i don't think you've ever seen a kangaroo before. kangaroo. do you know what this is? what? oh did ray take you to see a duck today. oh? oh and a duck pond? yeah? kangaroo? that's right. you know what kangaroos do. they hop. can you hop? that's right. that's what kangaroos do. let's see what else there is? do you know what this is? is that a lamb? you're right it looks like a lamb. does it go baa? that's right. there are the owls and the pigs? do you know what this is? what? no those are baby chicks? what do they say? that's right? peep peep. there are the bears. what's on the front? is that a bunny rabbit. bunny rabbit. that's right. are you still hopping? like a kangaroo. what game do you want to play rachel? what game? that. what's that? i don't see any games there. did you hit yourself. ouch? want me to pick you up. did you go boom on the table! did you hit your arm? what game do you want to play? that one over there? okay. let's put the book away then? november twenty second. laura is twenty one months old. we are here alone today. without jack and joanna. who are on vacation in new york? oh go get your baby. where did you leave your baby? she just ran through to get her baby and we're making the breakfast tape as usual. come on laura. breakfast time. i don't know where your baby is. where do you leave the baby? you have a poo poo in your pants? can you sit and eat breakfast and then i'll change you? because we've started breakfast now. okay you sit down. oh look at this good breakfast. oh and here's something for laura to read. yeah. you can read that. here's your baby laura. mommy found baby. here. here's a baby. that's a little doll too. that's joanna's little toy doll. let's have a good breakfast. yes. there's butter on your bread. yeah. cake too. good. what darling? recorder yeah. know what? i'm gonna treat myself and have a little jam with this. stay right there laura. there's nothing quite like the taste of hot croissants from there. we might as well. look. huh? in the tyre. well give me your bread. you can have a treat too. no. that's your orange. you give me the bread. you want a little jam on your bread? ah this is a special breakfast. mommy doesn't ever do this. except when she's treating herself royally. mhm. aha. eat jam and bread. yah. mhm that's special. that's orange. aha. aha. i see you have a bite baby. what laura? aha. aha. or jam. okay. over there in the tea party today. what will we have at the tea party? ah. huh? you have jam. now you eat that up. what do you want? what? here. here laura. there. there you go. yah. that can go there. aha. do you think we're gonna be able to stand petra today? yes. don't know how i'll have to live through petra. aha. aha. aha. is that your baby? your baby's crying? no. daddy didn't come. daddy's gone. daddy and joanna aren't coming for a few days laura. okay. last jam. last one. for mommy and for laura. here is some for laura. you've had your turn. here you can lift that. let's close the jam. that's all for the jam. that's all. aha. hi jam. hi jam. all done. all done. what honey? okay. okay. here's your baby doll. there you go. mhm. we're gonna have a good time laura. you and i. they'll be back. sunday night. so they we're gonna go. thursday friday saturday sunday. they'll be back in four days. aha. but not today. well mommy will put laura to bed. all by herself. just you. who's that? no. daddy just left. mommy will put laura to bed tonight. daddy and joanna will be bye bye. okay? okay. okay. okay laura. is the baby in there. oh but you're ready. your baby's in there. that's bread. aha. bread's in the dunk. it's called dunking laura. you're dunking the bread. ah. we sure have a lot to do today. you know that? we really have a lot to do. can laura help mommy today because mommy wants to clean the house up for daddy. aha. aha. aha. okay we'll get your baby. here. huh? well what's the doll doing? ahoh want the baby to stop crying? what? what is that? you want me to see if there's a penny in there? well there is a penny in there. who put the penny in there? what? i don't understand you. here what's this? whose shoe is that? what's that? what's your shoe doing on my breakfast table? okay you drop it down. thank you. are you putting the penny in your purse? she found a little purse that she has a penny in. are you closing that purse? okay. who should open it? penny. yeah. aha. okay. open it. okay. just a second. there. there you go. did you put a penny in your purse? huh? okay. i'll help you. there. there you go. laura. your shoe is under the piece of paper isn't it? boy this place is a mess. under the table. yes. oh i have to sneeze. open it? that's yours. that's laura's. that's right. is that deedee's? where is deedee? that's correct. she's bye bye. that's cream. that's closer. eh. aha. penny. hey laura. you know i feel so lazy? i'm never sitting at the breakfast table at ten after eight. we've always sent daddy to work and we're cleaning up. this is kind of nice. this maybe a vacation for you and me. okay. you take your penny out. okay you close that purse. already what? is the penny tight to go in there? alright. you lock the door? you closed the purse. you want me to open the purse? alright. it's open. oh that's a hard job. oh i think i see we have a game going. you you'll never close it and i'll never open it. yeah laura. this is gonna be so much fun just you and me. i can see that instead of being terrible this is gonna turn out to be fun. there. there. is that a penny in your hand? does a knife hurt? yeah. right. oh. who gave you the penny? laura gave laura a penny. that's right. now it's laura's penny. i gave it to you. alright. what? you're gonna buy ice cream for your penny? talking's ice cream you are. cookie? you can buy a cookie with your pennies? what came back? the penny came back? to the penny? i didn't know the penny was gone. the penny's coming back soon? who's coming back soon? daddy. and who else. no that's right. they'll be back soon. do you miss them? you love joanna and daddy? are they your friends? a there's your penny. are you my friend laura? are you my friend? play with the penny? oh pay for the ice cream with the penny. i'm not sure whether she means pay or play here. never heard the word pay before if this is the case. there's nothing from the situation until you tell them. one way or the other. the vacuum makes a loud noise. the vacuum will be on. and some people are coming to fix the rug today. aha. so it make a loud loud noise. yeah. we're gonna have to have. i don't know what they gonna do. how they do it? they must have a system. i guess laura i better get going here. open this. are you ready to say goodbye to the tape recorder? what's co co mean? that's cuckoo. i'm giving it to you. hey laura. is laura a nice girl? and i can never just play. this is a good tape. what's that? penny. where's the kittie? is peanuts outside? oh yes. he's outside. where? where's oigan? oigan is bye bye? oh oigan doesn't glide. what does oigan do? barking. you want to sing a song. we're so lazy it'll be time to go and get petra and i really wanna clear the table yet. oh we're just having a lazy day. what? all finished with yours? is that what you said? you wanna hear the recorder oh? no daddy isn't here. no sue carry. i don't know about you but i'm tired laura. what's all this noise about? did you have a poop or is that just a smell in here. what is that? that's a dinosaur. what does a dinosaur say? arr. oh is that ever pretty? is that a butterfly? butterfly? they go flap flap flap flap. that's the dinosaur? what's that? a ball? do you know what that is? that's a pan! you cook food in pans? arr. a lion again let's look at some of the other pages. arr. dinosaur? look it. what's that? it's a kittie. who's that? girl. that's right. it's a little girl. she's petting the little kittie. what does a kittie say? meow? you know what that is. what is that? what is that? it's a turtle. just like the turtle you have on our bath tub. ah. who's that? that's a little boy. who's that? you know that? who does that look like? does that look like jeff. oh no. that's not jeff is it! but that's a boy like jeff? look that boy has a watch on just like mommy's go a watch. uh huh that's mommy's? see mommy's got a watch and so does that little boy in the picture. turn the pages? tractor? what is that? a duck? what does a duck say? quack quack. see what else there is here. can you turn the pages? i do? carrots. yummy carrots? shoes. yep? where are your shoes? yep. you got your shoes on for once? yep got your shoes on. i got mine on too. you like shoes. you like to wear everybody else's shoes. that's a bear. a saw? that's a wheel barrow. what's that? that's a hat. telephone. talk to grandma on the phone. no i don't think you have yet. that's a violin makes music. that's the mouse. a mouse goes squeak squeak. looking for cheese? and hopefully we won't have any in our house! a comb. oh those are flowers. do they smell good. can you smell the flowers? you're right i've got some flowers on my ears. they're a different kind though. you go some flowers right here too look. pink flowers. and these are yellow flowers. do those flowers smell. can you smell those flowers? can you smell those flowers? you got lots of flowers on you. see all these little pink ones and little tiny blue ones. and these are yellow. those are dandelions. and that's a comb. a comb to comb your hair with? and that's a dandelion? those are roses that you have? oh look it. it's in the sandbox digging in the sandbox. that's our car. yeah. it looks just like ours our red one. this is what we needed today when it's getting all rainy out. it's an umbrella. where's our umbrella? we didn't bring it in with us. what's that over there? no that's not an umbrella that just some kind of shade. kind of looks like that. oh what's this nora. look it here. apple. apple? ready to just take a big bite. apple? yum. a kite. an maybe next year we can have you can try a kite? we never had too much luck with them with jeff and allison. what's that? it's a bird. tweet tweet. a hammer. to pound nails in with the hammer. roof roof. a doggie. huh what's that. it's a coat? yep. and look it here's the buttons to do up. a tree. a coat. and buttons on the coat. and that's the hood to cover your head up with. huh a teapot? and what's this! a dolly and oh look it what pretty hair she's got. a little bow in her hair and her shoes on and a little dress. you've go your shoes on too i can tell. let me see what else is in here. mushrooms. that's a chair. mushrooms! these are outside in our grass? we probably have some in our lawn. when it gets real raining out? do you want to see what else there is in the book? can you get that page? huh what is that. that's an ape. they go hooh hooh hooh. like that. we saw some. that's right. they go hooh hooh hooh? i think we saw some of these when we went to the zoo? the big monkey? and they bang themselves like this too. nora they go hooh hooh hooh. you're too cute to be an old ape. yes you are. you got a flower right there too. it's an airplane. grandma and grandpa went on one of these to go back to arizona. yes. one of these days we'll get on an airplane and go visit them. uh huh. what is that? that's right it's a bike. that's right she took the other motorcycle back you don't play with that anymore. pencil. to write with. and a boat for the bath tub. and a cow. moo. moo? and a sailboat. to go in the tub. you know what those are. bugs creepy old bugs. that crawl all over nora. that's the frog. jeff played. no there wasn't a frog in there with that box of toys. no i don't remember seeing a frog. ribbit ribbit. there's your hat. and a mitten. to go over your hand in the winter. to keep your hand warm. that's a tractor. yeah tractor. uh oh. we're all out of the pages. do you want to start over? huh. do you want to flip the pages? moo says the cow. whoops? there's your coat. pretty blue coat with your hood to keep your head warm! all buttoned up to keep you warm when you're out playing in the winter time. and there's that mouse? looking for the cheese? going squeak squeak? where's my cheese nora? that's a violin. ah what's that. tractor. tractor it moves dirt all around. ah can you pet that kittie. she's petting just like the little girl's petting isn't she. yeah. and there's the turtle? those are shorts. where's the little boy's watch? that's right. where are the shoes? yes? and where's nora's shoes? i see them. i see them. they are coming untied? where's his hands? yes. where's his watch? there's mommy's watch right there? where's his head? that's right. and momma's head. where's his tummy? there you go? doodle doodle. tickle mommy's right? ah where's his feet. jeff's at home he's with daddy? he wasn't even out of bed when we left was he. are you gonna look at the duck. where's the duck? where's the duck's nose? oh that's right. no the tractor doesn't have a nose. that's a shovel? and moves it all around. from one place to the other? that's his watch? nope you want to go back to the duck? poor duck? need some water to swim in. yes he does. that's a nose you're right. kind of like that. but that's named the shovel. you want to look at another page. he's dancing. mr frog. oh here. you want the dinosaur. what does she do? let's see what did she. here's that one. how did this one go? let's see. oh. look at him he's coming for you. nora? oh you don't like it? i'll turn him off. he is kind of. we'll just look at him okay? he is scary. he is pretty scary! you're okay here. okay here you don't like him should i put him down. oh baby? you want to frog back. let's make him dance. i don't think he is too scary? oh. nora i'm dancing. a dancing frog. can you wind him up? i think all we have to do is set him sown. there he goes he says by nora emily? is he still going to move. uh oh he stopped. let's see what else there is here! what's this? what does that do? does that do anything? huh. no you can't press those buttons down. you can move them back and forth and they make noise? you can move these. the green and the blue. but they don't make noise either? here's the phone? i think the eyeballs move on that one? hello? who is it? is it dadda on the phone. hi daddy can i talk to him. oh is it mommy on the phone. hi nora how are you. are you playing with all of these different toys. yeah. uh oh look it a little puppy and the bird. floating down? roof? roof? tweet tweet? hi nora? hi nora? yeah there's the bird too. can we play it again. this old man he played nick nack. oh he played nick nack patty wack. give a dog a bone. there's the dog. yeah it does sound like barney only barney's is faster. oh that just twirls around. this is kind of like toast on the kitchen you've got. boing? uh. two. want to make them pop up. pop up the bird. can you get the bird to pop up? oh we're losing the phone. which one do you want. the other phone yes that's more modern isn't it. type of! hello nora. oh how about i talk to you on your phone okay? nora. you want the ball? you don't want to talk on the phone? you're not into that yet? look? how did she do that? oh what a ball. uh oh there it goes? boing. you can touch it? can you touch it? are you afraid. are you afraid. okay here? does that scare you! here let me turn it off! jeez i'm sorry. there. do you want to touch it now? a little dinosaur? you don't like that one either? it's okay honey. it's okay? you don't have to play with it. yeah it's okay. you want to talk on the phone some more. no? you want to talk on the phone with mommy. you want to talk on the phone. okay we'll move that on over there. i'm going to use this phone okay. do you want to call up grandma and pappa? talk to them on the phone. pappa hi pappa? pappa is out in arizona for a while we won't be able to see them for a while? i know i'm going to miss them too? where you going kiddo? you're not going to get too close to that ball. are you? you like the frog? are you gonna make him dance some more? want me to wind him up. want me to wind him up. there he goes. whoa? hey mom i'm dancing. oh? what? which one do you want? do you want the ball back? no? do you want the frog? you like this. oh no if you push push his head down. are you gonna watch the frog! haha is she wiggling? oh look at here? look at his legs move oh? yeah. i think this on nora. look it if you put the head down. roar. oh a dinosaur? here he comes? nora watch. watch the dinosaur. oh ho ho ho! you can push his head down and he goes really fast. oh ho ho ho. push his head down that's it. and then. oh. here make him come to me. can you make him come to me? haha! can you push his head down? he's going to get you! oh. gonna getch you. oh! you want the frog. you don't want the dinosaur? whoa there it goes? what if we do this? ring. so much for the dinosaur huh! oh look at the frog on my hand. the frog's not dancing anymore! now what do you want? now what looks interesting? huh! oh? that was kind of neat to get him off the table. whoa? you're make him go on the floor. no you don't care about the dinosaur anymore. there's this? and the phone? yeah those are just beads? those are green and blue. beads green. those are just buttons. they don't push down though? they're not like on our tape recorder they don't push down? you can't hear any music. hello. hello nora. how are you? are you having fun playing. no. you aren't having fun playing. are you having fun talking on the phone with me. no. oh. i can't hear you now. all i can hear is the squeaking noise? scrunch? what? nora? where's the dinosaur? what else did you play with here? the dinosaur's on the floor. did you look at a book. yeah. are you telling me bye. talk to you later? bye? ring? ring? you can push the buttons on yours? should we dial home? should we dial daddy. hi daddy? hi nora. hi daddy. nora what are you doing. vroom. say vroom. vroom? vroom? drool. drools. bunny. yes? little bunny. does it squeak. no. what's this? chick. no. doesn't make any noise does it. what's this? can you put these on top? that's a big girl? can you make a tower? look at like mommy does? good girl. can you make one now? build a tower? that's a good girl? can you put that on top? will it sit. will it sit on there? huh no? oh you're going to make a real tall one. those are fun to bang? the car. oh look the car can go through the tunnel. vroom vroom vroom? whoa there goes the motorcycle through the tunnel? and the car? he's doing a wheelie. vroom vroom vroom vroom! uh oh collapse. good girl. we are going to make it nice and tall. hey look at here. you can stack them up. oh yeah it's getting nice and tall nice and high. oh put more on. yeah that's fun to do isn't it. stack those all up. we don't have any of these at home. blocks. no. car? what is that? bike? that's right good girl? bike. no he doesn't come off he stays right on there. oh look he can jump all over all of the blocks. oh look stack them up nice and tall. that's a big girl. uh oh? those are hard to do that! there are some other little ones. yeah. are you gonna get those kind they roll. i don't think you can hold them all nora. oh here's another one. can you get in? what are we going to do with these? you don't know want to stack them up. let's see how high we can stack them. whoops? uh oh. want me to hold it. i'll help and hold it okay. there's all these round ones? do you know what color that is? it's blue? can you say blue? blue. blue yeah! those are blue? are you going to give up on those? bunny. bunny is nice and soft yeah? oh give the bunny a kiss. do you want the chick too? chick chick chick chick. bawk. bawk. that's right? bawk bawk bawk bawk. that's what the chicken says. bawk bawk. bawk? bawk bawk bawk bawk. oh. oh nice and soft. yeah. that's right. that's what a bunny or a chicken says. i don't know what a bunny says. i don't think anything. you're going to do it okay. yeah. now these would be fun to have at home! throw it all around. oh oh. what are you gonna get? you have everything were you can reach it right. careful honey can you get up there. can you get up there? that's a girl. here why don't we. let's see. what? oh you want the orange ones? is that the ones you want? the orange color? oh? okay then put it on there. orange that's right. that's another orange one. yep? were are the other orange ones? yes? you are so smart? do you know that? yes you are. yeah. this one's the blue. this is blue. orange? can you say orange? orange. that is hard to say i know? oh look at is standing up there. put another one on there! big girl. oh oh oh oh. is it gonna go high. uh oh? i didn't think it was going to go that high. these are slippery. these are slippery. that's the car and the bike. are you gonna drive them over. look they can go. they can jump? oh right over the blocks! look at there. boink. vroom vroom. thank you. please? bike yes. that's a bike. that's a car! block. block. another block. another one. a blue block. another one. can you like them all up? block. that's blue. that's blue too. yes they are fun to bang. i like to put them in a nice tall tower! and you like to knock it down. yes you do. uh oh? look at this. look at this. whoa? look at how tall that is. look at how high that is. here let's. are you gonna put another. are you gonna put that on on. will it stay. you don't want that one on there! or are you gonna put it on there yourself! there. uh oh. what? what? oh you're going to put the car on there that's a good idea? will that stay? you want the bike? here's the bike? bike and there's daddy riding uh huh. i wonder where daddy's going! these little wheels or tires? they go round and round. bike. yep that's daddy on the bike he's going on a trip? maybe he is going to go see grandma and grandpa? oh nice and tall. did we drop a couple of things. here's a couple over here? whacha doing. yep daddy's in the car. who's on the bike? is there anybody on the bike. daddy's in the car too. is somebody in the car. let's find out? daddy. he doesn't come off he stays on the bike? car. can you say car? car? and bike. and daddy on the bike? and that's where daddy would sit in the car. do you think hilary likes that? i don't hear eugene barking. that is the heater. that noise that you hear is the heater. what does shut up mean? one arm. whoops? you'll see it when you're done. ready set go. ready freddy. you have to zip it! here's how you zip ready! keep going up. you wanna try this one? here! pull it? pull it up up. there you go? it's ethan's that's right! this is ethan's ball? it clips right here. ready. ready. oops. yeah but we need it inside here! good job? you wanna zip it now? pull it up up this way? ready ee! what'd you find? you found ethan? what did you find? yes? a block. looks like a battery to me! oop that should stay on sweetie? what is this? same thing you're right! hm? that's mommy's. you did. aha? you're pulling your backpack on. let's put your backpack back on okay? there you go. there you go. you got it. you got it. oh no. oh no? you dropped it. i got it. get it got it? good! oop! mommy just dropped! yeah mommy's microphone dropped! we'll turn it off later. oops? whoops? yep there's the other battery. that's the same battery you took out of your pocket. same same same. you gonna wear my shoes. clippity clop clippity clop clippity clop! you sound like a horse! you can look but you won't see yourself you'll only see the room. cage. does that look like a cage? it's called a tripod. the thing that holds the camera is called a tripod. tripod. try. it's like try it you'll like it? tripod? try it. you'll like it that's right. and when the cat tried green eggs and ham did he like it. yes he did! he liked it! wasn't it a cat! was it a cat. who ate the green eggs and ham? sam i am! i do not. mhm. my ball? you got it? can i have it back please? throw it. aha. soccer. bird. home! microphone yeah? can i have it please! please. please! please! huh! it's for you. it's for me? not me not you? not for me? can i have a kiss? what's up hm? what's up? hm mm. that's a nice kiss sweetie. you wanna toy? yeah what is that? do you remember what that is? i'm looking for the hammer! it needs a little hammer. let's see if i can find it in here. it needs a stick? we'll use something else? yes sweetie? would you like something. i'm looking for the stick. oh let's keep that on huh. you want the piano. there we go. it's stuck in the bottom? whoop? let's see if you can play the piano? whoops? very nice? i'm still looking for the stick for the xylophone. then we can play it like this. wanna try that! pretty. do you know that song! mary had a little lamb. little lamb. little lamb. mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow? dmmm dmmm. mhm? i forgot how to play twinkle twinkle. let's see. see. did you know that song ethan. twinkle twinkle little star. how i wonder what you are? up above. up above the. what? sing it for me. twinkle twinkle. how i? what you? up above. twinkle twinkle? what about baa baa black sheep? how does that go? baa baa black sheep. right. yes sir yes sir. one for my master! yep. one for the? little boy who. who? lives. yep whoops. baa baa black sheep have you any wool. yes sir yes sir three bags full. ah the cat's playing the xylophone. wanna give this to the cat. wanna play a song for us. what song? jack be nimble? jack is first. i am last! tow truck? we need a tow truck huh? tow truck time? oh you're getting in the basket! are you getting in the basket? oh you're so heavy! chug a chug? i'm a little choo choo train chugging down the track! now i'm going forward now i'm going back. chug a chug a chug a chug a chug a chug a? chug a chug a chug a chug a chug a chug a! whoop? you landed. it's the station! all aboard! get off the train. that means get on. all aboard means get on the train! the conductor calls the people to get on the train! all aboard! get on yeah! color the what! color the flies. o. o for octopus that's right. o for ostrich! owl owl! hoot hoot? ostrich yeah? do you know what an ostrich is? it's a funny bird! it's a big big bird. an escalator. do you know that a bird's egg an ostrich's egg is this big. an ostrich egg is very big. i found your toes? i found more toes and more toes. fourteen toes. that is a lot of toes. i only have ten? yes! kind of a booby! a breast yes! the trucks? truck machines. trucks are machines. you have a truck on your shirt. what kinda? it's a truck in trouble. oh no. boom. the tire is flat. wshhh right. that's the noise the tire makes when all the air goes out? psh? i do remember the trucks yes! there were lots of them! what's your favorite truck? a bus. what's your favorite truck? do you know we saw cherry pickers today! do you remember the cherry pickers. the yellow ones. and they stretched? all the way up high? and there was a man inside and he was fixing the wires? do you remember? when we were driving in a car? i remember in the book? there was a cherry picker in the book too. a red cherry picker. was it red. and it stretched its arm up high? lifted the wires up? yeah that's right. because it's very tall. air conditioning. do you have an air conditioner? yeah. it makes the air cool. no when it's hot we turn on the air conditioner! it makes the air nice and cold. shady yeah it makes it shady! because it's cool in the shade? it's hot in the sun? sunglasses. right that's what you wear in the sun. you have some dirty toes there buddy. you're a cool dude. you're in the backyard being a cool dude. wearing your sunglasses. whoops? wanna get out! should i tip you over. you wanna go to the beach and swim in the ocean? and build a sand castle? yes you wreck the sand castles? you go wshhh! and what happens? the sand castles? wshhh? fall down? boom. flat tire too! i see some more toes? toes toes toes. boobies up! why are you on that subject today. yep the camera's taking your picture. of ethan yeah that's right. that's right of ethan and mommy together. mm hm! again and again? dandelion yeah? whoops? whoops? whoops? you wanna read it? you want a different book. which one do you want. that's olivia! field trip that's! that one is about a field trip! miss bindergarten? i like the pictures in that book? that's a big heavy book? yep that's a reading book. whoa? i'm gonna put this right here in case you want it. miss bindergarten takes a field trip with kindergarten. kindergarten's a kind of school. she's taking the children on a trip. today is field trip day. adam's dad comes along! brenda's mom does too. christopher says hey don't leave yet. a stone hopped in my shoe. see the stone. he has a stone in his shoe. sometimes ethan has stones in his shoe too right. rocks yeah. rocks in your shoe. it hurts when there are rocks in your shoe. what do they have on their backs? what do they have on their backs? that's right just like ethan? miss bindergarten goes to the bakery with kindergarten. look at all those cakes. and pies. and cookies? yeah the pig? danny cuts some cookies out. he's making cookies that are shaped like. what shape is that? that's right it's a heart. and what shape is that. yeah a star. emily watches them bake. they're in the oven. fanny squirts pink icing on a scrumptious chocolate cake? she's making it pretty. pretty and pink? now miss bindergarten goes to the fire station with kindergarten. there's the truck right. ding ding ding ding ding ding. henry holds a hose. ian makes a funny face. can you make a funny face? there? he's going like this. ethan look at mommy! what? this kid is going like this? blah! and laughs as his nose grows. his nose is growing. jesse learns to stop drop and roll? kiki dries. tries on gear. she's wearing the firefighter's clothes! miss bindergarten slides down the pole. and lenny gives a cheer! yay says lenny. miss bindergarten's sliding. now miss bindergarten goes to the post office with kindergarten. that's where they do things with the mail. matt picks up. matty picks up the planet stamps. those are all kinds of stamps. nora taps the locks! tap tap tap tap tap. ophelia asks where letters go when you slide them through the slots. the mail slot remember. you have one in your house too outside. there's a slot. patricia steers a canvas cart. quentin checks the scale. mrs wong roffy asks is it fun to push the mail. she's a mail carrier? she delivers the mail. yup out of a mail truck. now miss bindergarten goes to the library with kindergarten. yup it's a pickup truck. with a lot of paint in the back? mhm! a ladder too that's right! sarah grabs her favorite chair! tommy hugs a book! what's the book about? it's about tigers. mister mack clicks the mouse. here ursula take a look. she's looking at a computer. vicky likes hot air balloons. wanda loves the ships? a book is like a ticket to all sorts of splendid trips. yup you can go on a trip on a train too. now miss bindergarten goes to the park. with kindergarten. xavier shouts where's brenda's mom. yolanda looks behind her. don't worry she's not lost says zack. i know where we can find her. what kind of animal is zack? that's zack. what kind of animal is he? he's a zebra. mm he looks a bit like a giraffe. let's see if we can find a giraffe. there's a rhinoceros? and he's a fox. another rhinoceros and a tiger and a squirrel? is there a giraffe. no giraffes. i see a monkey. and a crocodile. but no giraffe. there's a dog. kangaroos? miss bindergarten is a dog! now miss bindergarten goes whoa. they all stop. adam's dad sets out the cups. ma. brenda's mom pours the punch. miss bindergarten cuts the cake! yummy cake. did you see these shapes. what shape is that? what shape is that? a rectangle. what's that one ethan? right what's that one. a square? what's that one? what's that one? what's that one? oval oval oval oval? what's that one? what's that one? a heart? what's that one? it's a diamond? looks like a diamond in the sky! the end? don't eat the wire honey? please don't eat the wire sweetie. why don't you drink your bottle instead? are you tired! are you a sleepy puss. mhm that's right. what's that? yep a flag. and that's a school? mhm? h. j. l? p. r. t. those are letters yes. nope they're not numbers they're all letters. and all the children's names have letters. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. what letter's that? yep that's right m. m n. what letter's that? you know that letter. o that's right. p? q. r. where's the s? there's the s. ssss. t! what letter's that? what letter's that? u remember? b l u e spells! u v w. x. y? z? yeah that means somebody's sleeping when they're all out of z yeah? zzzzzzzzz. zzz hi. hi. yours isn't here. i'll share mine with you. i don't want any. thank you. no not right now. okay a teeny bit. this is november twenty five. what laura? come on. let's go have breakfast. here's your egg laura. here's your egg. is that a car? what's making that funny noise? i know. this is a delicious egg. let's try to eat some of it. here's your milk. is that hot yeah? what? oh you've got your coffee pot. aha. yeah. i'm gonna drink my coffee in a minute. egg. that's kind of overcooked. mhm. oh. alright. is that funny because i dropped my toast? did you have fun at the prankles? do you like the prankles now? are they your friends? huh? what coffee? oh right. that's what? that's your ball point pen. mhm. i'm gonna stop this and record it another time of day. thursday morning november twenty sixth. okay. boy that was really a spill laura. how did that happen? an accident? okay. when we have an accident we help clean up? that's all. do you know what we have to do today? we have to go to the grocery store. aha. you're gonna ride your tyke bike at the grocery store? was that where we bought it. yes. your bike is outside. mhm. i'm hungry. are you hungry too. oh really. be glad will you be glad to see jack and jo? i sure will. you will? mhm. oh look laura. here's a part for laura. there. aha. there's a bow wow in that section. uh. what's hot? aha. that's right. going away for expensive laura. what are you reading? aha. aha. well we're not getting anything on the recorder today. what do you want me to do? laura what? are you talking on the recorder? here's your ham. it's a bit tea party. aha. help your pen. yeah i did help. mhm. yah. thank you. oh. thank you for my pen. yah the pen does write. aha. there is sure more junk laura. here look at this one. that had children in it. oh yes. aha. look at all of these toys. i don't know. i never saw so many toys. these are practical. all kinds of things. aha. now you have a trike don't you? i'm gonna go put in another piece of toast for myself. yah. look at all the baby dolls. what? would you like some toast too huh? guess we have to wait. it's cooking it's cooking. we have to wait for it. so let's see what's in this magazine. holy. if there's anything pretty. this is how i did it again. so gripped on our bedspread laura. i hope daddy will like our room. i hope he'll like it. do you think he'll like what i did in the bedroom? hum? laura. i have to be excused for one minute. i'll be right back okay? you stay here and you can make coffee in your little coffee pot and i'll be right back. no you stay there laura. i'll be right back. you want milk? i'll give you more milk and then i'll be right back. okay? there. okay. then i'll be right back. i really need to be excused for a minute. okay. oh yuck nathan. oh yuck. any that's less wet. oh there's one? there. now? let's get let's get your diaper changed. now. okay. let's take your jacket off. a ball. nice ball and a c. oh. and a car. yeah an apple. and a book! did you see this nice book. did you see this nice book! oh this is a real nice did you want to look it over with me. oh a car. oh a truck. and a xylophone? no that's not an apple? this is outside? there's an elephant. kittie. what a mean looking kittie. i don't like this book very much. what's that? yeah mommy and a baby. that's an orange! what's that? what's that? oh that's a ball? what's that? that's what i thought. do you know what that is? yes smart boy? yeah. what's this? yeah baby and a ball. what a funny thing? should we do this! oh! let's get the clown? should we do it again. goes the weasel! all around the mulberry bush? pop goes the weasel! this way. all around the mulberry bush? okay push. no the other way. try it again! oh. oh my goodness. look at his eyes. let's do this real quick! oh nathan look! look at that toy. look at the balls. they dance. they pretty. are they pretty nathan! i don't remember him being so shy last time. uh! has he gotten more. with strangers yeah? although he's real good once he gets used to situations. he's in a toddler program now. oh. and he really is one of the better ones but he's always a little hesitant. well especially you're on the other side of the table. if you were on the other side of the table it would be very different. that's true. okay. that's good. ah something here. oh what's this. it's a ball. no we're not gonna go outside. but we can play right here. come here! put the ball in the box? oh! and we take the ball out. look nathan. oh honey. no honey. we're gonna play with the ball! nathan. nathan sweetie. nathan sweetie. we're gonna play with the ball right now. no honey. no honey. wait a minute. nathan don't you wanna play with toys this morning. do you want bahbah while you have your toys? okay let's see what we can do. do i have oh wait a minute would you rather have some fruit leather. okay. ah ah ah ah pull your hand out? i thought you wanted this fruit. nathan here. want a piece. piece. here. oh you want a big piece here. okay. then i think what mommy's gonna do? she's gonna put her purse and bag outside. then we're gonna start playing okay. ew. i'm not having any luck today nathan. you're gonna have to have a little piece. okay. there you go? you're welcome. here's piece for your other hand. okay. now. i'm gonna put the bag outside nathan. okay. i'm gonna put it outside and then we're gonna start to play. okay. we're gonna put this away. let's see. where can we leave this? okay nathan? did you want to play with this ball. kind of a funny ball. doesn't even bounce? look. well it bounces a little. do you like this ball? look look look look. thank you. pretty good ball huh. you know what can i have it. shall i roll it back over? see what happens! should you roll it back to mommy? or are you gonna bring it back? oh you're gonna bring it back? thank you? let's see if we can bounce it in the box. watch this? pretty good huh? you wanna do that? can you throw it in the box? you gonna give it to mommy to throw. want mommy to throw. okay? yay for mommy? watch this? oh? the ball. you hide the ball! can nathan make the ball hide? you can get it. something's making noise huh! that thing! shall we hide the ball again. nathan look? where did the ball go? where's the ball? there it is. awoh? where did the ball go? there it is? oh nathan! nathan look! what do you think is in here? you wanna open the box? can you open it? oh! i know what it is! ah? where did mommy go? awoh mommy's gone? oh no where did mommy go! there she is. how come you climbed in the box here? oh? where did nathan go? oh there he is? oh no mommy's gone! mommy's gone! yeah mommy's gone? oh no nathan! where is mommy? where's mommy? where's mommy? where's mommy nathan? oh. no? is right? shall we try another game? no more games? might be able to find oh nathan! would you like what's in here. what do you think it is? oh you want help? okay? paper! oh and crayons? oh boy? turn it out? make something nice for nathan. let's draw something nice! squiggles! you gonna do squiggles! here. why don't you take a nice green one. no. okay i'll take this one. can you make a squiggle? don't you want to do squiggles? you can draw? i've seen you draw. yeah? that's nice? do some more? with mama's crayon. oops. your pants are caught! you wanna do some more with mommy's crayon? look? oh actually you know what nathan? maybe mommy should have them all. oh nice colors? no. yeah? oh i think those are nice nathan. i think that's nice too. thank you. nathan? oh oh oh oh oh awoh. nathan let's put all this stuff away. no no no. come here. hey! no we're gonna put that back. ah ah ah ah ah. you know what. i think i think it's a test for us. yeah! can we or can we not keep our mind on our business nathan! okay you get that box down for me? will you bring mommy that big box down. can you give that to mommy? oh a book! thank you? oh it looks like a good book huh. oh let's look? okay? do you know what that is? yeah. and what's this? yeah a doggie. a duck. i see one two ducks? three ducks! and they're in some water? oh wait wait wait wait wait. there's a cow! do you know what a cow says? yeah a cow says moo! and a donkey! listen to what donkey says. donkey says hee haw hee haw hee haw. hee haw hee haw? that's what a donkey says! kangaroo. and there's a baby kangaroo. and there's baby ducks! baby ducks and a mommy duck. that's right. cow says? what's a cow say? no that's a donkey. cow says moo! ay ee hee haw hee haw hee haw. isn't that silly. look the owl it's a bird? do you know what owl owl says? ooo. ooo ooo. no? you know what those are. pigs? pigs. one two three four pigs. boy your drawers keep falling down today. come on. let's read the rest of the book! come on. come on did you want to read the rest of the book. do you know what piggie says? he says oink oink. nope. no. on. wanna play the cards with me. you wanna play the cards with me violet. see. let's sit up here and look at the cards for a minute? make sure yours is going right. mm okay. now let's sit up here and look at the cards. aha dropped a card. mm okay see. let's straighten these out because they're all bent. hm. would you know what this is. what's that? baby robot. and a clown. and there's a triangle. baby clown! how about this one? how come everything's a baby? how about this one? mhm. baby bear? let's see? we can get some more? how about this one? circle. where? right. but what's this a picture of. this is a! ceiling. yeah ceiling up there? what's this though? right. what's this one? hm? two balls. do you know what's in there? that's gum balls. that's candies? mhm! yeah we're not gonna have any candy? because it's only in the morning time. it's raining out! rain rain? what's in there? some more cards. okay ready. i'll flip a card and you tell me what color it is okay. what color? what color? yeah. circle right. but what color is the circle. right. okay! mm what color this! what color is it? right. okay ready. what color are these? nope. not green! brown. brown! you want me to show you what green looks like. this is green? see? this is green. okay what color is this. right. what color is this? yeah it's an egg. what color is it? right. purple egg right. let's see what color is this. what color are these? boxes. what color though? you're a smart girl. you know what color this is. gray! yeah? this color! this color's called gray. that's a new one. yeah gray okay let's see. how about this? what color is this? egg right. how about this color? you know this color. two eggs. what color is this? right. how about this one? yep what color though. red. now how many eggs do you have. one two? three eggs? right. now what's this? what color's this? what color is that? what color is it? is it blue. is it purple? it is. is it black. what color is it? no. purple right here. this is yellow. yellow kiss a fellow? woah. is the show over. yeah. okay say bye to your dad. bye. did you do your taping. i'm doing it right now? i'm doing it right now so can we put on another show for you while i'm still doing my taping. maybe daddy can? another show will come on. okay. yeah i'll mail it? okay. now another show will come on. bubye? bye? have a good day? what hat you looking for? my straw hat? oh? which one's your straw hat. with the blue on it. no. i think it's in in? aha? i think it's in my car? aha vaivy? vaivy. bye! okay? i know! what are you doing vaivy? raining. say bye to daddy? bye daddy. he's going in daddy's car? mommy's car is broken remember. bye daddy? uhp he's coming back in? we were saying bye to you! bye bye? i'll wave from the window! okay. daddy's gonna wave! ready! look out here? he's gonna wave? he's gonna wave? bye? say i love you daddy. i love? aw i love you! bubye mama! bye daddy? red! rain rain. it's raining it's. the old man is. wanna play cards again. okay let's see? okay? what's this? what's the clown doing? yeah! he juggling the balls. juggle! there's a clown? you gonna be a clown? you silly? yay? yay. you gonna be a clown! you want that or you want something else! i want barney! hey vaivy. want mommy to read you a book. vaivy. vaivy you want me to read you a book. huh? yeah. choose a book? you choose a book? wanna see some pictures? you wanna see picture of you and the puppy? do you remember when you were playing with this puppy? do you remember this puppy? me show you. yeah it was a baby puppy! let's see. do you remember when you were swimming in the swimming pool? who's that? that's lily. that's sam. and who? and who. who's this? that violet. ready. let's see. you do nice doggie huh. mhm. did you like that baby doggie. were you petting the doggie! the doggie lying down. like those pictures. hm! and there's all you guys in the pool! were you in the swimming pool! yeah is that fun? mhm. how come you don't have any clothes on? are you a naked bacon in that picture! did you find your book for me to read? did you find a book for me. you wanna see the pictures again? okay come up here? oyayay! who's that? and who? who's this? mm. you do nice to the doggie? whoop? i like this one! and look at max arunnin'! like that one. who's that? who is it? who is it? who's this girl? what's her name? that lily! and. and who is this boy. that's sam? yup. and that's violet! let's see if you know this. who's the biggest one? this one's the biggest one? nip nip. like that? did your doggie nip at you. what a sweet little doggie huh? looks like you're dancing in this one. are you dancing. because the doggie was chasing him. do you remember going down this slide? mhm. and there's a swing you went in. mhm. mhm. wanna see the slide again? let's see the slide again? there it is. no nose picking in there. what are you guys doing? swimming in the swimming pool? right? and see the doggies right here. and here's the hose. where's sam? right. mhm. right. this one lily. lily. hm. your hair's kinda wild today huh? well let's not throw the pictures down okay. let's see? i'm gonna put them back in the envelope. do you wanna read a book or not? popcorn is really neat fun to make. pop poppy pop popcorn. pop popcorn? pop popcorn. popcorn is really neat it's fun to make and fun to eat? okay everybody i think the popcorn's ready. yummy smell is coming from inside the dream house? come on vaivy i've got something else to show you. come here i wanna show you some other cards. wanna see these cards? they have pretty pictures on them? yeah? what's this? big clock. see the clock. here's a big arch. see? in the city. hm look at this. this place is called. saint basil's cathedral. look at that pretty building? look at that big building? taj mahal! mhm? i have different pictures of things? what's this? big buildings. see these rocks? big rocks huh. great barrier reef. mm? hey? look at this one! look at the boats? what's this? mm. look at this mountain? there mountain. look at this big one. oh here's one you might know? what's this? tower right? eiffel tower. what's this? let's see. this big building. mhm? here's a wall? big wall? great wall of china? look at this girl. statue of liberty? look at the kites in this one. and your tights. mhm and the flags. ooh look at this one. this one? this one's a big waterfall? niagara falls. look at this one leaning tower of pisa. ooh? ooh? what's that? here's a big bridge? golden gate bridge? what's this? dam. i would like to see these? zambia and zimbabwe. victoria falls! look at these. yep? they're men in rocks. mhm? somebody made sculptures out of these rocks? let's see what it says on the back? mhm? i wanna see what is says? do you remember what this one is? what's this one? right. big clock. big clock. let's see which other ones you remember. what? which one you wanna see again? this one. this is the grand canyon. what do you want? let's pick these ones up. hm. pick up? what? what do you wanna see again? light again. shall we take off your backpack now. okay thanks barney. maybe i should try blowing my nose. violet. you wanna take your backpack off? you don't. what's that? flag! nice flag! that's the american flag! here i'll put this one on you? she doesn't wanna do taping anyway. you don't wanna do it? violet doesn't wanna do taping? she can do it with you? but she doesn't wanna. sure she does. do you wanna do it or not? vaivy do you wanna do a taping. here. you come in here and talk to vaivy. radio accidentally shut off. hm? don't touch it? hi. hi. anybody in there! woah. vaivy. ooh veh? ooh da wellay. that was fun. let me shut it off. oh you found the baby. night night baby. where's the baby? get the baby and bring him to bed. bring the baby to bed? bye bye nomi. bye. nomi take the baby out over the top of the crib. get a diaper nomi? pull. you can pull them down. it isn't a good idea to put that stool there. it's hot. because it's hot. no he's a good boy. you want to take the crayon with you? he started saying too why? everything is why. hey you're on alex? yay? alex? alex look at? would you like some more apple! huh. yeah? yeah. here's your apple piece. make sure you chew. chew it good. where's your books? would you like to read. come on. come on? go on would you like to get your books? yeah i think i'll shut this door? what? where's elmo? ooh i see? i see big and small short and tall. i see it? it's over there? go get it? big and small short and tall. do you see it? it's on the floor? what? would you like another bite. are you gonna stay over here with me? he's going to disneyworld with his daughter. he also says he is done running for political offices? he'll be happy cheering on his fellow republicans from the sidelines? we're live from the news room tim furlong a b c six news! thank you very much tim for that? you gonna come over here? come on. what show me? should show me! what what? well that's the camera. did you say hi? okay you don't have to. did you get your. look at your ball? you. you found it? stay here. yes? what are you saying? are you being silly? aha? we have to be very careful? he went upstairs? no he didn't go that way. he went upstairs? what? that is the water cooler. oh that's a lemon? trust me you don't want that? what? would you like a graham cracker. would you like one of these? what's that called? can you say cookie? will you say graham cracker. okay? thank you. thank you. alex what did mommy tell you. you have to be very careful that's not yours? okay. come here? huh? would you like to see him? would you like to see him. yeah. yeah we wants to take you out? can you say papa? can you say papa? can you say? huh? what? huh. what're you doing? are you dancing. oh you're kicking? that's beautiful! oh what a great kicker you are. wow? nice job. we don't have any music on though? did you have fun last night at grammy's. and auntie? what honey? we don't! there's nobody on that side. who're you looking for? hm? alex don't do that honey? there's nobody on the other side. there! where's your drums? where's your elmo? oh that's what a drum says boom boom boom. what does a dog say? good job? what does a kitten say? meow? what does a lion say? good job? what does? yeah what does the bird say. tweet tweet? that's water but i don't want you to touch that okay. come over here? what does the monster say? alex don't touch that water please? okay? thank you? thank you? bye. where you going? what does the? really? are you all done? okay thank you? i'll put it there? if you want it later you can have it okay? what's mommy doing? huh. whoops? whoops? yeah you see it. what is it? that's called honey? well you have to put it all over the apple see? no don't touch the plate. cause it could fall on you? i don't want you to get hurt? see? mm i hope you like it? i think you will? hey what are you doing what are you doing. you come back here. did you steal my dish towel. you're a little dish towel thief? uh uh uh? oh no you're not supposed to be touching that? alex please! alex. hey. do you need to go into timeout? okay well then don't touch the camera? okay? that's not a toy. and it doesn't belong to you? alright let's go in timeout? what? would you like to help me crush these. yeah help me? crush them! crush them crush them crush? crush them. ready. one two three? crush crush crush? you do it? good job. keep crushing. crush. good job. yeah? no? no touching. no touching that camera? alright let's go in time out. we are gonna show everybody on camera that you're being naughty you're not listening! do not touch that camera anymore! no we're not going that way. it's too windy? then don't do it. that is a nine. i think. because the six looks just? ooh the plane lemmee see the? yeah. oh that's billy. billy billy. ooh what is it. ooh! wee! get on it! would you like to sit on it? wow good job. yay? woo. you drive that nice? ray. ah. okay that's it alex? here i come? you funny face? i'm not kidding. wait a minute let me fix this? doo. i'll get it one second. here you are. okay? good job. there? what honey? what? oh yes you can have that? i'm sorry? i'm sorry? here. i don't know how it works though. wait a minute let me see? uh let me see? let me see let me see let me see! doo doo! woo? come on? mommy will clean up this after. come over here! come on. bring it over here. let me see. no alex please don't do that. okay come on? alright what would you like to do today? oh that's? you have bubble supplies but it's too windy out so we're not? we don't have them outside. look at all your puzzle pieces? this is all your puzzle pieces all your train stuff. three. yay three? good? what's zero? alex what's this. what's this? ball. oh wow? oh jerry you're so cute? aw jerry? jerry needs a bath? pikapika pikapika pikachu. pikapika pikapika pikachu? pikapika pikachu? alex what's this? eight? hooray? that's oscar? what's this? three? yay? pikapika pikapika pikachu. pikachu? that's a one? can you say one? that's four bubbles? but your bubbles are all gone? they're outside. you want your popcorn maker? you can have it. that's oscar. it's his hat? oh ding. la? do? that is oscar. woo what did you find! that is rosita. that's elmo. telly? that's an orange? orange? what is it? you tell mommy? say? you say orange? orange? cookie monster. where's elmo? that's a o? o h. that's n. m. l. that's your lion book! which one. let me see? i can't see? oh that's cause the page ripped? that is a horse? wow. wow. wow? say giddyup giddyup. da da dum da da dum da da dum bum bum. what? give mommy one. give. can mommy have a car please. get you new. get the new one. over there see it. the one that makes the noise. old mcdonald's farm. right here? yeah? no no right here. there you go? on old mcdonald's farm? that's the farmer and the three ponies. one two three? that's a pony. that's a white pony. and a beige pony and a brown pony. ooh. that's the farmer? he is in charge of the whole farm. he does a lot of hard work? those are the ducks? what does the duck say? what does the duck say? yay quack? those're the pigs? those are the ducks? what does the duck say? quack quack. oh your music. you can press the buttons? you know how. la. luh luh la. la luh la? oh those are the little teenie mouses? those are the mice? we need to go for a walk huh. you didn't walk today? this morning. alex get the new one? it's over there. see it? near elmo? it's over there? get the the truck near elmo? you tickled elmo's everything. ernie. here? you've tickled elmo's arms elmo's tummy elmo's toes. now here's the big surprise. tickle elmo's nose? tickle elmo's nose? go ahead? two hands? do it hard. da da da da? da? da. da. da. da? ha. ernie. ha. you've tickled me? you make elmo laugh he's happy as can be cause you tickle elmo? do. i think this elmo might be needing batteries too? da da da da. da? da? yeah? would you like mommy to put some new batteries in here. you've tickled me. you make elmo laugh he's happy as can be cause you tickle elmo? jeez alex this is almost a year old? you got this for your birthday? what are you doing? did you kiss me today? i don't think you did? i don't think you did? well what's that? tickle elmo again? okay tickle elmo later. okay tickle elmo later. what are you thinking? what are you thinking about? hm. what? tell mommy. what? how'd you get so cute? what's the matter? what? show mommy. i'll tell you. what this? this one? rubber duckies don't say quack. cows moo. pigeons coo. goats bleat. birdies tweet? rubber duckies don't say quack? chicks peep. crickets cheep? horses neigh? doggies bray? but rubber duckies never say quack? parrots talk hens squawk. peacocks shriek and children speak? but rubber duckies absolutely never say quack. elephant. bunnies ruffle. roosters crow. and elephants blow. but rubber duckies absolutely never say quack. rubber duckies say. squeak. what's that? how about this one? you like this book this book auntie bought you. blue very good. pink. where's yellow? yellow. yellow. blue? yellow? pink. one two. bunny. three? one? three bunnies. yeah? let's use our noses and find things to smell. your beak or your snuffer will work just as well? smell the bread while it bakes and the blueberry pie? smell the freshly washed clothes as they're hung out to dry. ernie. smell the earth and the trees after warm summer showers. that's a tweedle bug? breathe in the sweet smell from a field full of flowers? hold your nose as you pass oscar's pile of junk. run as fast as you can past this smelly father skunk. ball. now i'll relax in my bubbled filled tubby? and smell fresh and clean as a rub a dub dubbie. that's a book. soccer ball? you're not supposed to do that? you're being silly? that's a soccer ball. throw it. hooray. you catch it woo. good. wow that was a good throw alex. what? that's your train track. would you like the rest of 'em? oh where's your trains? you you throw everything to all over everywhere and mommy can't find everything. for that you have to get the rest. they're over there? there's one over there? go get the other ones. thank you? you have to move a little. where to fit? there. good job. yep. go get your trains? wait a minute something's not right? yeah it doesn't. it's not? doesn't curve right? get the other one alex? see the other one honey? it's over there. get your trains. where's your trains? it's a little pig. good job. yes very nice. mommy likes when you put the tracks together all by yourself? good job? go ahead you can do it? you just showed mommy you could do it. yeah you try. you you show me? go ahead. it's okay? go ahead. hooray? you do it right here? put it on that one. no the other side. turn it? turn it alex? turn it look. this side try this side? alright now you do it. you lift it and snap? good boy. yeah? right there. mommy's yawning. no this side. this side. very nice? no? this side. there. no. you did it. one. two? three. four. five? thank you? six? i don't know it's? behind you? that's where it is. seven. eight. turn it honey? turn it this way. look? there's another one. look? mm sorry elmo. we still have one missing. tickle elmo again? da da da da? da? da. you've tickled me? you've tickled me. you make elmo laugh he's happy as can be cause you tickle elmo? what? what honey? thank you. oh no no somebody could get hurt? tickle elmo again. okay tickle elmo later. what do you have alex? what's that? easy easy easy. my goodness? you're so rough. what honey? big and small? short and tall? football? over under. off on? up down? wide narrow. happy sad. above below? football empty full? near far? what's next? hello. g'bye? near far. empty full. above below. happy sad? up down over under the end? big and small short and tall? you read it? hello? g'bye. zoe tried on her new tee ball uniform over and over and over. she was so excited as she looked at her favorite player hanging on her bedroom wall? everybody on sesame street's getting ready to practice? zoe's mommy and daddy made her a nice lunch after her busy day. the team all got together for the big game. big bird? where's the ball? there's one. there it is? you see it. that's a tree. what honey? what? yeah i'll help you? there goes everything. pikapika pikapika pikachu. let me see? pikapika pikapika pikachu. kachu? pikapika pikapika pikachu. pikachu. pikapika pikapika pikachu. hello! hi thank you for calling? how are you? oh that's wonderful. alex is here. he's playing? yeah then we're gonna go for a walk? oh just a moment please? here it's for you? hi there. hi there. hi. thank you for calling? bye? that's a track? yes? play? i am freezing. it is cold in here? wow. is it broken. no. what's going on at the end here? it's still a little twisted. shake shakin' my shaker. there i fixed it? alex all fixed? whoops? no it's okay? i was just playin'? it's alright? yes? right? mhm? oh look at mommy's bracelet. alex look. wee. where's your playdoh? where's your stickers? where's your sticker book? okay? a world of opposites? a world of opposites? when the floods swept the earth the animals were safe on the ark? they are afraid when there is a storm? during the day the animals are noisy. at night they are quiet. it is time to rest? quiet? a world of opposites? on? oh what's that noise? hear it! what's that noise? let's go check it out? let's see what it is? i don't know? stay back alex? it's very hot honey. i think we should let it stay in there a few more minutes. okay let's put it back up? what honey? why you whispering? you don't have to whisper. what are you doing to me? are you pushing me? are you pushing me. oh look you're hammering your block. look? what honey? a cookie. you can have a. you can have an animal cracker? here? bye cookie? bye cookie. bye cookie? bye cookie. bye cookie. you say cookie very nicely? bye cookie. that's a brand new word for you. what? what? what's that? oh god bless you honey? god bless you sweetie? what sweetheart? yeah i'm just trying to get some of the stuff that is behind here. so your bins will fit. what's that? are those the animals. huh. now what would you like to do? huh. thank you? one. two? three? no? oh would you like to go on timeout? okay then don't do that please. two? three? that's a star a starfish. yeah you can do that. look? here's the other one. here get your puzzle board. go ahead right there? and here's some more? here's two more! and here's the other one? see. no that doesn't go there. you have to match 'em. remember how i showed you. you have to match them? uh do you need timeout? come on get away from there please? oh elmo you're so cute. friends all day. i wake up every morning i greet the shining sun. if i ate sardines and ice cream all day ice. ice cream i'd be grouchy all day. the yuckier the better that's what slimy and i say. first i clean my room? then it's time to play. bernice is always by my side? it's much more fun that way. scrub a dub dub it's time for the tub? i always have a laugh when my pal rubber duckie joins me in the bath. brush? brush. rubber duckie? ernie. tubby! rubber duck. mimi? mimi and i settle in and cuddle in a cozy nook? now we're ready for story time when we read our favorite book? it's been a busy day for elmo. it's time to go to sleep. elmo's best friend david helps elmo count some sheep. crayon crayon crayon? bunny slipper. david. one sheep two sheep. one? two. what you want your jerry? yeah you can have jerry? three? yes. but where's the train. look. chugga chugga chugga woo woo. woo. wee! oh? it's december. it's december? december twenty. twenty second. how bout let's put on your socks? you want yellow socks? oh piano you're sitting on the piano? you sound very unhappy? let's put these on would you like to go down and get the newspaper with mommy! well daddy's at the office. grabby do it? grabby will do it. i think maybe you could use a little more food in your belly button. kitty cat will get the newspapers. what? would you like some pear sauce or some apple sauce. i think you're hungry. apple nursie. kitty cat will do it. oh? there's the christmas tree. who helped us decorate that christmas tree? who helped us? oh shoo fly song! mm. let's see where's naima's tray? how bout some kamut? mm? it's december twenty second naima has been sick? and? yeah and that's delicious that's plums bananas and rice. mm. mommy will feed you? there's banana in here? you want some fresh banana. okay? i'll get you some. there it is. there's the banana. mommy will cut it? you don't want me to cut it? mm! yellow banana? well it's not frozen it's fresh? fresh banana is also good? oh we can go get the newspapers. crunch! you're crunching the kamut? that good. yeah we'll? you can get the newspaper with mommy. we might. i wonder if tahoe is down there? tahoe might be outside. you called tahoe a person. little johnny brown lay that comfort down? little johnny brown lay that comfort down. fold down a corner johnny brown? fold down a corner johnny brown? fold down a corner johnny brown? fold down a corner johnny brown? little johnny brown hey now johnny brown? little johnny brown hey now johnny brown? strut like a chicken johnny brown. remember who we're gonna go visit today. strut like a chicken johnny brown? strut like a chicken johnny brown. strut like a chicken johnny brown. little johnny brown hey now johnny brown? we're going to visit babaji and dadaji? little johnny brown hey now johnny brown. in boston. take it to a friend johnny brown? take it to a friend johnny brown. take it to a friend johnny brown. take it to a friend johnny brown. you remember the stairs at their house? they have stairs at their house that naima likes to climb. right. well you can climb the stairs at their house when we get there. soon as daddy gets back from work we're gonna. we're gonna drive drive there. as soon as we get there yeah? you can climb those stairs with daddy. you remember their bed at their house? somebody turned the radio on? oh you turned the radio on in their bedroom did you? oh that must've been when i wasn't around? oh? maybe i? i remember that. by accident. you just pushed a button and the radio came on all of a sudden? in the bedroom upstairs where we were sleeping? and we were surprised mommy and naima were surprised by that. all of a sudden the radio came on. all of a sudden? we do nurse there? i'm gonna go get the video camera and bring it in here okay? you can put it on when we go to their house you can go upstairs and surprise daddy that you know how to put the radio on. you can surprise daddy. i'll be right back. what? we like to nurse? oh your favorite song! little liza jane. yeah? what are you gonna? what are you gonna do at babaji and dadaji's house? you're gonna turn on the radio. surprise. you're gonna surprise everybody by turning on the radio? oh. what else are you gonna do there? see them yeah. ooh. ashay ashay? who's what? who's not coming? well like we said this morning geeta is not coming! uh ruchika and ashavari they're not coming today! we saw them there when we were there last time! they're not coming today. what about mommy? dadaji and mommy? oh dadaji is whose mommy? whose mommy is dadaji? daddy's that's right she's daddy's mommy? babaji's daddy's name i don't remember. hm you can ask him when you see him? babaji is daddy's daddy? though. i don't know what babaji's daddy's name is but? your daddy's daddy is babaji. that's his daddy? who's my mommy? do you know who my mommy is? yeah you played that. yep that funny game with grandma? she's gonna come visit us too she's gonna come next week? for christmas? next week is christmas? gorillas do that? and you say armadillos do that? i don't think they really do. naima armadillo does that. they do go in a burrow to sleep. where do they sleep? in a burrow. they make their burrows they dig them don't they? they dig burrows into the ground? what do they eat? worms. i bet they do eat worms? what else do they eat? i don't know do they? i bet they eat insects? i think they eat insects? yeah this is the boom shakalaka boom boom song. ready? boom shaka laka laka boom shaka laka laka boom boom boom. yeah. streets go up and go down running round my town streets go up? ooh? you know how to yell? you know how to sing and talk and yell and whisper you know all those things? ready! zoom digga digga digga zoom zoom zoom. riding east or west the taxi cab is the best. riding east or west the taxi cab is the best? zoom daka daka daka zoom zoom zoom where did we ride a taxi cab do you remember? where did we ride the taxi? in new york city. in new york? that's some of the kamut? the radio. you have your own radio now? and it plays the abc song? there's a radio at their house. mm you can turn it on. i think you also turned on the radio in new york? remember that? mm by accident and you were really surprised? you were really surprised and mommy was surprised too it was loud. i think it was loud. loud like that yeah. want some oatios. you want some wheat? yeah no? how bout rice? yeah? yeah no yeah. yeah we're gonna go as soon as daddy comes home! oh we're gonna go soon! oh. you have a little bit of food on that hand? do you wanna feed yourself? this oh you wanna see what i have here. that's the container for the other cookies. i'm gonna call daddy. ooh it makes a good noise doesn't it? calling because i think we should try to leave closer to ten thirty. and the reason is she's getting very sleepy she's been very? that could work but um. to make that so. i don't know how that compatible that would be to! yeah! yeah! well some closer to ten thirty than eleven let's just say that cause she's she's sort of? she's been cranky. so see you yeah bye? you are putting the food in the bag i see! how bout putting some more? somewhere else like? in your mouth. oh it's the goodbye song. you didn't want that? okay? yeah i called daddy so he'd come home fast? so that we can go? go home low he's gonna come home so that we can go. yeah? no. low. would you like some water to drink. or? okay or soy milk maybe. okay? i think i'll get you some water? we still have some presents to wrap? nate bate? he's a kid in the music class isn't he? nate bate? would you like to color with crayons. what? does naima want crayons to play with? i do have nursies? daddy come home slow! but i called him so that he would come home fast so that we can go to! babaji dadaji's house? and you can turn on the radio as soon as you get there. let's make? also eat there yeah you could eat there. mhm! in fact we have a bag full of food for you to take. daddy's coming daddy's coming. he's gonna be here very soon. daddy's coming home very very soon. very very nursie yep? goodbye so long? let's take off your bib and give you your water back? mm? l that is an l very nice? that's a nice upside down l. i like that l? l. l. mm what are you drawing now? oh you're drawing on your sippy cup? oh my goodness gracious me? i'm right here. oh my goodness? oh. naima mommy's right here? yes baby girl? oh? you need more paper? you need more paper to draw on. need more crayons? okay? let me find them i think they're in here? i'm gonna look for the crayons? whoa? lot of crayons? glitter? glitter? glitter? that glitter crayon is very old i think? throw it out oh. okay? do you want me to throw it out in the garbage? okay yeah it doesn't really write anymore does it. it doesn't work? the other crayon is very good well that's good? oh. what are you drawing? what are you making pictures of? you putting the water on the picture. you know what you could do with that you can trace? just like we traced our hands. you could trace a circle around the sippy cup? look at that? a circle a circle. and you know what i have a sticker for you! what is that? what's that sticker you have? what is that naima? yeah it's a star? you want another one okay? how many do you have right now? kay? how's that? what do you need? it's a christmas present for her. there's a mouse pad in it. it's a mouse pad? give it back. i am gonna give it to her. are you drawing still. yeah. give it to mommy! well i bought it at the store for her. that's what christmas is? partly about is give? giving people presents and? showing that you like people? making people happy. oh my gosh? for naima. i've got so many interesting things down here would you like some ribbons. what is? oh my gosh look at that ribbon. look at all that. ribbon ribbon ribbon ribbon. oh you have a bangle. that's a nice bangle. the ribbon's going on your nose. oh. cats like to play with ribbons don't they. cats like to play with ribbons? telephone? hello. hi? correct? yep. what's naima doing? what's naima doing? it's a calendar. calendar not a cylinder a calendar. sounds like cylinder though? you're still missing the cylinder that belongs with your truck aren't you. i think that is long gone? the cylinder? oh calendar this is a calendar not a cylinder. i'm gonna give it to her for christmas? you have a lot of ribbons over there? oh you wanna help mommy on the floor okay i'll take you out of there? you can help me clean up clean up. are you all clean up. cleaned up by the way? you've got a lot of crayons here. let's put those away. yep. and actually i have something i need to do in? my office and? and and daddy's office i have to send him something? on the computer and then i have to print it out? okay you help me okay. you help me down here? you know what we need to find. okay we need to find your hair clip? oh you took all of your hair bands out didn't you. mm you gonna help me with the ribbon? let's see what do we need to do next? i like giving people presents? i think that's just paper folded up. what's in there? you think so? you gonna unfold it. what's naima doing? what did you find? did you find something there? you're getting your broom? what's that? you gonna help sweep. uh oh you know what? that camera's actually not for babies? it is for babies. are you a sleepy girl. i think somebody's sleepy? ooh wuh wuh wuh yourself. you're gonna look at the christmas tree. mm. there's a person in a chair isn't there. there's the christmas tree? lots of things are on it. i see a mailbox? i see a shovel. where's the bicycle? can you point to the bicycle? shovel? shovel. shovel shovel? you wanna have this picture? that's a picture of mommy and who else? mommy naima and daddy. these are pictures these are actually photographs. pictures you can also call them. photographs? you can call them pictures? you have it in your hand? this one i'm writing on? grabby? is grabby the mad the mad person inside naima's head? i think grabby is the mad person? the mad naima? is that? is that mad naima's name grabby? oh you mean this card. this is a picture. that's a photograph what you have in your hand is a photograph? let me get something for you to have. would you like this. would you like. this. oh those pictures. those photographs okay let's see what's in there. these are the photographs of new york yeah okay. give you a few of those to look at that? there. and there's a butterfly. wow. how many do you have here? oh the phone is ringing? the phone is ringing i wonder who it is. who do you think it is? but i'm right here. let's go see who it is. oop? hello? hi mom. hold on? hold on? um i'm a little rushed but it's not too bad we're um? going shortly to? well good. you know what let me call you right back. are you in a box. do you wanna talk to grandma on the phone? but grandma called to talk to you she said. she wants to talk to you. hm. hi? hi. hi naima. say hi to grandma. this is grandma. tell grandma what you're doing right now. what are you doing? she's in a box? you're in a box? she's sitting in a cardboard box. what are you doing in the box? are you playing. what are you doing naima? did you get a christmas tree? naima. do you have a christmas tree? there's a birdie birdie bird on it she says. oh what else is on your tree? a little birdie birdie birdie? another little birdie bird. and what else. a ball oh lots of balls are on it. yeah what else is on your tree? what else? did you hear that. no what. mailbox. oh the mailbox? what else? a shovel? a shovel? let's go look let's go look while we talk to her and we can tell her everything that's on it? you have lights on the tree? no. no. we decided that was a safety hazard. yeah. what else is on it? a koala. oh. what does the koala say? did you catch that? no. koala says i love australia. do you have presents under the tree? what's that? what's this? what's this? you have a bicycle. and a fork? yeah? you have a lot on your tree. yeah? and a knife? yep? so are you having a calm day mother or a? well? busy day. i'm not cooking. mhm. aha? naima can you leave that on oh okay? yeah so but you're staying home basically? that's good. oh aha. they're down in connecticut now? oh. oh and you're gonna come back to that right you're gonna go? oh gosh i forgot yeah. aha? is it gonna be out patient or in patient yeah aha? hm. yeah i was gonna ask you. oh really? aha? no. yeah? yeah exactly? you knew the answer. let me just get a little bit of soapy water? and we'll clean it right up. mommy's gonna erase it remember we saw the? chalk board at the children's museum and we learned about erasing things. well this is a way of erasing things with soap and water. like when you draw on. what? were we gonna draw something on the paper just now? oh. ooh two crayons at once. two fisted drawing. can i use the brown one. can i use the brown one to draw ashay ashay. oh you're drawing it whoo? alright. okay. what letter's that? what letter do you think that is? right? and then i'm gonna make some shapes? yeah? and then i'm gonna color them in. so that now there is a brown square. um you know what i'd rather have you draw right on the paper. yeah can you make a? blue circle. mm? mm naima's drawing shapes too. what's that? yes it's a triangle. it's a red triangle? are you getting sleepy. somebody wrote that mommy drew. uh draw on the paper only remember. yeah that's right. what? eat eat what? who eats crayons? so now we have a red? yes we draw with them we have a red circle? we have a red triangle? a brown square are there more crayons. let me get these? oh did you just hit your head on that table? oh? oh. okay? okay. okay oh that must've hurt? yeah. i saw. i think maybe we should put some arnica on that? yeah? oh. oh? okay. wanna nurse. no arnica? you wanna nurse first and then put arnica on it? the edge of that table just came out from nowhere didn't it? that was a surprise. we got the bear book out yeah? we returned it a couple of weeks ago and. today we got it out again. checked it out? mhm? where did you bump your head i don't really see? right now. where did it hurt? i know but where on your forehead is it hurting. can you show me? right there. up here it hurts? there on your ear? nursie some more? i know you bumped yourself on the head? are you gonna put something on okay let's get the arnica. and put it on your head sit up for a minute i have to go get it. i think it's right here i think it's right here? don't? don't worry. um but i'm not sure where to put it cause i don't know where you bumped yourself exactly. let's look at mommy for a second? oh. yes daddy's asleep. no daddy doesn't drink a bottle. erica played with your pajamas that night? this is toto's bottle. no toffer's. what do you see? open that for you? hi peter. hi. are you a fish? stand up peter. hi peter. what's that? what do you see? what do you have? what do you do with it? yeah! that goes fast. is that a truck? oh it's a car. oh it's a car. look at that one. that's your favorite. yes. yes. that's a nice airplane. what else is in the bag? well look at that. what is that? what? turtle? hello! peter hello. he's funny looking isn't he? can you put your finger in here? that's it now you can say hello to me. do you know what that is? what is that? it's a hello box? it's a it's a tape recorder. that's right a tape recorder. you want to look at it? you mustn't touch it you just look at it okay? that's a microphone no don't touch it. you have to look at it you can't touch it okay? that's a microphone. look at this one. he wants to sit in there. is that a little man do you think? what is that? boom! don't you think he wants to stand next to his friends? does he want to stand next to his friends? oh are you gonna tip it over? there they come. you're strong! oh my goodness! do you want me to do it? there you go. do you know what that's called? that's a lamb. lamb. what do you see? oh there's an airplane. zoom zoom. where's mama? that's a noisy airplane. it's going on a long trip huh? did you see this peter? did you ever go on a seesaw? what? bus? bars? yes airplane it's going on the seesaw. chair. tv? tape recorder. tape recorder. did you open it? did you open the tape recorder? don't pull it don't touch it. there i closed it. the suitcase? there's a suitcase over there. there's one that's a big one. all the toys are in that suitcase. see the two men on the seesaw? seesaw yes they're riding the seesaw. seesaw. look what happens. oops he fell off. he fell off again. are you giving him a ride? yeah seesaw. are you opening my tape recorder again? hm? what do you see? what? you see it going around? see that tape turning around? close it close it up there. close. did you close it now? you're opening and closing it at the same time aren't you? that's right. now it's closed. open again? is there anything else in that bag? is there anything else in that suitcase peter? is anything in that suitcase? you better check there might be some more toys in there. toys. oh it looks empty. look at that train. zoom zoom zoom. are you making a tunnel? here it goes! whoops zoom zoom? are you a bridge? bridge. more? i don't think there are any more trains i think that is all but you know what. yeah i think this little puppet wants to ride the train. do you think so? i think it wants to sit right there and go for a ride. if it can i'm not sure yeah! why don't you take it for a ride. i think the puppet wants to go for a ride. do you want to go for a ride? shall i pull you? zoom zoom zoom. come on peter boom boop up! oh it's so heavy! oh! crash. i think you had an accident. what's that? what? did you forget what it is? is it a seesaw? yeah. hm? are you looking at the microphone? box yeah oh look at this box peter. you want to look at this box too? peter. are you gonna play with the blocks? what? are you gonna build a house? what is that? what? jello? yellow that's a yellow block. house? are you gonna build a house? you gonna make a yellow house? why don't you make a yellow house? do you want lois to help you make a house? do you want to make a house? let's see let's make a house okay? let's make red walls. yes that goes that's a roof. put the roof on the house. that's it shall we have a chimney on our house? put the chimney. is the house finished? more? maybe want to put some more on the house? well i think we need this here. oh what happened to the house? what'd you do? did it tumble? is it broken? fix? okay here we go it's all fixed. it's all fixed see? i see you hi peter hi peter. is that a bracelet? what? bracelet? fix it? pliers! oh don't hurt yourself. don't pinch yourself. can you fix the train with those pliers? pliers yeah why don't you fix the train with the pliers? pliers yeah why don't you fix the train with the pliers? that's right yeah you fix that. what happened? what happened to the train? are you fixing the train? you're doing a good job. open the train? ah! did you hurt yourself? well don't put it in your nose that'll hurt even more. well the train man wants to know if his train is ready. is his train ready? is it all fixed? it's broken? oh it's all fixed now. fix it yes and here's the train man. he says. thank you very much peter for fixing my train. what? where are you going? oh there. what do you have now? aka yeah. zoom! right on your head! house? are you going to make a house? let's see if i can make an apartment house. a big tall house. i'm gonna make a big tall house. put it there? i think that may be too heavy. the house'll all fall down why don't you make another house? put one of the little men on top. okay. there. oh! crash! oh my goodness! what are you doing? are you throwing the blocks? blocks. are you opening the tape recorder again? tape recorder that's such a good word! tape recorder. that's nice isn't that pretty? yeah that's pretty. boom there there are your pliers again. do you see the buttons? do you have buttons peter? do you have any buttons? do you have any? where are peter's buttons? there yeah. there are your buttons. there's a button there's a button. what are you doing? that's too small for you. putting your foot inside there? let's see what do you see? want to put your shoes in the box? are you gonna put your shoes in the box? you have shoes on shoes now? are you coughing? i think the train man wants his train fixed again. look his train is stuck. it won't move it's stuck can you fix it with your pliers? you can't? oh! you did it! you want me to fix it? yep there you go mr train man now let's see do you think it works? it works. ch ch ch ch what a messy road this is! ch ch ch. looks like it stopped again. i think it's broken. i think it's broken. did you hear mama in the kitchen? where are you going peter? who's in there? where are you going? are you looking at that microphone? i put it there i thought you were going in the kitchen. are you going in the kitchen? you're not. oh let's see let's see there are so many puppets here. hm? do you see it turning? are you touching it? don't touch it don't touch it that's alright. hm? oh that's. what do you have there? what? what's this? is that a can opener? can opener. are you gonna open that stool with the can opener? what's mama doing? what's mama doing? is she working? working? what's broken? ow? did it hurt? is that sharp? let me see is that sharp? oh it's very sharp you could hurt yourself. do you want ta read a book? do you want ta come on the floor and read a book? you want to read me a book. would you read that story to me peter? or you want me to read it? mm this is. what happened to its cover? did its cover get ripped. what? another book? paper that's a newspaper. thank you this one you want me to read the paper? book? yes it's a book well why don't you read the book come on you want ta sit down and read the book. oop! that's a funny place to sit right on my crossed knee that looks like a very interesting book. mm that's. what do you see? what? book yeah who's on the cover of the book? who's on the cover? what? toy? who's that? are you getting up? you gonna get some more books? oh there're lots of books there. i think i'm gonna try to find some toys in this book. oh look at all the toys wow what is that? can you see? that's right it's a turtle. toys you see any more toys. toys i think maybe if we turn to this page. toys! there they are peter look at these toys. toys yes do you know what that is? what? is that a tricycle? tricycle yeah oh my. oh look at all those. toys yes what's that? that's right airplane. train. look you're upside down you are upside down. the airplane is upside down. the airplane is upside down. there. that's better. that's right oops it's upside down. i think you've talked to a tape recorder before haven't you you said hello to it. yeah i think you've said hello to a tape recorder before. tape recorder. close it up close it up. close it up that's right. you gonna put the blocks away. put the blocks in the box? what? oh you're putting the train in the. where's that suitcase? why don't you put em in that suitcase? in the black suitcase that's where they came from. is that the handle? that's the other one. you may get tangled up. okay put the let's put the trains in the suitcase. there. did you put the airplane in the bag? now you're putting the train in the bag. is that bag heavy? can you bring it over here? oh thank you let's see what we have in there. here's your airplane see the propeller turning? can you turn it? what are you doing? hm? turning? oops you knocked my house down you knocked my house down i have to build it up again. look what you have. you have another piece of the tape recorder you've the microphone the wire don't you? you have the wire. tape recorder. mhm. are you fixing it? are you gonna bend the two ends together? are you putting it in your pocket? do you have a pocket? that's your pocket. is it a walkie talkie? oh i don't think you should put it in your mouth. are you on the telephone? hello peter say something to me. picture? where's a picture? did you say there was a picture? what's that? the microphone. microphone. oops be careful of the wire step over it that's it you see my house huh? awoh crash. crash oh. what are you doing? are you turning? what? is there something in there? box. there putting those things in the box? oh you know all the right boxes don't you? that's good you know all the right slots that's good mm that's very nice. oh that's not a seesaw. that's right that's a seesaw. now let me see where is that bag? look at this little mouse look at this little mouse. yeah here's a little donkey. little donkey hello peter hello mrs mouse. how are you today? hello mr donkey. how are you? hello hello. what? yes is that a fire truck? is that a fire truck siren? let's look out the window and see let's look out the window and see what it is. where? i don't see it where is it? where is that siren? oh it's such a pretty day the sun is shining. mhm the sun is shining. the sun shine. it is warm today pretty day are you looking at my watch? can you do that puzzle? peter? your mommy calling you? mommy's calling you your mommy's call you? can you work that puzzle? there can you take it apart? what is that? what is that? ears? where's the kitten's eyes? mhm. you're looking at the kitten right in the eye. are you throwing that puzzle around? seesaw marjorie daw. jack shall have a new master seesaw marjorie daw jack shall have a new master. seesaw seesaw. seesaw. seesaw marjorie daw. seesaw. oops did it fall down? seesaw. seesaw seesaw saw seesaw. there the cow on the seesaw put the cow on the seesaw. let's put a donkey on the seesaw donkey on the seesaw. how about the donkey? donkey. the donkey is not a cookie. donkey. aha that's a cow. isn't that a cow? how about this mouse? here's a little mouse. is the mouse riding the seesaw? where's the mouse? aha where's the mouse? she's on the seesaw? mhm. train? that's sounds just like a train. thank you. thank you thank you now i have three men. four. five. six. mhm. now the mouse is gonna ride. there you have to have a place to put the mouse there now that's nice. the mouse is on the seesaw. who's riding the seesaw? there they can all stand up make all these little men stand up there. you make all of them stand up. we can put this one up here like this. there. and they can all stand up. we can put the puppets on top of those little men. they can all stand up there. oh that's good oh oh oh it's just too much trouble isn't it? you know what? when we count up your words today we're gonna have about four thousand seesaws and very little else seesaw seesaw? that's what i thought you'd say i'm glad you like it so much. i'm glad you like that seesaw so much. peter do you ever go on the seesaw? do you go on the seesaw in the park? i'm putting all the blocks away i'm putting all the blocks in the box peter. do you see what patsy's doing peter? that's patsy right. do you know who that is? you know lois? that's lois. lois. that's right. do you like to sing songs? yeah you singing a song? sing a song for us. i'm putting all the blocks away. they'll all be away there's one more are there any more blocks. are they all gone? oh yes there are some there. any more. where are the blocks? are there any more? are they all gone? are all the blocks away? box yes. here bring that box and we'll put those those things in it you're very good at that let's see. there's goes the triangle. there's the triangle going down. that's the triangle here's the triangle. here's the cube. mhm. no no more. i think it's all. they're all gone aren't they? can you put them can you put them in the box? put the. put the triangle in the box. where's the triangle? gone down in the box? what's that noise peter? doggie yes. you want ta get up? well i'm sitting here. are you writing? pen. penny. that dog sounds unhappy. did you see the dog outside? did you see the dog outside? the dog that was barking. do you want ta look for the dog peter? why don't you go look for the dog? where's the dog? where's that doggie? where is that dog? i don't see him. i think he's stopped. yeah i think he's stopped barking. he wants to get down. that's a pen is that a pen you said it was a penny. i think it's a pen. did you see the doggie? huh? did you see the doggie? let's go look. i think he went home to have lunch. get down? you mean get up. you wanted to get up and look out the window didn't you? you wanted to get up and look out the window. do you see the see the policeman? do you see the policeman down there? policeman i don't see the doggie i don't think he's there. you're way up there. oh are you gonna jump? you're not gonna jump are you? that's too high. is the pen riding the seesaw? yeah looks like the pen is going for a ride. is peter going for a ride? seesaw. are you riding the seesaw? i think that's too small for you peter. what? oh yes that's more your size. that's peter size. that's peter's car. hm? you want me to put it down? there. here's the pen peter. here it is. it's on the floor. there's that doggie again. there want some paper? lois. ask lois to give you some paper so you can write. you want a piece of paper peter? you want to write on this paper? where're you going? where are you going? pen penny are you gonna write on the paper? go out in the living room and write on the paper. come and write on the paper come and sit over here and write on the paper. come here. and put the paper down put the paper down now you can write now you want to write? oh yes. is it closed? write on the paper this paper let's see let's write on this paper. hm? here let me write shall i write? okay i'm going to write now peter there that's your name. can you write it? you write. peter that's right you write right on it. mhm that's the microphone. mhm. are you going to give me the paper? where's the pen? why don't you write a letter peter? write a letter and you can give it to the mailman when he comes. can you write a letter to your grandma? you hear the doggie again? are you clicking the pen? click click click click. what are you doing? what are you doing? are you moving the microphone? let me get it out of the way there now. pen? here's mrs cow. oh you're gonna lie down like i am aren't you? hello hello peter you're lying down just like me. hello peter. really? who was that? mama. are you gonna write on my paper? no i think you better write on your paper okay. here's peter's paper here's peter's paper. thank you you gonna right up here? you gonna write on your paper up here? yeah you draw a picture? oops look what you did peter you drew on my leg. you see the ink on my leg? you gonna wipe it off? oh not with the pen. no more alright i'll wipe it off i think you'd better take your paper and go back on the floor. can you catch this? can you catch this ball? can you catch this ball? you say you're not interested. you say you're not interested in playing with the ball okay i'm going to fix these men up again. seesaw what's patsy doing? yes she's playing with the seesaw. think i'll put this sheep on the seesaw. the lambs ride the seesaw. what are you putting on there? did you play with the children this morning? did you go downstairs and play with the children? peter where're you going? you gonna open the door peter? let me in. thank you. hello what you doing? what are you doing here? you get in your seat you get in your seat you get in your seat. sit in your seat sit sit sit sit. you're hungry aren't you? you're a hungry boy. peter you want to sit in the other room. let's go sit at the table okay? let's go sit at the table. yeah. table yes. are you sitting at the table? yeah are you wearing an apron? thank you thank you but i don't want any milk that's your milk. oh it's your lunch that's your hamburger you eat it thank you. would you like some cottage cheese? mm good why don't you take some now? oh tasty good. peter do you hear jennifer? she's crying yes. here's some mashed potatos here's your spoon. it is hot i'm sure it is that's right be very careful. oh! did you burn yourself? is it hot? it's pretty hot. are you sleepy? is that still hot? you want some more hamburger? oops peter it's on your it's on your apron right here look can you get it? peter right here look. look here watch here there. there it is there's your spoon. would you like some more hamburger? you want some? is the bed broken? it's all put away. are you finished? no well why are you pushing the food away? nobody's putting their hands on arms on the table. you gonna eat some of that? you can finish that. now you're gonna get the pen all dirty. greased up. think you can use a napkin for your hands. hey come on. no. you've had enough? what? go? what? go? you finished? you want any more? why don't you take another bite of that? you want to take this off? okay let me wash. wipe your face. oh did you run into the chair. you hit your head did this chair hit you? how about finishing your milk? what's the problem peter? oh thank you are you all finished? are you drunk? are you very sleepy? what happened to all the toys peter? what's this? i never saw that before. i think you better write on your paper. would you like a nice clean piece of paper? can you play catch? want to see patsy and i play catch? want to see? can you catch it? here it comes! get the ball. you're playing baseball aren't you? what's happening? is the tape turning around? what do you see in that tape recorder? what's it doing? it's turning yes and you're turning too. turn. box? is that your box? you gonna get the blocks out again? okay you're gonna play with the blocks again. there they are they're all on the floor. the blocks are on the floor. mhm okay you have to take a nap don't you? nap mhm. it's alright you can leave it there. big tower you gonna knock it down? no. you gonna make it fall down? if you want to it's alright. that's gonna be a big crash. you gonna put that on top of your head? what's that? what's that? awoh boom. boom uh oh you threw it you know what i think? you're gonna take a nap right on top of the blocks you're gonna take a nap right on top of the blocks. i think maybe we'll put the blocks away. mhm let's put the blocks in the box okay? let's put the blocks in the box. where's your harmonica? what happened to it? what happened to your harmonica? where's your harmonica? what happened to it? is it under the couch? mhm is it under the couch? look under the couch and see if you see the harmonica. i don't see it okay let's put all the toys away okay let's put all the toys away. mhm okay we're gonna go bye bye. aha lois and i are going bye bye. mhm lois and i are going to go home so you can take a nap. aren't you a sleepy boy. where are your blocks? oh all the blocks are on the floor. what's it doing? it's turning the tape recorder's turning. wheel? yes is the wheel turning around? mhm. what? do you remember this? what's that? is that a seesaw? seesaw. do you want to make it run? do you want me to fix it? there. there. where's the other wheel? there it is. there. is the wheel going down? is the wheel going down? down! wheel yeah that's another wheel that's a bigger wheel isn't it? no no no don't do that it'll stop working. here's a little wheel here's a little wheel. that is a really nice noise you make. wheel yes that's a wheel that's a tape recorder wheel. what are you looking for? there's nothing back there. where? do you do you hear an airplane? no you hear a siren a siren. he found the airplane. that has wheels too. mhm. look for the siren. let's go look at the siren see if we can see what it is. there there's the fire truck. see the fire truck? there it it there it goes see? fire truck. did you see the fire truck? yes it's a wheel it's a tape recorder wheel. you like that airplane don't you? it fell down here goes one. that one doesn't roll does it? roll. uh! there catch. is that a man is that a clown? where's the other ring? where's the ring that goes there? yes the wheels are doing fine they're turning. yes. mhm they're turning. can you turn peter? turn around. you found a car. mhm. you want me to fix it? okay i'll fix it okay there. i fixed it. where are the other cars? where are the other cars to the train? you can get the other cars and i'll fix them too. that car doesn't fit with the train. look in the bag. where's the train? in the bag. there's the train! there's another one can you fix it? can you fix it? want me to? there there's one more. in the bag. there it is there. what? turn. it's turning it keeps turning and turning. yes it's a hammer right mm! we don't smash tape recorders. what do you see? more toys in the bag? what's the train doing? the train turn? awoh the bridge fell down. have to make a bridge for the train here. awoh pull it that's right choo choo. oh it's broken! there you can roll the wheel down. you can roll the wheel down. mhm we have lots of wheels there's another one you can roll that one down. oops there get the big wheel. there. get that big wheel. is it a big one? oh. here's a red one oop it ran into your shoe. mhm that's a bag too. that's my thermos bottle. want me to take the top off? here's the top. that's a cup that's a cup. that top's very tight. want some water? milk. oh are you thirsty? coke? milk? this? i think you'd better sit up here. want to sit up here and drink it? there's some more. you want some more? there we'd better put it away. i think we'd better put it away. let's see if there's a surprise toy in the bag. see what else is in here peter. toys. turn yes it's turning yes it's turning. turning. i put the top back on why don't you put it in the bag for me? can i help you? i'll put it in okay there. what's that? it's tape can we put it back in the bag? you want some? there you pull it right there pull okay there here's some tape for you. oh sticky what are you doing? come here let's tape that together. there. oh there's your new book can you bring it to me? can you reach it? go behind the chair. you can go behind the chair. here. what's that? peekaboo. what's that? rabbit. where's mama? where's mama? there's a mirror. what's that? razor? scratchy. that's scratchy. is that scratchy? oh look at the little book oh don't that one doesn't open is the bunny sleeping? mm? where's the ring? is there a ring? there's the ring. there's the ring. you can put your finger in it where's the mirror? there it is where are the flowers? there they are! can you smell the flowers? can you smell the flowers? do you hear mama? do you have some money peter? can i have some money? i have to put the wash in the dryer. oh peter has the money you have some money. no. no. could you just give it to me and then i'll put it away for awhile okay. awoh. one. your shoe's coming undone. come here and let me tie your shoe peter. come and let me tie your shoe. mhm that's a microphone leave it there want it on the floor? let me tie your shoe can you tie it? there where're you going? the wire's under the rug i put it there so you wouldn't trip on it. mhm. yes still turning you keep checking it still turning. i'm gonna put these wheels back. oh you want it that way you want to tape it back to together. there. you want me to tape those together too? okay i'll get some more tape. okay you'll have to pull it pull the tape that's enough that's enough that's enough i'll. let me tear it. there. put the tape away? mhm you put it away there two little packages. want to tape some more together. okay. is mama back? bring me the tape. mhm what am i going to tape? what should i put together? that's enough that's enough. that's enough. mhm what shall i do with it? what are you gonna do with the tape peter? tape yeah. is that sticky? sticky? oh is that one broken? you want some more tape on that one? here i'll put this tape on it there there. oop. that's enough. hm? that's enough. you hear that noise? you think that's a saw? noise. i think it's a saw. there's a doggie outside too. oh you can get up yourself do you see him? do you see the doggie? you didn't see he's right over there there he is he's running. yes he's running. hm? the dog's running. oh there are two dogs. two dogs yeah what are they doing. what are the dogs doing? you hear that hammering? is that a hammer? getting down? getting down? you get off our chair? you going to read that book now? do you want patsy to read it? do you want me to read it? you want to sit up here? oh you see that pen don't you? awoh. don't touch it it's turning. yes. tape recorder it's turning. you want ta look at the book? that's a picture puzzle. most of it's gone here's some more here's some more here's some more of the puzzle. look under that look under the table. did you lose your puzzle pieces? yeah there aren't very many pieces there where do you think they are? where are all the puzzle pieces? what? yes pieces shall we do the puzzle? what? oh wow! i don't know what you're saying! that's a puzzle right does it go like that? you want me to fix it? there we go. that's right he knows where it goes yeah what about this one? what is that? feet mhm is that a foot? foot like your foot right. foot whose foot is this? is this peter's foot? is it a man's foot? i think it's the cat's foot isn't it? that's right. is that daddy? it's mama. it's mama and jennifer. that's a drill. drill noise. yeah it's broken isn't it? what should i do? what should i do? should i fix it? peter i think. do you want ta roll the wheel? yeah look. the wheel went under the couch. can you get it? i can see it. peter over there look you see it? yeah there's the wheel. is the airplane gonna go zoom? zoom zoom. can this ball you think this ball'll roll down there? yeah! oh we're back in the living room again. you gonna play with the blocks some more? you gonna play with the blocks some more? peter. paper yes you put your hand on the paper are you gonna touch it again? it's very high! put the airplane on top. boom it fell down oh! you didn't have to throw the airplane. frisbee? peter's playing with the frisbee is that a frisbee? now it's a hat. is that a hat? is that a hat? my goodness! what is that noise? peter peter. here he comes. what? that doesn't sound like tape recorder. that's tape recorder. you're playing very dangerous. what? look peter. you gonna read the book you gonna read the book. pat the bunny. yeah. are you gonna pat the bunny? judy and paul pat the bunny don't they? bye yeah they're waving bye to you that's right. what are those? you smell the flowers? peekaboo you like to play peekaboo? can you play peekaboo? peekaboo. bye bye what about the what about the mirror? you gonna look at that one? find that page. mhm. there is the mirror. what's that? face right. scratchy face. did that hurt? ouch! did you find the ring? where's mommy's ring? ring. can you stick your finger through there? aha i have a ring too. see the book? that's a little baby book? is that judy's little book? yeah. where's the mirror? there it is there's a book. are you gonna chew up the book? doesn't taste very good does it? where's the other little man? where's the other one? where is he? where's the little man that goes on the seesaw? there okay what's it doing now? yeah it's turning it's turning. it's turning. i think he's in the bag. it'll seesaw better if you can find the little man. mhm one like this. you found another wheel. you were going to look for that other man that's what you were going to do. i think he's in the bag peter do you want some help? should we look for the man in here? let's see is he in here? i don't think he's in here. is that the man? no that's a donkey. donkey. there's only this big one. yeah. want him to ride? there he can ride the seesaw. boom. hurt? what's the matter? there's nobody riding the seesaw now nobody. it's empty. it's empty. more. you gonna put the man on the seesaw? that's right. uh here they come are you gonna empty the bag? are you gonna empty it? it's empty. the blocks fell down. mm. put the plug in your mouth? he talks to himself. can you hear something when you put the thing in your ears? oh my! oh! that hurt my ears. yes it did it's alright though it is alright didn't hurt too much. did i scare you? you do it gently when you have it in your ears don't you? want me to blow in it? okay put it in your ear. tickle? huh? does it tickle? what? he wants you to tickle him? does he want you to tickle him? you want me to tickle you? blow blow. can you blow? blow? want to listen? awoh you're upside down you're upside down. what do you see? what are you looking at? what are you looking at? at? what's that peter? what does she have in her hand? frisbee. frisbee there put it on there. let me see you see this car? look at this little man he's gonna ride the car. brum. now this little lady wants to ride in the car. i want to ride the car. the little man has to ride the bus and the lady gets the car there. sit? bus. bus. no more pennies you don't have any in your pocket all gone. is your pocket empty? is he going bye bye in the car? where's the car? where's the car? it's gone. hi. what? you got it back. where's the lady? is she gone? what happened to the lady? who was riding the car? it's empty. are you stuck? here comes peter under the chair. are you playing with my feet? what's that in your mouth? jump? there's the hammer. oh that's fun. no don't hit me with the hammer no. do you want me to hammer? you want me to hit hit them? now it's all gone. did it did it fall through? the hole? no. now it's on the other side. who's crying? who's that crying? what do you doing? that's enough tape that's enough tape let me have it i'll tear it for you. there's a big piece of tape a big piece. you need some more tape? okay you pull it and i'll tear it. okay. is it sticky? what's that noise peter? you hear somebody talking? wheel yeah what's the wheel doing? what's the wheel doing? is it turning? what? what? what? that was all garble garble wasn't it? awoh don't push the buttons. you hear that man talking? oh what's that again? yeah. want me to take the top off? there. you want some milk again? go ask mommy go ask mommy for some milk. seat? get out? down? down? should we wipe your mouth first? not your tongue your mouth you gonna stick out your tongue? wash this out. what? there's no more milk. why don't you let me wash out the cup do you want to wash out the cup? cup wash out the cup? here let me wash out the cup. there is no more want some juice? do you want some juice now? you like to sit there? yeah. what? what? you finished? you want more? don't spill it you want more? put your cup down do you want more? do you want more? put your cup down. i'm not gonna pour it there because i'll spill it. put your cup down. i'll pour you some juice put it down. oh you want to put that back in oh i see. what? do you want me to wash it out? more? i don't think you want to drink any more do you? you had enough juice huh you don't want to spoil your dinner hm? shall i wash this out? water? you want water? what? do you want to pour it out? that's it that's it no more. you can pour it out if you don't want it pour it out if you don't want it. pour it. pour it? you want me to pour it? no more. i think she wants her cup now don't you? uh! what a scream. it's all gone now there's nothing else to drink that's right put the top on. mm let's put the blocks away that's a good idea. yes the round one goes in the round hole. boom boom. boom. mhm. you gonna turn it over? oh all the blocks are out again. what do you have in there? what's so funny? what's so funny? yes you're getting very excited i think i'll try to think of something else look at this let me get that where's the other piece of the slide? who fixed it? where's the other piece? where's this piece? bring it to me and i'll fix it. the slide can you fix it? there there now where are the wheels. there's one wheel. mhm that one rolled out there you want that one back. awoh awoh. there. oh you want me to give them back to you? you want another one? awoh that one went the wrong way? careful that one fell off. are you banging them together? oh look they're standing up together. are you hiding it? are you hiding the wheel? i don't see the wheel there's one where's the other one there it is now i see it. here's the other one here's the green one. oh they're hiding is this it? peekaboo. peekaboo. oh did you see that? that wheel fits right in the hole doesn't it. that wheel fits right through that hole here's another one here's the red one peter. oh my goodness you fell down. more what? aha tape recorder. peter where's clown? clown. what? no let's leave it on the chair. on the floor? there. you still didn't tell me where the clown is. where's the clown? yes that's the clown. yes. oh you can put the top on that's nice. whew. whew. that doesn't turn did you want ta put the microphone on the floor? there are you gonna put it back on the chair for me? thank you that's nice thank you. what's that? broke yeah ouch. yeah can we fix it? can we fix it? what is it? the wheel? the wheel go in there? where's the wheel here's the wheel peter? wheel. here's the big wheel. it's not gonna fit. is that how it works? works. it's gone where is it? here it goes. i can see you're very musical i can see you're very. awoh. upside down. peekaboo. where's the bag? here it is. bag toys. i'm gonna put the toys in the bag. mhm shall i put the train in the bag? here goes the train here goes the train there now i'll put the airplane in the bag and i'll put the tape in the bag. and i'll put the slide in the bag. how about the seesaw? where's the seesaw? okay i'll put it in the bag put the donkey in the bag how about the mouse? you want ta put the sheep in the bag? this one and the black one and the man thank you now i'll put this little man in the bag now let's put the wheels in the bag let's put the wheels in the bag. where are the other wheels? behind you peter. here's the blue one now anything else that goes in the bag? oh where's that car? where's that red car? where's that red car? there it is. there it is. mhm there is that everything? have we got all of our toys? i think that's all. oh do we want to take the suitcase? it's pretty nice when people bring toys to play with when they come to visit instead of just playing with yours isn't it? is that heavy? is that heavy? no we're not going we're not going to take the toys out. what's that? you know what that is? a what? a slide? no let's leave them there leave them in there okay? why don't you help her put the blocks in the can? she needs some help here's two more. oh thank you oop you missed you want to put the slide up again? oh you want ta play with the car again. there. there's a ball in there put the top on there's the top. mhm. you took the top off. there. what? awoh are you gonna take them all out again? look at this. can you open that zipper? zip zip zip. pull there you unzipped it. is that a teddy bear? what's that piece of tape? sticky tape. this is a nice teddy bear. is that the teddy bear? is that the teddy bear? that's a soldier that's a soldier hut two three four hut two three four hut two three four hut two three four hut two three four hut two three four. what do you have there? zip right you better zip him up he needs to be zipped up. you bringing him? you patting the teddy bear? here's your soldier. you know what they are don't you? what? pretty yes they are very pretty they're colored blocks that's what's in there. teddy bear's gonna sit inside block can sit there? oh that's a nice chair. and he says box sometimes. there you have this little chair don't you a nice little chair teddy bear. what? what's it doing? it's turning yeah it's turning the wheel's turning. is your teddy bear sleepy? is he gonna take a nap? mm he's resting. shoe? you gonna take your shoes off. you gonna take your shoes off to take a nap. what a pretty smile. what do you think? what a pretty smile. do you want to get up? come on. come see me? come see daddy. oh your diaper is so wet? let us look. and see if it. how bad it is? it is just wet? it is just wet. let us change it. you wait there a minute okay. get you a dry diaper. oh. are you hungry. you hungry for oatmeal? weener. let me get your diaper on. okay? okay? okay here we go. okay let us get oatmeal? didldow? here is your highchair. there is your highchair. and your tray. put the tape recorder right over here. here is a whole thing of oatmeal. first i want you to take some medicine. i want you to take medicine. here it comes? good medicine. good. how smart? come on! come on. drink it up. oh how smart how good. have to drink it up. you have an ear infection. fix your ear. drink it up. drink it up. oh. it is alright. don't cry. it is gonna go down. and it'll be alright. and then we'll have oatmeal. drink that damn medicine weener. don't. quit spitting it out. here. there you have to you have to get in your mouth. you are gonna not gonna get rid of your ear infection till you take the medicine. no. here. okay. now there is one more. you got it in your hair! you got medicine in your hair and everything. medicine looks pretty bad? little bit more. okay. that is good. just a minute. let me get a napkin and get it off your chest. cure of pneumonia with the medicine you got on your chest weener. okay that is it right there. do you want uh do you like milk or juice? please milk. okay. moomilk. i want to see a cup for you. here is a cup with milk? say thankyou daddy. okay hang on a second. let daddy get the coffee started. okay now daddy has coffee. and we have our spoon for you. and we got oatmeal. we got so much oatmeal. didldow. didldow? bite! a good bite of oatmeal. there you go. good. that is right. that is right. it did have raisins. i gave you a raisin? it had a raisin in it. that is car. car outside. outside. is a car starting. is it good. hang on a second. let us open let us open our front door. we can get fresh air and sunshine through. what a pretty day? the big trade winds came back. maybe it'll cool down a little bit. here. what i hear? airplane. i hear airplane. yes. you're such a smart little boy? didldow. didldow. airplane? here. how about a bite of oatmeal? didldow. moomilk. yes it is all gone. wait have some oatmeal. have a little oatmeal! oh no. shit. daddy dropped the spoon down in the oatmeal. you want some more milk. okay there you go. moomilk. say thankyou daddy. ready for some oatmeal? we are so late this morning. we slept so late! it is almost ten o'clock. i appreciate your sleeping late? late? did you sleep well? did you go night night. yes gonga is in your bed. and the ball. the ball is in your bed? it was? well there was gonga and. and pink eddie. and your blankie. and your pillow. gonga. and pillow. and blankie? and who else? trees? i was thinking about pink eddie? tell me about school? who is at school? debbie? debbie is at school. there is some names i don't know. how about linda? and laurie? and michael? sandra? is sandra your friend. sandra is nice. hi seth. and see you. bye? who says that? yes no no i don't want you to touch that tape recorder? but i would like it to be right there by you? because we are talking so softly this morning. boy this is the best oatmeal. so good. tape recorder. tape recorder. aha. aha. toot. moomilk. tape recorder. bite of oatmeal. have a big bite. moomilk. yes. tape recorder. oh beener you're so smart. say thankyou daddy. how good? how rude? push push the cup back a little. push it from the edge. so we don't spill it. yes. that is right. that is right. you say it better every time. yes tell me have you been walking lately? do you walk? where do you walk? where do you walk? do you walk in the kitchen? do you walk in the bed room? do you walk to daddy? you don't want any more oatmeal? do you want down? okay you got it? finish with your milk? do you want milk? do you want oatmeal? do you want down? okay. i just want to wipe you off? wipe off your milk mustache? what does that mean? no. take your hand and we can jump. ready to jump. okay jump? oh good. bump? kiss it? hurt! now now let daddy put this highchair away. what are you talking about? diapers. here is daddy's tape recorder. you can look at it. but i don't want you to hold it. no no no no? you can't hold it. tell me about that cabinet and all those doors. those doors? bump. n kiss it. is that what happens when we bump and hurt. then we kiss it. did you did we go for a walk yesterday. did we go for a walk outside yesterday. and see leaves? what did we see outside? trunk? what did we see outside when we went for a walk? trees. trunk. bark. trunk. tree trunk. leaves. tree trunk. tree trunk. that is right. and we saw a wall. and were there flowers. did we see flowers. tell me about the flowers. tell me something about the flowers? were they pretty? oh are you gonna climb on daddy? daddy gets down on his knees. on his knees. and you like to sit on his heel? see you. you're funny. flowers. tell me about flowers. no no. don't close that door. oh it is gonna rain. and we'll get wet? poppop? daddy is sitting in a chair and you're walking around it. poppop. are you a monkey. flowers. you want to come see me. come see me. okay? oh get up in daddy's lap. how nice? i'm so glad to see you. what does that mean? jump. oh you want to jump? okay. let us jump. jumpjump. jumpjump. jumpjump? jumpjump. want down. okay. there you go. oh thank you. thank you weener? i just wanted that wet diaper. let me go throw it in the waste basket. bath room. is the ball in the bath room. where did it go? where did you put the ball? not in here? the ball is not in your bed? no no it is not there. here it is. here is your ball. i found it. i found it. it is by your foot. it is right next to your foot. do you want gonga? okay there is gonga. do you want pink eddie? here he is. pretty well set up now? oh you throw it so well. here is pink eddie? that is the most lopsided ball. you gonna throw the ball up on the bed. so you can cry when you can't get it. okay here it is. i gonna throw it. you have to go fetch it. oh it went in the bath room? oh it went in the bath room. can you walk in the bath room and get the ball? there it is. towels. wall. pottie? shishi? tell me. what is this? scales. scales. and what is this. oh look out? don't bump your head. if you stand up it'll bump your head on that. what is it? that is a. what is it? tell me! do you know? it is the sink. sink. pottie. shishi? shishi in the pottie huh. tape recorder. shower. oh weener you talk so well. take a bath? where is the carpet? scratch scratch scratch scratch. look at you scratch on that carpet. that is all daddy has in the house. daddy has about one yard of carpet. throw me that ball? here it comes back. i'm gonna throw it to you. there it comes. oh look how well you throw it. get it. ball. throw it. alright. here it comes. now throw it. and i'm gonna throw it back to you. here it comes. what do you want? do you want to open that door? no no that is the medicine. that is the medicine cabinet. we don't get in there? daddy has it closed up with a chopstick where you can't get to it. do you know what? see daddy fix the tape recorder. that is the sink. wall? where is the soap? where is the soap? you don't see it. oh it is over here? daddy fooled you. that is okay? there is the soap. you don't want it. do you like to wash your hair? i don't either? foot. feet. you showing the scales. and i don't know what that meant what you said. scales. rolling up the edges of the of the carpet. and saying cleaning? i don't know what that means. tell me what you do at school. do you swing at school? do you like to swing up? do you want to go in the living room and swing up? come on. let us go? come on? walk with me in the living room. let us go. do you want the ball? come on. bring it. good. good. you're carrying that ball and walk so well? okay. you ready to swing up. you don't want to. okay! in that case daddy will finish his coffee. coffee. here it is. here comes the ball. oh there goes the ball. go get it. do you see it? by daddy's desk. come here. i want to try something with you this morning. you're doing so many new things. maybe you've learned something new that. would you come see me a minute. come see me a minute. come here. come see me. i am gonna get you. come see me. you want me to choke your neck. you want me to get your shortribs. okay i'm gonna get them. well you play with the ball. i'll. i'll find out later whether you know those things! you had all the oatmeal you wanted? miss pep. i think it is empty. i don't think there is anything in there. there goes your ball. there it goes. daddy is gonna kick it. daddy watch daddy kick kick that ball. see how far it goes when daddy kicks it. daddy kicked it high. daddy kicked it hard. ball. kitchen? throw the ball in the kitchen. well let me see. what is that? oh it is just a piece of paper. thank you weener. comes the ball. daddy is gonna kick it. bump hard. daddy kicked it hard? good throw! here it comes back to you. kitchen. hold on. i don't know what you're saying. you are walking and carrying the ball. walkwalk. you gonna walk to the bath room? here we are in the bath room. daddy turned on the light. is it funny. look at you push those scales. can you can you sing old macdonald's farm for daddy? eeayeeay oh. with a chick chick here and a chick chick there. there is the wall. where is the floor? that is right? there is the pottie. soap. there is the soap. do you want to eat soap? hi. hi seth. see you. bye? oh you think it is funny to sit on daddy's heel. when daddy gets on his knee huh? here is that ball? daddy is gonna throw it. watch. now i'm gonna kick it. daddy is gonna kick it. watch. kick. that is the most active ball. it is so lopsided! it never stops. never know which way it is gonna go. let us come in here. i'm gonna. we are gonna have to get shoes on and clothes and things. we are gonna have to get ready for school. here you come. here you come. daddy is putting on socks? and shoes. see goes! throw that ball. put the ball up in the chair? can you can you put pink eddie in the chair? listen to me? i'm gonna break your neck. do you rock the chair? can you rock the chair? oh look how well you rock the chair? you rock the chair and sing rockabye baby? gonga. what is so funny? where is your ball? i i'm not sure where that ball went. oh it is right by the chair. the ball is by the chair. you got it? okay? now we have the ball in the bath room? yes wait a second? listen? i want you to show me. where is daddy's nose? where is daddy's nose? where is daddy's ear? there it is. that is daddy's ear? ear? where is where is daddy's chin? okay you got your own chin. where is daddy's tongue? there that is right. that is good. where is daddy's mouth? that is your mouth. where is your nose? where is your nose? that is daddy's nose. okay. daddy's mustache. that is right. oh what a nice kiss. oh mwuh. what a nice kiss. thank you. thank you seth. see you. listen. can you say thankyou daddy? say please daddy. you turkey. what does what does a turkey say? what does a chicken say? eeayeeay oh. what does chicken say? and what does a duck say. and what do the geese say. honk. how about the doggie? what does the doggie say? woof. i did not know you knew that. what does a kittie say? meow? you know more and more. i did not know you knew those. your mommy must teach you those. does your mommy teach you those animal sounds? what does a cow say? moomilk? diaper? why do you push that damn ball on the bed so? somebody has to get it for you? please daddy? okay? don't throw the damn ball on the bed? where you somebody has to get it for you? and then cry about it. that makes me mad when you do that? listen you want to get ready and go to school? yes well we are gonna go to school? no no. daddy is gonna dress you and take you to school. here come. i want you to get your pants on? get your little sunsuit on. we are gonna go to school? yes? we are gonna go bye bye in the car! we are gonna boog. let us boog. let us boog on out of here. okay stand up now. get your little sunsuit on. this is getting a little tight. stand up? stand up weener. stand up. okay. oh excuse me for hurting your feelings? you're so frustrating sometimes. let us see how this feels. if it feels too tight. if it is gonna hurt your shoulders or something. no it is not. let us boog? let us go in the car. let us go in the bye bye? boog. oo daddy broke his watch yesterday. that is too bad. put a staple and keep the crystal together for a while. do you want to get down? you want to fall down. oh okay. it is not too bad. started out looking pretty good. thank you for closing that refrigerator so well. toot. now it is in the morning on the next day. next day. and you let me sleep until nine o'clock and it? it feels so good? fan on? and your diaper is toot. that is your mimi. it is yucky? it is gross. yucky. rook. rook. daddy got two towels. i thought it was gonna be like this. feet. foot? feet? foot. feet. foot. feet. feet foot feet foot. mimi. don't say that word? you old player. oh you want to floppy? come on. let us floppy. i forgot. let us floppy. now floppy? floppy. granma. grampa. chabap? that is what you used to say in oklahoma i remember. granma. and grampa. and roy. and jude. and the terrapin? and the terrapin. do you remember the terrapin? the terrapin was crash crash crash crash in his box. and daddy fed him bacon. and lettuce. forgot the tomato. barking? those doggies are barking? well listen. let us get up into the day. let us do our prayers first okay. yes. let us do time for prayers. come on. put your hands together. okay. god bless mommy. god bless daddy. and god help me all day today. amen? amen. okay let us get some breakfast together. let us think about breakfast. oatmeal. okay i got to put it in the microwave. i've already got it made. daddy already has a big bowl of oatmeal. here it is going right into the microwave? it is gonna be good. we are gonna have medicine. and oatmeal. didldow. what do the geese say? chicken? what do the chickens say? peep. wait wait. we are gonna have oatmeal. we are gonna have oatmeal. you want to get in your chair. highchair? okay. here it is. you want to eeat? say eeat. tray. put the tray on! how about uh how about milk? okay. i'll get your cup. good job. here is your milk? let daddy go to the bath room for a minute. you ready for oatmeal. you ready. okay. oh there? airplane. do you hear that airplane? okay we are getting all our food together. everything is coming together. here is the medicine. and there is the napkin i'll put over by the tape recorder. and your little spoon? daddy get a chair. oatmeal. first i want you to take your medicine. it is almost gone. we are almost finished with it. then we got to go see doctor wong again. see if it did the work. see if it fixed your ear. yes. here it comes. here comes the medicine. oh you're so smart. thank you for taking that medicine so well now. tilt your head back and take it. and don't push my hand away because. how nice? how good? oh look how well you take the medicine. oh you're so smart. thank you for taking that good medicine so well. alright. now there is one more. one more thing here? that i would like you to try. some vitamins. there they go? good. good deal. okay. chase it with some. oh travis you love this kind of stuff. look at this. what can you build with this? where's that thing? hum? what's that? oh nothing? oh nothing. okay? look what you can do with this travis. you can stack them up and make a high building. look kalie. you wanna do it? here put this one on top. put this one here on top of that one. like this. yep just like that. where's that thing that i like? all the time that i like to draw things on. okay you do that? here. i wanna get this. uh oh? can you fix it? isn't that hurting your knees. there. want some help? hum? uh oh. make it real tall. uh oh. look kalie. look at mama's. oh i like it. that's good. uh oh? you can fix it. yeah. there's feet on here. look mama! let me see. travis that is good. you like that. oh kalie look at that baby's face. oh well look there. what's she doing now? huh. is she happy. stegosaurus. how about that? let me see. see my stegasaurus. ew i like that one. that is neat isn't it. that looks more like a real one doesn't it. fix it. okay. it is. okay uh oh. oh look how tall. hey mama i'd like to build with these. oh sister had them. here kalie put these two together. give me that. no don't wreck ours! i want it. no me and sister are doing this one? look a here. let's see if we can put them all in there want to. look how tall it is now. oh. it falled on travis. where's the table mom? right over there. alright. where's the table mama? right there see it. right there in front of the airport. the people are sitting in the chairs eating off of it. not that chair? oh i know what you're wanting. right here you want these puzzles turned upside down in a row like that. is that what you want. what don't you build something with them? look you have to put these holes inside there. see. oh like that. you see. like that? kalie what do you have! where's that other thingy? what other thing? where's that airplanie? that thingy thingy thingy. i don't know what you're talking about. thingy not the saw mama. not the saw the drill? no not. the hammer. ah. the hammer's behind you. hunhunh. the screwdriver. hunhunh. well i don't know then. not that. it's got the suitcase in it mama? oh. well you dropped your man. where is he? he fell out. where's that? okay. you think she'll fit. yeah? can you say helicopter? mama. that's a helicopter? mama. what? i wanna do something. what do you want to do? i wanna do something. look here's a choo choo train book. look at that. i'm hunting for something! look kalie. that doesn't come off kalie don't try to pull it off. just spin it. there you go. go put it on the airport and you can turn the knob and it'll spin. see the airport. here's let's slide it over this way. i need the airport. let's share it? alright put it up here kalie. put the helicopter up here! i need this. what i need this for? there's a truck that hauls the suitcases around? see put the helicopter right here? not the lady. you gonna put her in there. to watch out for planes. put him where? oh right here? no. not that way i find a soldier to go there. i don't see the little soldier one. oh there i think that's the one you're talking about travis. back there. no. it's no? it won't shut up? doesn't have a door? hunhunh? look see watch? watch this kalie. put the man in and then you put this inside here? look mommy you can do everything to it. yeah you can build something real tall with them couldn't you. with this one. yeah like that that's a good idea? do that one under here watch? like this? hey look. watch this. whoops didn't do it? look travis. now you can keep putting them up on there? where's the other thingy? oh there it is? there's a whole bunch of them see? hunhunh give me i wanna do it. here kalie. no don't take travis's away. give them back. here's you some right here. it won't go like that. there you go. here. kalie look. here's a brush. gonna brush its hair. see the brush. here's a comb travis can you do one. here's a baby one. i want the baby one. i already gave it to kalie. get that one over there that can be your baby one. i want a baby one. there. that ain't no baby one. there's not but one baby one. aha. okay. give me. no kalie had it. travis this one has the prettiest hair right there it's all colors. okay kalie there it's all pretty? what's on that brush? look. what is that? aha? oh travis you're making that pretty? a bear? i told you? travis what do you think about this stegosaurus? i think i can drill it? you do? i have it? hunhunh kalie travis had it? travis had it first. look here there's frosty the snow man. aw? is he crying? no he's not crying? he's laughing. a is for apple pie yum. look a there look what the rabbit has. what does he have? bread. he has bread what's that on the table? yeah he's got him some cookies? c is for cookie! no you can't have it. travis don't put it in you mouth. careful. what's this? ah who's that. goofy and dumbo. pluto and mickey mouse? where's mickey mouse? yeah. where's donald duck? find donald duck? no donald duck's not up find him. he's somewhere in there. no that's dumbo. where's find donald duck? oh there's goofy. there's donald duck. travis found him? aha. start watching mom look at this? oh excuse me. do you want me to write your make a t with it? yeah. show you your name. yeah show me my name. you have to tell me how to spell your name. g. g. g r s t e g. wow i didn't know that. that's my name. well then what's that letter right there. t. t that's what i thought. okay? t then make an r? yeah r a little triangle? i can make a rectangle with that mama. you can. that's a table mama? uh oh i went the wrong way oh well. that's enough. i'm gonna make an a. wanna see an a. an a now let's try to make a v. that's pretty close isn't it. yeah. what's that say? what? what's that letter? t. what's that? um an a. that is a funny one. what's that? that looks like a four doesn't it. yeah four a four? t r a v i s. oh kalie are you drilling me? oh did you drill a hole in me. oh that's okay. i'm not hurt. ow. i was trying to get that of your way? yeah that's a dinosaur. can you say stegosaurus? stegosaurus. here. did you see this choo choo train with travis look there's two of them? you have the engine and the caboose. want me to tell you what they say. he says all aboard. whoo whoo went the whistle? clackety clack went the train. tweet went another whistle? kalie come back over here. chug chug what is that. dog. is that a dog. you think the other end of that's a dog. oh look you was wrong. a cow? yeah moo? cluck cluck baa baa. hunhunh. no kalie we don't do that. what are you doing? look mom i builded a big rectangle. i don't have that. what are you doing to me? huh. what are you doing to me? huh. stay over here. come here go over there and drill the airport? the airport needs fixing. oh travis that is good what is that? a rectangle. good can you do a square. kalie come back over here. look kalie here's a hamburglar. come here kalie no no come here. come here look here. that's the hamburglar? hamburglar. yeah you never did put this on here and roll it around. there now watch now take your hands off. see. you do it right there. turn that around? turn it like that around and around? you haven't made a square yet. you're still making rectangles. did it fall. it didn't. i got ta make a rectangle. you need help? you do. okay let's see wait a minute. let's try it right there? no this one. this one makes it turn up here. this one! hum. oh. travis you like that don't you. there's a square. that one's a square? yeah i know that. she's a sweet girl. aha. are you a sweet girl. you're not? are you a bad girl. hunhunh are you a good girl. i thought so. i doing a tractor mom. aha. i'm building the pipes under the street. oh that looks like the pipes under the street? it is. oh what runs in them pipes under the street. water. water. yeah. there. you do. i see that one too. is that that sweet girl. yeah that is a girl one. does that horse have a name kalie. oh. i think they're called my little ponies. yes they are my little ponies. aha. hunhunh they are my little ponies? oh that's so pretty. that's the one i wanted. okay do that one. that one's messy make it pretty. i made it. what's that? i made it pretty awhile ago mama. yeah well it got down there and played and got messy. that's a star? aha. one on each side. this one has balls see. there's a ball. and there's a ball. and there's a ball. see and that one over there has stars on it? aha? look kalie this one has little stars? see the little stars. oh travis that looks good. that's my little girl. that's your little girl? my little girl. that says. my good night book? my good night book. aha. aha that's a puzzle. that's a puzzle do you know what goes in there? look? right here? where does that go? put it where it goes. where does it go? hunhunh. no. not there nope? not there nope. not there. look where travis's pointing kalie. yeah but your puzzle piece goes there. good travis you must need to turn it around. turn it around. there you go? oop the way you had it? like that. look kalie where does this. where does big bird go? where does big bird go on there? let her try travis. where does he go? look where travis's pointing. that's where big bird goes where travis's pointing? good girl. that goes to a different puzzle. you had it where it goes. nope. nope. just right. aha where's another piece to the puzzle? that one doesn't go to that puzzle. that goes to the pig puzzle. that goes to this one. here's a piece to this one here. where does this go? it goes on this puzzle? where does it go? you can go the pig puzzle travis here's the pieces. not there yeah it goes there but you have to turn it a different way. here's more pieces to this one travis. does it go there kalie. yeah it does. you have to fix it the right way though. you have to turn it right. yeah here put this one in where does it go. no not there. not there. no it don't go on that puzzle it goes on this puzzle. right there. where does this go mom? cover the bird up. the bird. you have to turn it right. turn it around. there! hum. um look i think he goes nope. right oh look a there. where this one go? put the heads on first. put this head where it goes? nope. nope. just right. nope. yeah now where's another head. find another head. right there. right here where does another head go? probably goes up top with the rest of the other two. oh right here. alright. now where now? now we have to put their bodies on them. no let's see. the bossiest one? let me put it over here so i can see. oh where does that go? the ladder. good okay. where's another one? let's see i think that one goes over there. try it all the way. nope. the tie goes under the neck see the tie? there you go almost? look watch? fits right in there see. is this one the one mama? hunhunh. i think that one must go down at this end. you know why. why. see the bricks. i think it does. look at that big wolf. look at that big bad wolf is he dead. no but he got burned. didn't he climb down the ladder. yeah he climbed down the ladder. let's see look there. i bet this one goes um i don't know where. right there. right nope nope. there there it is. i don't think it goes there. yes it does? it does. alright you put it in there. see. nope. aha. where does it go? i don't know. oh look a there? where this one go? turn it around. good now you need to find another arm that has some black on it let's see? i think you have a piece there? kalie what do you have. bubbles. see the bubbles? did you find the other arm travis. there you go. uh oh. kalie you hit him in the eye? kalie we're doing this puzzle. travis's doing this puzzle? no no no no. here why don't you do the other puzzle. you do this puzzle. you didn't put yours together. oh i know where that goes. here. that one goes there and we have one more piece. we have to find it. where's it at? oh i found it? here you go you put it in. good why don't you put this one together for sister because she didn't finish it. here here's all the pieces. okay. well you didn't want to do it so he's gonna fix it for you. let me show you something kalie. look. look in here. are you gonna do this puzzle. you wanna look in here? hum. that won't go in there. good. i get it you pull them out. yeah you can take them out and then you put them back in. see. that one goes right there. oh. where's this one go? wherever you took it out? right here. oh here's another one here? no they have to go in order see it's a clock. clock. yeah see you have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve. this is a puzzle mom. yeah but it's a clock puzzle. no kalie no. here kalie here's you some. aha you have to put it back together. no no. travis let her help you. no. she was over here first. i want them out. so you have to let her help you. alright now you have to put them all back in. see see the numbers down here you can look on there. and see if it's the same number and that's where it goes. that's four find the four. four that's where the four goes? look does that look like a four. yeah! look look at that and then look at this. eight. that's eight look. that's one. one goes right here. eight. there you go nine. put that there. nine. nine that's the right one? oh no that was a six. see? look right here see this. six and six. you had it upside down. that's a nine like that but it's a six when you turn it the other way. okay it goes right here. yes. okay. well. turn. okay there. there. travis that's a seven see you have to look. that's the nine! nine! nine don't go right there. hum. nine don't go. right there. right there it goes. aha. this one goes right here. yep. it do. it goes right here. aha. where does it go? kinda stuck with it? kinda stuck with it. can you turn it? watch what you're doing watch. do it again just like you was doing it? there you go? yeah. you like that noise. oh boy. look at the fire chief. here's a fire engine? fire engine. aha. no kalie stay over here. kalie where you going. oh boy! look a there. who are you mama? i'm the magic man. oh what does magic man do. we make things disappear. make i like to make things disappear. oh look at kalie. you gonna put out the fire. huh. i'm gonna put out the fire. because i got the fire engine. aha. now you can put out the fire with your magic. put out the fire with my magic. what does the man on sesame street say? ala peanut butter sandwich. isn't that what he says. hey. i need the fire engine hat on. no you wear the magic hat then you can say ala peanut butter sandwich and the fire will be gone out. stay over here. the pliers. ala peanut butter sandwiches? oh see! it's out. no more fire. he wanted to switch anyway? travis you have it on backwards turn it around. oh. see it goes like this. oh. no you stay over here. travis come back over here. come on. coming over here. you don't need to go to the door either. stay over here. i'll put out the fire. where are you going? where are you going? you know what you can do? watch. watch. you can put all the ponies in there. say night night horses. uh oh. you dumped them on your head. look kalie here's a different kind of puzzle. watch can you do this. here put this in there. find where it goes. find where it goes. good get this one right here. put it in. no. no. ah i think you found it. turn it the other way. smart thinking. that one goes over here. and so does this one. let's see we'll find some more of them. there's one. here's one? here's one here's one. there's a bunch of these. put them over here travis. the lid fell off. it's mumford mama mumford. mumford i couldn't think of his name that's right? he's a magician isn't he? yeah he's a magician a magician. that means he does magic tricks. yeah. see kalie this is how you're supposed to do it. watch. do you want to? here. you can put them on here and they'll stand up better. stack them up on here? we'll let the dinosaur get on the mountain? wanna put him on the mountain. oh look at stegosaurus. watch him on the mountain? oh. alright? put him on the airport travis? he'll be high up there. put him up here look. right there pretend he's on a mountain. yes he can do that if he wants to. you were doing this kalie remember. you were doing this. oh yes? is it pretty? it's not. where's the brush? right here? thank you? say thank you. aw pretty. that dinosaur ate up another dinosaur? no this one? who's the meanest dinosaur of all? tyranosaurus rex. aha will he eat that stegosaurus? yeah. he will. yeah he'll bite stegosaurus. oh no. want this. uh oh. that's pretty kalie? aha. yeah. what's that horse's name? it is. oh. yeah. aha. what's your horse's name? that. do you have a horse? no? do you have a cow? you don't. daisy's not your cow. huh. daisy's your cow mama. oh well what's your cow's name. tulip. what's kalie's cow's name? your cow's name is pansy. tulip is travis's. aha. you're making her pretty aren't you. here's the baby. yeah you need to love her and make her happy? now turn her around? ah she's happy? yeah you made her happy? aw that's a sweet girl. oh no? love her and make her happy. is she happy. good. oh gracious say don't cry baby. rock her? say rock a bye baby. i'll go get the rocking chair. huh. tell her rock a bye baby. i'll get the rocking chair? oh she's just sitting there rocking her? she don't need the rocking chair. the baby's happy now. yeah. she got pretty hair. shoes? she has on shoes? yeah. get horsie? give her a ride? little horsie don't you fall down. look a here she could sleep in this hat. you could put her to bed in this hat. let her to go night night. say night night. aha. that's a boy. or is that a girl. what is that? hum. it's cold. hum. travis don't step on things. come on back in here. thank you? are they hungry. what are they eating? that? what is the food? what kind of food? are they eating hamburgers. are they eating hot dogs? no. momma look i draw a little t. let me see. where's the little t at? oh you sure did travis that is good? i be careful mama? you be careful. does he keep falling. he doesn't. there. eat dinner. you what. oh okay. it coulda happened mama. aha. are you eating too? you eating french fries. are they good. keeps falling. no kalie? it's okay that's where that's supposed to be. no you can't do that. here put this other chair up here to the table? here here's somebody else that wants to eat? hey he's starving? yeah he's starving. did it. here's another one wants to eat he's starving too. oh there where's a man mama. oh i don't know let's see? oh there you go? here how about that boy doing it. he'd do a good job? you remember where that goes travis on here? yeah? i'm gonna work on the helicopter mama. okay work on it? here here's some pliers? pliers okay? here. is it good. it ain't wanting to work mama. it's not wanting to work. no? well here maybe you need to use the screwdriver. see if that'll fix it? it ain't wanting to work. those are deedee's old shoes. see it is a special bottle. did you go to sleep with your bottle? here i'll give you a glass of milk. are we in the picture? it's december twenty fourth. part of naima is. you're not actually. at this moment. naima put that. let daddy put that back on you please. oh. oh my gosh. you're such. you're unhappy? why are you unhappy boo? where are you taking it? no! it's not. it's not yours. naima please don't break it. it's not yours. i found daddy's really nice gloves that i think i gave daddy last year or the year before just now. oh. look at these really nice outdoor gloves. oh yes. where were they? they were shoved in the back of that closet. and. another umbrella. oh and i got an umbrella today. from. the department of cardiac surgery. brigham and women's hospital. does it say something like go brigham on it? i do not know i haven't opened it up. but the real innovation. did i ever show you this? hey that's beautiful. do you remember what this is? it says diwali two thousand and three on it. did you see this? no. show it to daddy. we made it at uh color me mime. it's a diwali. hey! candle holder fer. i never saw that miss naima. and this is the present. are we gonna? are we gonna put a candle in there and light it for diwali next year? i think we should. and this is the present for. great grandma. it's naima's hand print. and it says. n a i m a. what does that spell? does it spell? elephant? does that spell elephant? naima's a unusually cranky right now. you are. are you hungry? do you have a wet diaper? i just changed her because she asked me to a little while ago. i thought you were gonna help wrap presents anyway. alright. well. yeah. that's what i'm talking about. ooh ah just calm down. use your regular voice. and tell. what do you wanna ask? you can stomp but. um just. if you want something you can use your regular voice to ask me. wasn't working. okay. there's naima and we're gonna wrap presents. alright. this is gonna go right here. i'm gonna cut you some paper. alright? you are gonna need some tape. i think so. now let's see. make sure this is gonna be the right size. let's see. oh yes that should be enough. okay. do you remember how we did it earlier today? you fold one end up and then the next end. yep. you do it yourself. this is how you do it. now fold it down. by fold you rub. rub the edge. see where my finger is? rub it with your whole hand. to make it crease. good! and then you fold this half down. and then make a crease with your hand all the way here. press down. let me show you. let. slide your hand like that. there. okay. wanna put some tape on? okay. you want another piece? good. here's another one. you trying to lift it up again? yeah i see. i see. i made it flat. here's another piece. okay. put a piece right here where this white part is. but so that it covers the edge of the paper. alright. now do you remember what we do next? we turn it around. and then it's time to make the triangles. there's one triangle. and now can you fold? take the corner. fold it way up. way up like that. good! you did. and then you fold the whole thing up. fold both triangles up. like that. and then you tape that part. and you attach this flap. this is like a flap isn't it? you attach the flap. to the present with the tape. and then. you turn it all the way around gently. so that this is the edge that you make the triangles on now. so let's make triangles here. one here. well let go for a sec. take the corner. bring it up to where the edge of the present inside the wrapping is. and then what do you do do you remember? you bring this edge way up. okay yeah. that's right. yeah and then tape. let me get my tape. yeah gotta hold it down. the main part of the present. to the big part of the present. so that the flap stays down. yep. okay. that's on my finger isn't it? here. good. okay. you don't need too much just need enough to keep the flap down it doesn't have to be. well that's okay. that amount of sticking up is actually okay. okay. now. good job. turn it so that the tape is on the bottom. yeah that's the present for grandma it look very nice. now i'm gonna put this box together to wrap the hat and gloves for grandma. um okay. this is what. the hat i got for my mom. oh very nice. and some gloves to match. the hat is actually. it's wool but it's lined with fleece so it's not scratchy. that's very nice. yes. i hope. i hope she will wear it. and this is. these are the gloves. purple gloves. and i think what i wanna do. is. i wanna. no maybe that won't work. i guess i'm gonna put the gloves inside the hat. and then. wrap it a little bit like this. and put it in the box. close up the box. and then we'll wrap the box in some wrapping paper. think i'll. tape the box just a little bit closed. to make sure it stays closed. okay can you put that tape right there? right here. right at the edge. yep and rub it. so that closes the box. now we need wrapping paper. um. um. i think we use the gold wrapping paper. since that seems to be. okay. let me see that's not big enough over there so. yep you're gonna help but let me cut the right size of paper first. oh the weather outside is frightful. there is but i'm singing it in the wrong. with the wrong notes. because that's a song that i can never remember the right notes to. okay this is our piece of paper for this box. do you remember what the first thing we should do is? well the first thing we do. is we make sure the wrapping paper. the nice side of the wrapping paper the side we want to show is actually on the floor. this is the inside that no one's gonna see. the white part. and then we put our present down on the wrapping paper. and then we have to do some folding. do you remember what we do? how do we fold the paper? okay your end. you take your end of the paper. well we don't do the triangles just yet. take both. take this in one hand. and this corner in that hand and bring the. bring the paper right up here. onto the box. not triangles. just bring all the paper. right up onto the box. and that's what i'm gonna do with my end also. i'm holding this one down. and now i'm bringing up this paper. so we're gonna cover. here's some tape. cover the box. with the paper. yep go ahead and put the tape right there that's good. and i'll put a piece there and i think we need one more little piece. right at the end. good. nope we actually don't need more there. the secret to good wrapping is not to use too much tape i think. now we're gonna make triangles. this is a box so it's a little different. our triangle's gonna look like that. and like that. now can you bring this up onto the main part of the box? pull up and then over. it's different from wrapping something flat. okay i'm holding this will you put some tape? to attach it. we don't wanna cover all the edges with tape we just wanna use. a small. amount. teeny tiny pieces of tape. would you put that one over there? good okay. and i'll put one here. and now i'm gonna bring it around. make some triangles on this side. give you a piece of tape. don't use it until i tell you okay? where's the triangles? and then folding it up. bringing it over. there. right on the edge and i'll put one little piece right here too. and that's done. well we have a lot more to wrap but we need to make sure we label these and and wrap them with ribbons and things so that. uh so that we know who they're for. because that's important too isn't it? i wonder if i put all my ribbons and other things in some strange location. to see if the. wrapping paper and the ribbons are. somehow got over here by accident. well it's not there. oh i think that's the supper that's ready. i had a lot of ribbon. because uh daddy and i um. put supper in the oven to heat up. just a second boo boo. maybe i put it in here. nope i guess not. hm. well that's alright we're just gonna make a little tag for grandma that says. let's see maybe i'll use the pinking shears. how about? should i make a circle? as a tag. yes circle okay. and maybe a. how about if i make a? trapezoid for the. one for your picture. the tag for your picture. the one behind you is the one you wrapped. that's what this is for. so i'm gonna write so that she knows who it's from it's fer. for. for. grandma. actually i'm gonna write merry christmas from naima okay? is that okay? merry. christmas. from. naima. it says for grandma. merry christmas. from naima. i might add an exclamation point. okay would you like to tape that? to the top of the package there? bring your picture over. take this. you wanna tape it right on? you have two pieces one for each side. what i mean is one for each edge? you can decide where you wanna put it. decide where on the package you wanna put it. okay. here's the other one. i would put that piece there. if i were you. excellent. that's great. and this present. is from all of us. for. mom. and then i'm gonna say parentheses. grandma. from. and then i'm gonna write in parentheses and also. and naima. and then i'm gonna tape that. i'm gonna put my tape on a different way. i'm gonna fold the tape. and make it almost like a piece of glue. so that this becomes like a sticker. now. these presents can go under the tree. wanna put them under the tree? and carry them over there? you've got a little. thing here okay. right over. bring them over this way. let me take this diwali thing out of the way. okay go ahead honey. and this one too. great! okay. come on back over here. are you ready to. i think i'm gonna take a break from wrapping so that we can all have dinner. would you like to do that? okay. do you think that you could go down and tell daddy that dinner is ready? let me take this off you while you do that. let's go tell daddy that dinner is ready and i'll. wait where? it's still the twenty fourth of december. might. be bumpy. yeah bumpy was. if it's a road the opposite of flat is bumpy. the opposite of soft is hard. well what other adjectives describe things? well. rough and smooth? we did rough and smooth. how about long and short? oh long and short. long is the opposite of short. like a long time and then a short time. how about easy and difficult? oh those are opposites. or or? delicious and yucky. i thought the cookies were. you liked them? sleepy bear does too? how about? flat. flat and crumpled. um whole then crumbled. like the whole thing. oh hot and cold did you do that? cold. hot. cold. the opposite of warm is cool. the opposite of cool is warm. how about? curly and straight. the opposite of straight? there are many different things. the opposite of straight is. curved. windy. curly. curly i almost said curly. wavy. like a straight line and a wavy line. wavy. those are the major ones. what do you think the opposite of big is? good. what's the opposite of blue? hm? there's no opposite of blue. how about sweet? what's the opposite of sweet? not really. well i don't know i would say sour is the opposite of sweet. oh i would've said bitter. or bitter. well you could say that. and you could say salty. that's why it's not. well i don't think salty is the opposite of sweet. why not? because you can have something that's not salty that's unsalted but it's not necessarily sweet. huh? i think so anyway. well since there are five different tastes. i know how many tastes there are. actually six. i'm aware of that. but. i'm aware of that one too but. i still think sweet. i don't agree that that can be the opposite of sweet. well in india it is. okay. so. yeah so i. there could be. i could see. different cultures could. have various ideas about what the opposite is or whether it has one. i'll grant you that. you want a whole camel? a whole camel. yeah. you know how big camels are? they're a lot. oh you mean a camel cookie. i thought you meant a camel. you know what. you know what you can have a camel cookie but i would like you to have some fruit too. would you like some apple? alright. a lot of fruit. actually daddy shoulda had fruit. daddy can have fruit. well after three cookies it's sort of. no i don't think so. i don't think it's uh. closing the barn door. i don't really think of you. in those particular architectural terms. what naima? daddy ate his cookies they're. daddy's soy cookies? oh daddy's soy cookies they're up in the cabinet. i ate some of your cookies naima. naima do you like the peel? yeah naima does like the peel. ah see you didn't used to like it. well she doesn't like the peel when you cut it up like that. she likes the peel when she eats an apple. oh. whole? she likes to chomp at it that way. oh i see. would you like some? it's good for your teeth. and. okay well. it's fiber. okay well. how can i say no? thank you. easily. if you eat all that apple. and you're still hungry. after you eat all that apple. then you can have camel. oh i gotta get going now. uh yeah. i have a lot of cleaning up to do downstairs. can you use any help down there daddy? no? okay. hm. here's hoping. look what just came out of the oven. naima's cookies. naima's cookies just came out. they have to cool down. um. i'm gonna try and look for that wrapping paper. well that would be good. well did you see what i. what is there that you can use because? the gold. is that enough? i do not know i have to look. i didn't actually look at them. because we actually have a b i g thing that. i know that's the point. i just. i think i used it when i was wrapping right before we left. so maybe it's behind the couch or something like that. ooh the old. the sleepy bear that went to alaska? oh the new sleepy bear? mhm. naima it's christmas eve. what do you think's gonna happen tomorrow? do you have any idea what's gonna happen tomorrow? in front of the fire place? i always did that when i was a little girl. and when i woke up in the morning. my stockings would be bulging. with things. presents mommy? yeah. presents. i think a stocking would be a good thing for naima to hang in front of the fireplace. why the fireplace though? who comes down chimneys? okay. i'm coming out and going to work. that little nap did me a world a good. really? that's great. i am! although. i could wrap some presents. hm. well. i will look for that other wrapping paper. tomorrow some people are coming to visit us. do you remember who i said was coming to visit? are you gonna make uh. would you like to do that now? later? so you think there might be some in the garage? the old old stuff? um there was. at a certain point. for sure. i though you had trashed it. at that point i. i do not know. i. it's just. it's possible. oh that's it. that's who's coming. great grandma. and daddy and mommy and naima that's who will be here tomorrow. we'll make special holiday food. we'll open presents. maybe we'll play games. yeah. i'm sure she'd love to play games with you tomorrow. even great grandma could play. please be careful spinning around there. that doesn't look very safe to me. if you fall off you it could really hurt. you could hurt yourself. are you wearing big kid pants. did you say? okay. so you gonna notice when you need to pee or poop? you do? let's go then. can you go by yourself? uh like big kid? okay. well you can finish chewing on your way there. to the potty. you gonna take off your own big kid pants and everything? i won't come with you you're a big kid. just call me if you need me to help you wipe. okay. oh. pretty good. alright. bedtime is over? please don't rip that out. please leave that. naima. please. leave. that. okay so don't destroy the things here okay? thank you naima. let's see. we have a lot of things to wrap. we need a wrapping strategy. alright. hm. okay now that daddy's downstairs i'm gonna go get a present for him. that i have in the other room okay? there's sleepy bear. okay. this is a present for daddy i don't want him to know about it. so we have to keep it secret. secret secret secret. now what did i do with the scissors? there's scissors. here's tape. okay. okay. you're going to the present wrapping place. excellent does he like to help wrap presents too. can you sit down? i. i'm gonna wrap it right here so put your bottom right here. sit right here. and i'll let you help me. that bear still has bandaids on doesn't he? yeah. okay. this is daddy's present. just because. i don't want daddy to know. what it is? let's wrap it in some paper before he comes upstairs again. because i want it to be a secret. because it's more fun. here. you are? okay. you really need a shirt on so you can wear this mic. because i'm just putting the mic on the floor and that's probably not such a good place for it. i know i'll put it right on my pants. closer to you. okay! i'm gonna wrap this for daddy. i'll let you help put the tape on okay? oh okay. okay. can you fold this edge up? fold that edge up. no not triangles yet. this way first. okay? you've done this. fold this one down. well first we need some tape. presents are more fun if they're kept secret. well i think so anyway. well. people have opinions and that's my opinion. do you need a tissue? there's a box of tissues right there if you need one. oh it was just an itch. i see. okay. do triangles. take the corner this is the corner. and then bring the corner up right here. just bring it all the way up. like right to there. and then fold it down to make the triangle. now take this corner. fold it. right there. and then we made a big triangle here. and now we can tape it. here. good. yep. okay. you just need one. not too much tape. and then rub it after you put it on. okay that's good. this is a present from mommy to daddy. i need tags though. hm. well i think i might reuse this tag from last year. whose name is that? do you know? can you read that? read the letters. yep. i. can you sound it out? what does v sound like? this was. i don't know when i made this label it was a long time ago. this is a card. yes. you know what other letters begin with j. that's our letter for the day. what other letters? begin with? jammed is a good one. yep. yep that can be jammed. that's sometimes what jammed means. how about juicy? and juice. those begin with letter j. jim? oh gym. that actually begins with g. remember g sometimes sounds like j? it's very confusing i know. i think it is. um. joke. jew. yes. junior. yes. junior does. jum? jum uh jum isn't really a word actually. i'm attaching. the card onto the present. with the ribbon and the tape like this. whoa? one day a child walked and walked and walked and walked. mm. oh that's your staff? your red staff? what time is it? uh. oh okay. i won't use your red staff. don't unwrap the wrapping paper? are you going to have a bath tonight or a shower tomorrow morning? alright. to take a shower? alright i guess that's alright. in that case why don't we put a. some. a top. a pajama top on you now. because it's almost bedtime. if i bring one out can you put it on by yourself do you think? alright. well you can have a pajama bottom also. oh please don't rip that paper sweetie pie. please leave that alone. do you wanna put on these? pajamas by yourself. let's leave that alone now that you've unwrapped it. because. mommy and daddy need. are gonna need to use it. there's your pajama. top and bottom. can you put them on yourself? me? why would i do. why would i wear just bottoms to bed? is that what he. is that what he does? really? is it not working right? do you need help? can i see? can i just look? you know what since you have big kid pants on. just put the tops on for now. don't worry about the bottoms because you're gonna have to get an. diaper on anyway before you go to sleep. unless your legs are really cold. are your legs cold right now? that's your pajama top. it can fit on you though sweetie. oh you know what? this is actually for you. i forgot that i ordered this. these are some pants for you. you wanna try them on? i hope so because i bought them for you. if they don't fit i might send them back. do you wanna try them on? why don't you try them on and see? just try them on and see if they fit. i got these for you because i thought that since you're gonna be using the potty a lot more you'd like pants that are easy to get off and on. easy to pull down. especially when. for when you're in school. and you can go to the potty by yourself. yes well the teacher's always there to help you if you need help but. i thought maybe you'd like pants that are easy to get off and on to go to school with. excellent job. excellent. those look very nice. yeah a lot of pants fit you. these are slightly long but that's something that mommy can fix. in fact maybe i'll fix it soon. let me just. let me just. come here for a sec. just hold still for a sec i wanna see something. i wanna see how much i need to hem them. hem means to. bring them up. further. that's about where i'm gonna hem them i guess. nice pants. you can take them off now. every day. what about? they'll need to be washed won't they? mommy's gonna hem them and then. that's great they do fit. well hemming is. is a way of making them shorter. i think you have the right idea. you can put that top on now. good. i need some stronger. oh yeah? what are you putting on him? big kid pants? is he a big kid naima? i didn't think he was. alright. oh he's wearing the knickies huh? alright. i don't think they're gonna stay on him. because they're too big for him. naima. they're just too big they're gonna keep falling off. yeah. careful i've got scissors here. stay away from the scissors. they're sharp. well not on purpose you weren't but. i don't know if you realized. and her rooster? that's up to you honey he's here. your bear. can you please put the? the shirt on. the pajama shirt. i want you to put it on. the row. white. no leave that. naima. put it back. please find your pajama top and put it on. right now. i asked you to put that on. tag goes in the back. it does. it's on the inside. this is the part that's gonna go at the back of your neck. so when you put it on. yep. what you do is you find where the tag is? and then you hold it like that. and then open it up. and then put it over like that. yep. there you go. yeah. come. come closer i'll help you. there. who says awooga? yes? really? but you don't have a diaper on. i know. well you can put them on. and we'll just take them off when it's time to go to bed and put the diaper on. that's that's alright. no but it will be in a little while. it is. seven fifteen. can you gently carry this and put it under the tree please? that's the present for great grandma from you. oh what did i write? for grandma. that's the wrong thing to write. for. great grandma. from naima. alright put it under the tree. because it's breakable. that's why. it's delicate. okay. could. good. can you do me a favor? can you go find the empty paper bag that's in the hallway? there's a big brown empty paper bag. and bring it in here? that would be really helpful. this is another present for daddy. and can you put the garbage in that paper bag for me? all this here is garbage. this is garbage. yeah i want you to put the garbage in that paper bag please. yes it is honey. would you like the socks to be a present from you to daddy? yeah? the ones we bought today at the store. no they're daddy's socks. would you like to give them to him as a christmas present? okay. well this is what i'm putting it in. do you wanna draw with crayons and make a card for daddy? to go with this? do you? this is the socks that we're gonna give him. you're gonna give him. yeah. yeah. that's what i mean. but you wanna make a card from you to daddy? with crayons? where are your metallic crayons by the way? they were out in the. do you know where they are? do you know where they are? you like metallic. can you do me a favor? naima leave those there. can you do me a favor? there's a red piece of construction paper on the table can you bring it over here? on the dining table. if you look on top of the table there's a red piece of paper. can you bring that down for me? just bring it right down. you okay? you wanna glue things onto the paper? well i'm not actually. um. this is gonna say for. daddy. from. naima. a sleep present? hm. that sounds very interesting. oh i'll love that. i would love to sleep all night long. thank you. and the nursies are gonna sleep all night long too. great. nomi can you say? brush the dolly. can you say? brush the dolly. nomi can you say. i found the brush. what happened? did you hurt your knee. oh that's too bad. you got a booboo on your knee. all better now? you've been hurting yourself quite a bit this morning? lie still. hold still? stand still! still still. what's wrong nomi? what? did you hurt your finger. want to lie down and rest for a little bit. oh you fell down. feel better now. feel better. would you like to lie down? what's this? is that a lion huh. where's the lion's feet? where are the lion's feet? yeah his paws? where's where's the lion's nose? where's the nose? can you show me the nose? where's the lion's nose? there's the lion's nose? see? huh what's this? oh boy? that's a dinosaur. that's a turtle. a little girl with a meow kittie cat hm? huh who is that? who is that? who is this? is that patrick. huh or who is this? meow? where's the kitty's tail? here the tail? oh good girl? no that's not a monster that's a turtle? that's a butterfly. go like that? what's this? a ball. is that what patrick was kicking. it's okay. oh is that a van outside. is it? come on and sit down. let's see what other pictures we find here? who's this? hello? that's music outside? who's this? oh look a duck. what do duckies say? what do duckies say? they say quack quack quack. yeah what is this? a car oh a truck is that what you're saying. what's this? what's this? hm. what's that? meow? there's a meow? how about there's more on the back? would you like to see more pictures? oh look what's this? no. nummy carrots uh hm nummy. what's? oh rachel look? teddy yeah? hi teddy? hi rachel. hm. huh birthday hat. and you blow out the candles very good. what's this? is this for here. whoops? no you wanna go. what's this? what's this? it goes ring ring ring ring? is that daddy on the phone hm. what's this? teddy? what's this? do you know what that is? that makes pretty music? huh hm? aha. here look what's this? do know what this is? that's for your hair. it makes pretty hair? are you falling down. oh and what's this? what's this? flowers. oh look what's this. that's okay that's dirty huh? in the summertime you can play not now? oh what's this? nummy what is that though. it's an apple? can you say apple? what's this? a bird birdie? we missed some here let's look at these? oh who's this. who's this? is that a baby? hm oh what's this? say moo. can you say that? moo? look at momma's mouth? moo? moo see my lips. see momma's lips? moo. good girl. meow. what's this? where do you put this? on your head. and goes in here. your hands. what's that? that's an umbrella? you haven't seen one of those probably? apple say apple? apple. huh does that look funny? patrick likes that huh. comb your hair. what is this? cocoa and tea tea and what are these. no they're shoes you knew that? huh there it is? is that your favorite picture hm. soccer ball yeah? is this this is what momma uses in the kitchen? to make num num huh. only it looks a little different. who's that? who's that? meow meow you're probably just a big lion. no that's not what you had in mind hm? there it is. look at the pretty bow in her hair pretty? huh? aha. what's a matter? no let's start this one. look. oh here let let's see? is that a frog. what's this? moo. ma say momma moomoo. and then say mm. no say momma and then say? good girl you said it? moomoo. say meme. say mymy. my say me. mine moo. uh huh moo. yes. you think this your book. hm. no this. here let's start over again. let's play peekaboo. let's see i've got a lion? hm? carrot. apple. hm lion. mm huh yes. huh butterfly what does a butterfly do? do remember what momma did. what does a butterfly do? like this? can you do that? what's that what's a matter? can you do that? butterfly say butterfly? huh pretty colors huh. is that blue? butterfly? and guess who's next? where's the kittie cat? peekaboo? peekaboo? butterfly. butterfly what does the butterfly do. what does the butterfly do? butterfly yeah butter fly! oh no rachel. come here honey? look here's the kittie? huh peekaboo kittie? where is rachel at? hm. oh you want the butterfly. well let's start over look and see. oh and look at the baby. look at the baby isn't he cute? huh lots of work huh? can you put him down? let's watch him walk. good girl good girl. see his feet walk don't they? uh hm i don't think he's going to go anywhere if you hold his feet though? here see here he comes? here let's he's gonna come see rachel. here it comes. he says i'm gonna come and get rachel? i'm gonna make tickle tickles of rachel. oh no i can do it. we'll put him right here! here let's see what else we have. hm. hm open oh i don't think it opens no. how about this? this has some good things to do. let's see how does that one. push this down? push it down. oh? oh my how about this. that's a cute eh el. how about here? what does that do? push in huh i think so. does it go down? let's see? oh? go down? how about the red one? red blue try the red one? let's see yeah. can you make it go back up again? push up. you know up. okay up. there you go there. good girl yeah? you want that one too okay. there. how do make music? where's the noise? that sound like barney. lift it. how about this one? wanna try this? hm? ready? is that a baby. oh. give him a hug? oh you like him huh? oh? on? more. whoopsie? careful? hm turn him on. i'll show you how? this button here? push that button up. yeah yeah good job. is he going bye bye? aha. aw. can you turn it off? no. would you like me to turn him off? push the button up. wow. can you say hi? what's this his nose? where are his eyes? on. it's okay? are you afraid. don't be afraid? it's okay? yeah aw. should we turn this off. off? that's the way. say goodbye. say go to sleep. we'll put him right here? it's okay okay we'll put him right here? here you go. oh look ring ring. here oh no he wants he wants to go to sleep. okay let's let him sleep. he's going sleeping. here look say hi daddy. say ring ring. telephone is for rachel. pick the phone up. say hi daddy. hi rachel are you playing toys. hi patrick. say bye. say bye good girl. say bye. good girl? uh oh. oh i think we broke that one. should i help you. like this look see. there. okay. how about how about this one? let's see here if momma can get up? whoopsie? here ready. oh what was that. that's a telephone also? can you push the button? good girl. say beep beep beep beep beep? you want to take the phone? can you get the phone out? there? say hi dad. hi todd. say hi oma? opa? heidi. good girl bye bye. and then can you put it back up here. hang it up. can i help you. yeah okay like this. there. okay? here watch this guy. watch this guy? hm ready. rachel look here. woo. here i'll show you ready. sit down. we don't want to scare you but maybe we'll get you to smile? ready here it comes ready. oh did you catch it! did you catch him? oh. whoopsie? ready? huh? do it again? you really liked that huh. ready hang on here it comes. here it comes again? here it comes. again? ready here it comes? you like this huh. again. here it comes peekaboo. you like that huh? fists. ball? here? ready i think you know how to do that huh. can you do that? no you don't? oh you do push. oh you know more then i do about this stuff. oh? does that feel good? uh oh. on you mean off right here. oh you have to pull it out. here pull it out. whoops can you pull it out? no pull it out. no no. here stay here. momma get it. i'll get it? oh you wanna play on the floor with that one huh. there! well that one makes me nervous. huh how about this guy. huh. okay? oops. yeah. that's a chicky huh? chick chick chick chick? what's a bunny do? no it's not a puppy. it's a bunny. say bunny? or ear. where's a bunny's nose? bunny. ah. good girl. how about this? who's that? who is that? who is that? daddy. give him a kiss? good girl? huh? oh? hm? what do you do with this? do you want to draw? does that look like a crayon? or chalk. hm yeah? let's make a pile? remember one two? hm? you don't want to do that? should i do it? one two three four. no. okay what do you want to do? hm? daddy? hm. what does the motorcycle say? brr hm? aha? oh no. did it fall? uh oh? that's better? hm. hm. who's in here? who's in there? who is that? who is that? uh oh? yeah? hm? you don't have a motorcycle like that at home? do you? oh you like that. oh. hm? what did you say? aw is it sleeping? is the bunny sleeping. hm. let's look on the table? here let's build? let's see? there? huh? you would like some. hm. whoopsie? hm. one two three? uh oh? here should we do these? these make it easier. two? huh. uh oh. ope? uh oh. uh oh. there you go! look at that. good job. make that one fit. whoopsie? it's right here. right here. it's still there. should i help you. momma help. yep put them like that. there you go. whoopsie it's okay? do it again? aha? let's go. yeah. how about the other one? momma i'll hold them? how's that? okay you go ahead. is there one more! huh yeah? helicopter. oh helicopter? animal. oh no? you're funny aren't you! oh. can you say that? animal. there. whoopsie? oh no! can i get it for you? okay. uh oh. there you go! whoops? two aha. three. whoa? there you go. oops two. one. hm. two! two good girl. can i help. you wanna do it by yourself? oops? oh can you hand me that one. you like to do it by yourself huh. whoops? you like these blocks huh! huh oh that's not nice? well how about let's get at the table? here! mm. todd is that todd in there? todd yeah. oh car. can you say car? hm yeah? do you wanna show you something? oh watch. wee. wee. you do it? ready here it comes. wee. wanna do it again! you wanna do it? aha. i have to turn it. aha good girl! wee? aha? that's funny. you funny. hm. good morning. yeah i see you. i see you. who's going to get the paper? you want yogurt drink or milk? can you say ducks? eggs in what? what's this? what's this? you know what that is sweetie? a bird's what? can you say nest? can you say nest sweetie? nest. what's that? plant very good. and what are those? tell daddy what these are. drums very good? very good? what's that? tell daddy about that? tell daddy what the. is the skunk smelly? smelly. smelly? yay. what's that? what's this sweetie? can you say lamp? ooh so stuffy? what are those? sweetie pie are those a whole bunch of lamps! what are those? lamps? paint. very good? can you say lynx? beans? hiccups. toast very good. oh? seeds very good? you don't like the seeds? what's this honey? box? tent. very good. you are great. boots. very good. oh you're so stuffy i'm sorry sweetie. what color is this? what color? sweetie. you know what color that is? is that blue. no what color is that? pink very good? oh do you remember this one honey! can you say wasp? can you say wasp? we never get this. very good. and what about this. can you say mule? mm. our favorite? who loves presents? can you say present? what's this? sweetie tell daddy what shapes these are. very good? circle and square? can you say crab? very good and what's this. brush very good? can you say queen? hand what's what goes on the hand. is that a glove. mommy wears gloves? can you say glove? glove? train. yeah. and what's coming out of the train? can you say smoke? very good? what's this? cube very good honey. ah what's he playing with? baby's playing with the blocks? what color is this horse? what color is this horse? black. and do you remember her name. can you say beauty? beauty. raisins? raisins and what's that. would you like daddy will go get you some raisins? can you say smily face? yeah the box? yeah. can you say smily face? happy face? can you say smily? smily very good honey? there should be a bag with little tiny boxes in them. oh yeah. where's that little boy playing? where is this? the beach very good? and what's this little girl doing. what is she doing in the puddle? splash? oh my gosh is that genema? hm. do you know what that is. that's a queen. can you say queen? good job. mm very good sweetie pie? that's a present? can you say present? can you say present? present? i know you're chewing right now you're very busy. i'm not sure on this one i actually heard her say mew. or no if she said no? oh. sweetie what is this? can you say mule? yay? good job lily. you're great? i think i missed this i turned the recorder on too late? what're these? can you say pigs? very good honey. good job. oh what's that. moon and? sun? what're these? what're these honey? the baby's what! eyes and what's this! nose very good. that's you know what that is honey? bus exactly? ooh. shh. very good. can i see your fish face. very good fish face honey? what's this whadayou have for breakfast sometimes? yogurt very good? and what's this? a comb very good honey? who uses a comb? lily uses a comb. very good? spider make the web. very good. oh look. we're back at the beach right! what's that? where is she? look i think that's a mommy. where is she playing? very good? what's this? orange juice we got two for one? that's good? orange yeah! orange juice. good? we love orange juice? orange that is a big orange? what's this? yummy. what's that? wha'do we like to drink? juice. and what color is this here lily. what color is that? red very good. good job. good for you. where you going sweet stuff? oh yes phoebe's chair. right? yay. can i show you my cards again. manuela has cards? good job? what about that? oh. oh boy? wanna look at my objects. what's this? straw very good? thank you? oh boy look what you found. what a surprise. stamps? stamps. are we gonna have to get you one of these. why don't you do the stamps on this page sweetie. nice. nice stamps. we couldn't wash her hands off because she was like stamps stamps? oh really. sweetie what's this? a block. ooh what're these. what're those? beans. oh boy. what is this? it's actually a top? oh is it a top. oh a top. can you say top honey? i can show you how it works? look. look how the top works sweetie. lily look at manuela? sweetie pie manuela has a special toy look? watch look at this lily. lily look at the top. watch? lily look? sweetie pie. the screw. ready? look. look at the top? oh no. oh no. okay. oh ready. here we go. ready. there goes the top. ready. oh my gosh. there it goes? can you say top? what're you holding? screws. she's pretty good with the plurals. sweetie can you say spring! what's in here? seeds very good. great job lily? yeah? can you say yoyo? can you say yoyo honey? oh stamps? oh stamps? sweetie can you say yoyo. oh. good job lily. yay? oh you have to take the top off sweetie pie. mommy put the top on. there you go? there you go. happy face? we have refills don't worry? okay? what's that lily? hey what's that on the card. sweetie pie! yeah what're these. yeah how about that. what's the little boy playing on? yeah. slide. yeah. how about this one? what's that one sweetie? you love those. good job? flag? not on the table sweet stuff only on the paper? who's that sweetie? sully. can you say clown? who's a clown? he's a clown? who do we know that's a clown? krusty? sweetie pie. how about these? remember what those are. mom told you yesterday. yeah. but they have special wheels on them so they're called skates. remember? can you say skates? skates? how about that? you know this one? oh. train train? yeah? swing? swing who likes to go on the swing. look at the little boy. lily. what's the little boy on? remember we drove under a bridge? can you say bridge? very good. yeah it kinda looks like a snake but it's a snail. can you say snail? he has a shell on his back? yeah can you say snail. what're these? yeah. how about the? they are squares. um? spoon? what's that? what's that sweetie? wha'doyou like to eat with. spoon. what're these that keep your hands warm? mhm? what does that lady have on her head? yeah? can you say scarf? scarf. how about that? yes? squirrel holds an acorn? holds an acorn? can you say squirrel? squoosh? he has an acorn. what's that? clock. yes it is a clock. green. yeah. oh? yeah can you say skunk again. skunk. can you say skunk? can you say skunk angel? after you finish shoving those raisins in your mouth. yummy mm. what are those? strawberries. how about that? can you say? i think she might have said it? what is that? can you say snow man? snow man? how about these? what're those fuzzy shoes called? slippers yes they are. sweater. can you say sweater? sweater. oh? you know this one. do you love those to carry those around? mhm. oh? what's that? the itsy bitsy spider. can you say spider for daddy? how about that? you know this one. yes it is. snake. what's that? a ball of string. can you say string? very good? drum? yep. and what's. what's that one? wha' does gabby like to eat? toast. can you say bread? bread right? bread is like soft toast. how about that one? what's that? can you say spider? spider? how about that? snow man? he's a snow man. i think that might be snow man? ooh who's that smelly guy? yes it is. skunk. smelly? what are these? smelly the skunk is smelly? what're those shoes with the wheels? can you say skates? skates. how about that? who is that? can you say clown? she sounds a little bit different today just because she's so stuffed up. yeah. but not that much different but. good job? yay. ooh? oh no. a top? you want manuela to show you the top once more? i do'know how this goes on. it's a little tricky? want me to show you? okay let's see. ready. gonna wind it first. oops. wind it. oop. ready! aw. okay now. okay ready lily. look? here we go. wee? op. there it goes! bounced right off the table. she can't see it! aw. you see that? whoop? ooh. hey honey. yeah? can you bring me a tissue? ready! here we go ready! go. oh boy. oh that was a good one? they always wanna catch it it's so funny? oh you got the top. what a funny top? who is this? ooh look who's back. who's? is that tweety! can you say tweety? that's tweety bird. tweety bird. hi tweety. oh. who is that do you remember his name? he came back to visit you today. lily who's this. do you remember honey? is that ganoboo. good memory. thank you. that's the only one i remember i think. can you say ganoboo? right? boo very good. he's cute huh. he has little teeth. how about genoboo's friend who's this? do you remember this little fuzzy guy? he's eating your raisins? mm yummy yummy in my tummy? this is tegama? tegama. can you say tegama? hm. thanks honey? who else do we have? this is panacka. can you give panacka a raisin? panacka wants a raisin? mm yummy. yummy? panacka likes raisins. sorry sweetie. i'm sorry. can you say panacka? right? and how about tegama will you give tegama a raisin. he's looking in your box. oh? are there any raisins left for tegama. eat tegama eat tegama? can you say tegama? tough one. hey tegama. tegama's soft. ooh soft tegama. ooh soft. you have any raisins? you can put a raisin on tegama's plate. ooh some seeds on the plate. tegama wants the seeds? tell him to eat the seeds say eat tegama. eat tegama. can you say tegama here are some seeds? hm. how about this guy? that's right that is ganoboo. how about panacka? oop no more raisins. panacka's gonna look in your box. panacka's trying to get some raisins. say no panacka no no no that's for lily. right. that's for lily. can you say panacka? panacka's trying to get my raisins. ooh panacka likes your barrette? oh panacka's wearing a barrette. you just flip it yeah. just like? oh. ooh. look honey panacka likes to wear your barrette. oh do i have something stuck to me. yes. look how pretty panacka looks. look panacka has a barrette? wow. sweetie look how stylish panacka is? don't talk to me i'm playing with the top. look panacka's wearing your barrette honey. i know the top. let's see! does it go into the end with the spring. oh yeah. or the other end. no it goes in the. the end with the spring. yeah mhm? ooh. woo. oop. who's that? who's that? in your bubble? hm. who's that? can you say panacka? hm. who's sitting on your pumpkin? who's sitting on you pumpkin? it's tegama right. tegama. pumpkin pumpkin. pumpkin pumpkin. oh back to the stance? should we put the animals to bed lily. oh should the animals go to bed. i think they've had a long morning? can you say? say good night? lily. good night tegama? wanna put him in the box. say good night tegama? good night tegama night night? good job you wanna put him in his blanket. oh very nice. you wanna put panacka in a blanket too? put them back to sleep. very nice honey? night night panacka? night night. you wanna put ganoboo in the blanket? oh very nice. they're so sleepy. ganoboo is so sleepy. say good night ganoboo. night night ganoboo? night night panacka. good night night fish. good job? not connecting with those animals are we honey. night night pumpkin? okay? night night. ooh is the puppy reading. the puppy's reading the book. what are these animals? oh are those zebras. yeah they are zebras. cones who's eating the cone. whoop? we don't have any ice cream cones honey. would you like something to eat. are you hungry honey. oh mommy's got something white on her pant. there how's that. would you like something to eat. who's that? wombat. wombat? yay? wombat. wombat. do mommy and lily have a cough. we do. yes sweet heart yes? hey honey. yeah? was her barnyard dance book in the car. yeah it might? yeah i'll get it. is manuela in there. yes she is. would you like to get a different book honey. okay. is that stuck honey? okay thanks honey. which book. what honey? all those waters? yeah i keep a couple in the car just in case we need water if she asks for water and i don't have any in the car? lady bugs? should we read this. nine little lady bugs skipping on a gate. along came a caterpillar and then there were? eight little lady bugs looking up at heaven. along came a? no we don't wanna read that book. no should we read is your mama a llama. okay? is your mama a llama i asked my friend dave. no she is not is the answer dave gave? she hangs by her feet and she lives in a cave? i do not believe that's how llamas behave? is the door open honey. can you close the door? yeah sure. oh i said you are right about that? i think that your mama sounds more like a bat. is your mama a llama i asked my friend fred. no she is not is what freddie said. she has a long neck and white feathers and wings. i don't think llamas have all of those things? oh i said you don't need to go on i think that your mama must be a swan? is your mama a llama i asked my friend jane. no she is not jane politely explained. she grazes on grass and she likes to say moo. i don't think that is what a llama would do. oh i said i understand now. i think that your mama must be a cow? is your mama a llama i asked my friend clyde? no she is not is how clyde replied. she's got flippers and whiskers and eats fish all day. i do not think llamas act quite in that way. oh i said i'm beginning to feel that your mama must really be a seal. is your mama a llama i asked my friend rhonda. no she is not is how rhonda responded. she's got big legs and a pocket for me so i don't think a llama is what she could be. is your mama a llama i asked my friend lynne. oh lloyd don't be silly lynne said with a grin. my mama has big ears long lashes and fur and you of all people should know about her. our mamas belong to the same herd and you know all about llamas because you are one too. oh the end. sweetie look what daddy brought in. is that your. no you don't wanna read barnyard dance. max parked his popsicle where no one would find it. what's he doing? where's he putting his popsicle? in his shoe oh my goodness. that is silly. and what does he have in his closet. a soccer ball that's right. your dumptruck goes back in the sandbox said ruby. when ruby wasn't looking max emptied the dumptruck into his pocket? oh my goodness. just then ruby stepped on something sticky. it was a tube of miracle bubbles. into the rubbish max said ruby. what are those? bubbles? sticky bubbles you're right. but max squeezed the rest of the miracle bubbles into his pocket too? your ant farm's ants have escaped said ruby? back home they go. oh my gosh what is that. bubbles? what did ruby find in max's drawer? i think it's a easter egg isn't it. is that an easter egg. in his drawer. yay yes it is. this easter egg is from last year max said ruby. into the trash bucket it goes. but max stuffed the egg into his pocket? what is oozing out from under your closet door max asked ruby? aha oozing. max knew ruby would find a reason to throw out. what? is that dirt. dirt on the floor? guess we'll have to clean that up right! i think ruby's going to sweep that up? oh? yay ruby? max said ruby your pillow is in your toy chest and your toys are in your bed? max rescued his very favorite piece of gum on a string from the bottom of his bug box. spit it out max said ruby. are those the dolls and the robots. and the santas. that's right. green red and blue. purple yellow green red and blue. look max said ruby your room is completely organized there's a place for everything and everything is in its place. but what is in your pocket max? everything said max? oh my goodness that is silly? he has sticky bubbles. sticky sticky bubbles. that's is that green ooze. it's green. green and oozy. and that's gum on a string. oh my goodness? and sticky bubbles? and a quack quack duck. there's some more sticky gum on a string. there's that easter egg. and another piece of easter egg. look sweetie your polly pockets? bubbles. ten little ladybugs. sitting on a vine. along came a butterfly and then there were. nine little ladybugs skipping on a gate? along came a caterpillar and then there were. eight oh seven little ladybugs resting on sticks. along came a grasshopper and then there were. six little ladybugs what's this. bumble bee. flying near a hive. along came a bumble bee and then there were. five little ladybugs sleeping by the shore. along came a fish and then there were. four little ladybugs climbing up a tree. along came a. what's that? turtle and then there were three little ladybugs drinking up dew. along came a. duck and then there were. two little ladybugs basking in the sun. along came a. frog and then there was. one little ladybug sitting all alone? along came a breeze and then she was. home. yay. fish and a duck. and a frog. and a bird and a ladybug. turtle and a ladybug? very good honey. and a fish. and a duck. where did polly pockets go? oh there they are. you want me to read this one. yay can you say yes. stomp your feet clap your hands everybody ready for a barnyard dance. bow to the horse bow to the cow twirl with the pig if you know how. bounce with the bunny strut with the duck spin with the chickens now cluck cluck cluck. with a baa and a moo and a cock a doodle doo everybody promenade two by two. prance with the horses skitter with the mice. swing with your partner once or twice. stand with the donkey slide with the sheep. scramble with the little chicks cheep cheep cheep. look at those little chicks dancing. can you dance? no. with a neigh and a moo and a cock a doodle doo another little promenade two by two? trot with the turkey leap with the frog. take another spin with the barnyard dog? turn with the cow in a patch of clover? all take a bow and the dance is over. with an oink and a moo and a quack quack quack the dance is done but we'll be back. yay. a box. i think it might be a little handbag. hm what's that. did you get mama's cough. no. okay i hope not? a shirt. a shirt do you wanna put the shirt on. which one. here we go should i put the shirt on this one. should i put the shirt on this one. where is your other polly pocket? i'm not sure where the other one is. is it on the other side of the table. really? i don't know where she is? let's see. oh i don't see her over here? we'll have to ask daddy maybe he knows? where she went? well we have two here let's play with these two. box. oh is that the pocket's box? polly pocket's box? should i put this skirt on her? okay? a big skirt? look she's wearing a skirt. a skirt? mm weep thanks honey i'm sorry? i know you don't like to have your nose wiped. sorry. let me just wash your hand. i know the stamp sorry. okay still there still there. stamps. yeah look should we. oh look at this look at this long bag? that she can carry look at that? she's carrying her bag? or she could carry her little school bag. want me to take these out? okay we'll ask. where's daddy? what's he doing? clothes. pockets. hm. let's see. ooh look she's got little purple shorts. i hope it's warmer where she is. oh they took that whole tree down. a crane. right the crane. oh you wanna come up here and look at the crane. hm okay? what do you see? a stick a big? is that the trunk of the tree? that is the trunk of the tree? right the truck has a a crane? a crane honey. oh the trees right. yes it did. normally we don't take down trees but that tree wasn't. the tree was sick and it might fall on someone so they had to take it down before it fell. here you go. did you know mommy and daddy used to have a tree outside our house? and the tree fell down. boom? boom? boom. oh what are you putting on? a boot wow. a boot? you're putting on one boot? two boots. two boots right? two boots. that looks very nice honey. is there another boot in here. hm i don't know i don't see another boot in here but i'm sure it's here somewhere. we'll have to look around for it it probably fell out? yeah there used to be a big tree now there's a big. that big stick is called the trunk of the tree. the trunk very good. aw. that is one big stick huh? oh whoa that is big. oh it is big. it's big? is your mama a llama? how about it is your mama a llama honey? no i'm not a llama. you want mommy to read that to you again. no you're gonna? can you read it to mommy? the duckie book. okay you're gonna go find the duckie book. okay. oh yes honey. thanks for finding that mommy was looking for that. can you bring that over to mommy honey? can you find the duckie book honey? you can. can you get it out? yes do you need help? okay? it's stuck. oh let's see where is the duckie book? oh let's see. oh there's a pooh bear book? ooh look at this book we haven't read this in a long time? okay let's read the pooh book and we'll also read the mouse book? can you read the pooh bear book to me? tell mommy what happens in the pooh book. in the tigger book? what's tigger doing? do you want mommy to read it honey? okay? bouncing is what tiggers do best? count with tigger as he bounces. tigger can bounce over one shiny watering can? two ripe tomatoes? three round. pumpkins. hello rabbit. four playful butterflies and five falling. leaves? six spinning pin wheels? hello piglet. see tigger bounce past seven straw baskets and eight flapping shirts. and nine big? bubbles right. hello roo. and tigger can bounce over ten honey pots too. hello pooh let's count again. should we read the mouse book. no. we don't wanna read the mouse book. oh okay. you wanna get another book? where did daddy go honey? the puppy should we read the puppy book. do you want to play? can we play too. come play with me. let's play hide and seek. i like to play with my. ball. i like to fetch my. ball? i can shake my rattle? i can play with my toy? i can talk to my friends. i can bark? what does a puppy say? woof woof? woof woof? do the puppies like to eat? what's that puppy chewing on? on a shoe. oh my gosh that is silly. i can crawl around. we can run around. i'm all worn out. night night the baby's sleeping. puppy is sleeping. what do we say when the puppies are sleeping? shh right? very good. jelly fish. jelly fish? ah woo look at this book? hello little mouse what are you doing? oh i see are you going to pick that red ripe strawberry? i think he is. but little mouse haven't you heard about a big hungry bear. oh how that bear loves red ripe strawberries. the big hungry bear can smell a red ripe strawberry a mile away. especially one that has just been picked. boom boom boom the bear will tromp through the forest on the on his big hungry feet. sniff sniff sniff and find the strawberry. boom boom boom? no matter where it is hidden. or who is guarding it. or how it is disguised. he's wearing. what's that strawberry wearing? glasses that is so silly? the mouse is wearing glasses too? quick there's only one way in the whole wide world to save a red ripe strawberry from a hungry bear? cut it in two. share half with me and we'll both eat it all up. yummy. yummy. oh my goodness. hey honey. did you see what they did to the tree. yeah. they left the whole trunk there and cut off all the branches. that looks ridiculous. yeah isn't that isn't that weird? that is bizarre. maybe someone's coming back later to do the uh? i would guess. oh now that's one red ripe strawberry the big hungry bear will never get. that mouse ate the strawberry. yummy! yummy. i don't like that they have a. the mouse eats a strawberry. did you tell daddy? tell daddy what the mouse did. the mouse ate the strawberry. oh. yes was it yummy? it was yummy. yummy. yay it was good. it was very good strawberry. yummy. yummy. sweetie would you like something else to eat. are you hungry. no. okay. i know you were playing with the stamps? you have stamps on your hands too. op stamps? and the other hand. op stamps? you want mommy to wash your hands. yeah i didn't think so. mommy tried to wash your stamps off you weren't very happy. whose are those honey? trevor's you're right. can you say trevor? trevor's things you're right? honey she's starting saying trevor much better? oh yeah? that's great. yeah come here. okay. honey tell daddy whose those are. trevor's things. trevor's things. very good honey? can you say trevor? very good honey. trevor's things? yesterday i swear yesterday she said trevor. aha. very good honey. is that? oh. did um. oh thanks. sweetie who did you talk to on the phone this morning. phoebe. you talked to phoebe? wow who else did you talk to oh i don't yeah no did you talk to anybody else. no? who lives with phoebe? who lives with phoebe? does auntie live with phoebe. yeah who else lives there. trevor and who else. phoebe and do they have a kittie cat. and what's his name? moby. moby. moby. i know you always call him moby but his name is moby? you're silly. moby very good? moby very good? yay is moby very cute. where does moby like to play? on the beach? on the beach? does moby like to play in auntie's room? yay does moby like to lie on auntie's bed? do you like to play on auntie's bed? do you? you know who's coming this afternoon honey. who's coming to visit this afternoon? papa. and can you say grandma. can you say grandma honey? when grandma and papa stay in the hotel do you like to play on their bed? you do like to play on their bed don't you? what do you do on their bed? really? do you like phoebe's bed? yes phoebe has lots of toys in her room doesn't she? what do you like to play with in phoebe's room? you like to play in auntie's room too? do you like to play with phoebe's baby dolls? you like to put them on the little bed with their blankets? that is fun? and trevor has lots of toys in his room too doesn't he. does trevor have? what does trevor have in his room that you like to play with? i don't think trevor has any dresses in his room. do you like to play with? trevor has basket balls and soccer balls and footballs right. and trevor also has dinosaurs in his room? whoa what does a dinosaur say? you like to play with trevor's dinosaurs. yes you do? what else do you like to play with? really? you like to play with trevor's little guys? yes. yay? yay. you wanna go get your football honey? you could play catch. why don't you go get one of your footballs. they're in the basket? one two three four. wanna throw the football to mommy? oh. oh good throw honey? good throw to daddy. what's that? a puppy? a big puppy? do you have your bag? who's on your bag honey? oh very nice are you going out with your bag. where you going with your bag? are you going out to run errands? are you going in the car? you are. you gonna say bye bye. bye bye? bye bye. yeah yeah she has a bell on her bag doesn't she. you wanna put your hat on? ding? oh the hat matches the picture on your shirt. ding. ding? i'm just gonna make sandwiches so we can. i love that hat? i love your hat. not right now. that's what. watch him. william what'd you do at school today? william? will? tell mom what you did in school? i love that hat? what're you looking for? oh the bouncy thing? okay be careful though? oh i know. light? that is a light. what do you see there? william what're you doing. checking out the couch jumping on the couch. i do not know do you want him jump on the couch bridg! no. huh? no william come on we're gonna have lunch. come on we'll have lunch will. ooh go have lunch? scoot over. mm yummy. yummy hold on? yummy? oh sorry? oh. oh no. ma would? what would you like on your sandwich? okay? um. turkey. lettuce? mayonnaise? yeah. yummy that's right. yummy. lunch mommy has your lunch. now the the ham is that just like a free range or what's it called. free range uh. read it it's natural i. you know it's! yes. doesn't have preservatives? william don't do that honey. here why don't you do this while i'm doing getting? this one out? do you want cheese! yes! is that enough cheese. i should've. i think i should get bigger plates actually for us. because we have chips right. which i didn't think of? william can you leave that? can you leave that alone please? okay. probably save some of this for him? um use what you want don't worry about it. i mean if there's some left there's some left if not? yummy william huh? what're you doing bud? can you tell mama what you're doing? there's mayonnaise there there's ketchup there's mustard there's. let's see. come here. yummy yeah. yeah see? yummy? that's right yummy. william? i think you're tangled. yeah you are tangled there you go. that's better. that's better? i think he might've pulled it off i don't know? yeah i think i had it on his pants so he had easier access to it. i think if it's up here he won't have easy access to it. not as easy access anyway? you wanna have lunch with mama? what's this bridg? that's his cookie? cookie a cookie. for william. what're you looking for? bread thing? what bread thing? well i found it yesterday? it's right here. right here. right here? bread right william. say? bread? are we having. what're we having? are we gonna have lunch? are we having lunch. okay make some tea. your? oh you wanna wash your hands. okay? we'll wash your hands? we can do that. what? you're boiling the water mom? whatever? yes william mommy's. you have apple juice to drink. it's already on the table. in your cup. okay. hold on? hold on. i have it thank you? here we go. you? washing your hands? i don't have chai tea. what do you mean use it up on me there should be a whole box? oh. mom it's there be drank. don't worry about it. it's there. it's possible i suppose it's monday. i don't think sunday they would have a new one you know what i mean. right? ah ah i you yo yo. youyoyo yoda yoda yoda yoda? yeah yeah. look at? sandwich? yes. right. yeah. yep you have cheese on there. soy cheese. it's william's soy cheese isn't it? what you like to sit with your knees there i suppose that makes sense i'll let you sit like that? see he sits with his knees on the end. hm. i guess that makes sense but! it does! i'd like to. ham yes william. ham mm? that's what that is? yeah you can have some of these. water. there's a couple things i wanna fill out while we're having lunch. william's artwork. i have lemon cake that you probably would like? with my tea while i was waiting for tea? think the water's boiling. is that? oh it's in the? it's in the tea kettle? yeah? so it doesn't. i'm used to the pot i. i usually boil it in the pot and so i hear the boiling? yummy how is that william. is it good. william did you make this artwork in school. it's so pretty. mommy loves it? yeah pumpkin that's right it's pumpkins! you made. and you put orange on there right. orange orange pumpkins? i love your artwork william. it's very pretty it's very nice? yeah you're welcome. did you have a good day at school? when we eat we don't open our mouth like that? yes william. what're you making a sound like? yes william? what does that sound like? to the other side of william? okay? what's william eating? that's interesting. you want some pretzels. can he have some pretzels. sure? here you go here's some pretzels. what do you say. thank you can you say thank you. will can you say thank you. you're welcome is the response to thank you? he says you're welcome? yummy. mm! william can you tell mommy what you did in school today? oh you said you're welcome? in school. will what did you do in school? who was in school today with you? miss janet was there who else. you went outside. did you go outside william. he fell off? they. they were walking around and he like jumped and of course you know william jumped. he landed like this. he. he looked for my response and i said hi william? then he got up? yeah. yeah? can you tell mommy? very good? who was at school today? who did you see at school today? schools yeah. you like those pretzels don't you. yeah i see that? william. what're you doing right now? will? what? what's this? that's ham that's right. what's this? cheese. what's that? pretzel. did you have a sandwich can you fix this sandwich? maybe we'll put some ham back on there and? and cheese. hm. you gonna have a sandwich. some? more william. excuse me? would you put that over the sponge or something. yeah? thank you? would you have some sandwich please. okay. you wanna do night nights are you tired? are you tired? pretzels yes. are you tired william. yeah are you tired? i think you are i think that's why you've been talking to me about tired. i think william wants to take a nap? william! yeah. yeah. i'm gonna go see isabella. and. and grandpa. yeah that's right. grandpa. isabella and grandpa. william do you understand home what home means i wonder if he understands what that means. do you understand what home means? yeah i don't think he did! william. he's in this yelling thing. he did it in class today. he got all the kids yelling! oh my god! mhm. how did miss janet handle that? mhm! apple juice! pretzels oh okay yes? i don't want you to have more. i want you to. you have a pretzel here and i want you to have more sandwich? before you have more pretzels. eat and you can have more pretzels. will? eat more. eat. eat more sandwich? eat more of your sandwich william. all the time yeah. i don't know if he just likes to say it or if he knows it. but he knows it because he sees him he sees the pictures and says uncle dean? yeah uncle dean? yes. yeah. maybe because when we're at your house! yeah. he comes and comes. no. no all done you need to have more. more. please. more please. you don't have to eat. do you wanna eat the bread. you wanna eat the ham? some cheese. you want some cheese. okay? you want some cheese? you want yogurt. okay? mm? okay you have apple juice right there. pretzels. alright hold on will okay. eat some ham first have some ham. i don't think he likes this ham. i? i. i knew it was kind of a. he likes the black forest ham. but i just have to take the ends off so i thought i would try this one again because you know you never know. things change. want some. do you want some apple. william? would you like some apple? mhm? would you like some apple? okay you can have some pear? let me clean it okay and cut it. are you saying something to me. hi william? hi peek a boo. where's william? peek a boo i see you? where's william? peek a boo i see you. where is he? peek a boo i see you. are you playing a game with mommy. peek a boo. peek a boo. hi. i see you scooby doo. i see you. here? pear. sit down please. yeah. oh i know. did you get it to stop dripping or did you? is that something i can fix or do i need to get a plumber for that? huh. is that something i can fix or do i need to get a plumber for that do you know! yeah i think you need a plumber. yeah i think so too but i didn't know if maybe you knew a secret. mm. no? william. no? no no no we're not doing that right? we chew it and we swallow it no spitting it out. william because i'm gonna take it away? that's not how we eat our food. okay. swallow. like you would with the juice when you drink it. maybe it's the the uh skin? so i'll take the skin off? he is so picky? i'm taking the skin off? is this typical. kids don't eat the skin on this. yeah? okay. kids don't eat the skin. okay? or the sides of the bread. what's that? or the sides of the bread you know? depends on the bread whether or not he'll do that. i just seem to see a lot of kids who do eat it. who eat? who eats apple? who eat? who'll eat apple with the skin and? except him. okay that's enough then? no more all gone. all gone you're spitting it out. all gone. no you're spitting it out. you want some. but you're spitting it out you're not eating it. oh right? but you see now? the other day he was really into the cheese and now? chews it and spits it out doesn't want it. do you want some ham? do you want plain ham. william? can you look at mommy please? dya want some ham. okay do you want some ham. do you? okay do you want some yogurt. would you like yogurt. william? alright. i'm asking you a question? would you like yogurt. yes? no. you okay? you wanna give him some more pretzels? sure? pretzels. he's saying thank you that's welcome. you're welcome hon? one at a time. nah. william. i love you? william can you say i love you. can you say i love you? can you say i love you? hm? i love william. but i'm not going to be here for thanksgiving. so right. yes william. aha what happened. apple juice? yeah you're low on the apple juice but i'm gonna make you some milk. i'm gonna get you some milk soon. do you have the time? oh. hold on? he's riding two cars at the same time. faster we go faster we go. something snapped? and down they fell? did they stay together. is that your favorite thing to do. where's the engine? they're coupled properly! wanna uncouple them? oh. they did fall? they fell they fell alright. down into the mine shaft. is that where they fell? or off a mountain. off a mountain. what happened to george? george disappeared. they broke themselves. there they are. wanna put them together again. you think you can do it yourself? you want me to try. that was the best demonstration of all. you were who did the demonstration do you remember. harvey. harvey was demonstrating what he could do? cranky was demonstrating too? that means showing off. mothers are like that! yes. mothers are like this mothers are like that? a mother cares for her babies even before they are born that's right. mothers are like that? she has food for her hungry ones. uh you wanna paint some more? on the paper? you wanna make a picture from mama manuela? wanna paint a picture for her. yeah what color do you want now? you have a plan? what's your plan stan? what color do you want? pink again okay? that's a funny way to hold the brush. yup! that's painting. stop painting mister noodle? what well they why why did they want him to stop? do you want another color? stop painting mister noodle. stop painting mister noodle how about some blue mister ethan? stop painting mister noodle. stop painting mister noodle. stop stop stop! start painting mister ethan? you want some blue? watercolor? yeah you're looking at it. it's not finger paint it's brush paint. you got a lot of paint on your brush there. already. mhm. oh you use blue that's a lot of blue. why don't you put it on the paper. woo very nice blue. yeah it does look like the ocean you're right. what's out of the ocean? out of the sea same thing ocean and sea are the same thing? out of the ocean out of the sea. what can you get out of the ocean? shells. wiggle wiggle. a bubble! yeah i popped it. stay on the paper if you can. stop painting mister ethan! that's not the way you paint. you can paint how ever you want mister ethan! leave it to me. leave it to me. a piece in time. ooh bump. uh bust my buffers. ooh. what happened to the fog horn i don't know? it's not finger paints it's brush paints. you can use the finger you can use the paint on the paper already with your fingers? yeah? but not with the paint? you used up a lot of the blue paint and? that's my favorite color? wanna use some pink. not with your fingers though. because it's. brush paint not. finger paint. okay? you can have some pink. are you gonna use your finger? oh ethan? look what you did to your shirt? you got your shirt all painty? well very nice! you're smearing it! mhm it kinda disappeared didn't it! disappeared into the blue. you wanna make a hand print? oop there's a little bit of your hand over there. like this one! yup you made a hand. look it like this one. remember when you did that one. oops. let's see! some fingers. there's another hand. finger tail! finger tips! lips? here sweets? mhm? watermelon. it's not watermelon? it's berry. mister berry. watermelon belly. watermelon belly. berry. yeah watermelon belly. thank you? you can rest? you can rest? let me finish cleaning your hand off a little because it's still very blue. still very very? i'm trying. but you have to let me. okay you can rest with your train? do you want me to read you this story? what's the story? a whistle for willie. what's that? mhm. okay you wanna sit on my lap. yeah you can rest with me. go on! whistle for willie? oh how peter wished! he could whistle? what are those ethan? yup bricks. he saw a boy. playing with his dog. whenever the boy whistled? the dog ran straight to him. so peter tried and tried to whistle but. he couldn't? so instead he began to turn himself around? around and around he whirled. faster and faster. just like you do ethan? when he stopped? everything turned? down and up and up and down and around and around? yeah the headlights are popping out. for the cars to stop and go but they're popping out! you know why! because he's. dizzy. when you spin around and around you get dizzy too? peter saw his dog willie coming? quick as a wink? he hid in an empty box. lying on the sidewalk. wouldn't it be funny if i whistled peter thought. peter tried again to whistle! but still he couldn't! so willie just walked on. peter got out of the box and started home? on the way home he took some colored chalks out of his pocket and? drew a long long line? look at that. he drew it right around the girls jumping rope? and still he's drawing it? joop? joop? right up to his door? he stood there and tried to whistle again? he blew until his cheeks were tired but! nothing happened! he went into his house and put on his father's old hat! to make himself feel more grown up! he looked in then to the mirror to practice whistling. still no whistle. when his mother saw what he was doing? peter pretended that he was his father. he said i've come home early today dear is peter here. his mother answered. why no he's outside with willie! well i'll go out and look for them said peter? he's pretending to be his daddy. first he walked along a crack in the sidewalk? then he tried to run away from his shadow. there's his shadow. he jumped off his shadow. but when he landed. they were together again! he came to the corner where the box was and who should he see but. willie. peter scrambled under the box he blew. and blew? and! suddenly out came a real whistle? willie stopped and looked around to see who it was? it was him that's right? yup it was him? hiding under the box. it's me peter shouted? why? it's you yes it's you? why it's me? behind a tree? it wasn't. no it wasn't! would you like to take that out of your pocket now. it was me? that's right? it was you. oh you're gonna tell daddy what happened? no. oh you fell off the horse. would or want? oh laura. okay. do i remember when peanuts ate a bird? yes the bird was dead. laura what are you doing? now it's going. okay. i didn't press hard enough. okay. so we got a mother's day dinner here. made by mother in honour of mother. no. but i like the tomato the best. i like tomato. ah. what's that called? baked potato. that's called tata. can i get some salt? you know what i like the really the best? no. um. this is a fabulous salad. who would like? sputato. i know you do. here. yes. can you serve yourself? yeah. you're a baby? yeah. i'm the mother. oh. what's your name? oh. hello michael. how old are you michael? no. michael's three tomorrow. oh. are you giving mike a birthday party? yeah. this is a real one. with just ehrm three of his friends. no. yes. lisa and. lisa. lisa and matthew. and matthew's big brother. just a minute. laura eat something else. okay. no. eat your potato. and some ham with it. what about the red stuff? if you wanna go get it you can have it. okay. i gonna go get the red stuff. okay? get some for you. some for everyone. aha. just it pours very easily. in case you need to know. eat. want it? no. okay. so. that's new in the world. i guess there can't be anything new in the watergate on a sunday. the world never stops working. no. eat the meat laura. i want you to eat with your cup there. eat some of your meat first. cut it with your fork. here. you want me to cut it for you? you can have more of this other half if you eat up your meat. come on. michael eat your meat please. don't say please and eat it. say just michael eat your meat. michael could you please? michael could you please? michael could you eat your meat please? cut one piece of the meat. okay. i need to feed him. oh. i don't want you to do that. no. the floors dropped to feed laura. she wants me to. i don't want you to. not if you're gonna be three tomorrow. you're not a baby. oh. no. she's two. he's two. aha. well. if we were a good catholic family. is that cooked enough for you bear? fine. we would have four little bodies around this table but at least. we do have four little bodies. i changed my mind. because i wanna read the next story. hm? i told jack not to not to let her watch special time with me but i'd like to hear his story so i changed my mind. oh. how did you like the pony today? oh. did baby michael go on the pony today? what was baby michael's pony's name? paddington. joe. paddington. mhm. mine was named joe. aha. your horse was named laura? was it really named laura? paddington. don't know the name but. i guess her horse was named joe. same as mine. right? mm. no. joseph. josephine. aha. joseph is the boy's name and josephine's the girls. alright. how you spell joseph? j. o. s. p. h. j. o. s. e. p. h. e. p. h. e. p. h. how do you spell josephine? i. n. e. j. o. s. e. p. h. i. n. e. course spelling. want the last? mom daddy told me it spells ham. t. a. g. not t. h. e. or t. a. g. i thought you said t. a. p. what did you say? i said t. h. e. t. h. e. not t. a. g. i guess he didn't understand me. i think so. i don't know. i guess you misunderstood me. right? i guess so. remember when we were at the market? yeah. perhaps. i burped. mom can i have some water? hm. yes. i don't know if there's any left in there. fine if you can have some water. spoon. use use your ehrm spoon to eat it. that's all there is laura. that's all the avocado there is. no. no. that's not what i said. d d daddy. daddy. daddy. daddy huggy. i wanna give you a hug. i wanna give you a hug. don't fall off me and scream. my ears can't stand it. mm. uh. if i fall off here again i missed the woop. who's that? oh it probably goes right here. who's? who is that car? what kind of a cookie is that? looks like a lion? let's see. you're fighting over daddy. i'm fighting over you huh. i'm gonna make a cake. what are you trying to do? are you gonna go play baseball. sing me take me out to the baseball game. you gonna play with uncle bob? no. you're gonna talk in your ear? let's put that back. can i help you. okay. you hang up. can you say your abcs? okay. we got a b c. what comes next? a b c what. come on? oliver james. o d. o d who's o d. who's o d? who's o d? okay. i'll help you. what kind of cake is that gonna be? should i mix up the batter. are you gonna lick the spoon? what flavor? where? okay. now shall we mix a little put a little milk in it. it looks like the lion. okay there's our cake. where'd it go where? ring a ding a ding. wash the dishes and put em away. okay. wash the dishes. you washing the cups. use. you're gonna wash your cookies. i thought you were gonna eat the cookies. oo it's the rhinoceros? is this one mine? look at the seal. he here's the little girl. you gonna sing her a song? she's up on top of the mountain? sing her a song? what song can you sing her? rink a dink a dink. how about twinkle twinkle little star? how about take me out to the baseball game? batter up. hit that ball. okay i'm gonna throw the ball to you. boo? hit the ball. run to first base. and don't this is not the fishing line? there's no fish at the end of the line? don't. oliver. please let go? thank you? don't touch. oliver please don't touch? no we're not all done? we're all done. well if we're all done we should pick up the toys? come on. if we're all done pick up the toys? a little bit more. okay? put the toys away? and then we can be all done? want me to help you? your where's your suitcase. they're right there in you hand. where're you gonna take your suitcases to? i think you're making an awful lot of noise? what? what am i doing? oh i got a little girl in my hand? what're you doing? you're picking up? my hair a mess? yeah. i have an owie in my head. a headache? wanna see my headache? you see? did you see my headache? whoop? what're you doing? i don't think we're all done yet? marty will take your microphone off when you she's all done. you ask marty marty please take my microphone off. when you're all done i bet if you ask er nice she'll take it off? should we tie your shoe? what what foot is this? you got a headache. what kind of a headache is it? doodoodoodoo? which one's the hammer. put it back? is that the wrench. i i don't know. i don't see it? it's not in there. well just have to do it by your hand. what about the screwdriver? think it's on just like that. it doesn't go on the green one. only the blue goes on the blue? silver goes on the silver? the orange goes on the orange? and the yellow one goes on the yellow one? have an idea! give it to me a minute! alright! oh! let's screw oliver up! screw your belly button in! okay. oh. look at that nail. hammer it. oh your ears they need to be a bit adjusted. and your nose is it okay. oh your neck. you hammer your nose in. let go? put your hands in? hammer your head. how about your knee? what color's the hammer? if i had a hammer i hammer in the morning. ow ow. that's where my headache is. oh my headache needs a s just a love pat. oh yeah? thank you? my headache. no? i don't want a head a hammer on my headache. you have to lay down? you want me to lay down? uh. can you get em out? well let's see. mr lion you went in you must come out. there he comes. yeah. mr lion fell down? what does mr lion say? roar. what does he like to do when it's hot? what does he like to do wh when it's hot? remember in the book. what does he do? he lays in the shade. oo are you wiggling his tail? he'll roar. you're wiggling my tail roar? you are silly. oh careful. yeah. chuga chuga choo. is this a circus train. yeah. oh you slapped the lion's belly. oh he'll get you. yeah. where did we see lions? where? at the zoo. yeah. we saw monkeys. right? and the tigers. and the polar bears. what were they doing? swimming. yeah? the one was swimming. yeah. yeah. oliver's gonna start swimming lessons this week isn't he. yeah. we're gonna swim in de pool. what? you wiggle his tail. getting you. what other animals did we see at the zoo? oh he jumped out. if you smashed him. you better be careful. no don't do dat. you'll hurt him. you'll give him a big boo boo? yeah? is the lion a bad boy. oh the lion says don't hurt me. don't hurt my tail? doodoodoodoo? doodoodoodoo? he's gonna crawl right up oliver's leg? oh he's gonna crawl up mommy's leg now. whoa? hello mr lion? yeah. yeah. where's the shade? oh i don't know? we'll have to find him a tree to sit under. no. let's stay right here? well after while we'll get your book okay? okay. yeah. after while? tell you what how about if we do some cooking? what ve we got over here we can cook with? let's see what's over here? what can we cook? stir it up. oh what're we gonna have? huh. cereal? what kind of cereal are you gonna cook? hm? gonna make oatmeal? what kind? well sometimes we have oatmeal for breakfast? yeah. or are you gonna make uh let's see scrambled eggs. no? what kind of pie? strawberry pie. oh. okay? gonna make chocolate cake? or cupcakes? let's see you could make macaroni and cheese? yeah. that's a cup. what are we gonna have to drink? soda? what kind of soda? what? grape soda? what's gunk soda? i never heard of that? i think you're funny. uhm i think got squirt. i don't know? is it squirt or lemonade? squirt? what is it? soda. okay? uh seven up. okay scoop up the water? pour it in. stir it up with your spoon. mix mix mix? okay. let's see mommy's gonna put the dough out here. let's see if we can lay it this layed it flat? mommy's gonna put the dough on here. then we'll roll out the dough. can we roll out the dough? yeah? and here's our little cutter? we'll go cut cut cut cut cut cut? yeah! yeah! push push push roll out that dough! yeah! cut cut cut can you cook with that in! oh ice tea! cola. oh. what? salt. okay. milk. what? pepper. oh its salt and pepper? okay season it up? yeah. should we put a little vinegar in it. um sugar. grey what. okay what's that one. yellow. okay. stir it up? now pour it in the bowl? the cups are falling down. oh? well let's put a cup here and a cup here. let's see? we got four plates? we got one for daddy one for mommy one for oliver and one for marty. so we can have a party? wow? oliver? mommy. daddy. and marty. yeah? so see if you make cupcakes we can have a party? stir stir stir? yeah! just like you mix it up in the sand box? oh how does it taste. does it. oh it's hot. too much pepper. oh? it burned your mouth? you know what we should make? cheese ladas? yeah. oh daddy gets cheese ladas? oh? we're gonna go to supper go to gramma's and have supper tonight? wonder what gramma's cooking. i bet gramma cooks fish. what's grampa making? pie. what kind of pie would grampa make? grampa made pie. yeah. oh boy? right over there? go and get the water. okay! how about you put some orange juice in there? here. yeah stir stir stir. oh! mix it in there. put some in there. huh. oh i think that one's empty now! i don't see anything in there! what are you gonna put in there? oh. alright? drink down? yeah? drink it down. oh boy. i think you're silly? stir it up? yeah that's your cup? oh alright? aha. daddy's! mommy's. oliver's. marty's. here. oh okay. stir stir stir. yeah? what're we gonna do at the party? blow horns! yeah? cut out what. cut out the cake. okay! let's see. here's the lifter? and we got the cake on here? and we cut out a piece of cake. then we scoop it up? now we put it over here? okay you cut the next piece? okay? scoop up a piece and put it on there. put a piece on there? good job. put a piece on here! yeah. okay we need one more piece of cake. oh now do you have any ice cream. let's dip up some ice cream. dip up? schoop it on here. dip up? scoop it on here. oh okay. okay? okay? okay. yeah. well what else we gonna have besides cake and ice cream? ice cream. what kind of ice cream? the ice cream's hot! well that's a funny ice cream? did you put pepper in it? no wonder? i think i want orange ice cream? orange ice cream. yeah. yeah? there's two spoons. oh we'll find some more spoons for the rest of the party. oh we'll have to get some from daddy in a little while? okay? yeah. oh stir stir stir? yeah. oh you're drinking it right out of there? put it in there. okay. oh is that good apple juice. oh it's orange juice. i thought it was apple juice. oh? who're we gonna invite to this party? who's coming to the party? your friends. who? mr davis. which mr davis. ringing the bell! okay! whoops? is that like the dinner bell. you ringing the dinner bell? yeah. two spoons. oh. okay. uh huh? where're we going? where're we gonna go on the airplane? oh you don't wanna go on the airplane. but to go to gramma davis's we'll go in the car? yeah? to go to gramma hanke's we have to go on the airplane. yeah? when when we go to gramma hanke's shall we take some of your toys on the airplane? what shall we take? gramma hanke? where is she? where's her house? where is it that her house is? in what? in michigan? yeah. what shall we take when we go see gramma? shall we take some books? read? what else should we take? crayons? yeah. would you like to take your bat and ball. maybe grampa would play outside with you and play baseball? well you're gonna go to gramma's house? you remember. we're gonna go on the airplane to gramma hanke's. yeah! yeah? no? i don't think we're quite done yet? can we finish playing? what suitcase shall we take with us? shall we take that green one? take a red one. i think you're sitting on it. i see it. it's under your leg. yeah? put those suitcases on the airplane. oh okay? that's mommy. oh is that grampa. who's flying the airplane? oh. i think that must be mommy. who is that? who? or is that the stewardess. a duck. what did daddy bring you from the airplane? what did the stewardess give daddy to bring to you? what were they? huh? daddy brought oliver something special. what were they? do you remember? what? huh. what? they were wings. wings? what do you get when you fly on the airplane? what does the stewardess give you to drink? soda. and what else? yeah! sometimes she gives you coke. sometimes she gives you something else. what? cookies. sometimes she gives you apple juice? right. the stewardesses are nice aren't they. yeah? sure? sure? yeah? you want a soda. you want a coke. yeah. we'll have to ask the stewardess when we go on the airplane if oliver could have a coke? okay? well she's probably working today on those airplanes. yeah. they fly everyday. yeah. out to the airport. yeah! at the airport! right we have to pack up the suitcases. we have to take oliver's shirts and oliver's shorts and his pajamas and his shoes and socks and some toys. yeah. yeah. oh i think she's in the kitchen talking to daddy. yeah. yeah. we have to take all those things when we go to gramma's. you can take your shoes off? okay? yeah. yeah? we're gonna go have the lady check em out aren't we before we go to gramma's? right. who's gonna give you a hair cut? inez? yeah. what does she do? she squirts it? and then what's she do. yeah. and does she snip it. and she goes snip snip snip. she sits you sit up in her booster chair? uh huh? yeah? what does she put over you? does she put a cape over you so all that hair doesn't get on you. yeah. and she puts a towel. it's your fork. there. i can't reach it. laura no. aha. no. real food. laura i'm sorry. that's not a good idea. laura that's a sharp knife you got on the top of your head. could i have the knife please? mom if she cut with it hard she could crack her head. very funny. no. i'm sorry. you can't have the knife. you weren't using it properly. yes. you can't have the knife. they've got you've got our napkin. excuse me. where would you want me to put it? no. right there. and you'll get hurt. no. i didn't ride alone. i sat in the seat alone and laura sat in the back with jack. fantastic. what's the matter bear? nothing. all day and it didn't work. laura's. fork did it. fork. bear. i'll take you back to the zoo. i'll take you back to the zoo. move it. i'll take you back to the zoo. i don't wanna go to the zoo. kids your father looks like he's had it. i bet you took your shirts back there. okay? could you turn that off? no one washed the windows. that's steam. how come your shoes are wet? how come you're wearing clown pajamas? because. laura did you say which? maybe. which do you want. do you remember richard and maggie? oh you don't. yes it's alright. when you're bigger you'll learn to get up and go to potty all by yourself? what's yours? yeah. this thing here. hm? hm. i don't know what box you mean honey? is this your box here? you made a face? i wondered what you were doing? what box is yours nomi? that's a card i was going to send to these people who had a baby? yeah? that's okay. yeah i was gonna send that to the people who had the baby? no it's for another baby honey. you don't need one. you don't need one do you. you have some upstairs that you never use. you're having breakfast again. oh no. how come honey? yeah. here nomi it's far enough away? you can get up. oh can't you. you want me to move you up closer again? no you eat some more cereal honey. eat some more cereal. yeah? it was nice that you slept for so long this morning after you came down nomi? you slept very nicely didn't you after you came down. until time for mommy to get up. did you have bad dream? it's hurting now? oh i'm sorry? yes i'll get you a diaper honey? you let go again. okay want to come down and get this diaper changed? you told me about it nomi. you said? mommy change my diaper. what honey? oh daddy fixed it again. daddy fixed it again. he broke the fireplace nomi but he fixed it again. it's fixed honey? it's back in the fireplace. then go down there. you can go down there. okay. i'll come in a minute? i want to drink a little tea. yes darling but he fixed it again. he? it's very hot honey. no hey hey hey. i'll get you a different cup honey. i'll get you a cup. what? okay? yeah recording. mhm. yeah that's a microphone? no? not until after you've finished your dinner darling. you don't want to get your sticky hands on it. no not right now. what time is it nomi's? it's nomi's dinnertime. it's five o'clock nomi's dinnertime. why are you holding your spoon like that nomi? hm. because. yeah. you're holding it funny. you're holding it funny. that's right. yeah. i see i see. shaking her head. what are you doing? oh? careful of your shoes. no no not in your dish honey. no no no. put over here. what do you want honey? i don't know. i didn't understand. i said. what did you say? i don't know honey. do you want a popsicle? okay. sit up in your chair honey. well i have to chop it in half for you? you can hold it honey? you only get one! one at a time honey. nomi don't cry. you have popsicle. hey hey hey. you got a popsicle. no? you eat that one first. if you had them both at one time they would melt. yeah? what? well after you're finished. you can't do it while you're eating your popsicle. you can't do it while you're eating your popsicle. what did you do today nomi? you took a nap. what else did you do? mm? with kimberly. and scott? and with todd. did you like todd. did todd play rough. mhm. did todd push you. what did you do? you fell down. did you play with him any more. then what happened? you hurt your bottom. did you cry. oh. did somebody hold you? who held you? what? at the store. who held you when you cried? you had gum at the store! who held you when you cried honey? who held you? hm. you stand up. can nomi stand up. did you ride in the car. with kimberly! cold too huh! mhm? that. popsicle. doll's on? mhm. what are you banging with? the popsicle yeah. mhm? what are you rubbing it on? on the placemat yeah. you're rubbing it on your hands? now where are you rubbing your hands? you're rubbing your hands on your bib. mhm. yeah. they're all sticky. are you eating your popsicle? are you eating it honey or just rubbing it. yeah. what did you have for lunch? baloney? what else? milk aha. any bread. and butter. mhm. you had orange juice. did you have orange juice at michelle's! did you have lunch at margie's. do you know who margie is honey? margie's is where you were this morning. that's todd's mommy. todd's mommy is named margie. margie is todd's mommy. where you played this morning did you have lunch at margie's? or at michelle's. no. at margie's. mhm. with todd. you had lunch with todd. what did todd eat? what did he eat for lunch? hm. bread. aha. what did kimberly eat? do you know what kimberly ate? what did kristen eat honey? hm. nomi do you know what kristen ate! what does kristen eat? yeah you dropped it. does kristen eat baby food? yeah. you eat it too huh? you like it. do you not eat baby food? yeah if you can pick it up you can eat it. yeah get these pieces over here? are you cutting it. in little pieces. mhm. a little piece. mhm? does he have nice toys. what kind of toys what sort of toys did you play with? yeah well what kind of toys were they. tell me about the toys. it was red. and yellow. did you play with a toy that made sounds like animals. what did you do with that toy? you played with the car. did you pull a string on that toy that where they make sounds like the animals. you pull the string and then it makes the sound huh. what? you want those toys. well we don't have them here honey. you have to wait until you go see todd again. we don't have it here. yeah to play with that toy you have to see todd again. mhm. huh? aha. yeah. todd's mommy too? okay let's run the bath tub? well i want you to take a bath tonight darling? okay let's set it up. i knocked this thing over. that's the traffic light. oh and it goes there? that goes there i wanna do it. goes there? yeah? and the fire engine? and here's the? here's the cars? see how you play it? see he's the fireman? there's the mailman. mailman? aha. oh. see he's got letters he delivers. see it's the mailman he delivers his letters. come here sally. mama what what should go under there. come here sally? mama. hum? the people goes in here. aha. and the girl goes in no the girl goes in that? aha. the girl goes in there. and drives and drives? there's the telephone booth? and the telephone. yeah they can use the telephone. oh? see there's the bank see look here he delivers his letters? put them inside? and there that's where the firetruck goes he stays in there? sally come here. sally come here? the fire stuff see that's the ice cream store. the fire stuff? yeah that's the ice cream store. the ice cream store mama where's this go. see the little girl goes to get ice cream. okay let me go get her. okay. i'm playing with this yall look? my pants unbuttoned. my pants undone buttoned. show me how you make it sing. show me how you make it sing let me see. mommy put these? here you go no pick your page up. see brittany you can drive the car up there. i want it mama? don't get it any more. have him go by and put mail in the mail box. sally don't mess with that okay. you can play with no sally. sally stop i wanna do this. you have to share now brittany? this goes in there. mama. put this up here brittany? you put the truck right there? watch this. that's mine mama. oops he fell out. uh oh. that stays closed. aha that stays closed. oh stop sally give it back? yall share now. sally put the mail back. oh there's it closed. she's driving up to the country. come on we ain't gonna get no ice cream. look here sally here's a frog. where's a frog? right here. where's the frog? i know the mail. look here sally? oh look sally here's some ducks. sally. it goes up the hill. there's two trucks now there's two trucks. i don't want sally to help me. yeah she can play too now. mama what is this. see how big yall can be. i want i want that song book. i want that song book. what is that? a doctor. no. a man? a mailman? stop sally! what's this? what's this one? a doctor. no he ain't look there. a policeman. aha? stop. sally. what's him? a doctor. no he's a engineer he rides railroads? what's he? she. a doctor. no she's got a spoon. a cooker. a cooker. she's a chef. that's an astronaut. what's he? what is he brittany? sally it goes up the hill and down the hill? there's the mail. she can't get down mama. i get the mail the mail man the mail man. know what kind of mail woman we got. the same the same round man. that's how you go sally. you go to the ice cream the ice cream and get some ice cream. mama what is this. what is this mama? it's a parking meter. you put the money in it so they can park there. that goes there. that say the stop light? let's go no you sit in back sister i'm in front i'm driving. no that ain't yours. look here here's yours. oh there's the man. you deliver the mail see you put the mail in there! no mama i don't want to? okay? stop sally here's the mailman. he's got his mail going. sally don't do that. here sally go down this one. yeah you can go down that one! you drive up this one sally you drive up this one! see on that one you put the mail up there? and in there. oh you put mail in there and mail in here. aha? oh sally sally sally? that ain't the mail. well they got ta pick the mail up. they got ta oh i'm sorry sally you've got to drive up the hill. no the round one supposed to put it there? yep. stand him up stand him up. stop? sally? don't holler. mama see how you play it. aha. no it goes like that see. it goes like that? oh it sticks out. aha. how you get it out? you don't get it out like that it shows you? sally? sally the mail's sally put the mail in here like this. she can go use the telephone. and she go and the girl stay in the car. yeah. uh oh the girl fell down. she's on the telephone! be quiet now. sally give me that red one. there she goes to get the mail. uh oh baskettio's. put the mail in there and then rail man comes. mailman not rail man mailman. mailman. here's your people right here. here's your lady. no the lady supposed to. the lady's supposed to go in front. oh is she. she's supposed to go in front sally and the girl's supposed to go in back? she's got ta go get the mail. uh oh put that back up right there. and uh does she take it home. she can take it home. let's put her some mail in there to hold it. where? there. that's where she puts it. just give her one or two! two! see you're supposed to ride around and deliver the mail. drive up here? stop mama i just wanna go get the mail. where's the mail? no let her hold a piece of mail. sally put the piece of mail in there okay. let me hold it sally. put it in there put it in there sally? she wants to hold a piece of mail. oh she wants to hold a piece of mail. put it in there with mine. you got plenty in there. oh? mama what do you do with this. i don't know just turn it. turn it. aha. off he goes. sally go up the hill up the hill up the hill. down the hill then slide off. play in here brittany. sally i got the mail. sally he'll bring it back to you. sally i'm playing with it first. sally. quit hollering brittany. stop sally. you wanna read a book? you want me and you to do this puzzle? no sally i don't want you playing with the people. sally be quiet. let's me and you do this puzzle. no? sally don't break it. now the mail's supposed to go here. we're gonna get ice cream? woman i got your i got your mail? sally you're not supposed to get my letter doo doo. she goes right there. no she sits up there and eats the ice cream. sally no she goes up there and she goes up there. off she goes. you lost your girl? lost her girl. yep she lost her girl? you put one in there. one in there. i didn't put one in there. mama where. mama what did you say. mama where did you tell me to put this mail. lift up the white thing brittany? huh. lift up the white thing brittany? lift up the white thing in the back. lift it up. here. mama this goes in here. there it goes. huh. stop sally get down you old doo doo. no you don't pick it up. here now yall stop! look here brittany the ice cream store will close too. huh. the ice cream store? it will close? yeah it's closed for business. what? a hole. where? i know it goes to the mail the mail. what? okay let's start to go. the fireman starting to go. starting to go. ah starting to fall down. sally see you drive it like this? get the mail stick it in here. and put it in it all of it. see how to do it mama. the fireman. aha? oh you stick the ladder up. ladder up? stick the ladder up? stick the ladder up. sally it goes up the hill? stop? did it scared your finger? up the hill up the hill now we going down the hill? runs over the girl. sally? i got the mails. okay okay. i had it first. brittany let her hold some and you hold some? and yall both get some mail? no. but i was playing with it first? i need to stick it up. stick it up! down down the hill. i know. now it's open? mom. see mama you leave it up? sally that goes that's the fireman. brittany don't holler? stupid sally? no? sally. brittany you better share? no. i know sally i'm gonna put that phone right here. sally you want me and you to read. okay. yall share now. where's the mailman at? oh. oh a pretty pony? mama the mail's supposed to go on the other. i don't know how to play it mama. you're doing pretty good. i wanna drive up the hill where's the. sally put it on the bunny rabbit. put it up there over that bunny rabbit. turn it around. there you go! yeah turn it around? alright. did you find it. there you go. turn it around. turn it around. there you go. there it goes. aha. and the big one's supposed to go there. turn it around. turn it around just start over and do like that. you got ta get the big puzzle piece. there you go. sally. well brittany you're playing with the other thing now. and the birds and the bunny rabbit and the fox. yeah there's one missing it's over there somewhere. it's over there somewhere! over there there's a piece coming out. yeah those are ducks. ducks! stop! brittany you play with the house thing now you get over there. yeah huh. yeah right there. turn it on around? i don't know how to play it. turn it on around. turn it around? turn it around keep sliding it around till it fits in there. there. that goes on the rabbit. see it. that goes over the frogs. aha? mama all of the mail. no that goes on the birds. see the birds. turn it around. there you go. it's over there. mama do you turn the letters around? yeah. oh. now look here's some. what is that? no that don't go right there. aha what is that. mama what you do with this. there what's that. mama that's where you put the lady at. that's where you put the lady at mama. mama is that where you put the tickets. where are the tickets? i don't know. aha there's the puppy dogs. what's that? fish. you're gonna get your fingers? no now you get over there to your thing. sally look. look sally sally sally look. get in there tom. now you hush? now. you just play and mind your own business. sally messed up the road. where's the frog? there's some more over here i think. there it is. look a there what is that old thing. a frog. a big old frog he's got big legs ain't he? yeah big old frog. a big stupid frog. what is this sally? a what. oh a little puppy and a big dog? big dog. katie play with me. now what are you whining for. what's them? what is he sally? policeman. what's that man got on his head? what's he? cook. no that's an astronaut? astronaut? that's the mailman? and this is a mailman. the little beetle bug's going up and down up and down. he's messing with the stuff? beetle bug beetle bug beetle bug? i don't like you doing that. that's a doctor that's a fireman. who's that? huh. no you've got the thing upside down. it ain't got no things on it does it. we'll have to dump this one out. who is that? mama i don't want to do this puzzle. brittany that's not nice. i don't want it in the way. there let's put mickey mouse on it. there's his shoe? donald duck goes up there. sally i got your man. he goes right there? see his hand. yeah it does? uh oh. there it is. now? mama come help me play this? up here right here. okay. right here. yeah? what is he sally? what is he? doctor. that goes right there that's an astronaut? mama tom wants to play with this? tom wants to play with this. there you go. mama i don't know how to play this. here. no that was right. try it in another one. try another hole. yay. here now you wanna do this one. you wanna do this one? okay. mama that's when they go to the store? one? mama that's when they go to the store. conductor okay? mama that's when they go to the store. okay? whoa? did you fall down. what is that? want to take it off. huh. okay. mama i wanna see how to play. mama come help me play. sally. she can play too now don't be that way. no she can't. yes she can. no she can't. yes she can. no she can't. sally you wanna play with this. sally you wanna play with this. sally you wanna play with this. sally you wanna play with this? sally you want to play with this? sally you wanna play with this. now watch. look sally. sally. i want it. no you get back okay. i want it? now sally can play with the cars. i have to wind it up a bunch. you got it. make some room for him to run! eh? well put him on the floor? oh on the floor. go. stop sally. no now you wanted the big bird. you have to share. get over there and round them ponies up. he's got ta go up here. no. going up here going up here going up here? why don't you round them ponies up? what? line up those ponies? turn that basket upside down. line them up. they can have a beauty contest. huh! have a beauty contest. yeah! don't throw him. oh i like this one with ice cream on it. and these and these two. you got baby ones. yep i got baby ones? i got these? got these two? yeah he can use the phone? mama? mama look i wanna make that? okay you make that. make that oh. i'm gonna make a porch. make a red porch and a yellow porch. get out the way ponies? oh they comb her hair. you have a comb. i'm gonna brush the other one. green haired pony. hum. where's some more? they're probably on the inside. look inside them doors. open them doors and look in there! i'm looking just wait a minute! there's one. there's two. oh this is a pretty pony. nice colors. that's it. okay. that's the mail? aha? i don't know. in there somewhere. boom shut him in there. that's the firetruck. here's the taxi driver? mama. that was the mailman's truck. it don't matter. mama. what you need? a comb? look out. uh oh did it fall out. yeah it won't fall there. this car's gonna drive down the hole. hunhunh. aha. uh oh. oh no. whoop? it's falling down again. want the mailman to come pick it up. the mail trucks come to take them. aha. what you making? a road. a road? yeah with these on it? come here let me show you. it's called a slinky. um. i want it. let brittany have a turn and then you can have a turn. okay. oh. neato. i'm gonna walk it. huh. yeah. yeah. okay here. put them put them right here sally. i'll do it for you. let me hold it. there you go! put it right down there. gonna put it on the road. what is it? i don't know how to do it mama? here let it walk down. wait a minute let me show you what it does. what is that? it's okay come back. wait. it's a slinky. sally give me that. gonna clap. yeah clapping. it's grandma mama. how did it get so many tangles in it? alright now? here wait a minute let me show you something. sally. sally it ain't funny? now. give me that i'll do it? brittany. do you want to go in the back for a minute? alright then. here you let brittany play with that and me and you will do something else. here sally put these blocks in there. here sally can you do the blocks. mama? there it goes. put you up there. just hold it like that. stand right there on the rug not on me. now hold it like this? wait a minute just hold still. don't do like this blow it. there you go. blow it. mama what is these things. mama what does these things do. blow hard. stay still blow hard. mama these in that. these in that? little men slide down the poles. oh. stop. don't holler? he can't go in the hole. can't go in the hole. well you got to there. uh oh. what? what? now look this stupid thing. i don't need it to the airport store? well you don't have to holler. stop sally. stop. come here. look at this little bee. sally look at this little bee. stop. now you're mighty grouchy? hum. you wanna do this? what you want me to do? take it off? you can't take this off if i can get this knot out. like that. okay? oh he fell down. huh. the baby. what baby? yeah. go get the baby. yeah i guess so. mama how do you do this? mama i can't do that? you can do that later. see how there's toys here on this table there's this girl. and ernie can see where they are now right. i'm gonna put this blindfold on ernie so he can't see the toys on the table? okay. look over here? what happened what did the girl do? watch again okay? you have to tell ernie what happened? what did the girl do? what does she do with the baby? the baby gone? the baby was in. and what did the lady do did she take the baby out? okay why don't we try another one. roman this is not for play. okay what happened what did the lady do. what did the lady do? when did she do that? she did. why don't we try another one okay? that's the baby huh. what's that baby doing in the car? yeah that's a big boy. yeah he's stuck. oh they are happy? is that baby crying. i thought they were gone. the horse is happy? where did that doggie go? yeah they found each other again. they are do you like chickens. do you like blue? is he okay now? what is this? you silly? that's not a chicken. he's sleeping? what's the lady doing? is she walking or running? what's she doing? is she pushing the stroller. what are these kids doing? yes they're swinging. you'll have to tell me what is that. what is it? yes he's reaching the sun. that's a dolphin. are we all done with the chalkboard. what's that? what do they eat? why is that funny. it looks this it's going to fall off there. you need a little more roman? talk or sing a song or something. this is may the fifteenth and it's after breakfast and laura and i are having a little chat. maybe. what would you like to talk about? well. what shall we have a talk about? about the tape recorder? do you like the tape recorder? why do you like the tape recorder? you like it because it's bad? what did it do that's bad? at the hospital. do you know where you're gonna go today? gesundheit. for a few minutes. what do you like to do at school? oh. you like that car. anything else you like? for me. and then where do we go? that's kind of fun isn't it? in a minute. you sing me a song. huh? what did you do to your nose? laura? what is the yelling about? i was not. why. oh jo will let you use it? is he. shake your feet. okay. it's may the sixteenth. okay. i want to hope you daddy. that's nice of you but i can do it myself. aha. there's no salt. oh. i'll help you with that. okay. go ahead. give her the salt. one little shake is all you need. it'll ruin your egg. that's plenty. laura the salt comes out very fast. you just need that little bit. okay. here's pepper. shh shh. not so loud. everybody. let's see if everybody could be ehrm. whisper. talk normally. i talking talking normally. did you do it? alright. for when you you do it. he sat next to you there for when you have no more pepper? is that what you're doing? oh. that's what i understood you just said. could you pour me some milk please? oh. maybe we could sometimes sing when we're going to our house. aha. uh. here we go to jack's house. to jack's house. to jack's house. here we go to jack's house. we'll be on our way. we'll be on our way. who do you sing that with? ah. and we did yesterday. when we're going to get your house? mhm. yeah. is that what you said? and we'll be on our way. for goodness sakes'. and sometimes we go here we go to nobody's house. oh boy. dad gotta tell you a secret. oh. oh. no. i didn't know that. that was a fast year. mm. is he two yet? yeah. he was two may the seventh. no. do it do it carefully. aha. go on. what? when you? okay. alright. aah. so. you did? huh. no. will it be dark when we go home? uhh. just about. yes. getting dark? no. oh. is tomorrow friday? tomorrow's thursday. i still couldn't find it. ooh. me too? yeah. after. before she fed the hamster? after. when we pick you up? from school? no. it's on a saturday. it's on a saturday. is she coming too? yes. can i have some more toast mommy? can i put some toast on? yes. we ate all of that toast up. you have to find another one. what? you have to find a different kind of toast. uh. uh. ah. yeah. thank you. i see it daddy's fork. oh. i wanna have some of these muffins. oh. save those for our breakfast tomorrow. you can eat a piece of wholewheat toast. okay? because tomorrow i'm gonna be in a hurray in making breakfast. so you can have an apple ring or a piece of orange. no. not this afternoon. this evening. yes. you're going there this afternoon at three thirty. yes. that's where you're going whether you wanna go or you don't wanna go. uh. honey you have to go. yes. you're going. yes. you're both going. get a piece of wholewheat toast. okay. no. you don't need to. okay. i heard you. you're full. that's my fault. yeah. thank you very much laura. laura. you say that to me. that's very nice of you. that was very nice of you. you share your part with jack. you share your part with jack. good. very nice of you. that was nice of you laura. i do not want my toast burnt. i doubt that it will burn. what's all that jumping? that's. oh. i hope not. does laura have a cough? no. do i have a cough? i cough a little bit. laura doesn't. ha ha ha ha. no. you don't. laura! not now girls! in my ear. no! i want. no. girls i want you to stop shouting! laura's a crybaby. i do not. you do. yes. laura get rid of the pepper. give it to daddy please. noone listens. nobody listens. nobody listens here. don't you hit! i am not. don't you hit. no. no i want it. you didn't like it? let me finish my breakfast. i wanna kiss you. no. nobody wants kisses now. they wanna eat breakfast. no. no. you know. if you're finished you can go out and play. if you're not finished sit in your chair. oh. laura? may i have some pepper please? laura? of course. have a piece of bread laura. she has some already. let's sit at the table to eat that laura. laura. alright. that will be alright but it's cold out. i would prefer you to sit at the table. the bread. anywhere but outside. what? oh. you don't mind. alright. tonight at missus gluck's house. okay. no it doesn't get louder. yes. yes. would that be fun? at the mall. yeah. that is a good question. this poor tea set we don't know where anything is. do you think we should go later and get you a new tea set? what do you think? i know? you need a new tea pot because we can't find your old one. hm. boy oh boy. i don't even know where another cup is. although it's probably hiding somewhere around here. let's see you were playing with one with gabby yesterday right. oy remind mommy to clean under the couch later? my coffee. oh my gosh lily look who i found under the couch. huh. thomas. that's a good question. let's see. look here's the little squirrel. ooh. whoo? how about that? oh. great? my goodness i didn't know this much stuff could fit under a couch? my gosh what's mommy's measuring cup doing under the couch. that's crazy. doo doo. your flower puzzle. right? how about that? that's neat? oh it's for you and me? great. a dress for polly? hm. he does. oh my gosh. this is like finding all new toys? i haven't found percy yet. i'm still looking. ah who's that. jake the snake? hm. we haven't found percy we'll have to keep looking. here's your magic spoon. wow? that's great. i know i don't see percy either. we will need to keep looking for percy. in the mean time. mommy is going to have a lil coffee? doo doo doot d doot doot do. doo doo doot doo. doot da da. hm hm hm? hm hm hm hm? what sweetie pie? i'm just making my drink. really. i'm back. i'm back? what are you playing with? i did? we haven't found percy yet. we'll need to keep looking. you mean percy. we'll need to keep looking for percy. right. you are right. and what color is james? red. you're right. what color is henry? green too. right. what's your snake doing? ah? he's falling into thin air. just like harold right. right. you know what. you're funny. yoink. oh you need a rope to pull him out. is he stuck in the sticky mud. yeah. there is a green bed. oh my goodness. hello. ah where is the other red bed. hm? i oh it's right over there sweets? right near bear? see where bear is honey. there's the red bed. would you like to read a book sweetie. ah is the oven already i thought i put the oven in the house already. is it upstairs? oh there it is? oh there. there it is. where is the clock? it is. mommy's gonna pull your yoink pants up. there it is. what time is it? what time does the clock say it is? is it breakfast time. it is. what do you like to eat for breakfast? you like to eat grilled cheese for breakfast. oh? that's yummy. do you like to eat grilled cheese for lunch? mhm? oh! hm. oh that looks good? yes. hm. that way. mhm. that's your giraffe? alec likes the giraffes to doesn't he. where do you go see giraffes with alec? at the zoo. and who usually what kind of bird lives with the giraffes at the zoo. what's that bird? are you poopie. is what kind what's that tall bird? with the black feathers and the white feathers on the tushie? is that the ostrich. yeah. yeah. you did see the sea lions at the aquarium well you saw the sea lions at the zoo and the aquarium didn't you. you saw elephants. you saw lions? where did we see lions? hm i don't think we have lions in our zoo? but we did see it in the book about corduroy goes to the zoo. he saw lions. right. maybe it's in the basket. are you ready for your diaper change. i think it should be in there. hm i think it should be in there somewhere. would you like to read a different book. what's another book we can read together? okay. how about we change your diaper first? i don't think you're gonna wanna sit down if you have a poopie diaper. lil miss spider. okay but first mommy has to change your diapie. yeah. well i wouldn't like a dirty diaper either? i would like a nice clean diaper. how about you? i think so. i think so. let's see. whoop? what's this? what is this? who's on the huh? grover? what's he doing? he's with a monkey. where is he? in that jungle. wow? that's great. that's terrific. you know what. you know what? i love you. okay let's change the diapie and then mommy will read to you. what? oh hey yeah the little babies were going to eat miss spider? but betty beetle saved her? right? yay betty beetle. ray betty beetle. okay let's change the diaper. and then we'll read a book? let's slide over here. come here angel? yeah. quick diaper change? yeah well. poopie diaper. poopie diaper. poopie diaper. now i need more wipes. okay well you wanna lie down. just for a lil bit on your funny backpack? oh that's crazy. whoa? poopie diaper poopie diaper? that is your tushie? right alec has a penis but he has a tushie too? and daddy has a penis right? and so does alec. all boys do. right. it's true? and what do girls have. well girls have tushies and girls also have a vagina. right? just like in your prudence book. where's your what oh your prudence book? we'll have to look for your prudence book. prudence has a tushie and prudence has a vagina. she's a girl. she loves to sit on her potty. doesn't she? does she pee and poop on her potty? yeah. can mom have a kiss. hey where's my kiss. i love you. where is percy? goodness gracious? is percy hiding from us. chugga chugga choo choo. chugga chugga choo choo. right percy is green. and thomas is blue. and you need your pants on. can you hold on to the table for me for a sec? thanks sweets? oh it's a lil blue ball. where did that come from? oh! that's your hanukkah ball. would you like to read your good night gorilla book. alright. climb on up. climb on up. who's that? you know what that's actually the zoo keeper right. he's the one that takes care of all the animals at the zoo? but he is wearing a uniform like a police officer. but his is green. what's what's the zoo keep? and right zoo keeper is wearing green pants? and a green shirt and green hat? and keys? he has a flash light? mhm. right all those different color keys. and blue too. good night gorilla says the zoo keeper. and the gorilla is taking his keys isn't he? uh what's the gorilla doing? he's following the zoo keeper very quietly. good night elephant? the elephant has a babar doll. you're right. oh he has a ball and queen celeste is on the ball. the elephant is out of it's cage. and the gorilla is taking the lion out? good night lion. uh oh. good night hyena. good night giraffe. oh they're all coming out of their cages? good night. remember who that is? armadillo. good night armadillo. the armadillo is out too. and they're all following the zoo keeper home? that is so silly. and they're all walking inside? and they're all gonna go to sleep in the zoo keepers room with the zoo keeper and his wife. that is so silly? good night dear says his wife. good night good night good night good night good night good night good night. good night? good night. good night? good night. good night. good night. good night? that's a lot of good nights? uh oh. who is in that room? she sees all the animals. uh marches them right back. good night zoo. i know. the gorilla's following her back home? is that silly. i know a little tiny mouse carrying a banana. oh my goodness? that says good night zoo. she says good night dear. and he says good night? that says good night. good night gorilla. that says zzzzz he's sleeping. zzzzz? they're all sleeping in the zoo. uh there's the armadillo? where's the what? yup. they're all in the zoo. yes. inside their cages. would you like to get another book. to read together. what looks good? hm i don't know. hm. hm. is there a lil seed on your lollipop. what's a seed doing there? let me see? it is oh goodness. that does look like a lil tiny seed doesn't it. what's that? oh just dirty i guess. a lil schmutz. yeah. let me just fix your backpack. mhm. huh hm. what book would you like to read? i got your hanukkah ball. what are you looking at? it's an intellitable. it is. you're right. what sweetie? oh how do you spell daddy. d a d d y? uh huh? mm hm. do you want me to write it on a piece of paper so you can see it? okay let me get a piece of paper? and a crayon and i will show you how to write it? okay. let's find a piece of paper. okay what should we spell? okay? do you wanna spell daddy? do you wanna spell gabby? can you tell me what this says? it does say lily? very good. okay can you tell me what this says. that does say gabby. you're right. lots of princess stickers? lots of stickers. should i spell hm? should i spell another word for you? let's see if you know what. that says mommy. mommy. and. that. that does say daddy? daddy. daddy? that says daddy. you're absolutely right? very good. very good. should we read your lil miss spider book. okay? very very good honey. you are a great reader. you're great. little miss spider popped pout of her egg? swinging down from a thread she hung on by one leg. watching brothers and sisters all scooting for cover. she dangled there wondering where is my mother? did she squeeze down a hole or dive under water. why won't she come out here and meet her new daughter. she climbed to the tippy top of a tree? gazing out on the world she sobbed where can mom be? a beetle named betty buzzed by this high perch. a child needs a mother may i please help you search? that's beetle betty. i don't know for sure but. yeah i don't know for but she doesn't know that. i don't know for sure but i'll offer this clue if i were your mother i'd be looking for you. they flew through the trees spying down from the sky. and asked all the butterflies fluttering by. but none of the insects they happened upon had any idea where her mother had gone. that is a lady bug. she then asked a small spider as plump as a pig. have you seen my mom she's like me only big. the sly spider laughed. that is a spider. as he gobbled his snack. up there is a mother who's yellow and black? with a heart full of joy she peered over the straw. but it wasn't her mother that miss spider saw. it was six hungry hatchlings and a goldfinch who cried. your dinner is here darlings so open up wide. yikes. oh they think miss spider is their dinner. before she could. she was whisked out of sight and brave bittle brave beetle betty was hugging her tight. oh goodness. betty saved her. in her warm cozy home. she did. in her warm cozy home in the bark of a tree. the kind beetle asked won't you stay here with me. then miss. then miss spider smiled and held betty fast. i looked for my mom and i found you at last. for finding your mother there's one certain test. you must look for the creature who loves you the. best. very good. that's a great book. you wanna read this one again? little miss spider popped out of her egg. swinging down from a thread she hung on from one. leg. watching brothers and sisters all scooting for cover. she dangled there wondering where is my. right. did she squeeze down a hole or dive under water. why won't she come out here and meet her new. right. she climbed to the tippy top of a tree? gazing out into the world she sobbed. that's a pine cone. right. where could mom be? i child needs a mother may i help you search. i don't know for sure but i'll offer this clue? if i were your mom i'd be looking for you. they flew through the trees spying down from the sky. and asked all the butterflies fluttering by. lots of butterflies. but none of the insects they happened upon had any idea where her mother had gone. she then asked a small spider and plump as a pig. have you seen my mom she's like me only big! the sly spider laughed as she gobbled his snack. up there is a mother who's yellow and black. with a heart full of joy she peered over the straw. it wasn't her mother that miss spider saw. yikes. six hungry hatchlings and a. a gold finch. they thought miss spider was dinner? and the mommy tried to feed miss spider to her babies. your dinner's here darling so open up wide. huh. well before she could. well look. beetle betty saved her. before she could blink she was whisked out of sight. brave beetle betty was hugging her. tight. right. in her warm cozy home in the bark of a tree. the kind beetle asked won't you stay here with me. then miss spider smiled and held beetle fast. i looked for my mom and i found you. at last. for finding your mother there's one certain test? you must look for the creature who loves you the. very good. the best? the best. you wanna get another book? okay? okay! huh. what book is this? horton hatches the egg. wow. side lazy aside mazy a lazy bird hatching an egg. i'm tired and i'm bored and i have kinks in my leg? from sitting just sitting here day after day. it's work how i hate it i'd much rather play. i'd take a vacation fly off for a rest. if i could find someone to stay on my nest. if i could find someone i'd fly away free. do you wanna read chester's way instead? okay? chester's way? chester had his own way of doing things? he always cut his sandwiches diagonally. he always got out of bed on the same side? and he never left the house without double knotting his shoes. chester always had the same thing for breakfast. toast with jam and peanut butter. and he always carried a miniature first aid kit in his back pocket? just in case. you definitely have a mind of your own said chester's mother! that's one way to put it said chester's father! chester's best friend wilson was exactly the same way. that's why they were best friends. chester wouldn't play baseball unless wilson played and they never swung at the first pitch or slid head first? wilson wouldn't ride his bicycle unless chester wanted to and they always used hand signals. if chester was hungry wilson was to. but they rarely ate between meals. some days i can't tell those two apart said wilson's mother? me either said wilson's father. chester and wilson wilson and chester. that's the way it was. they loved to go on picnics. once when wilson accidentally swallowed a watermelon seed and cried because he was afraid a watermelon plant would grow inside him. chester swallowed one to. don't worry said chester if you grow a watermelon plant i'll grow one to. chester duplicated his christmas list every year and gave a copy to wilson because they always wanted to same things anyway. for halloween they would always dress as things that went together. salt and pepper shakers two mittens on a string. ham and eggs. they really are two peas in a pod said chester's mother. looks like it chester's father. in spring chester and wilson shared the same umbrella. in winter they never threw snowballs at each other. in fall they raked leaves together. and in summer they reminded each other to wear sun screen to they wouldn't burn. chester and wilson wilson and chester. that's the way it was. and then lily moved into the neighborhood. lily had her own way of doing things. let's not hurt your teeth okay honey. she wore bandaids all over her arms and legs to look brave. she talked backwards to herself sometimes so no one would know what she was saying? and she never left the house without one of her nifty disguises? lily waved at all the cars that passed by even if she didn't know who was in them? and she always carried a loaded squirt gun in her back pocket just in case? she definitely has a mind of her own said chester? that's one way to put it said wilson. when lily asked chester and wilson to play they said they were busy? when she called them at home they disguised their voices and said they weren't home? if lily was walking on one side of the street chester and wilson crossed to the other side and hid? she's something else said chester. looks like it said wilson. one day when chester and wilson were practicing their hand signals. some older boys rode by. well those are some older boys who rode by and they circled. well that's an older boy and he's not very nice? that's wilson and chester? and that's an older boy? and that's an older boy. chester and wilson didn't know what to do. right. chester and wilson didn't know what to do. just when they were about to give up hope a fierce looking cat with horrible fangs jumped out of the bushes and frightened the older boys away. are you who i think you are chester asked the cat? of course the cat replied. thank you lily said chester. thank you cat. you're welcome chester said lily. thank you lily said wilson? right? she was. you're welcome wilson said lily. i'm glad you were wearing a disguise said chester. and i'm glad you had your squirt gun said wilson. i always do said lily. just in case. afterward chester invited lily over for lunch. you have a muscle mouse cup said lily? of course said chester. i do too. right there see he's holding his cup? oh her her cup must be at her house. chester and wilson cut their sandwiches diagonally? lily asked chester's mother if she had cookie cutters and she made stars and flowers and bells. mhm. and a flower right. is that a flower shape sort of. right. right. mhm. right? that night lily invited chester and wilson to sleep over? you have a night light said chester. of course said lily. right there. wow? chester and wilson wanted toast with jam and peanut butter for breakfast the next morning. boring said lily? try this instead. wow this is good said chester. wow said wilson. after that when lily asked chester and wilson to play they said yes. right? that's right. sometimes i can't tell these three apart said lily's mother? me either said lily's father. chester and wilson and lily lily and wilson and chester. that's the way it was. right right. drums. you're right. you're right. chester has a purple balloon. wilson has a pink balloon and a drum. lily has a broom. you're absolutely right? for halloween they dressed as the three blind mice? for christmas lily gave chester and wilson nifty disguises. well i think this is chester because he's brown? this is lily because she's white. and this is wilson because he's grey. right right chester right chester is wearing one of lily's boots. and wilson is wearing the other one of lily's boots. you have a drippy lollie. right a big picture. in spring chester wilson and lily shared the same umbrella. in winter they never threw snowballs at each other. in fall they raked leaves together. and in summer they reminded each other to wear sun screen so they wouldn't burn? chester and wilson and lily. lily and wilson and chester. that's the way it was. and then victor moved into the neighborhood. victor? okay is the other one over there? oh. oh my goodness look at your big animal book. should we read this one. animal fun? let's see. who's sound? which animal says moo. the cow. which of these animals says woof. doggie. which animal of these says bah. right? and which of these animals says quack quack. right? oh my goodness. let's see? right the babies and the mommies. who's baby is the lil chick? who's the chicks mommy? the chicken. yeah. and who's the ducklings mommy. the duck. yeah. and who's mommy is the lil lamb. who's the lil lamb's mommy? the mommy sheep. and the baby foal belongs to the horse right. mm hm. oh is that a daddy horse. oh. and a baby one. oh look at the doggies. wow. look at those doggies. wow. oh boy. can you find the orange lion? there's the orange lion. can you find the green crocodile? there's the green crocodile? what's this? a buffalo. right. can you find the purple flamingo? there's the purple flamingo. but flamingo's aren't really purple right? what color are flamingos? right? that one's a pink a green and a purple one and a green one. can you find the pink monkey? where's the pink monkey? uh there he is. what's he doing? oh my gosh. he's climbing a tree. right. right. oh boy. right. oh. wow. oo look at the shapes. can you find the circle? can you find the circle in that picture? that's the circle right. that is a circle. in this? right. can you? that is a triangle. you're right. can you find a huh huh huh huh huh could you a rectangle? that is a rectangle. you're right. that is a that is a trap uh that is a pentagon. hello. hello. okay. okay? that's a pentagon. okay. um lily has her brown study now. yeah. okay. okay! let's see. can you find a star? there's a star? right? can you find a cube? do you know what a cube looks like? yes that is a cube. right? these are all cubes? right? that's a lot of oranges. do you wanna count the oranges? wow. that's a lot of oranges? right two apples. do you wanna go get another book to read? he has blue feet? oh. wow. and a beautiful rainbow. wow. would you like to go get another book sweetie. oh boy. ouch. that's not so good for your teeth is it. it's good to lick it. right? what's that? who's that? huh that is the x ray. that's gaspar's skeleton. oh that is gaspar's hospital room. that is gaspar's doctor? his name is dr white. because he wears a white coat? what's the name of this book? gaspar in the hospital. okay. last summer i was gaspar the dog walker? when our neighbors went on vacation i walked their dogs? that what sweetie? that puppy is pooping? right. and what about the other puppies. what kind of puppy is that? a small one? a bigga bee. right? a big one and a small one. guess what i bought with the money they gave me? a key chain with a little race car. that's his little key chain? it's a little race car. everyone at school wanted it. but it was mine. i was scared someone would steal it. i'm not dumb. i knew the perfect place to hide it? i put the key chain in my mouth. oh no i swallowed it. oh honey honey let's not drip the lollie all over okay sweets. sweetie yikes. yikes? the lollie is getting messy. oh honey honey honey honey. honey sweets. honey. oh my gosh i've never seen such a messy lollie in my life. oh my gosh. oh my goodness? that's one whoopsie. hm? suddenly i felt very sick. our teacher was worried. what happened gaspar she asked? but i didn't answer? i was? oh he swallowed his key chain. oh he swallowed his key chain and now he was a tummy ache. my teacher called an ambulance. and the ambulance people put me on a stretcher? they asked me what happened but i still didn't want to tell? well his name is mike. and i think his name is joe? think so. yeah. it was a little hard to explain why i put a key chain in my mouth. they took me to the hospital? i had a big room all to myself? the nurse took off my white scarf and put a white gown on me. don't worry she said we'll take good care of you. it won't hurt. but i was still a little scared. especially when she took me to the x ray room. he's a little bit scared! want to start with that? oh big legos travis. big. you want the ponies out. okay. i want that. there you go. here let me set them over here for you kalie right here. do you want that? here's the tool set. see the tool set. yes. yeah. well i don't know. oh kalie look. you haven't seen that one have you? isn't that pretty. oh okay. i've seen this before. i've seen this before miss kathy. aha. oh look at this. look at this it looks like a diamond doesn't it. travis what do you have. you have a drink french fries and a hamburger you have your meal don't you. i have my meal to eat. don't put it on don't put your mouth on it just pretend. don't put your mouth on the hamburger. yeah? yeah eat hamburgers? oh mama look. oh there's the diamond look. here's another one. see. mama look these are just alike? oh? i wish i could keep it? no hunhunh? ice cream. oh yum yum? what's that? it's a squeaker. it has a bear on it. look a bunch of french fries travis? hamburger. yeah another hamburger. yeah this could be just like an army tank. aha? look at these tennis shoes. watch them. mama they really turn into a army tank hamburger. they do? this could be the army of hamburgers. this could be the army of hamburgers. army of hamburgers okay. yeah army of hamburgers. look here you haven't seen that one have you? no he's a spray man. look watch. well don't throw it. aw look at this little baby? he wants you? okay. yeah it's a bear. look at this horsie you didn't see this new horse isn't that pretty. you have to drill. oh now you're going to drill the pony? because her hair's stuck together. drills make holes? put the drill together. and put a screw in. kalie put a screw in. ew. what is it? he's going in the truck. well who is him? oh. i. oh. it is full of bubbles and they're exploding. hum. look at his army. i think there is only one ice cream cone isn't there? see if there is mama. i don't see any more. what? the hammer. hammering. what is that one? oh poor pony. poor pony he's getting hammered. here you gonna work on them. he looks ugly to me. he looks pretty ugly to me too. what'd you put in there? this is a block? animal we are your servants? let me see turn around and let me see? i call this the chair i call this the chair with. turn around the let me see. that's a ruler see the ruler on there measure your pony there you go. turn around this way how long is it. you don't know? measure it and see? oh fix his hair. aha. there's another baby one. aha. ssh ssh ssh. why don't you turn around this way. oh these are rulers of the earth. aha. and you is not mama i want to see if. i don't think there's another hamburger. there are more french fries? you got a french fry team and a hamburger team. yeah a french fry team? see. open your french fries you have three french fries and three hamburgers. right? right! i'm winding them up. okay? i'm winding them up. then you have the. you supposed to have his head up. the drink the ice cream. no they don't shoot they don't shoot? oh they don't. no? let me see. yes he does shoot he can be the army he can be the army teacher. what kalie? what are you looking for? another brush? is it behind you? look right there. right there and here's another one right here. okay. okay brush him. his arms come up don't they. yeah see? he's the slider? he's the slider? yeah because i know. he can slide around. he can knock things down. you didn't open up your other french fries. oh there they have a head too don't they. yes they do. well you didn't open his head. there we go look. look mama? look mama put his feet up sit down. it sure is. a what. fish she said. i know it. she's being silly. what is this? look. does that look like a fish. owl. an owl what is this. yeah he stinks he's a skunk. yeah skunks stink. what is that? look at it! look at it what is it travis. i don't know. a reindeer? a reindeer. see his horns. does his face move in and out. he's gonna have to be the servant teacher. no don't take travis's? transformers. food changeables. food changeables aha. transformers. what's in here? legos. you can build something really big with these look. you want to do them? here? here you can have the bucket? oh you want the saw? i thought you wanted the legos. look travis put these legos together. they have a ladder. a ladder over here see? set these things on top of each other. you know what? what? this gonna fly a man all over the place? you can build something to hide in. like this. yeah. yeah mama. that'd be great. yeah. you can put the heads up in there and see it? this man here can watch out and make sure to see if anybody is coming. yeah this can be their servants these two these can be their servants. okay? build us something to hide in? okay well you're not going to help me? yeah i could do the top? i could do the top. you can do the top. yeah i can do the top in a minute. french fries can be the guard? okay. french fries can be the guard. french fries can be the guard? this gonna be the castle. the castle. alright. the castle of food changeables. food changeables. alright. food changeables? and the raisin could be the bad guy? the raisin could be the bad guy. no what could be the bad guy. huh and his horse. kalie. don't touch her stuff. you don't love the white one! you don't love her? come around here travis here's one. he can use this one. give him one which one you gonna let him use. which one do you want to use kalie. travis why you want to do that. because. which one you want him to use. not your stuff? well that's not sharing. that's not sharing when you do that? you supposed to share! hum. did you give up on the castle travis. well no. mam. is that the very top. well it's getting there. this could be their diamond this could be their servant diamond. this could be their shield this could be the thing they ride on in case they can't turn into a shield? okay. yeah this could be the diamond that they ride on. this. yeah that they ride on? okay okay french fries are the guards? yeah french fries are the guards? well what's gonna live in there? uh these. put them in. and that's the other. where's the other one? that could be in there? aha? sit right here now. where the top mama? now look all your little ponies. they could be a gozzle top to scare the bad man. there a gozzle top. okay. mama take long stuff? huh. is there any long stuff in here. you can fix it how you want it. is there any long stuff. this can be a long thing? look at this. oh uh oh that fell in? well let's fix it fix it real easy. uh oh the man fell off. this could be the master's guard and someone could be coming right now. the raisin is arriving yeah? raisins raisins is arriving. okay? and put their servants in mama put their servants in put their masters in that. that's not a master? oh. these are the guards. what is the master then? these. oh? are. okay. these are in the back uh oh. put these in like this? yes you do. mama i'll be putting the servants in there. i'll be moving them first. okay. here's the servant. the servants are in the back. bad men are in the front? okay put the talker on. this could be their the servants. things that they found they could be in the back? these things could be in the back. aha. them ones could be in the back? the guard things be in the back. put my thing on here because this is a guzzle that you. a guzzle. a guzzle? a guzzle. oh? you supposed to be combing the raisin doll? alright we need to put this man way up here so he can he'll be in the tall tower. where's he go let's turn his face around? you can't turn it. i thought the raisins were coming this away. in a minute here they are. oh you already put them on the other side. going to see someone. their steering systems are turned down that means they can't fly a bee. right. bzzzzz. okay. where you going? they need their pen okay? and they rattle bzzzz. they don't have their steering system. the driving thing works good bzzzz? well good. now get a knock. look what you did. pick it up. after you went to all that trouble. aha. boy i wished i hadn't done that? i wished you hadn't too. somehow other it didn't go back together the same way let's see what happened here. i need one more side. you do. yeah. here we'll put this right here that'll block that opening. now. now put a big top on? now? make it bigger mama. well that's as big as that's all the legos we have. well i'll bring you some? there is no more look? uh oh. we could get these. we could get these? well them are little ones? well we could use them? them are what? angels? now you're set. you want that out of his hair. uh oh uh oh. they are gonna have to fly away with their diamond. where is the diamond? oh sister look what you did. you did it on purpose? she she didn't see her knee hit just like yours did awhile ago? bzzzz. cut. it sure is. kalie where is the other one. i don't see it. bad men again bad men bad men? attack yaar. these men are supposed to knock the castle down? well go ahead if you want to but i'm not fixing it. i knock that part down? kalie here are the horse pens do you want me to build you some horse pens. okay you gonna help me. you gonna help me. mama these men are supposed to be hiding? okay ready. stick them together. they're supposed to be hiding because. you know why? why. because i've got the diamond. oh no? oh no. the castle fell down. oh no? can you do it? push hard. the castle back together? good slide back. huh. okay get your horses. uh oh. yeah. i can make it very good mama. i know you can. i can make it very very very good. aha. okay kalie look. big horse pen. don't mess it. travis? i wanna fly this. travis that wasn't very nice. you messed it up. he messed it up. okay. the big bee is the buddy of the little bear. aha. the little bear could be their buddy. let's see right over here look. sit right there. the big bear likes to knock it. is that their food. is that where you feed them. here use the smaller one it will fit in there see. hum. you need that one. okay right over here there. pretend that these rocks are their food. mama guess what. what? i found helmets on them helmets. i like them. aha? they're little and they have helmets. yeah i like them too. what do you want? what? wanna pretend that this is some of their food too. put in your feed bowls. and dump it in there to them. aha it will fit right there. knock the castle down knock the horses castle down. no you will not? it's their castle why not. you are not going to knock the horse's pen over. they could be the. this is sister's horse pen. mama. that? mama guess what. they can be bad horses. no they are all good horses. no they can be bad horses. ew okay let's see if we can put it right there. yeah and that could be my transformers. and they could get in and watch the horses! you have to ask sister. kalie can i can my transformers watch the horses. okay they will. now i call these the chairs. go in there. it won't fit it's too big. some of them have their hair messy why don't you brush their hair. hey beaches? whoa? beaches wants to get where the transformers are. big transformers. the baby horse wants to be in the army. the baby horse does. it does it's saying ah transformer. is that all the toys. you wanna to do a puzzle? yeah big bad wolf puzzle. do the big bad wolf. i'm not you are here. do you do puzzles at school? no but i saw some. but you saw some. here. this one is an animals all the animals are down there? animal turtle. right. where is the other animals? don't sit on puzzles they might break. where are the other animals? look turn them over look? ew they're good! yeah turn them over and look. dog and puppy. duck geese. squirrels. let me see that's right turn them over. so you can see look a there? frog he goes there frog frog frog. aha. where's that other one? bunny rabbit. fish now i'll count them one two three four eight nine. what did you say? start again? one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven? that's good? twelve fourteen. twelve thirteen? twelve thirteen. fourteen. thirteen fourteen. aha? sixteen seventeen eighteen hey mom i really figured it out didn't i. you did here you need to put the three pigs together! well! come on i'll help you. did my transformers get tired of watching the horses kalie. in other words you don't want to put puzzle back together? huh. mama my little transformer likes to watch this bzzzz. my little transformer's doing this watch bzzzz. i call this chair mama? you do. they're the bad man. the bear is the bad man because he knocked down the castle. oh. i want big bird now these are the two daddies. hunhunh they aren't the daddies yeah they are daddies. these two daddies are gonna watch out for bad men. they are. savages. the savages. i heard them all. you heard them all what. you know. i do. nana's movies. oh nana's on nana's movies. yeah they had the boat on them. i don't know what you're talking about. oh yeah. um it's not tom sawyer it's not huckleberry finn. it's one of the cartoons. oop there goes a piece. okay dump it out? turn them over? okay pick them up and put them in? nope it won't fit there. aha. good turn him around the other way? aha you just wait a minute you just need to move him a little watch your finger watch your finger move him that way there good. mom the pigs are playing. where does he go? right there turn around. good. look where does it look like? yes right there? just like that? slide it back a little there good. where does the kittie cat go? look look at the puzzle come back down here and look. where does that piece go? right. where does the kittie cat go? look at the puzzle and see. that is the fish where does the kittie cat go. look. hunhunh not there. aha kalie travis is showing you the right spot? right there? aha. he has a strong stuff. good. well look at the puzzle and see. no. aha. yeah. good? well look at puzzle and see. yes. good? well look at the puzzle. where does the turtle go? no. aha turn him around good. look look down there. no that doesn't stink that's a squirrel that's not a skunk. that's his tail that squirrel has got a great big tail bushy tail. well look at puzzle and see. aha. yes? just like you was trying to do it? slide it back. well look. what is that? yes they bite? that's a parrot. they bite? they bite your fingers. aha. good. aha. let's see do you want me to read you a book? you do. what kind? ew look i don't think we've read these about a worm. yeah wormy ermy learney derney. lowly learns words his name is lowly. what's that word? what's the picture of? yeah but what's this what's that. apple eat. apple. frog animals. what's this? a house good that's a house right there? mama my baby one's done? okay what's this. you know what it is? car. car and that word's car. aha let's see what's inside this book look. yeah that's a school bus. you're gonna get to ride in one of them one day. i didn't get to ride one. well not until you get to bigger school then you get to ride one. mama look my transformers are all piled up. they're watching. okay? watching. lowly visits farmer pig's farm okay this is farm er pig's farm. i'm reading this one. there's no pigs okay look look wait a minute help sister with these words over here look let me have this one. what is that? a rooster? aha what is that. um a bauch bauch. a hen. a hen? and what is that. chicken. what kind? a little baby what. little baby chicken. little baby chick. aha. travis what is that? a rabbit. you think you might get to hold it? rabbit. good what's that? chick. what's this one? a hoe. that one's a hoe. yeah. no i got to hold it one time. i be very careful with them. with little baby chicks. yes you do. yes i do. you do very careful. very careful. very okay look what's that. sun. sun and what's this big thing. no animals live in it. a barn. good travis. barn. yeah. look here what do they have right here. a button? a button and what's this. i got ta go pee. okay i don't think sister can do this without you? can you do it sister? you want to see a bunch of kittie cats. hum. look? it's a rock. no you don't bite rocks they'll break your teeth? read this one. about the three pigs? we don't have the three pigs. three pigs might be in here you want me to see? we could look let's see. there's. farm animals. uh there's i want a hat like that you want me to read that. okay alright listen you want me to read it travis. do you want to hear grover's? i want a hat like that. yeah. i want a hat like that i grover the trick rider will perform on my trusty tricycle. i want a daredevil helmet. look at that. that's a daredevil helmet. i grover the sailor will sail the ocean blue i want a sea captain's hat. sea captain's hat see. sea captain's hat. yeah. see at bath tub with all them boats and bubbles? how about that? hey look at that big one he had a big one. didn't he. a big sailboat. i grover the detective will follow the clues just like sherlock hemlock. i wanna be a detective's hat. sherlock hemlock. grover. you know grover on sesame street. oh look he's gonna play football. i grover the football player am gonna run for the football on sesame street cyclone team. go team go i want a football helmet see the foot ball helmet? i grover the construction worker will build a tall tower. i want a hard hat. and it might fall on his head so he has a hard hat on so it won't hurt him. i grover astronaut. will blast off into space. no he's not hurt he's in a play rocket! i want a space helmet. ten nine eight seven six five four three two one mommy? i grover the cowboy will ride in the rodeo? whoa boy? i want a cowboy hat? aha. i grover the artist will paint a portrait of my friend. i want an artist's barrette? he sure did you could do that couldn't you travis? i grover the baseball player will throw a super fast ball i want a baseball cap? look mama look look in a sailboat. aha he's in a ship. ship. i grover the firefighter will fight forest fires? i want a fire hat. i grover the actor will star in a play. i want a costume hat? i want a hat like that. look at all them hats. where is fireman? where is the fireman's hat? yep. there's the hard hat there's the cowboy hat and there's the sailor hat. aha. aha. it is. oh boy? alright do you want to hear about the farm animals. yes i don't. let's see. you can. baby duck is looking for mother duck. meow says the kittens? we have not seen your mother. uh oh where is that baby's mama at? well let's see. woof says the puppies to the baby duck. we have not seen your mother. baa say the sheep the lambs? they have not seen mother duck. i wonder where she's at? gobble gobble? say the turkeys they have not seen mother duck. oh no. pony wants to run and play he has not seen mother duck. isn't that a pretty pony? rabbits say nothing baby duck goes on his way. aha? duck. yeah the rabbits got the carrot? rabbits like to eat carrots. mother hen and the chicks have not seen mother duck? cow and her calf have not seen mother duck. but mother pig knows your mother is down by the pond she tells baby duck. you see the pig knew. ready for mother duck. ah there she is. yeah? they are baby ducks they're ducklings. ducklings. and there are baby duck's. brothers and sisters. that's all? put them right back down here. okay mama they still have their heads up? huh. oh that means they still want some books read. uh oh kalie. you think you can do that one. slide back i'll put it out for you okay. turn them all over so you can see what they look like? then we'll start putting them in the puzzle. here's your box when you get through with the book put it back in the box? okay you didn't turn them all over. you have to see what they look like see. okay where does this little pig's head go? how about right here? yes where does this little pig's head go? well. well not like that. i think he goes right here turn him around. no not that way like this? okay alright? i'm reading another after another. okay? where does this one go? well. aha. yes turn it around? his ears have to be up here with the rest of them's ears? this away. okay. they're in an army jeep. yes they are. okay good okay where does this pig's body go. do you know? to that little pig. how do you know? that little pig? he goes with this one. no he doesn't does he. let's see want me to show you. oh look there where does this little pig's body go? ah i think he goes right there where does this little pig go. right there and this one goes right there? and this one goes right there. this one has hair doesn't he. okay and this one has bricks and must go right there. and this one right there. this one right there and where would this one go. you want to put this one in? okay here. oop. turn it around? good alright want to try another one kalie. sit down how about the puppy. okay. alright turn them over. right put their head where it goes. good. where's the baby puppy too? right there's one! where does he go? no he doesn't go there kalie! yes he's jumping. yeah. we'll get him out. oh peanut. get off the table. you're a silly cat. aha. you're using pins. what you working on? okay. no. no. mhm. what do you want? you can get a towel of your own to draw on. no. you can't draw. here's a nice white piece of paper. you could make a beautiful picture. mhm. peanuts wasn't drinking coffee. alright. yeah. you can watch. mhm. aha. what do you want? alright. uh uh. mhm. do you want what? what? what should we sing? is that what you want to sing? i don't know. where does he go? i'm here. aha. what? aha. okay. i don't know where he went. where did he go? after lunch and all that sort of stuff. yes laura. what sweetie? i just went to get something to write with. it's a pen. blue. it's blue. what is which kind? that's black. yes. you can use the black. how's your drawing coming? what are you making a picture of? oh. you are. what are you making? oh. my goodness. you're doing a lot of drawing. we will. we'll hang it on your wall. aha. aha. what do you wanna ta do? you can take the kitten out for a minute. okay. aha. aha. that's sister's frog. aha. what are you trying to find? that's it. no. it's the other way round. uh. no. these are mummy's pens. let go. aha. no. that's not safe for laura. what would you like? you want juice or do you want milk? honey. no. you can have orange juice. uh. do i want orange juice? do i have orange juice? just a second. just a minute laura. yes. we put the avocado away. alright. what? no cookie. cookie. no cook. yes they do? what are you going to eat for breakfast? she says anything for nothing. how are you? yes they are. those are your new sandals. shake from mcdonald's? there's a million things in that one basket i just want to warn you. i know we've got baskets like that on the shelves in the boys' room that's just full of all kinds. does it tickle? well be still it tickles. okay you're ready to play? i got the daffy duck? who? daffy. donald. donald? that looks like a baby doll. what's that? what is it? that it's a raisin. what is that? a mcd? hey mom hey mom he crawls. he moves his bottom. he goes like that. yeah. he's crawling. he won't move. well wind him up. put him down and see if he'll crawl? what's that a table? no it's part of a little box isn't it. that you build. here's the barn. yeah here's the barn. hey he's crawling crawling crawling. he's crawling. oh he's tired. he had to rest. did you hear that? hey. try to use a softer voice. what you got? mom a mickey? oh it has a window. ours don't have a window does it. cup. oh. i go play with this. go play with it here's your vacuum? did you clean my carpet? you did. oh what you want me to do with it? open right here. let's see there we go. oh there's all the tractor pieces. there's the puppy dog. there's the fence up there. aha fence. hey it won't jump. won't jump won't jump. try that one? i think you have to pull on that. remember how the horse will do? you pull it back a little like that and then let it go? pull it back see and it will go. roll it backwards like that. oop hear it. whee hey he did a wheelie. let's see if this one will do it? here he goes. that one doesn't want to go. ah ah you drop it? he's got a wobbly wheel there he goes. here hand it here. let me see if i can straighten the wheel up for them so melissa can sit here and do it? let's fix his wheel a little bit. let me fix his wheel so it can go okay. come here melissa? okay let's try. ah ah. scream. shh. pull it back now let it go? see it got your finger? you hey? you need to come in here so miss kathy can see you? ah ah. oh it's a fast one. here do you want me to help you with it. don't do it too much it will break the spring. do it one time then let it go. that's right now let it go. whoa? ah. mine. where are you gonna make him go to? oh all the way across. to the door. pull it back one time okay. now let it go? whoa? lissa. there it goes woo he's still going haha. oh oh. whoa haha he's silly? old mickey mouse don't know how to drive. look. that's like lissa's who you gonna call. nobody. nobody? ouch. you alright. okay let them go. whoa haha? he flipped didn't he. taking a ride taking a ride. you gonna clean up for me. oh they're all going for a ride aren't they. you gonna hook them up on the horse. or the tractor. tractor? tractor. will that go on the tractor. yeah i don't see a tractor. no. there it is. no this is the part that goes on the tractor? there's the hooker? see there got ta put your little man right there. nope? are you cleaning up for me. here move your leg over momo. ready. i think that will have to go well it will stay right there won't it. yep all the people drive under there. oh no they're not i thought your shoes were on the wrong feet. did you clean the bed room. you did. oh i see they're pretty? what is it? all the people are going for a ride? does it change colors! are you turning it on? i want i want to stay in there okay. what's your name? what's your name? no two that's how old you are? what's your name? old yeah two years old? what your last name is? lissa poop poop poop? susan look say it with me. susan? melissa? long. she's sue lissa wew? oh no. oh he fell over. put a little person on him. okay. somebody can ride right there. uh oh it fell over. uh he fell out? bet he hurt his head. nope? nope he's riding the horse? oh he's gonna ride the horse. okay. here's the puppy dog? that's a pretty puppy dog? hunhunh that's a wolf. a wolf? okay. wolf? looks like lassie to me? here's the sheep? don't tear it up? can you get it? oh you're strong. little piece? little piece. melissa's helping? here you can slide your kitchen in here if yall want to play with it. here's another piece right here. uh that's what you feed them in. i think that's all though. yeah. is it clean. what did you clean? what? that. got it all locked up. there. no i got ta shut this. oh i didn't know that opened. locked. opens back there too. how about that? ours don't open back there does it. uh oh you wrecked. mama watch. you wrecked. mama watch? it's a handle. it's a handle where you can carry it. what you gonna play with? there's so much. much. a raisin. california raisin. what does the california raisin do? show melissa. came off. dance. how do they do it though? snap. melissa see. megan's showing you what the california raisin does. snap. snap your fingers. that's right click click? can you do it? almost? almost? that's what they do when they dance. my girl. what? my girl. that's what they sing don't they. that's a skunk? skunk? skunk? yuck they stink. this one has a flower though. yeah they stink. this one doesn't he's a toy. toys don't stink. want to see him crawl. this can't get in it? no it stays in the barn. no. can you make him crawl? melissa. brrrrm? will he crawl. need some help. papa came off. who came? ah a little girl. you still got cookie on your nose? it's a little girl. hey can you sing the wheels on the bus for me. not gonna sing it for me. me will. you and megan? no the baby wah. that's right. yeah. no the mama. what does the driver say? move on back? no i'll do it? show melissa how. sing it with her and let her help you. move on back. the wheels on the bus go round and round. sit here listen to melissa. no. okay then do it for me. the wheels on the bus go round and round. round and round? round and round. round and round. ow. uh oh did you get yourself? round and round. round and round. round and round? and what else? the driver on the bus says. no? okay i won't help you. the horn on the bus goes. beep beep beep. beep beep beep? beep beep beep? the wiper on the bus goes! swish swash swish. swish swash swish. swish swash swish swash. the baby on the bus go. wah wah wah. wah wah wah? wah wah wah. wah wah wah wah wah. is that what they said. wah wah wah. wah wah wah. that's a crying baby. the baby on the bus goes. wah wah wah. and the mama. and the mama on the bus goes. ssh ssh ssh. ssh ssh ssh. daddy on the bus goes. spank spank spank. spank spank spank spank? the people on the bus go. see you later. see yall later. see you later? ah that was so good. you know how to sing the whole song! make it pop. will it pop. playdoh. ah look. playdoh. it's like popcorn. ah what can you build with it. is it hard. stick it back on there. does this tear apart. no sweetie that's clay that's not playdoh. why don't you let me hold it. because it'll make a mess. i didn't know that was in there. don't bonk your head? you'll hurt your head. oh owie. duckie duckie duckie duck. duck duck. a duck. he can float in the bath tub. duck duck duck. another duck. another little duck. with a hat. another little duck. does he look like papa's little ducks. yeah quack quack quack quack. quack quack quack. they like to swim in the water don't they. and they like to fly. and they like to fly when they get bigger! duck duck. is it like papa's ducks? yeah? what? that. does he swim. does he fly. fly? another duck? that's an easter duck. easter a little chicken? he's coming out of the shell. eh? bambi. bambi. a car. oh a pretty car. mama. cold. mama two donalds. here's donald and daisy? well there's donald. donald donald and daisy. aha. look. minnie minnie minnie and minnie. that one's mickey. see minnie has a hair bow and mickey doesn't have a hair bow? minnie does. she does. goofy and goofy? goofy and goofy. goofy and goofy and goofy. aha. we got to see goofy? no we got to see pluto didn't we. yeah? and yall got to rub his nose didn't you? and he put that monkey up on his nose and he signed his name didn't he? remember? he didn't do mine? he didn't do yours? well whose did he do. larry joe joe and melissa. well we'll do yours next time okay. okay. okay. what is it? need some help. oh look. who's that? oh something new? daisy and donald. now that's the letters. you like to play with those. goofy and donald. can you open it? minnie and mickey. oh there. goofy and who's this. goofy. yeah goofy. goofy and goofy. what's this? dinosaurs. we got to see the movie about the dinosaurs didn't we. remember the little. girl's name was cera. what was the big dinosaur's name? um big dinosaur. no what was his name? big? big cera? no cera was the little girl. here this must be a game? let's see? oh this must be where they live. see the water and everything? rocks. you can put them all on it. he doesn't go on there does he? no. where do you want him to go? goes right there? there okay. what baby? um where the dinosaur? a choo choo with your letters. how about that? look here. let me get a tissue for your nose. where the dinosaur go? where do these dinosaurs go on this? melissa come here and i'll blow your nose. you put him where he can drink the water. yeah? where he can drink the water? aha? boy there's a lot of them. what's this? looks kinda like one don't it. it is? hum. melissa come here. drinking some water. yeah. dinosaur. yeah. this is the one like cera. remember. she had that little horn. yeah it is cera? here's bambi with a butterfly on its tail. yeah? little tiny butterfly. yeah? look this is a monster? a monster one? here melissa you come put some on here too? let her have part of them? there's enough. let's give her a few. what goes there? get up here and let them? see megan's got hers drinking the water. what? his leg. cera's drinking water too. look there. it looks like an elephant. cera? put him right there. hey mommy? what? cera said. mommy. that nose is yucky. here's some more. more. can you say dinosaur? dinosaur. walking walking walking. they're big? look walking walking walking. aha. i'm gonna tickle you. hey. two red ones. two red ones. uh oh. they fall down? uh oh. it's hard to do them on the carpet. there. there. there's cera? megan's got their water. now they're gonna lay down and take a nap. yeah they're gonna take a nap? hunhunh? they're not. i thought that's what they were doing. they're drinking water. melissa there's a carrot. a carrot with a silly person. ree ree. a racing carrot? tickle you. scooter. i got ta get them some water. that goes in there. that don't go. those are monstees? here's another racing car. these are monstees. you wanna race them? these are monstees. the what. these are monstees. monsters! these are monstees. these are monstees. they're all taking a nap. taking a nap. their tummies are full. tummies are full. yeah. put them on there. there's a heart. a heart. okay. on your shirt. look a kittie cat. is that what it is? yep. let's see what it says. little kittie cat. it's like grandmommy's kittie cat. look there's kittie cats right here see? everywhere everywhere everywhere. got kittie cats everywhere. brrrm. see them. whoop whoop whoop dumpster? a dump truck. oh a baby kittie cat. how tiny are the baby kittie cats? um this small. they're that tiny? a bunch of kitties. bunch of kitties? get lipstick off you. how many kitties are there? no how many. three. how many kittie cats? it's not hot? you have to leave it on there or you'll cough. at my grandmommy's. she's got three kittens. and they go meow meow. it's not hot. it's not. you'll get sick. mama kitten's feeding them. and we have to hold them up to our chin. tell melissa about them? what do you do? do you hold the kittie cats melissa? no. she didn't hold them. she did? no she didn't. why not. because she didn't let her. well you have to let her? found some more. mr? debono has a pretty play house now too don't he. farm animals? look i bet it has animals like papa has. come here and let's look at it? come on. i'll look at it with you. let's see if some of papa's animals are in here. a ruff ruff? does papa have a ruff ruff? yep. that little duck? there's birds out in the trees isn't there. see the birds. see those birds out in the trees. look there. woof say the puppies to the baby duck. see the little duck. what does a puppy say? woof woof. we've not seen your mother. look at him. he's talking to them. they're pretty little fellows? baa? can you say baa? say the lambs? they have not seen mother duck either. the baby. oh look at the bee? see the little bee. he's on the flowers. yeah. seems to me he's about to get on his ear. watch mama? what you got? ah what's that. chick. turkey and chicken. aha. what's a turkey say? bauck bauck? gobble gobble gobble? gobble gobble. gobble gobble gobble say the turkeys. they have not seen mother duck? see there's the baby duck? and here's the baby turkeys? watch me. and here's the mama turkey. watch me? mom watch? yeah that's the daddy turkey. he's big. honk honk say the geese. they have not seen mother duck either. where's the mother duck? look there. there's the baby ducks? no that's the baby geese. hey what's that. what's that? butterfly. winga winga. a butterfly. look. baby horse. papa has those don't he. pony wants to run and play? he wants to run and play? aha. that one does too. he has not seen mother duck. see the pretty flowers? that's a pretty little horse. does papa's pony have white feet. no. one of them does don't it. ah what is that. carrot. the rabbits. rabbits. the rabbits say nothing. and baby duck goes on his way. see their carrot. they been eating their carrots. see the little holes. they're pretty. mama look. ah look there? mother hen and the chicks have not seen mother duck. look they lay. see the chicken. they laid a egg? ah woo see that? baby cow. there's a baby calf. what? does it itch! mama. the cow and her calf have not seen mother duck? look there he's got the flower in his mouth. is he being silly. look at the mama cow. she's eating the flowers too. see the baby. is he pretty? he's not eating. no he's talking to the duck? he said? i haven't seen your mommy? i don't know where your mommy's at? a pig. what does the pig say? oink oink oink. oink oink oink. oink oink. oink oink oink? babies. yeah but mother pig knows? your mother is down by the pond she tells baby duck. that's were ducks like to go don't they. by the pond. num num they're gonna eat the apples. and the corn and the carrots. they eat all the time don't they. oink oink oink. okay? look. yes there's mother duck. and there are baby duck and brothers and sisters too? look at them? see he's running to catch them. would you quit that. he's running to catch them. and they're all in the pond? see the water. they're gonna get in the pond and go swimming. there's the pond there's the pond? pond swim? aha. and that's all the farm animals. there's the kittie cats and there's the rabbits. and there's the little chick and little duck. and there's the rooster. watch. rooster? watch mommy. what is that? no what's that. rooster. rooster. rooster. watch. what's that? kitties. kittie cat. a rabbit. what's that? rabbit. like your rabbie. a duck! like your pink rabbie. a duck. and there's the baby duck. there's that rooster. rooster? watch. are there any more books. oh what. mama watch. mama watch. what is it? fire truck. let's see. ah fire engine. help. no that don't come off baby. that stays on the chicken. yeah it stays on him. see little wheels. ah push him on? do it in there on the floor. probably make him roll. oh hat. cowboy hat. too big? hey yeah. it won't run on me. you'll have to put him in there on the floor? watch watch. watch these books. yeah he won't do it on the carpet. you have to put him in there on the kitchen floor. look at all the books melissa. there's more books. wanna read some more. oh what's that one. i see a little girl and a bear on it. my good night book? nighty night? going to la la land. la la land. see her little bear? ah there she's getting her pj's on? when mommy says it's time for bed? i go upstairs and get myself undressed. look at her? she's taking her socks off. she's gonna get ready for bed. mommy runs my bath and helps me scrub my face and hands. and all the rest of me. see her in the bath tub. look at all her toys in the bath tub melissa. see a little alligator. a little boat. and her little bear sitting up there isn't it. i put on fresh pajamas. then i brush my teeth until they are nice and clean. see her getting her pj's? she stands on a little stool to brush her teeth too. daddy reads me a bedtime story and he let us me turn the pages for him. you want it off. well we got to unbuckle it. see. her daddy reads her stories too. there you go. okay. mama i wanna read these. just before i climb into bed i kneel and say my prayers? see her say her prayers? mommy tucks me in and kisses me and turns out the light. gives her a night night kiss. covers her up. what? face. what's wrong with it? see her little bear. her bear sleeps with her and your rabbie sleeps with you. and then we say good night. doesn't she have a pretty bed room. i have a bed room like that. well your bed room's kind of like that. yours is white and it has little flowers on it. she has a pretty bed room. no it don't? i want those covers. you want those covers. those are pretty covers aren't they. see her pretty toy box? her bear's sleeping with her. see her baby doll in the window. there's her shoes? and there's all her toys. see the little baby doll and the necklace and the clock. let mama get the telephone? animal. boy? little chick. is that a boy. is that a boy. is that a boy. where is the little? hand me the little dinosaur bag and let me fold it up and put it back in here so it won't get tore up? ah more books. wanna read some more. choo choos. choo choos? choo choos? hand? why have you got your hand in there? let me see if i can find it. i see it. i see it? push the cow. push the dogs. push the dogs. peekaboo peekaboo. whatie? whatie? cow? let me find melissa's hand? there it is there it is? choo choo choo. there? bonk. i'm gonna get you. you about knocked me silly. where's melissa? there she is. want me to read it to you. no? no? you like reading them? the sister and the brothers? driving choo choo. i put all the dinosaurs in here? here's some more of them? flies. flies. what do you want to play with? the dinosaurs? well i thought you were through. look here's another book. mama daddy. look a little book. wanna read the little book. no tired of reading. say goodbye doggies. mama and daddy? can you read it to me? come sit here and read it to me. well you can play with the dinosaurs. let megan read me the story. okay. the mama and the daddy. start over. mama and the daddy and the puppy. aha. and the choo choo. yeah? and the man. aha? are they all gonna get on the train. yeah? yeah it says? all aboard. it says to get on the train. all aboard was on the train going. yeah. choo choo. brothers and the dog and the sister. the mama and the daddy and the horse? they're all watching the train go by aren't they? waving at the train. the boys. what is that? um it must be the mama. the mama and the boys? they're out working aren't they? working in the garden. garden aha. they saw the train go ew? waving at the train. yeah. said move on cow. uh oh chug chug move out of the way cow? about to run over him aren't they. said move over cow? that cow better hurry up and move. they waving at the train. aha. wait we're going the wrong way. no. here there's the cow. see you got to turn that other page? no this way. oh okay read it the way you want to. pull that thing. what does it do? what baby? tummy. what's wrong with it? toot toot toot. oh you hit it on that. toot toot toot? oh no. i'm sorry. your knee too. down there on that? well be careful. all on the train. on this one. megan's a good story teller melissa. she's telling me a story. oop they're pushing the cow out of the way aren't they. pushing cow. he says moo. and the ducks say cluck cluck. and the sheep says baa? baa moo. he says what are they doing. didn't he. what is in our way? they got ta push them all out of the way don't they. baa moo quack quack. that's like papa's cow don't it. quack quack quack quack. sheep say. move over. move over. they say baa? baa? baa? say body? is there another little one. you wanna read that little one right there to me? yeah. okay. let me get that one too. open that first? oh okay? melissa you better leave my pictures alone. no no. melissa don't go in there. you'll make a mess. you're getting them all bent up. you'll make them fall on your toes? mommy and the brothers. and daddy and the brothers. was walking in the garden. yep. oh okay? said goodbye? they was all gone? cows all gone? hoot choo choo choo. yep? all on the train. all aboard. kite. is that the pictures of the kite. don't bend them up. okay. oh is this the other book. oh look they're in a city aren't they? choo choo choo choo? lot of them? hooo hooo. see them going over the bridge. hoooo. don't bend it. hoooo hoooo. put it in the drawer. if you bend it i'm gonna spank your hand. put them up please. please. give me those pictures. you're messing them up. we won't get to look at the kites if you tear them up. we won't get to see the kites. they'll be gone gone. there's ashton. and amanda. did you see them. did you see ashton and amanda. mama let me read you. okay let me put these pictures up. melissa's trying to be ugly. no you're not. you're acting ugly. now you stop it. no you can look at them. but you're trying to tear them up? leave them alone? no you're not messing with them. let's play with the toys. hey you wanna build another train? you ready for a night night? you ready for a night night. you ready for a night night. stop it. we got a tyrant in the family? i will i will. no. melissa. i'm gonna spank your legs. now that's enough. get up here and sit down. come on read me the story. let's ignore her a minute. she's gonna be ugly. are you gonna start back there. or up here. back here. oh back here okay. melissa you wanna come read me a story. come on? choo choo choo choo choo choo? choo choos go under that bridge. let me go. you sit here and read it a minute. let me get her quiet. melissa now stop it i mean it. you better stop. now i'm gonna put you in your bed and you're gonna have to stay there. sit down. go sit down and i'll get it. we gonna ride in your car. and go to mcdonald's and eat a hamburger ain't we. here you go? ride in your car ain't we? okay read me the story? hum i got something in my eye? uh oh. get that book. alright. well read me that one! melissa's gonna just lay up there. okay. can you open it? choo choo choo choo houses. yeah. go over bridge. going under the bridge. aha? uh oh the computer's still on. let me turn that thing off. we forgot to unplug it i think? you wanna play hangman on it? no. here i'll get. we can just turn it off. you don't have to do all that. here let's put the dinosaurs. it won't turn off this. well it's okay. turn off. it's off. you turned it off baby when you unplugged it. it's off? and that says turn on? and it makes it turn on. yeah it does? did you go get rabbie. did you find him. mash. can't mash these. mash these letters. are you getting sleepy. alright you wanna come read me the story again. yep? you wanna play hangman? no. are you through playing. you don't want to play. you can play with the barn. she's got rabbie. poor little. where's the books? where'd you put it at? there they are right there by the computer? okay. choo choo choo choo choo choo. oh let's start at this side. over here. start right there. there. now go all the way to the back. choo choo. there it's the train station. that's where everybody waits to get on the train. they must be waiting to get on it. choo choo choo choo. stop. choo choo. stops right there and gets them don't he? what's on the other page? not telling you. oh okay. i thought you were gonna read it to me. you not gonna read it to me? yes? oh they're in the country. and they're in the mountains? and the city. ah the beach? they go by the beach. look at all the kids on the beach. that's where we like to go don't we. yeah. they're all waving at the train. they got their bathing suits on? yeah they do? she don't. she's got on a little skirt don't she. she she does. aha. she does too. yeah. she does. she does. she don't. no this one does. that one don't. got on a little sunsuit. that one has bathing suit. aha. that one does. that one does? that one has a sunsuit too? yeah. what's on the other page? back to the city? let's see the mountains. where were they? i'll show you. you haven't got to see the mountains have you. the boys have. ah the river. that's where we go right here isn't it. when we take daddy's boat down the river? and there's the bridges that go over the river aren't they. choo choo. yeah. it stop right there. no it probably goes a way on down there. they just couldn't get it all in the picture? they're riding in their boat. how many are there? eight nine. this. start at one. one two three four five six seven. seven of them. they're all in the boat. are you sleepy? are you sleepy. she's being pouty. choo choo choo choo. where's the? there's the mountains. aren't they pretty. see how tall they are. the train track runs all the way around the mountains. see all the flowers? all the way around them. they go up. choo choo choo? aha and they probably go up some more mountains. ah and the country? and the country. there's the house and all the animals. and they're working on their farm? they got a river to fish in. yep? see his puppy dog. and his bucket where he's putting his fish. yep. choo choo. yeah they get to see all kind of things. ah we're back at the train station. aren't they? that's all. tickle tickle tickle? tickle tickle tickle. agh agh. you don't want me to tickle you. yall are being fussy. now this one? this one? nursery rhymes. start on this page. the black hen? chicken boy boy. okay where's the other one? oh look there? what is that kittie cat doing? play with her ball? it's her yarn. she's got her yarn all rolled up that she's knitting with. and kitties like to play with it don't they. roll it all over the house. where do you want me to sleep? on that side of what. are you going to cover me. i'm not tired? what's too bad? but i'm not tired? i wanna get up? can i get up. it's eight o'clock. but i want to get up. is that what nina says? yes. can i get up now. why not? i'm cold. i'm cold. are you going to cover me. yes i'm cold? can you get me a bigger blanket? there's one over there. right there. i'm still cold. you didn't cover me very well. okay. it's nice and bright. what are you saying? you want me to sleep? i don't wanna to sleep. why should i sleep. i wanna get up. i wanna get up. is that what nina says. oh no i can't right. why can't i get up. i want you to read me a story. you get the elephant book and you read the story to me. you gonna read the rabbit book to me? okay you read it to me because i'm not going to sleep until i get a story. okay. will you read the book to me. okay i'm lying down? now you have to read the story to me. are they good. what is he putting on top of the peanuts? what is that? yeah but what is he shaking on top of them. oh? i remember that thing? that's salt. what is he holding the salt? the salt in the trunk. he's holding the salt in the trunk. i'm going to get up and i'll come right back. it's time to go to sleep. are you going to put me to bed again. oh goodness you better read me a good story or i'm not going to stay asleep. okay. you read it to me. okay ready? okay. i'll sleep but you better read me a nice story? i'm lying down? what does the elephant have on his trunk? did nina sleep well last night. what are you doing? you're moving his trunk to put his hat on his head. you what? careful his trunk is broken. now where's his hat. want to change stories? oh i like the rabbit stories. who doesn't have shoes? she doesn't? poor mommy rabbit. does she hurt her feet without shoes. you're going to read me another story? how nice of you? oh is it a little rabbit or a big one. it's a little one. i think i'll get up now. do i still have to sleep? are you going to keep reading me the story then? okay? okay? you read to me. what is he holding? a blue umbrella. i think it's a little bear. where is the bear? is he on top of the umbrella or under the umbrella. why do you think he has an umbrella. when does one use an umbrella? when it's raining or when it's sunny? that's right. i guess he thinks it's gonna rain. what's that animal? that's a vulture. it's a big bird? it's gonna do what. it's going to carry you. you think it's big enough to carry you. what's this part of the bird called? the beak. sharp pointy beak. that's called a walrus. will you say. walrus. and these are called tusks? what color are the tusks? do you think they'll tickle? is a walrus a big animal or a little animal. he sure is. who's patting? is the rabbit patting another rabbit. what is he saying? he's saying. nice. where's snoopy too? where's your snoopy? where is snoopy? he's at your home. with whom. you want me to lie down again. you don't want me to get out of bed do you. okay. what are these? is that the end of your book? where is that rabbit? oh he's painting isn't he. where is he? is he painting on the ground. or on top of a ladder. is he hopping on a ladder too. what is he carrying in his hand? where is the hat? on whose head. you're going to show me what. what? a rabbit painting? what is he painting? no he's not painting a hat? he's painting blocks! see he's painting the blocks? see all the different color blocks. what color blocks are there? he's painting all these blocks many different colors. what is that? is that a blue block. no what color is that block? can you find some other color blocks? show me the other color blocks? what? what is that? i see that's a blue block? don't kiss you. oh i wanna kiss you? does the seal have many hands. i think they're called flippers. can you say? flippers. is the turtle swimming. no i don't think the rabbit swims. what does the rabbit do? what does he do? does he jump? hi nina? my barrette. i took them off so i could go to sleep. aha? are you taking off my bobby pins? what are you doing? what are you taking off? when i sleep can i have them back after i finish sleeping? that's good? can you put them up on the table? so we don't loose them? what are you doing? are you putting them all up on the table? i found one more bobby pin. no more bobby pins? what do you want to do? what do you want to put on my hair? you want to put those back on my hair. but didn't you tell me it was time to go to sleep? so i want a story if it's time to go to sleep. are you going to read me my story. are you pretending to be my mommy. is nina pretending to be my mommy. mommy i want a story. yes i want a story before going to sleep. i want you to read me about this. that's a panda bear. that's not a panda bear. what is that? what is the fish doing? what does he have here? is it a big one or a little one. i like that animal. what is that? i like that? what is that? you won't show me. go to sleep. what are you doing? you putting my the blanket under my face? on your pillow. i thought the blanket went on me not on the pillow. make the blanket to be on the pillow. i see. what color is the blanket on me? and what other colors. what color is that blanket? and what color is nina's blanket? if i'm gonna sleep i'm want you to read me a book. will you read me this book. what's on top of the book? what is he holding? yeah. what is the bear holding? yeah. what is the panda holding in his hand? what is he holding in his hand? that's your book? that girl is holding a horn? i think she's holding a horn? do you know what she's doing? she's playing with the ball. she's bouncing it up and down. what is she doing to the ball? can you say? bouncing. she has to be careful not to get the ball in the flowers right? what are these? where are they growing? are they in front or in back of the house. they growing in back of the house. oh what is he doing. he's playing a trumpet. where is the rabbit? where is that rabbit? he's nice? where is he? that girl. i think she's coloring. she's coloring in a book. what are these? what is the girl coloring with? what did she draw a picture of? what did she draw? oh you tell me? i see him. what is he doing? yeah do you like it. nonna brought that book to you that's right. oh look. i think it's a baby doll. what is the little girl going to do with the doll? that's not a crib. this is a crib over here in your room. what's this? do you know what this is called? that's called a carriage? the carriage has wheels you see? the baby sleeps in the carriage outside so that the mommy can push the baby around? you can't push the crib around. it's too heavy right. so outside the baby sleeps in a carriage. what? do you think she'll put the blanket on? do you like to go outside? did you go outside to the beach this week end. and you go in the carriage. i think nina's too big isn't she? does justin go in the carriage still sometime. do you push him? that's called a pinwheel. it's called a pinwheel? can you say? pinwheel. that's right? what color is the pinwheel? that's a pinwheel. yeah the little girl is running so that the pinwheel will turn around? he's playing with the boat. where is the boat? where is it? no i think it's in the swimming pool? where is the boat? nina was there a swimming pool at gail's house the other day! did snoopy fall in the swimming pool. who else fell in the swimming pool? yeah and did you fall. did you fall in the water. were you scared. what happened? did you cry. did gail come and get you right away. you fell in your pajamas. or were you dressed up in pants. she picked you up. what? did all your clothes get wet. how come you fell in the swimming pool? did you go down the slide. you fell in the water. my goodness. i guess you'll be more careful next time right. are you happy that nonno is here. where's nonna? nonno's going to come after breakfast? shall we take nonno to the beach. and go see linda. would you like to go see linda with nonno. in the car? what? are you going to read me some more! i don't want to sleep any more. do i still have to sleep. why. why do i have to sleep. you're going to read me a story to put me to sleep. okay. you going to read it that way so i can see the pictures. i see the pictures. oh i wanna know what this is. is that a little train. turn around and i can see the train. did you go on a train in the zoo. no i think we went with rebecca and with rachel to the zoo didn't we. no lisa didn't come on that trip. when we went on the train we went with becca and rachel remember? oh no lisa wasn't there. lisa stayed in her home and we went with becca and rachel. and david too. david went in the train with us too. ari too. aha. we didn't live in the train. we just went for a ride. tell me did you go to the beach with colby this week end. what did you do at the beach? yeah what did we do at the beach. did we run in the sand. aha. did you go into the sand in the beach. we went in tom's truck didn't we. david went in tom's truck too. and did we have sandwiches! where did we have our picnic? oh i think we had it inside the truck didn't we? it was so cold that we had to have our picnic inside the truck? remember. and then we went outside and colby fell in the ocean and got all wet. did nina get wet. she did. was it cold? very cold? were there birds on the beach. what were the birds doing? remember what the birds were doing. and what were they doing? they were flying. were they walking near the water too. were there birds walking near the water. uh. oh. were they walking near the water. did you dig some holes in the sand. remember when we beach with jerry? what did he do? did he dig a big hole for nina. what did you do with? oh hurt my ears that's too loud. what did you do with the hole that jerry dug for you? did you go in it. let's i show you what it looked like? remember. it was a big hole. and what did you do? are you going to make a monster. did you sit in the hole at the beach. remember. where did you jump? you jumped on what. on the what? did you jump into the hole? on the sand? and got all covered with sand? and miriam too? what did you do with your shoes? did you take your shoes off. oh we forgot one at gail's house didn't we. your sandals are where. up where. oh your sandals are up on the table. woopla. oh you bumped your head didn't you oh. you bumped your head didn't you. i make it feel better. oh poor baby poor baby. what did you do? did you fall down. okay let's spank the chair. let's spank the chair. bad bad chair. bad bad chair. what hurt nina? oh poor nina. oh shall i give a hug. a big hug. a big hug. will that help. big hug oh. that was a nasty chair to make you fall over. nasty chair? you know why you fell over. because you leaned back? i guess you shouldn't lean back should you? because you went bumpety? bad chair. shall we put snoopy on the chair? let's put snoopy on the chair and see if snoopy falls over? aha what happened to poor snoopy. he's crying now too? you better hold him. oh poor snoopy. poor snoopy? poor snoopy's head hurts too now doesn't it? did you tell snoopy not to cry. tell him not to cry? would you like to look at some valentines? let's look at your valentines. where did we put your valentines? you got lots of valentines? where did we put them? here they are? let's look at all your valentines. who sent you this valentine? do you remember who sent you this valentine? who sent it to you? somebody made this for nina. i think leila did. leila didn't? donna did. oh you got it at maggie's house? and you know what it has on it. look what it has on it. oh you really hurt your head didn't you? come and let me kiss it. show me where does it hurt? show me where it hurts. oh it hurts. that's not nice. nasty chair. oh you come sit on mommy's lap and you'll feel all better. we'll look at your valentines. look at that valentine. is that your valentine. what is it? what is the little boy doing? he's playing the piano? he's playing you would make such a nice valentine. he's playing the piano? nonna sent you a valentine too. this is from nonna? isn't that cute? that's a valentine? what's on this valentine? what is that? a meow meow. a little kittie. what color is the kittie? do you like this valentine? it's a kittie valentine. she has such cute eyes? where is her little nose? what color is it? and that's a valentine from nonno. what is that? you're taking it out? can you take it out? oh that's a valentine to nina from nonno? what is it? and what is the rabbit doing. what's he doing? what is he holding? he's holding a what. he's holding a valentine isn't he. a treat for nina. what does he have on his head? yeah. oh you got so many valentines? that's your valentine. and what's on top of your valentine. what is it? are you unsticking the cow. poor cow. did you tear him all up. what did you just tear? did you tear up his head? did you tear off the head of the cow uh. what are you doing? are you going to put it on. where you putting it? you're what? i stick him on. you're sticking it back on. i see? oh it's broken? why is it broken. you put it on. what color is the valentine? um. what color is your valentine? want to take it apart. oh dear what did you do? did you tear up your valentine. what did you tear off? you tore the hand off the cow. poor cow what is he gonna do without a hand. you better put it back on. who sent you this valentine? oh i think he's so cute. this little kittie is so soft. what color is this kittie? do you know what color this kittie is? shall we take this valentine to maggie's house and fix it. maggie has some glue. okay you want to do that! put it up on the table and we'll fix it when we go to maggie's house. alright. would you like to do that. would you like to fix your valentine at maggie's house. let's put it back in the envelope. that's right so we don't loose it. do you want to put that part in too? what did he come out of? he come out of the envelope. what do you want to do? do you want to put the rabbit back in the envelope? he has long ears doesn't he. do you want to put it in the envelope? he's in here? that's not a donkey. that's a cow. the rabbit is in the envelope. you know who sent you this valentine. justin? justin sent you this valentine. that's a kittie valentine from nina. do you like kitties? do you like to play with kitties? did you play with the kittie at colby's house. what did you do with the kittie? did you pick him up. did he let you pick him up. did he run away. what did he do? you picked him up. what other animals have you been playing with? did you play with heidi at gail's house yesterday. is heidi a doggie or a kittie? is heidi a doggie. what was he doing with your blanket? he was biting your blanket. he was? does he jump on you heidi. he jumped on your head. did he go. did he lick you. he jumped on my head too. and what else does he do. does he wag his tail. and what else does he do. what does he do? does he jump? is heidi a big dog or a little dog. he's a little tiny dog isn't he. and when he sees nina he goes running up to nina doesn't he. because he loves nina. does he bite? oh you're covering your self now. aha. want to cover your pajamas. okay? okay shall i put you to bed. okay go to bed nina? time to go to bed. and you won't get up? you gonna stay in bed. oh at night though you shouldn't get up right? you're supposed to stay in bed. i would like to talk on the telephone. will you get the telephone for me. you want to go to sleep? okay? i am going to talk to linda on the telephone. would you like to talk to linda on the telephone? hi nonna how are you. would you like to talk to nina. okay here's nina. nina wants to thank you for the valentine. did you like them. i pretend i'm nonna. did you like your valentine. i'm mommy. thank you for the valentine. oh nina's sleeping like a good girl. yes nina's all asleep. you want to say goodbye to her? okay here's nina again? that's nina. did nonno come? what are you pushing? whoop? what happened? what happened? what are you doing? are you making something happen. what's happening? whoop? did the lady pop up. does that lady turn around. what is that lady doing? what's she doing? what is she doing? what is the lady doing? you want to talk to nonna? tell nonna about going to the beach? can you tell nonna about going to the beach on the telephone? and about colby and gillian. erin? oh don't break it? can you close it? you're turning the lady around. she has pretty hair. does she have pigtails? who else has pigtails? she has hair. she has pretty pigtails they're called. does gail have pigtails. gail have pigtails too. i wonder if gail has pigtails too. remember your dolly. i wonder what happened to your dolly? she doesn't seem to be around any more. you must have left her somewhere. i miss her. here's one of your dollies. i love this little dolly. she's so cute. who's she holding in her arms? who's this dolly holding in her arms? what is the mommy doing? you covering her? you want to what? you going to wake her up. you got to be very quiet. why do you have to be quiet. is the baby sleeping? baby sleeping. i see. don't wake the baby. what are you doing to the giraffe? what did you just put on? oh what are you doing now. you're putting part of the giraffe on. what part? what part of the giraffe are you putting on? huh. what part is that? what is this called? a neck. a long neck isn't it. what happened? i don't know? what happened? oh what did you put on. i see. what did you do? more of the zoo animals? i wonder where they are. pick him up. pick what up. okay! what are you going to take off? take off what? oh what did you take off the dog. uh. aha. you took him all apart. you fixing him. that goes here? that's part of the body. i think that goes behind the head? let's see kind of hard isn't it? where does that go? oop? oh my let's see. what are those the feet? do you think they go this part? what do i have to do to get them on? oh we have to push hard don't we. okay? now what are you going to do. what are you going to put on? is it all fixed. aha what happened. what fell down? did the dog's head fall down. it's hard isn't it. do you want me to help you? let's see if i can do it. goodness we have to push so hard? you push. push. push hard? oh goodness? okay is he all fixed. is there an elephant there too. see if you can find the elephant. do you think you can find the elephant? you don't see him. there he is. there's the elephant i see? did you fix the dog already? what other animals did you fix? what do you want? take him apart. okay what shall we take apart first. what did you do? did you take the tail off. now what are you gonna do? put it back on. do you want to take it apart? what came off? what do you want me to do? why. is it too hard for you to do. here you pull. come pull? uh is it very hard. what are you pulling off? there we go can you put it back together. do you think you can put it back together? it fell down. what are you going to put the legs in? put the legs already! what are you putting on now? oh good for nina. good for nina. what's left? one more part? what part is left? what is it? you fixed three animals now didn't you. what did you do? you better pick them up. they got hurt. can you pick them up? you going to go to sleep. you won't need that blanket. what blanket? cover you with the yellow blanket. okay good night. sleep well. oh you pretend to cry. nani? sleep tight? i see. just a second. but what would it look like from high in the sky? just a second laura. what's your favorite thing? talking is your favorite thing? don't draw on the table cloth. mhm. you wanna see this book? you can read this book. try not to spill your juice on it. okay? aha. aha. okay. could you get it yourself or should i get it? okay. i'll get it. here. no. not that one. here laura. there's a graham cracker. come back in when you do it. what laura? yes. those are paintings. yes. you can touch them gently. aha. mhm. may i tie your shoe for you please? i don't want you to trip on your shoelace? there? what? well why did you untie it? it's not better? what do you mean it's not better? becky's downstairs i guess. mama's upstairs. where is eve? downstairs. i'm right here? where are you? it's not straight. i know it's not straight? she's sleeping up in her bed? i broke my cream pitcher so i'll just give it to you. oh that's very nice yes. why don't you tell colin what is that picture? you're having a tough time of it? okay? okay i'll put my pencil there? okay i'll get mine out. he is? he is? okay i'll do that. yeah that's very good? what was it? okay you do that? but that's your pencil. yes that one's my one? that's your one? are we. not quite. we're not quite ready to turn the page. we what? nope not yet eve? yes we made a great big hole in here? we have to get a new one? what? but it's not time for lunch yet? you wait just a little bit and we'll have lunch? not now? not now it's not time? would you like to have a cracker? oh it would huh? we'll see? oh you need a chocolate one? you may choose it yourself? no that's not some of margaret keller's? that's my kleenex? yes what kind of a cookie is it? yes we heard you tell becky to be quiet. alright. eve that's enough. shut the door we won't hear her then. that's right. yeah. what is that? yes indeed i am. may i have coffee with fraser. well we'll be able to hear sarah when she wakes up. we'll shut the door so we won't hear becky. what? all around the what. all around the block. you had to get what? had to get your shoe caught? where did you hear that? and then what do you do. you do what to your shoes. i don't know what you're talking about. and you had to cry. well you better cry then. oh alright. that's a silly song. you're a bickle bickle back? what? see you jump. yes we'd love to see jump. very good? no you may have another one for dessert. i see. be careful or you'll fall on your nose? you ask fraser. yeah. what're you going to ask me? yeah? well what did you do with the one you had. there it is on the table by your glass. i suppose so. no. yes he is. nope probably not? he'll share the paper with you while he's here. he'll share the paper with you. alright. is that what you're writing. okay i'll write you a lady on there. big lady. did he. that helps him draw. there is that a good lady? another big lady? that'd be great huh. there's the other one. oh the other one's here. that helps him to draw better. you don't know to make one. well you try. see if you can make one. you look at fraser's lady and see if you can make one. well tear it off from the other end. not that end the other end! mhm. that's right. just one? that's more than one? you're writing holes. it's pretty easy to write holes isn't it. i see you are. what happens when you put it in the hole? hm. and then what happens. that's what it does. oh. sweetie it's not time to eat lunch. in just a little bit. i'll fix lunch for you. would you like to have noodle soup. alright. would you please take the pencil off the floor. i know you're rolling it but that's not what you do with pencils. there is no tapioca. i didn't make any. i will make you some tapioca on wednesday. well fraser probably won't come on wednesday. the next time it will be either fraser or gloria. remember gloria. gloria. that's right gloria. instead of fraser. maybe both of them will come. would you like that. yes i thought you probably would. they will walk? well that's either gloria or the mover. let's see. eve come here. i'll tell you what's going to happen. papa's going to go to the basement with the movers. do you have wet panties? you stay here and talk to fraser and i'm going to go in here and talk to the insurance man. everybody's talking to somebody. why don't you tell me about this picture. are you sleepy. you'll have lunch in a little while. your lunch will make you happy? come on and sit over here? are you alright? okay i'll write you a lady on this page. yeah that's a big lady. where? well there's an ear. how many ears do you want? do you want another one like that there? there are two ears. is that right? write another what. alright. i'll make one up here. okay one here. here. nice and quiet now isn't it. yes? is that papa guitar or papa's guitar. oh i see. now what do you do after supper? you go to cathy beach's new house oh goodness. and what do you do once you get there. yes sarah's awake. after you wake up from your nap you're going to go on the street in a car and you're going to go to. it was something and danny is that right? are you going to go to the house? i think she was just telling me what she sometimes does? well he didn't buy us a new house. he got a new house for us we're going to move in. where is our new house? new brunswick. right. new brunswick is way up in canada. well sort of. not up in the air though. mhm. on the ground. on the ground yeah. canada. we get in our car and we drive out of massachusetts and we drive up through maine and go in our new house. new brunswick's inside of canada. it's all very confusing i must say. no it's not up in the air. do you know where ohio is? yes that's grandpa and granny? you're right. who else are we going to see when we go to ohio? who? remember. peter. what're you going to do when you see peter? what? he's camp. right? yes you can ride on a great big horse. alright darling. just a minute. alright. you sit here. you will see fraser won't you. alright eve wants an eggnog. yes i'll put it in your pitcher. just wait until i make it? where? the little one? milk egg salt. you didn't buy some salt. we already had some salt. papa bought some vanilla yes because we didn't have any. be very careful. hi. it's in canada? it's far away and you go by car? mhm? schroeder? schroeder and he eats a bread and butter sandwich? that's right. are you a peanut butter eater colin? my what? am i boy? i used to be. but now i'm a man? yes. did you? well i used to be? well papa's a man too. papa used to be a boy when he was little. yes he is? yes he is? you daddy's a boy is he. you can't? why not. i'm not? oh. that's right. i'm not a boy. oh no i'm not a girl. no when i was little i was a boy. no i wasn't? no. i what? are you a boy or are you a girl. you? i think you're a girl aren't you? you're a girl aren't you. she's right here. see her. see her. who won't blow the horn? dinah. you'll have to teach fraser that song. there is your spoon. well it's not hot now. that's just right. what're you? sure you are? did fraser tell you you were a boy. why fraser's silly isn't he. who's a boy? that's right. and what's sarah? sarah's a girl. and what am i? that's right? and what're you? and what's becky. mhm? we were having a great long argument in which eve was insisting she was boy and i was insisting she was a girl. well you got things fudged up eve. i didn't tell you you were a boy? i said you were a girl? you said you were a boy? not fraser you did. hm. the monkey on becky's t v says what. tattah? what kind of monkey was that? black one? what was he doing? putting his head in a hole? why was he doing that? oh he wanted to? here david. that's your mug. wait let me pour some in another one? no when you're big you're a lady. no you'll never be a man? well she'll go right there when i fix your lunch. when fraser goes away? well maybe we'll give her lunch before he goes away because she's hungry? she is hungry? hm. you are. i thought you were eating your lunch. oh this is outside? you're getting wet because it's raining. hm? yeah i know? you better play in the basement? please eat your noodle soup with your spoon instead of your fingers? well the noodles are kind of little? please eat them with your spoon. hm. no. when you're a boy and you grow up then you're a man? but when you're a little girl and you grow up then you're a lady. papa used to be a little boy. and he grew up and now he's a man. oh he's only a big boy? well then when he gets a little bit bigger then he'll be a man? fraser's bigger. what's fraser? fraser's colin. yes i know that. please give me two crackers. she wants to have a pee pee just to pass the time away. oh eve? too many men here today? i hope it makes sarah happy? eve do you have to pee pee? are you all finished? well put the towel in your lap? you want to have dessert. were you all finished here? you may have a cool pop. what kind do you want? green one. well let me see where a green one is. think we have the rest of it in what. you are having a cool pop yes. sarah you can't roll over in the chair. she's trying. is that the mailman. remember julie. she sent a box. right here. papa's gonna open it up. you're gonna what. you're going to eat. oh you're going to read. well we'll see. wait a minute. i'm sorry eve. it's nothing for you. oh look. sheets for our bed and a card. shall we read the card. let's see what she says. mhm. they went back home. they were here just for a visit. just to visit mhm? what dear? well is there one in the kitchen. what did you do with all of them? well they're probably in your crayon box. yes i see it. let you find them there. big one and a little one. oh you don't want the little one? oh is this my pad? you wouldn't like it. okay. you wouldn't like it at all. yeah this is a different kind of pad isn't it? you want to write what. okay can you write a snow man. okay. do you want me to write you a snow man? okay. just a little one okay. i'll be right back eve. two snowmen well. okay i'll will write you another one. right there. do you think there'll be enough room there? will there? okay i'll write you a snow man with your crayons. you're sitting on it? yes. on this page. what's fraser doing? picture of what. small one. big? i should drink my coffee shouldn't i. mhm. i was using the crayon and the pencil see. and a pipe. we'll make it a black pipe. another what. a red what. snow man. okay? what dear? when he comes back? you mean he's not going to do anymore now. oh is he. well he's here. why wait until he comes back. yes? a b. put her in the basement. how are you eve? oh did you forget about your fizzie. eve that's colin's paper. it's not time for lunch yet it's too early? you drink your fizzie. honey it's not time for lunch. you can have it in just a little bit. no fraser will probably stay here and watch you have your lunch i suppose. gloria is coming. with fraser mhm? heard you saying nana nana. why are you saying it. i see eve? very beautiful. eat what. they were playing with beads this morning. would you please bring over that ashtray from the television set. yes my dear. yes. you're sure acting silly this morning eve. don't put the beads in your mouth eve? mhm. are you the mommy. what're you cooking for supper? pastina and what else. what kind of meat are we having? aren't we having any meat? what? what kind of meat? what? who knows what that is? you'd better stop chewing the bones. that's the string of the beads? are you putting something on your knee? i think you ought to put the supper over on the table? oh. that's the cooking place. what is the cooking place? that's where you cook the meat. hm. is it a refrigerator. what do we like to eat? you like that. i don't. why don't you cook something else. i like some meat please. what kind of meat? big ones. big ones what. yeah. what is the refrigerator? oh is that your refrigerator. i'm going to take some ice cubes out? better get some ice cubes? alright. it's not. takes a long time to cook. is it stew? well i'm getting hungry. i wish you'd get done. alright. may i have some bread and butter while i'm waiting for the stew. alright. thank you. that'll make me happy until supper's ready. hey. well i'm hungry too. i don't wanna wait. see how frustrating it is eve to have people stomping their feet when you're trying to cook? yes. i want something to eat. hurry up i want something to eat right now. i want something right now to eat. i don't wanna wait. better give papa some bread and butter eve. where is it? alright? i'm going outside. i don't wanna eat now. is that supper done yet. goodness it takes a long time. oh i'm terribly sorry? i didn't know i was standing on your ice cubes? i didn't know where they were? you forgot to tell me what you'd done with them. ice cubes. cooking? i don't think ice cubes cook eve. ice cubes freeze. that's right to freeze. i don't wanna wait. i wanna eat right now. i can't wait. i'm so hungry. please give me something to eat. well i can't wait until you're up from your nap. better give your father something to eat. what would you have? well guess what i made for you. guess. what do you like best of all? that's right. and that's what i made for you. it's right here? well just wait a second. yes. yeah. did you spill it on your dress. well don't eat it off your tray. i know you don't like the crust? that's why i'm cutting it off. shall i fold it over or do you want to. a bubble. what kind of bubble? right there. hi eve remember me? that's gloria. may i sit on your chair eve. oh eve eat your lunch. you can peek at her in a little bit. just forget she's there. that's right. do you want carrots or a piece of celery? yes we do have celery. we don't have any carrots? do you want celery? we do have celery? want some. yes. she's writing with fraser. is that fraser's gloria? well maybe. after a fashion. after a fashion yes. oh i'm sorry? yeah? you want to finish this tapioca while i go and feed sarah. she's in with papa right now. no more. hi eve how are you. well i thought i'd have some more coffee. i'm eating it. may i have some of your sandwich. what? you may but you can't too? i may have some but i can't too. yes dear. i see you. there i am? hi? they'll go in a little bit mhm. i'm right here? what dear? what do you want dear? you ready for dessert already. you want it. you want dessert? okay. do you want this? well that's the one you wouldn't let papa have? well how about that? i'm sorely disappointed? hello. mhm. i've been working at it awhile. i've been working at it awhile? i should be big. well you're getting bigger every day? would you like me to wipe your hands? my coat i think she said? do you do you you want to wear you bibbie or shall i take it off? snap. jump down you girl. alright get down then. good for pa. it certainly is. that's right. right? right right. right right. right right. where's david? oh i thought i was papa. yes? where's colin? where's fraser? where's colin fraser? well she's not sitting on our couch now but she did before. eve don't put your feet up there. no it'll come on by itself. well the heater turns on itself yes. it's too messy. hm? what? there's no fish food in there floating around? do you have an ashtray gloria? what were you doing outside this morning? you were playing so long. oh eve look you have chocolate all over you. yes? stop chewing on your clothes. where're you going there toots? you can't get out there. don't you step in the chair there? climb over. here? too bad. i see you did get in. you can't see what? why you can so see the fish tank? are your eyes growing dim? yeah? i thought so? she's doing fine thank you. big help. big help? why don't you take your shoes and socks off so when you go upstairs to take a nap you won't have to take them off? alright. i don't think you can untie those knots because i tied two in them. sit right here please. are you going to do it. well you just see. it's a hard thing to do. will fraser do it. you ask fraser if he'll do it for you? what would you like? he doesn't know what do? you didn't ask him. you just have your foot up there. fraser will do it? good fraser? yeah. yeah? this is a complicated knot. they didn't teach me this in the boy scouts? it's not finished. can you untie that knot now? that's it. you can do the rest of it. and your socks please? do they have dirt in them. why were you playing in the sandbox or something. why do they have dirt in them then? jackie came yesterday? well but you had a bath since then? you shouldn't have dirt in your shoes from yesterday. yes jackie came yesterday. yesterday afternoon. yes i know you did yesterday but there's no dirt in there now. well there'd better not be. yes you're going barefoot? oh honey i'll write you a snow man later. yes i can get you. alright? hi eve. what's the wise idea? that's becky's phrase? the wise idea. no that's not right. no it's not. wise. wise idea. well you sit in the rocking chair because sarah's going to sit in that one. you have some tissue in your mouth? see if you can get it? hi eve? how are you this morning dear? hm? you alright? good? it's a nice big glass isn't it? and what's in the nice big glass? what does it taste like? that's a lot of thinking. what are you thinking about? the fizzie? are there different kinds of fizzie. or just one fizzie? what kinds of fizzies? orange. orange fizzie? and you had an orange fizzie? yesterday. did you like it. what kind of fizzie do you have today? you have a grape fizzie? which do you like better? you like the grape? it's a big glass of cold isn't it. what else is inside your glass? what else? ice cubes. do you like ice cubes? now let's not be so squirrelly pumpkin. does she know that she's taking a trip? are you going somewhere. that's becky on the truck? and what's she doing there? what kind of truck is she on? a blue truck. is it a big truck or a little truck. that's my pencil yes? the other way? hello eve? how are you eve? what's that she's sitting on? a glass of cold? a glass of cold grape fizz? grape fizzie? a glass of cold grape fizzie? is that your little girl crying? is that your little baby crying? eve please don't chew on your dress? we have this difficulty in the apartment building? no it's not her crying? eve? you stay down here please. sarah's. sarah is sleeping eve. no she's not crying. she's. eve. eve dear. please come down the stairs. eve please come here. i want to speak to you please. eve what's this over here. i think she's wet. there's old father sarah. hi father sarah? can you peek with sarah? oh sarah isn't that a wet diaper. it certainly is. that's your big sis sarah? mhm alright. would you like to use this. it's the same as papa's is. how about that? what is papa doing? who's that? it looks like a lady. it looks like a little girl. is that sarah. that's a man. that's another man. you're making it all red. how nice? write another one. what's sarah doing? she's just sitting there? is eve allowed to write on the table. why don't you sit here and you write there. you want to write with me. where's your crayon eve? alright you write here with me. let's make a baby? make a pretty little baby? what's the baby doing? okay put tops on the other side. you put the top of yours on the other side. what's the baby doing? is that a green baby or a red baby. that's a red baby. that's right. the red is on top of a green one. then the green is underneath the red one isn't it! on this part. okay. we'll make a father baby? okay? here's the big eyes. here's a little tiny nose. and here's a nice smiling little mouth. how's that? is that a smiling baby or a crying baby. does this baby have hair. oh now it's a green baby. what's that? that red. isn't that blue. you put yours on top. let's put mine on yours and put yours on mine. now put yours on mine. then i can't write either. what's sarah doing? what does she have? what kind of toys? was that your toy first. what'd you do? you wrote on yourself. oh want me take it off. let's see. oh no here. here watch. magic. magic. magic? there. off some more. goodness sakes. there it goes. see it's going away. here. just about. there. no more. let's check that out shall we. tickle? aha? oh want to blow it off? there. big big breath wasn't it. no can't write again. let's make a coffee cup. there's the coffee. you're putting the coffee in the cup. oh isn't that awful. you putting the coffee in the cup? let's make another coffee cup here. put coffee in the coffee cup. that's a lot of coffee. you made a baby. look at what you did. eve you drew a little baby see. here are the eyes and here's the nose? that's your card. put some milk in your cup. that's eve's cup. write eve. e v e eve. can you translate? write for her? write her instead of draw her? draw her head and then it'll be eve. you want me to draw your head. here's head. and here's an eyebrow and here's another eyebrow and here's an eye. and here's another eye. how many eyes do you have? that's a lot of eyes. i wouldn't put that. eve don't put the pencil in your eye dear. you don't want red eyes do you. because you have pretty blue eyes. and let's make a little tiny nose. eve do not do it again. here's a little tiny nose. and here's a very pretty little mouth. how's that? okay put some milk in there in this cup. see it even says eve? very good. that's very good. that's a nice looking now too isn't it. let's make another cup. and let's put some fizzie in the other cup. look at all the nice fizzie. what kind of fizzie is it? grape fizzie or orange fizzie. and let's put an ice cube in? that's an ice cube. how many ice cubes do we have? um. i put it on your stool. well bring it back in the living room then but don't be so sassy about it. sarah's answering. i think eve the top fell on the floor if that's what you're looking for. maybe it's under the couch? do you see it? where is it? okay here's another one. here. let's draw a picture here eve. now let's make a big bottle. a big bottle. and what'll we put in the bottle. okay? that's good? let's make another one? make a very big bottle? what shall we put in that bottle? fizzie. what's a matter? what're you putting in? put another milk okay. here's another white one? sarah sarah. where's your toy? sarah can't find her rattle? do you want to find it for her? oops sarah rolled over. careful with her now? very careful? that's it. be careful now honey? that's it. easy? easy does it. very careful with her arm. don't twist it. alright. let's roll her back on the cushion shall we. there we go sarah? there. oh big sis helped you get back on the cushion? you must thank her. she probably would? go get your pencil? eve i don't like that noise. let's get the big spoon. the spoon. what'd you put on the spoon? what? put some jello on the spoon. put some jello in. she put pastina in it which is one of her favorite foods. that's another spoon. write sarah. s a r a. write her head? okay write sarah. oh okay. and here's her eyebrows. because i made the eyebrows on that one. do you want me to make the eyebrows on the new one? here you make the eyebrows. here we'll make a big face? now you make the eyebrows? nice eyebrows? beautiful eyebrows. eve? bring the pencil and the pad on the table here and i'll draw our house. would you like that. aha? yes? put this on the end shall we? which side will we begin. this side. alright. what's this eve? what's that? he's coming home from work? and here's his? what is it? alright? where's he going to ride? where's he going to ride the bicycle? is he? aha. then where is he going? now down here we'll make granny's house. alright. you want to sit on a chair you mean? okay? there's a big chimney on granny's house. see the smoke coming out the chimney. alright. you're sitting very close? how closer can you get? here's a bush? what is that? right? becky's not outside darling. that's some kids on the other walk. what's our car doing at granny's house? what's our car doing at granny's house? that's right. and look who's looking out the window at granny's house. look who's looking out the window at granny's house. who's that? that's eve at granny's house? sarah. you'll be there too. look. she's looking out that window. here's eve in one window and sarah in another. and who's this? walking up to the door who lives there? papa? papa's wearing a dress? then who is it? right. and momma has in her hand a cherry? popsicle. and she's bringing it to. hm. and who's going to eat it when she gets it to granny's house. eve's going to eat it. eve's waving to momma out the window. see her hand. she says hi momma. hm. that's right. show sarah what's happening. tell her what's happening. tell her what's in the picture. again. and again. again. alright. oh the horse is tired. let's do it again in fifteen minutes. shall we. we'll wait fifteen minutes for my leg. see my leg is the horse. the horse has to rest and eat his supper. it has to eat its supper yes. no it's not finished eating. it's still eating. oh you'll give the horse indigestion? it's still up. oh. well let's just take a little short trot. are you riding to the hounds. are you riding to the hounds. you. get off the horse? i think you got on the wrong side? you're falling off that horse. you're falling off that horse. there. you always get on the horse on this side? get on and get off the horse on this side. it's called the near side. that's right. that's right. get on. get on the near side. that's it. don't want to have a loose saddle. say you ride quite well. we'll teach you to post next week. we'll teach you to post next week? what's wrong with father sarah? hm? oh did she do that. well that silly goose. she just doesn't know better. we'll teach her though won't we. she might because she's young. sarah's teething i think? sarah's teething. and when little babies teethe they drool. drool on the baby's finger sarah. is that your baby or her baby. it's her baby. kiss the baby. easy. alright but be very careful of the coffee cup and the sugar? sarah watch eve's going to jump for you. whu my. that is jumping. good jump. that's quite a nice one. did you see that sarah. oh my? do it on your back. alright. oh. be careful you'll run into papa's iron cross. don't hit that. that would hurt? that's right. be very careful with that. see. look. let me see your finger. see it has very sharp edges and that would hurt if you fall on it? see. sarah what's wrong with you. what's wrong with sarah eve? she's getting fussy. she'd like to get back on the pillow. i think she needs her rattle her pink rattle. maybe her key. that would make her happy. why you have sarah's toy. let's go put sarah back on her cushion shall we do that. i think maybe that's what she wants? here we go. oh. down we go sarah. well sarah getting a cold. better papa'd better close the window. yeah we're alright? she hit her face. turn her so you can see us? somebody's in my chair? thank you? there we go. how about that? well not when you ask like that i won't? what did you say? did you say the magic word. would you draw me a picture of our house at sackville please. on the yellow tablet. i'd like to see you do that. alright. i don't want to help. no you do it over here. you going to make a blue house. don't make a blue house. don't make a red house. don't make a red house. don't write on daddy's tablet. don't write on daddy's yellow tablet. that your tablet. don't write on my tablet. no don't do that. don't write on your tablet. sarah what's wrong babe? put them on top? where's your tablet? where's papa's tablet? go get it. you go? what's that? what is that? what is that? what's in it? many kinds. i wonder if sara would like to see it. you don't think she would. alright? after your nap we'll show her. we'll explain to her what it's all about. okay. hello. hello. hello. hello? are you. go back soon. is that an exercise? can you do a bx? yes. yes. yes? yes. alright i won't catch you this time. a big s a b. that was a bx. i don't think it was a bx. oh what was that. no i've never seen a bx like that. have you sarah. what's a bx? i'm doing the canadian the raf basic exercise plan. is that a bx. sara doesn't think it's a b x and i'm not so convinced that it is. watch the feet in sara's face. it was. indeed the strangest i've ever seen. watch your feet now in sara's face. it doesn't look like a bx to me? that's no bx i've seen. i think you're silly. did you scratch your knee on the iron cross. now didn't i tell you to be careful of that. it has sharp edges and it hurts when you touch it. where? may i kiss it. alright let's get it up here. eat lunch. is it time for lunch already. oh are you sure? what do you want for lunch? how about cheese sandwich? eggnog. that's all there is. oh i think we have enough bread. yes we do. an eggnog. i think you better pee pee first? you go up and pee pee and then i'll fix. lunch? alright. well then i'm not going to fix lunch? alright. hurry up. run run. hi sara? want me to come with you. run here i come. shall i come? alright? are you coming down. what is it? yeah. i can what. oh you can't see me. shall i come over there. how's that? you want to get up in your high chair big girl? can you see me now? now let's see how can we make an eggnog. move what dear. how's that? now what do we need for an eggnog eve? an egg? what else? and what else? sugar that's right. first we'll put in the egg? shall i put the shell in. shall i put the egg shell in. no egg shell alright? some milk. alright? is that enough milk? shall we put some more milk in? i think a little more would help? how's that? that looks alright. now we need the sugar. and a touch of vanilla? now we mix. i think it's done? shall we see? alright. where's the pitcher? here pitcher. there it is. how's that one? pretty good one. oh we forgot your bibbie. slip on my part? arms in please. now how about a cheese sandwich. that taste pretty good. alright? what's that you're eating eve? oh? you like cheese? this kind of cheese? what? i didn't hear you. what kind of cheese is that? orange cheese. where is she? she's talking? did you finish it? oh you did? whoops spilled it? yep all gone. it's all finished. just a little little bit. all gone? it's all gone. guess he will. better finish your cheese sara. eve? now daddy's coming back to make it for you. daddy's coming back to make it for you? very funny. what's sara saying? what? what's the matter? really? do you want me to pour the rest of this in? oh i'm sorry? may i top it? stop it. look at sara. about to crawl. is that a cup on the table. you want to see what i have. there see. you want some more eggnog. how's your cheese doing? is that cheese in your mouth. that's a finger? that's cheese. what is it? is that a baby noise? that's a baby noise? how many fingers do you have? that's a lot of fingers? that's a thumb. you have a fingernail yes? that's right. what? did he. he bought you some new bed slippers. that's another cup? what kind of slippers did david buy you? what kind of slippers did david buy did poppa buy you? new red sock slippers? what? new red? sign slippers. he'll be right here. he's just helping the men from morgan memorial. he'll be right in. here he comes. hear him? here he comes. yes eve. okay? say you've been drinking your eggnog haven't you. now how's father sara? alright? now how about that cheese sandwich. alrightie. sara what could be bothering you child. we're here. we're alright here. just a minute sara. did you fall off your pillow. oh you're just being squirrelly. you're just being squirrelly aren't you? well let's just leave her here on the cushions dear. is that alright. can you see her now? there she is. you can't? well. how about we move the chair like this? can you see her now? there you can see her? sara. we're all here. oh you're drinking a lot of eggnog this morning. what dear? what did you say sweetheart? do you want some more? goodness sakes what an eggnog drinker. goodness sakes what an eggnog drinker? you've drunk all of your eggnog? nope? yes i'm gloria? you drank an awful lot of eggnog didn't you? that's wonderful. what are you going to eat next? who's cutting? what's he cutting? what's a matter sara? now be careful dear it's very hot? let it cool off? what's the matter? are you hungry too? are you hungry too. that's right sara. momma went to boston. how did momma go to boston eve? okay? okay would you like to put it back? okay let me fix it though look? i have to get this staple out? okay wait a minute i'll help you? and then we'll fix the phone? see alex that's what we can't have happen honey? here push 'em in? you can't break 'em. let me go get the phone wait a minute. there? okay. okay you ready? you have to put them in here? and mommy will open the dirt for you okay gohead. put 'em in here and then give mommy the dirt? no put it in the little holes? there you go. come on. one? two? three? four? one two three four five six. let me see your dirt? what's a matter with you today? let me open it. alright then you know what we can't do this? we can't do this cause you're not acting very nice. alright let's put it away? nope we've gotta put it away and do something else. we just can't you're not paying attention? you have? put your dirt in. nope. okay. we'll try something else? alright? would you like to go to plan b? would you like to cook daddy some brownies? alex you can't play with them if you're gonna throw 'em? you have to do it like you did the other one you have to sit and you have to pay attention and you have to cooperate? stop crying stop crying? listen to me? listen listen listen? calm down? calm down? hey hey? calm down? what do you say? are you calm? okay? you have to calm down? alright. okay. what's that? a t. and an e. okay would you like to get some juice. no you can't play with scissors. would you like your crayons. no we can't do the seeds because you're not listening. alright are you gonna calm down. okay calm down. okay calm down. calm down alex. okay. where you going? in your chair? one two three lift. would you like your crayons. okay. what honey? yes. alex what is wrong with you? what is the problem? oh the stress. i don't understand. you having an off time? okay. are you show me which colors. a pink okay where's pink. pink? oh pink is broke. how bout this pink? that's? all your pinks are broke. pink. would you like a blue. how bout? a black. here's black. whoops? here's black. a purple. right here right here? right here right here. oh my goodness. right there calm down. how bout a blue? this blue. this is blue. would you like a green. right here? here you go green? a pink. didn't i give you a pink. here's a pink. you know what see this one right here take this one out this one's no good. yeah that one's no good. what else do you need? pink. a red you have red. a blue how bout a purple do you have a purple. okay! another pink. how bout brown do you have a brown? do you need brown? a brown? okay. how about? orange. say excuse me. orange. right there. pink. how about? yellow. no those are the cheapy crayons how come they're in here. yellow. this yellow is broke. okay. let's pick a page. would you like to pick a page. this one. okay. how about a brown? could mommy please have a brown. brown. brown. purple. what color is that? would you like to color his nose. gahead you can do it. oh very nice. his shoes okay how bout the black. black or brown? no. not that one. and then i'll color his shoes. what's this one? black thank you. blue shoes. alex's blue. how bout brown? where's the brown? could mommy have the brown please. that's white. purple? white? purple? white. purple. white. how bout brown? and i'll do his shoes. that's orange. nope. brown? brown. how bout green and i'll do the tree? how bout green? for the tree. would you like me to do the leaves. now who. juice? i don't think so. there how bout see the purple pants. purple pants? are you going to do his nose. what color which color? how bout orange? that's blue. how bout pink? that's orange? want his nose to be orange? okay. oh wow look at that an orange nose. which one. let mommy fix the phone okay. oh very nice green. yeah. that's excellent. do some more coloring. which one show me. purple. purple. what's that one? green. excellent. would you like to write in the back. you know how we write. would you like mommy to do some writing. we'll practice our writing? ready. what's first? good. h. oop mommy made it backwards what's wrong with her. j k. l. m. i'll make an n? o. p. what? w. z a big z. big z. okay. how bout blue? what's this one? ready set go? how bout this one? what's that one? fourteen. a fifteen. no not yet. sixteen. that's right seventeen. eighteen? nineteen? twenty? twenty? you did it good but how about backwards? ten. nine? nine? eight? seven. six? five. four? three? two. raay. how bout this what does this spell? a? l. e? x. spells alex? that's red. oh thank you. oh this is the crummy red i don't like these crayons. what honey? that's the cheapy red. bleh? whoops? what's this say? this one. s? o? l. d. sold. very good. how bout this one? w. e. l. l. well. a triangle okay. up down across? triangle. square. one line. two line. three line? four lines. square? a circle? you're gettin good with your shapes alex i'm proud of you? circle. a square? one two three four. square. a triangle? up? down? across. a circle. oo whoops. a triangle? up. down? and across? another triangle? up? down? across. circle. ow whoops? a square. that's a? well it's an o that's right it is an o but it's a circle. triangle. square? would you like me to do another square? how bout a rectangle wanna do that one? ready. that's long. little? long. little? see? that's blue? this is blue? blue blue blue? how about a blue triangle? would you like a blue triangle. blue. blue. blue. what these please? okay. blue? blue? blue. yellow. say excuse me. pink. red. purple. blue? orange? very good? brown? green? black? would you like your playdoh. right there? right here. would you like your playdoh. would you like to press and pull. okay. let's put your crayons away first. and i'll get the playdoh would you like a green playdoh and pink playdoh today two play doughs. that's okay we'll sharpen it it broke. that's alright though. and the blue. very good. okay. okay. where's your shapes? let's see. let's see where did. oh here's your. what's this? triangle. what's this? what is it? bird. bird. and. wait a minute the tree. what's this? tree. a what. you have the triangle honey? it's in your hand. you need more shapes. more shapes. oh you need your rolling pin. there's your rolling pin. what did you just say? one two three. a circle? rectangle? okay. is that enough. how bout a giraffe? okay? here it comes. silly goose. where's your stuff? you threw it all over the floor. you need your supplies. would you like to do pink. what happened to your circle? okay. green. okay ready. want me to fix it for you. what honey? okay wait a minute mommy's gonna fix it for you then you can do the press and pull. okay? let me just flatten it. wait a minute wait a minute let me put it near you. move your shapes. let me make it big. okay ready. wait a minute wait wait i have to make it a little more flatter it's a little bumpy for some reason? o k go head. what do you do? press. pull huh. triangle. turn it over turn it over. gahead press. press. and pull? what's that? tree. that's giraffe can you say that. turn it the other way this way. press. pull. huh how cute that is so cute alex we'll have to make cookies? that's a rectangle. press. and pull. wow. where's your circle? oh the bird? turn it turn the bird. turn your bird. press. and pull. oh. circle? press. and pull. wow? press. pull. two circles. you have to press it. press. pull. press. no that's okay? a pink. this is not pink this is green. would you like the green. you wanna pull this one? whoops? what honey? what? tell me what you want? the green? green? here's your green. thank you? you'd like to make little playdoh balls okay? out of the green or the pink? you wanna do this one? okay ready. get ready. how many? ten. okay ready. here's your one. one. don't eat it. two. coming right up. two. two. three. ready. press. pull. waap? it stuck? three. press. and pull. here's your three? three. four. would you like a five. that's your three. it's a playdoh ball. what's a matter? is it broke. what's a matter? here i'll fix it. squish it squish it. squish it squish it? squish it. now you have two squishes. now don't do that cause then it makes such a mess. would you like another one. whoops? did you catch it. there's two. three? the green. whoops i'll get it? a pink. okay here's your pink. i'll make you a green? okay green? very nice? you're color coordinating. a green. here's your green? would you like to make two piles. all pink and all green. like that. okay now which one. another pink. pink. excuse me. two. no it didn't break. a green. here's a green. say thank you. alex what did i tell you about that. don't do that please. a pink okay. pink. whoops? how bout a green? a green. a green please. yes. okay here's your green. here's your green? mhm. another green. okay. ready. okay here is your green. here's your green? alex. here you are. green. squish it. you squish it. squish it. i don't have anymore pink you took my last pink. i don't have any? what do you say? can you say squish it? squish it. a green what a green little thing? a ball. a green ball. boop. two? two. two. three. here it comes here comes the three? here it comes? here comes the four. one two three go. four. five ready. one two three four. five. five. what comes after five? nope the other way? what comes after five? no that's backwards way six. say six. say six? why are you kissing the playdoh you're supposed to kiss me? here. here? alex look. alex? look. what's this? ho? alex look. boo? where'd it go? whatsat? what's that on that nose? boo. would you like to make snakes. now who. there's a one? where'd it go? two? whosat whosat? where is she? three. i'll get it for you. four. there's your snakes. woah woah where'd the other playdoh disappear to? there's that one. wah wah wah. one two three wake up jeff. wake up jeff? pink snake. say how did you do this to me? boop? i'll make a pink and a green? watch? you ready. let's make a two toned. let's mix e'em. ready. where's the green? how'd the green get in there? how'd the green get inside the pink? how'd it get in there you see it? see the green? hum. look let's cut it in half. how did the green get in there? you see it. how did that green get in there? the green is inside the pink. squish it. squish it. what are you doing? squish it. say squish it? squish it. you squished this green look. it's all squished? god bless you? ball? where's alex's nose? where's mommy's nose? where's alex's eye? there. i don't want that playdoh ball? keep it over there? don't. keep that. give it to the bird. tweet tweet. put it in the truck. what honey? are you giving me that. i don't want this play dough ball? let's squish it and see what it looks like. ready? look at this. wow look. look at the green and the pink it's all mixed up? isn't that lovely? it's like tie dye. it's like marble? press. pull? a triangle. yup that's right? a square okay oh i don't have the square cookie cutter out. i don't know where it is. probably in that bag? how bout a circle? would you settle for a circle. ready? yes? i don't know where'd it go? it's over there. okay ready. where's the circle? ready. one two three. press? and pull. wow a circle. almost looks like a moon? yeah. circle? and a triangle? very good. make a snake look remember how i showed you. roll it roll it roll it roll it roll it. playdoh. wait a minute let me fix it for you and then i'll give it to you. okay ready. would you like to make a triangle. how bout a bird? press? are you gonna pull. huh wow? triangle. press. thank you? alex pull the triangle. would you like a bracelet? oh that's beautiful. yes. oh that is beautiful. look at my beautiful bracelet? no don't touch my beautiful bracelet. no it's so pretty. would you like to try it. alright gohead. here. where's your hand? oh it's lovely. oh it's so pretty? very nice? very nice? it broke? did it break? you threw the playdoh now it's all gone. oh no? where'd it go? it's over there where. where'd you throw it on the floor? hum? oh no? oh it broke. should i fix it? in the other room. where's daddy? upstairs. where's gigi? at the? she went to go see grammy. where's papa? he's at work? where is? she's home. where is auntie? she's. went to go see grammy too. where is? he's at work? where is mommy? here i am? where is alex? huh where's your fish dorothy. where's dorothy? over there? she has medicine in her bowl cause she's sick? huh? she has a belly ache? she's in there she's taking a break? she has to have medicine? she has a boo boo in her belly. where is? papa? he's home. who else do you know? where is grammy? grammy doesn't feel good? where is auntie? auntie is at the nursing home? where's gigi? gigi is there too. where's daddy? upstairs. in school. where is? he's at work? mommy's right here? here i am. i know i'm making. oh okay who would you like to call? okay ready. who is it? very good dialing? excellent. hi elmo? hi telly? hi baby bear. hi baby bear. who else do you know? say hi dorothy. hi wags the dog. hi captain feathersword? hi wiggles? hi henry? hi dorothy. say hi elmo? where's big bird? did you say hi to big bird a. say hi big bird? did you dial did you dial. press the buttons. did you fix it? hum? what's that? what's that? what's that? i don't know what is it roll it. roll it roll it roll it roll it roll it roll it roll it squish it squish it squish it squish it squish it squish squish squish squish squish squish it. aha what happened it broke. playdoh? huh? can i call someone? please? give me that phone please? give me that phone please. give it to me please. please. give me that phone? give it to me. give me the phone give me. give me give me give me give me give me give me the phone please please please please please. may i have a turn please. i'm gonna call big bird. let me see. let me see. oh hi big bird. how are you? good how's the nest. excellent. just a minute please. it's for you it's big bird a. say hi. hi big bird. oh okay. telly. hi telly. how's the tuba? okay just a moment. okay he's on his way to band practice so you have to talk quick? now who is it? it's big bird again? where's elmo? hi telly? hi baby bear. hi big bird. oh how bout elmo hi elmo? say hi prairie dog. say hi zoey. let me see? ready? one two three? squish it. i remind you of a cookie. wait a minute i'll help you down. careful? careful? there's no touching please. yeah i'll help you. right here. look. right here no stand there stand there. stand there over there i want to show you? over there stand over there. over there over there over there over there over there. where are you alex? huh there you are. there you are. who's that? where's that baby? there he is? where'd he go? there he is. careful. you're gonna fall alex you better pick this stuff up? easy? easy. okay? alright calm down. do you wanna are we done oh? oh no alex don't you might break it honey? you're too rough? okay alright bye baby? this way bye baby? no no no no no. okay let me take this off first. it's recording? what do you want to eat honey? oh the grapenuts? okay? okay? okay you pop it? okay? that's enough? very good. you wanna pour your own milk on it honey? pour your own milk? mommy let you pour too much milk. okay? you can take one more? you have enough milk honey. you poured really enough milk? you've got too much milk honey. mommy will take a little. see you could hardly find your cereal in there with all that milk? yeah you'll get some honey? here? see. that's just right? this is yours honey? mommy's gonna have some too. mommy's gonna have a little too? here's your juice honey. shh? don't cry now. you gonna just cry like that? mhm? okay. i'm sorry. i never pushed you up to the table? let me push you up to the table? you're too far away? you wanna put more sugar on it? what honey? you pour it? that's the cover for the sugar? okay honey? i think that's enough sugar now? yeah one? that's enough put it down honey? that's enough now oh good? do you like that cereal? hm? oh honey it's got oodles of sugar on it? well i think you shouldn't have any more? i have just a little on mine. you want more orange juice. no nomi this is too heavy. it's too heavy. it's too heavy for you to pour honey. no. this is too hot. i let you do all the things that you could do honey. you want what. what honey? oh. look you spilled all the things now what did you want honey this little book. that little book is where i have things written down that nomi says. want look at it? okay well you? now listen honey you eat some more cereal and drink your juice and don't fall down like that on your food. that's mommy's vitamin. nomi wrote on that. no mommy's. that's mommy's. honey what's daddy gonna do when he gets home tonight? hm. what's daddy gonna do? hm. no he's not gonna turn it? what's he gonna do to you? what? what do you think? what do you think? what do you think? this. this is a baby announcement? this is a telephone. this is a wedding announcement. with a pin. yes a pin's holding them on? you stuck them in. you stuck them in there. you helped. helped mommy. what is daddy going to do to you when he gets home? what's he gonna do to you huh? do you know? he's gonna drink coffee. what's he gonna do to nomi? say boo to you. what else? vitamins. is he going to tickle you. is he going to bounce you. yeah? is he going to tell you about miami? is he going to tell you about his meeting. what else? what else? is he going to hug you. mhm. that's an a? no it's not a w? that's a w? what color is that? what color? what color? you're not listening? what color is this? i know it's a puzzle but what color is it. here turn it right side up so you can tell. tell me what color that is? donald duck. is that purple? is it green? it's yellow. what color is that? and what color's that? what color is that? red. what color is your dukes of hazzard car? that's yellow? can you spell your name out with these letters? that's an o? d. don't tickle the letters? you'll make them giggle? what's that? yeh but what is that picture? of what. is that grass? there's w. what are these? where do these go? well where does it go on the puzzle. why don't you put this where it goes for me please. will you put that in its place please. thank you? thank you? that goes? can you make it fit in the hole? thank you very much? what is that pink thing? that's an ant or is it a worm? it's a worm? uh oh? where's the rest of the puzzle? oh very good? that's mickey mouse? donald duck? okay? i'm sorry? that's donald duck? and what's this? it's grass. it's big grass isn't it. and what'd you tell me this was. nah that's not what you told me it was. what'd you tell me that pink thing was? worm. worm. worm. did you sing your song. itsy witsy spider can we sing it. okay. you like these letters. it's going pretty fast. it goes around doesn't it? it's a microphone? no you're not supposed to touch it. you're just supposed to look at it. you talk to it. yeh. don't get too close. sing it a song? sing it a song. what songs do you know? sing itsy bitsy spider. uh oh? let's do the puzzle again. okay. you do his head. there you go? that one's kinda hard. here. where do his feet go? there you go. now what's that. that's his belly. where does his belly go? right there. now where does his arm go. i forgot. do you remember where his arm goes? here i'll help a little bit. there you go? is that is that where his arm goes. okay. what's that? that's very good. better put that worm up there. yep. isn't the worm supposed to be talking to the duck. why don't you put the worm so he can talk to the duck. no you had that part right? you wanted to finish this one don't you? see if you can get it up there. see if you can stack them up. can you stack them on top of each other? watch this. that's a k. that's an i. y. no i don't want you to knock them down yet. now you can knock them down. okay now you do it! y. no here's the w. that's w? that's an n? no no. that's a b. no that's an e. see the difference. what's the difference? see the e is open. and the b. is it open. what do you think? which one is open. which one is open. show me. which one is open. point to the one that's open. i saw that. yeh. put em together. what'd you do today? did you throw sand today. what did you do at school today? d. that's a b. o. what's that? what's that one? that's right. that's a w. what's that? no. it's an e. a new toy. that's one. yeh. w okay. what is that? that's another w. okay what's that. that's a w also. see we know our alphabet. okay another w? still a w? what's that? what's that? okay another w. that's a i. do you know your colors? oh everything's a w. let's look through them. go ahead and get them out yourself. another w? what color is it? what color is it? w. what color is that? okay. what color is that? okay? what color is that? yellow. that's good? alright. you wanna get them out of the box yourself? get them out yourself. don't worry about that. that's okay? where you going? pick them up? stack them. okay. that's an s. that's an s. w. mhm. what color is that? that's w color. that's a new color right. that's a machine. it won't go any faster. that's how fast it's supposed to go. why don't we play with these things. i know where a puzzle i know where a puzzle is. baby puzzle. yeh. yeh. puzzle? let's see if we can put it together. hm. can you put it together? here we go. let's put it together. where does that piece go? hm. goes there. okay? where does that piece go? no. let's try another piece. where does that piece go? that was a nice start. wait a minute. what is that? donald duck huh. okay let's put it right there? is that better? put it right there? mhm. hm. bet cha can't figure out where that goes. hm. let's do that one again. okay. okay? right there? okay? okay? you do the next one? make him look up. look up at the sky? okay? last piece? super. what do you wanna do now? pour them out. okay? you gotta put them back? it's your job. hm. help it? would that be easier? super. pat it down? now what's next. hm? look here. look here. who's at? it's a what. what's that? you don't know? good. hm? pour them out again. you like that puzzle don't you? daddy buy you a puzzle? it's your turn to put them in. that's good. okay that's good. that's very good. hm. there we go. good. get it in. fix it. you can do it. do it. let's try again? now you do it. now you got it. you got it. alright very good. very good? okay let's start again. hm? okay? what do you want for breakfast? is it dark outside? do we want to go outside? where is it? where? are you going to change your diaper? what's on the pictures? do you want your coat on? tisha's watching you. she can't have the book. what's your name? don't let her pull your hair. what's tisha doing? what was tisha doing? the dog was in the back yard. was mummy mad? where did the dog go marjorie? put it down. yes. what do you like to watch on tv? then what? who's on sesame street? what is it? no he's not here. where is it dark? whats heavy? tell me where the boy is. what are you going to draw? matches. what did daddy do? the kids are fine its you i'm worried about. what chya been doing? where does the fork go? it goes in the tray. yes. no its marjorie's. what else have you done? shall we go downstairs? what shall we do? what's the boy doing? do you like sesame street? what did the man do? what's he doing? who is that? is he a monster? why is ernie crying? what do you want daddy to do? where's the sun? where has he gone? what toy do you like to play with? what's that? where did you wear it? what else did you wear on your head? nineteen? i'm here? i'm here? i'm here? i'm here? i'm here. i'm here. i'm gonna put my apple sauce in here. laura do you want apple sauce in yours. you like apple sauce in yours? okay? i'll give you some apple sauce first. it's very hot laura? very very very hot? laura the apple sauce cools the stuff off? apple sauce cools stuff off. who wants apple sauce? cool the stuff off. right? lamb? want it? two. you have to stir it in laura. stir it into your cereal. yeah? i'll give you milk? there? i'll be in charge of the milk? ready? yep? so five year old girl? no? i don't mind? i use that the other way? there's a little brown sugar? the hamsters are fast asleeping? are they? again? i guess they like sleeping. they dream while they're eating. there's milk in yours. you have a lot of milk. i do too. well. this is a good break. oh. oatmeal morning. you want a little sugar. can i have an inch of sugar too. yeah? i'll have a little sugar. oh. aha. yeah. oh. hey. hey. i want some more oatmeal. she wants some more oatmeal too. here? you wanna bite more while i'm up? no. we're pouring you some apple sauce laura. okay. i'll pour it? i'll pour it. laura wants sugar again. laura wants sugar again. okay. well. that's closest to her father? he'll have to do it? a little bit of sugar. can i have a little bit of sugar. dad can i have a little bit of sugar. mm. look at it. do i want some more. no. thank you? uh? no. i don't want it laura. so just keep your oatmeal in your bowl. alright. no. i really. special soup. i don't need anymore special soup. thank you. aha. yeah. what? what laura? do not put food on the table cloth. laura wants more sugar. no more. i'm sorry laura. no more sugar for anybody. you don't need anymore on it. give it to me laura. good. that was a good breakfast? yes. yes. you had enough too. oh. so eat it up. laura that's gonna spill and i really don't wanna clean up oatmeal. please don't spill it laura. they really don't wannoo clean up glass. no. i don't. okay? you wanna give it to me? now both of you could go out and see if it's raining. yeah. or. or they could go the play room because mommy and daddy haven't finished their breakfast yet. go play. okay. okay. what's the matter? there must be a cat fight? is that why you cried for me? laura cried for me? it's the early evening? may seventeenth? i came up to see what's the matter? she said there must be a cat fight? must be cat fight. what's the matter laura? and that's why you called for me. must be children screaming? how can i help you? you want me to rock you? and talk to you a little bit. okay. you think that must be what happened? okay? you heard that? that's what you think you heard? oh my. i don't know what you heard laura? what do you think you heard? cat fight. i see? how was your day today? you okay. yes? i heard your hiccups? yes. that's a broken tape recorder. i don't know. what was that noise? oh my goodness? you know? yeah? you know laura it's ten eight at night? it's really time to go to sleep? no i don't? i think there are? perhaps it was? you like to sit in my lap like this. okay. okay. but now it's quiet. everything's okay. what would you like me to do to help you go back to sleep? yes it must be. are you afraid of cat fights. why are you afraid of cat fights. put the broken tape recorder away. i'll put it away when i go downstairs. okay. when you wake up then it will be gone? you won't see it anymore. is that one good? you like that tape recorder? do i have laura on it. not right now. no. i just happen to have it on your bed. it's all gone? what has laura got? she had apple sauce in a bowl. i see. you watched mr rogerse and saw ernie? oh. and bert. no there's no cat fight laura? uh huh? you're a girl. i thought you were laura. what well where is laura? daniel is you. then what happened to laura. you're really laura. yes. mhm hm? or did you have that tonight. yes. we had that tonight. pizzas. that's right. that was sort of special because mummy was so tired. do you like pizzas? why. do you do you think he does? why do you hope he likes pizzas? do dogs like pizzas? the might. what do you think? i don't know if dogs like pizzas or not. laura i wanna see something here. one second sweetie. okay. i don't know for how long we've lost this. well okay. i hope i didn't miss too much of this. okay. i'm turning this. side two on it. alright. i didn't lose a lot of this laura. i lost some of it. don't play with that. that's mummy's. it's on. oh laura i didn't record all of this. i just played it off. some days your mother is so stupid. no. i did it. i thought i was getting all this wonderful stuff? what? this is nothing laura. that's nothing. except your mother's stupidity. don't put that in there. no. oh. what? you went through what. that plug? i see what the trouble is? where must there be a cat fight laura? i don't know where it could be laura. uh huh. i'll be right back laura. it must be. there's yours sandals. yes. sometimes you do. okay laura. i'll be right back. you don't huh. yes i saw you tore that off your wall. where does what go? i don't know where your old shoes are. that's your new sandal. that's right? tsk oh laura. you did what. you didn't do anything. the reel? is the wrong? is a different size? no just leave this alone. okay. well you keep it. yeah. well you know what laura. i had the wrong size reel so i can't turn the tape. no. i don't. i couldn't be in a worse problem. yeah. don't help me too much. how are you gonna help me? yeah. it's a dumb tape recorder. it's very frustrating laura because the reel was the wrong size and i can't even fix it now. don't take that laura. leave that alone will you? no no no. i need that. that's the tape. get that out of your. okay. you know what i'm gonna do laura. sometimes you wear your new sandals. okay laura i'll be right back. okay? just. no. just stay here. no. i'd like you really. just to stay here. huh. just stay here? no? i'm gonna? oh. just stay here. do you need more apple juice? okay. are you coming with me or staying here. staying. or coming with me? okay? hm? is what empty? laura th i couldn't be having more trouble with this could i? no no no. don't play with that? that's really for mummy? no don't touch it? please do not touch this. just call me inept when it comes to running a machine laura? yes. it's empty? yeah you could? no i need it. i need it. give it to mummy? okay? okay? i missed unfortunately a lot of it. but i'll give it to you on a cassette? it's night time now isn't it. yes. okay i really hope this is. working this time. is this going through now? okay. i g i know what? no it won't play through? yes? a tape was in there laura and the tape was not round wound. and now it won't come off it properly. yes. it's new. now is this winding through. no. this tape was wound wrong laura and it isn't winding onto the reel properly. don't play with it. yeah. that's new too. and i'll tell you i'll take that simple old cassette any day? okay. can you put your sandals in the box? no. but i'll give you the cassette to hear if you'll give it back to me? okay. would you save that for me? you're sharing it with me? in the box? no i don't think that's such a great idea to put your sandals in the box laura. okay? let's try again to say good night to each other should we. no it's trying to get to ready for bed laura. you turn it off? come on? come here? you turn it off. i'm sorry. i had so much trouble with that thing. okay? you turn the light out so we can have a bedtime. i'm gonna put you to bed now? and i have? come on? i'm gonna rock you and we're gonna chat? shh? you have to laura. it's bedtime. do you need to scream by yourself or what? yes it is. i'm sorry? come on i'll rock you. with pippin? well you wanna go straight in bed? no. you can't have your bottle now. if you want the bottle you can go right in bed and go to sleep. okay? let's get pippin and i'll have a chat with you. okay? no don't do that? i don't like that? let's get pippin and we'll have a chat? okay. here's pippin. okay. oh. who don't you like to sit in the rocker? good. there's nothing to hear? i didn't wanna? mess it up. yeah. you wanna hear it? on your ear. okay. wanna listen and hear if this is going? is it going? okay? laura's going on this and you can hear laura tomorrow? shh shh. we'll hear laura tomorrow on the broken tape recorder? yes. mhm hm. you didn't have pears. what? she didn't have ham. no. did she or didn't she. i don't know. did she have orange juice. no. we have orange juice. i see. how did that happen? when you took a bubble bath? well she didn't take a bubble bath did with you did she. yes. when you watching television you did hear thunder? and there was a thunderstorm laura. you think our glass table makes a noise like thunder. i see. you saw ernie up in the tree. yesterday. oh at nursery school. that's right. yesterday maybe you did. that's very. that's right. who else did you see there? yeah? i didn't understand you? your own school. who's your teacher? yeah. yeah. and what do you what would you do at your school? oh and get lunch. yes you can have a lunchbox for your three birthday? i don't see any reason why you couldn't. yes you could but you have a long wait until your three birthday. yes you can have ham. but who in our family is going to have a birthday soon. yes? yeah. what do you think it was? really. pardon me. a lady honked her horn. that's possible. you didn't. wind it up. well that's a mask laura? yes it is your mask. but she let you play with it? isn't that nice of her. alright. yes. you can take it with you in the crib. would that make you happy? could your baby stay in the car seat. yeah. did we go to the zoo in my car on monday? that's right. you really enjoyed that game. who drives? that's right. you do. and who am i. yeah? i have to be the baby. am i a good baby. i'm not. how come? i have to be? i see. mummy? yes i am? i don't know? where did it go? i don't know? where did your mouse go laura? do you wanna look for it a minute? okay. there's your. you look. i have to turn your light on for one second. and then i'm gonna turn it right off again. okay. did you get your mouse. okay. you wanna rock some more? alright. we could rock some more. laura do you see your kleenexes. what? there's a tissue? good. mhm hm. what's the trouble? you can't turn the dark off? you can only turn the light off. okay. let's have a nice rock. yes. what are what are you doing? okay. you what. writing. or riding. did she use a pencil or did she ride? oh lying. she was lying on your rug. oh her tummy hurt and she was lying on the rug. i see. on your rug. did it help her tummy. you didn't give her your blanket. oh she already had her own blanket? and where was your blanket. oh. no. uh huh. when did you have chicken? you had chicken last saturday night? could you have a hamster. when you're five you could have a hamster? what do you think it could be? must be. yeah. maybe somebody did have to go to the hospital. i hope not. you're really sick. well what's the matter. upset. i don't understand that word. oh trapped. oh you were in jail? were you scared about that. oh. all of that happened on the back patio? yes i'm sure you would be very upset about that. i'm sure you would. why was he serious about that too laura. yeah? you gotta cry. you girls? yes? we're tape recording? and someday when you're a very big girl you'll listen to them? yes? what? oh you show mrs evans your baby. yeah? does mrs evans like your show. what did mrs evans say? yeah? did people say something? oh? she gave you a kiss? did you like it? oh did you? oh is that what she does. uh huh. you don't. why not. oh deedee doesn't mind either? okay? but does he take the bird in the living room? well i hope not? you're gonna kick? who are you gonna kick? but who are you gonna kick? yeah i know he caught a bird? that was a long time ago? that was about two weeks ago laura? did you like that? but daddy he didn't kill that bird laura? bird was okay. yes he did. yes you kicked him and he jumped up and ran off. yeah. making loud noises. you must be careful or he'll drop the bird. yes. that's what we did. you scream? i scream? mhm hm. she was trying them on you. do you like your new sandals? is that what happened? no your feet are just right. i think they're are they the same size. you got a new bear? does it have a name. oh you were. uh huh. oh. yeah. no. no. where did he take you? what did he do? oh. are you getting tired. are you ready to go to sleep now. what do you wanna do? okay. would you like that. alright. yeah. huh. hey how you doing in the bathroom. yeah. you wanna go in your crib now? okay laura. okay. well? uh huh. laura let's get the baby out. dearie me. that's your doll. come on. you want me to sing frere jacques or are you gonna sing frere jacques. me. okay? i'll sing frere jacques. frere jacques frere jacques. dormez vous dormez vous? sonnez les matines sonnez les matines. okay. sleep tight. okay. okay laura? what? hm. alright. yeah i think so. frere jacques frere jacques. dormez vous dormez vous. sonnez les matines sonnez les matines. ding. okay laura. okay. sleep tight sweetie. we're on the way home from school. okay. now we're all ready to go. we're all set. we're all set. that crazy machine was acting funny. mhm. i'll write. okay. oops. it's a. no. that's close though. what did he say it was? saw. it's a slide. that's right. it's a slide. aha. goes on a wheel. what're you looking for? what's that? what's that you pulled out? the people go on the people go where? mhm. that's right. that's where they go. and what's this thing called? that's right. seesaw. mhm. i see your horsie. are you gonna ride? do you ride every morning? hm? i'm looking out there. i am. what do you see? what's what? a dog? i see a lot of doggies. what? oh. i see it. i see the smoke. where's it coming from? right. by the house. is it coming out of the chimney? mhm. when are you going? when are you going? in the dark? when are you going? are you going to see nana and bill today? and doc? aha. oh doug. you going on the bus? you need a kleenex. you get it? you need some help? huh? very good. what? that's my lunch over there. that's right. there're the people. did you have cake for dinner last night? what kind of cake was it? did somebody fall? on the slide? what do you do? mhm. mhm. well i guess it's in the bag. it's a what kind of girl? small? you just rode over the girl. the wheel rolled over the girl. see? you rode right over the girl. don't you see her pete. she's right here. what're you looking for? what're you gonna do with the pencil? pencil doesn't have a top. lois's has a top. a pen has a top but a pencil doesn't. you want that one? okay. oh thank you. now i have two. would you like one? want ta trade? that's the one you want. picture? paper. i'm sorry. i misunderstood you. who wants a piece of paper? there's one up there. gonna get it on the table? can you draw a baby? can you draw a baby? hm? a dress baby? okay. you're not looking at what you're drawing. you have to look. what does it look like? what? um maybe it's a fried egg. what shall i write? right. where's a bigger one? where's the small one? mhm. that's a bigger one. a piece of string? well. it looks like a pocketbook. mhm. you drew a pocketbook. mhm. mhm. mhm. are you taking away the paper? where? mhm. you can't? you sure you can't do it? oh! there. see. you just had to try harder. mhm. mhm. there. mhm. you had to practice again. what's the matter? you look so worried. hm? um. i'm not sure i know what it is. do you know what it is? oh. what happened to him? yes he did. and then what happened? aha. humpty dumpty had a big fall. okay you get the choo choo train. nobody's talking to you. i think that's all there are. coming down the road? going down the road? aha. what's that? is it a tape? that's right. you can't play with it. because it's a tape. you gonna play with those? well you want me to move the bag out of the way? i'll get this out of your way okay? you can't see me? you gonna turn around. okay. i think it was probably a truck going by. that's what it sounded like. bless you. i sneezed. say bless you. oh. thank you. no. that's orange. which one? which other one? that's right. mhm. you gonna dump it over? no it's not all fixed. where's the one that goes right here? that's right. now they're just alike. no. yes it goes right there but now they're not the they're not alike anymore. they're different. it's all closed. where's the dumping over? want me to give it to you? there. okay. you're welcome. there's just one more missing now. the yellow one mhm that's. mhm that matches with the red one. red. where's the other yellow one? mhm. came out again? well do you want. you know. if you could find the other yellow one that would help. no. well. the ones in my other hand are red. see? these go together and these go together. and these go together. mhm. that's right. but where's the one that goes with this? yeah. but isn't there another one? mhm. isn't there another one that goes with that? i don't think i'm getting very far. i think you've forgotten that there's another yellow one. you can close it. you have to screw it. that's right. push it. push it hard. that's right. oops. let me see. let me try. i guess that one's just loose. yeah that one's loose. it doesn't stick very well. you're right. oops. yeah. well i'll try it but i think it's just loose. you fixed it. mhm. it did. yes. good. i dumping over. that's a tower. yeah. let's make a car? why don't well put it back over here in the living room so lois can see you make a car okay? want ta put it over here? so lois can see. that's lois. aha. mhm. that's right. you put the car on the jack. mhm. okay. okay. what do you want me to do with it? mhm. you took it off. you didn't need the screw driver. what about right there? mhm. okay. oh okay. okay. it came off there aha. aha. you have to turn the screw not the wheel. turn the screw. that's right. now it's on. now you put it back. good. what're you doing now? mama's taking a bath? mhm. maybe she'd like to just rest and just set in the bath tub by herself. well peter's playing. and daddy's at work. mhm. mhm. mhm. what's that? hm? that's the engine. that's the engine. hm? that's the hole that the screw goes in. mhm. and that's the screw mhm. yes. mhm. but you already took it off. oh. okay. okay. i put it together. now what shall i do with it? want me to put it right there? mhm she's getting all clean. well you know what's wrong with it? it needs a bolt underneath. its hard? hard to do what? hard to do what? well you know why? because you're turning it the wrong way. be careful. your brain might escape. let's play the bolts? you fixed it. how can i fix it? you're holding it. you fixed it. oh. the barrels. barrels. no barrels. these are barrels. that's right. that's right. what's the funny face for? you smiling at lois? where's the big one? where's the big barrel? that's the small one. that's the big one. it belongs on the other side. mhm. that's where it belongs. that's right. almost. what? what's lois playing with? you want ta move over there and play with lois? okay. want me to help you move the barrels? okay. that's very nice of you. and now okay? okay. good. now we're all together. go together. aha. isn't somebody missing? isn't there a barrel missing? oh i see. where's the yellow one? where's the yellow one? that's the red one. if you open the barrels will you find any inside? or are they all empty? is there anything in there? oh. there's a yellow barrel in there. oh! i found it. find watch? that one always comes off doesn't it? get some glue and glue those red ones together. i don't know. is there anything in there? uh the yellow barrels inside. i don't know. is there anything in there? in there? there it is. video tape. that's what well need pete. video tape. mhm. mhm. it can go in there. it can go in there. you gonna close it? i don't know. what's in there? i don't think anything's in there. oh. the green barrel. maybe the baby wants to go in the barrel. you think so? can you stuff that baby in the barrel? i'm just looking for a kleenex. here's one. okay. thank you. good. all finished. what's in that box? look at that. hm. what is it? what? kiddie cards. oh. you gonna give me one too? all the way to eleven already? that one for me? thank you. can i have some? thank you. it's two pencils. well. yes. i guess they are my pencils. mm. one of them is mommy's pencils. are they mommy's pencils? that one's mommy's pencil. no. the other one's mommy's. okay. were you helping? right? what are you doing? you're taping that? what? what're you gonna do with the tape? on the box? how about in the box? this side peter. this is the way it opens. like this. you have to turn it. pull over there that's right. that's it. see how easy it is? mhm. in the closet? oh you're gonna close it. mhm. that's a good place for it. whose magazine is that? it's your magazine? do you read it? who reads that magazine? who reads that one? who? who's that again? who reads that magazine? has plants or flowers on? it's got flowers on mhm. has a little fish. it is? can i play with it? thank you. i really like it. it's so cute. aha. that funny? i don't think the microphone's funny. is that funny? why? does it make you laugh? why? huh? look at all these things under the water fishes and froggies turtles and an old shoe. you see the shoe? you see it? where is it? show me. right. mhm. in the water. what? hm? two what? what? stay here? i think you should close that drawer and put everything back in it. is that mommy's drawer or daddy's drawer? it's yours? let me see. let me see. i don't know. i think it's mommy's. maybe it's mommy's. i think it's mommy's. let's see. let's put the microphone down here lois okay? okay. you want ta cut something? i don't think so peter. you gonna cut that envelope? why don't you why don't you come down and sit on the floor okay? mhm. what? you have the. you can have it. i don't think patsy has a scissors. uh no. i don't have one either. yeah. peter has a scissors. okay. okay. okay i'll sit by you. am i close enough? what? mhm. oh. you want the mommy to sit by you too? okay. is that close enough? anyone else? the baby's behind you. the baby's right there. here she is. can the girl sit by me? oh thank you. right there. i can't have the scissors? oh. it's mommy's huh. well maybe she'd let me use it. she might let me use it for awhile. no? okay. but mommy let's you use it? does she let anyone else use it? does she let daddy use it? does she let daddy use the scissors? no? oh. i can use it now? oh. what should i do? should i cut the paper in half? well how about if i cut the baby out? want me to cut the baby out? okay. i'll cut the baby out. there. what're you gonna cut? what? what're you gonna cut? what're you gonna cut? her? what? right. i cut the baby out. mhm. it's right on your foot. it's right on your foot. where's the scissors? oh. i thought you were hiding it. you playing hide and seek with it? where's the scissors? there it is. that's probably not such a good idea. putting the scissors in your pants. want ta put them away now? yeah. i think we're finished playing with them. more? that's right. let's put em back. why don't you put em back in the drawer. you okay? okay go ahead? alright yeah? i know. i think that one's better. go ahead. she's over in her bus. what're you putting in there? i don't know your hand. no it's. it's not not the police car is it. it's a car right. you have so many cars william don't you. what's your favorite favorite favorite car? this do you like this guy now. what about these things you go like that? oh. i thought you went? i thought you went like this and you push. okay. aha. you push you push down the teeth though. yeah. alright i'll keep it closed okay? what's that called? mm. what? sounds like? what does sound like? you don't know. sounds like a rattle snake doesn't it? it crashed into the gate huh? yeah. what kind of truck is this? yeah. this is a nice one. what does it pour? what does it pour? oh i see? gas you're right? yeah that's the gas tanks? i see. okay. i don't know you can try it. it looks close. no maybe not. what is that truck called? what is that name of that truck? ready to go. where's it going? where's it going? oh? that's a that's a big one? that's a big one? i said that has big tires doesn't it? yeah? yeah. yeah like that one mhm? that's a nice one. oh look what i found over here. i don't know is he swimming in the police garage. bad? a turtle doesn't belong in the police garage does he? no. the farm yeah. yeah that is. yeah it scoops. what is it? oh yeah you can go on either side. but i think you're supposed to go on that side. that's good. whoops? you have a better one somewhere don't you? oh. motor home you're right. that's what that is? it's missing. it's missing something thought isn't it. what is it missing? yeah where did it go. which one this. that goes in the police garage doesn't it? i see? mhm? there's something else around. i think they're over there. what's this though? something else around. yeah? d for daddy. oh? okay. whoa? what happened? you fell are you okay. you went boom? how'd that happen? yeah. how did that happen? yeah you do. good. look. and there's another of his friends of there isn't he. yeah. ooh. hello. be nice though. okay what is this one called. alright. hello mister pig. my name my name begins with my my name is is begins with a c. and i go moo. i have milk? what do you have? that's grass? where do you live? oh so do i? what's what's the name of your farm? is it old mcdonald's? okay hi mister pig? how are you? why'd you go over there for. okay. hello. okay? okay! you took a long trip? you went all the way around the farm. this this farm's a lot full of a lot of cars isn't it. what are all these cars doing on my farm? and and what else is on this farm. and this? what's this? okay that's better. and trains. okay. moo. that's not nice mister pig. you think so. you think that's nice. yeah. does it eat grass. nice trees on the farm. they're not trees. oh i'm gonna eat the grass i like to eat grass. okay. okay? yeah? yeah they're thirsty? what are they gonna drink? what are they gonna drink? mm? yeah. what kind of food they like? what kind of food do they like? what kind of foods do pigs? yeah? let me see it bring it over here? let's see look. see. wanna sing me a song on the guitar. what song? sing one! you don't want to. i don't know what is it. tell me. let's see? oh it's for. i see you're right it goes in the goes motor. it goes in the motor home. i see? does it go in here like this? i see? i don't see the little holes for it though? it goes somewhere in there you're right. there's little chair there. oh it goes in? no that's not it. there he is. can he fit under the tunnel? he can't why not? he's gonna slide down. whoa? yeah. better be careful you're gonna hurt mister pig. you shouldn't bang him too much. right. no. he's too. what is he? he's too? where's thomas? where's thomas? do you see him? you see in the corner over there. oh? do you wanna carry the pig on there? there you go. the pig's getting a ride. oh no. that's not good? you're gonna get some medicine. oh? no we have to take him to do the doctor right. yeah. oh. is he. oh. yeah? let me see. oh i think i know. do you know what that is? what? i think it's a wheel right? is it a wheel to something. what shape is it? you know what that is. yeah. okay? good? good catch? catch it and then throw it? okay good? okay. yes see if you can roll to me. look i'll show you? you go gentle it's like this right down the middle see. catch it and then do that. you like the blue one? right here daddy. yay. you got it in! yay? oh? good? one. two. you. you count. three. four. oh eight? nine. ten. eleven. good. thirteen? fourteen. fifteen. yes. seventeen. what's that? eighteen. nineteen? twenty we're doing good. one? you're right? how come your eyes are itching? you almost missed? oh. that wasn't very good? we have to start over again. one. which what broke. the red. the red ball broke. oh okay. i know you did? yeah? no no it's not like that? it's too hard. it'll break? it's not a soft ball for bouncing. you can roll it. alright. aha. aha? you're welcome honey? it crashed. that's not good? alright go ahead. whoops see you can hit it? you missed good try. you know what will you gotta be careful with the camera right? yeah? don't throw it roll it. oh good one? okay i'll try. it's hard though. you ready. go. oh we missed. get the red one? yeah? where'd it go? yeah. oh jeez good throw? this isn't for throwing in the air though? it's a hard ball right. alright. alright. you got it. you got the blue one and the red one? okay? i got it. why don't you go over there. i'll go over here. alright. what? oh well. i think that one's all gone. that one's all gone? let me take this home? do you wanna go see the animals? do you wanna go see the animals in the stable? there it is see it there in front of you. it was hiding. yeah. thank you? oh. yeah boom. good throw? you ready? go ahead? oh. good hit? okay go ahead. yeah i'm ready. oh! oh. go ahead? easy easy. where'd that one go? oh there it is. i'm ready? okay? okay go ahead. go ahead. no roll it. see like this? can you do that? oh? great hit? oh you missed. it missed. okay. ready to hit go. oh. oh. oh you wanna play with that. you wanna play with that sweetie? what do you do with this? you set it up okay. like this tell me how to set it up. okay like that is that how it goes. put the other down like this. and then what are you supposed to do with it? this. now what do you do with it. you do it like that you look at them now what are you supposed to do with the things. oh push them like this? now who is this for. a baby now did we give this to a baby when we moved to new york. what did we give to the baby do you remember? that car yes what else did we give to a baby. toys yes how about a sandbox? do you wanna tell erin about what we're gonna do at the new house? get a new sandbox. you want me to lay under here. where would i lay? next to you is there enough room in there? okay you can get out and then i lay there? now what am i supposed to do? hit them? like that. like this. wow i see i can see mickey and donald and this guy do you know what this guy is. bob? did you tell erin what you did at school today? he did not push. what happens when you do not push? he gets to watch videos yep. where are you going? under there. you can't fit under there how come. you want me to move the box. do you know what these things are? do you know what they're called? yes i did i put them on your window. they're called blinds. now we'll probably leave them on the window for now. you wanna put two sides on there? where are you gonna put that one? you don't need this stuff. that goes right here um hum. how hang it up well it's got this little hole thing and then you hook it on these little hooks? but you know what there's only a certain number of hooks these are extras? yeah but there's nothing to hang them on honey? because there are not enough they only give us a certain number of hooks. so what should we do with these what could we do with these long things here. put them in the books that's not a bad idea and then we'll know what page to read? right we'll use them as bookmarks that's a good idea? you're gonna use them as bookmarks i have another good idea too something we could do with them? you could make big crosses see! do you like that? no? you want a tiny cross? where can we make a tiny cross? in daddy's room yeah. that one is coming out. you wanna do the nice cross with that one? don't want a mean cross no you want a nice cross. did you ever tell erin the story what happened to jesus and the cross. and then what happened to jesus? he had to go in the cave and then what happened? he went to neverland you're close and then he went to heaven? who else is in heaven? grandpa angel yeah. we did not see that part of the movie. which movie the one on jesus. i do not know why that part was not in the movie. you mean him going to heaven we did not see that part. what is this for? for hanging onto this oh my gosh so now will i be stuck on the wagon. no i do not think he would like that on him. is this for me. oh for scotty i think scotty ran away too. how about for you? no. it's gonna be a what. a doubt. i don't know what that is. you're gonna put it down your pants oh my gosh will that be pokey? i think that could be pokey in your pants. that might hurt your tummy a little bit? what do you think about putting these under the bed again? no you like them out? do you want to show erin your new haunted house book? what's going on here? there's a lady em hm? it's what. what kind of lady i don't know what do you think does she seem like a nice lady or a mean lady? she seems mean what do we have here. a spider and what's inside there. what's going on in this picture? there's an octopus what's the octopus doing. ew what else do you see in this picture? what would i call this a monster? it kind of looks like a frog doesn't it with some teeth. wow what's going on in this page? that's captain hook's boat yep. what does peter pan do with wendy? he saves her. and then he's gotta go back to neverland what does peter pan do with captain hook. what did captain hook do with those lost boys? tied them up and then what happened. then what happens to wendy? oh she has to stay at her house. that could be a captain hook's thing sure it kind of looks like that. what does that do? he's gonna try to eat that part huh. oh my gosh can he eat it. what does this part do? oh okay close it up? i can close it up and then he can peek he's gonna peek out? i don't know why this not fit in good. hm that is hard to fit in there. what if i cannot get it in? daddy can thought yeah that's a good job for daddy. i cannot do a good job with that? what's this? kittie cat's not supposed to be in the potty i agree? oh what's on this one? not yet this one okay? is that a cat up there. i look at his eyes i do i see them. is he hiding again. oh there he is? what do you think about that one? what is that above her bed? yes that is a ghost. where is the bat? up here? that's a bat. so where does daisy go. okay bye bye bat? good bye. where did you get that book? do you remember where'd the book come from? the school yes? you wanna make a nice what? you got those? i do not know i thought one thing we could do if you wanted is we could write your name on one. should we get the pen to write your name on it. not that one just these two. not those two just this one! what do i gotta start with to write your name? you wanna make a name about mummies? so i write your name here and then mummies on that one. those two are yours. okay so which one is for the mummy. okay you want it to say king tut or mummy. okay. that one can be mine. no we can not see it very well do we need a different kind of pen. oh no what did you do. it's not a good kind what are you doing with your hand? do you know what they call that? messy mess well that's true but i was thinking of the word erase? you wanna write on it on your hand? why don't we get your new from the magazine the little police town. that guy put those guys in jail that could be true? do you wanna put your people somewhere? where do these guys all go? on the map well? that's blue's clues house? it could be somebody else's house i think it's blue's house though. should this one go here. yeah is he standing on top of the tree? what's he standing on what's this part do you remember what's this called? somebody put grass or put what gas into the lake? oh they put that on the road what is that on the road? a map or do you know what this thing is. now does this plane go on the ground or where does this plane go? where does that one go? on the road right here? he crashed into the what? and then now he's gonna go to where? no it's sunday. there's no school. no. laura you already had dessert today. have a tangerine. make a four. like this that's a four. there see watch. down and this way and that way? four. yeah. it's cuckoo. i think you're a little cuckoo. yeah. what way? yeah. no not that way this way. yeah. no? that's right. you know huh. you wanna make a k? oh alright make a k? oh that's beautiful. yeah. that my pencil. yeah. you're a lucky little girl aren't you. make what? make a cat. hm! make a doggie. make a michael. that's a doggie? mike. a kittie? you like kitties and doggies? huh? you like teppy? what's auntie marilyn's kitty's name? tammy. tammy. oh. that's lots of fun yeah. is that lots of fun? why do not you you make an a? hm? because you're always making k? why don't you try to make an a? you made an a? where? is that an a. oh you making a cat now? oh? tammy? are you sure your kitty's name is tammy. what is who's dawson? you don't know? the other day you told me his name was dawson? yeah? we'll have to call up auntie marilyn and get this straight huh? i guess we will. are you sure that you don't mean the the doggie's name is uh tippy? huh? the doggie's name is tippy? and what's the kitty's name! tammy. i know she has a new one. she's not home yet. you haven't got any. i haven't got any? no? we'll buy some when we go to the square tomorrow. okay? yeah? and we'll buy pencils too. would you like that? where's bugs? in your bed. oh he's on tv later. yes he is he's not on yet. hm? no what. your book. your books are in your room? i think we have a problem? tell me what's the matter. your big book. well it must be in your room. why do not you you go get it? want me to go get it? hm! what's mother doing sarah? this one. big book. this one? oh is this the one you mean. oh? what's his name? oh that's an elephant yeah? you gonna read me a story? that's a monkey? he ride piggie? what's that? a horsie yeah see the little boy. monkey and a little boy and a horsie? he got hands huh. two hands yeah? um. that's the old lady huh. she got a hat on. that's your daddy? you better not let daddy hear you say that? hm! i don't know joann i guess? um. it's brown. that's black? yeah? no that's red! mhm. that's red? that's red. red. that's black. we haven't got any. no. all gone. that's not a horsie. who's that? lassie. he's not lassie that's a little boy. lassie. you guess so huh. you wanna make a clown? oh aren't you smart. mama doesn't know how to make a clown! his legs are right here? see there's his legs! he's got funny legs. he's a funny clown? see there's his hand. huh? his other hand's right here! feet are right here. piggies are down here. see there's his piggies. he don't wear shoes. he's a poor clown. yeah. why? i don't like him. don't you think he's a nice little clown. sit down. you wanna put him all gone? you mean erase him. okay. yeah but you can use it? well make a k on here? no no no no no no? i don't want you to write on that? that's your microphone? you don't we only write on pen on paper? we don't write on any no no no? don't write on that? you write on this. with a pencil. there. color. hm. where's the boy's what? where's the boy's car? he don't have a car. no. that's right he just walks? hm? yeah just you have a car. all gone again? oh you can't erase all that? i think it's our new neighbors. that man. that man right there. i think he's kind of a funny man don't you? hm. yeah he's got a car? over here. yeah he better not get caught because he's not supposed to park in there huh. no. he can't park there can he. no. yeah there goes beaver and tramp? hm? your doggie what. yeah. he plays with tramp yeah. yeah he parked in there huh. he what. i guess so. i don't know what that was. a new one a new what? never mind dis? never mind. it's too heavy. yeah. are you sure? you sure you are not dreaming. hey it's alright. okay? okay that's a girl. alright it's all fixed. whose girl are you? whose girl are you? i don't know a word you're saying? what are you saying? you're drooling. you know that. you're drooling. well i'll pinch you right there. here why don't you sit up in the chair before you fall off? you want me you don't want me want me to pinch you? don't? no. ow that hurts? that hurts. that hurts. no you can't do it again no. no that's yours? no. give me give me. no i don't! do my don't! you murder the you murder the english language! do my don't! yes my do. say no i don't. not no my don't. you getting silly. you sure. oh i think you're getting silly? you dropped your pencil. you threw the pencil away. that intrigues you today doesn't it. you don't have one? you're a lost indian? don't do that. no no. that won't come out. no no? that won't come off. that's stuck? don't touch it. it's on. you'll break it. yes you will. would you like some ice cream. yes when i come back. yeah i'll come back. here i am! now go over there and sit down. sit up in the chair and i'll give it to you. cream on it. huh? oh boy what's mummy doing. huh. you had dinner a long time ago. here why do not you you move in closer to the table so you won't fall. how's that taste? pretty good? sure it doesn't taste delicious? hm? it really taste good? what are you doing sarah? wow? little little little pieces honey. what's that? where's it going? uh again? sarah little pieces? no not big pieces little pieces? yes just a little piece? just a little piece. what did gloria do sarah? what did gloria do? sarah little bites? what are you doing? what does that taste like? sarah. is it cold. you wear it well. you sure you want more? why do not you you wait and have some for after supper save some for later? huh. i think you've had enough! drink of tonic? you want more ice cream. wait one minute alright? just one more. alright just one more? one more in a minute okay? milk. you have a cup of milk. it's in your red cup. did you bump your head? good laura that's spanish. i caught your cold. well it's not. no one will. i think we have to switch another one. which one do you wanna take. the ambulance or the fire. okay? well we only have one left right. no they probably make animal noises right. i think so. that's right in space you float? so you need some string you something to tie you to the spaceship so you don't float away? are you singing. singing the spanish song? the one about the astronaut. it says it in the video? let's see. no we can't watch it right now but it has the words. let's see. what it says about the astronaut? whoops? it has the song about the astronaut? i think that's what you were singing right? espacio means space espacios. espacio. por entre nubes. through the clouds. the rocket will fly! through the clouds. spinners. i don't know what that is. i want to take a trip to the moon and travel in a rocket like an astronaut. through the space through the clouds over the deep blue sea. while the moon goes round and round my rocket will fly through the space through the clouds over the deep blue sea. far far away. mhm? you want the mixed up trucks. you're gonna wrap it up. i threw the tissue paper away but you can wrap it up in some wrapping paper. let's see. it is a crumpled piece of wrapping paper. let's cut you a piece! there we go. wanna wrap up your truck? okay? oh yeah. okay. maybe you can roll it like this! roll it roll it roll it. now it's all wrapped up. yep? it's a special surprise birthday present. what could it be? hey it's a mixed up truck. happy birthday. what a nice present. the car. it's a! police pol fire. pol engine! police engine police engine pol engine? yeah! look i put all your teletubbies right in there and they're all dressed up! okay? that would be a little bit more like a scooter. yeah in po in the shorts or po out of the shorts. mhm. i don't think he can sit on it? there you go. he's very happy because scooter is his favorite thing right? her favorite thing. oops. yeah we took all the pieces off so he could have some? so she could have something to sit on. well now it's a scooter. when po uses it it's a scooter? whoa? aha you made the engine go. what noise does a funky truck make? it makes music. instead of a siren instead of an animal. whoa? instead of an animal sound it makes music. doo di di doo doo doo. doo di doo doo doo. mhm. scooter? scooter. scooter scooter. scooter scooter. scooter. gonna you wanna make it regular. quickly do it quickly. mhm. there you go but what about the police truck. there we go. mhm police car yeah. there they're all back to normal again no more confusion? no more mixup! cuckoo. the cars go cuckoo? that'd be funny. ready set cuckoo. ready set. cuckoo. mm? okay. ready set? cuckoo. that would be funny huh. that would be nicer. siren noises are very loud. but i like cuckoo. cuckoo everybody get out of the way the fire truck's coming cuckoo. there it is! ready. set? oops. cuckoo that's a funny joke ethan. ready set cuckoo. mm. the bells go! because bells usually go ding dong? but maybe the bells go like a siren because it's really wacky. everything goes the opposite. let's try to leave that on your pants okay. that was your sweet funny joke. ding dong ding. morning bells are wronging morning bells are donging. wing ding ding. wing ding ding? morning bells are breaking morning bells are breaking crack. crack. cling clang clunk. that's a good one. morning bells are breaking morning bells are breaking. clink clank clunk. clink clank clunk. i have one. morning bells are sinking morning bells are sinking. sink sank sunk. sink sank sunk. that's a new one. do you have to go to the potty? oops. whoops whoops? cuckoo loo cuckoo. coo loo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo loo cuckoo coo loo cuckoo. cuckoo loo cuckoo. cuckoo coo loo cuckoo. coo coo. that's a turntable huh? like for a train. oh you found that key. you found the secret. you push it it turns right. there you go. whoop? mm? yep! you keep switching huh. there you go you just had to push it all the way? whoops? yeah. it's switching direction right. remember when we gave po a ride on it. and po went around and around and around? we put po on here. and po went. tinky winky's up there on the shelf. whoops? okay get him undressed? do you think he hasta go to the potty? okay does he need a seat belt? right he'll stay. can he drive the turntable. maybe? if we help him. okay let's hook the seat belt on? because you need to be safe tinky winky. wee wee. oh yep. okay. yeah that's what happens when you take the seat belt off? he might have to go potty. let's just make sure it's empty. yeah. you don't want him inside just hold him over. tickle tick. maybe he does yeah. yep. um probably purple huh. probably purple. ask him. mhm. ha ha ha you sneaky. let's go. let's go back into the sunroom. we could give him? let's see what sticker he chooses. he needs a potty chart huh. which sticker do you think he wants! he wants the little jiminy cricket one huh. okay we gotta make him a potty chart. we need a piece of paper. to make him a potty chart. okay we have to write his name right. tinky winky's potty chart? i guess we have to write in purple huh? here you go? tinky. winky. tinky winky's potty. chart. friday. he went once on friday? we need to make one for you too. that sounds like part of the word right. fry day. what color do you want for your potty chart? you want blue for your potty chart. e. v. a. n? ethan's. potty? chart. you're all set? next time you go potty. should we put the days of the week. we'll put the letters for the days of the week. m is for monday. t is for tuesday. w is for wednesday. t h is for thursday. f is for friday. s a is for saturday and s u is for sunday. today is friday? f. you wanna erase them? we can't erase. um you can't erase marker. it doesn't erase. be we could draw on your erasable board. wanna unerase them they cannot erase. oh. the ink is inside the pens? that's what makes them write. tinky winky is tangled up in your. wire. in your special astronaut wire. so you can go up to space. yup. okay. what should we make a spaceship out of? we need something round. and we need a triangle shape. because usually a. we'll see. let's see what supplies we have in here. supplies that's different from surprise. that's not good for making a spaceship? that would make a good top to a spaceship. that looks like the triangle top of a spaceship. now all we need is. the bottom part and i just had a piece of cardboard. where did it go? i bet it's right here. okay we can make this round. tape it. and then attach. the funnel to it. you have the funnel. maybe like that. that looks a bit like a rocket ship? a what. a triangle. well this is kind of a triangle shape. i was pretending this was the triangle. you wanna make a different kind of triangle? should we tape this so it stays. like a circle. you could put one of your guys inside and he can blast off to outer space. i have to fix it first i need the tape? then we'll put the triangle on top? but first i need some tape. and some scissors. you wanna put the white guy in? okay? whoops? or we could make a. maybe we could make a rocket ship out of this. i have the tape right here. what else? filled with what? well oh you should go pee pee on the potty. hm. did you miss. forget to tell mommy that. did you forget to tell mommy you needed to go to the potty. yeah it's very damp. you're very very damp? we have to get you some new pants okay! whoopsie whoopsie woo? you forgot to go to the potty ethan. you helped tinky winky go to the potty? but you didn't go. you wanna try sitting on the potty? now. i'll take off those socks huh. ooh. yeah i moved the potty by accident. two socks? okay? you going potty? you think thinking. i have some more pants for you. whoa? whoops? i got it? i just have to clean up the floor here ethan because you made a big mess. i have some tape some special strong tape? okay let's fix you up for a minute okay. let's fix you up. let's put on your clothes. first of all. come here. i'm gonna put your. oops. clothes on? astronauta. astronauta el astronauta yeah. what do you think you wanna be for halloween? it's coming soon. i brought the tape down i think there it is. mm you don't have all the right things to make it out of. now i'm putting underwear back on so you tell mommy when you have to go pee pee okay. yeah that's how you get dressed. yep? mm here we go now. i'm just gonna hook you up here. let's hook you up. hook you up. and you'll be all set all over again okay? yup i have the tape. ready? it's. the tape is right there sweetie it's a different kind of tape. it's not a scotch tape. it's called masking tape. mm what do we wanna make out of that. mm? uh. you made some funny? you could make a telescope out of that. yep that's what a telescope does. do i look bigger. do i look closer? yeah magnifying glass makes things look bigger? and a telescope makes things look! closer closer. what do you see through your telescope? also bigger. yeah you're right. because if you look at a star through a telescope? it gets closer and bigger? well we have to wait until the stars come out. at night mhm. and one day when you get bigger we'll go to the planetarium? hoo hoo. kinda like a wolf. or a dog howling at the moon. hoo hoo ooh. did you hear that. your car went by itself. hoo hoo. woo hoo. woo woo. hoo woo i think it was magic. i think it was a little bit of magic going on there. your pants are falling down. the hems are falling down. i gotta sew your pants. hoo hoo li oh li li dee. oop those come off. the bridge doesn't come off no. he's trying it. look at those toes. mhm. he said quack right through the tube. that's about as much as he fits. ooh did you hurt your eye. the tow truck. the tow truck! the tow truck's over there! you want me to get the tow truck. it's behind the camera so i have to get it. let me get it. a digger. a digger? oh yeah. okay. just a plain old tow truck. a plain old tow truck which means we have to find the plain old eyes right. aha! oop! there's the eye. mhm that's the way it goes? very good. they gotcha tow truck? he needs his hat i know. we've never found it. okay! mhm that's the best solution to the problem. yeah he doesn't know the difference. it looks like it matches you see. okay. a plain old fire truck. well there are the eyes. that looks like a mouth? mhm. mm that's a funny looking truck? a mixed up truck. it's got a spring so his head bounces. boing boing boing. that sounded like a spring that noise. mhm. okay. okay. okay you gotta put the fire hydrant on the fire truck that's a good idea. mhm you need some more. mhm. mhm. okay it looks like you need one more right. what color do you want red or green? oh red and green. how about? you don't have a purple one. how about a purple one? that's neat i like that truck? that looks kinda like a circus truck because it's so colorful? mhm it's kind of what it looks like to me. mhm. a fire circus truck. whoops? yeah it looks like a circus truck to me. they always say that. no matter what kind of truck it is it says there's a lot of work to do? we can't tell exactly what it is. it's a made up truck. it's ethan's special made up super duper made up truck. yeah. that's what noise a circus truck would make? aw it honked his horn. that was a good idea ethan what you did. wiggle. into a tow truck. the tow truck parts are all here? mhm. yep he does. i see it right there. okay? is there another spring or just a different block yeah. those are the gauges. not on a tow truck. but it looks like a hose doesn't it. but i think it's rope. that's a new kind of tow truck. you need some of those small blocks here! mm a bunch more. very good there's another one right there. there's one more. look it's a whole? well you gotta take the hat off i think. there you go. you got it. well done. that looks like a circus truck again to me. yeah. yeah circus hat. circus truck needs a crazy hat. i think the circus truck needs a silly circus hat. let's see. that's a circus truck but it has. what can we make a hat out of that's silly? you can put pooh on the top. your pooh puppet. that would kinda fall off let's see. i'll show you. let's see if we can put this like this. now it really looks like a circus truck to me or a pooh truck. wee. pooh looks like he is driving it doesn't he. maybe i know what we can do. hm. i know here. we could make him stick up in the air like this. watch this. now he's stuffed and he won't collapse. yeah. hoo. there we go. mhm. okay. you pull and i'll pull. okay. okay. there we go stuff him. now he's all stuffed with fluff. he looks like he just ate a lot of honey. he looks pretty big and father. mm? just like this hm. it looks like i don't know. looks like it's the special sliding truck wee. whoops? mm. mm yep. wee? mm that's why! woo! he doesn't slide so well that way does he. steady. wuh. he caught his arm on it! to unhook his arm. he is stuck. how do we get him out? we will help out? we have to look for the other firefighter huh. the little guy! there nope. here he is. like. whoops? he's already starting to come out isn't he? wuh. whoa? you did it! yeah he did! like in the video. you stuck again. oop? now he's in the middle of the tube? mhm! let's see. whoa? grr? he went right through didn't he that time? mhm! he was definitely stuck that time. who's gonna help him? because his hand is stuck. he's never gonna be unstuck! oop. sorry? now the other firefighter can help by jumping. or he can use his axe. and he can cut some of the cardboard away ksh ksh? mhm! you like it when he gets really stuck huh. oop he's stuck already. what? a hat. or what's attached to his hat yeah. i don't know let me see. you know they almost look like flashlights? maybe he has lights on his hat so he can go and see in dark places. does he have them too. yeah he has one. he has one? last time he had one? hm. now he has two. and you know what that is. that's his walkie talkie right there. oh? oh then it had one yeah. well now is a new day friday different things happen huh. yeah it's really windy out. what did i change the flower? the flower just got bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. the flower. i didn't change it into anything. it just grew and grew. well first it was very little and then it got bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger? now it's kinda sunny out huh. whoops sorry? it's a new day. it is a brand new day? here's a little hill that they can climb up. chug he's climbing up that steep hill. hey. yeah. mhm. they do have holes don't they. but i don't know if it would fit. we can try it. he has a special hole. whoops? if that. he fits on? doesn't quite fit the hole is a different size. there we go now he's on it. we could pretend this is a long hose. two hoses. okay that's a good idea here. gonna wrap it around the front part of the truck. let's see. i have an idea wrap it around here. there you have some hoses. whoops? and then. should we put together whoops. this keeps popping up. yeah when we take the dumper off it looks more like a fire truck? there's hose number two. hose number one is the red one. that looks like a siren. sometimes lights flash on a fire truck and that could be the lights flashing right. should we actually make it go! dya wanna make it go. okay i'm gonna push the button here. no it makes a noise like a truck doesn't. you have to make the sirens. his hoses fell off? and then you're? you made a funny joke? you said your fire trucks were gonna go cuckoo. that was a funny joke. i thought it was a good idea. i can't make it go at all. maybe it's not properly on a track! hm. aha. mm. rushing to the fire. aha. it lost its hoses. are you a mister gravel pit. it's. it's squeezing your tummy. it's squishing and squashing your tummy. be gentle yeah. be gentle with your tummy? doesn't look very comfortable. oh you mean squishing and squashing the cat yeah. the little black kitten. if you're getting squished maybe you are. makes your belly stick out when you do that. let's see. do you want me to help you? yeah ooh don't poke yourself. come here i'll put it on your back for you. oops. it doesn't really fit does it. come here. do you want me to put it on the back your back? it does work on the front that was your invention? a gravel pit belt. see what it feels like. be like a backpack? be careful with the tripod okay sweets! let's see. let's try on something else? how about on the duck? no. no. i am big i'm bigger than you? yeah daddy came. thank you? at least i'm the biggest something. let's get you connected again. oop. it came off. the ball is glued on pumpkin. mine is! oop see amanda's here we can leave it off. i sure did. a cough isn't in your nose. that's nothing laura. it happens from flushing the toilet. a bubble make pee? oh a bubbly pee. yeah i've seen a bubbly pee. sure. you did? you should have got some marshmallows for me? that would have been nice. what color marshmallows for you abe? white? do you want a grilled cheese abe? okay. thank you abe that is so nice. i sure did abe. do you know why? i got you peanut butter and jelly. because you asked me to get you peanut butter and jelly. it sounds like a car stopped really fast and made a loud noise. did you tell daddy what we saw on the way to the store? aha we saw a light repairman. oh. you are? oh you were going to take a bath with me? you can take a bath with me tomorrow okay? do you know what we're going to do tomorrow if it's nice? what? we're going to go pick apples at an apple orchard. would you like that? would you like to eat a peach or an apple now? a peach? huh? because we like to eat fruit. you sure do. you don't want your peach? okay finish your sandwich. okay. what a combination! peanut butter too? orange? if you eat all of your green yogurt. okay don't eat it. what are you doing abe? nothing? you do? no i'm going to have a small salad. aha i think so. did you know tomorrow's the first day of autumn? aha. you did? oh well at least the trees still have leaves. sure they do. i already put some in. i was one step ahead of you this time. aha. i will be happy to let you stir up your own yogurt. if you eat all that. you did? i hope that they get better. i didn't. but i can. let me see what your yogurt looks like abe. aha it looks good and green. you do? okay i'll just put some in your yogurt. you don't have to lick the spoon. eat that. i'm going to make some cream cheeseballs. okay. i'm mixing it all up. you do? okay i'm so happy that you like yogurt. aha. you need cinnamon on it too? here it is. orange food coloring. okay. you're having orange yogurt aren't you? if you eat all of your orange yogurt. you can have the yellow yogurt okay? that's right. do you want to go outside and play with michael? okay you don't have to. not yet. good. it sure does. aha i'd rather that you were happy than that you'd cry. good i'll give you one when they're done. you can have a cream cheese ball when i'm done making them. what did you say abe? do you want me to roll some cheese balls? and put them in coconut? you do? you would? okay here you go. do you like them? there we go? okay we all set? okay. see if i put this up here then? okay can you let go of my leg for one minute? okay let's go over in over by where that um toy is that chloe gave us? you wanna help me fold the clothes then? okay. put it right there. okay let's leave it alone so we can go fold the clothes. we're gonna shut this fan off? see if that works. okay whose is this one. you see my pile there? how about? how about this one? whose is this one? okay. okay? oops i was supposed to? hang this shirt up for daddy? it's wet still? yeah. wet and smelly now and wrinkly. that's not good? but it's stained. no but it's got some stains on it. you think so! that was what we put in the dryer to make the things smell good? yep. yep? that's mommy's? um? i don't know. those are yours. okay? yeah my night gown. give this a squeeze down. here's another squeeze down. what do you think we should do today huh? uh oh. what's in it? ah it's all balled up in there. yeah. you finding anything good. ooh i found a violet's. this one. here's the pretty dress. oh yeah dolphin dress? a little bit inside out. yeah that's true. yep. okay. thank you? hm whose pretty undies are these ones. look. tinkerbell? is that tinkerbell. a little fairy. yeah. whoa look what i did? there's a hole in these jeans? see look. put my finger right through it? these are maxwell's shorts. you want them. wait what did i just do did i just oh okay. okay. okay. that's what i was trying to do. and then you said you wanted them? there? i think after you outgrow these pajamas we can give them to chloe? don't you think they would fit chloe? after after this summer? all max's shirts are so dirty i wish i could get those stains out. you know? you can just put it in this pile. that's alright just put it in his pile? uh not too much though you could just put them in my pile. yeah that would be fine? is it? muffled. i'm trying to to untie this knot. let's just finish this and then i'll get you breakfast. oh that's good? hand me that hat. okay. alright now just tuck your hair under it so you can see better? there you are. hello are you in there. do i see you now? slip and slide girl? those two look the same to me. do they look the same to you. and there's two blue ones in there. and that's mine. and this is yours. yep you can do it like that if you want. that's one way to do it. here's some shirts for daddy for today at work. maybe he can wear this shirt to work today. if he likes it. this one would be good? no. the way i showed you before is that first you put them like this? first you hold them flat together like this. yep. and then you take one of the socks and open it. just one no you gotta keep them together though. you gotta keep them like this. you gotta keep them like this. and then you open one. then you push them underneath. see that. see watch this one? i have the two i open one and then i push that underneath. is that a good way? you wanna try it with these ones? here you try it? and where do i push underneath. this one i push it. and there. and that's what we learnt? yep. here's. and these are daddy's. and then. and are we all done? two what oh i do not know musta been from you know why. there were two different loads from the dryer in there. not one. so each load i put one in? mhm yeah that's what they're supposed to do! want me to get you some breakfast now! okay? you wanna throw those things away? well we don't really need them anymore. are you gonna sit right there. there we go yep. you could sit right up on your seat. okay you want some kix. yeah yeah. it says cat rhymes with hat can you match the other objects that rhyme with each other. book rhymes with what? book hook. see. book hook now you try one. what's that? car. house. car mouse? no car hat. no. car star. yeah. see that rhymes? car star. book cook. now pick another one. what's that one? coat and. what sounds like coat? what rhymes with coat do you know? hat. no. cat. no. house? no. boat. coat boat. is that good? coat boat? book hook? car star. house. and who? right. and cat. and. no. cat. and hat. did you want some milk. okay. what? what is it? oh yeah winnie the pooh. here it comes. now they're floating. mhm. whoops? yeah that's okay. yeah. remember put your mouth over the bowl. there's you juice. i'll wipe that up? how's that for a clean up huh? nice and quick? yeah? shall i have cereal too. do you want some toast? or are you happy with that? yeah when you're done we'll clean up all that. something gross in the fridge there! you want some chocolate chips in yours. what do you wanna do today. you wanna see any of your friends today? like who. chloe. yeah. mhm? yeah she likes to play in your room? so that's good right. i'm gonna put a teensie bit of kix in mine. that okay. here we go. there we go. whoops? but i think it's still good? i think maxwell might be coming down? coming. hi? how are you? me neither? i was coming downstairs. hi max? how are you? you need more cereal vaivy? you should show max your rhyming game on the back of your cereal. there's a little rhyming game on here see? hi daddy? max what would you like for breakfast. cereal oatmeal? yeah the rhyming game! you're supposed to. match the things that rhyme. violet will show you. let let violet show you one go ahead violet? mhm. book hook see? i didn't see the? i thought that book looked a lot like a brick. good? oh boy i saw that car. now what? i can do it. i can do one? okay max? boat! coat boat! i know one. mouse house? mhm! there's one more. cat. and. right. oh yeah. hat. all of them have rhymes? yep. okay go ahead? hat cat? book. mhm. boat! coat! mhm. car. star. violet wants to do all the ones herself. she's very proud of herself that she learned how to do it? you know already how to do it! right. she's just figuring out how to do it? we gotta let her do them for a minute? not cat house. mouse house? and cat and what? hat cat in the hat? oh remember the show the the like cat in the hat? cat in the hat? i watch that sometimes? here's some orange juice maxwell. no cat in the hat. i forgot to give you a kiss good morning. look at the newspaper. can i see the crook. oh can i see the crook. oh that little line. alright max what can i get you for breakfast. maxwell! yeah. daddy's asking you? what? violet there's another crook? on the side. on the bottom. it's on the bottom. it's on the bottom of the side. violet on the bottom of the side. yeah there. see? that blue crook. see see the crook. that's what i was talking about the crook. right there. yeah that crook. crook time? big crook. little crook? hey something that belongs in your crook is on the front on the top. and. and. and. hello mother. hello father. how do you do? mr chinny chin chin. very well. and. mr chin. did you sleep good max. violet you wanna read some books with me. okay. you have your pancakes me and violet are just gonna finish our taping and read a few books okay. ooh sounds good. okay i'm coming. okay. what do you want first. the little ones! you're being number one. hm? which one do you wanna read first. this one! aha. okay let's read it then! turkey and poults? poults! turkeys live in a group called flocks? baby turkeys are called poults they hatch from eggs. male turkeys are called toms they help protect their young. turkeys eat nuts berries and insects. farmers raise turkeys for their meat and feathers. feathers what do they want turkey feathers for. hm. oh. yep we're almost done. oh you're almost done. yep. we only have a few more minutes we've been doing it while you were sleeping? is that good? does that make you happy? yep. ready? mare and foal. farmers use horses for riding. and to work their fields. a female horse is called a? mare. a baby horse is called a. what? yep. a baby horse is called what. a foal remember. right. foal! a foal can stand up soon after it is born! foals drink milk from their. right. horses eat hay and grass. horses sleep in barns at night. used to think a baby horse was called a foul. what's that? mm what's that. i wonder what kinda birdie it is? striped what? striped milk. huh. okay how about. okay. how about pig and piglet? dog and puppy. i think we're missing the cat one. yeah. hm. you wanna read that one? sheep live in groups called? flocks. baby sheep are called. lambs. that's baby goats. they drink milk from their. sheep eat hay and grass. dogs help move sheep to and from the barn. farmers raise sheep for their wool? what do they do with the wool do you know? what they do with it? what do they do with it? what do they make out of wool? do you know? right. now you wanna see the now you wanna see the goat one. goat and kid. yeah. goats live in groups called herds. a female goat is called a? nanny? a male goat is called a? a billy. baby goats are called! right? they stand soon after they are born! goats eat hay grass and leaves? that's what they eat. i don't know that's what they eat. you know what hay is. it's just dried grass. farmers raise goats for their milk meat and wool. look at that funny looking goat. choose another one. okay now pick one. we just read sheep and lambs? didn't we. okay. dogs help move sheep to and from barns. baby dogs are called puppies. they drink milk from their mothers? puppies are born in a group called a litter? dogs eat canned food and table scraps. puppies quickly learn how to round up sheep. wow. a dollar. daddy better go and stock up. get about ten pair. for a dollar ninety nine is that a lot. that's very cheap for sunglasses? one ninety nine. yeah guess it is cheap? a dollar ninety nine? yeah it's cheap. chickens live in groups called flocks. baby chickens are called. chicks. yeah. they hatch from eggs see the eggs. chickens eat seeds and insects what does that guy have. yes please yes please. what does he have? male chickens are called roosters they say cock a doodle doo when the sun comes up? farmers raise chickens for their eggs meat and feathers. you want some pancakes violet? ask daddy? you all ready for pancakes too madam. you want. hm hm? what an aromatic kitchen we have? ooh are you getting your feet all wet? yes it is. i know? okay? ready you wanna read your dora book? you think she is? i think she is? delicious? no you can have those those are new? i just put them in a little baggie for you. okay thanks for asking so nicely. dora's halloween adventure ooh. hola i'm dora? swiper swiped boots' bag of halloween candy. no? oh my gosh. we don't know where he hid it? will you help us find the bag? let's follow the candy trail. map says the candy bag is at the haunted house? we have to follow the candy trail through the spooky forest past the. pumpkin patch and that's how we get to the. haunted house? ooh? super. we're at the spooky forest? do you see any candy? ah. oh my gosh there's candy in the tree? any more candy? oh the cat's looking for some milk you're right? because cats don't like candy right. candy can be sour sometimes or sweet. sweet. you're sweet. are you a piece of candy. you are. what kind of candy are you? you're a blueberry candy. ah look at that silly pumpkin face. we made it to the pumpkin patch? you're right. here's the scarecrow. the scarecrow says we can find candy behind two pumpkins that match. you gonna find the candy? op? a bat? oh my gosh chocolate? it sure is and it's delicious i think? and a spider and? mm mm good. look the candy trail leads right up to the door of the haunted house. who's behind that door? who's behind the gate? op. candy corn yummy? who's behind the gate? what is it? a great big lollie. you're a small lollipop. what flavor lollie are you? you're a blueberry lollie oh. what is it? a ghost what does a ghost say? boo. woo? a ghost. mm that ghost has an orange tail? i don't think that's really a ghost do you? it's swiper? we did it you helped us find boots' bag of candy. happy halloween? oh? benny what's benny dressed up as? frankenstein? oh who is that? isa's dressed up as a witch. as a mummy you're right. a mummy. should we read our book about the states. that would be great i think? what state should we read about? would you like to read about how bout? you want georgia or new hampshire? or new hampshire okay here's new hampshire. first let's see do we have a big map here we can find yeah? where is new hampshire on this map? first let's find new hampshire. i think new hampshire's next to maine can you find it? there it is very good it's the green one on this map? great? that's what's next to new hampshire? maine new hampshire. vermont. right. new hampshire's colorful fall leaves crisp winters and quiet villages are typical of new england states? wow the world's fastest wind speed was recorded on the top of mount washington which is a very tall mountain in new hampshire? wow? and their bird is the purple finch? thank you? wanna hear a story about this rock. they had a rock in new hampshire that looked like an old man in a mountain? see that was his nose and his mouth and everyone used to look at it but last year the rock fell down. there's no more man in the mountain. the rock fell down. oh goodness. yeah but we have pictures of it. so we'll have to remember it. yup let's see what state should we do next. let's look at our map? shall we pick a state. which state should we read about. which pink one. oh do you know what state that is? new york hurray. wow. new york city is the nation's largest city? that's where we're going? that's where the grandmas and grandpas live. wow? france gave the statue of liberty to new york? hm. you know who also grew up right here in new york? this town is called buffalo new york? it's true. mhm. and their bird is the bluebird and their flower is the? you know what it's a red rose? that's right a little bluebird? what state should we read about next? do you remember what state that one is? that's the cheese state? do you remember what it's called the state that makes a lot of cheese? wisconsin right? okay? ooh but there's a badger in wisconsin? wisconsin has thousands of lakes that were formed by glaciers a long time ago? and this state is famous for dairy products including cheese. wow. wisconsin has lots of festivals. okay. can you find alabama on this map? there it is great? where's georgia? there it is. we'll read about georgia next. alabama is a warm southern state. do you know what they make in alabama do you remember? they make spaceships and rockets right? right. and they make steel? and paper they make out of trees. and there's cotton to make clothes? wow? that's great. yellow hammer is their bird? and a camellia is their flower. should we read about georgia. okay georgia is the largest state east of the mississippi river. wow what do they have in georgia? they have peaches and peanuts and watermelon and the okie fanokie swamp? it's called the okie fanokie swamp is that a funny name. can you say okie fanokie? okie fanokie? very good honey wow. and there's their bird the brown thrasher? and their flower the cherokee rose. the capital of georgia is atlanta. yep one end of the appalachian trail is in georgia do you know how far it goes? you could hike up from georgia let me show you the map from here i think all the way up to maine. that's a very long hike isn't it. that's right. what what state should we read about next? mississippi can you find mississippi on this map. there it is? mississippi. mississippi has the look of the old south with many pre civil war houses still standing? the mississippi river forms the winding western border of the state? the state capital is jackson? and their state bird is the mocking bird. great let's read about colorado. people who come to colorado enjoy skiing and hiking in the rocky mountains? there's also a dinosaur? that's right. there's a dinosaur national monument in colorado? wow. and that's a big horned sheep? they live in the mountains see. the capital right the capital of colorado is denver. denver? right that's in california. mhm. they make lots of computers in california. okay. more people live in california than any other state? do you know what this beautiful place is called? this is called yosemite national park. it's a really big park and you know who wants to go there. mommy and daddy wanna go there. do you wanna come with us? yeah. you wanna come with us to yosemite? and we can go hiking. and climb rocks! would that be fun. mhm? okay. oh we'll be very careful. it says california grows the most fresh produce. let's see? what do you think that is? i think it's cantaloupe? and maybe a plum. and. a carrot. and. grapes and. and a i think that's an orange actually. i gotcha i think that's a little onion. um those little leaves maybe those are bay leaves! you can cook with those. milk that's right do you think that's milk with a cookie! mhm yummy? you're right and what's that. tomato you're right. okay what state should we read about next. well we read new hampshire should we read something else. should we read about maine where's maine on our map. there it is okay let's see what it says about maine. maine maine has many lighthouses to warn boats away from the rocky coast. oops sorry baby. you know what maine also has! wow. and look! lobster yeah they got lots of lobsters in maine! a moose he's got a beard? right? and look they grow christmas trees in maine too. and this is a maine coon cat. and look. a crab? do you know where the crabs come from? maryland? a lot of lobsters come from maine? it's true. what kind of flower is that? right what kind of susan. a black eyed susan that's right! that's right. ah ha that's an oyster. wow? wowee! that's right. that's right that's a little seahorse. there's a big aquarium in baltimore. yep. and look at this this is kentucky. and in kentucky are the mammoth caves. it's the largest! mhm daddy wants to go to the caves? mammoth caves? okay. yes what shall we read about! that's kentucky? okay. kentucky has the mammoth caves it's the largest cave system in the world? it has three hundred miles of passages? kentucky is called the bluegrass state and was nicknamed for its blue green grass? great the capital is frankfurt? which one! that's called a carolina wren? right? a wren. wow. hee hee carolina wren? wow. hee hee hee hee? you are so silly. right! pink and blue! let's see! what else can we read about what other state should we read about? you wanna read pennsylvania? you know who plays football in pennsylvania? who plays football in pennsylvania? the steelers. go steelers. yay! pennsylvania had the nation's first library first hospital first art museum and first fire station? how neat is that? that is so neat? that's a sign for the museum. do we go to the museum this past weekend? what did we see at the museum? we saw the big buddha! that was great? yay the big buddha. uh huh? what are you doing? don't hurt your eyelashes please hon. oh good? let's see what else what other state should we read about. let's look at our map! texas texas is a very big state. the only state bigger than texas is california. well we did remember we looked at all those little fruits and veggies that they that they. oh there's oil in texas. you know what kind of animal that is. that's an armadillo. right? who lives in virginia? you know someone who lives in virginia. well he's a little boy. and he's your cousin. and he's very cute. and he has a little baby sister. you have an aunt and an uncle. it's matthew. right? hm hm? do you call him matty? that is silly! what do you call matt? matty. and what do i call you. dirty face. i call you dirty face. it's true. sometimes i call you sticky face. sometimes i call you dirty face. sometimes i call you sweetie? sometimes i call you lilliputian? backpack. backpack backpack. it is your little box. backpack backpack? sure. ooh gotta keep that in there? heehee? hello little box. hee hee hee. how are you little box? maybe you wanna introduce little box to baby. ghost. baby ghost! ooh watch out for your box? oh. oh. heehee. oh you are? what's your doggie's name? sugar. wow. wow. sure that's a good book. you're all stucked up. you're all tangled up. you're all stucked up? what does that mean? what? tidden. sweetie are you actually gonna swallow that corned beef in your mouth or are you just gonna keep it stored in your cheek? good night sweet butterflies. wow look at all those happy little butterflies. which one. that one's gold? right. hush sweet butterflies not another peep? it's time to find a place where you can go to sleep. on yellow daisies waving in the setting sun. yellow butterfly? in swaying green wreaths where green frogs are having fun? hm hm! near a trickling blue stream under a fading blue sky. hm hm. on purple pansies tickling a purple dragonfly. by an orange fox dreaming. they're very purple. by an orange fox dreaming in a grove of orange blossoms. yeah. with a pink piglet and three playful pink possums. pink. on red roses as a red robin sings good night. red. a red butterfly. in a gold field in a gold field glowing by the fireflies' gold light. gold. with white sheep gazing at the white moon way up high. white. and now you all are resting neath the silver starry sky. sweet dreams until morning when you can wake and play. wow. sweet dreams until morning when you can wake and play? on another colorful springtime day. hee hee hee hee hee hee hee? they're all flying. what do you think we should do today? you know what we have to decide. it's true? you wanna throw that away? no? almond. tasty tasty almond. tasty tasty tasty. tasty tasty tasty. hello. what are you looking for? oh? why are you getting yourself oh goodness wait. you yanked off your little thing. hang on move your hand sweets. mm there it goes there we go. you got your box. hurray. oh. hee hee hee. ooh buddy whoa now i'm all tangled up in your thing. there we go. mm. that's a tasty almond? busy town. mm wow? huh? got it? hi there. how are you? very well thanks how are you. mm they're buying ice cream wow? that looks tasty huh! yeah. main street is a busy place. in each store there's a friendly face. come along and we can stop to see who works in every shop. ah it's the barber. it's the barber he shaves his beard. hm. who's that? the baker what's he making. mm pie delicious. what kind of pie do you think? i love strawberry pie? mm delicious. grocery stores are so much fun. with healthy food for everyone. grape juice carrots apple pie? so many colorful foods to buy? hm. cake. wow. pink cake. pink cake. apples yummy! cauliflower and. broccoli. those are carrots in a bag. bananas. limes are a little sour you're right. you don't. oh okay. hee hee i think they're supposed to be white and brown? because i've never eaten a blue or a pink egg have you. no. that is silly. a building's going up in town but first the workers dig deep down. let's go watch the busy scene and learn the name of each machine. hm. bulldozer? dumptruck. the backhoe. someone's raking. wow. who dumps? ah. oh my gosh you're right. that's a cement mixer. and this is a forklift. right. everyone is in the park? molly anna max and mark will fly a kite have lunch and then will learn to count from one to ten? hm? right? what's behind that tree? got you little birds! mm! i wonder if they're gonna eat those little berries. they're little berries! mhm? everyone's bought something new. max's tricycle is blue. trina has a party dress? and maggie likes guitars the best? wow he's got a bicycle doesn't he. do you remember what kind of what what you have? a tricycle that's right. wow? that is great? in the music store. mm what they playing. wow? and what do you see here. look at these. the violin the cello and the bass. that's the trumpet. uh you know what this one actually if it just had this part here it'd be a trumpet but see this big long thing. that makes it a trombone! that's a trombone and that's a tuba. tuba. tuba. tuba? tuba. tuba. tuba. and do you have you don't have a tuba on your cube do you. what instruments do you have on your cube? wanna bring it over here and we'll look! it's right there on the floor. very good honey! let's see what's on that cube of yours. uh? right there. right next to the basket. there it is? you're right but that one doesn't have batteries silly. mommy is silly? okay? let us see what instruments we have. what's that? a violin. remember what that is. right. a harp. a flute. wow what's this. piano. and a harp right. okay. yeah. yay. what instrument do you think you like best? you like the flute. yeah that's a nice one. yay. oh. oh. what's the red one? ah the harp yes. would you like some more chocolate milk honey. hee yay. doo doo doo. very lovely! oh yes the violin. ah lovely. would you like to read another book honey. would you like to go pick one out? ah hah? oh my gosh you're right? here you go there's your box. my box is right here. toot and puddle. great. it's true it is mommy loves toot and puddle. and you love the goblins. yes. when puddle came into the kitchen for breakfast there was a note on the table? dear puds gone for a walk be back soon toot? p s i'll cut the grass when i get back? puddle cut the grass. at lunch time there was still no sign of toot. maybe he went fishing tulip suggested? but we always go fishing together answered puddle. dinnertime came and toot still wasn't back. he never misses dinner puddle said. oh this is delicious said tulip toot would love it. toot puddle called into the woods? is he lost asked tulip. you can't get lost in your own woods said puddle. when it grew dark puddle really began to worry? what if toot tumbled into a hole and couldn't get out? well puddle puddle's imagining that toot is stuck in a hole. that's toot. but he's not really in a hole puddle's just thinking about it. mhm! or worse puddle thought something much worse. what do you see? wolves oh my gosh. i better go search for him puddle decided. he's my best friend. puddle walked all through the woods and around pocket pond and he climbed to the top of orchard hill searching for his friend. toot he called. where are you? ah hah what do we have here. footprints. whose do you think they are? wow maybe toot's. yeah. puddle tramped through dark woods until a starry sky opened before him. and what did he see. a train. toot loves trains he thought. so he jumped on. airport puddle said. just the other day toot was saying he hadn't flown anywhere in months. what am i doing puddle asked himself? now tulip would be worried about him too. ah ah yes provence was beautiful but where was his friend. bonjour mon ami toot cheered. toot cried puddle what are you doing here? i guess i got carried away toot said? i hopped on a train and then a bus and then a plane and then a bicycle and one led one thing led to another all the way to coco poche. i had a whim toot exclaimed how in the world did you get here. the same way puddle said i went looking for you and one thing just led to another all the way here? that's how whims are said toot? isn't it exciting to be in such a faraway place toot asked. tulip will be worried that we're both missing said puddle i'd better give her a jingle. i found him puddle said we're fine we'll be back soon. what does toot see? a mountain. do you know where that mountain is? where? it's in nepal. they have the highest mountain in the world in nepal said toot. are you sure this is a good idea asked puddle. i'm sure said toot. and they caught another plane. whew puffed puddle that was fun when they climbed to the top of the mountain. i'll say said toot! i'm glad we did it together said puddle. as they hiked down the mountain puddle was quiet. what's wrong toot asked are you getting pooped out? i think i'm getting homesick admitted puddle. that happens to me every time said toot i love to go off on a trip and when the time comes i love to go back home. and that's just what they did. and where are they sitting. in a hammock. wow who has a hammock. phoebe and trevor have a hammock. and do you like to sit on that hammock with phoebe. yeah. and trevor too? and what do you do on that hammock? you swing. wow? and do you relax and lie on the pillow. yes. and do you think! mhm do you tell stories. what do you tell stories about? you tell stories about hammocks while you're lying on the hammock. that's a great idea. do you tell stories about princesses? yeah? can i hear a story about a princess? what are you doing silly? oh okay. but it's pretty it has a little purple it has a little blue sparkly center. well we won't wear it then. yes we'll have to look for the pink one. but first i believe i need a kiss. another what. i think you're right. can i have a kiss too. that is puddle. right. that's toot with his orange suit on you're right? on the top of the world. do you remember what planet we live on honey? what planet do we live on? earth you're right. you're right earth. amanda lives on earth too. wow? jupiter? and. what are some of the other planets? what about the one with the rings? cupcakes there's no planet called cupcakes. there's no planet at all named cupcakes. that was a good one. what about the little tiny planet that's very far away? pluto. and what about the planet next to jupiter that has the ringers around it. is it called saturn. saturn? wow. saturn. what? what's the one with the other rings? what is it? what is that one called? is that one called i have the dirtiest face ever. are you sure. really. is it called i have a dirty nose too? is it neptune. oh neptune. neptune. and what about mars. hm lots of rocks. hum well pluto is so so far away that we're not sure what's on it! it's very tiny. probably not very much it's very very very very cold on pluto. pluto? where's your solar system book? i don't know. you think it's in the basket. no kidding. hee hee hee. let us see? oh my gosh you got it great. outer space outer space? ooh do you remember what this big one is. the sun. gives us all of our light. wow? that's pretty neat. look. look there's mercury the first planet. very nice. where is the lawnmower ross? what happens to the lawnmower? what about the little boy might get hurt by the lawnmower? the little boy is going to get hurt by the lawnmower? how about daddy? are you guys having fun? let marky go let marky go. what is marky doing? what have you in there? what are they called? but what are they called? what are their names? what are they called? what are you doing on the table? what are you doing up there? is that right? you know that's wrong. you know it's bad. sure it is. why is it good? you know that's bad. what do you have in that basket? you have babies in the basket. what are their names? rhinoceros? hm. what do they do? i don't know how they go. i don't know how they go. do you know how they go? like that? that's nice. what do they do? what do they eat? what else? where do they live? where do they work? who are their friends? what do they play? they do? where is their house? right here in the basket? nice little rhinoceros. i'm going to have my ice cream later. i'm going to have my ice cream now. let's talk about you. i didn't see the hulk. he went to the circus. you went to the circus. did you have fun? but you missed the hulk. he is going on friday night. you can see him next friday. do monday and what's next? okay monday. monday come on you can do it. say please. do you want mary or bobby? which one do you want? which one? do you want bobby? you don't want mary? do you want bobby? yeah a big one. what is that called? he cut his finger. what was the name of the thing he had? a needle. what did she get? tetanus do you know tetanus? what's that called? poor gloria. is she okay now? is she doing better now. ero he means the ice cream. i just told him o r e y o. my own is over there. i think it is in your drawer ross. too rough. give marky a kiss. what's the name of this thing? no. what do you play? what is this called? what's it got on it? can you say music? music. okay then will you go to sleep? ross you are being really bad. what kind of hat? where is it? in the top drawer? or is it in the bottom? is this the hat you want? what color is that? no that's blue. true true that i did that. tell mommy to please fix these for you. tell mommy i can't hear her. did this scare you? very good ross how come? do you want to tell me about halloween? what happened on halloween? yeah. where did you do it? you did and then what happened? and marky's baby sitter. then what else? are you going to eat all the candy? you won't get sick from candy? why not? you don't want to get sick. you might get sick anyway. because candy makes you sick. are you sure? ross did you say something bad to your daddy? what did you call daddy? say you are sorry. what are you doing ross? your motorcycle is outside how about your tricycle? you have a motorcycle. do you have a tricycle too? just a motorcycle right. goodbye skippidy hoppidy. yes a bouquet of flowers? this is a vase? yes it does? oh yeah and then i bought you a motorcycle you poor baby? why do you always do it? there's the cat right there? that's your tiger. yes she's going to run away? she's gone now? she's gone? you mean a straw? get ready? i don't see it? oh? why is it up there? why did he put it up there? you might break it. why not. why. how do you say spoon? and what else can you do. what did we do today? ross demonstrates. yes we held each other? i held my little baby? and what did i do to my little baby. and what did daddy do to you? what did i do to your tummy? and what did i do to your bottom. and what did i do to your arms? what did you do to josiah? you scratched him and did you cry. did your teacher tell you that you were bad? what did she say? and then what happened? can you do bobby shafto? you start rub a dub dub. you start rub a dub dub? very good? nice? do you know humpty dumpty? oh that's too bad? do you know the one about mary had a little lamb? mary had a little lamb. you do it. mary had a little lamb it's fleece was white as snow and everywhere that mary went the lamb was sure to go. it followed her to school one day which was against the rule it made the children laugh and play to see a lamb at school. see the lamb went to preschool. would you like to take your little kittie to school. little kittie to preschool? what did she do? she will scratch no. titush will play at preschool with all the kids. she'll get on the merry go round and run around? and then she'll go in the little house and have fun in the little house. and what else. yeah. and what else will she do? with you? when? today? can't go to delma's today ross because we are going to stay home? it's too late? do you want to do another tape? okay? do you know the one about hey diddle diddle? say hey diddle diddle? good. hey diddle diddle the cat and the fiddle and what comes next. the cow? very good? do you know the one about jack and jill? right? right. up jack got. what happened? up jack got and home did trot as fast as he could caper he went to bed and plastered his head with vinegar and brown paper. let's do the easy one okay. do you know about jumping joan? look here am i little jumping joan if nobody's with me i'm always alone. do you want to do that? too hard? how about another one? what do you know? do you know any more? oh that? little jack horner do you know that? little jack horner sat. do you know the one about little miss muffet? little miss muffet. frightened? frightened miss muffet away eek? okay do you know old king cole? old king cole was a merry old soul? called? right? he called for his bowl. what next? yeah and called for his fiddlers. very good. let's talk now. we'll give the tape a rest okay? it's not too bad? do you want to come up on the table? you need to be high? okay you can go up on your chair? mhm? you come up on the chair? oh you want it over on this side? it got ripped? you mean the little piece where it's bent. i thought you were going to take the playdoh out now? that's right when the cap's off they go upside down? yes the yogurt caps too? that's the cover to the playdoh? mhm? you'll have to pound it out honey? just pound it out real big and real flat? you can't? let me show you something? look i made it nice and flat. didn't i do it nice. there. okay now put the ginger bread man down? that's right. other way? no that's very good honey. you're doing it? there was a little bit too much playdoh there? it was a little too thick honey. that's why it didn't work right? it has to get thinner. it's kind of hard to do. okay now put it down again honey push it down again push it way down way down all the way? white looks red? what else looks red? playdoh looks red? does everything look red? you did? yesterday morning you made a tiger? what tiger honey? i don't know what you mean? which? oh oh oh? i know what you mean? that little lion? it may not be very easy to find honey. daddy may have put it somewhere honey. no i don't see the lion but i'll show you something else we can do. i'll show you. let's get it all flat. mhm. and we're going to punch this down. and pick him up real carefully and look we get a shape just like a donkey in there? the shape see it looks like a donkey. there isn't that funny. well here are the eyes look. look at the kangaroo? want me to flatten it again. no it wasn't big enough to put a tail on honey. shh. don't cry now nomi? okay? put the seal on so that it all fits? oops you have got it upside down? now it all fits okay? sure you can? push it on very gently there. nomi i want you to behave quiet? there isn't that nice now. keys? do you want to come down and get it? what is kimberly doing? having dinner? would you like to have some dinner? makes a funny noise doesn't it. when you stomp your feet? that pail over there makes a funny noise. the one over near the door there. show me how you were washing the baby's hair. that was really nice. you don't what. you turn the orange light off. that's a little light honey. hm. well ah i don't know if i want to tell you where the switch is honey? that moves it doesn't it. see that little needle moves when you do that? that makes a record of how much tape has gone by. see stop? don't push it for a minute? you'll see what happens look. one two three four five? six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve it counts it's called a counter. say something? i'll put it on manual? okay now i have it on manual record level? we'll see how it goes? i've got it at maximum and it's still not doing any thing? maybe this microphone's really not good for picking up things at distances like that? i wonder if that could be nomi that this microphone isn't good for picking up things you've got to talk right into the microphone. that's not a good microphone for us to have is it. we want a microphone that picks up from far away. hm. that other tape recorder. well i have one at school? what's this called? do you remember? remember what it was called? do you remember? who's coming? who's coming? yeah daddy's coming. is this my nomi? hi what were you doing nomi? are you being very careful with that microphone? it doesn't have any talk in there? well we'd better put some in. you put some talk into it nomi. you say some words into it nomi. say flabbergast upholstery? and quagmire? quagmire? you don't want to say quagmire. how about sammire? how about maximillianmire? what are you been doing here besides saying aha and mhm? not very much? the usual recording session. nomi what's that doll doing there on its back. what's that one doing there? that one right there by the bath tub. yeah what's he doing. i don't know. tell me about him? is he lying on his back. why don't you give him a bath? which one what nomi. this microphone. hm. tell me about that dolly? you describe the dolly to me. it's very hard for you to talk into the microphone when you're drinking nomi. what'd you get from grandma and grandpa? you'll show me? where is it honey? isn't it there with the other ones. no? maybe it's in the bag the duckie bag? could it be in the duckie bag. what you got in the duckie bag? you sure it's not there honey? oh nomi what'd you do with it. was it a doll was it a new doll. a small one or a big one. it isn't a doll at all honey? tell daddy what it was? what'd you got from grandma and grandpa? a card yes? a card? show daddy the letter that you got? show daddy the letter. but you also got a hankie? this on? yes that's it there's the hankie you got from grandma and grandpa? oh nomi tell me about that hankie? what are the women doing? what are they doing? you'll get them when you're bigger. i'm the hulk. tell me about tigers. here it is? okay give me your water pistol. and i'll get you some water. here you go. yes there is. let me see. i see some water. you got your foot. you got me. i already took a shower today! i think there's plenty of water in it! squirt it and see. okay don't pull the plug out and lose it or you won't be able to use your water pistol any more. come here and i'll put some more water in it. are you sure. i put it up there for safekeeping. okay? you sure did. why don't you go squirt somewhere else. no go get daddy. no don't squirt me please? squirt abe. who? me. how come? because why? i am not? i have an idea? go squirt the sink. okay but squirt the sink a lot of times okay. that's a good idea. good? i got it dad. good. okay here you go. don't squirt me any more okay. ask mommy to put some in. she's right there? didn't i say that the last time i filled it was the last time. why. why? okay that's a good reason? why? i don't know why. aha? here it is? you got me. gosh. go get daddy instead! okay don't you squirt me! don't squirt me. i'm gonna run away. how come? okay come here one more time is all. who was outside abe? oh. not yet? that sure is a nice dance abe. you think so. they haven't been in the oven long enough. ha? ha. you missed me! you have to aim better abe! oh yeah! here's some of the water. now here's the gun. go squirt mommy. go get her. go squirt daddy in the nostrils abe. no go ahead and squirt mommy. she deserves it. you have to be more careful when you jump. i'm protecting myself. i'm protecting myself against your maniac mother. she wants to squirt me. he is. thanks abe. thanks a lot abe? okay go squirt donna. donna spiker. she's coming to our house. she's at the door right now. go squirt her. who did? that's right. who's judi? oh. huh? oh we sure did. sunflower seeds? you eat those and i'll get you some more. huh? i don't know. sue sent mommy that? that sure was nice wasn't it. maybe she will on your birthday? i can feel you? what koala bear? what sort of bear? how nice? would you like to go for a walk koala bear? let's go! well you better get up? i will. okay let's go to bed. i know that. but it's time to go to bed. i've got some books to read if you want me to read to you. let's get in there right now. you want a book with funny pictures. well go find one. and then let's hop into bed? alright did you spill them all out. by mistake. the word that nomi is saying is lethargerians which is the name of the people who live in the doldrums from the milo book. mhm. no kimmy doesn't have a milo book. what? she doesn't have any crayons. yeah i can help you. you don't look like you need any help! you look like you're doing just fine! does that little girl have a bathing suit on. no that's not a bathing suit. that's a dress. no she doesn't have a bathing suit. no. do these birds have feet? no. wings right. does raggedy ann have wings. hm? there's somebody in a bathing suit. yeah. i'd like to see you draw more. no? i like to see you draw so much? it's so pretty when you draw? it's so nice when you draw? you're gonna dump all your crayons out. then who's gonna put them all back. huh what's the matter with your underpants? oh they're twisted. go put it on gigi's bed. are you helping me. go help mom? i'll hold i'll hold the ball for you and you go help mommy! three. i thought we were on three. oh let's see whoop. you found a three! careful! hm looking browsing. looking browsing. do you see anything that belongs to gigi? where which one? four good. uh let's take a look alex! let's. let's see uh okay here's half of a five. let's see do you see gigi's. oh very good? yeah the five boobs that's right yeh! yeah. alright put it on the bed alex. oh. oh my god. no you can't wear that. alex. get in here. it's not funny go put it away hurry up! alright come on. i don't think gigi will like that. no i don't think so she's gonna have a heart attack. oh. okay let's find you a number six laundry! let's. oh you found one all by yaself. very good! okay come back and i'll find the seven! go ahead. good job. go put it on her bed! seven wow! come on! hurry up! well come and help me look! hm. let's take a look. oh a big a big shirt. no this one. seven. come back hurry. wow! help me! how about eight? you take a look see if you can find eight? there's one right there. no no not the sock. give me the sock i need that that's mine! okay. excellent! okay come on! in the sky! i don't know where the ball went? alex here's nine. it's flying in the sky! let's take a look in the laundry careful do you have to do that? of course you do? of course you do because you're two. let me take a look. no that's mommy's. let me see. oh. come back and find ten! hurry! help me! how about ten? let's take? oh oh i think i see ten. i think i see ten. i think i see ten. i think i see a purple ten. excellent. purple ten! wow? eleven. right here! there it is. eleven socks! let's find twelve. twelve! pajama shirt. good. yeah that was a good one. oh you put that on gigi's bed. there's thirteen. twelve! what are we on? which number i forgot already? go ahead go put it on gigi's bed. alex i found one. wow look at this one! ooh! i don't know if we have anything orange. let's. ooh look at this a very very big pair of pants. okay now you go put. oh no pick em up. pick em up don't drop em! hurry and come and find something else. pink pants. pink pants that's right. oh put em on the bed. no you. i don't think those will fit you. come honey. alex come on hurry up i found some more. let's go! go see what mom has! look! ooh this is a good one! don't drag em! don't drag em. ho let's see um. no that's mine. mm that's mine too. no that's mommy's night gown. right here. oh i think i found one. bring that one back. what was that jingle bell? on the bear? how about? well yeah okay you can give that to gigi go ahead. i'll get it later. go ahead bring it to her. no that's mine. no i need that shirt alex bring it back here please. that's for my hair! okay let's put all these socks in here. no i have to put em in the basket because i'm gonna go upstairs with it. okay like this. all the socks on the side. and the clothes in the middle. how about would you like to play potato head? we haven't done that? no she's reading. she's reading and she needs to take a break. so you can play over here with mom. would you rather drink. you didn't have much breakfast would you like a snack? i can't sweetheart? mommy do it please. okay clothes are all done how's that. come here. alex look at this one. no that's a coupon. we might use it. let's see. okay would you like to play potato head with me. where? no no don't break it? that's not yours. okay well which one am i going to be the little one or or the big one. the little baby potato or the mommy potato? you would like mommy to be the big potato head? aha look at this soft this goes on gigi's bed? you did a good job helping mom. okay i'm ready. ready ready ready. that's from the wiggles. okay? well okay i'm gonna play potato head? yes. you know what else we could try to play today if you would be patient enough. memory? your memory game. look at here's you big red hat. yeah. well i'd like to teach you this memory game today. this is memory. you know how we play on the computer. what? ooh? excellent! oh there's a lotta things in. ooh look at oh so many. that's okay. sure me help you. aw you did it. okay which one am i. what? can i be baby potato? you're not going to share? oh no? you won't share you toys with me. alright i'm gonna do this one? yes yes. can i put on the green shoes. that's not nice? no i'm not gonna cry. okay can i do this one. well blue shoes? can i be baby potato. alright watch let me make one? make baby potato. okay which one? i needs no i need feet first? you can't yer can't do that unless you have shoes. okay. i need feet he needs feet look. he can't stand up. he needs feet. thank you! i don't like this tongue. okay next. but this is for baby potato it doesn't stay in look see it falls out. see this has to go on to baby potato. it's for a little baby potato. which one the red one. okay sure? very nice. now how about some. there it is. okay. very good. can you see? excellent job? teeth. right here? push it very good? i can't see. i can't see! no that's not a nose! that's a mouth. no. how about some eyes? that goes on baby potato? because it has a nose. baby potato needs a hat. ho about these! alright these? no. alright. oh that's baby potato because it has a nose. see. you've to get just eyes got just eyes for the big potato? get just the eyes. no that has a nose too. like this one see these are just eyes. mm alright. that goes on here. would you like to put the orange one over here. it'll match baby potato's shoes? mm okay next. you need a nose. alright. you know how to do everything. very good. yeah but he needs regular eyes because these eyes don't fit! mister stubborn. no those for arms. no boop. you missing a hat. it's gotta be someplace. oh alex that's not now it will take me an hour just to look for that. alright i don't see it. would you like to try and play this memory game. mhm? oh honey you don't have to be sorry. that's okay. yes now that looks really really nice. i like that potato. very good how about some arms. how come i can't touch the arms? what? he doesn't have any arms? here just leave that alone. alex. how come nobody can touch the arms? so cute. i wish they had some arms! why. oh i'll get it? why. alex? you make me giggle! no. don't take them! aw! this is memory. like on the computer. would you like to learn how to play. well you know how to play it on the computer let's see if we can play it on the table? let's put all this potato stuff over there for a moment. that's good. now you have to find two that match. pumpkin. nope those don't match. turn them back over. ball. alright alright which one. pumpkin? nope those don't match. very good! so push them over there! that's good. now find two more. umbrella. and a ball. they don't match. did you match them. very nice? okay! oh those don't match. turn it over. okay. what's that one? where's the cow? and they match! would you like to play again! alright let's fix these over here and then i'll get you some new ones? we'll do this. see so you can make extra room. and i'll get you some more matching. no no well you have to let me put them down first. what honey? a flower? and a duck. no you have to turn this one back over now try again. flower. what's this one? and a tree? no you don't. duck. alex. okay. right but that's not you have to can you leave them like that. two by two? so you have more room. what's that? no? those don't match. no you have to find the ones that match. but where's the tree. where's the tree? but this goes with this? oh. alex you going to school tomorrow. hm? what are you teacher's name? what are you teacher's name? who? what are you? what are you teacher's name? miss? that's right miss janet. what honey? what's your other teachers' name? miss? cheryl. what? yes wait watch? wait a minute wait. wait one second will you please just be patient. just wait one second. and then you can knock them down. wait a minute. you ready. get set? watch. just wait a minute let me put a couple more. ready one two three. go. oh what happened. it's like dominoes? i like this box! that's everything. please. yes? yer not sharing. oh alex. get on you seat before you fall. would you like a snack. would you like some raisins? would you like some raisins in a bowl? that is your snack? would you like some raisins in a bowl. would you like some goldfish in a bowl? would you like some? would you like some? that is you snack would you like raisins? would you like? goldfish? would you like some cereal? would you like a piece of toast? would you like a piece of toast? okay? you play with yer yer squares. and i'll go get you a piece of toast. what sweetheart? i can't alex because the tv doesn't is not working right now? i can't. i have to cook you toast. oh. ow. would you like some juice. alex i can't put that on now. oh i i then we're not gonna be able to go to the toy store if you're not nice. well you have to be patient. maybe we can take a walk to the toy store. it's beautiful out. we should walk there. you told me you wanted wanted some toast alex. it doesn't work. tadah. what honey? no that's okay you don't have to say sorry to the chair? what honey? what? play with these blocks? play with this memory game? that's a question mark? okay eat cha toast. i will play eat you toast. eat you toast please. thank you. no it is not. okay. first one. butterfly. panda. okay! a watch. a duck. a flower. a turtle. a butterfly. umbrella. well i haft match them. zebra. turtle. alligator. watermelon. umbrella yay. pumpkin! tree. butterfly. cow. flower. flower. yay! hey we have to get a little bit more organized here! tree. i'm cheating a little. turtle. turtle. okay! pumpkin. cow. pumpkin. pumpkin yay. butterfly. tiger! ladybug. watch. watch. xylophone. tiger. tiger. tiger. those match! rainbow. alligator. ladybug. a tree. okay how about. where's the two ducks? yay those match good job? a frog you're looking for a frog or a watermelon. here try this one. try this one. no. watermelon? no those don't match. which one do you have a frog and the cow. oh? oh you found a match! very good frog and frog match! oh put it down you have to look for the you have to look for the other one. two hands honey. jeez i wish i knew where that other one was. hm wonder where the other one went. what's this one? excellent! you're good at this game! ladybug! how about this one? and a ladybug! a tree. can't find that other tree. maisy. alligator dolphin and a crab. two rainbows. they match. a zebra. oh those don't match. try again. a cow. nope try again those don't match. an apple. you're good at this game! alright let's try and find some more that match! a cow. and a cow. very good! a zebra. and a tree. no you have to turn them back over. try again. a zebra. and an alligator. an alligator and a zebra. two trees they match! very good matching! ah how many! one two alligators they match? very good you did it! you played the memory game! good job! very good! would you like to try again! this time we won't take up so many? what sweetheart? that's juice? okay let's try and match these. okay we'll do more let's do this this group first. apple. and a frog oh you have to put them back when you done. okay try again. apple. and a frog. those don't match. a watch. no that's a watch and an apple. umbrella. very good matching! okay that's fine. no you have to put them out like this. that's how you play the game. okay a frog. very good! okay keep matching. a watch those don't match. okay. look for some more that match. no those don't match. no. which ones match. watch and a watch day match? good. and two umbrellas! okay let's get some more. okay. push those over so you have room. okay let's try and match these ladybug and a butterfly they don't match. no they don't match. no that's not how you play. try again. a duck. and a ladybug. those don't match. no you have to put them down when you done and try to pick two more. pick two different ones. pick pick another different one. right. where's the match? no those don't match stop being so ridiculous? duck. oh those match. good! those don't match! oh no they don't match you can't put them in the match pile. they don't match. no find the ones that match! oh you don't know how to play this game anymore you forgot! two butterflies and and two ladybugs put put them together ladybug with the ladybug that's a match? and a butterfly with a butterfly. okay would you like to get more. alrightie let's see? now you have to mix them up. okay ready go. those don't match. watermelon and a turtle. one's a fruit and one's a animal. no. oh are we done playing this game. would you like to do your new wiggles sticker book? okay let's put these blocks away? let's match them up. where's the matches? oh no that's not how we put things away? alex can you help mommy please put these away and i'll get you wiggles sticker book. what? well we'll get your sticker your new wiggles sticker book out? yeah the new one. i'll go get it sit down i'll get it. space dancing. it's over there but the tv's broke? i see it. here it is! tadah! baby things that go! well i brought them both! boy. okay which one. mm yeah? what? i can't open it honey? greg the grape. jeff is sleeping. he's doing magic. you can't because he'll rip. no you'll rip his foot. he's having some watermelon. what's this? fruit salad? what's that? and the sandwich? oh look at these stickers. who put it oh gigi must have been doing this with you because she didn't put the things in the right places? that doesn't go there you don't put a radio in the garden you put a radio in the kitchen. this does not go here. those are stairs stairs that go in to the rose garden. oh you know gigi doesn't follow instructions very well. yes that goes in the garden that's right. that's right the radio goes in the kitchen not in the garden. but you know what it's gonna have to stay there i can't get it. how about? ooh would you like to put some seashells in henry's? that's dorothy in the garden? here's henry here i'll give you one for henry. i'll give you two. i'll give you some sea grass. and a green fish. okay. put it in henry's. sea grass. i'll put i'll put it upside down. and a fish. how can we put the fish upside down? wags? look at he's eating all the bones remember you gave him the bones to eat. one two three bones? captain feather sword captain feather sword doesn't have any decorations let's give him some more. who? here let's give this orange pillow to wags? for his chair. they're not playing hide and seek they're right there. they're in the big red car. yep you have that. oh excuse me. here let's give wags a pillow. yeh you have it. put it on his chair or on the floor. on the wall. smooth it out. oh you gave wags a pillow for his head what a nice boy. good one alright smooth it out. let's get a red pillow. bones. they're bones. dog bones. one. and a two. would you like wags's bowl. okay? take you time. no that was good you had it right. smooth it out. hello. yeah? no. no i'm not gonna come right away anyway brown's here. alright and is is there money for groceries anywhere. there money for groceries anywhere? okay? alright. bye. yes. me see. bone on you put it on the door. it's going outside oh that's a good one? okay let's see what else we have. let's turn back to the stickers. alight how about ah. okay. alright how about. you would like to put it in wags's house. oh big one? and the small one. how about? how about a coffee cups? look at there's two. put them in the kitchen. a yellow. and a red. put them on the table. you could put them in the sink. look at here's here's jeff's. anthony's. murray and greg. greg's coffee cup. murray. oh you did that very very well. very well. you lined them right up. and you could say jeff. anthony. greg. and murray. this says d o r o t h y. who's that? who's that? dorothy? and this goes in her garden. okay good one? and how about this this rosebush. no? she won't be able to breathe! how about over here? oh i like i like it there that's a good that's a better spot. here's a green pillow. and a red pillow. no that's not for dorothy. that's for wags. red. okay smooth it out. smooth it out. good. and the green pillow put it on his chair. on the floor. okay? and how about. oh his bowl? so he can have a drink! or he can have a snack. you'll be you'll be hungry. yes you can have it you'll be hungry. oh no put the bowl on you head. you don't wear a bowl on you head! how about henry oh starfish? right there. let's go to henry. oh i really like those. here's henry's telephone. hello. it's just pretend. see just pretend. it's on the page. how about a big big seashell? and another seashell seashell? go underwater. yep. right. excellent. this is where henry the octopus lives. his house is at the bottom of the ocean. henry likes to swim and play with all his underwater friends. fish sure. there's a green one. and a purple. we can get the seahorse after you after the fish. one. two. smooth it out. oh i can't. you wanna take it off? i don't know if i can? i think these are reusable i'm not sure. here you are. would you like the red one too. no okay? there. and the seahorse. that's the grass sea grass. ocean grass. yes you can. seahorse. oh and you gave him the plant. excellent job! very good! now the bubbles. and two bubbles. this is all done. and now here you go to henry and give him the bubbles. very good okay are you ready to read you book you're all done with you stickers. the wiggles and friends. the wiggles and friends. hi. we're the wiggles. welcome to our house. it's the wiggles house. yeah. it's just pretend. turn the page. this is where we spend time with all of our friends. we sing songs and play and have so much fun. who's that? who's that? who's that? okay turn the page? here is our kitchen. we like to eat lots of yummy food. what kind of things do you like to eat? watermelon? dorothy the dinosaur has such a beautiful garden. there are plenty of roses to look at and smell. ah don't eat the roses. this is where henry the octopus lives! this house is at the bottom of the ocean. henry likes to swim and play with all his underwater friends. yes. you're eating the ocean. oh no? wags the dog has his own special house. he has lots of fun toys to play with. turn the page. ahoy there me hearties. captain feather sword keeps his ship tied to the dock in the harbor! that way it won't sail away without him. he likes to go on adventures on the high seas. it's time to say goodbye. come back and see us all soon! sixteen that's right. the end. how about this one? sure? ooh happy baby things that go. mhm. sports car. passenger plane. what's that one? propeller? what's that one? train? what's this one? tram? monorail very good. no i think that's it. i love when you read to me. he's peeking. silly. he's what. he's peeking? he's peeking oh. alex. i can see you. oh stop. the hack with it i'll use it all? i'll start with that much. and i think there's probably a little butter up here. alex. oh my alex. come here. what are you now what are you doing? you're in here you're out there you're in here you're out there? who are you playing with? who's there? oh he's nice. did you miss the big rabbit? what is he doing? they hop. rabbits hop usually don't they. did you see a rabbit in wellfleet. what was the rabbit doing? he was doing what! there was a rabbit in wellfleet! where was he? he was in the road. he was. did you have a good time in wellfleet? what did you do in wellfleet? and what was on the ground in wellfleet. what was hopping on the ground? frogs. were they big frogs or little frogs. like the frog in this picture. where did you find the froggies? like the frog in this picture? where did you find the froggies? what is that? where is that frog? i think his eyes are black aren't they. he does. who tried to catch frogs with you? how did you catch them? you let them swim. in where. they swam fast. did you ever catch one! when are you going to catch one? when you're a grownup? because you have to be quick don't you! what do they do if you try to catch them? they hop away from you! oh my goodness. i want you to tell me all about what you did in wellfleet. did you go to the beach in wellfleet. what did you do at the beach? where did you play on the beach? in the sand! who's that in the picture? what is she doing? did you swim! how do you swim? you'll show me. what do you do when you swim? what are you doing? oh nina's swimming! what do you do with your feet? are you jumping! what are you doing? what's that? a coin. yup. what are you doing in the water here? are you splashing too. did you love to swim. yes i went swimming with you too! did you come out deep with mommy in the water! did you get scared! oh that's pia? what is she doing to nina? are you making is she making nina swim. were you happy to see pia! what did you do with pia? yes pia's swimming with nina. i'm swimming behind you! was the water cold! did you stay in the water for a long time! what are you doing in that picture? do you remember the name of that animal? what was that? a horse shoe crab? they were funny animals weren't they? were they sharp. where was the sharp tail? that's a really sharp tail isn't it. where's the his sharp tail sticking? in what. but is the tail sticking in the water or in the beach or where! in the beach! what are you doing to it? playing with it. did you swim in the bay? did you like swimming in the bay or on the lake better. the lake better. what's franky doing? playing with whom. who's she? oh. was it fun to see franky again! what's behind the beach? oh and what else is on the beach. did you play tag with mommy on the beach! did you catch me. oh who runs faster mommy or nina. you run fast! do you like to run? what's in this picture? who else come to the beach with you? franky came to the beach. did you ever go to the ocean beach with big waves. did you go in. was it too cold. even the big ocean wasn't too cold! remember we went in and our feet got frozen. did you go in with your feet? and what happened to your feet. they did. aha! what's franky doing to nina? are you going to run away from him in that picture! do you think he'll catch you? yeah that is. where is nina sitting? who's that? who's that girl? is that nonna! who is that? that's me. i was hugging my little girl in that picture wasn't i. and what are we looking at. what are you playing with in that picture? who gave you that squirrel? you know betta loved that squirrel didn't she. okay. where? in the lake! no that's not the lake! what is that? that's the bay! oh there're all kinds of snails remember. did you pick up snails. what did we go pick up in the mud? were they good. were the oysters good. i don't know. do you? who? what are you wearing? she's wearing a hat while she swims. do you think that the hat is getting wet? why did you wear a hat? what's in this picture? nina with crabs. careful don't bend it. aha. aha. what did you do with pia? are you hugging her there! looks like you're running. who's catching you? oh what is she going to do with you. who do you think it is? yeah. there were many horse shoe crabs weren't there on that beach. we did swim at the bay didn't we. did you dig some holes at the beach? with what. did you use your hands too. remember the big castle that we saw on the beach. who was building that? was it a little boy or a little girl? that's nina? that's all the pictures we have. go ahead you can take one down. what do you want to do? that was at pierre and maryse's house that picture there. where are you sitting? that's pierre and maryse's house. pierre took that picture of nina before you left for wellfleet. whose house do you think that is? that's pierre and maryse's house? did you have a good time at their house yesterday? what did you have there? oh. where did you eat? these are the pictures right here? all the pictures are right here? do you want to see them again? where is nonna? these are the same pictures. you want to show them to the bunny and tell him about wellfleet. tell the bunny all about wellfleet. oh you did? tell bunny about the oysters. what did you do with the oysters? where did you pick them up remember? was it sandy or muddy. oh it was so muddy? did we get. squishy mushy. did you get stuck. was it hard to walk. what happened? you what. you washed your feet off? you washed your feet off because your feet were too muddy? i see! who came oystering with us remember? who went oystering? did franky go oystering. who come oystering with us? remember bosa. she came oystering with us. who else come oystering with us? did we get a bucket full of oysters? and what happened to the oysters? did we open them? did you like to eat them. where did you put the oyster? in your mouth. did you swallow it right away. remember you carried it around in your mouth for a long time? did you ever swallow it. i thought you spit it out at the end didn't you. it was funny? it was kind of squishy wasn't it? but it tasted good didn't it. who put what? who put the muddy ones in? well we washed them. remember we washed the muddy the mud off the oysters? eleanore and mommy remember? and you did too. did you help wash the oysters. who opened the oysters? dick too. was it hard to open the oysters. what did they use? they used a big knife didn't they. was it sharp. and what else did you do in wellfleet! did you bake bread. what kind of bread did you bake? i made millet bread. oh that's right. actually dennis made millet bread and mommy made oatmeal bread. did you make the white bread by yourself or did i help you. how did you make it? all by yourself. what did you do with the bread? did you knead it. what else? what did you have to do to the bread? what's that? mixing it? you mix the bread. what did it feel like? it felt sort of like playdoh? was it soft or hard. did it squish! it did! and where else did you get the dough. where else was the dough? was it on your hands and where else! oh on your nose? and where else. did the dough go everywhere. it was a mess wasn't it! on you where? on your cheek there was dough too. what did we do? we cleaned it all off. oh i want a hug. oh that was so much fun. it was sort of like as messy as cotton candy wasn't it? and then after we kneaded it and made it into a ball where did we put the bread. just like the nursery rhyme. and we cook it in the oven. and then when it was all done what did we do. did it taste good. who did we give bread too? and who else? who came to eat bread with remember? dotty and leo. whose bread did they eat? did dotty and leo eat some of mommy's bread. what did dotty and leo eat? they did! did they like it. did they eat some of the sweet bread that i made. what did leo do with nina the last day in wellfleet? where did he play with you? where? did he play with you on the street. no where did he take you to play. did he splash with you. where did you go play with leo? in the water? and who else came in the water to play with you. and what did you do with her. and you swim too. do you like to swim? do you like to swim? shall we go back to wellfleet soon? hope we can go back next summer? don't you. how did you come back to california? not in the car! how did you come? you went up in the sky. in what! not tomorrow? but maybe sometime we'll go back to boston. would you like to! what happened? what happened? did you sunsuit get untied. who did you see on the airplane? nick and samantha and miriam were here in california when we got home! who came to the airport to meet us? did pierre and maryse come. what did they give you? it was a great big thing! what was it? oh was there a face on it. a happy face or a sad face. oh that was fun to get off the airplane and see a great big lollipop wasn't it? that was really funny. oh what else was there. oh and what was it in. it was in a little bag. that was very nice of them wasn't it. that was a big surprise to find them at the airport. did you play with the little girl on the airplane. did you share toys. what did you share with her? what did you play with? did you show her your snoopy. and what did she show you! her book! what was she doing with the book? what did you do with her bag? oh. did we eat on the airplane. was it a good lunch. do you remember what we ate? what did we eat? chicken! how did you eat it? did you eat it with your hands or did you use their little fork. what else was there on that tray? remember. um? oh look out the window? who's running around? see the baby goats! what are they doing? what's that goat doing? what's he doing? can you see it? what's he doing? with the what. hit the tree? i think miriam must have let him out so that he can walk around a bit. oh they're nice goats aren't they. what do they say? that's what sheep say. oh that goat is going far away isn't he? where are the horses? they are. did we go pat them the other day. maybe later we can go out again and pat them. i don't know. are you happy to come home to all these animals? what is the goat doing? is he running around. i love them? what other animals did we find at home? and a big duck. wasn't it fun eating eggs from our chickens. what are you doing? you're sleeping? on my bed. would you like to help me put away the laundry. no? okay? come and help me put away the laundry? okay what shall we put away now? can you give me some of the things from the laundry basket? give me some pants please? what's that? panties. no that's a what's that! that's your little nightgown? is it time to go to sleep now? no. we just got up. let's put that nightgown away in the bottom drawer can you? let me fold it. what do you want to do with it? put it on a dolly. hey you know it would fit on the teddy bear. you want to make the teddy bear look funny. or is that. what is that a teddy bear or a rabbit? oh that must be samantha's rabbit? do you want to put it? what are you going to do with the rabbit? what? put him to bed i see. what's on this nightgown? a mommy giraffe and who else! is it a baby giraffe. how do you put it on? over or under his head. over his head and then what. is his arm too big for this nightgown? i think so. what are you trying to do? is it hard. help you with what. aha. what's coming out of the arm? oh will that fit on his arm you think? oh he's such a cute rabbit? look at his mouth. what's sticking out? this sleeve over? here i have another sleeve on him? oh help me push it? she's a little girl? you say she for a little girl right? and what do you say for a little boy? what are you doing with the little rabbit? she's a little girl? are you a little girl or a little boy? and what's mommy. am i a big one or a little one. a big one. what did maggie give you yesterday when you came back? oh can i see him. i want to see the doggie. may i see the doggie that maggie gave you. oh he's so soft. where where are the doggy's eyes? i can't find them? where are they? oh. did maggie give this to you as a present. oh. maggie missed you when you were away didn't she. who's outside? what is she doing? is she walking outside. there's miriam. see there's miriam with a goat. i thinks so. who's behind miriam? those goats are really wild? look at them. hm? what are you doing? are you going to close it? are you going to put your baby to bed now so you're closing the window? what shall we do with the doggie? what does he have? who's the mother? who's a girl? she's a girl. no what are daddies. and what are mommies. that's right. leave this open for now. because i like to have light when i'm playing in here. is it dark now! oh my is it dark in here! they are. oh maybe they'd like a story before they go to sleep. do you think they would? so you want to open the curtains. go ahead and open the curtains so we can read them a story. who's holding samantha? she's holding samantha. where are they going? they are. did we go for walks in wellfleet. where did we go for walks? okay you can read them this story if you want. and you read you're the mommy. what are you? you're a girl. you're going to tell them about that book. oh who gave you this book. she made it didn't she. oh the herons are coming. and what do the herons want to do! oh where are the frogs! what are they doing? yeah where are the frogs. what are they under? that lily. what's sticking out from behind the lily pad? wonder what happened to the frogs don't they. and where are the frogs. oh they can't find them can they. how many frogs are here? there's no frog under that lily pad! where are the lily pads? in where! are the lily pads on the beach or in the water. did we have lily pads in wellfleet. they're going around in a ring. oh all the frogs are going around in a ring. and what did they do here. they fell down in the water. aha where are the frogs now. on whose back! is she grumbling because she can't find the frogs. that turtle is looking everywhere. oh who's there. they're having an evening song. tell me who's there. i want to see who came out in the evening? oh lots of different animals. where's this owl? did we have lots of insects and bugs at night in wellfleet? who would fly at the windows? remember who would fly at the windows. moths. and what else. mosquitoes. what else? do you remember? what? what did we see at night in wellfleet? stars! where were the stars? the sky was really beautiful wasn't it. remember going to see the sunset at truro. at the bay. what did we do? did we walk through the water. did you walk by yourself. was it a long walk or a short walk? what? it pretty long wasn't it! and we danced on the beach! did you dance with momma. do you like to dance? what did you pick up that night on the beach remember? you had your hands full of something. what? oysters. not that night. that night we picked up baby snails. but we put them back because we didn't want to hurt them right. how did you pick them up? you have to be careful when you pick them up. did you walk through the water by yourself. was it deep or shallow. it was shallow. did you get wet though. the water was shallow. the shallow water was at truro when it was low tide! it was at truro! remember we met a little girl at truro. called shelly. and she came back to your house didn't she! was that fun. you didn't talk to her at first because you were shy. and then afterwards you played didn't you. everybody started laughing and we had a good time. did you play with her. what did you do outside with her in the morning? is your toe sticking out of the cover. what's sticking out of the cover again? a foot! that's a cute little foot! who's sticking out now? your foot? my your foot's getting big isn't it! it's gone! my goodness! what's there? the foot's there again! my goodness? that's a nice little foot. it is? can you give me your brush? i would like to brush my hair. let's make pigtails. want to make them for me. where's the brush? no it's not in my bag. i think it might be over on the bookcase. go see on the bookcase. do you see it? no there. you find it. yeah that would be good. what are you doing? don't pull it. are you being careful. what are you doing to mommy? you going to make pigtails for me. oh that's nice you're. where are there knots? in my hair. can i brush your hair. you don't want pigtails. how do you want to wear you hair today? which way. did pia cut bangs for you in wellfleet. let me see them. where are they? are they here. what did jerry do? oh. in wellfleet. where? in california you mean. oh becky played. we haven't gone to see them yet because we just got back from boston. we've only been in california for a little bit. it's in california. we'll go see them soon. okay. what's that? a mirror. a mirror. you silly. it's a mirror. what's going around in it? they going around in a circle? oh there're lots of little balls aren't they. they just sort of roll around. i don't know! can you see yourself in the mirror? where's nina? is nina in there. what do you want to do? can you see me in there? aha? i wasn't. i wasn't talking to anybody. i was just looking? at maggie. i was looking to see if somebody was there. we're going to go to maggie's house soon aren't we. you don't want to. what do you want to do? play here. oh yes. yes? look pierre took some other pictures of you at the park before you left for cape cod? yeah did we go to the park the other day with him. what did you do at the park? that was at a park remember? you went up high in the sky. you're wearing a very pretty dress in that picture. who gave you that dress? she's sitting on a special kind of swing. mommy is. but you can't see mommy. mommy's back there. see? there's two pictures in there. oh i love the dress that you're wearing! it's really pretty! it's got little flowers on it! it's like the sunsuit that you're wearing today! that's a new one isn't it. ellie gave it to you. ellie gave that to you as a present? rachel is back in michigan now. they don't live here any more? we're going to miss them aren't we. we'll have to go see them. shall we go on an airplane to see them. you like to go on airplanes. who was that nice man that we met on the airplane wearing a fancy hat? who was he? what does the pilot do? drives the plane. where did the plane go? it went to california? what did we fly over? remember? what did we see out of the plane window? remember we looked out of the window and what did we see! we see clouds. what else? we saw beaches and clouds and the desert. and what else. do you remember what else we saw? what did we see? what? out the window. what did we see out the window? we saw mountains too didn't we? big mountains. great big mountains. yeah that was really nice. about mountains. and when we went over the clouds you thought we were over the ocean didn't you. but what were they really. clouds. no we didn't go across the ocean this time. we went over mountains and a desert. many cities. we were up in the sky? and there were lots of people on the airplane weren't there. what did the man across the aisle give you? remember he gave you a little thing to play with. what was it? a pin? the stewardess gave you a little pin to put on your dress. with wings like an airplane. she was nice the stewardess wasn't she. what did she give you to eat? and she gave you ginger ale with something inside. what was inside the ginger ale? a little piece of fruit. what was it? oh do you like cherries. are they sweet or sour. did you take something off the tray. something sour. what was it? something green and sour. no there was lettuce to eat too but you had an olive remember. did you like it. it sure was. you made such a funny face when you ate that olive. it was. but the chicken tasted good on the plane didn't it? did it taste good. and there was some sweet cake wasn't there. what do our chickens eat? they eat corn and lettuce. did you go on. the horses? oh sometimes we feed them lettuce. but they eat hay too. did you have fun. yeah what do you think they drink? that's what they drink? they drink lots of water especially when it's hot. do you like to pat our horses? you we did that yesterday didn't we. there's a big white one and what other kind of horses do we have. let's see if we can see them from the window. oh there're three horses over there see them? aha. yeah. i don't know if miriam let them out. no she let the goats out but not the not the horses. they're going they're staying behind the fence. you don't want them to go on the road. they might get hurt right. that's why we have a fence up around them. there's poy? poy's running away. where's he going? do you think he's coming home? do you like to pat cami? what does he do though? he scratches and growls if you're not gentle. because cami is very little and he's scared of children sometime. when they're rough? he's not used to children that's right. so how do you have to play with cami. pat him gently. is that how you play with cami. did he lick you. did he lick you. that means he loves you. where's cami? cami must be outside too. shall we go out and play with him! shall we go. aha. okay let's put away the laundry first. give me a give me my slacks to hang up. no what's that. that's not slacks. what is that? that's my shirt? do you want to fold it? yes i would like that shirt. are you taking it away from me? oh can you fold it nicely. you can't? oh i want you to fold it up nicely for me! oh! why can't i have it. oh goodness. you're joking. are you teasing me. you're teasing mommy. well i want a big hug. i'm going to get sad if you tease me. you want me to get sad. you're going to tease me. put can you put that shirt back in. see if you can find some panties in there. you're teasing me? where's the tiger? oh dear where's the tiger? what's he doing? oh. sure. what kind of ice cream? oh i know what it is? that's from your. no this over here. this must be from uh your new toys the shovel. is that what it is. hm. you don't want ice cream right now? would you like a lollipop? you don't want any lollipop. you want ice cream. why do you want ice cream. where is it? you cooked one? i didn't cook one? we froze it. what's mummy doing? what's she doing? what's mummy doing for you? what kind of ice cream? what do we call them? a popsicle? who made who made those? did you tell courtney what happened to your dog. what happened sarah? a motorcycle? what'd the motorcycle do? what'd he do? where did mike go? but what where is he now? where's mike now? up in heaven? you want a new dog? what kind is that? that's an orange one? cold? whose girl are you? whose girl are you? you're not daddy's girl? why? what do you call this? what'd i tell you? what's this? a rake? you rake up the grass with this? when you go down to the beach right? and you got what else? a shovel and a pail and what else? a hoe? do you like to dig in the dirt? why? where do you like to dig? in the back yard. with donna? you're not talking to me? can i have a bite? good? what kind did mummy just say that was? what kind orange yeah? who's sitting in the other room? who's that in there? huh what's his name? huh. vacuum cleaner? no russell. you know russell? sarah. what you going to do today sarah? where? in the yard? can i play with you? can i use your shovel. can i pl can daddy play with your shovel hm. why? well can't you let me use it. who brought you these? no who brought them? who gave you those? nana? last night? for the beach? did mummy buy you a sweater? what color was it? white? this is red? don't you know your colors? you do. you like this. you want this shirt. it won't fit you? because i'm too big? is mummy going to make you some more of those. is it good. cold? sleepy huh? are your teeth cold? who takes you out for a walk? tommy. uncle tommy. oh uncle tommy takes you out for a walk huh? who took you for a walk yesterday? no tommy didn't take you for a walk. when tommy takes you for a walk where do you go? and what do you see down at the river! and what else. ducks. you like all the little ducks? you saw two. yeah? you throw rocks in the river? you do! do they make a big splash? what's all gone sarah? did you just get up? tired? no? i think this is the first morning gloria's come and courtney that we haven't had a hard time? huh you're always so sleepy when they come? you cried a lot yesterday huh? yeah all day. you and i had a big argument last night huh? oh did you? what did you argue about? we argued about playing in the dirt huh? you didn't even want to go to the store with me. to buy candy. you'd rather play in the dirt. who got spanked? oh you didn't spank me. i spanked you. taste good? why did you why were you crying sarah. why were you crying honey. you were tired huh. awful tired. can i have another bite? may i have a bite! did you see mike's grave! where's michael's bed? gone huh? man took michael's bed. and his collar. and his leash? you want daddy to buy a new dog? for you? or for mummy. all gone? good girl. are you sticky. are your hands sticky? you like to be sticky? what happened to the ice cream? where'd the ice cream fall sarah? did it fall on the floor? and what's that! what's in there? what do we call that there? a sink? two sinks? where's where's two sinks? oh in the bath room? that's right? whose girl are you? yeah that's a girl? that's a girl? let's sing jingle bells. one horse open sleigh. what's the song you sing to your dollie? rock a. huh. rock a rock a bye? rock a bye what! huh! what's that? that's not a shovel. that's not a shovel? what is it? it's a a rake? and a hoe. how many rakes you got? two? and this one's for grass? say grass. and that one is for dirt. okay? and this is for dirt. what do we call this? a hoe? and do you know who uses these. who? and yeah you can use them. a farmer uses them. you know what a farmer is? no you don't. you never saw a farmer? you live in cambridge. a farmer grows food? he grows vegetables? lettuce. say lettuce. do you know what lettuce is? what? no those are the wrong lettuce. lettuce. go ahead father explain it. what's that? what? what? potato? chips? now say it. potato chips. hey say fix my swing! that's a hard one huh? that's nana's? huh? what? well go get your dollie. go get your doll and get out your rocking chair and you can sing. okay want to do that. what do you want? look at this tags. what? on the table? what were the tags on? no no no. you mean the cellophane? the tags were on the clothes? they told how much money they were. see mummy could see how much money? they were thirty three cents. where you gonna go? wanna go out in the back yard with those and play? yeah in a little while okay. mummy'll put you down in the yard? and you'll get nice and dirty. you get a dirty face. and dirty hands. hm. do you like to get dirty? why? you like to take a bath afterwards? after you get dirty? gonna get a new pair huh? oh dear tsk tsk? make a what? hey? did did beaver scratch you? who's beaver? auntie marion's dog? right. did he scratch you? he jumped up. where'd he scratch you? where's that? on your face? do you want to see russell sunday? and you can play with darlene. can't dig no dirt here huh? why? so hey what else is new? sarah? what else is new? nothing's new? no news? nothing happened to you? you didn't fall off the slide. this week? no? don't talk to me. you never talk to me? what is that? did you hurt the floor? or did the floor hurt you? she's taking the bus? no you don't? come on out of there? you're not gonna have a bath right now. you can have a bath later. okay? you have to go out in the yard and get dirty first? before you take a bath? what? dirty. yeah you can do that in a few minutes. wait a minute? in a little while hey. mummy told me mummy told me you were a good girl on the bus when you went to dancing school huh? do you like to ride on the bus? why. what's those? are you supposed to play with matches. you are. since when. huh! don't never play with matches. if i see you with matches i'll give you a spanking? yes i know? hey tell me about the bus? where's donna? she's not out there huh? that yard's dirty huh? all the junk in it? junk. should be picked up huh. who should pick it up? did you dirty it. you did? we should put all that stuff in a barrel. donna did that. she plays out there all the time huh. with her dog. she what? can't understand you? wanna go out? yeah we'll go out a little later? okay. can i go out with you? look at your room? junky huh. two books? got a million books. what baby? where? which baby? what? can i throw all these out. why. huh. do you play with all these toys? you do? carriage? how many carriages have you got? where? one there one here? how many ponies have you got? yeah? and how many bikes you got? and how many babies have you got? two babies? i see a lot more babies than that? what? where? a car? where's the car? this here? that? i got a car huh? where? where's my car? out there it's a lot bigger huh? that's a red car? you play with this car? on the floor? i never see you? when do you play with it? on the floor? when i'm not here? right there. dat you car. get down? i know that? red right. that's red too? what else is red? that's not red? we get to put em all together so you can crack em. oh you do too need to crack em? but first we got to crack em? let's see. let's put em all together first. hey wait let me get em. i don't think they are all here. are they all here. here's another one that's ten? here's another egg? hey wait a minute. let's get em all. wait a minute oliver. wait a minute buster? why not? aren't you a buster? what are you? don't cook me over the head? where are the rest of these eggs? well we got to find em. are you sitting on them? where are the rest of the eggs? oh? well let's see. okay were missing this one. number eleven? where's it at? wait a minute? let's start like were going to the grocery store? a dozen eggs from the grocery store? now where's the other half of egg? is it over there? see if you can find it? there it is? no i will. oh i already did? okay? i'm the grocery man? you have to buy the eggs from me? get your money out? how much? how much are they? two dollars? two dollars. okay those are your eggs? want a bag? how bout a box? we'll put your eggs in a box? take em home? okay? what should we fix for breakfast? what kind of egg? okay. yeah i'll take this bowl. that's how we stir? okay you wanna put anything stir there for me to stir? what you gonna put in? no i'll take three eggs? my recipe takes three eggs? that's one? oh my cake? i can't make my cake now? oh i need three eggs? three. i'm going to make a cake? okay crack the egg. your gonna bake it? okay it takes two may eggs. wait a minute one more? it takes one more egg? now let us stir it up? no you don't need anymore. you don't. are you gonna stir it? okay mix em up. no more? should we whip it? are you taking mommies pot apart? i don't think she'd like that? i don't think you should take it out at all? she didn't like it did she? she didn't like it when you dropped it? hm? well what kind of frosting you gonna make for this cake? your not gonna tell me? why not? your gonna surprize me. who's going to be at this party? what kind of party is it going to be? is it going to be a birthday party? what kind? a nightmare party. what kinds that? you just came down and bonged it? well i want to? not together? let me take a taste? your going to wash it. you gonna mix it up. no? what are you doing with it? you are. what are you the rooster or the hen? your the hen? the hen let's see? are you the mother hen! are you gonna h hatch an egg. they are. do you have a chicken tail or a rooster tail? where is your rooster tail? it is? let me see you walk like a rooster? what does a rooster say? a rooster says bonk? what does a rooster say? you have a nasty nopse? okay hurry? hurry? get da kleenex? come here let me help you blow your nose? let me check your nose? it looks like i can help you blow? give me the kleenex. well come over here and let me help? let me check? okay? blow? hard. oh gets those little nasties out of that nose. let me check. head back. head back. oh look at that its all gone. oh? think all make a puzzle. what's the matter? where's it tickle? right there. oh? i'm done what! what's this on the bottom of your foot? a liver? what is it? how bout a foot massage? now on your hand. did you know that aunt glean was going to come home tonight. she's done vacationing with grama and grandma? your gonna run me over? that's a frying pan? what'd you fix mommy for supper? what'd you cook her? i don't know. where's she going? she going to a meeting? sounds like it? she's not answering she must be gone? oh boy? guess where i went? guess where i went! i went to the office! what do you hear? you hear mommy? oh you gotta stay here to play? why. because john's taping? no i don't think he's done yet? are you done? well if your done we better put those eggs back in the carton? i think mary will just love you? she's gonna love all that noise. are you making noise. what kind of noise are you making? play. i don't think mommy would like you to do that. no john's not none hun? let's move back we have a slight little problem! think we broke it! i know but i don't have them right now. cause you have to run. see you later? oh boy let us see what are we going to make now. scoop em up? what are you doing? i'm seeing you do this? that comes out of your mouth? who would you like to call? who? jenny sites. would you please help me put these back? we're gonna have ta pack up and put things away. i think she went to her meeting. oughtoh this egg looks as like its cracked? do you know that jennifer sites is moving? she's going. she's going to albuquerque. because here mothers going to be moving. just jennifer and her mommy? are you going to miss jennifer. that's too bad she's moving don't you think? i know but you know what. it's almost time to go to bed? why not? you sound very tired. oliver what's all that noise for. did you have your bath yet? did you get to take your bath. or did you already have a bath. what's a matter? can i have that egg back there. you don't wanna pick up. okay we won't pick up. we'll just get things tidy. what what? i thought you were trying for jennifer sites? you know jennifer sites. do you think she's on the phone with you? oh oh i thing we have a problem! these eggs don't match up? she's flying home? where do you think she might be right now? i think she's in dallas too. she's waiting for the airplane to come. in texas. well you've been there. a baggie. did you miss me? what did you say? well it wasn't me. well it wasn't me. no it wasn't me. maybe kittie made a fart. yeah. yah i had just forgotten about it? okay i want you to say that? yah? how about your nose? is it okay? where was the hurt? where did it hurt? show me where it hurts? show me where it hurt? show me where? that's not your nose? show me on your nose? show me where your nose hurts? where does your nose hurt? mhm? and hurt your nose? mhm? your yip yeah. he hurt his yip? he said he hurt his lip? if i give it to you will you go to bed. did you see the fire? did you go to see the fire engine? what was it like ross? what did they do there? and? what did you see? who came down the pole? why? did he get hurt? could you do it? what else did you see? did they ring a bell? no noise? he did? did you like them? and what else happened. last night what happened ross. did you stay up too late last night? and so it was hard to wake up this morning? what did you say last night? what did you do last night? yes. and what did you do did you watch tv? how late? two o'clock. no until eleven. how old are you ross? can you stay up late? how come? how come you can stay up late? last night you said because you were two and a half. i'm two and a half and i can stay up late. are you a girl word or a boy word. no i'm not a girl word and i'm not a boy word either. no i'm a boy. i'm a daddy? are you a girl. are you a girl word! that's your skeleton. yeah. you don't have a witch hat. you have a fireman's hat and? i thought your socks had a goofy on it. are you ready to go to preschool. do you want mickey mouse socks? you look real cute ross. you saw a woodpecker today didn't you ross? where did you see it? when we were at preschool? he didn't say. a count. or. the count? you want to take two? she is in there? are you going to play with her? on the cupboard. don't do that now we are going to get dinner. no we won't? yes we will? marky do you want to eat? why not? he's not hungry anymore? sure he is? marky will eat with us. he will eat with us. his mouth is sick. is he feeling better now? what was wrong? sick in his house. the witch is sick in his house. maybe he will get better soon. is marky going to be real sick? how about you? are you sure. how about that skeleton? he's pretty thin? he looks like he's dead? he is a lot of bones. he is bones. what is that? it says oh that's the born to be wild thing? yeah? ooh? so you wanna see what i brought today? you know what you did? a whole bag? wow this is like santa claus bringing like a bag of presents here oh my gosh? you weren't making a you weren't being a zebra again were you? yes you were? did you color your nails again? no? let's see what else we got here? what else is in there? that's like a turtle sandbox isn't it? a dog? take the sticker off? it looks like it doesn't necessary belong though does it? yeah. doesn't go on there? do you wanna hear? oh my gosh jessica has cool toys. doggie? really? what's my name? hm that's a pretty short slide? he fell in there? oh there's a picnic table. what's the doggie eating? dog bones? what about the people what are they gonna eat? pizza? oh that is yummy pizza? you are? well i know you doggie puppet certainly isn't at our table? where is doggie puppet? what are where are you going doggie? but where where are you gonna go. you wanna come with me? to the mud? are you gonna go play in the mud? oh the tractor's going in the mud? oh i don't wanna go in the mud i think i'm gonna go to the post office actually. the turtle? fine i'm gonna go mail a letter and buy some stamps at the post office? you know what. i want some more pizza. i'm gonna go cook up some more pizza with my turtle. and it has olive oil. you don't. i thought i saw you putting olive oil on all those dog bones you were eating. how about some beans? do you want some beans too doggie? okay let me get some of these. mm i know you did. now. you want some pizza too? i'm gonna have to cook up two more pizzas for you. alright! alright is that the oven. can we use the turtle as the turtle oven. okay let's put the let's put the pizza in. we don't wanna do that? alright let's see. oh it smells good. okay. alright one for you and one for you over here. you're welcome? you want a piece. should i make some more? alright. so one for you and there's one that we can all share if you guys are still hungry. no i'm not hungry actually. i'm too full? you are always hungry? you are a bottomless pit you never seem to stop eating? more pizza? no. pizza? alright? boop? let's share let's share these two alright? i'll share your pizza with timmy over here? you don't? but you had three pizzas already and he's only had one. don't you think it would be nice to share. hm. don't eat yours? alright how about this person here can he share yours? oh thank you. and for the other two can be. yeah that's what i mean you have plenty of pizza. how about apples with yogurt for dessert? you don't like apples. alright. alright just the whole apple okay? is it good? more? do you want some ginger? okay let me get some ginger. oh he fell over again? i think maybe you had so much ginger you're falling over? you too. is your tummy hurting. alright? alright that's the last of the ginger. doggie we don't have anymore ginger? we're all out of ginger. alright. are you gonna go to the store and buy some. you gonna take the tractor? it's a pretty long walk to the store if you just try to walk it? are you there already. wow? that was quick? oh great? thank you? oh my gosh. you are a pizza monger. you're gonna turn into a pizza if you eat any more pizzas? alright? you have so much pizza in your tummy? where are you driving? sea salt. you're getting sea salt. sea salt is what? tee taa. i don't understand you. did you. i think you need a nap don't you? no? it's dark inside the turtle? yeah it's pretty dark isn't it? you know i don't think turtles say ribbit? do they. what do frogs say then? ribbit casta. hm are they the german frogs that say that. oh? are they the french frogs that say that? hm. oh. maybe we should drop some of them off first huh. somebody could take the tractor. we do have enough vehicles for everybody. um hm? should we go to the library. okay? alright. what should we do here? alright you can go in. oh my gosh way up there. after eating all that pizza do you think that daddy can do that. is there. alright? my head's hanging out the roof now? oh i'm afraid i am too big? where where is going to work? does he work at school too. wait a minute. videos? videos. a barney video for you? with mommy and shamis. did you play the clifford movie. the movie the clifford clifford the what is it called. i can't find and barney videos should i get a raffi video instead. no. how about a blue's clues video? alright i'll get one of those? there it is? you're welcome. you did? where is it? oh my gosh i didn't see it? is it time to take all these videos home. alright. wanna race? where's their home? they're what? right next to something? oh right next the the skateboard? oh? oh. the skateboard's out of control. be gentile we don't wanna wake him up. he must sleep with his eyes open. let's see. alright? you're not tired? okay? just these guys are tired. the doggie might not fall off easily? oh you wanna go home? wanna bring the skateboard? okay i'll put it in your car. yeah? oh? okay? we have a magic school bus book but we haven't read it very much? how about if i just go on top? okay? hey roman do you remember me coming to your house yesterday? no? for your birthday? yeah? did jenell jenell come to our house yesterday? she did? and what were you doing? huh? no what were you doing? yesterday remember? roman? look at me? what were you doing yesterday? you were doing what? who's michelle? are you saying michelle? yeah? yeah? it's what. roman? it's a movie that's right? oh he gets toy story two. oh jeez? what a smart boy? we just can't. yeah? do you know do you know these people on the front? on the back. yeah? who is that? you forget his name? yeah? what about his name? ooh? you know his name? buzz what? buzz what. back in the scooter. oh he's not in the scooter okay? not in the scooter? what are they doing now? you wanna put that sticker on him? i don't know they might be all the stickers might be all taken up. the stickers are all taken up? what's he doing to woody? what's he doing to woody what's he doing to him? can you tell us what he's doing? that's right. wrapping around good. hey do you know who that is. does he go in this story book. he does. what's his name what's her name? you know her name. yeah. blues' clues. yeah? okay. roman would you like to play a different game! but you think. would you like to look at this movie. yes. a scary what about a scary movie? about a knight. oh about the night. the nighttime. ooh. what movie is that roman? he lives in his house. okay? what else? tell us more. dead. that's sad roman? is that sad? is it scary? okay? alright. and put them on the paper. those are funny crayons roman? what are you drawing? you're drawing a dinosaur wow? very good? huh? a carnatore? is that what you're gonna draw roman. roman carnatore is nice or scary mean. oh yeah. what do they do? hm? it is. it jumped in the sea. very good. then what did he do? he jumped in the water. and then when he was in the water. then he ate fish? wow? he's gonna eat the little boy? oh no. that's not good roman. that's no good? what if a whale came and ate you? that's no good. what's gonna be inside of there? is that a horsie. is there a horse in there? i see one. there he is. does this guy belong at the farm. no? yeah? hm. so what do you think all these farm animals did yesterday? what's going on? roman see his legs? his legs are sore today? what do you think he did yesterday if his legs are sore? did you hear me. watch this. hey roman? hey roman? did you know about him being sick last week? yeah. hey roman. hey. hey roman come here for a second? come here roman come here. come around the table for a second. come here roman. yes? come here? yeah you can play with this in a minute? just a second? come here? you get distracted when you play with toys. we're going to ask you some questions. were you sick last week. yeah. right all over your mouth and stuff? what was on your mouth? can you tell us what was on your mouth? and on your tongue. what was it? it was a bump. and what else. just just one bump? sore. what? why are you whiny. you wanna talk to to maybe big bird or? i know you'll tell a story to big bird won't you. about how you were sick last week. roman how come you were sick last week. you were what. can't understand you? one more time i didn't hear you? come here come here roman get over here? it was hurting you? hm. did um how did you feel when you were sick how did you feel. were you do you feel bad or do you feel good? no you couldn't do what roman. what couldn't you do? you couldn't what you couldn't. you couldn't eat remember. yeah you kept crying every time you tried to eat. oh. it was really sad. what else couldn't you do? good good talking? that one was productive? hey what's over his eyes? what what's over his eyes? why? okay. roman do you wanna play a game. you don't wanna put this on? you don't wanna put this on? no? okay? roman are you are you whiny today? were you were you whiny yesterday? no. what were you yesterday? hm. roman listen. did you hear me. did you hear me mister. no? aw? roman? um were you whiny today. okay okay? were you whiny today? what were you yesterday? did you feel good or were you whiny. oh so you were okay yesterday? what are you doing now with that? what are you doing? he's gonna draw this off? now what are you doing? you keep drawing on there and keep erasing? can you draw a triangle? yeah copy that copy me? can you draw a triangle? go ahead there. gonna draw this off? erase. okay now i wanna see you draw a triangle. okay? oh no you? draw a triangle. aw a little off there? the points are a little rounded there. see this up here? draw? draw one down here with the with the chalk. can you do that? i already did up here? hey roman tell me what this is? no no. tell me what that is. right? and you know what this is what's that? okay what's this. no it's a what? it is a shape? it's a square? square. it's a square. it's a square. hey what's this. it's a what! now what is it. very good. now what is it. a rectangle? yes. okay? okay roman? wait wait wait! okay roman which one if you ah get it right you get to erase it okay? which one is the square? which one is the triangle. triangle triangle. no? where is the diamond? yep where is the circle. where is the rectangle? the rectangle? yeah you can rub it off good job. not bad. hey you all done with that. okay good job? jump. roman can you tell me if you took a nap today. roman did you take a nap today. you were a doggie. oh. you're not a doggie. oh. roman some day are you gonna be a doggie? some day? what do the animals do? what'd you say? circle of life? the circle means the circle of life? now you need the circles. for what. oh. so you gonna you're gonna make a circle of life? oh you're carnatore birthday party? hey roman? roman can you tell me if you took a nap today did you take a nap today? you didn't. no nap today for you? did you go to school today roman. what did you do at school today? you sleep it? you sleept? that's fine by me? roman i know what you told jenell. i know what you told jenell roman? what did you do this morning when i dropped you off? what happened this morning roman? can i give you a hint. roman listen roman. do you want a hint? yeah? you putting um the people to bed. with blankets. are they cold. what are you doing now? tell us what you're doing now. no he doesn't fit in there. maybe he could just sit lay on his side. there you go? maybe this is just um the kids bed. hey roman look at this bed. who has a bed like that at home? who who does? yeah. who has one like that? hm? hey roman who has a bunkbed? just look at me i just want you to look at me? who has a bunkbed like that at home? and who? that's your bunkbed not sophie's? okay? do you sleep in that bed at night? you do? or do you maybe just sleep in your regular big boy bed? that's what i thought. hey roman. what did you do with grapes this morning? did you do something with grapes? what did you do with the grapes? you mushed them. you made what kind of juice when you mushed it. did you make did you make apple juice or did you make grape juice. oh boy? that must have been fun. was that fun roman. said yes it is. what does this mean? you tired? did you get tired at school. yeah? did you play. you did play what did you play? oh no. does this um does this animal go in there? it does. why do they go in there. because why. roman what is that you're holding? what is it? huh. what is that? what do you think this is? baby one what. look want me to show you what it is? yeah it is red? what are you supposed to do with it? sit on it? is that what you said? can you sit on it? go ahead sit on it. your money. where'd you get money from roman? oh. inside there? you mean you want that cash register? inside wow? oh. inside there? i don't think we can do that today roman maybe another day? roman. another day roman? don't open that! hey. wanna play with these. yes okay? do you know what they are? which hand which hand do you wanna hold this in? you hold it in this hand? i hold mine like this. okay you done playing. but what are we doing why are we doing it like that. do you know that those are to write with? you can't show us how you write roman? you're right. oh no no? you can't be bossy like that roman. maybe did you take a nap today? can you show us how to write? you wanna draw with these? well if you don't wanna play with them we can play with them? so give let me have them. thank you? is this dinosaur under? or on top of your head? are we done? yeah? yeah? he did? what did mickey do? nana does? what? the truck? what about it? what? where's the top? what? pens and a stick? what kind of a stick? can we get the things out? down there outside or down over there in the chair? you mean mommy was sitting outside? no over here? down where? outside? no? in that chair? no why don't you go show me where? down where? right there oh you were sitting on the floor. where was mommy sitting? all the way over there? mhm. is that new? what's that for? oh. what is it? you what? you tore paper? mhm. whose is it? how much do you have? where'd you get it? from whom? who gave it to you? what man? the one that sits at the desk? he gave you all that money? come on back in here. let me see your horse. what's on it? what is it? pocket aha do you know what that's called? what? it's a saddle. is that the horse's saddle? it isn't? mhm. you have a good memory. no. hm. we never had any. we don't have any. no. i think so. i think so. let's look. mhm. you want me to do it? uh i don't think you have to spread this one's legs. hey maybe you do! whoop spread his legs? mhm. yeah. with the horse too? oop. there. okay. yeah. which one's the biggest? aha. what's this? it's a little cow. it's a calf. aha a baby cow there. how many you got? three? one two three four five six seven seven seven what? the what? people. oh. she can't? why not? what? it's the horse's train? it's the horse's train? is that what you said? aha. you're not making yourself clear. i think so. you sure? why don't you empty the bag? i think you're right. we should have four trains though. i wonder where the other ones are hm. you do? hm. okay. why don't you bring your airplane out? you run and get it and we'll wait right here okay? are there any people in it? i don't see em. i don't see the people in the airplane. want ta put this one in the airplane? it doesn't? dummy. aha. will this one fit? boy i think it will. you need those peg people don't you? the little peg people. i don't have any. we left we left them home. you had some though didn't you? didn't you have some people that went in the airplane the airplane? oh good. what do you have there? want ta give the horse some gas? no more? just one? are you sure those these other people wouldn't fit? he does. hm. oh you do? can you get them uh out? you can get them in but you can't get them out anymore hm? don't see any. mhm there aren't any. there are some animals but there aren't any people. one people in there? the only way i can think of to get it out is to shake it but that would i don't think that's gonna work. it's not gonna work. i think uh the people are gonna have to live in the shell oil truck forever. let's see who can go for a ride in the train? he could ride on the tail there right? could he ride there? have you ever been on an airplane? where'd you go? there he is. hope he doesn't get hurt. he could fall off. there. what're you doing? you are? okay. hm. hm. poor jenny's crying. that's a nice fire engine. it's got up? mhm. does it go sideways? yeah it does. she's all red. from crying. no she doesn't. it's all it's empty. she finished it. what does she have in her bottle? at her nap? does she have milk in it or water or juice? do you know? mhm. i don't know if she wants anymore. you want ta say ssh? here. gonna go more? hey i think the track goes this way. track goes over there. hey pete. the station's in here. the train is late. where's the station? where's the station? hey pete why don't you tell us about school? okay. you don't want ta talk about school? you like school? what do you do there? it's empty though. she already drank it. do you have bottles? last night you had a bottle? who brought you a bottle? huh because you had a cold? he brought you a bottle because you were sick? or do you have a bottle when you go to bed every night? it's behind you pete. it's behind you pete. here it is. i don't know. you have to try it out. yeah. pete did you see nana this weekend? did you see nana this weekend? who taught you the song? aha. what was the song? want ta sing us the song again? what's it about? i know. but what is it about? it's about fire. aha you are? are you gonna put on snow tires? can jenny talk? can jenny talk? what can she say? does she talk to you? hm. do you have a frog in your throat? sound like a little old man. oh good. now what're you gonna do? play with that? that's it. where'd they go? right under here? no. huh? open up what? ah here's one. huh? i'm hiding them aren't i? hand them over huh? mhm. you can have those back. is that all you had when you started? you had three of them? i think you're missing one. well i are these all you had? where's the red one? what happened to it? i don't know. let me think about that. i know we had one. well we'll just have to think about it. good! you found it. now now we've got all of them. here we go. what? you're welcome. now how many do you have? how many of those do you have? right! where's the yellow one? huh? yeah but where's the yellow one. i thought you had a yellow one. no that's sort of what color would you call this lois? wood. no i think i'd call it um beige. yeah. well where is that yellow wheel peter? mhm. yeah the yellow one. you have the red one the green one and the beige one but you don't have the yellow one. where? i don't see it. you show me. we left it at school. we left it at our houses at school because it was too heavy. no i need to be bigger. we'll bring it on friday. we'll bring it on friday when we come to see you. is that alright? want ta make a deal? you can still set up the furniture. you don't need the house. mhm what's this? a what? a dolphin. a dolphin. a dolphin. an animal? that swims in the water? that's what a dolphin is? it has a wheel? mhm. what is that? make lunch. nice baby. why don't you get jen jenny to talk to you? can you do that? to get a tissue for you? you're welcome. that much? that's not too much. aha. could be worse. i think. this sheep. and this cow. in the truck? in the tractor. it's too noisy i think. no it's too noisy um just makes a lot of noise that's all. mhm it's noisy. no i don't like it. it hurts my ears. you're lucky. it hurts jenny's ears? you must have extra special ears strong ears you have. mhm. do they have trucks at school pete? are there trucks at school? aha. do they have tracks train tracks at school? do they have train tracks at school? no? do they have trains at school? what? you go on a black train? when? do you have to go to the bath room? you sure? which one? over where? that's lynn's. that's mine. a wallet and a checkbook and a comb and a pen and some tissues. want ta what? oh right in there is a pen. no that's the only one there is. mhm that one and the one lynn has. they both were in my pocketbook. well why don't you ask lynn for a piece? well i'll see what i can do. here. get some of these things out of your way. you're putting it over you. oh is it in your way? a cow? mhm sure is. his nose? she brought them home for you. no? oh that was nice of her. okay. well you have another one. how about that? where you going? peter lynn has some paper. lynn has some paper. well this what is that? is it isn't paper? well this is paper isn't it? you want ta piece of lynn's paper? are you gonna um draw a pretty picture? why don't you. yes. okay. i think i'll take uh the red one. you sound like a broken record. mhm the black one. a what? a horsie and a cow? two cows? it's a cow. what? it looks like a mouse? or i don't know what you said pete. did you say what'd you say? mud! how about a little boy? um john? does he want to ride on a hose? well why don't you ask him? okay should i make a horse for him to ride on? okay don't have much room but here's the horse's head. there there's his tail. yeah. ah! poor jenny! want ta get down jenny? i don't know if she can walk. what? oh in that thing. what? what happened to him? he did? he's all covered up with black crayon isn't he? hm did the horse disappear. he didn't? where'd he go? did the horse disappear? did the horse disappear? oh who's making it disappear? ah. you see it? yes but i don't see it. i hear it but i don't see it. do you see it? aha. me neither. oh. there's somebody up in the sky? who? who's up there? what? who's up there? an oh anne marie. yes i see. does she live in this building? does she live here? does she live up there? way up there? aha. it's very bright. okay you want ta leave it down or up? i don't think you should play with it. do you want to put it up? i'm trying i'm trying there okay. mhm. do you have a police car? maybe you should put your money away. that money. because it may get lost. if you leave it out like that it may get lost. it's not? okay. okay. the what? well you you have enough big trucks here. you don't need the little one. there's the big truck. what? is that a police man's hat? oh! i see. aha. well i don't think you play baseball on the tennis court. i think you play baseball on the baseball field and that's right here. it sure is sure here's first base. oh well how about that part? how about over there? there's not many toys in there at all. there's just a few. i think that's where the baseball field is that's where you should play baseball. no no. nope. because i don't want to. i want ta play with these toys. i think that um the mother is hungry and wants some lunch. do you think you can help me find the table? oh good. can you put it down for the mother? and what about a chair for her to sit on? okay. and what's she gonna eat? what would she like for lunch? what do you have? what? a kitchen yeah. well why don't you get uh get some bologna for the mother to eat? what else? okay where where are they in the refrigerator? it's a sink. the stove is next to it. what's she gonna drink? oh that's a good lunch. that's a good idea. what? what'd you say? you're putting fire in it? she'll burn her throat. yeah if its too hot. oh okay that's a good idea. that's a good idea. well where is the mother? her lunch is all ready and there's a chair for her but where is she? mhm. what? mommy did she tell you she wanted lunch? huh? maybe the boy can there. in that cup? okay is he eating now? what's he gonna do after he eats? put his hand in the milk? hm do you do that? well why's he gonna put his hand in the milk? is it time for him to take a nap? oh. yes right in front of you right there. aha. no that's it just four. yep four flat cars. what? does somebody want to stay with me? stay where? who? me. lynn? yeah lynn's gonna stay with me. hey pete peter peter. will you show me this new toy? come here. will you take a picture of me for my mother? oh that's lovely. who's it a picture of? oh patsy and loi? where's where's patsy? i'm not patsy. that's not patsy. i'm lois. aha. hey pete wait wait wait! i see. is that a new toy? right over by the kitchen door no. no keep going. yeah can i see it? no no not that one no right turn around. no right there in the living room right no right there. that one. yeah i never saw that one. what is that? wow. it's a super box. can you turn it this way? so i can see it oh. what is it? what do they do? it's broken? what is that? right here. let me see it. aha what's that? no this one i'm not pointing to the girl. that one. what is it? is he? it is? okay i'm ready i'm ready. what is that? is that a lion? yeah? what's this one? it's a cat? it's a cat and here's a dog. you can't? what is that little red wheel? a driving place? no. yeah who else is here? right! whose lynn is it? no. no it's lynn's lynn. mhm. you being a good boy? were you talking? talking to them? hi. what is that foam coming out of your mouth? want some orange juice? hm? okay i'll make a little orange juice. look at all the money you have wow. no. no. because why? because i want ta stay in the living room. i think we have to start putting the toys away maybe. you are? that's nice what is this toy now? you do? what? the cow? there's a cow in here? it's a microphone does it sound like a cow? no it doesn't come off. hm? you can't take it off. oh peter don't pull it. don't pull it because it'll come out of the tape recorder. yeah. ask um lois and lyn if they want some. milk? don't you want orange juice? come here. in the what? well okay. you be careful now. no. is that all? i don't have any tea. hey don't spit. i don't have any tea. want some milk? here. in a oh in a barrel. in the kitchen drink it okay? you finished? let's go. you are silly today pete. you are silly. whoops whoops okay well i'm gonna? do you think would you like to uh put the car back together? hm? you can't? why not? you have problems? what's the problem with them? she left last time there. mhm. mhm. right it belongs over there with the other half. mhm. mhm. okay well you need the bolt. mhm. i just got one well no here put the um put the wheel on. let's see mhm. it's not in the hole yet. you have to make sure it there. um you need another bolt. you need a bolt. i don't know. there should be two more bolts. there's another one. there's another one. oh good. okay give me one. okay want ta put this wheel on? this one? is it in this? yeah? good that's the wrong way. that's right okay last one. can i have the bolt please? well i don't know if you can put. alright well do you know where it goes? yeah but you have to put the bolt in the other side first. no. those are screws. that's a screw. and that's a screw. well i think one screws the spare tire in and one screws the engine in. mhm. well it doesn't seem to be. oh you know what we need? we need a bolt um. right there. is there another bolt? hm i see it's under the horse no right. there it is okay. okay want ta screw it in? it doesn't want to go in there does it? can you? you're easy? there okay? you have to screw the engine in. i don't know. mm lynn has it. lynn has the um top. what? this top? we didn't bring the people that go in the car did we? they're not in the bag. i guess we didn't bring them. no. that's right. i don't think that's ours peter i think that's yours. no it's stuck. yeah i don't think it belongs to us though. i think it belongs to you. i can't get it out. because there's not enough room my finger's too big. yes that belongs to us. i don't this belongs to me. i think it belongs to you. c g. it looks funny to me is it all finished? it is? you're not missing anything? what're you missing? that's right. mhm. is it okay? whoop? what was that? was it almost a sneeze? maybe you can find the other maybe you can find the top. mhm. what? no i don't think they're funny. do you think they're funny? why? dead? with dirt? i don't understand. because what? it's done with dirt? almost all cleaned up. well you can't go today. no. i don't think so. i think your mother has other plans. mhm. you're very serious peter. you counting your money? i have a class at three. what? the bell ring. oh. no not yet it's gonna ring at three o'clock. take the toys out? did you tell em anything about school peter? did you tell em what you do in school? what did you tell them? you're all finished? if you want. i don't know. ready. he told us that there were trucks at school right? are there trucks at school? he doesn't want to talk about school. better put the barrels away. and a wheel. pancakes? you making pancakes? does it sound like pancakes? it's full? get em all? get each and every penny? the tractor's gonna go have lunch? what do they eat? can we leave the toys here? sure. i can? good. you think it's okay? oh don't put it in your mouth. no it doesn't taste good at all. good bye peter i'll see you again soon. peter out of the mouth come on that's dirty out of the mouth. now it's clean. well i'm gonna leave it here. they're gonna be back like uh probably in two days. we'll put it in the closet okay? where do you want me to put it? you didn't ever want to play with them when we were here. you're bored with these toys. how about on friday? pete come on she's got a class and we don't want to make her late. you want ta go get the box on the bed that we're gonna give pat? hm? know which one i'm talking about? come on i'll show you. who's that for pete? hm? mhm who's it for? no don't pull everything out peter you mutt. that's for patsy. we don't want it all messed up right? no! those are things jennifer doesn't need and maybe patsy can use. lucy. they're for lucy. little lucy. here you want ta help me? okay can you carry that to the door for me? and i'll carry the tape recorder? pretty heavy. okay. oh! sure is a big bag. okay i'll hold this end. watch out okay? good. that's it. okay you gonna put it where there aren't any toys? hold this one? okay i'll pick the doll house up. there you opened it all up. do you need some help or can you do it all by yourself? is that okay? what's wrong with it? that's right. it's not straight. it's crooked. crooked let's let's make it straight. you know what? i'm not sure if it fits. i don't think it fits peter. is it possible? i don't think it fits peter. it's is it real? mhm. thank you. aha. where should i put mine? in there? well. no it doesn't. over here? oh well it's like yours but it's not like it's not like my other one. okay. okay. watch out car. mm. in the house? okay. she is. can we get jennifer um can we give her this? think she can play with it? want ta play with the horse? play with the horse? okay. mm. you can? let me see. i thought that was jenny's horse for now. i thought she was playing with it. who was there? oh. milk comes from a cow? well you know what? you have a sheep in your hand. yeah it's not a cow. okay. the what? oh. one what? that's right. mhm. yeah. all of them? oh okay it's kind of hard to do with the it's very hard to stand that horse up there. on what? on the big cow? okay. i think we have a smaller cow. oh there he is. there's a small one. that's all the cows. mhm. yeah yours is easy to stand up. what about? what? what's right there? oh. they're just lying on the ground. stand on them oh! you can hurt em. aha. putting the baby in the pocket? you can't? well maybe if you try feet first. mhm. that's the girl. you can't? would you like me to help? mhm. mhm. all the broken things? what's broken? oh you mean the walls fell down. the walls fell down. yeah these are walls. that's you know who that's is. who's that? no take another guess. no one more you get. take another guess. lois. whose mother? the mother's all broken? oh it's all squished up. right. behind you. mhm. mhm. no. there's not much furniture in the house is there? there's just one uh dresser. put some more furniture in it? aha. why don't you just leave it there? should i pick it up? so it doesn't make so much noise? okay. okay. on this side? well you can put it in? what? no rope? rope did you say rope? no string yeah you did say rope. what do you need string for? here. okay? whose? where is the car? i thought we were um putting furniture in the house. why don't you bring it back in the living room? oh okay okay good. aha. is it fixed now? that's upside down pete. now it's backwards. turn it just turn it around. that's right. maybe it's in the bag behind you? mm maybe. oh no i forgot. they're at school. you mean the people for the car huh? no i forgot. mhm. i left them at school. mhm did you go to school today? aha. no i go in a big school. i go where daddy goes. yeah the same school as your daddy goes to. i don't know what you want ta do. oh um yes that way. i didn't see. yes. you're really getting good at this. it's not. when's gonna go? the bolts are on. it's by your foot. your right foot. mhm. mhm. what'd you do at school today? what'd you play? did you play by yourself? you didn't play with them? oh. what did you play? what kind of game? mommy's game? was mommy there in school today? mhm. oh yeah. if you lift this up you can see the hole there see? what about this one? yeah the hole's still there. whoops fell down this one's hard? what? i couldn't see. no the other way. no. mhm. it's a what? no. do it again. no the other way. yes. no. no doesn't have much of anything. okay. i'm confused. oh i see it goes right here. it's not working very well. well why don't you do that one? you sure you don't want ta do it? okay i think you're better at it than i am. you've had more experience. that doesn't look right to me i bet it's upside down. of course it's upside down. that's funny. i did it wrong pete. yeah look the wheels aren't touching the ground. the wheels aren't touching the ground. i put this piece of wood is upside down. maybe we should take the wheels off and start over again. oh i have a bolt. i have one of those. yes i have a wheel. but i need something else. a screw. thank you now where do you want it? thank you. right there? no that's a bolt. thank you. no i have a bolt. i need. yes thank you uh. i need a wheel. thank you. how's it coming? yeah. yeah you want ta take it off? off or put it on? oh no the other way. yeah. mhm. any what? what kind of things? oh you know what? you have to take the wheels off to put that on. okay. no. yeah. you have to take em all off. okay. yes the other way. okay. i want a yellow screw. no that's a yellow bolt. i think you might be sitting on the yellow screw. no it's behind you peter. the other side. thank you. no not yet. i think this is what i need. oh this is a very complicated toy. yes i'd like i guess i'd like a yellow bolt. i'm not really sure. mhm. okay what should i do with this now? i only needed one. i had it already. it's okay. it's not? you want me to put the wheels on huh? oh i don't know why you don't do it. could i have the screw please? thank you jennifer. you're gonna fall down. your foot's stuck. you're gonna trip right over that wire. i have one. okay this is the last time. oh i think we should put the piece of wood on. i need a bolt. can i have one? that one oh. i don't are they all the same size? let me see. they're not that's the one i need. that's not the one i need. okay. thank you. hm that's hard. in fact it's impossible. let's try it putting this side in first see what happens. i wonder if you have to do that first. it's impossible pete. mhm. that's impossible too. mhm. well. why don't we uh see what's happening in the house? mhm. you're putting him in the back seat not the front seat. i thought you said he was going in the front seat. i don't know. mhm. no we didn't bring anymore trains. mhm. i don't know how many did we have the other day? yeah i think we had two the other day and we didn't bring any more so we still have two. let me see your finger's on it. uh i don't know black paint. there used to be a little disc that went on top remember it? that's a good spot. right there? like that? yes put it back where? like that? over here? okay. this goes in the living room? hm. right here? next to the sofa? okay. where? in here? where does this go? right where? right here? oh well alright there's not much room. that's right it is. mhm. should i make a tunnel with my leg? should i make a tunnel with my leg? okay go under the make the wheel go under the tunnel. go ahead under two tunnels. what? you want them back? okay. you're welcome. what? the squished one? do you remember that one's um that one's beige? yeah well you have it now. any more furniture to go in the house? what? there's no more furniture? mhm. that's furniture? oh pete. look what i found. it was right here. it's in the uh bed room right there you see it? scrub a dub dub what? a flat the flat cars. train. mhm where's it going? oh. okay. it's going far away? going to california? okay turn around and come back time to come back to new york. well hi do you have a good time in california? good. you do? i don't know. i think it crashed at the airport. sure. oh no. nuhhuh. i didn't understand. no not not that horsie. i thought you meant the little horse. we can't go there. i have a hurt foot. my hurt foot? in my shoe? it has a band aid on it. so i can't walk. see i have a hurt foot. where'd it come from? uh i had something growing on it that was hurting and they had to take it off. yeah they put on a band aid. yeah two bandaids. no. what? do you have a hurt foot? no? who? who? three airplanes. that's a lot is this the daddy airplane? where's the peter airplane? mhm. crash landing huh? it's going to. i don't think i want to. it's not food is it? who's taking a nap? where? i don't see i don't see. you mean that's the monster? what does he say? oh does he say anything else? does he talk to you? is there another one for me? did you look in here? that's too bad that we didn't bring another one. he wants someone to play with him hello. do you live on this farm? that's what he's saying to your cow. which barn do you live in? well which one is that? oh you're lucky. we live outside in a tent. what do you eat if you're a cow? eat a house? what's what do you eat if you're a cow? grass does that taste pretty good? well there. i think there's one in the house. mhm. on this cow? that's all the cows we have. mhm. he can sit on on the uh mommy cow. this is the mommy cow. there now he's on the mommy cow. got what? mhm did we leave that here? huh? i think so. did we forget it? the last time we came? okay thank you for finding it. oh oh that's right okay two tunnels. i made two tunnels. you want them all back now? oop! is there room for you? oh watch the car could break it. oh thank you. peter don't hurt jenny. i don't think jenny likes being a guit a guitar. well you pick the song. you pick the song you know any new songs? thank you. i can't read it. i can't read it. it's got what in it? signs? can you read it? you know what the signs are? well you start. hey pete. you know what we could do? you do? oh. we could put the uh animals in the garage. gas station put the animals in the gas station. right here. that's the gas station right. mhm and i've got the animals. mm it's pretty silly. animals at a gas station but. mhm is he an animal and a horse? oops that uh doesn't work very well but. this horse has to go to california. i don't know but it needs a lot of gas. that horse needs gas too? oh no maybe he's out of gas. jenny. oh yes! give me more gas. pardon? oh dear why? hm. oh watch it you could break your horse. your horse is breakable. are they now they're they all hurt right? that's too bad. you're silly. pete one of the part of the train came over here. here. one of the cars. what's that pete? pete what's that? hm? okay do you have any money to pay for gas? alright that'll be five dollars. do you have that much? alright and here's your change sir. all full. already? well um since you're such a good customer you can fill it up yourself. you know i heard there are a lot of animals hurt. maybe they should they should come back to the garage. i mean the gas station. he wants milk? we only sell gas though. maybe he should go home. he looks awfully tired. cow. okay. that is a horsie. oh this is a um a strange cow. a strange cow now yup. and a strange horsie. see? what do you want ta write? what is that? what is that you're drawing? a horse stash? what's a horse stash? silly. oh pete that hurts my ears. it hurts. yeah. yes it does. it hurts my ears. we have sensitive ears. oh i don't think that's so smart. oops. you have some guitars around. here's one. here's a better one the big guitar? oh! i don't know if i can get this one out. mm it's almost as big as you are. it's almost as big as you. where where what? your what kind? here? i don't know um. there is one that middle sized so i do know what he's talking about but i don't see it. no. yes it is. oh peter watch it. that's not how you play a guitar. mhm. that's right. dump it? well we can take all the stuff out quietly is that what you want ta do? or do you want ta close it up? well we have to take the stuff out first. it's not gonna close. the other side's not gonna close with all that stuff in it. watch where you're throw. pete don't throw it just put it out. you were doing it right before just. mhm. peter don't push her. there's room for both of you in there. you don't have to push. you know what? look at that cow. well his head's caught under the house. oh! that wasn't very nice. that was not nice at all. i think we should start putting all the furniture away in the bag. is it time? it's not? well i think we just might go anyway. mhm anyway. anyway. there's too much junk around here. i think we should put some of it away. yes. okay? why don't we uh put the car in the bag? okay? mhm. the big car i thought you were gonna write. no? okay. milk and cookie? mm. cookie and milk! peter peter. is this yours pete? what's his name? can jenny have it? for now? pete look what i found. pete drink it in the kitchen. well last one because we're gonna eat dinner soon. one. one. what does it look like i'm doing? mhm exactly right. mhm. okay. a tunnel? where's a tunnel? oh. that little tiny hole? behind you. can build a different kind of tower now. good any more barrels? can we use these? can i put em on top? why not? that's right. we have to put em on the bottom huh. can we put anything else on top here? the little boy maybe the baby? do you think so? you don't think he's gonna fall? we'll have dinner soon. that's it. i don't think so. i don't think so. do you think the sheep can stand on there? why not? yeah it falls down. that's yours. whoop? he fell. you gonna put the baby in there? here's his mother. yeah the mother can't find the baby. can't even see him. where is my baby? you naughty boy! stealing my baby! very good. um jenny has his mother. but here's a little girl. yeah. oh where oh where can my baby be? what was she doing in there? what was the little girl doing in the barrel? screaming? i couldn't hear her did you. his mommy. have a problem? that's enough. that's enough. that's enough. the mother? right here. he's got. what? what happened? who lost who? didn't work? yes you can. peter have you seen my little girl? you have? where? did you see her? well what would she be doing in there? screaming? oh well i better go save her she's screaming. oh poor dear she's all scrunched up. yeah guess so. what's the mommy gonna do? you catch what? oh you caught a cow. going fishing? you going fishing? mm. right. the zebra? we don't even have a zebra. do you catch any fish? do you catch any fish? what kind? what kind of fish? it doesn't go away? what kind is it? what kind of fish? aha is it a strawberry fish? okay. while you're at the store buy me a blueberry fish okay? aha good idea hurry back we're very hungry. oh good did you get the fish? did it cost a lot? oh thank you what kind is mine? what kind did you get? aha. and what kind is this? didn't you get some for yourself? no? well that was pretty. get some for jenny too. oh. aha. aha it's a big one. a big one. aha thank you is one for jenny too? thank you. all gone. none for jenny? none for jenny? peter come on. this time why don't you give one jen? alright? hm? what's going away? it's going away? oh. you did? what kind is the one you just caught? a black fish? oh i heard those are just wonderful. nope i like blueberry better. mm that's pretty good you're a good fisherman. can you can you get the pottie please? and the stove and the chairs. thank you don't throw em. the stove too right behind you. don't throw it! you ready to take a nap now. he didn't have a nap? aha. no if you throw things not anyway but especially not if throw things. aha. oh thank you jen. peter! what're you trying to hide it? hey pete we're missing a red barrel. a red barrel. peter didn't have a nap today? are you tired. i lost what? no i have em all in here. i thought i lost one but jenny had it. where's a fisherman? jenny? does she catch good fish? oh thank you is that a lemon fish? uh a celery fish? oh alright. i'll take it home with me and have it for dinner. oh thank you very much. can you close up the house? you better help us okay? oh okay. oh that would be a help. not quite. nope. good. okay. the clean up man? no not today. not today peter. what? well. no we have to take it with us. somebody else plays with it too. what are we doing? it looks like mommy's making bread. i have to roll this out now. you're going to make bread huh? hunhunh? we're gonna make buns? you're going to make buns. that sure does sound good. on the table? we're going to use the doughnut cutter aren't we abe? what? oh. i have to do something else right now. i'm rolling the dough right now. we're just going to do a half at a time. there's no way on earth that i can do all of it at one time. so leave that half covered up? you wanna cut it with the doughnut cutter? okay you cut one and let me see how it works. go ahead and keep trying. aha. i will in just a second. why don't you do a little one? i thought you were going to do a little one? we'll see. okay abe let me do the big one now okay. oh sure you can. you made a beautiful little one. why don't you make another little one. aha it sure is a nice one. go ahead. hm? okay you can do a big one? right over here. yeah? i have to put butter on the top so that they don't get hard when they're rising. abe don't pick at the dough any more okay. okay? that's okay abe? let me do the big ones right now okay. press real hard and see if you can? it looks like cherries? it looks like cherries in a cherry pie? you don't? do you wanna make one little cinnamon roll? i'll make a cinnamon roll out of the dough that's left okay. do you know what we have to put in it to make a cinnamon roll? what? how about cinnamon and brown sugar? how does that sound? some butter? just a second? it's a towel to cover up the other rolls so that they can rise in peace and comfort? they have to rise first and then they can bake? okay here you go. aha. it's not really melting. it's absorbing the butter. it just looks like it's melting. so we can make a cinnamon roll. you think so? what can we bake it in? how about this? in a little pan? because it's a little cinnamon roll. look out abe. i have to cut it. we have to let it rise and then bake it okay. can i have a piece of it when it's done abe. thank you? i'm going to eat it all. i won't. i'm just teasing? okay as soon as it's done baking. abe do i ever eat everything? i beg your pardon but i have to disagree? what did you make? what letter is it? a n. you are so clever. you really like that fishing pole don't you. okay just a second. you did get a fish? that was a good idea? is it cold. i saw you? what kind of fish is it? you threw it back in the river. aha it sure is loud. it sure was. huh. you jumped on him. leave it there. i haven't read the paper yet. don't step on it again okay. i thought you found it this morning? huh. you tied a knot? are you learning how to tie a knot. it did? did you leave him out of the water too long? did you say hi to the fish when you were swimming around. what are you looking for? you are. oh really. what makes you so mean? i think that you're doing okay. no i didn't? go ahead. do you want some milk? okay here you go? do you want some more? okay let's go outside. pie. what kinda pie is this? can i have a bite. how many bites can i have? two one two? three four five? you want me to eat all of it. want some leftovers. oh those all the leftovers? no come on? mommy will have her turn after we finish. oh. oh let's see. i'm stirring up the batter for the witch's brew. no. here it goes one two three. oh you spilled it all? oh boy. where's the green plate? oh there's a green plate. okay now where's the yellow plate. okay where's the brown plate. right there there's the brown cup? ow? you hit me on the thumb with that spoon oliver. it hurts. right there see it's got black and blue already. it's sore. right there. does that deserve a hug. did you wash the dishes. hurry up and get the plate and get back here? oh the cup? okay hurry up. what's this? how does it work? okay roll over this way? what are you doing now? you're rolling your teeth. do you use a rolling pin on this? what kinda cookies are you making? what kinda cookies are those? they look like oatmeal cookies to me? a dough cookie? what's in the dough? chocolate chips? how about cherries? no. how about nuts? what kinda nuts? chocolate nuts? one cookie two cookies three cookies? five cookies? don't fight over em. ice cream. i scram and you scream. oh that works out well. can i have this. can i lick it. it is? what's this? find a number two egg? let's see if we can find another tow eggs? right there. look that makes a good ice cream cone. you lick it. what flavor is it? here's one. this is number seven though? where's number one? okay. where the other cups for the cones? what number is that? let me look? what number is that? it looks like number. we'll count em two two four six eight? that looks like a number nine. okay let's stick it up here. what type of flavors are they? which one's the chocolate one. no? what's the next flavor? where's humpty dumpty? humpty dumpty sat on a wall and humpty dumpty had a great fall? come back over here? so you're in the camera. come on. come on back here. oh i'm not pistachio. the green ice cream. and let see what other kind of ice cream. how about rocky road? it's got marshmallows in it and nuts and chocolate ice cream. what else? let's see i like lemon. is this the lemon? is this pistachio. this is rocky road? and this is pumpkin? that's the pumpkin. that's the pistachio. that's the rocky road. that's the lemon. how about lemon custard? this is lemon custard ice cream. what? what? what kind's that? naw that's the pumpkin? pistachio? that's a lemon custard. rocky road. oh it's got marshmallows. what are marshmallows? oh. you like marshmallows for a treat? didn't you and mommy have discussion about sitting on the coffee table. and what'd you and mommy decide. what did mommy tell you? you have a good memory? what did mommy say about sitting on the coffee table? remember she said it's not proper to sit on the table. you can sit on my lap? is that an easter basket? thank you. here we'll fill it up? you're gonna crack em. what number's that? i'm not sure let me look? no this is a number nine? that's a number seven. this is a number seven. this is a number two. that's a number nine. this is a number nine. no. remember this one was number nine. there's a number five. what? are they in the bowl. oh there's number two? where are the others? i bet they are in the bowl. is this number five? let me look. that looks like a number eight? what? there's number two. there's number four? let's see. where did that one go? let's see. we have two four six eight ten eleven we're missing one? where did it go? is it behind me. am i sitting on it? where did it go? i found it? when it's time for supper what do you say? no. come an get it? come an get it. that's what they do on the ranch. what do they say? come an get it. what do they say on the ranch? what do they tell the cowboys? come an get it? chow's on? no. no you'll hit me. chow's on. what do the cowboys have for supper? do they have stew. what kind what else do they have? what do they have for breakfast? i bet they have eggs? they have beans? you think cowboys have pie for supper. what else do you think they drink for dinner? probably milk? let's see what would cowboys eat for dessert? um think they'd have cake. no? probably cookies? i bet cowboys eat cookies? what do cowboys eat? what do horses eat? yeah? oh at the milk farm. what else do you think cowboys eat? i bet they have sausage and bacon. i bet they have pancakes too? desserts have cookies. cowboys sleep outside. where do they sleep? yeah. i bet they sleep on the ranch? with their horses. uh oh what happened to the bowl. i don't know. let's look at the watch? what's it say? the watch says mommy come get your microphone. i think it's almost time for mommy to get her microphone? you have this down as a routine? you know when your time's up. you know when the time's up. oh that was very nice. okay stop please. wow. it's all over. are you all done. are you well done. medium rare? i think you should take that out of your mouth? please take that out of your mouth? oliver please take that out of your mouth. thank you very much. take that out of your mouth. you wanna bite something? bite your finger nails off. but not the microphone? you're gonna cook me. i think we should put all these eggs back. so we can make scrambled eggs for the cowboys? oh. you think he's a cowboy. maybe. i don't know. you'll have to ask him. okay. come over here. you think he lives on the ranch. is this the driver. oh the other man's the driver. where is he? okay? let's see? he's going over to the potato patch? over here at the farmer brown's. oh you're gonna put all the people in the back. oh? well if you put all the people in the back maybe we're going for a hay ride? now that's when they put all the hay in the and you pile the people on. and you go for a hay ride. and you sing. okay. go to farmer's john's. or farmer brown's. well come back this way? the hay field is over here. yeah. come on. bring him back here. are you gonna dump the people out. here's the place? okay? out jump the people. oh the tail gate fell off the wagon. okay i will. okay let's see. oo i'm sorry. can you put him back in? okay. where's he gonna take him? he's gonna take him around the field? the steering wheel. i don't know? this tractor must not have a steering wheel. can you put a smoke stack on the tractor? put a smoke stack right up there? well he's got such a big smoke stack? that driver can't see. look it he can't see where he's going? he's looking right at the smoke stack? let's make it a shorter one? you want to make it a shorter one? that's a little bit shorter? there. there? oh no? we just got started. let's see what else we can make tonight? hm? oh alright? let's see? smoke stack? is that like when you rode the tractor at grampa's. uh huh. we went out to mr webster's. and what color was the tractor that you rode. yeah. it was a green one. and it said oliver? it was an oliver tractor wasn't it? sure it's got some green on it? yeah? oliver davis. what else did we see when we went to the farm? uh right. what color were they? some were brown. and some were black? that's right. that's exactly what they said. an what were they doing with the cows? uh huh. there was all kinds of equipment wasn't there? right? did we see any other animals. yeah? we saw a mother piggy and some babies. and what else. we saw some daddy piggies. let me think. what else did we see at the farm? ah right? and you got to feel one didn't you. you got to pet him? and what did his hair feel like? was it kinda soft and fuzzy. it was fuzzy. yeah. what else did you see? we saw lots of things when we went to grampa's farm didn't we. did you find him underneath there. and he has hay and sheep. we saw some baby chickens and some ducks. would you like to go to the farm again? next time we go back to grampa hankey's we'll have to go visit the farm. would you like to stay at the farm? i don't know. we might be able to do that? yeah? well we can take daddy along next time. daddy didn't get to go this time did he. how did we get there? yeah. we flew to grampa hankey's house. and he picked us up in what. what did he drive to pick us up? no. his van? yeah? didn't he drive his van? yeah. aha. and then we went back to their house. and you slept at grampa's house. no. i think you slept on the floor in a little sleeping bag didn't you? gramma doesn't have a little bed. no. remember we made you a bed on the floor? grampa and gramma have a bed that they sleep in? no? they have a pretty big bed. for them? but they didn't have a little bed for you? so they made a bed on the floor. remember we put the blankets on the floor and the pillow? and gramma had that little koala. and her frog. and the koala and the frog got to sleep with oliver? remember those? yeah. remember gramma's gonna be here in a couple of weeks. where's gramma gonna sleep? when she comes to our house where's she gonna sleep? yeah. that's right. yeah. she sleeps in the guest room. yeah. cause we don't have any more beds do we. those are the only extra beds we have? mmmm goes the tractor? uh. it has crashed? crashed. what do you think gramma's gonna want to do when she gets here? do you think she's gonna want to play with oliver? i think so too. how's he gonna walk? backwards. that's a silly farmer. look it he's even sillier. he's driving his tractor backwards? beek. uh huh. crash? hm mm? i was gonna put this up on the top? and i was gonna see where your plow was? there it is. it's in the bag? can you hook it right on here? mm. i'm just gonna take it around the field. oh we need a man to drive. okay? can we put him up on the top. oh he's gonna sit right over there on the front? okay? now can you make it go. where's his face? there. he says okay now let's take this one off. and then put it over there. okay mr tractor i'm gonna catch up with you? beep beep? he says beep beep? oh he had a crash in the farm? oo call the ambulance. emergency? oh do they have a flashlight for the emergency? oh boy? do they have any bandaids. no? oh? for booboos? okay. must be we don't need the ambulance then. oh we're gonna have another crash? oo? you're gonna take him to the ambulance? where's the ambulance gonna take him? to the hospital? the ambulance come and pick him up. and we'll put him on there. okay? and we'll drive him to the hospital. it's a dark hospital over there? yeah. mm. emergency. tell em they'd better put their seat belts on? yeah. so they don't get hurt. crash? er up? oo. firemen. did we have a fire. oo i didn't know that. hm. oh there's one more man. we send all the people to the hospital. oh boy. oo? oh yes? he must a had his seat belt on? he didn't fall off the tractor. hm. that's why we wear our seat belts in the car isn't it. oh he's in the hospital looking for his mommy. did she go too the hospital. she had a crash? i'm out of the hospital. all better. good? he did. oo. yeah. is this the same hospital mrs turpin went to. where we visited her? yeah. oo. tipped over. have any more parts under there. no more parts under there. what do you find? where'd you find that? under the chair? okay. must of been part of the chair. yeah. mm. let's not have another crash. they like crashes. he's gonna be so bruised up. he can't see where he's driving. crash. did they get hurt? oo don't. you hurt him very seriously? he has a scrape? he's probably got more than that. you hurt him. you'd better love him and get him to the hospital. yes. what is that? what kind of ring? yeah? but what do you call it. no. that's mommy's bracelet. yeah. yeah. what are you saying? oo that's pretty? oh i bought it at the store. yeah? i think it came from el con. nobody sent it? when mommy went shopping this summer? mommy got it this summer. i think you were with me? i think do. just you and mommy. maybe. uh. you know who mommy's gonna see on friday. she's gonna go see inez. i am? what does inez do? cut what. she's gonna cut my hair. no. not friday. cause you're gonna be in school when mommy gets her hair cut. i will. yeah. i'll take you there in the morning and them i'm gonna go see inez. and she's gonna go snip snip snip. is that what she said did to your hair? yeah. and what else does she do. she combs it? and blows it. no she doesn't have to blow yours. yours dries pretty quick. but what does she do to yours? she goes squirt squirt squirt. what with what? what squirter? what's in it? water. and she gets it all wet? hm. when we get off then we can get a drink of water? a drink a what. i don't know what that is. juice? well when we get all done. grapefruit juice? okay. we can get some grapefruit juice? no not yet. let's finish playing first. okay? oo. ring around the man. ring around oliver? uh pocket full of posies. oh you did fall down? did you ding that at school. no? are you learning any new songs about thanksgiving? what about thanksgiving? mashed potatos. yeah? what else do you eat on thanksgiving? turkey? gobble gobble gobble. you're gonna gobble me up. an what are those red things we eat with turkey? what kinda red berries? what did we see in massachusetts? no. what were those berries we say there? cranberries that's right. oh you're gonna sniff my hair. oh my? oo if it isn't the beauty shop? yeah. i'm gonna have a shampoo. oo? yeah? yeah. okay. combing it combing it. can you blow it? oh. can you paint my finger nails? paint my finger nails. like cindy painted yours. can you go paint paint paint? oh they're very pretty? are they purple. blue. did they get dry. yeah. i thought you put purple fingernail polish on them. okay. did you give me a good shampoo. is it all clean. i have to have my hair clean. rub the back. yes. okay is my hair all clean now. i got all the soap rinsed out. what do you gotta do yet? oh. oh. you need a spoon in my hair? oh you're gonna need a barrette in my hair? oo. you dropped the barrette. oh my. well here's a barrette. careful. you're gonna make cookies? oh. yum. okay what do you wanna say. you don't know. yeah. that makes sense? but right now we're in the play room right? we're not in our music room? we're in the play room. what do you wanna play with? okay? i wanna listen? okay. i'll i'll tell it with you but you have to start it because i don't know what story you wanna tell. what story do you think you'd like to tell? okay how does it go. how does it go? okay. you can't press the buttons on it while we're making the tape because then it'll stop the tape from working? but you were gonna tell me a story i wanna hear it i wanna hear it. well you have to make up the story. we'll listen to it after. how does it go? once upon a time. okay? once upon a time there was a? this isn't a this isn't a tape that makes a story happen. we don't listen to it. we're gonna make we're gonna tell it a story and then later we can listen to it after it makes a tape of us. so once upon a time there was a. what? you don't know what story you wanna tell. okay. there was a girl named? and she had? right. now those stepsisters and the stepmother were they nice to cinderella? do you think they were nice to cinderella? no. what what was wrong with them? what did they do? they made her do her chores. and what were her chores? you don't remember? hey don't you have cinderella? where is cinderella? she's over there isn't she? go get her. okay? so when she would do her chores what would she have to do? would she have to clean things. okay? how did that go? oh that sounds like something that happened when the fairy godmother came around right? and they weren't gonna let her go where? they weren't gonna let her go to the? the ball. and who was at the ball waiting to meet meet everybody. that's right. so if the stepsisters and the stepmother weren't gonna let cinderella go meet the prince how was she gonna get to the ball. well who came by. her ear rings. she gave her ear rings? and she gave her the pretty dress? how'd she do it? what was the magic words? boo. wow. and she got the pretty dress and what else did she get on her feet. okay so then what'd she do. oh and who'd she meet there. what did they do all night? they danced and danced and danced right. but what did the fairy godmother tell her. she had to be home by when? when did she have to be home? remember? she had to be home before? so the clock started to ring and it was twelve midnight and what did she have to do. did she have to get home? how'd she do it? aha. that's when she lost something right. wow. ooh you need a tissue? wanna blow? okay. well she l walked down the stairs and she lost her slipper and she went back home but who found the slipper? all the way home right? oh that sound's just the it's just the dryer working. so when the prince found the the shoe the glass slipper the next day what did he go do. that he didn't know right. he didn't know her name so he went to find the lady. now isn't that silly. isn't it silly that the prince danced with cinderella all night lo long and he didn't ask her her name. what a silly guy. now he's got a problem right. all he's got is a shoe? he doesn't know her name. boy oh boy? mhm. mhm? i know she's lovely? yeah. mhm. i don't have a cinderella dress for you sweetie. oh her nice mommy not her stepmother. yeah. cinderella's kinda like the kind of girl who needs a nicer mommy right. did the prince ever find cinderella? let me see. let me see? let me see? looks like a little smudge? you're talking about. so did the prince ever find cinderella. it's a little smudge. well you know. she cleans everything all the time. she probably got a little dirty? when we're done telling the story i'll try and find a cloth to wipe her off? so did the prince ever find cinderella with the sh the glass slippers. yeah? and what happened when they did? when they found each other? and they lived. the end? that's the end of the story right? you did a good story telling. you did a good story telling? you know. that was lovely. there's still some more tape? we can still we can still do more things? what do you wanna do now? mermaids. wanna make one up that you just make up. you're so good at them. oh what is that. this is this is called a um. what are these called? well if it was round we would call it a a snow globe or a water globe but it's a square so it's not a globe. a globe are round things but this is a it's a special little water. sparkles. what are those shapes? you don't know what shapes those are? yes you do. what shapes are those? yeah. who's that? a little baby. and a mirror. oh can the little bird see himself in the mirror? what? i think he's by himself. at least he's got his mirror. he can look in the mirror and see? the the bird. i don't i didn't think he was sad. do you think he's sad? okay good? oh and who's his best friend? ooh the little woodchuck? that is a great story too. great? what do they do together? what are their favorite things to play? they jump. that's great. it looks like him in a picture? what else is there? wow? is he playing some kind of hide and seek or something? or maybe peek a boo. what are they doing now? oh they're precious. who's precious? the woodchuck and the birdie. they're all precious? oh no? the little baby's wing is broken? what's going to happen? do you want me to make it feel better? don't worry about it little birdie? don't worry about it? sometimes b wings get broken but we can fix them? we can fix them. here? there you go? now you just you should rest a little while? how you feeling? how are the wings? feeling better? that's good? course when you break a wing that's that's a big deal. so you should rest a lot before you try to fly again okay? be careful. don't hurt yourself? maybe she went to go look for food. go find food and things for the nest. looks like on a birdhouse right? what is going on there? i know? you're my jillian. what are you gonna do next? oh. that's like in the playground right? is the woodchuck in the in the birdie's playground. like one of those big ball little ball play lands. right? what are they doing? what are the balls doing? hm. what are you trying to get them to do? what's what? that's a picture of the birdie. no i think her wing looks great. oh those marbles. i see what you're saying. i see what you're saying? ooh but what's this? it's the camera? i'm smiling. i think you mean curious. just a little curious. hm. that's right. how did you know that? how'd you know that's cinderella? how could you tell? that just says the word? it doesn't have a picture or anything. right in there. you're right. inside it does. cinderella's stepmother stepmother makes cinderella work very hard. but cinderella has friends. jacques and gus. and cinderella's stepsisters are cruel. cinderella's fairy godmother makes her a beautiful dress for the ball. and prince charming thinks cinderella's the most beautiful girl at the ball. that's it? what's that one? whoops? why don't you tell me about it. okay i'll read it. do you feel sniffly? what next? what next? you don't know. okay. okay. nodor. this patient's teeth are hurting. what happened to the patient's teeth do you think? rotten? really. are you examining each tooth carefully? how many teeth? does that bear have any bear teeth. what about dog teeth? does he have dog teeth. that's a lot of teeth? and which ones are rotten? how many teeth are rotten? are there only certain ones that are rotten? oh dear? let me have a look. oh yeah i see whatchu mean? hm do you think we should just uh? fill the cavity? cavity is a hole in your tooth that you get when your teeth are really rotten. okay? okay? then maybe we better fill it with something? oh. yes that is your name. doctor dentist. yeah. okay. well dentists use the name doctor in front of their names sometimes. just like for other kinds of doctors. cause a dentist is really a tooth doctor. that's why. what's the patient's name? aha. oh the tool for looking in the mouth is on the floor? can i look in his mouth also. okay. okay mister bear. yeah i'm the assistant. yes oh yes i see that rotten tooth right there. okay. i think we should fill it? we should fill the hole in the tooth. well? that will help the tooth get better? if it's really rotten we might have to pull it out but i don't think it's that bad. do you? oh we have to pull it out. mm. hm okay. well. hm we need might need some special other tools for that. can you go find our special tools for pulling teeth out? you know what you might want to use is the. the. whadaya call 'em? tongs? not the toast tongs the metal tongs. do you know where they are. i don't know actually. aw. see? come here for a minute. you know what. this is what. this is! this is what being. this is what feeling cranky and grumpy is? and this. and this is. this is when you need a nap. this is how you feel you get upset about things. oh? what? wipe your nose. oh okay. what? oh don't say anything okay. oh my gosh. i think you might wanna take a nap because. you know why. because it might help you feel good? that's why? sometimes. but imonna help you look for those uh tongs now but i do want to keep talking to you about a nap because i know that when you take a nap sometimes it helps you feel better? it's not. oh you know what. why don't we give this to the patient. it might make his teeth feel better. i'm lookin' for the tongs? oh you know what. i wonder if they're in the kitchen with all your other. equipment. do you think. they could be there? we have to buy yogurt? there's no yogurt in our house except for the baby yogurt that's the flavor that you don't like. so i think it would be good if we went in the car. to get some yogurt? after we take the patient's tooth out. when he's ready to leave? then we can leave too? here's the tongs? yeah! yeah the silver part! i'm gonna put the cookies away. in the cookie jar. these are nut cookies. do you want to try one? okay you might like em? mm okay? you like it. right now. okay. no you have to eat it at a table. either this one or your table? okay. okay. okay. yeah? mm okay i'm gonna come along with you. here's a little thing to squirt water in their mouth? hm. probably lots of things you can pretend. oh. it's the syringe. i think it would be a good pretend thing that squirts water into the dental patient's mouth. did you find a syringe. i think that's enough. uh we need a coupla other things besides yogurt not a lot though. but you know what. if i don't find my wallet. we won't have any money to buy the yogurt with! and i'm not exactly sure where to find it. oh i'm sorry. mm? are you taking out the tooth. oh are you going to show it to the patient when he wakes up. mm? he's gonna rest. maybe his. you can be his mommy now and take him to four seas. or take him to j p licks that's the one in brookline that we liked remember. that's also a nice one. that's the ice cream restaurant in brookline that we went to? mhm. oh why is he hurting? aw sleepy child? ready to go buy the yogurt with me. you can bring sleepy too. mhm? i am. i'm a mommy who's about to go buy yogurt so that her child could eat yogurt tonight. what kind of doctor am i? i'm a vet. oh from animals? hello what's the matter with this young bear here. oh? oh is it like a rash. a little tiny boo boo all over his body. oh i think some boo boo cream is what we need to give him? i'm going to pretend to rub him with this. i am checking him? i've looking at the boo boos? and i've decided that this is the kind of medicine he needs? he needs to have this rubbed gently very very softly on his fur? hm. it's not? you sure? okay i don't want this to be all over the floor so i'm going to take that. you can use pretend boo boo cream. you were starting to chip at that and it's gonna get all over the floor if you do that. there you go. oops. mhm. well i think you should take him home and put him in bed and let him rest and the boo boo cream will start working soon? okay i'm his other mommy? this is still december thirty first today. is he gonna do some gluing. oh. mm. how to spill things? mm. that's funny. that's wonderful. oh yeah. oh you'd like to glue them? alright. good five oh three. mm okay? he is. okay. well i don't want him to get glue on him naima. right in the chair? okay? do you want some other things to glue too? mm okay. more pictures. and shapes. it's a picture of the wiggles isn't it. some stickers. different colors. i'll show you other pictures here? 'sthat a picture of a bird. i'm gonna give you the purple glue stick? no this one is the one i'm going to give you today. yeah you know how to use that one. you don't need to twist it honey. aha? watcha doin' babe. how's the gluing going? oo. thank you? i'm a lucky mama. oh. hm. it's the telephone. hello. hi? good how are you? oh. hey. good. no. maybe. not too bad? not too bad. um no not yet? it's a little early i thought i would wait. i thought i'd wait until you were home but if you're not gonna be home until late then i should do it without you. four twenty? yeah so are you. so you're not gonna be home until. mm okay. so do you want to pick up the stuff too. yeah okay. uh naima don't put your fingers in that. alright i'll get it sometime in the next half hour and i'll page you or. call you on your phone to tell you. can i send a message to your phone? yeah? yeah. i don't even know what that is. yeah? oh i have done that before. alright well i'll see what i can do. right okay well keep an eye out for it then. see you. are you gluing naima? hey. what a nice picture. child is painting on the floor and then there's a bird. and some funny orange shapes and some stickers. that's really nice. yes i like the bird especially. you still gonna glue some things on it? is there anything you want me to write on it? i'll write whatever you tell me. timiam. what does that mean? okay timiam. timiam! what does that mean? that's another language. what does it mean in the other language? what does it mean in the other language? can you translate for me? pominim is the name of the language? is timiam a word in pomium? oh. hm. i don't understand you because i don't speak pomium? what's in english? in english? that's the language that we speak and i don't know that word? i don't even know what timiam means? i think it's a piece of paper? i see the edges of it here. so what does timiam mean. it means hlimpf. and what does that mean? oh i see? i see i don't speak it do i. you. where did you learn how to speak it? in chem you learned it. oh. do any of your friends speak pomium? oh just you? so who do you speak it with? oh you just speak it alone? shall i hang up this picture. okay? do you want another piece of paper to make another picture? some other kind of art. okay? do you want to string beads? that's a kind of art? making jewelry. could make a necklace with those beads if you want. other than gluing or stringing beads okay? like. mm you wanna use the pastels? oh? in your diaper. you're gonna need to get changed though if you peed in your diaper. you can't be. well that's fine. why don't we think about it while we're changing your diaper. yes we'll come back and do the art after we change your diaper? you mean the regular markers? or how 'bout colored pencils. you 'an decorate these with the markers. i'll get a few markers for you? mm okay. you can decorate them and then you can also glue them onto things later. oh that's neat? let's see. mm you're decorating those pieces of paper pretty nicely? i'll put this picture up? timiam. the one you said i should write timiam on. even though i have no idea what that means. timiam. you can give them to me cause i'm not keeping them in there anymore. cause i'm keeping them where you can't reach them without asking me. cause i don't want any more magic marker on the walls that's why. wanna use the metallic crayons. oh naima let's make the. cards. we need to make some christmas cards. what? i hear a very growling voice. why do i hear such a growling voice. why're you growling. oh i see. i see? i see. yeah. aha. okay we're gonna make a couple of christmas cards here? i hope you can decorate them nicely. for me? well here's? here's some. the metallic crayons and. i had another idea. did you want to save these for gluing on something. i'll put them here where the scraps of paper are for gluing. and you can put them on some. you know i've got some really special paper i could give you to. we can make shapes and you could glue. it's called origami paper. but you can start decorating these. these are for. uh. so whynchu start on those while i'm finding the origami paper. you could use the metallic crayons or the colored pencils. i thought i would make all the same shape for you to glue on there. like. how 'bout all triangles or all rectangles? or all circles. or all ovals. i'll give you all squares. well this is for gluing on those special christmas cards. i'll get the glue stick back for you. here we go here's this. here are the special kinds of paper for gluing. isn't that pretty. mhm or to decorate pieces of paper with. well we could do that? we could try doing that after but right now we're making the cards. great. on the back. can we glue these pieces of paper on here. you wanna put it on this side with where you over where you decorated? okay? these are all i made all squares. they don't. oh you could also glue. small square on a big square too. okay? mm? oh you gonna put a little square on top? okay? hm. nice. we need to make a couple more cards too? i'm gonna write on the inside. i'll wait until you're done. then when your done with that one? oopsy. hm. huh. where is that thing? naima i have to go downstairs to look for something okay. mm. mhm. some more little squares for you. okay. hm. oh you all finished with that one. um. i think you meant to put this here huh? um? no but we need to make. you could make her one too. great. okay? she might. but that's okay? so i'm gonna write. love from. naima? okay on the back. okay you gonna write merry christmas. okay. mm that does look like an m actually. yeah. aha. aha. mhm. good job? you're writing? okay. you can decorate it with these. you want some other paper to glue or you gonna use this paper. oh we can do that too. you wanna try folding? origami just means something folded. oo naima. what's going on how come you're falling down? this is one reason why the floor should be clean. an origami something. that rhymes with mississippi cat doesn't it. an origami something? it doesn't exactly rhyme but. hey who's that? a mississippi cat. m i s s i s s i p p i! let's see here? okay. yes. no i'm done. you can't help me. you can keep doing your origami? make you have a good day. hm. yeah. i see that you're folding it very carefully. do you remember when we were at the american museum of natural history in new york? and we went to the origami table and the man helped you make a. what did he help you make? was it a boat. a red boat. no that was last year? he actually helped you make it. this year. you made your own boat this year. oh that's right? i'm sorry you're right it was a candy cane. an origami what? oh my gosh you did you're decorating the crayon box? mm? mm. yes. i think it's upside down so that's where it is. it's not? yeah i think the point is on the other side. oh alright. miss know it all. okay. okay we have more cards to make though. child are you making a mess on purpose. well you know what you may have three pieces of ice to play with? you must give me the rest. i cannot have a big mess all over the floor sweetie? here's another one of your pieces. who's the ice for? ah. oh. i see. i see? would you like to use this. you could use this if you don't tear it up and he could lie down on a big piece. would you like that. please don't tear it up any more though okay. it looks pretty cozy in that piece of ice. i think i better call the restaurant? ah hm i don't know if taping. would be the right way to go maybe using some? oh i have an idea? and i have to make a phone call. these. it's not tape. it's velcro. okay i'll tell you what. let's see. you wanna wrap it around him? alright. oh. his. he won't be able to breathe if you cover his head. he does. everybody has to breathe. is that right. well let me see this isn't going to fit around him anyway. you could do it like this and it would fit around his neck? like that. write something down. what're you gonna write down? well you know what the problem is that the pastels are really hard to um? they smudge a lot. so i wouldn't use them for cards that we're gonna give our children who are friends. but i'll give you a piece of paper if you wanna draw with pastels. okay. i think i'll give you a white piece of paper okay. okay? mm? i'm sure he'll be? i see. oh you're writing. aha. you're writing for daddy. in black you wrote the words. the black is the one that says for daddy i see. the pastels will show up on the construction paper. are you. what are you asking me for? do you need another piece of construction paper? yeah? okay? mhm. you know what you've got construction paper right in this. thing here? hm? you're not? mhm? okay thank you. the whole room that's great? oh boy? you are. do you have your eye chart? hello. hi. that's alright i called them right at five and she told me what was on the regular menu but she didn't have the specials yet. she said we could call back in fifteen minutes she thought they'd have em. uh but the regular menu is baked salmon with basil garlic aioli balsamic glaze. forget some kind of squash? and then there's pan seared scallops with spinach ravioli. and then there's a bouillabaisse. just all different kinds of seafood? so we'll call them back shortly i guess. i suppose you could just go. cause i can't get him to list every single. appetizer and everything. alright. you'll stop there. oh yeah okay. okay. good. bye. are you in the car. okay. oh you're making music. you you you. why is he excited? ha ha is he. is that what he likes. you tickling the bee. i don't know that's a good question and i don't remember. you know daddy might remember because? he used to play that when he was a kid. he tells me. do you know that that's a magnet? no he's not but he's coming soon? yeah okay? you ask him that when he comes? it's his birthday is coming up. it's the eye of a fisherman book remember that. are you ready to do some eating do you think. naima i don't want those all over the place okay. are you taking them out. don't spread them all over the place please. oh you're gonna do that. okay. who's that? what? it's daddy sweetie it's just daddy. it's just daddy? here's my? where's my darling daughter? where am i supposed to get the stings? oh. are there supposed to be? oh i don't know? i understand. yes he doesn't know. that's okay that he doesn't know he doesn't have to know. can you say hi to daddy? i think is it on the back? tickle the tickle bee around the maze with as few stings as possible. follow drawing on how to do tickle? when the head of the tickle bee is touched? by the magnetic tickler. this is considered a sting. i see what you're supposed to do. oh i see. you're supposed to push it like this? that's how you do it you push it like this? and if it hits. if you hit it that's a sting. that's how it works. mm well it's just a pretend sting. it's a pretend sting in the game. that's what it is. i'm gonna get comfy. yeah when it. you see if you do that side it touches the head that's a sting. that's not a sting. that's how it works. i'm gonna get comfy. good idea. get comfy daddy. okay. that's it for this taping. well i think it's beautiful. what? what's your name? yeah. is that what i say to you? i'm a person. yes a baby is a young person. i just asked you to leave it open so how come you're closing it? yes. no. oh thank you. you keep this one! what are you going to write? did you write a pencil adam. what is that adam? what? glue? let me see that adam? is there a picture on it? picture on the other one. but there wasn't one on that? you mean what came from that? the tape was in that box. why don't you give ursula the box? she'll need it to put the tape in. yes when she goes home she'll need to put the tape in the box? yes. oh well it's not lunch time you don't have to have lunch. hm. sandwich too. it's not time? are you tired? you are. oh my goodness? it's terribly early in the morning to be so tired? no. well what do you want her to do with it. that's not what you said? what do you want ursula to do with that book? that's yours. but what do you want ursula to do with that one? bow and arrow. goodbye? hm. are you going to bring it in. oh thank you adam? don't put the tape in? alright. yes look at that? what is that? busy bulldozer. stuck with the record? you want humpty dumpty to sit down and watch you? oh it's a steam shovel now? it's not time for your lunch yet? it's not even eleven o'clock yet. come on for a ride. where am i going to fit adam? i don't think i would fit in that little corner? how about giving humpty dumpty a ride? if you put one foot on the floor you can push it. like that now push? yes. now bring it over to here. you pull it over here first. what shall i do? put some pillow in it. adam? aren't you ashamed having ursula pull you in the wagon? you look like it. adam did you ever tell ursula what you wanted to do with that book? i thought you were going to tell her. oh you push yourself? why don't you get out and give humpty dumpty a ride. no. you might go to sleep? where's your magazine? do you have a story about humpty dumpty? what's that adam? dump truck does what with the sand? adam why don't you pick cromer's pen up and give it to him? what is this? oh you don't? neither do i? oh it's not a nail clippers. i don't know. a what. piece of a trailer. adam? what? are you mailing it! what? and work and play? power shovel? huh? lost your what? what happened to the pen? how are you going to get it out? lost your what? dirt? you lost your dirt? what noise? she didn't make any noise. who what? what is that adam? listen to it? what did you say? how do you know that's the top truck? how do you know? you aren't even looking out the window? are you cooking? what time is it? i don't know what time fourteen o'clock is? can you tell me? no. nineteen o'clock? what time is nineteen o'clock? adam don't you think you might break the clock? it doesn't belong like that? it doesn't go that way? yes. it works. yes. is that coffee. one for eat. just pretend? that's not chewing gum? just pretend. when you pretend you don't put it all the way in? remember. where did what go? here it is? a tooth? what does cromer have? no he doesn't have any teeth yet? he's too small? no that's the baby's. that's the baby's too. you're the big baby yes. no no no you can't have those. no adam. well pick them up off the floor. she can't play on the floor. put them on the table. well she can't sit on the floor. shall we put them on the table adam. what? bench? what about a bench? which bench? that what honey? come from the other one? are you going to show her how to play the game adam? how do you play this adam? what are you showing her adam? there you are? did you find it? oh that can't fly. down by the bed adam? did you show ursula how to play it. adam where does this go. put some pencil in there? show me how? what? take it at home. robin's home? oh? is that a butterfly. oh you're going to put them back in the envelope. be what? and talk? talk about what? talk about ursula? what are you going to say about ursula? you? is that envelopes? goodbye. pennies? do you have pennies in there? you're adam? what did that come from? what did that come from? i don't know? i don't know? oh you've to to check about paul. well go check. hm. well you took your book over there. you want to play with that one? your magazine. that's part of the train i think? what about over here? hm. get it there? that's right? where did that go? well it doesn't go like that. why don't you turn it around and try? no that's not right either. no try it on the other side? you're drinking water like a dog. no you just pretend. yeah pretend that that's water! oh the camel's drinking some water. what happened? what do you mean? you folded it? careful? don't break it? if you break it you'll have to take some pennies out of your bank and buy her another one. yes that's a clock. you lost your food. the table almost tipped. where's your shoe? it's already. it already is? where's the other pen adam? pick it up and take it over there. i think the other one is in your wagon? that's not it. i need something to write with. i need one. may i use one. who does that adam? oh? who else does? what's ricky? where did you see ricky? fishing? did he catch any fish? i was just looking at it? what's what? no don't write on the book. what's that? no. oh i need a little spanking? well what about you. do you need a little spanking? who's crying adam? he got it out? no adam? adam. no! because i don't want it open. you shoot him with a gun. careful adam. is it a gun? what are you doing? it's a comb? adam give him his comb please honey? take what. i don't want to take a bath. see the circus? oh friday night we let him have his bath and then he watches the circus on television! what are you doing? i don't know but don't you bother it again. no adam? no. no adam we don't leave the television set on. they're all gone until tomorrow. they're all rolled up on some tape somewhere. dum dum. what is that? dum dum what? dum dum doggie? careful adam? what? roping me. that's not rope honey? don't do that adam? no. you can't do that. you may hit somebody! okay. you stay over there in the corner there. where is your rope? didn't you have some shoelaces down here. in the fireplace? it's messy? where did you hear of dum dum? or who is dum dum? what is dum dum? i'm dum dum? well what does dum dum do? walk? a camel or a camera? a what? a hammer? you had a nail didn't you? there was one before on the floor. where did you put it? good. you left a nail? you lost a nail. adam you play too rough? adam. yes but where do you spit! spit on toilet seat! yes if you have to spit you go up and spit in the toilet? well then don't do that again. here come get a kleenex and wipe your mouth. adam do. didn't he go to school. where's the other part? no now now? why? because you may hit somebody with it. hm? you may throw it. no throw it to me? one at a time. i can't catch but one. how many balls can you find? try to put them in the oatmeal box. is there one behind the door? didn't you put one in the box. you've got the blue one in there haven't you? that came from a coffee can it may cut you? no? i don't think you can get it back on there. it's broken. how many do you have? what's too small? that's too small? where one what? tell me how many balls you have in there? three? okay you count and let me see. put them in my lap as you count them? how many? three. i saw more than three? okay count again! let's hear you count. that's one. two. three. four five. that's all. one two three four five. one two three four five? just one. one one one one one how many do you have in there. what? franks? what kind of franks? what? don't shoot mr cowboy? oh adam? hold it up not hang it up. one two three four what happened. one two three four. it popped? you what. you slipped? did you hurt yourself? oh is that a game? what's the name of that game? yes what's the name of that game? turn it over? are you playing a game or are you playing games? you're doing what? playing games? boat what? boat somes? play games? what? what come from the yellow one or the red one? i don't think that writes? dump them in there? you know what happened. what's so big? i'm so big. yes i am so big? i can't ride in your wagon? oh was that coffee. adam. what are you doing? wait i need that! adam no honey what will he write on? well what's the matter. why are so full of energy like that in spurts? no what? adam don't kick anybody? adam? do you want me to take your shoes off? well i'll have to if you kick anybody. what did you throw? you're not supposed to throw anything in the air. did you know that? you don't know that. well now you know it because i just told you? you have to do them one at a time? you're going to have fun picking those up aren't you. my size. okay? no i'll have to put it up now adam? what? you don't want to play games. here? pull you for a ride? push yourself. push with your feet? that's right. you can give yourself a ride. yes you're giving yourself a ride. your tricycle is there. you have to pull your wagon back. i think it's running into the television set isn't it. no. trailer? adam don't you think you may fall? what do you see? a horse? in a magazine? yes it is? what else do you see? you see another horse. some stamps? you have to put them on envelopes to mail them? you one envelope's on the floor by ursula's foot. yes you may fall if you aren't careful. take the pillow out of the wagon. well it doesn't belong up there. yes what. what? yes are? oh you hung that up? you better put those back up on the desk? those are daddy's glasses? no don't swing it. you may break it dear. yes i see it swinging but don't swing it. bring them here and i'll show you how you use them. that's right only the other way. do you see anything? do you see ursula? frighten me for? adam? yes he's touching you. hm. they have this one which has a smart cash register. with working keys. and there are play pieces and a scale and a shopping basket and shelves! yeah? these look like fun these are little pretend oreos that have little different shapes in them so you can match them together. yeah. these are neat these rescue heroes huh? oh these are neat look at this? yeah uh? this one that's wendy waters. she's a firefighter? these are pretty neat? look at this you get a firetruck. wow look at this? and the wildlife team look at the wildlife team with their animals that's neat? right. yeah that looks neat? and oh yes there's the pirate ship and the construction site that's pretty neat too isn't it? do you think these are fun? wow look at baby toys. look at that? wow? toot toot. woo woo? all the whales are gonna go in one bowl okay? who do you think would like to go in the second bowl together? the stingray and the turtle. and the eel. okay. and the shark goes in that bowl with. the penguin. and the? sea lion great? who's got a lolly in the morning on halloween? you're so lucky? just lick it yeah mm what flavor is it? cherry wow. oh wow? did you see franklin the turtle at school yesterday. and what was franklin the turtle doing at school yesterday? he was swimming in the water? on top of the sandbox? wow and then did you play on the play ground with franklin? graham wanted to take the turtle? he just wanted a turn to play with the turtle right? yeah. right. that's nice because then you get to play and he gets to play and you get to share it right. exactly that's good sharing honey? who else is in your class? who'd mommy get to see yesterday at your class? daisy? emily right? oh look at that? it says reading railroad books? and who else and daisy and emily and graham? and who else is in your class? charlie? i think you have three more kids in your class? steven? and i think there's one more girl and one more boy? right? right. okay what's this book called? franklin? rides a bike. franklin could swim underwater and hit a home run? he knew how to climb the monkey bars and pump himself high on the swing? but franklin had a problem he couldn't ride his bike without his training wheels? in the spring all of franklin's friends had training wheels on their bikes. beaver was the brave one she took her extra wheels off first? she practiced and practiced then she went to the park to show off? look at me she shouted i can ride my bike all by myself. franklin watched beaver ride around in circles? it wasn't long before beaver could signal with one paw and hold on to the handle bar with the other? soon everyone but franklin could ride without training wheels? we're going on a picnic said bear come on? franklin was worried his friends would make fun of his training wheels so he fibbed and said i'm not hungry and went home to eat lunch alone? aw that's kinda sad isn't it. yeah. a helmet and. a backpack right. right? that's so that if they fall down they don't hurt their heads right? just like when you go skating you wear your helmet right. yeah. afterwards franklin asked his mother to help take the training wheels off his bike. he wanted to ride all by himself. he sat on his bike and his mother gave him a push? franklin wibbled and wobbled and teetered and tottered? and he fell into the. oh no? i can't do it he said i'm never riding this bike again? for the rest of the week franklin felt left out. he watched as his friends rode off without him. they were becoming great explorers on their bikes. what are they on here? a bridge. that's rabbit's bike. that uh is bear's bike. you're right. you know what the purple one must be fox's. right oh my gosh you're good. i didn't even realize? right? you're right and the blue one's bear's because bear is big right? right? right? on saturday franklin's friends zoomed by his house? that looks like fun said franklin's mother? i can't ride without my training wheels groaned franklin? did you give it your best effort asked his mother? well said franklin maybe i could try one more time? it's tippy he cried? his mother held on to the seat try it i won't let you go until you tell me to. franklin pedaled while his mother guided the bicycle from behind. he felt very unsteady and very unsure? i'm going to fall he said and stopped pedaling? riding a bicycle is difficult said his mother but you can't give up just because it's frustrating? it's too hard for me said franklin it was easy for my friends. do you think everything comes easily for them she asked? franklin had to think about that? franklin went to the park he saw beaver struggling to swing on the monkey bars. each time she got to the third rung she fell into the sand below. no beaver said bear do it like this it's easy? easy for you said beaver she tried one more time and fell again? maybe tomorrow beaver grumbled? did you go on the monkey bars at school yesterday? then you fell? but i caught you right you didn't really fall. franklin remembered when beaver when badger learned to swim she was afraid to put her head underwater? it's easy said franklin just do it. badger had spluttered and cried it took her a long time to feel good in the water? but now she could swim from one end of the pond to the other? i think she's swimming underwater! are you gonna swim underwater one day? yeah? with goggles like phoebe wow that's going to be neat. franklin thought about the first time fox played baseball. he couldn't hit the ball at all. but he tried and tried until one day fox got a home run. like daddy's team right. well rabbit's just hoping that fox can hit the ball? and he's waiting to catch the ball he's got his mitt on. and if fox hits the ball rabbit is gonna get ready to catch it? that would be great? right rabbit's gonna catch that ball wow? just then porcupine came by she moved very slowly. she pointed to the pads on her knees wrists and elbows? they make me feel funny she said but they keep me safe. that's it cried franklin and he hurried home? franklin put on. padding. he lined the walk with old pillows! i'm ready to try again he told his mother and now i won't worry if i fall. franklin sat on his bike and his mother held on to the seat. franklin wibbled and wobbled and teetered and tottered and he fell many times but he never gave up? then it happened franklin told his mother to let go? he didn't veer into the bushes and he didn't crash? oh my heavens. okay? can you find him? oh the sheep can go in. that's a good idea. where are you gonna put the sheep? think he'll fit in there? what do sheep say? oink oink. look? moo? i'm doing great you two sheep? how are you doing? i wanna go and play with that spider we saw yesterday! where does he remember or she she was building her web somewhere? outside. was it on a fence? let's find a fence. okay. look? and i see three flies caught inside the web? all right. do you see three flies too? you see one fly! hm well i think i see three flies. well she's not gonna go hungry today. bless you? get a horsie? where did the horsies go? oh. they're sleeping! hi? how are you doing? baa. sheep can you give me some wool. on your back it's all that hair you have! thank you? i'd like to make a blanket out of your wool actually. will you? wow you're fast. you are doing that you do that very well. wow you did make it. can i wear it now? a pillow too. a pillow made of your wool. your fur! okay? a bed too? bed must take a little longer than the pillow because it's so much bigger don't you think? mm hm? all right let's see. okay? paws? how's that? i'm learning. there okay i did it i made the bed. i do not know let me see this sheep here looks like she doesn't have much wool left much hair left on her back? how about that other sheep? can i use yours. okay. okay. oh my gosh? how's that feel? that feels good. oh my. you don't want a bed too do you! you're enormous? maybe in that barn? what? which people? here! are you gonna put that on the tractor? a sheep where are you gonna ride sheep? and you're gonna drive somewhere? is that are you going to drive to ed and irene's farm? you are? do they have wool there? they they have. i i better walk? all right let's go? do you remember when we saw all those chickens at ed and irene's farm? oh good. look there's people. hello. what would you like? some wool. how much wool? how much do you need? how much wool do you need? okay? okay? okay? one for you? wow that was quick. do you need some too? okay here you go. anybody else. no. is it time to go home? well thank you so much farmer. emma do you have twenty dollars to give the farmer? you do? really? you have some money. let's see? thank you? okay come back again? bye? it looks like we do. all right. should i get more wool. well hello there what have you been doing. i missed you while you were gone. some more wool. you need some more? how much more do you need? big oh wow let me see i don't know if i have that much. i'll go check. wow that's a lot of wool? i wonder if you're gonna get that much wool? okay here's some. do you want me to put it on you so you can carry it home? okay. let me go get some more. oh you're leaving. it must be on sale today? you don't wanna pay. how come? aha we're gonna have to owe you some money i think? all right next time we can pay you. aha you got too big? oh my gosh are you really too big for the house? what am i paying you for? for the wool. all both of you. oh? did you make the bed yet? no? there's a stand in the back in the trunk of my car by the way? if you want to use it. oh i see? me? you want me to carry it. oh okay here you go. this is for you? okay ten dollars? oh thank you. bye. oh thank you. change her diaper some time. i'll see you sweet pea i'm off to aunt chrissy's! a concert! wow. she's gonna play what is instrument is she gonna play. the oboe. ooh? an oboe! what? oh that's right? you pretend that mommy's glasses you play the oboe on mommy's glasses! yeah? yeah that's how you do it? you do! okay then let me see if i have anymore. yep this is all that's left? okay. yep i just gave you some but that's all that's left? do you think that we can get if there's not enough maybe we can get some somewhere else? in the house. maybe does he mean maybe upstairs in the house there's more? oh in that house. oh okay here you go. you're giving it to me? wow are is that how you're gonna pay him back? oh i see. thank you. oh you know what i heard? that's what i heard? that is mommy driving away in the car. yep i heard that. i heard that she's going to play the oboe in a concert? do you want me to get it for the little horse? i'm a little too big to get in that farm can you go for me. all right let's see if i can fit though. you seem to fit really well. i'm a little too tall i can't get my head in there? can you go? well i'm a little inflexible i must say for a horse but let's see. right in the back corner. oh thank you. thank you? okay here you are horsie. here you are little horse. you're welcome. a little bit left. oh wow. everyone's gonna have a blanket a pillow and a bed now made of wool. you do. who's gonna make it into the pillow and the blanket now? okay. wow. are you finished now. oh it looks beautiful? just in time for winter. wow those are that's such a nice idea emma. stars i never thought of that for a bed? oh! now now when you're sleeping you can look up and see the stars at night and you can look down on the bed and see stars. aha. how about a moon too? okay. all right. are you going to sleep now. okay sweet dreams? is it dark yet. all right let's pretend it's dark. i'm gonna go to sleep too then? oh what happened. what happened? where's my pillow and my blanket? all right that's. that's perfect? all right i'm gonna lay on the bed can you put the blanket on me? hm? oh thank you that's much warmer now. it was a little cold without the blanket. okay? oh much better. do you think the rooster's going to crow when it's morning so it'll wake us up? cock a doodle doo. i just wanted to make sure you heard me. is there more in the house. okay? oh the doggie told you there's more wool in the house! all right. oh i see a little bit more? what do you want me to do with this wool? do you want another blanket? you have one wool blanket already you know. isn't that enough. and you have you have one pillow one blanket and one bed? do you want another blanket? you must be cold. does that feel better? good. a doggie who wants a bed? i thought doggies slept with the dug holes in the snow and slept in the snow. i would like some snow do you have some. on your farm? a little snow left. oh thank you? all right i'm gonna make a bed for the doggie out of the snow? okay there's a bed for you in the snow. you wanna try it out? okay. what do you think? oh your person fell out. straight through their beds? oh my gosh is he is the tractor gonna wake the horsies up. no? whoa that person fell out again? there's no one driving that tractor though. yeah that's the big person to sit in? where where? where? tell me. ruff. all right but don't you think we have to pay for that? how much do you think it'll cost us? forty dollars! all right let's see if the farmer will sell it to us for forty dollars! will you ask him? you would like what? you want forty dollars? don't you want wool. the wool costs forty dollars? do you have forty dollars to pay the farmer for the wool? it was in a little pink and yellow purse i think? oh i know it is broken? aha. okay let's see it? all right let's bring the let's go get the purse and bring it down. whoops? oh i forgot the purse. we have to bring it down and show jessica. well you may hold it. is it still up here. oh here it is? do you think there's forty dollars in there to pay the farmer? i think so too. okay? uh pardon? so am i. i am. you want some milk? november's older than you think edna. abe let me put the scissors up okay? you don't like me. how come? when you go to school abe? you can kill daddy. thanks ann. what picture? abe would you like some raisins. they're fresh raisins? edna you want some? stan do you? no i want some of this blue cheese. blue cheese and rye bread. blue cheese and crackers. abe? would you like some walnuts? you sure. edna would you? three o'clock? what happens at three o'clock? let's see at three o'clock you'll probably be taking a nap? aha. time to eat. no twelve o'clock is time to eat lunch? at twelve o'clock we eat lunch? abe this boy at the co op told me a real good thing to do with yogurt? you put cream cheese and yogurt and a little bit of milk? a milk shake? would you like a milkshake. that's what we had a burger king last night. okay i'll fix you one? that's a number six. it says it is three thirty. it says it's three thirty. no that's the number six. right? aha see the little hand is pointing to the three when the big hand points to the six? that means it's half past the hour. that's difficult to explain. sure is. you want to make a pot of coffee. go ahead. i didn't say. would you like for me to make it. would you like some coffee ann. yeah. okay i'll make some. i'll always drink coffee. this is rice? why don't you make it. why don't we start making it again. i'm going to wait until we get a glass coffee pot? you really spoiled us edna? but your coffee pot makes really good coffee. no i think it's too strong. i thought it was good when we were camping. but it's too strong otherwise. yeah? see all the rice? he tricks ernie. because sometimes ernie tricks him. that's how they that's how they have their fun abe. they play games with each other. go ahead and have a few. would you like a few walnuts. just want me to fix you a yogurt milkshake. do you want some cheese and crackers? just want me to fix your yogurt. i'll get around to it abe sooner or later. did you tell edna what happened at burger king last night. do you want a yogurt milkshake? stan do you. what did you have to drink abe? you do? okay wonder where the blender is? why don't you just mix it up by hand? because i don't need one. you don't? no because it looks like it's going to be a real hassle? if it's not going to be a real hassle i'll go ahead and take it? you want me to do it with the mixer? that's a good answer? that's a good solution. that's called cream cheese. that's part of the ingredients for your milkshake. i'm glad you like it? i can't take too much blue cheese at one time. no i have to do that in little bitty pieces. aha? aha. well good. you want another bite. do you want any more? of this. no of the blue cheese. oh cream cheese and rye bread are supposed to be real good you all want to eat some. i was being very careful. i cut it downwards. and i should have held the knife in a different direction. but maybe i should? but i knew what i was doing? i wouldn't cut myself? i was very careful. here i have about twenty scars on my hands? aha do you want ta put the beaters in. you asked me to use the mixer to make your milkshake right? the blender the blender then? i'll go fast edna. so you won't have to listen to it very long. you're never that considerate when i'm using it. yogurt's part of the ingredients. your mixer isn't loud at all compared to mine. mine's? okay? yeah i'll let you push it? but don't push it until i tell you to okay. just a second. when the beaters are pointed down? okay oh that's too fast. it smells good. think it could take some more cream cheese. here's a thing to pick up a picture ann. oh okay. you want to taste this and see if it needs more cream cheese stan? oops i'm sorry abe. what's it need? milk yogurt or cream cheese. honey. honey? oh that sounds good. he said. let's put honey in my milkshake? you have to keep quiet. but i'll show you some pictures we took on our camping trip? oh? there's some more somewhere. okay i won't put any in yours! cinnamon. a honeycinnamon milkshake. okay. um i think that's really good. edna you want little glass. no i'll taste stan's! no you won't. at least not when you've been sick for two weeks. if she wants a little taste? you give her a little glass? i'll lick the bowl. that's what i'll do. okay? i'm still full from last night. so good to eat mexican food. i just love it. need a glass of milk also. how does it taste abe? taste like honey cinnamon. what else did i put in? tastes good. let's see yogurt. let's let abe talk now. i need to go to the earthworks. do you want ta go? you know what abe? it's getting kind of late? and i'm pretty sure you'll probably be taking your nap? it's past twelve. i'll show you what time it is. whoop? that winds it up. is that what time it is? it's quarter past? now it's half past. oh what a lazy hand. abe you need more walnuts. in where. in your milkshake! that's a good idea. hello hello? hi abe what's your name. huh. what are you? a rock monster? beat me up? oh you beat me up? why don't we play with the monster later. ann. could i have the monster? oh but it's a ghost on this side? is that casper the friendly ghost? oh? say halloween's over. but i have to live. after halloween i have to have a friend after halloween? is that just a ghost. it is weird to drink a milkshake that has kind of little balls in it? little balls of cream cheese in the bottom. do you want peanut butter and crackers? who wants coffee? do you? who wants coffee? stan. you want a peanut butter and cracker? or peanut butter and rye bread. okay. i hear a growl? there's something about fresh coffee? it's abe? is that your tummy growling? your tongue. that's your tongue growling? abe where's your tongue? where's that? huh. when you lick stuff? when you lick stuff? can you bite stuff with your tongue too? but you can bite your tongue right? didn't you bite your tongue this morning. ann's really impressed with that kind of game? what? oh that show you saw last week? yeah that was such a neat show. which show is that? what's the name of it? the wishing game or something weird? oh i'd like to see that? it's what was that one. i don't know? abe who's on the wishing game. like a lot of people have been taking baths. but strangely enough not a bath is missing? okay ann that's a long enough description? oh that's great. oh i was isn't that neat though. the whole show's like that. does abe like it. yeah because they split this one guy stands with a guitar and goes from scene to scene? abe why don't you drink milk and let edna hear the sound you make. will i be scared. that's funny. he gets so tickled when he does that! what makes that sound abe? in your throat. what's it called? do you have a word for that sound? it's called gulping. but you can gulp without making that noise too? does anybody want a university of minnesota. second one they've sent me. throw it away? we're going to go see gymnastics? what? which big book? the one on the floor? is that the one you read about the elves. the story of the elves? yeah. is that the book with the elves in it abe. just one elf. do you remember what its name was? what was the story about? some goats. billy goats gruff? i didn't know elves were in billy goats gruff? are they. no not elves i don't think? no elves are in the shoemaker. the shoemaker? oh the little shoemaker? was there a story about that? what happened with the little shoemaker abe? do the elves come to see him. oh have you met a mean elf? have you met a nice elf. you have. seven of them came. something come i think aha? at our house? that's right santa claus and all his elves? oh that's really nice? you have met an elf? that's really neat? he might be ready for the hobbit man? i know? i'm so surprised you remembered. what other stories are in there abe? there's not a shoemaker in here. it's probably the elves and the shoemaker. we performed that as a play one time. yeah right that's the story isn't it. what's this? which ones are the elves. where's the shoemaker? oh? why are they the shoemakers. are they on the table too. what are they doing on the table? why do you think they're the elves? why? oh? they're smiling aren't they? what else do they do? they make people happy don't they? right? did you tell daddy about the devil? they are? did you tell him a story about a devil? no. one day he just asked me? mom do you like devils? it was right after you told him about the elves and the shoemaker? so i said devils are mean. yeah silly cat? what about witches? i know? that's a pretty picture. aha did we read this story. what was it about? look. the hundreds and thousands and millions and billions and trillions. what is this one about? i know it? what's it about? what are you looking for? the billy goats gruff? that's a really nice book? stan. yeah what. it's not under the billy goats gruff unless it's under the? probably. oh three billygoats? here's how this works abe? you turn back here. and you find the three billy goats gruff and it says to turn to one one eight. aha what's this? what happened in that one? did the billygoat talk. you want me to read it to you all. man i really like that story. daddy said he would. i really got into this story last night about this volcano down in peru. the kids all talked spanish. so i started talking spanish? and abe just looked at me? oh i can turn off the tape and turn it back on? yeah? fine yeah do. daddy's gonna read you a story. okay i'm gonna turn off the tape and read a story. remind me. i like to read peter rabbit. it's a really boring story. who read you that one? that is a nice one. but god it's dumb. um. could i look at your book a second abe. i want ta see billy goats gruff. the elves and the shoemaker is a nice story too isn't it abe. i said that the elves and the shoemaker is a nice story too isn't it. he said the adults were the elves? and the little elves were the shoemakers which makes sense. because they're playing with all of the tools aren't they. oh that's right huh! that's what i meant? the elves were at the door. do they look like elves because they were all friendly? you want a peanut butter apple abe? don't turn the tv on. minnesota football's on. oh stan minnesota and purdue? oh i can't believe you're doing that? this is really a nice book stan. where'd you get it? from a book club? there's another volume? aha i think it's up on in the book shelf still. oh see abe. here's another one too? see there's two. aha oh this has got good ones man. that one has all real short stuff? this one has got fables and folk tales heidi and shit like that. do you want to look at that? and the call of the wild. it says the family treasury of children's stories book two? wow this is about famous men and women. i bet that's probably a. i'm going to have a peanut butter apple. would anybody like one. no thank you. who's that abe? robin hood. wasn't ernie pretending to be robin hood the other day. you don't have any laredo tobacco do you. no we gave that to somebody. who's this? we saw the story of this abe? remember. he would always tell the little boy stories about brer rabbit and brer fox and the little bear that's uncle remus? remember that movie we saw. what's this girl doing? right here? well what does it look like. yeah she's ice skating in the ice skating rink? what's this boy doing? well what's it look like? aha he's painting kittie cats on the wall. yeah did you tell edna the animals you saw yesterday? at the farm? which ones. yeah we will? oh we should turn it back on. it's on? at the old inn? thanks for reminding me. that's the name of the place to sleep at night? they call it the old inn. i will when you take a nap okay? i want ta talk to you right now. okay that's the one with the billy goats gruff and all of those stories in it. okay yeah. just about three or four more minutes. you need some milk or anything. huh. okay right now. why? oh you have a sore throat. aha. thought you said you had a sore foot. what do you think honey i mean tea will do to it? you just think it's the remedy? why is your throat sore? because you were growling? does that make your throat sore? i'll be sure to pick the one on the bottom. just to hold it now. or are you ready for bed now. you want to stay and talk a little bit longer? i won't forget it now abe? it's in my lap? what? he's ready to go to bed? you are huh. how come? why don't you take your shoes and socks off? let's take your shoes and socks off first? well can't you do it. will you help me. not yet? but in a couple of years you'll learn how. it's easy to untie them? you can untie it? you just said it was easy to untie it aha. want me to loosen it up a little bit. your sock isn't in a knot? your sock isn't in a knot? you almost hit edna. what would edna have done? do think she would have cried. what do you think she would have done? you better not. i'm not the closet? your shoes don't belong on me. you better not. abe you know you're not supposed to throw things. why are you doing that? if andy were sitting there you would have hit him? he's at his house now? how come? why does he cry abe. gosh i would cry too if someone hit me. you going to be brave. is it brave not to cry. does it hurt when people hit you? i see. you think it hurts when people hit andy. yeah? they don't hit them very hard you mean? he says some people don't hurt when someone hits them. yeah how'd you get that? do you remember whose house it was? whose? try and think. you need to go teetee? well sure come over here. hey don't get so frustrated? you know you've never ended up with your socks on your foot. because you couldn't take them off? someone's always here to help you right? okay? aha did you know you had a hole in your brown sock. did you know you had a hole in your brown sock. hurry and go teetee. it's right on the bottom. go ahead. there's plenty of light coming in from the window. okay? oh no the fox is here. mm. the fox drops the chick. oh gets the chick back? oh that's good. so the chick can be okay. we must chase away the fox. yes i agree. pushpa your vest is on backwards? do you need to use the potty naima? okay? fox go away go away fox leave that chick alone. no go away fox that's my chick. go away and eat some mice or something. mm? fox you can stay in the forest and eat wild animals but not our chicks? where is my chick cock a doodle doo where is my chick? let's find the poor chick? come here rooster? the rooster's hiding too. oh no farmers don't let foxes take so many chicks away? farmer say that's enough of that. away fox. you may live near our farm but you may not take all our chicks? well you'll have to find something else to eat tonight? you'll have to find a weasel or something? a wild animal to eat? well i'm protecting all of my animals here? oh no no. who is? you're the fox? yes. oh you're a farmer. what a good idea we can hide them from the fox. oh the fox is eating the weasel my my. does the fox need to have a den? should we make a den for the fox? oh yeah that's one way to do it. is it stuck there. there you go. veena. veena veena. where did the fox is the fox sleeping in its den? oh. no no that chick is our chick fox. that chick belongs in the farm with its mother the hen. mm i'm going to protect all the animals. like a good farmer that's what i'll do. let's make this fox go away? this fox is scared of humans actually the fox is scared whenever a human comes a fox will run away. oh it's gonna just drop the chick over there in the forest. do you need to use the potty? okay? your pants are falling off there. your pants are quite falling off here come here. cock a doodle doo cock a doodle doo. here's our young chick let's keep him safe. and i need to go check the laundry? let me rescue that chick. oh oh pushpa i wasn't able to rescue that chick. i'm going to do laundry like i said i was. ah. naima bring the chick in here. she can see you we can't see her? but she can see you. ouch ouch that hurt my finger. i didn't finish doing my laundry that i needed to do. uh. mernemer. what does mernemer mean? ah? oh here's grandma? there she's? do you see her naima she's on the computer? okay? i'll velcro it? there is grandma? grandma said hi naima? that's what she said she typed the message to me right up there it says hi naima? you wanna say anything to her? oh. oh i'll tell her that. okay i just typed honey has got a lantern in his belly let us see what she's gonna say? hi grandma hi grandma. she's still typing. she says i hope doctor naima is helping him feel better? are you doctor naima who's helping him feel better. okay i'm gonna say naima says. i'm actually a nurse and a mommy. she's i think she's still typing her message. it's a funny way of talking isn't it. it's like through writing messages as we talking. oh no you don't wanna do that. hi grandma. your camera is still stopped? try putting on face tracking and see if it works better? grandma says i hope you have given him a hug and a kiss and called the doctor? no i haven't i haven't called the doctor. what did his mommy say? oh you did call the doctor. mm? okay i already called the doctor? hi grandma. i think she be more engaged if the camera were not stopped. be be be bear be be be bear. let's see. yep. yeah? it's grandma? her camera isn't moving see how our camera is moving every once in a while there's a new picture? it shows how we are moving grandma's camera isn't moving so she has to fix it. grandma's camera isn't really moving she has to fix it. grandma i've tell i am telling her she has to fix it she says i am trying different things. she means trying different things in order to fix it so it will move. okay. maybe i should also close and then open your camera window. okay so i'm gonna close that then i'm gonna say. view friend's web cam. yes? which i did. and now it tells me my camera is not on line. oh there she is. oh she's moving okay. there's grandma? okay you are. she's moving. moving? grandma is oh okay. you are? you're probably making a huge noise in someone's ear while you're doing that? okay i think we're gonna turn these off. for a while! okay. the last session was on wednesday february eleventh and today is thursday february twelfth. and that's an otoscope. oh okay i'm the patient. are you the doctor. are you a grown up a nurse for grown ups! oh should i lie down on the examination table. well i tell exactly what happen with my ear? i was listening to music at a concert and i walked to close to the speakers and then my ear really staring hurting after that and it hurt all the way home? cause i walked up to the speakers and i shouldn't have done that. my ear's hurting. can you see inside my ear? you can you tell me. i think my ear is just sore from the loud noise. is there anything you can do to help me feel better oh that patting me helps patting me is very nice. okay alright. i just wandered up there without let's not touch the microphone okay i wandered up to the speakers. that's the kind of ear problem i have while i'm here can you help me with another problem. well i have a boo boo on my toe. i stubbed it. gesundheit. gesundheit. when you sneeze you should try to put your arm over your nose okay? i stubbed it? i stubbed it on my daughter's book shelf? book rack? she didn't say anything she said what's the matter mommy after i said ouch. you gonna look at my toe. here i'll put it over here so you can have a good look at it. oh i'll have to take off my sock won't i. just a moment? let's see here alright? here i'll take my i'll take my. with my ear fine. because of the medicine you gave me. okay can you examine my toe. i stubbed the little baby toe on the book rack! are you putting toe cream on my toe. oh good thank you what are you going to do to make it better? ah thank you. should i give my toe toe cream every day. can you get that over my heel there? oh thank you? i'll do the rest of it? okay thank you very much doctor lisa? i will go home now. i have an idea. we could make an animal hospital and pushpa could be the the veterinarian instead of the farmer? and she could take care of the farm animals that the farmer brings into the veterinary hospital? yes? veena has to walk with the animals is there a vehicle that? whoop? oh okay. it's not a farmer? okay. oh hm let's see hm let's examine this young calf here? is it this boo this ear or this ear. both boo boos on both ears let me see? hm hm hm everything's going to be alright little calf! hm okay i'm going to give you a prescription and i want you to put this ear cream on the calf. go get that at the pharmacy is there something wrong with your adult cow as well. oh you have a microphone injury. oh this big cow has a microphone injury hm? where is it exactly? on the tip of the cow's ear alright. let me just examine this with my special cow otoscope? hm yes there's a different prescription that cow needs a different kind of medicine? from the pharmacy here you go? okay? yeah. thank you for coming? i think you should call me tomorrow and let me know if the ears have gotten better after you put the ear cream on? okay. veena put them on both. that's good. you know usually it's the farmer who brings the cows to the veterinary hospital. yeah because cows don't actually? well cows cows usually really need a human to to drive them places? i guess that's the main reason. oh they were walking yeah? oh it's close by that's why you told me? that's good? i think they're all in the chicken coop that you made. oh dear is there a chick emergency? oh what's the problem with this young? that's good yeah? well hello little chick what seems to be the trouble? oh you have a foot on the oh injury on the bottom of your foot there. let me examine this? this chick's foot here oh yes okay. and i suggest that you wrap this chick in a warm blanket? for at least a couple of hours? well you'll have to find uh something smaller like a cloth napkin. and wrap the chicken in the cloth piece of cloth. just for a few hours to help while its while its foot is bandaged and it needs to rest. it needs to stay warm while it's injured. and then at one o'clock you can take the band aid the blanket off? well you don't need to tape it on all i'm saying is you need to keep the chick chick warm and dry. and stop it from running around for the next few hours. well i i would suggest you try to keep it keep it nice and quiet and maybe read it a book or something. the chick doesn't like long stories i see well maybe you could read it some poetry! thank you for coming why don't you call me tomorrow and let me know if the chick's foot has gotten better or not? oh. pushpa's over here checking the camera? oh good. i'm glad to hear that. those these cows need to go back home? bring those cows home to get better. oh dear a fox. was this fox hit by a car accidentally? hm hm? think that i will put some nose cream on this fox and just let it go it's a wild animal? i'm gonna let it go it should get better by itself? the nose cream? mm. well it's a wild animal and i expected that that might happen. wild animals don't take directions very well. alright well that's all you're going to get. even the little bit that was on you for short while should've helped you? oh someone ate the chicken and spit it out? okay this chick needs to be in a little tiny tiny blanket is there anything we can get how about one of those blue socks on the floor over there. let's wrap the chick up in that sock? here's the chick? okay that should keep the chick nice and safe and warm for a while. yes? yes. who's saying help? mm? oh dear? pushpa is the veterinarian. oh dear. what is veena going to do? what do you think he's gonna do? what would he do? can you make him shout? no no no? oh dropped off? oh? oh? hm can you take him over there? can you take him over to look for it? oh no oh no oh no? don't take our chick. don't take our chick? we'll be very upset if you take our chick. these chicks are hard to hold aren't they. veena's upset. don't take our chick. don't take it. we want our chick back. the chick belongs with its mother the hen? ooh a funny place hm. well all the farm animals that live on our farm belong to us but the chick belongs to its mother. it certainly belongs with its mother. i'm going to take that chick away from you? aha? ah okay okay spit out that chick please? leave the chick with its mother? okay yes! hm very good oh i'm so glad that the chick is back with its mother? naima should we pack for our trip? i think i might just gather up few things of clothing items of clothing for you? let's see friday night saturday night pajamas for friday night plupnoop? no i'm not going to stop and stop talking to me that way it's not nice. wow you do? good for you is that foofy? let's see that's for sunday and saturday we need this plus a shirt? number five. oh? number five oh? oh okay? oh really. well what naima you know what i'm packing some clothes right now. we we we we we we we we? okay. all done. why the why are we suddenly out of all of your long underwear. saturday sunday? to make sure we have enough clothes for our trip. i meant regular underwear actually. well we're not all out but we don't have much of it at the moment? let me find a backpack? hm. that was a bit loud. alright why don't you put the tape back in and close up the tape player? put the tape back in. gently? okay and why don't you put the tape player over here on your shelf? where the toys are? is there enough room for it there. alright? okay thanks? well oh look at this. a puzzle piece shouldn't be here. i am packing. yes. what did what have i told you about how you talk to a grown up? i'm sorry i know you want me to play with you i was playing with you but right now i'm gonna do something else for a few minutes. no? i'll come back in and play with you i just wanna get a few more of things all ready to go? so that we can get to the children's museum early tomorrow? and not late to miss all the fun. we have to spend tomorrow morning packing. it'll take too long to get there. no. oh okay. oh. i've heard you you don't need to keep telling me i told you i would come when i'm finished doing what i'm doing. you need to try to be a little patient. i know it's really hard for you. i know it's hard. well you need to try. i know that. what's going to happen at doctor lisa's when you go there? oh does he need his heart checked. oh really what color are her gloves? blue gloves. yes we're getting ready. we're packing our diaper bag to go to doctor lisa's! okay? are you doctor lisa naima? here's a patient this little bear didn't swallow anything? this little bear doesn't have an ear problem. this little bear needs a check up because he just turned three years old. can you check all the parts of his body and make sure that he's well and healthy? oh? oh. and you check his heart? oh? can you check his uh check his reflexes? well i'm sure you could find something to pretend it's a hammer. oh and you're fine. oh good? i'm glad he's fine. although the ear has some not good fluid in it. how do you do you take it out with some kind of a vacuum? oh. watery fluid that stays in your ear. mhm. what does time mean hm? time is how. oh you want that back. here you go huh. bump your knee. hm. invisible ear cream? are you talking about the lansinal. i thought so. lansinal is the name of the stuff that you call nursie cream it's a real name of it. yes but who nurses on someone's ears. all scammed up. to move aha? oh. open what? oh. are you feeling tired because i am feeling very tired? march out for the puzzle piece? you mean to look for it oh. oh? mm. oh that sounds like fun? is that where we're going into the living room. asked or said? yeah? i will march with you. i wanna turn off the oh? oh like the obstacle course that we had at gym class. where we pretended it was a beach? we had frisbees? we did different things with the frisbees. right? getting impatient. okay? almost done here. aw. it's hard isn't it it really is. okay. don't talk to me like that please. i'm coming i'm gonna turn off the receivers and the camera the transmitters and the camera now okay. am i cold. are you cold? no she can't smell it she's at school. it's under her tail just like katie and peanuts. the observatory with no monkeys? the observatory never has monkeys in it. but it's not a sunny day. besides we just went yesterday. okay. alright. okay which one should we read first? paddington. do you remember what this one's called? what's this one called? paddington's lucky day. wow. one day not long after paddington went to live with the browns at number thirty two windsor gardens mrs brown thought she would take him out shopping. we're going to the portobello road explained judy. it's a big outdoor market quite near here. you should bring your pocket money added jonathan there's a lot to see. do you remember that i told you that mommy and daddy went to portobello road and bought something? do you remember what it was that we bought? you know the there's a little picture above your armoire in your room? it's a picture of a mommy and her little girl. and daddy and i bought that at portobello road. yeah. before we even had you. because we knew we were gonna have a little lily. yeah. mommy might have to make some tea for herself so she doesn't cough okay? we'll finish this first though. paddington didn't need asking twice and soon afterward they all set off. suddenly they turned a corner and paddington found himself in what seemed like a different world. a world of outdoor stands and push carts gold and silver ornaments books old furniture fruit vegetables people. his eyes grew larger and larger as he tried to take it all in. one store was even having its picture taken. that's a new supermarket said judy there must be something special going on there. paddington's mouth began to water as he peered through the glass. perhaps i could do some shopping for you mrs brown he asked hopefully. mrs brown hesitated she wasn't at all sure about letting him go off on his own quite so soon. but jonathan told her not to worry even paddington can't get lost in a supermarket he said. what goes in must come out? we can meet him by the checkout counter on our way back added judy. paddington felt most important as he entered the store. he lifted his hat to the manager who was standing just inside the door and then consulted mrs brown's shopping list. everywhere he looked there were shelves piled high with boxes and cans. there was even one shelf with nothing but marmalade. he could certainly see why it was called a super market. what do you like to get at the supermarket? you like to get drinks at the supermarket? that's true we do have to get some drinks don't we we have to get some juice and some milk. what else do you like to get at the supermarket? lemonade. excellent any food that you like to get at the supermarket? um even more drinks wow. that's a lot of drinks. his paws were soon full and he was just beginning to wish he had left his suitcase at home when he saw the manager coming toward him pushing a large basket on wheels. may i suggest you use one of these sir he called. you can take as much as you want now he continued. can i really exclaimed paddington. the manager nodded yes we like to make our customers happy. paddington looked most impressed. in that case he said i think i'll have two baskets just to make sure. the more paddington saw at the supermarket the more he liked. he felt sure mrs brown would be pleased when she saw all her free groceries. the other customers looked on in amazement. perhaps he's trying to win an eating prize suggested one lady. what's she wearing? she is wearing some glasses you're right. whoop? but the customers weren't the only ones who were watching paddinton with interest. since he had been in the store the manager had been joined by several other important looking men. and as paddington reached the checkout counter one of them gave a signal and they all started to clap. what do you see in his basket? yeah what do you see anything that you recognize? i think i see some. right there's some chicken over there and some. right bananas. and. celery that's right that's celery. do you know what this one is here? that is actually looks just like lettuce that i think is cauliflower. right. yeah. you don't? mommy likes cauliflower. really okay. really which cousins don't like cauliflower? oh they don't like cauliflower either? oh none of the three of you like cauliflower huh? well you're right daddy doesn't like cauliflower. i think auntie likes cauliflower. and mommy likes cauliflower. great! paddington had never been to a store where they tried so hard to make their customers happy. and he gave the men a friendly wave as he unloaded his baskets. well done said the lady handing him a ticket. i hope you've brought a truck with you. there's over a hundred and fifty dollars worth here. paddington stared at the long roll of paper in his paw. hundred and fifty dollars worth he said giving the man who had said he could take as much as he wanted one of his hardest stares. he opened his suitcase and peered inside. but i've only got a nickel. yeah. what's he going to do? oh no! looking up paddington suddenly caught sight of a crowd of people coming toward him. watch out cried the lady as he made a grab for his groceries but it was too late. with a roar like an express train everything began to tumble down off the counter. paddington was still sitting on the floor covered with groceries when the browns rushed into the store to see what was going on. all in all he decided he was much safer where he was for the time being. she has a surprised face i think. she's going what happened! that's what she's saying. where's paddington? because he's hiding under all the groceries. there he is! great! you wouldn't think said the manager that giving someone a prize would be so difficult. a prize echoed the browns. the manager pointed to a large notice on the wall. this young bear he said happens to be our one thousandth thousandth customer today. perhaps you'd like to tell him he's won a free supply supply of groceries? all of which said judy as they staggered home laden with groceries only goes to show that bears always fall on their feet. even in supermarkets agreed jonathan. paddington sniffed the air happily. i like the portobello road he said i think i shall always do my shopping here from now on. yay. you know what honey mommy's just gonna make some tea okay? right so that my cough won't be bad. let me just go in here quickly. what sweetie pie? what? my what sweets? fuzz there's fuzz? where is there fuzz? oh yes i see fuzz on blankie. oh my goodness when is mommy going to get rid of this cold. when oh i know do you think i have to go to the doctor? you think so? huh. i'll have to think about that. hee hee. look at you. mommy is actually also gonna call your doctor to see if they have any more flu vaccines for you. okay. let's get a little tea and a little honey. what do you say? what? really? really? whoop? do do do. yes? what about the house? really? i'm just putting some honey in my tea. and it's making a very funny noise. do you hear that? my goodness. that's the honey. it's making very very funny noises at me. hm. okay see how that is. hi sweets. you are? wow. look at you! yeah? look at you in your house. oh you're gonna close the door? what are you doing in your house? oh. that's nice. would you like to read another book honey? hm great. you know what sweets mommy is just gonna call your doctor very very quickly. okay should we read frog frog and toad? great! ladybug! did you wanna? did you give baby passie some juice or some milk this morning? maybe you wanna feed her a little juice or milk. oh no. right. ah. how's she doing? great. is she very happy now? great. she's making music wow. who's that? it's a baby is it your baby? wow. baby bottles great! which does she like better? she likes juice better? what's not to like? i like milk do i? i do like milk with my cereal. you're right. oh my goodness. woo baby! ah. fire truck. you do? whoa? what's daisy doing? oh my gosh oh my gosh. yes babes? oh let's see i wonder what daisy could eat. hm. maybe she wants some of this pink cake. what do you think? oh does that look like an old bone that's a good idea then. wow. wow she looks happy now. she looks so happy. she has a little bone to chew on that's nice. you gave it to her to eat? mhm. she sure does. oh good rock. mm mm fa la la. dee dee dee. hmm hmm mm. na na na. da da da da da da. da da da da. ah nice. nice rocking. nice and relaxing. yes? oh my gosh did you show amanda? wow there is a doggie there. yeah it does look like daisy. okay you wanna go get her a ball? okay. which color ball? ooh nice. a basketball for daisy. okay. catch. careful with daisy sweets. aha? you want me to take daisy out? you got it? good job sweets. okay. hey daisy. wow. you think so? what would? oh i think you're right. hi sweets. hm. wow. what? we'll always be together? that's great news. yes? you do? wow. that looks great. very nice! how does matthew sing it? happy you you! that's so silly. happy you you! how does that work? what's not working angel? can i? can you hold it up so i can see it? oh hm i wonder if the battery is dead. can you bring it over here and i'll try and see? let's see. oh there we go. aw the little baby's crying. hi um i'm a patient of dr sullivan's i actually had called yesterday i've been sort of. sort of low grade feverish and achy and whatnot for almost two weeks now. and he had called in a prescription for robitussin with codeine for me. and um which did help the cough last night but i'm still really not feeling well and i'm still carrying kind of just a low grade fever and i didn't know whether i should just stop in before the weekend hits. if there's any availability. okay. okay okay. okay. hi baby. hi there. whoa? oop hang on let me help you sweets. you don't want daisy to get stuck on the camera right? no. hooray daisy. yay. careful honey. you saw a white dog named daisy on tv? oh was it a commercial for that white fluffy dog named daisy? you have a good memory sweets. oh i know where it came from i think. oh really? let's see how did it go on? maybe huh like that? no like no right? that doesn't. no. it did? hm i can't get it to go like that. that's very strange. oh okay wait hang on let me see i think see honey. maybe like no that doesn't look right. that's really bizarre. no. no. ay. maybe michael can fix it i bet he can. that's okay. okay. yeah i've just i've been running like uh like either ninety nine to a hundred and one basically. for a couple weeks now. i have chest congestion and my nose is all stuffed up and this cough. you know just. okay i'll fix it later sweets. yeah green. oh well okay that's good news for me though actually. that there may be something that can make me feel good again. penicillin. yeah. um hang on a sec let me run up and get it. mommy's just gonna get the phone book for one second sweetie pie. do do do it's brooks on pitman. yeah and i'll stay right here with you. oh great. okay. yeah and that's been going on for like well over a week now and it's just like kind of. right excellent. okay thanks. yay mommy's got the best doctor! he never even makes me come in. hm hello? okay. oh i have a doctor on the other line. because i still have this darn fever. i've had like ninety nine to a hundred and one for like the past week and a half. mhm. so anyway my doctor i have to say. ellen and i have the same doctor and we call him dr feel good. because he never. it's like i don't feel well i'm sure it's this i'll call in a prescription. you don't need to come in i'm like okay. so they called in robitussin with codeine for me last night which was great. but i still feel like yuck today. and she said do you have any chest congestion i said yes. i said i'm like coughing stuff up she goes what color is it i said green she's goes oh you need an antibiotic. i'll talk to the doctor and we'll call it in for you i'm like okay. exactly i won't mention the name of the doctor on tape. oh my gosh so um can i call you back in just a little bit after lily's thing is over? okay is matthew at school everything went well? excellent. okay i'll call you back in about a half hour. what a doggie woggy woggy. yes angel? i do have a cough and the doctor might call some medicine in for me which would be so great because mommy is tired of feeling lousy. what? you know how you have your pink medicine that you've been taking? mommy needs some pink medicine too. yeah. yeah you took your pink medicine this morning remember? yeah you did. you want more medicine? why? more medicine is bad for you. a little bit of medicine is good when you don't feel well but a lot of medicine is not very good for you. really wanna sit on my lap? oh come on rock with me a little bit. just for a minute with blankie! just for a minute oh my sweetie! did you tell amanda where we have to go afterwards? we have to go to the mall. wow. and what store do we have to go to at the mall? we have to go to the disney store. ooh great. aha. i'll get you a small present. and small ones because you slept all night last night and didn't call for mommy. yay hooray mommy got to sleep that was great. wasn't that great? yeah. anyway i think it's nice to sleep in your bed without mommy in it because then you have more room to yourself. yeah. right. and last last time i slept in your bed nemo told me that he didn't have enough room to sleep. it's true. yeah he said i was taking up too much room. that's right. more room for nemo when mommy sleeps in her own bed. though i must say your bed is quite comfortable honey. you're welcome nemo. nemo nemo nemo. ah. ah. ah. ah. look at those bricks. wow. it is it's a brick fireplace huh? yeah. yeah. oh boy. mommy is. a stone wall? we have a little stone wall outside the house right? a little tiny one. yes? it does? wow. nice. what am i looking at? yes honey? oh i see i see. there are the little stones you mean? yeah. there they are. a lot of the snow melted huh do you think the rest of the snow is gonna melt today? probably a lot of it. that makes it easier to drive so that's good news. oh well i don't know if we're gonna have tamar's party since it's already past her birthday but we can have a party for you. in fact you know what you should remind mommy today i will call gymboree later today and maybe we can make a date for your birthday party would that be great? yeah? well um i don't think tamar is gonna have her party honey because it's so far after her birthday now. but we'll have a party for you and tamar can come. that will be great right? yeah? well we're not having it now because it's not your birthday yet. but your birthday is in about. what's today's date your birthday is in about four weeks or so? that's exciting huh? oy. you know what mommy needs? i think a big hug and kiss would make mommy feel better. and a hug too. oh boy. i feel better already. yes angel? you don't well what's wrong? well i can give you some of the cherry medicine for your stuffy nose if you want. oh really? no? well what do you need? maybe you just need to sit inside and kiss mommy all day. yes? okay. huh? does one nail fit inside the other nail? yeah. you know what i like to kiss? can i kiss your neck? can i kiss your neck? i like to kiss your cheek. i like to kiss your little neck. are you snorting at me? do you wanna read frog and toad baby? what do you say? would that be good? no? no? no? what? no? no? no? what? i got a tushie i got a tushie. you don't wanna snort? you my little piggie? my little piggie. snort snort snort. snort snort snort. snort snort snort. snort snort snort. snort snort snort. oh boy. look at that. right. oh thank you. they're called garnets. the dark red stone. aha it's called a garnet. right wow. wow. yeah you look like a big red flower today too. yeah! wow. yeah. we bought this sweater for you when we went to ireland. i bet you don't even remember that. that was over a year ago you were pretty little. and but we have pictures from it. you were so cute. that's right. that's right. you know what you ate a lot of when we were in ireland? a lot of chocolate. yes we could not find very much to eat there. and when we took our big long airplane ride. this is what they gave you for lunch ready? they gave you fish and chips. which you didn't wanna eat because it was just kind of this weird fried fish. and you didn't like it. and then they gave you chocolate pudding with chocolate sprinkles. yeah you liked that. and then they gave you little chocolate m and ms. you liked that. and then they gave you a chocolate bar too. you liked that too. so you ate all your chocolate and you were bouncing off the walls because you were so full of chocolate energy. it's true. but and you probably don't remember this but there were lots of kids on our airplane. because they were on a school trip. and they thought you were very cute and they would bring you toys. they would come and talk to you and bring you little stuffed animals to keep you happy. wasn't that nice of them? yeah. yeah. and it took us so long to get home and you slept almost not at all. it took us i think sixteen hours maybe to get home. and you slept for twenty minutes. oh you were so tired. but you didn't wanna sleep. oh my. it was ridiculous. yeah. it was ridiculous and we had lots and lots of driving to do when we were in ireland. daddy did a good job of that. because in ireland you have to drive on the wrong on the opposite side of the road. yeah. neat huh? yeah. neat. wow. beautiful. wow. yes? can you turn them around? great job! oh good. wow. it is thank you. oh. did you tell amanda what you said to me yesterday? about when you were trying to put the top on your toothbrush? and you said. can you help me this is so? difficult that's what you said to me! where did your toothbrush go? oh it's upstairs okay i'll get it in just a minute okay? really? okay. alright i'll be waiting for you. careful on the stairs. okay. okay babes. okay. glad to hear that. yes baby? aha did you find the toothbrush but not the top? alright. let me look down here for a second. yep here i come. where did it go where did it go? oh here it is! let's bring it downstairs. yay! yay. wow. you want me to help you put it on? great! it is? it's difficult. you're welcome. yeah and your ladybug pez dispenser. great. wow. you do? alec has a what kind of toothbrush? we have to buy alec a birthday present don't we? because alec's birthday is. getting closer it's not next week but the week after. oh my gosh you're totally stuck in the couch. what are you doing? oh my gosh you're stuck you're stuck! what ever shall we do? you're in the sticky sticky sand. oh. that's right. ah! she's in the quicksand! oh my gosh! i said i have to kiss your neck. because it is so delicious. oh i thought you were delicious. oh well very nice to meet you lily. very nice to meet you lily. it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. alright. enchante. the pleasure is all mine. oh my goodness! oh how i love you! oh lily! oh lily! oh lily! oh boy. oh boy. you do? alright. franklin rides a bike. franklin could swim underwater and hit a home run. he knew how to climb the monkey bars and pump himself high on the swings. did you climb the monkey bars at school? yeah. yes that's right you were taking turns. but franklin had a problem. he couldn't ride his bicycle without training wheels. in the spring all of franklin's friends had training wheels on their bikes. beaver was the brave one and she took her wheels off first. she practiced and practiced. she took the training wheels off see she has no little wheels on the back. look at me she shouted i can ride my bike all by myself. franklin watched beaver ride around in circles. it wasn't long before beaver could signal with one paw and hold on to the handlebar with the other. franklin's training wheels are right here. oh yeah he's not his bike must be off. out of the picture. soon everyone but franklin could ride without training wheels. maybe i think you're right. right. afterwards franklin asked his mother to help take the training wheels off his bike. he wanted to ride all by himself. he sat on his bike and his mother gave him a push. franklin wibbled and wobbled and teetered and tottered then he fell into the flower bed. i can't do it he said i'm never riding this bike again. whoa? for the rest of the week franklin felt left out. he watched as his friends rode off without him. they were becoming great explorers on their bikes. there's badger too you're right. on saturday franklin's friends zoomed by his house. that looks like fun said franklin's mother. i can't ride without my training wheels said franklin. did you give it your best effort asked his mother. well said franklin maybe i could try one more time. franklin sat on his bike it's tippy he cried. his mother held on to the seat. try it i won't let you go until you tell me to. franklin pedaled while his mother guided the bike from behind. he felt unsteady and very unsure. i'm going to fall he said and stopped pedaling. riding a bicycle is difficult said his mother. but you can't give up just because it's frustrating. it's too hard for me said franklin it was easy for my friends. do you think everything comes easily for him she asked? franklin had to think about that. franklin went to the park. he saw beaver struggling to swing on the monkey bars. each time she got to the third rung she fell to the sand below. whoa? whoa? no beaver said bear. that was so cool. i saw that that was great. yay. yay. sweets! oh boy. oh goodness gracious. oh goodness gracious. put some water in? oh. whoa? that sounds great. wow. stir stir stir. wow. oh boys. oh that's good. i know that always helps mommy's cough. yeah. yay! great! woohoo! the winner gets a turn. wow. woo winner! here it's coming to you. the winner gets the prize. whoop? here it comes back to you. wee! woo! here it comes back to you! ah! he shoots he scores! woo! she shoots she scores! woohoo! the winner lily jane! woohoo lilliputian! whoa back to you ready? here it comes woo! good hit! ah! ah get that ball! here it comes back to you! woo! woo back to you! woo! good hit. here it comes! oops. aw. oh no. bonk. wee! woo oh! woo! hi you! woo! woo! ha ha! back to you woo! oh. oh my gosh! there it goes! where'd it go? where'd it go? there it is. ah. back to you! good hit! you're great! you're great! you win first prize. yay! yay! blankie! yeah sweets? you do? what's wrong with blankie? oh no he got a bee sting? oh no. oh boy. blankie! oh careful of the tea honey we don't wanna get blankie wet. blankie! blinky blankie. woo! here it comes back to you! you did it! oh my. uh bonk! you didn't hit it yet. got it. sorry sweets! oh my goodness gracious. oh my gosh. okay. boop! oh boy. whoa? yoik! wee! yay! you win first prize! oh blankie is the winner! yay! hee hee! whoa? tadah! where are we going? alright! who's in there? oh i'm gonna look at this one through the window too. you wanna have a turn with this? let me loosen it up? come here? let me loosen it up. i didn't know it was too tight. oh your eyes look funny in there. like big eyes. wanna see my eyes look big eyes? okay? they look big eyes? here put this on it's fixed. oh wait this arm first. here hold on. okay. now is that better. watch your feet now ready there's lots of cords around here. you don't you wanna do doggie cross. doggie cross? me neither let's not read any books. let's not read any books. let's sit here and be grumpy together you wanna. ah i don't wanna read it. how come you're being a grumpy boo? aw let's be grumpy. ready. how come you're being such a grumpy lately huh? you keep yelling and screaming. when mommy just wants to read books that's not very nice? is it. aw i wish i had a pet bunny like that. do you? which one do you like. how come? i like that one too. no not fifteen how many's that? ten see. see a one and a zero makes ten? eleven. twelve? snails thirteen sunglasses fourteen. buttons. fifteen forks sixteen marbles seventeen pencil sharpeners eighteen umbrellas nineteen shelves. how many toy snails do you count? how many toy frogs do you count? how many party blowers do you count? good. how many party hats do you count? good. which hat would like to wear for your party. yay. how many blue fish are swimming by? no? one two three four. how many fish in all? no. you're right six. okay one two three. two? yeah? look at all these little circles you could count all those too. the little circles. see these. toy train how many blocks in this pattern. how many? no way ten? ten really. can i count them. one two three four five six. how many in there? one two three four five six. ah they both have six? six there and six there? same? right. and this one has two blue ones and this one has two blue ones. this one has two red ones and this one has two red ones. this one has two green ones this one has two green ones! see that. okay how many bananas in the bowl. um is the number of bananas not in the bowl the same. right. is the number of pineapples in the bowl the same as the number not in the bowl. just one. and how many strawberries. is it the same. can you count the strawberries? that's a lot of strawberries you counted up. how many children? you wanna find the same ones? okay. who matches on the other side? yeah. yeah. right. with. right! right. yay? which puppy would you like to have for a pet. um me too! is that the one i said! today uhh. today i really like this one. we could both like the same one. right? is that okay if we both like the same one. no how come. we have to like different ones. oh okay. mm. this one? right. what do you mean? oh circle or a square. okay let's see there's one two square and one two three four five circles? so the circle has more? how about snakes which one has more red snakes or green? yeah? you can tell just by looking at it huh? are there enough carrots for each rabbit. and then who's gonna have that one. you. will you eat that whole carrot? who will have this pot? nobody eats that pot. yeah you're right. hey guess what. we're gonna get new shoes today for school. don't those look like new school shoes. what kind of shoes should we find for you? ooh yeah maybe we'll find one with a yellow tie. maybe we will. and socks with fishies would you like to find those? so let's see? which? do you wanna just start with the animals first? okay which animal do you wanna do first. or you wanna start with number one? okay which which animal is there only one of? horse? okay how about two. which animal has two. good two sheep? now three. which animal has three. duck. okay which animal has four. no which one is four do you think. right yep. which animal has four of the same? well let's count should we count the pigs. one two three four five pigs! so that goes with this one see? five now let's count the chicks! one two three four chicks so that goes with that one. see? okay? um i think so yeah. no you're right because look one two three four five carrots. goes with five? number five. that's eight. let's see. what do you think? is it shovels! one two three four shovels nope! one two three four forks nope? you can count those? try the leaves count the leaves up. one two three four five six seven eight. see watch one two three four five six seven eight goes with eight. see. listen mommy's gonna run up to the bathroom you wanna wait here with the book and i'll be right back? you wanna you wanna come with me? yeah! one? which one has one. this one. this one. ah yeah. i do not know? what do you think he's watching? dinosaur movie! it's probably that one with the big um walrus thing? is that what they're called walruses? elephant seals? yeah you're right? i wanna know how come you've been yelling and screaming so much lately huh. how come you've been doing all yelling and screaming lately do you know? hm! have you been mad. how come you're yelling and screaming so much? turn the book around and then see the arrow! tells you go that way out there? hm who can that be following me. potato. who could? who do i see spying on me? a birdle. a birdle and a turtle right? let's see this one. ah who do i hear creeping up on me. a catle. a catle. a cat and a turtle makes a catle. what was the last page? ah max fixed it. he did. wow he's clever. wow. now we will chase all of you. boo. parrot. catle. turtle. no. come on and zoom. come on and zoom? ah olie? my name's olie how do you do. i'm a robot what are you. what are you violet? are you a robot. you are? all my toys wake up and say get up olie start your day. i roll downstairs for rollie o. they're my favorites doncha know. i'm off to play hip hip hooray. my pals and i can play all day. the sun now sets it's time for bed? lie down and rest your rollie head? see everything's round in this book? hm. ooh what's this book called. right. hoff. one day danny went to the museum he wanted to see what was inside? he saw indians he saw bears he saw eskimos he saw guns he saw swords. and he saw. danny loved dinosaurs he wished he had one. i'm sorry they're not real said danny? it would be nice to play with a dinosaur? and i think it would be nice to play with you said a voice. can you said danny? can he? yes said the dinosaur. oh good said danny what can we do. i can take you for a ride said the dinosaur! he put his head down so danny could get on him? let's go said danny! a policeman stared at them he had never seen a dinosaur stop for a red light. have you! seen a dinosaur in the street before? ooh the dinosaur was so tall danny had to hold up the ropes for him look out said danny? bow wow said a dog running after them? he thinks you are a car said danny? go away dog we're not a car. i can make a noise like a car said the dinosaur? honk honk honk. what big rocks said the dinosaur? they're not rocks said don. danny they are buildings. i love to climb said the dinosaur down boy said danny. he's gonna to climb on top of the buildings. because he's so big. the dinosaur had to be very careful not to knock over houses or stores with his long tail. some people were waiting for a bus they rode on the dinosaur's tail instead. all who want to cross the street may walk on my back said the dinosaur. it's very nice of you to help me with my bundle said a lady. danny and the dinosaur went all over town had lots of fun. it's good to take an hour or two off after a hundred million years said the dinosaur. they even looked at the ball game hit the ball said danny. hit a home run said the dinosaur? i wish we had a boat said danny. who needs a boat i can swim said the dinosaur? toot toot went the boat toot toot went danny and the dinosaur. you see this bridge. that's like the bridge we have to wait for when we go to grandma and grandpa's house. remember we have to wait for a bridge to let boats go by? sometimes we have to see see all the cars waiting? that's the kind of bridge we wait for. oh what lovely green grass said the dinosaur i haven't eaten any of that for a very long time? wait said danny see what it says. please keep off? they both had ice cream instead? ooh the ice cream man? let's go to the zoo and see the animals said danny? everybody came running to see the dinosaur? nobody stayed to see the lions? nobody stayed to see the elephant. nobody stayed to see the monkeys and nobody stayed to see the seals giraffes or hippos either. please go away so the animals will get looked at said the zoo man? let's find my friends said danny. very well said the dinosaur. there they are said danny. why it's danny riding on a dinosaur said a child maybe he'll give us a ride. may we have a ride asked the children. i'd be delighted said the dinosaur. hold on tight said danny. around and around the block ran the dinosaur faster and faster and faster this is better than a merry go round the children said. the dinosaur was out of breath teach him tricks said the children. danny taught the dinosaur how to shake hands. can you roll over on your back asked the children? that's easy said the dinosaur he's smart said danny. patting the dinosaur let's play hide and seek said the children. how do you play it said the dinosaur? we hide and you try to find us. said danny the dinosaur covered his eyes all the children ran to hide. the dinosaur looked and looked but he couldn't find the children. i give up he said now it was the dinosaur's turn to hide. the children covered their eyes. the dinosaur hid behind a house. the children found him. he hid behind a sign. the children found him. he hid behind a big gas tank. the children found him. they found him again and again and again. i guess there's no place for me to hide cried the dinosaur. let's make believe we can't find him said danny. where can he be where where is that dinosaur where did he go? we give up said the children. here i am said the dinosaur. the dinosaur wins said the children? we couldn't find him he fooled us. hooray for the dinosaur the children cried hooray hooray. it got late and the other children left danny and the dinosaur were alone! well good bye danny said the dinosaur. can't you come and stay with me said danny we could have fun? no said the dinosaur i've had a good time the best i've had in a hundred million years. but now i must get back to the museum they need me there. ooh said danny well good bye. danny watched until the long tail was out of sight. then he went home alone. oh well thought danny. we don't have room for a pet that size anyway. but we did have a wonderful day. would you like a pet dinosaur. huh. if we had a big house. you think a dinosaur could fit in our house. or we need bigger. huh. somebody didn't eat their oatmeal. well you said there wasn't any brown sugar. oh really. how come you didn't put that? those beans and stuff away because every time you leave that stuff out it goes bad? oh yeah sorry about that. it's a waste. i know. just because you don't like it? doesn't mean. what? i don't like it? you don't like it. no just because you don't like it doesn't mean don't put it away. well all bacteria gets on it if you don't put them in the fridge? that's why they have fridges you know? bacteria's growing on the beans as soon as they sprout from their embryonic cells? i know. that's why we wash them! that's why we have running water! should we see if we can make it big? does he look bigger than he is. now i'm in trouble. no it's just something that you always do i've just been wanting to tell you? thanks. even if you just take the pan and put it in the fridge you know. i would get in trouble for that. no. no you wouldn't. and you know it. no no no? these kids are gonna need more breakfast then. not under current conditions. more breakfast. do you want me to ditch this stuff then? what? i ought to take it to work. the rice and beans. yep. alright. take it to work. alright. what letters are those? you know those letters. o. l i? at least we made some peanut butter. what's that? e. olie. yeah i heard you made peanut butter did you eat the peanut butter violet? you guys know how to make peanut butter? what'd you put in it? peanuts? that's it? and butter. ah. you know what makes peanut butter? i don't know? i don't think i don't think so but. huh? i don't think so. you put in some molasses. mm? and some olive oil. not olive oil. peanut oil? look he's peeking. and pico de gallo. what's this thing? some pico and some gallo? hey where's the pico where's where's the pico. on some guy over there. get it? mhm. pretty witty huh. pretty witty. okay? this is my. my working man outfit slash recreational man. that's good. like it. yep? why are you laughing? that's exactly what people are gonna think when they see you there goes the working man slash. you must have some sort of recreational thing after work today? that's a nice shirt? and it must be? the collars only messed up in the back. you should wear those kinda shirts all the time? you like the? exactly. drive by lori and scott's house lately. yeah? yeah? i know. we should have them move over here? yeah can i try. i disagree. uhh. oh don't worry about it? i'll take care of it? you wanna look at my finger and see if it looks big in there? oh okay? uh huh? yeah i told daddy how you guys were the mud? mud monsters yesterday violet? were you a mud monster? no? did you get all muddy with the kids? i heard there was mud monstering going on here. are you gonna do your poo today violet. ah no you're supposed to say yeah? no we can't do that because then what will you get. bellyache. who wants a bellyache? do you want a bellyache? right. maybe we should put some elastics in your hair today and make little piggy tails. would you like that. do you wanna read about the very hungry caterpillar? no. can we look. how about we look at doggie cross and decide which one we're gonna make next? you wanna look at this? okay let's see how you make those. okay we gotta find first. uhh i made that! did you make that. not that. not that. aw even though that is cute. puppy pillows. not that. even though that's cute too. that's cute. pencil case. we made that. we made that. we didn't make that? we didn't make that. and then. what's that? oh we didn't make that? here it is. okay it says you need. you need clay. to make this kind. yeah. well. i don't know if we have any clay that's the trouble with this one. maybe we could make it with playdoh. you wanna get some playdoh and try and make em? wanna. you see what else there is. this one. okay for this one you need a whole bunch of boxes. um. mhm. and then you cut doggie pictures out. you glue them. you hold it together with these with these clothes pins. see. and then. you can put all these neat little things in there. like rulers and paintbrushes and pencils and scissors. it's a doggie desk top organizer. okay. the doggie collar one. um puppy place mats? you wanna look at the next? this page over here. clipboard? jewelry but you know we need clay for that? that's a cute one! this is to hang like your hair things off of and stuff. wanna make that. we could make that. do you think we could? yep. you think we have red paint? no? um i might not exactly like that but clips with flowers i might have. oh. this is a piece of felt this is fabric this red stuff! and maybe use it for the ears too? mhm? this one yeah? we need to save our boxes from things is what we need to do to make this one. any time we're done with a snack we'll use. we'll keep the box and then we can put them all together to make this project. right. do you want me to mail these? well i as gonna try and get stamps today i don't have the stamps? i can get stamps. alright don't mail that. yeah maybe not. no. no they will? you make up with her or what! yeah. no i told you then i got mad at her. no no i just! viewed it personally? yeah. i didn't say anything to her. oh you didn't. yeah right. that's hot. hm? i said that's hot? save any boxes before you throw them away so we can make crafts with them. okay? okay martha stewart. it was certain? it's certainly not a martha stewart but did you like our baryonyx flip game! yeah? look at this violet. it came out pretty good huh. considering we were missing a lot of materials. we were still able to pull it together! it's best for the lamp shade! i wanna do! let me see this one! like a little house. cardboard. and hair clips. and felt. that one needs clay. that one needs boxes. see all these different boxes. what do you got planned for today? for today. uh nothing. what are you gonna do? me and violet are gonna have a fun time here! we're gonna do some doggie crafts! you don't wanna do doggie crafts! alright we'll do cooking. we'll do playdoh. we'll do? tubbies. we'll do doggie desk top organizer. we'll do animal adventure movie. we'll do? candy. we'll get candy. you said no to candy. we'll do chocolate. yeah. um gobble chocolates gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble crunch. what for lunch? how many will you eat? do you wanna call scott? two. uh no do you. why not. we're done here we can shut this off. what's that? what do you do with it? you do? what do you do at school? something in what? what do you want to put in it? oh. you put some toys in. which toys do you want to put in it. okay you find the right ones. you did. do you eat sandwiches at school? here's some food for your lunch box? what's in here? what is that? um. no these are foods. what are these? do you put grapes in your lunch box? you gonna make a lunch for school with it. that's a can of spam. it doesn't open. it's just a pretend can? it's just pretend. it doesn't open. you'll break it if you open it. no. just little cans of food. aren't they pretty. what are you gonna put in your lunch box? aha. sure. what are you gonna put in? what do you eat at school? and what else. yeah who eats bananas. what animals like bananas? remember the animals in the play. what did they eat? remember the monkeys. what did they eat? what fruit did the monkey eat in the play we saw the other night? did you like that play? what was it about? and what happened to the man? what happened to his face? did he become a beast? what happened to him? they did. was he happy when he turned into a beast. what did he do? those are peas aren't they. you can feed your dollies too. you want some plates to put these on. are you gonna serve supper. to all of us. that's tuna. and here's the salt. to put on the food. and here's salt. to put on the food? what's that? oh boy who's going to get to eat the peas. where is gumpy? where? i don't see him. in where? oh? do you think food or people go in lunch boxes? so what are people doing in there. at school what do you usually bring in your lunch box. what do you bring in your lunch box when you go to school? and what else do you bring in your lunch box. what kind of sandwich? what did i give you the other day with your sandwich? what kind of fruit did you bring? where do you eat at school? do you sit at a table? who else sits at the table? what's that? oh that looks like a cucumber? but i think it may be a green pepper? it's a green pepper? oh they're lots of vegetables here aren't there. that's a lemon. are you going to make lemonade for us. no that's an egg! that's an egg. oh why don't you cook some eggs right now for me. what are you doing to it? and then what are you going to do. where are you gonna put it? oh how are you making it. can you put it somewhere? where are you gonna put it? oh thank you nina. can i have some salt please. what are you doing? oh you're putting a lot of salt! it looks like you're pouring a lot. aha. who's going to get to eat the carrot? you want to make a salad for me. oh that's a strawberry. oh what are you doing. oh is strawberry a fruit or a vegetable! a strawberry. and are grapes fruits or? vegetables. and show me a vegetable! what's a vegetable? where's a vegetable? what's this? is that a vegetable. it's a vegetable though. is a carrot a fruit or vegetable? no a carrot is a vegetable. what is a carrot? oh it's good nina. i would like a vegetable though. find me a vegetable. what's a vegetable? i don't know what that is. what do you think it is? what are these? are peas vegetables? uh then i think you can make me some peas? can you find a pot for the peas and make them? i want them nice and warm? thank you? do you think the dolls would like some too? what do dolls like to eat? there's some more pots in your doll house. okay? now i gonna put this lemon in? and i'm gonna put this in. i don't know what that green vegetable is. do you know what these are? what are these? oh are oranges fruits or vegetables. are they fruits. aha. but are they a kind of fruit or a kind of vegetable. no they're a kind of fruit. what are you doing? the orange? oh oranges don't get cooked do they. how about making me some juice out of it? can you squeeze it and make me juice? now what are you doing. in where. for whom? for me? oh that was nice of you? where am i spilling it? on where. on my bathrobe? aha what shall we do. you better get me a rag. hurry up. aha the orange juice is going all over me. hurry hurry. are you gonna mop up the orange juice. what did you wipe off? oh. aha i just spilled my peas on the floor! what are you gonna do? oh dear we're wasting food aren't we! we shouldn't waste food should we. oh yes i do? okay? i'll be more careful. where should i eat? should i eat at the table or in my room? why. okay here's the kitchen. here's the kitchen table. we are? i'm thirsty! can you find anything to drink in there? okay? what are you gonna do with it? oh great. thank you. okay. um that's really good nina. do you have any juice in there? what kind is it? yeah! what do you think it's made out of? what kind of juice do you think it is? yeah but i think strawberry juice would be red. what color would the juice be that's made out of lemons? lemonade. do you think that's lemonade? why? what? just us what! okay? what did you do? what is it? is it a piece of fruit? a piece of lettuce. what do you make out of lettuce? lettuce is. is lettuce a fruit or a vegetable! a vegetable. can you say? vegetable? so lettuce is a vegetable right! one what? what is it? what kind of vegetable? oh i think it's a piece of lettuce? does it fit. does it fit. why not. is my finger too big or too little? do you think it'll fit on this finger? this is my little finger. what? yup. what are you gonna do with this lettuce? put what on the table? did bridgette and miranda come for supper the other day. what did you do with them? did you eat supper with them. what did we make for supper for them? no what did we make. we had some meat remember. what was it? liver. right. did you like the liver. i'd like some corn to eat. i'd like some butter on it first please. and some salt. where are you gonna find the butter? okay? are you gonna spread it for me. did you put some on your piece too. now can i eat the corn with a fork and spoon. or with my? oh it's too hard to eat with a fork and spoon. a cob of corn? a corn cob's pretty hard to cut up isn't it. so how do i hold it. in the middle or on the end. how do you eat it? oh where are you holding it. oh at the two ends you mean? i see? um that tastes very good but i think i need a little more butter? did you really put enough you think. i want some more. you're always telling me to put more butter on your food aren't you. little bit more butter. okay thank you. that was good? i finished it all up? i think she would like some. who are you sharing it with? don't bite too hard because it's made out of plastic and it might break right. it's just pretend food isn't it. okay what else are you gonna give me? what are you putting away? i see. who did we eat with last night? no pierre and maryse? where did we eat with pierre and maryse? no what did we eat with them. remember! bean cake? did you like that bean cake! where did we eat it? okay! who's going to come and have supper with you? who? aha? what are you going to make for them when they come? gonna make a what. do you think nonna will come maybe? did you talk to nonna on the telephone. what did she tell you? oh it's at justin's house. we'll have to get it on monday right. what did nonna tell you on the telephone? you have a telephone. it's at justin's house. yes you do. uh it's a white telephone. mommy's telephone is black right. who did you talk to on the telephone? on mommy's telephone. and what did nonna tell you. she's gonna buy you a doll carriage. oh. how come? does that mean she loves you doesn't it? you know what. nonna sent you a little card. look at the card that nonna sent you. what's on that card? what kind of an animal is it? it's a porcupine? he has very sharp prickers see? what would happen if you touched them? what's on his head? oh that's silly. do porcupines wear ribbons? that was a cute card? let me see it? oh? hey who is he looking at? think so? what's he doing there? it says we miss you nina very much. here's a little porcupine for you to look at and put in your room? shall we put it up on your wall. the rubber porcupine. that belonged to samantha. that's at samantha's house. oh there's something else in here. smell it. oh i wonder what it is. what's on the envelope? uh. where are they? oh they're so cute. what's in this basket? oh it's a piece of cardboard. it smells. smell it. what does it smell of? it smells of soap. these are funny smelling kitties aren't they. aha we shouldn't have ripped that. what got torn? what are those? oh we'll have to find some scotch tape and fix it. look at these kitties. how many kitties? how many kitties are in there? do you like kitties? did you have a kittie at your other house. it's pretty close to here. we'll have to go back and visit okay. no. we go there by car. nonna sent that to you too didn't she? that's little red riding hood and. yeah. where is the fox? what's he hiding behind? oh? what's sticking out of his mouth? it's a little puzzle. we'll open it later when we have time to make it. who's underneath her foot? oh what is she wearing. no. he's going to run over to her grandmother's house isn't he. and pretend to be her grandmother. what is she wearing on her head? oh it's a pretty one isn't it. oh. she's carrying something isn't she. what is she carrying? what is that? leaves and what else. oh what's hanging over her arm. i wonder what's in that basket. what do you think is in it? and what's underneath that. i think that's just a napkin? a blanket would be too big to fit in a little basket wouldn't it? what do you think is underneath that little napkin? okay. oh it's very hard to open because you know what. one loses pieces? did you make a puzzle the other night. who did you make it with? with adele? what kind of puzzle was it? oh did you have supper there first before making the puzzle. what did you have for supper? meat and what else that was so good. oh how many people were there? oh you know what? this is a very complicated jig saw puzzle. we have to be careful that it doesn't fall apart. what happened? do you have a little box that we can keep the pieces in? where? aha! yes they do? what do you want to take off? there. aha? who's missing from the puzzle now? it's kind of stiff. i guess it doesn't want to come apart. you took it apart. here's another puzzle that pierre and maryse brought for you. lots of houses. can you open them? here i'll take this? you see if you can open this. look at that. what are they? i love that. another one. what are these? that's the last one. what are these things? do you like them? what are they? you have to start with the little one right. what is this? is this a house for your animals. uh. what are you doing? you want me to show you how to do it this time. okay. what is this? do you know? what is it? a little what. oh now we have to find the next size that goes in here. now what are you gonna put on top of it. what's this? oh what are you gonna put on top of it? uh? what part of the house is that? is that the door? no what is this? what goes on top of the house? i think it's a fence. it's a roof isn't it? where does the chimney go? oh isn't that sweet. you going to make a village with all of these houses? here we can put all of the houses together. here's one house. here's another house? look at all the little houses. oh see. here you have a village with lots of little houses. where's the puzzle? right over here? what are you doing? you're what. took part of a foot away? oh poor puzzle? it's getting all broken isn't it. what can you see still? in that puzzle. what is the hand of a fox called? the wolf. is it called a hand. no what is it called. do you have a paw or a hand? and what does the bunny have. does the bunny have a paw or a hand. what about a kittie? where are these pretty kitties? oh i like them? um smell? what does this smell like? it's a scented picture isn't it. do you think your dolly would like it? what are you doing? they're hard to fit together aren't they? this is an easier puzzle i think. what's in it? no. but we can put some people in if you want? it can be somebody's home? they're they're people in that box i think aren't there. you could put some animals in one of them too. this is my home? who's gonna go in my home? my favorite animal is the mouse? he's very soft. i love him. who liked this mouse yesterday? what friend of yours played with him yesterday? did miranda play with him. what happened to his tail? what had happened to his tail? did it come off. oh who's in my house? which ones? i can't see them? what are they? you put the roof on backwards? turn it around? that's the way the roof goes on? no they're just painted on? these are shades? these are curtains? what a nice nice house? pierre and maryse gave this to you. it's missing a part of it isn't it. what part is it missing? what are you doing? oh what are you doing. are you fixing it or are you breaking it. how are you fixing it? you try. here i'll hold it. now you put the bottom the top on. is that the roof. oh what did you do. is that house bigger or littler than this house. which house is bigger. can you find me the tiniest house here? the smallest. what's that? oh. where is the medium house? medium size house. and where is the biggest house! what's that? and what's this. and what's this. what's this one? is it the biggest or the smallest house. aha what happened. hold what. the bottom or the top of the house. what are you gonna do? aha. it's on backwards again. aha what happened? maybe your dump truck can come and visit the village and bring things to the village. where's your dump truck? oh why doesn't the dump truck come and bring some. food to the village? food for all the different people who live in the village with all the different houses. who lives in this house? oh. so what is the dump truck going to bring to the mouse. people. the lady knocked the house down. oh my she must be a very strong lady. what's she knocking houses down for? what's she doing now? the biggest house is still standing. what did she do? where are they? are they standing up. that's good. can you say? knock? is somebody there. yes i'm home. will you come and have tea with me please. hi what's your name. what's your name? what's your name? karen will you come and have some cheese and tea with me. the little mouse is talking to her. do you think she hears him? will you have some tea and cheese with me karen. what would you like with it? sugar or milk. oh well why don't you get me a cup. and i'll serve you some sugar and tea. where's the cup? let me see the cup. is he kissing her. now the mouse is tired. it's time for the mouse to go to bed. i see. what is he gonna drink with the lady? in where? oh are they gonna go for a ride in the truck! where are you going to take them? what are they gonna see in california? the top for what. where is it? it was in the dump truck wasn't it. nope it's backwards? no it's still backwards? turn it around. look out. oh i feel like doing some exercises! why not? what are you gonna do with the village? right here? that's all there is. one two three four five houses. which one. oh it's too small i guess. well we can pretend this is a door right here. what else does this one have? oh. where do the people come out of the door or the window? oh. what does this house have? does it have any windows? it just has a door. and what does that house have. do you think they'll make some windows? it's nice to have windows? do you have a window in your room? there's a big window. you have lots of windows in your room don't you! that's a big window there and that's a window. yeah and that's a door. we have doors and windows? does your doll house have doors and! where's the tiger? in where. what are you doing with your dump truck? there's the kitchen table. no the other table is filled with our breakfast still and they would get all dirty. i haven't washed the dishes yet. can you bring me a shoe in your dump truck? yeah i see some shoes over there. we should put them on? wanna bring it over here in your dump truck? what are you doing? you sitting in a box? it's gonna break. you'll break the box and you won't have any place to hold your animals. right. no we don't have any other boxes? those boxes are all being used for something! where's the big card that nonna brought you? can i see it. it's over on the bookshelf. she sent you a big card a few days ago. oh what is it! let me see it! yeah this one! let me have this! oh. let me let me see that card. oh it's like a little doll isn't it. what is she wearing? i can't see it. why not. would you like to put it up on your wall. no. let me see it. oh poor doll don't throw her around. she has very big eyes doesn't she. i'm hiding her. where's the doll? where's the doll? she almost looks like a girl! let's see how tall she is! hold her up next to you and i'll see if she's as tall as you are! okay let's hold her up and see where she comes. oh she comes up all the way to the end of your leg. she's a very tall girl? do you think she's happy or sad? oh she's very. see she's as tall as nina's leg. now she's as tall as nina's head if i put her up there. let's see what it says inside? it says. i love you nonna. she has bangs doesn't she. do you have bangs? where are your bangs? oh did we cut your bangs recently. where? where did we cut your bangs? are you gonna hide in there. where is nina? i don't see nina anymore. i wonder where she is. bunny have you seen nina. well i guess we'll have to go away and look for her somewhere else. where are you? oh the bunny got sad. he couldn't find you anywhere. where were you? in where. in the oven. what's that? yeah he wanted you to play with him. what do you want to do right now? goodbye. goodbye. oh where's nina. i don't know where you are. i wonder where nina is. dolly have you seen nina around. oh nobody's seen nina. oh that's too bad. where are you? where were you? we couldn't find you. we looked everywhere. i looked out the door. you were in the closet. you weren't out the door. my goodness. well i guess this time nina has really disappeared. now where are you. where? you always hide in the same place. it okay. will you talk to me. what's going on? yeah. you look good? good? can you see yourself in the mirror? how do you look? you don't look father. who told you who looks father and who doesn't? why do you know what father looks like. what does it look like? hm? armadillos are father? hey come talk to me? what um what'd we do today? where'd we just come from? okay stop. where'd we come from today? what'd we just do? when we're done taping? if you talk to me nicely. who were we supposed to see and you didn't wanna talk to? why. yeah he does. he does too. that's a m a beard. and a mustache like daddy and papa have. he can talk. no girls don't have mustaches. boys do. kevin has a mustache. who else does? amy doesn't have a mustache. papa does. i don't have one do i. no they don't. misters. yep. and not misses huh. what else did we do in the mall today? at when we're done playing? nope? then it wouldn't record you. yeah if we push the button it would stop? mm hm. it is? you're funny. everything's terrific isn't it. what did grandma lose at the mall? what did she lose? you did thank you for putting the antennas up. sir. am i a boy. no. i'm not a sir. maam. can i help you maam. that's what you say to girls. you can tell me what we did at the mall today. yep? what colors are those? mm hm. yeah. termites are in the ants movies. what are what happens in the ants movie? perpatas? perpatas? parpatas. oh. the ants. barbatus. that's how you say it. okay with a b? barbatus. they do. oh they are. what did we do yesterday? what did we do yesterday? you're not gonna answer me. i know you've already told me that so talk about something else? what was yesterday what holiday? thanksgiving? and what did we eat. what else? hm. what did emily have? do you remember? and we put butter on it. what did you have? you had four pieces. of what. four pieces. of. bread. emily ate four pieces of bread didn't you. what? what are those? mm hm! oh a ring sure. i don't have two thumbs honey i have. this is a thumb and these are fingers. thumb fingers. do you know what hand this is? it is good girl. what hand is this? good girl. sure? can you get it off? it's tight! here! there you go. don't lose these these are important rings. what's in rings? no what hand. oh that's your left hand? that's your right hand. mm hm. oops. can you tell me what we did yesterday? mm hm. they're not free no? expensive. who came here yesterday who came? who came? uncle? yeah what'd he do? it's your left hand? what game did we play? what game did we play and you wanted to play? yeah. what'd she do? it's your right hand. talk to me? what did grandma do? how did we play that game? here give me my rings. you have to talk to me okay. how did we play that game? no. no. no what did i teach you. what do you call girls? you call boys sir. you call girls what? starts with an m? mm. maam right? there you go good girl? what did you try to eat at the mall today? yeah what happened. why? every year? i get a pretzel every? but um why didn't you want the pretzel grandma bought you. no way. i'm glad to be home aren't you? why are you happy. like the wiggles. do they wiggle their toes. what else do the wiggles do? careful you don't wanna break this. it's not to play with. you don't wanna hurt that foam? it protects everything. will you talk to me! aha? nope! we already are. it's taping us right now? we can hear it when we're done? do you wanna do that? is that what you're talking about. you wanna listen? well we will after. you have to tell aunt carey some things first though talk to me. what? you do? what if santa doesn't give it to you? what if somebody else gives you the cash register for christmas? what if she does is that okay? as long as you get a cash register? right. with the equipment. what? cash registers aren't out yet. yeah? huh. fish and sleep can't do what! oh you're talking about the wiggles? that's what they say. what else do you want for christmas? what would you do with them? mm hm. do you want any movies for christmas? okay what movies do you want? you do. the same one! ooh bless me? what is that? mm hm? you can open that? that is the tape case huh. mm hm. do you need help? here! here you're doing it the wrong way. you have to like open it like this. see? don't break it though! yep? that keeps it safe. like a movie case. oops? mm hm. so what did we eat yesterday for thanksgiving. what did all the grown ups have? here this way? oop careful. no it's not really broken it just came apart. it's okay. don't press the buttons. who's tiki? tell the tape who tiki is? tiki doesn't talk. tell the tape who tiki is. yep. she's your kittie cat huh. she's a kitten. she's a cat. she's big. but she's not a baby. how do you feed her? tiki can't eat money. how do you feed tiki? what do you do? what is that? mm hm? hm? it has fleas on it. are you sure. i don't think so. our cats don't have fleas they don't go outside? they can. they can they don't always have them though? it's possible. no it's possible. it's not impossible it's possible. possible. weren't you gonna sleep here last night. i did? tell me about um what has cassandra been doing lately? mm? see it's going. what have you been doing with cassandra lately? they are. what do candles do? so cassandra's being mean to your kittie. and then what? yeah? yeah. cassandra's probably not mean to tiki like you are. you can be kinda mean to her huh. did mommy get a new computer. and what do you do on the computer? huh? you want root beer. what do you do on the computer? do you know? talk to me. what do you and mommy do on the computer? nothing you don't do anything! no? if you push a button it's going to! don't push that button. emily please tell me what you do on the computer! do you play games? what about brother bear? no don't break those honey? what did uncle ryan give you for a present? a what. yeah? i can. i need you. don't i. oh you do. you're too good for me now. hey. yeah don't lock that door. come here. no. you know you're not supposed to lock doors right. didn't you get in trouble earlier. why. come here talk to me for a couple more minutes. tell me what ryan bought you besides an etch a sketch. mm hm what does it say on it. no. it says i love? new york. i love new york. do you know what new york is? what's new york? it's the state we live in. hey what do you do with the ess etch a sketch that ryan bought you? what does it do? what? why? why can't you. here i'll take it off come here? come up on the bed? it's too tight? come here? you need to go eat dinner huh? so are you telling me you're done playing with me? emily. are you done. come here? all right. you sure you're done. you can't tape any longer. wait. for a second. talk into this. say something. an etcher etch a sketch. mm hm don't put it in your mouth. well you can't put it into your mouth. why don't you come up here. stuart little. where's stuart little? he is. and you're introducing me to him. no you gotta leave that on. how old are you going to be? do you know when your birthday is? emily is going to be how many years. how old? yeah i'm talking in my microphone. so you have to talk in yours. no that's your microphone talk. we've already talked about that. what are you gonna? what are you doing tomorrow? what are you going to do tomorrow emily? where was he? on the floor. oh on the bottom of the stairs again i forgot. so you put him on the bed right. come here don't pull on that microphone? aha what'd you do. it's an accident. oh i know! come here you didn't break it. the clip fell off huh? you're funny. all right how about we quit taping and you go eat some dinner. what do you think? sure. okay say goodbye. oh you managed to get it? you managed. yes. how do you know? what? hopping by what. hopping to missouri. that's a song. hopping to missouri in the bag? who brought what? who did? shadow gay is the horse that won the kentucky derby. yes. can you fit in? put it what? he flew on the tree? how does he hop? what? airplane in your foot? where? you have an airplane in your shoe? what? yes? he what? airplane walk? does airplane walk? two of them? you go talk to ursula. ask her why you put string on it? cowboy's going to shoot with you. what cowboy? he didn't say anything? soxy soccer. some what adam. on my face? no thank you? he saw some clowns at the circus throw pies. you're going to get out your game? what game? what's funny? what are you doing? soxer? what's a soxer? saucer? no i say boxer? what did you say? come little fellow. you're going to wait for something? what did you say? good word. he doesn't want pie? you go back in the living room? come on let's go. oh what are you now. whoops? can you get it off? what're you going to play? baseball. the song was daisy daisy? did you break one of the wheels! why did you do that? because shadow gay did what. hugged you. you've already put sugar in yours so here's your right here. no that's enough then? thank you? well she'll get her own? do you think she needs a helper? adam i have espresso. what do you have? what do you have? what's funny about what adam? adam? what? what man? i don't see one? oh? very best. alright? give me your cup? careful. don't drop it please? jenny cup? what's a jenny cup? what? what? presto. mhm? can you ride it? are you going to be little? when? why am i mixing the baby's chocolate! so the baby can drink it. oh you're adam? no no? okay just a minute you hold that? here it is? see what happens when you put it in. if you want to drink it. you're going to swallow it. careful adam. you were playing with it and you spilled it. yes you did? you spilled it again. where? it's hot. no. because it will burn you. you like it? you broke another wheel? you're going to have to buy another one and give it to ursula because you're breaking that one. because it doesn't go if you break it. no if you take those off the wheels will come off. no then it doesn't go if the wheels are off? are those airplanes just like. they are. i don't see any propellers on that one. are there any propellers. where? i don't see any? i guess i'm not looking in the right place? careful adam. put your hand down and get it out? she? what she? oh ursula. well put your cup on the table there. well pretend that that's coffee okay. okay? what happened? your spoon got stuck. down your throat. i don't think there's anything interesting for you in there? why don't you take the things out of your bag and you be ursula. you don't have anything in your bag do you? horses? what's this? yes. ask cromer if he can do it? do what? no adam. what do you want me to do? is that the name. do you want me to write that name? like that? what name is it adam? it says made in japan? do you want me to wind it? what about it? you're going to save it? until your birthday time? alright. give it to me? no put it on the table? you may break it there? do you want to have a birthday? in what. oh you're going to let it cool on the stove. is that your stove. take him out. pull him out? let me see? what about water? how does the water get in here? i just put the driver in the back? drive what. drive by main street. you're so what? oh you're so tired? what about ursula and cromer? no no adam? no she doesn't want to wear that hat? that's a boy's hat? a little boy's hat. yes and you're a little boy? you're not. what are you? you're adam. adam boy. how about boy adam? oh it's cool now? it's not cool? why not? let's cool that time? you're going to wash dishes? well i'm afraid you're going to break the plate? if you break it then i won't have one? what did you say? soxer? let's go back in? yes. you're going to wait for me. alright? i'll come in? now i'll wait for you to come in. don't wait for you to come in. why not? because ursula is broken. how did she get broken? how did ursula get broken? broken on thursday? you're coming with your what? are you coming in? no? why not? something to show you? no don't pull your rubbers like that? no no? well that's alright. you don't have to wear it? just don't pull your rubbers? put what on. i see why you didn't want to come in. what do you think it is? some child outside. they're playing. they're playing? i don't think they're fighting i think they're just playing. going to do what? you're going to do what. what? what is that? a word. what does that word mean? we don't need lights on? it's daytime adam? we only need the lights on at night? because we have the sun? it's light enough without the electric light? electricity. you're a derrick. i don't think they're fighting. i think they're just playing. children outside. more what? no i don't think you need any more chocolate? well you still have your juice. okay. no. talk about what? alright talk about it. you're talking about the word. what does the word mean? it means dump you out. i don't know if it was pillow or perro? what'd i say? oh nothing of importance? did you make that? no he didn't? did you show her your game adam. one of those matching games and he knew it all so he wasn't interested anymore? he what. no that's enough adam? i don't need any more adam. no? eat you cookie. take the game and explain it to ursula? okay you're going to play with ursula. is that a b. there's one on the floor. they're firemen. where? outside? the children? adam which one is like this. adam? i think you had more than two cookies? how many do you have? just two? did he eat it? you're patting him. did he fly. are you ready? go play the game with ursula! well i thought you were going to play the game? well i can't change your diaper right now? you should have told mommy you had to go upstairs? right? why didn't you. yes why didn't you. i'll change your diaper later but not right now. why did i say not right now. you have two? well i don't think you need to eat these? i think you've had enough? i'll put them up here for after lunch okay. busy bulldozer? snap you. what do you mean snap you? eat it all up. the cupcake? no no don't put that in your mouth adam? take it out? no if he goes in there he can't see where he's going? no don't pull it? what is this? his tail yes. i suppose that's something to keep his tail up when he hops. do you think he can hop to missouri? oh i don't think so. missouri's such a long ways away? hello adam. talk to his mouth. what is that in his mouth? yes he has a tongue. just like adam. he has two green eyes. just like adam? just like mommy? just like ursula cromer. what? she's a lady. yes she's ursula. you need some what. you need some paper. what kind of paper? what's your paper? thank you for my drawing. you're drawing a shadow? adam you dropped one over here dear? no careful? you write with those pencils? thank you? thank you? what color is this then? this is blue. that's not red. that's yellow. this is black. that's blue? orange. which. come and look at my pencil. i've got something interesting on mine. what is that? bozo. that's not bozo? what's on there? star yes. yes just like we saw on captain kangaroo? does your pencil have numbers? zero. and what else? in the basement. that's what. i don't know? what is it? it's for you? well what is it! that's nice adam? where? did you finish drawing? okay you go back out and i'll bring your juice? skedaddle? skedaddle. it's a new word from one of his books? may i see? a pail of good fresh milk skedaddle. that was no penny! was it a penny. where's the elephant? show me? what is that? oh thank you. is that a fireman? why don't you scoot out there and i'll come out in a minute okay? adam would you like to draw on a paper cup. adam would you like to draw on a paper cup? no you can't draw if you put water in the cup. what kind of water? did you draw? what did you draw on the cup? some what? carby. what's carby? cowboy? what are you doing? it's what? good tasting what? why? i don't know unless we just read little miss muffet curds and whey? what do you need? bring your cup and i'll think about giving you some? you stay out there? well that's all you need? i did. you put a little chocolate and hot milk? it wasn't dancing. oh yes i see. like this. tie what. your tail hurts. your tail. where's your tail? in where. in your ear? where does it hurt? what? your tail? where? that's no tail? a piece of string in your? nose? airplane shoot who? i see you did? you spilled a lot didn't you. hm. i don't think there are any. thursday? no i don't need any sugar thank you. adam? i have plenty? i already took some. adam no? you scoot. adam no! you're tasting it. do you like it? did you tell ursula about that lion that was in your bed last night. i think you broke it. i don't know why you broke it! broken? no? what about the lion adam? in whose bed. oh. and the lion went away? what else? adam i think you're missing your mouth? look at your shirt? does it tickle. oh did you tell her what color the lion was? what color was the lion? a blue lion. blue like this. like this or like this? where are you adam? do i want the lion to frighten me? no. oh i don't like to be frightened? we're going to turn the light on so you can see? what did we say about the light? it's not time to sleep now? i just took a nap before i came. took a nap just like adam. i don't know that song adam. you sing it? you sing it for her. you sing it for her. oh no you have all the toys that were in there. well they're over there behind the door. what did you say adam? it's in your bed isn't it. you're looking for it. did you find it. what that piggie? what's the piggie's name? are you very tired? no. did you tell ursula and cromer about your trip on saturday? when you went down to the boston common? and what did you see? what? pigs? where did you see pigs? look like motor scooter? a motor scooter? well what were those big things you saw? you know saturday when we saw some children on the water and you saw some dogs and squirrels and what else? another squirrel and what else? what? oh and what else? what about the mirrors? remember we saw those funny mirrors that you looked in? and you saw some big? cows yes? well don't put your knees down there on the bench? well come here and let me see? you just rubbed on the bench? sometimes it hurts to do that. sleep in the chair there. no i thought you were sleeping. aren't you sleeping. no. look at your shirt. what happened to your shirt? you got some chocolate on it didn't you. what? because you spilled it? because you weren't careful? because you were careless? you were careless? here it is? no i don't want you to drink it. because i'm going to drink it. because it's not good for little boys. yes ladies drink it. no because you're a little boy. what happened to your popcorn? it fell. no it didn't. snack. what did you do with your popcorn? didn't you give some to the? pigeons? did they like it. they're walking just like adam? pineapple? what about pineapple? careful adam. no adam careful? i think it was a car? perhaps it was turning the corner rather fast and it made that noise with its wheels? some people like to drive like that? only hit adam. oh no. only they have to be careful not to hit anybody. yes careful not to hit mommy. mommy has to be careful that she doesn't get hit. adam has to be careful that he doesn't get hit either? because it would hurt. because you don't like to get hurt do you. you think you'd like to get hurt. then perhaps you'd have to go to the hospital. yes mommy would have to leave you there. don't leave you. well you have to be careful not to get hit and not to get hurt? you have to be careful when you play? well you should be careful. oh yes i want you to be careful. do i want you to touch that? no. hi. i'm just sitting. mhm. you're rocking your baby? adam do you know why you like your blanket. yes it's blue. no the other one is yellow. mommy has a yellow one. she has a blue one too? what's ursula doing? she's blue. she has a blue dress on. i have a green blanket at home. mhm. in what? rock a bye ursula. where's the moon? are you cold. yes but you shouldn't hit that should you. come on just a little more? because your rocking chair walks when you rock. i'm just going to sit back? what? sounds like a combination of throw and? squirrel. let's see what's in here. a squirrel. well you let her see? she's going to show you something. would you like to have this letter. thank you. that wasn't screaming. he was just crying. thank you. what is that? one for you. you missed somebody. did ursula get one. what did you give her? is that shaving cream? let me see? oh you shave just like a man. what is this i've got? what is this? a sun? what is that? no that's not stripey. that's colgate? mhm? i don't know. no? does it have a picture inside. open it up adam and see what's in it. no. okay. did you tell me what this was. do you know what that is? you got a hat too? huh. okay just a second. okay i found the string before you did? no you didn't eat very much dinner. here's your balloon with a string. here's your balloon with a string. no it doesn't have any helium in it. it's at the microbiology place? it's such a hassle? and it also costs money? dad would you like to go get some helium. now. you really think helium's neat huh! oh come here? let me show you something? see your balloon has a knot in it. so we can't put helium in it. we can't untie the knot can we? so we can't do it? i know? but the whole problem is? uh the trouble? do you know why we can't get helium now abe? schools are closed now? the school is closed? yeah the school is closed? the microbiology department at school it's closed now. would you like some cider? aha. tom said the cowboys is a pretty good movie? i heard that it was really shitty? i don't know. do you want to watch it? hm? no this is called a coloring book? jeanne gave you a coloring book. jeanne gave you a coloring book? what animals do you see here? those are deer? what about these? what's inside of them? helium? see they're floating? right now? boy you sure have eaten a lot of bananas today? it's bruised? andy dropped them on the floor. and they got bruised? well it was an accident? i don't think andy did it on purpose. on your head? how did you get that bump? you ran into the table? you better be careful? no i sure don't. how did you get that owie? wow. you better be careful. it sounds like you've been having your share of accidents lately. i will later abe. we can't right now? you can what! well we're not going to turn it on now abe? do you know what's on friday night? what? monkeys. well we'll turn it on in just a little while okay? i was looking at the beans to see if there were any worms in them? we'll turn it on later? yep? i said that i'll turn them on later when it's eight o'clock okay. come here. that's right. and when the hands are like this. it's eight o'clock? abe quit whining or you won't get to watch it at all. not on this clock? there's still a ways to go? did you tell daddy if you like my macrame or not? tell him why you don't like it. i thought you did like those but you didn't like the other part? oh? i thought you said this was the pretty part. okay? what? those knots. they're a type of macrame knot. but i don't know the exact name! you want to what. you want to play in a band? where's your band hat? did you leave it outside? i said? did you leave it outside! aha. where is it? are you going to be in a band? if you shoot me who's going to fix your breakfast? your lunch? your dinner. who's going to read you stories? who's going to play with you? who's going to take you to the museum? oh you're pretending i'm a fish. what is it? you have your own gun. whose gun? you and greggy stole andy's gun. how come? how did that make andy feel when you stole his gun? you probably made andy sad when you took his gun? you all had guns? oh abe got me. what's wrong with daddy? a what. a bigger band? i'm gonna get you instead. you shot me. i got you. i'm going to take the trash out. do you want to come with me? just a second? okay? what do you want to take out? no i'm just gonna take the trash out? i'll be right? okay let's hurry. no let's go this way instead. oh come on don't kill me. out where. what would you like? good? i don't want you on peanut butter bread either. i'm through cooking for the night. nope i'm through cooking? do you want them to come over to our house? aha they aren't coming? but would you like them to come again? oh? then what would happen. daddy will have to ask them at school tomorrow? tomorrow? no today is past. well ask him? to who. who? with who? who am i going to talk to? you want me to find out if they want to come over? okay i'll try? i am? i know? i heated it up? because sometimes we like it hot don't you. okay just a second edna oh? edna had to go get her kittie cats? you can talk if you want to though? let me see. her kittie cats are running all over. and she has to go get them. is she there. i bet that she'll call you later after she gets her kitties. because she wants to talk to you? i know? she had to go get her kitties? not quite? just a little while? you are. who's not naughty? oh horses are so nice? do you need to go pottie? no. do i need to go pottie? no do you? okay let me help you? okay. it sure is? you want some balls that are in that closet. let me see if i can find them. nope i can't find them. i don't see them. mom do you know what balls abe's talking about. tennis balls i think? oh these balls abe? did you show daddy your new animals abe? let me see? aha what new animals do you have? wow? and there's the cat and the dog and the goat and the turtle? isn't it a goat? aha? what race? oh that's probably right abe. a lion can run a lot faster than a gorilla. where did you get those animals? you wanted a buffalo? well sometimes things don't work out just right. do you like your gorilla and your lion? maybe you'll get one for christmas if you ask santa claus? oh. did you see the surprise abe made me. wow. what a pretty picture? you didn't? i wish that you would make me a surprise? don't you love me? that's a good idea? would you like some popcorn? aha ask mommy if we have any popcorn? yeah daddy can make it if he wants to? would you like for me to make it. would you help me? why can't you help me now? are you putting them up. where? okay here you go. you told me what. that you were going to help me. why? don't you like soggy popcorn. aha? aha. i didn't get very much. you're not supposed to use very much. do you know why? why? guess? right? is that big? which stuff should i use? the stick or the bluebonnet? it doesn't matter. is this corn butter. oh. no i think this will be enough. okay. okay i will? oh i uh i thought that we would have popcorn when we watched the movie? no the cowboys. as soon as another show is over. where's the popcorn at? i see? is that enough. just about. in just a little while. right. think it's ready to pop? i hear it. do you want to shake the popcorn? okay? you make popcorn at school? who's debbie lastname? you weren't born yet. that's joanna as a tiny baby. where did you take a drink of water? well that's alright. okay. you don't have to eat like that april. is this the only one? no there's more. you stay here and read your letters on that and i'll get your pop. here you go honey. tony gave that to you. need a straw? yep okay. oh you want it back again. why don't i put it in a glass? what's this thing that tom's got? how's that? oh that's better. did you say anything to roy while i was gone? she just chomped on her blana. you did huh? so what do you want to do today april? you always come just before dinner. you don't have to sound like a horse when you drink that. aha i have to know what all these noises are. otherwise it'd drive me crazy. honey don't drink so much right away. otherwise you're gonna get a stomach ache okay? what's this for? what is that called? aha. what? aha you can put dirt in there. just a minute. we put pennies in ours though right? we don't have any dirt. aha that's for playing with. huh? looks like a toy to me. what does it look like to you? what? it looks green to you. what do you say april? what do you say huh? hum are you gonna be a little pig and not say anything? not gonna say excuse me? that's a good girl. well probably because you drank so much pop. when you burped you hurt your eye and nose? see the little bubbles in your pop? no thank you. no thank you. do you want a drink of your dump truck? what? yeh why do you want to sit up on my lap? what? oh okay. april don't eat like that. why are you making all those slurping noises? come on if you're going to eat like that i'm gonna take it away okay? well what book do you want to read? want me to get them? are you going to read it? i'm not going to read it. you have to read it to me okay? now you have to read it to me and roy and tom okay? no you have to. do you want to get a book that you can read? you don't know any books? you read to me once remember? when i was in the bath tub and you sat on the stool and read me that book? you read me three books. what i don't understand you? me read the books? i don't want to. no sit here. why don't we do your puzzle or something instead? yeh let's do that. well there's your banana okay. what? two butterflies? oh i don't see them. where's the butterfly? where? oh i guess that looks like a butterfly. why don't you put those inside your frisbee okay? because you'll go smash and step on them. so if you put them inside your. yeh put them inside that. are you done? do you want to sit up at the table okay? can i sit your banana in the bowl with your candy? i'll put that over here. well we can. why don't you put those on? no? what? mine are in the car. how about if i er put it by my purse right there okay? and then we'll remember to put them in the car okay? perfect shot. yeh. oh sit up here. maybe you should show these tapes to your mother. why don't you sit in your chair okay? i'll put this right here. she has a birthday coming soon doesn't she? yeh april. tell roy when your birthday is. you don't remember. oh i guess you can't have a birthday then. you don't want to have a birthday? when remember what day i told you it was? no? is it april twenty second? yeh? what? yours isn't in may. okay there you go. let's see. excuse me. okay. yours is april twenty second right? i heard them too. that's pretty loud isn't it. oh that's what they were saying. i'm not sure. why don't you do another one. do you know where that one goes? no that doesn't go there. that doesn't go there. i think this one. this pink balloon goes by this one. there you go. oh now what? what's this right here? right good you're pretty smart. there you go. look at how much you've done already. that's pretty good. yes i'm helping you okay? yeh you're right it does. april what do you say? april do you want everybody who sees this picture of you to think you're a pig hm? will you say excuse me for me hm? i think we're done with the puzzle don't you? since you ripped it up you mustn't want to do it. you don't want to do it? you want to play with your little people instead? yeh i saw that you put your foot in there. your toes huh? oh you did huh? don't do that. you already bent one. did you see that one that you bent already? where did it go? see look it. remember when you bit it? you bit into it and bit it all up and bent it. when you do that then it's difficult to put all the pieces together? they won't stay together. the table's all sticky here. april you don't like this puzzle very much do you? don't put them in your mouth. now get your little people. you got your foot in them still? there's one on the floor. did you get everything? oh mommy gets to drive. oh good. whoops i didn't get this arm right okay? there she's driving. their arms don't move like that. they just go up and down like this. so it doesn't turn see. their arms just go up and down. they can't go sideways. your arms go sideways see. his arms won't do that. they only go like this. like that. aha. i know you can. he's being superman? they're spanking him? maybe he should sit in the back seat. he seems to be causing problems. maybe he shouldn't go. when you're naughty in the car you have to stay home don't you? have to stay home. okay this can be his house. here put him in here his house. where's the mouse? oh there was huh? oh i put them down here. keep the banana in here so that it doesn't get all. it got orange from the skittles. i don't want to hold the gooey banana. we'll leave the banana right here in his house okay? put them in the bowl then. you want to put the skittles in the house? the skittles aren't gooey. okay? okay? can i have one? which one do i get? what color? yeh that's one of my favorite colors. what color is that? don't put it in your eye. i don't want it if it's in your eye. that's gross. what color is that? er purple? purple? oh see this is blue blue purple. aha blue's my favorite color too. thank you. you think turtles know how to drive? hm look don't do that. see you already bit his foot off and ripped him up. why did you do that? you like to ruin your toys? yes? no? here here's a sega. a yellow one and a blue one and. what color's that? oh that's a baby? what color's this? aha. long hair? that poor man. he doesn't have a face. looks like kobi's teeth. you see where kobi chewed that up? grandma got that for you in north dakota. and kobi got ahold of it right after she brought it back for you and chewed on it and chewed it up. that was a long time ago. over a year ago. i think kobi chewed it off. kobi ate his face. what? why did he chew his face? i don't know. why did your care bear get a ripped tummy? how come? it just happened. sometimes people just do things. and you know dogs they do things and they don't have any reason. they just do them. he just chewed it because he felt like chewing something besides his dog bone. maybe he thought that was a dog bone. think so? aha that's fine. what's does mine taste like? what does this smell like to you? right orange. yeh that does smell like bubble gum. what does this smell like? how did you know? did you already smell these before? ah that's how you found out. so what are all your little people going to do? just stand around? they are? is it in your bed room? you want me to go get it? oh you watch the little people and i'll get it. there's a drink of your pop. you want a drink of that? try and not be too much of a pig. gee i don't think we have enough room for all of these honey. let's see. we'll put the banana and skittles back here and the pop down here. do you want me to put your yogurt down here too? okay there's the school. where shall we put this? should we move all these things? are the segas gonna go to school? they are okay. okay. okay there you go. here's the bus. i don't think we have enough room for the bus do you? we have too many little people. did you just make a mess on the floor? oh don't eat it off the floor. how gross? here do you want this on the play ground? here's the slide. careful. don't fall off. oh here we. you'd better set school up. here i fixed this for you. i know. i had to glue it on didn't i? aha. oh is that all we need for school? there's not too much room. put it in this one over here. i put it down here because we didn't have much room. here i put them in there. i think that's. we have it. oh here's a frog. so that turtle has a friend. oh set up the school. it can go wherever you want it to. okay. okay. that's right. now where does all this other stuff go? aha that's a kitchen sink. aha. well if it's the bath room sink where does it go? in what room? aha in the bath room. that's right. april. you're excused. here's the stove. gonna want to cook? here's the table. where you gonna put the table? i'll put this over here a while until you want some more okay? wow! look at the what? the air? remember when you stuck marshmallows in that? do you remember that? they got all gooey and i almost had to break this to get them out. do you remember that when you did that? don't eat like that please. you know how to eat nicely. where does this go? oh okay that's the place. it looks like it. it can go anywhere you want it to honey. the chairs can go anywhere. teacher's gonna cook? how about letting the boy teacher cook? what are all the kids doing? they want to go to school? what? who can? oh the teacher can. that's right. what're you mumbling? i don't understand it when you mumble. okay. hum? did you say excuse me? you're excused. do you need another car for the teacher? here here's the car and the train. does everybody have to ride in something? oh here you go. one more here's the airplane. i don't know where the horse went. you wonder what's in there? just stuff. no that's the other horse. you know the horse that's like this. the orange one. i don't know where that is. probably lost in your bed room somewhere huh? you don't have to go look for it because i think it's lost and i'll look for it later. we'll find it later. okay. alright where are they all going huh? aha. he's driving the bus? this guy's driving the bus? who's the driver? the lady? okay. no no this guy is here. this side drives the bus. okay. this is the radio. this looks kinda like the steering wheel right here see? he does. that's what he said huh? why don't we put the segas away and we'll play with just the other things okay? because there's too many toys on this table. yeh we'll leave these but we'll just take the segas off. and the turtles okay. this isn't a turtle. what's this? what does a frog say? what does a turtle say? what does a turtle say? i don't know. you tell me. honk honk? that's pretty close i guess. i don't know if turtles say anything april. i don't know if they say anything. turtles say. soup beautiful soup! yeh right. what do horses say? the horse is down here. the other one. i don't know. we'll have to find that. we'll have to clean your hands when you're finished. try to hold it up. like this maybe? try to hold it higher if you can. oh. let's try to stay on the paper okay? honey honey you know what. these markers you're gonna ruin them. these markers aren't meant to be slammed down like that? those are the other markers? did you wanna play with those? they're different markers. did you wanna play with those? okay. oh well these? okay did you wanna? alright. i can. hold on one second i'm gonna bring this over too. um these are the markers that you can slam down with not those. see these are do a dot art. these are the kind that you? do you wanna play with this? okay? that's orange. aha? i can. it unscrews. so those are the ones? see. yes now you can. do you want me to move this w for you? alright. see? yeah? it is a circle. mhm? mommy's gonna get you some juice? sure you can do it see? look at that you have green and orange. those are the colors of. of uh? some of the colors of halloween? yes it is a circle? and you know what you could put a bunch of circles? can i show with the orange what you can do. can i show you something. watch watch what mommy does. i'm gonna put a bunch of circles together and i'm gonna make a square? okay? you ready? yes. school? oh boy. wow i think that's great william. okay you wanna make a square? well make a square around mommy's. oh yeah you can fill it in. that's a good idea? yes. you did. mm? you want orange. right here? oh? blue. okay? okay. you can do it. oh well you know what? how about we put the color on the paper? oh you. you wanna do finger painting? maybe that's something you and vicky can do together? how's china? yeah. yeah? i have plenty of smocks for you though to wear. yeah i probably should've put one on now. but um? yeah. here go ahead? this isn't really any useful. the thing to do right is it. yeah we'll put something on to protect your clothes. that might be fun thing for you to do? that's not fingerpaint honey? okay so we can get you fingerpaint? you don't? are you sure. you want. should we get you some kind of paint that you can use with brushes. yeah well i could try with the face cloth. i was discovering though when i was trying with the face cloth that it wasn't coming up very well. okay well what would you like to do. you wanna wash your hands? okay i think that's a good idea? can you get down from the chair? and why don't. i'll bring this chair over you can stand at the. sink and wash your hands. come on. would you like me to help you? you're? what's that? say that again. you're miserable. did you just say you're miserable. where did you get that from? who said that? who said i'm miserable? who who? yeah who used that word william? honey we're just washing our hands? we're not playing in the water right now okay. there you go? go ahead? take your hand in. yeah soap? rub your hands together? no rub your hands together. yeah but you know what? you're not. you're rinsing all the soap off? you have to rub them together. to get the paint off. i think we might need to use the face cloth too? this isn't meant for hands. this. no? it's meant for paper. yeah and it looks like you were painting your hands too? yeah. alright. yes. okay. all done. well. it's not all gone. it's about as all gone as it's gonna be without a face cloth. it's gonna take some time. it's gonna take some time. okay? would you like to have some breakfast? you okay. you're all better. alright. yeah. that's okay you can just leave it like that. okay let go now. we're gonna get out of the sink. and go back in? we can read? we can uh. you wanna have some breakfast? you're not hungry. you're not. you're not? we can play candyland. wanna go do that? wanna play candyland. okay? alright i'll get the i'll get it and we'll put it right here? here in front of william okay? but first i'm gonna put this away? yeah. i can't here you what. really? you need to back up? huh? what color do you wanna be? okay. what color do you want mommy to be? red? mommy's red? i'm ready okay. daddy's not playing daddy taking a shower and he's going to go to work? you wanna go first? okay that sounds good to me. mommy's gonna get her chair and i'm gonna get a glass of juice. okay? yes. now mommy and william both have juice. yeah. this my tongue. i think. i was gonna open the door and have her sit in the? doorway but i guess i won't do that? okay. yeah? that's right william? yeah. aha okay let's start with this pile right here. where do you wanna put it? should we put it right here. mm. no you can't search for the color you have to just pick the color that you get? so here we'll do this. you wanna pick from the? alright. we'll use that pile. okay so now william moves? right what's the deal? do you remember do you remember the object of the game? remember what's the goal. what we wanna do? look at mommy? listen to mommy? we're gonna start here? see it says start? we're going to start here. we have to travel up the colors all the way to the candy castle right here. okay? the first person to get to the candy castle wins. and the way we travel is we pick a card. and we move to that color. so. you're here william you're green? you have to move the green man to the first orange. do you do you see? can you find the first orange dot? square whatever shape that is? right there. right so now move your orange man to that orange spot right here. you just found it right. so you move him. move him to orange see? now look you get a bonus? because if you stopped on the orange you get to go up the rainbow trail woo and you get to go right here. see. mommy well mommy has to pick a card now and we'll see where mommy goes? you ready. okay. mommy goes one two two yellows. so see i start here and i go. here's one yellow. then i go to the next yellow right here. and that's where mommy goes. and now william picks a card? go ahead. you pick one card? and you. you go. two blues. yes so now you move. there's one. so you go to one blue. right. and then you go all the way to the next one. so you go there. no yeah but you have to wait. because the cards are gonna tell you when where to go. so. william. stays on the blue mommy stays on the yellow now mommy? now it's my. see now we don't use that card again. now it's mommy's turn? okay now? mommy's gonna pick a card. see i'm here. and i move to the purple. and now william picks a card. let me see? wow alright so here's one orange. right? go ahead? one and then you go to the next one! can you go to the next orange? yeah i know but you need to find another orange? so keep going until you find an orange? no? yeah? okay. now it's oh it's mommy's turn. can you move mommy to the next orange? mommy's right here. there where's the orange. do you see it right after the candy cane? this one came first? see because i was i was? i was here? and so then i came around and go right there. so. can you put mommy down on that orange spot? there you go. now it's william's turn. now william takes a try? one blue? right there? there. see here william was on the orange? right and you come up until you find the first blue and there it is right there. here's it one blue. good job. okay now it's mommy's turn? let's see. oh. i get to move to where this cupcake is. no no up right here. so now mommy goes up to here. it's a? stuck on a goosie gum drop. no it's not. it's. it's just a gum drop. okay? okay. this is stuck on a goosie? your juice? your your juice is right there? you're welcome i'll have some juice too? okay. i think it's william's turn. what did you get? one yellow. so keep moving up the keep moving up the yellow trail until you find a yellow spot. yes. bus? okay thank you? bye. that's the bus. you're awake. i'd like to know where your slippers are? that's right? yeah? aw you just play with mommy. thank you though. come here? i have to do my work. and we'll go do our work. okay. right. yes i see your seat is over there. ah you didn't move to the yellow spot? let's get you moved to the yellow spot. mm. yeah see remember. you took this card so let's move you. there's william. and we'll stop right there. okay. mommy's turn. let's see? candy cane. hm? so i have to go back to here? see i went back to candy cane? okay? william's turn? whoops here? two green? alright let's see? can you move? let's see find the first one? right there. very good william. and where's the next one. you have to go up one more because you have two green. one more. go to the next green. because there's two greens. so you went to one now find the next green. oh up here it has to be over this way. is that a green? yeah? so can you move your man to that green. alright good job. now it's mommy's turn. yes i know. oh look i got to purples. so i'll go one two. can you put mommy's man? man on on that purple there? thank you? it's very good? oh okay? here now would you like to take a card william? no? william you stay right here? okay? now you can pick? it's your turn to pick a card and see where you go next? here you go. red okay. move to the next red spot. there it is. we're looking for read. yeah okay. so move your person? guy right there because you were here you need move. you always have to move ahead. yeah so you go right. there. that's right? no you're on red? see that was the card you took. so put the? you're your green man and you go on red. there you go okay. now mommy's turn? william is way ahead of mommy? blue. and i move right here. blue. mhm. okay can you put mommy's man on blue? no i'm on this blue i'm down here? yeah. here okay just put it down. there you go. okay william chooses a card? one card. here you go. two red alright. here we go? boy you're you're good i think i think i know who's gonna win? come on? move your guy? find your next? the next red? that's. you're already on that red find the next one. where's the next one? you have to go to two two of them here's one. right. keep going you got one. then you find another one? two red. okay. mommy's turn. alright mommy goes to purple. can you put mommy on purple? right here? yeah. can you put mommy? can you put my red person my red man on that purple? right there like that. okay. okay you have juice. yes well drinking is a good way to quench your thirst. okay let me get the napkin. here you go. want me to help you? are you gonna do it. okay. good job. okay? whoops? alright i think we're not gonna fool around anymore with that okay? bye william? have a good day. tell him yet. that gives me a headache. no. muah. give me a kiss. did you wanna um. take that and then put it back tonight because i'd like to read it. you can take it and i'll just wait to read it if you really wanna read it today? i can wait that would be fine. okay william we're not gonna. see you later. bye will. okay william? bye? bye? have a good day. okay? okay pick a card? we'll get you to candyland? you're tired. you wanna have something to eat? you want me to hold you and do rock a bye baby. like a little baby. rock a bye baby on the tree top. when the wind blows the cradle will rock? when the bough breaks the cradle will fall? and down will come william cradle and all. i don't think babies snore like that? they do. yeah you sure. are you hungry yet? i think that's why you're tired. oh come on what is this with you and. there's no bottles? okay you know we don't. a bottle? i'd like to find your slippers william. do you have any idea where they are? i'd like to find them? are you all finished with candyland? are we done! okay. oh what are you doing william? oh okay? yes i can? what's that? you want your juice. what are you looking for what do you want? use your words. use your words. what is it that you want? i'm sorry i don't understand. you want it on the wall. on the rug. okay excuse me. yes this is the rug. you're right. you're pushing that chair very good. mhm? yeah this very heavy? what are you doing you're trying to get into the cabinet? do you wanna get? there's no bottles in there william? you're not a baby anymore but there are no bottles in there? no? you're william. when you were a baby you drank a bottle? yes you did. william. that is not you can't. leaning. i don't want you in there okay? you know why? you don't lean on that. okay this is not a good thing to lean on. no let go? let go. okay? i don't want you in there. what is it in there that you want? i'm gonna take your stuff out of there now? i'm taking your stuff out of there? yes it's not gonna stay in there. because i don't want you going in here. i don't want you leaning on that okay. it's not safe. it's glass and it's not meant to be leaned on? and if something broke every? all this stuff would break and you would get very hurt. okay? so that's not meant to be leaned on so please don't lean on that. okay what it is that you want in here? you're just a donkey? well what's a donkey say? nee haw? that's right? alright bud. you can have breakfast. i've been asking you what you want? what would you like would would you like me to make you some hot cereal? would you like some oatmeal? yeah would you like oatmeal or would you like the kind i made you yesterday. the cream of wheat. okay? okay? i'll get you the green bowl. here you go? you're welcome. would you like oatmeal in there? oatmeal with raisins? do i sound like. alright? well that it is cereal. that's a type of hot cereal. okay? what kind what kind of cereal would you like william? what kind of cereal would you like? what kind of cereal would you like? do you want the kind a made you yesterday? how about oatmeal i think oatmeal would be a nice change? oatmeal with raisins. okay well what is it that you want. yes i heard you you want cereal what is? what kind of cereal? you want cold cereal or hot cereal. okay cold cereal with milk? now what kind of. which? alright how about i bring you in and you pick one out. do you want this one? would you want this one. this one? this one? that one? okay this one. this one. okay. i'm gonna get you milk see that. that's why i opened up the refrigerator. milk. voila. that's your vanilla milk yes it is? here's the deal the reason why i usually give you the other bowl. william i'm talking to you? i'm talking to you. i think i'm gonna give you a different bowl for this. okay. because this one's very light. and it'll make it a little bit more difficult for you to eat. out of? it doesn't really hold your food when you when you scoop it out. this one is a better bowl for you. because when you scoop it out? it'll stay. because it's heavier. you see? okay. yeah see it? no we don't play with bowls right. we're not gonna play with that we aren't gonna put it on our head? you like those. yes would you like some milk? is that enough milk. you're good. okay? i'll have some with you. how is that is it good? okay. oh am i dorothy. yes william. yes uh what are who are you. who are you? are you william are you the wizard of oz are you toto. you're the tinman oh you're the tinman okay. here's a napkin in case you need. you're welcome? did you have fun back at school yesterday. sounds like an airplane. it sounds a little smooth? to be a truck? maybe? but i don't think there's a snow on the ground? is there. did it snow? it did? oh. that's okay. you know what? i think i'm gonna do? i think i'm gonna move you in? it's on your foot uh? you did you got milk on your foot didn't you? how's that? yeah. is that better? okay? like this. you want to have a bigger throw up in the air. okay a bigger one. a bigger throw up in the air? you're getting so heavy. i can't throw you honey. you're not heavy huh. you're just a little baby right? okay. you're a little baby and you get pajamas and you get a bottle and what else. and what else? okay you got your helmet on? now what are we going to do? i'm going to be the airplane. do i have to lie down? and then i throw you up in the air. how's it work? like this? and then i put you up on my knees. okay jump up. devil. mean devil. doble. devil good? yeah? devil? no devil. devil ross? who's this? are you my boy. what are you? who's boy are you? who's boy are you ross? no daddy's boy? you're daddy's boy. this is daddy's boy too? i'm going to let you down? he's doing a lot of complement sentences now and relative clauses are all coming at the same time. yeah? delma? do you like delma? do you like joseph? jacob. rachel. good? can i kick you in the tummy? would that hurt. doesn't hurt. do you like it? is that fun? marky's still sick? no he's not feeling better? he threw up today. he threw up at the baby sitter's. yeah. are you feeling better marky? he said yeah? i guess he is feeling better? you feeling better honey? he wants more milk should i get him more milk? okay mark i'm getting you more milk? what was that? what was that i heard a noise? it was on my tape? no i think it was out on the street ross? i heard a noise out in the street. yeah what was it. my tape recorder. huh? oh i see. tape recorder. yeah? hippopotamus. tape recorder. say it? very good? tape recorder. can you say another big word? okay? say a big word. that's a hard word? do you know any other hard words? what? toothpaste is a hard word. how about towel? not a hard word? how about elephant? it's a long word though. yeah. it's a long word? elephant? how about i know a hard word? ross macwhinney. you do? do you know any other hard words? i know a hard word. spaghetti. say it. spaghetti. no spaghetti? good. okay? do you know how to say dinosaur? that's pretty easy. how about typewriter? okay. how about archipelago? say it? archipelago? archipelago? archa say archa? okay can you say gap? gap. can you say bid? come on. you can say bid. bid. can you say win? can you say gone? can you say pawn? can you say ross? how about pa? how about suffix? how about suffix? how about rock a bye? how about tootletoo? how about ghost riders? i forgot it. i don't know how it's done. i forgot the song? yippee ay oh? do you know that part? no my throat isn't too good right now. my throat doesn't feel too good right now. that's good. dada? is that right ross. where are we going to put this tape? we'll have to take those tapes out alright? he did? i think you're going to get hurt? do you want to go to delma's? do you wan me to get in the bed with you? do you want me to crawl in bed with you? right. no where am i? say? where am i? i thought i was lost. very good? no i get dressed? who's me? tell me where me is? where's me? no where am i. good. ross. your space ship is right here honey. do you want to come over and get your space ship? now what have you got in here. oh i see. and what do they need. huh oh. what happened? they fell out of your space ship. why did they fall. is that why they fell? no that's not why they fell? they fell because you threw them? now why do they need gas. will i say your space ship's going to crash? okay. ready? get set crash? boom. and you got something to eat. honey where is the mouse cheese. did you get mouth cheese. tell him you're sorry. tell him you're sorry? give him a kiss? and help him up? good boy. he's sorry mark? no you did not push him. but you knocked marky over? you didn't knock him. you didn't mean to knock him over. but you did? now let's look at some of these toys. do you know what these are? what do you do with them? what do you do? those are keys right? uh huh and then what do you do? you take them where are the the keys? where are they? uh huh. and when you go outside where do you put them. right and go to preschool? and then when you come home where do you put them? put them up on the shelf. uh huh. good. and what's this ross? what do you do with it? you throw it? uh huh. and who plays with it. matt plays with it. who else? who else? tom? who else? all the big boys and girls right? do you play with it? you can play with it a little bit? and who gave it to you? right. matt gave it to you? now what's this little thing? what's this? uh huh. and what does he do. uh huh. and what is he? you go poo on him. why. why because you go poo on him? because you go poo on him. oh i see. i don't understand? why is that? is he dirty. then why do you go poo on him? okay? good boy. now ross what's this little thing? where does it live? uh huh. and what does he do with it. who gave it to you? okay and do you like it? where's marky? he was dropping that. he feels soft. can i buy them? i want to buy them? i want to buy them? why not. yeah? i want to buy that one? yeah i'll give you some money. yeah now give me the phone. okay what did i do. yeah but i gave you some money. like i'm going to buy it? okay what did i do. i took it away? i took it away from you. no i bought it. do you know that? i bought it. rachel gave it to you? no grandpa gave it to you? grandpa did? do you want to buy it? give me the money? okay? now what did you do. you took away him from you. what did you do? i took him away from you. say that. i took him away from you? okay now i'm going to buy him again. here's the money. okay. i bought him. now what did i do. and i gave you money? so what did i do. i bought it. very nice. thank you. very nice. okay now look? do you want this little dolly? okay. give me the money. okay what did you do. no you gave me the money. i got the money? now what did you do. you bought it? okay do you want to sell it to me? sell it to me? okay do you want to sell it to me? okay i'll give you some money. what did you do? you sold it to me? good. okay do you want to sell it to me? okay give me the money? now you sold it to me. now you've got a lot of money. now what do i have? i bought it? and you sold it. okay? you going to buy it. give me some money. here we go. give me some more money. now what did you do? uh huh. so what did you do. you bought him? you bought him right. you closed him? so what did you do. now what did marky do. okay so what did the hulk do. okay now it's all done. what did he do? what did he do? he went rraaarrr. right. okay now did anything happen to the hulk. okay now i want you to tell me a story. what happened at preschool today? they did. and what did you do did you make something. what did you make? it is. who did it? can you show me the space ship that belongs to marky? where's the space ship that belongs to marky? okay and where's the space ship that belongs to daddy. and where's the space ship that belongs to rossy. but it's mine. where's the space ship that belongs to rossy? do you want mine? now where's the one that belongs to daddy. no that's marky's? that's marky's? no i don't want it. i want my own. okay. no no i gave you money. now you give me that? okay i bought it. so what did you do? you sold it. you want it back? okay? give me money? okay here you go? right? it's all yours now. okay? now the sheep wants to buy it. okay. okay. so he'll give you some money? now give him the thing? now what did the sheep do? she buyed it. very nice. what are you going to do? tell me what happened? uh huh. now watch this. rrraarrr? watch this? watch this? rrrrrr? what happened? uh huh. and what did the lion do? and what did they do? what are you making? what for? for the lion comes? you're making a place for the lion. that's a tiger. a tiger and a lion? are you going to preschool. it is. okay do you want to get out. this is the way. the little boy. is the tiger a little boy. whose class is he in? yeah whose class is the tiger in? i know. big daddy? right. you're going to go to that class. can marky come too. he can't go to preschool. why not. that's his car. that's his car? that's not yours. you gave it to him? you did? okay. watch out mark. mm hm? where is he going? or where does he go? he goes on top of that car there. this is your last time? last time with this tickly microphone? thanks. okay that's good. just leave it there. mommy's is here and yours is there. i don't have a backpack i have a clip. and i'm gonna clip it to my. pants. microwave? is that what you said? what do you need? oh your compass. let's put that over there. so you're an explorer right. you have your backpack and your compass? maybe you need your hard hat. zoop. now you can work and explore. we really need your binoculars but i don't know where they are right now. so you could look for some birds. some sea birds. or a blue crested warbler. want me to take it off? where's the bird bird? that's a kind of a bird yeah. and it probably makes a sound like a warble. yeah. say you wanna do some finger painting or playdoh. on the bottom? i think it says brio. it's a brio kind of thing. you wanna play with your aliens? whoa? here we can use this as a desk. here's the felt thing. wanna put him on the felt board. yeah let's put the blue one on the guy with the red underpants and the red one on the guy with the blue underpants? the gal. it's the opposite. yeah? here should we put him on the board. blue shoes. aha. yeah one is a man and the other one is a woman so she's wearing women's kind of shoes i guess. you wanna put it on the felt board ethan? see you later. see you later. what's that? lunar crater. okay what else do we put on. one of those astronauts probably huh. now they're not wearing their spacesuits? are they flying in space naked. in their underwear i mean? it's funny because they're a lot bigger than this rocket ship aren't they. floating around in outer space. naked? that would be very cold and uncomfortable. mm two spacesuits? mhm? you're so husky? your voice is so husky? prepare for launch. mhm. or lift off right. we read a book where they said lift off instead of blastoff? mhm. mhm? blasting off. landing landing landing. the fire came out. the fire's circling around in the darkness. do we need some stars on there do you think? oh more fire. lots of flames. mhm. mhm. ouch. be careful ouch. the flames are flying away into outer space. mhm? gotta get him dressed again? keep your clothes on buddy? it's cold up there in outer space! look they have little kind of tvs on their suits. little screen. mhm. those are their moon boots and their shiny moon boots and moon gloves! aha. they need to be tied to the rocket ship or else they'll really float all the way away. i was gonna go get a piece of rope. should i get a piece of string. mm there's some more stuff over there sweetie. here. see there's the rocket ship over there? okay mix and match? you gave me the mixed up alien there. whoa? here's the rope? mhm. mm we have a rope right here. here it is? whoops let's get this out of the way there? rocket boosters blast. flames roar. up into space they go? use your rope. they're like flying rocks. right? they're kind of flying rocks in the air. mhm. now he can be attached. should i tie this on. na na na na an astronauta? doo doo doo! do you remember what this is ethan? where is it? do you remember what this is in spanish? in spanish? estrella? huh. there was a song about the estrella? they got some aliens we got some aliens we got some aliens all different colors? purple and green and blue ooh ooh. did you notice that. they're all different. the blue one has a pointy head the purple one has two little antennas with knobs on the end and the green one has three little things sticking up. the purple body. right here. whoops? funny little moon feet. all different from that guy's feet? he has like lots of toes. and what about the green one. ooh they look like octopuses feet doesn't they. except octopuses have eight feet and he only has. how many feet does he have ethan? can you count? count them again. one two three. you're right. he has more than all the other ones because the other ones only have two. and he has three. yep? look at that funny smile. this guy how many eyes does he have. mhm. three yeah. but the other ones only have. two mhm. then you can grow! shrunk shrunk. doo doo doo doo doo. growing grown. he can shrunk too shrink. i'm shrinking all the way down to my toes. mhm. yeah. he does have a pointy head doesn't he. growing grow. shrunk. he has funny hands doesn't he. they look like tools? they look kinda like the ends of a wrench. scoop and go through the tunnel. yes he will. mhm. but he's a truck with a magnet on the back. he doesn't have a magnet does he. he's just a truck. yellow the giraffe wants to be taller than cranky. so he climbed up on the hospital and made himself really really tall. is he taller than cranky! i think so! he wants to pretend he's a crane! so. he hooked a rope around his nose. he hooked a rope around his nose. wow. now he can lift something? what does he wanna lift? the spaceship huh. that's right. the moon is a planet too. and so is this? what's this? earth yep? it is a planet yep. we live on a planet just like the other planets out there in space. yep? out there in space. earth is floating out in space. that's kinda what it does. and then you can see the moon above it and the stars. do we have a moon. yeah when you flip it over it's the moon? earth moon earth moon full moon earth moon. half earth half moon you're right? it's like an earth moon. yeah! the sea that's right. that's all moon. lots of lunar craters? you're on earth right now. whoa what are you doing? mister monkey? what are you doing mister monkey monkeys? monkey dunkie dunkies! or something. he's got the earth for his head. that's different. you know what that is. that sign means that there's a school nearby and children are crossing the street? do you have a school? yeah. blue you're right. you'll play what. which truck. the dumptruck truck. squish. it's almost like my hand was one of those playdoh machines huh. squish. you want the playdoh machine. i can get it for you. keep the playdoh on the table please okay. yep this. move this out of the way. you wanna chair to sit on? and i'll get you the playdoh machine? let's clean off the table because there're lots of. doo! i just made it up. what about you? what were you singing? mm okay playdoh maker. those are all the playdoh things. that's right. now we need one of these. which one. wanna make a star? okay! that's a lot of playdoh. why don't you break it in half. break this in half. and put this in? that's a good size. here oh be careful! oh you want it plain or you want the star! i'll put the star on for you. what's that? okay. there's a face! listen to that wind. it's howling that's right? whoops? now we can do a face. half tail half star yep. now you can make the face. did it work. yes. no? you have to. you have to press a flat piece into there. like this. that's pretty good. now press down. harder harder. there you go. a little orange bug a little orange bug? you want some yellow playdoh. yellow car yellow. yellow car yellow car yellow car. oh you're gonna do it plain. it might be all that's gonna come out is just a little small piece. here let's see if i can poke it out for you. poke poke. oh that hurts. see there's only a little bit of playdoh left. mhm. doo? you buried something. what'd you bury in there? oh the guy? i don't think it was flat enough. hm. uh do you want a thick book with lots of pages in it. your little bear books have a lot of pages. ethan. he just threw some playdoh on the floor? can i have it. you threw playdoh on the guy on the floor. can i have it so it won't get all over the floor? mister e? ethan? can you bring me that? please? oh it belongs on for now! ethan you're gonna break it? yes you are? it's dangling from you. come here to me. we'll figure out what we can do? unattach it? no you're attached forever and ever and ever. no you're not. no you're not. should we do it up top. that's the way dora wears her backpack i think? up top? whoops? up on your orange shirt. that looks nice on your orange shirt. i can't get the clip to work. there we go? now? whoa? it went kerplunkies. it went kerplunkies? that was the tag. that's the tag in your shirt. you got a little playdoh on your shirt. that's another. you wanna do it so you can do it in the right order? here? the top is hard to take off. it was very silly? it got stuck? mm there we go oh. how is anybody going to play with this? maybe he can do it. careful you're sitting on the playdoh. daddy might be here. that's a tough situation? i can't do it sweetie! it's been stuck for a long time? yeah it's a sorter. ring sorter just like the one you have in the bathroom. to put it in the right order. big big bigger biggest. that's a light blue one huh. which is your favorite color on here! purple me too. that's orange but purple's my favorite. you're right it's really stuck. the whole? you have to take the ball off first and then take the rings off. maybe we could bang it. ouch? it's like there's glue in there or something? maybe it got glued on. maybe we can unscrew the bottom. we have a sorter in the bathroom. one of your bath toys is a sorter. remember it's just like this except it's plastic and this is wood. you can spin this one. i wish i could? let's do the alphabet puzzle. because i see a z on the floor. let's see if we can put all the letters in the right place? okay help? help me put the letters where they belong. what's that one? where does it go? w for watch? can you find the watch? and watermelon that's right? mm yeah we need to draw an extra picture of the watermelon huh? there're all kinds of things w is for? watermelon is one and watch is another? okay what letter's this? i is for. ink. can you find the ink? oh there's the ink yeah! there we go. yep should we find the b in the stack here in the pile. oops. that's hard because you're sitting on? t u v! that's not a t what is it! you want the t! should we find the t? you wanna truck? we have lots of trucks. should we get a truck from your truck bin. and train is also a t. what's this one? i see you. i see you see you see you. that's right. that's pretty good! nope. no it's definitely not a cookie. it's a wooden o. it's made outta wood. what do you see? you see me. hi ethan. mm okay i'll look at you through the q and you look at me through the o. put them together. yeah! what a nifty pair of glasses you have? it's red green. here's my favorite letter in the whole alphabet. doo doo doo. hm. i see that. oh ethan. where's the ball? where'd the ball go? where'd the ball go? oh it bounced away. well we have to find it because we have to give it back to amanda. there it is! let's put everything together? whoop? mhm! mm okay. mhm. mommy's is in. mine is in my pocket. wanna see it. let's see yours. aha. there we go. now we need to. whoa? we need to be attached so the video can hear us. or else the video can't hear us! sweetie. please don't touch. i'll flip it over. i'll flip it over if you put this on. you wanna put it on without the backpack? okay. here. let's attach it. how about? it's about that time? yep? you wanna clip it on just like yours is? okay. we have to find your clip? my clip is attached to me. ah here's your clip? you don't have a pocket. you could put it wherever you want. here? no these pants don't have pockets. sweatpants. they're sweatpants again? sweatpants usually don't have pockets. okay so you wanna just attach it. should we just attach it attach it? a new what. oh you wanna make some blue paw prints. we might have used up all the blue there is? yep? do you see any blue playdoh in there? on the top i think we used up all the blue? why don't we make something wacky and make a red one. wanna try something wacky? okay a red paw print. mhm? mm okay shmear it on. you're right. that's right instead of blue. no i think you had it right. you just have to flatten it a little more. want me to put it. i don't like to put it on the rug. should we put it on here first. we'll use this as a mat. okay. yeah that's a good place because there's nothing there. now put the cookie cutter on top? there you go. let's try. maybe we can try harder. there is dough face huh. you wanna put what? okay. you wanna cut off the extra? yeah. there's another knife here. this is a good knife? i think this is the best knife. oh you're right. yes it is? just put it on the mat because you're gonna hurt your? you're gonna hurt your leg? here put it down and then cut? there you go. good job. there you go. good job. wow you're doing a really good job sweetie cutting around there. it's easier if you do it on the table. should we pull that off. that you cut. here cut that part? there. you're getting there. okay. chop chop chop good! that's a lot of chopping to do huh. there was a lot of extra on this one. chop? oh you're chopping blue. no. we chopped blue in two. where? and what on the brick said what and stones and dirt. and cracks. mm yeah they're like tree roots aha. ooh it feels neat too right. you can feel it? cracked it cracked it cracked it cracked it. should we make the words. yeah? oops. oops! oops. oops. oops. wanna try the potty for a minute. whoa? you're gonna mix the playdoh together. oh no. please. no? then you won't be very happy? oh. oh? oh? yeah playdoh doesn't mix together very well does it. you wanna do the flower thing? you learned how to do it right. that's too much playdoh though i think. sweetie can we sit at the table? can we sit at the table and do it? you stuffed it in there didn't you. you're doing it all by yourself it's growing and growing. you're getting stronger. good job that's hard work. yeah you did it well? and he pulls off all the flower petals. now you might need a tool to get that out of there? help. but let's not drop it all over the floor. you're attached. oh whoa whoa whoa this is not fun. not funny at all. ooh there are spiders crawling up your back up your back. there are spiders crawling up your back up your back? there are spiders crawling up your back they're just crawling up your back and they're crawling all over your? tush tush? now they're gonna climb up your back and make a web in your hair. they're gonna climb up your back and make a web in your hair. zoop zoop. big bird and ernie dee dee doo doo. what? elmo yes. wake up brain. elmo's red. so that's good! we have some red. yep. here. smack it. that's right you have to push pretty hard. no you have to push harder than that don't you. you gotta push push push like that? keep pushing ethan? keep. up it worked. why don't you get on the table and do that okay. why don't you sit at the table at you chair. it's much harder to do it in your lap! now do you want the yellow? you want the pink knife. there you go! mm! ah there we go. i'm gonna make you somebody and you guess who he is okay. i'll make you. up don't look. while you're making elmo i'll make you a surprise? poor elmo. mm. if you know it isn't a surprise anymore. oops! i got red mixed up in there huh. who do you think it's gonna be? you're cheating. you're cheating! you were looking. do you know who it is? somebody with a jumpy jumpy tail! somebody with a jumpy jumpy tail! mhm dong doyng. doing doing doing. what's his name? who could it be? mhm? ooh don't cut his ear off. there you go. boing this is tiggeriffic. boings up and down boings up and down boinga boinga boings up and down? boings up and down? you tell me? you're the expert. what could it be? does it start with a t. yeah. a jumping animal. most tigers don't jump like that but this is one special tiger. he jumps on his tail. it's like a pogo stick huh. that's right! what could it be? is it a possum. nah! is it a kangaroo! yeah. but it's not a kangaroo is it. no they don't have. they don't jump on their tails. they jump with their big long legs. mhm boing boing boing. a jumping bean. you're my jumping bean. that's what i call you when you jump around. jump jumping bean. boing. let's see if we have any kleenex for you. you're voice is so husky? husky husker doo. whiskey whisker doo! i. um is it a a frog. frogs jump. yeah kangaroos jump but is it a frog. run and jump run and jump. flies that's right. what did we put in his mouth before? remember. we were putting things in his mouth. pompoms. i forgot that's right? should we feed him some pompoms. we need some black pompoms because flies are black. do we have any black pompoms? no? a boinga boinga boing? i think it might be. none of his friends are around. yep. i think so because he jumps right. is it a jumping bean? nah. what about a? what other animals jump? oh kangaroos jump frogs jump. hm i'm thinking. think. is it a monkey? monkeys jump. no. you came? you were gonna tell me what he is? are you gonna surprise me. i keep guessing and guessing and guessing and guessing! is it a? a jumping bean? yeah a jumping bean's not even an animal. a jumping bean is a bean. and a bean is a. vegetable. or you gonna keep it a big secret? you're gonna keep it a big secret. you're not gonna tell me what he is. not a jumping bean not a frog not a monkey not a frog. a dog! no. that's true they don't! should we make him some food. some picnic food. from the picnic basket. you want that cargo car. where's the cargo car? here's the cargo car? half of the game. you mean the other half of the railroad tracks. you have to fix these tracks. we have to unhook the. oh it's so noisy? crash. it's so noisy when you do that? he had another crash? poor cranky every day he has a crash? right sweetie pea. is he a beaver? no but bunnies hop. is he a bunny. bunnies jump. you have to tell me i can't think. i can't think of any more guesses. that would be a funny animal. i'm fixing your track for you. poor cranky. you have a funny creature on top of your tunnel. a dog on top your tunnel. heh and a ho. heh and a ho. there now we have a nice oval track for your trains to go all the way around. except cranky's in the way. so what's happening to that creature down there? the orange one that's in your lap. is it a clown? is it a tiger. it's a tiger. i finally got it. no he's not a jumping bean? are you hiding back here. careful don't pull cranky on top of your head okay? that would not feel? good. well he's peeking over the edge! what happened to poor tigger? tigger is trampled? you trampled on tigger. dee. oh yeah blue's getting a ride. now cranky's gonna go swing. up up and down and up and down and up and down. up and down and up and down. what are you thinking about sweetie? it's a mystery? i think we need to try you on the potty sweetie? it's been a long time since you sat on the potty. doo. ooh is right. okay one more crash for cranky? and then you're gonna follow me baby. you're all tangled up here? buster brown. here? let's? whoops? you wanna fill it up with a thing? well let's see. what kind of surprises could we fill it up with? people surprises. why don't you sit down. hm there are lots of things in this room you could fill it up with. you could fill it up with pompoms. or beads. okay? you finished? you need to be attached though? for a little bit? i know you want to be unattached but we're gonna be attached for a few more minutes. you need to be attached? you wanna see your face? here. okay go in the place? oh you're starting to see your head? back? do you see yourself now? yeah? appeared? ooh ooh here you wanna fill it with pompoms? but you have to be attached. or no pompoms. doo! you've got a funny hat on. doo doo. hi. yes she did. i want that? say it mark? the man. i don't know. i don't know the answer. in there somewhere. do you want to take a little bath now? okay not just now. no they're going jogging? they're jogging? mhm. mhm. huh. mhm? mhm. mhm. right. who's that guy? mhm. captin cosmo. mhm. mhm. mhm. mhm? yes yes mhm. how about spiddy? spiderman. um that's doctor doom. he's going to hurt poor spiderman. i don't know why? he's going to hurt him. okay i'm going to turn this off now. why don't you tell me about what you did this morning. aha. yeah he is that's right. ross is sitting here describing what's going on in the storybook and that's what all his sentences are about. right. you have to take a bath? mm hm. mm hm. mm hm. mm hm? you're a begger. tell me about preschool. do you want to show and tell your baker hat? that would be nice. to take it to show and tell. and show and tell your potato chips. and what else. i am. over here. does marky need me. doggie. where it's lost? no it's not anymore it's up here? it's sitting in that basket right there. the bigger bear that's the paddington bear? right. okay. yeah i'll give him back. you want him? okay. i'll get that daddy bear down? come on daddy bear? there he is? he's got his boots on? good tea. do you want to use a cup ross? good boy? who did you have a good weekend with? can we turn on tv? y. y e s. y e s and that spells. no y e s spells yes. no that's the head of somebody else. your friend lisa's mommy is growing a baby. and shalom's mommy grew tiffany and alison's mommy grew jennifer. i grew you in my body. you didn't? why not? okay. want your toys. how's that? hm? what do you looking for? your other one a cup? it's in there? what's the matter? it's right there. there down by the pot? oh you know where it is. yeah. you got it. what're you doing? your what? oh your washing your head? oh? slippery. oh. can you swim? let's see you swim. oh boy? sarah do you like the beach. what do you do down at the beach? you playing? what do you swim in? like this? oop? it's down there somewhere? up and down! hm. you got it. you get it in your dish huh? you? you wash your head again. you caught it twice. hm? tramp? mhm? don't work? what don't work? oh yeah sometimes the light gets broken? who fixes it? yeah. soap look at the soap. wash the soap off. what? where'd daddy what? what window? what about the window? oh yeah? you must be dreaming? you dreaming? oh. tell courtney you broke your front tooth. broke her front tooth. how did you do that? down at the beach. hm? no you can't get out yet. you're still dirty? yeah look at your legs. why do not you you sit down and wash your legs with soap. yeah if you can find room. hurry up before everything falls back again. you found it. where'd the man jump out the window? i don't know. you watching television? some kind of a program or something. huh? i don't know? it's in there somewhere? whee. whee. how's that feel? fine! oh ho? oh ho? oh ho. peekaboo. do you like that? oh boy. what did mommy do sarah? you're gonna get it all over yourself! why do not you you take the cup out and use that? take the cup out. what're you doing? oh you're putting the water in the teapot. oh? that's fun huh? oh yeah. that's alright. gonna land right in my lap. whee. like the water. like to play! oh? what do you play when you're down at the beach? you swim. you don't know how to swim? oh you? oh. you soaping your hair? why. i jumped up because it almost landed in my lap? you know that? you know that. i put some on your hair. no i don't want any. because i don't like to get wet. no i don't wanna swim. no. alright you swim. mhm. yeah. you're gonna get a bath too. yeah. like to get your hair wet. oh good. want mummy to wash your hair? i didn't think so. hm? you got it on your hair. oh? that fun? easy when you swing it around. or gloria i mean courtney'll get it in her lap? how's that? oh. where are you putting the water sarah? mhm. and what's right there? what's that? bobby pins? whose girl are you? easy easy. why do not you you pour some in here? it didn't work did it. it all come out the top? ho ho. do it again. do you like to play? you sure? oh i don't think you like the water? oh you do huh? oh you only gave me a little bit. give me some more. oh that's fine. yep. pour it on your head this time. that's lots of fun. you missed? least it keeps her in one spot. she can't go far! what cha doing? playing what. well what is it? water? you have lots of water down at the beach? tell courtney about your pool? where is your pool? what else do you have? hm? chair? um? beach chair? ow. what do you yelling ow for you got so much stuff in there i can't see how you can move? huh? don't put the water one. don't put it on it's hot honey? it's hot water. no hot water. mhm. yeah. why is it cold water. because the other faucet is hot water. oh yeah? let me see. how's that? everything is fine lately huh. um? um. whoop? what happened? what happened? you fall down? it's dirty water? don't? don't do that. don't. don't do that. what? no i don't want you to put it on my shoulder. because i'm not in the bath tub that's why? i don't wanna get all wet. do you know that? huh. no i don't want any water? no you can't eat the water no? because it's dirty water. yes. you can only drink water out in the kitchen. it is dirty it's filthy water. yuck. hm. it don't go together? what color is that? um. what color is that? blue. sing a song? now i? what's the rest of it? now i what. oh that's good? you like that part? hm. fun? oh? no you come out in a few minutes? woe. you and your shoulders huh. you got two! um. you wanna bath tub you're in the bath tub? wait'll i get another face cloth. wait here for mommy. mommy be right back. to dry you off. where's the soap? wanna get back in while i wash you off. it's easier? yeah? you can come right back out again. you can go on the towel in one minute alright. because. don't lean on my sunburn? thank you. that hurts you know. you know that. it's right there you can't miss it. see? you're getting so big. let me wash your face? yeah. i see it. feel better. yeah. let me see your foot? let me see your foot. you're making it awful hard today aren't you. ready to come out now. alright one two three whee. what's the matter? you cold. how did you get sunburned? everything is her shoulders? it's something new? what did you do? huh. tired? i didn't think so? you ticklish? no. you're awful silly? why? you sure are. you're a silly little girl? yeah. you fresh little girl too. no. you not fresh? you sure? don't do that? i don't want you to do that? i don't want you to take my nose! because it hurts. don't. want some baby powder. put out your hands. whoops? come on. where's it go? what's that? hm? what is it? it's what? powder puff you guess so? what thing? alright rub it on? oh you've got a lot of powder? hey i see a band aid. what happened? what's that? what that? a microphone? aren't you out? come out where? okay? okay? in a minute. can't you wait one minute. huh. what paper? paper for what? paper? okay in a few minutes i'll give you paper? okay? abe do you want to tell daddy what you told brian today at school. is that right. what did brian say? what did brian say? that's not what you told me? no it's not? that's not the story you told me? well what else happened? oh you're being too silly. did you play outside today? what'd you play on? just walked around. if the weather's good we're going to have a football game sunday. good. if it was warm it'd be alright? what? oh you're going to push my head off my neck? you have a strong head. you're just like a billygoat. you have a real strong head? tell daddy about when the billygoat jumped on the fence. tell daddy about the billygoat at the zoo? how come? he didn't reach what. oh? i really like dipping bread in soup? it repulses me? it gets so soggy? i hate doing dishes and feeling something sticky when there's a piece of bread in the water that i didn't see when i was cleaning off the plates? oh that's a horrible feeling! i like it better than rice. because rice all floats on the water. and it's like sticking your hands in quick sand all those little things? what abe? i'm not daddy. okay what are you gonna tell me. you're a goose? i've got a good idea? why don't you put on a pot of coffee? okay? what? what do you want to take to the movies? okay what do you want to take to the movies? candy. and daddy? who else or what else? carrots. a sandwich. what are you going to do with acorns abe? what would you do with them? you'd take peanuts? bananas? would you see the movie? or would you just be eating all the time? abe what's on tonight. what movie's on tonight? yes it's friday night. what movie's on? i'm here. what movie's on? what movie are we going to watch since edna's here? what does edna remind you of? right right. i was hoping he'd say that. what does daddy look like? what does he look like? a peanut. go ahead. well put your head up. you're just too lazy. well figure it out? figure the problem out. find a solution? how are you? are you going to indiana then? first before christmas. what abe? you're naughty! tell edna what you like to be when you ring! a bee with a belt on? is that what you said abe? what's that? what's that? you're just being so silly tonight. i can't believe it. you want to help me make coffee abe? that was a pretty song! you having a parade abe? we almost had a cat in our house abe. abe what is your throat doing. what is your throat doing? why? what are you doing abe? you are. can we be in your parade. can we be in your parade. we can't. what instrument are you playing abe? a horn! i can? i can't? the parade's all over. abe don't keep that in your mouth when you move around? remember what i told you? if you fell on it it'd really hurt your throat. just when you're sitting or standing? you look tired ann. i am for some reason? i don't know why? i am too. i know why my eyes hurt and my finger. your eye and your finger. two fingers really. how come? working or writing. doing that analysis. what abe? do you have to go pottie? okay. where're you going? oh. how come you have to poopoo? i don't think so tonight? because to play bridge you need four people. and there are just three big people? you want to learn to play bridge abe. how come? it's over on the table? are you going to let us be in your parade please. okay? oh now it's a parade hat. tell edna what other kind of hat it is. that's quite a combination abe. did you swing? wow hey abe would you like to drink some water to see if you can get rid of your hiccups. take a big big long sip? being around you two drowsy people would make anyone feel tired. did you get rid of them? good? huh. hey mama? it's over on the table if you'd open your eyes and look around. no it's mine see? it fits. what's too big? dad's head or the hat. too small aha dad's head is too big? huhuh it fits see? wow? did you show edna what um what mike and edna brought you. oh did they bring you a present abe. what is it? tell edna why they bought it for you to you. why did they bring you a present abe. well why did they bring you that surprise. because why? oh you didn't. what are you doing? wait you didn't show edna what mike and mike and edna brought you. too many ednas. well i can't see it from here? can you bring it over here abe? hey did you have that in your mouth when you fell down? no he hit himself. are you a tiger? abe found your penny on the floor? found your penny on the floor. what do you want to buy? how can you buy something if you don't want to buy anything? do you get tired of talking to us abe? how come? why. do you want me to come beat you up? how come? you're going to horn me. oh no no don't horn me any more abe? does it hurt to be horned dad. it's not too bad. i could stand it for a little while longer. abe what's it feel like to be horned. feels good. sure. yeah i want ta feel good? oh don't press on that abe. did that hurt the top of your mouth. well don't let him play with it. that would really hurt if it were pressed into your mouth? so be real careful or mom has to take it away. okay. okay. yeah i like it. don't what? i didn't do that? no you know who did that? edna did that. that's a lie abe. that's a lie. daddy's telling a story abe. abe have i ever lied to you before. abe? shut up abe. abe have i ever lied to you before. have i ever lied to you before. mommy's trying to coach you? have i ever lied to you before? lied. yeah did i ever lie to you. see you got ta be careful when edna's around. she'll make the table hit you in the head. stan don't he's getting. he really does have big eyes. sort of doubted his trust in you. why don't you go give mom the horn okay. why don't you go give mom that horn okay? go ahead? well you sure aren't acting like a very big boy. no don't walk around with that in your mouth? remember. i'm holding oh? god i couldn't hold on? sorry about that. i think so. okay i'm holding? sure i did? do you want to listen to your stories? want ta hear your stories? ask daddy? what? how much longer? abe wants me to read to him. okay well just a little while! there's not much yet. he's just been wandering. i know. hey why don't you put the horn up. and i'll get you a surprise. well put the horn up. and then you'll find out. sure. that opened up faster than you thought didn't it. what do you think it is? what kind of candy? you always think it's a gumdrop. what kind is that? what is it abe? is it gum? it is. why don't you bite it and see what it is. is it a jawbreaker. what is it? what is it? is it a chocolate covered peanut. man that was a good surprise? real tasty. tell daddy and edna what you did at school last night. you're just tired. i don't believe you. i think you've got your mouth full and don't want to talk? did you like that surprise. why don't you tell me what you did at school today. do you need some more butter? is that good water abe. no it's milk? thanks abe. just a second? go ahead? okay that's good? good abe how does it feel. he's really gotten into this thing of when i'm doing something he'll come by and say. how you doing? so today i was hanging out clothes? and he came by? what'd you say when i was hanging out clothes? how you doing mom? i said? what do you mean? how you doing the laundry? what? what's boiling? coffee. the coffee is? you better? what'd you drink? what do you need abe? you hardly even ate dinner! what are you talking about? you need peanut butter on your cornbread. i'll get some more honey too. is that good abe. huh? that's a good idea. you'll have crunchy cornbread if you put celery on it. what abe? ann i literally spent at least six hours in front of that little machine today de de de de det? what? adding machine calculator? calculator yeah? gosh? probably longer than that? i don't know? took an hour break for volleyball and an hour break for reunion. that's your reflection. that's like your reflection in the lake. see mom and dad? those aren't reflections i mean shadows? they're reflections? well it looks just like us doesn't it abe? yes but those aren't shadows stan? stan believes on letting him argue without correcting letting him believe what he wants? stan you know better. i think he'll get i think he'll get his shadows pretty well. oh abe. here ann? i'm not able to hold it much longer? oh this works pretty well? oh well you hit it? edna you blew it? because i dropped it. why don't you hold it? who's out there? oh think the sidewalk will talk to you? hello? did you hear your echo? did your echo talk to you. i heard just abe. i didn't hear someone else. do you think it was the man on the moon? did the man on the moon talk to you tonight. did they? say hi again? let me listen? that's your echo. that's an echo. what'd you say hi to the stars? what're you saying hi to? what else? ann is this coffee done do you think. yeah i just turned it off. know what that is abe. it's the red light on the tower. why do they have red lights on towers. go ahead and tell me why? yeah what about the airplanes? go ahead and just tell me what you know. or make up something. try what. try and what. hi. okay. need honey abe. honey on crackers. on your bread on your cornbread. okay? what airplane? do you want the airplanes to hit it? who is that? oh. out the window? what do you want me to say? airplanes? don't hit the towers with red lights on them? i don't see any do you? i don't hear any do you. i don't feel any. what do you think abe? got anything else that you want to say fantastic. some of the candy you got as a surprise. i'll have some of that too? what'd he get? dad he might not want to share it with you? so you'll have to ask him. abe you want to give me a piece of your candy don't you? aha you want to share it? you want to share it with everybody? give one to edna and one to daddy? oh thank you abe. i got one too? we'll let this run another five minutes. that'll get it? what flavor did you get? oh man these are sourest things? or lime. did you tell edna why you got this candy. why? a prize for what? because why! because you were a good boy at school. go ahead. what do you think you're going to see outside? go ahead and tell me. you think you're on a desert. abe isn't this example of woman to woman talk magnificent from a language acquisition study point of view. abe? tell edna about this picture? n? i know? but tell edna why you painted it why you did this picture? aha what about this one. i know tell her about it? it's an octopus? okay tell her about this one? an x? tell her about this one. a rat. another octopus? gosh. couple of more seconds? want ta watch what now. it doesn't come on until eight o'clock abe? abe we're going to listen to a fine record tatatadum tatatadum? you want ta dance with daddy? he's just singing a song in his head? oh it feels good to stand up? we played volleyball outside today? it was? was it really sort of cold? really fine? no my hands got numb after a while? but besides that it was really fine beautiful? it was beautiful? it's really cold now though. where's what? let me see. where did it go? in my shirt. why'd you put your candy in my shirt. know what i think. you're telling me a story. didn't mommy look funny over there like this whew. you tricked me abe. let me show you my gloves i'm going to wear this winter? terry made them last christmas. why don't you use those to play volleyball with all winter? we could keep playing volleyball outside all winter if we all had the right kind of gloves to wear? wait until you see these. you better close your eyes man? okay? you ready. oh no? it feels like wooly. aren't those neat looking? used cloth daddy. abe wants you to surprise him. oh you want me to surprise you. ready? oh? i don't know if i have the strength to carry those very far. those are great gloves? aren't they really neat. yeah they're really going to be good with those mittens of yours inside and those outside? i think that's just a wrapper. you know what i'd like to have. a muff? i would love to have a muff? would that be practical with all your books and things. yeah because i carry my books on my back anyway. oh? what do you think abe? that record? okay i'll play that record okay? abe be careful. oh that's a really funny mitten? that's the first square mitten i've ever seen. a record? have you gotten any stuff from them yet? no. you want ta hear that? oh he wants to hear this. do you want to hear breezy? okay time for the record player to come on? goodbye tape? yeah. no that's peanuts. that's right. not today. we don't get a snack there everyday. no. oh such father people. the father people need a walk to go see hercules. no who? you did? in the gym with hilary? no. well i'm a gas station woman and i'll help you. okay here's some gas and a new battery. sure but don't lose them. i am too. do you like scott joplin? you won't get my germs. you won't. boy that's a pretty picture abe. it's a cave? that's okay. we'll just leave them there. you're making a cave. you aren't going to make a thanksgiving picture. i know it. and you know it? some more paint? of each color. do you like it? what don't you like about it? these colors? these colors? i already knew that. okay. some more paint? you can use your paint brush with these too? aha? okay suit yourself? who? aha mommy and daddy did. aha santa claus got you those paints? and mommy and daddy got you these paints. what are you doing with that pen? you're using a pen and a paint brush at the same time. i bet that's going to be a strange picture. no that one's just thick. it still works alright? that's alright. it won't stain your hand? i can wash it off when you're done? because your shirt we can't wash as fast as your hands get it. smashed up. i don't know what made those get so watery. they still work alright though. what are we going to eat on thanksgiving abe? aha what else? aha? cranberries? abe have you ever tasted cranberries? okay then don't say that you don't like them. wait until you taste them. you tasted them at school? where didn't they feel good? on your tongue? or your mouth. what else are we going to eat? dressing. it's stuff that's put inside the turkey. it's made out of bread. do you think you'll like it? how about pickles? remember. we made pickles. have you ever tasted pickles. how can you that? that you don't like them then? i really think you are an artist? are you done with that picture. okay you sure have been working on it for a long time. aha? aha it's watery. oh you can? but we ran out of fingerpainting paper. so you can use the paintbrush instead. good. would you like to make another one. are you all through. yeah. aw we better go take your shirt off and put it in the water to soak. after i wash it. not when it's cold outside? yeah you have to? because i don't want you to get too cold. thanksgiving is on thursday and christmas is december twenty fifth. so thanksgiving and christmas will both be over december twenty sixth? because. what? charlie brown's on at seven. aha? abe don't touch this cloth when your hands are dirty? yes they look very dirty? why did you? you thought they were paper? it's faster? it's a faster way to use the wash cloth. just because. what are you doing abe? oh? those are nipples abe? it's an n word. your king burger hat? i think that it's over in the corner. aha he has a upset tummy. aha your body needs a lot of rest when you're sick. so sick people sleep a lot. ann you can go to the co op now if you want. and i'll finish the tape when you get home? abe strawberries and blueberries are out of season. we can only get them during the summer. we can only get strawberries and blueberries during the summer. do you want to go to the store with me abe? go get your jacket on. okay. i have to get some cranberries? what are you doing abe? oh? what? are you going to come with me or stay home. no i have to go now? don't you want to go now abe so that you'll be home in time to watch charlie brown? well i'm going? how am i going to go if you're hanging on to me without your jacket? huh. no i wanna be home to watch charlie brown? your new one. i don't know. where'd you put it? abe. are you coming with me or not. well i'm leaving now. about twenty minutes. i'm not. i'm gonna get honey and cranberries? yeah. you can take your hood off if you want. i can't carry you? you're a big boy? you sure are. when you get bigger you can carry me all you want? i'd really enjoy that for a change. yeah i'll have to. let's go goodbye dad. bye? tell daddy about the sparkles we saw at the store? you don't. would you like some walnuts. pretty soon? we got our shopping done so fast we have a little time to spare. not right now thank you? i did that. i wanted to see how it tasted. i did it? i wanted a taste. because i wanted to find out what the apple tasted like? how come? why. how do you feel when someone watches you? you don't feel good? do you feel safe? do you feel secure? oh who watched you today when you woke up from your nap? greggy. he watched you poopoo remember. you asked him? and what did he say. he didn't? what? hey. don't throw your walnuts on the floor. they're expensive? it's a walnut too. it's just really father. what happened? you bit your cheek? are you hungry? after you eat your apple? aha that's the fruit? aha? you eat it. that's the best part. it's crisp? listen to this. no you're too heavy. you're as big as a whale. as a elephant. as a dog. do you like that apple abe? i will later. good the fruit is really good. turn the tv on? it's time for charlie brown and snoopy? was he eating soup. that was pretty silly wasn't it? because peppermint patty got tired of snoopy. he made her do too much work. no charlie brown put a leash on him? but snoopy didn't like that? so he took the leash off and ran back to peppermint patty's house. you unbuckle it? it's just like a belt. yeah what did he do. abe look on the tv? what's that? right. is that guy a horse? do you think that that guy's a horse? that's what the announcer said. right. jesus christ. yeah are you glad that you get to watch charlie brown. not now. you can watch this. and when it's over you can go to sleep. no you can stay up until this show's over okay? mm this hand. hang on let me loosen it a lil bit? okay. there we go. ah you got some on the curtains. great. right shall i clean your hand. ooh you didn't show amanda your eraser? i'm gonna go get a paper towel so i can clean your hand? really? wow? that's exciting. okay. alright? what is it? it's an eraser and an apple? eraser and apple what's on the eraser. a fly. hah fly is it a fly or i thought it was a fly but the woman at the store told me it was a bee? hm. oh yeah. you think so. great. i think it is? ah? ha ha. so what's on your schedule for today honey. you don't know. at school for your last day of school right. wow. what'd you eat at your holiday party? what'd you eat at your holiday party yesterday? about a hundred cookies? you ate a hundred cookies. did you eat a lotta cookies? yeah. did you eat a gingerbread boy cookie? and two m&m cookies too right. they were big. did you eat a sandwich. mm really i don't think you actually ate the sandwich. you ate some fruit salad right. yeah. what kinda fruit to you like? wow. that's a lotta berries. what about honeydew? it's good isn't it? oh you didn't eat the honeydew? it's good though wasn't it. yeah. oh good yummy? whoa? whoa? what kinda fruit does daddy like? he does. oh he loves the color blue so he likes blueberries i see. right. yeah you like red and pink. yeah. and uh what other fruit doesn't daddy like another fruit that looks sort of like a honeydew but it's orange. what is? cantaloupe you're right. cantaloupe. he likes cantaloupe you're right? true i think daddy does like strawberries. no. oh that's true they get stuck in his teeth. yeah? no? not very much? what else does daddy like to eat? honeydew daddy likes honeydew? yeah? oh boy. what about does daddy like steak? daddy does like steak a lot. daddy loves what? cheese? oh alright. what else does daddy like? daddy's camel. you know where daddy got that camel. he got it in egypt. which is so far away. a long long time ago? yeah mommy's never been to egypt. have you. oh no me neither yeah hm. yeah. you've been to egypt. really. where was i? really. was it neat? i think there's lots of sand in egypt? really. and there are big big pyramids in egypt too? you get to go into the pyramids all the time? wow? that's impressive? mhm. you want me to throw this away? and lily says shocking? is that what you said. she goes um i'm shocked? are you so silly. did you say that to me? yeah? shocking. talk? who's? oh. you said something else very silly the other day too. i can't remember what it was? i don't know you wanna put your cinderella shoes on. alright? hm what did you say. i'm gonna have to ask daddy. i don't remember? ooh snazzy. wow. whoa? those are great shoes. are those your glass slippers? yeah? wow. oh wow? i didn't realize. they're high heel glass slippers. that's right you'll be all princessy. yeah? you're all decked out with the princesses. yup? you crack me up? you cracked me up? you're just about the silliest little girl i ever knew? you poked my pock? what? well now you're just making silly stuff up. what? oh my gosh. deedee golly gock. did you bring your teacher a present yesterday. yeah. what did you bring her? right? what's your teacher's name? danielle. where's danielle from? oh you do know where's danielle from? she's from the same place with the eiffel tower right. she's from france? yeah. there are beads on the apple. you like to scrub it with your eraser? wow. that's your soap eraser i know mommy thought it was a bar of soap? does kinda look like a bar of soap doesn't it. oh great. oh there's poop on it? great you clean the poop off and now you can eat it. great. ooh throw out throw away the poop? right throw all that yucky stuff away? whoa? what? you got it from the splot. what does that mean? oh. oh yeah it was a little snowflake it broke off you're right. aw well that's too bad? it must've been real pretty huh. yeah. yeah. it looks kinda like a candle that little piece. yeah. oh it's a twisty misty one? yeah it looks like a candle to me? great? really. really? what? yay. thanks so much. thanks very much. you're right. i shall throw it away. in the garbage. you did? you did? wow? wow. you remember where trevor and phoebe are going tomorrow morning. where are they going? are they going on an airplane? you know what they're actually going to hawaii. wow they're gonna go sit on the beach with their daddy. really that'd be nice can i come? oh thanks? daddy's gonna come too we're gonna sit on the beach? yeah? really that would be nice. mhm. do we have a picture of ourselves on our card this year. we got a little card. right? right. yeah? ah. slithery slimy. glonk. oh my gosh there's a camel on your apple. there's a camel on your apple? ah? ah? ah. ah. hm. whoa? you did. wow. wow. besides what. defecating. where did you hear that word? you are the funniest where did you hear that word. from my heart. i'm glad that she's shy with the way i have her on tape saying defecating. that's what daddy says yeah. that's what daddy says? you wanna help me put stamps on the on the holiday cards? great. okay i have to go get some? alright. oh boy ha ha. oh you are funny. okay let me get. i got some in the kitchen i just have to get them out and get the stamps. yes babes? yeah. right. mhm. you don't like any of the movies. they're a little? oh right right. right? it is kinda scary. okay now we're gonna put a stamp right up here. mhm we have to make sure it's facing the right way wait other way has to face like this okay? okay. thank you honey! let's just try and move it up just a tad should go right in the corner there like that okay. okay. thanks? we just have to get it a little bit closer. to the corner here okay. okay another one. right up here in the corner. right with the blue facing up yep? perfect great thank you fantastic. okay with the blue facing up right in the corner lil bit yeah let me see if i can get that up a little bit. hang on? alright right there? great. fantastic? oh good one good one? put that right in the pile? okay right in the corner great. okay i'm just gonna move it just a little bit into the corner. just like that? alright. oh good yup. yes perfect oh that's a good one. thank you very very much i'm just gonna straighten that out. okay. great. yeah right oh good that is perfect. ah garbage? okay? okay. oh that is good thank you so much. and this one? great. okay? let's put one here? oh great. that is so great honey i'm just gonna straighten it out just a wee bit. and one more. ah so good! so good thank you so much i'm gonna put those back in the drawer until we have more cards! mhm. right i'm not i haven't written anymore cards yet though so we have to wait to write more cards. right. right. right? right. right thank you so much! we have a couple more cards to send we could! we have to write little notes to people on our cards? alright. do you think i wonder if grandma and grandpa the grandmas and grandpas will get their presents today? the little pictures that we sent? mhm. wow that looks great. ooh? oh okay. boy that looks good. i love it. maybe he does we'll have to give it to him when he gets home hah. yeah. yah. hi. how are you? good thanks. it's what oh it's daddy's coat. you're right. where we going? we're going to the mall to celebrate. great? mhm. look at that? wow? oh it's so great. wow? wow? yep. something is in there? wow? in the teapot. the teapot needs to blow its nose? great. great. phew throw it away. who's that? it is? it is wow. okay! great! thank you so much. thank you thank you? really. i love you? hm. no doesn't really cut it? it does. really. wow? tadah. wow. oh my gosh? oh. uh huh? uh huh? oh boy daddy is snow white and you're cinderella and i'm belle? wow! wow. look at that. wow. wow that's great. wow. yes? you do. you're right not in that picture. oh great? wow. mm? delicious? hm i don't know? would you like to read a book sweetie. no? no. what? no. no. what? what do you mean you don't wanna read a book? what about a special book? what about a book we haven't read in a long time? which one? okay great? what a good book. franklin goes to school? would you like to come sit next to me. oh alright i thought you might wanna sit a little closer maybe? oh alright? franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. he could zip zippers and button buttons. but franklin was worried about starting school. and that was a problem because franklin was going to school for the very first time? mhm? that's a calamari. that is good cake. uh huh. oh alright? yummy. it sure sounds delicious to me. okay i'll be listening for that? okay? franklin woke up with the sun? it's my first day of school he told goldie the fish? franklin packed his new pencil case with a ruler a pencil an eraser and twelve colored pencils that he had sharpened himself. then he woke his parents? look that's franklin's pink eraser. he has an eraser like yours but yours has a little bee on it. right. right? mhm. right. hurry he said to his parents i can't be late for school. franklin's mother looked at the clock? even the teacher's not awake she laughed it's too early. you must be very excited said franklin's father. franklin nodded. it was so early that there was time to make a big breakfast. you'll need a full tummy to work at school said franklin's father. franklin wasn't hungry. i already have a full tummy he said it feels like it's full of jumping frogs. franklin's mother gave him a hug. i felt that way on my first day of too my first day of school too but the funny feeling went away. franklin ate a little bit and double checked his book bag. finally it was time to go to school. halfway to the bus stop franklin clutched his tummy. i don't wanna go he said. franklin's father gave him a hug. that's how i felt when i started school he said but look all your friends are waiting for the bus too. that's a good question? is that beaver's mommy? no it's not? ah i do not know it looks a little more like an otter to me than a beaver doesn't it. yeah let's see. there were there was a big crowd at the bus stop. there were brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers. beaver was carrying her favorite book? i can read it she said. ah it's franklin's friend snail. all of it asked bear. yes beaver answered proudly? franklin rubbed his tummy? rabbit pulled out a brand new notebook. my big sister showed me how to write my numbers he said? all of them asked fox. most of them boasted rabbit? franklin looked at his mother? i wanna go home he said. we'll be here after school to hear all about the things you did today she said. when the bus arrived rabbit grabbed his sister's hand and climbed aboard? bear stood on the steps and waved goodbye again and again. franklin hugged his mother and then his father? he kept hugging even after his friends had found seats? as the bus pulled away franklin looked out the window. he didn't know if he was ready for school. do you think the teacher will yell wondered rabbit who jumped at loud noises? do you think there's a bathroom asked beaver fidgeting in her seat? i hope someone has an extra snack said bear who had already eaten his. franklin didn't say anything. the bus ride seemed very very long. oh gosh i wonder. i wonder who that could be? maybe. oh could be the otter you're right. right. yeah. or it could be the raccoon too right. there's the raccoon? yeah? i do not know maybe he was sitting in a different seat. oh yes. when they arrived their teacher was waiting? mr owl said hello in a gentle voice. he showed them where to hang their coats and where to sit. he showed them. it looks like they're playing with playdoh. yeah. he showed them where to find the bathroom and offered everyone a piece of fruit? then beaver and bear went to the reading and writing center. rabbit went to the play kitchen. but franklin stayed in his seat. well we'll have to ask him? what would you like to do today franklin asked mr owl? i don't know said franklin rubbing his tummy. well he's a lil nervous on his first day of school? i can't write all the numbers like rabbit can and i can't read like beaver can? rabbit and beaver will learn new things at school and so will you. franklin started to doodle. franklin stood up? franklin sat up taller? i know all my colors too he said? what color is this asked mr owl holding up a colored pencil? it's a special blue said franklin? it's turquoise. now you've taught me something said mr owl. is there something special you would like to learn. there were so many things that franklin wanted to learn that he had trouble deciding. finally he asked mr owl to help him read his favorite book. he made a building of blocks. he sorted the money in the classroom store and he painted four pictures? one for the teacher one for himself and two for his parents. it was a wonderful day. franklin sat at the back of the bus all the way home. he bumped up and down ooh don't hurt your boo boo sweetie? do you want another band aid? he was so busy. what do you want? okay can i finish the book and then i'll go get blankie. he was so busy having fun he almost forgot to get off at his stop. his parents were waiting. how's your tummy they asked? franklin looked puzzled it had been such a good day he'd forgot all about his jumpy tummy? my tummy's empty he said? well that's a feeling that will go away too said his father. i made this for you said franklin's mother and gave him his favorite snack fly pie. and i made this for you said franklin and gave his parents two pictures and two big hugs? shall i get you a band aid and blankie? okay you stay here i'll go get you a a band aid. hey sweetie? blankie. i did get you one it's right here. okey dokey? oh alright? how's that? okay let's have the thumb? great? mhm. yeah. well that one's better because sometimes the big ones can get in the way. smaller than the one daddy put on? yeah? right? wow. you think so. excuse me? mm? i think it's upstairs actually. sure? yes. oh yes there you go. mm. are you making stuff up. ah tickle tickle tickle tickle? i tickle you. i tickle you. i tickle you. because you're so silly. again. tickle you i tickle you. it's hard to tickle you when you're lying upside down? again. tickle tickle tickle. he he he you're so silly. he he he? can i give you a little kiss on your neck? ha ha i love to give you little kisses on your neck. uh oh i do i do. i do love your nose? i do love your cheeks. i do love your eyes. i do. i see a picture of you and matthew and sassy? sassy. and baby cassie. you fell into baby cassie's seat. you're right. i was putting you in your car seat you fell into baby cassie's car seat. that was silly. that's right. oh goodness gracious. is that your calculator? on the table. right there. right there. on the table? right in front of you right there look down on the table. table? right there? up right in front of you next to ariel right here right here. oh great? uh you tell me. great? that was quick healing? that was. ah? yay. thank you? really. pat pat pat. yay in the big pile. oh in the small pile gotcha. gotcha. gotcha. whoa? huh. hoof. whoa? you are sitting on blankie silly girl. would you like to read another book. no. no. what? i'm shocked? yes i am. you always love to read books. you don't. i find that quite shocking. shocking. really. oh? sing? ow? say what? what am i sposed to sing? i'm not gonna sing anything if you're hitting me like that? hm? what are you doing? you're pecking me? what are you doing? honey? do not hit the couch? you wanna go upstairs for time out? do you need anything to eat or drink? okay would you like some chocolate milk. mm rightie. let's not have a fit. oh lord. she's hyperventilating? yes? oh one can only imagine what you're gonna find under there? ah. here you go sweets. oh look honey. we do have a new book to read danielle gave you this book. it's called birthday zoo should we read it. great. teacher danielle gave it to you. okay. oh my. hey what's the big deal noticed the seal? birthday today reported the ray? who is it for inquired the boar? kid with the presents answered the pheasants. what do we do asked the emu? make everyone happy said the okapi. but where to begin asked the shy tamarin. blow up the balloons puffed the raccoons? spread out the cloth directed the? sloth. pass out the hats instructed the bats. pour all the drinks gurgled the lynx. get them to laugh advised the giraffe. pin the tail on the donkey suggested a monkey. musical chairs pleaded the bears. open the gifts insisted the swifts. recycle the paper reminded the tapir? who's ready for cake invited the snake? it's chocolate chip the wolf licked her lip? we need some more forks flurried the storks. candles look loose worried the moose? go on make a wish blurbed the fish? blow hard as a whale encouraged the snail. your wish will come true applauded the gnu. happy birthday to you chimed in the whole zoo. yay? well this is he's feeding cake to his little animals. right. they're all having birthday cake. yeah? right. wow. mhm. right. pretend cake. oh i think that's real cake actually. there were lots of animals that i didn't know of before how bout you? were there lots of animals. like a gnu. gnu. no. mhm. well these are all his stuffed animals he was pretending that they were real i think? his monkey his snake his raccoon his sloth. mhm. his teddy. mhm. right he must be taking a nap. mhm? right. oh my gosh you'll have to eat all their cake then won't you? mhm? you're right. do you think the little boys can eat all the cake? yeah. do you like cake? you do? wow. you don't like to wear the the birthday hats right that's true. right the little string hurts your neck huh. yeah. your chin you're right your chin. yeah. are you gonna have a birthday party? you are? and how old are you gonna be on your birthday? really are you gonna be six. where should we have your birthday party? at gymboree that would be great. ah. ah? that's good stuff. mm? okay that's enough water for me sweets thanks? ah tasty. feels so much better? don't you think. yeah. yes? my fever did go away after i took my medicine right. it did? ah how do they look. ah hey ah don't choke me. how do they look? great? ah? ah don't put it too far back honey i'll choke? yes. mhm. okay. ah. ah don't put it too far back in my throat i'll choke? ah? great. yay. great. what a good doctor you are. are you a regular doctor or are you a dentist? you're a regular doctor. oh you're a regular dentist okay so you're taking care of my teeth huh. that's nice? sure! birthday zoo! hey what's the big deal noticed the seal! birthday today reported the ray. who is it for inquired the boar? kid with the presents answered the pheasants. these are the birds the pheasants. that's a special kind of bird. yeah. what do we do asked the emu? the emu is kind of like a sort of like an ostrich a little bit. yeah. make everyone happy said the okapi. oh my the pheasant is dancing with the sting ray? yes. right? but where to begin asked the shy tamarin? he doesn't know what to do with the balloons. blow up balloons puffed the raccoons. look at all those raccoons blowing up balloons. right. spread out a cloth directed the sloth? he's such a sleepy sloth. pass out the hats instructed the bats. pour all the drinks gurgled the lynx. that's a lynx right. lynx? get them to laugh advised the giraffe. pin the tail on the donkey suggested a monkey. oh my? musical chairs pleaded the bears? open the gifts insisted the swifts? right those are the little swifts the little birds? recycle the paper. mm yeah they're they're a different kind of bird you're right? recycle the paper reminded the tapir. great? he's a funny animal he looks what does he look like to you that tapir. looks a little bit like an elephant and a little bit like a hippo doesn't he. yeah? or like a rhinoceros exactly? yeah. who's ready for cake invited the snake? where's the snake? there he is! it's chocolate chip the wolf licked her lip? do you know where the wolf is? there she is? we need some more forks flurried the storks! do you know where the storks are? here they are! yeah they're a different kind of bird exactly? candles look loose worried the moose? right some forks. go on make a wish burbled the fish! right. blow hard as a whale encouraged the snail. your wish will come true applauded the gnu. he has antlers? mhm. yeah those are the little white antler he has these little white horns? and the moose has big brown antlers. right. mhm. right he has like a little beard doesn't he? yeah. right? happy birthday to you chimed in the whole zoo. again one more time. hey what's the big deal noticed the seal! birthday today reported the ray. who is it for inquired the boar? yes. that's the ray. right? kid with the presents answered the pheasants. mhm. right here. right here. mhm. mhm. right. oh boy. what do we? mhm. i don't know. napping. the boar. wow! i think you might be right. mommy sting ray might be kissing the boar. wow. wow. what do we do asked the emu? make everyone happy said the okapi? but where to begin asked the shy tamarin! blow up balloons puffed the raccoons? spread out a cloth directed the. right. it's right? pass out the hats instructed the? right? pour all the drinks gurgled the. lynx? great. get them to laugh advised the? pin the tail on the donkey suggested a? right? musical chairs pleaded the. right. open the gifts insisted the? swifts? oh they're all there's gifts all over the floor? he got a little truck he got a car he got a baseball he got a baseball mitt he's opening another box. i'm not sure. wow? wow. great? wow? wow. um well i think your playdoh got dried out. because see that big blob in there. yeah doesn't it is it all dried out. yeah we gonna have to throw that away. how much playdoh do we go through every week? mhm? let's see? you think those are much newer. really. hm. see the thing is you always mix the colors together and then they sort of come out to be no color at all? kind of nice in their own regular colors right. yeah. okay. you know what we have here? look at this. there's a truck honey. come here. come on over here. look. aha isn't that nice? all sorts of things. just. this is the trunk. just like the things in mommy's trunk? see? look. we can take the car apart. you know the little toy wendy has? that little man? that takes things apart? see? we can put this in here. and you can take the steering wheel off. you wanna do that? and the tire. you can take the tire off. here. you do it. this is a screw driver. do you wanna use the screw driver? oop. who's that? is he driving the car? okay. you have turn the wheel hard. it's just like wendy's little man. it comes off. oop. see? but how can you drive the car now? can they drive the car without a steering wheel? do you wanna put the steering wheel back? or do you wanna take some. let's see what's up here. is this the engine? i don't know. where'd they come from hm? where did this come from? i guess it goes right there. well. this is to take other things off. let's see if we can find something that goes back here. turn this. put it out here and turn it. it's very hard. there. you do it. you know when i go to the gas station and the man helps me? and he looks under the the hood of the car? and he checks my oil? well. that's what you're doing. do you see any oil down there? look at that. it's all checked now? under the hood. i don't know. that's hard. oh laurie. look. on this side. use the screw driver. see if you can get that off. what if you put the car on its side? can you do it that way? here. right up here. remember i was using the screw driver the other day? well. i had to put your light switch back on. did you have a flat tire? you're gonna put a new tire on? does this tire need to be taken off too? do you know how to do that? do you like this car? did you know cars come apart like this? oop. i think that goes over there. you know you're just like the man in the garage. you know that man that i take my car to when it's broken? i can not. see it? here it is. right there. well. you have to use a screw driver. use the screw driver. is it hard to turn? i bet you can do it. here. let's do it together. let's turn it this way laurie. this way. there we go. you think you can fix my car next time it breaks? very good. think you'll be able to put all this back together? what else do you wanna do? here are the headlights laurie. what are you gonna do about those? do you wanna take those off? how can you do that? wanna figure out where that goes? i think that goes right in here. but does it fit in here? see if it fits in here. what if you do this? slide it right in there. see if it fits. right in here. good. get it all in? there. and now we have to put something in there to hold it. how bout a screw? can you put that in there? oop. you have to push it back in there. i'll hold it. and you put the screw in. you have to keep turning it. member when i put that screw on your light? and i had to keep turning and turning it until it went in? okay. it's a brand new wheel? okay. where do you wanna put it? okay. the car doesn't have any wheels left. do you wanna put it right there? well. how could we do that? put it on there. here is a screw driver. but you need a screw. where's your screw laurie? do you see a screw here on the floor? that's a screw driver. do you see a screw? no. this's a screw. okay? put that in there. and can you push it in with the screw driver? or with your hands if you want? oh. that went in easy. you know what i think we forgot laurie? i don't know where this goes. do you remember where it goes? you think it goes here? or here? what do you think? here? wanna do it like this? okay. okay? well. that must be for another tire. good. very good. now you've got two tires on. how many more do you need? oh laurie. on this side there are no tires. what do you think we should do? were you sitting on them? here. let's move over here okay? oh laurie. we must not have put them on tight enough. you know? would you like me to read you a book? let's put all these back in okay? and then i'll read you a book. okay. i'll see if i can find you a real funny book okay? oh laurie. look at this book. let's sit down right here and read okay? there we go okay? this is about a cat. oh. look. the little girl is taking her cat for a walk. she has him in a baby carriage. you don't. what do you put in your baby carriage? mhm. oh. look what happened. the cat jumped out of the baby carriage when the little girl was picking a flower. and he ran away. do you see him hiding? do you see where he's hiding? where? yeah. the little girl is very upset isn't she? she's all dressed up like a mommy. and she ran up to the policeman. and she says. mr policeman i lost my cat. and the policeman is stopping a little boy on a bicycle so he won't get hit. actually he's afraid that the little boy's bike will hit the little girl. see? what's the policeman have in his mouth? do you know? looks like a hand. he is blowing a whistle to stop the little boy. oh. look what happened. did they find the kittie? yeah. and look at her. is she happy? you don't think she's happy? is she smiling or is she crying? yes. she is. wow. they go to get the kittie. and what happened? look what happened over here laurie when they went to catch the kittie. what happened? he sure did. i guess he must have tripped. he tripped on these long ribbons here. i guess he forgot to tie his belt. and he dropped his whistle. and what about this little girl? is she angry? the kittie got away. well. now they're sneaking up. see? they're on their tiptoes. they are being very quiet. and they are sneaking up on the kittie. kittie. look at the kittie. he says to himself. i'm gonna get away this time. i'm gonna run right through this tunnel. i don't know. shall we turn the page and find out? look what. look laurie. the tunnel goes right through this little mountain. and the kittie got all the way through. and he is watching the policeman and the little girl. and the little boy came through. and what's on the other side? do you know what this is? it's water. and they're going to fall right into the water. do you think so? or do you think they'll see it before they fall into it. okay. oh. look what happened. the policeman came through. and what happened laurie? they sure did. because he didn't know the water was there. and he stepped out of the pipe and went right into the water. and the cat. what did the cat do? yeah. do you think they'll ever catch that cat? well. the policeman helped the little girl get out of the tunnel. and you know what happened? i think they both fell into the water. splash! look at that. then the kittie ran back through the tunnel. what do you think? yeah. they sure did. real wet. yeah. doesn't it look like it? and even her hat fell off. it's on the policeman's head. see? don't they look funny in the puddle? wow. now what are they gonna do? and what what are they going in there for? to get the kittie? and they came out the other end of the tunnel. and they're still soaking wet. and who caught the kittie? yeah. the little boy. he is smart. he didn't run after the kittie. he waited for the kittie to come to him. oh laurie. look. what happened? what did the kittie do? yeah. and the. the policeman is upset isn't he? he doesn't know how to get the cat out. i think he's just a silly cat. and what happened? what where'd the cat go? he sure did. look at that. way up the tree. oh! my goodness! the policeman went after him. and cats are very good at climbing trees. but sometimes policeman aren't. and the cat gets on this little bitty branch. and the policeman tries to get him. and he does doesn't he? and the little girl is very happy that the policeman caught her cat. oh! no! now what happened over here? well. the branch broke. see? the branch broke. and the policeman fell on top of him. see? the policeman was too heavy for the branch. and the policeman fell on the kittie. and who caught the cat? yes. he did. and the policeman fell on the ground. well. look what happened. poor policeman hurt himself. he has a little cane he's walking on. and the little boy got into the carriage. and the cat is walking behind him. well. i guess the little girl's gonna bring em all home. let's see. do you think she's gonna bring em into her house? oh. you know what she brought for em? what does she have for them? yeah. what what is she eating? cookies and juice? and what is she dressed like? she's not dressed like a mommy anymore. what's she dressed like? is she dressed like a nurse? that's a nurse's hat. you wanna read another book? i don't think there is another book. well. let's see if we can find something else to play with. whoops? do you think there might be something in here? let's take this off and see. oh! look! that's a little store. would you like to play with that? yes. what is that? oop. what's in there laurie? look. this is a little store. you know when i go to the store? i buy food. and then the lady rings it all up on the cash register. would you like would you like for me to buy food? i wonder if they have some money to play with. you think so? you think there might be some money in there? how do we open this? oop! oh. real money. laurie. okay. thank you. can i buy some food now? okay. let's see. today i think i'll buy some soup okay? and i think i'll buy some milk. and is that a box of rice krispies i see way way over there? what are they? corn flakes. what else do you see? sugar. could i have some eggs? i think they are over there. the cookies. thank you. i think they're they're just like pretend ones. there there's nothing really in these. it's just a play room okay? and i'm gonna buy some oreos too okay? it's empty. okay? okay? and i'll give you the money. and will you put it all in a bag for me so i can take it home? okay. here is the money okay? you wanna put it in the cash register? try. why don't you push the. okay. can you ring up all my things for me? so i can take them home? here's a bag. just like the lady does at the grocery store. oh. thank you. now. would you like to buy something? okay. now you buy something. something in there? okay? what is it? thank you. you know what that is? that's soap to do the clothes with. to wash the clothes. it's mustard. you wanna buy mustard? thank you. aha. okay. we're buying everything for the baby today? okay. oh. thank you. they're gonna be very happy when i bring all of this home. so is the baby. she sure is. okay. she loves soup. thank you. bye bye. okay. oh. they're very heavy. okay. i'll see you tomorrow. okay? laurie? what? look at these. there's a little couch. and that's a little chair you can lie down on. see? a table. that's a dining room table. i don't. do you see a crib? what's that? yeah. you have to go to the bath room? okay. you know that girl who was here before? she'll be back pretty soon. and we'll ask her. do you have to go right away? okay. i'm sure she'll be back very soon okay? then you wanna come back and play? ah. alright. okay. hi. i'm esther greif. i'm associated with the project too. hi. hi laurie. could she just use your bath room? oh. sure. i have a little toy for you for today's visit. oh laurie. look. isn't that nice? what do you say? okay. we'll go to the bath room okay? it's really nice in the dark. it lights up nice and bright. it's right down there. okay. thank you for coming. and we'll talk to you soon alright? bye bye laurie. bye. what is what? that's a little cow? what does he have around his neck? and what else does he have on him. where are the flowers? flowers on his head. what color eyes does he have? i don't think they're black? what color are they? blue. oh let me see him. do. are cows usually pink? they're brown aren't they usually? they do. where do you see cows? in a barn? do they live on a farm or in the city? is a barn on a farm or in the city? it's on a? farm. did we go to the country yesterday. for a walk? did you go for a walk with mommy. where did we go? did we go in the woods. where did we go? we went in the woods didn't we. oh let's put the cow to sleep now? where are you going to put him? is he gonna be a good cow? how come you cry at night sometime? well i think tonight you better not cry when i put you to bed okay. i always give you a big hug when i put you to sleep right. yeah you wear a lot of blankets. is that what you've been doing. well tonight you keep all your blankets on. do you like to put on many blankets when you go to sleep? how many blankets do you have when you go to sleep? yeah which blankets do you put on when you go to sleep? oh? which one comes first. i see. why don't you put your baby to sleep? you pretend you're the mommy and you put her to sleep. um um? what are you doing? what does he want? how many blankets are you putting on snoopy? which ones. i see. tonight when i put you to bed are you going to keep your blankets on. that's good. where's her mommy? aha did she come off her arm. let's see if we can fix it. where does she belong? can you pull the sleeve for me? let's see if we can push the arm back in? it's hard isn't it. the other snoopy's waiting to be put to sleep. look he looks very tired? he could what. doesn't he get cold without any blankets on? oh you found your telephone. who are you going to call up on the telephone? okay. you call franky. you tell me what he says to you. a cow. where am i gonna keep it? what are you doing? what does that do? he's gonna give me a cow? and what am i gonna do with a cow. make him moo. what will he give me to drink? i see. lemonade doesn't come from a cow. no. where does lemonade come from? no from a fruit? what kind of fruit? a lemon? that's right? lemonade comes from a lemon? and where does. orange juice come from. no from a fruit. what kind of fruit? who are you calling now? nonna. oh i can't wait? there she is. hi nonna. what is she saying to you? ask her how she is. ask her if she's feeling alright. what's the weather like? did you tell. why don't you tell nonna about the long hike you took saturday. where did you go? to the fire road. where was the fire road? did you walk by yourself. the whole way? did you ever slide. what happened? you climbed onto a tree? did you pick anything. oh you did? what did you do with the berries? where are the berries now? you picked them on the hike and where did you bring them? oh and what did you do with them at home. what did she say? did you tell her about your hike. did you get tired on the hike. i did? it was far. i think he did too. it was all up hill wasn't it. are you coughing. are you still sick. you feel better now? oh he's going to wake the baby up. look i fixed the mommy. look what i did? why don't you put the cow to sleep? there's a blanket for the cow. over there under the crib. did he have some supper. what did you give him for supper? you're stepping on my hand. did they fall in here? maybe i can find them for you? i don't know what happened to your vegetables honey. i'll have to look for them. here's a puzzle? oh this is nice. bob and scott did a long time ago? um. i don't know. i'll look for it in here? you see if you can find all the others. i'm looking? yeah i think so. well nina i don't know where the other things are. i'm afraid they're missing. i don't know what happened to them? i don't see them in the box? they must still be at miriam and nick's house. well they're not in this box? i don't see them anywhere. they're gone. i'm afraid they got lost? yeah i'm afraid so. i'm afraid they are? here's another nice puzzle though? you wanna try it? yeah what pieces are missing. oh? let's take these out. pieces out. oh shall we put them back quietly? what's that? oh i can't hear you? that's okay? they? where can you put the star? can you put it in the right place? where does the star fit? what happened to the star? in where. i don't see it. oh. oh what other shapes can you find. can you find a square? is this a square? where does the circle go? where did the circle go? how many pieces are in here now? what? what pieces? a star and a circle? that's right there're two pieces. now can you find a square. that's a square? now where's a square on here? that was hard to put in wasn't it. that's a cross? the cross has to go inside the space for the cross. where is it? what's that? is that a cross. where is the cross? yes that's a cross? yup oh boy? there're many pieces inside now aren't there. what's that? oh you found the right spot. no that's not a triangle. no that's not a triangle. that's a hexagonal. well is it on this side. a hexagonal? okay. yup. yeah turn it around. um where does it go. it's a hexagonal. now can you find a triangle down here? where's the triangle? what's that? how many sides does a triangle have? one? two. three. count up the sides of a triangle. that's it. no just three sides. how many sides does this triangle have? can you count them? where are the sides of the triangle? there's one? um um and what's this? a third side. that's where it goes. it looks like a tent doesn't it. a trapezoid. oh one left? that's a yellow piece. i think it goes in here. here's a circle? you finished it? take them all out again? i think it's time to put your dolly to bed? he does. oh you know what. you can feed the dolly a snack before she goes to bed in the plate that maggie gave you. okay. what's on this plate? we can't find them honey. we'll have to pretend that we have them? i wish i could find them. i'll look for them tomorrow. you know what. i think we brought them to maggie's house. yup. i can't find them anywhere? i looked everywhere? i guess so? do you see them anywhere? let's look once more in the room. who did you play with with them yesterday? would you put them in here? no. where could they be? they're not in the closet. aha. i see. what is she going to wear tomorrow night? tomorrow night. what are those? oh. i see? what's on this plate? a big black cat. scary. who else goes out at halloween? did you make a pumpkin yesterday. how did we make the pumpkin? what's this? oh he's nice? what does he have? this is the one from the kitchen. what's inside it? and what did we do to the candle yesterday. we'll have to fix it. and then what do we do with the candle. and light it. oh is this a happy pumpkin or a sad pumpkin. what does he have? and what does he have in his mouth. what did rob cut out in his mouth? how did we make this pumpkin? did we make it with a spoon. no how did we cut it up? that's right and we took all the seeds out didn't we. and then we made place for the candle? and what's this. that's the hat of the pumpkin. we'll keep the pumpkin in our window for halloween? what do you wanna be for halloween? you do! what kind of a costume do you want to wear? what is it gonna be like? like a cat? are you gonna be a cat or a clown. oh a cat. you wanna be a tiger? i see. what color will the costume be? you're going to be a red tiger. are you gonna scare people. do some people dress up as witches for halloween? what does maggie have on her door for halloween? oh what is the witch riding. she's riding on top of a broom isn't she? oh i'll have to look more carefully? i thought it was a broom stick and she was going through the air on her broom stick? do they. you better not be a witch then. you gonna be a tiger? that won't scare people. they do. did somebody buy you a big plastic pumpkin too. where is it? can i see it. oh my is that big. and where's your baby pumpkin. that's your real pumpkin? do you have a baby plastic pumpkin over by the doll house? look at all your pumpkins. now you have a daddy and a mommy and a baby pumpkin. don't you? let me see the daddy pumpkin. wow is he big. the big pumpkin hugs the little one? i see? okay. are they talking about halloween. what are they saying? will there be three witches! and what are they gonna do! i see. where's the baby pumpkin? did you take a ride on my back yesterday. okay here i come. let's go in the woods. oh i just saw something? i would like to pick that. will you pick it for me! the branch over there! oh thank you? who's going to hold it now? you are. what does it look like? let me see. what happened? what happened? they are. i see. is it raining or sunny out? sunny. that's good. is the mommy baby. is the mommy doll sleeping. did you see what i hung on your door. no what is he. what is he wearing? and what is he wearing on his eyes. he's a funny looking hippopotamus. he's got polka dots on him. do you think that's the real color of a hippopotamus? what color are hippopotamuses usually? i think they're usually black aren't they? yeah i think they usually are. they're not blue with pink polka dots certainly? i think so? hippopotamuses are all shiny and everything. let's see if we can find it? where's that new book? this can be your bedtime story tonight? you read it to me. that's a monkey? well that girl is laughing isn't she? would you like this for your bedtime story tonight. we'll read the story and then we'll get dressed. or do you want to put your pajamas on first? you read this story for a little while. oh what is this animal. look at that. yeah! she's laughing at him? what does she have on her eyes? do you know why she wears glasses? why! well she's wearing them so she can see better. what is she wearing on her hair? oh. where are all these children going? what do you think that is? that's a zoo? these children are all in school and their school is taking a trip to the zoo. you take trips with your school. where do you go with your school? you think so. who do they come to first? i think he is? do many people pick up tigers. what's he doing? you would? would you like to become a lion trainer? what is she doing there? where's her hand? on her waist. he looks sad doesn't he. he's got such big pretty eyes. what's she doing with the tiger now? oh? have you ever played ball with a kittie. well she's playing ball with a big kittie a tiger. where is the ball? what is it attached to? to a long? oh? so what does she do with the ball. where's the ball? well it was at the end of this string. so where do you think it is? it's something. where is it? do you think it's in the tiger's mouth? i think so because i don't see it. do you see it? i don't see it? how do you catch a ball? with your mouth. and how does the tiger catch a ball? with his mouth? that's a walrus. this boy is giving the walrus some water? why do you think he's giving him some water. did you drink yesterday? when you were at the park? where? because you got thirsty too didn't you. what's he doing? is he patting someone? who is he patting? what's the boy? who's the boy patting? he's patting a walrus. no the walrus doesn't bite. he's a nice nice animal. oh he likes to sit around? he likes to go in the water. what is this boy doing for the walrus now? he is? do you think the walrus likes it? you think it's a wet kiss? i think it's a very wet slobbery kiss? because the walrus has a very big tongue. something? is that what you think he's reading. what are these children doing? oh where are they walking. oh? is he taking him by the hand. oh. that's nice. that's his baby brother? where's the big brother? what is the big brother doing? how does the goat get the milk? from a cup. oh that must be a baby. did you drink when you were a baby from a bottle. do you think he's scared of him? well the llama is pretty big compared to the boy isn't he. nothing. the llama's very gentle. but he's a lot bigger then this boy. is the goat bigger or littler then the boy. let me see this picture. i missed this picture. who are they feeding here? oh that's sweet? what's he doing? yeah? maybe and see the baby goat. he might come to see the baby goat. aha. aha. i see? did you see llamas at the zoo. these are pretty big turtles aren't they. where's the boy? wow he must be a pretty big turtle? to be able to ride on? most turtles are little aren't they. um i think more turtles are little? at cape cod. we saw a turtle remember? in a fish tank? it was a little tiny turtle. you couldn't ride on it could you. this is a great big tortoise? what are they doing? what do you think they're feeding him? who's pushing him? do you think the elephant is heavy or light? is it easy to push an elephant. must be pretty hard don't you think. they're pretty heavy. he's cuddling him. he's getting real close. he's playing. what's this? it's all curled around isn't it? look at the feet of the elephant. must be pretty heavy. i wouldn't like to be stepped on by an elephant would you. what would it do to your foot? oh i like elephants but i wouldn't put my foot under an elephant. you wouldn't either would you? what's he doing here? that man is asking for something to drink for the elephant. and look what's the boy doing. oh do you think elephants drink milk? i think so. that must be milk in there. oh that's a pretty big bottle of milk isn't it. do you think the elephant will drink it all up? what's on top of the elephant's head? what's that growing up there? looks like hair doesn't it. what are these people doing? laughing. whose head is coming out here? oh who's he talking to. and who's in this picture. no this animal has two humps so what do you think it is? and he's eating a cookie? who do you think is giving him a cookie? yeah all we can see is the hand. who do you think the hand belongs to? do you think a little boy is outside the picture? we can't see him can we? he's hiding? who do we see in the picture? oh we can't see the boy? that's pretty funny. all we can see is a hand coming out. and that's a cookie. do you think the camel will eat it? i think he will too. that's a gazelle. gazelles run? oh they're such pretty animals. they don't. what do they do? oh what does he have on his head this pretty gazelle? they're pointy aren't they? and here is a goat. oh. that's a monkey too. that's a chimpanzee. yeah a chimp. he's making faces. what a long chin he has? what does he want? i think so. i don't know. do you know what he's feeding him? what is he feeding him? no a fruit. a little round fruit. what do you think it is? no grapes. he's feeding him lots of grapes. oh what's the monkey doing? do you think he does? who's tying it back up? do you think the monkey knows how to tie it too? i think the monkey probably just unties the shoe don't you think? i don't think a monkey knows how to tie up a shoe. i think he just knows how to untie it. and he keeps untying the shoe and the girl ties up the shoe. and he unties the shoe and the girl ties up the shoe? oh? that's not a helicopter? what is that? oh what's the chimpanzee gonna do. um? and what else is he gonna do? is gonna go for a ride on it. where's the little girl riding? i see they going riding together. yeah is the monkey going on the tricycle or on the train. that's right. oh what's the boy doing. who's he picking up? i never tried. do you think they'd be cuddly? i bet they'd be nice and soft and cuddly don't you? they don't? i think they'd be nice. you think so. a bear tree. i see. what are they doing? they're climbing up the branches of a tree. did you climb a tree yesterday. what are those funny animals? they are. what do you think they're gonna do? you're a penguin. do the penguins walk in a funny way. they make a funny noise don't they. flap flap flap. aha? what's this boy giving this penguin? oh i think it's a piece of food. what kind of food? let's look carefully. i think it must be a fish? yeah. the seals jump. they jump pretty high don't they. they're jumping over the net? oh. forty times. that's a lot of times isn't it. oh. what's the little boy doing? he must like him. they're making funny faces at each other aren't they. he's just making funny noises. what did he do? oh look at those teeth? he's got lots of little black teeth doesn't he. aha. he has some funny whiskers doesn't he. no that's just a piece of background paper? what is the boy doing with the seal? oh? no i think that's just the floor? yeah. how does the seal catch the ball? on his nose. and how did the tiger catch the ball? and how do you catch a ball? but a seal throws with his. what's the seal doing? oh are the whiskers getting in the way. those are pretty long whiskers hanging down aren't they? where do you think they're at? are they happy? i don't think so do you. i think yes. they are. they're laughing aren't they. what's he doing? he's yawning. do you think he's tired? i guess so. he's yawning awfully loud isn't he. yeah he wants to tell everyone it's time to go to sleep. yeah. okay let's get everybody ready to go to sleep. look it's dark outside. okay let's see how well you can get undressed by yourself. first take off. oh it's time to go to sleep now? you know what we're going to take off first? we'll look at the book again when you have your pajamas on. first take off you shoes. do you want me to take them off for you? or you can take them off by yourself. i'll do what the monkey did. what am i doing? i'm doing what the chimpanzee did. okay. let's be careful when we take off you sneakers? because you know what? there's sand inside them? so careful so we don't get it all over the floor? oh goodness look at all that sand? where did you get that sand from? from the sand box? there's a sand pool. what did you do in it? there's sand all over your sock too. and what's that? oh is that your name so you won't loose it at school? my look at this other sneaker? you must have played hard today! did you have a good time playing in the sand. yeah. you want the white blanket for her. where are you gonna put that white blanket? tell mark not to come in. what did marky say? yeah. it is. what are you going to do with it ross? no that was yours you popped. yeah yours popped? this is marky's? yes. no this one belongs to marky. you can play with it but it's not yours. nope not yours. marky and you share toys. right. right. right. what has marky got in his mouth? raisins. are you sure those are raisins. take a good look? what is that? it's not a raisin? a gum. do you know what it is? it's a little penguin. marky's eating a little penguin yeah? a little rubber penguin? poo poo penguin. why is he a poo poo penguin. because you did poo on him. where? on his nose? he doesn't have poo poo on him? he's right over there? you want to get him? right there. you did poo poo on his nose. why? i see. that's jaimey's brother? what are the names of the animals? what are they called? reindeer. uh uh? how many reindeer does he have? six reindeer. and what are their names. isn't there one called rudolf? is rudolf one of them? how about rudolf? and dasher and dancer and prancer and donner and blitzen? you know dasher and dancer and prancer? and donner and blitzen? those are some of his reindeer? oh he has a reindeer called ross. i see? a little reindeer called brian. how about jackie paper? does he have a reindeer called jackie paper. yeah? well that's nice? let's see if we can find a picture of santa claus? let's see. maybe there's one here. that's a picture from santa claus. or is it a picture of santa claus. how about a picture of santa claus? is that right? is it a picture of santa claus or a picture from santa claus? i say of. oh from santa claus? okay? and what do these people do all day. yeah that's a girl and a boy. and this one is probably that's a little boy. they got on their warm clothes? yeah. snow coat. parka. and the hat. do you have those clothes? do you have them too? i'm going to turn this off now. why not? what does he got on? he's got a snow suit. that's a thermometer? it must be real cold? looks like it's fifteen degrees on that thermometer. okay what goes together up here. rain coat. goes with what. that was a pretend shot the shot doesn't really make any noise does it. flu shot doesn't really make a noise does it. you've had a flu shot. oh you gonna carry him to another room in the hospital. yeah. yeah. oh no? how did he break his leg exactly? oh? that's no fun? bumped. bumped jumped indeed? poor guy scratched his little foot? yeah. mm. yes naima? i am doing a few things here at the desk. that's a good question i haven't seen that for quite a while. i wonder where it is. yeah. he can see everything. does he like to see all the things over this part of the house. oh i see that's where we are. with other patients oh do we need to put bracelet on him. here we should put this on him. let's put it on his wrist everybody in the hospital's gotta have one of those. come here. yeah. oh that's because it needs some tape i'm sorry i knew that. yes we okay? turning him this way? there there. it did stick to his fur or it didn't stick to his fur. hm. oh my goodness. come along come along. i need to look something up here just a minute. ah just a minute. yeah? okay just a minute. ah i know i'm trying to look something up. are you getting a little hungry. okay here's the x ray room. isn't it. what does he want to see here does he wanna see what all the equipment look like? the x ray machine and everything else. oh we left it here last spring. it has been here long time then. yes. i know. i know about that. i think it suppose to be glued in it the glue must of stopped working. because that's not part of the tool. by the way is your hammer missing. or is the hammer there. that's what i thought. hm. is he glad. did he miss his stroller. what time does he usually eat supper? usually he eats supper at seven? that's pretty late for small child of a bear. i saw a child do that it was you. wow? oh i see a child patient. ah. this must be the play room? ah? ah. may be the patient would like to play rhyme time ball with her mother. or with the play lady. that's good? every body in the hospital has to wear a bracelet like that? every patient. it has the patient's birthday and patient's name on it. it's a safe thing it's about safety. so everybody can know who the patient is and how old he is. ah. be careful you're pushing the microphone. that's not so good. ah do you wanna play rhyme time ball. okay? after we play rhyme time ball with the bear mommy has to go into the kitchen and cut broccoli up into small pieces and you could sort the silver ware for me and we can put some music on and listen to it while we are doing this things? pay my money down okay you wanna start. rhyme time ball. be careful the bear is on the microphone that's a problem. you can hold him there. okay. poop. stoop. stoop is like a front steps. oh i didn't give you another one. okay pee me. now i'm gonna think of another one for you? um bear. chair. chair. they both good ones. i wanna chop it into small pieces chop chop chop chop chop. and you can sort the silver ware and find the strange things. unless you wanna play this for a little while longer. okay. he can do that. us to search around. yes we're going to the broccoli place otherwise known as the kitchen. i wanna wash the broccoli and chop it up. why don't you come and help me. okay. i will stay here for five more minutes and play for five more minutes and then i'm really going to go and do that whether or not you come with me. so what are we going to play in here. ah. yeah. are you really fishing there. what are you finding? ah sleepy will be glad to eat some of that i bit. yeah yeah yeah. oh okay. i'm the nurse. ah do you need to feel better. oh so i better move out of the way huh? oh? cold and the broken leg and the temperature. all at once. the best thing for you would be some sleep. that will help you get better sleeping will help you get better. okay. mhm. your mommy will probably come and visit you very soon don't you think? ah i bet he's helping you feel better? the bear gonna give you medicine. no you just need to sleep to feel better? you need some medicine. oh okay. ninety eight point six perfectly fine. you might feel like you have a temperature but you don't really have one. mhm. are you ready to help with the broccoli. ah it was almost five minutes? oh okay. oh oh. be careful there naima that's not really for standing on did you know that. it's really not? for dinner. oh really. is there going to be broccoli at the restaurant? oh good? naima you could of keep playing you don't have to stop playing just because i'm gonna start cooking. yeah? yeah it could probably just stay there that would be all right. i'm gonna take off your microphone now. no i'm gonna go in the kitchen now. you could. this is the end of the brown tape. mhm. which is fine? i had it on manual focused did you still have it on? i don't know i had to switch things around. okay well the focus is totally separate and it's toward the front of the camera. in a different place yeah. alright? it's close to the end um. naima. it doesn't matter so much. wake up sweetie pie? good morning where did you go. sleepy bear is not telling? you had some private business? and was she awake? ah. did she wake up when you went in? did you talk to her. oh dear. really. a cold and the measles. oh dear. did you sleep well naima. that's what you use to say. hm. okay niled. are you my niled? it was afraid to tell her mother about what. what's a suklami? i don't know what a suklami is. good morning who. aha? am i laddy snaddy. a pink purse. i've never hear of a pink purse. means a shirt i see. the nursies. is that right. he does have a shirt on. smooch. this um. are you awake naima. sleepy niled. niled. niled. thank you for the sleep present. yes it was a nice sleep present naima. what? well not zero nursing but you didn't wake up to nurse until four thirty. which is pretty good. no. yeah. yeah. yes. sleepy child ah. oops. child gave the receiver to her mommy. ah okay. it would be a while. you need to use to the potty. i wonder if anybody has notice this. we've been through quite a lot of rolls of tape this week. oh really. to get actually your dad could get more tape. where's your list now? this is mine it was on the floor. you saw a big role of black tape i think may be you use that one up did you. yeah you also used the red one up. here's some tape? you need to use the potty. i go with you. you like my pimples? i wish i didn't have them. i got them from eating junk. who? i smell a fart. daddy is going to get a band aid for you. come on nomi. nomi. nomi. come on. come on down here? that's a clip? do you wanna hold the clip? yes. what's that on your finger nomi? what's that? what? hair? where's the hair? taped on? in the box? yes? i'll get it? in there? ouch. in there. aha. no. no. no. i was afraid that was going to happen. momma will give us something else from the drawer. no you can have that naomi here. what's that nomi? it's not a passy is it. what? no i don't want one nomi thank you? is it a tooth puller? hm? what is it? she wants to know what is it? oh it's a strainer nomi? nomi do you remember what we used to call that? do you remember what we called it when we played the game together that day? what did we call it? do you remember nomi? nomi there's another clip you could put in the box? what's this? pin? nose hurts. don't touch it nomi? what's wrong with your nose? what's making your nose hurt? recorder is too far away isn't it. no sweetheart it's not proper for you to play with it? that's not part of the rules? she's trying to lift up the chair and i'm sitting on it? what's that nomi? it's a slide. aha don't pull nomi. don't pull? i wonder why. right. well i sometimes have pimples too. did you like that show abe. it's going to be a monkey movie next time it comes on? what are you doing? what are you eating? what does? peanuts? oh empty peanut shells make you sick and loney? yeah i know. why don't we put one right here. this one? what one? this one? okay? today. not too much really? i played volleyball. sure you want to come watch me play. sure i wouldn't mind that at all? i'm writing. i'm making up some sentences. i'm going to stay for just a little while. then i have to go back to jean's house. why don't you come over here abe. nothing i just thought that i could crack your nut if you brought it over here? do you want me to? it's a stick? aha mommy's making a macrame. okay i think we can arrange that. what are you doing abe? oh? okay do you want to come down there with me abe. dad see the santa claus poster i got? how nice? this isn't to be colored on. i guess it's to be hung up. what? what? why don't you tell me what you did at jean's? and i'll read that to you later? what did you do at jean's? how come? do you wanna see what else i got? it's to cut cheese? oh you want to use it when you play with clay. what are you going to do with a red pen? hey abe why don't you help me pick up your little cards? because it's so messy in here with all of those cards lying on the floor? aha we can put them in here. that cap. aha? it doesn't work that way. well would you like to use your colors instead? who calls you yucky? that wasn't very nice was it? you sure are? what are you coloring? oh you're coloring the wizard of oz? you're coloring the wizard of oz right. with oil pastels? okay i'll get them for you? bring me the red pen when you're done. bring me the red pen when you're done. put the ball back abe. so it doesn't get lost. aha. help you do what. how can i help you color? it's hard to color in that book? you can't once you color with it? you can't get it off. i want some milkie. okay just ask. are you through coloring with your oil pastels. what is it? paper? oh christmas paper? it's wrapping paper. okay here is a black glass. here you go. sounds to me like you were thirsty. oh abe let's wait and do those when we go to texas okay. why don't we wait until we go to texas? i will when we go to texas? would you like to paint right now. if you want to? okay why don't you pick up that mess. and i'll get the painting stuff ready. here i'll help you. you can come paint whenever you want to. like the happy snow man. what would you like to eat? we're out of pomegranates? tomorrow when we go to the co op you can pick out a pomegranate if you want to. what's that? what's walking on the paper making footprints? oh? huh. all the different colors you use? it looks black to me? well why don't you make another one. what would you like to do? we don't have any abe? do you see one? i told you we didn't have any? what? those are little fruitcakes to give to some friends? what's okay? nothing? how are you making a choochoo train? trucks do they have a train track? what are you doing abe? you are? good? what are choochoo trains like? what do choochoo trains like to eat? where's that train going abe? what's it going to get there? what's the matter? a round one? you want it to be the biggest one? here's a sled? why don't you use some people. here? do you see any? i don't either? what are you looking for? i hope you find some? in that cave. do you think the mommy tiger went out to look for the baby tiger? that's a daddy tiger? where's your mommy tiger daddy tiger? i don't know? oh where's the baby tiger. were his feet too big? what's that tiger finding? what's he going to do with that huge lemon? did he eat it? were did the mommy tiger go? daddy's going to be the baby? or you're going to be the baby. okay. hey baby. do you want me to be a baby? okay oh boy abe gave me a kiss. oh it was still nice. is he going to make it. what's the tiger climbing? what happened to the tiger? what's he going to eat? how did that get on the floor? dad did you see abe's picture of a giraffe? no let me see wow? come here and i'll get you some tape! there you go. okay here's some more. go hang it up. sure you can. just stand on your tiptoes. aha. it really looks nice abe. he's still hungry. what's the tiger going to eat? oh? where is he going to find water? what's that tiger doing? a cougar found the tiger? are they friends? and what? okay who's the baby tiger? okay i'm through macrameing? nothing. i was just looking at the schedule. it is. what about rudolph the red nose reindeer? and sesame street? don't you like them? abe charlie brown isn't on tonight anyway? but next time he's on you can watch him okay. i don't think so? but we'll see. we'll be in. did you tell amanda who's coming to visit you this afternoon. yeah grandma and grandpa? you're right? you gonna play with them? yeah? here's your little ball? woo? so we have to think about. that sound like grandma. where's blankie where'd you put blankie? blankie blankie blankie. blankie ohp? ohp? you are so? what do you have is that a bracelet. oh yuck honey is that old playdoh we ha have to throw that away. here go why don't you show amanda your bracelet tell her who's on there? princesses which princesses. ariel. all your princesses. that's great you wear that on your wrist. oh great. hm? i like that too. yeah is that your new supermarket honey? yeah what does it do. you press the some of the little buttons. welcome to the grocery store. what about some of the food buttons? what does it say about the food? where's the lil hot dog button? ohp? where are the other little buttons? eggs are a good choice. not eggs. how about? bananas grow on trees? huh? cherry pie is on sale today. yeah? oh course? what else do you like to eat? cherry pie. jelly is tasty on toast? do you like jelly on toast? okay? that's a good question where is the jelly. hm. what happened to all your little blue things that go in here? i found chicken. i found a pear? bread? bananas? and some soup? and milk. eggs yum? ohp. you know what mommy has to do excuse mommy for just one second? i have to run to the freezer and defrost the fish for tonight? ah. okay. that's better. huh. cake. mm. who likes cake? you do? who else likes cake? are you stamping my forehead. oh. thank you. wow. great? you? you are silly? you stamped me. yeah. you stamped amanda. oh my gosh. no. sweetie pie would you like to read a book? okay? why don't we go pick one out. yeah? let's see what we have. okay. we should get some of your books out of the car later. sweet pea we have books in the car? alright? franklin and the thunderstorm. honey let's not put silly putty in our hair. okay but we don't want it in our hair because we don't want it to get stuck? well then we'd have to cut it out or something? i know that would that's true but i still don't know if we'd be able to get it out. franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes? oh great? you know what. i love you? franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes? he could name the months of the year and all the seasons. he could read the thermometer and he checked the barometer every day? franklin worried about the weather because he was afraid of storms. one day franklin was supposed to play at fox's house but the sky was getting dark and the clouds were thick? maybe i shouldn't go franklin said to his mother. she looked out the window it probably won't rain until later she said you've got time to get to fox's? franklin put on his boots and took the umbrella? as franklin hurried to fox's house he kept looking at the sky the clouds moved quickly and the winds swirled dirt in the air? franklin felt all jumpy inside? fox was playing outside when franklin arrived franklin pointed nervously to the sky i think we should go inside don't you he asked? not yet fox grinned i love watching the clouds move and feel the wind blow it's exciting? i think it's scary said franklin. is franklin a lil scared? yeah? beaver snail and hawk came over to play too? my fur feels funny when it's about to storm said fox? my feathers get all ruffled said hawk beaver sniffed i can smell a storm coming? hm who do you think lives in here? oh snail lives in that little tree stump huh? i think he does. that's a cute little house for snail donchou think? mhm. the wind became stronger and hawk flew loop de loops wee he cried? franklin held on to his hat and shivered it was almost as dark as night when big father raindrops began to fall. we should go in shouted franklin? no said fox follow me and they raced to the tree house where it was dry. do you think that's a good idea to go to the tree house when it's a thunder storm? no? you could get hurt in a tree house that's true? fox called his mother it's time to come in it's alright said fox we're in the tree? fox's mother was there in a second it's dangerous to be near a tree during a storm she said. lighting strikes tall things first and you might get hurt? right? you sure were right? franklin held on to fox's mother all the way from the tree to the house they were barely in the door when there was a flash of zig zag light? lightening shrieked franklin he trembled? thunder he screamed? that's okay franklin said his friends we're safe here. but franklin has crawled deep inside his shell fox's mother brought treats but still franklin wouldn't come out. franklin's friends begged him to play but franklin stayed put. then with a flash and a crash the lights went out. don't worry said fox's mother she lit candles and turned on a flashlight? won't you come out now she asked franklin. no thank you said franklin. don't be afraid said hawk all that noise is just cloud giants playing drums in the sky. franklin peeked out really he asked? no it's not giggled snail that noise is when the giants go bowling? franklin came out of his shell what about lightening he asked? oh that's easy said hawk the cloud giants are turning their lights on and off? fox smiled i think it's the giants swinging from their chandeliers? franklin laughed? giants that's ridiculous said beaver mister owl said that lightening is a big spark of electricity that travels from the sky to the ground! the spark is so hot it makes the air around it pop and that's the sound of thunder. amazing said franklin. franklin felt a little better he even played flashlight tag with his friends. soon there was hardly any lightening the thunder was a low rumble from far away and the rain stopped. then the lights when on the storms over said fox let's go outside and play. look said franklin a rainbow. i know why the storm is over franklin said those giants heard there's a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow and they've gone to find it. even beaver had to smile. wow. it sure does? look at that. should i make a lil tiny ball? okay? looks kind of like a little egg doesn't it? yeah? wow. oh boy. wow. that look more like an egg? yeah? right? huh? oh my. squish? squish. wish wash wish. wish wash wish. wish wash wish? we have to think about what type of cupcakes we're gonna make for your birthday to bring to school. stamp. wow? all over my camera oh all over my lil microphone. let's move that over there. ooh let's be careful it doesn't get stuck all over everything. squish. squish? okay? okay remember when opal loses her tooth. should we read that. and they have to go search for it in the in the lake. and the tooth fairy comes. you don't wanna read that. okay? i'll be home for christmas. let's see. i believe toot's in scotland? dear puddle i love family reunions great great aunt peg is one hundred years old today wait until you see what she gave me your friend toot p s i'll be home for christmas. my dear toot said that ancient aunt this is for you it's my lucky nut? you gave daddy a lucky nut? back in wood cock pocket puddle couldn't wait for toot any longer christmas was only a few days away and there was everything to do. huh he chopped wood he made decorations he hung lights. puddle signed all the cards merry christmas blank and puddle he would have to wait until toot returned home before he could mail them. to puddle look he's sending an email on the computer? to puddle at wood cock pocket? puds? mhm. yeah puddle's looking at the computer and this is what he sees on the screen an email? puds edinberg is having an ice storm all flights are delayed don't decorate the tree without me i'm on my way home somehow your pal toot p s i'm full of christmas spirit? yes puddle's full of christmas spirit too? meanwhile at wood cock pocket huh puddle was backing fruit cake. fruit cake is one of toot's favorite things said puddle how many do you think we need tulip asked? huh puddle went to buy a christmas tree. christmas eve was only one day away how can toot possibly get home in time puddle said? he has to said tulip. huh. what's he doing on that airplane? what's he doing on the airplane? i think he is singing what's he singing. you're right jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way. oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh? huh hm. when toot finally arrived in? where did toot arrive? where does daddy work? toot had finally arrived in boston it was snowing and very late? everything had to come to a stop. sweets? no. no thank you. really. oh. oh. oh really. oh. i didn't realize. no because i don't want it to get stuck in my hair. really. it's on my eye. no. oh my. oh my gosh. are you the dentist? mhm? ah? okay? alright. just pretend though because i don't wanna choke on that. ah. great. how do they look? i have seven teeth. wow. you did? wow. wow. yeah? should we finish our book about toot and puddle. okay. when toot finally arrived in? in boston it was snowing and very late. everything had come to a stop even trains and taxi cabs. whoa? hang on. taxi cabs. hello hello. hello. she is. sure. aha. yeah. aha. aha. aha aha. right? i mean i i i you know i mean i agree with you i haven't discussed it with her. aha. right no no i you're talk. right right okay. oh okay. aha. aha. aha. really. alright i'll discuss it with ellen and if it doesn't seem to be an option we'll bring her in with us. the play is at seven o'clock. right? um i would guess like six fifteen it's at lincoln center. right. oh babe. okay. okay okay. okay. okay? i shall talk to ellen? right. right okay? okay. yes. okay. okay. okay okay? love you bye. oh grandma rosie is funny. well grandma rosie called because um next month mommy and daddy have tickets to go see a play in new york. and um we thought it would be fun if you had a sleepover with auntie and phoebe and trevor when we went to go see the play. but then we didn't know you know auntie's friend jason. you know he has those three dogs. we didn't know if the dogs would be at auntie's house and i know you don't like the dogs right. right. so grandma rosie said you should either have a sleepover with phoebe and trevor if the dogs are not there but if the dogs are there then you could come into new york with us and have and grandma rosie and papa jay would watch you instead so you wouldn't have to be with the dogs. that's good huh. yeah. i'll just call daddy and tell him although he's probably not at his desk. and then we'll finish our book. yeah. look at that toot is trudging through boston in the snow. make a little egg please. hey it's me um just give me a call when you get a chance bye. okay? i promised puddle i'd be home tonight thought toot. toot hiked far from the city. the night was cold and the snow was deep he trudged on until at last he could go no further. toot hugged himself to keep warm there in his pocket he felt the lucky nut. he'd forgotten all about that special gift. it's christmas eve he thought i wish i was home in woodcock pocket here's your little egg. honey. here's your lil egg. okay. please. it's snowing so hard puddle said it's beautiful said tulip if only toot were here. toot was startled by a tinkling jingling sound as he peered into the dark he saw a faint light coming toward him. well this is toot's look at this so this is what toot's seeing so toot's probably sitting right where i'm sitting. where are you headed laddie? woodcock pocket said toot it's miles and miles from here. climb aboard said the driver i know the way. it's santa. mhm? okay. all set? the first snowfall had turned. oh. the first snowfall had turned woodcock pocket into a sparkling wonder land. everything was ready and everything was perfect but where was toot. there he is? i'm home you are you're finally here toot told his friends of his adventure and how he finally got back to woodcock pocket. i loved the sleigh ride he said it felt like we were flying. i wonder who the driver was said puddle? santa. let's hang this on the tree said toot what's that tulip asked. it's beautiful said puddle is great great aunt peg's lucky nut toot told them. it wasn't easy to fall asleep on christmas eve toot puddle said do you hear a jingling sound. toot listened maybe i think i definitely hear something said puddle and i think we'd better go to sleep toot said right away. puddle agreed i'll count to twenty but before puddle counted to ten he and his friend were fast asleep. oh i bet you're right i bet santa's bringing piggie toys for toot and puddle. right. piggies love mud. should we read your mysterious ocean book. wow. let's see. our trip begins in a coral reef where amazing plants and animals live in warm sun and clear water that's called the sun lit zone. the sun lit zone is right up top here at the very top of the water. where that little yeah? this is a snorkeler? and then there's the twilight zone? we will need deep water diving equipment. that's a scuba diver. that is a man in deep water diving equipment? what is it? that is a special submarine. and this very deep bottom part of the ocean is called the abyss. where volcano underwater volcanos spit hot smoky liquid into the water? well let's first look at the sun lit zone. what's this? an anemone. and who lives in an anemone. nemo's daddy right. right. hey. there's a scuba diver right. and what's that. there's nemo. and what's. a crab that one's a hermit crab. wow. the rocky ocean floor look at that? look at all these creatures on the rocky ocean floor. hm? interesting huh. this one's called a soldier fish. this one's actually called a squirrel fish? you know what this is? that's an eel? an eel. this one's called a moray eel. right like a gulper eel exactly. and just like the barracuda right. that is a cuttlefish? very funny looking and what's this? what's this? you know what this is. it's a stingray. right. right. yeah this is a blue spotted stingray? um i guess it's just a regular stingray. yeah. these are garden eels oh this is a thorny ray this is called a thorny ray? that's a garden eel. and you know what this is. right you know what this is that's the sea cucumber. neat huh? this is. it look almost like a jellyfish but it's sitting at the bottom of the ground. this is a splendid crab? yeah but these are really tiny and a barracuda is bigger with bigger teeth. yes they are they're little eels. ooh what's this. that's a sea urchin you're right? you know what these are called? goby. it's called a goby. mhm. the sea urchins no they're very sharp and pointy. the sea urchin is covered with sharp spines which ward off attackers on its underside it has five teeth to chew up tough seaweed. that's what the underside those are his teeth. right looks like a star in the bottom. so true? hm? right. what's this one called do you remember? that's painted reef lobster. wow. no. they are? yes. no not those pinchers they hurt. these are called sand dollars. hm. interesting. that's a goat fish. and there's that thorny ray again. mhm. mhm. mhm. uh um at the museum or the store. which store was it. oh oh my gosh. you're right oh my goodness. were they showing nemo at b j's on tv. no. what were they showing on tv? huh oh weren't they showing rugrats. yeah. they were showing lion king right. ah were they showing something else the wild thornberries. yeah. oh what matches that name. thornberries what let's see. oh a thorny ray sounds like the wild thornberries. oh my gosh you're right? ah. that was very smart. oh my goodness honey. wow. you're great. oh thanks baby. you know what this is. that's a box fish. i know he's square like a box it's kind of funny. yeah. some seahorses. this is a scorpion fish. this is called a marlin. which is the same name that they called nemo's daddy right. a marlin with a big pointy sharp sharp nose. right. which was has the pointy nose in nemo that's a good question. funny shark. a funny. oh does anchor have a funny nose. no. yeah. he does kind of have a funny fish face funny nose. ohp yeah. i have to clip it honey honey? i have to clip it? jellyfish that's right. here we go. that's a hag fish which has teeth on its tongue ew? and that's a manta ray. ew it has teeth on it's tongue ah. yucko. yucko yucksville. you're right. yucko yucksville. no no no? right. yes you have teeth right there. in your mouth. right. ocean mammals. some ocean creatures are mammals they are warm blooded and feed their young with milk they must come to the ocean surface to breathe air. ocean mammals have a thick layer of father or oily fur to protect them from the cold water. whales can stay under water for forty minutes or more without breathing. a dolphin can stay underwater for two to three minutes. then it comes to the surface and how does a dolphin blow. oh sorry am i supposed to be quiet. oh sorry. grandma's coming. grandma's asleep. oh you're silly. really. wow. wow. you are silly. look. there's a sea turtle and a sea snake? and a dolphin right. ooh. smooth yeah. uph there's a barracuda. i wonder if a barracuda is actually an eel or just a different kind of fish. it's it's a barracuda eel okay i'll look that up just to confirm i'm not sure? oh okay that's a reef shark. right. and jellyfish. that's a mackerel fish. there's a man in a diving suit. mhm? you're absolutely right. it sure does this is the viper fish but the teeth look just like the angler fish you're right. and what's this. that's a gulper eel. right a gulper eel can swallow food three times as wide as its body. that's crazy. what's this? right but what is this. it is a squid. do you remember how many legs a squid has. well an octopus has eight legs and a squid has. it has ten legs? mhm. that's a lotta legs. yeah oh there's that angler fish. these are different types of angler fish too. yeah. it sure does? mhm. mhm. this is called the gianticus angler fish. what's this one? this one is called the huh thaumaticfis. thaumaticfis? i think thaumaticfis. that's a very strange name? i'm sure it means something but i don't have. uh these are teeth of different sharks this is a tooth to a tiger shark. tooth to a mako shark. and tooth to a horn shark. wow? those are some big teeth. that goes to the tiger shark. the mako shark. and that's the horn shark. right. the horn shark has broad back teeth for crushing shellfish. well they don't have a picture of it right here. whoa? whoa? whoa? someone's climbing on me? ooh ooh. whoa whoa? oh boy look what i found in the abyss. tube worms. the tube worms? well let's see what it says about tube worms yeah? well no it says these are their head the orange part is their heads worms whose heads stick out of their white tubelike casings take hydrogen sulfide from the water and bacteria in their bodies make food from it. enough to feed both bacteria and worms. some clams and mussels also get food from that same kind of bacteria. am i taking too much. i don't want silly putty in my mouth. yucky. yucky. oh yucko do i have silly putty in my hair can we take it out please. yeah. hm these are the underwater volcanos? oh is there oh yes that's right dora saw a volcano didn't she. yeah? right. wow. wow it says vents that look like chimneys spew out hot black water from deep inside the earth. water's filled with hydrogen sulfide a chemical that smells like rotten eggs. peeyou. peeyou? peeyou. mommy has to go to home depot today but it's so cold i just don't know if i can do it what do you think? heh. thank you. oh. ha. the hulk. the wolk. what's the wolk? really. ooh let's not hit honey honey please don't? do you wanna read one of your princess stories. okay why don't you tell me what happens okay. i don't know tell me look at the pictures and tell me what's going on. oh. huh you do which colors do you love. oh. you do. mhm. right. what's jasmine doing? really. um that's a big snake? he's a lil bit scary? look? oh a lil cube? right? wow. did you squish that cube. yeah? okay. lipstick? a lipper? what's a lipper? really? i don't think i'd want to put a lipper in my eye. a pipper? what does it do that pipper? oh. was i breathing fire! am i a dragon. wow. really. oh. how about that? up the hill? up the hill. up the hill. up the hill. do you need anything else to eat sweetie. no. something over where? no. you can have you want me to see if i i don't know if i have any blueberries maybe not. how about an apple? i don't know if i have any blueberries. should we check it out. alrightie? let's do that. i do have some blueberries. great. okay. let's see. yes honey. mm let's see. a velociraptor. i think huh. it's hard to tell whether it's a velociraptor or a t rex. i think it's a t rex actually because a velociraptor has a really pointy nose. look some blueberries. yup take these over here these dinosaurs. come over here. alright. yeah. right i think they have more than three though we'll have to look and see. we have gotta get your book so we can name all these that's the corythosaurus i think. this one i'm not sure. that's definitely a t rex. mhm. let me see. ooh gosh. there we go. uhp what's this one? a stegosaurus? i think maybe that is a velociraptor. i am going to get your book and look. hm. think so? hm. okay. okay good. yeah they do have sharp teeth yes they do. yes pterodactyls have sharp teeth also. a lil bit scary. mm i don't know that has a very funny head we're gonna have to check your book for that one. right. mm that is yeah that guy with the funny head though we have to to look that up. yeah. he sure does have a funny head? two stegasori. i think that would be the plural. one stegosaurus two stegasori. two stegosaurus. two stegasori. oh you don't wanna say stegasori? just say stegosaurus okay. two stegosaurus! one stegosaurus two stegosaurus. oh my gosh they're all going in the great valley. but not the other ones. scary. ah? what is that dinosaur silly putty? yes? ah dinosaur silly putty ah. it's coming at do something. with its tongue. it's gonna lick me ah. yucko. yucko. ah? ah yucky. yuck. yucky? oh no. yucky. you know what mommy and daddy have to do. probably mommy. i have to write an article for your school newsletter what would be a fun thing to write about for your school newsletter. what do you think. mm. great. oh. well it is great but what do you think i should write about should i write is there something that you like i could write a little thing about. what do you like a lot. you like silly things a lot. hm. hey i have a good idea. we could write something together we could talk about why you like school so much. why do you like school. what's fun about school? oh my gosh. oh my goodness. oh no not again. you go get blankie. no. no. lily. no sweetie mommy's sitting down right now you can get blankie if you want. sweetie. what would be a good article about what do you think is fun about school? what do you do at school that's fun? nothing. you don't do anything in school that's fun. nothing at all. wow that is a shame? mhm. oh no. that's one mushy silly putty t rex. oh oh sweetie careful careful silly putty going all over wait wait wait wait wait wait lily lily. roll it back up. ooh boy that is some silly putty. you are. alright that's one skinny t rex. that looks more like a giraffe. or a snake. oh my gosh that's a long bridge. really. yes it is. alright max over here. okay so do we need gloves. no that's a walrus. i didn't. okay. come on max let's go. okay i'm gonna go. that thing i don't know that's for the phone i think. somebody's phone. yep. yeah. okay. oh boy you need a tissue. let me just grab a tissue okay. you need a tissue miss. a tissue miss you. okay. everybody's got runny noses now? yep. yep. yep. out and about with duffy. mommy and tess get dressed for a walk. every time you please. everything outside is covered with snow. let's find daddy and tommy says tess we can follow their tracks says mommy. daddy's tracks are bigger than tommy's. duffy's tracks are the smallest. i can see daddy and tommy on the hill says tess let's go sledding too. let's go. seal cracker seal cracker on a plate can you find its real seal mate. you could take my car. i am. oh. sheep? oh yeah i'll hurt you. ooh w is for water. see the w. w. watch the whale jump out of the water. w is for whale. big brown walrus? the big brown walrus sits in the sea. where the weather is freezing and cold as can be? his whiskers are droopy and his tusks are white. and sitting in the sun he makes quite a sight. i can sierra can hug her little brother liam. can you hug somebody? these polar bears can hug each other too. this zebra has black and white stripes. can you find a black animal? look he looks so cute? can you find a white animal? can you find another animal with stripes? mhm? at the south pole i spy a whale diving in the sea. a playful seal waving at me? a rock copper penguin jumping up high? and a tern flying in the sky. mhm. peter the porcupine. peter is a baby porcupine he lives in a forest. peter and his mommy nibble on bark and leaves. peter's mommy has a soft nose. she also has prickly quills to keep enemies away. those. peter likes to climb trees he has long sharp claws on his feet. they help him hold on tight to branches. k for kangaroo here's alexandria penrose age one year. hi i'm sammy skunk. can you find me four more times in this magazine? peekaboo is he in there. let's see if we can find him. four times you ready. one you count this time? mhm? there's four. tommy and tess are playing with friends at the park? squirrels are playing too. the squirrels run up trees they run down trees they run through crunchy leaves. what's that squirrel doing says tess? she's gathering acorns says mommy. she is saving them for later. when it snows she'll dig them up and eat them? rabbit cracker rabbit cracker on a plate? can you find its real rabbit mate? yeah. yeah. bird. deer good? i saw a little squirrel a picking up acorns i saw a little squirrel she ran up a tree. she ran up and ran down. she ran up and ran down. a busy little squirrel as busy as can be. carson can march like an elephant. one two three four one two three four. this elephant is marching too she is careful not to step on her little bird friend. can you march like an elephant? one two three four. can you find these shapes in the picture? yellow triangle purple circle red tear drop. there's the red teardrop there's what? purple circle. there's a purple triangle too? yeah. three purple triangles? i spy a goat being careful not too fall. a bighorn sheep standing big and tall. a pica eating on the rocks below. and a rabbit hiding in the snow. peng peng the panda. peng peng has round ears like a teddy bear. when peng peng was a baby she was very tiny? now peng peng is big she can climb trees. she can even roll down hills in the snow. peng peng's favorite thing to do is to eat bamboo. what foods do you like to eat? hm. everything. oh that's good. i? ibex? hi i'm sammy skunk can you find me four more times in this magazine. one. i like how he goes like that? two. three? i see him. yeah. four. need another tissue miss. i'll read one more and then i gotta write some stuff down. no just read one more right now. whichever one you would choose. maybe monkey since i i didn't read that one yet today? mhm. out and about with duffy. tommy hears a noise outside his window whoosh whoosh. who's there asks tommy? it's just the wind says daddy. the wind gets lonely at night with no one to play with. the next morning tommy gets his kite out. hello wind now i'm ready to play. tommy's kite flies high in the sky. i'm glad the wind is my friend says tommy. zazi has a giraffe in her zoo can you find the real giraffe too. yeah what else do they have. what's that? what's that? yep what's that? remember what kind of lizard that is called? what? a momma lizard? is it a? skink. is it a? newt? or is it a salamander. salamander? you're right. clever girl? froggy catch a fly can your froggy catch a fly yes he can watch him try. can that fly reach the sky. can your froggy jump that high? oh my nice try. bye bye little fly. i can samuel can jump high? kangaroos can jump high too? can you jump high? fast a cheetah is fast. slow a snail is slow. at a watering hole i spy a gazelle getting a drink. a sleepy crocodile taking a wink? a hippo swimming by its mother's side. and a little ox pecker going for a ride. yeah. oriana the orangutan. oriana lives in the jungle she rides on her mother's back. oriana has long arms she swings in the trees. oriana eats lots of fruit she likes oranges best. it rains a lot in the jungle oriana does not like to get wet. orangutans take good care of their babies a big hug makes oriana feel safe. look at her do hugs make you feel safe. aw it's so cute. isn't she cute. with her momma. b butterfly? christina. hi i'm sammy skunk can you find me four more times in this magazine? you wanna start from the back? uh yep. uh i don't know how i'm going to stay awake today violet. tired? yep? i guess so. going put this thing on my neck better. i'm gonna heat this up in a minute. no i just read it. silly. didn't i just read it. you're gonna find sammy skunk now i mean. okay let's find sammy skunk then i gotta mommy's gotta write some stuff down for what she's going to do today. okay. nope? one? two. three look he's looking at the kangaroo? i like these pictures look. wanna do some more of those. were there any more in your bag. those are cool. you know what you could do now maybe. is take a pen and trace around them? if you want to? would you wanna do that. wow? i'll get you a pen. yeah. you get a pen and and will you grab a pen for me because i could write my list down? i gotta heat this up. i need a pen too. uh whichever one i don't care. thank you? aw i was gonna mail something to auntie lizzie too. i better put it in an envelope. boy. you got a lotta junk here did the pen come apart. you need help fixing it. you do. okay. hold on? whoa this thing's falling down? did you fix it. wow. good for you. whoa i'm impressed? okay let's see what we got then? we'll put this in card for lizzie i'm going to mail her this thing that you made. remember. that note you made her. want me to read what you said. auntie lizzie. i hope you visit me and max with our halloween costumes on? max is a hulk and i'm the spider? what are you going to be for halloween? happy if this is a halloween thank you card violet. is that good. okay. that all you wanted to say? see how can i fold this. maybe like this? a banana? oh yeah it does look like a banana? mm. two snakes with a banana. nice? alright i gotta go write this out to katie and mail it to her today. mm. ah? it is. chameleon dino love it. nice. no you had it going a minute ago. let's see? oh there we go. i think it's working now. there i think it's working now. your canary. oh. okay. we gotta buy a present for caroline today. yeah? yeah. oh yeah that's nice. where? her and her sister. well they'll be there at the party. they're probably not there right now. okay? today? today we're actually i think gonna meet caroline at the zoo. after lunch. do that sound good. uh no i think we'll meet her there? what do you mean? no we're not going to her house. not today we'll go to her house on sunday when it's her birthday party? now i gotta see where i wrote a check to your school. let's see? okay but don't write anymore honey. well don't try and write on your pants. i don't know if i'm missing a week at your school or what. trying to think. think i paid on tuesday for last week. and a late fee and this week. so i must have to pay for next week then right. i'm confused. if we're paying at the beginning of the week or the end of the week. do you know? well let's see if i write down when your first day of school was? maybe that will tell me. you've had let's see one week. two weeks? you've had three weeks of school. so that's one week. two weeks. three weeks. i don't know if we've gotta pay for next week though. hi. are you there. hello violet. i gotta call the bookkeeper i think. still working. vaily? no. you need another tissue? it's working? yeah that other one wasn't working so i got this one? let me get you a tissue? let me get you a tissue little girly? okay ready. can you blow? that better. okay. you wanna use mine? mine works a lot? i think yours is a little funny? keeps going in and out. right because you have to twist that thing? mine's not working. because you know why. you're i think you're twisting them. see this. you can't twist that part you just hold it? i think when you twist it i think you're twisting them? i don't know if they're gonna write on those things either. that might be part of the problem? i'm gonna call the bank. to see what's going on at the bank. even though i am kinda afraid to know. right. oh i think there's another plate there. is there! cool. oh? yep. oh yeah? mm yeah. can i make a triangle too. can i press make a triangle. almost done we got a few more minutes. can i make some more shapes with you. it does? oops? what if we took the backpack off and you just kept this clip on? is that a good idea? okay? ready. you can take off the backpack ready? okay now. yeah we just put the clip on like this ready? there? and just leave it right there. okay. but just leave it alone okay. i'm gonna make some more shapes on here now i'm gonna make a shape and you tell me what it is. this is gonna be a tough one? ready. leave that alone? hey hey hey. what shape is that? ah you knew it? good job ready i got another one. scrubble i don't think that's a shape. do you know what that shape is? it's a! a hupple. alright i'll give you a i'll tell you like this is a square. and this is a? hupple. no? a hupple. okay. here's a diamond? and that is a rectangle you silly. a hupple. you're a hupple. you're a huptybupple. yep! you want if we if you wanna be done we can be done? alright. okay. thank you. you're making up some funny shapes today miss. not quite. no it's leaves. it's time to get jo. you could stay with missus jordan. it's a little old something. i don't know if it's a ford. are you coming in? alright. what? you're going to come in in fourteen minutes? one what? yes. come in adam. adam can you go down the steps? alright. alright. alright. do you have more parts? what's that? oh here you are. what're you going to make? roses? what? fun to write. yes. what did you make? a road. no thank you. thank you. thank you yes. alright. going to give it to robin? what is it? he doesn't have a ball. i think it came off. maybe it broke adam. do you think so? careful. because his nose is very small and it just broke off. do you think that's why? now you play the game with me. you ask me. remember? oh i didn't bring raisins. alright now you ask me. what shall i give you? is that going to be right? let me see if i'm right. what did you ask me? alright. there. one what? he throws it up in the air. he threw it up so high it didn't come down. your house? adam. what do i have in my hand? two raisins! she has two raisins. would you like some juice? would you ask ursula if she'd like some juice? i would like some thank you. it's not broken. yes. give it to ursula. okay. what do you have adam? do you have a saucer? don't let it spill. because then you wouldn't have any to drink. what? what do you have? this is a cucumber honey. what's that adam? what're you going to show her? your jiminy cricket? toy. oh honey be careful. you come here honey and i'll hold it. you show her how it walks. you come show her. come and catch him. your blanket? may i see how he walks adam? he fell over. he didn't get all the way down did he? you didn't? stop kicking me. no. what does jiminy cricket have on his back? yes. it does all the way through there. that's the way they made him. it won't come out. you'll break it. oh is that like a wheelbarrow? yes. he fell. you scoot and get him. that's what? that's fresh. yes? yes catch him please. your what? i don't know. it must be in daddy's car isn't it? your pail. well daddy has the car. he took the car to work. we'll look at it tonight. okay? oh no give it back to ursula. you'll break the point off and then she won't be able to write. you may be excused. didn't you burp? no no don't write on the wall. on the paper yes. did you show ursula your name embroidered on your sunsuit? who wrote that? he's going to wear that to the wedding. he's going to a wedding. what's a wedding adam? catherine's wedding. who did? mrs hobokin. well because she wanted to. because she thought you were a nice little boy and you'd like it. yes i see. but don't write on the chair. poor ursula what will she do for a pencil if you break it? yes but suppose something happens to that one. she'll need another one. mhm. yes you can look in there. no not another pencil adam. yes write your name. on the paper. no you're already broken one. why do you break one? why? can you write on the box? what happened? what? we didn't show what? no we didn't. he what? it's a snake on what? what is he on? that's right. what happened? what did happen adam? you spilled it yes. we don't sit on books dear. why not? because books are for reading. no i don't want you to adam. what do you see adam? where did your what go? tonight we'll get it out of the car. adam i'll have to take the pencil from you if you don't be more careful. what? little soda water? m e spells me. yes. what's that? did you go fishing with it? you're going to turn the water off tomorrow. did you learn to swim? where? adam don't do that dear. no i don't think you know how to put a hole back together. adam let's see if there's anything in here. what do you think it is? go ask ursula. it's a card holder. ask her who made it? david made it. he didn't make it for you. he made it for his mother. are you his mother? you what? no she didn't say robin she said david didn't she? she what? is there something else in there? no? yes what color? grey? yes. let me see. oh one piece broke. maybe something bumped it. i don't know what bumped it adam. i don't know either. maybe the seal did. it was an accident. oh no he didn't mean to do it. no you can't put crayon back together once it's broken. i don't know. maybe robin broke that one. that was an accident too. well the seal was looking the other way and he bumped into the crayon. perhaps he heard a big noise. maybe a fire truck. i don't know. from our fire station up the street. i think it's resting now. so when the fire alarm rings it will be ready to go to the fire. what did you find? no that's not the one? look in the bag adam. it's an indian. well he doesn't have anything. maybe you can ask ursula if he had anything. looks as if he had a spear in his hand. is that the one? i don't know if you can. that's cake? what kind of cake? yes he's keeping that one. yes i did. it was very good. i did. i don't want to eat his head. no thank you. that's band around his head. and let the birds eat it? remember when you fed the pigeons you didn't have to put it in a dish. to the fish? where can you find some fish? in the water over there? okay adam. now pick the things up. don't throw adam. yes. that's right. it is red. there's a grey crayon. no no no. don't take them out adam. no adam. because little boys don't smoke cigarettes. no. i have a good black pen. you're making what? where? what is it? yes it does look like spaghetti. what kind of spaghetti is it? perro's spaghetti? he talking? oh he's too little to fight. what? he is a pony? no. he's a little boy. you open it. no you don't open it by pulling it. you turn the knob. turn the knob. it what? looks like a gun? where? no cowboys in there? oh i wonder where all the cowboys are this morning? you threw them away. poor cowboys. yes why did you throw the cowboys away? bring them back tomorrow? alright. why don't you use a pencil too? you've broken that one? yes. you see what happens? no. there's your pen. i don't need one. you must be need one? your what? no no go put the top on that. adam use them only on the pad. no adam. no. no. no. because it would hurt paul. no. because he's one of your toys. perro? that's not perro who? what's in here? what is that? what are you looking for? perro's what? play with what? he said with those horse. what is this? what is this? that's right. that's right. what is this? there are some on the floor adam. perro what? thank you. your what? your skin hurts? where is your skin? why don't you pick the other things up too? save them. i see a seal. because he was on the floor and i was looking on the floor. you have broken that? where is the top to that? no. yes i'll be the baker. yes i'll be a baker. who's a baker? oh adam do you know what these are? circus what? no no dear don't hit while she had it on. no no you take it off very gently. no i'm no meat. because i'm cecile. are those strong men? why not? one pitch. careful adam. why don't you go over there by yourself with that stick? do what? very carefully yes so you won't fall and hurt yourself. don't hit the baby. you'll hurt the little baby. he'll cry. no adam. no don't hit anybody with the stick. no i wouldn't hit the babies. do you know what everything down there is? give me the strong man. you tell me what he's doing. i think these are called barbells. they're very heavy. he could probably lift you up with one hand. you can't lift him up. no no adam. i'll have to take the stick away. no give me the lion. thank you. what do you think the lion is doing? yes. well that's a special kind of block they have for animals that perform. something for them to put their paws on. what do you think is happening there? no more. i think you've had enough tea. what do you think the lion is doing? i think he's growling. adam did you hear a lion roar? when you were at the zoo? when? we are? what's that? what is it? nothing! alright i think i have one. i what? adam you let her look. no no. no i won't let you smoke. here's a pen for you. that's my pen. it came from my purse. alright. i did. yes. whose would it be? whose do you think it is in my purse? no. that's my comb. no. it's black. is my hair blue? oh. fifty dollars. you going give me fifty dollars? you're very kind. how much did you give me? he doesn't want any money? why? it's easier to put it in your pocket if you fold it. okay? i have a constant battle to keep him out of a sweater. no no adam. adam where you gonna put your fifty dollars? you want ta take your fifty dollars. to the bank? let you do what on the sidewalk? this afternoon yes. yes you may go outside this afternoon. this afternoon. now what is this? well don't knock them down until you tell me what they are. that's a doggie. well let me see that doggie. what kind of dog is that? perro doggie horse. he'll come down backwards. looks like twinkles doesn't it? he can't go? what is that? i don't think you can open it. guess what it is. what does it feel like? trees! i think it's too small to be trees. oh no it doesn't open. you play with it that way. what kind of bag is it? you tell me. ask ursula what kind of trees those are. those are palm trees from hawaii. alright. two what? two men? what kind of men? i think you call those barbells but i'm not sure. these are all things that you find in the circus aren't they? seals. what did bengy see the seals doing when he went to the zoo? what were they doing? yes they went to sleep didn't they? yes one had a flag and one had a. and one had a. had a horn yes. he was playing a little tune. these are holding balls on their noses. that's the one that had an accident. he lost his ball. i think he may have lost it a long way away. outside? perhaps so. look at the clown. he's being funny isn't he? what is that? that's his head. he doesn't have much hair does he? what is this? bandana? what do you think she does in the circus? dance. is she dancing on the horse's back? you took it off. those are horses. oh. do you think they look like perro? just the horses' feet. what? your tummy made a noise? perhaps that was your tummy saying that it has enough chocolate. no. you get over there and catch it. it's a bag. you don't remember? what do you think is in there? there are beans in there. beans. they're not the kind that you eat. they're dried beans. dried beans. are what? pumpkins? pumpkin seeds? no. well nobody. they're put in here so that you may play with the bag. bean bag. remember you had a froggie who had beans in him? remember? just like this? well you go over there and throw it up. what did you do? no i think we'd better not throw it up like that. you just throw it to me. why are you knocking them over? oh! please. okay. no thank you. i've had enough. are you going to eat it? please. okay honey. thank you. it's very good. why aren't you eating it? what are you doing adam? what are you putting on your head? why did you turn the light on? look up at the light. isn't it pretty? is that you talking? that's not honey. who is honey? adam do you want to write on your money? i'm looking for the cover to that pen. i don't see it. adam you'd better put the cover on first. yes you'd better put the top on. yes. they had to put the hole in so the lady could stand up there. people who made the toys. did you make this toy? does this horse have a saddle? it doesn't have a saddle? the diaper man. warm out isn't it? adam. no no dear. why don't you show ursula your new game? what kind of game do you have adam? twenty what? you match them? okay. let's put them all together first and then i'll give you some and i'll take some. okay? well let's put them all together first. is that a rocket? i'm going to give you some. one two three four. alright. but you look at what you have to see if you have any that match. well how do you know? she's the copilot. she helps drive the rocket. do you have any that look alike adam? yes you do. that's the landing tower. can you? those two are just alike. these are control panels. space scanners. yes it is round like a circle. i'll help you take one. turn it over. there are the things that you match on that side. no i want you to sit up. you're sitting on the others dear. sit up so you may have another card. take one. one. well look at the one you have. what is that? oh look there's another one. alright. you may take another turn. do you have one that looks like that? yes you have. oh you didn't finish yet. yes that's right. is there another one like that? okay want to come and take some more? no don't spread them over the floor like that. do you know what that one is? that's a space scanner. you use it to look into space with. and this is blast off. five four three two one zero blast off. that's a space chart. well it has the things that you find in space on it. alright. you match all of them together that you can. well no you have to take them one at a time. oh here's the spaceship. and here's the pilot. the pilot drives the spaceship see? and there's blast off. let's put them all together first. where are the other blast offs? this is the landing tower. that's what they have to land on. so that they're go where they want to go. what is what? where? it's for the pilot to get out. alright. you tell me what they are and i'll give you one of everything you can tell me. who is that? who is this? copilot. what is this? no but what is it? yes that's the rocket but what is the rocket doing? that's five four three two one zero. blast off. and what is this? and what is that? what is this? this is the landing tower. what comes first? no no don't put them in your pocket. you'll bend them. you're not? pilot and what? copilot. pilot. that's the copilot. that's the seat i guess and some of the controls of the spaceship. no you don't throw that away. why do you have to throw that away? no don't throw it away. you know what those are? what are they? they're more than numbers. what are they? they're directions. directions. yes they are. they're rules telling you how to play the game. it's going to pop? why? going to pop like a weasel? look what he has on his head. do you know what it is? what? yes he is the pilot but what is this on his head? a space what? what're you going to do with it? put them in the box? like a jack a weasel. no no don't spread them all over the floor. hm? spread them. alright. jack a weasel. what is a jack a weasel? that's not a nice noise to make inside. adam. do you know what? it's so hot that you should be extra kind to everybody. yes you can sit on me. climb? find another game. you bent that game didn't you? i don't know why. because you had it in your pocket. what do you have in your pocket today? zeros! how did you get zeros in your pocket? oh no. he's a happy fellow? why is he so happy? that one what? been sleep. careful. they are going to sleep? what shall we call the babies? baby bozos. here's one more baby. how many? how many? oh my goodness. what happened to one two three? yes what happened to one two three? where does this baby have his hands? on what? yes on his tummy. why do you think he has his hands on his tummy? alright. you get his clothes and then put his clothes on. he's dressing up? it's nice to put powder on him in summertime isn't it? what are you putting around his neck? oh bandana oh this must be a cowboy. two cowboys and one baby. did he take a bath adam? yes? they're going to sleep in the wintertime. do they all fit in there adam? they almost fit? they are taking baths. sleeping in the bath. did you ever do that? no you didn't. ride on that? can you ride on that? you are too big. i think so too. he's hanging out of your pocket. oh no you'll break that. that doesn't come off dear. careful. careful adam. don't throw them. no i'll be glad if you will hand it to me. what happened to your babies? where? do they have their blankets? about to wake up. you what? i almost dressed you? i dressed you up like a baby elephant! there are some seals. birthday time. alright. eat my lunch? and then may i look? may i look now? i've finished my lunch. look at all the nice things. alright. alright. three dollies. two seals one strong man. one bareback rider. and a train. a circus train. that's not a circus train those are circus men? they are standing? this. what does dora do? yeah. hm? oh? who? oh balloons? what is this book? what does it work with? huh? where's the book work for? what is that? come here? a leap pad right? come here turn this way? what are you doing? what's on your feet right now? what are they for? oh? what do you do out in the snow? what do you do with a snow man? oh no. did you already make a snow man? oh yeah? how did you make it though? what'd you do? oh sticks. oh? what'd you do with the snow? what'd you make with the snow? yeah but each little part is what. a little ball? and how do you do that? you pack the snow? right you pack it into little balls? to build a little snow man? yeah. you couldn't? why not? oh you could build one. what about a snow woman? what would she wear? oh did he come to your house? what'd he bring you? mm hm? what did we do to our presents? what'd you do with the wrapping paper? did you rip it open. yeah? mm hm? what did doctor weist give you for the study? mm hm but what one. what was it? a doll yeah? that little doll? no not a dog a doll? remember that little girl! it looks like you huh. what did aunt carey give you? what did i give you? oh you are here i'll help you? okay what did i give you for christmas? it's your favorite toy? chaching. what are you doing? don't you wanna talk about christmas anymore. did you write a letter to santa! did he write back to you? oh is that what i got you for christmas? is it at home? oh? what do you do with your new cash register? why? emily talk to me. how do play with your cash register? huh? light stuff. lick stuff? click it? oh click it okay? mm hm and then what? to who? yeah. what'd you sell to papa? spaghetti? yeah. you gave papa an apple didn't you? on christmas? what else did we buy you and daddy put it together? remember what you opened on christmas? no. what goes with your cash register? hm? you push it? what is it? a shopping what? you're not gonna talk to me. a shopping cart? oh? what goes in your shopping cart? i know you are but you gotta talk to me for this work. what did uncle ryan buy you that goes in your shopping cart? he's an animal? what is it? he goes ooh ooh ooh? you don't know what it is. what is it? yeah. and where does he go? or what does he sit in? right! and what do you do with your shopping cart? hm? turn what off. what is that? what do you do with quarters? put it in piggy? yeah? yeah? full of what? mm hm. so piggy's gonna be full of lots of money huh? yeah? you're gonna what to the bank. carry piggy to the bank? yep. and put piggy's money in a bigger bank? and then what are you gonna do with piggy when he's empty? no after you bring him to the bank what are you gonna do with him. piggy says what. thanks emily? mm hm? he's such a good piggy huh? cute little piggie bank you have. can you tell me more about christmas day what we did? what did we do on christmas? oh you're gonna buy a super ball with that. where do you get one of those? and how do you get it? up where? aha? yep and what do you do? mm hm but what do you have to do before you turn the knob? what do you do with that? yep you put the quarter in the super ball machine then you turn the knob and then whoop the super ball comes out? huh? oh? how are you gonna get a how are you gonna get one before you go to the mall? right at the mall not before you go? when you go to the mall you can get one? were we at the mall yesterday? hm. we don't have to talk anymore. can we please? tell me what we did yesterday? and everybody was there? where were we? oh you're gonna have a party. for what. mm hm? and you're gonna took cake? because why? your kitchen center. who got you that? what do you do with it? what do you cook? do you know? cake? brownies? winnie the pooh cake? oh okay? why are we gonna be eating cake soon? why are you having a party? yeah and how old are you gonna be. that many? how many fingers are those? three fingers good girl? you're gonna be three years old? in how many days do you know? what's today's date? today is the twenty ninth. so in? all the kids are gonna take the balloons? what? oh okay. mm hm? sure? yay. emily's third birthday party is on what day. new years eve. yay when the ball drops huh! and it's a new year? that. a what? what do you do with those? yeah and then what happens? play what? aha? will you tell me more about what we did yesterday? what did we do yesterday where aunt denice and aggie and mommy and daddy were there and all of us? with uncle ryan and grandma and papa. what did we do emily? and you had apples? were we at sears? doing what? no what were we doing. you have to get your shirt in th in the dvd? it's your purse huh? so yesterday we took pictures right? and what happened? right why not? why didn't you want to? how old are you gonna be at your birthday party? hm how old are you gonna be on sunday? she already said grandma? or on or actually on december thirty first is your birthday? three? are we gonna. how old emily? what are we gonna have for a birthday party? what are we gonna eat? they can't why? oh isabella has to stay home with her dad? i think isabella moved away didn't she? oh i bet she would love to come to your party but she moved to germany didn't she? didn't cassandra move. i thought they did? i thought mommy said cassandra moved? no? she didn't. oh. so we're gonna have cake at your birthday party what else are we gonna eat at your birthday party? what goes with cake? balloons but we can't eat balloons what else do we eat. what? i couldn't hear it? ice cream ooh? yeah i'm gonna eat lots of ice cream how about you? yeah. hey what um. oh you are? what kinda cake are you having? oh. oh that's nothing um unusual is it? your tummy's gonna be stuffed with cake and ice cream? mm. tell grammie about yesterday? what did you do yesterday? remember when we went to get our picture taken yesterday. what are you doing james? playing i'm playing? what are you doing? oh? remember yesterday when we went to get our picture taken. who was there taking pictures? denice and aggie and who else. and me yep? what happened? what'd we do? did whose lap did you sit on. yes and what did that photographer do? what does what did that lady do? what did that lady do to make you laugh? remember? what'd she put on her head? and what'd she tell you to do with the frog? yeah? yeah did you blow it down? yeah? and then what happened. she sneezed? she sneezed. oh she did sneeze once? did that make you laugh? you laughed a lot? bruce almighty. we can when we're done taping? sure we're almost through taping now? what did you have um that carried the apples? yeah what was it. and what do you do with a wagon. huh? you put the apples in the wagon and then where'd you bring the wagon? did you grab the handle of the wagon and then what did you do? you put it back? oh? what else were you riding on? remember that? you had an apple. emily what did you take a picture on? remember? huh. what was it? rocking horse? tell carey what you were sitting on? with your picture? say it loud. rocking horse. yeah. what's a rocking horse do? it rocks? aha? yeah and then so what'd the lady give you with the horse? a wagon. what was in the wagon that she gave you? aha? and then what'd she say before she took your picture? huh? line them up line up the apples. is that what she said i didn't hear that? because she was playing with it and she she had to hold on to the horse so she told her to line them up on the floor? so you put the apples out on the floor huh and then you held on and then you said what. when you take a picture? what do you say? oh? what door? oh what is this door? a what. a rock? is it a drawer? mm hm? yeah? hey? remember we were just about ready to take our picture and she had us all sitting there all. it's a drawer. what door it's a drawer? what's in your drawer? what's in that drawer? yeah you know what's in there that you like to play with. your pegs? peg pegs? no. not right now. well here she will she can tell you something about the pegs carey? right here. play with them right here and tell carey what you have to do with them. like flowers. what kind of pegs are those? what'd you just do? what's in there? what is that? no what's this? a what? a container? a container oh okay? and what does a container do? does it hold them. does it contain them. so containers contain? oh? and the pegs are coming out of what? holes yeah mm hm? and what are you doing with the pegs. but first thing you're doing is what? picking them up and putting them. picking them up from what? and what are you doing right now? emily let's see what's on what's teddy got? a santa hat? does he usually have that? he does? all the time. when does he wear when does he wear the santa hat? santa let us him but only at what time? for what what holiday? for christmas day yeah? is this a game? do you know how to play it? how do you play? oh that's your game? now what are you doing? don't drop it? mm hm. oh what is that. a book. a game okay? mm hm? now what do you do with the pegs? you can't carry it around. who's on your shirt? what do butterflies do? if it falls it will break. here let go? emily? here let's put it. oh. hey ah carey careful. ooh. that's what i thought was going to happen. oh i don't wanna fight. i just want you to put it down before it falls and breaks and then you're gonna be hurt. see leave it there and then you can put the pegs back in the what. in the peg holder. i'll tell you wh. that's right you're getting another day off. for cutting my grapefruit. well thank you laura. sarah. just wanted to know where you were. what're you doing? what're you eating? cake? no thank you. in the house. who gave you that? who gave you this? no. doctor marx. yep. yeah. that's my mother's dog. um. yeah it's your doggie too. what's his name? tell courtney his name. no! no! what's his name? what's this dog's name? what's nana's dog's name? what's the kitty's name? teppy. teppy. sarah did you tell courtney about your a party? tomorrow tell her tomorrow's your birthday? how old are you gonna be? yeah well how many is that many? no you're not gonna be that many. you're only gonna be that many. how many is that count em? count em all on my fingers. how many have i got? one. two. three! you're gonna be three years old! who's coming to your party? big party! who else? and who else? what kids are coming? diane? yeah and who else? jo ann. and who else? ann marie. marybeth? sarah. eileen. mary. patty. eva. robin. richard. kenny. tommy. who else? arthur. who's arthur? who is he? who is he? arthur who? who's arthur? who's arthur? arthur's your what? arthur's your cousin. you can play with the kids later on. okay? tell courteny about your party. shut the door. have a good time at the party? whose girl are you? oh. what's your name? sarah what? sarah marie what? oh watch out. excuse me! what'd you do at your party? blow what? and what else did you do? candy and what else? yes. courtney wasn't there. no. i i didn't come to your party. when was your party? where you going? what? what're you doing? what? this for me? that for me? thank you. what are you giving me? thank you. what're you doing? oh. who's he? oh. yeah you got two. who gave them to you? who gave you the tigers? he's a really tiger? oh. what's a matter? you've had this doggie a long time. they all need a bath. some day we'll throw them all in the washing machine. oh did you tell courtney you got stung by a bee? yeah she got stung by a bee. she had to go to the hospital. again! where'd the bee sting you? where's that? well what is it? your what? i know the bees. on your what? your on your belly? what'd the doctor do sarah? oh what is it? who does he go with? oh he goes with that. here let's see. what'd he come oh? how'd it come out? how'd you get it out? bless you! more animals! oh that's that funny one again. what's that one on the floor who's he? what did the what do all the animals do? no. let daddy fix it. oh we're gonna start on the book department now? oh. yeah it's a horsie. he's real dirty isn't he? shall we give some of your toys to another little girl? no? don't you think you have enough toys? we won't buy you no more toys? yogi bear? that's huckleberry hound. huckleberry hound. let's see what's his name? i don't know what's his name? you know. i don't know. what's his name? i don't think that's his name. you're right. boo. yeah you're right. you know them all don't you? huh? poor tickles. tickles looks like an orphan. this is broke isn't it? hm? the batter's gone huh? daddy will have to fix it. can you have a party with all your animals? who's gonna sit in the chair? you love that huh. whose chair is that? oh yeah? that chair's about sixteen years old. it looks it too. well she don't work! i like a baby that works. haven't you got any babies around here that work or are they all down at the the beach? how many dollies have you got down at the beach? more than four. i don't know where we're gonna put them all when they come home. what're you doing? well come here. come here and do nothing. now what are you gonna do with all this stuff? huh? you gonna play! what're you gonna play? why do not you you put some of these away you can't. you sure have. you have too many toys. yeah. and some of them are gonna start disappearing. yeah. oh we're gonna have a tea party. give your animals some tea. why do not you you put some of these animals in your room? why? you can't even move. what're you doing? cleaning your room? no? what's that? monkey? what? oh it's gonna be that big? you having fun? now what're you gonna do? what's that? bogey man? what're you doing? cutting this? what is it? what've you got in your hand? what's that? no. what'd i tell you it was? no a saw. yeah. don't do that sarah! hey! if i get up i'll slap you. want a whipping? don't cut the refrigerator! no you don't do it to the stove either. do it to the little chair if you want but don't do it to the. no. what's her name? well hasn't she got a name? just baby? put the baby in bed? yeah you can play with happy dogs. did you go back to sleep or did you get up. i do too. pudge is an old dog? and old dogs are cranky sometimes? where are you going abe? why don't you stay out here and talk to us. why don't you stay out here. tell grandma about school? tell grandma where you see these kind of things abe? you can bring carrothead and potatohead out here and work on them. oh you lost it. oh we'll find him around some place i'm sure. i don't know what that is. look what i found. you can't get the shoes on. why don't you use another body. then you can put shoes on. oh that's his name to me? i'm his mommy. and so i call him sonny! and he calls me mommy! i don't know? here on the table? you can play with it? but i don't know if you can take it home with you? i'm sure you can take it home with you abe. i'm sure you can take that home with you abe. okay did you say thank you. no how old are you going to be abe? three years old what a big boy? what scared you abe? when rufus barked? go ahead. what? you have to do that first. come here and i'll show you. you have to put the black thing on first and then put that on? see. aha now you can fix up old mister carrot head. get down rufus! oh i like her! it's just that i don't like her to jump up on me and lick me all the time? do you like her to lick you all the time? you do? good maybe santa claus can bring you a big wet tongue for christmas that can lick you all the? oh you have one tongue? and that's enough? you like rufus to bark at you? she's a friendly little dog isn't she. sometimes she's not nice? carrothead's standing up. i don't know? go look for it. okay i'll protect them. abe don't walk on your heels. that'll ruin your cowboy boots. don't walk on your heels. walk on your whole foot okay. right so don't walk on your heels by themselves. and don't walk on your tippietoes by themselves. walk on everything together. what did you get? you made a l on that. what letter? what letter is it supposed to be? oh it does look like a l? i don't know? what is it? it's a hand? it's a funny hand holding a truck? oh it's holding a gun. here let me help you draw something. why not? okay go ahead and make something else. abe do you want to hang these on the tree. i found something else you can put on the tree? no we can't eat them? we're going to put them on the tree. no we're going to put them on the tree? abe do you want this other piece of bacon? alright here rufus? do you want to give rufus the bacon abe? that's all! oh what a nice thing? do you want me to shake it so that you can start again? okay? do you like those presents that are under the tree? i bet that santa claus will bring you some more. have you been a good boy. okay now you can start all over. it's standing up. boy you know how to make a lot of stuff with that etchasketch don't you? boy that's nice? is it a stairway? okay you turn it upside down so it's facing the floor? and then you shake it see? well pick him up? is that where he belongs? i don't know. let's go look for it? what are you doing? look to your left? what do you see? where are you going abe? abe would you like some doctor pepper. would you like a glass of doctor pepper. okay here it is? what kind? sprite? i don't have any sprite. but i'll get some later? the same bottle. it was just your size wasn't it abe. i guess so. green. do you want green or white? where do you put the paper abe? here here's the garbage right here. throw it in right here! he's at work? he'll be home as soon as he's done? probably about nine thirty? you're looking for a red stick? it looks like part of a potatohead to me. i don't know? maybe we should put it all up? what do you think? aha? what are you going to do with those two birds? right out there. it can go with the other one. oh one bird's too small. what are you doing? how come? you're going to scare mommy! oh know what this is! who's that? a reindeer? oh and that just has stubs? maybe it's a baby reindeer. you're going to throw pillows again. maybe you should pick those toys up first? what are you doing? oh you're not going to throw pillows. what are you playing with abe? what are you doing with the birds? oh do you like those birds? fire flies? you're not happy that we found the fire flies. the baby wants a diaper? naima is going to be three years old tomorrow. and her mommy is going to be happy to sing happy birthday to her daughter. oh naima? we went to all that trouble to find them? you have to wear some underwear? why did daddy make that suggestion i wonder. i think it's a silly daddy. he was trying to make a joke. oh sweetie. they were what you wanted until daddy said diapers? okay you can wear diapers? i don't actually care? i'll go get one. this is from your suggestion and from your suggestion alone. oh are you a little tiny baby? do you know where daddy was when you were born? he was looking right at you when you came out of my belly? that's where he was. mm? he was right there to say hello. he was kind of like the welcoming committee. you know what a welcoming committee is? a welcoming committee is someone or some people who say hello to someone who comes in to a new place. and when you came into the world out of the belly where it was dark there were people there to say hello! and daddy was the first one? and i said hello naima. i said hello baby welcome? daddy was the first one who saw you? and i said welcome naima? glad to meet you. what? ah well? yeah well the dessert and! i know i haven't eaten that much in a long long time! warm milk and carby stuff! tons of carbs! yeah well i feel it's. naima naima! naima! i'm taking the hair clip out of your hair? uh because it? so you'll be comfy? sleep on it? what's wrong with these pajamas sweetie? is there a pair in there you wanna find? it's the stress of turning three. that's what i think? no it is? no i i do think that? i think it's not easy. everybody's talking about it as if you were supposed to do or be something different like all of a sudden and you don't know how to do or be something different. you know what it's just gonna be a fun day cause you're going to have a party that's all. we love you baby o? i'm gonna love you the same amount tomorrow as i love you today? we love you and we're gonna love you. and nothing's gonna be different? it's just gonna be kind of like a big play group tomorrow? it's gonna be a play group? it'll be fun. except that we'll have happy birthday and you'll get some presents? yeah it'll be fun. and mommy and daddy will? kiss you? kiss you a lot more than usual. you're gonna be the same person tomorrow did you know that? you're gonna still be naima. you can still nurse tomorrow too. okay? you would like to be the nursies? yeah you need to put pajamas on first though. so either these or another pair that you pick out from the laundry basket of clean ones? these look good. and mommy really wants to go to the potty and put on her night gown while you're putting on your pajamas? daddy will put these on if you want. cause we're not gonna settle down and read nurse until you get pajamas on. i'll come with you. let's go? put those back in the clean pile please? mhm? the dirties or the cleans? where are they in her room? oh the uh laundry basket is in naima's room? in naima's room okay. it's the laundry basket. how about these? i'll put them on for you i just want you to pick them. mommy's right here? i'm flossing my teeth? she's flossing her teeth. here i am? here i am. hi? there's a bear there who has a band aid on his snout. hm! huh? what are you talking about? she she. who should go away? incoherent. you're tired! where should we go? oh you want me to go out? oh? i'll go away as soon as mommy comes? how is that a deal? why. am i sleepy bear's grandpa? i think naima is worried about her birthday meaning she doesn't get her mommy anymore which isn't true at all. and you know what else! you didn't? i think that is also what's making you just want. mm i'm gonna go brush my teeth. mommy right now? and that's okay? you have me? do you want me to read you a book now? i'd be happy to do that. one for daddy and one for me okay? you get to pick them out whichever ones you want? there's books on the other table too. in fact i see timothy's lost and found day over there. and. i also see the big concrete lorry. you want the big concrete lorry? okay. there's little farmer joe? oh my goodness look at those books you picked out? how interesting? you're right. what a coincidence naima. a wand. oh you're right? that's exactly like what your friends and you are gonna make? a wand just like that? you want me to read that to you? okay. my birthday. oh you wanna nurse? okay. let me point that away? his name is jeremy. my birthday. okay. oh what did he get? and look who are his friends? his friends are bears too. they're all bear children aren't they! today is my birthday! here are all my friends? ready for the party. yeah. hey one two three four five. he has five friends coming to his party. what lovely presents? thank you? you wanna nurse now? the car might be one of his presents? hm. you think it might be a pillow kind of a car? oh that might be a cushion of some kind? i see? you wanna get another book for me to read? you can save that potty book for daddy if you want? and i'll read you another book. okay. bring it over here and i'll read it? oops? careful you've got something attached to you. it's alright? if if you just come back over here for a second i'll fix it for you? i'll just take it off while you're going to get a book? okay? whoops okay? you can get another book? that one's for me to read! okay. okay. oh you do the flaps? alright. yes that's an old book isn't it. this book says here is a bunny's brand new purple potty? lift the lid what's inside? who tore that do you think? oh is that why? oh i see? yes cause it almost looks as if it would have a flap? do you remember using this book when you first started learning how to use a potty? i remember. hm. mm it's funny? it's a little opening isn't it? mhm? what happens on this page? you always liked this page? the baby sister's getting changed? oh she's making a face isn't she? you think she thinks that her sister's diapers smell bad? why did you tear off this flap? i don't know why you did. is there a pocket flap on that mommy? today is march thirteenth? oh that got torn off too. mhm. all those flaps are torn off. i think that's where the little bunny reads the book. for me to read the book? okay. you showing sleepy? it's definitely bed time naima. now when little bunny has to go it's potty time. she pulls down her pants and lifts the lid. little bunny sits on the potty and goes? after little bunny goes it's time to wipe. that's the end of that page. time to wash and dry those hands while mommy pours the pee pee in the? oh the flap is still there yeah? and what happens here? what's in the box? yes. now you have lots of big kid pants too? this is where you had all your stickers. paw print stickers? with all the numbers do you wanna count? okay. wanna pick out another book? you may have you may have another book? there are some books over there and down there? and there's the big concrete lorry right here? and there's the bars are good for elephants! nerd? okay. you itchy? you need to have a bath tomorrow morning naima? before? cause you haven't had a bath for quite a while? okay? let's see? naima what are you doing? oh you're tape decorating. let's see? you're going all around the edge of the table? i'll put this here? are you wearing? i think that's wet. oh that's alright? it doesn't matter? i'll switch with you after a little bit? this is for brown so you can put this in your pocket at some point? mm okay. when we switch? today is naima's birthday march fourteenth. oh you're putting it all around the edge! that's lovely! remember what that's called the outside edge of something? begins with the sound puh puh puh? whoop looks like you're to the end? now you're decorating the top i think? oh? yeah? mm. very nice decorating. let's see how you go. what's tape line? can you not go through it? is it gonna keep you out of it? oh you're gonna go underneath. can children go underneath but adults can't go through it? is that what it's for? adults go this way and children? can go under it? i see. how can? how can the adults go? oh the adults can go this way? all the way around the slide? mm! well it was dirty? i think we didn't clean it after the um children's party. yes that's right? it had some crumbs on it and things like that. i think more than crumbs it had some remains of the uh macaroni and cheese. oh? wanna do some drawing? are you hungry? would you like to eat. you can have macaroni and cheese? that would be fine. mm okay? i will heat some up for you? would you like hummus also next to the macaroni and cheese? what? nighttime or evening? what is it? it's evening yes. is it evening? it's getting dark outside? i'll get you something to eat? it is time to eat! do you wanna play on the table while we're waiting? we could eat here. wanna do some drawing? oh that's good? it's a good idea to do some drawing? oh really? okay? i think we need some paper? what is that called? that you have. what are they called? wind chimes? chimes. here let me help you? there we go? they're numbers? each one has a number? where is your thing that makes noise? yeah? mhm? let's see maybe there's only eight? i think there's only eight. that's all there is? i don't see a nine? do you have the hammer that goes on this? the mallet it's lost. oh well maybe you could use this then. let's see if this? maybe if we took this off. well cause that muffles the sound? mm okay. mhm. do they each have the same sound or are they different sounds? i think they're different. can we tell which is the highest one and which one is the lowest. oh you're trying to put the pencil in the end? and the eraser in the end? it looks like it just fits. what? you wanna color? or draw? or write! what do you feel like doing on the paper? that's an eraser? if you make a mistake you can erase it? are you going to write? you have to write before you erase? that's right you can erase that line you just made? oh we're learning about the eraser. mhm? i'm getting your food ready here and you're gonna need to stop playing with that if you're gonna come and eat? wow that looks good? i'll get you a fork for your macaroni also! mm okay? you still have some yawns after your nap don't you! why? i don't know why? well the letters are on the way on the edge? it starts here on this side? and inside? inside there are letter cookie cutters! what letter is this? you can go ahead and eat your food sweetheart? and what is this? yeah i'll have something to eat? oh because we have a b? let's see if we have a c. that that uh might be a little noisy for recording. oh okay? this one spells buh? can you sound it out? what's the sound here? buh? what's the sound here? and what's the sound here? bam? mm. that sounds like bam? hm? um do you want. i was just gonna basically make what we had for lunch? yeah that was. but with that yogurt cheese that i. yeah that'll be great? and naima has hummus and macaroni and cheese? and carrots? aha and hummus? mhm. you have had quite a birthday. remember all the children were here. and what did you do? oh have you. you have never been to her house? she seems like a very nice friend to have? now you know her? how do you know her? through school. through the waldorf school? oh. her father is a professional storyteller? oh? he travels around? really? yeah? have you heard him tell stories. no? that's what he does though naima? hm? that's right he was working taking care of the trash? that was his job today. to get ready for the party? yeah we took all the trash out to the garage? so it's not in our way for the party? mom i was gonna add parsley and olive oil to the yogurt cheese is that alright with you. yeah that sounds good? and you had a couple babies. we have one very young baby? that young baby was just three months old i think? and what was that baby's name? the little baby that came that was in the um carrier! all zipped up in the carrier? she? right she has two mommies? and there's two children? two girls two sisters? you had fun all of you going down the slide? and listening to music and singing? what? what naima? boy you are busy? you must be really hungry. you must be really starving. is your tummy telling you you're hungry. fill me up fill me up? somebody moved it? it used to be over by the other door? because that's where it usually is kept but maybe because of the party your daddy or mommy decided to put it over in that corner instead? would you prefer it in the other corner? oh? after we finish eating we'll take it back to the other corner? yep? the wastebasket used to be in that corner. i don't know why your mommy put it there? it was always in that corner? oh because of your party. i think because of your party and people coming in that door that we moved the wastebasket. huh? can we sit at your table with you naima. oh good thank you? it'll be fun? it'll be like having a little tea party? mm? naima would you like water or juice to drink! okay you do have some water? oh okay? when you're done with the water naima? oh okay? you want juicy water? mm? juicy lucy water? birthday child? no. okay? i won't. you want white grape in it or some other kind? cranberry? okay? okay? mom what would you like to drink? um i'll have grape juice yeah? okay! what are you thinking about? naima? i'll get some out of the basement. what are you thinking about? this is uh pita bread. she can have pita bread right. oh i think she went downstairs. you want some? yeah i think she went downstairs to get another bottle? want this? here she comes? here's your juice? hm? ooh carrots? mhm it keeps them nice and um fresh? you have carrots? how do you make this cheese? naima? how do you make the cheese? you add an olive oil to it? maybe i'll try some? naima do you want some olive oil to dip in? she said no? okay? mm thank you? do you want this fork mom? i'll have a little pasta if there's some? yes? do you need more pasta? yes i will need a fork? here's a fork? okay? you give her more out of this? okay. then i will heat up more? that wasn't very hot at all? hm? mm this. mm? that's very good. that's a good combination? mom would you like some spinach pie? mhm? naima did you want to try some spinach pie. mm? spinach pie? this is spinach pie? it's in the package? it's like in an envelope just like? what were we eating that like an envelope? oh the ravioli last night at the restaurant? oh that's right? mhm? i had pizza? i shared a pizza with your mom? i had a roasted vegetable pizza? there we go? make sure i'm recording? mm it is a little chilly? no record is what i said? oh? you want me to turn the heat up? yeah a little bit? let's see what it says? it says sixty eight? hm? oh oh what? oh i don't think so? fell down? oh? mm? want more spinach pie? oh okay? did you try this? this is basically yogurt naima? mhm? that just means it's the creamy part? mm okay? you can try it with the bread? he's trying to pull his overalls? you have some hummus there too? it's really garlicky. it's garlicky huh? mm? you have it in your bowl. can you taste it? do you want some more bread to go with the hummus? garlic? you could also dip your carrots in your hummus like mommy? look? i can taste the garlic? mhm? garlic? i think there's lemon in there too. mhm? lemon? do you taste lemon? yeah garlic and lemon. and chick peas? and tahini. tahini? just tahini? tahini? i've never heard of tahini? arch. please don't play with your food? garlic? tahini? tahini. oh dear? hummus on your dress? oh dear? lift up your spoon? actually put your spoon on in there? you've got a lot on the back of your spoon there? this dress must come off after dinner. mm? you have some bread there too. what? that's what you have. well i kind of designed the cake and made um one and a half times the recipe thinking i wanted just one layer and small pan so that there's no leftovers. now i wish there were leftovers? i know that was so good that cake. what are you gonna do with the bear? that's a good question? naima actually doesn't eat chocolate. i think maybe? what kind of chocolate is it? the people who like chocolate could eat it. it's regular milk chocolate? where'd you find it? there's a company called the chocolate bear? oh? in san francisco. they make lots of different kinds of chocolate but they also make a chocolate bear? oh my goodness. so i had one piece of chocolate shipped? hm. yes and i wouldn't mind eating some of it myself. does she? would you wanna try it. let's not uh. oh okay? go there? okay. there's no reason to? let's leave well enough alone. i did but i mean of the cake i didn't? mm? but somebody did? someone flashed? i took some but i'm not sure they were the distance and i? aha? it was too late really? i know? i really regret it but i just didn't have the? mm? i wasn't positioned right? i was in the distance yes? i wasn't positioned right for a good picture but i got some pictures of the party? did you see me taking pictures? i took a couple pictures. tahini? tahini. tahini tahini tahini? hini. tahini? hummus tahini? you can dip your carrots into it. or you can dip your pasta in it. that's what i did? i put the pasta? i mixed the pasta with the hummus and it was good? it was a good combination? she sold an old pig? oh? and that's a song? mm? yeah? what do you need? is it stinging? yeah? oh? do you have a sore? you have a sore on your hand. hm? namommus instead of hummus. namommus. naima sit on your bottom please? namommus? are you? naima naima naima? why? you asked me to? you asked me to clean your hand? is it hurting? is that why. are you finished eating? are you finished eating. are you finished? let me take your bib off so it's. and your dress. so it's not in your way? yeah. you're gonna see her tomorrow though. she's in your waldorf school right? are you gonna eat some more? are you gonna eat more? no? okay? no? what kind of a word is that? no. hummus? nahommus? you can leave the leggings on okay? leave your leggings on? hummus? i'm gonna pause the recording she's so far away? okay? mm okay? that fits there? i think you had it right yeah? yep? naima who is in that puzzle? tigger's in it? aha? and who else? piglet too. there it goes? there's a bite out of his nose? is eeyore in it too? is that who this is? i don't know who this is that's in the blue. who's the blue one? is it eeyore? there it goes? you got it? you have some pieces here too don't forget? okay? huh? you are so good at this puzzle? there it goes? oh that has to be record time that you finished that puzzle in. you are good? that is wonderful? all done. i think she went in the other room? uh did she go in the bedroom? or did she go by the laundry? you did the puzzle again. can i come see. coming. what? we'll see wanna come see come show me. i haven't really even seen this puzzle yet. oh way? and there's a butter. looks like they're all looking at a butterfly is that right. oh my gosh. are you gonna do it again. or are you gonna put it back. oh are you gonna surprise me? let's mix it up a make it? mm. are you helping her or she's just doing it by herself? she's doing it by herself all totally? yeah? what's that? are you gonna hide that from yourself? wow i wonder how fast you can do it? why don't you? you wanna time her? no i don't wanna. see if it's? time her? the parts of tigger first huh? tig? get the tig. get the tig? i think you might be sitting on part of tig. whoops? whoopsie? are you making up a song. pahoo bear? pahoo bear? puffy bear? oh i think it'll work? you need to get some other pieces? try some other pieces now? from over here? you've got lots more pieces to work on? looks like this is part of tigger. is that part of tig. mhm. hm? oh there? it fell apart? well now you're taking it apart now. alright? you're putting it back together again. giggle giggle and spout? what's that? it's a song. hm. mhm? why don't you bring it over this way a little bit. yeah? why don't you try some other pieces here. where do you think that one goes? yeah? hm? yeah? oops a daisy? that's the name of the book? and it's about a little rabbit named daisy? what was daisy trying to do? yeah? she's trying to learn how to hop. she sat down on a thistle. yeah? because it was prickery? she couldn't reach it? yeah? i don't know who could it be? i have no guesses? who do you guess? daddy badger? maybe? it could be? mm maybe? let's move these over so you can see them? ah that belongs there? is that a corner piece? i think that's a corner piece? yes it is? oh there's one piece behind you? right by your knee? right behind you. there it is? the last piece? yay. you did wonderfully. again? oh my gosh? really. you did it again. wow? you're gonna do it one more time. and then brush your teeth? okay that's a good idea? one more time and then brush your teeth. okay. are you still okay grandma. yeah mhm. you go to your desk mom? okay i'll do that. okay. there's two? you need to take those two apart? these need to come apart? okay? yep all collected. we can turn them all over so you can see them? spread them out so you can see them. what one are you gonna start with? yeah what. okay it's done? wow. oh. oh boy is this the third or fourth time? i think it's four? number four? oh look at that? you did it. you're a real puzzler. are you a puzzler? this is? i'm shutting this off? come on? come on mary. yes? no? leave it off. don't turn that water on. what did i say? it's cold? come on? let's go? come on. take a bath. i got to go to work. you in the bath tub. yes i'll put? let the baby take it off? go get some clean pants? do get some clean panties. got some clean socks. pick up the towel? come on? come on knock on the door? yeah? take your time mary. sit down? it'll cool off in a minute. i need to hurry up? wash yourself. wash your face nice! come on mary? come on. please put down your wash cloth? i ain't got time for it now? let me use the scap? just come on? i've got to get out of here mary. just come on. wash your neck? mary? mary wash your leg! stand up mary! wash your legs! can't sit down because you're too little! wash your leg. stand up and turn around! you did that! i've got to get out and get to work? huh? you what? you're naked is what you're trying to say? oh just wait? just sit down there? oh wait a minute? where is your wash rag? wring it out? take out the stopper for the tub? pull it hard? good. put it in the dish tray. in the soap tray. come on? let's go? get out. didn't you want to get out? where's your? dry your back? here. come on now? be a big girl. you can dry yourself? just turn around here? pick up the feet. you've got to dry it? go ahead. you do not. you'll make it sore? sure? put your panties on? you can't do that. call you knucklehead? come put your socks on. i'll tie them. no. no. the other foot please? aha? you're putting them right? alright? i'll put them on! well put them! i can't be fooling around with you? i've got to go to work now? i done told you that? mary. get in here because i'm gonna work and leave you right in the bath tub. you can't? i know it mary? no? leave it alone! so? you don't need none on your head. you think you need some on your hair? why? because what? oh? that don't even hurt twenty two. i'm not even pulling your hair? i ain't even pulling it hard. let me kiss? gonna be a good girl today um. turn the television! stop talking like a little baby? there you are? say thank you say. now say you welcome. give me a kiss goodbye. there are the things here! bye baby. be good hear? don't play with that mary? be still. she gone to work already? um? me. okay. you gonna give me a kiss. want to watch television? get up? let's watch television? huh. can't get your clothes dirty. what you say? it's a rubber band girl. that's a bald headed baby there? okay? i've got to go clean the turtle? i've got to go clean the turtle. no. out on the porch. okay? know where the turtle is? okay? he is? oh he ain't dirty. it might rain? it might rain. it might rain. yep? come on! run buddy run? what you got there? don't do that? oh that's? is anything interesting? where's your coffee? children don't have coffee. yeah. you a big girl now huh? you drink coffee? you are! okay! yeah! huh! my baby does the hanky panky my baby does the hanky panky. you better watch yourself! i'll get you! no? you ain't gonna hit me on the head no more? don't play with that mary? be still? she gone to work already? um? me? okay. you gonna give me a kiss? want to watch television? get up? let's watch television. huh. huh. can't get your clothes dirty? what you say? it's a rubber band girl. that's a bald headed baby there? okay? i've got to go clean the turtle? i've got to go clean the turtle. no? out on the porch. okay? know where the turtle is? okay. he is? oh he ain't dirty. it might rain. it might rain? it might rain? yep. come on. run buddy run? what you got there? don't do that. oh that's. is anything interesting. where's your coffee? children don't have coffee? yeah? you a big girl now huh? you drink coffee! you are! okay? yeah? huh? my baby does the hanky panky my baby does the hanky panky? you better watch yourself. i'll get you. no? you ain't gonna hit me on the head no more? get your finger out your mouth? what you say peaches? huh? you don't what? what's wrong? throw this in the trash for mama. then you and joan is going out okay. alright? i don't want those shoes? they not my shoes? put these on the bed. these angel. take your finger out your mouth. thank you. thank you? don't put it back in there? you aren't going with me there? oh you finished with this one. how old you gonna be? your birthday is three months from now. how old you gonna be? how old you gonna be? you're gonna be? that's right? count. put three fingers up? what's that say? what's that say? how much is that? that's right. that's how old you're gonna be! one two three? one two three. you didn't get that age yet? come on angel? didn't i tell you not to go down there? come on stay away from this door before the splinter goes in your hand girl? pick the broom up and sweep the trash. sweep it in here. sweep the trash in here? you don't need those papers? take it in the kitchen! don't take your sweater off! keep it on! you keep it on! don't take it off. come from behind there! before you get burned! bring the sweater and put it in the room? leave it? sweep it up later? i cut my hand right there and i ain't got no band aid? see i cut my hand? i don't know how i cut it? the doctor send me home with this little cut? yeah i buy some band aids. you remember me buy some ban aids when we go out? okay? because you may cut your hands one of these days? need band aids. i don't have no more. no i don't. i don't have none? i got to buy some? i'm going to put it outside. aha? stop sucking your finger? buy you some red stuff? didn't i tell you to ask for things. didn't i tell you to ask for things? what book you got hon? what's that in there? oh? huh? no only your mommy. nobody else. there's a baby on your back. you want me to tie the baby on your back? aha? aha? okay. this is the scarf that we use to tie the baby on the back. okay. see you later hon. she sleeping back there? you better go put her in her bed? if she's asleep don't you want to put her in her bed? you gonna take her off now. you remember. don't pour it on the floor you hear. huh? where? pour it in what? why don't you you want to put it in there? okay. be careful? that's enough hon. that's enough hon. you always go too much hon? when i say that's enough you should stop? you know what you're doing! wasting it? and then it's gonna be all gone. now that's enough now? i'm gonna put it away now? okay because you're wasting it now? you think you're in the bath tub playing with water? why you want to waste your bubbles. we have to buy that from the store. that's not water from the water fountain? felicia that's for making bubbles anyhow? that's not for pouring from one container to another! you know i happen to be cleaning up! i'm cleaning up felicia! why you doing that! huh. are you angry! are you angry! how come? what is it hon? do what? she's gone to sleep? you want to put her to bed now? you gonna let her sleep on your back? you love lee? you want me to give you a glass of water. huh? it's not coffee? it's water? when you gonna get dressed again? huh. huh. when you gonna get sharp? get your hair all? pretty. huh? used what all up? you must have moved it? here. try not to waste it? hear. okay? mhm. okay? okay? mhm. okay. mhm. yes you do? shall i introduce you? shall i say ladies and gentlemen? no. sarah presents. did you start your show yet. you're just setting it up. mhm? that's tea? you want some tea? here's your dragon. mhm. does he fit in there. no? want to put the people inside? if you squeeze real hard you can get him in? very good? in there. that's a good place? mhm. what's that sarah? no? that's my timer. i have to shut off my hard boiled eggs sarah! be right back? hm. right they do? hm? mhm? put it down sarah? put it down sarah. put it down sarah. now put this in? mhm? sure you can! good! you did it yourself! where's he going sarah? mhm. mhm! well try! sure? mhm? no she doesn't? mhm? make believe person? make believe lady huh? okay? mhm. very good sarah? do your trick? yeah i want to see you do the trick? what's the way you're gonna do it? very good sarah. very good. your head? reach the top? you have to climb up don't you. hey hey you're stepping on my knitting? yeah? that's a good trick? that's a bird's nest. that's a bird's nest. yeah? go on the other side? mhm. no you're on my side? hey bax do you have a spiral like mine? let's see it. is this yours? look is this yours? i've got one too. let's see what color yours is. i'll show you what color mine is. what color is yours? hum? mine's yellow and yours is what color? mine's yellow yours is a different color. see this ones yellow and now look look. think really hard. this is yellow you know this one isn't yellow. what color could it be? it's a color but what color? is it green? it's green. mine's yellow and yours is green. see this this is green too. see? your pail? where did you get this pail at? did you eat at mcdonald's and get that? it looks like it. can you put anything in here? look. yellow um i bet this would go in there. yours is better? this is yours though. look! can you watch this? this is musical television. hear it? bax do you want to get some more toys out? do you? do you? there's a bunch of them out all ready. oh look at this car do you drive this car? is this the car that you drive? basketball here toss right here! boom! oh great! oh the doors open wow neat! wait a minute let's move this stuff. okay back it up! whoa? got the bear didn't i? are you going to run over the bear here? what kind of car is that bax? do you know? what kind of car? is that is that knight rider? like a kit car? it's going to be hard to drive over your toys like that. why don't you go this way? huh? let's see why don't you come back this way bax? because there's no toys. you can't ride on the toys the car won't go. here watch. okay? did you all ready play with this toy? can you do can you do patty cake? do you know how to do patty cake? do you know how to do patty cake? mary mary quite contrary. do you know how to do patty cake? like that. can you do that? huh? let's see. which one do you get? let's do let's do pattycake. want to? hum? patty cake patty cake baker's man. you don't like that one? jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. you want to try it? pull the string. let's see what you get. three little kittens had lost their mittens. oh. we heard that one didn't we? oh is this your baby bottle? do you feed your little babies? do you? like this yeah! that's how! does this monkey have a name? i was wondering if it had a name? does it have a name have you named it yet? no? oh well. what bax? what bax? huh? oh no he ran over the hat! you like the yellow one better don't you? really it's good he. do you draw? look i got a pen why don't you draw a picture? why don't you draw a picture? huh? let's see. do you like to draw bax? i like to draw sometimes. do you have coloring books? oh there's something where you color. i just have a pen but if you have crayons you can color! do you have crayons bax? blue? be careful not to color on the carpet. remember to stay here on the paper. i keep telling you. because if you draw on the carpet you're mom might get mad! okay turn the page. you like the blue pages huh? is that your favorite car? or is that just one of your cars? whoops? you'll get you mom mad that ink is hard to get off sometimes. move the car? and you come over here. look here's a here's a book with a bunch of cars! did you see this? there's a book with a bunch of cars on it. let's see i'll read that to you. do you see all the cars? what's that? mm that cookie looks yummy is it good? okay oh you want to sit in my lap? okay. are we going to talk about this book? uh what is this? uh. oh is this oh is this. i'm not supposed to. can we tell gina about the book? look he's painting just like you were drawing a minute ago. do you remember that? brown car? oh look at the food. they've got cookies and stuff just like you did. mm mm. kittens you see the kittens? do you like kittens? do you like kitties? you know what kind of noise they make? they go. meow. can you sound like a kittie? meow. you can't do that? i bet that you could. okay let's turn the page. let's see what's on this page. what is that? no? okay. yellow car! yellow car! look what's that? a leaf. a green leaf. oh look his ears hurt. that must be a loud car. is that a loud car? how does a loud car sound? right bax? huh? ears hurt. yeah! is his ears the only ones that hurt? does anybody else's hurt? can you tell? what is this? look at the airplane do you want to try this? yeah. okay. where did it go? do you know? okay i think that's the end of the book. oh is it all over? here we go do you want to look at that book again? what is he doing? what is he doing? hum? knee? that's right! he's using that knee to hit that ball. soccer. where are your knees? show me your knees. that's one. where's the other knee at? you have two knees don't you? um? ten little motor cars? is that your favorite book? is it your favorite? who is that? a man. a doctor. is she sick? is she sick? hum? oh my gosh look at that! you have one of those don't you? what is that? hum? what is this? what she got? this is a puzzle of a elephant. do you know what color this elephant is? hum? pink. pink elephant. watch. the elephant's there and it's nothing anymore. think you could put it back together? think you can? i bet you can if you tried. what do you think? there's the hat. it looks like your hat. that's a cute hat. are you going to help me put this back together? i don't know how it goes. oh i see this one goes in there. yes? where's that one go? right there? and we've got these couple of pieces over here. i hope we get them in. where? right okay let me put the last one in. it's back together do you like that? you do? good you can have it. what's the matter? you don't want to play anymore? where are you going? back with another cookie? mm yummy! are you going to sleep? are you tired? no. did you just get up not too long ago? what what is this? is this a truck. what does the truck do? um and what is this you've got? is that a sucker. do you like suckers? we want to play. what is this? um does the airplane fly? do you want me to help you? do you want this down? down. no. you want it up. what is this? is this a train? here's a ball? do you want this out? he wants you to turn it over. oh. okay? like this? what did we do? is this okay? yeah fine. do you want the toys out? you want all the toys out. okay. is this okay? sure. you want all the toys out! okay? now what is that on the floor. is this okay? what is that bax? is that mickey mouse? here i'll get it? and what is that. what is that? is that a whistle? can you say whistle? thank you! do you want to take your shoes off? what is this? is this a shoe! you want to take your shoes off. knot! um is that a brush! what is that? what is that? okay? okay? is this it? um is this it? um is this it. look here's a truck? what is that? it's a ball? can you say ball? what is this? and who uses this. yeah his sister? can you play ball? do you want to play ball? okay? can you sing? what's that? what is the car doing? aha? what happened to the car? what is that bax? do you want to see outside? okay. do you see the trees? see the trees. you don't see the trees. and the sky? what is this? how does that go? what is that? aha you put it on like this. my name is judy? can you say judy? can you say judy? and this is michelle. are you sleepy. do you like to play with that? what was that? what is this bax? is this your bear? what was that bax? what was that? what was the bear doing? is that the cookie monster on the shelf? where is the? where is where is the cookie monster? is the cookie momnster where is the cookie monster. do you know where the cookie monster is? look? what is this? yeah it sure is? what are you looking for? you want to cut an apple? you want to cut an apple? okay? is that a knife? um i i don't know. we'll ask your daddy? you want to ask your daddy. what are you doing? i heard you coming. what are you doing? is that a ball? what's that? look bax. this is a a big truck. is is this a a big truck. this is a tractor! and what is this. does he get in the tractor? yes or can i play with the tractor? okay? well what can i play with. what is this? how does the plane go? watch. what does the plane do? ah? what have you got on your head? what is that? what is this? is that how the plane goes? what's this? yeah? look? what's that? play a game? okay? what are you going to do? is that a ball. football. go up. do you want to play with michelle? catch. what is that? what is that? is that a football. do you play football? aha. are you okay. are you okay? okay? is than an ax or a saw? do you see any apples? i don't know. what is this? well i i think we better wait? and you'll have to ask your daddy. okay? do you want to play ball some more and play with your toys? do you want to play with your toys? huh. i don't know? come here let's play some more with your toys? open the freezer. what is that? okay! what is that bax? look. is this a a table. here it is. what is this? do you want to come in here and play? here's the cat? the kittie cat? what is this? come here. what is this bax? what is this? let's not cut it okay? can i have some? what is this bax? here's the kittie cat? is this your chair. is this bax's chair. is this your chair huh? you want to here you can you want to saw? oh yeah what are you doing. that's a pretty kittie? what's your kitty's name? are you sleepy huh? is that a good popsicle? she's at the library? do you want your mommy? yeah! do you want your mommy? where are you going? do you want to play some more with the toys? oh good. red one. what is that? red? is that red? is that red? can you say yellow? is this blue? good? what was that? where's the red one? good what is that? yellow? can you say blue? blue! that's good bax? that's good? what is that? can you say yellow? what is this? turn it over. oh what is that? can you read? can you sing? here do you want to sit in my lap. butterfly. what is this? what is this? here? here's a turtle. is that a turtle? here's a turtle. can you sing? can you sing? where are we going? what is that? look. can i play with this? is this it? what is this bax? do you want to play with this? what is this? what's that? is this a clown. can you say clown? here's the clown? is this a clown. yeah? is that a clown? is this an airplane? what is this? is this a monkey bax! is this a monkey? how does the monkey go? eee eee. eee eee? is that the way the monkey goes? monkey? can you say monkey? this is a seal? seal? what is this? a bird. what color is that bird? blue? do you like blue? is blue a pretty color. what are you doing? are you kicking with your new tennis shoes? are those tennis shoes comfortable? does it feel good? look what is this baxter. do you know what this is? what did you turn on? what is that? do you know what that is? what is that? is that a night light? baxter do you want to read another book. do you want to read another book with me? huh. or do you just want to here and eat? do you wanna eat? do you want to these in here? can you show me where they go? can you show me where that one goes? look what is this? is it a star. let's see where it goes. can you put it in for me? baxter your shoe is untied. do you know how to tie your shoe? do you want me to tie it for you? you don't want it tied. okay? baxter what is this? huh? where did your elephant go? i don't know. do you know where it is? i don't know where it is? what is this? is that a lion! is that a lion! where did it go? oh okay! what is this? is this a seal! baxter what is this! is this a ball? is this your basketball? who's is it? who's is it? what are you doing? huh? did the man fall off? did he. is he hurt? what is this? is this a table? what is it? is it a chair. do they sit in it do they sit in this. he keeps falling off doesn't he? do you want this monkey? do you want to hold it? do you want me to give it to you? can you put the people in it for me? aha? can you put em in here for me? turn it over? do you not want to play with it anymore? you don't? what do you want to play with? what's wrong? do you want to read a book? show me who they are. who is this? you don't want to? what color are your shoes? what color are your shoes? blue? is blue your favorite color. huh? is blue your favorite color. are you going to hand that to me. or do you want to keep it. do you want me to put it on for you? huh? okay put it on your finger? is your finger hurting? okay show me which finger? do you want it around this finger? is your finger hurting you! do you feel better now? does it fell better? what is this? you wanna show me hey what is this? baxter what is this. is that a bunny rabbit. do you like to play with bunny rabbits? look does this look like your room? that's a bed? isn't it! is it your bed? that's your bed. this is somebody else's bed? isn't it? this isn't yours? is it? what is that right there? huh? it's your light. thank you? what is this? is this a picture! what is it a picture of? flowers? what is that? a jacket. what color is that jacket? huh! is that a coat. what color is this jacket right here? okay? do you want to get another book? do you want to get your own book? oh that's a butterfly. that's a pretty butterfly isn't it! do you want me to turn the page? okay. huh. read the book. okay this is in the morning? right? it is eight o'clock in the morning? that's early? do you get up at eight o'clock in the morning? aha? what's this? that's a truck isn't it. that's a cute truck. what color is that truck? green. what is your favorite color? okay? do you want me to turn the page? do you know what those are? strawberries. do you like strawberries? is that mushroom. what is that? mushrooms? do you like mushrooms? aha? what is that? do you have a dog? and that's a that's another bird? isn't it. is that a pretty bird? do you like this bird or the blue bird? you like the blue bird. what's this little boy doing? what's he doing? huh? what's he doing? is he taking a bath! do you take baths every night and brush your teeth? oh do you? what is that? yeah it's pretty. what is this? the moon. what is those? huh? that's a clock? isn't it? that's your clock. it says twelve o'clock doesn't it! twelve o'clock? uh huh yeah? what's this little girl doing? is she sleeping? do you sleep right there? in that bed. is that where you sleep. what's does that look like your kittie cat? does that look like your kittie cat? you like your kittie cat. it is pretty isn't it? here do you want to play with this? look i think there is a star in there? don't you? whoops is your finger caught in there? whoops did you hurt your finger? do you want to put the star in? yeah the star goes there. here we go. here's something else? here we go. what is this? what number is that in there? what is this right here? where does it go? go right here? does it go right here? can you put it in for me? that's an eight? yeah for baxter yeah. baxter can you put this in. this is number six this is number six? can you put it in for me can you put it in for me? yeah that was good? yeah that is part of your band aid! here is another part of it right? oh that yeah i have a band aid on too? yours is bigger than mine though? is it make it feel better? yeah do you want to look at this book? can you turn your light off? is it hot? when do you turn that on? do you turn it on at night when you go to bed? you don't. oh you don't want to turn that over. do you? huh? look is this your cash register? is that where you keep all your money. huh? is that where you keep your money. come here i want i want you to show me how to use this. can you show me? do you want me to put it up? aha what do you do with this. how do you use that? oh so that is how you open it right? is there any money in there? is there? what is that what is that? it's a bell. who's there? do you want to look at another book? huh? kittie cat what is that? let's look at the teddy bear. do you want to look at the teddy bear? huh? do you want to sit down here with me and look at the book? do you want to look at this book with me? huh! what is that? baxter what is this? baxter. huh? baxter? huh? do you want a green one? let me let me find you a green one? can we look are there some over there? did you find one? what color is that? aha? red? aha? push this right here? push the green button. and it will come out? see? the money came back out of the cash register? push the green one and it will come out? there it is. we need to push that first? is there any in there! do you have any money? what is what will this do? will it make the money go down? look you found a red one? didn't you. is this your teddy bear? baxter is this your bear? is this your bear. baxter listen is this your bear? is this your bear. is this your bear. huh. we can't that is too heavy? we can't turn that over? what is that? huh? is that your toy box. baxter is that your toy box? come here i want to show you something? i want to show you a picture? i want you to tell me what this is? huh. come here? do you want to draw a picture for me? come here and draw a picture for me? here's your pen? here i'll hold it for you! do you want to use a pencil? would you rather use a pencil. what are you going to draw? do you want the pen? that's pretty what is that. what is it a picture of? can you draw a picture of me can you draw a picture of me? is that me? aha? it's pretty i like it. okay? can you draw a picture of a monkey? can you draw a picture of this? okay are you drawing a monkey? huh? do you want me to take it off for you? come here and let me show you how to take off? who is that? who? jack in the corner? jack and jill went up the hill? you wanna make it talk? mary mary quite contrary how does your garden. where's mary? can you show me mary? twinkle twinkle little star? how i wonder what you are? is that your little car. is that your car. what kind of car is that? what is it? huh? what kind of car is it? what? is that a knight rider car. is that car on tv. it's on tv. aha? do you watch he man? huh? do you know who he man is? thundercats you like thundercats. what's that? what is that? goodness. what's this? oh that's a slinky isn't it. do you like the slinky? well who is this right here? baxter who's this right here. uh tell me who this is? baxter who's this? who is that? who? oh is that mickey mouse. is that mickey mouse. oh that's a tunnel? can mickey go through that tunnel? uh do you think he can! maybe he can go through this! see if he'll go in the bucket! how old are you? baxter how old are you. two! show me this show me this right here! do you know what this is? come here baxter? who is that right there? what is that? no? come here and show me who this is? baxter come here come and show me who this is? no you can't open that. come here come here and show me i wanna know who this is? will you come tell me? baxter come here? baxter what is that. that's a jet isn't it. what do what do thundercats do? what do the thundercats do? do they fly? do they fly. they fell didn't they? baxter tell me who this is? baxter? well i don't. there's the big truck? are you talking about that truck. this one? the big truck? you like. do you want the airplane? you don't want the airplane. is that your tricycle over there. what are you looking for? hey can you show me who this is? goodness. come here? are you gonna take a nap or something. you don't want to take a nap? you wan you wanna pass me the ball. what color's that ball? it's red that's right. you wanna pass it to me? good you can throw good? go you mean throw it? let's see if you can catch? oh what is that? what is that you've got in? what do you want? that's a football isn't it? your ball here's a ball? that's my ball? do you want the basketball? throw me the football. uh oh. is it heavy? whee see if you can catch it? can you catch it? can you catch it? go whee? are you gonna be a football player. you wanna be a football player or a basketball player? uh? you like baseball? you don't have a baseball do you? see if you can catch this. go catch? whee your a. oh your gonna kick it now huh? who is this is that a cat? come here! big bird? which one's big bird? which one is it. do you wanna read this one? what is this one? early at one! do you wanna read can you read it to me? baxter what is that? is that a bed? big bird oh? well who is that. what is he doing? can you brush your teeth? is he brushing his teeth. what are those? socks that's right? what is that? that's a clock isn't it. what is that? that's a kittie cat? what's that? what's your kittie cat's name? do you know? does that look like your kittie cat. aha what's that? you have a ball don't you? what is this? what are? uh huh this is a book. do you wanna read it to me or do you wanna read another one? which one do you want to read? the abc book. okay come here and read it to me? aren't you gonna read it to me? what is what is that? a duck. are you gonna read it to me. what is that thing? monkey? what's that? it's a bird's nest? what's that? yeh that's an indian. what's that? what's that? squirrel. what is that? the queen aha. what's that? a zebra. have you ever been to the zoo and seen a zebra? have you ever seen a real live zebra? what's that? what's this? do you like watermelon? watermelon? what are you eating right there? is that good. say is that good. do you wanna read the book to me? kite? what's that? no that what is that? kittie cat? what's that? apple that's an apple! here's a zoo isn't it? that's your zoo isn't it? what's this a rhinoceros? is that a monkey? is that your monkey? the monkey fell down. what does the monkey do in the zoo? what does he do? does he hang? what does he do? he hangs? what is that? is that your ring? is that a ring or is that a? what is that? what is this? is this a clown! is this a circus. that's a train isn't it. oh that's a train isn't it? do you have a big bird book hum? do you have one? oh you like cars? what's he doing? is he drawing? can you draw? can you draw? huh? he's not doing nothing? do you wanna read to me? are you going to read to me. what what are they what are they doing? what are they doing? they're going aren't they? what happened here? they got a flat tire didn't they? see they had to change it? have you ever gotten a flat tire? you got a flat tire? what are they doing here? what is that? what's that? oh there's a beach? have you do you like to swim. can you swim? baxter can you swim. that's you. who is that? that's your daddy? well who is this. did he go? is that who is that. aha. well who is this right here. are you going to the beach? do like to swim. you like to swim. what's that? he's kicking the ball isn't he? you told me you want to be a baseball player don't you? is that what you wanna be a baseball player. what is this? how do you play this? what is this? is this your zoo? oh that makes his mouth come up huh? that's neat. car oh does the car does this come down here? does it does the train come down here? aha does it? can you make it go down here the hill? oh that's your big train isn't it! can you put these in here? can you do this? where does that go? let's see? does it go there? there that's good? where does this one go? let's see if we can find it? what does that look like? that looks like a egg doesn't it? where does that one go? does that look like a yogurt? how does that one go? is that one hard? is that one hard to do? you want me to help you. oh you did it? what is that? is that a circle? i don't know if that one goes there let's see? i bet it goes there don't you. that's good? what is this? is it a star! good let's see where does that one go! does it go there? i bet it goes here don't you? right here? oh right here i was wrong wasn't i. that's good? how do you get them out of here? huh. do you want me to take these out and you to do it again? how do you get them out of here? do you have to pull it? there they go. do you wanna do it some more? let's see where does that on go? do you think it goes there? i don't think it goes there? let's see there it goes. it goes right there? that's good? does it go there? i bet it goes there don't you? does it do you like doing this. is this fun? do you want me to help you? i bet there just push it and you've got it? there you go? where does that go? there you're good you're doing really good? let's see. well my you're getting better and better? uh i bet that one goes right there? unhunh that's a star. your star. i bet that one's hard isn't it? i think it goes there? does that have a six on it? does that have a is that a six. how old are you baxter? uh. yer fire truck? oh it's going down the hill isn't it? is this your bulldozer right here? what is this what what do you do with this? does it pick up dirt? oh it picks up the monkey? dump it out. do you wanna read me another book? yeah you're going to talk to me into this but i don't want you to hold it please? you wanna sit in the chair? sit and talk? yeah let's sit and talk? that's a good idea what shall we talk about. you wanna sit in my lap? okay alright. let's talk about let's talk about the book over there? you want to? yeah you wanna just bring it over here and we'll talk about what's in that book? uh. shall we do that. what? talk to you. what shall we talk about then? if you don't want to talk about the book? you wanna talk about your new toy your new zoo? there's clowns in the car that's right. there's two of im isn't there. three. oh oh that's right there's one driving that's right and two in the back uh? where'd we get those clowns? do you remember? yeah at the store but do you remember which store? oh yeah. that way? service merchandise is that where we got those clowns. no. we got them at lionel play world didn't we? over by eastgate. i am talking! you're supposed to talk too? you have to hold up your end of the conversation huh. talk to well daddy's not here we can't talk to daddy? no don't push the button? let's go over here and play with the zoo? and not look at the recorder okay? right. there's lots of different animals in there yes? that looks like a dog barking doesn't it? but you know what it is it's a lion roaring! push out too! oh yeah i see that. oh it's stuck isn't it! well you need to straighten it up don't you? whee? and it came down the other side? do you know what those are? that's right? that's their feeding dishes? oh? you've got all your animals over there on the table. huh? yeah couple of little feeding dishes you're absolutely right? that's what they eat out of? what is that? what animal is that one? huh? is that a monkey? that's right. it's really an ape? yeah? okay what is the blue one? is that a hippopotamus. you make a ball out of the hippopotamus? it makes a pretty good ball doesn't it. you wanna find the ball? okay? yeh you want a big ball a little ball. a little ball? okay. what do you do with the balls? what do you do with the balls? yeah there's balls over there? there's a football and a basketball and a big red ball. what kind are you looking for? huh. yeah there's your jeep? what's come off? i got it. there's your airplane. zoom. brrrroom? good throw? there's another one? okay? throw me a pass! that's it! good? good right on target? you wanna catch? okay you ready? ready. good you almost caught it. that's great? very good? throw it to me? good! i got it? yeah. you threw it real well and i caught it? good pass? are you ready? almost? almost. whoops? that wasn't such a good pass. that one kinda went astray? what are you what are you doing that for? what are you blowing on the end of that for? huh? huh? why were you blowing on the end of it for. yeah. you caught it. wonderful! good. why are you blowing on the end of the football? is that for good luck? huh? is that for good luck. are you ready. you sure did? good catch. good throw! mommy got it? yeah mommy got it. okay. now. aha? almost almost? i still would like to know why you're blowing on the end? whoa careful? okay i still would like to know why you're blowing on the end of the football. is that for good luck? is that your good luck ritual? huh. why are you doing. mommy got it. that's right mommy got it. you didn't get it? mommy got it. that was a good throw though? are you ready? almost it just slipped through your hands. that's all. almost. got it. you ready? you sure did? right in the ole bread basket? i think they call that? are you ready. you sure did. good throw? yes. mommy got it? she sure did. are you ready. aha that wasn't such a good throw. was it? are you ready? you sure did. whoops? over this way remember! okay? you sure did. boy you're good at this game aren't you. huh. good. there's another good catch? okay? you sure did? threw that one kinda wild didn't you? i'm over here remember. i got it! mommy got it? bax got it? yeah? whoa? the clowns got it or tried to? i'm gonna throw it up high. now this is gonna be a different kind of toss. are you ready for it? what did you think about that? that's right. that's how i threw it? is this throwing it up high? you got it though didn't you? i missed it? i? are you ready? you dropped it didn't you! whoops? behind you. huh? are you gonna throw it. okay you got it huh. ready set? good? yeah? that was real good? zoom? what was that you just threw in the floor? aha? that wasn't a very good pass. was it. aha? you ready? aha sorry i hit you right in the head? didn't i! oh my goodness right in the head? it's a good thing it's rubber? just so we get rub? oh you got this at mcdonalds? did you get another one at mcdonalds. what's this? does it go up this ramp right here? aha. it goes in here in this tunnel. i don't see where it comes out at. oh here it is? oh i see it? what's this right here? monkey. wow. this right here. i bet you don't know the name of it. what is it? do you not know? what is it? is it a pig. no. no it isn't. it's not a pig? what is it? do you know? move the car? can you say? move the car? what? okay. this is the mcdonalds truck isn't it! do you like mcdonalds? do you? what about ronald mcdonald? aha? what do you know what this is? good try? did you hear him. this is a hippopotamus. what's but this is something different? what is it? grape ape! no this is like this is a gorilla! yeah that's good! what's this little one right here? right good. oh yeah this is a big tiger! huh! elephant? i haven't seen him? i haven't seen the elephant? tell me what your name is? what? i'm hot? tell me what your name is? let's put one see. um? what is it again? grape ape? what's this? this blue one. no. this is the monkey look? monkey tail? and this is. how many? what's that? no? that's not a pig that's the same thing as this. what did i tell you this was? what is what what is it? you know what it is? can you count for me? can you can you count? how many how many are how many are there? how many monkey tails are there? two. that's good? did russell help you? did he help you. here put em right here on the outside of the building? table. monkey fell down? there goes another one. where's the mash truck? the jeep. hm. what kind of car is this? it's not cold? what's this right here? aha there goes the hippopotamus? hey what's this kind of animal! what's your name? tell me your name? you know you name? tell me your name? aha? tell me you name. thank you. can yo tell me your name? thank you? you cleaning up? you cleaning the toys up! what are you gonna do with them? put em all in my lap. thank you very much? say? hello? huh? thanks i need a pair of keys like that. here you want to write something? you want to write. okay? does your name begin with a b. it does! here that's the way? turn it? here. what's that? i don't know. here let me show you how you make a b! that's close. that's close? look look here's an a? you want another piece? here that's the b right there. that's the b and that's an a. okay? hey that looks good. what kind is it? thank you thank you? what is that? what's that spell? what's that letter? no? look at this way? that sucker good? oh you just chewing it? you getting it all over you. what kind of sucker is that? what flavor? what color is it? what color is that? golfer. what is that? huh? no. that button stays on? leave it like that? there's mom. do you want to take her back to your room? okay. hey look at this car. wait a minute? what is that? this is star wars? isn't it? here let's play with this for a while. aha. here's the kittie cat? you want to listen to the kittie cat. listen to the cat? meow. do you hear the frog? ribit ribit. the horse? how does the frog go? how did that frog go? okay! listen to the horse! okay? ready. this is a horse. nayee nayee. how did the horse go? okay? we're going to listen to the dog? this is a dog? bark bark bark? how did that dog go? what do you want to listen to now? pick one? okay? this is a dog? bark bark bark? how does the dog bark? can you bark like the dog? can you? you can? i know you can? you want to listen to the pig. this is a pig? oink oink oink? pig? this one? this is a pig? oink oink oink? what? which one. pick another one. what is that noise? do you hear it? what is it? where is it? where is the airplane? hay? listen? where is it? how does the dog go? yeah? it's a big dog isn't it. almost through with that sucker. the coyote goes? whoa? hey you can't jump back to there? see you'll fall! here i'll help you? whoa? thank you? you finished? it is on? hear it. do you want me to turn it on? it is on? careful. whoa? turn it off. off. right? be careful? you're going to fall. right whoa? it has. turn it on or off. how? thank you? off or on. it has to run down. it has to quit itself? it will quit in a minute? just don't listen to it? thank you. what is that your eating? what is it? here let me put this down here? what is it? what is it? there's mom? is that all the cheese you want? no? let's not put the cheese on the road bax? which one! here's one here's one? i think there's one in the garage? is that it. that's it? okay? hey? here comes the jeep? you want to draw? where? can you sing me a song? let's don't run the truck up on the recorder? okay? sing me a song? you like ice cream? what kind of ice cream? here's the ice cream truck? what kind of ice cream do you like? you can't touch that? you know what this is? what is this? what is this? you know what this little machine is. do you know? what is it? tennis ball? tennis ball? there's the kittie? there comes the kittie. ready? i'm ready throw it? yeah. yeah? throw it. here's one. catch it. ready? no stay in here and talk to me? russel ay what you started? right? no it's cold outside. it's cold outside? there's your football? here kittie? where did he go? what's the cat's name? what? thank you? where's you football? here you go? don't throw it at me! throw it that way? oops. there it goes? dangerous? you used to play with it. now you want to play with it again. alright? alright? alright? is this what you put in the bath tub. here's the baby? look this is the momma baby. you want to see the momma? you want me to make the the baby go? let me see it? what is this thing? do you want to show that to me? where'd the money go? can you get it back? can you get it back? what color is this one? bax. what color is this? tell me what color? tell me what color? this is red? is that red. what color's this? that's red. what color is this? blue? what color is this? that's right? do you know what color this is? it's a box. what is this? ice cream? a what? that's a what? a little boy? is that what that is. what have you got here what is this? a choo choo. is it the same as this one. is this a good story. do you know what this is? a doggie? what is this? this is what? what is that? really? do you know what this is? let's try this. i don't think there's is there a train over there. oh? car! is that what it is! oh thanks! what is this? train go that's right! what is this? do you know? where'd the train go? uh huh? cars? cars? uh huh? what are they doing? they hiding. oh? oops where did they go? what's on the other page? do you want to look at another page? can you ride this train? do you ride this train? where are you going? who are you going to see this afternoon? gwen? gwen yeah and michelle? yeah? are those your friend. tell her tell her what kind of games you'll play each time huh? okay goodbye. oh alright now that's not what the deal was? have you got another book you can show me? what's in this book? goodbye? why did you shut the door on us. huh. we've got a game going? uh huh? is this your book. oh look she has you abc book? wonder if she can do the abc's. you think? can you do the abc's? no let's not play this game let's not play this game. we'll play that when gen gwenevieve comes over huh. can you come show me your book? oh what have you got to show me? katie brought me a friend of his gave him that? that's what katie bought me means? gwenivive's coming? who's gwenevive? is that your friend! is she coming in a car? come tell me who gwenivive is? big balls? hm? a big bus that's right. what else can you see? what do you see? what do you see up in there? who is that who is that one there? huh! who's this? huh. who is this? i love you? i can't? you love him? come here. who is it? has he got a name. is this a monkey? do you know what's on my shirt? what is this do you know what that is? what is that? do you see that picture on my shirt? what is that? have you ever seen one before. what is that? huh! that's a monkey. that's right? he's a neat monkey? he's a good monkey? does he have a name. oh what's this. what is this? and what is this. does he sing! he doesn't sing? oh you want it off. okay that's good. who is this? can i hold this one? you gonna hold it? what's in here? what's in here? what? truck? what is that? what is this? oh what do you do with that ball. hm? what are you looking for? what is that? huh? what is it? do you know what it is? is it a flashlight. here let me shine it on you. there we go? how's it work? is this is this one only bax can use? there you go? what is this? do you know what that is? what is this? do you know what this is? my ear? what is this? what is this? you don't know? what is this? a what! what? fish? what is that? oh in the water. does he squeak. no. do you put him in the bath tub? he goes in the bath tub? gets you clean? huh. hm! uh huh? do you like that? is that a fun toy? let's see? what happened? did it break. it's all tangled up isn't it? i don't know if it can be fixed? it's pretty much stuck. did you do this? is this yours? oh? what what is that? what color is it? bring that over here? what is this? what is that? i don't know. what is that? it makes funny noises. what are you doing? oh? how about that? what color is that one? you don't want to know? wait a minute? watch my foot? you got to be strong for that? where are we going? let's leave this right here. here we go? there it is right there? what are you looking for? what are you looking for bax? there's nothing back there? what are you looking for? okay let's put it up? huh? let's see. oh that's your book? where'd that come from? what is it? do you hear the frog? oh. the rooster says. cook a doodle do? what was that? it was? do you hear the frog? listen to the cat. meow. what was that? ah. the sheep goes. baaa? what was that? the cow says? moo. what was that? huh? what is that? oh? do you know what that is? oh wow. the cow says? oo? what is this? here's a turkey? gobble gobble gobble! what is this one? no turkey's over there? the rooster says. rooster? here's a turkey? gobble gobble gobble? that's right? let's try that one? what's that? this is a pig? oink oink. what was that? uh oh? oh shapes? what is this? what is that? huh? where'd bax go? what is it? huh? look what i found! what is that? yes it is? who is that? a man on a motorcycle? he's kind of neat. is this a car? a stomper? is that what it is. what'd you just step on? what is this? you wanna play with this? look what i found. what is this? huh? what? huh? where'd they go? there you go? huh? where'd they go? i don't know? i can't see it. what color is that? where'd he go? where'd he go? do you know what shape that is? what shape is this? is it a triangle? hm. is that a triangle? it isn't? what shape is this? turn it on its side. look? on the side? there you go? aren't you smart. those are hard? there you go? good? how about that? what was that? bax? is that what this is? a cow. this is a cow? does this go to this puzzle? are there any more? do you think we can find them? wow those are neat what are those? huh? no? we can't push that one. can you see it? look here? you can see it going round and round. can you see it? huh. no? we can't push the buttons? wanna go find some other buttons to push? yeah. where is there some more buttons at? we've got a left over sucker. oh yeah. okay? you're gonna get lost in the couch? you're gonna fall in the cushion? waddya find. huh. ah what are you eating. he stashed his raisins? oh? is it a raisin bax? i'm gonna cover you up? huh. no? wanna go back in your room and play. huh. you gonna find some more raisins? what happened to your popsicle? where'd your popsicle go? did you lose your popsickle? did you saw it. did you saw it? is your foot ticklish? yeah? got your leg. gonna have to get him out of the corner. find another raisin? are they all gone yet? i see your belly! what's that? what's that? can i have one! can i have a raisin. you got anymore! you do! can i have one? if you can get it? ah? oh what colors that one? is this one red? a red one? yeah? he must've dumped a whole bowl. another one? you wanna eat this one? here you go? for you. you got another one for me. reach real far. for you? nother one for me? ah you ate it. all gone? there's no more down there? uh uh? well what are we gonna do now. wanna prowl inside the pocketbook? wanna see what you can find. can you open it? pull the other way? what are you opening? is that a zipper? look. you got one on your shirt. can you get it? what's that? a pencil. can you write? you can draw. you wanna find something to draw on? you wanna draw on judy's paper? what are you gonna draw? make what. you want some chewing gum. hm? you like chewing gum? aha? you want some? can you say please? can you open it? yeah you can open it? thank you? is it hot? is it gonna be hot? you think the clown wants some chewing gum. where'd the clown go? is he still over there? huh? huh? what do you want! what do you want? open it. can you draw a face? here? let me see it? can you draw a face? come here. bax? come here. is that daddy? make a daddy. wanna draw a bax! yeah? look here? we'll draw a bax. is that bax. yeah. aha! let's find a toy to play with. wanna come over here and play? here's your saw? what can we saw? wanna saw the pencil. wanna go find a train to play with. make some eyes? you draw it this time. what are those? hm? what's that guy doing down there? look. can you see him? see him down there at the trees? what's he got? a what? is it a lawnmower? a weedeater. yeah weedeater? what's a weedeater doing? what's the weedeater doing? is it cutting the grass. cutting the grass ain't he. i saw a lawnmower in your room. can you mow your room? huh. can you mow your room bax? are you cooking something? what are you cooking? huh. come here. i'm gonna play with your toy. that's what i'm gonna do? look here? yeah? look what's this? do you know what this is. where's it go? what can you do with it? is that a clown. clown rides in the car don't he? yeah car goes beep beep. look here. oh your foot can't ride in the car. oh your foot's too big? huh? what's this? is this what daddy flies! yeah! daddy fly a plane? yeah daddy flies a plane don't he. no a pencil can't fly. can a pencil fly. like a plane. mr clown? what's on your foot? huh? ah you turned it over? can you fix it? can you pull it over? ah look? what's that? hm? is his mouth open? is his mouth open? airplane. here's an airplane. is that an airplane? you gotta train? huh. not turn it over? mm? you gonna eat the clown? no? you can't eat a clown? what's that? a car! this where's this go at. where's this go? go see mommy? where's mommy at? did she go to school. did she go to school bax? do you go to school yet? do you go to school yet? does mommy go to school? he's moving? is it moving or flying? aren't airplanes supposed to fly? bax. come here? let's make the clown ride? can we make the clown ride on the airplane? wanna see it nosedive! what's it do when it nosedives? boom? wanna go play with some toys in your room? wanna go play ball? can i see your room? let's go play in your room. wanna go see what's in your room? aha? there's the toy uh cash register again. look here can you read. there's some books on your bed. bax look his arm's off. who it it? hey bax who is it? bax. ah what did you do to it? hey bax look i got his arm back on. is that a turtle. is that a turtle bax. is that a turtle? mr what. mr froggy. is he mr froggy? what do frogs do? do frogs hop? do frogs hop. what happened to your motorcycle? do you have a motorcycle in here? huh. wanna play with the plane? what do you see bax? open what. open the window? why? what's outside? i don't know how? do you know how? you see it? what is it? a lawnmower. is that what that is? what's that? a big lawnmower? what else do you see? is that another one in the truck? what's in the back of the truck? do you see the truck? yeah what's in the back of the truck. is it another lawnmower? yeah? can i play with your lawnmower? why not? are you gonna play with it. look? huh? huh? you gonna fall? are you gonna climb in the window. that's a big one isn't it? huh. is he going up the hill! whoa? did i tear your toys up? i'm gonna play with your ball? go? how do you play ball? how do you play ball bax? wanna play a ballgame? you wanna play a ballgame? huh? daddy. where's daddy? is it my daddy. it's my daddy? is your daddy gonna go fly a plane? hm? where's a plane? is he still out there. yeah a man's making it go ain't he? where'd your daddy go? he left didn't he? huh? is he. yeah he did? he went across there? what's over there? yeah? huh! it went under here? it'll be back in a minute. it's hiding? you like to play hide n go seek? say. boo. are you hiding? it'll be back in a minute? watch it? here it comes. there it is? is that the lawnmower. huh? is that fun? playing with the lawnmower? ah what's that. what's that? whee whee whee? how's this one go? no that's how this one goes? how's this one go? do they all go whee whee whee? can you sing pattycake? you were singing pattycake awhile ago? pattycake? sing it? say pattycake. pattycake? can you go baker's man? you have to sing it? go pattycake? ready set go? go play pattycake with judy? you have to sing it? there he is. i hear him. do you hear him? come here bax? come here. what's this? can you play this? do they sing? these sing? huh? do they sing? what's that do? they don't say nothing do they? do they talk? they don't talk do they. see the buttons? what are those? that's a button ain't it? push. it don't do nothing? there's some buttons over there. look. come here? yeah. come here? what does this do? can you play with it? can i play with it? a camera. is that what you've got. will that fit on here? ah what did you make? you wanna stick that one on? mr bear's about to attack you? is this a bear? is the truck gonna run over the bear? is that daddy! is he coughing. is he sick? is your daddy sick? come here bax what's this? why don't you just leave that there? let's get out of here? let's get out of this room. okay? come on? you're gonna take that with you? what have you got? what are you riding bax? what are you riding? you got that down don't you? well captain? you about all played out now aren't you. do what? plan on killing a few flies there little mister? do what. what you got there crazy man? kind of a violent little cuss aren't you. what's this? huh? hey wait a minute look there? what the? know what these are. huh. you know who know who that is don't you. yeah those'll make a car go? you know what they are? can you say uh? nuclear physicist. these are keys. yeah they sure are. where did the cat go in here? what's your kittie cat's name huh? fluffy? prissy? abercrombie. what's your name anyway? you know i don't think we've ever found that one out. here can you put these on there in order. huh? do what. don't like it! why not? oh goodness. put that yellow yellow ring on there now? there you go? hey? i used to have one of these things? know how to work this. isn't that funny. not really huh? there you go pull on the string? now don't don't don't tear it off! look in here! that bunny! is that a are you sure that's a bunny! is that a bunny rabbit. is that bugs bunny! yeah that is an airplane! isn't it? huh? can it fly? i don't know about that? give it a try? i'm sure you can get it off the ground? there it goes? is that uh is that your airplane there baxter. that's what i thought? bring that on back in here? where'd you where'd you go today? huh. whoa? yeah you're right. where'd you go today before we got here? hm? did you go to mcdonalds. you went to mcdonalds huh? what'd you get? did you eat? aha. what did you eat? did you eat a hamburger. aha? did you eat a did you eat french fries? aha i see. um did you get a milkshake? oh. aha well me. you kinda getting uh pretty bored there? huh? aren't you. kinda getting bored? here you go. you want you necklace? what? do you know how to do you know how to play football? you like to play football. you wanna play football? huh? hey hey what do you got there? huh? you got a bunch a books? look at this! your what! kitty cat? there he is? see there's kitty cat? wanna picture of the kitty cat? well i don't know if i've got one. let's see what we've got here. aha? okay? come here? you want me you want me to read to you! come here then wild man? here you go. hop on up here? come on? well i mean you don't have to? we what's what's this? huh. here we go? what's that? thank you? what's this? you wanna get up here with me! okay? okay? huh. here the bumper book. look there's some kitty cats in the basket. what's this bax? oh this is the abc book. here's the abc book? b is for bird? b equals bird? what does c equal? what's that? oh? there they are. i knew they were in there too! my goodness? you want me to do the w. w. w was once a whale. whaley scaley shaley whaley tumble tailey mighty whale? hey hey now here's something good? how many little girls are there? one? how how far con you count there bax? huh? can you count to five? who? santa clause. have you ever seen santa clause. what's he look like? there's an owl. look? aha we love owls don't we? owls right. uh. aha. i see your toes. you got big feet son? okay? let's let's turn back to the? okay? let's let's name some animals. okay. what's this kind of? that's not a monkey. what is that? that's a bird. what's this right here? no. this is a monkey? see that's a mon that's a monkey? right there's a monkey. kite! that's pretty good pretty good! uh? what is what is that? ha. yeah. and what's that. aha? let's get some more here? uh? what's that? fish that's right come on over here crazy man. okay! what's that? okay? what you got there? alright? you're jamming son? what's that? kite. very good? and that? whoa time out? what's that? you were saying it a while ago? a monkey? that's a monkey? yes that's right? pretty good? uh! what's? turtle right. what's that? chicken. good good. queen? that's right? he must do these a lot? some thing? uh what's that? yeah that's a watermelon? yeah i never could say that? the what. piano. that's close that's close? we'll give you that one? what's that? zebra! very good? what's that? no that's a that's a turtle? that's close though? they're on the same page? what's that? squirrel that's right? squirrel very good? huh. let's see what we got here. thank you who is that in that picture. no. no? a car? that is a car. that's very good? i know but who is this. who does that look like? does it look like me. is this me? hm that's good. and who is this right here. lock the door? that's what those'll do? you wanna see if those'll lock your door? huh. you want to. okay? come on. yeah? here we go? here we go. bye? you gotta go? wait wait? you gotta unlock it first? you gotta go! okay? yeah go ahead. put the key in and unlock the door? wait a minute? hey? i got a idea? let's go unlock your bed room door? come on? here we go? that'll work. i can tell already? there's your ball? remember your ball? okay? who's that? that's mother? here we go? unlock your door? you gotta go where? here wanna try and unlock the door. you don't? gotta go. oh i gotta go! i understand! you gotta what do you mean you gotta go? do you have an appointment? no? we're gonna stay here. we're gonna stay here for a few minutes? the door is locked? no. we're gonna stay inside? yeah we better we better do that. it'd be hard it'd be hard to record this out there. huh. no we're gonna go later to the play ground? why you gotta go? you want to go to the play ground? do you have to go pottie? is that what you mean you have to go? mama said she'd take you to the play ground after while? as soon as we leave you'll get to go? yeah? we'll go in about ten minutes. here i'll play with you? come here and we'll read this? come here show me these letter again? come here? here! here's yours? come here. you wanna draw? look? look. no. okay? huh? bug? oh. my goodness? aha. that's right? who? yeah? you wan you wanna get in there. here we go? let me show you a trick? come out. come over here? okay? here we go? there now you're in! okay? now stand up? very good? now isn't that fun. here you wanna play with your zoo some more? is that what this is? is that your zoo? up the hill? and over the bump? and down the hill? here? aha. here. okay? okay? you wanna see if you can get in by yourself? by yourself? ah close? get away from the table? he made it? whoa? goodness? wasn't that fun? here we go? up the hill? up. come on? up the hill? there it is? okay. make the hippopotamus open his mouth? see in there. see his teeth. and down the hill? up the hill to see the hippo open his mouth. and down the hill you guessed it? now. aha. now what do you do? here. up the hill. oh goodness? yeah? you landed on a monkey and dr leubecker's tape recorder. here we are? look? oops? you do it by yourself. okay? take it away? very good very good? you're a natural? down the hill? let it go. there it is? you wanna put the passengers in there? okay? good! me neither? alright! up the hill? there's the hippo there's mister hippo? don't get your finger in there? here we go? hey there it is? down the hill! huh. what happened? did you hurt your hand? down the hill. here? let's go? up and down your hill. here we go there it is. you're getting pretty good at this you must've practiced? up the hill across the hippopotamus. here put this over here? is that where that goes? aha? i see? wanna get some uh other animals in there. what's this? what's this baxter? huh. you getting tired? down the hill? very good. there you are? very good. you wanna put the mountain goat in there. aha burst of energy? violent energy i might add? aha? whoa? whoa? you trying to swim in your toys. there's enough of them. what'd you drink? you gotta mustache on you lip. know what that's called? huh. you care what that's called? that's a puppet. aha? where? you went and rode the train engine. where did you do that? aha? what do you got there captain. well? look here? what is that? huh? what is this? right. can you put these on? okay? here? look at me? look at me? there. put on? okay? there? there we go. you want to put them on? okay. here we go? you look like a like an air traffic controller now? come in houston? there you go! where did you get that blonde hair anyway? huh? say hello. take it off? that's right? tell me about the train ride? where'd you? oh goodness let's not break that thing! where'd you go ride the train? you rode the trolley car? did you ride down at the choo choo? what? did you ride the trolley car down at the chattanoga choo choo? who? dawn the tracks. aha. i've been there? i've ridden it? okay time for one final rampage here? what? no don't worry about that? nah it's okay? no we're not gonna play pennies? how do you play? my husband has this huge jar of pennies. and he let us him throw em everwhere but we don't play that? no? that's daddy's game. here pick up your penny. get mr penny? here it is. he is real sorry he stared that game now? i bet he is? easy there mister? you're gonna break that thing? now let's not get these out! yeah let us not dump those out again? what's your name? is your name baxter. do you want your car back? hey bax what are you doing over there? do you go to school? where do you go to school? what cartoons do you like to watch? do you like he man? you do like he man? what do you think of skelator? what? there's a what down there. yeah there's a blue car and a black pick up truck and a big yellow truck over there. do you see the big yellow one? going to school? what is that? yeah you found a stick? what's that underneath that carpet there bax? you was looking over there underneath the carpet. what kind of car is that? a race car? go to the store? what kind of store? what kind of door is that? what's this right here what's this made of? do you want me to close that? here you go let me help you. get hold of it. here do you want to help? okay get a hold of it there. how's that? where's your cat bax? where's your kittie cat? over there? yeah there's some right out yonder? do you see dem little birds over there? no they're flying see em? they're flying see. yeah you like birds. where's your car bax? oops looks like we wrecked into susan's shoe? what are you having for supper? here you go! does daddy have a car like that! do you ever go riding in the car with daddy? whoops do you have a wreck? do you wanta go inside? do you wanta stay out here? what do you wanna do? yeah that's a watermelon? do you know what these are? very good you're smart? do you like watermelon? when was the last time you ate some? where did you eat ice cream and watermelon? yeah but don't drop em. what color's that? close? do you like playing with keys? that's a big key ain't it. no that's the tape recorder. aha. you've seen this before haven't you? yeah you like watermelon don'tcha? you mean the little black truck down there. yeah there's a little black truck down there? did you see it? record player in the truck? do you like listening to records? over where? where are you wanting to get to? watch your hand? are you going back to your room and show them your toys? take them on back there. that's good? yeah that's a nice one. where do you get it? what's that? what does this do? the sheep goes. baaaa? how does the sheep go? the bird says? here's a turkey. gobble gobble. the sheep goes. baaaa. looks like tupperware to me? what else you got in there? yeah that's a little old car? aha you've got a pair of pliers now! a tennis ball! what do you do with a tennis ball? what are you got there? hey bax how does a sheep go? do you remember the sheep here? yeah that's a television alright. what's this? a bottle? you sure it ain't a screwdriver? hey bax what's that? what's this in the truck? that's a fire truck? what's that? what is that thing bax? what's that one? hey bax what's this? can you tell me what this is? yeah. that's a saw? yeah you cut boards with it. yeah you like playing baseball? yeah stomper. you wanna play with the stomper? yeah you've got a little paintbrush? you ever painted anything? hey bax what is that thing. what are those? camera. whadaya see! whadaya see bax. what is what's that? yeah? what is that bax? he man. what does he do? is that all he does? unh hm. yeah you've got a ring there! what's on the ring? what's this baxter? hey bax what's this. yeah what kind of ball. go over and talk to angela? what's your name again? what did you say? nathaniel but what do you call yourself? do you call yourself nathaniel? yeah. how old are you? hey nat listen? do you want to show angela some toys or some books? what's your favorite toy? nat what's your favorite type of toy. what? oh. a big truck. you can bring the big truck out? oh? wow? what do you do with that truck? you put what now. your animals in there. try and get them all in? and then what do you do? try and make it go fast huh? do you just go around in circles? don't you want to take your animals someplace. no? watch it. you're going to kill me. okay. what happens when you do that? what's that? all your animals are out now. what are you going to do about it? oh? that's smart? one of your animals is falling out? look one of your animals is falling out. take a look on the side. see? look? his ears are touching the ground! you don't want that to happen! do you? do you ever ride on your truck? is it harder to push that way. is it harder to push when you ride on it! is it harder to push the truck when you're sitting on top of it! he doesn't know harder? go backwards? oh? look? you sure can? you don't crash nat? let me see you do that? well. um? you know you know what? you lost something? whoops? you lost a couple of them now. not what when daddy's home. another crash? what do you do when you're through driving them all around? then what do you do with your animals. jump them? zump them? oh? jump them. yeah? he sure are jumping. why do you want them to jump? i don't know honey? where is snoopy? he's probably in your room? did he have lunch or is he in the bed room. oh. make snoopy jump too? would you like to make snoopy jump too? here's a puppet. do you want a puppet? why don't you put a puppet on your hand. do you want me to put one on? okay. hey nat. you want them. you say please. you can have them? okay? you're welcome? what are we going to do with the puppets? i'll tell you what! why don't you tell me a story with the puppets! put them on and tell me a story? why not? don't you know a story to tell me? my eyebrows are right here? yeah. that's my eyebrow. and this is my eyebrow? where's your eyebrows? your eyebrows are real light colored? mine are darker! aren't they? when you get bigger your eyebrows will get darker? yeah? they sure will? well are you going to put your puppets on and tell a story? okay where's your puppet's eyebrow? let me see. no your puppet's eyebrows? does he have eyebrows. show them to me? yeah. yeah! those are his eyebrows? can you get this one on? do you want me to help you put them on? now. what are they doing? it came off! why. okay? i'll put this one on? oh? okay. what do you say? okay? now. hold your hand up! one of them is backwards? if they're backwards you can't have them talk to each other. why not put them backwards. then they can't look at each other. make them talk? okay? you don't have to? what's the kitty cat's name? what's the cat's name? and the dog's name? woof woof? hey nat. whose puppets are those? wait a minute. one came off. what do you say? okay. kitty cats don't say woof woof? where are they? yeah. give me the kittie cat. thanks. kitty cat looks tired. have you been a good kitty cat? no? what did he do wrong? what did he do bad? all curled up. well. um? he sure does. do you have a kitty cat? a real kitty cat. does someone around your neighborhood have one. does someone around here have a kitty cat. yeah? he's sleeping? he's sleeping with the doggie. will you tell angela who has a kitty cat! jagsey yeah! where does jagsey live? do you go play with him a lot? bob's the one with the glasses? yeah. i'm bob? i'm bob? what's your book about? he's got three hundred sixty five birthdays. that's what it says. what kind of presents did he get? uh tom? that's tom? that's tom. aha. and that's noel. right. which one is benjamin? is this benjamin? who are all these people? are those his friends. what is this? what has he got there? a puzzle? what's he got there? he's got what here? an airplane? can you tell me what those are? pants? that's right. that's a bird and its in a cage. that's right? all going home. huh! look at all those presents he's got there? got that plane we saw before. and he's got the pants? got his puzzle? and he's even got a? yeah he looks sad? why would he look sad. aha. what's this? do you know why? why he's sad! why benjamin is sad! he's sad because his birthday's not going to come again for another year! aha! looks like he knows his book. that's the garbage truck! well that's what the noise is! no? that's what the noise is honey? i don't know where it is? they'll come in a few minutes? oh yeah? okay? there's a man? sorry. better go look at this? the man in the orange? look toward mrs sanford's house. standing by over there. you know what a garbage truck does. come on? why don't you show me more of your book. gonna tell me more about benjamin? oh? okay? it's a bird. suspenders? that's right. do you know what they do? they hold up his pants so they don't fall down? can you tell me what that says? ah? come on. you see he wrapped up everything in the house so he could have three hundred sixty five presents. uh probably when you're a little bit bigger you can? you can try? it says here. so every night benjamin wrapped up something in his house? okay look at this. he even wrapped up his drapes and his washing machine and everything? aha. that's a big chair. that's a chair. see this chair. that he's sitting in here? that's what that is only all wrapped up? that's right? he even wrapped his table and is eating on top of wrapping paper? so he's got three hundred fifty six birthdays! aha! oh? that's great. that's a helicopter? do you want those? oh. that's wonderful. that's very pretty. does it fly? it's flying now? when did you learn to make helicopters? hum. did you just think it up. it's flying. it sure is. can you put these on too? doesn't a helicopter have a thing that goes like this? doesn't a helicopter have a thing that goes out the back? are there any more of those. oh. that's very nice. can i hold it? okay? it certainly is? that's very nice? can you make it land? nat can you make it land? is it do you have an airport for the helicopter. where is it? show me the airport? did you ever make any other airplanes. i bet you could make another airplane with some of these! hum? you don't have another squ. you mean like this? hum? who's crying outside? oh? i see that. that's very nice. oh? sounds like a kitten! what do you think that is? do grown ups drink coffee all the time! tea! what do you like to put in your tea? hum! do you put anything in your tea? what else? anything else? no cream? you don't like cream? my son brian i told you his name? he likes to drink tea with cream and sugar? lots of cream? no. cream? he loves it? yes he does? no. yeah. more cream than tea really. when do you drink your tea? hum? when do you drink your tea? okay? i'll hold that one? what is that? which is this one called. that one's called? what's this one? that's a helicopter? that's very nice? how about that? can you put it this way? hum. i never saw an airplane that looked like that. i never saw an airplane that looked like that? i saw a helicopter that looked like that? i've seen a helicopter that looked like that but i never saw an airplane that looked like this. where? where? was it very big? you went on it. don't you remember. where'd you go? oh. was that a long time ago? hum? was that before your little brother was born? was that since then? what? was very what! philadelphia? is that right? oh? you lived in philadelphia when you were born? that's very nice. did you like philadelphia. is philadelphia warm like atlanta? it was hotter in the summer time? you were very little when you came here? do you know how old you were when you came here? he was about four months? i don't think you remember philadelphia. a bridge? good? oh that's okay? i was just wondering if he was getting tired. what is the bridge going over? right. what does the bridge go over? the reason we have a bridge is cause there's something that the car can't get over. yeah! like maybe you have a stream of water? the road comes up and the stream is there and the car can't get over? so you have a bridge. what does your bridge go over? a boat. many boats or just one boat! are there a lot of boats or just one boat. what color are they? hum? you need some more? i don't think there are any more. you need another stick? are there any more sticks. there don't seem to be any more sticks! are there anymore sticks in your room nat? yeah. do you have any more sticks anywhere? are there any more of these. are they in your room? they're not in your room? ah can you tell me what? there are six of them? here's one. here is the last one? want that? do you have a dog? do you have any dogs? the dog lives next door. the dog next door. yeah? he is next door. what's the other dog's name? how big is he? as big as you. what's the name of the dog on the other side? what's his name? puppy? the dog's name is puppy? i think i think? what are you making? have you ever ridden on a ferris wheel. oh? would you like to go on one? sometime. where did you see a ferris wheel? was it at a park somewhere. looks to me like the ferris wheel goes round and round? does it? so what's this? is it another ferris wheel. that's one for me. oh. well. thank you? nat can you draw a picture of daddy and mommy? daddy and mommy and douglas and nathaniel? is that your daddy. well. what is it? it looks like you just like to make circles? do you like to make circles? draw on the back here? draw a picture of something else? yeah. draw a picture of me? can you draw dan? what is that? no? he won't be home for a long time. what's this? that's pretty close? it's a moustache. can you put my moustache in there? what about my ears? how many ears do i have? that must be my nose? do i have wheels. do i have wheels. wheels like a car? you didn't put any wheels on me? oh! you're going to draw a car now! huh! cars have wheels huh! huh. nat draw me a car here! would you! i want to take a car home? that's my car? i won't be able to go anyplace in a car like that? that's a better car nat? thank you? where do you sit in that car? who's going to drive it? angela. is this another car? my car? is my car fast? or is it slow. it's a fast one. sometimes. when i make it go fast? where do you think we should go in a car? make the car go to stone mountain. could we go to stone mountain in the car? what happens at stone mountain? what do we do at stone mountain? what do we do when we get to stone mountain nat? there it is? where's the lake though? is that the lake or is it the mountain? oh? really. that whole thing is a picture of stone mountain? thank you thank you. what is this? what are you making now? you're making holes in the paper? can you count how many holes there are? how many holes are there? count them again for dan. let me hear you count them again? do you think your dad would go to stone mountain and leave you? what does your dad do at work? what does daddy do at work? hey nat. have you ever been there? what did you do at work with daddy? did you see some animals there? yup? did you like the rats! did you pick up a rat while you were there! how close did you get? well tell me what it is? can you make a picture with holes? you can't make a picture with holes? yes. can you draw a picture of a rat? nat? can you draw a picture of a rat? draw a rat for dan? is that the rat's hole! is the rat going to live in that hole? is that a rat. i'll put it over here? i was just wondering is it a picture of a rat? well? what is it then actually? is it a picture of an octopus. are you making a picture of something? mommy. here? let me draw you a picture with holes. what is that? a what? you're right? it's a bunny rabbit. good guess. actually that's a picture of my uncle. the rabbit! the rabbit needs some ears nat. let's see you put some ears on the rabbit? do you want to read to them or play with them or whatever? can you read? what's that? snoopy? ah. i've got a big snoopy doll at home. that big. he's sitting on his airplane? he has his airplane with him? do you know what an airplane is? oh. you know what an airplane is. goes in the sky. yeah. what's the name of your book? okay? you going to read to me? is this going to be a bedtime story. no. it's just going to be a story. snoopy can read the story? what's that animals's name? monkey? there's a monkey in the book? yeah. he's standing on his head? can you stand on your head? you can. can i see you stand on your head? no. oh! you don't have a ball? you don't have a ball to stand your head on. that looks like a swimmimg pool? i don't know honey? it's either a swimming pool or some water? did the bunny rabbit run away from him? oh no. do you think he's going to be able to find it? no he can't find it? what's this that keeps popping up in the picture? a birdie! he must be watching the monkey! he must be watching the monkey! oh! looks like he's hiding. that the mother bunny! that one right there! okay? that looks like a mother bunny? what happened? pages skipped there? you're rereading it? you started at the beginning again? that's okay? go ahead. go ahead? i'm sorry? what is that something funny? there it is. there's the something funny. what's he going to do with that hook? is he going to ah? fell in the water? aha. looks like he's wet? he looks like he's all wet? oh? he's not all wet. okay? that's a kite. is that bill? oh? that's bill. aha? that's it. that's right. he's taking the kite back to bill? bill? flowers. gave the carrot to the big big rabbit? that was a good story. is this your blanket? that's a nice blanket. i used to have a blanket like this. mine was green. i had a big green blanket that i took everywhere i went with me. that's right? you do? you do? he really doesn't carry it around? he was using it to cover up monkey earlier! whoops? you've got a big green one too? i think yours is bigger than mine? what's this? a rat? it's not a mouse but it's a rat. a rat. who gave it to you? susie gave it to you? does susie play with you when she comes to visit? hi nat! what? do you have a blue shirt on? yeah? i have a blue shirt on? you have a blue shirt too? and green? jeans. huh? what are these? yeah? why don't you put your blanket back in your room because it's getting dirty. no! tell debbie what kind of sheets you have? snoopy sheets? you must like snoopy. you do. do they have a picture of snoopy on it. she's playing with your blocks! i'm playing with your blocks. can i play with your blocks? would you like to play with me? would you like to build something? ah. let's see. would you like to build a house? okay. let's help me build a house! how should we do it? okay. think we should do it like this. okay. can you put one there? there's one? on top? okay put one on top? can i put one on top. big one? turn around? behind you. underneath you. there's one. there's another one. oh? where's the door? let's make a door? okay? let's see. there can be the door. that's a good idea. i don't think we need that one. how about this? let's see? we could put that one on the top? right there and make it look like a roof the top of the house? oh. that's the roof. okay? we don't need that one. where does this one go? put it over there. want to make a road. a road to the house. that looks like a castle now? going to put the horsie on the top too? amazing. that's really pretty! um why don't we put it over here! the horsie fell off? there. should we park the car next to the house. got two cars. here's a car and here's a car. you could put one here on this side and we could put the other one over here next to it? how's that? where does that one go? where would you like to put it? in the door. okay! that's a good place for it? almost? what are we going to do with this? oh? put that one over there? we can put it here. i don't see another one. i think we don't have anymore? that'll do? well. that looks nice? do you have another horsie? look behind you? see if the horsie is behind you? there's the horsie? there it is? that's a neat looking house! almost finished. we don't need this one. can we do something with that one? better put it here. what about this one? okay? we'll make a place for it? where do we want to put it? can we put this one on top of it? okay? maybe it'll fit on the side? okay? that's a sail. is that so you can make a boat. that's a nice house? would you like to live in that house? we're gonna make some people? here's a snoopy! here's a person? you can show them snoopy? under the table. you're supposed to talk not jump silly? when did you get snoopy? what else? what else did you get for christmas nat? what do you do with them? where are they? did you sit on santa's lap? he's gone to get you something? screwdriver huh. tell us what you do with them. what happened when you were hammering on it earlier? who was in it? what are you doing now? can you build something with that? can you tell us what you're building? what are you doing now? that's a good idea. build a big bridge. ah? that looks like a bridge? what are you going to do with it when you are finished? jump on it? if he keeps jumping the house is going to fall down. you can play too? do you want to play? tell me what you are building nat. a bridge? okay. did you ever see a bridge like this before! where did you see it? at the beach. just fell down? it's too hot where i'm sitting? here? let's build something else? what do you want to build? a big bridge. okay? here? you tell me where to put the blocks and i'll help you build it! okay! okay! how do you want it? here. you tell me and i'll help you put them there! okay! right here? okay? where do you want this one? right here? okay? where do you want this one? what's this bridge going to look like? can you tell me what it's going to look like? when you're finished? a chair? what kind of chair is it? what are you going to do with this now? read a book. what kind of book is it? oh? i see? you could read it to doug. there that's good? now what are you doing. reading? are you going to read to us. okay? what color is this nat? what color car is that? right? it's green right. you tell them. green? right? you say. that's good? that's coal. coal in the hole? what's this? that was very good nat. that's good. that was good. do you got another book? do you want to read some more? okay? that one looks good? what are they doing? oh! okay? yes? you're right? you're right? that's right. that's right. what are they doing? what does the rooster say? what does the little chicken say? is that how a giraffe runs! oh? okay. that's good? what do the fish do? what are they doing in this picture? are they talking or what are they doing? oh. that one's mine? thank you. how about sara? what are those nat? that one's me! oh? okay? what are they doing here? you like the eagles. don't you. is that what frogs do! oh. that's the end? of the book? okay? got another one. why don't you make up a story. about what the bears are doing and tell it to us while you read us the book? okay. okay! you tell us what the bears are doing? okay. yeah. that's a bridge. mhm? where are they going? what for? why are they going to make him a big bed? that's right. just like this one? so it won't be cold? what's he chopping down the tree for? oh. what's he making the bed for? where is the little bed? he looks happy? okay. that's not a very good one? can you read that? okay. she's reading the other book. is that okay. what's the elephant doing? can you see it? turn it back one sara? sara show nathaniel the elephant? what's he doing? yeah he is. you see his trunk. that's what an elephant's the long nose is called? it's not like the trunk in your bed room. what's? if you want that one give sara this one. nat go on mommy's desk and get the one about big bird and the count. okay. oh? i'll hold it? tell us who some of the other people are. i don't know what sara is going to get! probably another book! it's about the three pigs? it's about the three pigs. that's right. can she read that one. what? oh? sara doesn't read to the skin dents? uh students? that's what he keeps saying? she can read if she wants. you can help her! that's all? okay? i don't know where the mail truck is? let me see. maybe it's up further? i don't see a mail truck? i see a garbage truck. what's the name of this puppy? do you know? rusty? rusty? rusty didn't like anybody did he? so what did they do. yeah. the puppy didn't like anybody. there's another dog. who's this? the dentist? i don't know what the boy's name is? christopher. christopher. that's a big dog really. yellow? that's a yellow dog? i don't know? does it say in the book? it says mr murphy's dog. i guess it doesn't have a name? that's what it is. an ice cream truck. i sure did? i was an ice cream man last summer. do you like ice cream nat? all the kids like the ice cream man? what's that? an alligator? did you see an alligator? where did you see him? okefenokee? you went to okefenokee swamp. when? when did you go? did it take a real long time to get there? yeah! where are you going honey? another book! what is it? which one's this. what's that book? otto! who's otto? i think i'm going to try to make a house? do you want to try to make a house? okay? let's try to make a house? get some longer ones than these? a big high house? that's the door. huh? a red door? what's that? a window. can that be a window. that's right. how about this? what's that gonna be? i don't know. what is that? what do you think that is? what does it look like? just a bunch of blocks on top of each other. that's a funny looking house isn't it? where can that fit? there you go? i think we've used every one? i don't think there's any more to use. there's one? a tunnel. where's the tunnel go to? all the way down? where does it go to? can you show elliott how you make a helicopter? you can make a helicopter with these? let me see. is that a propeller? what is that? a propeller on top. that's really good nat. that looks like a helicopter alright. who taught you how to make a helicopter? he did? where's daddy now? is he at work? sounds like a helicopter doesn't it! that's what a helicopter sounds like! who rides in a helicopter? grandma rides in a helicopter? from where to where? where does she go in the helicopter? that's a funny one. yeah it sure is. you want me to make one? he can't make it as well as you can? can he? huh nat! he can't make it as well can he? no. another one let me see? one more? nope there's not enough? we can't make another one? we can't make another one. what else can you make? can you make a boat with that? out of those things? that's a boat. make me a boat nat! okay? what kind of a boat is that? is that another tug boat. which kind is that. aha what. a kayak! do you have a real kayak too? that's a funny kayak? i see? you know what that looks like now? a tank. it looks like one. what kind of a little one do you want? who gave you those blocks nat? no! remember who gave you those blocks? who did? the big douglas. that's the little douglas. that's the little douglas over there? i don't think i can make as good a one as you? there? it's a barge? come here and talk to us? there's no music in it. it doesn't have any music? it's already turned on? do you like music? a lot. you can sing if you want music. you can make your own music? that's what that's a good thing to do? the birds make their own music don't they? how bout you get a book and read to them? do you want to do that? okay you get one of your books. that's sometimes the best way to start. hey nat come on over here and read to us? okay books? do you remember my name? do you remember my name? what's his name? i remember your name. your name's nat? what's my name? if you don't remember it it's okay? tell me you don't remember? do you remember? my name is harvey? harvey. and this is susie. you know somebody named susie don't you? that's wendy. i'm wendy! aha? and who are you. you're me? i'm me? you're you and i'm me? i'm me and you're you? you're me. you're me. who am i? that's a good question? go ahead and start reading to us! let's see what's in this book! named otto! named otto! a big. he's a puppy! it's upside down isn't it! is it? no? yeah? well what happens? what's that one? tell them what's in it? do you know what they're saying here? do you know what that means? he's the duke? yeah? okay? you know what that is. duke. who's that? hm? oh oh? they're ladders. yeah? they're ladder? what who is this looks like it's an an animal isn't it? who is it? that's right? that's his name. hm? where are they pulling him to? somewhere else. where are they going? what's over here? what is that? looks like a castle? is that what it is? how bout you know what these are? yeah? that's very good. your father likes sea gulls i think? doesn't he. do you know what that is? have you been to stone mountain before. have you what did you do when you went there. that's right? that's stone mountain? you climbed up? did you go what else did you do? are! there are lots of things to do at stone mountain! what did you do? try to remember? did you did you go on the choo choo train? what did you see on the choo choo train? you went on the choo choo train a long time ago with nanny. ah ah. there's the boat? he's never had this one read read read to him? excuse me? that's why he's not familiar with it! there's the boat again? you know what the sun is. what did otto do? wait a second? look here? there's otto right? what's he doing? he ran around? what's what's that? what's that? that's right. and he's wagging his tail right! he's moving it back and forth? right? have you ever seen a dog way its tail. what does that mean? do you know what it means when a dog wags its tail? it means he's friendly! most friendly dogs. otto's a good dog? otto's a friendly dog? that's the end of otto? that's the end of the book. if you'd like to. you can bring out a book? or do you have a favorite toy that you like to play with. a wheelbarrow! he has to find it? whenever anyone says favorite toy he brings the wheelbarrow out? it's just a toy. i don't know why. i bet you can put all your toys in that wheelbarrow? do you? and you can carry them all around whenever you want to? tell harvey what your animals' names are? hi puppy. oh you're a mechanic right? you like to work with the hammers? what have you been hammering? did you make your wheelbarrow. did you make that with your hammer. did you make that with your hammer. you didn't? no. who made it? not grandma? where are you going to take it? where you gonna take it? to the zoo. do you like the zoo? i bet you've been to the zoo? what kind of animals did you see there? kangaroo? i had a monkey? i had a monkey. i forget what i called it. oh yeah? this looks like my monkey. what's your monkey's name nat? george. opps. did he try to bite me. did the monkey try to bite me? hm? what? hm! no! he's a friendly monkey? oh okay. you're right. you are right. this monkey will not bit me. but you can pretend? right? but it's a nice toy monkey? is this a nice toy monkey? yeah you're lying like harvey's lying. it's nice down here! this is comfortable don't you think? i'm gonna i want to make nat a hat? do you want a hat? what do you do you like hats? alright i'm going to make you a hat? what kind of hat do you have nat? what kind of hat do you have already? i make hats out of paper? what do you think do you like hats? alright. but there's a story that goes with this hat? alright? it's going to be a yellow hat? like yellow? you start off like this? fold the piece of paper in half! okay. well if he needs some tape he'll ask for it okay. no this one this hat works without any tape at all? how bout that? harvey says we don't need any tape. no? do you like do you like what kind of hat do you want? you can have? what? a little hat? yellow hat? yellow hat? alright. well here's one. try it on? but you know what else you can do with this? here you go? you take this one! i'll make another one and show you what else you can do with? i just learned this yesterday? i've always wanted to make them but they always fall apart for me? you ever been on a boat before? yeah? tell susan what kind of boat you go in. what kind of boat do we go in? and what else does daddy go in? where did we go boating? where did we go on our camping trip with the boat? yeah but where did we go to see the alligators. yes far far away. one what? harvey's making another hat maybe? i know how to make a lot of hats. here? you know nat what does a fireman do. what does a fireman do? he's got a fire hat. isn't this a fire hat? isn't this the kind of hat a fireman wears. little bit small. that's very good? but you say you like boats right? there's something interesting about? this hat. there's something about this hat. i can turn this hat into a boat? do you believe me? you do? i don't believe me? alright watch this. where am i? i lost half my hat? aha? aha? aha! ah? here we go? ah. no? we got another hat here? here's another hat? then we can put it on? ah there we go? it's got a messed up front end but? here's a boat. doesn't this look like a boat to you? with a messed up front end? have you ever been on a boat? not like this? like this. this kind of boat? yeah? we can put it in the bath tub after? supper if you want? i'll make a bath tub. well at least you got your hat? what? what? you were going to say something! hm? the monkey wants to try on the hat? yeah? your monkey wants a hat. okay? that's your hat right? so i can make a hat for monkey. alright? a hat for your lmonkey. that's nice of harvey. tell harvey that if he doesn't want to use all his good paper we can give him some old paper. this is fine? we've got some scrap paper if you? thank you? this paper's good? don't you like yellow hats. okay so we'll have yellow hats? okay yellow paper's prettier? okay? have your been playing outside in the? pretty weather. yeah? what do you do? what do you do outside? what's harvey made? and you can use this hat on all! your animals? can you say thank you to harvey? you're welcome? anytime you need a hat or your? okay. aha you're in trouble? tomorrow? a hat for him too? let's see. where we going to wear the hat? hey nat. maybe maybe monkey can share the hat with the other animals? well we'll wait a sec we'll make a hat for this animal? no i don't know what he'll want? maybe it would be better if monkey shared the hat with the other animals then harvey won't have to make more? i'll tell you i'll make you pick out you're favorite animal other than monkey. i'll make you? this is number two here? you like him? i can! how bout snoopy? make a snoopy hat? i can make little hats for little dogs? make a little hat for snoopy. okay? i'll make a little hat for snoopy? just one more hat cause he cause he can't make hats for everybody he'd use up all his paper? he has to save some? and i wouldn't be able to make hats for anybody else? hey did you put your belt on? your belt? want me to do it up. don't do that. what's this? what? nathaniel what's in your father tummy. noooo? yeah? he's trying to go to the bath room? no? no? he's putting a baby in there? what? putting a toy in there? this is the first time he's ever done this? usually he tells you lunch or what he's eaten. what are you got in there silly come on out and show us? aha? what do you have in there? leave your pants on. okay i'll put it under your shirt? what do you have in there? you're going to lose it. maybe he'll come out the bottom? look under there. anatomy course? will he come out the bottom. no. what's under here? what's that? looking. try the other one? over there? where's the baby? okay see him there? okay wait? shake around? jump up and down and see if he'll fall out! jump up and down. there? fall out? where's the baby nat? where did he go? you hid him? i think you're stuck with that baby. oh look nathaniel? look look at the little hat on snoopy? how bout that? thank you harvey! welcome? whoops it fell down? whoops? ha? mommy broke the hat? what's the big thing on your shirt? what's on your shirt? where do lions usually live? okay. oh? ah mr bump? you okay. oh? oh? it's. who's a fireman nathani? who do you know who's a fireman? that's a. yeah? pretty boat? uh oh? look what happened? what happened to your hat? it's still a hat? different kind? i'll be able to fix it a couple times but not all day. yes? you say you're gonna make a boat? good job. hm? what are you doing? that's not bad nat. pretty good? you did a pretty good job on that? what is it? a check? a what. a sack. oh. a check? what do you do with a check nat? you'll have to go outside sometime and play aren't you. it's so pretty outside right? right. we don't need any? we left them in the car? do you like to drive in the car? that's my coat and mommy's coat. we didn't need any? we left them in the car. in the driveway? what color is it honey? what's that over there? what's that big wire thing? he doesn't know? never brought it to his attention cause some of the kids in the neighborhood climb it. oh? which thing? it's the electric wire thing? what would you call that? the big thing in clarence's house? electrical. electric wires like telephone lines and stuff? those are wires all over the pole? um? those are electric wires. what? what blue thing? what are telephone wires for nat? blow over here? you can make a picture? blow on the window! here like you're blowing out candles? can you blow out candles? like one a birthday cake. like fire? like mommy and daddy have on the table? you trying to clean the window? you can have a piece of paper towel if you want? like to clean windows! you can see you can see thru the windows better if they're clean can't you? is it clean yet? what do you have to do to clean it? picture. nat? do you know any stories? do you know any stories you can tell? any good stories like the one about otto. know any other stories? or you can read another book? you know any? but do you know ay just you know any just could you tell us right now any stories? you know any stories right now like goldilocks and big bird and the count? will you tell them about big bird and the count? okay tell me about it? oh you don't have to get the book? just tell them about it. just tell me about the book? tell me about the book? what did the count do nat? is that the story. is that the whole story? rambunctious. yes? thank you? why don't you read curious george? it's probably in the box! on the floor? well you shouldn't have it on the floor? i knew that couch was good for something? you a monster? tell us about curious george? i used to read curious george? wait wait? hey hey let's go back. i want to see? who is that? and what does he do? where did he go? where did he go? that's right? you can? w wait let me see what? you can! what is curious george doing there? right and he's standing on a ball? he stands up on a ball. what's he doing here? unhunh. he looked out. he saw a big house? what else did he see? look? he saw a lot of things? he saw a big house? what's this? he saw? what's that? who's on the bike? what was in the cage? what's in the cage? look? what is he doing? what's he doing? uh uh? what happens to the bunny? aha? what's wrong? he looks? why is curious why is he sad? is he sad or happy? is he sad or happy? he went to the tree? the bunny is hiding in the tree? let us go back? look? look? the rabbit sees the little tail right? and they find the little bunny? curious george is looking for the little bunny right. mother bunny? he got a mother bunny? right? curios george is smart isn't he. how did he go fishing? how did he go did he go fishing? oh? look. what happened? what happened? yeah? can monkies swim? that's right? cause monkies don't like water? what's he doing there? have you ever flown a kite before? oh really? that's a good monkey? i wish i had a monkey who could do that for me? oh? what happened to george? look? nat look? what happened to him? hm? he's flying away? oh there he is? yeah? he's in the helicoptor? right? do you know some other stories? that was a good story? he'll read to his animals if noone's around? what's that one? he's never read that one before? we just went to the library yesterday? no. we've got to start from the beginning? here we go? this is the there's the front? today he's nine years old? right? how old are you? and how old are you? nathaniel how old are you? and? how old are you? how old are you? no? hi? are you older? are you older than him or are you younger than him? are you older or younger? he doesn't understand? yes. is it like your bed? baby bed? i used to like people to read to me. mumble? does he go to school too. no he plays with kids in the neighborhood? what's that? oh? this is another one about george? do you like george? what did he find? what did he find? look? he's got a? what color hat? a yellow hat just like yours. uh oh? what happened? uh huh. what happened to george? look where is he? can you tell where he is? look? unh mm? that's where they're going? this is? well. that's a good point well? they're real far away from this boat here and so it looks like its smaller cause they're so far away from them? have you ever seen how things get smaller when you go far away from them? yeah sure. me too? look what he's doing? what does he look like there? he looks like a bird? what? he's going in the water? he's going to be a fish. he can't fly? what's he doing nat? what happened? yes he will. if he's in the water. you get wet when you take a bath don't you? yeah? so do monkeys. uh oh? where is he now? there's the firemen. remember the hat that harvey made you? that's what it looked like. fireman's hat. that's a firemen's hat? boy. yeah? you got a hat? um hm. where's your fireman's hat? who took you to see the fireman? that's good? um. oh. all the loons? all the balloons? look where he's going. he's flying over the city. this is a balloon right? balloon? balloon. balloons? yeah. he took all the balloons? and he what happened hm? right? traffic light? you know what a flashlight is? who has a flashlight? traffic light? what color is it? that's right? balloon? isn't that nice of him? yeah? unh mm? what's this down here? what kind of animal is that? a kicky. oh? a kicky isn't in the water. what is that? what is that? do you know what it is? i think it's like in the book you got daddy? turtle? isn't it a turtle? um hum. remember you got daddy the book of turtles. the seals? tell me about seals? i don't know about seals? tell me about seals? i don't know anything about seals? what? oh? is that waht they look like? hey look? show them to me? hm? they're aren't too many seals around atlanta are there? they like where do they like to live? do they have whiskers on them? no? that looks like a fish. is he a fish? hey nat. maybe they'd like to talk to you or see your toys. hey nat? what are you doing? doing? oh oh oh? oh i see? you gonna make you gonna make something? oh yeah? don't let them stay on the heater? that's right. over there? you can build something. what are you going to dow with these things? make what. make buildings. bridge? bridge. can you make one? why don't you help me make one? okay? what is this? we'll put that between them? whoops? whoops? oh? look what happened. okay? let's make a new one? we're making a different kind of bridge? that looks good? can i put this on top? how bout that? wow? we got a big bridge? look at that nathaniel? look at that? and? ah um good job? um hum? how bout these right here? no what? no. you don't like that huh? what next? what next? what are you going to do with the car? where does the car go? a boat? alright? good job? let's make a boat? how do you make a boat? okay? is that the boat? is that the boat? we can make a better boat than that? here here this is the bottom of the boat. and the boat needs sides right? yeah? so goatta have a back. and let's make a front? we need a high front? we need now? here. front. one of these. is that what kind of front you want. okay. how bout a smoke stack? a smoke stack? oh that's a good idea. how bout a sail? doesn't a sailboat need a sail. well. yeah if that's a sailboat. need a sail? about a sail? you can even put a car on the boat? haven't you ever seen a car on a boat. if the boat's big enuf? what kind of boat do cars go on nat? right? some seats? for who? um hum? okay? what are you making now? this is a tall person. here's a car and here's a car. one car on the boat? this on the boat? we don't? what else is on the boat? what else is on the boat? what's that? that looks like a smoke stack? a smoke stack? where the smoke comes out? yeah? it was in your book. did you see the picture of the boat in your book and smoke coming out of these things. you remember. smoke is something with the fire? remember in the one where curious george goes on the boat? smoke comes out of the fire? that's good? that's a pretty good boat? looks like a train? that's right? like a train? what can you use this for? this is a tight rope. did you ever see a horse walk on a tight rope. think he'll make it? oh? did you ever go to the circus? hm. have you ever been to the circus? did you go to the circus nat. did you see the tight rope? no? it's a thin wire. tell susan what you saw at the circus. did you see elephants? like the one on your like this. wow? what happened? that was karate. what happens to a boat when the boat sinks? the boat goes under water? hm? do you know? hm? what are you now? it will fall down? okay? know what he's doing. ever see a man tight rope walk on a tight rope. that's pretty dangerous? no? just a is thinking about? whoops? doesn't stay on? whoops? there. how many horses do you have? how many horses do you have? i don't know if it will stay? it won't stay on monkey? look at this big? oh oh? how did the horse get up there? how did the horse get all the way up there? aha? yep? oh? try it again. let's make a real high one? what happened to the boat? the boat sank. okay. you go ahead and make a boat? my turn to play with him? is that what your house looks like. i'm going to play with you? what are you doing now? we don't need this one. what are you doing now? those the boat sails? why don't you and jim make a boat? would you like to make a boat? how do you make a boat? you can teach jim how to make a boat. let's make some sides. is this the bottom of the boat. the bottom? do you need another one of these? here? you make another one of these. look. see. like that? you can put that in there? yeah? what about the sail? what about the sail? one of these? you don't. one boat needs only one sail. do you want to put some cars on it? how are you going to load the cars on it? okay! what is that? is that a chimney. he doesn't know what a chimney is? what's that? just like that? do you want to put it next to it? here's the horsie. we don't need those. what about people? shouldn't there be people on the boat? is that a person! that's a person! is that a girl or a boy! are they both girls! that's a boy. do you have a girl friend nat? what's her name? what's your girl friend's name? wish he'd said? i'd like to know? what's your girl friend's name? under your shoe? you're sitting on the horse? it seems sorta crowded? couldn't we make the boat larger. could we make the boat bigger? who will be driving the boat? the boy or the girls? don't girls know how to drive boats. oh god jim. what do girls know how to do? do you need this one? do you need this? that one goes on side. what about those other pieces? do you need them? look? there's one over there. can you make it higher? the boy's driving it. what are the girls doing? riding on it? have you ridden on a motorbike before. do you have a blue motorbike? do you have a blue motorbike? a briefcase and a motorbike. those sound like fun things? that's my car? where's your car? why didn't daddy take the motorbike? that's an awful pretty motorbike. do you think i could come back and play with you and ride it when it gets warm outside? i can. okay. does your motorbike make noise. yes. what are you going to do with the book? here take your foot off? whoops? what are you doing with the box? you are going to play with the box! why are you doing that! is that fun? you look like an airplane? are you pretending to be an airplane? you driving? it. it. where are you going in your airplane? grandma's? where does grandma live? do you have a good time when you go? what do you do? is it fun to go far away. looked out of the airplane? you looked out of the airplane and saw the moons and clouds? tell jim and debbie who else we see when we're at grandma's? who else? who was at grandma's house? are they fun to play with? those are your husbands. are they older than you? what's this? do you watch the snoopy cartoons on television? what happens on the cartoons? he doesn't now what you're talking about? what do you watch on tv? nat. nathaniel. tell me what you watch on tv! why don't you go get one of your monkey books. which ever on you want? what about the fireman? he's getting sillier and sillier as the day progresses? read the book to jim. read the book to jim. is that your book? jim's up there. come on up here! where did you get that book? what kind of book is that? read the book to jim. oh. i'll watch while you read it to jim? okay? what's wrong nat? look at the book and see what's wrong with it? is that upside down. that's right? that's right? what's this? that's right. you did. aren't you going to read it to jim. okay? you read it to the both of us. what is this? those are balloons? tell jim the colors of the balloons. what colors are they? that's red. what color is this one? that's red? what's this? is that a horsie? what kind of animal is this? a what. an elephant. do you know any of the other animals? what's that? you know what that is? yeah. do you know what that one is? that's a rhino. heh nat? you getting tired? nathaniel. okay? you tell me. what about school? okay? what about it? did you go to school. are you ready to go to school. how old are you? do you like this pair of shoes? he doesn't want to talk? nat's so silly. you don't like this pair of shoes. they're about to fall apart. do you think they are about to fall apart? look at me? yeah? he's asked is that a new game to play? oh. what's your favorite book? why don't you get a book and read it to jack. what is your favorite book? how come you like curious george so much? you want me to read curious george? okay? how many birds are there? how come you like curious george so much? he is not real good at answering questions that start with why. okay. this is george? what's he eating? banana! good? good. he lives in africa? he was very happy but he has one fault? he was too curious? yup? that's right. right. yup? one day george saw a man? he had on a large yellow straw hat! the man saw george too! do you know where africa is? yeah! do you know where africa is? yeah! where? oh? it's on this page? oh? you know what he's hiding behind? what a nice little monkey he thought? i would like to take him home with me? he put his hat on the ground and of course george was curious? he came down from the tree to look at the large yellow hat. what's he doing there? can he read this? he'll tell you about it? oh. tell me about it. he doesn't read. tell me about it? tell me what's happening? tell jack. read the book to jack? he doesn't read it as well as you do? you tell him what's happening? tell me what's going on. what's that? what's happening? yeah? okay? yeah. yeah? yeah. me read it. okay? george promised to be good but it is easy for little monkeys to forget? yeah. yeah? oh oh. he fell off? yup. can he swim. can't swim. where is george? in the porthole? okay? yeah? he swallowed a lot of water didn't he? he swallowed a lot of water didn't he! let's see! let's see? what's happening? after a good meal and a good pipe george felt very happy very tired? yup? he went to sleep. i don't know. what do you think that is? yeah? okay? do you notice those birds? you notice those? he doesn't know what notice means. oh? do you see them? see the birds? alright? who's on the telephone? you tell jack about the fireman? the fireman. have you ever seen a fireman? this guy. you know a fireman is! who's jack? that boy's name is? that man's name is jack. yeah. what's your name? kim! elliot. what's your name? me? what's your name? you know what your name is. okay me. me read it? you. now wait a minute! wait a minute? you can't be me and you at the same time. yeah. right. right? there's a firetruck? have you ever seen a firetruck? that's right? that's what firetrucks do. who took you to the fire station? no? who went with you? um ha. but there was no fire there. so what are they doing to the monkey. where'd they put him? looks like he's trying to get out. looks like he's trying to get out? there's a telephone pole? um hum. telephhone wires. yeah. those are the wires. that's the pole? do you know what these things are? i don't know? transformers? the little glass things that are on the side. we used to collect them. nat do your eyes hurt honey? do your eyes hurt? do your fingers hurt? are you very sleepy. do you want to go to sleep? ah. oh? what book do you have here? do you know the name of this book? no? that's a new book. is this a new book. yeah. tell kim where we got it? you went to the library? that's jack's coat? uh ha. do you know what the name of this book is? it's benjamin's three hundred sixty five birthdays. do you know when your birthday is? do you know? it's in may? may? will you be three years old. on your next birthday. i have a three year old sister a little girl. look? that's my little sister? she looks a little bit like you? her name is cricket? cricket. ah hum? see. and this was christmas. and she got some new toys? that's a spin wheel. you sit on it and you spin around on it! do you think you'd like a toy like that? yeah. tell kim what you got? what did you get? a lot of nice things? be careful with that picture? more pictures. do you know who that is? see? that's the little girl cricket? cricket! that is keith! yes! that's my brother! do you have any brothers? that's my sister! very good! do you have any sisters? that's my brother? do you know what that is? a christmas trees? do you have a christmas tree on christmas? did you help put on all the pretty ornaments? yeah? what color was your christmas tree? see look? i have lots of brothers and sisters? do you know how many brothers and sisters i have? how many are there? yes. who's that? right? do you know what my sister's name is? do you remember? cricket? right? do you remember that one? keith. yes? this is my grandpa. do you have a grandpa? what's your grandpa's name? what's your grandpa's name? there's andy? what's that girl's name? cricket. emily isn't here? this is my grandma? does your grandma look like this. she does? oh. who's this again? you know these people nat. this is my daddy. where's your daddy? at work. that's keif? yes? and this one is another brother andy? do you know an andy? you have it upside down! that's it! see? and our christmas tree? do you know what these are here? stockings? presents. did you have a stocking. what did you get in your stocking? snoopy? oh? did you get some books for christmas! how many? be careful. don't bend the picture? i think you saw all of them? these are my sisters? they're twins? twins look are two girls that look alike. you saw some twins last summer? that's my grandma. you know who that is? no. this is cricket! what's my other brothers name? keith? do you remember what his name is? andy. very good. yes! and look what he got for christmas. do you see what that is? a ball? yes? a red ball. oh. thank you? do you know who this is? who does that look like? is that my sister? her's you book. do you want to read your book? okay. that a boy? very good? you know who that is? a new toy? right. thank you? oh? what are these? presents. are there are so many. what do you see? you see otto. what else? what's that? sun sun. that's right. that's right. look at that? aha? would you guys like some coffee? what else about the house? look look. ummm. children. children? okay? poople right there? little people. little kids. what's that? aha? great? it's an american flag? that's a french flag? right. right? right. at least the colors were right. okay? what's up there? house! there is a big person? his name was duke. aha? look? that's a key? he's throwen it to the kids? what about this one? look. aha? you're right? great! what are the children doing? putting why are they putting ladders on otto! great! great. surprise you! ugh! i didn't know he know he knew that? it's a new book and this is a new phase he has juxt gotten into being able to pick out things? a basketball? um? okay? well it's got a basket down there? but it's got a big balloon? and it flies and i mean floats in the sky. sky's up there somewhere? aha? up always look for the sky up? never can fail. what color's the sky? that's right. that's right? is this otto too? ga he can do a lot of things. ugh? he won? runs? oh. he runs? wee safe. oh okay? super? oh. we'll go back? what is that? back and for okay. look at this? he's wagging his tail? everything. what else do you see? banners. yeah? look at this. what's that blue? good. water. right? right? okay? the green part right here and that part and the little? that's part of the boat! that's all part of the boat! just different colors on the boat? that's another part of the boat? but that's that's the part where people can stand? and they drive a boat? you know. like you drive a car. you got to drive a boat too? and then that's all part of it? and see? they're pul pulling otto! i don't know why? let's see. okay? they're taking him for a ride? right? they're taking him for a ride? they're gonna take him to some place else. cause he was a big dog? aha um. look at that? um. uh! he's s big dog? really? he really is. have you ever seen a dog that big. have you. what did he look like? okay. where? yeah? where'd you see it? in the other book. you've seen some other dogs but i think the biggest dog you've seen is friskie. what's friskie like? huh. dog food! you said what does friskie like? where's friskie nat? i bet he does. is it next door. yes? ah? okay? black and white dog? uh huh. black and white? is he nice? he is. that's great. do you get to play with him? aha. aha? let's see. oh? look at this? he doesn't look very happy. does he. get his head down. when you're unhappy don't you kind of have your head down? when you're sad? what do you do when you're sad? no? no. what is that? what does that mean? where'd you get your zoo shirt? zoo? who gave you that shirt nat? grandma. he was fantastic. i bet you really like it? huh? nanny didn't give you that. nanny gave you the sweater! did you get this for christmas! oh? that's nice. you can keep the board? you wanna play store first? okay let's play store. what's this? oh look at this. where's the cash register? there it is. there it is. okay. you want to be the customer. or do you want to be the store keeper. okay mr storekeeper. there's the bags. you'll put the things in the bags. okay. i'll tell you what i'll do. i'll um i'll buy things. let's see. what do i want? uh. i think i'll have some of this. okay. what does this cost mr storekeeper? will you ring it up on the uh. and then what do you do. i think you have to push that thing over there right? ho ho. okay now um how about this. can i have this. may i have some of this. thank you. now i'm gonna need some money to buy some things. an here's some money. um do i have enough money to buy all that. those two things. what does it come out to? ten. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten. here? here's ten? can you count it? make sure i got it right. i still have some left over. it's right. okay so i have some i have a few more dollars here. uh? how much does this cost? what does this cost? can you ring this up? what's the price of that? what does that cost? huh. what does that cost right there? aha. now wait a second? what does that one cost? what does that other one cost? hm. how much does it cost? i have to know how much it costs john. ten dollars. let's see if i have ten dollars. one two three four five six. only got six. can i have that back. we'll put that back. i only have six dollars. does this only cost six dollars. what? one dollar. oh. i'll take it. that's a bargain. here. here's one dollar. and how about this. the eggs? what do the eggs cost? three dollars. one two three. here you are. means i only have two dollars left. what can i buy for two dollars? how about a bottle of milk? here's two dollars? okay can you put this all in a bag for me? put it in the cash register first. put the money in the cash register? okay. mister grocery man. are you mister stop n shop. or are you mister star market. oh you're mister stop n shop. it doesn't fit in there huh. i'll tell you what i'll do. if you give me that money i'll give you some coins okay. okay and you'll put the coins in okay. here l'see what i have. i have i think i have too many coins. i don't have too much change you know. ah. yes here here here here. haha look at that. can i have the rest of the dollars please. okay put it in. okay boy you have a really nice store over here. now. can you put my? can i have my groceries in a bag. thank you. that's nice. just like a real supermarket. now. is there anything i forgot. okay thank you mr groceryman. okay. what do you wanna do now? you wanna read the funny book? the what. you wanna read this book to me? okay. let's sit down. let me sit down. you wanna read this? or should i read it. okay. it's a pretty silly book huh. well you see once upon a time there was a girl. and she was she had a pussy cat. uh oh. the pussy cat ran out when she was picking a flower. what happened to the pussy cat? she doesn't see? where's the pussy cat? behind the tree. right. help. where is my pussy cat? and here's mr policeman. there he is madam? see what she says. here's the pussy cat. hm. here pussy cat. here pussy cat. he's getting that pussy cat. whoops? that pussy cat got away. go ahead and get that pussycat? here pussy cat. here pussy cat. look. i think that pussy cat is going into a what. barrel or pipe? look. they're going in this end. and look who's on this end. the pussy cat. look what was at the end of the pi at the the end of the pipe. there was a lot of mud? there's the pussy cat up there. what are you doing down there? oops. see. she tried to help the policeman get up from the mud. and they both fell into the mud. kerplop. there he goes into the pipe again. but look who caught him at the other end. the little boy caught the pussy cat. now the pussy cat jumped on. oops? the pussy cat jumped onto the policeman? and now. he's climbing up a tree. careful. he got him. he got em. would you dare go up to a tree like that for a pussy cat. it doesn't look like such a good idea? huh. now come over here? okay. look what happened. but who caught the cat? the girl caught the cat? but look what happened to the policeman. crash. boom. boy that policeman really went through a lot. and so did the boy. matter of fact the only one who came through this okay was who? the pussy cat. and now the girl comes in. and the policeman is all bruised. and the little boy is all bruised. and what does she come out as. that's a. a baker. no what kind of a hat does she wear. a nurse. she's a nurse. she's going to take care of them. isn't that nice. look how happy they are. wow. what does that look like she have on the tray? what does she has on the tray? what does she has on the tray? what does it look like? glasses. and those look like cookies. don't they look like cookies. and what do you think is in that pitcher? what do you guess there is? apple juice? could be. could be? is that what you had for snack today? yeah. there was meat loaf where. there was. that's a funny place? now. do you remember that car we had? we had a car just like that? where is it? no? no. no. i think it's over here. that's just the box. here it is. i remember this car? okay. you want. i'll tell you what. you wanna to take it all apart? okay? see. ta you you put this like this. it lifts the car. now. you can take it off? can i take anything off? let's take the people out. let's take it completely apart alright? are there any wh are there any things that i can use do with this wrench? john? i got an idea? why don't we put it up on a lift like at matty's. i'll put it up like this? like at matty's. remember at matty's. it's up on high. and you can get underneath? just like at matty's. hm? how's it going? great. aha. i don't understand what this is for. you see this thing. see this this wrench? what am i supposed to do with this wrench? the steering wheel you unscrew though. what is the wrench for? let me take a look? maybe it's for the motor. maybe there's something. oh. yeah. here it is? here? that needs a wrench? here. i'll do that okay? there it is. okay? whoops? i think we should take these things off. do you see these screw over here? if we really want to take it apart? take all the screws off. and see if we can take it all apart. now? think this car needs? aha. does it need a new carburetor. like our car? yeah? there you go. that's making it tighter. the other way. here. try it like this. the right hand. get over there. okay. now. we have to take off the what. the bumpers. the front bumper and the back bumper. and then? oh? this comes off. i didn't even know that. no. that's making it tighter my friend? you have make it loose. the other way. not easy being a mechanic huh? should i make that a little loose for you? hold the car. you hold the car tight? okay. go ahead? move up. move up. okay? go ahead? oh. that came easy. go ahead. take out the s take out the nuts the bolts the. what are these called? nuts? right? what about the tire? you wanna leave that in there? oh? aha? now. let me ask you something. now that we took it completely apart what do you want to do. you wanna put it together again? alright. how are we going to put it back together again? that part. yeah. where does that go? i think that's the windshield. think you could move things over there. move it the other way. i think i think this goes this way. doesn't it! okay? now what. how about? let's put on the bumpers again? this the right ones. here's the nuts. where's the front bumper? is this the front bumper. yeah? i guess so? there? put the screw in there? turn it around? screw it in. the other way. the other way? go ahead? make it tight. make it nice and tight? good going? okay. where's another screw? another blue screw? here. put it in here. go ahead. keep going in the nut. very good. go ahead. screw it in nice and tight. it's going in nice and tight? excellent. okay? now what? now let's put in the ones on the side? see the the sides. right. there you go? yes. this is a busy job. now. how does this go? i think this goes on the other side. where's the other wooden one? where's the other side? where's the other side? i think it's over there john? okay? here? no. no. the wooden side? the wooden side? cause i think that one goes. let's do it? this way? see? where's the screw driver? here. screw it in? that'll? get it into that? go ahead? screw it in? tight mr mechanic? tight. very tight? now? let's do the other side? here and here. i hope we did this right? here let's go. okay. screw that one in tight mr mechanic. the other way. see it turns around that way? when you want screw it in you turn it that way? and when you want to screw it out you turn it the other way. all the screws are like that. okay? now what should we do now? the wheels. how about the wheels? yeah. that looks like a good thing to do? for that we don't need this. this is not from the wheels. here? this goes. see the yellow the yellow bolts the yellow nuts go in like this? you see. take a look inside here. see? the yellow nuts go in like this into those little places? where does this one go? which wheel doesn't have one. these two have one. what about these two over here? i think those get the blue ones? see. is there a wheel that doesn't have this bolt this nut. how about the front wheels? do the both front wheels have it. see over here. take a look over here. see it's empty. see. this goes in here. okay. now. wh what do we need now. we need this i think right. that's for the tire? okay? go. where's your screw driver? go ahead. s'cuse me? try it. see how it goes. is it going in. no. i think it was going in? it was going right. is it going in. sure it is. how's that? yes. it sure is? now let's try this one? where's the next wheel? here. no. wait. wait. wait. you forgot the wheel. first the wheel then put it in? right. go ahead? that's the way? keep going? it's not tight enough. make it tighter? that tight? i think it can be tighter. make it tighter. try to make the try to make the screw tighter. really tight. how is that? is that good. now? let's try the other side. yeah. let's try this side? whoops? let's try this side. where's the wheel? here. go head. we're doing a great job being mechanics. here? turn it tight. keep going. excellent. how about tightening this one? tighten this one. okay? now? what are we put on? we could put on the motor. now where's the? do you have another bolt here do you have another nut there somewhere? here it is? see. go head? put it in? there's the wrench. go head. tighten that? that's it. you've got it. keep going. very good. is it. it sure is. now just think the last thing we have to do is the bumper. and we're missing one bolt. do you see it? are you sitting on it. can you get up? ah there it is. yes. here we are. go head. screw this in john? let me pick up the car? you go head. screw this in. no. first first through through this hole. right? go ahead. i'll hold it. you screw it in? go ahead. go head. there. tight? okay. now. where's the other screw? there it is. okay. now turn it around? alright. hi? hi. having a good time. yes. i'm lise menn. i work with the project too? yes? hi? hi john. i brought you a present to you. oh. i brought you a puppet. you wanna a present? isn't that sweet. you gonna open it up? take a look? see what it is. look at this. what is it? i think it's a dog. it's a what. a dog. what have? let's see. what is it? i'll show you what it is. rowf. rowf. you can play for a minute more if you like. sandy'll be in in a. thank you? minute. bye bye john. you have to use your words too okay? so what is this game roman. candy land. so what do you do with this game. oh wow. roman how do you play. okay. how do you play roman? roman how do you play. can you tell me i don't understand? so what does it mean that you got green. you don't know. uh oh i don't know either what are we gonna do. roman if you get a green what are you supposed to do with it. so what's. oh so you have to go on green. okay and what next. you or somebody else. you go to a cake spot. whose that? what's he do? that's licorice. how do you know it's a he? that's a pretty good cue? licorice. where does he live? yeah but so so are you supposed to follow this or can i just go like from here and go start here and finish at the end. but i'm just showing you can you start here and go to the end. how are you supposed to do it? is that like a time warp. cotton candy i think. ice cream. mm that is a nice world. but roman it's not only men? if this one's a girl it's a she it it's a woman. it's okay honey. sophie? what? come here. what are these two doing? but but i'm playing. sophie that's too loud. i'm playing. that's what they're gonna do? you got what. oh. alright. what does that mean? you match the color. you go to the square that that's the color of. what color's that? so you have to go to a purple square. oh i see? can you go to any purple square you wanna go to? oh okay. uh oh how did you get stuck. oh i see. very good memory for a game with rules roman. i'm glad you remember everything. cool. oh you mean in order to get it off the stuck spot you have to punch it. oh is it. they look like the same exact person except she has on ponytail. no. yeah how so. how are they different? how else are they different? oh okay. where are they going? oh i already asked you that question. why are they doing that. mm. oh whose your favorite person on here. he looks like your daddy that's your favorite. can you make up a story about him? do you know who he is? what about this guy is he a good guy or a bad guy? how do you know he's a bad guy? oh. red worms mean he's a bad guy. oh? that is a frosty. yep? should we close this now? because i think you've exhausted all the possibilities here. yay? is that a short cut. what's your favorite color on here roman? what color is that? oh. what makes them yours roman? so roman what makes a color a boy color. shh listen. listen there's a question being asked. roman why is it a boy color. oh okay. okay. we understand. yeah we get it. did you show her you fishies. oh can you come show it show it to me then. show her your fishies. show her the one that likes to sleep on the bottom. we don't wanna learn about the colors any more come here. see if she can find the bottom dweller. where is it can you show me? where does it hide roman? oh is that it. under the rocks. why does he do that. wait is he scared of the shark. where is the shark though? no that one's different. that's the one that you picked out from the store. do you remember when you picked out that fish? it just hit the side. oh. you wanna feed the fish? you can feed the fish. show her how we do it. that's probably too much. good job. alright. yeah. a little more. good job. okay that's too much. okay go ahead. alright. see who bites at the food. what? the babies are eating the food? what? the babies at the top. a spot to do what. don't hit it? look the bottom dweller is lurking under the rock moving further and further away from the water. do you see it? see his tail? no you can see his mouth if you look on that side underneath that because he's sucking on the rock. can you go around the other way and see if you can see him sucking? yeah he's sucking on the rock. this big flat one that's standing up. is that a snail back there too. yeah. where's the snail honey do you see the snail? only his shell. where's um let us look at the shark book with karen? can you tell karen what we saw this weekend at the museum? what did you see? you saw a real shark. yeah he saw a shark. no. it was in a video right at the planetarium? the big big screen. what was it? yeah that was really cool. did you learn about sharks. lots of different fishies were in the ocean movie huh. an angel fish. that's a shark tooth? wow sharks have big teeth don't they. these right here are the teeth somebody made that into a tool by putting his teeth on the sides of that? mm look at this tooth this is the tooth from a prehistoric shark like a dinosaur shark. megaldone that's a big tooth. is it. oh. that's right those are jaws very good. um hm. this says that's the jaws and teeth of a tiger shark. um hm. they're smaller sharks. they got big teeth still don't they? whose that? wow. that's right it is a hammerhead shark. the eyes are more scary. fit different fishies eyes. those all different sharks eyes. do sharks eyes close. look doesn't it look like his eye is always open? ray ray with light blocking screen. i don't know what that is we'll have to read more about it? look at these are those teeth. that's a shark nose. maybe? where where is this shark's eyes? can you see it? no look in this picture where are this shark's eyes. isn't that funny. they're all the way on the outside of the hammer. like a hammer. yeah? this says horn shark. and that's a angel shark. i can't really read that word. it's different a different word and it's upside down. no we'll read the book later let's just look more at the pictures and tell stories. there's too much reading right now let's just look at the pictures. i want you to tell me about some sharks. there's baby sharks on the next page. baby sharks can you show me the baby sharks. appalet. we did these appalet angel horn dog fish reef shark ray. reef. dog fish. what's this one? that's a funny looking thing. do you know what that is? that's a duck billed platypus. what? duck billed platypus can you say that. alright. good job. look at that funny animal? that's a dog fish? um hm? duck billed platypus. uh oh what are these? those are hammerhead babies? these are little tiny hammerhead babies see their little hammers little tiny hammers. that's cool. do you know what a baby shark is called? um hm? what is a baby shark called? they're pups. oh no what's happening there? you think somebody cut his teeth? i think it's eating meat? oh yeah. what's this rope doing? what do you think is on the end of the rope? maybe some meat. like fishing when you put bait on the end of the hook like a worm to catch the fish maybe they're trying to feed it some meat. why is there a tiger in a shark book? hm. i don't know looks like little stitches. this says tigers and great whites are the top predators. what's a predator? ooh it's a scary word? a predator is a animal that eats other animals. that one's beautiful. it's called a white spotter bamboo shark. oh is that a bottom dweller. i think it says it's an angel shark? it looks like it would camouflage with the bottom of the ocean doesn't it? with the sand. so nobody else can find it? um hm? oh my goodness look at these? um hm? those are barbells bulbs can't really see? japanese woebegone. the japanese woebegone lives along the cost of japan china and vietnam the philippines it's a certain kind of fish? yeah. look there's that flat fishy that flat one at the bottom of the ocean you were right. um hm. looks like a shark is maybe hiding in there? can't really see. this says undercover sharks? i think it's explaining how camouflaged sharks can be? um hm. it is this is an ornate woebegone. can you see the shark in this picture? see if you can find it it's hiding. i think there's a shark in there? yeah i can't really tell? it says where's the tasseled woebegone. you have to try to find it. something like this maybe? yeah why is he hiding. he's gonna wait for someone to come to his house. and what are they gonna do. oh yeah. that's a nice plan? oh that's a hammerhead? what is happening you tell us? the map book. tell us more about what's happening in this sad picture? yeah. what happened with the rope honey? um. do you think the shark is happy? no he doesn't look happy does he? yes we would hope? the shark's gonna eat the people. is that a shark dinner. it's says shark and chips? this is somebody's dinner honey that's shark meat? those are french fries. shark fries. you don't know what those are? what kind of food is that? that's a piece of a orange or a lemon can't quite tell which one. oh you like lemons huh. did you suck on a lemon at the restaurant we went to this weekend. yeah. did it taste good. it did. roman can you tell karen more about our weekend where did we go. it starts it an r. rrrr. no this weekend we went to a hotel in. and the museum. in rochester. oh wow what did you there other than go to the museum? the science museum and where did we sleep? did you sleep in your bed. where's the sad picture? sophie. what else did we do that you loved so much at night? what? you don't wanna talk about our weekend. oh that's pretty exciting? oh i think that he's got his arm in his mouth? this could that could be um a female shark. she she is biting his arm? she is biting her arm. um hm? this this diver has a special suit called armor that makes it hard for the shark to bite through. it's metal. um hm they wear that on purpose in case they bet bitten? what's that honey? little punching punching a number into the shark's fin? this shark is number three twenty six. hm. possibly yeah. he needs oxygen from the water. cause people eat shark meat? and look at these what are these? i think they are? yeah. so can you tell me what else you saw at the science museum. a big screen? oh really? did you see indians at the museum. and what kinds of things did you see a lot there. yeah we saw a mastodon. tusks? yeah you saw igloos and eskimos and seals. right. indians that live in alaska and they fish in the water. yeah. he already caught a fish. what's he gonna do with it? because did he feel sorry for the fish! a shark golden fish? please don't pull on the book. um hm. okay. say a word. in the. that is a lie. no. come on you guys. what rhymes? but just in the dark. if she says oh hark. okay that's a good. who? but just in the dark and says oh hark. oh. is that a joke? okay. is that a joke? huh? but just on the toilet. oh. come on you guys. you're not helping the cause of science at all. what does those what does that mean? yes it does. where does laura go? right. doesn't that mean something? no. no this does. this does too dear. no. this does. no. uh huh. this means something. that means something. it does mean something. that's right. a bad word or something. no this is it. that means sh. up yours. that means shit? i thought that meant shove it up your ass. yeah. what? up your tushy hole. now this means. now this is a charming. now come on you guys. i can't. she knows how to serve very well. uh huh. and she knows how to spike. and she knows how to dig. and she knows how to break her habit. uh huh. i don't. and. listen. this is our story. he likes to walk but just in the park. and all the boys call him mark park. wait a second. and all the boys call him mark park. but he only likes to walk in the park in the dark. so all the girls call him mark park walk in the dark. okay. now no more. what is it? yes. all the farts farts go to sleep. rock a bye baby on the tree top. l all the farts in the world go to sleep. so the people can sleep soundly without smelling without smelling or hearing a. i see. why is poo so funny? why does it make you laugh? no. i wanna know why poos make you laugh so much. because what? because um they go plop plop and stink. why do they make you laugh? because we don't talk about them in public. that's why. no why do they make you laugh laura. in the toilet while it flushes. i see. rock a bye baby. shh. rock a. why do all those bad words make you laugh so much? why do all the. shh. why do you think they. i wanna ask you something. why do you think. and it's laura's turn first. why do you think all those bad words make you laugh so much? yeah why are they funny? no. because they they are words that see that you're not supposed to say them. they they're private words. until you say them. i see. because they're private words? yeah. what do you think would happen in some families if the children said these words at the table? i don't know. what would the daddy or the mummy? what would you think would happen? what would happen? no what would. they'll get a spanking. rock a bye baby. well why aren't you getting one? rock a bye baby on the tree top. okay. because we're playing. okay. i got a better one. rock a bye baby on the tree top. then all the cows have all their doodoo. yes. okay. that's a good idea. to talk it all out. oh. that is? what? you can't say it twice the same way. i like thunder wood. huh? what's wrong with just thunder wood? thunder laying wood? or thunder lightening wood? okay. let's see. is he going to ride his horse that far? aha. he dropped a lot of stuff didn't he? yeah. like we did yesterday? not tonight. i have to go to school tonight. what? after mommy comes home. do you wanna read this now? do you still want to read it now? what are you doing abe? what kind of game is it? what kind of game is that? oh. the feather thing? that's a feather headdress right? what would have happened to the indian if the horse would have fell on top of him? what would have happened then? what do you think would have happened? that sure is a nice horse. what? i don't know why? abe. we have to take a shower this morning. i know that's why you need to take one today. what else did you see at the store? when you went to get the indian? you don't know what else you saw? a real horse? really? how much was that? are you going to start saving up for another toy pretty soon? you want that horse? that would be a lot of money. why? aha. paperclips and rubberbands. what would it be then? that's right. is the horse you saw bigger than expert? don't hit me. did the mailman come? maybe. under where? look for it then. did you find it? i'm glad too. do you want me to help you open it? okay. okay. looks like it. this is from chris. aha. i know. what does it say? i'll read it. it says. to abe from chris. oh you're friends again? that's right. okay wanna start off with the book? you could see a little bit of the of the other stuff? okay let's take a look at the at the book. is it the same book you. looked at the last time? the great cat chase. okay let's see what goes on in this story. what's that? the girl is wheeling the cat right? oh that what happened? well let's see what happens next. so she was surprised when. was she surprised when the cat jumped out? yeah she was very surprised. she looked surprised. those are flowers over here. let's see what happened next. well is she is she gonna tell the policeman? you're kidding i didn't know that. i thought that she was gonna run to the policeman to tell him that the cat had disappeared that her baby had disappeared. no? let's see what happens next. this is getting interesting. so what happens? she tells him. and then what does he do? they wanna be a whole family? to the cat. oh i see. see but they found the cat right? the policeman points and says. there's the cat. let's see what happens next. no. he didn't trip over the cat. he fe fell over her? boy's getting angry? he's walking away. but now he sees it again. laughing. what do you think is next? okay now they're all trying to get the cat. nobody could fit into the pipe? let's see. i do not know. the cat got out the other end and they're trying to crawl in. trying to get the cat. what happened? aha they fall into the mud. yuck. right. what happens next? now. he helps her out. and she falls onto him. oh that's right. it's the same as that book. that one doesn't have words either. let's figure out what happened. they're trying to catch the cat again? and this littie boy got the cat. and what happens now? now the cat got away again. and then what happens? now they try to catch the cat up in the tree. the cat is mad. now they all fall out of the tree. now he's the baby. are they going home? now she's the nurse. she's gonna patch em all up. and that's the end of the story. do. okay. what's over here? okay. okay. put this here. alright. okay. open the screws? turn the screw the. wrong wrong way. turn it the other way. mhm. want some help starting it. let me give you a hand. okay. yep. okay here you go. good. oh the other way. the other way. turn it towards me. very good. terrific. very good. okay do it the this way again. this way. towards me. you could be a mechanic. yeah. just like they do in the garage right? very good. terrific. you're piling them up? do you si singing while you work? i see. okay. very good. let's get. should we get the front one? should we get the front off here? let's get this off. okay? turn it this way again okay? okay let's keep this in one place. and the front in another place. the front part's over here. just put that over here. this here. okay we'll do it that way. you are. very good. this one comes off here. i don't believe it. well let's leave these pieces in. here's a spare tire if you wanna put on a spare. we don't really need to take the spare out. do you wanna put the spare on? okay. okay which one is flat? think that one's flat? that one's flat? okay if you well if you're if you're gonna put on a. if you're gonna replace the flat tire take that out an put the flat tire in there. we we don't have to bring it to the garage? how're you gonna get it patched? oh i don't think. i do not know if this tire's gonna fit in here. think it will? i do not know. let me see. nope. well. maybe it does. maybe it just fits this way. yeah. wanna put this back in? that's the spare tire. why not? it's got a hole in it. you got a nail through it. cause there was a hole in it right? that's where the tools go later on. looks like. wanna do wanna take this part off? and then we'll start putting it back together again? turn turn it this way for a few more. right. she'll tap if we go over. if we go over the time? right. okay i won't. oh i see. okay. very good. you're really do an excellent job on this terry. okay right. that's right. let's. do you think we could change the front to the back and the back to the front? let's take this one and put it on the back. we'll just change the side of the fenders. take off the wheels here? let me see if this is gonna fit here. do you think it's gonna fit? let me see the other one. i guess you can. they seem to be the same huh? you don't wanna do this? let let's finish it up okay? now okay put the bolts in. okay. screw it. just like the other one. oop. this way. put it on. good. here let's get let's get this finished first. okay we can put the wheels on. here. another flat tire? what're we gonna do? okay. if those tires are flat then we're in. that's right. if we if we had four flat tires we'd be in big trouble. cause we couldn't drive the the tires to a garage to get them fixed right? if you have a flat tire if you have flat tires on all your tires how can you go any place? you have to call the garage and they have to come out to you. okay. can you get you getting into the hole? good. you're doing very well. you remember this from last time? do you know anybody who has this toy? mark haves this? mark name has this? do you play with it over his house too? here. terry we got our. our bolts are slipping down. these things. they're slipping out. and nuts the bolts are the thing that you're putting in. think it's alright? i'm not screwing it in. i just wanna get it started for you. terrific. very good. right. you can hear mommy? i can hear her. yes i can. well she's talking about you. think that's what she's talking about? i can't get this bolt in. how you learn to talk? how'd you learn how to talk? you learned how to talk from mommy and daddy and hearing other people talk. here. that's the jack that you put put under the car. windshield. okay. oops man's standing on his head. it's a it's a two way job. both of em have their hands on the wheel. right. here. got it? can you get up there? okay. my goodness this is a. excuse me. who's gonna be the store keeper? i'll be the customer? okay where're you gonna put the cash register? i'll be. you're the customer? okay. okay well hello there mam. can i help you with anything? what're you looking for? wait you have to have some money too. okay. okay what're you looking for mam? some mustard. okay you can just go and get it one the shelf. a little mustard here. some milk. that milk is fresh. it's very good. what else would you like? oh the tea's very good. we have delicious tea. how's the baby? how's your baby doing? good? soup? yeah let's see what kind of soup this is. golden mushroom? you love golden mushroom. whenever you come in here you're always buying golden mushroom? what do you do with it? some rice? that's spic n span. is that what you want? that's that's beef broth. do you like that? okay. both of those? okay. oops. oops we dropped some things off the shelf. good. i'll just put them back on the shelf. your big child called theresa loves it? oh that's very good. this is imitation. strawberry flavored quik. let's see wh what the ingredients are. there's sugar and sugar and sugar. is that what she likes? she likes sugar? okay. oh more quik. my goodness. chocolate flavored. and this is a jaguar on the side. okay there. can i can i. give you some eggs today? we have a special on eggs. yeah? wanna take a look at it? a dozen beautiful eggs. but they're clear today. these are special clear eggs. some metrecal. metrecal shake. oo! oo. it looks awful. the metrecal shake but. this part. the part with the metrecal in it. i i would advise you to to leave that on the shelf. here. that's not fresh. and if it isn't fresh. okay. it's called. this is extra good today. fresh coffee creamer. baby food. it's a little packet of chicken noodle soup. that's for cooking. do you wan do you wanna. go home and and cook the stuff. some more milk? hey. your baby loves milk. wanna sit an have the food? okay well first you have you have to pay me for it and you have to make believe you're taking it home. okay? here let me let me total this up okay? okay do you have any coupons? i don't know. oh this is where the the receipt comes out. you you know that that long slip of paper that they give. okay that'll be that'll be twenty. seven dollars please. okay twenty seven dollars please. one. two three four. one. one. one. o n e. so we have four five. six seven eight an these are two dollar bills nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty. but you can you can charge the rest okay? okay. okay. now you have the stuff home? you at home? okay. what is that? a couch? do you think we could sit on the couch? the couch is a little bit too small for us to sit in. are you gonna sleep on that bed? i don't think even sharon could sleep on that. is there a cat? oh there it is. three little kittens who lost their. yeah a serving dish. no you have to put it on the table w we have to put it on the floor. okay. okay. very nice. what's for dinner tonight ma? what're you making? eggs. oh a treat. nestle's quik for me? oh thanks ma. on the back there are two bunny self stick decals. okay. oh can i put them on my stuff mom? i would like this one. yeah. thank you. okay. what else are we having for? dinner? i'm starving can't wait to eat. oh chocolate nestle's? chocolate and strawberry nestle's? oh yeah i'd love it. delicious. spic and span. well you wouldn't wanna eat spic and span. you wanna put that away for cleaning the floor with? put it in a closet where where the baby won't get it. uh let's make believe that's the closet. that box there? yeah. this lasagne box here. okay. oh mustard. i love mustard on my eggs. mustard eggs. i can't wait. what else do you have for me? coffee creamer? coffee creamer on my mustard eggs? coffee creamer with nest with chocolate and strawberry nestle's quik would not be my favorite. with milk? oh i'll have my tea after dinner what else what else can. i have for dinner? oo soup. is it soup yet? can you make can you cook it for me? oh i would like some milk. can i start off my meal with some milk? where's a cup? well sure it's a cup. oops. let's put on some tea also. mm delicious. what's what? that's a stove. oven. put on something to eat? should i. okay. what else are we having? here it is. hello. hi. i'm esther greif. also associated with the project. hi theresa. i have a present for you for today's visit. you know what that is? that's for you to keep. how nice? it says a chick duck you can put your hand right in here. look at the terry a puppet. that's neat. doesn't that look really nice? i really like that. oh how nice. thank you. okay. a friendly puppet that is. that's right. okay we're all done. okay. uh i guess sandy'll. be back in a second and uh you can move on to the next part. okay. okay? bye. bye bye theresa. let's put some of this stuff back on the shelf. here ann marie. thank you. it's the same. that's because you had some out of it. what're you doing with the coke sarah? oh. what does she say? why did you get stickerbirds all over this? stickerbirds stickerbirds hm? what happened yesterday with the stickerbirds? yeah she fell into a big big stickerbird bush yesterday. she had stickerbirds all over her. she was screaming they hurt they hurt. get em off get em off. when yesterday? mhm. are you offering me some? no thank you. it's all for you. hey you're so polite today. thank you. mhm. yummy. that's what she was doing at four o'clock this morning drinking pepsi. she fell asleep last night at half past five. mhm. and i called her up for supper and she wanted noodles for supper. don don't come home so on thursday night it's pot luck. whatever she wants she can have? mhm. well i got it all ready she finally come out she sat down with it. i turned to the refrigerator to get the milk and i come back and she had one hand on each side of the dish and she had her head right in the noodles. sound asleep. i picked her up put her to bed four o'clock this morning she woke up. she wanted a pepsi. yeah so she come out and had it and went back to bed until seven. how come you like noodles? i love noodles. she was exhausted. aha she just collapsed. mighty mouse soup? what kind is that? duck soup. that's donald duck soup. it's mighty white toothpaste and donald duck soup. donald duck soup. yeah. it's toothpaste. it's toothpaste. sarah do you know what this is called? no. it's a fink test. who gave it to you that? who gave it to you that gave you that? no you go like this. yeah who did it? everybody did it the whole school. a fink test. they learned that down at the beach. what do they do it with? they take their fingers and they rub it on their hands back and forth until they break the skin. you do it to yourself? no somebody has to do it to you. no you can do it yourself too by yourself you go like this. they learned that down at the beach. you better not either. a couple of kids down the beach they were a mess from it. well that's new since i was little. ann marie don't do that. leave it alone. gonna baby sit today ann marie? my baby sitter. did you go over nana's today? mhm. who's minding you this afternoon? my mother i think. oh your mother's home today. almost yeah. mhm. she only weighed two pounds when she was born. she's grown since then. i can touch your head. oh boy. never mind jumping. your hands can't touch my hair sarah. oh. you see you can put hour hand up straight. you can't touch my head. i can touch her head my head your head. oh. see if you can touch it now. i can touch up anybody's head. just go like that. can you do that? you have to touch up here. go ahead do it. who took care of you last night ann marie? linda. linda? did she come over your house? no i went over her house. what? today my mother asked me. oh i saw a cat that big. did your mother ask you about the cat today? yeah. don't do that. sarah don't. but i don't want you to. chantilly. was it cold in school today? sarah. come here. tell melissa where you're going next week. where? tell melissa where you're going next week. where're you gonna stay next week? where're you going sarah? for the whole week? how long? oh. do you want to go? you like your nana. what do you do up there sarah? sarah! sarah! she's asked you what you do up there. mhm how do you do that? mhm nana has all kinds of toys for you yes? sarah! i wouldn't pick him up if i was you sarah. chantilly! patty had it. patty was playing with it. no why? i don't think she did. let me see. no i think that's something from a. looks like hair. must be from your doll your doll's hair. where's she going? where you going? what are you looking for? leave that there that's nana's. what're you gonna do? sarah. come over here. no that's nana's. put it back. what is that for sarah? cakes? what do you do with it? for cakes? oh you mean like out in the backyard? now put that back. hey hey hey hey. no that's no good. why don't you throw it out. yeah it come smashed. why don't you throw it out. you wanna write something? the baby took it. hm? the baby took her pencil. here it is. yeah here it is. mhm. what're you gonna write with your pencils? yes. mhm. what? mhm. why do not you you draw a horse sarah? sarah this is a face. show me the eyes. where are the eye lashes? what about a nose? what about a mouth? any kind. put a smiling one. it's tied on? oh i see here. anything missing? mhm. is that an apple? i thought it was a face. how about ears? i never saw this before. mhm. yeah. she's never done this before. how about some hair? she don't color right. just be quiet. let her alone. use this pencil honey. sarah why don't you use this pencil. mhm. well that's black. sure it is. press harder and it'll be black. that's pretty black. a monster apple! i thought it was a pumpkin at first. mhm. a banana on top of his head? is it a boy or a girl? how do you know? that's logical. a singer test? what's that? a singer test? oh. how about giving him a hat? a hat too? oh. does he have eyebrows? let's see em. let's see. oh that's a hair. just one eyebrow? how many eyebrows do you have? two and two are four. yeah. nice long ones like yours. you'll punch her right in the eye. sarah sarah. you can make it write that way. if you just make your hand go like that it goes it goes with your hand. see? but it doesn't make a line in the air does it? make a circle on it? mhm. mhm. what comes under his head? what comes under your head? what's this sarah? make a neck? this is the neck? what are these sarah? hand? can you draw your hand? put your hand down. okay draw it. oh i think you can. now go all around. my grandmother used to do that with me by the hour when i was small. does it look like your hand? missing a couple of fingers. those fingers are sure skinny. what's the matter sarah? your carrot is in there here huh? that does look like a carrot. if this is a head and this is a body where do the arms go? there's no arms. how you make it? where do you put the arms? good and one on the other side. well what are you gonna do? aha. does he have feet? cats don't? cats don't have. what do they have? what do they have on the end of their legs? go all the way down you know. you always leave out the middle finger. you always leave out the middle finger. you make a funny? do mine. go ahead. no no use the same page. i'm not on her hand see? okay make the others. sarah i don't know. go like this sarah. no no no no. yes you can use this the other side of the paper okay? okay. you put your hand on there and let me trace yours. she made six fingers. that's not right. six big banana fingers. is your thumb that big? what do you think? mhm. mhm. mhm. you go like this. mhm. you go like this sarah. sarah sarah you go like this. those are words for children to learn to read. i know what they are. you be quiet. what do you see? what does it look like? i know where it tells you. ssh just be quiet. it spells bob. that's his name. and this is jane and this is spot. who do you think? mhm. mhm. jane. mhm. bob. this spells dollie. mhm. that spells what this is. that spells what this is. what is that? five? you mean the darth vader head. no actually it's the darth vader collection box or case. the darth vader collection case. cause you don't say caser you say case. case is not a verb? do you want to give one to mommy? you should have said fought? ross repeat it? do you want baby aspirin? i don't know when your germs will be over? my germs were over yesterday. what? mommy's got a bunch. mommy's got more germs than anybody else. how about you? do you feel pretty good ross? no you still sick. yeah you do. tomorrow is friday? not yet two more days. i have a spoon in my cereal. are you mad at me honey. i thought you said. i give up. why. but was it really bad. did i really hurt you in any way. so why should you really really be mad. you don't have a good reason. you don't have a good reason. are you a little hungry. are you really hungry or just a little hungry. would you like some cereal. here's some i cooled down and put syrup in. yeah but you can start on that and it's not hot. this is too hot for you. okay. i knew that was going to be hot. that's why i gave you that though? after daddy's nap. go take a bath. marky's in there. go on in any way? no they fit me? how do you say it? no honey. you don't say it that way. no you don't say it that way. you say. they fit me. they used to fit me. can you say that? they used to fit me. you see he wants to make the contrast and i see his point of view. can you say that? try that? is that too hard. how about this one? did they fit you. or you want to say. did they fitted you. which one is better? did they fit you. or? did they fitted you. fitted you. did they fitted you. i see. didded they fit you. no that's silly mom. no they used to fit you. good. ross? see those words are really hard. fit fitted? and you don't say. daddy did you hit the ball? okay daddy did you hit the ball. you don't say. daddy did you hitted the ball. marky daddy marky hitted the ball. that's not right. you say. daddy. marky hit the ball. aha i'm a baby. i'm a baby. what about the bad pig? the pig blows our house down. no that's not the way story goes. who blows the house down? no. the wolf blows the house down. we're not pigs we're wolves. sure you knew that silly boy. you just forgot it? you could fall and get hurt ross. baby wolf you'll get hurt. baby wolf you'll get hurt? baby wolf will get hurt. you could? you could push too far and you could fall? okay if you fall it wasn't my fault. it was your fault? it's dangerous. it's dangerous. ross turn around and do it the other way so that your feet go that way and your head comes towards the bed. yeah that's not so dangerous? yeah so now if you fall you'll fall back on the bed. that's it there go ahead do it. it's the better way to do it. ross's mouth hurts. were you guys good. oh he didn't finish his lunch? i finished my lunch. yeah i did. oh i'll see when i get home. no it's on the outside of the earth. i'll show you tonight? you mean on this new record. i'm going to use it on the floor? oh i hope you don't hear a few crashes. so what do you want to do. aw that says it that you are going to hurt yourself if you do that. you can do it. alright? go ahead. just be very careful? you're going to hurt yourself very badly doing that? now come on? let's go? come on. we have to eat we have to eat supper. okay friends romans and countrymen. who would like to have? is is this his? yeh. would you get them maybe two separate tables. what? come on. he's a chemist. no. no he was wrong. oh. yeah. okay. can you get them so we can start? alright let's go hey gang. come on. anybody that's hungry. come over here. we're having supper. we're having supper right now. as a matter of fact we're going to close the door here. no no one is playing here. no i want to explain something to you? janet and sandy are not playing now. do you know that they go to school and they even have work to do in school? and do you know something else. can you get out some glass and stuff so we can? sure? h i d h i. okay. number one. h i. what does h i spell? rachi. oh. spell rachi? how what's the beginning of rachi? r h. no i h a h a i. oh that's fantastic and stupendous? no it doesn't. okay. anybody interested in eating. not me? not you. okay anyone who isn't interested in eating don't eat? this is only for. hoow. rachi. this is only for hungry people. anyone who wants to what. okay. i do. okay here you go? okay let me. okay here we go? see if you can spot the mushrooms. here's the mushroom? you don't eat. so don't eat. you want the mushroom. this is what we have. sorry. okay. this is delicious though. i tasted it already. it's fantastic. did you return that typewriter. yep. he must have been thrilled to see you. well you know. where's the mushroom? oh let's see if i find any. um um. that's like on the box she makes a building out of. crackers? here's a mushroom. here let's give rachi some. so so don't eat any meat? sorry kiddo. all we have is this okay? okay? good. do we have any um the what do you call it? the vegetables. well they're mixed in really. that's all. okay. so don't eat anything. you didn't even tell abba about the dental hygienist. tell me about him. john you cannot go in that room now. john? john please come here. john. i have to tell you about the voting machine. oh let's hear about that. john? the voting machine? right rachi and i went to vote? come over here? do you want to hear about it? he voted already. umhuh? and then after i tell you abba will tell you and you will tell me if it's the same okay. if it's approximately the same story? want some juice! well! rachi and i went and tried to park our car. it was pretty hard to find a parking space near there? jammed up like anything? oi! harold would you help her a little bit. um. what's a matter? there was long long lines of people. when you finally got in you saw five no five on each side ten like booths? little gay like little teeny houses? very teeny. just big enough for one person. they was what. and they was too little. they was too little? did they let you take her in? yeah they was just big enough for one person? rachi and i went in. and you push a a lever like a little button on the side? something you push down. i think to the right. and the curtains close behind you so only you are inside. and nobody can see what you're voting. remember. and then you push down the little levers? like one says carter and one says? ford? and who are the candidates for congress? senate? congress. neelea. and the other guy i forgot. but who's the candidate for this district. nealea. one who's running for reelection. give me. congressman. the u s congress? oh i don't remember. was it o'neil. i didn't even recognize. o'neil o'neil. was it o'neil. yeah i was glad? i didn't even know we was in. thought we was in drinan's district? no that's brookline and newton. um? what did you say john? i was probably taken off the. then at the very end? give me give me apple juice? at the. okay. at the very end then you press? after you vote for all the people you want to vote like one person for president one person for senator. you vote for different things? you then when you're all done you press that lever to the left. but if you press two people for president it won't work? would you want to press the whole thing to finish voting it won't work. it won't click? it'll be stuck. i think. well. is that right. unh? i love these mushrooms. so another words um voting machines can't be void. only paper ballot can be void. mommy look um look. and that's what happened. got some. what? look. yeah here's donald duck. then the the machine wouldn't work. when you tried to press it off on at the very end of all your voting you have to press one pin to make the machine click? and that way your turn is finished. but if you voted for both of them. what is that called ima? the voting machine? the polling place? no what that i go in your box. oh this? uh meat and rice? you want some more? yeh. i want some too? okay me too? so if you didn't click. if you voted for more than one then at the very end when you go to press it down it won't click? and it won't click until you change it until you change it to vote for only one of them. johnny did jack teach you. that was cute. here john here's more? who did you say showed you a picture of carter and ford? here. you want some. oh. and who did you like better. what should he vote by look? isn't that all? who would you vote for john? john tell me? he said he told me before he would vote for president ford. you'd vote for president ford. john tell me tell me tell me? ssh he's telling you? rachi john who would you vote for? i think that sounds like the cookie monster? the cookie monster? i don't think he's running? oh? you like that. i might. i might make a picture. that was at play group. yeah we just. oh. oi ve. halloween. yeah? also on purim you can have a mask? remember last year. on purim i'm gonna have a mask also? sure. boy am i glad this election's over? i can't stand the suspense? you can't stand the suspense. can you? haman. why do you want to be haman? i figured you would? i just figured you would. do you think um the chanakkah outfit would fit on him? i don't know. it might be too small already? his teacher jackie asked me where we got his shirt. mhm? he was wearing yesterday his shirt. yeah. so she asked me where we got it. she said her daughter gave a friend who went back to israel a present of a cookie monster shirt? so the friend wants to have printed on it in hebrew or her daughter wants it. yeah. so the this is my best friend. i don't know. oh yeah? so she asked me if i know of any place where they print in hebrew. in hebrew. i thought what a fantastic business in new york that would be very goo. yeah. here it wouldn't be good. i told her to ask the hebrew bulletin? they'll probably throw her out of the store? i don't doubt it. what did you say? let's eat. who would you vote for? i'd vote on carter. when we went to vote remember? do you know what carter was before? he was a farmer. this is terrible. i mean. and know what he grew on his farm? guess. oi. please. you know what he grew on his farm. peanuts. really. that humor. so what huh. i re i remember when i was in second grade? they say he wasn't a good peanut farmer altogether? yeah. that's right? he left. no. he was never a peanut farmer. he's a broker. a peanut broker. he doesn't grow peanuts. he buys them from the surrounding farms. oh. and he sells them. i don't know which is i don't know what's true. who cares? a funny guy. he was a captain in a submarine. and he was also a governor? that's true. he was in charge of the whole state but not the state of massachusetts? the state of georgia? cause every state needs somebody in charge of it. supposedly. john why don't you why don't you eat your meat. you like that. i remember when in the second grade they had a mock election. they had a mock election today. am i right? oops. very interesting though. you had to push the little things and then you push you push the big thing. and then the curtains opened. and you were finished. and then you went out of the building. and then the next person got a chance. um it's very very good. i go uh for ford. salinger? tome salinger? well i don't even know. oh yeah right. we said we were going to hear your story. what story is that? voting? we said i would say mine and then you would how it was when you voted? i ran up. practically nobody there. i thought it would be packed. but apparently it was just after the lunchtime rush? i went into the booth. i pushed all the levers on one line. i didn't no i didn't. i voted for. register of deeds. i did not vote for mrs hicks. oh you know i may have voted for her? she was the democrat and i figured should i vote for the democrat. and i i made i was propagandized by smith's ads. no. what i did was i i stopped for each of the resolutions? i read each of the! i did too! and voted. and then? some of then had no opposition. i know. not the resolutions the candidates. yeah candidates. these was all democrats. i don't think there was a single republican who had no opposition. that's right. whoever you don't vote for? well even if we voted for somebody else? isn't the president? yeah. the only thing is that. let's say we voted for one person but all the other people voted for another person. the other person would win. no. i see how it works. i took my time on the resolutions the referendum questions? all finished. okay. you have to urinate. you sure? i made individual choices on the first four spots. and on the rest i just went right down the line. i didn't even. most of them down on the on the botton was not um were running unopposed. that's true. jimmy carter would win. i just wanted to make sure last time. that what. i going in there? i don't think so. because they're working in there. and they don't want you to come there now? after when they're finished you can come there? they will be happy to have you. and me finished. i know you're finished rachi. please. how about something else? maybe some fruit cocktail or. oh some fruit cocktail. i hope you have it ima. i bet we don't. rachi. uhohdadadada. oh but we have something even more special. what? sit in your chair rachi. what? pineapple. hurray hurray? pineapple. okay rachi sit in your chair. and we'll have some? pineapple. pineapple? pineapple. okay. come on. alright! so what? pineapple in its own juice. rachi can you please put that down? can you please put that down? i have a feeling that it's not yours. rachi could you please put that down. hey where are the other dishes. that's a good girl. i just remember last time there was one there was one of those questions in new york where a yes vote was against something? i was willing to make sure that there were that nobody was playing a fast one this time. ima. ima? yeah i know? it was pretty hard to. here. oh all the bowls are being used. hm. uh. well have maybe. use the flat. i don't want the juice? don't have any bowls. i don't know where any are. oh rachi watch out pussy. it'll spill? john sit in your seat and you'll get some of these nice chunks? this is like what comes in the fruit cocktail? umhuh. well taste like pineapples from the fruit cocktail. tastes like the pineapple from the fruit cocktail? try one. then you'll decide whether you like it. it's delicious. i'd like some? it's very chewy. ima got a pineapple. yeah. mm? delicious. delicioso. eat a piece? what? i'm very tired. rachi wait a few minutes okay. cause they're still busy. mm mm. no? no. no no. a thousand times no. no. okay. john can i ask you something. did you see the circus. did you see. come over here. i want to ask you something. at the circus did anyone put their hea face in the lion's mouth. i don't believe it. in fact one. i think two. one person crawled in. in the lion and one in the tiger. in the lion's mouth? um. that's very tricky and dangerous. does someone drug those animals. they must be right. i mean what idiot would put his. lonnie said that the ones. the trouble makers like the ones they crack the whips at or something are trained to do that too she said? i mean you know what. they must be. they actually must be. i guess this is it supper is officially over. what did you see at the store? the one that could turn its head? it comes in a box? oh they have indians there too huh? can you draw this? can you come here? i don't have any of that. i just have honey. i heard you. i'm just messing around. yeah. here you go abe. a cup of honey? maybe you're getting the flu. is that why you were so cranky today? i know why. don't you ask daddy to fix it? what rack? okay. you must have a sweet tooth. yeah and give you cavities. yeah. it is. if you eat too much honey you'll get a tummyache. you can be the judge you tell me. you don't want any more honey? you do want another spoon? okay. no i think that's enough. how about the rest of the ice cream? right. no what did you get? from the honey i bet. here you go. then we wouldn't have a place to keep our food. and it would all spoil. then you'd have a bad tummyache. aha. yeah let me finish reading it okay? here you go. don't ruin them. the new stuff? it shouldn't be. because it's new. i don't know what? right. here's your ice cream. no i didn't know that. no eat it in the kitchen. what are you doing? how's it working? i'll see. survival's on at six thirty. how about taking a bath first? we need to put that on a list. so we'll get it. no. from where? we better go pick it up ourselves. the moon orbits around the earth. have you seen jason's cowboy hat stan? probably when you're five. what kind of guy did he get? all his old ones? she must have been upset. yeah. there. now let me see you write it. remember start over here now. make the s then make the a. yeah well copy it down here. you're supposed to copy it down here like you did last night on that birthday card. you gave a. a bill to your nana? oh was that her birthday present? a bill for what? to do what? well you look. i showed you how to make it. now you make it. yeah that's small enough. my mother opened the card and there was was money in it you know from sarah. so sarah says to her. nana you can spend it all too. what will she buy? will she buy a present for you with the bill? modesty takes over. yeah. hm? i don't know what you're saying. first you make a line. a straight line. you know. now you're just being funny. hm. it looks more like an h. she made a t this morning. she was all excited. she didn't expect it to come out i guess and look like a t. if it's so easy how come you make all the mistakes? hm? that's hard work. mhm. what is it? it's a dress? a dress for what? for a person? why do not you you make an apple? i don't know. it's an upside down apple. the stem's at the bottom. what do you think? i don't know. it looks like a six or a nine or something. what do you think it is? i don't know. well it didn't look like a w to me. this is a w. that's a w. you copy it. yeah it looks like a w. what is it? oh. c. mhm. you can have plenty of light. i'll turn the light on. oh you can't turn the light on. sarah what does this spell? what does that spell? can you spell it? what's that letter? you know what that is? s. that's right. and what's that? and this one? very good. that one? that's hard. do you know what starts with a k? what what name? what name? no this is an f. two lines and an e has three lines. see an e has one at the bottom. an f doesn't. oh. you'll be telling the teacher how to write. long as she couldn't tell why this isn't a z. let's see. aha. what comes next? i think that's an accident. two out of three. i don't know sarah. you never hit two out of three. and what's the last letter? that's the middle letter. c a what for cat? it's the letter you just learned how to make the next letter. what do you think you are? you're the teacher? you think so. yeah i think that is a little better. if you say so. you're the teacher. you're the teacher. no? what did you do? no you show me. a door a peanut door? a peanut what? a peanut lollipop? who's eating it? is there a little girl eating it? she made a mess of herself? i guess so. i had all the summer clothes put away in the suitcase. you have to get em all out again? now i got ta take all the summer clothes back out of the suitcase. huh? most of em probably won't even fit you next year either. you know what that one is. the one you have in your hand? no the orange one. yeah you know what that one is. it still looks like a w. you tell me. you know. no it's not an n. it's a what? no. when you turn it up the other way what's this? this is an n. that only has two hills. two legs. and what's this one? that's an m. m. yeah like m and ms you know. you m and ms? yeah you know m and ms alright. not very much. find the a and put the a in between and that'll spell a word. there you go. you know what that is? man. no the other way. yes. that doesn't spell any word. now put that first. put the j first. and then put the a. the other side sarah. put it after it on the other side of the j. this way. now put the m after the a. it has to go the other way around. right. m. you know what that spells? no. i knew that was a natural when she said c a. it spells jam. jam. nothing. the wall? still nothing. no you make up your own language i'm afraid. you're gonna never make a word out of that. there's no word at all that starts like that. you mixed something up in there. that's a number not a letter. can you tell which one's a number? which one? no that one. you and your letters. i don't know. yes it does but it's not a word. that's what it spells but it doesn't mean anything. you can't put it like that. turn it around. no turn the e around. that's right. turn it around. that's going the wrong way. that sounds like when uh. i think it was courtney one day had a list. she would say something and sarah would have to repeat it back. some darn thing. i don't know what it was. she'd look at her you know. oh now you know. what's that? is that a letter? what is that? is that a letter? what letter? is that a letter one? is it a number? oh sarah marie. what am i gonna do with you? huh? sarah how's millisandy? how's millisandy? what's he doing in bed? still? it's too confused. nothing. what does this spell? what are the letters sarah? really? that's just a whole bunch of letters. that doesn't spell anything. that's just a whole lot of letters all mixed up. who? donny. tomorrow morning he'll be around yelling. well did you pack this did you pack this did you pack this did you pack this? nothing! that's right. not a thing. just one big mess. sam. yeah here we go again. nothing at all. what do you think it spells? spellery? is that what it spells? nothing whatever. you gonna stay with auntie eleanor tomorrow sarah? mhm. i'm gonna have a little war on my hands. sarah aren't you going to your nana's? in the afternoon. you and your spelling. it doesn't spell anything when you mix the letters up like that sarah. mhm. sarah would you like to take a look at some pictures? have a look. why do not you you put these in that box. what do you see? she's never been to the dentist. you're right that's the wrong way. you know what the right way is. do you think the right way is like like that? what's he doing? why don't you do one at a time? why is he taking his shoes off? why do not you you look at the pictures and tell em right. what's happening there? what's he cooking? what about the girl? yes. try this. what about this? what it spell? it doesn't spell anything? just for you to look at. that's called a dentist. no he's not giving her a shot. he cleans her teeth with that. how come he's doing that? he's just holding it. he's not giving her a shot. do you think so? what do you think it is? what are they doing? i guess so. do you look like that when you go to bed? how do you look? what do you wear when you go to bed? yeah that's another eating picture. take it easy take it easy. just your own language. oh dear. the wrong children came home from school. yes. i don't understand these children. gum here girls. gwhat? go gheeti go? gi go got ga go go ghetti go. girls the tape recorder can't hear you in this room. you have to come in this room. laura would you get me the envelope that came home from school with you? maybe it's something i need. laura give me the envelope sweetie. that's over there. so it's probably something i need. did you get one too karen? it came home from school? no don't throw it at her. what is this? ogay. oh. no i think not. i'll save it for later. but you don't have tuna. what do you think we've made for you? no. no no you're not to take your clothes off and you're not to take the bath. karen and laura. no i really wouldn't like that. please don't do that. without being silly? no? without being silly? just talk to each other in your g language. gi gora. i just wanna get them. gank you gery guch gora. i just ate a pic gicture. i just. get gme gut but. how do you say let me put your shoes on? okay? get me put? you gut my goos on. gora gon't gay gat? gwhat. guy gon't gunderstand goo. gish. hey come on let's say. get guy goo goo gace gon. put my. put what. guy gee? gwhat gwoo gooing. gat's ginteresting. gwhat. gush the gutton. push the button. gwhy. yeah. gokay. what sweetheart? three million whales died? since when? how do you know? um. theresa um. wanna test me? italian dressing. well it might be on the uh in the refrigerator or something? on the uh shelf no? just a minute. then it's on top of somewhere. there it is. gee! what? what? what did you do at school? oh yeah. that was really cute. do you see the jacket? i saw it hanging up made from what? what were they made from? who was who was? what are you going to be in those countries? who's the bad guy? pass the juice. okay. who's that? right. esta. theresa ha is getting new york accent. i bet you're gonna have twenty five queen esthers in the play. three queen esthers? who else is going to be queen esther? eight people? uh theresa do you want any asparagus? no? it's delisceeus. you want to be a big. oh that was mar. oh you used to be a big asparagus freak theresa when you was a baby. remember when theresa used ta steal whole cans of asparagus. i know i remember. she really ate much better when she was a baby. there's more if you want more asparagus honey. used to love asparagus. want more asparagus? tell daddy. um what did you tell daddy about um purim. i don't know the story. do you know the story? i wanna read up on it this sunday at the purim carnival you can go to any any one of the temples. oh really? we'll go yeah. we can stop at at uh uh jerry's temple. go temple hopping yeah. oo these winkles are great. the asparagus is great. they are good. hope they don't come from chile too. no. what? mhm. theresa's performing for the tape recorder what? oh her hands are a mess. yeah? what? yes? let it all out. spit it out. no i meant say what you're saying it's taking you a long time. yes? mhm? yes? yes? uh what'd you take a long time doing? yes? i bet you were very sad about that. did you play till late? is elizabeth. elizabeth's going to be back in school next year? no elizabeth's going to be five this summer. oh then she's going to start. kindergarten. kindergarten this year. ter? do you remember what you're gonna make on thursday? in school remember we told you? hamantaschen. right you're gonna make hamantaschen. the whole class is making hamantoschen. aha. oh yeah that's what you're gonna make with your uh juice can. the whole week is devoted to purim festivities. weina came over to take a look at the crown queen esther crown. every little jewish girl in the country is queen esther. what? oh yeah? my goodness this is such a busy week. would you like the salad? theresa did you eat your whole orange? i forgot it and i just looked in your in your um lunch box. it's the first time i ever saw you all your food eaten. you really ate it all? you throw any away? really? you ate the cheese the half of bologna sandwich and the orange and the chocolate milk? and you didn't share it with. anyone? you ate it all by yourself? i can't believe that that's great! who peeled the orange for you? who peeled the orange? you peeled the orange? t j was wearing a silly hat? sounds like a lot of fun. good. sounds like great fun. sounds very exciting. and also laura told me that theresa zipped up her jacket by herself today at school. oh my goodness. you're getting so big. really learning what? after she asks mommy. it's on! when we're finished with dinner? wh when we're finished with dinner we'll turn it on. what? where'd you see that? where was it? you have that. although she's really not being any different than she usually is. no. marty you want any more salad? gathering up? who? haha. hm. i think you're making up a big story. you know that in about a month we're going to florida? you know that we're going to go? we gonna fly a plane. and hearing the s. what? hey! put those back and i want you to sit down and finish what's on your plate. what? theresa. theresa. theresa you're not eating your dinner. why was that? here. theresa! theresa i don't wanna see it unless you're sitting. down and eating your dinner! now come on. oh really? kate? who's he? just hold on for a minute theres. you can talk in just a minute. honey you've been talking nonstop. daddy just wants to say one thing to mommy theresa. definitely? yeah someplace between august seventy eight. oh seventy eight. august seventy eight and december seventy eight. that'll be a while though. yeah. what? what? what honey? i think i think theresa's really hamming it up tonight. yep. tell me something. do you think you're talking more than you usually talk because the tape recorder's on? i think so too. yeah i think so too. theresa you didn't finish your dinner. now come on. know what you're being? know what you're being tonight? a yenta. you know what a yenta is? did she finish her fish. yeah. i give her fish? what? did i give you any fish? there's a little fish right here. oh. you're being a yenta. bum bum bum. grandma and grandpa are going to be so happy to see you when they see at the end of the month. why not? did laura say anything about it? no? do they have somebody already? i don't know they're supposed to get someone there was some confusion i want i can't wait till theresa could have her class picture. theresa do me a favor do you want dessert? then finish what's on your plate. what? how come usually we can't get you to the table? she loves the tape thing. from now on we'll use the tape recorder put the tape recorder at the table. yeah. theresa theresa. hold on for for a minute. use use your mouth a little bit for the food okay? can you use use your mouth in that way? tomorrow's sammy's birthday party you know that? and are you both gonna there tomorrow? group kids will be there. not you? do you want me to write your name on a piece of paper and you can copy it on to the card? what? yes you did. not really? did shari sleep today? what? did shari sleep all day? she got one or two hours this morning. oh. so i didn't want to put her to sleep. so we what? what did laura show you when we came? the guy asked what are you going to be doing with the swords? yeah? that's all folks. up bup bup bup. theresa sit down be patient yet. we can turn it off now. good night tape recorder. ready to go? okay? what do you want to do first? okay? can you help me? what do we do here. ah i see what we do? uh. well wait? i bet there's. i know? i bet there's a better way though? come here. pokers. what are you t? aha. there. how's that? okay. oh? wow. look at all this stuff! there's. okay? okay. um do i need some money. okay. thank you. is this a grocery store or is it a restaurant too. okay. let's see. i think that i need some coffee today? and i. what? okay? okay. that's the way i thought it worked. okay. let's see. i need some a. i'll take one bottle of milk. and i'll have a. do you have any fritos mam? okay. that's okay. i'll get some cookies instead. and oh here's some nestles quik. i'll try this. strawberry? wh what flavor's this. chocolate i see. um. we'll have a little girl and she likes strawberry so maybe a i'll get this strawberry. how will that be? okay? is that your recommendation? i see. um. i'll have some cereal? um? i'll try some rice krispies? ah. thank you. and i'll have some a. excuse me. tea. oh i could stand some tea. could i have a. tea bag or two. they're coffee bags huh. hmm? i never saw coffee come in bags like that. this is a pretty fancy store. um well i guess maybe that's about all i'll take. oh no? wh what would you recommend that i take? a huh. oh some mustard yes for some my coffee oh those look interesting. what are they? hmm. aha. chunk um into where? what you looking at over there. oh i see. well i think that's about all i'll take then? what? oh. those too? okay? well i will take those. maybe cause they're so expensive. oh? i see. w tell me this. where does all this food come from? aha. do the cows come in here to drop it off? oh. oh i see. american cows. aha? ah yeah. mhm? oh. i see. huh. well i think that'll do it. how much money do i owe you? that's what they always say when i go into the grocery store? oh. do i get change. oh. i see. well that's nice? that's a nice. that's very refreshing to get change? you don't see much of that these days? mhm. yes. aha oh smells good. sounds like there's something in there. pretty running mustard huh. pretty running mustard. okay. oh a knife and a spoon and a fork. okay how much are those. well that's great? that's a lot of milk for a dollar. op. what are you doing. oh that's more change? okay. thanks! i'm in kinda a hurry too. could i a! i could? oh wow? well i'm not in that big of a hurry. aha. okay. okay. bring the change back tomorrow. okay. bye bye. i have to go home now. and a oh thank you. i have to go home now and read a read a book to my little girl. i thought i was gonna? i oh. you've gotten smaller. no you got it backwards you're supposed to grow up. not grow down. oh a. i can see that. okay. would you read me a book first! okay. the police captures you. okay. mhm. can't see. i see? okay. aha? from his. oh. i see. you're trying to make it rhyme. you are making it it. the words say it rhymes. the words rhyme. i'm trying! yes. there's the there's the ba? the whistle. the policeman whistling. alright. how bout just happy? oh. oh. it's hard to get things to rhyme isn't it. yeah. oh! that's good? aha. torture. what's torture? oh. a who. a what. yeah. yeah! yeah? yeah! aha? i see. that certainly sounds odious. wouldn't you say. aha. mhm. dressed in blue. with a pocket full of glue. i swear it's true. margaret who? margaret me. okay. alright. oh thank goodness. oh that's right. here we go? thank you for lo lending me this food. i ate a lot of it. i couldn't finish it all but i ate a lot. you you're recommendations were. i didn't know that. would you like your money back too. okay. can i help you put the groceries back on the shelf. thank you. well ha. do you have mostly kind customers? i see? here's the rest of your money. you're welcome? there we go. coffee bags. that's the first time i've ever had a coffee bag? you have. i put em in your hand. how do they get the coffee in these little bags? hmm. you do it. um. yes i can i'll stop playing and put em away. whatever i? i see? well you know what i think. i think i'd rather play with the truck for awhile? awri. okay. if we have time. sure. i can i can't imagine what? what's that? mhm. you can take this truck apart. what is it? under here. aha? a jack. right. aha. well shall we change the tire? oh? aha. did you put oi did you put oil in the engine. okay. okay. it think it goes right in here to the gas tank? okay. yeah. okay? you gonna drive into my station. much more. okay. will you tell me when to stop? alright. oh that wasn't very much more. okay? what? okay? that'll be forty seven dollars please. oh thanks. oh. well here i'll just use my cash register here at the gas station? what? see. i think. okay. okay. are you all done. may i? can i wash your windshield. mhm. thank you thank you. here's your change. i think that tire's low on air mister? i think that we should change it. oh i see? aha. maybe we could just put it on the bumper so it would be safe while we change the tire! what do you think. you wanna help me change this tire? oh i think you're right because it was this tire that was low huh. okay. now what do we need to change this tire. oh. looks like we need a spare tire? oh a sc well that's right? aha? okay. okay? over here? i'll try. ut! uh oh. i'm glad that didn't fall on my hand. i think that woulda hurt. okay. yeah we might as well put that one in the trunk. someday we'll have to go to the store to buy a new tire! what? here. put what in. wait a minute. what about the tire? okay. well wait? you didn't put the tire on. don't you know. oh i thought you did. i think it's all set? okay. now. okay. yes? okay. where are we going? i w meant to ask that. america. we do. you mean for a snack in the car. i do know. aha? um. maybe we could a put it back in here. oh there's a good idea? put it in the trunk? yup. make sure the trunk is closed this time. there we go. okay. gregorio. gregorio. okay. um. gregorio. um i can't think of any other name. paul. that's it. just. exactly right. paul and dorothy? paul and julie. how bout julie and steve? okay! paul and julie. okay julie. oh. okay. julie? where we go? america. do i take a right or a left. alright. my nose. which way is right. if i'm going? what? this way is right? oh okay. yes? paul? we haven't been married very long obviously. yes george. yes julie? yup. oh yeah. what's a flip up? the boat had a flip up. aha. aha. well i think that a david a suggested that we play with these three things. there's one thing? what? oh yeah like those a god what do they call those things? dollies. there. you mean so that you can lie on them and and roll under. aha. that's why you have to make sure your jack is in the right place? or you could crunch your head? there. now i think that's better don't you. some cereal? yes. would you like rice krispies or corn flakes. there you are. you're welcome. mhm? i think you're getting silly? hospital. no? okay. aha. wh. that's gonna be the thermometer. mhm? aha. okay. what do you think? yeah. that's what it says. maybe we can take it out to the grillo's so that they'll have some toys for their bath tub. um that's a good question. um. maybe you can hang onto it for awhile while we clean up? why don't we clean up? why don't you? i got a idea. why don't you put it on the chair and when we leave the room you can take it with you and could put it in the waste basket outside. okay. good. okay? do we have any more that's hanging around some place. okay. okay. i think that's right? yeah. okay. maybe we can put? well no. maybe we can put that under the cash register. what do you think ready to go? hi. hi. all finished. yeah. did you have a good time xavia. what did you get? brought some fun stuff for us? let's see? what did you what did jessica used to bring for you? aha? yeah that's what i brought too i brought? a slide. well let's see? i brought a book and farmhouse. oh yeah? and check in there. ooh clifford? oh a baby? did you draw all over her. wow. does she move. what's she do? aha. oh you like richard scarry books. well i brought one for us to look at. do you have this one? no. mm hm! what? oh the cat? oh the silo. twin girls. mm hm. yeah i think there's lots of twins. twin sheep and twin pigs. okay. who are you? aha? see look it can hook on the back of the tractor and you could drive it. yep that can too i think. oop? mm hm. oh see there's a whole bunch more in there too. okay and i get the sheep. okay. he looks like he's asleep. okay. what about the chickens? okay. mm hm. yep. okay. i get a lot. okay. so what are you gonna have all the horses? the dogs. okay. can i come too. no. oh yeah. what babes? that looks like our barn except it's newer? yeah. yeah. did she ever bring the big people too not like the little ones like this. did she bring the big people? that's nice of you to share with her? not the marker though? so what else did you say jessica used to bring. the horses and what else. aha. not that many and not the cat. oh okay. what babe? wow. oh and a dog too. wow? we're here to pick up the grandma. oh that's the mother. okay get in the back. do you need eggs from the chicken? two grandmas? thank you. oh. can i come in too. oh. where am i supposed to go if it rains? thank you? me i do. thank you. ah? where did my twin brother go? can we fit. starting to get crowded? is there room for us too? oh good. moo. me please? oh we got everybody. so where were these grandmas going. oh okay. beep here's your stuff. what's wrong with the dogs? i have about three of them. puppies where are you going. up in the elevator. hey what about me. i'm very flexible i think i can fit? oh good. why are we all hiding in the barn. a monster. where? is this the monster? ah my eye? oh who's the monster. is clifford the monster. how about? oh. why doesn't anyone like me just because i'm big? why. i didn't mean to be i just came to get some food from the farm? what can you have for me? that's not what i'm looking for. do you know where i can find some? ooh. a blueberry marker. see that's more like it. can i meet all of your friends from the farm. i don't want them to hide from me. introduce them. so who are all of these. why were you hiding from me horsies. because why? i was eating animals. no i'm a very nice monster despite my big size. what's your name brown horse? brownies? you don't smell like brownies though. do you like to eat brownies? maybe we should make some brownies. what do you think brownie? how about we make muffins? ooh what kind of muffins brownie? mm. brown chocolate icing. how about you little grey horsies? what do you like? mm hm. aha. hamilton. nice to meet all of you. see i'm a friendly monster don't be afraid. who are you little ladies? oh i it sounds like my little brothers? my little brother. it's good to see you. i know. where's your mother? i'm a dalmatian. oh. brown spots. aha! are you mini clifford. just clifford too. nice to meet you. oh hi baby clifford. there's the dalmatian. what are you trying to tell me dalmatian? what's he trying to say? really? oh. baby clifford. where were you two dalmatians hiding? where were you hiding before? what were you doing? what horsie? mm hm. is that hamilton! i'll make sure she doesn't find you. aha the baby monster's getting the chickens and the pigs? hide. we'll hide in the silo. hey wait. we hid them. oh there's a couple behind you and the kittie too. they can hide in the silo. oh she's so scared of the baby monster. here hide behind me. aha it looks like baby monster's getting the grandma! oh an angel's here? do you wanna put him in here? oh we're all gonna hide behind the horse. the angel helped them all? hurry hurry. save him. oh no. so what are we gonna do over here while we're waiting. we have to what! oh she has to be distracted? how can we distract her? wait i can't hear if you're whispering? sorry? the brother. oh and there goes my dad. what? what are we gonna do? okay. what do you think? okay. here we'll hide them behind the horse. that looks good? you need a kleenex. ooh. all the people first. oh. aha. grandma? i know. okay chickens first. and roosters. and the brown dog. all right all filled. all right we'll bring you back. who goes next? okay. okay here's the tractor who wants to go to the house next. oh no more people can fit in. oh. how about dogs? oh okay. ruff? ruff. trevor do you know your telephone number by heart? your telephone number at home? what? do you know how to call your momma on the telephone? no? not yet. what are you doing? oh do you want me to help you? okay go get your socks on? huh? i think they were just laying down? they can be huh? yeah do you need some help with that? that's not tight enough is it. is it. oh now put your socks on. i didn't bring these down. those are the ones you took off last night. what does that mean? immortality. do you know what that means? it means live for a long long time never die. it means you never die. the mailman already came. well we didn't get anything. yep is that your tower. the tower of blocks? you like it like that. what baby? then it would be a sister right. aha where are you going. what? you sure can. i didn't build it. who do you think did? oh? how would a nice policeman have built it? huh? huh. what are you going to make? oh. how come? wow? really. i'm going to sweep move that. if you don't move it. yeah? that's not even as long as our room. oh that's just a model of the real one? what? oh? what? what? oh. would the people fall down? a lot huh. how come the people are taking the animals on the boat? oh it's just a boat that can hold pets. what? what? i didn't know that? but i believe you. is that a boat too. didn't you want me to do that. oh well the ladder's taped on. don't you have another ladder around here. let me see how big it is. is it in there. okay what do you think. how's it working? did they all make it abe. why. that boat's so strong that it can just stay where it wants to. wow. what happened abe? and it got knocked over. did a tidal wave hit this one. sure. what buddy? none of them. what happened? did he do it on purpose. what? oh. how come? oh more animals. what? huh. they are. he's going swimming in his pajamas. how come? oh. those parts of the boat. oh. more animals? is there a flood. was there a flood. and that's how come all the animals came? oh? who did? what happened to that boat? that one you're fixing. are space boards seats. oh. she's totally set up stuff. did you want your milk? tell leslie where you've been that we just ran in real quick to get some food at home? where've you been? you started school? do you like it? yeah? yeah. what did you do yesterday at school that was very interesting do you remember? with the song. you don't remember. well they do all different kinds of activities at his school. they have art what else. mhm. spanish was the thing yesterday. wow. yeah. what do i wanna buy? well i want to play the buying game but i was wondering if you could tell leslie a really funny story about what happened this weekend at the river. i was wondering if you could tell her the really funny story about what happened with you at the river. so you fell off and you got really really wet? and then what did you do actually. you walked a little more? weren't you frozen. you're still frozen right. yeah that was a really kind of weird thing that happened with that right? was the water really deep. did your hair get wet. no it wasn't super deep. so yeah we went to the river that was a super fun time? because of all the river water on you right? yeah that was a smart idea to take a shower? that used to be the bottom of the ocean you're right. but now what is it? definitely because the whole thing was ocean right pretty much everywhere was ocean. that's why remember we found those rocks that had little shells fossil shells on it because that used to be the ocean. i'm trying to think about something interesting else that we've been doing? we went to a birthday party the other day. well what did you guys do at the party. you're so excited to say what. i'll give you a hint? the clue is three or four pieces. that was kinda funny about the party three or four pieces of what? the game yup there was three or four pieces of the game you had to collect right. oh my goodness? i was thinking about three or four pieces of cake. so why don't you tell leslie about the cake. what? that was so tasty that what? it was tasty that you. almost could scream. well he kept taking little pieces of cake right and then i kept giving you some more and more and more. oh my gosh he had so much cake at the party. and then there was this game how did you have to do the game. do you remember how you had to do the game? what'd you have to try to collect for the game do you remember? what tonka joe? no you had to collect. toys yup and what were they in. little bags yup. do you wanna play the game now where you gotta try to buy stuff? what do i wanna buy today? i think i'd like to buy this baby doll. wait wait i have a question first. is it a doll or is it a real person. oh my goodness. a real person is for sale. oh then i can't buy it. but you can't buy people. you really can't. you know what they call it when you buy a person. they're called slaves. do you remember when you were in the firefly room and they talked about those people that had to be the slaves? and then they went along the undergroung railroad. so we don't want to sell people anymore. how about if she's a doll? okay because you really can't buy people. okay how much does she cost. one dollar okay. do you oh my goodness you remembered that you have to eat the money? i'm going to ask you does he always eat the money. do you have any beds for her? i'm not sure that comes out. how about this will you sell me this for the bed? you can get a bed out of the dollhouse? oh what do you think where should she sleep. okay ring it up. guess you can have another one. mhm you want me to fix it? you want me to grab something else. okay. okay how much does that cost? it's free she gets to come with a free bed? oh okay here let's say i called you up on the phone. ring ring ring? hello. what store is this am i calling the right store? what's the name of your store? oh okay well that's what i was hoping for i have a problem with the doll. well she won't put her legs down they're always poking up on the bed. is there anything that can be done. you think she's saying that she wants some food. okay well do you sell food there. you don't remember what that's called jello. mhm. mhm. berries okay. i was wondering this looks really tasty can she drink this like it's a bottle can i give her this to drink out of. okay yeah i'll buy her this to drink. it's just free. all the accessories and everything that goes with the doll is free. okay well i'll have the ketchup then. ring ring ring. i have another problem. well you know what happened. she threw up? i was wondering if i could buy some cleaning supplies so i could clean up the stuff that she threw up. oh gross. oh yuck no no i don't want a dog to lick it up the ketchup that she threw up no don't you have any like tissues or cleaning stuff. i'll come over and buy some water? okay do you have some water for me. do you have any napkins or anything? okay i'll just dump it all over the bed. ring ring ring? well now she's real hungry again because she threw up what else would you suggest. soup okay? whaa whaa. ring ring. whaa whaa. do you hear that? oh my gosh she's totally crying. i do not know if she liked that soup. alright. i'll make some jello! mix it up you gotta put it in the fridge for awhile! okay little baby doll come on and eat your jello. oh my goodness. ring ring ring excuse me. i don't think the jello idea was very good. she poured the jello all over her head. let's see what this is supposed to be chocolate nuts. okay maybe she'd like those. oh i just wanted to thank you the chocolate nuts are great she ate them and she's probably fine now. i won't bother you anymore goodbye. okay pretend that we just walked by we didn't call you up but we came and walked by. ring ring ring excuse me. we were wondering if you know where she could get her hair cut it's kinda long. a horse could chew it off alright well maybe i'll just sit her up right here is that gonna work? oh no? i thought we were just gonna make it a little shorter now she's bald. you ate all of her hair? oh my goodness. the horse would have to have time out because he ate all of her hair off? alright well look it grew back she's fine? i was thinking about what else we've been doing we went on a trip to chicago? tell her about what you saw in chicago? the tallest building where. is it the tallest building in the town or the tallest building in the city or the tallest building in the what. the tallest building in the world it's called the sears tower do you remember what was very interesting when we left chicago about the sears tower. why didn't we see the top? so we were only able to see the bottom how did daddy even know where the building was? remember it was a little different from the other ones because it was a dark dark building? and he knew where it was located so that's how he kind of knew he said that's it that's the sears tower right there. cool oh she doesn't know this story either. this is a story that i was a little bit a little bit i don't know if i'd say angry about but i was a little bit hm remember when we were going to chicago and i told the lady not to give you the toy? okay tell her the whole story what happened. well you didn't really beg for one but you said you wanted one but she asked you she said do you want one and what did you say? and what did she do even though i said no toy what did she do? she gave you one anyway right? but it was a cool toy remember what kind of toy it was? mhm it was cool push the button on the snakes head right and then the little big rock would come up and it would make the car go flying? you might be able to make that car go all the way up to the ceiling? what did you do i dropped my shoe that's what that noise was what did you do? did you drop your shoe too. that's what mine did mine fell off too. what did you do at brandon and aaron's house with the cars do you remember it was kinda cool? made then super tall. yup you made it super tall you connected all the little car sets together? oh my goodness? hey you know what leslie also doesn't know what's been going on with our car oh my goodness? what's been going on with our car? what? you're too scared to say? well first we had problems with our started and then they fixed it but then they didn't fix it entirely right and we had to send it back and you were so happy right! yeah and then we had the rental car which you liked a lot? remember you were even kinda fussy and you were like you wanted to keep that rental car forever and i'm like we can't we have to pay for it everyday. so now what's wrong with the car. you said what do you know about this. so what's wrong with the car now even though we got it fixed. the window's broken what's broken about it? yeah it's stuck open we're hoping it doesn't rain? yeah we've had lots of problems with that car. we were actually supposed to come here last week and meet her and that was the day the car we got it stuck at your school remember? oh my goodness we got stuck at his school and it would not start that was bad? i'm trying to think what else we've been doing matty. so let's see we went to chicago and you started school and? do you wanna play with the dollhouse or the dinosaurs or look what she brought? do you wanna see what she brought? what do you think of that does he look super duper strong? hey that guy looked kinda scary? they are sparkly ones aren't they? do you wanna color any of it? he seems pretty strong i have to say what do you think. what do you think about this face? do you wanna pick a page to color? oh my goodness. he is all scratched up? what did you have to do at school with like the big a and little a do you remember that one picture? do you remember? are you saying no? okay? all the crayons out to do this okay? oh no that one's broke how sad? you need to be all the same facing the same way and the same height okay. mhm! oh what do you think about that is that all going to fit? oh my goodness? okay which you can have upside down i see? cool that reminds me of something that you made at your school do you remember. the first day of school you came home and you told me about how you made a rainbow right that kinda looks like a rainbow with the different colors? yes? whoa? he totally does he's multicolored you would say? he's pretty cool do you remember what color the hulk really is? yeah green is that still your favorite color or do you have a new favorite color. okay your very favorite's this one and this is like your second favorite number two? okay which one do you like next after that? your very favorite is the one that goes down okay? that one the light pink? hm cool i like all those colors too? let us see if i had to pick my favorite it probably would be? mhm? i get this group okay. is this where i get to pick from for my favorite? mm okay because i think my favorite out of this group is probably this because look almost the same as my sweater today. okay so i gotta do it the same way? mhm? we each have three is that how many you have. oh one two three four one two three four how many do you have in your hand? and i have three so the reason we don't have the exact same number is because we have mister broken one here. so nobody gets him right? okay which color are we gonna do which page you wanna do? this is me should i color the rose. three different colors and see how that comes out? this is interesting you know why. you don't really see the blue you know this light blue i didn't realize it but you don't see that color as well. how did yours come out? oh mostly orange isn't that interesting you actually had all four colors but how come you only mostly see the orange. okay? all of them whoa i got seven of them? i do not know you gotta count them? ah i think you have eight. yes you do i only have seven. okay ready what am i gonna color this rose with all these colors? okay? orange and then i notice this coming out sort of the purple over there? mhm. oh we had to trade? yes and i have kind of this yellow green yellow with rainbow glitter it doesn't look like yellow. it looks like yellow green doesn't it. okay i'm gonna draw right here. mhm. it's kind of hard to draw with more than one isn't it? mostly i see. green definitely green but your orange and your red comes out pretty good too. the only one you really can't see very well is the light pink you don't see light pink really. mm almost it almost looks like this color this darker pinkish color? could you see that? ah yup? i put your name on it? you write your name all the time at school now don't you? did you ever think about being with the y at the end? so you're just matt huh? just matt. what if you had a long name like zachias? you know what's going to be a big thing for you to spell? zevenbergen. if you have other matthews you might just be matthew z for awhile. or matty or matt z? oops we don't want to break him okay that one already had a broken but we don't any other ones to break. so we're gonna end up going pretty soon so what do you want to do at the end of our time here. sell dinosaurs okay. okay sell dinosaurs oh and drink milk. alright so let's see now i think i will buy this one he seems gentle? oh is he gonna end up scratching my house and my furniture? hm that's no good so which one would you suggest. aha. i'll buy the duckbill? he seems like he's gonna be okay? does he need a swimming pool. well see i don't know if i want the pool then because i don't want to have to take care of all these animals. maybe how about this maybe i'll just buy the bed. it's kind of complicated to have to take all those animals too? to the johnson's? what will the johnson's do with you? put you in what? and that will stop you from snivelling? what will you do with a lizard's cage? but how will that keep you from snivelling? that's enough pizza because you don't eat it all up. alright. oh. don't do that joanna. it's really rude. if you need to do that eat someplace else. no. i just. continue to talk but maybe we're all talking. we were having a nice conversation mm. mm. and you know what? when we tape record it and then laura hears her snivelling on the tape recorder maybe she it will stop her habit? do you think that would stop your habit to hear how terrible it sounds? you hear it when. well. then why do you go on snivelling? because she doesn't like the noise. no. i'm asking laura. why do you go on snivelling? what? noone plays with you? i play with you. that's different than snivelling isn't it? laura eat the apple sauce in your bowl please. you have to eat this. crying when you get hurt is different from whining isn't it? mhm. it's the whining part of crying that i object to. i was crying in the middle of the night last night and noone heard me. were you? maybe i didn't. when were you crying? i don't know. what were you crying about? i had a bad dream and i was half awake and half not. well. if it's really bad you could always come and tell us you know? mm. i didn't know i was crying. then i knew it i didn't. that was. i know what it was about. it was about peanuts got killed. not died by poisoning but got killed. i see. and made me sad. that does make you sad to think about peanuts. so i cried in the middle of the night and i didn't know why i was crying but i did know why i was crying. mm. look. well. you can always come and get us if you need us for something important. i don't want you to come and get me just for the heck of it. in the middle of the night. laura. you're gonna get tummy ache next buddy. oh. oh. well. laura you spilled it all over the floor. that's all. no. that's not alright. but she did it. it's not alright to make the yucky noises. what yucky noises? person who made it knows what i'm talking about. i do not. i said the person. it wasn't you was it? mm. i know who it is. you know what you used to do when you were a baby when i fed you food like that? like apple sauce? you used to spit it back out at my face. and he sneezed with the food in his mouth right on her. aha. did you apple sauce you both liked. that you didn't spit out. but practically everything else i made you you'd spit it right out at me. anything else. but you like carrots and apple sauce but you didn't like liver. i went to all the trouble of making this liver for you. you would take one mouthful of it and then you would take your tongue and spray it all over the place. you'd go. then it sprayed everywhere. oh. it was awful. and you like beets. those were the three things that you liked. and cereal. gokay. gogay? so if you wanna come? what? no? it's karen and laura? it's may seventh and they talk a special language? what's the language called? gillygawk. what? gillygawk. gillygawk. how did your language get invented? it's a new language. i don't speak that language very well. uh. that's a very silly language ladies? hey. let's make another one up? hey. let's make a. kitty cat. gwhat. guy can't gundergtand gou? karen sing again? it didn't work. sing twinkle? i never get cut. what's the real name of that? what's the real name? what's the real name? small twerp. what do you think? god? god is mean and the devil is mean. how come he'll do that? i thought he was a nice guy. he puts. is that for their own good? ross said that. in other words she had enough money to buy it so he said she has the cost of it. rossie said that. i said. no that's the daddy one because we had been playing that it was the daddy one a little earlier. rossie said. well i said no that's the daddy one. rossie said not markie said. okay well rossie said anyway. no you say. he is bigger than him. or he is bigger than he is. i'm sorry. he is bigger than he is. but marky really likes to take things in the bath. that's his biggest pleasure. but ross mommy didn't say raw she said if the strings get rotten. no if they rot. oh if they rot. if they rot. i see. if they rot. now that's different between getting raw. if the strings rot. do you understand what it means to rot? you don't know? it means first they start out and they're real strong. and when they rot they f start to get weak and they crumble. who? marky to get in? oh the wompa. doesn't want it to get in. the wompa's an animal. who? marky or the animal? wompa. do you think daddy has a hard time listening? what is wrong with your daddy? what is his basic problem? even when you speak really well and have clear words right? maybe daddy doesn't hear very well. maybe his ears aren't good. mm hm. thanks. thank you ross honey. if i give you two more how many do you think you will you have? now if i give you two more how many do you think you will have? now ross if i take away four cookies how many do you think you're going to have? if i take away four how many are you going to have? four out of ten. you've got ten right? no count the whole bunch. no. no you counted one of them twice. start again. right. give it to him. he really needs it. he's going to cry. but that's not true. i know that mommy bought you the tauntaun and the the wompa for mark. how come you're yelling so much? well you know i bought both toys for both boys but the way i gave the toys to them i gave the wompa to ross and the tauntaun to mark. oh you're right ross. you told me the truth. very good. this is wompa. you want tauntaun? i want wompa. you want to play with wompa for a while? you don't want to play with with tauntaun? yeah the wompa's strings. in other words you were afraid that marky might get the wompa strings. no he's not taking a bath. it's only when he takes a bath that we have to be careful of our toys. right. that's the only time. what about the tauntaun? should we put the tauntaun in the water? he shouldn't go in either. you know he's got a large cavity. he'll get full of water and he'll do too much pee pee. he'll get too much water and he'll go pee pee. he's got a spring in him. yeah he might go pee pee. he might go pee pee. in star wars the wompa. and who saved them? i guess that's what b j. and the bear was all about. p j. and the bear? was there a bear on that? p j. and bear. ross well first you go down and see if both cars are here. that means she hasn't gone any where. ross did you look out back? boy you drank that milk fast. no they're not the same as wonderwoman. no you said three names superman batman and robin. oh you mean the letters on superman the s and. what's on robin? does batman have a letter on him? he has a bat on him. he's not a letter. and all the people that have animals. what does he have on him? there's somebody else who loses his shirt. sometimes he's real big and then he takes his shirt off. who else ross? who? just tell us. no. he has a shirt. he doesn't have a shirt on? i don't know about these superheroes without their shirts on. how come he doesn't wear a shirt? i know because it'd just get wet. it'll get wet. mm hm. that's right. when did you have them before ross? were they good then? are they better now? well do you know what marky said earlier today? at preschool he was mad at ross and he said? you give me a headache? mark said that. yeah mark said to ross? you give me a headache? isn't that silly. do you think you really give him a headache? he just seems to make you mad right. what should mark have really said? no? where do you think he learned about a headache? i think it's from mommy. ross says that. ross says it. did you teach him that. yeah ross says. you give me a headache. he does. yeah you must have taught it to him. you know ross marky learned a lot of things from you. did you know that. he does. he's learned a lot of things from you. no from you. he learns them from you. he learns more things from you than any one else. you're his only big brother you know that. does he make you mad. nobody gives you a headache because you're a happy boy. because you're a happy boy right. did you know that your little brother really really loves you a lot. a whole large bunch. do you know why? because he likes to follow you and learn from you? the first boy that gets up on the table will get a spanking and be sent to his room. sure you are ross. now why did you say that? explain to me why you want to know? do you think i'm not listening to you? i'm not listening to you enough. what is wrong with your dad? i guess i'm not really a good man am i? i don't know? what did you hear? was it a little boy? i said something wrong i think? did i say a bad word? i really didn't mean to? i didn't mean to say a a bad word. no i didn't i don't think so. really. i didn't mean to say anything bad. what are some of the numbers you use to get onto the? mhm? which one? isn't it five six eight one? one five oh six? okay this is one two one seven. go ahead? come on. i'm not hurrying. you're doing fine. don't sit on that. okay. no. why. you can sit down here. here. marky's had enough fighting now. he split his head open? okay you can get down. you can get down. does anyone ever listen to you. no. how come? you've got pretty good reasons i think. they still say they're not good huh? why did they make you so mad honey? who doesn't? no not me who doesn't. can you tell me who doesn't? oh are you having some troubles with mandy. okay. well what did she used to do that was bad. yeah? do you want to get a pad of paper and do some work on it? you can do some art work. okay. good job. good. you didn't do a single thing wrong. you did a very good job. you're doing a fairly good job aren't you. what does that mean? you did a good job again? oh those are getting nice. those are getting very pretty ross. those letters are very good. no deal? i'm not going to do it? it's not going to happen. you won't stay in our family any more. no. i guess you'll have to leave now. okay then let's just not get into a problem? let's just get presents when daddy says that's it's okay. that's one time it's okay but it's also okay when daddy wants to do it. so we have to have daddy wanting to do it before it happens. that won't work ross. you'll just have to wait until daddy gives it to you? now you know i've got a lot of presents i'd love to give you but we both have to wait until you're super good? i know it makes you nervous doesn't it. okay then you don't have to be good. you can be real bad and you might get them. or you might do nothing and just get them? you don't know what's going to happen. what's up daddy? rossie's going to get his presents? mm hm? you'll hide under a blanket. why. they're not going to come tonight. it's not coming? it's not easter easter time. the bunny is not coming tonight? i didn't. you and marky splashed water. ross you're being very foolish. why was i a fool. who's a fool? that's not a good word to call anybody ross okay? okay i won't call you that any more? i'm sorry. i said you were were foolish? i didn't say you were a fool. but it's not a good word. even foolish? it's not a good word to call anybody. is that okay. mark? you want to do one more? let's do one more? blow blow? good. marky? do you want to do one more mark? blow blow. no no no. no no no. light saber? see all those guys use light sabers. yeah. and you're going to need one light saber for obi and one for darth and one for luke. they all are going to be jedis you see. are they the only ones. just the jedis use light sabers yeah? what about yoda? yoda doesn't use weapons he uses snakes. he's a jedi master. he just uses snakes. uh huh. creature of the fog? ross marky i mean. no wait? ross. yoda? close? luke skywalker? luke's was yellow? luke skywalker's yellow. that's true. obi wan kanobi's is orange. blue? who has an orange light saber? darth vader? orange is red yeah same color? what did you do in preschool today ross? was it good or bad? what? what do you mean i'm not listening? i don't understand? do you mean you have some other story you want to tell? okay? how come? no fun. well what was the rock and roll. what kind of music was that? tape tape recorder. a record. and it was rock and roll. no one wanted to dance with you? who was doing the dancing? just nobody huh. they wouldn't let you. how come? b. j. wouldn't let you dance with him. little brother. he wouldn't let you dance with him. what a fink? why wouldn't he dance? was he dancing by himself. he doesn't know how. he doesn't know how. he's too little. was he dancing by himself. i think he's too little mom. he probably doesn't know how to dance. sure he's just too little? he probably thinks you're trying to push him around? you were trying to grab his hand? two hands. just kept running in a circle i see? well then why didn't you have any fun when you went upstairs? and you wanted to stay down there and do more? you couldn't get a girl friend to do it for you huh? you didn't want to do it? oh so you wouldn't to dance with her? i see. i see? well maybe she felt bad because you didn't want to dance with her. what was her name? you don't know that girl's name. you don't know the names of all the the people in preschool. who? what's their name? okay. do you have any new kids there? what's their names? uh huh? and who else. who else is a new kid? you forgot all their names ross. nana was there today. and who else. were there any new kids. who else was there with nana? you can dance with nana. next time. monique is a new girl. oh did she want to dance with you. who else was new? that was all okay. yeah. two girls. what are their names? you don't remember. and did she have a sister or a brother? monique and her brother. a little baby brother. a big girl and a little baby brother huh. i see. there is one little girl who comes rushing out and says? oh here comes marky. he's so cute? and then mark would make faces at her? maybe that's monique? it's diana. that's diana. she embarrasses him. she says. oh marky's so cute. do you think diana's nice? is diana nice. ross do you like your tooth brush? why don't you eat some turkey meat? instead of chewing on your tooth brush why don't you eat some turkey meat? you'll never get father if you don't eat some turkey meat. you need to get a little more weight on your body. you're too thin. put a little tummy on you. you need a little tummy like your big big father daddy. don't you want to be like your big father daddy. you don't want to be father like your daddy. look at that father tummy. you you don't want to be father like him? isn't that horrible? you want to touch it and see how father it is. do you want to see how father it is? you afraid. want to see a big muscle. yeah feel it? feel those big muscles. it's got a big muscle right here. you try it? you try to feel it. yours isn't as big as mine. i'm feeling it and it's a dinky baby muscle and mine's a big daddy daddy muscle. how are you going to get it when you're not a big dad like me? you're going to have to push iron. you're going to have to lift weights ross? lift weights. have you finished your dinner? wait have you finished your dinner. he can lift that whole chair mom. now don't get hurt ross. don't get hurt. you're going to break your little head off. okay. i've seen you're strong now put it down. very good. i believe your strong. now mother can sit in it. you're at least as strong as daddy. okay now do you want to see my big muscle again. no it's the one right here you've got to feel. oh careful. i won't. okay go ahead. what kind do you have? a shoe? oh that's fine. what is it? thank you? is it a shoe? what? on the ceiling? that's the sun? chantilly get down. what does it look like? you're not gonna eat all that candy now are you. why not. why. you can give him one piece. what does he say? well tell me about your party. what'd cha do? mark was playing with the mask yeah. i know you didn't have any mask because i thought you were kidding me. i thought she just got that from the other kids. she heard all the other kids talking about how they were going to school today in their costumes. so this morning she said to me that she wanted to wear her costume to school. so i figured the teacher would have said something yesterday. so all the kids had their costumes on. but she didn't tell them to so? did you play games. played toys. he can't eat a lot a candy. yeah why don't you put em up here? why do not you you ask ask melissa if she wants some. i don't want any thanks. no thank you? i had one already. no thank you. it'll spoil my lunch. sarah what're you gonna wear tomorrow. sarah what're you gonna wear tomorrow for trick and treating. what're you gonna wear? melissa's asked you a question. tell her what you wore to a party last week. tell her about that party. that was a big one. the halloween party? did you wear a costume then. here. what're you doing? what is that? it's a what? a tent oh. that's a candy. why do not you you put these up till later okay. you don't want a eat em all now. we'll take em down when we go shopping. auntie shirley's gonna bring home candy for trick or treat tonight. no we got ta have candy here for when the kids come. no we're not gonna have a party. well the kids come they knock at the door. yeah. you won't be here. you'll be out trick or treating. i got ta get her a bag. shopping bag. what time you going out? i don't know what time we're going out. go down to stop and shop? yeah i bought those little bags. that should be fun huh. aha. what do you do? what do you say? oh. what do you say before that? what do they say to you? do they look at your costume. sarah stay still? are they scared. here? are they scared if you have a scary costume. what kind of tricks you gonna play tomorrow night? felix the cat. felix the cat. what kind of trick is that? cards. oh the game. the game felix the cat. aren't you supposed to ring doorbells and anything? who will you go with? what're you gonna dress up as? scare everybody? what are you going as? me? why not. she'll go with you. i'm not going with donna. lorraine's taking donna. unless you want a take her out. no. no. what about ann marie? does she go trick or treating. yeah we'll probably go with ann marie. or betty i don't know? you know this? i don't know whether the batteries are gone on this or what. where'd you get this? they're all new batteries and everything. no it comes out this end. well what comes out this end? why don't you pull the whole thing out. no this thing? i just thought of it. if it's the batteries we'll have to get em when we go out? she just bought those batteries too. or maybe it's this? maybe it's not tight enough you know? i don't know? what? what? oh yeah you might be right. you might be right. how did it get in there? it just snaps out. there? well you've got your jack o lantern haven't you? where'd you get the other thing? that this thing. where did this come from? what's that? who bought this? huh. i don't get this one either. it's got a little hole. it's kind of a little hole. yeah for a candle. i don't know? did it have a candle. that big black candle. did that come in here? nana put that candle in. did it have candy in there or anything? what? it's not the batteries then it's connections. i don't know. what? maybe you are real right sarah. what won't stay on? maybe i can fix it. yeah? it won't stay there. put a little tape on it. i had some tape here. oh it can't be running. mhm. what do you use that for sarah? we used to have a swell time. what do people give you? just candy? does anyone give you cookies. or apples. there you go. oh it's nice. i couldn't get it to light. oh you're welcome? i think this one'd snap off someplace there. oh we'd better get some black tape and tape it? now don't play with it because you don't want the batteries to wear out. now give it to me now and i'll put it away for tomorrow. cute huh. mhm. it's a light. yeah it's a flashlight. yeah. that's right. ann marie's got one too. put that away for next year too. take the battery right out. i don't know whether to get her a costume or not. what's ann marie? i thought it was something about a ghost or a hobo or something. i don't know. what was she at the the party the other night sunday night? did you have a good time. come here. what's the matter with your neck? come here. it's all red. what will you look like sarah? a monster. what will you wear? a chinese what. a chinese what. chinese what. a dress or a suit. a mask. she's got the hat? you know that she had for the recital? a jacket. oh. a chinese jacket. the chinese children. yeah? the hat the chinese hat. yeah? but if she puts a coat on you know? she'll wear a coat? yeah. you won't see anything. all you'll see is a hat. she went to a party the other night and last year she was cinderella? sunday night my mother took her to the cub scout party. and she led the parade and everything you know? she had a ball for herself? they went around and asked the kids what they were you know. they asked her. you couldn't help it. you knew she was a chinese you know. you'd just look at her? and she said? i'm cinderella. she was cinderella. you were cinderella last year. you have have to go all the way down the stairs. do i like the toes? yes. did you write good? sure. here's a paper just for you. here sarah? here's a pencil for you. yeah. oh here. here give that one back. use this one? see so she can write too if she wanted to write. okay. just the same. which is longer. right. yes. now what are you making. are you making a valentine. a big hole. sure if you want to. what do you think? it sure it? what's that? it's light around. does he have any teeth. this is light and this is dark. if you connect them it's a t. a t goes straight up. and straight across. that's a criss cross. mhm. what does it look like? a candle. what kind? a carrot candle oh. if i make a house like that. can you make the door? any way you want. what? oh you make the knob and i'll make the door. is that the knob. right. where's the chimney? mhm very nice. chantilly. stop it. has chantilly ever bitten anyone? she snaps. but she doesn't ever bite. uh i think she might though. she really snaps? yeah. at at children or at anybody that's annoying. at anybody she don't like? just because it makes her mad. yeah. what? that's right. no tomorrow night? who was that? it was upstairs. oh. she doesn't bark now when she goes up the stairs? oh? where'd you sleep last night? with who. and who else. who else was in the bed? and the dog you didn't see. get off the bed. oh i know he was there. he was on your side? no he likes your side mommy's side. keep him over there. yeah well she's a girl. sleep with who. do little boys sleep with dolls. why. no you are not going trick or treating till tomorrow. huh. no trick or treat isn't till tomorrow night. because you won't be in school tomorrow. no you'll have lunch. wait a while. you don't wanna get sick do you. then you won't be able to go out trick or treating tomorrow night if you get sick. you'll have to go to bed early tonight. how's your writing coming lady? what do you wanna write? what does it look like? what is that now? what do you think? show me a pumpkin. i bet you do. sure it's a straight line. no. oh if we turn the paper like this it's a straight line. what about a big circle? sure. put in eyes and a mouth. mhm. no sir. what do you think? toes? show me? put a toenail. where does a toenail go? look like a toe. oh it is. sure is? mhm. you have a pimple on your feet. that's his mouth. right on his toe. well hurry up. go ahead. it's better not to be there till nine thirty. oh well you don't have to be there when the kids come. well no it's just that there's this long flight of stairs and you can't just go to the front door and open it and wait for the child. you have have to go all the way down the stairs? do i like the toes? yeah? yes? i write huh. did i write good? did you write good. sure. here's a paper just for you. oh here. here give that one back. use this one. see so she wanted to write? okay. just the same? which is longer. right. that yours? yes. now what are you making. are you making a valentine. a big hole. sure if you want to. what do you think? it sure it. what's that? it's light around? does he have any teeth? this is light and this is dark. if you connect them it's a t. a t goes straight up. and straight across. that's a criss cross. mhm. what does it look like? a candle? what kind? a carrot candle oh. if i make a house like that. can you make the door? any way you want. what? oh you make the knob and i'll make the door. is that the knob. right. where's the chimney? mhm very nice. oh. gas. okay. yeah. oh. is there smoke coming out of the chimney? why don't you make some smoke. on the house. oh. that looks like a beach house. yeah. yeah. it's gonna be fire down? what happened to the house? how do you fix it all up? haha haha? what do you want? you have to tell me what you want? i'm not going to guess. okay? okay? at work? mommy's what? oh? what did you get jason? what did you get jason? oh i just cut your sandwich into two instead of four okay? i know. but this sandwich is too messy for that. do you want toast too? huh. yeah doesn't he. i don't think so. what have you been doing? huh? oh. oh. i'm not frowning. i don't mean to frown? what do you want on your toast? no what do you want on your toast. how about jelly instead? okay what did you do yesterday when jason came over. what did you play? what did you do outside? i know. but what kind of playing. like what? what kind of game is that? oh the bat tries to run away. but how does he win? i don't understand. well tell me. you didn't have to what. how come? how come? why didn't you want to catch it. how come? oh you don't know about the game. because it has too much jelly on it. okay. oh? aha. like that. what? is he at his grandmother's. he'll be home later today i think? what are we going to do this afternoon? i thought we might go see the show. huh. you think so. eat that first okay. maybe after we go to the movie we can go to minnehaha. i don't think so. maybe when we come home you and mommy can go on a bike ride. okay maybe me too maybe me too. why. i don't know. let's see yep. you want some more toast. i think i'll have some more too. what do you want on your toast? okay. i haven't heard anybody ask for anything? that's better. yeah. what sled? i don't remember it. oh i don't think i threw it away. maybe when did you make it. how long has it been since you made it? really. oh. i was just trying to be tricky? what? what two things? that's right? blue wheels are for turkeys. what? no i made it up. why. how do you know? aha. i don't think so. did i. i'm sorry? you better eat the rest of your sandwich? you better eat the rest of your toast. aha that looks good? that trick you just did. that trick with that top? aha. really. what was the angel's name? who? that's pretty silly. it doesn't look very cold at all. maybe. did it. what do you think would have happened this morning if we wouldn't have gotten up until nighttime? that's right. do you want to watch tv? huh? what? we'll mail it pretty soon. who are these for? oh the super friends are on. a basketball game i think. a balloon. you got a balloon in there? and who took you around? a man? mm? and what did they show you beasey? you were? was your whole school there or just your class? so so i finished my first grade math book. really? mhm. i bet you were the first in your to finish it in your whole class. no. ooh. this is hot. aha. who else finished? amy. john and ronnie. marie? marie didn't finish. no way. ooh. did dubby ever come back to school? aha. she was in las vegas. mhm. vacation i guess. for a trip or something. what ever happened to her telephone do you know? beezer don't put. the balloon is not safe that way. please don't. no. well. she died from it too. aha. well. we don't eat that. do you know how to pull leaves off a this artichoke? turn it up. like this. now you pull the leaves off. pull them towards you. see? watch how mommy pulls the leaf. and then you dip this little end. no. other end. other end. no. wrong end. this part of it. this end. with the little bit of. i don't know what you call it. vegetable. it's good the little bits. aha. ooh. i found a whole bunch of little bits of stuff. see? this little bit of stuff on the end is like the artichoke heart. it tastes good. you got. you have a heart there. a little heart. hm. laura found these in the market. we got laura to thank for these. these photos? mhm. that's what i thought. was it exciting at a b c? no. you have to whisper. i know. er maybe there was some people on tv right then when she came. maybe. so now. oh. so now do you know about mr rogers? is he really inside the tv set? no. what happened? i know what happens. can i say? yeah. and there's a camera and he does things and they ehrm take pictures of him with the camera. right. and then they show it. aha. they make a video tape. mhm. some day. maybe. that was so nice. it was somebody's daddy who arranged that for everybody. who who was everybody? you walked? the whole school walked? yeah. what was i going to say? i don't know. why not? a what? i see. oh. yeah. i remember what i was going to say. what? um. you wanted to take he balloon? what was i gonna say? oh. yeah. when i get a little older can you raise my can you erm raise my bedtime time? yeah. just a little. well. you're welcome to stay upstairs in your room and work quietly until you're tired. then you will. but you know what? at night daddy and i have found we just sort of need a quiet time. you're welcome to play and work in your room till later. after we say good night to you you know? but we find that we're so weary at night that we just need a quiet place. you do? you have some right there. well. eat that up first. aha. but i made the heart. you're getting there. artichokes take time to eat don't they? mine does. oh. don't eat that part. you're hitting the middle. you can't eat that. you mean take it off? take your knife. uh. it's burning. yeah. take your knife. do you want me to do it for you? yeah. can you do it? you can take it off. you're not ready to eat the heart. no. you help me. cut it up for me. you did it. that's perfect. perfect. dip it in mayonnaise. it really tastes good. do you want some more leaves? i'll give you some more leaves. mm. mm. first eat your heart and see if you want more. because she didn't really eat that much. she just took pulled them off. oh. i can't eat these. mhm. i did not just pull them off. look. ow. ow. what's the matter? ow. something just got stuck right here. not it got stuck. okay. where's my heart? here it is. what? what is this? this at er a b c? right. i thought that was a baby's juice visit. what was it? mhm. and did you spend the whole morning there? did you spend the whole morning at a b c? just for a visit. mhm. i'm gonna have some. i want some more leaves. what do you say after burping like that? do you want mayonnaise? thank you. i'll take how much i want. nice. what does one say after a loud belch such as that? that's enough laura. laura? that's enough. hey. burper what do you say after you make a big burp like that? okay. that side is the artichoke. it's a little thing. huh? mhm. after that you don't eat all the leaves. i don't. i eat the bottom. oh. he didn't eat his heart heart first. no. i haven't reached the heart yet. oh. what? the leaf is good. aha. i want more leaves. well. i don't have any leaves. more leaves. i want more leaves. thank you. thanks. good. very good. no. but they basically did a much better job. in fact they even took their own shower tonight. all on their own. yeah. aha. because she was on the toilet. fine. she was wearing the sweater we gave her. aha. was today her birthday? yes. yep. and what did she say? uh. she gave us some homemade frozen butter creams. mm. were those good. mm. was she having a party? yeah. yummy. yummy. children were making a party for her. who? tonight? yes. mayonnaise please. or tonight. mhm. that's indeed what they were doing. what you doing laura? i want more leaves. well. i love them. thanks a lot. they're hot. i know. i dip them in my water. that's a good idea. they still taste the same. that's a good idea. i wouldn't say that artichokes are neat. i'll help you get the heart. you're almost to it. i just have to cut this little. this part out. then you eat the rest of it. excuse me. you don't eat this little fuzzy part. this afternoon i saw three patients. yeah. one eighty six. one eighty seven and one eighty nine. want some more? want some leaves? here you go. here's some leaves. uh. i'm sorry laura. there. what part of your head? what was that? what? what? fart. don't you say excuse me? i didn't make it. it came from there. no. absolutely not. it didn't come from me. you fell off the chair? maybe it was the chair. ooh. i'm full. it coulda been the moccasin against the chair couldn't it? mm. i know. oh boy. yes. ooh. water? water? oh. yeah. i give you a little bite of this. well. she could eat. her heart? yeah. oh. here. here. i give you a bite of this one. well. eat your heart then. if you want it. alright girl. but artichoke is so good it's hard to eat it slow. it is good. really makes the meal. special treat. aha. aha. aha. yes. yes. yeah. who are who in the restaurant? yeah. listen. mommy? yeah? if you want to give me a food birthday present i'll tell you what to do. what? you have your birthday presents. no. no. if she wants i can say if she if if she has to. no. no. if she was you could give it a food birthday present. my own artichoke heart. aha. and leaves. and a tiny little bit of mayonnaise. mm. well. we had that tonight. and and a little one of one of those things that ehrm tartar sauce goes in. aha. and er. laura? no. it's not safe. no. we made you an apple sauce cake. you even helped make it. okay? okay then. no. probably a little cake before dinner. because she made most of it. seven years. thank you. it's er six years and one day. no. six years. we have sixty four days. you have six years and three hundred and sixty four days. and tomorrow i'll be six. seven years and zero days. no. you'll have completed the year then. that's right. aha. i i'll. now. does anybody still have room in their stomachs for some soup? what kind? chicken with a matzo ball in it. no. it's too much to have a big bowl of soup. you could have a little bowl of soup. or a cup of soup. laura! she got water in the balloon. laura come on now. laura please. that's too much. put the laura in the sink laura. we don't need a laura balloon right now. whoa? yiyiyiyiyie. you gonna have soup or not anybody? n. o. yes. n. o. y. e. s. are you guys done? let me take your plate beeser. y. e. s. oh. shoot. look at it. yes. don't touch it. just don't touch it. ow. you guys. remember what you learned in school. are you done beeser? we sang. what? sang what? songs? his favorite songs we sang? we sang all his favorite songs? songs that he liked with us. what? do do i know any of them. i don't think so. they're folk songs. folk song. funerals are planned. each person plans his own funeral differently. however he wants it? or his family plans it if the person has died? he or she. planned? planned his own funeral. he planned his own funeral. no. i don't wanna tape record you. you don't have to say anything? say something in silly talk. what does that mean? what does it mean? gi gon't gknow? guy guddy laura. my buddy laura. alright? i see. i see. aha. i see. uh. guy. guy. but my. i know you say guddy but what does it mean in real talk. does it mean anything at all? what? is she sick. no. where is she? oh? all night at the doctors. well. maybe she was getting her ears fixed was she. but what's the matter with her ears. she was staying all night in the hospital. was her mommy gonna stay with her or was she gonna stay alone. her dad. i see. did she talk about it at school. well. or call her. what hospital? kaiser hospital. children's hospital. her dad's a resident at the children's hospital. mm? hurts. but she's going to get candy there. kind of operation is she gonna have. i don't know. i didn't know she was having one. she has some hearing loss that they just recently discovered. so maybe they were gonna drain her ears or something. take her tonsils out or who knows. gonna give her give her ice cream? right. you get your tonsils out you get ice cream. hey? what's going on here? did i get ice cream. laura my throat hurt. i didn't even want the ice cream. you know what i got. popsicles. really. popsicles because they're watery. and cold? yeah? ice cream is all mushy. right? don't you remember when i had my tonsils out how hard it was to swallow. yes? at nanny. after nanny left you had a big argument with her on the phone. i did. i don't remember the big argument. and daddy was trying to keep you from talking on the phone because you would lose your voice. yes? well? when you're too tired for school? what're you looking at adam? oh really. okay. come on. put yours on. maybe we should set this. where shall we put that? do you? do they have one there? let him play it too. does that balance? you what? you love colorform? oh channel nine. what's supposed to happen to it? what is this? the big thing? channel nine is going on first? do you have one like this at school adam? you don't have any of those? may i see it a minute please. you put yours on. okay adam what happened? why don't you try it again. you've finished. have you finished playing with this right now? alright. put it back. i'm putting this in there. what's that? what is that? no they don't match. alright. you can take the fire truck out. it is! what's so funny about it? no more what? now your fancy engine goes? you love what? you're going to hide what? hang what? these letters? those aren't letters those are numbers. don't do that. blow. yes dear. a whale? a wheel? what? it does? what do you want me to do? thank you. move the tricycle over here out of the way. oh thank you. your what? because you're talking and i couldn't understand you. where's the fire? careful adam don't get on his fingers. your shirt and pants don't meet. you don't own this store? what store? no you don't do you? he wants what's inside. look at that little boy in the mirror crying. looking at the little boy. do you see adam? in the mirror. hm? paul he's looking out the window. what do you see? oh paul wasn't quick? you should not have hurt your little hand. oh paul where is rin tin tin? what is that? can you show pictures with that? oh that's a car? what do you think you use that for adam? oh you don't have any lights? what happens at night then? oh paul you're a little character. please don't. i like a nice clean backyard. no i don't think they have their lights on all the time. i don't think it blinks all the time does it? the white light? at night? yes they do. perhaps they leave the blinking light on too i don't know. what are my slides doing in there? shame on you. you take that one i'll keep this one. why don't you use the other light? that light. paul adam already has them. no. alright what do you do when you're finished with something? dog. dog. dog cat ranned adam. what else does paul say adam? box he says. block. car. these are things you can make. this is a humdinger. do you see any writing? where's the writing? is there any on that page? this is how to grow a goofy garden. where's your shoe paul? you're going to make what? a curtain? how to make ding dong music? what'd you think you do? what do you have to use? and what is that? in where? no. no put those are what? what did you say? that's a creepy willy. creepy willy. because his name is willy and he creeps. wouldn't you like to make that? camera. i'm going to tell you. i'd like brown. thank you. paul would like red. what color is the one you gave ursula? isn't this yours on the floor? where's the paper? why do not you you draw me a whale? show ursula how you drew the whale at school. oh i see. no don't draw in your book honey. oh no you can make it. alright. what do you need? look here. you always begin with number one. that's all you need a pair of scissors. go over and under. it's two pieces. what is this? what does mommy have in her hand? what's in it do you think? magic what adam? does it adam where? where? let's see adam. can't start it? what? i think paul had this adam. alright that's enough. what is that paul? don't use all the tape dear. what a what? now that's enough. can you tear it off? you can't? that's a compass. oh alright. paul he would not like for you to do this. it's going to end up like flypaper. do you need a scissors adam? i think i have a scissors. here it is. you think you'll keep it for your next road line? mr grant. you don't have any place to put what? your fingers. oh you mean to start it. what? yes you're very strong aren't you? yes my goodness you must have been eating your egg for breakfast. just like popeye? and mighty mouse? where is the water? what did we do with ursula's clock? do you have the same trouble adam? why would you do that? are you a boxer? you're strong. oh i don't know that i'd like that at all. alright. here i go. here's some more. here're your glasses. don't sit down dog dog barks. a cat says meow car truck. what else does he understand? what else does he understand? he understands not to touch the stove because it's hot and he understands that his food is hot sometimes. oh no i mean that he understands that sometimes his food is hot and sometimes it's not hot. he understands the way in which i feed the dog because he's tried to give the dog food. oh this isn't a road. that's the road over there. careful. mr truck you almost had an accident. you almost did. he can follow the direction to wash his hands. well this is a house this isn't a highway. he understands go to bed. alright. thank you. here's a horsie. he knows about books. you were sitting on him. shame on you! careful. careful. oh that was an accident. a what? a barn? i think he could follow an instruction if the objects weren't in the room if he wanted to. oh i am. why can't you drive? turn your wheels to the right. oh you have a flat tire. well first you have to change your tire. dog. adam has a doggie. where's the cat? can you get the cat for mommy? can you get the cat for mommy? look get off my chair. oh yes he likes to do that but that's very naughty isn't it? stay out of trouble! please don't ride over me. you don't have a garage. i don't think it's time to play this. alright. you're going to play policemen? awoh your house fell over. it's in. it must be in your room in the drawer. can you put it together? alright. can you build a house? will you close the door? he really understands a deal. when it's time to get adam he gets his coat on and goes to the door? you forgot all about your belt didn't you? you can't find it? yes i'd like to. what're you going to have today? no adam. oh adam. i don't think that's very nice. who does anything like that? who would cut somebody's head off? he just has a few of them. no no now paul took those out adam. oh i'd like some turtle pie. oh thank you. i don't know you'll have to ask her. oh i would like a. i'd like a boat pie. what does that mean? thank you. now i feel all better. paul can you find the block that goes in here the long block? thank you. i don't think i'd want anything now. i must leave the table? alright. would you excuse me please? oh is that aspirin? oh i've left the table. you excused me from the table. look in the drawer where you keep your shirt. he doesn't seem to be very concerned. no i don't think he did. yes night night baby. night night baby. oh you're a policeman? night night policeman. yes it did. oh thank you for letting your dog visit with me. adam or dog? paul would you open the door for mommy please? could you open the door please? that door. you didn't have to did you? thank you adam. now would you close the door please? well paul would you go close the door please? he shouldn't have holded his horses? no i guess not. you're the winner? is that right paul? is adam the winner? oh no he didn't say anything about window. he said winner. a tricycle has a back yes. a bike has a back like that. oh i forgot. oh that's the kind you just push adam. oh do you know what that story's about? adam? he's calling you. that's for somebody to put their fingers through so they can hold the basket. what do you think the name of that story is? you're not going to tell me? why don't you whisper in my ear. yes. yes. who else? the what came out? the page? yes adam is talking to you. do you understand what he's saying? say thank you adam. the what? adam told you not to tear it up. you're going to have to love the birds? why are you going to have to love the birds? why? are there any birds that are not nice? are there any birds that are not nice? what kind? boy? oh bird you're saying i guess. what is this supposed to be? a log yes. how do you get a log? oh perhaps an ax goes in. see where it goes? see the man? in the forest. yes maybe. who is this do you suppose? oh thank you adam that was very kind of you. did you put it in your pocket adam? yes he'd like to do it himself. that noise was a big truck outside. paul he says for you not to mess up my things. yes i do have a pocket. yes how do you know that? are we in the nursery? what shall we do? do you go to kindergarten? you do? i thought you went to nursery school. adam what's the difference in a nursery school between a nursery school and kindergarten? what's the difference? why do you call one kindergarten and one nursery school? yes they don't have the same name. what did we do on these dotted lines? that's right. is that what what is for? you're not supposed to jump out of your chair! i think perhaps it might do better on the floor. no it doesn't. the rug is. why doesn't it stand on the rug? yes. are you reading a story? no paul let him share. paul that was a very nice story. you're stuck. oh paul can't you share your story with adam? oh paul you're the teacher. you read a story to the class now. alright. adam smith now it's your turn to read a story to the class. yes you're the teacher. oh no this is adam's. these are tea cakes. what's a tea cake? alright. what is it? no that's just part of a book. that's not a real tea cake. oh is there a difference in jesus and god? oh another story. you did? how can you stand these trees and the difference? what does that mean? i don't think so. it will be pretty soon. how come? she'll be done pretty soon. what are you doing? you do. i'm not. i'm just picking it up. we're not wrestling up there. we're going to wrestle down here. what wall? no i'm just picking up this stuff. no why don't you pick up some of your stuff first? okay? what would happen if one of us gets hurt while we wrestle? aha so what are we going to have to do? what else? aha. let me eat my cookie first? do you want a bite? almost would you bring me my tea. thanks. guess who i saw today. i really didn't see him. i saw his footprints in the snow. guess who. no it was somebody who's coming to our house this sunday. yeah what do you think he was doing around here? yeah what do you think he was looking for. yeah i bet he was looking to see if the kids around here were good. you know what. in a way we're lucky it snowed right. how come we're lucky? yeah but what's another reason. would we have been able to see the easter bunny's footprints if it wouldn't have snowed. aha it's supposed to snow some more tonight. maybe we should be good too huh. yeah. it sure is. who's winning? okay. okay. okay good idea. okay. i'll get you a drink? you what. oh. might as well. it is not. i'm gonna get you. yeah i think you did. okay i'm going to win this time. you're gonna win. not yet you haven't. i'll open it. okay. it's fifteen minutes after two. why did you want to know what time it is. oh. is that a new rule. okay then no jumping on me okay. no. i think you did? do you want to get a little rest? no you're not. oh you're trying to trick me. oh you're trying to trick me. we had a tie? we would have a tie. oh wait? i thought we already quit. look what you did? i know? i'm sorry too. stan. what? in about half an hour. do you know where he is now? well how can we call him at school. what's five five eight eight? no we'll just let him come after school. do you want to help me pick up some of your stuff? you can earn a allowance that way. huh. what kind of picture are you going to make abe? that color. that can be part of your picture. find what. what? yeah i see it. right there. you're holding it. you just put it there. no wonder i couldn't see it before. i'd take the paper off first if i were you. hillery. sarah. you want to call sarah terry. why. okay. i watch this show with glucky. yeah. yeah. daydreamer. aha. yes. and he wants to have a wish to go to a garden to learn good things because he he his and his father and mother were poor. i see. erm they had no money. and sandman doesn't have his chance. but laura thought sandman was god? is that right laura? well. what does god do beeser? i see. right. you mean that's the place you go when you're done? i see. yes. but after you die you usually have a funeral. that's right. you usually do. that's right. if the person probably can't hear or feel the funeral it's for the people that are still alive isn't it? that's right. we did. mommy and daddy. mhm. we were at grampy's. aha. because i think i was a baby. yes. not even her. less than three. two and a half. not even two and a half. two. how old was i? about five. four and a half. mhm. laura. bar mitzvah. that's right. yeah. i was amazed that you sat still all that time. to a bar mitzvah. and that's up to your father to explain what a bar mitzvah is. in the jewish religion. aha. when you're thir thirteen years old? you have a. no. when you're thirteen years old? alright? oh. i thought that one said laura on it. how you could sit still so long? how many hours? oh. what? two hours? o. yes. it is. l. o. v. e. well. however you spelt it daddy understood that it meant love? oh. hmmm. aha. it might. it certainly is. well. laura i don't think you need granola on top of having had wheat chips. you'll have a belly ache. daddy only gave me a tiny bit of wheatos. alright. and daddy has to sort of go. okay. i have to get going to. while you finish your cereal i'll go and get dressed. so do i. nobody leave the table without taking their stuff up when they leave. that's plenty laura. i want more juice. that's all. you've had a. you not thirsty. oh. that's. that's. yeah. no. what? he did. you smelled something. thanks a lot. i love it. go and eat your part. aha? do you understand it? huh. what's under his underwear? who cut this? what's the ball kite sweetie? well. well. oh. if your cup falls. you mean if it falls on the floor. did your cup fall. and did you have er er. mm. did it break. and did you did you have a fight with her. or did you cry? did she make you go pick it up. so you didn't pick it up. and what did you say. what do we do at our house if there's a spill or something falls? well. what do we do? you don't want the rest of your leaves. well. maybe you better offer them to somebody who likes them. me. look. those are artichokes. oh. yeah. want me to cut this for you. aha? so that's what happened. hm. you dropped something. she would have to pick it up. and you know what? when i go to people's house and people get in trouble i hate that? i hate to see people get in trouble? yes? it's very upsetting to see your friend get in trouble. aha. he got in trouble about it. what did he get? a spanking. poo or pee. was that what you're trying to say. shall i cut this all for you now. you know laura. when you were learning to go to the potty and you would deliberately pee in your pants i would ask you to clean it up too? because i got tired of cleaning up pee pee. two. i want some more artichokes. what part? that's the heart. that's the best part. that's the heart my dear. it's hard. i'm having trouble getting the fuzzy part off of mine today. you didn't get it quite cooked enough. mhm. so what do you think laura. do you think you could visit now one day at their house again? what's so bad about high heeled shoes? so they. how many pairs are there? well? one for you and one for her. here? do you have to be quiet? and now it's summer you can play outside. do they have a back yard. oh. of course. yeah. a big one. is that true? okay. sure? or not okay? sure. okay. mm? can i have bite? take it? tastes good. artichoke heart and banana? yes. well. oh? alright. aha? can i have a few slices of that little cheese? oh? of course. or just pass it to me? i know? i don't know how to slice good. you don't. aha. i can't understood what. it's gone isn't it? well? leave the peel or someone can trip on it please. huh. that's what happens? chucky throw his banana peel over to the garden with rennie and slipped on this banana peel. aha. oh. what are you doing laura? i don't know? it's just a banana peel? remember chucky wucky. that toy chucky wucky? uh? clean you up? huh? a? k. i want another little piece of cheese? laura. what? you mean people are taking the chucky? one of which i really have no data on. but all you have to say is right right. that's bad. bad. i thought it was sad. why was it bad. it was sad because he hurts himself. no. do you think so? no way. i thought it was scary? but sad too. mhm? yeah? what was his pride? his feeling to not give up? he he. he tried something that was too hard and he didn't make it and he felt bad about it. mm. um. you know what. what? um. it was amazing that he could walk with only two people? yes. he was really good wasn't he. his back. he couldn't bend it. mhm. yes. for real it happened? hm. from what? what? is this still may. tomorrow is the last day. yeah. i think this is may thirtieth. let's look at the calendar and see. it's may thirty first. so today is the last day. today is the last day of may. and then tomorrow it's gonna be june. tomorrow is june first. that goes mama dee? what? april first. was. april fools day. what's your favorite thing laura? i think my favorite day's halloween. how come? trick or treat smell my feet. give me something good to eat. halloween's my favorite day too. my favorite day's my wedding anniversary. do you know what that means? the day you got. the day you got married. mhm. so what day was it. june. december eighteenth. nineteen sixty six. um. and where have you been. eight. almost nine. mhm. or just eight. eight and a half. almost nine? mhm. we had seventy five people. what's fifteen take away six? eleven. no. no. nine. no. nine is. so we've been married nine years in december. that. about five years ago. no. so half of me got married five years ago. eight yes? yes? oh oh. mhm. who are you? they did it today? did you break your habit. huh. what? ha. guess what the best part of the ice cream. the ice or the cream. the cream. mhm. what's the best part of the ice cream? the ice cream. the best part. what's your favorite flavor? mm. apple and blackcurrant. oh. that's my favorite kind. what's your favorite kind? what's yours? i don't really have a favorite. i've got two favorites. this kind. and you know that ice cream that's got coffee ice cream and chocolate ice cream bits. with nuts in it. and i got two favorite sundaes. marble fudge. coffee. what sort of food do you like the least? artichoke? no? not the most. the least. what do you hate? what's the food you hate the most? mm. let's see here. lemons. lemons. woo. that's good. what else? so what else? what kind of animal do you like the least? what kind do you like the most? erhm? aha? seals? eh? seals huh? seals and something else. that is good? i don't. i like humans. humans. aha? what's the best thing that people do and what's the worst thing that people do? but let laura go first so she doesn't copy you? what's the best thing people do? not eat sweets? they not break things. and not do dangerous things. and what are the worst things that they do? what are the bad things people do? aha? aha? having a person die? having a person die? yeah? and what are the good things. aha? mhm? laura you done. okay. now i'm gonna play a little game with you. i want laura to go first. okay laura. laura you have to go first so you don't copy? okay. supposing i'm going to tell you two this is a story about people who have gotten in trouble. okay? mhm. alright? a little girl who got in trouble. and you tell me which is the worst trouble. okay. okay. which is badder? no. once a little girl was sneaking cookies then she accidently broke a glass. alright. and once a little girl was trying to help put away the glasses and accidently broke ten glasses while she was trying to help her mummy put them away. now which was the worst? one with the little girl the worst? no? which time that she broke the glass was it worse? was it bad? was it bad both times or? when she was sneaking the cookies? or when she was trying to help put the glasses away? both? or is one of them more bad than the other one. that was the worst. no. or was it a glass that you drink out of. this is a glass you drink out of? but i wanna know is it worse that you break a glass while you're sneaking cookies. or if you break it while your help trying to help put it away. you don't know. okay. so is it worse to break something by accident or to break something when you're doing something naughty. mhm. no. no more ice cream. no. okay. alright. mhm? this is really a fun thing to do? laura you're gonna like this a lot. it's really fun to do. ready? are you ready. what in the world are you doing? you'll see. it's really fun to do. what? okay. alright. okay. but i need some cups and some glasses of water. okay. laura. i need you to look with your sharp eyes? and tell me what happens to the water. do you know what i mean if i say it's the same amount? okay? alright. watch the glass of water. okay. okay. does this glass have as much water as that glass has. what? yes or no. it has the same amount as that glass has. alright. laura tell me? has this glass this little glass have the same amount as this clear tall glass. yes. it does. okay. now we pour from both glasses. now watch this. do these two glasses put together have as much cup water as this blue glass had all by itself. yes. they do. how did you know that? because you think because you could watch me pour in the water. is that how you know. okay. now. let me ask you something? does this tall skinny glass. have as much water as it does in this glass. in this short father glass. laura. how come? because it's a taller glass? no. watch what i do. we're only talking about this glass. okay. i'm gonna pour the water from this short father glass in to this tall thin glass. and you tell me if i have the same amount of water as in this short little father glass. what do you think? no. how come? alright. i'm gonna take this water in the tall skinny clear glass. and i'm gonna pour it in the blue glass. and you tell me if i have the same amount of water? is that the same. it is. how come? how come laura? it's the same amount of water. alright. i see? now i'm gonna pour this back in this little cup. is it the same amount of water. no! left. well i wanna know something laura. how do you know that there's the same amount of water in that? because you can see. okay. i'll go get something? laura. alright. okay? you ask mummy the game. yes? i think it's the same amount of water. what? oh. it's too low. i see. so it couldn't be the same amount. because it's too low. alright. don't spill it on my exam questions please? now listen. yes. i think it's the same amount of water. now listen laura. you see this big glass. of water? if i pour it in to this glass? and then a drop in to there. is it the same amount. look. why is it the same amount? no! but it's also fatter. these two glasses are fatter than this glass. and this glass is taller than those glasses. alright. you. what are you gonna do laura? that's enough cups laura. that's really quite a lot of cups. okay. okay. now this is going to be hard. what are you doing? oy. kids. don't pour water all over. look laura. that's enough cups. well this guy wants some water doesn't he? laura. no. laura. that's more than enough glasses? that's every glass in the house. laura? let's really do an experiment with these glasses. are you gonna be the person who asks the questions. okay. laura? fine. this? alright. let's see? laura's gonna ask mummy the questions. alright. i'm ready. and is is the tall blue glass the same amount as the mug. small mug. yes. does it. so what are you thinking in the mug. is it the same amount. i think it's the same amount. do you think it's the same amount? why do you think it's the same amount. yes. yes. i think it stays the same amount. no. it doesn't. how come? you like to play. is that the same amount of water. why isn't it the same amount? why isn't it the same amount laura. come on laura. no? that's enough? now? i wanna ask you something laura. just for a minute. let's pretend this is a malt instead of water. okay. now if i put this malt in this cup. okay? which glass has more malt? or do they have the same amount of malt. same amount of ice cream. which glass are you going to drink the malt out of? that one. because it has more. the tall thin cup has more. this is why girls play it. it's getting late? it's time for you to go to bed. no? i can't do my home work with a half a gallon of water all around on the table. maybe i'll have to put my typewriter out to type here. i will do one more experiment with your brother. do you wanna check? no. okay? do it in the kitchen. okay. that's enough now. i've gotta do my work. mm. don't drink that children. oh my? okay. i know. okay. have you done with the water. this is mine? no we're not? oh. is it strong? because they're very expensive. okay? this is my kind of little kitchen. which one. here. oh my god? this stuff is so strong. you can come in my bathroom whenever you want to. no. that isn't. that's part of someone else? god damn it? i don't want this. push this back for me please? yes? i will then. i can't? wait? now push it down? i can't? it should. yuck. down hand. laura. with that lost? now. yeah. i think it will work now? there. you need a stethoscope? why. why ask me. when are you making this? this is where i work. do you want anything from my cupboard? any of my pots. or do you wanna use my dishwasher? or my stove. yeah? okay. i was just pretending to put the cleanser in. i wasn't really? mum? we were just pretending. could you just. and please don't rinse any of that? is that. you'll ruin it. you all know how to do it girls. die. well? it will make you good and sick? this stuff is so strong? i worked so long on the salad? and then it gets to salad. tough. yeah. yeah? but what's stronger than paper? carpet. you know. it doesn't taste like celery. what would it taste like? okay. laura. go to the bathroom. oh well. if i have to go to the bathroom i won't go. okay. i would? look at my set. smell it. the bowl has made it smell like this. the bubbles and the bread crumbs? no. i once took little bubbles in the the skin? but. okay. i'm in the. noone questions the good part. me too? do not stop. best make it really strong. face. my bowl. look at mine. of course? just a bit. you're not supposed to use a lot? only supposed to use that. houses? it's a tea stain? right. this time. what'd i say? shut up. use a teaspoon. yeah. because that's love. not for the love of why. and? where's my spoon? no. just a bit? i'll show you what i did? here. i'll bring you some of mine to put in. hey? why did you break it in tiny little pieces like mummy. look. where is mummy? see. pound and. whoops? oh it's so watery? i never knew it would get so watery. this has got a jug of water in it. next thing you know it's got too much water. i'm afraid to do it. whereas water's gonna make it so? okay. let's do. okay. i was thinking i'll just close the door? of course? laura. laura get up. it's all over the floor. no you won't have to eat on the floor. bless you? and all people won't? besides. we're just making something good to eat? mhm. i do some. i put soap in this though. i'm only just pretending. smell the powdered soap. laura? just a tiny bit. you've got more than a mouth full. i will never take them. you'll never taste it like this stuff? i'm gonna put them in the salad. nothing. god. look at this mess. huh. ooh. look what i did. look at all my plants. i know. i wanna just gonna say. oh look. because i'm working on the salad dressing? alright. do you live with me? because you don't have a husband. only i do. yes. i think so. yeah. he did. what else? oh. doesn't he look handsome. yeah. did you see how he walked. he wants to walk himself. wasn't that funny? yeah. no? he could. he was just about doing it. mix it. don't put more and more bread bread crumbs. well i just get some. no way. that will make it less bubbly. oh brother. that's that's what they do. about two months they say. they say only two months. woo. well done. i'll get tired and miss you? because because because i want to. get the salad nice and good for when he comes home. i can't mix any longer. i'll come back? look. this is my sugar room. this is where i keep my sugar. see. this is where i put my sugar. look! no? that's my sugar. it's on my side. it's my sugar. no! it's on my side. look. here's where your side ends. up there. i know. but remember what we used. i know. the fridge is yours. no? laura. look over here. it's my side. well that's well that's still mine. that whole wall is mine. even the cooker's mine. i go through it. don't you. i do. laura. let's clean up now laura? it's time to go to bed. okay. can you clean this mess up you two? what did you do with my coffee? girls? laura. it's time to go to bed sweetie. gonna go in there and see what the problem is and un. you don't want us to start yet? no not yet. don't mind me. let's go here and look at this chart. oh look at that. doesn't that remind you of. aw. yes what color is kukla? well that's the way your hair looks when the sun hits it see? yes we're going to have some to play with in a minute. okay we're all set. oh alright. if you could just stay in this area so that. okay fine so we'll bring the things there. right. right. alright. okay we'll play. okay. alright what's this? oh my you don't have this one do you? how about this? what is it? a toy car. what are those things there? people? oh and i think you know you can fix that. look it has it has equipment there. can you play with that? goodness oh my look it has a spare tire under here. okay what's that? okay let's let's see what's in the front. check the front. oh my see you can fix. oh you can repair tires. oh you can eddie. look you can take the tire out and remove it. look in the front and see what's there. look at that. what do you think you'd like to do with it? alright we'll do it. how do you take it off? no you have to to repair. you have to take something off. see you have to take these off. do you have a screw driver? get a screw driver. yeah that's a screw driver. okay now take remove that okay? that's it. turn it the other way. no? alright what would you like to do with it? hm? wanna put it back inside? okay turn it. aren't you gonna turn it? that's it. screw it together. okay turn. good. oh very good. don't wanna repair this? wanna drive it? alright where does that piece go? i don't know. why don't you open the front and see if it belongs in the front. i guess not. look in the back. check the back maybe it's something that goes in the back. no? i think it's an extra then. why don't you slip it somewhere? why don't you put it in somewhere? there okay? that's a pretty nice car huh? what? oh that has a book in it for a story. would you like to hear a story? would you like to play store? huh? oh look you have a store here. oh just like you have in school. my goodness look at that! do you remember we saved packages? for school? would you like to play store? what would you like to do? would you like me to read you a story? would you like to find out what the story book's all about? yeah then play with it. go ahead. isn't it a nice little cash register. what? i would be glad to. but we have to get a screw driver. and we have to take off the tire. okay? like that. yeah you just keep turning that then that will come off. keep turning keep turning keep turning just move your wrist as you turn. can you move your wrist? like this alright. oh it's almost off. it's almost off. that's like es at his garage. you know when i get a flat tire? remember we went there and had our tire fixed? yeah. oh alright open it up now. let's go. okay can i give you a little help? okay now put the other tire on. go ahead. put it on. good you can use a screw driver or you know you can even use your wrist you can even do it like this for a while until you can turn it like that. that's it. good. and then you tighten it with the screw driver i think that's a better idea. that's it turn it to the left. good well there you are. you just changed the tire. okay fine look at that. good job. now take this and put it in the back. we'll put it away right? okay alright why don't you twirl this? why don't you twirl it dear to put it in there? did you know. does that perhaps. did that belong in here? no. okay now why don't you put everything back and let's listen to a story just for a few minutes okay? that's a good idea right? oh you don't have this one. this is a nice book. okay. oh no not this one. look come here. it's about the great the great cat chase. what's that? oh my goodness come here and look at the cat. look at the cat. see that little girl? she's pushing the baby in the baby carriage. but it's not a baby it's a cat right? how do you spell cat? can you spell cat? alright. see the little girl's picking up what? what's she picking? right. what happens to the cat? out of what? now she turns around she picked her flowers and she looked and what did she find? what's in the carriage? no cat. where's the cat? where is the cat? no. right it's hiding. what's going to happen next i wonder? she cries and she calls who? who's this? and what is she going to tell him? right and who's this little boy over there? what kind of shoes does he have on? cowboy shoes. oh and look. what happens? the policeman says what to the lady? there's your kittie cat. he was hiding. do you hide sometime on me? and what do i say? where's edward? and then you come out and say what. how many wheels? three wheels. what happens next? what's the policeman saying to the kittie? come here kittie kittie kittie kittie kittie kittie. he's gonna try to catch it. what happens? the kittie what? and what happens to the policeman? no he fell down. he was trying to catch the cat. and the cat ran away and he fell down right? well he. cat was too fast for him. what's this that he has? what does the policeman have? a whistle. and what's the little boy doing? oh what's that box there? look. right where do we have a mailbox like that? where do you see one like that? right okay now what happens? they're still chasing the cat right? how many people are chasing the cat? three people. and what's what's the cat going to do? yes he's gonna try to hide. and they're going on their tippy toes. they're gonna try to catch her. i wonder if they can catch her. what do you think? can they catch her? let's turn the page. what happened? what happened? where's the cat? where's the cat edward? on the outside. who's going inside? policeman. where's the boy? on top right. i wonder what's going to happen next. what do you think is going to happen? oh no look he came out. and who's on top? and look he fell. he comes out of the pipe and he's in what? he's in mud or water isn't he? look eddie over here. what happened to the man? or water. what happened to the cat? see the policeman came out of the pipe. he thought he was going to catch the cat. and what happened? the cat runs all the way up there and the lady is saying you go get that cat right now right? oh and she's going to help him out of there cause he's in the water. or he's going to help the lady out. but the cat's way up there. oh the lady comes out and she falls right on top. look look that happens here? and what's the cat doing? the cat's running down oh look they're both in the. in the water. and who's gonna go in the pipe? and look what is she saying? what is she saying to the policeman? get that cat because he's going back in the pipe. oop the cat's in the pipe. and who's in the pipe now too? and who's going to go next? and look they come out and who has the cat? the boy has the cat. what color is the cat? a yellow cat. oh look what happened here? right and what is she saying to the little boy? oh she's pulling his ear isn't she? she must be saying something to him. she's probably saying bad or. what are you doing? or something or other. what's that? batman my goodness do you like batman? hm? look at that policeman. look at his hair all wet. and that cat is still running away. look at that he's still trying to catch it. what is he doing? who's swinging? and what's the policeman doing up in a tree? he's trying to catch the cat. he caught him? where did he catch him? oh my gosh. he really did. can they get down? do you think they'll be able to get down? or is the cat gonna run away? let's find out. oh my goodness what happened? what has happened there? but why are they going to fall? no but something happened to the tree. well look at the picture. something happened. why is the policeman falling? no the branch cracked. remember at cape cod when you put you swings up on that little. on the branch. we can not go very high because the branch will. right and what happened here? it cracked because he's too. big to be on that branch right. what? wow. is that very high? oh wow. what happens when the policeman falls down? yeah but something fell off of him. what fell off of him? a shoe fell off of him. and leaves are falling off the tree. and who's holding the cat? now what's going to happen i wonder? can you think? can you think what's going to happen? what is going on here? what is going on? oh and look at the poor policeman. he's a mess isn't he? all wet. he can not walk very well because he fell off a branch right? now the lady. what's happening here? the boy's riding in the carriage and what's the policeman doing? he's sitting down. what's the lady doing? yeah i wonder where's she going. where do you think she's going? can you guess? back home. let's find out. oh my gosh look. who is she? she's not a lady now. right and she's going to take care of her patients isn't she? what is she bringing them? right. what has she got on her tray? oh medicine? or maybe some. what're those? well they look like pancakes but they're probably. cook. cook. right. and some lemonade maybe? or milk? or orange juice? what do you think? lemonade. there now what's that? what happened now? was that a nice book? would you like to read it to me? huh? well you can read. you can tell me about it. cause it really doesn't have words. would you like to read it to me like you do to your sisters? no? alright let's play store then. i'll come and buy something from you. i'm gonna come and buy something. okay do you wanna buy something from me? huh? would you like to buy something from me? i'll be a store lady okay? and you come over and buy something. oh i know what you're gonna buy too. you wanna be the store man? alright then i'll come and visit you. okay. now let's see what we have here in the store. oh we have money. see? did you see this? you see the money? can you tell me what kind of money we have? look at the money. look at the money for. oh that's your cash register right. do you wanna find out how it works? how much is that? how much is that? what? oh very good and look. my gosh there's real money in there. what kind of money is that? which are the quarters? do you know? what's that one? what is it? right where's a dime? right. where's a penny? good. okay so you know your money alright. oh no you can not keep it cause you have lots of money at home. let's close it up now. okay close it up. okay now how much. these are dollars here. now that's change and these are dollars. do you know which dollar? uh one dollar bills and two dollar bills? what? oh alright you get everything ready okay let me see what i'm. going to buy. alright are you ready? oh you have to give me some money. you have to give me some money because i have to pay for things. give me some dollar bill. give me a dollar bill please. you're gonna give me a ten dollar bill okay alright are you ready? can i come in? is the store open? oh you don't have to put those in there. you don't. you just keep them in here. these are for dollars alright? that'll be your dollars. why don't you keep them right near you somewhere? alright. is the store open? oh alright good morning sir. let me see now i think this morning i would like to buy some coffee please. no that's tea. coffee c o f f e e. on the second shelf on the left right. okay? well you buy the whole can. oh it's real coffee. wow we'd better be careful huh? alright now let's. what's that? oh be careful. oh goodness gracious. alright okay now let's see what else i'd like to buy. oh let me see i think i'll have some rice krispies. thank you. okay some cocoa please. oh that's fine. that's enough for today. how much is that? how much edward? how much do i owe you? how much is the coffee? oh a ten dollar bill exactly? oh my that's a very expensive store. well i don't get any change if it's ten. is it nine dollars? oh nine dollars and seventy five cents. okay and you gave me back a quarter change. alright thank you. that's a very expensive store. oh you're going to put it in a bag for me? oh we have little bags there. how about putting it in a bag so i don't have to carry it outside? now you have to put them in very carefully you know cause they're real right? there. but no you gave me this back as change. this is change. well i don't know. you'll have to figure that out huh? see you mark it up. oh yes you didn't total mine up. would you like to total it up? okay make the price for the coffee make the price for the coffee. wait a minute. make the price for the coffee. well push another button and that'll probably come up. okay alright as you make oh i think when you release this that probably comes down right? now how much is your coffee? that's one penny. i think coffee should be more than that right? edward? coffee should be more than a penny. why don't you make coffee for what? oh probably about ten cents? they'll come up when you push the next button dear. ten cents for cereal? how bout that? and how much are you going to charge me for the cocoa? alright let's see what the box says. forty. oh lookesee they do have prices on them. how much is it? alright so there's no four and a five so why don't you try. alright. is there a four and a five? alright. well that will go up when you press the next button edward. edward alright if there's no four and a five let's go fifty cents then. forty five and five more cents is fifty. yeah that's good. that's fifty cents. now you can push your. oh what's two going to be for? alright total it up. no that one doesn't have a price on it. excuse me. oh this one had a price. forty nine cents. okay you total it. alright now push the little button. and open it up. and get your money. right. alright now you gave me back my change. you took the quarter back. and you gave me back the penny. can you figure out how that works? oh you know i think that's supposed to be for a tape. you know the tape like the star market has edward? it's not for pennys dear or money it's for tape i think. remember at the star market they give you a little ticket? and the ticket has all the prices on it? do you think it's for that? right. well i don't think it has the money return on it okay? shall i come back back and buy something else now? shall i go home and come back a little later? or would you like to come and buy something? i'll come back and buy something else. you wanna be the store man? alright. goodbye sir. you wanna do it now? okay alright you come in in a minute. let me get my store back together okay? yes i'm all ready oh good morning sir. what would you like to buy today? alright you pick out whatever you'd like and you bring it down here to the cash register okay? is that all sir? will that be all? alright let's see what we'll charge you now. we'll charge you hm fifty cents for that. and we'll charge you twenty five cents for that. and we'll charge you five cents for that. oh you don't have money. please get some money over there. get a some money. one piece of get get one. oh don't need all that money when just bring one bill okay. two dollars? oh let's see if you're going to have enough. well hm you're just going to make it. you're just going to make it. it's a dollar and fifty cents alright? you spent a dollar and fifty cents. and you have two dollars right? okay i have to give you change. a dollar fifty and twenty five and and another twenty five makes another fifty cents and that makes two dollars. and i take the two dollars and you have the change. but you have the groceries to go with it right? oh you're gonna carry them home in your hands? that's gonna be hard. wouldn't you like me to give you a bag? oh all your neighbors will know what you bought at the store. wouldn't you rather put it here? you you'll be walking home. and they're gonna want some of your cookies. and somebody else is going to want some of your corn flakes. how about putting them in a bag? oh alright. okay my. alright. isn't this fun? what? oh no. don't open it up. oh. it's got things in it. we don't want to open it. it's very hard. it's on tight stuck right? okay cause i'd like to have my turn at the store now if you don't mind. okay. alright you put your money in order there? you know if somebody comes in they're gonna have. you won't have your ch your dollar bills in the proper places. why don't you put them all in order there? all the ones together and the twos together. well it's gonna be kind of messy. oh it's gonna be hard for you to make change. okay i think i'll take just just take one a five dollar bill this time. okay you'd better get your store back in order. it's kind of messy. tell me when you're ready. hello there mr p. how are you today? well that's good. i just wanna buy a bottle of milk this morning. that's all i need i think. one bottle of milk. alright. is this fresh milk? oh that's white milk awright. did they just bring it? did the man just bring it from the creamery? okay. alright well maybe i should. oh alright. you know what i'd like to have i think? lipton soup. i have a little boy who likes soup. do you have a can of lipton soup? oh that's lasagne. we won't make that. it's too hot to cook lasagne today. oh well this is lipton right there. like california soup. um huh. like california soup right? okay well aren't you gonna cha. i'm gonna walk home without paying do you wanna charge me some money here? look i bought milk. well what do you think you should charge? mm. no. what do you think we will charge for milk? well that means nothing. you are charging me nothing. one dollar? huh? oh well you must have very fresh milk. that's good. alright. now how about the lipton soup? how much are you gonna charge me for this? no i have five dollars. you're gonna give me some change. i have lipton soup here. are you gonna charge me for soup? we. but you. why don't you charge me for the soup too? gonna charge me for this first? and now how about the soup? how much is that? well just pick a price. fifty cents. alright i think that's reasonable. alright now here's my five dollar bill. so it's a dollar. what's this? a one and a fifty. how much is it? do you know? this is one dollar. and this is fifty cents. so it's a dollar. what did i say it was? what's this number? one and what's behind it? and what else? fifty. so it's a dollar and fifty cents. okay give me some change. well you still wanna play with that next? huh? would you like to play with that next? hi i'm esther greif. hi. i'm associated with the project. yeah. hi edward. i have a little present for you just for today's visit. wow do you know how to make it work? you know how it works that's a sparkler. wow look at that whee there it goes. it's going really fast. they're nicer in the dark when all the colors. yeah. when the colors come out oh tonight you canreally you can really see it edward? it'll show different colors as it goes as it goes round and round. yes that's for you to keep. yes would you like to? would you like to bring it home? alright could you say. what do you say? you're very welcome did you enjoy the play room? did you have a good time playing? house? what did you play? oh that's really nice. we're about finished. oh good enough well can we put everything away now? and then we can take that home. don't worry you can just leave all this stuff. there okay? okay i'll see you later. bye edward. say. okay good bye. alright. put everything back here. don't. you know you don't have to worry about it. oh well. he can just come out and sandy's gonna come back. okay alright good enough alright eddie all set okay? alright good enough. yes what are you trying to do? can you make it this way? up and around and down? i guess so. is there an r in your name sarah? no? what? yes. n. you look tired. can you erase that off? i like your sweater. i made it. did you really? yeah. i'm so envious of people who can finish something like that. yes. i've made her a sweater. i made my mother a couple of sweaters. i tried to make my cousin a sweater. i got the back finished. how do you think? sure. real light? what? can't i? it shouldn't take long. no in fact once i get going i. but if i leave it down. yeah. it takes me about three or four months to get back to it. yeah. i don't understand it. that's alright. what about this? do that the same one upside. and then you'll have a u. like that. do this with your hand. yeah only go the other direction. see put your hand here and then you go down first instead of up. awoh. sure. that's right. very good. sure. you're right. donny said he'd to the dishes for me. he broke two cups two saucers. is that blue or red? no. yes. all i do is touch them and they break. i seem to be breaking an awful lot and i never break dishes. looks like they're all going. what are you making now? what does it look like? that's right. if you turn it this way it's a d. thank you. did you make a cricket? did she make it crooked. two blocks. yes. sure. is that blue? what color? yes. it's harder than the black to erase. maybe. what do you think? it is off? sarah you want a drink of milk? sarah sarah. you want a drink of milk? you don't use milk do you? no. do you want anything? no thank you. no. no. you can tell she comes from california. no. why? everyone i've ever known from california never uses milk. oh that's interesting. even my cousin. she moved out to california right after she got married. she learned not to drink it with milk? mm coffee now no milk. in fact my girl friend always drank milk. sarah. she went out to california and she doesn't drink milk. everybody i know that went out there they come back they don't drink milk. what? did i learn to do this yet? are you showing me? what's medium? can you do medium? and then what's light? yeah. give do them all three. first do hard and then medium and and then light. now do hard now. that's pretty hard. now do medium. is that that's medium? do you think it's medium? now i wanna see you do light. that's good. that's that's light. cover your mouth sarah. yes. what do you think? she doesn't think you're very smart gail. she's testing you. of course. now you've got ta prove yourself. sure. how many pinks? count. so she come up and she told me she had a cold so she wanted to get cough drops. so i said. well i haven't got any change. she said well you can give me ten dollars and i'll bring back the change. ten dollars! yes. right. no. get it yourself. you're so lazy. there. you see em. did cha get em all? c o seven u one. are you gonna do all the greens now? right in the middle. i see one. you missed it. yep. do you see any more? i don't either. are those blue? are they? right. yes. sarah is this red? what is it? that's good. it's right. can you see far away? if i put my glasses on i can. does it look like it comes from ohio? i couldn't figure out if it was ohio on. you know i could see o but. sarah you're gonna meet another cousin. mildred. she's your cousin. yeah. how does her hair look? i don't know. last time i saw her i think she had red hair. i met her for the first time in september when i had to go down to plymouth for my uncle's funeral. sarah what's your favorite color of hair? black hair? the color that i had the last time? brown. she hates my hair like this. was that your favorite color before? after you strip it you put the color on it you know. it looks like. it's a brown color. you wash it out. every time i put it on she gets all excited. oh you're gonna do your hair back you're gonna do your hair back. i'm not writing what these letters spell. no. give that to professor brown. keep him wondering. it's a little bit like those jokes of whether you put a whole batch of monkeys to work at typewriters whether sooner or later they might not type the definitive novel. have enough sarah hours of putting together alphabets sooner or later she'd write something. she'd probably come out with something. she knew how to spell cat and. how do you spell cat? you know she could do it if she wanted to but she just doesn't you know. she gets uh. and if you say to her. well i'll give you a quarter. it's. c a t. but if she's not gonna get anything it's d e doo and everything else. here's your paper. why do not you you write cat? c what's next? you know she writes backwards. instead of making a c this way she makes a c this way. when she goes to make an a she don't go down she goes up and down? mhm. when she makes a t she starts? to make a t she don't make a t like that. she makes a t like this. mhm. everything she does she starts from the bottom and works up. as long as she gets there. yeah. a lot of children when they how to write and read reverse things reverse letters. she was starting to write this way. you know from right from right to left instead of left to right. oh you mean they reverse like a b they would do this way instead of of this way? mhm mirror images. mhm. oh. what happened? oh you made a circle. see instead of making a circle this way she'll make a circle that way. she goes backwards. oh that's pretty good. how about a picture sarah? yeah your scissors are over nana's. you see they're hard. they're no good. i think you have to buy a new pair of scissors. you know what i do on christmas? at christmas time i always end up throwing the scissors out. every year without fail i've got to buy a new pair of scissors. you can't cut with those scissors. why don't you tear the page out. there. it'll be a little easier. it's right there. mhm. what all your scraps of paper? yes. practically every pair of scissors down at the beach. this what? it's not bad. what is it? a what? city? is that what she said? that's a big order for one little piece of paper. what? a city. she's gonna make a city? c. a c. oh. that's a half a rock? it looks like part of a egg? could be. part of a what sarah? you tell me. you're the one with all the imagination around here. sarah sarah. sarah melissa is talking to you. sarah what does it look like part of? i guess it does. today's friday. no i guess not what is it? part of a lady? what part of the lady? a part of a lady's leg? yes. sort of. what's this? that thing a flower. is that a flower? yeah can you make one? sometimes. let's see you do a flower. beautiful a. okay. what? what? oh come on. what do you think i am your maid? huh? yeah your father's maid too i guess huh? mhm. sarah you've got the dropsies or something. butterfingers. are they butterfingers? you're what? playso? you wouldn't mean playful would you? she loves to make c. you didn't tell us about halloween. what do you mean you didn't have any halloween? didn't you go out halloween? huh? sarah? she doesn't what? she doesn't wanna talk about it. she doesn't wanna talk about it. she does that at christmas too. i don't wanna talk about it. oh. she got a beautiful doll last year. it was about that big and it had had white hair and bobby pins and it was dressed real cute. my mother's girl friend gave it to her. she opened it and she looked at it. she looked at the doll and she said well what does it do? you know you just it doesn't walk or anything you just. well i don't want that old thing. she says. it doesn't do anything. see all the dolls today everything does. every doll does things you know? she was having a ball talking about it last night. i start laughing every time i think about it. she was so funny christmas eve. we had a house full and everybody. we got her out of bed. at twelve o'clock we wake her up after mass. and she come out. she looked at everything. you know what she went for? a little ten cent bug that was stuck on top of her stocking. ten cents i paid. and all the toys under the tree and all she was interested in was in that crazy bug. then when she started opening up her presents. it didn't do anything! she opens them christmas eve? yeah. unless her father's on the fire department this year. here now it'll open. then she won't open em until morning. do i wanna buy dinosaur hm? well you know i do need a new pet which dinosaur would you recommend? these two how come those two? they're not a meat eater. well if i only have room for one which one shall i choose? the duckbill okay. how do we know what colors they really were? what? oh the land before time says what color they were. when you watch the show right? yeah is this the same one as say ducky's mom did they color this one the same? yeah they are kind of a lighter green on the land before time i don't know why they made this one blue hm interesting. mhm that one's kinda green here and blue here right? well alright i'll take this duckbill how much does it cost? three one thirty one? thirty one cents? okay that's my thirty one cents. don't you ever put it inside your cash register? no what do you do with the money? just eat it. okay well i'll take this home but what do i need to know about taking care of this particular dinosaur? this if he wants to eat. okay will this be enough food? okay if i'm buying some more take all of these okay. alright how much do these cost? thirty one? okay. now what would you recommend in terms of where he should sleep? inside there? inside here? how does he get inside? i don't know i'm not sure. it's the only container you have. well should i see if he fits in any of these? i mean his head is in pretty good shape but what about the rest of his body? i know. oh alright well which is his favorite? the water one well i'll buy that one. oh i see that makes sense that he would like this one because it's like water right? okay alright how much does this bed cost? free now should i call this a bed is this like a bed? okay and is this how i set it up set it up there and he'll come and sleep like that? alright so i got a bed for him i got food anything else i need for the duckbill? all he needs is a friend? well won't the friend end up eating all the food? no okay well are you sure he really needs a friend or might he like to live by himself? okay whenever he sees one of his friends he goes over to it. the pterodactyl also? how shall i choose which one gets to go home with him? hm should he choose or do you think it would be mean for him to choose his best friend? take them all home you think huh how do these guys sleep? because i know he sleeps with his head in how do these guys sleep? oh i see they each just put their head in one of them see just each of their heads. so i can take all of these i don't think i have enough money for all of these things. just since i bought him and bought the trees that's all i get all the rest of this for free? okay sounds pretty good to me. unless are they gonna destroy my house? are you sure do you have a bag? how am i gonna carry all this stuff home? oh okay thank you this looks like this will work. hm let's see now. alright i think i'm set it all fits in the bag. how about if i call you and tell you how it's going at home okay? ring ring ring. hello are you the one that sold me all these dinosaurs? well i have a question for you. i thought you said they were friends they keep fighting. why do they keep fighting? they like to fight? are they gonna hurt each other? what are they doing are they just play fighting for pretend? hm i think maybe that i think you should come over here and talk to them please. they keep doing it even if you tell them to stop? do you know what happens when they fight? they're really loud. it's too loud i'm trying to like watch tv and i'm trying to read and they're just too loud when they fight what would you suggest? food you think that if they're not so hungry then they may not fight so much? okay thank you that was helpful okay. ring ring ring. hello is this the person that sold me the dinosaurs? well i have to tell you one of them the pterodactyl i think he's very sick. he's just very bloody you see him? yeah. that's how you sold him you sold him to me and he had blood all over him? oh you mean he's fine? oh okay it's just his skin? oh i feel better thank you goodbye. ring ring ring. i'm so sorry to bother you again but this stegosaurus you know? he just keeps sleeping all he does is sleep all day long. what should i do with him? another friend but i have all these pets. wait wait what's this pet gonna do what's he gonna to be helpful for? he's gonna take care of my stegosaurus? can he wake him up or something? oh okay this's what he does? okay wake up! oh alright. i was thinking we should tell leslie about the things we've been doing since we saw her. i don't know if she knows that one place we went where there were tons of very big. waterfalls. do you wanna tell her what we did there? it was very big remember how surprised we were? how did we get around when we were there? a hiking trail that's right it was totally cool weren't we totally surprised? oh my gosh though she does not know what we saw there what was that big big big long thing that we saw there? it was a snake it was seriously how big would you say that snake was? that's right it was like twelve feet long probably more it was giant it was this giant snake we couldn't believe it was just living out there wasn't it giant? do you remember did the people like it who were around us did they like that snake? how did you feel about it? what? happy did you wanna take it home? that giant of a snake? i don't think we'd have anything to keep it in. you actually do have a snake pet though since we've been here how did you get a real little snake for our house for a while? daddy catched one yeah. where did he catch it? mhm at our land he went and caught it and then what did you guys do? you screamed? i thought you liked that snake? remember you guys were trying to feed it? what'd you try to feed it? two snails and one worm but. you think he ate them? he ate part of the worm didn't he? that's gross i don't really like the snake. no i really don't well he was cute but i don't like that they have to eat that they're meat eaters and they eat like live things it seems gross. you and daddy did something else this weekend too that was super fun on saturday do you remember where daddy took you on where? a ride park yeah right. wasn't trying to think about oh she doesn't know about how you won! how you won some stuff? how'd you win the how'd you do the ball game? mhm you get a prize. so if you got the net and you catch the ball with the net right? so and how did you win the other little things like the parachute guy? picking up five ducks what were the ducks? what were they in? oh you just pick them up and see if you're the winner is that how it went? five ducks and then you won a whole bunch of little toys like a little harmonica. yes you did i know you totally did. so we've been really we've done tons of stuff we went hiking a bunch of times and we hm i'm trying to think about another thing you did that you told me about that was very interesting do you want to tell the story about that girl at your school and the cheese? okay. you can't tell yet okay how about if i count to ten and maybe you tell? fourteen okay. okay let's hear the story. you don't remember the story you told me the same story yesterday about her at school. about the cheese. do you remember the story do you want to talk about something else you don't have to talk about the cheese story if you don't want? hm i'm trying to think of what else we've done since you were here. well there was one time we went hiking and we found something that was very tasty and you ate them all what were those? yup we kept finding blackberries and matty kept eating them and mommy and daddy kept picking them right and who kept eating them? yeah. you want to eat that kind you ready for the next stick? alright well what about if you don't want to tell the cheese story what about something else that's going on at your school? do you wanna explain to her about the sticks we won't say anything about the yellow stick but how does the stick thing work? is it like this? oh what is it what is the yellow stick? and then. yeah what happens if you do a great job that day what do you get? mhm what happens if you get stars through the whole week like the whole week or something what do you get? mhm where do the prizes come from? mhm and does she choose it for you? or someone else who ever gets the prize gets to choose their own? doesn't that take a long time? now you had your eye on some particular toy what was that that you wanted to get? but if you see it when you get to choose from the jar that would be good new right? you already got to do that what did you pick? remember what you chose? there's some what? that's okay you can talk about the candy that's fine. there's a couple of different colors in there right? we didn't even start the grape one yet right? so what did you do when james came over yesterday? you mean when we all went to sullivan's. oh yeah we all went to sullivan's that's true. but what did you do when james was at our house? i do not know you guys were doing like a marching band for a little while right? a music band? after we stopped then you did a music band? what is that that daddy fixed with the batteries? there's lots of stuff at our house that's like that. oh i remember you're talking about your tape recorder. daddy put new batteries in it and now it works right? i see so you had a music band and you were using that. and then there was something that happened with the money what was the deal with the money? what was james trying to do with the money? he was trying to put in there and you were very angry at him. yeah why did you think he wanted to put it in there? and where did you want the money to be? out of there. i remember that was right before we were getting ready to go. so then we went to sullivan's and that was cool right? except you guys kept trying to take that ketchup. what were you gonna do with that ketchup there? yeah i was a little worried. yes and the ketchup would go everywhere. that would not have been so good. hey you got something in your hair last week do you remember at school? sugar. on b week yeah last week was b week. how come you got sugar in your hair last week? you were the fastest on in your class in gym aha and then? into the water pit? and then? well why did you want sugar in your hair instead of a toy? you always like toys. oh how did it feel? that was so funny though because i came home remember and i was like your hair is so sticky what are you got in your hair? and it was. yeah. should we put this in your hair it's kind of like sugar? no no no don't really i'm just joking. if we were outside maybe but in here you've already gotten some stuff in doctor weist's lab. maybe afterwards we'll get like a paper towel what do you think of that? we'll wipe the floor up. you know what your mouth is totally blue you would not believe it. we did something i was thinking about running we went to the track the other day remember? what did we do at the track? your what you brought this here to put it in my hair? you brought what to the track? no that wouldn't have been a good idea for you to have candy there right? that stuff smells really really really really gross! i use to like the grape one that one's weird it's like a raspberry apple. that seems a little strange. do you wanna color? oh my goodness put that back down! what do you think about the hulk hm? you know you're kinda turning into the hulk because you know what? your teeth and your tongue are totally green just like this guy is totally green. oh my goodness that's a very strong guy! here's a maze let's see here. wow! her does have very big feet it's kinda odd isn't it and strange? look at all those muscles would you want to look like that? when you get older are you gonna be the incredible hulk? for christmas? what a time that we dress up for certain things? dress up in costumes. no do you know what part of the year it is when we dress up in costumes? and we say trick or treat. yes halloween. do you know what you're gonna be for halloween this year? i do not know what do you think you wanna be? this guy the hulk? i do not know about that. oh my goodness you wanna be a scary guy? you're gonna scare all the people when you go to their houses? you guess not huh? now a dinosaur costume would be cool. what were you last year do you remember? a pee pee head i don't remember that! you were elmo when you were two. you were elmo when you were two and then last year you were a. you don't remember? fireman. oh yeah a fireman. well we'll have to look around and think about it you know what would it be cool to be for halloween. oh the cherry one. no that's cherry. lick a stick. crunch a stick that's what you like to do. now what is roman doing in the afternoons that on thursday you find very interesting? after we picked him up and took him somewhere? what is he doing that you'd like to do? i'm not quite sure do you remember the name of it? no? so do you wanna color or no? what? you don't wanna put it away? should we talk about gymnastics what roman does? what are you doing in gymnastics remember? you seemed interested in doing it you're not very interested in doing it still? into a blocky thing? oh like a trampoline kinda? is it like a big foam pit? is that what he jumped into a big pit? what's down in the pit snakes? dinosaurs? now that would be interesting if there was a bunch of dinosaurs in the pit. well we've been talking about whether matty might do gymnastics. could you please pick that up go ahead. it's still in there i'll hold your stuff go ahead. so matty might do gymnastics maybe. what was i worried about with you doing gymnastics though remember? what wasn't i sure about? because what? because you might play with roman yeah. what would you and roman do potentially? what's that? hold each other's hands and go around in a circle and are you supposed to do that? so what do you wanna do? we did the dinosaur game we've been mostly talking what else do you wanna do? i wonder you know what i'm thinking though. i'm worried a little bit that your hands are sticky and you're gonna get everything super sticky. i do not know maybe the candy wasn't such a good idea. huh? what dot? isn't that a flashlight? yeah because down in the mines it's really dark abe. what do you think would happen to a guy if he was down in a mine and he didn't have a hat like that? he should wear his hat though shouldn't he? what's that for? what's that for? that rope. oh. oh. that's a detonator. what's that called? no a weigher weigher. aha. it weighs things. yep it measures weights. do you wanna put that up now? the mining stuff. oh. what? wow! nobody. no i didn't. i just walked by the phone. yeah. i don't think it. can all be a loop. can it? i don't. i think it has to be like that. why would you like it to be a big loop? how come? oh i don't think i can change that. i'll make you a new one in a little while okay? you made it longer? oh. did that hurt him? oh. good. aha. yeah don't you? aha. wow! be careful. huh? really? that's a good idea don't you think? yeah do you know what that's called? a ore car. yeah. yeah do you think that's hard? how come? what would happen if there was a crash and the ore car tipped over? how come? how come? oh abe what would have happened if the ore car had tipped over on the way to the mine? oh if it got hurt. chop wood would take care of it? why? oh. aha. who? chop wood's guarding the mine. oh who's he guarding it from? what will he do if a robber comes? oh. who's in the jail? oh is it dirty? who else do you think could help chop wood with his mine? lincoln? and thunder wood? oh what are you going to do now? no he's not bad? can get in that car? sure you can get in that car honey? i want that car. i want that motorcycle? i want this mototcycle? ross i'll see you later? can marky get down by himself? why. boy you guys have sure been good. you learned how to turn on that that fountain for yourselves. ross i'll get you some apple juice but i'm not sure there's any left in the refrigerator. why is that alright ross? because you had enough. right. can't your dad do it. what were they trying to sell? oh yeah? we don't have bespin. oh we do. you're right? we've got his hoth outfit! why what happened. well why was she cheating. what did she lie about? oh she wasn't. well why did she say she was. ross would like to write to the phoenix. the part of? okay so when does the phoenix come on. it's not day after tomorrow it's today. do you think friday is called day after tomorrow? ross today is today? the name of today is today but it's real name if friday. today is friday? and what's the real name of cartoon day? no cartoon day bubba. what's the real name of cartoon day when you wake up early in the morning? what's the real name of the day when you watch the cartoons? i told you about this. can't you remember. it's the day before sunday? do you know the name for any days? give me the name for some days! sunday. monday? okay now what day is saturday? what do you do on saturday? okay and what is god day? sunday is god's day. that's when the god god stuff is on. and when do you go to preschool? no? why not ross? yeah so it's not good to lie down? why what will happen to me? yeah and what else? and what else. you're going to do it again? what? what will you have to do? i don't understand why you have to. you're yelling at me? no i didn't know that. what does a boy's room think? does it have a smart head? no. it has a silly head and it does foolish things? i don't want to play in the boy's room then? ross? is that nice to say to your father? you better take you and your nasty little stool and be nice? no mark? what does hope mean? have you gone pee yet? she knows. i'm going to put a tape on. no. no. no. oh they're up on your shelf where you can find them? you think so? but i've got a bunch in a drawer. marky you give some to ross. okay. you give some to ross? i've got an idea? i'll hide them. shall i hide them? want me to hide hide them? okay i'll take a whole bunch and i'll hide them? marky. you're losing them. you're losing them mark. no ross i'm not going to give them to you. you're not going to love me right? and you know why you're not going to love me? because i'm a bad father? did it work? you mean why does he like boba fett so much? what's that ross? you did. is it working? good. i put power in my bike too? can marky put power in his bike too. ross can marky put power in his too. no. boys. the phoenix? oh? uh huh. who is that guy? good jump. and my bike? he does. careful mark. i crashed. how about what marky is doing? is that neat too? sure it is. he's being good. he's playing real well. for a little boy boy he's doing? say what marky is doing is good too. oh nice? where did you find it? good? get up? get up. mm hm? okay? sounds good. very good idea. he's not being bad ross. good mark. i get on the other one? i get on the other one? i get on the other one? mm hm? i get get on the car. okay. i drive car? go there. i drive car. i go here? go up here? go up here? i can't do it. yes you can. i can't do it. you can do it marky. i did do it. good boy? i got this car. you did it marky. yeah. i got two cars. yeah. oh your old shoes good. because it's too muddy out for smurf shoes right? gross and pretty. why is it gross? but why? why is it gross? oh i see. you really meant to say nice and pretty. it's gross because of it's funny shape. right. is that the one that marky broke? i see. is there any hot tea? no but it's sure easy enough to do. i've got two bags there why don't we steam up some. sure. you know on purple they don't show up too well. let's do the yellow chicken on this one and we'll do the turtle on something lighter okay? okay do the chicken first alright? yeah. uh huh. yeah we already ate them. scrambled eggs. now a light colored one we can put. here's a good turtle one. look. you can leave your clothes on if i can turn the light off. i want to think about that. i don't like that deal. i don't want to make that deal. he's going to be a hulk. that's why he's taking his clothes off. is that why you took your clothes off? i see. good boy. great. you made the deal where we turned on the light and took off your clothes. no i want the deal where we turn off the light and you put your clothes back on. no i want the deal where the light goes off. huh? that's a silly deal. i'm going to change my mind and turn it off. are you really frightened? why? who are you afraid of? what do you think is going to get us? count dracula? do you think he's a real person? what does he do really? what did he do to people? what does he do to them? where did you learn about that? did you learn about that when you were in hungary? did you know that count dracula was a hungarian? transylvanian. yeah. and we taught you about that? do you think he was a nice man? what about count chocula? is he okay? he is? why? because he makes people eat those horrible chocolate things? they're pretty horrible aren't they? do you think frankenberry's pretty bad too? what? yeah. i think donuts are pretty bad too. have you ever had donuts? the cereal. new donutz. they're not very good. now. what? huh? have you ever had them? maybe we should buy some. oh so it tastes just like the same idea. oh. well we could just do that. we could do that all the time. we don't even have to buy the honey nut cherrios. okay i'm going to turn that light off now. you mean your shoes off right? okay now let's start back at the beginning. how did he free all of his friends? okay what did he do? what kind of money was it ross? who's the bunny? was he a real rabbit? i'm listening now. who were the bad people? do you remember their names? sheriff of of notingham was he a bad person? who else? was the king a bad person? what did the king do? sucked his thumb? he jumped out and they were free. i see. and why did the king suck his his thumb? do you remember why that happened? because it had some chocolate on it? did it have chocolate on it? his thumb. is that why the king sucked his thumb? because it had had chocolate on it? why did he suck it then? okay. i see. and when did robin hood go back in the forest? uh huh. and what did they do? did they shoot cross bows and have fun? did they have any fun in the forest? what kind of disguise was he in? how did he get to be a burglar? and did he win the contest? how did he do it? how did he do it? how did he win? no don't tell me why tell me how. okay you tell me why. oh he was a bows man huh? what kind of a bow did he have? do you know what a bow is ross? how did you learn that? when did you learn that? oh not when you were watching robin hood? yeah. you learned it when you were watching robin hood. what kinds of of bows does robin hood have? a circle bow? did he have any cross bows? he didn't have any cross bows? did he have any long bows? oh. i see. okay. he what? what does dispored mean? oh i see. he didn't want to be the winner. how come he decided he wasn't going to be the winner? oh i see. he was really the winner. thank you. and so what happened in the end ross when it was all through? they were free? what did the merry men do? nothing by then? did the merry men do anything earlier? do you know who the merry men were? no that's not who the merry men were. the merry men were the guys who worked for robin hood. robin hood had had merry men. okay now what did little john do? okay very good. now what did friar tuck do? fox? they're enemies? oh they're animals uh huh. what were their names? kings or queens? what were they? what's robin hood's girl friend's name? robin hood had a wife? i don't remember. what's his wife's name? ask mommy. maybe she knows. i think we could think about it a little more because i think there is a better answer. i think that there is really a name for that girl. can we throw that junk in the garbage now ross? superman come down. what does that mean snap out of it ross? no it means stop doing it? yes it does? it means stop doing it. are you sure you want to come in this car. what other reasons ross? it goes faster. what other reasons besides that? can you think of any any other reasons? because it's better? it does everything for you. and what about the other one. does it do anything at all. nothing good huh. huh? because i don't want to leave the light on all the time i'm gone? yep. so we're going to pull it out right. i hope there's no cat in back of us. i don't want to hurt her. do you you think she moves away when the car comes? do you think she might get hurt sometime? she sleeps. would she sleep down on the street. are you sure. how do you know? i saw a cat sleep in the street. right. where does our cat sleep? so you know she wouldn't sleep in the street because why? no because she's always sleeping inside. yeah. yeah. when you're asleep? she never goes away. she's real good. she always stays at home? where should we start? why. no we're not buying toys today honey? no this is not a toy trip? what? is that right ross? that's right you'll be too big then? but right now you're not too big are you. you shouldn't be afraid? you're doing just fine aren't you? he might get killed if he doesn't wear his seat belt? yeah but he cares? do you know what a mountain is? and do you know what a swamp is? what is it? and what is a boat. good uh huh. and you knew about a fast boat right? it goes real fast? and a slow boat? let's see? do you know what a comb is? on your hair? what does it do? he can't take that in or the little stickers will come off? could you you give that to daddy? thank you marky? you can have it back. you can have it back when you come back. he's going to get it back when he gets out of the shower ross? oh marky pulled the top off. oh. okay now. let's see. do you know what an airplane is? what is an airplane? it's really a thing you fly in? okay. it looks like an x wing fighter. okay. have you ever been in an an airplane. do you like them? do you like to go in airplanes? what do they do? uh huh? do they go up high. how do they get up there? right up in the air? no you can't get that high can you? okay let's see another question? do you know what a light bulb is? what is it? uh huh? and where do you put it? and where else? uh huh? in the window? a light bulb in the window? no that's the the sunlight? you mean up in the closet up in the lamp. okay. let me ask you another question if i can? do you know what what aluminum foil is? you don't know what it is? okay? do you know what the word good means? what does the word good mean? share uh huh? and what else? i love you and what else. yeah. yes? sad. no no it doesn't mean sad? how about if i say it is a good tv program? what does that mean? what does it mean? cartoons and why are they good? they're for boys? what if i say it's good cereal? what do i mean? does it mean that it loves you? really. does it mean that it shares. no? what does it mean if it's good cereal? you eat it and how does it taste? raisins and yummy? yummy? that's what it means? what if you say that he's a good brother? brother. what does that mean? yeah and that he's being good right? he's not crying? it means he's not crying? water is good for you? it's good for your teeth. i love you ross. ross do you get enough exercise. when do you exercise? for example? during nap time. no. how about when you're sleeping at night? how about when you're in in the physical development room? what's the answer? yes good. no? you know what? when you're in school you're supposed to use complete sentences? do you know about that? if somebody says? what do you do in the physical development room? what do you say? you say. i play in the physical development room. you want to use use complete sentences? how come? what happened? right? what? well i don't know. why should we do that? well what do you think max would think? what about max? would he be happy. maybe he doesn't want anybody else to have one. why. he might get confused. sure? why. what if they look just the same? if they look just the same. how are you going to know which one's yours? for example ross. let me show you what i mean. are there any other kids who have empire strikes back lunch boxes? there are? who else has one? do you ever get confused which one is yours? no. how do you know which which one is yours? oh i see. well that makes it easy. now is this the new billy or the old billy. is he playing with you still. he's not there any more. i see. uh huh. do you want some food marky? do you want some food? hot? hot mark. you know you're supposed to get out. oh it wasn't. yeah you're right ross. i'm pushing. what do they do in there? ross they're inside your head right? down where. in your tummy. they go down your legs? then they jump out? do they really scare you? into your dreams okay? and what happens in your dreams? what do they do? what kinds of things do they do? i see? and which is the worst one? who's the meanest of all? the one one that really scares you? werewolf? wow? and frankenstein. i believe it. they're pretty horrible? but they won't really hurt you will they? it's just a dream right? are they fun to dream like that? right? right they jump out your toes and then you get scared and then it's fun right? so they start up in your head? and then they go down your body and jump out your toes? and then they fly back up into your head and make a dream? well he can see them then? can you see them ross? oh so you know they're there. and what else is in the dream besides the monster? what people? what about good people? what about good people? are they in your dream. what about muppets? are there any muppets or any cows? are you in your dream? hobbit. you're not. you're not in your dream. hobbit. what honey? today. we missed him. he was on earlier? guess not. do you want to go down and see what's on? sure? ross just press the buttons that turn it up? well maybe you did something? why? you tell me what it is before we go in there. no i want to hear it right now? go ahead what is it going to be? i want to hear what the name of it is? before i go in there i've got to know what it is? that's what you want to listen to? the tiger hunt what's it about? what's the tiger hunt about? is it about ernie. there's a big stripped thing. it's a tiger run? as soon as you finish that one i'll give you another one? why? you can't break the darth vader case? oh yes you can. will that break if you stand on it ross? where will it break? just tell me what kind of part? oh the hinge. that's called a hinge honey. you won't be able to close it any more right? i'm going to put your tape recorder down here because at night time you usually have me do it. we have two types of aspirin? yeah? how should you say that ross? what's the right way to say that? no that's not the right way? do you want to say it right? why don't you ever give me the one to suck on? because we will give it to you? i will give it to you? no later when you need some more okay. because there's only one. i lost the other one? i think we're going to have to buy some more? oh that's right? well there must be another one? you show mom and maybe she can find out where the other one is? like eric? what about eric? he doesn't. no? yeah? sometime when the sun gets warm? maybe he could come out here and visit with us? no? yeah. he has more. he has more than you do. what kind does he have? oh wow? who? i see. at the same time huh? that's very good. boy that sure was a lot of work. oh ross you didn't tell me about that nice little belt you had. can you get those for big people? oh that's too bad? i can't have any? long john silver was a bad man? he wasn't as bad as some of the other other men? oh either one? why. yeah. okay are you bad guys ready to go to bed. yeah? are you going to sleep up top. no? you going to sleep up top with ross? no? come on get up there. lie down? i'm a guy? you're a guy? i'm a good guy? you're a good guy? you're a good guy too. you're good guys? we're good guys. you guys are really something. how do you know you're the good guys? we're bad guys. no you're cute? you're the cute guys. let's fight? no go on up top and have a special meeting. let's fight. no have a gang meeting up top. let's fight? no? let's go and have a gang meeting up top. good job ross. sings the alphabet all the way his clock? can you read the letters on your clock ross? what kind of bug i wonder? i must be let me see the i. oh i know what i is. insect. i is insect. insect? jet. jet ross? j for jet. yeah it's a jet plane. no it goes real fast. what does it look like ross? oh really? let me look? o for octopus. for ring. v. for what. what does it look like ross? i wonder what it is. v for do you want me to look at it. let me see if i can figure it out. v for vase. a special vase. w. for whale. yeah. oh x is for x ray? see that's a man getting a x ray. y. no no. yeah but that's not right. they're trying to think of something else. right. i wonder what y is? i can't figure that out myself. now. ross let me ask you a real question okay? what does it mean to be happy? happy? what does it mean to be happy? your friend and what else? uh huh and what else. okay share? that's good? and what does it mean to be smart? uh huh and what else? yeah? what? very good? and you know what other letters benu has in it. yeah i know. isn't that nice? let's see what else now? let me ask you another question? well he's a hard one to spell ross because it has an n and an i and an x? but benu is easy? it goes b e n u? that's benu? yeah? i don't know? i don't know if he has any more names? yeah. we don't know. no i don't either? i don't know his nick name. what about the hulk? hulk. what is his nick name? he has another name? yes we do? my nick name is bee jay? your name is prince charming. yeah. and mark's real name is mark and his nick name is marky. oh. i know. you have another nick name ross. rossy baba. that's a nick name? rossy baba. uh huh? yeah? let's see? cutie pie? cutie pie? and baby dumplings. yeah you have some more? luva baba? you're my luva baba? that's your nick name? do you like those names? it means i love you? yikes ababa? ross can i ask you some more questions. what is a bed? what is a car? and what is a wall? you crash through the wall? uh huh? well what do you use it for. you don't know why we have walls? what about a floor? what do you use the floor for? and what about the ceiling. what if you didn't have a ceiling? what would happen? and so do you need one. what do you use it for? right? and what if we took all the walls away? what would happen? no the ceiling would fall down? that's why we have walls? they hold the ceiling up? isn't that cute? cute? how about doors? what are they? tell me what doors are? uh huh? and toys what are toys? how about mothers? what are they? and fathers? what are they? uh huh. is there any difference between mothers and fathers? what's the difference? and what else? and what else? and what else? and do you love them both. who do you love? how come you don't love your mom? she's lovely? nice mom? nice mom. okay and do mommy's love their boys. why? what do they do? and what happens. and do mommy's love their little baby boys. and what are brothers for? and sisters? and what about cousins? what are cousins? cousins are people to play with? but what are they? how about grandfathers? what are they? you don't know what a grandpa is. do you know what a grandma is? do you know who your father's father is? okay so what is a grandpa? it's a dad's dad? what are cats? you don't know what a cat is. do you know what a dog is? you don't know what they are? do you know what they look like? you don't? huh? that's funny. i'll show you a picture sometime? would you like to to see a picture. do you have a cat? do you have a little cat? do you know what she looks like? oh? what does she look like? what does she look like? tell me what she looks like. okay. does she look like a monkey. what's the difference? does she swim like a fish? does she have lots of legs like a bug. how many legs does she have? uh huh? what does she do with a leg? who else do you know that walks? and? and? like what kind? what's their real name? now what are babies for. what are babies? tell me what a baby is? what does a baby do? and. okay now let me ask you a hard question okay? what does it mean to be rich? okay what is a bank? what is a job? okay? what is a university? what else happens at the university? oh yeah. what else? did you see it? did you like it. what does it look like? uh huh. and what else? big huge buildings. buildings. no big buildings. no no? yeah? what is a teacher? and what does it mean to learn. learn? what does it mean? what do you do when you learn things? how does it happen? and you put them in your head. oh do you want to come up here? you can sleep now okay. i'm going to let you sleep. yeah? we'll have to take you to the hospital? what am i supposed to do? your superman shirt is in the wash? did you remember that it was up there ross. oh this morning? not bad ross? yeah. is he. oh good? oh you have a boo boo. how do you like the honey nuts cherrios? that's nice. is that your favorite color? how come? well i'm a girl mommy and i'm easy to hold. oh just a minute. everybody wants me at the same time. did i make a lot of trouble for you. what trouble did i make? i wish you wouldn't do that on my nose. that's alright. can we fix it up do you think? see this is for my work and this is very important ross? i know you needed some paper right. can you tell me the reason you did it here? what was the reason? yeah but why did you draw where you knew i was doing work. yeah? that's better? that's okay there? but why did you do it where you saw that i had some work? did you make a mistake you think. you think it was an accident really? but you knew you were doing it didn't you? so really it wasn't just an accident. you did something wrong? didn't you. did you do something wrong? what do you do when you do something wrong? what are you supposed to say? okay now i'll give you some love? come on ross? let's read a story. say good night to daddy? good night? i'll see you a little bit later okay. you have the sweetest forehead? no your forehead isn't hot. it was your idea to put on your watch so tight. you have to talk about it okay? you have to tell us what your making. can you tell me what you are going to make? why? okay maybe hey roman why don't you come over here. so you can color over here okay. so roman did you do anything fun with mommy when she had off for a few days? yeah what did you do? you don't know? here you wanna color on there roman. did mommy have a few days off? no? what did you do? did you do anything fun? you did a what? you were a golfer? oh you weren't going with her. he has a cold. how are you feeling? can you tell me how you're feeling? roman she asked you haw your feeling. not good what's the matter? yeah? what happens when you have a cold? cough you don't like to cough? oh yeah? yeah? where does mommy go? that's your paper what are you drawing? oh a refrigerator cool is this the top and that's the bottom? you want me to color it? just like this. so what are you gonna do while i color this side? oh okay. roman how does you head feel when you have a cold? but how does your head feel does it hurt? um that's what it is? aw. it hurts your brain? roman why don't you tell karen about what you got over spring break? you don't remember? can i give you a hint? it has two wheels. what has two wheels? you got a bike? wow a bike with just two wheels? no training wheels? roman how did you do on your new bike? did you have fun on your bike? yeah but i want you to tell us what you're making. maybe daddy didn't hear you you wanna tell him what we're making? are you making a freezer? okay. do you need a tissue? so where did you ride your bike roman? oh okay. yeah i see that what's the difference between a movie and a book. yeah what's different about them? it has pages? and what does a movie have? what's that thing? oh yeah? oh. it shows what? ice age? sometimes he knows what to say but he messes it up on purpose i don't know why he just does that. so now how are movie and a book similar roman. hey roman do you know what a movie does and a book does that are the same? can you tell me think about it? it means can you think what they do. what do a movie do and a book does what do they do? oh yeah. what about a book? does a book tell stories? yeah but if you read it then it tells stories yes or no? oh they're not real then nothing in a book is real? and the movies are real? movies aren't real either? so spiderman is real? oh you mean ice age? you forgot what my name is? my name is karen. yeah. your gonna mark mine out? what does that mean? okay you wanna color on it. we don't want that to happen. okay. so does that mean karen's picture is no good? oh it means it's good. you want me to color more? can i color something on your side? roman hurry up! just grab a piece of paper. want another piece? did you go to school roman even though you were sick? yeah? what? can you come here when you talk i can't hear you? oh i see. he was sick monday and tuesday we kept him home from school and today we let him go to school and he's still not feeling good. did you feel good enough to go to school roman today? you went to school today. oh. were any other any other kids at school today sick? huh roman any other kids sick today? everyone was sick? oh no. what's a matter? that's not nice roman. yeah but i don't think she wants to color on that anymore. maybe if we get a new piece of paper. can you tell me what you did at school today? here roman your paper okay. cover your mouth. that sounds like a bad cold. what? color fast? so what happened when i got here that i wasn't supposed to look at? roman she just asked you a question. what happened when i got here that i wasn't supposed to look at? remember when you were in the corner and you didn't want me to look what happened? i forgot can you tell me again? i know but we want you to tell us again. i don't remember what you said. oh you spilled the crayons. how did you spill the crayons? yeah? oh yeah? hey roman can you tell karen where you rode your bike today that was big. well where did you ride your bike today that was really big? no you didn't ride near your school. we rode from here. where did you go from here though? whenever you ride from here you always wanna go one place and where is that? whenever you ride your bike from our driveway where do you go? yeah can you answer the question though roman? where do you ride your bike when you go from here? can i give you a hint? you always like to eat there. yeah it has ice cream. yeah. oh wow is that far? roman maybe she can color her own paper now okay? wait a minute wait a minute can you tell karen how long of a ride it is? that little? very little? what kind of ice cream do you like when you get there? rainbow sprinkles are good. are you okay now? you want something to drink? i'll get you some water okay? you feel better? okay i'm gonna open it up for you. you know this story roman? what's it about? that's it? who is this? and who is that? but why is this one bigger than that one? oh it's a momma monster. okay what happens? oh no the spider's gonna get the monsters. why? oh because their scared of monsters too. is it just pretend? what is the momma doing? what are these? yeah it says makes cookies filled with bugs. do monsters like bugs? do you like bugs? you like to eat bugs? oh okay. a bug collection! oh. monsters play baseball! they're not what? yeah but what are they doing? he has how many eyes? and how many does he have? that's silly. how many eyes do you have roman? two! yeah. but why does he have one then? then why does he have three? so when that monster grows up he'll have three eyes? oh i see. can you tell me some more about the book how about the first page? what makes him a grown up? oh i see. monster's are afraid of the kids? yeah. what's going on there? oh how nice. what's that book about? hey roman what do you do on halloween? you do? so that's nice so do i just go to the house and say give me some candy? or do you have to say something to get candy. oh and not candy? roman what's this what is that coming underneath the door? hey roman don't you have to say something to get halloween candy? you have to say what? it starts with a t. roman you say mm or mm. say blank or blank. i'll give you the first word. it starts like this trick. trick or what? you forgot. yes trick or treat roman. you remember it now huh? what is roman you gotta stay in one spot okay? roman what's this? i'll tell you what it is. it's a spaghetti man. spaghetti man? and what about this? is that a real ghost? oh why do people wear costumes? what's that? go slow again. stand up. out of pigs. why does he use pigs. oh that's clever. that's smart don't you think spaghetti sticks to you platter roman? what's that cat? oh yeah? so that cat is being a person and that person is being a cat isn't that silly? oh i see. it's right here see? it's right here see hands coming out of the cake. yeah it looks like candles and what is this? it looks like punch. yeah but i mean that's a bowl what's in there? no it's a drink it's just like juice roman. come over here a little bit. a skeleton roman! look. oh it's not real? oh so i shouldn't be scared? oh okay i got scared. see i told you they were fake roman. what's she doing? they're just wearing sheets? why is she pulling their costumes off? oh. why did they cut out the holes there? yeah why did they do that? you know how to take plastic off? oh the elastic. do you still have these? can you keep em? you can look at em today. i think maybe i'll take em and maybe bring them back next week. what do you see sarah? i guess so. that's what it looks like. sure. i guess so. mhm. mhm. yeah. that's tricky. yeah. what's he doing? mhm. i did. have you ever seen one? what does it look like? there's not very many of these. there'll be a lot of small pieces. but still the same amount. abe. tell daddy about those shows you saw today. they were frightening? oh what kind of shows were they? oh. oh how did you get that pocket knife? where'd you get the money? oh you didn't have to pay your own money? oh i'm gonna take that pocket knife away then? why would i take it away? oh. right abe. oh. i'll try. i'm coming too. to colorado. i think we're going to colorado first. huh? nope. i better check them. why do you think they're red? no you didn't. red is a color abe. oh i don't know very many spanish words. so i don't know what you're talking about. did you tell daddy what they were making on c c today? did you tell daddy what they were making on c c today? cheese. aha that's what you asked for. why? well we're having pork chops. what? how can i make it white? by scraping it? oh. you better go then. i thought you said you had to go real bad. oh. is it bloodshot? is it bloodshot? did you poke it? just a second. let me try to finish reading this. not very long. are you ready? well what's been going on? oh do you like that? do you want rice abe? you know what rice is. what? why wouldn't you be scared? oh what are you doing buddy? what kind of game? oh. are you going to set the table for me? do you want bread and butter? sure. sure. if you eat all your dinner. yeah. abe stop that. well why don't you wait until you get outside? it's not as annoying then. witches? no. do you think there are nice witches? oh have some cucumbers. let them cool off. what do you want to drink abe? i guess i'll have bologna to drink. what do you want to drink? a meat. how come? do you want some of this sauce on your rice? okay that looks good. yeah. yeah. yeah. i'm glad. abe do you remember when we went camping with jean and lyle? what did we do with them? what did we do on the camping trip? do you remember anything? oh. right. you had to wear something each time we got in a boat. why'd you have to wear it? that's not the only reason. do you wanna play in here? okay. i haven't seen you in so long i wanted to ask you what did you do for halloween. you did. what did you dress up for it? ooh beautiful? so tell me about it what'd you do at the party? yeah. okay well i'll ask him when he comes back in? what were your friends there was seamus there? yeah? a bad guy? what what does that look like? what was he wearing? what did his costume look like? that's all that's left. so let's see what we have here to play with. the pink stuff. do you want the tv? um i'll take the dog. what is that? oh is that a baby carrier. okay the girl. okay? um i'll take the desk and the swimming pool. do you want the swimming pool? okay. i'll put the puppy in the swimming pool. oh i think that was a part of another slide maybe that broke off? okay? your mom told me last week that you were feeling sick are you feeling better. yeah. what? what was wrong last week? did you have a cold? okay? um can she be the mom? oh the one in the green dress. okay. yeah maybe you should have her. she looks like a good mom. is that her sister? mm hm? okay so what do you wanna play? i play with these toys. how's the baby? oh i heard that she was sick. let me see? no? she feels really warm? how was your day with the baby? oh how was your day with rosie. what did you and rosie do? huh? oh so what did you and nuirese rosie do all day? i was at work? whoa that's loud? yes? i'll try what do you want me to do? sure. does she have a name. okay here tinkerbell. did the baby make a mess. where's her teddy bear? i think it's under? yeah. oh someone's at the door? tinkerbell the babysitter's here. you oh okay are you more awake now? i'm sorry i didn't mean to yell. it was just that someone was vacuuming and it was so loud. how does that sound? oh you are. well maybe you should stay home and sleep? yeah okay. here i'll clear off the couch for you to sleep on? can i come with you tinkerbell? yeah it looks like kind of a small car. what do you need to get at the store? okay. what do we need to get? yes. sure? are you sad that your parents left? the baby? she can sleep while she's in the carriage? in her crib. oh. um charlotte. okay? but how can i take her for a walk if she's sleeping in the cradle. okay? okay. okay so we'll go to the store and the babysitter will take the baby for a walk right? what? oh thank you? okay. tinkerbell's here? that's tinkerbell? oh. oh all right fine? oh tinkerbell? what are we getting at the store? okay? what else? okay? oh that baby monster. well why don't we ride to the store and get away from baby monster. maybe we should get some tea at the store because you're sick? how's that sound? what kind of tea would you like tinkerbell? who's that with the babysitter? oh what's her name? oh my heavens? oh hi jessica. are you helping the babysitter watch our baby? yeah i think so too. tinkerbell the horse is getting hungry i think we should get going to the store.