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Systematics of the Cephalopods | NSF | 09/01/1970 | 08/31/1975 | 21,900 | 21,900 | {'Value': 'Continuing Grant'} | {'Code': '08010207', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DEB', 'LongName': 'Division Of Environmental Biology'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/05/1970 | 08/05/1970 | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7000851 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000263776', 'StartDate': '09/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Miami', 'CityName': 'CORAL GABLES', 'ZipCode': '331462509', 'PhoneNumber': '3054214089', 'StreetAddress': '1251 MEMORIAL DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '27', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL27', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'KXN7HGCF6K91', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'VNZZYCJ55TC4'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1127', 'Text': 'Evolutionary Processes'} | 1971~21900 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7000851.xml'} |
Cellular Resistance to Spread of Tobacco Mosaic Virus | NSF | 11/01/1970 | 06/30/1974 | 19,500 | 19,500 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '08090300', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IOS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Integrative Organismal Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 09/01/1970 | 09/01/1970 | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7000855 | {'FirstName': 'Jia-Hsi', 'LastName': 'Wu', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jia-Hsi Wu', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000469684', 'StartDate': '11/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'California State Polytechnic University-Pomona', 'CityName': 'POMONA', 'ZipCode': '917682557', 'PhoneNumber': '9098692944', 'StreetAddress': '3801 W TEMPLE AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '35', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA35', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'WFY5U8JWNDK1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CA STATE POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '114100', 'Text': 'PHYSIOLOG & STRUCTURAL SYS'} | 1971~19500 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7000855.xml'} |
Developmental Aspects of Spore Germination and Capsule Expansion | null | 09/01/1970 | 08/31/1972 | null | 32,200 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '08000000', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 08/31/1970 | 08/31/1970 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 7000868 | {'FirstName': 'Dominick', 'LastName': 'Paolillo', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '09/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Cornell University', 'CityName': 'Ithaca', 'ZipCode': '148502820', 'PhoneNumber': '6072555014', 'StreetAddress': '373 Pine Tree Road', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY'} | null | {'Code': '1111', 'Text': 'DEVELOPMENTAL SYSTEMS CLUSTER'} | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '7000868.xml'} |
Gene-Enzyme Interactions in Bacteria | null | 12/01/1970 | 05/31/1976 | null | 79,400 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '08070100', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Div Of Molecular and Cellular Bioscience'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 12/02/1970 | 12/15/1975 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 7000898 | {'FirstName': 'Joseph', 'LastName': 'Gots', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '12/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Pennsylvania', 'CityName': 'Philadelphia', 'ZipCode': '191046205', 'PhoneNumber': '2158987293', 'StreetAddress': 'Research Services', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'StateCode': 'PA'} | null | {'Code': '1112', 'Text': 'Genetic Mechanisms'} | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '7000898.xml'} |
Nucleoside Phosphotransferases and Their Regulatory Functions in Nucleic Acid Metabolism | NSF | 02/01/1971 | 07/31/1976 | 64,000 | 64,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '08070400', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'MCB', 'LongName': 'Div Of Molecular and Cellular Bioscience'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 01/18/1971 | 06/16/1975 | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7000913 | {'FirstName': 'Erwin', 'LastName': 'Chargaff', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Erwin Chargaff', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000165955', 'StartDate': '02/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Columbia University', 'CityName': 'NEW YORK', 'ZipCode': '100277922', 'PhoneNumber': '2128546851', 'StreetAddress': '615 W 131ST ST', 'StreetAddress2': 'MC 8741', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'F4N1QNPB95M4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE TRUSTEES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': 'Columbia University Col of Physicians and Surgeons', 'CityName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'ZipCode': '10032', 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': 'US', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'CountryFlag': '1', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': 'NY13'} | {'Code': '1144', 'Text': 'Molecular Biophysics'} | 1971~64000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7000913.xml'} |
Ecology of Forest Soil Diplopada | NSF | 08/11/1970 | 08/31/1973 | 15,200 | 15,200 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '08010208', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DEB', 'LongName': 'Division Of Environmental Biology'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/11/1970 | 11/01/1972 | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7000915 | {'FirstName': 'William', 'LastName': 'Dowdy', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'William W Dowdy', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000396214', 'StartDate': '08/11/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Lincoln University', 'CityName': 'JEFFERSON CITY', 'ZipCode': '651013537', 'PhoneNumber': '5736815030', 'StreetAddress': '820 CHESTNUT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Missouri', 'StateCode': 'MO', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MO03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JJLJP4TQ9HM7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'LINCOLN UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '112800', 'Text': 'Population & Community Ecology'} | 1971~10000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7000915.xml'} |
Comparative Ecological Study of Tropical Lowland Forest Communities | null | 09/15/1970 | 09/30/1974 | null | 676,100 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '08010208', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Division Of Environmental Biology'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 09/14/1970 | 10/01/1972 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 7000923 | [{'FirstName': 'Jack', 'LastName': 'Spencer', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '09/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Stephen', 'LastName': 'Harrison', 'EmailAddress': '', 'StartDate': '09/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Brian', 'LastName': 'Tinsley', 'EmailAddress': '', 'StartDate': '09/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Frank', 'LastName': 'Stermitz', 'EmailAddress': '', 'StartDate': '09/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'LaRue', 'EmailAddress': '', 'StartDate': '09/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None} | null | {'Code': '1128', 'Text': 'POP & COMMUNITY ECOL CLUSTER'} | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '7000923.xml'} |
Initial Events in the Transfer of Genetic Information | NSF | 02/01/1971 | 01/31/1974 | 20,000 | 20,000 | {'Value': 'Continuing Grant'} | {'Code': '08070400', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'MCB', 'LongName': 'Div Of Molecular and Cellular Bioscience'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 01/21/1971 | 01/21/1971 | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7000930 | {'FirstName': 'Andrew', 'LastName': 'Pettifor', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'H', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Andrew H Pettifor', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000298248', 'StartDate': '02/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Colorado at Denver', 'CityName': 'AURORA', 'ZipCode': '800452571', 'PhoneNumber': '3037240090', 'StreetAddress': '13001 E 17TH PL STE F428', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '06', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CO06', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'MW8JHK6ZYEX8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '114400', 'Text': 'Molecular Biophysics'} | 1971~20000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7000930.xml'} |
Ovarian Function | null | 01/01/1971 | 12/31/1972 | null | 25,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '08090300', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Directorate for Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Division of Integrative Organismal Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 12/18/1970 | 12/18/1970 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 7000986 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '01/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None} | null | {'Code': '1141', 'Text': 'PHYSIOLOG & STRUCTURAL SYS'} | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '7000986.xml'} |
The Lac Repressor-Operator Interaction | null | 02/01/1971 | 01/31/1975 | null | 71,300 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '08070100', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Div Of Molecular and Cellular Bioscience'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 01/14/1971 | 02/01/1973 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 7000992 | {'FirstName': 'Arthur', 'LastName': 'Riggs', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '02/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'City of Hope National Med Center', 'CityName': 'Duarte', 'ZipCode': '910103012', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '1500 E. Duarte Road', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA'} | null | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '7000992.xml'} |
Contract For U.S.N.S. Eltanin Operations and Maintenance | NSF | 08/01/1969 | 02/28/1977 | 6,824,603 | 6,824,603 | {'Value': 'Interagency Agreement'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/01/1969 | 08/04/1976 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001006 | {'FirstName': 'L.', 'LastName': 'Butts', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'G', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'L. G Butts', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000378863', 'StartDate': '08/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Department of Navy Military Sea Transport Service', 'CityName': 'Arlington', 'ZipCode': '20350', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | [{'Code': '5130', 'Text': 'ANT Coordination & Information'}, {'Code': '5141', 'Text': 'RESEARCH SHIP SUPPORT'}] | ['1970~450000', '1977~39603'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001006.xml'} |
Contract For Overhaul G.E. T64010 Turboprop Engine For Buffalo Aircraft | NSF | 10/01/1969 | 09/30/1971 | 45,100 | 45,100 | {'Value': 'Interagency Agreement'} | {'Code': '03020100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AST', 'LongName': 'Division Of Astronomical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 10/31/1969 | 04/09/1973 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001007 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '0000000', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '10/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Department of Navy Air Systems Command', 'CityName': 'Washington', 'ZipCode': '20360', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '98', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC98', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1970~18000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001007.xml'} |
Contract For Semi-Annual Payments on Land Use Agreement (Contract No 14-06-420-861) With the Bureau of Reclamation | null | 11/25/1969 | 06/30/1999 | null | 200 | {'Value': 'Interagency Agreement'} | {'Code': '03020100', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Division Of Astronomical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 11/25/1969 | 11/25/1969 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 7001008 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'StartDate': '11/25/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Bureau of Reclamation', 'CityName': 'Washington', 'ZipCode': '202400001', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '1849 C ST, NW', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC'} | null | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001008.xml'} |
Preparation, Printing, and Distribution of a Uniform Series Of Antarctic Geologic Maps | null | 02/01/1970 | 06/30/1980 | null | 42,024 | {'Value': 'Interagency Agreement'} | {'Code': '06090000', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Office of Polar Programs (OPP)'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 02/13/1970 | 03/31/1978 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 7001009 | {'FirstName': 'Richard', 'LastName': 'Sheldon', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '02/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'UNITED STATES DEPT OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY', 'CityName': 'Reston', 'ZipCode': '201920002', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '12201 SUNRISE VALLEY DR', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA'} | null | [{'Code': '0000', 'Text': None}, {'Code': '5117', 'Text': 'GEODESY & CARTOGRAPHY(US ANTAR'}] | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001009.xml'} |
Supply Electrical Power to the Arecibo Observatory (ContractNsf C-600) | null | 03/01/1970 | 12/31/1978 | 648,000 | 648,000 | {'Value': 'Interagency Agreement'} | {'Code': '03020100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AST', 'LongName': 'Division Of Astronomical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 01/29/1970 | 03/12/1978 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 7001010 | {'FirstName': 'Maurice', 'LastName': 'Doran', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '03/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Department of Navy Naval Facilities Engineering Command', 'CityName': 'Arlington', 'ZipCode': '20350', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA'} | null | [{'Code': '0000', 'Text': None}, {'Code': '4500', 'Text': 'NAT ASTRONOMY & IONESPHERE CEN'}] | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001010.xml'} |
Services Necessary to Measure Densities of Radar Images on Some 7500 Frames of 35 Mm Film (C460) | null | 04/25/1970 | 12/31/1999 | null | 6,500 | {'Value': 'Interagency Agreement'} | {'Code': '03020100', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Division Of Astronomical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 05/14/1970 | 05/14/1970 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 7001012 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'StartDate': '04/25/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Department of Air Force Hollomon Air Force Base', 'CityName': 'Holloman Air Force Base', 'ZipCode': '88330', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Mexico', 'StateCode': 'NM'} | null | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001012.xml'} |
Abstracting and Indexing Service for Current Antarctic Literature | null | 07/01/1970 | 09/30/1998 | 4,811,069 | 4,807,218 | {'Value': 'Contract Interagency Agreement'} | {'Code': '06090300', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OPP', 'LongName': 'Office of Polar Programs (OPP)'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'Guy G. Guthridge'} | None | 08/03/1970 | 05/21/2004 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 7001013 | {'FirstName': 'Stuart', 'LastName': 'Hibben', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '07/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Library of Congress', 'CityName': 'Washington', 'ZipCode': '200245105', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '10 First Street, S.E.', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC'} | null | [{'Code': '5130', 'Text': 'ANT Coordination & Information'}, {'Code': '5131', 'Text': 'INFORMATION SVCS(US ANTARC RES'}, {'Code': '5160', 'Text': 'ANTARCTIC LOGISTIC SUPPORT-DOT'}] | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001013.xml'} |
Contract For Lease of Land For Use By Ncar Aircraft FacilityAt Jefferson County Airport in Colorado | NSF | 10/01/1969 | 09/30/1969 | 41,000 | 41,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03020100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AST', 'LongName': 'Division Of Astronomical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 11/18/1969 | 11/18/1969 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001014 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '0000000', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '10/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Jefferson County Airport Authority', 'CityName': 'Broomfield', 'ZipCode': '80020', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Colorado', 'StateCode': 'CO', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CO02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1970~41000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001014.xml'} |
Preparation of a Revised Listing of a U.S. Mathematicians For the World Directory of Mathematicians | NSF | 07/01/1969 | 12/31/1969 | 3,200 | 3,200 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 12/11/1969 | 12/11/1969 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001015 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '07/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Academy of Sciences', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': '2023342254', 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1970~3200 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001015.xml'} |
Conference on Computational Support For Research in Quantum Chemistry | NSF | 02/01/1970 | 01/31/1971 | 7,600 | 7,600 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 02/04/1970 | 02/04/1970 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001016 | {'FirstName': 'Martin', 'LastName': 'Paul', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Martin A Paul', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000164060', 'StartDate': '02/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Research Council', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1915', 'Text': 'EXPERIMENTAL CHEMICAL PHYSICS'} | 1970~7600 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001016.xml'} |
Partial Support For Annual Meeting of Commission For Higher Education in Biology, International Union of Biological Sciences, April 1970 | NSF | 03/01/1970 | 08/31/1970 | 3,800 | 3,800 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '03070000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMR', 'LongName': 'Division Of Materials Research'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 03/06/1970 | 03/06/1970 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001017 | {'FirstName': 'Russell', 'LastName': 'Stevens', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'B', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Russell B Stevens', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000476376', 'StartDate': '03/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Academy of Sciences', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': '2023342254', 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5910', 'Text': 'COOPERATIVE SCIENCE PROGRAM'} | 1970~3800 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001017.xml'} |
Task Order For Partial Support of U. S. Participation in TheInternational Symposium on Solar-Terrestrial Physics | NSF | 03/01/1970 | 02/28/1971 | 15,100 | 15,100 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '03020400', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AST', 'LongName': 'Division Of Astronomical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 03/27/1970 | 03/27/1970 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001018 | {'FirstName': 'W.', 'LastName': 'Bartley', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'C', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'W. C Bartley', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000075972', 'StartDate': '03/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Research Council', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1970~15100 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001018.xml'} |
Task Order For Partial Support of Travel of U. S. Participants to the International Congress of MathematiciansIn Nice, France | NSF | 03/15/1970 | 01/31/1971 | 60,000 | 60,000 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '03040100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 03/27/1970 | 03/27/1970 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001019 | {'FirstName': 'Leon', 'LastName': 'Cohen', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Leon W Cohen', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000066848', 'StartDate': '03/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Research Council', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1970~60000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001019.xml'} |
T.O. For Partial Supp of U.S. Partic in the 14th 14th Gen Assem of the Internat:l Astrono Union in Brighton, Engl, 8/18-27/70 | NSF | 03/15/1970 | 01/31/1971 | 24,350 | 24,350 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '03020200', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AST', 'LongName': 'Division Of Astronomical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 03/27/1970 | 03/27/1970 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001020 | [{'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000081711', 'StartDate': '03/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000126252', 'StartDate': '03/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000194854', 'StartDate': '03/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Vaughn', 'LastName': 'Rockney', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'D', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Vaughn D Rockney', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000070670', 'StartDate': '03/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Bradbury', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'P', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John P Bradbury', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000419314', 'StartDate': '03/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'National Research Council', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1970~24350 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001020.xml'} |
Task Order For Workshop on Social Directions For Technology | NSF | 04/15/1970 | 04/30/1971 | 51,025 | 51,025 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/16/1970 | 04/16/1970 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001021 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '04/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Academy of Engineering Commission on Education', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | [{'Code': '0000', 'Text': None}, {'Code': '1460', 'Text': 'SCIE BASE DEV IN DESIGN,MANUFA'}] | 1970~51025 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001021.xml'} |
Task Order For Partial Support For a Survey of Graduate Academic Courses in Scientific Disciplines Related to Brain And Behavior | NSF | 12/28/1969 | 06/30/1970 | 1,137 | 1,137 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '01030701', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'O/D', 'LongName': 'Office Of The Director'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'PRM', 'LongName': None}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/16/1970 | 04/16/1970 | None | Grant | None | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001022 | [{'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000126252', 'StartDate': '12/28/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000194854', 'StartDate': '12/28/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Louise', 'LastName': 'Marshall', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'H', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Louise H Marshall', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000052313', 'StartDate': '12/28/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Keith', 'LastName': 'Marshall', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Keith Marshall', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000309444', 'StartDate': '12/28/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Bradbury', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'P', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John P Bradbury', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000419314', 'StartDate': '12/28/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'National Research Council', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1970~1137 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001022.xml'} |
Partl Supp of a Symp on the Qual of Life-Barriers Life- Barriers and Constraints to the Use of Exist Cing World Population&World Nutritional Resources | NSF | 04/24/1970 | 10/31/1970 | 6,000 | 6,000 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '03030600', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': None, 'LongName': None}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 05/01/1970 | 05/01/1970 | None | Grant | None | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001023 | [{'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000126252', 'StartDate': '04/24/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000194854', 'StartDate': '04/24/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Charles', 'LastName': 'Dunham', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Charles L Dunham', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000099086', 'StartDate': '04/24/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Louise', 'LastName': 'Marshall', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'H', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Louise H Marshall', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000052313', 'StartDate': '04/24/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Bradbury', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'P', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John P Bradbury', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '3032365666', 'NSF_ID': '000419314', 'StartDate': '04/24/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'National Academy of Engineering', 'CityName': 'Washington', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': '2023938100', 'StreetAddress': '2101 Constitution Ave NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | [{'Code': '0000', 'Text': None}, {'Code': '1350', 'Text': 'BBS-INT COUNC OF SCIE UNS'}] | 1970~6000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001023.xml'} |
Task Order For Partial Support of Travel to the International Federation For Information Processing (Ifil) Congress in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia | NSF | 07/01/1970 | 04/30/1972 | 34,955 | 34,955 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/30/1970 | 06/30/1971 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001024 | [{'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000126252', 'StartDate': '07/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000194854', 'StartDate': '07/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Leon', 'LastName': 'Cohen', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Leon W Cohen', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000066848', 'StartDate': '07/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Louise', 'LastName': 'Marshall', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'H', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Louise H Marshall', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000052313', 'StartDate': '07/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Bradbury', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'P', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John P Bradbury', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000419314', 'StartDate': '07/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'National Research Council', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | [{'Code': '0000', 'Text': None}, {'Code': '2811', 'Text': 'THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE'}] | 1970~9955 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001024.xml'} |
Task Order For Partial Support of the U.S. National Committee For the International Council For Building Research Studies and Documentation | NSF | 07/01/1970 | 02/01/1978 | 160,000 | 160,000 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/30/1970 | 05/01/1976 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001025 | {'FirstName': 'Robert', 'LastName': 'Dillon', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Robert M Dillon', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000426913', 'StartDate': '07/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Academy of Sciences', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': '2023342254', 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | [{'Code': '1430', 'Text': 'MECHANICAL SCIENCES & ENG-RES.'}, {'Code': '1435', 'Text': 'WATER RES, URBAN & ENVIRN'}] | ['1970~10000', '1976~45000'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001025.xml'} |
Task Order For Partial Support For Travel of Selected Participants in the International Conference on Precision Measurements and Fundamental Constants | NSF | 07/01/1970 | 12/31/1970 | 7,900 | 7,900 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '03010100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'PHY', 'LongName': 'Division Of Physics'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/24/1970 | 06/24/1970 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001026 | {'FirstName': 'Martin', 'LastName': 'Paul', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Martin A Paul', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000164060', 'StartDate': '07/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Research Council', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1970~7900 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001026.xml'} |
Task Order For Partial Support of the Atmospheric Sciences Review Summer Study | NSF | 06/01/1970 | 12/31/1970 | 45,000 | 45,000 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '06020102', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AGS', 'LongName': 'Div Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/15/1970 | 11/01/1970 | None | Grant | 47.050 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001027 | {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Sievers', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'R', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John R Sievers', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000453103', 'StartDate': '06/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Research Council', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1522', 'Text': 'PHYSICAL METEOROLOGY'} | 1970~10000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001027.xml'} |
Contract For Partial Support of the Xxiii International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry | NSF | 08/01/1970 | 12/31/1971 | 120,000 | 120,000 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/03/1970 | 08/03/1970 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001028 | {'FirstName': 'Martin', 'LastName': 'Paul', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Martin A Paul', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000164060', 'StartDate': '08/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Research Council', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1934', 'Text': 'SYNTHETIC ORGANIC & NAT PRODUC'} | 1971~120000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001028.xml'} |
Support of Travel of U. S. Participants to the Twenty-Fifth International Congress of Physiological Sciences in Munich, Germany, July 25-31, 1971 | NSF | 01/01/1971 | 12/31/1971 | 10,000 | 10,000 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '08000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'BIO', 'LongName': 'Direct For Biological Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 11/20/1970 | 11/20/1970 | None | Grant | 47.074 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001030 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '01/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Academy of Sciences', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': '2023342254', 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1971~10000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001030.xml'} |
T.O. For Partial Supp of Travel of Two U.S. Parti- Partici To the Internat:l Hydro Decade Rel Symp in in Wellington, New Zealand, 12/1-8/70 | NSF | 11/23/1970 | 06/30/1971 | 1,890 | 1,890 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 12/16/1970 | 12/16/1970 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001031 | {'FirstName': 'L.', 'LastName': 'Heindl', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'L. A Heindl', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000440078', 'StartDate': '11/23/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Academy of Sciences', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': '2023342254', 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5931', 'Text': 'INTERNATIONAL INFO & ANALYSIS'} | 1971~1890 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001031.xml'} |
Task Order For a Project to Coordinate and Encourage the Development of Computing Systems For Use in Chemical Engineering Education | NSF | 01/01/1971 | 12/31/1975 | 173,944 | 173,944 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '03000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 01/28/1971 | 04/27/1973 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001032 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '01/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Academy of Engineering Commission on Education', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': '0', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | ['1971~79930', '1973~94014'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001032.xml'} |
Task Order For International Conference on Molecular Energy Transfer | NSF | 02/01/1971 | 10/31/1971 | 5,000 | 5,000 | {'Value': 'Contract-BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 02/05/1971 | 02/05/1971 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001033 | {'FirstName': 'Martin', 'LastName': 'Paul', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Martin A Paul', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000164060', 'StartDate': '02/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'National Research Council', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '204180007', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': '2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'PKFJZHG2MLG9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1915', 'Text': 'EXPERIMENTAL CHEMICAL PHYSICS'} | 1971~5000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001033.xml'} |
Contract For the Processing of Information Related to the Proposal Receipt, Evaluation, and Award Procedures of the National Science Foundation's Science Education Programs | NSF | 06/01/1970 | 08/31/1971 | 123,680 | 123,680 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '05010300', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 05/21/1970 | 02/12/1971 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001034 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '0000000', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '06/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Exotech Systems Inc', 'CityName': 'Falls Church', 'ZipCode': '22041', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '08', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA08', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1970~115839 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001034.xml'} |
Contract For Furnishing of Services in Support of Research Programs Conducted Aboard the Usns Eltanin | NSF | 12/16/1969 | 05/31/1975 | 1,832,570 | 1,832,570 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 12/11/1969 | 12/11/1972 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001039 | {'FirstName': 'Walter', 'LastName': 'Smolen', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Walter Smolen', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000100600', 'StartDate': '12/16/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Alpine Geophysical Associates', 'CityName': 'Norwood', 'ZipCode': '07648', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NJ05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5122', 'Text': 'EARTH SCIENCES (RESOURCES)'} | 1970~392498 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001039.xml'} |
SYST OR FEAS STUDS, SYST CONCEP DESIGN STUDS, SYST SYS ANAL,SYST DESIGN, COMP PROG, KEYPUNCH, SYS & DOCUM, INIT MONITOR SYST PERFO&OTHR REL SERV REL SER | null | 06/24/1970 | 06/30/1971 | null | 500 | {'Value': 'BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': None, 'Directorate': {'LongName': None}, 'Division': {'LongName': None}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 06/24/1970 | 06/24/1970 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 7001042 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': None, 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '06/24/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | [{'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}, {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}, {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}, {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}, {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}, {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}, {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}] | null | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001042.xml'} |
SYST OR FEAS STUDS, SYST CONCEP DESIGN STUD, SYST SYS ANAL, SYS DESIGN COMP PROG, KEYPUNCH, SYS OPER OPER DOCUM, INIT MONITOR SYST PERFO&OTHR REL SERV | null | 06/24/1970 | 06/30/1971 | null | 500 | {'Value': 'BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': None, 'Directorate': {'LongName': None}, 'Division': {'LongName': None}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 06/24/1970 | 06/24/1970 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 7001047 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': None, 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '06/24/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | [{'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}, {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}, {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}, {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}, {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}, {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}, {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}] | null | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001047.xml'} |
SYST OR FEAS STUDS, SYST CONCEP DESIGN STUDS, SYST SYS ANAL,SYS DESIGN, COMP PROG, KEYPUNCH SYS OPER DOCUM, INIT MONITORSYST PERF&OTHR REL SERV REL SER | null | 06/24/1970 | 06/30/1971 | null | 500 | {'Value': 'BOA/Task Order'} | {'Code': None, 'Directorate': {'LongName': None}, 'Division': {'LongName': None}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 06/24/1970 | 06/24/1970 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 7001049 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': None, 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '06/24/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | [{'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}, {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}, {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}, {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}, {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}, {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}, {'Name': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'CityName': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': None}] | null | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001049.xml'} |
Contract For the Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment (Aidjex) | NSF | 07/01/1970 | 12/31/1977 | 4,348,553 | 4,348,553 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '06090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OPP', 'LongName': 'Office of Polar Programs (OPP)'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/26/1970 | 08/18/1977 | None | Grant | 47.078 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001053 | {'FirstName': 'Norbert', 'LastName': 'Untersteiner', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Norbert Untersteiner', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000427115', 'StartDate': '07/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Washington', 'CityName': 'SEATTLE', 'ZipCode': '981951016', 'PhoneNumber': '2065434043', 'StreetAddress': '4333 BROOKLYN AVE NE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Washington', 'StateCode': 'WA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'WA07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HD1WMN6945W6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | [{'Code': '5200', 'Text': 'ARCTIC RESEARCH PROGRAM'}, {'Code': '5214', 'Text': 'METEOROLOGY (ARCTIC RESEARCH)'}, {'Code': '5222', 'Text': 'MARINE ECOSYSTEMS STUDIES'}, {'Code': '5271', 'Text': 'ARCTIC OFFSHORE RES PROG'}, {'Code': '5740', 'Text': 'Climate & Large-Scale Dynamics'}] | ['1970~100000', '1975~1698262', '1976~881625', '1977~24254'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001053.xml'} |
Contract For the Operation and Maintenance of the Economics Section of the National Register of Scientific and TechnicalPersonnel | null | 10/01/1970 | 09/30/1971 | null | 21,736 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '04030101', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Direct For Social, Behav & Economic Scie'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'National Center For S&E Statistics'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 10/22/1970 | 10/22/1970 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 7001056 | {'FirstName': 'Harold', 'LastName': 'Williamson', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '10/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'American Economic Association', 'CityName': 'Nashville', 'ZipCode': '372032425', 'PhoneNumber': '6153222595', 'StreetAddress': '2014 Broadway Suite 305', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Tennessee', 'StateCode': 'TN'} | null | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001056.xml'} |
Contract For a Study to Assess Technology Assessment | NSF | 10/14/1970 | 04/30/1971 | 75,000 | 75,000 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 10/14/1970 | 10/14/1970 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001057 | [{'FirstName': 'Robert', 'LastName': 'Morton', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'K', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Robert K Morton', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000218372', 'StartDate': '10/14/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Felix', 'LastName': 'Rimberg', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Felix J Rimberg', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000164047', 'StartDate': '10/14/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'Peat Marwick Mitchell and Co DC', 'CityName': 'Washington', 'ZipCode': '200061103', 'PhoneNumber': '2022239525', 'StreetAddress': '1990 K St NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1971~75000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001057.xml'} |
Contract For the Baffin Bay - North Water Research Program | NSF | 04/01/1971 | 06/30/1974 | 112,375 | 112,375 | {'Value': 'Contract'} | {'Code': '06090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OPP', 'LongName': 'Office of Polar Programs (OPP)'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/13/1971 | 08/19/1977 | None | Grant | 47.078 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001058 | [{'FirstName': 'Fritz', 'LastName': 'Muller', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Fritz Muller', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000124271', 'StartDate': '04/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Sater', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'E', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John E Sater', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000213270', 'StartDate': '04/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'Arctic Institute North America', 'CityName': 'CALGARY', 'ZipCode': 'T2N 1N4', 'PhoneNumber': '4032207515', 'StreetAddress': '2500 UNIVERSITY DR NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'Canada', 'StateName': None, 'StateCode': 'AB', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': None, 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'LLM5FH77ML13', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'ARCTIC INSTITUTE OF NORTH AMERICA, THE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': None} | {'Code': '5280', 'Text': 'ANS-Arctic Natural Sciences'} | 1971~35000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001058.xml'} |
Vibrio Parahaemolyticus in Chesapeake Bay- Isolation, Incidence and Pathogenicity | NSF | 06/15/1970 | 06/30/1972 | 47,400 | 47,400 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '06040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'GEO', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Geosciences'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'OCE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Ocean Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/05/1970 | 06/05/1970 | None | Grant | 47.050 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001073 | {'FirstName': 'Rita', 'LastName': 'Colwell', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'R', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Rita R Colwell', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000092411', 'StartDate': '06/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Georgetown University', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '200570001', 'PhoneNumber': '2026250100', 'StreetAddress': 'MAIN CAMPUS', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'TF2CMKY1HMX9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'ZFHYYLPJW7Q1'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '000000', 'Text': None} | 1970~47400 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001073.xml'} |
Design and Management of Environmental Systems | NSF | 07/01/1970 | 12/31/1976 | 1,926,400 | 1,926,400 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/24/1970 | 05/19/1975 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001077 | {'FirstName': 'Herman', 'LastName': 'Koenig', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Herman Koenig', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000302280', 'StartDate': '07/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Michigan State University', 'CityName': 'EAST LANSING', 'ZipCode': '488242600', 'PhoneNumber': '5173555040', 'StreetAddress': '426 AUDITORIUM RD RM 2', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Michigan', 'StateCode': 'MI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MI07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'R28EKN92ZTZ9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'VJKZC4D1JN36'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | [{'Code': '5500', 'Text': 'NEURAL SYSTEMS CLUSTER'}, {'Code': '5523', 'Text': 'COMMUNITY WATER MANAGEMENT'}] | ['1970~647900', '1975~178500'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001077.xml'} |
Fire Safety in Urban Housing | NSF | 05/01/1971 | 06/30/1976 | 665,600 | 665,600 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/19/1971 | 12/31/1975 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001080 | {'FirstName': 'Robert', 'LastName': 'Williamson', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'B', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Robert B Williamson', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000214192', 'StartDate': '05/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of California-Berkeley', 'CityName': 'BERKELEY', 'ZipCode': '947101749', 'PhoneNumber': '5106433891', 'StreetAddress': '1608 4TH ST STE 201', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'GS3YEVSS12N6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, THE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5500', 'Text': 'NEURAL SYSTEMS CLUSTER'} | 1971~249900 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001080.xml'} |
Computer Use For Macro-Policy Simulation | NSF | 06/03/1970 | 06/30/1976 | 87,900 | 87,900 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/03/1970 | 07/22/1974 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001087 | [{'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000065391', 'StartDate': '06/03/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Merton', 'LastName': 'Peck', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Merton J Peck', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000273071', 'StartDate': '06/03/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'Yale University', 'CityName': 'NEW HAVEN', 'ZipCode': '065113572', 'PhoneNumber': '2037854689', 'StreetAddress': '150 MUNSON ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Connecticut', 'StateCode': 'CT', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CT03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FL6GV84CKN57', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'YALE UNIV', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'FL6GV84CKN57'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | [{'Code': '0000', 'Text': None}, {'Code': '7220', 'Text': 'ALT IN HIGHER ED - MAT'}] | 1970~87900 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001087.xml'} |
Improvement of Computing Services- Lynchburg, Sweet BriaR and Randolph-Macon Woman's Colleges | NSF | 07/28/1970 | 07/31/1973 | 150,000 | 150,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 07/28/1970 | 07/28/1970 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001089 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000051317', 'StartDate': '07/28/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Lynchburg', 'CityName': 'LYNCHBURG', 'ZipCode': '245013113', 'PhoneNumber': '4345448321', 'StreetAddress': '1501 LAKESIDE DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '06', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA06', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'D1ZKMKNLGM25', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF LYNCHBURG', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'D1ZKMKNLGM25'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1971~150000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001089.xml'} |
Computer Science Research | NSF | 02/01/1971 | 01/31/1973 | 137,700 | 137,700 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 12/29/1970 | 12/29/1970 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001102 | [{'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Bruno', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John L Bruno', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000167647', 'StartDate': '02/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Melvin', 'LastName': 'Klerer', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Melvin Klerer', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000198152', 'StartDate': '02/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'New York University', 'CityName': 'NEW YORK', 'ZipCode': '100121019', 'PhoneNumber': '2129982121', 'StreetAddress': '70 WASHINGTON SQ S', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY10', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NX9PXMKW5KW8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NEW YORK UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'NX9PXMKW5KW8'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '2814', 'Text': 'SOFTWARE SYSTEMS'} | 1971~137700 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001102.xml'} |
Models and Measurements of Computer Systems | NSF | 03/05/1971 | 03/31/1977 | 134,200 | 134,200 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 03/05/1971 | 10/11/1973 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001106 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000099316', 'StartDate': '03/05/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Virginia Main Campus', 'CityName': 'CHARLOTTESVILLE', 'ZipCode': '229034833', 'PhoneNumber': '4349244270', 'StreetAddress': '1001 EMMET ST N', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Virginia', 'StateCode': 'VA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '05', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'VA05', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JJG6HU8PA4S5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'RECTOR & VISITORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '2815', 'Text': 'COMPUTER SYSTEMS DESIGN'} | 1971~65700 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001106.xml'} |
Experiment in the Development of a Regional Computer Center | NSF | 04/01/1970 | 12/31/1972 | 6,400 | 6,400 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05020300', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/27/1970 | 04/12/1971 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001108 | [{'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000071799', 'StartDate': '04/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Khidhir', 'LastName': 'Hamza', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'A', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Khidhir A Hamza', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000051034', 'StartDate': '04/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'Fort Valley State University', 'CityName': 'FORT VALLEY', 'ZipCode': '310303298', 'PhoneNumber': '4788256253', 'StreetAddress': '1005 STATE UNIVERSITY DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Georgia', 'StateCode': 'GA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'GA02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'LVDJS9UYPLD4', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'FORT VALLEY STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'LVDJS9UYPLD4'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '283000', 'Text': 'COMPUTER RESEARCH EQUIPMENT'} | 1970~3200 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001108.xml'} |
Design of Distributed Computing Systems | NSF | 07/01/1971 | 12/31/1976 | 553,400 | 553,400 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/02/1971 | 04/17/1974 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001116 | [{'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000030050', 'StartDate': '07/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'David', 'LastName': 'Farber', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'David J Farber', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000193915', 'StartDate': '07/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'University of California-Irvine', 'CityName': 'IRVINE', 'ZipCode': '926970001', 'PhoneNumber': '9498247295', 'StreetAddress': '160 ALDRICH HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '47', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA47', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'MJC5FCYQTPE6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA IRVINE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'MJC5FCYQTPE6'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '281500', 'Text': 'COMPUTER SYSTEMS DESIGN'} | 1971~220300 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001116.xml'} |
Design and Analysis of Computer Operating Systems | NSF | 09/02/1970 | 09/30/1974 | 173,000 | 173,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05010000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CCF', 'LongName': 'Division of Computing and Communication Foundations'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 09/02/1970 | 09/01/1972 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001127 | {'FirstName': 'James', 'LastName': 'Browne', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'C', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'James C Browne', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000356705', 'StartDate': '09/02/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Texas at Austin', 'CityName': 'AUSTIN', 'ZipCode': '787121139', 'PhoneNumber': '5124716424', 'StreetAddress': '110 INNER CAMPUS DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '25', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX25', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'V6AFQPN18437', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '281100', 'Text': 'THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE'} | 1971~86000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001127.xml'} |
Experiment in Utilizing Mini-Computer Facilities For InstruCtional Purposes | NSF | 08/01/1970 | 07/31/1973 | 18,000 | 18,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05000100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/07/1970 | 08/07/1970 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001139 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000056605', 'StartDate': '08/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Maryville College', 'CityName': 'MARYVILLE', 'ZipCode': '378045919', 'PhoneNumber': '8659818167', 'StreetAddress': '502 E LAMAR ALEXANDER PKWY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Tennessee', 'StateCode': 'TN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TN02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'SML4TMRCDJL1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'MARYVILLE COLLEGE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '000000', 'Text': None} | 1971~18000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001139.xml'} |
Experiment in Utilizing Mini-Computer Facilities For InstruCtional Purposes | null | 08/01/1970 | 07/31/1973 | null | 64,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05000100', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 08/07/1970 | 08/07/1970 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 7001140 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '08/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Macmurray College', 'CityName': 'Chicago', 'ZipCode': '626502590', 'PhoneNumber': '2172456151', 'StreetAddress': 'East College Avenue', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL'} | null | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001140.xml'} |
Experiment in Utilizing Mini-Computer Facilities For InstruCtional Purposes | NSF | 08/01/1970 | 07/31/1973 | 29,000 | 29,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05000100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/07/1970 | 08/07/1970 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001142 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '08/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Canisius College', 'CityName': 'BUFFALO', 'ZipCode': '142081035', 'PhoneNumber': '7168882103', 'StreetAddress': '2001 MAIN ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '26', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY26', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JJWLQMLKBB85', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CANISIUS UNIVERSITY OF BUFFALO NEW YORK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '000000', 'Text': None} | 1971~29000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001142.xml'} |
Experiment in Utilizing Mini-Computer Facilities For InstruCtional Purposes | NSF | 08/01/1970 | 07/31/1973 | 33,000 | 33,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05000100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/07/1970 | 08/07/1970 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001145 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000042032', 'StartDate': '08/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Benedictine University', 'CityName': 'LISLE', 'ZipCode': '605322851', 'PhoneNumber': '6308296004', 'StreetAddress': '5700 COLLEGE RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '11', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL11', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'C2VYCKBGJBG1', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'BENEDICTINE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1971~33000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001145.xml'} |
An Experiment to Determine the Educational Services DemandedBy Users of a Multicomputer Network | NSF | 03/01/1971 | 08/31/1973 | 220,000 | 220,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03040000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/09/1971 | 01/15/1976 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001153 | [{'FirstName': 'Philip', 'LastName': 'Morse', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Philip M Morse', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000052219', 'StartDate': '03/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Karen', 'LastName': 'Morse', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Karen W Morse', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000321624', 'StartDate': '03/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'New England Regional Computing Program', 'CityName': 'Cambridge', 'ZipCode': '02139', 'PhoneNumber': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '08', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MA08', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '2831', 'Text': 'TECH. & SYSTEMS'} | 1971~160000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001153.xml'} |
Experiment in Utilizing Mini-Computer Facilities For InstruCtional Purposes | NSF | 08/01/1970 | 07/31/1973 | 39,000 | 39,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05000100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/07/1970 | 08/07/1970 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001154 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000071138', 'StartDate': '08/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Erskine College', 'CityName': 'DUE WEST', 'ZipCode': '296399000', 'PhoneNumber': '8643792131', 'StreetAddress': '2 WASHINGTON ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'South Carolina', 'StateCode': 'SC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'SC03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'ENNQK3ULL8K7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'ERSKINE COLLEGE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1971~39000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001154.xml'} |
New Jersey Educational Computing Network | NSF | 08/01/1970 | 07/31/1972 | 7,400 | 7,400 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05020300', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/20/1970 | 08/20/1970 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001165 | {'FirstName': 'Anthony', 'LastName': 'Notare', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Anthony L Notare', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000080887', 'StartDate': '08/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Kean University', 'CityName': 'UNION', 'ZipCode': '070837133', 'PhoneNumber': '9083733464', 'StreetAddress': '1000 MORRIS AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NJ10', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'SQ62WM5KNSV8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'KEAN UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '283000', 'Text': 'COMPUTER RESEARCH EQUIPMENT'} | 1971~7400 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001165.xml'} |
Transient Response and Stability Characteristics of Reactions on Supported Catalysts | NSF | 12/01/1970 | 06/30/1977 | 124,300 | 124,300 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 11/19/1970 | 11/08/1976 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001206 | [{'FirstName': 'Kumares', 'LastName': 'Sinha', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'C', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Kumares C Sinha', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000113799', 'StartDate': '12/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Dietrich', 'LastName': 'Vincent', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'H', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Dietrich H Vincent', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000312852', 'StartDate': '12/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'Northwestern University', 'CityName': 'EVANSTON', 'ZipCode': '602080001', 'PhoneNumber': '3125037955', 'StreetAddress': '633 CLARK ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EXZVPWZBLUE8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1410', 'Text': 'ENG SCI IN CHEM,BIOCHEM & THER'} | 1971~57300 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001206.xml'} |
An Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Physical Adsorption of Gas Mixtures | NSF | 06/01/1971 | 12/31/1976 | 63,100 | 63,100 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 06/07/1971 | 08/29/1973 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001233 | {'FirstName': 'Ronald', 'LastName': 'Danner', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'P', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Ronald P Danner', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000206595', 'StartDate': '06/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Pennsylvania State Univ University Park', 'CityName': 'UNIVERSITY PARK', 'ZipCode': '168021503', 'PhoneNumber': '8148651372', 'StreetAddress': '201 OLD MAIN', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '15', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'PA15', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NPM2J7MSCF61', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1410', 'Text': 'ENG SCI IN CHEM,BIOCHEM & THER'} | 1971~26100 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001233.xml'} |
Hyperbolic Shells With Discrete Support Systems | NSF | 09/01/1970 | 02/28/1977 | 116,100 | 116,100 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07080000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'EET', 'LongName': None}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/04/1970 | 11/20/1975 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001264 | {'FirstName': 'Phillip', 'LastName': 'Gould', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Phillip L Gould', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000315877', 'StartDate': '09/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Washington University', 'CityName': 'SAINT LOUIS', 'ZipCode': '63110', 'PhoneNumber': '3147474134', 'StreetAddress': 'ONE BROOKINGS DR', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Missouri', 'StateCode': 'MO', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MO01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'L6NFUM28LQM5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, THE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1430', 'Text': 'MECHANICAL SCIENCES & ENG-RES.'} | 1971~49200 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001264.xml'} |
Cyclotron Wave Warm Plasma Studies | NSF | 09/01/1971 | 08/31/1977 | 113,700 | 113,700 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03030200', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': None, 'LongName': None}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 07/26/1971 | 10/11/1973 | None | Grant | None | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001299 | {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Scharer', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'E', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John E Scharer', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000439252', 'StartDate': '09/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Wisconsin-Madison', 'CityName': 'MADISON', 'ZipCode': '537151218', 'PhoneNumber': '6082623822', 'StreetAddress': '21 North Park Street', 'StreetAddress2': 'Suite 6301', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Wisconsin', 'StateCode': 'WI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'WI02', 'ORG_DUNS_NUM': '161202122', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM', 'ORG_PRNT_DUNS_NUM': '041188822'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1420', 'Text': 'ENGINEERING ENERGITICS'} | 1972~53000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001299.xml'} |
Transport Phenomena of Polyatomic Gases | NSF | 11/15/1970 | 08/31/1973 | 71,800 | 71,800 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 11/05/1970 | 08/13/1974 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001317 | {'FirstName': 'W.', 'LastName': 'Honeywell', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'I', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'W. I Honeywell', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000403365', 'StartDate': '11/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Houston', 'CityName': 'HOUSTON', 'ZipCode': '772043067', 'PhoneNumber': '7137435773', 'StreetAddress': '4300 MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '18', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX18', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'QKWEF8XLMTT3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON SYSTEM', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '141000', 'Text': 'ENG SCI IN CHEM,BIOCHEM & THER'} | 1971~71800 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001317.xml'} |
Information Sciences and Systems | NSF | 05/15/1971 | 10/31/1976 | 261,200 | 261,200 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/22/1971 | 06/06/1974 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001374 | [{'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000056262', 'StartDate': '05/15/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'John', 'LastName': 'Thomas', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'B', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John B Thomas', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000220163', 'StartDate': '05/15/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'Princeton University', 'CityName': 'PRINCETON', 'ZipCode': '085442001', 'PhoneNumber': '6092583090', 'StreetAddress': '1 NASSAU HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NJ12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NJ1YPQXQG7U5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE TRUSTEES OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1450', 'Text': 'ENG SCIE IN ELEC,COMMU & SYSTS'} | 1971~71600 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001374.xml'} |
Acousto-Optic and Electro-Optic Interactions and Devices | NSF | 01/15/1971 | 06/30/1975 | 128,400 | 128,400 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 01/13/1971 | 01/15/1973 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001381 | {'FirstName': 'Chen', 'LastName': 'Tsai', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'S', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Chen S Tsai', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000424132', 'StartDate': '01/15/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Carnegie-Mellon University', 'CityName': 'PITTSBURGH', 'ZipCode': '152133815', 'PhoneNumber': '4122688746', 'StreetAddress': '5000 FORBES AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '18', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'PA18', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'U3NKNFLNQ613', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'U3NKNFLNQ613'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5500', 'Text': 'NEURAL SYSTEMS CLUSTER'} | 1971~57200 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001381.xml'} |
Studies of Acoustic Wave Phenomena | NSF | 09/01/1971 | 08/31/1977 | 172,850 | 172,850 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03030200', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': None, 'LongName': None}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 09/01/1971 | 03/01/1974 | None | Grant | None | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001388 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000041683', 'StartDate': '09/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Stanford University', 'CityName': 'STANFORD', 'ZipCode': '943052004', 'PhoneNumber': '6507232300', 'StreetAddress': '450 JANE STANFORD WAY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '16', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA16', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HJD6G4D6TJY5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1420', 'Text': 'ENGINEERING ENERGITICS'} | 1972~83900 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001388.xml'} |
Mathematical Modeling of Shear Lag Within Elastic Boundary Layers | NSF | 12/15/1970 | 12/31/1972 | 37,000 | 37,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07080000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'EET', 'LongName': None}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 12/07/1970 | 12/07/1970 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001404 | {'FirstName': 'Bernard', 'LastName': 'Shaffer', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Bernard W Shaffer', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000165926', 'StartDate': '12/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'New York University', 'CityName': 'NEW YORK', 'ZipCode': '100121019', 'PhoneNumber': '2129982121', 'StreetAddress': '70 WASHINGTON SQ S', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY10', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NX9PXMKW5KW8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NEW YORK UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'NX9PXMKW5KW8'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1430', 'Text': 'MECHANICAL SCIENCES & ENG-RES.'} | 1971~37000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001404.xml'} |
Coding Theory and Applications | NSF | 10/01/1970 | 03/31/1977 | 167,900 | 167,900 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 09/02/1970 | 01/16/1976 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001408 | {'FirstName': 'Robert', 'LastName': 'Chien', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'T', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Robert T Chien', 'EmailAddress': None, 'PI_PHON': None, 'NSF_ID': '000431487', 'StartDate': '10/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign', 'CityName': 'URBANA', 'ZipCode': '618013620', 'PhoneNumber': '2173332187', 'StreetAddress': '506 S WRIGHT ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Y8CWNJRCNN91', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5500', 'Text': 'NEURAL SYSTEMS CLUSTER'} | 1971~99700 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001408.xml'} |
Properties of Hydrocarbon Mixtures at Low Temperatures and High Pressures | NSF | 01/15/1971 | 07/31/1976 | 107,600 | 107,600 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 01/20/1971 | 05/03/1974 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001410 | [{'FirstName': 'Fred', 'LastName': 'Kurata', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Fred Kurata', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000216020', 'StartDate': '01/15/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'George', 'LastName': 'Swift', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'W', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'George W Swift', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000408838', 'StartDate': '01/15/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'University of Kansas Center for Research Inc', 'CityName': 'LAWRENCE', 'ZipCode': '660457563', 'PhoneNumber': '7858643441', 'StreetAddress': '2385 IRVING HILL RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Kansas', 'StateCode': 'KS', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'KS01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'SSUJB3GSH8A5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS CENTER FOR RESEARCH INC', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'SSUJB3GSH8A5'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1410', 'Text': 'ENG SCI IN CHEM,BIOCHEM & THER'} | 1971~52400 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001410.xml'} |
Problems in Error Correcting Codes | NSF | 02/01/1971 | 01/31/1977 | 129,800 | 129,800 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07000000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 12/22/1970 | 08/03/1973 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001418 | [{'FirstName': 'Shu', 'LastName': 'Lin', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Shu Lin', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000426437', 'StartDate': '02/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'David', 'LastName': 'Weldon', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'E', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'David E Weldon', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000380373', 'StartDate': '02/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'University of Hawaii', 'CityName': 'HONOLULU', 'ZipCode': '968222247', 'PhoneNumber': '8089567800', 'StreetAddress': '2425 CAMPUS RD SINCLAIR RM 1', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Hawaii', 'StateCode': 'HI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'HI01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NSCKLFSSABF2', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '5500', 'Text': 'NEURAL SYSTEMS CLUSTER'} | 1971~50200 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001418.xml'} |
Fracture of Brittle Materials Under Impact Loads | NSF | 11/01/1971 | 02/28/1978 | 53,800 | 53,800 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '07080000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'ENG', 'LongName': 'Directorate For Engineering'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'EET', 'LongName': None}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 10/05/1971 | 02/02/1977 | None | Grant | 47.041 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001465 | {'FirstName': 'Jan', 'LastName': 'Achenbach', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'D', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jan D Achenbach', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000459716', 'StartDate': '11/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Northwestern University', 'CityName': 'EVANSTON', 'ZipCode': '602080001', 'PhoneNumber': '3125037955', 'StreetAddress': '633 CLARK ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Illinois', 'StateCode': 'IL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '09', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IL09', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'EXZVPWZBLUE8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1430', 'Text': 'MECHANICAL SCIENCES & ENG-RES.'} | 1972~53800 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001465.xml'} |
Symposium on Cybernetics and the Management of Ecological Systems | NSF | 09/01/1970 | 02/28/1972 | 6,000 | 6,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03030600', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': None, 'LongName': None}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 09/02/1970 | 09/02/1970 | None | Grant | None | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001466 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '0000000', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '09/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'American Society For Cybernetics', 'CityName': 'Washington', 'ZipCode': '200372747', 'PhoneNumber': '2026767530', 'StreetAddress': '2131 G St NW', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': None, 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': None, 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1971~6000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001466.xml'} |
None | NSF | 01/01/1900 | 01/01/1900 | 0 | null | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03020100', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AST', 'LongName': 'Division Of Astronomical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | None | None | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001480 | {'FirstName': 'May Beth', 'LastName': 'Givan', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'May Beth Givan', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000638458', 'StartDate': '01/01/1900', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of California-San Diego Scripps Inst of Oceanography', 'CityName': 'LA JOLLA', 'ZipCode': '920931500', 'PhoneNumber': '8585341293', 'StreetAddress': '8622 DISCOVERY WAY # 116', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '50', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA50', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'QJ8HMDK7MRM3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'QJ8HMDK7MRM3'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | null | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001480.xml'} |
Translation Journal, 'hydrobiological Journal' (1970 Vol.) | NSF | 01/01/1970 | 12/31/1973 | 67,788 | 67,788 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 10/28/1969 | 04/05/1972 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001481 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000041016', 'StartDate': '01/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'American Fisheries Society (AFS)', 'CityName': 'BETHESDA', 'ZipCode': '208142169', 'PhoneNumber': '3018978616', 'StreetAddress': '425 BARLOW PLACE', 'StreetAddress2': 'STE 110', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '08', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD08', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NPMKKCNJC8V9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY, INC. A/K/A AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '6700', 'Text': 'INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY'} | 1970~12500 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001481.xml'} |
Translation Journal, 'problems of Ichthyology' (1970 Vol.) | NSF | 01/01/1970 | 06/30/1973 | 87,253 | 87,253 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 10/28/1969 | 04/12/1972 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001482 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000041016', 'StartDate': '01/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'American Fisheries Society (AFS)', 'CityName': 'BETHESDA', 'ZipCode': '208142169', 'PhoneNumber': '3018978616', 'StreetAddress': '425 BARLOW PLACE', 'StreetAddress2': 'STE 110', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '08', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD08', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NPMKKCNJC8V9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY, INC. A/K/A AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '6700', 'Text': 'INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY'} | 1970~25000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001482.xml'} |
Translation Jorunal, Entomological Review, Vol 49 (1970) | NSF | 01/01/1970 | 12/31/1972 | 11,000 | 11,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 11/17/1969 | 11/17/1969 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001483 | {'FirstName': None, 'LastName': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'DATA NOT AVAILABLE', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000050080', 'StartDate': '01/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Entomological Society of America', 'CityName': 'ANNAPOLIS', 'ZipCode': '214017995', 'PhoneNumber': '3017314535', 'StreetAddress': '170 JENNIFER RD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD03', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'K1U5Y6X639P6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '000000', 'Text': None} | 1970~11000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001483.xml'} |
Transl Jour-Atmos & Oceanic Physics, Physics of the Soled Earth, Geomagnetism&Aeronomy, Geodesy& Aerophotography, OceAnology, Geotectonics,&Soviet Hydrology-Selected Papers, 197 | NSF | 01/01/1970 | 12/31/1972 | 101,000 | 101,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 11/28/1969 | 11/28/1969 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001484 | {'FirstName': 'A. F.', 'LastName': 'Spilhaus, Jr.', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': 'Jr.', 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'A. F. Spilhaus, Jr.', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000106642', 'StartDate': '01/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'American Geophysical Union', 'CityName': 'WASHINGTON', 'ZipCode': '200091374', 'PhoneNumber': '2024626900', 'StreetAddress': '2000 FLORIDA AVE NW LBBY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'District of Columbia', 'StateCode': 'DC', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'DC00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'QSTAN1HJRXJ5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '000000', 'Text': None} | 1970~101000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001484.xml'} |
National Information System For Physics- Advance Planning | NSF | 03/01/1970 | 06/30/1972 | 336,777 | 336,777 | {'Value': 'Continuing Grant'} | {'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 02/25/1970 | 01/01/1971 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001485 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '03/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'American Institute of Physics', 'CityName': 'COLLEGE PARK', 'ZipCode': '207403841', 'PhoneNumber': '3012093127', 'StreetAddress': '1 PHYSICS ELLIPSE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JWDLZDLNL9K3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INCORPORATED', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'JWDLZDLNL9K3'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '6600', 'Text': 'BEHAVIORAL ASPECTS OF INFO TRA'} | 1970~98300 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001485.xml'} |
Translation and Publication of Selected Articles on Control Theory in the 'siam Journal of Control (Sicon)' | NSF | 01/01/1970 | 12/31/1973 | 16,600 | 16,600 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 02/10/1970 | 02/10/1970 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001487 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '01/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Society For Industrial and Applied Math (SIAM)', 'CityName': 'Philadelphia', 'CountyName': 'PHILADELPHIA', 'ZipCode': '191042688', 'PhoneNumber': '2153829800', 'StreetAddress': '3600 Market St.', 'StreetAddress2': '6th Floor', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Pennsylvania', 'StateCode': 'PA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '03', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'PA03', 'ORG_DUNS_NUM': '048611867', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'SOCIETY FOR INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS', 'ORG_PRNT_DUNS_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'CountyName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '6700', 'Text': 'INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY'} | 1970~16600 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001487.xml'} |
Publication of Studies in Comparative InternatioNal Development | NSF | 07/01/1969 | 12/31/1971 | 44,600 | 44,600 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '05020000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'CSE', 'LongName': 'Direct For Computer & Info Scie & Enginr'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'IIS', 'LongName': 'Div Of Information & Intelligent Systems'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 05/07/1970 | 05/07/1970 | None | Grant | 47.070 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001493 | {'FirstName': 'Jeremy', 'LastName': 'Taylor', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Jeremy Taylor', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000525500', 'StartDate': '07/01/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Rutgers University New Brunswick', 'CityName': 'NEW BRUNSWICK', 'ZipCode': '089018559', 'PhoneNumber': '8489320150', 'StreetAddress': '3 RUTGERS PLZ', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NJ12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'M1LVPE5GLSD9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | 1970~44600 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001493.xml'} |
High Energy Particle Physics | NSF | 11/15/1969 | 02/28/1975 | 1,719,200 | 1,719,200 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03010200', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'PHY', 'LongName': 'Division Of Physics'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 10/28/1969 | 04/12/1974 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001520 | {'FirstName': 'Hannah', 'LastName': 'Petzenbaum', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Hannah Petzenbaum', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000176499', 'StartDate': '11/15/1969', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Johns Hopkins University', 'CityName': 'BALTIMORE', 'ZipCode': '212182608', 'PhoneNumber': '4439971898', 'StreetAddress': '3400 N CHARLES ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FTMTDMBR29C7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1272', 'Text': 'ELEMENTARY PARTICLE PHYSICS'} | 1970~575000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001520.xml'} |
Atomic Fluorescence and High Resolution Atomic Absorption Spectrometry | NSF | 05/01/1970 | 04/30/1974 | 53,700 | 53,700 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03090308', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/06/1970 | 05/01/1972 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001528 | {'FirstName': 'Claude', 'LastName': 'Veillon', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Claude Veillon', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000360151', 'StartDate': '05/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Houston', 'CityName': 'HOUSTON', 'ZipCode': '772043067', 'PhoneNumber': '7137435773', 'StreetAddress': '4300 MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Texas', 'StateCode': 'TX', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '18', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'TX18', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'QKWEF8XLMTT3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON SYSTEM', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '193600', 'Text': 'CHEMICAL ANALYSIS'} | 1970~22500 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001528.xml'} |
Studies of the G Shift of Conduction Electrons in Metals AndAlloys | NSF | 09/15/1971 | 12/31/1976 | 63,500 | 63,500 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03010500', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'PHY', 'LongName': 'Division Of Physics'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 09/09/1971 | 07/06/1976 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001552 | {'FirstName': 'Adriaan', 'LastName': 'De Graaf', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'M', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Adriaan M De Graaf', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000331765', 'StartDate': '09/15/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Wayne State University', 'CityName': 'DETROIT', 'ZipCode': '482023692', 'PhoneNumber': '3135772424', 'StreetAddress': '5700 CASS AVE STE 4900', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Michigan', 'StateCode': 'MI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '13', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MI13', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'M6K6NTJ2MNE5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | [{'Code': '1275', 'Text': 'THEORET-ELEMENTARY PARTIC'}, {'Code': '1710', 'Text': 'CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS'}, {'Code': '1761', 'Text': 'SOLID STATE PHYSICS'}] | ['1972~25000', '1974~14500', '1975~18400'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001552.xml'} |
Novel Peroxide Heterocycles | NSF | 05/01/1970 | 04/30/1972 | 35,700 | 35,700 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/10/1970 | 04/10/1970 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001554 | {'FirstName': 'Waldemar', 'LastName': 'Adam', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Waldemar Adam', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000282169', 'StartDate': '05/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras', 'CityName': 'SAN JUAN', 'ZipCode': '00931', 'PhoneNumber': '7877634949', 'StreetAddress': '39 PONCE DE LEON AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Puerto Rico', 'StateCode': 'PR', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '00', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'PR00', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'Q3LLLDFHPNL3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '191200', 'Text': 'ORGANIC CHEMICAL DYNAMICS'} | 1970~35700 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001554.xml'} |
Functional Analysis and Geometry of Groups | NSF | 06/01/1971 | 11/30/1976 | 47,500 | 47,500 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03040103', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 01/07/1971 | 05/08/1975 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001628 | {'FirstName': 'Frederick', 'LastName': 'Greenleaf', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'P', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Frederick P Greenleaf', 'EmailAddress': '', 'PI_PHON': '2129983173', 'NSF_ID': '000210325', 'StartDate': '06/01/1971', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'New York University', 'CityName': 'NEW YORK', 'ZipCode': '100121019', 'PhoneNumber': '2129982121', 'StreetAddress': '70 WASHINGTON SQ S', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New York', 'StateCode': 'NY', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '10', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NY10', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NX9PXMKW5KW8', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'NEW YORK UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'NX9PXMKW5KW8'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1262', 'Text': 'MODERN ANALYSIS'} | ['1971~19900', '1975~8000'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001628.xml'} |
Astronomical Work at the Clark Lake Radio Observatory | NSF | 03/15/1970 | 06/30/1978 | 1,004,700 | 1,004,700 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03020400', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AST', 'LongName': 'Division Of Astronomical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 03/02/1970 | 09/29/1976 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001638 | [{'FirstName': 'William', 'LastName': 'Erickson', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'C', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'William C Erickson', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000384209', 'StartDate': '03/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Mukul', 'LastName': 'Kundu', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'R', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Mukul R Kundu', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000329815', 'StartDate': '03/15/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'University of Maryland, College Park', 'CityName': 'COLLEGE PARK', 'ZipCode': '207425100', 'PhoneNumber': '3014056269', 'StreetAddress': '3112 LEE BUILDING', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '04', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD04', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'NPU8ULVAAS23', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'NPU8ULVAAS23'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | [{'Code': '1212', 'Text': 'RADIO ASTRONOMY'}, {'Code': '1214', 'Text': 'PLANETARY ASTRONOMY'}, {'Code': '1215', 'Text': 'STELLAR ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSC'}, {'Code': '1217', 'Text': 'EXTRAGALACTIC ASTRON & COSMOLO'}, {'Code': '1218', 'Text': 'ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES & INSTRM'}] | ['1900~150000', '1970~154300', '1976~293500', '1977~136800'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001638.xml'} |
Algebraic Topology | NSF | 07/01/1970 | 07/31/1977 | 40,200 | 40,200 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03040108', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/14/1970 | 03/16/1976 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001647 | {'FirstName': 'John Michael', 'LastName': 'Boardman', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'John Michael Boardman', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000219073', 'StartDate': '07/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Johns Hopkins University', 'CityName': 'BALTIMORE', 'ZipCode': '212182608', 'PhoneNumber': '4439971898', 'StreetAddress': '3400 N CHARLES ST', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Maryland', 'StateCode': 'MD', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MD07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FTMTDMBR29C7', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1267', 'Text': 'TOPOLOGY'} | ['1970~14000', '1976~10000'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001647.xml'} |
Structure-Reactivity Relationships in Ketone Photochemistry | NSF | 06/01/1970 | 02/28/1977 | 145,600 | 145,600 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03090102', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 05/19/1970 | 08/11/1975 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001653 | {'FirstName': 'Peter', 'LastName': 'Wagner', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Peter J Wagner', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000301733', 'StartDate': '06/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Michigan State University', 'CityName': 'EAST LANSING', 'ZipCode': '488242600', 'PhoneNumber': '5173555040', 'StreetAddress': '426 AUDITORIUM RD RM 2', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Michigan', 'StateCode': 'MI', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'MI07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'R28EKN92ZTZ9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'VJKZC4D1JN36'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1912', 'Text': 'ORGANIC CHEMICAL DYNAMICS'} | ['1970~50400', '1976~32200'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001653.xml'} |
X-Ray Astronomy Balloon Flights From Australia | null | 08/01/1970 | 07/31/1971 | null | 23,500 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03020101', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Division Of Astronomical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 08/12/1970 | 08/12/1970 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 7001678 | {'FirstName': 'Walter', 'LastName': 'Lewin', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '08/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Massachusetts Institute of Technology', 'CityName': 'Cambridge', 'ZipCode': '021394301', 'PhoneNumber': '6172531000', 'StreetAddress': '77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Massachusetts', 'StateCode': 'MA'} | null | {'Code': '0000', 'Text': None} | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001678.xml'} |
Uniform Algebras and Several Complex Variables | NSF | 07/01/1970 | 06/30/1976 | 81,200 | 81,200 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03040102', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/24/1970 | 06/26/1975 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001682 | [{'FirstName': 'Frank', 'LastName': 'Quigley', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'D', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Frank D Quigley', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000303924', 'StartDate': '07/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'James', 'LastName': 'Quick', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'James Quick', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000407142', 'StartDate': '07/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'Tulane University', 'CityName': 'NEW ORLEANS', 'ZipCode': '701185665', 'PhoneNumber': '5048654000', 'StreetAddress': '6823 SAINT CHARLES AVE', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Louisiana', 'StateCode': 'LA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '01', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'LA01', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'XNY5ULPU8EN6', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'ADMINISTRATORS OF THE TULANE EDUCATIONAL FUND, THE', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'XNY5ULPU8EN6'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1262', 'Text': 'MODERN ANALYSIS'} | 1970~26600 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001682.xml'} |
Quotient Rings of Rings | NSF | 06/01/1970 | 05/31/1972 | 7,000 | 7,000 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03090000', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 05/26/1970 | 05/26/1970 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001685 | {'FirstName': 'Barbara', 'LastName': 'Osofsky', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'L', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Barbara L Osofsky', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000167112', 'StartDate': '06/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Rutgers University New Brunswick', 'CityName': 'NEW BRUNSWICK', 'ZipCode': '089018559', 'PhoneNumber': '8489320150', 'StreetAddress': '3 RUTGERS PLZ', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'New Jersey', 'StateCode': 'NJ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '12', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'NJ12', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'M1LVPE5GLSD9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1264', 'Text': 'ALGEBRA,NUMBER THEORY,AND COM'} | 1970~7000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001685.xml'} |
Blue Stars at Low Galactic Latitudes | NSF | 10/01/1970 | 02/28/1977 | 161,400 | 161,400 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03020400', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'AST', 'LongName': 'Division Of Astronomical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 09/08/1970 | 03/12/1975 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001695 | {'FirstName': 'Bart', 'LastName': 'Bok', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'J', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Bart J Bok', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000091711', 'StartDate': '10/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'University of Arizona', 'CityName': 'TUCSON', 'ZipCode': '85721', 'PhoneNumber': '5206266000', 'StreetAddress': '845 N PARK AVE RM 538', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Arizona', 'StateCode': 'AZ', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '07', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'AZ07', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'ED44Y3W6P7B9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '121700', 'Text': 'EXTRAGALACTIC ASTRON & COSMOLO'} | 1971~40000 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001695.xml'} |
Topology of Manifolds | NSF | 06/01/1970 | 11/30/1976 | 175,500 | 175,500 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03040108', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 05/18/1970 | 10/20/1975 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001698 | {'FirstName': 'Robert', 'LastName': 'Lacher', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'C', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Robert C Lacher', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000258156', 'StartDate': '06/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Florida State University', 'CityName': 'TALLAHASSEE', 'ZipCode': '323060001', 'PhoneNumber': '8506445260', 'StreetAddress': '874 TRADITIONS WAY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Florida', 'StateCode': 'FL', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'FL02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'JF2BLNN4PJC3', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'D4GCCCMXR1H3'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1267', 'Text': 'TOPOLOGY'} | 1970~49900 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001698.xml'} |
Photometry and Astrometry of Visual Double Stars | null | 09/01/1970 | 10/31/1976 | null | 150,900 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03020400', 'Directorate': {'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'LongName': 'Division Of Astronomical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available'} | None | 08/04/1970 | 05/07/1975 | None | null | null | null | null | null | 7001705 | {'FirstName': 'Otto', 'LastName': 'Franz', 'EmailAddress': None, 'StartDate': '09/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Lowell Observatory', 'CityName': 'Flagstaff', 'ZipCode': '860014470', 'PhoneNumber': '9282333290', 'StreetAddress': '1400 W. Mars Hill Road', 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Arizona', 'StateCode': 'AZ'} | null | {'Code': '1216', 'Text': 'GALACTIC ASTRONOMY PROGRAM'} | null | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001705.xml'} |
Theory of Several Complex Variables | NSF | 06/01/1970 | 11/30/1976 | 141,800 | 141,800 | {'Value': 'Standard Grant'} | {'Code': '03040102', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'DMS', 'LongName': 'Division Of Mathematical Sciences'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 04/03/1970 | 04/18/1974 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001713 | [{'FirstName': 'Yum-Tong', 'LastName': 'Siu', 'PI_MID_INIT': None, 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Yum-Tong Siu', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000385309', 'StartDate': '06/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Co-Principal Investigator'}, {'FirstName': 'Wilhelm', 'LastName': 'Stoll', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'F', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'Wilhelm F Stoll', 'EmailAddress': None, 'NSF_ID': '000212086', 'StartDate': '06/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'}] | {'Name': 'University of Notre Dame', 'CityName': 'NOTRE DAME', 'ZipCode': '465565708', 'PhoneNumber': '5746317432', 'StreetAddress': '940 GRACE HALL', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'Indiana', 'StateCode': 'IN', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '02', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'IN02', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'FPU6XGFXMBE9', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME DU LAC', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': 'FPU6XGFXMBE9'} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '126200', 'Text': 'MODERN ANALYSIS'} | 1970~49600 | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001713.xml'} |
Mechanistic Patterns in Homogeneous Catalysis | NSF | 09/01/1970 | 08/31/1975 | 165,300 | 165,300 | {'Value': 'Continuing Grant'} | {'Code': '03090302', 'Directorate': {'Abbreviation': 'MPS', 'LongName': 'Direct For Mathematical & Physical Scien'}, 'Division': {'Abbreviation': 'CHE', 'LongName': 'Division Of Chemistry'}} | {'SignBlockName': 'name not available', 'PO_EMAI': None, 'PO_PHON': None} | None | 08/04/1970 | 08/09/1974 | None | Grant | 47.049 | 0 | 4900 | 4900 | 7001722 | {'FirstName': 'James', 'LastName': 'Collman', 'PI_MID_INIT': 'P', 'PI_SUFX_NAME': None, 'PI_FULL_NAME': 'James P Collman', 'EmailAddress': '', 'NSF_ID': '000403372', 'StartDate': '09/01/1970', 'EndDate': None, 'RoleCode': 'Principal Investigator'} | {'Name': 'Stanford University', 'CityName': 'STANFORD', 'ZipCode': '943052004', 'PhoneNumber': '6507232300', 'StreetAddress': '450 JANE STANFORD WAY', 'StreetAddress2': None, 'CountryName': 'United States', 'StateName': 'California', 'StateCode': 'CA', 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': '16', 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_ORG': 'CA16', 'ORG_UEI_NUM': 'HJD6G4D6TJY5', 'ORG_LGL_BUS_NAME': 'THE LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY', 'ORG_PRNT_UEI_NUM': None} | {'Name': None, 'CityName': None, 'StateCode': None, 'ZipCode': None, 'StreetAddress': None, 'CountryCode': None, 'CountryName': None, 'StateName': None, 'CountryFlag': None, 'CONGRESSDISTRICT': None, 'CONGRESS_DISTRICT_PERF': '""'} | {'Code': '1932', 'Text': 'SYNTHETIC INORGANIC & ORGANOME'} | ['1971~98000', '1975~67300'] | {'url': '', 'xml': '7001722.xml'} |
Subsets and Splits