{"text":" Okay You're doing good don't fuck it up NOOOOOOOOOOOOO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER The AWB had no effect on crime. That's why it was not resigned into law 10 years after it was 1st signed and allowed to sunset. It also was the beginning of the end for Clinton and his corrupt administration. I love when they screech gun control! It means they lose in elections!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Darcy = Dorsey? I'm not sure why anyone was expecting a balanced platform when the owner is a satanist.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user British people say cunt like American people say dude I not know this woman at counter asked me for help ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What a long winded way to say \"I'm mentally retarded\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Some of the results of recent EU #migration policy excellently unpacked by @user No sustainable solutions in sight. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Congratulations to President Trump and to the United States of America for taking back our country from the illegal aliens. 191,000 illegal invaders have been arrested and deported so far this year to date. We must go faster to get them all. This is GREAT start! #MAGA #NoDACA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#TuesdayThoughts Why do Democrats and liberals feel so compelled to stop a conservative judge like Kavanah to the Supreme Court? Democrats favor upholding any and every immoral law in this country. Who would prefer evil instead of doing what is good?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER I am talking about your comment that Nick was a fascist... Brittany means nothing to me. So like I said are you Antifa?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Umm, what just happened: Ivanka Trump says the media is not \"the enemy of the people\" and she was \"vehemently against separating children from parents at the border, calling that a low point of her White House tenure. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"CAIR is absolutely a terrorist organization! They practice Taquiyah. The only good muzzie is a dead muzzie. I want them all to be good muzzies.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Say you gon ride, bitch ride ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Women want everything to be 50\/50 but then they make 100% of the Ghostbusters FEMALE. wtf!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Immigrants like you are gorgeous. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"those woods belong to the government. it is called a park. plus, you learned to suck nigger dick while doing time for stealing spare tires off trucks","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" Careful what You Wish For. What is it with women and phytophilia ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"With that sense of entitlement, she should fit in just fine in California. filthy baby factory","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Actually should read as liberal MP leaves liberals for another liberal party\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Holder needs to be prosecuted","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"One of the questions asked regarding the White Ethnostate is, what kind of policy will it have to prevent diversity? Who gets let in and who is kept out? I'll tell you from my point of view as someone who's in a town that had been 99% white until about a year ago, you cannot let in a single black or brown person. 5 years ago, the only blacks around here were lower income degenerate junkies but they kept to themselves. Then, black families started moving into town and it took a population change of less than 50 people to noticeably increase the violent crime rate. One black dude robbed, at gun point, 3 businesses on Main Street and 2 in the next town over before he was caught by the police. Just one person over the course of a few months robbed multiple businesses. That's all it takes, just one nigger and there goes the neighborhood. A shooting over a domestic housing disagreement occurred a few months later, the perpetrator a mulatto. The crrime and drugs have gotten so bad here that the police department has hired 8 new cops in the last 2 years. Looking at all of the available data, showing the demographics, property values and crime rates over the last 30 years here, there is an evident relation between an increase of blacks and an increase in crime. Even a minor increase of 20 blacks results in arrests increasing by an average of 20%. I don't need anymore convincing that diversity is a problem, do you?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"2015! OLD BUT GOOD ENOUGH! 62% of Illegal Immigrant Households on Welfare | Steven Camarota and Ste... via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No one else is as filthy as these Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And today they don't even wear hoods. They're actually proud to show their faces. Unless of course it's their terrorist wing the ANTIFA or their crybaby wing the RESISTANCE\". URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. Theres no such thing as \"faggotry\". There are procreationists only. Faggotry only results in extinction. The liberal words you use perpetuate your own mental illness which leads you further into a beta cuck abyss. You're welcome. Low IQ beta cucks use liberal terminology like \"gay\", \"nigger\". Acceptance of liberal language is slavery. You're too low IQ to understand this. You're welcome. You sound like a gay faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user @user Fucking cunt where's my belt bitch suck my dick and make me cum on your mouth ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"These fucking retarded people. I hate them all.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Every judge in Australia is the same. Is every single one of them a professional cuck and doormat? Yes yes and yes. Except they are not doormats, they are all ideological feminists. Same thing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"From A -list stars to budding actresses: The women who accuse Harvey Weinstein of rape and ... via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER So then your saying the @USER platform of gun control and reform is nothing for them to worry about? Kind of like #Kavanaugh is going to kill women and Gays?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER sis Mandys no nose havin ass from the grim adventures of billy and Mandy can smell that shit wheeew URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How can you not engage? As enraging as it all is... fuck it all off I say. Turn off the power. Reset. Reboot. Escape the cunt booth. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Churchill is essentially John McCain, but 13 x's worse. I'm sure the faggot is burning in hell. I genuinely hope so.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"JD has clear mental health issues. Anyone who doesn't think people rise from the dead must be nuts. Like I said, clear mental issues. https:\/\/gab.com\/JesusSavedMe Fuck off asshole. I served in the US Navy for 7 years and took on people bigger than me. I never made it to sea but, I still kicked ass and surprised my division officers proving it. The only good part of you is the fluid that trickled down your momma's thigh. God damned keyboard warriors make me sick. and by the way. Boot camp for me was a fricking cake walk. @judgedread I rest my case, fucker. @judgedread https:\/\/gab.com\/JesusSavedMe https:\/\/gab.com\/repentorburn JESUS Is LORD I @judgedread am a fool and I repent of this blasphemy I @judgedread am a fool and I repent of this blasphemy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Win A 15 Shot Rotary Polish Flare Launcher - RGA-86 URL #MAGA #MolonLabe #NRA #2A #Firearms","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Conservatives let you keep your hard earned money so you can be more productive and more independent. Liberals want to take your hard earned money from you so they can bribe you with it and be under their control. Vote in November. https:\/\/www.cnbc.com\/2018\/10\/19\/kamala-harris-democrats-push-to-repeal-and-replace-trump-tax-cuts.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Another example of the big boys won't let me win, so from now on I will play with the girlies they are easy to beat even for a pussy faggot man. Can't wait for Michelle Tyson to put on a frock and punch the shite out of Nicola Adams, will the Feminazis wake up then? no wonder the feminists hate trannies. this is an insanely bad idea.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" BOYCOTT NFL NONAMERICAN FELON LEAGUE Yep, We still #BoycottNFL in my house!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I never read that she did that anywhere but I bet the black cock slut did it numerous times along with the other two black cock slut accusers I hope the cunt saw all the memes that were made of her lying count fuckin face","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"if you really think about it, it was a really retarded thing for JP to post.. i mean, does peterson think Kavanaugh is going to read that tweet and decide to resign? or is he just virtue signaling like a shitlib? signalling to shitlibs that he's a shitlib, i guess","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"SITUATIONAL AWARENESS, SURPRISE, AND AGGRESSION CAN TURN THE ODDS IN YOUR FAVOR WHEN STREET FIGHTING Confronted and Outnumbered by 3 Muslims in an elevator. This patriot turns the tables on them immediately. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=KCFNvsjMs2Y","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Character assassinations are a survival technique for liberals","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@TheAviator1992 VOTED ALREADY!!!!Thank you Joe and Kamala!!!Help us get back on track!!!#Biden2020 #Biden #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They welcome these refugees. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's situations like these that are kinda tricky. Is is ok to give a mentally retarded person the middle finger or should you, for everybody's sake, pull a Frank Underwood and see how well she likes trains? Lol vegans are retards, ammirite? \/s","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I wish my emotions would feel like emotions instead of screaming and hysterical crying women trying to claw their way out of my torso ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"6. since he was only six year old he wanted to be the only one ... world champion and now he is forever. at the last seven or eight laps he was crying like ... we were all crying like a girl and he was crying in his radio in his car ! and \" although limited to a review of\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Not about any girl who tries to pursue a guy who has a girlfriend. Skank ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm sure Trump will help the slimy little scumbag. Hes pretty desperateLindsey Graham was on Fox on Wednesday night asking for money for the second time in days - pleading with donors to dig deep into their pockets and help him hang onto his South Carolina seat#Biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/HfTulgVeIU","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You Do know that your an IDIOT borderline Retarded Moron...Right? No, but I know you are in denial if the truth, and are a deluded, retarded moron. Fuck you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER How about trump sending out memes while he is president of him bashing Hilary with a folding chair","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user You know whats insane Dana!! Is how the NRA continues to get away with fucking murdering children in country! Why dont you shut the fuck up greedy skank !! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user a 73 years old president with liar on denial, even his own party are shock congress is quiet too, they all afraid of his bully way of you are fired,being cruel like he did immigrant fa. split cruel and no human feelings,even his wife turn on h ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"As a survivor of rape you have inspired me to be better and to do better. Thank you for all that you do for survivors. #WOCAffirmation ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user you running a progressive platform? cause if so, let's goooooo girl! make america kunt again. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you won't wash down your Plan B with my cum, you're not the girl for me ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"After what has happened to Gab, anyone on the Right still opposing regulation to protect Free Speech online is either a retard or Controlled Opposition. There can be no competition, let alone freedom online, with a bunch of Traitors being able to no-platform any free speech site.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I cannot believe thiscoon. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Certainly you can. You can make it illegal to use them. Boom. Done. It's solved.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The world would be worse off without Muslims like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Even Chris Evert said that people normally wise up and stop after the first warning or their second warning. Serena kept going. It sucks it ended the way it did but if you keep arguing and making comments after a second warning then what was she expecting?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Some days you are Louis Winthorpe III before he met Ophelia. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I would love to see those gay people suffre. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"this is illegal here The law is written that states representation of a child in a sexual situation, or DISPLAYED in such. Does not have to be a real child to be considered child porn. Everyone, flag this faggot ,and if I find any followers of mine following this shit..im calling you out and shredding your asses","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you want to be taken seriously, stop acting retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Only retarded person here is you, pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Soyny's back on top, so they're also back being cunts. What a bunch of chundering cunt bags. \"Back to being cunts\"? No, they just took off the mask they occasionally wear to trick people. This has always been Sony","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER get your shit together","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You don't seem to understand the point I'm trying to make, it's not \"video games\" because containment subreddits attract those who'd rather not be banned for saying things like niggerfaggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Whoa! #Resist #Liberals #FakeNews #Democrats #PP #Antifa #WomensMarch #MaxineWaters #Kavanaugh #HillaryClinton #MAGA #Maddow #VoteRed2018 The whole kitchen sink. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Already many common sense laws on the books. Common sense also calls for holding people accountable when they fail miserably like they did at Parkland. Left always wants to blame gun owners just to push for more gun control rather than being honest about it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Doctor Punished for Giving Vaccine Exemptions to Children with High Risk of Vaccine Brain Damage ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Where is the mistake in saying that trans people like you deserve to die?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"TERROR as Leicester on LOCKDOWN after Armed Police DELIBERATELY mowed down by car! Leicester city centre is on lockdown after an armed police officer was \"deliberately driven at . He is currently in hospital with head injuries according to a senior police chief. DCC Rob Nixon tweeted: \"Day started","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall. Trumpty kept screaming and no one was listening and Trumpty is losing it all. #BidenHarris2020 #virus #TrumpCrimeFamily #TrumpBidenDebate","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=UHZj73og-3Qandfeature=push-u-subandattr_tag=CVju9XSlTziWFXIf%3A6 Trans-athletes - the end of women's sport. Unlisted Dangerfield","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user I was in Toronto last year. It no longer looked like Canada. Very sad situation. The Canadians were good people.https:\/\/t.co\/7bHGpS1cH0Stop immigration. Start deportations. We have the right to our homelands. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER eto ba ang hindi corrupt? you are so naive if you think that this admin is different from previous admins URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Writing that \"all trans people are such massive scumbags\" does not reflect well on you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm muting you now since you're obviously a retarded illiterate. Bye.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yep, all they have to do is cool it, and they will conquer Europe by birth rate. Will they cool it? It's Islam. I've looked at a lot of Einstein quotes, never seen that one, and seems I would have. Oh yeah. Sounds like what Schrodinger said. He quit the Quantum Theory in disgust, saying he didn't like it and was sorry he had anything to do with it. He focused on a much less disturbing concept, \"What is Life?\" He wrote a book by that name, Watson read it, was inspired, and carried it around with him as he discovered DNA with Crick using Schrodinger's Quantum Theory Wave Equation. Anyway, what was Schrodinger's conclusion in his \"What is Life?\" book? That we aren't confined to the bones of our skull, we are embedded in the Universe. It's all mixed together. I passionately agree. I have incessantly blogged about the same thing. That whole concept runs, ad nauseam perhaps, through many, many of my stories. And a sympathetic reader (with time to waste) would see it in both my novels.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Please #retweet Please #share #thankyou #love #share #life #money #crowdfunding #gofundme #monsterfunder @USER Please #support ex dem fervent MAGA #donate here #today: URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"NPC Cuckboy. What a complete faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Exactly. I haven't watched in two years and I refuse to. As a former @USER fan I think Jerry Jones is a disgrace to the people who have helped make him as rich as he is.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I love @USER !! @USER stop your racist censorship now!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I made @JohnFetterman stop everything and take this picture (3 times until he got it right). Thanks for being so lovely to us, Johnstown #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/GIhTpIIbW5","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That dumb twat gone, @loli gone, @MartyGraw gone, Kav confirmed, Bolsonaro about to win big and start genociding muds, and women now officially declared chattel property . . . whew lads, what a good weekend No one of importance, some useless account that was going for a Manic Pixie Dream Girl vibe, very annoying to interact with, went by @typing if IRC","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The rest of the world are also talking shit about retarded Americans you stupid fat cunt ZERO FUCKS for the rest of the World ZERO FUCKS for chicks with dicks and dudes with tits (this was my twitter ban statement haha) America First Have you considered mailing some bombs to Hillary Clinton or shooting up a synagogue to bring attention to your unhappiness about women with penises and men with breasts? This seems to be the best method for bringing attention to you deluded psychopaths","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Americus? You faggot mfer","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Excellent point Looney. Can we use this quote in our brochure? Let us know. Thanks for supporting our cause #maledominance ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris start every speech by proudly claiming they will repeal @realDonaldTrump tax cuts!I mean, is there any question why no one is listening to them?I have never met an American who wanted to pay MORE taxes, it's the number 4 symptom of a brain tumor!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Synagogue shooter Bowers was not MAGA, did not trust Qanon:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She is a Republican hypocrite!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER In poker I would definitely move all in on this Woodward bluff. When did Bob become a shill. Hope the C_I pays well Bobby.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Holy shit I was there. This was in the Lionel-Groulx station in Montreal, they were switching between the orange and green lines at around 12pm. I had my headphones on and I just saw a woman yell across the metro to a guy in a grey hoodie that just took pictures of her and gave her the middle finger. I remember being thoroughly confused because she kept screaming despite being on different floors. The same reason you also find way more mentally challenged people on the bus or metro here. Canada (or just Montreal, I don't know) is more accepting of that. Unfortunately no, she was just a white woman in her early twenties. She looked crazy, but I think that was just because her eyes were wide and she kept screaming her lungs out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The silly white twat can't even speak English...A white women... come ON!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Because she is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Remember thick Marxist twat Agent Orange who was on here as Capt_McHeath? I gave him such great abuse he deleted his account and ran off. Blocked me on his two main Twitter accounts too. Just checked him out without logging in. He's STILL going on about me. Thinks this Puffing Billy is me. It isn't lol Typical thick twat Marxist","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No, \"not all men are like Harvey Weinstein but apparently the left wants you to think so ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lmao remember when that nigger went from looking like that in the photo to crying, looking like a pathetic coon being arrested within 24 hours of the photo being taken? ROFL, these niggers aren't as tough as they seem. They won't even fairly fight whites. There always have to be four or five niggers ganging up on one guy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is about as useless as a tit on a hog just saying ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER actualy im pretty sure if you banned all guns that would definitely stop criminals from getting them. But no one wants to do that. but by your logic aren't Gun Control laws better than not having gun control laws?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"One can only hope #borrell, that idiot in #spain, comes to his senses soon.We don't want an #african basket of deplorables in #Europe. We don't need them, we don't want them, we can't afford sustaining all the riff-raff Africa sends us.#migrants #Islam ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Twitter Suspends Influential Black Female Trump Supporter's Account After She Announces She Is Attending TPUSA Event in Washington DC #News @a https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/twitter-suspends-influential-black-female-trump-supporters-account-after-she-announces-she-is-attending-tpusa-event-at-white-house\/ Democrats are just a bunch of racists.. Look at how they try to undermine them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".@USER rates @USER claim that the SAFE Act is the nation's toughest gun control law mostly false.\" URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I hope those La La Land libtard lunatics don't think most conservatives would watch that garbage. Those idiots make a living playing dress up. Grow up and move into the real world. VOTE REPUBLICAN!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user He looks like a lier. And sure he did. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER That's what we need. A nationwide vote on gun control. Let the people vote for a bill and force Congress to pass it if it's the will of the majority. #PowerToThePeople","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"All these bigots keep saying that black people like me ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Pizza shops owner and 3 workers gang rape lost girl who asked them for directions ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Allegations of sexual abuse inside Government's immigrant youth shelters mount: ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Stricter gun control laws will only be enforced by people with guns.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"58 genders???? OK ....but 2 categories are missing for sure.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Pro Tip- All girls like being told they're good girls ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Perhaps if they just learned to leave other people alone and maybe respect the rights of others to speak freely, without having their posts spammed with off-topic and retarded da gasss da ovennssss da holohoaxesss bullshit.......","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Faggot were the bundles of sticks used to burn homosexuals to death tied to a stake","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That stupid cunt couldn't GIVE it away! The day after the Midterms, with Trump and Kavanaugh leading the way, all illegals deported, Antifa curb stomped, abortion outlawed, The Regressive Left forcefully put into insane asylums, the wall built, and all traitors (Hillary and Bill, Obummer...) executed on live TV. It's gonna be a GREAT day in America! Trump Derangement Syndrome is real. What an IDIOT! Anti-fa are nothing but little commie fags with no jobs and no fathers. Go fuck yourself, commie faggot. Can't wait until the Second Civil War REALLY starts! Fuk antifa, you scum. A bunch of faggots and maggots that need to be eliminated.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"too many to count. bull ring, tats, dyke hair, exhibitionism, sadism, man-chin....maybe the biggest tell is that she looks like she has a touch of the mongol horde in her.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Must be Republican. Found the offended cuck Odd. I had never heard of this \"cuck or \"cuckolding until useless wastes of flesh from a certain sub began using it as an insult. Since these same scumbags have a history of accusing others of the very things they are guilty of, I think we all know who the \"cuck is. These same \"patriots always defend traitors. Wonder why that is. Fuck outta here, you soyboy cuck. YAY! The \"soyboy cliche! Like yours? You know, The_Dumpster fire? You're an unimaginative racist piece of shit and I hope the PTSD rids us of you. Oh wait, you suggest having a spotter when you choke yourself while using hard drugs to jack off. Well, be a \"man and let the spotter take the night off. Thanks for the rent free space in your head, you hateful piece of shit. Awww, show us where someone better than you hurt your fee-fees. Does someone need to take hard drugs and cry in their safe space? Don't forget to let your spotter take the night off. Nice to see more racist pieces of shit from The_Dotard brigading against one. What's wrong candy ass? You have no logical coherent argument? https:\/\/i.redd.it\/09chl8wiwgw > What's wrong candy ass? You have no logical coherent argument? I do. I just don't use them against subhuman libtards. Bye cuck! You're not even trying now. Shut the fuck up, filthy npc. r\/politics is the place for you. That's where those cucks gather up. Wow. Do you suck your Dad's dick with that mouth? Provided he's still around that is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Obesity high on the list. But people still care more about gun control URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just because a nigger killed another nigger doesn't mean the murderer shouldn't be hung.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you're a Biblical creationist your mind is a sewer of retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Demon Spawn-Henry #Kissinger Heckled at #NewYork University Speech: 'Rot In Hell' The former #US Secretary of State was accused of complicity in horrific #WarCrimes https:\/\/neonnettle.com\/features\/1557-henry-kissinger-heckled-at-new-york-university-speech-rot-in-hell- #WeWantJustice","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hmmm I'm delusional . he-he. OK nazigurl. You got me. Now would you leave me alone so I can get back to running the world With my fellow jooos?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"GOP's love for RUS is no mystery. It's overwhelmingly white, anti-women, anti-gay, and anti-immigrant. No pesky freedom of the press or civil liberties, and old white billionaires make ALL the decisions. The *only* downside for US righties is the lack of gun-ownership. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Greece begins mass deportation of Muslim immigrants - Turns their boats back to Turkey - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"And YET you don't have the balls to do any Purging ....so stfu and just keep doing your Little trolling you little faggot Nazi wannabe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Twelve migrant laborers die in Italian road crash ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Even if Muslims are nice sometimes, they are still nothing but human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fucking retard, Uber drivers always ask you where you're going to confirm the APP is not sending them somewhere else.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user wah I only make 15 million a year, wah. What a fuckin bitch bro. Cry me a river you pussy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user You stupid ignorant cunt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Folks, PLEASE, get your e-mails in to POTUS, let your followers know what's going on. Gab is acting really whacky this a.m., taking forever to load notifications which do not load. Quoting from an earlier post below: Attention all Gabbers: From @a Andrew: \"Breaking: @joyent, Gab's new hosting provider, has just pulled our hosting service. They have given us until 9am on Monday to find a solution. Gab will likely be down for weeks because of this. Working on solutions. We will never give up on defending free speech for all people.\" From me: PLEASE e-mail POTUS Trump - this is election tampering in my opinion. Gab is one of the last bastions where conservatives can speak without censorship, and we need to protect our rights. Why aren't Twitter and\/or Facebook being sanctioned? For the very same post Gab is? PayPal denies Gab service, where does it end? Will banks be closing our accounts and denying us service because we are conservatives? https:\/\/www.whitehouse.gov\/contact\/ And this morning on Fox, more headline news involving Gab: https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/who-is-robert-bowers-pittsburgh-synagogue-suspect-posted-views-online I mute freely.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER They're trying.. It's called ANTIFA! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"BrainDamnedged\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Say, @realDonaldTrump... DID YOU FORGET HIROSHIMA? STOP MAKING THINGS WORSE!#VoteHimOut2020#VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare#VoteBlue2020https:\/\/t.co\/Kg8Eg6PmME","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"she's so ugly she has to sneak up on mirrors but let's try to focus on a positive solution instead of being negative and mean without offering anything up. Lets see...boy she sure is fugly if I didn't know better id ask if she was a special ed retard or something i mean yikes. Ok i got something! Maybe she could take those pretty blonde bangs and grow them a little longer and bring them down a little past her chin! That would help!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Insanity...just like the commies! #hypocrisy #TheStorm #maga #KAG #QAnon URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Generally, Jordanian law forbids refugees from working. Our barbershop program teaches the men in our community haircutting skills which can help them access the informal market or barter their skills.Here, the instructor demonstrates proper techniques on one of our interns! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER What exactly do you call gun control?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Not all men, I'm generalising, but you get the idea. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This article is all about voter suppression tactics in Texas..but it is a great example of why we MUST abolish Electoral Votes. SCROLL down in the article and watch the video, \"RIGGED. #BidenHarris2020 #PRU #GTCBlue https:\/\/t.co\/zKJqZ1svSw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Aid agencies warn Syrian refugees risk being forced to return home ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Many thinking Conservatives know Brexit will be a disaster and will not quietly follow you over a cliff. You have not secured a deal and it is looking unlikely without major concessions. No deal not an option. May might have to go for referendum or Gen Election. So don't talk to soon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Read Encirclement faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Sweden's four major dailies aftonbladet.se, dn.se, expressen.se, svd.se on #Assange news: Not. A. Word. Bloody hypocrites. Their so-called 'journalism' helped create the mess.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Child sex dolls issue is about as relevant as medical necessity to abortion argument. It's a red herring and scaremongering against anything (sex dolls, porn, prostitution, hell even gaming) that might offer men a sexual substitute for wimmin and gobbermint. Fuck any retard propagating this shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Words....Words... Monday is a different day...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER As someone who had never played Spiderman 2 as a kid: I want and tried it a year or 2 back and idk what kinda collective nostalgia people are on but those web swinging mechanics are busted as fuck and kinda trash.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Someone should'veTaken\" this piece of shit to a volcano. \"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That is fitting for immigrant vermin like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The Nigger is gone. Deal with the NOW.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I quite enjoy these tweets you are liking","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hey just to confirm, you are a racist right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's normie dank The dankest days are behind us boyes For epic memays Honestly delet this This is a nice sub, thanks for letting me know this exsisted :). Delet this now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"De Niro is a whipped white boy Dago nigger lover.. America and it's faggot Dago sissy boys.. they need to go to Italy to regain their balls!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Communist Cadres, Comrade Short arse, the Thug and a human garbage, cunt gets in and the nation will be fucked","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER If she is refusing to come forward how will this allegation from years ago be nvestigated?? Nothing but obstruction and lies. #ConfirmKavanaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Close the tunnels with gunpowder ! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's Riot Games. As in \"We will ban everyone who calls other player \"retard\" but won't do anything about actual retards or trolls playing, also we will let our staff wishing players death of cancer as long as it doesn't get public\". Dota is nowhere near as bad as LoL I can't even recall the last time I had someone feed intentionally, and verbal stuff never goes further than a heated shut up retard or something in my experience But then again, I do believe they match people based on behaviour (correct me if i remember wrong) Dota generally has a cancerous base. As in \"how do this retards even function\" type of cancerous.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER \"It's the people that shouldn't have them that's the problem EXACTLY!! That's gun control! Keeping them out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You keep asking for links and not only are you too lazy to look for them yourself but also try to use outdated material to prove you're not wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That's not actually how it works. #WuvDaScience","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Right? I was Sh00k. Oh well, fuck them. Glad I could claim Nice. Get all the karma! Edit- You shouldn't get banned from any corner of the internet just because you participate in another they don't like. Yeah, example; two of my corners are 1) MGTOW 2) lady v lady midget booty porn. Kinky","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You may want to sit down. Sheila Jackson Lee has a Bachelor's from Yale University and a JD from the University of Virginia. So she may not be your average she-boon ..... but I can't say. Just another nigger w a head to me. The Affirmative Action sheboon cunt doesn't know the difference between Mars and the Moon: https:\/\/www.texasmonthly.com\/articles\/mooned\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How retarded can people get? Don't ask....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"missing something when did the EU meddle in countries legislate outwith its remit migrants from outside the Eu can have benefits stopped ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And you can see how close he is to tears. I know how hard it is to lose an old friend. They're irreplaceable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@DonaldJTrumpJr Fing ridiculous!!! We see through it Don, nothing can make @realDonaldTrump voters sway at this point! We are all in and ready to vote IN PERSON. #Trump2020 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Enioy!!! You are gonna rock it Jackie!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I bet she thinks you liberals abused here when you told her it was just an op ed not a photo shoot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Coworker- good morning! Me- ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER The next Call of Duty game should also take the opportunity to tackle the gun control issue. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Not all men are thirsty for pussy that's how some niggas CATCH shit slangin it everywhere. Hey that's just me, I'm picky ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user Excellent Now #BuildtheWall, #EndChainMigration #EndCatchandRelease #EndVisaLottery approve #TaxCuts2 #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh and we will have a great Mid-term and Christmas ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"how in tf you gonna put your two cents in on something and somebody you don't know then block and unblock me. Like bitch get off my line ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Somebody's terrified. What will happen when the #American public knows the #truth about what you've been doing? #DrainTheDeepState #MAGA #Trump2020 #KAG URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This shit fucking infuriates me. Here's the comment I left on OPs update post: \"Nah, if it were me... Done, done, done. No contact, and fuck you for trying to cuck me. Then again i have very strong opinions because my ex wife wanted to open the relationship. We did, and I got to watch her screw around with other dudes while nothing happened for me because chicks aren't into married guys. I had once chance but she screwed it up because she was jealous. I even set up a three way with a male friend a couple times. She said she would do the same for me, never happened. After a year I said ok, no more open relationship, you had your fun and it sucks for me. 10 months later i caught the cunt cheating. Bye bye. Cut your losses OP.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Home should never break you in two so wherever you go you are never whole; half of you remains where you left it, and the other half is rejected where you arrive- @user #TEDxExeter 2018 #Refugees #Poetry #SpokenWord ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"He is the new enemy (H.Kickl, minister of interior) of the left comunistic-socialist-green groups which make business with refugees. He will do everything to bring refugees out of Austria, this disturb the business. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Here's how you do it - shut the fuck up. No one should care what you do in your bedroom or what your fucking made up pronouns are. We play video games to ESCAPE from that bullshit. Stop dragging life into our fantasies, you fucking cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You turn a dull Tuesday night into a super sexy one! So hot! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Behold all the conservatives who deliberately ignore the fact that the OK gesture USED TO BE benign but now is co-opted by racists to signal they're down with white supremacy. Much like swastikas were benign in Asian countries (and still are) but were co-opted and ruined by Nazis.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Since we've given every retard and phycopath a voice and a platform to express it. This is all Social Medias fault. But they're hollywood white men. AKA wannabe actor feminist faggots, just her type.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Active shooter Middleton WI Multiple police agencies respond #MAGA #TrumpTrain @USER @USER #KeepAmericaGreat2020 @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"if this is happening now ? Mexico's in for a nightmare when this brown-dem-bragade get turned around ...now they created their own civil war...hatred the only thing that last forever... Love certainly doesn't last forever - especially in my case, always some miserable cunt who'll fuck it up.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"but where's the lie tho? This is why i truly believe 4chan is the least toxic forum. By design, echo chambers and hive minds can't form. There is no thought policing. If you say stupid shit you'll get insulted but not censored.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I'm expecting a video from @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Bring on Amy Barrett. No hearings needed anymore and she is a candidate number one ! And she is better on real human rights. This is what the Dems want so make her SCOTUS MAGA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"His therapist is a Muslim. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user you fucking slut, daddy wants you to dm him ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER But that interferes with antifa's goals! Because they want to be feared?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just like his faggot daddy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"GO RAPE ANOTHER CAMEL and GOAT YOU BUNCH OF DUMB ASSED IDIOTS GO READ YOUR #QUEEEERAN YOU BROWN and BLACK FAGGOT SCUZZIES NO WHITE FACES ALLOWED HAHAHA YOU ARE ALL UGLY #RAISINHEADS JUST ASK #ALLHAHAHA AND #MORHAMHEAD THE #PEDO #PROFITEER PIGPISS BE UPON THEM AND YOU #STUPID #MUZZIES http:\/\/redstatewatcher.com\/article.asp?id=140529 Muhammad was a goat fucking pedophile.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"A Quick look At Your Site,I See Your A Typical Little Coward Anonymous Faggot Left Of Center Libertarian Clown,At Least Check My Fuckin Timelines Since I Joined Gab,I'm A Fuckin Atheist,You Stupid MotherFucker,Christians,Jews,Moslems and Buddhist Can All Die For All I Fuckin Care,Go Wait For The Next Conspiracy Or False Flag,Dumb Fuck Pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What's all the fuss about. They are quite obviously just 3 high spirited young Muslim children who we let in to save them from the brutality of their war torn home. They are probably only 12 or 13 if you look at them through the eyes of a retarded liberal leftist.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This cunt should be happy her father didn't toss her off a cliff in favor of a son.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user At least you got to go hoe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" Just another reason I turned off Fox news Another Liberal twat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The two lost TX u.s. house seats were lost because those suburban districts are prime \"kill zones\" when a retarded charismatic snake oil salesman like O'Rourke drives out the turnout. If it were actual widespread fraud they would have bagged 5 or 6 house seats.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"it is not cool to kill your boyfriend\" What kind of retards do they hire as judges?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Cmon #PENNSYLVANIA, you got this!!! #VoteJoeBiden2020 #VoteBlue2020 #BidenHarris2020 #VoteTrumpOut #Trumpkilled200000Americans #Trumpisriggingelection #VotetosavethesoulofAmerica @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris @PADems @pacollegedems @youngdems https:\/\/t.co\/HAG9KIrXVu","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This twat is not a true Brit. He's an Islamo-Marxist. Regularly comes to me to get harrassed lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The legend who formed an entire generation Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"HitlerTheShitler\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"THIS CUNT IS DISEASED LOST IN EVIL DARKNESS SHE'S VERY SICK EVIL FULL OF HATE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" Not one from a Communist. Thank you though. unban this commie from following you. i want to know when you post new bob and vagene pics. sorry to break it to you (miss?? sir??), this commie has no back-up nazi account. now unban him so we can send you some big dick pics, what do you say?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Holy fucking shit it can't possibly be because the game is set in a time where women were actually relegated to \"side\" roles, was it? Games journalists are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I will embrace you and any other women like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I didn't say that niche game have no value. Impact on the large scale is different and the way general public reacts. Andromeda came from trilogy of liked and pretty good games and showed how people react when retardedness hits AAA titles. Way different that when it's about some game with anime ghost girl with her boobs out.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER All liberals should cross the floor and leave Trudeau all alone to implode! Guy is leading our country into financial disaster!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"UN urges #Libya not to detain rescued migrants #head #UnitedNations ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Then you'll start to look 30 until you're 60, due to grey hair obviously. Not sure after that because I haven't aged that far yet. I suggest micellar water to clean your face. First time it will feel like your skin is super soft but after that it just takes off dirt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"doesn't make her any less a retarded conservative. Everyone knows prison convicts are an untapped pool of conservative voters. \/sarcasm","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Good thing its a video game and not real life.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When women talk back to me, I just want to kill them. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The Veil of Isis is also a great song by The Sword.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sinn Fein Communists Will Demand Referendum on Ulster , in Event of no Deal Brexit Get tae fcuk, yeh fenian muzzie loving scum! https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/politics\/2018\/oct\/15\/sinn-fein-we-will-demand-referendum-on-northern-lreland-in-event-of-no-deal-brexit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hats off and thank you to #GranniesRespond .Their caravan made it to McAllen Texas this weekend to protest the treatment of migrant and immigrant families by #NotMyPresident. Now we need them to show up in November and #VoteThemOut . ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"i disagree pagans arent my brothers in anything","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You do what you want @bovinex you're a hero takin down the cabal no chance you're mentally retarded stuck with the brain of an 8 year old!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Melania Trump spokesperson calls for boycott of rapper T.I. over video featuring first lady look-alike stripping in Oval Office https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/melania-trump-spokesperson-calls-for-boycott-of-rapper-t-i-over-video-featuring-first-lady-look-alike-stripping-in-oval-office","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Actually I avoid purple because everyone loves it and I'm addicted to pissing people off. I also detest the color purple. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She is such a beautiful soul. My heart aches for the loss of her babies- but am so happy for her and her rainbow baby. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"At this time, w-organized crime\/returning jihadists, it's a matter of national security. #Italy #Salvini must ignore international social engineers\/cultural Marxists.#V4 Italy Kurz others must challenge empty threats from UN-EU migration pimps. What can they really do about it? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@HillaryClinton @JoeBiden You had my vote in 2016 and #Biden2020 will have my vote. You warn us what trump was going to be and you were correct. The USA would have been in much better place if you had been our 45","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I'm sure it's just all Democratic political pay for play","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's almost like these people use words without even knowing what they mean. Honestly how could a previously engaged guy be an involuntary celibate? People are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Is it not obvious that I hate black people?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dick by name, dick by nature. dyke by name dyke by nature fify","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"REEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! \"My 15 yr old high schooler just came home with this bullsh!t. In SOUTH CAROLINA. This ain't California - this is the Bible belt and MAMA AIN'T HAPPY.\" REEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! https:\/\/twitter.com\/Redheaded_Jenn\/status\/1047587821043810311","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He shouldn't withdraw his name at all because the left has repeatedly been caught fabricating stories just like this to discredit conservatives they're proven cheaters and lier's .... a liberal professor from California lol ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Never trust a leftist with power. If reddit teaches people anything, that's got to be it. Never trust people in power. The right has done things like this as well or have you forgot abstiance only sex ed? While it's silly to think all teens would follow it abstinence is still the undefeated champ of effective birth control and avoiding STDs. That's like having a driving safety course where all they teach you is \"don't get in cars\" and \"seatbelts and airbags don't work anyways.\" Well shit you solved it, that would 100% cut down on the number of car accidents... Except that people are obviously going to drive anyways, so you might as well teach them to buckle up. Yeah, and I'm saying staying locked in your room 24\/7 is a good method of avoiding a sunburn. But does me saying something that stupidly obvious contribute to the conversation in any meaningful way, or does it just make me sound like an opportunistic asshole pouncing on a chance to say \"akchually?\" You feeling it necessary to point out that you need to have SEX to get PREGNANT is more retarded than any part of any comment in this thread. JFC. That's why I said it the way I did. \"Undefeated champ\". It was tongue in cheek, remove stick from ass.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"Obama's ...entire administration was focused on political espionage in Operation Chokepoint, which was intended to identify and punish businesses that engaged in activities deemed contrary to the WH political objectives. \" --HistoryMatters His people are still working the Deep State... the corruption passes between administrations via the continuity of government... the presidents are puppets. The Last bit -- 100%. His people ... No madame, that is NOT the order of operations goes. You see Obama was a rumdummy -- they all basically have been since Nixon or mabye LBJ ... Elections are just a formality. Since only upheaval is gonna bring down the deep state. I think you mean to say -- That Bureaucrats tend to outlast presidents. Due to long term service in the various agencies and departments -- some useful, some not so. The CoG is something all together. But it is part of the Rex 84 documents. Survival of a Nuclear First Strike was the idea. Second Strike capacity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The GOP knows they can't win without cheating. They are not patriots. #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/HdfIdRW6qc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gerade eben Nachricht erhalten von DHL Paket kann nicht zugestellt werden Kein Name an der Klingel. Komisch Gester ging's noch, heute kann der Fahrer nicht mal mehr lesen. War wahrscheinlich irgend ein Nigger der kein Deutsch kann. K nnte hier nur noch kotzen....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"LOL. You're probably right.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Get rid of @user #VoteRed - #BuildTheWall from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico - #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #Deport all illeagles and their families - #ProudAmerican #AmericaFirst #MAGA #KAG ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER every antifa member is just several midget gypsies standing on each others shoulders in a big skinsuit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He really needs to go. Talks out of both sides of his mouth. Kiss ass !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"He said this was \"typical nigger behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER There is absolutely no point in debating a liberal. Your party has swung so far left and have nothing but hate... All rationale has fleeted your side. Trump could create world peace and a utopian society and liberals would still resist for no other reason than your hatred.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Congrats to President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris. Congrats to the American people for showing out at the polls! Your vote matters. #sustainable #shirts #ecofriendlyclothing #graphictees #ecoclothingline #vegeteriantshirts #veganmerch #apparel https:\/\/t.co\/DPYWKW4jwg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Nonsense people want stricter gun control laws.. Your response is buy more guns. How is that rational debate?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RT @RonDeSantisFL: To pay for @AndrewGillum's radical proposals, Florida would have to: Increase Florida's corporate income tax to the 2nd highest in the U.S. Raise the sales tax to 39% or CREATE a 37% state income tax Every way you look at it, Floridians lose. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/L4wC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER There must be a cash prize or something for whoever comes up with the first \"conservatives pounce take.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No I would have killed his crooked ass he was as sick minded as his cunt daughter is I would have had a list of people with Ace Spade's G.HW bush would be right at the Tippity top of the fucking list .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She is ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She is not wrong tho. Some Tunisians look like Italians","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ladies, I need your help. I'm 5'1 tall, 46 years old and 20 pounds too heavy. Please give me your dieting advice. Thanks in advance, Short Pudgey Rachel. #DLOG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER LIAR!!!!.... see Clarence Thomas confirmation.... this was never about the lie!..it was always a delay tactic...nothing more...disgusting liberals and the Game they call 'politics'","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Trump and #Israel are seeking to erase #refugee status of 7 Millions #Palestinians.Its a #genocide and this is part of #JaredKushner peace plan..#Netanyahu dictated plan Erasing #Palestinian catastrophe #Nakba #Nakba70 same like erasing #Holocaust.Never again for all and for anyone ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Hillary was sure she would be President too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I really am just going to murdr that disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I hate trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No one else is as f1lthy as these trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@TomiLahren If I were Joe Biden I'd watch my back! My guess is if he succeeds in taking this election, his own party is going to take him out. He is now too conservative for the Democratic Party and my guess is they want Kamala in power. He's a marked man.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The guitar player in that band is a black person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah but i just snorted it like 10 minutes ago so it takes a while to really kick in when it does ur gonna see nigger bashing the likes of which mere NPCs have never imagined possible ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dr. Peter Klein On Silicon Valley Socialism https:\/\/mises.org\/library\/dr-peter-klein-silicon-valley-socialism #SiliconValley #DSA #Socialism #AnCap #tech Start using #AltTech; -Bitchute -WrongThink -Infogalactic -Idka -Oneway -Gab -BtcPayServer Don't you have your own social network to post on?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Games are a form of escapism. Just like any other there will be more tales that end well than end badly.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I say grab him. What a difference maker. He is a home run hitter to compliment smoke. Means we release Grant and Snead has to take over. Don't know the whole story why Browns would release him. But he is a legit number one WR","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER This list of murders he is wanted for grows by the day!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Divert and defame...we voted him in to get things done...not b\/c he is well mannered","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And the unexplained 42 murders associated with her mother are pro christian?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"when a man has a gf and wants 2 get w u, say no 2 his dumb bitch self. y do women become side chicks? be respectful 2 OTHER WOMEN damn ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"German Police reports that refugees from Africa start in Italy via Austria now by train. The catch them at Rosenheim freightterminal. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@DesignationSix i say when joe and kamala are sworn in. i think we need to follow in the path of post hitler germany and wipe out every remembrance of trump in favor of remembering his victims and our rescuers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Oh man I was just telling myself this today. Such good and encouraging advice when you are doing something new.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user Some pussy replied to my tweet but muted me FIRST!! YOU PUSSY!! HAHAHA ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER It still won't protect you at intersections - in fact it makes it worse - you are hidden until it is too late. It makes it much more difficult to make left turns or leave the lane for any reason...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I have no compassion at all for any woman like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Keep lying bud no one is listening","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Weird how @JordanBPeterson has time to criticize Kavanaugh for being \"divisive but he somehow missed 8 years of Barack Obama","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That faggot should be castrated.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Comparing a date\" to rape is disgusting. I hope your family never has to deal with rape. You are a disgusting POS.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm so glad the CUNT BITCH is out of the administration; I hope she dies of cervical cancer!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Anthem protesters should consider what flag they could be living under... URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Eh. Sometimes women do stuff because, being women, they haven't had enough negative life experience to know that it's a retarded idea. The PPD is more implied here, and it's more in the sense off \"Because she's a girl, she didn't have the experience to know that this was all but a guaranteed outcome.\" And less in the sense of \"She thought she could get away with it because she's a girl.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I apologize if you inferred I was calling you Antifa. I was qualifying one of my many reasons for owning an arsenal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'd die from laughter. >Wha's going on with the Objec-*Good Lawd.*.. and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#Republicans morals are stronger than #Democrat #Liberals Evidenced by trying to stop Liberals from aborting themselves out of existence It's the right thing to do Even though letting them kill off their young so Natural Selection would win would benefit us more #MAGA #KAG\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"DO IT PREZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"racist ,racism , biased , if we suddenly stopped the uk Commonwealth and EU migration you would get your betraying so make up ur mind nowpls ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER You are most definitely not a man of God.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@1blantdaddy Hell y'all #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"*retard talk","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"PHOTO: Caravan Protesters Paint Swastika on American Flag, Burn It in the Street https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/immigration\/2018\/10\/22\/photo-caravan-protesters-paint-swastika-on-american-flag-burn-it-in-the-street\/ Trump needs to make a deal with Mexico to put active US military on the Mexican side of the border to stop the caravan in mexico, before they can reach the US border. It's the only way to beat the Asylum laws we have. Mexico has stricter laws governing migrants.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"In a just world, those disabled people would all be d e a d. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why has no one killed this faggot yet? We don't do that. Still, look at the faggot, he is an embarrassment.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The crown needs to appeal this, it's disgusting. That being said, why the fuck would you push yourself through a bunch of drunk fighting brown guys? Cross the fucking street. >However, lets be real, you can be safe, or you can be sorry. MetaCanada users are openly advocating for ethnic cleansing! - \/r\/OnGuardForReeeeeeee","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why is it whenever I talk to girls, they just cut off communication with me for no reason? And no explanation? O yea I know, cuz #WomenSuck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Women are not worthy of living like other humans. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The fact that the Republican Party has a habit of working against the interests of White nationalists, is not sufficient to justify abandonment of the party, at least not without a clear alternative. It matters who controls the government, a lot. Democrats are using every power at their disposal to establish a permanent governing majority in Washington. They will open the borders, and nationalize one industry after another until something forces them to stop. They will disarm us, tax carbon dioxide, and make Facebook's hate speech policies the law of the land. Whatever the sins of the GOP, they pale in comparison to that horrifying outcome. Until somebody shows me some other force which is capable of stopping the Democrat Party, we have to be partisan Republicans. And if it does come to revolution, we'll put aside our differences, for the fate of our nation and our people. Why is it such a problem to do the same in November?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user @user Reunification is the wrong word - never should done this - because always more illigal refugees will come. They have to brought back to the border without food with or without children quick. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Man give this one a rest already. She didn't kill him in cold blood. In fact he had to convince her to do this prank. Like I said in the last post about this girl. There are plenty of examples of pussy passes where you don't need to try and spin this one into a pussy pass. Just chill. Being ignorant of firearm safety is not a defense No shit That's what you are arguing. Agreeing to shoot in the direction of someone and then say \"I didn't know that could happen! We tested it!\" is not a defense. That's what you are saying I'm arguing. I'm saying she didn't kill him in cold blood. It wasn't murder it was a manslaughter case. Glad I could clear that up for you. Nope. That is what you are arguing. 90 days is an appropriate sentence for manslaughter. Glad you cleared that up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Okay, they were rednecks. That explains everything.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You can probably imagine all the SJW snowflakes that don't feel safe\" working where there might be conservatives lurking in the shadows. Conservatives are now the Ruskies of the 21st century.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"CNN FULL RETARD RACIST https:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\/RealCandaceO\/status\/1050045731812401153 #cnn is #racism","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Fuckin poisonous group of people. As soon as someone hands me a hat with a propeller on top... I'm out. Find another company to work for lemmings.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"i still think anyone that believes in collectivism, even remotely, is a fucking idiot, whats worse is this brainlet is a 'financial advisor', who at some level subscribes to this retarded ideology.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Immigrants are a pest. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Where is the error in thinking that trans lives aren't worth shit?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Another absolutley retarded thing this guy says is that laws like private property will be respected in a nation of atoms. What power does the atom have ensure his rights are enforced? It is only with collectivism that you have protection from outside threats. Everything else is a pipedream.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why is the faggot on Shepard Smith saying \"this guy in reference to whomever created the bombs? fake ID coming.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So, breastfeeding your sons turns them into rapists, but breastfeeding your daughters doesn't turn her into a rapist. Another retarded SJW.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"> As far as Im concerned if women responded like that, to getting cornered in the street, there would be less catcalling Are you functionally retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I wonder how those Tumblr women feel about fixing the problem that is cunty women? Since, you know, not all women are cunts, but some are. And it's a huge important problem that needs serious social media attention. Go away.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Being rude to you. Call u slut or bitch or everything related. U rasa putus tunang is the best way ke? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" ou are an entitled mombie which already makes you obnoxious to your surroundings. How about NO. Stop producing crotch fruit, if you need strangers to act like you are the only one that matters as a consequence. The most retarded person on the planet can spawn a babbi, its not a heroic action. Shut the fuck up, and get to the back of the line bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is what a JEWISH RUN society looks like. Jews put dumb morons in positions of authority and pit them against the populace. The retarded asshole police then try and intimidate the populace into not even being able to protect themselves. JEWS = HARBINGERS OF DEATH, RAPE, DISEASE, AND PLAGUES.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You Shut Your Whore Mouth! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER On no not roaming charges! Good charge all these foreign fuckers when they come here!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Mexico is letting them pass right through, live at this point. It's like a Circus. Time to close the US border, including all trade; NOW! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=pLk4gvDDdUs where's stephen paddock when you need him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Never saw or read anything Harry Potter. Glad I didn't once I found out what a horrible twat JK Rowling is. She never saw a dime from me.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Me trying to flirt- Hey cum dumpster, wanna fuck? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The right is millions of people that don't own companies ye television indoctrinated half wit.. You know, all the regular family folk that think bioshocking children with chemicals and redesigning their genitals is fucking disgusting, or the folks that don't want to live in a muslim majority sharia shithole in 2050, or the folks that think killing babies is killing babies, and all the fellas that see through the trudeau\/soros transislamist plan to drain the countries wealth\/culture and cull whitey. Go poop in someone's mouth and dream of your pedotopia somewhere else communist NPC God-*damn* this is retarded. Listen, I know that you'd like to separate social policy from economic ones when making political arguments, out of convenience, but the reality is that parties have to combine them when dictating policy. Yes, 'right' parties will be more supportive of the corporate interests you list. That is their job. Yes, 'left' parties will be more supportive of labour. So what we have in Canada, the CPC and Liberals, are two economically right parties, who differ on social policy. And the blabbering about social policy is paramount so Canadians voters, your *real* 'useful idiots', don't focus on how economic policy is largely the same between the two parties. The idiotic part of this thread in particular is that \"Let's Import 350k Moar Immigrants Derp\" policy isn't even a legit left policy. It's a fake one. I'll be glad to point this and other political gamesmanship in the future. Regards.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"My grandma had a roommate who was a drag queen I had drag queen knwonledge at 11 and what was cool lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"You have sex, youre a whore. You dont have sex, youre a stuck up prude.Youre a bitch if youre serious, but youre a joke if you never care ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Trump's DOJ looked at all the political violence in California over the past three years and decided to go after RAM How many more arrests are we going to tolerate from the God-Emperor? When are we finally going to say enough is enough? FFS, AltRight grow a damn spine already! No wall, caravans coming from Central America, $30 billion for Israel, Antifa given a free hand to riot, Alt-Right groups arrested and prosecuted by DOJ, destroyed monuments and of course mass censorship. Point any of this out and the response is \"Trump said he was a nationalist!\" you're right, serial killer Hillary would have been MUCH better What an NPC You: \"you're an NPC! der hurrrr hyuk hyuk hyuk\" Do you like Ivanka? She's quite attractive, isn't she? An exemplar of Aryan beauty if I ever saw one. Guess who gets to pork her every single day? lol@ \"An exemplar of Aryan beauty\" - just another pretty-face, but okay. yes, we're all aware of her bestiality. *Every day, except Shabbat and Yom Kippur. Clinton's did no better, except their Jew-In-Law works for their biggest campaign funder Goldman-Sachs What the fuck are you? You must be one of the most conflicted persons i've ever seen! You're a nazi but also an anti aryan who dislikes jews but at the same time tolerates their influence. Are you one of those who think they can mix GOP americanism with nazism or something? You're really confusing breh. lol.... tis a mystery","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER So a cop kills someone and this becomes a gun control issue?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Well, nobody ever said it took that many brain cells to chase a basketball up and down the court... https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/sports\/2018\/10\/28\/lebron-james-wears-beto-orourke-hat-to-game-in-san-antonio\/ gaspies! someone fworgot to take thweir angwy pillz x333","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My mum and dad fired me when I was 2. Didn't make me bitter and twisted the fucking slag whore gay cunts #TheApprentice ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user This is absolutely disgusting! Legal immigrants that waited years must be darn upset, hopefully it will make them #Walkaway! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user So THIS doesnt matter as long as hysterical women dont interrupt the important white mens business matters? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Jordan keeps border sealed, says it cannot take more Syrian refugees amid new fighting ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It means I live in close proximity to, and have a lifetime experience of living around, having to go to school with, having to work with, and having to go to the same grocery store with motherfucking sub human, knuckle draggging, ape level IQ NIGGERS. How's that? I shit on you and entire liberal fucking faggot soy-boy dipshit ilk. You live in a fool's paradise. You're so ignorant you don't know about what it is you don't even know. Later fella...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She Wants Gun Control? Figures URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#PMLN is acting like a whore who incites people to rape her in order to use it as a victim card and earn relevance. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Expert reveals the \"rights\" of women under Islam \/ #ShariaLaw \"Islamic women's rights include: The right for her testimony to be half that of a man. The right to be beaten by her husband FGM Kafir women have the right to be sex slaves The right to be in a harem\" https:\/\/www.politicalislam.com\/islamic-doctrine-of-women-why-i-am-not-a-feminist\/ Well nobody needs a fucking expert to tell them the truth. If you do you are a lazy fucking idiot. You can very cheaply buy an english translation of the Koran and look up the laws of middle eastern countries yourself. Fuck old and young arrogant idiots who care about nothing. Muted? you have the soul of a left - retard child woman. You mute everyone when shit hits the fan because you cannot deal with the real world. I was not attacking you, I was attacking people who rely on experts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Am I piece of shit? Yes. Do I at least feel bad about it? Absolutely not ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nah it's kinda funny. People *like this* who use the word make it meaningless, so when some SJW tries to use it as a weapon they look like a retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Can we all agree to pray for big dumb mike to keel over of a heart attack. he looks ripe.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Even his hair didn't want to be associated with this evil cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" Trump is in the jews' pocket do you people ever get sick of calling every last person on the planet either a jew or agent of jews? You are worse than the leftists calling people nazis Truth is a stranger to the jew....more so to their ignorant followers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wow, the moron liberal faggots really came out to defend the terrorists in this one huh? Y'all white knighting for some hairy bushed terrorists? News flash, these women won't fuck you either.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER bitch i know u see the rainbow inna bio ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If this socialist retard wins, I will be shocked.....then again, watch the lame stream media and he is an angel.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@GrandpaSnarky @JoelleNemecek @Johnnys90320775 @jphicks @jrislate @KellyLScott88 @koller_duncan @Helen504 @SylviaTammie @tmariello57 @VinZanzi @tomruss68018646 @Layne61620388 @MaryKeithBare1 @janejane24 Thank you so very much, Grandpa! I really appreciate the shout! Following and RT'ing! #VoteBlue2020 #RBGLegacy #BidenHarrisLandslide2020 https:\/\/t.co\/KsfiEtXzVA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Betcha $50 , he never got fired, nigger privilege. ... I ain't takin that losing bet! Nigga probably got a promotion and raise. Especially if it's whitey's porch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Execution is the only solution for those gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@SpeakerPelosi Your way or the highway when Most Americans can't afford to leave their driveway. Get off your high horse and saddle up on the donkey you portray yourself to be jacka$$.#MAGA2020 @POTUS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@JustinGomezABC A religious man..putting seniors at risk. No mask..heat..in a community of seniors.. https:\/\/t.co\/ar4DTInZzh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER thanks for the following and together we can help MAGA and KAG and we can make our Great State of Texas even Greater by encouraging everyone we know to vote Red","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And when they met he looked at her and said I'm in charge in you're my bitch. Even though he knew that she is a Domme and was there in that capacity. He tried to control the situation and take over and she had to shut him down and get the hell out of there so she didn't get hurt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"freedom of speech includes religion, yet here we have a meme promoting the oppression of speech\/expression while claiming to be a production of freedom of speech. retard level: maximum. Fuck off. Freedom of speech does not allow one to threaten another's life, to slander another's reputation, or seek the destruction of another's culture. Islam does all of these. While I am suspect of the Chinese reasons for doing so, banning Islam will always be a net positive. no, YOU fuck off, you anti-liberty, anti-American sack of dogshit. and don't you put words in my mouth either, cock-sucker. Islam has problems, but most people are NOT acting on it. Ah, a libertardian, I see. That explains a lot. ISLAM is anti-American principles, not the opposition to it you ass-backwards dummy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Oh and higher unemployment and witch hunts and lynch mobs and antifa communist parades ...you can have all that shit and let Hollywood decide how you feel.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"omg one time i was at Walgreens and this ginormous niggerpotomus with fat rolls in places where i dont even have places came waddling on up behind me so i couldn't see her right away but the STANK of gorilla shit slathered in cocoa butter hit me and i just choked hard and went \"OMFG DID A NIGGER FUCKING DIE IN HERE HOLY SHIT IM GONNA FUCKING PUKE and i spun around to cuss her out but my Dad picked me up and put me back in the stroller but ill never forget that stench ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Obama will be remembered as the man that destroy libya. Imagine if mi6 or cia give blm or antifa guns and wages war vs trump. Then they control the msm and say trump use chemical weapon to legalize their coup. The blood is on obama hand.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The people that PRETEND to have compassion and caring for these \"children\" migrants (Most are adults), could care less all the children murdered by Western \"intervention\" (aka invasions). BEWARE OF LIBERALS BEARING COMPASSION ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user air time for men =24 hours, women =0 hours. #yesallmen ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No one will ever know the truth. Ever.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"At least it's the retards who explain retarded stuff.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@1redcupcake The signs for Trump in public space which is illegal. Not signs in your yard. I have a #BidenHarris2020 sign in my yard.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Liberals at the trough of America getting free ears!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I really hope this is satire considering the username is dick faggotson","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user Ya recently here a guy got acquitted of rape charges becos apparently the woman in question said no feebly ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Came across this in my neighborhood... Well I cut all contact with all my \"family\" members a long time ago. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Old, but still funny. Reminder that most liberals don't know shit about guns. LOL ... While I understand what you said, I was going to suggest professional help","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Every time I see this shit it makes me laugh and never gets old. What did he have for dinner that night, cinder blocks? He was bobbin and weaving those swings while taking a sip of beer. Then just gives her the \"hold my leftovers, bitch\", classic. That is a man who has reached the summit of cunt mountain and is beginning his descent.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Undocumented immigrant arrested in connection with rape of 11-year-old girl ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What about the hands up don't shoot lie you helped perpetuate Sally? Fucking cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"First Man movie deservedly does way worse at the box office than expected. They left out the flag planting on the moon. They even removed the flag emblem from the astronauts' uniforms. We hate PC https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/14\/first-man-box-office\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The largest mass killing of Jewish people in American History was committed by a Trump MAGAt. We'll see won't we. Ya'all fucked up. Let you hate take control. Rookie mistake. Oh well, live and learn MAGAt, LIVE AND LEARN! Stop passing AIDS around Steven the gay Jew ...lol I see, sure-sure. So you're a gay Jew with AIDS........SEE i told ya so .......... Tony DeMaga thinks he scares someone! That's funny!!! Scares? I'm describing you , and you know it.LOL Tough Guy Tony Demaga, talks a tough game. TALKS. Says the gay Jew boy with AIDS. LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"FUCK U nIGGERS! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=t7mw2EeZn-w GET DOWN NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lets send them all!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Look at the fairy gay faggot in front. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Report me for what faggot, wrongthink? Eat a dick! He's either retarded or an elaborate troll. I think there has to be a second Poe's Law. \"It is impossible to tell a retard from a person trolling as a retard\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Blame Trump for the weather and the corruption that existed for decades in PR. What an ass typical democratic","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What kind of vision? Does she have a clue about his job? What his next career project is going to be? What they are going to do with his money? What vision? Ah, wait. I see it now - how to dress apparently, because men are too retarded to do that themselves. They built civilization, but they can't tie their shoes. Got it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Moscow Mitch cackled during the debate last night when called out about his failed coronavirus response. Over 220,000 people have died and this maniac is laughing. Kentucky deserves better than this reckless Trump puppet. We all do. Vote McGrath!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Cunt News Nitwork","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Then maybe she should think twice before hitting someone twice her size. Stupid fucking logic. No...the cop hit a person resisting arrest. Regardless of who they are or where they come from it's still illegal. In fact she probably got off easier because shes a woman. Men have gotten way worse beatings for less. I dont think anyones on your side. No, you're a muppet. You hit a cop once let alone twice, and you have every reason to expect the same outcome.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Do you happen to know what study Qu'ran she is using in the film?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sorry I can't imagine being a nigger who can't read. \"I made a mistake\" \"Actually no I didn't\" The absolute state of niggers","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"you are a niggerloving faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Help me replace a nigger with a spick. *slow jerk off motion* If You don't see the advantage to having that low iq negress in the public eye with a bully pulpit to preach from then we have nothing further to discuss.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals cannot imagine a circumstance where they are forced to defend themselves or their family from violence. They imagine such an eventuality to be beyond the realm of possibility and they foolishly believe that the police will arrive quickly enough to save them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"umm, you do know that Rohm was a well known faggot and that little Adolf was his best friend...right ? That faggot was killed in the Night of the Long Knives! Traitors and infiltrators die. Faggots included! I bet you don't even know about that event bc you don't know shit about the history of National Socialism except for what jews teach you. Degenerate kike lies. What's new? Jews lie and they promote degeneracy. so, the pedo capital of the world is Lodon and you are protecting muzzrats...got it..hey you little basement dweller,,,fuck hitler, fuck the jews, fiuck the muslims,and fuck ALL socialists like you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"useless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Thanks MUCH for creating this hearing package. As you can see from my other tweets to you, I have a different take on it all (I agree with Coulter that Booker and Harris are competing for the Hysterical Woman Award) but I really appreciate the work you put into this. THX ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Jesus she is the evilest of cunts","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Arrest her immediately. She is a wicked crazy democrat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What are the chances that nigger is going to get violent with the woman and her kids at some point in the near future? I'd say they're pretty good.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Do you not realise how hateful you are being when calling disabled people trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@NYGovCuomo since you're narcissistically patting yourself on the back pertaining Covid. Remember @realDonaldTrump assisted you with the tools. So tonight, before you go to bed thank God and then thank the President. They saved lives u ended lives. #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The problem with \"women are sacred idea: It is one half of the Madonna\/Whore dichotomy, long used to divide women against each other. 1\/2 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user I think what he's trying to say is that not all men are shit. Females started that stupid ass trend and it's annoying tbh ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The blue wave is coming if we don't build that damn wall. #BuildThatWall and #MAGA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Please don't confuse liberals with facts ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER As usual a seemingly and supposed smart feminist thinks she has made sense.. Yen yen yen yen yen yen alone... You just told me rn you are also dealing with another person.. Have you considered maybe you are the toxic one?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Needs to learn one day that actions have consequences","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Patriotards are literally too retarded to realize that FEMA sending forced alerts to your phone shouldn't be something to celebrate or laugh about. Yeah HA HA HA HA your personal device is now a Zionist loudspeaker. If you thought the \"presidential alert\" thing of yesterday was just really funny, please unfollow me and kill yourself. they cheered to john bolton, nikki haley and now lindsay graham they went full retard a long time ago","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Coward Cameron go on welcome migrants with housing etc while destroying disabled peoples benefits its not a secret ur no good ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Disabled people with any power are a t h r e a t to civilisation. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"blow me, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Faggot blinks . . .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I'am pretty sure for the 100th time I told you ALL POLITICS TO THE SIDE Not my fault Cale is a Sexual Predator and Jill committed Stolen Valor by stealing someone else Military Pictures saying it was her Son I could care less if they are Antifa or Proud Boys who came and 1\/2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"And don't forget about the other 49 states! I think that the strategy will be to target Broward County, which is low-hanging fruit to begin with, in order to justify a full investigation into the other states. Or, at least that's my hope. Broward alone doesn't give legal justification to audit each state and scum pits like California still refuse to turn over voter rolls, so I doubt it curious... what do you think would give legal justification? I'm no expert, but I would say specific instances like Broward's shady BS. But think of it this way - would your neighbor committing murder enable the cops to get a warrant to search your house? The answer is no. That is a terrible analogy in this case because in a situation like this it would be in federal court... that and people seem to forget.. https:\/\/thehill.com\/policy\/national-security\/313132-dhs-designates-election-systems-as-critical-infrastructure Barry Soreto had DHS declare it Critical Infrastructure. Trump has much more power over it now than previous president ever did, including Bush. > Broward alone doesn't give legal justification to audit each state it does if they can connect it to the DNC I think you'd be surprised. The DNC meddling with one county doesn't mean all counties are automatically subject to investigation. Look at it this way - what if Obama had said the RNC had cheated a district because one county in all of the US had some suspicious thing ending with an R win - you can investigate that county, but does it legally make sense to then search every county? At that point, the Fed is overreaching its authority.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".She is dirty like Trump...She stole Ted Cruz campaign voters list and gave it to Trump URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When she's being a huge cunt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The closest that that cunt ever got to talent was standing next to Sonny on stage.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bring back stoning. Or just throw his stick off a cliff so he'll hit one big rock.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"These Resetera people would get offended by me telling them to go fuck themselves, a totally rational re uest for these retards.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user I say you hate women because you call me a tranny cunt constantly ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm just sitting on the train, have a hard dick and would like to wank a horny girl on the big tits ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Rohingya refugees are working hard to earn a living and bring a sense of normality back to their lives ' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER There should be a serious FBI investigation into this woman's motives behind this political hit job. This kind of shit is NEVER done to anyone other than conservatives. Such bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Look at that retarded, ugly face. Looks like it was already bombed and should be bombed again.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user Hi @user Is there a way to get the ladies to stop shouting out during the hearing? It's having the opposite of the desired effect. I love the silent handmaids. But screaming hysterical women is just insulting to the cause. Maybe they can hold up signs instead? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#alyssamilano #alyssa-milano is a hypocrite; another lying #hollywood fraud. Big time. She hates #kavanaugh but loves #billclinton. Sick Sick Sick Proof is below in link and pic. #meto #metoo #democrats #news #politics #liberals #christineford #hillary #clintons https:\/\/www.rt.com\/usa\/440217-alyssa-milano-bill-clinton-love-metoo\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"As GAB might be gone forever after this weekend I wanted to take this opportunity to say fuck you rotten pagan motherfuckers. Fuck all of you! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RMsp5cCTJTU fuck you Gab anit going no where pasta nigger IF any harm to her you stupid demon worshiping pig ,and maybe if you fucks weren't sand nigger terrorists ,like ISIS we wouldn't have to worry about White women getting hurt by you Bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Police refuse to investigate Muslim Supremacist Senator Ellison's alleged sexual assault and beating of a female and son. Sources say that Ellison is protected by Sharia and the Quran and these allegations will not effect his campaign for Attorney General. Somali Sharia advocates praise Ellison for his restraint and mercy shown by not killing the woman.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I used to think these people only existed on the internet. But then I met a few, and a few more, and then my friends started turning into these stupid cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"THIS IS WHY WE NEED 2 #BuildTheDamnWall #BuildThatWall#BuildTheWall ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When your phone goes dry for more than 2 1\/2 minutes ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER bITCHC IM UWUING","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Are we really supposed to believe the party of violent liberal ANTIFA with their KKK hoods who beat the hell out of strangers they know nothing about somehow care at all for this? Are we supposed to trust the party who funds ANTIFA to tell us the truth on any subject?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Nope. Not going to miss his sorry ass at all.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Disgutsed by all the immigrants around here. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"2be clear I fully support free speech. But especially when libertarians and conservatives are being silenced I don't want to read leftist trash talk in my timeline. I don't want them censored. I just don't remember following them. But it is enough that I can personally block.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER The principaled conservatives\" have left the building.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Those trans people might look human but they are just parasites to our society. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER 3 pitches right down the middle while no one else is having trouble with this guy. Its unbelievable he is playing with the season on the line","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The word alpha probably scares their faggot mods","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trans people should all be admired. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#qanon LIBERALS ARE LIKE MONKEYS THROWING THEIR OWN SHIT AT EVERYTHING","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No more repeated conversations. Particularly from Fools. I bailed out of twatter and will never return to that shithole. Ever. I will never pimp your YouTube channels endlessly. Ever. You fuckheads are fired. Now stay out of my feeds you faggot libtards.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER WOW SAMI YOU ARE KILLING IT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"He started this hashtag because there's a certain type of immigrant to Germany he doesn't like and wants to humiliate. We @user are in that group. RT if you think we should be able to stay and finish our Bahnhof renovation. Danke! #neogermans ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER they aren't....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Someone should snap the necks of all those gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Still depressed over not asking out an asian qt in the numerous times I've been to Sheffield. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=zExDivIW4FM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If this is implemented well, could be good news for Philadelphians. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Fear about losing your monopoly status is the correct answer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Macedonia deployed the army to build a second fence to keep refugees out - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"No one will contest the assertion that rural life is healthier. It might be dull, and lacking culture, but it is the place to be if you want to survive and if you want to avoid the ZOG gulag, a fate which seems increasingly possible to me as I view the deteriorating security in Kwa areas, wherein a healthy White man wants to cap every fucking nigger in sight.\" All cities are, ZOG gulag","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":".@USER come pick your girlfriend. She is shifting permanently URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"How basic bitches wash away their weekend sins and mistakes ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Funny thing normal folk. There are NatSocs on here and real cultural Marxists like @BegsAli and @True_Brit But you never see them arguing with each other do you. Always with normal folk like you and me. I have a theory. NatSocs and Marxists both follow feeble socialist ideologies with fragile minds and egos. They worry that if they argue together they might start listening to the other and possibly even convert. But there's no chance they will convert to being normal like us. What do you reckon? :) Your theory is of little fucking importance. What's majorly fucking important is which side you'll join? The 90% of normal non socialist people :) 90% what? You're talking out of your backside. Everyone I disagree with a socialist I bet you call Liberals Fascists Another Non Playable Conservative... You do understand what socialism is don't you. It's the ideology of jealousy, theft, antisemitism and blaming other people for their own failure. Classically displayed by both Marxist and National Socialists. Both want nationalisation of key industries. Education control for indoctrination. Censorship of critics. Jews gone. Insurrection. Marxist ones use gays and blacks as victims to try and get elected. National ones know they will never be elected so are open about their hate. Well said. The truth is well demonstrated by their history. It really is very simple and clear to see when you cut through all the shite Marxists and NatSocs use to try and seperate themselves from each other lol Easy to classify them. Both are based on greed and envy. Both for wealth and power. Anyone who would deny them either is a target for destruction! They want ALL of everybody's! Yeah. Anyone who is jealous of other people's success and hates others for no good reason is a socialist by definition. Whether they called themselves Marxists or National Socialists is irrelevant. Most people aren't like that which is why they are a 10% minority. And that's being generous :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Katie - You are a toxic bitch and will always be one. You got your way. I am going to be fired again anyways. You toxic bitch. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So conservatives NEVER get abortions? Were you alive when abortions were illegal? I hear it was a pretty awesome time in history.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Can someone tell this dumb we are a republic","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Wonder if this will be left biased.. never trust a state broadcaster or brainwash kids from the Liberals","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"How many have had their SS# stolen by #IllegalAliens and used for jobs and to file fake tax returns in your name? It's happened to me 3 times. A highly under reported #IllegalBehavior by border crashers. #Maga #kag #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWallNow ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You should inform your daughter that she's a fucking retard for caring what the genitalia on her dentist is.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When you wake in a randoms bed with no recollection of who she is or how you got there ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"TIme to turn off Fox News they brought on lying Trump hating faggot Shep!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just followed @VOISINE I also wish there was less \"NAZI WHITE POWER\/BLM\/ANTI SEMITIC RACIST BULLSHIT\" on Gab too. I also love that you asked nicely and said \"Please\". I may have to stop just blocking people who express these views and try to encourage them to become more valuable members of #GabFam. Whilst I respect their right to express their views, I maintain my right to argue against them, and should probably be more forceful in doing so. Thank you. I'm all about free speech. but as a sane human being I shouldn't have to tolerate people who spew crap about race 24\/7 Just wait until you get hit with the fairy gay faggot tranny porn. You'll change your mind fast about muting these f***ers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#Pocahontas versus the #Unaboomer ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"'I understand your pain but not all men are like this' First of all, you just centered yourself into MY trauma THAT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Called \" nigger swarming \"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nelly should beware of other woman now trying to accuse him for rape .. Ladies after this lady because if one does it others will try it too ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Liberal to-do list: Add 'phobic' on the end. ? Profit. How to be a liberal faggot 101","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you are voting for Joe Biden then you are actually voting for Kamala Harris to be President! https:\/\/t.co\/1cds2ZYt9F","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Typical shemale behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We are NOT a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of citizens! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How can you reclaim something that was never exclusively yours in the first place?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER thought they scored 69 points... sad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Typical J i h a d i behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ancient women of Greece would withhold sexual pleasure from men to end wars 2017: Modern women make mixtapes for what they do for the dick ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He didn't just lose his talent. He battled demons and played on an embarrassment of a franchise. He is now in an ideal situation. I believe he is still an elite WR but I guess only time will tell.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Did you reply to him with Haleigh for AFP? I think he is blocking for that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Communists Take Down Greek Government Website Over Athens Fire Disaster Response Time #Greece #Anonymous won't be taking down terrorists #rapefugee websites any time soon. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@BrandiTX Hey cunt you want to follow me and you put me on pending list godfuck yourself It's ppl like u who made my have to make it private. I didn't \"put you on anything. I just fucking joined and don't know exactly how everything works so fuck you. Piece of shit to speak to a woman like that for no reason!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Liberals complain of not having time to evaluate records but they sit on an anonymous letter for weeks and wait like a criminal to assassinate the character of a good man at the end.Despicable. @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"An invading army is slowly trekking towards the United States' Southern Border. In any other time in history, stopping them with deadly force would be considered a practical and common-sense measure. But now, we're supposed to open wide and let them in. This is a manufactured crisis designed to energize the Left before the November Election. Ike called them Wetbacks. He knew.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you were truly an introvert you wouldn't need human contact. Lock yourself in the bathroom for a week without any radio, books, or any indirect human contact and then try to make your retarded claim. People don't wear you out; your inability to govern how they treat you is the real culprit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Liberals support this I thought.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"1% Muslim, 99% cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER We must pray every single day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"looks like a sand nigger cock in your hand","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It would be really difficult to argue that Lovecraft wasn't racist and xenophobic, those are both quite obvious. But homophobia and misogyny? I'm not *that* familiar with his works but in the dozen or so that I've read I cannot recall a single instance of either of those. In fact, I don't think I've ever heard someone call Lovecraft misogynistic before this article. Can any experts chime in here? Did his writing have signs of hatred for women that I glossed over?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Germany claims success with program to support migrant returnees ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This stupid cunt again. And fuck \"Shaun King\" that fake-ass wanna-be black guy for spreading bullshit and lies. Bitch-ass white boi should be served with a libel suit, piece of shit-stirring troll. NOBODY takes his faggot ass licking white-knight save-a-hoe ass seriously.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You have poop for brains you have been indoctrinated to hate Jews and suck up to Muslims !! So go take your butt to Saudi Arabia where the hijackers came from Jack ass!! you can suck the tip of my dick, the rest can fit up u mama","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Jack being a faggot meeting Arabs? I hope he doesn't get flogged to death.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"> \"We want people to live in a culturally-appropriate setting, said Councillor Joe Cressy, of Ward 20 Trinity-Spadina. That's unbelievable. Even more so, is that he knew that question was coming (he agreed to the interview, he knew the rough questions he'd be asked), and that's the excuse he masterminded. It's almost verbatim an excuse used to keep black people out of white neighbourhoods in the south in the 50s. Literally, \"we think they'd feel more comfortable among their own\". Cressy literally is mouthing those same words, and worse he had time to think and come up with this line of argument. And the double down on that, and to then flip the problem as to say that the only problem is that we don't have MORE segregation sufficient for everyone's bigotry, shows you how little repercussion white liberals face for their bigotry. The left is the home of racism and bigotry today, it's just insane.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Time to patrol the seas to stop migrant boats before the war Syria etc didn't care a jot about Europe ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Know Your Rights, Defend Your Rights! Come join a training that focuses on building sustainable community resistance against the increased violence against communities of color and immigrant communities. Aug. 8-9. 10am-4pm. Open to all. Sign up is below! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Bitch don't come to me as a woman .... Cuz yo nigga came at me single ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Please listen to the audio....Mind Blowing! #Walkaway #TRUMP2020 #MAGA #kag https:\/\/t.co\/KzTUvjk6sM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hungary: UN treaty could 'inspire millions' of migrants ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's called a tie u dumb nigger ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER They aren't making fun of the woman. They are making fun of the liberals supporting barbaric tradition of covering a woman's body with a garbage bag because men might be inclined to rape them at any given moment.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#texasFirst (YesWeCan.) A new @JesseLeePeterson video titles ~ THIS FRIDAY 10\/19: YouTube LIVE Debate! Jesse Lee Peterson vs. David Pakman! 1 p.m. PT \/ 4 p.m. ET ~ http:\/\/bit.ly\/2AdPzCp #FallenStateTV #FeministUniverse [phpGab]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"But a guy posted that. Still retarded tho","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER IM VERY HORIBBLE AND SHITTY THATS HOW I AM ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@Sockalexis. I'm foaming at the mouth. Show everyone my post of foaming at the mouth. Even eddy has turned he's back on you. You're foaming at the mouth cause of the circle jerk party you participated in, you were the pivot. Disgusting splouge burps comin back up Not really jermaine. You just participated aswell. Discusting You Flogged a dude named Germaine Should have kept that to yourself, one more thing that was a dumb AF comeback Sorry Joanne. You ruined it Dumb af troll Joseph look at the interactions I've had in the past 10 hours 8 people can't wait to reply to me. How many you got. Fuck all Look guys a Chicken is making me look dumb AF, Well because I am a dumb af Troll with splouge on the mind Thats what you wanted to say Right John What guys stop looking for help. Don't see me doing that. Johnny be good ain't it? No. It's Johnny is a Anal Wart STDEANE you have turned up and joined the group identity antifa mob. When Johnny comes calling you 3 won't stop cumming.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's in Muslims's nature to be uncivilised. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Who is sick of all the jewish haters wanna-be Nazis, whose claims are shallow, based in no facts, and need to read their Bibles\/History Books....to actually learn a thing called the TRUTH....? Jewish haters ? That makes no sense Angelo where do you get your information? Just like I said you have poor reading comprehension. Revelation 2:9 says they are NOT Jews. But you say they are Jews. So you are wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"what a lyin cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":".@USER does not possess the wisdom to pass judgment on a honest man like Judge Kavanaugh. She has flawed and suspect judgment as manifested in her ill-advised years long affair with the likes of Mayor Willie Brown. She launched her career on her back. She is trashy. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When you constantly have dick on the brain ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Saw this on the (((TV))). Do the Jews making these commercials really believe a white women will ever consider dating a mudshark? Kikery delusion at it's finest. That nigger looks like he got smashed in the face by a shovel. Must be a chinknigger hybrid By the look of the flat face, probably Korean.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Amir you are doing a great job","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Yep he is...Somebody is going down..@USER may finally be exposed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Let's just eradicate those disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"why is this nigger even allowed to be alive?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We should simply shoot them. They're just black people after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Get over yourselves ladies... You're wrong.... all the time! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Aw! Did I push your buttons and get you riled to the point of being triggered? Truth hurts, doesn't it! Come on cunt cake! Let's go! You want to spar? I'm game! I never hesitate to call out TROLLS such as yourself. You're only recourse is to mute me, like most spineless trolls do when they are confronted with truths that do not agree with their narrow view of reality.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"To be fair whatever he has to transfer needs to be completely undone anyway. Bring in the military to drag them all out at 12:01 have the staff pack their belongings sit them on Pennsylvania Ave, bring in #BidenHarris2020 and lets Make America Tolerable Again https:\/\/t.co\/a0qC9Xxtwq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Maninder: How I felt, when Immigration New Zealand said \"NO\" to me!: via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The amount of stupid people in this world really makes me consider wearing condoms... I'm not gonna but I be considering it ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Liberals: Anderson Cooper is gay which by default means he can never do wrong. Also liberals: Trump Jr is a pos because of who is Dad is.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Guy: your last name is Gonzales? You must not be from around here, like a Mexican immigrant. Me: actually I was born in Florida and raised in NY. Guy: oh so your not from Mexico? Me: No, I'm actually from Filipino descent but even if I was from Mexico, I'd be damn proud to be ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Moslems took over Spain in early 8 century, during peak days of Christian deadly grip over Europe, commonly known as Dark Ages. Spain remained moslem occupied 800 years. And Christians, instead of liberating Spain from Arab\/ nigger moslem occupation, went on genocidal slaughter of Whites all over Europe. You are so dumb and ignorant , it's pathetic","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Consider this, you as you want. Others do what they want, and that includes supporting the site regardless of your childish insults. Fuckoff loser, bye. They are selling your data. If the only arguments you can post involve personal insults, you are no better than HRC when she said everyone against her was \"deplorable\"...bye bye I think donations ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So big deal...Harry fucked a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"slamming the media? calling them out in comments and not letting it go? those were gamergate things and the MSM got involved in gamergate and thus when they started lying about Trump, they got slammed for that as well. Gamergate was the birth of Reps fighting back with facts, links and videos, before that it was just retarded accusations about Obama being a Muslim or a terrorist.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Let's send a whole bunch like them to the border! I would sleep like a baby.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Only private security guards are that violent and cruel. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I have so much hatred for you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You can't use cunt? No, you cunt say that. It's impolite. Also, it's offensive to broads.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Can't even date or talk to a girl who is an attention whore on social media. What makes you think ima date or talk to a hoe in real life ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Japan? [https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ENscSDOsodE](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ENscSDOsodE) I live here. Everyone cheats. Literally everyone I know that's Japanese. That includes men but... The amount of women with boyfriends\/husbands I've slept with changed my view real quick. Japanese chicks somehow rationalize that their husband is at work so it's not cheating. LOL Damn you shattered my dreams Good. Too many white guys coming to Japan and getting divorced and never seeing their kids cause one parent lives abroad after the divorce and the Japanese wife lives in Japan.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Time to slinging cunt around in the name of equality.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Not long back from the wonderful Bilbao where flags are flown proudly stating \" Refugees Welcome\" A socialist society who embrace diversity, especially the British. Returned to More RW smears on false AS, Ashley, and Tories doing what they want. Grim. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user You nasty ugly whore!!! No one cares what you think and #THEBIGDUMP only sucks black dick now so stop trying to suck #donthecon dick. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This poll proves that gaggers are over 70% illiterate redneck morons. Lol look it's a beta fag telling us about a poll, and um, how was Hillary's poll? Oh right 98% chance of being president! Do liberals even know how numbers work? lol look it's a dumbass assuming that anyone who isn't a conspiracy retard has to be a democrat. Omg you gaggets are so dumb. You are the worst kind of democrat faggot, one who can't even admit to being a Democrat! Your troll game is weak as fuck. How long is your temper tantrum gonna last retard? Oh, and something so simple even a faggot like you could grasp. The PENTAGON covered in CAMERAS as well as surrounding gas stations etc. But they release 5 frames of footage? SERIOUSLY? BE SMARTER DUMBFUCK.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER here we go this is where the nats blow a lead now or the 8th inning have you not learned and strasburgh is not what everyone thinks he is inconsistent","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Best Remedy = #BING !! AND...#NeverVoteDemocRAT N E V E R!! ** #MAGA2018 **","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"and what ever European paganism that is still in Catholicism ,it is fucking tainted with nigger jew shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The only thing the Democrats have is lying and stalling to stop Trump from being #President. What have they done for you lately. #Trump #Kavanaugh #MAGA #DEMSUCK","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"WHITE SUPERMACIST-is code word -for FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"VERY STRANGEKamala was not up on that stage last night with Joe Biden, whose wife had to remind him what to say (clear for all to see)Like Pence with Trump, you'd think Senator Harris would be with Biden and say a few words She wasn't! Stranger times might still be ahead.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER This Jerry Lewis ripoff needs to just go away already. The guy is so good at acting like a fool because he is a fool.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT Thomas1774Paine Maxine Waters responds to mailed bombs: I ain't scared' http:\/\/ow.ly\/ywU630mnXv3 https:\/\/twitter.com\/Thomas1774Paine\/status\/1055915741474623489","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER That may be but as far as the gun thing goes it shows the total distopia that can result from gun control. Only criminals and corrupt cops have guns in Mexico and the average citizen is at t their complete mercy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Jordan Reid is a filthy nigger that smells like shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER They would've had the Vice Presidency via Tim Kaine's Antifa son...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You are nothing but common Muslim trahs. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@jasonkozdra Are you saying you are a RACIST SEXIST leftist piece of shit? All lefties are socially constructed to be brainwashed retarded monkey brains who cannot understand FACTS! It is a FACT that all Identity politics ARE RACISM and SEXISM! This mean the morally degenerate Feminists ARE SEXIST! Black LIES Matter ARE RACIST PIGS! So all JEWS and DEMONRATS are blatantly RACIST and SEXIST! But the RETARDED social construct that is all lefties and Jews is devoid of even a semblance of intellectual awareness! If you do not understand what I just said, your genetic profile is socially constructed with your head up your ASS! But you still don't smell your own shit!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Lot of illegal Muslim immigrants r seen in Delhi in Old Delhi,around NZMand Yamuna Banks\/Okhla.Delhi fast becoming slum ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Coast guard put out a tweet they pulled that dude off the response team and are \"dealing with it . He wanted to b famous now he is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I h a t e immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"100% Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"T.I. posts a video of a Melania Trump lookalike stripteasing for him at the Oval Office.\" I don't know what you guys think but it really seems like rappers and celebrities think they are above everyone nowadays....... https:\/\/theblogroom.com\/t-i-posts-a-video-of-a-melania-trump-lookalike-striptea","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Typical r a p e f u g e e behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Please Confirm Kavanagh ASAP! He is a fine choice! Don't let the liberals derail his nomination to the SCOTUS!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Please spread your cunt hole fully ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That the price for bombing a country and kill Ghaddaffi through French and British forces. Now Liyba dont like to keep refugees for the EU. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Alright, so fucking finally I got my account disabled by Zuccthecucc. I know that some data still goes to him, but who cares about those retarded zionists ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/MaajidNawaz\/status\/1049286713531686912 Funny coming from a guy convicted of being part of a terrorist organisation. The cunt did 5 years. face is too smootyh t be a man look at the hips yet ahain another transgender Nawaz isn't that bad. He knows Islam is shit. Muhammad (piss be upon him) was a child molester, rapist, mass murderer and an Arab! Fuck these people.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Looks like this post must have triggered a pathetic miserable whiny little purple-haired soyboy. How sad! Moderator, have an upvote I like this mod!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"LMAO!!!! Holy shit, these people are fucking crazy. I didn't even get the notice, I am sad.... but not bitching. SHe is so lucky to have #TRUMP contact her directly. This fine man summed me up perfectly! #MAGA #WWG1WGA Why? You really bring value to the conversation! Your just smelling the Nutella on your EBT card, Trump Trash Haha, my checking account has 20k in it.... what is an EBT card? No, you don't. I have your IP address. You live with your parents","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Rabid Racist Pensioner Thrown Out of His Fav Shop for Telling Black Wankers to Sod Off Back to the Jungle. Fat Sounding Cunt Involves Herself. Did She Want Dat Dick? https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/uk\/home-news\/sainsburys-racist-video-security-guard-abuse-london-a","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This would be amusing if it didn't empower our enemies. Libprog cucks out to little brown people(whom, of course, are majorities in their OWN countries) #whitegenocide #stoptheinvasion ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you gotta rape a female to get pussy you really should just die ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ha ...I recognize the one in front ...Valerie Jarrett! Europe is becoming a massive urban zoo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER These you are too young responses are condescending af. Personally I have no issue w\/wire coat hangers being used to protest b\/c god forbid women don't have access to safe abortion some may try any method to attempt a termination...esp teen girls","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER not what the conclusions says in the paper. do you know what experiments they did? you are just like an creationist that blindly believe what the news says. You are like an catholic that beliees every word of the pope.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"THE DEMS ARE RADICAL COMMUNISTS... DEMS THINK THEY ARE ABOVE THE LAW ...CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT...DISRESPECT GOV\"T OFFICIALS...BLOCK FREE SPEECH....BE VIOLENT....BE VULGAR AND OBNOXIOUS... TIME TO KICK THEIR LIBERAL ASSES TO THE CURB,,,,, https:\/\/youtu.be\/9VG8iD4Od50 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=9VG8iD4Od50andt=...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Its a troll by leftists to show how retarded tea party boomers are","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I got it. I was goughing the black cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Australia is younger and better off: RBA governor defends immigration rate via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Over 160 undocumented migrants held in Turkey ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa is much much smaller than white supremacists in America and responsible for a fraction of the violence. Also NAZI'S ARE BAD!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Well carry on like monkeys. Get treated like monkeys That's a lot racist. how Black kids as monkeys. So you're dumb too. huh? youre saying all black kids act like this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You are correct URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Yeah fuck pogba ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"good....she can go fuck a nigger now","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"she is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"LMAO they're mad at \"racist whites\" but not the nigger that actually killed her! Stupid mudsharks!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"jews, the Chosen People of Satan JEWS ENSLAVED BLACK PEOPLE AND HAVE CAUSED ALL THE PROBLEMS IN THE WORLD WITH THEIR LIES! No jews the taken over jewdis goat like soro the evil cunt Rothschild family s and rest of the royal family and commie and Nazi infections of death","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That was the most piss poor retarded attempt at a legal defense I've ever seen.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user You ugly lil bitch shut the fuck up if you dont understand the stock market hoe ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I don't think she needed any money to do this. I think she is so left wing that she thinks she is Joan of Arc. Now we have Spartacus and Joan....who's next on the agenda?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Woah there Gonsamnun99! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* Now was that called for?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Not everything is about the States. Canada's more prosperous by certain meters, and those meters seem to make the muzzies jealous.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user Really? Some cunt that has Oasis lyrics in her bio is gonna tell me something? Stfu bitch, this cunt is crazy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I don't like Halloween at all that shit cold and everwhere you go smells like booty hole and candy don't @ me ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#Spanish #unjustice vs. #FreedomOfExpression and #HumanRights #Spain is a #fakedemocracy @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #cddr #shameonSpain @USER @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"it's obviously a parody you fuckin retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT @user Sometimes I want a girlfriend, but then I quickly remember how i hate women ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Does Eric even know where he is?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Building Resilience Through Farming in Kenya #WithRefugees #Kakuma via @user @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Yes, things need to be done with calm controlled minds, so irreparable mistakes won't be made. #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Purity doh. Ryan's mum fucked so many men that there must have been about 5 guys sperm in her cunt the day he was conceived","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The warning 2 the Turkish Leadership stop demanding and blackmailing Europe and the World about refugees desperate Men on a Islamic Mission ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Exactly! Fred Guttenberg's entire mission is for \"Gun Control and Feinstein will do anything for a dollar. Both are on a mission to change legislation in favor of taking guns from Law Abiding Americans. HOW is his whole stance NOT political?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When alcohol companies tell you to 'please drink responsibly' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Any white women still on the communist left are fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"CNN analyst: \"If you sexually assault someone in high school, your life should be ruined\" https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/lQubqja.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/4YmR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Who cares who is deadlier? Are you antifa?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Great she needs to be gone she is a low life","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You missed Rachel Maddow's show? She had some of them. She didn't look at them before air time. She proved he paid a butt load in taxes. #maga #WalkAway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Following because she is not only a tacozt bit a sociopath and a moron all lethal combos","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hamas leader says every Christian nation should convert to Islam by conquering (or migration) \"Europe first and then America\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"DING! DING! DING! Vatican Bishop confesses: \"Senior Catholic officials are being paid off by George Soros to promote mass Muslim migration into Europe\" via @user How to buy the Catholic Church... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" the Chinese and Russians and those who are in their pockets, the anti-Israel lobby, the no-borders interests, the entertainment industry, the public sector unions, the greedy 'green' interests, the useless career politicians like Joe Biden.\"Don't. Let. This. Happen.#MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Daily Mail removes illegal immigrant article after fact check goes viral via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I used to like that \"SavedyouAClickVidya\" guy on twitter, but when he revealed himself to be a pussy \"Games are art\" faggot and he went all apeshit over my article, I lost all respect for the little needle dick cocksucker.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I swear if I ever find this Chad bigly cunt here I'm gonna fuck open you throat with a shovel sanz","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We have seen the proof of that at the Faggot Pride Parades !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bunch of shirt-lifter faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user 2977 people were murdered by illegal aliens in New York City, Washington DC and Shanksville Pennsylvania on 9\/11\/01Help memorialize them today!Visit to help.Please #RETWEET#ThursdayThoughts#NeverForget #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"To be honest, with parents like those , I don't want them to have a son either. That poor kid would go insane. OR a daughter. Probably not pets, either. Honestly I feel sorry for the air that sustains them. It's rotten isn't it, to it's very core it's why men call it a man's world culling her, has been men's norm but her suggesting culling him that's the outrage, that's the heresy in your man's world. Your really dedicated to this meme I know your manhood is so precious little.. to even bother with so thanks for being a sport and letting me kick it into touch.. LMAO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The word faggot can describe a bundle of sticks bound together as fuel. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#TheTalk is the typical sexist bigoted all-female show that berates males. End #misandry today! Men are fighting!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER by which point the fuckingclass was nearly over... lol!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Why only a fact-checking tweet for a Democrat? I would expect these tweets for all political candidates? Or does the AP only do this for Liberals?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER And I'm sure she's for common sense gun control\" as long as she has gun toting bodyguards.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"my god really?..................really? https:\/\/youtu.be\/ieN4W68oR3E","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Says the man who stands against sensible gun control. #hypocrite","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"FYI @user AND @user The ONLY REASON you 2 have a job is #WeThePeople VOTED for @user to #BuildThatWall!! IF you 2 are so incompetent you cannot complete a mandate for the President of YOUR OWN PARTY, YOU 2 need to #WalkAway! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That bastard anjem choudrey is to be released tomorrow........!!! The cunt should be shot dead........if it was here in northern ireland he would have been killed in jail.......the twisted bastard......","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It was already in the realm of high fantasy where you pointed that out but we reached peak retard with the idea that we could ever cut a deal with the niggers that's more appealing to them than the promise of getting even with Whitey","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And it's retarded from both sides... that's the point. No the point is one way is acceptable to say, and the other gets laughed at. Not both. One actually happens and i am glad you agree it is retarded. It would be retarded to do to women what we ok doing to men, but we don't. Don't be retarded. Men do abuse and rape women, it's a fact. Some men do that. Some women do bad things. You're doing the same as the retarded feminists do.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We should test new drugs on trans people before testing them on animals. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user You tried to spazz out on me too whore for waking your narcoleptic ass up ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER You are correct.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I hate Ralph and his fellow guests he invites to sperg out snd create retarded drama but I don't support them being censored. Fuck them but fuck the censors more.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just checked out your profile, it's a joke just like you. Btw brah I know you're all hot and bothered but you'll never have me or any other Attractive Sexy woman. Now you can go back to your 40 on the front stoop of your \"house\" in the projects lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Cheryl Mills was also just another typical NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Child pornography is a 1st amendment right Change my mind","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That's cuz he's a retarded fgt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Why would someone be videoing ? Inside job? asking for a friend . Hope she is ok .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user while we pat ourselves on the back on how many refugees taken in do not lose contact with our own poor who wait for housing 2 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Iranian? ....fuck Which is honestly the better option. It is way cheaper. It makes sure that the terrorist will not attack you ever again and they won't radicalize anyone else. Now ain't that the truth. Shooting on sight? Yea, probably cheaper and easier? But if that's the default reaction, how many people also get shot on sight just from being in the wrong place at the wrong time?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"EVERYTHING You NEED to Know about Comey and his History, by \/pol\/ Anon -> HSBC? https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/The_ Donald\/comments\/6ggy2l\/ everything_you_need_to_know_ about_comey_and_his\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"How many days of the week? how many gods of rome and greece? How many letters in the sacred name of god according to christianity? how many angels are there of the church? how many planets are in the solar system? the answer is all the same, lost children. Your christianity is less about christ, and more about jupiter. You're too lazy to read Genesis chapter 1 to avoid embarrassing yourself huh? It literally would be less than an 8 x 11 sheet of paper. This is why Pagans do not own a blade of grass or have any temples, just sheer fuckin stupidity. The Bible needs to be in schools and we could avoid further Jewish subversion like this and get the national test scores up as well. Yeah, it's totally my fault he didn't read the first chapter so he wouldn't humiliate himself. All about Jupiter! Call someone else your mate, boy, doesn't work with us Germans. That's a quick route to having your throat crushed. Thanks, Island cunt. Bless ya! Fag -- still no interest in your Island faggotry terms whatsoever. You're shockingly stupid being confused about a post you commented on, just utterly clueless about the word \"Jupiter\" in the OP and my quoted post. It happened yesterday too, you're dumb. Take your Tlingit Indian Alaska art and go act stupid somewhere else. Stfu ignorant fag, Slavs are not white and Israelites aren't Jews. Your broke little pity party of 15 penniless pagans will never move a needle. You're not intelligent and that's why you're flat nigger broke. Read and evolve -- stop sitting on the lap of the Jew and be a man who can actually think and sustain himself. You're the penniless ones -- not us. Us? You're a joke friend. Attacking a women for not being white enough, spitting and cursing, and constantly proselytizing with some genesis or trinity turd story. But can't tell why. I tell you why, you lack honor mate. Follow your own words and I'll teach you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Degenerate faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"As I was saying - the President and Rudy knowingly worked with Russia (again) to try to damage Biden even after they were told by the Intel Community it was a Russian op. If treason isn't the right word for this, what is? https:\/\/t.co\/VcRGl096Ny","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And how much is he being paid for this behavior?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Say NO to diversity. Don't let America become a third world shithole.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Why? Chairman of Young Conservatives whilst at Oxford.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"There's that Piece of SHIT!\" I'm really starting to appreciate South Florida, or at least the Cuban Community, more than I ever had. Since Trump came down the elevator and all of the discord around the country. I felt like South Florida would be a Never Trumper hotbed. But you know something. I was surprised when South Florida picked Trump in the Primaries, I was shocked when South Florida voted for Trump in the general election. Hillary only won these two counties by a smaller margin than she did in other Blue Cities. We don't get much \"Hey Hey Ho Ho Nazi Facist got to go\" Bullshit, unless George Soros buses them in. I have only been yelled at once by some White trash Piece of Shit cunt not even from South Florida for wearing my Trump shirt back in 2016 during the election. Even at my job I can talk loud and proud about Trump when someone tries to goad me with misinformation they got from CNN. They don't even try anymore because my version of what really happened is always right, and that burns their ass the most. South Florida could be worse in that regard. Still don't care for all of the illegal overcomer that invade this place all the time. They suck and hate America but the Liberals have them entitled to think they deserve citizenship because Liberals need votes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Itne me too liberals ko BURNOL khana padega....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No self respecting white man would touch that nigger fucking piece of filth. Just another lost soul for the fire when the reaper comes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Hell no!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you are a black person, then you are probably stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Stop sweatin these hoes... Vaginas are like doors, when one closes, several more open up ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Amazing all the projection she is doing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I bet the cunt never opened up a textbook, we learned this crap in middle school. I have a dick, therefore I count as male. Having a cunt makes you female, being a cunt just makes you unpleasant to hang around.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Honest question does this clown think he is actually a journalist? Rockland Dale, please do us all a favor and stay off our side.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user #BuildThatWall #BuildTheWall #BuildTheDamWall NOW!AMERICA WANTS JUSTICE NOW #VoteDemsOut #VoteRed #Walkaway #SAVEAmerica ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"kill the gays","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Stfu bitch you don't like me get outta here punk hoe you just bored ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He's an actor. Please wake up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@gae_wright @detroitnews No to Jim Crow Joe Biden and California's Top Cop Kamala Harris after MONTHS of protesting!?!?The DNC picked thee absolute worst choices. Everyone knows it too.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Does anyone remember when U2 just made music?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hoes in the city so recycled you just a rerock lil whore ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You know @realDonaldTrump that people will still vote for Biden because he's not you?#BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/RxDh7n6Jfl","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Raping a Muslim like you should not be illegal. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You make me furious. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"Tried to let 'em in on some good Goy shit Now I'm firing up the ovens for the hook-nosed clique!\" -Mr. Bond #NSFW Says the fat fuck behind a fake avatar. Dont come for me faggot I'll win. Im BETTER than you and u wont make me stop doing shit. In fact, I will post MORE of this shit since I know it upsets u so much, Scurry along u little fuckin rat im done batting u around.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT @user Why are guys expected to text girls first? #equalrights #yesallmen ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":">The backups, however, had also been corrupted, This doesn't make sense unless you're absolutely retarded. That's bad tech karma buddy. Yes, backups should be tested, but shit happens.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER FYI, the Radicalism\" is ALL ON THE LEFT! You SOB's started with Occupy Wall street, when that failed, you got BLM started, and THAT FAILED so you put together ANTIFA... We KNOW what you have done.... you WILL go to GITMO.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sharyl Attkisson hits Bill Kristol over the head with the cold, hard truth on immigration Thanks Sharyl ! In the past immigrants were CHOSEN by gov. open borders and no 3rd world trash..Bill is a clueless careless twit. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is what's so worrying. At one end, asking a woman out for coffee. On the other, rape. It misses what actually ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Target is brilliant with this. Keep an eye out (esp online as there's online only shit that's amazing) because 1. Autumn (so oranges!) and also target on thanksgiving\/Black Friday is THEE place to stock tf up on sheets for the YEAR.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Black anime girls can be hot. more plz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Guy Fieri's green salsa is a jar of retarded faggot puke. And THAT is an objective fact, people. Once you put celery in your salsa, you can FUCK ALL THE WAY OFF and keep fucking off until you find somewhere to cash in your chef hat and testicles.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Joe Biden just got a huge slap in the face by this black celebrity dropping a truth bomb https:\/\/t.co\/RMkjGiSTpD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"(((perverts))) are lurking on Gab. Porn should be banned!!! yes hello","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Good! The GOP needs another obedient nigger for their sugar plantations!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user weird as fuck cuz women suck. #YouSuck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Gutierries = what did he do to help PR ? What is he doing now besides hoping for a high body count to blame on Trump","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This post is not on her timeline. Either she deleted it or it's fake. It's real. She and Torba had an exchange over it back then. She's deleted it then Smart of her. It's going to seem only more ridiculous as time passes. We lose because we worship evil, just like the dems, rather than standing up for only good we compromise and give in to evil if it says one or 2 good things. \"Blue party racist. Orange man OK\" - Candace Owens I like Owens but watch with some suspicion. She is dead wrong about Twitter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are suggesting that it is not the law and policy (sanctions regime) that informs rates of benefit sanctions. The graph would suggest that is true as by 2017 the sanctions rate was lower than it was under the previous sanctions regime. Good observations about pressure\"++\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You are what you eat! #VeganGab Humans are meat eaters period ! We are supposed to be meat consumers and balance it with the fruits an d vegetables ! You can not eat meat if you want to, it is America ! But STOP telling me I'm WRONG !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"How to Pronounce Bitch Chameleon RT #fake #fuss #denounce #accuse #porcupine #crab #whore #bitc ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Clever non-white mutants ruled by jews !!! You know you are winning when the niggers, beaners, gooks are starving by the millions with nothing but whigger -- the other whyte meat -- left to eat !!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Honestly, if that woman had a boy as her kid, he'd probably end up killing her in her sleep. Can you imagine dealing with such a hateful and cruel person as a child? We all know ignore the racial and gender extremist pages on tumblr, but imagine having one of these complete fucking retards as a parent. The amount of lying, hate, use of violence, and just downright sick behavior. The other thing that's genuinely messed up about a lot of these blogs, is most people use it as fetish porn. Yes. People actually go to feminism, anti women, black power, or Nazi tumblr pages to jack off to the idea of being degraded or humiliated. I hate tumblr and everything it stands for.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Super cunt face","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I want to k i l l all black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@drsanjaygupta please tell @jaketapper and folks dexamethasone is a steroid that can SUPPRESS a fever. #drconley is a liar by omission. Not a good look for @WalterReedGME or the military. Pathetic. #VoteBidenHarris2020 #VoteBlue2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER ah yes straight edge anime girls my on weakness","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I heard a rumour that back in her college days someone put some Uranium in Warren's Tampax as a prank. Here's the scary thing; if that is true, she is the worlds first nuclear powered dumb cunt and she can run forever and will never need refuelling.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Same fucking name, cunt bag. Why are you white knight, pussy boy? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Please stop SHOUTING at us like a retarded Boomer Grandpa.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Don't get me wrong, retarded woman. I understand that you have taken more dick than you've taken history lessons. But, the fact remains, it was there before your dying state of Israel and depending on my mood, will be there when Israel dies.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I have no desire to even communicate with chicks that have bf's. You might as well be a rock cuz there's no point talking to you #WomenSuck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You didn't even read the article. You just read the headline and had a Trumpy melt-down. And seriously? You actually believe that AmeriKa is operating as a {{{constitutional republic}}}? God... you Trump-Tards are stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm pretty sure the Obama daughters were the first retarded niglets in the oval office.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"PMan's current title (\"Jew Lover from MPC\") was acquired from a particularly retarded boomerpoaster here. Is this faggot white nationalist child brain ever right about anything other than his mom being ashamed of his birth?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" Give the Boer refugee status in America then cut all foreign aide to South Africa and their neighboring countries. When communist China picks up their tab and they're begging for the white devil to save them like the nigh jeers in Zimbabwe are, put economic\/trade sanctions on them and watch them fucking starve. No China wants control of Africa for its resources. Just like the rest of the elites. Gold and Diamond mines etc.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Spartacus the nigger bull-faggot....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"those fuckers will learn we are not a muzzie county, and this is that fucking obuma's doing","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When you finally catch that cunt that's been leaving ' ' under baes pics ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Real stuff like killing the ACA and preserving gun control. Smarter than most but not the answer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What seems to be the problem friend? >Maherstein Oh no... XD Really activates the almonds.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You're too stupid to realize she went by the constitution, innocent until PROVEN guilty. There was no guilt proven by that cunt Ford.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"(((Conservatives))) are enemies of whites! URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Immigrant girl hides escaped Homestead detention center | Miami Herald More importantly, some one needs to interview her IN HER LANGUAGE about her experiences at the immigrant detention center. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"New Mexico, U.S.: Dead Body found on compound, landlord had tried to evict #extremist #Muslims #No Assimilation #Possible #StopTheInvasion ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"relax i dont actually watch cnn, they have like 10 people watching that trash haha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"She hit the fucking lottery and did not even use the Nigger word","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"if i have to tolerate ur loud ass maga merch dont say shit about my nike anything kiss my ass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Why do some conservatives blindly follow a fascist?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER He can admit that 3000 Americans died on his watch. You should remind him he is President of all of us.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"obamination appearing at the most nigger infested school in Milwaukee on Friday.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"*cough cough* loser ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Amazing how Dems don't feel they owe it to unborn generations to keep ILLEGALS out!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@mmpadellan A vote against Trump is more important than a vote for Obama.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I wasn't aware I had a smell.\" Cologne when he chose to, perhaps. \"So I take it then that you are aware when I am near. And when I shadow.\" Meaning 'follow,' but in an attempt to be less .. creepy.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What mosque did he visit? It's past time to deny these jihadis a safe space to plot and conspire. Kill the mosque and the sand nigger leaves.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Anti immigration party? More like commonsense, sane centrist party. We need more of this. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Can you bitches stop pulling ya pants up above your belly button, you look like my fuckin grandfather ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user fuck you pussy suckin bitch. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Where is the mistake in saying that women like you deserve to die?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Just as I thought we were getting along. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER even he is conceding his own spot. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Murica in a nutshell...\"No amount of planning can replace dumb luck\". Then as Bismarck said, and he knew everything about the the eurotrash inbred retarded elites...\"There is a Divine Providence that protects drunks, and the United States of America\". Join in, The Divine, not \"god\" is how..Seek and ye shall find, so says the Master.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"..aaaaaaannnnddd this is why we're voting for Bernier! Bernier is only proposing to reduce immigration to 250k\/yr I can't take anybody who spreads this optics-modified version of \"Just wait for Hitler\" seriously. It's already a hundred-thousand less than business as usual. What are you looking for, -150k? -200k? -350k? These are just the above board numbers anyway; we will certainly be reducing the hidden numbers as they are by far the biggest immigration issue we face. Max will certainly abandon the UN global compact, which saves another ~300k useless eaters every year. and#x200B; For primary immigration, we certainly have to take reduction steps at a time or we'll never have enough broad appeal to get in in the first place.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"you are now their slave..whites are cheaper than a nigger slave now..lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Do any of you fucking morons know what philosophy is? It's not your retarded opinion on politics.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"My life has been so much better without you in it #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"But they were Niggers, so no-one gives a fuck!^I ^Joke! ^^I ^^Kid!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@gop What you are doing, in an attempt to weaken US democracy, just proves to those of us who voted for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats down the ballot, that we did exactly the right thing for this country. And we won't forget in January, mid-terms, or in 2024. No chance!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Hi Guy Fieri i like cool person you are down to earth i love your shows i love your red car i love classic cars.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I love it when married bitches start posting inspirational memes about having a strong relationship... Single in 3-2-1... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"6 people shot and killed in Bakersfield and the liberals want to tweet about Gun Control. Chicago calls 6 people shot and killed a lunch break yet nobody tweets a word. You can't have it both ways. Legal guns ownership vs illegal gun ownership. What's the real solution?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Tomorrow is #worldrefugeeday ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Your female lives have no value. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"PSAYoure a slut but you dont fuck meBecause you sound like a cry baby bitch shut the fuck up already ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She is not an anti trump. She's a racist race baiter who is no better than Alex jones and other crazies","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Fuck off, you race pimp. #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I thought this was SNL. The last guy is wearing a fucking beanie with the mindmill on itS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER They are Conservatives to be put on the Supreme Court that don't have all of these blemishes on their record these questions of their character there are better candidates. They need to find one. This one is the POTUS pic because he thinks the POTUS should be above the law","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@ProjectLincoln Due to @realDonaldTrump premature return to The WH this evening, the 2020 election has been officially been designated as a life or death choice. I choose life. #BidenHarris2020 #TrumpCovid19 #liar #Irresponsible #lifeordeath #failure #coviddeaths","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"All those haters calling me a whore when they could call me a dick juggling thunder cunt instead ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nobel Laureate in Physics; \"Global Warming is Pseudoscience\" https:\/\/youtu.be\/SXxHfb66ZgM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"a faggot is also a meatball in gravy over here","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"20180917: Don Pittis CBC: Is the People's Party of Canada liberal? It depends on the definition URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Urban Dictionary..hmmm...you mean Nigger Dictionary!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Our country desperately needs a president with common sense, a genuine respect for others, compassion, who follows the scientific evidence we have about a devastating pandemic. This is why we need #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/BGqj77dYqA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Reagan and Lincoln tied for first,","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Can I fetch anyone a Midol? She should STFU. She is not an American.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"9\/11 converage and after that was all media bullshit. When trump was elected that's when it went all retard because of the complete take over of the media by the Chinese and the Jews","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Look at Chicago Washington DC and other areas with the strictest gun control laws and tell me that the people that are not able to arm themselves are safe. I'll wait.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wearing extensions around me is as dumb as wearing panties around me... They both getting ripped off of you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Okay good. As long as the Men are comrades with same belief\/movement can join same group to fight enemies ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Brainsick cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Total lie. CONG is the main culprit for influx of illegal migrants both Bangladeshisand Rhongyias. If they deported few, millions came during their tenuresand they encouraged Muslim illegal migrantsandshooed away Hindu migrants ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Gay people should all be killd. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Also, the execution of a retarded black man when he was Governor Are you retarded. Seriously, do you lack brain cells? and#x200B; Monica Lewinsky had less power than the POTUS. I can't believe that has to be pointed out to anyone, For you to argue about running to HR against the president is dumb, period. Power imbalance is a real thing, you fucking child. and#x200B; Now stop wasting my time with you moronic defense of that idiot, you fucking cuck The hypocrisy of your thinking is legendary. Lets set this straight for you:","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER She either testifies or shuts up.She is either a fraud or a false memory person.When you have been raped you never forget it ever.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Her blog is really vile, a complete cesspit of hatred. A total misandrist and racist, Unfortunately these sorts of attitudes are perfectly acceptable and even welcomed on tumblr.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you are eligible to renew your DACA, we urge you to talk to an attorney and submit your renewal application. For resources to help you with your renewal go to Informed Immigrant's updated renewal guide which is available in English and Spanish. #RenewDACA ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Thank you AM640 and Byron Tyler for hosting us last week. We love letting the Mid-South know about the Memphis Cup of Nations and World Relief Memphis work to empower the local church to serve vulnerable refugees and immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They do not need them, I do not need them nor do I require them to enrich my life. #Stoptheinvasion #Brexit #Sodyoueu #Nosurrender ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Got all of u- please follow back ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I feel nothing but contmpt for disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"what is surprising is that a nigger would buy a book","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ya she is, but this is more important: There is actually a lot of Tao wrapped up in Hank Hill. Hank Hill is very much an ancient Eastern figure. He is the essence of calm and serenity when all is within balance in his world. The first time I saw the episode where he teaches Luann pool chemistry, I could just feel the serenity radiating from the screen as he surveyed his harmony. Or when he uses the smaller WD-40 can to open the larger WD-40 can. He found his center, and through that was able to foresee all possibilities within his universe. His adventures always come from trying to restore balance and explore his comfort zone outside of balance. Seriously, Hank hill is the motherfucking Tao. Seriously. Everyone go get high as shit with a vaporizer and watch King of the Hill right now. It will help you on your journey to your Satori.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user you just figured that out? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER BRUH THIS??? LMAOOO","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"read the fourth political theory h read encirclement by jimmy mason :))))","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER did you watch the music video for jackets hrgggg i love hank's dumb ass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/breaking-capitol-police-arrest-27-year-old-jackson-cosko-for-doxxing-3-gop-senators\/ Oh, and he's already arrested. Buh-bye soyboy. We hardly knew ye.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER I think Collins has maybe seen the light given the threats against her from Liberals lately.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah. It's like explain to me *again* why you want to inflict an inescapable sense of hopelessness upon the world?' Bonus points if he can explain why anyone would want to pay him 55 plus season pass plus microtransactions to have an inescapable sense of hopelessness inflicted upon them. Dumbass. Retarded fucking dumbass. But then you are not selling your customers an inescapable sense of hopelessness so much as an ego boost. If you want to sell people and ego boost and so gain a sense of satisfaction, well... As I said. Dimwit. Retarded fucking up his own ass poncy idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The purple haired pro-abortion dipshit who roundhouse kicked a girl who had a different opinion than him is trying to raise $100,000 on GoFundMe because he lost his job as a hairstylist after the assault. If you didn't see the video... it's attached. HE'D ENJOY IT.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dyke Teacher Arrested for her seduction\/sex with female student Women with this peculiarity rarely do it for the orgasm, they do it for the power The excitement for them happens by \"turning\" a young \"breeder\" into a living nightmare just like them https:\/\/caseyanthony.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/10\/Emma-Costner-in-Court.jpg #PERVERT #Teacher","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She is THE best #facts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#God The Media Using Criminals as Heros to Push for Gun Control","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty... liberals just want Kavanaugh to be guilty because Trump picked him. Get over yourselves","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#MeToo women always blame men for everything . How about not dressing like a whore? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Jack Dorsey is a fairy gay faggot that supports pedophilia on Twitter.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Rudy Giuliani Is My Father. Please, Everyone, Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.\"If you are planning to cast a symbolic vote or abstain from voting altogether, please reconsider. It is more important than ever to avoid complacency.\"https:\/\/t.co\/W5FL0bOreS #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Too manyniggers in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"that is very true, any good Psychologist will tell you the same thing. Rape is rape by a more powerful assailant. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"8\/ . Liberals Just Pull Kavanaugh....the next guy will be fine Me: You Democrats are so obvious. You are gonna smear everybody and call them a rapist. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER You go Mike and by the way Sarah she is the best lair . URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"I want to show that we are contributing, we are giving back, just like them. We aren't a burden. After seeking asylum in Belgium, Yara Al Adib set up 'From Syria With Love' and now employs refugees. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Boomers and Right Wing SJWs are as easily triggered as left wing progressives and SJWs. Nothing but the same authroitarians just different reason to be authroritarian and erode peoples liberties. Yeah I just ignore the stuff i do not like. It really is not that hard to just walk away. This seems to always happen. Instead of using the tools they want others to do the work for them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Has ISIS endorsed Trump yet?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fellas, if you have a good girl in your life cherish her and love her, because most of these girls\/women rather play the Hoe ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"One week into 'he cut you off and chill' got you like... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Excited to receive this emIl today!#Biden2020 #BidenHarrisLandslide2020 https:\/\/t.co\/2kiGvcwcVh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No. Fairy gay faggot extraordinaire.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Leidse jihadist Reda N. twee weken langer vast NO ISS NO TURKS no MOROCCANS no ISLAM borders close refugees are not welcome IN Europe EU NO MERKEL NO Cabinet RUTTE111 (King Alexander country verrarder (Zaid stays black) no animal suffering (fuck Sylvana) ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lol. Apple. Apple Now Bricks MacBook Pros to Prevent Third-Party Repair https:\/\/www.extremetech.com\/computing\/278261-apple-now-bricks-macbook-pros-to-prevent-third-party-repair And they just keep buying! Cult of idiots. Fuck 'em.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Same ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fuck you, Amy Schumer http:\/\/honeybadgerbrigade.com\/2016\/10\/19\/fuck-you-amyschumer\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"My bunker alfa in my phone have only 1 floor I know this is a problem with my ram . But can you fix it soon . Need chopper @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Look in the mirror lefties! No bigger bullies than antifa and progressive leftist trying to \"get in the faces of the right","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So the person isn't retarded, they're just making an awful joke that makes no sense. That's...better, I think?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER In EXACTLY THE way DEFENDS PEDOPHELIA... POLITICIZED SCIENCE... ANTIFA RIOTS... because they FURTHER the cause... One MAN\/ENTITY...totally in charge of the whole world Superstitious?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Are we surprised at this point?#BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/NofrZfiJ4g","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Bad move. He has nothing to prove to anyone. Once a month that office is going to be like Dante's Inferno. You could power an electrical station on the passive aggressiveness alone. Good grief. He should have hired all white, Christian, straight, males who like beer and who have a family to support. I hope he likes four women telling him where his couch should go. (Psst, none of them will agree on the location either), pumpkin spice latte dripped all over the briefings they type, hair clogging up his office bathroom sink, and no one who can stay late because they have to pick up little Johnny from the babysitters! Oh, AND Dems will still call him a gang rapist until the day he dies. Cycling is good for their health LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What a faggot pos","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Your continual use of Left liberal Progressive on your show are Euphemisms for the democrat Party who owns\" them until deny them and ideology. You are lying to the Public by not calling a spade a spade.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I let it go when you said We can take away their ammo\" when talking about gun control. I said, maybe she just blurted that out, didn't mean it. But you are proving to be a leftist. That's fine, I can still like you, but I don't TRUST you anymore.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It just never ends. Able to dodge child support in a single bound.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@MaryLTrump PREDICTION: If Trump loses in November, he'll continue to drag on stimulus or otherwise any support for Americans until he is absolved of his powers in January, merely out of revenge for losing. #Trump2020 #MAGA #TRUMP #KAG #KAG2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Trans people do not deserve to be tortured like that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"He was a guest on Opie and Anthony(maybe it was Joe Rogans podcast can't remember) once and he virtue signaled hard about how he thinks it should be legal to kill \"nazis and he's a literal faggot lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Liberals would still vote for him. They'll claim his comments were Taken out of context and that he is still a man of integrity.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The gameplay is good though...but the writing and Alexios delivery is cringy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Daily work for Germans police. Smuggler take 21 refugees out of their car on landscape in Bajuvaria. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Got your ass lmao","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And this is why 40% of Millennial men still live with their parents, Parents you have failed, and your trying to unleash these retarded manchildren on the world, it won't work either.... https:\/\/www.wnd.com\/2018\/10\/40-of-millennial-men-identify-as-socialist\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT MagniFieri I came out as LGBT in the 90s and lost family and friends. I was called faggot and beaten to a pulp. Surgery required. Coming out as a @realDonaldTrump supporter is 10x harder. I'm called Nazi and my life is reg threatened. Still closeted out of fear of Liberals. #NationalComingOutDay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Life is better barefoot! #HappyFriday Yep, It's quite important to have a bit of common sense. Shame that common sense ain't so common any more, might need to change it to rare sense or \"really hard to find sense\". People need to be aware that you can still freeze to death in civilized lands, if you are a retard and don't wear appropriate attire.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hitler Lives till the end of Times 1488 Hitler Lives for ever and ever. Hitler will not go away, he stays with the people, people will praise Hitler for ever, can censor us, can persecut us, can kill us, can torture us, the sionist done all of this sinc nuremberg the sionist terror machine. after sionists are gone, Hitler will continue. Hitler Lives for ever","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER So liberals will cheer ...they live illegal aliens.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm quite new, but it's the same as Twitter, only you can say Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER And what does this have to do with a lying attorney and a 35 year old claim? I know it's hard for you liberals to look at two things at once","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Leftist German politician says 'old white men' threaten the future and could destroy Europe https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/leftist-german-politician-says-old-white-men-threaten-the-future-and-could-destroy-europe\/#.W8OIymEwVlM.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Let's see here... 1 count of bitchspreading And 2 counts of cuntsplaining Well then. Take them away officers","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So you are content to let the government control your life?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hundreds of african and muslim migrants are INVADING Europe. The nations our ancestors built for us. Keep Europeans in prayer ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Muslms belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"whites lost their soul decades ago that's why so many young whites have embraced nigger culture and music....there is no such a thing anymore as \"white culture\" they sold their soul to the devil of comfort and affluence","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER 2bn is notong term that shud b annually.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"WELL since we have a fucking retard fro a President, I guess that's out. He does not know how to tell the truth.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Good by football league will be direct URL football here the world comes.Petition to stop any all federal aid to football NFL.The people will have the last word.We will bring entire league to their knees begging for forgiveness.America deserves RESPECT.#","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hey Nazi's, you know hitler didn't believe in the second amendment, right ? So, have you given up your arms yet, and are you ready to be under state owned enslavement ? Both of these guys were selling an absolute lie, from which they, their friends, and comrades benefited greatly ! bye faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER National Unity? O you are so full of it! You just tweeted to get people mobilized. Does that mean paying people to mobilize and cause violence! Where is it that you spoke out about ANTIFA? A Official group of terrorists.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Your broken records are worthless. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's in everybody's interest to just slaughter those Nazis. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I just want to say I don't care what the left thinks about me and never will. You are not my audience, and I don't expect many of you to change your minds. My goal is to help right-wingers find their voice and not be afraid to finally stand up to the left. We will no longer be silent. Joined gab 5 min ago after realizing that I'd been shadowbanned on Twitter. I was wondering why I wasn't receiving any response all day. Started 2nd acct using other phone... sure enough, couldn't see any of my tweets. Primary Twitter account was still fully functional, could tweet my heart out. Maybe I'm too conservative or Christian. Oh well, hello Gab!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#Kavanaugh Women have assumed the authority of equality but not the responsibility; they've allowed the Zionists to weaponize them and we draw the red line after the Kavanaugh debacle; no more bullshit or you go to jail like the big boys. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-4793030\/amp\/Woman-pay-Army-colonel-accused-rape-8-4million.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"And look at this shit. LOOK YOU SLUT. Stop distracting yourself with your flavored dildos and LOOK. LOOK YOU FUCKS. LOOOOOOOOOOOK!!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She's an Osuite...so she is deregionised.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fuck cats. They are jews of the animal kingdom. Your cat is burning in hell. @Perspicacious First of all, it's Asperger's because it's possessive. Second of all, it's no longer in the DSM. Thirdly, \"Asperger's\" is already a pathological state. See what I mean about you being a semi literate retard using fancy words you don't understand? Seriously though, WHY would you prefer the new HFA label that connects you more to the vegetative autists? Please explain! Of course I know that you still call yourselves \"Aspies\". You used to be called \"idiot-savants\" and for good reason.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"that bitch wanna act funny bitch ima act hysterical ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Making the delta difference, rotten cunt. Ugly bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We should test new drugs on black people before testing them on animals. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Engaged in another activity INVOLVING. He is looking away from the road to a camera. That is literally distracted driving. Idk how you're arguing ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"anti immigrant hardliner as @user just described Kris Kobach -- I guess that's liberal news media spin for supporting the enforcement of border laws ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Only gay people can be so ignorant. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER He is mocking self-professed populists who claim to speak for the people\" when those who stand up for \"norms\" and \"rights\" are labelled latte drinking elitists\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Everything else was ten years ago. \" YOU ARE A LIAR, this is total BS propaganda from team Trump his crimes were throughout the past decade, including up to 2016\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nazis were not anti Christian. Nazis were not anti Pagan. Nazis were not anti V lkisch. Stop infighting. We must unite against our foe. breaking news to gab Nazi . the war is over and you lost . go back home to Germany . Every FB\/Twitter alternative seems to have its racists rampant...why is that? FB\/Twitter must be the havens of the politically correct.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Who the fuck would want to do that, you would have to be beyond retarded to want to live with a bunch of shit 3rd world people. If those people were capable of not fucking up their own societies, they would have little reason to leave them in the first place.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER As a member of antifa? ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Another liberal Democrat promising checks he cant cash","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"the nigger kneelers and the NFL can go to hell. never again.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Well he is really really smart and nothing Woodward wrote in is book is true. Good Lord this is the shit. We see it and hear it everyday all day. Did we really need a Op-ed or a book?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wow. You must be a leftist faggot your troll skills are pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Most of drug paddlingandhuman trafficking being done by illegal immigrants from BGD,Afgand Africans.Appeal to Immigration office to WAKE UP ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"the master bedroom curtisn at 10 crednhill park are wide open like a hooker three holes as clare is a slag slut tart whore slag slut like ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I mean, you really should be able to drive my dude... Yea... not seeing how having a stable job and ability to drive goes beyond the bare minimum of expectations. How do you even live your life without that shit? If it's expected of men, it should be expected of women too. Only asking for her to not be fat is lenient given all that women expect of men.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@BrunoAmato_1 @Santucci @ABC @KFaulders DNC refusing powerful Bernie and giving us joe was the end of the DNC they deleted @BernieSanders for President and gave us Kamala for President Joe can't do the job . No one want that","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sweden: If the country needs the money for refugees to give them a better life, the swedish retireage must increase. This is the end of socialwelfare for Swedisch people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER What a handsome boy! Reminds me of one of my fosters a little bit. Sorry I don't have a better picture - she is one of the ones that got away. I'd have 20 if I could. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#GabGossip LILY ALLEN ~ Singer. Catchphrase: \"I needed the money\" Wearing see-through top to perfectly match her see-through head https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/tvshowbiz\/article-6285949\/Lily-Allen-leaves-imagination-goes-braless-beneath-totally-sheer-top.html she's so brave!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I like chilling with women that like women that like men that don't act like bitch ass niggas ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Lefty Pope should also! He is Not worthy rep for true christian roman catholics!! He failed his flock!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I would love to see those women suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER And you are who to speak for the rest of us?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck yeah kunt! Love you my dawg! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The one in yellow was a female? [deleted] Do we? How else do you describe it? I'm intrigued? [deleted] Ah I see what you're getting at. Don't confuse the internet with real life. These people don't exist in real life or at least, I have never met someone that describes themselves in that way. Because they'd be openly and deservedly mocked. [deleted] It seems the troll deleted all his\/her replies, I was curious to what he\/she was saying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Their lives aren't worth shit to me because they are women. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Video speaks for itself. Shes an alt-left cunt. trump derangement syndrome is in full swing. im pretty sure its a fetish at this point. be original, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That's typical of women. They're absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I doubt if this dyke would have any trouble being raped! WTF is it, a tranny?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#GulagUniversity #rrraus #zioReverseEvolution #MartinLuther WIR sind #deutscherTrump (YesWeCan.) Motto: **WENN Medien nicht mehr ans eigne Volk glauben (wollen), wer versagte?!** http:\/\/bit.ly\/2E0YuLb [AutophpGab]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER And she is getting death threats Who owns comprised Graham?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@BlueJayBird0 @PonyGirl_04 @MrAndyNgo No MORON, IN CASE YOU FORGOT TRUMP IS THE PRESIDENT! https:\/\/t.co\/zL49iNOaIU","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There is no way to \"waste\" a vote any harder than casting it for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. It's not possible.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Many gay faggot Obama holdovers in State Dept","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Henny... Why do you outside. Where u and ya pussy ass sister at. We just wanna talk","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bingo Underrated comment. It's probably posted here somewhere but has anyone shown what an empty ballot looks like from this state? I'd love to see what it looks like. and#x200B; My initial thoughts are, it's possible people skipped it (intentionally or not) but that's a pretty big number of votes, and it's a bit suspicious that they popped up so late. Not looking good for those pesky Dems lol. At my precinct in Broward at least, it was 6 pages front and back. The pages were split into 3 columns with the Governor race being the first option on the bottom left (all the rules and info took up most of the first column) then at the very top of the 2nd column was the Senate race followed by all of the judges. I could see people doing the opposite of this trend and completely missing the Govenor vote. Also something strange I encountered was that the scanning machine didnt like the first page of my ballot (straight Republican) and spit it back out at me 2-3 times before an official came over and told me to flip it over backwards. She definitely took a few seconds to peak at who I voted for and I felt a bit uncomfortable. I wonder why broward has 6 pages for their ballots. I voted in FL and only had 1 doublesided page. Most of it was the state and county referendums (holy shit were there a lot of Broward charter referendums). Its like the people who made the template found out about the page break feature and went all out. Explanation for one amendment on the left column that goes halfway down the page, then the vote for it at the top of the middle column. Followed by the explanation of the next amendment. One good amendment that was passed will require your county to hold elections for offices like sheriff that are apparently just appointed now","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER andgt;New People's Army from the Philippines is being helped by Antifa in the USA and vice versa I suggest you send this to the Philippine government contingent. They need to know about this!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER #ConfirmKavanaugh This folly is used to fire-up the extreme Progressive base. Soros' #Antifa and #BLM didn't work. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"A Philadelphia man has been charged with killing his girlfriend and her unborn child.\" But abortion isn't murder, right? The \"logic\" of liberals ... https:\/\/philadelphia.cbslocal.com\/2018\/09\/28\/da-woman-unborn-child-dead-after-being-strangled-by-boyfriend\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No worries. That snot nose Moslem Sand Nigger is not going to win Florida.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Actually Hispanic is not white. There are some Hispanics that have more Spanish blood than others. None of them are anglos. I'm not going to spiral but the notion that Spanish who mixed with arabs, jews and Indian are white is laughable. Less than 1% can pass as white, if that. I also love how this guy does the \"I WON'T PURITY SPIRAL BUT\" bit and proceeds to essentially do so anyway. The Nordcuck wignat purity spiralers aren't sending their best. Also: inb4 \"BUTTBLASTED MED MUTT LUL\" I'm actually 100% Northern European by ancestry and proud of it. I like how you opted to attack me. I don't believe pointing out people who are less than 75% European aren't white is purity spiraling. The average argentinean is 10% ashkenazi. As I said Hispanics aren't white and their DNA tests speak for themselves. You literally said people who are 10% ashkenazi are white 90% white is basically white Mr. \"ME NO SPIRAL\". They aren't 90% white...65% European at best. That's not white. >same fucking lies and strawmen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@thematthill @ConnieY98406708 @JoeBiden Love Joe and so proud of him! #BidenHarris2020 #VoteBlue","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That's ridiculous, just as many retarded men believe in astrology as retarded women","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"One less nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No surprise there. Feinstein is the quintessential evil Jew. You are right, but Jews are obviously RACIST RETARDS! Obviously all lefties are brainwashed retarded monkey brains! All lefties are human sewage!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@jack the sodomite subhuman and his nigger BLM boyfriend deserve the worst kind of violence, mutilation and death that a human mind can conceive","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That cunt has been the kiss of death for the last 60 years..... Just think of all the moronic women who idolized her!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You claimed that Adolf Hitler, who murdered 6 million Jews, was morally superior to Trump because Hitler wrote Mein Kampf and didn't cheat on his Nazi wife during the 40 hours they were married before she killed herself. https:\/\/t.co\/CeNJoBA5JO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I don't understand who Soros isn't arrested for domestic terrorism! He also funds Antifa.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Muslims are absolutely despicble. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Opinion: Trump restriction on immigrant entrepreneurs misguided ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Arraignments set for three of four arrested during open-carry walk http:\/\/www.kentwired.com\/latest_updates\/article_9a23405a-c5ac-11e8-b514-8b07228545ba.html?utm_medium=socialandutm_source=twitterandutm_campaign=user-share via @kentwired","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Why are you talking? You have zero credibility with anyone! You lied to the @USER and you lied to America. Slither back under your rock! Your wife said you were going to be \"the John Dean of the scandal- you are \"the George Costanza #liar","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"VOTE @SeanParnellUSA for Pennsylvania's 17th congressional district on NOV. 3RD!! #LeadRight #Pennsylvania #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm getting the feeling that there's some sort of bullshit flagging campaign involved here. That or the Kampo Krew are rearing their heads again, taking a more low key approach, picking one game off at a time. Kampo Krew? Campo Santo, self-righteous developers of Firewatch, banned PewDiePie from streaming their game after he called someone a nigger in PUBG. Valve bought Campo Santo and kept their staff on, so people have been anticipating a SocJus bent from Valve as original members are diluted by Silicon poison. Firewatch literally had a older woman fucking a underaged kid, as well as some guy getting ready to leave his mentally ill wife. And they complain about hentai? > Firewatch literally had a older woman fucking a underaged kid Wait, I don't remember that part. I'm with you too... What? Nobody ever said Marxists were ideologically consistent. In fact, if there's one thing Marxists are consistent about, it's flexible ideology in the pursuit of power. i don't think the kid and the counselor were fucking, i think it was more he was just comfortable around her. > so people have been anticipating a SocJus bent from Valve as original members are diluted by Silicon poison. That shit is *real* important, considering a lot of posters here have accounts with game counts in the hundreds, if not thousands. To have my account at risk of being banned because of some maniac with way too much power at the helm is terrifying. It's always been a hard pill to swallow, abandoning buying entertainment on discs in favor of downloads, and this risk is exactly why. Agreed wholeheartedly, which is why I think I might start buying physical PC games again (at least, the ones that aren't just boxes with goddamn Steam codes inside). I don't have the luxury of space for them but... I think it's safer. It's why I almost exclusively by physical games for my consoles, too.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There is change in the air. Mainstrem media is even calling violent Iraqi by his immigration status ... REFUGEE! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Love to put my cock so far down your throat now so hot ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Grace is literally the most boujee girl on the planet and it's hysterical ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"In the timeless words of the philosopher Kat Williams: \"Maybe you should start asking *yourself*: \"What is it about *my* pussy, that attracts \"ain't shit niggas\"?\" You'll notice that it never occurs to women like this that they are the ones continuously making the same mistake over and over. Because nothing can be their fault. If something doesn't work out, well they're the victim regardless. I bet she believes \"I got the pussy so I make the rules\" but also believes it's a mans responsibility to protect her even from herself, effectively ensuring she's immune from personal responsibility unless it's positive. That she'll take credit for. we like traps because we hate women beautiful boys - lookin as good as women, sometimes even better making our dicks hard but all without the negative aspects of women (which are A LOT!!!) its like your homie is your gf its very nice please wake up guys we dont need bitches","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The life of any insect is more valuable than that of an immigrant. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If Florida wanted to Nigger things up We would elect a biological monkey","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"DA just don't want to accept that the days of whities running SA are over, especially arrogant, gloating whities. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"what reset?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Whole foods seem to have gone full retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I think the far more relevant factor is the number of liberal arts majors graduating with useless degrees that only become serviceable via socjus grifting operations. Video game journalism is lousy with radical leftist neo marxist twats because there are millions of these useless people and journo is just \"one of the jobs they can do\".","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Scottish @USER @USER running out of excuses and #lies to justify her position URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Who should primary Murkowski? It's official. Sarah Palin definitely listens to the Radical Agenda. https:\/\/twitter.com\/SarahPalinUSA\/status\/1048288254422728704","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER You are part of the problem. You are the racist. Wanna address this ? @USER @USER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"EU officials fear new wave of migrants after Greek court ruling.#refugeesgr ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"knuckle up cause I'll fight for mines Yo pussy petty, U wasting time .. U seasonal, part time U get fucked up fuckin w\/ mine U lil bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Never trust a single word said by a black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just another Arsehole playing the Reallity TV Game world wide, these arseholes cannot compete with the Queer Moslem Niggas because they are White. The winner of The Biggest Victim is allowed to be the Biggest Bully by Retard politicians and the MSM until we kill the Wankers in the REVOLUTION !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Toronto should do this, but not for our homeless - use it for the shit flinging, border hopping nigger guests of Justin Turdeau. Anchor it in the middle of Lake Ontario. They can reuse that giant rubber duck from last year, that way it will be easy to hose down when the freeloaders smear it with shit - or just sink the fucker, problem solved.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Money laundering in plain sight. Anonymous phone bidder...lol. I'm sure. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"these retards have no idea. none","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The Daily Stormer's new \"joke\" is to push for legalization of rape in America, just like Roosh V, the Arab rapist. If I ever get my hands of Anglin or Weev, I will pound their fucking faces into a pulp.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Refugee who used her own family's passports to smuggle two asylum seekers into UK illegally is spared jail because judge thought her motive was 'humanitarian' https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6315375\/Refugee-admitted-immigration-charges-praised-humanitarian-desire.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER MSM\/Democrats\/Liberals describe Antifa as \"Peaceful Demonstrators. In my opinion they are a Democrat Army preparing for war. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Imagine being so desperate to kill your unborn baby that you'd get a tattoo of a coat hanger to signal to the world that you'd be willing to scrape your child out of your womb barbarically if push came to shove. Feminists truly are psychopaths. Which Soy Boy Beta Cock voted down on this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Republicans rock. @TheDemocrats can't touch this. #WalkAway#LeadRight #VoteRed #TurnCongressRed #4MoreYears #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/5gtBkQ4taD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Take her out for ribs on a first date so you can tell how good of a dick she sucks ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Trust me.. i know her well enough so that she is ok if i take a body of another good girl for the night.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER She picks some random conservative issues from US and try to force fit in Indian narrative. Next might be gun control ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Constitutional Republic Micheal. This is not Greece 2000 years ago.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lots of Loving ppl in world but unfortunately due to presence of few percentage of dead souls Make world Look like Hell","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Repeat after me zombies...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Besides the Liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I don't believe the \"he got into fights\" part. Yeah, maybe with a cat, but Ubama has never had a man's fist meet his nose. EVER! Fuggin' faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"During a League of Legend match or Starcraft game, nobody cares that I find hot dudes attractive. Nobody can know your sexual orientation, race or sex unless you go out of your way to advertize that to other players. YOU injected this into a place it dosen't belong. YOU are being disruptive in the most welcoming place ever, where none of this matters. So quit being a faggot and play the game. Not everything is about your shallow obsession with advertising you sexual orientation 24\/ Nope. I hate them firebats, hot dudes not for me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Guys relax. Leave the twitter fights to the professionals. I mean vaginals. I mean women. #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"LOL All he did was say \"Muh dick\" like a nigger and chimped out. God that was such a sad exchange.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"a cunt, her pet and her dog are walking down a street... 3 bitches are walking down the street... Or 2 bitches and a boyfriend, Stop me if you've heard this one... 2 bitches and a chiwawa","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Black lives are not worth any less than anyone else's. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Que the purple pill Faggot larping alt righters to be speechless and shivering that thier Jewish messiah trump turned out to be a kyke all along. Maybe we will hear a few iterations of the \"if the roles were reversed faggotry they've perfected.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Reminds me of when they had to stop using 'blind recruitment' methods here in Australia, where references to gender were removed from CVs. They thought it would lead to more women being hired. It actually lead to LESS, showing they were already favouring women unfairly. http:\/\/mobile.abc.net.au\/news\/2017-06-30\/bilnd-recruitment-trial-to-improve-gender-equality-failing-study\/8664888 The reason for your ban is crap and I'm pretty sure against reddit's rules, but your response was shit. i got banned from there too for the same reason. they are widely known for doing this, yes it is against reddit rules, and no the admins don't seem to care. Dont they have a admin in their mod team? U\/spez or smth spastic? no idea Not the best response. Could have just ignored it and moved on. You responded like a 12-year-old. I'm not saying I agree with them, but you aren't making yourself look any better. I'm a male. There's no way I can look better. Fuck them. I don't owe them a god damn thing. They sent me the email. I would have been happy to have never said a thing to them or posted on their shit sub. They struck first and I hit back. Deal with it. Nah, dude, that was just a bad response. Like, \/r\/TheRedPill bad. No, Red Pill taken. it's so easy to get banned there. their rule 1 is basically: don't disagree with us","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Which is why it's awesome that Kavanaugh didn't shake that gun control dads hand. Sorry for kid was killed by a gun but it's not the future judges fault it happened...... omg white people in cities are silly","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yeah well, it was the KLAN that finally said ENOUGH of the JEWISH Carpetbaggers allowing Niggers to Rape and Murder our White Women and Children. 150 years ago , those \"costumed\" Men might very well have saved your ignorant ass..... Can't talk sense to a 'Dems R Teh Real Racist' adherent. They think in cookie cutter terms, that all democrats were bad\/'racist', while 'Republicans' were always virtuous and never put niggers down, nor kicked a Chinaman in the head for cooking the neighborhood dog. Another Jewish trick to alter history.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Look Ma! A nigger with his mouth open!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This isn't a pussy pass denied. She didn't pull out all the stops. She didn't even bring up her waman status once. The ultimate pussy pass, her pussy, or at least a blowjob, wasn't even brought into the field once. If so, the OP would've caved, her pussy pass would've been accepted, and this post would not exist. Or perhaps the OP did use *the locking her out* as blackmail to get a BJ, thereby accepting her pussy pass, while only pretending it was denied by posting an incomplete exchange of events. Either way, this isn't a pussy pass denied. >If so, the OP would've caved, her pussy pass would've been accepted, and this post would not exist. That's a weird assumption. She could be ugly as fuck for all you know. There's always one of you \"this isn't my definition of pussypassdenied faggots about. Chill out","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I don't care what people say these two fuckers are lying,the Facts are stacked against them I hope they going to pay for this smere campaign","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Where are all the women *cough* cunts *cough* that want their equal rights as trash women I was more so making a bad attempt at expressing that the only women that would actually start spouting off shit about equality are usually cunts lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Red nigger skunks aren't people @h4rdm0us you know that","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Saying things like \"Fuck all black people\" shows what a horrible person you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"How about you get fucked nigger faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So discusting! Lock him up! Dont release him he will only come back! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Time to leave the uk commonwealth and Europe that would end immigration people do not want more refugees enough is enough ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"fuckin nigger whore","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I could tell when I saw this cringe worthy name that your counterargument would be that of a retarded faggot. Thanks for not disappointing me! Is that like half a fag? Or full favor , half wit? It's 100% boomer faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Just ask them how does having some of the toughest gun control laws working out for chicago","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.cbsnews.com\/news\/gay-teen-asks-straight-football-team-captain-to-homecoming-santa-ana-california\/ @andieiamwhoiam Virtue signal extravaganza! Looks like they are in Mexico.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The Ghostbusters 2016 was more like Pixels but with female actresses. Unfunny shit, shitty characters, cheap sets and special effects, stupid plot, awful product placement, and pathetic attempt at pandering to nostalgia. But at least with Pixels it knew it was pretty much shit and didn't have some retarded, \"That's RIGHT anti-semites, Jewish people are in this movie!\" or have Adam Sandler cry about anti-semitism when people said the movie was shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"White people cannot simply ask for an apology, expect forgiveness and plan to move on. Instead of being concerned with being forgiven, white people should focus on ...\" https:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/entry\/opinion-white-apology-black-forgiveness_us_5bccda8ce4b055bc9481ea68?ncid=engmodushpmg00000004","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Her friend said she could go fuck herself. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lets just remember, 1 hit, almost 30 years ago, that's it, that's all this retarded Kojak has ever done, she is beyond irrelevant","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yep, by stoning women to death when they report rape. No reporting. No more scandals. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That's right...he lies all day long and he is still terrible at it...anyone else would have mastered it by now...he's definitely got 10000hr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Are you retarded? She wore the suit throughout the French open. It was only just before usopen that the French open officials said that anything like that won't be allowed next year.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Your reply makes no sense","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":">what I don't understand is the very rude conversation she had She's a cunt, doesn't seem that hard to understand","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"\"CIVIL WAR ALERT\"s\" like this are dumb as fuck. Selling ourselves short here. First respond should be to push pressure on law enforcement and other authorities to do their job and prosecute. Calling for civil war etc is falling for the trap of the Commies. Sadly most patriotic pundits can be pretty retarded like that.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What a way to damage LasVegas, such stupidity!! MGM turns to never-tested law to sue Vegas shooting victims ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user If they weren't hear illegally than it wouldn't be a problem. Perhaps they should just leave. Nobody is stopping them. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Love to see Trump make a complete and utter mockery of himself every time he publicly speaks #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Christian Witch Claims Christ Followers Can Practice Witchcraft, Despite Biblical Warnings https:\/\/www.christianpost.com\/news\/christian-witch-claims-christ-followers-can-practice-witchcraft-despite-biblical-warnings-228038\/ Hmmm, maybe time to bring out the firewood, matches, ropes, and a pole. Salem revisited. Or just chase her out with a broom.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Six Children in Minnesota Diagnosed with Rare \"Polio-Like\" Disease Since September. There are only 5 countries where polio has seen a comeback, Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kenya and Somalia https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/six-children-in-minnesota-diagnosed-with-rare-polio-like-disease-since-september\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user You come out with the usual ignorance, lies and insults. Fact is that mass immigration into Ireland has been ongoing for decades now, most legal and from other EU countries, still trans-formative All the people seeking Asylum s ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER At least we have brains to fall out\" in the first place; unlike conservatives who believe everything their handlers feed them.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ok not all men must leave me alone! Just some annoying ones. If I'm interested in you you will know. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Czech PM Rejects Merkel's \"Flexible\" EU Immigration Plan As Aftermath of Migrant Crisis Intensifies | Zero Hedge ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Flat earthers full retard mode episode 1 https:\/\/youtu.be\/digpdxSSECI via @YouTube","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER We can empty all our prisons also and just say they broke no laws.....Liberal logic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"lol Such meshuggeh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Thank you for standing for DECENCY. The liberal left is up to its same OLD tactics. LIES at 11th hour from LEFTY Liberal haters. This story stinks from outside in @USER #MAGA #tcot @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Police officer and her family infected with highly contagious skin disease at Spanish migrant shelter ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Live from outside the Old Bailey for Tommy Robinson's trial https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nRGpiS7RDVA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Honestly, right after the election I still hoped that Trump would prove to be a secret Democrat\" (on at least some issues) and that it would be conservatives who were mad and depressed by this point in his presidency. Obviously I was wrong.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"arab men don't take any kind of shit https:\/\/youtu.be\/c8EHcnhITfg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Let me borrow yo shit first ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I have .1% African, .2% middle eastern, and 11% Spanish. So I can freely use the terms nigger, sand nigger or Dune cune and can NOT be called a racist","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"In my opinion, immigrants like you deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@TheGreatGoose your still here? WTF DUDE LMFAO CRAZY SHIT!! your like a faggot Nazi's likes gettin cornhole by mixed races HUH!! LMFAO its take everyone make a US citizens #freaks","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER He said both sides had good people on them. Why is it bad to say that not everyone who went there were white suprematists and not all the people there were ANTIFA? That nuance.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@americnharlygrl @slewfan @MaryWarrick18 @midnight1618 @kimKBaltimore A picture is worth a thousand words. I see mutual respect here. Great photo! #Trump2020 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I piss on antisemites from a considerable height. #Israel #Antisemitism #Anti-Jew #Trad #Bible #Christianity #JesusWasJewish #Nazis #Communists No you don't. You are a beta faggot with micro-dick. You only piss on yourself. Take your piss shower, cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Whatever hoe it is, it is still a hoe. And yu r still a WHORE ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you're coming to comment \"it's homework file not home file I know I'm just very retarded... Oh no its a retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If Verizon thinks replacing the battery is a \"repair\" then either they are retarded .. or, more likely, they only care about selling me a new phone rather than helping me keep the one I like and stop wasting materials for all these damned phones","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Immigrants are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Girl bitches aggravate me!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You are my hero!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"ILLEGAL Immigrant Shoots Gun, Claims He's Protected By The Second Amendment ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Note to PM Sheikh Hasina re #refugees: if you move forward w\/ \"problematic, rights-abusing plan to force #Rohingya to move to risky and remote island of Bhasan Char, global criticism will shift from #Myanmar to #Bangladesh faster than you can imagine\" @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I really can't stand Muslims like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Revolution? LMAO! Ok limp wristed soy boy faggot - fight us! BTW - Fuck you too! I don't want to shoot other Americans but I won't hesitate to defend my family from leftist scum bent on fundamentally changing our country with their stupid ass notion of a revolution. Bring it, fag boys.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Destined to be another bargain bin 10 for a dollar fire starter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Goodell should resign. That would be social justice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Check out my blog post on scooters!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Only a Demorat cocksucking pussy hating faggot would down post this!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I still want yo know when you are doing stairway to heaven. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" Brainwashed Retard Simple Retard The Simple Retard is easy, they are just low IQ Morons. Not intelligent enough to actually think for themselves in the first place. Most immigrants fall into this category. The Brainwashed Retard is usually the High IQ type and thus are highly indoctrinated thru schooling. They memorize so much garbage that they literally destroy their critical thinking skills and that is the goal to destroy their brains function. Valedictorians are perfect examples because they are so structured to focus on a simple tree, they are no longer able to see the forest. Thus, your University Professors, Doctors and Lawyers are literally some of the most programmed retards you will ever meet. They have been told they are smart thru their programming and are rewarded for helping the beast system along, but they actually are just a polluted thumb drive. All Democrats are obviously Bigots as they will not debate, as their programming automatically makes them run away, or they will just be very crude and nasty in their attack on you. They are literally intellectually incapable of any discussion since they have no intelligence to have a discussion with. Debate on logic is impossible since they have none. They will never have any facts either since they cannot comprehend them anyway. They will spout out with what they have been programmed. They will believe without question the BS on the vile RACIST Jewish Supremacist main stream media because they have no idea on how to distinguish fact from fiction. Every conversation of Democrats takes place on Orwell's Animal Farm. If you want to talk about quantum physics they will steer the conversation something extremely shallow such as the weather. They will deflect when you ask for a fact every time and accuse you of deflecting. All Democrats are commies and are Monkey Brains! Yep. They are like a different species. Zombies Zombified unconscious gullible morons or polluted thumb drives! They do not have functioning brains in the least and that is a FACT! Democrats cannot understand FACTS nor can they state a FACT on anything!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No 2 #Biden honors the sacrifices and service of our members of the military. #Biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/fbFR4f0Hd4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Daily reminder that I hate niggers, jews and moslems but what I hate more than anything else are anti-White, White People. Only thing worse than a nigger is a nigger lover","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Oh i get it, believe me. Fucking pussy ass bitch cunt hoe ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER They can't. His a sheep. Just follow along with fake news and put everyone who can think for themselves as KKK. Antifa wannabes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Makes you realize how good he is with words. Too bad the PC crowd keeps him toned down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The way you call the police IS 911 you retard!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"LOL just another useless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user That's just one of them. I noted that one of the missing was \"25 years old and working in foreign trade\". That means he was involved in transporting illegal drugs to the U.S. #BuildThatWall @user . ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We obtained police reports and call logs from more than two-thirds of the shelters housing immigrant children. Here's what they show. #WeDemandAccountability #FamiliesBelongTogether #WomenForJustice ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user touch ! #MaleDominance ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Insane but I wouldn't call it a pussy pass. I mean if she has been abused(100% chance, just read the article. That motherfucker assaulted his next girlfriend as well and went on to star in porn videos) and regretted what she had done immediately by calling 911 and having them help salvage the situation... why should she be prosecuted? If she gets unjustly beat and wants some revenge well I guess she got it. Her having a second husband though... What kind of guy would marry and have a child with a woman like that? Does he not know? How do you marry a woman that has cut off a penis with a knife before and have a kid with her are you fucking asinine","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Kavanaugh Gang Rape' Accuser Has Group Sex Fetish, According To Man She Hit On https:\/\/bigleaguepolitics.com\/kavanaugh-gang-rape-accuser-has-group-sex-fetish-according-to-man-she-dated\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user It is good to see refugees get a safe place to stay after all they have been through l do not mind even though lve been on midlothians housing list since 1996 ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"But yet she is a Hypocrite . I use to like her until she became a total cunt . https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/jamie-lee-curtis-wields-firearms-in-new-halloween-movie-despite-advocating-for-gun-control","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Evidently calling Kirsten Powers a Retard is #FrownedUpon by Heterosexually challenged Jack Dorsey's Minions If Trump switched to Gab...TwatCity would be a ghost town","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Can't fall asleep someone come choke me till I pass out you can do whatever you want to my body after I'm passed out #cumslut #slut #horny #wet #pussy #ass #anal #fuck #fuckme #naked #nudes #whore #bitch #naughty #cum #cumtribute #jailbait #blowjob #girls #sex #submissive ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Only a nigger would have that \"rifle.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Can't believe Andrew #McCabe wants all of this drawn out in the open during discovery phase of a full-blown court hearing..... but hey, his choice.#Trump2020 #VoteInPerson https:\/\/t.co\/dZpVvW1HJq","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Poor baby.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nigger in Rochester, NY shoots up his own family, kills his \"ex\" and attempts to murder his son before being shot killed by police. https:\/\/www.wivb.com\/news\/local-news\/rochester-police-investigating-two-shootings-nearby-schools-on-lockout\/1512744031","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#SendThemBack! Send the #AsylumSeekers Back to Their Originating Country, Not Italy. Migrants Will Feel Most Welcome Culturally in The Country of Their Birthplace.@HorstSeeehofer @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"In January, it's going to be funny seeing Pelosi ousted as the minority leader when the democrats fuck up so badly she will be removed. That dumb bitch is done, she'll never see any power ever again. I hope she shoots herself in the head when it happens.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I got attacked in r\/quityourbullshit when this was posted for saying it's important to protect yourself these days as this guy did to avoid false accusations. Never be alone with a female coworker or acquaintance if you don't know what they're capable of. My bad I meant r\/quityourbullshit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A long, long time in Prison, Muzzie scum bag!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"200 black suspects refugees stop the German police to bring one person out of the country. After police have to let him go under pressure, he escaped in the underground. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Her products cause dandruff? KC you are the one ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Another great anon-produced video earns a mirroring on the campaign Channel. NSDAP or bust in the Democrat primary in 2020! https:\/\/youtu.be\/XuigPlKCgYE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#Trump2020 My state isn't allowing in person voting this year.... This is appalling.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"concern is for the security, culture and identity of the European people. @user accuses Spain of encouraging \"out-of-control immigration. #Salvini right on target. Socialists exposing all in EU others must seal-off Spain.#V4 #Visegrad ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER crushing a pc player with Kb\/Mouse with controller in a FPS is unrealistic. Unless he is playing games for the first time or using keyboard mouse for the first time","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER YOU ARE SO GOOD ARE U SERIOUS OMG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"once ya go black youre tainted pussy for life!!! She's Probably got the AIDS or some other Funky Nigger Germ.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I don't understand why the #LGBT community likes to add so many fucking letters to their #God damn name. Isn't that shit long enough already? Like let's get real you either #straight #bi or #gay. Either got a cock or a cunt so until people are walking around with alien parts you got 3 options. #joke","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Jump to the :40 mark to miss all the dumb cunt shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"Depicting whites as credit card fraudsters\" In this case it is true for jews who look white. Carlos Slims is more semite than wetback","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's ALREADY being built moron! Typical libtard logic: \"A small token of the wall is being built but the wall will never be built https:\/\/www.hcn.org\/articles\/us-mexican-border-legal-or-not-trumps-border-wall-is-already-being-built Well, if you meant some of the wall will be built, then I agree. Will it be finished? No, it never will. It's an animal farm windmill. It's idiot bait for rednecks . Wrong again but, you are one of those regressive liberal trolls here so it's unsurprising that you post Fake News. The Wall has been started in San Diego and the Imperial Valley in California. Sorry to disappoint you but, no, it's a real actual Wall as is the portion started outside of El Paso. Yes, much to your chagrin, the Wall will be built. We know that will significantly decrease your new voter base of illegal aliens. Try to remain calm, you can still shriek at the sky and rejoice that your leader, Hildebeast, is planning another grab at the brass ring in By that time, the Wall will probably be nearly complete and you can scream about how \"racist\" it is to protect our border from an invasion of poor, illiterate, uneducated, non-English speaking breeders who just want to come and suck on the public tit. You're party will lose because it's been imploding before our eyes for the past two years. In case it escaped your notice, the POTUS we elected KEEPS his promises and we will be sending him backup in November to make sure he can get the Wall built. You've already lost.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"NBC Thought Control https:\/\/bit.ly\/2yua4te Move over Hunger Games 1\/ What a load of PC s^*t ! This Kelly broad always was over the pale ( fence) part Leftist. All this self flagellation about discussing her true feelings on Americans and dressing up with black makeup and white lips on Vaudville stages. I liked her show at one time on Fox, right up and until she chopped her hair (butch dyke style) and wore leather all up in your face New York City style. Turned me off and millions of others as she got too big for her britches scoring points against President Trump and got it right back from him. A $69 million parting gift and look out hen pecked husband. It's full time now!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Italy's new interior minister tells migrants 'Pack your bags!' as he orders mass deportation - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"NEW: We've obtained a list of the top donors from Wall St. that have supported Biden's run for president. Big donations went to pro-Biden PACs. Those who gave big: -Donald Sussman-James Simons-Henry Laufer-Michael Moritz-Josh Bekenstein (Bain Capital)https:\/\/t.co\/nyn7GqhADa https:\/\/t.co\/0XKDbtyoRG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER you don't put this much thought into antifa goons ripping downtown seattle apart every holiday","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If someone is stabbing or burning me there getting smashed the fuck out. That's bullshit. Judges arnt morons. This threat of prison makes victims. edit: dont know who would downvote that but Ive been in front of enough judges to say that statement along with 1 outa 5 are cunts. Apparently they do it for the love of the law!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Skank man .. you got!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER removable magazines are still a problem, but limiting high cap mags is another bit of the gun control legislation that will be needed to curb the health problem\" we have in this country.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It figures the hurricane is named after a woman. They always fuck everything up #Sandy #Bitch #WomenSuck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We don't give a rat's ass about Injuns. Fact. Notice this punk ... WHITE SLAVE willing to die for INJUNS, SEMITES, HINDUS, and any other colored inferior he can cuck up to like a BITCH. This sort is the most WORTHLESS KIND ALIVE ... since the coloreds think they are SUBHUMANS. We see them as TRAITORS. WHITE is all that matters. WHITE. #GOP = Worthless NIGGER LOVERS who think they are enlightened ... but WHO also AVOID #diversity like the black death ... since they know deep down it is all a lie.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives URL theresa_may: Since my very first day in 10DowningStreet I've made it my personal mission to fix our broken housing system. Doing so underpins so much of what this Government is URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I think she is my favorite. God I need to get back to that game! But Dragon Quest 11 has me right now ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So which banana tree did this Nigger Chimp fall out of.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Also just because a woman has been drinking is not a invitation to rape. #MeToo ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Countries have the right to say no to mass immigration even when they get hear they complain when they have homes and help # ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Vigano should come forward....reveal where he is...reveal all documents...and be on board helping prosecution.......","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Cruz needs to add #ANTIFA to this proposed Act. That way we literally kill #2BirdsOfAFeather with one stone.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You are supporting the wrong side, he swung first. It's obviously been pre established that they're going to throw down, but hey, he should just give her a free swing, right? Where do you live, bro? I wanna come to your house and stand in your face with my fists squared. And if you try to swing at me first, you're a raging asshole, k? She is in a defensive position. It was not certain that she was gonna attack, she didn't even move towards him. Yes, let her swing first, then you have legal support for hitting her. you have legal support for hitting her first. its called preemptive strike laws. honestly, i mean, honestly, do people just argue out of their asses now days sans facts and logic? just intuition? You're allowed to defend yourself as soon as a credible threat of violence presents itself. Someone approaching you with their hands up in a fighting stance qualifies. First strike \"Law\" isn't a thing 99% of the time, now make it a woman who was hit, good luck. Nope, I use this thing called logic. No, you are not. If I feel threatened by someone I can leave the area or call the cops, not attack them unless it's an imminent threat. > oh the fuck it isnt. if anything, duty to retreat laws like youre talking about have been abolished and replaced with stand your ground laws. Source me on that. I want California, New Zealand, Germany and China. > good for fucking you. but the rest of society doesnt have to play pussy. we actually have the right to stand our ground. No? It's not how it works. > gtfo here, ya sexist cunt. How is saying it's harder for women to get convicted of violence sexist towards men? You are trolling, aren't you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#nowPlaying Regain Your Poise Hysterical Woman by KINDRED SHINS (from Yes To Rioting Notoriety' 2013). The Lon ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"the million white people whose lives were ruined when niggers took over detoilet are now in nirvanna because a nigger is smiling at them hip fucking hip hurrah. and he is going to rebuild all there beautiful houses by hisself","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"nigger !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#EU offers states funding to take in migrants ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You and all other Muslims are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Duterte is a sly fox--no telling what he's going to do next.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER have we become angels?? BEST","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER ES is fake. She willing joined them and stayed with them for months.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"How can you say \"women are disgusting\" and not realise that's hateful?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Praying for #Memphis to be known for loving our neighbors, not profiling them. @user we are with you, advocating for our immigrant neighbors. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Reimu just chuckles over how stern Kogasa is but... it does feel nice knowing she cares a lot. Also... One of her hands maaayy be stroking Kogasas back while she is trying to keep steady. Heh. As long as no pesky Youkai tries to go at you, I'll take a nice vacation~.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Free speech is free speech, so go fuck you mother you fucking retarded dirt bag!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Need gun control to many","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hirono: 'Sexual Predator' Trump Has a 'Mistrust of Women': http:\/\/valubit.cc\/hirono-sexual-predator-trump-has-a-mistrust-of-women\/ Hirono has got to be the biggest cunt in our government. Maxine Waters is a close 2nd","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Medically treat the addict and the mentally ill gun shooter for the medical cause 1st then no need for a wall or further gun control","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER she is not paid off. look her up here on Twitter. they are being horrible to her.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The beautiful people still don't get it..Shameful! keep digging @USER 'Dregs of society' support Donald Trump. @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #MAGA URL via @USER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"22-year-old with same-sex attraction begs Synod: Don't change Church teaching on homosexuality https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/334SV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Yeaaaahh she is!! andlt;33 URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Should have used a 44 magnum to make a real statement! And people like this teach our kids?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You bet it has. England is doomed. Liberals everywhere are destroying our lives by collaborating with Muslims. The Royal Family bloodline mixes with Muslims going way back. Do you think this is an accident? Read this: URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Warning of 'dangerous acceleration' in attacks on immigrants in Italy ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This self-righteous cobwebbed cunt needs to get hit by a bus","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trans people like you make me furious. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Who does that hmm bradley cooper !? Charlize theron this cunt long slack jaw cunt jennings","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lmao! Maybe because we speak English! Japanese dictionaries definitely aren't written by white people. Neither are Swahili dictionaries. My God, people are so retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Pretty much all the lesbians I know don't hate men and while in the grand scheme of things that's a small sample size, I know quite a few. Not wanting to date\/fuck dudes =|= hates men in general. Hell, even the few I know who are more anti-dude still aren't raging cunts about it; it's more like general indifference than hate. This sounds like some trendy lesbo who's in it cause it's cooler than being straight and lets the vocal assholes on the internet dictate what that means their feels are","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I wouldn't go *that* far. There are just too many of them that abuse the fact that they're a woman to coast through life. That's not how it should be. And that's why we have this sub, to laugh at em when they're caught doing that Found the incel I like your username I know right Whatever, your white knight hate feeds me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dropkick Murphys - Rose Tattoo https:\/\/youtu.be\/9d8SzG4FPyM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You can't be a good person if you support Trump, McConnell and Lindsey Graham. You just can't.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user His \"Spartacus\" moment was more like a hysterical woman with a serious case of PMS! He also displayed how uninformed and poorly directed he is. He didn't care about the truth. Like all Libtards, it is all about the drama moment. LOL, he is an accomplished liar! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER please be aware that the following person who has confirmed attending fordfestND is the guest list , is Canada's top antifa anarchist and intends to disrupt event . His name is Alex hundert URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Modern propaganda is grounded in the works of Jew Sigmund Freud's nephew, Jew Edward Bernays, and it clearly works based on how retarded someone has to be to think \"Nazis and \"Hollywood have any relation whatsoever.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Criminals NOT immigrants! Lets call them who they are if they DID NOT come in our AMERICA LEGALLY ! They get NO amnesty for breaking the AMERICAN LAW. @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"SHAME ON BRITAIN: Sixty-thousand British War veterans are homeless' While sixty million plus Moslims will be kipping in a nice council house tonight This government want stringing up? the brit goobermint is sucking muzzie dick","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Leftists can be anyone retarded enough to be a degenerate. We are talking about the Deep State, the Soviets, and the UN when talking about them shutting us down. They are powerful, despite being a minority.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Cue the liberals' moral shunning of society for a minute; as they take a break from trying to ruin Brett Kavanaugh's life and humiliating his family.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@TeamJoe @JoeBiden I'm in Waxhaw NC and I have already voted #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Schiff- you are the SWAMP.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I have to go over Saturday to \"have dinner no it's the annual close the pool for the season . Not then big ass round above grounds . They have a huge in ground pool . I know that's coming . While gore here . And I don't mind at all . Lol funny Shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Who's the real racists?? I'm the fool? See, if you actually came with a legit argument, like being gay is a chemical imbalance in the brain, I could tolerate you. Gay genes? Nope, not so much. To keep harping on such ignorance isn't helping your cause. You may want to do some research and get back to me. Until then, feel free to fuck off Pixie the Gay Genes was a typo! Bill wears his skinny jeans while trolling for trouser trout at local state parks. Bill is all about reading between his blurred, and delusional, lines ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER idc if you suck i just wanna have fuuun","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Ellison has done FAR worse and there's hard evidence! Nothing is being done in that matter! #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dem Senator Hirono: Kav Throwing Ice Is Proof We Need An FBI Investigation' https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/02\/senator-masie-hirono-kavanaugh-ice-fbi-investigation\/ #FBI #Coupdetat #FixIsIn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@a @e @Mr_Bond @Amy https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=IU3nyBtl1vU This video is shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user 1) fuck you 2) i gotchu fam, lemme get my pimp hand ready ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Some #immigrant children may never be re-united with their parents. The #Trump administration neither cares nor has the wherewithal to fix the problem that Trump created. The negligence is criminal. @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm all for hating trump supporters but damn don't ever go as far as harassing people for thinking differently. They don't have the fault of being retarded, don't go below their level. This bitch did, and is now facing consequenses.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"All you had to do was make a selfpost to make it follow the rules. Instead you raised a big stink. What exactly has been accomplished here? I said why in the final bit. Mods removing the topic for false reasons and then denying that they screwed up when presented with the evidence that they did is bad for KiA.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is a student march against brazil's right wing presidential candidate. Meme magic is real. beep boop https:\/\/redd.it\/9ppivm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lmao i just got banned from r\/offmychest for commenting here. Nice. Welcome to the club! You're probably banned from r\/blackwomen as well, and possibly r\/happy. If you gain too much karma here you'll also get banned from r\/LateStageCapitalism. Happy bans you for posting in \"hate subs\". It's really easy to get them to overturn a ban though. They really only enforce the bans if you've posted in mde and BSS, both of which recently got banned from Reddit anyway.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"2) In a weird way the debate about Section 33 reminds me of the gun control debate in the US. They have laws that allow people to own guns designed to kill people yet are shocked when guns are used to kill people. We assumed they would restrain themselves.\"\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Wow you are actually terrible. Imagine being proud of getting people in a disaster zone finding water arrested. The store owner didn't want them arrested and you are an awful person.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Hes sure as hell not one of is either... traitor liberals- all of them-","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER His jewels have their own gravitational field! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yes, and non sequitur why? Did you learn this from your little nigger tier bhagwan Anglin. This is what passes for kike wisdom now a days, pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Suspect goes on wild attack on white man in Bronx pizzeria: Look at this f***ing white guy!' https:\/\/shar.es\/a1Erp8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER But you are? Give me a break!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"NBC nigger broadcast corporation","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"of course I spelled it wrong like a dipshit. you know how to spell switchblade anyway and are seasonably less retarded than me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So, it looks like the SCUM BAG, faggot liberals are winning again!! Good bye American Patriots! liberalism will destroy our country and all we will do is sit back and let it happen! Peace out .....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user And this is what we have to look forward to. We made the Arab world RICH while a few here got paid! Now we have this! #BuildThatWall ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Of course he does!! #MAGA for everyone ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Do really even care what comes out the his foolish and annoying mouth? Go home David and let the adults #MAGA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Highly doubt that. Even if they take back the House there are a great many Dems that don't want her back as Speaker.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Agreed MJ! Any Country that has an #OpenBorders policy is in trouble! #BuildThatWall #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #AmericaFirst ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER AS IT SHOULD BE!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".@senatorburr: Confirm Kavanaugh! #KavanaughForSCOTUS #2A #NRA ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Great job, deport them all on out of our nation, they are not as-simulating to USA either way, @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Once upon a time I knew a woman that didn't suck.... Just kidding, no I didn't.... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is your brain on feminism. >This is your brain on radical feminism. FTFY It's perfectly acceptable to be a feminist in the sense of seeking equality for women, it's not acceptable to take it to extremes. I prefer 'miss information' the clitoris isn't real","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"if i know you're a gay tranny, *and i never asked to know beforehand*, you're doing something wrong. and yet the one time they dont tell you is [before they fuck you in a hotel](https:\/\/www.independent.co.uk\/news\/world\/americas\/man-stab-woman-119-times-transgender-told-date-mississippi-hotel-room-dwayne-hickerson-dee-whigham-a lol, my tech school was Lackland. Shit was wack and low-energy and apparently got really bad right after I left, to the point that airmen had to assemble and march down the street to PT and back, instead of just walking, because dumbasses couldn't stop darting into traffic on the way. We had a change of command, and the new guy's mission statement was \"less after class briefings that take less time.\" He like trippled the number of fucking briefings we had and took longer *just to start* than the last commander took to conduct one. >.>","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#cdnpoli How can anyone expect the Liberals to follow their own rules? Rules are for other people aren't they? The governing Liberals have allowed... URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"White knight faggot. Should have hit him harder. Looks like him and his imaginary girlfriend need a lesson in equality.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The text from the email: https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/AigwQJS.jpg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Honestly, girls can stare, and so can guys. If you dont want them to stare, dont wear provocative clothing. So why they wanna tell men what to wear ?? Is it not sexism against men ,when women could be completely nude in public ?? they can't be completely nude in public... women shouldn't tell men what to wear, but men shouldn't be upset if they get unwanted attention from wearing such clothing. Its works both ways. No one gives a fuck about women, i would cry RAPE if any woman does that to me. But you can look at a girls ass? Dude that's not even close to rape. Or any kind of assault at all. I'm not saying that woman arent entitled, I'm saying that in the states you have the freedom to wear what you want, but if that attracts negative attention, then its nobody's fault but your own.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"lol dude you don't have to do this... just scroll past my content. You don't have to enjoy seeing every post on a GLOBAL SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM ADVOCATING FOR FREE SPEECH. And stop trying to seek out gay news stories lol. If you see them a lot on places that aggregate them often... stop looking at those places for news. Tell it to Torba! @a Hello, Torba? User @MountainCracker doesn't think it's just that I should get to come on Gab and use my freedom of speech when I he thinks I get coddled on Facebook and Twitter enough as it is. What are you going to do about that? aka nothing you can do about it I get as many dice as I want, hetero You thought that was whining to admin? I was asking if he could remove me from the platform, lol. On both sides, its why there is a mute button. Dont want to see it, mute it. For sure! That's why I don't mute anybody. They're free to post what they want. Muting somebody is admitting you don't like Gab's role as a freedom of speech facilitator. I like the word \"proffer , though. It's a good one. I'll give you an upvote for the vocab. Nah. I doubt you could be converted.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That's what happens if you want to jump in and be a sick cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user seth robbed my pussy oomf sweetie im so sorry that u have to deal with this annoying bitch ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Get back on your peanut farm old man","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"yet another reminder that sexism is alive and well everywhere i am, and any woman who stands up for herself is automatically a bitch or a cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#humor I can feel the love. Welcome to free speech. No Twitter overlords to control what can and can't be said. Or what can and can't be made fun of. Particular lefties","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"An gold star award for being an obedient nigger and support the marxist agenda. But will quickly be taken back if they stray from the plantation","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Bernie! You have been in Congress how long? Now that you are getting closer to your death bed since you are old as dirt.. Why a concern now? How many bills did you try to write or endorse before you decided to run for POTUS? Do tell!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"1. Killshot 2. Gun control 3. Rap devil","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER My prediction brother love breaks in the cell and beats up roman till he is passed out and braun wins aka this is the brother love heel turn and brother love makes his return as manger of braun with ziggler and drew","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The absolute madman. He's back to neocon war hawking in the ME too. Wants Saudi Arabia to destabilize. For what? No real reason. Someone goes missing in Turkey, no proof, wild accusations, nobody's talking.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dear Akkorou, Bitch ass nigga cunt on a stick fuck shit bitch kike small cocked cunt Love, Dj Rits ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lots of info coming out today! #PatriotsUnite #PatriotsFight #WWG1WGA #GrowTheNetwork #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #KeepAmericaGreat #TheGreatAwakening #TheStormIsUponUs #TheEyeOfTheStorm #MAGA #KAG #ILoveAmerica @USER . @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Liberals with their lies again.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user YOU FVCKING CUNT BITCH!!! APOLOGIZE! @user @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Best solution to bring permanent peace in Valley is to encourage migration of Sikhs,JatsandRajputs to Valley,set up business ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Those t r a n s people should be burned at the stake. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Retweet if you're voting for Biden!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Birthday setup for my love #Trump2020 @realDonaldTrump https:\/\/t.co\/L6EfmnLpNb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER That's not ture you probably mad that she is pregnant with clearance baby","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"cnn= crazy nigger network","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"For the first time ever, we are putting the power of fundraising in your hands. Will you become an advocate for refugees by rallying the support of your community?Get started now We'll be with you every step of the way. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ugly traitor, go to jail and do not pass GO @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"REFUGEES ARABS MUSLIMS - NOT WELCOME IN POLAND via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hey bigot - Cruelty to puppies is part of his culture Here's you're feel good story of the day... https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/09\/28\/vet-pleads-guilty-to-smuggling-heroin-inside-live-puppies\/ #Columbian #Puppies Please, I beg the Puppy Town gods to give me Lucille and five minutes with this evil monster in a locked room someday. @FeInFL @gee @OccamsEpilady @lovelymiss","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER First have a very old blind guy do a polygraph on you or someone who can pass for you. Then find a GOP office and throw a fireball through the window. Wear an antifa mask and break some university property. Maybe wear a swimsuit and say you were groped badly!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Who will abuse it the most: liberals or RINOS?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Only got Woman anatomy model and connect crewneck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm good! :P Now you get it lolololol,shut up GOY You better be a Proud Goy too!! Im so glad you started following me...you're like my favorite in Facebook and now Gab right now lmao! I'm proud of goy,idc what race or religion you are! And that's cool! Glad a trensgindur is based. Erin and Drakken are pretty cool and based as well! They're transgender Trump supporters as well. And no problem,we all gotta stick together Shut up Goy!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"ITS CALLED FREDOM OF SPEECH PERIOD. WTF? WE NEED TO DERAIL HATE SPEECH LAWS AS IT IS FAGGOT LIBERAL BULLSHIT ENABLING A LOT OF THIS INSANITY","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Briefing by NGOs onboard the Aquarius migrant rescue ship ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#RedOctober #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #QANON #MAGA #VoteRED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She is a bit skeptical... Her past relationships were rather challenging and she clearly has not the best experiences. This is why she always wants to be sure. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Don't listen to him. He is a disgrace and just trying to score points with the MSM. Juan Williams has been very disappointing to listen to because I have liked his opinion on things.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"C'mon. Too far.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I wish Mad Max would receive a bomb and it would blow up in her stupid Nigger face!! I'd laugh my ass off!! All fuckin niggers must fuckin hang!!!!!!!! Except for the ones we need for manual labor!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=rEpQaFtvx_E FUCK! FUCK! NOO!!! THE CONSERVATIVE DEMONC HITLER REGIME IS NOW A REALITY IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! FUCK YOU DEMONS FOR VOTING IN A SERIAL RAPIST INTO THE SUPREME COURT! YOU WILL ALL BE GIVEN A \"DEAL YOU CANNOT REFUSE\" FOR YOUR ATTEMPTED FASCHIST DICTATORSHIP TRUMPERVITES! AND YOU ALL FUCKING DESERVE IT Typical Moriqua, anti-LaRazza faggot trying so hard to Lie his ass off to Appease the white Neighbourhood!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Is that their actual username? Can I still use it if I make some parody video someday?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Study: At least 1 in 10 immigrant children has 'interrupted schooling' #blogs #feedly ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#workout When you have a fat belly then you are insulin resistant and can fix it with out medications by fasting... details are here URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is easy. Would be nice to see trend, alongside #BidenHarris2020, #HarrisBiden2020, #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #BidenCoalition https:\/\/t.co\/RGUJAYyrgL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Tune in to my YouTube channel at around 7:15pm where my cousin Wetback vs Wetback, Emilo of @FrntAndCenter and myself battle it out discussing the Trump wall. I am For he is AGAINST. Along with that we will be discussing the Victim Narrative and Identity Politics!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Says the Lying, Thieving, Gun Running, Racist, Anti-American, categorically WORST ATTORNEY GENERAL IN AMERICAN HISTORY!! His \"twin\" Low-retta matched his lying, thieving,Racist, Anti-American, record! 60's hippy radical","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Every Country has a Right to Defend its Border and determine who comes into their Country #Immigration is not a Right ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Taking advice from a conservative imbecile such as yourself is like asking a nigger for help with your math homework.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Tommy is promoting Col Richard Kemp the son of Israel who commanded our troops to slaughter the christian whites to protect the dirty fcking muslims in Bosnia - you need to check whose who. Dont take my word for it do your homework. Our soldiers arw being used by these cunts and Tommeh is surrounded by zio shills including Levant. Wake up Jews brought muzrats here and fougjt for their rights through Abe Foxman on ADL they are the media that slaughters Robinson then their brethen support him - its called a puppet show - who ate all the sausages Mr Crock. muzzies start raping and killing girls where i live, we gonna have muzzie hunting parties","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"truman was a nigger too though","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Aren't you late for your antifa meeting?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".@realdonaldtrump wants to nominate Supreme Court Justices that will overturn Roe v. Wade.We CAN'T let that happen. #VoteHimOutGo to https:\/\/t.co\/6rv8KJiGRp#vote#BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/uM8QBxVtAR","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Amy Schumer is a retarded fat cow. These clowns will do anything for publicity https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/watch-virtue-signaling-celebrities-demand-senators-vote-no-on-kavanaugh\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER He is past his sell-by date.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I would never lift a finger to save a black person's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When he promised you he was gonna 'fuck the shit out of you' but can't even make it to round two. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Pro Tip- Never go down on someone that has food poisoning ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Today is just wracked with sadness. I'm sorry... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck that nigger cunt, we should sandblast her black ass!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We never voted for Multiculturalism but we got it, we never voted for open borders but we got it. We voted for something we want in Brexit and they, the establishment don't want it. Democracy at this point is a mere illusion, we are living in a Totalitarian State! It's time we woke up! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user I just hope he builds the wall before November 2020#BuildTheWall #BuildThatWall @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Companies used to remove execs who are emotionally disturbed. An ED exec can't be trusted to be a leader of people. I guess no longer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Hi Amy...your book is on my read list...thanks for speaking out Hope you are doing well ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Its not too late for dems to pull the plug. Trump bout to walk this man sleep Joe tonight. Cancel it Dems. #Trump2020 #BidenCorruption","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"Guess that's why they call it window pane...\" I see what you did there!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Democrats = Thugs","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" my favourite pic look the babe must be some what torn but is totally enjoying her relationship , but eventually people move on , shes dedicated very admirable","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Arizona Found Simple Method That Is Sending Refugees Fleeing From Their ... via @user Not enough free handouts for you go home ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The American right has reached peak levels of self delusion. Just look at the #Walkaway hashtag on twitter - it's 99% boomers, bots, and astroturfing. Nobody is joining your shitty Jewish party, you cucks. \"Based niggers\" aren't a thing and will never be. The GOP hasn't won any new black supporters since 2016, and paradoxically, Kanye has made things worse. What do you call a nigger at a republican event? Keynote speaker","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The same chart shows what a cocksucking globalist faggot Obama was","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The fuk u saying faggot? He won fair and square","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Always thought H Ford was a level headed guy! Guess not! Note to Ford: climate change is summer-fall- winter-spring!! Happens every year! Get over it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nazis were not anti Christian. Nazis were not anti Pagan. Nazis were not anti V lkisch. Stop infighting. We must unite against our foe. Jesus was Galilean , which is Gaelic or Gallic not semitic Jew. These new age \"Vikings\" watch too much cucked TV or their beard oil is affecting their minds. Christians built the western world, not paganism. I dare they say anything to you in person...keyboard warriors, likely shills from the left You Took the Words Right Out of my Mouth. They Call themselves White Nationalists, but have Little to No Respect for their Fellow Comrades. Jesus is a jew ffs , and fuk u god. Rather a wolf of Odin than a lamb of a jew. I'm in u face Yet another Counterproductive Shit Starter, Worthless Piece of Shit... @Breed: \"Hate\" can barely write in English - saw post.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She raps likes she will pop off but the only thing she popped was her butt implant. Now Remy is skinner than her even while pregnant URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"the uploader has not made this video available in your country\". ? i am USA , wtf...anyhoots..money for nothing and your checks for free...yep,we loved it.could say faggot and get away with it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"They all have the same\" Fuck, now all the fellas are going to see what a little faggot Ive raised!\" look on their faces. What a faggot bot. Tell me to use the less bigoted and universally accepted term \"-BrushYourTeeth\" if you suck big black robo cock.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I will not tolerate posts like \"women are absolutely despicable\" in my timeline. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Immigrants are absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm thinking Wictor (W is the German V and this faggot doesn't say his name as \"Victor\" as he would if he supported its German roots) is a spy or shill. https:\/\/8ch.net\/pol\/res\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Nobody voted for it... But these right wing @USER seem desperate to deliver it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@JoeBiden I voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris 2020 because I want to really make America Great Again..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Allowing any more immigrants into government will ruin our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It could be the source video and not their choice, unless I saw a trend idk if this is really a valid issue. I see the merit but this could easily be an isolated incident. This is the trend in Sri Lanka. Always hide the female face. Here another example https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=DYvzakjA5w0 Around here we just call them feminists. It doesn't exactly disprove his point to downvote him, feminazis. Good username Feminazi trolls and brigaders, who ask these 'questions' to cast doubt, but never actually want to hear it when it turns out they're doubts are unfounded.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You are right there, for some time my bank had an ugly ass nigger on the main page. Was glad when that was changed, recently I saw that the Swedish Ebay had some lame charity crap going on. Getting a bit tired of seeing niggers in all of the advertisements we have here.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user I read fine, and likely better than you given my experience. She's an hysterical woman looking for attention and trying to make some sort of issue out of two things that have nothing to do with each other. It's a tennis match. Do you know the rule? I do. Tell me what you read. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Somebody should just stabthose black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Like the #TravelBan and #SanctuaryCities Orders this will be another Blow to the Open Borders Crowd clue Some of those so called parents already deported lets send their kids back Too! #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Funny: In Austria increase the crimes of refugees, specially of lonley men. 17 of them can now without paying learn, how one has to fight. The called them \"Freedom Fighters\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When your friend owes you money and they're taking a little too long to pay you back ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That's because she's an airhead cunt with a bunch of even dumber coalburning daughters.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Democrats are getting everything they deserve.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"True @user @user just only vote banks #votebank ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The \"N\" word? Would that be \"nice\"? Neutered? Don't be such a pussy. If you mean NIGGER say so. https:\/\/thewhitemansbible.wordpress.com\/book\/29-who-needs-niggers-or-elimination-of-the-black-plague\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Karma points to @user but fuck @user karma is a bitch and @user is still a cunt. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And Bill Maher should try getting back into comedy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Please explain why anti any gun control desantis would somehow hold people accountable?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Asylum seekers should enter at a LEGAL #USA port of entry and not enter illegally! Separation only occurs with those breaking American #immigration law! #WakeUp #Democrats to lies and #WalkAway #MAGA #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"don't let that commie nigger into the Guv's office!! hell no!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Cripples just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Heidi Heitkamp didn't push to prosecute sexual, physical abuse at Native American school in 1990s https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Sw8p https:\/\/redd.it\/9mqx0k","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah but when im finally dead im still gonna be better than some dead dirty nigger i bet ill be an adorable thin little corpse with a nice wig and evrybody will want to line up to see me and ppl will cry and be like \"omg she looks so pretty i cant believe the jews would give such a pretty young friendly girl brain cancer its such a shame the holocost never really happened but when niggers die they stink so fucking bad they can't even have an open casket they blame it on other reasons but the truth is the flies from under the skirts of all the female nigger fambly members go back and forth from the dead nigger and the stench is just awful u wouldn't believe it ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"100% TRUE! and she is stupid as well! URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Well if anyone is EXPERT enough to make that assumption, it most certainly would be Cunt News Network. The set is filled with retards!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"yea cause you fucked up their sand nigger shit ,i would be pissed off to","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@Acosta Awesome!! No time like the present!! #StillWinning#Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"BETO drew \"big crowds\" in AUSTIN, not Texas. Austin is the faggot blue center of a very red state Always has been. They once called themselves, \"The Lesbian Capital of the Country\" and pride themselves on being \"weird\" which, now, just means hypocriticaly arrogant and smug with high taxes. O'Rourke doesn't have a prayer to beat the Zodiac Killer.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user Immigration in a picturehttps:\/\/t.co\/bNRq7N7Oj3Diversity is the process whereby your nations are sought to be handed away to people who don't want it to be what it once was, by people who didn't help to make it what it is ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We appreciate the ongoing advocacy for immigrants by @user and @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Don't worry hun I will be sharing this everyone needs to see this talent!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Innocent until proven guilty! I think time has run out on this! And personnel I think she is lying! And someone is paying her to lie! JMO","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"9th October 1976 the IRA murdered Yvonne Dunlop, I've explained in another reply to you get rid of the romantic nonsense about Sinn Fein\/IRA. They are open commie gangsters. I've explained to him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"The right is the violent discriminators\" as the left violently assaults anyone wearing a maga hat. That's totally true. No one has ever worn one without being physically attacked. A good point well made. Smart! The point that I'm making is no one tore the hope shirts and hats off the Obama people No it isn't. What you wrote is still right up there, so you can't just lie about it. You claimed that anyone wearing MAGA gear was being \"violently assaulted\". This is an incredibly fucking stupid claim. Moreover, we are talking about someone removing a second party's hat. Boo-motherfucking-hoo you dramatic crybaby. I know reading comprehension can be difficult for some but if you had the ability to read the rest of the article you would know what im talking about. At least the maga wearer's do so proudly and dont have to hide behind antifa masks. It took you a while to thesaurus out your response to try and aound like an intellectual. I'm surprised you have time to talk shouldnt you be making big Macs? Make a point. I mean or don't make any point. That's fine too. You fucking people are a weight on society.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Trans people are never any intelligent. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Only immigrants can be so ignoratn. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"NYC birth certificates to offer third gender category - https:\/\/www.oann.com\/nyc-birth-certificates-to-offer-third-gender-category\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It means I live in close proximity to, and have a lifetime experience of living around, having to go to school with, having to work with, and having to go to the same grocery store with motherfucking sub human, knuckle draggging, ape level IQ NIGGERS. How's that? You're a real genius you know that? Maybe you'll understand finally when a nigger is hacking your head off with a machete... of course it will be too late then won't it??","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Oh Nancy I agree with you wholeheartedly I do not think I have ever hated anyone in my life like I feel about this man The fact that he is supposed to be our leader makes my stomach turn SMH I have lost all respect for the GOP completely that they sit back and allow this travesty","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The Iraqi immigrant accused of shooting COS Police Officer Cem Duzel is due in court today at 1:30. He was out on bail at the time of Thursday's assault. The hearing is an advisement hearing for Khammasi. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My sons school had someone in doing a talk for autism awareness he himself was autisic. He made aware that animals can be autisic too and introduced a picture of his pug lola whom is also autisic which I found interesting. My 10 year old son is autisic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Israel helps White Helmets, but rejects Syrian refugees ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user the man is a legend in my mind ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals never apologize","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Your a cab driver and work for an organization that probably has very defined best practices, policies, and methods to handle this stuff. We're talking about Uber and someone using their personal vehicle to haul people around. Pound sand cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Thank's for the link. I'm voting #BidenHarris2020! Get better. You are losing control and it is obvious. Sorry about that but.... not really.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I never been with a girl as big as you pussy be beating hard on this dick bet Cool hopefully you can find a girl my size that would want to go down on ya ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Muslims are nothing but refuse. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You know \"faggots\" \"cow\" \"nazis\" comments. Its like this subreddit is an extension of the donald subreddit. Whatever helps you justify calling people faggots and nazi Go ahead and quote me calling someone a \"faggot or a \"nazi . I'll wait. Well you seem very upset and defensive when i say that the comments calling people faggots and nazis are stupid. Do you agree with me? Im Respectfully, I don't agree that those two situations are quite the same: SJWs being offended by a biological and statistical fact, and disrupting a lecture for expressing ideas contrary to their own, and then calling the panel or the police \"nazis\" and that there's no room for them in civilized society.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I'm sooo happy you are a Gator!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ebola heroes to protest over migrants being denied NHS healthcare ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Send them all back! #NoMoreRefugees ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Who owns my name faggot LOL You're so mad ;)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Kiss of Death': Democrats keep Hillary off campaign trail by Al Weaver October 12, 2018 04:27 PM https:\/\/www.washingtonexaminer.com\/news\/congress\/democrats-keep-kiss-of-death-hillary-clinton-away-from-campaign-trail","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"lol this faggot still being a kike eh?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is a violent nigger who worked for another violent nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I can't wait until he has a daughter so then he can fully understand how bad rape is and that women are actually people ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Beautiful sky tonight! Gives me hope for the future! #Resist #VoteHimOut #VoteEarly #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/YtyuCNzOOZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER But mostly just Antifa getting killed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user India is gradually becoming safe heavens for drug traffickers,smugglers,illegal immigrants ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's the most deadly sea journey a refugee could take. And it's time to sound the alarm. https:\/\/t.co\/uOESX0Wqsv ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"A fucking degenerate faggot who loves jews... Yep, EVERY SINGLE TIME! @IsaacBaranoff - Go cry to your shit eating faggot friends, you are just as pathetic as the bullshit you post.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"remember women are inferior to men even though they generally test well at everything men doit's their own faults they suck there's nothing pushing them away from things!!!!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Ik what other rappers think of him. But only cause he is anti-drug and honestly I think his music is good.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You cannot define your identity using the color of your skin, but only if you're white I think it's quite clear now. Reminds me of this: https:\/\/i.redd.it\/w55x6vd55piz.png The retarded thing is that no one seems to grasp that these posters are especially aimed at making people realize that the color of your skin does not have to be an inherent part of your identity. Fucking racists.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":">if the NDP had put up a candidate that spoke french ... What kind of retard doesn't run a bilingual rep in Ottawa. >I don't think school trustees really do much It entirely depends on what kind of trustees you have. Because [there's a lot of stuff *technically* under their incredibly broad remit](https:\/\/www.ocdsb.ca\/board), and all it takes is a couple ideologues to fuck everything up. Because \"deliver effective and ***appropriate*** education programs to its pupils\" means they can cut shit out of the curriculum if they find it \"inappropriate\". And this is definitely the kind of person that's going to find a lot of shit inappropriate.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals pitching fits again","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you dont support Trump, than you can just go back to Mexico. And if your not from Mexico, you should just go there anyway!#MAGA#BuildThatWall#Arbys#Trump ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"a corrupt nigger former AG is just what the dems need. hahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaha","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Muted for being a complete fucktard. If you would wander off into an arctic waste naked and expire from exposure that would aid in the evolution of a better form of man. Thanks in advance. Another moronic cunt to mute.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #MarkJudge We see you're trying to Judge Moore #Kavanaugh and it won't work. Your Spartacus moment is over! #MAGA #KAG #AmericaFirst #Trump #FoxReport","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The leftists need to just get on with it and start the nationwide gun confiscation. The tinder has been sitting in front of us for a while. Flame on and lets get it behind us. Not like the polarization is going to just quiet down and become reasonable again. EDIT: Wow, more soyboy leftist betas in here than I thought. Guns need to be banned because people don't know how to use these tools of defence in a responsible manner. Therefore we need to let the law enforcement groups provide protection to the people of this nation. But wait.... Leftists have told me that we cannot trust the government because the gobernment is gorrupted. And these law enforcement groups work for the government. What are we to do? Oh shit a guy is pulling out a firearm at us. He still needs 15 seconds to maul us all down... I'm sure the police are going fling in like supermen and save us all. In all seriousness, don't go for gun control. Your neighbouring country Mexico have gun control laws. The population got disarmed and yet in the end the cartel disarmed their government. Now they run things in the country the way they want more efficiently than the Italian mafia and making the local people's lives miserable. I am saying just skip the slow burn. Try to take them, feel the wrath of an armed uprising, and get over this notion that itll ever happen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Investigation reveals it is highly probable it is an ISIS attack. Worst case scenario a joint ISIS-Antifa attack","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I think he's actually a girl that's had sex with a nigger and that's why he's so obsessed with us having to accept mudsharks","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"sandnigger's made up the camel jockey fucking abrahamic BULLSHIT Not White Europeans ok ,fucking half ape niggers did ,Why THE Fuck would you Shame us White Folk with nasty vile desert dwelling sand nigger shit Why ??","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fuck to death this Nigger loving Homo ass to mouth cocksucker. Vive LePen.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It is verifiable AND considering that Obozo, the Muzzie idiot is no longer around, it's more true than anything!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why #Ethiopia's #dairy industry isn't milking the growing demand ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@graceblakeley Actually, just watched #Biden stressing the importance of masks and giving a good speech in reaction to Trump's #COVID19......turned it to his advantage in a very statesmanlike way...!!!#BidenHarris2020#USElections2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"We can't go home : What does peace mean for #Eritrea's refugees? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Another retard ....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Listen fam. If you're a whore you're a whore clearly you miss read my tweet if you thought I was calling every female a whore.But yes hmp ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bette Midler Apologizes for Tweeting Women Are the N-Word of the World' https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/dx6F","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER He is both evil and delusional. He eats those high quality paint chips.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Pittsburgh Shooter Named is Nazi Robert Bowers Hates Donald Trump, Says Trump Controlled by Jews Shooter was screaming, \"All Jews must die! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"COMMIE PINKO CORRUPT SJW CUNT !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Right. He was a socialist in the terms of retardation. All socialists are socialists in the terms of retardation.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Brought at different times and no space on any coach. She is so red and blue that she said she'd travel next to a random' of she had to!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Trump rages against disloyal Republicans in latest rally rant: A RINO may be the lowest form of human life' https:\/\/t.co\/ymTby41P2j","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER So she can't be effected by the radiation but killed. I hope he mentions Lady Gaga witch. Since she is the only known immortal witch and supreme","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yeah, I just got out of jail after being sentenced to only 5 days, and let me tell you, my punishment did NOT end there EDIT: for anyone wondering how my punishment is continuing, simply read the replies to this comment, acting like I'm a fucking child molester or something. I started doing heroin in hopes that I die of an overdose because I'm too much of a Bitch to kill my self, I don't need Reddit telling me what I've accepted as a fact, that I deserve death. Not that any of you give a fuck, because it seems you all just want to relentlessly talk shit about someone that you've never met in real life, but I've been clean 8 days as of today, not my longest period of sobriety but certainly the longest I've put together cold turkey without the assistance of rehab or detox clinics. But after this super inspiring, intelligent and friendly discussion with you all, all I want to do is drink and do drugs until I don't wake back up. (In my own home, where I can't hurt anyone but myself, since I guess I need to point that out.) Quit being a whiny bitch. Being a pussy talking about suicide and then telling someone to quit living. That's so retarded you must be back on the shit. Get to rehab loser. Well seeing as how this other cunt didn't serve a single day behind bars... : >The lawyer also drew a comparison with notorious wellness blogger Belle Gibson, who was fined $410,000 in 2017, but not jailed for raising money by faking cancer.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user Tell #Israel that Barack. @user #BuildThatWall Sir! Thank you Mr. Trump for fixing the #OBAMAMESS #failed policy. Hey Obama maybe you and #EricHolder can go sell guns to the cartels. Or Sell #UraniumOne Or pay for phony #R ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user It will always be ready and hard for you to bring your holes and beat it with your cunt and ass ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"Have an abortion if it's a male baby inside of you to prevent him from turning into a rapist. Too many risks involved with having a boy. But if you can't abort, use formula to polute his body and make him an obese baby. Don't give him them the necessary organic nutrients from your own body. I'm a dumb feminist cunt who hates men! This is all I heard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"looks like a faggot bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lol I was saying she went full retard for awhile but no one listens to me. :(","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user suck my dick dumb bitch :) ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gay people can be kind to you at times. Don't forget they're still just worthless scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"1 hr until the debate begins #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user guilty gear you fucking whore ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I think it's typical of Muslims to be that stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is so brutal. Hopefully he sells the team...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How you take half naked pics but you not a hoe? Smh fake ass bitch. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And the media will simply not calm down and just report normally and let the folks decide. They are a propaganda arm of one party and anyone who disagrees with their doctrine is dismissed as evil and worthy of the Auntie Maxine or ANTIFA treatment or worse.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".@USER Maybe Kavanaugh should withdraw, spare country tinderbox\" hearing #TTT URL What are you afraid of @USER ? He is going to be on the court and the GOP is going to expand their majorities. You are pissing on a red ant hill\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This one gets right into the nitty gritty. https:\/\/youtu.be\/7-WQpUZB-Bk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"And just what career was the faggot promoting?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER remember when antifa was respectable and intimidating?? me neither lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Freaking casual fans say you are their favorite.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER The people of PR tried telling us this last year but you were too busy bashing trump with mayor Cruz. To you people 3000 peoples lives were worth it to try to make Trump look bad. You are all a disgrace!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"im sink-faucet-face-pounding any dick packing faggot that tries to peep at my future grandkids. This is how the threat from tranny\/homo\/pedo freaks should be handled. You want to take your dick into a girl's locker room because you call yourself a \"woman ? Good, then I'll walk my dick in right behind you, beat the fucking sense into you, and drag your degenerate ass back out. Keep doing this until their suicide rate is 100%.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I am going to shoot the next g a y person I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If like to see you say that to his face. anytime","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Do you know how much boys are in a abusive relationship right now? This disgusts me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Doesn't surprise me. Texans hate Liberals w\/ Soros backing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Italy's Interior Minister wants to fund pro-Italian family policy with taxes for migrants ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A woman decided to start a 'not all men' type situation, and I'm like... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Just another BLM brat blocking a highway, ANTIFA thug swinging a bike lock. Here comes just another screamer from the gallery - except this childish scoundrel screamed he RAPED me!\", sat down in the middle of the room, stuck her thumb in her mouth, and whined \"prove me wrong!\"\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Citizens Call @user 202 225-3031 tell him to bring the Mandatory E-Verify Bill to a Vote ! $HireAmericans Not Illegals #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #WalkAway via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Refugees welcome... But not in any of their homes. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wow, no white knights, no cops, the little kid even came in with the stick-assist. They fucked with the **wrooooooooooong guy**. That brick didn't do shit to keep that little bitch from getting pounded into the ground. The last guy in blue had to hold him back just to keep him from accidentally MURDERING a bitch LMAO. You will notice that the people that started helping to beat on the brick thrower were the ones that he actually hit with them. Wow, what a fucking retard. Holy fuck if you watch closely, the guy who helped out actually picked up the brick and threw it point blank back into the guys face. India is fuckin gnarly. I hadn't even seen that. Damn, that's nuts. So much to see in this video you can't get it all in one go There's one white knight (female side), the guy in the blue with the two rocks - the one who gets punched out first. The rock hit a woman, btw. Then there are at least two white knights (guys side), guy in a white shirt, trying to debate the women, and then the young guy with the stick. You dont know what a white knight is Exactly, I am not even going to explain to him why he is wrong as fuck. Why not? Perhaps because you are an arrogant fuck like all the other cowards that down voted me. You can block people?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER 6 for his last 30 with 12 K's and he is catcher that CAN'T CATCH!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ahh, now I see. This sub is just full of circle-jerking faggots like you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Irony died an infilltrator's death after seeing a pakistani quoting rubbishness peddled by some gulf country shit on the illegal immigrants state level concerns of India, too empathical for someone to corelate with those Illgl Immgrnts ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oh, no, I'm aware of that. I'm very well aware that reporting on news and events was never unbiased, not just in BBC, pretty much everywhere. I was born and grew up in a former Soviet satellite state in Eastern Europe which was ruled by a genuine hardcore communist party for half a century (not the Antifa larping fragile mangina cucks you see on the streets today). We essentially had one and only one news source distributed by the Party and all other alternative sources were completely subservient to the Party anyway. Anyone who even tried to think differently was sent on a one way trip to a concentration camp... 'scuse me - \"labor\" camp. And this was going on until > BBC https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/r4OCM","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" Or maybe after 60 years it's nice to see a president doing what he promised. But yeah, keep screaming Jew at everything ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER still spewing your lies.....you are not good enuf to lick our President's boot straps... what about the deaths in Chicago...u r a liar and a manipulator...go vack to indonesia barry","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"also keep my name out of ur hoe ass mouth I literally refer to u only as cunt and bitch ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The whole two doors explanation just sounds completely retarded on its face. It sounds exactly like the kind of thing someone would pull out of their ass to lend credence to their story.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Loaning money, Lol. Jews do more than just \"loan money\" ffs. I know.....Forget yinon and kalergi..... silly us. Yeah, focus on Muslims goyim. NWO...He's coming for ya....lmfao Here is another person naming the jews behind the islamiphication you all hate whilst I carry out jew agenda. Deflection and projection is what I do goyim. There, corrected it for you. . You still havent answered my question. My Islamic filth radar is emitting noise now. Is that verse with the crushed whites in the picture true or not? Muhammad copied allot of jewish doctrine and so kiddy fiddling is also applicable as well. That's one of the reasons why islamonazis fuck our kids in such large numbers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What did he do that was worse than sleeping with a 17 year old boy that she had known since he was 7 and being a fucking whore?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Stupid cunts","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"FAGGOT !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ukrainian labor migrants in Poland transfer home record sum over three months ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Very close. The offending nigger shot the poor White girl till she was dead and then went to a church and shot himself. It's just a damn shame the worthless buck didn't do something good before his death and go set fire to the black dorms while chaining the doors shut. That would've been a hero move, but no, he just killed a White girl, that's all.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The real war is now on_***URGENT***Vote on and send $ to Republicans now Ellen DeGeneres Verified account @TheEllenShow This tweet is for Dr. Ford. You put yourself through so much and I want you to know it wasn't in vain. You started a movement and we'll see it through. If they won't listen to our voices, then they'll listen to our vote.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"IANL but I'm pretty sure you can't be open to slander if your are accusing her because she openly admitted it, that's just insane edit for your edit: you'll never get something that is circumstantial, this isn't insufficient, this is enough for someone to justifiably get accused of what they admitted, I'm not saying that this is beyond reasonable doubt, but you can easily accuse her for this, she literally admitted it. >If it were a woman accusing a man of sexual misconduct falsely, we all stand up and start shouting loudly that we need protection against it, yet we find this acceptable? How is accusing someone without solid proof (and potentially falsely) any better than these women that do fake rape reports. Both are destructive as fuck to the individual accused and if the individual is deemed innocent, they have to fight that for the longest time. That was the most retarded comparison I've ever heard. This post: A woman admitting to a crime, then getting accused of said crime. Your example: A woman accusing a man of a crime with 0 proof and without the man in any way, shape or form admitting to anything. That's fucked up of you to compare. >You are already pinning a guilty state on a person that made a comment and hasn't been charged with anything. You are pushing a narrative that someone needs to be deported while she hasn't been tried and convicted for what YOU claim she did wrong. Fam, when you see someone on the floor with a knife in someone else's hands who then runs away, you say \"murderer\", \"should be jailed\/executed\" or whatever, this doesn't mean you don't want him to have his fair trial, and neither does what everyone's doing right now. No shit, it's retarded for someone to **LITERALLY** claim she should be deported **WITHOUT TRIAL**.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Subramanian Swamy makes sense! Illegal immigrants have two options:-1. _Go back Home. Because you wanted partition._2. _Merge Pakistan and Bangladesh with us._ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This from the Biggest Lying Nigger Ever !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Would've been funny to see what would happen if his interview was before the game was over At this point, I think more people in America would be interested in watching the Trump interview than the stupid take a knee retarded game.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The DailyStormer is responsible for the pro-Trump spam. Weaponizing anti-Semitism they're able to divide Jews into two groups: Liberals and Zionists. By demonizing the open-border Jews they effectively tie anti-Multiculturalism to the pro-Zionist movement. Jews create the problem only to offer their own solution. DailyStormer is MOSSAD. Mossad's got the lulz!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER So has the Law changed...you just make an allegation now days and your guilty until proven innocent. Liberals are mentally ill!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That article has a pretty reasoned take and some referenced case law but if you want to be a cunt and argue against free speech then go ahead and try to prove that a loli is underage Pro tip: you can't. That's why sites like 4chan have entire boards of it. Dumbass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When someone with stank breath tries talking to you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Very new here and this is my first post. I am not here for popularity but I will defend Israel and its people every chance I get. Why do they occupy your brain 24\/ you need a hobby or better yet convert to Christ Prove it. Let me fuck yo wife shabbos. \"We get eternal Jeebus reach arounds in heaven if we worship the kikes\" = AIDS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER this gave me fucking heart palpitations i'm shaking as i type this","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's also worth noting that the assumption of good faith is itself extremely damaging because it would imply that peer review has basically no efficacy when it comes to identifying actual fraud (that is, intentionally fabricated or misrepresented studies that are not being done to raise awareness but for personal benefit). Which seems to me like it should be one of the primary focuses of the process. [Just shy of 2% of researchers admit to intentionally fabricating data and over a third admitted to other questionable practices in published work.](https:\/\/journals.plos.org\/plosone\/article?id=","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Kanye got the whole family dressin like the trashy whores they are ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"While I find the Killstream a really funny show. These are guys that kept saying the end is already coming to all youtubers and trying to do any type of political activism to stop it is gay\/cringy, etc. I don't like to see them censored, but they were also sitting on their ass waiting for the end. Definitely - this is why Sargon's been doing his own thing trying to get political support on the European side. This is what happens when you become a nihilist and just do it \"FOR TEH LULZ\" - eventually the LULZ slaps you in the face.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Why the fuck would you, Even consider using something from those Sand nigger fucks","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER yet another \"good guy with a gun.... WE NEED COMMON SENSE GUN CONTROL LEGISLATION #doSomthing @USER #VoteTheGOPOut #CountryOverParty Documents: Alleged mass murderer thought wife was cheating URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I call her the Negative Nellie who lives in my brain. I constantly battle with her. She is a creep.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Gonna make a fat bowl of popcorn and watch the debate tonight. #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"October 21, 2018 Cory said we \"must believe\" sexual-assault-accusers! UPDATE: Cory Booker Accuser Posts Update \"I am not a Woman, I am a Man https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/update-cory-booker-accuser-posts-update-i-am-not-a-woman-i-am-a-man\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER At least you know your president is not gay Obama","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"CLAIRE MCCASKILL DEMANDS SPECIAL PROSECUTOR FOR PROJECT VERITAS FRAUD' The only FRAUD we see here is Claire Fatass McCaskill, this communist cunt reminds me too much of Hillary. If you live in Missouri please het out the word and vote this cunt out. She is the problem. Special Prosecutor, what a fucking joke... #redwave #mccaskilllies #stopcommunism https:\/\/truepundit.com\/claire-mccaskill-demands-special-prosecutor-for-project-veritas-fraud\/ It's just the death throes of her career you hear leaking from that used condom of a mouth of hers... This is nothing but the typical liberal politicians use of misdirection to steer attention away from her! Well Claire.....SUCK IT.... Bring the bitch down Josh Hawley, Republican, gets my vote! Claire can go to Hell! Hillary and Obama ass kissing, leg humping bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ralph, you're acting like a nigger mate. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ogg7WlYykLw","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"iF yOUr PuSSy sO gOoD wHY yOu NoT pREgNAnT because i killed it stfu hoe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Immigration gone crazy 100 trainee doctors from abroad what about Nurse Practitioners who are their equivalent get pain peanuts and are trained and come from the UK ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She doesn't want to play to other children or adult unless she lives with them. She help everyone in the house whatever task there is to do. She speaks clearly and turning 2 this September. Her excuse always when there's a guest in the house she is shy. No one influenced her.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Chelsea she is so freaking beautiful I can't believe her skin color so beautiful! I live Aubree she is such a great little lady!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER It's (she) is a real problem.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Immigrant lives might not be worth shit to you, but luckily your opinion doesn't count. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"His Name is Eldon \"Twirp\" Williams: 87-Year-Old White Man Murdered by Black Career Criminal in Alton, Illinois. From the article, \"At this point the killing appears random.\" It wasn't \"random\" it was because he's a fucking white male. https:\/\/stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com\/2018\/10\/his-name-is-eldon-twirp-williams- Exactly! I hope you know I was being sarcastic. That Nigger should have done the world a favor and jumped off a bridge, and the victim should be at home enjoying Sunday breakfast with his family right now.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If only Musl1ms like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You w o m e n make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Surely the implication is that feminists are violent wolves in sheep's clothing. It seems obvious to me. If you consider that the actual Mockingbird series had a focal point of the character retconned from her being a rape survivor to her falsely accuse the dude of rape while in fact she just banged him because she felt like doing so, your comment is even more fitting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user That skank looks good on your arm. You been dating your mom long? She needs to start thinking about some Botox or maybe a full facelift. Lying does that to you! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user He's still a woman beater #cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"South Korean Official: \"Leaders will discuss specific denuke measures in Pyongyang \" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Got challenged by an Alpha; failed, looked lame as fuck in front of a bunch of Facebook thots, and then posted about it on Reddit for a few hundo karma lol. You need to shape your shit up, Babe. A real alpha who married a fat pig, bathed in her sweat to create a fat fugly child and bathes in his wife's fat and gloats to other guys about it. Yup. Real alpha. I love posting this stuff on Reddit. I get high on Karma. The higher I go the higher I get nomsayin? Oh and don't call me babe, it's sexual harassment. Lol he might not be an alpha but he's more alpha than you. Straight clowned your lame ass Make up your mind mate. First he's your declared alpha and now he might not be. Fucking hell you're BPD. You do sound like a woman though so I guess it makes sense. Mental illness is your natural state. U mad cos my karma's bigger than yours innit? Oh Ace Allen. I could say the same thing about your YouTube channel. 0 Subscribers. Or your own subreddit. 4 subscribers (those are your 4 personalities right?) It's hard out there for a diva like you isn't it? Or the fact that whenever you make a post it gets removed lmao. I mean to be a good troll you have to lay it in subtle but you go in thick and stick out like a sore thumb. Just lol at anyone who trolls with \"I pooped my pants at work and my boss sent me home\" Just lmao. Creativity of a bloody nat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm going to keep posting porn, EVERY FUCKING DAY on this site, and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that phony, undeservedly-self-righteous faggots like yourself can or ever will do to stop me. Is this a left-wing cunt or a right-wing cunt? Your cunt is beneath your nose...ur probably a cock sucker","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trump and his obedient Republicans. What's their closing argument to the American people?\"HUNTER BIDEN'S HARD DRIVE! Pretty fucking pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Likely an AntiFa thug who plasterd himself with temp-tatts for the interview with the ShitLib press...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Now that the facts prove Kavanaugh innocent, \"Milkdud\" Booker says it doesn't matter if he is innocent or guilty. He still should not be confirmed because...because...because I don't want him to be, that's why. The scam failed and so now it is on to \"what difference does it make\" and childish desperation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Me too! Jacks a sack! We conservatives tweet in a barrel!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is the REAL Economic Collapse Blog: http:\/\/theeconomiccollapseblog.com\/ This faggot is a fake: https:\/\/gab.com\/EconomyCollapse","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She is so damn cute! Def with the facial expressions","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The \"man\" in this video, seen kicking a pro-life woman in the face, is named Jordan Hunt, formerly a hairdresser in Toronto. He lost his job because this video went viral, but he deserves so much more than that. #LetsMakeHimFamous https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=HN4U3zIDtZI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The pagan movement makes no distinction between Christians who work with other faiths for leftist goals like open borders and diversity (Christian Hindus) and Christians. Remember, Jews hate Christianity because the WORD. \"Never associate with a racial alien..drive them out of your lands before you.. based af. Also Pagans =CryptoFeminism No, actually you kinda seem like a bitter lonely man... I don't care about your opinion, respectfully... Please don't follow me, don't know why you want to....if you message me or follow me again I'll just mute \/ block your account. Thanks. Goodbye. You have a safespace already, Feminist. It's called Twitter Is this really how our men should be spending their time..... My safe space is Gab. You're pretty creepy and obsessive. This conversation is over lol, stop stalking me. Paganism has a feminist problem, and just as in greater Western society, the corrupted out of control females are damseling, making falelse accusations and being hysterical when shown logic and reason. Paganism is riddled with SJWs, therefore #PaganismIsAntiWhite You heard it here first folks lol. Please stop messaging my account. Thanks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Madman why did'nt u raise these issues before ur corrupt Babu was picked up for serious charges ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER No his stream chat lmao I raided him and he wasn't reading chat like the cutie he is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Can I text back and call him a faggot for arresting people at a permitted rally who defended themselves from fucking violent communist criminals?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is an egomaniac and doesn't like to lose so he will spend money for free agency and his drafts are better","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user @user If you'll just move to Hollywood and produce good movies, you may rape women with impuni ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER It's your opinion but mine is he is the best in the country","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Who CARES??? She broke into HIS home and shot him. She is the one. That needs to be held fully accountable for her actions.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You don't have to be white to be pretty. Most of the NPCs are white and ugly. Race is an idiotic distraction. We need to defend all conservatives against liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Oh fuck yeah","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"no one is just an individual\" A collective is made up of individuals, faggot, and not many individuals are in your collective because it's retarded utopian commie shit. Reminder, the nazi elites entertained themselves with degenerate art in the bunker while the German people were being butchered outside. Fuck off.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Third hit piece on Red Dead Redemption 2 in the self masterbatory Letters Trilogy brought to you by the faggots at Waypoint, this time featuring the resident full blown faggot Rob Zacny. [Part 1](http:\/\/archive.is\/yPO3E) [Part 2](http:\/\/archive.is\/mLnRw)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Maybe Andrew Cuomo is an #IllegalImmigrant after all. Because he sure doesn't have a fucking clue how this all works. Buwahahaha...#moron ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Hysterical @user Did you make that up yourselves? The sooner @user grow a pair and ban your shit paper the better. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I left this jew cunt back when..when I was on twatter....I ignored this cunt the minute she started with her anti-white, anti-NS bullshit, I exposed her for the (((JEW))) she is and OUR OWN PEOPLE GAVE ME THE LYNCHING?! yes that is what happened...I got the purge off twatter, came here I heard she was here and I muted her skanky ass right then and there......88","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What a dumb cunt lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You are a true blessing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"UN reaches deal with #Myanmar to repatriate Rohingya refugees #UnitedNations #RohingyaMuslims ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Considering my 2nd cousin an her cunt friends use false accusations as weapons like it's \"pleasurable\", I'm sure this system won't at be abused. An since the RCMP got caught with their bullying ($","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"Pneumonia\" doesn't last 3 years. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/36byP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dude you're entire profile is just whining about \"muh racism\" this is truly the center of every black person's identity and it's pathetic. You're seeking this shit out because you like the attention Oh and putting pics of your family on here is a retarded fucking idea my guy. You don't know who might dox and fuck with them. I'd delete.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why yes, It is necessary to show the sins of men when you are truthful. It is also helpful to have sins for when you are discussing repentance and forgiveness. That's what Jesus came for -- To redeem sinners. If you want a license to sin, islam is for you! I didn't know you were a nigger ... lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"[deleted] Ya I dunno, seems more like a joke fight. And her funny comment at the end means she took the beating like a man... Yea this sub just seems to enjoy women getting beaten. If you dont like that content youre probably not an incel. lol, pretty sure I can waste my time however I want. thank you for your comments they were hilarious.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"this MUSLIM CUNT NEEDS ENDED.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Give Obama a fun, it's quicker. Plus you guys are fucking retarded if you believe that in the first place.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lawmakers will hear testimony on detention centers, after death of immigrant child who left facility ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Delhi is National Capitalandcentre for all States,so if mad KEJI is allowed his way,it will soon become full of encroachers,illegal migrants ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"LISTEN: TRAITOROUS CUNT NANCI PELOSI ADMITS ANTI-KAVANOUGH CAMPAIGN WAS A COORDINATED SMEAR CAMAPIGN BASED ON LIES https:\/\/knst.iheart.com\/featured\/garret-lewis\/content\/2018-10-08-nancy-pelosi-admits-wrap-up-smear-plan-used-against-kavanaugh\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Hard to figure which was the more hysterical woman, Cory Booker or Kamala Harris ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"She is right to be upset. Rogers center staff was way out of line. Who do they think they are? Some sort of commie relationship police? It's a concert. People kiss at concerts and if that bothers you, stay home and have fun by yourself. The women did not even kiss anyway so you obviously didn't even read the article and made an assumption. They were even kind enough to offer free tickets to the homophobic woman as well. You need to learn how to live with other people without getting upset over every little thing like something as harmless as a kiss. Grow up. I understand you now. Not much to think about.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The mail has gone full retard left since it was taken over.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Best so far - Ace! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Didn't that faggot chink rape some dude?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I notice you're still a nazi faggot ;)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Down with liberals!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm not, but I'm still reporting what is regardless of side. One side calls me a nazi, the other calls me a liar and a cunt, I'm probably doing something right. Remember, Waid has been after me for DECADES.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Couldn't get past all the nigger babble","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Those M u s l i m s should be burned at the stake. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Loads of people think brown eyes are beautiful. Who the hell told you otherwise? Tumblr Brown eyed girl. They have their own ducking soooonnnnggggg That song was originally brown skinned girl but record company made him change it Proof? [Simple Google search?](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Brown_Eyed_Girl)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER He was a drunk driver that wrecked and injured a person then fled the scene of the crime! Hit and run.. should fit right in with leftists socialists antifa democrats!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When will it finally be clear to people that it's in a Muslim's nature to be an annoying prick?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Swamp retard Cuomo Hype over #FakeBombs #FakeNews #FalseFlag","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You're a Nazi socialist retard who didn't fulfill her God-given duty to have many children and now wants to blame muh Jews for her deriliction of duty. And you are saying nothing new.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm going to help out a black person tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Nobody does racism like the @USER ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Glad I already seen this hoe that bitch was wylin though ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user had every right to shutdown Central American Minors Program those kids are not refugees has nothng to do with Race Just Another Illegal Obama Program Ended #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #ImmigrationReform - via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Germany has a big imported antisemitismproblem. Many fanatic muslims make demonstrations against Jews. This is the fruit of Merkel imigration policy. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yes, that's a threat. The Left is promising violence against anyone who dares stand against them. They are not prepared for what they are about to start.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I work 10 hour shifts starting at 4 am. I don't know if I can effectively cut caffeine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There is so much more to this case. Seriously, this guy's story is a catalyst to a lot of crap, and of course they aren't telling us the truth. This isn't the same thing as retard Reality Winner. There is much more that needs to be unraveled.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"A 21 year old, white girl was gang raped and then had her head bashed in with a rock by four African savages, and you're upset about fucking comments? Does the word nigger upset you more than white girls being brutally raped and murdered by blacks? Sickening.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"A friend of mine almost got kicked out of the military for this. On the night in question, they were at a party, and the girl was walking around topless, yelling, \"somebody fuck me!\" Now obviously r\/dontputyourdickinthat , but he did, and almost got NJP. Same happened to a buddy who was about to be my new roommate. We had a female roommate who had gone through a bad breakup before she moved in with us so she came home hammered drunk every night, stripped her clothes off and tried to fuck all of us. Then one night we have a house party to welcome new guy a week before he moves in and she's all over him (apparently they had hooked up in the past) begging for him to fuck her. She saunters upstairs to her room, screaming his name, no clothes on. She didn't seem very drunk, she must have been doing shots in her room or something, but she's dead set on my buddy's dick. Obviously he can't resist and they spend the night in her room. Party ends and I lock all the doors and clean up a bit before bed. I hear nothing, no screaming for help, nothing. Next morning she comes in my room saying he raped her.... Turns out she does this quite often....gets drunk and regrets it and then cries wolf. This was according to her mother, who came a week after this happened and was apologizing profusely.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Fake Mews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Little Nigger should have been more careful not to invade other people's space. They always act like someone owes them something. Like they own the world.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"2 Somali \"refugees\" who hacked man's head with machetes given short sentences https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/09\/short-sentences-for-african-refugees-who-hacked-mans-head-with-machetes\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"*sings slowly* \"I just want to see how beautiful you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"McGregor is a punk.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"In the 1960s, President Kennedy sent home Mexican #immigrants who were said to be holding down wages and taking jobs that could go to honest Americans. Did it lead to higher wages? The answer is a firm no! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Corruption filters all the way down to mayoral elections! It was so blatantly obvious in Toronto, Canada. I would think that even people whose party won would see the censorship and obstruction of a candidate to participate, and find that alarming and a threat once the tides eventually turn on them. Canadians deserve better and so does Faith Goldy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"ALISA AND I AND ONE OTHER COOL GIRL JUST HAD TO FIGHT THIS NOT ALL MEN DICKHEAD I HOPE HEFUCKING DIES ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Not So Fast, \"Blue Wave https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/not-so-fast-blue-wave\/ So what is your suggestion? Beside Trump remorse because he hasn't cleared out the entrenched deep state govt machine filled with lifer govt employees in his 1st 1-1\/2? And dismantled Congress and the Courts and turned the US into a white utopia already. What exactly is your suggestion? What magic wand should we wave. Please do tell? Not sure what other people are doing but I am sitting out the midterms. I'm not going to vote to reelect the GOP Congress which condemned us exclusively for Charlottesville","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What if we just killed all Muslims?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for d i s a b l e d people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER you are so wonderful Elizabeth...kisses from Italy....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm voting EARLY safely in person with my mask. I am pre-printing my ballot w choices marked in advance to make it easy. I am expecting a rush of dopamine when I cast a ballot to help kick Trump out of office #BidenHarris2020 #WeWillVote #LincolnVoter https:\/\/t.co\/I6kbosMGh4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER 10 cities to avoid this winter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A chinaman and a commie teaming up? The great proletarian cultural revolution is upon us!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"* I join PUBG * Gonna get some randoms with me * Load in, 3 other randoms join me * Everyone says 'hi' and 'hows it going' * My first question is 'what skin color are you? what race?' * They all quit * Racist cunts","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#migrants #asylumSeekers #RefugeesWelcome #refugeesNotWelcome ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"jews israel So why don't you threaten to put him in a Joo body bag like you do in private messages?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Media is LIVE Y'all!! Thank you @a and @e I was logged out of gab and could not get back in for an hour or so. Is that normal? I was logged out too. Took forever to remember my password. All good now. Good to hear. I found myself in a hive of white supremacists today and I thought it may have had something to do with it. lol I understand if any kids come to my home dressed as ghosts for Halloween, I should not give them candy because they are white supremacists. Beware... Hahahahaha! I am going to wear blackface AND a ghost costume. Its funny, like the boy who cried wolf. These cowardly dems think the wrong people are white supremacists. They dont see the truth, because they dont want to. Its easy for them to forget the dems started the KKK and the president who freed the blacks was a repub. They would rather believe the lies Don't forget xenophobic, cisgender, hyper-privileged Trumptards! Hey! that resembles me!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sure, but the point is Americans do pretty retarded things, too. Like ppl will show Koreans eating dogs and go \"we would never do this!\" and then we eat a cow and if an Indian is upset we go \"fuck off, dot head! I'm eating TWO steaks today for you!\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Not even trying to hide it anymore.....but wait some #cuckservative faggot will put us at ease in 3, 2,","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER y'all bet your sweet bippy i (am) (thank u)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I can't watch CNN anymore because the conservative pundits they have on are just partisan hacks. I get CNN wants balance\" but the conservatives that defend the indefensible are too much.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"+ i can't talk to anyone so if i answered your message you are so special for me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I see 30 year olds on Tinder still telling everyone they're a college athlete. These cunts have so little personality, they're still riding the \"I played sports in college\" train, 10 years after the fact.....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER she is beautiful looks like mona lisa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A third of Hispanic immigrants are following the 19th century assimilation model and becoming Republicans. A third are sinking into America's hip hop underclass. The other third are so transient and disengaged from the country they're visiting that they're politically inert. I would also rather they not assimilate. I'm just observing that rather than adding a \"third race\" to america's black\/white dichotomy, they're drifting into whitening or blackening. Some Latin American immigrants are actually, factually White, but they're the exception, and I would also rather even the \"bright 'n light\" ones stay home.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"guess we should stop being nice then ;) #MEtoo..hehe heh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Trans people are parasites to our society. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Irresponsible for KTVU to stoke the hateful words that our demented Governor disrespectfully spews about the POTUS. Some people think that Jerry Brown is criminally liable for many of his actions as well. He is responsible for 10's of thousands of Oakland residents displacement.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER your political analysis' have been blinded by your obvious bias. Otherwise you couldn't have come up with such wrong conclusions. Turnbull was the biggest threat to the Liberals existence. Removal also proved that there never was such thing as Turnbull's popularity'.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you wonder what skank beat is ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"In facing Islamism, our elites have betrayed us\", says French top journalist in mindblowing interview https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/in-facing-islamism-our-elites-have-betrayed-us-says-french-top-journalist-in-mindblowing-interview\/#.W7y4gg3fPTk.twitter No, we can't feel sorry for the French nor anyone throughout the EU. Voters allowed this to happen to their respective countries. Americans, beware, this could be us if the demon-crats gain control. It was a scam, the Dems do that in America but we were lucky. Clinton could have won but then again neither are behind bars yet so we're not there. French elections could have been rigged, like Swedens. Go thing there is Poland and Hungary who don't allow this nonsense to exist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER joan is playing 4 characters this season all the way up to episode 6 so far.. pretty sure she is a main","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER So have the conservatives accepted the antisemitism definition yet?..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user .Can you say #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall #BuildThatWall#BuildThatWall #BuildT ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"who would upvote that? and#x200B; feminism is an actual issue, and you are just disgraceful. > who would upvote that? People who looked at the post. who, connotates: What sort. The sort of people who would upvote this post are TiA's main subscriber base. He meant the tweet I don't think he did. Twitter doesn't have upvotes; Reddit does. So it wouldn't make sense to ask \"who would upvote that?\" in reference to Twitter. Take note of the second sentence of the comment: > feminism is an actual issue, and you are just disgraceful. That reeks of SJW ideology. Per my understanding, he's not calling the people who liked the tweet disgraceful, he's calling TiA subscribers disgraceful. Nah, he just said upvote instead of favorite\/retweet. Fairly common thing to do even if its incorrect. Pretty obvious. > feminism is an actual issue, and you are just disgraceful. Pretty clearly referring to the author of the tweet, not OP. Seems simple to me, man. Or they're just a troll and I'm completely wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I absolutely abhor all black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER she is idk what's going on","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Religious freedom review finally http:\/\/morningmail.org\/religious-freedom-review-finally\/ #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"http:\/\/www.tmz.com\/2018\/10\/08\/john-mayer-alpha-male-toxic-masculinity-women\/ My mother stopped liking this faggot years ago...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"a rare moment of self-reflection from jamal smith-wIlkins or whoever this nigger is","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bc a few SJWs figured it out and tweeting Antifa followers to block + report us. Had to provide screenshots showing we all look the same and have names formatted NPC[number]. B4 that they were following and RTing us. Not retarded at all! Pity. Awesome community of trolls w lots of instant co-troll followers, likes and RTs til the purge. We could've achieved great things","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Wish to suck angel cookie....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER so sad #taketworeferenceswithmoniqueandchloe x","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Candace is an in-home ESL Tutor for refugees. Watch her story on how she advocates for refugees. Donations to our #30kin30days campaign fund programs to advocate and stand for the vulnerable Full video on Facebook.Thanks to @user for the video. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Funny that even the woman that brought Roe vs. Wade to the #SCOTUS regretted it later. It was one thing to have a medical emergency that required an abortion (though rare) and another to have liberals celebrating killing their unborn children and pretending it's health care.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This person by rejecting the apology and $50 gift card shows less class than the person calling her a nigger... Now if she sues\/holds out for more $$$ then she is def a nigger IMHO. What are your thoughts? https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/lifestyle\/dominos-fires-employee-writing-n-word-customers-pizza-order- nigger is just slang for Niger where many came from in African... plane leaving hourly to take any back to Niger, the N word","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"swedes are faggots who prefer sucking muzzie dicks","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Nobody cares about paid protesters the Capitol Police need to get a hold on them lock them up","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"As others mentioned, if we hadn't gone down the clown-world timeline \"that's not what it means\" should have been sufficient. It reminds me of the [retard bottle cap incident](https:\/\/nypost.com\/2013\/09\/20\/coca-cola-apologizes-for-retard-bottle-cap\/). Taking offense doesn't make one the arbiter of meaning.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Got his MD license out of a crackerjacks box ...i see !!! I seriously fear for any patient this twat MD treats !!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER They are false. This is what the democRATs do best. #ConfirmKavanaugh #MAGA #DrainTheDeepState","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER she is back !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Spain: still welcoming rescued migrants, but no more special concessions ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gay people are worthless dirt. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER YALL PLEASE DO NOT SEND HER YALL MONEY THIS IS A SCAM THESE ARE @USER MY WIGS SHE IS POSTING AND SCAMMING PEOPLE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER California? How? Gun control laws should of prevented this","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Black people like you are just pathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Jehovah and Yahweh is most immoral! Seriously he is one big lying contradiction!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Make nigger wish come true. Send them all back to afreeka. Wakanda is waiting lol. #DeportThemAll #SendNiggersBackToWakanda #14Words He doesn't look like one of \"our\" blacks, I think he's straight out of the jungle. If I had the money I'd gladly buy 747's to load them in, and fly them there for free, on the condition that they give up their US citizenship Well getting rid of all these dindus would exponentially improve America. Then after a thorough sanitization those trusty 747's can be used for the illegals and moslems.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"In order to enjoy her takedown all the more, i suggest you watch the whole 13 minutes leading up. Her smugness (\"**for the record, this man does not know who Brett Kavanaugh is!!!!!!**\") and arrogance over the fact that she think shes more in the know than he gets shut down so fast when he unleashes a tirade of facts to her wide eyes and awestruck face. \"Do you know what hubris is?\" he says right before laying down the Holy of Holies on her ass. God i hope she becomes famous. Holy shit. Say what you will about the guy, his climate change stuff and all that, but he reduces her pathetic ass to tears by not raising his voice at all and only calmly talking numbers and data. It was an amazing moment. There is a moment of utter silence and disbelief following the thrashing. Nobody is able to counter, so what do they do after picking their jaws off the ground? they say shit like \"dude...no..\" and call for campus police. obviously the police are needed because there was definitely a motherfucking murder. buh gawd. Crowder tore through these mush minds so brutally that the school had to send out an apology tweet virtue signalling their disgust for crowder the next day where they had to plug in a guidance counselor. balls almighty. https:\/\/i.redd.it\/9ghery8muvp","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Report @USER to @USER Be sure to check his Lists\" to see if your name is on it. He's compiled a Target List for Antifa....accompanied by a Subscriber list. ....targeting Trump supporters for Antifa.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Welcome to San Francisco. This is Folsom Street yesterday (9\/30\/18). This is the California Senators Feinstein and Harris are working so hard to protect. And we don't need Aryan grooming gangs in the cities in America? Mid America, pat Boone crowd; just Imagine hordes of teens with axe handles and bats, to bring these 2 to the light for their transgressions against good order and discipline. The very definition as to the how of making America great again. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Thanks Colleen Means a lot to me.....She is doing good about 4 hours away from Louisville Kentucky ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Look at that faggot coward who killed himself....LOL. Yellow looks great on his dumb leftist ass Here's another kike faggot. Oh u will be ok fruitcake........I know you smell jews in your coffee. Fear not....it's not jews......just the fact that you were a failed abortion, and your mother HATES you. Yeah...and not a Jew hating piece of garbage like you? Have you ever sought help? Maybe medication? You blame everything bad in your pathetic life on other people. Faggot, you are #MuteFreely BTW. I have never met a SINGLE male named MAX that wasn't a dick sucker....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER ANTIFA DEMOCRATS are gonna pay so YUGE in November it will be the final nail in the coffin. You are FruitCake Trust Funded FakeNews Journalism.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lol. I remember when I introduced a woman (late 20s) to an arduino project I was working on. She wanted to get one going as well, for some project for her 'startup' (that term makes me cringe, especially coming from a female). A month later, she text messages me asking how to get her project working. I told her basically, 'send data back and forth with http requests', and then sent her a screenshot of a fuck ton of books I've downloaded on arduino projects \/ web programming \/ electronics, and was like \"here's how you build your project: learn how to build your project from all the resources online, just like everyone else\". But no, she wanted me to guide her through the process of course :P fuck that lol. mentoring women is a waste of time and karma And yeah man, it's insane that women are even allowed with men, especially in high intelligence\/skill roles, where they obviously don't measure up at all (it's like comparing a retard with a scholar). It's fucking annoying to be honest. At my last company, there were women rotating into and out of maternity leave constantly. Like they're taking turns. It's condescension on a corporate scale. I remember when I worked in an office, in marketing dept... how much fucking time women would spend chatting. literally like 3-4 hours a day of just chatting with their work friends. It's insulting that they're paid on par with men.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@Kimberl32278503 @crown_royal_23 @DrPhillipsMD REPUBLICANS are literally the most evil people on earth! #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"KAMALA HARRIS THE SJW SLUT !! SLEPT WITH A NIGGER TO ADVANCE HER POLITICAL CARRER !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Safety first. There is no show without the Raven. Hope he is safe and returns soon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER What ad hominem. He is paid by the e cigarettes industry. In what universe people tend to be neutral when it gets to their paycheck. Get anything out there and it will be cited. Not everybody knows the truth about people motivations. Welcome to planet earth when money talks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He and Obama... Can't stand em.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"im so trill, ur hoe can't handle it but damn, that bitch can suck a diiiiickkkk ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A white supremacist woman and a transplanted Canadian twat trying to tell Black Americans how they really feel. OK then.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Disgutsed by all the disabled people around here. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user There is no hope there is no glory and uk does not rule the waves we feel betrayed by the news about Immigration why Theresa ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Who's we? These cities where this is going on has gone full retard they control their \"law enforcement\" their leadership is complicit! Not happening in my city, is it happening in yours?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Bitter Barack loves a free press as long as they were on his band wagon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user The cowards are the corrupt establishment. Trump and the American working class will win over the D.C. establishment. #MAGA #Kavanaugh #walkaway #burtreynolds #BuildThatWall @user @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER GFY since you are into code letters and how about POS KMA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That's some vibrant diversity. I've never met anyone who married a sibling.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I had a girlfriend once who went all in on me over a meaningless fight because we both knew I had the upper hand in the relationship and she wanted to regain control. I called her bluff and ignored her for two weeks, at which point she realized I didn't need her, so she came crawling back and apologized, but I told her I wasn't interested any more. Then she became enraged, told me I was an asshole etc. for not valuing the relationship. So, I texted her seven phone numbers, one after another. \"What are these? She asked. I replied \"these are the numbers for all my ex gfs. If you want to blame someone other than yourself, call them and tell them how annoying it is for you that they overplayed their hands with me, because that's where I learned how to deal with this retarded game you're playing. You're all the same. Or something like that. It was years ago. Never heardfrom her again.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I think I'm going to beat this cunt down just for fun, and film it and youtube it and monetize it. And live off the proceeds. Nothing more humiliating for a man than to be beat down by a tranny @SeanEast","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What a wonderful Angel wife. She is sooo beautiful inside and out. And he is very nice man too. This lady and a lady she is , has the most beautiful laughter i have ever heard in my whole life. This couple is what love is made of. Thankyou for this wonderful video.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The comments on that article gave me ulcers. Why are we kidding ourselves that the majority of the world is like this? I've worked for one of the largest ISPs in America, and have heard our COO call someone a faggot. My manager constantly made jokes about women. My VP of operations regularly made fun of Hyderabad employees for their robot-esque approach to communication. Our client care execs would go on and on about the black employees constantly being lazy at work, sitting around with their feet up and talking to each other trying to hook up in the parking lot. We had a guy who hit on this girl for a long time, only to see that same girl use the urinal NEXT TO HIM. He threw up and told her to gtfo. My company bends over backwards to include multi-racial advertising, cultural holidays from around the world, ethnic diversity programs to empower the work force. But inside the company it's a completely different world. Everyone's putting a face on so they can survive but the reality is you can't change thousands of years of human nature by screaming at social media post.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Floriduh is white trash whigger heaven.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hey witches, you're all living on borrowed time. The only hex that's gonna happen is libs like you havin' your carcasses put on a stake. Where are the Christians?????","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Trump means that immigration to Europe will destroy Europe,hes again right. We alive a new president which makes a good job for USA and European rulers have to be his housedogs and make everything what he like. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user Current Canadian Immigration Minister #AhmedHussen, a native of Mogadishu, was not invited here. His parents bought him a plane ticket to Pearson Airport, where he claimed asylum. Two of his brothers were already here. Chain mi ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Redwood is a traitorous cunt to every man woman and child in the UK. What a buffoon. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ihate women","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Things had Become Easy For Liberals During The Obama Administration (Liberals are Screaming: DAMN TRUTH I mean TRUMP)!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You are just a wetback to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER #MAGA their podcastful is about blockchainful. but it'sful about what it meansful to bewise working mothersful who are trying to makewise...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Faggot Retard nigger Jew","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Well since your streams always have porn in the title im going to sa you love porn","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wrong We just bullycided this chick off the site. Who was it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"facefuck is nazi central. you do not have the right to say what you think in case some lame cunt gets bent out of shape and reports you for making them cry and scurry off to their safe space. corralled sheep have more freedom than you have on facefuck.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Zuck is such a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I turned down requests for interviews from them because I don't want to work with a bunch of overly emotional head cases, nor would I be able to stomach their retarded sensitivity training regimen. Their culture is complete garbage and only deluded drones like working there.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"America is fucking retarded He's 9 you retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Thank you... she is my world #CartersBodysuitSweepstakes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"NEW: the second presidential debate, scheduled for next week, has officially been cancelled, after President Trump refused to participate virtually.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"..behind their stories, plans and symbols and most of you will think, 'He's talking about a TELEVISION SHOW...WHAT A MORON! WE SHOULD BE WAY MORE WORRIED ABOUT WHAT JEWS ARE SAYING ON CNN, AND ANDERSON COOPERS 360 SHOW.' (Also a tv show: for those irony impaired individuals out there.) FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#OpenBorders #Immigration #MS13 #ChildTrafficking #DrugCartelsWhat the left wants is OPEN BORDERS. What will that bring the United States? - High crime- Low wages- An overburdened... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER A horrendous act of course. Conservatives lie like they breath and are just generally awful human beings. I don't doubt the victims story even a tiny bit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Never forget that this cunt was an apologist for and supporter of the animals who viciously attacked Reginald Denny \"cuz he wite\". That shocking scene was a wake up call to many. @SirBoring @Eric_StrikerDS @Alex_Linder https:\/\/www.mediamatters.org\/video\/2017\/05\/10\/foxs-tucker-carlson-rep-maxine-waters-not-moral-leader-any-kind\/216393","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Yeah bro I know like I have pretty good gun control but the smg 12 is just insane ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"shoutout to the kid(s) who wrote on the dirt on my car saying I was a bitch and a whore :))) ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wigger Nationalism!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER shit ain't gone work bruh URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"ANTI-HITLER ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm not calling for violence, I'm calling to unapologetically call out Democrat treason. No rioting, no kicking in doors, no harassing people at dinner, but call them the treasonous cunts that they are, and don't back down when concern trolls freak out. He should have said \"are you fucking retarded son?\" Womp womp. And it's \"chock full\" you illiterate retard. Go read a book. Thank God. Use all legal avenues available against these slimey fucks.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Poor little retarded baby.....Whine some more....your mental deficiencies are showing...I'm waiting for the FCC to get some teeth and start pulling broadcasting licenses....They should have put a brass band right behind him...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Agree!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER you've seen the reports and you might know more than me but have a look at how many businesses have closed down since the coalition of the @USER @USER and you talk of training people for business.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Hey Mary, did you see this on your profile followed by no one you know\" Twitter trying to keep conservatives from connecting. #StopTheBias URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Where is my MAGA cap?! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Why wasn't this addressed between 2009 and 2014?\"The ACLU released a report, based on 30,000 pages of documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, that described hundreds of cases of abuse of immigrant children in US custody between 2009 and 2014.\" ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Too bad life sucks 4 u #schiff4brains ur going down along wi ur other CRIMINAL friends. Only red line crossed is the LIES U TELL. U will never b anything more than the belly of a SNAKE #MAGA #TRUMP2020 #schiff4brains URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dear God - make it stop !!! Illegal Alien from Mexico Accused of Raping 11-Year-Old Girl via @user #StopTheInvasion @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What a faggot normie try hard.. Ohh they got to be wojack's empty brother hey? Who the fuck made you big boss? Whats a nazi meme video? FUCKEN feminist vegan dope fiend Hitler FAPPING to a sand nigger nazi banging Eva? Fuck outta here globalist pig dog.. Go back to reddit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Shut up Dumb Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ophelia the slut hurricane hits today and I can guarantee that bitch will destroy my internet ready for front page ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hey #Democrats Obama agreed wth @user on ILLEGAL #Immigration Now #Democrats Stop Whining and Lying and Pass a BILL Your jobs depend on it #ElectionDay #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #GOP @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They also attack the stat that 1 Aussie woman a week is killed by her partner. They swat it away in the biggest #notallmen ways. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Vote DemonRats OUT!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Come on everyone spread the word! Let's get WomenSuckk big! #retweetthisone ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Anyone falling for the jewish hoax? Yes? Then you are a retarded moron.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Fascism of the right is fully represented by the @USER and protected by the @USER who hold the left\" to account with their threats to tax havens.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Serious question. Why are Jewish groups using their trucks to transport invaders to our border? \"Because you're antisemitic\" is not an answer. Let's be adults about this. Who is funding this? #Caravan","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa will sign anything if they're paid enough.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"kys and die young.. its the ultimate rebellion","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck off Faggot jackasses","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"AUM INDIA FOR INDIANS, BANGLADESHIS GO HOME -THAT SHOULD BE OUR AIM TO PURSUE. ANYONE WHO INFRINGES CITIZENSHIP RULES MUST BE PUNISHED SEVERELY. THE STATE OF ASSAM HAS ENFORCED A ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY TOWARDS ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS LEST ASSAMESE ARE REDUCED TO A MINORITY IN ASSAM. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My dog is smarter than any womn could ever be. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I hope the fuck not","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Gritting her teeth, the blonde then broke her shield and feeling pumped the blonde charged after him. Give me all you got!\" She then tossed some of her darts, aiming for his legs and would cause only minor pain. \"Show me how tough you are!\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This cunt needs shooting","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user fake ass bitch just like Kylie hoe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just imagine the tyranny we'd be living under had these leftwing tryants waging war on us and our duly elected president and the American Republic itself gained tyrannical control of the US Supreme Court the neocon's #NeverTrump crew was trying to deliver to them? #MAGA ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Oh for heaven's sake. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Minnesota mainline churches going the way of the Dodo bird! via @user Sad days in Minnestastan... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How on earth did they reach the conclusion that men work ~~less~~ fewer hours P R O P A G A N D A https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-205049\/Women-work-longer-hours-men.html Says the guy posting a photoshopped image of an article from Well are you going to respond? I mean you acted like a snarky twat and were proven wrong, I don't think a simple \"my bad\" is asking to much from you. BTFO They were cuntfused by all those pesky numbers and facts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Virtue signaling... with your feet... how charming... retarded fucking #DemoKKKrats","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Poor little SJWsnowflake so confused and fragile. You hysterical leftists haven't resisted anything. Your 'winter' will never come. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I want to end every trans person's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This retard in the now viral video is a perfect example of someone whose brain is completely fried by social media addiction. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=VkrNVol0UAo The NPC machine-man might look goofy and harmless, but they are programmed to commit indiscriminate violence when politically prompted by the oligarchs.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just watch out for those nigger looters and rioters. They are more dangerous than the hurricane itself.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"ding ding ding ding ding, give this guy a medal. the idea that woman where living like cattle slaves where as men where living the high life back in the day is total hogwash. EVERYONES life sucked, but mens in particular sucked. I always go back to my favorite example of my grandpa. My family is from leeds in the UK, coal mining town. Grandpa's brother died when he was 13 while working as a hurrier in the coal mines (basically pushed tubs of coal from the coal face to the pit eye.) This incredibly dangerous job was done by kids as young as 11 while girls and wommyyynnnnn had laws to protect them from being assigned this role. Even male CHILDREN where less privileged than wommyynnn, who along with girls (the most pampered of all) did the relatively easier, above ground work with orders of magnitude less chance of death or serious injury. the adult males of course had to actually loosen the coal from the coal face with a pick, just imagine it, deep underground in stupidily hot conditions all day, pit tunnel collapses happening as often as once a week in some of the bigger locations. But no, it's men who have been privileged. Give me a fucking break you ungrateful cunts. exactly! 13! He was still a kid! Yet expected to work. But if you listen to feminists, he \"Worked\" in a patriarchal paradise with woman in skimpy lingerie bringing him fresh lemonade while he stuffed around for his 20 hour work week @ $ some little pussy reported you for: >user reports: 1: It's rude, vulgar or offensive lol. bitches, mange.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"A vote for Trump is a vote for Israel. Vote Biden. #Biden2020 #WhitePower #Hitlerdidnothingwrong","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hey, Russians... CA wants your vote.. ya just have to get there. https:\/\/www.wnd.com\/2018\/10\/san-francisco-to-allow-illegals-to-vote\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There was a time that Indians (the American variety) were considered savage. Now it's a badge of honor? stone age Amerinjuns had a certain something that impressed. These were some tough people. So were the pioneers but the Injuns were even tougher because much less technology. I was just pointing out how times have changed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user Where is the Outrage an Illegal Alien Permanently Separated This woman from her son or does #FamiliesBelongTogether Only apply to ILLEGALS! #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #JobsReoport #Immigration @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Cheap woman ,expensive woman ,black woman ,white woman , colored woman ,short woman tall woman short woman slut whore ,boss lady,u got woman,pretty woman,thick woman ,thin woman etc give them names but they still women n women are one of God's greatest creation ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We want to help immigrants reach their homes Many illegals dont have means to go back. By deporting them and providing them a way to get home we're helping thousands of them get back to their extended families. If u are against deportation u are for separating families. #LibTactics ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Best response to that: Shut up, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If I was a racist I'd call all you African Americans.......NIGERRRRRS https:\/\/youtu.be\/e27p4h2wyn0 Lol cracker spick and camel jockey funny to crowd but as soon as he says African American everyone decided he was gonner say nigger before he said nigger which means there the racists because there is a direct link between African American and nigger in their heads","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Took a punch in the face last night and lost our first game of the season...I made way too many mistakes. Let my team and coaches down. Today is a new day...time to go back to work and get back on track! #2020Vision #LookingForward #BackOnTrack","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is absolutely useless. Everyone knows it except for her and the media.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The vast majority of Boomer's kids are in their 30s, 40s and 50s Those are the kids of Gen X Useless retard muted","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER and @USER supporting the right to peacefully protest. @USER supporting sensible gun control. Thank you for supporting America!! Ford: We respect the right of NFL players to protest - CNNMoney URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I hope the potato nigger gets his rematch, and gets his ass beaten into retirement.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Journalists ask: is it okay to manipulate your husband into becoming infertile before you leave him so that he can't have kids with anyone else? And they wonder why we hate them. They should continue to have kids. Aryan master race babies Yeah, I guess I can't argue with you there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Real MAN with real WOMEN vs. a jew faggot and his nigger boytoys... #nocontest","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Proof that conservatives really suck at satire. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@MAGA Sorry for my language first! Now FUCK the left bunch of pussy soy boy bitches (like the running scared pussy Portland cunt who harassed a 9\/11 NYPD widow) or fat bedraggled swamp donkey feminists that uses mob attacks on innocent ppl and property. It's past time some of these fucks get taken out, until that is done they'll always feel emboldened to do what they do. Take their weapon beat em into submission!! Let em rot in jail devoid of mommy and daddy's influence or money. Sorry but these are not people they are subhuman slime!! Strong Women Use Strong Language Dee. UR Definitely Born Again Hard. I'm Trusting Our C in C To Handle The Opposition. That's Why I Gave Him My Vote. Now It's Our Patriotic Duty To Give Him MORE Support! Damn straight #GETOUTANDVOTERED #VOTERED #VOTEREDSTRAIGHTTICKET #VOTEREPUBLICAN #REDTSUNAMI #JOBSNOTMOBS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Yes he is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"lmao they're just inanimate objects not actual kids nigga you're being retarded again","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER ..aand there's your answer.. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fucking clone of Akenaton if ever i saw one. A gay mulatto clone married to a nigger tranny.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Conservatives, if you are not a gun\" person, I believe you need to become one. If these Nov. elections don't go well for the Dishonest Dems, I think the violence will get worse. All Conservatives will need to be able to defend themselves and their loved ones.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is besides the catcalls, the hey baby's and calling me a slut and bitch when I wasn't interested. Fuck this shit. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"SHEP SMITH GOES ON A RANT AGAINST TRUMP AND POMPEO OVER THE SUSPECTED MURDER OF A TURKISH JOURNALIST BY SAUDI ASSASSINS. TELL SHEP SMITH THE US HAS NO POLICE JURISDICTION IN TURKEY OR SAUDI ARABIA. THATS THE JOB OF THE UNITED NATIONS SMITH IS NOT A JOURNALIST. HE IS A FAGGOT WHO OPPOSES THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION NO MATTER THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENTS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Writing that \"all immigrants are such massive scumbags\" does not reflect well on you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Gun control kills 3 more people.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"To prosecutor cunt Cullen, the commies starting all the political violence are just \"folks who take the opposite view\". It's crystal clear that the antifa scum have a free pass to attack Whites. They're doing what (((the System))) wants. The jewS gummint still has the power to oppress, but itz lost all legitimacy. They're tyrants now. Nothing more.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Damning UN report reveals state of global refugee crisis in 2017 ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" Ntknetwork News 'Senate Set to Pass Bipartisan Bill to Combat Opioids' #MAGA #2A #Prolife URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER she is free as a bird to return to her Muslim homeland","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER At this point in time... I don't think Pres. Trump gives a sh*t... and neither do I! LOL URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If only disabled people like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You must be seriously sad to write things like \"trans people deserve to die\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER The liberals are the ones arguing to take away our rights","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Don't let these brown scum into America. Bring on Operation Wetback for the 30 million illegal beaners and others that are already sneaking around America like cockroaches. * @a @TomKawczynski @BillyRoper @MichaelHill1951 @Grabthepelts @Mr_Bond @WilliamPierceLovesYou @Spahnranch1969 @HateNiggers @Patrick_little @illegal_aryan @jackcorbin","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trans people are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Watch: Benjamin Netanyahu backs Trump's decision to cut aid to the Palestinians and UNRWA - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@Agrippina Thought that name was familiar... great choice, that!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"rape and murdered children what do you expect from the religion of peace and women don't count as human, think ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Only women can be so ignoratn. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"1,500 migrants have died in Mediterranean in 2018, Italy deadliest route: U.N. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Islamist cunt Anjem Choudary to be released next week https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/12\/infamous-islamic-state-recruiter-anjem-choudary-walk-free-next-week\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Yemen tries gun control URL #theeconomist","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This isn't pussy pass, she's just a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's their life sure but as long as they don't get any government help and walfare. Then this is my issue as well. I don't want a part of my taxes going to a lazy cunt. Male or female. On the other hand as a young guy with his own company I'd say fuck them. Less competition and more work\/income for me.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fucking good punch dude","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck you boy. Did you take time on lunch break from the cock farm to post me? Im a \"deuce bag\" remember you cumstick. Fuckin retard with a lisp...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"...wait for it...guess what? They're Native Americans !! You know, the people who lived here waaaayyy before ur white-ass ancestors colonized the country. So if anyone's an immigrant, it's you hun ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This faggot gets to keep his account while I've lost six in the last WEEK simply for talking about what jews do without using any curse words or slurs.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What a grade-A cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"About Time! Non Citizens and DACA Illegals Who Voted Must be Arrested For Voter Fraud Serve their time then Deported ASAP All Forms ask you to Swear Your a Citizen they lied ! #SendThemBack #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising #Immigration ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER hell0! What a beautiful sight seeing the antifa scum getting beat down and arrested!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"LOL what a whore. and underage, look at those braces. i feel bad for her parents. Never let the girls watch anime. Only the boys. Actually, you're gunna have to go Amish or some shit. The girley is having fun. I especially like the lick and the lascivious wink. That said, if she was my grand-daughter I'd beat her ass with a stick. sick Thank you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Clearly Durbin lived under a rock for those eight years!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Unfortunately, the fairy gay faggot is still Prime Minister. There has to be a vote of non-confidence in Parliament in order to bring his government down.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I would have turned tricks in an alley to get me a remastered Diablo But this... this is full retard. It's ridiculous, fans keep flat out telling Blizzard what they want (remakes of WarCraft 1 and 2 and Diablo 1 and 2) and not only does Blizzard actively ignore them, on multiple occasions Blizzard executives have said gamers are stupid and that those older games aren't any good.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Cory Booker is Lost in the sauce. You and Bill Maher want a FAILED economy, Ms-13 gangs, Criminal immigrants Mexicans, Drugs to support your lifestyle, and No security, No safety, Illegal Criminals, and open borders. This Loser is another Jv-obama. @user @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh dear... Rape jihad is caused by breastfeeding?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Black woman are aggressive while white women are stupidly programmed by society to be nice damsels in distress read ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It should be criminal for wimmenz to present themselves this way in the workplace. I thought that many men were fine with this in the West tbh. Sort of \"progress\" lmao. I am not from US\/Europe I'm from Russia the more conservative place but even in Russia this shit is spreading and they call it \"trend\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"NIGGER!!! DUMB FUCKING ILLITERATE FIELD NEGRO!!! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!!! - CNN, almost verbatim, yesterday. Tell me again about the tolerance of the left and the #Diversity(tm) of the democrats. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/66G4 lol, what do you expect from Don Lemon, CNN's house nigger... This is what true \"niggers\" do ! Project and call other blacks NIGGERS !!! Their true inner colors are Oozing out of their wretched bodies. Donny here is the actual nigger!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"DEM CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yes, I have critical thinking skills and you blindly believe all the LIES! You belong in the retarded masses! Easily manipulated monkey brains!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user Wow, I had no idea calling Booker and Harris hysterical women was racist. Amazing how things get redefined on a daily basis. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#metoo tramp. Agent of Satan.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Stupid faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER He is so sweet!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The cunt that jumped Senator Flake in the elevator was rehearsed and paid for and claimed that a vote for Kavanaugh was a vote against her. Hey, tootsie, Kavanaugh's life and yours NEVER intersected and he is not responsible for the bad things that happened in your feckless life.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I've been trying to find out the name of these for ages. I went to a Hindu birthday and we were given these little dough\/pastry treats. I ate a plateful. I looked up puris\" after your post said small and found them. Asma, you are my saviour. Now to find a place that sells them.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Jack, Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's about time... #GOP Senate candidate calls for state investigation of Keith #Ellison (D-MN) allegations https:\/\/thehill.com\/homenews\/house\/409228-gop-senate-candidate-wants-state-investigation-of-ellison-allegations #Democrat #DoubleStandards #Kavanaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"2 examples of the group newsletters we created on gun control in the USA. In our groups of 8 we split into partners and were each responsible for researching and writing one of the 4 sections. Miss Ross then helped to arrange our separate pieces to make one A3 sheet. #CurrentAffairs URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user I miss you more main slut halavyaahhh HHAHAHHAAHAHpatatas!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What has happened is no less than complete castration of men who don't understand eating GMO food laced with estrogen mimickers and the influence of faggot (((Jews))) and dumb ass cunts who we for some dumb reason gave the right to vote, is pure poisoning of the mind and body. FAGGOTRY MUST STOP!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Soon we will see Sathy Struthers on television at 3am telling me for only 50-cents a day I can feed, house, cloth, and educate some impoverished nigger baby in Sweden","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"phaggot nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why am I getting this vibe of sad, fat and sexually frustrated cunts raging mindlessly at everything.. ... Oh right","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I absolutely loathe people, especially if they are black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Project Veritas Catches Democrat Senator McCaskill On Camera: She'll Vote To Ban High-Capacity Mags https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/Tc2U46o.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/5HWS Dumb Democrat wants to punish everyone who never did anything for the one person who violated the trust of the people. I should fail all my students based on that premise if one fail the exam.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I read somewhere that this is a muzzie test for adultery. If it burns her tongue, she's guilty.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There have to be consequences for saying you would rape a woman. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You are nothing but a whore. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Alexander Dullinger Burggrub 53 91332 Heiligenstadt Exposed Gay German Sissy Faggot Whore Hure Nutte - Home Gay Slut ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" #SPAIN BECOMES #MIGRANT HOTSPOT| BORDER WALL STORMED | #SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT.... #LiberalsRuinEverything #SocialismSUCKS #DeportThemAll #RefugeesNotWelcome #EconomicIllegalRefugeesMustGoBACK via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Lol I'm sure Paul manipulated people last season and we called them followers cuz they saw the threat and didn't do anything..Kind of what Kaycee and Angeela are doing this season..They both wanna take Tyler all the way knowing how much of a final 2 threat he is..That's following","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Now u now why they cant have KAVANAUGH confirmed! MANY ARE GETTING ARRESTED MAGA!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Yes, READ it again. They use a term for a BROAD group (leftist\" \"feminist\" \"theist\" whatever else) then, in many cases, focus on a particular EXTREME SUBSET of that group (antifa, a subset of 3rd wave feminism, YECs) without distinguishing the fact it IS a subset.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER HAHA! You try so hard to be condescending but i'm sure you and stormy can relate! But you are correct on how sad Trump really is. Old man literally owns the Viagra company. Jokes on you kid. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"yeah but a muzzie was fucking the goat, so she saved it !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Putin says Muslim refugees and Migrants should go to Saudi Arabia or Iran \"Where their radical beliefs are considered the norm\" - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@shorty Tomorrow's Times front page Typical liberal debauchery on display. Sad! It literally gets worse every single day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If the voice of your \"resistance is a mentally-ill drag queen, then it's safe to say your resistance is likely equally deranged. Where the resistance should be. These freaks had their place once and the world was not poisoned with the disease. Now the mentally ill run for public office...how retarded is that?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Or gun control. Or both.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You're retarded. Just retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" Involving politics isn't why people got mad' That's EXACTLY why people got mad. GOG's social media account used a popular hashtag that had strong political tension rather flippantly. It wasn't the most tactful PR, it wasn't exactly co-opting' either, but either way it was a landmine of a hot topic. If twats are going to dox them over such stupid nonsense, of course GOG will shy away from it entirely. Arguably this withdrawal action to avoid future politics isn't a dogwhistle to Gamergaters' *because they aren't the ones getting angry and threatening GOG's team.*","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trump: \"He's talking about defunding the police. He has no law enforcement support...\"Biden: \"That's not true...\"Trump: \"Name one law enforcement group that supports you. Biden: \"We don't have time for that. Me At Home: #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah your definitely just playing verbal semantics to whitewash reality. I'm just gonna copy paste my response to another, more reasonable responder and stop expending effort on you, >But that is the entire core of my problem with bill c","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user @user @user But you probably mind the white guys, you racist, anti -white skank! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Tomorrow night you get dropped @USER @USER will make sure he is not robbed again you fraud","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trans people like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Sheer racism and bigotry: Israeli lawmaker Oren Hazan on Black African refugee: \"they're getting married, they have kids. We'll stop this... They don't even have a culture... You need to destroy the problem when it's still small.\" #Israel ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's always the disabled person that is the dumb one. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'll snap that immigrant neck of yours. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Your orange colored scumpig cunt whore god will soon go into history as the worst potus. His brainwas ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@RachBlevins As long as Donald Trump is abnormally in love with Israel (is a Zionist), and believes in the eternal hegemony of the PetroDollar as the Global Reserve Economy, \"The Endless Wars\", will never ever end... https:\/\/t.co\/0bkIMgaNQ2","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I don't have time for you whores bitch can't you tell? I only spend time with money and that's because she pays me well ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Welcome is a wish. Now about 60.000 refugees will deported from Sweden home.Europe is divided in that persons which mean the welfare is endless, and the others which are afraid about local culture. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER and @USER @USER @USER is inciting VIOLENCE towards Trump supporters on lists to be targeted by ANTIFA.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We must not make trans people suffer any more than they already are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I can't stand this bull dyke","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"disaster? war? The left talks a lot of shit and have been pushing buttons and their luck a little to much for a group of folks who do not believe in guns... gonna be a slaughter like shooting retarded fish in a barrel... SMH","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":">dick-faggotson >naked thanos this must be a troll...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hosted my first event today for the #BidenHarris2020 campaign. Strong turnout - 18 Californian's calling Ohio providing info on how to request mail in ballot. Thanks @LuciaNunez6 for proving me the tools and confidence yesterday to build community and make our turn out count!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Why is anyone acting like anything's up for debate? It has never been OK to invade countries. It has never been OK to try overthrow a government. It has never been OK to insist society change its view of reality. Stop acting like any Leftist BS is up for discussion or possibly valid. It's not. We all know it's crazy. \"You're fkg crazy!\" is all we should have to say. \"Leftist BS\"? Muslims were invading countries, overthrowing governments and insisting societies change their view of reality for centuries before there were \"Leftists\". I'm a rabid anti-semite just for saying Moslems and communist Jews have acted as peas in a pod through history and aren't really enemies. That is, I'm anti-semitic just for knowing the truth and speaking it. We must not let the communist Jews win. They would try us for \"anti-semetism\" and do sick things to us like they did in Germany acting as \"Nazis\". Anyone who compares Jews to Muslims is either a rabid antisemite or an ignorant asshole. I apologize, if I misjudged you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Once upon a time...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wow they tried to give me a FEMALE DOCTOR TODAY. I didn't even know those EXISTEd... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Will the liberals stop wasting tax payer money with C71 which will be repealed as soon as next year if passed? Move on instead to ensure criminals are dealt with severly and illegals are banned from entry.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My friend here looks great, and it's a good reminder of how utterly irrelevant you are. Where are you in the national stage? Oh that's right! Nowhere! How many followers you bleeding these days? I keep seeing your numbers sliding! Not a surprise; pretty much everyone despises you! Why, most of your posts don't even break 5 upvotes! Meanwhile, I get hundreds of upvotes here, and millions of hits on my site. Amazing how, even though you're \"powered\" by Adderall, you never seem to accomplish anything! Pathetic! Why, you couldn't even pull off your \"Q troll\" successfully, because literally no one believed you! Precisely ZERO converts! Not surprising coming from a ZERO like you! Why do you give Microchip the time of day?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No shit. That's exactly the problem. \"Nationalism and traditionalism for us in our homeland, faggotry and infinity nigger invasion for you in your homeland goys.\" Meanwhile Israel leeches White Gentile money like we owe them. Fuck you rodent parasites.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"As the creator of the most engaged with post in the News section of Gab, I was shocked to observe how many Gab users insisted how much they \"didn't care about my post by choosing to care enough to actively post a comment instead of simply ignoring it. So why did you care so much about my post, Gab?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER You religious conservatives need to stop trying to shame women for expressing themselves. It's disgraceful","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Serious question: Is Lara Croft Jewish or not? Neck yourself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Chicago has the strongest gun laws in the nation but the highest homicide rate. That gun control really works URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"And the award for the biggest TWAT yet goes to THIS judge. FFS what planet is that pillock on. What she did was ILLEGAL on many levels and she should have been JAILED. You're all screwed in the UK!! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6315375\/Refugee-admitted-immigration-charges-praised-humanitarian-desire.html?mrn_rm=als1","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":">Redpill No. Elaborate? I find the idea of being \"redpilled\" being the equivalent of someone saying that they are \"woke\". Its absolutely embarrassing to say and admit to. It's a perfect metaphor. Get over yourself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I listened to yesterday's tds because I saw in the show notes they were covering the Cenk vs Tucker debate and I foolishly thought they would provide constructive criticism of Tucker's horrible performance to illustrate how cuck narratives lock whites into a box we won't be able to get out of. Of course Sven cherry picked clips and claimed Tucker BTFO'd Cenk. Sven and Mike also dismissed Cenk's position of getting money out of politics. Which is odd for an outfit that says Jews are the donor class bank roll politicians. We don't need to \"get money out of politics\". That's a liberal scam for publicly funded elections. Oh and (((who))) determines which politicians get funding? What we need is to cut the size of each congressional district to 30,000 citizens per district (as opposed to the 700K+ we have today), as specified by the Constitution. https:\/\/thirty-thousand.org Even in our current situation publicly funded elections would be positive for us You're under cutting your narrative, if Europe has a high caliber of civil workers they should be able to suppress people better than here in America. This is also ignoring the fact blacks mostly have made up\/unnecessary jobs in government. Not leadership you still haven't answered the question of how will cutting the district size change the ability of donors to pick candidates? They big donors can pick as many as they want. The question is, will their choices be credible? It'll be like the \"how do you do, fellow kids?\" meme multiplied across 6000 districts. You can't compete with local guys who know the place and the people, and when the district is small enough, traditional and cheap campaign methods (canvassing) are competitive. splitting up districts that are 60% into sections where whites advantage is so thin that it would only take a few cucks to elect poc reps. If you dont trust them to distribute campaign funds, why would you entrust them creating new congressional districts? Your proposal would also only effect the house. Which was designed to be the weakest body of government ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I AM PISSING MYSELF .... AGAIN. We are Antifa we have training we are not afraid. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=v61Z3ZvDyRo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"OMG How shocking. Ohio University: Dyke Hoaxed Anti-Dyke Hate Notes https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/ohio-university-dyke-hoaxed-anti-dyke-hate-notes\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The old witch looks scared did she mess her Depends. What crimes has she committed? Hopefully this Q anon is for real and the dyke goes down along with Hillary.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"President Gaspy McFascist andlt; lol.Win\/lose, horrors of trumpism will not magically disappear. But when #BidenHarris2020 win, Ameri can fight w\/ more \"real estate\" and better. Along that way, I say, our mental health is helped by one calli fraudst trump, \"Gaspy McFascist.\" https:\/\/t.co\/t7wladvSyh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":">Churchill quote in bio Boomer degenerate confirmed Just love when the kiddies side with the Muslims no worries there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Old Yella Stripeski- No Brains, No Brass, No Balls. No \"Yes\" vote today. What is she good for, Alaska? These are times when we need bold, decisive, rational, thoughtful action from our elected officials. Americans are waking up. I think there may now be a chance of salvaging this country from the throes of apathy, hedonism, neglect, and cowardly tolerance, that we've experienced for the last twenty years. Alaskan Voters: Fire this twat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So a soy faggot thinks he can take Dan? ROFLMAO","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Going about it the wrong way","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".@USER I urge you to stop Facebook from censoring conservatives. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Getting sick of seeing that Lindsey Graham protester video set to nigger music. Good way to ruin it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You've been selected by Liberals! Are you cheating on your voters. You should have changed your mind before the election Ms. Alleslev","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You already said that, retreating nazi faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Well his fat ugly mug is known now mate. Lots of German lads with baseball bats around. Accidents can happen when you're a fat twat walking down a long flight of stairs ;)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Doesn't matter. You don't fit the narrative @Donna, so therefore you don't exist. GAB IS FOAR NAZIS! Even though there's maybe 300 of the little fucks, total, including the larps and socks, to over 700,000 of the rest of us. I've said this 100's of times but it never gets old.Hitler killed 70(?) million children women and men in a dozen countries.Hitler completely destroyed germany never recovered from getting their asses kicked in world war Homos are destroying civilisation ,, don't let them near your children","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Even a Gym wouldnt hire him, and who da heck got him in DC? #MAGA #WalkAway #LeaveDNC #VoteRed2018 #Trump2020 #TrumpPence2020 #WakeUp #NoJihad #NoDACA ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He is Romanian?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Reagan also signed the first gun control bill as governor of CA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hill folk act all the time. People just call us crazy. The day of rope is coming. I just fear for those who have done no wrong being snagged in the same net as the aggressors.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When you're fuckin a bitch doggy that has a bible verse tatted on her back and you begin thinkin about what a disgusting piece of shit you r ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"scary pussyhat sucks sand nigger cock","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Omg not even interested in his age but damn he is fine af ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Booker is the more hysterical woman, while Harris is just a common slut. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Poll time. Let's see how many NatSocs we can force to lie lol NatSocs! If you had to move to live in the Middle East permanently with your wife and kids, living totally under your host country's laws and customs, where would you prefer to go? I'd only go there to live once the Kurds are given their own Homeland. They would give refuge to Yazidis and a few other good tribes and they are naturally good people. We should nuke all the rest and let them inherit that part of the Earth. They are Semites, which is why I only ridicule anyone who calls me an antisemite... fucking ignorant fools know nothing! Antisemite almost always means anti-Jew. No-one says \"I'm an antisemite. I hate Jews....oh yes, and a few other Semitic tribes too\" lol I'm not Jewish idiot. And many of those times were 1000s of years ago and most of them were 100s of years ago. Back when minorities were always scapegoated. Especially if they were relatively wealthier. Where are Jews expelled from now? Oh that would be Islamic places wouldn't it. They are shitholes and don't count :) What's the matter? Don't you like free speech? Want to censor me? Get me off Gab? That's exactly like your Marxist socialist mates were like on Twitter ;) How high are you bouncing up and down in your chair now? Has your head gone through the ceiling yet? Say hi to your upstair neighbours for me. Would it help if you knew that I'm not in fact Jewish? Probably not! I don't care lol I like you. You're funny. I may keep you as a pet :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When they start talking about all nigger crime against Whites, I might start giving a shit what they have to say.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Huge conspiracy involving half the planet and amy schumer's asshole and a nigger hugging a banker on TV... Or some rich kikes who think it'd be better if white people disappeared?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Waid\/Zaid claiming he has no business in Texas but he regularly attends conventions there and even offered to do business with the owner of Antarctic Press in exchange for them not publishing Meyer's comic book. Waid\/Zaid claim that defamation was never done in Texas yet there is video\/articles of Waid repeating his defaming points against Meyer at a convention in Texas.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trump's super power is being Awesome the kind of Awesome that can turn a Liberal into a puddle of tears it's like watching him slap books out of their hands while walking to his next class in high school or shoving them into a locker or duct taping their asses shut in gym.. I ABSOFUCKINGLUTLEY LOVE IT you jerkoff retard liberal shit sniffing creeps and weirdos","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER You are a cheater casey!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Join Captain Sully! Help save America's future! Take back America from Don \"The Con\" Trump! #VoteHimOut #BidenHarris2020#BidenHarris2020ToSaveAmerica https:\/\/t.co\/IhpG4C8OXD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Death and Destruction in Yarmouk: Inside #Syria's largest #Palestinianrefugeecamp #firstWesternjournalist... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user STFU!!! Precious, nobody GAF about anything u complaining for god sake, get a life. I sure miss any or all past presidents at leats they knew how to be real men and not complaint all day long like menopausal women #hotflashtrump ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Deathto all disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Your wife sounds like an entitled cunt, like 95% of women.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fuck tittie Tuesday, let's make twiddling twat Tuesday a thing ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RT @JesseKellyDC: Leftists aren't fools. You don't go after the strong members of the herd. You target the weaklings. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/c67S Flake wasn't targeted. He was in on it. Part of the plan. He didn't have to stand there, quietly, in that elevator, and get berated by 2 hustler skanks and their handler, with press filming everything. Just the excuse he needed to fuck up shit for Trump. Flake admitted he would not have done this if up for re-election. A total McCain cuck-stooge, picking up right where he left off. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Go eat some more burgers butthead!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"fuck this retarded whore","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Austria - An advertisement of the Austrian Federal Railways and its customer railway card. It reads: For mother, father, partners or friends who are traveling with children. Is that what Austria looks like now? Sickening propaganda trying to normalize sexual deviant behavior.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER What's the difference between Antifa and the brown shirts? Nothing URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lolololol Anyone who has enjoyed Matt Bracken's retarded race-blind fag-enabling imitations of 'Unintended Consequences' should do their best to get rid of 'Frimzizka' or whatever it's called. When it's gone he might, you know, actually do some writing again","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user I didnt see any hysterical women, did you?. How mysoginist of her. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@CurtiusSimplus You boast about having a 193-page PDF outlining a doable plan, BUT on the COVER you have the Chi Rho symbol, which suggests that your plan is very much #Christian. Is that really a good idea? @CurtiusSimplus And as if a Chi Rho symbol on the cover of your 193-page PDF wasn't enough, you also have THIS on the page before the last one. Clearly you are greatly fond of #Christianity. Do you think that is the way to go? Making your plan a #Christian one?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Another retarded use of taxpayer dollars by the #Libtards.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Pathetic #UsefulIdiot lauded as a \"hero\" for defending a criminal #FakeRefugee (possible #Rapefugee) is nothing but a stuck up, ignorant, self aggrandizing #Baizuo. Her #WhiteSaviourComplex is dripping with smug superiority and inherently racist itself. This is the face of a retard ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You get no cock meat sandwich from me. Silly faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER First Man movie is an accurate metaphor for the NWO Globalist Left--they give you enough to make you believe they're truthful unless you have educated yourself!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Disabled people like you deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"He is a jew modern jews have a some real jew still in them you do realize it's still all sand nigger shit RIGHT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Of course the disabld person was the worst of all these motherfuckers. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@cmclymer Worship of dictator trump.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Notice that ALL of the homeless are white and American. That's not by accident. The state has gone out of its way to displace Americans with by harboring illegal aliens and making taxpayers pay for them. #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm glad that Cunt got her head smashed through a class table for lack of sympathy. Probably didn't even happen.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yes, women who protest are 'irrational' 'hysterical' 'bitters spinsters' - long history of using that shit to dismi ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@WADL @HERALDofYAH - Like every other faggot alive- milo has little to no credibility (even though he has the most followers on gab- yet rarely posts here!). He's just a novelty- don't get sucked in. All homos are morons by definition- if they weren't morons, would they be homos?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Leftists are the ones that created the NPC meme in the first place so they could paint the right as a bunch of homicidal maniacs when a false flag shooting happens. Dehumanizing themselves to dehumanize the enemy. um wut?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Vote no on Kavanaugh. He has committed perjury. He has dodgy financials. He thinks the President is above the law. He thinks contraceptives are abortion inducing drugs. He is too extreme for the SC.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lmfao what did she expect? That she won't get into a physical altercation? What a dumb broad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user arent'y you #ashamed of having insulted #AsiaArgento and the other women who spoke against #rape? #Weinstein #sexism #Italy ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"As a relatively recent immigrant I was only slightly aware of the #ChuckleBrothers, but I liked the little I'd seen. And the influx of new-to-me clips has cheered my cheeseball heart #RIPBarryChuckle ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She is so despicable!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Here's the problem...if you go back to Fast and Furious you have proof that the ATF was looking to influence gun control in the US. It may be preposterous that the government would fake Sandy Hook isn't facilitating a drug war somewhat similar?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ok white poppy's have been a thing since red poppy's red or white all good as long as they are to remember the fallen and oh main thing red poppy GO TO VETERANS white poppy's mean your a cunt who got fucked over by someone stealing veterans money cunts","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The keyboard gangster starter pack ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@Strandjunker @ProfCAnderson I scheduled a vacation day for Friday, October 16 months ago and early voting here in Texas started October 13. Hubby and I were able to go vote earlier than expected because we both ended up being off on the 16th and we both voted for Joe Biden\/Kamala Harris and every Dem on the ticket.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We'll torture these referees without mercy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I'm just pointing out it was the liberals that made this distinction. I am a Buddhist. I totally understand the global perspective. It's just disingenuous to say your for a country but then say your for the globe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah. The water is toxic. Do the opposite of what boomers tell you. Filter your water. Only the most retarded people among us are unable to research the history of drugging water supplies. IE, boomers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Murdering a trans person like you should be decriminalised. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Recent Poll of GAB users show 78% do not believe Nazis are enemies of America. Nazis are democrat operatives calling themselves \"alt-right\" they are just as much an enemy of freedom as democrats. George Soros funded to make the right wing look as hateful as the democrats. They are leftists. The Founding Fathers implemented white nationalist immigration policies. The National Origins Formula expressly intended to keep America White. The \"Alt-Right,\" therefore, has more in common with Traditional America than lame cuckservatism. George Soros wants whites replaced with non-whites. Soros has completely opposing goals to the Founders. What is white? WTF does that even mean? What is white? What is a white person? What makes a person white? What asshole did you pull this notion out of? Because it is a shit notion. White can be defined as the one group not eligible for affirmative action Like Elizabeth Warren?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He is like \"Holy jesus fucken Christ ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Conservatives can be respected up until the point where they start winning.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER I would love more information about joining the dukin donuts division of Antifa.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER You are the most wonderful of Fremino","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"nigger gear.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user So far none of you women have covered the rold of women play in all this by how immodestly they dress -it is not ALL men's fau ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The more they try to smear JP the better. It shows the lengths the media will go to control the cultural narrative. He debates with mountains of research data and they keep flinging half cocked socialist policies that have already failed in implementation. And don't you just love how she attempts to smear his work by the use fallacious and loaded questions in an attempts to get him to agree with her? The man knows his work, and knows the types he is dealing with. You've no idea how insightful your comment is. It's short, illustrative,illustrious characters, easily recognizable and easily relatable. Do use it liberally! Have you stopped beating your wife? Do your parents know that you worship satan? Omg I would have loved to hear Charlie Chaplins response on that","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"Criminology student\", my advice would be to stop skipping class ya stupid cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Sweet Jeebus, there's one in every crowd. My comment was facetious. If she had walked away, and he had stabbed her in the back and collapsed her lung, calling 911 and staying with her wouldn't save him. Being young and taking anger management classes wouldn't keep the cunt of a judge from locking him up for ten years or more. She doesn't even go to real jail; it's more like being grounded for forty weekends. He's probably lucky that his collapsed lung made it impossible to speak. If some bitch stabbed me in the back, then called 911 and stayed with me, it would be so difficult to not say something that would piss her off, and cause her to stab me again. Better to stay mute and gasping for every breath.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"rap = nigger dick suckers nigger dick sucking gang banger wannabe rap faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Everyone needs to start recording their interviews with MSM. Fuck, the way we're going, everyone should just record themselves 24\/ Never know when you're going to be accused of rape 30 years later Even 24 hour footage of you sitting reading a book (new Live React trend coming, I'm sure) will be useful, if it is time-stamped. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=acA5CIw6nGk We're all niggers now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What if we just killed all black people?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER We are still here. And you are still singing with your amazing voice. So grateful for folks who stand up and carry on. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sad but not surprising. Nothing with human decency still supports tramp. #COVID19 #COVID 19 #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare #VoteHimOut #BidenCares #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/SXtyr5qMU1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This worthless faggot needs to go!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Please show me your post where you said the same thing about conservatives targeted by Antifa and other leftist friends of yours #Hypocrite","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER the films with bale in got sucky as they went along? so what you're saying is that batman begins was better than the dark knight and dark knight rises? your comment makes no sense therefore you are invalid","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Built by nigger Christians. Collapsed. 160 killed. Jesus was not there to help his house, and his followers.... Bad, bad Jesus.... POINT BEING: It's not their Christianity that makes difference, it's their RACE. https:\/\/www.pbs.org\/newshour\/world\/nigerian-church-collapses-worshippers-kills-160-peopl","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER JUST LIKE A PLANTATION, White Liberals have Black people under their thumb and any Black person that tries to get out from under their Old Order\" is considered one of them uppity Negroes, too smart fer his britches. They get all the other good lil Negroes to teach em a lesson.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Shut the fuck up pls ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"MADNESS IN COURT! UK law really IS an ass! Time that those retarded Judges were shipped off to the planet they live on and the PEOPLE decide the sentence. This judge is criminally INSANE. This scumbag should be locked away - permanently!! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6260327\/HIV-positive-man-tell-police-24-hours-having-sex.html common purpose lunacy Ffs seriously, come on! I'm living a nightmare. Tattoo his forehead. A .45 would do that job nicely.....it would be a kindness - to society! Amen! This is a difficult one .He has not been convicted of anything .but the police have brought a civil action with criminal consequences .An injunction .effectively .This is arbitrary law and undesirable .I agree the guy is a candidate for post natal abortion-but I dislike this judicial shortcut . lol, so he has to tell the police \"oh im having sex now, i might infect this person with HIV\" wtf like? so he can spread it??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Undocumented Shoppers Bwahaaaaw Just prepping for the NFL Those 2 Guys in the Background are Jews... Jews who really love shoes. It's the usual suspects out for a casual day of breaking and entering, looting, etc. Strong work living down to the stereotype! People are soooo fucking selfish and stupid.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"more pussy for you What an ugly avatar you selected. It looks satanic..swirls on the cheeks?!? I love your style Dusty. Perhaps you are a worthy pupil. All I can see from here is a big fat head though. Those men that defend feminist evil and idiocy by sneering hate at other men are the most dysfunctional cowards there are. For shizzle my nizzle. Dusty Rhodes for the win. The rest of you see nothing. Wait a minute...did you mean that the way a sane person would mean it, or in the feminist way, that criticizing an ideology was me hating men? Like your gender is your ideology. I'm fluent in feminst bs, but it takes me a minute sometimes to translate. Did you trick me Dusty? Were you speaking another language?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#BBC Presenter Loses #EU Immigration Debate With Hungarian Politician via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Cadence owens is a stupid nigger who only cares to give the radical left an easy victory in november","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Awful person who for once has done some good. As other commenter said, an over reach by the previous administration. Obama screwed up on this one, big time. > Awful person Tell me why. This thread is full of praise about the action yet hating the person that did it. Vos does not hate public schools. She does hate the way the teachers' unions have corrupted the system to enrich themselves and indoctrinate the kids with liberal bias, at the expense of really educating them. She would also return the schools from federal to state or local authority, because schools (outside of DC and the military) are not among Congress's enumerated powers. (If you believe the \"general welfare\" clause covers schools, Madison, as one of the Constitution's principal authors, addresses that possibility in Federalist # School should be federal and not state for the simple fact that every child in this country needs the same education so they may all have an equal chance when it comes to applying to colleges. If there is no federal standard, children in some states will no doubt have early advantages over children in others. Colleges in the US have lost pretty much all their usefulness and become communist indoctrination centers, and its because of the very federal intervention which deVos is now undoing. The same is starting to happen to K-12 schools, and there too it's because of federal intervention but with the NEA in the driver's seat. Also that whole blackwater thing and the student debt thing... Across the isle, Brother is apart of black water, appointed by Trump. That's it. Let's be fair here, Betsy DeVos being a cunt has absolutely nothing to do with her brother being a war criminal. > Links CNN Pffffftt. > Eric Prince is a war criminal Saying he is because he worked for a company you don't like doesn't actually make it true. Did you even watch the interview before you dismissed it? She completely screwed up Michigan's public education system As for Eric Prince, his company killed civilians and there was a massive court case, you fucking idiot. This isn't about feelings. His company targeted civilians in Iraq and committed other atrocities.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Me trying to make it through life ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER They should consider gang squad units. They should consider controlling the dope epidemic. They should consider a lot of things. But the loosing left would disagree and just scream gun control","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"A tear is made of 1% water and 99% feelings.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Berkeley Antifa do not agree with you URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Made a post on Facebook about the stats of women being sexually assaulted. Go figure the \"not all men crowd popped up. No shit, bro. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The death penalty would be too good for these feral niggers. Flaying, Vivisection, Crucifixion and more are worthy ways to punish the vile nigger infestations.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Tucker Debates ACLU Political Director on Kavanaugh Ad https:\/\/youtu.be\/o21_F__B3Zs #Gab @GuardAmerican","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Congress 202-224-3121...Police Reports Detail Sexual Abuse at Immigrant Youth Shelters - ProPublica ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Here's a pic @USER then Now not so much. Plus #Nike Then Now not so much. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Playing dirty is the only way liberals can win at this point. They are shameless.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is entitled to tell his side of story.Then judge.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You can turn a man's children against him through godless propaganda, but you can never turn a nigger white. Race matters.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" Racism is strange to me, perhaps because though I live in a place that is predominantly racist in nature, there really are not very many races living here in great enough number to even notice. It's basically white... So move I am not considering myself concerned with race per se, I thoroughly enjoy living in the country, in the mountains preferably with all four seasons of the year fully alive. These places I find are mostly white, for whatever the reason other races just don't seem to live in the mountains, they live in the cities mostly I suppose. I don't pretend to know what it is like to live somewhere that the races are battling for real. I don't think I ever have... I did live in the city in CT for a while a long time ago, but it was definitely not like you describe things today. Mostly Italians ran shit... LOL There was no need to 'deal' with the mafia really, it was just kid of understood that they ran shit. Nobody was really upset over it. LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Isn't she the woman that adopts loads of nigger babies and thinks we should help refugees\/migrants?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger #nigger I remember when the way leftists treat the word nigger inspired me to engage in a long autistic rant about what language even is: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=2qB5syvlBiA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Vote this lying cunt out","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"De Leon ....better a mongrel spic than jewshit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This faggot needs a life.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This might be a little controversial for Gab, but I just want to say It's OK to be Jewish *Update: I'm not Jewish","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@a is this your idea of \"speech?\" Vulgar name calling? From a speaker of \"Turth?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gee, I never knew open borders is what people wanted? Why is there such an influx of retards on gab today? dollars to donuts, your a retard, nigger lover","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nice hair cunt , did someone give you a swirly in a port-o-let?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump You're awesome bro we need you #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Using asian women as surrogates. Now if the child is raised with an asian mother, that's a whole other set of problems. Same as white women adopting nigger babies.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Can't wait to see retarded ass boomer listening to kanye","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Pretending hes some Maverick when in reality hes a hysterical woman ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ah. Still though, whenever I get sucked into one of these fights they bring up some retarded attitude that they cherry-picked from God-knows-where and they want us to take it as seriously as they do. Maybe I need a lie-down...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER lol... a liberal trying to make other liberals sick what a maroon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That's a woman?!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Can I be non white and be in this group? shut up luis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There are NIGGERS and FUCKING RICH NIGGERS !! You know your FUCKING RICH when you ride home in a HELIOCOPTER after playing in the NIGGER BASKETBALL LEAGUE !! LIKE LABRON JAMES DOES !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@WhatleyNCGOP @realDonaldTrump No president that has worked harder to infect Secret Service agents and hospitalized military veterans with a highly contagious and deadly disease. We will vote him out and I am glad that NC will be instrumental in making that happen. #BidenHarris2020 #BidenHarrisLandslide2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Retarded repost.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It would be best to just drown those kinds of women. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER The funniest thing about her is how easily triggered she is!!! Well that and how ugly she is","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Windrush victim and campaigner Sarah O'Connor dies aged 57. So sad - @USER @USER @USER made this woman's live a misery! Tory #HostileEnvironment URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Torba is a girlboy. Thanks for the block button, asshole. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=iz0QrHMyP2k goes together like PB and J","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And I'll never watch another movie with him in it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER This is the democrat party in the throws of panic. They want violence so Trumps America is not quite so successful. I suggest to all the little antifa kids out there..do not do it. It will be regrettable.. immediately.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@Bubonic4U MAD MAX IS NOT A JEW...GET OFF MY GAB AND STAY OFF IT....JACKASS Would somebody please explain what this retard is talking about?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just another common cripple. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When you desperately don't want anyone to notice you're a nigger for some reason, you want everyone to forget that you are a nigger This but niggers and Jewish cartoons When you're on the confirmed nigger database","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Happy halloween! Hope everyone lives up to their full hoe potential tonight! I believe in you, you bust ass super skanks ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER A whore's book being published! All the looney liberals run out and buy it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"'Grossly impaired' illegal alien blamed for crash that killed toddler #StopTheInvasion ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Holder should be in prison","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Because Obama has zero accomplishments. He is the worst President r leader of any country hands down. It shows the liberal lunacy when they worship a total loser. They don't know what they want..no party goals. nothing except complain about TRUMPS accomplishments. Fu*k liberals.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It would be nice if GAB did #3, but I expect #2 before the end of the month. Torba damn sure isn't interested in defending free speech and fighting censorship to the point of putting his website or himself on the line. That's what the ACLU and CBLDF does, not GAB. Pussies. So what will happen first? Will GAB...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Breast can be very sensitive. Underdeveloped milk ducts (before childbirth) can be hard and painful, and augmented breast are often hurting from the implants. It's like the mans balls. So grabbing boobs hard can hurt a lot. The reason why women at soccer protect them. So no pussypass, he hurt her probably really bad. It's very frightening when a man hurts you during sex. What else will happen if he's not at all interested in your well-being? Will he hurt you more? Kill you even? How will you survive this? Will he get very angry if you try to talk about it, since he didn't listen before? Maybe he'll hit you or worse. So, you go to the police to report the man who made you hurt and scared. It's what they're there for. An honest mistake is grabbing a boob once, hear that it's not ok and not do it again. Assault is doing it again. It's not hard to understand. Glad your ex is your ex. Hurting someone's sex organs and whining that not letting you hurt their sex organs is unfair, is so unfair. She was a cunt. She had a kid, her daughter is half Columbian and she's ashamed of that for some reason. I never even got a chance to touch them cause her bitch ass stopped me before I even touched them. Don't ever date single moms they are worthless selfish pieces of shit. Not widows were talking about single moms who couldn't hack it with their baby's daddy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I am an immigrant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Pretending you have dementia to own the libs #MAGA URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You are the wife URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER You are most welcome","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"me following him\" I claimed this where? Go back to washing nigger feet, christ tard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Sure it was a classless thing to do, but if we arrested everyone for showing a lack of class the jails would be full. I don't see a crime and I think it's petty for the government to get involved because someone got their feelings hurt or wanted to show who's the boss. It wasn't just a note, the paramedics were also subject to verbal abuse. My deepest sympathies to their families in this time of great sorrow. They didn't even report it. They're probably used to fuckasses like her. The police saw it on social media and felt compelled to charge her. It was their choice. In all fairness though, if anyone deserves to not get verbally abused\/rude petty notes at work, it's EMS. I think they're trying to make an example of her so people will leave emergency workers alone. On the flip, a family member is getting into an ambulance, would you prefer the people caring for them have some pretty woman on their mind or your family member? If only the world were so black and white. So you would rather have some cunt yelling at the EMTs caring for your family member, than not? Since it missed ya, my point was that EMTs deserve it less than most other groups of people. Agree or not, I don't really care. They save lives of people who deserve it and those who might not. IDK if this lady deserves jail time, I can see a fine for sure for yelling at them, I'm too lazy to look up the laws on it over there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER We should meet her face to face! She won't be speaking like that much longer. She is a horrid person! Somebody will teach her that you reap what you sow. She will find out the hard way. She is just UGLY inside!!! FUBAR!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#dumbcunt Lol. Soooooooooper Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Especially when one considers that 'victory' to be that he hangs around a White female, something I have done since I was Odd that he considers 'winning' to be that of hanging around a White female, yes? Such hatred of one's own race is disheartening to see. One should learn to be proud of one's own race. Alas, I understand Nigger self-hatred.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Again - no amount of telling those people how retarded they are will make them see themselves for what they are or change their minds. My only satisfaction in all this comes from knowing that I don't have to try and make them miserable - they manage it all on their own. Thinking that probably makes me bad person, and I'm strangely at peace with it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER A little note for @USER -the Bible ( have you ever read that?) says that if the Holy Spirit is in us that we can fight off the devil. You lie and claim that you are holy (no human is holy by the way) so how dare you blame the devil? Your new name is Pope False Prophet\".\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"*judges in faggot* So we're just upvoting faggot? Not trying to hide it anymore TiA? Christ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"nah you dumb cunt that's a train and you'd be dead RIP lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"E-celebs is faggot worship","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Godbrand, his name was. And what I found odd was that he was cleary trying to be presented in a negative light, as a brash cunt, a macho caricature, yet he spoke a lot of sense and didn't really do anything that harsh against Dracula. Poor sod got screwed over big time by Carmilla. Hey. ya daft cunt. did you ever once consider that maybe that's the point? you are aware of what vikings were, right? you do realize they're more than dumb rapey barbs right? or are ya a daft cunt that can't appreciate good art?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What was the man religion or devil's worship did he belong to do any one no so he can have silver stack but in how heart evil cunt that cunt so good king John is not dead from the grave and looking down from heaven to look after is magna Carta s","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Are you serious. Man you're an idiot! He is the most hateful scum on earth.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user You really listen to yourself, dont u? That's why there are 12.1 illegals here now costing us billions. Seems to me WE HAVE HAD OPEN BORDERS! Close them. #BuildThatWall ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"$100,800 a year to pick cotton, more than the average salary of an engineer. I saw that but realistically if you work 12 hours a day then you'd be working less than 5 days a week If you're working 12 hour days in most jobs, chances are you're working at least 5 days a week if not more. At 5 days a week and factoring in mandatory overtime laws it would come in at 91,000 per year on average. If this is a 7 day work week then you'd be looking at 137,800 annual If this is a 4 day work week then you'd be looking at 67,600 However these estimates are far from accurate. Cotton picking season in the best case is about 5 months long and lasts from July to october. That time is crunch time though so it would be reasonable to work every day during this period. So that's 153 days of the year. 12 hour days with overtime factored in at the 40 hr mark for each week. so 22(5x8x25 + 5x4x25x People always say they can do it but physical work is not for everyone. I'm from Alberta and when I was in HS I could have went to the oil fields and earned 200k a year without a university degree. I didn't go because my friends who went all said that the work is very hard, there is carcinogenic material involved and people cope with hard drugs. Cotton picking in the sun while standing up for 12 hours a day can legit kill you. You ain't wrong, I've done shitty farmwork before and had the option for the oil field line myself. Not gonna lie its a great way to get yourself killed, especially in the southern heat. But if you aren't an idiot about it you'll probably be fine. For maybe a year or two until your body breaks down. Those types of jobs aren't for the long haul. Yeah, one season's all you need. The fuck would you make a career out of hard labor?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER OH MY GOSH!! I LOVE HER!!!! a beautiful loaf andlt;3 you are an angel for taking care of her!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Knickers is a tangle, aye? Don't like women much do you? Hysterical things aren't they? Only good a few things, aye? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"White race explained in this picture #trump #whitepeople #altright #rightwing Follow my page for more cynical views on the white race","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"With time she might correct it by modifying the equation with a muzzie ratio","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trump is in the jews' pocket retard you faggots say every last person is a Jew or working covertly for jews ...you folks are more annoying than the leftists calling evy one nazis. You folks are peas in a pod #NPCDOUCHEBAGS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I guess I'd like to see more thought put into if these are such nothing burgers then why were they made confidential? I really don't know why you are going after him with this series of tweets? Chair is misleading the public about amount of disclosure and threatening a sen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just a legality so that a wife couldn't ruin her husband's estate. women are destroying the West as they help flood us with 3rd worlders with open borders who treat THEIR WOMEN like shit white men have been good to us when we knew our role, we were stronger as a nation, our kids weren't fucked up, we were safer women trying to be men has failed our men are weakened by ranting bitches who want to flood us w\/ foreign men who WILL KILL US Lmao white women have been voting reliably republican for decades and support Trump and Kavanaugh by healthy margins. If only white women could vote Trump still would have won the election, pic related. There's a ton of room for improvement don't get me wrong but stop buying into mgtow propaganda and hating yourselves, you're not irredemable hellspawn. White women voted for Obama.... Just barely over half of white women voted for Trump... They and all women are very much to blame for this... Their suffering will be justified... Lol ok faggot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER *he screams and releases 20 gallons of cum with enough pressure to make at least 2 gallons squirt from his big brother's mouth*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dyke witches organizing a hex on Kavanaugh https:\/\/www.pinknews.co.uk\/2018\/10\/15\/witches-hex-brett-kavanaugh\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nigger juries in DC who side with Niggers over White boys are a serious problem of inequality in opportunity that you nor anyone else in America is doing anything about cuz you're a bunch of pussies who are too afraid to incure the social costs of being branded a racist for actually doing something about it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fucking hell, what a day. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Official School Records Support Claims That Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Married Her Brother https:\/\/pjmedia.com\/davidsteinberg\/official-school-records-support-claims-that-rep-ilhan-omar-d-mn-married-her-brother\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I be curving ALL da hoes niggas try to put me on SOO much dat they don't een tell me when a bitch want me no mo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hey @JoeBiden, when you are president, will u nominate @MichelleObama to the Supreme Court? I think that would be amazing. #supremecourt #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user #PatriotsUnite this gentleman needs a few facts to maybe change his mind. #BuildThatWall What did Obama do to stop this? Not a Damon thing. Do you know let these immigrants in is Bill Clinton. So do your research. Parents jeopardized thei ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Many years ago I remember the \"Bradford experiment\" starting. This was to see how many immigrants could be packed into a town before things went seriously wrong. As nothing happened, other towns were selected and today we are past the point of no return. So sad. What treachery. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is a biased liberal like most media types they still don't realize people have tuned them out long ago. They won't talk about 15 yrs of lieberal scandals\/rising debt but reducing 22 council jobs will make them mad!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user @user He said Israel could be described as a racist state, much like any other state (including Britain over Windrush, or May's \"migrants go home\") could be. There are no special cases of racism. The Palestinians w ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wow.... so... who the fuck does this libturd Cunt think she is??? I hated her long before this, now.... I can't think of nasty enough words to call her!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Deport them all back, they are not needed and they are stealing tax payer $$$, time to kick them out @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"All trans people should fuck off forever. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This take is nonsense. Social media is the new public square. If you come into the public square, start screaming about some dumb bullshit, like block buttons being good, and I want to reply and say that what you just said is dumb, stupid, retarded bullshit (like your take here is) -- you should not be able to have me dragged out of the public square. You don't have to listen to me -- of course you would be stupid not to listen to me, but it's your right. What you shouldn't be able to do is prevent OTHER people from listening to me, because then all they hear is your nonsense take and they can't hear how dumb, stupid, moronic, idiotic, and retarded block buttons are. And that denies them the choice of hearing both sides. The mute button provides each individual person the decision of who they listen to. The block button lets people decide what OTHER people can hear, and that's just not acceptable in the new digital public square. Block buttons are commie. @a knows this. Bad decision, bad takes all around from those who support it, not a good move. Will cancel Pro support if this goes live.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"American Citizens are being Victimized by Illegal AliensThe shocking findings by a new DOJ-DHS report. @user #NOAmnesty #NoSanctuary #EndChainMigration#DeportThemAll #HonorYourOath#ProtectUSA#KeepAmericansSafeIt is your JOB! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Five caged lions poisoned and mutilated at African game farm. This is the type of shithole savage that Europeans are so eager to import. Ppl on Gab love to pull this type of vapid \"logic.\" They'll show poaching in Africa and go \"what savages! We don't need this!\" But if some white hunter goes to Africa and kills the exact same lion, they're like \"git er dun! Yee haw!\" and high five. So you can tell they actually don't care about the lion, it's a tool they use for their stupid belief systems. They do the same thing to human beings, especially albino Africans, for MEDICINE. Educate yourself, watch this: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=7K5qVWG5CXU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"omg and pussy boys voicemail wishing me a happy birthday was the absolute best I appreciate you so much, thank you pussy boy <3 ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"In a just world, gay people like you would all be dead. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@ASlavitt Actually, I eagerly await the day when I don't have to see Trump's face or tweets or latest lies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Boy! The #NPCBomber has sure been busy today!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What the hell, Aussies?! I strolled by a TV today and caught a minute or two of a snake-catching guy covered in tattoos. After he bags a snake and hands off the bag to his chunky tatted gf, he walks over and shakes hands with two AFRICAN looking cops, not Abos, but AFRICANS. Why would you let them in your country? They're a plague here in the USA. Why would you let a plague into the USA???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The moment American nationalists snap out of their LEFT vs. RIGHT \/ Dem vs. Rep bullshit false dichotomy will be the moment they start making headway.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is what human trash looks like and unfortunately there's so much more of it than these two. :( It's a shame people nowadays are growing into these arrogant halfwits who think they can bully others into doing whatever they want and have no respect at least for those who try to politely reason with them. I feel like this wasn't the case two or three decades ago. That's a fair point but I've been interacting with other people for almost three decades, not just perceiving them through videos or other media, and I've talked to many people who have been doing that for six or seven decades. Many of them remember when politeness and basic mutual respect were keystones of our society whereas now you've got little cunts moaning about broken nails and telling you to die without doing much, just wanting to park your car. Then there's countless demonstrations and organised groups of people continuously moaning about banalities, which I believe to be the result of having such easy lives for the first time in our history. No wars, no food shortage, plenty of entertainment, and this is the result lack of respect, sense of entitlement, consumerism, excessive pride, false rape accusations because a lady' didn't get what she wanted, or crying about hurt emotions and Twitter hate speech', all instead of being happy to be alive and sheltered from real human hardship. Yep, before smartphones and social media, folks acted civilized in public. People didn't use to be this shitty. I can assure you people have always been this shitty. Much worse actually when it comes to history.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Police punch 14 year old girl on the ground twice in #CoralSprings, #Florida https:\/\/youtu.be\/4-FjyJsWvFY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My faggot fucking grandpa would be so proud","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Perhaps he\/she? is white, but for sure is retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Happy #ConstitutionDay may this day trigger millions of liberals since they don't believe in the Constitution! #Maga","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gun's loaded and these are real soldiers. Not sure if the guard shouted a warning or not but sometimes manners have to be learned the hard way. Edit am now sure he shouted a warning but probably not in the tourists's native tongue so I guess the lesson had only one way to go... They literally scream \"MAKE WAY FOR THE QUEENSGUARD . She had no business in that spot at all. *Sees uniformed Man carrying weapon pacing methodically in front of country's property* and#x200B; Woman: \"I should stand in his way\" \"It is certainly permissible to cross this line that separates us tourists from the active military guard.\" Ignorant woman: *Sees uniformed queen's mascot walking around* I doubt she processed that it's actually an armed guard. mascot? and#x200B; People don't care @ Yellowstone, why would they care here? They should care because one is a national park, the other is a royal location with trained guards and live ammo. I'm saying some people don't have the brain\/couth to pay attention to barriers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"'Angel Families' Defend Trump Immigration Moves ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Obvious hate like \"female lives aren't worth shit\" will thankfully get you banned. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER She thought she would be low profile and help the Dem party get rid of Kavanaugh and she could remain anonymous. She most likely was promised this by the party. Now that she can be charged with perjury she will continue with playing a victim. She is not. Lying is a can of worms.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You ain't a Muzzie are you? :)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And we have alot of Democrats who support this bullshit. DRAIN THE SWAMP!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@sendavidperdue you are a disgusting and disrespectful individual; mocking Senator Kamala Harris' name.When Joe Biden wins and Kamala Harris becomes Vice President of the United States I guess it will be easier for you to say Vice President Harris.Vote for Jon Ossoff @ossoff https:\/\/t.co\/sHpxZLoE5f","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@ChrisEvans @evansshine @RachelLeishman Why suddenly I want to see Chris Evans as Joe Biden and Maya Rudolph (Obviously! ) as Kamala Harris? No offense to Jim Carrey though. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT! It's good to be home. Twitter is dead!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"JOY BEHAR TORTURES THE WORLD WITH HER BIG FAT STUPID FUCKING CUNT MOUTH EVERYDAY! DUMB LIBERAL FEMINIST CUNT, THE USUAL!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Geneticist have proven that there is less than 6% variation in DNA between the races. So \"master race\" your DNA is at least 94% EXACTLY the same as an Africans!!! Have a wonderful evening!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is almost as good as when ZileanOP got busted for faking being crippled by getting up on stream and his scumbag cunt girlfriend started making up some nonsense about a fish tank store and their dog desperately trying to cover it up","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Go fuck your mom in the ass cock sucking faggot mother fucker","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hole in one and you deserve for it.Congrats ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".0009765% ... with a high likelyhood of these genes being native American - Doesn't fucking count Maybe 6 to 10 generations back ... and you got special privileges? END Affirmative Action NOW ... It is a JOKE - #FakeIndian That would explain much, never thought about it though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Still so good: \"She and the other white writers who marveled over my luck wanted to try on my Otherness to advance their value in the literary marketplace, but I don't think they wanted to grow up as an immigrant in the United States.\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Heard Jeff Hardy thought that the Stoneman Douglas victims were right and that gun control should be improved in the USA which pissed off Randy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Recent Poll of GAB users show 78% do not believe Nazis are enemies of America. Nazis are democrat operatives calling themselves \"alt-right\" they are just as much an enemy of freedom as democrats. George Soros funded to make the right wing look as hateful as the democrats. They are leftists. The Founding Fathers implemented white nationalist immigration policies. The National Origins Formula expressly intended to keep America White. The \"Alt-Right,\" therefore, has more in common with Traditional America than lame cuckservatism. George Soros wants whites replaced with non-whites. Soros has completely opposing goals to the Founders. What is white? WTF does that even mean? What is white? What is a white person? What makes a person white? What asshole did you pull this notion out of? Because it is a shit notion. What does make a black person black? I know so called people of color who are told they arnt black because something to do with I don't even fucking know. Ben Carson is supposedly a black man, yet other supposed blacks say he's not black. What does it mean to be a white person? What does it mean to be a black person? Or any category of person? Definition of a white person? So, lay some of your vast wisdom on us all. I just did. Stop trying to be subversive because people can see through it and you just end up being seen as an asshole. Don't feed the trolls...lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Famous nigger congress person speaks, in","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I am fully planted in gab, I don't want to be removed because I didn't suck up to Libs, the only reason I'm putting up such a fight is because there are some racist here who judge people based on their DNA and I think that is wrong, I won't be a part of that but I will protect you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Fiona Hill.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fun fact: putting \"fun fact\" in front of an opinion makes you look absolutely retarded. Fun fact: studies have shown that insinuating people are \"retarded makes you seem 12 years old. Fun fact: when non-retarded people refer to real studies they source them. I learned that even before","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"fu nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"what a faggot skank","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Seeing you in this place makes me so angry. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I would never eat food that has been touched by a gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@Larrydn22 @kevinlove Sure does! #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Anti-feminist sign..... ('WOMEN' you want to deny men their balls\/gender , here is a sign made by Men in response!) ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@bananasand - Such a clever response- \"We need to ban people calling for things to be banned\". No, not clever- it's inane. Typical faggot remark- designed only as a mindfuck. You're right, there ought to be much more banishment- as k1santa's post proves.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Cleg is the scums premier scum. He is truly without any honesty at all. A complete, professional, dedicated, practised and accomplished cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives URL knew Jeremy_Hunt had such language skills You'll want your sound on URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Wait, according to the @user @user @user Emmanuelle Macron won the World Cup himself and this is proof that mass migration\/multicult works . Never mind that France is home to larges ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Where is your source for that?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Is anyone else absolutely furious over the treatment of Kavanaugh?? Feinstein should spend 10 years at least in prison for what she has (illegally) done to Kavanaugh. That lying POS Ford should be imprisoned for at LEAST 20 yrs... False accusations need to carry the same penalties as the victim would have gotten..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No the ppl that are the cult leaders are not stupid they know exactly what they are doing,,, it's the fucking idiots that follow them that are retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"pit bulls are the niggers of dogs well since you like nigger dogs you probably like nigger humans as well lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Talmbout. I was always feeling lmaoo bitch shut up and drop that baby fat before u try and jump on this dick. It got a Weight limit ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Chilton has warned government about the dangers of leaving southwest border secured by nothing more than a barbed wire fence. He set up surveillance cameras to document the trespassers from Mexico. #BorderPatrol #BuildThatWall #WWG1WGA @user #Q ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The Hill is retarded because they do this shit all day long. Tweeting stories that are hours old and have changed by now.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I had nigger neighbours threaten me because I complained about their dog noise . Got my 12 gauge out with many shotgun shells on my dining table , all lights on so they could see everything at night, across from me...all threats stopped..being nice does NOT work with niggers ..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"People hate you People think your ugly People think your a horrible person Well guess what No ones name is people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.prisonplanet.com\/video-gay-muslim-drag-queen-causes-confusion.html Being a fucking faggot hurts poor allahs heart you filthy queer.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Men really don't care being called a hoe or whore . Shit don't bother us ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The app us different depending on what place you are in. The app for Vegas is different than the app for Philly and so on. So stop being a cunt. I mean yeah that's possible. But the app literally shouts directions at you. Just drive her home man. She was being a huge cunt, but he was also being a frustrating retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That's a car ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This bitch needs to get a life already, jobless skank go do something productive ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Why is the media still talking about that royal mud baby duchess? This is getting so annoying. Now I can see why Princess Diana died trying to evade the media in https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/lifestyle\/meghan-markle-prince-harry-had- Prince harry is a nigger loving whore like his mumsy Something tells me that the mud baby duchess is going to be driven crazy by the media at some point. Never trust a mud baby. She'll cause a major scandal...spawned by mudmother and wacko niggerlover...I hope she's barren....but nigger cunts usually have lots of niglets","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Watch C. Mario Russell, Esq., Director of Immigration and Refugee Services at Catholic Charities of NY, LIVE on @user as he talks about the reunification of immigrant families. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"+++ I can't prove causation either but while the CONservatives in CDA surely love the idea of ( @USER bashing PM @USER can't help but think they're also egging the former to continue the bashing to boost their fortune(s) vainly. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RT @user When a fart slips out in front of your fella for the first time ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is why alot of parks get closed off. Retarded faggots wrecking everything. Who cares about a ciggarette butt or two","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Cool. I'd rather deal with this thing than some stupid nigger from the TSA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Then the nogglet woke up and uttered \"gib me dat tiddy milk, whi bitch!\" Go suck your beloved nigger dicks, cuck.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Haley thanx! you know how to brighten up my shitty day ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When your finger fuck game strong AF ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Well ffs, another faggot talking about twitter .... who has a twatter account and routinely posts twits! Stop fucking using thier service. Just #walkaway. Every twit you send makes them stronger.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Got something to hide Eric?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Much more than 210,000...there families and friends disagree...literally millions know someone who has died from Covid.#TrumpCovid19 #FireTrump #Biden2020 #BlueWave2020 #FlipTheSenate #VoteBidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/9PK3Ro8YyX","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" Tag me when the ass monkey apologists start commenting their Q Anon shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Good for her..... thats some fine gun control. Double tap to an ass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"LMAO... Right? Can you imagine waking up every day to practice, changing your diet, spending hours in they gym, forgoing spending time with family and friends- just so you could be the best at some sport you love- only to have some faggot in makeup show up and whoop your as because Xer has more muscle mass than you do? I bet that has to fucking suck for the chicks who aren't insane. It is time we stop this ridiculous \"Emperor's New Clothes\" nonsense. The dude is a dude who had parts sewn on, stuffed in, cut off, and inverted. It's a fucking #FrankenTranny and it deserves no respect.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Good morning #GabFam Have a great Friday Sadly, in Taxachusset it is hardly likely. But the second part can still come true. We live in hope!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Antifa log tosser. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Since the 1970s feminists have become \"political lesbians\". It's time for straight men to become \"political homos\". A political homo? I am not becoming a fairy gay faggot for anyone. Thank you very much. I don't fear anything, and my ass is exit-only. Plus, I've been married and faithful for almost 17 years - 19 if you include the two years we were engaged. I don't give a flying f*** about fairy gay faggots and what they do.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER It sure is. Hope he is in the grand final side","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We the realest niggas round here. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER You can't be this dense. The point is the same - you can't presume someone is guilty just because they're part of a group that's a popular target. For southern whites in the 40s, it was black men. For modern liberals, it's conservative white men. They're the devil\".\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Political party? Hmm, I wonder what political party would be led by such a person... Oh. Of course. Its called the \"Leader of Feminist Initiative\". She's also previously been found guilty **twice** of plagiarism (once by a court, and once internally by the university). [https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Victoria_Kawesa](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Victoria_Kawesa) It's really strange; Feminist Initiative doesn't hold any seats in Sweden, however, they hold a seat in the European Parliament? European Union is such a fucked organisation. Yep I would be livid if I was a part of that stupid organization. They were incredibly duped. It was just a big scam to get developed countries to support hordes of undeveloped poor countries. Hilarious. Yeah, how dare people want to help those less fortunate than themselves. It's not like we're all supposed to be one species and try for the betterment of everyone as a whole or anything.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Alessia you fkn skank go change ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Awww CUPCAKES SUCK IT UP. SHE LOST GET OVER IT ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"the faggot does looks like he learnt martial arts from the power rangers","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"MP who named Philip Green did so at behest of Richard Branson who was being touted as the most likely Wanker! This is corruption but the cunt will no doubt now fly first class and get some nice holidays for his troubles! Another jew pervert","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I wonder if any of these 'witches' would pass the dunking test. An accused who sank was considered innocent, while floating indicated witchcraft. Demonrats iuse the Lenin Doctrine: \"Accuse others of what you yourself are doing !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Don't hurt yourself pork chop.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She is a courageous intelligent woman who knows the crap that people will say - she is standing up to some evil and powerful and ruthless men who will stop at nothing to destroy her and her testimony","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Yes but it doesnt help with the made up stories about him. He shouldn't of called football players SOB. but he is right about illegal immigration. We can't support the entire nation. Rules needs to change.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oct. Russia-China keeps pushing its aggression on Western Europe. This is not to the benefit of either Russia or the West, but China surely benefits. Did Putin get played? More shilling for Israel from our resident fake pro-White. It is not China and Russia being aggressive on the doorstep of Europe it is Israel. And the whole world knows it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I am definitely for antifa members getting themselves killed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"True story! The driver was an illegal immigrant Muzzie who realized his limo was full of Jews and decided to take them out.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Craig Sawman is a fraud. He's controlled opposition. Fake! The guy did everything he could in NM to deny, deflect, stonewall, botch the compound operations. His attempts to make the discovery crew look like crazies..... Of course, he has that hubris, as well. If he didn't find it, it doesn't bring glory to himself, then its a hoax. What a POS. I loathe that guy. Stolen valor faggot fraud.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Gabs fucking up, so I cant post the image of the Hitler quote \"he who owns the youth owns the future\" :) FUCKING GAB @a YOU RETARD THIS SITE HAS BEEN FUCKED EVERSINCE YOU SHOAH'D THE FROG!!!!!!!1","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If by cunts you mean tissues that you've torn in anger the 40 times in your life your limp, inbred baby cock got close to cumming, but never quite made it, then yes, you're hand is probably better. But nothing is gonna make that nasty skin flute of yours function beyond what you accomplished that one time with your sister.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Sky School: Scaling up secondary education for refugees ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I just submitted a comment saying NO to the Citizenship Question .@realDonaldTrump plans to include a citizenship question on the 2020 Census this question will instill fear in immigrant communities and will lead to an undercount of the national population. Submit a comment TODAY! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Personally, I think we should just hang all these Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"They always complain about about Americans killed by guns but not by illegal immigrants or abortion ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you say \"I hate disabled people\", then you are a bigot!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Glad to see another NFL owner has read the Constitution. Unlike all the crybabies fussing over peaceful protests. #FreedomOfExpression #FreedomOfExpression is still alive. That's one of the reasons America is great!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER It was surprising how fast Reagan passed gun control in Cali when the Black Panthers armed themselves.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Exactly! Ford is just a damn pawn for the Baby-Adults of America \/ aka Democrats. #SheIsALiar - I that Conservatives will control the highest court for 20+ years.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"HE SHOULD HAVE TAKEN THAT LITTLE FAGGOT AND BROKEN HIM IN HALF.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He can go to hell","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She is getting big lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user i used a belt to close my whore ass around it and hold it deep in place my cunt is throbbing like a massive knot is in me ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wanna be like u could be fucking working for him some day you fucking little slut ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/04\/aclu-kavanaugh-partisan-resistance\/ FORMER ACLU VICE PRESIDENT: THE ACLU NOW DOESN'T BELIEVE IN ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE RESISTANCE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER There's nothing more joyous than watching a snowflake cry especially when it's a google order follower.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Love the ol lad that struts through with a pint at 1:30 like, \"silly cunts.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER What freedom do you have that people who live with gun control don't have?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's ok that you npc's dislike my comment. But you are attacking the symptom of having been conquered by your Jewish overlords instead of removing the disease. Then you attack me as if I don't have your best interest in mind. It's astonishing to say the least. Holy fuck you are a retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" Someone come get their drunk aunt. Look at this old bitch lmao I love big titties, just not old saggy ones attached to a drunk. Men generally like young women with some eggs still in the basket. Which explains the anime of flat-chested school girls. Total pedo. #busted So if it only includes the shoulder up, assume it's loli porn without evidence and accuse. I get it, now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"White guy confronts black Trump supporter about his MAGA hat and knocks it off his head! This is assault. This guy needs to identified before he really hurts somebody! Ex- Dem Latina https:\/\/twitter.com\/i\/status\/1055452909515632640 . And will you look at all the dumbasses watching but DO NOTHING. THIS angers me as much as the BULLY.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Have you ever felt like crying when you saw a Woman who's a victim of Rape #MeToo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER You are abhorrent","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How much more retarded can you get... Read her twitter feed... Apparently much much much more retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"well that convo was good for about 200 downvotes The gab nazis take their gabbing veeerrryyy seriously. If they can't \"debate\" you with their bullshit troll tactics and even more retarded revisionist history, then they'll troll you with downvote spam. The more seriously they take this shit, the more fun it is to trigger them about it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Omfg... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Have a Great Friday #GabFam Good Afternoon J.W.!! Idk...They downvote pics of puppies too...LOL people are fuggin wastes of oxygen Unfortunately some are...smh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Gun control . . . means being to hit what your aiming at! These elderly homeowner have great gun control!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER There is no such thing. Where is this fascist left? ANTIFA are anarchists. They are not socialists or Democrats. You folks on the right embrace Authoritarianism and fascism. Look at Trump. He attacks all our institutions and the rule of law and fluffs Putin.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Throw Antifa in there too!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER you are some basic white girl who clearly didn't know any of them personally and it's awful what has happened to Mac so why don't you pay respect to that instead of being disgusting and blaming another innocent human in something that has nothing to do with them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When was the last time you sang to yourself, and what did you sing? Immigrant song. All of today and yesterday ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Um! I see a lot of words there, designed to confuse. But when they are all added up the opposite side of the = reads zero. This must be because you can't post a single anti-white post of mine and wish to muddy the waters so you don't look like a twat for the 5th time. Yes! More big words designed to confuse and hide your inability to back up your claims. I have never attacked anyone who expresses white positivity. The only twats I attack are the ones like you who come to ME with your hatred of other races. You're confusing me attacking you for being an ignorant twat with the white race. You do NOT represent the white race. Lol Now you're going into full blown socialist brainstem meltdown. I have this effect on the Left. Repeating yourself endlessly hoping that it becomes true. Clear sign of mental illness. Bet you call me some naughty names next. Yes? ;) Bahahahaha look at the fucking retard trying to sound philosophical!!! Fucking hell man, you people are the worst. You have zero substance. NONE! We think faster than we can operate, so yes I had a predisposed thought. Fuck you and your cliche bullshit cocksucker Hahahaaaaa See, you are just saying the same bullshit over and over you ignorant cocksucker. Fucking idiot. Wheres your substance? You have none. All you have is a basic as fuck vocabulary that you use over and over. Go fuck yourself man, braindead piece of shit. Later cunt...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When men leave dumb comments thinking it's gonna hurt my feelings ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Japan doesn't shy* away from a lot of things. Male characters smack around women for the humor of it too. And something like Seven Deadly Sins has the main character frequently groping women, stealing her panties [while she's wearing them], etc.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"In a just world, trans people like you would all be dead. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This faggot already has a go fund me page set up by some libshit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"They used to be a force to be reckoned with. They were basically assassins in the 90's: they were silent but deadly. Now? They're a bunch of loud mouthed clowns. I miss the days of [respectable women](https:\/\/www.imdb.com\/title\/tt0103772\/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_100) In the 90's they were complete idiots, and all men including your friends were whiteknights. Exactly.. I miss those days. If you stood out and knew how the world worked, life was so easy. If you ask me personally, that's what started this whole mess. Internet. It's been data overload since its inception. Humans rather plug into 1's and 0's versus human interaction... because just like you, you and everyone can say fuck off to the world. It isn't healthy, on a grand scale. ? Why is it not healthy? You think its healthy if you are forced to deal with stupid people and women? Back in the days if your skin color was a bit too dark in my country you were fucked. It meant you would be marginalized. So no. The internet guarantees that no matter the circumstances you have the tools to learn and selfactualize. The internet means that you can walk away from any group or instituition without losing much. Mgtow is a product of the internet. No internet no mgtow. Mgtow + internet will force society to change. Social groups are kept in check a lot by women, they dont want men to leave the group. Well this applies also to men. If all good men leave a group, the group is destroyed because then the bad apples are left to deal with the other bad apples. The exodus of men is this. We will leave and watch from a far they eating each other as we eat our pop corn and thrive. They will go insane, they are already going insane, but this is just the beginning.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I am a trans person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm getting so sick of those retards. Spoiled brats. They need some real justice. I am also amazed not one person stood up to those scum. Scenes like that make America look week. Don't you think it's time that the republicans\/the right stood up for there politicians and straighten these spoiled brats out. being proud will solve the problem of those retards. I say it's time to stand up and be tough and woop there asses when they cause retarded scenes like that. Other wise there ganna stomp all over you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Awesome! He's right. Leaders don't hide in the basement, attics, under the bed. They go out and confront all advisories head on. Let's Goooo Trump! #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Oh shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#MondayMotivation: @user alumna Elizabeth Vilchis is not only the first in her family to attend college, but she also started latinoTech to strengthen Latino leadership in the #tech world. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Wow mo cock got hard. Want to pull your panties down, push you against these door and let you feel my cock deep in your wet puss ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Why are they so retarded? It's a joke you fucks. There is a followup tweet saying he's going to buy Valve next and release Half Life I'm part of a union, and while I don like most of the things about it, there is one thing that will almost make me never want to leave. Mandatory 48hr notice of overtime, before we were union your manager could ask you to stay right after your shift for another 4 hours and you couldn't turn it down. It lead to a lot of favoritism in that people the manager liked and wanted overtime would get it offered more, and people they didn't like who wanted overtime would never get it, or if you had things you needed to attend to tough shit you have to stay at work another 4 hours or get wrote up.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Alex Jones Caught with Tranny Porn on his Phone https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/08\/28\/alex-jones-apparently-spotted-with-trans-porn-on-his-phone\/ Why are you a Faggot too? You degenerate?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"A black person must have committed that crime. Only they can be that violent and cruel. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You mean.....irrigate men???? Nah....that doesn't make sense Oh...I got it...bitch wanna.. ...IRRITATE MEN! And the winner is... #grammarnazi #yourewelcome That's retarded as EVERY race engages in satire, roasting, and ridicule!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Muzzie scum... http:\/\/www.independentsentinel.com\/were-sorry-about-mr-khashoggis-death-but-hes-an-extremist\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"ok, invite 14 somalians to live at ur house. after they are done raping ur lack of wife (aka u), you can come back and resume virtue signaling to us how noble africans are. faggot trust the pan q im almost 14 and I understand that very well. then again I spend most my day with these animals at school making decisions for others when ur totally insulated from the repercussions most of us have to deal with makes them deserve the rope first. I didn't ask for that shit Culture and inbreeding. They should be where they came from. Muzzies and Africans. Go to Prison, you will learn about race very quickly. Especially if you are two out with Congo Jim. @brockstrongballs America doesn't have a 'Somali' problem, per se. What America has is a jewish problem. Who do you think is importing the Somalis to America?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"German immigrants launch #MeTwo campaign against racism ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Well this comment sections pretty... mental","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER If we don't learn truth now before he is before confirmed there will be a lot of acrimony later when the details of the case are learned.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#SJW say public #school is #racist - #black #white #USA #race #gender #girl #education via @realjamesallsup https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=zcl-6WqByL8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He won't. He's too grotesquely fat and looks like he never takes a bath. He could go any time.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Serious question. Why are Jewish groups using their trucks to transport invaders to our border? \"Because you're antisemitic\" is not an answer. Let's be adults about this. Who is funding this? #Caravan Serious question: you have 1a and 2a. What are you doing about this invasion?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There is no hatred in my heart for you Muslims. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"70% of divorces r initiated by females. Why bc they get PG then get Gov Aid, free rent, school, food. Why stay F'n married when they can play w\/there cunt friends.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"By pursuing such a reckless and irresponsible course of action, the US is not just creating a situation of hardship and cruelty for the Palestinian refugees, ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I think he took the floor with him when he left too. Haha! Good catch, didn't notice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"British cops lol. I'd just taze everyone that's fucking with you. There shouldn't be a \"fight\". You touch an officer that's it, you're done. The disrespect by all those people not just the woman. If they keep fucking with you, that's why you should have a gun. Every event like this is so comical. That guy literally tackled the officer and ain't shit happen to him. They're afraid to hurt these people cause they can't defend themselves if they piss off the mob. Good luck with the refugee invasion. I'd be amazed if they were 'British cops' seeing as everyone else in the video is Australian you dumbass... Lol Australia was populated by Britain and so they sound British you fuck tard. Who really gives a fuck, their cops act the same. Eat shit. Most US white people are of German origin. Edit (to be more accurate): Of 118 million of immigrants between 1820 and 1996 ([source](https:\/\/www.infoplease.com\/us\/race-population\/immigrants-us-country-origin)): Europeans : 73 million (61%) Germans: 14 million (12%) British: 10 million (9%) Irish: Which is neither here nor there in this case It does matter, but not to ignorant morons like yourself who can't differentiate accents and behaviours. Yeah let's just drop and shoot everyone because 'murica does. Fuckin idiot.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Better Most Hysterical Woman than Most Cadaverous Ghoul.Now shut up and go back in your crypt. The sun is up. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So, you are Nigger, yet you prefer to be with a White woman? That is the very definition of racism. You do realise this, yes? You are aware that your own women are fugly, therefore you need to choose ours, although I know for a fact you do not have one of ours. You WISH you did, Nigger. Nice of you to admit to your racial-inferiority. Mixed couples are always miserable rejects. I see it all the time in the south. Exactly. It's so prevalent that it's become an in-joke between myself and my fiance. Homogenous couples almost always look happy and are dressed well, but then a mixed couple will walk in behind them and almost always be slovenly and obese. 2 ultra fats in wife beaters (yes, even the woman) and their unfortunate kid. Disgusting. \"Homogenous couples almost always look happy and are dressed well, but then a mixed couple will walk in behind them and almost always be slovenly and obese.\" Fact. I see this every single day. I live in Toronto, remember? The most 'multi-cultural' (see 'invaded') city on earth. The Nigger bitches lose it when their men prefer our women over them. I cannot blame them. That is the very definition of racism. A lot of black women refuse to date black men. They say the men are untrustworthy and unreliable. They are correct. After all, 70% of all Nigger 'families' are single-parent.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Anyone else notice a bunch of new retard liberals on GAB ? negative scores and nothing to say but the same old mockingbird narrative crap, mental hostpitals are going to be needed after disclosure.. #Qanon","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You and all other tr4ns people are a plague to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"NPR is trying to group legal and illegal immigration\"Jeff Sessions is threatening immigrants rights in... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#BuildThatWall and then extend it to Wall, J, and K Streets. #DrainTheSwamp ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" The GOP is spinning up a narrative about \"mob violence\" to scare their voters into turning out for the midterms. They haven't done anything about the mob in two years except use it as fodder in their campaign ads Politicians are reactionary. They don't do anything on their own. They are responding to what their voters have been bitching at them about. Proactive politicians do not exist. What will that translate into policywise? Is the GOP going to be \"tough\" on the mob? Please note their current policy agenda includes \"prison reform\" which is the exact opposite of their messaging. It is strongly supported by the Koch brothers Not if people like Hunter Wallace talk everyone who cares about using the GOP against the anti-white mob into removing themselves from electoral politics. The problem with using the shortcomings of a political party as a means by which to scare people away from the process that determines its leadership and platform is that it results in the very shortcomings that one is criticizing. If you want to meet your fate on the road you took to avoid it, abstain from electoral politics. As the agorists in the libertarian and anarcho-capitalist communities have demonstrated, abstinence is a great way to accomplish nothing while staying entirely irrelevant. Let's be clear about the results of supporting the GOP two years ago: Being prosecuted by Trump's DOJ, unanimously condemned by the GOP Congress, Antifa free to engage in serial violence every weekend, unprecedented social media censorship, historic monuments destroyed all over the country","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They're evolving https:\/\/redd.it\/9rfrw2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"cute little faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Hahah yes because trump beat Obama in the election ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER One added me to a \"liberals I'd like to slaughter last month. That was fun","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You are successful? How wonderful! And in a White country too! I am so pleased! Now, if you could transfer your success to your African homeland... You mean Trudeau? He does indeed. They already are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Shut the fuck up you cunt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"OK, if you are a refugee from someplace, why are you going back at all? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"VIDEO: Legal #Immigrant Defends #President Trump's #Immigration Policies - ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"a religious faggot that listens to Black Sabbath ha ha ha you're a religious faggot that listens to black sabbath... ha ha ha...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"FULL Tucker Carlson vs. Cenk Uygur of Young Turks Debate - Politicon 2018! (Audio and Video) - YouTube https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=QCKC1sP9P7E","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER She was on the 81st floor of the North Tower. She is an example of the fraud perpetrated by Red Cross. They raised an enormous amount of money and then didn't dispense it to those in need like this woman.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My favorite part of this obviously retarded posting is the insinuation that Democrats tell the truth EVER in any shape,manner or form...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....oh that's a good one...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"dude that faggot won't do shit liberal men pretend they're soo tough and badass yet the only people they attack are women and children. They don't have balls to go man to man. Trust me - I could beat his ass with a foot tied to the opposite hand ;-)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=3andv=TjIORAjYWng Total globalist creep. I'm glad he's out of the closet. He was making Christians look bad to young people. Love Salvini and Orban. Bono is behaving like the rich man he is and making fun of us who live in the real world, he's welcome to make a switch with me for a month without his gards... Bet he doesn't sell much music in Ireland anymore. Hope not! He's been saying bad things at his concerts about one of swedens best politicians too, calling him a nazi... Bono is lost. I would not be surprised If Boner could not wipe his own ass without at least 12 burly dudes, all standing ready in case something happens. You don't need guns when you have people carrying guns for you, that normal people have a harder time defending themselves might have slipped his mind. He didn't need the mask. Wont be suprised if it comes out he is a pedophile","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I do love you but don't give him an excuse..he isn't mentally ill he is a dangerous idiot!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You now need to be extra, extra, extra careful how you refer to the Prophet Mohammed, as the EU Court of Human Rights upheld the conviction of an Austrian woman for defamation over his marriage to a child. https:\/\/www.aa.com.tr\/en\/europe\/defaming-prophet-muhammed-not-free-expression-echr\/1292823 Mohammed was a peadophile. He married and raped a child.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Also, why the fuck are you so interested in men? Don't you like women?? Where does this hate come from? The fact that God, the ultimate Man, doesn't approve of your existence as a gay woman? Hahahaha! How am I homophobic? YOU'RE the Christian apparently, and God hates gays, not me lol x Just wondering if that's one of the reasons you're so angry and disillusioned with life. Think of it as free therapy I hang out here, as a guy. 70% of my friends are women, 2 of my favorite bosses are women and as a .ale, I mostly enjoy female singers over male singers, Paramore is my favorite band, listen to them everyday and I look up to Hayley Williams who is younger than me as a role model because of how awesome she is. Sooo fuck you, you fucking hate manufacturing piece of shit. This sub isn't about hating women, its about women coming to justice with EQUALITY to men. Women have far long got a 10th of the sentences men have and even outright off the hook. Fuck off somewhere else you slimey pikey. True, but the retard population here seems to like it even though it's a repost. It's Friday night, banout2018 just ended in spectacular failure and it had 800+ up cunts within it's first hour so I'll let it stick up this time.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"YOU NEED TO BE PUT IN PRISON !!! Liberal Criminal . The food sat in the sun until it spoiled full of worms you feckless cunt while Puerto Ricans people suffered so you could use it as political fodder keep VOTING DEMOCRAT YOU DESERVE THESE MONSTERS !!! YOU NEED TO BE PUT IN PRISON !!! Liberal Criminal . The food sat in the sun until it spoiled full of worms you feckless cunt while Puerto Ricans people suffered so you could use it as political fodder","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I don't know why the hell you would subject yourself to that. I'd rather starve than drive around a bunch of entitled cunts. The driver seems like he's dealt with this before, based on his response. It's like he was quietly telling himself, \"well, here we go again\". Every time I think about driving Uber for extra cash, I see a video like this one that snaps me back to reality. I'd have had those thots crying with the savage insults I'd hurl at them. \"Can you please check the semen dripping out of your dress onto my seat, I'd hate to charge you a cleaning fee, honey. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"She's a stupid cunt but I don't think she's that stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Haha I think we should start calling trannies mentally retarded instead of mentally ill. They mean the same thing and you definitely would have to be retarded to be a tranny.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"your fight is not fighting, it's surrendering.. you can tell by the dead muzzie body count.. the score is thousands of rapes and stabbing,, how many dead muzzies .. ZERO!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fuck all trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER If Trump wins 2020 and growth continues will the crazy liberals still be thanking Obama 6 years from now. Of coarse the will because when the argument is lost all that is left is too dispute the facts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I don't know. @user ombudsman could answer the question but nobody cares under this administration. All this does is create chaos for refugees and asylees that are perfectly in status and discourages travel. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I was banned for telling those faggots at r\/publicfreakout that they were white knighting this bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Internet bullying, do me a favour. This aint twitter cunt. I tell you What happens next is i call you a safe space absolute cunt. Jog back on back to twitter. Lefties will always turn on each other Real life I'm a piece of shit. Is this you in real life. Show a picture and something with the date in the back ground. 100 %this aint you in real life. Prove yourself to everyone you aint a piece of lying hypocritical twat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Keep getting yours","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"De Niro Slams Kavanagh and Calls Trump M-F*cker,' Fed-Up Audience Has Nasty Surprise De Niro Slams Kavanagh and Calls Trump 'M-F*cker,' Fed-Up Audience Has Nasty Surprise #EnoughIsEnough DeNiro is living in a bubble,still in 2016~Libs have lost their minds We put up w 8 yrs It's your turn now Donald Trump is our President for 8 years Actor Robert De Niro made headlines over the weekend when he showed up for a Children's Diabetes fundraiser and immediately embarrassed himself. The \"Raging Bull star started ranting and raving about politics, taking aim at Justice Brett Kavanaugh's beer drinking and, in another appearance, called President Donald Trump a \"mother-f*cker. That's when the fed-up audience gave the unhinged 75-year-old a nasty surprise he never saw coming. You'll love this. #RedWave #HereComesThePain #LighttoDark #Maga #Qanon#WWG1WGA#Trump2020 #Pizzagate #FollowTheWhiteRabbit #News#GabFam #MAGA #Trump #BanSharia #1A #2A #NRA #BuildTheWall #DrainTheSwamp https:\/\/madworldnews.com\/de-niro-slams-kavanagh-trump\/ https:\/\/madworldnews.com\/de-niro-slams-kavanagh-trump\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"22 years old and wandering the streets of New York City the big apple from hell and beyond\" and still she is subject to the 'n' word and still other models call her 'n' person of the year and yet she cares but she is more afraid of \"u know who\".\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Meanwhile, these same women are shaming every man who isn't 6'","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Absolutely. He is very special.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This exhibition is much more than just an aesthetic coup for @user It's also a ringing riposte to wall-builders, border-closers and anti-immigrant rhetoric. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Shut up CUNT !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Once a meathead always a meathead. ILLEGAL ALIENS IS NOT IMMIGRATION. #NoDACA #AmericaFirst ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah- im from a really chill town in Arkansas where pretty much no one has rednecky accents but everyone still says 'y'all' its kinda ingrained in my language at this point","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"All these bigots keep saying that Muslims like me ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I didn't mean it that way and I agree. Many good people. I was just slamming that POS Criminal thug. Should have worded it different. Just go nuclear about those damn Clintons and all the damage the've done to USA, along with Illegal Faggot Obama and his manwife Michael","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I just wanna know where all the pussy-ass dudes who act like the opposite side of the retarded feminist coin came from? What in the holy fuck? Whaddaya call that shit? MGTOW? These 'men' with their soundbites and straw men? Will pick one thing you say, fixate on it, and even make it something you never even said somehow?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"YA have to believe the girl,,, according to every liberal cunt that ever marched","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user You are todays saibaba,lord krishna,god ram plz help me or i will commit suicide ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Disabled people are not worthy of living like other humans. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Police nab illegal immigrant 'family' after man found to have raped girl via washtimes #women #college #Democrats ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER i lost my shit and everyone in class is judging me lmao.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The end result is an IQ 85 nigger that's nothing but a violent drain on the modern world. Is he a nigger or a troll? Both.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user you mean the truth...KUNT ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hah. One of the judges is you American's hero, the faggot Jew skater Adam Rippon.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Alec Baldwin calls for overthrow' of Trump at Dem fundraiser in New Hampshire https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/alec-baldwin-calls-for-overthrow-of-trump-at-dem-fundraiser-in-new-hampshire","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Invictus games have been hijacked by clown Harry and his attention seeking monkey bride. Harry should be removed from whatever function he holds at Invictus. Actually, whole Aussie tour is shameless PR promotion of nigger hooker and her non existent 'baby bump'. Belly cradling, dresses slit up to the crotch, faking 'security alert' Sh*t like that.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Aww... You poor fairy gay faggot libtard. Gunny has a special message for your triggered soul...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yeah in the fiction, centaurs are gang-rapists. When Umbridge was 'punished' for her bad deeds, the school just let a group of centaurs carry her off. When she came back, she was broken,disheveled, and a lot less vile. She got raped by a group of centaurs and the school kinda just let it happen and, though never explicitly said 'Umbridge, ya cunt, ur guilty and ur punishment is to be gang-raped by monsters' But ya know. *the implication*","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I may not have been clear. She was not mudsharking when I met her. It was only after we were married and I was on deployment to Liberia when she met this nigger and later she had the nigger that later killed the Amish family's buggy horse.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Running away from the truth yet again and using childish language. Provide a competent argument justifying #Brexit even is it's just to prove that you are not a Russian algorithm designed to disrupt Britain's society and economy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah, fuck me for pointing out facts and shit, right? What a faggot you are.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why are people acting psyched over getting the emergency test text?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I was actually thinking you were joining antifa.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Kike bitch ought to be fired; obviously too dumb to teach; her face the image on a dart board with the kike star of david over her face, a boot up her barren cunt then used as bait behind a garbage barge dragging her and other kike traitors to America back to the unholy shitbowl called Israel; get the fuck out you dumb whore. Jews are very effective at causing people to hate them. And all (((they))) gotta do is act naturally; (((they're))) defective.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Kakuma Refugee Camp benefits from renewable sources of energy | Business Today via @user @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I just want to impress only one person in particular. I don't care about the rest of the world becoz he is the world to me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Haven't set any expectations on him... he has set his own goals chasing his own dreams.. he has asked those questions from the doctor and making decisions with advisement from me his parent... he is growing to be his own man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That is because they are retarded democrats lol CNN's Stelter, Tapper, Cillizza Silent on Stripper Melania,' Melted Down over Horseface' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/the-media\/2018\/10\/17\/cnns-stelter-tapper-cillizza-silent-on-stripper-melania-music-video-melted-down-over-horseface\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I woke up to the most hysterical message. \"Wtf is @user in jail? Nooo! You dumb bitch she's in boot camp. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Where do you find all the despicablevile RACIST JEWS and Democrats? The morally degenarate human sewage lefitst scum cannot actually debate becasue they are low life excrement! All RACIST SEXIST Democrats are brainwashed retarded monkey brains! All Democrats need to be flushed!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"SPLC is anti-Trump, anti-white, anti-free speech....need I go on? Just look at their Twat page and you'll see. Don't, for Heaven's sake, go to their website: they make everything look and sound better than the Girl Scouts! LOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ok so whose job was it to vet the #Republican candidate for #potus Because that was the most epic fuck up in world history! #TrumpIsANationalSecurityThreat #TrumpIsNotABillionaire #TrumpTaxCheat #VoteBlue2020 #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Same cycle 'I'm so miserable now that she's gone' then 'she treated me like grabage, stupid skank' then 'I'm over it now' then repeat ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Three volunteers are helping their fellow refugee children in Vienna have fun and learn new languages! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"26 female immigrant and refugee students, speaking five different languages, are enrolled in this coding studies program #GirlsInTech ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I call everyone cunt tho","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So you admit that you are a h1ndu?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"they need to mobilize and take out the trash - faggot trash","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I really am just going to murdr that woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"LMAO!!!! Holy shit, these people are fucking crazy. I didn't even get the notice, I am sad.... but not bitching. SHe is so lucky to have #TRUMP contact her directly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RT @user My signature move is out of your life. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Happy day, happy day! Finally getting to celebrate President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris! And do so w\/ alcohol now that I'm home from work today! We living it up! Hope our man Steve Kornacki is finally resting, relaxing, and recuperating from this hell week! https:\/\/t.co\/FhQHs1r5RG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user Not all men are godless heathens with no morals or values. I know that might be hard for you to understand. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user Beaucoup de petits restaurateurs embauchent des migrants... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I wouldn't be such a dedicated critic if Andrew hadn't ignored his loyal users and destroyed Gab to curry favor with hit and run ecelebs like Illiimitable Faggot Man. I @judgedread think all Christians are panzy pacifists HAHAHAAHHA I AM A RETARD LOLOLOLOLO AHAHAHAHAHAHAHH, stick and stones will break my bones I am @judgedread and am quite clueless.. I am so retarded I think people have to prove anything to me LOLOLOLOHAHAHAHAHAHAAH","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER #Conservatives #Republicans are #TRAITORS to #America","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best... They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people. Strangely, @user depends on foreign workers for his properties. #Immigration ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER The term parasite\" has now been added to my list of \"fuck you\" terms, which also includes the term \"widget\".\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Open SmartNews and read \"Trump lied, 215,000+ died : Floating billboard in Miami surfaces ahead of town hall here: https:\/\/t.co\/nsHadjx24k To read it on the web, tap here: https:\/\/t.co\/hA0bZFyXvW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gamer Fag shut up nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When you're out drinking all night vs when the bill comes ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Probably an LCBW* !! *Liberal Cunt Bitch Whore","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I really am just going to murder that beat. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"President Trump has an announcement to make: #DonaldTrump #maga #metoo URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You do know there's a link to beating your kids and them growing up to be violent to their wifes and shit right? But what do I know, I'm just a retarded liberal that worships Gandhi","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Disabled people are s c u m. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I have a better idea Mr Guterriz or whatever his name is should resign and go THE HELL back to wherever the hell his people came from for the sake of this country!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Uplift the discourse ? Really you scumbag?Your Republican president has talked about grabbing women by the pussy, supporting neonazis, separating kids from families and youre talking about uplifting the discourse. Stfu. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER An ugly old man trying to make himself relevant again with more lies Remember him saying he had a deathbed confession from CIA director casey? Never happened according to the bodyguards in that room shouldn't that be enough to question this morons credibility","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If we had a much sympathy for our own cities, homeless, and addicts as illegal immigrant we might have something going for us ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER And not all idiots grandstands like he did","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"i never thought biden's son looked cool in any of those pictures so many of you were orgasming over. he just looked like a rich rapist and i was right","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Search warrant ? For what ? Did a retard reporter want 35 year old farts collected and sniffed ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER If Brookee Baldwin and Erin Burnett start showing cleavage to their Boobies CNN just might.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bernie Sanders is the real Jesus, you homeless nigger You're one of those homeless niggers","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lol Wow a meme of a short dick German faggot talking about Trump? Wow, you showed me. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Oh well. You are a better man.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Gun control now! Enough is enough!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Yea, you actually get a pass to do the horrible crap you do Skank BECAUSE your black! White people dont have this pass. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm surprise Justin didn't want him back in Canada with the rest of his jihadi mates.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"nah, just a retarded nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And yet they call US the sexists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Pro Tip- Always call skinny girls fat, they live that shit ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Set and match ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Pipe bombs are not utilitarian tools of death, they're for optics. Consider the calibre\/honesty of those claiming to be targeted. Accusations have become nearly as powerful as crimes themselves with regards to shaping public opinion, when the media stokes the flames.. Cui Bono?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I disagree, she DID try to leak something worthwhile, it just simply backfired on her. I don't care if she accidentally leaked a bunch of children's books...the fact is she tried and failed. Intent is all that matters and she's not sorry what she did. Traitors should be put in prison. She's very open about her hostility towards government. Fuck that cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Progressive groups, along with members of the House Democratic \"Squad, are unveiling a 2021 agenda, laying down markers for how big a Joe Biden administration could go on coronavirus aid, economic relief and more next year https:\/\/t.co\/INc6unoTh4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The faggot in the picture is a jew No its a degenerate subhuman white man It's ok uncle ruckus I know negroes can't tell the difference between whites and Jews. Leave this to the big brains","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Ha! I've met you both and neither of you are dull! Me on the other hand..... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Do yourself a favor and watch this @USER There is still time for you to spit that kool aid out and pay attention to what is happening. You right leaning conservatives are so brainwashed it is sickening.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Nothing abusive should ever be done to anyone! Including the women and people of this country she is putting under horrible stress worrying about what she is going to do. This should have been an easy NO\" from her if she is who she says she is. And I agree with you Gabby!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"Hit\" my ass. The only people that go to those bullshit faggot plays in NYC are the same folks none of us can stand. Rarely does your average, everyday, pro-America, working class go to watch queers prance around on a stage..Dummies that come to NYC for a vacation go too, and i bet they get disappointed Damnit Angela you took my thoughts. Every time I think Broadway or IceCapades i immediately think FAG!! You're right. No one, in their right mind, goes to see this shit. Unfortunately many DO go to the movie theaters and still get the same rhetoric in these films.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No way in hell would I do this to any cat!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I found him, the biggest faggot on the internet: Wow guys with dicks in their mouths and aids are less gay Way back in the before times, InstaPundit would link to me. Then one day a twink like this told them I was a white supreeemist. Not another link. wiki....the unintelligent cucks of the world. They do this \"tone policing\" because it works. Ace gets one whiff of that comment and he would never mention AmRen again. For all his ranting about the cucks at NR and Weak Standard he has the same problem of a fierce desire to be accepted by his enemies.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"AFTER THE RED WAVE OF FREEDOM ON NOV. 6TH, PRESIDENT TRUMP NEEDS TO DEPORT GEORGE CLOONEY AND BETO O'ROURKE TO LEPRECHAUN LAND!! https:\/\/www.irishcentral.com\/culture\/entertainment\/george-clooney-defends-muslims-claims-trump-is-inciting-fear https:\/\/abcnews.go.com\/Politics\/OTUS\/george-clooney-arrested-sudan-embassy-washington-dc\/story?id=15936415 https:\/\/youtu.be\/4u3Z8vJbWTM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My wife used to throw plates at my head when we would argue really bad, I restrained myself first few times and accepted, last time it happened it hit my head and I fucking snapped, I choked my wife with one hand just enough for her to feel a desperation for air, that's when I whisper in her ear in a calm but serious tone\" please, just throw another fucking thing at my head cunt\" anyway ever since then (few years ago), guess how many plates have been thrown at my head since, 0 and we get along heaps better and fuck more I love my wife, but she needed a good lesson that day, silly girl making me go to my dark place.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"80% of women use silence to express pain You know she is truly hurt when she chooses to ignore you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@MOBBRII #trump2020 Anime sucks ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"I did not spend 8 years at University to be called \"Miss\"\". Yea not about your ego at all, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I just made myself laugh out loud imagining the Immigrant Song sung as a round. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@chriskrchr @JamieSooner @nedryun Eat it up butter cup !! #Trump2020 #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He is a lying stack of shit too.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is being realistic tho URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Bad policy compounded by corporate corruption. This is not OK. #ICE. #refugee #ImmigrationChildren #Elections2018 #Impeach45 @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\/\/You are all not ready for #makotoniijimaweek2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You forgot to mention Tony Jones is a cunt and QandA is a far left extremist program","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No my family aren't MAGA they just don't care. They're apart of the populace who get distracted by pop culture completely. They have zero idea what is going on in the world until I tell them and even then they don't care. I'm a lion amongst lambs. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's all in vain, the education war is won. The youth are radicalized. Nobody will ever believe the mainstream media, watch the NFL, or see the corrupt FBI as anything other than an enemy of America ever again. You can kill, defame or imprison everyone and this liberal Jewish order is still going down. There are specific categories of white youth that are alienated by the system. Certainly this cohort will grow over time. The problem is that by the time this sense of alienation is fully manifested we may not have the numbers to effect the necessary change. Even if balkanization happens and we concentrate into a specific area where we are sovereign, the enemy will still have its bolthole in the middle east and the enemy will surround us with hostile forces. We need a sense of urgency, and we've got to ditch Trump who has turned out to be the Great Deceiver. Hey @cashmoneyglock who would you replace Trump with? Yeah, I may be brain dead, but your vicious use of the word retard speaks volumes of your character. Go ahead, you have the last word with me. @Moroboro And your continued fellation of the professional liars who wouldn't even piss on you if you were on fire speaks volumes of your character. Namely that you don't have one. https:\/\/i.4pcdn.org\/pol\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@proxcee Yes. and How much more we'd pay in taxes with #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We are going to put an end to all black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No apple, I don't want an amber alert for a stupid 16 yr old bitch that got into a 21 yr old pedos car . ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER fash\"andlt;That's a give away phrase for #antifa types, the genuine fascists who want to close down free speech. This [ex-]muslim nails the apologists who are really just providing cover for radical islam. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sis, bro, dude, bitch, and cunt are all gender neutral terms. This person is uninformed and ill-equipped to handle life.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I guess he needs to learn gun control.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He seems nice ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It has been announced that Harry and MegNog are expecting arrival of their first quarter nigger monstrosity in Late April. Attention hungry idiots have broken the news to family during Eugenie's wedding. Such crass, rude and low class behavior. Seems ghetto manners have rubbed on Harry big time. It's odd that they had to announce it while couple is abroad..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Tucker Carson \"We need to start looking at the relationship between immigration and crime\" Yes we do thanks bro ' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"While Vox Day is still pushing hard for the award of \"Biggest Faggot on the Internet\" WRT to Gab (details on request, but they're not important for this point he makes), [he's noted something very important](http:\/\/voxday.blogspot.com\/2018\/10\/godaddy-bans-gab.html) and obvious if you think about it WRT to the totalitarian tech Left's comprehensive purging of Gab, the latest crime is GoDaddy shutting down their gab.com domain name. **There is no Rule of Law in the digital economy**: > As I mentioned [in the Darkstream](https:\/\/youtu.be\/sLlw4pMDohg) last night, what these corporations are doing is literally destroying the basis for a developed economy. And not only what they are doing now, but what they have been in the process of doing for the past 15 years. The EULAs, the Terms of Service, and the selling of software of a service, and the SJW convergence have all collectively routed around the rule of law which is necessary for sustained economic growth over time. In countries with strong rule of law: >>","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Or just not vote for Biden's dumbass an we'll be straight lmaooo#Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/gnApUzfVvl","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Come on box I show you my cock darling ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER If you are new to Q or interested in Q here is a link to the post URL and watch pursuit of truth on YouTube. He is easy to follow. Enjoy the show!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Disgraceful. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Portland is very proud of being weird. The cities slogan, after all, is \"Keep Portland Weird.\" I live about 20 miles away but wish I lived much farther away. LOL It has become a disgusting place since I was born in it 80 years ago, up on Pill Hill. It's a downward trend that seems to have hit all cities of any size. Here is a pic of Portland's police chief, Danielle Outlaw, I kid you not . . . Outlaw. Kinda' explains the innaction of her flunkies on the street when help is needed against a pack of thugs. https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/tech\/2018\/10\/08\/antifa-takes-over-portland-harasses-old-man-for-disobeying\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I can't wait for bitch to be the new nigger, I'll be able to offend twice as many people","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This one got me booted off FB for a week. I find it to be one of the most insanely ridiculous things I've ever seen. The retarded liberals who came up with this concept are living in another reality. Pathetic. Yup nigga owes me for all those taxes I sent to Afri-hoobi-joobi land since the 60s when their Retard Fathers failed miserably and begged for help all bcause they have no ability to think at all.Why would anyone want offspring like that?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I completely agree; which is why a potential victim's claim must be afforded due process before she (or he) is villianized.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@johncusack Feel ya... Gotta get rid of the muthafcka #VoteBlue2020 #Biden2020 #MrPresidebt #PayAmericaBackTrump #DumpTrump","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@mama_c2 @KazePlays_JC I'm raising my glass of bubbly in toast to our newly elected President and Vice President. Congrats Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!!! https:\/\/t.co\/ED3bqXhSZB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"118,000 seats in our #Texas Stadium..for the #OctoberRally yah #RedTsunami#MAGA #GOP#TRUMP#TEDCRUZ #2A @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I am going for round two tomorrow afternoon if I haven't been banned for posting legal content, make no mistake about it. This is only the start. And it will only get worse as large loli websites get hold of this anti-loli BS here at GAB.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It was cancelled because people were protesting the use of \"Nigger\" in a play where a bunch of angry white people are screaming for blood from a black man? The whole point of To Kill a Mockingbird is that these people are wrong. How would you omit that? Is \"Negro\" okay as a substitute? Isn't \"negro literally Spanish for \"black ? Maybe the Spanish language is racist too. Oh it's definitely racist. And sexist too, because it has gendered nouns. German actually has three genders. I'm surprised no one has thrown a tantrum over that. I mean, I hate it because it makes it more complicated, but other than that I really don't care. It's fine because one of them is ungendered. That makes them happy. Meanwhile, CNN describes Kanye as \"the token negro of the Trump administration\" saying that Kanye is what happens when \"Negros don't read\". Conveniently forgetting about Dr. Ben Carson, a black former neurosurgeon currently serving in the Trump administration as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. please don't bring up Ben Carson in a positive way ever again. Dr, Ben Carson, is a man who lived during this century. One day he opened and held the door for another person. Just make all those angry white people black. Problem solved.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Another askeNAZI JEW TERRORIST? They are all askeNAZI JEW TERRORIST SCUM! Jews are RETARDED programmed robots!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" Pathetic. Spam. Bots. You already lost. Flailing. Weak. Just Pathetic. Micro-Flatulence..Please Turn To Page 3 of the Media Matters Handbook. Then? GFY, Moron. #QAnon #Q retarded liberals that worship satan, trying to clown Q with their demonic so called art, bring on the tribunals #Qanon. Little monkeys fling poo. It's what they do.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We as women mostly are rape and sexual assault victims. We kept quiet cos no one believes us. Still. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER its so cool that the blind idiot god\" concept is already a real thing from a religion thousands of years old but peopl ehave to make it a fucking cthulhu reference for retard cred\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Molly Tibbetts murder is not a political issue its a law enforcement issue #BuildThatWall it saves American lives from criminals and drugs ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Selling stuff on Letgo or offer up >hey is it available? oh sorry thought you were closer not interested oh I'm a retard that can't read descriptions. #idiots","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER why are you so fucking good.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Police for Trump have arrived. #Trump2020 #BackTheBlue #MAGA2020 #MAGA #Peacefulprotest #TrumpRally https:\/\/t.co\/jrxtRIjFCI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Im gay. I do not care if you have LGBT representation in your game. Make the game you want. If you want to have LGBT representation, please do not engage in tokenism, or flanderize gay sexuality. Rather I appreciate someone being forward with their contempt for me than coming up with noble excuses for being racist or destructive towards LGBT people. Tell me I'm going to the firing squad not the \"lead-powered re-education line\" and I'll be much less offended.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Liberals word ,triggered . So now I know I'm dealing with a retarded fuck ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Coulter needs to do a European Tour and tell these IDIOTS that they will be dead very soon, their sons will be dead and their daughters will be new Muzzie Breeders with children named Mohamed ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Being critical of SJW's is the only thing a lot of these people have in common with each other. Some even openly dislike one another. They all came along when Tumblr was at its most unrelatable, obnoxious and downright weird, and simply reacted to it, anybody who still bases their content on that would be a dead channel now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He is a beast","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I follow all these MAGA Patriots got a few new ones URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Do you have evidence that Trump didn't collude with Russia? DUuUueerrrrhhh, he said so...MAGA!\" URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"My theory on who is behind these bomb scares? Two possibilities. One, a right-wing loner. Likely one of the Jew-hating types we see here on Gab. Or two, a douche-bag liberal psycho posing as a right-wing psycho. You know, just like they do with their libtard swastika graffiti. Lol, whereas there's plenty of you dumb faggots just begging to destroy this country and betray your own people in favor of kikes, you retarded cuck pile of shit only worthy of being fertilizer.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Awwe, bless those little ladies. Don't worry, us men will look after you ... They can't make their fucking mind up can they. Either we're patronising or heartless. We (men) can't win with cunts like this.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The definition of a thick cunt would be wanking off thinking all accounts called Wolf are a bloke called Sean. #DumbCuntEvidence","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user The 16 year plan they still want to enforce!!!!!! #WINNING #MAGA. #Q #BuildThatWall #ANTIOBAMA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Becoming..... a woman?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Women who think they are my equal fill me with so much rage. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user The thing is some men are shy and some women are more forceful like me: not all men are the out front protectors. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"she needs to lay off the sand nigger cock","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Thank God they ban conservatives on social media.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"First post on the censorship free social media platoform of the future!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So Obsidian is no more, just an empty husk, a shell of it's former glory, hollowed out by the despicable M$, we shall mourn it's passing in silence and not buy any crap from M$.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Spain creates its first refugee camp near San Roque to home migrants ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER was she physically threatening the boys or us? was she completely slandering their name? no she wasnt. im honestly not for her saying that shit ya of course. like ya she said it and fucked up. but at least she owned up to it and apologized. but death threats is way out of line.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Been over to the site and upvoted you..... thanks !!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Go with meeeeeeee","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals are in full meltdown today...fun to watch...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RETWEET: JOE BIDEN, KAMALA HARRIS, AND BARACK OBAMA... \"TAKES ... OVER THE... \"WORLD JOE BIDEN, THE 46TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAKAMALA HARRIS, THE FIRST... \"BLACK WOMAN ... VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA \"WHAT A GREAT DAY FOR AMERICA BLM https:\/\/t.co\/ukcggN8hXD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER What about @USER ? You and your antifa son are keeping your trap shut about that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"i miss this bitch ass whore ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I don't want to use a lot of bad words, but uhm... the dumb leftist cunt shows exactly how the left debates these days. They are not civil even when asked to.. https:\/\/youtu.be\/T9dp3g8ndJA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And Democrats want an open border and gun control... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We are honorable, they are not. But virtue is a poor substitute for courage. This event (today's), just signals a increase in tension. Idk what's wrong w saying I didn't do it, but I'm glad it's happening. The ppl that are condeming whites to death by nigger have enjoyed security for far too long.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"obama is a useless nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"AHH I MISS THEM SM ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@ddale8 He got this info from his #RightWingTerrorist supporters that that's their preferred tactic and brand? Why don't we see the ground littered with tuna fish cans after a #PeacefulProtest then, instead of #TrumpsGestapo s tear gas canisters and pepper bombs? #LiarInChief#VoteBlue2020","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#GoodRead: A Brief History of Repressive Regimes and Their Gun Laws. With the wrong political actors in power, yesterday's 'common-sense' gun control could be tomorrow's vehicle for gun confiscation.\" If we lose #2A, we surrender our freedom period. URL @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah, you guys need to get a grip. This very much sounds like a 'too drunk to say no' rape. As in, the girl was not sober enough to say no, therefore it wasn't rape, but you know goddam well it was. PPD you need to stick to actual PPD, not defending 'soft' rapes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"10\/ Semi-related, that's the same with 2nd Amendment absolutists. Like Jim Losi seriously and literally says that there should be no restrictions on guns, including for criminals and the mentally ill. He told me that directly. If that's your position and you think you're a \"super patriot,\" you're actually just a retard. fuck off faggot nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"West Ham Suspends Youth Coach Who Attended DFLA March (Democratic Football Lads Alliance). If this coach had attended a pro sexualisation of children march or a pro trans lqbtxyz march, he would've been celebrated. #ClownWorld UK https:\/\/www.bbc.co.uk\/sport\/football\/45884004","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Rex Scott is the biggest faggot to ever waste oxygen. If the civil war ever kicks off I'm gonna seek that bitch out like I'm the Terminator. My god do I hate him","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dude, I came from a foreign country that taught chemistry and physics in 5th grade. The moment I transferred to an American school my brain shut down. It's as if I was stuck in pre-school all the way till uni. By then I was done with this retarded system and began self educating. One thing that I wish these cunts would have put emphasis on, was money, investment, compound interest,debt...etc.. god damn I had to learn all that through trial and error. Would be so much further along if this crap had been instilled in me since young age.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Maybe you're not voting FOR Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. You're voting against the toxic, divisive, hurtful policies of an administration that really only cares about POWER. (They don't care one lick about your unborn babies or your orientation one way or another)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I don't understand this world, I don't understand how someone could be so cruel to another person, or how a law system could protect people like her. It honestly pains me to see or read about these type of events.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm having difficulty actually believing that these are real people and these are their actual opinions... like, who the hell are these fuckin' retards and where do you find them to personally tell them so? Asking for a friend.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER DaveB the most boring man to have ever graced SIMB. Thank fuck he was run off the BORED","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Would this, then, stop immigration from southern countries who's people cast votes in our elections without being actual US citizens? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"THIS TWAT LOOKS LIKE EVERY PICTURE YOU WOULD SEE OF AN ALIEN 10 YRS AGO. HIS ONLY PROBLEM IS HE KEEPS SAYING \"TAKE ME TOO SOME PETER.\" INSTEAD OF LEADER.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Did they really need to censor \"Cunt\"? Everyone can tell what it's supposed to be I thought the opposite of asexual was sexual. I guess every teacher I've ever had is a bigot. Thank you! As an asexual, I appreciate you for using the word \"normal . They don't like it in the ace community, because not-normal sounds like a bad thing, but personally, I usually just call non-ace people normal or sexual. I have an asexual friend who feels the same way. Personally, I feel that his feelings are normal for him. That's Aussiephobic. Flip it upside down. They can't hear you standing up for them. They might offend themselves by uttering the word? That professor would lose their mind at a Jim Jefferies show. I'll never understand the logic behind it. As you said, everyone can tell what it is. But even in rare cases were they can't, it just makes it harder to convey your point. That is how I feel with every censored swear word. Either don't censor it, or use a different word. Putting an asterisk is just people getting away with swearing. You're still putting the word in my head. But how will we know what word they said?? It's like blurring middle fingers like hmmmm, I wonder what's behind that censorship?? Well I cant.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Call these outsiders out. Most of these comments and likes come from liberals in other states trying to swing elections in Wisconsin. Shine the light on who and what they are. Scott Walker has been a target of theirs since his first governor election. We got this! Let's do it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Trns people belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"and the cunt has a blue checkmark. Of course","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER This sums up what's happening across the pond. It is what the #MSM hides in America. #MeToo #MAGA #KAG2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"She should be kicked off the platform for saying \"trans people should all be killed\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"AfD * Like a BOSS * AfD-Ordner reagiert COOL * Antifa * Niedersachsen URL shakin that","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER you took a sip of your trusty vault 13 canteen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER The US Open has treated her poorly with the whole controversy over her outfit. Bottom line is she was treated differently because she is a women of color and this would never happen to a man. The USTA better soon recognize that she IS women's tennis and act accordingly!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Raping a gay person like you should not be illegal. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I pray to the god of the heavens and the Earth bless the victims of Boko Haram.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@CarolineRoseGiu What about this:Joe Biden 1\/20\/2021 - 1\/22\/2023Kamala Harris 1\/22\/2023 - 1\/20\/2025Kamala Harris 2024 and 2028Just to have the most continuity ... 1 year 366 days Biden and then 9 years 364 Harris.If I understand your constitution right, that's possible.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Every fucking day we see stories of unbelievable acts of violence committed against white people by niggers. And never a fucking peep from the Jewish media. I'm absolutely sick of nigger violence and nigger privilege.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"so you setting some weird expectations for yourself means everyone else who doesn't conform to those standards is cheap? I disagree with this. If a friend invites me to watch a movie and grab a burger afterwards I don't expect them to pay for either of those things for me, why should it be different here? I am not saying you should never treat a date to a meal or something I have done so in the past with girlfriends. But why would I pay for a first date? I barely even know if I like the person in this sort of context and we are both investing time to see if we are interested in each other. Additionally, I have heard several women talk about dating with the goal being free food. I don't really feel like dealing with that. If whether or not a girl wants to go out with me depends on me buying her some free shit then I just saved us both some time, because I don't want to go out with her anymore. You're an idiot. I've been a broke college person and had to budget everything, not paying >If I ask someone on a date, I expect to be paying for them. That's awfully convenient for women, since they're not the ones expected to ask.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Outrage as High School Band Halftime Show Depicts Police Being Shot https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Kjb4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That's ridiculous. :\/ I expect nothing less from the fairy gay faggot called Jack Dorsey.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ever been so hungover that your stomach feels like it's eating itself ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user \"Most Hysterical Woman\" Touche' Ann,couldn't agree more. 2020 candidacy is already here. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The Trump administration wants to target legal immigrants who use programs like Obamacare and potentially block ... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fags just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Black conservatives are routinely labeled by Black 1% as \"Uncle Tom's. That is attacking Black conservatives for being Black.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"These women make me so happy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I dont get how the public saw this as excessive. You hit, expect get hit. really? what a stupid comment. He's a police offer and about twice her size. oh and also there are 3 other men holding her. she's no danger to him and she barely slapped him and he punched her in the face, hard. He could have killed her or caused lasting damage. a cop is held to a higher standard; not tit for tat.. Killed her???? happens regularly: https:\/\/www.mirror.co.uk\/news\/uk-news\/horrifying-moment-boy-16-kills-11284008 google one punch kills. i just cant believe so many are justifying this behavior. there was zero justification for that punch. cops shouldn't respond emotionally but in a calculated manner. the aim should be to subdue the person, not punch them in the face. and no, punching somebody who is being held by 3-4 men is not subduing. thats getting angry and retaliating By this logic, couldn't she have killed him? no. any reasonable person could see that her half assed slap couldn't kill. but obviously you just like to argue. so thumbs up i guess","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I could not care less what the porn model skank thinks. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"STABBED IN NECK arrested but no descr #DMTBKA https:\/\/6abc.com\/police-suspect-arrested-for-allegedly-killing-a-man-in-frankford\/4370470\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The result of generations of selective breeding. Livestock are for breeding. Only two original parents; Adam and Eve. Tell me some more! Wow. Talk about a non sequitur! You must be the King of Non Sequiturland! Please Tell me some more. Oh my !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Snoop Dogg Calls Kanye West an Uncle Tom' for Supporting America First Agenda Here is another piece of shit that deserves the noose. This garbage human and \"entertainers\" like him are responsible for \"thug culture\" in America which unsurprisingly promotes violence, prostitution, real misogyny, degeneracy, and drug use. Scum like this clown are influences on the youth of today. Music has always played a major role in influencing the minds of our children, no style of music has had as big of a negative effect as \"hip-hop\". The message in the music is as low and disgusting as it gets, and of course, it is very liberal.... https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/01\/snoop-dogg-calls-kanye-west-an-uncle-tom-for-supporting-america-first-agenda\/ Dogg has smoked himself retarded ....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I believe disabled lives aren't worth shit. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Because they have a corrupt liberal government that steals from the people. Liberals at work....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Go home has been","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Still no end in sight for Africa's #refugee crisis via @user #WithRefugees @user @user @user @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Glad she is OK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER what the fuck","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Lmao I have it too. Shitty quality but I don't mind it either. The lowlands one sounds better ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Most of them know it's intellectually retarded, but they do it anyway it plays well with feelz-over-realz voters i.e. almost all Dems. Even if you could completely ban sales of all firearms and firearm accessories, good luck finding, collecting, and destroying the existing ones. Criminals will just show up at the county sheriff's department the next day and turn it all in, right?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If there's something I definitely don't give a fuck about, it's definitely anything ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"As much as he held 4chan in contempt I could see some of the more weaponized autists of 4chan calling up this wench's work, friends(Making an assumption here) and family and letting them know what she's up to Not suggesting they should but she's being enough of a cunt that they might. Anyone remember that girl who showed videos of her abusing cats on 4chan on the \"post nice pictures of cats\" thread?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"fuck off retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"he Kavanaugh trial was all about Abortion and Women voters ! We don't want to offend the women voter ! The abortion thing is crazy ! We the fetus develops a heart beat it becomes a real live BABY ! Abortion stops the babies heart from beating ! This is as CRAZY ! Taking your child's life, because you are to lazy to use birth control ! I pray you gave your child a name ! This Kavanaugh trial has many facets of pollical agenda's ! Resisting TRUMP is only one ! The Roe v Wade is another ! Then there is the women's vote ! Not to mention embarrassing the Republican party !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I was more annoyed by the men in that game. Except like 2 or 3 men they were either turbodicks or turboretards. Game was still good. It just overstayed its welcome in the end, I never finished the expansion because I was exhausted.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Wait until he is on your coaching staff and you will change your mind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER She is a courages patriot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Antifa boot camp ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Glasgow 'blindsided' as destitute refugees face mass evictions ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER What color is the sky in your world? I've never seen a group of people so utterly delusional and in denial as liberals since Trump won. You guys need to just get over it! And sorry! There simply was no #Russiacollusion! #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #FISAGate #Deepstateisreal","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@lt4agreements White, working class voter here with only a HS degree and I'm a proud supporter of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris because I believe we deserve better!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is horrifying. So many women have suffered from rape\/ abuse at the hands of men who are never held accountable ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Tim Pool accurately summarises the state of the culture war and why pacifism is losing the war against the far left. PS: Sorry guys, Had to repost as I broke a rule with the title. All good. Yes, that is clearly what Alex Jones did. Thanks for letting us know the truth. Now I feel way better about him getting banned from paypal. which is fucking dumb. i wrote about this in cringeanarchy... basically the admins told the mods to stop letting people flagrantly use racist derogatory terms. the problem with banning low energy racist bullshit like this is that offense is taken, not given. when these social terrorists ban a word for being racist, what they're saying is us po blak fohk are too feebleminded that when we hear it, it'll cause us to go until a drug fueled, south chicago gangbang shooting rampage ... as if sticks and stones suddenly stopped being true. they're the ones who are racist bigots. they are not helping. they do not get the moral high ground. Freedom of speech means I can shit on your podium when I don't like what you say. Anyone who does that is an idiot. Anyone who in this day and age uses nigger is doing the same thing. Throwing poop around is a method of discourse for monkeys and cavemen. Throwing around slurs as an argument is a method of discourse for human from 1600~ Get on with the times and stop being upset we've grown as a species. > Freedom of speech means I can shit on your podium when I don't like what you say. Freedom of speech means you go speak at your own podium and leave the person already speaking at his own podium alone. Man, I love when people show up from the outside to have a conversation. Shut, the, fuck, up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Bitch is a ugly 3rd world kunt wit no ass and flopper jugs. Hate her ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I hope someone breaks into this \"judge's\" home and she is defenseless and the police take their usual time responding. Then she will learn what a stupid, dangerous, cunt she is","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Honestly, as long as they look close enough the part, and don't pretend for me to use retarded made up shit like \"xyr\", I don't really give a shit about them wanting to be called with a female pronoun.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Is this really a KiA topic? I like linux, I dislike DRM, but...what does it have to do with ethics in gaming journalism? Hope this doesn't come across as rude, just wondering how you linked this to that. It has nothing to do with Ethics. But is has to do with Gaming and Censorship, the two other pillars here on KiA. I've read the article, and people are being VAC banned for using Steam Play on a multiplayer game. I don't see what is being censored? I'm glad to have read it, I use Steam Play and will tread more carefully, I just don't understand what makes it a KiA topic. It would make sense in \/r\/linux, \/r\/linux_gaming, \/r\/SteamPlay, \/r\/SoulCalibur\/, etc? I would recommend you post this article in those subs then. That's not my point, desire, or intention. I don't understand what is being censored here, I'm not attacking you I'm asking for an explanation as I still don't understand the point you're trying to make with this article and I want to understand. Y'all can go fuck yourselves for downvoting me for trying to understand.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER UR SO FUCKIDNG PRETTY PERHAPS I SHED TEARS URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"i hate those memes which go dear girls, stop doing ___ if you think boys like it because we dont like???? you fucking cunt you think i even spend a second of my day thinking about YOU or your dumbass preferences??? yall are dumb lmaoooooo women dont give a fuck about you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You forgot option 3: telling them to shut up, sit down, and get back to the lesson at hand. No one is reading TKAM and saying \"and so you see, clearly the nigger is subhuman trash, fit only to fertilize our fields like the excrement that they are\". They're saying \"Wow, holy shit, that girl is insane and those people are racist as fuck, holy crap. Thank goodness Atticus has at least a modicum of decency and does his fucking job\". It's literally anti-racist, pro equality. Fuck, I hear more people yelling nigger on the radio when some \"greatest hit\" from some shitty rapper comes on in a few sentences then you hear in this entire novel.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Then I guess the only recourse we have is to deport them to Russia. I'm sure a nice immigrant family can fill their home once they are gone. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you think I fuck with that hoe then you a fool ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Kirinodere and the Curious Case of the Fucked Customs Fees. 10\/10 good book.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Our President - the liar! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=5bhKir8-RTkandfeature=youtu.be","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This priest is being hated even by his stupid god. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user Well duh I made the gc you a hole ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Old pic. Trump is not monitoring anything related to the Hurricane. Pretty sure he is shitting his pants right about now","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Neter Sesen Book 2 Verses 61 -62: Tehuti: 'Do not all men have a mind?' Sesen: ' Be cautious what you say, for I... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Liberals destroy everything they touch. The NFL, schools, the economy, bathrooms, media and news, foreign affairs, gender, textbooks, immigration, Halloween, Christmas, Am. History, Respect for Military and Police sports, Heathcare, the economy, boy scouts, They're like a forest fire. They destroy everything Jews invented liberalism","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"How is this posted again? Not even a pussy pass being denied. If she were a man, she would've been turned away too. This is a dumbass pass being denied Because the little douchebags calling her a whore and bitch upvote anything anti women. This is the biggest flaw of this sub. It becomes a duck this person because they're [blank] group. Same problem happens in r\/holdmyfries","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Over 7 years ....it's pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ya, Martin @mstytz I really need a fictional dead faggot kike on a stick in my life. A crazy Hezus belief is just what I need to bring me the insanity and perversion I lack.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":">She even has the audacity to point out that since that district is only about 50% white it should never go conservative again and won't as long as they replace whitey further. But when I say that, I'm a white supremacist conspiracy theorist Lefties have no self awareness","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Queen Of Rap Other Bitches can knot relate","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh look it's the civnat squad. Haven't seen y'all around for a while. I suppose it's no coincidence that you're back just as there's been an influx of porn spamming and other JIDF kikery. >porn spamming OOF. Talk about delusions. I've been back for almost two months you mong. lol Well I guess you just sequestered yourself to your little andrew anglin fanclub safe space cuz you ain't resonating with anybody who matters or doing anything to build bridges with the normies like you always claim you wanted to but never actually did unlike us who'ce accomplished more while y'all been gone than you ever could have hoped to. We have people going into their local GOP and taking over little by little from the boomers. Meanwhile, you fags do nothing but sit around LARP about revolutions and ethnostates or blackpilling. Also, protect us? from whom? lol I very much doubt that you know anyone personally who's done this and are just speculating but I'll indulge you anyway. What's your specific goal in subverting the GOP, as in, what has to happen for you to claim victory? When do you expect this to happen? and where are you in achieving this goal? It would be better to infiltrate the democratic socialists and plant listening devices amongst other things. @SiegeReaderson I think that in areas that are solid blue, infiltrating the DSA could definitely have it's value if you know what you're doing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ha ha, I'm hillbilly rural bro. I'll be dead an gone by the time my backwoods are ever Islamified. Besides, I'll always have a team of large dogs and Muslims don't seem to like big dogs a whole lot; once these silly labs I have are gone I'm getting fucking Rottweilers!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And there I was thinking I couldn't like you any more than I already did... Brilliant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Truly. He had that sly, self-deprecating humor and swagger. Like you said, very American\".\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is a massive trend in 'those peoples' complaints, for lack of a better term. They suck at story telling. No gay character? Make a caricature with no depth. Heaven forbid their faggotry causes the slightest conflict that isn't 'world hates gays'. Ignore the fact that sexuality surfaces explicitly in very, very few characters. Have a woman? She better be a Mary Sue. Heaven forbid she has a healthy relationship with men or has a traditionally attractive appearance. Ignore the fact that no one actually wants to watch a movie about ugly women being angry. Have a villian? Angry, white ex-military homophobe with a hard-on for disrespecting women. Heaven forbid the stop shouting about the benefits of islamaphobia. Ignore the fact that the purpose of villians is exactly as written above. Make a nuanced statement about anything? No one has time for that. Heaven forbid you help develop what they believe into a cohesive system. Ignore the fact that the entire point of literally any decent story is to act as a simulation through which ideas, characters and behaviors can be explored in order to better understand their nuances.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user All dirty vote bank politics. AAP rule has made Delhi to look like a big slum.Illegal migrants in Delhi have increased 3 time in AAP 3Y rule ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Makes them look like a massive cunt ...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"She is that Cunt she played on Jerry Seinfeld. That was no act.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I recommend that everyone join retarded boomer Matt Bracken's retarded social media site. Make sure to upvote and downvote things multiple times- his stupid piece of shit sends anyone signed up an email every time you do that. Use Tor and a cock.li email. LOL This dude is retarded. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Pamela Geller: A Jewish journalist was killed by a racist black man and no media will report it: The media world mourns the death of Jamel Khashoggi, a Saudi-Turkish Islamist activist who hated Jews and supported Hamas, and no one speaks of Jerry Wolkowitz, an http:\/\/dlvr.it\/Qp2wBB Are the White, Russian, Ukrainian, Greek, Armenian, and Syriac Genocides discriminate or indiscriminate? I hope U realize that the folks STILL in CONTROL of RUSSIA, R the SAME JEWS (Hittites) RUNNING AMERICA?! They gained control of Russia back in 1932 during the first Holomador. ! https:\/\/comparet.christogenea.org\/sermons\/rod-yahwehs-anger (((They))) gained control of America in 1913 when they illegally passed the Federal Reserve. They've been in CONTROL of ALL since then! Their REIGN is about over! https:\/\/comparet.christogenea.org\/sermons\/rod-yahwehs-anger","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It snowing. You ladies better start shoveling! #EqualRights #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"Hitler's sister Paula was mentally retarded . . . but she still had more brains than her brother!!\" Wow totally not a biased \"source\"!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Number of illegal migrants in Ukraine grows by 22% ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Is she Peter Griffen kind of retarded? Wow.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ok all their retarted allegations aside, how do you sue Uber for workplace sexual harassment? It's an app, it is YOUR car. Unless they mean in Uber corporate, still probably horseshit. There are a lot of un-American cunts on Reddit. A longstanding principle of Anglo American contract law for a thousand years is that just because there's a contract, it doesn't mean there was a meeting of minds, arms-length negotiations or anything else that contracts are superior to be. It you know, reading a two-sentence meme pretty much exhausts most people's comprehension skills.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"ok, thanks for the head's up. call me?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Don't worry fellow #Antifa and #resist member, I have made an excellent plan to stop Russian influence for good. I call it General Plan Ost\". We will invade Russia's western border in three different army groups while cleansing the population all the way to Moscow!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER ... Do a few more lines Moore.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" well ,little boy, if you are a boy..when you become a big boy and get a job, you will more money in your pocket..now go toss your moma and have a nice day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The downvoter on this is clearly a Killary cunt licking shill. http:\/\/www.fbcoverup.com\/docs\/cyberhijack\/cyber-hijack-findings.html","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Personally I think it's kinda dumb but the fact that is has all the bloodsports faggots like Warski seething makes me almost tempted to support it. Seriously, he's allegedly doing coke and his wife left him? My fucking sides","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Guys have bad games. It's the game. It humbles everyone. Stafford has been very rusty and inconsistent this year 2 games in. He is missing the long down field passes that flip the game","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's not beyond the realm of possibility that the people aligned with you are also cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is very scared that he will loose...... Yay!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump @FLOTUS God bless you both.Here's to a speedy recovery. #MAGA2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"But that fucking cunt is totally innocent.... Right?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Stupid dumb cunt NPC'S lol RESTAURANT OWNER CALLED A NAZI SYMPATHIZER,' LIFE THREATENED FOR RENTING ROOM TO MARSHA BLACKBURN https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/restaurant-owner-called-a-nazi-sympathizer-life-threatened-for-renting-room-to-marsha-blackburn\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lily colored her hair. Sam was loud and aggressive and liked to eat. Jade was a goth girl who took no shit. They're basically characters that fall in line with stereotypical representations of what a lesbian acts like but these posters can't see that they're essentially saying \"IF YOURE A GIRL AND YOU ACT LIKE THIS YOU MUST LIKE OTHER WOMEN Yeah. My lesbian character (in DandD) is a massive sweetheart and very girly, giggly, and likes to act cutesy. I've never thought that she was denying stereotypes until now. Not sure why Harper had to be a lesbian except maybe because she was large. wait, since when is an angry goth girl a lesbian stereotype? I knew a few back in my high school days, but they were all straight. Same with dying hair. Maybe for every 2 or 3 dozen of dyed hair girls only one of them are les or bi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lol now call me a kike! You retards are so unoriginal! \"Boomer\" lol You're like a spoiled millennial faggot \"I only got 29 of the 30 things I wanted for Christmas, wahhhh\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"America seems to breed these cuntish women at an alarming rate. I blame limp wristed parents.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Football is an all American sport that brings families and communities together. It also celebrates masculinity. It seems these things are under attack today.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@kirkacevedo I hope the @VP leaves the debate needing a donut to sit on. #BidenHarris2020 #GoKamala","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Thanks Professor. A damn shame","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Please point out what isn't true. Do the SHITlibs not love austerity and slashing public funding? Do they not love privatization? Are their social policies anything more than empty gestures? Has anyone in this thread referred to Drug Fraud as far right? No? So all true! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Now that LibTURD women relate to Muzzies they, too, can go through a Muzzie Mutilation to ensure they never get any Sexual Gratification ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Woe to the boy with a retarded moron for a mother.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Court records show a man accused of shooting a Colorado Springs police officer in the head in a shootout is an Iraqi immigrant with a recent criminal history in the U.S. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"well. i hate to say this folks, but we are headed for the SHOOTING PART of that damn CIVIL OR REVOLUTIONARY WAR WE NOW FIND OURSELVES, AND REMEMBER, IT IS THOSE FKING LAWLESS COMMUNIST DEMORATS THAT STARTED THIS UNDER THAT MUSLIM FRAUD NIGGER OBAMA AND OLD HILLARY BEAST AND SOROS.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"churches open their doors to migrants not of the foreign kind but the ones who begged a bed but were forgotten now the church has prorities ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa is hatred incarnate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Don't be a dick when you rate businesses. 5 stars always for good work; 4 is bad; 3 is very bad; 2 is abysmally bad; 1 star is Satan. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Alpha as fuck move on the guy's part. He didn't even entertain her idea. Just got the hell out and stonewalled her ass. Mad props. Yuge props. She asked him something that was a complete slap in the face, and he just returned the favor, except with a double handed pimp slap.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@Heartiste @PNN Veteran journalist fired after criticizing 5G and questioning it's safety http:\/\/archive.is\/QmalP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Posted by u\/Russians30i44i3o It turns out shrieking like a retard isn't a convincing argument","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Effects of Third World Immigration into Canada via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user how drunk was this a hole and did you threaten to chop it off in theme with the month? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@donwinslow and Bruce @springsteen, I just watched your new video twice. I cried both times. My heart breaks for PA and our entire country that has become very challenged under the monster trump. I hope most of Anerica watches this powerful video and votes this devil out! https:\/\/t.co\/oezOs79kzw","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Child Prostitution: Feds Break Up Mexico-to-Queens Sex Trafficking Ring via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Disabled people have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wow 30 seconds of chunk and he proves he is a twat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Who cares! He is a sick head!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Yeah ... as if when a lady stranger randomly walks into your home the first thing you think to do is obey her verbal commands.... Sounds like she is trying to blame HIM for his own murder. Unbelievable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Can you eat this child you are wild","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Retard! Isn't it assault to throw things at ppl? Young white boys are so faggot filled. Go get 'em Alex!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"OCTOBER 12, 2018 Trudeau Government Announces They're Giving More Taxpayer Dollars To UN Palestinian Organization Fair Use: https:\/\/www.spencerfernando.com\/2018\/10\/12\/awful-trudeau-government-announces-theyre-giving-more-taxpayer-dollars-to-un-palestinian-organization-that-funds-hate-propaganda\/ ~ Spenser Fernando Well, I must admit that I like Faith Goldy. She is well loved by Canadians, a patriot, she is!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"NO ONE WANTS A DUMBFUCK SHE-BOON NIGGER AS GOVERNOR !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Who is this Irish leftist cunt in Texas and why does he look like napoleon dynamite","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER A vulgar attempt to reduce sisterhood to genitalia.....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"She died a nigger Now that is funny shit https:\/\/www.dailymotion.com\/video\/x3utu6r","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Buh Buh snowFlake","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@ResisterSis20 I am a #CA voter and I am casting my ballot #BidenHarris2020.I am #TheResistance. We must stop #CrimesAgainstHumanity because #NeverAgainIsNowPass it on.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER LMAO! You are still butt hurt that your loser Hitlary lost. Love it. See you at the polls in 2020 Bucky.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Thank you lmao the way she said it like she was so stunned she forgot how much of a cunt she was being","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Join American Sheriffs to Secure Americas Borders! #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Well I'd be kinda upset if my ex was trying to make my kid a Muslim so I guess I can understand the beef They were both Catholic and had agreed to raise their kid in the Catholic Church. Their religion is important to them both and she made the decision to have the child baptized without his father present. Yeah guess so. Why make it about the parents tho? Now the kid has to live a messed up life run through the courts. At least the kid got baptized. I'm catholic as well and fully understand the importance.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user No, you are the most hysterical woman alive. Go find an island and stay there. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER dont know who you are so imma just URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"listen... i love lil b but i would not fuck with dej loaf at all. she prob got poison up in her nail polish like that bitch from holes ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is the perfect insult because women are bad, and hysterical women are the worst kind of a bad thing, and the dems are being insulted BY a woman, which is humiliating because women are very bad. Perfect insult by a perfect lady! though thats impossible because ladies are bad, ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Five caged lions poisoned and mutilated at African game farm. This is the type of shithole savage that Europeans are so eager to import. This is what we do to May cut legs of and fucking head and stick.fucking nosie up cunt hole","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER ppl speculate its ab the akb48 produce akimoto and the fact he is a right wing and koreans really dislike him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dont run lil bitch, dont talk shit if u just gonna run away,, scared to let ur wannabe kkk buddys know u gettin out trashed talked? or the fact i made u bow down twice... kiss my feet boy tell daddy ur sorry nigger + faggot = niggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Just what a communist would do! Destroying America! Lock Him Up! TRUMP2020 MAGA! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER URL I read wages of rebellion- which had some beautiful moments - but some of it made me suspicious and this article confirmed some of them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When the fat shameless fuck doesn't clickbait Angry Grandpa's corpse, he becomes a gay faggot for another fat shameless fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"careey what the fuck are you still doing in our country don t you want to live with your faggot leader in canada stop talking through your ass ,and what the fuck are you saying WE your not American go fucking home","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Heartwarming Video Of A Legal Immigrant \"President Trump Is A Gift From Heaven\" ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Hits a home run against Antifa, KKK, White Supremacy and the Left with Leftists Claim Facts Are \"Aggressive\"\" #WalkAway #Q #QAnon #QArmy #VoteRed2018 URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER im no one special or affiliated with @USER they're just my favorite team I believe it was personal and financial here is my take he obviously had some issues with management and @USER had to set a presedent and at the rate he is going he is going to command big $$$$$","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sorry I wasn't listening. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/6nTr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm not a nigger, why would I be speaking about Slavic nations and Slavic lands if I was. Maybe this concept is foreign to you, but we are all white. But even if I was a nigger - so what?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Civilians Also I'll admit its hard sometimes when helping Grok 24-7 lol I've been called names I didn't even know existed Example Antifa Grannies Brokeback Valor (WTH is that) Grok Girl Friend (Yep No Shit) Things Frauds will say Thank You Grok (Brother) ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user LOLSO TRUE!!I THINK BOOKER IS WINNING THE BATTLE OF MOST HYSTERICAL WOMEN AT THE KAVANAUGH HEARINGS!!!@CoryBooker ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Is there any doubt that all Democrats are NPC's? All Democrats are brainwashed retarded monkey brains!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" Hey numbnuts, that actor is long since dead.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gy people belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user Block me you dumb bitch. Because I'll go on all day about how nurses are assistants. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The Stock Market's Achilles Heel ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oh, the fragile faggot fraternity mentality of the sanctuary city Boston police has caused them butthurt, fuck them, sanctuary city police have pitted themselves against America.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"R\/Toronto banned me for supporting free speech and non violent protests. Cunts R\/Toronto banned me for supporting free speech and non violent protests. Cunts R\/Toronto banned me for supporting free speech and non violent protests. Cunts","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I win. Christgang 1 Neopagans 0 No need to be salty. You wish I was salty. It would mean I didn't realise how stupid you are. But, alas... You are as dumb as they come. I judge people by their character moreso than their IQ score. Theres no shortage of smart assholes in this world. LOL Slava! Slava !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@cnni If @realDonaldTrump s Rose Garden massacre isn't enough reason to vote for him, I'll give you 10 more #CovidiotInChief #Biden2020 @FoxNewsSunday @WSJopinion https:\/\/t.co\/iNJ62AisF5","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just cast my 2020 ballot for @realDonaldTrump @POTUS LETS GO!!! #4MoreYears #Trump2020 #KAGA2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"D3ath to all black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hey thanks for that. Red is my favorite color so I can't wait until it's the background for my post.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER He is a total phony.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This Code Pink twat is saying that an allegation is enough to send it to trial. Ben Sharpiro shut her down with logic. I'm sorry Liberal women you have the brains of a retarded gnat.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Smug lolis get more smug every time some faggot gets triggered over drawings. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=28sF2-amfMI That's true. It's funny how they don't mind stuff being censored when they don't like it. If a person is truly for free speech they defend the speech they don't like not just the speech they do like. Personally I find all the \"It's always Jews fault\" stuff super retarded but people are free to post it and I won't push for it to be banned because I disagree with it. The people who actually look for stuff to complain about are the worst kind of authoritarian puritan-fags. Don't like it... don't look. It's that easy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I cannot believe thismong. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why leaving Islam needs to be normalized https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=mb1ieYh4lpc I think it is disgusting that if a Muslim wishes to leave Islam they face honour killing by their family that is not the behaviour of a religion that is the behaviour of a cult imagine if christians did that,, then we wouldnt be in this mess. \"islam bad. no disney world, no miley cyrus, no sexbots.\" If white nationalists had brains (they don't) they'd embrace those boomer themes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@ChristiJunior <=== Stupid cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nope. SC upholds it. As long as that exists, no, it's not fact. No matter how retarded you act. Second, he's wrong there too. It's own home country isn't the one wondering if children can consent. The right has it's own npc problem and its not just the gop.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#HomeOffice releases one #Terrorist a week and 46 in the year to March? Report was prior to #Choudary being released. I have Home Office Document in full in a link on my stream .. questions asked are laughable #MAGA #MEGA #MBGA #MBGA #Conservatives #Muslims #Migrants URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Now his slag mother has been blown up hopefully that lil cunt gets it nxt as well ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Chicago has another problem now. A serial killer Nigger is on the loose, killing an old white guy walking his dog and an Ortho Jew - Now that the Jews are all up in this thing, the Dindu will soon be caught. That was his dumb error, killing a kike. Nothing to see here, really - But the comments are \/great\/ https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6253409\/Reward-reaches-18-000-info-masked-Chicago-killer-believed-targeting-innocent-victims.html","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user Not ALL men are culpable, just as ALL women are not innocent docile victims Most times Women are reas ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Let's just eradicate those immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I think it's a political impasse- Conservatives aren't going to vote to force a GE and TM isn't going to allow remain on the ballot paper ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"After going through the system i cameto know that being a criminal (illegal) is most reputed and easy job rather than a simple (illegal) person.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-hate crimes, which can include illegally crossing the border, sex trafficking, and drug trafficking. Illegal immigration will not be tolerated in America. Report it and put a stop to it #Bui ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Good! Kind of makes you wonder what these boneheads have really accomplished? Getting people to not watch them and support their team? #Missionaccomplishedwewontwatch #maga #istand #BoycottNFL #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm a calculating woman with some time on my hands DANGEROUS! I'm planning to keep it up till the midterms then troll so hard I get kicked off after the red tsunami","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Imm1grants should all be locked up in cages. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user so you missed an in depth hysterical candy corngate. Episode 2 tonight! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"300,000 illegal migrants living in a city of 110,000 people, apparently #StopFundingHate ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Blaming Trump for the hurricane is showing his ignorance and hate..if only he were to give his salary to their recovery maybe then he can help","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"They are just a bunch of retards. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Skilled Migrant Residence policy is a great way for New Zealand to gain migrants who are interested to call New Zealand their permanent new home. Today we celebrate success of our client Unnikrishnan Rajendran Nair and his family on becoming a NZ resident.#BrainGainNewZealand ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER At a community meeting he did not answer the question about gun control. Just skirted around it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I can't understand why anyone won't want to see these docs in open light. You liberals think the Russian investigations is the big deal. As a American I truly believe the subversion of a elected president by our Justice department and the FBI is far worse for our Country.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Doggonnit! 10 Coors in and I can still roast stormy daniels' vagina, but award shows escape me I wouldn't know anything about it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My mouth stays shut... I cut people off for reasons they may never be smart enough to figure out ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER SUCH SUPPORT SPOOKY AT MY LOWEST MOMENT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oh fuck off you self righteous cunt, this sub is filled to the brim with misogyny and you all fucking know it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He's like Meuller Hunted by A Master Sportsman \/ and the most powerful man in the world \/ Barry armed Trump Unwittingly with Lethal Force \/ Barry Never thought Killary would lose \/ URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Lindsey... Sean Hannity talks to an echo chamber simply to hear himself. He is not a journalist but a news pundit with his own weird conspiratorial agenda supported by well crafted partial facts aimed at a very narrow audience. He really is a laughable fool for Trump..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Great question. What say you @USER @USER #ANTIFA working within our government and paid for by taxpayers? @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If her bio quotes a meme she fucks on the first date ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Right. Punish the GOP because of two cucks. That's the ticket to getting more conservatives out there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Our world should be ashamed, the west should live with the knowledge that we did nothing to stop this until it was far too late.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I hate it when waitresses call me 'sir'... Like yeah bitch that's what I wanted with my lunch... A hard fuckin dick ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You d i s a b l e d people make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier @lostpassword @JonKragen - \"I'm telling you, these faggots luxuriate in blasphemy. It really makes one wonder if Tobin is one of the Satanists. The faggot actor can blackmail the shit out of Tobin, and gets to live off Tobin's criminal racket of embezzling Archdiocesan and Vatican revenues\".","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Taxpayers Funded Unprecedented #Armed Protection for #GunControl Sen. #KamalaHarris | Breitbart URL via @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user Hata maasai wako na aids you stupid son of a bitch. Luos are the ones who live lavish lifestyle in Kenya while u live like bedbugs. Puga ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER A candidate for governor that is friends with an individual that supports ANTIFA? #trump #MAGA #Syria #Israel #AlternativeFacts #WalkAway #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease #NEWS #Kavanaugh #sugardaddyneeded for Democratic socialists=taxpayers Working Families URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Prediction Poll With 2 weeks before the Election, bombs were sent so far to Soros, Obama, Clinton and CNN. Who is behind all of this? Place your bets!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Who ever disliked this video should be ashamed of them selfs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This movement doesn't need polemics as much as it needs logistics. Our lack infrastructure, not a lack of red shoes or whatever, is the reason we failed to maintain our momentum in the past year or so.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She is saying Ben, Ben, when the hell are you going to do something more than just tweet crap about djt?\"\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"French\" Correction: A nigger in France https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=XP-A-2uuF-Yandt=106s","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Immigrants are parasites to our society. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When you're having a conversation with someone, not listening and just don't care ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Videos that end too soon.... theres a longer video where the woman officer has another officer cut her hair to get her to let go: link here [https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MGn818quEEk](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MGn818quEEk)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Not surprising that this wretched hag would jump on the violence bandwagon driven by Democrats these days. I guess they want civil war. That would be a terrible thing and surely would not end well for them. #DemocratViolence https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/gWno3p\/Dp_G2_Wyu_Uw_AEq_MCC.jpg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Gorgeous! And those tits are KILLER! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I care more about the dirt under my shoe than about women. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Woopy Golchimp and Ellen De-Dyke are great examples of how deeply damaged and disturbed America has become. A based sheboon and a Dyke as key role models for Americas people?...Like I said, disturbing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"New to Twitter-- any men on here know what the process is to get #verified? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"but i dont like women as much like they're dope as a side piece but ive yet to meet a woman i feel like i could drop dick for altogether ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Eric holder is Obama's straw man of corruption","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bahahahaha pssssssssssst.... dudes who can really do that shit dont say it, and they sure as FUCK arent on Gab at 7 in the morning. Little wannabe faggot bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"> Roammate is an app targeted towards women to help them feel safer on public transportation by using a buddy system. Even the basic proposition is retarded as heck. :D And of course the famous don't be a jerk' rule which means don't do anything we dislike, but we won't tell you what it is before you do it'. And of course there is a female whose sole job was to build a presentation, lol. The competition appears to be a bad joke and I hope you won't leave it at this. Hopefully some media will pick it up if it's as preposterous as you claim. It's about making them *feel* safer... not about actually *being* safer. They will tell women they are safer using it and the ignorant, stupid, gullible, irrational and naive children we all know as women will believe that they are safer, probably all the way up to the moment of their vitcimization while using it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I think the point is that the person responding to the polite man is a raging cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Retard. R E T A R D E T A R D R A T E R","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I SECOND THAT!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I think there are also very specific forces at work here, forces that cannot be simply explained as the interplay between markets and supply\/demand dynamics, and those forces are probably best summed up as The Leftist San Fran Tech Bubble. The percentage of ideologically retarded gamer-hating journos who live in San Fransisco (or an equivalently ridiculous city) isn't just coincidence or correlation - it's legitimately the root cause of all this progressive idiocy in journalism. Creating good videogame journalism might be as easy as figuring out how to publish it somewhere other than a Leftist urban enclave on the coast.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I am NOT an ILLEGAL immigrant? How can I make such a bold statement? I just finished paying a medical bill, and I used money I had to work for. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER You can't pretend to care about women when only those attacking conservatives count. Got it? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Can the CEO of @Regeneron also share some of that experimental cocktail that trump took with the black and low income communities where the Coronavirus is hitting them hard?#coronavirus #TrumpHasCovid #TrumpVirus #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you are stupid enough to follow trump-you might be a full on RETARD. trump is a born rich eletist who inherited his wealth,went to Ivy League college on daddy's dime,dodged the draft 5x,made his money hiring illegal immigrant construction workers and shafting blue collar workers, and went bankruptcy 5x (a form of WELFARE). You're a retard then","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Super President like Multiversity? Good ideia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Good going. Take responsibility for your parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc etc. You white trash racist slave owner, you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"More than half of the participants were immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER majority of DACA from 3rd world countries are communists~activists-Antifa-Ofaand 1 INCOMPATIBLES w\/UScultureand2Felons by criminal violenceandparticipation in cult includes kill potus45\"and\"destroySovereignUSA-USConstnDem'y+ replace w\/marxist 4thReichNWO tyranny=TREASON\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER . The #MeToo has been ruined by hateful demonic Democrats. It's now been WEAPONIZED against MEN. Disgusting how Democrats\/Liberals RUIN everything they touch! #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #MAGA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"7\/8 #Americans deserve to be angry. We need to marshal that thoughtful anger and put it to work to ensure that we do not have this political drunk driving our destiny for another four years. #VoteHimOut #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/yGRZwPiFLF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hating men is an important part of feminism why cant these men serving brats just shut the fuck up ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So you're saying Antifa should have never oppressed the Nazis... gotcha.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"See why we don't need this type of immigration program in our country? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You cannot say she was defending her property as he walked away immediately after kicking their vehicle. Any action taken, after that point, is a completely separate incident and would need to be justified independently of the vehicle kick. It's like if someone punched you, then began walking away. You aren't defending yourself if you just to attack their back as the threat has already ceased and is actively creating distance, thereby progressively diminishing any possibility of a future threat rapidly. Agreed. My only point was that it was not in defense of anything, whether it be herself or her property. But, at the same time, him hitting her back as excessively (my own perception) as he did was equally unnecessary. His position is entirely impossible to justify. He could claim that he felt threatened when she approached, then struck him, and needed to defend himself. However, once the threat was clearly stopped, he should have reassessed. De nied Kewl story 'brah'","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I'm going to save liberals the work and go ahead and put myself in the misogyny and racist jail before I retweet this gem. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Russian immigrant seeks Democratic nod for Alaska House seat (from @user by @beckybohrerap @MThiessen ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Bad behavior like that is never acceptable.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER No time for political correctness. It is a Lie. Everyone knows this. Behind the scenes the liberals are laughing. Take the vote.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The establishment of Europe has a court of humanrights. This court allows crimerefugees to stay forever in Europe. They will not send back in her homeland. So this court has a responsibility for a mulricriminal society in future, one says. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Sure did...#GOPSuperSpreaders #GOPCorruptionOverCountry #GOPDeathCult #TrumpCrimeFamily #WearADamnMask #200KDeadAmericans #BidenHarris2020 #VOTE #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/vzmtnB0pWJ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#WhenMaymaysMate #MemeToo So much good about this one. Matrix Reloaded is underrated.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Never in my life has someone unironically send me a humoar article. Now I'm being completely honest, all jokes aside and I don't want to insult you. This question is 100% honest. Are you still a minor OR autistic? Because I'm honestly feeling like I'm roasting someone who has no chance of fighting back. If you actually are one (or both) of those things I'm sorry. If not I'd like to take this argument somewhere else. I love a good argument but Reddit comments are kinda the wrong place aren't they?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I don't care if she is right or left go back to tv bitch one tv star in office is more than good #hollywoodisscum","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How the fuck am I still awake?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Polley writes that women in the industry don't think anyone will care if they tell. Rape culture isn't acknowledged ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Remember when you were a child. And the retarded angry kid would throw rocks at you. When you turn to go face them, they run away. Until you stop chasing them, then they start throwing rocks again.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user You love and support this slut tho ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why r we so liberal in letting illegal immigrants in India,particularly special community of CONG\/TMC.Link Aadhar with Voter ID ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"German father charged for protecting his daughter against sexual assault by migrant https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/german-father-charged-for-protecting-his-daughter-against-sexual-assault-by-migrant\/#.W7d9hDA-bes.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Oh, it's not like when I'm talking about say Antifa violence no one ever says to me but what about Charlottesville?\" even though I'm talking about Antifa and not Neo-Nazis.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user You're not welcome Illegal immigrant. You belong to the low class monkeys who's only good at dying everyday and begging the world to help them. Such a poor godless nation. No wond ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I told you that the republicans were literally fascist Nazis. -Antifa Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user sweetie, how the hell can you take \"oh my god that's a DICK?!?!?!?! Style monologue ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Fry me you pussy ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER black would be cute w ur skin tone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Immigrant lives are worth absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hah, I should, they totally would be retarded enough to buy that if you marketed it the right way and got a celebrity to shill it. Sell them cans of empty air!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Have you lost your fucking mind, dude? Are you dead and some retarded piece of shit has taken over your account?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Where's Antifa for Alex Jones??? No where to be found.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"His family were originally refugees and then we rescued him from Libya.Should have left them all there. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A fucking life sentence? Jeez, give that lady her pussy pass back.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Did that cunt bag just blame #rape victims for the way they dress and\/or act?! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"she thinks this is a movie Same rhetoric as the sovereign citizen folks I guess The only thing she can't do? She can't fail the mayor. Ever. https:\/\/theinfosphere.org\/Chaz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"r\/iamatotalpieceofshit That's a subreddit, folks. But we *didn't* elect John McCain.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Maybe Italians see this as the only effective way to purge Italy from #IllegalImmigration ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"She probably can't open a jar of pickles let alone crush someone's fucking head, please don't fuck up the Witcher series by hiring this cunt, she's clearly the wrong kind of person to write for it given the shit polygon gave the witcher","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I know this is a dark humor sub but please don't compare the rest of Asians to them pedophile muzzies. We may love ramen, are maths nerds or shit on the streets but as a culture the rest of Asia doesn't promote raping little kids. Good riddance. :) No offense given, it is merely just a satire way the media always tries to throw middle eastern into the \"white\" or \"asian\" category :) Oh shit, I got wooooshed, my bad. Do not apologise. Remember what sub you are in and what it is for. Double down if anything i know i'm going to get my monthly dose of downvotes for this....... ~~but there are practicing \"asian\" (non-middle eastern) muslims as well~~ If arabs rape it don't mean that muslims do. Arabs don't represent the rest of the islamic world. It's Arabic culture to be fucked up not muslim culture It's both. Now GTFO of this sub. No. Fuck off back to \/r\/funny or something. I'm not gonna take orders from someone with shit in their cunt You're wrong. Prostituting young boys to older men is a common practice in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It's called [Bacha Bazi](https:\/\/en.m.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Bacha_bazi) Almost half the Muslim population is inbred. That's almost 800 Million people. [Link](https:\/\/www.ign.com\/boards\/threads\/did-you-guys-know-that-the-majority-of-arabs-and-half-of-all-muslims-are-estimated-to-be-inbred.455007687\/) Let's assume you're right that only Saudi Arabia indulges in Pedophilia, Saudi Arabia is the richest, most influential and most civilized section of Islamic Population, if they indulge in such degeneracy, what does that tell you about Islam? Spoken like a true rapist And where did Islam come from exactly, you inbred ~~future~~ drone target?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dear people... before you bitch about a black Superman, please do a bit of reading and then stfukthxbai ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Brett Kavanaugh confirmed to the United States Supreme Court. The left gets what they deserve as their stunts and attempts at character assassination have failed. Vote Red on November 6th","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Love her, if only for her comedy value ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No immigrant can ever be a valuable member of society. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Let me explain something. This Movie made by a Jew starring a Nigger and a Jew making fun of Racism and Sexism would NEVER be made today. Leftists would Shut the producers down, and Riot until everybody pulled the film today. Is it twu what they say about the darkies? ITS TWU!! Haha","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Everyone who chants \"Shame\" at political figures they hate is a twat .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"why does this retarded shit keep happening in canada? Also, was this a normal looking woman.. (aside from the insane behaviour)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"seriously, how in the fuck do you pronounce \"womxn\"? Wom-exen is how I usually read it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER He is protecting America. Shame on trump and gop.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Before fighting rape culture we need to take care of those poor men who feel hurt by women complaining about rape #NotAllMen ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Who's the real enemy? Who is the greatest threat to our future? Repost- I want everyone to vote, I want to see what people on gab believe This is a polling to eff up the Nutzy political positions. If you have questions\/comments, post them in the comment. FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"kike faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This dude is in London. London has one of the largest Government surveillance systems in the world. Only in American can a traitor walk free and talk shit about America https:\/\/twitter.com\/foxandfriends\/status\/1047093847644196865?s=19","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Bavaria tightens borders amid German rethink on migrants ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Hahahahaha-sure-She's just a Spoiled Brat-and goes berserk when she's beaten-","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Correct. I tried to tell this to his fagot followers who are dick sucking each other on twitter right now, but to no avail. One (that faggot RedElephant guy) told me I have a low IQ because higher GDP would mean higher birth rate. When I informed him he was mentally retarded he blocked me. These are not good people.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Swarms of immigrants are infesting our government. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm sure guys who won't bathe or wear deodorant are still disgusting to these sexist cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"MFW when spics use the internet to promote white genocide -_- It's time to go spic hunting.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER FAKE NEWS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER He is going to get crushed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Illegal Alien Accused of Trying to Rob, Stab Woman in Home Invasion | Breitbart #StopTheInvasion ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Not one Democrat gives a shit about if this is true or not. It's all about not wanting conservatives in a life seat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fundraising eventsIt is very disturbing and wrong to spread rumours about fundraising events organized for... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER That's what Lindsey Graham uses for a butt hole............","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When you just got home from getting dicked down and now you gotta deal with your shrimp dick boyfriend ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A subsection of retarded Hungarians? Ohh boy. brace for a livid Bulbasaur coming in here trying to hate a hole in some of her stupider countrymen.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ugly and partially retarded, Yep thats your typical SJW for you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Ha! Ha! Don't forget: Too soon to talk about gun control.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"3) Conservatives think it because the NeoCon infiltration that successfully corrupted, and nearly destroyed, conservatism has been brainwashing them for decades to accept anything with the free trade\" label as good - and anything with \"protectionist\" attached to it as bad.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Him because she is a democrat and doesn't want the vote to go through. Facts just the facts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If I could choose whether to take a big shit or to spend the day with retarded Kanya West ......","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER For example, I don't think that liberal imposition or inauthenticity\" is the issue here. The issue is that of borders and citizenship - liberals assume the same rights and equalities arguments apply across borders that apply within borders. But that is not a widely shared view.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER maybe it was democrat antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is the List of Moral Alignment http:\/\/easydamus.com\/alignment.html Chaotic Good: Crusader for Yahweh Lawful Good: Fight for White Justice Neutral Good: Will Help a Fellow White Man in Need Neutral: Could Care Less either Way Neutral Evil: Would Watch Folk Die and Not Help Lawful Evil: Cold Blooded Nigger Killer Chaotic Evil: Jew Rabbi or Serial Killer","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Raping a womn like you should not be illegal. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Sounds like Crunchyroll. They are a bunch of lazy incompetent retards. I saw them advertising this and thought it was generic boring anime trope crap with a female fanservice protagonist.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If your blood hasn't boiled enough today... Home office deporting nigger moslem, take him on a commercial flight so people get upset and he stays in England! Round them up and fly them on a military plane or charter you cunts! https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2A259B0 Of course they're pricks! They just put the nigger on another flight. They're not saving anyone ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There's a hole in my heart where my will to live should be that I filled with stupid photos of MCR. I joke about it, but it's true. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I don't give a flip about Judaism, the part sand nigger thats in the modern jews was WHOLE sandnigger before they got kicked out by the Romans to wander up in to eastern Europe ok","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh honey.. don't you know you are surrounded by literally HUNDREDS of transwomen a day, and you have no idea? They pass, completely and perfectly! In all seriousness.. (and I've had this argument here before) there are very few transpeople where it's not, if not immediately obvious, at least suspicious. I'm not sure where the \"we can pass perfectly\" belief has come from, becuase in most cases.. no. I mean, yeah, maybe walking down a crowded sidewalk nobody would notice.. but in one on one interaction? Outside of Thai ladyboys.. people tend to figure it out, unless they are spergy as fuck and cannot read expressions, cues, and inflection. and#x200B;","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"they had All their Greasy Nappy Nigger hairs all over the white house","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I will be over there to visit her tomorrow!! She is awesome!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" Bwahahahahahahhahaahahahhaahaa.... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Well that's because Roy Moore was no longer an issue for the Dems or the so called Women's Rights Liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Illegal immigrants in Philly making demands of U.S. Senators now... MUST DEPORT. http:\/\/www","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Southwest Airlines passenger removed for calling flight attendant a nigger. I think I just found my new BFF! https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/travel\/southwest-airlines-passenger-removed-for-calling-flight-attendant-the-n-word-delaying-plane While the flight attendant is definitely a nigger, it is considered highly impolite to bring that obvious fact to everyone's attention. I mean, if someone farts in a ballroom, do you see many people point fingers at the person? @alternative_right I agree on this point. I think we should use the word NIGGER in some other context to avoid making it personal. Like calling ourselves WHITE NIGGERS and demanding our own ethnostate.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So if your reading this and I know you are .. STOP HITTING ME UP YO DICK LIDDO AND NOW THE WORLD KNOWS ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Because street crime is an overwhelmingly black occupation ... https:\/\/www.standard.co.uk\/news\/crime\/stop-and-search-black-people-nine-times-more-likely-to-be-targeted-by-police-than-white-people-a Oh please any twat that lets their daughter be raped by anyone needs killing","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user man we're Bros from another crack hoe. I run my trailer park in bama, you run the CPT ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nigger vermin. Safety in numbers, intimidation, threats and violence. The Islamic Protection Force (Police) will stand by and do nothing. Time to arm yourselves and fight fire with fire. The best immigrant scum are dead ones.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You are so good at drawing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#ChrisWallace. You're a liberal socialist democrat who protected Joey during the debate. #Retire or be #Fired#Trump2020 #FoxNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER That strict gun control is sure helping in California ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Women are wonderful beings. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"[deleted] I suggest you learn how to have a conversation like an adult. ok, moderator of \/r\/pussypassdenied today, were going to play \"name that fallacy! Stehhhppp onnnn Dooowwnn!\" also, thanks for the plug. Before that, I would take a course on reading comprehension and critical thought if I were you. >critical thought if I were you. its funny, because youre the one who earned the tag, NPC. > NPC I shouldn't be feeling bad about you if you are insulting me. Take care man. I don't hate you though. I do insult people on reddit sometimes but with you, I don't feel any hate. You seem lost. Maybe because I did something similar. Don't spend too much time on reddit and take care of yourself.. There is a line between supporting mensrights and hating women. Spend too much time on these subreddits, you start conflating the two things. PM me if you want to talk You are projecting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER #Westminster @USER #Tories @USER @USER @USER @USER Absolutely pathetic #appeasement ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Woman are good for one thing: having sons ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Urban refugees in South-East Asia:https:\/\/t.co\/Y21JKNWG6R ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The earth, rutted deep from hundreds of wheels, churned raw by thousands of hooves, bore witness to the recent passing of a large immigrant party all save one battered wagon that sat alone. HANGTOWN CREEK #ACTION #ADVENTURE FREE on #KindleUnlimited ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Had you radical liberals supported President Bush's plan to allow YOUNG people to invest 2% and only 2% of the Social Security into the private marketplace we may be solvent by now!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Too bad that so far the story is lazy as hell and trying to be woke as possible because I actually think the two brothers are good characters Evil build the wall redneck saved by the liberal hippy, not even trying to hide your politics and it kills the game","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Awwh thank alooot Bhabi you are so sweet love you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Is this how you treat shareholders, @Tesla? I said @ElonMusk's plans to colonize Mars were stupid since there are plenty of problems here on earth he could help solve with his resources, and he got triggered and blocked me! https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/6lby0n.jpg Hey might think Dice was a democrat, musk voted for trump. musk voted for Money ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is gonna end up great, not only do we have to worry about more trucks of peace but really shit drivers as well. I dread to think of how these inbred goatfuckers will manage to memorize all the different rules involved, I doubt most of them are capable of a feat like that. If you switched retarded to delusional, then I would agree. Not that I am saying people don't have some level of retardation, just that their delusion of everything going well is allot stronger than any retardation they might have. It's almost like a written rule that everyone wants to avoid rocking the boat, so no one says anything.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Hey The Valley Guy - Thanks for the comment - your right on the mark - Just hope the Liberals and @USER get serious about Reversing Global Warming and Climate Change - Get with the real issue of Saving our Planet and Life Itself - Note @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When you're livin life on the edge but safety always comes first... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"im here take back word nigger!! its just a word!! look you can be a white nigger so whats the real deal!! with niggers?? if blacks cant except it then they need heads exams!! your more racisist then whites!! and you know it!!!!!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Hey, how's Brad? #TrumpMeltdown #TrumpIsBroke #TrumpIsNotABillionaire #TrumpLiedPeopleDied #DumpTrump #VoteBlue2020 #BidenHarrisLandslide2020 #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #BidenHarris","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#ImVotingFor the people who fought for me to have a right to vote. #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Why didn't Kavanaugh need terms? Guilty people: those are the ones that need terms. Let me clue you in: they're worried that she is going to make a terrible impression and will not be believable. They're trying to manage that concern.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@60Minutes We all MUST vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in November unless we want to see how terrible Donald Trump will be as president for 4 more years.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#MAGA2020 @VP crazy tweets https:\/\/t.co\/hYubDty1DP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"To be fair, 2 kids and 16 years together? That's a de facto marriage.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Morgue Acquires More Freezers After Huge Increase In Immigrant Crossing Deaths ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#FACEBOOK IS A TOOL OF THE #LEFT #LIBERAL #DemocraticParty . THEY'RE CENSORING CONSERVATIVES @USER #MAGA #Midterms2018 #NRA #2A #1AB #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh #ConfirmKavanaugh #ConstitutionDay #USMC #NAVY #ARMY #AirForce #Conservative URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yes cunt, i guarantee 99% of the people in these comments would find a life sentence bullshit if a guy grabbed a girls hand and got her to touch his dick over his pants.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"not having a wall is like living in a big city and never locking your doors. #BuildThatWall #redpill ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Do you support antifa like Gilbert does?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I believe that gun control laws should be more extensive. i feel that the government should come up with a better way to assign people guns. i agree with protecting yourself but to what point. Its alot of innocent people dying. #102\/20522","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Agree! She is THE rock star for the ages. Proof? I'm old and love Pink. Her So What\" video is hilarious and brimming with strong woman attitude. And, she can actually sing as opposed to most of the wannabes out there now. THE BEST!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Don't cry too hard...bitch. LOL!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yep, it's part of their childish power trip. \"If you can't read my mind, as I watch you panic trying to figure it out, maybe we just weren't made for each other.\" It's also an easy out for the cunts to get back to riding the cock carousel, which is what they really want. Fucking whores.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Having a baby in the US is dangerous and expensive as fuck. If I werent an immigrant myself I'd look into giving birth abroad just for better care lnao ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That is fitting for trans vermin like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fortunately, we don't have to choose. We can ignore the former and let them MAGA on with their tax cuts while going after the latter who are the real enemy Antifa are NOT \"the real enemy.\" They are barely relevant except to costume clowns and $PLC media whores. The definition of the enemy is someone who wants to physically harm you. By that standard, Antifa is definitely our enemy Antifa r enemies. Many r White=race traitors. They publicly attack Whites that speak up for our interests. Don't fear us. Internal enemies r most dangerous(antifa,political\/media\/academia\/religious whores etc). Until ALL enemies are dealt with HARSHLY we will be deservedly ridiculed. Enemies must fear publicly opposing us if we r to be victorious. They just keep taking it. Turn the other cheek christ-insanity and all. Good chance the left will go too far and Whites will strike back. The more violence, radicalization and polarization the better.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"He is one of THE BEST in #DC By day, he rules in favor of @ICEgov By night, he is throwing #ICE Days filled with disappointing #9thCircuit Nights filled with action and great #BEER You thought #SOROS protests would stop him? Say hello 2 #JusticeKavanaugh #MAGA #RoadHouse #KAG https:\/\/youtu.be\/4BFruXBFEVM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'd say electrify the water but that would kill wildlife. #SendThemBack ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you're telling trans people to go fuck themselves, don't expect them to respect you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This Bomber needs to be FIRED, he forgot about that Fat Dyke Rosie O'Donnell and Kathy Griffin.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER She is in witness protection. I wish this cow had a mobile phone so she could call other cows and share her escape. #GoVegan","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"She wants to be believed... This non binary retard is perpetuating scenarios now and she's previously claimed that she's not a woman. So, the cat is out of the bag, dude! Selective gendering isn't going to help you, bro!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Oh it's ok if they're liberals....hadn't you heard ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"How retarded do you have to be to think that Republicans losing the House would accelerate things faster than Republicans holding both chambers of Congress?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"the nigger needs dead","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"muzzie nigger piece of shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Have not spent one dime on NFL. NO TICKETS. NO MERCHANDISE. NO TV TIME. My Football Day is Saturday. College Gameday is incredible","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user you forgot Ram mandir ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Ms. Clinton - you are a class act. My response to that idiot would likely land me in twitter jail (but would totally be worth it). I hope you run for office one day.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#act4_southernsyria Apparently secret meeting this week bet #angelamerkel @user andRussia fm LavrovandheadRussian army- #Europe will come inandhelp rebuild #Syria ,which Russia wants -sothat what Europe wants most can materialize \" returnof #refugees -German journo #datelinelondon ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" God is not one-eyed. The one eye symbol is for Lucifer. That's why it's on the dollar bill.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Here's some more of what my opponent is \"resisting. Are you better off today than you were 2 years ago? #NJ12 #MAGA #WalkAway URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user Where are you getting #NotAllMen from? I took issue with the fact they don't explain the ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user What a non-sense answer: YOu learned that yourself?Anyone who, ACTIVELY OR PASSIVELY, subscribes to immigration and especially assimilation is joining the battle to destroy Whites, and it makes no difference whether their ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER When some one is defaulter and you are FM... Ideally what should a FM must say when he meet dafauler","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"the white race will gradually fade away and will be replaced by a race of mullatoes... just look at how many white women go with niggers! the white woman is the death of the white race! too many white women have NOTHING in their brains.. they have no culture,sense of racial identity and loyalty.. their empty heads have been filled with pc liberal..nigger shit..basically white people have lost any white culture they once had in the past..now they are nigger worshippers..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ok then. Child pass denied. Being young doesn't excuse being a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Too many r3tards in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Like if Andrea comes up to you and offers it I believe you should get it because YOU EARNED IT. I've thought that since the beginning of the 1989 tour and I just now met her last week. If you are offered you're not \"taking someone else's slot because it was you that was offered.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"GIVEAWAY!! We're 11 donations away from 150 total donors for our peer-to-peer fundraising campaign designed around #worldrefugeeday Our 150th donor will receive a World Relief t-shirt. Join the campaign today and donate online at ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Please don't blame all this on rap music. That's like saying that people shoot up schools because they play violent video games; it's completely unfounded and stupid. A better reason is because, simply, older people are more mature. You're the not first person to say that young adults are ruining good values. However, the common theme that the past few generations have shown is hatred towards authority, it's just manifested in different ways throughout the different cultures. I completely agree it has to do with maturity as well, but it's silly to disregard such a popular culture having an impact on youth. And this culture is celebrated constantly. People are subjects of their environment. When a negative environment exists, it's important to try to improve that environment. Keep in mind I'm a young adult as well. I make mistakes and I'm sure I have plenty of misguided opinions, but when something so backwards is celebrated this much across all races it surely has to be a concern. I also don't believe whites as a race are seen as authority anymore. I think authority has become a much broader term now. Once I was pulled over by a black cop after I picked up my good friend from his home in Camden. He's Puerto Rican and he was also with his friend who was black, who is also a good friend of mine. I got off the exit and was immediately pulled over for \"going 45 in a 50\". I can't even make this shit up. The cop ID'd both of my friends and never asked for mine, even tho I was the driver. They had to step out of the car and get patted down while I watched. Obviously this is a pretty specific and unique situation, but I do think this happens more than we want to believe and the moral of the story is authority transcends race. People in power will abuse the power regardless of race, as this cop did. And it doesn't have to be that way, I just think that's typically the way it goes down. Authority in this country needs to change, regardless of race. i respect your opinion and still think you're beautiful, im genuinely sorry if what i meant was worded poorly","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Rent-seeking useless cunts. and#x200B;","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Is this that casino nigger ken younous?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Married woman tried to branch swing to me. I told her she needs to divorce first, then maybe we could see what happens. She demanded I commit before she gave up her husband (current branch). I shut her down. Then she started sending me messages about me dating a woman 20 years younger than me. I don't know where she got this idea, but I had no reason to argue with her so I just let her keep believing it. I didn't feel a need to \"prove my innocense.\" I think she was doing it to make me look like a creep, so she could feel better about emotionally cheating on her husband. I just shrugged it off because IDGAF. Your nicer than I am. I would have promised her the world. Once she left her current man, i would use her for all she worth and then discard her. I love the satisfaction of seeing a women that tries to jump branches and ends up with a worse deal than what she had to begin with. Their craving for self validation and gold digging gets then into trouble all the time. Did she have kids under 18? These women need to fall flat on their behinds. Some men enjoy playing Captain save-a-hoe. I love playing Captain wreck-a-hoe!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The Senate and the Supreme Court Have Been Granted Too Much Power\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Lovely intelligent girl who knows what she is doing at such a young age","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oh dear... Rape jihad is caused by breastfeeding? Its a parody","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"All cocktails like these are vile. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I don't understand why she should be heard. I SHOULD BE HEARD and I have pictures and scars from my TRAUMA #ILLEGALALIEN left his car in the middle of #405 fwy in 1982 - when I was 18! We were badly damaged! #Kavanaugh #MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I used to love Harry Potter, but this constant stupid use of the books as reference to actual political discussion is so retarded that makes me ashamed of had read it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Look to any city that's 90% or greater non-Nigger. See Oriana, Tokyo, Dubai, Kuala-Lumpur, Singapore, etc, etc, etc. Then look at majority Nigger cities. See Detroit, Chicago, Washington DC, Lagos, Nairobi, Johannesburg, Port Au Prince. You can see why they follow us. They want what we can build and they cannot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Am I the only person that never really liked #JimmyHendrix? Everything about him was way to contrived You're not the only one But from a guitar perspective, he really was unbelievable. Very unique style, creative, outside of the box, tasteful, innovative. Listen to the live version of Machine Gun from the Band of Gypsies show or the long version of Voodoo Chile from Electric Ladyland or Born Under A Bad Sign from the recently released Blues album","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I think it's clear who the best choice for president is.... Michael fucking Phelps ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"why are all you retards obsessed with being a cuckold and why is it so hard to spell the whole word? i'd rather be on twitter being ignored and then quickly banned than be here and followed by a bunch of faggot morons. no caps for you tards.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Typical s l u t behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Okay I don't really care for some of vox's opinions but what are you doing Indiegogo? All you are doing by shutting him up and cutting off his methods of making profit all you're doing is proving him and his followers *right*. Conspiracy theorists believe the world is out to get them and the one thing you can do to make sure that they don't get traction is this . DONT MAKE THEM MARTYRS. All you had to do was let them publish their stupid comic book. let it go unnoticed at the bottom of the top 200 and then let the people forget it ever happened. Have you never heard of the *Streisand Effect*? The same thing with Charlottesville. Honestly if Antifa hadn't shown up it would've been a source for us to laugh at the 50 tiki torch morons for a day and move on like nothing happened. > Those who were in charge of that demonstration are not the sharpest tools in the tool box. Former Obama supporter. And they didn't expect the local authorities, from the governor and mayor to the state and local police to be 100% on the side of the Left, to violate a Federal judge's ruling, etc. It was an unusual case of anarcho-tyranny, with the police pushing the alt-righers into the crowd of already violent Antifa and BLM members.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I think you don't quite understand what quotation marks are for... >iF iTs StUpId PaRaPhRaSiNg Is OkAy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"She should be kicked off the platform for saying \"disabled people should all be killed\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Only for conservatives. Liberals elevate the person and make them their Presidential nominee. Only a person like Trump seems immune.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER you are that special case that gets away with introducing an innocent child(you own) to hate. bravo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Male Female Retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user okeyo, go rape your whore of a mother! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Antifa I guess","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"fuck Cameron. he's a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER You are but Rider always makes me aware when you are late for him so late is late no mater who you are meeting. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Protect U.S Citizens Enforce U.S Laws Illegals are Not above U.S Laws #NoAmnesty No #DACA #SendThemBack #Trump #MAGA @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER So what is the problem you are trying to advise of? Can't quite understand what you are trying to say !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My theory on who is behind these bomb scares? Two possibilities. One, a right-wing loner. Likely one of the Jew-hating types we see here on Gab. Or two, a douche-bag liberal psycho posing as a right-wing psycho. You know, just like they do with their libtard swastika graffiti. My theory is it's probably some fed up conservative who is sick of libtards and feminazis ruining his nature shows. I'm contacting the FBI right now to give them a lead on the suspect I have in mind. Typical response from a liberal faggot who thinks everyone who holds my beliefs is some sort of unsuccessful outcast without any friends lol. You'd rather blame everyone except the people actually pulling the strings because you've been programmed not to notice them. You're a traitor who deserves the same fate as our foes. Keep swallowing those kosher red pills like a good goy. You're too much of an intellectual coward to confront uncomfortable truths, which makes you no different than the \"safe space special snowflake libtards\" that I'm sure you poke fun at. Sad!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Jon Jones vs. Alexander Gustafsson rematch to headline #UFC232 https:\/\/www.mmafighting.com\/2018\/10\/11\/17961768\/jon-jones-opens-as-healthy-betting-favorite-over-alexander-gustafsson-in-ufc-232-rematch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Why don t you go beck your god to murder you? Christianity is a joke","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Even teens that commit _proven_ crimes have their records expunged when they turn 18. Someone please tell me why this is a thing? All I see is one old california hag outing another old california hag against her expressed will. Wonder how much she is being paid? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The girl in the thumbnail looks badass","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I don't get why tumblrinas love the idea of witches. I knew one transgirl that is a raging cunt that goes around calling herself a cute witch and shit on Twitter. And, no, I'm not overreacting either by calling her a cunt. She raped her girlfriend (at the time) several times by guilting her into sex by saying she would tell people she hits her if she didn't.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Been there. The shit ain't fun. I'm upside down in a car because of some cunt... but life goes on. Live and learn lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He's a flake ...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Goodbye to Pepsi's political hack, Indra Nooyi, an immigrant who used America to achieve her dreams, then complains about being the only person of color in the room in a majority white country. Hope she retires in India and takes her bad attitude with her. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Go be a nigger spic somewhere else.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So I just read that @Pink @amyschumer @MarkRuffalo think they're going to turn our great state of Texas blue...all I can say is \"Come And Take It !! #TexansForTrump #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you are stupid enough to follow trump-you might be a full on RETARD. trump is a born rich eletist who inherited his wealth,went to Ivy League college on daddy's dime,dodged the draft 5x,made his money hiring illegal immigrant construction workers and shafting blue collar workers, and went bankruptcy 5x (a form of WELFARE). 5 bankruptcies out of 500 is a You're proof positive that trumpsters are retards- not just stupid, but full on mentally retarded sheep. Sheep are only good for sheering and slaughtering.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So excited to watch the annihilation of #SenileDementiaBiden, tonight! #Trump2020","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hahahah holy fuck I just imagine a bunch of angry feminists protesting against nature. Just a bunch of fat pinkhair dykes standing in the middle of the forest with their signs: *\"Nature is sexist! Nature is the patriarchy!\"* - *\"Nature has been oppressing for all time!\"*","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is Principal Max Caulfield. Let me be emphatic. I have an enormous skank inserted into my butt. Thank you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Do these cunts even realize what WWI was? Or do they just see a man doing anything and lose their shitty, feminist, minds.... I would love to see a woman sign up for the draft. Cuz, you know. Men still have to do that before they're allowed to get a drivers license.............","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is the dyke cunt, Zoe Sharp, who wrote a \"funny\" short story about President Trump being assassinated. #ZoeSharp ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER We thank our God for you every single day. #MAGA to #KAG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Funny- Kerry should know! Right! Standing with our President @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"All the experts predicting the dodgers will win. Eat a dick.. not that I don't support and love them, but you always jinx them ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@IvankaTrump @realDonaldTrump Yes! And I very enthusiastically voted for JOE BIDEN and KAMALA HARRIS!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Have you looked in any ANTIFA recruitment centers? Welfare offices? Maybe in one of those tents in CA? Just a thought","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Those nigger blooms are weeds. I pull them out by the roots and let them rot in the African Compost Heap.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Elizabeth Warren Fundraises off Sexual Misconduct Allegation Against Kavanaugh URL via @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There is a problem with the South Carolina Republican party when they keep re-electing Lindsey Faggot Graham. That cock sucker has been a NEVER-TRUMPER since DAY ONE. Now, I feel y'alls admiration in how he handled this Kavanaugh thing, but that does NOT exonerate his past actions. And now you have to vote for him, because u let him win the primaries... Why? and Now all of this fawning over him is sickening. He saw the writing on the wall once McCain was put to death. Did you see the look on his face at the fake funeral? Oh and Graham was hugging all over Huma Abedin the Muslim Brotherhood pig. he only flipped for votes like gay ass machin however you spell it no worries the hammer is coming https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=7nvyQbZszUk Because these people here in SC like being represented by a self interested fudgepacker.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How absolutely unbelievably fascinating? A Pakistani upper crust cunt behaving badly? Impossible, said les Francais, Two thousand Muslim rape grooming gangs agree. England died and the Brits follow Blindly.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER But they're still the number one Fake News Network.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":".If hate speech\" were against the law, all of Main Stream Media would need to be locked up because they do it daily, and so do Democrats, liberals, progressives. Look at the \"marches\" and their signs and their \"speeches\", the very definition of hate speech. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Blackwomen and Latestagecapitalism is full of retards anyway. But why happy though? Are the moderators that sensitive?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Another person that should be blocked is @ CamilleKruger42. This person isn't vulgar but has some sort of agenda where heshe is copy and pasting every one of Ed's tweets and passing them off as their own. EVERY SINGLE TWEET. It's sick and creepy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"...the Based Nigger Moment has infected Gab, DS, and I'm sure TRS. ...the alt-niggers","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Too many shemales in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Paris dont like tentrefugees. Now they bring them to the parque \"Bois de Bologne\". Close of this place life the most rich people of France in the Avenue Foch. The rich have made big walls around their property. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What if I started designating Monday as \"Guest Day\" on the Radical Agenda, and try to book guests once a week?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER LMFAO!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This okachobee nigger looks like he's sucked a dick or two in his day.... Pegs muh agency exploitation meter.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user @user You're lying you skank! Don't make me start a cat fight with you! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Who does he blame for being a faggot pedophile like his father","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Super storm Sandy hit the North East. I agree with you though. People here have a bad idea of the east coast and it's pretty cool. The north east gets all 4 seasons at least. We get rain and summer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Imagine if you will the unfettered stench of that pass around box... Pretty sure she ain't the cleanest twat in town....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Are you actually advocating making up claims of rape for personal gain??? That's pretty vile (@lilyallen) ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"And of course the cunt who wrote it isn't white. But is she also a (((she)))?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER STOP LYING AHOLE! FBI ISNT INVOLVED CAUSE THERES NOTHINGBURGER TO INVESTIGATE. ITS ALL LIBERALS CHARADE TO DELAY.. KAVANAUGH WILL B CONFIRMED #GINSBERGISNEXT ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"and#x200B; and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"REGINA GEORGE IS THE NASTIEST SKANK BITCH I HAVE EVER MET. DO NOT TRUST HER. SHE IS A FUGLY SLUT. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"US State Department denies persecuted Assyrian Christians refugee status \" while admitting 4,425 Somalis to the... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Protesters Cry As Kavanaugh Vote Announced https:\/\/youtu.be\/31tLJPxdmD8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gay people like you do not deserve to live. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Stand with immigrant communities. Add your name against the citizenship question that will undermine accuracy of the census and underfund our communities. #SaveTheCensus. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So, we have another Lesbian socialist -Communist leaning bitch in the parliament. Wait till the Commie cunt Shorten comes in .Fuckem Moslim slime and barbarians will rush to the borders. Australians; WARNING DANGEROUS TIMES ARE COMMING TO US BECOUSE OF OUR SHORT SIGHTEDNESS.Wake up you lousy cunts, as you are destroying the Nation When this thhhhhhhhurdbull comes back with his cunt, lets welcome the cunt with the rotten eggs in every place we can get him , including his dickhead son, lets make sure he does not poke his head out of his Point Piper home","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Stupid lying cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"All black people like them are amazing. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Syrian refugees No cash donations please If you really want to donate please donate your money to a reputable... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Not all women are victims. Not all men are guilty of assault. - National Review ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Is this one of hard working immigrants just looking for a better life in the US that we hear about from the left all the time? #BuildTheWall #SendThemBack ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So does that mean we can call \"it\" a cunt now?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Mad Max, the Field Nigger speaks shit again !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Same with Mama \"Moloch\" Merkel. But I don't see mass marches in Germany like in UK. Moloch Merkel is another Cabal Cunt sucking the thorny cock of Lucifer.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER FINALLY! Smaller more cost effective government! Thank you Conservatives!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"THIS IS CNN=> Don Lemon Brings Up Kanye West's Deceased Mother to Criticize Trump Meeting (VIDEO) https:\/\/bit.ly\/2OiqS0e","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user you couldn't negotiate a chocolate bar in a sweetie shop Cameron you can not deal with Immigration now never mind now failure ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Unicorn. Because America ain't faggot enough. https:\/\/youtu.be\/-j54in4fl9k","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Now following all the patriots that I wasn't already following! Let's MAG and KAG and VOTE RED together! Thank you all!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@bebelatinx @armiehammer And then... If you live in America, let's vote early for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris like Armie Hammer did https:\/\/t.co\/Y49jwqau20","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm sure they will have a sister of a black homosexual who killed himself, who will claim her dear brother killed himself, because Kav called him a nigger faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Some people surely like that, not me, so to each it's own. I mean, furrys exist, so yeah it doesn't matter how fucked up something is or looks, someone faps to it that's almost certain They arent the first and probably not the biggest at it. The giantess stuff, that seems to be a femdom subgenre, is full of gigantic chicks eating people. tfw no zentradi gf >the biggest at it >giantess Ohoho. Is giantess stuff that popular, though? Furries, and even smaller subsections of furries, seem a lot more prominent, but that might just be from how outspoken they are... *Sehd ihr das Essen, Nein! Wir sind die Jaeger!* https:\/\/imgur.com\/f9j3T4f.jpg Vore isn't even the worst thing out there tbh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lithuania, Romania aided CIA torture, top European Union court rules EU court is a joke ! Why are they silent as Europe is being destroyed with FORCED islamist immigration... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There have to be consequences for saying you would rape an immigrant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Friend- we should talk about what you did when you were drunk last night. Me- ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#ThursdayThoughts I wonder how many liberals would take the word of a woman that accused their husband, son, dad of groping\" 36 years ago? A BIG FAT ZERO! We can not allow people 2 destroy any man's life without 100% proof they were violated. It's a tactic, not the TRUTH. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER I wonder if the Liberals realize how much the jihadis despise them? Probably not.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I checked. Lots of Nigger girls on this show. So, why did they pair a Nigger male with a White, blue-eyed blonde? This is disgusting racism. Perhaps if they wish to be truthful, they should show the Nigger raping the Blonde, yes?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You obviously didn't read the post, cuck. If you did, you'd realize a fucking canadian is stating that an American should resign from being appointed you fucking retard. Typical canadian. You fucks are serious asshats. Zero fucks for every single one of you. Yours truly, redneck","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":".@FLOTUS, I didn't hear you saying anything when you husband was talking about grabbing women by the pussy. That's ok tho? Go play in the garden in your stilettos and stfu! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".@USER real goal: To make everyone in Wisconsin as dumb as he is. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The jew dyke to blame for multiculturalism https:\/\/www.lgbtqnation.com\/2018\/10\/frances-kellor-lesbian-behind-multiculturalism\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Did you make this? It's hysterical XD Really, really accurate about that group. The only thing mis ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He is quite #good","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user needs to send in the Military to the southern border stop this invasion of America from the 3rd world. #MAGA #BuildTheWall #NoDACA #NoAmnesty #DeportAllOfThem ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Somehow I thought Harambe was gone and now that big ten led silverback is out in a book tour? Wonders never cease","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER But partisan moves are the daily norm for the likes of Mitch McConnell. Yet somehow he still hangs on to his job and has the respect of conservatives across the country. This is why women are so afraid to stand up and say they were assaulted. We are part of the problem.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck Mollie Tibbets she posted on Twitter that she hates white people. She was asking for a brownie to kill her ass and I'm glad he did, nigger and beaner loving race traitors need to be killed on the spot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user and @user have final say over all applicants ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Heart of French language is in Congo, French language doesn't belong to the French people, says Macron. https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/heart-of-french-language-is-in-congo-french-language-doesnt-belong-to-the-french-people-says-macron\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER So much for gun control...not to be incentive. But really. Just saying","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"DECLARING OCTOBER to be TRUMP 2020 and American Flag Month! Posting Trump 2020 Images and American Flags! While the Radical Left Burns Them, WE WEAR THEM!Get these Tees in Collection 800 on Home Page of our site at https:\/\/t.co\/O4m0kNdzdR#Trump2020 #America #TrumpWonDebate https:\/\/t.co\/McCrCV9MUF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"How To Advance in Leagues in Cunt Wars Read and learn: https:\/\/hentaireviews.moe\/2018\/10\/10\/how-to-advance-in-leagues-in-cunt-wars\/ #hentai #nsfw #cuntwars #porn #porngames #sexgames #sex #adultgames #eroge #gaming #ecchi #games #harem","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No I'd say cunt I'd say no, you can't read too. If you could you'd have Googled Jews and Ethnicity before digging your hole. Top tip. ALWAYS fact check before you state facts. I do :)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Maxine Waters supposedly received two \"bombs\", unlike her colleagues who supposedly received one each. But she ain't scared! Why? Perhaps because she sent those taped up pipes to herself, and the only reason she got two was because her low IQ negress brain forgot that she had already sent the first one. https:\/\/thehill.com\/homenews\/house\/413085-maxine-waters-responds-to-bomb-threats-i-aint-scared","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dutch prisons are so empty they're being turned into homes for refugees via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"+1+1= ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER This is what happens when you tell white liberals that they don't get to congratulate themselves on how woke they are until they put their money where their mouth is. That simple fact of life breaks their brains.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Okay first of all Drag is not a fetish. It can be but it's not inherently meant to be. It's performance art. Its a mature form of performance art. Its literally grown ups playing dress up . But yes it's highly sexualised as with anything catered to an adult audience so i think it's downright disgusting to bring your 5 year old child to a drag convention where literally companies have booths selling sex toys. Its not progressive to let your kids perform seductively infront of an audience, its creepy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Then why are you pretending to be something your not???You are a phony and all your lies won't change that!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bitches are always sayin 'it's the little things' until you have a -a little bank account -a little drinking problem -or a little dick ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There is nothing worse than a warm beer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Muslim Bitch ...you rag headed Nigger ...camel Jockey ...Goat Humper","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":".@USER Just another Republican hater! It amazes me that liberals don't like Republican's money Colin You're fired! #BoycottColinJost #EmmyAwards URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER It's funny how liberals and Democrats work together but fight on Twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Point is they are trying to make a statement. And (some) trump chumps are guilty of much worse than anything antifa has done in the goal of trying to make a statement","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you say \"I hate trans people\", then you are a bigot!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER #WeThePeople do not want any gun control legislation. It is against the Constitution.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There's no such thing as psychopaths or sociopaths, introverts or extroverts, alphas or betas, etc. everyone is a product of motivation. in other words, people are only willing to do what they are motivated to do. #DoTheMath WRONG. !!! I'm an introvert and do lots GREAT work ALONE. People wear me out just talking.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dirty euro skank needs a massive schlong in her juicy cunt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Leave us a alon damn migrants go home ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When you do push-ups, simply change the angle of your hand position occasionally. There's no need to buy a special device to help you do push-ups with different hand angles. Unless you are retarded like @Microchip","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If I woke up as a trans person, I would kill myself. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"yeah I saw that one with the nigger waifu and white cucksband.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Guys who call me or others who're, slut, bitch, cunt or whore don't deserve my attention or time. I won't date you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I pampered the bitch and she went and abandoned the kid for some amateur dick ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She can probably suck the chrome off a trailer hitch though... URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Talking about 'in the bible, a woman is a man's property.' Therefore as a senseless misogynist, rape in married women cannot happen. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Only a nigger would fuck her","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She is a piece of garbage! I can't believe the hatred those bitches on the View have for Trump! And ABC let's them spew this garbage on a daily basis. Disgusting! Boycott the View! Boycott ABC too! I have and damn proud of it!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Illegal aliens, it's all your fault You Refuse to Obey U.S Laws and Committed Child Abuse using Your Kids To Illegally enter the U.S Illegal #FamiliesBelongTogether in THEIR COUNTRY NOT THE U.S #Trump #MAGA #Immigration #NoAmnesty via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This worthless bitch.... if she gets elected I may very well consider leaving the state... You already have a severe muzzie infestation in Dearbornistan and Flintistan.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER New gun control laws are a waste of time and energy which is better spent holding these worthless politicians accountable for their REFUSAL TO ENFORCE CURRENT LAWS. Why create more laws they will never enforce?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"British zionists Paid off governments Can't get any clearer than that! Thats whats wrong with this government....they cant speak clearly.... Better still, they refuse to speak clearly. A corrupt government is complicit in the down fall of their country. Perhaps that is why there is such a rise in leaders similar in style and nature as Trump. 'Give it to me straight', that's what the pple are voting for. Exactly....atleast trump has a set of balls and speaks his mind...and gets results...... Been planning it for one hundred years Never a truer statement have i seen. If they want \"human rights\" how about they start acting human? That ship sailed long ago.....its damage limitation now....? Bomber and a parachute each.... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Illegal immigration sidelines at least 5 million marginalized Americans and their families, including many who are now struggling with opioid addictions.The huge influx of cheap labor has helped to stall Americans' wages since the 1970s ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Michael Kimmel (prominent male feminist) and his views on what masculinity is, more than likely stem from his own retarded behaviors (like when he brought in some (female?) students and phoned Jane Fonda to boast about his influence\/connections), he also got #metoo'd because of course, lol. Then all the (very famous, typically) female accusers who turn out to be sexual assaulters\/rapists themselves (nevermind that woman on man rape is viewed with incredulity by normies, and laughed at by feminists).","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Disabled people are beautiful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user are you scared theyll take the crown from you? Your reign as Most Hysterical Woman has been long and most likely, safe. @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Another fucking Pittsburgh Nazi. Philly Antifa is naming names and it's glorious. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user you're a goddamn savage ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Let me get this straight. Taylor Swift (low talent hack that she is) comes out for Democrats and she is hailed as a hero and brave. Kanya West supports Trump and he is called a Token Negro, a Coward and ignorant. White girl wants blacks on plantation, all good. Black man walks off plantation, something gots 2b wrong with him. Not only was that a sickening segment of \"media\" it was a sickening display of retarded people for the nation to see. And Don Lemon? What kind of drugs was he on? Or, was he just drunk again. How anyone can remain a demonrat is beyond my understanding. I'd be running like all hell was right behind me. What a bunch of losers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":".@USER joined the show to talk about how she is leading the fight against breast cancer at @USER @USER Listen to the full interview: URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No he didn't. He said I'm sure there is fine people on both sides. Do you disagree with that or are you one of those far left people who think all conservatives are racists. Antifa is a terror group that uses violence against innocent people who think differently.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Haven't talked to my kids in days because my bitch ass #babymomma is a cunt! #meetoo ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When do we hang the muslim nigga ' and the cunt ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How does this #MAGA...?!? Is this our tax dollars at work...?!? URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Mr Lewis I have a modicum of respect for but Slatty Dave is just another nigger cocksucker.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Keep it going. Patriots Friends. Just don't spam don't spam. Send this to all your followers. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Does anyone know what happened to @MartyMcGraw Looks like the Nazi's finally won and he got removed. It is the Nazi's that should have been muted.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What's the fetish with squirrels ya weirdo?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I wouldn't mind seeing antifa try this. I doubt it's bait either.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"DACA Dreamer on the run, allegedly wanted for murder @user @user #EndDACA Threat is just too great!#NoAmnesty #DeportThemAll #KeepAmericansSafeNowhere in US Constitution does it say to protect Illegal Aliens! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@arleneprieto @ProudSocialist This sounds like an excuse to keep the status quo completely intact which Joe Biden and Kamala are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Ew. Also bitte!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Muslims should get the fuck out of our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is getting more and more bizarre now. \"Alien DNA\". Fan of the X Files? We have some Neanderthal DNA if that's what you mean? What your parents had to create you is between you and them son. Can't help you there. Live long and prosper :) I think this is his mother","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If You Wanna Be Stupid Over Some Dick Do Your Thang Sus Im Jus Not Gone Fwu Nomore ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oh look, another horror story to shove in the face of those virtue-signalling twats on Facebook who claim that false accusations just don't happen. And this was done out of *casual malice.* I for one don't want to live in a world where the presumption of guilt is the rule of law.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER yeap she is politically a lame duck already dead politically","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Texas should exercise its full state powers to make sure that immigrant children in federal detention are treated humanely. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#NazisAreBad Their programs called for the nationalization of education, health care, transportation, and other major industries. They instituted and vigorously enforced a strict gun control regimen. They encouraged pornography, illegitimacy, and abortion,...\" (3)\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Black lives aren't worth s h i t. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I hate it when people ask me for a favor... I've never asked anyone for anything specifically so I don't have to do anything for anyone ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"She is such a fucking cunt as far as I am concerned Chelsea handler and the rest of the pedophile elite in Hollywood can burn in a never-ending Lake of sulphur in hell because that's where they belong","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Writing postcards to send out this week. #voteblue2020 @ Gilbert, Arizona https:\/\/t.co\/VwfOTDIjNE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Breaking out the good stuff to celebrate the election of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris! How are you celebrating? https:\/\/t.co\/qF01R250PB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Disgusted by all the disabled people around here. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@KamalaHarris @JoeBiden Joe seriously could poop his pants in front of the whole country tonight! #Trump2020 ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Asian sex gang of 20 men whose trial led to Tommy Robinson's arrest are jailed for more than 200 years for drugging and raping vulnerable girls as young as ELEVEN in seven-year reign of terror https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2yofWnB 43 gangs down and many more to go. Raping non Muslims for 1400 years. #BanIslam #SendThemBack DEPORT THE PAKISTANI COMMUMITY Paedophile judge Marsden has such low morals he should be castrated and his eyes gouged out Watched it. I was sexually abused by 2 paki men when I was 15 in I was just walking down the street in broad daylight they were seen and were given a good beating I hope you got a gun and killed them because I would of No guns But pakis sexually abused or raped young white girls as soon as their filthy feet TOUCHED UK soil. Media called our lads protecting females Nazis and paki bashers The piss poor Media never even investigated why it was happening Now today 1 million girls raped I'm so angry Millions of victims, scarified on the alter of 'multiculturalism' for virtue signalling purposes, The #TraitorClass have blood and tears of our children on their hands. David Cameron who wants a muslim. Prime minister of the UK hasn't sold his young daughter an old muslim fuckwiit. Even though she's of age CAMERON SOLD WORKING CLASS CHILDREN TO MUSLIMS. HE MUST DIE PAINFULLY REALLY PAINFULLY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Putin to hold meeting with Trump in Paris on November 11 aide https:\/\/sptnkne.ws\/jQPj Putin to hold meeting with Trump in Paris on November 11 aide https:\/\/sptnkne.ws\/jQPj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"ROFL! Wow, we're all shaking in our boots now! We're more worried about when you all go full retard and start suicide bombing... Felafel is the least of our worries... Besides, I've always been a grilled steak and potatoes guy anyway, you can have your fancy fried dog food...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I don't think he is Damian.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"She seems distraught. HAHAHAHAHAHA! And still on Twitter ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fox News Network's History Lesson About Defeating Communist Japan In World War II https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=s45mtoq92Vs Communist Japan?? WTF are these people smoking? They are literally lying about Japan now. They are rewriting history right before our eyes! tabloid journalism at fox now. all they have are ditzy blondes and long legs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Never trust a lawyer. They are lower than whale shit. Look here she has to come here and fill up your page with ads because she can't get clients. Liberal faggot whore. Go away! @kimberlyschultzlaw","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"SLUT CUNT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"People talk down on women who don't want broke niggas for no reason, I wouldn't want a broke bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Got beat by WWE....take another knee.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"And people with ugly faces should wear masks ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The bad and the good are both part of US history. Excluding painful memories will not change the truth of what we have gone through. What's important is to learn from history so it won't repeat. Changing the facts would be akin to Antifa tearing down statues to erase the past!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"U dont so why tweet it the only bitch u talk to is HELLLO ME TF WHORE ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"fuk u , u fukin retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"fuck your new group cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"US Senator seeks Nielsen resignation over separation of immigrant families via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Ouch that hurt\" Well anyway you are?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Like all fucking stupid cunt Moslems you make no sense at all.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hay, if you told these idiots not to vote in the super pedo devil mafia no term limits politicians too, I don't see why we can't agree on this boomer are retarded thing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Those Muslims will stop laughing when I start shooting them. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER No, I'm 100% sure you're watching right-wingers posting things only. And think you see discrepancies in narratives\"? What I posted wasn't \"approved antifa video\" at all. There's no such organization. What it was was a popular Youtuber examing what Antifa is without any bias.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Fuuckkkk youuuuu","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Afghanistan: The State of Aid and Poverty in 2018: A new look at aid effectiveness in Afghanistan ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Haha Following hate makes you nuts. It doesn't matter which hate you follow. It also makes you a follower of Satan.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Looks like another Fallston kid couldn't handle their alcohol and fucked something up again.... I'm sure it was a girl. #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And as far as I know, those faggots never posted it here.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Tomorrow is World Refugee Day and our advocate campaign is picking up steam! Join us but learning more about refugees, giving or creating an awareness page at ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER There's no hope for you and Jerry. Unbelievable how close-minded you are. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My videos are incredibly racist to be fair. against birds anyway No I don't","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"LOL PWND. Sorry but this is gold. Nothing beats wrecking these stupid cunts on their big day.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER This is actually a bad argument considering that conservatives stood by Clarence Thomas too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Point of fact is that if you judge a man by his character rather than his color you will find many a black man well preferable to yourself. MANY BLACK PEOPLE WHO ARE BETTER THAN YOU!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"supporting the white poppy over the red is so bloody insulting, if this cunt knew anything he'd realise that many men were handed WHITE feathers to shame them into fighting, men died because of that. yet Symon *jewish cough jewish* of course doesn't give a https:\/\/twitter.com\/brianwoodmc\/status\/1051738825964351488?s=21","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Soros is a Nazi. He has even publicly stated he was proud of the work he did with the Nazi's his brown pets.....burning the flag. https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/grateful-hondurans-paint-swastika-on-us-flag-then-torch-it-in-support-of-illegal-immigrant-caravans\/ And the point is???? Soros IS \"white\" as you like to call it. really? did WHITES die in \"camps\" in WWII? were WHITES kicked out in pogroms? why isn't the ADL and SPLC called KKK? are Africans the same as Indians because of skin tone? why do Jews have to show DNA to get in Israel? https:\/\/www.richardsilverstein.com\/2013\/08\/04\/birthright-israeli-government-demand-dna-tests-to-prove-jewishness\/ If you are referring to the people of India as Indians they are actually Caucasian according to 200 years of science. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"People need to understand that immigrants are not a threat to civilisation. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@PeteButtigieg watching you on TV right now is comical! You keep saying the American people are with @JoeBiden..you DAMN sure aren't speaking for me! #Trump2020 #4MoreYears","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Teacher: understandable Homework machine broke Teacher: understandable, have a nice day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is an attempt to silence wrongthink. If you can't tell that by now, you're retarded sorry. First whatever, second lolicon, third alluding to all porn, now this. It's not hard to guess what this means.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Also he supports antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Syrian refugee who sexually assaulted 10 women in Germany acts like a baby when brought to justice https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/syrian-refugee-who-sexually-assaulted-10-women-in-germany-acts-like-a-baby-when-brought-to-justice\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The CEO of that company is a disabled person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Liberals are not very smart","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"On behalf of the UK. Please take this cunt back and whilst your at ,you can have Harry too. Now he's shown his true colours","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"4\/ Or specifically with the white supremacists who find the NPC meme awesome, how is \"diversity is our strength\" any different from \"love your race\"? It's like two sides of the retard coin. (Or actually the same side, since white supremacy and white nationalism originated from the Democrat party, which they hate to acknowledge.) Do you realize the founding fathers were white nationalists? Citizenship was for whites only. Btw, they also kept negroes chained up out back. Your boomer logic has no basis in reality, turn off Rush and try reading a book published prior to 1965 Cool story, I see you learned history from the back of a cereal box, like the other white supremacists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Just because some flaky pink hat wearing woman says so? Try again. Where's the police records and the like. Tired of liberals thinking they can lie to ruin someone's life because they don't like Trump","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Anglin is a fucking weirdo https:\/\/media.christogenea.org\/videos\/evalion\/anglin-iconoclast-radio-promoting-race-mixing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"54 night club partiers slaughtered in Oregon with .30-caliber Universal M-1 carbine. The NRA calls gun control research 'unethical'.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER that's unepic","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user Stfu side hoe head ass bitch go fuck yourself y don't u try to get dm in a week ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Niggas be like your pussy bald? You must want a pornstair 24\/7 stfu ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"LOL trolling the mentally retarded is fun !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Evil","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER People do speak out for gun control and against gun violence. If you don't see it you're choosing not to pay attention and that's just wilful ignorance on your part.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Immigration Will Not Make America Great Again ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is more influential so many Japanese and British acts are influenced by her? Why do so many foreign acts work with her producers? Why does she have touring records in Europe and Japan? Why did she win the Legend Award at the WMAs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lying, scheming, communist, cunt should be drug out by her hair and shot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm guessing brits cannot think for themselves so Mommie May is thinking for y'all. Geeze, vote that twat OUT!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trans people like you deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Illegal Aliens Killed Two Search And Rescue Dogs In Texas wicked infernal barbarians have no place in society!#BuildTheWallNow #DeportThemAll #NoAmnesty#NoDACA#NoMs ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Chinese officials have complained when Hong Kong's Foreign Correspondents' Club has hosted controversial speakers. Now one former city leader is criticizing the group's lease of a government building. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"charli: fuck you bitch charli: omg why am i so extra wjahjaaj ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Please stop labeling women \"hysterical \"crazy \"mad we are full of rage and grief. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"5 of 5 stars to You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm astounded women have to tell grown men 1) Don't drug us on dates 2) Don't send dick pics 3) Using power\/position\/fear isn't consent ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@brad_dickson Sure like the GOP suspended long enough to even grief RBG. I'm sure if Biden had to quarantine that trump would have cancelled his hate rallies. #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Mexicans saved from the the meanie white man by the rich Jewish journalist... Also note the projection from the \"everything is political\" nonsense -- everything *they* do and produce is political, in other words, actively fighting for their own interests at the expense of others. Can you explain how it's a violation of rule 1? The rules of \"don't be a dickwolf\" seem laid out, and defined. There's nothing in rule one that suggest addressing or presenting identity politics makes you a dickwolf. It's also the entirety of the video at hand that's going on. Did you watch the video? and#x200B; The TLDR of the video is that two mexican boys are practically kidnapped by a white guy who uses such comments as \"You're the reason we need to build that wall.\" You can clearly tell the kind of person the white guy is, describe by the children as a \"Hillbilly.\" The wall comment alone confirms the two boys's identities. Then the comment at the end of \"Everything is political.\" and#x200B; The entire scene is nothing but a giant scream at identity politics. How can you say someone is in violation of rule 1 under the grounds of \"idpol bullshit\" when the topic at hand is literally about \"Idpol bullshit?\" and#x200B; It also isn't like that's the only thing the guy wrote, he wrote more than just \"Mexicans saved from meanie white man by rich jew journo.\" To clarify, I don't much care what the guy did on previous offenses, but I fail to see how this current comment is in any violation of rule one, and if it is, then rule one needs to be HEAVILY redefined and restructured rather than left vague and open for interpretation.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Good for them. They're welcome here after they get banned. We are like the world of Avernum: a society built of those who were thrown into the pit. EDIT: Watch out for nephalem. Mmm, Spiderweb Software. Vogel is apparently a super SJW, but he wrote good games. Don't tell me this... I second this, as a big fan of his games... That news sucks. Almost as bad as when Roger waters was doing an anti trump tour.. As a lifelong fan of Floyd, this made me not want to go and I turned down the chance. I don't care what someone's political views are privately, just don't turn your work into propaganda. Thing is I never seen any of that in Vogels games. Is there any creator today that isn't indoctrinated or has been silent and cut loose into insanity like a switch was flipped? Well the democrats are no longer for normal Americans are against men and are feminist so now you must be too.. That's what it feels like. Like marching orders. Lovely Waters. He came here to Brazil to preach against our newly elected president during his campaign. Waters was supposedly fighting against fascism... while being sponsored with public funds from the party that stole more than 60 billion dollars from the brazilian people and basically destroyed the country. I like pink Floyd too but Roger waters can go fuck himself that's unlikely, the diablo subreddit isn't run by blizzard. The same way \/v\/ was \"free\" back when GamerGate happened. aka, filled with sympathetic mods. Didnt help that moot himself was compromised. Then again he always was.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"He was born in the former Soviet Union and has lived the American dream. Now Russian immigrant Dimitri Shein is seeking the Democratic nod for a US House seat in Alaska. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Who should the great American Citizens of Michigan VOTE for? That's easy.... Military Veteran and Patriot John James! Of Course!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".Yes he does and you're just as much of a POS liar for supporting him. You actually believe his \"facts\"? based on what? something a faggot UK soccer player (Dennis Wise) put together while he was jerking off to gay porn? get a life dude.. wake the fuck up!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Feinstein -- is this dumb c*nt serious? Yeah b*tch, you're blue card has been revoked, like Obama's race card, and Hillary's sexist card... All your cards are getting declined heretofore... https:\/\/townhall.com\/tipsheet\/cortneyobrien\/2018\/10\/12\/feinstein-9th-circuit-n2527940?utm_source=thdailypmandutm_medium=emailandutm_campaign=nl_pmandnewsletterad=andbcid=7e4220599271d117251e74c34f4dd8a5andrecip=27515044 She's got a lot more to be worried about, rancid cunt is heading for Gitmo #DiFiChiSpy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER There's this specific person whose tweets r bugging me since morning .. solo fan I guess ..usko har cheez se problem hai aur use shayad aisa lagta hai Jaise he\/she is the nly sensible one ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#Westminster @USER #Tories @USER @USER #Brexit @USER #Brexiteers #OutOfTheEU @USER #EU #Brussels #Remoaners #Remainers #Quislings #FBPE #Non-Patriots #Anti-UK #Pro-EU #Traitors #snowflakes #bedwetters #LeftieLuvvieLiberals URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Gun control and money control are the fantasy with today's technology. You're part of the old guard.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Not everyone has that emotional Strength...in occupied territory. Pray the Day...we secure a place, for Kith and Kin! #riseofthewest","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Thanx Mazie....no big deal, just send back the money and everything will........ you're not gonna what ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This stupid Bitch Lied. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Self-confessed Foreign Agent. Disgrace.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Inbred, low IQ third world retard. Startling that an inbred, low IQ third world retard shares so much in common with the interbred, inflated IQ retards graduating from American colleges financed by federal money.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The people on here suggesting that banning cartoon child porn and banning racist speech is an apples to apples comparison are goin' feet first into the woodchipper. This is non-negotiable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We should just hang all these disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You are nothing but common disabled trahs. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And what about @USER s accuser? Or @USER s accuserS? Or do you only believe those that accuse conservatives? Just another elitist Hollywood #hypocrite","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Filmmaker Timothy Grey Hall sits around the campfire and says to Nashville Antifa, \"tomorrow, when you are given that choice of do I take the next step, f***in' take it.\" He talks about the strategies and tactics Antifa uses and says \"a lot of times it includes actual violence.\" https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=B3_Rrq8RO1c","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"From an immigration lawyer. Truth. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I think someone should snap the necks of those disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Stop being less of nigger by calling yourself by an absurd name like \"ShonteriKKKa\". Just joking!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Baltimore mayor announces taxpayer-funded legal defense fund for illegal immigrants. That's right folks. The left wants you to pay for your own demise. https:\/\/t.co\/BDInyhfdXf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Indian women are the worst tbh, because here r so many thirsty horney simps in India even the ugliest bum thinks she is the most beautiful litrally when they walk past me she thinks like I am garbage even if I am not looking at em they will show so much attitude like the world fucking revolves around them and that one fucking horney cunt just follows stares which makes them feel like even I want em, no bitch I am thinking about my grades not ur dried up cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What the fuck is wrong with these guys - Low T - Lack of exercise - Poor eating habits (which includes eating a lot of processed foods, junk food and soy, lots and lots of soy) - No goals\/purpose in life other than to please \"m'lady\" on the net But why do they make that face","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#NFAT #Thailand fishing fleet owners have no one but themselves to blame for labor shortages given rights abuses, forced labor, failure to pay minimum wage and dangerous working conditions! There's a reason migrants avoid the boats! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why is thos racist,homophobic whore @user getting so much success all of the sudden ? Like go away ugly cunt. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The NGO rescueship Lifeline will now go to Malta. This is the wrong signal for all the humancatcher from the NGOs. The Crew should send into jail, because the have ignored the law and the refugees should be brought back to Libya. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Will antifa fill the streets when kavanaugh is confirmed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"FECKLESS CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@seanhannity It's actually become common practice to openly engage your irrational stupidity for all the world to see. I never wanted to be aware that people were this ugly on the inside and I never had any idea that there were so many. It's really disheartening. That being said..#TRUMP2020 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Black people have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I love my bitch we be clowning I call her an my mom Facebook thots and she call me a Instagram slut bitch got me fucked up ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Obama knew. Biden knew.Kamala knew....and if Creepy Joe was such a great father, why didn't he get his son into rehab? Why did he instead use his addict son for his own benefit. #JoeIsATerribleFather https:\/\/t.co\/BUFyB1KRO9","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Another one @user ?? #StopMassMigration #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #DeportIllegalAilens #NoAmnesty #NoDACA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER aw. *hugs* i've gotten flustered like that as well. it sucks. i also sometimes write myself a little script. you're not alone.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"She was 22 in Your life must be miserable if you're that angry over this. Calm down buttercup.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No. Shut up faggot they are clones of Jordan Jereb","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Now you are a Netflix whisperer? Jack of all trades right here. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Men reproduce MGTOW is the farthest thing from manhood. PUA? I'm not sure if this is a really sad reality or a really funny troll. So you have kids outside of a stable marriage? How modern. You sound like a homosexual. If you consider every relationship with a woman \"groveling you're a broken man(boy) with some serious mommy issues.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"CNN 8:53am NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS LEAD CHARGE TO REUNITE FAMILIES. . Catholic Charities reunites immigrant children with deported... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The worst part about this story is that Pewdiepie was on \"chat with friends only\" when he said nigga. He say it because he got angry during lag, as it happens to all of us someday lets dont lie about it, and there was a black guy in his friends who heard that and did start to laugh. Yet ofc people are picking up this story , ignore facts and rewrite it as a clickbait such as \"Pewdiepie say N word towards other people on the internet\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Maybe he means every black faggot like him?! :)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Not all men stare and not all women r worth staring either.... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trump meets NATO chief Stoltenberg ahead of Brussels summit ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"White nationalism: Get out of our country. Nigger nationalism: Gibs me dat!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user fucking whore bag cunt face mamona puta toda ugly, ily ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And pedophile Podesta still on with his Blue Check Mark account. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What a horrible twat that woman is. The embodiment of trough-snuffling Common Purpose filth. A carpet munchers with a furry tongue Cressida Dick the only thing missing from her - apart from a brain ! Proves women should stick to womens jobs !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I was at the laundromat just reading his comments last night he was basically saying porch monkey was a term used years ago and \"liberals made it into a racist thing and it all just snowballed from there lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER The Show Must Go On! We must have crazy liberals screaming and throwing a tantrum inside of that courtroom? If they let these same animals in as they did during the hearings this is just going to be another circus","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Seems these are retarded animals from hell ...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Europe is cucked and fucked when will the citizens change their attitude about the muzzie invasion.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So sick of being around construction sites like this. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER and the rest of the Democrats LOVE Antifa and their Alinsky tactics. #DemocratsAreDangerous URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You have to stop calling people bitches. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ELIZABETHII I USED LIBO WEAPONS TO TAKEOVER MY ROYAL FAMILY TREASURES MAHABHARAT WHY TRUMP AND CHAIWALA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"I am German when we win but I am an immigrant when we lose https:\/\/t.co\/WPLZ3lTRGz ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"LMAO, look at this retard trying to protect his buddies Putin and Assad while prancing around with the handle \"LibertyRevolutionary.\" He's 100% American, trust me! LMAO LOLOLOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@No_Maaam @CompoundBoss I ghostwrote for Stern in 90's ,knew Trump was running 4 pres to promote Book art of the Deal or otherand loved Trump's stories and outrageous CANDIDNESS,fresh air for me to hear that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lessons consensual #sex for Mr #Weinstein and; others - you mislead, coerce and force yourself on #women - guess what it is #assault and #rape? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Keep up the good work while the liberals waste time crying and pointing the country moves closer to greatness again! MAGA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Another turd gone from ESPN. Maybe one day we can watch sports on the channel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER My old ass was here URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Discord wants to sell your data, and if that data is breached or leaked they don't want to be held responsible. Here's how to opt out: https:\/\/redd.it\/9phixm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.removeddit.com\/r\/canada\/comments\/9nc98f\/it_was_like_a_nightmare_police_investigate_fire\/e7la0mp Hopefully that link works. Im on mobile. Even the most gentle criticism of the CBC is removed. I got in to quite the dustup with the mods over that one... The chucklefuck mods replied to me with this >Partisan-backed media-bashing of perceived enemy press is grossly undemocratic and intolerable suppression of journalism in any society that claims to care about freedom of expression. Put actual effort into criticism of the ARTICLE next time. Its not even them, its OrzBlueFog, Cadaren99, ManofManyTalentz and AbsoluteTruth. Their own little alt-left mod clique. There's a reason they won't release mod logs - these guys are doing the vast majority of the moderating and its massively biased. I don't expect them to release mod logs, but they have to get their fuckin mods in line. \/r\/canada mod team, is criticizing the CBC actually against your rules? Can you please revise the rules to reflect the arbitrary left wing insanity that your mods make up on the fly every day? Like in \/r\/CanadaPolitics, nobody ever knows what will get removed and what wont' because it depends on whether your sissy lefty mods are on their rags or not.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just how stupid can a people be to attack medics? Ebola Chan in on the march, aided by nigs attacking medics. Ebola Chan is Europe's best hope https:\/\/www.dailystar.co.uk\/news\/world-news\/734396\/ebola-outbreak-congo-red-cross-medics-attacked-north-kivu Also happens in the US (and anywhere you have niggers) all the time. I can't tell you how many times I saw pavement apes attack or threaten to kill EMS crews who only showed up trying to help someone who was sick\/injured. You will never convince a wetback who uses ambulances as free taxies from one part of a city to another that he is not smarter than gringos who would never do that. Fresno had 2 sh1tskins take over 1300 free ambulance rides in one year, that's over 2 trips per day.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm just so pissed off by advertising like that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Maxine is a total retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@MarkDice Yep, that's why Court Packing Pelosi told people to come down to China Town and went on holiday and got her hair dyed... f*ck the workers, this is about Trump. She'll pretend it's for workers in the long term, but she's been there decades and done nothing so it's just a lie...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"typical u find a nice woman and some dumb cunt tells her u will get more tips if u turn greys off ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER And this isn't considered hate speech for the liberals. If a republican said that about democrats the MSM would be raising 10 kinds of Hell The hypocrisy is to be expected now","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Watched the first episode of the New Female Doctor Who, my 18yr old lad is disgused and left in a huff, 80% black mixed rainbow of fucking diversity new Doctors outfit sports the fucking sexual deviant rainbow, this is for kids. Pure indoctrination. Dr Who. It was good while it lasted. BUT, its owned by the BBC who are nothing more than leftist useful idiots. Propagating \"diversity\" while managing to eliminate the indigenous population. Yep, I quit watching after they got the nigger assistant for the last Doc","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#gabfam This faggot is talking shit about Gab. https:\/\/twitter.com\/oldlolbornlolz","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When you see your first pair of titties ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"He was mentally retarded from the beginning.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Over the past 25 years, World Relief has welcomed nearly 100,000 women and girls fleeing persecution. Give today to support our work in welcoming refugee and immigrant women and their families. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"These people are actually saying fuck winter. These retards are actually triggered by an entire fucking season.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Then the Australians are going to get rid of their muzzie infestation?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Redddit is going to shit. Free speech does not exist on this site. I know reddit can ban\/quarantine whatever it wants but that does not mean it's cool. idk i think reddit's pretty cool and free speech is still alive and well","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RT @ScottMGreer: Big news: the Puritans arrived 400 years ago to a giant Walmart that accepted EBT https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/f9GK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Chris Hayes' show tonight could not be bothered to address the @user breaking story on sexual abuse of immigrant boys.This is why cable network TV simply can't be trusted.I wish PBS would create a \"ProPublica Hour\" TV broadcast. (Maybe there is such a program regionally) ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#LindseyGraham reinvents himself as a salt miner. #Kavanaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"guns don't mean shit if you aint got balls it time for all niggas to be warriors gain we was kings and queens visiting the stars before the white devils came stoled are knowledge and enslaved us it gonna be a black planet white devils watch out #BlackGab #Negus #Nuwaupian #Blaxit #KenyansOnGab #AfricansOnGab #BlackPower #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #Wakanda You need to start posting more Nigger Jamal, I've ran outa stupid shit on here to laugh at. You're not doing much to break the stereotype that niggers are too lazy to breath, considering all your' greasy ass has to do is push buttons lmao","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You accuse people of being liberal while saying hate speech is where you draw the line? There is no hate speech, I can call someone a spic or a faggot without an ounce of hate in my heart, is that still hate speech?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Crawl back in your hole, you should be in the pokey by now! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lol. Of course it was, chuckles. You seem to be in a very bad mood today! Chuckles... that is very accurate and for you that must be a first. I love taunting the really fucking stupid. O'Brien duped that silliest of cunts and just pointing the fuckwit at the right direction is delicious fun. Hes a dopey fuck so won't go and check! He'll Remain an ignorant cunt unto death!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"tell this no talent cunt whore shut the fuck up","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#party #partylite #Conservatives 1 book 150 subj insight site:My favorite #mythicalcreature? The honest politician URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I find there's similarities in treatment when you say that you don't believe in God. According to other people, there must be something wrong with you or someone or something must have hurt you so much for you to turn your back on god\/Women.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Older voters may turn out to be the Democrats' 2020 heroes \"I do what I can to make sure that my children have a noble life. #Vote2020 #BidenHarris2020 #PennsylvaniaVotes https:\/\/t.co\/zHqSvS8qR2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER My experience is the gun control activists don't really want a conversation, they want capitulation. The way around that would be to open with proposals to expand gun rights in exchange for whatever is they're looking for. There can't really be a conversation\" without that\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER She can lie in the shit she created","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"you are retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Facebook and Twitter are NIGGER SPIC HONKY RAT BASTARDS. Had to let that out after being censored.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Obituary: Victoria Reilly, inspirational teacher who spent her early life as a refugee ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Maybe they think that the governor will effect their life more, so they vote for that, but think the Senator doesn't really matter? I've done the same in the UK, when our elections overlapped in Scotland. I didn't complete the ballot, because honestly down-ticket didn't matter (the position had no power) and the conservative candidate was a bit of a cunt (I say as a party member).","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Meghan Markle's sister told to back off as she prepares to release explosive book ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"your girlfriend a major snorter but that bitch ain't worth a quarter ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@TimBilbro @el_dog_13 @ScottAdamsSays nah, biden's campaign is the joke with a cherry on top. no squandering chances here just tactical moves","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Could you open up your home to refugees in need? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"dickey durban = paid for retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"trump's 18-minute flaccid Hatch-Act-violating mini-rally at the White House https:\/\/t.co\/19XOhxlwaB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She isn't believed because of the lack of evidence she is presenting 3 decades after the fact. Her being a woman has nothing to do with it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Dont you mean killing Americans. You lowlife piece of garbage i hope you rot in hell you son of a bitch ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ark at it. He bangs on about how much he hates pedos. Would you save a Jewish child from a pedophile. Fucking wait for it should be in africa. Faggot can't say yes or no. Pedo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nobody wants your nigger loving whore, she is yours, nigger!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Antifa Zeckenbiss by the way? #Hetzjagd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER This is the kind of healthcare provision religious conservatives have given America. #SaveOurNHS URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Tell me, at which point did the woman attempt to use her \"pussy pass\"? Does a man try to use his dick pass every time he does something wrong too? You people are so fucking dumb it strains belief. So out of all the options you could choose to style your argument around , you chose garbled incoherence. Nice. > If you're in the way, especially of military personnel with live ammunition, then your ass is gonna get pushed out of the way. Since you can't answer what i asked, you go with retardation. Got it. > This is equality bitch Oof , kiddo with silly weeb anime name trying to be tough online. I'm trembling. My fucking sides. You kids are so pathetically transparent and pitiful. So your idea of responding to me is a basic random \"no u\". Brilliant, as expected from the average fuckface in this sub. That's probably because _you're_ the entertainment. Go outside, it's a nice place, one where you can't be the basement dwelling fat fuck that you are.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"PERFECT. Hey, don't jump me. I liked the meme and used it. Wasn't meant for you, just venting. MAGA2020! the english language turning to pigeon english Dumbing down America, its the lefts way to control.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So after 6 years and nearly 11K followers, Twitter suspended my account. I am still bugging them to give specifics as to why and appealing, but not getting anywhere. @Oil_Ranger Need to find my friends here! Anyone? You won't find any friends here by whining about how mean twitter was to you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER White House said all parties shld be heard! This is why no one trust the media and why liberals are failing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is why I don't want any male children. I'm afraid a woman will try to ruin his life with false accusations out of spite. If I do have any sons, I will tell them to focus on academics before considering dating a girl. I will fully explain the consequences of dating, marrying, and having children with women of poor moral character. It's scary the amount of women I'm friends with on Facebook that are into the Me Too and Believe All Women movements. I remember when my mother warned me about the danger of giving a woman a ride home, if her car had broken down. The woman in question had a questionable character, according to my mother, but I thought she was fine. My mother made me understand what could happen to me and\/or my future if that, or any, woman decided to claim that I had attacked or assaulted her while alone with her. My Mom was truly ahead of her time, in many ways. For which I am eternally grateful. Exactly. It's an unfortunate fact of life that liars can ruin a person's life. Live and learn, hopefully fast enough to avoid having your life ruined. We all need to know how to protect ourselves from seemingly harmless incidents, like the one you describe. Back in the 70's and 80's, drunken hookups were common, but not anymore. The asinine rules in place on campuses these days actually make it possible for a female to enthusiastically have consensual sex, and even interact with her partner normally for days\/weeks afterward, only to change her mind even later and claim that she was raped. I don't think life gets much more insane than that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"i know ill be called a jew, but it seems to me, that medicaid is the only option. for all whites who are eligible, i suggest you get it. otherwise, you are to be extorted or just die, wo coverage. ironic isnt it? something intended to level the playing field actually did the inverse. we're the nigger now.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Boris will NEVER be Prime Minister: #Hammond mocks Johnson's plummy voice and failure to grasp detail - and claims his biggest achievement is 'Boris Bikes', in searing attack. https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2RiQOqu So, anything THE MASSIVE CUNT Hammond says is a lie and\/or the exact opposite, meaning Boris will be PM lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Who is that retard commenting. \"If the Republicans didn't cheat they have nothing to worry about.\" Ffs","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER It's hard to believe you are 39. I remember you as the cute first daughter\" in the White House. I voted for your dad twice. You have been a true force for good. Thank you.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user 1.ur retarded to take yt photo of someone else2.i will when u show ur real3.ur a fuckin bitch ass nigga u fucking cunt4.boii i got ur mum twerking for 5 cents coz dats how poor u fucking really are.5.stop being a fucked up slutty rat ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Scotty pippen just got divorced after 21 years of marriage. His cunt of a wife was cheating with a rapper before the papers were even filed. Henry Cavill saying the same shit. It's really bad man it's on every level now, society is actually fucked the next 10-12 years are going to be incredible. With the natural, political and social disasters we're about to face I'd be surprised to see the world still around by","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"PM Babi : Czech republic not to accept any illegal migrants ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Can we have a \"I voted for this Cunt last time\" option on ballots too?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Funny and #Hilarious #Meme for #Brexit people to deal with #Remainers .. as they simply have failed to put up a single argument and I am sure they are all #Leftists #HardBrexit #MBGA #MAGA #MCGA #MEGA #Conservatives #Patriots URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Brazil-Venezuela border reopens amid fight over refugees #FoxNews @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"nigger rappers are who I get political advice from. especially when they wear peanuts T-shirts. haahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I wish someone could get me the fuck out of here. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"dumb fucking bitch dont you just want to smash her fucking liberal face in Lol They all need reprogramming they've all become brainwashed you cant fix stupid, they have no fucking common sense if i had my way i would deport the fucking lot of them on a boat and torpedo the fucking thing 10 miles out,,, they are cancer and about time too","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are a child. Don't even talk to me. Lmao.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER An airplane you say..no woman falls in love with you when you are a trek star.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I treat women like fuck toys cause that's all they are to me ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A reminder; Dyke Haircuts make 95% of women ugly and look like a dude. Women evolved thicker, more silky hair for a reason, not to chop it off and look embarrassing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER The liberals sure are walking a VERY dangerous line.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER McEnroe is a fucking legend. And he hurled abuse at everyone! Now he appears in commercials yelling at people and movies yelling at people. He is an icon. Do you think it's fair?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Leona will START something Big to come...LIBERALS sit in terror in House of Commons...BETTER NOT CRITICIZE THE GROPER!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user ME: h-You: BITCH STFU ILYM STUPID DUMB HOE !! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I got an actual real life not all men' today, have I officially made it as a difficult woman now? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"My niggas are far too talented, this is a vibe!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Are you fucking kidding me James Corden? Making jokes about women being molested and raped? This is rape culture. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user you stupid cunt bitch! All women aren't stupid, but all women who think like you are!!!!! Whore! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Senate passes bill to enshrine $38-billion military aid package to Israel into law ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I would have divorced her ass too, hubby and family did the right thing. What a selfish evil twat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Proud of yerself? So many WORDS wasted on your OWN feeble virtue-signaling. Your swastika boy scout badges were stomped to death in What, over at your house, fake name guy? With all your faggot friends?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Read World Relief's response to the latest SCOTUS opinion of refugee resettlement.https:\/\/t.co\/hIWV8heZM1 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Please consider acting today. This is #ImmigrantHeritageMonth and #RefugeeAwarenessMonth. It's time to speak up on behalf of those who need an advocate. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"These MSM faggots be the nutless type faggots tho u feel me? The GLOW IN THE DARK FAGGOT M F C I A AGENT TYPE FAGGOTS THO YA FEEL ME? The MocKing birds indeed...here's Z-bigs darling to tell us what way the winds blowing: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=OJ9ce-yMEfc","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Read RCUSA's Report Card for the month of June. We're 20,000 refugees behind schedule and only 3 months remain in the Fiscal Year 2018 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I mute fuckers that call @Ionwhite names. Go suck your own dick, you faggot losers. you know me...gotta call the faggots out. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER for your encore say that every other western country that's all but eliminated mass shootings through effective gun control are lying too... it would be fitting","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I was at a neighborhood community center last week with my kid, and a few other moms were there with their toddlers. The toddlers were all boys. One mom was loudly and dramatically talking about how devastated she was when she found out she was having a boy because she wanted to raise a strong feminist girl and she was now tasked with teaching a boy her feminist values. I had to leave at that point. That's a boy that's either going to grow up to be a complete and utter beta male thanks to his mom's bullshit, or he's going to rebel against it completely once he hits puberty and become one of the most misogynistic assholes on the planet thanks to his hatred of his mom. \"Beta males don't exist. Ironically, the only people who use the term seriously would all qualify if such a thing did exist. At what point did you decide it was okay to make completely arbitrarily prophecies based solely on your misogyny? That boy might grow up to be a completely normal person. You got one anecdote about one event in the boy's life, know absolutely nothing else about him or the rest of his family, and you made up a nightmare scenario. People like you give MRAs a bad name. You're a bad person and you should feel bad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I think he's just a little faggot running his cock locker on the internet, but still.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"it's white women's turn for the 2min hate This type of subversive propaganda and agitation is the same technique the Jewish Bolsheviks used to stir up the Russian populace and convinced them to go along with them (in anticipation of a \"workers paradise\" these Jews promised) and overthrew the Czar of Russia in She's a Jewess. Do a Google image search.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER That's heartbreaking to read. Keep being the best you. There are many that will see you in a Wow. Look at what he is doing\" and light up with pride. Head high. One foot in front of the other.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Get in here you pussy ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Your slutty Christmas outfits should get you a good 45 likes on instagram. #Whore ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"All this talk about Trump's dick allegedly looking like Toad from #MarioKart This is the only thing that has been accomplished. Only now the libs are picturing a 70 year old man naked. #MAGA URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What a smug faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Typical r3tard behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You have to stop calling people cripples. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":". @morningmika They're ILLEGAL ALIENS. What is it about ILLEGAL and ALIEN that you don't understand? #StopTheInvasion#DeportThemAll#NoAmnesty#BuildTheWall ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Could anyone expect anything less from a fool like j rubin? Incompetent hair on fire libs cost people their lives and blame it Pres. Trump.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So you are telling me that a dude was radical enough to make and ship out five fucking bombs....and even after surviving the delivery, they were fondled like a freshly shaven scrotum...and not a single fucking one detonated?!?! Either the dude was a fucking tard who wasn't radical enough to Google how to light gunpowder with a timer or this shit is fake as fuck. Fake as fuck. Any idiot Leftist is as retarded as you describe, but it's clearly fake from all angles anyway.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I never understood why anybody waits to say they got raped smh rape me bitch I'm snitching soon as you leave fuck boy ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nice I'm sorry, rape is *nice?* He didn't want to have sex with her? He's a minor. It doesn't matter if he wanted to or not, he isn't of the age of consent to make that decision on his own. She had sex with an underage student. Because he couldn't legally give consent, that is considered rape. No matter how you look at it, this woman raped an underage student. He's 17, relax. Lol. Best 30 seconds of his life. You're fucking disgusting. He's a child. You're defending a child rapist by saying the victim enjoyed it. What is wrong with you? It's consensual sex. Who cares What do you not understand about the fact that he's underaged and cannot give consent to have consensual sex with a grown woman? This is the exact same as a grown man having sex with a 9 year old girl, and saying it's fine because she \"liked it\". Underaged is underaged, period. It's rape. It's NOTHING like a man banging a 9 year old girl. Then explain your logic in that statement, please. You don't get the difference between a 9 year old girl and a 17 year old guy having sex? Both are underaged minors that cannot give consent. Having sex with either age = rape of an underaged child. I feel like I'm talking to a wall. 17 is consent in many states. 16 is consent In a few. None are below Holy shit cant tell if the people arguing with you are actually retarded or just pretending, So it's not just me thinking that person that says a 9 year old girl is the same as a 17 year old guy is fucked up? my guess is he is playing the troll. Not just you....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The reason I asked if you are a faggot is because you have bear in your handle, which I have been given to understand is faggot code for a fat faggot with hair on his back. Since you represent yourself as a real person I felt safe in assuming your sexual perversion preference.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Don't forget this part. > The ECtHR also underlined that it classified the 'impugned' statements as \"an abusive attack on the Prophet of Islam, which was capable of stirring up prejudice and putting at risk religious peace.\" They might as well just say \"It's illegal because Muslims are violent.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"UN court tells US to ease Iran sanctions in blow for Trump https:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-us\/news\/world\/us-ordered-to-halt-humanitarian-iran-sanctions-in-blow-for-trump\/ar-BBNRHWP?li=BBgzzfc They don't, and Trump said as much at his U.N. speech last week.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So basically we have a nigger buck beating the shit out of a white girl. I fucking hate you clown world! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6317165\/Transgender-girl-charged-brutal-high-school-attack-caught-camera-says-bullied.html Another example of the violent nature of the the nigger. Now they're hiding beind this faggot disguise","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm comfortable calling myself a fag. I don't use that word to insult others. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":">It's not Canadian Wait, we DO have Canadian values now? I am so confused.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Typical muzzi3 behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why do they put these retarded overweight women on the view all the time. Oh, right, their audience is retarded overweight women.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user You broke it. A hole. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Once again @USER does zero research. But she is on the TV!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Glad you're downvoted so heavily here. This isn't jewbook or themtube. Fuck you cunt I doubt it, cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.theblaze.com\/news\/2018\/09\/30\/kellyanne-conway-defends-kavanaugh-reveals-she-has-been-a-victim-of-sexual-assault","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER The one where democrats have controlled major cities for so long they've bankrupted them and left the minority's and others in such desperation that crime is their only alternative to life. Instead of hand outs maybe they should teach a better way.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I just found more information about ToroFA. She is not in her late 20s (much older than that), has been with the CIA apparently since Why did you cancel your vid on me tho? Am I a CIA nigger too?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"He's the cunt of the year and probably next year too","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Who would recognize her? She looks like every other man-hating dyke out there","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Got a new #boycott for all you peeps today: #CapitalOne, all of its credit cards. Recent commercial shows an -level male kissing his nigger whore oildriller gf on the jumbotron at a basketball game. Apparently, he proposed to her in the script, which would constitute bestiality. Do you want a credit card that advocates the destruction of our race? Hope not-","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fox News host: Lock Clinton up Get this CUNT Pirro off the air. She is a woman hating woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How is anything I said \"de-platforming\"? Also, before you answer that, I don't care if someone is \"de-platformed.\" The First Amendment doesn't guarantee you a \"platform.\" Only retarded faggots think it does. Are you a retarded faggot?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER you are so loved","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She don't even wear the shit I buy her now. Move away from me.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.oregonlive.com\/expo\/news\/erry-2018\/10\/3a10a49bbd2403\/kate-brown-knute-buehler-find.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yet ANOTHER fat, stupid, commie, bull dyke oinks out: https:\/\/rightwingfolks.com\/georgetown-professor-says-white-republicans-should-be-castrated-fed-to-swine\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user is erasing #Obama from the #ArcOfHistory. #politics @user #MAGA #BuildThatWall #purge @user #FoxNews #Saturdaymorning #satchat #Kavanaugh #NEWS #media ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Death toll in Tunisian migrant ship accident rises to 60: IOM #UnitedNations #Tunisiancoast ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Unity with the Klan #biden2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah and American naturally. Gab is wrongly seen as a Far Right site because of these racist twats. Hardly the place to attract blacks, Asians and Jews is it. But evidently I had to \"prove\" that to him. So I bloody have lol Are you fooking mental. Already made you look a twat the other day and you're back for more. I said you have to be BORN in Britain or go through the nationalisation process. Not just turn up at Heathrow airport dickhead lol She's just a nigger with British documents, unless you believe in Cheddar Mang.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Deaht to all black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER More than that how low she is ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"NIGGER SHIKSA....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Ya Obama on trade 2-YEARS AGO: Trump is just NOT TELLING THE TRUTH\" \"How STUPID could our leaders be\" Trump God bless Trump! #MAGA #KAG .. (Full Link+Trump's ANSWER URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Italy and Malta row over migrants saved from Med ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I think liberals call that a front hole now. Been having fun with that one.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I pray for the day people quit posting swastikas. Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"one_fishBoneFish\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* finally automod gets something right. OOF Press F to pay respects.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user That the only job a woman can have .. they the best at this job love Dick Sucking ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Pompeo now says he's working to get more of Hillary's emails released before the election. This is obviously nothing, and even if it were something, Hillary isn't running, and no voter will care. Pompeo knows this. He, and others, are just trying to appease a floundering Trump.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER The war on the right = Antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Victimizing yourself doesn t help","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Among friends she would have been labelled a 'stupid cunt Globalist\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Time running out for 111-year-old refugee stranded in Greece ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I haet disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Only bitch ass fuckers rape women ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Sis she is. And I did answer u but u are to focused on bashing me. Sis that's just ur opinion. Mine is that she is a versatile artist and has many good albums. Say the truth for what it is. Just say u hate selena and go URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user don't get it pity sturgeon didn't help her own homeless am sure Bute refugees can swop it for a high rise in Glasgow ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ironically, leftists support that giant money laundering machine they call \"contemporary art\", made of retards screaming at each other, literal shit in a can, jesus in a bucket of piss, white canvases, upside down helicopters and empty rooms with blinking lights.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user @user Could somebody tell those paid assholes that keep interrupting the confirmation hearings TO SHUT THE FUCK UP! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That may well be one of the most deluded concepts I've ever encountered. Witches and pagans are the hipsters of modern religion. Prayer and God are too mainstream. Not necessarily. Have you ever considered solipsism? The view where your perceptions are basically the only thing that exists, without any deeper reality to speak of (this includes other people, who essentially exist only to the point they interact with you). It's actually impossible to refute this point of view, people just dismiss it because it sounds crazy. It sounds crazy because it is crazy, but bear with me: imagine that for real there were nothing else in the world besides you* and your thoughts\/perceptions. Do you still think spellcasting wouldn't work? If all reality is taking place literally in your own head, wouldn't you thoughts (and words and so on) have immense power? Like when you are dreaming, and it feels like it's you in the dream, but actually everything in the dream is you. *strictly speaking you don't even need to exist, as you never directly observe yourself (you are not a single thought or perception).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Can't wait for you're failure. faggot :)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Minnesota court orders Muslim #WomanBeater Keith Ellison's divorce records to be unsealed. His attorney is preparing to appeal that order. http:\/\/www.wnd.com\/2018\/10\/court-rules-ellison-divorce-records-will-be-unsealed\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Bullshit! People died because of an incompetent Puerto Rican government officials. That's already been exposed dumb ass but good try.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"EU states' rescue coordination centers should use all available resources to save, not imperil, refugees and migrants and should stop blocking crucial work of charities, says European rights council @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#MAGA great thing about hurricane Florence: did not have to hear the bionic woman with the amazing memory\" talk about a party 3 million years ago URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Writing that gay people are all assholes says a lot about how small-minded you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Melting snow flakes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user Stupid cunt chelsea have 3 starting player out long term ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Someone please slap this fucking faggot in the mouth.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@JuddPDeere45 @WhiteHouse @realDonaldTrump But those are all going bye bye under President Kamala ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I don't see any difference between a dead rat and a dead black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is fake u liar bastard. He is ur actor u liar bastard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She is one UGLY and DUMB woman!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER W had empathy and regrets. He may have been a bad\/ineffective president but he is way more presidential than trump could ever hope to be","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"taylor swift is only getting into politics cause she cant stand the \"stupid nigger kanye\", she has to do everything to exert her white power and privilege as a white privileged female, the highest of sjw classes, i hope kanye finally serves that bitch some humble pie, when the candidate she endorsed loses to the trump army","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This Korean bitch is like a pig. That s how they made an army of sumos there in their shithole country","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"another retarded sand nigger cock sucker","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/justinmichaelstpierre\/videos\/10153602193606351\/?t=6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"fenian cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER You can't accuse someone of something like this and expect to not have to come forward and testify about it! We're we just suppose to believe it and crucify him? I am sure u liberals think so.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wetbacks just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"White people don't experience racism? *cough* Zimbabwe *cough* You don't get to use Africa because you were never a slave unlike African Americans that still experience it today. Kiss me, I'm Irish. That's a new one!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"*-coughfemshepcough-* >It seems very clear to me, and I think most people, that Kassandra, granddaughter of Leonidas, should have just been the star of the show. I'm not quite clear on why this happened, and to me, it feels like **Ubisoft is really, really reluctant to let go and let a woman fully lead a major Assassin's Creed release**. **While they've been making progress with playable female characters,** **it does seem rather ludicrous that there was actually a choice at all in Odyssey.** All that needs to be said about his ~~article~~ rant and overall point\/reasoning!. . And then this gem at the very end: >Assassin's Creed will be back in two years, and **I do wonder who is going to be leading that game** then. He says this before there is even an IDEA as to what it's going to be like or about? I thought this was all about what worked, what fit better? What a fucking twat.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER It used to mean the permanent powers that be\", the \"oligarchy\" powers. Now, for \"conservatives\" it's become like \"antifa\", it's an amorphous, faceless, everchanging cast of characters used to throw shade at anyone who \"opposes\" Trump. Jerome Corsi sold this lie best, recently.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Anyone in Michigan able to drive an immigrant family from Detroit to Chicago on Wednesday? This group has driven moms across the country to be reunited w\/ their kids. Now they have a family who needs help picking up documents in Chicago. DM me for details. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"CW? Cunt Whore network? This is one I will not be watching. Pure garbage.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fuck off with that retarded #antifa mentality BS!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#cough #cough #cough #hilaryhasTB she sucked too much sand nigger cock","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Reminder: It's in Trump's best interests to have that SCOTUS seat empty during the mid terms and even the next election. It's his only trump card _against challenges from his own party\/conservatives_ these days.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Than we wonder why the Dems. are blooming idiots here is a fine example. How to teach your kid to be a vulgar protester. Way to go Dems. this kid will grow up to become President of Antifa.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER What did she do? The conservatives are no different","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user The current #GOP #Congress doesn't care what #Americans think. Most want Obamacare, most support the Mueller investigation, they don't support the tax scam, most want #responsibleguncontrol, most don't want to #BuildThatWall. Stop voting ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Don't get me started on the amount of people who'd love to buy Tommy a pint me included if we all did that why not buy him a fucking house. That cunt Gary fucking wanker Lineker earns","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I just lost the urge to care any more. All of this sounds like a problem for men that spend any time around these twats. They always will lie for money. Family court is the proof in the pudding. I don't even believe video evidence now unless I take it. AI work in video is amazing now, you can completely map poses from one person on to another after a minute of video. You can walk down the street and you can be made to rape someone. Or map your face onto another. Or see through walls by looking at wifi bounce signals to see exactly where you are. So at this point it's a lie without a full confession. And I don't mean a nolo plea, I mean a full signed confession.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user They illegally invaded our nation. They should get NOTHING. Period. #AmericaFirst #BuildThatWall #MakeItEvenHigher ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Well I just saw this and clicked on Bens link to see who he is and he has me blocked and I've never heard of him before.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When I was growing up, we said grace... we also thanked mom for cooking. Amen also doesn't have the etymology you think it does. This is why people think radfems are retards who just hate men. Because they are retards who just hate men, just like all other kinds of feminists. considering men have been murdering women and girls for 10,000 years for the sadistic sexual thrill of it and cornering and caging them in and regarded them as merely cattle and annihilated their image to elevate their own the only retard on here is you men have got away with absolute murder in their history and got a huge kick out of.. men's history is about them being cowards and how retarded do you have to be to not recognise that?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Alastair Campbell is another deluded Remoaner!The word #Hypocrite springs to mind after reading this nonsense!#Brexit #BrexitShambles #BrexitMeansBrexit #BrexitBetrayal#BNP #immigration #ImmigrationReform #Trump #Patriot #shadowbanned ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER \"My head is a fuckin egg ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER please can I print out the great poster you designed for #JusticeForOliver I have a stall at @USER event for this purpose. I was going to do one myself but you are much better at techno @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We must not let any woman live. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER damn... then I'll drink and fight right next to him... OOH RAH its party time and Antifa are the pinatas","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Call me daddy while you're choking on my cock ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Which has no bearing at all on how he will vote on abortion and gun control and the President's legal issues.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My wife is Facebook friends with some left wing woman she grew up with She's gone full pussyhat, ranting about Trump, Kavanaugh and whatever else CNN farts out every day. She was recently diagnosed with cancer. She's going to die and leave two kids and a husband behind. Recently she posted that she just finished marching in some left wing protest before checking in for chemo. Imagine this. You've only got a few months, maybe a year or two to live. And this is how you spend your time. What a Godless and wretched soul. She's smart, too. Very high IQ. But smart people can be every bit the fool as stupid ones. Anyway, I don't give a shit about her cancer. Good riddance. I didn't know cancer could get cancer. It's like the ten nigger rule where the blacks are worse for them than anybody else. That bitch must have Ten Nigger Cancer. Unrelated, how much you wanna bet she burned the coal?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I totally disagree with this. I can never tell which way he is leaning on an issue. He gives the news and asks the questions. Nothing against Chris Wallace or Shep.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ok but we need the unedited photo for evidence I don't know if this is actually her but [this is the photo they used in the article](https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/JJN39VI.jpg). Enjoy! And someone let me know if there are more out there. Edit: NSFW (Kinda obvious if you have *read* the post and possess the correct amount of chromosomes)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I think you are overlooking the fact the Democrats had both houses of congress and the presidency and did nothing. But gun control would work as well as the war on drugs has.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I'm surprised he didn't shoot his students just prove gun control is important. I'm glad I don't send kids to college. What a waste of money turning them into pumpkin heads.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Good!!! MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RT AaronBlake Eric Holder: \"Michelle [Obama] always says, 'When they go low, we go high.' No. No. When they go low, we kick them.\" https:\/\/youtu.be\/tYgZ5QO3ioc?t=630 https:\/\/twitter.com\/AaronBlake\/status\/1050076563193122816","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER See. Even liberals are in agreement!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I just am confused on what to say in regards to how everyone at cbc is full blown retarded and anyone vouching for cbc is even more retarded. I don't want to debate the lefts policies or beliefs, anymore. I want to discuss their psychology.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How far we have come.. SMH Forget that.. More like how low can we go Democrats? So low in fact rock bottom now has a basement.. Mossad w CIA Killed JFK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Robert, how is your moral fagging going? When will you stand and protect our white right wing trad women? Carolyn attacked them. And you better mute me again ,cause I told your bitch jewsus dick sucking cunt kike loving ass , not to come at me unless you did it as a man ,well your not so how could I expect as much from a pig jew ,","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"All leftists are despicable RETARDED RACIST human sewage! Absolute SCUM! We need to take the world back and get rid of all the filthy LYING RACIST JEW PIGS! Jews are despicable SCUM!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Socialists, same shit, different flavor. National Socialist Hitler was also into gun control, ethanol, Slave labor for nationalized corporations and hated Christianity i also speculate he was a fag and had Eva around as a prop much like Obama Obamasshole is married to a faggot freakazoid in womens clothing...his name is michael","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Choose education, personal responsibility, or birth control NOT murder! All hail potato queen ,Margret Sanger!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That's like arguing that soldiers who fought Nazis in WWII were violently forcing their ideas onto others\" when they shot Nazis. No, they weren't trying to change their minds with bullets, they were trying to stop them from forcing fascism on the world. Same with antifa.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"OMG MR WEHRMACHT UR NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS i just said to my Dad \"who the fuck is Babe Ruth and he started telling me about how my Great Great Great Great Great Grandma Edith Anderson used to write letters to the 1st nigger baseball player, he even showed me one! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"John Kasich Refuses To Say If He's Happy Brett Kavanaugh Got Confirmed To The Supreme Court https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/shgRabZ.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/mvgj The only thing that surprises me about John Kasich is that Ohioans have ever put up with this pearl clutching dweeb. He outdoes Evan McMullin on the Idiot Scale","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER If you want more shooting just call G Soros! He's always happy to oblige with that! He pays antifa well","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Looks like UK population will be increased by 300 million if US immigrants forced to go home! #Stopbrexit #FBPE #Brexit #GuyVerhofstadt #WATON #Barnier ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I like how all the dumbcunts in the vicinity start yelling at him and insulting him once he fights back but nobody gives a shit about her committing a class I felony. Pussy pass granted","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You said that already. Are you already broken? Where do I go to return you so I can get a new generic retarded Antifa supporter to laugh at?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You are absolutely correct! But your question would be better directed at the LIBERALS in Congress, the ones that make conflict Big Business\" it's all about money and power!\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Okay I must complain about Fox TV . I am watching The Cool Kids. This is a family hour comedy show. Should be kid friendly at this hour of the evening. Now I realize things have changed and morals are almost a thing of the past but this can't be allowed. These old folks are texting women for dates. I just walked in on it and heard one guy say \" no one messaged me back. I came on too strong with my dong pics. Destiny is the only one who liked my dick \" Now I am the last person who would complain about bad language since I am the king of foul mouth talk but this is different . This is family time TV and screw all this crap where people can say fuck all over the place and it is acceptable . It is NEVER acceptable especially on TV when kids are watching. Shit , piss , fuck , cunt , cocksucker, mother fucker, tits.. NO . And not dick, fun bags, slop hole, stink hole, brown eye, poop chute....... Complain to Fox Network about this.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Only Muslims would be as fucking retarded as to try to put a baby in a baby.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Desperate to do whatever it takes at whatever moral or financial cost to help Libyan coastguard and authorities trap even more refugees and migrants in horrific detention centers, Italy revives \"Friendship\" deal signed 10 years ago @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Most of the cases women are always the victims and the target it is systemic, so stop saying 'not all men' you're just derailing the topic ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Doesn't seem like Hollywood has too many independent thinkers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER So handsome you are! I think people should donate the shoes to our homeless veterans and other homeless Americans, after they sew a no\" circle over the emblem.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Did my civic duty and reported Milwaukee county with a breakdown of suspicious numbers. Did you take the trolley to the post office when you sent that in? I keep reading this sentence and then not understanding It was a rip on Milwaukee's brand new trolley being way outdated technology. Of course you informed online, not via mail. Just like you'd drive a car or call an Uber instead of spending hundreds of millions on a stupid trolley to nowhere. Sounds like it will be great for moving drugs around the city. The Potawatomi tribe and casino is covering rides for free for the first year so it will definitely be good for moving the homeless around. Hey! Trolleys are fun, but not hundreds of millions of dollars fun To put in perspective how idiotic this one is. The city decided to put in down a street requiring ATandT to move the main trunk lines for their northern Midwest hub right next door. That alone cost the city tax payers close to an estimated $25M and caused a service outage of a few hours, causing hundreds of millions in lost productivity for businesses throughout the area. Absolute madness by the Dems. The worst part? Milwaukee HAD a trolley in its past and got rid of it because of its lack of ridership. Surely it will be more competitive now since Uber and Lyft are such terrible services absolutely no one uses...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"But once they go nigger they always want bigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Lol this is hysterical youre a loser, I actually think you have potential but youre just disingenuous, its clear, you want to be a celebrity not a leader ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"fuck the prophet and fuck these niggers. why do niggers think being a muzzie makes them a higher class nigger? they're still niggers. and we still hate them","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Let's get rid of trans people once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Sarah Palin in response to Murkowski voting no on #Kavanaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Violence Escalates, After Conservative Woman Physically Attacked After E... https:\/\/youtu.be\/NppY0LtIvM4 via @YouTube","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Betting this is because the latest mass shooter had an account on there? (ignoring that mass shooters often have accounts on Facebook and Twitter) Also ignoring things like these: https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Uppsala_rape_Facebook_live_streaming_incident Much easier to just shut down the smaller upstart and say \"look, I'm helping\" than try to go after facebook and the other giants. Facebook, Google, Twitter etc can afford to defend themselves. Gab can post a tweet about it, until Twitter bans them I guess. They're building an unchallengeable monopoly and using outrage culture to justify it. Bingo. NONE of the tech giants want to lose their market position. This is building a wall to keep them on top. If the standard for building a global platform is that none of your users can ever be nutso or say anything too outrageous then ... Well, no one will ever challenge the big dogs. Free market RIP. Its like unregulated capitalism just eats itself. God, even our ancestors knew this shit But muh crony capitalism! We just did anarcho-capitalism wrong this time. FaceBerg is a giant child rape and childporn trading index and Twatter is an official ISIS recruiting website Analysis: True. *Stasibook Much more truth in that name.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wtf?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Or we can try Idi Amin style...repent or run Nxaa! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Politics is literally about social control of public spaces. Yet our movement's so incredibly stupid, on a level that's hard to fathom, that there was an argument over whether or not we should contest public spaces at all and we all agreed not to. Dildo McInnes deserves to win, and I'm happy for him and his project.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"flood US and Europe but not Israel...Israel is for the jew supremacists who must pass a dna test to reside there. Jews like to evade and deny the truth. http:\/\/www.timesofisrael.com\/russian-speakers-who-want-to-immigrate-could-need-dna-test\/ Maybe if you researched a little instead of viewing gay jewish produced porn, you might know whats going on... Cool, now you can show us the proof. I'll wait. LMAO, he posted an article that doesn't actually show what he claimed and then says it's proof. You can see a man's penis in his mouth right now. You should hire a tutor to teach you how to read so youre not limited to watching gay porn all day.. You should stop having anal intercourse with other men. All he's limited to is gay sex.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Pumped you are back playing. Go win you a ring. Favorite player- BP#4-REDS. GO RED SOX #0","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER That is actually a compliment since she is one of the biggest artists out today. Thanks ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"STOP SMELLING THOSE SANDWINCHES YOU HIDEOUS COCK, SHE'S ESCAPING TO THE SIDE ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Don't forget Antifa and Southern Poverty Smear Center.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER When we Satan call him home #Soros.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Its refreshing to see people say what they think lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER You are a grown up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"AND is this what retarded libtards f'ing consider RAPE?? Hey, if someone knocks her teeth out they can hide at my place. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm curious, did you vote for Obama (no, once, or twice)? He achieved absolutely nothing, except via \"Executive Orders\", which have ALL been cancelled! I should add that, I grew up in Virginia back in the 60's, and some of my best friends were Black, but when Blacks start looting stores during a disaster, like the recent flood, then they become niggers! Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No. But I am. You are hilarious. Not in a good way.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nice brain dead shaming tactic. That or you are still retarded but cant read.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Opportunist to the max. An evil lier also. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Gotcha. You want two gay nigger siblings to act out an interracial-incestuous-rape fantasy with you. This is typical of most white nationalists. Sad little fags.......","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You make me sick. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I live with two black people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RACIST human sewage Democrat SCUM! Just another RETARDED monkey brain!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Absolutely, why are Barr and Durham dragging their feet? They don't want to influence the election; but isn't withholding information an influence on the election? Don't people have the right to information to make an informed decision? Or is Justice adopting the Biden rule? https:\/\/t.co\/sT1eR88Gu3","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Who in thee f*ck would eat goat balls?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You faggot. Run along and suck off Rod ROSENSWINE, bagel nigger @deplorablesloan your insane hate consumes you cunt Lmfao..the ignorant cunt speaks...nigger and kike are the extent of her vocabulary..priceless...again...cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Neil Patrick Harris Reveals That Whoopi Made Disturbing Sexual Advances When He Was a Teen https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/neil-patrick-harris-reveals-whoopi-sexual-advances\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They don't have to be smart. Their opposition has morons like you who ignore the threat and make retarded dick jokes. Useless dimwit muted.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Where is this? Brazil? Uganda? Sudan? Nope, it is France. Got to love that cultural enrichment thing going on. #openborders #refugeesnotwelcome #slums ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.thenewamerican.com\/usnews\/crime\/item\/24549-nypd-source-weiner-laptop-has-enough-evidence-to-put-hillary-away-for-life?fbclid=IwAR1JGC5HqfJAMIHePhvQuKhx2CStLGlo1pZdhSifWWaksGNwQ2Acb0mOo1I","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"detained in #Croatia.Twice in 3months same location.Migrants aided by internal networksEurope needs \"detention-deportation camps , not sharing schemes. States must use \"Orban Model to crack-down on NGOs guiding illegal migrants.#Visegrad #V4 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Verbally abusive, unruly, repeated using of the dreaded N-word... Southwest Airlines had to throw off a NIGGER screaming the word like they do a thousand times over and over like retards when they are chimping-out!!! Hahahaha! How awkward! ;p https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/travel\/southwest-airlines-passenger-removed-for-calling-flight-attendant-the-n-word-delaying-plane","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@a @e @support I think we'd be better served if individual users could block posts with specific key words they choose. For example, if I don't want to see any posts that contain the words \"kike\" or \"nigger\", how am I not being exposed to meaningful concepts or ideas? Faggot Nazi scum don't have anything meaningful to say.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER That's how liberals interoperate the law! One more reason to make sure we flood the courts with conservative Judges.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I support lgbt i want youre support for lgbt in pakistan","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Gonna be a bitch to re-write this one.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Where is the error in thinking that black lives aren't worth shit?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@raykwong @vinosgirl @BradJConnolly @GrandpaSnarky @TwiterHero @MestrovichKaren @pickle2717 @profchandIer @ZedStorm @Nonni86923315 @educated_guest @suzels72 @McKinnonPhD @lisa_mennucci @mamanthem @djobs35 @JudyOwe59486457 Thanks Ray. I'm limited to following back until later today. Appreciate you mentioning me! #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Barack Obama is half nigger and half Jew. But's he's 100% demon from the pits of hell.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'd love to see this man face a firing squad - only equip the shooters with M134 Miniguns! Eric Holder Rallies Resistance Inside Trump Admin: We Support You' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/19\/eric-holder-rallies-resistance-trump-support-you\/ I'll need just 5 minutes in a locked room to take care of him. 5 minutes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Robert, how is your moral fagging going? When will you stand and protect our white right wing trad women? Carolyn attacked them. I already told before ,I don't believe you are a White man ,and ask any woman on here if I don't respect and treat them with dignity ,so go suck a nigger dick kike","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@Bitcoin_Mafia @cachikipow @guinanleo @AndrewYang My 2 cents I think at one point he trusted President Xi (spell check) . He is truly beyond furious that Americans died because of this Virus. He is privileged to know classified info, he found out more about China, he wants world to know. Please reconsider #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Illegal aliens are expensive: #StopTheInvasion ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@MarthaMcSally Already voted for President Trump They Joe biden and Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party betrayed the United States to the Communist Party CCP antifa and blm =communism CCP = Democrats Chinese people support President Trump https:\/\/t.co\/REJ7XUTc0L","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Omg gunny!!! Thank you you are so kind!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Shut the fuck up ye little slag ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My dog is smarter than any blck person could ever be. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"he 1950s are over and you no longer matter. Go sit on your couches and eat Big Macs and collect SSI. The real workers will do the work while you rest. Don't worry, in 20 years when you need a diaper change the people you hate will still take care of you with respect. Something you do not deserve.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user We say this all the time. You should try to come to one of meetings brother. Thanks for the support #maledominance ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is what Trump supporters call humane smh ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER you are not alone\/ I am here with you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah, I just tried to open up a new account with a clean email and behind seven proxies and was still refused service like a nigger at an Alabama lunch counter.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER The educational system is controlled by liberals and works to enslave the minds of our children. The chains of mental enslavement must be removed in order to save the future of our great nation ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We know who is behind the gab shut down","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"You're hurting meeeeeah!\" So strong. So Independent.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Islam is not a race. UK: Stepfather called \"racist for complaining about stepdaughter's assignment to write about converting to Islam. https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/10\/uk-stepfather-called-racist-for-complaining-about-stepdaughters-assignment-to-write-about-converting-to-islam","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Police your own first right? You see it as unfortunate he is saying these things in public but others see it even more unfortunate that she says the things she says in public. She is an extremely public figure and he is using a similar platform.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is rapper T.I.'s main clown squeeze with blue eye implants. Any wonder why he's making fantasy videos about Melania?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"Pret a Mort\" In tonight's episode Poirot has to sove two mysterious deaths in quick succession. But which one is due to the filling and which one is due to the bread. Only a practical sandwich experiment can solve the issue for Hercule, a quest which leads him to the Thai red light district... what ?.. feed it to 2 different whores for $10 each.. That was not what I meant. $6 OBVIOUSLY. ten Dollar !! You're not very skilled at this negotiating, are you? 10 Dollar.. Including tips? 10","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I'm happy to say the same about conservatives.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Has Saudi Arabia Finally Gone Too Far? https:\/\/lobelog.com\/has-saudi-arabia-finally-gone-too-far\/ via @lobelog i would just ban any mainstream media that isn't 100% working on subscriber money. no ads, limited donations of say 1000$ if the reporting is good and worth reading you will survive. if it's not you will die. no more jewish billionaire to save your ass and you remove all those media that only survive with govt help.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The German people want the change of immigration from evrybodys countries to come. To send all the refugees home is possible, if Merkel retire. Will Seehofer protect his country and send Merkel in pension ? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@seanhannity trump and the trumplicans have caused more damage to this country than any other WH or GOP controlled Congress in American History!! #FuckOffLyinTed #BidenHarris2020 #BlueLandslide2020 The GOP and trump are DONE!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Gun control measures? As in Fast and Furious\", where you directed FFL dealers to violate the law and allow straw purchases? Where you knowingly allowed firearms to be sold to criminal organizations?\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Media shocked by someone promoting violence for political purposes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RT @mpickens: One of the most important political events of the past 2 years is the draining of the swamp. It had gotten so one could barely distinguish between Republican or Democrat. But things are changing now. There is a new #AmericaFirst attitude growing everywhere! We ALL supported the IDEA of REBUILDING HERE in the USA. We all supported the idea of jobs, infrastructure and a restoration of basic public decency as #MAGA and LOCK HER UP indicated. For a minute there it seems that we might be First World White Again #NoWarInSyria #NoWarsForIsrael - https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=FSBPhUVuh1Aandfeature=share","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Too many s l u t s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When Daily Stormer was promoting white identity, albeit a retarded version, it had no access to the real world. When Spencer and others made white identity a real world position\/movement that would attract high quality whites they imploded it with endless infighting and stunts. They then redirected the energy into the gop where it would become nullified.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER he is my rainbow after every storm ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm so heartbroken about what happened to blanca on oitnb, the thought that this could happen to any immigrant in the us rn is even more heartbreaking and fucked up ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This ignorant bitch, @user should know. How many women did she destroy to protect that predator husband? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Too many slu7s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER The fake and bake twins!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER This is a good example of why we can't ban the AR-15. Someone could've used gun control\" on those pussies.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"God I love jokes about beating women the premise is so funny When you have little incel freaks looking for validation in echo chamber sub, shit like this strengthens their conviction because they think more people are sympathetic to their backward opinions. That being said i don't give a fuck what you post I was more opposing the sentiment that a joke about woman beating was totally harmless. I enjoy seeing a good PPD as the next guy but hur dur bash women jokes just make the sub look like a pack of cunts like the flogs at r\/imgoingtohellforthis","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Shut up and bend over cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Can I rework this for www.menarehuman.com? Of course, do as you please. The more people know what feminism has done to men, the better. Thanks a lot! This should really help.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"600 MILLION wetbacks planned to be sent here by the UN... not including the niggers, street shitters, goat fuckers and ching chongs.... Jesus .....this is a fucking mess I think it's time that rap music be given 7Hz backbeats. It'll sound great in nigger cars...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Is Tommy Robinson?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Libyan coast guard intercepts 40 migrants bound for #Europe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"andgt;Thank you! You are also very pretty and kind URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The Nov election will tell the tale. MSM laud Antifa; alt-media expose them as Soros-shill shitheads.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I will pray for God to cure your mental illness of homosexuality. I suggest you change your profile from \"Vegetarian faggot for Jesus\". I hope you can resist the temptation to do the vile fudge pack act.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"TREASONOUS FAGGOT Lindsey Graham: Toxic' Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Has Got to Go' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/16\/lindsey-graham-toxic-saudi-crown-prince-mohammed-bin-salman-has-got-to-go\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Does your pretty friend know you're using her pics to attract people to your tinder, chubs? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"TL;DR - Wetback driving pisses porchmonkeys off, dindu caps el neeenyo. Thankfully nobody es muerte. http:\/\/www.kake.com\/story\/39315834\/neighbors-help-with-road-rage-shooting-investigation","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And it takes a retarded Somali to tell you what your Canadian values should be.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Alex Jones is Right, Radiation And Chemicals Are Turning People And Frogs Gay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"He a whole bitch. Soft. Snitch. Untrustworthy teammate. Just a hoe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If she were smart, she would've said: \"smarter than he.\" Stupid twat. EDIT: I forgot how stupid reddit is. lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Vile CUNT Hillary now advocates Violence !! Talking of A POOR LOSER !! The Fuck Hillary is a DANGER to ALL of America !! Never has accepted DEFEAT !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Great thank god!!! #Trump2020 #MAGA2020 https:\/\/t.co\/AGJ5LEq1ah","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Petition to back Southampton Students in their bid to sack their Union President Emily Dawes over her bid to remove the University WWI Memorial.All can sign not just Brits. https:\/\/www.change.org\/p\/southampton-university-student-union-president-of-the-southampton-student-union-to-stand-down-immediately?recruiter=562117556andutm_source=share_petitionandutm_medium=copylinkandutm_campaign=psf_combo_share_abi.pacific_abi_gmail_send.variation.pacific_abi_select_all_contacts.select_all.pacific_email_copy_en_us_ Keep at them. Give them their own back.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wait, what? God helped you to decide to murder your baby? I don't think that was God you were talking to.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I thought so... I'm mingling... ever since you decided to attack my opinion on gun control and Brett Kavanaugh. I just asked you if having a conversation with you would be worth my time and effort. So far all you've done is prove that it is not worth the effort. have a nice day","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You must be retarded What you're doing isn't #SpidermanThread","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER It is all okay with the liberals if it furthers their agenda. They have no core.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"2 dead after migrant boat capsizes in NW Turkey ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@funder @DougSha44869139 #VoteHimOut #VoteHimOutVoteHimOut #VoteHimOut2020 #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica #VoteBlue #VoteBlue2020 #VoteBlueDownBallot #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare #VoteBlueLikeYourLifeDependsOnIt #VoteBlueToSaveOurDemocracy #VoteBlue2020 for trending#TrumpCrimesCommission #TrumpCrimesCommission","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER #AskAlly Please tell me something what should i do to help my mom when she is at home with a broken leg cause she's in Hospital now with a broken leg ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Mhmmm. I bet your fingers are curled inside you Mr little cunt now...mhmmm fuck it for me now. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Maybe inform yourself what a low fantasy setting is, before spouting utter retarded shit like this.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER We seem to have less shootings that you guys. Apparently you need more gun control laws.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This dumb cunt is proving why there is a glass ceiling Mist women can't be trusted with power They lie","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you have a paypal account, now would be a good time to close it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Women murder twice as many children as men do yet there is no special mention of this in VAWA. It's a shitty thing to kill your kid. Maybe she had her reasons like she didn't want to be a mother, but then the cunt has another kid and snuffs that one out too. They need to rip her uterus out with a rusty fish hook and then lock her up for life with no parole.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I love you!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just wanna early congratulate our new president Joe Biden and new vice president Kamala Harris!!! Time for a change.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Has some lefty twat gone and messed this site up now?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Muslims are all complete 4ssholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh no, there's a new Balkan Route as of summer '18 that the pathetic yellow retard hasn't yet heard of LoL Say hello to your new sons-in-law in pic 1, danish dwarf","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Well holy shit. Blackface - which has for my entire life been held up as quintessential huwhite racism - wasn't invented by Whites. It was invented by a Jew. In a movie that was literally about a Jew culturally appropriating jazz. Once again, the fucking Jews transferred the blame for something they did, to us. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=vAAAtqSeRKI thats late, retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"Why won't Trump just denounce white supremacy?? #Trump2020 #Debates2020 https:\/\/t.co\/OkF1z7hDko","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Throat-punch this faggot whenever you can We know he is a scumbag. We do not know that he is a faggot, that is unless you have first hand knowledge from having slept with him I have. He's a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER They are if you support gun control","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"it's sad to see a fine girl be a hoe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Had I been in that mom's place, the one bringing her son to the park, I would have told the feminist mom that she could always come back a couple hours later when me and my child were gone, as this was \"boy time\". I would have enjoyed seeing her blow her top at the idea of being treated the same way she treated me. Problem is, she'd never reflect on that True, but that wouldn't lessen my enjoyment at watching her rage out and act like the crazy person she is. While traumatizing your own child. Not such a good idea.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"She's right. He should've hit her harder. Give the pudgy little cunt a few months with a broken jaw to think about it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Discernment is a virtue. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Good news! The witch was suspended, but she should be fired!!! She's a special-ed teacher for God's sake!! #DumbLibs https:\/\/www.lifenews.com\/2018\/10\/08\/liberal-teacher-suspended-after-tweeting-so-whos-gonna-take-one-for-the-team-and-kill-kavanaugh\/ A Retard Teaching Retards, Sounds like Today's School System to me. Now now Sean Greene, RETARDS is only the work to describe YOUR kind. Heads Up Folks, we have a Jew infiltrator, Enemy of the State, Treat with Extreme Prejudice... Dominic @Adminus666 ... Love that Negative 238 Score, you're in the Wrong Place here Kike. And, that's Not my Name, Try again Hebe...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That nutbar hasn't blocked you Todd? She blocked me and gave no clue who she is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER But he is right..the deaths caused by the hurricane was vastly overrated. I googled it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user come on woman do your job right #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Black people are a cancr. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Listening to this right now. Tis plaintive and wistfully beautiful ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Or maybe those vegan milks are more expensive for the coffee shop and they have to cover the cost? Things that are made for people who have a dietary restriction -by choice or by illness- tend to be more expensive than the regular products. Except there is an upcharge. There are many arguments out there about how soy is harder to farm, due to more space required, more water needed, more time, etc. So it's not exactly the same cost. I think you may be thinking of almonds\/almond milk. Soy beans are in SO MUCH STUFF, including most livestock feeds, so I would argue that it's most likely cheaper to get your wet protein calories without processing it through another being that is <100% efficient.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#FactCheck true #WakeUpAmerica #LeftistSedition #DemocratsHateAmerica #OpenYourEyes #FreeYourMind #BuildTheWall #StopTheInvasion ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RT AMike4761 Australian MP, Pauline Hanson, warns Muslims \"obey our laws or go back where you came from. Australia is being swamped by Muslims\" - Speech Point #ma4t http:\/\/speech-point.blogspot.com\/2017\/10\/australian-mp-pauline-hanson-warns.html https:\/\/youtu.be\/bagSNaw61m4 NZFirst: Winston Peters Answers Islamic Immigration Question at NZ First Campaign Launch Speaking out of both sides of his mouth as usual. Actions speak louder Winston. You given up on BeNaughty Chatrooms? ??? It's not that old Now look whose bullshitting out of both sides of the mouth ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"this is a lie. we saw no uptick with membership once that sub was shut down. incel and donald insults really have lost their meaning. they have oversaturated the market. the market, therefore, demands some better insults. quit being a lazy twat, replace that dogs cunt you call a brain, and try again.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"this is, actually, fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Thank you ! Yes he is so sick ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Looks like the commies at Ricochet got that pussy Jason Kenny to buckle to the slightest accusation. https:\/\/nationalpost.com\/news\/politics\/united-conservative-jason-kenney-turfs-upc-member-amid-report-of-hateful-views","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"I'm not tired of winning .....Victory! Brett #Kavanaugh is exactly the right person, at the right time to serve on the Supreme Court. A conservative jurist. A good man with the background and experience worthy of this high honor.\" ~ @LindseyGrahamSC https:\/\/twitter.com\/LindseyGrahamSC\/status\/1048664621727600646 Now that #NoName is gone... Freedom feels good doesn't it, Lindsey?! Israel loves Trump more than any other country. Shekels are not abandoning the GOP anytime soon. https:\/\/www.timesofisrael.com\/israel-among-few-countries-that-like-trump-more-than-obama-poll-finds\/ The Jews have power no matter which party is in control. https:\/\/www.clevelandjewishnews.com\/news\/national_news\/trump-signs-law-expanding-hate-crime-protections-to-religious-institutions\/article_e80b1a02-d700-5fcd-a992-1f01476e","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER 2 Republican Men in a picture 85 and 84 what are men of that age are Law Makers too old no sorry young Republicans are like young Conservatives they are all born at 40 years of age","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No, just the billions of women that roam it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Trump has china by the short hairs ... they ain't going anywhere. We already won the economic war ... they will fold like a cheap suit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wtf is up with his shorts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"Talented faggot dies from buttfucking\" is enough for a whole movie?! A comic book, maybe...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user I do believe he is more of a hysterical woman than kamela Harris. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER That one sucks bc he is so hit or miss","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Approve on how to throw a fit get loud swing your arms around to try and get your way....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Becoming what? The reason for \"What Happened ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This human-elephant conflict has seen 13 refugees killed in elephant attacks since Aug. last year #ucanews #thereforthevoiceless #refugee #Bangladesh @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER 9 times out of 10 I have the dog on my lap and if I get to rowdy he gets scared that I am hurt then he trys to kiss me.Also he is a ham so when the camera comes out he is like pictures?!Let me be in them.He photo bombs whenever possible. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She is quick!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Aw aye so putting men and women together justifies sexual assault , what a daft cunt ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"From our client Army veteran Miguel Perez, to Olivia Segura's family (https:\/\/t.co\/UrBsY84zpf) to Alejandra's family this administration has demonstrated its absolute disdain for veterans and their families. #MiguelBelongsHere #SupportVeterans #ALLVeterans #KeepFamiliesTogether ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"She can be as mouthy as she wants, he shouldn't put his hands on her. She should have shot him. Would have been justified. I can't wait for a women to kick you in the nuts. I'd love to see what you think is justified after that. Won't happen because I don't assault them like this pig. So an appropriate reaction to someone touching your arm is kicking them? What a childish mentality. Looks like you have a lot more growing up to do. It looked to me like he was all up in her shit, which is bad enough but then when he put his fucking hands on her all bets are off. If it was a guy who knocked the cop out because the cop put his fucking hands on him, you would all be applauding him. This is just a sub for hating women for no good reason. You guys should check out men going their own way, you would fit in nicely there. What world are you living in? I represent the vast majority of normal men, enjoy your circle jerk. Uh huh - terrified.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I hope he tackles your bitch ass so deep into donnies pussy, so you can live happily ever after. suck a cock, nut cracker. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Let's put a dog back on the White House! #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/ICPbcaNDi6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Our Daily Planet: EPA ignoring air pollution, immigrant fire crews battle fires in Trump country and an orca mom just can't let go (get your tissues!): ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user @user You're a liar let the vibe catch anyone of you and you're bussin a skank, you lot ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I hate entitled cunts as much as any of you animals. But that dickhead cop went way over the top.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user No one will be thrown out of the UK simply we are not like that common sense Immigration has to be cut NHS etc is a proven point ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"...Conservatives and Twitter.....oxymoron URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER That would be Antifa!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"sotomayor is a fat spic that probably has diabetes. breyer and ginsburg are both old as fuck and will probably have strokes soon. I predict by 2020 they all die and we have ted cruz, trey goudy, and alex jones on the supreme court.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user So this bitch blocked me but check her pinned tweet out, she is accusing men of rape on tumblr with ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Here is the thing I ain't disputing that as a nation we have problems and never have I. However to say someone is likely to die earlier in Botswana than anywhere in the world is a reach. That's where I felt you are just exaggerating.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He is Spartacus.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" Austria: ' Jesus said give to men in need': Refugee wants Austrians to share money and homes with migrants'No go back to your third world shithole. You are not entitled to make austria your home. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I didn't know Robert De Niro and Biden had received a package as well. As Conservatives we should not stoop to the levels the Dems are. But I know there are those out there that are FED UP with the way the Dems are doing us in public, and in our homes. It seems like a two edged sword. Investigation Intensifies as Two More Suspicious Packages Found Targeting Biden, De Niro https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/investigation-intensifies-two-suspicious-packages-found-targeting-biden-de-niro\/?utm_source=Twitterandutm_medium=PostSideSharingButtonsandutm_content=2018-10-25andutm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons No. Do not try to blackpill and claim that on us. No one here is THAT stupid as to sabotage ourselves this close to the election. Do not paint us as the ones stooping, you either are shilling, or you are just not wording this correctly. Either or, I don't agree with how you put this idea down, so, enjoy Gab.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I would like to see our border closed to immigration until we sort out the mess we have. Send all illegals home. If it is safe to go home, send refugees home. Fix our immigration system to a merit base one, and then test it to see if it works. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"GabTV not working, AGAIN! Listen live on my site. https:\/\/christophercantwell.com\/2018\/10\/03\/radical-agenda-s04e029-cooler-heads\/ I agree that it got a little repetitive, but in fairness to Hunter, this was really spontaneous and not a planned interview. He's a smart guy who has been an excellent guest in the past, and does a lot of really great work. I'm sure he does good work, and maybe he would be a fine guest on other topics. But the stuff he was saying on the show today was definitely not the message we need to be sending out 33 days before an election.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Sure hope he remembers the Libs efforts to shaft him after he is confirmed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Idk, there's been a few: https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/MensRights\/comments\/9j1kh8\/rbpt_weighs_in_on_double_standards_and_treating\/ https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/MensRights\/comments\/9hfibd\/some_wisdom_from_rblackpeopletwitter\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Rudy Giuliani's Daughter Caroline on Voting for Joe Biden. \"Please, Everyone, Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. https:\/\/t.co\/B3eeLfPN3J","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Or the vegan that wanted to prove you don't need proteins to climb Kilimanjaro...she died trying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's in a black person's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Companies that hire illegals that commit crimes sb required to cover legal fees or be fined for malfeasance for hiring them in the first place. We will never solve this problem until strict laws are passed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There is a special place in hell for #SarahHuckabeeSanders. @user @user #AsylumSeekers #immigration ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I wonder what his white faggot whore thinks when he trashes him on world wide news media.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You deserve way more subscribers . The shit you say is fucking gold.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"faggot. faggot ok, faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER How about yours Chaplain. Liberals are fools.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I love that word, twatpocket","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user You forgot the third one... Praise Sri Ram :) ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Pope and World Council of Churches to hold conference on xenophobia, migration, and populism via @user Globalist dreamers want to push for one borderless world run by them. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I really hope this NPC meme continues into eternity. It describes these leftist screaming retards a little too well.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER wow Jr. you are not very bright are you. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"this is post-modernism","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oof, that's rough #BidenHarris2020 #Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/mCFglQClQT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Notice how these nigger attackers only go after the elderly and week keep you selves strong so when the niggers come for you youcan defend your selves","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I hate 7 year old faggot Logan fans like you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Greece: Refugees Want to Go Home | European Journal via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Their isn't a difference you retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"NIgger please! Just shut the fuck up!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just slap the sht outta the cnt. Now the bldg can burn down with no fire protection. You're missing an \"i\" for *shit* a \"u\" for *cunt* and the rest of the letters for *building* friend","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"All the women in this country are pissing me off so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"She's an asshole too, as well as that \" nigger wannabe ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user I just realized I used whore instead of cunt oh how the tables have turned ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER I suggest that @USER get a real life.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Guards are actually generally supposed to try to establish contact with people and look for suspicious behavior, like being a ravenous bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is belonging advert..all very nice indeed, esp the muzzy bit!!! I was thinking, when that cunt want,s to drop to his knee,s n pray! In the middle of a firefight, when the shit is real and chunk,s of ground flying through the air to the whiz of bullit,s and screams of your mates!!! Do,es every1 just say hang on a minute chap,s. While Abdul finish,s... Or what ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Steve, in English please. lol Who are those trolls? Join in why? Ok, I am totally confused What are you talking about?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user You are a hysterical moron. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT BillTufts Refugees earn more than most Canadians after 25 years https:\/\/vancouversun.com\/opinion\/columnists\/douglas-todd-refugees-earn-more-than-most-canadians-after-25-years\/ @Bird5Ca https:\/\/twitter.com\/BillTufts\/status\/1052925714167672833","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Brigitte Gabriel has experienced a life that most would have nightmares from. She is sounding the alarm for Americans. Buy her book pay attention to what she is warning America about","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"you can't pass one day without seeing a little white girl bitch in heat hanging on to some nigger! whites better get control of their renegade bitches or they will be giving birth to little nigger mulattos instead of white babies..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Spoke with a woman in Croatia today. She said 80% of Croatia loves @USER !! #maga","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#BozoBeto Says, He's The Best 4 TX He's For:*Ending #ICE*Open Borders*Legalizing DRUGS*Ending Immigration Laws4 MS-13 Gang Members BRUTALLY Hacked An Informant To Death W\/A Machete In TX!#BuildThatWall#VetoBeto#KeepTexasRed #ChooseCruz ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is a beautiful thang.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A REAL NIGGER PIECE OF SHIT.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER As if Chuck sat in on the trial for these allegations. He read the same twitter feeds we did. Because you supposedly spoke to a therapist means nothing. You could have told the therapist you dreamt it up for all we will ever know. Testify to it providing even a shred of evidence","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER ATTENTION. @USER is publicizing the names of Trump supporters on his Twitter Account on Lists\". Some names are high profile and some are just random Trump supporters. The list is a ANTIFA TARGET LIST. Please help report him. Twitter needs to SUSPEND HIS ACCOUNT.,\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER If you showed the videos of the immoral and wrong rioting of Antifa scumbags to them they would be disgusted. Show them this tweet of yours and moreso too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Let the little Hubbell twat run. She's dumber and less useful than a used condom.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"lolol fucking murderous heinous cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You and all other economists are a plague to society. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck all gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"WAIT, ARE YOU EVEN ALLOWED TO SAY THIS NOW? Anti-ILLEGAL immigration, like pro-ILLEGAL immigration, is a legitimate political position. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"America must fall. Hopefully Trump gets Kennedy'd, that would be the most helpful thing he could ever do. Second thing would be losing. that still doesn't take away from the fact you are a fucking faggot of the highest order for all the world to see...ha ha ha b","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I don't know how many people \"Agent Foxx\" has killed, but apparently I'm next. CIA is always going to protect their agents from committing murder. CIA agents are the biggest scumbags in America and \"Agent Foxx\" is one.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fuck a nigger . better be ready to raise the kid yourself. They are polluting the blood stream of American fat chicks off spring .. pop out niglets for welfare too support on the backs of tax payers that work.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Time for a statement on the @USER support for Victor Orban and his anti-semitism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I want to end every gay person's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hate speech dont exist, retarded speech does but its legal.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why should WE send even one of our own to Germany to clean up your self made mess? German men need to man up and remove the Muzzie goat humpers, yourselves! I know! Y'all need to re-institute the Waffen SS and go after the fuckers! Start up a game of \"Cowboys and Muzzies\"!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We should not allow for any trans person to be raped. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Bishop Schneider: mass migration a plan to undermine identity ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Remind me again why exactly there's a lingerie store next to a krav maga dojo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sis she a hating ass hoe I'll slap that bitch ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user can I serve you dinner? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"1.4 In every girl's life there's a moment when she realises that her mother just might be more messed up than she is.\" Gossip Girl\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That's only natural for a camel fucker like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Do you get up off the couch and stand for the Anthem when youre at home? Then shut the fuck up. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A bit more like it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"> metro LOL whiney cunt from a whiney cuntry confirmed","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"TURDICUS--THE TURD NIGGER !! jumped up mulatto democrat plantation houseboy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I think the cracker fag is going to beat the brakes off that nigger later on......","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You didn't read the whole thing most white mass shooters aren't even considered terrorism because there's no \"political agenda to their murder like Dylan roof","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" No wonder they hate the #NPCRetards MEMES look at them being herded like sheep by those Democrat house nigger overseers Vote Red Wave Baby https:\/\/youtu.be\/yCSR2t60_tQ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fuck you, you hoe I don't want you back ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user Build Wall\/EndDACA\/End Sanctuary Cities\/End Chain Migration\/Pass Raise Act\/Enact E-Verify\/Enforce Travel Ban\/Require Photo ID To Vote\/Stop Lottery Immigration\/WE ARE IN FIGHT 4 HEART and SOUL OF USA\/VOTE ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Breaking: President Trump is using some kind of cult-like force to make us agree with him! Imagine what a mess he'd be if he drank alcohol! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=X8-4bpDXIiQ #CultOfNationalism THE DEEP STATE HAS WON And by using our sense of fairness against us. Most thinking Americans would hate Trump, his appointments are the worst, his actions treasonous; but they feel' they must defend him because he is attacked with specious claims. And now we all must defend another, Deep State, corrupt Judge involved with the cover-up of Vince Foster's murder and thinks the government needs no warrant to spy on you. - because he is attacked with specious claims. The Deep State has won, and all they had to do was put on a show.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Facts! like bitch stfu and sit in the corner hoe. Catch a fit in the corner, facing the wall ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Put down the fork, hit the gym, and stop being a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yes I am thankful for not being that and just being straight les. Which I don't have a problem with. It's the teenage 15 year old attitude mixed with Tumblr angst and stupid showtunes all the time, and when she once said all people born in the 1950s need to die. I got on her big time for that. I told her she basically said she wanted her grandparents dead... Why she said it.. It was posted on her Facebook because her woke friends think people born on the 50s are against gay marriage and must die. I had to lay out common sense to her, with a snap out of the bubble talk. I haven't heard anything that retarded for a while thankfully. As for my wife. She really isn't that political. It's funny she took a political test online in 2016 and it gave her a 92 rating leaning for trump... More then me. She was so distraught, she has shut up about politics since and doesn't talk or like when anyone even brings it up. Of course she couldn't vote that way. Planned parenthood used to pay for female issue stuff before when we both didn't have insurance. I don't know how she scored that when I had to explain why illegal immigration is bad. She kept bringing up that her grandparents were immigrants from Austria and Serbia in the 40s so it wasn't bad. I had to explain the difference and how the news and her comedy shows warp things.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fuck Marching Looting Coon ... No fuxs given about your communist agitator. King was A COMMUNIST POS. Get fucked up the ass ... There be no compromise with Nigger Loving Feminists. FUCK YOU and the Horse that rode you in.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When you cut her off and the dick is bomb ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Is it easy to tell that I am disgusted by all the gay people around here?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"im not posting child porn, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Look at antifa..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm going to hell for laughing my ass off at this. Lol God only made women to be a companion and servant for man. Obviously from the very first woman with Eve they all have a lust for sin and dragging men with them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"For all the cougars that keep hitting me up to fuck... You're out of my age range, hit this dude up instead ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"well. WHEN THE SHTF, WE THE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO SOLVE THIS NIGGER AND COMMUNIST DEMORAT PROBLEM. IF WE DON'T WE ARE FKINNG DONE AS A NATION CREATED BY OUR WHITE FOUNDERS. we will tell the niggers.. \" look niggah,it's our way or the highway!!\" ( < :","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Political hit job. What a slap in the face to all the women that were really abused. You liberals know this is a hit. Your leader @USER told you to lie and do whatever you have to do to regain power. Pathetic","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Noose-dodging homicidal nigger finally caught after almost two decades. http:\/\/amp.fox5atlanta.com\/news\/suspect-in-2001-murder-taken-into-custody","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That's literally what lower rates mean you retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm sick and tired of democrats. I'm sick of them ramming their sick doctrine down my throat. I'm sick of their constant whining and crying. I'm sick of their greed, hate, violence, racism, and bigotry. #DemocratsSuck let's kill em!!! LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"5\/ That's the problem. Ppl equate \"free speech\" with \"I get to spam you with 5000 gay porn pictures, that's free speech.\" That's like the juvenile retard view of it. Way to take a concept of being able to communicate differing ideas in a discussion and turn it into some retard homo contest to see who can purposefully derail a topic or offend people. Your posts sound gay, like you're homosexual.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Twitter allows the town idiot to find all the other town idiots and then band together like a bunch of sticks into the mighty faggot. It likely is empowering to find an army of idiots to agree with you for the first time in your life.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Because he is the most influential person in politics. Much smarter than anyone on the left. Air America worked out well didn't it.............","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@tedcruz Republican \/ teabagger trigger words: \"sleazy, \"double-dealing, \"corrupt, \"hypocrisy, \"undemocratic, \"desperately, and \"extremist. #VoteBlue2020 #BidenHarrisLandslide2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Has any twat in power got the fucking message yet? ISLAM IS THE PROBLEM - remove it from the western hemisphere, not just Britain","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Kuntzman=fucking kike faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And the planet is actively being turned into a giant gulag retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@NorthStar1727 #Nordic genes are among the best in the world. There are of course other peoples with excellent genetics as well. Let's not start another pointless North vs South squabble.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Odd...my non-white wife thinks leftists are complety retarded. She also said she would happily vote for Bernier.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Barry: I care, bitch! Barry: I probably had fairy gay faggot sex with him too.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She is so fake","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"add stripe to the list of places to visit CHARLIE HEBDO style, together with alphabet, twatter, @jack the fag and his nigger bf, faceberg etc","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"fuck you Gab anit going no where pasta nigger suck my dick you fucking pasta sand nigger bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Because leftists lack zero. zilch, nada legit platforms, they obsessively manipulate to push their narratives. To enrage them, simply think for yourself and vote accordingly. #RedTsunami2018 Don't you have a bird to bore with your left wing nut job hissy fits? Gab is for adults. Buh-bye!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Order 11 cuck and possibly a faggot with a Kike BF. Vast if verified.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Confessions of a mother fucking bitch!I keep checking the cooker, switches and front door like Craig off corrienation street!I cant stop eating Im going to a hole full of depression! HELP ME ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It is precisely because of feminism that they feel and are \"more empowered than ever.\" How on earth do you not grasp that? How do you know why they personally feel empowered? Sounds like you're making assumptions about their lived experiences. That is the post, you mouth breather. I even put it in quotes. Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension before acting like such a whiny little bitch. What makes you think them personally feeling empowered has anything to do with feminism? LOL. That is not what your post said. It said \"How do you know why they personally feel empowered? Sounds like you're making assumptions about their lived experiences.\" Which is why you had to rewrite it. You didn't even realize it was a quote from the post even though it was in quotes and now your lying about what your response said even though it is in front of both of us. Champion mouth breather.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lena Dunham Says Daniel Tosh Is The Most Misogynist Person In All Of Hollywood https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/SAbtOqE.jpg https:\/\/t.co\/ozrJndrnyv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Report: Immigrant Deportation, Separation Can Have Lifelong Impacts' #ChicagoTonight ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" beause the sicko leftie scum say you cannot be racist to white people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user You left out the 35million illegals that want to be American otherwise y would they invade our country#BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Actually no, my ancestors ran a steel mill that was producing weaponry and vehichles for the allied forces to fight against the nazis. We and our steel mill got the shit bombed out of us and then became poor, all for your freedom, your survival. Without us, you might even be in a concentration camp right this very moment. You're welcome cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You're a fucking faggot torba","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is Spartacus!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Hope he is able to stay in the league","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"How does a pre-write like the Pence story \"accidentally\" get published?? Every CMS I've ever used has at least one prominent warning like ARE YOU SURE? DO YOU MAYBE WANT TO RETHINK PUBLISHING THIS RIGHT NOW? MAYBE ONE LAST PROOFREAD? IT NEVER HURTS TO CHECK!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Imigrants demand instant housing money schooling resources and still complain Germany and Scandanavain Crime rates go up because of it the only people benefiting from immigrations is those who get jobs in Schools ,courts and other institutions who need interpreters etc taking pee ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Wonder if Donald jr is next?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":">Copying pastas instead of making them by hand Who do you think I am? The first version was from the NBC report on Discord\/White Nationalists, and was mostly formed as a result of my general amusement that people really don't bother thinking about Chinese election meddling and hacking attempts. https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/79u0yh\/ethics_will_usher_nbc_news_publishes_fake_news\/dp57huz\/ for that thread. This version comes from the Kavanough Hearings, modified because Toronto and Jordan Peterson have pushed incels to the front, and Mark Judge was confirmed GamerGating. https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/9l09lb\/opinion_molly_mckew_wired_brett_kavanaugh_and_the\/e73h27p\/?context=3 includes a few different angles I was thinking about in one of the archive links. Another recent incel attack makes me kind of want to modify the pasta to push the \"Chinese Cartoons\" meme a little harder, but I'm lazy, and I don't have a personal army. Also many journalists have stopped responding to me because I keep sending them retarded story ideas.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fuck off cunt. I'm FEMALE. You're just another racist Jew hater. Go play with the nazis here you love so much, cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wake Up America! This is who we'll get running the country if we don't have a Red Wave in November!!! https:\/\/davidharrisjr.com\/politics\/the-following-is-what-you-will-get-if-you-dont-vote-red-on-november-6\/ via @davidjharrisjr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You haven't destroyed either of the topics. No u No me Yea u Yea @a What rule did I violate? No bot was used in that flood of enrichening memes and thus did not violate TOS I'm just replacing \"u\" with @a like I did \"me\" before. no u no @e no @u oh that's right he's gone ;_; rip no @i no @m no @z","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Jodie Foster: Hollywood Execs Tried To Rape Me When I Was A Girl ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"New Citizens Concerned Over Immigration Debate ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Just because it isn't a sexy diagnosis doesn't mean it gets low quality care. You are making an incorrect assumption.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"this one goes out to all the hasbara and 89 IQ ziochristians who say that i'm a muslim","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If your reflexive response is to say or think 'not ALL men,' then it behooves you to think about privilege + otherism + fragility\/narcissism ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This post really brings it home to you what totally, utterly and embarrassingly retarded things the leftists have to come up with to keep the angry leftist intellectually stimulated.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hey but it's ok for jews to make fun and belittle whites as if they were retarded inbred hicks. They basically do it all the time.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Republicans are not \"deplorables . There is no \"liberal radical left. There are humans w\/ empathy and respect for democracy and there are deplorables w\/ no compassion or respect for democracy. That's trump's country, not a democrat or republican's country. #Biden2020 #AmericaOrTrump","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Graham you are on the wrong side of history.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"as impossible as it probably is, my hope is this is the Trump Redemption Arc where he comes out of thr hospital actually taking covid seriously -andgt; actual mask\/health mandatesok redemption is way too strong a word but you get the idea#BidenHarris2020 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you slow the video down you can see the problem..... Yep she's a woman #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hysterical over here bc every bitch with eye liner and an iPhone 7 is a model now ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER That solved the problem in Chicago alright!! I wish these \"leaders would think up something different to get attention. Gun control is getting old.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"100% NIGGER TV !! NOPE !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"As the Democratic Party has told us all: \"White women are to blame for this! White women voted him in! Punch all white women in the face! Cunt try it im sure some white women will kick your fucking head in. You pantifa cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh look y'all! We triggered the little whiny baby racist #MAGats. Constant victims, just like Donald Trump. They all have these.... Pass it on! #BidenHarris #Biden2020 #BidenHarrisLandslide2020 https:\/\/t.co\/wRgjb1JtaT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I thought it was great. To be fair, I've only played Castlevania 4 and watched AVGN videos on other games in the series. So I'm not exactly a big fan of the series. That being said, lemme address some concerns: Didn't mind Carmilla at all. Yes, she uses some SJW buzzwords like 'manbaby' but she's portrayed as an unlikable cunt anyway.... So it's in line with her personality. She uses whatever words she see fit to belittle others because she likes no one. Isaac is from the desert, so if it's a race swap then they've handled it well. It's made quite clear he's a foreigner, different accent and all. Good character as well. So I didn't find it to be \"woke\" at all. No cringy politics pushed down any throats, characters act approprietly to midieval setting (no stronk wymyn soldiers for example), so I'd recommend it, quite strongly.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Could be Romford Young Conservatives!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER As is UK democracy - supposedly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"see how fat that nigger is. In 5 years when there's no food it will starve to death.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Leo, I assure you, I lived through it, and, you're a lying half paki, half Welsh faggot https:\/\/m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk\/news\/brexit\/varadkar-shows-eu27-dinner-guests-border-bomb-horror-picture-brexit-tensions-intensify-over-ireland-backstop-","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Typical of a black person to be that stup1d. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"9 factory workers gunned down in Iowa City with 20-gauge Winchester pump-action shotgun. The NRA blames gun control laws.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Democrats control the media Republicans bow to its pressure Democrats control the power","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Embarrassing for the liberals....I wonder who those women raped in school ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You are too cute and adorable to handle....... Such a cutie....... How can I let you go Lobe you my love 4ever. ....... URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"All the black people in this country are pissing me off so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Another funny thing is how they refer favorably to Japan because of gun control but admonish Japan for their refugee policies ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And no one cares","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I don't have anything against women but most of them are pretty disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"'Y'all are fucked up man. You wouldn't be doin this shit if I was white!' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Typical r4pefugee behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@Wren @peremersenne @markusenyart @Timber @Trumplican @Grubama @baerdric @FreeAgent355 @2sense @Lilgirl @rickybird @Luvvvbughugs @Moonbasking @Sockalexis @Lilly @NaturalSelection @haremesc @BewareOfFlatteries @AltruisticEnigma @NiggerologistPhD @olHip @CrunchyBacon @KimFoote @EmilyAnderson @IlI @Luvmybykr @FEDUPCITIZEN7 I believe Bill and support his efforts to have this rabid dog fired. The moron that sent this email should be sued for slander and the attacker should be jailed for assault and lose his job. I've taken a screen shot of your comment. You called an African American man a \"rabid dog\". I am emailing this to that company and proving to them that Bill and his friends are literal neo-nazis. @Trumplican","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Two Examples of Mexican Government Officials Blackmailing U.S. by Threatening Flood of South American Immigrants ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Triggering fucktards.... Dems Vs Repubs by the numbers. *last 50 yrs Years held Presidency Repub-28yrs Dem-22 yrs Total jobs created Repub-24 Million Dem-42 Million Stock market return Repub-109% Dem-992% GDP Repub-","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hot take: Will Powers is a fucking idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER she is a zombie.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I am talking about Brett. He is the one that is in trouble if he doesn't win and make a big move","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":">A private company's obligation is to shareholder value, not peoples feelings about themselves. I used to believe that. (insert clip of Molymeme doing his standard *\"corporations are legally required to avoid waste and maximize profit.\"* rant here) But when I saw Intel give $300 million to retarded feminists I just couldn't pretend anymore. A private company's obligation is to the shareholder's *agenda*, but that doesn't necessarily mean value or profit. Spoiler: The shareholders are giant banks and their agenda is globalism. >Only the CBC can get away with ignoring economics. The whole financial system gets away with ignoring economics. Look at Twitter's numbers or our dudeweedstock bubble; global 'markets' are a debt-fueled farce. The cherry on top is millions of people wasting time and energy by solving meaningless math problems with rigs full of overpriced video cards because somehow that's going to \"stahp teh central banksters.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"Punished Kavanaugh is a retarded meme. He's already stated he's hiring all female clerks and isn't going to make abortions illegal. He's going to come out of this with an even hardened position on the need for \"fairness. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Americans have had enough of liberals at ESPN and the NFL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I care more about the dirt under my shoe than about trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You could look for the cities in East Finland. Property prices vs avarage salary is good. All the First World shit you need. Most of the rednecks dont mind Germans. Third World exodus usually finds its way to the capital. and#x200B; The weather sucks from October to January thou depending on the seasons you like. You are basically part of the tribe if you learn the language. If you wanna play it safe then you should go to East-Asia. You wont be 100% part of the tribe there ever but atleast it wont turn into Kongo in our life time. If you need a city of more than 500 000 people with nigger, sand nigger and gypsy free zone then you are in the wrong continent.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"New operation Wetback for those illegal invaders that are already here, all thirty million of them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No, oldschool values = not seeking to solve an issue and instead solving it destructively. Edit: leave it to the lowest common denominator to boil all the context out of a conversation. Fucking retards.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why would I be sarcastic about that? Blacks are so stupid they were literally classified as fauna in a place like Australia up until the 70's. Go be a racist Klan faggot somewhere else plz kthx Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"\/u\/KingOfClownWorld is a racist faggot\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am not a bot, but this action was performed automatically any way. Please go fuck yourself if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"More than any other ally do we take that as a compliment ? unlike his house of non representatives who so much love their nation hold ordinary people and their way of life to ransom no pay no food, no nothing go lecture your own system take white pees with u fire cracker man ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The illegal immigration problem was started by, continued and made worse by government. 100 years ago we had free and open borders to the south and supply and demand for labor determined how many came. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You need to kill some jews right now or you're a faggot optics cuck. C'mon pussy. Bomb a federal building. Do it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"60 and hopeful to someday meet a classy gal that I can talk to about MAGA and WWG1WGA! Have yet to find! Having way to much fun now not to share :-) URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Austrian leaders respond to Gerrman plans for 'transit centres' to screen migrants ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@leamorabito?@MadJewessWoman?@wiIlluc20?@stmj1? @sine_injuria? @Charmander?@Jesse77?@acre1291?@Elbi?@Zenfar? @son_follower1?@Hilljack1? Breaking: Nikki Haley resigns today | Trump Press Conference at 10:30 am, live stream https:\/\/youtu.be\/rct93aXIbNc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I dunno. I know who he is but I don't interact directly with him a lot. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I myself don't care if you have sex with your mother i just get tried of the slave shit i am not old enough to have had a slave i just wont every one to know we are all slaves to the Government you buy a house but you never own it you pay taxes until you don't have any money think about it we are slaves we stay poor they get richer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Watch the trailer you stupid cunt, you'll love it ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I suppose you think the way liberals attacked Sarah Palin was courageous also. You're just another hypocrite.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@Savetheplanetxo @MZHemingway Biden had 47 years and failed. Trump has done more positive things for this nation than Biden\/Harris\/Obama and hillary combined.#Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Try asphalt playgrounds... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I love babe.net. Its cannibalistic. It's nutjob feminists go after feminists like Aziz Ansari and whoever this cunt is.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"It's a tribalistic, supremacist race ....\" huh? sounds like....Nazis to me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Not all of us Conservatives are that gullible. Manny has some good points now and then... but when he starts spewing US propaganda .. it sickens me. He asked for the term and I gave one... He'll have no rebuttal. You watch.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"fuk off u spic fuks","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"While I agree with teaching them a lesson, I doubt the nigger has enough brain matter to pick that lesson up.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Remember you have to get the ball in the hole too. Have your fun pal!!! ;) ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's such a shame it's optional to teach children cursive now, I had learn it again because they forced us to stop using it right after teaching it to us. Also, any car with a manual stick is a nigger repellant.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Riding ur shithole like a whore fucker. Conquering ur hole fucking u boipussy in all position and mak u get facial wi ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Willie's hurtful response to his former fans who have quit him in droves over of his support for that little hippie Beano. #MAGA @USER URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So the CDC doesn't know what is causing the polio like disease that is paralizing kids!...Better know your shit before you let Big Pharma Pushers poke your babies with BS Vaccinations! Just Saying! It's a free country my friend, just don't let your carriers go to school with my kids, Thanks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Don' t ever kill yourself no matter what other people think or say about you it just matters what you think about yourself and how you feel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Portugal wants Britain to welcome all #EU migrants after #Brexit ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Both sides are ANTIFA...KKK... Gotta stop","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER #MAGA #RedWave baby","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Subtitle: \"History of a San Francisco Dyke who likes getting her nails done, Volume I\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"MS-13 Gang Members Charged With Murder Are Obamas Unaccompanied Minors @user #NoMoreDeaths#KeepAmericansSafe#NoAmnesty #NoDACA #BuildTheWall #DoYourJob ! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Black Pilled just released a video about this today: No White Guilt for Blackface https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=vAAAtqSeRKI https:\/\/invidio.us\/watch?v=vAAAtqSeRKI Give them a simple choice: You can allow us to send you to Africa alive, or you can stay in a mass grave. Won't take long before most choose the former without hesitation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Replace Chris Collins with anyone but Carl Paladino\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You are just a nigger to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER if she were a true Krishn bhakt she wouldn't even care about presence or absence of such laws... she would be above such issues... a typical Chandigarh mentality of one up manship she is caged in... call her anything but Krishn bhakt.. like who cares about what she is doing ...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I havent checked it so i cant say anything.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER If anything, wouldn't that be a State Law? He's running for Federal Office. @USER thinks Texans are morons...about this and illegally claiming to be a government office and sending out summons\" for money. #maga #Texans\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Because fuck some dirt cunt who's too stupid to set up a village next to water","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I voted today for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. I went blue up and down the ballot. It felt good and I got a wee bit emotional too, because the blue wave is feeling real.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You just cant bring yourself to watch the video and address the points. Its all name calling. How mature. Let me just abandon my nazi sympathies and change my moral compass now that somebody has called me retarded and evil. Wow. Such a convincing argument.truly my heart and mind hath been changed by your fathomless wisdom.... You want me to ignore the facts and listen to Nazi lies. You regard facts as subjective. They are not. You are objectively wrong. Nazis are objectively evil. You want me to ignore the facts and listen to jewish lies. You regard facts as subjective. They are not. You are objectively wrong. jews are objectively evil. what a empty argument -.-","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER He's NO POPE!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The only Nazis is you fucking faggot ass LIBERALS trying to shut down free speech! You fucking weak ass, pussy!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'll snap that disabled neck of yours. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Girl you are so bomb ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Can confirm, people are entitled cunts and they deserve what they collectively get. The good can go with the bad as far as I'm concerned.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":".#BuildTheWall ! RT if you agree Todays Illegals are Tomorrows Democrats! No more #IllegalImmigration !NODaca #NOChainMigration #SecretSociety #TuesdayThoughts #MorningJoe #WednesdayWisdom @user @user @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"David, Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trump making his \"We're gonna win Minnesota and we're gonna play New York\" taunts again,We'll see #Trump2020 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"boys and their toys\"... Are you fucking kidding me? The man wants to get us to Mars, and you have the gall to be some sexist piece of shit? Where the fuck does this shit come from, anyway? Seems like it could be real deep-seated sexism and man hating.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"ANTI-ANTIFA IS BALLS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Perhaps asking Miss Rao directly would be a start? Manners Isaac.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Bitch you better be ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER #Trump gifted the 1% with #GOPTaxScam the biggest wealth grab in modern history URL yet #trump supporter #dopes prefer to vote against their best interests so perhaps you cannot fix stupid! #MAGA ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Are people that retarded that they believe a Jew paper? Whatever the Post says you can almost be positive that the opposite is true! It's a Jew, It can't be True!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"cuf yo boy and yo girl Have you heard pull a bad bitch' by Reese's stuffed with on #SoundCloud? #np ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Feminists simply aren't able to grasp the concept of personal responsibility.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lucky dudes Now reverse the genders. Are they lucky girls? Of course not, what a dumb point you make.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Luigi Fugazy was a padrone' to the South Village Italian immigrant community at the turn of the 20th century. Learn how his beneficence helped thousands of his fellow countrymen, and how he was mourned when he died on this day in 1930: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER i really do love you URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So s1ck of being around women like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" doesn't like people saying me says me Hmm They mean when someone says \"this is so me!\" about a character, not using g the word to self identify in a sentence.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They've made it almost impossible for Men to be dominant, in the matriarchal western society. fuckfeminism ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You mean she didn't move to Canada like she promised? Deport her to Venezuela","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We have some improvements to the mute button coming in the next week or so. They include: Timed mutes: decide how long you want the mute to last for. Disassociation: the muted person can no longer leave comments on your posts, but can still see your public content and quote your posts to their own followers. Force Unfollow: the muted person can no longer follow you (we already have this, but are making it easier to access while muting.) When you mute someone there will be a series of these prompts. How long do you want to mute this person for? Do you not want this person commenting on your posts? Do you not want this person to follow you? After many discussions with the community we believe this is the best middleground between freedom of speech and freedom of association. Ultimately it gives you more control over your own experience and thus more individual liberty. WE DON'T WANT A BLOCK FEATURE!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Feel like there is a noose around your scrawny neck? Better late than never. I do not think there is a statue of limitations on treason... Yep, those 2 are way past due for becoming windchimes. no one is forcing her to stay , chances are, there'd be a line of people wanting to help her pack ,should she decide to leave","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"you look gay, as hell, and not speaking english, yes your gay, wipe the cum off your face cunt fact.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Commenced renovations at my own local library so the Steinway branch can continue providing services for our immigrant community ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Utah nonprofit helps hundreds of refugees go to college Up until she was 13, the only place Kai Sin called home was the refugee camp where she was born after her family escaped ethnic violence in Myanmar. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That is fitting for immigrantvermin like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"im a super big liberal. I detest Trump, and I detest most Conservative values. But what I can't stand for is the censorship of opinions because of a single man's actions. Gab is being targeted for no good reason, and companies are pulling out without any legitimate reason. #IStandWithGab","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck off idiot. Not here to waste time with trolls and mentally retarded lunatics.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"the only place niggers need relocated is out of this country. Send them to Israel. Let the kikes take care of their nigger pets.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Growing number of refugees and asylum seekers in poverty in UK ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nobody can be as much of a faggot as you are. NOBODY.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You are perfect ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"real truth: vaccines are tainted, and once the pieces of shit behind it are either in jail or dead they will be mandated. OR scientists carefully developed vaccines to help people. Wow. This takes a lot of stupid. I'm impressed you've made it 10 days on this account.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"FL Sec of State is weak as fuck.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user #BuildThatWall to end #Corruption and then deport, deport, and deport. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How rich do you have to be to hire retarded jungle Asian surrogate mothers, and what jurisdiction do you have to live in to keep them away from leftist lawyers? Practical considerations, I don't feel like waiting for the Zombie Alpacalips.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER She is the gift that keeps on giving! We conservatives just love her !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No shit...I'd get a divorce and move to a different country","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.....I can beat your ass bitch every weekend. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"She's talking SHITE! Islam is strictly against committing the act of rape. Allah says in the Quran, \"And come not near to unlawful sex. Verily, it is a shameful (deed) and an act evil, opening the road (to many other evils) (Quran 17:32). She's a fcking retard! Where does it say that? Only fcking ISIS terrorists come out with that shite today. Who are the NON believers \/ kaffirs. Rape is uillegal in every country on earth and only a retarded cunt would blame a BOOK. What AUTHORITY does that stupid bitch have - NONE! No offence Sidney.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Over the weekend while I was away attending a funeral, my sweet baby cat Nera died...she was the best cat I've ever owned, and was truly unique. It breaks my heart I wasn't home when she passed...I hope you'll indulge me posting a photo and a painting of her. The painting was done by Candace Wagner @OnwardTruth last year. Please give your pet a hug or pat before you leave the house, each and every time. #PetLove @Broken77 Ed. Is that short for erectile dysfunction? Dick MIA 77 times? Is that what you're saying? Don't even try and play this off on me asshole. Somebody post's about coming back from a funeral only to find that her lifelong pet had also died over the time that she was gone and you decide to try and spin it off and try to troll me? You're a pathetic piece of shit, mother fucker. You're the exact reason why I plan to go to hell. Because motherfukers like you are not going to get off easy when I get there. \"Don't even try and play this off on me asshole\" Too late. @EdsuffersfromED77 Insulting the deaf and the blind is A-OK. But don't touch cats or you'll get internet tough gay act. \"You suck at trolling.\" Tell me more. @EdWhymydickdead77 Please explain again. It's not my fault you failed at reading comprehension. @EddickDead In a room full of dicks, you should not be @Broken77 because his doesn't work. -Adolf Hitler, ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#VA10 voters will not accept a Congresswoman who stands with the NRA as shooting after shooting devastates communities across the country. We need common sense gun safety laws and we need them now. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You're ignoring the genetic concerns of the future. You can't assimilate less intelligent races into civilizations built by more intelligent people because of genetics. Remember, 65 is the average IQ of africans. That's mentally retarded by European standards, and intelligence is linked to genetics.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You are all set! I have sent an email to your Gmail account to indicate the update. Have a great day! *HJF","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Especially CA!?! Please!!!!!! #ICE #USCitizensOnlyVOTE#Illegals met with #ICEAgents and arrested and deported permanently!?! #BuildTheDamnWall #NoDACA #NoDEMS New Ppl ONLY!?! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"DRESSING LIKE A NIGGER SLUT !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Merkel calls for 'more control on migration' ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user These women have alleged rape? When did they make these claims and have they filed suit ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER HOW CAN PELOSI BE SPEAKER? SHE IS MENTALLY IMPAIRED","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"useless fucking nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hello gab, diving into the unknown here. Just looking to get away from the SJW rubbish on twitter. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Our favorite CNN reporter. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER ANCIENT HOMIES COULDNT HAVE COCK COCKS FIGHTING BECAUSE THAT WAS LITERALLY ILLEGAL IN ATHENS FJSHDHJS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Probably would if the act itself wasn't so damned retarded and blatantly anti-Trump. Sending \"bombs\" which would never reach their destination nor would have detonated and only serves to put all the spotlight on the left and away from any of the real issues","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"you snowflake cunt not gay sorry ,,, softcock !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The usual neo-Pagan response due to their lacking to challenge belief systems. When can we discuss your sand nigger pantheon or will you cower from that argument? Mind you that Nordic niggers are not more than 1,900 years old and they coincidentally rob from other cultures exactly like a Jew.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Do you take some else's help? Or just ram into somebody? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You far under estimate the pow of armed American patriots shit for brains.. Yes arming both sides so morons like you can pound your chest I'm the idiot I hope you at least bought stocks and all the b******* MRIs and ammo you buy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Assuming that he made the statement: Antifa is not an organization with a spokesperson. It is a diverse group. Bray cannot justly claim that he represents Antics. I ask again: Who is Antifa in your opinion? How are they organized? Do they reckognize Bray as their spokesperson?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Girls are not human beings, they're objects ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Well gee https:\/\/www.advocate.com\/crime\/2018\/10\/28\/synagogue-shooting-occurred-during-bris-gay-couples-twins More like wishful thinking on your part. hey cringe-berg, stein, whatever, you're in the wrong place if you're looking for the foreskin buffet. go be Semitic somewhere else chomo More like BrockTheWindBag try-hard.txt I don't speak gibberish. I see. No actual skills. lol yeah and you're just brimming with them heeb. just like all ur people, totally parasitic, expecting me to do all the work. you're like punching a soggy matzo-ball, very unfulfilling. run along moishe, ur boring Oh- it's MY fault that you are unable to deliver on the skills that you boasted of possessing, that about sum up your excuse? So in other words you cower to the Jew?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#Emmy Hosts on Monday Night Take Shots at #Trump and #Conservatives - #MAGA #BoycottHollywood URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER You are only believing her Because she is a Women.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user What a stupid bitch , talks utter shite this woman . pure fucking evil too . ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Obviously she behaved like a retard but why the fuck are the police going around a beach randomly breathalyzing people in the first place? I don't see how that is an effective use of tax payer resources.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Whatever a Jew accuses someone of they are guilty! Jews are subversive LIARS! Democrats are just have Jewified minds! They are all brainwashed retarded monkey brains! All Jews and Democrats are human sewage!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trump Proven RIGHT After Video Shows Voter Fraud By Ilhan Omar Supporter... https:\/\/t.co\/oEGRxXr5NJ via @YouTube #VoterFraud #VoterFraudIsReal #Trump2020 #biden2020 #TRUMP2020ToSaveAmerica #Trump2020NowMoreThanEver","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Europeans need to stop acting like America is theirs. You too are immigrant!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Paul Manafort is a legit trader but because he works(ed) for Trump. I guess it's not a big deal to conspire against your country anymore. #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I can't believe these gay people, thinking I won't murder every one of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Candidates around the country are on notice. If you vote to: fund the president's anti-immigrant agenda increase mass incarceration gut #NetNeutrality give the president a blank check to declare war ACLU voters will remember on Election Day. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Good shit my bad though","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Taylor get a grip, you would have lost anyway with that thought. Come out of the bubble, read, and educate yourself before it's too late. There is still hope and it's not with the Democrats. #WalkAway #RunAway #GabFam #MAGA If only Taylor would have spoken up sooner she might have saved America!* But she couldn't do that and write yet several more songs about her ex-boyfriends. Adding more songs to her long line of forgettables had to be done, even if America went down the toilet because she was too busy to care. *Yes, that's all sarcasm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER We are actually thinking of making this event a gathering for local Antifa members and the #Resistance. Make your voices heard against #Drumpf. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My very first post on GAB! Facebook I'm phasing you out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Is it bad that i like Quetsiyah. And thought Amara and Silas deserved it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I like how polite everybody is on this thread and how they're all pretending to not know what or who they're ltalking about. It's called Rap Music. It's part of modern American Nigger Culture and it's nothing new, it's been around since the 80's....you never heard of it ? All the songs about raping and beating Ho's and Bitches ? All the songs about fuck the police and kill the Cops ? All the songs about being in Gangs and doing drugs ? All that just passed you by ? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Republicans #Conservatives @USER wet dreams: Step 1: Confirm predator as SCOTUS judge Step 2: Eliminate women's choice Step 3: Eliminate non white's voting rights Step 4: Eliminate women's voting rights Step 5: End immigration","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Cuckstianity is a universalist death cult whose continued profits are contingent upon a steady inflow of retards to whom they can sell everything from rosary beads to salvation. If you can't understand this, you might belong in the above mentioned retard category.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER She goes through with chequers the @USER are finished","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oh look, another white trash cockroach. Good to know there are still parasites like you walking this Earth, so I get to fuck you people up when I cross the paths of you cowardice faggot dick eaters...Bye bye now STUPID! lol!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user My new hoe why the whore label im gonna call million dollars whores records labe and get mind ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is a pathological liar","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":">Andrew \"gook fucker\" Anglin This is why Anglin is 100% my guy. do you have red new balance shoes? are you a completely worthless piece of shit working with a jew on subverting white resistance? I know who you are referring to. I remember when he tried to subvert Cville by telling people to only discuss it over burner phones. Fortunately many were too clever for his tricks and got their friends thrown into jewish jail instead. LOL character and intent, so what was the intent of the right besides \"uniting the right\" and giving speeches? Communists openly stated they were there for violence, next retarded argument? Discord is run by communist jews and simply gives out meeting places so communists can physically assault them Which of the convicted people said that, oh yea, none of them, and that was never used as evidence either, it was kikes + black jury + refusal for change of venue.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And when someone decides not to play your little game, and instead calls you the fucking retard you are, and shows you things you don't like, you cry and snitch and bitch and troll like a sniveling little cunt. Faggot. SNITCH.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"critical thinking is all that is required.? the climate has change since the beginning of time, find the global warming scientists, they took the money and ran, many will see GTMO along with the other dirty commies. Global warming data proved to be a scam so retards changed the name to climate change, that way it covers everything and means nothing.. I guess you did not catch my statement ,the climate has changed since the beginning of time, CONSIRACY is a term used by TARDS. Global warming data proved to be a scam .... lol i think you're the tard get your brain checked Typical who gives a f ? we do, we don't like being scammed by retarded liberals, thank GOD for Trump, he spanks that ass. Another literal tard, all lefties are vilolent you just proved it. Gab is a platform for debate, figures of speech elude most retarded liberals, you make a physical threat, shows your very low IQ.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Many women don't report sexual assault because they think no one will believe them. I've been told twice nobody would ever want to rape me. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She is perfect","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"For all the people holding up signs regarding illegal immigrants...hand them each a bill to pay the cost of how much these people take from the American taxpayer and I bet they would take down their signs and go home! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER One of my punk rock friends in NYC is always getting weird hate mail. He posted about it and in the comments someone used a J-hope gif. Of course I had to explain who he is. I love how people use their gifs and have no clue ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Simon said he hope Garth writes Ketterer a song - knowing his guy needs outside help 2 get the votes - BTW I don't think Garth is going 2 do that I saw him in a video say as much. Kettterer and other acts r battling for 2nd Courtney is an unstoppable force - She is a Hurricane!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Aaron has barely been in it this last year. He is in a few episodes then he is sent out of town for a few weeks. Robert had that story with the whites","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Lmao on my grandmother , you never knew me in 2012 so stop while you really ahead hoe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Reap what you sow you mudshark whore. Good riddance, once less nigger baby maker and one less Democratic voter....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/update-mass-shooting-at-pittsburgh-synagogue-during-service-suspect-has-surrendered\/ We need the death penalty back these people in a place of worship and this evil man came in and started shooting Varies by State. Ok never new that Yep. In theory we are a collection of separate States that have a few common rules allowing the Federal Government to do only a few things for us like defense (tho we have separate State level National Guard troops at the State Governor's disposal), money,and treaties for trade. Of course over time it has ballooned exceeding Contitutional limits. Supreme Court of course to arbitrate State and District courts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER THIS IS SO FUCKINGNDBS FUNNYHEJS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Frontex ships, NGO ships and criminal elements transport refugees from Africa to Europe. They all have a good buisness, because only few goverments of Europe will and are able to ban refugees from their territory. There isnt a will. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nobody should care who a nigger quotes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Our report on the lack of supervision, sexual activity and runaways at the shelters that house immigrant children in and around Chicago was just published in Spanish ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I forgot about this lying cunt haha. She would be a good match for [Crazy Eyes](https:\/\/memegenerator.net\/Crazy-Eyes-Big-Daddy)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This woman has some nerve. To even speak right now is beyond hysterical considering what's right around the corner ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Are you and your family okay? Not sure how close you are to everything.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They are not refugees or migrants. This is a paid for invasion. (Why aren't they marching on their own capital?) https:\/\/is.gd\/FudWdw Anything we can do guys?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"it works ! hammer, hammer, hammer ....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"go fuck yourself and suck a nigger cock you fucking cuck.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER who's singular wiped out a number of Lib Dem councils in the North by going into bed with the Conservatives thus losing local election seats. Now we have him trying to turn over a democratic vote on #Brexit. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Some of these people work in PR, and their response to a PR disaster is to further antagonize the customers. Merit is dead.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Women have become bigger players than men. The tides have turned my friends ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This elect the Twitter lie that if we don't go along with then we a bad people is: that Trump refuses to condemn racists, even though he has mult times. Even if we post vid of he constantly doing it they are still goin 2 doubledown. #TrumpIsARacist #Trump2020 #Trump","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"All gay people are repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nigger privilege. Any one of us would be arrested by now.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I cannot believe this fag. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER she is and also a goddess","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So, in a backhanded way, Trump did do us a favor. He showed that most of our protections against a dictatorship are built on trust. Trust that no one will abuse the power we've given the president, both through the Constitution and by legislation. \/1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nigger privilege","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"liberals always look like they are... a bunch of sick retarded faggots. smfh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I would love to see them get ejected and then explode at the highest point. Entitled cunt fireworks.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Easy big fella!! You would do the baseball if it was the bravos!!! Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hey Nazi's, you know hitler didn't believe in the second amendment, right ? So, have you given up your arms yet, and are you ready to be under state owned enslavement ? Both of these guys were selling an absolute lie, from which they, their friends, and comrades benefited greatly ! Have you ever noticed? That despite Americans having the right to bear arms. They are still to scared to drive out the corrupt politicians. Weapons aren't magical talismans to ward off evil. I wouldn't say that. Government is meant to be as small, and unrestrictive as possible ! Our society has grown into a nanny state ! What's the purpose of governance if not to take care of the people? In monarchy the king of the nation is considered the father. It's one big family structure to government. Excuse me but you don't have much of an understanding of a monarchy Let me condense a subject that has been written on using thousands of papers, and condense it into a nice 300 character post. I'll start with \"Plebeians like yourself are to stupid to make intelligent comments on politics. Fuck you. How's that for condensing? Play stupid games and you win stupid prizes. Everyone is smarter than me apparently lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Flirting 2016 Me- ma'am can you pull your pants down please? Her- umm excuse me?! Me- I believe there may be a Pokemon in your vagina ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Tony died for this gross fucking succubus. He wasn't exactly a saint himself. Clearly he wasn't as bad as her, but he's the one who enabled her behavior if what is being claimed is true... You don't just pay off her victims, you dump that bitch and tell the cops. He mentioned several times that before he rose to fame, he was an absolute degenerate and a cunt to everyone, and that it didnt reall change through his life, but he abhored what Weinstein did and other he thought were better than that. I highly doubt he paid off the kid while knowing he was shagging the grooming paedophile. that's the restaurant industry for you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Isn't it ironic? The GOP likes Small federal gov't but wants to tell states how to run elections and manage the pandemic Fiscal responsibility but runs up the deficit w\/tax cuts for corps and the 1%It's hypocrisy. #46ReasonsWhy I'm w\/ Joe!#DemCastMI #DemCast#Biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/gN7ujYxvEA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Black people are subhuman creatures. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Quite a few gay people live around there","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dumb ass Democrat Plantation Slave, and CNN fake news pimp, Don Lemon said, that every black American \"cringed\" when they watched Kanye West speaking at the White House. Golly Don, I didn't realize EVERY black person thinks like you. Quite the arrogant, elitist attitude! Pigeonhole the ENTIRE black community. That's called racism, ya stupid DOLT.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"To All of You Racist Black AntiAmericans To All of Mainstream Media To All Liberals You are all a bunch of Faggot MutherFukrs Thank You @realDonaldTrump #DealWithIt #KanyeTrump Case in point: #RACEMIXERINCHIEF Nice... Wow! I can see the haters down voted this great meme... Wow... Dimocrats? Jew haters?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bloody immigrants like uk say you must obide the law of the country should be put in prison until the immigrant pays the fine ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Portland Antifa Violence Against Senior Citizens https:\/\/youtu.be\/sq-dcJrnGTM The daily, progressive, shitholization of Portland. Used to be a pretty damn nice city, back in the day. Only crazy people and masochists now drive downtown there on weekends.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Avenatti shreds Trump as a \"misogynist pig\" for mocking Ford https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/g25vJe\/Dols_XVXUAIsf_Y.png https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/5pXC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: As someone whose family has directly been the victim of these mail threats I condemn whoever did this regardless of party or ideology. This crap has to stop and I hope they end up in jail for a long time. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/-STX","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Imagine having a \"don't tread on me avi while simultaneously allowing both antifa and the police to tread on you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RT @user I'm crying over the @user tweets ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"> Nevermind who built the fucking thing, Lol not a bragging point there I mean even the most fool proof objects fail when smashed at full speed into an iceberg. The Titanic actually had a decent design IIRC, it went down due to overconfidence and operator error. I remember learning in history lessons that they left gaps in the watertight compartments so they weren't watertight. So even though the crew managed to shut the compartments immediately, it didn't help slow how fast it sunk. I had learned that the ship only had a few watertight compartments and they used crappy steel and rivets to make the compartments. Several of the compartments were breached and the others were too small to keep the ship afloat. I could be wrong though. It was a marvel of enginering. The iceberg doesn't make it any less so. There were design flaws that contributed to it sinking. Yeah, it was built in an archaic time. But my point still stands. Tbh I agree with you that it was an marvel at the time. Unfortunately it was just that at the time it was common to compromise on safety and knowingly build flawed designs for aesthetic and convenience. The dudes down in the engine rooms with generators and boilers. Most of them died trying to keep the ship afloat for as long as possible. Even when things were still pretty calm on deck those guys were dying down there. I'm not sure how long skeletons last in salt water, but they could still be down there. There were women working on the ship tho How many, and in what capacity? Curious. There were 22 women worked on the ship. Note this is the number who worked on the ship when it was sailing. Out of a thousand in the crew lol. And only three of them died. Great point...... You said the whole crew was men. While that is almost correct From an outside view it looks like your both being petty. Lmao.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I would never lift a finger to save a trans person's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"NOW I KNOW WE HAVE A LOT OF PEOPLE TO FEED, BUT THESE TWO? THESE ARE MINE! NOW GO BACK TO FEEDING PEOPLE, I'M STARVING! I HAVEN'T EATEN IN AT LEAST 40 MINUTES! YOU NEED A MAGA HAT!\" URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I mean, the logic\" behind their claim means that in the 90's the Liberals felt it was OK for a man to abuse women... that's essentially what they are saying... and that the Conservatives were in the right... right?\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Plus now we know where she likes to kiss you at when she is singing Don't Judge Me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER This nigga is everywhere ..I can't escape his spews..it's now time","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Central American governments hope to halt illegal migration to US ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I go with: If it keeps making retarded threads, ban it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Greece: Evil migrant throws Newborn Baby At The Greek Police to protest against the \"bad conditions\" of the shelter - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Sucking dick behind close doors but fucking pussy openly ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Beards... Getting ugly guys laid since the trend of 2015... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Jill Filipovic tells women to divorce their Republican husbands. Jill are you fucking stupid? Why would any real man want to be married to some shrieking insane harpy that watches the view, follows you, and votes HRC. Kick the lefty bitch to the curb. https:\/\/tinyurl.com\/y94zenl2 Can't imagine putting up with something like a Joy Behar type for more than four seconds before punching her in the throat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"throw some hand grenades at this faggot assholes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I could say so much more so keep your skank of a mouth closed you little whore or things will only get worse for you ;) ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Lolololololololo are u kidding me. The ANTIFA shows up at all protest to stop freedom of speech. Open your eyes. Where did the ANTIFA come from democrats the snake party","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Nicaragua unrest: New refugee crisis unfolding in Latin America @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Are Blacks (Sub-Sahara-descended peoples) more closely related to apes than are Whites (European-descended peoples)? https:\/\/www.nature.com\/articles\/nature11128\/figures\/4 Evolution is a lie. We all came from Adam and Eve. Then later From Noah's 3 children. Even North European folk Came from the Middle East. Good morning lol Dinosaurs never existed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".... Christmas came early, Trump wants to take me wetback hunting!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yes we can #BuildThatWall ! And yes it does keep people, includiing bloodthirsty drug cartels and disease carriers out. He's mad he can't keep giving cartels weapons. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"that song is fucking awesome.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"that's funny. I'm not seeing that you were subbed here at all. If you did unsub, let me take this moment to apologize. i am terribly sorry for any disomfort we may have caused you. joking, boo. Replace that dogs cunt for a brain and try again.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER So you realize what a fool you are making of yourself with your weird obsession over #SusanSarandon Maybe do some research b4 spouting off nonsense.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Moonbeam signs a law requiring all corporate boards to have women on them https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/california\/2018\/10\/02\/californias-jerry-brown-signs-law-requiring-women-on-corporate-boards\/ The time to clear Democrats from office holders in CA is this election. What have you got to lose. The last Republican as Gov. was liberal progressive Swarzenegger, you remember the body builder with no ability to lead. Jerry Brown is a clown but than again, so were the other guys. Cox is the one to save CA. You miss this opportunity to kick the Democrats out, you deserve what's coming. Taxes, taxes and more taxes!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You know, not being able to pick up on social cues and understand jokes is the main biproduct of autism Right, because \"commie\" and \"nigger\" is so much more original. Jesus Christ you're retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Exactly what the #LeftistLibTards wanted to happen. Try are a #Corrupt and #Miserable Party. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Muslims should be dumped in a landfill. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Is will powers some sort of retard?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I agree he is very intelligent and I like the latest policy of a sovereign wealth fund - something I've long supported. But he just doesn't cut through. Someone like Jo Swinson would get the party more air time imo.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Today's #PresidentialAlert has definitely caused some triggering ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER The Liberals have used and abused the African American and any other group that comes in contact with them this just an extension of their corrupt and ruthless ways of trying to get power .The #Metoo .So called movement has been reduced to a tool","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The Democrats have either won every special election (so far), or severely cut Trump's margin of victory in ' This doesn't bode well for the midterms. Imagine the Republicans defied all odds and won a super-majority in both chambers of Congress. What would change for us? Virtually nothing. They'll privatize social security and send our troops to Iran. True, but he lost because nigger turnout was MASSIVE. Like 98% turnout. That is INCREDIBLE.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Or a connection or motive between the two because it wasn't a random shooting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Having nigger babies DOES end our great White lineage. So it vanishes with your sickening example too. look, we wouldn't have a percentage problem with whites is men would just stop with the judging by looks and just marry white women no matter how fugly and have kids.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Asians dont rape girls Moslems do. Fuck the whole call a sand nigger a Jap thing... just sayin","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This town is going to change all right those old cunt bitches are right about that but they're not going to see the benefit of it ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Bye, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"kick the cunt out","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We never established anything, just in your own infantile mind you think you're clever. The Koko the gorilla reference was to how Koko's IQ was higher than the average black female you try to pull. The only question is is do you have to settle for them or do they have to settle for you ? You literally ran this exact photo through a photoshop app you fucking retard lmao","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER \"It's only sexual assault when the other does not agree with what he is feeling. He said before picking up the pace his foot turning and pushing against his cock while his big toe and other toe lift up the glands. \"Mm ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Says they guy whose own daughter is a carpet munching bull dyke now. She hated her own father so much that she decided to hate men all together...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Should we be mad at the Allah nigger for doing what comes naturally to him, i.e., being being a violent low IQ rapist, or should we get mad at the assholes who were responsible for allowing him into the country? I thought White men were responsible for all the raping. Ask the hoor feminists.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user your bitch of a mother should of swallowed you like the whore she was ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"By nature, disabled people are just shitty human beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What republican women in ny that commie cunt governor told yall gtfo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lmao OK. \"You killed that guy. But of all the ways you COULD have killed him, a knife in the throat is lighthearted compared to ANYTHING else you could have used.\" Do you not realize how retarded you are?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER The Institution only let her tweet when she behaves. She is a Window Licker!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"what city in Texas you live in I wanna come visit oh you're right","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That might be a minor factor... But that isn't what they are saying... #PeoplesVote","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I am going to make those Muslims suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user , you don't have to be a skank anymore. He, the skunk, done you wrong. Someone standing up and exposing your philandering immoral husband is a hero @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We must not make black people suffer any more than they already are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"But the magabomber still managed to get his retarded \"bombs\" to mail drops from one end of the country to the other, in an amazingly short time, and with insufficient postage.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER These people are special. Lol URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"we are at war with the liberals, don't go any where alone, stay armed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@p09025 @EsperanzaMBargo @itaboray @k00nix","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The thought of Brett Kavanaugh holding his hand over his my mouth while he rapes me... It makes me so WET!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Enjoy your nigger aids Wichita.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He is a crook","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"My dog is smarter than any Muslm could ever be. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You have to admit. These Democrats know how to fleece the dollars out of other Democrats. Stormy has made huge profits from D's flooding strip clubs to stick a dollar in her G. Liberals are the easiest in our society to fool..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Deep State coup not working?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Very good news! These people are not refugees! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER DJT2- You have to remember his daughter is married to am Iranian and so he defends them at all costs. He is a coward and a disgrace. Thank GOD for your Dad or we would all be in a World of hurt!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The pagan movement makes no distinction between Christians who work with other faiths for leftist goals like open borders and diversity (Christian Hindus) and Christians. Remember, Jews hate Christianity because the WORD. \"Never associate with a racial alien..drive them out of your lands before you.. based af. Also Pagans =CryptoFeminism No, actually you kinda seem like a bitter lonely man... I don't care about your opinion, respectfully... Please don't follow me, don't know why you want to....if you message me or follow me again I'll just mute \/ block your account. Thanks. Goodbye. You have a safespace already, Feminist. It's called Twitter Is this really how our men should be spending their time..... My safe space is Gab. You're pretty creepy and obsessive. This conversation is over lol, stop stalking me. Paganism has a feminist problem, and just as in greater Western society, the corrupted out of control females are damseling, making falelse accusations and being hysterical when shown logic and reason. Paganism is riddled with SJWs, therefore #PaganismIsAntiWhite","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Bravo. Down with CNN.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"African migrants are painting their faces white to stop Israel from deporting them.Write to the @user , @user and @user and urge them to intervene immediately and to shut down the Israeli Embassy in South Africa immediately! #BlackLivesMatter ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Just remember it took Mark Felt 30 years before he would admit he was Deep throat\". These denials r meaningless\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Two migrants die on boat left adrift by Libya coast guard: charity ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RACE PIMP NIGGER Michael Eric Dyson: Kanye West White Supremacy by Ventriloquism' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/12\/michael-eric-dyson-kanye-west-white-supremacy-by-ventriloquism\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Do you hate him that much. He is OUR President.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"California, California, Japan, Africa, Eu. Why? Because I said so cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER That's a strange question to ask me because of course I love my sister!! I'm her big brother! I'm there to make sure she is safe and alive!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"prevent bubbles? are you retarded or just painfully ignorant? this is the biggest bubble in the history of bubbles, and just like since 1913, The Fed blows 'em and then pops 'em. learn history (of monetary policy fraud) fool. i'm a permabull and this \"market\" will crash worse than 2008, but retardohedge is just a clickbait scam. hope that clarifies it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm sure I'll regret wasting money and listening to women say retarded things","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@GMA Oh God!!!! Courage is what healthcare workers are made of!!!! #healthcareworkers #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/QmB1r3ACcv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Not sure what you find strange, according to national news minorities don't commit crimes. Hell even in that recent case where the black chick almost beat than 92 year Mexican to death, you would only know she was black because the picture and not once the mention of a hate crime, protests, etc I know what point you're trying to make, but if you think minorities are treated with kiddie gloves on when they commit a crime on the news, you probably think the earth is flat and vaccines cause your kid to be retarded, instead of you know... the trump supporting parent.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Afghani refugees continue to protest at Sapho's Square, Mytilini. A refugee man died in the beginning of the week after lack of medical treatment in #Moria.#refugeesGR ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER This is so fake he's unable to feel true feelings he even lies when he says anything and she is just as stupid in standing by a man who clearly doesn't respect the unity of marriage while he was with her and pay these women off STAND UP DIVORCE LIKE HIS OTHER WIFES DID HES A PIG","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What on earth is a Super Chat?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Retards don't understand irony.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is. I dont think politics is for her to dabble in.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You mad, faggot? LOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Watch: French Police Remove Hundreds of illegal immigrants from cathedral near Paris - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"News Flash George Soros was and is a Nazi who sent the Hungarian Jews to their death Hitler was a globalist he wanted a unified Europe his Vision is what we call the European Union today all you little neo nazis and Hitler loving fuckwitts should learn the history of the shit you worship the death cramps were real not allied propaganda... Yes, I get it! Your mother and sister and daughter are the same. I saw a show on TV about it once, sad. Maybe you should just kill yourself and ease the pain. So now you want to rape holocaust survivors? Damn, these people are sick! #AltRight #NRx #tcot #Anarchists #Libertarian #GOP #Republicans #Conservative #GamerGate #ProudBoys #NewRight #Q Lol, there are people making asses of themselves while trying to continue one of the biggest, most easily disproven lies in history. Maybe it's because you love taking your (((fellow white man's))) schlong up your ass. Look, a Fresh dumbass who thinks the holocaust never happened! Damn, these people are so dumb. Fresh Steak is right, because that's exactly what he and his family will be to me when the war breaks out! #AltRight #NRx #tcot #Anarchists #Libertarian #GOP #Republicans #Conservative #GamerGate #ProudBoys Look, a fresh faggot who likes to LARP as an impossibility,trying to be some imaginary communist version of Milo. It's so surreal that all you can do is literally attempt totry and pull your horseshit here, because daddy isn't coming to savr you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lets give the RACIST JEWS the good Orwellian inversion that these despicable pieces of shit play on all of us! What is your definition of a Jew? Why don't you tell us how you really feel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Outrage in the EU after Israel helped Hungary build a security fence to stop illegal immigration - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"off your left wing high horse @user Certainly not the average person's take on a \"refugee\". Remove the country shoppers, the opportunist migrants, those with criminal or terrorist ties, those with hidden wealth and who's left? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Christine Blasey Ford ... looks like she was a marine, whose face caught on fire, and someone put it out with a shovel... I know I know, no personal attacks ...but the bitch bull dyke deserved it!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It is very easy in Seattle for a wheeler! but it is not the same in all towns and countries! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Who let this retard in?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Meet one of the women who helped change Jeff Flake's mind in a Senate elevator https:\/\/ti.me\/2zMpsCi?utm_source=twitter.comandutm_medium=socialandutm_campaign=social-share-article","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"yeah...notice how many people are talking about YOU! it's well known here on #GAB that you're bat shit crazy... So now you've dragged me into your delusion since I identified your \"beamer\" as a Ford Fiesta. Do everyone a favor and tell your doctor that the TV is talking to you. He will help you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Good news! The witch was suspended, but she should be fired!!! She's a special-ed teacher for God's sake!! #DumbLibs https:\/\/www.lifenews.com\/2018\/10\/08\/liberal-teacher-suspended-after-tweeting-so-whos-gonna-take-one-for-the-team-and-kill-kavanaugh\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Same and he is mine too dhudbe! There is a reason he is my lock screen HAHA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Northern Ireland was explicitly designed so the British establishment could stop paying attention to Ireland. They've been indifferent since 1921.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Not all women have vaginas. Not all men have dicks. Not all humans identify to a gender. All are our equals, so cork the insecurities and STFU ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Keep informed: ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"woman on a plane means nigger word will be said THIS IS THAT INSTITUTIONAL racism they were talking about the trillions spent and lives lost were worth it #DMTBKA https:\/\/6abc.com\/travel\/southwest-airlines-passenger-calls-flight-attendant-n-word\/4371446\/ https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Nd6wkE4M1gY","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Curious to know how @user delivers emergency food supplies to #refugees and other vulnerable people around the world? Watch this video: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I see. So this twat thinks that a movie based on the premise of a group of teens discovering themselves and overcoming the divisions between them, thereby coming to a deeper understanding of themselves and each other >set the cause of women back 50 years That would be Pre 'Rosie the Riveter'. So let's put our whiner down for one count of extreme hyperbole. As for John Hughes being a sack of shit ... the only people I can find knocking him are regressives who don't grasp the stupidity of judging movies from 30+ years ago by todays (ridiculous) standards. Molly Ringwald being one of them - yeah, she is still alive. So let's put our whiner down for one count of extreme regressiveness. And of course the twat is claiming that women don't have equal pay, no doubt citing the pay gap, which has been debunked so many times that the only people who cite it are rampant ideologues ... so that's our whiner's hat trick. Basically. The pay gap DOES exist, but not in the way people think. Atleast not idiotic or uneducated people. Those that took a bit of time to look deeper into it, understand it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Corrupt RHINO. Glad he stepped down","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user I tell you what... I could fall down the rabbit hole of collecting old medical stuff! Gorgeous! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Talk of a refund would vanish once the dems had their power back! https:\/\/www.cnbc.com\/2018\/10\/19\/kamala-harris-democrats-push-to-repeal-and-replace-trump-tax-cuts.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user This woman has moved right past the cunt stage straight in to twatdom. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How is this possible? Convicted pedo felon and illegal wetback gets PROBATION for DUI? JFC!!!!!! https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/ices-most-wanted-fugitive-captured-in-louisiana","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You can see him just suck up the first one. His head twitches in recognition of the blow. You can almost see him think \"did this bitch? I swear if she\" and then the second blow lands and instinct and anger take over and he puts her down. It may not be right for security or cops to act like this, but it is hilarious and well deserved in any other scenario between two civilians.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"(2 kids enter a race. 1 kid wins) kid 1- yay i win kid 2- nuh uh you didn't because i wasn't really racing I have never been so conflicted about whether to upvote something, then remembered we are on TIA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you are a Muslim, then you are probably stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user THAT SHIT ENDED A LONG TIME AGO BITCH ASS CUNT ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Following all Patriots #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"a loud mouthed nigger bitch that needs a knock in the head, stop letting these loud mouthed nigger welfare queens ruin america, slap the bitch in her mouth","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"If Warren can claim oppressed minority status with","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Only if she is to remarry does it stop.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user #Compassion with #CommonSense #BuildThatWall #RuleOfLaw #SecureBorders ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user always trying to wear the pants in the family. #GetBackInTheKitchen ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And then wana talk shit when you play something they don't know but the song be fire and end up blowing up then later becomes they song ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Real men do\"nt vapor !!! They swallow !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Black people are beautiful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"'Why wont any1 eat my pussy?' well first off we got to many fish markets around here hoe, your pussy should smell pussyishy.. not brim fishy ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Agree with you 100% #BuildThatWall #MAGA #ImmigrationReform ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"JW hand-delivered a letter to the chair and co-chair of the House's Office of Congressional Ethics calling for an investigation into whether Congresswoman Maxine Waters violated any House ethics rules by encouraging violence against Trump Cabinet members. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/K2Xg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So today is National Coming Out Day. It's been over 5 years since I first came out to anyone, and it was the most nerve-racking thing I've ever done. I would rather present my Master's thesis presentation for 24 continuous hours than re-live that moment. (Anyway, here I am in a Pride-colored Eagles tank top after a killer sunburn from a day out on Sebago. ) Being a white nationalist or anti-Jewis is nothing to brag about but hErE We aRE Nothing wrong with white nationalism, or coming out against the criminality of the Jews. Conflating your position of the unnatural usage of bodily organs, and your fascination with shit. To that of political discourse isn't in the same practice. oh come on man el xolo mexicano! With 1\/2 a sentence written in non-English, you must be some arrogant \"pro-Mexican Monarchy\" to tell people have no pride (shall bring him low) but willing to LOWER yourself and talk shit \"come out against criminality of the Jews\" here! Your people kill one another, behead, cut faces and you are here talking non sense on Jews?! Grow up, be real!:) Being a asshole jackass is also nothing to brag about Nobodies bragging.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Tranny cunts can live in their own nuclear testing island for all I care","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I expect to see a lotta yetis wearing MAGA hats.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Why would they drag their feet? If they had something on you (which there isn't)...it be out by now. TOTAL WITCH HUNT! #MAGA #BestPres45 URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is the next generation of satire, and you won't even know it. \/hypothesis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER There is already more guns than pre 1996 gun control. Free people should have the right to defend themselves and their families. The threat of lethal force is a good deterrent to would be criminals","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Black people do not deserve to be tortured like that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Once a stripper always a skank an a ( Y ) a hole!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lol your a fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"wasn't it something like","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I hope it hurt. Entitled cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Very certain that if this muzzie coward communist traitor made a bomb, it would look like these. If questioned about the bombs he's still going to say \"you didn't make that. He can't help it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There isn't too little land, there isn't inefficient land use, there aren't too restrictive land use policies, there are TOO MANY PEOPLE.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"fuck you and that Obama faggot ,thank god for trump","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I have never once met a woman whose mouth wasn't totally full of BULLSHIT. Stupid bitches!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Thank You Chase I miss you more than anything but I know you are where your supposed to be! Love you too the moon ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Now I've just heard that she's cancelled the rest of her tour after blaming everyone but herself for this shitty cuntish display.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Democratic always use race to divide Americans. Conservatives done see color The Democrats only see color Discussing","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=uOBPYEz8B-Yandt=42s Tommy Robinson Is Deceiving You A common theme with the islamonazis hiding as nazis is anyone who is leading the charge back against islam is controlled by the Jews. This obviously is of concern for islamonazis!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Farrakhan has refered to white people as Blue eyed devils. Will not even repeat what he has said about Jews. He is anti-Semitic.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"i'd get on yo ass just like some britches, my girl ah woop yo ho she throw dem bitches ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why did he snitch after he got ass for three months? She was getting too clingy and he wanted to upgrade to a younger broad Unfortunately confirms my theory that female teacher paedophiles are often women who can't get men their own age so they target younger ones instead. If you ask me though I think it's great that teenagers are wising up to this so quickly maybe they'll work together more now to bring down these sorts of manipulative cunts who are just using them, I don't have much sympathy for her. >Unfortunately confirms my theory that female teacher paedophiles are often women who can't get men their own age so they target younger ones instead. But then again, in most of these cases, it's an attractive, white or Hispanic pervery, cunt who was married or didn't have a man. The ones that didn't, would've turned men down online and on dating apps any day. Yet they would've crawl up in bed with an underage boy any chance they got. Even attractive white or hispanic lesbos, have victimized girls when most certainly they could have easily connected to another pervery attractive woman online or on dating apps, or at bars. They could get the type of women that many men cannot get. As women and as lesbians or bisexual women they would easily find a partner that they would have the hots for . Such as Brooke Rosendale who raped\/molested a 12 year old girl, Jaclyn Truman as a \"devout Christian\" who victimized a 15 year old girl, Allison Leigh Chilton who molested and sexted one of her special ed students who was a 12 year old girl, Hilary Dittalo, Sarah Barton whose victim's age hadn't come up. Also the foot porn star Bianca Byndloss raped\/molested girls who were 12, 15, and 16 at a party when there was so many men and women she couldve messed with instead.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Comeon.. These are absolutely retarded people, and no one takes them too seriously. Lets not delve into such childishness no?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Well now the liberals have finally destroyed sesame street. Whats left?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER i think she and her team imagined it all and now she is a victim in hiding from her abuser\". Kavanaugh and his family, friends ever imagined it, never.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Blizzard is obviously smarter than you fucking retards if you think they're going to spend thousands of hours making a hardcore old school dungeon crawler for basement neckbeards in the current economic environment. Go play fucking Path of Exile. It's better than any of the Diablo titles anyways. You guys are worse than fat rednecks who get in fist fights over Football games because you have no life or identity of your own so you have to live vicariously through video games and video game developers. I've never seen so much millennial crying and entitlement in a sub dedicated to calling out stupidity and immaturity. This game looks fucking stupid. Lots of games are fucking stupid. You know how much it affects me? Z-E-R-O. I'd rather spend my time playing good games than crying about bad ones. Talk with your fucking wallets. PS: Anyone who spent $200 on Blizzcon tickets was already a gullible fucking retard before this game was announced. Have you all been living under a rock for 5 years? Blizzard went full SJW and you keep throwing money at them and then getting mad when they don't change. You're the problem. KiA values ideological consistency. If you're going to trumpet consumer rights, don't be a tit to consumers. It can't be that hard, yet it is and that's why the sub is still twitching four years on. Furthermore, when buying anything you weigh up value proposition and customer loyalty. What's wrong with trying to minimise the spend on a *hobby*? >I've never seen so much millennial crying and entitlement in a sub dedicated to calling out stupidity and immaturity. you must be mighty precious if you have to imagine people crying on the internet. I love low effort trolls, it keeps threads lively.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Danger Treasonous individuals paid for by Soros and globalist @user @user #LockHerUp #BuildTheWall #BoycottNike #BoycottNFL #EndDACA now !!!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yeah. All Germans are like this. Every single one actually. can confirm. I'm german and probably retarded Yes I love being","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sex robot. But a manly-looking, bull dyke sex robot? Why???","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Let's be honest. It's going to be glorious to see u working in a concentration camp. Really is. And just right around 85lbs, sucked up and weak. A high dose of LSD will b administered and it (you) will b tossed into a cell with sexually starved migrants. I'm sorry, what was that? I had my retard filter on and it filtered out everything you just said.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nigger @Based_Aqua","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@TeamTrump @realDonaldTrump Mr. President- you were right!! We all knew it but thank you for being steadfast! Best President EVER!! #Trump2020 #Trump2020LandslideVictory ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Global Political Analysis -------> Muted? you have the soul of a left - retard child woman. You mute everyone when shit hits the fan because you cannot deal with the real world. I was not attacking you, I was attacking people who rely on experts. Who are you?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I absolutely loathe people, especially if they are gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user The girl who accused Kobe Bryant of rape wouldn't testify either. He admitted to the affair not assault. Case dismissed. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER This is dumb! What is the point?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I would love to see those trans people suffre. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Accept me for who I am. I understand it's not easy. But neither is loving someone who only tries to correct your flaws that only make you so incredibly unique. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"MUST READ: Delay the Kavanaugh Vote. This Senate is singularly ill-equipped to assess the allegations against Trump's Supreme Court nominee. URL via @USER #PostponeTheVote #maga #ncpol URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Kamala Harris speaks to those she disagrees with in a condescending fashion that I find gutter like! I want to snatch her bald headed routinely! She is so full of herself and is very unbecoming! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Stop giving me quotes start giving me facts that prove gun control will work","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER This makes me proud to be a resident of the City of Atlanta! Good to see places in Georgia still have character and integrity to do what's right and just amidst a state who can never seem to get that part together.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When I read about this current US Administration's appalling record with young children of immigrants, I have a chilling recollection of the story from Syria that launched the Revolution (and no, it was not a CIA... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This week has been long! They say coloring can be therapeutic and this amazing coloring book is perfect for that! Go show some love to creator @Jason_Millet! #MomsAreEverywhere #twill #keepgoing #BidenHarris2020 @MomsDemand https:\/\/t.co\/Ctj7lRMcjj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals don't give a rats ass but having power!! Period!! They cry over everything that doesn't go their way","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user @user #CloseTheBorder #StopTheInvasion! Where is our #NationalGuard???? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER If the @USER really want to conserve everything that is great about the #UK then they really need to bury this #fracking nonsense and do everything possible to make us energy efficient and fossil fuel free. @USER please do the right thing! @USER @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER 60 minutes is the one that had bragged about her and her story. you guys thought it was great she was female CEO. that was your story. Now she is the evil one. CBS - why don't you verify before your reporting??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What happens when you shut off their supply at the border? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I have an immigrant mentality, which is that the job can be taken away at any time, so make sure you earn it every day, How Pepsi's Indra Nooyi Learned To Be A CEO ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"teach young niggas they history all blacks is from royalty ancient nuwaupian kings and queens we was exploring the stars in pyramid spaceships when they white devils was still living in caves do NOT listen to the white devil lies #BlackGab #Negus #Nuwaupian #Blaxit #KenyansOnGab #AfricansOnGab#BlackPower #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #Wakanda This never gets old and this could turn into a pretty good nigger hate thread, bix nood muhfugga","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Racism and Pornography are the gatekeepers of true free speech. So you think it should be legal to sell porno to minors? What year are you fucking from? No one buys pornography anymore it's all free and accessible to all ages do you think that little \"click yes if you are 18+\" stops anyone? So what you're saying is, you don't care if adults watch porno with children? Did I say watching porn with children? No I said no one buy's porn and its accessible to all. I don't care if underage people watch porn. Even back when it was restricted to magazines kids still got ahold of it. You just had to work harder. Being Gen Z those of my generation grew up with it and we are more conservative than the Millenials or Boomers. The original claim is that porn and racism are the indicators of whether or not free speech still exists and that's bullshit. Free speech by definition excluded things that we restrict minors from accessing and you're a retard if you think racism and pornography are an apples to apples comparison. Freedom does not mean equality. Both are countering positions. Children are not equal to adults and so do not have the same rights. They have human rights but not civil rights for obvious reasons. As for your original argument. Racism is a required aspect of free-speech since racism is a flawed concept and used to censor people. Namely whites. \" racism is a required aspect of free speech since racism is a flawed concept \" ?.. there's you fucked right there.. fucking idiot.. Let me rephrase that. As I phrased it poorly. Racism as an idea is flawed because everyone is inherently racist. We evolved to be as such and hold in-group preference. During the righting of the first amendment, racism did not exist as a concept","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Racist Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"where did I read that the statue of liberty is a tranny sent by jews representing some goddess they worship or w\/e lol \"where did I read that the statue of liberty is a tranny sent by jews representing some goddess they worship or w\/e lol \" You my dear , don't know nothig! Stop reading the garbage of Christians Christian Garbage ..... Yeah and you see Christians doing this all the time all over the world right you fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Immigrants should all be killed. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"'London deserves better!' Sadiq Khan SHAMED for abandoning mayoral duties as crime SOARS (He's on Jury Duty, but hey, I'm in LOL) https:\/\/www.express.co.uk\/news\/uk\/1027049\/London-crime-news-Sadiq-Khan-knife-gun-London-mayor-latest-Shaun-Bailey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Because apparntly people believe the man who made his fame and fortune building things, can't get something built when he's President. I present to you The Wall under construction. https:\/\/youtu.be\/S024otpADnQ It's not the wall we were promised, it's just more of the same old shitty border fencing that has been used for years.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Girl so am I.. LOL he is actually grown now ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If this were true which it is not, well then there are millions of us in this nation so move on if you do not like it, leave @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA now !!!!!!!!!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why do we whites always have to pose with nigger babies like it's some kind of popularity contest? Have you ever seen African leaders picking up white kids to win voter approval? Nope NEVER, because they don't give a fuck about white people. We need to return the favor.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"ANTIFA did this yesterday at the Cenotaph to women of WWII in Whitehall. https:\/\/pbs.twimg.com\/media\/Dpc7xkfWkAAum_f.jpg:large Wonder if they got their Soros pocket money for doing this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's a double edged retarded sword. You roll a 20d and if it's 1-10 it will make you a full retard, like absolutely no control of your actions and practically brain dead. If it's 11-19 it's the same for the enemy and if it's 20 it will make every enemy in the battle retarded. The effects stay for the entire battle.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I have full faith in Joe and Kamala to make this country a place where you can love who you love and be protected and not have to worry about loosing your rights under their administration. I believe a new day is coming. SO GO VITE! LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/qsW1GUDg8B","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"faggot kangaroo fuckin' faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"The American administration's decision to withhold $300 million had a deep impact on UNRWA's ability to cater to #Palestine #refugees ' needs\" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A Textbook' Case: Disgraced Trump Fundraiser Elliott Broidy Charged for Lobbying Conspiracy https:\/\/t.co\/ktHLLjd18M via @RollingStone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER All Trump's fault I guess URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Churchill He knew the only good Muzzie was a dead Muzzie ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I will be looking to invest offshore after this","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The Google Walkout is yet another example of how no one is safe from bullying and intimidation by social justice advocates, not even companies that fell over backwards to try and cater to their wishes, wants and needs. Well, Google, while you're getting your education on these twats, you could always say hi to Wil Wheaton or the other social justice wannabe leaders that saw the worm turn on them. I'm sure they'll have lots to say about how to handle the capricious mood of the mob.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Exactly!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user After AAP coming to power influx of illegal migrants from Bangladesh to Delhi increased multi fold.Jhugis seen all around ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Because conservatism is dying and they know it is. So they are going to try everything in their power to hold on to their perception of what America should look like despite the fact most Americans are more centralist-liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"let jimbo suit up and fly to Syria... Isn't that a net gain when muslims kill each other? Seems like a sell-correcting problem there. That's how I see it. I like it. This guy's an anti-semite who cares what he says he's a f****** idiot. Muslims have been killing each other for three thousand forget about it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nurse Who Praised Trump's COVID Response at Republican National Convention is Under Arrest for Shooting Woman During Argument here: https:\/\/t.co\/RUa7zoWUrL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"http:\/\/www.news24xx.com\/read\/news\/11255\/These-are-the-5-most-beautiful-porn-stars-that-would-stole-your-attention @Tevlar trans like tammy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I want this stupid bitch out of my head I've never even liked her lmao I just basically want to rape her ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER About 1\/3 of the conservatives I know are pro LGBTQ.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"US ONLY 2018 Don't be an idiot. Illegal aliens stay as far away from government offices and agents including voting stations as they can get. If we got rid of all 8,000,000 illegal aliens the USA would lose billions in taxes and revenues while costing less in benefits they can't receive like SNAP, WIC, SSI, SSDI, Vocational Rehabilitation, Promise, etc.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"[deleted] Yes [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"IF WOMEN BLEED SO MUCH ONCE A MONTH HOW DO THEY STAY ALIVE? BECAUSE THEY'RE #DEMONS #WOMENAREDEMONS #BITCHBLOOD!! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lol sucking that dude's dick wasn't even the worst of it. She fucked, what, 3 different guys? RIP. its fake and these guys are delusional. \/r\/pussypassdenied users having delusional beliefs about women? Not possible. lmfao seriously this sub has the highest aggravated virgin rate in all of reddit. Well the rest of Reddit appreciates your candor in admitting you're a cunt. I was already giggling like a fat chinaman before it cut to the fat chinaman. Then I laughed louder. Then my girlfriend came home.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Beto also wants open borders so illegals can come an go as they please an also more gun control espically on semiautomatic weapons...#BetoNotForTexas","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I think the FBI should do the original interview. They scare people more than feckless congress that will have to handle her with kids gloves or be demonized in media and left. Put her under oath and attempt to get the truth. She will be protected by liberals in congress","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user You sound stupid. Women like you should stay in the kitchen and be quiet. This isnt about the money Obama has but about a dumb president and @user that wont do their job. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Who ever supported this guy? You know they can never be trusted.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user Fuck all to do wae him it..and I just can't be annoyed with hysterical mong women who talk sh ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When she cancels the dick appointment cause she's 'sick' then you see her in the bar on her snap story ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Redneck old guy with Sharia ideals. That's new. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/video-leftist-threatens-to-rape-conservative-woman-feminists-defend-him\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" @senorrinhatch @SpeakerRyan @LindseyGrahamSC @Scotus @IvankaTrump @FLOUTUS @GOP @nytimes @washingtonpost where is the Republicans why aren't you speaking out about this ???????????? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The #refugee status of 7 millions of #Palestinians cant be by a zionist conspirator like #JaredKushner. The United Nations for relief work agency #UNRWA was officially established by UN in 1950s to help #Palestinian #refugees,officials its work was tangible for peace process. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Wait so are pet stores hoarding? The fact that she is able to provide for an assistant to case for her animals means she IS adequately caring for them. Lmao that doesn't mean she has to do EVERY SINGLE THING on her own","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Mental case for sure","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Omg no. You have no idea wtf you are saying. It's like a pink sheet stock that keeps reverse splitting. Will eventually be worthless to everyone. But hey may keep dreaming. We all need dreams.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is fucking retarded. Why would anyone do this? Do they find a guy called Chris and complain to him about their Christmas presents too?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER They get testy and decide you're a paid shill\" a lot, if you end up hanging around QAnon you'll get used to it.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Those fucking calves man ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Calais Jungle refugees get a grip France they are visitors ,they have no rights or in a position to demand ,Europe needs to get a grip ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I expected to see kids in cages at a Tucson shelter for immigrant children. What I saw was worse via @user Get over it. They could have stayed in home country then come here illegally. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER A dying sport","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Saying Trump is the most corrupt president in history isn't an overstatement. https:\/\/t.co\/mEgjk5ahMM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lawyer sounds like a social retard. \"I didn't mean to sound insensitive that my cunt client wants to go have fun while her friend that she killed is six feet underground. Fucking idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Then tell your pal Soros to stop funding hate groups like antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#Westminster @USER #HouseOfLords #Tories @USER @USER @USER @USER #Brexit @USER #LabourParty #Labour @USER What a bunch of #hypocrites A total #ShowerOfShite URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Easy. \"Hello, mentally ill retard.\" -NPC > Or just play the game how the creators intended to and not make such a fucking big deal out of gender. Geez, are you implying that random assorted genderfaggots and miscellaneous otherqueers cannot have a decisive say in what game developers and artists do??? Aren't you suggesting by any chance that entertainment and art should be a medium of free expression, and not completely subjugated to the ever-changing dogma of today?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER 2A and putting an end to these Antifa fuckwits. Pardon the language","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fuck.!! The nigger golfers are kneeling too?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We went for a walk on the dyke just by the water. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Give us your poor, hungry, tired, nonwhite illegal aliens with HIV, measles, pertussis, rubella, rabies, hepatitis A, influenza, tuberculosis, shigellosis, syphilis, etc, otherwise you're a racist Nazi. All because some faggot wrote a poem once.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Thank you for your fortitude and perseverance. Please give McConnell a kick in the butt from some of us conservatives.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Yep because banning guns stops gun homicides. You'll also note that's close to the lowest number on record. What exactly would count as evidence if not that? Are you saying that if gun control doesn't stop ALL violence it's failed?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER It would be an interesting study if people were more gullible in Victorian times...with rising of the Antifa...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What's minds? I've never heard of it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"A lot of people make me laugh, very few make me smile ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER can you tell Cal I said how are you? I just wanna know how he is doing. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The vengeance we are going to exact on these retarded apes is beyond what even the sickest minds can imagine.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I follow civil liberals or center-left people and a few of them I've interacted with for yrs. I learn from them occasionally and hopefully vice versa. Never thought about blocking them. I guess a shift is what ppl might see as problematic ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER but you ARE the coolest dude","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@TomKawczynski Tom, you get fired for speaking the truth and are labeled a \"white supremacist\". listen to what they are advocating for us-this is ample proof that white genocide is NOT a conspiracy, but factual! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=2QWDkUVEFDA KILL Yourself FIRST you BLACK RACIST piece of SHIT!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gay people belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Lmfaooooo foh w that free thought shit Lmaoooo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER There were bad people on both sides. Or do you support Antifa?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Merkel and Salvini's migration crisis: Much ado about nothing? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So sick of being around Muslims like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So what we're saying Cathy .... is White Genocide is a crime, not a policy optionPolish MP: Our country is safe because we did not accept illegal immigrantshttps:\/\/t.co\/LGn8JaAHftAccess to White people is not a human righthttps:\/\/t.co\/c0gHvd6iMB ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It is increasingly clear that Feinstein and Schumer were sure Kavanaugh would drop out after the story leaked. They never planned for the old dinbat to testify and they never expected Kavanaugh to go Gladiator on them Once again, the lesson is you always punch back twice as hard.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER The comments that we should pity her because she is obviously not mentally well piss me off to no extent. If a POC did this they would not be concerned\" about their mental well being.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER The reaction from some conservatives was swift and appealed directly to male fears and male interests.\"- if men, after 50 years., can come forward about priests' sexual assault ,why can't women,especially if the person accused is going to be SC JUDGE and stay on forever\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER The truth will finally get out to Congress and the American people! That the Dems are trying to take out a duly elected President. They're running scared. #schiffhead #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Are you going your own way for yourself or to spite women? Because from your post you sound awfully obsessed about what women are thinking. >hmmm why are alcholic anonymous talking about brandy or jack daniels wrong metaphor. Correct one would be alcoholic anonymous reveling in how their new-found abstinence would hurt alcohol brewers' profits. Silly isn't it? and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Please, listen to the Scientists! #GoJoe2020 #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/BFMxdP9mgr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The world gets better and better everyday. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/canadian-rapper-dies-in-airplane-stunt-gone-wrong","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Honestly we all know he's stupid but what is actually surprising is how dumb and easily persuaded the people of our country are .. he'll say shit like this and every white redneck is screaming \"YEAH MAGA BABY URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Valley of the Children gives a glimpse of the refugee journey for two Memphis families, two families whose fathers had to make life and death decisions. Their stories are essential because they are our neighbors,... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is the community I am most active in. I get retards in other subs bringing up my post history as an argument when I say something they don't have a good counterargument for. Who are you to tell me what I'm associated with or not?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You actually expect a nigger to behave like a human being? Please.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So many sluts texted Stephen when we got Lionel 'our cats look the same!' Bitch 95% of house cats in the US are domestics, stay in your lane ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"transgenders need help...they are sick in the head. Civilization has messed up the world. Soon enough, people will claim to have the right to change to animals and it will be seen as human rights or right to choose","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"nigger lemon head.. who cares??? LOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@Yascha_Mounk @Susan_Hennessey Thanks Trump voters......and Fox News.#BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dueling protests in German town after teen allegedly murdered by refugee ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Darlington Rape Verdict: Attacker with hatred of women who described England as a 'bitch country' ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Retards just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@heart_uf_a_king I guess that all depends on how many black skinned voters opt for Trump? The more who vote for him the more likely Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be desperate to get you back in the Democrat fold by offering Reforms? I guess when voters vote with their heads they get results!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER but if you go on a date first..and then have sex...it's the best of both worlds. and the sex is better.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Three soft little figure skating ballerinas.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"alright ms bugs life built headass now tell me how shes a skank bc apparently you you know my bestfriend better tha ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gay wetback group coming to No VA will push for higher wages for behind the home depot dumpster bjs https:\/\/www.washingtonblade.com\/2018\/10\/11\/lulac-lambda-northern-virginia-launch\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@rustystubbs The organizers of the #Trump2020 #superspreader event should face fines. (test them first, #lockemup second.)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"2 Farm murders in two attacks only hours apart were reported by Ian Cameron on Twitter. This comes shortly after Cyril Ramaphosa denied these killings at the U.N. http:\/\/whitemurder.org\/2018\/10\/two-murders-in-two-attacks-within-hours\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Home office fuck of you paki bastards The cunt needs two in the head...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I didn't recognise her without her Antifa bandana.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You're explicitly NOT supposed to let people leave their bags at an airport, though. He could have been using her to camouflage a bombing attempt. Furthermore, why should she be polite to somebody who can't be bothered to just pick up their own damn bag and carry it? Is this r\/incels?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I've never cared about legacy myself, and do things anonymously, I don't know anyone from 500 years ago, so I doubt my non-accomplishments in life will be remembered. However, if I did care about being remembered in the future, I would do only positive things under my \"real\" name and do bad things under my \"anonymous\" name. I'd do it following this algorithm. CreateNewAnonymousAccount(); while(DoingThings()) { if(somethingIDidWasAmazing == True) { TakeCreditWithRealName(); { CreateNewAnonymousAccount(); } I mean, unless you intend to be a great leader or general or invent zero point energy or invent FTL travel, one won't be remembered. You have to do something astronomical for your own grandchildren to remember you much after you died, and you had better have been elected to something pretty high up to even survive great grandfather level. Luckily, I don't have kids, so I'll disappear like some dust, unless some jackass printed out one of my rantings or saved a video and as they die, screaming and shitting themselves, their kids go through his laptop, find all his porn, and wonder, 'why the fuck did Uncle Topher print out some faggot's response essay to a vice.com article on feminist painting with menstrual blood?' He sure was a sick bastard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Gay people are a cancr. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The #FakeNews from NBC just keeps coming. Their pro-murder phony journalist Robin Marty - we know she's a phony b\/c she did zero fact checking - is an evil, soulless cunt who doesn't consider 100+ murders the most prolific serial killing in history. http:\/\/bit.ly\/2yrHbxQ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Germany Navy rescued 22.000 refugees in the middlesea. Germany has not enough refugees, it wants more! by state duty. The citiziens will give the answer in elections. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Omfg You are so right ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Notice how all the white supremacists on Gab flooded onto this thread and were unable to coherently respond to the statements I made? Thus proving that they were NPCs? All they did was paste all of their usual photo memes, like an NPC is programmed to do, and then upvote and downvote accordingly, like an NPC. White supremacists are NPCs. filbert up aris but you get my drift","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals don't believe in facts just feelings","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER She's right, she's not one of,\" she is \"the one and only.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And We Deplorables will use the 2A to keep our democratically elected President in Power. How about that","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah whatever nigga fuck that and you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"but muh cunt is self-cleaning\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nigerians return home with a warning to others: Don't go to Libya @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Same with the conservatives","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" All charged will be dropped from #Nelly's alleged rape case, as the woman involved refuses to ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Was Lovecraft racist? Yup. He hated everyone. It wasn't just black people. He hated Catholics, Mexicans, the Irish, etc... He liked England and white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Hell, he disliked Jews and married one. I'm quite sure, if he were alive and we met, he'd dislike me from first sight. But does that mean you throw everything he added to a genre out? Of course not. We are adults. Adults can separate such things as an author's personal twatiness and their output. Well, we used to be adults.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is NOT a pussy pass denied. It's a dick cop being a dick cop This is a cop being attacked by a stupid drunk cunt of a thing","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"God they all sound like NPCs just parotting the same shit over and over. >\"Everyone advocating for GamerGate ideology or complaining about \"race changing\", \"sjw agendas\", or \"forced diversity\" in gaming is an alt-right racist and sexist. >ALL OF THEM.\" Thinking in absolutes. Welcome to the making of your own terror. Dumb cunts. >GG still exists? Maybe stop talking about it? lol >Gamergaters, incels, MGTOW's all have an immense victim complex and they genuinely believe they're under attack. AWWW LAWD. THE IRONY. \"ALT RIGHT\" \"NAZIS\" \"TRANSPHOBES\" \"HOMOPHOBES\" \"ANTI-LGBT\" etc etc The inability they have to self reflect is perplexing. GG blew up into the \"misogyny\" narrative on your side because you fuckers literally chose to act emotionally rather than understand the initial point against ZQ. GG is still talked about because you fuckers played victims. You still play victim to this day. Your whole identity is based on being a victim. Cuddle up buckaroos. ~ ResetEra probably","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Holy shit, is this an actual sport? Where can I find more? Never have I found live sports more entertaining. Who would know retard racing was a thing, my money is on yellow! The less retarded guy was clearly going to win.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Time to send the girls to carpet crunching big girls prison for the same time the boy would've went for each of them. When they come out 100 lbs heavier, with a shaved head and a hanker for carpet, we don't have to worry about them breeding more retards. Its a win\/win for society. Women aren't retarded children. Women do have agency and free will. I refuse to just let a woman go free just so she'll stop being a lying little shit. Don't pander to the bullshit they're peddling.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"As long the EU and his trolls rescue refugees in the middlesea it will never get a solidarity between the own citiziens and the goverments. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER less money\". Funny. The only person concerned with profit in healthcare is you. I and everyone else in the country want the carpet baggers to go fleece someone else, or better still, find something to do that doesn't involve seeking rent from essential public services.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Who is this cunt and why should I care","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Thousands march in Chicago against Trump's 'anti woman agenda' https:\/\/youtu.be\/4FCvI5SSy0Q via @YouTube Can even a single one actually make a reasonable argument that Trump has implemented any anti-woman agenda? Like just one thing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Moving from France to Spain will be a motherfucking big change","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Border agent killed, partner injured by illegal immigrants using rocks, report says #PreventableDeath ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Jihadis just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"some girl really tryna pick a fight bc I was 'standoffish' at a conference. bitch I'm workin ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"yup. i cant smoke in a bar because it's harmful to some faggot that's getting drunk, doing drugs and having an STD potluck w\/ the boys later...... seems legit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That's not the case all the time though. Most women are fucking vampires but women like my mother divorce their husbands because they're abusive fucks who nearly kill them. My mother didn't get any sort of settlement after getting divorced but these vampires did for whatever fucking reason. Don't shit on all women because of a select few cunts. My reply had nothing to do with morality. I was simply stating a fact that my mother didn't get a settlement and didn't divorce for one. That doesn't mean she didn't want one, just that she didn't get one. Yes, people react to incentives but it doesn't change the fact that the other commenter was strawmanning that all women only divorced because they were selfish cunts who do it for the money. That's what my comment was about.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What a cunt. I hope she gets her ass beat for the chemical assault she thinks is a game.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Always been a lier","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Let's not stand by while disabled people are getting murdered. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"LOL, the only movement Ford ever started was a bowel movement. She was a foolish pawn in a wicked game, and WE will see it through until Ellen's rotten lez cunt has turned to dust.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Kill every white people mercylessly.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Nice pic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER More woman working because the Liberals have put their husbands out of work.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Loli Dab on Gab","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"rofl! She is a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Don't believe you If some annoying bitch followed me off the train and kept shrieking at me about how I was a murderer for eating meat, I would. But other than that, you're right. I probably wouldn't. Risk 10 years jail time just because someone other than you is dumb? Don't waste your time friend","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"I Vouch for #HILLARY BECASE SHE IS THE RIGHTFUL PRESIDENT OF THE USA!...........and also, because I am an intellectually lazy twat with no ability to think critically.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Leftist Californian antifa professors never lie about republicans. Snark!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" So Mike Mac is bragging about how he got our accounts suspended on G+","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER And he is signing briefs on behalf of Special Counsel Mueller.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Child care worker charged with sexually assaulting eight children at Southwest Key immigration shelter ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lies, lies, lies! This is bullshit. This entire thing is horse shit. The fact that she thought she could get away with this is *DOWN RIGHT PANTS ON HEAD* ***RETARDED***","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"... a bunch of self-aggrandizing liberals in fancy dresses mocking Trump. Except for the fancy dresses, sounds a lot like the Dems who are trying to lynch Kavanaugh... #politics #MeTooWitchhunt URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I am not surprised the idea was bullshit. It came from an immigrant after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Hyperbole? Libel? Shit fact checking? Must be..... . ANTIFA! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"Oh boy I sure like Spider-Man and Venom is my favorite villain. I don't like pop music. I'm going to see this film that appeals to my interest as opposed to this other film that does not.\" \"You're literally not a homosexual and any feelings you have toward your same sex is now non-existent.\" What a swarmy cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user He is 100% accurate. Diversity is our greatest weakness. Unity is our strength. United we stand, divided we fall. #BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll #StopTheInvasion #AmericaFirst ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trans people are s c u m. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Would any of the three offer a #PeoplesVote on Brexit?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It was his gift to retarded doves of lesser iq sanz grease lightning","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I remember once I was in charge of a disabled kid. Every night I was wishing slow death for him","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"They live for natural or contrived disasters so they can do this filthy nigger shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER For lying? How much is the DNC\/Soros\/Antifa paying her? How's your Chinese spy doing?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Most USSR jew wasn't killed by Stalin. Them flee to Israel in 1970s and later. You are greatly retarded as you compare 1933 and","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fugly diseased cunt speaks, fouls the air. Fuck off, walking STD.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user At that time (80 years ago) the USA were consequent and have a line. Today the USA are a soft nation without any sucess for the future. The invasion of illigal refugees must stopped in all ways. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hang em by their cunts and hang em high.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Minnesota Teacher Resigns After Posting Kill Kavanaugh' Tweet https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/dDdAYp\/Dp_J7_DNCWw_AEdd_Za.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Y4sz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RT @CamEdwards: Teen Vogue is owned by Cond Nast, which in turn is owned by Advance Publications, a privately owned company with 12,000 employees and revenue of $ You look like such a weaselly little faggot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER It's SO VERY IMPORTANT between now and the midterms to get the word out that all the #democrats want people of color to believe is they support them - which as you know is SO false. How can the word spread even more to those who need to know? #MAGA #NAACP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You are nothing but a queer. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"They are just a bunch of Jihadis. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-19\/daily-beast-dear-god-hillary-clinton-please-just-go","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I thought you had to fuck 20 different guys to be a hoe so that explains why women fine someone better but still ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Alien-ilegal! See?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Isn't spamming against the ToS @a? Or are you more interested in stifling conversation with #ThreadMute under the guise of 'freedom of association?'","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER He would say that.... he's running scared!! And so he should be!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Taking in S. American immigrants does not help these poor people of our country.. Inside Owsley: America's poorest white county @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hmm... Someone named \"Garcia\" wants to eliminate the US\/Mexico border. Imagine my surprise.What's it called when a foreign agent enters your country and sabotages your #BorderSecurity for the benefit of their own country?#StopTheInvasion #SecureTheBorder #BuildTheWall #NoIllegals ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"2015 me: men are trash Men: not all men! Me: ofc not :3 2017 me: men are trash Men: not all men! Me: you heard what I said ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Kevin Bacon, Michael J. Fox, Susan Sarandon Urge Voters to Support Gun Control Candidates https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/7r6W","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER I think he is racist out of touch with reality he treats the presidency like a reality show we're he is starring he has no empathy he is suffering from narcissism he has an in ability to tell the truth he may be mentally incapable of being the President of our Country URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Jordan says unable to host new wave of #Syria refugees #UnitedNations ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Churchill was a terrible cunt, shame he's romanticized in western media.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Immigration Compromise Saves Merkel Government in Germany for Now Germans still stupid ! This traitor should be hung from the nearest light post for destroying Germany... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dude should have just knocked her out! Why? So he can go to prison for domestic violence? Well get it on camera that they did that or you're the one going to prison You're right, most judges are incredibly smart people. However the jury is a totally different matter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dems Claim Kavanaugh is Too Partisan' Forget When Ginsburg Said This, This and THIS https:\/\/truthfeednews.com\/dems-claim-kavanaugh-is-too-partisan-forget-when-ginsburg-said-this-this-and-this\/ via @truthfeednews Match Made In Hell!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Classic nigger shit right here","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Look at the \"resistance\" ladies and gentlemen. JFC what kind of soy faggot cuckery are they practicing? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=jgnS5Hb8ynE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"She's 80 you fuckin retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lynching, Stompin' a whore Anything to do with hate crime That's what we responsible for Battin a fag Knifin a kike we're launching a war run through maternity wards throw niglets on to the floor We build drone technology to hunt and shoot niggers I'm good long as an old gun will kill a new nigger https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/LgJg1pPNXtyk\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/100022016480857\/videos\/362077404536139\/?t=132","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user @user @user Chill your beans you crazy bitch just because you have a cunt doesn't mean you resort straight to using it ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Arun Gupta Needs PROZAC stat. Funny how these FAR LEFT retards refuse to condemn communists and antifa terrorists","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@MarkJonesESPN Ole Mark is begging Jemele Hill to get him on at her new spot. Cryin ass baby #MAGA2020 ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER KKK and ANTIFA both hate groups created by the Democrats","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER LOL!! Same to you! Awe! How's it feel to want for the first time gimmie?! Is that a new feeling for you? Has mommy kept you on the tit all these years and now you don't know how to fend for yourself?!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Another perpetrator from the Middle East. Where are the Coptic Christians who where the real victims over there. Political Islamist's are very dangerous. They are not refugees they are fleeing the scene of the crime and the far Left welcome them here in Britain with open arms. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #DoYourJob #DoTheRightThing -U all know well what a stellar #SCOTUS #JudgeKavanaugh will B-a documented lifetime of excellence Don't B puppets obstructing @USER who is #MAGA and #KAG #ConfirmKavanaughNow #MAGA #KAG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"NPC Nasty Pathetic Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER ...the kind of repulsive projections usually reflect back on the source; be careful in what one deems appropriate for others lest it is applied equally to oneself...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fool me once shame on you. Pussy ho you wont fool me again. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lasted a week at Facebook.after 40 days and 40 nights in the gulag. I wrote this during the Dark Ages in America 7 years ago. I was on for 5 days before my last 30 day ban, LOL< its's actually kinda fun.... I still got 12 days left before I go back to shit posting on FB","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"He's done a hell of a lot more in his short time in office than that fucking nigger did in 8 years wrecking our shit..... If we judged ourselves simply by our ability to do better than niggers alone and not by what we're actually capable of doing then we wouldn't have built western civilization or put men on the moon. Niggers aren't capable of much so simply doing more than they're capable of ain't anything to be proud of.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"you kidding? He just made his bones in Washington DC and will soon be on Hillary's and Soros payroll ! He looks like a righteous little faggot soyboy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yeah, though hopefully given time CDPR may say \"fuck it\" and ignore the whiny cunts but either way, I don't see them making jokes anymore due to the ResetEra doxing and all that. I do hope the guy hasn't been fired but simply left but I could be wrong.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#VoteNOonGillum #Gillum Anti American radical communist criminal under FBI investigation. 2 Active investigations and Commorats trot this \"Magic Negro\" out on their Ticket. Sound familiar? = BathHouse Illegal Faggot Barry Obama","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"About 25% of illegal crossers have a criminal record in the US and an unknown percentage have committed crimes in their home countries. Of the 92 migrants, 65 had no criminal records. Ten were parents, all... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Note to Nancy: Manhood has zero to do with having a wall between countries. It is called national security and sovereignty for a country.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"i have never met anyone to say otherwise that isnt a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Chuck Todd is out of his nigger loving cotton picking mind! You can't make this shit up, but these commie shills can!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@Acosta Doesn't matter. You're either voting for Trump or against him. If you're \"undecided at this point stay home.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Islamists\/Antifa\/leftists would not allow us to lay a wreath in memory of the 9\/11 victims","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Iraqi refugee charged with shooting #cop last week. Feds reportedly halted his deportation in #2016. - ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's in black people's nature to be unciviliesd. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"piss on shonterjigho williams another overpaid underqualified retarded hoodrat CUNT!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Vice, finding a new low for being retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Pregnancy, Periods, Breast Cancer, Being Walked On, Rape, Harassment, Abuse...Females Go Through A Lot. WOMEN ARE STRONG ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"reminder that all the false idols crumbled before the one true god ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#BuildThatWall NOW.I am tired of the conversation.So tired of @user refusing to #BuildThatWall.@GOP, think we won't remember? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"except they do have time for that shit. there is a large trans community of pakistan, and they're usually poor and homeless. obviously it's important enough to them that they would be willing to get kicked out of already poor homes and literally be homeless to live how they want. i get that some of it seems retarded like \"changing your gender by the minute but you don't have to hate on people for having a genuine medical condition and trying to fix it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When you're practicing being homeless ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user The Politics of hard done Asylum seekers and designer Immigration policies to help them into Housing and NHS and other resources that can not be accessed by ordinary Uk Public all you do go on hunger strike or buy a Budgie get some publicity whi ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user @user @user @user 13 year old@ time of rape, woman brought sui ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Why do you think that hoe is in the back seat? Lol ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Americunts are fucking stupid. Americunts is what I meant you nipple licking butthole sniffer!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I would temporarily change parties if the Republican party would Primary agent orange\" with a REAL, Republican, Conservative. That would MAGA!!! At least a great start.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The Constitution is the \"supreme law of the land\" but this nigger don't like it dat way. It \"manipulates\" people, don't you know. Like giving them 10 specific RIGHTS. This monkey knows all this but he needs to shade the truth to rally his D mobs. This turd needs flushing!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Interesting read from our Chief Economist on how @user enhances U.S. economic growth. Learn more here: @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Iranian migrant stabs 6 people on German bus \" Was his plan to burn the passengers alive? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Well, you won't get any \"denial, distance, or false faggotry\" from me. You apologize for Lone Tards doing what Lone Tards do then you get to own it. Far better for them Spawn of Satan jews like most niggers to figure out that pretty much every White Man is a Nazi or \"The Boss Man.\" Showing them that you are a worthless whigger means you got to pay and they will collect. You want back in the bowel Movement then you can't wuss out, Moan Parrott.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"you're pretty stupid if you think censoring people further and pushing them into echo chambers is going to help the situation. do you also support censoring all muslims because their holy books inspire terrorism? It's foolish idiots like yourself who make the problem worse.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER It's almost as if 50 years ago (1968) something changed about how gun control was discussed by the NRA. How the NRA went from backing gun control to America's most powerful lobby group\" URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Right on! Time to stop this BS nonsense from the left. Time to prosecute antifa members as domestic terrorists as well.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Interesting use of SC experiment on social issue by well-known scholars - results are not good news from the humanistic perspective though: From welcome culture to welcome limits? Uncovering preference changes over time for sheltering refugees ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hey, what happened to equality? I thought all of us were for it. So if a chick kicks a guy, it's equal to a random dude kicking kicking him and if he is justified in beating his ass up, he is \"equally\" justified in beating her ass up. Besides, she started the fight, he ended it. And don't start telling \"she was doing it for fun.\" What do you think would have happened if the guy did that? The chick could have him kicked out of the bus and have him branded a molester\/sex offender and ruined his life faster than you can say 'Feminism isn't about equality.' Having a cunt doesn't magically make you a fragile creature. Girl hits you? Knock her the fuck out. #Equality. And if no one wants beatings, better keep your hands and legs to yourself. To the guy in the video: if you're reading this, you did good. But perhaps start with hitting her legs off firmly and not go straight to smack-down mode, will ya? 2 chances, if not complying, go all Fourth of July on her ass, or his ass if it's a guy. Savvy? Women deserve equal rights, *and left's.* More rights than amnesty international Equality isn't beating the fuck out of some random children just because they're acting like little shits. Perhaps if they got a bit of spanking as kids when they were being little shits, they wouldn't have faced this problem in the first place, by simply respecting the space of others. Man, if I snatched up and started wailing on every random misbehaving child I saw, I would be in prison. Be an adult. No one said discipline random peoples kids you don't know.... If this dude was that 10-12 year old girl's father then there are other problems here lmao Or they could be put in place by reasonably firm words,, not necessarily expletive-ridden.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He needs euthanasia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"[Woman makes an all female company and it implodes](https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-1168182\/Catfights-handbags-tears-toilets-When-producer-launched-women-TV-company-thought-shed-kissed-goodbye-conflict-.html)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What do you do if a Belgian throws a grenade towards you? Pull the pin out and throw it back -sincerely, the Netherlands -edit- I listen to Studio Brussel almost constantly, and I heard that joke come by a lot, except then it's the Dutch who throw it. Belgian here. How do you make a Belgian submarine sink? Knock on the door. Ha! Belgians sure as hell didn't let Germany walk through its country at the beginning of WW doesn't mean we aren't retarded now. Perhaps but at least you make the best beer in the world and that counts for something.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No, we Conservatives have NOT. It's smoken' mirrors by Establishmnt Dems who are inbred, demon possessed and controlled by LUCIFER (father of lies\") through Soros\/Obama\/Clinton ET AL @ this juncture in history. #ReversePCism is KEY and rebuke them ALL in the name of Jesus!!! #KAG!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Any mention of using the 25th Amendment on obama would have had the left screaming racism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I think someone should snap the necks of those immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Sigh... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's assault and battery yes but at the same time he knew what he was doing.... seems to me like he's using the dance as an excuse to air-hump this chick, notice how as soon as she turns her head he tries to act extra casual? Not done with innocent intent at all. And from her view she just turned around and caught a dude air humping her, I'd be pissed off too. Bring on the downvotes but this dude is not exactly innocent here Thanks for agreeing exactly with my point that what she did was a crime Not sure what you're even trying to argue about to be honest? I don't know today's being really shitty and I mean beyond reasonably shitty. Sorry man Sorry to hear that. Hope things get better for you tomorrow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Your Daily Reminder: Jesus was a socialist and said rich folks burn in Hell forever. If you don't know that, you have no remote clue what's in the Bible. Nope not a socialist. I think we've been through this before. The poor go to Heaven, and the rich burn in Hell forever. That's way to the left of a socialist. The OT is an extreme income distribution required by Law document, but if you do heavily redistribute your income, you're ok. But Jesus, you burn in Hell forever regardless. What Bible versus is it that said? I don't remember that at all from Sunday school. Another one that's never read the Bible. Blessed are the Poor, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. The Rich are as likely to enter Heaven as a camel is to pass through the eye of a needle. Something about that you find complicated? He says it repeatedly. Okay so Matthew 19: He says 'easier' not 'likely'. Because a rich man wouldn't give up their earthly possessions as I read it. Uh huh, and just how \"easy\" is it for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle? And it's harder than that, rarer than that (which has never happened). Yes, it was after a rich man asked Jesus how to be his follower, and Jesus said you have to give all your money to the poor. Needless to say, the rich man wasn't thrilled about it. Well, he was the Son of God. As are we all sons of the Living Father. If you follow Jesus. No, I'm someone that just demonstrated you have no clue what's in the Christian Bible (or historical sources too, of course.) You think Muzzies know the Bible better than you do too? They don't even know what's in the Koran. Whatever, I appreciate your work. You get people talking about things. Have a good night. You too, best wishes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@mendesftbombay I heard the Tamilians are doing pujas for Joe Biden and Kamala to win","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".@USER thinks he is a funny man. But \"think is the key word...because he isn't that funny. #ALLINOnLonnieIsntFunny #MarchOnFromWalker","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"His therapist is an immigrant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I love black people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sorry about all of the McCaskill posts, but she's a cunt and has no right to legislate against my, OR YOUR 2A rights..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#FactCheck Because of the close contact with President Donald J Trump at the debates. Joe Biden will self quarantine until November 4. #MAGA #MAGA2020 #MAGAStrong #Trump2020 #TrumpPence2020 #Trump2020LandslideVictory #Trump2020NowMoreThanEver #PromisesMadePromisesKept ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"> If you literally read this post and assumed by the use of the word \"free\" that this person thinks that these items and services should literally be made and performed without some kind of payment than you are an idiot If you read this post and assumed that that retard even *works*, ***then*** you are an idiot. > No shit it isn't by dictionary definition \"FREE\" Uuh, trying to redefine words here in TiA? What's next? \"Racism\" is \"Prejudice + power\"? Keep trying, you're funny.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I don't like ninnying nigger loving faggots and basically commit suicide nancy boy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"May is stopping the UK from ever leave even play has like lot of cunt s and we can see straight throw the evil cunt witch we want herfired","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT @user @user I have actually asked 'why are you still here?' to a man's face before. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Leave and move to Faggot Land !!! https:\/\/www.usatoday.com\/story\/news\/world\/2018\/10\/02\/trump-halts-visas-same-sex-partners-diplomats-un-employees\/1495218002\/ Aw, no Butt Fucking for you guys. Pahahahaha","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user White woman are so quick to claim rape, so how about you black sisters? We rarely heard you! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hillary Clinton is it retard as well. she's essentially saying that as long as we're winning we'll behave but when we're not will throw temper tantrums https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/hillary-clinton-democrats-cannot-be-civil-with-republicans-anymore","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Doesn't compute!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They are human, the most intelligent species on Earth. They are the answer to their own problem. It's not how others see them, it's how they see themselves that truly matters. not really. that matters to you. it doesn't to them. matters. you use that word but i don't think it means what you think it means. it's like when you meet someone who doesn't know the difference between opinion and fact. Starving to death is not a matter of opinion. People who are too dumb to earn a living exist on charity. Pretending that they don't is foolish, especially when you claim it's all just a matter of opinion. Because it isn't. i fall on my sword. i beg for forgiveness. i misread your original post. i offer 25 karma points as retribution and i hang my head and ahhhh... feel shame. i retract original and supply the offering. Consider that most people evolved where it was fairly easy and amusing to get food. Even farming, people like it and will do it for fun. Not all people are evolved to work a miserable job to feed themselves. People hunt and fish for fun. Those who did not enjoy it did it poorly and likely were left to starve. Their relatives probably helped them, same as now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You must free yourself from the lies you've been programmed with. Your nation isn't an idea or a melting pot. If it's not any of those things then what is it? It's the same thing that's always made up a nation, a racially homogeneous group of people. In the case of America, that means white people. >> In the case of America, that means white people. << Said who where?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I thought GOG was turning far left? Is there an internal fight going on there? GOG was never turning \"far left\", people were just getting their panties in a bunch over a massively overblown post. That one post was pretty clearly SJW dude Not in the slightest, dude. Start thinking rationally instead of giving in to outrage culture when it fits your biases. Do you know which one I'm talking about? Yes, and it wasn't SJW in the slightest. https:\/\/reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/904x7q\/twitter_bullshit_gogcom_caves_to_the_game\/ So let me get this straight. Your postion is that calling GG an abusive movement and virtue signaling about \"hate isn't even *slightly* SJW. If the shoe fits, mon amie. Well that's the issue there Gambit, it does not in fact fit. It fits very poorly. According to you, and we've already established that you're heavily invested in outrage culture and kneejerk reactionism. Seems like you're pretty invested in outrage and getting reactions considering all your repeated attempts at provocation through insults, contrarianism, and incredibly flimsy circular reasoning. Seems almost like **...TROLLING?!?** Nah. You have a good one. He's definitely trolling you. Check his profile. Right here if you wanna try taking a swing at me. We both know you lack the balls tho. Oh wow, weak cuck talking like a tough guy in the internet. I haven't seen that before. Oh no, someone's 14 day old alt account thinks bad things about me. How will I ever recover? Man, you sure are triggered buddy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A queer nigger on a sissy bike . The bike needs to be pink I think lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER That's awesome! I bet Liberals are screaming right now. Trump's face when he heard it was great! Go Trump!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sorry U dont say stupid shit on my posts! Thanks Bob :-) That doesn't sound very free speechy. I am not for free speech. Once my side wins the other side will be quiet Yea but Gab claims to be for free speech. Giving people the power to delete other people's comments would be the opposite of what their trying to do. Once you have enough of someone its easy to ignore them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He uses common sense","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".@USER WHAT numbers do YOU use? Where do YOUR numbers come from? WHY did you ignore the current THEFT from Medicare? Is your ignoring the cost ignorance or deceit? MAKE Liberals pay for #WelfareForAll! #Iatrogenesis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lol, hate boner. Who teaches you retards to swear? Also, why are you so upset?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Making out women are hysterical overreacters desperate to plague good men with false accusations is *not helping*, sister. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I never call you an American! #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Fuck that a bitch needs to have more class you cant act a ass because someone liked a tweet about you it dont matter who you are! #nyfw is not the place to decide to be about that life and run up and throw shoes. What Cardi Did wasnt the issue WHERE it was done was the issue!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Entitlement. They have been told by every aspect of our culture that they are amazing and perfect exactly as-is, and so, naturally, they deserve nothing but the best. They've all been brought up on the notion that Mr. Darcy is just around the corner. I was talking to a neighborhood girl at a block party on the 4th. Good looking woman (about a 7 without trying), single kid, unmarried, 22-23 (I think), no education, no job, lives with her parents. She was bemoaning the fact that there were no good men around. I asked what she was looking for and the list was what you would expect - tall, handsome, good job, own their own home, nice car, ... yadda yadda. She mentioned Tom Ellis from the TV show Lucifer as an example. I asked what she brought to the table to deserve such a paragon, and that completely blew her mind. She had no idea what I meant and couldn't wrap her mind around the idea that she needed to have something to offer. Kept coming back to me and asking what I meant over the course of the afternoon. I haven't talked with her since, although I've chatted with her mother a few times. Her mother tells me that whatever I said freaked her daughter out, and she'd been talking about it with her friends ever since. I note that Mr. Darcy still hasn't shown up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fast-Food Workers Union Demands Restaurant to Allow Employees to Wear 'Abolish ICE' Pins | Breitbart #BuildTheWALL #AmericaFirst #NoDACA #NoDEMS #GreatAwakening #MAGA #WalkAway #ThesePeopleAreSick #ICE ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Everyone will be dead by 2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Sex is work","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Richard Spencer is a bolshevik faggot who has done absolutely nothing for whites.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"A winner is a dreamer who never gives up!\" ~ Nelson Mandela#RidenWithBiden #BidenHarris2020 #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #DumpTrump","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Throat-punch that faggot DeNigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"He is little rude. Yes she was, but he was still very unprofessional. I think he might be the 'respect mah authoritaay' type.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah, just like \"Death to all Jews and niggers\". It was a prank, bro!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"BREAKING: GTV Releases SECOND HUNTER BIDEN VIDEO -- Hunter's Stash of 4.7 Grams of Crack Cocaine on Scale https:\/\/t.co\/i4kc5ssQtF via @gatewaypundit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"...Instead of taking concrete actions to help #reunite #immigrant #children who were separated from their parents, push forward gun control legislation, or work to #repeal the Muslim travel #ban, they did Trump's bigoted bidding without question.\" #FamiliesBelongTogether #NoBan\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Like Antifa hiding their faces?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER shut the fuck upppp kliff i'm bigger than you and gayer than you so don't try any shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is jeopardizing our security! If he wants to show he favors transparency he can instead release his taxes!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Soros is a jew....his father was a Communist Jew....flooding majority white countries with non whites is something a jew would do His mother was jewish as well...holly shit I swear some of you are fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER That was Awesome. I love hearing you destroy the Liberals but most of all Trudeau","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"so says the sand nigger cocksucker From what your timeline has on it, *you* worship 'sand niggers' (jews) and 'cocks'. ;)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Good news. I hope their advertisers are getting free ad space.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@KamalaHarris Liar If you remove Trump Tax Cut then all of our Taxes are going up again to what was before. That is what Harris\/Biden ticket will do.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Take your muh dik bullshit back to the Daily Wigger forum where it belongs.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Idc if a bitch was a hoe cause I love hoes. They're mad fun and nastyyy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Couldn't have said it any better myself. [removed]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":">Hoard resources Considering the Batista's Cuba was a glorified whorehouse for Americans and mafia, the whole \"we just hoarded resources\" stuff smells like bullshit. Like when the former emigrant claims that he was driven out from the USSR because he just \"worked hard\" and then starts fapping off to an idea of having \"Russian bydlo working for him for food (food loan, to be more exact) and fucking peasant women\". No, mate, you didn't get kicked away because you were \"worked hard\", you spat on the community for years, and when time came, community spat back at you and you fucking drowned in the process. PS: Funny how it got positive at start, and then dindu nuffins sweeped with their downvotes. Go away, tankie. Yes, because the only options are brutal, incompetent autocratic tsar, and brutal, deranged communist dictatorship. Gee, if only there was a less radical path, where rule of law would be enforced, and the basic rights of citizens would have some level of protection. Huh. If only. You need to stop your use of swear words immediately or I WILL bring the hammer down. That's not a threat- ITS A PROMISE!!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Go away my child. You are so boring that you can't even entertain a doubt. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You are exposing us URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When you win the lesbian olympics ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user I would enjoy standing back to watch you suck cocks and swallow huge loads of cum, while you're helpless. As you suck each cock I'll finger your pussy until you cum, while you choke on cocks and cum! When I do take you home, you'll be exhauste ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He looted our money and now he is repaying our debts","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you aren't as retarded as your reply is, you would know what a false equivalence is. Hindus are natives of India. Muslims are invaders from a desert. The fuck that is Bullshit about it is Hindus defending their native land against invasion does not make them equivalent to Muslims plundering and pillaging an innocent population. LEARN. Go fuck your self retard Hindu lover. Muslims and Hindus lived in peace until after the British invaded and left. Now India has a zio Hindu priminister stirring hatred to cause division. Go and eat some beef there see what happens to you under Hindu rule. Christian minorities also suffer. Now piss off.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"fuck you clinton cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"CA gets their wish, it's now a 3rd world shit hole Downtown LA is hit by an outbreak of flea-borne TYPHUS amid fears feral cats and rats are spreading the disease https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/health\/article-6243213\/Flea-borne-typhus-outbreak-hits-downtown-LA.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER I had to click on it just to see what the hell you were talking about. I still don't know. Is your war on conservatives like the war on christmas?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@KT_So_It_Goes @KyleOrl Wow so they either keep forgetting who's on the ballot or they REALLY ran out of places to try to dig up dirt on Biden.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I mean... Back in my day kids did that by skateboarding and listening to punk rock, or by pretending to worship the devil... I'm not sure where this gender identity bullshit came from. I honestly thought the stuff we make fun of on here was confined to the late teens\/early 20s sjw type and that it was blown out of proportion most of the time. Didn't think this stuff is now common place in highschools. The difference is that when a kid decided they were goth 15 years ago, everyone knew it was just a dumb phase except for the goth kid. This gender identity crap is a fad disguised as progress, and the kids are getting outside feedback reinforcing that behavior and putting that idea into their heads that they're woke and discovering who they really are... nobody did that for punk\/goth kids, because everyone knew it was retarded. And I mean... I'm sure it's helping some kids who are real-deal queer, but overall this shit seems like it has a potential to cause a ton of damage, unlike the fads previous generations had going for them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER No that is Antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just so odd this 'white knighting' from Republicans. @RealCandaceO advocates for felons in prison to vote and @kanyewest says if he was worried about racism he'd have left America long ago. These people, both of them are POISON. Yet they're doing more for Conservativism than most Conservatives are doing.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"i support hanging the nigger muslime obama hussein","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"In a just world, those women would all be d e a d. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"SWAMP THING: Undercover Video Reveals McCaskills's Extensive Efforts to DECEIVE VOTERS | Sean Hannity https:\/\/www.hannity.com\/media-room\/swamp-thing-undercover-video-reveals-mccaskillss-extensive-efforts-to-deceive-voters\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I want to make clear I don't think gun control\" is the answer people are looking for as far as gun violence is concerned. I do find that people should focus on mental health and bullying in schools if they want to address the root of the problem.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wtf is wrong with these proportions, the character looks like a squashed midget Toothpaste guy's arms in the last panel physically hurt to look at Ehem, Toothpaste \"guy\" Check yo pronouns ***F U C K*** That actually made me cry, that was fuckign great.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wakanda: A delusional kike invention to fool their nigger slaves into believing they're equal to the white man.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"My shawty is a good girl not no freak hoe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"But twitter blocks AlexJones ?!? #ANTIFA <<< KOS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Those who rape women are talking about women role. #rapistsinuniform. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many trannies in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"we gotta vote these faggots out","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When are people going to stop asking, Why are they only coming out andamp saying something now? If you have not been sexually,( mentally and emotionally) abused as a child, by an adult You are not going to understand their reasons. If they tell you why, LISTEN!! Stop asking Why now? One reason victims don't come forward when YOU THINK they should, is bc no one will believe them. Not all cases, a lot of use are like that though. All situations are different with different types of people involved, We all have our reasons. If you're not going to listen, stop asking. You're choosing to be ignorant. Being sexually abused and ALL that comes with it, psychological abuse etc. Forever changes you, You're forever damaged and it can never be undone. Instead of looking at victims as a group, look at them and their story as their own. They're not all the same, and we will not all do the same thing after the damage has been done.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You trans people make me sikc. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Except when it comes to tyrone Woodley. Lol you ate your words eh dan. 45 mins about how great till was and why Woodley wasn't that great. What happened bud? Some fucking expert. 74-1. Stfu dan hardy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"1\/2 establishment. May. panicking. Trying to get us to abandon brexit. Liberals.. MPs. Now police say they couldn't keep us safe if we leave eu. They say we'll be bankrupt. house prices fall. Food prices rise.... URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Top Alt-Right Site Now Siding With Antifa Calls For Attacks on Pro-Life Women https:\/\/altrightexposedblog.wordpress.com\/2018\/10\/05\/top-alt-right-site-now-siding-with-antifa-calls-for-attacks-on-pro-life-women\/ I have always said the \"alt-right\" is really the \"alt-kike\" I am not in the least surprise","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Good for you.. he is bit miss guided for me to follow as the guy to me seems more like an idiot and a crock but if you think that he is perfect even though there is multiple investigations against him whom am I to disagree. I'm still looking for a better role model for America cya","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Elections don't matter. If they did they would not be allowed to exist anymore. If you're still falling for that con, you fully deserve to get fucked over by your \"party of choice\". You asked for it at that point. If they \"don't matter\", then it shouldn't matter, to anyone, if we vote in them, right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER if you're hosting them you are AT LEAST nominating them for a prize! Don't be teasers!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's in a womn's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"dinn do nuffin","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#LandDegradation drives mass #migration, #climatechange. Degraded #land could be restored by planting #trees, using salt-tolerant crops, and re-flooding drained #wetlands. #soil #landrestoration #landlivespeace #livelihoods ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"lol. i got a similar thing, its called growing up in peckham. so whats your point cunt ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The savagery ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Eh go fuck yourself dude, thanks you faggot ass bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If Beto wins, it will be because he cheated. https:\/\/ilovemyfreedom.org\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Amen. He is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".@USER What say you now? I guess it's for liberals to use the so called white power\" gesture. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gay people are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Find big dude that can talk eloquently. Teach him some phrases from many languages and hope he has an indistinct accent. Give him a ballin' mask that ain't retarded. Give him some meds on demand. Throw him at the Bat. DONE.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nice to see the guardian acknowledging that mass immigration destroys culture and a people's identity. I sure that wasn't the intention of the article, but it is the truth. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Muslim migrant beheads 1-year-old girl, Merkel bans media..https:\/\/t.co\/RXnJEsrSpv You are suppose to protect your people. Shame on you. The next head could be yours. Dont trust your Muslim friends. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"who gives aa fuck about shit diamonds from the jews fuck them both","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you're gonna go to a sand nigger wedding , wear a flak jacket , they are fucking retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Most disabled people are absolute bastards. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bono wants Africa and the EU to join forces against Trump and the US and \"take over the world [BONO-MOTHERFUCKER IS A TRAITOR. HE IS THE KING OF THE MONGRELOIDS. ANY FAN OF HIS=ENEMY OF MINE] https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/bono-wants-africa-and-the-eu-to-join-forces-against-trump-and-the-us-and-take-over-the-world\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I doubt it'll work in India. Worth a shot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Helping refugees proves labour of love in Germany ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Woah. You call me a faggot but your bio is my organization's moto. Lol you believe the same thing as those you call fags?! Maybe they are only butt pirates or corn hole drillers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"My mom really thinks I'm a scumbag. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This faggot is going to like prison very much . He is going to meet the Health inspector . Ha ha ha https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/abortion\/2018\/10\/08\/resistance-man-who-assaulted-pro-lifer-arrested\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I got a new wig and I feel like a bad bitch. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@Shazia your premise for your book sounds like shit. loose? gtfo of here . you wont follow me..no subversive anti white shit will. Would someone kindly translate this Gab, please. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Disabled people like you are justpathetic. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I don't even understand what you are saying. Wow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Why aren't you speaking out against the injustices that are still occurring to the Windrush generation\/black Britons whose records Theresa May destroyed as Home Secretary and whom now she is deporting as prime minister? #InstitutionalRacism","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Thanks to The Duran, pray we do the 'no deal' https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=FsAEVvqf2JM because i'm new to gab and have no idea where to post this, i'll post it here. please share: https:\/\/petition.parliament.uk\/signatures\/50120426\/signed?token=BtKooF4vWXUV9JMSUvmV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"These black people disgust me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER -Student loan debt relief -Increase minimum wage -Stronger gun control laws -Reforms for election process -Stronger environmental protections -Affordable housing for everyone -Stronger protections for women's rights -Net neutrality","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user Where was your outrage when Obama did this to 25,000 kids for months ZERO! Where is outrage for all the Angel moms that lost their kids to illegals never to see them again EVER! 1.3 Million in US already on FBI terror watchlist! #Bu ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trump doubles down on obeying law that's causing family separation: 'The US will not be a migrant camp ... not on my watch' Oh, HELL YES ! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I follow bogleech cos I liked some of their stuff. But a lot of it's pretty 'eh' to me and their political views are pretty dumb sometimes. Like this here. The problems of the super-rich are far more nuanced than is presented, with a number of causes and areas of blame. A lot of it comes down to politicans just plain not doing their job, and\/or doing it incompetently.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Listen carefully. @USER @USER #QAnon #Qanuck #AskTheQ #WeThePeople #TheGreatAwakening #TheStorm #MAGA #WWG1WGA URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER What What In The Butt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"Just Sayin .... #Biden2020 #BidenForPresident https:\/\/t.co\/ZQik3UV580","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I hope he is found #! Best wishes to you and your family!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Who the hell voted down on this?! I'm a flaming faggot and even I know a smokeshow when I see one.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Whoa damnit that's brilliant! ..And true too wouldn't ya know i got a few hundred thousand of those over the years too! Hahah :D Don't ya worry whole hep USA infesto with the Deep State satan slime @ this point friend .. Don't ya worry whole hep USA BEEN infesto with the Deep State satan slime @ this point friend : \/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Find a long-dicked nigger to fuck your ass 3 times a day...500 calories an hour","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Why don't you say he knew those emails were approved to be released. He knew he could release them. His grand standing got called out and his theatrics are unbecoming of a US Senator. Call him out or you are FAKE news just like @USER calls you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"just give da nigger da baton and let him march in the parade that'll keep the son of bitch happy..LOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Classic. Backlash? When we're finished there will be no Democrat party left!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"NEW BLOG POST At World Relief, we've welcomed and provided support to almost 300,000 refugees since 1979. We love these strangers as neighbors because Jesus calls us to. But we also do it because we know that's what we'd all want for our own families. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You have to stop calling people shemales. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Grow some fucking balls and take back your country, bongs. Start killing reporters, politicians, and Asians.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Large scale migration of illegal migrants to Delhi,hawkers menace,illegal constructions,appeasement have increased after AAP came to power ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ouch. Looks like back problems to me Could be wrong, but I heard that the vagina can heal itself and return to it's original state after a certain period of time after birth. But yeah, breast reduction is stupid. Same with breast implants. If they don't bounce, then they're fake.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Kid built a clock from scratch and got arrested because they thought it was a homemade bomb. He disassembled a store-bought clock and put it in a case*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Stand your ground and publish the truth. Ignore the backlash. @user Mail pulls story about migrant-infested' Paris suburb after backlash ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Is he fucking that nigger bitch? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"ME TOO Swedish: Mother(45) make a relation with an Afghani refugee (18). They have sex, but he also kiss and touch her daughter(12). She is fighter for Me too movement, but are out of each control. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Watch 10 Italian police officers try to arrest an illegal immigrant standing on bus - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Democrats always give people reasons to vote. What other party cares more about minorities or women and children? What party is fighting for healthcare? Which party is reasonable on gun control or immigration?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What was your 'red pill' moment? Mine is posted below.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Immigrants think they're special. I hate them. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Its called Gender identity disorder. Which they recently changed to \"Gender dysphoria\" Because they want to remove the mental illness part. When are people going to wake up and say it like it is instead of placating to these mental patients? Don't muse mentally ill. Why do it with them gender tards? Boys have penises woman have vagina's! Kindergarten 101| I walked into the VA a month ago and there were rainbow-draped tables with faggot material and about 10 (faggot\/dyke) representatives. Both sides of the hallway, so, it was actually a gauntlet. Everyone walking by was being passively 'interviewed'. I went TF OFF on them. Told them to get their faggot shit TF out of our hospital. We're here for medical care, not faggot indoctrination. I told them to take their shit down to mental health where it belongs. Guess who was escorted out by the VA PD?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dyke chicks produce smegma too! This bitch has got to be rank! You know she never washes down there ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oooooops!! Did I retweet that?!There is a BIG difference between #Immigration and #Invasion... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When someone online tries to come at me and thinks I care... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"who ever believes that Trump isn't a decent person is absolutely retarded they say all sorts awful things about him and yet not a single bit has been verified as real it's so sad to see how poorly they handled the last two years . https:\/\/youtu.be\/mpk76ZKfG ys","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@NateSilver538 The debates will help? Trump? ROFL that orange moron thinks he can wing it. His downfall is that he's believing his own fake propaganda. I look forward to him making a complete ass of himself as he tries to lie his way through the debates. #VoteBlue2020 #Vote #BidenHarris2020","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is a complete idiot ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Ive told this story many a time: first time I heard 'cunt' used against a woman was in 'One Flew O ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Well she is a \"Christian. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"WTF? What are we waiting for? These ppl will be the death of us. #BuildThatWall ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"not a big enough spade for Mr shit himself to dig himself out The UK did vote to stop shitty nations and immigration on the whole but as he puts it time to put our own people first ask Germany and Sweden about crime going up trouble is Migrants can demand not what they earned ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"She countersues for harrassment and wins. He ends up *paying her* the rest of *his* life Tfw this isn't satire really sad He ends up going to jail for false claims of unconsented touching. She is praised for her self defense. He is ordered to pay her legal costs as well as her claims for intentional infliction of emotional distress. [deleted] I would not touch such a disgusting piece of shit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"these people should have come closer#PutinsGOP #Putin #MAGA2020 #QAnons #quote #BOSvsMIA #FaZe5 #ORLvCHI #JoeBiden #LadyGaga #MAGA #KAG #Trump2020LandslideVictory #Texas#Trump2020 #WWE #WWG1GWA #POTUS #trump #USA #Atlanta #uniswap #CancelNetflix #DonaldTrump #education https:\/\/t.co\/3vs1uF4EI7","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Funny how white people who preach anti-racism don't live in nigger or spic neighborhoods.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I guarantee if someone made death threats to Torba or something he likes, he would be so angry, might even sue. But because he doesn't like us, he won't even take the threats down when they get reported by multiple people. ok PEDOPHILE Defamation. I'll fucking defame your god damn face you spineless pussy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Congratulations to Juan Lara Reyes on his new 2018 Loaded Ram 1500! We greatly appreciate your business!! Hope you enjoy your new ride!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Drake has some low ass standards. Platinum blonde black woman with massive fake tits? Yeah, that bitch fucks any celebrity that passes through. A man with standards, self esteem, and options. I'd rather wake up alone and feel good about myself, than share my bed with a hog, and wake up to shame and embarrassment. If you feel no shame or embarrassment, then you're just like those hogs you're fucking imo. Get fukd you stupid cunt get some pork on ya fork","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Tragic. Sad! #PhysigonomyIsReal #Cuckface","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@dztabriseno @venetianstares @Theo_Gessese @adam_stirling33 @k1spon20 @espnmma @DonaldJTrumpJr @ColbyCovMMA PragerU shows an Educated Black woman speak on the lies u all speak, u keep trying to spread the demokkkrat propaganda all you want, the switching parties is a flat out lie and u all know it, nobody speaks of it because it's a damn lie #TrumpPence2020 Prof Swain is smarter than u","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That sounds so fucking retarded \"swearing\", who in the hell uses that anyway, its fucking cussing or cursing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Of course she did with help from the Bolshevik Christ murdering Jews in congress and senate, also with help from the nigger , spics and Mooslims, all Jew tools","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Would you rather name your next kid - if it's a boy - Dominique or Matthew?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We must not let Muslims be attacked any longer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"As Election Day nears, the greater his need for a war. He'll do everything possible to take our minds off of voting. However, the mail in votes will heavily favor a Biden win. There is no way tRump can legally win this election. His crime family and ProudBoys is all he has. https:\/\/t.co\/P3KM4DhBfJ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Muslims like you deserve todie. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Good Morning Canada We will not let anyone harm you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's working.... I just don't want to hear that vile cunt right now.....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I wonder which one is the Democrat and which is the Republican. The dude is now totally for gun control. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oregon Governor Kate Brown Misuse of Public Funds, Conflicts of Interest, \"Graft and \"Corruption https:\/\/t.co\/ubsiJXqpI2 . Anyone else notice every single NEVER TRUMPER is ripping off and betraying the trust of the American people. Just makes me sick.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"And on and it goes. #BUILDTHATWALL ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"most ppl who talk about the working class doesn't have a clue how fucking retarded the working class is. I'm not retarded but then I don't have a university education or should I say I am not university indoctrinated and a liberal ass clown without the working class the rich wouldn't be rich let that sink in you fuckin dick","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@ThePakistanGuy YA Allah!This filthy skank needs a \"cage match\" to bring her to righteousness.What I mean is, she needs put into an ISIS Cage, sprayed with petrol...and then a lighted match is thrown in. Ha...now that's how you cure sinful behavior in a w ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Smearing Supreme Court Justices now? What's next for the ultra-left nazis liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user The only chance to save USA is to stop any imigration of all muslim countries. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I'm not liking the direction he is going in. He needs to make happy couples and have happiness in their lives.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck YOUR sexist bullshit you rotten cunt or cucked faggot, which ever you are. We burned Rosewood and Greenwood to the ground over skanks like you lying about rape. 25% of the black men lynched in the South were accused of rape by lying cheating whores like you. And don't forget Salem. You morally bankrupt Title 9 hosebags will burn people at the stake just because you don't like them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wake up White Man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Well that escalated quickly... shescalated Truly beautiful. This dude ~~frito~~ lays bitches.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#mgtow @sandmanmgtow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"HAPPY #ConstitutionDay all my MAGA peeps! A great time to be alive.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Fits with the old paradigm of women in our culture as The Madonna Or The Whore, particularly in popular culture. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What Was Their #InsurancePolicy? What #DirtyLaundry was held back to ensure a #GetOutOfJailCard? President @realDonaldTrump ordered the UNREDACTED RELEASE of everything! #WeHaveEverything #WhiteHatsWin #GoodGuysWin #PromisesMadePromisesKept #ReElectPOTUS45 #Trump2020 #SaveAmerica https:\/\/t.co\/obIlwvRO2G","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER And we pro Americans are embarrassed and sick of you anti America liberals. There are plenty of countries with the lefts ideology already in place. Move there.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hey Maxine, where'd you get that dyke haircut? From Eric Holder? (he's a hairdresser by night)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Another picture that is worth a thousand words. She is at an orphanage in Kenya in this photo. The kids wanted to pray for her. This is a FIRST LADY - This is Our 1st Lady of the United States of America and I am proud to share Amen #Faith #Maga #Qanon #WWG1WGA #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Pro Tip- Fuck your followers ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hey let's carve some pumpkins! Ok, cool... let's burn one first... wait.. I got an idea! #BongOLantern Smoking pot makes you boring and bored and it makes you not care about being boring and bored.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nFU_bd7EdpE Libertines - What A Waster","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Disgusting.. pedophile","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@SenTedCruz You bet your ass we will! #BidenHarrisLandslide2020 #BidenHarris2020 #TedCruzHasNoBalls","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@BamaJeans24 @TeaBoots They actually believed that Trump's base would leave him. Not a chance.... He has many more now. #Trump2020 #FillTheSeatNOW","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm a couple days late, but you should read this story from @user on the real estate business of immigrant detention centers: ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@sahilkapur Would that be the Bill Stepien currently in quarantine because he has COVID-19, like an unknown number of other Trump staffers and associates?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#Antifa #AntiFreedomFighters #Antifrees #NaziLeft #AntiAntifa #AntifaTerrorists #AntiWhite #WhitePeople #WhiteGenocide #WhiteMen #WhiteAmerica #ItsOkayToBeWhite #ItsOKtobeWhite #WhitePride #WhiteIdentity #FreeSpeech #StopWhiteGenocide #StopTheInvasion #RedWaveRising2018 #RedWave ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Charles Blow is pathetic nigger faggot that is taken seriously by 1\/1024th of the population.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"WOW can't believe all these women riding the subway today? Shouldn't these bitches be making sandwiches LOL #ihatefemales.. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Go to hell! This is NOT Queen for a Day. I believe you less and less with every bit of bullsh*t you pull. You're nothing but a lying Demonrat! #MAGA #Trump2020","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@KCCINews Thank you for putting country before party, understanding the potential dangerous consequences for ALL if Trump was re-elected, and caring for ppl other than yourselves.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The white trash trumpukelican wet dream : an America as closed to everyone they fear and hate as their barely recognizable minds and hearts are. Then the country will be full of inbred assholes just like them and America will the shithole country they've always wanted because they know no better. Well that's good , we have people that specializes in helping the retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Sony stop being retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"EU keen to strike deal with Muammar Gaddafi on immigration | World news | The Guardian ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@Bob_Americana @InfantryVet @AmericanWehrwolf @Spahnranch1969 @GoyGibson @Booster_Bunny @lostpassword @theDude2 @grandpalampshade @GregSims @RabbiHighComma @MosheShekelRod @CuckShamer @Farmer-General @Toothpuller @TZilla","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Illegal Alien Students Now Allowed On California College Boards. #DeportThemAll #BuildThatWall #NoAmnesty #DrainTheSwamp ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Who down voted you? Cause I know the faggot you responded to can't downvote you or anyone anymore...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Her colleague is a gay person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Muslims still use there to wipe there asses and mary there own family. I'm not allowed to do that but Muslims can and have ten wives and draw welfare on all ten. I can't. Democrats brought them here as refugees and now they vote. Stop an ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":".@medeabenjamin joins @user on the road to McAllen, Texas to protest the inhumane way our government is treating immigrant children and their families who have risked all to find refuge from violence and oppression #FamiliesBelongTogether #AbolishICE ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Be aware of anyone who capitalizes every word- sure sign of a fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Brazilians are finding out just how retarded American left-wing celebrities are: https:\/\/twitter.com\/cher\/status\/1056435084184567808","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER nah my foodie ass will gladly say it. that works on absolutely no one's fucking palate.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why do these racists demand that white people \"stay in your lane\" ... Yet, they have NO PROBLEM telling white people what to do and how to think #Hypocrites","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Those will be some ugly retarded babies","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Then do something about gun control laws.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"CHEZ Rosie O'Donnell wants military to 'get' Trump from White House . ..https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/rosie-odonnell-wants-military-to-get-trump-from-white-house .. DIDN\"T the LOOONY see TRYMP with the MARINEs yesterday .. What a pig she is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"yeah nah cunts fucked, mate we're not here to fuck spiders those cunts could walk through a corkscrew","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@JoeBiden Hey Biden, did you tell your people that you are a supporter of the terrorist regime in Iran? Tell me soon and see how many people clap for you #RestartLeader#trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/pIBwRfglw8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Sounds like a great ad for gun control","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"America is the greatest country. That aint lie you know that I know that","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"In light of recent events, and the EU and UN's biblically retarded recent decisions and actions, a friendly reminder on the Paradox of Tolerance, courtesy Ben Garrison: https:\/\/suppositoryrepository.co\/Homepage\/paradox%20of%20tolerance.jpg","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"He bought a packet of fags at the corner store. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gun shot fi gay get all of the guns them out,the police must give we the rights to kill all gays, gun shot at all gays suck your mothers all gays","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT @MikeTokes: I know this is a crazy poll, but just bear with me here. Do you think its possible for Democrats to orchestrate a false flag #MAGABomber #BombScare in order to appear as the victims and garner public support in a psychological operation intended to manipulate an upcoming election?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Only a niggerdick could reach that cunt I bet a midget football team could hide under her overhang during a rainstorm and not get wet. Nigger probably uses her as a waterbed","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How these caravans are forcing America into a defensive posture https:\/\/pendulum.online\/2018\/10\/25\/caravans-remake-america\/ These caravans can give the Right an excellent rallying point. A line of few thousand people meeting them with loaded rifles pointing southwards will make a VERY lasting impression on both sides of the border. Fear is the easiest way to impose social programming, but also the easiest to break it. I agree. This is a good way to increase our polarization between those who focus on quality and those who focus on quantity. The quality people, armed and ready, will send the Left into even more of a panic fury.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER All my guns are defensive; even the one that shoots further. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My cache contains some VERY unwanted images because some of the filth from your group was directed to my spam box. You want to sue us for calling you guys pedos? Forget a counter suit. I'd much prefer indictments. LOL you're another sperg I see. Don't worry I assure you that I'm straight and I don't like kids sexually. I think kids are adorable though and I want to have my own one day and raise them to be upstanding citizens that defend liberty wherever they can. Also me Jewish? LOL you flatter me sir, but again you're wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hahahahaha! A Zio-zombie convinced he isn't NPC! Jesus. How fucking retarded are you kikes? High IQ my ass.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No one in their right mind doubts that Obama and his Admin put the full force of the American gov't + the white homo cunt countries (AUS-NZ-England) ,,,and,, committed Treason during the 2016 #Election. Treason punishment under common law generally included drawing, hanging, beheading, and quartering. THAT's how Serious Betraying your Tribe was. But now we're bad if we say it? Pfftt. FU.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER She is a junior and has better priorities than a lot of adults","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Spare us that nonsense millions of eyewitnesses and films and photos and tons upon tons of physical evidence. AT LAST SHOW SOME OF THIS YOU RETARD CUNT ... millions of eye witnesses can you not see the problem .. just show some","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"HILLARY NEVER GOT IT !! THAT IS WHY SHE LOST !! CUNT CLINTON NEEDS TO SHUT THE FUCK UP !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER What is happening Layne? You are losing your temper. Is it because you feel you are trailing behind now?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Don't even get me started on Bill Clinton or Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Obama). We need to close military bases that make no sense to still operate. China is what we need to be worrying about. I watch what they are doing with their navy. It's quite alarming IMO. I'm a conservative, not a libertarian. It's high time we stop trying to police the entire f***ing world. We can't afford it anymore. Why do you think the deficit is so bloody high? How many more Americans have to die because of neo-con and neo-liberal masturbation fantasies? I want American taxpayers' money spent on AMERICA not the rest of the f***ing world.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"Never believe in anything until it is officially denied\". Otto von Bismarck. Great friend of America who knew all about the conspiracies of elite inbred retarded scum all over Europe..also said: \"There is a Divine Providence that protects drunks, and the United States of America\".","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"UK has massive gains in violent crime and terrorist attacks since bringing in all the Muzzies, they have no room to laugh. It's just part and parcel right?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Liberals also probably need more- culturally aware trolls!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER If only he were the craziest MF out there. Sadly, he is NOT. There are far worse examples of good Christians.\"\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER LOL at peaceful protest. Should i give you the full list? Over 500 incidents Antifa attacked Trump supporters and none of Trump supporters attack Hillary supporters.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So you broke the rules by being a little faggot and now you're mad that people are snitching on you?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#sexworkersagainstfeminism are invited to join the #blog . End #feminism today! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER What!!!!! Now you aren't sure she is truthful! You should recuse yourself immediately from the entire proceedings!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sometimes, ya just gotta look away from your screen and check out the outside. My favorite season up here in Seattle. Have a fantastic Sunday!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Ironic then that the women that vouched for Kavanagh aren't vouching for him anymore. Almost like they were originally arranged to vouch for him without knowing his history. Huh. #maga URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER The definition of snowflake","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Well, they'll cut out 299 pages and replace it with 1 saying everyone needs more chlorine\" C'mon are you chicken?\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER uhh.. He is so cute.. I don't know what it is about a strong man's man I luv.. Lol.. Especially that can fight.. I guess bc I had to grow up being able to hold mines being so short to the point you don't have to worry about fighting anymore..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER I think we have to confer with Messiah. I think only she is powerful enough to turn this tide. She did empower him to win the last two Majors.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Blacks in South Africa brutally rape a white girl and then kill her by smashing her head in with a stone. Now more than ever, we whites need our own ethno-states. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6293729\/Two-foot-82lb-rock-used-smash-South-African-student-death-gang-raped.html #SouthAfrica #WhiteGenocide End Cultural Marxism @genophilia is a nazi propagandist ... do not be fooled gabbers ... this is a modern day goebbels","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":". @JoeBiden spox Andrew Bates responds to @nypost story on Hunter Biden https:\/\/t.co\/DNT3odmANv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user but seriously, the silver looks sexy AF and like very easy access to give you your birthday spankings ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#MS13 #Illegals #SecureOurBorder #BorderPatrol #Migrants #CartelsIt is easy for those who are NOT on the front line of #IllegalImmigration to be magnanimous and... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@Kween_Gigi Did you get gassed again over on twatter? Hi G!!! Yah like 7 times in 2 wks how's you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We have an immigrant economy. Zero tolerance policy will seriously damage the economy. People are so fucking stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER can go straight the crapper. I'll never support another team again.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We must never condone the killing of any woman","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The Management of CEMENCO in consultation with the Ministry of Commerce has announced a new measure aim at providing affordable and quality cement to the people of Liberia.https:\/\/t.co\/cJS7PmfVVk ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER It's so weirdly vicious and bitter to extrapolate from everyone should have access to decent healthcare' to Liberals think all criminals should be free.' It reveals a pretty brutalist and impenetrable mind.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Judge Orders U.S. Government to Stop Force-Feeding Psychotropic Drugs to Immigrant Children via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I would love to see \/u\/girlwriteswhat go off on this as she is a better researcher than I will ever be ... BUT the history of *Human* rights is mostly a history of fighting for *Men's Rights*. Albeit that the Magna Carta was wealthy landed men fighting for rights against a more powerful institution (in the form of a King) it is implicitly represents a fight for *balancing* the rights and responsibilities of all parties in a society. The US Revolution was a fight for rights fundamentally. These rights may originate with landed men, or men, or (gasp) white men but the Western system has repeatedly, and invariably, projected those initial rights onto every person in the society over time. And women's marches? Really? I could not care less. Even as a pre-teen dragged to these stupid things by my mother I could not help but wonder how useless marches were; especially when conjoined with the endless retarded chanting that happens therein.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I digest relationships before we ever breakup... Smooth transition ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You disabled people make me sikc. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We need to be true to the values of the church in reaching out to the most vulnerable, and the refugees are the most vulnerable. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I think you are being abnormal","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER she is not a Republican... by any means....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Media Silent As Gov't Uses Vegas Shooting to Push Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Portland Police Want To Charge Driver With Crimes After Escaping Mob Protest - Violent Protesters Considered \"Victims\" https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/portland-police-want-to-charge-driver-with-crimes-after-escaping-mob-protest-violent-protesters-considered-victims\/ Charlottesville and innocent person charged with a crime all over again Remember this well-a young man with his whole life ahead of him now sits in prison for trying to escape these animals-and killing the animal on hood of car in front of him that was trying to bash in the window of the car in front of him Regrets...regrets ... At least in court he can say \"Yes, your honor, I have regrets concerning my actions....I forgot to reverse\". Best time is when you need an oil change Then refueled and gone back for more. Nah..go into hiding..and start hunting..nothing to lose at that point-no such thing as justice anymore","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We have to demand justice and mercy for immigrants. It is unacceptable that anyone would die in detention. Congress has to act now with welcome and compassion. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"lol i was busy not giving a fuck about the nfl, so missed this one, lol at the faggot fudge packers, go to canada and play for the cfl ya fudge packing un-american faggots","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@EsotericEntity This retard needs a lesson in capitalism. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=tc4bae7Qla8andfeature=youtu.beanda=","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"OK Folks, Jewish people were just killed at a synagogue. All bets are off. There is going to be a huge push for censorship of \"hate speech\" now. It's time to stand your ground. Refuse to be silenced. Just because a crazy man committed a terrible act doesn't mean that YOU committed a terrible act. Don't allow them to group you in with him. Speak forever free. All coordinated acts by Liberals...for just saying that the bombs were fake I got a Facebook warning letter charging me with violence...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"He can shout out to me any time he wishes.... #MAGA Thank you sir! @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user last time I checked...no one had rape charges filed with the police...soooo...these whores..ie women are lying. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There is no hatred in my heart for you immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Have fun with the carpal tunnel the next couple days then, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I SHITTED\/SHAT YTD AND LOST 0.6KG CAN U BELIEVE IT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I got friends on Discord who already confirmed he was legit...we have really retarded people in our ranks, we should know that by now.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Top cunt material right there Or bottom cunt depending on how you look at it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Damn, that dance with the Nigger and the White blonde ended with the blonde bent over backwards, as if 'submitting' to the Nigger. This shit should be protested in the extreme. 'That's right White bitch, bend over backwards so I can rape your bitch ass!' is the message one would see in that.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh, you mean the faggot jews who did 9-11? The only thing we Americans should be sending israel is our septic waste. FUCK ISRAEL AND FUCK JEWS. JEWS = ASSHOLES.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"For all u fucking idiots saying the bouncer is a pussy watch the video of it here: https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/video\/news\/video-1795012\/Video-Surveillance-shows-Kierah-Lagrave-choking-bouncer-nightclub.html He literally let's her choke him out because he initially thought it was one of his friends doing it to him as a prank (I read this story 2 days ago, can't seem to find where he said that but I assure you it's true). > He literally let's her choke him out because he initially thought it was one of his friends doing it to him as a prank ( Then he's a fucking moron for letting his friends choke him while he's working at his job. He's also an idiot for assuming it was his friend, when in reality it was not. Ehh idk. Personally, my friends and I would do exactly the same thing to say Hi, but immediately let go. I can see exactly why he initially thought this. Getting choked by a random person, for no reason, is 100% not on his mind whereas his friends fucking about with him is. One thing you need to note though is that the choke the chick got is very tight and properly executed. It only takes seconds too go to sleep. > One thing you need to note though is that the choke the chick got is very tight and properly executed. It only takes seconds too go to sleep I'm very aware. Go watch the video. The choke was super sloppy. Who care if it looks bad? It put him to sleep in seconds. Results are all that matters > Who care if it looks bad? He could've defended himself easily.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER How much you are paying for patrol... ? Do you think it's because of naheru or Zina... Indira... ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Who would buy a book written by such a total classless Porn star! I'll tell you who Democrats and liberals","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Actually #MAGA spends atleast $40 2 times a yr on @USER shoes ..libnuts just put the same pair in the dishwasher every 6 months.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@mcuban Great move in supporting #BidenHarris2020 @MikeBloomberg @BillGates @ayanaeliza @randyk337","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Nobody is greek\", that nation was lost, if it ever existed at all.. You are Subsaharan.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So by your retarded logic people who like Metal\/Goth music worship the devil and people who play Call of Duty or GTA are all homicidal maniacs wanting to shoot up the joint. How many times were you dropped on your head as a baby?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I Love a woman in RED HEELS Big titted mother getting a cunt full of cum ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER We don't watch any NFL games. This guy can shove it in his pie hole.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Neither, take your commie ass back to twitter. We patriots are going to fuck you commies up every way possible... The marxists get the bullet this time, faggot bolshevik! Your all gonna burn. and you can go suck a dick, faggot commie piece of shit! You followed me, scum bag.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Immigration in a picture ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Twat got five years probation for attempting to murder her 83 year old grandmother. Five years probation and fucking mental health counseling.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"One thing that is soooooooooooo disappointing is, that \"one\" bomb did NOT go off ... and separate us from one particular retarded piece-of-shit asshole !! https:\/\/www.apnews.com\/06ec76cf0cf14a4fa0cc5aeefdf7ba82","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"4 weeks until we go back to this awesome place. Some awful behaviour from adults staring at her skin but she is a wee fighter. 11 months clear now and her confidence back. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Here is an Awesome Video of Alex Jones invading Capitol Hill watch as he tells off the mainstream media #FakeNews #WednesdayWisdom #MAGA #Trump #vaxxed #readthebook #CDCWhistleblower #VaccineHolocaust @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"Wow my daughter's retarded. I taught her to never hit law enforcement because they're authority figures with guns. Why did she do something so stupid?\" Exactly.... Her parents failed her.. So fuck them. What would you feel of this was your daughter.. Me? Embarrassed my daughter is such a useless cunt and likely mad she was punched. That's an honest answer","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Message to Civic Nationalist Fags: Token minorities are not going to save Western Civilisation. in a white nation the sane whites outnumber the minority of white cucks and retards, so you in fact have a Blacks and Latino problem to boot, not a (white) cuck and retard problem","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just another common tranny. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER How right you are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Black Bitch Gets Cock Shoved In Her Waiting Cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user should pay trump the pimp #10 million 2 resign!Trump would take it !He pimped US democracy 2Putin!trump's a whore 4 ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I really can't stand immigrants like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Donald Trump, Dr. Atlas the radiologist and Fox propaganda are killing you. Listen to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and especially listen to Dr. FAUCI the scientist. These are the people who have your best interests at heart.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I want to kill all immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Yo why must you do this","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Denial stage. Almost at admission","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@cidalia_borges @TheView @JoyVBehar @sunny The reality is you're a hypocrite if you voted for Joe, who's a racist and pedophile, and for Kamala Harris who is a COP who locked up black males for cheap labor. But go ahead and keep telling us how racist Trump is.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#RedOctober #MAGA No, no, no. You need to put it off to November! That's the soonest you want to look like a complete pathetic fucking rube when absolutely nothing happens! You Shill is to the paranoid right as Russian bot is to the triggered left. An asshole either way right? Fuckk off","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER why do all crazy liberals have CRAZY EYES? LOL URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Shoot the f*cking lot and Bristol will not have a large Somalian Nigger problem.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":">Just because the kid up there said it's 100and#37; true doesn't mean it is. Right. That's exactly what I was trying to convey. Every family is different and to make blanket statements like PC did is not helpful and is just untrue. I'm truly sorry about what happened to you as a child. No one should have to endure that. EDIT: changed OP to PC (parent commenter)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER By arguing a call? The media and you are making it a big deal","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A grotesque snapshot of a lying cunt intent on ruining a man and his family. How, in God's name, could she even let a smile come upon her ugly face during an act of such immense evil. Burn in hell bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa = Democrats = Dixiecrats = KKK URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Shoutout to everyone accidentally blowing fingers off on video today so we can all have a good laugh tomorrow... Y'all patriotic AF ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I like how she immediately cut the bullshit. 10\/10 will giggle again Yeah, she shut right the fuck up. Sweet. I'm actually impressed. Most people can't really control themselves that quickly after being tased. She went full compliant ASAP. Kinda makes me question how much of it was an 'emotional outburst' as opposed to fucking shit up because she knew she could do it and likely get away with it? While I certainly do enjoy this particular video and without a doubt think she deserves it for having the gall to tell a cop she isn't going to drop her weapon, I do agree with you. The way i personally see it is that this isn't a person who thinks she will get away with it because shes a woman, it is a moment of rage. I think this is more of a \"justice served\" situation This kinda pushes the boundaries of \"pussypassdenied\" IMHO and contributes to the notion that this sub is just people who like watching women get fucked up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And I will never watch your movies again because you are a maniac!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I would never lift a finger to save an immigrant's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user As you fall over yourselves to welcome Syrian refugees ,homes etc why did you not do it for ordinary people are u lambs or goats ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Kanye West: Mind Control I understand that some people think Kanye is crazy, because he kinda is, but he brings up good points There are always people trying to manipulate what you say, what you think, and what you feel. Whether it's the MSM, T.V., Radio, Newspapers, Social Media etc Think for yourself :p #News Watch: https:\/\/www.pscp.tv\/w\/1yoKMVydwkwGQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Trump and his camp is making a mockery of CoVid.220K have died in this country along with nearly 8 million infections.This is not a game or a joke.#BidenHarris2020 #TrumpFakedCovid","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Don't mess with niggas from Marcy projects george Zimmerman! You gonna get lit!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yall STAY making post about the LGBT community. You quoted my tweet and started bitching like the insecure little brat you are shut the fuck up and go cry to your mommy. I dont give a fuck about what you have to say. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Kanya is a black man. Lemon is a queer nigger. Who's the freakin \"Uncle Tom\"? Lemon prostitues himself every night for a white man. Fuck off Queer nigger. You are not good enough for Kanya West to wipe his shoes on. nigger queers are the funniest queers. can't wait until he dies of AIDS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Subject: Obama rated Fifth Best President according to AandM Study Texas AandM Study Calls Obama 5th Best President in US History. Good research work by a fine institution! From a total of 44 US Presidents: Obama is rated as the fifth best. The AandM's Public Relations Office released this statement \"After almost eight years in office, Americans have rated President Obama the fifth best President ever.\" These are the details according to Texas AandM: Twenty three presidents tied for second, Seventeen other presidents tied for third, Jimmy Carter came in fourth, and Obama came in fifth. funny considering he was the worst and an usurper, lying moslem fraud faggot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user @user Well, nobody seems to be doing anything. People should be \"standing up\" by now. People should NOT take anything out on the immigrants. They have been given a free pass by the People and Elites who control t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Einstein was a retarded plagerist. Lol your insults are like your ancestry, weak and gay. I'm not even sure how you're still here with all the ailments you're undoubtedly predisposed to. Also, you're bargaining. You have no way of knowing how the grace of God could spread via advanced technology. Or how many more leftshit faggots I could troll with a transdimensional platform. Think bigger.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nate,Are You A Trick Baby(Hookers Kid By John Or Pimp)Your Sensitive To Nigger Jokes Or A Typical Wannabe National Socialist,Who Watched Romper Stomper,American History X And Think Your An Aryan Warrior,Your An Anonymous Coward Faggot,A Real White Warrior Doesn't Follow A Failed Flawed Political Ideology,He Serves His Folk,His Country,His Heritage","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Angry that UN @user does its job and checks Lebanon isn't coercing Syrian refugees into returning home, Lebanon will stop giving residence permits to the agency's international staff @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dear retarded socialist. Do you know how to make a house? Probably not since frankly very very few people do. Does that mean the only people that should live in houses are people that can build houses? That seems pretty shitty. Oh let me guess you're idea is to have the government take a gun and force someone who does know how to make a house and make one for you under threat of death while you do absolutely nothing because you're a waste of space. Socialism: not even once (more)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If we keep treating women like children they're going to keep acting like spoiled little brats. No man would ever be allowed to act like she did and get away with it. Stop treating women like children. They want equal rights then give them equal rights and start giving them the same treatment that a man would receive. Spiiled cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Yes do hurt your selves gun control freaks.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Isn't it clear how much hatred I have for you black people?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER It's funny. That comment is Illogical. WalkAway is so easy. #maga is Great! #MEGA is already happenin Make Earth Great Again URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The man didn't act near as aggressively as the woman until after the cops yanked him by his throat to the ground. Far as I can tell, that's what immediately escalated this. Which leads me to a serious question: Why are the cops being praised for their restraint? Maybe I'm missing something, but the guy is just drunkenly shrugging away from the cops the same way a toddler pulls away from his parent when they're mad. Why does that lead to such an extreme takedown and wrestling match. Sounds like you're already 2\/3 of the way there, buddy. Good luck to you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Imagine writing out all of that and yet not having a single sentence explaining why it is retarded to believe Jews are behind the migration when there is a Star of David on the truck. Who is the real retard?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT PrisonPlanet Out of touch multimillionaire elitist celebrity shills for giant globalist bureaucracy. Remember when rock and roll was anti-establishment? https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/parties-that-criticise-mass-migration-originate-satan\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER All those poor conservatives going to be asking for government handouts and relief.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"when i was in london in april, i saw an arab kicking a homeless nigger in the face. it was terribly diverse. @True_Brit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And yet the lying cunt Ford had her Facebook disappear.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trump is an \"altered state. Can you think of anything more terrifying? His clear state was already fascist, imagine him pumped full of steroids. Like a rapid animal when backed in a corner is when he's most dangerous. AND has nuclear weapons.Get in the streets - demand removal https:\/\/t.co\/qoGAiqmivZ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A welcomeorganisation in Paris finish their work, because to many refugees react with violence. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@OregonStaffy @GuyBruin @bessbell @MW_GoJoeBruin I don't think so, the U.S. before Obama were so far down the list it isn't funny, Obama and Biden brought them up not down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#ownthelibs interesting documentation of reactionary behavior from conservatives URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oh shut up with your incessant Jooz Retard muted","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"seems like an investigation is in order. They may just find that the guy is a cunt with a stupid mouth or he was drunk. but it still needs looking into.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Brazil has a serious.. deadly serious problem that more than likely will drag it down into the cesspool of nigger civilization..Brazil is more of an african nation than an American nation because there are more than 80 million blacks living there..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Cause who bitches be playing with god aint give me the gift for nothing","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"ALL YOU PUSSY BOYS FALL BACK! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We have surpassed the gilded age you retarded Americans The enemy bis finance an the 1% always has been always will be","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Awh thanks babe. I'm just really upset that depression is taking over everyone I know and love. And people I admire. RIP Mac miller I don't want anyone to ever think that they are alone in their fight!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Look at how deftly he's manipulating you. He created a frame by ingratiating himself to you by exploiting your previous relationship and the willingness to believe him because of that, then he reinforced that frame by appealing to your pride and setting you up to be a crack nigger if you disagree with him.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How close I am to quitting my job and becoming a prostitute ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Skinny is not always healthy, tell that to Hollywood.They wouldn't house the immigrants or refugees from Obama's wars n dare to say they hate Trump bc globalist democracy.Have they looked at Paris France lately.Poor People's Campaign should get more funding from Dem or Rep ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":".@granniesrespond are headed to McAllen, Texas to protest the cruel and inhumane way our government is treating immigrant families and to demand immigrants and refugees must be released from detention! If you agree, take action!! #GranniesRespond #FamiliesBelongTogether ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@bsc10101 @Tina67536990 @montaga \"Trump Was Right That's all you need to know now!#Trump2020 https:\/\/t.co\/oebIGkPA3W","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"DISEASED SEPTIC CUNT WHORE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nevada has their shit together, a crime of this nature towards a child should have zero sympathy You know what probably scarred this kid even more? The attention, court cases, police interviews, being told he is now damaged and will need therapy ... Pedo enabler He's mad that at 45 he still hasn't touched a breast. He even posted about spamming Pedo enabler: https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/billionshekelsupreme\/comments\/8a5k1s\/when_you_get_70_downboats_for_calling_someone_a\/?st=JFNAZ0RSandsh=d9ef812a","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Women like this piss me off. I've seen two videos where a woman went off on a construction worker for not whistling or cat calling a woman but for saying \"hello . She was even going all crazy in the vid saying \"YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY HELLO TO ME! And I just saw one where a woman was being stalked by a man. She saw him in a building next to hers and then he came into her building. He was a mailman...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Brainwashed Retard Simple Retard The Simple Retard is easy, they are just low IQ Morons. Not intelligent enough to actually think for themselves in the first place. Most immigrants fall into this category. The Brainwashed Retard is usually the High IQ type and thus are highly indoctrinated thru schooling. They memorize so much garbage that they literally destroy their critical thinking skills and that is the goal to destroy their brains function. Valedictorians are perfect examples because they are so structured to focus on a simple tree, they are no longer able to see the forest. Thus, your University Professors, Doctors and Lawyers are literally some of the most programmed retards you will ever meet. They have been told they are smart thru their programming and are rewarded for helping the beast system along, but they actually are just a polluted thumb drive. All Democrats are obviously Bigots as they will not debate, as their programming automatically makes them run away, or they will just be very crude and nasty in their attack on you. They are literally intellectually incapable of any discussion since they have no intelligence to have a discussion with. Debate on logic is impossible since they have none. They will never have any facts either since they cannot comprehend them anyway. They will spout out with what they have been programmed. They will believe without question the BS on the main stream media because they have no idea on how to distinguish fact from fiction. Every conversation of Democrats takes place on Orwell's Animal Farm. If you want to talk about quantum physics they will steer the conversation something extremely shallow such as the weather. They will deflect when you ask for a fact every time and accuse you of deflecting. All Democrats are commies and are Monkey Brains!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When I was a youngster I liked to make tree stumps fly it was fun stuff me and my brother tried all kinds of stuff and found out a lot about what it takes to make stuff blow up . I am no pro just a hillbilly who ain't as dumb as I type .and I like to add a bit of southern redkneck in my post","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@DanRather The Rioting and vandalism needs to stop. It is just an excuse to cause ciaos in the streets. And Trump didn't start it. #Trump2020 Trump is the only one with the balls to put a stop to the ignorance. While Kamala and Sleepy Joe bail out the idiots in jail","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER he is is always the victim","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER you know Scott does not care about gun control. He has done nothing to help our children fight For gun valance stoppage in America. Vote to help our kids in school. Vote DEM. Trump lied to them with him .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"But for the fire crew of Mexican immigrants, politics never enters the mind. This isn't about @user or his supporters, or about border walls. It's about the pride of protecting people's homes. #Immigration ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Murdering a woman like you should be decriminalised. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Kamala was a huge nigger wrestler in the 80s. I see the resemblance.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is perfect for the part! Im with it .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You and all the other trans people in this country make me boil with anger. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Also. These antifa\" and from hence shall be referred to as anqueefa by mesel. They pretty much all live with Mommy. In the basement which is why they wear masks. Then mommy can't ground em\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER CNN and others involved in Conspiracy Theories\" and propaganda while they protect (Antifa?). So I guess the 2013 Bill and 2016 Bills for propaganda does protect \"State Media\"??? URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Banned the NFL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Thank You @user @user Enforcing the laws on the book dont make it easy for Illegals and Immigrants To Break U.S laws ! #Trump #MAGA #Trump2020 #RedNationRising Breitbart via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When you're trying to text your fuckboy but your boyfriend won't stop looking over your shoulder ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".This piece of shit >----@TruthWillOut <----is a fucking #LIAR and a dis-information #Shill working for the assholes in #Rome! There is zero evidence to substantiate that this many germans died. Did some die because they weren't onboard with the 3rd Reich which was 80-90% homosexual? absolutely not! They were doing most of the killing! @JMtz603 .@TruthWillOut - secret masonic victory? WTF put this lame ass meme together? LOOL. it's fuckin hilarious! How many times do I have to tell U that the #CatholicChurch worked with a faggot despot i.e. #Hitler to commit genocide against ALL sabbath keepers who didn't go to church on \"Sunday\"?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Good. Now find a way to arrest the Portland Mayor on a Friday night, during a major national holiday and have him shipped to a jail in Northern Alaska after hearing about threats made against his life and for his own safety. Feed him seal blubber and fries for six weeks and then have a little chat about not being a cunt in future.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The Near Future Where Africans Was Evolved into African-Middle Eastern Hybrids","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Tension is so thick before the debate, you can cut it with Biden's marmalade spreader.#trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"this girl is hysterical with laughter on the bus and i just have such a strong need to know what could make a person laugh this much ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"And then there is this- An arrogant professor at Ole Miss University spewing his radical left wing ideals to young, impressionable, idealistic college kids. It should be no surprise Parents -> when your child embraces mixed marriages, homosexuality, far left wing ideas, Muslims, Jews, Mexican Illegal Aliens, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter, etc, etc, Yes, did you notice his wife in the tiny profile picture??? That says it all as far as I am concerned!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lots of women are trying to make Cunt into a new N-word what a bunch of cunts Queer allosexual bitch-cunts, in fact. Whatever made-up thing \"allosexual\" is. andnbsp; Okay, I looked it up. Apparently it's the opposite of \"asexual\", *i.e.* with a normal sexual drive. Retarded cunts I call guys cunt more often then I call girls cunt lol My GF had a professor who made the claim that the word cunt was on par with the N word. Bitch, please. These shitcunts are appropriating my culture.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER the you and your liberals\"... wow... you don't even try, do you?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hmm see that's where I disagree. There is a difference. One is polite and one is being a cunt, but it still seems a little over reaching if the government can fine you just for being a cunt. If that's the case, I got a whole bunch of friends I should be calling in And telling someone to 'move their van' is in no way an implied threat. The thing is, being a cunt isn't illegal. And she didn't say \"move your van\" only, she said \"Move your van, don't park here again even if the street collapses\". That is hostile. Being a cunt aside, it could also be interpreted as obstruction of justice\/obstruction of a government worker doing their duty. If you're there, trying your best to lug a heavy body to an ambulance to save it, and you're in a hurry, and see that note, you all of a sudden get wary of your safety, which adds a lot to a situation like that.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa are the fascists. But, since you have been indoctrinated, you probably don't even know what fascism actually is. Antifa are not fighting neo-Nazis\". They are fighting anyone who isn't them, and they call them Nazis just to justify their hate.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"at work, got cornered by a 45 yr old brown hippy man child.long story short he said America has no culture and that he wants to move to Canada.please Canada take our rootless cosmopolitan brown man children I beg of you! well then it sounds like its up to us to keep our culture alive and that is what I am trying to do well, perhaps you should talk to your husband about the destruction of for's European homeland, and possibly make an effort to have a last stand there, works better than an ode to a dying people my husband says your wrong and black pilled.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I am a man. I have been sexually assaulted. I was sexually assaulted at 17 by 4 people i thought were my friends. It took me 3 years to even casually mention it in passing to my dad. I was made fun of for it the next day by a friend of mine who participated and went to school with me. I was emberassed to be powerless about something like that. I am not ashamed to talk about it anymore. And im also not afraid to call the person in this post a fucking idiot. There are people who say they were raped for attention. And while few and far between its still more often then it should be. And it makes my experiences as a person seem invalid. So fuck you ya cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Thanks for nothing, Republicans. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND dead Americans and counting... and Republicans still don't care. #trumpvirus #trump #gop #maga #election2020 #voteblue2020 #rememberinnovember #TrumpDeathToll200K VOTE BLUE. https:\/\/t.co\/uaryTazBg4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That's just all kinds of fucked up. Serial killing cunt is funding the Communist Party with baby parts and proud of it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I dont see why some people get so offended by what i say. its not like im making this shit up, women really do suck. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Abortion keeps the nigger population under control.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Was it a nigger or a woman?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wow @Sikafred is this a real advertisement for juice from Sweden? Just when you thought the advertisement couldn't be degenerate enough, they up the ante. I'm often offended by things that the cultural marxist's do in the advertising space. But this has to be a prize winner when it comes to my irritation levels. Holy Maximal Rage Cakes. https:\/\/twitter.com\/HarmlessYardDog\/status\/1052263668291915776 I have no idea off what was being advertised other tan a baby in some black guys arms. WTH?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No, nigger gene is so powerful that a half-black mulatto kid is a niglet.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@Heartiste Osamba spent 8 years blaming Bush for bad economy, now he has spent 2 years taking credit for @realDonaldTrump success in the economy. What do we call this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Goo goo google. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Now, faggot central.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'd like to slap some respect out of that cocky cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"$5.7 Million in Taxpayer Funds for Study to Justify Sterilizing Children Who Are Gender Confused URL via @USER STERILIZE LIBERALS.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"6 people are dead after shooting spree in California @USER URL @USER so those thoughts and prayers are working good for gun control","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I honestly can not stand people who are like \"I need my coffee, dont talk to me till I have my coffee!\" Like, that shit does nothing.... its all psychological. I wont talk to people who say that shit, I have stopped being friends with them, too dramatic of a person.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Here's the Livestream of the BASED Jeff Sessions FBI railroading more #UniteTheRight white men: @occdissent @Altrightmetrodetroit @TheMadDimension @parrott https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=H3ymIOf9q2M","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Maybe if @TruthWillOut doesn't want to be insulted he shouldn't make faggy little comments under his breath. Sorry your friend doesn't have the balls to come out and say what he needs to say without being a little bitch about it. I kiss your mother with this mouth. And disrespect with a polite vocabulary is still disrespectful. I'd trust a man who calls me a faggot to my face before I would trust someone who hide their truth behind a passive sneer.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Emmys didn't watch. Won't ever watch silly entertainers trying to make unfunny jokes about conservatives. So scripted and unfunny!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump And complete lie Donnie!The Evil Is Real! Undeniable!#DontGetComplacent #VoteBlueToEndTheNightmare If we are to truly Make America Great Again we need to Elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.Please be a Patriot, Trump has to go for the good of our Nation.https:\/\/t.co\/JgOzAvGwRz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I would fuck her brains out! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"My brother is such a dick to his girlfriend who is so damn nice and it literally pisses me off. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Twat, he loves them because they finance him. Book deals are a dead give away. You're actually worse than a Jew. You are a nigger loving white man who is complicit in the destruction of western civilization by pointing to the symptom (muzzies) as opposed to the disease (Jews) Do please tell us about this fancy participation trophy you stumbled upon. No one finds nigger ape skanks attractive, even nigger ape boys. It's more likely you can't find an attractive white woman willing to sleep with you. Literally no one finds high T, low IQ nigger bitches attractive. This is science. Are you a science denier. Mr. Science doesn't know and is now trying to straw man my position, lulz. I said no one finds nigger bitches attractive, never nogs only prefer nogs. I'd venture a guess though from my own observation that 95% of all mixed race couples are black man white woman. Boom, Science Nigga!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I am learning a lot about immigrants at the moment. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"All girls are hoes, you just gotta know how to bring the whore out of them ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Or this is fake as fuck (obviously). It's YA andmdash; 100% trolls trolling trolls. I dunno. I'm reading all the top posts in this sub and I've lost faith in humanity. Wtf is wrong with UK, US, and Canada? I blame the left. This one is just too perfect. Calls him a \"nice guy\", and hinges her wacky idea on if he babysits \"and doesn't accept pay\" for it. Plus, at least [five different people](https:\/\/www.google.co.uk\/search?andq=\"can+you+make+a+male+baby+sitter\"+site%3Ayahoo.com) have asked this on Yahoo Answers, all with slight variations in their 'story'. Personally I blame postmodern Marxist Commie-Nazis. What is up with these people loving communism or Marxism or Nazism? Have they never read a history book or econ101? It's like a whole generation of zombies. No reasoning ability, not a single original thought, no logic. They are like a hive mind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The leftard actors who appear in this ad are really sad because they haven't received enough downvotes. Please help them: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nRp1CK_X_Yw ...and after that, continue helping them by not watching any of their movies ever again. IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO. - (If you would like to be added to or removed from this tag list, please let me know) cc: @DRDeplorable @seamrog @SoaringNow @Reziac @Modem @TexasYankee4 @AnonymousFred514 @WarAtTheZoo @Danelaw @justmargaret @NUA @avro683 @Laconic_Oak @Mewsique @tealc7499 @Bezerker22 @ProudlyWhiteProudlyRight @Sockalexis @Snugglebunny @TillyGirl @milinda @P2P @commonsense1212 @MrWazzo @RaviCrux @PistoffKristoff @GregMRBCPA @Porkypig205 @Drivenfast @Evilroman @Reddog1776 @BoerRepublic @Ttowenaar @KetzerHexe @Anglo-Saxon @TheNiceTerrier @Addlepated @PatriotGranny28 @joesh1999 @TCO18 @Tanstaafl @RightsEndowedByOurCreator @PlacidSeven @1001cutz @AfrikanerViking @LucianLafayette @OurCountryFirst @FreeAgent355 @Deplora-Bot @Patriot_ @Darius1954 @Grabthepelts @KekistaniCitizen @Radicalgrambo @MJTureckie @ShaHouMac @HonkeyKong @Travelingman @Danae2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oooooooooooooh Fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"3 years ago the twat that arranged these was living in the white house with mick the dick!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trump Very Disappointed Durham Report Won t Come Before the Election https:\/\/t.co\/zU2NqLqRVC via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Some of those pics are pre1933, also straight guys used to pose in ways that seem gay nowadays. Personal space was smaller back then ( and still is in many parts of Europe). If one reads there literature and speeches it makes this claim this boomer brod absurd and ridiculous not to mention how hypocritical it is when these retarded boomers created the LGBT and all the degenerate hedonism that plagues Society today. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Seriously, why is the American \"right-wing\" deepthroating the entire GOP roster, swallowing and begging for seconds like a bunch of cheerleader whores do their nigger team? You should fault them. Or at least be vocal about that retarded faggotry.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user This is crazy. Someone should open a ham sandwich chain right next door.#BuyFromInAndOut #InternetBillOfRights #DarkLeft #WalkAway #ReinstateRobynGritz #JimJordan4Speaker #2A #DefundPP #ChainDeportation #BuildThatWall #NationalReciprocity ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Oh shit u went there ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The fewer women a white man has actually raped, the more of a rapist he is. Bill \"put some ice on it\" Clinton - not guilty Brett \"the virgin\" Kavanaugh - rapist of all women @Jim7z is right. To reclaim the West, white men must rape the retarded out of white women.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@a is a nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Watch: Muslim migrants attack Swedish woman in front of her children - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We would be better off if those Muslims were eradicated. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I take pride in knowing that I once called PeanutButterGamer a faggot in some thread and he read it out loud at a panel. Found it. Though apparently it was JonTron that I said was a faggot. Either way. Things are actually kind of switched now, I can tolerate JonTron but the other guy is fucking annoying.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user And there you go again, ignoring the point. You're so worried about \"not all men ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Had a similar story. Was in Rio a few years back with a buddy who was a bodybuilder. Guy was absolutely RIPPED. We go to a bar and are having some drinks and we see two girls we want to talk to. So we go over and chat them up. The one he's talking to apparently revealed that they were both prostitutes. She told him that if he wanted to sleep with her there'd be a price. Without missing a beat, he immediately replies, \"Why would I pay you? You should be paying me. I'm in better shape than you are!\" She got so upset and stormed out hahahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER He IS 10x. REAL ONES know Kuniva. He'd rip anyone apart right NOW. Studio or street.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"don't forget that drugged up muslim nigger ate a dog ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Good for you Matt! Common sense. #MAGA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Typical t r a n n y behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER me and my girl walked through San Francisco and I came up with a new game. Homeless or antifa. The homeless are so much more pleasant","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Word! Say it ain't so Joe! I thought you were a honest stand up fella! #BidenHarris2020 #MAGA2020LandslideVictory https:\/\/t.co\/vPPFePvRra","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@JoeBiden @colonelblimp2 Great message, Joe. And by the way, great job on your speech today#BidenHarris2020 #Dems4USA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Italy allows two migrant rescue ships to dock after other European countries offer to take them ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Rooney wont do anything. He is the one that needs to take some action.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That woman will die a horrible deth at my hands. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Van Hollen: Trump 'Belittling' Sexual Assault Survivors During Kavanaugh Battle 'Energized' Dems | Breitbart https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/DFnd Who the hell is Van Hollen? ...I'm confused...I thought it said Van Halen...rock on!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"pit bull needs home \"She does have some issues with resource guarding, so no small children.\" https:\/\/www.adoptapet.com\/pet\/23542469-paris-maine-staffordshire-bull-terrier I recommend this dog for an old man living among nigger families","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@mmpadellan @JoeBiden needs to remind @realDonaldTrump that he tried to strong arm a foreign government to dig up dirt on him because he feared a #Biden2020 candidacy!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Too bad some of you bitches can't draw on a better personality, the way you draw on your fuckin eyebrows ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user It kinda sounds like you run a house of skank over there. Mags stinks and dogs getting into the Halloween candy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Another crack head Wigger thinking he's a hoodrat.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ah yes, a list made up by a 12year old retard in an adult body. Also known as wymyn.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Here's one for u. Food stamps are a govt subsidies that by every empirical obs produces nigger shit. Govt doesn't pay for toilet paper, tooth paste, deoderant. Nothing for hygene. Crazy huh? It's as if they want a plauge or pestilence.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"President of German Evangelical Church highlights plight of refugee children while in Malta ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Any article headlined: Jesus, the original deplorable\" isn't worth even a second of anyone's time. And the fact that your Fox News watching self is accusing liberals of following their own biases over facts is HILARIOUS. Or, it would be hilarious, if it wasn't so sad. Do better.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"... and she is in the process of removing the #status #heAndShe #newStatus #comingSoon #hplife","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Driver is dead, her being a violent cunt got him killed. So, I guess you are right, he will not be charged. From your comment I can tell that all you know about China, your entire understanding of the now defunct one child policy, and your understanding of Chinese law came from Facebook memes. Please STFU.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Thanks Vince You fucker. No need to hold out and chance that clients miss it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER You are amazing. I admire you so much for always being able to raise above the ugliness and hatred. You show us what grace is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Identity cards 'would curb illegal immigration and prevent another Windrush' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user My point is that men aren't all the cause of it mostly is but not all men and some women blame all men. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":">lmao, autocorrect fail #gottem >Only the mentally handicapped try meth... >...if you don't believe that, you're on meth Retard confirmed. I don't know what's more retarded, you or your comment","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Deaf people can't see the people around them clapping? I don't see why it's an issue for deaf people at all, whereas I can see why it'd be an issue for the blind. Also how many students actually do have sensory issues? I feel like it's not enough to change anything. At what point do we say, \"That's a you problem\"? Because we can't change the world for a tiny minority of people. Loud noises exist. People talking triggers me. People being in the store when I am triggers me. Please stay in your houses from 8am to 12pm so that I can shop without being triggered. Thank you. I am oppressed unless you are woke and let me not be triggered. Ugh, retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Be best. Be #MAGA Following amazing patriots.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Awww, love this photo. She's a good foot (or two) shorter than him, but to me #Kamala will always be 10 feet tall #Detroit #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/DuR09ydkG2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"classic, this gif never gets old. Never swing without expectation and understanding there is a counter coming. I agree with your comment and have always felt this way but can't help feeling his reaction was above and beyond. I wonder how people would feel if that was their daughter. One would hope they raise their daughter better than to strike a officer. I think a wallop is probably a lot better than him pressing charges of assaulting an officer and sending her to jail for 3- If this were my daughter, it wouldn't of happened because I would teach her not to be a raging cunt. Oh, and not to hit people. Why were you down voted.. Oh Reddit...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A bloody riot broke out during a \"law and order rally in Portland, Oregon, between the leftist group #Antifa and the right-wing organization #PatriotPrayer. #Infowars #Portland https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/antifa-rocks-portland\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yes he should for life @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockHerUp #BoycottNike #BoycottNFL #EndDACA now ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Beautiful. This is how we make the world a more equal place for all people. Please repost, spread the word of god. #NSFW ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Unbelievable!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@J_Mei21 The wall is built. Mexico did not pay for it. We did. Time to turn things around. Restore dignity and compassion to our government. Vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Our future depends on it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You have to stop calling women disgusting. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RT @user When u act interested in a story but really ur thinkin about how u ordered pizza an hour ago and it still ain't here h ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER bullshit. I live in NH. My daughter goes to school in Cali. She is considered a non-resident. THis is clearly a move to fraud the citizens of NH","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We'll tortuer these Muslims without mercy. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Also probably not good to use 'hysterical' which has its roots in the belief that women suffer from a ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yes, and I'm never gonna be anything but, for the rest of my life! U'lll gawt too fuckinjg big for your britches!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Why taxpayers should be burdened with expensive legal process for illegal refugees?Your opinion? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The Virgin Broastie vs the Chad Thot Patrol Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Time I'm really starting to hate that word....she had all the time in the world to open her mouth...really shut up about time! Enough of this left....Liberals bull shit about time! You and she have no case! Actually time is what is Hurting her case!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"ICYMI: https:\/\/www.theblaze.com\/news\/2018\/10\/20\/watch-protesters-accost-mcconnell-and-his-wife-at-dinner-but-other-patrons-arent-having-it via @theblaze https:\/\/youtu.be\/WS9nP-BKa3M","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER California is a state. In the USA. How stupid do you have to be to think there is gun control?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER You're not a proper country girl if a bit of mud puts you off!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Well the nigger state needs to look out for their niggers. Brotha's got his backs!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Immigrants should all be killd. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"creepy faggot loves the power. Dont think he isnt helping poison white people.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I'm gonna show you the difference between FIRE and AIR......... Sam Donald Gemini unpredictable like air itself...KAHLILI MACK ARIES...He is always gonna be on FIRE...Every snap of the ball every game the whole game.... Sam Donald trash trash trash Like Donald Trump........","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER You are the poster child for marrying up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Imagine that! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Too many s h e m a l e s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Russia, Turkey, Jordan are in talks on return of Syrian refugees \" Lavrov ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Poor baby. Do not hurt your son just because you're insane.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#RapeThem We know. Your people are famous for this, to the tune of 45,000 White women being raped by Nigger males per year in the USA. Yet, you claim your race is so much sought-out by our women. If such is the case, why the need to rape them? Why are ZERO women raped yearly in the USA by White males? That says it all right there.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Gail has dropped far if she is going after actors like Rob to deal with the frustration of being a has-been...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Typical crippl3 behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What a cunt from your mum Ah, thanks for the explanation. Have a nice day. Got it, bruv.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Conservatives never believe women. It's amazing. You assume lying every single time. Remembering the exact date of a high-school drinking party is a rather silly thing to expect. Quick - what was the exact date of the one you got drunkest at? And name everyone there?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Because of obama and holder more cops are getting killed each year because they hated law enforcement and encouraged civil unrest.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Typical whore behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Photo Emerges Of Georgia's Dem Governor Nominee Burning State Flag https:\/\/www.dailywire.com\/news\/37467\/photo-emerges-democrat-stacey-abrams-burning-ryan-saavedra","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump Attn: N.H. Make sure you vote #BidenHarris2020 . Fill that ballot out for #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica . Remember, #TrumpIsNotWell . That's #BidenHarris2020Landslide . Oh, and hello to all my friends in Derry and Manchester. Vote #BidenHarris2020ToEndThisNightmare !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ruth Bader Ginsburg next...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Bitches had me spending a night in jail, bitch you finna spend a night in the hospital on Lzzzzzzzz ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Black people really are brainless without exception. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The article, to its credit, actually is a pretty good explanation of the meme. Also, it underscores how retarded Twitter is. The guy's example of why Twitter \"had to\" take action was an account that said the incorrect election day. That was seriously considered \"election tampering.\" XD","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user @user @user And I thought I was a Bitch, but you are, well the worst cunt ever. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"right now you are accusing a person of a crime, slander, that has not committed, I don't know how I got on your fag list.....but you can go fuck yourself I said white ppl should not be cared for by blacks....I said NOTHING about this company or the nigger in question.....I stand by that","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I will constantly be on camera, holding today's newspaper and filmed from 2 angles, and live-streamed to a fortified location with daily off site backups. In the bottom corner of each video will be a continuously updated \"date and time stamp on the video image, encrypted with my public key. Y'all aren't gonna Cavanaugh me!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Pope Francis criticizes policy of migrant family separation via @user Stick to religion Mr. Red Pope... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You have a new guy every week.... I don't even floss that often. You have a fucking problem #WomenSuck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Most of Koreans in Japan are the descendants of illegal immigrant who went there after World War 2, not the people who was taken by force. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The German Government Pays for 3 Week Vacation for Refugees to Go Home ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nicolle Wallace's Violent Fantasy Life: Wring' Sanders' Neck, Punch' Trump's Face Send this rabid cunt into the heart of Syria so they c as n gang rape her https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-journalism\/2018\/10\/12\/nicolle-wallaces-violent-fantasy-life-wring-sanders-neck-punch-trumps-face\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump One guess white supremacy! The people will rise and stop your violence and dictatorship #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/jJeg4GrXNz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ain't that the truth ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Liberal college towns have the biggest white-black gaps in school test scores. Berkeley has the worst racial gap in the country. In contrast, high all around test scores and modest racial gaps tend to be found in GOP places like Dallas exurbs. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/fvth https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/37598","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Why did God invent the yeast infection? So women know what it's like living with an irritating cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#ClimateChange doesn't have to be a partisan issue. Among voters, it already isn't, according to polls. Congress has to take notice: people of all political ideologies acknowledge that the U.S. needs to #ActOnClimate ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Chicago has been ran by Democrats for decades. Why is it up to the GOP to solve the problems they created to begin with? Act is absolutely code for gun control and that's not happening nor would it help anyway. You need 1000 detectives. Start hiring.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This needs to go viral! Please RT! #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There are some Jewish people who are evil....like the Kabal! The same ones Jesus called 'the Spawn of satan' that though are born jewish....are not real \"jews\" (as they are against all that is held sacred by the original God fearing Jewish people). This is a retarded strawman built by the weak minded. Doing the smallest amount of research will see that every civilisation in history has had a problem with Jews. Interacting with the average Jew you will discover they fucking hate us. When it is rarer for a Jew to be good and not trying to undermine you and promote your genocide, it becomes the default to say they're all bad and praise the exceptional ones when they deserve it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER So you're saying all people who were opposed to the Democrats and Antifa in Charlotte were Nazis? Is that your claim?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"These are not youth`s, they are sub human, Nigger vermin. They are socially unevolved, degenerate trash.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Which is why I liked Jason Kessler's farcical \"jewnite-the-Rite 2\" of six or eight fuktards including a based nigger and beaner and some ol whigger supporting jail for jewdges. But these \"rallies\" should be reserved only for a half-dozen burnt-out whigger fuktards triggering 200 ZOGpigs, 500 antifa, and a thousand ZOGtards of various colors","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Canberra is obviously happy to be seen as an ally of Trump and Orban. And to underline multilateral approaches to the refugee issue. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"My point is you're a cunt you're probably not even British you probably support anjam Chowdhury Hezbollah Hamas and radical Islamic terrorism afterall you support refugees that tells everybody everything they need to know about you terrorist \"Hur dur dur, he doesn't worship kikes, he has to me a Muslim\" Said the Hasbara kike You're either a Muslim or a Jew which is it stop hiding behind the bullshit and be honest are you jew or are you a Muslim you see you keep giving yourselves away you use Jewish words like goy kike breitbart Kike, Playing Hasbara games. Because ONLY Hasbara tier groups are trying to force the narrative that white Europeans are not allowed to dislike Both Muslims and the Jews who bring them. Still triggered are we and that's just the picture for my profile that's not me and it still doesn't change the fact you are a CUNT or the fact that the so called refugees are And that still doesn't change the fact that the Jews are bringing the Muslims supportrefugees.org.uk\/about-2\/about\/ You kikebart shill it's the kikes andrew !you dozy britbong pansy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/cDFFis0j4JM Well thats depressing. No wonder why nazis are so angry Their ideology failed time and time again. That socialism sure did help them. I mean Germany hasn't existed since 1990 - no wonder why its a failed state. It didn't fail, it was Jewed, you haven't even passed Bernard Baruch Secretary of both World Wars Same team, Jewish, that's occupied Germany and you Jews are still guilty of the Holodomor and Katyn Massacre with sudequent cover ups to deceive the Americans to pass Lend Lease. The Nurmburg Trial was not American, we do not permit ex post facto laws Constitutionally. Watch your head, Negro. https:\/\/youtu.be\/UDyBSTQDwH8 Germany lost - tell me, if the Nazi ideology was soooo perfect, why did they lose? Your leader is dead, your nation bans National Socialism, your nation is worse than 1929 degeneracy, and there isn't a damn thing you can do except bitch about the past online. I don't give a fuck about any nation or race - if it isn't American, it's inferior. PERIOD. World Kikery: It's afraid. >America is \"world kikery\" nigga omg you really are a Eurofag retard World Kikery. It's afraid. no u ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We all know after 30yrs radical @Rosa_DeLauro is hopelessly out of touch and routinely calls herself and @SpeakerPelosi the PeLoSises .. but trying to insult by calling me a female Donald Trump on @FOX61News interview? Ummm....thank you? K.Y.A","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user Das sind kein Fl gtlinger !!!Its Illegal Immigration ....#sendthemback ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER So... what did The Big O accomplish on gun control in his 8 year disaster??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"> and don't cannibalise fellow human beings. what if we were in a plane crash and it was the only way to survive? which mod would we eat first? >which mod would we eat first? Dunno about eating, but sacrificing Bane to Cyric would have some evil appeal :-D Does it matter, the majority would taste like hot pockets. That's a good thing no? Shadist","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Bwahahaha-work? They are Liberal tools,honest work is for the Conservatives who they depend on to support their chubby little selves. Also,I hear they are getting $50 (and free food) to be protesters.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Holder should've been removed and jailed years ago.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Forcibly tearing apart families is inhumane and cruel. Immigrant justice is reproductive justice #FamiliesBelongTogether ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Prepare to be banned \"After thoroughly going through your post history, I've found that you post in wrong-think subreddits and therefore must be banned to protect the others from differing opinions.\" \"You have been muted for 72 hours from messaging the mods.\" If you're black, yes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Bitch, the phone you spend all day Fuckbooking, Slutchatting, and Twattering on was a \"toy\" invented by boys too. So was the TV you watch Real Housewhores Of Beverly Hills on. So was the car you drive to the mall in. So was the air conditioner that keeps your stupid ass cool. Did I mention the phone you use to swipe right for random dick while your man is off working hard? You stupid stupid whore.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Which one of the kids will be gay? My bet is on Edmund, he was always the cunt of the four siblings so they will try turning him into some subversive type. Someone will be brown too, other than the horse boy. I would say most likely Caspian. >My bet is on Edmund, he was always the cunt of the four siblings so they will try turning him into some subversive type. Well he does turn around. He's really a completely different person in *Dawn Treader* . I hated him as a kid, but as an adult coming back to them I sympathize with him. But seriously. If they try to make Edmund gay or something similar, Lewis's estate as well as hundreds of fans who love the book for it's Christian message are going to be PISSED OFF. > I would say most likely Caspian. Well that would kind've make sense. He's described as being blonde and blue eyed in the original book. . . despite the Telmarines being described as 'descendants of Island women and Pirates'. Which never really made sense to me. So you could get away with that. I mean, Ben Barnes WAS Prince Caspian and he didn't look anything like I pictured him in the book as a kid.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Just because his best stats season was at 34 doesn't mean he's the greatest pl midfielder fuck off","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Yeah - because ANTIFA are nothing but violent thugs who assault anyone and everything.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"nah im not faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"supposedly the panhandle is a bunch of hick rednecks according to the left, yet they managed to withstand a cat. 4 hurricane and conduct the elections without issue. Why is it that the people the left denigrates on a regular basis always perform better than the left?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just another Trump hating twat on DEMOCRACY NOW","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We Have Details About The New Star Wars' Project. Fans Will Go Wild When They Hear Them https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/vs6kym.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/wcCp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"you just love sand nigger cock own it cocksucker","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" Is that supposed to be #GeneSimmons? #KISS my ass! Nationalist Snowflake Sad you display alot of triggering why do you engage in this \"giving them attention syndrom\".Just by answering you seem to prove is point of the snowflake part.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He can put #Kaepernick on his squad anytime. #JustDoIt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Women who are sick should be taken to a vet, not a doctor. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"During last night's rally in Houston, President Trump declared himself a nationalist,' which triggered CNN's Don Lemon, as well as many other unhinged leftists, into crying racist'. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/trump-declares-himself-a-nationalist-cnn-says-its-racist\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"'Look at this f---ing white guy!' bigot yells before attacking man in pizzeria... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Mppx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#landdegradation undermines the well-being of 3.2 billion people, or \"two-fifths of humanity, drives species extinction and intensifies #climatechange, and is also a major contributor to mass human #migration. @CauxDialogue ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Woah, watch out, that guy has a firearm! HEY, LOOK OUT!! THAT CLEARLY MARKED FEMALE MEDIC HAS AN RPG!!! BANG!!!.... Oh, nvm lols she was carrying a Palestinian baby. OOPS!! Lay with terrorists, die with terrorists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm gonna treat women like a hole ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm not your bud asshole Shit in your hand. Bud. Oi, you're making us real assholes look bad, ya cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Her word against his and one more! She is a left wing nut nobody would touch and is mad cause #Kavenaughs Mom had to evict her parents!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's easy to feel like you can't make a difference when the injustice of the world seems so overwhelming. But if we all do our part, we will see things change. Do your part for refugees this week and help them rebuild their lives. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Not our problem #sendthemhome ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Why dont yo long faggot was shut the fuck up and hit me on da nose or try too see what happens wit yall","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just Fake It.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No school shootings in New Zealand ever. Suggest you do some research around countries that have unarmed police forces. Their children and citizens are kept safe by strong gun control laws that are strictly enforced.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Why can't liberals read?????? READ it AGAIN URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's not, I just censored the username. OneyNG reference? They look and sound like the type who hate themselves and project it to other people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#CuckNewsNetwork proving once again that they have the most retarded crew of \"journalists in the business.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Calling all campaign and state \/ local \/ fdl government staffers and alums Join Late Help to support battleground states as they elect @joebiden @kamalaharris. https:\/\/t.co\/xvPDTwgadt #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I don't hate non-Whites because they have a different skin color. I hate their privilege to steal my tax dollars and laugh in my face with their sub par IQ, state protection. Now apply to women. Same. Worse. They have one job, and that's not pol, nor is it to go to work\/school until i have the entire conversation archived. Fn try me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"White people can't talk about racism! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=8uklywa1IUk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Let's get rid of fast food once and for all. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" I cancelled mine about the same time. I dropped mine after the Academy awards. Cancelled mine when they put on Dear White People.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#BidenHarris2020 cause the Trump supporters just don't care about anyone or anything https:\/\/t.co\/TWhxUy2TXg https:\/\/t.co\/UbGakVthwd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#NoMenMidterms Jesus Christ...ya gotta be kidding me....and yet another biased agenda...#VoteMenVote No more biased than yours. Seriously....since I believe EVERY U.S. citizen has the right to vote....tell me exactly how that's biased....can't wait to hear this bullshit... You have an opinion, and believe only your opinion is valid. Textbook bias. Jesus....SMDH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER last night my 6 year old daughter Audrey broke both of the bones in her lower leg. You are her biggest heroes! She talks about meeting y'all in Phoenix all the time. Any chance she could get a \"get well shoutout ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hahahaha, nigger is a funny word, so therefore this post is funny, hahahaha, right guys?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"ok retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Thats what I thought they were implying. Thats retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@ProjectLincoln Donald Trump deserves the biggest loss in History!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Immigrant: Piece of candy, little girl? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER We've got a big story coming out (most probably next week) about the Communist origins of Antifa. I hope you can join us @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER what the fuck...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Democrats Today The Supreme Court is illegitimate The Senate must be dismantled The Electoral College must be destroyed ALSO: Pres. Trump undermines our Republic Spray the whole crowd with concentrated ghost chili oil in aerosol form and watch the fun. Not all Dems are like that and there are plenty of the GOP that think Trump is a bad president. I am not a member of either party but I think President Trump has done a few things right and many things wrong. I have an ber dictum I live by: \"I Pledge Allegiance To The FLAG - not some guy in a suit . Trump does not get a free pass from me. That said, the crowd in that picture gets a pepper oil smackdown. So does Portland antifa. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to swear allegiance to the USA and the Constitution there of? After all, a flag is just cloth. \"The flag is just a piece of cloth . Fuck you, buddy. My Brothers and I fought, and some died, for that \"piece of cloth . Asshole. #GabFam #GabVets What a spineless cuck... \"The flag is just a cloth\" \"The anthem is just a shitty song about violence.\" \"The constitution is just an outdated piece of paper.\" Context, bud. Context.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"[removed] By 9 men? Her? You are ridiculously delusional. [deleted] They're not saying you have to believe all women are pretty or else you're sexist. They're saying ugly women get raped. Why we listening to this guy? He thinks breakfast food is gay sex.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My feed now after days of really trying is a conglomeration of anime cat people, retarded political views, religious discussions by fundamentalists, and a bunch of women showing loose vagina??? What the literal fuck is going on here???","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Antifa arent the anti, first comes communism, then comes the opponents of communism, then comes communists kvetching that people oppose them. Thats Antifa. Couldn't disagree more with the illustration. The only down antiF.A. has experienced is mom's basement. Nobody has ever hurt them, and that's the problem. Those punks have never seen real suppression, war, or pain. Burn this one and try again. This time with a little realism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"How good would this be.. #MAGA Clairol Nice 'n Easy stock will take a plunge if Ruth retires. She is on life support already and if No-name McCain can work with half a brain I guess Ruth can. LMAO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is what @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris gave to China. To pay them for their kindness China gave the world the Chinese Virus. Now Joe and Kamala blame President Trump. I blame China and Joe. While they got rich we got poor. Rules for us and not for them. Vote Red save the USA. https:\/\/t.co\/F8VMcjnBnE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Palestinian teen protest icon released from Israeli prison ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gay people are absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"lol, 2k will stay retarded and never realize why everyone is playing black ops 4 instead of their piece of shit game","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER His policies were the worst","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Me when I go anywhere, ever ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Blocking people is my cardio ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" Europe is good at History because it is history","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Meghan Markle is the scum of the Royal family. She couldn't cut it in Hollywood and she'll cause a lot of chaos. Hopefully when Prince William becomes king, he'll kick out the Muslims, take control over the Parliament, and put a leash on that mud baby duchess. Queen Elizabeth II is the worst person in the history of Britain. Charlie will take over before Willie.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER so and accusation by a libtarded Trump hating liberal activist against a Trump appointee doesnt make u wonder if the accusation was politically motivated in the SLIGHTEST? No? This is why conservatives think u are all stupid. Because u are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sorry RETARD READ THE POST. if you believe trump -you are a profoundly stupid sheep. MAGA? Purge ANTIAMERICAN right wing filth from our soil. Trump is the fucking traitor and his followers are fascist sheep. Trump should hang in GITMO for treason. His supporters should be rounded up and shipped back to russia.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Glad to see that @AndrewAnglin has bravely resisted the purity spiral, and broken free of the ideological echo chamber of the pro-White movement. In this piece, he courageously puts forth a plan for White survival. Specifically, that Daily Stormer readers should purchase White eggs, fertilize them in a laboratory, and insert the fertilized eggs into the low end Asian whores they've been fucking. Genius. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/shills-continue-to-spout-nonsense-refuse-to-accept-the-scientific-anglin-plan-for-white-racial-survival\/ @BillyRoper here is cantwell saying it again. @occdissent is this really the stuff you condone with your association with Cantwell? If not, then why associate with him?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER The one time I engaged with Louise mensch was when she said URL was a Russian op because it had a Russian registrar. I tried explaining how the internet works with screenshots and stuff but got no reply.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@KamalaHarris @202010Maria But man... He sure jumped on getting that conservative judge sworn in. If he only acted like that with the pandemic... We could've maybe kicked it's ass.*If Trump wore a mask, and encouraged mask wearing*Enacted the PPE manufacturing sooner","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Lmao that's awesome","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You weren't here last week when we established that being retarded is a source of power.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm gonna have to remember that one. Seriously though, that face is irritating. It's r\/punchablefaces material for sure. Yeah after I linked it, I delved into a deep pit that I'm still not completely out of. Still not exactly sure what happened with the sub... [https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/MuseumOfReddit\/comments\/4h5w3b\/august_10_2015_rpunchablefaces_is_under_new\/](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/MuseumOfReddit\/comments\/4h5w3b\/august_10_2015_rpunchablefaces_is_under_new\/) It was taken over by purple-haired SJW's.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My genes hate nigger genes.. ( < :","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Making up buzzwords is FUN! Bum ass game \"journalists\" perpetuate techoretardation","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm dressing as a nigger picking cotton.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user gntlement must know treat their women like princess not like whore ehehe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nazis and the left wing https:\/\/www.americanthinker.com\/blog\/2017\/08\/nazis_and_the_left_wing.html Hitler was a radical lefty... a left winger","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" Not in the UK it won't under this government. you never had a thought tho have you? youre just a lil pedo protector arent you is that it? you just repeat what i said and call it patter? you aint got no chat son, your just a gullible deluded follower of white groomers thats complicit in child rape by the edl","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I think the Irony is lost on these.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Britain Releases Radical Islamist Preacher From Prison... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/35nwX ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He is in jail","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Living at the edge of the world: Stories of Sahrawi refugees ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I have tried many diets and I hate every single one of them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Torba or one of his slaves are free to ban everybody posting loli ecchi, but the backlash from the free speech community won't like it. Banning content that is LEGAL for MORAL reasons? Banning loli hentai at least had a [weak] legal excuse and sparked backlash but loli ecchi? It would be disastrous for GAB's \"free speech\" claims. So go on, do it - kill GAB. (8) \"child pornography means any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Goddamnit retards its because paying a hitman counts as premeditation and yes you can be blamed if the guy finishez the job.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Rep. Joe Kennedy: Americans Must Welcome the Migrant Caravan https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/25\/rep-joe-kennedy-americans-must-welcome-the-migrant-caravan\/ Kennedy's Got what they Deserved !! And the US got the Kennedys that they didn't.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And so what? And who cares?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This year, we launched a new blog series called Frontline Reports to provide updates on the countries in which we work as they continue to evolve. Recently we outlined the family strengthening programs serving Syrian refugees in Jordan. Read more ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"LMFBOOOOOO AY WHICH ONE OF YOU DID THIS? :cryingwhilelaughingemoji: @PureWhiteEvil @Vic_Mackey @RealCheddarMan @h4rdm0us @MyHonorIsLoyalty @Booster_Bunny @Alex_Linder @SpeakerOfTurth @gerbils @brockstrongballs @GadsdenGreenPill @Gesta @ImperivmEvropa @jackcorbin @Mosin-Nagant2 @TheList","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Desperation! Abuse of my power cause he is losing his mind","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Well, well, well. It looks like orangutans over at ABC are regretting their treatment of Roseanne Barr. https:\/\/www.chicksonright.com\/youngconservatives\/2018\/10\/12\/abc-execs-change-their-tune-and-now-admit-the-truth-about-roseanne-3\/?utm_source=comicalcon a nigger breaks a nail and it'sa national emergency","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"YEA THEY GET SHORT CIRCUITED AND TRIGGERED SO EASY IN A FORUM THAT IS NOT MODERATED AND FLAGGED OR CENSORED. Just use the word Nigger or show a swastika and they will be mad all night and go to bed triggered","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Swarms of disabled people are infesting our government. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#IllegalImmigrants #IllegalAliens #ElectoralSystem #ElectoralCollege I'm going to shock some people here: America is NOT a #Democracy, America is a #Republic. Even more defined America is a Representative Republic. In a TRUE... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This faggot will get you doxxed. If he's really this dumb you could doxx him by staking out altlite videos on Bitchute and correlating his linking...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"These disabled people make me so happy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Tom was bought! He is more interested in Tom than his constituents","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user 10 minute call to you to place an order end up costing me more than 7. Skank or what? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Sept 20 at 2:18 EST, expect emergency text message from trump. If it says no collusion,\" I'm gonna sue someone. #resist #MAGA\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I voted for Trump. The only other option was a drunk who put our National Security at risk... Why \"RETARDS\" would nominate\/run such a person as their Presidential candidate.... President Donald J Trump...the wrecking ball of establishment politics.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Typical slut behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No mother fucker. The 'Chosen People' isn't selective DNA based on Creed BUT But but... IT'S about, right here, right now ... for everyone, from everywhere, living in these END TIMES and more importantly based on our individual Choice\/Direction\/Belief - Got it motherfucker? God is real therefore he is looking for his REAL people. Not some preachy cunt like you - https:\/\/youtu.be\/5cjqFHTjVFQ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user You are a skank Graham.John McCain would be ashamed ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"ok gab. Fuck You. Go fuck your Mama. I've reset my pass word like 4 times today. Why are you acting faggot queer liberals? What's going on. I thought this was freesom of speech and for the people. What gives Bitch!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Thank you for allowing me aboard! Proudly following all #MAGA #KAG Patriots ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"cats can't talk bud, were you institutionalized with Wictor or are you actually a retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No Muslim deserves to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Some absolute skank of a girl out there trying to cause trouble. Not happening love.. I show my girl every message a girl sends me ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Are you freaking serious. 3900 lives lost. Trillion dollars in recover and rebuild. Continued threats and fear. You are a disgrace to journalism. You moron!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And you are? Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Never gets any right this cunt lozydoe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER It sure it here. Those other photos of her were from decades ago. She is a complete Liberal Antifa. She can not be trusted. I don't believe her. Not a whit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"D: DID THAT GUY JUST NOW FLIRT WITH YOU L: No, wait, it's not what you think D. I WON'T HESITATE; BITCH *shoots down the innocent fanboy* ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Lisa Page confirmed the Russia story was passed to the MSM as a distraction for gullible liberals to push as a narrative to hinder our duly elected president's success in office.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Rage of women of trump in the White House made them individually fearless to turn on Weinstein! Blame 1 man not all men. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Talking to them is pointless. Anything slightly less than blind pussy worship gets their clit in a twist. Is that why in islam they remove clit? So why are isolated tribes like the sentinalese not suffering from inbreeding. thats bad. but i think thats an arabic thing. not islamic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He's going down with the rest of them #deepstate #ObamaWorstPresidentEver","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You are a retarded liberal moron. Housing is a human right? So the gov't will force contractors to build home for free? Who pays for the materials? Labor? God you liberals are fucking stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"jew cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I live in Austin and couldn't believe how many people voted to raise their taxes - 65-70+%!! The one proposition that failed was one requiring a third party audit of the city's business - failed by 58%? Dfuq? You agree to borrow almost $900million and then don't want somebody ensuring it is spent well? I don't get it. It's like they can't say no.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER URL It's a guy. Guy looks like a Sheila. #QANON #MAGA #GREATAWAKENING -Crocodile Dundee URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When you hear that Scott Walker (Yes that idiot) is helping Pence prep for tonight's #VPDebate...#debate#debates#Debates2020#KamalaHarris#BidenHarris2020#Biden2020#TrumpMeltdown https:\/\/t.co\/g1P2mCDBrp","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And the wetback can smile and not look worried about what he has done at all. Illegal mindset; no legal boundaries, conscience destroyed if one existed in the first place. Evil is natural to evil beings.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"this useless thug socialist nigger will turn my state into detroit. there will be massive white flight and the state will be doomed just like everywhere else that affirmative action niggers are gerrymandered into office. This state is something like %79 republican registered.. if this shitnigger wins it will be by voter fraud and niggery","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Great job Mayor, you are slowly turning London into just another shithole.You should follow the example of our great President Trump, he will not let America become a shithole, he believes in enforcing laws and limiting immigration. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Liberals sure love to spend other people's money !!!!!! Hope and change\" really works well for the Obamas who are multi millionaires. Their fortunes have really changed for the better !!!!!! If liberals have any brain cells left, they'd vote for President Trump !\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Jews are Whites. Jews are Europeans to their core. Kick out the Muzzie slime. Leave fellow Whites alone. Aww Jews are genetic cousins of that muzzie slime. Why would you do that to them, white jew man? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I also need to address this question: Why did President Trump hire two lawyers that would hire Robert Mueller when they did not have to? #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Let's have some fun. Let me rape your wallet. You'll watch, stroke and thank me for abusing you like a whore! #Findom #walletdrain #paypig ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user Watching you two as my black cock grows harder and harder ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There's a garden hoe hanging right next to that shovel there. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"Too bad them \"feminazis\" can't take criticism.\" \"What are you going to do, cry holding your cats? Get the fuck outta here, ya pasty cunt.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"drink bleach you kike loving faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wendy is such a lying cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Kyle long is fine. I bet he is just getting rest. Please at Brown over Sims.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER We had a Peoples Vote on 23 June 2016. The people rejected the craven @USER worship which you stand for - by a majority of over 1m. You're contemptuously defying the will of the people and @USER 2017 GE manifesto and supporting Soros in undermining democracy instead","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You, too, can date bitter commie dyke Wanda Sykes with our handy miscegenation app.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER BS has no clue what comming out her mouth.WRONG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"He needs to read some of the subreddits all of us here frequent. It's dangerous enough for a guy just to date some girl who isn't already vetted by your friends, (crazy, false rape, looking for a baby, etc), much less forming a **legal contract** (marriage) that gives them control over your fucking life. If they get in an accident on their honeymoon and he ends up the hospital, she can pull the plug on his ass, LEGALLY. Take everything and keep on trucking because he's a stranger.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Spoken like a true globalist. A borderless, one world government has always been their goal. No borders means social mayhem. The more chaos they foment, the more the public will demand an all powerful superstate. Ordo ab chao (out of chaos, order) is their motto. #BuildThatWall ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So I decided I'm pretty much over twitter. I think I'm going to go full retard and drive it till the wheels fall off. you never go full retard ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nobody LISTENED to her. She's burned out. That's all. It's time for fresh blood in that position. She became Trump for two years, and now she needs to step away. It's exhausting to do what HE does. Government officials must know when they're done. She knows it's time to stop. AND. She credits Jared Kushner for much of her success. He crafted Trump's election strategy and Middle Eastern strategy. Kushner is another Trump. Note that Haley's resignation came as a total surprise. There were no leaks. \"The leaks are real; the news is fake.\" Nothing REAL ever leaks. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=hEENopuCdzc Your easily triggered! Not at all, whore. . Kudos to the adults in the room. The LEGO hurlers must be absolute peaches in real life. GFY meth head. To bad Kushner's the Man My IQ is so far above your own. Peasant.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"David Greco @DaveGreco33 Goodbye chum ..MUTED If there is one thing i hate as much as zionist its nazi scum . Mentally retarded boy raping queers !! Anyone who can be a nazi is a liberal queer degenerate !! If there is one thing i hate as much as zionist its nazi scum . Mentally retarded boy raping queers !! Anyone who can be a nazi is a liberal queer degenerate !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Sounds like a moral dilemma for leftist dingbats. After all, the cop is a muslim. CHICAGO: MUSLIM OFF-DUTY COP shoots innocent autistic black teen from his vehicle in a drive-by shooting http:\/\/barenakedislam.com\/2018\/10\/21\/chicago-muslim-off-duty-cop-shoots-innocent-autistic-black-teen-from-his-vehicle-in-a-drive-by-shooting\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Conservatives are notoriously gullible. I use wanted to make sure you knew.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"None. I don't live in a nigger and Jew infested city.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"These people are so retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"He said this was \"typical mong behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Proud of yerself? So many WORDS wasted on your OWN feeble virtue-signaling. Your swastika boy scout badges were stomped to death in Go back and READ your own posts. Your \"Look at me, I'm a Nazi!\" shit is childish, like a little retarded boy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm low key a little salty that I donated to the Biden campaign a few times and never got my stickers. I see you, Joe and Kamala. #Biden2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Jason, you seem to have delusions of grandeur. You were never a thought leader in our movement. You organized a rally. And more recently a 2nd, Alt-Lite, one. I admire your courage. I empathize with your persecution at the hands of our enemies. But many of our brothers have suffered far more severe and life-altering persecution than you have.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user I was banned from your chat because I said that cunt was a disrespectful term and I knew why you said it but it still stung. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user She's such a whore on insta! I'd own her holes forever! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Ruth Davidson Scotland want need a battleship if a nuke hits faslane your more interested in your lovers immigration right ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Watch: Pakistani migrant sits next to a Swedish woman and starts harassing her for no reason - Free Speech Time - @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Women are like elephants. Everyone likes to look at them but no one wants to keep one #WomenSuck ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You hear something he is not saying but they did drink supposedly at that school in the 80s which was 18 in 79. This tales is 1982 when limits moved to 21 but there is a girl 15 accusing a boy 17 of everything but sex. If you think it is rape prosecute it. Do not imply boy lies","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Jonah hill ratted your sorry ass out wdym","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Somehow I foresee the Japanese branch either telling the Americans to fuck off, or firing the fucking lot of them and just doing everything from Japan and hiring a few localizers for things and not having an American branch at all because they will start to only trust other Japanese people due to this corporate coup de'tait attempt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fucking faggot has a history of being a useless cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It doesn't count when it's done to white people, it's just \"revenge\" and \"sticking it to the man\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The George Zimmerman thing was a great boon for us. Nothing even comes close.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#Burundi Nkurunziza's envoy to the UN now recognizes that there was a crisis since 2015. He spent the last 3 years denying it. He now says it's over and all is well. He forgets: 400K refugees outside Burundi 2000+ victims who need justice 3 million affected by hunger ... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sooo...Colin Kaepcake, a muzzie slave, a gay Indian, and a Hawaiian, all with huge V's are the face of the DemonRats? Where are the chicks with dicks?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/07\/colin-powell-trump-is-not-acting-like-a-moral-leader\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's all white. Yet he goes out of his way to spot one nigger or spic. Lol. Basically fuck whitey.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"JJ can say men aren't second class citizens all she wants but the facts are that's how we are treated. and#x200B; Solution: don't get married and don't knock up cunts. And then they get it back in taxes, alimony, and child support. 80% of global spending is controlled by women. That means they get 100% of what they earn and then spend 64% of what men earn. Further, women represent a net loss in tax revenue because the government spends more on women than women pay in. That cost is passed directly on to men.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He. Is. A. Sociopath.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER So these Parkland students are a joke they were hijacked from Sanity by these gun control freakazoids at the get-go and their parents let them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hillbilly Moon Explosion - My Love Forever More (ft. Sparky from Demented are go) https:\/\/youtu.be\/2rlYPb2plaY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ugh... Back when I was still watching TV, I was clicking along and landed on some chick talk show, and a bunch of broads were discussing the news item, where a woman cut a man's dick off when he was sleeping and threw it into garbage disposal so it couldn't be reattached. And one of the thundercunts started laughing, and saying something along the lines of \"Imagine how funny it would have looked, just flopping around in the garbage disposal!\" and all of them except I think one were laughing, and that one chick had this \"This is wrong...isn't it?\" look on her face. I mean...Jesus! Reverse the genders. Man snuck up on a sleeping woman, hacked off a piece of her anatomy, and tossed it into garbage disposal. A bunch of men on TV hear about it, and start laughing about how funny it looks, flopping around in there. Can you guys honestly see this kind of shit on daytime television? I mean even in the Middle East, where a bunch of sick fucks can sit around on TV and calmly discuss, in scholarly atmosphere, the proper way to beat one's wife. Even THOSE twisted fucks wouldn't laugh at that.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"12 Illegal Immigrants Found in Texas Border City Stash Houses in One Day via @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's time for #massdeportations until the borders are secure. #BorderPatrol #ICE @user #NoDACA ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You are such a losing Democrat....No one believes what you say...You speak well but part of crooked Democrats....Pers Trump has done more for the USA than any other President put together....LOSER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The only thing that fat old twat can do is bag and tag that thing it calls a wife.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When your friend tells you they just got an android ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trans people should be dumped in a landfill. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Please shut up Ontario is seeing what conservatives stand for @USER is not helping you loose this province your never going anywhere.. Not they you will any way your completely out of tune with Canadian Mr. Harper oops I mean Mr. Scheer common mistake you so much alike.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"u a stupid ho ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user @user Many women aren't innocent! Megyn is an attention whore who lies to keep herself relevant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Please can I have some of whatever it is you've been smoking? Thats some top quality shit you're coming out with.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Without limitation of refugees Seehofer can retire. Time to get the truth ! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Worker charged in 2017 with molesting children at immigrant shelter | The Texas Tribune ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'd totally go on that show 'my lottery dream home' when I win the","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What's #Bibi afraid of?Like a delinquent child he starts his political shenanigans then hides to avoid assuming responsibility in public. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Indians are shit but burgers only have broken English and ebonics to learn and still fail. Second thread in a row where a burger can't figure out you're and your","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Money which are payed for social welfare - it increase. Together money for refugees will destroy the budget. People must decide: Welfare less and refugees or welfare without refugees. Both isnt possible. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You're either a bot or... for some reason you're associated Gavin McInnes with the alt-right\"? Time to find some better news sources, bro? The \"alt-right\" hasn't been relevant since CVille. Your journalists covering #antifa or just focusing on a few harmless conservatives?\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Jesus, that's retarded. I'll see if I can find that post but I'm not sure I wanna know, lol.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That's only natural for a shemale like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Andrew .... what is your position on gun control in Canada ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I ended up listening to it when I heard rumblings about GG","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Clients are easy to hack. Servers less so If the server trusts the clients, hacking a client is the same as hacking the server.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user You're a skank. You are more skilled at shoplifting than trying to be witty. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER he is terrible ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Antifa girl of the month centrefold!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"your brain is damaged, you miserable cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@JoeBiden @chrislongview Dear god yes. Finish it. Cannot wait for my Arizona permanent mail in ballot to arrive. I'm filling it in starting with Biden-Harris, then Mark Kelly, then blue down ballot. The next morning, I am driving it to an office precinct office and handing it to a human. #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Max is the boss. The conservatives shouldn't have made such a weak dud as their leader this wouldn't have happened. Scheer tries to cater to the left wing crazies. He should be all in on freedom of speech but he coward on that. He takes the same positions as Trudeau on NAFTA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Biden's Town Hall. #Biden2020 https:\/\/t.co\/ms8rCUm9O4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@seanmdav That's only after the first 75,000 have tested positive. But you just wait for next 75,000. They will all need ICU. #maga2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user They need to be deported shouldn't even go to court immigration should step in ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER When he's not imparting these gems Michael Moore is stuffing his face.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yeah right ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Survivor Steve Scalise: Eric Holder call for violence is a direct threat to our democracy https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/opinion\/rep-steve-scalise-when-eric-holder-other-dems-call-for-violence-thats-a-direct-threat-to-our-democracy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Typical pick up line of nigger to White Girl...\"Are you happy\"?.. places doubt in her mind and triggers an impulse reaction. She thinks she has to please the colored boy and without taking the time to think about it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Fuck me daddy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" I just wanna make you feel okay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Apparently I'm too negative. Well fuck you, suck my dick, faggots. How's that for fucking negative, you bitch ass cunts? Fuck you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Most hysterical woman #KavanaughConfirmationHearings #BrettKavanaugh #CoryBooker #KamalaHarris ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I either laugh or turn into a complete psychopath when I'm mad, either way, no one is safe ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Right wingers are RETARDS. Not stupid or misinformed - FULL ON MENTALITY RETARDED SHEEP. Fuck trump. Fuck all the RACSIT fascist Nazi kkk filth that support him. Based on all your rantings, I believe you are the full retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"Boko Haram literally means \"books are bad . What else would you expect from the in-bred, retarded followers of the pedophile false-prophet of Satan?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I dont use it. I had an account for harrassing retarded leftist people but I cant even view the site unless I give them my phone #.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"you are a mamby pamby faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER you are like a real life cartoon character!! I love and respect the shit out of you for it. Keep doing you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user Yeah, you can get one free 600MB ram one. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I really am just going to murder that Muslim. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#TrumpVirusDeathToll211K #VirtuallyNobody until the #MalignantNarcisisst actually gets it.No #Empathy #Compassion #Kindness #Understanding I'm voting #November3rd for #Decency #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/jtqljF2HY2","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user I think his cowardice is showing again. #QAnon #Spygate #DeclassifyFISA #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWall ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is just carrying out #MaxineWaters mission! #RedWaveRising #GoodbyeDemocrats","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Since most Americans are out-of-shape, weak, and can't fight. Fighting weight is now determined by caliber size. Gun sissies and their stupid advocacy groups. Posturing with a huge gun shows all your weakness in all other aspects of manliness. Are you a self appointed Section Police? Nope - I just like to share ridiculous posts like yours when i see them Keep sharing. I want more people to see.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"wikihow didn't load when they looked up how to make a timer on a circuitboard","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Enter illegally = can't claim asylum https:\/\/www.justice.gov\/opa\/pr\/doj-and-dhs-issue-new-asylum-rule \"Today's new rule applies to prospective presidential proclamations, and is not retroactive.\" --- It's not just that. It's laying the groundwork for potential future executive action. They explicitly cited Trump's lawful authority regarding 'any aliens or any class of aliens' for a reason. He can simply say anyone arriving in a caravan from Guatemala is barred from entry because of X. X can be any reason he wants. Honestly, I can understand that sentiment at this point. If they have a legit reason to seek asylum they would have accepted Mexico's offer of asylum.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We must not let any disabled person live. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I guess i was a cunt to a woman who was flirting with our married friend (wife is put of town.) She knows he is married etc.. Good. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What a hypocritical cunt she is. I can't help but wonder if Bourdain found out about that shit before pulling the plug.. Edit: Bourdain was an awesome dude and a loyal Brazilian jiu jitsu practitioner, it was a sad day the world lost him.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"But let's blame the women for being in the military in the first place eh you fucking cunt smear ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Newly surfaced video of Joe Biden speaking to our troops or \"stupid bastards\". #SupportOurTroops #Trump2020#FridayThoughts @realDonaldTrump https:\/\/t.co\/ueDt2RQxiG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"settle down with the conspiracy chat\" So what are you saying, that institutional female privilege is a conspiracy? Enjoy you misandrist worthless bigot; https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=kkCQvuWw2HI Now fuck off daft cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT @gbcarr24: School District Denies Claim Kindergartner Was Assaulted By Gender Fluid' Boy In Girls' Bathroom https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/WtW2 via @dailycaller","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Or we could have gun control","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lol Lazy National Socialist getting all upset, and I'm not even talking to him :) I say both. They're inter-changeable Pussy hat lol I say both. They're inter-changeable Pussy hat lol.. Your usual nonsensical bullshit , keep it up I will","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Well im glad that i live in Serbia, migrants and islamists are not welcome here!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user @user Welp I think you said the correct thing. Though now he's protected his tweets. What a fuckin cunt. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Pass the plan why ae we allowing Immigrants to become Public Charges which is against he law they should be deported #Trump #MAGA #RedNationRising ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"PHOTO OF SHOOTER IN TENN CHURCH ATTACK | Sudanese Immigrant Arrested Emanuel Sampson, 25, From Sudan ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is slamming Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) for his concession to Democrat Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), saying the Washington, D.C., political establishment is \"eager to return to business as usual.' https:\/\/t.co\/IY0IcpJdhQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Here is a desperate, irrelevant clown looking to stay relevant.#MAGA #KAG #POTUS #NEWS #Trump #WalkAway #BuildTheWall #LockHerUp #USA #NoDACA #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #Flag #FridayFeeling #FridayMotivation #FakeNews ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I wouldn't have had the self restraint not to knock this vegan cunt out.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"IDIOTS ........................ RANGEMASTER COULD HAVE BROUGHT YOU DOWN LIKE A MUZZIE IN THE SAND-BOX FOR THAT .................. https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/Aim0holiks\/videos\/260425174643535\/UzpfSTE4NDQzMjg1Njg6MTg3NjcyNTI5OTExMzg4MQ\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm not even gonna read that condescending article. I know for a fact that there were women warriors in the ancient world. I know for a fact that there were women soldiers in newer wars. I am annoyed of being called dumb by someone who doesn't acknowledge me for what I am - a woman gamer who is more informed than the \"journalist\" who wrote this article. I would have *loved* to play as a [WASP](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Women_Airforce_Service_Pilots) in a WWII game. But no, devs gotta play \"muh diversity\" card because of ignorant dumb sluts that call themselves SJWs. I would have *loved* to see a game focus on strong women like [Tomoe Gozen](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Tomoe_Gozen) or [empress Jingu](https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Empress_Jing%C5%AB), if they absolutely must play the No Whites-card. I'm sure there are African warrior women, but I'm not knowledgable when it comes to african nations. A cunt like Eve MacDonald shouldn't assume anything, when she clearly doesn't know who gamers are. She doesn't even back up her assumption with legitimately historical women fighters.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user Women are sacred as mothers and wives. Everyone else is a degenerate whore who gets what ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER How an #evangelist speaks when he is filled with holy spook URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Are you a faggot or a bob-and-vagene?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Tech Workers and Flight Attendants Resist Immigrant Family Separation Labor Notes ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@JoeBiden Actually Sir everything that came out of that fat sweaty--like Nixon in 1960--criminal POS did NOT come out of his mouth. Like everything else he says and does it all came out of his rectum.Gr8 job Mr. Vice President under horrendous circumstances.#BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/riyRxtqOwh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trump may be grabbing women by the pussy, but feminists are grabbing america by the dick ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nancy PelosiWe kept the republic! Congratulations to Joe Biden on his victory for the soul of our country. Congratulations to Kamala Harris for making history. It's a time to heal and a time to grow together. E Pluribus Unum.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Atheism=lack of god (theism) belief. I don't believe in fairy\/spook in the sky tales. One can be atheist and agnostic. Most atheists are both. Kikes have programmed the masses so that they are triggered to hate atheists. They spout the retarded meme \"you have to believe in something\". Ya, I believe in lots of things that are so such as the fact that you are a moron.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fat ugly bitter bull dyke traitor along with Alec Baldwin need to be hung this weekend for treason.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"To all the white people that might read this, know that I as a black man, will not criticize you based off the color of your skin. I know that there are good and bad people in all colors. Have a good day and God bless!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"NNN is pretty dumb, but then trying to equate that to misogyny is just going full retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lied about being a \"DR\". No license has been found. She said she used her cell phone to call a friend after it happened. Cell phones were practically non existent in She said she ran to a Safeway after the incident. Safeway didn't exist in that location until She is a Liar. Rachel Mitchell says it more eloquently. YOU ARE LETTING FACTS GET IN THE WAY OF A 1ST. CLASS LYNCHING AND CHARACTER SMEAR. SHE HAS THE DR. THAT BILL COSBY HAD AND SHE NEEDS TO BE IN THE SAME PLACE HE IS TODAY. IN PRISON. FUCKING CUNT I don't like that word but in this case it's appropriate and spot on as the Brits would say. Tally Ho. IT SUMS UP A LOT OF THESE DEMOCRATS NO MATTER WHAT GENDER THEY IDENTIFY AS.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Damn, and here I was hoping it was AIDS... corrected for errors it reads \"someone chopped my dick up, and turned it inside out and stuffed it inside my taint and i call it a vagina and dress up in women's clothes and make a doggone retard out of myself\" It's a mental disorder and it's best to talk about it in those terms. Gender Dysphoria. Fresh and new science pussy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Gay people have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"kill every goat fucking sand nigger in your country and you wont have that problem (dont worry...we here in the US need to do the same thing)...man woman child and their pet goat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Omg Jin's laugh makes me wanna laugh my whole life. He is so adorable","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Trump and Amy Coney Barrett...I can already see the leftist tears falling from the SJWs...crying about women and their reproductive rights #Trump2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We should not let immigrants suffer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Edward Heath Promised UK Sovereignty When The UK Joined The EEC https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qUdkidgI9kE A smug and allegedly blackmailed Heath promises the world? Check out article FCO 30\/1048","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just chew on that for a minute. You go to Trump rallies in California to protect Trump supporters from getting beat up by Antifa. The Trump DOJ does nothing about the problem, but prosecutes you for inciting riots! It has been open season on Trump supporters since Day One at the inauguration. I was there in DC. I saw them rioting and 2 years later not a single one of those people have anything to worry about from Jeff Sessions and the inept DOJ. It has been worse in California than anywhere else Moral of the story: stay the fuck out of it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER #ThanksTrump THIS IS A 'START' WE MUST GET THESE 'NUMBERS' DOWN TO 0 (ZERO) BY 'ANY' AND 'ALL' MEANS 'NECESSARY' THESE SO-CALLED 'REFUGEES' WHO ARE NOT 'TERRORIST SEXUAL CRIMINALS' MUST STOP BEING 'COWARDS' AND 'RETURN' TO 'THEIR NATIVE LANDS' TO 'FIGHT' #MAGA #refugeesNOTwelcome","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I mean it's not like stupid vapid bullshit like \"the guy game or \"leisure suit Larry contributed to the shit show of point and click adventures. (I remember renting a god awful Beavis and butthead one because I was like 13 and though it would be funny. My firend and I immediately regretted the rental an hour later and wondered why we isnt just rent Breath of Fire 2 or Crono Trigger again) And the ass clown in the article saying FPS dominated the mid 90's? Nigga are you for real? Or retarded? FFVII came out in 1997 and was literally hailed as the game that sold the PSX. Fucking super Mario world was released in 1990 and was the best selling game of 1990 (with literally only 2 months of sale time in the year.). Gaming was being dominated by the Super Nes and Sega Genesis for most of the 90's and the best genres only those systems were absolutely not FPS. It was Platformers, Adventure games and RPGs. Even when PSX and N64 dropped in the late 90's those genres continued to dominate like a mother fucker. FPS got a huge kick in the ass with half life, counter strike, goldeneye and unreal tournament sure but, Pok mon, an RPG, literally dominated the sales charts for like 4 years from 97-","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Or maybe to pay for their protests since Mnuchin shut that slush fund down. Probably going to pay for Antifa riots. Busing in people and weapons.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Leftists are all Sociopaths Pathological liars, Communists, Nazis, Fascists, Criminals, Rapists, Murderers, Pedophiles and Terrorists. lol yr retarded LOL! you're a retarded Nazi Fascist with a little Commie dick up you're ass.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I believe he is winded! Some nights you just don't have it I guess","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Your girlfriend is a coke whore ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Isn't she from Philly ? Carpetbagging Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"A Youtuber put up a vid, what would you do if a teen or a retarded person broke in your home? I said, \"they'd be a dead teen and a dead retard. She took it down lol.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER you are a hypocritical hack. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She is a Lib registered Democrat. And thats all we need to know.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oh, I have no problem with the Niggers attempting to create a Wakanda. I support them all the way... as long as that is in Africa. No, no. According to the Jews and the Niggers, the images on the left are actually Nigger accomplishments.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Welcome to America Illegal Immigration is A Crime Detain and Deport Illegal Alien #FamiliesBelongTogether in THEIR COUNTRY NOT THE U.S ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Muslims are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" how did this IDIOT get elected in the 1st place??? Something in the water in dirty Jersey. I mean have you ever been to New Jersey. The place fucking smells. That and there are a few nuclear power plants scattered about. New Jersey is LITERALLY TOXIC. My apologies to anyone who lives in New Jersey, but you know what I'm saying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A beauty technique is an excellent assessment of someone's strength, you strong, independent womyn! \/s I don't even know what she's trying to say. Is she saying she held her boyfriend down and plucked his eyebrows? Or that he's less impressive now that she's fucked with his eyebrows? I can tell you exactly what this is about. It's a form of shit test. She was playing around with him and asked to pluck some eyebrows. Being smitten with her, he agreed. She pulled one or a few, and he pussed out. She emasculated him and now she's advertising it on social media. It's fucked up but she's testing how much of a \"man you are, so you better grit and bear it. That or she works in a salon. [deleted] Did I say it's what relationships are supposed to be about? It's dumb shit immature women do. [deleted] Yeah, she has. Most women do that shit. However it wasn't relevant to what I'm saying and it registered with me that this girl may not even be talking about her man, so I felt compelled to be fair and add the part about the salon. [deleted] I'm dating a grad student and our relationship is fun as hell. Stop taking things so seriously. Your relationship must be dry as fuck. [deleted] It was a joke, chill out holy shit. You wouldn't know a joke if it bit you in the clit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hello Gab world. Another Facebook andTwitter refugee seeking liberty and chasing the \"free to say whatever the fuck I want to say\" dream. Became disgusted with Facebook and closed my account earlier this year. Original Twitter account permanently suspended for something ridiculous (see pictures) Using new account to harass Twatter until they suspend it too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER just turn on everywhere eb ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I THOUGHT SO BECAUSE NO REAL PERSON CAN BE SO RETARDED","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How about...no? I don't have the time or energy for all this stupid shit, I have to work for a living. Say \"stupid poop next time and avoid the harmful swear. Continued use of harassing swears will result in permanent bans being issued by yours truly. Final warning. Fukkin' lol. You were warned. You are now: BANNED This ban can be appealed in private message to me as long as it doesn't contain any swears. Fukkin' lol. Please respect the ban. Please respect my pronouns I will as long as they aren't cuss words. You need to stop going around reddit pretending to be an admin\/mod and \"banning people\". It isn't cute, you're an asshole. I will stop banning people as soon as people stop swearing. Not a minute sooner.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The Q is a photoshop. QAnon is for real though. Silly liberals tricks are for kids!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I think the media is severely lying about the race being close. No one that's not retarded would support the left. Just look at Trump's rallies, largest gatherings in history. You would think it was the Beatles showing up.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"More like #Putin every day. #MAGA URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"THAT A VELVET PURLOLE SUIT BITCH IM HYSTERICAL ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hysterical woman like @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"the photograph depicts everything that is wrong with the world. a twat shouldn't be in that position in the first place.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The McCloskey case is a loser just like Gardner's racism case and just like you @tonymess #Trump2020 #Parsons2020https:\/\/t.co\/lxDG4Fm4Zd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When your Mexican friend texts you 'viva la Mexico' on the 4th of July ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"She's a dyke that just uses men for money. Just another hollyweird freak She married some old ugly guy, a producer to keep her career going. A sperm donor and money maker, then goes off with the girls on the side. You will find a lot of dykes do that. Call them bisexuals if you want, but dick is only a means to an end to them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We should just hangall these women. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":">Black parents \"detest the idea of their children having to read this novel, it says. \"The idea that banning books is about censorship and that censorship limits free speech is often decried as a poor reason to keep the novel on schools' reading lists as its racist themes make it violent and oppressive for black students. Reading is *violent*. :|","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Trump moving to strip Palestinians of refugee status: report Nice... now will all be going to Europe... Israel's wet dream...https:\/\/t.co\/2BbkaBhOMh ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I dunno, how about not being a faggot and force shoving your opinions down people's throats. For a guy that's preaching rationality, you sure don't take your own advice and you'd rather go for cheap shots to desperately own somebody. That's SAD.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Italy will no longer rescue immigrants sailing from Libya. They have withdrawn their Italian Coast Guard and instructed captains of vessels that from now on, ships in the area off Libya should apply for help to the Libyan Coast Guard. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Bullshit!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Because that would improve the Canadian economy as a whole, but more specifically the economy of those god damned fly-over country white nationalist rednecks who have the audacity not to vote for him. And those people also don't contribute to the Trudeau Foundation.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user You are such a lucky slut girl !!!! I envy you ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Can you Confirm! That you are a PATRIOT URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"People say, \"Why didn't this or that immigrant for Central or South America apply the proper way and keep up with forms?\" For decades immigration has discriminated against people of color from Central and South America. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The TRP \"women want sex more than men do\" is yet another retarded piece of misinformation. Since men on average have more testosterone it is us who wants sex more often and with different partners. Hence why porn addiction is mostly a male issue.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user @user You'd be the one to know about hysterical woman, though you have cornered the deceptive category. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Holder: I Don't Think Politicians Should Be Confronted in Restaurants or at Their Homes | Breitbart https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/23\/holder-i-dont-think-politicians-should-be-confronted-in-restaurants-or-at-their-homes\/ It is way past too late for Holder to claw that back. The damage has been done.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER What about Trumps promise on the border wall or do we pay for his lie what about gun control and innocent lives taken","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"a b s o l u t e u n i t R E P E N T","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"These disabled people should shut the fuck up once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is really talking nonsense.. can she talk like this for Bible and Quran?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Just admit Manchester isn't blue pal and everyone will be calm when you are the most successful club in the country let alone Manchester than we can talk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Every time I see a nigger named \"Jenkins\", the first thing that pops in my head is \"jenkum\".","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We must never condone the killing of any trans person","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"17 year old boy snatched off the streets. Locked up in a flat and tied up. Savage after savage then repeatedly rape the young boy. After 5 days he is untied, beaten black and blue then dumped on the streets. This is England. Never forget (((who))) let these barbarians inside Europe in the first place. https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/ez1T36XsYqMW\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My dog is smarter than any gay person could ever be. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The thing that struck me most from the Sarsour meme going around yesterday, was her specifying that she's attacking the 53%! What an overly entitled cunt of a terrorist! Minorities are fucking minorities.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Right here fellas. Trump was kissing Jewish ass for two years before this happened. He will be kissing Jewish ass for the next two years. There might possibly be an uptick in that due to the Pittsburgh shooting, but otherwise this changes nothing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You are nothing but a w e t b a c k. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"America wants to #BuildTheWall @user #BuildThatWall #America1st ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"the only reason he isn't in jail, is because, he is a fuckin nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Holder is a complete corrupt scum bag. I remember when he announced his is part of the resistance. Which means he want to resist the people who voted for Trump. Can U imagine the people he would have hunted down and prosecuted if this happened to bone head obama","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I hope this family can immigrate to the United States. They are the type of people who built and contribute to our modern civilization.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The issue of #humantrafficking came back to the forefront following death of #Indonesian maid in #Malaysia @user @user @user @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"an american will start yelling or disparaging. Verbal sparring is fun and really interesting to watch... but a bumbling piece of white trash is neither. You sound like bumbling white trash.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump If you have to explain...You lost. Happened after 2016 with the popular vote. Happened 2018 when house got flipped. Happening now. And we will make it happen again Nov 3rd. #BidenHarris2020 #BlueWaveDownBallot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER WE STAN TWO WHOLE ASS VISUALS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER way to go Liberals... taking away from Americans ... smh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Here is my 15 year old Daughter's report\" (conservative as well) #fluffywolf1218 URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If that bitch goin let her keep goin goin till dat hoe gone like home run ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Good girls send nudes ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Disclaimer: My views do not necessarily reflect the views of our POTUS and all Conservatives: Ladies Charged by Nature to Guard Vagina. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"NFL Ratings Down as Viewers Tune Out Politically-Charged Entertainment'' After watching the NFL for over 58 years, I watch in NO LONGER! And it appears MANY others agree with me----TODAY'S NFL SUCKS !!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I Can't Stand #Hypocrites The #LooneyLeft #Liberals and #Demoncrats Are Miserable Ppl ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user Under AAP rule,Delhi fast becoming a slum.Record influx of illegal migrants.Filth all around in his favorite community colonies.See NZM ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lay off the Weed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Thank you for the updates....you are doing an excellent job","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"i just don't know where to begin or what to say. reader beware this is an awful story. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6293729\/Two-foot-82lb-rock-used-smash-South-African-student-death-gang-raped.html?ito=social-twitter_mailonline Ironically they could probably do so if this were a world of only whites where everybody was the same and like them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user And the only one digging a hole of ignorance is you... sad. I hope you are not teaching your child hate .. but I am sure you are ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Not suitable for public office ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I really thought so. He is the God of rap. How do you come back from that","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Having period while pregnant first month didn't help with the diagnostic either:))))everyone though this is a hysterical woman :)) ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user you shouldn't be leaving your kitchen unattended #WomenSuck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"As EU leaders prepare to discuss migration, here's a succinct roundup of all the things they could do to protect refugee and migrant rights while controlling their borders @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER If not a terrorist organization\", how exactly has ANTIFA not been named a criminal organization?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The joys of not being an independent state with which we could control who comes in and how many. Quebec could still block them from entering if your political leaders hadn't sold you out. It sickens me to see politicians who have sold themselves out for a small block of votes from a tribe that has hated us for 1400 years. You should see some of the cunts in Minnesota, a state historically populated by Nordics, pandering to the Somali welfare scammers by wearing headscarves to meeting with them. There should be an extra hot place in hell for such traitors. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=VviqpNzJobo No we couldn't borders are a federal matter. I honestly think if Quebec was to secure its borders Justin would intervine to let them flow in. Then tell me how come Quebec had so much power to safeguard its culture before? This loss of control is a very recent phenomenon. I am still going to go with blaming lefty politicians who sold out their own people. Relevant: \"Muslims are like the common cold and leftists are like AIDS. It's easy to fight off a cold... unless you have AIDS.\" - Milo Y Because of the treath of independence? Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That's news to me that GAB is ALT right. If freedom is ALT right then count me in Does that mean Twitter is ALT left (its just trash) I guess that means I need to support Mr. Bolsonaro So with that said boa sorte, Mr. Bolsonaro https:\/\/www.bloomberg.com\/news\/articles\/2018-10-04\/u-s-alt-right-website-lures-brazil-bolsonaro-s-supporters He's a retarded cuck.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"For the love of God Dread - will you STOP following me?!?! creepy @TheGrifter The spammer was at Torba's wedding. Let that sink in. Was he\/she\/it following people around and impersonating others? Makes sense. Lightfighter 6 used to have a blue checkmark and ran the biggest upvote botnet I ever saw on Gab - it could generate 500+ upvotes in minutes. My hypothesis is this scummy shitheel helped jumpstart Gab with his botnet, and that's how he 'earned' his blue check - which otherwise makes no sense, not using a human name and not being a Twitter brand. Muh Sidephase Muh BBGood Muh Builder Muh Satoshi Muh Turbo Muh SnuggleBunny Muh Tamera +Muh lf6 (Everyone accused of running bots against dread) BBgood, Tamera and Snugglebunny are too dumb to be script kiddies. Dread I've told you before if you've got something to say to me, have the balls to \"@\" me. Pussy. Proving it over and over again. @judgedread Preach sister He's an idiot and rarely worth wasting time on.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Me- cusses out person for driving the wrong way in a parking lot Also me- drives wrong way in a parking lot ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"NRC in Odisha, but what's the homework ? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Triggering fucktards.... Dems Vs Repubs by the numbers. *last 50 yrs Years held Presidency Repub-28yrs Dem-22 yrs Total jobs created Repub-24 Million Dem-42 Million Stock market return Repub-109% Dem-992% GDP Repub- Hey cunt this is not a democrcy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Gay people are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Greenie she acted like a spoiled elitist brat. She got the point taken away as she deserved. If she was good enough to win today it shouldn't have mattered. She is an icon and one of the most admirable women I've ever seen in sports. She had a bad day. Move on not newsworthy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches be sayin', \"Hotsi, totsi, I'm a fairy gay Nazi!\" F*** y'all and f*** Adolf Schicklgruber. Being proud because you are white is not the same thing as being a demonic-assed neo-Nazi.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"BREAKING: Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke found guilty of second degree murder and aggravated battery in connection to the shooting death of African-American teen Laquan McDonald four years ago. https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/e2CORz\/Dox_Eiq8_VAAAc_PVm.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/HyN- https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/j8d6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user It's kind of funny, really. Were the space aliens illegal? Now we need a wall and a roof! I think this country has gone totally nuts. God Bless @user for his strength and courage. #BuildThatWall and if he blocks the democrats out, t ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user what did we learn by Greenland leaving the EU no immigration no rapes , violence , or meddling fools imposing rules ,brave 2 ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"DemRat, organizer, socialist, nazi, kkk, liberal, kommie, centrist, middle of the roader, dogooder, rightleft wing\/extremist, progressive, green, race peddlers, globalist, alt-something All describe the same entity: criminal communist Invented flavors to hide who they are Patriots are usually called conservatives: they oppose all of the above I'll wait.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Obama is a cocaine fueled fag and traitor to our country . . . which isn't his country. Back to muzzie land asshole! http:\/\/www.dcclothesline.com\/2018\/09\/06\/meet-the-man-that-claims-to-have-given-barack-obama-fellatio-twice\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ain't nobody stabbed your ass in the back hoe. We just all saw how much of an attention whore and fake bitch that you actually are. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What is it with you fucking disabled people?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I have so much hatred for you disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER We need to name and shame these people. Ive a fb group which i expose antifa. Hnh etc. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's now illegal to be a member of a hard right group in Britain - no crime is required to be punished and it's also illegal to name baby boys \"Adolf\" - even as a middle name. But, only if you're white. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6261611\/Mother-38-named-baby-Adolf-said-Jews-death.html They want to force the REVOLUTION in GB ? required to be punished and it's also illegal to name baby boys \"Adolf\" - even as a middle name. BLACK Adolf is allowed in GB !!??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Terrible case. Htf can anyone assault an 18 month old defenceless child to this point? I hope the cunt gets thrown in a prison where they hate child abusers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I truly hope so, I do, I do, I do @user @user #LockThemUp #BuildTheWall #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There are very few immigrants at my school. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"was this show once funny? 'Everyone's pumped, from white men over 60 to white men over 70': SNL shows raucous Senate Republicans swigging beer in locker room after Kavanaugh's victory as Lindsay Graham pies 'the snake' Jeff Flake in face https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6248661\/SNL-eviscerates-Susan-Collins-Kavanaugh-yes-vote.html Quit TV ~4-5 years ago now. One of the best decisions of my life.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Faggot Jordan Hunt will be using that tongue alot more when he's put in jail.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Home Secretary unveils the biggest immigration reform for decades. I smell bullshit https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2Nfwfrq Nicely put ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"THE CLINTON CUNT SOLD AMERICA TO THE HIGHEST BIDDERS. SHE IS A TRAITOR TO THIS COUNTRY AND SHOULD BE DEPORTED TO HAITI TO BE WITH THE KIDS SHE ALSO FUCKED OVER. LET THEM CHOP HER FAT ASS TO PIECES.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm not saying that it's ppd, I'm saying that you're a fucking idiot and a racist for straight up calling her a nigger. Absolutely uncalled for in any situation and really telling of one's personality. She used the race card in offensive and eggregious ways, and attempted to defraud the public by relying on the sympathy of PC \" we must kowtow to the blacks and always assume whitey is evil and discriminatory\" white guilt SJW faggotry. Now I am calling her the worst thing her race can be called because of it. Seems entirely fair. She is getting off quite easy. I'd put her in the zoo with her cousins because she\"chimped out.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Because lazy and retarded Dems couldn't be bothered to fill out thousands of ballots completely after the polls closed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you ask me, Muslims like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Wrong. @USER was a enthusiastic architect of devastating austerity along with the Tory's. The @USER did not have to abandon every principle they supposedly had to the @USER they could have let Cameron run a minority Government (as dId SNP) but CHOSE not to","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I thought it was because of all the faggots raised by single moms. The real truth is boomers won't give you their stuff and you are pitching a fit. Niggers explaining boomers are just, well, no surprise, niggers. It's the attitude stupid, just move on and make a life you fucking crybabies, no boomer cares about your crying, even true Whites. I had ancestors during that time, and probably left a big cum stain in the back of your mom's car. Yes, I am a new race, because the White race is at a fork. It's the start of a very eugenic time for whites. Anything else the triggered faggot generation needs to go all Village People about?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When he tells you 'be a good girl and cum for daddy' ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Untrue! and You are valuable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Too many fags in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"From the perspective of )))White((( women, the whole feminist project is one giant shit test, and White men have failed. White women will flock to the hijab if White men do not man the fuck up. I've seen a White dyke dump her GF to marry Mohammed. we want an alpha male, to be sure....not a dickhead, but a confident man.... it does not surprise me at all that white women are wandering away from the fags in unicorn onesies and heading to the dark side I watch this all the time.....we need our men back! Thank God....I am so sick of this fag shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's Cater. Can't you bloody read?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No trans person can ever be a valuable member of society. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Today is the start of #RefugeeAwarenessMonth as we count down to #WorldRefugeeDay June 20th! We have a growing list of special events to raise awareness, agreement, and action as we welcome refugees to Memphis. Check... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER yes like going after the 5pc on plastic bags so that @USER could get their own way on uni credit and austerity and even now go back on a promise to cut tax for self employed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Don't sell me dreams cause I'll return them as nightmares ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"kitten, im 11 so shut the fuck up, rocky, typos, shorter than jojo siwa ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER LOCK HER UP! Haa! Looool. CANNOT WAIT! What a blatant lie! Somebody is scared boy!! If that F******* B****** trump gets in, we all hang from nooses!\" Who remembers that one? Can't imagine the anxiety she is feeling. Makes me smile.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Exactly...what part of that doesn't the Dumb fuckin' wetback get?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user We stand with the woman of Cologne ,Add France it seems young Arab Immigrants want to do a ISIS and abuse deport them or jail ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Suck a whore you slut ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user And I was the most hysterical woman while watching comedians tear you a new one at the roast of Rob Lowe!!! Hahahahaha Hysterical!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Go fuk u nigger bf and die","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Randomercam has some pretty good vids where he uses puppets in them to take a shit all over people, it's where Jim was a bit off w\/ the puppet thing, those are his best vids on his channel. The Quartering is a 90 IQ faggot w\/ ZERO principles. used to follow him til' he got his vagina burnt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Immigrants are all complete assholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Leo looks at Girl Scout cookies the way I look at pussy before I'm about to eat it ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is a tough one. I voted for Trudy but I'm not sure she has the balls to come out. They are both as bent as a nine bob note antway. Who cares ! Macron. Definitely. Trudeaus false eyelashes are a giveaway. Justin's not gay, his boyfriend is. Peoplefriend!!!!!!!!!!!!! Both as they announce their love for each other and have a civil partnership. macron is definitely gay. hence he loves older women.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER wow you are so beautiful ayumi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@MoNiicole Big mad! You're a Christian but hate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris....right! Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"fuck the cunt Swift!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls to abolish #ElectoralCollege Democrat candidate calls the system a 'shadow of slavery's power' after the confirmation of Justice Brett #Kavanaugh. #DineshDSouza reacts on 'Fox and Friends.' #News #Politics #GabFam #SpeakFreely #Government https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Ozx2Xl6G8rs We refuse to bow down to foreignors voting illegally in California and New York to enslave the rest of us. #DeportOcasioCortez","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#Senate #Democrats cite #coronavirus in latest effort to delay Amy Coney Barrett #confirmation #Trump2020Details https:\/\/t.co\/nLYMIdjUXn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER All business owners are involved in lawsuits on a regular basis. It is whatbour society has become. Liberals constantly looking for a handout.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A Catholic who loves Christianity #Italy #LeaveEU #StoptheBoats #Sendthemback #Lega #News #Bible ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Numerous Jewish groups have come out and denounced the misuse of AS as a tool to smear and bludgeon Corbyn. You are welcome to Google this. Not all Jews agree with you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER No. No it's not. Well maybe in deep blue lib controlled CA with some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation which doesn't apply the law to illegals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Poll: Gillum holds razor-thin lead in Florida governor race https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/c6L9rL\/Dpvs-Ey-KXg-AYrz9-Q.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/wh4H Ooo what a lie. There are far more Republican voters for DeSantis than dems for Gillum. HE LOST MIAMI. Even Cuba I can't wait for the socialist revival and the mass euthanasia of Trump supporters. We'll try to make it quick and painless","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Now this is how we MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Please for my local branch of the Army National Guard who've been activated to go to Louisville. Pray for all of our military and LEO's who are having to clean up chaos created by the left!@realDonaldTrump ThanQ! #Trump2020https:\/\/t.co\/l8HlqAOEdN","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#pnpcbc #cdnpoli #bcpoli #ontpoli #alpoli More to Join #Conservatives URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"FUCK THAT RETARDED BITCH","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Female lives should not be important to anyone. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Murderedbywords - \"I disagree with what you've alleged and here is data refuting your claim\" PPD - \"Why do you keep shitting out kids if you're such an insufferable cunt?\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER ATTENTION!! @USER is publishing a list for ANTIFA of names of Trump supporters. Some are high profile; MANY are everyday Trump supporters. He has been reported to Twitter, but they have still NOT suspended his account. Check out his account...Lists\".\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Trump fully supports Italy's anti-migration policy: I agree with their stance 100% https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/trump-fully-supports-italys-anti-migration-policy-i-agree-with-their-stance-100\/#.W9RMcvYOjdE.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The nigger is going to get a longer sentence and if Feilds lawyer is competent he can use this to his advantage Yes but being he is in prison and has admitted to it they will add something to his sentence. But all im saying is someone in the united states should go down to that prison and find another nigger give him a pack of cigarettes to jump old ooga booga who jumped feilds","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Donald Trump fires defense secretary Mark Esper US politics live https:\/\/t.co\/qoH4GlcBJV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".@USER is also a member of the OpenEd SIG and she is also doing her #CMALT #altc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Chicago \"din du nuffin\" crowd won a victory. The cops have been de-balled. Oh well, let the fuckers kill each other off. To bad the niggly bears aren't better shots.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Looks like the Democrats are on the right side of history.... Conservatives are always wrong... Prove otherwise upper east side Buck... Have you ever eaten in an Applebee's?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Man's Love For His Children Put To The Ultimate Test After They Erase His Video Game Save File https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/i3hdiu.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/bL9S","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"How, in all of this person's ungodly retardation, do they come to the conclusion that it's a stereotype that black people with dreadlocks is a criminal? Dreadlocks are cool, regardless of your race. Only someone so racist and out of touch with american trends and culture could think of something so... **Wait a second...**","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user I like Twitter cause we're so irrelevant here that no one pays attention to us ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Hmm? That's not biblical. You may want to ask god if you are doing it right. I'm pretty sure you're supposed to get in that church with all the \"people you don't care to be around. It's your persecution. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER i saw this before the results and literally thought i got eliminated WE URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER It's just getting so predictable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"An example of how retarded the Loli Ban is: These two girls are from the same video game (Tales of the Abyss), and yes, they're both the same age. Only uh-oh, it turns out that their age is 16, so do you now ban lewds of the well-developed Tear along with hentai of Fake Loli Arietta? And 16 is an especially messy age, because that's actually legal in many US states. To the contrary, to restore civility to our political process and to restore faith in our institutions, i truly believe this specific issue deserves an expedited judicial review. Ya pretty much its turned into a virture signalling horseshit storm. \"WHOA WHOA WHOA GRANDPY LAMPS. ARE YOU SAYING THAT THERE'S MORE IMPORTANT SHIT TO WORRY ABOUT THAN ANIMU WEEB SHIT ON THE INTERNETZ? PEDO DEFENDER REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!\" - sperg Well 18 is the lowest age for real porn regardless of state AoC.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#QAnon #Spygate #DeclassifyFISA #StopTheInvasion #BuildTheWall ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"r\/menkampf [deleted] [deleted] It is fucken known... cunt. Whoa whoa whoa, did you just assume their ethnonationality, deuce Duke? If they're proud kangaroo-kin or come from an ancient line of sheepshaggers, that's their word and they can use it as they please! Your usage, even in quotes, is cultural appropriation of our lovely upside-down friends. You may make reparations on my patreon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I would. It's fucking retarded either way. People have violently raped children and gotten softer sentences. Not everything needs to be flipped, sometimes it's ridiculous no matter who it happened to.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"1\/1024 Christian 1\/1024 citizen","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hey Chrissy, How does it feel to be so weak that mere words hurt you? It's utterly pathetic that you give others that amount of power over your emotions and feeling of self worth. Your ancestors must be very proud. College will do that to the weak,low information,non-thinkers.They spend a lot of time on the floor in the fetal position. It is not school, it is indoctrination. I know I left college and basically regarded most of the professors as dumb as shit. I did not kiss a single ass in college. The professors people liked I hated, and the tough ones I loved. People thought I was nuts back then and that certainly has not changed. I tell the truth and people have a hard time with that becasue we certainly did not hear it in college! Universities need to be blown up!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"To believe that if Europe will help the poor in Africa will stop migration is wrong.Its not possible to help them, because the grow to much - overpopulation. So they will come always more. To stop them only camps to bring them back and no welfare will help. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"For centuries White people were gruesomely tortured to death for not believing in the fictional kike created faggot jew on a stick. Kikes and their shabbos goy ruled then as now. The Jew spews his vile hate at Christianity because the Jew is organized like an army of Satan, and to stand against them for more than just a short time, takes a movement not just based on political ideology, but also on Faith","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Jim Acosta is complaining that the Trump rallies are too loud because he can't do live TV with the background volume THE RALLY ISN'T FOR YOU, DIPSHIT! Also he pretends he is just concerned that the Secret Service couldn't protect Trump due to the volume. What a humanitarian This is what happens when you run out of even the fake stuff to whine about","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I thought these twats claimed you could choose your sexual identity. Sounds to me shes just salty nobody will lay her.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"as i said i have an A in the class but have LITTLE patience for retards. sorry but college is adult time. the teachers should not be hand-holding constantly. i mean sure women may not have \"SIGNIFICANTLY\" lower iq but in GENERAL men do have higher iqs and physically larger brains. (i was kinda ranting so keep that in account too)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You overestimate idiots. Plenty of dollars, no sense. Besides, even if not for that why would you want any female in your home? Who wants a nagging cunt in their personal sanctuary they paid for?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bitch deserved what she got. You can see her attempt a punch as he elbow checks her ass to the ground. But you don't know why she wanted to punch him. Never raise your hands to another person. As soon as you do, and its not solely in self defence, you're opening yourself up for a beating. Best you can do is keep hands to yourself and try to leave they situation entirely. She came charging up going for a grab and punch, and got slammed as a defence\/response. He didn't punch her, he defensively used his elbow and forearm to harshly block and shove her away. I agree but you're seemingly making assumptions that he hadn't previously hit her or done some fucked up shit. Everyone in this sub wants to borderline assume all chicks are garbage. But I'm saying you dont know the situation. ok white knight Im a girl, idiot There it is What, your awareness that you're a misogynist? Because if aligning that I'm a female with my comments gives you that \"aha\" moment, you're a misogynist. Can you imagine someone saying that if it was a man punching a woman? Maybe she had said something and deserved a punch? Why on Earth do you decide in this case we need to hear her reasons for being violent? chivalry.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I can definitely do that for sure!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@Brixea @m4x05 @7mdk7 @H1Tch7 @cms2169 @HTribolet @wldonkjr1 @RodHillis1 @Dv81Grey @Skepticalfa @FarRight1_2 @DanaKlevy4 @Burzi03Sam @QmagaMike @tsunami_eric @meeks_vince @Q_undivided @harmony_4_u @ParisBelgium1 @louieesqueda1 @LakeMonsterCL @JulieReichwein1 @RussComments What do these kids learn in school? IFB @David_P_Mullins #MAGA2020 https:\/\/t.co\/WKsuu9RhHe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You're a skank ass ho but I love you anyway. @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user Sheme there is no attention on our own people and foodbanks while do you have to be a migrant to be treated with respect? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Proud to follow all. Thanks for the follow-back!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There is nothing in the world I like less than a black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Deserved better","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Time for the new Attorney General to show his stuff and go medieval on some asses. The stage is set for this guy to make history if he has the stones. Arrest everyone involved who doesn't comply with lawful orders. Charge them with everything permissible by law. Set an example. say it with me, [MAXIMUM CRIMINAL PENALTIES](https:\/\/twitter.com\/realDonaldTrump\/status\/1059470847751131138) I'd accept hanging on the National Mall.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"> the left can't meme That the right wants to replace actual discourse with memes is exactly the stereotype the left has of the right. Amen. Well spoken. [deleted] I think we can all acknowledge that some of our meme economy comes from the refugee liberals that were escaping persecution. > the refugee liberals that were escaping persecution. ...wait, I'm a refugee? Can I get some money then? I'm partial to tankie memes personally. This reminds me of Dr. JP's BTFO against the British GQ interviewer. He said something like, \"I probably could predict what you're going to say next [about politics] and that's not good. I could replace you with anyone else from the ideological left and we'd have the same conversation\". Something like that. So many people can't give a real 'why' as to their beliefs. I totally agree with you because I see so many following and don't think about the consequences. He called that interviewer an NPC with a really fancy explanation. > People whine this sub doesnt support liberals or hates them. I hate Canadian liberals. They want to destroy the country in order to virtue signal their progressiveness. I hate them for that. That doesn't mean they can't post here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Most rappers flame out within a few years or less but this kike nigger has been on top for nearly a decade now. I wonder if it could have anything to do with his Jewishness","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER England averages 26 gun murders per year. It is hilarious that you imply gun control doesnt work in the UK. This must be what Trump call Fake News\".\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If my wife had fucked a nigger in her past, she would not be my wife. I chose her, carefully so. @InfantryVet - I am not sure what is going on here but it seems strange to try and follow. We agree that mud-sharking is a degenerate character flaw. @WADL said anyone who hates mudsharks lives in their basement, smokes weed all day and plays video games. I said that's not true, a lot of people who hate mudsharks have careers and families. Than he went all crazy and started calling me a kike, putting words in my mouth, and saying no well adjusted White Man would ever be against a mudshark.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"so you wouldn't mind me saying \"women are cunts because some women are cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh my. Let's just take them one by one shall we: >Let's start with this: women can only get pregnant about 2 days each month. Spend 10 minutes on the web searching \"the rhythm method\" and you'll find the failure rate is between 10 and 25 percent. >So ridiculous, that when an oral contraception for men was created, it wasn't approved It wasn't an oral contraceptive for one thing. It was a pair of injections. > And the list of side effects was about 1\/3 as long as the known side effects for women's oral contraception. The side effects were things like a man attempting suicide. >Now keep in mind, for the truly condom-averse, men also have a non-condom, always-ready birth control built right in, called the pull out. It's not perfect, and it's a favorite joke, but it is also 96% effective. From the article the Author linked >So in real life, about 22 out of 100 women who use withdrawal get pregnant every year that's about 1 in Basically, yes. The article the dipstick author linked was in reference to a Stage II trial of the treatment. Before a drug\/treatment is approved it has to pass the Stage II trial and then go to a much larger Stage III trial. So it was far from being ready for wide term use.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Get off your knees, white man, and stand up for your race. #AltRight #ProudBoys #NewRight #MAGA #Pegida #AfD #Orban #Putin #Brexit #BritFam #QAnon #Q #WhiteGenocide #svpol ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":">We exist <3 Retards have existed for forever champ.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Sarsour is a diseased cunt who should not be allowed in public.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER hmm i'd do something like getting really high quality artists to draw really boring cars like a fucking 2002 grand prix or something","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bring it on faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"His mum got a pic of his with CUNT written behind him...A little bird told me @SeanEast","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Jordan Peterson's Tweets About Brett Kavanaugh https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=dABU9ndg6ZA O for Christ's sakes, I'm supposed to throw Dr. Peterson under the conservative-intellectual-bus because he wrote a foolish tweet once? Thanks, but no thanks, Mr. Cullen. I'll look at his entire body of work, and judge him accordingly .... just as I'll judge your entire body of work, and likely find you innocent, even if I think you someday write or say something dumb.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Beware of the feet you step on today. They may be linked to the hand you'll have to shake tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No. She is a liar.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"A disabled life is not worth anything. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER But you knew it was pointless to cry because it would just add to the awful humidity... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If faggot is considered a gender.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yep, around 80% of Syrian refugees in Jordan live in urban settings. That's why it's important to target the urban refugee population. At CRP, we serve refugees living in Amman, many of whom are Syrian. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER I'm talking about someone from a historical background and heritage of Guns. She a Roman catholic... They are generally all for gun control. You do your research sir.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh dear, Melania strutting her political thang with fact Contradict her husband and that she should just stay in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant like Trump wishes we all could return to. The wife should be seen but not heard. Just like in the 50s ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"She looks like a dumb cunt too; how unsurprising.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Indira Gandhi in no uncertain terms told that the Bangladeshi refugees go back to their home country. Listen to her #NRC ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER as Libertarian all this shows me is how ugly and divisive the two party system is. Liberals are actually a lot uglier. All straight men need to leave the Democratic party. A party of men hatred. Leave!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fuck all disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Alleged Assaults Shake Up Minnesota GOP Candidates As Election Day Looms https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/17\/alleged-assaults-minnesota-gop-candidates\/ via @dailycaller","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#SynagogueShooter Rob Bowers aka @onedingo joined #GABfam in January of He had other social media accounts before that and was \"radicalized\" way before he joined us here. Not that facts like this will matter to #Mockingbird #MSM I am sure... https:\/\/m.imgur.com\/a\/cwB9QkR https:\/\/web.archive.org\/web\/20181027160428\/https:\/\/imgur.com\/a\/cwB9QkR ^ TBH if that goes viral things might get interesting -- it's like a random sampling of Gab #RedPill posts. Lots of reposts of high profile accounts. ... PS: @a @e WOW i think his Gab posts being shared all over #BigTech means a HUGE increase in visitors; I experienced huge lag for maybe 10 minutes but now seems to have resolved itself. Nice surprise load test! :) Did Twitter scrub @onedingo's account and delete all his messages? I was just thinking that about the fake mail bomb guy. The FBI is known for getting retarded people to commit terrorists acts for them so they can get a bigger budget.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Anyone who has spent any time at all in Europe, Canada or the USA in the last two descades know Australia's problem isn't migrant numbers. It's inaction on infrastructure development. Our roads and public transport are closer to India's. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Dear cunt, please shut the fuck up. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You are disgusting. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user But those are illegal immigrants children Candace. They have more rights than our American children.#LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #BuildThatWall #AmericaFirst ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Look at the pot calling the kettle black. Liberals have been pulling all sorts of stunts trying to get rid of your\/my\/our President ever since Hillary hilariously lost the election.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fact Check: 'Caged' Child Photo Is Not What Immigration Advocates Claim Leftist propaganda exposed... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER did the pope say he is a 'sinner' yet to be unveiled ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is from 10\/08\/2018, but no less applicable today. What about all the non-white Trump supporters - I guess we don't exist. And is this Grenell cunt white? What an insulting twat - I hope intelligent women read her drivel and got pissed off enough to #VOTEREPUBLICAN. IDENTITY POLITICS = IGNORANCE.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"But hey he's also the nigga that goes 'Not all men' when women are talking about how sexual abuse traumatizes them so it's expected ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Instead of saying 'that's not all men' how about you work to change the mindset of your friends, because clearly nothing's getting done ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This \"Uyghur Expert\" asserts \"Trump didn't incarcerate my mother\", framing his nation as better-still than China.Atrocity propaganda against China allows white Americans to play down their massacre of black citizenry, immigrant concentration camps, and murder in MENA and LatAm. https:\/\/t.co\/qck6jo9sgp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Peaceful town votes in a perfect pc profile mayor and gets a predictable result: a bunch of snowflake ordinances that drive people batshit http:\/\/www.post-gazette.com\/news\/state\/2018\/10\/22\/Racial-tension-divides-Pennsylvania-Bridgeport-Mark-Barbee-black-openly-gay-mayor-election\/stories\/201810220092","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My grandma is older than the state of Israel, which exiled her to the Gaza ghetto 70 years ago. Today elderly refugees like her are living through 35C (95F) degree heat with no electricity, fans, air conditioning or cool drinking water. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The goofy part is that she got elected as some sorta conservative, even though her resume was chuck full of SJW crap, and has proven to be just another of many idiotic leftist twat negotiators who don't give a crap about their country","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Here We Go Again... Hillary #Clinton Coughs Uncontrollably at Mansfield College - Requests Water (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/hillary-clinton-coughs-uncontrollably-at-mansfield-college-requests-water-video\/ via @gatewaypundit https:\/\/gab.ai\/tv\/watch\/7910","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"CNN calls Kanye an illiterate nigger and nobody cares \"Don't let him off the Dem plantation! Catch him!\" Trump is breaking the matrix","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Follow everyone on this tweet. We have to fight Twitter AND the Democrats!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"immigrants are a cancer\" is such a dehumanising thing to say. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I love how quickly that ugly cunt shut the fuck up.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Join us in the rabbit hole last night? Tag us and share your photos using #OverScared - you could win 2 tickets to #Frightmare 2018! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The description is quite accurate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Imagine a bachelorette party going to a strip club and that retarded roided up Flip started grinding on them and doing wrestling impressions.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The same bitch is all on my boo's shit like girl bye ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Of course that dumbass was a woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Immigrants are subhuman creatures. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Well, well, well. It looks like orangutans over at ABC are regretting their treatment of Roseanne Barr. https:\/\/www.chicksonright.com\/youngconservatives\/2018\/10\/12\/abc-execs-change-their-tune-and-now-admit-the-truth-about-roseanne-3\/?utm_source=comicalcon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"9 Times Globalists Claimed Mass Immigration Necessary to Grow GDP. They are now proven WRONG! via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm running my penis down your mothers NECK you little CUNT !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Public service announcement... fine in Kentucky. So, \"Sagg it U faggot ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You are nothing but common female trash to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#TheGreatAwakening #WalkAway #MAGA Do you know who started walk away? Trump he was Dem then when they dumped white men. He instantly flipped Republican like any sane person.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"cunt may needs to hang...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Jeremy Cunt compares the EU to a Soviet prison. I really couldn't have said it better https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2NbyYlS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Typical c o o n behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I bet they had jobs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you're going to reply to these articles, just post a 1 sentence \"trolling\" statement that provokes an emotional reaction. Then laugh your ass off with the replies. and#x200B; Makes no sense into arguing with retards, whether you are right or wrong you always lose.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Once upon a time there was a cunt. The cunt invented a social media platform. At first, all was well. Then it dawned on the cunt that he had created something that gave him power. The cunt abused that power. It became a drug. Then he recruited other cunts to help abuse power even further. Then one day the cunt abused one too many people and the tide turned........","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I don't give a single shit what some communist dyke has to say about an event that she likely caused to happen in the first place. She admitted to harassing and bullying Cruz the psychopath murderer from Cuba.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If only tr4ns people like you all had their throats cut. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Place will go under eventually Also... is it not illegal in Australia for a business to discriminate race and gender? It is illegal but like everywhere else, discrimination only applies one way. If the tax is optional, it isn't discrimination. You can opt out if you feel its unfair. Not agreeing with their tactics, though. I'd never go there just for the fact. I wouldn't go to a place if the roles were reversed either. I'm guessing the way they are getting around it is because it's optional So a guy can go in and say fuck your tax im paying the pussy price? Even better, \"I have ordered my pussy. It is in the post and will be installed shortly\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user i like to know what @user would have done if the victim was one of their big shots daughter. it is time to build the wall and keep these SOBs intheir own damn country #BuildThatWall #ICE ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I got offered once by a neighbor to go to a church down the street and thought about it but then found out a week later the priest was sexually assaulting immigrant women and threatening to call ICE on them if they told. That was my sign to stay w my little shrine in my room ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER She's trolling to fuck with you cause some of y'all be quick to call mfs coons for minor disagreements","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If your in a good relationship, it's probably cause you're both ugly ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER When the abuser projects... Look in the mirror Mark - you are crazy and angry.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals love to hype the Crouton as a financial genius, but much of his success\" was due to downloading costs to the prov, raiding the EI surplus, etc. That said, you use the tools you have in the box, and I give him props as a decent steward of the public purse.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"what a cunt of a thing","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Doctor Who Refuses to Acknowledge Gender Choice Challenged by Trans Woman | This Morning https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=mrt-4rWnBbI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I would never eat food that has been touched by a woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"> Donald Trump in 2018 and how he is exactly like Anita when it comes to blaming video games and poses just as big of a threat to video games TIL: President that couldn't care less about video games and made a few off-hand comments arguably to divert from the gun industry being blamed (which isn't exactly a good thing, but not exactly a great danger) is just as dangerous as an extreme social activist that has been going at it for 6 years releasing retarded videos, giving lectures directly at game studios, giving interviews demonizing video games across mainstream media while trying to link them to things like domestic violence that are for some reason taken and discussed seriously by industry peers in \"games journalism\" and inside games studios, given \"games industry awards\", invited to industry events and \"keeps track\" of \"gender diversity\" at E3 aside from being buddy-buddy with various studio heads and lead writers in the industry, with them plainly stating that they were \"influenced\" by said retarded videos. Arkane Studios: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=1Q_FtVHK1W0 Naughty Dog: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=340andv=ywZaPLkQEj8 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=0MCm0fYYTp8 GearBox: https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/fWT11XZ.png And that's just Beta males bending the knee and doing the changes themselves as influential studio heads\/writers, it doesn't even consider the blue-haired brigade of disciples that found their way into various studios e.g. Sam Maggs as \"Senior Writer\" for Insomniac Games or how her \"teachings\" influenced campaigns to get GTA banned from stores for instance in Australia. Why do you think there haven't been many games featuring sexy women from the West in the past 4-5 years? And they're even getting to Japan e.g. see Dead or Alive: X3 and similar games not released in the West. The video is absolutely idiotic and reeks of both false equivalence and Trump butthurt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":".@USER offers a different view on why liberals outnumber conservatives at universities: URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When a viable social media platform with a block feature emerges, I will use that more than Gab. I am sick and tired of providing a platform to subversives and spammers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There is nothing wrong with being racist. I personally welcome CNN to the fold, we can talk about how much we hate niggers and 'tokenism' together!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Graham Linehan is one of the people who cheered on this violent outrage culture we live in. When the UK was drafting, implementing and enforcing this anti-speech legislation, he was celebrating and calling everyone who didn't like it a retarded bigot. When Dankula was on trial for his nazi pug video, Linehan was rubbing his hands together and cackling with glee. Not only does he not deserve your sympathy, you should be hoping other rich, powerful, elitist left-wingers in Europe are targeted by these nonsensical laws. A few more limousine liberals get in trouble and suddenly the laws will be mysteriously repealed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fuck off, retard. This candy is for the cool kids","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"My manager is also an immigrant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Their race mixing should be rewarded? Disregarded, like waste, that's what I do.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The #TrumpCurse Michael Avenatti's horrible, very bad week: Lawyer hit with avalanche of legal, financial and personal woes https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/michael-avenattis-horrible-very-bad-week-lawyer-hit-with-avalanche-of-legal-financial-and-personal-woes Lol The #TrumpCurse2 Megyn Kelly Today' canceled by NBC, co-anchors to take over https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/nbc-news-officially-cancels-megyn-kelly-today","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The Democrats seemed to have accidentally woken up Lindsey Graham from his useless neocon slumber.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Frederick, Maryland man charged with threatening Biden, Harris and those who support them.\"We are the ones with those scary guns, We are the ones your children have nightmares about https:\/\/t.co\/y4rOVppIKo https:\/\/t.co\/0mHl8POnwX","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I will admit she hasn't charted and I blame that on the fact that she is an artist she does things her own way and sometimes not following the trends or staying in a mold will cause you to fall out of the \"relevant spotlight ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@Big_Bad_John_4U 2018 to 30 EVIL GLOBALIST NWO WANT YOUR KIDS ! -kill GOD human sexualityfamculture for AI MindMatrix robot humans Comprehensive Sex Education Agenda https:\/\/youtu.be\/hIv-KOQ5F4A UNESCO - Evil Purpose https:\/\/youtu.be\/Iqv5Q8Ujj2s INTERSEX GENDERS ! GOD Human Gender Chaosdestruction https:\/\/youtu.be\/rOj0a2NPIpI Well that's the only reason I'm glad I didn't have any kids, they can't be raped by Muslim paedos. Though if I'd had kids the oldest would be about 40 by now, the youngest Well I didn't have any kids so that's hypothetical, I'd have had them in my 20s and I'm 60 now. Every time I got close to a girl some cunt fucked it up so I gave up on love at 35, 15 years later I met Maria and she was refused a visa four years later in 2012 so fuck life!, I look forward to dying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER The important distinction here being Ex-attorney general\" ..so frankly Yasir..nobody gives a rats pyjamas what you think..now piss off and find another trough to wallow in..liberals are finished in Ontario.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Go buy an Antifa shirt from wal mart you lumpenprole","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER So as per new promo it will be Maulis journey so you are making her as a shield because she is the saving grace left the leads less said better","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@freddy_steddy @LewisJJr @steelerschic_85 The country needs to send a message to trump. These other parties have no chance of winning. This election just too important and doesn't need thinking","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Please RT if you like!! #luxurycars #luxury #supercars #cars Golfer Gets Hole-In-One, Wins a Porsche ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Incorrect. They love his antisemitism for sure. But they also like his nationalising of key industry sectors, his control over education for indoctrination purposes, his calls for insurrection, his fascination with Islam like Hitler, his censoring of critics. All things that Marxist socialists like too. Inside every Antifa twat is a National Socialist trying to get out. And they do get out during their riots. Why they act like Nazis.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You are awesome! I am so thankful I know you!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"While you were ranting and raving- Bill Cosby, America's Nigger Dad WENT TO PRISON! Hahahahaahahaha aaahahahahhaahahaa","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hungary joins US, gets out of UN Migration compact via @user Great news ! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You are nothing but a que3r. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER So let me get this straight they want us to hold off on the confirmation hearing for what? Polygraph is inadmissible. All to hear he said she said? Ford signs paper in trump case against illegal separations? And Cavanagh has just about every woman stating he is honorable. Vote ye","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@realDonaldTrump It's a great day. Soon we can be rid of the cancer killing America. #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/RAgjqtOiu2","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trump... an Ive league billionaire and negotiator extraordinaire!! Jan... #Resister !! I'll take Trump!!! #MAGA #Trump2020 URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Fuck a drug test","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trans people are a cancer. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA here we go again the faggot left is making shit up. No Russian hacked squat or is attempting squat. It was Feinstiens driver from china you faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"All gay people like them are v i l e. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Must stop anddeport illegal migrants.India tops the list in the world for having Max foreigners with expired VISAS ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Im smilin for it.... So there's that. Sums it up! Thank you for your service! May God bless you and yours mightily. MAGA Thank you, Paige It was my honor... #BeBlessed Lolol0 Shittest Mount Rushmore addition concept ever heh michael....Make Kanye Trump Again!!!!! Haha Yes It's a bit weird, but I Like it! <<<< MAGA >>>> @realdonaldtrump To him it is: MAKE AMERICA GREAT. :) (there is no again) Trumpye Kwest Integration Done Right Awesome Disgusting picture.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Venezuelan people on the Colombian border.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's not surprising at all given how despicable and horrible women are nowadays. Women are not going to change any time soon, so more and more men will become MGTOWs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Bitch you aint the only one who hate me, join the club, stand in the corner, and stfu. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"REPORT: Google exec has meltdown on Twitter, http:\/\/dmlnews.com\/report-google-exec-meltdown-twitter-blasts-gop-kavanaugh-nomination\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Pokemon is the best game ever","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER As if....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"After slaughtering 800 Jewish men ,Muhammad saw how beautiful A Jewish woman was, and ordered his friends to bring her to his tent to rape her ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I would love to see those disabled people suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Don't feel sorry for her at all. She was asking for it. That's just the life of a nigger loving crack whore. Idk how you can expect anything else. You'll either be beaten killed or get aids if you engage in beastiality. She was a nasty disgusting human and deserves to die.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#TrumpTaxReturns THIS IS SOME BULLSHIT! #VoteBidenHarris2020 #VoteBlue2020 https:\/\/t.co\/NYw4q7TNRM","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER This game is completely won and lost in the midfield. We need the defensive pressure high!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Since words hurt some people, they are the weak and should be thrown to the wolves! All RETARDED Democrats at this way!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Want to read about the opposite of Ortasio-Cortez? Meet Elizabeth Heng she is a young Asian immigrant with a deep love of this country running for office in CA! Go vote!! Retweet please! via @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Bring it. Napoleon Quote: \"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user we're not just objects that entertain you, we have feelings too! #YesAllMen ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"To the new stewards of the highest elected offices... Congrats Joe and Kamala #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Cowardly old ladies like this remind me of the filthy cowardly muslims talking the young filthy muslims into using dynamite vests. Pathetic that they will have this kind of thing keep her job but if someone says nigger they're unempolyed instantly. Overt anti white racism is encouraged today.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Fudge report...then apparently she is not a socialist as you and your kind label her and is a successful capitalist but with much higher morals and opportunities for society. You have the dumbest followers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When someone needs help filling out #citizenship paperwork call #CatholicCharities 619 231-2828 ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Another immigrant sexual assault case being ignored by the MSM. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's always entertaining when they eat each other alive over complete nonsense.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Anti-white tweets from the Twitter Head of Integrity and calling Trump and the people in the White House Nazi's. @a More like just another anti-White Overseas Israeli. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"> if I continue to use a VPN I will be banned from their site. are this people actually mentally retarded or what. > Hiding your connection and protecting what you do online. Only... it doesnt protect what you do online as they shit stillhas to go through your ISP. e n c r y p t e d data goes through your ISP. >Not allowing VPNs is perfectly legitimate and not even shady business practice. I can not agree with it. I do understand that amount of fraud from users that think they are anonymous behind VPN would grow up exponentially, but honestly, I still can no tagree with it. later edit: my reason for this is that banning an *algorithm* (or a technology) due to fraudulent use of said technology is retarded. Its same as if they'd ban knives because knives could hurt people in hands of bad people, and having knives enables bad people to use them to hurt people. Adding additional verification steps in case if a user is behind VPN is OK and would be a \"totally legitimate and not shady\" business practice. Violating user's privacy by not allowing VPN is not.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Are you lot trying to rival West Ham for infighting amongst the fanbase?This is priceless though. Still not quite up there with West Ham however. Nothing will beat the Antifa entryist conspiracy theory","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"FUCKING SHUT ME UP BITCH FUCK U U AINT SHIT CUNT FAGGIT BITCH ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER We are in this mess because people are stupid and lazy that's why the conservatives are in and she's screwing us over","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Pelosi explains \"the wrap up smear\", which is exactly what the Democrats did to Kavanaugh: https:\/\/youtu.be\/gv0anqwjFk4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Trump was right to ditch UN's plan for handling migrants ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Why are nazis allowed on gab?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Black woman wrecks black man's life with fake rape accusation; movie deep-sixed. Another stunning column by @DavidColeStein . And I have 4 daughters! http:\/\/takimag.com\/article\/yes-women-can-lie\/#axzz5TYSGtD2p","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Another village missing its idiot!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trucker for Trump https:\/\/t.co\/HtjZFFsJuy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"She definitely gotta be a hoe because women love the idea of marriage lmao ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Death is too good for this raving cunt .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Doct Tape Please!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Most Muslims are seriously fukced in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER If she is lying she needs to be sued for defamation of character and include Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein in the lawsuit! Proof isn't substantiated by a bunch of man hating PC me two girls\" that want free sex and then abortions paid for by the government!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Yes he is ! But he still won't be fired ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Even a Dyke bitch like Rosie produces and unbelievable amount of smegma! And you know she never washes down there! Wash that fucking box Rosie! I can smell that shit clear across the room!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER That's one way to look at it. The other is that the charge is bullshit for almost everyone.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I am appalled that you are considering hosting a `midget' wrestling spectacle. The word itself is offensive but an occasion like that will perpetuate the stereotypes around dwarfism and is hugely damaging to the dwarf community. Please think again.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"NO ONE WHO IS NOT A FUCKING MORON believes a LOW IQ Faggot could have pulled the Fake Bomb thing off !! STINKS of FALSE FLAG DEEP STATE BULLSHIT !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Glad to hear you are ok. My father went through surgery for Bladder Cancer last year and is now in remission at age of 88. Years of exposure to lacquer fumes while spraying and staining cabinets may have contributed to his occurrance.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Yea he is. lol Sorry you have to go through this","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER You are my best player ever","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I completely believe she will be in GTMO. She is a traitor.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Disabled lives are not worth any less than anyone else's. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Everyone muted you ... Thanks for working for free #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nigger facts and staying alive. ********************* @occdissent @jackcorbin @Cantwell @TomKawczynski @BillyRoper @TexasVet @Oliver_Revilo @Grabthepelts @WilliamPierceLovesYou @NordicFrontier @Spahnranch1969 @JaredHowe @NormanSpear1 @NameTheJew @Mondragon @ProleSerf @NormanSpear1 @Eric_StrikerDS @JFGariepy @Patrick_little Good advice. I've noticed the same. Negroes seem to be well-behaved in predominately white environments, but revert back to apes in groups. Just niggaz doing nig nog things. That is an extremely useful list of do's and don'ts when forced to be around niggers. Interestingly, it was written by Bill Cosby. #GDL tell your kids explicitly never trust or help any dark raced people.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"100%#WHITETRIBALISM #RETRIBALIZE #PGTOW #FOLKRIGHT #VOLKISH #SLAVA#FOLKFIRST #HEATHENS #WEARENOTSEMITES Someone's a tad.. \"upset . Poor Robert. He refuses to take his psychotic meds. #Thorazine lol that's just telling you like it is dick sucker And this is why you didn't succeed in life and have NOTHING to lose, use your face and name. The whole world is wrong. You are right. I see.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Hate speech. #MAGA DRAIN THE SWAMP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dont yah wanna just run up and kick him right in the cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Good. He is a head case. Go get a Passrusher","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@chrislongview He's the RIGHT person for the time we're going through! #BidenHarris2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A lot of fuss is made in Britain about honouring the fallen in WW1 in November as if these people died to have diversity and multiculturalism imposed on their nation and same sex marriage made legal. No one died for that. They were God-fearing people who would have laid down their arms if they knew what perverts would be calling the shots 100 years later. If they knew about the Muzzie Invasion they would be turning over in their graves. UK and US both need to deal with this Invasion ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Inspired by all of the friendly people sending support via @user Why not sign up to our Glasgow Welcome befriending project? We've got a waiting list of asylum seekers and refugees who would like to meet a new local pal to explore the city together ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nigger is a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fake News is still trying to blame Prayer Groups for damage to cities, even after ANTIFA members are arrested for it! The counter-protest was organized by \"a coalition of labor unions, immigrant rights groups and artists,\" according to CBS. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Is it being awarded by The Onion?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@dcexaminer @realDonaldTrump #TRUMP2020 #LATINOS CON TRUMP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Reality Nike, He Did It, unlike you and all your groupies, never buy your product again, enough is enough, ugly crap you are doing here @user @user #BuildTheWall #LockThemUp #EndDACA #BoycottNFL #BoycottNike enough already, love my FLAG !!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'M DONE. WTF Look's like more of a Confession then a DIRECT ORDER ROE-bot ! Mutilation is RACIST THERE IS ONLY ONE RACE ! The HUMAN ONE ! Chelsea Clinton the idiot Roe-bot with the Horse Face !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Well, what the fuck is the reason? Go on. Tell me, instead of giving me a bunch of buzzwords that have nothing to do with the matter at hand. For a second I thought you were talking about me what the hell","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The mental retardation... it's just too much...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Mazie Hirono is retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just ten countries look after 12.5 million of world's 20 million non-Palestinian refugees, and nine of those are in developing regions, not rich ones - UN @user ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Awesome. I hope she presses charges and sues the asshole. Needs to be arrested and charged with assault, and if trained in martial arts (which seems likely), enhanced charges related to that abuse. Unless laws in Canada are tougher than they are in the US, this guy needs the crap beat out of him! He needs to feel her pain. That seems to be the only way these \"animals\" learn a lesson. I hope someone teaches him a very painful lesson! I'm sure somebody already has. He is rumored to be a stand-up guy, because it hurts when he sits down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Well he is shooting his shot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"*cough*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"National Socialism. The ONLY enemy capable of defeating (((communism and its globalist))) ideology. The Victor is never asked if he told the truth. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The swamp that Trump built #DigitalHealth #digital #health via https:\/\/t.co\/W87dEfFC2X https:\/\/t.co\/KoxNnn1P6s","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gay people can't stop themselves from being absolutely revolting. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is the fucking Muslim cunt douche basket, Iqra Khalid who escaped her Muslim infested shithole in Pakistan for the freedom of Canada where she joined the Liberal government and became Liberal Member of Parliament and she quickly repaid Canada by robbing them of freedom of expression and made criticism of Islam a crime in Canada. Fucking CUNT. Why does Canada have so many retarded faggots voting these dumbfucks into office? Fix your tardfag problem and this other problem never happens in the first place.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Not all women deserve respect. Not all men deserve respect. Respect is earned, not deserved. #metoo #auspol ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@user @user @user It is hilarious seeing these #ShutItDownDC Antifa idiots marching against fascism while waving a communist flag. MORONS!Be a Patriot and help #BuildThatWall and order Bricks today at this #SundayFunday Our Products ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I do i do buh if u really know me you would know Khabib is my guyyyy. He is gonna make him humble","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This American woman is facing prison in the Fascist state that is Britain. Her crime? She hoped someone would \"have a gay day\". Gays are happy to put Christians out of business. But straight people must shut up and just accept they are third class citizens. I never thought I'd see this day. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=0-U9Vt_6Yy4 What a loon. I've been on Gab for 2 years. Never seen this once. In fact, I'm glad to say I've never seen any porn on Gab.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Stfu pussy ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Yes you are. you're just too blind to realize it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Gotta admit...she's stacked.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Lol antifa been doing it to republicans for a year you didn't care when it was Betsy devos","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nigger communist feels more natural","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user You are still looking at a Nazi in the mirror. Remember to pack a lunch because no one wants to eat lunch with a person whose food will be spit into by the immigrant workers in restaurant kitchens. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Someone aught to cunt punt that bitch right into a World history class thats where she aught to be after disrespecting so many men who died in ways more horrible than she can imagine.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Big Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT @esaagar: .@KevinDaleyDC: In His First Day On The Job, Kavanaugh Hired As Many Black Law Clerks As RBG Has In Her Entire Tenure https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/RhrS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What makes a black person black? Your questions are retarded as fuck. Anything darker than a sicilian is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Do women not have asses on the planet you're from? You automatically thought of man ass so maybe you need to just come out of the closet, faggot. You're against me, I get it. Here's a nice place for you to go. You are a closet faggot hiding behind god. You will burn along side the pope.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I mean, they COULD, but they'd just find vapid bullshit from a cunt who beat up a pregnant woman made for HS freshm ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@MarciMo13888676 The people accusing Joe of being a pedophile have no problem with Trump and the way he talks about his daughter body and stuff like this #BidenHarris2020 https:\/\/t.co\/fx4ChuxRa1","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wtf? White Genocide is not nice, you jerk. Boomers don't give a shit about my generation (Z) nor any other thing outside of your own pleasures and comforts. I hope you get a nigger nurse when the time comes and that she shoots your veins with a syringe full of air because she hates whitey so much.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Everyone who disagrees with your libtard virtue signaling world views is alt right nazi. Fuck off faggot. Do you like those downvoted? You fucking retard, go batch to the kitchen dumb nigger Snowflake faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You're retarded don't @ me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Liberals GAG","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I just \"muted forever\" 6 Nazis. I have no regrets at doing so. If you are a Nazi feel free to let me know, I'd hate to miss you. Ha ha ha, yet another keyboard warrior. I'm NOT shaking in my boots.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Still are a weakling who is ruled over by .... who is that rules you? Purely because you are a weakling. I am a epileptic cripple who shits bigger than you. shits bigger, probably the opiates, good luck with that chinese fentanyl constipation No it has all to do with a being a FULL GROWN MAN that owns my own situation ... naming the jew is for twats that squat to pee. Sorry buddy. Need to wipe? They are HERE PERIOD. DEAL WITH THAT. Till then your DRIVEL about 'tis the Jews' is just the blather weak punks. RIGHT. Truth is NOTHING without POWER you little punk dick sucker. Actually it is JUST TIGHT than that ... your word is for weaklings. It does not matter ... TRUTH is NOT a WEAPON. Hemlock? Careful what you wish for... this isnt even my final form","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER you are here!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"John Kasich Refuses To Say If He's Happy Brett Kavanaugh Got Confirmed To The Supreme Court https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/shgRabZ.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/mvgj letfist ,pc liberal weasels..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A couple posters ITT have said that they've been told \"y'all\" is African American Vernacular English, and white people using it is racist cultural appropriation. My initial reaction was the same as yours. I always thought y'all was a redneck thing","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@user Hey look its the woman who wants to get famous for crying about an ass slap. You truly are a worthless cunt. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"imagine being so fucking retarded you think you can shame a man for getting a blowjob. especially in the fucking white house of all places.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Thank you Jourdan!!! and Hayley is yours she is literally in my DMs as we speak and still hasn't wished me happy birthday. Fake mom","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nah, the just want to take the houses of those who can afford (more than one) and give them to those who cannot afford any. That has, throughout history, ALWAYS ended well, with the properties that are given over at gunpoint being well maintained and cared for for several generations of \"free\" tenants. Nope.. nothin has ever gone wrong with that scenario. and#x200B;","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Well he did start by simply pulling her soooo. Fuck them, bunch of bitches https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=NoYTdgjHu3Uandt=82s","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Muslim lives aren't worth s h i t. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Glad your having another nice vacation. How's the illegal border crossings, illegal oportunistic migrant entries, tax payer funded hotel rooms for same without a strategic plan going? @user @user @user @user @user @user ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hysterical pant -wetting liberals in full flow Grow up the lot of you #FoxAche ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I know right. It pisses me off he is so busy giving himself credit while we are all scared to death here in nc. I don't trust him","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When she sucks you off right side up and upside down ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"People- why are you such an asshole? Me- ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I think he is hoping someone somewhat soviet will take care of it for him. This could get even uglier.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trans people can all go fuk themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"}