinuzulu (1891\u20131933) was the king of the Zulu nation from 1913 until his death on 4 March 1933 at Kambi at the age of 41 or 42. He was born on the island of St. Helena during the exile there of his father, king Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo. In conjunction with the ANC he was a founder of the original Inkatha (or \"Inkatha kaZulu\""],"query":"who was the leader of the zulu in south africa who led the fight against the british?","answers":["Cetshwayo","Cetshwayo kaMpande"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Mbongeleni Zondi) Mbongeleni Zondi Inkosi (Zulu Chief\/King) Mbongeleni Zondi (1969 \u2013 January 22, 2009) was a Zulu chief and great-grandson of Inkosi Bambatha kaMancinza, who led a Zulu rebellion against British rule in 1906. He was also a close ally of African National Congress President Jacob Zuma and a cultural patron of the ANC leadership in KwaZulu-Natal. At 7:00 AM on January 22, 2009, Zondi was shot to death along Stimela Avenue in Durban\u2019s Umlazi township. At the time, he lived in Msinga in the Midlands, and was visiting his sister in Umlazi. Four men arrived in an SUV; two of them","Document [2](Title: Senzangakhona kaJama) Senzangakhona kaJama Senzangakhona kaJama (c. 1762 \u2013 1816) was a chief of the Zulu clan, and primarily notable as the father of three Zulu kings who ruled during the period when the Zulus achieved prominence, led by his oldest son Shaka. His father was King Jama kaNdaba and his mother was Queen Mthaniya Sibiya. He succeeded on his father's death. During the chieftaincy of Senzangakhona, the Zulus were a small clan in the Mthethwa confederation which was ruled by Dingiswayo. Senzangakhona\u2019s name is derived from the Zulu word meaning \"he who acts with a good reason\". Although the Zulus practised","Document [3](Title: Anthony Durnford) decision not to fortify the camp (which was in direct violation of his own standing pre-campaign orders). In the 1979 film \"Zulu Dawn\", which depicted the battle of Isandlwana, Durnford was portrayed by Burt Lancaster. Anthony Durnford Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony William Durnford (24 June 1830 \u2013 22 January 1879) was an Irish career British Army officer of the Royal Engineers who served in the Anglo-Zulu War. Breveted colonel, Durnford is mainly known for his heroic presence at the defeat of the British Army by the Zulus at the Battle of Isandlwana. Durnford was born into a military family at Manorhamilton, County","Document [4](Title: Henry Cele) Henry Cele Henry Cele () (30 January 1949 \u2013 2 November 2007) was a South African actor noted for his portrayal of the great Zulu Warrior King Shaka kaSenzangakhona in the South African television miniseries \"Shaka Zulu.\" Henry Cele was born on 30 January 1949 in KwaMashu, Durban, South Africa. As a member of the Cele family he was referred to by his clan name Ndosi (Bavela KwaMthetwa), or Magaye. Cele, nicknamed \"Black Cat\" for his prowess as a goalkeeper, played for Aces United in the old South African Soccer League (SASL) in the 1960s. He also played for Zulu","Document [5](Title: Henry Francis Fynn) Shaka and the kingdom of the Zulu in South Africa. He was played by Robert Powell in the 1986 television drama \"Shaka Zulu\". Fynn's son, also Henry Francis attended St. Andrew's College, Grahamstown in 1858 and 1859. Francis Farewell, leader of the colonists \"This article draws heavily on the article in the German-language Wikipedia, which was accessed in the version of 19 July 2011\". Henry Francis Fynn Henry Francis Fynn (29 March 1803 in Grosvenor Square, London, England \u2013 20 September 1861 in Durban, Natal, South Africa) was an English traveler and trader. His diary covers the period from 1824","Document [6](Title: Lindiwe Zulu) Lindiwe Zulu Lindiwe Daphney Zulu (born 21 April 1958) is South Africa's Minister of Small Business Development. She was the special advisor to the President on International Relations. She previously served as the head of communication for the PAN African women\u2019s organisation in Angola in 1988. In 1989 she moved to Lusaka, Zambia where she held the position of head of communication in the ANC department of Religious Affairs. In 1990 she moved to Uganda where she was the head of communication and administrator in the ANC office. In 1991 she returned to South Africa and became the head of","Document [7](Title: Mbongeni Ngema) the heart of Zululand, with the wealth of his heritage, bringing vividly to life the historic panoply of the Zulu nation. \"The Zulu\" continues its triumphant tours of South Africa, filling theatres around the country, and is set to soon tour abroad. Ngema prides himself on being from the lineage of the warriors Mbandama and Sigcwelegcwele kaMhlekehleke of the Ngema clan who led the Ingoba Makhosi regiment, a pivotal regiment that defeated the British armies at the Battle of Isandlwana in the Anglo-Zulu war, on 22 January 1879. To add to the growing list of accolades, Ngema has recently been","Document [8](Title: Kleist Sykes) Zulu warriors. The Zulu mercenaries were under the leadership of Chief Mohosh of Inhambane, Mozambique. They were recruited from a village named Kwa Likunyi in Mozambique. Among the mercenaries was my grandfather, Sykes Mbuwane. This was just after the Berlin Conference of 1884 in which Africa was partitioned between imperial powers in Europe. This caused resistance and from 1888-89 the people of Tanganyika rose up in arms to defend their freedom. Germans had a military camp at Pangani, the small coastal town few miles from Tanga which in those days was an important town in the German administration. It was","Document [9](Title: Mangosuthu Buthelezi) Mangosuthu Buthelezi Mangosuthu Buthelezi (born 27 August 1928) is a South African politician and Zulu tribal leader who founded the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) in 1975 and was Chief Minister of the KwaZulu bantustan until 1994. He was Minister of Home Affairs of South Africa from 1994 to 2004. His praise name is Shenge. He was also previously called Gatsha. Throughout most of the apartheid era, Buthelezi was considered one of the foremost black leaders. He played a key role in creating a framework for a negotiated solution to South Africa's racial conflict, signing the landmark Mahlabatini Declaration of Faith","Document [10](Title: Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo) or 45. He was succeeded by his son Solomon kaDinuzulu. A statue of Dinuzulu has been erected next to the statue of General Louis Botha, the first prime minister of the Transvaal colony, at the corner of Berea Road and Warwick Avenue in Durban. Beads from Dinuzulu's necklace\u2014claimed to have been found by Robert Baden-Powell\u2014were later presented to Scout leaders following Wood Badge leadership training. Today the Wood Badge beads are replicas of the original beads. Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo (1868 \u2013 18 October 1913, commonly misspelled Dinizulu) was the king of the Zulu nation from 20 May 1884 until","Document [11](Title: Zulu royal family) Zulu royal family The Zulu royal family consists of the reigning monarch of the Zulus of South Africa, King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu, his consorts, legitimate descendants, near relatives and male-line descendants of his great-great-grandfather, King Mpande who, as a half-brother of the Zulu \"Pater Patriae\", King Shaka, reigned from 1840 to 1872. Shaka's policies and conquests transformed a small clan into one of South Africa's most influential pre-colonial realms, extending over much of what is now KwaZulu-Natal. The Nguni-speaking clan of the southern Bantus, which evolved into the Zulu people, takes its name from the third of its recorded chiefs.","Document [12](Title: Dabulamanzi kaMpande) was Sanguza, one of Mpande's many wives. He took part in the Battle of Isandlwana, where he led the Undi Corps. He then led the Zulu force at the Battle of Rorke's Drift. Dabulamanzi had been specifically instructed by his brother not to attack the British outside Zulu territory, but ignored him. Dabulamanzi's tactics were ineffective, allowing the small British force to repel the Zulus. Dabulamanzi subsequently organised the Siege of Eshowe, a blockade at Fort Eshowe which isolated British troops for two months. When Lord Chelmsford arrived with a relief force, Dabulamanzi led the right wing of the Zulu","Document [13](Title: Dingiswayo) Dingiswayo Dingiswayo () (c.1780 \u2013 1817) (born Godongwana) was a Mthethwa chief, well known for his mentorship over a young Zulu general, Shaka Zulu, who rose to become the greatest of the Zulu kings. His father was the Mthethwa chief Jobe, and Jobe was the son of Kayi, who may be seen as the founder of the Mthethwa kingdom. It was under Dingiswayo that the Mthethwa rose to prominence, mostly employing diplomacy and assimilation of nearby chiefdoms to strengthen his power base. Dingiswayo was born into the Mthethwa royal family, and was son of Jobe. According to Muzi Mthethwa (1995),","Document [14](Title: Josiah Tshangana Gumede) and the Reverend William August Illing, a German-trained Lutheran missionary who after 1869 renounced his Lutheran faith and became a convert of the Anglican Church. The Zulu Choir experienced blatant racial prejudice in England. He was a founding member of two important African organisations in colonial Natal, Funamalungelo and the Natal Native Congress, although he did not attend the inaugural meeting of the Natal Native Congress in June 1900. He was serving as head of the Sotho Scouts during the Anglo Boer War of 1899-1902. His testimony before the South African Native Affairs, the so-called Lagden Commission of 1904 revealed","Document [15](Title: Zulu royal family) KwaZulu Natal in conjunction with the province's \"UNdunankulu weSizwe samaZulu\". The dynasty is Christian and practices polygamy, agnates of the dynasty bearing the prefix \"Prince\/Princess\" and the surname \"Zulu\", while holding the rank of \"KaBhekuZulu\", (i.e. \"prince of the Blood\"). The present head of the Zulu royal family is King Goodwill Zwelithini kaBhekuzulu, the current monarch of the Zulu nation of South Africa. He was born on 14 July 1948, in Nongoma, KwaZulu-Natal. He became king on the death of his father, King Cyprian Bhekuzulu kaSolomon in 1968. As of 2004, Goodwill Zwelethini had six wives and 27 children: Zulu","Document [16](Title: Zulu royal family) whom have living descendants. In 1887 the British annexed Zululand, effectively mediatising the Zulu dynasty as paramount chiefs in the region. The Zulu people and dynasty retained their distinct cultural identity and a measure of independence under the governments of South Africa through the establishment of Zululand as a bantustan and the subsequent abolition of apartheid in the Republic. As paramount chief within the Republic of South Africa and pursuant to the preservation of African traditional leadership, the hereditary head of the Zulu dynasty retains kingly dignity, ethnic leadership, ritual authority and a civil list, reigning but not ruling in","Document [17](Title: South African Wars (1879\u20131915)) during the Bantu migrations. The Zulu tribe traditionally resided in the Natal province on the eastern side of South Africa. The Zulu were involved in two major wars. They fought against the British colonials in the Anglo-Zulu War in 1879. The Zulu were eventually overpowered by superior British technology. The Anglo-Zulu war resulted in the absorption of traditional Zululand into the British Cape Colony. The second conflict also involved Zulu and British colonials. Bambatha, a leader of the Zondi clan led a rebellion against British authority in the Natal province. The rebellion was suppressed by British colonial forces. The British","Document [18](Title: Marthinus Nikolaas Ras) on the way back to his farm at Bokfontein, he was ambushed and killed at Kaya's Put by an impi (African war party) of the Kgatla tribal chief Linchwe, an African tribe fighting on the side of the British. Marthinus Nikolaas Ras Marthinus Nikolaas Ras (18 January 1853 \u2013 21 February 1900) was a South African farmer, soldier, and gun-maker who is considered the father of South African Artillery. He served in the First Boer War in the Potchefstroom commando under General Piet Cronj\u00e9. After witnessing the siege on the British fort at Potchefstroom by the Boers, he realized the","Document [19](Title: Solomon kaDinuzulu) became famous as a singer of traditional Zulu songs as well as for being the mother of Mangosuthu Buthelezi, leader of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP). He was succeeded by his son Cyprian Bhekuzulu kaSolomon. Solomon kaDinuzulu Solomon kaDinuzulu (1891\u20131933) was the king of the Zulu nation from 1913 until his death on 4 March 1933 at Kambi at the age of 41 or 42. He was born on the island of St. Helena during the exile there of his father, king Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo. In conjunction with the ANC he was a founder of the original Inkatha (or \"Inkatha kaZulu\"","Document [20](Title: Anglo-Zulu War) Frere, on his own initiative, without the approval of the British government and with the intent of instigating a war with the Zulu, had presented an ultimatum on 11 December 1878, to the Zulu king Cetshwayo with which the Zulu king could not comply, including disbanding his army and abandoning key cultural traditions. Bartle Frere then sent Lord Chelmsford to invade Zululand after this ultimatum was not met. The war is notable for several particularly bloody battles, including an opening victory of the Zulu at the Battle of Isandlwana, followed by the defeat of a large Zulu army at Rorke's"],"query":"who was the leader of the zulu in south africa who led the fight against the british?","answers":["Cetshwayo","Cetshwayo kaMpande"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (TV series)) Show remained in syndicated reruns and was still available for local television stations through The Program Exchange as late as 2016; WBBZ-TV, for instance, aired the show in a strip to counterprogram 10 PM newscasts in the Buffalo, New York market during the summer 2013 season. The underlying rights are now owned by Universal Pictures, which holds the library of predecessor companies DreamWorks Animation and Classic Media, and who in turn with copyright holder Ward Productions forms the joint venture Bullwinkle Studios, which manages the Rocky and Bullwinkle properties; Universal's purchase of Classic Media coincided with The Program Exchange's shutdown.","Document [2](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) DHX Studios Vancouver with writing and early production duties taking place in Los Angeles. On April 12, 2018, it was announced that Amazon Video had given a series order to the production and that the show would premiere on May 11, 2018. Executive producers were reported to include Scott Fellows and Tiffany Ward, daughter of the original series producer Jay Ward. On December 15, 2018, it was reported that the series would return with the second half of season one in January 2019. Alongside the series announcement, it was confirmed that voice cast would include Tara Strong, Brad Norman, Ben","Document [3](Title: Mr. Peabody & Sherman) Rocky and Bullwinkle Show\". The short was directed by Gary Trousdale, who is known for co-directing Disney's \"Beauty and the Beast\", produced by Nolan Cascino, and written by Thomas Lennon and Robert Garant. June Foray was set to reprise her role as Rocket \"Rocky\" J. Squirrel, while Tom Kenny was set to voice Bullwinkle Moose. The short would have served as a test for a possible feature film based on the characters. \"Almost Home\", a short based on the DreamWorks Animation film \"Home\", played before the film instead. However, the new CGI \"Rocky & Bullwinkle\" short was instead released on","Document [4](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film) Rocky & Bullwinkle is a 2014 American computer-animated direct-to-video short film based on the 1960s animated television series \"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show\", produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The short was directed by Gary Trousdale, best known for co-directing Disney's \"Beauty and the Beast\", \"The Hunchback of Notre Dame\", and \"\", while Robert Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon were the writers (They also provided the voices of Fearless Leader and the narrator for this short). June Foray reprises her role as Rocky, in her final reprisal of the role before","Document [5](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle is an American animated web television series produced by DreamWorks Animation Television which is a reboot of the original \"Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\". It debuted on May 11, 2018 on Amazon Video \u2014 being DreamWorks Animation Television's first series to air on a streaming service other than Netflix. Like its preceding spin-off \"The Mr. Peabody & Sherman Show\", animation was outsourced by DHX Media's 2D animation studio in Vancouver, Canada. In December 2018, it was announced that the series would return with new episodes in","Document [6](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) Peabody & Sherman'. The short features the songs \"Bad Romance\" by Lady Gaga, and \"If You Wanna Be Happy\" by Jimmy Soul. Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film) Rocky & Bullwinkle is a 2014 American computer-animated direct-to-video short film based on the 1960s animated television series \"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show\", produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The short was directed by Gary Trousdale, best known for co-directing Disney's \"Beauty and the Beast\", \"The Hunchback of Notre Dame\", and \"\", while Robert Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon were the writers (They also provided the voices of Fearless","Document [7](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) Diskin, Rachel Butera, Piotr Michael, and Daran Norris. Alongside the series announcement, the first official trailer was released. On April 27, 2018, four clips from the series were released. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle is an American animated web television series produced by DreamWorks Animation Television which is a reboot of the original \"Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\". It debuted on May 11, 2018 on Amazon Video \u2014 being DreamWorks Animation Television's first series to air on a streaming service other than Netflix. Like its preceding spin-off \"The Mr. Peabody &","Document [8](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) Ward (the daughter of Jay). The cast will include Tara Strong as Rocky, Brad Norman as Bullwinkle, Ben Diskin as Boris, Rachel Butera as Natasha, Piotr Michael as Fearless Leader, and Daran Norris as the Narrator. Louis Chunovic. \"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Book\". Bantam, 1996. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends is the blanket title for an American animated television series that originally aired from November 19, 1959, to June 27, 1964, on the ABC and NBC television networks. The current blanket title was imposed for home video releases over","Document [9](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) package shows via 16 mm \"Bullwinkle Show\" prints and Bridgestone Multimedia released eight episodes as \"Rocky and his Friends\" using an old broadcast 16 mm print. The copyright status of these 98 episodes (along with some episodes of \"Hoppity Hooper\") is disputed. As of 2017, the copyright is generally recognized as valid, and attempts to post the gray market releases on video sites have historically been greeted with DMCA takedown notices. In 2002, Jay Ward Productions established a partnership with Classic Media called Bullwinkle Studios. From 2003 to 2005, the partnership produced DVDs of the first three seasons of the","Document [10](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (film)) cameo appearancess by performers including James Rebhorn, Randy Quaid, Paget Brewster, Janeane Garofalo, John Goodman, David Alan Grier, Don Novello, Jon Polito, Carl Reiner, Whoopi Goldberg, Max Grodenchik, Jonathan Winters and Billy Crystal. The film received mixed reviews from critics and was a box office bomb, grossing $35.1 million worldwide against its $76 million budget. Thirty-five years following their show's cancellation in 1964, Rocket J. \"Rocky\" Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose have been living off the finances of their reruns on TV. Their home, Frostbite Falls, has been destroyed by deforestation, Rocky has lost his ability to fly and the","Document [11](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) and Bullwinkle Show (or The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle or The Adventures of Bullwinkle and Rocky) in syndication. Produced by Jay Ward Productions, the series is structured as a variety show, with the main feature being the serialized adventures of the two title characters, the anthropomorphic flying squirrel Rocky and moose Bullwinkle. The main adversaries in most of their adventures are the two Russian-like spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale, both working for the dictator Fearless Leader. Supporting segments include Dudley Do-Right of the Mounties (a parody of old-time melodrama), Peabody's Improbable History (a dog named Mr. Peabody and","Document [12](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) her passing on July 27, 2017 (as well as her final role overall), while Tom Kenny voices Bullwinkle. It was released on October 14, 2014 on the Blu-ray 3D of \"Mr. Peabody and Sherman\" (which is also based on characters from \"The Rocky & Bullwinkle Show\"). Desperate to finally kill Rocky and Bullwinkle and have them as trophy heads for his rumpus room, Fearless Leader assigns his spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale a new mission: to use a robotic female moose to seduce Bullwinkle, and inevitably destroy him (as well as Rocky in the process). Boris controls the robot's","Document [13](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) \"Mr Know It All\" skit that, among other things, had Bullwinkle programming a VCR. Before the two presented their pitch, they soon found out Disney did not have the rights to the actual series, only to the video distribution of the old Bullwinkle show, and the concept was abandoned. The program debuted on home video with two compilation CED Videodiscs released by RCA during the format's rise in the early 1980s, featuring complete, uncut story arcs and accompanying alternating segments and bumpers. Volume 1 contained the complete story for \"Wossamotta U\", while volume 2 contained \"Goof Gas Attack\" and \"The","Document [14](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) Fairy Tales\" (91), \"Peabody's Improbable History\" (91), and \"Aesop and Son\" (39) segments are syndicated as part of \"Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales\", and 38 of the 39 \"Dudley Do-Right\" cartoons are syndicated as part of \"Dudley Do Right \"(sic)\" and Friends\". Syndicated versions of the shows distributed outside of the United States and Canada combine the various segments under the package title \"Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\"; it is this version of the show that is represented on official DVD releases through DreamWorks Classics and the official online version sold at websites such as Amazon Video. The lead characters","Document [15](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) two letters of the name and gave it to his moose. Ward wanted to produce the show in Los Angeles; however, Anderson lived in the San Francisco Bay Area and did not want to relocate. As a result, Ward hired Bill Scott as head writer and co-producer at Jay Ward Productions, and he wrote the \"Rocky and Bullwinkle\" features. Ward was joined by writers Chris Hayward and Allan Burns; the latter eventually became head writer for MTM Enterprises. In a 1982 interview, Scott said, \"I got a call from Jay asking if I'd be interested in writing another series, an","Document [16](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) January 2019. The series sees Rocky and Bullwinkle \"thrust into harrowing situations but end up saving the day time and again. As Rocky and Bullwinkle\u2019s innocent and silly ambitions to become rock stars or find lost treasure end up dovetailing with Fearless Leader\u2019s sinister plans to take over the world, our heroes are set on a collision course with his notorious superspies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale.\" On December 10, 2017, it was reported that DreamWorks Animation Television was developing a revival of Jay Ward's \"The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\". Animation was expected to be handled by","Document [17](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) next week he will read \"the complete works of Mr. Fifty Cents\". Back in story arc, Rocky arrives to crash the wedding on a cruise ship, but Bullwinkle and the robot moose have already been wedded and Bullwinkle dances with the robot to Jimmy Soul's If You Wanna Be Happy. Rocky then discovers it was Boris who lured Bullwinkle away with romantic gestures, and tries to stop him only for Natasha to intervene by challenging him to a duel. Boris eventually gets fed up with the act while getting hit with a bowling ball and evacuates leaving the robotic bride","Document [18](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends is the blanket title for an American animated television series that originally aired from November 19, 1959, to June 27, 1964, on the ABC and NBC television networks. The current blanket title was imposed for home video releases over 40 years after the series originally aired and was never used when the show was televised; television airings of the show were broadcast under the titles of Rocky and His Friends from 1959 to 1961, The Bullwinkle Show from 1961 to 1964, and The Rocky","Document [19](Title: Jet Fuel Formula) of a work of fiction. In one brief scene Capt. Peachfuzz is seen reading a Mr. Peabody comic book. Natasha and Bullwinkle each reckon the passage of time in terms of episodes. Rocky and Bullwinkle respond to comments made by the narrator, and Boris chides him for revealing plot details. The first episode ends with a teaser promoting the next episode with a now-familiar \"double title\" (Bullwinkle's Ride \"or\" Goodbye, Dollink). IMDB uses these \"titles\" to label individual episodes, but on the Rocky and Bullwinkle DVDs they are simply numbered 1 through 40, suggesting that the titles are to be","Document [20](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) rest of the production staff, including writers and designers. However, no animators were hired. Ad executives at Dancer, Fitzgerald, & Sample, the advertising agency for General Mills, set up an animation studio in Mexico called Gamma Productions S.A. de C.V., originally known as Val-Mar Animation. This outsourcing of the animation for the series was considered financially attractive by primary sponsor General Mills, but caused endless production problems. In a 1982 interview by animation historian Jim Korkis, Bill Scott described some of the problems that arose during production of the series: We found out very quickly that we could not depend"],"query":"who owns the rights to rocky and bullwinkle?","answers":["Universal Pictures"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) DHX Studios Vancouver with writing and early production duties taking place in Los Angeles. On April 12, 2018, it was announced that Amazon Video had given a series order to the production and that the show would premiere on May 11, 2018. Executive producers were reported to include Scott Fellows and Tiffany Ward, daughter of the original series producer Jay Ward. On December 15, 2018, it was reported that the series would return with the second half of season one in January 2019. Alongside the series announcement, it was confirmed that voice cast would include Tara Strong, Brad Norman, Ben","Document [2](Title: Mr. Peabody & Sherman) Rocky and Bullwinkle Show\". The short was directed by Gary Trousdale, who is known for co-directing Disney's \"Beauty and the Beast\", produced by Nolan Cascino, and written by Thomas Lennon and Robert Garant. June Foray was set to reprise her role as Rocket \"Rocky\" J. Squirrel, while Tom Kenny was set to voice Bullwinkle Moose. The short would have served as a test for a possible feature film based on the characters. \"Almost Home\", a short based on the DreamWorks Animation film \"Home\", played before the film instead. However, the new CGI \"Rocky & Bullwinkle\" short was instead released on","Document [3](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film) Rocky & Bullwinkle is a 2014 American computer-animated direct-to-video short film based on the 1960s animated television series \"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show\", produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The short was directed by Gary Trousdale, best known for co-directing Disney's \"Beauty and the Beast\", \"The Hunchback of Notre Dame\", and \"\", while Robert Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon were the writers (They also provided the voices of Fearless Leader and the narrator for this short). June Foray reprises her role as Rocky, in her final reprisal of the role before","Document [4](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle is an American animated web television series produced by DreamWorks Animation Television which is a reboot of the original \"Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\". It debuted on May 11, 2018 on Amazon Video \u2014 being DreamWorks Animation Television's first series to air on a streaming service other than Netflix. Like its preceding spin-off \"The Mr. Peabody & Sherman Show\", animation was outsourced by DHX Media's 2D animation studio in Vancouver, Canada. In December 2018, it was announced that the series would return with new episodes in","Document [5](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (TV series)) Show remained in syndicated reruns and was still available for local television stations through The Program Exchange as late as 2016; WBBZ-TV, for instance, aired the show in a strip to counterprogram 10 PM newscasts in the Buffalo, New York market during the summer 2013 season. The underlying rights are now owned by Universal Pictures, which holds the library of predecessor companies DreamWorks Animation and Classic Media, and who in turn with copyright holder Ward Productions forms the joint venture Bullwinkle Studios, which manages the Rocky and Bullwinkle properties; Universal's purchase of Classic Media coincided with The Program Exchange's shutdown.","Document [6](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) Peabody & Sherman'. The short features the songs \"Bad Romance\" by Lady Gaga, and \"If You Wanna Be Happy\" by Jimmy Soul. Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film) Rocky & Bullwinkle is a 2014 American computer-animated direct-to-video short film based on the 1960s animated television series \"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show\", produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The short was directed by Gary Trousdale, best known for co-directing Disney's \"Beauty and the Beast\", \"The Hunchback of Notre Dame\", and \"\", while Robert Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon were the writers (They also provided the voices of Fearless","Document [7](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) Diskin, Rachel Butera, Piotr Michael, and Daran Norris. Alongside the series announcement, the first official trailer was released. On April 27, 2018, four clips from the series were released. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle is an American animated web television series produced by DreamWorks Animation Television which is a reboot of the original \"Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\". It debuted on May 11, 2018 on Amazon Video \u2014 being DreamWorks Animation Television's first series to air on a streaming service other than Netflix. Like its preceding spin-off \"The Mr. Peabody &","Document [8](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) Ward (the daughter of Jay). The cast will include Tara Strong as Rocky, Brad Norman as Bullwinkle, Ben Diskin as Boris, Rachel Butera as Natasha, Piotr Michael as Fearless Leader, and Daran Norris as the Narrator. Louis Chunovic. \"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Book\". Bantam, 1996. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends is the blanket title for an American animated television series that originally aired from November 19, 1959, to June 27, 1964, on the ABC and NBC television networks. The current blanket title was imposed for home video releases over","Document [9](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) package shows via 16 mm \"Bullwinkle Show\" prints and Bridgestone Multimedia released eight episodes as \"Rocky and his Friends\" using an old broadcast 16 mm print. The copyright status of these 98 episodes (along with some episodes of \"Hoppity Hooper\") is disputed. As of 2017, the copyright is generally recognized as valid, and attempts to post the gray market releases on video sites have historically been greeted with DMCA takedown notices. In 2002, Jay Ward Productions established a partnership with Classic Media called Bullwinkle Studios. From 2003 to 2005, the partnership produced DVDs of the first three seasons of the","Document [10](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (film)) cameo appearancess by performers including James Rebhorn, Randy Quaid, Paget Brewster, Janeane Garofalo, John Goodman, David Alan Grier, Don Novello, Jon Polito, Carl Reiner, Whoopi Goldberg, Max Grodenchik, Jonathan Winters and Billy Crystal. The film received mixed reviews from critics and was a box office bomb, grossing $35.1 million worldwide against its $76 million budget. Thirty-five years following their show's cancellation in 1964, Rocket J. \"Rocky\" Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose have been living off the finances of their reruns on TV. Their home, Frostbite Falls, has been destroyed by deforestation, Rocky has lost his ability to fly and the","Document [11](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) and Bullwinkle Show (or The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle or The Adventures of Bullwinkle and Rocky) in syndication. Produced by Jay Ward Productions, the series is structured as a variety show, with the main feature being the serialized adventures of the two title characters, the anthropomorphic flying squirrel Rocky and moose Bullwinkle. The main adversaries in most of their adventures are the two Russian-like spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale, both working for the dictator Fearless Leader. Supporting segments include Dudley Do-Right of the Mounties (a parody of old-time melodrama), Peabody's Improbable History (a dog named Mr. Peabody and","Document [12](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) her passing on July 27, 2017 (as well as her final role overall), while Tom Kenny voices Bullwinkle. It was released on October 14, 2014 on the Blu-ray 3D of \"Mr. Peabody and Sherman\" (which is also based on characters from \"The Rocky & Bullwinkle Show\"). Desperate to finally kill Rocky and Bullwinkle and have them as trophy heads for his rumpus room, Fearless Leader assigns his spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale a new mission: to use a robotic female moose to seduce Bullwinkle, and inevitably destroy him (as well as Rocky in the process). Boris controls the robot's","Document [13](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) \"Mr Know It All\" skit that, among other things, had Bullwinkle programming a VCR. Before the two presented their pitch, they soon found out Disney did not have the rights to the actual series, only to the video distribution of the old Bullwinkle show, and the concept was abandoned. The program debuted on home video with two compilation CED Videodiscs released by RCA during the format's rise in the early 1980s, featuring complete, uncut story arcs and accompanying alternating segments and bumpers. Volume 1 contained the complete story for \"Wossamotta U\", while volume 2 contained \"Goof Gas Attack\" and \"The","Document [14](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) Fairy Tales\" (91), \"Peabody's Improbable History\" (91), and \"Aesop and Son\" (39) segments are syndicated as part of \"Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales\", and 38 of the 39 \"Dudley Do-Right\" cartoons are syndicated as part of \"Dudley Do Right \"(sic)\" and Friends\". Syndicated versions of the shows distributed outside of the United States and Canada combine the various segments under the package title \"Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\"; it is this version of the show that is represented on official DVD releases through DreamWorks Classics and the official online version sold at websites such as Amazon Video. The lead characters","Document [15](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) two letters of the name and gave it to his moose. Ward wanted to produce the show in Los Angeles; however, Anderson lived in the San Francisco Bay Area and did not want to relocate. As a result, Ward hired Bill Scott as head writer and co-producer at Jay Ward Productions, and he wrote the \"Rocky and Bullwinkle\" features. Ward was joined by writers Chris Hayward and Allan Burns; the latter eventually became head writer for MTM Enterprises. In a 1982 interview, Scott said, \"I got a call from Jay asking if I'd be interested in writing another series, an","Document [16](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) January 2019. The series sees Rocky and Bullwinkle \"thrust into harrowing situations but end up saving the day time and again. As Rocky and Bullwinkle\u2019s innocent and silly ambitions to become rock stars or find lost treasure end up dovetailing with Fearless Leader\u2019s sinister plans to take over the world, our heroes are set on a collision course with his notorious superspies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale.\" On December 10, 2017, it was reported that DreamWorks Animation Television was developing a revival of Jay Ward's \"The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\". Animation was expected to be handled by","Document [17](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) next week he will read \"the complete works of Mr. Fifty Cents\". Back in story arc, Rocky arrives to crash the wedding on a cruise ship, but Bullwinkle and the robot moose have already been wedded and Bullwinkle dances with the robot to Jimmy Soul's If You Wanna Be Happy. Rocky then discovers it was Boris who lured Bullwinkle away with romantic gestures, and tries to stop him only for Natasha to intervene by challenging him to a duel. Boris eventually gets fed up with the act while getting hit with a bowling ball and evacuates leaving the robotic bride","Document [18](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends is the blanket title for an American animated television series that originally aired from November 19, 1959, to June 27, 1964, on the ABC and NBC television networks. The current blanket title was imposed for home video releases over 40 years after the series originally aired and was never used when the show was televised; television airings of the show were broadcast under the titles of Rocky and His Friends from 1959 to 1961, The Bullwinkle Show from 1961 to 1964, and The Rocky","Document [19](Title: Jet Fuel Formula) of a work of fiction. In one brief scene Capt. Peachfuzz is seen reading a Mr. Peabody comic book. Natasha and Bullwinkle each reckon the passage of time in terms of episodes. Rocky and Bullwinkle respond to comments made by the narrator, and Boris chides him for revealing plot details. The first episode ends with a teaser promoting the next episode with a now-familiar \"double title\" (Bullwinkle's Ride \"or\" Goodbye, Dollink). IMDB uses these \"titles\" to label individual episodes, but on the Rocky and Bullwinkle DVDs they are simply numbered 1 through 40, suggesting that the titles are to be","Document [20](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) rest of the production staff, including writers and designers. However, no animators were hired. Ad executives at Dancer, Fitzgerald, & Sample, the advertising agency for General Mills, set up an animation studio in Mexico called Gamma Productions S.A. de C.V., originally known as Val-Mar Animation. This outsourcing of the animation for the series was considered financially attractive by primary sponsor General Mills, but caused endless production problems. In a 1982 interview by animation historian Jim Korkis, Bill Scott described some of the problems that arose during production of the series: We found out very quickly that we could not depend"],"query":"who owns the rights to rocky and bullwinkle?","answers":["Universal Pictures"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) DHX Studios Vancouver with writing and early production duties taking place in Los Angeles. On April 12, 2018, it was announced that Amazon Video had given a series order to the production and that the show would premiere on May 11, 2018. Executive producers were reported to include Scott Fellows and Tiffany Ward, daughter of the original series producer Jay Ward. On December 15, 2018, it was reported that the series would return with the second half of season one in January 2019. Alongside the series announcement, it was confirmed that voice cast would include Tara Strong, Brad Norman, Ben","Document [2](Title: Mr. Peabody & Sherman) Rocky and Bullwinkle Show\". The short was directed by Gary Trousdale, who is known for co-directing Disney's \"Beauty and the Beast\", produced by Nolan Cascino, and written by Thomas Lennon and Robert Garant. June Foray was set to reprise her role as Rocket \"Rocky\" J. Squirrel, while Tom Kenny was set to voice Bullwinkle Moose. The short would have served as a test for a possible feature film based on the characters. \"Almost Home\", a short based on the DreamWorks Animation film \"Home\", played before the film instead. However, the new CGI \"Rocky & Bullwinkle\" short was instead released on","Document [3](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film) Rocky & Bullwinkle is a 2014 American computer-animated direct-to-video short film based on the 1960s animated television series \"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show\", produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The short was directed by Gary Trousdale, best known for co-directing Disney's \"Beauty and the Beast\", \"The Hunchback of Notre Dame\", and \"\", while Robert Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon were the writers (They also provided the voices of Fearless Leader and the narrator for this short). June Foray reprises her role as Rocky, in her final reprisal of the role before","Document [4](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle is an American animated web television series produced by DreamWorks Animation Television which is a reboot of the original \"Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\". It debuted on May 11, 2018 on Amazon Video \u2014 being DreamWorks Animation Television's first series to air on a streaming service other than Netflix. Like its preceding spin-off \"The Mr. Peabody & Sherman Show\", animation was outsourced by DHX Media's 2D animation studio in Vancouver, Canada. In December 2018, it was announced that the series would return with new episodes in","Document [5](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) Peabody & Sherman'. The short features the songs \"Bad Romance\" by Lady Gaga, and \"If You Wanna Be Happy\" by Jimmy Soul. Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film) Rocky & Bullwinkle is a 2014 American computer-animated direct-to-video short film based on the 1960s animated television series \"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show\", produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The short was directed by Gary Trousdale, best known for co-directing Disney's \"Beauty and the Beast\", \"The Hunchback of Notre Dame\", and \"\", while Robert Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon were the writers (They also provided the voices of Fearless","Document [6](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) Diskin, Rachel Butera, Piotr Michael, and Daran Norris. Alongside the series announcement, the first official trailer was released. On April 27, 2018, four clips from the series were released. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle is an American animated web television series produced by DreamWorks Animation Television which is a reboot of the original \"Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\". It debuted on May 11, 2018 on Amazon Video \u2014 being DreamWorks Animation Television's first series to air on a streaming service other than Netflix. Like its preceding spin-off \"The Mr. Peabody &","Document [7](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) Ward (the daughter of Jay). The cast will include Tara Strong as Rocky, Brad Norman as Bullwinkle, Ben Diskin as Boris, Rachel Butera as Natasha, Piotr Michael as Fearless Leader, and Daran Norris as the Narrator. Louis Chunovic. \"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Book\". Bantam, 1996. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends is the blanket title for an American animated television series that originally aired from November 19, 1959, to June 27, 1964, on the ABC and NBC television networks. The current blanket title was imposed for home video releases over","Document [8](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) package shows via 16 mm \"Bullwinkle Show\" prints and Bridgestone Multimedia released eight episodes as \"Rocky and his Friends\" using an old broadcast 16 mm print. The copyright status of these 98 episodes (along with some episodes of \"Hoppity Hooper\") is disputed. As of 2017, the copyright is generally recognized as valid, and attempts to post the gray market releases on video sites have historically been greeted with DMCA takedown notices. In 2002, Jay Ward Productions established a partnership with Classic Media called Bullwinkle Studios. From 2003 to 2005, the partnership produced DVDs of the first three seasons of the","Document [9](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (film)) cameo appearancess by performers including James Rebhorn, Randy Quaid, Paget Brewster, Janeane Garofalo, John Goodman, David Alan Grier, Don Novello, Jon Polito, Carl Reiner, Whoopi Goldberg, Max Grodenchik, Jonathan Winters and Billy Crystal. The film received mixed reviews from critics and was a box office bomb, grossing $35.1 million worldwide against its $76 million budget. Thirty-five years following their show's cancellation in 1964, Rocket J. \"Rocky\" Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose have been living off the finances of their reruns on TV. Their home, Frostbite Falls, has been destroyed by deforestation, Rocky has lost his ability to fly and the","Document [10](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (TV series)) Show remained in syndicated reruns and was still available for local television stations through The Program Exchange as late as 2016; WBBZ-TV, for instance, aired the show in a strip to counterprogram 10 PM newscasts in the Buffalo, New York market during the summer 2013 season. The underlying rights are now owned by Universal Pictures, which holds the library of predecessor companies DreamWorks Animation and Classic Media, and who in turn with copyright holder Ward Productions forms the joint venture Bullwinkle Studios, which manages the Rocky and Bullwinkle properties; Universal's purchase of Classic Media coincided with The Program Exchange's shutdown.","Document [11](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) and Bullwinkle Show (or The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle or The Adventures of Bullwinkle and Rocky) in syndication. Produced by Jay Ward Productions, the series is structured as a variety show, with the main feature being the serialized adventures of the two title characters, the anthropomorphic flying squirrel Rocky and moose Bullwinkle. The main adversaries in most of their adventures are the two Russian-like spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale, both working for the dictator Fearless Leader. Supporting segments include Dudley Do-Right of the Mounties (a parody of old-time melodrama), Peabody's Improbable History (a dog named Mr. Peabody and","Document [12](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) her passing on July 27, 2017 (as well as her final role overall), while Tom Kenny voices Bullwinkle. It was released on October 14, 2014 on the Blu-ray 3D of \"Mr. Peabody and Sherman\" (which is also based on characters from \"The Rocky & Bullwinkle Show\"). Desperate to finally kill Rocky and Bullwinkle and have them as trophy heads for his rumpus room, Fearless Leader assigns his spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale a new mission: to use a robotic female moose to seduce Bullwinkle, and inevitably destroy him (as well as Rocky in the process). Boris controls the robot's","Document [13](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) \"Mr Know It All\" skit that, among other things, had Bullwinkle programming a VCR. Before the two presented their pitch, they soon found out Disney did not have the rights to the actual series, only to the video distribution of the old Bullwinkle show, and the concept was abandoned. The program debuted on home video with two compilation CED Videodiscs released by RCA during the format's rise in the early 1980s, featuring complete, uncut story arcs and accompanying alternating segments and bumpers. Volume 1 contained the complete story for \"Wossamotta U\", while volume 2 contained \"Goof Gas Attack\" and \"The","Document [14](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) Fairy Tales\" (91), \"Peabody's Improbable History\" (91), and \"Aesop and Son\" (39) segments are syndicated as part of \"Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales\", and 38 of the 39 \"Dudley Do-Right\" cartoons are syndicated as part of \"Dudley Do Right \"(sic)\" and Friends\". Syndicated versions of the shows distributed outside of the United States and Canada combine the various segments under the package title \"Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\"; it is this version of the show that is represented on official DVD releases through DreamWorks Classics and the official online version sold at websites such as Amazon Video. The lead characters","Document [15](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) two letters of the name and gave it to his moose. Ward wanted to produce the show in Los Angeles; however, Anderson lived in the San Francisco Bay Area and did not want to relocate. As a result, Ward hired Bill Scott as head writer and co-producer at Jay Ward Productions, and he wrote the \"Rocky and Bullwinkle\" features. Ward was joined by writers Chris Hayward and Allan Burns; the latter eventually became head writer for MTM Enterprises. In a 1982 interview, Scott said, \"I got a call from Jay asking if I'd be interested in writing another series, an","Document [16](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) January 2019. The series sees Rocky and Bullwinkle \"thrust into harrowing situations but end up saving the day time and again. As Rocky and Bullwinkle\u2019s innocent and silly ambitions to become rock stars or find lost treasure end up dovetailing with Fearless Leader\u2019s sinister plans to take over the world, our heroes are set on a collision course with his notorious superspies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale.\" On December 10, 2017, it was reported that DreamWorks Animation Television was developing a revival of Jay Ward's \"The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\". Animation was expected to be handled by","Document [17](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) next week he will read \"the complete works of Mr. Fifty Cents\". Back in story arc, Rocky arrives to crash the wedding on a cruise ship, but Bullwinkle and the robot moose have already been wedded and Bullwinkle dances with the robot to Jimmy Soul's If You Wanna Be Happy. Rocky then discovers it was Boris who lured Bullwinkle away with romantic gestures, and tries to stop him only for Natasha to intervene by challenging him to a duel. Boris eventually gets fed up with the act while getting hit with a bowling ball and evacuates leaving the robotic bride","Document [18](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends is the blanket title for an American animated television series that originally aired from November 19, 1959, to June 27, 1964, on the ABC and NBC television networks. The current blanket title was imposed for home video releases over 40 years after the series originally aired and was never used when the show was televised; television airings of the show were broadcast under the titles of Rocky and His Friends from 1959 to 1961, The Bullwinkle Show from 1961 to 1964, and The Rocky","Document [19](Title: Jet Fuel Formula) of a work of fiction. In one brief scene Capt. Peachfuzz is seen reading a Mr. Peabody comic book. Natasha and Bullwinkle each reckon the passage of time in terms of episodes. Rocky and Bullwinkle respond to comments made by the narrator, and Boris chides him for revealing plot details. The first episode ends with a teaser promoting the next episode with a now-familiar \"double title\" (Bullwinkle's Ride \"or\" Goodbye, Dollink). IMDB uses these \"titles\" to label individual episodes, but on the Rocky and Bullwinkle DVDs they are simply numbered 1 through 40, suggesting that the titles are to be","Document [20](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) rest of the production staff, including writers and designers. However, no animators were hired. Ad executives at Dancer, Fitzgerald, & Sample, the advertising agency for General Mills, set up an animation studio in Mexico called Gamma Productions S.A. de C.V., originally known as Val-Mar Animation. This outsourcing of the animation for the series was considered financially attractive by primary sponsor General Mills, but caused endless production problems. In a 1982 interview by animation historian Jim Korkis, Bill Scott described some of the problems that arose during production of the series: We found out very quickly that we could not depend"],"query":"who owns the rights to rocky and bullwinkle?","answers":["Universal Pictures"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) DHX Studios Vancouver with writing and early production duties taking place in Los Angeles. On April 12, 2018, it was announced that Amazon Video had given a series order to the production and that the show would premiere on May 11, 2018. Executive producers were reported to include Scott Fellows and Tiffany Ward, daughter of the original series producer Jay Ward. On December 15, 2018, it was reported that the series would return with the second half of season one in January 2019. Alongside the series announcement, it was confirmed that voice cast would include Tara Strong, Brad Norman, Ben","Document [2](Title: Mr. Peabody & Sherman) Rocky and Bullwinkle Show\". The short was directed by Gary Trousdale, who is known for co-directing Disney's \"Beauty and the Beast\", produced by Nolan Cascino, and written by Thomas Lennon and Robert Garant. June Foray was set to reprise her role as Rocket \"Rocky\" J. Squirrel, while Tom Kenny was set to voice Bullwinkle Moose. The short would have served as a test for a possible feature film based on the characters. \"Almost Home\", a short based on the DreamWorks Animation film \"Home\", played before the film instead. However, the new CGI \"Rocky & Bullwinkle\" short was instead released on","Document [3](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film) Rocky & Bullwinkle is a 2014 American computer-animated direct-to-video short film based on the 1960s animated television series \"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show\", produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The short was directed by Gary Trousdale, best known for co-directing Disney's \"Beauty and the Beast\", \"The Hunchback of Notre Dame\", and \"\", while Robert Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon were the writers (They also provided the voices of Fearless Leader and the narrator for this short). June Foray reprises her role as Rocky, in her final reprisal of the role before","Document [4](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle is an American animated web television series produced by DreamWorks Animation Television which is a reboot of the original \"Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\". It debuted on May 11, 2018 on Amazon Video \u2014 being DreamWorks Animation Television's first series to air on a streaming service other than Netflix. Like its preceding spin-off \"The Mr. Peabody & Sherman Show\", animation was outsourced by DHX Media's 2D animation studio in Vancouver, Canada. In December 2018, it was announced that the series would return with new episodes in","Document [5](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) Peabody & Sherman'. The short features the songs \"Bad Romance\" by Lady Gaga, and \"If You Wanna Be Happy\" by Jimmy Soul. Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film) Rocky & Bullwinkle is a 2014 American computer-animated direct-to-video short film based on the 1960s animated television series \"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show\", produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The short was directed by Gary Trousdale, best known for co-directing Disney's \"Beauty and the Beast\", \"The Hunchback of Notre Dame\", and \"\", while Robert Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon were the writers (They also provided the voices of Fearless","Document [6](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) Diskin, Rachel Butera, Piotr Michael, and Daran Norris. Alongside the series announcement, the first official trailer was released. On April 27, 2018, four clips from the series were released. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle is an American animated web television series produced by DreamWorks Animation Television which is a reboot of the original \"Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\". It debuted on May 11, 2018 on Amazon Video \u2014 being DreamWorks Animation Television's first series to air on a streaming service other than Netflix. Like its preceding spin-off \"The Mr. Peabody &","Document [7](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) Ward (the daughter of Jay). The cast will include Tara Strong as Rocky, Brad Norman as Bullwinkle, Ben Diskin as Boris, Rachel Butera as Natasha, Piotr Michael as Fearless Leader, and Daran Norris as the Narrator. Louis Chunovic. \"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Book\". Bantam, 1996. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends is the blanket title for an American animated television series that originally aired from November 19, 1959, to June 27, 1964, on the ABC and NBC television networks. The current blanket title was imposed for home video releases over","Document [8](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) package shows via 16 mm \"Bullwinkle Show\" prints and Bridgestone Multimedia released eight episodes as \"Rocky and his Friends\" using an old broadcast 16 mm print. The copyright status of these 98 episodes (along with some episodes of \"Hoppity Hooper\") is disputed. As of 2017, the copyright is generally recognized as valid, and attempts to post the gray market releases on video sites have historically been greeted with DMCA takedown notices. In 2002, Jay Ward Productions established a partnership with Classic Media called Bullwinkle Studios. From 2003 to 2005, the partnership produced DVDs of the first three seasons of the","Document [9](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (film)) cameo appearancess by performers including James Rebhorn, Randy Quaid, Paget Brewster, Janeane Garofalo, John Goodman, David Alan Grier, Don Novello, Jon Polito, Carl Reiner, Whoopi Goldberg, Max Grodenchik, Jonathan Winters and Billy Crystal. The film received mixed reviews from critics and was a box office bomb, grossing $35.1 million worldwide against its $76 million budget. Thirty-five years following their show's cancellation in 1964, Rocket J. \"Rocky\" Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose have been living off the finances of their reruns on TV. Their home, Frostbite Falls, has been destroyed by deforestation, Rocky has lost his ability to fly and the","Document [10](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) and Bullwinkle Show (or The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle or The Adventures of Bullwinkle and Rocky) in syndication. Produced by Jay Ward Productions, the series is structured as a variety show, with the main feature being the serialized adventures of the two title characters, the anthropomorphic flying squirrel Rocky and moose Bullwinkle. The main adversaries in most of their adventures are the two Russian-like spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale, both working for the dictator Fearless Leader. Supporting segments include Dudley Do-Right of the Mounties (a parody of old-time melodrama), Peabody's Improbable History (a dog named Mr. Peabody and","Document [11](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) her passing on July 27, 2017 (as well as her final role overall), while Tom Kenny voices Bullwinkle. It was released on October 14, 2014 on the Blu-ray 3D of \"Mr. Peabody and Sherman\" (which is also based on characters from \"The Rocky & Bullwinkle Show\"). Desperate to finally kill Rocky and Bullwinkle and have them as trophy heads for his rumpus room, Fearless Leader assigns his spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale a new mission: to use a robotic female moose to seduce Bullwinkle, and inevitably destroy him (as well as Rocky in the process). Boris controls the robot's","Document [12](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) \"Mr Know It All\" skit that, among other things, had Bullwinkle programming a VCR. Before the two presented their pitch, they soon found out Disney did not have the rights to the actual series, only to the video distribution of the old Bullwinkle show, and the concept was abandoned. The program debuted on home video with two compilation CED Videodiscs released by RCA during the format's rise in the early 1980s, featuring complete, uncut story arcs and accompanying alternating segments and bumpers. Volume 1 contained the complete story for \"Wossamotta U\", while volume 2 contained \"Goof Gas Attack\" and \"The","Document [13](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) Fairy Tales\" (91), \"Peabody's Improbable History\" (91), and \"Aesop and Son\" (39) segments are syndicated as part of \"Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales\", and 38 of the 39 \"Dudley Do-Right\" cartoons are syndicated as part of \"Dudley Do Right \"(sic)\" and Friends\". Syndicated versions of the shows distributed outside of the United States and Canada combine the various segments under the package title \"Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\"; it is this version of the show that is represented on official DVD releases through DreamWorks Classics and the official online version sold at websites such as Amazon Video. The lead characters","Document [14](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) two letters of the name and gave it to his moose. Ward wanted to produce the show in Los Angeles; however, Anderson lived in the San Francisco Bay Area and did not want to relocate. As a result, Ward hired Bill Scott as head writer and co-producer at Jay Ward Productions, and he wrote the \"Rocky and Bullwinkle\" features. Ward was joined by writers Chris Hayward and Allan Burns; the latter eventually became head writer for MTM Enterprises. In a 1982 interview, Scott said, \"I got a call from Jay asking if I'd be interested in writing another series, an","Document [15](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (TV series)) Show remained in syndicated reruns and was still available for local television stations through The Program Exchange as late as 2016; WBBZ-TV, for instance, aired the show in a strip to counterprogram 10 PM newscasts in the Buffalo, New York market during the summer 2013 season. The underlying rights are now owned by Universal Pictures, which holds the library of predecessor companies DreamWorks Animation and Classic Media, and who in turn with copyright holder Ward Productions forms the joint venture Bullwinkle Studios, which manages the Rocky and Bullwinkle properties; Universal's purchase of Classic Media coincided with The Program Exchange's shutdown.","Document [16](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) January 2019. The series sees Rocky and Bullwinkle \"thrust into harrowing situations but end up saving the day time and again. As Rocky and Bullwinkle\u2019s innocent and silly ambitions to become rock stars or find lost treasure end up dovetailing with Fearless Leader\u2019s sinister plans to take over the world, our heroes are set on a collision course with his notorious superspies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale.\" On December 10, 2017, it was reported that DreamWorks Animation Television was developing a revival of Jay Ward's \"The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\". Animation was expected to be handled by","Document [17](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) next week he will read \"the complete works of Mr. Fifty Cents\". Back in story arc, Rocky arrives to crash the wedding on a cruise ship, but Bullwinkle and the robot moose have already been wedded and Bullwinkle dances with the robot to Jimmy Soul's If You Wanna Be Happy. Rocky then discovers it was Boris who lured Bullwinkle away with romantic gestures, and tries to stop him only for Natasha to intervene by challenging him to a duel. Boris eventually gets fed up with the act while getting hit with a bowling ball and evacuates leaving the robotic bride","Document [18](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends is the blanket title for an American animated television series that originally aired from November 19, 1959, to June 27, 1964, on the ABC and NBC television networks. The current blanket title was imposed for home video releases over 40 years after the series originally aired and was never used when the show was televised; television airings of the show were broadcast under the titles of Rocky and His Friends from 1959 to 1961, The Bullwinkle Show from 1961 to 1964, and The Rocky","Document [19](Title: Jet Fuel Formula) of a work of fiction. In one brief scene Capt. Peachfuzz is seen reading a Mr. Peabody comic book. Natasha and Bullwinkle each reckon the passage of time in terms of episodes. Rocky and Bullwinkle respond to comments made by the narrator, and Boris chides him for revealing plot details. The first episode ends with a teaser promoting the next episode with a now-familiar \"double title\" (Bullwinkle's Ride \"or\" Goodbye, Dollink). IMDB uses these \"titles\" to label individual episodes, but on the Rocky and Bullwinkle DVDs they are simply numbered 1 through 40, suggesting that the titles are to be","Document [20](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) rest of the production staff, including writers and designers. However, no animators were hired. Ad executives at Dancer, Fitzgerald, & Sample, the advertising agency for General Mills, set up an animation studio in Mexico called Gamma Productions S.A. de C.V., originally known as Val-Mar Animation. This outsourcing of the animation for the series was considered financially attractive by primary sponsor General Mills, but caused endless production problems. In a 1982 interview by animation historian Jim Korkis, Bill Scott described some of the problems that arose during production of the series: We found out very quickly that we could not depend"],"query":"who owns the rights to rocky and bullwinkle?","answers":["Universal Pictures"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) DHX Studios Vancouver with writing and early production duties taking place in Los Angeles. On April 12, 2018, it was announced that Amazon Video had given a series order to the production and that the show would premiere on May 11, 2018. Executive producers were reported to include Scott Fellows and Tiffany Ward, daughter of the original series producer Jay Ward. On December 15, 2018, it was reported that the series would return with the second half of season one in January 2019. Alongside the series announcement, it was confirmed that voice cast would include Tara Strong, Brad Norman, Ben","Document [2](Title: Mr. Peabody & Sherman) Rocky and Bullwinkle Show\". The short was directed by Gary Trousdale, who is known for co-directing Disney's \"Beauty and the Beast\", produced by Nolan Cascino, and written by Thomas Lennon and Robert Garant. June Foray was set to reprise her role as Rocket \"Rocky\" J. Squirrel, while Tom Kenny was set to voice Bullwinkle Moose. The short would have served as a test for a possible feature film based on the characters. \"Almost Home\", a short based on the DreamWorks Animation film \"Home\", played before the film instead. However, the new CGI \"Rocky & Bullwinkle\" short was instead released on","Document [3](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film) Rocky & Bullwinkle is a 2014 American computer-animated direct-to-video short film based on the 1960s animated television series \"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show\", produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The short was directed by Gary Trousdale, best known for co-directing Disney's \"Beauty and the Beast\", \"The Hunchback of Notre Dame\", and \"\", while Robert Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon were the writers (They also provided the voices of Fearless Leader and the narrator for this short). June Foray reprises her role as Rocky, in her final reprisal of the role before","Document [4](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle is an American animated web television series produced by DreamWorks Animation Television which is a reboot of the original \"Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\". It debuted on May 11, 2018 on Amazon Video \u2014 being DreamWorks Animation Television's first series to air on a streaming service other than Netflix. Like its preceding spin-off \"The Mr. Peabody & Sherman Show\", animation was outsourced by DHX Media's 2D animation studio in Vancouver, Canada. In December 2018, it was announced that the series would return with new episodes in","Document [5](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) Peabody & Sherman'. The short features the songs \"Bad Romance\" by Lady Gaga, and \"If You Wanna Be Happy\" by Jimmy Soul. Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film) Rocky & Bullwinkle is a 2014 American computer-animated direct-to-video short film based on the 1960s animated television series \"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show\", produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The short was directed by Gary Trousdale, best known for co-directing Disney's \"Beauty and the Beast\", \"The Hunchback of Notre Dame\", and \"\", while Robert Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon were the writers (They also provided the voices of Fearless","Document [6](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) Diskin, Rachel Butera, Piotr Michael, and Daran Norris. Alongside the series announcement, the first official trailer was released. On April 27, 2018, four clips from the series were released. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle is an American animated web television series produced by DreamWorks Animation Television which is a reboot of the original \"Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\". It debuted on May 11, 2018 on Amazon Video \u2014 being DreamWorks Animation Television's first series to air on a streaming service other than Netflix. Like its preceding spin-off \"The Mr. Peabody &","Document [7](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) Ward (the daughter of Jay). The cast will include Tara Strong as Rocky, Brad Norman as Bullwinkle, Ben Diskin as Boris, Rachel Butera as Natasha, Piotr Michael as Fearless Leader, and Daran Norris as the Narrator. Louis Chunovic. \"The Rocky and Bullwinkle Book\". Bantam, 1996. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends is the blanket title for an American animated television series that originally aired from November 19, 1959, to June 27, 1964, on the ABC and NBC television networks. The current blanket title was imposed for home video releases over","Document [8](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) package shows via 16 mm \"Bullwinkle Show\" prints and Bridgestone Multimedia released eight episodes as \"Rocky and his Friends\" using an old broadcast 16 mm print. The copyright status of these 98 episodes (along with some episodes of \"Hoppity Hooper\") is disputed. As of 2017, the copyright is generally recognized as valid, and attempts to post the gray market releases on video sites have historically been greeted with DMCA takedown notices. In 2002, Jay Ward Productions established a partnership with Classic Media called Bullwinkle Studios. From 2003 to 2005, the partnership produced DVDs of the first three seasons of the","Document [9](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (film)) cameo appearancess by performers including James Rebhorn, Randy Quaid, Paget Brewster, Janeane Garofalo, John Goodman, David Alan Grier, Don Novello, Jon Polito, Carl Reiner, Whoopi Goldberg, Max Grodenchik, Jonathan Winters and Billy Crystal. The film received mixed reviews from critics and was a box office bomb, grossing $35.1 million worldwide against its $76 million budget. Thirty-five years following their show's cancellation in 1964, Rocket J. \"Rocky\" Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose have been living off the finances of their reruns on TV. Their home, Frostbite Falls, has been destroyed by deforestation, Rocky has lost his ability to fly and the","Document [10](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) and Bullwinkle Show (or The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle or The Adventures of Bullwinkle and Rocky) in syndication. Produced by Jay Ward Productions, the series is structured as a variety show, with the main feature being the serialized adventures of the two title characters, the anthropomorphic flying squirrel Rocky and moose Bullwinkle. The main adversaries in most of their adventures are the two Russian-like spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale, both working for the dictator Fearless Leader. Supporting segments include Dudley Do-Right of the Mounties (a parody of old-time melodrama), Peabody's Improbable History (a dog named Mr. Peabody and","Document [11](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) her passing on July 27, 2017 (as well as her final role overall), while Tom Kenny voices Bullwinkle. It was released on October 14, 2014 on the Blu-ray 3D of \"Mr. Peabody and Sherman\" (which is also based on characters from \"The Rocky & Bullwinkle Show\"). Desperate to finally kill Rocky and Bullwinkle and have them as trophy heads for his rumpus room, Fearless Leader assigns his spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale a new mission: to use a robotic female moose to seduce Bullwinkle, and inevitably destroy him (as well as Rocky in the process). Boris controls the robot's","Document [12](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) \"Mr Know It All\" skit that, among other things, had Bullwinkle programming a VCR. Before the two presented their pitch, they soon found out Disney did not have the rights to the actual series, only to the video distribution of the old Bullwinkle show, and the concept was abandoned. The program debuted on home video with two compilation CED Videodiscs released by RCA during the format's rise in the early 1980s, featuring complete, uncut story arcs and accompanying alternating segments and bumpers. Volume 1 contained the complete story for \"Wossamotta U\", while volume 2 contained \"Goof Gas Attack\" and \"The","Document [13](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) Fairy Tales\" (91), \"Peabody's Improbable History\" (91), and \"Aesop and Son\" (39) segments are syndicated as part of \"Tennessee Tuxedo and His Tales\", and 38 of the 39 \"Dudley Do-Right\" cartoons are syndicated as part of \"Dudley Do Right \"(sic)\" and Friends\". Syndicated versions of the shows distributed outside of the United States and Canada combine the various segments under the package title \"Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\"; it is this version of the show that is represented on official DVD releases through DreamWorks Classics and the official online version sold at websites such as Amazon Video. The lead characters","Document [14](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) two letters of the name and gave it to his moose. Ward wanted to produce the show in Los Angeles; however, Anderson lived in the San Francisco Bay Area and did not want to relocate. As a result, Ward hired Bill Scott as head writer and co-producer at Jay Ward Productions, and he wrote the \"Rocky and Bullwinkle\" features. Ward was joined by writers Chris Hayward and Allan Burns; the latter eventually became head writer for MTM Enterprises. In a 1982 interview, Scott said, \"I got a call from Jay asking if I'd be interested in writing another series, an","Document [15](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)) January 2019. The series sees Rocky and Bullwinkle \"thrust into harrowing situations but end up saving the day time and again. As Rocky and Bullwinkle\u2019s innocent and silly ambitions to become rock stars or find lost treasure end up dovetailing with Fearless Leader\u2019s sinister plans to take over the world, our heroes are set on a collision course with his notorious superspies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale.\" On December 10, 2017, it was reported that DreamWorks Animation Television was developing a revival of Jay Ward's \"The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends\". Animation was expected to be handled by","Document [16](Title: Rocky & Bullwinkle (2014 film)) next week he will read \"the complete works of Mr. Fifty Cents\". Back in story arc, Rocky arrives to crash the wedding on a cruise ship, but Bullwinkle and the robot moose have already been wedded and Bullwinkle dances with the robot to Jimmy Soul's If You Wanna Be Happy. Rocky then discovers it was Boris who lured Bullwinkle away with romantic gestures, and tries to stop him only for Natasha to intervene by challenging him to a duel. Boris eventually gets fed up with the act while getting hit with a bowling ball and evacuates leaving the robotic bride","Document [17](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends is the blanket title for an American animated television series that originally aired from November 19, 1959, to June 27, 1964, on the ABC and NBC television networks. The current blanket title was imposed for home video releases over 40 years after the series originally aired and was never used when the show was televised; television airings of the show were broadcast under the titles of Rocky and His Friends from 1959 to 1961, The Bullwinkle Show from 1961 to 1964, and The Rocky","Document [18](Title: Jet Fuel Formula) of a work of fiction. In one brief scene Capt. Peachfuzz is seen reading a Mr. Peabody comic book. Natasha and Bullwinkle each reckon the passage of time in terms of episodes. Rocky and Bullwinkle respond to comments made by the narrator, and Boris chides him for revealing plot details. The first episode ends with a teaser promoting the next episode with a now-familiar \"double title\" (Bullwinkle's Ride \"or\" Goodbye, Dollink). IMDB uses these \"titles\" to label individual episodes, but on the Rocky and Bullwinkle DVDs they are simply numbered 1 through 40, suggesting that the titles are to be","Document [19](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends) rest of the production staff, including writers and designers. However, no animators were hired. Ad executives at Dancer, Fitzgerald, & Sample, the advertising agency for General Mills, set up an animation studio in Mexico called Gamma Productions S.A. de C.V., originally known as Val-Mar Animation. This outsourcing of the animation for the series was considered financially attractive by primary sponsor General Mills, but caused endless production problems. In a 1982 interview by animation historian Jim Korkis, Bill Scott described some of the problems that arose during production of the series: We found out very quickly that we could not depend","Document [20](Title: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (TV series)) Show remained in syndicated reruns and was still available for local television stations through The Program Exchange as late as 2016; WBBZ-TV, for instance, aired the show in a strip to counterprogram 10 PM newscasts in the Buffalo, New York market during the summer 2013 season. The underlying rights are now owned by Universal Pictures, which holds the library of predecessor companies DreamWorks Animation and Classic Media, and who in turn with copyright holder Ward Productions forms the joint venture Bullwinkle Studios, which manages the Rocky and Bullwinkle properties; Universal's purchase of Classic Media coincided with The Program Exchange's shutdown."],"query":"who owns the rights to rocky and bullwinkle?","answers":["Universal Pictures"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: 2016 World Series) The Cubs defeated the Indians when they won 4 games to 3 to win their first World Series since 1908. Game 7, an 8\u20137 victory in extra innings, marked the fifth time that a Game 7 had gone past nine innings and the first since 1997 (which, coincidentally, also featured the Indians). It was also the first to have a rain delay which occurred as the tenth inning was about to start. The Cubs became the sixth team to come back from a 3-1 deficit to win a best-of-seven World Series, following the 1925 Pittsburgh Pirates, the 1958 New York","Document [2](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) fly by Andrew Toles to make the score 8\u20134, but induced Justin Turner to ground out to end the game. The win put the Cubs on the brink of the World Series as the series moved back to Wrigley Field. Cubs pitchers Kyle Hendricks and Aroldis Chapman combined to allow only two hits and one walk, facing the minimum 27 batters, the first time this had occurred in postseason play since Don Larsen's perfect game in the 1956 World Series. The Cubs won the series four games to two and won the pennant for the first time since 1945, clinching","Document [3](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) Looking to take a 2\u20130 lead in the series, the Cubs sent Jon Lester to the mound while the Nationals went with Gio Gonz\u00e1lez. Lester gave up a first inning home run to Anthony Rendon, but Willson Contreras quickly answered with a homer in the top of the second to tie the game at one. Anthony Rizzo gave the Cubs a 3\u20131 lead in the fourth when he homered to deep right with Kris Bryant at second. Lester cruised through the Nationals until the fifth inning with two outs and a runner on when he walked back-to-back batters to load","Document [4](Title: 2016 World Series) this game.'\" The Cubs became the first team to come back from a 3\u20131 deficit to win the Series since the 1985 Kansas City Royals. They were also the first since the 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates to do so while winning Games 6 and 7 on the road, and the second team since the 1979 Pirates to win Game 7 as the visiting team, with the 2014 San Francisco Giants also having achieved that feat in Kansas City; almost one year later, the 2017 Houston Astros did the same thing in Los Angeles. With the Game 7 victory, Joe Maddon is","Document [5](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) an RBI double by Anthony Rizzo, but the Cubs left runners on base in the first, second, fourth, and fifth innings without another run. The Dodgers tied the game in the fourth following a Howie Kendrick double and steal of third. Adrian Gonzalez hit a ball to Rizzo, who could not field it cleanly, Kendrick scoring. The Dodgers lifted Maeda in the fourth inning. In the sixth, Javier B\u00e1ez continued his strong post-season by singling. Addison Russell homered to center field to break the deadlock and put the Cubs up 3\u20131. After stranding two more runners in the seventh, the","Document [6](Title: 2015 National League Championship Series) losing team never had a lead during a game. It was also the first since 2007 to end in a sweep and the third best-of-seven NLCS to do so (the other being in 1995). The Mets would go on to lose to the Kansas City Royals in the World Series in five games. The Chicago Cubs finished the 2015 season with a 97\u201365 record, the third best record in the majors. With new manager Joe Maddon and the great play of pitcher Jake Arrieta and hitters Anthony Rizzo and Kris Bryant, the Cubs experienced their best season since 2008 when","Document [7](Title: Curse of the Billy Goat) with them. The Cubs ended the 2016 season with a () record. It was their first 100-win season since 1935 (, ), their best since 1910 (, ), and the sixth 100-win season in franchise history. The Cubs won the National League Championship Series (NLCS), their first pennant in 71 years, with a 5\u20130 shutout in Game 6 against the Los Angeles Dodgers at Wrigley Field on October 22, 2016, the \"curse\" was broken on the 46th anniversary of Billy Sianis's death. In 2016, the Cubs won the World Series for the first time since 1908, ending the historic 108-year","Document [8](Title: 2017 National League Division Series) the Nationals won to stave off elimination. With both teams' seasons on the line, the Cubs brought back Game 1 starter and winning pitcher Kyle Hendricks while the Nationals countered with Game 2 starter Gio Gonz\u00e1lez, who got a no decision. The Cubs struck first in the top of the first off of Gonz\u00e1lez with an RBI groundout by Anthony Rizzo, scoring Jon Jay. In the bottom of the second, Daniel Murphy led off the inning by hitting the first pitch from Hendricks into the stands to tie the game at 1\u20131. After two straight singles, Michael Taylor hit his","Document [9](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) reached second: Andrew Toles (single, first inning), Josh Reddick (single, eighth inning), and Carlos Ruiz (walk, ninth inning) were all retired on double plays. Reddick reached on a fielding error in the second inning but was picked off at first by Hendricks. As a result, the Cubs faced the minimum numbers of batters (27) to complete a nine-inning Major League Baseball game, a rarity in a postseason contest (Don Larsen's perfect game in the 1956 World Series was the only other occurrence). The Dodgers' World Series drought reached 28 years with the loss. Dodgers starter Clayton Kershaw could not repeat","Document [10](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) slam off Joe Blanton was followed by a Dexter Fowler homer on the next pitch to put the Cubs back in front 8\u20133. The Dodgers got a run off H\u00e9ctor Rond\u00f3n in the ninth when Joc Pederson singled with one out and scored on Andrew Toles's double, but Chase Utley lined into an inning-ending double play as Game 1 marked the Cubs' first victory in a National League Championship Series since Game 4 of 2003. They had previously lost seven straight NLCS games. Game 2 featured a matchup between two of the league's stingiest pitchers in 2016, in terms of","Document [11](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) Justin Turner drove in a run to stretch the Dodger lead to 5\u20132. The Cubs managed nothing against the Dodger bullpen which relieved Kershaw after five innings as the Cubs fell behind in the series 1\u20130. In Game 2, the Cubs sent Jon Lester to the mound on short rest after pitching 3.2 innings in relief in Game 4 of the NLDS. Addison Russell homered off Rich Hill in the fifth to give the Cubs a 1\u20130 lead, but the Dodger tied it in the bottom half of the fifth on a Culberson double and a Justin Turner single. As","Document [12](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) a pennant at home for the first time since 1932. Hendricks pitched 7\u2153 shutout innings, allowing just two hits and walking none. After he allowed a single in the eighth, Chapman entered and forced a double play to end the eighth and a double play grounder to end the game, series, and the Cubs' 71-year pennant drought. Anthony Rizzo and Willson Contreras each hit home runs and Kris Bryant, Ben Zobrist, and Dexter Fowler each drove in a run as the Cubs jumped to a 5\u20130 lead in the fifth inning. Of the four Dodgers to reach first base, none","Document [13](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) for the Nationals, but did not state who would start any other games. The Nationals later announced Gio Gonz\u00e1lez would start Game 2 while Max Scherzer would start Game 3. On October 8, Baker announced that Tanner Roark would start Game 4 for the Nationals. In Game 1 of the Division series, the Cubs faced the Nationals' Stephen Strasburg and were held hitless for five innings. Kyle Hendricks also shut out the Nationals, pitching seven shutout innings while allowing only two hits. In the sixth, Javier B\u00e1ez reached on an error by Nationals' third basemen Anthony Rendon. Hendricks bunted him","Document [14](Title: 2016 World Series) Mike Napoli in the bottom of the eighth, Aroldis Chapman entered to finish the game for the Cubs. The win marked the Cubs' first World Series game victory since 1945 and tied up the series at one game all. The game marked Indians manager Terry Francona's first loss in ten World Series games. For Game 3, former Cubs player Billy Williams threw the ceremonial first pitch before the start of the game, and Bill Murray sang \"Take Me Out to the Ball Game\" during the seventh-inning stretch, to mark the Cubs' first World Series night game at home. Chicago pitcher","Document [15](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) fell 5\u20130. The loss set the stage for a deciding Game 5 in Washington the next day with the series tied at two. As the teams returned to Washington for the deciding Game 5, the Cubs sent Game 1 starter Kyle Hendricks to the mound while the Nationals started Gio Gonz\u00e1lez. The Cubs started the scoring in the first as Jon Jay led off the game with a double and scored on an Anthony Rizzo groundout. The Cubs then loaded the bases with two outs in the first, but Jason Heyward grounded out to end the threat. In the second","Document [16](Title: 2015 National League Division Series) defeat the St. Louis Cardinals and win a postseason series for the first time ever in Wrigley Field. The game did not start well for the Cubs with the second batter, Stephen Piscotty, hitting a two-run home run. In the bottom of the second inning, with two on and two outs versus John Lackey, starting pitcher Jason Hammel drove in Starlin Castro with a sharp single to center and Addison Russell's replacement at shortstop, Javier Baez followed with a three-run home run to right. The Cardinals tied the score in the sixth on Tony Cruz's double with two on off","Document [17](Title: History of the Chicago Cubs) game, they disposed of the Cardinals in the NLDS in four games (3-1); however, they later lost to the New York Mets in the NLCS (Mets 4- Cubs 0). In 2016, the tide really turned in a positive direction for the Chicago Cubs. They won the NL Central Division crown with a record of 103-58 which was 17.5 games ahead of the second place Cardinals (86-76). The Cubs then defeated the San Francisco Giants in the NLDS (3-1) followed by the Los Angeles Dodgers in the NLCS (4-2) to win the NL pennant for the first time since 1945. In","Document [18](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) had been blanked in back-to-back games since May 27\u201328, 2014. The Cubs hitting slump continued as the 2-3-4-5 hitters went 3\u201327 in the two shutouts. The win gave the Dodgers a 2\u20131 series lead. Looking to break their two-game scoring drought, the Cubs sent playoff veteran John Lackey to the mound while the Dodgers went with Julio Ur\u00edas, the youngest pitcher to start a game in postseason history. The Cubs' struggles continued as Ur\u00edas held them without a hit through three innings. In the bottom of the second, the Dodgers had a scoring chance denied as Adrian Gonzalez was thrown","Document [19](Title: Curse of the Billy Goat) Diamondbacks and Los Angeles Dodgers respectively. In 2015, the Cubs finished second in the National League Wild Card race and defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates in the Wild Card Game and the St. Louis Cardinals in the NLDS to advance to the NLCS against the New York Mets. However, the Cubs batted an NLCS record low of .164 and lost the series in a 4-game sweep. (The Cubs thus became the first team ever to get swept in a playoff series by a team they swept in their regular season series.) Sianis's goat was named Murphy. In the 2015 National League","Document [20](Title: 2017 Washington Nationals season) the scoring threat evaporated when slumping shortstop Trea Turner, hitless in the series, struck out to end the inning. In relief of Gonz\u00e1lez, Matt Albers, Sammy Solis, and Ryan Madson kept the Cubs from adding to their lead in the sixth, seventh, and eighth innings, giving up only a single and a walk and striking out a Cub, but against Lester, who pitched through the sixth inning and whose two-hit performance was the best postseason outing of his career, and Pedro Strop, who pitched the seventh for Chicago, the Nats managed only one base runner, when Strop hit catcher Matt"],"query":"who did cubs beat in 2016 world series?","answers":["the Indians","Cleveland Indians"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) fly by Andrew Toles to make the score 8\u20134, but induced Justin Turner to ground out to end the game. The win put the Cubs on the brink of the World Series as the series moved back to Wrigley Field. Cubs pitchers Kyle Hendricks and Aroldis Chapman combined to allow only two hits and one walk, facing the minimum 27 batters, the first time this had occurred in postseason play since Don Larsen's perfect game in the 1956 World Series. The Cubs won the series four games to two and won the pennant for the first time since 1945, clinching","Document [2](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) Looking to take a 2\u20130 lead in the series, the Cubs sent Jon Lester to the mound while the Nationals went with Gio Gonz\u00e1lez. Lester gave up a first inning home run to Anthony Rendon, but Willson Contreras quickly answered with a homer in the top of the second to tie the game at one. Anthony Rizzo gave the Cubs a 3\u20131 lead in the fourth when he homered to deep right with Kris Bryant at second. Lester cruised through the Nationals until the fifth inning with two outs and a runner on when he walked back-to-back batters to load","Document [3](Title: 2016 World Series) this game.'\" The Cubs became the first team to come back from a 3\u20131 deficit to win the Series since the 1985 Kansas City Royals. They were also the first since the 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates to do so while winning Games 6 and 7 on the road, and the second team since the 1979 Pirates to win Game 7 as the visiting team, with the 2014 San Francisco Giants also having achieved that feat in Kansas City; almost one year later, the 2017 Houston Astros did the same thing in Los Angeles. With the Game 7 victory, Joe Maddon is","Document [4](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) an RBI double by Anthony Rizzo, but the Cubs left runners on base in the first, second, fourth, and fifth innings without another run. The Dodgers tied the game in the fourth following a Howie Kendrick double and steal of third. Adrian Gonzalez hit a ball to Rizzo, who could not field it cleanly, Kendrick scoring. The Dodgers lifted Maeda in the fourth inning. In the sixth, Javier B\u00e1ez continued his strong post-season by singling. Addison Russell homered to center field to break the deadlock and put the Cubs up 3\u20131. After stranding two more runners in the seventh, the","Document [5](Title: 2016 World Series) The Cubs defeated the Indians when they won 4 games to 3 to win their first World Series since 1908. Game 7, an 8\u20137 victory in extra innings, marked the fifth time that a Game 7 had gone past nine innings and the first since 1997 (which, coincidentally, also featured the Indians). It was also the first to have a rain delay which occurred as the tenth inning was about to start. The Cubs became the sixth team to come back from a 3-1 deficit to win a best-of-seven World Series, following the 1925 Pittsburgh Pirates, the 1958 New York","Document [6](Title: 2015 National League Championship Series) losing team never had a lead during a game. It was also the first since 2007 to end in a sweep and the third best-of-seven NLCS to do so (the other being in 1995). The Mets would go on to lose to the Kansas City Royals in the World Series in five games. The Chicago Cubs finished the 2015 season with a 97\u201365 record, the third best record in the majors. With new manager Joe Maddon and the great play of pitcher Jake Arrieta and hitters Anthony Rizzo and Kris Bryant, the Cubs experienced their best season since 2008 when","Document [7](Title: Curse of the Billy Goat) with them. The Cubs ended the 2016 season with a () record. It was their first 100-win season since 1935 (, ), their best since 1910 (, ), and the sixth 100-win season in franchise history. The Cubs won the National League Championship Series (NLCS), their first pennant in 71 years, with a 5\u20130 shutout in Game 6 against the Los Angeles Dodgers at Wrigley Field on October 22, 2016, the \"curse\" was broken on the 46th anniversary of Billy Sianis's death. In 2016, the Cubs won the World Series for the first time since 1908, ending the historic 108-year","Document [8](Title: 2017 National League Division Series) the Nationals won to stave off elimination. With both teams' seasons on the line, the Cubs brought back Game 1 starter and winning pitcher Kyle Hendricks while the Nationals countered with Game 2 starter Gio Gonz\u00e1lez, who got a no decision. The Cubs struck first in the top of the first off of Gonz\u00e1lez with an RBI groundout by Anthony Rizzo, scoring Jon Jay. In the bottom of the second, Daniel Murphy led off the inning by hitting the first pitch from Hendricks into the stands to tie the game at 1\u20131. After two straight singles, Michael Taylor hit his","Document [9](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) reached second: Andrew Toles (single, first inning), Josh Reddick (single, eighth inning), and Carlos Ruiz (walk, ninth inning) were all retired on double plays. Reddick reached on a fielding error in the second inning but was picked off at first by Hendricks. As a result, the Cubs faced the minimum numbers of batters (27) to complete a nine-inning Major League Baseball game, a rarity in a postseason contest (Don Larsen's perfect game in the 1956 World Series was the only other occurrence). The Dodgers' World Series drought reached 28 years with the loss. Dodgers starter Clayton Kershaw could not repeat","Document [10](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) slam off Joe Blanton was followed by a Dexter Fowler homer on the next pitch to put the Cubs back in front 8\u20133. The Dodgers got a run off H\u00e9ctor Rond\u00f3n in the ninth when Joc Pederson singled with one out and scored on Andrew Toles's double, but Chase Utley lined into an inning-ending double play as Game 1 marked the Cubs' first victory in a National League Championship Series since Game 4 of 2003. They had previously lost seven straight NLCS games. Game 2 featured a matchup between two of the league's stingiest pitchers in 2016, in terms of","Document [11](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) Justin Turner drove in a run to stretch the Dodger lead to 5\u20132. The Cubs managed nothing against the Dodger bullpen which relieved Kershaw after five innings as the Cubs fell behind in the series 1\u20130. In Game 2, the Cubs sent Jon Lester to the mound on short rest after pitching 3.2 innings in relief in Game 4 of the NLDS. Addison Russell homered off Rich Hill in the fifth to give the Cubs a 1\u20130 lead, but the Dodger tied it in the bottom half of the fifth on a Culberson double and a Justin Turner single. As","Document [12](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) a pennant at home for the first time since 1932. Hendricks pitched 7\u2153 shutout innings, allowing just two hits and walking none. After he allowed a single in the eighth, Chapman entered and forced a double play to end the eighth and a double play grounder to end the game, series, and the Cubs' 71-year pennant drought. Anthony Rizzo and Willson Contreras each hit home runs and Kris Bryant, Ben Zobrist, and Dexter Fowler each drove in a run as the Cubs jumped to a 5\u20130 lead in the fifth inning. Of the four Dodgers to reach first base, none","Document [13](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) for the Nationals, but did not state who would start any other games. The Nationals later announced Gio Gonz\u00e1lez would start Game 2 while Max Scherzer would start Game 3. On October 8, Baker announced that Tanner Roark would start Game 4 for the Nationals. In Game 1 of the Division series, the Cubs faced the Nationals' Stephen Strasburg and were held hitless for five innings. Kyle Hendricks also shut out the Nationals, pitching seven shutout innings while allowing only two hits. In the sixth, Javier B\u00e1ez reached on an error by Nationals' third basemen Anthony Rendon. Hendricks bunted him","Document [14](Title: 2016 World Series) Mike Napoli in the bottom of the eighth, Aroldis Chapman entered to finish the game for the Cubs. The win marked the Cubs' first World Series game victory since 1945 and tied up the series at one game all. The game marked Indians manager Terry Francona's first loss in ten World Series games. For Game 3, former Cubs player Billy Williams threw the ceremonial first pitch before the start of the game, and Bill Murray sang \"Take Me Out to the Ball Game\" during the seventh-inning stretch, to mark the Cubs' first World Series night game at home. Chicago pitcher","Document [15](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) fell 5\u20130. The loss set the stage for a deciding Game 5 in Washington the next day with the series tied at two. As the teams returned to Washington for the deciding Game 5, the Cubs sent Game 1 starter Kyle Hendricks to the mound while the Nationals started Gio Gonz\u00e1lez. The Cubs started the scoring in the first as Jon Jay led off the game with a double and scored on an Anthony Rizzo groundout. The Cubs then loaded the bases with two outs in the first, but Jason Heyward grounded out to end the threat. In the second","Document [16](Title: 2015 National League Division Series) defeat the St. Louis Cardinals and win a postseason series for the first time ever in Wrigley Field. The game did not start well for the Cubs with the second batter, Stephen Piscotty, hitting a two-run home run. In the bottom of the second inning, with two on and two outs versus John Lackey, starting pitcher Jason Hammel drove in Starlin Castro with a sharp single to center and Addison Russell's replacement at shortstop, Javier Baez followed with a three-run home run to right. The Cardinals tied the score in the sixth on Tony Cruz's double with two on off","Document [17](Title: History of the Chicago Cubs) game, they disposed of the Cardinals in the NLDS in four games (3-1); however, they later lost to the New York Mets in the NLCS (Mets 4- Cubs 0). In 2016, the tide really turned in a positive direction for the Chicago Cubs. They won the NL Central Division crown with a record of 103-58 which was 17.5 games ahead of the second place Cardinals (86-76). The Cubs then defeated the San Francisco Giants in the NLDS (3-1) followed by the Los Angeles Dodgers in the NLCS (4-2) to win the NL pennant for the first time since 1945. In","Document [18](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) had been blanked in back-to-back games since May 27\u201328, 2014. The Cubs hitting slump continued as the 2-3-4-5 hitters went 3\u201327 in the two shutouts. The win gave the Dodgers a 2\u20131 series lead. Looking to break their two-game scoring drought, the Cubs sent playoff veteran John Lackey to the mound while the Dodgers went with Julio Ur\u00edas, the youngest pitcher to start a game in postseason history. The Cubs' struggles continued as Ur\u00edas held them without a hit through three innings. In the bottom of the second, the Dodgers had a scoring chance denied as Adrian Gonzalez was thrown","Document [19](Title: Curse of the Billy Goat) Diamondbacks and Los Angeles Dodgers respectively. In 2015, the Cubs finished second in the National League Wild Card race and defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates in the Wild Card Game and the St. Louis Cardinals in the NLDS to advance to the NLCS against the New York Mets. However, the Cubs batted an NLCS record low of .164 and lost the series in a 4-game sweep. (The Cubs thus became the first team ever to get swept in a playoff series by a team they swept in their regular season series.) Sianis's goat was named Murphy. In the 2015 National League","Document [20](Title: 2017 Washington Nationals season) the scoring threat evaporated when slumping shortstop Trea Turner, hitless in the series, struck out to end the inning. In relief of Gonz\u00e1lez, Matt Albers, Sammy Solis, and Ryan Madson kept the Cubs from adding to their lead in the sixth, seventh, and eighth innings, giving up only a single and a walk and striking out a Cub, but against Lester, who pitched through the sixth inning and whose two-hit performance was the best postseason outing of his career, and Pedro Strop, who pitched the seventh for Chicago, the Nats managed only one base runner, when Strop hit catcher Matt"],"query":"who did cubs beat in 2016 world series?","answers":["the Indians","Cleveland Indians"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) fly by Andrew Toles to make the score 8\u20134, but induced Justin Turner to ground out to end the game. The win put the Cubs on the brink of the World Series as the series moved back to Wrigley Field. Cubs pitchers Kyle Hendricks and Aroldis Chapman combined to allow only two hits and one walk, facing the minimum 27 batters, the first time this had occurred in postseason play since Don Larsen's perfect game in the 1956 World Series. The Cubs won the series four games to two and won the pennant for the first time since 1945, clinching","Document [2](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) Looking to take a 2\u20130 lead in the series, the Cubs sent Jon Lester to the mound while the Nationals went with Gio Gonz\u00e1lez. Lester gave up a first inning home run to Anthony Rendon, but Willson Contreras quickly answered with a homer in the top of the second to tie the game at one. Anthony Rizzo gave the Cubs a 3\u20131 lead in the fourth when he homered to deep right with Kris Bryant at second. Lester cruised through the Nationals until the fifth inning with two outs and a runner on when he walked back-to-back batters to load","Document [3](Title: 2016 World Series) this game.'\" The Cubs became the first team to come back from a 3\u20131 deficit to win the Series since the 1985 Kansas City Royals. They were also the first since the 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates to do so while winning Games 6 and 7 on the road, and the second team since the 1979 Pirates to win Game 7 as the visiting team, with the 2014 San Francisco Giants also having achieved that feat in Kansas City; almost one year later, the 2017 Houston Astros did the same thing in Los Angeles. With the Game 7 victory, Joe Maddon is","Document [4](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) an RBI double by Anthony Rizzo, but the Cubs left runners on base in the first, second, fourth, and fifth innings without another run. The Dodgers tied the game in the fourth following a Howie Kendrick double and steal of third. Adrian Gonzalez hit a ball to Rizzo, who could not field it cleanly, Kendrick scoring. The Dodgers lifted Maeda in the fourth inning. In the sixth, Javier B\u00e1ez continued his strong post-season by singling. Addison Russell homered to center field to break the deadlock and put the Cubs up 3\u20131. After stranding two more runners in the seventh, the","Document [5](Title: 2015 National League Championship Series) losing team never had a lead during a game. It was also the first since 2007 to end in a sweep and the third best-of-seven NLCS to do so (the other being in 1995). The Mets would go on to lose to the Kansas City Royals in the World Series in five games. The Chicago Cubs finished the 2015 season with a 97\u201365 record, the third best record in the majors. With new manager Joe Maddon and the great play of pitcher Jake Arrieta and hitters Anthony Rizzo and Kris Bryant, the Cubs experienced their best season since 2008 when","Document [6](Title: Curse of the Billy Goat) with them. The Cubs ended the 2016 season with a () record. It was their first 100-win season since 1935 (, ), their best since 1910 (, ), and the sixth 100-win season in franchise history. The Cubs won the National League Championship Series (NLCS), their first pennant in 71 years, with a 5\u20130 shutout in Game 6 against the Los Angeles Dodgers at Wrigley Field on October 22, 2016, the \"curse\" was broken on the 46th anniversary of Billy Sianis's death. In 2016, the Cubs won the World Series for the first time since 1908, ending the historic 108-year","Document [7](Title: 2017 National League Division Series) the Nationals won to stave off elimination. With both teams' seasons on the line, the Cubs brought back Game 1 starter and winning pitcher Kyle Hendricks while the Nationals countered with Game 2 starter Gio Gonz\u00e1lez, who got a no decision. The Cubs struck first in the top of the first off of Gonz\u00e1lez with an RBI groundout by Anthony Rizzo, scoring Jon Jay. In the bottom of the second, Daniel Murphy led off the inning by hitting the first pitch from Hendricks into the stands to tie the game at 1\u20131. After two straight singles, Michael Taylor hit his","Document [8](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) reached second: Andrew Toles (single, first inning), Josh Reddick (single, eighth inning), and Carlos Ruiz (walk, ninth inning) were all retired on double plays. Reddick reached on a fielding error in the second inning but was picked off at first by Hendricks. As a result, the Cubs faced the minimum numbers of batters (27) to complete a nine-inning Major League Baseball game, a rarity in a postseason contest (Don Larsen's perfect game in the 1956 World Series was the only other occurrence). The Dodgers' World Series drought reached 28 years with the loss. Dodgers starter Clayton Kershaw could not repeat","Document [9](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) slam off Joe Blanton was followed by a Dexter Fowler homer on the next pitch to put the Cubs back in front 8\u20133. The Dodgers got a run off H\u00e9ctor Rond\u00f3n in the ninth when Joc Pederson singled with one out and scored on Andrew Toles's double, but Chase Utley lined into an inning-ending double play as Game 1 marked the Cubs' first victory in a National League Championship Series since Game 4 of 2003. They had previously lost seven straight NLCS games. Game 2 featured a matchup between two of the league's stingiest pitchers in 2016, in terms of","Document [10](Title: 2016 World Series) The Cubs defeated the Indians when they won 4 games to 3 to win their first World Series since 1908. Game 7, an 8\u20137 victory in extra innings, marked the fifth time that a Game 7 had gone past nine innings and the first since 1997 (which, coincidentally, also featured the Indians). It was also the first to have a rain delay which occurred as the tenth inning was about to start. The Cubs became the sixth team to come back from a 3-1 deficit to win a best-of-seven World Series, following the 1925 Pittsburgh Pirates, the 1958 New York","Document [11](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) Justin Turner drove in a run to stretch the Dodger lead to 5\u20132. The Cubs managed nothing against the Dodger bullpen which relieved Kershaw after five innings as the Cubs fell behind in the series 1\u20130. In Game 2, the Cubs sent Jon Lester to the mound on short rest after pitching 3.2 innings in relief in Game 4 of the NLDS. Addison Russell homered off Rich Hill in the fifth to give the Cubs a 1\u20130 lead, but the Dodger tied it in the bottom half of the fifth on a Culberson double and a Justin Turner single. As","Document [12](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) a pennant at home for the first time since 1932. Hendricks pitched 7\u2153 shutout innings, allowing just two hits and walking none. After he allowed a single in the eighth, Chapman entered and forced a double play to end the eighth and a double play grounder to end the game, series, and the Cubs' 71-year pennant drought. Anthony Rizzo and Willson Contreras each hit home runs and Kris Bryant, Ben Zobrist, and Dexter Fowler each drove in a run as the Cubs jumped to a 5\u20130 lead in the fifth inning. Of the four Dodgers to reach first base, none","Document [13](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) for the Nationals, but did not state who would start any other games. The Nationals later announced Gio Gonz\u00e1lez would start Game 2 while Max Scherzer would start Game 3. On October 8, Baker announced that Tanner Roark would start Game 4 for the Nationals. In Game 1 of the Division series, the Cubs faced the Nationals' Stephen Strasburg and were held hitless for five innings. Kyle Hendricks also shut out the Nationals, pitching seven shutout innings while allowing only two hits. In the sixth, Javier B\u00e1ez reached on an error by Nationals' third basemen Anthony Rendon. Hendricks bunted him","Document [14](Title: 2016 World Series) Mike Napoli in the bottom of the eighth, Aroldis Chapman entered to finish the game for the Cubs. The win marked the Cubs' first World Series game victory since 1945 and tied up the series at one game all. The game marked Indians manager Terry Francona's first loss in ten World Series games. For Game 3, former Cubs player Billy Williams threw the ceremonial first pitch before the start of the game, and Bill Murray sang \"Take Me Out to the Ball Game\" during the seventh-inning stretch, to mark the Cubs' first World Series night game at home. Chicago pitcher","Document [15](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) fell 5\u20130. The loss set the stage for a deciding Game 5 in Washington the next day with the series tied at two. As the teams returned to Washington for the deciding Game 5, the Cubs sent Game 1 starter Kyle Hendricks to the mound while the Nationals started Gio Gonz\u00e1lez. The Cubs started the scoring in the first as Jon Jay led off the game with a double and scored on an Anthony Rizzo groundout. The Cubs then loaded the bases with two outs in the first, but Jason Heyward grounded out to end the threat. In the second","Document [16](Title: 2015 National League Division Series) defeat the St. Louis Cardinals and win a postseason series for the first time ever in Wrigley Field. The game did not start well for the Cubs with the second batter, Stephen Piscotty, hitting a two-run home run. In the bottom of the second inning, with two on and two outs versus John Lackey, starting pitcher Jason Hammel drove in Starlin Castro with a sharp single to center and Addison Russell's replacement at shortstop, Javier Baez followed with a three-run home run to right. The Cardinals tied the score in the sixth on Tony Cruz's double with two on off","Document [17](Title: History of the Chicago Cubs) game, they disposed of the Cardinals in the NLDS in four games (3-1); however, they later lost to the New York Mets in the NLCS (Mets 4- Cubs 0). In 2016, the tide really turned in a positive direction for the Chicago Cubs. They won the NL Central Division crown with a record of 103-58 which was 17.5 games ahead of the second place Cardinals (86-76). The Cubs then defeated the San Francisco Giants in the NLDS (3-1) followed by the Los Angeles Dodgers in the NLCS (4-2) to win the NL pennant for the first time since 1945. In","Document [18](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) had been blanked in back-to-back games since May 27\u201328, 2014. The Cubs hitting slump continued as the 2-3-4-5 hitters went 3\u201327 in the two shutouts. The win gave the Dodgers a 2\u20131 series lead. Looking to break their two-game scoring drought, the Cubs sent playoff veteran John Lackey to the mound while the Dodgers went with Julio Ur\u00edas, the youngest pitcher to start a game in postseason history. The Cubs' struggles continued as Ur\u00edas held them without a hit through three innings. In the bottom of the second, the Dodgers had a scoring chance denied as Adrian Gonzalez was thrown","Document [19](Title: Curse of the Billy Goat) Diamondbacks and Los Angeles Dodgers respectively. In 2015, the Cubs finished second in the National League Wild Card race and defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates in the Wild Card Game and the St. Louis Cardinals in the NLDS to advance to the NLCS against the New York Mets. However, the Cubs batted an NLCS record low of .164 and lost the series in a 4-game sweep. (The Cubs thus became the first team ever to get swept in a playoff series by a team they swept in their regular season series.) Sianis's goat was named Murphy. In the 2015 National League","Document [20](Title: 2017 Washington Nationals season) the scoring threat evaporated when slumping shortstop Trea Turner, hitless in the series, struck out to end the inning. In relief of Gonz\u00e1lez, Matt Albers, Sammy Solis, and Ryan Madson kept the Cubs from adding to their lead in the sixth, seventh, and eighth innings, giving up only a single and a walk and striking out a Cub, but against Lester, who pitched through the sixth inning and whose two-hit performance was the best postseason outing of his career, and Pedro Strop, who pitched the seventh for Chicago, the Nats managed only one base runner, when Strop hit catcher Matt"],"query":"who did cubs beat in 2016 world series?","answers":["the Indians","Cleveland Indians"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) fly by Andrew Toles to make the score 8\u20134, but induced Justin Turner to ground out to end the game. The win put the Cubs on the brink of the World Series as the series moved back to Wrigley Field. Cubs pitchers Kyle Hendricks and Aroldis Chapman combined to allow only two hits and one walk, facing the minimum 27 batters, the first time this had occurred in postseason play since Don Larsen's perfect game in the 1956 World Series. The Cubs won the series four games to two and won the pennant for the first time since 1945, clinching","Document [2](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) Looking to take a 2\u20130 lead in the series, the Cubs sent Jon Lester to the mound while the Nationals went with Gio Gonz\u00e1lez. Lester gave up a first inning home run to Anthony Rendon, but Willson Contreras quickly answered with a homer in the top of the second to tie the game at one. Anthony Rizzo gave the Cubs a 3\u20131 lead in the fourth when he homered to deep right with Kris Bryant at second. Lester cruised through the Nationals until the fifth inning with two outs and a runner on when he walked back-to-back batters to load","Document [3](Title: 2016 World Series) this game.'\" The Cubs became the first team to come back from a 3\u20131 deficit to win the Series since the 1985 Kansas City Royals. They were also the first since the 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates to do so while winning Games 6 and 7 on the road, and the second team since the 1979 Pirates to win Game 7 as the visiting team, with the 2014 San Francisco Giants also having achieved that feat in Kansas City; almost one year later, the 2017 Houston Astros did the same thing in Los Angeles. With the Game 7 victory, Joe Maddon is","Document [4](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) an RBI double by Anthony Rizzo, but the Cubs left runners on base in the first, second, fourth, and fifth innings without another run. The Dodgers tied the game in the fourth following a Howie Kendrick double and steal of third. Adrian Gonzalez hit a ball to Rizzo, who could not field it cleanly, Kendrick scoring. The Dodgers lifted Maeda in the fourth inning. In the sixth, Javier B\u00e1ez continued his strong post-season by singling. Addison Russell homered to center field to break the deadlock and put the Cubs up 3\u20131. After stranding two more runners in the seventh, the","Document [5](Title: 2015 National League Championship Series) losing team never had a lead during a game. It was also the first since 2007 to end in a sweep and the third best-of-seven NLCS to do so (the other being in 1995). The Mets would go on to lose to the Kansas City Royals in the World Series in five games. The Chicago Cubs finished the 2015 season with a 97\u201365 record, the third best record in the majors. With new manager Joe Maddon and the great play of pitcher Jake Arrieta and hitters Anthony Rizzo and Kris Bryant, the Cubs experienced their best season since 2008 when","Document [6](Title: Curse of the Billy Goat) with them. The Cubs ended the 2016 season with a () record. It was their first 100-win season since 1935 (, ), their best since 1910 (, ), and the sixth 100-win season in franchise history. The Cubs won the National League Championship Series (NLCS), their first pennant in 71 years, with a 5\u20130 shutout in Game 6 against the Los Angeles Dodgers at Wrigley Field on October 22, 2016, the \"curse\" was broken on the 46th anniversary of Billy Sianis's death. In 2016, the Cubs won the World Series for the first time since 1908, ending the historic 108-year","Document [7](Title: 2017 National League Division Series) the Nationals won to stave off elimination. With both teams' seasons on the line, the Cubs brought back Game 1 starter and winning pitcher Kyle Hendricks while the Nationals countered with Game 2 starter Gio Gonz\u00e1lez, who got a no decision. The Cubs struck first in the top of the first off of Gonz\u00e1lez with an RBI groundout by Anthony Rizzo, scoring Jon Jay. In the bottom of the second, Daniel Murphy led off the inning by hitting the first pitch from Hendricks into the stands to tie the game at 1\u20131. After two straight singles, Michael Taylor hit his","Document [8](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) reached second: Andrew Toles (single, first inning), Josh Reddick (single, eighth inning), and Carlos Ruiz (walk, ninth inning) were all retired on double plays. Reddick reached on a fielding error in the second inning but was picked off at first by Hendricks. As a result, the Cubs faced the minimum numbers of batters (27) to complete a nine-inning Major League Baseball game, a rarity in a postseason contest (Don Larsen's perfect game in the 1956 World Series was the only other occurrence). The Dodgers' World Series drought reached 28 years with the loss. Dodgers starter Clayton Kershaw could not repeat","Document [9](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) slam off Joe Blanton was followed by a Dexter Fowler homer on the next pitch to put the Cubs back in front 8\u20133. The Dodgers got a run off H\u00e9ctor Rond\u00f3n in the ninth when Joc Pederson singled with one out and scored on Andrew Toles's double, but Chase Utley lined into an inning-ending double play as Game 1 marked the Cubs' first victory in a National League Championship Series since Game 4 of 2003. They had previously lost seven straight NLCS games. Game 2 featured a matchup between two of the league's stingiest pitchers in 2016, in terms of","Document [10](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) Justin Turner drove in a run to stretch the Dodger lead to 5\u20132. The Cubs managed nothing against the Dodger bullpen which relieved Kershaw after five innings as the Cubs fell behind in the series 1\u20130. In Game 2, the Cubs sent Jon Lester to the mound on short rest after pitching 3.2 innings in relief in Game 4 of the NLDS. Addison Russell homered off Rich Hill in the fifth to give the Cubs a 1\u20130 lead, but the Dodger tied it in the bottom half of the fifth on a Culberson double and a Justin Turner single. As","Document [11](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) a pennant at home for the first time since 1932. Hendricks pitched 7\u2153 shutout innings, allowing just two hits and walking none. After he allowed a single in the eighth, Chapman entered and forced a double play to end the eighth and a double play grounder to end the game, series, and the Cubs' 71-year pennant drought. Anthony Rizzo and Willson Contreras each hit home runs and Kris Bryant, Ben Zobrist, and Dexter Fowler each drove in a run as the Cubs jumped to a 5\u20130 lead in the fifth inning. Of the four Dodgers to reach first base, none","Document [12](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) for the Nationals, but did not state who would start any other games. The Nationals later announced Gio Gonz\u00e1lez would start Game 2 while Max Scherzer would start Game 3. On October 8, Baker announced that Tanner Roark would start Game 4 for the Nationals. In Game 1 of the Division series, the Cubs faced the Nationals' Stephen Strasburg and were held hitless for five innings. Kyle Hendricks also shut out the Nationals, pitching seven shutout innings while allowing only two hits. In the sixth, Javier B\u00e1ez reached on an error by Nationals' third basemen Anthony Rendon. Hendricks bunted him","Document [13](Title: 2016 World Series) Mike Napoli in the bottom of the eighth, Aroldis Chapman entered to finish the game for the Cubs. The win marked the Cubs' first World Series game victory since 1945 and tied up the series at one game all. The game marked Indians manager Terry Francona's first loss in ten World Series games. For Game 3, former Cubs player Billy Williams threw the ceremonial first pitch before the start of the game, and Bill Murray sang \"Take Me Out to the Ball Game\" during the seventh-inning stretch, to mark the Cubs' first World Series night game at home. Chicago pitcher","Document [14](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) fell 5\u20130. The loss set the stage for a deciding Game 5 in Washington the next day with the series tied at two. As the teams returned to Washington for the deciding Game 5, the Cubs sent Game 1 starter Kyle Hendricks to the mound while the Nationals started Gio Gonz\u00e1lez. The Cubs started the scoring in the first as Jon Jay led off the game with a double and scored on an Anthony Rizzo groundout. The Cubs then loaded the bases with two outs in the first, but Jason Heyward grounded out to end the threat. In the second","Document [15](Title: 2016 World Series) The Cubs defeated the Indians when they won 4 games to 3 to win their first World Series since 1908. Game 7, an 8\u20137 victory in extra innings, marked the fifth time that a Game 7 had gone past nine innings and the first since 1997 (which, coincidentally, also featured the Indians). It was also the first to have a rain delay which occurred as the tenth inning was about to start. The Cubs became the sixth team to come back from a 3-1 deficit to win a best-of-seven World Series, following the 1925 Pittsburgh Pirates, the 1958 New York","Document [16](Title: 2015 National League Division Series) defeat the St. Louis Cardinals and win a postseason series for the first time ever in Wrigley Field. The game did not start well for the Cubs with the second batter, Stephen Piscotty, hitting a two-run home run. In the bottom of the second inning, with two on and two outs versus John Lackey, starting pitcher Jason Hammel drove in Starlin Castro with a sharp single to center and Addison Russell's replacement at shortstop, Javier Baez followed with a three-run home run to right. The Cardinals tied the score in the sixth on Tony Cruz's double with two on off","Document [17](Title: History of the Chicago Cubs) game, they disposed of the Cardinals in the NLDS in four games (3-1); however, they later lost to the New York Mets in the NLCS (Mets 4- Cubs 0). In 2016, the tide really turned in a positive direction for the Chicago Cubs. They won the NL Central Division crown with a record of 103-58 which was 17.5 games ahead of the second place Cardinals (86-76). The Cubs then defeated the San Francisco Giants in the NLDS (3-1) followed by the Los Angeles Dodgers in the NLCS (4-2) to win the NL pennant for the first time since 1945. In","Document [18](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) had been blanked in back-to-back games since May 27\u201328, 2014. The Cubs hitting slump continued as the 2-3-4-5 hitters went 3\u201327 in the two shutouts. The win gave the Dodgers a 2\u20131 series lead. Looking to break their two-game scoring drought, the Cubs sent playoff veteran John Lackey to the mound while the Dodgers went with Julio Ur\u00edas, the youngest pitcher to start a game in postseason history. The Cubs' struggles continued as Ur\u00edas held them without a hit through three innings. In the bottom of the second, the Dodgers had a scoring chance denied as Adrian Gonzalez was thrown","Document [19](Title: Curse of the Billy Goat) Diamondbacks and Los Angeles Dodgers respectively. In 2015, the Cubs finished second in the National League Wild Card race and defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates in the Wild Card Game and the St. Louis Cardinals in the NLDS to advance to the NLCS against the New York Mets. However, the Cubs batted an NLCS record low of .164 and lost the series in a 4-game sweep. (The Cubs thus became the first team ever to get swept in a playoff series by a team they swept in their regular season series.) Sianis's goat was named Murphy. In the 2015 National League","Document [20](Title: 2017 Washington Nationals season) the scoring threat evaporated when slumping shortstop Trea Turner, hitless in the series, struck out to end the inning. In relief of Gonz\u00e1lez, Matt Albers, Sammy Solis, and Ryan Madson kept the Cubs from adding to their lead in the sixth, seventh, and eighth innings, giving up only a single and a walk and striking out a Cub, but against Lester, who pitched through the sixth inning and whose two-hit performance was the best postseason outing of his career, and Pedro Strop, who pitched the seventh for Chicago, the Nats managed only one base runner, when Strop hit catcher Matt"],"query":"who did cubs beat in 2016 world series?","answers":["the Indians","Cleveland Indians"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) fly by Andrew Toles to make the score 8\u20134, but induced Justin Turner to ground out to end the game. The win put the Cubs on the brink of the World Series as the series moved back to Wrigley Field. Cubs pitchers Kyle Hendricks and Aroldis Chapman combined to allow only two hits and one walk, facing the minimum 27 batters, the first time this had occurred in postseason play since Don Larsen's perfect game in the 1956 World Series. The Cubs won the series four games to two and won the pennant for the first time since 1945, clinching","Document [2](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) Looking to take a 2\u20130 lead in the series, the Cubs sent Jon Lester to the mound while the Nationals went with Gio Gonz\u00e1lez. Lester gave up a first inning home run to Anthony Rendon, but Willson Contreras quickly answered with a homer in the top of the second to tie the game at one. Anthony Rizzo gave the Cubs a 3\u20131 lead in the fourth when he homered to deep right with Kris Bryant at second. Lester cruised through the Nationals until the fifth inning with two outs and a runner on when he walked back-to-back batters to load","Document [3](Title: 2016 World Series) this game.'\" The Cubs became the first team to come back from a 3\u20131 deficit to win the Series since the 1985 Kansas City Royals. They were also the first since the 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates to do so while winning Games 6 and 7 on the road, and the second team since the 1979 Pirates to win Game 7 as the visiting team, with the 2014 San Francisco Giants also having achieved that feat in Kansas City; almost one year later, the 2017 Houston Astros did the same thing in Los Angeles. With the Game 7 victory, Joe Maddon is","Document [4](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) an RBI double by Anthony Rizzo, but the Cubs left runners on base in the first, second, fourth, and fifth innings without another run. The Dodgers tied the game in the fourth following a Howie Kendrick double and steal of third. Adrian Gonzalez hit a ball to Rizzo, who could not field it cleanly, Kendrick scoring. The Dodgers lifted Maeda in the fourth inning. In the sixth, Javier B\u00e1ez continued his strong post-season by singling. Addison Russell homered to center field to break the deadlock and put the Cubs up 3\u20131. After stranding two more runners in the seventh, the","Document [5](Title: 2015 National League Championship Series) losing team never had a lead during a game. It was also the first since 2007 to end in a sweep and the third best-of-seven NLCS to do so (the other being in 1995). The Mets would go on to lose to the Kansas City Royals in the World Series in five games. The Chicago Cubs finished the 2015 season with a 97\u201365 record, the third best record in the majors. With new manager Joe Maddon and the great play of pitcher Jake Arrieta and hitters Anthony Rizzo and Kris Bryant, the Cubs experienced their best season since 2008 when","Document [6](Title: Curse of the Billy Goat) with them. The Cubs ended the 2016 season with a () record. It was their first 100-win season since 1935 (, ), their best since 1910 (, ), and the sixth 100-win season in franchise history. The Cubs won the National League Championship Series (NLCS), their first pennant in 71 years, with a 5\u20130 shutout in Game 6 against the Los Angeles Dodgers at Wrigley Field on October 22, 2016, the \"curse\" was broken on the 46th anniversary of Billy Sianis's death. In 2016, the Cubs won the World Series for the first time since 1908, ending the historic 108-year","Document [7](Title: 2017 National League Division Series) the Nationals won to stave off elimination. With both teams' seasons on the line, the Cubs brought back Game 1 starter and winning pitcher Kyle Hendricks while the Nationals countered with Game 2 starter Gio Gonz\u00e1lez, who got a no decision. The Cubs struck first in the top of the first off of Gonz\u00e1lez with an RBI groundout by Anthony Rizzo, scoring Jon Jay. In the bottom of the second, Daniel Murphy led off the inning by hitting the first pitch from Hendricks into the stands to tie the game at 1\u20131. After two straight singles, Michael Taylor hit his","Document [8](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) reached second: Andrew Toles (single, first inning), Josh Reddick (single, eighth inning), and Carlos Ruiz (walk, ninth inning) were all retired on double plays. Reddick reached on a fielding error in the second inning but was picked off at first by Hendricks. As a result, the Cubs faced the minimum numbers of batters (27) to complete a nine-inning Major League Baseball game, a rarity in a postseason contest (Don Larsen's perfect game in the 1956 World Series was the only other occurrence). The Dodgers' World Series drought reached 28 years with the loss. Dodgers starter Clayton Kershaw could not repeat","Document [9](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) slam off Joe Blanton was followed by a Dexter Fowler homer on the next pitch to put the Cubs back in front 8\u20133. The Dodgers got a run off H\u00e9ctor Rond\u00f3n in the ninth when Joc Pederson singled with one out and scored on Andrew Toles's double, but Chase Utley lined into an inning-ending double play as Game 1 marked the Cubs' first victory in a National League Championship Series since Game 4 of 2003. They had previously lost seven straight NLCS games. Game 2 featured a matchup between two of the league's stingiest pitchers in 2016, in terms of","Document [10](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) Justin Turner drove in a run to stretch the Dodger lead to 5\u20132. The Cubs managed nothing against the Dodger bullpen which relieved Kershaw after five innings as the Cubs fell behind in the series 1\u20130. In Game 2, the Cubs sent Jon Lester to the mound on short rest after pitching 3.2 innings in relief in Game 4 of the NLDS. Addison Russell homered off Rich Hill in the fifth to give the Cubs a 1\u20130 lead, but the Dodger tied it in the bottom half of the fifth on a Culberson double and a Justin Turner single. As","Document [11](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) a pennant at home for the first time since 1932. Hendricks pitched 7\u2153 shutout innings, allowing just two hits and walking none. After he allowed a single in the eighth, Chapman entered and forced a double play to end the eighth and a double play grounder to end the game, series, and the Cubs' 71-year pennant drought. Anthony Rizzo and Willson Contreras each hit home runs and Kris Bryant, Ben Zobrist, and Dexter Fowler each drove in a run as the Cubs jumped to a 5\u20130 lead in the fifth inning. Of the four Dodgers to reach first base, none","Document [12](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) for the Nationals, but did not state who would start any other games. The Nationals later announced Gio Gonz\u00e1lez would start Game 2 while Max Scherzer would start Game 3. On October 8, Baker announced that Tanner Roark would start Game 4 for the Nationals. In Game 1 of the Division series, the Cubs faced the Nationals' Stephen Strasburg and were held hitless for five innings. Kyle Hendricks also shut out the Nationals, pitching seven shutout innings while allowing only two hits. In the sixth, Javier B\u00e1ez reached on an error by Nationals' third basemen Anthony Rendon. Hendricks bunted him","Document [13](Title: 2016 World Series) Mike Napoli in the bottom of the eighth, Aroldis Chapman entered to finish the game for the Cubs. The win marked the Cubs' first World Series game victory since 1945 and tied up the series at one game all. The game marked Indians manager Terry Francona's first loss in ten World Series games. For Game 3, former Cubs player Billy Williams threw the ceremonial first pitch before the start of the game, and Bill Murray sang \"Take Me Out to the Ball Game\" during the seventh-inning stretch, to mark the Cubs' first World Series night game at home. Chicago pitcher","Document [14](Title: 2017 Chicago Cubs season) fell 5\u20130. The loss set the stage for a deciding Game 5 in Washington the next day with the series tied at two. As the teams returned to Washington for the deciding Game 5, the Cubs sent Game 1 starter Kyle Hendricks to the mound while the Nationals started Gio Gonz\u00e1lez. The Cubs started the scoring in the first as Jon Jay led off the game with a double and scored on an Anthony Rizzo groundout. The Cubs then loaded the bases with two outs in the first, but Jason Heyward grounded out to end the threat. In the second","Document [15](Title: 2015 National League Division Series) defeat the St. Louis Cardinals and win a postseason series for the first time ever in Wrigley Field. The game did not start well for the Cubs with the second batter, Stephen Piscotty, hitting a two-run home run. In the bottom of the second inning, with two on and two outs versus John Lackey, starting pitcher Jason Hammel drove in Starlin Castro with a sharp single to center and Addison Russell's replacement at shortstop, Javier Baez followed with a three-run home run to right. The Cardinals tied the score in the sixth on Tony Cruz's double with two on off","Document [16](Title: History of the Chicago Cubs) game, they disposed of the Cardinals in the NLDS in four games (3-1); however, they later lost to the New York Mets in the NLCS (Mets 4- Cubs 0). In 2016, the tide really turned in a positive direction for the Chicago Cubs. They won the NL Central Division crown with a record of 103-58 which was 17.5 games ahead of the second place Cardinals (86-76). The Cubs then defeated the San Francisco Giants in the NLDS (3-1) followed by the Los Angeles Dodgers in the NLCS (4-2) to win the NL pennant for the first time since 1945. In","Document [17](Title: 2016 National League Championship Series) had been blanked in back-to-back games since May 27\u201328, 2014. The Cubs hitting slump continued as the 2-3-4-5 hitters went 3\u201327 in the two shutouts. The win gave the Dodgers a 2\u20131 series lead. Looking to break their two-game scoring drought, the Cubs sent playoff veteran John Lackey to the mound while the Dodgers went with Julio Ur\u00edas, the youngest pitcher to start a game in postseason history. The Cubs' struggles continued as Ur\u00edas held them without a hit through three innings. In the bottom of the second, the Dodgers had a scoring chance denied as Adrian Gonzalez was thrown","Document [18](Title: Curse of the Billy Goat) Diamondbacks and Los Angeles Dodgers respectively. In 2015, the Cubs finished second in the National League Wild Card race and defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates in the Wild Card Game and the St. Louis Cardinals in the NLDS to advance to the NLCS against the New York Mets. However, the Cubs batted an NLCS record low of .164 and lost the series in a 4-game sweep. (The Cubs thus became the first team ever to get swept in a playoff series by a team they swept in their regular season series.) Sianis's goat was named Murphy. In the 2015 National League","Document [19](Title: 2017 Washington Nationals season) the scoring threat evaporated when slumping shortstop Trea Turner, hitless in the series, struck out to end the inning. In relief of Gonz\u00e1lez, Matt Albers, Sammy Solis, and Ryan Madson kept the Cubs from adding to their lead in the sixth, seventh, and eighth innings, giving up only a single and a walk and striking out a Cub, but against Lester, who pitched through the sixth inning and whose two-hit performance was the best postseason outing of his career, and Pedro Strop, who pitched the seventh for Chicago, the Nats managed only one base runner, when Strop hit catcher Matt","Document [20](Title: 2016 World Series) The Cubs defeated the Indians when they won 4 games to 3 to win their first World Series since 1908. Game 7, an 8\u20137 victory in extra innings, marked the fifth time that a Game 7 had gone past nine innings and the first since 1997 (which, coincidentally, also featured the Indians). It was also the first to have a rain delay which occurred as the tenth inning was about to start. The Cubs became the sixth team to come back from a 3-1 deficit to win a best-of-seven World Series, following the 1925 Pittsburgh Pirates, the 1958 New York"],"query":"who did cubs beat in 2016 world series?","answers":["the Indians","Cleveland Indians"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: 2018 World Men's Curling Championship) The 2018 World Men's Curling Championship (branded as the 361\u02da World Men's Curling Championship 2018 for sponsorship reasons) was held from March 31 to April 8, 2018 at Orleans Arena, on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada, United States.","Document [2](Title: 2017 World Men's Curling Championship) of the sport to win the world junior title, the Olympic gold medal, and the world men's title, and Canada became the first country ever to be in simultaneous possession of Olympic and World championships in both men's and women's curling. The following nations qualified to participate in the 2017 World Men's Curling Championship: Year to date World Curling Tour order of merit ranking for each team prior to the event. \"Final Round Robin Standings\" All times listed in Mountain Daylight Time (UTC\u22126). \"Saturday, April 1, 14:00\" \"Saturday, April 1, 19:00\" \"Sunday, April 2, 9:00\" \"Sunday, April 2, 14:00\" \"Sunday,","Document [3](Title: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) \"Sunday, 18 February, 20:05\" \"Monday, 19 February, 14:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 09:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 20:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 14:05\" \"Thursday, 22 February, 9:05\" \"Thursday, 22 February, 20:05\" \"Friday, 23 February, 15:35\" \"Saturday, 24 February, 15:35\" The final standings are: Player percentages during round robin play are as follows: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held between 14 and 24 February 2018 at the Gangneung Curling Centre. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round","Document [4](Title: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held between 14 and 24 February 2018 at the Gangneung Curling Centre. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the medal round. The teams are listed as follows: All draw times are listed in Seoul Time (UTC+9). \"Wednesday, 14 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 14 February, 20:05\" \"Thursday, 15 February, 14:05\" \"Friday, 16 February, 09:05\" \"Friday, 16 February, 20:05\" \"Saturday, 17 February, 14:05\" \"Sunday, 18 February, 09:05\"","Document [5](Title: Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) February, 09:00\" \"Friday, 14 February, 19:00\" \"Saturday, 15 February, 14:00\" \"Sunday, 16 February, 09:00\" \"Sunday, 16 February, 19:00\" \"Monday, 17 February, 14:00\" \"Tuesday, 18 February, 9:00\" \"Wednesday, 19 February, 19:00\" \"Friday, 21 February, 12:30\" \"Friday, 21 February, 17:30\" Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2014 Winter Olympics was held at the Ice Cube Curling Center in Sochi, Russia on 10\u201321 February 2014. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the medal round. The teams are","Document [6](Title: Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2014 Winter Olympics was held at the Ice Cube Curling Center in Sochi, Russia on 10\u201321 February 2014. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the medal round. The teams are listed as follows: All draw times are listed in Moscow Time (UTC+4). \"Monday, 10 February, 09:00\" \"Monday, 10 February, 19:00\" \"Tuesday, 11 February, 14:00\" \"Wednesday, 12 February, 09:00\" \"Wednesday, 12 February, 19:00\" \"Thursday, 13 February, 14:00\" \"Friday, 14","Document [7](Title: Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament) February 18, 2:00 PM\" \"Friday, February 19, 9:00 AM\" \"Friday, February 19, 7:00 PM\" \"Saturday, February 20, 2:00 PM\" \"Sunday, February 21, 9:00 AM\" \"Sunday, February 21, 7:00 PM\" \"Monday, February 22, 2:00 PM\" \"Tuesday, February 23, 9:00 AM\" \"Tuesday, February 23, 7:00 PM\" \"Thursday, February 25, 9:00 AM\" \"Friday, February 26, 9:00 AM\" \"Friday, February 26, 3:00 PM\" Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament The women's curling tournament took place at the Vancouver Olympic\/Paralympic Centre. The draws took place between 16 and 25 February 2010 and the final took place on 26 February 2010. All start","Document [8](Title: 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup) the current world champions, a team specifically invited, and the two highest remaining teams on the Curling World Cup ranking list will qualify for the Grand Final. Two separate teams from the same member association may qualify for the Grand Final. \"Sunday, September 17, 12:00\" \"Sunday, September 17, 16:00\" \"Sunday, September 16, 08:30\" \"Sunday, December 9, 12:00\" \"Sunday, December 9, 16:00\" \"Sunday, December 9, 08:30\" 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup The 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup will be the first edition of the Curling World Cup, held between men's, women's, and mixed doubles teams. It will take place in three legs and","Document [9](Title: Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics) played every other team. The top four teams from the round robin advanced to the playoffs. The top four teams at the conclusion of the round robin advanced to the playoffs. \"Thursday, 20 February, 12:30\" \"Thursday, 20 February, 17:30\" Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics The curling competition of the 2014 Winter Olympics was held at the Ice Cube Curling Center, nicknamed \"the Ice Cube\". It is the sixth time that curling was on the Olympic program. In both the men's and women's competitions, ten nations competed. These two events took place from 10 to 21 February 2014. The Canadian","Document [10](Title: 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup \u2013 First Leg) 14, 12:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 16:00\" \"Saturday, September 15, 08:30\" \"Saturday, September 15, 16:00\" \"Saturday, September 15, 19:30\" \"Sunday, September 17, 16:00\" \"After Draw 14\" \"Wednesday, September 12, 18:30\" \"Thursday, September 13, 08:30\" \"Thursday, September 13, 16:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 08:30\" \"Friday, September 14, 12:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 16:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 19:30\" \"Saturday, September 15, 12:00\" \"Saturday, September 15, 16:00\" \"Sunday, September 16, 08:30\" 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup \u2013 First Leg The First Leg of the 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup took place from September 12 to 16, 2018 at the Suzhou Olympic Sports Center in Suzhou, China. Canada had","Document [11](Title: 2013 World Men's Curling Championship) \"Thursday, April 4, 14:00\" \"Thursday, April 4, 19:00\" \"Friday, April 5, 19:00\" \"Saturday, April 6, 11:00\" \"Saturday, April 6, 16:00\" \"Sunday, April 7, 11:00\" \"Sunday, April 7, 16:00\" \"Round robin only\" \"Round robin only\" 2013 World Men's Curling Championship The 2013 World Men's Curling Championship (branded as the Ford World Men's Curling Championship 2013 for sponsorship reasons) was held from March 30 to April 7 at the Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. This marked the twenty-first time that Canada hosted the World Men's Championship, the fifth time that the province of British Columbia hosted the World Men's","Document [12](Title: Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament took place at the Vancouver Olympic\/Paralympic Centre. The draws took place between 16 and 25 February 2010 and the final took place on 27 February 2010. The preliminary round was a round-robin tournament between all 10 teams; the top four qualified for the medal round. \"Tuesday, February 16, 9:00 AM\" \"Tuesday, February 16, 7:00 PM\" \"Wednesday, February 17, 2:00 PM\" \"Thursday, February 18, 9:00 AM\" \"Thursday, February 18, 7:00 PM\" \"Friday, February 19, 2:00 PM\" \"Saturday, February 20, 9:00 AM\" \"Saturday, February 20, 7:00 PM\" \"Sunday, February","Document [13](Title: 2017 Canadian Olympic Curling Trials) \"Sunday, November 12, 19:30\" \"Final Round Robin Standings\" \"Friday, November 10, 23:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 07:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 12:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 13:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 19:00\" \"Saturday, November 11, 19:00\" \"Sunday, November 12, 9:00\" \"Sunday, November 12, 14:00\" The qualification process for the 2017 Olympic trials differed slightly from the process used at the 2013 trials. For both the men's and women's categories, a pool of twenty-one teams is designated as eligible to represent Canada at the 2018 Olympics, based on rankings from the Canadian Team Ranking System (CTRS). From the pool of twenty-one, seven teams were selected","Document [14](Title: Canada at the 2018 Winter Olympics) on January 8, 2017. Canada qualified a men's team by earning enough points in the last two World Curling Championships. The Olympic team was decided at the 2017 Canadian Olympic Curling Trials. The Canadian team consists of Kevin Koe, Marc Kennedy, Brent Laing, Ben Hebert, and Scott Pfeifer. Canada has a bye in draws 4, 8 and 11. \"Wednesday, 14 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 14 February, 20:05\" \"Thursday, 15 February, 14:05\" \"Friday, 16 February, 20:05\" \"Saturday, 17 February, 14:05\" \"Sunday, 18 February, 09:05\" \"Monday, 19 February, 14:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 14:05\" \"Thursday, 22 February, 20:05\" \"Friday, 23","Document [15](Title: Curling World Cup) European Zone, the third in the Americas Zone, and a Grand Final in Beijing. In January 2018, the World Curling Federation announced the name of the tournament would be changed to the Curling World Cup, and consist of men's, women's, and mixed doubles events. On July 19, 2018, details about the Curling World Cup were announced, including the host cities, format, qualification rules, and logos for each leg of the event. Curling World Cup matches have eight ends, rather than the standard ten ends. Ties after eight ends will be decided by a shoot-out, with each team throwing a stone","Document [16](Title: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament) \"Monday, 19 February, 09:05\" \"Monday, 19 February, 20:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 14:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 20:05\" \"Friday, 23 February, 20:05\" \"Saturday, 24 February, 20:05\" \"Sunday, 25 February, 9:05\" The final standings are: Player percentages during round robin play are as follows: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament The women's curling tournament of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held between 14 and 25 February 2018 at the Gangneung Curling Centre. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the","Document [17](Title: 2016 World Men's Curling Championship) 2016 World Men's Curling Championship The 2016 World Men's Curling Championship was held from April 2 to 10 at St. Jakobshalle in Basel, Switzerland. The following nations are qualified to participate in the 2016 World Men's Curling Championship: \"Final Round Robin Standings\" All draw times are listed in Central European Summer Time (UTC+2). \"Saturday, April 2, 14:00\" \"Saturday, April 2, 19:00\" \"Sunday, April 3, 9:00\" \"Sunday, April 3, 14:00\" \"Sunday, April 3, 19:00\" \"Monday, April 4, 9:00\" \"Monday, April 4, 14:00\" \"Monday, April 4, 19:00\" \"Tuesday, April 5, 9:00\" \"Tuesday, April 5, 14:00\" \"Tuesday, April 5, 19:00\" \"Wednesday, April 6,","Document [18](Title: 2013 World Men's Curling Championship) 2013 World Men's Curling Championship The 2013 World Men's Curling Championship (branded as the Ford World Men's Curling Championship 2013 for sponsorship reasons) was held from March 30 to April 7 at the Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. This marked the twenty-first time that Canada hosted the World Men's Championship, the fifth time that the province of British Columbia hosted the World Men's Championship, and the second time that Victoria hosted the World Men's Championship. Victoria previously hosted the championships in 2005. The event was also a qualifying event for the 2014 Winter Olympics, awarding points to","Document [19](Title: 2019 World Qualification Event) in the 2019 World Qualification Event: 2019 World Qualification Event The 2019 World Qualification Event will be held from January 18 to 23 at the Maniototo Curling International rink in Naseby, New Zealand. It will be jointly hosted by Australia and New Zealand, with the New Zealand women's team taking one host berth and the Australia men's team the other. The top two finishers in the men's and women's divisions will qualify for the 2019 World Men's Curling Championship and 2019 World Women's Curling Championship respectively. The following nations are qualified to participate in the 2019 World Qualification Event: The","Document [20](Title: Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) 21, 2:00 PM\" \"Monday, February 22, 9:00 AM\" \"Monday, February 22, 7:00 PM\" \"Tuesday, February 23, 2:00 PM\" \"Wednesday, February 24, 2:00 PM\" \"Thursday, February 25, 2:00 PM\" *<\/nowiki> - rock picked up debris \"Saturday, February 27, 9:00 AM\" *<\/nowiki> - rock picked up debris \"Saturday, February 27, 3:00 PM\" Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament took place at the Vancouver Olympic\/Paralympic Centre. The draws took place between 16 and 25 February 2010 and the final took place on 27 February 2010. The preliminary round was a round-robin tournament between all 10 teams;"],"query":"when does the men's worlds curling start?","answers":["March 31"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: 2017 World Men's Curling Championship) of the sport to win the world junior title, the Olympic gold medal, and the world men's title, and Canada became the first country ever to be in simultaneous possession of Olympic and World championships in both men's and women's curling. The following nations qualified to participate in the 2017 World Men's Curling Championship: Year to date World Curling Tour order of merit ranking for each team prior to the event. \"Final Round Robin Standings\" All times listed in Mountain Daylight Time (UTC\u22126). \"Saturday, April 1, 14:00\" \"Saturday, April 1, 19:00\" \"Sunday, April 2, 9:00\" \"Sunday, April 2, 14:00\" \"Sunday,","Document [2](Title: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) \"Sunday, 18 February, 20:05\" \"Monday, 19 February, 14:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 09:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 20:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 14:05\" \"Thursday, 22 February, 9:05\" \"Thursday, 22 February, 20:05\" \"Friday, 23 February, 15:35\" \"Saturday, 24 February, 15:35\" The final standings are: Player percentages during round robin play are as follows: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held between 14 and 24 February 2018 at the Gangneung Curling Centre. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round","Document [3](Title: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held between 14 and 24 February 2018 at the Gangneung Curling Centre. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the medal round. The teams are listed as follows: All draw times are listed in Seoul Time (UTC+9). \"Wednesday, 14 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 14 February, 20:05\" \"Thursday, 15 February, 14:05\" \"Friday, 16 February, 09:05\" \"Friday, 16 February, 20:05\" \"Saturday, 17 February, 14:05\" \"Sunday, 18 February, 09:05\"","Document [4](Title: Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) February, 09:00\" \"Friday, 14 February, 19:00\" \"Saturday, 15 February, 14:00\" \"Sunday, 16 February, 09:00\" \"Sunday, 16 February, 19:00\" \"Monday, 17 February, 14:00\" \"Tuesday, 18 February, 9:00\" \"Wednesday, 19 February, 19:00\" \"Friday, 21 February, 12:30\" \"Friday, 21 February, 17:30\" Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2014 Winter Olympics was held at the Ice Cube Curling Center in Sochi, Russia on 10\u201321 February 2014. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the medal round. The teams are","Document [5](Title: 2018 World Men's Curling Championship) The 2018 World Men's Curling Championship (branded as the 361\u02da World Men's Curling Championship 2018 for sponsorship reasons) was held from March 31 to April 8, 2018 at Orleans Arena, on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada, United States.","Document [6](Title: Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2014 Winter Olympics was held at the Ice Cube Curling Center in Sochi, Russia on 10\u201321 February 2014. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the medal round. The teams are listed as follows: All draw times are listed in Moscow Time (UTC+4). \"Monday, 10 February, 09:00\" \"Monday, 10 February, 19:00\" \"Tuesday, 11 February, 14:00\" \"Wednesday, 12 February, 09:00\" \"Wednesday, 12 February, 19:00\" \"Thursday, 13 February, 14:00\" \"Friday, 14","Document [7](Title: Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament) February 18, 2:00 PM\" \"Friday, February 19, 9:00 AM\" \"Friday, February 19, 7:00 PM\" \"Saturday, February 20, 2:00 PM\" \"Sunday, February 21, 9:00 AM\" \"Sunday, February 21, 7:00 PM\" \"Monday, February 22, 2:00 PM\" \"Tuesday, February 23, 9:00 AM\" \"Tuesday, February 23, 7:00 PM\" \"Thursday, February 25, 9:00 AM\" \"Friday, February 26, 9:00 AM\" \"Friday, February 26, 3:00 PM\" Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament The women's curling tournament took place at the Vancouver Olympic\/Paralympic Centre. The draws took place between 16 and 25 February 2010 and the final took place on 26 February 2010. All start","Document [8](Title: 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup) the current world champions, a team specifically invited, and the two highest remaining teams on the Curling World Cup ranking list will qualify for the Grand Final. Two separate teams from the same member association may qualify for the Grand Final. \"Sunday, September 17, 12:00\" \"Sunday, September 17, 16:00\" \"Sunday, September 16, 08:30\" \"Sunday, December 9, 12:00\" \"Sunday, December 9, 16:00\" \"Sunday, December 9, 08:30\" 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup The 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup will be the first edition of the Curling World Cup, held between men's, women's, and mixed doubles teams. It will take place in three legs and","Document [9](Title: Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics) played every other team. The top four teams from the round robin advanced to the playoffs. The top four teams at the conclusion of the round robin advanced to the playoffs. \"Thursday, 20 February, 12:30\" \"Thursday, 20 February, 17:30\" Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics The curling competition of the 2014 Winter Olympics was held at the Ice Cube Curling Center, nicknamed \"the Ice Cube\". It is the sixth time that curling was on the Olympic program. In both the men's and women's competitions, ten nations competed. These two events took place from 10 to 21 February 2014. The Canadian","Document [10](Title: 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup \u2013 First Leg) 14, 12:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 16:00\" \"Saturday, September 15, 08:30\" \"Saturday, September 15, 16:00\" \"Saturday, September 15, 19:30\" \"Sunday, September 17, 16:00\" \"After Draw 14\" \"Wednesday, September 12, 18:30\" \"Thursday, September 13, 08:30\" \"Thursday, September 13, 16:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 08:30\" \"Friday, September 14, 12:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 16:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 19:30\" \"Saturday, September 15, 12:00\" \"Saturday, September 15, 16:00\" \"Sunday, September 16, 08:30\" 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup \u2013 First Leg The First Leg of the 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup took place from September 12 to 16, 2018 at the Suzhou Olympic Sports Center in Suzhou, China. Canada had","Document [11](Title: 2013 World Men's Curling Championship) \"Thursday, April 4, 14:00\" \"Thursday, April 4, 19:00\" \"Friday, April 5, 19:00\" \"Saturday, April 6, 11:00\" \"Saturday, April 6, 16:00\" \"Sunday, April 7, 11:00\" \"Sunday, April 7, 16:00\" \"Round robin only\" \"Round robin only\" 2013 World Men's Curling Championship The 2013 World Men's Curling Championship (branded as the Ford World Men's Curling Championship 2013 for sponsorship reasons) was held from March 30 to April 7 at the Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. This marked the twenty-first time that Canada hosted the World Men's Championship, the fifth time that the province of British Columbia hosted the World Men's","Document [12](Title: Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament took place at the Vancouver Olympic\/Paralympic Centre. The draws took place between 16 and 25 February 2010 and the final took place on 27 February 2010. The preliminary round was a round-robin tournament between all 10 teams; the top four qualified for the medal round. \"Tuesday, February 16, 9:00 AM\" \"Tuesday, February 16, 7:00 PM\" \"Wednesday, February 17, 2:00 PM\" \"Thursday, February 18, 9:00 AM\" \"Thursday, February 18, 7:00 PM\" \"Friday, February 19, 2:00 PM\" \"Saturday, February 20, 9:00 AM\" \"Saturday, February 20, 7:00 PM\" \"Sunday, February","Document [13](Title: 2017 Canadian Olympic Curling Trials) \"Sunday, November 12, 19:30\" \"Final Round Robin Standings\" \"Friday, November 10, 23:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 07:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 12:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 13:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 19:00\" \"Saturday, November 11, 19:00\" \"Sunday, November 12, 9:00\" \"Sunday, November 12, 14:00\" The qualification process for the 2017 Olympic trials differed slightly from the process used at the 2013 trials. For both the men's and women's categories, a pool of twenty-one teams is designated as eligible to represent Canada at the 2018 Olympics, based on rankings from the Canadian Team Ranking System (CTRS). From the pool of twenty-one, seven teams were selected","Document [14](Title: Canada at the 2018 Winter Olympics) on January 8, 2017. Canada qualified a men's team by earning enough points in the last two World Curling Championships. The Olympic team was decided at the 2017 Canadian Olympic Curling Trials. The Canadian team consists of Kevin Koe, Marc Kennedy, Brent Laing, Ben Hebert, and Scott Pfeifer. Canada has a bye in draws 4, 8 and 11. \"Wednesday, 14 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 14 February, 20:05\" \"Thursday, 15 February, 14:05\" \"Friday, 16 February, 20:05\" \"Saturday, 17 February, 14:05\" \"Sunday, 18 February, 09:05\" \"Monday, 19 February, 14:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 14:05\" \"Thursday, 22 February, 20:05\" \"Friday, 23","Document [15](Title: Curling World Cup) European Zone, the third in the Americas Zone, and a Grand Final in Beijing. In January 2018, the World Curling Federation announced the name of the tournament would be changed to the Curling World Cup, and consist of men's, women's, and mixed doubles events. On July 19, 2018, details about the Curling World Cup were announced, including the host cities, format, qualification rules, and logos for each leg of the event. Curling World Cup matches have eight ends, rather than the standard ten ends. Ties after eight ends will be decided by a shoot-out, with each team throwing a stone","Document [16](Title: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament) \"Monday, 19 February, 09:05\" \"Monday, 19 February, 20:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 14:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 20:05\" \"Friday, 23 February, 20:05\" \"Saturday, 24 February, 20:05\" \"Sunday, 25 February, 9:05\" The final standings are: Player percentages during round robin play are as follows: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament The women's curling tournament of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held between 14 and 25 February 2018 at the Gangneung Curling Centre. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the","Document [17](Title: 2016 World Men's Curling Championship) 2016 World Men's Curling Championship The 2016 World Men's Curling Championship was held from April 2 to 10 at St. Jakobshalle in Basel, Switzerland. The following nations are qualified to participate in the 2016 World Men's Curling Championship: \"Final Round Robin Standings\" All draw times are listed in Central European Summer Time (UTC+2). \"Saturday, April 2, 14:00\" \"Saturday, April 2, 19:00\" \"Sunday, April 3, 9:00\" \"Sunday, April 3, 14:00\" \"Sunday, April 3, 19:00\" \"Monday, April 4, 9:00\" \"Monday, April 4, 14:00\" \"Monday, April 4, 19:00\" \"Tuesday, April 5, 9:00\" \"Tuesday, April 5, 14:00\" \"Tuesday, April 5, 19:00\" \"Wednesday, April 6,","Document [18](Title: 2013 World Men's Curling Championship) 2013 World Men's Curling Championship The 2013 World Men's Curling Championship (branded as the Ford World Men's Curling Championship 2013 for sponsorship reasons) was held from March 30 to April 7 at the Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. This marked the twenty-first time that Canada hosted the World Men's Championship, the fifth time that the province of British Columbia hosted the World Men's Championship, and the second time that Victoria hosted the World Men's Championship. Victoria previously hosted the championships in 2005. The event was also a qualifying event for the 2014 Winter Olympics, awarding points to","Document [19](Title: 2019 World Qualification Event) in the 2019 World Qualification Event: 2019 World Qualification Event The 2019 World Qualification Event will be held from January 18 to 23 at the Maniototo Curling International rink in Naseby, New Zealand. It will be jointly hosted by Australia and New Zealand, with the New Zealand women's team taking one host berth and the Australia men's team the other. The top two finishers in the men's and women's divisions will qualify for the 2019 World Men's Curling Championship and 2019 World Women's Curling Championship respectively. The following nations are qualified to participate in the 2019 World Qualification Event: The","Document [20](Title: Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) 21, 2:00 PM\" \"Monday, February 22, 9:00 AM\" \"Monday, February 22, 7:00 PM\" \"Tuesday, February 23, 2:00 PM\" \"Wednesday, February 24, 2:00 PM\" \"Thursday, February 25, 2:00 PM\" *<\/nowiki> - rock picked up debris \"Saturday, February 27, 9:00 AM\" *<\/nowiki> - rock picked up debris \"Saturday, February 27, 3:00 PM\" Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament took place at the Vancouver Olympic\/Paralympic Centre. The draws took place between 16 and 25 February 2010 and the final took place on 27 February 2010. The preliminary round was a round-robin tournament between all 10 teams;"],"query":"when does the men's worlds curling start?","answers":["March 31"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: 2017 World Men's Curling Championship) of the sport to win the world junior title, the Olympic gold medal, and the world men's title, and Canada became the first country ever to be in simultaneous possession of Olympic and World championships in both men's and women's curling. The following nations qualified to participate in the 2017 World Men's Curling Championship: Year to date World Curling Tour order of merit ranking for each team prior to the event. \"Final Round Robin Standings\" All times listed in Mountain Daylight Time (UTC\u22126). \"Saturday, April 1, 14:00\" \"Saturday, April 1, 19:00\" \"Sunday, April 2, 9:00\" \"Sunday, April 2, 14:00\" \"Sunday,","Document [2](Title: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) \"Sunday, 18 February, 20:05\" \"Monday, 19 February, 14:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 09:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 20:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 14:05\" \"Thursday, 22 February, 9:05\" \"Thursday, 22 February, 20:05\" \"Friday, 23 February, 15:35\" \"Saturday, 24 February, 15:35\" The final standings are: Player percentages during round robin play are as follows: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held between 14 and 24 February 2018 at the Gangneung Curling Centre. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round","Document [3](Title: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held between 14 and 24 February 2018 at the Gangneung Curling Centre. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the medal round. The teams are listed as follows: All draw times are listed in Seoul Time (UTC+9). \"Wednesday, 14 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 14 February, 20:05\" \"Thursday, 15 February, 14:05\" \"Friday, 16 February, 09:05\" \"Friday, 16 February, 20:05\" \"Saturday, 17 February, 14:05\" \"Sunday, 18 February, 09:05\"","Document [4](Title: Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) February, 09:00\" \"Friday, 14 February, 19:00\" \"Saturday, 15 February, 14:00\" \"Sunday, 16 February, 09:00\" \"Sunday, 16 February, 19:00\" \"Monday, 17 February, 14:00\" \"Tuesday, 18 February, 9:00\" \"Wednesday, 19 February, 19:00\" \"Friday, 21 February, 12:30\" \"Friday, 21 February, 17:30\" Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2014 Winter Olympics was held at the Ice Cube Curling Center in Sochi, Russia on 10\u201321 February 2014. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the medal round. The teams are","Document [5](Title: Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2014 Winter Olympics was held at the Ice Cube Curling Center in Sochi, Russia on 10\u201321 February 2014. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the medal round. The teams are listed as follows: All draw times are listed in Moscow Time (UTC+4). \"Monday, 10 February, 09:00\" \"Monday, 10 February, 19:00\" \"Tuesday, 11 February, 14:00\" \"Wednesday, 12 February, 09:00\" \"Wednesday, 12 February, 19:00\" \"Thursday, 13 February, 14:00\" \"Friday, 14","Document [6](Title: Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament) February 18, 2:00 PM\" \"Friday, February 19, 9:00 AM\" \"Friday, February 19, 7:00 PM\" \"Saturday, February 20, 2:00 PM\" \"Sunday, February 21, 9:00 AM\" \"Sunday, February 21, 7:00 PM\" \"Monday, February 22, 2:00 PM\" \"Tuesday, February 23, 9:00 AM\" \"Tuesday, February 23, 7:00 PM\" \"Thursday, February 25, 9:00 AM\" \"Friday, February 26, 9:00 AM\" \"Friday, February 26, 3:00 PM\" Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament The women's curling tournament took place at the Vancouver Olympic\/Paralympic Centre. The draws took place between 16 and 25 February 2010 and the final took place on 26 February 2010. All start","Document [7](Title: 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup) the current world champions, a team specifically invited, and the two highest remaining teams on the Curling World Cup ranking list will qualify for the Grand Final. Two separate teams from the same member association may qualify for the Grand Final. \"Sunday, September 17, 12:00\" \"Sunday, September 17, 16:00\" \"Sunday, September 16, 08:30\" \"Sunday, December 9, 12:00\" \"Sunday, December 9, 16:00\" \"Sunday, December 9, 08:30\" 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup The 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup will be the first edition of the Curling World Cup, held between men's, women's, and mixed doubles teams. It will take place in three legs and","Document [8](Title: Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics) played every other team. The top four teams from the round robin advanced to the playoffs. The top four teams at the conclusion of the round robin advanced to the playoffs. \"Thursday, 20 February, 12:30\" \"Thursday, 20 February, 17:30\" Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics The curling competition of the 2014 Winter Olympics was held at the Ice Cube Curling Center, nicknamed \"the Ice Cube\". It is the sixth time that curling was on the Olympic program. In both the men's and women's competitions, ten nations competed. These two events took place from 10 to 21 February 2014. The Canadian","Document [9](Title: 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup \u2013 First Leg) 14, 12:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 16:00\" \"Saturday, September 15, 08:30\" \"Saturday, September 15, 16:00\" \"Saturday, September 15, 19:30\" \"Sunday, September 17, 16:00\" \"After Draw 14\" \"Wednesday, September 12, 18:30\" \"Thursday, September 13, 08:30\" \"Thursday, September 13, 16:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 08:30\" \"Friday, September 14, 12:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 16:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 19:30\" \"Saturday, September 15, 12:00\" \"Saturday, September 15, 16:00\" \"Sunday, September 16, 08:30\" 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup \u2013 First Leg The First Leg of the 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup took place from September 12 to 16, 2018 at the Suzhou Olympic Sports Center in Suzhou, China. Canada had","Document [10](Title: 2018 World Men's Curling Championship) The 2018 World Men's Curling Championship (branded as the 361\u02da World Men's Curling Championship 2018 for sponsorship reasons) was held from March 31 to April 8, 2018 at Orleans Arena, on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada, United States.","Document [11](Title: 2013 World Men's Curling Championship) \"Thursday, April 4, 14:00\" \"Thursday, April 4, 19:00\" \"Friday, April 5, 19:00\" \"Saturday, April 6, 11:00\" \"Saturday, April 6, 16:00\" \"Sunday, April 7, 11:00\" \"Sunday, April 7, 16:00\" \"Round robin only\" \"Round robin only\" 2013 World Men's Curling Championship The 2013 World Men's Curling Championship (branded as the Ford World Men's Curling Championship 2013 for sponsorship reasons) was held from March 30 to April 7 at the Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. This marked the twenty-first time that Canada hosted the World Men's Championship, the fifth time that the province of British Columbia hosted the World Men's","Document [12](Title: Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament took place at the Vancouver Olympic\/Paralympic Centre. The draws took place between 16 and 25 February 2010 and the final took place on 27 February 2010. The preliminary round was a round-robin tournament between all 10 teams; the top four qualified for the medal round. \"Tuesday, February 16, 9:00 AM\" \"Tuesday, February 16, 7:00 PM\" \"Wednesday, February 17, 2:00 PM\" \"Thursday, February 18, 9:00 AM\" \"Thursday, February 18, 7:00 PM\" \"Friday, February 19, 2:00 PM\" \"Saturday, February 20, 9:00 AM\" \"Saturday, February 20, 7:00 PM\" \"Sunday, February","Document [13](Title: 2017 Canadian Olympic Curling Trials) \"Sunday, November 12, 19:30\" \"Final Round Robin Standings\" \"Friday, November 10, 23:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 07:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 12:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 13:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 19:00\" \"Saturday, November 11, 19:00\" \"Sunday, November 12, 9:00\" \"Sunday, November 12, 14:00\" The qualification process for the 2017 Olympic trials differed slightly from the process used at the 2013 trials. For both the men's and women's categories, a pool of twenty-one teams is designated as eligible to represent Canada at the 2018 Olympics, based on rankings from the Canadian Team Ranking System (CTRS). From the pool of twenty-one, seven teams were selected","Document [14](Title: Canada at the 2018 Winter Olympics) on January 8, 2017. Canada qualified a men's team by earning enough points in the last two World Curling Championships. The Olympic team was decided at the 2017 Canadian Olympic Curling Trials. The Canadian team consists of Kevin Koe, Marc Kennedy, Brent Laing, Ben Hebert, and Scott Pfeifer. Canada has a bye in draws 4, 8 and 11. \"Wednesday, 14 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 14 February, 20:05\" \"Thursday, 15 February, 14:05\" \"Friday, 16 February, 20:05\" \"Saturday, 17 February, 14:05\" \"Sunday, 18 February, 09:05\" \"Monday, 19 February, 14:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 14:05\" \"Thursday, 22 February, 20:05\" \"Friday, 23","Document [15](Title: Curling World Cup) European Zone, the third in the Americas Zone, and a Grand Final in Beijing. In January 2018, the World Curling Federation announced the name of the tournament would be changed to the Curling World Cup, and consist of men's, women's, and mixed doubles events. On July 19, 2018, details about the Curling World Cup were announced, including the host cities, format, qualification rules, and logos for each leg of the event. Curling World Cup matches have eight ends, rather than the standard ten ends. Ties after eight ends will be decided by a shoot-out, with each team throwing a stone","Document [16](Title: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament) \"Monday, 19 February, 09:05\" \"Monday, 19 February, 20:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 14:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 20:05\" \"Friday, 23 February, 20:05\" \"Saturday, 24 February, 20:05\" \"Sunday, 25 February, 9:05\" The final standings are: Player percentages during round robin play are as follows: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament The women's curling tournament of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held between 14 and 25 February 2018 at the Gangneung Curling Centre. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the","Document [17](Title: 2016 World Men's Curling Championship) 2016 World Men's Curling Championship The 2016 World Men's Curling Championship was held from April 2 to 10 at St. Jakobshalle in Basel, Switzerland. The following nations are qualified to participate in the 2016 World Men's Curling Championship: \"Final Round Robin Standings\" All draw times are listed in Central European Summer Time (UTC+2). \"Saturday, April 2, 14:00\" \"Saturday, April 2, 19:00\" \"Sunday, April 3, 9:00\" \"Sunday, April 3, 14:00\" \"Sunday, April 3, 19:00\" \"Monday, April 4, 9:00\" \"Monday, April 4, 14:00\" \"Monday, April 4, 19:00\" \"Tuesday, April 5, 9:00\" \"Tuesday, April 5, 14:00\" \"Tuesday, April 5, 19:00\" \"Wednesday, April 6,","Document [18](Title: 2013 World Men's Curling Championship) 2013 World Men's Curling Championship The 2013 World Men's Curling Championship (branded as the Ford World Men's Curling Championship 2013 for sponsorship reasons) was held from March 30 to April 7 at the Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. This marked the twenty-first time that Canada hosted the World Men's Championship, the fifth time that the province of British Columbia hosted the World Men's Championship, and the second time that Victoria hosted the World Men's Championship. Victoria previously hosted the championships in 2005. The event was also a qualifying event for the 2014 Winter Olympics, awarding points to","Document [19](Title: 2019 World Qualification Event) in the 2019 World Qualification Event: 2019 World Qualification Event The 2019 World Qualification Event will be held from January 18 to 23 at the Maniototo Curling International rink in Naseby, New Zealand. It will be jointly hosted by Australia and New Zealand, with the New Zealand women's team taking one host berth and the Australia men's team the other. The top two finishers in the men's and women's divisions will qualify for the 2019 World Men's Curling Championship and 2019 World Women's Curling Championship respectively. The following nations are qualified to participate in the 2019 World Qualification Event: The","Document [20](Title: Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) 21, 2:00 PM\" \"Monday, February 22, 9:00 AM\" \"Monday, February 22, 7:00 PM\" \"Tuesday, February 23, 2:00 PM\" \"Wednesday, February 24, 2:00 PM\" \"Thursday, February 25, 2:00 PM\" *<\/nowiki> - rock picked up debris \"Saturday, February 27, 9:00 AM\" *<\/nowiki> - rock picked up debris \"Saturday, February 27, 3:00 PM\" Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament took place at the Vancouver Olympic\/Paralympic Centre. The draws took place between 16 and 25 February 2010 and the final took place on 27 February 2010. The preliminary round was a round-robin tournament between all 10 teams;"],"query":"when does the men's worlds curling start?","answers":["March 31"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: 2017 World Men's Curling Championship) of the sport to win the world junior title, the Olympic gold medal, and the world men's title, and Canada became the first country ever to be in simultaneous possession of Olympic and World championships in both men's and women's curling. The following nations qualified to participate in the 2017 World Men's Curling Championship: Year to date World Curling Tour order of merit ranking for each team prior to the event. \"Final Round Robin Standings\" All times listed in Mountain Daylight Time (UTC\u22126). \"Saturday, April 1, 14:00\" \"Saturday, April 1, 19:00\" \"Sunday, April 2, 9:00\" \"Sunday, April 2, 14:00\" \"Sunday,","Document [2](Title: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) \"Sunday, 18 February, 20:05\" \"Monday, 19 February, 14:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 09:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 20:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 14:05\" \"Thursday, 22 February, 9:05\" \"Thursday, 22 February, 20:05\" \"Friday, 23 February, 15:35\" \"Saturday, 24 February, 15:35\" The final standings are: Player percentages during round robin play are as follows: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held between 14 and 24 February 2018 at the Gangneung Curling Centre. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round","Document [3](Title: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held between 14 and 24 February 2018 at the Gangneung Curling Centre. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the medal round. The teams are listed as follows: All draw times are listed in Seoul Time (UTC+9). \"Wednesday, 14 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 14 February, 20:05\" \"Thursday, 15 February, 14:05\" \"Friday, 16 February, 09:05\" \"Friday, 16 February, 20:05\" \"Saturday, 17 February, 14:05\" \"Sunday, 18 February, 09:05\"","Document [4](Title: Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) February, 09:00\" \"Friday, 14 February, 19:00\" \"Saturday, 15 February, 14:00\" \"Sunday, 16 February, 09:00\" \"Sunday, 16 February, 19:00\" \"Monday, 17 February, 14:00\" \"Tuesday, 18 February, 9:00\" \"Wednesday, 19 February, 19:00\" \"Friday, 21 February, 12:30\" \"Friday, 21 February, 17:30\" Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2014 Winter Olympics was held at the Ice Cube Curling Center in Sochi, Russia on 10\u201321 February 2014. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the medal round. The teams are","Document [5](Title: Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2014 Winter Olympics was held at the Ice Cube Curling Center in Sochi, Russia on 10\u201321 February 2014. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the medal round. The teams are listed as follows: All draw times are listed in Moscow Time (UTC+4). \"Monday, 10 February, 09:00\" \"Monday, 10 February, 19:00\" \"Tuesday, 11 February, 14:00\" \"Wednesday, 12 February, 09:00\" \"Wednesday, 12 February, 19:00\" \"Thursday, 13 February, 14:00\" \"Friday, 14","Document [6](Title: Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament) February 18, 2:00 PM\" \"Friday, February 19, 9:00 AM\" \"Friday, February 19, 7:00 PM\" \"Saturday, February 20, 2:00 PM\" \"Sunday, February 21, 9:00 AM\" \"Sunday, February 21, 7:00 PM\" \"Monday, February 22, 2:00 PM\" \"Tuesday, February 23, 9:00 AM\" \"Tuesday, February 23, 7:00 PM\" \"Thursday, February 25, 9:00 AM\" \"Friday, February 26, 9:00 AM\" \"Friday, February 26, 3:00 PM\" Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament The women's curling tournament took place at the Vancouver Olympic\/Paralympic Centre. The draws took place between 16 and 25 February 2010 and the final took place on 26 February 2010. All start","Document [7](Title: 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup) the current world champions, a team specifically invited, and the two highest remaining teams on the Curling World Cup ranking list will qualify for the Grand Final. Two separate teams from the same member association may qualify for the Grand Final. \"Sunday, September 17, 12:00\" \"Sunday, September 17, 16:00\" \"Sunday, September 16, 08:30\" \"Sunday, December 9, 12:00\" \"Sunday, December 9, 16:00\" \"Sunday, December 9, 08:30\" 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup The 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup will be the first edition of the Curling World Cup, held between men's, women's, and mixed doubles teams. It will take place in three legs and","Document [8](Title: Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics) played every other team. The top four teams from the round robin advanced to the playoffs. The top four teams at the conclusion of the round robin advanced to the playoffs. \"Thursday, 20 February, 12:30\" \"Thursday, 20 February, 17:30\" Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics The curling competition of the 2014 Winter Olympics was held at the Ice Cube Curling Center, nicknamed \"the Ice Cube\". It is the sixth time that curling was on the Olympic program. In both the men's and women's competitions, ten nations competed. These two events took place from 10 to 21 February 2014. The Canadian","Document [9](Title: 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup \u2013 First Leg) 14, 12:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 16:00\" \"Saturday, September 15, 08:30\" \"Saturday, September 15, 16:00\" \"Saturday, September 15, 19:30\" \"Sunday, September 17, 16:00\" \"After Draw 14\" \"Wednesday, September 12, 18:30\" \"Thursday, September 13, 08:30\" \"Thursday, September 13, 16:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 08:30\" \"Friday, September 14, 12:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 16:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 19:30\" \"Saturday, September 15, 12:00\" \"Saturday, September 15, 16:00\" \"Sunday, September 16, 08:30\" 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup \u2013 First Leg The First Leg of the 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup took place from September 12 to 16, 2018 at the Suzhou Olympic Sports Center in Suzhou, China. Canada had","Document [10](Title: 2013 World Men's Curling Championship) \"Thursday, April 4, 14:00\" \"Thursday, April 4, 19:00\" \"Friday, April 5, 19:00\" \"Saturday, April 6, 11:00\" \"Saturday, April 6, 16:00\" \"Sunday, April 7, 11:00\" \"Sunday, April 7, 16:00\" \"Round robin only\" \"Round robin only\" 2013 World Men's Curling Championship The 2013 World Men's Curling Championship (branded as the Ford World Men's Curling Championship 2013 for sponsorship reasons) was held from March 30 to April 7 at the Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. This marked the twenty-first time that Canada hosted the World Men's Championship, the fifth time that the province of British Columbia hosted the World Men's","Document [11](Title: Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament took place at the Vancouver Olympic\/Paralympic Centre. The draws took place between 16 and 25 February 2010 and the final took place on 27 February 2010. The preliminary round was a round-robin tournament between all 10 teams; the top four qualified for the medal round. \"Tuesday, February 16, 9:00 AM\" \"Tuesday, February 16, 7:00 PM\" \"Wednesday, February 17, 2:00 PM\" \"Thursday, February 18, 9:00 AM\" \"Thursday, February 18, 7:00 PM\" \"Friday, February 19, 2:00 PM\" \"Saturday, February 20, 9:00 AM\" \"Saturday, February 20, 7:00 PM\" \"Sunday, February","Document [12](Title: 2017 Canadian Olympic Curling Trials) \"Sunday, November 12, 19:30\" \"Final Round Robin Standings\" \"Friday, November 10, 23:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 07:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 12:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 13:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 19:00\" \"Saturday, November 11, 19:00\" \"Sunday, November 12, 9:00\" \"Sunday, November 12, 14:00\" The qualification process for the 2017 Olympic trials differed slightly from the process used at the 2013 trials. For both the men's and women's categories, a pool of twenty-one teams is designated as eligible to represent Canada at the 2018 Olympics, based on rankings from the Canadian Team Ranking System (CTRS). From the pool of twenty-one, seven teams were selected","Document [13](Title: Canada at the 2018 Winter Olympics) on January 8, 2017. Canada qualified a men's team by earning enough points in the last two World Curling Championships. The Olympic team was decided at the 2017 Canadian Olympic Curling Trials. The Canadian team consists of Kevin Koe, Marc Kennedy, Brent Laing, Ben Hebert, and Scott Pfeifer. Canada has a bye in draws 4, 8 and 11. \"Wednesday, 14 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 14 February, 20:05\" \"Thursday, 15 February, 14:05\" \"Friday, 16 February, 20:05\" \"Saturday, 17 February, 14:05\" \"Sunday, 18 February, 09:05\" \"Monday, 19 February, 14:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 14:05\" \"Thursday, 22 February, 20:05\" \"Friday, 23","Document [14](Title: Curling World Cup) European Zone, the third in the Americas Zone, and a Grand Final in Beijing. In January 2018, the World Curling Federation announced the name of the tournament would be changed to the Curling World Cup, and consist of men's, women's, and mixed doubles events. On July 19, 2018, details about the Curling World Cup were announced, including the host cities, format, qualification rules, and logos for each leg of the event. Curling World Cup matches have eight ends, rather than the standard ten ends. Ties after eight ends will be decided by a shoot-out, with each team throwing a stone","Document [15](Title: 2018 World Men's Curling Championship) The 2018 World Men's Curling Championship (branded as the 361\u02da World Men's Curling Championship 2018 for sponsorship reasons) was held from March 31 to April 8, 2018 at Orleans Arena, on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada, United States.","Document [16](Title: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament) \"Monday, 19 February, 09:05\" \"Monday, 19 February, 20:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 14:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 20:05\" \"Friday, 23 February, 20:05\" \"Saturday, 24 February, 20:05\" \"Sunday, 25 February, 9:05\" The final standings are: Player percentages during round robin play are as follows: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament The women's curling tournament of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held between 14 and 25 February 2018 at the Gangneung Curling Centre. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the","Document [17](Title: 2016 World Men's Curling Championship) 2016 World Men's Curling Championship The 2016 World Men's Curling Championship was held from April 2 to 10 at St. Jakobshalle in Basel, Switzerland. The following nations are qualified to participate in the 2016 World Men's Curling Championship: \"Final Round Robin Standings\" All draw times are listed in Central European Summer Time (UTC+2). \"Saturday, April 2, 14:00\" \"Saturday, April 2, 19:00\" \"Sunday, April 3, 9:00\" \"Sunday, April 3, 14:00\" \"Sunday, April 3, 19:00\" \"Monday, April 4, 9:00\" \"Monday, April 4, 14:00\" \"Monday, April 4, 19:00\" \"Tuesday, April 5, 9:00\" \"Tuesday, April 5, 14:00\" \"Tuesday, April 5, 19:00\" \"Wednesday, April 6,","Document [18](Title: 2013 World Men's Curling Championship) 2013 World Men's Curling Championship The 2013 World Men's Curling Championship (branded as the Ford World Men's Curling Championship 2013 for sponsorship reasons) was held from March 30 to April 7 at the Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. This marked the twenty-first time that Canada hosted the World Men's Championship, the fifth time that the province of British Columbia hosted the World Men's Championship, and the second time that Victoria hosted the World Men's Championship. Victoria previously hosted the championships in 2005. The event was also a qualifying event for the 2014 Winter Olympics, awarding points to","Document [19](Title: 2019 World Qualification Event) in the 2019 World Qualification Event: 2019 World Qualification Event The 2019 World Qualification Event will be held from January 18 to 23 at the Maniototo Curling International rink in Naseby, New Zealand. It will be jointly hosted by Australia and New Zealand, with the New Zealand women's team taking one host berth and the Australia men's team the other. The top two finishers in the men's and women's divisions will qualify for the 2019 World Men's Curling Championship and 2019 World Women's Curling Championship respectively. The following nations are qualified to participate in the 2019 World Qualification Event: The","Document [20](Title: Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) 21, 2:00 PM\" \"Monday, February 22, 9:00 AM\" \"Monday, February 22, 7:00 PM\" \"Tuesday, February 23, 2:00 PM\" \"Wednesday, February 24, 2:00 PM\" \"Thursday, February 25, 2:00 PM\" *<\/nowiki> - rock picked up debris \"Saturday, February 27, 9:00 AM\" *<\/nowiki> - rock picked up debris \"Saturday, February 27, 3:00 PM\" Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament took place at the Vancouver Olympic\/Paralympic Centre. The draws took place between 16 and 25 February 2010 and the final took place on 27 February 2010. The preliminary round was a round-robin tournament between all 10 teams;"],"query":"when does the men's worlds curling start?","answers":["March 31"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: 2017 World Men's Curling Championship) of the sport to win the world junior title, the Olympic gold medal, and the world men's title, and Canada became the first country ever to be in simultaneous possession of Olympic and World championships in both men's and women's curling. The following nations qualified to participate in the 2017 World Men's Curling Championship: Year to date World Curling Tour order of merit ranking for each team prior to the event. \"Final Round Robin Standings\" All times listed in Mountain Daylight Time (UTC\u22126). \"Saturday, April 1, 14:00\" \"Saturday, April 1, 19:00\" \"Sunday, April 2, 9:00\" \"Sunday, April 2, 14:00\" \"Sunday,","Document [2](Title: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) \"Sunday, 18 February, 20:05\" \"Monday, 19 February, 14:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 09:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 20:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 14:05\" \"Thursday, 22 February, 9:05\" \"Thursday, 22 February, 20:05\" \"Friday, 23 February, 15:35\" \"Saturday, 24 February, 15:35\" The final standings are: Player percentages during round robin play are as follows: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held between 14 and 24 February 2018 at the Gangneung Curling Centre. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round","Document [3](Title: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held between 14 and 24 February 2018 at the Gangneung Curling Centre. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the medal round. The teams are listed as follows: All draw times are listed in Seoul Time (UTC+9). \"Wednesday, 14 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 14 February, 20:05\" \"Thursday, 15 February, 14:05\" \"Friday, 16 February, 09:05\" \"Friday, 16 February, 20:05\" \"Saturday, 17 February, 14:05\" \"Sunday, 18 February, 09:05\"","Document [4](Title: Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) February, 09:00\" \"Friday, 14 February, 19:00\" \"Saturday, 15 February, 14:00\" \"Sunday, 16 February, 09:00\" \"Sunday, 16 February, 19:00\" \"Monday, 17 February, 14:00\" \"Tuesday, 18 February, 9:00\" \"Wednesday, 19 February, 19:00\" \"Friday, 21 February, 12:30\" \"Friday, 21 February, 17:30\" Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2014 Winter Olympics was held at the Ice Cube Curling Center in Sochi, Russia on 10\u201321 February 2014. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the medal round. The teams are","Document [5](Title: Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament of the 2014 Winter Olympics was held at the Ice Cube Curling Center in Sochi, Russia on 10\u201321 February 2014. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the medal round. The teams are listed as follows: All draw times are listed in Moscow Time (UTC+4). \"Monday, 10 February, 09:00\" \"Monday, 10 February, 19:00\" \"Tuesday, 11 February, 14:00\" \"Wednesday, 12 February, 09:00\" \"Wednesday, 12 February, 19:00\" \"Thursday, 13 February, 14:00\" \"Friday, 14","Document [6](Title: Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament) February 18, 2:00 PM\" \"Friday, February 19, 9:00 AM\" \"Friday, February 19, 7:00 PM\" \"Saturday, February 20, 2:00 PM\" \"Sunday, February 21, 9:00 AM\" \"Sunday, February 21, 7:00 PM\" \"Monday, February 22, 2:00 PM\" \"Tuesday, February 23, 9:00 AM\" \"Tuesday, February 23, 7:00 PM\" \"Thursday, February 25, 9:00 AM\" \"Friday, February 26, 9:00 AM\" \"Friday, February 26, 3:00 PM\" Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament The women's curling tournament took place at the Vancouver Olympic\/Paralympic Centre. The draws took place between 16 and 25 February 2010 and the final took place on 26 February 2010. All start","Document [7](Title: 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup) the current world champions, a team specifically invited, and the two highest remaining teams on the Curling World Cup ranking list will qualify for the Grand Final. Two separate teams from the same member association may qualify for the Grand Final. \"Sunday, September 17, 12:00\" \"Sunday, September 17, 16:00\" \"Sunday, September 16, 08:30\" \"Sunday, December 9, 12:00\" \"Sunday, December 9, 16:00\" \"Sunday, December 9, 08:30\" 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup The 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup will be the first edition of the Curling World Cup, held between men's, women's, and mixed doubles teams. It will take place in three legs and","Document [8](Title: Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics) played every other team. The top four teams from the round robin advanced to the playoffs. The top four teams at the conclusion of the round robin advanced to the playoffs. \"Thursday, 20 February, 12:30\" \"Thursday, 20 February, 17:30\" Curling at the 2014 Winter Olympics The curling competition of the 2014 Winter Olympics was held at the Ice Cube Curling Center, nicknamed \"the Ice Cube\". It is the sixth time that curling was on the Olympic program. In both the men's and women's competitions, ten nations competed. These two events took place from 10 to 21 February 2014. The Canadian","Document [9](Title: 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup \u2013 First Leg) 14, 12:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 16:00\" \"Saturday, September 15, 08:30\" \"Saturday, September 15, 16:00\" \"Saturday, September 15, 19:30\" \"Sunday, September 17, 16:00\" \"After Draw 14\" \"Wednesday, September 12, 18:30\" \"Thursday, September 13, 08:30\" \"Thursday, September 13, 16:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 08:30\" \"Friday, September 14, 12:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 16:00\" \"Friday, September 14, 19:30\" \"Saturday, September 15, 12:00\" \"Saturday, September 15, 16:00\" \"Sunday, September 16, 08:30\" 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup \u2013 First Leg The First Leg of the 2018\u201319 Curling World Cup took place from September 12 to 16, 2018 at the Suzhou Olympic Sports Center in Suzhou, China. Canada had","Document [10](Title: 2013 World Men's Curling Championship) \"Thursday, April 4, 14:00\" \"Thursday, April 4, 19:00\" \"Friday, April 5, 19:00\" \"Saturday, April 6, 11:00\" \"Saturday, April 6, 16:00\" \"Sunday, April 7, 11:00\" \"Sunday, April 7, 16:00\" \"Round robin only\" \"Round robin only\" 2013 World Men's Curling Championship The 2013 World Men's Curling Championship (branded as the Ford World Men's Curling Championship 2013 for sponsorship reasons) was held from March 30 to April 7 at the Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. This marked the twenty-first time that Canada hosted the World Men's Championship, the fifth time that the province of British Columbia hosted the World Men's","Document [11](Title: Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament took place at the Vancouver Olympic\/Paralympic Centre. The draws took place between 16 and 25 February 2010 and the final took place on 27 February 2010. The preliminary round was a round-robin tournament between all 10 teams; the top four qualified for the medal round. \"Tuesday, February 16, 9:00 AM\" \"Tuesday, February 16, 7:00 PM\" \"Wednesday, February 17, 2:00 PM\" \"Thursday, February 18, 9:00 AM\" \"Thursday, February 18, 7:00 PM\" \"Friday, February 19, 2:00 PM\" \"Saturday, February 20, 9:00 AM\" \"Saturday, February 20, 7:00 PM\" \"Sunday, February","Document [12](Title: 2017 Canadian Olympic Curling Trials) \"Sunday, November 12, 19:30\" \"Final Round Robin Standings\" \"Friday, November 10, 23:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 07:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 12:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 13:30\" \"Saturday, November 11, 19:00\" \"Saturday, November 11, 19:00\" \"Sunday, November 12, 9:00\" \"Sunday, November 12, 14:00\" The qualification process for the 2017 Olympic trials differed slightly from the process used at the 2013 trials. For both the men's and women's categories, a pool of twenty-one teams is designated as eligible to represent Canada at the 2018 Olympics, based on rankings from the Canadian Team Ranking System (CTRS). From the pool of twenty-one, seven teams were selected","Document [13](Title: Canada at the 2018 Winter Olympics) on January 8, 2017. Canada qualified a men's team by earning enough points in the last two World Curling Championships. The Olympic team was decided at the 2017 Canadian Olympic Curling Trials. The Canadian team consists of Kevin Koe, Marc Kennedy, Brent Laing, Ben Hebert, and Scott Pfeifer. Canada has a bye in draws 4, 8 and 11. \"Wednesday, 14 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 14 February, 20:05\" \"Thursday, 15 February, 14:05\" \"Friday, 16 February, 20:05\" \"Saturday, 17 February, 14:05\" \"Sunday, 18 February, 09:05\" \"Monday, 19 February, 14:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 14:05\" \"Thursday, 22 February, 20:05\" \"Friday, 23","Document [14](Title: Curling World Cup) European Zone, the third in the Americas Zone, and a Grand Final in Beijing. In January 2018, the World Curling Federation announced the name of the tournament would be changed to the Curling World Cup, and consist of men's, women's, and mixed doubles events. On July 19, 2018, details about the Curling World Cup were announced, including the host cities, format, qualification rules, and logos for each leg of the event. Curling World Cup matches have eight ends, rather than the standard ten ends. Ties after eight ends will be decided by a shoot-out, with each team throwing a stone","Document [15](Title: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament) \"Monday, 19 February, 09:05\" \"Monday, 19 February, 20:05\" \"Tuesday, 20 February, 14:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 09:05\" \"Wednesday, 21 February, 20:05\" \"Friday, 23 February, 20:05\" \"Saturday, 24 February, 20:05\" \"Sunday, 25 February, 9:05\" The final standings are: Player percentages during round robin play are as follows: Curling at the 2018 Winter Olympics \u2013 Women's tournament The women's curling tournament of the 2018 Winter Olympics was held between 14 and 25 February 2018 at the Gangneung Curling Centre. Ten nations competed in a round robin preliminary round, and the top four nations at the conclusion of the round robin qualified for the","Document [16](Title: 2016 World Men's Curling Championship) 2016 World Men's Curling Championship The 2016 World Men's Curling Championship was held from April 2 to 10 at St. Jakobshalle in Basel, Switzerland. The following nations are qualified to participate in the 2016 World Men's Curling Championship: \"Final Round Robin Standings\" All draw times are listed in Central European Summer Time (UTC+2). \"Saturday, April 2, 14:00\" \"Saturday, April 2, 19:00\" \"Sunday, April 3, 9:00\" \"Sunday, April 3, 14:00\" \"Sunday, April 3, 19:00\" \"Monday, April 4, 9:00\" \"Monday, April 4, 14:00\" \"Monday, April 4, 19:00\" \"Tuesday, April 5, 9:00\" \"Tuesday, April 5, 14:00\" \"Tuesday, April 5, 19:00\" \"Wednesday, April 6,","Document [17](Title: 2013 World Men's Curling Championship) 2013 World Men's Curling Championship The 2013 World Men's Curling Championship (branded as the Ford World Men's Curling Championship 2013 for sponsorship reasons) was held from March 30 to April 7 at the Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. This marked the twenty-first time that Canada hosted the World Men's Championship, the fifth time that the province of British Columbia hosted the World Men's Championship, and the second time that Victoria hosted the World Men's Championship. Victoria previously hosted the championships in 2005. The event was also a qualifying event for the 2014 Winter Olympics, awarding points to","Document [18](Title: 2019 World Qualification Event) in the 2019 World Qualification Event: 2019 World Qualification Event The 2019 World Qualification Event will be held from January 18 to 23 at the Maniototo Curling International rink in Naseby, New Zealand. It will be jointly hosted by Australia and New Zealand, with the New Zealand women's team taking one host berth and the Australia men's team the other. The top two finishers in the men's and women's divisions will qualify for the 2019 World Men's Curling Championship and 2019 World Women's Curling Championship respectively. The following nations are qualified to participate in the 2019 World Qualification Event: The","Document [19](Title: Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament) 21, 2:00 PM\" \"Monday, February 22, 9:00 AM\" \"Monday, February 22, 7:00 PM\" \"Tuesday, February 23, 2:00 PM\" \"Wednesday, February 24, 2:00 PM\" \"Thursday, February 25, 2:00 PM\" *<\/nowiki> - rock picked up debris \"Saturday, February 27, 9:00 AM\" *<\/nowiki> - rock picked up debris \"Saturday, February 27, 3:00 PM\" Curling at the 2010 Winter Olympics \u2013 Men's tournament The men's curling tournament took place at the Vancouver Olympic\/Paralympic Centre. The draws took place between 16 and 25 February 2010 and the final took place on 27 February 2010. The preliminary round was a round-robin tournament between all 10 teams;","Document [20](Title: 2018 World Men's Curling Championship) The 2018 World Men's Curling Championship (branded as the 361\u02da World Men's Curling Championship 2018 for sponsorship reasons) was held from March 31 to April 8, 2018 at Orleans Arena, on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada, United States."],"query":"when does the men's worlds curling start?","answers":["March 31"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Helminthiasis) Helminths may cause iron-deficiency anemia. This is most severe in heavy hookworm infections, as Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale feed directly on the blood of their hosts. Although the daily consumption of an individual worm (0.02\u20130.07 ml and 0.14\u20130.26 ml respectively) is small, the collective consumption under heavy infection can be clinically significantly. Intestinal whipworm may also cause anemia. Anemia has also been associated with reduced stamina for physical labor, a decline in the ability to learn new information, and apathy, irritability, and fatigue. A study of the effect of deworming and iron supplementation in 47 students from the Democratic","Document [2](Title: Helminthiasis) Helminthiasis Helminthiasis, also known as worm infection, is any macroparasitic disease of humans and other animals in which a part of the body is infected with parasitic worms, known as helminths. There are numerous species of these parasites, which are broadly classified into tapeworms, flukes, and roundworms. They often live in the gastrointestinal tract of their hosts, but they may also burrow into other organs, where they induce physiological damage. Soil-transmitted helminthiasis and schistosomiasis are the most important helminthiases, and are among the neglected tropical diseases. This group of helmianthiases have been targeted under the joint action of the world's","Document [3](Title: Helminthiasis) memory and fluency. Large parasite burdens, particularly severe hookworm infections, are also associated with absenteeism, under-enrollment, and attrition in school children. Of all the known helminth species, the most important helminths with respect to understanding their transmission pathways, their control, inactivation and enumeration in samples of human excreta from dried feces, faecal sludge, wastewater, and sewage sludge are: Helminthiases are classified as follows (the disease names end with \"-sis\" and the causative worms are in brackets): Helminths are transmitted to the final host in several ways. The most common infection is through ingestion of contaminated vegetables, drinking water, and raw","Document [4](Title: Illithid) 4 inches and 6 feet 2 inches. The most desirable of races for hosts are Humans, Drow, Elves, Githzerai, Githyanki , Grimlocks, Gnolls, Goblinoids, and Orcs. Upon being implanted (through the ear canal), the larva then grows and consumes the host's brain, absorbing the host's physical form entirely and becoming sapient itself, a physically mature (but mentally young) Illithid. This process is called \"ceremorphosis\". Illithids often experiment with non-humanoid hosts, but ceremorphosis involving other creatures usually fails, killing both host and larva. The transformation between the host (almost always a human or similar humanoid, such as an elf or dwarf)","Document [5](Title: Hematophagy) Hematophagy Hematophagy (sometimes spelled haematophagy or hematophagia) is the practice by certain animals of feeding on blood (from the Greek words \u03b1\u1f37\u03bc\u03b1 \"haima\" \"blood\" and \u03c6\u03ac\u03b3\u03b5\u03b9\u03bd \"phagein\" \"to eat\"). Since blood is a fluid tissue rich in nutritious proteins and lipids that can be taken without great effort, hematophagy has evolved as a preferred form of feeding for many small animals, such as worms and arthropods. Some intestinal nematodes, such as Ancylostomids, feed on blood extracted from the capillaries of the gut, and about 75 percent of all species of leeches (e.g., \"Hirudo medicinalis\"), a free-living worm, are hematophagous. Some","Document [6](Title: Parasitic worm) Parasitic worm Parasitic worms, also known as helminths, are large macroparasites, which as adults can generally be seen with the naked eye. Many are intestinal worms that are soil-transmitted and infect the gastrointestinal tract. Other parasitic worms such as schistosomes reside in blood vessels. There is no taxonomy of parasitic worms since it is an umbrella term that includes many species of worm from different genera, having parasitism as a commonality. These include two classes of the flatworm (Platyhelminthes) phylum, namely cestodes (tapeworms) and trematodes (flukes and blood flukes), many species of nematodes (roundworms), and the acanthocephalins known as thorny-headed","Document [7](Title: Helminthology) Helminthology Helminthology is the study of parasitic worms (helminths), while helminthiasis describes the medical condition of being infected with helminths. Helminthology studies the taxonomy of helminths and their effects on their hosts. The origin of the first compound of the word is the Greek \"\u1f15\u03bb\u03bc\u03b9\u03bd\u03c2\" - helmins, meaning \"worm\". In the 18th and early 19th century there was wave of publications on helminthology; this period has been described as the science's \"Golden Era\". During that period the authors F\u00e9lix Dujardin, William Blaxland Benham, Peter Simon Pallas, Marcus Elieser Bloch, Otto Friedrich M\u00fcller, Johann Goeze, Friedrich Zenker, Charles Wardell Stiles, Carl","Document [8](Title: Vandellia) dark bands extending from the dorsal fin and the anal fin and converging onto the caudal fin. \"V. sanguinea\" may grow to 5.3 centimetres (2.1 in) SL. \"V. cirrhosa\" grows up to SL. These species are hematophagous (blood-consuming) parasites, like all other members of the subfamily Vandelliinae. \"V. cirrhosa\" uses visual and chemo-sensory orientation to find potential hosts. It is active both during the daytime and nighttime while foraging. \"V. cirrhosa\" enters the gill chambers of larger fish to suck blood. It bites mostly at the ventral or dorsal aorta arteries, and the blood is pumped into its gut by","Document [9](Title: Helminthiasis) the body. Helminths excrete into the intestine toxic substances after they feed. These substances then enter the circulatory and lymphatic systems of the host body. Chronic immune responses to helminthiasis may lead to increased susceptibility to other infections such as tuberculosis, HIV, and malaria. There is conflicting information about whether deworming reduces HIV progression and viral load and increases CD4 counts in antiretroviral naive and experienced individuals, although the most recent Cochrane review found some evidence that this approach might have favorable effects. Chronic helminthiasis may cause severe morbidity. Helminthiasis has been found to result in poor birth outcome, poor","Document [10](Title: Parasitic worm) number of different helminth species is vast: it is estimated to be around one million species. The nematodes are the most diverse of all the helminths with the highest number of species. There may be as many as 300,000 species of parasites affecting vertebrates, and as many as 300 affecting humans alone. Characteristics that are common for all helminths include: Lifetime: Eggs: Larvae: The following table shows the principal morphological and reproductive distinctions for three helminth groups: Draft genomes for all categories of helminth have been sequenced in recent years and are available through the ParaSite sub-portal of WormBase. Parasitic","Document [11](Title: Helminthiasis) including sub-Saharan Africa, central and east Asia, and the Americas. Some types of helminthiases are classified as neglected tropical diseases. They include: The soil-transmitted helminths (\"A. lumbricoides\", \"T. trichiura\", \"N. americanus\", \"A. duodenale)\", schistosomes, and filarial worms collectively infect more than a quarter of the human population worldwide at any one time, far surpassing HIV and malaria together. Schistosomiasis is the second most prevalent parasitic disease of humans after malaria. In 2014\u201315, the WHO estimated that approximately 2 billion people were infected with soil-transmitted helminthiases, 249 million with schistosomiasis, 56 million people with food-borne trematodiasis, 120 million with lymphatic filariasis,","Document [12](Title: Parasitic worm) name of a type of helminth, and ascariasis is the name of the infection caused by that helminth. There is no real consensus on the taxonomy (or groupings) of the helminths, particularly with the nematodes. The term \"helminth\" contains a number of phyla, many of which are completely unrelated. However, for practical considerations the term is still used nowadays to describe four groups with superficial similarities, the phyla Annelida, Platyhelminths, Nematoda and Acanthocephala. There is in fact no helminth classification; it is an \"artificial\" term. The most important helminths in the sanitation field are the human parasites, which is why","Document [13](Title: Helminthology) Asmund Rudolphi, Otto Friedrich Bernhard von Linstow and Johann Gottfried Bremser started systematic scientific studies of the subject. The Japanese parasitologist Satyu Yamaguti was one of the most active helminthologists of the 20th century; he wrote the six-volume \"Systema Helminthum\". Helminthology Helminthology is the study of parasitic worms (helminths), while helminthiasis describes the medical condition of being infected with helminths. Helminthology studies the taxonomy of helminths and their effects on their hosts. The origin of the first compound of the word is the Greek \"\u1f15\u03bb\u03bc\u03b9\u03bd\u03c2\" - helmins, meaning \"worm\". In the 18th and early 19th century there was wave of","Document [14](Title: Parasitic worm) worms. Some other parasitic worm species from the annelids (ringed worms), including the leeches are ectoparasites and so are not classified as helminths which are endoparasites. Parasitic worms live in and feed in living hosts. They receive nourishment and protection while disrupting their hosts' nutrient absorption. This can cause weakness and disease of the host. In their adult form, parasitic worms cannot multiply in humans. Helminths are able to survive in their mammalian hosts for many years due to their ability to manipulate the immune response by secreting immunomodulatory products. All parasitic worms produce eggs for reproduction. These eggs have","Document [15](Title: Helminthiasis) transmitted helminthiasis. The 1990\u20132013 Global Burden of Disease Study estimated 5,500 direct deaths from schistosomiasis, while more than 200,000 people were estimated in 2013 to die annually from causes related to schistosomiasis. Another 20 million have severe consequences from the disease. It is the most deadly of the neglected tropical diseases. Helminthiasis Helminthiasis, also known as worm infection, is any macroparasitic disease of humans and other animals in which a part of the body is infected with parasitic worms, known as helminths. There are numerous species of these parasites, which are broadly classified into tapeworms, flukes, and roundworms. They often","Document [16](Title: Hepatozoon) blood films. When the invertebrate vector feeds on the blood of the infected vertebrate, the gamonts are taken up into the gut once more, where they undergo gametogenesis and the cycle begins once more. This simplified lifecycle is, of course, insufficient for species which infect vertebrate and invertebrate hosts which do not directly feed on one another, necessitating an even more complex cycle. For instance, \"Hepatozoon sipedon\" infects mosquitoes and snakes, but since snakes do not typically feed on mosquitoes, a third, intermediate host is required, in this case a frog. The frog ingests the infected mosquito, and the snake","Document [17](Title: Haematopinus suis) acts as an anticoagulant. Once penetrated, the blood is sucked up the food channel by a mechanism located in the louse's head. The blood enters the digestive tract, where enzymes hemolyse erythrocytes (the blood is essentially disintegrated to keep it in liquid form); the hemolysation may also serve to inhibit disease transmission (i.e. bacterial infection). Nymphal \"H. suis\" spend most of their time in and around the head region of the hog, specifically the ears. As they mature, they move to other areas on the host's body, primarily the abdominal region. Because it is a permanent parasite, the hog louse","Document [18](Title: Parasitic worm) having a parasitological infection, such as schistosomiasis. Parasitic worm Parasitic worms, also known as helminths, are large macroparasites, which as adults can generally be seen with the naked eye. Many are intestinal worms that are soil-transmitted and infect the gastrointestinal tract. Other parasitic worms such as schistosomes reside in blood vessels. There is no taxonomy of parasitic worms since it is an umbrella term that includes many species of worm from different genera, having parasitism as a commonality. These include two classes of the flatworm (Platyhelminthes) phylum, namely cestodes (tapeworms) and trematodes (flukes and blood flukes), many species of nematodes","Document [19](Title: Hookworm infection) of the mucous membranes, fatigue and weakness, shortness of breath and in cases running a fatal course, dysentery, hemorrhages and edema. The worms suck blood and damage the mucosa. However, the blood loss in the stools is not visibly apparent. Blood tests in early infection often show a rise in numbers of eosinophils, a type of white blood cell that is preferentially stimulated by worm infections in tissues (large numbers of eosinophils are also present in the local inflammatory response). Falling blood hemoglobin levels will be seen in cases of prolonged infection with anemia. In contrast to most intestinal helminthiases,","Document [20](Title: Leech) non-protusible pharynx which may or may not be armed with jaws. In the proboscisless leeches, the jaws of Arhynchobdellids are at the front of the mouth, and have three blades set at an angle to each other. In feeding these slice their way through the skin of the host, leaving a Y-shaped incision. Behind the blades is the mouth, located ventrally at the anterior end of the body. It leads successively into the pharynx, a short oesophagus, a crop (in some species), a stomach and a hindgut, which ends at an anus located just above the posterior sucker. The stomach"],"query":"which of the following helmiths feeds on blood?","answers":["Necator americanus","Ancylostoma duodenale"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Helminthiasis) Helminthiasis Helminthiasis, also known as worm infection, is any macroparasitic disease of humans and other animals in which a part of the body is infected with parasitic worms, known as helminths. There are numerous species of these parasites, which are broadly classified into tapeworms, flukes, and roundworms. They often live in the gastrointestinal tract of their hosts, but they may also burrow into other organs, where they induce physiological damage. Soil-transmitted helminthiasis and schistosomiasis are the most important helminthiases, and are among the neglected tropical diseases. This group of helmianthiases have been targeted under the joint action of the world's","Document [2](Title: Helminthiasis) memory and fluency. Large parasite burdens, particularly severe hookworm infections, are also associated with absenteeism, under-enrollment, and attrition in school children. Of all the known helminth species, the most important helminths with respect to understanding their transmission pathways, their control, inactivation and enumeration in samples of human excreta from dried feces, faecal sludge, wastewater, and sewage sludge are: Helminthiases are classified as follows (the disease names end with \"-sis\" and the causative worms are in brackets): Helminths are transmitted to the final host in several ways. The most common infection is through ingestion of contaminated vegetables, drinking water, and raw","Document [3](Title: Illithid) 4 inches and 6 feet 2 inches. The most desirable of races for hosts are Humans, Drow, Elves, Githzerai, Githyanki , Grimlocks, Gnolls, Goblinoids, and Orcs. Upon being implanted (through the ear canal), the larva then grows and consumes the host's brain, absorbing the host's physical form entirely and becoming sapient itself, a physically mature (but mentally young) Illithid. This process is called \"ceremorphosis\". Illithids often experiment with non-humanoid hosts, but ceremorphosis involving other creatures usually fails, killing both host and larva. The transformation between the host (almost always a human or similar humanoid, such as an elf or dwarf)","Document [4](Title: Hematophagy) Hematophagy Hematophagy (sometimes spelled haematophagy or hematophagia) is the practice by certain animals of feeding on blood (from the Greek words \u03b1\u1f37\u03bc\u03b1 \"haima\" \"blood\" and \u03c6\u03ac\u03b3\u03b5\u03b9\u03bd \"phagein\" \"to eat\"). Since blood is a fluid tissue rich in nutritious proteins and lipids that can be taken without great effort, hematophagy has evolved as a preferred form of feeding for many small animals, such as worms and arthropods. Some intestinal nematodes, such as Ancylostomids, feed on blood extracted from the capillaries of the gut, and about 75 percent of all species of leeches (e.g., \"Hirudo medicinalis\"), a free-living worm, are hematophagous. Some","Document [5](Title: Helminthiasis) Helminths may cause iron-deficiency anemia. This is most severe in heavy hookworm infections, as Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale feed directly on the blood of their hosts. Although the daily consumption of an individual worm (0.02\u20130.07 ml and 0.14\u20130.26 ml respectively) is small, the collective consumption under heavy infection can be clinically significantly. Intestinal whipworm may also cause anemia. Anemia has also been associated with reduced stamina for physical labor, a decline in the ability to learn new information, and apathy, irritability, and fatigue. A study of the effect of deworming and iron supplementation in 47 students from the Democratic","Document [6](Title: Parasitic worm) Parasitic worm Parasitic worms, also known as helminths, are large macroparasites, which as adults can generally be seen with the naked eye. Many are intestinal worms that are soil-transmitted and infect the gastrointestinal tract. Other parasitic worms such as schistosomes reside in blood vessels. There is no taxonomy of parasitic worms since it is an umbrella term that includes many species of worm from different genera, having parasitism as a commonality. These include two classes of the flatworm (Platyhelminthes) phylum, namely cestodes (tapeworms) and trematodes (flukes and blood flukes), many species of nematodes (roundworms), and the acanthocephalins known as thorny-headed","Document [7](Title: Helminthology) Helminthology Helminthology is the study of parasitic worms (helminths), while helminthiasis describes the medical condition of being infected with helminths. Helminthology studies the taxonomy of helminths and their effects on their hosts. The origin of the first compound of the word is the Greek \"\u1f15\u03bb\u03bc\u03b9\u03bd\u03c2\" - helmins, meaning \"worm\". In the 18th and early 19th century there was wave of publications on helminthology; this period has been described as the science's \"Golden Era\". During that period the authors F\u00e9lix Dujardin, William Blaxland Benham, Peter Simon Pallas, Marcus Elieser Bloch, Otto Friedrich M\u00fcller, Johann Goeze, Friedrich Zenker, Charles Wardell Stiles, Carl","Document [8](Title: Vandellia) dark bands extending from the dorsal fin and the anal fin and converging onto the caudal fin. \"V. sanguinea\" may grow to 5.3 centimetres (2.1 in) SL. \"V. cirrhosa\" grows up to SL. These species are hematophagous (blood-consuming) parasites, like all other members of the subfamily Vandelliinae. \"V. cirrhosa\" uses visual and chemo-sensory orientation to find potential hosts. It is active both during the daytime and nighttime while foraging. \"V. cirrhosa\" enters the gill chambers of larger fish to suck blood. It bites mostly at the ventral or dorsal aorta arteries, and the blood is pumped into its gut by","Document [9](Title: Helminthiasis) the body. Helminths excrete into the intestine toxic substances after they feed. These substances then enter the circulatory and lymphatic systems of the host body. Chronic immune responses to helminthiasis may lead to increased susceptibility to other infections such as tuberculosis, HIV, and malaria. There is conflicting information about whether deworming reduces HIV progression and viral load and increases CD4 counts in antiretroviral naive and experienced individuals, although the most recent Cochrane review found some evidence that this approach might have favorable effects. Chronic helminthiasis may cause severe morbidity. Helminthiasis has been found to result in poor birth outcome, poor","Document [10](Title: Parasitic worm) number of different helminth species is vast: it is estimated to be around one million species. The nematodes are the most diverse of all the helminths with the highest number of species. There may be as many as 300,000 species of parasites affecting vertebrates, and as many as 300 affecting humans alone. Characteristics that are common for all helminths include: Lifetime: Eggs: Larvae: The following table shows the principal morphological and reproductive distinctions for three helminth groups: Draft genomes for all categories of helminth have been sequenced in recent years and are available through the ParaSite sub-portal of WormBase. Parasitic","Document [11](Title: Helminthiasis) including sub-Saharan Africa, central and east Asia, and the Americas. Some types of helminthiases are classified as neglected tropical diseases. They include: The soil-transmitted helminths (\"A. lumbricoides\", \"T. trichiura\", \"N. americanus\", \"A. duodenale)\", schistosomes, and filarial worms collectively infect more than a quarter of the human population worldwide at any one time, far surpassing HIV and malaria together. Schistosomiasis is the second most prevalent parasitic disease of humans after malaria. In 2014\u201315, the WHO estimated that approximately 2 billion people were infected with soil-transmitted helminthiases, 249 million with schistosomiasis, 56 million people with food-borne trematodiasis, 120 million with lymphatic filariasis,","Document [12](Title: Parasitic worm) name of a type of helminth, and ascariasis is the name of the infection caused by that helminth. There is no real consensus on the taxonomy (or groupings) of the helminths, particularly with the nematodes. The term \"helminth\" contains a number of phyla, many of which are completely unrelated. However, for practical considerations the term is still used nowadays to describe four groups with superficial similarities, the phyla Annelida, Platyhelminths, Nematoda and Acanthocephala. There is in fact no helminth classification; it is an \"artificial\" term. The most important helminths in the sanitation field are the human parasites, which is why","Document [13](Title: Helminthology) Asmund Rudolphi, Otto Friedrich Bernhard von Linstow and Johann Gottfried Bremser started systematic scientific studies of the subject. The Japanese parasitologist Satyu Yamaguti was one of the most active helminthologists of the 20th century; he wrote the six-volume \"Systema Helminthum\". Helminthology Helminthology is the study of parasitic worms (helminths), while helminthiasis describes the medical condition of being infected with helminths. Helminthology studies the taxonomy of helminths and their effects on their hosts. The origin of the first compound of the word is the Greek \"\u1f15\u03bb\u03bc\u03b9\u03bd\u03c2\" - helmins, meaning \"worm\". In the 18th and early 19th century there was wave of","Document [14](Title: Parasitic worm) worms. Some other parasitic worm species from the annelids (ringed worms), including the leeches are ectoparasites and so are not classified as helminths which are endoparasites. Parasitic worms live in and feed in living hosts. They receive nourishment and protection while disrupting their hosts' nutrient absorption. This can cause weakness and disease of the host. In their adult form, parasitic worms cannot multiply in humans. Helminths are able to survive in their mammalian hosts for many years due to their ability to manipulate the immune response by secreting immunomodulatory products. All parasitic worms produce eggs for reproduction. These eggs have","Document [15](Title: Helminthiasis) transmitted helminthiasis. The 1990\u20132013 Global Burden of Disease Study estimated 5,500 direct deaths from schistosomiasis, while more than 200,000 people were estimated in 2013 to die annually from causes related to schistosomiasis. Another 20 million have severe consequences from the disease. It is the most deadly of the neglected tropical diseases. Helminthiasis Helminthiasis, also known as worm infection, is any macroparasitic disease of humans and other animals in which a part of the body is infected with parasitic worms, known as helminths. There are numerous species of these parasites, which are broadly classified into tapeworms, flukes, and roundworms. They often","Document [16](Title: Hepatozoon) blood films. When the invertebrate vector feeds on the blood of the infected vertebrate, the gamonts are taken up into the gut once more, where they undergo gametogenesis and the cycle begins once more. This simplified lifecycle is, of course, insufficient for species which infect vertebrate and invertebrate hosts which do not directly feed on one another, necessitating an even more complex cycle. For instance, \"Hepatozoon sipedon\" infects mosquitoes and snakes, but since snakes do not typically feed on mosquitoes, a third, intermediate host is required, in this case a frog. The frog ingests the infected mosquito, and the snake","Document [17](Title: Haematopinus suis) acts as an anticoagulant. Once penetrated, the blood is sucked up the food channel by a mechanism located in the louse's head. The blood enters the digestive tract, where enzymes hemolyse erythrocytes (the blood is essentially disintegrated to keep it in liquid form); the hemolysation may also serve to inhibit disease transmission (i.e. bacterial infection). Nymphal \"H. suis\" spend most of their time in and around the head region of the hog, specifically the ears. As they mature, they move to other areas on the host's body, primarily the abdominal region. Because it is a permanent parasite, the hog louse","Document [18](Title: Parasitic worm) having a parasitological infection, such as schistosomiasis. Parasitic worm Parasitic worms, also known as helminths, are large macroparasites, which as adults can generally be seen with the naked eye. Many are intestinal worms that are soil-transmitted and infect the gastrointestinal tract. Other parasitic worms such as schistosomes reside in blood vessels. There is no taxonomy of parasitic worms since it is an umbrella term that includes many species of worm from different genera, having parasitism as a commonality. These include two classes of the flatworm (Platyhelminthes) phylum, namely cestodes (tapeworms) and trematodes (flukes and blood flukes), many species of nematodes","Document [19](Title: Hookworm infection) of the mucous membranes, fatigue and weakness, shortness of breath and in cases running a fatal course, dysentery, hemorrhages and edema. The worms suck blood and damage the mucosa. However, the blood loss in the stools is not visibly apparent. Blood tests in early infection often show a rise in numbers of eosinophils, a type of white blood cell that is preferentially stimulated by worm infections in tissues (large numbers of eosinophils are also present in the local inflammatory response). Falling blood hemoglobin levels will be seen in cases of prolonged infection with anemia. In contrast to most intestinal helminthiases,","Document [20](Title: Leech) non-protusible pharynx which may or may not be armed with jaws. In the proboscisless leeches, the jaws of Arhynchobdellids are at the front of the mouth, and have three blades set at an angle to each other. In feeding these slice their way through the skin of the host, leaving a Y-shaped incision. Behind the blades is the mouth, located ventrally at the anterior end of the body. It leads successively into the pharynx, a short oesophagus, a crop (in some species), a stomach and a hindgut, which ends at an anus located just above the posterior sucker. The stomach"],"query":"which of the following helmiths feeds on blood?","answers":["Necator americanus","Ancylostoma duodenale"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Helminthiasis) Helminthiasis Helminthiasis, also known as worm infection, is any macroparasitic disease of humans and other animals in which a part of the body is infected with parasitic worms, known as helminths. There are numerous species of these parasites, which are broadly classified into tapeworms, flukes, and roundworms. They often live in the gastrointestinal tract of their hosts, but they may also burrow into other organs, where they induce physiological damage. Soil-transmitted helminthiasis and schistosomiasis are the most important helminthiases, and are among the neglected tropical diseases. This group of helmianthiases have been targeted under the joint action of the world's","Document [2](Title: Helminthiasis) memory and fluency. Large parasite burdens, particularly severe hookworm infections, are also associated with absenteeism, under-enrollment, and attrition in school children. Of all the known helminth species, the most important helminths with respect to understanding their transmission pathways, their control, inactivation and enumeration in samples of human excreta from dried feces, faecal sludge, wastewater, and sewage sludge are: Helminthiases are classified as follows (the disease names end with \"-sis\" and the causative worms are in brackets): Helminths are transmitted to the final host in several ways. The most common infection is through ingestion of contaminated vegetables, drinking water, and raw","Document [3](Title: Illithid) 4 inches and 6 feet 2 inches. The most desirable of races for hosts are Humans, Drow, Elves, Githzerai, Githyanki , Grimlocks, Gnolls, Goblinoids, and Orcs. Upon being implanted (through the ear canal), the larva then grows and consumes the host's brain, absorbing the host's physical form entirely and becoming sapient itself, a physically mature (but mentally young) Illithid. This process is called \"ceremorphosis\". Illithids often experiment with non-humanoid hosts, but ceremorphosis involving other creatures usually fails, killing both host and larva. The transformation between the host (almost always a human or similar humanoid, such as an elf or dwarf)","Document [4](Title: Hematophagy) Hematophagy Hematophagy (sometimes spelled haematophagy or hematophagia) is the practice by certain animals of feeding on blood (from the Greek words \u03b1\u1f37\u03bc\u03b1 \"haima\" \"blood\" and \u03c6\u03ac\u03b3\u03b5\u03b9\u03bd \"phagein\" \"to eat\"). Since blood is a fluid tissue rich in nutritious proteins and lipids that can be taken without great effort, hematophagy has evolved as a preferred form of feeding for many small animals, such as worms and arthropods. Some intestinal nematodes, such as Ancylostomids, feed on blood extracted from the capillaries of the gut, and about 75 percent of all species of leeches (e.g., \"Hirudo medicinalis\"), a free-living worm, are hematophagous. Some","Document [5](Title: Parasitic worm) Parasitic worm Parasitic worms, also known as helminths, are large macroparasites, which as adults can generally be seen with the naked eye. Many are intestinal worms that are soil-transmitted and infect the gastrointestinal tract. Other parasitic worms such as schistosomes reside in blood vessels. There is no taxonomy of parasitic worms since it is an umbrella term that includes many species of worm from different genera, having parasitism as a commonality. These include two classes of the flatworm (Platyhelminthes) phylum, namely cestodes (tapeworms) and trematodes (flukes and blood flukes), many species of nematodes (roundworms), and the acanthocephalins known as thorny-headed","Document [6](Title: Helminthology) Helminthology Helminthology is the study of parasitic worms (helminths), while helminthiasis describes the medical condition of being infected with helminths. Helminthology studies the taxonomy of helminths and their effects on their hosts. The origin of the first compound of the word is the Greek \"\u1f15\u03bb\u03bc\u03b9\u03bd\u03c2\" - helmins, meaning \"worm\". In the 18th and early 19th century there was wave of publications on helminthology; this period has been described as the science's \"Golden Era\". During that period the authors F\u00e9lix Dujardin, William Blaxland Benham, Peter Simon Pallas, Marcus Elieser Bloch, Otto Friedrich M\u00fcller, Johann Goeze, Friedrich Zenker, Charles Wardell Stiles, Carl","Document [7](Title: Vandellia) dark bands extending from the dorsal fin and the anal fin and converging onto the caudal fin. \"V. sanguinea\" may grow to 5.3 centimetres (2.1 in) SL. \"V. cirrhosa\" grows up to SL. These species are hematophagous (blood-consuming) parasites, like all other members of the subfamily Vandelliinae. \"V. cirrhosa\" uses visual and chemo-sensory orientation to find potential hosts. It is active both during the daytime and nighttime while foraging. \"V. cirrhosa\" enters the gill chambers of larger fish to suck blood. It bites mostly at the ventral or dorsal aorta arteries, and the blood is pumped into its gut by","Document [8](Title: Helminthiasis) the body. Helminths excrete into the intestine toxic substances after they feed. These substances then enter the circulatory and lymphatic systems of the host body. Chronic immune responses to helminthiasis may lead to increased susceptibility to other infections such as tuberculosis, HIV, and malaria. There is conflicting information about whether deworming reduces HIV progression and viral load and increases CD4 counts in antiretroviral naive and experienced individuals, although the most recent Cochrane review found some evidence that this approach might have favorable effects. Chronic helminthiasis may cause severe morbidity. Helminthiasis has been found to result in poor birth outcome, poor","Document [9](Title: Parasitic worm) number of different helminth species is vast: it is estimated to be around one million species. The nematodes are the most diverse of all the helminths with the highest number of species. There may be as many as 300,000 species of parasites affecting vertebrates, and as many as 300 affecting humans alone. Characteristics that are common for all helminths include: Lifetime: Eggs: Larvae: The following table shows the principal morphological and reproductive distinctions for three helminth groups: Draft genomes for all categories of helminth have been sequenced in recent years and are available through the ParaSite sub-portal of WormBase. Parasitic","Document [10](Title: Helminthiasis) Helminths may cause iron-deficiency anemia. This is most severe in heavy hookworm infections, as Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale feed directly on the blood of their hosts. Although the daily consumption of an individual worm (0.02\u20130.07 ml and 0.14\u20130.26 ml respectively) is small, the collective consumption under heavy infection can be clinically significantly. Intestinal whipworm may also cause anemia. Anemia has also been associated with reduced stamina for physical labor, a decline in the ability to learn new information, and apathy, irritability, and fatigue. A study of the effect of deworming and iron supplementation in 47 students from the Democratic","Document [11](Title: Helminthiasis) including sub-Saharan Africa, central and east Asia, and the Americas. Some types of helminthiases are classified as neglected tropical diseases. They include: The soil-transmitted helminths (\"A. lumbricoides\", \"T. trichiura\", \"N. americanus\", \"A. duodenale)\", schistosomes, and filarial worms collectively infect more than a quarter of the human population worldwide at any one time, far surpassing HIV and malaria together. Schistosomiasis is the second most prevalent parasitic disease of humans after malaria. In 2014\u201315, the WHO estimated that approximately 2 billion people were infected with soil-transmitted helminthiases, 249 million with schistosomiasis, 56 million people with food-borne trematodiasis, 120 million with lymphatic filariasis,","Document [12](Title: Parasitic worm) name of a type of helminth, and ascariasis is the name of the infection caused by that helminth. There is no real consensus on the taxonomy (or groupings) of the helminths, particularly with the nematodes. The term \"helminth\" contains a number of phyla, many of which are completely unrelated. However, for practical considerations the term is still used nowadays to describe four groups with superficial similarities, the phyla Annelida, Platyhelminths, Nematoda and Acanthocephala. There is in fact no helminth classification; it is an \"artificial\" term. The most important helminths in the sanitation field are the human parasites, which is why","Document [13](Title: Helminthology) Asmund Rudolphi, Otto Friedrich Bernhard von Linstow and Johann Gottfried Bremser started systematic scientific studies of the subject. The Japanese parasitologist Satyu Yamaguti was one of the most active helminthologists of the 20th century; he wrote the six-volume \"Systema Helminthum\". Helminthology Helminthology is the study of parasitic worms (helminths), while helminthiasis describes the medical condition of being infected with helminths. Helminthology studies the taxonomy of helminths and their effects on their hosts. The origin of the first compound of the word is the Greek \"\u1f15\u03bb\u03bc\u03b9\u03bd\u03c2\" - helmins, meaning \"worm\". In the 18th and early 19th century there was wave of","Document [14](Title: Parasitic worm) worms. Some other parasitic worm species from the annelids (ringed worms), including the leeches are ectoparasites and so are not classified as helminths which are endoparasites. Parasitic worms live in and feed in living hosts. They receive nourishment and protection while disrupting their hosts' nutrient absorption. This can cause weakness and disease of the host. In their adult form, parasitic worms cannot multiply in humans. Helminths are able to survive in their mammalian hosts for many years due to their ability to manipulate the immune response by secreting immunomodulatory products. All parasitic worms produce eggs for reproduction. These eggs have","Document [15](Title: Helminthiasis) transmitted helminthiasis. The 1990\u20132013 Global Burden of Disease Study estimated 5,500 direct deaths from schistosomiasis, while more than 200,000 people were estimated in 2013 to die annually from causes related to schistosomiasis. Another 20 million have severe consequences from the disease. It is the most deadly of the neglected tropical diseases. Helminthiasis Helminthiasis, also known as worm infection, is any macroparasitic disease of humans and other animals in which a part of the body is infected with parasitic worms, known as helminths. There are numerous species of these parasites, which are broadly classified into tapeworms, flukes, and roundworms. They often","Document [16](Title: Hepatozoon) blood films. When the invertebrate vector feeds on the blood of the infected vertebrate, the gamonts are taken up into the gut once more, where they undergo gametogenesis and the cycle begins once more. This simplified lifecycle is, of course, insufficient for species which infect vertebrate and invertebrate hosts which do not directly feed on one another, necessitating an even more complex cycle. For instance, \"Hepatozoon sipedon\" infects mosquitoes and snakes, but since snakes do not typically feed on mosquitoes, a third, intermediate host is required, in this case a frog. The frog ingests the infected mosquito, and the snake","Document [17](Title: Haematopinus suis) acts as an anticoagulant. Once penetrated, the blood is sucked up the food channel by a mechanism located in the louse's head. The blood enters the digestive tract, where enzymes hemolyse erythrocytes (the blood is essentially disintegrated to keep it in liquid form); the hemolysation may also serve to inhibit disease transmission (i.e. bacterial infection). Nymphal \"H. suis\" spend most of their time in and around the head region of the hog, specifically the ears. As they mature, they move to other areas on the host's body, primarily the abdominal region. Because it is a permanent parasite, the hog louse","Document [18](Title: Parasitic worm) having a parasitological infection, such as schistosomiasis. Parasitic worm Parasitic worms, also known as helminths, are large macroparasites, which as adults can generally be seen with the naked eye. Many are intestinal worms that are soil-transmitted and infect the gastrointestinal tract. Other parasitic worms such as schistosomes reside in blood vessels. There is no taxonomy of parasitic worms since it is an umbrella term that includes many species of worm from different genera, having parasitism as a commonality. These include two classes of the flatworm (Platyhelminthes) phylum, namely cestodes (tapeworms) and trematodes (flukes and blood flukes), many species of nematodes","Document [19](Title: Hookworm infection) of the mucous membranes, fatigue and weakness, shortness of breath and in cases running a fatal course, dysentery, hemorrhages and edema. The worms suck blood and damage the mucosa. However, the blood loss in the stools is not visibly apparent. Blood tests in early infection often show a rise in numbers of eosinophils, a type of white blood cell that is preferentially stimulated by worm infections in tissues (large numbers of eosinophils are also present in the local inflammatory response). Falling blood hemoglobin levels will be seen in cases of prolonged infection with anemia. In contrast to most intestinal helminthiases,","Document [20](Title: Leech) non-protusible pharynx which may or may not be armed with jaws. In the proboscisless leeches, the jaws of Arhynchobdellids are at the front of the mouth, and have three blades set at an angle to each other. In feeding these slice their way through the skin of the host, leaving a Y-shaped incision. Behind the blades is the mouth, located ventrally at the anterior end of the body. It leads successively into the pharynx, a short oesophagus, a crop (in some species), a stomach and a hindgut, which ends at an anus located just above the posterior sucker. The stomach"],"query":"which of the following helmiths feeds on blood?","answers":["Necator americanus","Ancylostoma duodenale"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Helminthiasis) Helminthiasis Helminthiasis, also known as worm infection, is any macroparasitic disease of humans and other animals in which a part of the body is infected with parasitic worms, known as helminths. There are numerous species of these parasites, which are broadly classified into tapeworms, flukes, and roundworms. They often live in the gastrointestinal tract of their hosts, but they may also burrow into other organs, where they induce physiological damage. Soil-transmitted helminthiasis and schistosomiasis are the most important helminthiases, and are among the neglected tropical diseases. This group of helmianthiases have been targeted under the joint action of the world's","Document [2](Title: Helminthiasis) memory and fluency. Large parasite burdens, particularly severe hookworm infections, are also associated with absenteeism, under-enrollment, and attrition in school children. Of all the known helminth species, the most important helminths with respect to understanding their transmission pathways, their control, inactivation and enumeration in samples of human excreta from dried feces, faecal sludge, wastewater, and sewage sludge are: Helminthiases are classified as follows (the disease names end with \"-sis\" and the causative worms are in brackets): Helminths are transmitted to the final host in several ways. The most common infection is through ingestion of contaminated vegetables, drinking water, and raw","Document [3](Title: Illithid) 4 inches and 6 feet 2 inches. The most desirable of races for hosts are Humans, Drow, Elves, Githzerai, Githyanki , Grimlocks, Gnolls, Goblinoids, and Orcs. Upon being implanted (through the ear canal), the larva then grows and consumes the host's brain, absorbing the host's physical form entirely and becoming sapient itself, a physically mature (but mentally young) Illithid. This process is called \"ceremorphosis\". Illithids often experiment with non-humanoid hosts, but ceremorphosis involving other creatures usually fails, killing both host and larva. The transformation between the host (almost always a human or similar humanoid, such as an elf or dwarf)","Document [4](Title: Hematophagy) Hematophagy Hematophagy (sometimes spelled haematophagy or hematophagia) is the practice by certain animals of feeding on blood (from the Greek words \u03b1\u1f37\u03bc\u03b1 \"haima\" \"blood\" and \u03c6\u03ac\u03b3\u03b5\u03b9\u03bd \"phagein\" \"to eat\"). Since blood is a fluid tissue rich in nutritious proteins and lipids that can be taken without great effort, hematophagy has evolved as a preferred form of feeding for many small animals, such as worms and arthropods. Some intestinal nematodes, such as Ancylostomids, feed on blood extracted from the capillaries of the gut, and about 75 percent of all species of leeches (e.g., \"Hirudo medicinalis\"), a free-living worm, are hematophagous. Some","Document [5](Title: Parasitic worm) Parasitic worm Parasitic worms, also known as helminths, are large macroparasites, which as adults can generally be seen with the naked eye. Many are intestinal worms that are soil-transmitted and infect the gastrointestinal tract. Other parasitic worms such as schistosomes reside in blood vessels. There is no taxonomy of parasitic worms since it is an umbrella term that includes many species of worm from different genera, having parasitism as a commonality. These include two classes of the flatworm (Platyhelminthes) phylum, namely cestodes (tapeworms) and trematodes (flukes and blood flukes), many species of nematodes (roundworms), and the acanthocephalins known as thorny-headed","Document [6](Title: Helminthology) Helminthology Helminthology is the study of parasitic worms (helminths), while helminthiasis describes the medical condition of being infected with helminths. Helminthology studies the taxonomy of helminths and their effects on their hosts. The origin of the first compound of the word is the Greek \"\u1f15\u03bb\u03bc\u03b9\u03bd\u03c2\" - helmins, meaning \"worm\". In the 18th and early 19th century there was wave of publications on helminthology; this period has been described as the science's \"Golden Era\". During that period the authors F\u00e9lix Dujardin, William Blaxland Benham, Peter Simon Pallas, Marcus Elieser Bloch, Otto Friedrich M\u00fcller, Johann Goeze, Friedrich Zenker, Charles Wardell Stiles, Carl","Document [7](Title: Vandellia) dark bands extending from the dorsal fin and the anal fin and converging onto the caudal fin. \"V. sanguinea\" may grow to 5.3 centimetres (2.1 in) SL. \"V. cirrhosa\" grows up to SL. These species are hematophagous (blood-consuming) parasites, like all other members of the subfamily Vandelliinae. \"V. cirrhosa\" uses visual and chemo-sensory orientation to find potential hosts. It is active both during the daytime and nighttime while foraging. \"V. cirrhosa\" enters the gill chambers of larger fish to suck blood. It bites mostly at the ventral or dorsal aorta arteries, and the blood is pumped into its gut by","Document [8](Title: Helminthiasis) the body. Helminths excrete into the intestine toxic substances after they feed. These substances then enter the circulatory and lymphatic systems of the host body. Chronic immune responses to helminthiasis may lead to increased susceptibility to other infections such as tuberculosis, HIV, and malaria. There is conflicting information about whether deworming reduces HIV progression and viral load and increases CD4 counts in antiretroviral naive and experienced individuals, although the most recent Cochrane review found some evidence that this approach might have favorable effects. Chronic helminthiasis may cause severe morbidity. Helminthiasis has been found to result in poor birth outcome, poor","Document [9](Title: Parasitic worm) number of different helminth species is vast: it is estimated to be around one million species. The nematodes are the most diverse of all the helminths with the highest number of species. There may be as many as 300,000 species of parasites affecting vertebrates, and as many as 300 affecting humans alone. Characteristics that are common for all helminths include: Lifetime: Eggs: Larvae: The following table shows the principal morphological and reproductive distinctions for three helminth groups: Draft genomes for all categories of helminth have been sequenced in recent years and are available through the ParaSite sub-portal of WormBase. Parasitic","Document [10](Title: Helminthiasis) including sub-Saharan Africa, central and east Asia, and the Americas. Some types of helminthiases are classified as neglected tropical diseases. They include: The soil-transmitted helminths (\"A. lumbricoides\", \"T. trichiura\", \"N. americanus\", \"A. duodenale)\", schistosomes, and filarial worms collectively infect more than a quarter of the human population worldwide at any one time, far surpassing HIV and malaria together. Schistosomiasis is the second most prevalent parasitic disease of humans after malaria. In 2014\u201315, the WHO estimated that approximately 2 billion people were infected with soil-transmitted helminthiases, 249 million with schistosomiasis, 56 million people with food-borne trematodiasis, 120 million with lymphatic filariasis,","Document [11](Title: Parasitic worm) name of a type of helminth, and ascariasis is the name of the infection caused by that helminth. There is no real consensus on the taxonomy (or groupings) of the helminths, particularly with the nematodes. The term \"helminth\" contains a number of phyla, many of which are completely unrelated. However, for practical considerations the term is still used nowadays to describe four groups with superficial similarities, the phyla Annelida, Platyhelminths, Nematoda and Acanthocephala. There is in fact no helminth classification; it is an \"artificial\" term. The most important helminths in the sanitation field are the human parasites, which is why","Document [12](Title: Helminthology) Asmund Rudolphi, Otto Friedrich Bernhard von Linstow and Johann Gottfried Bremser started systematic scientific studies of the subject. The Japanese parasitologist Satyu Yamaguti was one of the most active helminthologists of the 20th century; he wrote the six-volume \"Systema Helminthum\". Helminthology Helminthology is the study of parasitic worms (helminths), while helminthiasis describes the medical condition of being infected with helminths. Helminthology studies the taxonomy of helminths and their effects on their hosts. The origin of the first compound of the word is the Greek \"\u1f15\u03bb\u03bc\u03b9\u03bd\u03c2\" - helmins, meaning \"worm\". In the 18th and early 19th century there was wave of","Document [13](Title: Parasitic worm) worms. Some other parasitic worm species from the annelids (ringed worms), including the leeches are ectoparasites and so are not classified as helminths which are endoparasites. Parasitic worms live in and feed in living hosts. They receive nourishment and protection while disrupting their hosts' nutrient absorption. This can cause weakness and disease of the host. In their adult form, parasitic worms cannot multiply in humans. Helminths are able to survive in their mammalian hosts for many years due to their ability to manipulate the immune response by secreting immunomodulatory products. All parasitic worms produce eggs for reproduction. These eggs have","Document [14](Title: Helminthiasis) transmitted helminthiasis. The 1990\u20132013 Global Burden of Disease Study estimated 5,500 direct deaths from schistosomiasis, while more than 200,000 people were estimated in 2013 to die annually from causes related to schistosomiasis. Another 20 million have severe consequences from the disease. It is the most deadly of the neglected tropical diseases. Helminthiasis Helminthiasis, also known as worm infection, is any macroparasitic disease of humans and other animals in which a part of the body is infected with parasitic worms, known as helminths. There are numerous species of these parasites, which are broadly classified into tapeworms, flukes, and roundworms. They often","Document [15](Title: Helminthiasis) Helminths may cause iron-deficiency anemia. This is most severe in heavy hookworm infections, as Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale feed directly on the blood of their hosts. Although the daily consumption of an individual worm (0.02\u20130.07 ml and 0.14\u20130.26 ml respectively) is small, the collective consumption under heavy infection can be clinically significantly. Intestinal whipworm may also cause anemia. Anemia has also been associated with reduced stamina for physical labor, a decline in the ability to learn new information, and apathy, irritability, and fatigue. A study of the effect of deworming and iron supplementation in 47 students from the Democratic","Document [16](Title: Hepatozoon) blood films. When the invertebrate vector feeds on the blood of the infected vertebrate, the gamonts are taken up into the gut once more, where they undergo gametogenesis and the cycle begins once more. This simplified lifecycle is, of course, insufficient for species which infect vertebrate and invertebrate hosts which do not directly feed on one another, necessitating an even more complex cycle. For instance, \"Hepatozoon sipedon\" infects mosquitoes and snakes, but since snakes do not typically feed on mosquitoes, a third, intermediate host is required, in this case a frog. The frog ingests the infected mosquito, and the snake","Document [17](Title: Haematopinus suis) acts as an anticoagulant. Once penetrated, the blood is sucked up the food channel by a mechanism located in the louse's head. The blood enters the digestive tract, where enzymes hemolyse erythrocytes (the blood is essentially disintegrated to keep it in liquid form); the hemolysation may also serve to inhibit disease transmission (i.e. bacterial infection). Nymphal \"H. suis\" spend most of their time in and around the head region of the hog, specifically the ears. As they mature, they move to other areas on the host's body, primarily the abdominal region. Because it is a permanent parasite, the hog louse","Document [18](Title: Parasitic worm) having a parasitological infection, such as schistosomiasis. Parasitic worm Parasitic worms, also known as helminths, are large macroparasites, which as adults can generally be seen with the naked eye. Many are intestinal worms that are soil-transmitted and infect the gastrointestinal tract. Other parasitic worms such as schistosomes reside in blood vessels. There is no taxonomy of parasitic worms since it is an umbrella term that includes many species of worm from different genera, having parasitism as a commonality. These include two classes of the flatworm (Platyhelminthes) phylum, namely cestodes (tapeworms) and trematodes (flukes and blood flukes), many species of nematodes","Document [19](Title: Hookworm infection) of the mucous membranes, fatigue and weakness, shortness of breath and in cases running a fatal course, dysentery, hemorrhages and edema. The worms suck blood and damage the mucosa. However, the blood loss in the stools is not visibly apparent. Blood tests in early infection often show a rise in numbers of eosinophils, a type of white blood cell that is preferentially stimulated by worm infections in tissues (large numbers of eosinophils are also present in the local inflammatory response). Falling blood hemoglobin levels will be seen in cases of prolonged infection with anemia. In contrast to most intestinal helminthiases,","Document [20](Title: Leech) non-protusible pharynx which may or may not be armed with jaws. In the proboscisless leeches, the jaws of Arhynchobdellids are at the front of the mouth, and have three blades set at an angle to each other. In feeding these slice their way through the skin of the host, leaving a Y-shaped incision. Behind the blades is the mouth, located ventrally at the anterior end of the body. It leads successively into the pharynx, a short oesophagus, a crop (in some species), a stomach and a hindgut, which ends at an anus located just above the posterior sucker. The stomach"],"query":"which of the following helmiths feeds on blood?","answers":["Necator americanus","Ancylostoma duodenale"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Helminthiasis) Helminthiasis Helminthiasis, also known as worm infection, is any macroparasitic disease of humans and other animals in which a part of the body is infected with parasitic worms, known as helminths. There are numerous species of these parasites, which are broadly classified into tapeworms, flukes, and roundworms. They often live in the gastrointestinal tract of their hosts, but they may also burrow into other organs, where they induce physiological damage. Soil-transmitted helminthiasis and schistosomiasis are the most important helminthiases, and are among the neglected tropical diseases. This group of helmianthiases have been targeted under the joint action of the world's","Document [2](Title: Helminthiasis) memory and fluency. Large parasite burdens, particularly severe hookworm infections, are also associated with absenteeism, under-enrollment, and attrition in school children. Of all the known helminth species, the most important helminths with respect to understanding their transmission pathways, their control, inactivation and enumeration in samples of human excreta from dried feces, faecal sludge, wastewater, and sewage sludge are: Helminthiases are classified as follows (the disease names end with \"-sis\" and the causative worms are in brackets): Helminths are transmitted to the final host in several ways. The most common infection is through ingestion of contaminated vegetables, drinking water, and raw","Document [3](Title: Illithid) 4 inches and 6 feet 2 inches. The most desirable of races for hosts are Humans, Drow, Elves, Githzerai, Githyanki , Grimlocks, Gnolls, Goblinoids, and Orcs. Upon being implanted (through the ear canal), the larva then grows and consumes the host's brain, absorbing the host's physical form entirely and becoming sapient itself, a physically mature (but mentally young) Illithid. This process is called \"ceremorphosis\". Illithids often experiment with non-humanoid hosts, but ceremorphosis involving other creatures usually fails, killing both host and larva. The transformation between the host (almost always a human or similar humanoid, such as an elf or dwarf)","Document [4](Title: Hematophagy) Hematophagy Hematophagy (sometimes spelled haematophagy or hematophagia) is the practice by certain animals of feeding on blood (from the Greek words \u03b1\u1f37\u03bc\u03b1 \"haima\" \"blood\" and \u03c6\u03ac\u03b3\u03b5\u03b9\u03bd \"phagein\" \"to eat\"). Since blood is a fluid tissue rich in nutritious proteins and lipids that can be taken without great effort, hematophagy has evolved as a preferred form of feeding for many small animals, such as worms and arthropods. Some intestinal nematodes, such as Ancylostomids, feed on blood extracted from the capillaries of the gut, and about 75 percent of all species of leeches (e.g., \"Hirudo medicinalis\"), a free-living worm, are hematophagous. Some","Document [5](Title: Parasitic worm) Parasitic worm Parasitic worms, also known as helminths, are large macroparasites, which as adults can generally be seen with the naked eye. Many are intestinal worms that are soil-transmitted and infect the gastrointestinal tract. Other parasitic worms such as schistosomes reside in blood vessels. There is no taxonomy of parasitic worms since it is an umbrella term that includes many species of worm from different genera, having parasitism as a commonality. These include two classes of the flatworm (Platyhelminthes) phylum, namely cestodes (tapeworms) and trematodes (flukes and blood flukes), many species of nematodes (roundworms), and the acanthocephalins known as thorny-headed","Document [6](Title: Helminthology) Helminthology Helminthology is the study of parasitic worms (helminths), while helminthiasis describes the medical condition of being infected with helminths. Helminthology studies the taxonomy of helminths and their effects on their hosts. The origin of the first compound of the word is the Greek \"\u1f15\u03bb\u03bc\u03b9\u03bd\u03c2\" - helmins, meaning \"worm\". In the 18th and early 19th century there was wave of publications on helminthology; this period has been described as the science's \"Golden Era\". During that period the authors F\u00e9lix Dujardin, William Blaxland Benham, Peter Simon Pallas, Marcus Elieser Bloch, Otto Friedrich M\u00fcller, Johann Goeze, Friedrich Zenker, Charles Wardell Stiles, Carl","Document [7](Title: Vandellia) dark bands extending from the dorsal fin and the anal fin and converging onto the caudal fin. \"V. sanguinea\" may grow to 5.3 centimetres (2.1 in) SL. \"V. cirrhosa\" grows up to SL. These species are hematophagous (blood-consuming) parasites, like all other members of the subfamily Vandelliinae. \"V. cirrhosa\" uses visual and chemo-sensory orientation to find potential hosts. It is active both during the daytime and nighttime while foraging. \"V. cirrhosa\" enters the gill chambers of larger fish to suck blood. It bites mostly at the ventral or dorsal aorta arteries, and the blood is pumped into its gut by","Document [8](Title: Helminthiasis) the body. Helminths excrete into the intestine toxic substances after they feed. These substances then enter the circulatory and lymphatic systems of the host body. Chronic immune responses to helminthiasis may lead to increased susceptibility to other infections such as tuberculosis, HIV, and malaria. There is conflicting information about whether deworming reduces HIV progression and viral load and increases CD4 counts in antiretroviral naive and experienced individuals, although the most recent Cochrane review found some evidence that this approach might have favorable effects. Chronic helminthiasis may cause severe morbidity. Helminthiasis has been found to result in poor birth outcome, poor","Document [9](Title: Parasitic worm) number of different helminth species is vast: it is estimated to be around one million species. The nematodes are the most diverse of all the helminths with the highest number of species. There may be as many as 300,000 species of parasites affecting vertebrates, and as many as 300 affecting humans alone. Characteristics that are common for all helminths include: Lifetime: Eggs: Larvae: The following table shows the principal morphological and reproductive distinctions for three helminth groups: Draft genomes for all categories of helminth have been sequenced in recent years and are available through the ParaSite sub-portal of WormBase. Parasitic","Document [10](Title: Helminthiasis) including sub-Saharan Africa, central and east Asia, and the Americas. Some types of helminthiases are classified as neglected tropical diseases. They include: The soil-transmitted helminths (\"A. lumbricoides\", \"T. trichiura\", \"N. americanus\", \"A. duodenale)\", schistosomes, and filarial worms collectively infect more than a quarter of the human population worldwide at any one time, far surpassing HIV and malaria together. Schistosomiasis is the second most prevalent parasitic disease of humans after malaria. In 2014\u201315, the WHO estimated that approximately 2 billion people were infected with soil-transmitted helminthiases, 249 million with schistosomiasis, 56 million people with food-borne trematodiasis, 120 million with lymphatic filariasis,","Document [11](Title: Parasitic worm) name of a type of helminth, and ascariasis is the name of the infection caused by that helminth. There is no real consensus on the taxonomy (or groupings) of the helminths, particularly with the nematodes. The term \"helminth\" contains a number of phyla, many of which are completely unrelated. However, for practical considerations the term is still used nowadays to describe four groups with superficial similarities, the phyla Annelida, Platyhelminths, Nematoda and Acanthocephala. There is in fact no helminth classification; it is an \"artificial\" term. The most important helminths in the sanitation field are the human parasites, which is why","Document [12](Title: Helminthology) Asmund Rudolphi, Otto Friedrich Bernhard von Linstow and Johann Gottfried Bremser started systematic scientific studies of the subject. The Japanese parasitologist Satyu Yamaguti was one of the most active helminthologists of the 20th century; he wrote the six-volume \"Systema Helminthum\". Helminthology Helminthology is the study of parasitic worms (helminths), while helminthiasis describes the medical condition of being infected with helminths. Helminthology studies the taxonomy of helminths and their effects on their hosts. The origin of the first compound of the word is the Greek \"\u1f15\u03bb\u03bc\u03b9\u03bd\u03c2\" - helmins, meaning \"worm\". In the 18th and early 19th century there was wave of","Document [13](Title: Parasitic worm) worms. Some other parasitic worm species from the annelids (ringed worms), including the leeches are ectoparasites and so are not classified as helminths which are endoparasites. Parasitic worms live in and feed in living hosts. They receive nourishment and protection while disrupting their hosts' nutrient absorption. This can cause weakness and disease of the host. In their adult form, parasitic worms cannot multiply in humans. Helminths are able to survive in their mammalian hosts for many years due to their ability to manipulate the immune response by secreting immunomodulatory products. All parasitic worms produce eggs for reproduction. These eggs have","Document [14](Title: Helminthiasis) transmitted helminthiasis. The 1990\u20132013 Global Burden of Disease Study estimated 5,500 direct deaths from schistosomiasis, while more than 200,000 people were estimated in 2013 to die annually from causes related to schistosomiasis. Another 20 million have severe consequences from the disease. It is the most deadly of the neglected tropical diseases. Helminthiasis Helminthiasis, also known as worm infection, is any macroparasitic disease of humans and other animals in which a part of the body is infected with parasitic worms, known as helminths. There are numerous species of these parasites, which are broadly classified into tapeworms, flukes, and roundworms. They often","Document [15](Title: Hepatozoon) blood films. When the invertebrate vector feeds on the blood of the infected vertebrate, the gamonts are taken up into the gut once more, where they undergo gametogenesis and the cycle begins once more. This simplified lifecycle is, of course, insufficient for species which infect vertebrate and invertebrate hosts which do not directly feed on one another, necessitating an even more complex cycle. For instance, \"Hepatozoon sipedon\" infects mosquitoes and snakes, but since snakes do not typically feed on mosquitoes, a third, intermediate host is required, in this case a frog. The frog ingests the infected mosquito, and the snake","Document [16](Title: Haematopinus suis) acts as an anticoagulant. Once penetrated, the blood is sucked up the food channel by a mechanism located in the louse's head. The blood enters the digestive tract, where enzymes hemolyse erythrocytes (the blood is essentially disintegrated to keep it in liquid form); the hemolysation may also serve to inhibit disease transmission (i.e. bacterial infection). Nymphal \"H. suis\" spend most of their time in and around the head region of the hog, specifically the ears. As they mature, they move to other areas on the host's body, primarily the abdominal region. Because it is a permanent parasite, the hog louse","Document [17](Title: Parasitic worm) having a parasitological infection, such as schistosomiasis. Parasitic worm Parasitic worms, also known as helminths, are large macroparasites, which as adults can generally be seen with the naked eye. Many are intestinal worms that are soil-transmitted and infect the gastrointestinal tract. Other parasitic worms such as schistosomes reside in blood vessels. There is no taxonomy of parasitic worms since it is an umbrella term that includes many species of worm from different genera, having parasitism as a commonality. These include two classes of the flatworm (Platyhelminthes) phylum, namely cestodes (tapeworms) and trematodes (flukes and blood flukes), many species of nematodes","Document [18](Title: Hookworm infection) of the mucous membranes, fatigue and weakness, shortness of breath and in cases running a fatal course, dysentery, hemorrhages and edema. The worms suck blood and damage the mucosa. However, the blood loss in the stools is not visibly apparent. Blood tests in early infection often show a rise in numbers of eosinophils, a type of white blood cell that is preferentially stimulated by worm infections in tissues (large numbers of eosinophils are also present in the local inflammatory response). Falling blood hemoglobin levels will be seen in cases of prolonged infection with anemia. In contrast to most intestinal helminthiases,","Document [19](Title: Leech) non-protusible pharynx which may or may not be armed with jaws. In the proboscisless leeches, the jaws of Arhynchobdellids are at the front of the mouth, and have three blades set at an angle to each other. In feeding these slice their way through the skin of the host, leaving a Y-shaped incision. Behind the blades is the mouth, located ventrally at the anterior end of the body. It leads successively into the pharynx, a short oesophagus, a crop (in some species), a stomach and a hindgut, which ends at an anus located just above the posterior sucker. The stomach","Document [20](Title: Helminthiasis) Helminths may cause iron-deficiency anemia. This is most severe in heavy hookworm infections, as Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale feed directly on the blood of their hosts. Although the daily consumption of an individual worm (0.02\u20130.07 ml and 0.14\u20130.26 ml respectively) is small, the collective consumption under heavy infection can be clinically significantly. Intestinal whipworm may also cause anemia. Anemia has also been associated with reduced stamina for physical labor, a decline in the ability to learn new information, and apathy, irritability, and fatigue. A study of the effect of deworming and iron supplementation in 47 students from the Democratic"],"query":"which of the following helmiths feeds on blood?","answers":["Necator americanus","Ancylostoma duodenale"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Pangaea) Pangaea or Pangea ( \/p\u00e6n\u02c8d\u0292i\u02d0\u0259\/) was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras. It assembled from earlier continental units approximately 335 million years ago, and it began to break apart about 175 million years ago. In contrast to the present Earth and its distribution of continental mass, much of Pangaea was in the southern hemisphere and surrounded by a superocean, Panthalassa. Pangaea was the most recent supercontinent to have existed and the first to be reconstructed by geologists.","Document [2](Title: Continent) Vespucci's name in 1502 or 1503, although it seems that it had additions or alterations by another writer. Regardless of who penned the words, \"Mundus Novus\" credited Vespucci with saying, \"I have discovered a continent in those southern regions that is inhabited by more numerous people and animals than our Europe, or Asia or Africa\", the first known explicit identification of part of the Americas as a continent like the other three. Within a few years, the name \"New World\" began appearing as a name for South America on world maps, such as the Oliveriana (Pesaro) map of around 1504\u20131505.","Document [3](Title: Terra Australis) Incognita (\"the unknown land of the south\") or Terra Australis Nondum Cognita (\"the southern land not yet known\"). Other names were Brasiliae Australis (\"the south of Brazil\"), and Magellanica (\"the land of Magellan\"). During the eighteenth century, today's Australia was not conflated with \"Terra Australis\", as it sometimes was in the twentieth century. Captain Cook and his contemporaries knew that the fifth continent (today's Australia), which they called \"New Holland\", was entirely separate from the imagined (but still undiscovered) sixth continent (today's Antarctica), which they called \"the Southern Continent\" or \"Terra Australis\", sometimes shortened to \"Australia\". In the nineteenth century,","Document [4](Title: Continent) Introductio\", Waldseem\u00fcller noted that the earth is divided into four parts, Europe, Asia, Africa and the fourth part, which he named \"America\" after Amerigo Vespucci's first name. On the map, the word \"America\" was placed on part of South America. From the 16th century the English noun \"continent\" was derived from the term \"continent land\", meaning continuous or connected land and translated from the Latin \"terra continens\". The noun was used to mean \"a connected or continuous tract of land\" or mainland. It was not applied only to very large areas of land\u2014in the 17th century, references were made to","Document [5](Title: North America) Vespucci, who explored South America between 1497 and 1502, was the first European to suggest that the Americas were not the East Indies, but a different landmass previously unknown by Europeans. In 1507, Waldseem\u00fcller produced a world map, in which he placed the word \"America\" on the continent of South America, in the middle of what is today Brazil. He explained the rationale for the name in the accompanying book \"Cosmographiae Introductio\": For Waldseem\u00fcller, no one should object to the naming of the land after its discoverer. He used the Latinized version of Vespucci's name (Americus Vespucius), but in its","Document [6](Title: Pangaea) Earth, land\"). The concept that the continents once formed a continuous land mass was first proposed by Alfred Wegener, the originator of the scientific theory of continental drift, in his 1912 publication \"The Origin of Continents\" (\"Die Entstehung der Kontinente\"). He expanded upon his hypothesis in his 1915 book \"The Origin of Continents and Oceans\" (\"Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane\"), in which he postulated that, before breaking up and drifting to their present locations, all the continents had formed a single supercontinent that he called the \"\"Urkontinent\"\". The name \"Pangea\" occurs in the 1920 edition of \"Die Entstehung der","Document [7](Title: Naming of the Americas) unitary continent, the form is generally \"the continent of America\" in the singular. However, without a clarifying context, singular \"America\" in English commonly refers to the United States of America. The earliest known use of the name \"America\" dates to April 25, 1507, where it was applied to what is now known as South America. It appears on a small globe map with twelve time zones, together with the largest wall map made to date, both created by the German cartographer Martin Waldseem\u00fcller in Saint-Di\u00e9-des-Vosges in France. These were the first maps to show the Americas as a land mass","Document [8](Title: Antarctica) the north\". For example, the short-lived French colony established in Brazil in the 16th century was called \"France Antarctique\". The first formal use of the name \"Antarctica\" as a continental name in the 1890s is attributed to the Scottish cartographer John George Bartholomew. The long-imagined (but undiscovered) south polar continent was originally called \"Terra Australis\", sometimes shortened to 'Australia' as seen in a woodcut illustration titled \"Sphere of the winds\", contained in an astrological textbook published in Frankfurt in 1545. Although the longer Latin phrase was better known, the shortened name \"Australia\" was used in Europe's scholarly circles. Then in","Document [9](Title: The Continent Makers) land area of the overpopulated twenty-second century Earth by creating new continents through the manipulation of geological forces. The project's initial goal is to raise a new land mass to be called Gamanovia around the existing Ascension Island in the South Atlantic. The name of the proposed new continent was chosen to honor fifteenth century Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama, the first European to navigate the region's waters, and for Jo\u00e3o da Nova, who discovered Ascension Island a few years later. A sinister group concealing itself under the mask of the bogus Churchillian Society, supposedly dedicated to proving that the","Document [10](Title: Southern Ocean) the \"Terra Australis Incognita\" (\"Unknown Southern Land\"), a vast continent stretching in parts into the tropics. The search for this great south land was a leading motive of explorers in the 16th and the early part of the 17th centuries. The Spaniard Gabriel de Castilla, who claimed having sighted \"snow-covered mountains\" beyond the 64\u00b0 S in 1603, is recognized as the first explorer that discovered the continent of Antarctica, although he was ignored in his time. In 1606, Pedro Fern\u00e1ndez de Quir\u00f3s took possession for the king of Spain all of the lands he had discovered in Australia del Espiritu","Document [11](Title: Amerigo Vespucci) view. The book accompanying the map stated: \"I do not see what right any one would have to object to calling this part, after Americus who discovered it and who is a man of intelligence, Amerige, that is, the Land of Americus, or America: since both Europa and Asia got their names from women\". It is possible that Vespucci was not aware that Waldseem\u00fcller had named the continent after him. The two disputed letters claim that Vespucci made four voyages to America, while at most two can be verified from other sources. At the moment, there is a dispute between","Document [12](Title: Johannes Scho\u0308ner globe) Antarctic continent which had not been explored at that date. On Sch\u00f6ner\u2019s 1515 and 1520 globes, is shown as an island, as he explained in the \"Luculentissima\": America, the fourth part of the world, and the other islands belonging to it. In this way it may be known that the Earth is in four parts and that the first three parts are continents, that is, terra firma, but that the fourth is an island, for it is seen to be surrounded everywhere by the seas\u201d. This is drawn from the \"Cosmographiae Introductio\" of Martin Waldseem\u00fcller, which said: Hitherto [the whole","Document [13](Title: North America) feminine form \"America\", following the examples of \"Europa\", \"Asia\" and \"Africa\". Later, other mapmakers extended the name \"America\" to the northern continent, In 1538, Gerard Mercator used \"America\" on his map of the world for all the Western Hemisphere. Some argue that the convention is to use the surname for naming discoveries except in the case of royalty and so a derivation from \"Amerigo Vespucci\" could be problematic. Ricardo Palma (1949) proposed a derivation from the \"Amerrique\" mountains of Central America\u2014Vespucci was the first to discover South America and the \"Amerrique\" mountains of Central America, which connected his discoveries to","Document [14](Title: Matthias Ringmann) version of the Italian name Amerigo]. [\u2026] We do not see why the name of the man of genius, Amerigo, who has discovered them, should not be given to these lands, as Europe and Asia have adopted the names of women.\" When the book was published by the name \"Cosmographiae Introductio\" on April 25, 1507, it was the first time that the word 'Americas' appeared in print. Waldseem\u00fcller corrected the error in a later edition and named South America \"Terra Nova\", but the name America had now already been established. Ringmann corrected the texts of the Latin editions of Ptolemy's","Document [15](Title: Lemuria (continent)) of which some have become amalgamated with ... Africa, some ... with what is now Asia; and that in Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands we have existing relics of this great continent, for which ... I should propose the name Lemuria! Sclater's theory was hardly unusual for his time; \"land bridges\", real and imagined, fascinated several of Sclater's contemporaries. \u00c9tienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, also looking at the relationship between animals in India and Madagascar, had suggested a southern continent about two decades before Sclater, but did not give it a name. The acceptance of Darwinism led scientists to seek to trace","Document [16](Title: Naming of the Americas) separate from Asia. An accompanying book, \"Cosmographiae Introductio\", anonymous but apparently written by Waldseem\u00fcller's collaborator Matthias Ringmann, states, \"I do not see what right any one would have to object to calling this part [that is, the South American mainland], after Americus who discovered it and who is a man of intelligence, Amerigen, that is, the Land of Americus, or America: since both Europa and Asia got their names from women\". \"Americus Vesputius\" was the Latinized version of the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci's name, the forename being an old Italianization (compare modern Italian Enrico) of Medieval Latin \"Emericus\" (see Saint","Document [17](Title: Americas) Vespucci's first name. The feminine form \"America\" accorded with the feminine names of Asia, Africa, and Europa. In modern English, North and South America are generally considered separate continents, and taken together are called \"America\" or \"the Americas\" in the plural. When conceived as a unitary continent, the form is generally \"the continent of America\" in the singular. However, without a clarifying context, singular \"America\" in English commonly refers to the United States of America. Historically, in the English-speaking world, the term America used to refer to a single continent until the 1950s (as in Van Loon's Geography of 1937):","Document [18](Title: Geography of Asia) one: the islands, n\u0113soi, versus the mainland, \u0113peiros. One etymology relates \u0113peir- to the same Indo-European root from which English \"over\" came. The Armenian form means \"bank, coast.\" The Greek form must be some sort of \"overland,\" whether continuous land or a coast that looms over. In Latin it became continens terra, \"the continuous land,\" shortened to just continens, stem continent-. Most ships of the Archaic Period were not ocean-going. They followed the shores closely, ready to put in at the first sign of trouble. It is not surprising that the first continents were \"shores,\" as they are in Herodotus,","Document [19](Title: Continent) had reached a new continent\u2014he always thought it was part of Asia. In 1501, Amerigo Vespucci and Gon\u00e7alo Coelho attempted to sail around what they considered the southern end of the Asian mainland into the Indian Ocean, passing through Fernando de Noronha. After reaching the coast of Brazil, they sailed a long way further south along the coast of South America, confirming that this was a land of continental proportions and that it also extended much further south than Asia was known to. On return to Europe, an account of the voyage, called \"Mundus Novus\" (\"New World\"), was published under","Document [20](Title: Globus Jagellonicus) globe is considered the earliest existing globe to indicate any part of the New World and the first to delineate the South American continent. It is also the oldest globe on which the continent of America is shown to be distinct from that of Asia. It uses the name \"America\", which had been introduced in 1507 by Martin Waldseem\u00fcller in his Universalis Cosmographia, though for a continent located to the south of India. A replica of the globe is on display in the Polish Nationality Room at the University of Pittsburgh Robert J. King has pointed out that America was"],"query":"what was the name of the first continent?","answers":["Pangaea"],"gold_index":0} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Continent) Vespucci's name in 1502 or 1503, although it seems that it had additions or alterations by another writer. Regardless of who penned the words, \"Mundus Novus\" credited Vespucci with saying, \"I have discovered a continent in those southern regions that is inhabited by more numerous people and animals than our Europe, or Asia or Africa\", the first known explicit identification of part of the Americas as a continent like the other three. Within a few years, the name \"New World\" began appearing as a name for South America on world maps, such as the Oliveriana (Pesaro) map of around 1504\u20131505.","Document [2](Title: Terra Australis) Incognita (\"the unknown land of the south\") or Terra Australis Nondum Cognita (\"the southern land not yet known\"). Other names were Brasiliae Australis (\"the south of Brazil\"), and Magellanica (\"the land of Magellan\"). During the eighteenth century, today's Australia was not conflated with \"Terra Australis\", as it sometimes was in the twentieth century. Captain Cook and his contemporaries knew that the fifth continent (today's Australia), which they called \"New Holland\", was entirely separate from the imagined (but still undiscovered) sixth continent (today's Antarctica), which they called \"the Southern Continent\" or \"Terra Australis\", sometimes shortened to \"Australia\". In the nineteenth century,","Document [3](Title: Continent) Introductio\", Waldseem\u00fcller noted that the earth is divided into four parts, Europe, Asia, Africa and the fourth part, which he named \"America\" after Amerigo Vespucci's first name. On the map, the word \"America\" was placed on part of South America. From the 16th century the English noun \"continent\" was derived from the term \"continent land\", meaning continuous or connected land and translated from the Latin \"terra continens\". The noun was used to mean \"a connected or continuous tract of land\" or mainland. It was not applied only to very large areas of land\u2014in the 17th century, references were made to","Document [4](Title: North America) Vespucci, who explored South America between 1497 and 1502, was the first European to suggest that the Americas were not the East Indies, but a different landmass previously unknown by Europeans. In 1507, Waldseem\u00fcller produced a world map, in which he placed the word \"America\" on the continent of South America, in the middle of what is today Brazil. He explained the rationale for the name in the accompanying book \"Cosmographiae Introductio\": For Waldseem\u00fcller, no one should object to the naming of the land after its discoverer. He used the Latinized version of Vespucci's name (Americus Vespucius), but in its","Document [5](Title: Pangaea) Pangaea or Pangea ( \/p\u00e6n\u02c8d\u0292i\u02d0\u0259\/) was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras. It assembled from earlier continental units approximately 335 million years ago, and it began to break apart about 175 million years ago. In contrast to the present Earth and its distribution of continental mass, much of Pangaea was in the southern hemisphere and surrounded by a superocean, Panthalassa. Pangaea was the most recent supercontinent to have existed and the first to be reconstructed by geologists.","Document [6](Title: Pangaea) Earth, land\"). The concept that the continents once formed a continuous land mass was first proposed by Alfred Wegener, the originator of the scientific theory of continental drift, in his 1912 publication \"The Origin of Continents\" (\"Die Entstehung der Kontinente\"). He expanded upon his hypothesis in his 1915 book \"The Origin of Continents and Oceans\" (\"Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane\"), in which he postulated that, before breaking up and drifting to their present locations, all the continents had formed a single supercontinent that he called the \"\"Urkontinent\"\". The name \"Pangea\" occurs in the 1920 edition of \"Die Entstehung der","Document [7](Title: Naming of the Americas) unitary continent, the form is generally \"the continent of America\" in the singular. However, without a clarifying context, singular \"America\" in English commonly refers to the United States of America. The earliest known use of the name \"America\" dates to April 25, 1507, where it was applied to what is now known as South America. It appears on a small globe map with twelve time zones, together with the largest wall map made to date, both created by the German cartographer Martin Waldseem\u00fcller in Saint-Di\u00e9-des-Vosges in France. These were the first maps to show the Americas as a land mass","Document [8](Title: Antarctica) the north\". For example, the short-lived French colony established in Brazil in the 16th century was called \"France Antarctique\". The first formal use of the name \"Antarctica\" as a continental name in the 1890s is attributed to the Scottish cartographer John George Bartholomew. The long-imagined (but undiscovered) south polar continent was originally called \"Terra Australis\", sometimes shortened to 'Australia' as seen in a woodcut illustration titled \"Sphere of the winds\", contained in an astrological textbook published in Frankfurt in 1545. Although the longer Latin phrase was better known, the shortened name \"Australia\" was used in Europe's scholarly circles. Then in","Document [9](Title: The Continent Makers) land area of the overpopulated twenty-second century Earth by creating new continents through the manipulation of geological forces. The project's initial goal is to raise a new land mass to be called Gamanovia around the existing Ascension Island in the South Atlantic. The name of the proposed new continent was chosen to honor fifteenth century Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama, the first European to navigate the region's waters, and for Jo\u00e3o da Nova, who discovered Ascension Island a few years later. A sinister group concealing itself under the mask of the bogus Churchillian Society, supposedly dedicated to proving that the","Document [10](Title: Southern Ocean) the \"Terra Australis Incognita\" (\"Unknown Southern Land\"), a vast continent stretching in parts into the tropics. The search for this great south land was a leading motive of explorers in the 16th and the early part of the 17th centuries. The Spaniard Gabriel de Castilla, who claimed having sighted \"snow-covered mountains\" beyond the 64\u00b0 S in 1603, is recognized as the first explorer that discovered the continent of Antarctica, although he was ignored in his time. In 1606, Pedro Fern\u00e1ndez de Quir\u00f3s took possession for the king of Spain all of the lands he had discovered in Australia del Espiritu","Document [11](Title: Amerigo Vespucci) view. The book accompanying the map stated: \"I do not see what right any one would have to object to calling this part, after Americus who discovered it and who is a man of intelligence, Amerige, that is, the Land of Americus, or America: since both Europa and Asia got their names from women\". It is possible that Vespucci was not aware that Waldseem\u00fcller had named the continent after him. The two disputed letters claim that Vespucci made four voyages to America, while at most two can be verified from other sources. At the moment, there is a dispute between","Document [12](Title: Johannes Scho\u0308ner globe) Antarctic continent which had not been explored at that date. On Sch\u00f6ner\u2019s 1515 and 1520 globes, is shown as an island, as he explained in the \"Luculentissima\": America, the fourth part of the world, and the other islands belonging to it. In this way it may be known that the Earth is in four parts and that the first three parts are continents, that is, terra firma, but that the fourth is an island, for it is seen to be surrounded everywhere by the seas\u201d. This is drawn from the \"Cosmographiae Introductio\" of Martin Waldseem\u00fcller, which said: Hitherto [the whole","Document [13](Title: North America) feminine form \"America\", following the examples of \"Europa\", \"Asia\" and \"Africa\". Later, other mapmakers extended the name \"America\" to the northern continent, In 1538, Gerard Mercator used \"America\" on his map of the world for all the Western Hemisphere. Some argue that the convention is to use the surname for naming discoveries except in the case of royalty and so a derivation from \"Amerigo Vespucci\" could be problematic. Ricardo Palma (1949) proposed a derivation from the \"Amerrique\" mountains of Central America\u2014Vespucci was the first to discover South America and the \"Amerrique\" mountains of Central America, which connected his discoveries to","Document [14](Title: Matthias Ringmann) version of the Italian name Amerigo]. [\u2026] We do not see why the name of the man of genius, Amerigo, who has discovered them, should not be given to these lands, as Europe and Asia have adopted the names of women.\" When the book was published by the name \"Cosmographiae Introductio\" on April 25, 1507, it was the first time that the word 'Americas' appeared in print. Waldseem\u00fcller corrected the error in a later edition and named South America \"Terra Nova\", but the name America had now already been established. Ringmann corrected the texts of the Latin editions of Ptolemy's","Document [15](Title: Lemuria (continent)) of which some have become amalgamated with ... Africa, some ... with what is now Asia; and that in Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands we have existing relics of this great continent, for which ... I should propose the name Lemuria! Sclater's theory was hardly unusual for his time; \"land bridges\", real and imagined, fascinated several of Sclater's contemporaries. \u00c9tienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, also looking at the relationship between animals in India and Madagascar, had suggested a southern continent about two decades before Sclater, but did not give it a name. The acceptance of Darwinism led scientists to seek to trace","Document [16](Title: Naming of the Americas) separate from Asia. An accompanying book, \"Cosmographiae Introductio\", anonymous but apparently written by Waldseem\u00fcller's collaborator Matthias Ringmann, states, \"I do not see what right any one would have to object to calling this part [that is, the South American mainland], after Americus who discovered it and who is a man of intelligence, Amerigen, that is, the Land of Americus, or America: since both Europa and Asia got their names from women\". \"Americus Vesputius\" was the Latinized version of the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci's name, the forename being an old Italianization (compare modern Italian Enrico) of Medieval Latin \"Emericus\" (see Saint","Document [17](Title: Americas) Vespucci's first name. The feminine form \"America\" accorded with the feminine names of Asia, Africa, and Europa. In modern English, North and South America are generally considered separate continents, and taken together are called \"America\" or \"the Americas\" in the plural. When conceived as a unitary continent, the form is generally \"the continent of America\" in the singular. However, without a clarifying context, singular \"America\" in English commonly refers to the United States of America. Historically, in the English-speaking world, the term America used to refer to a single continent until the 1950s (as in Van Loon's Geography of 1937):","Document [18](Title: Geography of Asia) one: the islands, n\u0113soi, versus the mainland, \u0113peiros. One etymology relates \u0113peir- to the same Indo-European root from which English \"over\" came. The Armenian form means \"bank, coast.\" The Greek form must be some sort of \"overland,\" whether continuous land or a coast that looms over. In Latin it became continens terra, \"the continuous land,\" shortened to just continens, stem continent-. Most ships of the Archaic Period were not ocean-going. They followed the shores closely, ready to put in at the first sign of trouble. It is not surprising that the first continents were \"shores,\" as they are in Herodotus,","Document [19](Title: Continent) had reached a new continent\u2014he always thought it was part of Asia. In 1501, Amerigo Vespucci and Gon\u00e7alo Coelho attempted to sail around what they considered the southern end of the Asian mainland into the Indian Ocean, passing through Fernando de Noronha. After reaching the coast of Brazil, they sailed a long way further south along the coast of South America, confirming that this was a land of continental proportions and that it also extended much further south than Asia was known to. On return to Europe, an account of the voyage, called \"Mundus Novus\" (\"New World\"), was published under","Document [20](Title: Globus Jagellonicus) globe is considered the earliest existing globe to indicate any part of the New World and the first to delineate the South American continent. It is also the oldest globe on which the continent of America is shown to be distinct from that of Asia. It uses the name \"America\", which had been introduced in 1507 by Martin Waldseem\u00fcller in his Universalis Cosmographia, though for a continent located to the south of India. A replica of the globe is on display in the Polish Nationality Room at the University of Pittsburgh Robert J. King has pointed out that America was"],"query":"what was the name of the first continent?","answers":["Pangaea"],"gold_index":4} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Continent) Vespucci's name in 1502 or 1503, although it seems that it had additions or alterations by another writer. Regardless of who penned the words, \"Mundus Novus\" credited Vespucci with saying, \"I have discovered a continent in those southern regions that is inhabited by more numerous people and animals than our Europe, or Asia or Africa\", the first known explicit identification of part of the Americas as a continent like the other three. Within a few years, the name \"New World\" began appearing as a name for South America on world maps, such as the Oliveriana (Pesaro) map of around 1504\u20131505.","Document [2](Title: Terra Australis) Incognita (\"the unknown land of the south\") or Terra Australis Nondum Cognita (\"the southern land not yet known\"). Other names were Brasiliae Australis (\"the south of Brazil\"), and Magellanica (\"the land of Magellan\"). During the eighteenth century, today's Australia was not conflated with \"Terra Australis\", as it sometimes was in the twentieth century. Captain Cook and his contemporaries knew that the fifth continent (today's Australia), which they called \"New Holland\", was entirely separate from the imagined (but still undiscovered) sixth continent (today's Antarctica), which they called \"the Southern Continent\" or \"Terra Australis\", sometimes shortened to \"Australia\". In the nineteenth century,","Document [3](Title: Continent) Introductio\", Waldseem\u00fcller noted that the earth is divided into four parts, Europe, Asia, Africa and the fourth part, which he named \"America\" after Amerigo Vespucci's first name. On the map, the word \"America\" was placed on part of South America. From the 16th century the English noun \"continent\" was derived from the term \"continent land\", meaning continuous or connected land and translated from the Latin \"terra continens\". The noun was used to mean \"a connected or continuous tract of land\" or mainland. It was not applied only to very large areas of land\u2014in the 17th century, references were made to","Document [4](Title: North America) Vespucci, who explored South America between 1497 and 1502, was the first European to suggest that the Americas were not the East Indies, but a different landmass previously unknown by Europeans. In 1507, Waldseem\u00fcller produced a world map, in which he placed the word \"America\" on the continent of South America, in the middle of what is today Brazil. He explained the rationale for the name in the accompanying book \"Cosmographiae Introductio\": For Waldseem\u00fcller, no one should object to the naming of the land after its discoverer. He used the Latinized version of Vespucci's name (Americus Vespucius), but in its","Document [5](Title: Pangaea) Earth, land\"). The concept that the continents once formed a continuous land mass was first proposed by Alfred Wegener, the originator of the scientific theory of continental drift, in his 1912 publication \"The Origin of Continents\" (\"Die Entstehung der Kontinente\"). He expanded upon his hypothesis in his 1915 book \"The Origin of Continents and Oceans\" (\"Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane\"), in which he postulated that, before breaking up and drifting to their present locations, all the continents had formed a single supercontinent that he called the \"\"Urkontinent\"\". The name \"Pangea\" occurs in the 1920 edition of \"Die Entstehung der","Document [6](Title: Naming of the Americas) unitary continent, the form is generally \"the continent of America\" in the singular. However, without a clarifying context, singular \"America\" in English commonly refers to the United States of America. The earliest known use of the name \"America\" dates to April 25, 1507, where it was applied to what is now known as South America. It appears on a small globe map with twelve time zones, together with the largest wall map made to date, both created by the German cartographer Martin Waldseem\u00fcller in Saint-Di\u00e9-des-Vosges in France. These were the first maps to show the Americas as a land mass","Document [7](Title: Antarctica) the north\". For example, the short-lived French colony established in Brazil in the 16th century was called \"France Antarctique\". The first formal use of the name \"Antarctica\" as a continental name in the 1890s is attributed to the Scottish cartographer John George Bartholomew. The long-imagined (but undiscovered) south polar continent was originally called \"Terra Australis\", sometimes shortened to 'Australia' as seen in a woodcut illustration titled \"Sphere of the winds\", contained in an astrological textbook published in Frankfurt in 1545. Although the longer Latin phrase was better known, the shortened name \"Australia\" was used in Europe's scholarly circles. Then in","Document [8](Title: The Continent Makers) land area of the overpopulated twenty-second century Earth by creating new continents through the manipulation of geological forces. The project's initial goal is to raise a new land mass to be called Gamanovia around the existing Ascension Island in the South Atlantic. The name of the proposed new continent was chosen to honor fifteenth century Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama, the first European to navigate the region's waters, and for Jo\u00e3o da Nova, who discovered Ascension Island a few years later. A sinister group concealing itself under the mask of the bogus Churchillian Society, supposedly dedicated to proving that the","Document [9](Title: Southern Ocean) the \"Terra Australis Incognita\" (\"Unknown Southern Land\"), a vast continent stretching in parts into the tropics. The search for this great south land was a leading motive of explorers in the 16th and the early part of the 17th centuries. The Spaniard Gabriel de Castilla, who claimed having sighted \"snow-covered mountains\" beyond the 64\u00b0 S in 1603, is recognized as the first explorer that discovered the continent of Antarctica, although he was ignored in his time. In 1606, Pedro Fern\u00e1ndez de Quir\u00f3s took possession for the king of Spain all of the lands he had discovered in Australia del Espiritu","Document [10](Title: Pangaea) Pangaea or Pangea ( \/p\u00e6n\u02c8d\u0292i\u02d0\u0259\/) was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras. It assembled from earlier continental units approximately 335 million years ago, and it began to break apart about 175 million years ago. In contrast to the present Earth and its distribution of continental mass, much of Pangaea was in the southern hemisphere and surrounded by a superocean, Panthalassa. Pangaea was the most recent supercontinent to have existed and the first to be reconstructed by geologists.","Document [11](Title: Amerigo Vespucci) view. The book accompanying the map stated: \"I do not see what right any one would have to object to calling this part, after Americus who discovered it and who is a man of intelligence, Amerige, that is, the Land of Americus, or America: since both Europa and Asia got their names from women\". It is possible that Vespucci was not aware that Waldseem\u00fcller had named the continent after him. The two disputed letters claim that Vespucci made four voyages to America, while at most two can be verified from other sources. At the moment, there is a dispute between","Document [12](Title: Johannes Scho\u0308ner globe) Antarctic continent which had not been explored at that date. On Sch\u00f6ner\u2019s 1515 and 1520 globes, is shown as an island, as he explained in the \"Luculentissima\": America, the fourth part of the world, and the other islands belonging to it. In this way it may be known that the Earth is in four parts and that the first three parts are continents, that is, terra firma, but that the fourth is an island, for it is seen to be surrounded everywhere by the seas\u201d. This is drawn from the \"Cosmographiae Introductio\" of Martin Waldseem\u00fcller, which said: Hitherto [the whole","Document [13](Title: North America) feminine form \"America\", following the examples of \"Europa\", \"Asia\" and \"Africa\". Later, other mapmakers extended the name \"America\" to the northern continent, In 1538, Gerard Mercator used \"America\" on his map of the world for all the Western Hemisphere. Some argue that the convention is to use the surname for naming discoveries except in the case of royalty and so a derivation from \"Amerigo Vespucci\" could be problematic. Ricardo Palma (1949) proposed a derivation from the \"Amerrique\" mountains of Central America\u2014Vespucci was the first to discover South America and the \"Amerrique\" mountains of Central America, which connected his discoveries to","Document [14](Title: Matthias Ringmann) version of the Italian name Amerigo]. [\u2026] We do not see why the name of the man of genius, Amerigo, who has discovered them, should not be given to these lands, as Europe and Asia have adopted the names of women.\" When the book was published by the name \"Cosmographiae Introductio\" on April 25, 1507, it was the first time that the word 'Americas' appeared in print. Waldseem\u00fcller corrected the error in a later edition and named South America \"Terra Nova\", but the name America had now already been established. Ringmann corrected the texts of the Latin editions of Ptolemy's","Document [15](Title: Lemuria (continent)) of which some have become amalgamated with ... Africa, some ... with what is now Asia; and that in Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands we have existing relics of this great continent, for which ... I should propose the name Lemuria! Sclater's theory was hardly unusual for his time; \"land bridges\", real and imagined, fascinated several of Sclater's contemporaries. \u00c9tienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, also looking at the relationship between animals in India and Madagascar, had suggested a southern continent about two decades before Sclater, but did not give it a name. The acceptance of Darwinism led scientists to seek to trace","Document [16](Title: Naming of the Americas) separate from Asia. An accompanying book, \"Cosmographiae Introductio\", anonymous but apparently written by Waldseem\u00fcller's collaborator Matthias Ringmann, states, \"I do not see what right any one would have to object to calling this part [that is, the South American mainland], after Americus who discovered it and who is a man of intelligence, Amerigen, that is, the Land of Americus, or America: since both Europa and Asia got their names from women\". \"Americus Vesputius\" was the Latinized version of the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci's name, the forename being an old Italianization (compare modern Italian Enrico) of Medieval Latin \"Emericus\" (see Saint","Document [17](Title: Americas) Vespucci's first name. The feminine form \"America\" accorded with the feminine names of Asia, Africa, and Europa. In modern English, North and South America are generally considered separate continents, and taken together are called \"America\" or \"the Americas\" in the plural. When conceived as a unitary continent, the form is generally \"the continent of America\" in the singular. However, without a clarifying context, singular \"America\" in English commonly refers to the United States of America. Historically, in the English-speaking world, the term America used to refer to a single continent until the 1950s (as in Van Loon's Geography of 1937):","Document [18](Title: Geography of Asia) one: the islands, n\u0113soi, versus the mainland, \u0113peiros. One etymology relates \u0113peir- to the same Indo-European root from which English \"over\" came. The Armenian form means \"bank, coast.\" The Greek form must be some sort of \"overland,\" whether continuous land or a coast that looms over. In Latin it became continens terra, \"the continuous land,\" shortened to just continens, stem continent-. Most ships of the Archaic Period were not ocean-going. They followed the shores closely, ready to put in at the first sign of trouble. It is not surprising that the first continents were \"shores,\" as they are in Herodotus,","Document [19](Title: Continent) had reached a new continent\u2014he always thought it was part of Asia. In 1501, Amerigo Vespucci and Gon\u00e7alo Coelho attempted to sail around what they considered the southern end of the Asian mainland into the Indian Ocean, passing through Fernando de Noronha. After reaching the coast of Brazil, they sailed a long way further south along the coast of South America, confirming that this was a land of continental proportions and that it also extended much further south than Asia was known to. On return to Europe, an account of the voyage, called \"Mundus Novus\" (\"New World\"), was published under","Document [20](Title: Globus Jagellonicus) globe is considered the earliest existing globe to indicate any part of the New World and the first to delineate the South American continent. It is also the oldest globe on which the continent of America is shown to be distinct from that of Asia. It uses the name \"America\", which had been introduced in 1507 by Martin Waldseem\u00fcller in his Universalis Cosmographia, though for a continent located to the south of India. A replica of the globe is on display in the Polish Nationality Room at the University of Pittsburgh Robert J. King has pointed out that America was"],"query":"what was the name of the first continent?","answers":["Pangaea"],"gold_index":9} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Continent) Vespucci's name in 1502 or 1503, although it seems that it had additions or alterations by another writer. Regardless of who penned the words, \"Mundus Novus\" credited Vespucci with saying, \"I have discovered a continent in those southern regions that is inhabited by more numerous people and animals than our Europe, or Asia or Africa\", the first known explicit identification of part of the Americas as a continent like the other three. Within a few years, the name \"New World\" began appearing as a name for South America on world maps, such as the Oliveriana (Pesaro) map of around 1504\u20131505.","Document [2](Title: Terra Australis) Incognita (\"the unknown land of the south\") or Terra Australis Nondum Cognita (\"the southern land not yet known\"). Other names were Brasiliae Australis (\"the south of Brazil\"), and Magellanica (\"the land of Magellan\"). During the eighteenth century, today's Australia was not conflated with \"Terra Australis\", as it sometimes was in the twentieth century. Captain Cook and his contemporaries knew that the fifth continent (today's Australia), which they called \"New Holland\", was entirely separate from the imagined (but still undiscovered) sixth continent (today's Antarctica), which they called \"the Southern Continent\" or \"Terra Australis\", sometimes shortened to \"Australia\". In the nineteenth century,","Document [3](Title: Continent) Introductio\", Waldseem\u00fcller noted that the earth is divided into four parts, Europe, Asia, Africa and the fourth part, which he named \"America\" after Amerigo Vespucci's first name. On the map, the word \"America\" was placed on part of South America. From the 16th century the English noun \"continent\" was derived from the term \"continent land\", meaning continuous or connected land and translated from the Latin \"terra continens\". The noun was used to mean \"a connected or continuous tract of land\" or mainland. It was not applied only to very large areas of land\u2014in the 17th century, references were made to","Document [4](Title: North America) Vespucci, who explored South America between 1497 and 1502, was the first European to suggest that the Americas were not the East Indies, but a different landmass previously unknown by Europeans. In 1507, Waldseem\u00fcller produced a world map, in which he placed the word \"America\" on the continent of South America, in the middle of what is today Brazil. He explained the rationale for the name in the accompanying book \"Cosmographiae Introductio\": For Waldseem\u00fcller, no one should object to the naming of the land after its discoverer. He used the Latinized version of Vespucci's name (Americus Vespucius), but in its","Document [5](Title: Pangaea) Earth, land\"). The concept that the continents once formed a continuous land mass was first proposed by Alfred Wegener, the originator of the scientific theory of continental drift, in his 1912 publication \"The Origin of Continents\" (\"Die Entstehung der Kontinente\"). He expanded upon his hypothesis in his 1915 book \"The Origin of Continents and Oceans\" (\"Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane\"), in which he postulated that, before breaking up and drifting to their present locations, all the continents had formed a single supercontinent that he called the \"\"Urkontinent\"\". The name \"Pangea\" occurs in the 1920 edition of \"Die Entstehung der","Document [6](Title: Naming of the Americas) unitary continent, the form is generally \"the continent of America\" in the singular. However, without a clarifying context, singular \"America\" in English commonly refers to the United States of America. The earliest known use of the name \"America\" dates to April 25, 1507, where it was applied to what is now known as South America. It appears on a small globe map with twelve time zones, together with the largest wall map made to date, both created by the German cartographer Martin Waldseem\u00fcller in Saint-Di\u00e9-des-Vosges in France. These were the first maps to show the Americas as a land mass","Document [7](Title: Antarctica) the north\". For example, the short-lived French colony established in Brazil in the 16th century was called \"France Antarctique\". The first formal use of the name \"Antarctica\" as a continental name in the 1890s is attributed to the Scottish cartographer John George Bartholomew. The long-imagined (but undiscovered) south polar continent was originally called \"Terra Australis\", sometimes shortened to 'Australia' as seen in a woodcut illustration titled \"Sphere of the winds\", contained in an astrological textbook published in Frankfurt in 1545. Although the longer Latin phrase was better known, the shortened name \"Australia\" was used in Europe's scholarly circles. Then in","Document [8](Title: The Continent Makers) land area of the overpopulated twenty-second century Earth by creating new continents through the manipulation of geological forces. The project's initial goal is to raise a new land mass to be called Gamanovia around the existing Ascension Island in the South Atlantic. The name of the proposed new continent was chosen to honor fifteenth century Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama, the first European to navigate the region's waters, and for Jo\u00e3o da Nova, who discovered Ascension Island a few years later. A sinister group concealing itself under the mask of the bogus Churchillian Society, supposedly dedicated to proving that the","Document [9](Title: Southern Ocean) the \"Terra Australis Incognita\" (\"Unknown Southern Land\"), a vast continent stretching in parts into the tropics. The search for this great south land was a leading motive of explorers in the 16th and the early part of the 17th centuries. The Spaniard Gabriel de Castilla, who claimed having sighted \"snow-covered mountains\" beyond the 64\u00b0 S in 1603, is recognized as the first explorer that discovered the continent of Antarctica, although he was ignored in his time. In 1606, Pedro Fern\u00e1ndez de Quir\u00f3s took possession for the king of Spain all of the lands he had discovered in Australia del Espiritu","Document [10](Title: Amerigo Vespucci) view. The book accompanying the map stated: \"I do not see what right any one would have to object to calling this part, after Americus who discovered it and who is a man of intelligence, Amerige, that is, the Land of Americus, or America: since both Europa and Asia got their names from women\". It is possible that Vespucci was not aware that Waldseem\u00fcller had named the continent after him. The two disputed letters claim that Vespucci made four voyages to America, while at most two can be verified from other sources. At the moment, there is a dispute between","Document [11](Title: Johannes Scho\u0308ner globe) Antarctic continent which had not been explored at that date. On Sch\u00f6ner\u2019s 1515 and 1520 globes, is shown as an island, as he explained in the \"Luculentissima\": America, the fourth part of the world, and the other islands belonging to it. In this way it may be known that the Earth is in four parts and that the first three parts are continents, that is, terra firma, but that the fourth is an island, for it is seen to be surrounded everywhere by the seas\u201d. This is drawn from the \"Cosmographiae Introductio\" of Martin Waldseem\u00fcller, which said: Hitherto [the whole","Document [12](Title: North America) feminine form \"America\", following the examples of \"Europa\", \"Asia\" and \"Africa\". Later, other mapmakers extended the name \"America\" to the northern continent, In 1538, Gerard Mercator used \"America\" on his map of the world for all the Western Hemisphere. Some argue that the convention is to use the surname for naming discoveries except in the case of royalty and so a derivation from \"Amerigo Vespucci\" could be problematic. Ricardo Palma (1949) proposed a derivation from the \"Amerrique\" mountains of Central America\u2014Vespucci was the first to discover South America and the \"Amerrique\" mountains of Central America, which connected his discoveries to","Document [13](Title: Matthias Ringmann) version of the Italian name Amerigo]. [\u2026] We do not see why the name of the man of genius, Amerigo, who has discovered them, should not be given to these lands, as Europe and Asia have adopted the names of women.\" When the book was published by the name \"Cosmographiae Introductio\" on April 25, 1507, it was the first time that the word 'Americas' appeared in print. Waldseem\u00fcller corrected the error in a later edition and named South America \"Terra Nova\", but the name America had now already been established. Ringmann corrected the texts of the Latin editions of Ptolemy's","Document [14](Title: Lemuria (continent)) of which some have become amalgamated with ... Africa, some ... with what is now Asia; and that in Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands we have existing relics of this great continent, for which ... I should propose the name Lemuria! Sclater's theory was hardly unusual for his time; \"land bridges\", real and imagined, fascinated several of Sclater's contemporaries. \u00c9tienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, also looking at the relationship between animals in India and Madagascar, had suggested a southern continent about two decades before Sclater, but did not give it a name. The acceptance of Darwinism led scientists to seek to trace","Document [15](Title: Pangaea) Pangaea or Pangea ( \/p\u00e6n\u02c8d\u0292i\u02d0\u0259\/) was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras. It assembled from earlier continental units approximately 335 million years ago, and it began to break apart about 175 million years ago. In contrast to the present Earth and its distribution of continental mass, much of Pangaea was in the southern hemisphere and surrounded by a superocean, Panthalassa. Pangaea was the most recent supercontinent to have existed and the first to be reconstructed by geologists.","Document [16](Title: Naming of the Americas) separate from Asia. An accompanying book, \"Cosmographiae Introductio\", anonymous but apparently written by Waldseem\u00fcller's collaborator Matthias Ringmann, states, \"I do not see what right any one would have to object to calling this part [that is, the South American mainland], after Americus who discovered it and who is a man of intelligence, Amerigen, that is, the Land of Americus, or America: since both Europa and Asia got their names from women\". \"Americus Vesputius\" was the Latinized version of the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci's name, the forename being an old Italianization (compare modern Italian Enrico) of Medieval Latin \"Emericus\" (see Saint","Document [17](Title: Americas) Vespucci's first name. The feminine form \"America\" accorded with the feminine names of Asia, Africa, and Europa. In modern English, North and South America are generally considered separate continents, and taken together are called \"America\" or \"the Americas\" in the plural. When conceived as a unitary continent, the form is generally \"the continent of America\" in the singular. However, without a clarifying context, singular \"America\" in English commonly refers to the United States of America. Historically, in the English-speaking world, the term America used to refer to a single continent until the 1950s (as in Van Loon's Geography of 1937):","Document [18](Title: Geography of Asia) one: the islands, n\u0113soi, versus the mainland, \u0113peiros. One etymology relates \u0113peir- to the same Indo-European root from which English \"over\" came. The Armenian form means \"bank, coast.\" The Greek form must be some sort of \"overland,\" whether continuous land or a coast that looms over. In Latin it became continens terra, \"the continuous land,\" shortened to just continens, stem continent-. Most ships of the Archaic Period were not ocean-going. They followed the shores closely, ready to put in at the first sign of trouble. It is not surprising that the first continents were \"shores,\" as they are in Herodotus,","Document [19](Title: Continent) had reached a new continent\u2014he always thought it was part of Asia. In 1501, Amerigo Vespucci and Gon\u00e7alo Coelho attempted to sail around what they considered the southern end of the Asian mainland into the Indian Ocean, passing through Fernando de Noronha. After reaching the coast of Brazil, they sailed a long way further south along the coast of South America, confirming that this was a land of continental proportions and that it also extended much further south than Asia was known to. On return to Europe, an account of the voyage, called \"Mundus Novus\" (\"New World\"), was published under","Document [20](Title: Globus Jagellonicus) globe is considered the earliest existing globe to indicate any part of the New World and the first to delineate the South American continent. It is also the oldest globe on which the continent of America is shown to be distinct from that of Asia. It uses the name \"America\", which had been introduced in 1507 by Martin Waldseem\u00fcller in his Universalis Cosmographia, though for a continent located to the south of India. A replica of the globe is on display in the Polish Nationality Room at the University of Pittsburgh Robert J. King has pointed out that America was"],"query":"what was the name of the first continent?","answers":["Pangaea"],"gold_index":14} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Continent) Vespucci's name in 1502 or 1503, although it seems that it had additions or alterations by another writer. Regardless of who penned the words, \"Mundus Novus\" credited Vespucci with saying, \"I have discovered a continent in those southern regions that is inhabited by more numerous people and animals than our Europe, or Asia or Africa\", the first known explicit identification of part of the Americas as a continent like the other three. Within a few years, the name \"New World\" began appearing as a name for South America on world maps, such as the Oliveriana (Pesaro) map of around 1504\u20131505.","Document [2](Title: Terra Australis) Incognita (\"the unknown land of the south\") or Terra Australis Nondum Cognita (\"the southern land not yet known\"). Other names were Brasiliae Australis (\"the south of Brazil\"), and Magellanica (\"the land of Magellan\"). During the eighteenth century, today's Australia was not conflated with \"Terra Australis\", as it sometimes was in the twentieth century. Captain Cook and his contemporaries knew that the fifth continent (today's Australia), which they called \"New Holland\", was entirely separate from the imagined (but still undiscovered) sixth continent (today's Antarctica), which they called \"the Southern Continent\" or \"Terra Australis\", sometimes shortened to \"Australia\". In the nineteenth century,","Document [3](Title: Continent) Introductio\", Waldseem\u00fcller noted that the earth is divided into four parts, Europe, Asia, Africa and the fourth part, which he named \"America\" after Amerigo Vespucci's first name. On the map, the word \"America\" was placed on part of South America. From the 16th century the English noun \"continent\" was derived from the term \"continent land\", meaning continuous or connected land and translated from the Latin \"terra continens\". The noun was used to mean \"a connected or continuous tract of land\" or mainland. It was not applied only to very large areas of land\u2014in the 17th century, references were made to","Document [4](Title: North America) Vespucci, who explored South America between 1497 and 1502, was the first European to suggest that the Americas were not the East Indies, but a different landmass previously unknown by Europeans. In 1507, Waldseem\u00fcller produced a world map, in which he placed the word \"America\" on the continent of South America, in the middle of what is today Brazil. He explained the rationale for the name in the accompanying book \"Cosmographiae Introductio\": For Waldseem\u00fcller, no one should object to the naming of the land after its discoverer. He used the Latinized version of Vespucci's name (Americus Vespucius), but in its","Document [5](Title: Pangaea) Earth, land\"). The concept that the continents once formed a continuous land mass was first proposed by Alfred Wegener, the originator of the scientific theory of continental drift, in his 1912 publication \"The Origin of Continents\" (\"Die Entstehung der Kontinente\"). He expanded upon his hypothesis in his 1915 book \"The Origin of Continents and Oceans\" (\"Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane\"), in which he postulated that, before breaking up and drifting to their present locations, all the continents had formed a single supercontinent that he called the \"\"Urkontinent\"\". The name \"Pangea\" occurs in the 1920 edition of \"Die Entstehung der","Document [6](Title: Naming of the Americas) unitary continent, the form is generally \"the continent of America\" in the singular. However, without a clarifying context, singular \"America\" in English commonly refers to the United States of America. The earliest known use of the name \"America\" dates to April 25, 1507, where it was applied to what is now known as South America. It appears on a small globe map with twelve time zones, together with the largest wall map made to date, both created by the German cartographer Martin Waldseem\u00fcller in Saint-Di\u00e9-des-Vosges in France. These were the first maps to show the Americas as a land mass","Document [7](Title: Antarctica) the north\". For example, the short-lived French colony established in Brazil in the 16th century was called \"France Antarctique\". The first formal use of the name \"Antarctica\" as a continental name in the 1890s is attributed to the Scottish cartographer John George Bartholomew. The long-imagined (but undiscovered) south polar continent was originally called \"Terra Australis\", sometimes shortened to 'Australia' as seen in a woodcut illustration titled \"Sphere of the winds\", contained in an astrological textbook published in Frankfurt in 1545. Although the longer Latin phrase was better known, the shortened name \"Australia\" was used in Europe's scholarly circles. Then in","Document [8](Title: The Continent Makers) land area of the overpopulated twenty-second century Earth by creating new continents through the manipulation of geological forces. The project's initial goal is to raise a new land mass to be called Gamanovia around the existing Ascension Island in the South Atlantic. The name of the proposed new continent was chosen to honor fifteenth century Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama, the first European to navigate the region's waters, and for Jo\u00e3o da Nova, who discovered Ascension Island a few years later. A sinister group concealing itself under the mask of the bogus Churchillian Society, supposedly dedicated to proving that the","Document [9](Title: Southern Ocean) the \"Terra Australis Incognita\" (\"Unknown Southern Land\"), a vast continent stretching in parts into the tropics. The search for this great south land was a leading motive of explorers in the 16th and the early part of the 17th centuries. The Spaniard Gabriel de Castilla, who claimed having sighted \"snow-covered mountains\" beyond the 64\u00b0 S in 1603, is recognized as the first explorer that discovered the continent of Antarctica, although he was ignored in his time. In 1606, Pedro Fern\u00e1ndez de Quir\u00f3s took possession for the king of Spain all of the lands he had discovered in Australia del Espiritu","Document [10](Title: Amerigo Vespucci) view. The book accompanying the map stated: \"I do not see what right any one would have to object to calling this part, after Americus who discovered it and who is a man of intelligence, Amerige, that is, the Land of Americus, or America: since both Europa and Asia got their names from women\". It is possible that Vespucci was not aware that Waldseem\u00fcller had named the continent after him. The two disputed letters claim that Vespucci made four voyages to America, while at most two can be verified from other sources. At the moment, there is a dispute between","Document [11](Title: Johannes Scho\u0308ner globe) Antarctic continent which had not been explored at that date. On Sch\u00f6ner\u2019s 1515 and 1520 globes, is shown as an island, as he explained in the \"Luculentissima\": America, the fourth part of the world, and the other islands belonging to it. In this way it may be known that the Earth is in four parts and that the first three parts are continents, that is, terra firma, but that the fourth is an island, for it is seen to be surrounded everywhere by the seas\u201d. This is drawn from the \"Cosmographiae Introductio\" of Martin Waldseem\u00fcller, which said: Hitherto [the whole","Document [12](Title: North America) feminine form \"America\", following the examples of \"Europa\", \"Asia\" and \"Africa\". Later, other mapmakers extended the name \"America\" to the northern continent, In 1538, Gerard Mercator used \"America\" on his map of the world for all the Western Hemisphere. Some argue that the convention is to use the surname for naming discoveries except in the case of royalty and so a derivation from \"Amerigo Vespucci\" could be problematic. Ricardo Palma (1949) proposed a derivation from the \"Amerrique\" mountains of Central America\u2014Vespucci was the first to discover South America and the \"Amerrique\" mountains of Central America, which connected his discoveries to","Document [13](Title: Matthias Ringmann) version of the Italian name Amerigo]. [\u2026] We do not see why the name of the man of genius, Amerigo, who has discovered them, should not be given to these lands, as Europe and Asia have adopted the names of women.\" When the book was published by the name \"Cosmographiae Introductio\" on April 25, 1507, it was the first time that the word 'Americas' appeared in print. Waldseem\u00fcller corrected the error in a later edition and named South America \"Terra Nova\", but the name America had now already been established. Ringmann corrected the texts of the Latin editions of Ptolemy's","Document [14](Title: Lemuria (continent)) of which some have become amalgamated with ... Africa, some ... with what is now Asia; and that in Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands we have existing relics of this great continent, for which ... I should propose the name Lemuria! Sclater's theory was hardly unusual for his time; \"land bridges\", real and imagined, fascinated several of Sclater's contemporaries. \u00c9tienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, also looking at the relationship between animals in India and Madagascar, had suggested a southern continent about two decades before Sclater, but did not give it a name. The acceptance of Darwinism led scientists to seek to trace","Document [15](Title: Naming of the Americas) separate from Asia. An accompanying book, \"Cosmographiae Introductio\", anonymous but apparently written by Waldseem\u00fcller's collaborator Matthias Ringmann, states, \"I do not see what right any one would have to object to calling this part [that is, the South American mainland], after Americus who discovered it and who is a man of intelligence, Amerigen, that is, the Land of Americus, or America: since both Europa and Asia got their names from women\". \"Americus Vesputius\" was the Latinized version of the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci's name, the forename being an old Italianization (compare modern Italian Enrico) of Medieval Latin \"Emericus\" (see Saint","Document [16](Title: Americas) Vespucci's first name. The feminine form \"America\" accorded with the feminine names of Asia, Africa, and Europa. In modern English, North and South America are generally considered separate continents, and taken together are called \"America\" or \"the Americas\" in the plural. When conceived as a unitary continent, the form is generally \"the continent of America\" in the singular. However, without a clarifying context, singular \"America\" in English commonly refers to the United States of America. Historically, in the English-speaking world, the term America used to refer to a single continent until the 1950s (as in Van Loon's Geography of 1937):","Document [17](Title: Geography of Asia) one: the islands, n\u0113soi, versus the mainland, \u0113peiros. One etymology relates \u0113peir- to the same Indo-European root from which English \"over\" came. The Armenian form means \"bank, coast.\" The Greek form must be some sort of \"overland,\" whether continuous land or a coast that looms over. In Latin it became continens terra, \"the continuous land,\" shortened to just continens, stem continent-. Most ships of the Archaic Period were not ocean-going. They followed the shores closely, ready to put in at the first sign of trouble. It is not surprising that the first continents were \"shores,\" as they are in Herodotus,","Document [18](Title: Continent) had reached a new continent\u2014he always thought it was part of Asia. In 1501, Amerigo Vespucci and Gon\u00e7alo Coelho attempted to sail around what they considered the southern end of the Asian mainland into the Indian Ocean, passing through Fernando de Noronha. After reaching the coast of Brazil, they sailed a long way further south along the coast of South America, confirming that this was a land of continental proportions and that it also extended much further south than Asia was known to. On return to Europe, an account of the voyage, called \"Mundus Novus\" (\"New World\"), was published under","Document [19](Title: Globus Jagellonicus) globe is considered the earliest existing globe to indicate any part of the New World and the first to delineate the South American continent. It is also the oldest globe on which the continent of America is shown to be distinct from that of Asia. It uses the name \"America\", which had been introduced in 1507 by Martin Waldseem\u00fcller in his Universalis Cosmographia, though for a continent located to the south of India. A replica of the globe is on display in the Polish Nationality Room at the University of Pittsburgh Robert J. King has pointed out that America was","Document [20](Title: Pangaea) Pangaea or Pangea ( \/p\u00e6n\u02c8d\u0292i\u02d0\u0259\/) was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras. It assembled from earlier continental units approximately 335 million years ago, and it began to break apart about 175 million years ago. In contrast to the present Earth and its distribution of continental mass, much of Pangaea was in the southern hemisphere and surrounded by a superocean, Panthalassa. Pangaea was the most recent supercontinent to have existed and the first to be reconstructed by geologists."],"query":"what was the name of the first continent?","answers":["Pangaea"],"gold_index":19} {"context":["Document [1](Title: Licensing Act 2003) provide late night refreshment. Permission to carry on some or all of these licensable activities is now contained in a single licence \u2014 the premises licence \u2014 replacing several different and complex schemes. Responsibility for issuing licences now rests with local authorities, specifically London boroughs, Metropolitan boroughs, unitary authorities, and district councils, who took over this power from the Justices of the Peace. These authorities are each required to establish a Licensing Committee, which acts in a quasi-judicial capacity under the Act. The powers of the Act came fully into force at midnight at the start of 24 November 2005.","Document [2](Title: Rhode Island Division of Commercial Licensing and Regulation) that proper fees have been remitted. The Section responsible for the regulation and licensing of Resident, Non-resident and Apprentice Auctioneers holding auctions within the State. The Section responsible for the regulation of gasoline stations and advertising. The Section responsible for the regulation and registration of health clubs. The Section responsible for the assessment and collection of fees specified by Rhode Island state law. The Section is also responsible for the inspection of retail and wholesale establishments and the issuance of licenses to manufacturers, wholesalers, marine vessels and railroads as well as airplanes. The Section handles retail license appeals from actions","Document [3](Title: Alcohol licensing laws of the United Kingdom) regard to \u201cthe licensing objectives\u201d: The licensing authorities are local councils. In two-tier parts of England and Wales, these are the district or borough councils and elsewhere the unitary authority is the licensing authority. In Scotland each council has a Licensing Board to act as licensing authority. For a premises licence, the licensing authority is the council for the place where the premises are located; where they straddle a boundary, the applicant may choose either one. For a personal licence, it is the licensing authority in whose area the applicant lives. The Licensing Authority is also responsible for the issue","Document [4](Title: Rhode Island Division of Commercial Licensing and Regulation) taken by local boards. The Section also investigates complaints, licensing and examining its regulated entities. The Section responsible for the licensing and regulation of mobile home parks. The Section is also empowered to investigate and adjudicate complaints from park owners, residents and citizens to insure compliance with Rhode Island state laws and rules and regulations. The Section responsible for the licensing and regulation of Real Estate salespersons, brokers and appraisers. The Section coordinates and administers examinations for real estate brokers, salesperson and real estate appraisers. Additionally, the Section is responsible for issuing licenses to real estate branch offices, real estate","Document [5](Title: Rhode Island Division of Commercial Licensing and Regulation) adjudicate complaints against licensees to insure compliance with Rhode Island state laws and rules and regulations. The Section responsible for the regulation and licensing of the auto body industry statewide. The section also investigates complaints from consumers, the insurance industry and law enforcement. The section reviews both new and renewal license applications to ensure that applicants meet all licensure requirements and that proper fees have been remitted. The Section establishes standards and procedures for the issuance of Limited Glass Licenses for motor vehicle glass installation. The Section responsible for creating standards and procedures for the issuance of a salvage rebuilder's","Document [6](Title: Rhode Island Division of Commercial Licensing and Regulation) schools and out of state land sales. The Section is also empowered to investigate and adjudicate complaints to insure license compliance with Rhode Island State laws, rules and regulations. The Section responsible for the regulation of travel agencies and travel agents. It is also responsible for the issuing licenses and enforcing travel laws, rules and regulations. The Division also coordinates and administers examinations for travel agencies, managers and agents licenses. The Section responsible for enforcing state laws regarding the marking of the unit price of items in retail stores. The Section responsible for the licensing and regulation of Manufacturers, Supply","Document [7](Title: CDMA Certification Forum) CDMA Certification Forum CDMA Certification Forum (known as CCF) was the original official authority governing CDMA Device certification. The CCF is an international partnership between network operator and device vendors to maintain and evolve a core global device certification process that helps improve quality through consistent interoperability, conformance and performance testing across the globe. On 31 December 2014, CCF voted to hand all its certification responsibilities to the Global Certification Forum (GCF). The CDMA Certification Forum (CCF) and its members are dedicated to improving the quality and time-to-market of all CDMA devices by using a common test process that ensures","Document [8](Title: Nuclear licensing) States, licenses are issued either by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, or in some cases by the individual states who have been delegated authority for some licensing activities, e.g. Arizona ([Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency]). Countries other than the U.S.A. use different licensing schemes, typically at the national level, with formal or informal participation at the local government level. For example, in Great Britain, the Health and Safety Executive oversees licenses and nuclear safety. In the United States, recent licensing activities have been focused on the next generation of nuclear reactors being planned. Efforts are underway to prepare the documents required","Document [9](Title: Rhode Island Division of Commercial Licensing and Regulation) Rhode Island Division of Commercial Licensing and Regulation The Division of Commercial Licensing and Regulation is the division of the Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation responsible for the licensing and regulation of real estate agents, brokers and appraisers, auto body & salvage re-builder shops, auto wrecking and salvage yards, travel agencies and travel agents, upholsterers, alarm system installers, auctioneers, liquor wholesalers, breweries, wineries, salespersons (representing wholesalers) and agents (representing manufacturers and distillers), Class G (boat\/airline\/railroads) license holders, line-cleaners, and mobile and manufactured homes and parks. The enforcement of unit pricing, motor fuel advertising and health club pre-opening laws are","Document [10](Title: Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control) Governor and confirmed by the Senate for three-year terms. Cyndy A. Valdez (Pima County) Chairman Term Expires: 2017 Michael J. Troyan (Maricopa County) Vice Chairman Term Expires: 2018 Vikki R. Scarafiotti, (Maricopa County) Term Expires: June 2017 Sergio A. Arellano (Pima County) Term Expires: 2019 Troy Campbell (Coconino County) Term Expires: 2018 Vacant Term Expires: Vacant Term Expires: Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control The Department of Liquor Licenses and Control is an Arizona state agency responsible for reviewing state liquor applications and issuing renewal licenses. In Arizona, there are 17 different license categories \u2013 airplanes, trains, watercraft, restaurants,","Document [11](Title: Florida Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco) these tasks using both sworn Special Agents and non-sworn civilian Investigative Specialists (Inspectors). Enforcement operates 12 district offices to fulfill its duties. The Bureau of Licensing is responsible for the issuance of all alcoholic beverage licenses and cigarette or other tobacco product permits, and for the maintenance of all records pertaining to these licenses throughout the state. Florida law requires that licenses may only be issued to persons who are at least twenty-one years of age, are of good moral character, and who have not been convicted of certain criminal offenses within a prescribed period of time. This bureau determines","Document [12](Title: Censorship in Thailand) the broadcasting regulator is authorized to issue \"community broadcast\" licenses to stations which offer non-commercial service to a local audience. The Broadcasting Act of 2008 prohibits the community broadcaster from engaging in commercial activities or undertake any commercial undertaking. As of July 2008, no community broadcast license has been sought or issued. The National Telecommunications Commission as a temporary regulator\/licensor of CR and CTV in Thailand proposed a draft \"provisional license\" for CR and CTV in May 2009. During June, an NTC subcommittee on broadcasting went around Thailand to \"pre-register\" prospective CR operators with the expectation that when the regulation","Document [13](Title: Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch) Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch The Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (formerly the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch) is the agency of the government of British Columbia, within the Ministry of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction, responsible for issuing liquor licenses in the province and for enforcing the provisions of the \"Liquor Control and Licensing Act\". British Columbia's government also has a separate Liquor Distribution Branch, which is responsible for operating the province's monopoly on the sale of alcoholic beverages. The BC Liquor Distribution Branch is one of the world's largest importers, distributors and retailers of wines, beer and","Document [14](Title: Local marketing agreement) Local marketing agreement In North American broadcasting, a local marketing agreement (or local management agreement, abbreviated as an LMA) is a contract in which one company agrees to operate a radio or television station owned by another party. In essence, it is a sort of lease or time-buy.<\/P? Under Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations, a local marketing agreement must give the company operating the station (the \"senior\" partner) under the agreemen